HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-08 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. . '• ' ....;...; .• ____ ..., ~..!:::'" ..... l ..... -~---· ........ ''.J -_.... ---···--==="'~ ;;c' • ;-:: .... .;:r"'.. .:.:: --~--·----• I ~'-=:ti; .. ' . BY ·~A:CK .BROBACK ' il'Wlt D91W ll"tllt '"" ' • ' ' ' ' ' I In .. Ji ~ .p.,,, Oranp Counly hu been -th& ICf.De of 1 two major cUautera. 'Die 'first was a forest fire ~~;:t=.!·~ingtbem1d~ nlght oil lrYfnll to devise ways iJf avoiding web• <l!.saStai in the future. Thm Is only one thing that slanda ini their wa1 -mohey -lots of it.. In 1965 and 1967, voters of the county t!iiled to su~ · bonds issues for ·ade: "tf\lale flood control syl!ltems. The sum uked for was $41.4 million. • U uiose bond' issues biid pissi!I, the ~ta Ana River· wouJd have ~ tm. )roved llllll Sanliago Creek possibly lined wlll> concrete. Thus millions of dollars ' -. •• • ;.i I -.: ' ,~-· =· . -= ·= r -- ~ .,! ... ,;.o:,t.r~....:.._..,, .. -; • I , -~-• • • -:.:-~·:"';-~--, "1''~" ' ~~ , ":' -;"~·-' ~ -_ .~ _ i.!;,; :0 ! , ;:~~!.:t;f' 1 , , -! ,, , , • • ' <. ', . • 1' I • , ,• ~. --: • !!I • 1 ; ,. , ' ) o ' ,, • -i/f:" · .• -ft(, ''* · -:: · "; ; ; ~, • '"°-ti · · · ''t(" t ':ti. *-* ' , :. -/:;( • ,;; ·'ti_' • " :Ji: • r ' •• ;g_· "* x' --,.,,-I • ... -~ " • ~\ . _;,, • • --·-• > • • • , •• • .•-• , • ,r. • ' " ' \ l · · ·' • "'' ' ' ' _ ' -, • ~' " .• f ·1' • ' ' ·' ( • .,..,. • ' ' ... . -~ ............ . .J -',: ~ ' .,...:, "r.: , -' l I ' --· ' ' ~< -,:'".,_ _; -·-·•-, _. ~ ... _, ,; ) ~ ·;.<, .--' ::..,.:-:....... .. 1-·" :..• -·~... .,._ - ' ' I • } ' " ·-r :-~. '• '" .. ' ' • ' l '. .. ....... --~ . - • . ~ . - Chinese Forces on Alert . . . . . -·--. After Rliss Border Clash . . ' Cl ' .: • • -. -~ TOKYO -COmmunlsl China said to.· day. ill: umed J9rces were upreparb)g fiJr a war" 'a'""• frontters wllb lhe So-viet \Jhfon. . • ...,. · ' _, •"' Jfladio Peking said in a propaganda ··broodcalt monilored ~· that !be Chi· • '. Gen.eriiiion Gap ·1s a Curtain · ' 1f l,ven of Myth ... • • • • .. I . °"'"" PILOT ($) , By TOM &\8,LB¥,. • ..c ~ .. -""'-... • ' -Errill' -·-• lw<>-t U., l1iriday of bfl · arrlljplmenf on ....... of !alltly prlCllcln( IMdlclne, looo lhan two hoUrs oJler lhO -Orange County Grand J11r1 llll!ided 111111' .., 17 ~ of the oi!e11; ,, .,.. IUperlor ~ Jootce'Mert Gardner ici!epted lbe plea of !be Jlllblic ildender's tlllce lhat 'ilrile be aUO..ed to pr.pare the dd'""' o1 the :U.yeoM!d Binn lnglwn,' AIL, man. Re .~ ,111e calm, beop<ctaoled de!endarit "° $31,250 ball, .Brown. charged with ~ aasuming the fU!D\e, of Dr. ~lenn F~tU during a nv .. Week practico u .• 1 Wdiologi.st . •.I • .• ~ clinic, .... iu..tlod· lnlo court "" lhe .,-.... "'·• i~Jl!fand jory ~.•t whlcti 21 ol l!is ormit ~~~ .~~·i .;i the~ ~··· ~"'"" Pro(essldhi · . !otilCb bu •DeaillY been vlolftill l:,ii; . ll "the . bjlUj:llon o( great . . barm and sulftttng lo the detri-ment of thoR treated.,. Among lbe witneSlel who tellllltd before Utt 17-member panel· wu the ~Dr. Foollo"-Dr .. Glenn L)'OoFoster. YI, also ol llirmil!lham and a loaclw at.tl!e University <i Alabama'1.modit.al ldlool. F<Mr dodors fnim the •Fullerton clinic DlLT PrLOT Shfl'""' at wbJcb Brown allegedly treated priaJtl a1'o tOltiflod. They ... named .to the -t u Dn. Anlall! V. -,, llonltl1y Bari-, Floyd D .. WlllJa< and ., • ... ,, . !I.STRONGLY OBJECT' Sunsat SpolcMm1n Brodlty · . Sanipooic .ezptabced that lbe mmty Is definitely oppooed .Ip any oll operations aootli « Ult Santa Ana .. River, hut bal adopted nO · offidal .policy with respect to.:.~• prf:a, .north of the -river ~ .. -. ollshore drilling operail001 alr~emt. Laguna · Castle 'Salesman' Paul J. Omlda. Dll1rld atl«ney'• lnv<ltiptm Aid they could hne provided testtmony fnim al least another 80 pencm who claim they wtre treat.cl by Brown anll tho nerl of tin ol !oar penoos who died while under Brown's-care. , Investigation bal · dOimnln.d that Brown bal served three years probatlOn for .. his conviction in. fed«al court ·or charges of masquerading u an engi.deer at General Dy~· Carp., ii San l)lego finn involved ln defense contracts. They said Brown retQrned to Alabama after his convicUon only to later return and Pursues Nixon·ioFlorida F.~'1:=~~ ;: ; : • · • • Browo laces a II.Ille 'P<J-term ol ·:~ ~ 1t·t~~; -.:..·~.! .. ~ ~· ... : .... :. oMtolO)"ellloaudlc:dllat,Ufound . Bi~*6..t·~w.· .. ,. -~r~~:;.:.;.;.:.. ;11~~~.,..~ The Qlltlt lo~~ Nlinn ~~·by~ ~~t~'"·~ l:n~'!-:-..:t'" ~~· -~ !~!ti~ ~In " . ,ft.,, .,~ .... • ,.....-.-.. II ""'If "'tll1t fa£ ~ ~ to .., I; he~cmf~=Ualr:= ~te the pualbUity throuah i··~:.1,1 ~ .. ll+. ~ .~ .·, ,,, .. J ;,°"v tbaltbal'nlldenlblotemledinLa~ --·1--.. • _ • lrvine"S~t.:o·:.; .... BelCb ... tar '"a il:lnUi:ltr White ~· Bo;11Vll'r'Mtrd&·aaid Iii Ul·(tatid 'l'hoiDlilhli'ld:•lald'lil'l>lam lo'dlilfd Plllie ,wlt!l l'!lloo .. ,....,. lie doeUned te ... ' · · •·• '• ' " ·• " With·N&ilii ildei' llJ Kiy Blacayne. . .. '. mentbl ~ ~. or !deD!!fy tlie. aldel T~ote' 'Bail .. _: ll ••. • ·o"ne.· y Merrick OWllll the lllruclure irbiCh be WOuld med, • , :· r'" lfJ:.· Mindi like a hil1lide fortrea at 77D 'J'.bll, be Aki. wu to prevent more . · letten lo lhe ~ o!lertng other pro-The UC lrYlne lllulleii!, -bu perlieo. Be Aid reol estate lntemts decided lo ....S llOO 1o: alrlldl!l ·otudeilta No New Bargains At This . Store In Newport Beach and Laguna bavo at San ~ State CoPece 'to help alnad7 -Oii lbe o=t. pay off tJielr-del>t lo • ball Jioad ...... Morrtclt Aid be will late a paclcqe pany. . ' · • • of Mr.la! pbotOt!raphl, Olm ...is and The alloCation <If• .lludenl IJo4y lwlda other loformatloo aboot 'lhe -ty wu decided te a l to 1 -following and Lacl!I!' Beach. He Aid part ol a talk at i 'oenate' ~ lhll .... t the~ ... lhot Nixon aides didn't . by SF Stale lludent Fncf~. ba'lt a .full •ppreciallon otlho.c:ullural Irvine'i llurjent ~ earlier had and lopocraphi<: upecll of the town. . VQt.d m<>rai , support ICX: .lhe . lludent . However,.lho l'noldent does, according atrlkera. 11!11 ptevl'lll nqll!IJa !or lo Bemard .Sylan, Laguna • Beadc cnooetary support by UCl Pmlclent eqlneer;wlio bas ua!llecUlerrlCt. . Ronald RldcJe hail falled. Sy!an, a dlllnber c11roc1or Ilic! fi>nDer • part ....., " Iba topertJ NJd',l'flion \ Take -It Easy, A ~ll~ l I I ...... '-:,..,;:. 91 IOllN VALTEeZA ... Ddr ........ _.,. I •• • . ... ...... • • f .;;.l .... ,.. ~ ...... ....... -' The ,window « sllllll lllg)uJppl civil rilbta llacla-Modgor Eftn oulllned Fri-• clay .,... woct In lbe CtaNmoat C<!UelJll' att....,U lo become ilmlmd In~ IJ'OUP )S'Ojed&. ,._ • __. r Mb ........ aPQh! lo : ~· iii{ uniVtnny -.In Newport 1!eadL •· Mn. Even, who became a · student, then tater an active part in ad· mtrumation at .the cluster. ot colleges DUI' Pomona lhcinl"-hlr liusbaod'a . muid<t, ~ c.rre~·'iour·~ · ~ grim format for involving miooritJ ltuden~•. in better . edpcaWmal Oj>" . pxtuniUeJ. . . Mr!. Evers, aelf assured, forceful in IPffC!h and poi.led, discussed her work in "helping our brothers to reach that American dre.am where every man has the chance to achieve hiJ goals." Sbe urged the members ol U,, California Stile chapter of the American Auociallon ol Univenlty Women ~ -deepl1 Involved in the ltruuJe ~=;:.::~to.the poor .. If · 9'W' tblre WU ·a time to ltarch aur IOula. and bearll.ad' -··..-.i fill('-II ....,.,.,., .. II jUll. ·"''the um. ll'Daw." abl Mid ,..., ... te.,,·'}. "'We D1tllt no Jonger 11&:.W .oar~ ,,...,4'.\! bomtl! "'4iqWI r*.!1~4• -......... '"11!!'1 .... ~. flll!lecl,. Forber, lbe Nld,l!Oll>l!ltl.IM~!l,!"'fl.~ parllcl!'"llon ln~IY ,11'-·at . the Clamnoal ~ .. bli'e lbe.- ln .. mcuuv.~ In .. orpn!W'm oHerlnc coonaellnl and ~ . to ='and"'!:'ba":'~= to She .... -... -offslng -~lo educalloDally ~ oeveral « the oollqel' -In• prograinl, lbe laid tlial pro- gi:ama allawlntl lbetlo chlldrtD from sOuthem Clllfornla to nee.Ive intensive educational em1Chmer1t on Saturdays and d_uilng summers "has pfoved most suc· cessful." ~ Out of. four speciOc programs, two Qf them are pajd tOr ~ .private From P .. e I . "1><1~'.i', JlJ~T ·Srr-r~E"E:'. Cl1r1mont'1 Evert · fO}mdaJ.W'n'S:". t\,:0··10U1ers .: ii.re.: Y~~er~tY llJ!¥'SOl'<<I. . ;'It is ao plea.sing to see parents.,~ abe SI.Iii,' "who. before the'.i? chlldr.eo started•wlth us, had no interest in educa· lion. . "Now tl)ey .are asking il they could take some climes on the campus Inst~ ol idly enjoying lbe beauttlul ..,....,,. . Many or them ore even doing slgollk:ant .commimity ·wort which they never did before." Cloaing with reference to a poem by Negro poet Langston Hughes : "What happens to the American dream defer- red? Does it ·dry up like a ralsUi in the sun .. .'' she answered, ''We are experiencing an exploslon because the American dream has been deferred." She received a stand1nc OTltion. . . Spldec-~'· bjf_e frocn lbelr .,_..._~ ...... lint llnlo. M ~wlokart took Iha ·c• . ·1.11 mllea !com pie "'~~lei It ildirn a(alii m'1 I lllc:i.ov iliclci'eiY..,. tliltt slmulit.d the maneuvers required lo re· twn meP from the moon to a commanCI ni0cJule that will ~ In mooo «blL M.........U., lo -a few feet, Ill<> ~viii, ..., .a IUP'IP\-llte devlc:e, ap, pr:oacbed Ult ~ target on the com· nland ilj!p. Fallin( lbe rust time, be nveraod the moonship aod tried again. "You're look~ Inc ~ .. Aid Scott. -"" throuP a window bl the command lhip. "Keep 1' coming • ~ • You're 8Jmost there ••• " .. Capture!'' Mcl>ivltt reported • ·~_show. Spider," the srouM ra· dioed. • ,,... Pffe ,J., SLAYING •• ·." • Ve ' the emdrablnd. ~ .... . ''The ~ ~ appmnUy stalllcl llillll IOlltetioW, ao ane of the local boys reach- ed dawn and shook Pond's leg,'' Aid the newsman. "When he started to raise up, the gun was placed agalnst . his . forehead and lheY juJt blast.II ltim." the reporter aald,. adding that no neiJhhon beard the mu!Ded lhoL DROI\ CONTIWIAND " Earlier, HOnolulu Police Detective Lt. Johnll1.Dic-Aid tbe cuually dc=ed tiilers Ol'dered· Chula and ilol"I to get rid ol lbe body by 1inkill1· II ta theoceaa. ' Rogers, however, ran next door to a woman's home to telephone for help alter lbe lhotaun aod plstok:arrylng thieves fled with the stasb of marijuana, drop-Ping one brick in the process. Mike Croteau and Da ve Donner, tw• other college students ,,.ho Jive 1t the cottage wert absent during the viclowi robbery and murder. "The Jl}oUve was out·and-out robbery and they killed Pond just to show that they '\'Ould," said the reporter for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin who ha! been covering the case. Mrs. Pond . said Chula arid Rogen ftre SUP.posed to drop by for a visit Friday afternoon, but they had not ap;o ....,... bf ·early evenici(Aia"aitilol Id be located ...... Frltnds ;,,. ezped<d lo~ .. ,· -comfort in time Jf ' '!I and ~. t>ut MrL Pood • that .even •tran&<n - their condoJences. JUTES SCllEDUin> "We want to thank all we-know and even ao D11"1 1 um don't know," she uld. ID fldie fA • llDnil lemlon cutting Into her O<ordt. · • .l'One lady In Cos~ Meaa called ' her aoo telephoned from Hewall aiicJ said he had aurftd wllli Bill the c1af before," she said, hfr ~ tmnbling. , • Catholic rllel for Pood -lronicaJl1 beaten and thrateoed with death Jail December In c..ta M$'by lhr<t me!i not lloted 1o ·Iba Hawaii murder -'11111 be held Sunday night arill'Monday ....... Ing. .. ... \·. One lhol WU fired ihrooP the door of bis apartment in the earlier cue, bUtd m "'Pond's ttpori of some atoltu per11ooal property, which led to poUce trouble f<r 11'.lmeooe. , bal lieeiJ ~d!li Ji,... ffr • .,,...,, ~ came'-•·•·)'Olllh ll•lnc-Jn.-.... . . . •. -ols~m~~°':~ty...Tt:: FIRE AND FLOOD: .HOW TO PREVENT THEM feocod, be Aid, and bal open (Irvine) • • • • lntlnlldation wu apparently t be purJ>Ole in lbe brutal act by ti» marauding men flv.! daya a.go, but the tragic . target wu a newly-anived boy who sought IUllllgbt and lbe -ol the big aurf. 'Ibe dark, cokl casket fate bad reaervta for him was due to arrive aboard 'j jet at Los Artgeles International AII'pqtt. at 6:55 p.m., as a Bell Broadtf# Mortuary heane wailed !or tho Jail lei ol bl! trip home. If WKI behind II 1'hlch ""'1d be ealily lll'CJWld procram u curled out 1n Loe guarded and at whlclc a bellcopler cauld Angeles County, · land. ~ alao wanta the county to conioUdite ~ "'lbeae people laldea) didn't evecl lmow fire codes under the-Calllorola FJre if we were a city," uld Syfin. "But Chiefs' Uniform Code. Th1s wo1,1ld replace Dick (the Prtsldent) saJd he'd like to the National Board of Fire Underwriters .be In Laguna Beach ... Code now in effed in this county. He sald a comprehensive package has Major changes brought about by the been put together by Merrick on both the site and the town. ne~ code would be in lhe areas of • Pyne Castle was started In 1929 by weed and brush clearariCf, wat~ supply, " ... DAIL¥ PllOT eccenlric milllonaire, Walter Pyne. It road and house marking and building took thrtt years to build,· ts in a restrictions. .. ~-liiiA '' .ltMclal'• ..... ' ...................... ..., Swta motW, bQ.:five ~ " C!OQ>ds.,. .OCernran said there is ~!qr ~larger • thJrd.floor ballroam and monerous: m.~ wjlef ·rt o-r •Ce f-1liilesi lllfYlplng trlguing UWe niche3 and cubbyholes. equipment and supply lines wh i c h --· . ·c.-...,. ____ ... From P .. e .J . ' ~-aeMrtM:W ... c.: ,.........,, ....... Jet• L "c.ftT ~ l'rldlll!LMI..,... ~ ·--·-11 ...... ""''"' ·--. ·~ ... ~ '" ....... . . . • ·CHIEF'S SON .•• ::1.,can't ecitorce tho law 11 ll aoeani 'l.PPlJ to everyone," Ch1ef Murray 11ld~ -1lfou hlve'to end up.doing tthat you belle¥• 11· rlghl ," aald the ·chief. "You hive to separate your per.sona~· £eeUnP !l<!_in ~ _proleselonal letllnc•·" Vowj Mi.zrray, talking :wft:b.newirpen, Nld be J>eH .. '9 bls trouble1 item from a Jd:•cif communk:at!Clll with ·his dtd, '!'be jaJlltr -lo C0111111111t ... thls jlolQl. .. . • . ' ' 1 .. I nmember when ht uaed to Jtll at ~ ~ IOI abOict' wbat I 'Wu elf ' wasn't dOlnf. ,,,.. ... day "" llliilli jllll ~ peel Jelllng." "Alter J cractuated, he wanted JD• to = ...... ~ ... ,:., .. ~ ::..=-,.11.,-:'::. go on to coUqe bu\ I didn't want to." ~ • -"' f!• W .._,.. .... lnltad, be toot I Job with I firm that D:r" -~~•"t'::rt!ij"u ="': manufactum flber~lau v1ulUn1 polu. ,..... zr\.= ~_.!' "'11 · • YCMm& M:\UTa)' atl I livu at borne tnd --~ inood'oround lhl bou.C b "just ..., ._ c... ......, • atfbut Oli Ame no• 11 It 1ir~fort I f I : is •n•t MMJl1 1ot busted. Jt'1 kind of hard to ixplaln.'' • ;t,J ...... I MloH71 ~I .... ,_ OfMft t.Mtl .,.......,.. 11W1 don't ltl to Ht each other Vtl')' ~· .. -:"~~·::,..: • ~n.,.becalie n work dltfertnt houri," ..._... ':. •• ~ ...... -_. bl 11icl, of bis fJther. "I tptalr•to h1m -• _,_ ,.... _.. ' .m.,111 -a doy, on ~ pbc\r>e .and aeo ,... ., h.lm a ~ of Umtt 1 wetk, ·And on -I --.. 'llktncfl ht'I 111'1 hll bobby, n,tn1 -,,wiu··dolnl 'ln Oc-.· ~) would not only supply day-to-day needs but offer a guaranteed reserve for fire llghtlng. MAJOR PROBLDI . • . On road and house marldrfg, the fire chief Wd ooe of t.he major problelD! raced by fire flghten in. the canyon areas is the hodge~e af unmarked .roads and . home!: Firemen · a r e sometimes unable to locate bome1 reported on fttt. County Bulldlng and Safely Director F. G. McLellan Ir. ..td llru ouch u the ' Paseo Grande holocaust wblch <lealioyid K homes iod did SU 4am1ce coald -be bet1er cootroDed H ln·...W- dlnl roollnl matullla ...... uoed. ' "In ,.the . blah -.......... IQ 11 filled With ll1lnc ...... dudnl • bl& fire and they shower cloiiD <11 nd· tOps. lgnHlnc them,. Uie Ai.ty dlreclot wamedj • Ostennln bal another law ho wall reqlllrlnr dovelopert In bllty ...., • lo hulldl!Hlx'Hb. •• M°" ol lhe fJrl prevention· meuurea will c:olt homeowne11 """"'Y hul not require 1 hull" outlay« pubOc fuiid1 . P'tood prevention II another story. This llan ·area-<be-...rll practlcally llC!lplea. The ,.....,17 and federal ao•ermnenl most Wl'1 Iba load. COVl!M WHOLE BASIN · lmprovement.ol the Santa ~naR!m chlnnel and SanU1go er.et banks 11 Ued In with a U.S. Amt Corpo <i Eialh*n prolf'*1n that CO\len tbe·enute People can build up to the stream beds. Sinta Ana River ~· That atudy Is Very restrictive building setbacks Im- • long Ume from completion bi.tt .points posed by the coµnty would certainly to the only real sourCt of. ald_(or Orange elimina te some damage." County • federal funds. PLANS READY The corps study will decide what pro-Plans are all ready for Improving ject9 it will ncommend for congressional the Santa Ana River bed and Santiago approval bul it is certain the federal Creek. The cmk, which eroded away government is not going to do the whole _heavily ln the . tut two weeks could job. be conc:ttle lined. "\Ve have got to place another bond In lhe river, levees need strengthening Issue before the voters and lhe sooner ln many places. And a completely lined .the -· • ..td Supervloor ~--ele cbannel .. p:o!>lbly thee. Phillips this ..... ,..,,.... is .'!Jl;pmth anllfer~ .... -~~ • work that 1!11111 ·be done .,,_ prevent lower rftdla of' Ille rl"P.: from arclen a r~on of the dl1uter« Jut w.S." Grove Boulevarcl i'outh. 'l1lls would In- But what about tho lllCIUDtalnoua -elude I ........ bottom yoo areu in lire 0< Oood ! . . • , EverJ ~ ~ r. :~ flood C!'l'\itioo II IOU require ea'hin aWden 16 tJrU ti,;;;; Ii .,.at Wony In that -6icaUH brulh away !or 300 feet you d~ the river II hlgber lhan lhe llllrTOIDldlng the· Vf!r1 wUdllfe settinJ: µ,ey live m populated area. the moontaina for. ll a mountain can)'OD ma to· be a aertea al bomll and cablm NorUl of Katella Avenue ln ~1 sitting In arwi. largeb' dtnuded ol tna tho proposal lo build dual c:hannels u and brulh' probably the belt, O.bome lald. One RIK FJ.RE HAZARD would be foi:-water aprea~Un1 and con- ostennan says ii'• lh1t or risk the aervaUon, lbt ~het fbt f1oOd cootrot. hlih fire hazard. He uid many fires lo ~s area a series of concrete drop hid started tn the mountainous eastern structures, 1man waterfalla, mutt be -or Ibo counly lul !all lhot c:ould built to 1low down. the flow ol flood have been u dlliatrou u the Pueo watm, thus decreu.ttlC damap to nver Grande blaze if weather condttlom hid ban.b. not -ra....uie. ' DAM NEEDED The 1a1n' · tnobl One comity aru whm fioocl control · --""' • • dams moat be llllllt la Ult San Juan lpc>l In flood pnilectlon, ton. er.et ..... -illn ,... Caplatr- ''tl'ec:ould build cltml In the-.· llecerit nOods did ·m!lllOlll Gfclollm Aid Counly ,r1ood Control Enclneer ll In dam1g1 to -. roacll, brJdlts G. Cllbome, but tba COii would -and utillUet In Iba ""'L U... apln unl1vorlbty wltb tbl benefit&. Tat• a tho parlnmhlp with the eorpo or IO-year period. COlll(IUll Iba aonual -Engineers ti neqeasary lo cover tho ol the Installed -. lbe l!lllnlenance coal and operellon « tho dam& and then The Pueo Grande fire wu 11 months comPtre thele '°'ta with lbe 1verqe •So and no new lawa to protect homes tnnutl damqe1 thlt wou1d hive been and homeowners from tbe(r own nellect prevented." bave l:tetn puMd )'tl 0.bot'ne llYI the ...ult that Iba dama Will It ... II mOntba he! ... -thine would be an unf•-ablt jnvestment « la -about future flood oontrlll! pul>llc llmdl. Probabll" nol lhot 1an1. but ~ plln1 Osborne ..td CllO thine could be -do not 1.._ a boocl ._. be!'" tho tn tht mountain ai'ell, t law apln. ..i.... UliUl..NOVlmber ml poalblJ nut "Tbert ....... letbtc:l mlrlcllooa ..... lprlng. (j ( ' Guerrillas Attack ·' U.S. Base Behind' Screen of i~as _ _. . ... . ., ' SAIGON (UPI) -From beblnd a .::reen of nauaea 1as, perrllJu Cll'Tf- !iw flametlir"!'trs ~tied I U.S. Army bala guard}nl Salgoo lod1y. The Amer· kul turned them beet in seven houri, killing 153. It was one of three attacks on Ameft. can baaes uorth « Saigon and .......,. panied 50 overolght Communist blrrlgtf into allied bases or towns as the lf.day. old guerrilla offensive accelerated. ·li At least 163 Viet Cong and North Vitt.. namese died in vain attenipts to p.,.... run the three U.S. outpo.<ll utrlde a major lnfJltration route from C&mbodll. 25 lo 51 miles north and northwat g1 SaJgon. , • The biggest baltle, al Phu llhuoO&. io milei northweot « tlle capital, opened with • 70-round mortar' tim1ge.· ~ Ont roood toocttd out tho c<11111111111d t.mker, killing the U.S. 111 Air canf/J Division ballaUon commander In chor~ "That just sort « .mot ev..,... up,:; Sgt. 11.IJ. Leland RobbiJon Ii NorthvtJ!!, Ill ., Aid. I Then the Communl1ll thr<w In Ille n1usea gu) whlch drllted away harm- lessly, and 800 ol them charged. 'l'bq 111'1 lhrou&h the flrsl otrand or berbe.! ·Wirt -but DO farther. -N• With M1j, Billy 11n>wn <i FL ~ Ga., rallylnr h11 tloojierr. Iba -IUllllllOOodworpla11111ndbellcoptttdi! lhlP! thal -· the Cooununilt atfact altai' seven lli>ura. The Rodi had IW!I!; Urowers bu.t dld not use them. 1111 ' I I ~ -------~-------~----------------------------------------- I I • . . 3 Spo~ted on .. Wing· · l . . . . . ~ ~fter _-_PJ11n,e .. I;)jt~e~ . HONOLULU (AP) '-A cl.rn.n-DO ¢:rift en a·!llghl fl'em' San nincllco to Honolulu ditChed at 1ea Frliiay night. 309 mil~ ~1st nor~alt ol hett. . • The Coat Guard· said the three . ~r! sons aboard were seen.on the wini fol· loWinr the ditcliln1. I .. -. -· -.. -..... . Imne · F~cuity ·: · ·· ' • I r ) . ' • • I N Stria Oii • ' ' SunSet hi~. Reseue . Sailol'&·~ ~ ~ - A• Dlir of iaJJqri boi,ina 1n a quiet aeeidl .lllr ollliOarlnc .ii;ala Jleoealh ollahore w1ten were . mcued l>Y t'!" Simoet Boacl> meu ,wl!I! l1llf6Qai:dr 'Fii· '::I. 1fler :ir IWI. c~pslzed Ip cl»Jip7 Paul ~·ind l:>iva Elter ~loll" out to j,lcl: up' lbe me. -'tho& J,._foot craft IUpP.f:d bow..over-ltre:n and viclimi Don Hernandei and Robert llnlce ...,.~with nolhl~ibtita~. A1Jtl:'I SUnsel Beach .r.sideots - Bradlay .. illcluded -. odded a - of worda to the aoaklnl alter lwnlnc the nature of lbe work being concluded lrora the Ulfl, . • . Bnlc<, an employe-ol PacUlci Towboat and Salvage Co.. Looi lleacb, • Wal opemin&. lho ... •klll In a .-Wellera Gooplzygks Co., oil .,"":'1111 ~ ollshore, Ibey llid. • Oflahoro drilling It banned from lbe Santi. Ana River south, but no prohibition exists agalnst exploraUon and. drilling producUon norlhwsijl and it , JlL being~ done tmW·all the"~ Beicb. • ~ "Wr aie 1bsolu ' to any " .... , offlbore oil drilling In lhlJ area," Bradley declared, spea]dng u chairman of the S....t Beach CIUUbs Council : • "I strongly . obje& to !be woy _they are approaching this lhing," he added. Allhough a spokesman for Western Geophysics refUIOd to Identify the oil complllj' fir·whlch the work •la being daoe, a representative of the state Lands' Divilioo said Friday tidelands off &Inset Jleacl> are Wider 1.... to lbe Mobil Oii Company. . Ho uld the ~ ship DantiJer. Asll has been mU:lng i::i:-...... dings .l<r poosthle oil . ilOlll. Tllo Dulller-Alb Is -to -Ill -atloaa todoy, the llale ,.,._ taUve .uld. Keimllh --chlel of the Oranc• County Harbor Distrlcl, llid tho county haa no jurllldldloo In watora off &mJet Bcact. D41LY PILOT,Stell ...... . 'I STRONOL Y OBJECT' $unstl Spolcaem1n Brldloy s.mi-. uplalned tbat. the .,.;.;,1y Is deflnllelY O)JpOled to any oll operl!fOna IOllth of the Santa Ana River, but haa adopted no o!Oclal · policy wljb respect to offshm'e meas north of the river where some offshore 4'1lllng operatton. alrea<IY Wst. Caguna Castle 'Salesman' Pw~ues Nixon tQ ·Florida . .. ... . ... .. . -~ . ~ ::.-: : ;.:. :.:-.. ; ~~i t ~ ! : ~~ ~ -·, ·.:. "; . -'u1 iuCJi.uui P~ NAIL Auid Ii lbire .mted a &;aulne Jn. .... -~·--In lbe l*-17 by pnoldential In~ ~~i:; ~=J:i.i:.~t""'nJ.i11; take ii. b:~ to l'kllfda --, ' tlllli IV been lmP*ftlle to be said, to 'llltb-J>resld<ntlil a!dfo. .,. •tao· l>ooalhWti' Ulrouih QumUmec1 about penlltiDc rumors pno!<!entlol press a)d,., . lhal lbe PlaldeDI II lnleres!Od In Laguna H......,, Merrtdc Aid he l)u lllked 11eac;1a: ... ,.., a ,..._ l!bito· ·lloule. prlce '"iilllfllbi>ll'mm. He deCJll>ed·to 'lbaoiiallen1cl:·A1cf 11t planl to c:ocfer ment1oo lbe llpN er ldentlf)r lbe lldes wllll Nliaa aldea In Key Bllca,yno. · be wOll!d meet. Merrlclc owns lbe atructuro wbli:h Thll, be llid, wu to · prevent l1llJl'O llanda lib a hillside fortreoa al TIO lettm \o the ald<I offering other pro- Jllllci'elll Drive. peril... He · llid real ..tato ln~1ts No-New Bargains At This Store Acll\r. onetime debutantoe and barfain • hu!>llnf bouaewrv .. might des:mf on a <;Oo!a Me.a mar~et U It were ldm- llflOd.._ b!il • cirtain clerk Is not likely to min any ..more math miltU:ea in tba. 'CQltomer'1 favor. in Newport Beach and Laguna have a)ready been Oil the ICODI. • Merrick aald h6 will take a ~e of aerial pbotograplll, fl1m nell and other WonnaUon about the property and Laguna Beadl. He llid pert of the problem WU tbal Nt.on ald<I -~ have a full appndalloa of the cultural and topagrapblc aapecla of tho to;m.'. However, the Pres.Ideal doel;-KCGrdlng to Bernard Syfan, Laguna Beach enctoeer. who haa ... 111oc1 ~k. · Syfan, a chamber dlrec\Or and former part owner of tho propert,y IAld .ljiion haa been .vlaitlng Laguna !er yean . and came here u a youth living In Whittler. · I ' BY TOM &\llLZY '· -• °'-~·-·..., ' . . 119~ 1':n1a 9ro\vn won a tw!>'wee~ delay Friday of his arratinment on c~ of, fallell' jll'aeUcbig-ll'!Jlldno. led 1hln two' """" alter Uie Orange County Grand Jury indicted him m, ·17 qoonts of·the Offense: ~or Court Judge ~rt ardner acei:pled the plea of lb~lJlll>ll~ defeJljlor's ollfce that Ume ~ .Uowed t•.1)1ellare the defen,. of the 33-year-old Binn· ~~~~~el~~~;.: bail. • ,: :: . 11""'11. :cllarged with.: a...,10,.-the -pl !lr.~Gleon . Foeter chzrln!l. a. fiv•weet ~ ., I'-~ at • Fu!lettoO.dbilc, -hullled.Ioto court on .the -oompletloo of, a lo.llour .grand illl'1 ·~·•t wbloh 21 of his former paUena toetifled. Included In the wording of the section ot,1'a& state•a Business and Profeslions Code \WliJch hai allegedly Jieen violated ~y, .\Brown g:,, '.'the , inflWtioil of ,reat bodllr .harm IJld suffeioizqf to lhe·delrl· ment~ot those treated.''·· Among the witnesses who testified before the 17-member panel was the real Dr. Foster-Dr. Glenn Lyon'Foster, 37, also Of lijnningbam and a le.Cher at.the Unlveraity of .AJabama'1 'hlidlcal IChool. . ' Four doctors from the Fullerton' clintt at which Brown allegedly treated paUents alto toetllled. They are named In tho lndlctibent u Ors. Arnold v. Mibony, Dorothy ~ Floyd D.-Wllbur and Paul J. OYando.' ~ ·· ~,.. ' DfatrlCi aiti\mey•s hiv~ptOn · Ilia tbef OOUld have J>m'fded tesumony flOm at feast another ll> · penoril ·w1io CU&n they '""" treated bY Brown ··and the ...i of kin of foiJr per111111 who died while under Brown'• care. • Investigation llu: determined that Brown hu served three yeara probation for h1a convict.ion in federal court of charges of Jhasquerading aa an engineer at General Dyni{l'lics Corp., a San Diego firm involved in defense contracts. They said Brown returne<[ to' Alabama after his conviction ady to later retum and pose as an electronics en&ineu with Autonellcs of Anaheim and. subsequently, as a cardiologist al the Fullertoo Cilnlc. Brown facu a state prilCQ term d one to IO years on each count if found guilty of !he major viiil•\i<m .~. b)',the disltjct a~y ... Q(flo!!;.~, hlJ o((enoe,l>e ruled i. be '~elnl!t ... be coold be sentenced. to . up to one · year in counly jail · • _ • .... _J"· .. Fro111 P.Se' l -' " ,. ' FACULTl' •• ; Rei.ler, who Introduced the· holly debated resolution, had three more to .bring forth but was cut off by a motion to adjourn. Another clo5e voi.t resulted in ad· journment. The remaining Reiter resolutions, cir algned by nine other prol!!JSOrl, were to do away wflb secrecy In faculty review, atve unlenured profeaors a voice in the review procedure, and provide for the eledkln of thole untenured pro- fesaors to participate in the revln. The ~. apparently ~ to divide the faculty anew, will be brouiht up at another Academic Senate meeting: nezt week. BJ. JOBN• vAl:.TsaM ... ...,,.. .... . Tbi ~ rt'ilalo ~ cntJ ..... ·-~---l"rJ. 471"11et Wait 1n !lit a-eon,...• alllmpta to -lllvohld In mlDarttJ, ..... M ... jedl. :rl ,. '> ' -,£ .. -.-r.~· . .. ~!l..~ ... . Mr&~ . ~ ..,_.,. -' .. . omlvondty ·--Ntwpart Beach. Mn. !nn, wllo -a student, . tbeli latar .. ·-poll .In » mliilltrallol :· ~ Of ·co~ neir -· llfler liel' -., '( murder, dlaued' C911qee' folJl'1ll'O' gram f ..... t for ·Involving mlnorlty ' ' students In belier . educailonal op- portomlUes. Mrs. Evers, ao!f usured, forceful In apeeCli and pol.led, dllCllAed htr wort In "helping our bmlhers to reach tbat America drum where every IDlll bu the chaDce to ICbltve bis pala.'' She urpd lbe memben of the CaWornia State cbapl« of the Ameritan Mooclstloa of University Wemeo to -deeply Involved in the _lllrug!e lo-"le-1~tothepocr .... idacatf<mlb' YOd.. .. .. "If ~ tber9 ..... Ume,,to.. Mrda ... our.-11 and-bea$A•_. ahead lot what la right. , • la jllll. , • Ibo tJ.me it now," ihe Mid pa•sjopMfty.~ ,-,; . ':W•..must ~ ~ .. !# 111.H, CW1t fortable bomea, ~ •. fd ... la -~ whal It 11>inl on around ... ~' she ad!led. . For her, she II.Id, belping_mear. active parUcipaUon in opportunity programa at the Claremont Co8~ges, where she serves in U Uecut!Ve pOlt 1n ID organizat.l.On offering cOlin!el!ng and guidance to mature women ·who have returned to school and who have special problems. She also servea on a council offering educaUonal opportunities to educationally deprived students. Outlining several of the colleges' specific prngrams, she said tbat pro- grams allowtnc ghetto cblldml from Southern California to rfleeive iotenaive educational enrlcbment on Saturdays and during llU!llDerl "haa proved most suc- cessful." Out ol four apecific programs, two of them are paid for throu,gb private Fro1ra Pqe l · ·ooNJ.f 'JUtT"SiT Ts!fi'R'e, '1 ,· , 1 Glar,mant'1 Evers i , Glu.3!'llk..ll !.J-., 'J.~' .:n•J: "· •• (1;· foundation&. 'J'wo, olhets are federall1 •ponsored. "It is so pleis.in'g to see parents,'' she aaid, uwbD. before their children started wlUl us, bad no inteiest in educa· tlon . "Now they are asking if they could take some cluses on the campus Instead of idly, e~oying the beautiful sCtnery. Many of them are even doing algnlficant community "'.Ork which they never did before." CIOl!ling with reference to a poem by Negro poet Langston Hughea: "What happeDI to ~ American dream defer• red? Does it dry up like a railin in the sun. • . " abe annered, ••we are experiencing an e:sploai.ao because the American dream bu been deferred." She rtcelved a atanding ovation. Police offlC<l'I Dove Sore11"'1 and Ron Pain)er stopped a beel"O<llChaalng youth outalde the Blore Tlrunltfay night becaUIO be looked rather YOWli to legally buy. Confeadng readily, aie 20-ytllN>ld said be . bad been buying beer there ever llnce the-clerk checked hill driver's Uceme and tncorreclly 15Ublracted 1943 trom lft to determine hla age. Syfan malntsloed'lha! securlly' aspects of Pyne Castle are good. JI could be . fenced, he said, and has open (Irvine) )and behind it which could be easily FIRE AND FLOOD: HOW TO PREVENT THEM • • • The ·embarrusec1 clerk wu l&BUed a cit11Uon for alleged vlol1Uon of state Alcoholic, !!overage Control la..,, 'l1le youngster, however, learned the meanln( ., -bull . """' be' .... jalled. I ' 01\llV µ!lO I Ja1• L Cerl.,. Vice~-.· ...... ,_.. . ' • ft•M•• lt1nU ·-n. ... A. M1r,hT11e ......,,.w,,,. -c.lili ... : D W..t IW $Ir-' ,....._, IMO: tnl ..._, ..... llllllWtre . =-· ... --. isea..!M '•...,.. ( guarded and at which a helicopter could deslroytd 66 homes and did s.t.a damage la?,C'These people (aides} didn 't even know coqld be better controlled if fire retar- if we were a city," said Syfan. "But dant roofing materials were used. Dick (the President) llid he'd Ute to "In the high bnl5h .,.., Ibo sky be in Laguna Beach." is filled with flying ·embers during a He said a comprehenllve package has big fire and they abower down on roof. been put together by Merrlclc 00 both lop!, lgnlllng them," the lliety dlredor the site and the town. w~ . . Pyne CasUe was started ln 1929 by 08te'man ha.I ·~-law he ;wants ecc<nlrlc millionaire, Wallor Pyne. I~. faqilliln« developen In :hilly ateQ to took thret: years to build, is in a build fire breaks. Swiss moutr, bu five .erouncla. MQ!!l-<1f the fire prevenUon meuum a Jhlrd.floor baUrooJn ¥>-, • will ;c;.t; ~-'"'!!"}' :i>"I i"°t tr1guing,llllle nlcbei and cu . -· require ailuge ooUay of pabl!C Nods, * * * Flood prevention It another story. 'hil• . Is an area where the homeowner is N • ReJ • practically helpless. The county and l.XOD aXIDg, rederalgovmunentmustarryibelaacl. COVERS WHOLE BASIN P. d' • · A'nM Improvement of the Santa Ana River OD enng D . channel and Santiago Creek banks is · ' · tied in with a U.S. Army ~s o{ In 'FJ 'd S EnginOua program tljtit cov~ !he en!iro Ori 8 Ull Santa /wJI River basin. Thal study is KEY BisCA YNE, Fis. (AP) -l'reai· dent Nii:on aays he'll apend the we;ek· end rellllng In tho Florida oun -and rludYlni anllballllllc mlsallt1. • Nlmt'1 flnl 1!1111100 In flJlnl from Wublnglon to , hla Koy ~ com poalld . Friday nlgbl wu to caidi up on -ol th tesf tbat eluded blm during lt,llOO miles or tnvel lhrouCI! ftve Euro- pOln coomlriei In ·tlgbt dayl. However, the dUef u:ecut.tve told new. men aboard bJa plaM f°" the flllht to F(orida that "I'm stU<17lng tho ABM lhlJ weekend." He reported lll'lnlinl with him a full brief--"but.not u full u I took to Europe! OD•tlil liip that ondld.S&lnday, , At 1tli even.tn1-ne"•i confl~ Tues- day -Ule first evtt ·broadcast Uve by telovlalon ind radio In prime time - Nixon ll'Olftlaed to announce a dedllon oat week an whether to ID afleod with deploJmlnt or 1 "Ihle" ahleld of contro- trownial antJballlltlc rnlallu. Sourta lndlcaW Nixon may make !mown hlJ poslllon by Wedneaday. " I( • a long time from completioo but pointa to the only real !iOUl'Ce ol aid for Orange County -federal funds. The corpe llludy will decide what pro. Jedi It will recommend !er congrwlonal apptoval but It is certain the federal -t It not 1ofng to do lbt wbolo jol>. ''We have Rot to p!ace another bond lslue before the voton Md 'the -.r the better," Aid Supervilor Wllllem J. Phillips Ibis week. "There ·II ae lllllCh work that mull be d<rll to prenot a r<peUUoa or lbe diluter ol lut week.• But what about the mountainou.I can- yon 1rta1 1n flre or flood! If, you roqulre cabin ownen to cltar brush awl.)' for JOO leet you destroy tho very wfld!Ue selllnf llllJ llvo In the rnountah11 ror. ls a mountain canyon .,.... to be a lhles of bomea and cabins •llUl!I In areu larply del1uded of tieea and bt'Uah? RISK FIR! HAZARD Ost.nnon 11)'1 tt'• tbat ., rlak the high fire ...,.rd. He said many nreo had started in the mountainous ustem . . aectlon of lhe coUnty last fall that could have been as diaast.roua u the Pasto Grande blaze if weather conditions had not been favorable. The mountain canyons are a trouble spot ln flood protec:tlan, too. "We could build dam1 in the canyons," said County Flood ecx.a.I Engineer H. G. Osborne. "but the cost would compare unfavorably with the beneflta. Take a SO.year period. compute..u.e amual ~ or tho tnstalleil yorq. ~~\!lie< and operation" ol ~ iiamr anct thett compare these cost.I with the avm.fe annual damages that would have been prtvented." Osborne saya the reib1i thii ihe' daiM would be an unfavorable investment ol public funds. Osborne said one thing could be done tn the mountain areas, a la..w again. "There are no tetback restr1cUons now. People can bulJd up to the ltrum beds. Very restrictive bulldlng ,.lbacka Im· posed by the . county would certainly eliminate some damage." PLANS READY Plans are aD ready for Improving the Sanla Ana River bed and Santiago Creek. The crte.k, which eroded away henlly In the last two weeu could be concnte llnod. In lho'rtm,......, need llre!lllhenlnl In l!lan:T pl-. And ~com lined concr.te channel II the final anawer to u!Umato In lbe lower reach& of the river from Garden Grove Boulevard aouth. This would Jn. elude a Coacrtle bottom. EvtfY Ume there ii a fiood ""'41Uon there ii veat WOl77 In tbat area l>eoauao · the rtvtt Is bl(ber than Ille lllt1'0Wldlng pop.>Jlled ...... North of Katella AYenue In Anaheim, the plVl>OA! to -du! cblmnell 11 probably Ille ""'· Olbomt Ahl Ono would bt for water spre"41n1 and con- ,.rvaUoa, the oilier for l!Old control L------ In this area a series of concrete drop structures, small waterfalls, must be built to slow down the now or flood waters, thus·dec:rea.sing damage to river banks. DAM NEEDED One countr area where flood control dams must be built ii 'the San Juan Creek an!a ab6ve San .raao Ca.plltrano. Recent · flooda did mllllooa of llollars In damage to holll«!, roads, brldg<I and utlUUu ln the area. Here aa:aln the partnership J01lh ~ ,J:ofJ>l....!t cost.Eng-~~ ."":!'!'TE "' ~ -~ -The Paaeo Grande fire wis 16 months ago and no new laws \o proted homes · .and bom~I from. fh¥r ""°' ~!e!'l have been pused yel Will lt be 16 months before aomelhing Is do11e about future flood control? Probably not that long, but pte9ent plans do not foresee a bond issue before the voters unW November and possibly n~ apring. "First we want an enalneerin&' re'por.t lrom the Corps or Enrt•-and tbat will take three to five months," Supervisors chairman Wllliam H. HJn.. teln said.) "'!'be report would (iTe UI lbe data wt need for a plbllc llWln(. PROVIDE llONDS . 0 Bmda wW have \o providl mllUonl !or damap already dmlo u well u finance futura pn>taclloa pnjtcil. A - Issue would prollaillJ bell be ~ with a r<quM for federal l>mds," fflrl. l<ln explained. One thlnf ii evid<!rt. Tbe Vllla Part and Ptado dama, pert of the ix-t flood coh!rol IJl!em, war-, Invaluable. "W-them there would have been mllllont more lo dam.,.-and probably ..,.. loei--o! life rlcht In our dUu," Osborne poln!Ad 00\. . The bta queatton ii how to rot more mllllonl to prevent future damate and how IOOI\ can the voters be wed to approve bondi. · JI wu II yean between bl1 floods In the county. !iome -le may think "' have Iba! loal to Wilt again. • Spider ancf . • -lrom their noeo-to;eoee llnt'llp,Wlh< r1r1t 11me, • • I • • Mc~"'4.~lctar! look tho B)lld•~ moo0Sillp lj3·mll<>< from IJio ~ j,ij,dui., tlieo ~lacked 11 doivo agiin during a &ix-hour rendezvous that &mulated the maneuvtn requlred to re- turn men from the mooa• to 1 comm~d module that will rtmaln in ~ooo orbi t. Maneuvering to within a few feet , N.c-- Dlvltt, using a ~sight-like devlCe. ap-proached the docking target on lhe com· inand ship. . .. Failina the filat time, be r,eversed the. mooMbJP and tried agaioo. "You're look· Ing good " said Scott,,~utng !hrough a window ;,, the comm.Ind ship. "Keep a' coming • • • You 're almost there • • • " "'Capture!" McDivilt reported. ••GooiiJ show, Spkler," the ground ra· ~ ilioed. I Fairview Staff Joins Lawsuit ' O~er Back fay A directive from Sacramerito ~· fling the: chain of command at Fairview State Hospital baa ended an-armband protest movement, but the trouble is not entirely over • Staff piemben ,from the Costa M<I• bolpllll are amona nearl1 Z,000 stale . emplayea who. ha•• flied • f3 ·.m1111on lawaull !w back and overtime pay In Loo Anpl<I Super!~ Ac1ioo Friday by Dr. Elmer F. Gallool, deputy director of the allte Dep&rtmenl of Menlll tty~ene's dlvlalon of ~ tolved lbe Imri>edlato protest. ' A· reVised instruction aupersettlng one which placed two registered nurses into posts traditionally held by psychlatric technicians was sent via teletype, from Sacramento. The chain of command was altered allgbtJy, to require one iegistered nurse slipped into the orianiuUonal line$ beneolb Mrs. Ellubelh Cblsholm, dlrec· tor of nuraing service11. The · order alto calls for a ,reluQI.. cl twb P1Ycillatric techn1rtan1 · tcJ t.htl:e' otillnal poets as asslatlllt ;.miraln;.f superviaon. which was tlfe;: aater 9t1 tiie coatnwonp. .,..,... • iDr. ·Anu_,ooy !II· ro1o ··~~ aiid medical <lirector at F~ sl tbe re-shuffling leaves vacant two . · • ,: IJJ!POrtanl ~ Into whjch Mrs:;!il~· w.em.mer and Stan Powell have ui>ved. . !'Now l've got to find 10111eone ei.a;. to handle that work,'' Dr. Toto said. A registered nurse must be place.k tn :'tile. chain of command under federel' regulations for admlniBtratlon o·t : Medicare. funds, one. --aimed at stater,: wllhout Clllf~1' a;kict training o~ pSycblatric technicians. ~: ~-.. i From Page l :: ; SLAYING •.. and they just blasted him," the reporter said, adding that no neighbors beard the muffled shot. Earlier, Hoaolulu Police Detective ~t. Johnny Dickson said the casually dressed killers ordered Chulf and Rogers to get rid of th~ body by s!¥ln£ it ~ the ocean. Roger'!,· however, ran next door td a woman's home to telephone for helf.'11 after the shotgun and plstol-carrymr · thieves fled with the stash or marijuanall 1' dropping one brick in the process. · " Mike Croteau and Dave Donner, twO' · other colle1e studenls who live at the / cottage were absent during the vicioo1. • robbery and murder. , , '111le motive was out.and.out robberf,,; and they killed Pond just to show ~\., they would," said the: reporter for the, . Honolulu Star-Bulletin who has befit • covering the case. Mn. Pone!. said Cbulo ond Rogers Wll'll. ~·'i>..Pi:ep :\y-{or a visit Frfilq •flr.,.qi; !>i>l"lhey:IJild not ap- peared by early evening and could not be located. Friends are ei:pected lo offer a family ~ort . in · time . of . personal tragedy anif crisis, but 'Mrs. POnd sa.id Friday that even strangers have called to oller, their condolences. "We want to thank all the people 1 we know and even so many that wt!' ' don 'J. ltnow," she said. an tdJe ol emOO• tional tension a.ittini into bu words. • , "One lady in Colt.a Mesa called after her son telephoned from Hawaii and said he had surfed with Bill the dtf '' before," she said, her voice trembling. Ca!bolic rl,.. for Pood -ironlcaBY' · beaten and threatened with de1th JI.rt' December in Costa Mesa by three men not linked to the Hawail murder -will be beld Sunday nigh! and Mooday mom-. "t,. allot WU fired lhrou1h tbO•dacW of hla aparlment In the earlier cue, bued. en Pond's report of aome !toln•J• penon1I property, wblch -led to pallee '<' I.rouble for IOmeone. onr . lnUmldaUoo WU apparenlly I h. purpose in the brulsl act by lhl!" marauding men fJve dcy• ago, but 0.(1· ltagic tarset wu a newly-arrived ~.,,, who aought sunllaht and tbe froedollr - ol the bit aurf. •-· The dark, cold ouket fall hid r...,.ed for him wa• due to 1rrlve aboard M • jet al Loo Alltel" ln!ern1Uonal Al~ at I:» p.m., u • Btll Broadw · , Mortuary heme waited for lhe 11 le1 of hi• trip home. I I • ' I I ' • ' r. • , n ,, ,. j ,. • ,. .. • . ' ' I I , I ' l • l l ' t ! ' • : l j ' ' ~·i '" ·,, '" '' "' ,. " .·· " " " , .. '" ' The star council of girl M;ouls at Ogallala, Neb., ha.s been re- minded that nature can be over· whelming. A family of skunks took up residence under the bead(iuar· ters building. • "Giant Quart" and '!Jumbo Pint" are just erhpty word s in Michigan no.w. A.. Ue\v law forbH!s such phrases on jars. jugs, bottles and cartons sold in the st8te and orders "the smallest unit of weight or measure" must be slated .. • ~M'Wr~~ ![•;} Five Belgian NAT.O warships . sailed proudly into · Pl'ytnouCh Sound. Eng1and, thtir crews , lined on deck for fornUlt· salu&e. ~ But instead of saluJing the f{M, ~ the swabbies raised -their haiuls .,. to a pair of brigltt blue girl~ panties. A brief investigation x revealed the switch llM beei1 •i carried 011t by Pl·ymouth College , -of Technology studet1ts as a jokt. • I "We decided to take t11e joke in lj; spirit in which it was i1~tencled," I a navy spokesman said. j i.t~"""'"~!t..."11:-....,,,.,. >! .. -w;::. ··• ' A Pfairiting _bought .by an -ltr;i.J (an journalist for $108 in .a Londpn junk shop was tentatively indenti- fied as a V •n Gogh. Luigi Grosso, 52, who works for the British Broadcasting Corp., and \vhose hobby is picture hunting. called it uthe find of a lifetime." Grosso bought the painting because he noticed 'it \vas signed Vincenl. Van Gogh's first name. • Everyone in South Lake Tahoe hru been shove li11g off roofs. driveways and sidewalks-tl1~ result.' of 011e of t:he Sierra's greatest snow seasons..:.... but apparently this "feathered" lwnieowner flew south to avoid tile tJask. " •• " Floraveritt G. Perrota, Ne\V York City's finance administrator, lfas bitten the hand that fed him. _eerrota , guest at a ·Bar Associa- tion dinner, told,his hb.StS there \Va~ no justification lor the tax-free sta- tus of pfoperty they occupy. "Bar Association's property, lying in three boroughs of the "city, is val- tl.ed at $2.75 ,million. and is exempt from )>roperty laxatioft '.each' Year to the extent of $140,000," Perrota cpmp.lained. . ' Poliee ---., • ;.-~ ~-,.., :,-., • ~ • ~~~OA/ty ,t{.OT.Plii'. W lild•t~il:HiJI . . --... ~ ... -. ._, ~ .. ~ ~ .. CHRISTY MIKELS TAKES HuRDt~· 1N ·STRIDE Lagun• Beauty Queen Is f•st on Her Feet -~. -. -... . .. . . ~ ,...-s-· !1... •test EatalLlnk' ' . . .. {y JOJIN VALTERZA Of 1h 0.11)1 ,1111 Sttff Most of us call it heroin. {ls users cf\JI it "smack." ·· ' And smack, like speed, ·kills. '1 '. Heroin is suspecte<t -0f doirlg jtlst'¥that, police ·~ay, twice in' the Past week"~ln the. Newport Harbor Area.alone. 1 "1'h.e ··W!lY it does jts job, i:i' tragiC, ugly a&d,; fl.isl plaio stupid . ._..:.::_. --.... ~""' .,o£-.its.: :w• · ·-• -m"1llii! f.f;¥,-~ ···--~,~I ~ o•23.·"" ~ ..... ~~ ,., • "t" ,.,l•_.1 "T = a-viee---xr ago ,,,_ - . .. The; )!letO{ld ,sµspected "icti{ll wii.:. • Balboa Island. uiuSU: shop owner Kevin Richter Forderbrugen; 21. ffe was found ~t<!d Jn.iii• .•\ol"• ~h~ l"\1\. \Ved)leolay. tvi<Jence · at the seine Jndicated narcotics were present, police sa.Jtl~· Orange· County C-Oroner's d e'"i)"lrt i es. however' said it may take up~ to JW'd weef.is· tO CoiifirrO the cause of de:lt:h' ,_ if ever. . , . Willii:iins' fatal injection · or heroin, though , has been confirmed by witnesses,· police reported: They said. friends of \Vilijan:is had s~t tile night trying · tO bring him out of a.heroin-induc~ rtti.tpor. Instead, ~e chocked to death qn, his own vomit. Details or the death we're unveiled durin"g: follow-up investigation by detec- tives. ?oday, they gave this account : Willi~~ ·two .frieryls cam~ home from v.11rk Tburrtday evening to firid Williams, whO is a nei8h6or, and another youth whom the pair called Toby, in their li ving. room . Toby, they told police, told them lhe se miconscious Williams "had, just be.en _ fixed with , some smack." He added, "He'll be O.K." . Tobf Was asked to1leavC. Williarils lay od the couch ¥nq groaned occasiOnillly . SOOn ·another friend of the pair arriVtd and the.three started their vain attempts to revive Williams. The)'; t.l-ied cold water and hot 'coffee. It wasn•t wbrkir'tg, bbl they still labored thr'otigh the flig~t: The pair's friend became scared and went Mme, Jea~ing the two roomates .. ·support alone with Williams. They gave up and \\'ent to bed. • At 6 a.m. Williams awakened them \rlth coughing and choking. A · few ·moments later he stopped breathing. TobY.'~ hollow word s, :•He'll be O.K.,"- had lost their reassurance, and one of the pair decided to take Williams to his own apartment. He dragged the body across the alley ~ lay it • on a rain-soakeQ · ground bentalh a sundeck. . · ... While he , still-bent over the body a trash collecting crew came by. He asked for their help. "'rt1ie''lf0rkers stopped a'passlhg'i'atto1 car. Tht officer called detectives.. And they called the cotoner. • What Newport detectives rountrat the scene waS' tht first tangible and gtaphlc fealiiaUon of their ~predictions earlier this Y.ear. . ·They had said then that !t was only a matter of time bef-0re the kicks from speed and other dangerous drugs would wear off for some users who would then graduate to heroin, the last link in th~ Ctiafn. · · Detective Sgt. Ken Thompson, who headed the inVestlgation of Williams' death, concluded today: "It's a Jong established fact that the grass and pill users -at least some of them -will start using heroin', and ttle 'know-it.alls'_ won't listen. We just hope we can reach alew' of the unsure ones • . • the chickens. Maybe tbey'U listen." Soviet U udergr.oupd Atom -Blast Reported ' . ' ' • ' . ! BERKELEY IAP) -A Sovi'l UD• derground .nuclear test bla~ in the Lake , Be.tltal re'gion · of Siberia wa·s recorded early F r i' d a y 'at tHe• University of Calllortlia. · · ~ · . ·· · St?:ismoiogist Manso~ Niati $aid the 12;40 . a.m. (PST) shock registered 6 ·on the' Richter · 3Cale .of earthquake magnit4(1~. , . . Seri·es · .. ' ., -' .: Articles -W ar~ing Parents Erulorsem·ent . •. Chiefs of Police of five Orange Coast • area cities today unanimously endorsed tfle "Drugs 1969" series of articles which \lil1. be PUb1iihoo in lhe DAILY P!Lb'i' beginning Monday. ' . 'The IO.part series written by Alton Blakeslee, AssOciated Press scjence ''[!'iter, is aimed al heJping parents and ~her aduJts in autboritative po.silions slleguard. children from the temptation to use drugs and narcotics. Here are commente of the various qrange Coast police dliefi: ·COSTA MESA, !:]!Id llAli~r NtU. - NJ have reviewed with great Interest (fhe series). I find these .articles to be well done with a great 4eal ot tllought ar\d research on the part or the· author.· . "I believe this series will be ol great v~lue in aierting· lhe parents of our ~unity to tJ\c vay serious drug li9blem that exlltl in our IOciety. lt l'OUches in detail on all 8$pec\8 or (the J4'1)bi<m). I !eel the DAD..Y PILO'l' b t.Oi be comn1ended for this moat \\'Orth wl:dJe community service." · ''NEWPORT 9EACR, Cllitl B. J..,., fd1va1 -··t have rMd acetpLs from the articles • . . with tnte:r.est. There •I . is litlle doubt that they are g~, ~~ documents. for parents who would wish lo be more infonned in the area 'of narcotic and drug abD.se. · ''All parents should take lhe time tci read the articles even though they may feel Completely· confident of their childrens' non-in volvement. Narcotic and drug use is reaching out into suburbia and Into relatively sta~le homes. Their use is no longer confined to slum areas. 11Some hope of slowing the accelerated use of n"rcotics and drugs by our youth may be possible if the frequently com- placent .and onen apathetic lnajority of our PeoPie $hould suddenly become both Jnf~ed a~ concerqed." HUNTINGTON BEACH, •Cllfel Jolin Set•· -"I have read (the series, and) find that it is quite comprehensive in scope and should be of value to tbose Interested parents, As we all know , drug abuse has rlseti alarmingly over the past two yean and as a resu:>t it has beCome neceuary not only lo educate thll. youths but to edtu:ate (parents). "lt ia felt that (ttJe series) will be ot benefit as a part of this educaUonal program ;.od should Provide invalua ble information to the so many who ·are- I , I ~ , .... ·~ comf»etely· in tht dark about UUa pro- blem of drug abQsti · "As (ttle series-) JS on a national le vel, ll should be_ expected , that there might be some minor d.ifferences in the laws governing drug abuse, but this is a minor concem •~to those interested• or involved persona, ff the prol;llem of drug abuse is to be overt:ome, we will netd more persona: to be 'in the· know' and this series cert.ainJ}' will help to achieve this end." LAGUNA BEACH, Chit! Harry Lab- -"There is much lnformation of value in this serles and lbere are a few potntrl disagree with. But, on the whole, . the • illlotmoJlon' ·ii good arid the dlsSetnina~on ~'-lhls'1typ< Ol ln!onna400 ill extremelf'ntcesSary: "It ls Worth , I.he time to read and shollki De of · particular benefit to pafehts." FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Clllel Chrlet l\11chaells -u1 have read ercerpts of the articles and they appear to be very interesting 3nJ infoi-maUve· and certainly should besieUt the PUbli<. "It's COJnmon knowledge that narcotics are wldeipr.ad and II certalnly would be. lo every pel"9011's advantage to read as mlie:b as be can about the problerri." --,---..,---,----~-=.----..,-----------.:-~= Meet.•i"·I!~ • • • -------- Chrt$t~ -Leads .~-tlie ~Pack • , !a~tij>r.i GOll'\IAN r.· ~...-.£ i .... j ~-o.lltf'li.tlltft ... ~ A beauty queen should have fast footwork, but Christy Mikels or Laguna -Beach protii$fileftd1 the pac_k. Some jog, b9l the Laguna Beach High Sc!)oo! l!oinecomJng q\l~n and Mias Wint.tr Fe.\liyal -sprlnta her way to health a11d happiqess. She runs the SO..yard low hurdles in ,competition with a ·-..inch of muscul~ males. Swift as a Whippet, the colden blonde 1.taves the: s~ng bloc¥ In ' le;gy flurry " lt's pt.t1 P.at, pat down fJ)e .clnqe_rs and .she's cu~~ ,over the -firs~ hurdle, a tri.m cle.lel"J'Qlned form . ' GREAT FORM The coach and the guys at school I agree she has great form. Chtjsty, 427 Htih Drive. has been run· rung 'sihce jUnlo'r high "becaus"e I like it and it~s good for me." 1 Her swiftness or root has result'ed ln _co-;rneqgess .l]i body. It "'as no e~y road. buf rather, a dedicated and, self- disclplined Uie under the·· direction or her father, RObert D. 11.flkels. -. They're embtrr"""-AOcl ir 1....: as !Ml u t .<Iii. ,U I bel{ft . t..! hmt, matt;S ·~l/fi""'tlitm. :~ :' _ :. j :-"" I tfy ~ o run 1aste' ~ fet ''ffii" r1ee That's L"ie'P,riee, ol '°8tng to a ju-s. ... .. \ ovtr:.wlUt-'' · ,.. ' .., ... About \:htlSty, coach Lytbgoe said, Pain comes at other times than "She may be a little IOo lem!Dlne for bet'!'!" slatting 11111 and tape. ''J.W«k track. It's ,not that, (Iris ~ If IOo nut about on hour a day, and liefore fem!nlne, bUt .they cani,_kt .loo mu<ll I tt)ll the hurdle• I go throu(b tha pain .. Altd.ill:.track you ~""° l<Hrtrlve rou11ne· Jumping Jae'u and· otile< llm-111a1nat ~ Ynu 'ro out>lhUi to"'iilrl berln(upeier~l.se~-Andl)octhalllJ."; yOUl'MVl~t like in fOoUtQll,-WfMD..'Jeu Does she wafch wba·t ahe eatlT .rye.,'' riS';llJ< other man. u ~"too sighed the tzs.pouoo beauty .queen; "l'ni re 1 ~~ tiack, yOu "on'l •make onadJet.'' Y . ,u1~l"pairi." • ' , ' • . Chrtaty finds Ume to dO other things '1 ~cio't kMw abou~ l!I!) ,., ~ bes\d~ fl!ll. wall;h, the ~.,i"4,relp f~~liiit 1 do lai>W ,ii.i ,.~ as homec0mlng and.,,WJnta'. feollval ~~s , a coadt. ffe111· ' queen. She has ~ ,-tnember. of tht ydq,~,1"htreu Jf ~y.ou: ~·by school 's concert cboir,"studtnt court, YOlll'ldt J'll!!llllght not work as bard," chffr!eading iiclllad and 1t!lli0r<l0tllldl.' Wha!m~~I her philosophy whll< mn. But lhe bulk o! hei im;. -1n !lie nm ning1· ~ have l>llE,:Tllit,e .is ~ few weeks wlll be taken \ijl b)' lrack. · strate .:Ill ,..,. 1•~¥1'"""'1itliif't1·y,u. · That may be a unique · iielifaDle'-lor ml" bt.b'illf"ii>' ' -:ik7:'.,.-.,,,,...,~I a· girl in her seni0< year of hlgi(1i<'bool, . t1i~ .. -ch ··'~'!l"J(. . .... Chris . • ... .. JU•• "10 nm ea 112~~ .. a ~,11n but .. -.;1• ty lS' a uruque .... : · ume. , f.f~tber tlmei 111' '!.i>eii (·Pr•~· . You m1a:ht say stte runs away · trom· lice• ·B)!_: 1~the hwill<S. J jU&t,.{llll . !he rompetltloo. •• -.lo •• iJ,Z .. _::.. ! !', 5 · a ' u••• 4 ' • .. . . a sn tilt c a 2 ; ; ~· ' ·~· ·~ l Ga1nlil~~-; .. Tak~n ''· "PeOPte g~avltate lo healthy. happy people-,': lit 'f>Oints out The father, a former trackman and gradua\e of lhe University :of Indiana, offered "pr0pe r _. ••• , .. ,. guidance and suggestion'~ which resulted• •: ,,,.~ .. ~" r" ·" :. . ~J "" • ' m chrmy taking'" the track. .:::;..~.MBandido~'t.1Pak · "Therei!-a:lack-in ·schoolsandhomes ....._ .. ~... ., .'l•:-"·t~'!-'"~"" es Mesa · ~ : .J -"·'· • · ..t.l~-·,•·· tJf · proper guidance to health," said '""-• .-;;..M, ';, _: .. -;-:.;...~."!: Mikels. SomeWDel:fou have to take a gamble . ,_. ~ ,., I game or pool without a Uttle sometlilns on the !ide,11 said St. Clair, whose'bettiog did not violate the law as an Uchange But there is no lack of this guidance In ~16liiid• a Costa Meli'i 7minl· In the Mik_els household. Christy's two ven1on M--'Miitnesota Fats bal, d1Jcl0.5ed older brothers both lettered in five sports thaf.;he"ibfiii' taken by a bandidO from GI money woold. · • • while at Laguna High. "You try to below the border. develop i.. trait -where the child has City CounCil,man William L. St. Clair "I won three, then"' lost ooe, theft won another ooe, so I got a UUle c:ockJ.' and danged if J didn't lose-our neW fire truck," he lamented, adding tbat it isn't even broken in yet . 1 • possibilities. ,And Christy bas a lot of fell for the scheme, hook line and sinker courage ," sa\d the father. , · -and hook-and·ladder. Showing pOtential on the track, Christy . St. Clair and other ROtary Club bon \Vas aimed in that direction "for tbe · vivants hosted· a group of MexiC4n health aspect, if nothing eJse," be ·sakl.~ tourism promoters,· W~esday at .. a 1o1 retained her enthusiaam by po~ting frienQ1y meeting genera~ by .the--is- G!""bler'a instinct liu<f up1 Bill • &otl recltlees.. · out her he'11lh anc;J how ~pe -had im-moos Costa Mesa propo!al for I.he u.~" proved." , to buy Baja·Calllomia. , · "Danged· il I didn:t loae 011r tl(ilily in the City Hall next," he mlrVeled as ttle' sharp!lhootlng M~llcanJ.rtjotced, pno'odOrlng the :ba11nCo of .payinftU ill p>.sos:plaster bulls and-rawhide ..,.ia1o.' NEARING RECORD FolloWing a Costi Mesa GoH and Coun· try Club luncheon, ··st Clair Ind the She improved to such . ari, exi(lnf ~~at party of Senor Alfredo Lopei.CuUetrei today she'I running the 50 yard hurdle! adjourned to Kona Lanes bowling alleys "I knew they were nice,. intelltgeill ftlloWs, but I din~ ....UU. Ibey were that lharp," declare!( St. Clair . after the make-believe loiss. in 7.1 seconds. The national record is 10 play a few games of pool. about 6.7, according to Christy. . "You know you .can't play a good ','There's no doubt in my mind that ~..., .. ,.....,,..,l!l!il. !!"'""'l!!lll""""'""'..,1111.,;;.,•m~lillMF Christy is a much happier girl, bas 11'·" ., . .,.. ... ~.r.-:aµMJSilldW:JJ.EZi?!!S!!.aliWM»M-~W a better personality~ and a better mental state of mind because of running. Jt isn't that she's going tO be a world record holder, l'.lut !that Sle will be a healthy girJ'."'.said her dad. Chris ty ran cross country while at Thurston Intermediate School. In her sophomore, junior and senior years of high school she h'!' been one of. two girls working out with the track te8!11, under the direction of coach Jack Lythgoe. She aiso runs with the Long Beach Comets, . an athletic association conslstJng of 77. distalfers. i At lilgb' school t'rack meet&, Chri\ty Is allowed to nm with the boys, although her times don't affect the scoring. "I'd · rather run agafnst the boys," said Chris- ty. "You try harder." So do the boys. Offered trackman Chris Lampert,· "When you run against her, yoff'r'f stoked out of your mind. Jn other words, she invigorates the male compulsion to do better." ALWAYS SCARED "They're always scared when they see me at the sl41'UDg blocks," said Christy, who runs in tbe clruis C bracket. "But_ they're very nice. When they beat me, the guys come pver and say, 'Oh, gosh, ·J ijlought you beat me.' They're really sweet." But for the gurs who finish behind the freckled lasi with wholesome good looks, it's a different story altogether. Stationed lo ~tty I l , ,".; ;, I --'•"'!_ .. •-P Laguna · Coµncilmen . t;JK . ' ' ... , ... -~ .......... . New Ambukinee ·servre~: ""!······ ..... "! .. ' • ff Iii .. + 1d :. ; 1''\' ' I' "'-'""'°""'''" 21'.tt;i;": £!Z').1 !U(;,1!l, ~Cl,lo)!!~(I Lquna Beach councilmen ha~e a~; ~\'~··bbut Jr "0~~· .. :•iec.t.able,t ed an agreement to give the city a ne·w Whfatpn reek~ ~ aervice _nilgbt cod' emetg<ncy ambulance service with •." $%,000 annually compared to '3.008 for -.. La Paz. · ambulance stationed in the city. Wheaton also reported, "Wind would The agreemenl with Wind Ambulance operate CadlllaC ambulances wllh a ~ Service will replace a temporary" agree-one purchased every three yearL La ment with La Paz Ambulance Service Paz would operate a 'crash truck ' vehi· cle." · which also made a pr~!. City Manager James o. Wheaton Comparing the two proposals further,' · · the city manager said WJnd Ambulancea recommended Wind be chosen on the indicated an immediate caVabllity to·pro-bas!s of cost and Qther factors. La v1de service while La Paz ffituested Paz had offered its service of the basis "a reasonable amowrt cl.tJme .. '~. •. • of a flat $250 monthly subsidy. The Councilmen ebole the Wind sen1ct un- city had bttn paying !200. · animnusJy, 1UpulaUng,.only !bat II speQ Wind Ambulance proposed that the out the backµp capabilities of its sef}'iCe. · city pay $25 for each ~llect11~le , Thls referred to additional ambulaoceS city call plus •t per mile. and their availability when one am.- Based on aP'1rox1maWy 150 calls 'in bulance Is in ~erg~y use and men 1961 and the fact that such calls aen~rally victpns are in :,oeed. eome out1an even number. He told me confldenlially . he'd rather look un1olnnt tha~ ri1k • needing .~ eatastro-' pbectomy later on. Do you blame him! Anyway, ~t'• the reuon he'• going to buy all hi• sport A little disa ' . .coall from me from · now on. .,; Swnley Blacker ··•port eoata, S50 to 860. Rat.ner.•port .eooia, $50 to •S1iJ;-tnet.irun, coat• for whi~'jai~Darmo-­ nizlDjJ llaeks in a oolid . ..,Jor '~. . ·-' plus a hit of, data ' ... . . that'• preeiHlly the aame .. one of the colon ·1n .the rpern , "' of the -t. Dean,Pi e sport Adverti,ing, like eblekeJ! liver, be1t I can.·• , ....,.. from SSS ,to f'l'.5 each. • ~an l"t monotonouo. 11 ~t doeon t do mything ,And others, lavi1t.lr hmd tal· , 'E"ve.i 'my adverti8ing? . else, my advetti1ing attncta ·Joritd dear on DP, to 8110. E1Pf~ially any ad\·erti1ing, cuilomel1! ~ho M:ve a_ Ml~ of .Not.b hO,w I wO~e tl;uit lb.. Uke · ·accp~.r~·to 1 certain adver-hwnor. ~IUi the 1!'1Ytli1f.h·? •.iOod .• ci.mmercial ia ,tho 1t1iddle of ti1illg expe·n, -..·b~ 8aid he there an eou!'~ e IUIM in a TV program? could.improve it if ~'d let him ine 0~ '!1] :~ •port ea.ti.be. I could go On~ dd ~1ell you make it mOft dignified; ore , • uy 11' . , about my Gant th~ ot S8 up Well l!"I ding it, which. 11 He cWmt that wearing a to .IO, or niy knitted ohlrt.s ot an old la1hloned expreuion of ~ wl'!j. 111 ::!t Dh~ 0.f 15 up to SIS, or my Don Loper mine•, I ..... '°""'to D)Ake net ten. to .•m llHlri.• 'nee111,~ ~I u ;to SlO. or 4.il' 1bi1 one mOftl dignified: But I pated. Unte.i they ...., doable .tennlo th~ art!> aa.l Sl2.SO, alway1 WllDll" my mind ot the U'!et· In thal eue he maltlpl~ but 1-n•1. I I mm. -·-· by two and for 10me -,...... .Jo.I. __ ,. 81 ....,.. · •'-aL ' ·~:··, l'I ""' ..._ .-..-~•ii ,._..,. -m• · I atk foil. How many ollter .when.be ~~ wal wey aaW•Y• ,..., .... _..MT .. -!'-'lai I w..W.'t. · men'• •lore adt do you wually read! I \lleiJD &om tl!e upper · lell hand ,co•'"'' te tb6 Jo,..,. . right hand corner. · .' ' Thlo ttere h .. P"'llY mnch , the •me ~dite•., o.ny . oiher pd men'• ~re bal. My pricet are the ume a1 theJn. What could thia •t""!' ponlbly haTe that my wont eompetitor doesn't ha-.et '" ' Only me. So I 1ey 10 do the ' -. ·' • • • " . ' -Jack B'idwell • 3461 Vla Udo, jnot hert1nd the Areheo 4"erput o\oer Paelfle Coat Blth-1: Te_lephone 67$4510. Drl•e between Udo Tia-A my 1l<lft A puk la reor. CopfrJgbt · 1969, Joelc Bldwe!L I : 'I I I I ------~ ----------• , , I ' . -r- • - .... .. . ' ., MAl.llOI .. • ~COl~ -. : • Ci ; .. 4:t.: .TREES· t:>fihcWOltLI)' ...... , ...... I -.t _ '-:, O.IAlm4~ · .l ......... Mli-'0-... ORANGE c --o .AST CHT:JR ·CH DIR;E,CTORY- ' ---. . '. .. ' f TRY ' FAllYIEW IAPTIST CHURCH IA. L ~I F1lrvlew Rel. At Folr Dr• '°"'" Mola _ · CHRISTIAN' SCIENCE . ' ;.. -.. . CHURCHES , t A.M.-:-Chu<ch-$chooi 10 A.M.-Worlhlp ... °''"'' -StMttMty C..1111n,., • O.ptfi ltbl1 Shlyo M _vp1 141-4611 t ' . -·--·- HARBOR TRINITY IAPllST CHURCH Int ..... It. • ........ C.... M .. -c.-.·---' IUllCllD Cl' THI · MC!INR CHUllCIH THI ;nm CMUICH °' CHllST, ICllNTIST · , Iii IOITON. llASSACHUsmll_ . ' ' "MAN" Subjei:t of Lesson -March-9 ' &mdq ScboOI 9•46 a.m. Morning Wortblp U:OO a.m. Baptist Tralnlng Uman I p.m. Ev-c servlco 7 p.m. Cost1 Mo11 -First Churcll of Chrlot, S<lonliot · Wednesday Bible study & Prayer •........•• 7:00 p.m. 2111 w ... V... Dr .. C... ..... ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s....., ..... , f :11 A.Ill. . . . • ~ ... , .. 11 A.M. . ' --. ... .••••• ~ Jlil, .... ''-""· !i ''1ili ·SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH , · Hun11nlt0n a .. m'.-Fi,;~hurch otb.;1ir.-Sc!"nll1t .~ 6H HAMtLTO ... COSTA MllA 11t Oltv. •· · ... 11..,. '•" sn .... 1 .. ~•pf cw.11 • ...., I••••• t111•11rtt ~:• S•riday Sdiool •••••,, 9:4S Tr1inlr19 Union • , •• ,, , , • l:OO ...... ... l~I Olh'll ~ . :Morni~t Wenhlp •••• 11:00 w"'..,'"1"!__W1•"'si' ·: · •• · • · 71:0000 Laguna BeRh'-Flrlt Church of Chrlat; Scitfttlti • , l<'t'lll llf OfYICI o • • • • 6J1 tflt' Df: =' ~ f ,._ 6Q..f111 N..., .,_.,.A....... Olnl •.;...,. '"''' f;JI Ii 11:11 If!' ............ 14.......... ~ . . . · · -~-, '. · · ~-l ~~~'"1!~ ~~ ofi chrld, Sc11..L1 , .. -~-' "':... ~ .,,, ~ -.tJJO·•LM:'~ .. ~-" •pr UNIVERSITY 'IAPTIST CHURCH ,I -a -s.r...1-t.11 a 11," ~ 1211 s. L PALllAID ID. I ........... 111 I Vis w. ... IAHTA AMA Hll.wrl , . · ..-.~ 1UttOAY 1CM001. ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,. A.M. Newport Buch·Seconcl Church of Christ, Sctentitt MH.MINe WOllfflP .......................... , ••••••• 11. A.M. J100 pecffk Ya.. DI' .. C...... .. ... ._ ...,,.,._ .....,.. .................................... 1 '.M. C-.. I -Sc• I 11 .A.M , MlDWlllll t•lvtcl WWONllDAY ....• , .......... 'tll ,.M. I •• ' ~LA-......., GWl'VI ..... MHU7 ...... ~ I. C:.-ffwr, ~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· m All ore cordially invllid to attend the church services ; and enjoy the prl"rileces of the Readinc Rooml cww c..-~·· AT ALL s1•Y1ca FIRST CHRISTIAN PIUT - THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Wol-Yov. IT. JAMD. ........ U.., --..... ___ , .... ,......... \-· l) ,....., 11&Jt-ni.n., lilt, ... ..., , ............... "'""'"' -................... ,_ ... ~·-~ . Phono: 675"4210 • '-,. · ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at' Marguerite, Corona del Illar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Daya as announced .... ,, n. ............... _ ..... _,.... ~J ST. JOHH THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundtys 7:30 & 9:30 Cbarch School -9:30 Thunday&: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as lllDOWlced ..... n. .......... w ...... ,. •• _ ..... 141-1126 EPISCOPAL ·" -First Aue111bly of Goel Church 146 E. 22nd St., Coota Mooa 5411-3761 M. C. Cronic, P11tor l•y Nick1 .. 11, Ml11litlr ef Youth 'SCHIDUU OP SIRYICU IAPllST CHURCH ,,_,...., CHURCH Ill-..,.,....,.,..; .. ...,.,,.....,.._ .... ~ Victoria c!:=.tia Ave. 'i CHURCH ' Of CHRIST .. ..., C..rc• ScltMI •lo,,••,••,., , , , . •.,, , , , fill' ..... ....., WllllMp ••••• ,, , •• 10111 •·•· & 7:11 P·• . Ch11Kh Ch.Ir -Sh•rll P•ul1•11, Di,,c.t•r Yltlrera Weke• -N..,., A ....... , .............. 17411 MT.111 .. · ...• ..., • ..,. 0.. ....... ~ .... S&fiMl .~:~:· •• :t tlOAM ~lllf Wer .. lp ;: .l1:11 AM Prerer s.m.. . . • • •111 PM E.-..1111 Wenhlp •• · •• t:tt· PM ~ AVllSIMt et •I ....... 147-4144 FIRST OlRISTIAH CHURCH ~.,',;,.."-'I 217 W. WILSON ST. COSTA MISA ;» I ,. h--·· , llTWllN HA.DOI_. PAllYllW .:,' Ytltll MlllldW • I' ._ w..-.. ~•;,,.,-' SUNOAY MOJllOH'& IIR& STubY ................ ''" 'lM 1-.· .-.1 •• :::::·:::::: ,,,. .:.... SUNDAY MORNINS WORSHIP -a COMMUNION ,, 10:41 '.+M M1n1191 Wllf'INlo ••. , .... 1114'-.-. · SUNDAY EVENINtS WORSHIP , • ; .' ••••••• , , , ••••, 6:00 P:M. :;:r,.~_:::::::::::~:::.:" ~::: WEDNISDAY..EYENINQ, ·•rlLE ·nuoY. ••••••••••••• 71JO ,,.. Nutsecy Care ProVlded' • NUllSllY CAD PIOYIDD - 14M771 Ml-U4t ·-o ...... MrflllrO.W.. • ••• H.nt --I Mio-.._'""' M~-, I W• l•ll..,• 111 Yov •• , . UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST . . , CHURClj I t119 Ylcterl• St.. Codi M••• 1~ 646A652 ' l1F=:====E:::P=ho=="'='=5=4&=·=57=1Tu1=D=·~y=o=r=N=l~g=h'E:::E:::~;~ CfNTIIAL BIBLE CHURCH Mein &: Adarns Streets Huntin9to'n leech M..,,,, w ... M, ··''" ,;,., BAHA'IS l lble Scheel • ·• • • .t iJO PkOCLAIM Emphasizing Y .. tti -..,,. •••• 6:00' PM B h I ' ·11 h Th Plan of God ,,.,, .. w ..... ,, •. ,, .. '" a a u · o -- 1 The :_,_ ~ ~·-._ ,..., ..... _...., _, ,,,., .---......_ .....,.,. c-PnYldM et 11 •rvloM "Th• Prefni1•d On•" The Power Of the "Hofi Spfrit ~;"""'~';.,.~-~·°"'~°";~;';"°~";";-~~~;";'·~ll#l~&~M~'4~t-;20;0;S~~~ SUndrfo'Sc:t.oaiJ /IM . •· • Momlnt Wonhlp ' lfMf 11i:l0 Nol ~ 1 hllrilrts ~ 7 PM 1·; __ ,. JI TlllnWa' lllbl<t Studi " •'\Aft AHEAD!-,; ·;-::;. "' """ 7PM SLEEP ijt-jiNDAY M~iojG! :;:~~=·= . --((o"JdtAlllNHI-!'! ~.-'dalif°""le'""!llld.SI, • . QIMMlllllTV I CAI.VARY CHAN.L ... .;: -..:-: ' ........... ; ~tJ' C'.olta Mm ~ ... I NEWPORT HA7i6.t'~~H~ c'i4U1fiH • -·· ,,_..,L_llC\""".· ' COllGaK~llOllAl ----- -:·" •. -, ,.. i!==.=.==-=-=_,,,==~=:'=::llt._ ·,n :L:J.:.op1 __ .. _________ ' ~ ... --.~<*ltoil••••••• ••-i•• nt1t~wll•••,..~ UUOIOU •. SCllm..E w..........,1 A.M. ClllJll· ... .-64"'*;.•~. -. _,,.;;.,._ 21·, t"!' .., , •201~\t .. t-l11ft.t;11~~••c~· .C•.,.. '· 11tll A.i. .. ~NJ • r'h1tM ~3~t1.lt , Of.P'tlla. .. .,.,. ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~· ~~A~ .. ~lt~'l&'•"f~ Jcea-Miu......, ...... o.c.a. · '· lliOOA .... • 6n:cooo • . ' . ."NUT 'A:~""' I ~ I .. ,,·/".·Pt '"-: -{'Pi;\ ,.. , U<laraor .'y,,iatiati -~~ · · · .~th-~~4.ll~•urches · oe--•G!l' IUCKr-«• 'iW•• -°f-i , " •. :~C,!ste .,_ .. ' ·. ·~ ...,_. STA.Tl UCINSID Pn.scHOO~ Wllllrl-. D....._ ...... a MWJJI HARBOR RffOllM TEMPLE meetf119 1t a St. J1mff Epl1COp1I Church 3209 Vlo Lido, Newport Beach SABBATH SERVIC!S -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL kAlll l•N L•ll«tW 1'01 lfU10ltMATION: CALL '7W4CI . &LAD TIDINGS I ~:,., ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15th &: Monrovi1, Newport BHch "' ......... """' ........ , ' . 646''620 or 546-7166 iTI11M19 1111W1tUt1, '""" -a. MlllM', M-.i Dlrldlr . t 141 A.II. -$....,. lctlHI 11:51 A.II. -..,... y,....,.. ef Jeslll Cllflst" Ke. J • S•rmo11 liy P11fot [ -.,· 1 f.M. -°"1"'9 ~ S..'I ......... . I . · S•MR•n lty P•1ter- . 11 ... 7P.M.-............. M .... Of -c:.ll'4 .. J'IH I • hel., f:JG"p.11, -c. A. S.,.S. ~· ~·~::.r;~ .. ~i:::.: ·' . HAllOR '·AS~MILY _OF GOD : . 741! W,, Wlleon, Coota Motl _ .~t~ L MUTWICI. ..._ CA•L 61NTIY I ~. 14M~' ' I .......... ., Mak • SUNDAY SllYICIS I ' .. : - ... , .......... -s.N.r ...... - ' ca-....... . ' 111H A.M.-"nit.._ WINI OW Twke" S.r-• liy P11t., 61IO· P.M. -, .... s..tee 7100 P.M. -tl••••1&Mrt....,._W ........ ..... _ .......... ,. ..... COSTA Ml'A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Pntl 7-ICP 2 WIW-•I lllLt-a!NC.. .. ......,_,,,.E,. ., ... .,_~ . ...J,t\I•···•·"'"' .....,.. .. -a:. ... C... ........-i. ..... t -"U.""t~Wlll•~•. '••fw ................. °""" Chili.di I -9:4S"A.M: I " ........ ........ .'27,12 c,-·-....... ,. I w•p -10:u A.M.itt -• ~ !""' .... ~,..:Mi , " A-..._ .. .,,... ,.,,.. . 1 RRST CHR1511AN CHURCH -' ...., ~ ........ , '.. • • ~ ....._._ _,....,, ,.~ lf lrll Ml,_,:...._.._ _ _.. Ph~r '4t1.JtJ4 tMt ,.._ Me. l"'-t A M I •al, fOUMJAIN •A.WY • ' --.... 1'"' ----...... ' ' '"'... •---~ ..... : ''W9Q ,,...Meeflllt ..... 71jlPll .......... :~,i ,,,11 AM 1 UHl•llD SElVICf • -IY Sch~ t 1JO-WdlSHIP. IO:JO Miniller: Dr. D. W. McElroy , . -':.=: ·~=4~u:i1 ·.::!i~:.""· ~ .. E. ~~~g-~~-~-~!.-a.-.· :,J~~! .. ~~.-. .,1.H!•, .. o .. N •• ll_i= ==·=·-~-~-·-~ ... =-=-~~~ ' sr: MATTHEW ~u~~ CHURCH • ·--..... ...... Trinity ,, !Ill .... __ ,, • I ' ,.. .. H ...... , ... , . I Ut'llTEO SPIRITUALIST CHURCH I •• ..,,... ; ... ~,I • t1f'WllliJlss•r-.c.. .._ 11 '""IV.IRSwlnTY"!'::!.~....;.... ·, ,. ' ' il-=-" . . 1411---• .. ....,... . . PA"'" ...,nwvw.. r-. '" ..,. .. • ..,, ... ,..,.,. WORSHIP AHD IS p ,,,_, et M•tthtws 111 Ut1lnn1.a.. fark • ' -IMIAfM lllYJCIS JltDAf et till P.M. f \ • • • ., ... ~ I ....., ..... , -1:11,... W9DH"11"-1 U. ...... lfl:••• ..... -..w ... s1•1sf a f&M4U 14Jo6111 '"· H. Nl•fJll•fllto ....... 111·1111 .... ,.,,... -(MW -.... ..... ...,.. I w. .......... ..,. •• Uh •11' ,, ... ltt f /1 •1 I, , I • . _ N~!t Horbor ll!,IWM Churcli -CUii-Dr. IJ'M29.'1 '" 'nit ... ,.w., •. - - n. ~: .... -, l. -..':"' 'il!W --. ......... ,~ .:.:.:.,..,, ....... ..... ICiriMl'f ..... ti•lt1• .... w..-..... ,,,, U,.._IWf .. Nuraeg cm available a{ 'all servicea WELCOME Lutheru Cl.urch of the Momr .:ilooPadllc vmi Dr. CORONA DEL lllAR DR: WILLIAM R, ILLll ,. -""-01 uma. · ,,,.s A.M_.11 •• rry wnr, tr41 A.M-sw.., a.o: s.r...i I ltOO A.M.-F.riive W-.hfp ...., ......... " CHlln LUTHDAN CHUICH '° Millouri Synod '" Vlcterili st. c.tt ,... Whir V. T....,.., PllfW- ---....... . ...... ..,,,... 1111 In A.M.· ..... , ...... t1•AA * ' Mltl-C...NIA.M. · -, . CHouan.,JI. JllllllNT&n: ICHjlOl -, , - -.. ~. 1_,11 -., . -- -'_ :J'Rlf·~-q~ ~~ti L~E~il~~~ M11• Ver'• Orin a l•k1r, Strt.,_~C..t• .M1sa, C.lil. AMDlft C. ANDIUON, ,...., Mor11ll\fWenlll1t: l:CO.t:~•n:• ~ ~ld'llel: 1:-.t;M&11:it Prine• et P•1ce .Luth1r•11 Sclieel -Miu EstJi1r .Ol«A1, ,;,,·cl~I Ofnce Pfle11eJ 14t.0121 . W..J rt..ne1 14t-GJU A Corcfllll w.i.-from THE lllllltD METHODIST CHUROI .. , .... 111.114 CO!if!<IUNITY , MITHODIST CHURCH 111 Af.t. 671·0910 1111 l11fert111I Wonhr, t 1JO Tr14itl•~•I Wenhip ~ Suncl•y Sch•ol C11t• Mes• PIUT UNIRD MITHODIST CHURCH ltth St & HarHr 11"4. WenJtlp a· Clt11rch Sche•I t :JO I II AM 141-7727 Ced• Me•• Nertlt .MISA YUDE MITHODIST CHURCH Me•• V We a •••er St. 14t.J71t W•r1hlp I Chut1lt Scho•I 9:00 I 10:30 AM H1111ti111 .. 11 l••ch FIRST -UNITED MITHODln CHURCH 2721 17th St ••••• 536·3117 ~•rYfce1 -f 1JO I 11 •·"'· NlllWfY itw. JHI tr-'• .. 111 Ctt11rdi ·Schel -t :JO •·ift. Huidl11fhlli l1ach-N•rtli COMMUHiTY . MITHOl!IST CHURC:H . 6662 Hill An ••• 14~.+161, W1r1hl1' a Cltvrch Scheel· 9 & IO:JO AM lrvl~•d l luff UNIVERSITY MITHODIST CHURCH Werdlf, •••• l:JO AM -llJ·l2JJ MMtlllf .....,.,,,ily Ht St, .M•rtc "'•~tl•11 a .r .. i•1tWuff Dr. I J•m••l'ff M. u_~"· •••di LA•uHA WCH MnHODIST CHURCH • 216JI W11ln Or i11 s .......... . . w.r1hip t :lO I 11 AM C!i11rch Sdiool t :JO Aid 499.JOll --------N•w'9rt l•aclt CHilST CHURCH IY THI .SIA 1•00 w. 1.1 ••• 11., •• 673°3101 Wri1, I Ckvtclt Sdeef ·· t 1IOI ll:OOAM PRf:SBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Chlfth "'-bvterlan . 21112 -"" ·-_..........., -........... -.--......, ......,, tiM AM a.. ...... , INI A.II. .OMM Jll W It ...... tllo4MI Chtrrch of'fhe.'COn1•· - ' . c..trl ..................... ~ ..... ·' . ---·--. W ...... 6a...ll\I/ .11AM'· , ....... Ml... '·' !. C0111111U11lty PreslnNrlM. Chlra · 411 ....... ,. ...... w ---~....... . ·~ YlllNlli. ....... ..1 ' w....,. a.. •••• ,, ••• , .... , '' NI. _,_ ·•. ··:·- l ~ I be . .. ... I 11\1 !pl ~I •P •• ,.. hci "' of ~. ct, • • )' J t - -· • • ' L, .l • I PULPIT AND PEW • • • St. Geerge'1.Epl1 cop a I Cb~ F;I Toro, will hold aervlces at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.pi. ~~subject.lo< thiJ wfft ·11 "Castlng~Out · DevijJi \Vith!a Us.·~ , , .. Speaking on "11 Hell Real?" !he Rev. Thomas Ray will ~old -services. at Central Bap- tl1t Cburcb, 7661 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday. Primary .church Is held. at the 11 o'clock hour and nur:sery . care is provided at all services. Sunday school classes for all ages comme11ce at 9:45 a.m. The Training Union is held Sunday ~nings; 6 o'clock. "Great Expectations -1 Declaration· or Jriterdepen· dence,. Independence a n d Responsibility" is the theme of the sem:ion to be presented at the Unitarian Unlversalist Cburcb, 1.259 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. The Rev. Roger T. Walke will present the talk at .the 10 :30 a.m. service. Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., lhe American Baptist Women of The Rev. Henry Gerhard Fountai.D Valley will bold a win S}Jeak on the subject .. Ye potluck ~dinner· ~or ·church Have· Not Because Ye Ask members and-e-o m·m u ntty AmiA" at the ·t.pna Beac• .residents. at -First Baptist Quri:i_ of Religious SCinct CburcJI, Fellowship Hall, 1741~ 2004~~ c.ni!>t!-11 ... <i~ ,"MigiiOlla sr.,)Uiuot;iin Valier. Sernt"ts are ·heta·at g'aild A·t>rogriM 'tf'irrlotfow at 7:30 11 a.m. Junior chµrch .ind . p.m. ' ' · ' high schopl youth meet during the 9 o'clock hour. The church sponsor s lec- tures Thursday!!, JO a.m., at Lei!ure World Clubhou!le Two. The public is welcome. Central Bible Cbu.rch,, 23rd 'Street' and Ofange . Avenue, Costa Mesi; will bola Sunday service!!, 9 and 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. Henry E. Jone!! speaking on "'Who Should Be Married?" At the evening service, 7 o'clock, he w!ll present the third message on the sqbject of · ~hirty-three Miracles of Salvation." Midweek activities, Thurs- day, 7 p.m~. 1nclode Bible :rtudy,' prayllr1 me e\ in g. Pioneer Girls •and-Christian Sender; Bl-igade. CQ!itinuing the Lenten series "Word!! Men Llve By," the Rev. Charles H. Dierenfield will preach"'l BelieveJn Jestis Christ" Sunday, I,· 9:30 and 11 a.m. at St. Andrew'• Pretbytmaa Clrarcll, 600 St. Ancfrew!1 Rold, Newport Beach. Sunday will be observ- ed as ''Girl ~oo.t SUnday" wi!Ji ,.ilrls _and leadei:s at· l tendini ~viqes Jn uniform. Dr. 'P. G. Neumann will speak · on '"'The Exploits of Faith" at 11 a.m. service for Fir1t Baptist ChWlllll and day school\ 301 Magnolia , Costa Mesa .. "Wny a Christian Doe& Not Live a Wicked Lire" is the title Of the Seimon !!lated for the 7 p.m. service. ··-.P I ym•lh Coqreptional 1 CburU .el Newport .Harbor. 1, 3262 Broad ·St..·Newport • Beach, wnt hold senrkes and Sunday school at• 10. a.m. At . the worship hour the Rev . Norman L.· Brown ·will preach ~ "For we Krlow ·in Part." :oi Babysitting ~ service is pro· vided. Nursery care is provided al both hours. ~. The postponed youth Sunday St.' ~ri4 . of y· or le will be ob.!erved at 11 a.m. > Eplseopal Cb~h, c h a p e 1 worship services at Latberan I Lane at Enis, Huntington Church of tile Matter. 2900 t Belich,' "'111 · hold 1 11: Lenten Pacific View Drive, Corona t potluck din'rief. ·Wednesday, dd Mar. Df_ William R .. ElleC I «:3ti p.tn. SL Wilfiid"s Father will deliver a mesf: ' 1!f:ed ! Cal~vwllliri.v,ea.· 1hortaddress on Jerentiah 28:1-1~. 1 .. lied ' Iii-;:, ~· "Thus SaiOi the Lord.' 1 at e ~P~-: . . , ~fid·'!'eek ·Len~, worship t Dilcu.bfQ.a, 'w>U c ·e n t e r co~tjaues oo WeQpesday,. even· It; aroca ... .'The. Science 0 f ings, 1;:J:b o'clock .... '·'Lil'e,', ~ fl Praytt·., dalivered. by Paator Pteparat1on to Meet God t!I • Ernt" • Pate, at H1t1tht1• •. the sermon ·&o,ic·this·week: · 1 • Beacll Cburch trl ReticJoa Sdffct, 420 Tenth SL thia As part of a program on Sunday. 11 a.m. ' different religions, me:tnbers · 1 Friday 6:30 p.m. the church . of ~ Untt.ar.lla • .uamnaJJ1l 1 will bold ttS monthly pplluci: F~llowdrlp ff Lagun• ~cb dinner at the e h u r c b · wtll h!4f a talk on the Book 1 &pc:mMH'ed 'by the Women'~ of Mormon.", The meeting will 1 Guild. The 11ew meo.'• group • _.be ~tld IU:j30 a.m., a l wilJ hold their, ·first breakfast . >tm,r1can Le110.a Hall, Legion ; meeting, nut-Saturday, 1:30 St;'Se" A JI• warenesa" workshop will be led by l!jllhe QJiinn 11 the I P·IIJ· -ser\iiCe •. " •• Wll\•l~bytmoa a..rdl, ·'40 1W. Willbire Ave., Sin~ Ana, wtU parl!Wati In a pa'itdr exeliaiige Pn>aram wiUJ a Scotland cburr.h. Santa , ,Agl putor, ·tfii Rev. James .A. limier, will be In Scotlond 1 unW J¢1. • lt8t:-The Jtev. Allslair M.-·'1lherland will tllh over the' paWal dutle.s 11 lh• santa Ana church. ·- 11 10 a.m. Cburcl\. ochool and chlk( Ci!A-11 pmlded IL lbt_ -hour. ~ewport UnitJ Church'• con. gregalion will hear the Rev. Loren Daie Flfdklnger speak on "A Step in the Right Direc- tion." Sunday, 10 a.m. Services are held at the Senior Citizens' Center, •15th and t r v I n e , Newport Beach. Pastor Flick- inger wil l hold a community '•singspiralion" Wednesday. 7:30 p.m., also at the Senior Clt~ns' ·Center. . Pre-ES:ste r senno'ns beg in this week at Foadtaln Valley Presbyterian Cburcb, 9 4 2 O Talbert Ave . Thi!! Rev. Stanley P. Allen will deliver the first of four , entitled · "Barabbas or Jesus," at the 11 a.m. service. The ·serond "March-to . Surt-· day School in March" pro- gram will commence it the Sunday school hour, 9:4$ a.m. A rec<ird enrollment wils se~ lasl week. Following the YPX m~eting,' ' 6 p.m., Pastor Allen will hold a .. '!&i"I and !ltudJ" hour at 7 o'c~k. DiJcussion will center around "The Fourth Shortest Book of the !Ible." Third · Sunday of Lent services al st. J\.f a r k Pmb,U:rla11 ·cb11rcll will be built upon the I h e m o "involvement : N 1' where, "Such a multifold universe. such a multifuld life, despite all the unanswerable questions they raise.,~ seem ~9re con· sonanl wiiji the ~'I af a creative and imaginative God than any Garden or Eden." Nothing and In .No Way." Clo•e• Coidn Pastor James G, Kirk will ~ deliver a sennon and the.choir The Rev. W l l 1 ~1n will aing at the JO 1..m. G r a n ~. ipeaking at HTVice. Church school-is held Sunday's 7 p.m. serv .. al this hour for eh~n ice, will close the Fifth Ulnlugb 1ixlb grade. A n n u a I MlHlonary A 111e1qpeau,. wlll 1ddrt$1 Coolemice at Warner the coogl'egaUoo 1t the I A e t I t 01dock evenina '11ryice. venue ap 1 Antonio A. Mediria, a man Church, \Varner ~Av&1 who h•• worked clOl(ly with nue at Gothard Street, Mexican • .A~ cltiuns, ·1Huntington Beach. He will 1pe1t on "Renewal in is a· missionary ap- Re.vohdJon ... Medina says his pointec and hopes to talk will deal with the "tradl· serve in Brazil. Uonal policy of 1lbtown' In--===========J vl&lblllty In the Southwest r which has beetl revealed · throqh <>let of Inadequate education, lnadeqUate ularlts and lack of Job opj>ortunlU""" DilCUlllon wlll loRow Ills lllk. ' - THE BEST Jlttcft,,h;p !It • f I 1 ,,,.,. '""•1111\tJ,. 'f1 '"' ef the werl~'• "'''' poplll•r ce111ic 1trlp1. -••4 lt '4'•0r 111 fhi D'ATLY PILOT. • ONLY PILOT 5 ... -----. Chore_. Today: B-gB~S;ines• . -. l!--.~ --- .... ~ .. ... ' . -' ~ .... .. ·~" ........ • ' •• • ,. ' . .,-.. Tatameut Ptopbd;e,"' a a ei&J>l.w .. t count coa4acled by · Ille &v. Rtr)lrl Niermann; brtufattb Lnnry, 7'15 p.m. -. !!Un!ia,. ;...: I i; ~.th 111 n ~p -~·&"'I ,_ mlljli'!ll: · eamnm .• ~. 10:20 1.m.!'.--.~-- Tbe lnlerf~I> ind 'Cmpua Advance. room• ·ar•~··Jtnttd 'Jn the'~own Cent..-1lulJdln« across . from the UCI campus entrance. i I ' · Mesa Upholstery Uberty 8-4781 nu .flllWl'OIT nn. The · things~we:d•41e.o - I . . - . ' . . LO§tiAa 7~ $~. .UD &OAJll AllOCMTIOll 26o °""" ~-­......... Blldt. Cal~ Tolt!lboiw 49$7541 • • ~ .. l ·' • J ' with pl~ I liJce providing free pa'obt. of poppy 1eed1 to help beautify our a•mainn. itt-aild celebrate tho 2DOth OllDlvtnaf of Californla'1 l!nt Mlloion. The poppleo~eafg. nated our State'• official Bower in 1903, 1re belnJ p!llD!ed b7""" chlldron In. achoola ·llld elsewbme lllr<mahaat the COUllly. The larpat ... flnt ••• atrollgeat fncf.peru!. mt Fedml ln 0mip County, Lqmia Fedml Savlnp b11 worked for mare than a third· ceDturf to imp~e out cbmmunitle .. while providing fundl for homo ~ding. OD.d hlsh- in~e aavinp _plans. . . Three.·oliioei.to l8rn Orange Cmm!J . .•• : o~ ~I which ~ Ins tb111 a half.hour&.,.. Wb'19 lQ\1 llve or ""rk. If you ~le 1.eAiaFederal Savinp, )'DU'lllhv!it Iii~ - Laguua F~ Savlnp. LARGES'l' ••• riRsT ••• STRON~T • I i I i ' t ! ' I I I • ' ';>""-------·~----...... ..------- ... I GAILY 'IL4T ... -._,.,C-5C". _._1,,.. ...... ~.-:1') T ' ' < I ' • \ , I• • l - ; 1 I . -, . th~ Cllls·sroom? • ID ' Much · ';tTanllIY ~-~ife' . ' i:•t• l' -~ -,, ''t ' J Gayer: 'Who Taught Me · A.'bout Sex' j ' Welch: 'A Filthy Comm~nist Pl.at' Bl DIXON GAVEii Wbort did \'llU i..m'1bout rki' Thi r• ,,. ............ " 1a "'° pUb ochoOll -the _ ... .. )lomelbtng dlrty, ~ evil and lzn. ll>oral, eometbing <tOlm!lted-le. tum ~ people Into ~ .wtlb • """"'·-nilDdt liil ...... """ 'They ere borr11W au1•111ooptt11a1 udenta may be al!olftl•plctum or that ..., may be 11 .... fo!:luol In!~. F te1 acts, ·on sex hmlpps. on 1t1 .... and dan'll, ... ,.uinc a!Cllll .w. omlll parlnef.' Somo U1 111!£ ,the "' tbe onI1 Jlfoper ~ , ... teadllDg of .... ' ' ., man. Jt came from drunkJ on the air.ta 'l'hc .. ll!or fl a ._ ~. .and "guy1" wbo pl<k up ·.YOWll male columllid 411<1 editor, . ...,., a. prof<,. hfteh-lilkers. It came fnim a visit wtlb •or of jo11malllm al C.Ufomia Stole aome college pall to a broibeJ or iwo C~ge, Long Beach. ' where I didn't even 10 to &he room • I • . on the .cotler1tor, and alm1ul the e1r, the tcbooll began teachina 'idriver'• education." Insurance companies were delJabted and offered a .Jower rate fer teenqers · •bo bad pa..ed tbe public ochoOI driver lrllnlng pn>f1111D. ' wlth the girls becauae I wU •1chlcken" -but l learned lbou\ a new kind of woman. It came &om b0oks1(medical •"" smutty); from a perade or characters I don't know tJIJW aod .pro- bably never knew.• Where did YOU learn about 1ex? By BOllEllT 'IVELCJI We u.'e .llven 'lllllcb tbOupi to, and dllcu.ued wfth eevual capable advllon, tile name lllO'l'OREDE. 111 ori11n and 1Ignlflcanee . ere bes! lbown by tliinldog of ti u MO. TO-RE.DE, standing for the --t ,To Ree1ore Decency, Whfla lberi.1111 i.en ..... ~ .there II a m.ng -.that the name pr .... 11 eompre1-Ively and Ye\ ~what "'e are OCloally teyinli . lo do. , ' ' ,,,.,,. !nlllt · M ~-leldi!IP :.... ... be lell le the iiclnl, ""'" modiir .. ..,... fatbef ... ' "lnlllll" Iii - Wbal be(ID .... 111111tutlon to·- the thrte R'I now teaches eveJ'Ythln.lf: lnw cllrfnel to callltben1ca, from G..0 to general adenct, from ArlalOllt to· -auto mecMnk't, from tz1aonameU'1 to typlnc, from -to ••• oopo, tbefo'• PERllAPll ;rBERE IS snmethfng •Iii ID Family Llle education. Pe,rbapo lheiO -•Ung teacbul and bloOd·lboHyed admlnlstraton tbe erttlca talk about really are aer flenda In disguise - ar .,.. trying ln aome tl Hll•tklg way to turn the nation over to CoJ:nmuniJm (&1 the critics of "sex education" aay). In tecent .yearl , there have betn Orianized m~y Rpltale leagues. CQm. mittees, and UIOClauons to 9ppc)se 10D1e ·particular l'Jl"dl of the growjng ID· decency In American· Die. For the field is very .large. on~ every side we see the breaking dDwD of modesty, of cleanlfnesa, of good llUllUltll's, of good taate, of moderation . In appetites, of restraint in behavior, of morality and tradition. and of all \bOse attitude! which dil!Ungulsh civilized man from pre-- rs tbe rig)ll lllCllal OOllOIPll to than tn1t1ncttfll7 mow, booor, tllll1llllenland . 1 Wbo tqbt y;; -Mil : A PARENT WAS BOlllUFIED at one meeting lo -tbe ... pro. In a local ochqol dlltrlcl wbeo . an! lbat bo.......nly Wll dJlcull. penJy In tbe clu8room. ~• Replied a spokesman !or the l'"'I"'"> e find that 1111111' boys dlll1q ·their ly years have at least one bomoaexual ~· ... try lo help tbem Ill> ~ that lbll -not make tbem • bomoomlal ml we refer tbem to k -(la tbe 9tb fl'ldt) belpo llllin -...... t8Qlht YOU aboc!I bomnsnnaI"1! t lNCBEAllNGLY Tiii: IC:lll)(U 11 .. 1 1ieen uked to Uamna al>Ul•tioaa wblcb llieretofon ·)lid --"""" by tbe flmfly, Finl, jnbably, WU holMll'klnl for lbe Clrfl (a kind of Family Llle program, iOOdenlaily) -with cooking, ~11 groom.In&, etc., U . part Of the l:urriculum. ;, And when II became obvioua lo any lldult driviDC a car that loellagers were loamlng lo drive by getting behfM lbe ' -. tunmJg Oii tbe i,ntttoo, lteppbii that word •• , aex. ' Bui tbe llmole hlcl II that in I jel-qe world, puen!I have . neither the 11mt nor the tncltnatlon &o teach Jheir daaabtm to nm the Zig Zag, their IOlll lo fir tbe ..-. their dauihlerl lo Id tbe table and eat with tbe rip! fork, their -lo nm the quarter mile or bat. a ball. And they c1oni have Ille time or tbe lncllnatlon (or oflen tbe knowledge) to Ieacb their cbfldren about drup, about divOrce, about the unromanUc Ii.de ol sex and family llle, about reproducllan, about shifting 1ear1 (either mechanically, mentally, or malrlmonlally), about IO llllJlY of the thfnp they mull know -and Ibey WILL know -lf not from parents, II DOI from achoo!, then from IOlllOWbere -perhaps Ille gutter. M one who bu ~ntJy undqone a pabifu1 divorce, too long into Hie, . I wllb 10meone bad told me what THAT Would bring. AND ABOUT BEX-~ tangbt ME! My sexual anthology bad meny mange and aomeUmes terrifying IOW"Cel. There wu no "author" I could really trust. It came from burlesque hot11e1 and high 1ebool romances. It came from a brazen YOUJli 111!1 and • ....tilve veey young Perhaps children 1bould never see pie~ tures of 11ex Clf'&&nl or the sex act. Perhaps they lbou1d thlDk only that ... bu 80metblng to do with bees gettln1 pollen from the flowers. Perhaps dad and MOMS (Mothers Organlud for Moral Stablllly) know best. PEllllAPS IT IS BECAUSE I am a part of the "Liberal Eslahfilbment" and have belonged to sucb ruped front «Pniu.tiom as the PI' A, the N aUonal EcWa!lfon Auoelallon, the CrA, and evenBIDkAmmcard. Perbap« fl II because my chlldrtn are not ln tbe' program and, anyh<iw, they en loo old~ and ti la loo late. Bui lf the ocbools -God Jqve them -are wtlllng to talk aboilt the com· plexilfel or aer and drugs and tbe draft and marriage and divorce IDd bow to clean your 1ln8""'•lls, !'ID Willing to buy the whole package and lake my chances on the beady-eyed teacbtr in· atead of the beady-eyed Bircher. But, then, I'm not really the one to say. We all have to" make our own decilions. Where did YOU learn about aex? pastoral aboriglnes. · One most urgent requirement la organited, naUonwide, Intensive, anvY and determined oppasition ttWhe. now mushrooming program of so-called sex education in the publlc 1chools. Various stages of the program have already been imposed on some five to ten percent of the schools. Deep.laid plans have •been carefully initiated to 8pread this subversive monatroaity over the whole American educational system from kindergarten to hfgb acbool. ·But a preponderant majority of tbe American people ~ not yet even aware of this fillhY Commun:,y~t, of the tremendous drive that ls it, or of ill triple algolflcanct. THE LEADERSHIP of the forces pro- moting thia program hp, been assumed by a new organization called SIECUS. The initials 1tand for "Sex Information and Educational Council of the United States,'' which was established In 19&f. Giving massive support to SIECUS, of course, as to practiCally every pro-Com- muniat influence or acUvjty at work on the American educational system for • ' Meet a Police Reporter With the Imme Track. WICKS LOOKS AT Man in Space · roar years ago the Village of Wen .. ....... Ohio, populailon 4000, hired Rudy llllllllAM .. chief of police. ' ,,. village bun't been the ume since. fta one-time farmer and former •pant on the Oberllo Police Depart• ineol thought he bad a problem when ~took over. · ''The department had a blact eye," fie Nici. "So l atartad writing IDf column u a tind of public relaUOM thin& to lbmr peopJe the police weren't riding around all the Ume, or 1ltling on their CID drlnting coffee." Tbe e<>IUDlll, printed weekly lo the Wellington Enterprlae, II called "The Pollce BIDtter," A typical uample of his entriis: "May 13--8:07 p.m. Gu llllfon called, bad ID Intoxicated person blDglng aroand. Officer checked per!on out-just a hobo. He was given a ride the shortest way out of town." Neumann doesn't like to Ult names unless It's an auto accident or the people are trom out of !Olm. "Hell, he ·don't need to," 1ald one villqer. "He talU about ooe -t and then'• only three bouaeJ on that street ao everybody knows who he means." FOB THREE YEARS the column sail· ed along without trouble. Then, the Yillap eouncll decided Iha! the coltnnn was too rut Charles Griste, ovroer of a dru& store Jn town, uid some of tbe councilmen thought a continuing in- cident reported in the column wa11 giving the town a black eye. Coaneil voted 4-2 ln favor of telling the ddef to cease wr111nc ii. He dld. Gr!ata dldn't agree wllll c:oundl He started a pet!Uoo 1nd 1ot about 200 elcno"ire• before eouncll nopeoecl Ille qu-. IDd took a new vote. Look .Up, Ivan "This Urna It was sis to nothing to have it reinstated," Mayor Robert L. Young said. "l like it • , • It has Ill good pololl.'' NEtJMA.NN resumed the co1mnn and he haan't •topped writing it since. He'• somewhat handicapped because ht lost finger• on h!11 right hand ln a com pk:lter 10 years ago but Neumann type1 with real CODCeZ1traUon. Neumann, 42, concedes his department Isn't any booming business. "Our biggest case since I've been bert, was when we put a 19-year-<ild lad away for posaeasion of narcotics and uing them with Juveniles,'' he said. Neumann i1 married and bas five 41 children. He'• bil on 4H club work and started such clubs both here and at Oberlin. "I like tida," he: said. "l usually give talks to the kids about to enter kindergarten. I try to impress them with the law. There isn't much you can do about older people, but the kids 1n1 the country'• future leader1 and you can impress them." "Sure they know who the chief writes about," Gri1te aaid of the townspeopl~. ''But he's a good, sincere man •• , a man with a sense of humor." John CJark, a tavern owner, said the column iB a new form of law en· forcement. "Because of that man'! column t believe the same people don't appear twice," he said. 1'1 know l'd avoid it. Once is enough. .. ~Editor & Publilhtr Ma.gazi'ne l! W,\a<. 'lt'1 Mllllt1 Cllllrol. Otr .,. .... ,, ~ .. "''" llCllld tr tit• ••nafacllnn!' 0 ,,. 'Dn't 11111 llral" ~---------Our Jlfaa la San .Frandaeo ----------~ f;aen You Top The~e? '87 HERll CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -J1ct Abad, .mous 1tudtnt ot cotumnr, thtnU our PP! (pun!'ptr-ltem) average Is alltio1ntr. "and alnce tbe PPl la tbe cofiimiiisll• ERA, pl-dO _,.. llllnt'. •. DU,, )'OU bMrd about Her· man OooemockfV, the flmoul pl1no tunert-When be wu Mked to tune c:s tbe -time, bl refused, out that •'()ppenioctity tunes ,..e" (don' bllnle 111e; blame Ol1de Brebm) ••• You bean! ebout tbe lllplng Fr<ncbman wbo olfered Hoory l'lllda a DRINK! Henry ,... fllHd. pleodlng a -k heart, where- upon tbel'rendnnu lllped: "Abslothe makea tbe bear! I""'" Fonda" (Jolla A. C:. Blneham II hOpollalble) ••• 'l'o I ~ Wbo WU tlo!r In reaching for· tbe 1....--11 l'oollllll Collete, Ruth Dahl Jnquired: '-sufterinri from a r • a c b Jm. ~f" ••• And .... tlwt'• our friend Jacob, who'• In Cowell Hosp. in Berkeley, suffering from mononucleosis. 0 8ut it could be worse," he 'phUosophlzes. "Suppose I had it In atereo?" THERE'S NO reaon you should rtmember Herb Willon, buL he w11 fairly memorable as criminals go, and ts criniinals go, be went all the way, An ordained preacher Jn the 19201, he ooe day turned In his Bible on a gun and went on •· great apreo of bulle14praylng banditry - ending up in San Quentin for a long atretcb, part of ll on Death Row ••. When be was rele1sed, he moved to C.ada, where he wrote two books -"f Stole ft! MIUlon Dollars" and "Nrues, AU of Ua" -and w•" bua1ly wrilfnl a thJnl wbeil' he died r lliort Ume back. Lael monlh, Dr. Leo l!llnley of Ftlrla, San QuenUn'1 fllDld "Prllon doc" Jor decides, rec'd a lollor lnw Wiison'• 'l!fd••, reading in part: "You and San QuenUn were very close to bla heart. He told me loilg before he died that he wanted his ashes scattered in lhe front flower garden at San Quentin. Is lb~ possible?" •. , Doc Stanley wrote back: "SOrry. It's against the Jaw." Too bad. Herb Wilson would have enjoyed disappearlng the way he lived: Illegally. THE "MAY Be Huardous to Your Health" warning on t Jg are t t e packages Is milder than the tobacco 11 suppooed to be. Are Ibey afraid to come right out and aay c--r?? I LOVE IT, I IDve It: Burllogame beauty, about to marry a prominent New Yorker, told her parents proudly: .. And anolhtr wonderful Ull.ng about him -h< doesn1 'drink.'' Father, su1p~ciou1J7 : "WMl ii ht, an alcoholic?" SIGN ON a Buth SI. bar: "Cloled due to Uln~. I'm olclr of the plact.• Mr. W <Ith u fOU11dc·kader tmd polictl-maker for the John Birch S0o dtt11. The11 comments· are -iakn from the Jonuary JBS B.ulleti~ which. kt tDrlter and tdit1. a generaUon, bu been tbe powerfbl Nallonal l'!dueallon Assodailon. As you would expect, . the Naijonal Council ol Cburehel is twly represented · In the cainpalgn. The program 1 s en- th"!lullcall~• .. ndorsed by the NaUonal PTA, and by all the usual run of !he leftlat orgar}lutiorul,.PubllcaUons, and in- clivlduall whose chief Interest Is In eithtr pornography or "educaUon," or in com· bining the two. Alld of c:ourae bolh the U.S. Office of Eduta.Uon and the Office Of Economic Opporllmily are 1,111ttln( milU0111 of dollar• of your tax money behind the program. . Wt can wure you that dUs whole lcbem .. i!, from begJnnlDg to end, In eieeution and in purpose, lln\l)ly a part ol tbe oveND Communist design. We do not have room here, and it Js not even necessary, in support of thiJ asser. tion, &o 10 into the tnown Communist b~ounds or afflliaUons of so many of ihe leadera in the movement. So let us swnmarize tlle three major vl&Jble Communist objectives as auc-- cincUy as we can. (I) THIS IS A FINAL wablt upon the famUy as a fundamental block in the 1tructute of our clvililaUon. Wt have tried to make clear many. timea that the Communilll almply muat destroy all real religion (loyally to God), the nationally independent state (loyalty lo e<>untry), and the family (loyally to its me:mbers} before they can ever impose and maintain their tyranny without resistance. (Z) THE PROGRAM IS designated to destroy one whole generation of American youth (with aimllar programs doing the same thing in othel countries). If and u it Js allowed to develop to full :size, and be applied to our whole school system, lhfl purpoa< and proepoc:l will rapidly (~ too !ale) beeoma ob- vloua. ~ A vilal part ol the Communlsl 1lralegy for subjugation of ~can people ls· lhe brealdng do of lbeit win le res1at. Many forms preasure have been pl8Dlled, and being uU!hoed, le contribute lo that· ta! allltude of defeaUsm, despatr, and reaicnaUon. Most _Important among them is simply the eroSion of American character throuch the total ·effect of abrasive influences and activities. (3) THIRD, mnong the moat important of these purposes, Is to · beJii all of the other forces at '!!Ork to deatroY. completely the ·very concept of morality. For once man can be brouibt to believe that nothing i! really either lntrlnalcally good or evil, then be soon cornea to feel that nothing else really matter1, .,eept lo feed bis appeUlel by 1DY means that be can, and to avoid Pain -by . torture or othuwiH -to the best ol his ability. The teenager in a high school where the sex education program is in full away finds bimself (or herself) subjected tG almost overwhelming pressures on the side of evil Sex is made an ever .. present obsession by courses Jn the classroom and by the whole atmosphere of the school. The .strongest temptation known to man Is thus constanUy preylng on his mind, at an A~ wheri the clvllhed sublimation of sex ahould be turning bis mind &o objective accompllshmenta. • Which brings us ' to the question (If what we can do about ft. ot what cur MOTOREDE Committees, onf8" formed, can try to 'do about it. And the core of our effort, as always, begins with infonntng ourselves. It then goes on to the job of informing and awakenJng others, and to action programs deitlMd to off!et or to eliminate the evil ·which we oppose. So Jet'1 begin here by ac- quiring some knowledge, with detailed and factual information, ~ just how evil and exten11ive this "se:& education in the schools" plot really Is. Get-T,ough Drug PolicY, . -. .. .. ' . Getting a Second Look It is no exaggeration to aay that tru5tees of the Groumont Union High School District ere delicately poiled In the middle of a teeter-totter with refer- ence to their policy of expelling sludenls involved in drug or narcotica offenses. Once there was 1eneral agreement -perhaps it wu only an absence of dlagnement -that the board had no real alternative. But as the number of expulsions grew to nelrly 200 students in two years, objections to the policy multiplied and many people began to wonder If there wasn't some other way to handle the problem. The Greater Grossmont Federation of Teachers (GGFT) last week proposed that "reassignment" be substituted for expulsion and called upon a fonner sociology professor1 a psychiatrist., a behavioral scientist and a psychiatric social worker to bolster Jts contentiOn that the present policy is hannfuJ and Jneffective. UNFORTUNATELY the GGFT position paper overstated and, ln some cases, misstated the fac ts. It made the flat assertion, for example, that "the expelled student's education stops." That may be true for some, but <:ertai.nlY not for all. One of the district's own aurveys &howl that of 47 studentl expelled there were 23 who received some kind :.of ln.ttruction. - And GGFT's claim Iha! if all aludtnta Involved with drugs were caught· and eapelled there would be fewer Iha• 2.000 out of 17,000 students left la t.be classrooms iJ: simply prePosf.erous. A confidential survey taken in three high ecbools revealed that 77 percent of the students bad never experimented wiUt marijuana, 80 percent had not in- dulged in the use of pills, 91 percent had never taken an hallucinogenic drui · Yet GGFT, despite its exaggerations, made somt very good ·points. And so did the professional people who but· lmsed Ute GGFT po.1ition. TO US IT HAS always seemed unfair Utat the educattoo. of students expeRed from Grossmont district high gchool should become la many casea the burden of other 1Chool districts. (One of the allernaUveo open to the -Ued l!\!ldent Is to go knocldng on odiool doors In other dlslrtcta wllll more lenient policlea toward narcotics offenders.) Those who favor the present poUcy usually do so because they •ant dhlg and narcoilca users separated from the rest of the student population ao tbelr lnfluence on otber....C:an be minimized. That 11 ain unilerstandable potition, The aim tben 1bould be to IJOlate the offenders whlle dolnR everything possible to rdlabllltale and iiloeate them. OOFT ~ doing this by No 1chool district in the nation rt· 1ponded more directl11 than Gro1,. mont High School whrn parentl de· manded "get tough" polidt!'s on drug use on campus. Jn 1hort, tiit San Diego County district ezpelltd all . 1tud11tts involved in drag1 in almod any way, Thi! commtttt on tht!' poUcy .. appeared a& an tditorial in the Et Cajon Dailt1 Californian la.st wetk- about one year after the ezpulriom beoan. "rea11Signing'' all •iOlll offenderl - malnly the repeaters -to a sped.al class housed in a portable building and taught by a home study teacher. FIRST· TIME OFFENDERS w 11 h otherwise good records wooJd b a suspended for one week and placed on probation for a year. They woold be required to report lo their coumelon at least once a week. ViolaUon of pro- bation would resuJt in immediate reass.ignment. Somehow this seems like a more enlightened approach to the problem than the present one which still bean the onus of indiscriminate erpu]slon. No mat· ter how it is sUce<t, there i! no way ln which mandatory expuhion for every l offanae c;in he lDgically ~ l')mfaii-I ment must differ with the draunttdoes 1 or punitive action doesn't ,tnake any I sense. , GGFT's plan would cost IOqle ~. f1 a commodity aJwayt in short. 'lllPP.11 I In the Grossmont di.strict. The qu8atlOa ' is how much. As the time for budpt 1' hearlngs approaches, the amwer may I be forthcoming. . 1 Said .Stuart Rubine, pres\dent ot 11 GGFT: "I would rather pay tees to J rehabilitate these students than to in· 1 carurate them later." 1 Most taxpayer1 probably feeJ the same I way. The policy m..t likely lo keep I these studenb out of jail Jn the futm't I is the one that is the least expensiVe. : ' I .--~~~~~~~~~~~1 I ,, ------: I Sotumy, Mardi 8, IJClt ' 'i'he eoinmmt Page o1 th• Dally Pilot •Hk• to Inform and' . s1:19>ulate r~era by presentliig a v'anely of CGID-mentary on topics of lntat' es~ alld slgnlll~CI lff/D! Informed obael'\IMI • .,, d 1pokesmen ... Robart N. W.Md !'vbll .. r ' l I I I I I 1: ·~-------~ ...... , l .I • r ,, " I I• I I I I I I i I ... I Aaa IAtldert ,Ileaµing 'Aids: rrove Helpful , ' OPBI DAl.f fO-fO; SUll. 10-7 DEAR ANl'l LANDERS : I am· wrtllns in behalf of the ••tlmatld.U, to 20 mlllion AmericanJ who. auf; fer • hMrinJ Ioli. One oart of "'"'Y IS AmerlcPJ la h"""!:f.ped ·by deafness to 10me desree. Al cae of llie cted I am pleadlnf to be ineluded In the . human-rice. • '1 I .. s • ...,.-a,H69 ' • COSTA ' MISA ' ONL Y-'-""'---1 · llllto Ktller who wu· botb·-------- bllnd ond dUf nld 11 Ille hod . l>er choice, Ille'· W...ld rathor have boarlq than '"'41. " PEAR ANNJL\NDDJ: I bow YCM1 tel' U..•1nda ·al · letters every dly a a d mry!Jocly. -to ... illl letter In ~:· I -YIMI con'I prllll tbem UNDA¥, MAR~ij 9, "' .. ._.im.nt, tum .. y~ TV and 1um all the sOwid. You will then un. dentancl how fruatnU., ii can. be when one is unable to jllal' what Is being nld. Ill, but I do bOpe and JlrlJI YCMl'll print mine. 11'1 a lltler to lftJ -. Here ll< IOme helpllli 11111· geJllons for lhooe w1M> live DEAR DAD: YCMl'rt not with a deaf. ~ or Gne home yet and tt•1 tbrtl houfl who II bard al bearing: peat dlnnerllmt. I kllOlf wllat (I) Get hil attenUon btloro !lappened. YCRI Pt to di1nlilnc YCMI speak. Touch him 11 • with tbe guyl and !all track -.ry. al the llo>e. 11'1 tbe ..... (I) Speak llowly a n d •lpty ftve nflbll out al oaven. clilllncllJ and Ult YOW''lipo. 'l'omarrow .mornilll YCM1 will (S) Doo'I lbout. It d<ieln't drq )'OUrltll out cl bed, <Olll· help. . plato about •. -and (f) UIO ahort .oenttncto. 10 to cburch and lilit boly. (5) Include him in the con· ·Mom never complalna but venaUOn when thera la .. a I ·-ihal burl 1"'* In l>er l1'0UP · eyu when YCMI 1....r ad ;ioD (&) S. poUont Ind npeat at her. She 11 ltlll very p<elly if necelaaey without show of and could make some man ........itoo. Remember, but • very rood wife. So wake for the croce o1 God, K ""11d up, Dad, or YIMI will find have· happened to you. . yCMlflOll mirm one wife and -S.O.S lour children. DEAR S.O.S.: I jut 1rW lM TV ..,..r-t ud H ta. ---"*""'™ _..,,.. nut _,.. fw • -i lao lonWlvt ... --· ... ~""'" .. _ Jtb. I -·1 mitt It. -YOUR SIXTEEN:YEAJI. OLD DAUGlrl'ER . DEAK D..\UGBTD: I'• ""'... ,_ . -... .... _ ... ....,. ........ "'° .... H .,.·-· '"8m11bt1, ..... Gii ltUer -fw .. T" ' ·• SPRING TEHNtS CASU~l.S ., 1.00 . ·Our ftetr. J.98 • s .......... ,. Cotton canvas or Dacn>nil polyester uppers.I Arch •uoports. Machine washable. Bouncy colors! 5-1 . •TM CW'Mt c;e,..,,lln 10" TEFLON SKILLET 0.r ftetr. 1.77 s ........... ,. 1.43 New durable hard c o .a t Teflon~ "Everclad". Cooks without oils or !al. Lets you use metal cooking too!J. 9TM Dul"lnt ~ llm!M .-rrttty. H-.... II ••i.t.. Sti,..,, Owlv All PUIPQSE NYl.l* TAfffTA Slll1 JACKET 2:22 · ·c .. ..,e ltt . Men'• ,popu]ar jack~b ~ , ·reinforced, colorfl.at. St,y!e hu spreed collar. Hanc:bome colors! S·XL. 9'x12' RUG-BOLD COLORS Our ftt!9· 28.18 22.44 S11nd•• Onlt1 Full ~ ru_1 adds a warm decorator touch to your rOom. Quality made with continuous filament nylon for slrenftb, long weir. Colors Include red/black, gold, avocado, many others. • . .. • . . . White, Versatili,. Cofo:rs ·SWEATSHIRTS OF : conoN ACRYLIC Ber. 1.71 to 1.97 1~44 ... ' . . RUIB BAni .MAT I . -W~. ~ViaJ\\lli:pnco~odable~Joq,.~ shOrt-oleeved ..,.weallbirts. ·'Whitt; lfillda';-pba •tripes, novelty types. Cbarge ii! S, M, L; XL. -.. ' WITH RRM fOOTI\16 .r---.. ~-----, ISSAff.~ ·. ' I • Old World Meditetranean Spaniah Furniture OYU SIOl,000 JNYINTOllT TO C:HOOSI PIOM DICOUT\l!I CANCILLATION ... RITUl:NI PIOM MOO;IL HOMU DICOaATO•I DltlAM HOUll ON DllPLAY itenq u follows: Geor•eous I ft. cuttom quilted 10!1 with separate !OOH pillows with heavy oil trim decor and matching ebalr, s matching oak occ .. lonal ~bl .. , (2) 68" tall dacontor lamps, hlnlinc chain .,.., lamps In wrought iron, an a pl-tine oht ·maoter bedroom llllte In pecan panelled Medltemn- ean style with t0p qullitJ 15 yr. wlmntJ tint Iba mat-lo bos oprlnp. Spllllsb decor dliilnl Ml. etc. ___ ...,..., ..... MUST SACllPICI . · $698.00 l'Olt OHLT -- Atty ,._ Con le l'ulcll111I IMl.WU.lly T1nn1 A•111eMe -..... ,.,.,. eant C...ilt _..,,., ... ~ly ' -""' i'.,...it..,.e .... ~~ ,, -At Harbor BlM. 1144 Newpert IM. C:-. .._ Mv f••r( •lflit 'tll t -Wo4. Sat. & -'Ill •· • . Convenient, Easy! Do-It-Yourself CHAIR SEAT, BACK ' . Our "et· J.37 B2c Sund•11 Onlv l 4"x24" mat has 100 1uc:tion CUJ>ll to prJi ••alnit IJlP.. Pini. Ch001e trOm colol'A that will brighten up 1our bathroom • "NORTHFIEL:D•. BLANK•T Our 'iler·· 3.77 2.97 S11nd•lf 0,f 11 72"xll0'' blanket looks beaullful, keeps you WBJ:ll1 and · cozy. liMr. rayon, '5% nylon with permaoap !lnlsb and . 5" acetate 'lilndlni. Decorator colors: pink, lilac, avo-- cado and others. REPLACEME~T K.ITS 1111°.VAIUAILI:. SPEED' DRILL. 0.r •et• :t .. 7 KU. 4 8 00 rv . .. . • ....... Ii.IC. • °"" .... l:J~ • 11 88 ...... ,,,,_, -.. ' Each kit comu complete wltb back, au!, and bani· ...... , °"'• · 0 wan. Fiii 114" or l" ICl'OW-on or 1U(><lll chaln. Pal· For oll your work need&! 0-1000 RPM speed; lodus- tema como hi IDOll1 colon lncludlnf white, yollow, lrlal tellacl S amp motor. Drill bu IOIJ4 1tate C011lrol1 turquolao. FtJ: four cbaln for '8. Save now, JUI! ••Y boll ~ bearlns•, tile call alwnlnum hou•Jn& and 0 charp it'" •uxntarY handle. ......... ........ ........ . ......... ....,.__,, ........... ....,,, . , • ' 11 . ZfBCO SPlllWT -RCiD'·AflD e '· . . . SfTJAYE NG.WI Our ftetr. Jfi.U 7.77 .~ Sande, Otalj, '"'6" metal'ree! 90 .,~.: ~ B-Jb. factory tmt&Jiec ~ ltlam@nt. i.pc. rod. " , SandcJ Otalf • FAST, AllTOffAlK . ~ lO.(UP ,PEl(oUTOR ·~ -1· 'a BYWID•· .. , 'l Our Ber· •.:t7 J 7.47 ' ' • Brew u few u 12} CUllS. ..._. I m&JQI'• U 30! .,~ .lich~"J, •ienal• wbtn coa.-ls !llldr.J Two-way taac:et.1 acearate water kvi)Ttnufu Oii Pede• aides • . -' Umtllif ....,.my, .............. . ... " ' llG SWI ER CARRYING .CASE ·· o.r •er; 5.a " 3 97 s .... , ...... • Foam llllart •to flt camera, utra mm • IMdlla. , • • -I . • • ' • • . r 1 • • ' ' . • ,. . ;J •• • ' • . .. . ' ' 't I \• • • • • • I --. ' • • .. • .. , ·, . , ·: •. ~:, .. • .... ' I, • • .. .. • .. I • ,. • I • . ' \ • .. • ,. ' ' ---~ •• • \ ) I ' ; ' ' I ' l I I I ; I I I l • :1 l I l • I ' ' I I r I • , • ' • ! i • • • • • ! ' i $ • •• ~ • • t : ! • 1 • • % = r t l • ! • • • a t • ' • ' • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • ' I l I I ' • I ' ' ' ' ' ! I f 'tJ ' • ' I I· i ' ; : ' I i ' .. . , l ' ' " ' .. ... • ( ' , • • .. , !. • • "" • . .... • • -. ' • -· • '. I • • I• ' . I ' ,, • . I • ; . --~ ' " ~ ~ --'---'- I', , ' ' " . • • • ' -~ I• • -• ~ .. ' • •• w,JEEer·1 ·Aivu;~ . . . . ~. .. -.. .• • ,,, It '· • . • .. ' ' • . • ~" .. ~ • J • • , I Pol . • • *"'i"' ri ·· ""'~ f I ' • • .. . u w1· !> ~ ?Ii ; m ' •i .•• _, •., ~ .,.. t ·' .1 j I J I . ' . J I ..,__ -----..-.---•• -.. 4 -· ............ 4 . -· -~-.. .... . . " ... --.. Is It a -Miracle?. Mike Di Donato as an alleged wprker of miracles plays a lender scene with. ~amlla Mynderse ln .~e Orange Coast College production·ol "The Devil's Ad· vocate," opening Monday and alternating through the week with ."Tbe Devils'' at the OCC auditorium. J ge~s-~ tt . ' . t' "fll 1 • -•• .I :"1!t ....11)'.JlOILTBOMY -..-llo)'-,.id ho ud ~IOlllil' 41'" .• ~le-feel ''!1 .... 1 -.....i: fll eoni -</mf l fttt. l'lllio-.i., dnmlllll 1111 i'!.IONTVALE, JIJ (AP) uw ~ Or~difet ....... • dlliiot fo lllnil 1111 otori llllt· -TIPr• ~ VIiie ore~ to• ;M>at do t .... .,. = 1epara~y. ·"~ dad tbou&l>t ,....,. la aod nudity! and ~ . Bwtoo "Jlll"lf 11udiftts of Ille two lolili aboilt t o d a y • ' aex,dw ll was !rub, Ille student "II c1e-..A. on ,.~ yoor In pie~ like tliat. Don1 achooll. ..,_ Ille • Ullo: ~? reported. ~ -• ihef cm •hJt tbttr fans ••Ciu.z.en KUt~' "H1111W."' l.!any pantl1I ..... to, .... -... I ~ .... II· lhhik!" .. ..,,, Cairie JllullnY .. · It ls h,dt>ful lot a !Um that "Tbe Graduate'.' ii lllaa-i:ui:,.~' 1lt, ~ ~ ~J: u ts ' heortenifla to find the • • Gentleman'• Apmeti~ * rej>orter to learn, 1rau-roota td against their • :ffile. of tbe1 Y dWi , Y • 'ku.sa Younc ~ation well if?" uA Halfut' ol ~" '"l'he oj\WOlll, • l ·dld du= !ffll·known gap.since 1t .,.., .if. =·=aid with ' """'" ilbil4 fl!ms .. apd not Jtoodlwn J'riM4'.' I' Ju ll u1 qys of lallol and IJ\JoUo Hollman as 'a )'OWll hlin' -~ ·il' "" in Ille 1111111 lllOYle Ian .,.,.. Caesar." With seniors of Pucack Valley man who ls given everytl)m, • -• no -. deaJ. ;-;:::=;;;::::;:;~~==~""""'""=""'-~".""'-, ~d· Pascack Hill lj l 1 h but attenUon and '""' Seein& nilCW ~ doean't I Sdlools. 'Ibis wu· part of a deratandina: by ·Jtls sta~ mean anytb.ipl, 30U can1 do NOW--!xch•fv• pUi,t pro.,-IU!l fi~nced , by llciOllS W'<!Dls. Tbe film Dluol that in art TI>aWlll.: , N~ Jersey f'nd tho federal' bave slruck a rupooail'e The studen11 '''"""' unlin-;qvemment ~.brine 1peaktrs chord with today 's· youih; 1 pre5aed by (be_ rash of neW ~ on vari0111 . pro!>lems to Ille most of thooe IJI the llelnilw:J. 'films "°""'1'111111 H ... ...,.. , lthool.s. 1be 'seutons are had aeen H., 1 uality and lesblanian. One girl ~ ·videotaped for later use. Here ~ ~ l 1wned by .. tlll'lling lo hiab schont: Today's 1tudeot1 .ue surprjsingly. well-infonned ·on the film industry'• new G-M· &.JC classilicotion of movta according. to inoraJ content. Seeing a sexy movie has no, particular effect on the relations of a boy and a girl on a date. • Films can bridge t b e generation cap. • The latter was illustrated by one boy -said that he saw "'lbe Graduate'' with his parents: The mm conoernl .a college , graduate who la We. Cover Boating . Junior Matlnff Saturdciy, 2 p.m. ArH si-1...-. Original Uncut .v ........ ot 2:y .. , L.A. R...,._I • FOR , All YOUNG UMRS WIBEV£R YOU AAE ' . . i' ,\ ! A MAN AbD!IY4.· I ANd A Wo~AN ~:::.: · /i New YoFk's Rep Companies seduced by his girlfriend's mother. .. Alter we saw 'Tb e Graduate:.' my folks and I went home and had a long talk about morals," the boy • said. "It was the first time we had been able to com- nwnicate on that level. I er>- Wrulcins Crew "TARZAN THE APE MAN" A loo CARTOONS ,.. . . ·----·&19 ... --''WIHTll SPOm-ITAUAN 17YLI" & "'AJllCA, UMAll;IU- . ' Heading for Brighter Days I Children's Show Back • lloalb C 0 11 t Repertory's dllldrm'a pnxludlon, "11>e Etnperor ind tb e lfl&lltlncalo, .......... Sunday Is -more alle.._.. a( Ibo 'l'hlnl &.p Tlleater In Qllt.o ...... Pwlonnoncea or the Orlen- 111 P!aJ '1!111 be cfven al I Ollll I p.m. Mardi t, ti ancl ~ ~ tlleater, !Ir/ Newport ~-tnjly be ol> Wold flJ calll"' the SCR boa -·t•tati. 1 • l jOyed the talk. .. On the other hand, another STEREO SENSATION! · The colorful sound of ............. Orange County Music --~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island , Newport Beach ' Elke Somme~· Sharon Tate ALSO •111 DOUaLAS ALIX COIO "Tho BROTHERHOOD" 1 ... 111ews..,.1 r.111. c.t. s.t ...... I r.M. S....,fr.-JP.M. NIWPOIT IWM ........ --,. .. ...._ UM 1 ... -Ot. 2·1JM 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS 4*'11•1i1'1i~ "lllE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS' /8!fl ~I MGM .... ""' St.ts 6:-41 c ... s..,... J , .... . . A_ll Seots 50¢ 11'9ieGffeart isactonely 'Hunter' -"' ALL .. M .. • 1rnr• ROD G'W'EU!lm AT•:• @•~ ._~.,...a-..~ .SIUNS AS ••• -_...., I 1'HE ' . · .. '" PA ULO 145-1311 I :1 ;:~-1-~"'-='"·-.!I , ~! ., ... ,...,. ......... "" ,.,... Actlrt• ,.,.. NiKMIJ«l'f COl.0111 .-.·····'!-·--"'Tiie H1.,h1t Mnn..h.._ -=-· Ul-1171 • Aufelll~ Aw11'f N91nltWt19n ·-""""""' -....... Jll11n1 WQDdRl'f COLOlll ................. Allin Altl.ln COLOlll ""9H_. I,• '-"---.... -· .... 7-l"l 1111._, •••• ..., Mlllhl Olrll'r"-Lii COlOlll ................ ,..... ........ ......................... -c. ........... E*I a,,_ COLOtt _ ......... . --·-- . .................. . l \ SNCIAL SATUIDAT MOININa STUDIMr SHOW $1.21 WITH STUDENT IODY CAID-10 A.ii. ~-,__ F....ail.mlREW -· lloMF.<> 1.i'JUUEf l0wt .itory._. AUO "CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR" 'WED THUU. Fii. MOM. & TUii. SWISS FAMILY IOliNSON4:JO & 10 P.M. -COU6AI t:41 SAT. & SUN. SWISS FAMILY IOllNSON 12 :Jl+7t41 QOU&Al·2:4W:ZI • f :SS • DON'T MIU THIS l'IOelAM TOU'U HA1'1 A Nmcny ~ILl&HTFUL IYININ6 .. • • ), • " ... Ill I: • • • • • ,. ll . • '. . I - I I I i· I ' l I • • ) I ., • • ) I ' • • Hello lhett, bo)'S ood 1lrls. and welcome to another windy day In Uncle 1Ao'1 Comer. The maJlbq WU rully fill. ed tills ....k, althGup not · too many bo)'S ,llld (iril followed our lnstrudlom and sent in dnwqs about lbe Man:b winds. , LET'S SEE U )'Oii can do better next -t. Wlien lbe Iheme foe the art """"" will be SL Patrick's DqiJ Aad .no fair colortnc them ..... - the paper can't prim color in the drawings. ' ..... Uncje Len had a ~ ~ lime oelecUng .. !\\(: ......... apin tbJa week. Ainon, the cl-contenden were Cl!)dy Amedeo, 10, Newport Beach; Skip l"ruer, 10, Newport Beach; Bob Turner, 11. Costa ,..... _________ ....;;;;.:::.....:;...;;;..:;.. _________ -.1 M ..... l!ld our poetry winner, LelltLl ~. 11, ol Newport Beach. . . * PRIZE WINNER * BONOIWILE menlloa win- nen In t1Ua week'• art contest ..... , Pat Doneber, I, Newport Beach; c \.. l\'!'Od. I, Newport· : ·-Wood, e, Newport Beach : Debbie Sch"'11z, I % , Huntington Beach; Janet McGhie, 10, ThiJ week's contest winner Is Terllyn Kelly; 9, 32' Vista Baya, Costa Mesa Any child Wider 12 can enier Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do: (!) Draw picture on ~iece of plain, white paper 5~ inch-wide and 4 inches deep. Use blacl: ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It mut be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art-Contest, Box 1560, DAILY Costa Mesa; JeMy· Mer, a,'------------------------------' Huntington Beach; John - PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy hall dollar. Dawdy, 5, Fountain Valley; Dawn PfaH, 5, Newport Beach; Joo GarmshaUlen, 10, L11un1 Beach.: Gina Umoogell4 11, Costa Meu, .and Mite Odegard, Costa Meu. MYFLAG p I' p My fiag is red, while aod ,-----t_al'O 6 Lornlll'..--··l._' ___ ,I blue, Very pretty. but not very RIDDLES AND JOKES new· • ~ RAIN My nag bu tblrteen •lriP<> all red aod whtlo; A star for each state - we hl.d a strong fight; Rain, rain falls down all day I love my flag so dearly, and my country too, And we can't go out and .play; I'll do my best to preie~e anc1· protect it from strife We have to stay inside and play ...... Because it rains all day. _,_, Nlef" e. H•tl ..... ._. HAPPINESS Happineu ls anything That's liked a lot· by you ; -Happine,.,1s 4DYlhinc , - That makes thls joy so true ; You will 1ilways hear it said Love neighbors as yourself, Happiness is your reward Wilh good friends and good health . " K11111Nr .._., ..... , -.. Ut1111 01111111, 11. an Vie Ll'9 s.ud, H.-.-t lfllf~ l9f ffle wlllllillf ltfltrr lft ttll ilttrY """' -centftt. M.911 rwr ""'11 If ttfry 19 UllClll LM, ltl 15'1, Cetta MQll, C1ltr. : Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Edible llUlfwoOCll 5 Kind ef bl! ' lalctlflrn 14 Slo'fe· r.::.!:"t !l l>t!I , ""'"" explorar 17 Noun sumx lt Step on lh• ... 20 Against 21 Symbol ol Tiie Islands 2Z Bring Ink! cf1ngH 23. Part of I rlCI 25 'fhere tht . trains come In 27 "-K1111pr" 2' llact and·· JO Enttate 34 lletrlc sy1ttlfl 11nsurt· 36 G111 stone •lllenl 31 Nova Scotil Cotl ... llJ ~, ... ., .. I CllJed,-.-, __ ,,, . 4 wonts • 112 ''All -I'' i•l S;h•• ,4;:='' !5 S(*ISll art! st ' I I 46 lrt tflt know: ~ ... 47 Malt 111l•al 49 French wine 51 ""'J VIP s 5 4 I. Canldian . "'" 58 CrlUcln 60 Ancl•t city ntar'Argolis •t Dlctlt«'a btothr. Z words 63 Ship's post 64 Caper 65 Day laborer 66 Air tn.yef rate setting . . '""" Abbr. "7 Czech · munition• maker 6& Mllltary 01"91nlzatlon 69 Aulflor unknown: Abbr. 311/69 9 Fr agrance 38 \l lolent lo Separate pulsation 11 Structural 41'.1 Olly steel mem· 41 Public ber: Z words vttilcle 12 -bent 46 Ol)'llllpian ll Dance goddfss lllOVfllltnt 48 Where 49 19 Ian's Down Is name 49 Hollest 24 RIYtf of c fty of OOIN Europe Isl• . . 26 Tumtd ashen 50 Strike and l Unconscious Z8 Of rKtnt rebound slates origin 52 Brltf IMrp ? Cont.est on• )Q Opposltt of flgtrt sports pmow 20 Across 53 BNl:ttlllab l l1111blc -31 AlfZAC S4 Brolfltt1 4 lnt1Ct ••btr .SS HaYlllg I 5 Deity of 32 Collqt strong uttfl Canaan sport S6 Transport• 'IOYtd lfl I ,, _ -nall: tloa •edlu• curvt 2 words 57 .Extcvttd 7 Mnspapet 34 Tht lund'a· baseball e11playee: 11tntals maneuvitr 2 words lS ;o.,em St E .. lfte I Fe111ale 37 ~in 6Z Town In the •l•al ~ot Kings Ardtmie1 7 • . ' * PRIZE WINNER He (at football game): See that fel- low playing end? He'll be our best man next year. She: Oh. this is so sudden . -clliWyt ,....,, 1Mll Luci. \.1111, ............. Sally' U you eat ooe more piece of that pie you'll burst. Billy: Well, pass the pie and get out of the way. ............ cw.. ..... Dear Carol: Where do people hide. thlng• they don't want tldJi to find! '· . · . .,, .... _..I """"" ' • • _;_;u.or .....a.tr.......,, ............... bear Carol: Wbat did the nif" ftflll the fioort • •peJ• -"o~ noA 101 •A,1 inq 'Mou lfOOI i,voa :.1euuy -MllT • ......_. 1t. .....,.._. .... .... ,.. ' n... .. Alt: ...,,,,, •I• 0...,. C.W hly Pht, lu 1161, c..t. ..... Ceftf. And~ 11ftdt • 21-vo""""' 111 of rh1 ""Ill hlll I~• 10 Fr.r*. Pllt, Jr., -10, of WllU1mr.P01I. P-1~1¥1ni., lw I'll• OUll"IHon : \\'HAT IS AMOA? Imagine a long-legged. long. necked bird •landing hall again as high as a tall min. No, he was not Invented to scare children. He was the moa btrd who once Uved hap- pily UJIOD thia earth. But alas. we shall never see hftn lllve again. For all h i s relaU ves were wiped out and the moa became utinct centuries ago. The largest living bird is the ostrich -about seven feet tall and weighs around 300 pounds. One of the atraneest livin&: birds is the chkteocized kiwi -who has no wino: kt speak of and a __ ol featberl lit. lhaggy hair. ,,,... VU)' diffettnt birdl are both rtlaUves of the llupondous mou !bat once enjo,ed life on the Wands of New Zealand. M far aa we know for aurt, the largest mOa1 wen nine- foot , llanls. weighing 500 pounds « more. some people claim that even laq:er moas exil!lted and maybe tbey d I d. For 60 million years or so, the big birds had an easy Ille in New 7.ealand. At last tbe humao family arrived on lhe earth. Far across the s e a 1 • the Polyneslan Islandl were _.taled wttb men who made bolla"" -to .. voyqjnf to oet#'borinr lsJanill. smril ~ nKhed New Zealand. At flnt !hey were utooilbed and '°""'""'t ec...i ol the bl1 mou. But they 8000 d!!Covered th1t the big 1e11 .... wtre not ferocious. After all, only acared or b u n 1 r y crtatum t ea d to be f~ce and the ..... knew nothing ct rear. The Poly11e1Jan yillton atarted cwlnc the lq, clumsy birds With clubs. 11>17 dlood oo IDOi meal and '. adorned themselves with moa feathers. About 1,000 year1 ago, a group of .sturdy Polynesian.! decided to settle and make their pennanai; homes on the New Zealand lllands. They were the MaoriJ and they were there w.ben more settltr! arrived later from Europe. Some experts claim that the Maoris killed the last of the moa birds. But c erta i n researchers are not so sure. They suspect that the last of the big, helpless moas may have been wiped out by raiding parties before the Maoris arrived. """"..,,. ......... .... to TOnl f llvi. -11, Gt St>rln.tl•kl. °'""" «DI' PIM -tlofl: WRY ARE AIL PLANFJ'S SOMEWHAT ROUND? The nine planetl of lbe Sollr Syatem are more or 1w spherical because they are molded by two very powerful and patient forces. O u r planets have been tplnnfni around on their ue1 for at least four billion years. This constant spinnJng creates a force that teDds to twlrl masses of material around in- to spherical shapes. It also ....ts beavitr aod liabler partlcle1 Into layen, with the beaviat 111hatancel In lbe centlrl ol the ·-Tb ·lllOldlnc ~ ii llao aided udalldledbf~l-ol cr•TIIJI. Gravtty, of t'IM'll, 1M1nJ to mrt ltl puDtor powor from Ibo Yflt1 cenlor al ""' pilnel. Ttlll 11 trui .. other planeta, Ill force 11 HeNd equ1Uy In all dftctlona and liven tnough time it arran,e1 eqqal amounts of material on all sides. It mokls a sphere. Gravtty al 1 o cauaes heavy materlalJ lo link through materials around them. Eltht:r ro!aUoo or cra•ity could model ltlllld plaotll ' • PEANUTS • JUDGE PARKER MOON MUWt.IS TUMBLEWEEDS MUTT AND JEPF GORDO MISS PEACH Sal~, March 8, 1969 ' J DAILY PILOT JJ ly Harold Le Doux By Tom K. Ryan MISTER TRASHlO'IOO, ·oomR! 1 By Al Smith -~ I ·SAii\ . OH, I ~ -STUPIP/ ly Mel - , . • • •• 12 DAILY riun ·----------.... ~· .. --.. • S~1 Man:h I, 1969 1Real Estate 9uestions .,,., Comment1 By RNflor R•nd•I MCC.rdle I< ' I om lluylna .ix unlh; hod overythl"I ell fltvr..t out -ti-ti.. 0..1w 1ow ~ ...,,. -y ....... my ,.ymem1 weuW ii. lncr11t9ct ' to cntr t._. .,., ...,,....._ t can paf my•,ewft t•xn. Whttt 11 a "LNn Trvtt Fd':t Why l1~ft1n.c....frt . •. 'Df. T.J:MI•. -· Wben you make a ruJ ..W. So.in, JOI! may be reqUired lo mate -mont.bly. ~ tllal rover taies or taiea and ·fire inllurance. Tiie lend6'-then pays the taxes and insur~ce as they accrue. This, o! coune, is tor ttie Protection of tbe lender ~ many homeo"ners lind It convoment:"'flte lender,will,"first of all, est.im;ll• the amount of the additional paY!Jlecl that will he neceasary to cover taxes and insurance, since these will ·vary f:roin year lo year. . To ~ve a We margin, and bec&use of the con- sistently 'Ulcreaaing laxO!I, the lender. may estimate on the high. aide. In addili9n; the )ender may require some depoa1t on account of taxes --an amount equal to two month's tues or four months' taxes to sweeten the kitty. Such amounts of these moneys as are not actually consumed in the payment of taxes and in- surance are held by the lender and constitute th e "loan trust fund." If, when you sell the property, you pay oil the loan, you will get back this fllild since it is your money. If the buyer takes over the loan, he will reimburse you for the loan trust fund since it will then he transferred lo his credit. The law requires the-lender1 to give the borrower an annual accounting: of the loan trust fund . \VC haw had numnou.s q1U1tiona concerning FHA. Htrt ar1 a j(W of the moit jrcqtuntly pked. What Is Federal Houalnt Administration? In 19.W th• government enacted the Nat.iooal Housing Act which created the Administration and its FHA loin. . Why do this? The idea was simply that the government would guarantee loans by institutional lenders to individuals . They would in effect write "Payment guaranteed·U.S. Government" on the back of their notes. So, what is tha efhct of this gu•rantee? It is desirable that there be individual home ownership. Given the additional security, lenders became willing to lend a much higher percentage of the purchase price. M a result, many Americans were able to become home owners. Are there any safeguards placed in the act? Yes. Many. Among them are: 1. An appraisal is required of which the buyer is to be informed. 2. The buyer is required . to make· a minimum down payment. 3. Second trust deeds are Jo.rbidden. , . ' +. To keep interest rates in line, . it is provided that they are to be fixed by the Federal Housing Commission. The interest is currently ;7~ plus , 'h per- cent. · 1 5. To afford protection a gainst defaulting buyers, the government, lendei-s, and other buyers, this was provided. In addition to interest, buyers would be required to pay one-half of one percent (% percent) into a "mutual mortgage insurance fund." From this would be paid the deficiencies that would result when some buyers would default, and sales of their property would not bring enough to pay the ba1ances due on their loans. EOITOll:'I MOTE: 11:.,111•11 11:, MeC1nll1 11 '" lnvesh'lllnl 1n1lylt, Pr.91Seftl of tM llHf l!.1Mlln. I ai1199t ltdvrw. I dl>"IC!Or of Ille Clllfaml• Auoelatkiol 11 1t .. t Est ... TIAdlet"1, ..,lhor ol "ltMI E1l1M Ill Ctllfornt.". JIM "''" -- tlllll .,., _,.,,,. ti1 ll:ll'ldlll It. MeC1rtlla, C/I tr. 01llY ,.lklt, IM 1-. CO!tt -""'· Beach Cuesta Homes Now Offer Third Unit exterior stylings available. Exteriors f e a t u r e low maintenance, stained 'rough -----------~-----~---------......... ---~ • • Co-qnty Ho:using l)oQni -For~ast Wiien-lhe nJns ,--;-.... SOme 1,000 apartmails ...... _ud_....,_ ... _~···• ~~ -~J:.::....-,;~-?:.;;;..:."-'•O::::O:--·--=:::-/-::--'"'..._ __ ;.,• - .ohnl'Couu11ll•lhenr1a an equal nwnbtr of bol!IQ :f;~of U.S. Houalng New Irvine Aerospace ' Building. Set Ground wai: broken recently for 1 five-buildlng eomplei for lht Parter-Hannifin Aerospace Group in the Iryine lnduStrial COOlpleJ. Alberl· Zukas, pruident of . the aero1paee croup, said tMt •ii• clearlng will be&Jn Im-, medlately1 wiiJI COMtrucUpn. scheduled Jo be&Jn Jn March. CompleUon • is targtted for1 early 1970. The comple1. will include a Headquarters building and four divisional offices and manufacturing structures. The aerospace: group de1lgns and produce1 hydraulic, pneumatic and fUeling component.I and system.I for Qie aircraft, space · and transportation industries. Located on a 74-acre site adjacent to 1 newly-opened sedlon of the San Diego Freeway, the five buildings will be erouped tn a campus- 1.ike arrangement around a llndBCaped central eourtyanl. A total of •.om 1quare feet ls included in the compleL Designed and master plan- ned by Los Angeles architect Albert C. MarUn and Associates, Parker's facility will afford engineering design, product development a n d manufacturing personnel an informal, I a n d 1 c a p e d en- vironment. lnltlally, 1, JOO employees will be asalgned to the facility. Puking f0< 1,200 can will be provided in sunken, out-of-view Jot5. Real Estate · ol. IDOlher ~ boom, are curronU, under COi> GOlta the lhorllge rl•alh!c that of llG.Q. Unlike •lruclloo. Btfore tilt raw, of "°''""" 11 UM moot 1evere 1 II" earner boom, this ooe will moat were ldleduled I« ccm-In al -ID yeai:J. ' ContalA a.bl& apartment com-pletlon before 'ul>e. • AJ111 ~. "°'1nliy II loain& -~ Afler .a .1ong,,er1M f Pr\<• the i6llllJ' lo col>a wllb lblll Theat art conclukm of atab1Uty, Gibson report!, new 1bol'tliatbtOauH ·ot a pileup Advance Mortgage Corpora· home price1 have increased of otbEr~~ln\J-sbortq;e tiod'• c u r rt n t teml-annual JO percent in the last six o( °*"1, I ri f I a t I o o , tn.- aurvey ol. UJI. Hou 1 l n I 1110Q.tJ,>a and are sUU climbing. adequate· lra~Uon and Marketa, publl.shed tltla week. Most fl Uie new ho.{Des are labor ~ i Thia county'• 1* bousln1 in thl: $40,000 b r a c k ei.t •• Today's buyer, for uam~, gain .,., u.e lariat -in Builder• are aware of strong will pay 25 perctnt mote in percentqe ~ -ol some demlod" for an undef-#5,000 monthly ~Ml for the 30 major markets Advance homt'-tiut lhe h;igh laQd and same house than a year ago. surveys. 1\e Wtal of U,tol materials costs make it~ dif· (This is based on an average pumltJ WU M percent blgber ficult to meet th1I even wh~n 10 percent price increase plus thu the 1Uf before and the they move to smaller boJJJe5 a t 1h percent rise in interest bigliest llgure since ttll. It wilbolltJrlllL · rate.) lncloded-a,• •Part men l The...rile in land costs has There's another . dimension permill, end more than IOO buil mnaller than in most to inflation, Advance president of them will bt higlH'iles. otbe( mad:eta, but costs here Irving Rose pointa: out in bJs Moreover, bow:ln& activity were . already among the introd~tion to th!!. survey. gained momentum all yt.at highesr 'In ·the nation. A •The btey'er will have a bard lot\lnl· the fourth quarler,· •c· quarter ol. local. house staru tithe findin .. .t.be sa;me house~ . , art. FHA or VA m~red. ,Builders keep movtng up to Uvity _lllfl .. toT-~-'!>~t TypiCaI e.tistlng· b om i"S ... larger, costlier homes to com- annual r•¥·· ui.ai a-.... ~' Gibson says, are selling for ptµlS&te fat high land costs the quarter more than doubled three quarters the price of and the shortage of labor. the Y~~ perlod ~ ~ •·comparable new home. Ex-Apartment builder• upgrade to ~t .,__.ts ~~~e fr : Is£ing home prices have in-luxury uolta. , Jn most local as 2 '{.,~at -IOU16 om cnued about 5 percent. markets, ~ medltun-prlce to ' .;.. fi t ·~-In .... ,,. The aeller's market in e:r-home today is between $30,000 For Ulll: ira wJK; JllllW ' 1 . __.... ...... and t:UI ooo" a artments made up more lsting homes ~ P•. uuu ....... a TVV• • •• ~ a third of the 1961 some changes m financing In the compet1bon f or ket and the share r038 patterns. Many sellers refuse scarce resources, apartment m:Ve 4o percent in the final to carry back purchase-money builders are doi~I far better a uarter . trust deeds and demand "cash than home builders, the q weather permitting, thii oufl' financing, a~ch as FRA. Advance survey r ~ v ea I a 's boom will be based Some builders will no longer Apartment production set a ~~ combination of pent-up approve assu.mption sales of record in 1968 -525,000 .starts demand IJld available money. homes on which UM!y hold se-and even more . pernuts . - says Advance area manager cond trust deeds: and s~ld ti:oo thl! by a wide Earl Gibson. Pttoney for new On the nahooal scene, . · margia in 1969. tracts and apartments bas become more available in re- ctnt months 11 I I v I D I s reserves grew. TbiJ trend is e.spected to continue, even lbough markets Jn other pull ot the country r e p o r t mortgage money Is becoming scarcer. 11GHr MARKET This county js one of the three or four tightest housing market.! in tht U.S. (Only New York, San Francisco and possibly San Jose.are tighter.) The current 2.3 percent vacan- cy rate is the lowest here since records have been kept. impossibly low for a market of 100 percent spec-built tract housing, with a hiJh rate of Cffyoucan '/:.;Afford the~t ... then you can dwell In DOVER SHORES, NEWPORT BEACH. Here the quiet ale· gone• of Beycreet'• .. forev.r vt4w" home•. the prestlg~ of ~~1 1 famous Weat B!uff, !ll"d prtvD'6MCh~ 1 , ff combine to malse tbl_e TI-ft; ptaoe to. , · ; •Ya.. You may ptl'"Che~ an •xgu!'l!_e" i=11-Bayc:nst hOIJIO> 9'.Yl'llYY . ·,, c ., "'forever~ ldt:'end 1van · Wells &.-Sons, Inc. wtn dealgn •hd • build a dfiio<n home )Ust;lar you.11 you ean affordthe bett ••• -llayoroot.... . J:U&t0ft1 homes. . . r ~ • :. ~ . ;'74,950 W'.$1,50,P,O\I..' . . , ·. _ . . · Buu~~t ·.; "'-~~ : B¥ ltltJlf. w.a.~ SO'U11-.e., Qulilr "•14.nif.rU ...... . . ' Model• et 1<$30 Galaxie Of'iye, New'part • Beech. Phone (71 4) 646-1500 • oPeft.dJ!llft. ' · ' : 10to.Spm -• . iJ«»r•l•l•./ttwWhtd 1'1 J.11. Btggof, Sdlfll#: ... , ~·· 1 1 •• --. ' .. ,, .. . .. " ~ ' Law Parley Set Tuesday in-migration. (F or com· parison, the Loi Angeles rate, the lowest since World War TI, is 2.7 percent, the Riversi4e-San Bernardino r•lt '\ ·ii 3 percent.) The lnventor1 or available homes a n d apartments has been · cut in half in two years and now numbers barely 9,000. How to save time shopping new • On Tuesday, March 11, the Orange County Real Estate E.1changen will host Samuel K. Freshman, a noted authori- ty on syndication and real estate law. A practicing attorney since 19S7, specialh.ing in rr.al estate and financial matters, Fresh· man will speak on "The use and misuse ol the all lnclu· sive deed of trust." In addition to his practice, be is much in demand for lectures to realty board!, CPA societies, state colleges and bar aMOCiatiom on subjects relating to real i!'State and financial matters. The Orange County Real Estate Exchangers m e e t weekly, Tuesday noon at Top- per's Steak House, 1727 S. Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim. Seminar Set For Tustin An executive updating seminar will be givat Satur- day at the Revere House in Tustin. · The seminar will deal With wch items as belpina u:· ecutiv9, managus, a n d businessmen to improve their rate of growth and thtir 1peed of rise in their companies. The featured speaker will be Dr. Richard Greene, a well known business consultant. Those interested art re- quested to call Dean Howard and Company at ~ for further informstion. home developments: ,.---------------------~ ' ' HouaMwnt.,. Computer Input Form 1 1 ,..,_.,..,... •. .-.,..c.iiio-(d-~ OFFICE USE ONl.YO (J 0 0 I I I I I -:so1ectlatl ...-..c. "'Pl 0.1 I "o. lo.I 3'1. lft ... ~ ... C.lilofftil ~ ,. .. -=-----= .. =··"'";----,,-..,.~,;:;-~- I ~ •• .----..;:;,.:----z,.Codt -.. ... -•• o ,., .... ,_,.,.. ... lfMltjr,t '°''---- I I I I I ' I , • ' ' I I Beach lovers are being pro- rided a new a:roup o f distinctJvt homes by builder- developer Don Ayres, Jr. His Rancho La Cuesta-HunUngton Beach ii in its third unit at Brookbunt SL and AUanta Ave .• Huntlngt.oG Beach. beams and siding with color -------------------- just mail us this fonn. I ·--''"'•r11~oy_...,_o,_ .. .,.....,.,,~-I ~-------~--------~------· Tbe location is 1 ~ miles from Buntiqton Beach State Part and all ol the other recreaUonal and c u I t u r a I amelllllea ol the South Coast area, acardlng to I I I e i: manager Bud Frlcl<er. Pricel begin al $11,M will• 6.75 percent interest .!till available for a llmlted time. Rancho La Cuala lw " distinctlve CCJm!Dunlty ap- oeannee becalilt cl the wide ... Jedloft ti floor • plOJ and ' ' coat stucco. Many homes are highlighted by use of Meaican brick and tile roofs. All1tlectrie kitchens are ~ vided with built-in ranges and ovens with stylish dark alass doo<S. Large kitchen pantries and cuslom designed band finllhed hardwood cabinets provide plenty of storage 1pace and pleasant working conditions for the homemaker. Rancho La CUesta oilers buyers a wide choice. of ,,_,choices at .pn> • ductim prices. YOll OWN BUSltlSS ~,.._UVftlMhl W•eift.rfhlana.f ...... .._ ........... I ... a: ...... .,.. ..... .._. kua .. 1• 0 ;I I Ir bbl '"4iUL W•'I lliM•e .ta ........ M4 i 0 I IKND Tllll &D POm. nE& aaocm:Ja&- Unlv-1 Chinchilla lreeders u.. .... ,-....._r 11;.,,o.11. oa111 tnt) -.--~: ~ ..... ...... ........ I " - .. t-REE OFFE&1 This compucer form ~an lesd you to newly-constructed ~edallion Electric Homes in {tcw houtin1 developments in Ccnrnl and SouthemC.lifomia. ,'\IJ the com~rtr needs to know 1~ what kind of home you want, . and it will match you up. Thousanch of homa •~ listed b, . 1i:e, price and an:a. I :\t Edison weca11 It our SHE.• program. SHE acands for Selut- Homa.-Electtonically. Also, ask your local Realtor to show y:ou his 1elcccion of Med11lion Homeo:. . .\nd SHE can IO to work for you Our computer faiid yourm1ilmanl right now. will save you from traffic jarru, Just fill ln tht H~unttrs cndlm driving and IOfit weckend1. Computer Input Form. In a few day1 And thiicomputer servicc won 't vou11 rteefve s compurtr prinrour cost rou a cen t of availablt ncw Mtdallion Homu · chat suit your rcquircmcnta. CompUme:nt• of Ed~ \ Southern C1lifornia Ediaon ~~ As Sure As Tht four Seasons YOUR SAVINGS EARN On BorMAecountl (mltil"'""' $1,000 ;.-51,000·..,ltfples) we pqthe.J" -....ual rate quartorty plus 1/4" .mnuol boftl» II held "'"" years ot ion..,. Thia me i< det.nnlned quarterlv. The ~Afetv of vour savings lnsurec1 to S1S,OOO. ANAHEIM SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION MA•• •nu. , JOW.UletkM , ,Qllliil llrHI 111111.lru lll'f. ANlltl-. tllifnit Mll!Hi .. "-'• f.flif, ltt1, C11ll•ul1 ,_, J.ts:Jt ll. NH1 IA. •ft71 R' C:OtMl•OtNT .PAii ING Af Al\. J Tl ' I. l I ' t •• ' .. •• • ' - ' I , • , ' ·• ' - • l t ,,. ' " t •• •• j. ; ... ' BJ EARL~!l.\J~EY -' ... !Ill.. ""' .... . ' w ~· ..... .!' '•,)),utdhaJl·team deierfed lit'. • ~· lpiich, ljlcl. with 1taffer·>11~1~eo on ' th< bench, bad Its dtWh 11, i'\rl' fo 'EVl!"ville,;IOi!., wubed •"t,i,t her! Friday night .~n It w.t,~l!;if' o•I of the NCAA W~rn Regiqnpll ~Y,.~an. Fraoclsp.o St.•-}e,· 11~55. M«·tfie Golden G1fors droi>Pe<!.in 10 strAlgbt frft lbrowa raiGway through the fmil I>alf· and held the Anteater• -.. less to post a 2$-lf ~-Irvine· DU"er even remoW1 thr<alaHil1fo poill. It out. "Wt have no exCuses,• cOmmented UC! coach Dick Dav~ aftorwanl. It's baseball crashing the party and basketball hanging on this weekend on the sport3 TV menu . Baseball makes its 1969 video debut when the Angels play the Chicago Cubs today at Palm Springs. New Angel mi. nouncfl' Dick Enber1 will make hil bow at noon over Channel 5. The Angels' Sunday game with the Cubs will also be televised, at 12:30 p.m. * '* TODAY * 11 t.m. (4K:( -IASKllTl,All '.... Flrll.f!!Und t.ICAA c111m;1oM111p 1llml1111 ""b ti-mt, D1vld1.:wt 'l's Vllllrt0¥1, M11m1 (OJ "' HOlrt itrlt, 12N (5JCL -llA5lllALL -C111c1vo 11 Matis. Dick Eftbtrt, Don Wl'lls mlknldl· 1! P1lm SHr ... 1. Olck Enbtrf w1ftl 1t4 pr.-gwne llMw, Oln O'Nell With. poll-hltlhlltfllt. t ::JO p.m. !2)CT -GOLP CL.ASllC -0-l lttltr, ll:obtrlot C.Vlc911m vs. Let Eldo!r, lrva Cr1rretoft,. J1ck Wlllllktr, C1ry Mlddltcoft Hllkslde 11 Ffl\11-cc. Al(ron, tor tM llr1r hOlt-llMN!e n 1lx...,.1r hlllory ol ftlls loo.lr,.,.y. 3 l '"'J (4JCL -llASKliTllAL~ -G1rdtn Grwt ""i ~~"'€1~~ "~i:8kt"Ta.:t~• ~IMl~s~ tt P1cHlc. Monh M«Kt, Pete 1'1~tt1 courllldt. 3:11 p.m. (J)CL -•ASK&TllALL -Orlfil<I Sl1t, 11 Orffon, ~:JO P.m. ~1)CT ..;.. llOWL!NG -f'llT .t Mllwa1tk ... Olr I khtlllc1I, Biiiy W1l11 mlkHlde. 4:30 p.m. (4 CL -SANTA ANITA -1100.000 511111 An Ht IMI<#. 11'1119-tnll ~I!' Id fovt-VHl'Okts and llP. J P.m. !J)CL -HOCKEY -Kll'lll II Monlrs11. J ines Mo;Oo!wild lcnre11. $ p.m, (7)CT -WIDE WOll:(.O -Otr!Gnt !U 11ock ctr rect, 11111 Flirmmlnt 1nd Chris Economolt tr1ek111M. AllO boi.lld rtcn lrom K!tlMdY lntern.n-• '""""''· J im Mex.JI trld.lkle I I L1k1 Pltddi N.Y. 11 p.m. CS CT -IASKrT•ALL -UK 11 UCL A. Dkk EiMllr1 _.,.'" e1rlltr ll\ls tventno I I P1vley P1v1hon. SlJNDAY !G:IG 1.rri. llllCL -IA.Sl!IALL -LA 1t Atlllll,. Vfn Scvll¥', Jl<'rY OC.fltl 'mlkaltlll If W'tl t lfn lllCll. 10:S5 1.m. (1)(Lt -8ASKETU.Lt. -New YDrtr. t i l'tlll.o.JJftlt. Clw'lt kllll*tl. JKt Twvmtn C,.,,,,.ldl. II :lO t ,lft. la)CJ. .. :;-HOC!tSY _. ~I t i ,..._ Y«t. ·OM ·-fy,4 •IN MIDI' tit.\dle ti M--0.-. lt:M· JI·"'· .(S}(">i:i-•AlllAll, -Otl<Ho ti A"911-. Old!: ....,. DM Wlillt• lftlka* ti l'llm ._,,.lfts._ 0 ctr; Wfltl ~-lllow, DP O'Ntll w1111 _ .... ""' f.r.ll9Plti.. 1 ".m. C1 -I' :r.:D -11 \J Cltrw CHti. Jim ~'K1r, I I JI l • ICtl~ldl:..i, •rrmt Nt'llOll llnktldt 11 It.. IMr '1:c, Orttllde. I Jl,lft. ft)(I' -Ol.YMl"ieS -l'llm• "-M ttitwrntwG..,...,•~-· • • '·"'· P1 -OOT s -M!llrkltl !Iman "''"' ••1111 ,,......,, 1r1otd ""'1Y 1sl'*'o11nt1f 1111utll llllfttlnt In Ho. Ctr9lln1. Joftll l"Ol'IYllll, lllltlli1" Ltntll'lt MOit fof'..we....,...,. In l'tl'HIMI-. Adam Wt.t l'IUnhl •* In I"'"' S It.ft\ (J)CI' •• SIC ING , -Wttl! Jl1n-Cl111de k fll,. l:lt "·"'-(IUCT • COMMENTARY ...._ st! fol-1e11ts wtlPI Tom Ml1-. S Jl,m. (4JC,. -WORLD OF c;oLF '-Sll'ldr1 Hl'l'l\11, C."91 Minn. KtltrY 'Mitt-Ill ti llOYt l l1ntt;t11 '"'11 Cll.tll In Tlllllll'ld tiQI' flntl .,_ Gf lfl!I 'ftlr'I illl'lea. • .. < PA.SA.DENA., "'"ARABS IN CA.GE FINA.LS FREsNO -Tbe It.ale junler cel1t&e baa~etball cblmploamlp , .... will be an ell-Southern Clllfornla al/air here lo- nlglot, but Eastem Coolertnee champion t'ulierton Junior eou....-..~ Ii, in U. The Hornell were knockld oil by P• adena City college, last year'• nznner.. up, In • s<nil.flnal round'Jame. In lbe otlllt Friday nlil\I 1ame Im· l>Crlal V'~ UMt City Colltge of San Franci.ICO b7 an almost Jdenllcal acore, sa.se. . .. . • 'lbal means Puadena will pla7 the Arabi for ""· lt•te trow.n wtU.L. Fuller-ton meeb Siri J!'ran8oco for lliiril pin • IJ , ' .. ·v . ·' . . . . "'llley ~ drove \II. We1,ere u ~ ~~ar~ ,~an .. ~atu .. Dav)s;•ool l l\ll>;li iuider. ~ bukel. , . ll:ll I.rt. no 'Galon bllied H. fo 30, ponil· lo ploy .S,an ~111,ale·/ll< ~~-~ ... 1'111#~·00~)'1 · , ~.l!'ruclaco cooch Pill Ruodfll ob-TH at l:OI. • . Golden West High . J11mper Aims for 7..0 &ll1 team ,...,. p1a,ec1_ yeor 1liil , ~=~'Uc DQlf.:<"l'be ,. .. hid a book on tboi..lii\Oa~ 111 Davia· tried evrry coocelvablo combi· • · · ·· lll u.tit•'ift1'ol N~Lu Inch t . SC>nellm ... hli'Club~ed , nalloO,.plaJio& evet1 man' oo llio beiieh. ' ~·.!'!_ ~~ W~,.:" ~ Vegu, ,.tD,~""1i!il aam..~1 .. UCl''t ~<n ICOl'lng Jeff Q1nnlaP,dn.!>Ui Irvloe .ahot ,a frl(lilful 3!' pk<ent, San By 1W1L GUSTU:1I .' ~,....._.-'!'!I", up;; w.uvwl -wn:: wor ... I.D'S .......... ~ .... , ~ ' ' ' or· .l•\l! .....,...1 .. •'".:. -' _ __. __ u. . Of .... D9llY ,, ....... ="~ -· · · eood t bati-""6"'t. , l , '!t .t: • n1·zone. · • • "''~"' "'1' percent. r '-~e ·~ , a WU BU . Sanden wasn't the oolJ player uDder ' IrM.ne bad the lead briefly at;.f.hi 'out~ ~ .... ,......._,, .... (l\I UC 1,.,... l•I _. 11ie way Golde1r·l.ell'1 DOft Shields ~ 1 •?., · ,,. • • "~~ , r--f • par. Ceoter Mite Heckman didzi't> . .pt"ac· 1 e t, ·u, on, a Steve Sabins' layyp: :P.ut. , " " ,. "' •,. --· " " " "' · looks at It, high jup)ping ls mnM . an ~ ~~~ ~· ~" ~n . pre... Uce all week because of a bid ,co.Id.' He bllaine.ss-llke San Franclaco qv.lct11 re.. Jtw ·; ~ ~ 1: ::;r: ! : ~ ,:· . ..,.... · pated fOr the: 'Gl4n~bl ~ ~ dtt;:· wu cold from the hoor and scoreQ6jll!t gained J be advantage and moments =-J l • ' .. ""*" • o t o exercise in mental l)'Dl!llStics tl)aD ID Parlmiot,. b!J;t ~ Ibey ·~i.. · fQ\¢ ·~ •. later' had a. 15-U lead. Chatman 4 , 1 11 cvnn111111am 4 1 • a. application of physical effort. ~'°'-·~.-~·~fotwar~wbo .· ~,J'rlne{sco State threw a net-liie Then~GatorsstabbedJrvinetodealh '~:~.,. : : :1; ~:*;'" : : : : That's why he .ocea.sionally 1ets the apralned ;toe '"' wed ,..,0. made ·• P . JqJM defiAI!! at UCI and the Anteater's f'l~ ne«Qu. · 1tr111m1n a 1 a 1 •rtn11• 1 o 1 2 bar at seven feet in practice and jUJt of .It and llin.ped' oa the cOurf1for the ·, ~1-.. 1 .. -U..•t . ..:......•ate tt with their Ca"•fhan and cha•-· .. A.........f in io F91111u1 • ' a • looks at It. , ,_ ; ~ ~ i-a-w _.,... ""V)'~ ... n 2 • 4 ' cipeniDg Up. makelbllt Jtoeµp.. . atraJgh fret thrw1 and UC! wu behind ... ..-u • • • 2 ''The more I look at seven feet, the ·He .couldn't do lL Davia .toot him ou\ Gator· big men dlrard Chatman and I.be eJpt ball ·for kiepa. ="'"ldl : ! : ! .easier it looks," says Sbleldl. after two mtnuta It wu Sanded'• final . J'oe .C.Dipai,, both "'1 had lrvlDe for Irvlfte went behlDd by· 20, 5!41, wltb' Tot•l• " 21 11 11 T1t11t n u 21 u , The 19-year-old-ac:counttng.m.ejor from . • • . . ' . . . . """'ington ,.._, bu bpprovod with . . ~· slarlli!ilfwtM ilia! \oday be ··'ht in f,orum ;Fi~·: •. . . . 'Murphy -:Wins ~;r:,. °hl.toT«l!J.!!'o/= ic::; R .. :< d ·~Jj,, :-':t' "}'.{=; ... . .. ·d•:'-~a~·s.~~\rs '''B"''"1:-d; , .. , «~0~~~~~"!1t~~"'7e..wi:: ~t."1!:...~ ·e . A l)osse,ll ' "· •'Arhooa State;'U. an'edae.•!ut 6hield.o . ..., • ..,.. ' ~_.,~ ~.1 " "' l:!:i .-f'< "'~t~,~ 1_',~r ::.-: ,, •t• ... is'contihaon:wttlffaritih.• t" · • A. Ill ufte meetl iri five day11tut \ftek, N~~o Ign. ored Shleld.o cleared, In order, Mli, 5-1\i and 6-6--qulle an Improvement, since hia'~t By GLENN WHITE Rlei!en has been sensational thus far Of• Dt'lr· ..... st.it In the $20,000 event: IJle'a ·whipped three INGLEWOOD ...:.. Red-hot M a r t.y highly touted foes, inCJ.uding Tony Roche, Riessen, Lhe giant killer of the 2nd Fred Stolle and Emerson. annual Los Angeles lDvitational pro ten.. The 27-year-old former University of nls tourney, faces a roonumerital chore Illinois basketball player bas twice met tonight as be tackles Rocket Rod Laver the explosive Laver. of Coron1 del Mar for the f3 000 fine The most recent collision was last prize of the men's singles compe°tlllon. / year when Laver whipped him at Billie Jean King will duel Ann tzdo Wimbledog in fOlD' sets. Jones for the wiimen'a sJn1lea:· title. "! didn'L;think he .was moying well And ht doubles it'll be Newport 's when he Played me at Wimbledon,'' Roy Emerson teaming with l.11.vlr to Riessen told the DAILY PILOT. "He face 'Tony Roche and JQPn Newcome seemed to be . stuck ~n the ~ud. Bul of Austrllia. Tonight's competition at maybe he was Just taking me lighUy. the Fonan will get under way al '1 :30. "The thing that's tough about Laver Sports .In Brief NL President ·says .. ·C'lenderwn Deal ;On WEST PALM BEACH, F)a. -; WiUTen Giles, president of the N1Uonat League, refused Friday night to grant first base- man Donn Clendenon'• application for retirement from base.blij. Thus the trade Which aeot C1en4enon and 0ullielder Jeaus Alou fo HOUll6n In exchange fCc outnelder-J~ baseman Rusty Staub w\ll atand .uacUy as made two montba qo. the . Padr"es a s.o' lea~ • ai;ainst Angel Rlght-handet Tom ll!w:phj>.: PodreJ, trying, a CQD\tback at 1ge 36, faced the minimwn ·nine ballers in pitching the first three lmlings for San Diego. -' ., • ' .. LaJ<er• Trl!lmph LOS ANGELES · (AP)' -Mel Counts and Jerry West dropped in foor frea Js he'll ·chip with you all day-• ; • Jut season wu H~ then explode and kill you." AGUSTA, G1. (AP) -Bob Murphy, "Coich Tom Noon came up 1'0 ine Jut Riessen also recalls his first meeting rotund Florida younpter who wt>n fro.cm year and suggested I go on a weJabt with. the fomu:r Auatralian super star. in a three-week outburst on the pro traininf prognm to lncrease my overall Thal was when Marty was a 12-year-old tour last summer, was extended a special atrengpi and it's really paid , off •. junior and Laver was on tour In the invitation Saturday io the Masters Golf "I'm so much ltronger now that I hive United Stata. "We played on the srass Tournament by former championa of much m~ confidence than I did. Jut and I recall playing hlin deep, wbich the Aul\Jlll classic. yeor. And that oew strength belp( me of course is not the way to do it.•• The selecUon of the ~year-<11d Flori· more mentally than pbyslcallY. becaUle ol Ibo added confidence." ,.Lav~ had_ a bard time' tee• mu.ch dian apparently means that Charlie Sif. .Shields hasn't shozil.cbanced ·labmelf a)>out . ~Is. pre~lOUI enc0unt,m . with ford, <I> year.Old ~ A!IPles Nq(o who Cll goals. . , .. Riessen. , , . . has charfed that -be nu bffD bpi . .,1 wanl fo jump ..., .. feet this Y,ar "I'm sure he'll play the net against out of the Mi.sten'beclUJe he ls black, and compete in the 1972 Olympics at .me bat I'm not going into it with any won"t achieve hi.I goal of playing in Munich.,, plan' of bOw I'll play. l believe that the prestij:loul tournament this year. If Shields jumps seven feet this sea· . ii a bad HJea becauie if You .Wan and Sifford, a professional since 1947. who sou, be doesn't figure to do It ta. borne µ,en things don't go that ·wat you .aet won the ~ Angeles Open la.St J111wll)t, meet. Qolden. West 's blgh jump Ptt rates confused and don't know what to do. has almost no chance of 1alning one as one Of dte wont in the Eutern Con-''Marty b playing confidenUy now and ol the 1ls ·spots lllll ~n to Americans ferenc<. . ifterad>. conll~eoce Is hall lbe battle. In lbe Memrs. • "Our pit here Is aopbalt and /l'• 19" He' doeSn't seem to have any weaknesses Six tourlni pros who do n6t ciu.anfy hard," Shieldl says. . .'i so 'I'll· just have to go Out there and otherwiae flut. have the belt record on "And it'• on a slant, tOOt rou're run· sff]iow thlnga: go." · the tour for the pat y,em: .wJll ~invited ning up 1t the bar so much thlt my · Liyer Hestroyed Newcombe in 'ftlurt· tq the Muter1 after the Greater a'pproacb point Is &ix: lncbes Jawei' than ·· d8f' nlibt's semij, 6-2, M~ Riessen put Greensboro Open. the takeoff pollit.'' -' ' together·a tcillgh'aerve fo down EJpel'IOn, , Sllford ls ·not IJD!)ng the l!aders in Neverthelesa, lill cdo~b loob for more 6-3, "5 (using the tie breaker On the the battle for thole 1lx beithl. -' improvtment. · • "I'm sure he'll 'get f.10 this year,•• lattfr)'. . ,. ,'. · .. , · •. . , Murphy wtn an invftatlon under a Noon Nyt. , , So , tonight It• 1~ erti'eme 1z'om, lpt ~.1 .. ~Jal Masters qualllylng Mile that "He bad two tremendouJ1 jum'pa it ft yeat s tourriey.lbWs when. ilrver mee alloW1 former champions to pick one when be did Mlk 1t Long Belch.' He 40-jµr-otd veteran Pancho Gonzalez and player-amateur or profeuional • w.bo • cOl.ild retily go wbtn he cures· a ,P!ob-waa up1el Nfll':,111, the youthful, up -not otherwise quallly. • tern with lilJ arms. )Io's not luddng and-~-~•. whd "Offen th< '"atf!l>td Rdberts, chalrnlao of lbe them away al Its clur.,.,. and It's c~:~. 't~~.=~ . Masters Tournament committee, said in generally his alms that knock. the bar "! ""'*''!.~·?.Ira. ·Killg.f.,e ... -.,, Murpby'a IOleclloo lb,ot Slf· off," • · solltl cholce·w gamer honors for the ford, B. R. McLendon~Jr., Tommy Bolt, .Shields, a &-2, 175-pouQ(kr, ct".a"ta M se<bnd·llratpt·year. • , .. ..,. · J ... llodrlguez and im1ttur BlllJ Joe 11' a sopbomoA 'il Mal'bui ' Jlilh but And -bleo--ioa,·rata u ·• •·.Plllloo ello -lved votes front formli improved fo 1-1\i ind uy, the f<illawfn& ~p. ., "" · . ' ..... ... ' -·11Chmnploat! ' two leuonL ' .. • • Baseball Conunluloner Bowle Kubn bai directed the playera involved fo r .. port for wort with their rapectlve clubs SajUrday. throws in the final 28 seconds of overUme ' · " " · • ~~~~"~An~~i:i~·~~~ Bruins:"r~1~~~ .. Tr.ojans,. 61,-~5 Ferri• T_,.. M•rk LONG BEACH -. John Ferris of Stan- ford tet bis RCOnd Paclflct meet rec- ord In two nights Friday u the Indians clOled Jn oo· Southern California in the PacWc-1 awimmlrig and diving cham· pionshlps. . Ferri> was cloclced in 1:~1.84 for the · 200-fard bulterfl)" in Long Beach's s.1., monl 'p~ Pool lo beat lbe mart set last y-o11:1U bf.USC1 Phi! Houser.' Fred 11QWood , al lbe lndlan.t iwam I 54.01 the 100.yard bacbtrote for another meet lnartt· 11a1; GnC'. tlbaritoft ol lbe Trojal>I .fool !hi a,lrd> ir.aylo and 1'aimnat6' -Klddlr -third fo teep lbe Tr'oj1111 &bead ln the team race.; Greg Fink, formerly ol ·eorooa del Mar H1ill. aided USC with a !ourtb place In llll ·'°' h*, dllcting 4:22.34. ~ ·.,.Jr.• er•• A ... ,,,. 1 YUMA -Bill Da'lia hit a hoses loaded ' homer J!'rlday ad Johnny Podrea .pltcbed three biUes1 leninp 11 San Diego'• Na- tional t.eagt?e elP!lflllon tc1m optntd !ls lnlUal exhlbilloo' aeasoo with an ll-6 victory ova: lbe Calllornla Angels. Davll hlJ hit ilr&Dd llaln In .the third · lnnini to blChllahl a r1lly that 1av• Dod9ers Win, 3·1-, , COCOA, Fla. The Loll Angel!s Dodgers limited the Houston Astros to three hits and scored an 3-1 opening exhibition victory Friday as Alan Faster pitched three hitless innln&s and Bill Sudakis hammerea a two-run homer in the third. .-..;,.. Autrla i;oru uad VAIL, ~ ~ Pllrlek Rua<! of France and,Aualria'a Ger)1ude Gabl won slalom ~ ~Y ln lbe .lmtrlcu lnloi •-I lWD lkl ~ uoollkill l!landlftCI' it Uie en! 61 the secood day iii com]!<l)tJon _ lhowed lbe Austrlam .tlll..JeadiJg 'With 194 Points. France """"'1 With Ill. Switzerland third with •· lbe Unllid Slalel fourth with 81 and "canada with 2S. Dau11porl flttlu Shackleford Saves UCLA • ui D.ouble Overtime LOS: ~G~ -So cl°'e yet to far. second overtime behind Shackleford and left when Rowe cooly unk aj. pair of Unde~,uil!rei'oJly of Southern Cal· Lew Alcindor. charity t06les lo &Ive the Brulnllthe lead. Uornla cUn~ wl!hl!f a lieart.stop fraction Alclndor COll!rolled l!ie lap and Shack-The Bruins deliberately foulad Mack o/ a aecood-ol .__~ •• off UCLA Frf. •llord pwn}IO!I in a ahort banker off a Calvin with JI JeCOOda lhowlnf oo tho """"'""6 tw<Mll\<lllO 1ut break. Secoodl lltor cloek.· Calvin madf..lbe free Ulrow fo day nlght in U.. Sporu Arena, ooly to Alelodor·hqobd for two more oolnll·and Ile u.. pme •. ·••ll'IM Brulnl, juat Ilk• be blOWll of! Ibo court In doublo o.,... ,,_ Shacklefont stole the balf fo HI uP .lut,,,. oqi1llll "Calllornla, were un- Ume, 11-S(t 7'"' ~ _,.I,: off.' 1'ot the bumr In I prelllW-pkted 1ame wbicb saw a !>pter b1• Alc!ndor u4 USC'• drum lii 1111 ., before • the Trojam sio., down the tempo apinst wia ~. · 11111.W ti Ibo I .... UCLA lbe naUoo'• fop,ranked team, USC held •• II WU the aiecmd time lo -,.... -• , aCt --Um ... bot loll a <7-45 lead~ Sieve Jeoninf,l ICOl'<d the Trojans came WlWll a whllter 'of =.i.-·•l '~ Jual .two jloll>ll fo on a layup wit~ four IOCl!lldl left to lbe ::C:l!._olf 8it Bruinl ~~ l1owl!.i "°"1' ' Catrla "!;. {¥ i-•a ltadlal ...,.... llnlUCLAcmrtlm, with• l~~.· ame ~·eat on lbe TWo -... UCtA trimmed the 'lit11111. llOlnll ,,.. Alclndor and Sieve W1 ' •• ,_. • l'llltenoii had If eaeh for the Bruina. line, called Ume.out fo let up for -lut Trojam, 4NI ill overtime, but ooll' aflar UCLA had • bif D-11 ec1p lll iebouol!-abol. The l>all wu lnbowlded fo QallJ BUI lfewlU mllsed 1 jumper 11 lbe and Ing. Rowe,. w1'o (eel tlie 1i111 to I.ynn -ol ttgulsUoo Pia/'· uc:u. '" • 111c un ford. ..; _ • ..... · . 'lbe two clubl will 10 a& it q:aln to- Ul'LAND, Ind. -Jloh Davenport, Sbacktllotd, who had ooly one point, nllhl ln P1uley Plvlllon on lbe UCLA Taylor Unlverllly football coach for fl unleashed one lf . .l11J. ptlltnted hlgb-an:h-campua. bul Ill doubtful 11 that 1ame .,., ~•l'T II-J,.111hMll SH l• lflclfW ) t-4 I C,_lltW • I ... ' yean and !ormtr UCLA All·Amerlcan, lng jumpers from 22 !eel jull ahead of can match Friday nl&bt'• thrlller. iiald Friday he Is pvlng up coochlng · the buzzer and the ball saUed throu&h Both lOlllll wert forced to mate Jll'.,. fo becomo director of unlvenlly-<hurch the nell to Ue. th< score. aure &ee throw• In the cloolng MCOllCll leader~ Ir~. P!Oll'aJJll aL. the The llrulu, llred up by lbe d;waUc ol rellllar !lllY. ' ocliiiOI. -lhol~brokilhe iiliie wide cip<n in the -use lielcfa lMl lead with 11 secOni!s ,. ,, -• AICIMW ' ,., 14 TtYlllt 1 N • Vallflll I t-t I C.Mft t W H Htlll • i-t 1 ~· ., ·~ ,, , ...... 11·11 ......... r.g~ : ::: 11 =-: t: : lot.If II JNI •l -..... a M 1 ·-.... • -~It ~ 1t 1141 SI Tltll Mlt -UCLA 17, Swlfltnl Ctl 'It , ' ' ' ' . • I ~ --·..: -----·----·-----···-- I 'I DAILY PILOT S.ourdlJ, Mw e. 1969 ' ' ' . Gwc· Rips .. • ·. ~a,ncel:"s · G.et Revenge~ 64-58 Bucs _ Lose ·Br GUMI WRITE 01 lfll --ittlif staff . LONG BEACH -Re.ven11 IJ what thet ec:reamed for. Revenae Is what they aot. ; 'liiroughout the aame Friday night at Long Beach Attn1, Sunny Hills High b8$ketball fans shr~ked "Revenge!" to Hanl·hllUng Golden· West College lhe Lancers as they did battle with third stayed ball a game of( the .PaC! in seeded Himtlngtoo..Beach In the quarter· the Eulem Cont~ baseball 1•~ fin,tll pf Jhe J:IF Class AAAA pla)'<>rl•. With a 10-i Victory ar S a n Bernardina -~1' Wtrc . remioding the Lancers o( Valley College 1'rl~•Yt afte~1 1oDut · Jtunlingtort's 7CM6 '~iclory over Sunny Orange Coast ahl!oroea a fearf~ 1 12-0 , Hil!s 'in 1~1 year's quarter finals. pi(?Undlnl from vlaiUna ChaUeyl .. • But this time around the Oil City 's Gokten West Is now 4-1 ln cchfere.nce miracle bag came up empty as coach pl1y, just a half step behind unbeaten Elmer Combs' nifty fore.es · dropped a ML San AntonJo whtch tripped Santa heart-shattering 64-58 decision to the Ana, 5-1. Orange Coast ls now %..J in taller Freeway League runner&up. conference action. On thJs occasion Sunny HUis' superior The Rustlers banged out 10 hits against •height played a major part in doipg in San Bernardino and clx of them went the Orange and Black. So did the lop- Ml. SAC Gok11n Wtsl ""'"" C!trUI Fvl~on Alo Hondt Or•lllill CNll hnl• AINI .,._m Rl~1r1lo1 lal'I ,., ... ~lllO COH,.••llNC• W L ·~ a t.oot • • ' ' ' ' I ' I •I ' ... 1 "' I .1~ ' ... ' ... .... .... .... .... .... •• • . ,, • ' ' ,. ' ,,, '" •• ,'1111r'I Sc1rM Golclto1 wnr 10, Slln 8tt11trdi~1 c11a11..,. it. Or•,,.. ca1t1 • Ml. SAC !. S.nll ArN1 1 "un.non '· IUvtnld• 1 11.llJ -o). CVPI" ... I TNl)"I Glln• Ml. SAC 11 OCC (1:51 for extra bases. Tht big blow was a 305-foot L~·o-run homer down the left field line by Mike DeGeer in the fourth inning. ~iyroo Pines. Mike Sheline and Ron Teece also wielded big bats for Golden West. Teece slammed a triple which knocked In three runs in the seventh while Pines and Sheline each collected a pair of doubles. Pines' pair of two-baggers. cash- ed in two more Golden West runs._· Dave Paynter worked the first eight Innings on the mound for the Rustlen and gained credit for the 'easy victory. Chaffey pounded out 16 hits against Orange Coast, including four home runs. The Pirates, meanwhile, were only ab le t.p collect four singles, two by hot-hitUng Mike Bailey. \ · The Pirate! ~ttlum to action a 1:30 this afternoon in a makeup game with Ml. SAC. IChlfl" Ul ,., r ., ,... G1rvirr, If • I I t De¥i..'lf 1 11 1 c ..... ..,:. 1101 S«rtlo, Jb I I I I ,..,.,..u, d 4 2 I 0 liidlalder, lb S l • t C•rllno. H • 1 "2 • F0<6, rl 2 I I I H1!1,rl 1111 llUCle. lit • I l Ct1n.,c 1111 GrrlOrll. • 4 o t o TOlllJ • U 1' U ,. 0.111M Cll•I Ill• Ur II rW Sbolewoll;I. 3b 1 0 I t Ltedl. ill J 0 I I J"*m..11 tit 11,llly,cf •t 2t Ptul, 111 J O t o Mirun. rf • 1 1 1 Klmtton. If • I o I P1lmer, c 2 ,I. I t ,,,.,.,, lb 1 • t • Pllllet", 11 J I I I , ......... l-.1 •• '. sided ofHciating o:f former· UCLA star Dick Banton and his mate· Jim Tunney. They whistled 22 infractions against -_,. - Jhe Ollera and fl on Sunny Hllla. Combe wolilil oot crlUclie lhem openl); bul he did 111 afterward tllat lh<I'< many loull he l""er ~w IOITlmltled. ., JJe. ad<ied: 0 It was a (rec throw CQn-· test." Huntington dutj:hot th& L-.ncen from the field, Jl.19, but wa1 bombed by 26 free tosses (Sunny .t;lllls made 26 « ~f tries). ·• · "'" .. · One · of tne most· costly calla ca,rM agalnst 6-S Bond Ni~ls ~ it wat ' _.,n offensive infraction 1hat took aw-.y his basket a n d fouled bim out with 5:50 left In the game. Tfie tw~pointer would hav~ glveo 'the Oil City a 5M9 lead and Hun(ington11 · top board man would · .!till have beerr fn action. The second shattering play by the refs was in lhe closing m1nute when the Lancers were Jeadi.O&: &IHil•and had 1 the ball. It appeared that Brad11M.cNa· mara.. was pushing olt. ~ , ,But, officials called the fqul on Mark Whitfield and McNamara plopped ln both ensuing fret throws 10 give his mates " ----=---~ an l1'111m10>11hla-le l;-Jil IMd Wub ,alSI Namara 't'al fo.1111: Apia' b. eanoid s.e(:ond• remalnlnr: ,. both tries. • ,' 'l:hen beanpole Fr"11\ ~ flopped Jn V.ark Wbl~i<ld'• lh<lt from the ewner a bucUl with one &eeo.nd Wl to qtnn-reduced it to 1().-61 with '14 &eeondl left. pltlt )ht destruction ·o1 tbll outstanding • jjlll ...,. foullt>i aricl McN,.,.,. ofrtt Hunt~ laallJ• , tll<ow ahoollnr wu loo ml>Ch f4r the Combo •med' lajh. In a dressing, ~en. -' • ' room l.kat·mucb ~bled a l>Jnkrupt lSunny HlJl• had blown out to 1ap Ji-t fu"~r'll ~JQ,Tlthll~,IJli!de a , !fad at'!'/., J>OIFl b\Jt, the SunS<t teague mlatake '1>y not playing for la· last slwl champ& IOOghl back Jo to!<• a IO,lf )Juli• after Roy Miller stole the ball wut)1:57 ~in U)e \J'drd ql(a.l'ter. Apd~~stUlr w ... 1o play. oh lop, 4~. wllh. l :U reol\llnlil} In Jhe A1 J,bat Juncture ·il :was 56-aJL But u game. · · . ' ' t '-> Corribl also pointed out lhe Lancera were Somehow Mike Contrer~ rarely 101 no~ -pressuring his forces . So · the' ball to shoot the last Half .•nit wound ~P with' wu worll:ed into Miller~ and the latter three pplnt• for the final two periods. . ' m1.ed a lZ..footer y.ii 1:19 to go. ".,.'"""'-•'_.. c•• •-•"• C'41 • S~n~y Hilla rebounded easily wjth c.11...,.. tz 1~ ~ '~ swilf' • 'T ~ ~ ~ Nicholl on the bench. Tben _A1cNaroata w~1,.,. • • 1 .1 ~· ,• ,• ,",' f I hi ~· sh WI" l I I I IC;tlMl't was OU ed. He t ............. grah.!1 ol.!I and MIU... $ s 1 U-~ I 1 J 17 it wa• 5"&. Fllty.f:igbt seconds· Sbdwed Jl,.ldoOll • 2 • t McH•mtr• I It I ,,. thelk -llonweH 41J tP1loll Sl,I• on C 0C • 'Wlllttltld I I l 11 Miller tried 1 shot underneath With 4.1 '°""' :u 12 zt Sil • Tlllille ·-It• II u seconds left. The bl.II fell oU the rim and s-t Ir again Sunny HlllJ·re'bounded. Again.Mc--=:w~i.'IKll 1'1.U11 !I L ltlll~»-.... GMllttl Wnl Oil ... t II rlll P1uison, ttl I 1 O Dnt.1b 000 Pl.-.,rf tl2 Mlltll•, cf • • • 0 1111 ._,..Ill 111 1111 r.,,.. S.ndttz. 2b • • , 0 Gomer. 1b I t 0 I M(G1ry, Cf J I 0 I Urltlft, IS 4 0 0 0 Mi LL ER THE 0 'MAULER -Hunting\on ·Beach High Schoo l's !Wy !\filler (52)' 'puJJ,s in a vital rebound in CIF quarterfj~~J basketball game \Vith Sunny Hills Friday n,ight a_t .. 1:5>~g~.~~t;!~h Sports Arena . OAILi' •ILOT,..... '1 It~ KMl!Mr Sunny, Hills player Bhan Kelley ( 40) and Oiler Bond Nichols (50} look on. SunnY. Hills upset the Oilers, 64-58, to knock Huntington Beach out of lite AAAA playoffs. H1ndrld!l1, ct I I O O llldllrcllfl, J() l 2' 0 ' tlh1111U, lb 1 O o o Teece, If j I 2 J 8owtt1•. lb • 0 0 0 Comtll, lb o o O O DeGeer,•t lll SNIJM.t 81 1 El<ler. c o O O Ptynt.,, t I I t Somrfleld, • • 0 •• Toner. rfo.Jt • O I o Sund~. If.< 2 2 I w111..,1, lit • o o o T1rr, lb • o r o Twlo11. c • I I 0 Ayres, cf 0001 Genet.I JOIO c-·· • o 1 o , Wllller, D 0 0 0 I • G1rk;1. D I 0 0 0 Tol1l1 G 10 11 I Tolfl1 ll l J • ,,.,. ., lllllilotl Gold ... w •• , iln ltrl'lfrcll.,. ' M ' 1»1 32• 000-10 " 1 OOI DOil II-l J 1 OCC Spikers Lose. 82-63 To ·Fullerton Visiting Fullerlon J,uniot College posted a11 JIZ.Q Ea.stern Conference' track anc.l field victory over Orange Coast College Friday afternoon despite some good mid· die distance efforts by the Pirates. It was Orange Coast's first conference dual meet of the year. Terry Schmitz cruised to a I :58.S win- ning ertort in the 880 while teammate Fred Skirde won the mile run ID 4:24.6. 'l'we>-mller Dan l\fooney won his specialty with a 9:43.3 clocking. Other winners for Orange Coast in· -eluded Les Bland, ~fii:e Pomeroy and Jeff Baker. Bland cleared 13-6 to win the pole vault. Pomeroy took the 120 high hurdles In 15.4 and theo came back to win the· 440 intermediate hurdles In 56.3 to complete lhe only double of the meet . Baker won the 440 in 50.5. Basketball Score - 8lanford al, Californ ia 79. l'A'O over· Umes St. Muy'a Call!. C, San FrancOOD 13 Bania Clara II , U. ol Pacific 19 Orep 71, Or<gon SW. i6 1 r Rustlers Burv • RH Spikers hr Dual Meet GOiden West College evened ib Eastern Conference track and · ftetd iecoid at 1·1 by swamping ho.5t Rio Hondo College , 1021/:i to'381h ·Friday afternoon. The Rustlers completely dominated the dual meet, winning 13 of the 17 events. Sprinter Don · Har.ris· was t~ only dou· hie \Vinner of the meet, winning Utt 100 in 10.1 and coming back to· nah the 220 i11 222.4. He also ran legs nn Golden. 'Vest's winning 440 and mile re\ay, teams. ..... ~ Wtll !U2h l Ul\!11 Rl1 HonOI l"olt v•11lt -1. Ml!rrlll CG) 2. French (Gl 1 t':t thlnS, Htltl'll: 11-0. Hlth lump -l. Sl>leid1 IGI t. Mw!w:hJ.., !G) l. Anderson ~II) HeltM: u . J1v1lln -l, C...,.icnntn IA\ 1. L""1M.n !GI 3. T!1 be"*'ttn Sol>D IR) .rMI l orlll1 (G). O!Uon.:t . Hl -10. $11QI pU! -I. Pell'rlOll !GI 7. Ml•l•n 1•1 3. Dulin IR). 01111,...;e: ~I'!. DIK\IS -I. ~rl•n (II.I '· P11..-1on lGI 3. bl' fll l Ol111nc:.: 111-0\~. ton. llll'l'IP -l . LIWSOIO (RI 1. Mirrrill IGI l. A.nderson {II.I Ol!IJl'ICt: 21.f. Trlltle lumt -1. Mtrr1ll !GI 2. Mutchler IG) 1. \.IW90f'I ClllJ 01111....:t: 41.f. («! ~l•v -1. Ooklen Wesl IAl'I', H1nl1. Johntan, Kflllltlonl. TJme: '3.7. · Mlle -1. s.m1!1-IGWl 1 Cooe>er (GIV\ 3. NO tt.lnf. T;m.; (:l~ l. 120 HH -1. Jallnson !GWJ 1. HIV"" llllH! ), "'' 1MroS. Tl"": 15.J. 4'° -l. f,\c;.l.lahon IGWI ' Tlerwtv l"H! ). C!'r¥1~1 !llHl Timi!: Sl.J. T::O -1. 1rrl1 (GWI 2. IC!t\R (RI-I) S. W.!ler. IRHl Tl"1t: f.1. .. ttt -l . Miiler !GW\ ?. )11n .lrldti CFW) 3. Sm1llWOOd (Gl'll Time: :c1.1. • • :1~ -1. l'tllrrl1 IGW ' 1. A.91 IGWl 3. McMa/IG~ IGWl Time: 2?.I. ? Miit -1. DeNucckl CGWI t. Frtl'ICll IGW' ).~l1llR(~~! '!_!""",'. ·~~i~~n W•11 IAe~. H1rr<1 Jo11nson. ICnucr~~J Time; i ;;lt.O. • • . Lion Gymnasts Win Tournament \Veslminster High School copped the Lakewood Invitational gymn1sUcs mee~ witb '19 points at tilt Westminster gym. Paul Ralston of Westminster copped the rope climb in 3.4 seconds with four alhJetes a tick back at 3.5. L........ l~YltttlMfl Hll!I 1W -1. Vortw11d IWm) t. Dinlt IL1J.• WOOdl l llmorl (BPI Pohm: H.1. Plr•li.i ti.ti -I. '""'""' IWml 1 Pitt II.ell; .. 'MIOll! 3. GW'<lol (EIU honn: :tS.6, • Frtt .,trtlM -1. J. Wilder ICdMl t 8 r..,...m IUll~) 1. SIMpirr IWlhOl'll Poinb: 2'.1. fvmbjlnu -I. Gtorlkt. (MlllJQnJ f. P ltlrO'I IA•UMll'lll ). GarreO ISGI LOf19 llofW -1. MtFavt cwml t. Tie "'- LN--111 (l.aktwoad/ l!'ld flrlHlll"' fPolyl P1!nll1 tl11. llltilol -I, Olvolit (l.1k1Wllldl J. llrbJ IEtJ ""lnhi ''·'· lllope t limO -1. ~111ron !Wm) t. Tit, Dtrw..,. MenH11 IL1~1-J, M11r11IM ,,..,,...,, "'""'° !Po/y) •rid "'""""'11 ,.,, T'lml: 1.4. Slat ,_,~ -· I. S.Vrrlllllf' tWmJ ,, Or-!501 ...... _ 111111 hlfltt: ... ,. T•m "*°": Wettfftlfltl•f 2t. Liii ....... 1 ... l!I ll1Mhe 11, $an (;lltflt l 10, a tldWlll 1'1'11 t•~, W!I• •11:)111 ' .i.104 ........ , ... ""' .,.w .., ........ , ·~, - Eagles, CM Win Newport Nine Defeats Corona del Mar, 8-4 • • ~ .< Newport ,Harbor High School fl exed lts muscles with an 8-4 baseball verdict over visiting Corona de! Mar High Friday afternoon to headline a quintet of non4 league , baseball ga~es in t~e Oran1:'e Coast area . . 1 : Estancia roughed up ii nvading Ro,vland J{lgb,1 9·1. and Costa Mesa came 1hpme fro1n Santa Ana Valley with · a 3·J ,eight· iru\ing victory in its pocket. ~guna Beach went eight innings, but It wasn't ~h as darkness lOQ)I; il• toll , to bold the Artists to an ~ tie with' San Dieguito. !\fission Viejo was whitewasheft. 7..IJ. by Garden Grove on the strength Qf sii: unearned runs. , ' Newport Harbor's big win was sparked by a three-for·four effort al the plate by Rich Warner including a 390--fool home run over the left-center field wall. !\1!ke Fleming added to the Sailors' offense with a 3.10-foot homer to left field. Estancia-Chuck Loseth ·allowed only one hit to Rowland. a homer in the Dlablos·GG ,. .. 1,...,. vi.:i. ft1 ,ll tll"' Ho"lmt f!I zoo• ttlc8!r. ,rt ) 0 ' 0 G1ilntr. W l o I o Or1•,c Jo le MlrlCIOfl. t o I 0 I Wettltr. » l 0 I I Ctt/'o,lb 1100 H_I,...., Y l 0 I I MoreN. 11 2 • ' • Ca..er!OI\. 10 I 0 I t Mll1ttl0n. I I I 1 I H11en, t I I I f Gtrffll 01'9Yt Ul al r II rl! Ar>11erwoi, lb ' a o G Rur.o:l1ll, 7b J 7 o O $0nn1Y,U 1 10 ltft.mllJtn, C'I J I 0 M ~rvn.rf l110 Jem1.lf 1101 ltU9Sll'lltrl . Jb J I i Schwent, c l 0 C Scflatte<, • J o a o R-.P 1000 Ptew~,"" 1 010 T1111~ 2• t • o lo11i, 1,, 11 ' • 1 $(11'1 ., tM!ifltl • . ' . M<U\M V'4io 000 000 0-0 I I Gtro:ron Gro"" Ill Otl .... , I 1 ' ' Cfl~l·Tar1 ' llf-1 Ill 111r1"' •l I I 0 I O I I "41nlt.y, n Mt c 51,...,)lt, $ lt~..,.. lll W1Nlfr , tl ' l<Wrlll'll· II' "lalfnoll. lb Foolttr, rt ........... r( ·-. Ct•r· "" Sl\/111, • ro11i. ' ' .. ' 7 ' , ' ' . ' ' ' ••• ••• ' ... t I 0 I 1 0 0 • 0 ••• ,,1101 c-. ftl !I'll' l•I , ... r ~"'I '<\'IN, K 4 0 t I M.iYt•,ftl •llt O P11mtt", •·I· ' 0 0 O ll $nv1111·,uJl20 Willltlflthl, (I ( I I I EUii~ rl I I I I K~l1~.t JllJ ••rt• , I• J t I I Letfl\.11 0101 Crr-,d!IOOO WtlM.» ,, •• "ftUlt 1' • I ' ' M ' 011 n)O 11-1 I 1 012 JOI ...... 10 l seventh. as he struck out 19 enroute to the victory. Dan Clark doubled home t\VO run!i in the eighth inning to give the Mesans the niargin over Santa Ana Valie"Y: ' SD-Laguna S•n Oie1ulle If)., t.1111111 Ul •'rll•M 11!rhrDI S1nc~•1, II l 1 0) 0 I ,MDonld. JI>.<. • O 0 0 Mehl/ Cl I .. 0 ,r SiPlo••· • 1b 1 ' 0 0 KU~llrlck. 20 • I l 7' B11<:i~rell. or O l O I T1y!(lt, lb • 1 0 0 AbQey, lb 0 I 0 0 Ctl1'tlrt, rl • 7 l J D.Schmill. <1 3 I 1 o ·M!Mtfl,•U 2 2·1 I ,Sl>•Po11rd, 11-ll •I I 1 1Cr1vfter, n1 • r ) J KtUier, H • o o NtiMl\t C l , 0 I t McEJ~ny, lb • I I ICllJ!,, c l I I o Pe!mer, ti.rt J I o Lll'od, ·• J O I O G1mer, rr I o 0 o .Sl>tnUr. c l e o o Boll•s.• 1000 D Shmh, rt·lb l I 7 I To1111 11 t ' 1 Tolrts JO I • • . ' . i1n Oiltullo XIII I .. G0--1 I .i L11unt lleftf't llOO 114 JI.--.& I i Jllesa• V alle11 (Mii Mt11 Ill allt-.-4 T~wner, ttl ) 0 0 0 Muf'Jh•, 111 I I I t ''"°"' p-lb ' '0 • 0 "4ln111v, c l I 1 U c11n..n •01 1 SP!ihY>1Vfr, II 1 0 0 0 8u1nt11rt, II 1 O O 0 F1,,tll, •f ' 0 I 0 LiU"!r, rt I I I. 0 Ad~lm•"• JD J •1 t t Plurnbtr, cl l t 0 0 Nt\~,lb 1000 L"'*•· 11 ! O 1 1 Tot•b 7' l 1 2 COii• M61 S.~11 Ant Vlllll'I SMll ARI V•llu fl) ·11 r ~"" Glp511n , 'lb • 0 l I GroH. SW> • 0 0 0 McCulley, If • o o o ld<MI, cl l 0 0 0 (nlb•CV'J~, fl l 0 1 0 Lo~1. IJ:>.rr l o t o Mc:CulJtY. c J 1 I ~ S.rrano, l~ 1 O O O Whl1e.~ 1000 Mllll.10 I OU I To!llJ ?I I t . ' . ODO 000 1'-l 7 • 000 OtO 00--1 • 1 Eagles-Rowlalld 1!1111Cla Ctl .... 11) Lo~ttto. • Our&nll. rf Powtill. )II fOlf>'•'" ( Lrmokt. 10 lulllrG, 'II V•ilPrf. 7b (Of~.· l'Vl!I· ti ,.,, .. N r 11•111 t I I I !l!lol1, » JJ10St.:rv,t1 J 1 s • .C11&111T11".c I I I I 1t-.11t t • 1 ,1 •hl\lt<I. lb l • I I Qor1'11L ct J 1 •• '**· d J • • • ,,;;: ... J I I I llrr<!lt•. • • '' t / Tot11s Ill t lo tlll l t a • ' • 0 • ) 0 0 0 1 l ' I l • 0 0 3 ••• 1 t D ·O l I O o 1 0 ' 0 U I I 1 Net Sun1ma1·ies • Gauchos Fall To EC Teams In Track Meet WALNUT-Saddleback College's tcack: and field tearµ went up against sbme of the big boys of the Eastern .Coofer· ence he.re Friday afternoon and was belted around· by Riverside City/College and host Mt. SM Antonio College. W.-l. Si\C whipped ihe Gauchos; 122·21, while Riverside's winning margin was slightly smaller, 107·36. _,. Paul Cox and Gary Rqssman Were the , only individual winners for Saddleback. Cox, the Gauchos ·an-routid handy· man, set a pair of school records Ur the long jutnp, and Lripie jwnp. · He stopped all compeUtors in the long jump, spanning 22·7%. Later: he· came back to finish se<:ond ·in the triple jump "1ilh an effort that stretched the tape Jo 1.2-4\1. Cox also finished. second to Rl'{C.J'Side and third io ML SAC Jn the discus as be whirled the plaater 124~. Rossman turned in' h1s winning per· formance in ijle high lump with a mark ·of '5-3. . ' J. • • • Sprinter~ Jarrell ~led 10.1a.Qd23.t times In the 100 and 220; but could only pick up a pair of third place finishes. SaddlebaciC has a ·busy -Lrack schedule ahead of it neJ"t "'eek. '.fuesday the Gauchos travel lo wind-S~ept Landcas- ltr for a meet under the lights against Antelope Valley· College . Then on Friday afterooon, they have another double dual meet with Soutj}. \\'estern and San Diego Mesa in San Diego. CIF Results AAAA Compton 46. Bellllowtt J3 Sunny Hilb! 14, Huntington Buch SB AAA Santa ~1aria 70, Lasue1 •63 Bishop Arnet ~. Claremont 5t Beverly Hills f1, Nogales 84 Gardm Gro~e v• Rowland (toshtJ at OCC 3 p.m. on Chanruiel 4) AA Verbum Del 83, Sell Gardens 51 Katel111 84, Hart 67 A • Aqulnlils 82. Ontario Christian M Ataicadcro 77, £lslnore U ' 4 ·Squads -Share-Title In TourneY, ~taiina High School capltallzed on 15 Pacifica H fg h w~ Ind .even h I t I to blal\ the Marinero off the baaeball dia-mond 15-0 In tbe llomUn;ton !leach - ' T~amenl and throw the fl.hat stan- dings inlo a '°"'"way tte Frldax a11er-. . noon. . The Vikings, Mariners, FQll>\Jaln Valley and Westmll>!ter aD !ioJahed will> 3-1 marks. Westminster clbnbed to.to a share of • ~ top apct with a Z.l decision ov.er Servite while Fountain VaUev 1'1.S Wut- nln biJ, ~ over Foothifi -Sa\tanna scored Ill fir 1 t win of the tourney with a 4--1 decision over host H1mtin~on Beach. • ' Pacifica w a s well' on it.S way to I undisputed title before runl)!nc b1to Marina. However, coich Ray Allen's Vikings bombarded the Pacl0c1 myth with 11ttle trouble. 1 Eight tuns on .two tingles and sb: w1lks f'n the second inning wert•,aJI the Vlkes needed lo clinch the win. Tony Crtcl, a sophomore who won two gamea: for Marina with clutch hits. walked thrtt t&nes, acored three and bad two RBis. ft.en Davli went air the way for Foun· tain Valley in pickin.« up the shutout victory over FooUUll. He struck out nine tn the process. Mike Haynes scored the winning run for· Westminster in the fourth Inning: on a fielder's choice. Phil McCartney. Richard Reid and Dennis Mack combined to 1llnit the Friars to .one hit. 11v111111 C•l 111r,rw C•mPtHlll. ~ 4 o I o Moudv. " C1n1rv, u 3 I 0 0 Murphy, Jb 8!tlln$kl, c 2 I I O C1rlbt111, • 1 • 0 0 l 0 0 I 1 • 0 • Gros1. rr J D o D ~11, c H0t11n ,:!ti l l o I S't'll'IOlll. ,rf ·~ : ~ : Moln1r, lb 4 O • I ll'fdtr, Jb 1 • 1 • , .. ' 3 I I 0 l 0 0 D s • 0 0 3 l 1 1 16 I J I 8rock11tf', cf 2 1 1 1 E1rJy, rf Wesfpll11, rt 2 I 1 t C1nlt1ll, 1J Ferrin, 11 S 1 t 0 ltulr. ef Tc111s •1 ....... 81te1, lit ,, 4 1 1 Tollll Sctorto lly lnn1nt1 S..v1nn1 Hu;illn•l9n !le1d1 . ". c1c300e-,21 0000100-1 )1 w111m1~1tw en .... l'trlll Mllnl,JJ 1000 E. l1rlow, ..,,. , ................. . I . Ba ri~, Oodrlcll, 7b l o 1 1 ...,, Cresson. c Sin, rl Wilburn. cf Notllle, II' Clm!no. 11 Fit., lb G.._;ner, 21t Lucien. P !lr]991, Ph ' I I I M. Saft<:tleZ. :lb l 0 0 O 1 oo1 lluckllnd,11 1 1 o 1 II o 0 McDon11d,ll' 1 Io l I f 0 N.emltr111, c 2 I I 2 0 I 0 Wt lltr. c I • I 3 0 0 0 C!tnndlnlllt, lb I I I l OODH1ynM,llt 110 1 I 0 0 J. S1r1tl't11, lit 2 I t 1 I 0 0 P, McC1rt~fY• 1011 • reo SQber, d 1 a O llM,d 711 Plott, ff 1 1 1 W. McC1rtnrr, rf t 0 1 llltld,p •• 0 0 MIO, .. 111 l o 1 o 11 11 • tof•IJ ,., •• Sctra ., IMlllll• 0 M. -I I l Petlflcl lfl """"' D1vldson, '2b l 0 0 0 Bosw1li, ct l o t o Minn, lb 2010 GHlln1, lb I 0 0 0 Suldt, 115 2 0 I 0 l"lwton, c J 0 0 O Mc0Ut,1J 3000 llodt, rl 1 O O 0 Phl!!f1!r, rf o o 0 O Mabrv, lit I 0 0 O Smitnt. 1 2 O O o Mllrls. • o o o o B19le~, ' 1 0 O o Emmel!, • I o I 0 l'1cillc& Mt<rln• -001. IOI 100 • -2 ' 1 Mlrllll (II) • r II rM Wl!lldr, 11 l I I 0 Curren, p~ 1 II 0 O Ell•r, rl o I o I fternlno. lb ? o O o South, 111 l o o t Moll,C S210 cair11t1. 11h o o o t Cresu . c:f s 1 o o Bennlnoton, II O O 0 0 Cretl. 3b I ) 0 ? McDlntld, P~ 1 0 0 0 Campblll, 21t I 2 I I ClmPbtll, 2b I 1 I I l"ellt.2b 2 000 AnllerMn, • l 2 a • S&tm1n, rt 2 l o I Motn,11 1102 Kotch, ll l I I I Tollll 2l U 1 12 IMlllll 0 M 0 OOOOC.-0 I l llta 1.0-lJ 1 I P-1•111 VllltJ (0 f'•ltlll Cl) •• ""' ... llfM Robtm. 2b 3 I l 7 J1ckMn, u l 1 o Ari.i.t, lb • I 0 Hol\nfr, 2b O 0 0 Cerron, cf • I 2 I Eotw1rc11. tit 2 o I c1111uon, rf • ·o 1 o Klein, rf 2 • o Feii.n, lit l c I o Hovr. If 2 o O • Ditfll, If l 2 I o $mllll, c !I I o WllklflMn, c 2 , 0 v Dr<!dn, 311 !I 0 • HIK. IJ 1 I 2 EdWlrclJ,. lb I 0 0 0.1vl1, 11 0 0 0 5Ptldl1r, it I 0 I Jtnltn. It I I 0 Lindell, t I I I Tot111 ts ' ' J . Toll" 1• l o Seen '' 1~1111111 FMlhiU Fount•in V1l!e1 . " . 000 000 0-0 3 l 010»0•-f ,. 2 Drag Cards Slated Sunday Two separate dragster elimination cards will be on tap for drag racing fam at Orange County International Raceway.s's last daylight show of lhe season Sunday. Supercharged gas and unsupercharged fueh!r.!I will qualify for eight starting positions open to each field beginning at 10 a.m. It'll be the last afternoon drag show at OCIR this season. The track goes under the lights bcgtnning next Saturday. John Peter!! of Santa Monica, owner of the national rerord !>Olt'ling Frei(h& Train, ls looking for a resuraence from bis twin-engined machine. He wea unable to qualify for the Wintemationals, the Bak,ersfleld Fuel and Gu cbampJomhip!!I Ind was an early dropout at tie Stardust National Open. Until now. Peters' car had never before failed to qualify for a nation1I event. Larry Bowers. Lakeview Terrace drtver, ft another entrant k>okfng for lmprovtd showing. He has betn a run- nerup 1t the NHRA '• last 1w11 nation1I evtnts. Stardust National Open winner :c:in Rasmussen, •rennosa Bt1ch, ~ another top gas entry.· Special street eliminator and dh1l·you,... own handicap competition wDJ wind up the day'1 ncln1 menu . ' While dr11.en 11re 1Ctetchlng down the: quart~r-mlle 11trlp, o f f . t h e -to 1 d vcl>lclta wlll be ca-Ing about OCIR's mud~rapped dune buggy course. ._ 15 to •· :h" ,,. ,.. •1 >I ol er JI- he .. I 1to gs lie ks .. on Is, nd m· >Ut •• un ., ?y. ed ,, "' ' . ' . ' . ' . • • ' . ' . ' . • • ' . ' ' > I .... •• • • ' ' • • •• • • ' . ' . • • •• • • • • • • • • I o ' . • • ' . o I .... ' • • • • ' • ' • • ' ' • • • • • • • ' • • ' I ' ' • • ' • • ' • ' ' ' "' "" ' . •• • • • • • • ' . •• • • • • ' ' • • J • lon Ing flai the ged lng mg oon fhe Jing ner (ht ..., 1ble the •ipl lust '"" for un- 1nal """ her .,,. ~p "'" Id ,R's • .. . -. Cdm uts • •• • t ·• • '~\ •, • !tfarlnu-Fl' \ll rtft\o Merllll (1'1 llll ,_ll lfl Yllll• ?00 MetlltY lhi.v -.1 •• M9rlne. Tl,,,.: l:Sl."-. :!OC1 ,., .. -1. 11 .... 11 IMJ 2. lttnne• (Ml J. H119llt1 (l"VI. Tlmt: 2:0f.I. Sll ~frn -I. McGonMlllM1 IMJ 2. S.U.11«• !Ml J. LIPOt (P:VI. Ttmt: 72.1. toe 1Nllv14lial MtdltY -1, Dofttlll· _. !Ml l Holll tr'VJ J. ~ol!nlon Tl ... e: 1;17.J. • i . Dlvkflll -I· lrivner!Nfi IFV'I r. Avtrtl IM' 3 Keen (Ml. Polt1b.= 77.lt 100 F"' -i , Mc<:OMl uei'leY (Ml t. """* .J MI, No I II Ir•. Tlrnf.I 1:03.l,, lot 'l"rM -1. Li.,.ldt IMI 3. LIPOt CFVJ 3, 0.rdMr lfV). Tim.: fl.I . 109 llC!l •-. • l. °""khon {Ml 1 . •Jot!-CMI :l. HlllllM lfV), Tl'"': J:IW.f. 400 fr" -1. lve!I CM) 1 •• Colll IMJ a, l'llcll (¥.), Tlmt: A;:U.a. Melftlll), '""" W9'hl\lllltet I.SI lftl • .,._ 0'9¥1 100 11'Mlt ·'"'t 1. L1-icll {HI) ! . . ~ ,f+Mfl tFV} J, Soi/llltrs 4'1), TI..ie: l ;IJ.,, • Medi., ll:lllY -1. Wetlmln1111r fD•'l'lt, Wolff,., .. ,..,, lttMrJ. Timer 1:n .f. tOO Froe ...:.. t lowm.n IGGJ t . -----------.taO l"rM lt•I~ -1, Merln1. Time; 4 :1J,~ . G•f"llner IW) l. l-l"'tfll11t11G11 IW/-Tlnw: . ''~" . -fO FrH -l. LffHI' IWJ t. 11:&111 M111111 101 1•n ~"' "'"" 1w1 J. w111,,. 1001. Trm•: 2•.1. .Golf· Results * 'MMlltY lttlal' -1. Merln.. HO lndl'l'ld111I Mldltl'' _, 1. """ · Tl~: ~~::f.. .:_ l. Wurah!r (FV) !. iGGI 2. C1rler !GG) J, ci,.'".,. MllMf ~ I ').JllJI I~< ·, Jllllft IM) J, Jol\Mon !FVJ. Time: tWriiv~1;".'...21~·~ll'l!'ll (W) t .. S.tu, ~~~(~ll~JJ:U I} ,Glflntl J::·'f,.1 _ l. SOii (l"V) t. Jtc:obi (WI l. C1111rcrt IGG). Polt>lt: 11!1.0, Mll~,1, !e'i ·"!E!L'°"i f03 I ) 11111 FIY -l. Cadt !GG) 7. Ctr!fr O•IJll n I J TrC,nll ~003•1!i~~i'MZ:::;:..!.'·t wimi m• 1Gco1 3. ••f(lll 1wJ. Trmt: 1100.1. ~.!J11 t 1J!·$fi"lr1r1 !~I I • fM) ,, Htrbon, (FV) S. ~I (/IU, f It~: .. ~~ ;:-~~'"::OJ ~in:: dlfM'{I:; hllltcl ~ ,, Plt.111 Timi: l :V .f. zo ! '•,·~!is S:tt. • · · .riire.&-wttt n tJ lltl ,~.....,... 109 1"11' • .-t.IJfCllbl (j\)..,; I t lOl 'IKll: -I, .kip (GGI 1 krlbll !GW) def, Mtrtlt II") 7W91 fFVI :lo l'"fYM CM). Timi: )"!Of.J, H9MINMWI (WI 2. OtYk (WI l lfM: Slm1 "11"1 def. Nlchoil IGWI 11-1'1 ,. 1"1'91 -I, W\l,_,.r (f\ll t. 1:11'.1.4. • ' ' L-11") Hf. Hllflp!llH COWi 1Mli ::iow.-, IM) :t ~ fl"V), l llM; .tM Fre1 -I, '-II fGGI 1. WOldremt (fl) lllf. M"flltt' (OW} Mii ial 1.h._-1, ~DftkflDnl IMI f. 18fii., ~ ic;GI l.. Cllmt,.. fWl. kl!Wln1n ISWI 11111 T9"llfllli 1'1 . ·' ''~"-I-I"'-Cffl I. lillY 1Fv1. TIIM; fir"'"";;;;;;'·~.';· ';;;'";;;;;;;~·;;;;;;;;;';;;;i:;' ;;;;;;;a; ... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; • ,,.. -1. $elf CP'Vl I, ,,_ .. , '~!.·.~= ~·»: ~ii.lftM, '· Are , Y .U · thlnkl.. A"--u1 -~r L..,.,Z"'f' Cl"V) J,. kfw!llft·(f'Vl. l•: .. ~~':,::·~...t .. :;,.:·-""'· ,...,anti'• Private Al,Plane? .. :-:.i:i ~'!I.~~ ·.e... . ~II 'IOHN BAKIR, · · . · .., TllT)e: 11a .f.' , ' • 7flO "'" ,.., t. Mt• CMI I. NMtl . 671 .. •40 ~ IFVI J.,G1h .. "9riUIVl. Tl1M~t11~ • • ', ~ .... ' ~ fl'nt1 -I,' """"" (l"V L • ' \ • · curl'I• 1Fv1 J. fl'r11MtM.1.>Trm.: "'·'· • "lam atWliwi remtilded of the t1m'e, when at • young " lOI lf'ldl¥1.Wl l Meotn -I. l'!'lllt J..!.'!:.. "' · ••1 •· '"' '"'' ~ ,,_ '""· .. e; I 'b,....,.t, a 1924 Harley David.son for $25.00 Tline: 1101.J...,., • • , ~~I I ad ed I so F,., -'~ I!,,,. Ut1r '· S111ot11r1 w11 nv • t cost my Dad another $50.00 '~:.03· ~~ 1~v1·1:1~r:,1. CMJ\ 1~ : t~ let it running for me.Don't let.~ happen when R1c. fFvJ '· C.ltlttitr citv1. 1im-: ·you buy an airplane1 i ,.st.,, .:.H \ . '"' • ,-, . -.::., 'Tr,.-~ '·,.,,.:.""'l'M1."j',..;; J;}.E LL AIRPLANIS.' I TAKI AIRPLANIS 1111 . '~~ """ !. l,'·"-'1~l i. '' 11<ADI, AND I GENERALLY INGAGI IN ALL · .: :'..'.:'."' '"" >:.::-'"I~ '~.' '~L FUNCTIONS OF THI P~IVATI AND · ~ ,,:,'I::,J.'"' -.~ ·-• vonlr. IXICUTIVI AJ~l;~l'J'. l""SJ. ' ' )()'. best tstlinlte "*' i!it In tSel !Ut 30 ,_., Diy SC.,Paelfle!lll,• . rll&lllt m aome form or another, bu •PPtmd on • -1 , IJlt' tltlel of aomethln'il' over 2llOO prtvale or ear· ~. "',_<~>IQ> -p0rate airplanes lhif ftave OWDed 'll!d aold.' ' ~ 70t Mldlti ~ .... 1, fl'ICnc.. "' , I , ' •1 TIMl'l 1!&2. ' ' • A R 1 .. -~ f 0 c ,,, "' •-•· ..,,,... ""· • . es -o r•llt)tl Ollllty '" ·"" <K • ""' •sci. ""'' Since 1949 ''-~ret' -1. Rt,.. 1Ji) t. o~ · 11"1 J. l"lttnfllt IK>. Tmt: ».f. ftd r 10t llldl'llltwl Mldwr -f, ~:-!\ 0 1 ~~,';,::'.""!" ''.' ' ~ "I· .. En90god 111 1h •Prfvete alMI DIYI~ -1, M1¥ (It .. ..... I ",'.• ,l;'! t i-.. • ..,'""· ....... .. xocutlvo Aircraft Fltld SlllCO 1939 " '~'•1. rr':~~'.· ~:"i~ 1, If I ~ It I'll 1111 It to yo\f, • l«111 11<:1 a. Olilltllll c'~· T•1 ..... If not, my MfYI• 11 frM. H.J . ' .. , . I• hdl I... l, Ktdt .,,, 1. llttlWN J h lak 671 4440 ' '"'' • ,_ ... 11<1. ,,_, ..... CALL 0 n er, • -,,.. ~ t .._ 1ie1 ,. ~""""' .ISCI l ltNo(I()'. 1'1rnt: •;tu. ' !~ ...... .-....... .-............................. ,_ ....... .,. ... ~, •. ,. I IJ ., • • ! .~·~weeps LQ,9&20, .. • • • • • • • • • • • ... • ' .. .. • • • • • • • • ~ • .! -l :y S imnwrs 1-n Double -Wins $25,000. PIR. YEAR • We will ptiy :iou $SOO per )110. guarantee plus , a new car right from the fin! day, plus an frllllte benefits. · • We are r\lrlb!C our 23rd year iii bwinw. • Join a succelJfu! d'ealershle. , • 25 to 35 manied. . . -, <;aµ MR. TOP.,P~ for interview - I 108 L10NGPRE PONTIAC , •·, 13400 IEAC11 ILYD.;-WESTMINSTE~ ' · '192"'5T°'or 636-2500 • "'!~"rn OCEA11 CRllllEll) •••• • ••••••••• \ "'"' MAR.16 · ' ,, II 1• • .As You See if l ' I • • I ' • I • • , , • - MEDI CA TED · , ulermassage" " . '~No Bugs M'Lady" . SHELF & DQWER.PAPfR .,. --· ;i ~ . '' r ; \ l • -~ • ..,,. Sil11 66~ Say;on'~ITES ......1111!111 ........ IUl1IC .. . . . . . . . •' -~---' • ' I . . • " , ~ . 'Sa111tW1 -~ -. seats 1111mrr 111 ' "fms ••• t .. I& ~ '-Du II! . '~• "'· ::====-=.::= ... ' .. . ' ·, G1·. ":Snoaz'' Alarm · ·· · · ' ·. "tlltta" lri~ Li~ li•I .•. W.. ·4, !.~· "'· lets )'Oii ClllOZ!, then • • ·' ~ nl!eS J011 api•. fi&!rt!d 2 98 ~"~~~-~·I •""•1-,..·. ' ..,,.,;,JI inf. Beile or White. • ~ ...:. · · . . ~ ' '• ----~·-•'<'I< ____ ...,_ ... ' .~ ., ' . Laundry Cart ..... -.. ~ llip<I )fin- " tbrt ks I ~ pin PGWt. hiding 1ulivl• Ml fme witli fOUf 2" castefs for •. JIO!lllili!Y. . ' .!3·· ·,&9 ·· ~. ~--Mr~ 9J ·~~ .. ·-... .. ,.,_ ·11 1· .:.i..· ·NEWPORT >BEACH / ·' 1020 lllVINI IN WIS~LIFF .,L~ • .. • • ... " . ( • • • ' . . .:: • " • , . 1 . ·~--..... -··,,. ·1· }I'\ ;J \lfli . ' " ); .. . . ' . . ~ ' ~ • '83 BUICK .:.. ,.,. 1t1wiJ1...!!f'.:.: "=".::~~ ~,~, ';' .... v - ' •.• 'I ' ,1, -.. "., . -' " , I . .. 'I, ' .. . , ... . . ' l • . ·' --. ,--- J llOUSU fOR SAi.i • • JGGll1•,,1 IOGG . GeMnl u.' ')• 1080 0.-01 1000 ' " ~-. , f.f •l-ASIA:, l~~T1Mfblf,;LA1IOR" 546°231 '.e 646°7174 , · · · Assume $~4 °/o Loan - . 'p;fe . '/Jariel t', :r(;a,6~' · · : · •/B· .~~· · ~ ':~ · ~ , "· "Properiy is the ,frui t ~t ,:.~or· . Property l)\t ' H .Cl .... 11; It Is • ·positive gOod in the world. That '°")I iho<ild be rich, 1how1 · 1 t hat others ;,,,y, lleco,,,_ lch.'and ~•nee THiNK INcOMfl ' $16' PER MOHTif tNCLUDES TAXIS " 4 eye ,catchlnf. rentals Sparkling cleaa Mesa de! Mar. :I, bedroom' «>'1'Plelely ':"""hed. with all built.ins. N,w acryllc c8r)ietlng'..,; .. • .• .NEW LISTING-IRVI~ TERRACE,",,. Fireplaces, cboice loca-attractively landscaped -$4000 w)!J 'han~, delight~". 4 bdrm "Ill ·~·th home -'lh , lion near popular 10th St. ..,..., • "" . w, Beach _ always rented · 111 • dining room, 2· firei>&Ce&, great e~ sum roe r and wihter. Immediate P'011eillo11-4 ledroclms closed yard for children &·privacy. $61,500 for this , quality Can be purcbased with'$"1olilown '-ono de ' hS~own b app<ijntrne~t. · RIND~~~',.NICHT property. the best family Jf' ea at lhit low price of 1: ~ .. J• $23,950, New Elec. ge, extnl·J:abluets in'CI SPL,1'1'.,IJVI with great floor plan. OCEANFRONT WITH U Y. VIEW • covered patio -· pride of owner1hlp al ~l', 4 lidrili'~ biths & a separate family EaSt o( Main Street. DeJightf~l·conier locaUon. a µrice. ' .. · " '· room with fll'eplace, Immaculate.·~ ... Asking $69,500 for 2-story home--3 bdrm, 3 baths . , ~r .. •i.a.»~""' t ........ <).I ~ ••• owner.mo:v.io.l>:to Hawaii! Price just wl\h suo deck. . . ' ' ' ' would ·y ' u a,un. i .-' . . ' reduced !or quick sale.. • • MAIN AR:TERY . NMzlNG rt! .$Wl~l'!O,;POO_ J ' S ~.Vi'-'c.OMFOR~tB~E H~E iJ a free and clear bacbelor units in Glendafe near SC!':"ted (l>r Tud.oOl' ~1 i , ,..,_o!liiG '1ot close 111, '1711>. ... wt · Los Feliz. OWner will trade ''" sell with 25% 3 2 on '!ufe ~er Jof m -• • J Col''• J\!i~..-,;-' 1 · dnwn. Will carry first at 7~% lnteresl The price . ahblce.ar¥1lot eo.ta ~ :aoOm for b<iat t ,&'. j'.:e~te~ all~ In '":e.r2 , ls '63,500., bu!,_makeir.your offers. Hurry! ~r trailer -·only · ,SIM -CID you believe rcom . ~'t:..ts !railers et.r. ,,.,. ~ • ..:. I. · "''o II~ <I, · • ' ""' '.IF ,,,_.,..<"""?' .-. I j · P!I ,~AT. 1 ·,5 , ;'-' gain at ...................... ,,000. I BALBOJt 'POINT -440 Seville Lo ..Iv 'Li"~ Li I . . , .. ' Reiax alJ!I e!U!>y t1!is 2 B<!rm. and conv!U'Uble . Y,.,, . JO!ll •. 11 neJ . BEA\llll'UL UPTOWN ll<V.C RUT 1 . den home-in tep 81'0a of fine homes. SpaCIOus Dehghlfully decora~ 3 _bedroom oll an extra .• : .'J'Eslala JIVjng on a residential Joi. The : sunoy living room, floor lo ceilmg fireplace, large 4-0' lot, All electr1e built.jnl In brlJht lovely_spacious yard will give you ail · white ~ftck, '2 baths, patio, extra sized lot 'Y.a • cheery kitchen. "T" ~ aputbvpatio -ua. 1·~ season pleasure. The elegant interior , block to pijy .. ijt bay beach -ocean -vacant, usually low priced !lt\"'49;?0!·· t . 1 : oilers 'YOU the luxurious pampered ; reaay lo mOV. into, only $41,750. Good Terms. 646-7171 • Open ~S~naay 1: S46-~3i 3 f;ui:11J :i:P..'.'~~~ .'1!1e~~t~e~~: I 110 ralRI · ' faJIµJy.-1'\>0ro, 1J1 C!U' garage beauty. , Quiet tree llnli·street. Vacant. Ready for trnmOdlate occupancy.· ! R E A l T , ·.Y . I 20Z5 W. Balboa Blvd., NtwpOrt-hoch i Ront~I• -67J.3663 Solos -675-6000 : 1!111!11!!!!!!!1!!!!~~ C-del Mar Dandy Duplex • Put your lazy dollars to worW buildin& equity In Beautiful Olrorla df!l Mar!! Roomy two b@droom front unit with wood buming Orepla~ and all buttt--in kitchen!? Enjoy the berJ!,fit of added income trim a quaint two bedroom beach cottage over large double ear 1arage. Sharp pd1 ttadi" to move In! ! No vacancy factor here! Askiria". $41.000. Submit your smaller t property on our euarantee Ille pl&n. '· ~t • WE'VE MOVED Paccsettl?\', 4 bedroo~. full dlninf, 2 tile showen1 new carpet, close to the country r tub MESA VEllDf ' . . ) Oceanfront;.Deluxe Duplex I •... " v'Checl< Th•se Values Spacious 3 BR, 2 bath, all bll-lns, plus cus· IOQI B B Q. Enclosed garages, Sacri(ice at' $69,950 -$10,000 Dn. ok. BALBOA BAt PROP.ERTIES 673-7420 &Vfl: 673-9187 .._ ....... 1 "' t I . l ~ . . ' . . . WE. ~YI 1~ummer & yearly leas~ , , wateriltQiit homes availabll. Call ' B!ll ~t_s, j,' 1 , ~ • OFFICE ·OPEN Sohirdoys '& ·~nd•y• ' 1605 WESTCLIPF· DRIVE Newport Beoch 642-5200 u:~=====1 Open Sit/Sun 1-5 .BfB 2342 COLGATE . ' ' OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 1·5 908 CltjtJtn'!'! P.I. Emfbhlff! ·' • ' W!; SELL+ HOME !VERY 31 MINUTES Drop byl SA1''or~SUN 1 - or •call to 11ee •this Spic & s,an newly decorat . Mesa del Mar 3 BR & "'"'!!'.'!!!!~""'!~~""I family rm ranch style hom ' f · OUTSTANDING I Ol'Ett .tlC>US~~-) SCOTCHMAN'S .... ,~~W4~ 5 bedroom home on larp: Jot. Many•rotras; '~ vaeant•1 and avaJl,Nllt~.klr ~te4~ Cllp_p.iiqr,,,,.,Ab~tei!py.:n. Walker & lee 2043 Westclllf Dr. 541-TlU Open Eves. Opon This WHkond 2910 JAVA ROAD 1 ffu&! Colonial home, % blk ) to iolf mune. Most Impres- t sivt with %: halt-moon drive Wit. 0 w n e r ablolute;ly MUST SELL. All offers coo--I 580 PIERPOINT DR. I Ouflt&nding home in the ''Del ' c.etto" sroup. 2 level w/ 1tep , dOW1) family room, includ· inl: wet bar etc. DeUghUul I, ~ improved rear yard. Really a "must see"'. • ~ 54&·5180 · CnurciMml tlleam) I OWGE REALTY t • ~Adll"51IHarbor,CM. . ' j Ealtside Sl11p1r I 3 BR, 2 ba. lam rm, fire- pJAce, bret.Jdast bar, w/w carpell, hwd noon, plu!! elec. Bil. location, ++I Immediate poss! $23,500! ! I, ~!\·spruNa •H 4: ' ' " ' 4 bedrm & t.m 2813 DRAKE AVE. ' 21/2 baths ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Hu vy Shoko Roof_ OWNER ~hued"":; n e w home. Must aielh On exclus--·~----· ive Ea.flt 1ide cul-de-sac. 3 New Listing lge bdnns, lge fam rm, GE 4 Bedrooms 2 baths on eol'- kit. w/dishwuher, beautllul ner • room' for boat, trailer epts/drps. ~ (»r9ia d ~ 1 etc.. Big GI loan to take o .... Mar High School dist. Pnc-er Its a rt!al buy at $22 600r. ed $28,950 1 .Y(.eP i•'Wth the · ' • money. ~ 546·5880 (ntlr tinM11 llleelr11) •-ill ERNIE LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams If ~rbof,CM. CLEVELAND .__,RHltorir-.. Prime Commercial e .. -~REALTY i ··-"ANYTIME" 143 Broadw•y '45-0181 Comer 19th t: Pomona, C.!\f. Eves. 646-4579 next to 18 story bldg. }'i~ 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.i\f. OPEN HOUSE stores fully leased at Sl!Oi/ 2400 SQ. IT. PRESTIGE mo. Potential onlimitod, NEW ENGLAND 2 story. SAT & SUN 10 -5 p.m. Jll0,000 F/P • 251% down. ff•_ Livinc Rm. Formal New Spani11h Contemporary owner will carry ht TD. ,u .. 1..... "-howie, corner 500 Tustin &: Genco Rlty Co, 6"2-4422 ~~ ?DJ-.... p. fam. rm. Submit Your Present Home for Brokeni' Guarantee HAL PlllCHIN & Auociatea. Realtors 3900 E. CoHt Highway Call 675-4392 anytime ---~---4 l:lrm. formal dining • 168.00 ma. et Victori1 646-8111 The Bluffs $21,500 St1ir-Frea Very de1irable 3 ~rooms, 2 bath. Walled entry, adult occupied, move.in condition, pools.Ide location. Please call to set': EASTILUF-F REALTY Enjoy the massive custom rock fireplaoe, new deluxe 2414 Vi!!ta f?el Oro shag cpt., all built in kltch-Newpqrt Beac.h en, large bac.k yard and pa· 644-1133 Eves: 644-2626 tio all for only i1M.OO perl~~~~~~"~ mo by aYumlng low lo\v in· I ~ ;1erest GI Joan or~ money 4 BEDR.OOMS 'dO\\'n on new VA. Seller Separate formal dining room. very anxious_ makt> offer. separale den or library (TIO\\' being used as TV room!, s!:!parale 1otmal living room with fireplace·, lal'&'e modern kitchen + everyday eating Area. UPlf'&ded w/w cpl!/ drps, exceptionally well lo- cal~. $32,t95 -will aell er. -rarr~W-- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST ,293 E. 17th St. 646-44'4 ..... 4 mt: ! ba. Reduced $4000 Clay, Ne\VP)rl Heights. By 11 Your Ad in our claulfledst to $0f00· C>wn-q\. wlhelp Chi.'nl!r. Someme will be lookina f.:c THE QUIOCER YOU CALL. finance. 646-'r.llS tor appt. SOCK IT TO 'EM! IL Dial 642-5678 : 'fHE QUiacER YOU SELL ' I I I I '; II It ii •i •• ,. iif!liii!li OLD SPANISH SPLENDOR Owner desertad and readr. for Immediate pos- senion. True Spanish styling with Mexican ~ entry , huge formal dining room, 27 ft, living room with maasive fireplace, 4 aparkling baths, atumting veranda, balconies, separate break· ~ fl\Om. lllV<ji more. · ~ ' 645-0 3 0 3 ' er •.. , ....... , •.. , •.• S43,5CXJ. .'. OPEN DAILY 1 -5.P.M. 135 E. Oceonfront Balboa Penn.· 4. ~ and famUy room • $98,500. lay & leach RHlty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 2'11 645-2000 EvH 54U966 ---· ----- LARGE SPANISH 4 Br. Family Room Huge R·l lot. Neal' Back Bay. 6.l x 1"8! Best buy and lowest price ln area. Only $7,950! ! Hurry!! f · "ring" II~\ SPRING •;.t ~'IJ 2629 Hartioi' Blvd., C.M. I • . is just encourecjomen! t0 ln~ustry I nd en· Abr1h1m. Lincohi (Mar. 1864) "I • .t • , ... HEl\E 4RE SOME PROPERTIES WE 11\"1'1'1 YOU TO .se~ .. , OPEN I ;JO 5 P.I!\-. $AT. & SUN. ·~ ..... 1301 BONNll DOONE .._ 4 Bdrms. 3 BatltS. H~;e' Famny·11oom. $41\.500 :;; ..... 1720 CA/llD~ISTICK LANE -Baycrest. ' "Built b~ Ivan. Vfelis. 4 Bdrm!, 3 Baths. Dining lllil.· T< Fanu1y Room. Hid. Pool I: •64 SOlh '· ' ....,12; CAMl'O HIGHL;t.NDS. (Open Suoday , Only) S llllhm. & Din. Rjll. 2 )lall\S. ;c- ' · .,. V!EWl'<!lwnei"\vill consider offer. Asking • • $38,750""'" ' . · ""531 DeANZA. Corona Hig\Jlands -S Bdrms. D' . Rm. Hdwd Firs. A Bargain @ • 1 $40,"5® ... ' l•Jt: .. ..... 4066 GERMAINDER -Irvine Village. 3 Bdrms. 2 'Baths. F.U:eplace. Elec. Bit-ins. Out of town owner anxious! $26,950 (Open Sat.) · ..... 2607 OCEAN Bl VD - C.D.M. (Open Sun. Only)·3 ·Bdrms.-'!-Den. 2 Baths. Spectacu· Jar View! Just reduceJl;te l98,500 """'' $~RRA Dlllil ·-.Corona Highlands (Open' Sun.)' S·{I drm I:'.+ ~n. 2 Fire- placer. F •e 1 b I y . lijqbrated. A buy at '41,&()0 ' • ~ • \ I ..... 107 VIA DIJON ""-Udo !ale'-Open Sun. 1-4. sp'arkllng S BR + convf cfen, new, car· petin~. $M,500 ' Bay.;& Beach Realty, Inc. 2407 ·E; Caast Highway Corona del Mar. 675-3000 --=--- ''1'··~'"'\': \ l~ I ' I .1~• \,f,,, \,.l,t' 546-5990 POOL TIME for 2 littnsed Real Estate people. Your O\vn desk & phone. Good advertising pro- ~ram, With well established 1office. Walk in traffic. Good leads to work en. CORONA DEL MAR "Ill , . R-2 tot + hows~ ~van. ability, hlll:h ~m po- tentlal; 5th Iort"Jrom Ocean Blvd. !: beach, 3'19f.t .. 1%. baths; some view. Always rented. Priced to se:U. $37,50Q , ; ii Newport PENINSULA POINT 3 BR home. Xlnt location. 50' x 100' lot • room to en· large preaent home. Don't mlBS this! $42,500 DELUXE DUPLEX New 3 BR Unit.s. Blt·in R It 0, dahwshr, carpeted. On the Penirulula _ just steps to Ocean &: Bay. 7% filUll\0- ing available •.••.• $59,9&1 l'\l I ·1111111 -· Ill\ Ill\\ ........ fll\11\ ,,, ORANG~ COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 DAILY PDm WANT ADSi W. E. Lachenmyer Realtor 1860 Newport Blvd., CM 646-3928 Eve. 67J.4577 OCEANFRONT Lovely modern 3 BR. + tam, nn. $5000 Down. 833-Dn Owner THE QUICKER rou CALL. THE QUICKER ,rou SELL COSoA MESA 3, F l + · Immaculalel Formal slate entry, Large living room with brick wood burning lireplace. Huge famil y room wtth used brick fireplace + bar, '®m for tabl~. Mothers dream ki)cllen 'fi\h built>ms plus dishwesher. Big dining area. Fan- tastic ma~ter with private· bath. Forced air healing. 3 beths, large healed pool 1"lth diving board perimeter lights t. fUll deck. Near Soulli Coast Plaza Shopping. Very close lo schools. . ' 645·0'303 c ' ' ' -' ,I I ' ii " ' • SltwUr, ll.vcll 8, 1'169 DAILY PU.OT ' JI J40USES FOR SALE HOUSES fOll SALi HOUSES FOlt SALi H&ISESF'OR°'SA=L"'E--,,H"'ou"'s'"ll"s"''"041 ... SAa;L;;li='I DUP'~EX • 3 ·BR 2 bath; 2 ........... )dbl garage. upgraded cpts/drpa, scU cleaning oven, top loca. tlon +. 1 BR l bath, fire. plaoe, . single c a r garage • IMdlord's apt. &u,per deluxe •• $5000 .down. , ~,.,,., -·--~-·Builders Atth. , . •. ,• . Mrs. )(, E. Rie1tal\cl 17651 Jlockros• Way .. Irvine, Calif. FOR A WISE BUY .Coleswor'thy & Co. 642-7777 OPEN EVES Oldex j\ome + 72 x 300 ,Jt·2 lot,..,.Eastalde: OWller will ~for .unlts,.Only ~- l'ttH a«1 wl1:1ner of a pah ot ticket. to tbe a a a t • Show at the Auheim Convention Ceolier, Mardi I tbra•gll 11. Corne to any ol -..O!Jr 4 J brancb ofOce!! and pick 1 ~II yolll' 'FREE 'passes, * • * * I -•__._•-•JJ -• • • • • I O_p_e_n _S-at-/S_u_n~1_,,l...,,,·S. .""Mor. 7~;!~· l-5 p.m. In w~:llff!!!. l •• ..'RING .. . .!l ... \SPRING ....... REALTY 2128 Sterling, CM 1601 Bonnie Doone • ""'' channina 11om0, 1 .... A.'ISWTlc large FHA 1 o ain f!d with extras. A la r I' e ~· "ANYTIME" 6!lt % int.. pay1nents $lji6, Irvine Terrace bright living room with 1:'·.~·T.J. 3 BR ,1% baths, lgc 3 BR, 2 bath, pool and View, beamed ceilinis and ma.s- hv1ng + f~mily room, dbl Low lease and excellent lllve used brick fireplace. garagr. Price<I to seU fast le Pr. t 1 ~A1 ....,. Nice family room looks o"ut t $23 500 .rniis. ice cu 0 ~·;>\N< to lovely enclosed patio. ~" .. .:,,,.,, •• W-OU5 CURT DOSH, Realtor Bright ,unn, ~t-"""' YER plete with overm.e service * LACHENM 1130 W. Coast H;ihway room. Huge b<droom" ! Ex· '"for immediate isele , Fwn Ouple"'fi-$35-,00J George Wi l t..,,1on 642-6472. EVES. 673-3468 tra large lot for privacy. A ON THE BEACH home with lots of cbann and m ----warmth. OU< oxclusivo. Only ~ Rcu.lto.c. • 673-4350' t'Eve~. t1'3-t5G4 Exclusive China Cove home -ELECTRIC $4.1,500. Submit your smaller year ruound living • ~t · '.'MEDALLION'' home on our guarantee sale Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba, $22,000 - 2 BATHS plan. 4 BEDROOM-2 STbff.y priced to sell last at-$69.500 King 'Sized bedroonis, walk WE SELL A HOME· .• $28,500 By appt only In pantry oil the eleclrlc EVERY 31 MINUTES , 11ath hom• ..... h • oothm CORBIN-MARTIN· "Awaro" •1lfhe•, ..rn ..... Walker & L·ee built-in kitchen, dishwasher. REALT ORS •· ~~~~hwather & wa.sher. Huge faniily room, I.ire-3036E.Coa stHwy,CdM TARBELL 2955 Harbor place, plush carpeting. 24 ""!!!!!!!!!!i!l!6~7~S-~1;66~2""'!!!!!!!!!!1 oAfiiiPi"Uf!'~!t;g ft. master bedroom on low-I!! DAILY Pn..crr WANT ADS er level . 540-17'10 IA.VINE AHO Always • Go-Go! 2043 Westclif! Dr. 64G-77ll Open Eves. OIARGE )'Ol1r want ad now.:_ TARBE LL 2955 Harbo• WESTCLIFF Open Sunday 1 • 5 Ex!~1~ ,,;.,~.~ ='!,. 223 FAIRWAY PLACE 2 baths. Built -in kitchen, 2 BR home on large Jot, alley nc'v refrigerator. Dctacllcd aCCt'SS, $}9,950. garage. 5ID-17'10 DAVIDSON Realty TARBE LL 2955 Harbor 546-5460 Eves. 546-8169 C'HARGE IT? •l ~otdwe11, Banker OFFERS: Cameo Shores 'Oceanfront View of channel & boats. 2 BR'S, den w/ frplc. & wet bar. Formal din. r1n. Lrge. in- ner patio. Plenty of room for pool & ad- ditions. 3 car garage .......... $159,000 Airs. Raulston Udo Home On Via Havre 5 bdrms., !am. rLn. w/,vet bar. Swimming poOl . Large patio. 5 1' street to street lot. Great for large family ........ $117,500 Mrs. Raulston Lido. Genoa -New List 4 Br., 3 Ba. home on 60' lot w/view of bay. Comp. redecorated and lndscpd. Lge. Sun- ny So. patio. 100' to beach & dock $89,500 Joe Clarkson 2 Units -Slip And Pier $82,500 • Custom designed. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, gourmet kitche.n. Cheerie 1 bedroom apart- ment. Lar~e sun deck. A-1ary .Lou .Marion Oceanfront Duplexes Exceptional modern with built-i ns and fire- p_J,ces -already booked full !or summer •loqatod on' best b'each-0nl y $77,500 ea ch Walter Haase ' • ~ Fine Lido Isle Home 5 bdr1n home wf3 ba. Extra lrg Uv rm w/ 'vetwet bar. Lovely south patio. 55' Jot. Buy n0\9 & enjoy summe r !un -private beaches, club & docks ......... $74,500 Mrs. Harvey Cor.11~.Q, qe) "'1qr Duple' 441 FERN LEA F· OPE N HOUS E SAT lo SUN 1 . 5 n:.s~~uble(r1::r·~::~ ;;~Jr cl~s~1ror:e:! \Valter Haase Don't Miss Thi s! 1064 Pescador, Dover Shorts OPEN HOUSE ~NDAY · 1. 6 l\litgni!icent hom~.-vfew ana pool with l•- cuw. exdUng lloor plan. 3 bdrs., conv. den , 3 bu .. <\iJling room, 3 car garage Mary Lou l>la'iion : '• · . <:· F.tne l View Lot 180' Ocean ·& bay view fro m large blalc.' site. Prlvate beaCh privilege not leasehold. $34,5-00. Aloo R·2 lot in Corona del Mar. Make offer. Mrs. Harvey COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Kl 9-3351 Open Houses THIS WEEKEND IMP tllh IHIH'y ltNCttrY wttli .,.. tllh .......... • fW ... ...._ •111t1ttt. Al tM lee..._. llstH W.w -.-......... ......, ,,...... .. ,. tMfv9rthl ...... wWe I• ...._,.,DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. Pemn lffwhlt .,.. k llM I# .... ., te Nllt .. .,.... te lht ..U .....,_,.. M tlb eel•--ti frl49y. (2 Bedroo m & Den) 440 Seville, (Balboa Point) NB 675-6000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 302·7th St., Huntington Beach 646-4494 (Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom) 1601 Bonnie Doone, (lrvjne Terr.,) C4¥ 642·6472 Eves: 673·3468 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1014 Santiago Dr., Dover. Shores (714) 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) 2342 Colgate (College Park) CM 646-8811 (Sat & Sun 1·5) ** 106 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun 12-5) 4821 Courtland Dr., {Cameo Highlands) CdM 673-= (Sat & SUn 1-5) 531'De Anza, (Corona Highlands) Ct!M 675-3000 Eves: 543-7962 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom & Fa mily or Den) 500 Tustin, (Newport Heights) NB 548-2076 • (Sal & Sun 10.5) 1500 Vivian Lane, Newport: Beach 673·2020 \Sat & sun 1·1i) 17833 Oak Street, Fountain Valley 9624471 (Sat & Sun 12·5) 1363 Gcilaxy Dr., Dover Shores (714) 642·8235 (Open Daily) 1064 fescadar, Dover Shores .1175-%000 , • (Sun 1:5) 2813 Drake Ave., .(Mesa del ~!ar) CY 875-8745 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 1927 Leeward Lane (Baycrest) NB 642·5200 • • • . , (l;un 1-5) *2395 Tustin Ave. !So. of Santa Jsavel) NB 646·1550 (SUn 1-5) , 1929 Tustin Ave. Costa Mesa 540-1720 . (SUn 1-5) 1147 Gleneagle Costa 1.fesa' 540-1120 (Sun 1-5) ~ Gennainder, Irvine Village 1 675-3000 -548-8868 (Sat 1-51 2007 Ocean Blvd .• Corona del Mar 675-3000 -67S-5764 (Sun 1-5) 468 Serra Dr. (Corona Highlands) Ct!M 675-3000 Eves: M&-5227 · !Sun 1-5) ·107 Via Dijon, (LidO-lslel NB 675-3000 Eves : 67Ul82 (Sun 1-4) * 1518 Sylvia, Newport Beach 64&.0SS& :. 646-5300 . (Sat 1-5) * 2527 Apdover PI., (College Par1t) CM. 60-1771 (Daily l·S) 1307 Marian Way, Newport Beach , 646-1171 (Sat & Sun 1-5) * 1901 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach 646-7171 (Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom) ...., 1148 Santiago, Dover Shores · ~ (714) 842-8285 (Sat & Sun) *IOI Llrtda Lile Dr. (Linda Lslel NB (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) . l1ii=a;=-:;:; " ~--·---------- ' 1000 General • 1000 O.noral lOllGeMral 1000 H~.Jtood Floor BeQty i ll,olillt 1' cbe~ bt4room1, family r«ttri' ti tunltea ijvlnir?oom sparkle Ub ne'f. Ou!S)lindlng landscaping with Hybrt~ Bermuda front lawn. Has hl'gh fHA loan assumable at •17f inonth. Zero in on this one. Only '27,500 North to Alaska · Yept They're moving & they're sen. illjt their. outstanding 4 bedroom home including· washer, dryer, retrfg .. erator & water softener. Lovely beamOd"cellings & panelled. family room with huge stone firet>:lace, Her-- culori carpeting & exqW.ite drapes. Concrttti drives &·3 aluminum cover- ed patios. Fipest Mesa Verde area. •...... ' ......... ' .. ' ........ $31,500. . . COATS & WAlLACE REA~TORS : 1491 BAKER STllEET 546-4141 . . COSTA MESA, CALI F. · Bob swanson WALK.SR & LEE, INC. congratulates this young buslnetsrhan for ex_pt?P- tionally ftne month ot Real Est.ate $ales a cti- vity. "Whether you de- sire to sell, or purc~e anywhere in the Ne\I·· port Beach, Costa Mesa, or Huntington Be a ch areas, Bob is the man who wlll give yo11 out- standing service. You may reach him by call- lfli 646-mt or 540-8944. s:s~=~·, Needed to purt.hue thLs ex· ceptiOnal home. Ooee to !hopping and schools. Four big bedrooms. two queen sized baths. $950 Tbtal Cash Required!! No 2nd Trust Oei!d needed. See toda,.y! Payments on the loan on1y $157 per month . WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 ·MINUTES · Walker & Lee 2CH3 \YestcllH Dr. ~7711 Open EvJs:. 14 °U11lt Court Balboa Penn. zOOed C-L \Vill trade, Otily $70,000. ' JS PELUXE APTS. Almolt new ln Costa Mesa, tetTiflc value at $165,00CI! SPRING REAlll'Y co .. INC. 2629 HARBOR BLVD., 01· "RING SPRING"_ 541M824 • MANY 9rONDER.ruL OP· POR'IUNITIEG ?lave beea discovered In Classified Adi. Tun\: back to "Bulimea ap. oortunlties" NOW! 3086 Garfield, C,osta Mesa ·548-1168 • 675·1977 (Open Sun) 255 Lugonia St. (Newport 'Shores) NB 642·3014 !Sat & Sun) 2211 Vista Hogar (the Bluf!s) oil Hidalgo NB; 675-3433, 644-0990 (Sat & Sun 14) (4 Bedroom & Famify or Deni. 283~ 'Alta Vista (Eastbhllfl NB . " 644-1192 (By Appl. Only, 3081 Gil>raltor; (Mesa Verdel CM 540.9410 (Sat & Sun) * 1347 Hampshire Circle, (Westcliff) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sun 1·5} 1354 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Pt. 645·2000 Eves: 548-6966 (Daily 1·5) 416 Hazel, Corona del Mar (Aft. Noons, Sal & Sun) 1415-Santiago, Newport Beach 643-3255 mi .. Sat. & Sun) 2341 Irvine rBack Bay) NB 540-1720 . !Daily 1·5) 1706 Highland (Harbor Highlands) NB 642·5200 ISat & Sun 1·5) * 1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 648-1550 (Daily 10.5) 4-05 Francisco Dr. (Nr. Irvine & 22nd) NB 54il-0507 (Sat & S\111 12-i) * 1907 Holiday Rd !Baycrest) NB 5434598 (Sat & Sun 1·5 ) * 2921 Setting Sun Dr. (Harbor View Hills) Ct!M 675-1642 (Sun 1-5) 1301 Bonnl.e Doone (Irvine Terrace) CdM 67S-3000 Eves: 543-8868 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 795 Presidio Dr. (Mesa Del Mar) CM 540-5580 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ir 407 Mencfoza Terrace, Corona del Mar '646-3255 (Sat &·sun I-5) 1940 Windward Lane. (BaycresL) NB 646-7171 (Sun 1-5) * 2215 lrvine Ave (cor bflfeather) NB 646-7155 · 1Sat & Sun 1)-41 2006 Holiday Rd (Baycrest) NB 643-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2807 Europa (Mesa Verde) Costa Mesa 544).3380 (Open Daily1 • · (5 Bedroom) 908 Chestnut Place, (Eastblu!r) NB 646-200.0 Eves:'.~8·69t'P, (Sat & Sun 1·5) (5, Bedroom.',& Family or Den) 2652 Basswood, (Eastblull) l'!B '642-Ql90 (S un 1-5:30) *2118 Windward Lane. ljewport Beach * ~~::n{ Ave (cor o! ~~:th~r~";B1•51 .643-7755 (Sat & Sun 114) 1815 Santiago Dr !Baycrestl NB 646-7755 ' . <Sat & Sun I-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 8906 West 'Ocean Front, Newport Beach 675-5930 . (Sat & Sun 1·5) 441 Fernleal, Corona del Mar 675-2000 · (Sii & Sun 1·5) 421 Marigold, Corona de! Mar 673-8550 (Sat I~) (Twp -~·Bedroom Each) 2500 Ocean illvd., Corona del Mar 673-2222 · (Sal & Sun) ..... **··~ ..... '"' ............. ~ ..... .. Year . I B1rg1ln HUnttrs I Thb 3 BR + family ro6~ • home In ·Mesa Verde Is today's best blG'. t't1nc- . Ilona.! noor plan tw ti~ bilhs. all eltt:trlo built.in oven & ran11:e, n I c e aeMce porch, spacious living room., w/v.• carpets • dra~. fenced rear yell!', Good locatkln near shoppin( center. ONLY ' $25,950 • VA or fllA tenns. 546-5440 · For The Executive This 3 BR + hu11:e iteparate rumpus roon1 with wet bar is designed for out or town en· tertninina:. It'll unJqut &: different &. completely redecoraled. Has r e a l charm. Extra-size kitchen + dining' area. Also beautiful TabiLian rock. , heated pool wUb , lush tropical iafldscapihf. ""' It I: tall in. love 1 again. ONLY $39,750 54'·5440 • Di1ti nctive O.,lgn greet& you the minute you drive up. Extttior k In- terior appointments speak of comfort, euc and dignity, Lovely Me1a Del ?-.far 3 BR. family roon1 home, l * baths, stall showef, lovely I s I a n d kitchen. built-ins. Sparkl- ln& hardwood f I oor 1 , beautiful I and 11 caped yard. Room for trailer. Asking $27,950. Ca 11 now. 546-5440 Just Listed Vacant 1794 aq, It. hOme . 2-story 4 bdrm It family roon\, completely re- 11a.in~ Interior, r I ch nylon w/w carpets & drapes, terraced kitchen with built-in electric e~­ lewl rang<' • double oven, dishwasher. Huge maJiite( Bdrm. with own bath WI.th white pullman' top & oval bas i n. KimsLock S e a It! I e Ii s shower, extra I a r g e wardrobe closets. Buy on m down VA tern\! ot 10% down. PRICE 130,T"~ ·Results thru -Sen ice ' . Tix Shel!H - 4 -TwO bedroom tnpte#I ' llia t owner muat 9eil quickly, l~ be.thlJ •ch ' • cptll. I: m-.pes -pnces. North CoRta· Meu: ~ tlon. PRICE lll ,9511 EACH .. Cal l fo~ partlculan. '464440 . _; 4 BDR/Dinintfllm' lo Don ~ great"·value. ~6-5440 Ser this , fine home on Bre.1thtaking View nice quJet street. close of Catalina Ch a n·n e I , Ocean and Bay, Designed lo delight &nc! extend a real welcome for high level entertaining. Th.i5 4600 sq. fl. custom design- ed home by Ellerbrook has: everything dHired. 5 bdrs., all cu&tom built yard. closet!!: & drawers, for bo speCiaily designed wet i 2 5 . 9 o o bar and complete built-in F'ischer-Stereo, y stem. VA/Jo~HA. lovely kitchen wtth Nu· s e 11 546-5440 Tone food and automatic control center. 3~' baths. Spanish Haciend• 2 separate dttuing rooms lovely 3 BR • , tarp plU!I -workilhop &: dark room, Price n39,500. Call family TOOm home ln · ror appointment.· Costa Mesa. Walk to aD 546·5440 ' Near w .. tcliff llChoois I:: I h 0 pp in I· Cet1ter, Newport 1 Distinctive tile entry, 21• Beautilul3BRbomewith Ji ving room with hardwood floors. Walk to schoolJI & shopping. 2 fh-eplace, outstanding baths, spacious I i v i n g kitchen with bullL-in oven room, fireplace. Fenced & range & D!W, qualitJ' rear yard with lovely covered pat Io. Lowest carpets & drapei 1%. priced home in Harbor baUt, stall shower. Askins Highlands . ONLY $28,500. call tor showing. $30,$0 -EZ !emu. 546-5440 546-5440 CONDOMINIUMS Poolside • Deluxe Condominium • 2 stOry 5..-.. ~d....ine:xt to LU.'!UrioWI 1 BDR Sludio ,~\be._ a;i~fd at 'fr ! ••Ill""' ... " ., High F_HA Loin loaded with extras: Solid Xlr&. nice 3 Bdrnl, 3 bath Golf Cour('IC &: overlpoking ash cablntta, e I e c tr i c 'Poo1lrdt s ~nn.t, 1 2"41 built-ins -eomer fireplace ... In convenient location! • mirrored w a rd r obe balhli; Cmnplcte blL-in. doors -scads of clost>I Complete built-ln kitchen o<lcthcn, if!parate dininr space tine w f w load 1 cl 1 • s o · ose space. room; beautilul p 11 e carpeting thnJ out .• custom drape,;. Here'~ Largt-, fenced patio. Wan-t~arpeting. En c 1 o • e d real ! ! value in a TOP • na sell -NOW Only Patio! Compare-o n I 'J location Ir setting for only s:tS,000. 546·5440 122,000! ! 546·5440 S34.41Jll. • 546·5440 . * We have' 21 Candominiums to show you NOW! * Bought ·Must Sell Charming 3 BDR .. Family Room hon1e ln Afesa Del Mar. ldeal loca- lfon near :all schools &nd St. John'• Pari•h. Has w/w cpt. 1 yr. old - Built-in oven and nnge • D/W too. 2 baths - aervice porch -'sprinklen1. PRICED ONLY ~.950 10% down. ~6·5440 Big & Beautifu l Eastridge Estate. 2 story Contemporary, 3 BDR .. Den & Fam. Rm. &: POOL! 2i,is baths -marble pullmans. Encolstd front pi1.tio courtyard. Dbl. door t@rrazzo entcy, open ceil- ings, slonf" frpl. extra large family r o o n1 ; ceramic"" tile klt c h. I w/raised ash cabinets. all electric built-ins. Tr6men. doUA entertaining. Rear yd, heated pool, Mr/Mni. dressing rooms, garden lights? ! ? Priced to aell at only $.17.500. See for 1ure! ! 546-5440 , Hey GI · RH I Buy t.Dnnectlcut Fann houae • uted brick, ahak@ roof, ahuttcn:, 11plit n.ll tenet'! VA Repo $750 Down We urge you to inspect tit.is VA owned, vacant 3 BR. home in Costa ?a1esa that has been <"Om· pletely reconditioned in & oul. Near all schools. Large lot, 1enced. Full pirce only i11,9SO - payment.II $157/mo. ~5440 546-5440 OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY 1·6 1530 Irvin e Av•., NB llarbor ~lighlands 3 &ltm, 2· batM . walk-lG-eVery- lhlng location. Xtra nice rear yard -covered palic,, Rea.I m value -$28,500 29S3 Roy1I P•lm Dr. Owner trunsferred -must sell 3 Bdnn & fam . rm. h1 excelle nt M e 1 a Verde area; Nai.ie. your terms - No down VA; minimum down FHA -submit -ofl. ~r! ! ! Priced to llt'U @ $25,950 -See for sure! Rock Roof Modern Cute & clean 3 Bclnn • & Fam. Rm. • open beam ceiliur-dual \ center floor to ceillllt slump stone fil'eplace in Lv. Rm. &. Fam. Rm. NaLunJ finiAh OWlh cabinets In beau1 . tile. kitchen, au l'iect. bit . IM. f'lne wa lJ/w •ll Center" carpttltit k c u s to m cove~ drapes. Mar~ Pullman pool, baths ·wl«Mored t w I n Reali> 1 .... Xhrt. 'l"!"" paljo S:ZS,000 -~nte.rtalnmtnl .el up! r.onvenbonll.I terms?! Va ()qJ,y $26,llo. Name )IOI.Ir gotta hurcy!! 546-5440 terma!l 546--5440 ' • • Newport Shore. F'rench N.ormandie 2-story only 41,2 yrs. "young:". 2300 sq. rt. of quality, Large living room with marble fireplace A ' hearth. 15 ft. separate dining room. De I u x • kitchen with all built inlll & brldst. area. 4 spacious bdrms. 3 baths,1 scads ot closels. Wl w carpeting, drapc11. Owner aa.ys »ell NOW • ~.950 -Xlnt. terms! 546.5440 Cozy Corner Xtra sharp exterior • pro- femc>nal landscapinc (no maintenance) Pe b b 1 t d Ctlncrete walks! W e 11 maintained 4 Bdr. &-Fam. Rln; 1 'i; Marble Pullman b a I h 1 • Floor/CeilU. .!ltooe fl'reptace; FonnQ kitchen w/all built.ms,. natural cabinets &: brkblt. bar. r..lirrored wardrobe closet doors! Very nice renr yard &: cowred patio? Serious Seller • 131.Sllll 546-5440 Modern Millle &. )u~ as thorou,ahq cl~nf! TtrriUc ~ beaulilully landscaped! (very little mainte.nanct ~ Jo'T'ont atrium: 2 alump stone f'rplg, open beam · ceilinp • 3 Bdrms &- }'am. Rm w f Parquet - flooring , formica kild'len w/elecl. bit ins. Pullman Bath s , eic:lta fine rarpeLing &: drapes, tr"" c:tfic <»vered patio 1:: l"@ar yt.rd -watttfall.I. bure - 1hadt trftt. 0 wn e f J tranlfe:rrtd • must .U. Compere • $33,950 • NOW) fl • 546-11440 • Excellent op~nity for saI"' per>0nnel (experienced or not) to Join "old,Une.' Company -immediate employment. Complete train- ing program (classroom & on·lhe-job), Profit Sharing, Bonus. Medical Ins\Jll'ance !! PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN fte•li11 Co. 1093 IAKER STRCET, COSTA MESA • .. .. " • •• • • • DAft.'trPU.ot -~I s.u.n..,, llw«-8. 1 ... -.. ,,. -1 --~ -~ "'~ ·--· -"·~·~· .. L"I. . ..:.UMil Mii.~L• HOllSIS l'OR l'l[I .. Hll\i .. I ,_ SALi HOUllS POil SALi HOUlll POil sy HOUSIS POil SALi MOUl ll irOll IALI .~rol • llaOCleMrol '. I .llllottl Ulllll101'9I 1 '-mt' 1 'Hito, 1211_ ~="!'~·_. ~ " . ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' • I• • ,., ·' . " • I r .. Yoo lii .... only 21 DAYS lo t¥e ad• .• vantaae or our e~ % tntereat rate on the beaotlftll new -Of ftan. <bo La Cuesta on llrodth"'°' ot Atlanta In Huntington Beach. ·'•· ·.' -~ . . . Our tender must fncrease,llDlriter·" est ra tes on April 7, 19611. · · All that ia necessary to dsure your· sell of this low lnttl'es( l.t ~ se- lee,tJon ·of 9ne of our 3 or.~ pll; 2 · or 3 "'.th, i or, 2 story nomes & mal<e your, lnltjal depoolt ol .$~00. ' . Call 968-2929 or 968-1338 any day from 10 to 6. .. -~-----~=·--'"- · On .~ ~!ear. Day~' , You C:an See CafaRna · · *"OPEN l.tous Fl HOMES --~w1•·-.,..~tte1q1•!L ... 1 ~~ ~ . J'-. -·• aHOl11 • u • ...:. ~ o~ ....... ••,.-¥11 • 1y 01. Wllll' 534,0. ,. • ..... f707Al'-"·W 2006Holl.,.at.l ~~,~-Mmr~ .... 1cv1ow .,.,. ' ,:.,.r -~ 1 ft 'IH If ' ' ~-, lo~·hrje aunken llvtnJt iOom; apaclOUI a~ "1y'c<>mer 3 bedroom home, llr(e lanal, Jlllt W.. -l-Jk• ~ .. llYCtlsl ' ,,,_ · tlvlty niotn, l.tland kltclion.)Jke new,~ ~lhl, ,'!::Jee room, llvini.room ~ ~ AJtl'OOt .-,:"...:; ·°"'" W/Sun .l.S Opon . I/Sun l.S ' $87,500. • • ~ • .--..~H , ""·' 1111l1•"8JJIOtln'j I ··--1'>vely G bdnn. 'bath U~usual 4 bdrm home .Ol'EN UT t..SUN ~ lOH SaDllllCO'Dr.~ ·CMi~ drapes ...... utlflll' treel ail plantlnll: hupJ bdmll,l loaldle '!"! home with de!J8hl.flll with form 11 dining . • ~,-• . ·c-ill'olfllet'!ot a~ln~ !""· ·:; .::Z ~...::: ' Pq .o~ Excellenl.J•ca· r_oom, breal<fa1 r:oom :::.:,-:::.~Cl -Newl:r ~ecora~.a. , . ..,: S•J· .. :~ ......... ••. 6_.46 • .17 l i ::_ .' ,,.bmlt -=-_.t lion.. . l..Jargelamllyroom. in~ , .!flthallnewc~, .. ~.1 ·. · ;. f .~ .•. .,..,""""1.doft..,...,. ; 22!5 lrilne AYI. ~ ... ,. om~-:.!~?~~~~t~r.~.~-.:~;sa; 0~-r ~o ( of . . . . Call loll apptr" ~ Newport loodl 1200 • "!' <jrllllT cor. HNlllerl . flf5 ·s.aillgo Dr; M11i 1TJ!RAAN EAH -1mpre111v~· ;,.;.kn · PIONEn . O,.il Sal/Sun n::l ~~ . . quality hame..adJac;,nt lo Dover, Shore•.... . . . •. ...). • ..... _._.:• ltr.'• djfferen~.i .bdfl!l,' ·· cbolcecomu,SpacloUJllvlngrmw'ltbhilm. u.,, 1 •• .,. f1m'1lyl ~De ·••.-· 2 . .li4ttl\ ho'!'e. torm. . 0po f.Syn 1.S cell~~; fl)Wl81 illlltng nn, 4 lledrOOliil,-iali!'• .-..; ,....v BR H 7 a dining room. New; Outs\a<ldjug new 5 lly rm.)tltb tlnplace and wotbar. Boalitlful • Need,_ for pell, w~ J. ·tiio: c ::'9- port Beaclt locallon bdrni bome with -tam· master· aul~. Steam bath, heited & flltend ' poOi, oamJ>U, tn.lkr wltb "°""' """" Ttmce with view & pool. Own. lly "'°"' ldol'lllll ti!,.. , pool ....... ._ ... ,. ...... , ....... , :. : . $97 500' or boatT • "1tb-llnaacl<W- •'Tht ~ tO can 1'rlt'" . ·, 141,-4421. • ' um s. ... Bl.Yd. qi.., • corner stalor Ill -Bob:>. er might sell. on ~on-ing r 0 0 m. All large . OPEN SUN 1-5 (No Sign) ' It'• Available ~l s-•L.~ R lty tract or leue with op-room.. Plenty ot •pace -1:141<&m-••'"e Circle Westcllll 601 ST. JAMEl'PLACE . -· ff CAISARll PALA.CE Hon. Make offer. for pool. ' ·· =" . • . CLIFFHAVIN ·:11s Mor no Aw.-Can't boot -<loo! !'Ool-. , , COUNTRY PRI NCH -<Ideal f8mlJy·home St>ac;Qua <Bedroom, 3 b&tb Bolboo ltlo.· ,,._ 3 Bedtoom. 2llalbPad, ..._ . · ~E.RRY FtlEUD • CHAR~E$ ARNOLD s Bedrool\18. large _famlly rm, newly'J>8Jnuicl: ...... nn ptua 1amur...., • · • ~:.~.;_'""U.t.-~ . REALTORS . ' ~ lrnmtC!lllite. • Near ; Marin ere achoo! a,nd , C.,,ot fioor pion. Ideal Bluohaven H ' F·"""' with • -..~6 7755 . ,; ' •' pafk;· ~ .. '.' ··:" ....... , . "" " ..... " $43,900 . !or:.;;.~.;:. or c.._ do! Mar 1250 _,.., ,,.11ott BONUS!! '" .• . ' Call for./aPPOlntlllent. ' .• . • .. • "'"' Hug• Taintl> ~ '!fltb • • oovi:it 'Sltl)RIS -Exql'hllfly: deeor~ted ~ ::r l ,SVN. . GENE'S GEMS :!."'.":;:~":I::..~ ... ....,, -----""----=~ ,,,------------· -Other days just watch all tM boats or lwiln ' in your huge circular pool .. 3 BR.: 3 baths · r and paneled den. 1 ' 'Asking •83:500 -owner .inovlng to , • , -J ~'boble,-, family nn, lanai, large "' Da'vf a"'~""'T. Orongo Coot! p....,.rty 'NoCalh Down. • Boyd 's· I.est :91··y ·•unt"'Ji1¥1nl rm,;·liuge maat.r-sulte. Etten-. s . • ~ Gone Norvell·Roolttr WE SELL.A H~E . r.~1 l.atlchcap!id .with, c:ltz11a ,trees, ~-642-70Gil '. *" * * •. EVERY 3f MINOTIS, . ., Long Beach and anxious to sell-!!! ' . . 6906 w •• ; oc1antront, NB ·°'cf:'i.ff·sir:·•·mm:·i.363·oii~JJ::000 , L•reoVlow.J...i.t .. oPEN SAT 1•5 Walker&-lee .. . 1 Del..cinq Ital Estate • , . .-• ..,.,,1 • • .... ""·-• ,. Roomfortennllcourt, pool. .. ~2\ .. Mm'l«)Old . '".:' J""ll ·,. 2121· E. 'Co•~t Hwy.;.coron• doVMar . ' . . 673-3770 The "Tlffl!Dy'' of Duplex -property, Decora• • (0 .. Jin.. lncic:ncab ~ ~ \::!'.'.' + :-: ~-~ Ttny*DU~~tx o:y '!'•,., ~ ~. r ·, ,· l \ COROflA on MAR ' ONLY $22,500 BUILD ON F'RONT OF LOT and have run remodeling One bedroom fixer.upper at • rt!ar; OWN YOUR LAND J ' .. amoiig modem duplexes, Bi- cycle to Big Corona Beach and State Park. Walk to neighborhood stores while 'YOW' children aa1elY play % \' ·---~ block awaY at COm.oou1"'' s.. 1 YOtml CENTER feattlrlng ball park, activity houSe and family plcllic grounds. AS- SUME DOSflNG FINANC ING! -• • * * tor coordinated.· owners ~ plus -ezcellent .. &-..,. rental scheduJe ..... :.: ...... , ...... $9%,500.. . RI AL'.(Y C.OMPANY · · Exotwd,.! """" Soilth 'of Hfway Open.-- • .1 ' fOJ Ofter Dr., Suite 120 · . , 2 BR bome phn 1 BR Rental OPEN SAT & SUN f.. 5 ~2-t23S .Dtlta Jin\ fstau walk to alt •hop• .. 145.900 Desi&ned I.: built by IV AN , * * * * WELLS.,Uhtq11allod for BOYO R E·AL·TY " I ............. ow~·s s.....,·,:...1 Owner MMst ~-11 =:.~=-Pl'!&'"':; quallty ronstrucjlon OD,l&rl· 362t E. c ... , H~., CdM 675-5930 ' n. '. •/} I /} (I J. () /} . -' .r--.... Roduced tto,ollo. ' . ' Iua lamlty/dlnq -2 est view Jobi ln Newport ..!JrNn{ac•IJ,b{e oJ,.,in a J~{e 3 Br., or 2 Br. A den, a. bath hc\m9 on .OIM ....._ •• ch. P u1l · be.tbs ~ Beaoh. Plan II' 311!. READY EAST SID.E l'LL GIVE r tom \Veslellfl """"'· many Own<r will lllianoo. . bulp ,man, . • • ~-· for occupancy, ii the model extras nr 1torea &; echlL . · · t-n range, own • ~ with Ibo •lepnt alrlum... $27,60I IT TO YOU Opon Sundl'f 12. 5 *. 0 Pl>ono 6#.\0i4 ·• ·* · *'C:ha * """"· haJdwood ·,lloin, 1.-boamod colling, -~ .. " ' lT HAS ' s-'"'GHT ' 106· Linda ltlo 0..1.. 3 BR Waterfront ·No. 62 New . rm """'o tln(NL'y""tlps,::il"""t -50 cent robt, an tiled 11.oqr & 3 larn bedrooms' •" ii"'"' ' . • :BalbOc Covu. , •••••••• Oetan mvd. Price reduced . ..... ~ panelled.walls."'"'""' coll. I ' batha . u ,... ..... --•tn • • A RC!ff .find on Waterfront Prmr tnde !or ..,,.,.,. to $'7!1,000. Owner wm 1ln. FIRST ~ ·I· ing in famit1 room .W 1 t,h an electric kitchen aGDd iocation (ea.ta Mau. Just 1 ·1ed la or wW conail:ttr othrr. MS-. ~-PIONEER .· choice ot. ba?dwnd parquet Sep.rate Pantl9d Dtn Newport H~tl a re a), comp e , vbb, 3 Bedroom. 3· Bltb, , '1JT1 · *. * _ * * · . or carpell. u,,,...., Iumtous Country llreplace . .._ to · Nowport H•lah" single ~1>' home, 52' lot. .l:Mi!J apecl<!UJ ~ celling behind .. de«nttve Forced IUr-hH.t srade IChool. (114 blkl) 1r. rooms, Finnilb sauna, walkrfn cfosefa, fully LIDO Sands 3 Br. 2 Ba., • &...1. ... .t.. "The One to can FirJt"' "'""' In Ibo au· oloctrlc SW!mmrnr Pool now dly parl< (2 blks), shop. carpeted, landscaped & complete wltli t uni· walk to beach.·r..ov.ty """' ~ f..jf ,..,.,.,. · 842-4421 view kitchen. 4 bdmu 3 ba, Covered Patio pin&, 5 min. to ~ach,. a vef"J floa t concrete slip. Priced at ohly $100,000. mu~lty P,· . .Mid $20'1. --. -'-.":a" .. --174n Beach Blvd. <Hwy S9 3 car gar. See this pool-or-New Nylon Carpet qu.let itreet, bi& R2 lot (room · ~9;7 -332 Marguerite; Cdri.t iented elegant home today . Dbl Garage fol boat, camper or rental LINDA ISLI DEVELOPMINT CO. NEW SPANlSli Duplex. 419 ~ comer Slater in Htn. Bch.l it won't last Jong! FHA .'VA Terms w:rltl, 3· bedrooms (or 2 A: .BILL GRUNDY 675-3210 38th St., NeWport laland. l ========:l ;C:==:;~rr~z;i:·=· DOYER SHORES Roy J. Ward Co. Vacant a den) 1.,. balhl, tlreplace,_ I -. -----$.59,500. Owner, .6'13-6t33. U POOL · • T I R E D OF ~IAINTEN· CBaycrest Office) iFarmwiiiiiiRiioiialii1yiiiiiii..._..iii;iji"jj I aide\valkz, paved alley, dou-Costa Mela 1100 Mesa Verde 1110 67S-6181 OCEAN V 3 BR. 2 ba home, needs tend-~· ANCE!· Llve it up and enjoy ,.™'.,'~San!!!!!!!tl"qo""'Dr~. !!!!!!646-""'!550"" hie garage, large fenced e;-O~: 4 BR !% ~ DJ..X Condo, !pie. ~lo-2 hr. from every room of this er loving car and paint. life in your alluring three Immediate Opening-for; back yard, then phone me 4 family, frplc. Cboiclt k>ct,. 2 ba, xtru. Quick ~ . 2--alory Beauty! $3,lSO cash to loans. Full NO YAiD WORK! 1 bedroom· trro bl.th BEAU· Three Wishes Generalotticeworker at 6"-4687. I .m ukin&: lion. W&lk ,to ~.Owner '5000 · ctn. $28,500, a g t . 4 BR & DEN , price $23,950. , .TY! Entertain your friends U peace, co~ iocatson i25,500 but u )'OU come·run· HEAVEN STILL trans. Assume 5'4.% FHA. .f94...500./8'J3..ll66 2 full Ba + pwdr. Huae !iv :tn the ~ .aW!mminB an Im-tn .,.., tool< GIRL FRIDAY Jl!ng !I'm In• h""'Y) wltH PROTIC1'5 12'1.200. 540-lllO * 3 BR. 2 BA Eu! Btull rm, beam colling, lrplc, tile SOUTH SHORES pool. attractive dub"°""' OU. owr. ~ tn "'"'11nont' poottloo· Hbe,.j d>eclc boolc In hani!. <u loW Tl:t & WORKING MAN • BY "'WN~. homo. OWnor. 1'6 "'-ld\Ch<n. hit-Ins, brtdot ber, 2 BR. ..,,.,ting, drapes, bl• or pu~ ~Be~ part Newport Hel1hta Ef'l,de , • • .u SJ.'150 f!o'Wnl I'D live 11 •. 1'itf ,.ve., N.B.()peD Sat 1'Sun. carp1ted I: draped, Del Piao Ins FA heat. $14500 of this EXQTING {.ytar-school,.anct aU tbdpplng. 2 be~ For appt. pleue to~~t,l'Daaft)'q'l and $16.1 per mo. includes f BR + fim,. 2~ -_ , entry, I pat*, comp/fenc-' WOODWARD EW ·uPPER-BAY JX>?d· blks to new parlr. Only .. ~all .• -r.11A aaa.. -~ ~· ~ ~ U tixH 'le ~ ~-this redec + sb&; crpl'f, 'pa~, fff'l(pert H-'ght,-1210 -eel,-tree•~. 4IJx13! lot. real estate r , ?ifUNM'Y!' bur *st bUy fl:r $25.500: and ell~ ''plus"~ ' ~-\ J can-ieu. -~ --I spadfJa iP .~ ... cahfomla eto: m ~~ . -' ' 1'l -1.ow taxes. . .. au Ad&ms,,JiUJ~!tsch1 ,950 .... ·,. ' ". ' '" feature&. ' l u ~ 2 Dow co· IJ'I' c. ' ranch,, IW}.e Costa Mefa . ' . ' -• . . '. 'Ofi!N1'$~T & SON 96Z-33Q .. ...,; ~tiiapo: . ••"'· and 250' McC~r.rc~ ~~~. · '(gsforil"Bdilf ' :8i h<lii!i ~th whlt!'b!rdi ptan-~~11~·~.:'"i\ ·'Q,i:ffill': .~;'-'. · ; , AFT /NOONS ..&a' _· :I'. ...'.l l'C?t' l1 I drapes_ double .~. con-Cott• ~·s • _ . -• te~. Fann st:y)e kit~n w/ tani. ~500 wm IU" o.2rid. A vitW like this Mi..1tld0 of _,, 416 H 1zel CdM $1'50 PER MONTH' crele "drive, '"-e' fenced · • . • ~:· -"natUraJ. mati:hed b'trth ca~ • ' · ~ • T:' -m • • ' I Id' 1 "4 3 Bk'J. ... back yard oil~ FT R-2 i.tl ·1i1eu. Vard'-• best area .on iriets Largi fenced yard & ~ , . __ !en:d. Wide ~ by day, SALE/LEASE ~I~ 1;'f 9_12 3;~: P..tedan~ LOT. 'nltre ls nol to ~uch An Eq\ial Oppty Dnployer quiet Cui de Sac •~l llOO cove~ patio. Near all Shop... IJPEN Honie. ·SatJ.SWl. Love-a~ •P<Lrkling ll&:htl by LEASE OPTION home, blt·in. elect. raiige, • •• I. 2:lll ~ 00 ljUll5 availabJe in this part ol sq ft, elec I blt-ms, open ping, school-. and conven-ly J BR 2 ba; family. $2.5,9Cll night. 3 BR, 2* baths. ~re-oven &. gar&are disposal, east.side c.r.r. Hurry. OWN-Income u n1'ts beam celllnp in_ family nn. tences. G.I. or TIIA. SU,950. assume 5%. % Joan. !)wner place, I-lobby Rm. trlple ~Bl'-OPEN· SAT &: SUN l~ giu; FA heal, wat_er heater . ER, WIU. SElL FHA!! Innercom . all this plus heat. (11,:!-C) "'ill take 2nd. 546-1170 &&e, OUer $40,!XXI .on lh11. ~ ~ ~· W/w cpt!/drps, dbl aara,ge, t Ewenings Call 673-6ll6 ' liliilliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ~ $Jl 'ooo ~:"'1~".";.,g;e~ PROPIRTIES WEST C II 0 P rk llU 9!® ~ The 0n1';'°vu 'home avail poUo, teoced, •prtnk!era, Under the Marie et Owner tranderred and • m.U&t sell thll kM:ly Back Bay home at . I 477 Fra.nc'8co • OPEN HOUSE f THIS WEEKEND Less Than Rent · , n-tts MONTH! lO'J!I Bayikle Drive 0 ., a · ....... in cameo Highlands. 3 BR, landscaping. 168 00 T~-• p t 675-4343 -Newpo67.~IS.3Duh BY OWNER• 3,BR. 11' BA. ~ l AL t T · J b&. Prtvlbe•c""' lhot can lfllll!'l!ll!lr.l!l!lmn!'!ll!I -m M nllll Inc ~ bo pal .. thi l!M· ~-,~... ~· p· ' • 0 J · Oml DOVER REALTY Fao!Jly rm, trplo, lovely Near NB Poot Ole 646-'414 your ygrou ' ------1 No quallfinr, anyone can as-patio. Amune 5"' ~ FHA. · summer It all lhnl the year. :u::;,~~: ~~1:: $150 OCEAN VIEW Swimming. Pool $24,!IOO. - 14'ii: V. Franklin RI~. SHAKE ROOF arale den, cutom floor to · Custo~ .. ~ull~u:?' tea~ Hot weather ta eoml'nf. see Ne_wnart ~h .. 1200 Newport Shares 1220 ,673-2222 BEAUTY ceilin&: rock fireplace, bit Welli-MeCardle, Rltrs. ~s. ~ .. a rooms, this pool. Nk:e S BR home , r.;..;. 4 Bdrm, 2 baths & hardwood ins 1 ~ . bea.t-~._ . -bath&, dream kitchen with on Eutllde prime. area. . BY OWNER~ Opel\ Sat/Sun OPEN SAT & SUN • o 811' wog, new .u.i.O Newport mvd., CM. finest built-in appliances. S35M down and take over ZS LUGONlA. ST. fioots, too! Extra iarP 101 ~ C Bedrooms plllll family nn shag ·~~-Btst Costa ' 548-7129 Ews. MU684 Jr. Estate ailed irounds. su~ ···n $26900 .The·' ·Bl_u· ,. fs Charming f Br 2% ha .. 1tepa . 2,SOO~een Blvd., CdM with trailer 1ate. aean and Mesa ...... Call 546-11"' ,.~ ~ . • . to boach. 131.'iOIJ. ~u CUSTOM DUPLEX ...... oruy .$13.900 GI ot . NEAR TARBELi. 2t5S Harbor ,,. Popular 1: dramatic Dolores i I.owly pa& A dttk ~ temu. See this ODI: mt 1 · ' big baclcyard "'1th 1 I fabulous swimming pool fresh &: clean ·Hoag Hospital -~... modot 1p ~hole• .,..,,. ... u ~·r•root . 1223 D•!' v. Fr•nklln, Rll r. P~ul Jonu llNltY I . Priced to e ll at ~l,500 ORA~G:t&~~TNTY'S 2i,a acres, M-1. near Hoag 'Owner SIJS. ''Je)J'' 1 1! A 'L T y location. 3 BR, 2% baths, BY OWNE R 3250 E. ~~~~wy, CdM 8·17-1266 Eves. 536-IDC HolpltaI. $1&0,000, ~nna • N NB ~ or 6 all custom decoratad, we t . BA YCREST • POOL --.5.,.,=....,,....-,-- Call: Jim Cobb 293 E. 17th St. 646-4194 'I'!ade', ,please' call KERMIT this lovely 4 BR. 2 ba, buch ear .-.... t c. ~2414 bar~ lovely walled en~. 3 5 bdrm1, 3~ bl. det p\90 -/4 y. Interest RIGGS with Farrow Realty,. home, 1 yrs YO\ln&', Priced pa~ot, :=· anytim entry, la:e Uv. i;in w/hylc. Balboa Ptriin1ula 1ioO 5p:t!r~~:-'~. ~u! l ' I I' i I ' • ' ' ' l Res: 673-1864 5·UNITS · $54,000 -10%.DOW N ROOM TO BUILD • Rltr. 642--8730 Eves. 548-0raJ e KBllEDY . 293 E. 17th. 5t6-2759 or 134.000. wbmlt an offers. Ovetloolll~ "wTBwnWf.F e Mparate din nn, tam nn, ....... u" d-. 2., -· --••, ..._..... CAYWOOO REAL TY · · ta' Jdtcben w/dtntnr ""'" ;;,;,.,.,, 'fm..n ruiy-~. s BEOROOM _OEN ·l306 W.·OoutHwy., 548-U90 GOLF COU SE REALTY i&Undry nn. 2 oar garago. ··Bye Bye-BUY I ,.,~ A-• to 0· .- $25,500 J..c. Spanish 4 Bdrm. Lg, 2414 Vitta ~ Oro CUa:' drin A pluh crptz". Doll House on periinsula ~from;;;, yVd. 2 mtl; IIOlaled 1'ftl' llvi.n& room Coit• Moe llOO !am. room + rtntal +room NfWport Beach $75, • 642-2698 P>int: three bedrooms. one to majof ahoplfuW. Walk to with tireplace, WaDt o.r aiua to build. • 644-l lJa EvH: 644-2626 and • half· baths. fireplace, school!. collep -' Dollglu overlook a 11\anlturtd lawn 161 Me1a· Dr ive . . liltbluff 1242 Jae dble prqe. Near ch.an-Plant. Located in Bolaa a: artiltic landaca,plna. Built-THREf 2 BR IJlllTS OPEN SUN. P.M., ntl and publk! beach. A Puk, Huntt"'1on Beach. Nied a Gubeutanl)9'r inl. Prtsttae .area. 540-1720 WK-DA YI CALL . . Jev.-el. Reduced to $.18,250. Owrwr m.1!169. -------~ ,..,,.. "*'"' • _, td! T"RBELL 2tss Horbor $32,500 D .. 1, Rootty '4>-1000 Walerfroill Duplex A Touch of Clau . ~RN~~1Ji~ .. ~1~. Walk To Beach I ' , IOOOGonar1I IOOOGonoral 1000 Try FHA T l block b<m Har· SAVE $1IOO-OWNER Privale ...:.-• room fOr 2 L"'k built 3 ft•-•-· at 675-4630. EY11 642-2253 Sh.,,, 3 BR hom<, """""· bdr BIYd. Never ap!n at MESA DEL '"''"' "" ou.i·m UU'l•t111 d-pea ~ ·'-kO f •U411. boats. larlt !!teluded patio. end of quiet .cul de sac ... ' '""1Y1 .,.... roo ' e©\\.lr~:-2'£!/ls • Solve• Simple SCr.mbz..i Wofd P..z.i. for.• Chuckle. 0 R.ononge th• 6 ~~ltd6 '#Ol'ds below '" lnllq s!mple words. • Prfnt ..,._rs of~:::::;.., ~est pricel!' 4 bdrnu. 2 ba, tam l"n'I, l2x30 troplc.i pl~~· 2 1uxwi iireet. I>lnlne tootn + fam· Lido )ale 135 1 atrtum enley!:. ~et Clil-de- IC\"Hned & crptd patio. New Apts tutti"""¥ dtcorated. Uy ·room w/ ~t .floor • ~c 11rttt metid rfabt • · ' BR 'f % aA JH auto wator aoltenor, ..,... Now cupetrnr. FJmt .a Im· lmmac. corldtllob. I.up Jot $28.900 • GI or 1'!A "- door openu. Well landoclp. ms.c. ,Neer Ocoan ·" Lido • ldoa\ -lor tho, t~ . LIPO ISLE BU Y Paul J-1 !tNlty ed. Qean i: In top cond. dKlps. Prkfd at $14,500. wlU. JmaD th£ldml.,Sfl.500 Immac 3 BR. home on 2 over-147-1266 Eves. 535-1124 ::u:::: !~~~-Owner/Alt 173-SOIO, 675-4747 Peter Dobbs ~-lots. One of mO!I beau-DOWNf OWN . ,..,. eW&. ttful p,atto/ggrdens on Lido. 3-BR. i,Ba., by f?wner. Cptl., . 2M! lC. CbUt 1-l'lfi, CdM · . Outsi&Ddln& value, $79,500. . ~ Near Hlr~ 4 19th. $22,000 FllA/V A • OK. THllllCf f BR IJN drps, 1•· !nod,...., htt.-ln Ll"o ~ E~olnt , ~ .m.aoa LIDO REAL TY, INC. °"""' lol 2 BR I< don 1% f I Ill m elee. · ldteh. w/ref. &: "' .. "'--' 3400 Via Udo 173-1830 be.th!, hdWd. t'lts. $3500 cub ' HYl'RTI _ITI.' I 1 .• ,..,.....,., qu;..1 ,,,..~ se.·thla•I BR. plus I batbl, FINES!' family mo. W.U .. -"''""will..., 2/>d. Room for mof'I!. 'Nice lllcOme. close kl schQ, Eutslde. cozt dlftlnf/family nn 2 dtsltned 5 BR·3 bath bamt. . , BRASHIAR: R•lf¥ $32•500 $25$.83'7-eclT; 8<>-!163 !rplca plus huio room le< Cupell, d-.aperte~. BrMld·Now lloyfr.nt "1-3531 E-. 913-it?I pool .. ht. .. ! -llrtplace, ,,....... -.\tnumatly good p1ann1,,. ' ' • = I J AC • LO ·1, OWNER-C Bl'. l!I BL C1otod pool with Hparata. ~ •Ullo. View Cl htfl• i.a,.. Jlaimi <%. bathl, n i...j dfn. 4 BR I~· BA-1 n .ach '" Its llM of• tql,IONL ' ' t · • . ONE BR R 2 lOJ In pa&, re• pa.Int $4,5(1() yard for S51.!500, . be.Ck yard. 2136 Alta Vista. llw nn. FtGnt terrace. Bu;y $22,950 " : I I j I 'j -0 !; .:: ,:':' ~';,"" 11'3 Wo lkor Rulty Fnr appointment 6"-U92 . early.,......, .,.,0,. etc. W/w opt/d11> • htt·lm. On . . . • ' STIAL IT 3336 v .. Lido 615-52111 e VIEW 11.0l\IE e . R. c, GREER, Ro•tty . qulot cu1-., G~ FHA I i,... j\..,4t,,-,,-$12500 ~~rt!t':'"ht':.."::!i ' ' Luatt C BD!IM, 2% Ba°th, 1355VloUdo 6'l3.Q3oo 'c.:i.1;,o--•l4%1oan. ~D~O,..:l;.:,M;;,A.-_;;;..;..,_,-1 16'/mo,.,.; ... ..-,. IU'.•. tnaime 13«1 mo. 8~~~·~ :-:: •. ~.~'d ™ 2 hr, l ba°\,(plc, , 17,141 ~~l~TY. . !' • I I I '....__..,,.__.,,,,....__. .• "'"'"' lnr $110 -· sg_ooo °"""' MM1l2 tnr im, -rm, den w/ . • "'""' """"' A ba. ll<st FOURPo-= . · ~UME Cli i\ GI ..... c bar + um 111 rill, 4 1,.,jno Tt lT-. 1241 Udo· boY 14C."'6: (11!J ' l.UD I GEl'NO I ·, 1 ·. STORE Br. <FENHOUSE. ~ llDlllll,-IBA. st.w-~ ,~,, loAN • ~-~.;;,;,.-.;;....-....--1 • · ThoDoyt.o.. ..... ~un CMllYouownthla .... tot • • . NOVAClNCllS I r I L I . An.-. apemtor gtiW: ACl'Gtl lr<im ~ ......... ' BR., 3 ba., cpll, cll!.>L ~~:..: ::. 31' Try Ii ""' thl1 lluntt ....... ltoc(I 1400 • $39,fSO ':::::::::::=::=.::! -~·'*""" oaklng htm l, P1an1y ~. ar .... , """'' nr. """" ...,,, .,.t 541.a .. ,.. . · Value 111 FIRfr l)IO.._. l•G A TNIC ·"I fartlto~•h•hung a $23,950-$3000 di. lf«tt.C.M.OW11.S6111t_ 11o Tif··1n Newport hoch No -· • • .clock In tho -· l'llln, 0wMr mu.t •D quldc!' -· Pal Mor 1115 ldftl ~':. -~~ 811. 5 Bii, 3 ha. ~ heme "' p GOLD Modii£0 HOiliO iiiii I I I' I I au day long, -'" -.1c1· " den. ,;iu. 1am.. rm. "'" tra111c • ,,.. -• "' .., ayments "'r•tta Dr. , ..,, 4 Br, otk him, •11 that --?· L ~L-rt R lty B Fl r I Ba. 51(," loan. a.:;., ~ .......... cornmun-FOR 2 Ba, L I'll\ wllrplc, - IKE •"c o 1 ·:1..,. ... , __ . ~-···-u~"'...'..L• oc...... " •st nanc: ng n-an.. SG.pia:. t>rt.,.. on11. rty or Ea,tblutt, N~ .,., 60 D•y• o . .,,., ""'tm. .... Jdtch. " ... ~ --~ ~ ~&.2S01 t=vts. M&-f"31 Means ••st Ycslue 1612 trVIOC!. 6f2-1231 . park. clean Ir ready to fllO\'e 3 .... "5 Bdrm •Iomt1 :.:~'Bu, Ofttt. Dtpr. Pral. I f~ 11 I" I -·~•~:i.::.~_11;_ "tl::'J.::!' i27l86-! BR OPE N $11/Svn l.J BY OWNER, J Br Hi Ba. lnl~ ocapa. S!l ll< lo an. . . -. . . -•-.. -~--i:.-.. 795 Prosldlo Or., CM """" ""' rm. ~r '°"'h. A,.,,,. only UO.SOO ('Ila.al SHORES ~~ .. , • Su1L (:W) ~ J..uit lam n11. hd"'--d f1l'I. 4 BR 1'4 ba, GI '°"'1 12-1, TOO-Ex C'CIQCI, Harbor H1rhllN!& To let etU: ;VIUl -· or (213\ m-tSS ·~·.· ... I' r r r r r fl' l' I' • 'bo "'"'' cond •• n ........ '"·l2000 dn.SUbmtttndo 6'M"m 642·'190 nllHJIGE ........--~---I I A ahoo atta. 1 bloclc ....,, Owner..,, 114SG10 Bl..Un'S, ltr"l'ilOMJ 4 be feral Wilkor, Rolitor Bivm B<ach • lin>ok-P'llLI l1Ul'll !!'.::::: j l I j . • 1· , I Xlllybrootc. Gncte Schoi>I. , 2 ba. ()pen Ila! A SUn 14 'hUta! on Garlleid. HWll-l!l>oddl,. c Ill\ 2-balb-. 1 •zi . ,I l ·· j, IHI l'J:tnc. ont1. U1l Stonc!loid. DON'TJU!rWlllllitr_,.. 2111 vi.ta 114cv PJ,900. IT'SWO>fL.IEIU'ULk...., .tna.'j;1.l'jJ:i.1,., Aioum. S!i" mA loUI! · SCRAM-1.ETS._ANSWD .., . ......_.,.-UNI . .. .. find.--111 • ··~ 111 e.. ""llllllid Mo. Chedr ... • ·,, • °""""-. -.. _ ,_ _ lj!-~ ·-~!l!;JS::~· ~·~lli...,.~:?·~~~:::"":_:::llnd:1!~~~!:!~-~~~I ~t'A'"-ru, '•11t. -_...;__.:....::..:..:.:..:..:.:..:..:._...;_.:....;;.;.:..;;..,_.;.....:;•...;_,....:.,:..:..:."'=,.......;_-...;_..,;. ___ 1 \Vhl=ta;;..:;-==tst;..::;DlnlM::::::·::llne=i daJ'• na1ow -lllil ,_,, fO[ iu;s\11.Tll tllo!n ..,,;:: _ OIARGi: )IOQr. wtat ad..Aow. Mt.mt _ Ewte. --I I · Fii d Yoar lime' lm•c' • "fie rids ·Wi• Free Tickets ' .. , • 111 • ' ' • ., .., __ "·--.... m--.__ ' DolllY I'll.OT J} ., (!!Am ..... .., -Match 8 thru 16 -Amiheim ConvNition Center •• -' HOUS ES fOlt SAL• . HOUSIS '~ IAl,I HOUSH fOj! SALi HOUSES POW SALi lrvf!!! 'fau1rv1ne 1 ; 1 ·, ' ' la1 cri.. ·~ Mor 1250 ~....:.., •1 ~r 1~ TALS RENTALS rtENTAU ~ ...... -Apt.. l.MfurllWlod 'Allfl. '""'-lillW RIAL llTA Tl -·I • t I -A H...,.... -4200 N-port IH~h 5200 ~· IHch S705 •-l'I '''"' '4>00 lnduatrl•I Rlntal ·;, ufiilvERSiW PAU L~\a.f/pl-ed ~unlly'' • l>nly J!tlil; utee to JJ~ 'Fi>hlon 1aland, .wbilre"N .. have , ~~lete r~allooal fidlllles four pools, le co~. etc), acres 'Ill ~ 1pafk areu, new shopping center Ii even an 18 liole goU C09J'S&! .. ' BAYFllONt -S BR. 1 2 BR. 2 BL o...1o, .,,.._ • '1""" Ci:ffPt DIUVI botll •Ill ,.t. 1'amily onlf. pool, ox.-IZIO er PIS -y iuJul/UlmJIUI lnv11-= ~ ~ !':C si!Ot..,_ ~ =-..-, , ~J.U;I 2 Yeodf Law. t • 2 -with I01Ur•-~. lot' llshl ~ llolboa , . 4300 · ~-~-""-""' .!...~ A.-s.....,nreiw .... a•"'"""' ~ lluff 5242 ~ .... _1 ~ ttw m aYOCflldos. + nntat Approxi.matf.b' a tct, Ent .1 ·-·h~mo-lea -~·-~•-u .~~ QJ;;AN Bachelor Apt1, -~ -r ~ • ~ ....,. 1«1..i.w)tll -~.,, All uW Ind 11> up e NEW DELUXE e ... ,.. l<r, 400' tmtr ' on paw<! t...t ancl .....,,._. ANt SISE.!lllllloa 81¥11. S Br. 2~ la.·apt. ir'loue REAL ESTATI _, -"-'C 6 must be claaed ott - ' At the present time, I have a good aeleftloD of' :i, S, 4 & :5, 'bedroo'ai aeparafe -lo Townhouse resales available in the '24,850 to $34,850 price range. All have ·fireolllco1, carpets & clrepes, at least 2 batbJ & iitchen built·lD~. · •· --·•:,.. ' OPEN .ljOU~E SUNDAY J. SAT 2'21 SETTING SUN DR. BALBOA fB.99U 1ncJ. 1pac. "JDltr. SUiit, ctln Gen.rel ~. Can't bt t:>pped at other actlvltleL Ptee. "'° 4 Bdrms -S Baths -Din. Room -·Fam. !========! nn. • dbl. ..,..., aulo. 152.500. 29r. dn. °""" will dicate the ""'"1lbl -.., Hu ............. luch 4400 = "!".:' aNvall.r. ea~-·~ -... w.-5990 ..,,,, ··~·~K· ER ~~.·~~~;_._A~ .... =: .. ~ Room · -·Lovely oversized proleeted' J>ool ...... -.. ··-__ ~ .. ..., w -~~ S;-- wlth lara'O secluded patio -,oyers~ ga· UTILITIES PAID OIW'Oh •""'°"'a Corona WllL T1ikt -· h1and ltlAL ESTATE Co.;'P.0.8"'U'll,l<t-rage -spril!Jders -Prof. Land!Caplng -. 2 BR • -. !ltd. poo1 dd liar lll&h. · , · -., .....,...,.,. Auauat 11"""319o &ocJt, Calli. ms ' · . All in A·l Condition -Only '69,500. 802 Knoxville, Apt D, u.e. • ONLY $280 • • ... ~. Dollre ...... or 20) w~ Vbta, Ca1lt FOR leue Lqw1a NiiUii: I " e "3&m4 e 13'1-811 AmJp Wi.y, N.8. lea,. wltll oPtion to buy. °"San~ Fwy ot,a..n Call t o a a'.\' 'for en appoinb\'ent to inspect . these choke properties -perhapo we have Newport Be•ch R1•lti' 67S-l'42 MOOR.E .ffome-, 1·BR. $125 FORLEASE.Juxucylview. S Bedroom home will) 1 LIE,.on beach. fish on P~i' Vallq, new commercial~ P.S. 4 rooms with view of harbor&: Catalina. + vtfL $30 cleaninl fee, 1plit kve1. 2 Br, 2 Ba. apt. bedroom attached or can.se '1~1 !a JlU'k. all within lnduatrial tinftt. Delta DI0-the ri&ht' one for YOUI . 4 rooJDJ with view of pool, patio & g8l'llens. 536-167< 1;42-353Q. ~~~ 'l': .•:~ walkillr "".....,.· Ne" Irie. Daya• 131-l«IO. EYNI • ,_. ·-========-t=="""=====·==-· ...... , .. _·lull~ H\Jlll. Beach ........ by """"" . IOI~· , ReoltDr· _ Specf8lizin•: ·. J!i'!"ritt! Part·.p.J:OPel'tle• . _a_ 33-0llif . ~ ' !!!!l!I'!'!'!"!'_!!!!!..,.,..., · • · -· -· 1o "Jclude ......... a -...,_, "'"" 111'396'1 • ' «•NTA~$__ 1:.,.. •• --4705 c ......... , Mor 5250 .. , c;oi. ,R. T. Caninglon • 3000SQtt-•i: -... _ .Unfuml...... Huntl ..... " ... ch 3400 Cbum1oc 2 BR, near beach. Jr., lol -It., Vlrtrlnla luai-P-rty '4150 -:.:f' :,r = ·~ --------$225 mo. Year lreue. Adults. ., -Beach. V!rrlnla 2.'H.11. LAGUNA MOTEL Rd. tn4J, ....,. w mf) MEDmRRAllWI SPLBIDOR Space comcioUA ! Then th!• · ii it! On a lge cor lo~ • (igantil: 5 bdrm w/sep. 'lam. nn •fa~ din rm, 3. ba. 3-car pr, 28' deJlpblq, entry &·so much morP.~Bur t.r;t of an an · abllohrtely unlqUf: SWlMMING P9QL WIT~ JActlzZI 'i; a ~ patio witti firepit. Mud see to a~ prec. Submit your dn pymnt. ONLY $55,995 FIRST PIONEER "The One to Call Fir!t" 842-4421 174n Beach Blvd. (H\VY 39 comer Slater 1n Htn. Bch.J '3000 FREI RINTAL BOOK· N....i! .--i&tes -~ YNG. Female eue .. Prtmelocatioa,2lald<runlta --• ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Drop in Gd ~ae 1 BR.. cottace north l!lld. $ID5 ' dau,a:hten: ll 14• yr old - I • !Bedmlmo-1.Batfl..firlplact, •~ _..,10 ht• "·t mo.;" ~-pv. beuaebroiran talarplot.Gr.atforowo. &TO.RAGE GAR4G·~ 705 Owners Attention! Encl "' an1 11o. ·~ ,.,. ~ -•• ~,. ttl-.,.,.. ........ :a1'x24'x!O" h • $45. C1oio Do·ycu have rental unit.sf os Y with Pa advanCe.497-1273 -ONTENACRES lovable:' net'd 2 or 3 Br. '!UBMITA:u.TRADES ln•Pb.o673-JIM , .; We have JODd tenant. from Owner tranalured and llYll l I: 2 BR. Flll'D A: Unftzm unl, apt. Gr hoQle N'pt. OR tDW i:x>WN PAYMENT -====='l'F'==;:-1 previous yean and need • lease at$165.00 Ci' will option «t1'4TAL$ • Frplcs I Pri I PatiOI I Ha:htt. area, up to $150. RtCK ALDERETTE L·ots 61• SUMMER • WINTER • and to purchase. Apta. Unfurn1thed Pools. Te!Wt • Ccmnt'I Bk· 642-7760 e.w.. Re•ftor -------...;; ~~~an":utab~::t Walker & Lee Gener•• sooo ;:.t.~~~~~'6ll o~lfqe~=De!'by(= 1704N.Roes'llt/5f7-MG! w.~.H.~ * .. * ' and let us sive you the JtED 7682 Edincer (MacArthur Ill'-Coast Hwyl bl Vie downtown H.B. max OFFICE ILDG'. • HB 406 E. 21at St. , ....... ....,. CARPEr ... lm•nl->OUd&. M7M55 or 5"'51'0 VEN DOME 170 w,/ •W, 165 without. 6000 "'· 11· 15 ottt .... Good Newport IHch, Calif., iitliiliil 1erVe the hm! Open Eves. CHANNEL Reet 1 yr be ' 5.'J&.3093 in S. tor: Dr. • IA.Wl'ft'I. Savings , , -~-=--RED CARPET Rlty FOR RENT IMMACULATE APTS! $600 mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. URGENI'LY Dl!eded·, turn. I: Lou -Bank I years old. l'Oll are_..... .t'a pair- ............ D-._, n.-.t ~...,.,.. ~ n--1 II Euy .....moo ol ~·~ ~ ... B•al1' ......,.. ••• • .n.cn .... _..,.. ··~ 3 BEDROOM 2 bath car-TMMm. OCCUPANCY wa"!"'"lnJln. uua. • P qle. apL tor .mature lady D SL(TES I -.. LAGUNA COVE _LAGUNA •2025!.!""!W'", !!'Bal!!'boa"'!!~Bl~vd.O!!, "!N.!!B." pets, dnpet, bunt w; eov-· ADULT A-FAMILY ' 675-M83' alone. Harbor area. CM-6911 R. • • I tr, Dow at tile l•'th BEA.Of .·An architectural =: ertd patio and f9nced yard. ~S AV~ 2 BR modn. a.dee: Ocean Aft:erS PM MT-3519 Ewa. 962.-'1369 Cl•••••tl•• o.IW.t triiimphl Dramatic ciontem-$170; 3 . BR. llA! hL bltns, Near scboOts and .atioppli:w'. CloM .. Shopping, Park lkM hwy. Nu crpfl. pri'f e LANDLORDS e RESTAURANT lft!ltl'lt thne. M~ I t • r • • 1-. 1\., . porary home with clauic w/w, tncd )Id. Children • $175 per month. • Spack>ul S Br'&, 2 Ba patio. Mature adults ·only~ FREE JU!:NTA.L SERVICE !IOX3lt Bulldln& C.2. ~ CIDme .. UIJ' el. _. ~· .Davor. Extra hi&h ceilinp: pet 0 .K. Broker 534-6980 w lk & L • 2 Bedioomio ib). 673-2116 Sat I; Sun Brnker 53Ml9b lea.le, trade. ~2139 kpeli .mo. ui ti* [ thruoul,l'ldlantbeal-a,.n Cotti Mau 1100 a er ee •SW!ml'ool,Put/.,..n NEW l·Bdrm., garare ; PARTIAILY .... 2 or 1 llualn-ltoftlal 6060 ... .-:--.....-:; ; in patio, Marble 1loor entry. • Frpl. Indlv/lndry b.c'll carp drape1 bltns. $150 bdrm Me H dos Dinlnl room for 12, Teak 2190 Harbor Blvd. at-A.dlll1ll!I 1145 AMhllm Ave Leas'.; Adult. ~nly 67J...ti635 • ave • eat SALE _J cabinets in kitchen, 1arp $150 MONTH M.S.9491 COSI'A MESA M2-2s24 , Rent open. 646-760l HUNTINGTON BEACH Corporation Liquidation. ~ family room with lin!place 3 Bedroom, one bath house. Open til 9 PM B•ll•• 5300 Rooms for Rent 59'5 HAWAIIAN LOTS _. 3 BR. 3 ba., beautilul views Larre completely fenced SPARKLING, sunny, walk to $159; Dix. 2 BR. 2 hf., w/w, ---------------~-GOLD KEY SUITES Hilo $2,IXKI each. l'.d Stm;. Ill Beach and surf-$1fi5,<0J yard. Call eftrlinp or week· beach ii: lhoppina:; 3 BR; bltns: recreational are.a. GRACIOUS Adult Living, 1 ,BDRM, 1% ba, Mea North Executive & S..lea Realtor, 300 N. ~ewport Bfr ends 673-6568 ' bltns, lttluded patio, pool Broker~ Ocean 4 Bay view. Spacious Apt. Pvt. patlo, bit-Ins. Offices N.B. 646-7414 NIGUEL TEJiRACE. A well $130., 3 bedroom. Eut Side, A maintenance: JIW'O' ex· 2 BR. 2 BA., walk in Garage W/Vf crpts. MG-3759 designed family home with fenced yard · &: prage. tru. $195 Mo. 838--'1954 Cost• Mela 5100 closetB, beautiful carpets A or 642-3936 * AiN:ond. & utih 4 Bedrooms on larp levd Children O.K. '°3% Nonie, $190' NICE 4 Br 2 Ba. : , draperiea. Pool. Boat allpa ROW4 FOR RENT W/pn * ~tJ 'A drps Jot. Bl& t&mily room, S C.M. 2liru Farm~th fw tenants. Subterranean ba 1' entr, no c:ooldllc; 1ii * Reoeptlon Rm . Ocean Front .. aklent!al. °""" -...... Prlc<d l<O.tm l Don V. Franklin ~ baths, deluxe kitchen.• T-PLAN tor mit. Loftl.y Hant.Btacb S39-ffl'6 HAR1·01 ~-m..3013 Nktobeach.$8)mo.Pn!ter *Otu"W A-malat. -ONl.Y $)3;950. $52T':::'nor A1aoci1IH Meaa de! liar S BR 1..., 3 BR. 111botti,1 -trom .-. . Lido 1111 5351 cldor)"!IY';~ T~ -.. For.mer Model .Hom• 682 No. Cout Blvd. · ~~at a:fl.35 ru':. Tar::· =~ °:.n1:. lfxtpplng. G EENS UP$TAIRS 2 Br. 2 ba. bltns. ::·'for ~ice,;.,::. ~.=~ail Immaculate 2 BR 2 betlla ·R-ENTABeaLS<:h (111) '9f.ll?7 54 ... 1'1 ~ IMMAl;. a Br. l Ba. bome; BACHELOR. UNFURN. ~'.~ :""• ~ Mo. kl< priv. 60-<194 $"°""'"' Conflr -~ VIEW • no-or O-O-• Oii lirll!a. 129,!l!ll Ind l,(Q)"' It..., :Nit ,&ii,.., vn nr .. om. -..n. ELEV.l;l:D C.-. HAPFDA'L Realty 2 BR. "'· paiio, crpu, -.van: Man:•: ,.r .. S1l9 · from $100 ,.~. .... · ISO: PRIV,1 • ....., ..,_ 111su -Blvd. • • .. lo' -u 'tcb •--e" ·. ~ P,.um.... . ..atove.. refri&.. Ttopical Jet· MOlltll (JU) 3S&G368 BAITRONT 2 BDlt. .Pri.t or ~ ~ in a ! 1 -·-> H •~ ~-b . 'lloot "'~· .e_ . , . ... 1#>&...Fo!\"4\tl"• l,l>lk. 14 ALSOAVAJLABLE .. Beach. .~P~ ,Patio, """,bofue.S..1~, ,4 . 1 ':""""~-·~ "l4C '!'.,..,.,., .,,, ' l~ General .. . . " 2000 """ $110 mo. 54<4!!0 Santa Ant Holghta 3630 .1 • 2 Id .emµ1. I --&111 •!UJ .. EMP. Meo; aep. entey, quiet. STORES ALSO 4 BR or a & den. 1%'. BA. $160 2 BR. 1 ba. d I 3 BR POOL HOME. 1 block . . c!~ed :i:.; ~~ -$55 MO, or fttkly; $70 Mo. PA.II\.: Of ID'. 1 Iota. 217 $23,500. By Owner. Near Fe~ yd.;. w~; '~~ from beach. No parking ~ ~~ ~n6o S:n~ Retri· No pe.ts aJlaftd IZIC Huntington leach ~ w/kitchen, Jt8-69M STREET FROifTAGE H~, Coram. de1 Mar. Douglas. 897~ O.K. Brolorr. ~ !:b:1i>on Broku 546-414! pd 546434'1 2700 PelenlOD Way, at Har-ROOM > tor rut. Nk:ie, ·~ Ot. Beach Blvd. 1480 Sq, rt. $32,500 eada. ~ bor & Adams, Costa MHL EXCLUSIVE home; far -••man. Modd home ideal !Dr inOur., 1 ========! Founltln Vtlloy 1410 R1nt1lt 19 Shere 2005 'l'O.WNHOUSE < Br. 2\1 ba. 2 BR "'""· fenced yanl. 54&-0310 ON-THE·BEACH kltch. prlvl ~194 Rl!r., •le. (Bel Katella aitd R...,i-" '150 bltns, pool; chil~n Ir pets Ollldttn .k pets . 0 K . W /W Crpts · lJ c:.rrttoe) St r n s lndacpd I -;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 Va~nf/lmme.d POS, 2 BR. 2 Ba. apt w/ma-O.K. $250. 149-3965 l'<efenmcea. ;us. 54$-1900 1 BR. wttum $1>l. Avail 2 & i .... ,...,, Apts. ....i P"). • ~ ':.i.._ ~ IZIO ...; 10650 ,,;..,, 81...;: I m"1e m Costa"""· Only 2 BDRM "°""· avail. <11, o<ol'ITALS 3/1 • 2 • 1 Br • ..., $130 Ltlwry livl'C lo -the Albert Pl. C.M • ..._ e '3M1'0 e SAN 'TIMOTEO restrictmno-ea.(CI. crpts,.-trplc, adultl, a ... Furnl...... up. Hntol pool,.., ..... _. m..:rtmJnatfnr. "°" •-'lboa Island ltA1'irl.I 3 BR 3 baths. 1600 Ill ft. pn,pJpe,etc0.K.)$75mo nopebl Atterri·30 go.a;s ...,..,_ baby ok. 1B8'l Monrovia. •~•t SEPARATE entrance, .,..-·~~'~ trplc blt-inl & dishwasher. Bar: P 314 Dail1 Pilot. • · ' Gener•I 4000 M6-t1S.1 • Private bath, TV. w.D tD ii.so 360 Ade ~ Bu1w,._ t Low down a: anume existinlall WORKING girl wtshts to 1Mll% ~~2 i: Month. 2861 MENDOZA. Jowro 1 Br. lhe Huntington wall carpettnr. $15.."2-2840 au;:·~:'· equipment wm1h ~ loan· Owner will pay >ltare bomo witll --%J. · RENT 1 Ba. uni. ~ ~ hM NICE Room lor -mately 1118.(Q) wiU, _,,, ---* 531-9019 * ; Clli;I• iaa ..... .,...,.. tmy turmlbed. lomt •er& T'RlDEWINDS RLTY. ~i:.:rut ·~..ii J ·-Furniture Mo. ....... _,.., °' PK1'r., rm ::r.;:...i-steo.ta Office Rental '4170 ···' ....... llT!ptloo, .... 842-50l1 or .842-50U <. 613-0963 • Newport ... ch HOO $25 Month ,.. llfar, Apt.·A II,. .u:J LAGUNA BEACH watnrilbts,-•_.tt . ll'QLL OPnCfi JO. BUY NEW 2 BR. l\I BA, <:rptl, Gvnt H-S'91 Alr C.ndlllonod ........ Paw<! JOOd - Hav•iU L•k• 1675 ·~:-ToN=·m::~a~h~ J.,:., E:L-n: * (Rtfrjpraton Aftnable) drps, alltlobltDI 1Dcl dshll':• m Ocean(114) .~ve,;,,H.B. -..... , , , -ON FOR.ES'/ AVENUE ~:;:'~.~ill:. t----------1 -· No dl!J>O!it o.a.e. sep pa , sep gar. .,.,. -..., r.ruvATE room tor elderl¥ DtU tpleet a..U.blt tn .,nam """""v• •"" l k C Iii &U-1313 Mt. 8 PM Fri., 2015 Sabrina Terr. H, ltC. Avail April L sq-6257 Jady in Ueenltd ruut horn«. ..... ·.me. ~ at i:J60.~ Far flll1la ~ Havasu •. e, I .. oJldaySaLASUnday Corona dal Mar, c.. Furnll~.;. Rlnt1l1 EXTRA,..' bd, wlw ""'"· Want PrlYlcy? "-1 Good food oerved -~1, .. 1 ........ matloo, pr. ... caD i:- WOMAN to at.re beau(fllrn SlT W.19th, CM. 54l-M81 drpS. hit-Ins, doaed iar. ONE BRs NEAR. OCEAN style. 146-3391 i..,._ BHcll. Air CODdl-'J'boml*lft with 2 &. 3 bdrm homes trom 3 bdrm, 2 ba, bonus nn, YM are winner of a pair 1568 w Lncln. Anhm '1'14-2800 $125. Adultl, no pet 1 , $132 mo ($l!!~Fm11) Prare tloned. ~ beautifnl Eckheff A Al.Mc., 1:-r $12,&KJ. Laige R-1 lotl from home w/~ A-90fl In er tk:btii to the B••t • ~ 202 -14:h. -.1319, 673-1784 lncom. Property 6000 paneled pVttaonlng. Two 1118 w. Ci.apman A"" $29915, Call Agt. 642-4994 or Univi!rslty Park. m:om. . Show at the Anaheim SUS: 2 BR., nicelY turn,, 1 BR T .. -~·-· b It ei--:. l'fo:n..._t ,. Oranp. Clllt-962-l856 eves. c • • y 8 • t I• a ....._._, w/w, fenced yard a patio ~ BR • .New lndiv. unibl, -· Oww....._, n 1 • FOtJR..PLEX S Br 1 bl. each -· -ROOMMATE • WANTED Marel 1 t • I'• • ;;'';. ~r 534-6980 trplcs, dlhwr, .iow, drps, wsbr/dryt:r:, drpt. nt. beach Rm for add. unit. Eutlldl ~ A•• .. nu· lea CO 511-2621. EYet-wbdl l3U727 a. h 1705 FEMALE. Bolboa hland. adults, m l)ets. $1>) .Mo, m: .,,...,,. 1oc. Rant can be loo. '°" M-1 ..-lclls. Ill I .!!!!~~~!!!!!!!I!~ l1guft• ~ ~'; JIDW .. ~'654 after =...':m-: :'.. ..... ~ ~U:~onp~ · 3'1.E.latttSt.&d-sMD 2 BR.-1~ Mobile w/out vao factor •• Pride ====-,;Deall~l5.~1:•~Rl~1~·1~rt;P~rlf~lm~,~·~~'~:IOI~~ WEED n ' · ., ,_ """"' --""""'° > BR. atudlo, wd. Cpta. Drpa, Home -..,, Neer ocean, al .....,, $82,500. 8-r.... -lnl . ll:AVE 2.Bedroom apartment * * * * bit-Ina. 984 El Camino. $145. Wtfurn, he. ""8933 646-11n 516-2313 ..moo avallal>lo 1or $10. ...._flt· /Pl'19tm•f" I AND REAP •.::;;;!;::-;.,ch , .. TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 211 ba. Coste Mau 4100 962-0000 Tho RHI lstaton All tllllllleo pall -'rrv . • I HERE'S A REAL BUY FOR w/w cpls, drpt, trpt. !ned, . • 2 BR., 1 ha, cpl>, drp1, b.,na llHch ITDS 10'!. NET itlasllloae. Investment THE .ummous. tmposmr Coste MIN 2IOO iiatlo. eteC. bltns. 2 cu · $25 'Wli. Up bltns. ,.re. pr, 1 child LRG 2 Br. 2 ea.' Upper Fully teued s yr old Ind. DAILY PILOT ,.,._ apllt- 2 story ,rchlttcture, de.tail-pr, pool $275. "2-721! e Studio a. Ba.cb apt& OK, no pets. $U5. '46-3432 duplex, trplc. $195 or $210 Bids. prime locatiob, Olltl m l'ORErl' AVOOJE 2 BR mammoth '''"''"'inhn ed' o:terlor of wood. hlol 3 BR., l~ ba., frpl .. wsbr; BEACH HOUSE g doDrt' to .e Jncl Utill ~Phone .erv. 2 BDR, 1~ ~ crpb/drps furn. ~ 673-1166 x Meaa, priced rtahtat$5T,500 L&GUNA BEAQI tH.tb ·fiulillty ~ V~ stone, •.tltcco, gabl· · .¥,-yd, Ma,~·adlts: ':'°' Ocean. 2 BR, patio. pr, e Maid Semce ~ TV avail. Adltl, ,blt-lnl ).Ddry rm. Gar 2104 Bkr. &C-01'11 49l-M66 you can Re 6 fffl. y_,.; ed· roolline• w.th expo... ...... ... drinkera. Avail. Bier. &15-4130 • New Cafe • Bar $1jl), alt • pm """"'' DAILY PILOT WAin' ADS Ille> ... --fSAJL'f * Mod•m Offices """"' .,..... ...... beams., March 15th thru. 'Aur. 15th; El.roANT Bayview, x:tn. ls 2l'JI Newpmt IUW. $M.llS5 3 BR. 111 ba. Children BRING R1.SULTS! P1LOI' d m+A! ...._ 4.!1-t.. er luitet. Ait condo •--~~~~ Sµra.wllna: ~ BO~ ~R $185 Mo. 645-1311 . DiiUXE: .-...--mo-.....,. ...... u • .,.. _... PLAN fee.lures rur liv. rm. J Br. 2 Ba. Pool. roll. lfdm'. ' spedoqs 1-84rm. weloome. $l50. M&r. 1162 W. •---L •.1-tJHamlrw, putdna. llCtttuial wtddpool. mm, and with 'wooo PA.NEl.LED PARTLY 1'mn. or turn. 2 CdM W.:.,56-1lll P'um.. •pt $135 Plu1 utU. eeterAptl; 10a.m. ... p.m. Hunt!r?tt!'! leech 5400Huntlntt-n ..nfl -~:-a~=-~tion,,:;. Wa1kq WALL, l\{ASsrvE_U .!, EOMD ~:~"."st=: older N-rt u ..... ~ -lO :ie'!'kd~.=: !'.,'!!'-"' •.W. 3 BDRM. wtlum. 1145 Mo. • '30 • 11th Street -lo p?oPWd BRICK F!REPl.A~ •n --~ ~x;•• •• ~ -2 Cbildrm ok. erpll, -~ ...: SC.HIS frann••I'--• lor-'. FLOO~TO-~~· i:erona tlel Mar 2250 NICE a bdnn., ,...,. .... N~~~ bli.lm; 5154261. No petal ~RT CIVIC CEllTER PROPlltTlll WIST ' ~ ~EADS PAS~ octAN VIEW Beautiflll ~ = •:J ~ J:" C: $125., Lr& 1 pr. dean. '*'-~·~~ Oftlcn aftable b 0:m-1111 8a)'llde Dr. l'lS-419 WALL bF GLASS 15 '"· .....,..; S BR;" S .both. "'·· ,..,_,,., -· Mn. Wahr-. 201l(iPARlJONS ao.#11) -· -DeobJ.· IUG•• TO :zNi> SIURY' WI A-••bl ~c I"· Ma-adulll. , -· crpll, tlovalm -nt. &.o-rt 6210 n. ~':'"-i • now, .,.."' mo. t..:nruUttlNU. :l bedroom a: "'-D w-•·-, C.M. 2 BR. 2 B' bl .... crpts. J'ROM -;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;1 3 BDRMS. A: ·CENTRAL Jtdaenct&~l .1.:1_. ~ ,.. ,,,.. BATH. t>on V. :rnlnklin, 'Resltw ~,!:2 ~-lr:nn::.U::: BEAUTJ1'UlLY . FURN. df1Jlr, 1!1. H Dtl Mar Aye. Nl...eo32 OR ' C1MtM 1 Hn•IU Like C.ompletely modern kitchen 673-m .... ...,... '"~"' Immac. clff.n! '2 br, pcd. $145. 543-ml aft 6 pm.· MEDICAL • PJuftw\•.. • has SILT-IN RANGE • . Costa M .... Clole .. ..... Adulll, ....... "50. lm 1 BR -llO ' -l<r ..... CIJalom First Time Offered OVEN, DJSHWSHR-, GARB. Sen CIOmonf'. 2710 e~~~~ N ~ llhple. '4().a;66, "2-480! WeJJa.McCardle Realton -a..it. 11 Tl I DIJW. F:rC. <;....Uc tile . ~ •-~ .,~ ~~""d·~2 Br., 548-7129 -~·~'!un) ~-"=" Commerclal ..,. ... , amall counte.rs&extensiveUJ1ef>1 4 BR, 2 li1 nn, ruttic patio, very quiet-~" -1..,.._, .__ or Juse parce1a. Ba.,.. lardwood cabinets. Thil bet. modern, 2 bib hm btach M\ihborhood. $1115 pr. mo. pr., 1 child OK. 2 BR unf., cpts, drpe. bl.tna. 1Me. Calif. Act 6CMl9IN te.r bUjjt home, IS JN NE;ED , in 1'IXJded ~ i..a.. Avall&ble tor Immediate oe>-Wet1tllde C.M. 543-3135 Wall panellrw. 1 child OK MutuaLoe' n 11 1 ~y,fng1 A 162-uise ewt. •1, OF i.ANDSCAPIN'G, AND ei-m511am·1 pm , cupancy~ritt Box m e/o LCE.. Attr. l·Br. apt. , Nr. beach. Sl2S. 96).3005 ...,., (4M. A Ll'M'LE PAINT HERE•. ltlNTALS llal4' Utll. ..... $110. Maill DELUXE, BR -.cpla, Spanish ~e luxury 3IO. IOI) It •.ail-5 A. Nr. HmieL mi;; =':i:!!:"-m:;• • l;IMH Unfum~ Unlnnlty Park 32:17 nn:-rm::.~dloal315-M. =c:-'~'.· up./ • ::,. o!c.~ wo:-:n::. A.JI. • • -''"'· • --1i2Beclraont-211thApla. ' • ..m."' .. ;'fU,I ·ahOwJ!lace. Gewol '1000 LUXllRJOUS • Br.. ..... 1 .......... 1110. New .... 2 BR.. I""'. $lZ Mo. -. pan's. ..... loc, -... Ottmd •t nn.. 1 baths. trplc. S* decorated,' 2lS1 Elden A.ft. m 11th Plaet. CJW, fwnllbecl and Untumllhld na. 1,0UI ID 19119 ..._ ft. - $31,950'i'ULL PlllCI IRVINJ: TEllRMlE _ 1 BR Jilt. .. le .... l2k1l27 DDfAC. De1-2 BR. patio '4M499 Miit iMiii-N-hlcJI!! !llMm. • 1x..,.;,11s, II. L $2000 DN. PYMT. • ---Vin, Itek'"=' H4d Adulll. No ..... $150/-BACHELOR. Apt: Stou, ~"·--'• • • S!I. Pt. Olfloe llAVE llO.IOll 111 m .... SEE' TODAY! 1-ltllul -!fool • ~ ::! -191< Wallace. ' --, crpts, -M<llD. -.--' Costa"'-...WO w:= GONE TOMORll·owr •·-· -• ·-• """ ., ~-• ' • " ' .. _, --or per mo. 2 BR. Dapl"• cpta. • drpa • N Pilnia • no pelS. ~ """ &IMll68 -r;c ~·• w -:ao ' MISSION ReAL TY BEACON BAY ,• I BR • bl '!tr. rm.; • .... pr. $130 1 :r:R. . Pool luch S200 jl\11• Etttr-t..,...,W ...... '4>80 ad-. sg.zm ~ ~~,_,..,.. l::d,. .. r!r ~ ~~ .... U.C.L 131-10!2 1?7 E. -St. -"°"'port """"' Fiii -"" SPAa'i' ..... ,.., IUSINISS -r .. ~ " ~-ron tlel u. ·-·• No 200 N'PT. Llland DxL •pper H•-~ Ill· I< _,. -and flNANCIAL OCEANVIEW -Lot u . ••• 'J..:" ..:i, ReoltJ o.. ~ • .... r • ..., S~e!-h 4 _, • er. "'"" c.u. ~""" -Frttwll'. -'* clown, belancl 15.500 •t I~ 6'M235 2 BR. duplex: l•Oec:. W/W WOULD >OU Ulm to u,.. on -lrpl. Elec. bltM, Piiiij ..... lonWllhkiidllii Bid. !!O padt(nr, t oUlc., .... Ope"!!"nlflw per mo. 0""'1' 491.1210 """ -,..,..., ft!., l)>I, Newport Ioland! Lovtl)o up. ftlrlg. Pl.,., dip. Adulll No Laip til'.a.Quo Alii .+ .i:c'a!rptloo ~~.••: SACltl "Cl! In • Dry Dpbr.. ot SlSS: 2 BR. HO.' rump111 ~--i:.Ho~ta. no pell. per tpl., furn.. on leue. pets. $350 LM!. M"423 -3 .._.pbua ~ M&n:1 IY OWN.It "'""'" ~\""-dJi nn.. ..,.. ·~· . Old... •P,..(er cp~ .. no -or YEARLY Spacloul ' .Bdr. Now Renting I ~ avalltblL The -Doe .. -· -.. 134.950,agt.~m.11'8 chlldrc!n OK. Broker< BR 3 Ba., ft!., ra., peta.Spaoal<r""1allbot.t. 1Btlh,Flreplae<S225.ltloo. 18.., • ........, ..... ~ ... Just~fllMllal 'Eata_.._1111 ....i-.: ...... is.s- TllE llUll ........ ., ,.. !3+80 ~· cpta.~ n m-om· A•~" oni, e.1121 ._.. ··--.. -. PIA .. """ old 10. --.... ,,. .,..ic:. bdsin""' .. , U.. DallJ!l'l>ot .,.,. Miii. ts, "' -, 1 • BR., bale'""' ottr pool. GOLD Mo! 2 bdr.2 bo crpta, HMl .. 41l111 lleldl-(714) l -iOP-"':.t.'C' _ DAJLl 1' .,.ic.. ua 11!.atf I aUlifiedMt.Dliljm .-' N••Gublutaltllet J"ar.Dlt.lbrPDotW•..._ Adutta.111\JatA:lut drps. blt·lnt S1l5. l••· '!!!~!--. c..c~ W•m ,. •«~ .. -,_ tmtarllOji. -·-·-.ii Diii ..,. . ~ ... JMl-2035 m-:::;::•::'°:::... ____ _.;;;:::,:;;==:;;;;;===;;;;:= = ~-· lot PaJtonmlc ..... ti .... ·~· ·~·"'f I· ; " lmmediate ~ !:xpai. ence~.~ """',,. enJarpd "°"I-· ation. Contact I . Ravin ln ..,,, .. THE NEWPORTER INN • Rtctptk:m!st ····--· . ., A/Pa.II ••••••• t.u.lt - Gol ~.<Ad<'I .... JG -...,,. °""' ....... hr MorWn!a~ Appl::p tn pi1rwo11 20G WlltclUI' Drtw • 10 AM t0 t~JO PM Corner l'llb A IMDt Mondq -lalunlal l==~~===-=:om.ol J, C. PBllY CO. llSID CAR LOT MAii 74111 Receptionist/ Typist ~ .. -b&do -.....,, ........ f>pbt,- -IO wpm oloct, --· . c:.u p.,... .... °""' (711 4M-MOJ TEL ON IC lnc)inNlfn9 Co. ' . . ' ' . • . ~-. if!rctl,i, i'6t . :IAILY '8.0T . a&&IWLQYMllR ~~MIHf IOlt"•M"tOYMIN'l'.IOlt-&wwMWr~&· 1 •• - " ~ . .!._ ... WJl .. ( HolpW-'. .,.,,.-;:...... .'~-l8'i Me,,.tw-'*' 1• Moti, W-. 7M m "" TUDl-l SAU AllQ cw11P1m 1wx· · ._. .. · 1• ·~. ,. · ·iiiiri'iO · · .-.... ,_.,. ·,..;,.,.-_,..;..,...uz.mA•''.q• ~~•cM )11)1111 .. }••:t19 •11· 0 . · ·m· iaitt0 u .. WAR:~y ~~iii! ,· '' ~ 4 JJfll •"•-=-. a ,,,,~-----, ~ ' '' -,...._, .H~ ti: _,, ,_,,. ---· I ..w, .......... """'""'_..... ' . (ff;NJllG,.. " -11-..... ~ci=\"8 "*°"rLONG ' ' ~--INTIRIOI... . • Mo•ten•••· , . rouus Pol fALI -·~·-....... N ... ' : .... -..•IMfpor-'h ~~a,.. .. Xllt. ,>II•• ior ~ INSJI~ ,, '°""" Ml!nvf-rer't -l 0 tMI~~--~··••••••"''"'''•••* !!.'!!!OCl~~,NOf'll '"I'!!!' -.. ~-~ ..,_ M ~-J.-.... ..___ ................ i.•tl-1' ...:...._ 'ff ·--...:....i... ·-·~ •I iJir4·:;:::::::::::'!ia;• r=m . .ALWJAL'::::::::;;;,,. ~ t.a ~ 11..---fl"" . ·-. , ...... ~ ..,,... ... -.. J oq:;:;:w91 ·-~· .-... .......,.. ........,_ , 1 ............................... ~t ~ :=a.::::-H~--w. · t ~ -1 ~ lqclll_,. .. , _ _,,, ___ \ ~~.-.;·:::~·:·::·~'.!!! c w oiwu·:::::::::::·~::: · HiP ~.lltiaol ....,.don 1 9-cl\ on U::.. .~f.!:c:· ~.GPPtJ. • ~"' pin ~ cGGrw Y=:m-.m =-: 8' }Vood carvttd wn divan, lJ. man•a cha1r.. 1 ,_ ~7"" .... , .... 1. " 'i·~·:::::::::: an4 1'"' _. ot -·BM .• ,... elf the San DI-' •UILIC MINCY --• Ir. IE PrdcoP -Ill ......... or IO•• ... l 5 Pc OctllOft dart oak cl1JI tel -• _,;•:::~::::: ... • ..... :; ....,._. 1n _., .... FWy. Tlie<e pot111ont , , , In ...., "' tlll\'I tlptl1. u...i -.,:. l\ln1ltb<d. w/blaet or 1vqc1do (f•tl!ld cbalrs; 8 Pc Ba ~!!!' .......... ,<......... ••• ..••. :::::: ~ utl /or-· will~~ 'ULL llNl,ITS ~~~mHl-,wlut ~ prelomd In v11u11 .Ill~ Id{. l llln. dr911er, lg mirror, 2 ,. o.:.a·:~:~:11:::··· •• ........ .,. kMpq ~ •bill'> to ~ ot 'olir ~ telr ·.., , .. .' --~-,~ trtt..,... Ntttt -· c.i. commotlea. dtcoraUve headboard In Splllllh' ·~•:oo.w'ii"::.~: ... = u. 1·;; .. ;.,. ............. ot '· ~th 1:..,_ ~. ~ Cllll!lr. "1~~. s..-:=-w--."'· ~ .. dnlp. promotion. ~d-,lin "1\J! tn•tcbln• box 1prlnp. mat. ""'••~ ~"!· ......... ,,. ~ . .::l!'~ ~ iiif -· ,,.... -........... ,. ~ -. "'°" rrt. ""41 --.. ..,, publlct'>. In¥ t tnme.,. , 'I ... ~;::::::::::::::::::!., •"' ~ , !:i-...;..... """' ::l' otattoo. ~ 1!e .,o.. Ollly. • ellP1Y ;;:;;;;;; ., by ~ potltloo le< the I-S.14 l~ridually 1 .r''"la:..u.<; .. ::::::::i::: · P~ ,., ';:, ·,. the .-'°""" °'""' ~' . ' ·· • cOnlldentlil -,.. """'· ••• locllvlc> .Shep A-no1-a.1e ... ftU lluJ: '" \ISi 'I : ...._ :,.,,m.':,c::::::::: &'":: W'~::!i ; C1f¥ an, q aw•N......;. . • • ' *-dtldJ;lc M1tr1 .,.,..,... :1~~11. ·VALUI $109S.9S-PULL PRICI ~H.'5 • ·~,.::;. .. :::::::.:·:::: .. ~-=ct .... ::· BWl::711-... ~' lilMMtllel9 '°""""" llf HOSTESSES m<nta ta Per0iwL w)>llrw "'""' ...,..., ., .. ,,,,. • lew-. 14.66 per.- ., .. "" ..................... u• -.... :=a ····-···• me. be!"' t -· -tht hllewlili i,.i · · · ~. . . ---Ute Out Store Charge Plan or 111Dk Fililnciq . r.~~~~·.-.... r:::::::::a ~:~:::~::::= 1,.._;MAl<h 1(... ' • -I ' JUµ.OltPAllTTDIE EQUAL~ltTllNlTY ·-......_ &04 , No Fancy front -BUT Qtallty VllJtel Jndtlil ::~r.',."•'•ua""•,!Olll ..... "-:t. . ·•-'"·"-Wrttiot; ~tat ~ ~ " • t .1i'!!i.tiiie--~ ·-YER rn•nv othtrl. APPb' -• ....... , .. ,... · ......... s..h-•.. •• .. -h ' 'tis '' " .~--Okie o~ ~l ··-v "" ,,.,. .. ............... - - -... "" · --· · · ·-· ST" nc •L 11iit01 ...... = 0onta~ J . · .,, ot11 ... 11nno1.,. !hlu ni. IUNllT ant" ., ............. W. MOMIT W .•. .m J5. 1988, • Ill\ lllli .._... .. ~ .i .. ., 1 to S p U' .... ,. Ho•• .............. !!! ,u!NOUNCIMENTS , ' D &J& Ravln In Ijg; llele w.,., Costa,..,. -•w· •• · "°"• auc." .................. , -~ ~·cis . .. .. MONT".JW1ray _.._ .................. • •-""" ~~ tn1nee . THE Pl>one: -tll4l . ~ ,....._COUNTY , ....•....••. 1 .. "°'"'D 1,,..MI ,. ........ ,.... """l'S'-or l1' ... COUNTY .••...•..•... , ... LOIT ............................. 1 a.... Ty..a.t fitt, Wlor casualty staua. "f'.;:."' ........................ _... ...................... •• l'"l'. Hcsl. ~-.• ~-...... NEWPORTER INN lllAID fi · · .................... n a.•lllOU~...,. t·\ .... ,........ ~ .. ~ .. ~.. 1x•111.11NCID · "-•,.M•N•TI• ... .-.......... \'1'11 ., • .,..._ ....... , .... ~,, ............ Mr Dukr tJ:t.pzt Ill.ta In our°'"' 1101 Je.m.boret ... -r .- MIDWAY CITT ................. 1'11 PUN9MU .................... ~· ~--•• .,...,A11 •.i...,,-...,.... J !!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!o!!i!!!~~!!!!!!!!:I' IANTA AMA .................... 1• PAID otlTUAltY ... ,............. Ty-SO-_ ....... uc-... -.. NtwpOl't 8each · " 7Tn F.dinaer Hunt. Bch. NTA·ANA NtTL ............ wa P:UN•U&. •••f:nl .......... , --r·· .-it -v.a. ' . ' ( ....... -1-..1 ,;"..,,.;, op......-... 1h. e-..1--.......................... 1 .. l'LDRllTI . ........... ..... . lKtrlc typewriter VIRn ... "9 ---............ .., ......... ,,_. 1'Ul1'111 ........................ 1 ... CAltD DP ft.t.Nkl ................ • IODO OR1'M 1'Vt1'111 ............... 1MI IN MIMORIAM ................. , ~ I ;;;;;~;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. '"'" ......... , .......... , ........... •on ................ i1 p,,_, ....... .Ho•o.11/Cau'"'er Tiller · • ----..:...--,l " ILVllltAM CAllTOIC\ ......... 1 .. CIM9'T••Y ca'ttTI ........... , -·ro· POUCY .,, -" • m JABSCO ' -=• '""' ./ ................. , ... m•• ••""' "......... 17141 4'4-MOI ' • nr."" SSWIOllS )1 • •uc11 ............... ,,. cg ,., ........... "!! .. ~.... i ..-a-SIERVICE . ' nrv 9UllA ... UIL ..... ,."t, .. !t'!. IAL •A8J9 ........ ,,.,..: • . EVENINGS . ' =~~=~iTUNO:!:::;;; A Olf ~·":;::-2::;:1: ·,' TEL" ON'IC .Pr* ..at ltut or. )'Mr of , APPLY IN PERSON Spalla ' Jn excellent conl!JUon1 10te 11 ,,,.::1111·'~~.:::::::::l:l: 1't .\':.,it'iilii'&TiON ·:::::::::l: . llrt., cuual'> "' mu1up1e nra•bl . E. ia: '!sf 11..ao'111I lln' lo "ECHANICAL •••"Beaut. qu;ttooi -•· IUIAD ..................... ,, .. AllTO TltMll'ORTATION ........ i line ratitw ~-Pka.. UWln' la ..... . a M Med .. -1--chair $49 l leCt. UNllD• ........ "' ......... 1111 LIUL llOT'ICIS ....... .._., ant pm. 'JlllllOftallb' ea. ..... ...... tofa A b.e :..i.· $179,· 5 pc. 1' .:.::m ciiuirii~:~::;:i:: s-111v1c·.·--Dlll':",··o··~:o m6Jll"ft!llle co. ..-.-.. , 0-1SI •• c .. st Hlthw•y ill Or1nae '(oualy . DRAFTSMAN R-l•ed cencoll1tlnn dinette ... $24,. pc....... • Ulll TD •• MOw•u ...... 1... S'6 "' -~WIU '"' .... ·-•-men! New-rt ...... of...,. AM -s~nl•h ' ONDDMINWM . ·•'·· ......... 1M ACCOUNTllll• : AJt1! ly -.... ,.._,..~ ' r-.,._,.._,_ r::-Rt $89, box lprf I; ma PU'1..IXIS l'Olt IALI ........ 1n1 AllSWllllt• •••Vic•"'.".'.":::'* , ..... &..l•m• Experi.enoed "" dole ~ and·MMlherran..n (all sitts} 18. ea. vi-lizt af"A•TM1MT111011 1AL1 .... ,, .. Af"PLIAHCI ••••aas. ,..,.. isu --ance drafdnl on 1rup · Furniture --.. RENTALS ~~~:',~:iii,i;;:.i.::_~·:Jl: L"'""" Beech POUCY See Bett>Bnlce et CHI• Mose pomp c:omponen11 """ .., All l!ewT:r. Quality ~...:-.Sell .u,.'"' PRrl , ' • .!!:'~ F••.•.i•~~ ,..; ~n·=..;~ ... ;·:':~:~ ,j!qu&l oppo""'1!'>' ~~ TYPING m l:x ASK FORo _..,. -· -···'"' •me• Atlll w•-•h I I IN.TALI ro SHA.al ............ •atelC, MA.ONAY, ttc. ........... , . ,• ~~ r.,rr. Starner or Mr. SpHnaer knowledl6 at dlmenalonlna Dacereter'1 Dreem Vft AllU1W.Ki I OITA,....., .................. •u• auiTN••• •••v•c•• ........ "" ~eneed or tra!Me, mul· uu '6C techn~ ru applied to Hou1t on qi I I ~m ~=~.t:1'• .............. 11• iu1 .... 111 ......... , ...... ,...,. • • flp!e line policy typist. ttl+ AafMY forCanerGtrb cuttna: and m•dtlnlnl Items u 'fol.Io:!: alor-rm Garden Giove BlvdJ t OLLU• f"ARK .............. 2111 c::.~~:.& . .... ADVl.RTISING I accura.tely on tbe electric. ·ao w. Q:iiul: .,.,.. N... An equal opportunit)T drawinp. Shop experil!:nce ceous I tt.~ cwitom qp.11. 1 Block W. of Beach Bhd. ' j .. ail ::a~; •. :.:_:_:_:_:_:_:,:_:_::5 g~~:r-~:::~::; . 1 Se.· c. rel tary/ '2:: u:i:m~ IOJfte.1 IJ,...,.... , ' ..... ~ desired. ~ ~~M:=;; oU Glrde.n Grove J'niy. ~ .,,,.. •• , ................... m:s cot1TuCTol1 .......• ::::::::"" . , W..&. .._ __ ..._ ~ • ......... 1 --1ty .. 1.. oak tnm decor and mat-20 Pc. M•le . v•• SHOA&I ............... 111'1 u••n CL&ANIN• .......... ..u -,........-,......._ ' ~ .; -""':I",,__._.. em.....,)'t'l' ch1nl chair, 3 ma~ '""'" ........... , ..... , ......... 1 ............... •u · --·s ,.,, ...... ,N11 .. •N.c1· """""' r....i. na1 • J ROOM GRou ............ ····-·····"" -· ................... [...... Bookk••per -·I ' ..... .... . oakoccai!• tabla, c. '"""2 .......................... ,_"'"" ...................... ,,,. : , KEY PUNCH '. ,,... ._.,,;,.,,_, · 'MICHANIC SS"' WI oleoor&tor lampa. Inch;du: IJv!JW"""' tt! ,.J;r.., LNluca--:::::::·:::·: .,...,,,., ... aamc• .. J.;-..... ~1. , ___ .,..,_ ,. __ h.-1 . . Super'-,,, , ... , ltas D&lt Way. com. Mea an s piece muter bed.-tables _ Jam.pa • , •-• ... ••a < -aLllCTAICAL.1._...................... .$ -~· ,.., .. ""',,._..<U&• _. ... ,,.-, • ~· ...._Ha..-1. -l'OOft\ tuite t .. _., ..,..,. ~ ,....... ~ -........... _,.,...,.. •..,.AU ....... '6U -~ -,, •• t · ~· .... ~v ..,~.,..-..-• let quilted matb:'ea 1Da.: L10.t. ......................... '811CIN• -.,.. R••-••le' . level ...,., __ ,,...., one )'tll' ~ &tabttahed 1NI ExperltnCe requl.red: tn ma-(n-4> M5-l25l elledMediterrantan1tyle ..i. ::.1 .. ..._ All • 1Po m11 .................... ,., ,._00•1 ....................... "" ..-· ' perimet: on Alpha &: Neu-115111 Bl, Cotta · · with top quality 15 yr. .-.....-. room. hi'••• ~r.~~u:~D··::::::::::::::: ~=~.f~~;:'j~~~~·::::'.1&11 poch1ltien fw1 1 ~:.~ thak• mtric IBM ~·mt. n.,y. ~t lf.2.nu Maa cblne tool rnaintenanct,.alee· warrantY mattress· 1: box $419 , I AIT •LU'I" .................... aa•P:ltlllMIJle •Uri .,... 9r •. mv.1 aft lhlft. trieat work,. carpenlr)' and ltXrinP. Spanish decor Nd Pm only"• IACIC •Av .,,. ................... eua1N1N• ......... • 1xal1ent tklll1 , ~· Like ff O.C.r1 .. I plumbin&lntndutrialplanL dln!nl set, etc. o own. .ta. , ....... 111 :rt:r1?f.~ci"I •1Ac1t··::::::: . .= •Uall.t.L 1aav1c1t ~ ........ .--'--....._ _..1 he-'lo" I ~-•-t ~, •··•fi•·. n..... Help~ triendl fU1n1tb th.tr Nine hr. day, 45 hr. week. GENERAL PRODUCTION Whitt hou1efull was wll lf'S \If IMllAlltl: ;• OUNTAIN VALLIY ........ ,.MM MADI.,.. INIC .......... ,.,.U&I ... nnlrt11f nllll l:<At.'1:W:ll .uc uo:;,,., .., r'I'•' Praflt lharltw• I $12f5 00 U,ft ·~~ tl!AL 11.t.cM ............•... ,2411-:Wlt1'TMUMii'':::::::::::::::=: Wckpe;. bllllnf.. UrMt.r mantnt, sttady wotk. OUr lloftlt, Good IDccme-train. MEN A WOMEN .... r .. u ar • ,, • LON• alACM ................ 2* •uM·tMOf" -• 30 C II B' •·re IJl41 poll-Is -motton !rom 1nl: ~td. For a nuon-mUST SACRIFICE 600 w 4!b st. Santa Am :::::1::uNTT ............. = MIALTM Clisaf ':::::::::::.'.'.'·;,t. _t_a;., -·lf •rlHI ' witbhr. YoU:"t\iture is dele!lo able fte, )'OU can be In bus. J ( ( "' ( Apply In person $568.00 {)pen o.il,. 9 •I ' llTMINITl• ................. 2'12 tt.a.ULIM• • ,. .................... -""~7 • ' ·----. ----~-eppt o·-·· • I I r •• ~-1 p•···n•" A·•. Sa • 6 . ... •.. ......... HOUSICLIANlf<I• ..... mined entirely by yoU New wn. r '""'"' "''" -"'"'° .... ..., ... ... t. • • . Sun. 11 •• MtOWAY CITY ............ , .... 1'1• INT•AMHt DKoUT!N9'""' •JU ' Wllson, 832.QXl ,.,_..._ M 1-=-7--'i:=Ci=;_;:C.:...:c..,Jl 1•wrA ANA 11•1GMTI .•....•• sot •MCoM• TAK· .•••....•••• :::;;.,.. modem office, frlend]y, • 671 W. 17th St. .....,.... eta AnyJttt can be pUr· * $29.44 * ouT.t.L ...................... ,,.. ••oH 0ru_.1 111c. '"' Ill's ·•.~asant ttmosp•--. PUBUC -M'"d C•••• ~.,. chu lndivldu·~· LAGUNA •••CM ..••.•..•••... inf •••••••.• • ......... ,,.r Ir'" '"""'" • ..... "'9 ......,. • . • For 3 Piece Braided • UOUNA NIDUtL .,., ..................... . be -··l1fiaA ...................... NEW Silo -TERMS We carry our • IAM CL&MIMTli .::::::;::::::vt• IMSULATIH ··-·············· •H11 I ... ........._., ,.,.~..,._.,,, ~1 n in 2 -•· e OVAL RUG SET e . ; N ,u ... CA,.lt1'UNO 1711 IMIUUNCI ................... .no ICU & o• have retettnceS. No in.. weeks: opentan . ~Ith own accounuo. N·.i-b1 .. --reYft'lible 1 Cltf"ISTRANO IUllOM ... ::::::m. HfYanieA.nlft:-~ .... ,.. D For Details and App't, ve!tment requtred. 1 ·-··· fOtlowina: -r. Guarantee • 3 ..... .......... • DANA POINT ,,,.. -""""', •l•L. .................... .m Co -. ... -An eqU&1 opportwUt)T ... ~ ':' f. J] Brown: coppertih!', areen.. a1v1is101 cciiitcfY".'::··::: .. JlfW•LaY • ••1•! ltc. ······• Cd. ~ Beaclli office. send resume . empl....,..,. plus comm.,· --~-8 10 2 3 2 ,,.,, " . UNDICAP1,.. •• eo..-"..:i. --.a..c----~ ... A PlllSON . ..,_ j , · "'"""s: x , x , x t 1 . ~~.::~rtr ·········=· t.ecldMmt .•. ::::::::::::::::-,_~t .... -. .. vi~uuftlt · EL to!P_M·~(ll,Ot.qYPUot cond.ap&idYaCt~ · ·:: . AL'S UNUSUAL ..... ,., ••..... ::::.~::: .. -=::':>m".'1.eii"""": = .-'•-..tary pd (21J) · 314-1213 HOUS·EKDPEil, °""' <.830-IOllll!r._ - - ---FURNITURE ·• f"L&X1:1Ava11. ............ :1"1 p.t.IMTl!MtP1-a .. ·;·::::;;... p-tnre:beneflts.can~ .p•nto.n t•l'i•lderty • ,~.·COUPLE wanted far Mott,l _._., .... ;'rJ;..;.. ~ ', 17881Beacb8lvd. ENTALS '""' .......................... bel Depl bet. l:!O AM .1 1 • '. ' .,__ I I * Waitr sses" ~ k ' r-""""' '"lfotfsM 1Jnfuml1htol· ··-.. =,, ........ , .... ,-PM >1Qn.Fri.5"l·Tl'4 ' UNIG"ID , ... __ •• , ~··· . e ...... 341ll' Cout ..,., 'l'+'"'"l! ·"'LYD:·' .--·~ -,..,.. .. ~, ........ ·"·-· ' ~.. .. -. • •• -all .I _ _. PolnL e.•w <"' .. •••Ui:' ......... : .. •.: ..... ,,... PL.A1T•at11e.P•~lr~.... .i· INSURANCE GROUP ~ Q· t '11~... ~ ,..,,.,.,.. l•IJJ.tla,· M.19lvd .lNTIQUES: otu: l:t ~. ~ £~.?-i:QtlAw:•·::::::::::::::~: ~~·:.t~ ............... ; ..... = ' Stanton PM. -... . ~.. * Buboys , ... , PAR'l! Ill' hll time work · ~ .m ' '"'~~ 1'J' •· ,Rotjcei-$12, am~'aµ . ilOt MIU. VIRDI ................ 111• l"OOLllllVICt .................. ' Sfilii &JViA'Tiiy bU • far "'-''l'ljnl!ll.' Taco; 658J. (...ia •u,..,.., 1 0tber furn; .f IWfwl D'LtH ................ ,.,u ..... ........ ............... Co--un·1ty File Clerk -!or '"" or -· * eo· k = ..... Hunl Beech, UI .. rnlM, ... aloo!a •M .• · ·~ JllWJ>OllT aucM .............. PUM" llllVte• ............... -,,,,,, _.. ~ -.""II i ,,.,. .. '°"'L ...... , ........ -·~~"0 ................. -Hospital -Ille .. --0 · · (OBI ) table, • cbrt ""· ~ HIWfOORTSHORll .......... -HDIO,---•te.............. I no ............ no ""¥:''"'-"·-a y ' , __ ,., u~~· IAYIMORll ... : .... , ....... 3111 ltEMOOILING lo lll:Ef"Alll .... "' I ,_ ... , "'9R .aruu ""'Jfft ""'....,.,uo: $12. DOV•• 1Ho111 .............. .n11 111MOD•1.1t<1e. 1CrTcM1n ... .,. deliveries. 1'0r. ltltflrNw w 7550 Every ntt. 'tll f Pinr porw table $U. H• WllTCLlfOI' .................... KlllOlll ................. :........ "Mtjor ~ County non-call Ml).051-4 A .. 1 .. in w·· s s . II rl la ' \INtV•llJITY f"A•IC ........... mJ tlWINe ... :.................. .... • detenaa _ ........ otten an P....,-person -., at.4 un. t 6 ~ mp $5. Ii& mPI 11 ••IN• ..... .. ........... -HWINO ,.'""" .,,., ' -IN DllECTOI ~v -~-1t D,1-Th-· J/1 rt · ' hutch. 185. 4M E. 21it a. ! IRYtN• Tllllo\CI .............. llPTK: TAMICI. 1--. ltc,.\fW ...,..,Jtnt opportunity in r"91VITI •• '• coco· newpo CORONA DIL ~· .............. TAIUAtNe ,,, .................. N-Be&cb. Photo salet. part time work. 'S . 20 PC. "M ·DRID1 ' Newport,~ ,. ... , ........................... ,,, ....... ............. OF NUISES '"~· · · ~,-• ~-..... -onnel· .. o-· . IAY ISLANDS ................. .-'1'tLL c..-c ................. .,. -Duties wfD Include the~· ~ • ew. .... '6 .....,,..,, Aat ..,...,... 3 R G ~~TE! HoUlletlaD " L•~.•.n• ......... : ......... •'•"•'".-IC_ .............. .,,. YWon otvautts, ---m 11 to 21. m E. 17th st, ai . REUBEN'S agency ootn ro: bN.ut Med.ltt; -• IA .. I Ill.AND .............. 1111 • llltV I .. ............ .... r ....... ._ .,~., •!OI _, 'hble", .. -•-._' • NIWPOllT WIST .............. sm TILl:VlllON1. ••tn. Iii;. ...... ClallenM position with fllq. __... FROJrl MODEL HO . ........ -0 ....... . MUNT•N•ToN 11!.t.CM ....... ,... uf"MOU1'11T ................ ,,.. excellect potential with Ute .. -.n.nce _,1_. Profet•lonel •·r"i·ce Ind•s: QuUttd llOla ~ .eat cottee tbl. ~ I · =~~~~l~~o:..,~t::O~~ .. :::::lm j()iSi. £MftLoYMIN'f multipal convaletci!nt or-with.;;;.~. ~",;,;: 0~!w ~: ~·!',: 1551 W. Mam• for the •mpi:y;r cba1r -2 es.I table. Is cof· 'Commodea. occ. c:b&ltt,, oar '"'L '"'c" .................... _ --•-"'-1 .... ----"' ·-.... __...... . ~ c~.· "-·-· , ~•1 •·----11>1. " 1 .,,,_ • --e&ao1N e11ov• .............. Mn WANT&9,M91 ............ JM 1 .. ..-.__.,...., ...... uuu~.... p&Jl1-... ICbooltraintd. Sendnsume _, and the 1ppUcant II! .. e-... ._-UI-~ .. ,. . .,..-, LOM• 1ucN ................ .-. 'g' WANTIO, w-........ 1111 -to start. Stnd complete resume with· to Box M-411. Dally :PUot. -• ..,__ N er-minor-budboard-Incl. 1 kifll' .aw.· 2 j O•AN•• cou11TY ............. -l. e W-'N'Tltt. .. .. 1 ..... -..i--....,,., Dr., .I. -n ...... L--A' tt credeniu lam J - SANTA ANA .................... ..,. n a WOMIN ............... 111• -~ ·~ ...... rnent. to· the' w·~ .. -'--'ttirr -A. • t " · or ... "JI ·-27·•• "-"'""' ....,. ina -• "'· w••TMINJT•a ................ WIS DOM11Tfa NILP .............. 1m Phone 645-IOJO n.a, PDot Box# M..tic. .nn.1_..: -.UJ"•• , p rteten m1r1n • ...,._ , ~r, -""_ 5 pc. cllniJw •room; Br cbalrr clatr ·~ MIOWAYCITY ................. Jfl•=~ ••• ~: ... ·······"'"'"·"-" --.. • ~/2~Mo ,n-Frl, -~-........... ,bl·ba·'c .. -•-All·-.... nk-1 -1AN1'A AMA M11e1t1'S ............ ,.... • • .......... """""~. 11·30 to 1·30 S • .. 1 I ot uctl 7600 ~.le • .:a n.u-• ·--1 · 0'"""~· COASTAL ..................... .,. SNCll .. ...., ............. "" ' • pm . am. 2607 w. Coast H""'.. Cnvv .. n r •n a>MPARE AT 110.96 '!WIN ma·'···~ •• -, L.A.OUNA IPCN ............... -MaLP WAlfTl!D ...... ······™' ATrRACI'IVE women 1e ,. R(JllS'l'.\UA,L 5'0-08SC .. J --.. ... ueuNA N .. U•L ............ .w 1:.•Nc"r.;. t...w.r--·······::'* train u 'eounsdon for Locril· lDIU?IJIP A 1 enc1 ,;,i;;,;:;;:,.~-==-NEWPORT BEACH ~Gitt, tntwntJ.oc. · $399 $700. Sell tor $400, Dbl bed ..._,. cL1M111T• .... , ......... .,., ~ _ •-•. • / • P/TlME btlp u ·so· ,.. Now ... ""'-·-11...i;.uon.~-n.. ft_,......_-_ _...s.llA----,.__~..__ _ _." CA1'1n1AN0 ......•••••••••• sns "°"" • 1t1 •• auCT10N •..• 1• Gkai& Manha11 F 11u.r8' Hutct area, desiris full , • • --. ..,.,.._ _.._,-W11tWWno .. --....-.. n. or No down-Pttlts oftJy $1f mo. ...-.iuc W1...u~ mat. ~:'.:'::.~ ~~~~ .. :::::::::::: ""'l~,r.:~~~11 .:·:::::·::·=; O:introl Salon. Must haye ttma Girl n1da,y "1th top ~~Nn'~~: for ;youneU1 IndMdual]y tutor-· tress, $15. Brealdut 9lt. '""°"""'"" .................. MERCHANDISE FOii • .itm .......... enjoy •!O!lt. Pl....,,! office ..... 14'1-2flT • LUftch HmHI .. ~tlOltuono tni"" wnx·s WARBIOUSE """" tbl wl< lloral - DU"1.1x•1 uN11u11N. ......... ,,11 • S"LI AND T•"DI worklna' with people. Hrs. exp bllpfi.il. 11.1 ... _, .... n to •Daytime kftchen htlp doo.I. 173 Del Mar, CM, ~ .$60. 15x15 tan wool ~. 1UMM1a ••NTAU \' ......... ms ""' N" --~ QJCANING WOMAN 54• -~ &00 w 4th St San Ana -= 501 34tb St. N ENTAL~ l'U•krTua• ................... 2-9 PM. Ase 25 and owr rllbt person. Call Bev. ,,..._ • ., ta .. ,a, .&! 1 • I p I hN OP:P:ICa fOURlln'U•& ........ _., -'--' For appointment 55-TS'JO far -»Pt Fot Tbunday . 4PP\y dallJ lletween NON PROFIT -.n-.... .... ()pea Dt.117 N ,fl>.;;:;296&;::c.,,. _____ 1 ,..,, .. _ urn 1 o,•1c1 1.ut•MINT ......... :p .---........ · .._'7T12 ""'°'19 10 a .c · "'....,....,,.. ...... Sat M &m 11.s .-:. j elNl'kAL ............... ~ ••.• m~· ::ui:::.";r ........... ~1 ld-3630 e SUPERVISION 1: er.... p.m. Worbbop dul be 1 In ' MUST .ell MIP1e Uvlm ) :::::.ii:.··::::::::::::::::::: ..... ireurM1'4T ,. .. :::::::::.,: • Medical Secretary. SALES WORK• DENTAL aaisWrt, tome ft• March lmi. Pairi.thlc, Clay 500 LB. Amana uprlcht room fUm. Couch, .. 1 1 lllWl'Oll:T alACH ............ ott •"•"••·•-., ,.•. •00001 .......... !.'!: ~..to.nee in convalescent Full time. Mmt have not periencl Meetllr)". Fiall WANTID• A:: Sculpture Area 5 )'Mn. fttet.er. Ma. wort MO: el'.ld talbn, coffee table.~ ', ::::::l ~:~tf.' .::::::::::: 11u1N11Tu•• "'AuC:TiON"::::::::MU ~-or Blue Ct o 11. appearance-, able to deal time. ,.,..._ PRINTID CIR°CUIT up. M6-5511 .tar info. white bunk bedl w/rnat, •t f15 or 1 •par a teJ r i f •••TCL1•• ..... -............... =t.1.t.•c11 ,. ............... ·:I .... JCriowifd&'e ot Mtdlcare and with people. Apply In per-WArl'R.FASES. Put ilnM IOAlllD PIANO -M .. ..-treun SSS: white as• oval Refrfge.rator, $35. 6t2-al1I , PNIV•ASIT'r P.t.aK .. ,, .......... -UU · • ··· · ...... ., .... ,, ...... ... .,_ -..._ • ..., tble tJlk. -· .... t •-~ 1.--IACK •• ...................... ::: :t:..""'''""·............ ·11 .. 1~ blllt,,..; -• -OVE1121 CAIL • scRllNlll a 1n ....... 1 .... "' .., .. ··-... ·--p .,,.. .. 111m1-Sale ~r.,,'.'':t. Ml:ii":::::::::::-:::,~.,,•;:::~~ ..... ::::::ml -· 1rte1 ~· etc. Htl1141p H .. lth Spe -· ,AIRICATDll ilome "OBI l'IMlfl w/S Cal.s1>le ,blJL .....pt both old A -- IAL.Olo . .. ................... '::~~ 1iOti "'"""'"'""~-~--.. -Top ft&& Prefer older 2300 Harbor Blvd. CJI HOUSEKEEP!:l\/Oild care ----' _, .. _ Good ~ Mlll:....NDISI ~ !'!' .. •, wbl .... ~ .. i.'!_UP30· .~ Pa•detw. S..t • sun r l:Y JILANDI ................. 411t • ................... person or handlcap}l9d Box • · .... ...,~ ... ,_.,. vo-.r ! .. .--rvt-. --UN I to s. 11)7 u1-"1·-Drtw,· DO Ill• .................... OSI .. , ... , •• ,. ••• 0 ............... = . leal , ..... s.... Wffkendl only. H.B. and ovtrttme ..• ,COM s•LI AND , •• DI ·-·· ·~,. ~-3 '-··-·---LIOA 11U.ND .............. • T•P• aaco•D••• ......... · M-508 Daily Pilot cu ~..... . ~ .u. ...,.... ..-'-.,......... NewpOi't Bel.ch 541.-0JU ' [ .......... tlACN ···-···-........ ~~t'"' "" ' Men a Women --TllAN dlllk 30"X41", 125: maple '°"NT••• v•u•Y ···"-:'"..,, .... IY' ' • . .,i .. : ...... = ~ • ~,,.... ...... 1 .. ""'"-# '""D 851 w. Uth st., C.M. F'urnltvr• IOOO !..!M ..... 1 a.•· ... , .. , 2 ~•te ROUND Din. rm. tltle. • ~~ \~~~~ ·::::::::::::;.::.-: ;r~:t.us ····::::::::= PINANCI ~ -';vd.,hi:' fot ~~ 13/J·:=. Re•l ltt.te hie& SPANISH~ Returned: *°"' ~e WM:~;..., SI; ~. hutch, 6 Wlndlor cb&ll'f =~~ :'C:: .:-.::'.:·:.:::::: MllC~~ANTID .,.:::::::::;::: .. u Exp Cathier bffded Uctnaed men A wi:mtn. lno $1.15 hr. -.ml Meft • Wemeft Model Homa Ob aa1a at ttlH'Qa. 6"-f99.t GI' MS-ml $13(); pld D&QIL l'lfi'fllll I I nSTMINJT•• ................ tilt MACIUNl•Y. mtc. .......... ,..,.. ContaCt H.E. $Utlon ltant lncome a traminc· Mr # rocker, pid cond MO; J ••ow""" ................ ~,. ••"''" ....................... .,.. Delta Acceptance G-~-Sprl ...... I• .. Ml• w-7500 EJfPlJ1dlJW apln. OUlce lea tlwo wboleulat Group 20 PC MODERN lampa" -. l!>-23SI 1 MlfTA AKA ........................ 11.~~:~,.·LMAT'o"ii!AU ..... , .. ,.,,. 1500 Adam• Aft c ~I .... -:=:· n.1 ~v· • ., ...... ' CflOtnlnp available· for IQCllldH t.ltuutul • ',. ... .. '"' . . ~ .. 11 l II'~!•"•'"'"'' ............. ••••• .. : .......... : .. ::::::. 5'o.ueo " · · w , u!il>ted -·•-··in. ,jllii!od .;i. " 10«~,;:.&t, ~ IOOM GROUP COMP. Houee Meditt. _.) coli\'1, .. ;:::::::::::::::::::::!fl: PETS &nd LIVISTOC i'ELiPiioNE SOLIClTOR! ---.Btll 3 lputth ·oil< cle.ofttiio l»dildu· !'lolilonfa'&d>tlr !um.~. now. SU. ~ ~ .......... cM .............. "* ;ns,.•11•1UL .............. -Fullttme:ou:rottlott UNUSU•L oanowq .,,r1D1ltlalt1 tah&el..was•ca.~ ~t tablea aam 1'5. a Jama st, c.x.: P.:"tt.:~~· .::::::::::.:::W. ~~::::::::::::::::::::::-Tela,._ ,...,.._, l i0<•1Y rai. ptus "°""' 11 -• . ' wt11 111-. 'ldnt. qiiic. ;...,i... bed,.on;w111o gdL m.m• . , GA11• P01tt1' ................ ,..... • .................... Wtlf'lo ~ Ww•••. APPb' tn pttr9)n , er tub me bedroom lutt. ed ttms • s d1netm PERIOD FUnr· Hand~ 1i'~lt~•'.·::::::::::: .. :: tALIPDliNIA 'i:W!Nii f P."'· 'Ill f p.m., '"' ~ ~"' "'"'"' !P"_ fthporf•lity ~~~1:0::: ,,::i oomJl\e!a Ind boi . ~ ei..u tor •.. pc. ' CDU<b. cJa-1.,;.r, tbL $ell 1 I NU._•••••• .................. 1t1• E. Mmyweod, S.!tt• a Shopplna -Vil molt1 on Cokndo Jttvtt, mattrm, linml A bqu&tr 1 $277 , only u , ael: bat oa.r. • \ ADtL Unfurn lhed , sw1MMtM lllOOLI ... ............ Ana.. Hun~ Bet.eh Tbt lndtptDdent Order of .. 1 t1l 6 small lamps. Spanilb oU I/ pc · 127-<1953 ( I •••'RAL .... f"ATIOS ................ , ......... 11 ... .... .. _ -APt. tum. r\ll u • .11o.1-t __. _. _ _.._ No down Pmtt_ only$10'tno · • · • COSTA MllA .. ::::::.:::::::::;:n11 t.WlllM=-, .... , ........... , ..... YOONG AiiJW" I: slwP SEAMSTRESS. Experienced •••z• ,.... • saJary. l'rff Qle of lloatl .......... • r--......, -...-. • • EARLY American~ j I ••uv1ao• ................. 1111 Tv~1.NS"""'ll ... T.A .. T1 .... DN ........ -!....1or llldbrokff'• onan • .-omen'iRUtlta.o ritwol:CkttaSouthOraQl'e P.O.&oxl'1 luJ~dOQ: at appta1r. sws.eo AIL WEllf'S w1Mtlftltrr chair, belatl · o.-• ttAc• ............ -~ rv _._,_, t1b1ia. Good -Full C.,..,, -lnlllllpnt ' ' FOft ONLY -131 down. lfUI\ llUIJllllM; • •=•T NllOMTI ......... := 10.t.TI a YAC.MTI ,.. (1Uice J'or lntft'Yiew call W • ' ' AzbOna , .. _ ' XI.NT c:Ondltion. $f0: ~''"",:,•"°••• ............. ~ATI S" .. ::::::::::::.""Mr Gedlk betwetn 10 AS time. Stt&dy employment. m.aorwomanov.rZ.Col.. ..vttrnrv Janitor work ......... per weelc I out or 500 W. 4th st. Santa Ana ~1391 v111va111TY fOAiit"'.".".".'.'.'.'.' .• M u"' lltl ............ Ni ~ ... -.. Apply House ot 1)1)ol'lJll, lea Mt~. Sllou1d ....vv..-._., • fttte crad:lt OK. WJll n..... .. n...1; .. t. 9 1--~------I IACICtAY .................... 1 ~ T ·::::::::::: at ~'" ~ coast Plaza, i1S3 So. b&Yt-,aptdrenoe tn..lllMtina Miia Thtlltft, 1IM Newport llllU"tt *tr~ Ille. 2'th ..... :. ~ GOOD brown club dllJr .. ' .... _" •LU0•1~ .. ·,;,·· ............ T ~•IWK• ........ BAQYsrrn:rt w a• t e d : .....,_tol ..__.... ••·~ --w1... N-t~ Ute •'--lllvll., c.v. See: Mr. or een-·~ 9 '! t' 2 Sat I SUn. 11 -I Llme dub ell + ottm., "' '"'" ....... ,,. T NINe ' • 5 3Q _.UI ' '-"-.. roe-. .,.........., ..,..__ ""!°"' ,.._ ,..._ before Jl ....!.. ... " ' -ruu ..__ .. _ (2) ...... , •-IUI -. ......... ......... · ................... 1t11a IP :;.'.'::::.'. ·: I • : , I~. lD11'DTM• :a:::::::: ,., podtion. .£aallc ~ ""!" .. '--pman . Gu'den GJ'OYt 8 l v d ,, -..i,-n. -• ._,COM-cu....-n -· ·~ ) Y tsLAlllDI ................. t.TsLn:o.:..-....... V\o Bre'lt nt 6 Mimi. ~A110n, SbaJl Bat • izninda-.. Maid..__ ,A.K41.1J7~aU51f.:'1'1 tudan QrM n..n-IN P'!ttwUllfotmrubbermat-e..z:m . ~ m• · · ................ · 1• tc-1111. .. llllldl A Go Go Dancat. ~· .. w ~ ~ ' tm1e1, bad preads I u~~".':.1Cif :::·::::: ~ .::i:::z::::;:: Ttp wases $30»150 to inuceu~•'Wllllb'· ™• ~ 91J• WT lat JN. .. l>5 c;:ome: ll*tl 139-lCT.aft 5•30 CHIPPENDALE di f.!!iL't'" v.t.u.1., •••• :..... Nrtf\'iU~ ::::~::::::: TURPJ • are tor llll.rt. Ph. t<ir int. 54S.-S ,'\ or ftlnet. 8a1&rY + o..na; ta erealf (tie)..... · C'JflttdJ er · covend in antique teal dk , ~~.= .................. _ ... ,_, .................. ,_.,.-.s.1pm SAssY!.ASsY2io111&1 ... Ttloho,,..__..,_ ...-....,. .,.,,.,, •7 Pc.,,_ ilil: ~.~' tJon.1<r .,.,,.~ xlnt "'"" i ........ =' .............. w ~T .,....... ............ .. t::ir woddrw qa o t ti 1 r c. ' • 1 AM .1 PM Moa. an N. 1ilndb. Call ..... '' • n_, ~ ... ..., .-· MB-2534 · ~ ==.:.ea .. :.:.:.:.:.:;;::;::::r.: ;t"..'l.i~j;::::~:I:::: m.1* • , J • M. .,. ~/>JI. • lJ N-~. •l\Ul'AiJiiAliT HELP , ........ . WSIOHSE R<fl1r. I 1ldr FOR Sale: Lup -- 1 ,.,..., • .,.. ................. ,.M ~'n n .. ::::::::::::: COiJNTIROIRL ~b'Pttt. 1 llr:appot;-' '•"-"""* ,_.,., ___ •••• lfl&s>"top ••11 • -tleeptr 4,...... :::1." -................. ----.............. 1 ..... ottk:o. -..... ... '°""' ·~ -·---. tlll/drtt, """'. tbl -. -ft.,.~~-~--~~.::::::::· CL.'''p · ............ ;!:':d ,Klch\wOlk~.$1Jtr~· dJlptvoSittorttlepbOnt,, • nr,, ........ _.ttfis cil,dnrn.mllc.tf5...itss .~bllf---, fr.!'"..................... , 'l!.r;:::;: ... :.. Call-•• 11~ "'"""' .. ......_"ln"" * DllYERS * ~oNll....,, •-"°I'"'·-·'""' 1. _Quilted -w. ErilAN Allan iD1ii Jlofll i ...:"J.!,~• ·::::::::::·:· • ., .......... 1\ ilA'riliili! Q dili ~ -: 111>. An 4,." 1 , EIJi, 'pit! hut w/lri)n. eo1 --i111teta, -. 8..,_ bed 131 6 -l malch!Jw ttm .-, 1 ... ~... ......,......... ..... • ~•nf:::: --· s Ile> -.,,... ,.. ... ..,..... ""'· G&noett.. -· .... •le. • !'!"', • 11a ·-··-Ji~-w~con4r.·;;;"5.;w.ISflr::-~•~ I ..... ., ' ..... ~,,. WTtToou.a 11euw ........ Ml -.. rv _ _ -·--r IJC::1:: ""'-'C9 .... -....,.... i. •e·-~ ..... uo • ...-. • "°"" . . ...... ,.,. ,.,..,. .. ~va. .............. .. .... rm., .• ..,.--~ .. » ~-w_rtr., N~ 1IMlt lt)1nt wt _.....,. """"" .... ~ ~= . NJ:AJU.Y nww r UAL ISTATE, g-................ &liJ) r .. ,, l 11 i( -1Mrw ~ cra1tt to -Jn L1119 Shop. Col! "' Modem Sb'le llnrn llonl coocll.11.!t A ••• 11 ' ..................... Ii --, · -~·•u •• , ·-"·'" -..... -.i. tfomla ........,. &• O!.l. .. $249 LOVEIEAT llldt o >ed. ~·-....-..r ., ..... ,., .. , ... ., ... , '°""· d$W14own C <M • ...,..._. U. uiu a,,__ drlvl _. .. 1.. .,,,_,,.., ~ ,...... whl .... ..._ dbl -........................... 1.. ' ... , ..... :...... -~ .... -.1111... ....... .. """'" Dally Piiot !'J -~rPP" =-= 111()9 --NodoWl>·l'mlt -····-....... ~--• ''·"pe=~-----'""'·Pt~OY'-llr~-. OOMHtlua.: ............... CAM It •IN1'AU I ---Yll..LOW ... Aa co ......,...,-KU'f& .. ·----t::.W~i·· mattml • IPritlPo •le. ., ~........... • ..c, :1"J.IA:m .:·:::::::: ::A\:"lM.. ........... , •UVEmeah7 11tter -Jit.407 · • 1t11m.11111.tt. • 4tUftl')' 0 drlvtifl. b1ueun1WBJ'SWAB11m1X ......_ +matrr•••-..; ''°'"" .. . :~u.m=·•••u••" -CM.-t!OOKi£IPEft.meollcalol, ~---IOr.$04111 • 'U'LITv "'-~ -ointl.llJl.-ILS. TaA11,,•1t i;;ouan a • c-.-....... u ,.11 • -·-• .n. , ---•-.... . = ._ "' • -._ , Ul11' HOMll 1 , ~~ f'f<''"'""' _ _,. llat1' ......,. D!a,:u art.a., 1l£Al. DTATf ShOQiCit\•t OP'ERA1'<f\ b' 1.ttr.ctfve IOO W. fU. $,, S&nta Ana W/~ mattzo.. ccmp. I flJFA $75: diA. nn. dlle. • MOK. OtNTAL• > , , ••••••••u• -·-= .._,-. ... 6 .,wuica-.. ..1.. ~ _,,_ ., -•-.. ~~ •·•-~-•~I I N -111 -• -~ eh&ln Iii• tlOO~U '' ..,..TY ,... .. •••• i....... ·~ -~~ .... M -ft-Ito. WM1.... ,.. -"""'!:'.... -.... -.. ~ ... ~ -, ....,_. ~ • CIVlll'. .... _ . .,. -· • 1 ••H u rao111.•t'Y • w •• ................... :. hebyitttit, IJvt.ln: 1tirt ...... ~ r~ ... Ruljl"*b lllllcht + dmlm. Ka) 8Ml41 •.-,. t-I a.. 11 ,. t IO-CS38 ~~/•~-~~~1131~~--~-§~J' T "....... .., ..... ._ ... •••••••••••••u ""'II ~--I ' "1L ., , ·-~ .............. .,... r= ,.a:!!:;-·~· 10tS1Tm'lllfl ·---•llMrn awt0z,..,wut"-· 6AILl'PiLOi'\llANT_, lfULTPIWfWANT£'St t>1t1 SGS111W • • • l • -··--1 i .:...-:~J:. ·, ' ' . ., . } ... .. . .. , . .. . ·' . , , . ~·-~ • . I I . I \ \ ' I ~--,..-. .... .,.---·rr.,-.,,.---.,-~-~-----...-,...,_,..~...,."":'-------~""--------""!'-~~-------""!'-... --~-"!1-"'!'-"'!"•""',..""""'~"'"~-"'1 l l I I I ' ' 1 ', " .I I • --...-b-.. ··t'-~ G"OMVINUI' cc: :en TO mVI YOp ' ' ' 9 ... ..,. IMql . Dll .• COIT•'-.. -QI • HU ... JOll IW!ff -Jet fiflli ,~ti LAMM.CH m-A ' ' • ....,,~t.19'9 • ' ' " I • j j • .. ...-.-.-...-··· ...... -............ ~""'l"'""~~ ........... ""'""'""',.,. ... ~ ........ ~:0-.... ~ ....................... ,..,. .... ""' ....................................... ~~~".7'.-C• --' • lli~111-iillln:1fl!111J;,..i'9.,~·£ .... ~r.'~1n"'l?...,1Dt~ · · ill l'OR Pm ... L.IYISTOCIC ·TIANll'OitTATIOM -TIANSl'ORTATION -TllANSl'OITATION :rlANSPOITATIOll SALi AJCj TUD.! ~~AND TllADI Dtlta , MU IMll.;lo ... ..,. . ~!tr'! , t ,ft M .. le'Hoa"' 9U0 ~c .~ ~ii~~2i~i~~~;l1Ml&~~·~..,..~~~"~1-0 • .uc 8IUIY ~ • " IMY10 a.. ~u , -.wL MiL'lloA1\• ••i · ., *sR<iRTSMENs v~* ,_ --.· • ,, • • _1 S-.W. -1~y $ •::...~.~~ '':::.~r;:• ~i·i:_~·::~ .. =~~ .. 1·10• -~ ~~~'A!0 : 'ri!,I!u.i:~ •• :~ rHLlt-'. * * ·*.. -$ fUAHITllU $ ·~ .. peU .... "" .. • ... I ........ :. Sl«Jll -II ....... .. ... ~ Cua''~---l-~~,.. un~t 'nt'ton "-·ch· "-~.~. 'l'antlittc Dlscountt Fu-INITI. IE 1uc1· IM Afft.IAl((:H --T•rtl!IJ ~ :;: ~----1 = -~MCA'-f'iiO:\-jj ..... ,illllo!o "':.'."'"-"'-~" 1 • • 11 .... -• c: '"" r 'I · . , un -c.19 'Y' ........ "'4_ .. ~ ~~-!"l!!""-·~· -~-Vi:::'.~-~ m• l'lpt •.a. m.2«11 ""'°" r 1111 ;:a,,. HN""' .-; ................... ~ '!l!'i ~'"•~·"'' -~,.,., ~ ,' • f r ..... .,rH•'4iflll ..... ~,-new .......... ··......-.-~ -OL-" IOI&-s.ba(a·~-sfimttnn t .r&teutetbell••l dell~ • ATURDAY .. ITE .... PM ' ~IN JI llltlUTU and Jot, ol ~ ~voll.. -~a.,,. ·w.-,.... ...... ~-.. • \ . . "' .... >1: ... ~ • BEACH' CITY ' " olOI' _ • ~l-•s)1 •· :Se~·"'.,,,..."""": ':."~~<iJ.ia:-.:' :, •~"'=-~ ~·"'"~"'~"'~, .o .......... ""'"". J)OQpE - : o .. 1N% .. UllLIC PDll INSPl~,_ .. m1n10N a HTS Ind LiVilTOc:ff 1 iotALfj I ---Dfeod .... ft .... ft .. , '41.900 ...... $12)0.• Call -.. Moi.'/.:YH~~ • ~,·tA··~~.,. ~ ;m .,..cb Blw (llwJ Ss) ' CONVINIENCE * DAIL~' .. ' * ' Male 125.. hmale $35. • m:::.!".""" A~ ... .., ___ • , ' I lGll !lolm'' 0 • : • ""'"""'..C: :'J"'~. . . . ~· .. • FINANCING AVAIU.ILE -M\IST !111 ., Cots . . .U20 '""·Gld, have Md lhofl, ~~ CiiESl'ijiN.vli .. to • 1'blot!liEUtillWl>oAitWI. "PT""FIU'Z-• Huntlniton-. ~ CHECKED PRIOR TO SALE ,1 1-, • ~ ~:111 ~ i aJti 11112-ua:' • ' • ' J<~~·u· & ~:, ;::....,~ W".;.i1~ .-~ '-~ ,. , · ~ * * * *· '58 CHEVY 111 Ton. va• ,, . . ··~fr, ..;--• beaUtM black a White ~c ~1 i .m. old,· .. ,t,,.._,:'f llb-:,''"''' ~"·l!!;~ '• Ul!' ·\": 'JD body Reblt .motor. Good ~All fme qualit~. •pew, 1'8!1!¢ btinils: 1.aiie1 --oac I ... _ .. _,,ftll -' $ Save 'tiiouolln.ti $ Pntff cn.1.... . f020 • """ .., I ... I IP!' ... ,.,.... ... Platn. !9!0, l!>Thomasville, tUdigulla Pi!l~ld;' EffiP!rt FREE ID.~""° ..iu '&d w/cblldren.. 615--0'l5I 29• O>I 29 l'IB 1oadod l99!iO 1br P .. -. Pai'a. lllllT-'OW,.~ jfQ.9012 · ' Beauty 'Ileot.-Garrazd, 'Kn.lilei, ',;_.· 1c>ven/o:lii'lii0Mrq1ocan-'" . ---31'11arre-.al>e••>t~ 25' TOLLYCIWT, ~·ho' ..0..l Elllo ill•l'Golloial ·qoii(il,.. · ot ,,,,...,. · · ··• • · • •·· i,.•.....,f' ·'11 not be tm ~ ahl HorMt" . IUO ae • · · AAtlOO V8' ·~ rtf · to .liJt.tt •mobDebomelnoWat ~ 1 ~Mhe il0Ckl11'""UQ. J t5t0 * 63 NEW Livlng ,roolil troups: c<iucttes, love io ~. 1 "' !'f.1o< .. !l : 38~.':t~~~"c1...,. . .,......;s s ~!/!e\6·"'1 '~'Wide Siilis <Priv,'l!arly.oSil.mr , "P.S·-.,. " :ii seats, ci.lairs-Colonjal, Sp""1•J!, lifedit~ .,,. d\l\fttt"'"" w.n lraJned ~~ ~ <=t: ePACIF!~ XAW s.\LESe. ooven; mint ""IL '_, °"'....., MultUe-t!..,,., Inc. . . •.• . 1961:.1EEP. • cyl; -.dri,., 11 ean,Modern. ', ... ~, ,·-andba~badd_nw,lho,.: · ppe •. SUll~Vlt -~~~1 Owner.~~-, 1~, ·~tftN.H'rbor c.a. TNl'9r.,Travel . 9425 roll bar, white ' top, r ~ 't 35. NEW, ~m aets, sever&l;large king ·1 am 2 """"'old, Plew ·::--r."~~7"'·""°:"' 24HourPborie~· i;n.i510 :SACltJF(Cl!!l ,..;.-;·"l"'''S3l~tt'·-,.,., • ·~'ROO&..u:d · • 1!.'locl<oot huboc see Sat size witlL~ct.e•t & ~oire-.NWl\erpua eall.-~. " ~ Sant&Ant~=~~ ,4 : • _ 34• Cnibtr *7~~~; .. ~.,.~. -,. ·)!;' ~f-CZAN ·•'. ,.a:.1SUn at 302i Biibhoule ~'--other(~~ from-all gOod quality Jwd· BEAUTIFUL C •oco I a to Hwy, River ow Trainllig D~l(IQ, L• fiRASER top ooncl. MJUI ... n "1W..ii; ~ ~:.:.'!=' Bl!. (~ ...... :oven• ln"lr. ,.0r,,,:..,• CM='""'"'-=:':-::--= ,., .Wf/O!!. -, .-r,, , · '-" '""'"' male ~ .,i to Stable s..•Juan Copiatrano 342_4 Y"' Opo'H!, !\•'11!11:1 , eftd, 548"'691 Alt. &. , · '"°"" ~>'.'ft*. .ei.e--WH., .iee 1953 W/Wincb; rehlt ·1o, 'II. 1!·10.21~·1.at.f O<let. Refrigerators l(bron.ze, mastamte wt~_ ,felnale XLf'ri' !we.iehi lbbw bent '!..:.\$!'·~~~, 1( --,. ., , ¥_ 1~•J.up·.=.-=: ~:~i~liox •comD: *' enr . .!.'~top, clut,cbo brks. 1,,. yellow,~-turquoue). ,Alj ~-'"·. -ptdi "" 0.'d rtd<r •. • ,,.. cid ~iUnuila'..l!la, ~-boa"' Sp•~~Skl Boob '°30 . ...,... '""'' full . oklrt. ~Ii"-,T •· f.i .. •\•· ·-· 8l>-4SS6 liiN•l!f·newWaahersJ<Dryets. ~ · ·°},~:er. 6f:,1:, ~~ ~;. ll hone•.-UX.~wb2!;~-12' ,8()iif';i;;'11p ..;iti"• lndJcpd, reody tolm,...111, ~r,lai' ~~~~·'8· -'58 "JEEP ,lo!Jli!irr. O>ev1 10 Liil!' m"""•;(JO)or rv's,"alsq Blick & ""'"• PM .-2589 · , """· 14110, 1173-<1629 ~ ,...; * ~ •M• ~-tra"-, • . '. , ' IJ0,500 •. ay owner. -~<' .. , . velall, 1 V-8; totally ttbullt. Muat ,.... ~-· · ' '"'t'r:"' -. "'--~ r...,,.,, .,,... .. 1...:..J. '-~ • • -: well e~ ; $390. • see to believe! 673-3408 <iqm....,. .·. , ..... '" . • BEAUTIFUL.-. yr old-1 bar •The4eBoat.lnlj"!'P'lt' ···*'-1'"•~\\ 63.ll!drlllllSOGreatLai,.s. * · 't 1 • ·=-======""':I 9 New, ne!ll"n Stefeqs.. . . Dop 1125 bred ........ 11ono ,.1d1ng. . •., • , 1.,: e .~, '!flW ""'"' drpe, Jilnl' . , · , C , 9520 60 Mattr~s sets, all sizes. · . . ~ Gentle, well 1 t a·rt e d, 17 Fl'. Perlol'rnet.. Jalarider IN~ Tr1ll1r1 _ 9032 ,~dlt Park. 548-fl116. · FOR, SALE_: , ·~ trailer, '1 •• 1~_..'•-----I 14 1 Beauli/!'1 !14rdw0Qd Dilling Room ,.15, :1'4 M=~~~, -bono. -· Del'l"f,· ~·\all 'fibe•\ WANTED .BOAT TIWLER 8xJI. DF.CI<. motal ~wnlnr ~~:=~~ VW . 2Q Dtjlelt .. Ii GJ me• 1ets. !or ,,_ """""'"' Md REG, 'l'llorobnd ael!i"". 1 ala!'1 .. oo~, CUatom. : .. tor 21, Inboard .• : A alonge, Very """ 117'°' , & C 'l w al ·-fin ' 1· u t 'Mab ··b-·--lfladiwlthwhllo yn.old;-l<d.bU\'""" ... paown-r.~w~ ·*'540.81"* .333W.S.,,SftSplJ •. C.M. Trucb_ 9500 ' Bus. amner ·• e •. so'IKlve.a eseec ono ogany ~ f92.0t03. • naturedseo.-s.>26CIO w1tra0er.~;Cl";-~t-ott-_ · . . • , · rnr:aAUl"-.tulniture1 dining room sets, bedr09m ••la, ' · , .. 'i'liANSPORTATIDN". er.!'hono~~rT""' BoafMelntan .... 9033 M1~1 •1ke1 .. -9275 .. ', ' ,,,., :.I chinas, hutches. buffets, ~es)µ:,. chests, B~UTIFUL -lovable . -·-, •. ~ ~-1~ _ • -•• , IRAlilD N1W 1Nt . ~«Pianos, bt!nt beds, .coffee · & end taliles;''"' "Beqie' """.11.u ' 1 -llOlts ·a ·l'ofhli · 90oo> Soillooits ., ... ,,. 9010 YAarr· ._,...._.. · '·'' ,A!IJ<l~IKE , C.l/'~'fo,l •Plckuii 'r· ·61 SUnroo!""" ....... .$1199 r .• lamp,s, chjna and all kinds of "good good· . ~~,trt •. -oolored. 15 .... ~-·RDU:S .;Ac·H· l:' IM Ml"h&" ·= RA<palr .•I """' dock,. -. ' GoodT'f'Ondlllo I .,.-,,. _,,.-.. -~ '85Dlxa..,9pu:o ... 11899 ~ ies' ,., ' .,........... • • . I ~ ;r T~ . .... ·~---~ Reuon. J!:xp'd. 67J..1916 ' co . n e ·1 5' '67 Dlx BUI. 9 pas ••••• $2199 II .. ,. . '. * I-AB PUPS * ' ''Owens .... ii .. ,. 6, ' • !O.'ll>P.· .. ~-· 1:::& -. . -. ; 115 Sat al\er )0;1!1 ~2 '9 '67 C&mper, lplit -~ elec. • ".\~JC eomml11ion Gall•ry ,. " AKC. champkm """'' plal\ked hull, tealf decic;· . ,'fl1., eo..r '@! CO"nd, ... , su ... -1.. 9036 ,, 142-2342.' , ' ' I " ' rel .. "' .... )) .... , •11 12499 · 7722 G~rden Grove Blvd. ., ra 1 t11:.'}.0tt radio tel, fa~,,Eltate .i TOM~T ~ATS . Jo,..r,, , ..• :-:';;J'J? ~ ! l"Blocli\Ves(of .lleach Blvd, off G,ffi'Frjy · .• 1' sm .Terr I e ,.;;--..;;;; Sal.; $5500. 2745iW .. Co~1H ,,. Npt '!/~ SJ5.2400 DOCK'i17,P prl•filtegeW ~ ~t,.clH : ; , '300 $99 DN. plUJ T•L: oae .0· ~ · • ; . . ' Hl&hwa,y, N.B. !WS-2592 Lehman lO[ff>gl.s·coMt. mm (ll\ .r per . a,., , -. . Champ. sired. Rue, calm, , backgrnd sail. Alum 'mut, &: elect Incl. 303 Edgewater 64 ~ XLCH, S~ter1 • fully CONNELL · ~ . I c~;:_;.-. 1 ""'-, • Dully; pot&lhow;S.2541• = ~ 35 ~1!1-dni.rbo8rd, ..-. $285. Balboa, m<> sn-2966 ! chopl"<!•cus)mnlled.lllOO . Is . ·~ . ''!"!"' M11cen1-l600 ;oY Poodle "'"' s ~ 1S6ll ~ """""· 80 bn, .•. 211, 697·11183 -Call; 645-1078 CHEVROLET ' I*' AUCTION * l!OXSori1A,li:at$45. !pywd '~:":.~· i black. 'S.Uor ~ ~ ~; NOW ON DISPLAY! Boat-Yocht 903~ YMIAHA 80. deaert• .. ...,; 2828 Harbor c .M. ,,~· • t U -i.n _,, ~ Bd .ti hd $10. KeJv fbrgll 2 yn; er nevver. Prlv ~el , ~; $16,995 Ch1rters ; ~ .. Ure".!~ $175 fl&6..i.-oo r::_ )'..Ou ....... _..« "'-Y aq. typ refr $70. ~ LABRADOR Retrlever,.pup-. prty,;80-3231 1 : • Open 'tlJ,.9 ' * 66-0&iD .......,,;.,; · f !~~=~·:?'Jn.; Philco .I; F~.·'$35.•Pie• black, dual champ '68, 17' ·THUND~ SABOT c~~:·Ww~ER '• •'67YAMAHAfkl-ce• '680leyy "~npickup,,ra· ,:;:.e:..::.'t·~l:. Sndy's . l\Ucti~n ~-.. · .. """, • lv, rmnd """···-•w,.c11r,. POObqmd. AKC. 642.-S630 . W/100 "HP l'llfum:m.. Loaded CDmpltte' • -: * 8U-'lS28 * ~~· "~~ lul,,. Good dl~ ~a.. ........ ~~m ~~· COSTA MISA , INI . • e ,_' m.a Dµ:S AKC, MUST w/e.qulp,_ Over $4,000 list * M5-0S19 ir ..,.,IN • ......,. -.. •wv'mt, , ..... ....,.,.., ... .., ....... , . 9ehind1'oey1Blda'.Mat1 ~psbeaut. l!Olli .Dlnttt•·SELL!Veryreuonable.• when new Owner·""ac !o_•t Star·--•9·,·68HoNDA35CV-t-n , 327Vs~· ~8reaJh~ CAMP_ING. deluxe a~7Je : "N ~· • 6 -•-·~·2 "--blk "-. . . '. wiu. • -• WA"1'1'11!'n --i TV't ,,mWI...,... '--''-,.,. •• .,.,. -· ,AlJnoit new A_M.,. ~ ewport. ..._ 646-8686 -\:lITTI ..,.,: ucn 962-6585 •, 213: SS:Z.:1036 Htint. Harb'!\ ; , . 'Cali'~ ' Like new• $'511 U'UCA. •• ~ • ' cusro .. Dn•n~•e . I: gold albuni eue.·$9. M "'-BOATSl'ORAGE ' ii;:._-i ~·' '65 GMC n.. .... 1 H-···n·-.. expandable tent trailer, . . " ~ 28" Shcwinn 2i" """" ~n: . SHELTIE PUPS 25' CHRIS OVER.NITER, ·· 1tr>'1559, 4-& PM . · "'" l ~ . . ' • · ...-.. ~ .... ,.... ... ., sleeps 6, include1: toe box, ctunr to >W. Save .... '!-:1 AKC $15. Ill fl dlo pl I -Sail Ill' ~U'p to"" Tencl!; '™ Llgbtn\di '50 ·cc. A~to. tp.ns., ra910, heatfr; . stove, wink a: i:llnette. $UOO. ·materials· ·guar work. r.i. Hat point waiher Sil t' 96l-t883 .pa .~~ ~ l!CJl:I~~ 1966 f,:ARTAN, 27' sloop, ed yard. Newport BtYfront.·, _ _.:.-;;,,.u_,0,,.._ll'!l'VI ;. , sac. $1050.642-3956 .,,,,1m ' ' H.P. aink A: dblhwuher $20. Very e11:an. ~· '6"-Im lnbid: Aux. 81~ 5. Fully Monthl t include .Den-.-: .ei; •1-1 O'fV"" ~b'9'J~ Mqte Chef $40. Apt f15. AKC ~I· mln. Schnauzer 25' CHRIS O'nighter; new equipped. ~2336 YU~~hoist •.• . -• 54&.?5?7 '6.l rottp, ~line Pl~l·,=67-CHEV==v-an-Cam~-..,-.-108=". Birch St., N'pt Bch. Elee. $25. 1550 A Superior puppies, $100. pwr., pain~ &: tanks:. $2,350.' Shore~ Dln&bY Launching '65 HONDA 305 Scrambler. Up-. Verf gOOd ccnd, radk>. V-8, auto, air, awnlzi&, bead, , ~ C.Ounty .1.i-•t. . ~~ .. ~a188t Industr. Wy. C.M. 842-7361. ~; eve 675-0841 $l65. Call Anthony'li , 11,000 ·Miltl. A-1 •. $325 Or Qi!W tires $700. U,~. crpta. top rack $25 91. ntATE • Fo;;;; to ~ White ElfpbutaT <:HARGE IT! * 675-2336 ·* 839-2281' , offer. ~ CHARGE' rt! f { 548-3373, 831-8351 1fell · complete household' DESPERATE? Houattull of · t"1'oort·• Autos' 6001 rted A 9600 I .... ...: ... -.: 11 beaut. Medltt.: · hide-...l)ed, New C1rs 9800New Cin 9800 New Cara 9100N•w C1rs wu 9600 Imported Autos 9 mpo utos ..,.., ... ,..,., •PP an e e 1 pool table, 8' 11>fa I: love 1,IJ!t.tt:o, ~ player, tools. Je•t. ccttee tbt. A: 2 end •t=Jkrtatloa eai'ft knleJc,. , ~·-• d commodes, ace • .chaltl; oak " """:"..1. • en 1 •· tbl • 6 ~-•-• Br ~ ' , ~· .,,..._7300 ' _, '""..,.. .• ; _. • ae ... . . !ncJ, 1 kin& ~; ~ _ S 34 carat. ~i;ld? credenzu, lampit. 2 velvet lfJlg In bea•tlful flaren-'Br, chain, -•ottoman. ~ ~·~.nm· set-· :w. very n10e., 810-lJJB Greatest 'Selection" Of Previously Owned CidHlacs C.":!'~~IXl,..~Wll! ~-.SOFA aold· be,.., fair. ' ·· ' .KNLS . . .. /l~ """"1!"'546!Sl9T ····--Zenith s . j l~}soUTHERN CAUFORNIA . · rin&~ ' each. ' -.... ~ \\! i'~ 14 karat -aold dictionary $15. Mlle J!"" w/up to dote appnl l'?'k 11.00. New ~ I"' --""'-.clocll radio 125. 734"dnte-llU278· : , .-~ · St., Colta Mea Jletween W'Colt; gifts, home !5and7PMonly. Last '\\-eek! AllO SHOTGUN, new Ithaca 18 tabltl, •he Ive a, p. 5 lhot repeater $85. Out- ' rui. vacuum. 551 W. board new trolllnl motor 9th St., CM 548-1914 ;, SJAi h.p. $61'.I. New boat GAN -W a t er Sot· anohor U . Drill presa, new ~ner. ftiJly · auto, 4 uaed 2 table modtl $85. f.polter ,yrs $150 or trade for C-pc bedroom set. xlnt c:ond. 1'prl.ght Amana freel2r Of $1.!iO. Shorecllfta, 314 Calle lai ... val. 968-3650 Vista Tari to, San Clemtnte R l!tl• . -"""""'' ' ATIENTION ~,..,I': ':;~back. TREASURE y..., "'°" ~ Map!•, HUNTERS !~flee A end table, Wl'OQlht. Cardintr eltetronle tranri• •n hea,db9ard. 5£..1879 tor metal detector, model G rm Rdional· 2 200. Max range 4 ft WW i;hain. new $900, ~ sacrifice tor $15. Call 646- ~nable. G.E. ref rt 1 1 1987 after 8 p.m. . i:''" w1'ep ,....... :-KNITTED FABRICS , Vinyls, Tllei, lat. ·wst rtytes and colors. Com- erdlJ • Resldentlal Ex• ' lnitallation. 1411!'~ 5«>1262 ACESAVER bed, cheat • Melk built-In . $1$1. :=-!'IXI lb) ~ lfr i WHEEL homemade ~er, $15. G.E. · ~ !flertone Refris. mo. Sat " ~ only 6'$-0133 cm~ ..... dryer JlOO, Walnut' commode $SO, ~ table lamp $30. '••o-'1'69 "FOR SALE Remnanta, aamplu & Miii m:!1 Sat Only 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 929 Baktt, Chata Mtaa. EXCEµ.ENT Th le ~. plle Sand colortd Carpet, A~ prox. ctG X' 16, S50; Apt.· aiu lle.f, ~. CoHee table, Inlaid W00>4, 11.50 :IOOI KlftQ Road,, Sat. Noon ... 4 P.M. MOVING, evel')'thln& new. Sp&nllh davenport'• ,......., 1215. 3 ~ 112$. Tub chain $15 e 'a Ch". ,...,.._ l1i5. 'l'ypirdtir $50. """' l>uy, 616-0r.SS NEWPORT BEACH TEN· lflS CLUB CHARTER Ml1c. Went•I> 1610 EMBEit,S,HIP. $300 • ~.:~:~:~~; r~ iif ii~ 1 '11ALtT.r ,ldnf. be<! furnl .... , a;oplla ..... co1o1'; Equllt.ed tnattreu. comp.. ed TV'., atueoa. pl&nol, or- -I !SI. ~$250. ...... ~~ --l • bedtooll't aetl, dlnlns roorq ~D tor Alo. Wolnut •ta, olli<O !UmltiJre.1 p1oce !ltueabp(ua. Apdcot. 111.50 °' "'-"'1. Illy, ftlrht fl< 'i """ 125 11 cn1. lleL • Sunday, , ""ck'd m.. (ll ...__ Hlt lllt4A QLsmuNG • ll!!JiJ, 2 INU"'Wl.9 , . 1Europoan crattam.nJ w•wrm,. """ _ 40 .. -I etl., deJ. pickup, 215 .... T _,,. •-•• J1a111 'HI! "llen\Y" 5:'JM405 IU ....... ,~·-·""' . • """ "' -~ ·cono1u100: flUVA1;£. ,>arty "'"" lr Pref<r ()'taMllo l "r.hmtl: • must be xlat cone!· !M&-ld• • t • <" r or wlthoat motor. (I05) Table 5f"XJI", cuts, oovtr; beaut. aond. .· - :A ~· .reapir * WANTED '10 BUY: BJ11-'' • t i I $iO, •.., t '' , Chip .tamp boob will f'1 ·* ...._ •• ILSOaa.112-1132 -nl( _ --Dtal -tor llDULTll ' I • . ' -,, . ALLEN OLDSMOBllf CADlllAC INC. ELOORADO • . • Brown with brown vinyl_' !oP.• · .)1~und1tooth interior. Full power, fectory air, new car warr1nfy. ' "61 CADILLAC lldon<io l 111"1•nllly, whit. Yinyl iop, wh!tt Int F11ll• pwr., fact. 1ir, n1w car w1rrt11fy. 1•47 CADILLAC CHpe de VIiie s4395 lleek with whit• l•1fh1r Inf., fu!l ,wr,,f11d1ry 1ir\-111w c:~r w1rr111ty 'H CADILLAC . c .. p1 de VIiie s5295 C.ollll wltl<i l:telt• vh1yl top. F11ll pwr, ' f1chtry t lr, fttw Ctf wauenty. . ' ' . '6S CADILLAC Cll!lp• 41 VIie s5295 Wlilto•wlth ~111 Int. & to,. foll-pw?, ftctory t ir, 111w ctr warrt11fy. 'H CADILLAC 5"col de VIiie s4995 S.r1111 with 9rotn hit. full pwr, • f1ctory 1!r, ,,.. car 'Wlrttnfy. ''61 CADILLAC C..pe 4e VIiie $5295 &.Id with 9old •lnyl te,, IMlt• Int. F11ll pwr, f1ctory t lr. Ntw cir w~n111ty '5' CADILLAC 0111 owner, LIKE NEWU '61 OLDS Clllloio Coupes l ft c:ho1M1 fro,.., tlr cend, ntw cir w1rr111ty, 'Whitt Mitt 1114: 'H OLDS 442 Coepe 4100 mlltt, ti1d, 111w ctr w1rr111ty. '67 O~DS Vista Cl'tlher Sit, Wtf, white w/blu•'lnt. Air c111dif11111d. Sh1rpl '61 CADILLAC -de VIiie s5295 ' Y1ll1w, lil1ck vinyl te,, 9eli l11t. f11ll '""''· f1 ct9f'y 1fr n1w cir warrtnty. '67 OLDS Lutiry ~ Air cond,, h1rqu1h1 w/htltt vinyl ftp end hirq., ll1t. full pwr, 11~1 11w. s3295 '61 CADILLAC s.-de VIiie $5295 INwn, I.lack •h1yl tep, liilt• fllf. full,.,, f1cit1ry •• "'"" ,,, •l'"'"ty. '67 OLDS' C-C..pe 11,000 Mlltt, U•1 ntwl l111111rtdy '67 CADILLAC S.-4e VIie s4295 • '9114, lil~ck vinyl top & Int. fl.ill'"'' f1ct1ry cur, 1111w 11r w1rr1.,+y. '67 IUICK llectra US 4 door, lll111 Inf., 'vii pwr, 1ir, . ''7 CADILLAC CHpe 4e VIie $4295 White, l:il1ck Ylflyl tip, white lthr lflt., • full'"''· f1cf1ry 1it ntw cir w1ttet1fy 'H LINCOLN CONTININTAL . $'3295 2 door, htrcltep, ll t. ltlut w/bh•t yl11yt t.,, hl111 _lthr. l11t., full pwr, air c:11ui. '67 CADILLAC -· 4• VIiie s4195 Ute Iii• .. 'lfllyi 1ep & lt1t. hl1 pwr ' f1ct.ry 1lr, MW car Wlrtt>illlfy 11191 w/Mlta hit, F11ll pwr, ''7 CADILLAC holol de Ylh s4095 , fett.rY t ft, MW tlf Wltrlftty, '61 CHm II C:-leo ~ .... , v.1, •·•P'· tit c911il: tur,111h1 J4,000 mll1• 'H OLDS l.awy -Wlllh, 1.11111 f11t., fvll •• ,, tit e1"4. Shtr,t • MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. OYfl 30 1961 CADILUCS -•M US A TllY llPOH YOU IU'£ - ALLEN OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC -INC. ' ' f1~ S. Co1st Hwy. • '''·101, & 5'1·3103 • llgun1 BelCh • • -t z · 1z ·mee211 Z-'T n t · 3 r s i •, 7 -· ---· ·--._ WE'VE GOT A COUPLE OF TOPLESS · MODELS THAT'LL ... --4 • BLOW YOUR MIND Are you man enough? Sure you are! Ta et e alsun 2000, go witli 135 horses! Stop with front discs! More acceleration, batter hand· ling, more trouble-free running, Plus driving 's silkiest 5 speed & $300 worth of No-Cost extras. look alike Oanun 1600 comes on with 96 h.p. and 4 speed. Evon with their tops up, those honeys make other sports cars obsolete and overpriced , 41/2% FINAN,Cl.NG AVA·ILABLE THINK ot a11 tit• things you can put In a 6 f.oot bed. ·DRIVE DATSUN PICKUP TODAY 18835 BEACH 'BLVD. ·HUNTINGTON BEACH 842 .~ 7781 : , or 540 -0442 -' I -• ,. '; DATSUN • Author.lzecf-Dealer • '. · HUNTINGTON . BEACH New •nd Used C•rs Complete Service J2r lu po11 311111_1 111 I ·,; 3.100 W. O::ut ffw7.! N.B. J~l'\l:JILll [ H111pLlll) _f~1 lllpu1 I )1 111 ll l [~, & P•rts 3100 W. <loUt ""7. 11135 BEACH BLVD. Nnport lleoch J2rlupor t ,.3J.111µ L! 11 ~' '42-nBl -54M442 612-!Mill ' 5I0-1164 "J'9t 3 miles So. San DleaO Authorlud MG "beaJer tity. and JUlt a fn.-m.loutes 3100 W, Co'ast Rwy. ..,... Ponche 912 Coup. '· North tit Adams ' Newport Beach Tangerine with Black .:Inter.- . '69 DATSUN ~thonz.d MG ~76f \or, Oltome Wbttls, AM/FM 8ia ltdan, 96 bp, overh!ad u s.w. Radio. 7,tOO Qlil.es. Pu-- cam q ., dlr, 4 spd, radio, 'SS POflSCllE Model C; air feet thurout.: 1 ·beater, wsw tires, b.ded! cond.. Vft'1 eood cond. ·.P» mile., under factory is.em. Call: M8-6l8l f')rtup,111 JIJJlPLll[', """"""'· Ba! 11715. Tak• "'' -c fl5 cub dels or older car. ' ... ~ .. ~., ; J;;B. YNW118'7. Call oltor lD. ·• ---~=~ ... -~~~-~··. ~~~t · ~;19!<1. Sellar -~ I .,. lll35'-. 11"1 , W Jaii<r ~.Pvt 'l'llEQUIOQ!:R YOU<:ALL, ,-'!G_~ ...... -!OM-, · THE QU!a<!ll YOU SELL 61AliG!l -""'llc\ii _-. FERRARI Now C•rs noo Now Coro 9100 FERRARI Nl'Wpqft Imports Ltd. Or- lnli Count)".1 only audp'- taa dealer, . &\LES· SERVIC!: • PAllTS noo ·w. aiilt ""'· ~ I • Ne'lf"Y'lrt Be«cb ~ ! -5'0-1164 A"tharbfd MG Dealer FIAT hAT Abarth 850, 2 df.R«Jan, Xlnt cond. '$450. 5'8-3957 ar. -~ JAG '65 3.8 S Rdan; sth'tr ll'Cf I ltd ltbr int, auto. ps. wire whll, air, AN./FM. ,$35SS. Prlv ...... 114, '2>-0069 KARMANN GHIA ·---""-----GHW LOTUS ' HOLIDAY RAMBLER . . , .IN COITA·MISA . INYmS YOU TO COMPAU' AND SAVI Annuel Reef-White--" Blue SALE ..... ,, UMllER FUL.11• Siil, SI.ATS 6, 121 . H.P. BRAND NEW '69 REBEL ... _.. . $2436 1171212 BRAND NEW ''9 AMBASSADOR •~c-..: ~~86 ,.,_ ....... _ _ .. .• RAND NIW '61 JAVELIN j ... ,_. > ~'"86 ... __ ,.....117ffff• ~ • • .. VALUI CHECKED' USID. CARS \' ' ' ·'66 Dodge . w• .. "·' _,,..$1595 ----&-TU67' ' '66 El Camino $1775 ______ .,.... . '66 Ford :.i·i:.~.,w= $1795 ••= .. ,. .... -..,...... ..... 111.n1 M vo•nrag•n . .::::. $995 · LOTUS 30 0twP T, Grand -~ t ' • Prix ...... car; .......... ' '66 ., cldoi' ~ $1795 -1. "'" Modljlld b Mii .,_.,,,,. 1:r: .. :t :s=· :~~o:·~ma=--=~ ~"1 .,7 ~' ;e;;~.;; $1495 • ,61 MaNadia L m SE , ..... NOi t1J ' AaU_ble_· 14,lllO Adllal -·· .,_, ed Ill Ill< lilllt --~Ajl~­ ..... ~ ... ~Alt ~-·­~---Jll!ll>!i".ll°; mna ,...,.... #69fElll -~ ..... ~ . ......... ,... .. _l ~t lllflll·' 1\Jil'"" I, .. '65 Mercul'J '::::'.' -$~295 '64 D~ GT .,!::JO,:: $.1045" - AMlllCAllMOT- SlllS ' ' Smlce _, .. .. AND ..... .... POI YOll COtt•rlNCI " SHEIJY AMERICAN FOR 19691 ' ' , . '' " ' I • mouldings, etc., etc.- ' IJll1ED QIJAHmlSI llURRY WHil THEY ~ -I 1967 T-lllRD LANDAU Ftc. w•rf. til t w~••I ""' wl11. I""• tc.+s, .w/w,1 '*' ,.b, •11fo, 1wi111 twf' ;,,t.,,f P""f• l••b. Ylnyl fop. (VCKJ 121 :to' 41: ., fNI • . $2695 ~~. S73 ::"..!! 19'7 FORD SQUIRE WAGON . UH, ¥01, •1t.., P• •Ir cttMI. IM111•c. IVHM· Jill 1111• l1tlr $1111 20'1. 4•w11 or tr•'•· ·$2195 :~. $60.::: '64 T·llRD HARDTOP '-in ptw)lr, tlr ctMiflo11. IOMK 074). 20'1. ~ii o9s·=:·ks39'S:.:. ,' " 1963 FALCON PICKUP hOMllll .. NU;·o .. 111,,..i, (fJF JllJ 20'1. 4.,..,., trMe, ' $695 ~~. $29.:..: TAX REA.IND DUE? • WHY WAIT? IUY NOW·PAY LATER nr Fl•o•clnt Av1ll•ble ' 1964 PONTIAC HARDTOP C.t1ll111 V11tt11r;. tun '°-'· V-1. 1osw. 711 l. llue lttlr ,nc, t I 010 20' 4ow11 .,. h•s695 :~~ szs.::..: '65 T-lllRO LANDAU Fully 1ci11lp,..11 tit, ptwor window• 111d •Ofh. ICY& 121t, 20' Down or Trodo, 1111• ... t ,,,.. '2270. . • ' '$1395;. $48 = '67 MUSTANG H. T. COUPE v.1, t11to .. ~IH, P.S., ftc. tit, IUJI 111J, 20' Do-tit W Tr•4•. '1111 lotlr prlco 12-411. $]695·::. $~7 ::-.;. 1950 FORD "NON PICKUP v.1, ... ,. ..... '(M22-4911 ,, .. a LI•, dtw11 ... tr•4o. • .• $199 ':'e1 . $14.:J: '65 MUST ANO H. T. COUPI F.Hy ~·I~. (WSX Jtll. 20~ 0-11 or Tr•do. $895::. $31 =.::. '1111 CAI IA&I NICll QllCTIW14t HOUIS UNLal ..ntoVM.T IOLI . ~ ' • AU PA'fMINTI ....... OM APPIOYID CllM •' • r , 'a.:'=;. OP'EN SUNDA y~· o.:;=:-w 1":'"'811 . • t' ~·· , . . . , ·---.. . t 1.-. t. f ,P••• M ... ftl e l it I •• -. t. Ip.-. -• PARTsM & SIRVICI HOURS s,,. 10 •·•· tt IP·•· 1 •·•· •• t , .•. M"' • 1 •·•· .. • , .•. r ..... ,n • ... ' ' I • ' . " . .. . . :· • . . . • . . • • -.-.. 1• • tlLJIN!pO!lf!T,D! . r~POllT/tTIQN • TllAHSf'OaTATION TltAHSl'OlTATIOH ; TUNSl'OllT~TW! • TllANSl'OlTAT~ TIW151'0lTATION• TllANSPQRT-'TfON ' owL €ojf.n1s N6. 1 . I TRANSPORTATION • •• OREDIT . ll81LEIS ........ CEN1'ER •1 • • K . -, "' " -1iiaNsPC»•i:a1101• sP1c1A1.s . . ' . . . . , • EVEN IF YOU HAVE BEE~ BANKRUPT · ·--, ··.~EVEN .If io.u HAD ' A REPQs.sissioN . .. • EVEN· IF YOU ARE NEW IN AREA . • E·Z IUDGri ' lf~MS C._O.STA ·:MESA • 2 BIG · LOCATIONS ·",~ 'SANTA ANA " -• .. "~ 1 • ' . • ••••••• •:•.~~.· •• ii 1!111. . . • .,. ................... . J•.-STUDDllER.; ' • s49 (911' iWAI s:.9 Wl'STA. WU · 1111 If I.-•~-· "'" "•. '""-!··.,.; "'ir.7.i~·~!'.'f,[ll,! '"" '""'"' ........ "" '"' T•• """+Tu,.._ 1 I 2 ••· ,;,,., w-'~" ""· ~·~,''""+Ju• LI<. v._....: .... -· ,-.11'<• 1'<J. '"'' '"m + T• Uk. : . ' . I::=~ . '19.9 := ~:!:"· '199 $$7: .•• I ~BLER "· '99 ~s::RORD r'•,, '91 I 'Auk·tr1M.,_1rWlt • Mttw, ...... P.111. OCHH MONTH A't'-~ ,wi,. h11Je!'. Lie, No. Llt.H m. . MONTH I I .. ~lnlltf>, .... ... .... (GVT 3111 Q'S),_ • Totef ~ +' ;.$. uC, • ' • 'T-411 Prlet + Taii •'-le. ·.I 1112 · . 1299 $20.00 ·1112 DODaE s299 f20.oo I 1 :,19&0 PONTIAC : : .l :COllYAIR ~ . I $;;, WABOI ;;.:o • I HARDTOP t •• AIAp. """"'~r.,i.. ~-· fHO •t.i>. "t' ' MONTH ~~tar. r1111 .. ......,., -•!WIN. Lie. MONTH , 1 •... vi' _,._ 1r111S., -,1..,.1no INXS OMJ Vt. Aillo. T•1111, ,._. 11ftt1111. .;'). ~· :; ~T-11 ,.rlqo + Ta: a Lie; • • Tol1I P'rlce + Tu a Lk . 1 Tor.t l'fk9;+ Tax a Lie. ""-' wlndo-p UYW :Jiii I ' 1.1183 DODfiE · s399 $30.oo 1914 PL YI. $ 499 $30.oo I I 1981 OLDS ·~ 99 1962 CHEVY 11 . I~~!.-.... -. -~ ~ ~~L!!'!~ -...... ;~~ I : • ~~~~~ !!.-·--!!·~~y !~GON ~. T .... Prlot + T .. • ur.. Tot1t ~+Tu a Lie. I llr1k11. H1:8Z :wl'J Tol•I P'rlc:1 + Tu: lo Lie. -. ··············' •••••••••• . ••• i9ilo . THUNDERBIRD ,,99 '· 1· DAYS MAlhlywK9 .. A1.t.'od?c>;.1o'-P~M'~F<>i'vouiiCnditoNvENIENCE Imported Autoi Antlq ... , ci. .. 1cs __ 9615 Uood Cors --- '199 1 . I •Tl!lll /'Tiet+ Tu1& Lk. 1 s2991 T0111 l'rQ + Ta~ & Lie. I ' COMET ~. Imported Ail!• OPEL VOLKSWAGEN l '3GFord ,;.m., 2 rear doon JRAN. SPORJAJION '63 BUICK Skylark 4 opd CHEVROLET complete with glass, 1 hood • 11lick, bucket sea~ Xlnt _ ' , , I I l '61 TRIUMPH !fli--· 6,000 mlleo • ...,._ lfct~condltlon. Ba.tes chrome t " t&illrht $1100. after 5 Sal Call SWt 9 to 1.964 OPEL Kadett Sports Sedan. R/lt Very, very · clean. Low yii. $ 7 IO • 546-7658 Last Of The '68 VW'$ lli&htl¥ boa~ 1 bell ho ..... • amd. Org •-r. l"l!. '65 CHEVY IMPALA "With rear end. ) '40 Ford CAR SAL£ 64<h\622 . -. ••-de}llxe &;\ gr.Ille de-Hardtop, V-8, fact All', uu, i;--;r.l • 1 local car. Ecellent condition. Price Speci1l1 ruxe. ~t. of back: tea~ for Credit problem! See us for CADILLAC $51' Cash dels or take foreign vw '60 COMET, auto., good body &. tires $50. '56 MGA parts 548-7410, ~77 CONTINENTAL' ~ 548:4917 ' VOLKSWAGEN '5!1 VW, sood trans for dune BANK FINANCING $till Total Down Pyml, 36 at $44.78 + 1 final payment for title AVAILABLE ONLY AT: '60 Bua: •.•.••.••.•• .'. $399 V.W. Bus. ~ 530-8411 instant delivery, low prices, car in trade, Wlll fine prvt '63 CONT. Cream hdtp. Lo '61 Bugs •••••.•••••••• $499 H.B. Ask for Bill. easy terms We decide on party. LB TXJ' 484, 4!H--97'1l mi.; finest cond. loadcdt '63 Bugs • •.,. •• • • • • •• • $59IJ A I W .~ • 9700 your credit.. Call or come in CAJ?ILLAC 1964 Coup!! de 04 545-0634 __ _;:&15-;::_:;1Ill::_ _ _.. Over 75 VW's u OI • •-> toda V.1lle fully 1oad ed, SP~. Radio/ vleyl cm mL 1 owner. Xlnt ., .,$1000. ~1308 • OPEL ~$300 er make oUtr. T & M '68 VW Bua", sunroof, p-een, All Extra""""' .... y. 54M392 wn .. ther. mwtt """'"'""· '64 CHEV Impala. dr HT, CORVAIR $899 to $1999 WE PAY \AJH BLUE CHIP $1750. 541-4574 eves 645-265.1 auto., pwr str, R&H, 327 --------1 AUTO SALES 'S: FI..Efil'WOOD, clean, 'eng, $895: and '61 Chev 9 CORVAIR Monza '62, 2 dr. FOR YOUR CAR "-I bl pass. Nomad Wag. pwr str, Auto; R/H, Good com. Z145 Ha<bor, Co.ta Mo,. powe<, """'· ~ ow '' .,~ ~. ft °" bk must sell Daya '{Nrr btkl, R&:ll, $495 . .,......, . .-... prty. 64S-87'n ''fl.. CONNEU w:o~~vc~~~~J,~R si.7321. ... 833--0a50 °'"<'-""iiii°'===:-7"-= CORVETTE I ;.~'."" s'~; MoJors Dlal sc.5671 far R!mJLTS Garden Grove Blvd. at Beach .,~ JS CHEVROLET FOR OR NOT! ·~e~;;:.v:tt:.t =~ ·~';n;~~~ :~· ~;: '68 Corvette 4 spd-"327'' 536-8615 White elephanta! DlmN.·llne (1) 892-5551 or 534·2284 ·~~d" -"--~-"'···-Newcastle Moton 13SO. 644--0177 Good car, m"'l "II $350. GI I I OPEN SUNDAY ~~-9IOO. u_ '~-n 9100 Iii~:~~~~~-~~~~~--·~ 'fa& tVW But 9 . pai,, xlnt mechanical cond, v e r y ,1, -• • • clean, good pnt. $1775. All lt' Jil -.--.. ...... sxvu S4?-l07,!Jl>~t 6 wk~, earn ng vy green Jo~iniif)l . , • , ~ Mesa ~ • Good onlY "lhru Mar. 10th • SACR.lfWE wifh Biii.ck ltiter!or ~M:. 54!·030J.-.67l·llt0 1970 HAl'IOI IL.YD. \VE PAY . . . '61 Ford Cntry Sed, 3 seats, 1962 Cadillac Sedan. fully '62 BIEV. Impala waaon, Po9.tt Steer, Wld@ Ova.I $23 dn, $23 mo. 24 mos. Tax equipped $995. Ph 54&-5508 radio, air-mnd.; $395. Dlr. Tires, Etc/ Only 8.000 Local &. lie incl. Lie No. U0 648. '62 CAD Sedan DeVil\e· good 1984 Newport mvd., CM. miles. Excellent Condition. '59 Chevy sta waa-. :. dr. $18 cond ; &ir-conr;I, fun' pv.T. 1.,;642-34611~~=====-Equivalent to Brand new. .1 ~~r~· CHEVROLET'S· .~~~Bus. a..n. Xlnl . ,.. '. llG RAIN SALE ! ' """"' CU.tom rent .... ( .• '. • $1650 968-2687 COSTA MUA ---,.66 vWc----- 1300 2 Dr. &ed . 4 s~. dlr. R&ll: owned by little old man in san Diego. Sea blue exter., plush \\'hlte \ntf!r. Speed.omelet reads 16,800. $50 Cash dels. Take paytS. of $35.86. Can Jim L.B. USV- 419. 494-9773, 545-0034. dn, $18 mo. 24 mOI, Tax l Sacrifice $595. 541~139 1 • Ior u.ed can« trucks Jost IL h>el. Lio# QSll lll. CHRYSLER CASH J1rluµon 31111µort s call us for tree estimate. 2186 Harbor mw, CM 642-4666 GROTH CHEVROlfT ,...,..f 81M , UIM •M cwteintn 1ta.,.. · .w•y ht '&t VW convertible, new top, ..... W~ .... t• ,._. ..... flM ors aM paint, interior. 55,IXXI mt CAMAltO 1966 OIRYSLER Cr o wn Mft .,,_...It,.., ... _. Jric•· In enler t9 • 111•1 Sharp. 646-5278 BUICK ,67 CAMARO Imperial-, $33Xl. or best of- ter. Xlnt rond. Or 3-9574 3100 \V. Coast HW7. j •'I ) .-• · • , ,. 1 • "67 VW: blue; radkt, htr. ltM· MANlf l'llX $899 11395 • o.-oUor Ask far Sales MflJUli't!J' -------·12 Dr. hdtp. V-8.'.RaJJy spt. Days, after 7, 5«)...1446. Pvt Newport Beach 18Zll ll<ooh Blvd. '65 BUICK LE SABRE dlr. Sky bl.,."'"" blk. on pty. 642.->t<J.l16< l\r"'~•-·'ORZMG ""°" •' ! ' Huntington Beach blk. Inter. Car has had xlnt DI'1 ·-~ ~. JtF.SUL•s A --~- 1(] 9-333.J. care. S75 Ca.sh del!I.. or will =;::~=::;:'•:·~==-=="=:':__=;""~~··=""=M=G=O.~a~lo~r==I itU~Al.A 4 .,_ $899 V.-8,J>!OWer dde, pwr. 1teer., air, -llnc bfuo In eolor • .UJC 489- 1f61t IOl9 c .... 500 V-3, f.Ulaii>.lk. (loWer ,........_,. ~ J!lq. W-Sptcial. i·IU .lwALA c-c:.;,p.; 1"4 CHIYIUI U . -r,,_ •,•~ oilu ,m 1H)4 PLTMOll1H lcloor. V-&, automs.tlc, power --...rnc. alt. EMC 611 '999 '2588 · '899- $1099 • $1999 • ·GROTH CHEVROLET ~ . . tllll ...... _....... Hunt. Buch (H'!'f. ~) Mil •a OJ11 n 7 lleyl 'Tll t '.M.-7'- ' '616 VW Van. white panel, clNn. res.r sound proof. Priv part)'. $1795. M8-70'n '62 VW C•mper Good cond. cal.I ~-2402 --------1Aztec rold 4 Door heardtop. take foreip car in trade. -- C!Qnditlonlng, radio, powtr L.B. TXJ 484. 4!K-977J. '62 VW Very xlnt cond. New ena:ine, brakes, battery & tires. Porsche/clutch. Empi exhst, AP.f/F?it. 4 Porsche chrome rim11. 833-5272 Will Buy Fully eqwppod including al< Will lin. priv. '"'· can Jim r1'rm~oo;":";;A;"';:°"~·;':600;;l~m;po;rt;od;;A;•:';°";;;';600;i1 steering. CFYDlllll M5-ffi34 [i ' '64 vw s""""'' •hrom• Yr~~~~::::,'; $1299 C~EVROLET [• ':t~ Y! •JUF.' '67 VW Bug. $1350. ciu afte.r 6 PM. * 613-6847 * whit.,'"""" exha"'~ rad;at 673-1190 Y -~ !!!!~ -~ ,;,..,,, "'"'" eng. Kon I Bl[L MAXE i·.,-,-Cl-lE-V-. -Bo-l·Mr·-.-Co-nv-. shocks, Must ~IJCll. Very IMPORTS w • ~ A t xlnt -~ / ELMORE MOTORS "" VIV. aoto """" R/H ...... -~ OranJJe .,,.;,;;.~ !TIOIYPITIAI ~:· 847-u;;E:' w w: • wlo/w tire.. l!,000 m;I<s. • TOP' I BUYER 15JDO I, IACH II.VD. WISTMINSTEI 894-llll $1.850 ~76 '58 VW, good~-.:.~ dnune '63 CHEV. convt., V-8 auto., ' buggy; $250 or ~· n er. BllL l.IAXEY TOYOTA 18U1 BEACH BLVD. RAH. PS/PB Best offer. 'S6 V\V, new enc. $375 T14-1010 Ext 230 or 6'6-4078 18881 Beach Blvd. • Hunt. le•th 147-155.S 6~ 962--0538 or 9f:iSi.2273 After 6 PM H. Beach. Ph. 847-8555 3 ml N. of (but Hwy. on Bdi 1-==-=.,--=- '65 vw Bus;' low mllcqe; .01 vw Squarebl.ck 1600 1963 l'hevy 11 Nova SS tieauteond.Must.ell. AM ahort-waw radio; &eat Auto Leasl~ 9110 '65 SKYLARK Cranl S_port Tak~ OWJ'~/ + !!T Sae. '1«lG. 613.1112 bolls tront 6 back: • ... e LEASE e' ' Auk> """"' Rill. lull pwr, l:::~c-=-==--,--,---.,. :sr VW Cobvm. 16,IXXI mnes. cond. Call: ~ '69 Camaro air $89 &1NlOPd l~wner Top colld.. 1959 EL CAMINO. As ls., ail'- . Ouwoe wbll. -khlt ·mnd. '64 Cad CdV, atr·:::. $89::!;. Prl prtj. nsoo. 546-1970 . cood,, ~ S4SO. Private 644-1441 VOLVO '67 Le Mano cpe, '1r 1"75 mo. 1967 . RIVIERA, all ..,..., , ' ' '63 VW. Mint condition. Lo '61 Corvatr Monz cpe $52 roo. 6 w-:y aeat. AM/FM stereo, 63 OIEVY Impala VS. cood . miles. Nu tn.ke1 w/a/w l96S VOLVO 122 s. Xlnt. SOUTH COAST electro crui..., air cond 1; cond, RJH, Wfi/w, blk w/ ms. 644--m7 conit. $1295.. 5930 W. <:out CAR LEASING .hCater. $2995. 548-8474 red tnt. $450. 675-425J * "67 VW, Irnmac; 1900 Hwy. N.B. 300 w. Coaat HJahway . '63 BUICK Rivlcra; clean, Pi;m'ATE Owner, '60 Q,evy, miles. $1.65CI. -Ne'4'PQ11 Bes.Ch &4.>2182 new PoJ.nlas' Goodyear 4 door Bel Air, $175. • 673-400.I Antiques, cr ... 1 .. 961$ AUTO lWlllG tires; 11.000. -644-0647 alter~ 'SS VW SUnroof, radio I l2) '54 PACKARD Qippen.. * * 1956 Bukk, xlnt ocnd. CHEV Malibu . SS. V8. RAH, heater, ntW' br'am, $8), both running, good cond. I AU. MA~ , $250. or best offer. · ~~oPttranl. ~ M2-t0.!5 * 549--100 * Tuck & roll Int tor 'SS O!ev. ./ COMPETETJVE PRICES 646-351$ Pvt. owntr i-"-'_,'..,=.=,--* 'tE VW .. ONLY 5500 2 Door compl., nl?W. Aft Cort Fox Auto L_..,ing * 'E Buick RMera. fUll '57 CHEVY -. . ' I 4 1/2%" l1t1li: fln1ncin9 •••ll1bl1 .... b1nk •ppr.,.11 of cr141t. REE-FREE Las Veqas Vae1tio11 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO ' Ne P11rcll111 N1c1111ry 15300 Beach BIYd. Wmminster · 891-3322· OPEN 7 OAYS ML Pm. cood. Must Mill 6 5f3-X%T ~"W. OJilat Ktchway equipped. tmmacu1ate con-God shape $20). 548-7353 due to hes.Ith. 494-493:1 DAILY PIL.Or WANT ADS! Newport Bffch • ~ didCG; C&ll 644-™8. Wblle .,.,...~ OlmH..&e, I h1!!!!1!1!!!!1!!!--!I!!!!!!!"""!!!!!"""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-·, -- ·- -·. • • . ., • . -~ • ' ~ ... ., ' ON DI 1 • --~ ""r':':":-. --:-. i--.~~ .. -t -~-~ ER ·SQ. ·• '· ' ~ · COllPE ·DE .: Vll~E . • ,$5333 ' ........ ,. ___ _ . 1966 PONTIAC, . ' . Oita Una i.4 ..Door hardtop. ~ wllite au~. a,.oblle with. red intMior. ~ etuIPl>ed WI J ...0...1\C franm>iulon, power ~ P!>" ~ er brakfll, power seat. J>OW•. windOWI. f.u,. tOry alr-;coDd!tlonlng\ F&dlo' .,.ii be&tei-;:1.!ilJ · 11;teering 11tbeel and wnije;alde ...iJ t.irtt.:'i.OU ml,llt drive th.la one. (SLUT25) · · " ' SA~ $1666 PllCE 1966 CADILLAC -.. Seda.a J>eVWe that ii ablolutfiY""~· Fin}stitd in S~h Sliver wtth ·mi.~; doth ,.m •lMther lnterior, fully pow~ &c, J · Cftl\.ed· wtib · Pawer ateerlng-brakes-wndaws-• ' aca1>,door '.Jocks. AJ.f-FM radio, auto.· cruiAe,..t o1. · '' control, premium \vhlte side wall tires and • factory air condllionlrig. (RGN2971 SALE' $31 .11 PRICE • 1966 THUNDERBIRD VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE ' . ' ' 'SJ.US .& SIRYICI CINTER . ; WE ALSO STOCK Ai,I. -°•••uw. ' FACTORY 19UIPM•NT nan. ' • • 3, •• (" .. " • • . . • • • "'· . 1\ :·•.HABERS ,(J.i>ItLAC .HAS THE ~RGESJ . SELECtfON , 1 l!/f LATE ~ODEL, • PiEVtOUSLY OWN ED. -: ,· . t C1'DILLACS '"' IN ORANGE COUNTY THESE . WllijCS ARE Ju ~ SPECIAU'.Y PRICED . I \::'f..,-..t " • - •' . ' ; \ ' I .. $.4222 . ' . • ... ... - • -· ~ f .~. ·' , ··~·-~ . -·--" , . . . ' .. 19~, 011..,C~M, . · . tt6~ CADlll~ Fleet!{~ )ii _ ~t@tre 'nlil 11 a ~-~Mt ti In leather inteiio' • All . U'lllnt I rinl • er Interior. Bu au · .,-; n with .... d. . ~ -and with ........ ""' SE - -brakn, wlrtdoWI.. W]lit . ·~ . truck1lld ,...,._.... , 1 er 1tttrins1 ~power brakn.:n ' le ... Stereo radio. illt eescoplc'af:eer•!·' ·&nd air condlt:iordq. (KIN'7m) !· tnr wheel plus ~crory air condiUo~. (~~, . --, .......... .-;.. ~.~~-239~ ' · ' .4iii. . ·~ · • SAU ~ ~ sAu $4;s.,,.,,· Puca · _ ~ ' 1964 oLDIMoib "1965 'CADILLAC ~ 8~ t;l)Oao;.~ ~oi.ooer..::-.. r.:v~~~ . ~~?~-~•J:. •• J:,>lulc'I leather fD&etlDi', HU .:power ~ ) •• · ~r brakes, power windowJ. tilt ate.ring -releue, _ WheW. AM-FM radio •hd' ta~ey air Condi-\ .Uo plus much ~ .. m_.~ a lioning. This 11 a beautiful automobile that Is &.nr~ ~r ~oz ~r'fi~.JXI' priced for -a qutck·11&.ie. (NQ~51() ~e~ _ H..,$. ··~· .. SALi ' $25$5 Paiq:·.~: ·· · ;.:. , sAii· I Sa~.~ : I • . . • • .. ' 196* EL bdiiDO 1966 PO,NTIAC' .GTO .The'..., pooular El Jlorldo;,1lnlob0d. ~ A vecy •potty hardlop !hot la llnlollod In oque sold with belft -...r·and allvor with black all Vinyl ·llucUt -• In-!!_~;1.1i·~"-~-~w~ .. ·, ter:ior. Fully loaded iDci.udinJ BJ.a: VS enrlne, ... ~-wuxwww. ~ .~t, tri-powtt 4 •Pttd tranlmilakln, power af.eer-Vll!nt .p)Wtr tnmlr. U4 ttlarM,> ~ lnr, ,_., b.....,_ radio ...i heater. ~'7 . AM· ~I~~ more 1"""'7_ . ::_ ~~ Y!>u won't'Waltt'to m1aa W1f =Bitter aet~~) , :_ ' , , $1 llllDf I'-i. $.,. 1.2 ..:l.,,. «,' ' ,. .. La . '.'~ Pll~ !'\: ~ ·-. '.i 7 ' -. . ~' ,, NABERS . ' ! . ' " • .' s39•:_. IHCLUllN• ~OUNT1NNALANClff•a QCJll TAX • • ' 2600 ·Harbor Blvd.~.-;Cos4t M.esa~·~· FRff PICKUP AIJ> DEUVfRY COUGAR '68 CPPGAR Lime with black ~ ·1ap. Loadod and 81r con4!-. $2800. rr .. stOtts ICl-«111. Eva 962•7056 '" 'FALCON ' ' ·5140.~110,o . --~~-~ -.~--~~,_.I· , , I . , I . ' - ' I I j I I f, ' • ., . ,..,. '89MM"°'· ,•' NM . ~I:. ·.· . . .TW£5MAN V~~ ' .• , . • fi!~1, V.f tn!'/!•:&'t'r du~ 1u:-:rlori, ""9dll .,.,,. .~ ~1rnri;i. :r~ i:i:,, :V~L.!! cn!r'rw :fniit ,... ... ..,... -. IN1'w HO.' 1Nm: M'< ,_ .. '"""'·iwi --·~ , $2888 + "" i Aic: $18 Jr.-t ~-~: I •: . ' ' --ttT~- 1·, • ~·. ·~-•• •• ~·. ~ •• . .r:-'• ' . . - • • , • • CLASSICAL BEAUTY FOR YOU "BIG DADDY " DON GARLITS . Hairdos Inspired by Great Spanish Artists King of the Mad World of Drag Racing r I I ~ I • . . ~Ask Them Yourself FOR DR. DrlCRT L. rlLBU~ pre.· Ueiit, American M~icoJ. Auocialion Bme ec11 ~ pabUc N.i fk:cl willa ~ ..e1141ce o/ lwNal11' qUt1cbryP--ltr•. SleH Moyer, Re,UU., Sah~ c...-. e When a person is worried about .fiis own health or the health of a loved one. be i11 inclined to be Jess skeptical of the quack•s promieea and may become easy prey for these unscrupulous penona. Questions or complaints about quackery should be directed to local health au. tborities, local voluntary health &gf'ncies. Better Business Bureaus, and local medi· cal societies. · FOR ARNOLD P .AUIER .aea, '""· Jf'la.e11 yot1 aep ap lo .. i1re • •"°' iA • '°'' io .......... eaa, .,,._, a yoea e.ru:;eretr~ .. &lt.e ....,, --1..nUe E. Da11lciA, Bre- • When I am about to play any ebo~ in golf, I think about playing it as well as I possibly can. Through experien~ I know what I can do with each shot. and I concentrate on doing iL With that in mind, I pi-oceed to the S(!lection of a club and consideration of other mechanical and course-condition factors involved io making the shot successful. FOR ED SlJLLIY AN fa ii true llaal alae late B u•plarey Bo1ar1 ••• yoar brotlaer?--fl'iU Pe,.... ry, NaJHI, Celi/. • Tiult question bu come up many times. but I am not the brother of my late friend Humphrey BogarL When [ wu mu~h younger, there was a slight raemblan~ though. FOR MICKEY MANTLE Boro tlid you .iara yoW' baHbaU career1-}•""86 JlcCor.aick, JlcKinl~y. 11ilh, Cali/. •I became interested in baseball through my father and grandfather, both rabid fans and good players in their own rigbL They taught me how to switch·hit and developed my interest in the game. Base- ball was an alternative to worlring in the mines in my home town of Spavinaw. Okla.. and my dad wai; anxious for me to take advantage of my n111>ortunity. FOR SYLYIA PORTER, ~c.<Humni.st Do yo• perMHtttUy fwl. la.ere lo • b..,qei'!-Mra. Ftwnlt 1,..1u.., Pe1«lulftn, C.U/. e No. I have a '"buill·in'' budget right io my bead. 10'1« OJl..ut SB.UUF, acwr • la die cluarGCler yo• play ill "Cl&e!" ••ppNe4 1o be Cl&e G.eNr-, or jul n tllredor'• ila&erpre..UOn of ltl•'!--Ge-DnnfH'r, Ma. Vbwi, 1'&. • The character of Che Guevara, a11 writ· ten. was distilled directly from hii; diaries and tbe accounts of hi& fellow rf'volu- tio.naries. It's as accurate a picfure of him as we can get. FOlt JOllNNY Ci4RSON lf'"y a yoa ert4' aU your "'T oni«lal"' alaoto aon.o- lo6UU toith a Koll fttliftK, and 111laa1 do you auually alaoot?-Jolan Rollrala, 11141'-'l, T,esaa • I end my monologue with a golf swing because it looks better than pitching a baseball. I usually shoot pheasants. rah· bits, squirrels. and old writers. POR CAROL UFRENCE Jf'laal do you think o/ lhe IN!M> "aee-daro"6h" /aala- iou?-Jn~ Zeni., lrtdi· anol., Olrla. • They are ridiculous and obscene, and I certainly would never be caught wear- ing one myself. POR LT. CEN~LEFIS B. HERSHEY, tlire<'l.Or, S~le<'ri1•e Servin' rifh trained perHnnel iA llae ~ o/ mental laealda and aclwol COUft• ~u... iA ..ell aAorl ••p- ply, .,,.,. •re alley "°' grartled grnd_· uate ,,,_/t a/er.erwP-Doroclay PNClaer, T.U. f .U., ldnlao e The Military Selective Service Act of 1967 provides for defennt>nt of graduate students in medicine, dentistry, vete.ri· nary medicine. osteopathy, optomctery, or other 11ubject11 dee~ necessary for na· 1ional health, safety. or intere<JL To date. the National Security Council. which sets up claMifications. bas not recommended additional graduate·student deferments other than those listed above . ............. ,...... ............... ,y_ ....................... _'11~ die -1,_ ..._ ,._-.. ..-,_ t Is nu S.. • uhe, ...,_...,_ -• .... ea...t. .. ._. n...a Y___.,, F..&ly .......... 641 •-· .. A-, New Y~ N'.Y. llOU. ......... _._.-.. ... ,.,._, ... " ........ ,_ ... -..... WHAT iiicWORLD.! llue Jeans, Updated Jeans were named ofter panti worn by Italian sailors from ~ (Genoa-jeans, get it?). This spring tMy ore predicted to be the hottest thing in women'5 pcirty garb, selling for up to $40. The cut, of course, is not the gardening variety, Jone's How to Make Kids Mlftd "Punish ment today may prevent an acciden tomorrow," the American Academy o Pediatrics believes. To keep a chil from darting out in traffic or tippin over scalding liquid, stort instruction early. Near the first birthday, a bo loves to obey, so take advantage that. Use a simple command long (no, stop, be careful) ond a firm calm tone of voice. Be consistent; nev threaten without follOwing through don't give in '1ust this once." And al ways tell the truth; don't warn "hot' if it isn't. ;eons Eyes on Pictvrephone Thousand' o deaf persons can't use one of our so ciety's most valuable. products-- telephone. But o forthcoming Bell Sy tem development will corr~ that When Picturephones become available the deaf will be able to "talk" just a but wotlpaper..,.ug, low-hipped, and fty-front-requiring o figure which needs no camouflage. Among the de- votees are Lynda Bird Johnson Robb's sister-in·low, model TrenftY Robb, sing- er Jane Morgan, who wears them "to codctoil parties and occasionally to dinner," and actress Jane Fonda. Red-Hat Girts Baby sitters' in Stutt- gart, Germany, wear red hats to iden- tify themselves, a custom started with airline hos1eSSes willing to care for children or old people traveling alone. Now oll Mutter has to do is pop by the local cafe and spot herself a sitter. well as anyone. Sign longuogtt, course, is the answer-and pictur will communicate the language coo to coast as quickly as a spoken wor on ordinary phones. Shown here is telephone call between deaf parties i Washington and New York. Schnozzola Speaks Up Jimmy Durante, 76, disputes, in Larry Wilde's book, ''The Great Comedians Tolle. About Comedy," that most co- medians get that way because of poor, unhappy childh~ "Now, I was born in back ~f my dad's barbershop. But we weren't what you call poverty-stricken. We never wanted for bread. I went to work, selling papen after sc~ool. Jolson or Cantor, they didn't have riches, either. My nose? Naturally kids mode fun of it and busted it. My ombit1on was to become a great ragtime piano player, a great orchestra leader like Harry 'James or Guy Lombardo. There's no psychological reason. I just like to hove fun." March 9, 1969 LIONl'ID S. DAVIDOW P~ WION RANK~ . WADIR C. Dll'llUI 8-'-C-..U.9" W. PAOI ntOMPSON ~ DmelM IOIBI' RTIGlllON ~/ JACIC IYAN 'II~..,_ MARIUS N. 1llMQUI Art DiNeUr MllAtM DI PllOft 11-4 UU# ...... R. fM!!9UO ~A~ Ila_,... IUSml L •AllCJ ..,...,.. A~-. lla-.w You n inwltld to Mlfl yaur qlleltions « comments lllolrt 11fJ lf'tlcte or ldwerta-nt u.at .,....., lft Flllfty Weelty. YIOr letter will receive 1 prompt lftSwer. Write to StfYlce Editor, F..tty Weelty, &41 la....,_ Allenue, 111w YOfk, fl. Y. ¥022· ................ ______ ._ ........................... ~----------------------------..-.----------~~~~--~ ....... ~~~~~-- Pmdile's Fireblnl gives Yau soniething , a $6,1111 sports car ·can't .... And Fireblrd does it without shortchanging you on the things you buy a sports car for. Compact- ness, maneuverability, efficiency, quickness •.. it's all there. You get a never-say-die Overhead Cam Six that runs on regular. You geta fully synchronized 3-speed (order it floor-mounted and you also get a Hurst shifter). You get a driving-glove- grained instrument panel. You get wider, softer bucket seats. And it all comes in a compact, beautifully styled, Wide-Tracking package. All of which proves you don't have to spend $6,CXX> on a sport to be one. So be one. Break Away in a 1969 Firebird. Pick up your car and your change at your nearest Pontiac dealer's. I I r t ~ , t '""-I -----I Family Weekly/ Ma.nil 9, 1969 The Tragedy Behind Today' We are a nation of age myths, says this f am young and old By HAltllY GOLDEN ,.,,,,,_ of ..,,.., ... ~--~ ~ ........... hh • Dht=•1u ...,.., "TM ..... n..,H ..... " ••• ,_. MJlt -"' 'l'ITHEN Harvey Haddix of VV the Pittsburgh Pirates pi~hed 12 perfect in.nings against the Milwaukee Braves some years ago, it was big news not because he lost in the 13th inning-but because Harvey was 33 years old. I bad a friend wboee sole am- bition was to become the youngest member of Congress. Well, he not only didn't win the election, be didn't even win the nomination. Now he's campaigning again, and bis theme is that we need "ex- perience," "calm wisdom," and "moderation," all of which he sud- denly developed when be passed 85. Twice now he has trappe4 himself by his own myth-the myth of age. 1he ..-I iron curtain is the age curtain separating the young from the middle-aged and the middle- aged from the old and the old from the young-a curtain com- posed largely of myths. Part of my inspiration comes out of the realization that L al- though pushing 66, still deliver more than SO lectures a year at various colleges. I get no venera- tion became of my age. It is not .. ~ -it -eounda. .. _ Southern university, for example, a groop kept heckling me. "What's a northern Jew like you doing telling us Southernen about our way of Hfe r they kept asking. Finally, I barked, "PD tell you what I'm doing down here. I'm trying to establish a J~wish fra- ternity to preserve the Christian ethic.'' A great majority of the students laughed loodly and ap. plauded me. At a girl's college I asked aev- eral of the student& whether there was any relationship between the academic revolution and the sex- ual revolution. One of the· girls puraed her lips and said, "The 'C-minus students are interested in the academic revolution. The boys who want to be doctors, phys- icists, or engineers are int.erest.ed in the sexual revolution. The Phi Beta Kappas always mean busi- ne.sa." Students do not always re- gard me as antique. But when we talk later, they do 80 regard their fathers that way. I do not want to take up cudgels solely for the old. We practice dreadful inequities among the yoong.lthinkofalltbegraduat&- school deans dashing recklealy about now that the draft boards are instructed no longer to issue determents t.o graduat.e students. there .,.. cities in this country built specifically for the old. When the residents leave their hotels and rooming houses in the morn- ing, their first topic of conversa- tion always is the nceess of the morning's bowel movement. They will diacuss this until noon : "I take figs every night" or "My doe- W"'* co.---'tW kve benbtlilt csrotdl4 tu •wtl tAottM ol4 csa't u .. w~tA.~. tor in Des Moines gave me some- thing, and I have written him a letter telling him he shou.ld patent it-it is 80 wonderful." This is typical of the many re- tirement centers in Arizona and Florida where the aged live, where the newspapers run 12 pages of obituaries, where the street.a are all ramped, where benches pro- liferate steadily. 1Ws Is what we do with the aged : we-shove them into this in- cubator where they live vegetable- like for the small joys of isolated life, fretting about all the annoy- ances of the day. "My daughter-in-law ha~ me and keeps me from seeing the children," is a remark you might hear more than once in any of their cities. They spend their lives looking out of the window-their daily post as soon as they awaken. The mail often is the big event of the day. Then they will run to the mailbox and take letters not ad- dreued to them, which they will not open but bold for the vicario and momentary thrill of sion and for the joy of sa · "Mrs. Smith, I have a letter th eame for you." Thl1 ... .__ isolation o brings about sad change. So of the old in theae retirement ce ters are t.erribly worried abo children and dogs. Both m noise. They investigate carefu before they rent or buy to sure there are no children and dogs on the block. An empty ho or apartment is cauae for ooncern ("We may get 80meo with children.••). The ha pp· giggling child is an object of h tility as though they object to youth and would deprive him of There are clubs for them on point of origin, the Iowa Cl the Maine Club, the New Je Club. They bold singing con aft.er the Saturday-night 1 on "The Salt-Free Diet." club concentrates on songs r "My Wild Irish Rose," and • Me Call You Sweetheart."' After the singing competition, the blood-pressure machines do a big busi- ness. It is no wonder the old are cranky, the young unregenerate and rude, and the middle..aged panicky. One of the reasons for this division is that we do not believe merit aff ect.s the quality of life. Yet Winston Church- iJI was in his 60e when he became Brit- ain's war-time Prime Minister. On New York's lower ·East Side, in the crowded tenements, we had a pret- ty good idea of what life looked like -an ages of life. We lived with kid brothers, maiden aunts, and grand- parents. The result was that we didn't think people belonged in the categories of young, middle-aged, or old-we all communicated one way or another. To- day, in most suburban complexes, the town at midday is populated only by the women, the kiddies, and the dogs. We have victimized ourselves by sub- scribing wholeheartedly to our own myths. We all retire at 65, not because that is when we should retire, but rather because 65 is the most advan- tageous retirement age for the insur- ance business. We really believe that poets and - mathematicians get their gifts early and are washed up at SO, never con- sidering that Goethe wrote "Faust" when in his 708. But when a 47-year- old bishop becomes a cardinal, we say he is young. The trouble with an of 08 is that we believe life is Wr.e a busineu grapbA We imagine life as a slowly ascending line which reaches its peak at roughly 50 and then abruptly and relentlessly descends into senility or bankruptcy at 70. I submit that life is a continuum, an ever~ircling curve, every point of which is as near the end as the begin- ning. Only if it is thus can the old learn from the young just as the young learn more handily from the old. There is little reverence for the old in ou.r society. And because there is none, there is probably less reverence for the young. • More Hany Golden Wit and Wltdolw Fawtiq W.Mlw ,...,,.,... •Ao tl10t&ld ~ to nj~ ""°" of tM toa""tA awd /~ of AfMrica'• ftivoriu Mii• .,... 1..0 /M" tA• via"t t,_...ry, "Tit• Bnt of Ht11TJ1 Goldn." Mail IB.15 to F.W. Boob, Dqt. Alll'" Bos 701, Grawd C~l Statiott, N.., York, N.Y. 10011. FantiJ'll Wuklv, Morel& I, Jiii J THINK ABOUT DEATH and START TO LIVE! Jc is human oatun co pot off tboughrs of detth as long .as ~ an. This is especwly m1e whef'I our years are young, our health is good, and we're having a won· derful time. But even in 1hi1 life, 1he uue values and rcaJ joys of living come imo dear focus only when we face up to the facts of dttch and ask oursclves: "\'(/hat docs it mean?"" Once we do 1his, the 1errify- ing specter of death becomes Jess fearsome. \Ve see it :as a teacher, cautioning us to shape our lives in a maoncr pleasing co God. We see it noc as a Grim Reaper, rob- bing us of our worldly pleasures., but as the golden gateway to Gocl"s gcatcst of all gift~cr­ nal life. There are some pt.'<>ple, of course. who belic:vc 1hat afo.T this life 1here is no more. TilC pure and the sinful, ihey contend, all meet 1he same gJoomy end of eternal nodlingncss; iherc is oo judgmenc, no punishm~t, no re- ward. But if our rC"aSOn did no< 111d~m<"m, W.11 litt curoalty either in joy -or miStty. This has~ the teaching ol the age-old Carholic Cbwch sioet 1he time of the Aposdes. h is a doctrine that coOlpcls a CatlxMjc to think of his life in terms of his death. It sounds like a gloomy docrrine co those who dislike to face up to rhe facts of death and the certainty of divine judgment, but Catholics are in.spired rachcr 1han depr~ by ic. Howt'Vet gloomy the pros.- p<.'C't of dtach may be, Catholics :ire conMandy remi~ by the Church of the imporWlCC of facing ur to ic instead of trying 10 ignon· it. In the month ol N~ ''ember ('l\Ch year, the thoughts of rhc foithful a.re especially di- rected ro the special coosidera- lioos of that occasion when every human bc:·ing must take off oo that final .. flight'" to God's vast unknown. If you would like to know how to 1hink about death. what baf>" pens af n·r Jcarh, how to think about Ht"1vcn. how the Church hdps iis rx·opJc at death, what's 1he ri~ht anicude ooward dttth 1eU us this is wroog, we have 1he as Catholin Stt it, write today clearer assurance of God Himself for our frtt pamphlet. It will be rhat man shall li\•c on ca.rth, shall mailed rromp<Jy, and nobody c-ventually mcc1 death, chat he will call on you. Ask for Pam- shaJ1 be jud~ and, upoo 1hat phle1 Nu. FM-53. -----FREE-Mail Coupon Today/---... --. ,,.., .... rw1 .... '°"' ,, .. 'a""""'., ... m1..1, ·· r11;,.1r AJMw1 O.Offl Arwl Siert 1• u ... r· fM.5) City ___________ stat ..... e ___ _._zip __ _ KRIGHTS OF COLUmBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU .• 3473 SOUTH GRAND, ST. LOUIS, MO. 63118 .. _____________________________ J DOll•t Neglect Sllppl•CJ FALSE TEETH 0 BACKACHE Aching Muscles You lone to .... those pains, ftllfl twnPotWilr, unttl the CllUM Is d-.d vii. For paftla1~-~ t.m~ary. pellueltef try..,.,.,1t·n PUis. F..nous few over 60 ~ O.Wttt's Ptltsc:ontalnena~ to red-peln and • vwy mUd dklr9tk:to hetpetlmlnat• retained ftutds thus flushln• out lnttettnc paAn ~ btilddw WHIM. 0.Wltt's PMts often suc:c:MCI where ot!Mn fail " pain~ alwa)IS ... )'OW doctor. lnstlt on DeWitt's PiOS' 1 I I ~ ~ ii I lj I j --.. Can't sleep? • • Relieves simple nervous tension to bring sound, restful sleep. • Contains no barbiturates. no narcotics. • Not habit forming. •No "morning after" drugged feeling. • Hundreds of sleep inducing granules in every Sominex capsule. • No prescription needed. ONE CAPSULE EQUALS A. GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. I 4 , Problem of Leisure 1;hree cheen for our let.ure .odety, Exeeptiq when ahead of me, It linee ap at Ille 6nt golf tee. -r'4> ..... v.1c Customer, brow1i~ in the do-i youraelf section: "Can I put thi wallpaper on myself?" Clerk: "If you want, alr. But · ;.would look better on the wall." -Al Robert QUIPS AND QUOTES An old man checked into a hotel, and the clerk asked him whether he wished to be called in the morning. "No, thank.a," said the old man. "I always get up at 6 a.m. without an alarm clock.'' "Very good, sir,'1 said the clerk. "Would you mind calling me at aix?'' -LaM Olit1g/t.otut Din.Mr out with the 1/Jift aftd kid.a : whifting a.ftd diftif19. -Htirm Albright "Gregory, stop looking out the win- dow. What are you doing?'' the teacher asked. "Are you learning anything·?" "No, sir,"Gregory answered. "I~e just been listening to you." --Gertnule PieraOA The moat fattening tki-ng a peracm can. put in. food u a f tWk. -&fl BmMtt "Can you come right over and make a fourth at bridge?" one doc- tor asked another on the phone. ''Yes, Doctor, by all means. I'll ruah right over." "18 it important, dear?" aaked his sympathetic wife aa she helped him on with his coat and brought him hia medical bag. "I'm afraid it is, my dear.'' he said. "Sounds serious. There are three doctors there already." -Dorothea Kent R etirement: tke slwrtut diato.nct from executi11e timber to dead wood. -Ben, CaueU "Jut retMmber-tAU tinw "''ra aueptin.g a.•r coU.et calla." Dlshwashlas- W'hatever the lateet attraetion t., The kids are gone ill a wink. I don't know jut where Ille ad.ion la, But it's not at oar kitchen sink! --Ceor6'e S,.rbaclc Calhra · ...... What? By Ann Davidow JUNIOR REASURE CHEST • • Riddle Me This What ia the most disturbing sound in the world! (See An.awer Box) The Painter B11 Ha.n.a Kreia Find two old-timers, a rab- bit, a dog, and an Indian. Is it a perfume bottle With cap, Minus One From a five-letter word mean- ing the entire thing, take away the first letter and get a cavity. (Su A"'1Der Box) Plus One To a three-letter word for something you wear on your head. add a first letter and get a word you are likely to use when you aren't sure you beard a question correctly. (Ste Au10er Box) ' Or Froety, the Sno That jolly old chap? Hide-a-Name The name of the 1irst spring month is hidden in this sen- tence: The rules of grammar change very slowly. (Su AU10er Box) Answer•1: ·no..< lnoqu R,lJ lfUNl no.( aaqM 'JedS!l{h\ V :BJ1U, aw afPPJU ·a1oq-a10Q.M. :aao ••nlfJi 't•lfJl~•H :Ml() •Id ·q3.urx :awwN:-e-aPlH let'1 Drow-Anlmol1 aoo• Ann Datri.doto luM 1'whluA.a ""11dre<U of /a.oiftatift.g dra'°"'O Z..•01U /or c drnt. in a deli11Atfv.Ut1 .timwlating book. Ttm.t of tMuaw •old at l~.50 Ao.rd C011.r. For )fOU.r C()J>'I/ in •oft cot1er, HM onl11 11 plu 16' for •Aippin "lAt'• Drow Ammal.," Bo~ 707, Grott.d Cntnil Statwtt, N.,,, Yore, N.Y. 1 r "La ugh-In's" Goldie Hawn- ENTERTAINMENT "She's Dumb Like a Fox" By PEER J. OPPENHEIMER. " A ND NOW fo r the news 20 years .ti.from now-that's in the fu- ture, you know-here's Dick." But Dan Rowan, one of the stars of tv's wildly popular "Laugh-In," comes on camera shaking his head in disbelief, a quizzical smile on his face. Goldie Hawn, the show's authentic "dumb blonde." has done it again, com- pletely fouled up her lines, made a total mess of the introduction-and stolen the scene. But the really funny thing is that Rowan knows that Goldie will do the same thing next week with the same results. "That's one of the reasons I love Dan and Dick (the show's costar Dick Martin> : they are so marvelous to work with. They always help out everyone else on t he show whenever possible," Goldie says. "Both of them are completely unasauming. They don't im~se their will or method of com- edy on anyone else." While Goldie is grateful to "Laugh-In" for her current popularity, the actual suc- cess of the show is due in no small part to her. With her wide-open eyes, blank • stare, high-pitched voice, gaping mouth, she epitomizes the "dumb blonde" in the classic Judy Holliday style. One of the reasons Dan Rowan doesn't mind her weekly upstaging is the.fact that he knows what's gbod for Goldie is good for his show, that the audience loves her. For poldie, a professional career started at the age of three, when her mother, a whol~e jeweler, started her in dancing school in Washington, D.C. Fifteen years later, Goldie opened up her own dancing class with some 50 students. "J never really wanted for anythi~g; my parents did very weU financially. But I wanted to know I could go out and buy extra clothes when I wanted to." Her school was an instant success. ''I was the choreographer, instructor. secre- tary, everything," Goldie recalls fondly. "But my heart was set on acting." To realize her ambition, Goldie set out for New York and wound up as a chorus- liner at a pavilion at the 1964 World's Fair. Later, she went on tour and even- tually got to Los Angeles. She landed a small part in a Walt Disney film, which in turn led to a chorus-line job in Las Vegas. "Then one day I just said to myself, enough is enough, and I quit. I always do things on the spur of the • Goldie, Dan, and Dkk: a la.Mglt a minute. moment. So I went back to California.'' Goldie beard of an opening in a new series called "Good Morning·.World." T he part called for a "girl-next-door type who constantly carried a ' teapat around with her," Goldie remembers. "So I went to the audition carrying a teapot. I was the only one there with one. The producers thought it was so crazy, they gave me the part!" While the series was short-lived, Goldie made an impression, and later, when "Laugh-In" was being cast, the show's producers felt she was a natural. "The first time I had to give Dan an introduction in the news part of the show, I rlidn't try to mess it up. But I'm near- sighted, and the cue cards were too far away, and I got it all mixed up. Dan thought it was so funny he decided to keep it in the next week. Now the cue cards are al- ways wrong. They try to help me mess up t he reading, but I have my own method," Goldie says. "There is one drawback to the whole thing, though," Goldie admits. "1 think I'm being typecast. People are always ex- pecting me to do something dumb. 'Say something dumb, Goldie,' my friends say. It's really very embarrassing." One of her coworkers, t hough, says, "She reaJly is dumb, A real dumb blonde." But Dan Rowan thinks differently : "Yeah, she's dumb all right-dumb like a fox." Goldie has parlayed her "Laugh-Jn" popularity into a number of guest spots on the late-night talk shows, two guest appearances in another series, "That's Life," and her first big movie role as Walter Matthau's mistress in "Cactus Flower." Goldie gets ,36,000 for that oqe. Maybe it pays to be "dumb." -. &11lil11 Wukl111 Marcil 9, l lltJ9 7 PUT YOURSELF IN THIS PICTURE YOU CAN-1"heM People Did THl!Y ARE GRADUATES Of U.M.S.. YOU COULD BE TOOi -~ . -· 'l i l I . .... . . . f f ON* Gl••t c:od. SoMUI Clf'Ohl residetm, HMOlD _, WAH MIWll, IN die proud resiMt IMftlltf1 of 1 loftly oct111front 1pi1rtment motel Ill ft. l..lt*f· dlle. Fla. ''Wt fiftd that e1eh day the thincs we learned as UNIYERSAl MOTEL SCHOOl studtnu .,. most http. ful. Workint in the Hospitality Field is fascinatine llld very~." "I MVlf dru.ed thlt I would"'" tt.e ncitinc position I now hold." .,...... MRS. MMY IOI. 1 widow witlt 2 chil*en from Follansbee, West Viflinia. At ...... fled beetl I cleft at J. C. Penney Stores for ten ,...s. "It )at dotsft't seeni pos. sible that ill Mh a slloft tiM I could be tM Executive House- keeper for the world famous 714 f'OOlll AMOICMA HOm on Miami Beach. Since 'raduatini fro111 UNIVERSAL MOTEL ..scHOOl.S, wonderful Uli"IS "-hlppeMd to 1111. I hive met the 'fa President of die United States as wtfl as mlftY famous lllOVit lftd telftisicMI stan. My hwttett t"-b for your euel- lent course lftd your ptnGMf help Md encour11tmtnt" YCMI too Clll join the Mt' &rowinc Hospitality Field. UNIVERSAL MOTll. SCHOOlS can traift you fw 1 stimulltiftC, well payinc position as Motel Man- 11en. Assist.t Mauaen. Clefts. ltouseMtpers llld Hostnses. Meet fl!llOUS and lnttrestinc people; trtvel if yo&a want to; join i11 social activities: Im in p...,_. sumlafldillp. ~ U$UlllJ furnished. Act no blrritf.....-turity an asset Train at llCNM In your spare titM followed by two wttks resident trlinillC at tidier of our two lllOttls·-BUJE SEAS, MIAMI BEACH, FlOllOA or SAVOY, W YEW, NEVADA. Keep P'tseftt job until radJ to switch throulh our excellent klcal lftd natioMI emp~ assistance. Don't Dtlly-Writt Now '°' COlllplet1 dltlils. "° Obli&atioR. ,-~-----iiN.VEiSALMOTELSCHOOU--.;:;:;;,--1 I 1872 N.W. 7 St .. Miami, Fla. 33125 I APPRO'vfD t1 •r Vf TfRAN~ UNDF P ~F\~1 (,I BILL I ' I I Name Age I I Address I I City State _Zip I I Phone GI Bill Information I I ACCREDITED MEMBER NATIONAL HOME STUDY COUNCIL I ~--------~--------------------· llOWI lnlllnl allhma ra1111 8181'11 In mond11 New aerosol mist starts workina almost instantly to help stop choking asthma attack, release air trapped in lungs. helps you breathe freely again. And it's so easy to ute. At the ftnt ~ of an asthma attack, just place the Bronkaid tap in your mouth, squeeze mouthpiece and bottle toaether, and inhale deeply. Bronkaid Mist's superftne particles of medicated mist speed directly to your lunp. In most instances, wheezing swiftly sut.ida; mucu.-plulftd air passages open, and air trapped in your lungs as releued. Jn Jess than a minute, you are breathing freely and easily apin. l'ocht..Siie. Only A Penny A DMel You can' re of accurate dosage -without measuring-because BRONKAJD9 MIST comes with a metered tip. At your local pharmacy. Drew Phumacal Co., Inc., N.Y., N.Y. 10016. I Kitty can't r-'-t thts 19" ion.. post that Cut a.ts by cutttns end sroomintl ~ -fumlture from belne cl--4 He hair In MCOnd9 .t home. omc.. Trtma. a-ps busy ~rw post end .,._yins ....,_hair llM 10UI' bartiw. but wtth- wlth ball atop coif spftfltl. Deluxe I*"· out ODltl UM llke comb. KMp In bath· SMt v.at9CS with c.tr'Np IS boUnded on rvom, ea~ In purM. l.ofw.fastine plee. both .. lt1 80Ud wood. Extra Caln., tic •• ...ltable hofdw llas ~ _,.,, In !kR. ..,...Y can. Great treat C!Mth, oper8Ms with a.ndard easll1-~~ ~ ........................ pa =~~.~::--R~~~~.~.~ .. ~~.~~11 ,__~.,,., ...................... flM --~let ............................. _. 1 ----------- ThtlM to cut llowwa 811 M.lmtnM virtually wtthout dialnc. .-di"-Of' bad!~ak· lrw labor. -liloft than 1,000 seeds In this MM!c CarpM burst Into dauHnc dtmptey Of m~ asten, zinnia, end .. ~ ftowefs. WMd resbtltnt carpet Is blC 12 feet Ions becomes ~r loveflest summer prden. Lwwrtant W8Y to tnnr.fowm tewn or t.do;ya1dl ID7 -.... Cllrpet ...................... - 30 NEW DISCOVERIES BY MAIL FAIB.M SHOP BY MAIL-CONVENIENTLY AT HOME CHKI ROOD PIESSUIE AT HOE Keeci a dose wetch on hulth of I0¥9d ones and ~l'Mlf by taklna frequent blood pfUM.lre raadlnp at doctor's ,.... qu.t. Meter ts medically 11CC1Ume. PR-dalon-made 9C>hnmoma~. stettt· OKqM la profHaionally IMMlll'Md fw doc:tDra and students. Macnlflea all -.nets with .,..t dart~. __ ..._ ............................... $16.11 2111-•• ·· ......................... $ 2a ------------------, 100% NYLON FOAM STRETCH CAR SEAT Cll..S_tl.l~'!:Si>~~'!.J GIT llOSI HAm WB.Y Un•ishtflf nose hair ,.mo\19d ' uf81y, eully wilt! one twist of revolvlns cy1. lnder. No pulllnc. no Irritation or da.,..,-of lnf9ction. R.,.._.. hair deanly, qulddy. ,.... NOM Groom .. fooC-oroof. ~ solution to tti. remov.i ot noM ana ear h81r. Satlsf.ctlon sua ... ntMd or ~ badL A real coiwenlenc:. for •1-croomect loc*. im -.._ ._ ............. _ .. _ .......... . sa~ ~foam oov· ~ .,. for 10!Jr ear ID on --''Y " • pillow caM. Hanctmme 100% nrton N91m ruged. ever1day waar and min• -air lntet'iOf'S lleep Ilk• new. Stretch COWf'S flt anus -no ~ or bunches. F'oam undenlde pad· din• adds comfort and snu• flt. Th•lf H ·r+t-c:-'i to flt front or back ... t cushions. -al.z• fits .... 100% washable. Pick c:olOf' of rour dlolce. lleetC.W. ........ $5.tl ~ ......... 1416- Cll•= 141a.er..t; M17 .... ..._ Now, • M.1rsieal atMf cllptMr rnati.s It ... 1 end .. ,. to -1ncrown toe naifs at home. Curved I•-elide under the nail. Pren the p11er.Jlk8 h8ndles and the nail Is dipped! Sensitive pain la pMI UM 81so ~ tM nefl clip. ..,._ F1Mst au,.tcal kMP9 sharp ....._ Olppef la 44• Ions. How_,. cl8ftul to rMllH relief et l•stl -1-....... TM Nal aw-.... tl.11 Tua inchea off the loc* of lfOUr waist line Instantly! WNr Slimmer Belt under dl89 or shirt fw support of ucalns stomadl musct .. end en)Olf a sllm,-&im MW loolt lmrnedletely. Adjust.able fTom 26"' to 50" to Pf'OVlde quid! comfort. a6ds In Aero encl lumbar support. Elasti-c:ind, NS}'•W8sh Ollttort Just 7• wide =-~::"..:t~~: ............. $3.11 Hold ata ..... cupa. bottles, cans ufely wtille drtvlns or pani.ct. Rerncwable holder qulddlf attadMs to b,..cket on dash panel Of' other flet surf8C8. Rust· proof 3• elumlnum rfns wlttl vlnyt sup- oortina straps. Seff-adhes.hle &r.cbt hotda-securety. Drtnb _,'t ..,nn u .. In boet. on C8ld tabln, W811 surfacn. 4lll-A.-.................. vltl DKOUTOI PEACOCI PlAQUESI GIANT 12..fOOT All Ull.OON Tiii• pair of m-.nlflc:.nt hammer-.d Iron r:ecocb wilt lend Instant 4Xdtetnent aftl ..i1. "•Gira'• ,...i birds unfurl their brilliant plum~ In your ftvlfls niom, den or omc.. F'inlshed In shlldea of blue & .,td, they are h8ndc:rafted In metlc:ulous detell end ere t.st becomln• the feshlon 8CC8MOfY of prqfftslonals. Alt ...... ft . ens -ru ucb, ...., ...... , ............... .. Ever wonder how cornrnerclet artists wort! so fastl They UM en art rap~ ducer to protect the actu•I Im .... on dtawlna paP8f', then trace the outtlne, fill In ttie shades. Adjusts for pe~· tive end aln. Helps i.adt lfOU qu~y • dwelop8 hidden ert talent. Sturdtty made. ft measures 7W hlsfl. A reel artist'• worttlrw toot --Art •llfll ••we ................ $1.At USE HANDY ORDER FORM ON OPPOSITE PAGE ~ ALL ITEMS = )ft ht .. ks ,. ln ,, II GREENLAND STUDIOS1 MIAMl1 FLORIDA IA SATISFACTION GUARANTEED-ON ALL ITEMS · .. " ft. d. ce lC tr. ... • It .. A adentiftc wondef1 ~ • new fun •dYenture •• you watdi h antics of thae -llWfw bells. Demonstrn. "-· ton's ~iii Motion n you lift -NII on the end, ,.._ end the ~te one ....... The .._.. traMfw -u wtth· out movtns. ~ .,.. dozens of other lntrisulns v•rlatlons. 6 • 5 • r plntic: "1llM. nn -•••• ... ·······•••u••••••u ..... If your only uteri .. to -" end home ~do. ~·11 deme ~joy from ........ .....,..... robe. Soft. -cotton ''fW," but -cWy roia to dfstlcwul9h "''-from the ,..., aldri. Drepe -coudl Of' chair, "-r the ttwob of Mttve drums. £xatid lmoort of Weet Oennen?. Hend w-"8ble. lt ,,_.,,... 51"' x 11 . Ql'9M for • ......,,. room. tool __ .... ,., ...................... .. AMAZING .l 0##&& Grow Indoors NOW! Brazil's~ &otic TOMATO TREE Now a super-hybrid va~ that harvests up to 40 lb9. IMtf' tree. Tf'M •"'-prpous bloaMmS for montt.s, Indoors or outdoors. Glv• lusdQus Mlad size, plum shaped tomatoes 5 montti• a ~ar. °'°'" 3 to 4 ft. Indoors, up to I ft. outdoors. Exotic leavn. tr..,..nt tlowera anf delldous fnllt. JJM-T__..T ................... $1" SWNllS st•a&S ... ,, SAIBY Now sleep Natfullykxt:rlnc your bed 9Drilw 19 vlrtuefly Into the bed ......... ell-metal .,.,._a.. ......,, CMl't allp Of', ... ~ .. old-festlloned ~ alets Of' too nenaw l'Mtlll rals. Flt ell sin beds. Set Off 6. You ere a• ........ .... arpports hold bed aprinp flmlly end ..,..Y. an-....... -.... ............. SUI llD-........................... $1.11 TWIST TOUI WAY TO _. CC*llOI. °"" 5 mlnut.s • ., "" twf9ti"9 ... wd9e tones tleb-.,, muadea. l*b up .-ture..~"!I~ cut down Tll'USU9· ...,.,. Nllew9 .,,.. muec:IH. Twists end tum• wtth rou, uaea new at~~nclpl• to •rms. bed!, ~Hefpt .. ,,,. .. hi ~·!!ri e ab'oniS PN• Id board eftKhed to • ...., awiwll con· talnlns 70 ball =~~ .. ..... ,, ..... S SOLD ON A MONEYBACK GUARANTEE! .----1 I I I ~~•ai• s,•Nm f'tc:tu,... ~ lft Ulla Meatc Mount photo .. bu"' UM mMMtal Amutnc Mff-ed· ..,... eceblte .,,. ..... ~ ..... *'9tiiro0/f corer, holdl wldtout _, ...... comen. 11 ....-. IW x IW . .,._ fuxe h• 20 pepe, 1W x llW. 9uu· tlful%.. bound end • ,..., vef&Mf An .... ~-:.."~ ............................. ..... --oz:.-~ .............. ..... ORDER BY MAIL NOW FROM ---.. GREENlANd S1udios 1012 GNenlllnd Bide •• Milnll, Fla. 33147 I Rush me ....,_ lll9d betow. I underltand If I em not ~ Mt· I lded 1lftll M'/ ltllm. I Cllfl return Jt wtthln 10 deys b • fuft refund. I I I I .. I I I I I I QUM. ITDI# NAlft W ITDI ,,_..... 6 Hdla.-Add 25f for tat Item. end to. ,_ Ndl acldltionel Item. PlltCE I I I I I j l I 11 I MAllE ~ EndoMd i. ~ w n1.o. t«-1VTAL. I...._ J: I cm nAn z. >I I D• mllrurt.., •Ml~· ••111,111n .. ,.. ......_ !I ~-------------------~ f r I l Deatroys odor on sanitary napkins ,,. ......................... ... __ _,, .. At last-a special deodorant for you olUI /or your cl.olh•, eoo--twen for aan.ita.ry napkins and for panty- hoee. It's Quur-the apecial /erni- nine deodorant for a woman'• very ~al needs. (1) QUSST helps keep your whole body odor-free. So aafe it can be med without irritating ... even in the moet intimate areas. (2) QuuT helpe pnvent odor on clothes• no ordinaiy deodorant can-undu b,.., panty-boee. gir- dles and on san itary napkin•. Worb right where embarr..Ung odor lingen longest! ny Quur today. It's the special deodorant for you and yourclothee, too. QuuT Deodonnl I "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved I HI ftr tlleu sa.ds wilt perspire '9awilJ Im' antiperspirant that really worlu! Solves underarm problem• (or many who had deapaired of e ffective help. M itchum AnU-Peraplrant keepe underarms abeolutely dry (or tbowranda of grateful uaen, with complete gentleness to normal a1tin and clothing. Thia unusual formula from a trun. worthy 58-~ laboratoey ia 1uarante.,d to sa tidy or dealer will refund purchase price. So ~t the poeitive J>l"O- tection ol llHeb um Anti-Per- ~t, Liquid or creem. $3.00, ~.uppl,y.Availableatyour Cavonte dru,~toiletl')'counter. • RslitMKI of Msnstl'Ulll Olstrsss In the modetn ltfe you lead, lllere come Ille calm times, too. Strollina hand 1n hind. Rudina toaether. Talklna lo· aether. These are the precious moments. And you let nothin1 Interfere. Not even funct1on1I menstrual distress. How? With M1DOL. • An &Jtclus1ve .anti·spnmodit th1t helps STOP CRAMPS .•• • Med1c1lly·approved inared1ents that REUCVC HCAOACHE, LOW BACKACHE . •• CAll'4 JUMPY NCAYES ••• •Plus 1 special mood-briahtener that gives you a real ltft ... geu you throuah the lryina pre-menstrual period feehn1 calm end comfortable, E11joy life.~ day. With MIOOL. TRANS.MEDIC STOPS SLIPPAGE, OOWN-SHlntNG. ROUGH SHIFTI NG. SLUGGISH ACTION GUARANTEED. ,t.T SERVICE STATIONS ANO AUTO STORES Sleep Away Hemorrhoid Itch If the Itch and burn of hemorrhoids make life miserable, try this little trick. Get some Cuticura Ointment and app4y just before going to bed. Cuticura's emol- lient medication soothes Irrita- tion, quiets Itching, even aids healing. Wake up feeling wonderful! Cuticura Medicated Ointment. Avail- able at all drug l•l-lr~•I'" ' count~. ~~ • .J They Call Him "Big Brawling Drags By BOB GAINES DON "BIG DADDY" Garlits can still vividly recall t he acci- dent ... A mwggy hme mornit1g at tlu dra-11 atrip i1l Chester, S.C. The atarting light gou gree-A cu Dem Leta up th$ clutch of !ti.I r04ring 8VJ)ercluirged fuel drag1ter. The car alwot1 down the quarter-mile tra.ck, ti ru smokit1g, e11gi1le acreamiftg. Sttdd.enly at 110 mp1', aft e%f)lolioft. Fl.CJmea bHrat out of a ruptMred mani fold, Hari11g Garlita' face, arm•, hands. StunMd, blinded b'I/ the ftamu, Gaf'lit.a catl feel tlti fueler awenring to th.e riol&t. He clutchH t~ wheel urith hia gloved s»wking hafld, correcta tl&e alide, and then brake.. The buming car bumpa to a atop at the end of the 1trip. Gorlita ataggera out of the car and coUapHa. "That was back in 1959," recalls Don, a slim, sinewy man of 36. "I wa8 a fresh kid who enjoyed building fast cars and racing them. But after the accident, ev- erything was different. I was in the hos- pital eight weeks. Until then, it was a game, a tough, exciting game. But I never seriously thought of getting hurt. No one did. But after that, it was a business, a tough, exciting busineee. But no game." Jn the fast, noisy, and occasionally hair- raising world of drag racing, Don Garlits is the sport's ultimate professional, a five-time national champion. He is the A spaceman ? No, i t' a D<rn in hia racing gear: a.ttbeato• fire auit and ga.8 ma.ak. 10 Fomil11 Wukl11. Morelt 9, 196.9 man the fans come to watch, the driver other drivers have to beat. If there is anything to know about dragsters and bot rods, "Big Daddy," as he is fondly called by tans, knows it all. Don Garlits' career virtually spans the history of drag racing. He began as a teen-age hot rodder in the early 19f;O's, racing through the streets of his home town of Seffner, Fla., near Tampa, or speeding across the Causeway at 90-100 mph to street-race against hot rodders in St. Petersburg, traditional rival of Tampa. ''We were just silly kids and took wild chances," he admits. "But I did learn all about building fa.st cars." In the mid-1950's, hot rodding was booming on the West Coast, and Eastern drivers like Garlits were starting to chal- lenge the California hot-shots. In a series of races, first in the South and then in CaJifornia, Garlits proved be was one of the best builders and fa.stat drivers in the country (the vexed Westerners nick- named him ·~The Swamp Rat"-a name Don gave to all his fuel drapters). Once be started winning, dragstrip op- erators were eager to pay him "show money" to race at their tracka. He aJso found that other drivers wanted him to build them fast dragsters similar to the ones he built for himself. Don opened a hot-rod garage in Seffner and quickly paid for it with race winnings. Today be builds dragsters costing $10,000 to f 15,000. During those early days, Garlits had a reputation as a hot-he.ad ("I maintain my cool now, though") who sulked or snapped at fans and officials when be Jost. On several occasions, Garlits announced he was quitting racing to concentrate on designing cars. Re really quit after the first big accident in 1959, but by the next year, he was back again. The hot- rod racing press began to joke about Gar- lits' "retirements." It might be noted that Garlits' first "retirement" took place before he had even begun to race seriously. When he was 20, be met pretty Pat Bieger and de- cided that "hot rodding" was no business for a serious suitor-so he gave it up. He and Pat were married in February, 1958 (they now have two daughters, Gay Lyn. 9, and Donna, 8). But the hot-rod bug bit again. "There's a lot more to drag racing than knowing how to build a fast machine or keeping it going in a straight line at 200 mph,'' ----SPORTS Daddy" Of the ~ In the wild world of high-speed drag racing, Don Garlits is the king Don says. "Fuel dragsters use exotic fuels like nitromethane, benzine, methanol, and you have to know how to mix them. You have to pick the right rubber compound for your racing tires. Temperature, hu- midity, and track conditiona have to be considered. "But moet of all, you need what amounts to a sixth sense about when the starting lights go from amber to green, and you go. When the cars are equal, a fraction- of-a-second advantage can mean the clif- f erence, and the ftrst man out of the hole is the winner only a few seconds later." Df:a9 racin9 itself changed during these * yean. The dragstera got leaner and futer. Parachutes had to be in.stalled to brake the fast machines. More fans began to show up at racea. Last year, an estimated 6 million spectators turned out to watch colorful drivers like Tom "The Snake" Prudhomme, John "The Zookeeper" Mil- ligan, Tom ''The Monroose" McEwen, and, of course, "Big Daddy" compete. But of them all, "Bil' ·Daddy" ia the king-a m&&'ician behind the wheel. At the recent 14th annual national drap at In- dianapolis Raceway Park, Garlits showed them how a maater handles bimaelf under presaure. By all rights, Garlits should have loet out in his ftrat-round run apinat Duke Ray. Garlits left the line ftrst, but Ray caught up and passed him. Then both machines suddenly lost traction. With a masterful use of bis accelerator, Garlits bit his tires into the asphalt fl.rat and shot ahead. Ray smoked bis enaine tryiq to catch up. · In the next round, Garlits "p•yched" bia opposition who hit the accelerator too hard and spun his amokinr til'e8 white Don shot ahead. The next racer fouled, and the next olle burned out hil motor. In the ftnal round, Don waa mat.ched against Steve Carbone, who had been steadily putting in some of the futeet timea at the meet. The "Christmas tree" start system began to blink. Carbone glanced nervously at Gartita, then looked again at the lirhta. Green! An explosion of sound and smok- illl' tires blasted down the track. Carbone tried too hard and smoked bis engine. Garlits bit the winner's tight at 226.7 mph, and collected the $10,000 ftrat-prize money and another national drag cham- pionship. When asked to evaluate bis perfor- mance, "Bir Daddy" gPinned and said simply, "lt'a just a tough business. Don't let anybody tell you different." • Tu Garlit. F"""ilr: Dota ad wif' Pat 10it~ ""'"'.,.. °"" .. (uftJ, a ad.Gtir Lp, 1. Fo...i. W..WW, Mcart:A I, 1111 11 -..,_=--· --. . . . . . .- Now ••• Plastic Cream · Revolutionizes · · i>e.ntu.re We8ring For the 8nt time 8Cience now ol- fera a unique plutic cream that holds fat. teeth almoet like Na. tu.re benelf bolda natJUal teeth. It fonman elaltic membrane that holds both ''uppers and lowen" .. never before. It'• Frxoomrr-a re¥0lutionary di9CO¥ely for daily home ..... So different ifa protected by U. 8. Patent #3.008,988. Fnooarr not only holda den- tur• finra~r. but it holda them MON co,,.fort.ohl)', too. It' a 80 eJM. tic you can bite harder, chew harder wilhout pain. You may even eat and e.VOy applea, ateak, corn-on.the-cob qain. Ftxoo&NT'• apecial pencil-pomt diapenaer lets ;you put it exactly where it'• needed. Avoida ooaiq over and caaint. Juat one application may lu"'t- 'round-the-cloclt. Even reaiata bot colfee. Denture• that fit ue M · aential to health. So tee yoau den. ti.at regularly. Get FrxoDSNT at all druc counters. lntrad11:in1 DIUI FllD·l·Dlinl: sa11 mints. 1 Thay taste taa gaad ! ta .Iii a laaatiu1. 1 New Feeo+mint soft mints taste lite after-dinner mints.. Minty. Bright. Tasty. But behind their tasty exterior is everything you need to get you back on schedule. Predictably ... aentty ... (the way f'een·.nllnt chewin1 gum laxative does). If you hive to taU 1 laxative, why not take one that doesn't tnte like one? ·----------------------~ • l I l ' . I . l . - • C-pl~IJ aaloa&lk op-,,..,'- • Procr•• IAdlca,.,. ..• ~: u:ft :f! == . =-~ m!n:=~ ·!~= blO Here's the most advanced. most convenient. most •' ttoubl•free way for you and your family to enjoy stereo music in your home -a way that frees you forever from records that scratch, warp and wear out ... from reef·~ tapes that tangte and break. tt•s the famous Columbia 8-Track TAPE CARTRIDGE PLAYER ... now you15. in a once-in·•lifetime offer, at a truly fabulous baraain price! With the Columbia 8-Track Player. you'll be able to enjoy' full stereo fidelity, plus the effortless conven· ience of 8-treck cartridges in your home! Cartridge t.pes play continuously -switch automatically from trad to tlKk ... and the Player provides superb ster· eophonlc sound reproduction rilht through your pres· ent home stereo record system! > Our reaular price for the 8-Track Cartridge Player Is $69.95-yet now, as part of this special introductory offer. you may talce the Player for only $14.95 when you join the new Columbia Stereo Tape Cartrida• Service and buy three cartridges of your choice at the regular Service price of $6.95 each. Your only obligation as a member of the Columbla Stereo Tape Cartridge Service is to purchase six .addi- tional cartridges during the coming year ... music you'd probably buy anyway! The Service will offer you hundreds of cartridges to choose from ... all described m the monthly Buying Gulde which you will receive free! You'll find 8-track cartridges from every field of music -popular, classical, folk, rock, Broadway, etc. -the best sellers from many different labels! You may accept the regular monthly selection .•. or take any of the other cartridges offered .•• or take NO cartridge at all that month -the choice is entirety up to you! Yow Own Charp Account! Upon enrollment, the Service will open a charge ac· count In your name. You pay for your cartridges only after you've received them and played them. They wiU be mailed and billed to you at the reaular Service price of $6.95 (Classical and special cartridges somewhat higher), plus a small mailina and handling charp. Free C.rtrid,es! You·u get an additional cartridge of your choice FREE for fNery two cartridges you buy, once you've com· pleted your enrollment agreement. That's like getting a 331fJ% discount on all the 8-track cartridges you want for as long as you want! Start enjoying the advantages of listening to all your favorite music on 8-track cartridges! Fill in the coupon now. and mail it with your check or money order for only $14.95. Your Player and the three stereo car· tridges of your choice will be sent to you promptly (along with a bill to cover mailing and handling charges and your fil'5t t hree cartridges). COLUMBIA STEREO TAPE CARTRIDGE SERVICE Terre Haute, Indiana ·---------------------, COt.UMalA STDIO TAPE CAlftlDGI SUVtcl ,_. .............. .,.. Pl-enroll me u a m ember, and eend me the Col111111>M 1-Trec:lr C•rt""9e Pl4.,,er d e.crlbed b ere. I am encl.o.lnc my cbec:lk or mon.,. order ror tl4.9$. (Complete atldac-UOn la SUU&Dtffd or IQ1 m9D8" •Ill be refunded ln full.) AlllO Mild me UMM three cartrtdges, bllllnc me St.95 eacb, ptua m&Wnc and bandllnc ror tho Playu and ~ PW lD DWllbera: I I ,...I --...,, I I 425-4/IC Aa a -ber or 1be Se"ice. my only obUgaUon LI to pur-c.bue u few u llJC addl\lonal cartrtdge. durtng the com-lnC rear a\ the regular 8'"tce price. a.nd I may cancel my -benb.lp a\ l&DY Ume lbereafwr.111 conunue, I am w recet" an S-\r&ek cartrldf e of my cholce P'RD for n ery \wo adcllUon&l eelecUoDll purcb&N . .................................................................. ,.,._ .,._., fln t 11... l•lllal l.ut Na- ................................................................... City ••••••••••.••••••• ·••••••• •• 1 ..................... li, ........... . 11 YoU wlab to cbarce the C09\ of the Player and yow Arst Uuw car\rtdpl. plus nuullng and h andling, to your credit cant. cbec:t one and 1111 In your accoun\ number below : 0 t7n1-cud 0 Banll.Amertcard I CalJf omta reedalta only) O Dlnen Club O Maa1er Cb&rp 0 American Jbl)re9 0 MldwlSt 8&n.t Card .. _ .......................................................... . I si,..e.. ........................................................... . ·-----------------~tl~-- BEAUTY oiffares in the • ~ Spanish manner Jn.rpired by el matador a 11ouag, awirii"ll coif-· fure, created for alwrt tru1u, 1pcwta a real- ltair pigtail a-t ~k t-0 give La.ti" autMfttieit11. By ROSALYN AHR.EVA.YA "R OMANCE IS JN THE AI&. Clothes are going softer and more feminine. Hairdos have to complement the trend," says master stylist Pierre ilenri. While he recog- nizes that "the young may want to look like each other, a real woman wants to look as nature intended!" For inspirafion, Pierre Henri went to the Prado museum in Madrid, where he was so taken by the hair arrangements in the Goya and Velasquez portraits there, he was determined tb translate them into a mod~m idiom. Result? The Spanish-inspired coiffures here, exclusively created for FAMILY WEEKLY. Many of them, for long hair, are composed of a chignon-massed at the back of the bead to enhance the profile or make the neck appear longer-with braids and tendrils usually finishing off each coiffure. But for the short-haired. Pierre Henri baa created a m&88 of ring- lets caught up at the back by a col.eta., the traditional pigtail of the bullfighter.• \..•.. .. A 11t.U.r, fnet"01U nop of ltoir u m ""1.er for tl&u fn'rel., C01tCei'1«i. Mirdo, t011.ie1& f .t;wa " elauic low cl&igtt.01& at tl&e btu;k, toitl HV#al etcrl11 wilf)I at tempi.ea to add to it. •rMtMtrr. Under Pierre HM&ri'a deft fi"17er1. a COMrtl11 coiff ttre emerges: chignmu gatlured 11.p at ea.ch 1ide with 8'Ul1/ t.endrih (tlu pi"'"°" ki1td) k?i- derly placed in. each Ofte for regal atkmtment. All hairdos eucuted by Piefre "-wl, Styi. Dlf9CW .t the W.. ffftti A-'-ty W- 0-.W -'-Y ............... "-i ...... C-t. Beauty fl"Olft Head to Toe F«MUJI W Hlcl~ laa• «rra."gt'd 4 beaut11 krg«i" for it. 110Ntli- miwkd r~s. Fo?ir books f or the pric~ of cme. a 11,.,.go la.rc&rN Utcltldi"ll: "From Te._ to Twmt11-B~11 I~ a.KYUnO- iwg H0W1," "TA. ABC'e of B.a..t11," ''llotl&M'. I'd R4tl.er B•JI It Mre(!lf," CJftd Dr. Jo11u BrotJt.,._• "WOMOn." Sntd 11_,8 ,,,_ 36f •l&ipfri?tg t.o "8(!4tl.tJ1". Libr«r"N, D•pt. Al!1 /I. Bos 107, Gnlftd Cetttral Statioft, NettJ York, N.Y. 10011. Fa.mill WMklr. JlCJrclt. I, llll 11 w Where do you fit in? Are you a swimmer, skier, surf er, sailor ••• ? H you love sports, if you love being on the go, you prob- ably use Tampax tampons. That's right, Tampax taJn. pons, the sanitary protec- tion wom internally. Makes those monthly problems"- !leelll to disappear. You can~t feel a Tampax tampon when it's properly in placle. Ocb can't form became the tam· pon doean 't come ia ooat8ct with the air. There'• no embarrassing bulge, no dis- comfort. No more pins, pads and belts. If you fit into the ac.- tion picture there ehoald ~ no puzzling 1"'er sanitary protection. Tampu tam- pons, that'• all. ..._ ... ....._ __ T_,.-T-• ~ _.,. --T~AICIHC-T&D ... ~-I ) A f t 1 , ' I 1 , l J j , I j 1 t ' l tl -----·---=-~---------------------------......... 1....-.. MIRACLE VALUE FASHIONS BY·llAIL FIOI .. LANA LOBELL SATISFACTIOll GUARAITUD OR MONEY BACK! r.------------------~ Ulla LlllU, ...... '-· 17311 llft.11447 Mdmf.__ __________________________ _ CttJ ... ....... ... -• followfllr. lmt# ---lat calaw 2Mtolof "1et A-2l407 -. -·----... 21415 .. 2:U01 WIOOI C.2I01' ...,.... IKIOIM. Md ~1:;taa1 .... "-111111 =c.r Int*-' llld for uclt , .... • C.0,.0.-f2.,00 Deposit tK_. for ucll ltllll. • 0 ~ fltdnM for Ctlnlllt ...... AU. COUii .. LOllU. fAIHION CATAl.OI. - 0 fLOO ~ tor Olll Yllf't Sublertptloft. .. e UM L*'1 IMC. 1• TOTAL • L------------------~ f AMILY WIDLY C00D00K ·Pleasing ·Recipes MELANIE DI PROFI' Food Editor . • PIBNpple '9 one ef tile moec nnatlle ef Ira.lie. The ...-•g ...........,. Ila made It euy for homemaken to pwl k ha ...ta dielaea, .. a.da, and drink.a u well •• in dee.rte. So Jet•• point ap the pleaeuree of. pineapple. Jiffy Pineapple Sandwich Butter and toast EngU..h •ulln halves. Cover with hot ea...llaa...tyle MCOB allcee. Spoon bot· claeeee AUCf (a favorite recipe or prepared from a mix) over sand- wiches. Top with sldJlet-browned pineapple allcee. Sprin- kle with chopped chives, if desired. Pork 'n' Pineapple in Ginger Sauce I tWck .. rk elaops, fat trl•• .. 1 eaa (I lb. 'Ya oa.) piMapple duuab 1 eaa 0'% -.) el'11.111aed piMapple Ya eup elaoppM onioa I 1 ap..._, ~ np .... wiae Tiaepr 2 tabieepoeM Mf Aaee I larse elone garlie, aiMed 1 Y2 to 2 tableapoou croaad giJager I tableepooa CToaacl coriaader 2 taapooae corutareh I taepoeaaalt 2 pkp. (9 os. euh) frozea Italian-style ll'ffD beam • .._wed aliptl7 to eeparate 2 cape •atebtick e.arrot stripe 1. Brown chops on both sides in a skillet. 2. Meanwhile, mix together in a large shallow baking dish. the pineapple, the next five ingredients, and a mix- ture of apices, cormtarch. and salt. 3. Put chops into the baking dish and spoon sauce over them. Cover tightly with aluminum foil. 4. Cook in a 325°F. oven 46 min. 5. Tum chops over. put beans and carrots over top, and spoon sauce over all. Continue cooking until meat and vegetables are tender, about 86 min. 6. Serve with Instant whipped potatoes (prepare accord- ing to package directions). 6 1erving1 Buttered Pineapple Frozen SaJad Ya cap butter or margarine 2 tableepoou rec•lar all-purpose flour 2 tabae....-. .. ,... Few sral•ealt 1 % npe pilteapple eynp 1 teaepoon Jeaoa jwiee 1 eu (•boat IS oa.) pbleapple ticlbita. draiHCI (aboat I cup) I can (15 to 16 os.) erashed piDeapple. drained (aboat 1 cap) % eap oraa.,. llediOllll (about 2 mediu•-si.sed oraape), cut ia Yi-ia. pieces Yi cup marucbhlo cherriee. cat in quart.en ... tlloroughJy drained 2 cape miniat• ... •anhmaJlowa ~ cup eho11pe4 uked Pff.&U 1 eap dull .. heaYy cream, whipped to eoft peab 1. Heat butter or margarint? in a heavy saucepan. Blend in a mixture of ftour, sugar, and salt. Heat until bubbly . 2. GraduaJJy add the pineapple syrup, stirring con- stantly. Bring to boiling; stir and boil 2 min. 3. Remove from beat and stir in lemon juice. Cool; chill thoroughly . 4. Lightly toss pineapple with oranges, cherries. marsh- mallows, and pecans in a large bowl. Add the chflled dressing And mix to coat. Fold in the whipped cream. : • wHh Pineapple Buttery touted Engluh. 111uf/im. Catt.adi4K-8111le bacon, l'heese aattl'e, and pineappl.e are quicld'JI put together for a. /lot jiffy breakfut acuulwich 10hich everycnu will en.joy. 5. T\Jrn into a 13x9-in. pan. Cover pan with aluminum foil; freeze until firm. 6. Allow salad to soften slightly before serving. Cut into squares and place on chilled salad plates. Garnish with sprigs of watercress. About 16 aenJinga Pineapple-Coconut Rread 1 ~~ cup11 sifted regular aU-parpo&e lour % teupoons baking powder 14 teaspoon baking soda Yl teupoon salt 14 cap butter or marr:arinc ~ <'UP lir:htly packed lir:ht bro"·" sugar J el(f{ 1 can (8% or 8~ oz.) crushed pineapple (1 cap und rained) Yi cup coarsely chopped pttalltl Y, <'UP laked coconut % <'DP semisweet chocolate piecn 2 tablespoons augar Yi teaspoon ~uad t'inna•on 2 tablcepoons l aked coconut 1. Sift flour, baking powder. baking soda, and salt ~ get her; set aside. 2. Cream butter or margarine. Gradually add the brown sugar, creaming well. Add egg and beat thoroughly. 3. Mixing until blended after each ai.dditlon, alternately add dry ingredients and undrained pineapple. Stir in pecans, t he 1h cup coconut, and chocolate pieces. 4. Turn batter into a greased (bottom only) 81hx4'hx21h- in. pan and spread to corners. Spoon a mixture of sugar, cinnamon, and remaining coconut evenly over top. 5. Bake at 350°F. 65 to 60 min. 9r until bread teats done. Set on wire rack 6 min. before removing bread from pan. Serve warm. 1 loaf bre4Cl Fu1Kil'N Weckllf, Marclt. I, Jiii 1S How to get rich The Secret Start Now Cash by Mail Free Proof I I ......... I , .......................................... ,. ............ .. Cllr ................................................. lllJ ..... . ~------------------BACKACHE& Trurlft&I IKOllNIY TO IUUIUR IWf all'ATIOll Common Kidney or Bladder Irrlt&-Uona make many men and women !ffl teollf and mnoua from frequent. burnlna or ltdl~naUon nlpt an4 day. Secondar , w may Joee &Jeep and baw H . a.ckache and feel ol~STttrM. depl' .. ell. In IUCh c:aaee. EX usuJ\T llr1ftlll rel&xlnr c:omtOl'l by cw-blq trrltat-'"' senna In acid urine and quickly euJna pal11.GetCYSTEX a1Clr\lal8U. FALll TllTH KLUTCH Wds ...._ flllal• KU1l'CR --• _ .................. .......................... .. ,.. --.. 1111111 •• pae. ......... ~-~---­.. -11 .. wltll aataraJ ...... It._.. ..._ .. __._ ._., .~ ................ u,.. ,w --'t .... 1'Ntdt. ... ,. ..... ~-·111 ........... !0f .... .m ..n ,_. ,__ tN1 boa. IUTCll Cl.. Ill teec, lllllra, L Y. 14112 DECORATE CAKES NEW EASY WAY! Nothi~ lib it i.n the "°1tdl Ju.tout! Bis 8 s 11 ~ incbea. Full ol IOf1l'80U8 pictu,. in full color. lbciting. -Complete. 180 Pqes. 148 in color! G4ws you '.tep-by·ltep direc&m on how to ~ the _,. beautiful alkee wer, for putim, anniwnariee, birthdays, weddi.np, celebntions. Diecowr hidden talent yoa MYer knew you hid. Rave fun! Show om !'ct ~! Offer may. nwer apin be npeated in th.is pubbcation. Mall m your $1 today! Dept.nr.n,Wiltoa Ea terpriaee, US W. 115tlt streeb Olean 11& HNS •01111 Y fl 0111 YOU WH JON'S CAICI AND DICORAflNG 800Kf CLEAN EST, EASIEST, SAFEST Way To Rid MICE {d-~~~ I -------------~~ ~~ NOW! Rid 1out ...._al mice earn-~ wtth d-CON• MCMl9H'raf•.&.be amumr !DOC* ldlMr Ulat'1-wt DflCTM ••. hie twice• much rno.H:illl111 incNdieat u ~ bnnclia. It'• an iapadilnt. bJtlleU.S. ~t. a......-r MD umst ... Juet pull tab-Mii ,_.. autolnlaatialb'. IAIUT .•. wlMD ...S •directed, lale aroand dalldlW aad pet.I. No wonder lilou11-Prufe out.aella all cKIMr ~ ldUan comblned- cH:OI MOUSE·PRUFE _, _____ .. __ '--, ·-... n. ................ ......., ., 111..U r--, .. -.. - --... --n• ....... .,, .. ,. ... ., ... ,.,., . .., _.. ............ ,.,. .. ..., ,....,.. r-., ._.._ -·-,_ -.... ~ ,_, ~· ....... y ........ ., -! YONEY-SAVING NURSERY BARGAI From House Of Wesley Bloomington, Illinois -~ERY SPECIAL I FOUR-YEAR-OLD 10" TO 18" Colorado Blue Spruce Yee .•. that'• right ... now you can purchaae the beautiful 'Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea 3 filJR $1 pungena glauca} for leea than a 1allon of gu to run the lawn mower! That'• le. than 34 cent.a apiece when you order three ... And only a quarter (7 fw $2.GOt (l•ter ... .., each when you order 16! Imag- ilfllt. Sixteen strong, well rooted, nicely branched, northern nuraery grown aeedlinp for only $4.00! The me you will receive will be just right for tram- planting, Excellent for use u comer grouJ)9, windbreab, or u individual apecimena. Buy now and have the added pleasure of shaping your treea juat the way you want while you watch them grow. Order today and eave at theee unusually low priaw. ' Changes I rom while to pink lo purple in your yard! Sensational. color-changing HYDRANGEA !.~!.~$1 ea. (J for $2.50) (6 for $4.50) In midAummer this breath- taking, "color cnang~ng" Hydrangea Tree (Hyd. P.G.) i9 coveftd with hun-cheda of mow-white ftowen. In Augua~t the flowers turn a beautiful bluish-· and, finally, in the fall, to a roy purple. An exceUent tree for specimen or ornamental planting. Especially nice in group& of three. Easy to pow. Fut growing. You receive choice l~'-3' treee guaranteed to have a strong, vigoroua root system. Enormoua bloom• Y••r •ft•r yHr I Versatile Ground Corer I Send No Money CREEPING RED SEDUP, Rod< gonlens, bonlen, edglng9, under shady 4 for 1 00 trees, and steep banks will be alive wtth Orders kw $2.50 or more _. rKehe TWO ROSE OF SHARON shrubs ab- IOlutety frffl Na 1·2' size. LoWIY bloom• al summer. Orders for $5.00 Of ...... In addition ., first bonus. wfll also~t THREE FREE RfD TWIG DOGW I S..utlful all y.. shrubs: Red at In wintet, cluaten of white flowers In 1prln1. than lush 1raan ..,..,.. AND ••• aN Otdars, raprdtass of amounti' will receive an amazin1 AIR Pl.AN LEAf -Fr"I Place your order today I . No other tree in the world quite like /he LILY-OF-THE- VALLEY TREE reg. $1.50 now pretty green shade tree into Every July, this tree changes $1 almost overnight from a a white cloud of thousands ea of ftowen like perfect Lilies-• of-the-Valley. The second (J ,_ $2..50) miracle happens in the fall (I,_~ with the fi111l frost. which cauaes the whole tree to turn to a ftaming red. One of the most bt'autiful and unusual of all trees (0xydendrum a rboreum}. Grows to 30'! You receive 2 to -4' top- notch collected trees. Make your selections on the order coupon and mail today. On delivery, P.ty your postman for the items plus C.O.D. charees. We P.tr poMage on prepaid orders. I• - - -CU' THIS EASY OIOH llANal - - -• HOUSE OF WESlEY, NURSERY DIVISION I I I.I. #1 Datte. "3'•104 ............ Ill. 61701 I ,.._ ~ .... .._ di.di..t w.. I NOW ll1M MANY NO. fl1M COIT 174 BLUE SPRUCE carefree color when you plant Creeping Red 11 fer $l.J5) 112 * S2.SO) I Sedum (Sedum Spurlum, Dragon's Blood). 124fw $4.J'S) 14! fer St.251 I Just place theee hardy, northern nurMfY ~iO.G.iO.IO.IO.lfl..tO.tll..ifW 242 CREEPING REO SEl>UM .,,, • lllY-Of·'fME·VAUEY TREE 154 HYDRANGEA Tl£E grown plants about one foot apart and watch ll'{ll'UIU'Ul'llTUUU re I I them take over! Fiii troublesome areaa with ~ GUARANTEE ~ CNOll• a-..,....,_ W-l 8 neat 3--C" tall cover thet spreads fast. yet ~ ::. ~-= .. !;.,:. I ' D Mr PM ...._ """" -.. 2 •-ef •-..._ I doesn't need pruning. Depend on It for bright ~ t11H _, .;. ~=.~C O My SS.• .,,._ <• -> •IM -"""--te J I. T. he•_. red, atar-hb flowers from June through September-attractive, thick semi-evergreen ::t!''w11~ • ... (Al ............... ef __., wlll ....... • ..... Air,._. &4111) foll11g9 thereat of the year. even In sub-zero weather. Send $1.00 for 4, $1.75 for 8, or :; =.-;: =::' •. ~-:.: , ,,... I 12.50 for 12 hMhhy plMta. Fully guaranteed. 11a11t.) ~---------------- HOUSE Of WISUY, NURSERY DIVISION -Bloomington, llHnoh 61701 JI~~ ~"'-___ ~ __ ~ _ :J , TOTAL COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF MARCH 8 • MARCH 14 .WILSON' t OOOll tWlal'W .... DOWll 17'.tlM Me. ,.._Ta• Uc.,.. OR.....,., DI'* CNlllt ........ ~ ......... .., .......... IALll .. ,.· '.: .. te 10 , ... 7 De;. 592-5511 6:2 5:3 7'! 7:1 7.: .. 1:1 a:: a:; a:: 9: 9: 10: I...._: See OeytlrM Mowin. z:301~1~~J'..A.~ (C) 1~-=-~ Mowlel. Tnlllt • c.u,Hncee (C) ww ·-- -(C) ., .---. (j) S..., T..., (C) GtM m holta. .._ W, (C) 10:3011 Cl) Diet Y•· .,,._ .._ IF...., ...... ltlti DDUT lilt 4:GO •Mr. Ed; ...... : See ~· ••• () f? • • I •• I . (j) m Heltf••d s.--N~Ffa .......... , ••• <C> MOvi-. Monet.~ runday. ~ eter Marshall hosts. Jim Lit \JIJ ""' -I Galt _. IS=::. ~side °" (C) z:55 ~ un@;'N.c ,.... (C) flOyd 2 We!.::':;""" <C> 11:001 • ~ £~. ~ (C) ,.IKilbe~ UMletW ... (C) 4:JO = ::.::~ Mo¥lts. ~~ ·--· P.1.Q. (C),!:nls James r.ta. ..._~Bonda. ;~~Jii...<C> ~mc....i.....,....(C) Cf:111T•=~ m ... ,., .... <C> ~ '-1'~ <C>; ,..,..., <C> ~ m .... .,...... Ci 6:20 Clwt Us Tllls DIJ/NIWI (C) 11:251J QI) Ci) CBs Ntw1 (C) Dou&IH onla only. ~a Pim P1rtr 6:30 S-lle s....-(C) EdWlrds. ii MIUHI: Don Rodewald. ... T.a (C) =·=(C) 11:308Cill(j)-fwT-..(C) IS _,.. __ , .. 1:-(C) f.dlatieul Fubns ~ Cil m r:,. ,... <C> em J:is a,.::-:> Don wi11on. • ~.!:'SC. tc>; cm ... -<~-· TldllUal CefMr Cullen hosts. 8 .. Ice (C) FrtcllJ OnfJ. 7:00 ~ {_C) 1J T1le An.W...., c1.. (C) Al 3:30 UcQ hif (C) Geoff Edw1rdl Ptpy Fltmlftl It futurtd. (R) QI 00 IE Tiit TtdlJ SMw (C) ~m~. (C) hosb. 111'1 Mil.a f_.., ug~s =sCloria (C) 11:45GNews (C) • D MAYOR SAM YORTY ~!!.!~ nie.a... .._ (C) Mr. Witll ..... (C) 11:55 0 @ 00 ID NIC ..._. (C) Ed· * "LOS ANGELES PER· ~ ~ Sllow (C) F1H1 ttie e.t (C) win Newman. SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL ( ~:J: ~~.(~~~IN~-;;R~&.~:= ~r;;~; nri son hosts. 12:00 IJ tMtilpit (C) Stew Dunne and only. A fiw·mlnute talk. ,.,_,. I · (C) I Rllipa flltllra (C) Whitney Blake co-host. B DMra CMrt (C) 1'1111 Dir Hit (C) "' Fliltitoln (C) 19 (j) m Hlddttt Fas (C) @ Cl> GB°"' lift Tt u.. (C) .....,. (C) Hollo llllJ (C) ~ns (C); c.Mi•I Wttll Ctr· 1-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1:00 a a Ci) C.,Uill "-•int (C) ffe.l Wednesday. I With Bob Keesh1n. I~ fll ~nd Elwell 0 lie labpittlf (C) · ID Mialrtr Moae (C) I:: :i Pt..w..t 1:15@ Cl) Video Diltlt (C) Cl) UMlettlf SMw (C) a:ZS e c.. .. NtJ 1111ttti11 1oan1 <c> 12:30 I a Cil As ... w..w T11m <C> 1:30 I Clr1Dtlls (C) . @ (j) m .,.,. .. °'' u. ,.,.,. (C) Macdonald Carey sta11. AMllmts of 5H1bJ (C) ~{C) Cl) Wlbstw Wtbfoet (C) @ &) f_, YM SllMW t:OO In.. l~ ._ All (C) Thaxton hosts. • @ (i) m S.ap ........... (C) I ... : See Daytime Movies. Host EdMcMahon welcomes David DWlq fer Dtlln (C) Hartman and Linda Kaye for this Ttdlaicll t«Mr week. 12:55 D (ffJ (})EB Qlld,..'1 Docter 8 ltlft It to ltMf (l} Tuesday-Thursday. Lendon H. .._: See Daytlme Movies. Smith. M.D. JaclUe Joseph Is hostess. 1:00 u~ loft 11 I MllJ Sp-. I; ct'~~ u. .. (C) I ID aJ.fJ.,.. DodtrJ (C) hctJ Md His Frietldl (C) N.u.ul.,tllllt; D111i1 1t1i1, (I) Aa1J Critfttll (C); A.I Cit· ed.-Fri. • -.., Fri. IJ (HJ (I) &J Orel• Heat (C) 9:25 D @ 00 @m NIC NIWS (C) Nan· Mike Darow hosts. cy Dickerson. ES CotlMdltJ ud S_. lttpOft 9:30I1(1) IMf1J Hllbilllu (C) 1:301 a Cl)"' , .... UOt l @ 8' c.c.trdH (C) @ (j) 8' AMilMr w.ld Bob yton hosts. Mlt Ulil; flttler ...... IJ MtM: See Daytime Movies. ed.-Fri. Johnny Grant hosts. D <i7J (I)&> let's M* • 0... I ........ DUIN ~ Monty Hall hosts. 0.1is dM ....... Q)WOftd MMmft. (C) Mon., f.dlation•I Futura (C) Wtd., Fri.; Travel WIUI DOii alld (JJIUJdttt'• tt.ppenln1 (C) httlu, (C) Tues., Thura. 10:0011• Crifftdt %.:OO!Es.a.t .. (C) 9(1) m ,..._ (C) Holt 8DYM DM't llJ (C) llrry ~ wtlcol'MI *" $tlltr, Offt ..... Anne MNta ind NIPMY lbmlft, 8 LAIW TW M; ~ .._. who discuss the inner l**>f'lllties tit W.W. (C) Wtd. al Robert Vauatin, f>l1Yllis Diller, IJ (ff} Cl) &J •tk••11114'••MI t... (C) Steve Allen, James Ear1 Jones. and Bob E ubanks hosts. June Allyson. 0) Mewle: Ste Oaytim• Movies. ··we h•d so HOMEOWNERS- ~:tiiim~~~h~~ BORROW $500 to $10,000 pay on our car, OR MORE -BY PHONE! color tv, appll-,.ymenta It low " • n c e s • a n d $4.11 monthly•! other bills th1t No peyments for 4 monthsf I got behind in UNION'S PAYMENTS ARE AS LOW OR the pay"'ents on our home, LOWER THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY and was afraid we'd lose It. IN CALIFORNIA • Only $6.61 per month• on "Then my wife went to the each $500 borrowed includes hospitAI, and more expenses both principal and interest - piled up. I was so worried I repays your loan in full! couldn't sleep, but thank Cash In 24 hours. on request, goodness I told my troubles to with good title . . . whether our Church Minister. your homt is paid for or not. "He advised me to call Union Your understanding loan coun· Home Loans-•nd right on the selor can approve your loan phone they arranged • $3,500 on the phone, •nd arr•nge for loan th•t paid off all our bills you to make no payments for and saved our home -with 6 months. So call Union DAY cash left over!" OR NIGHT and a•t out of dtbtl M LM K ftard Gr •LOlft lllltUfff Ill 10 yun. Sllorttr l r. • ·• -.., Ovtt 1on1er term 1oa111 av11111>1a. In GARDEN GROVE call Mr. Miles ........ 539-2122 In LOS ANGELES call Mr. Ralston . . . .... DU 5-4141 AL'S APPLIANCI Sales A: Service Washers-Dryers-Refrigerators Dish was hen: Service Specialists! 1 "9 Oraft11e, Coeta M ... 64i..s7s Home Appliance Service &: Repair. Also Heating &: Air Conditioning. 24 hour service. LEI HUFF 51511'-4lft99r, Hunt1ntton IMch 142-72'7 Of 147-5611 FOSTER'S APPLIANCE REPAUt A;ll makes, all models. Work guaranteed! See Rusty 17115 lrookhurat Fountain Valley ffl-12M 546-2• THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5671, ext. 325 VETS IONDED PAINTING Free estimates, licensed, Insured. Small jobs welcome. '42'"'427 lnterlor -Exterior Any size job. Excellent work. References. Free estimates. call JIM & COMPANY M2-t66t '46-l74t INTERIOR PAINTING Apts. or houses by job or room Low off season rates. Quall ty work! 192-1643 anytime Painting, paperlng. 16 years in Harbor area. Ucensed and Bonded. References furnished. HAROLD C. WATSON 22J7Avalon St., c .. ta M ... 642-235' YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe -REDECORATE alks pool decks, floors. patios Any.size job, work guaranteed Reasonable I Serving Harbor Area '42-1514 CONCRITI SPECIAL TIES Replace asphalt with concrete -driveways, patios, sidewalks Custom work,· Laguna, Lag}.lna Niguel, Mission Viejo areas. 4f6..3704 All types concrete work for the home. Patios, driveways, pool decks, sawing, etc. Licensed · Bonded Exoert work. Reasonable. PHILLIPS CEMINT 541 '* Concrete Specialist-all tpyes. Pool decks and custom. Work guaranteed 30 years experience call JOHN 541-1J24 CAL'S PLUMllNG Plumbing Repair No job too small 642-3121 DEAN PLUMllNG SERVICE 24 hours. All problems. Wor~ guaranteed. Llcel'\SOO -Insured 711 W. Floy4 Clrcle, Sant• Ana 531-75'6 anytlnw IUD HALDERMAN PLUMllNO 24 hour service, Beach area. Licensed bonded. Expert work. 20 years in Orange County. Discount prices! 6754124 Quallty ~ Plu'!lth'!I ST AN c-JaV ·~·· ca-<illfl...._. .. , Pturnben, Inc. 271 lucknell Coeta M ... 541-7502 Students working their way thru college. Experienced, Ucen!led, REAS! 646--4203 Gardening, lawn renovation. Complete garden maintenance! Reasonable! JOI CORRAL 1tH2 Salmon Lane HuntlngtOR IMch K2-4764 DICK'S GARDINING Reliable yard care. home and commercial. Alao cleanup. 1"4 Arnolt4 Ave., C•ta M ... M2-M7a Cleanup Specialist-mowing, edging odd jobs and light moving. Reasonable. call DICK 541-6ts5 2014 Federal Ave., Coeta M ... WOODY CONSTRUCTION tompany of ,.untaln Valley Ucensed contractor. Build. remodel, repair. Brick, block, coN:rete carpentry. ~ No Job too small. K2-6t4S A-1 CARPENTRY Any size Job. Expert work. Reliable! GORDON CHURCHES 147-6745 Repairs-Alteratlons-Cabinet11 Any size job 25 years experience. Work guaranteed. call IOI HEISEY 541-6713 Remodeling -Additions Fine work. Uc. and Ina. LOS f'ADltlS CONITil. CO. <Ucensed Contractors> 627 I'. Co.at Hlthway L..gun• IMch 4f7 .. 1"5 w 494-4151 " ... House Cleaning Quality Work Call Us! IROOKS CLIANING SIRV. 1111 Clay St., t'"'pert leach 642-2112 anytime CRYSTAL JANITORIAL & WINDOW CLIANINO Complete Janitorial service. Business, residential and construction cleanup. Free estimate. 541-a7J7 DISCOUNT CLEANING SIRVICI Carpet, upholstery specialists. Work guaranteed Fast Service! !.> call SJt-1456 MllA CLIANING llRVICI Complete cleaning, carpets, floors. etc. Realdentlal- Comrnercial. Special rates for apt. cleaning. 8 years in area. Many referencea. Call Dick Mi-4111 AL'S APPLIANCI T.V. Sales & Service Expert. reasonable repair In your home! 1sn Orange, Coeta M ... '42-6575 MILLS TILIVlllON Laguna Beach to San Clement Complete service and reoa.lr. Warranty station for RCA. South Coast Area MIU Coaat Hwy., Dene Point 4K-1744 •n...u11 ROY IULLA'I ITIVINI T.V. Quality work for 16 years. Home or shop service. AU makes---O>Jor or BltW 1t5i NewllJOf't llvd., c .. ta M ... 541 ,, .. IAYVllW T.V. Complete Color and Black It White service 20056 Sant• AM Av.. Santa Ar.a N46U SATURDAY MARCH 8 I ~ I • • I •• ( • Rod Tari«. Jellic.I Tlftdy, Tipp! Hedren, SUUnne PlelMta. 9...-. (C) ..... ....,. (mull· eel) '46-frtd Altllrt,"Bln1 Crolby, Joan Ceulfleld. ............. AMAln.t Jm (60) (R) ' .. -..... (C) (30) Dea-t.J (60) ''l'tle Wor1d 1.•11111 _., ..._ (C) (&O) • Kurt Weill" (R) UOOCD.......,... CC> .,..._ ,.,..... C ) t:JOaSCI).....,. ludlllt (C) fJ ... CftJ (C) (60) Sam Riddle {lO) JaCI SMldon Joins the cat holta. resulars lfl 1 Gay Nineties vtrlion 11111 ,.....,. (C) (60) of .. Sttollln1 Throulh the Part" u l:JO U .IC ......... (C) (30) Hoottrvlllt makll 1n .U·out ttfort ...., llilr (C} (30) to rallt funds for 1 new dlurdt I LM LllCJ (3o) n ~ at llftar (30) (R) (!!CJ) 0) WJa'ctd hllce ........ lptdll Wltll 11111 .(60}bllnt ROii ind Tht SU· .. (C) • .• pretltltl ..... ~ to Elbtl I .. Ftmr (C) W1tlr1, Sottpy Stiel, S.mmy Short, 7:IO t1I (]) CIS &eell1 ..... (C) 1nd Stevie Wonder. @<I) Ropr Mudd. 1-<C) (30) D UllC s.w, <C> (30) Bob n. •11•11 F•leJ CC> (30) Wrflhl t.. C1 ,... . 11.. (C) (30) 10:00 B f1I (I) M11lll (C) (60) Man- .., D.,. (C) (30) nli 1lmost loMS his .cretary wt.en *' Cmidf• St. ht t.lls her that ht ~ her a IJ .._ (C) (60) Tht lllW boyfriend of btlnr the "'1 run vibrant Jeck Cassidy celebrates St in the theft of forty.five cartoni al Patrick's Dty It C.ssidy's Irish Pub morphine. Robtrt Hooks of NYPO 1lon1 with Jackie De Sh1nnon, Mic· luesb. key St.1u1hnatr. Marie Willoft, fJ MeiN: ........., w.-a.. Fred and Mickle AM, Jin Deity, ..,.,. (dr1m1) '65 -Julie Bllfl, Joe Won1 ind The Back Porch Mi· Claudt Rat. jority. 1-(C) (30) NET ...... , (60) (R) NET,..,..._ (90) (R) I w..-. ., t11t Wtt1d CC> (30) EtMlt r ... CC> (30) 7:30 ~ ....... (C) (60) ..... -i: ony hnnett. Mitton Btr1t, Nlpaey lO:JO D TJLE. Cit ( .. , (30) RUSllll Ind Jackie Vemon auest. 1111..tce Wotdrd Prtdidl (C) II U ~ :;-·~ ~ <~?~ ~>-w• <C> <30> l:nroe, Bobby lord, Tex Ritter and IS HtltJwed lld t11t ... =~ct~·;.:· DIU111 c... ll:OOI L 8 .!Z."m ~ [ft. (Cl {JOfllm Lanrt hosts. btrJ etlla the hOoplt from the Pau· a ...... s llowit: "lift,....... '.!! Pmllon .. ucu mttta USC. iii" (western) '$8-P1ul Newmtn, 11J llnlflllld r,_. JerdM CC> llltl:::,n. ef .._ (C) (30) 11:155...._ 5Z MM: CC? "'l1lls Eatellra ....... f~(. (comedy) 58 l:OO 9 ~ ID let Slalft (C} (30) R11~ John SUon, Al•· • eadilde. • l;1d8'dt (Ronald lonf), la Smith, curt urpns. :o::ic:,ir~u:s. :::-.m:::: D .. THE LIST OF ADRIAN t1nu1lly blunders across his Jobt-* MESSENGER"! SINATRA, Maxwell Smart. LANCASTER MITCHUM, Pont~~~ <C> (60) Monte DOUGLAS! CURTIS! ! ! D tm (])aJ n. .. ...,_. 11 .. I (JO)BobEub1nks hosts. J1-lrw11: Mtn te Ma11 (C) ) (R) m ~ Wiit (C) (30) "Rifts and the River," A trip down tht Green River. (R) I NET Festini (60) (R) NVIVI Cite Malcll l:lO a Cl) My l1nt Sona <C> (30) le' a Latin pen pal 1stonlaht1 him by showin1 up In Ptr10fl at tht Douit11 home, 1nd Uncle Ctl•rftJ creates an International Incident when he uses his sailor's Spanlsll on tht ~· rl's attractive duenna. 11 ~ ID Tiit li.t u4 Mrs. Mllr 3a,'ri!': = B:;; ~ (C) (60) I ....... (C) (30) ~ .... ... t:OO ,~~. 11'1 ...... (C) (30) 1121NIC~Mw­it tllnla" (horror) '63- ...... D SttlnllJ Nl&tlt Mtwlt: "1111 Ult ttAdriM ......... (drlml) '63 -Georr• c. Scott. °'"' Wyntlr, Clive Brook. Tony CUrtla, Kirk Dour· las. Burt Llncester, Robert Mltdlum. Frank Slnttra. 11:•1 m Ttlfcllt .. <C> ,..._ <C> n.~(C) r..n '•••• 11:45 m a..t Sltlr'dlJ: "Arsenic Ind Old Llct." 11:40 G Mewlr. '"Pl11k'° (dr1m1) '63- Jlnlne Gray, Glyn Houston. 12:00 m n s...t Sbtp 12:30d)C..... Sablrdly: "Roed to tht BTi Houle.'' 1:001-IC\ Mewtt:·...-u...,_. Min" (mys. ttfy) '4~1enn Ford. tD AIMUcM Slier. "Hlaflly Oanpt· oua." "Out of tht Blue," and "Mla- ln1 Corpse." ·THE DAILY P1LOT. TV WEU. MARCH I , 1969 AVOID THAT OLD SUIDAY RIGHT l.E1DOWll THIS WEEKI The Lohm•n & Barkley Television Show: ~· ~ -· I SUNDAY MARCH 9 •,i ( J I.' •' I •• ( . All stations reserve the right to chanp program· mine without advance no- tice. 1~1 llltlthlJ:e (C) lO:GO a.., •llCI ......... (C) , ... •llCI ,.... (C) u~~ l(~~m~~S5-Richard Bneh1rt. llitll '" ,..., (C) ... tt.11 lleetlq (C) Sill Hilleril ...... Mwmf• (C) 10:10 RETUllll Dedetn ...... (C) 6:15 6:30 6:50 7:00 Los An1e1ts Ood1ers meet the Tiie ~ At11nt1 Braves In 1 prt•MISOn Tiie llW. a-. 11me In West Palm Beach, Floridl. llN Us TMa O.,!News (C) 10-.JO 1--te lMl'1lhlc (C) T• 111C1 Jerry (C) a,, fr911tien If r..-(C) "Crl· SUndlJ F1111fes (C) sis and Challenae: Black Identity." 7:30 Ac!•.... (C) Part II of flv1·111rt series on "Rtvo· ...,_ ,....,._.. Cllolr (C) lutlon or Recormructlonr• s.4lf ..,.... (C) D @(}) m 1 ..... .t Aa...a • DIJ of D11cMrJ (~ Hubert li. Humphrey, former C1) Dewer 111d Wlltll (C) Vice-President and 1969 Democratic 7:45 fie a.1111,lun (C) 1splr1nt to the Presidency of tht 1:00 Cl) l11t11 IJtr'9 MJ Feet (C) U.S., 1uests. • fie Cllddtp~1n (C) mlftll flf Todly (C) ,., of TOllOn'OW (C) @ FMritt Jl11u11/Clul1t1- Q1Jltllps p (C) DMJ u4 ltHltll (C) QI (I) Flltw• ........ (C) 1o:ss u @mm Nu .......... (C) E llltl lftivll ...., (C) PhllldelPlifa 76ers vs. New Yortt Ille ......, (C) Knickerbockers. leptrt (C) 11:00 C:O.llibMl!t (C) 1:30 Uok Up • LIN (C) • T1lil b Ille life (C) · Pn1i11 Hl•1ll•11ts' l.W. (C) (i7J Cil m Tiie 1ut1e1 <C> a.wci. 1e t11t ..... ce> • lilOvii: 'iJttle SW.ft" (adven-& l•tilt Cllllrdl turt) '59-Pedro Atmend1riz, Ro-• (C) dolfo Hoyos. 11:30 9 NHL Hoct11 (C) Mont- i...,. Kllllt .. • (C) real Cln1diens vs. New Yortt Rani· Cl) Fllll a,..t Rlwlv•I (C) ers. Dan Kelly and Bill Mezer re- ~ UIEX (C) port. DI -.. (C) 8 ,,.. LIMs (C) 9:00 Cl_. n .... (C) • .... : (C) '11t1•• .. ll•dirWMftrt!'" (cfra· My FIMltl s. ... (C) Rev. ma) '42 -Gene Tierney, Preston Dean Miller, Palm Desert Commun!· Foster. Presbyttflan Church, IUesls. m SmcllJ MdMt HE~ Ar T f RNOO'\ Ci) I ...... Ill Mlrldts (C) 12:001....,_. hi Art (C) Ci) ,_ .... Jerry (C) IQpllllcw f...... (C) ...... ...... llt•llicmt ,.,.. • ,._ T•..t lllCI M•• m Triple Feetlne "To Hell and 9:30 II Colwwutlla Wltll • Plfdlll-1ck~ "Abbott ind Costello Go to ti1lt (C) "Oesc>air, Depression end M1rs'." 1nd "The Geneva Bllfour Suicide." Dr. Edward Stainbrook Stofy." hosts. la.. ..... c.a I ~ USA (C) 12:30 News Ctnflt'IMll (C) lhvil: "f• Frt....._.....,.... 11 GELS come out (adventure) '34 -Herbert Marshall, * of the blue to FIGHT Claudette Colbert. I; CJ) GD IOI& r.1 (C) PESKY CUBS! ACTION! 6 liil6t (C) 1~ ......... (C) Aqli••• (C) TY Werllllp If tlte Wiit (C) THIS COULD IE THE ST ART OF SOMETHING BIGI ANGELS vs.CHICAGO CUBS , FROM PALM SPRINGS I TODAY 12:30 PM UVE • COLOR • KTLA _I/ft ::m UsrArlOH . . TOTI Tl EllEITlllMENT SKIPPY/ 1:10 PM/CGLOI I • . ' , . tlltlmhlp'M A rollickin' Aust11llan advenhn series- desianed to capture the fancy of the entift family llDIET / 1:00 Pll/CGLOI Everyone's favorite flavor of teenacer I SPY I 1:80 PM/COLOR llU COSIY & IOI CULP From country to country ... from caper lo caper Adventure and daflaer lelds the way IUIDAYm lld-Dt:!.J Tom 1Tryon, starring as Father Stepl1en Fermoyle. offers his physiC'al and emotional supp<>rt to Carol Lynley, who stars as his troubled sister, Mona, in a moment of anguish from ''The Cardinal," on The ABC Sunday Night Movie at 9 PM Sunday. SUNDAY (Continued) 1:001 m ..... ,,_ ce> Alictls 1_.n CC> Dick En· ber( calls the action bttwten the Anrtls and the Chlcal'O Cubs at Palm Spf'lnp. 1:30 u @ (j) m c:m.. o,. ..., <C> live CO'ltntP of fln1I round of $115,000 Citrus Open IOlf toum1· mtnt at Or11ndo, Aa. The final round of play Is called from the Rio Plnu Country Club by Biii Aemlnr. Klfth Jackson and Bud Palmer. B Sports Sllew (C) "Olympie Siltes and Skll," films of Greno· ble Olympics. 1nd "Goin' Bum," films on dune·buaies. are shown. m C.llblt CC) O)llWMf fifes (C) D Scripps College presents * "A President's View" ft 0.. Cl•IMIS (C) "A President's Yrew.'' Dr. Georre C. S. Benson, President of Cl1remont Men's Col· lep, Is quilled on what 1 collttt edue1tion should be. fJ Wntla• F. ,..,_, Aow (C) Guests are Thomas E. Petri and J. lff Auspitz, members of the Ripon Society, which Is e contra· temity of prim1rlly professional Re· publit1ns headquartered in Massa- chusetts. m Vefc:t of Cllv11J (C) @D ~ for Adventure (C) t:OO fJ Qt Cl) CIS Qilclrlft's Fii• fes- tiVll (C) "The Little Besrteepers." A Czechoslovakian motion pldure about a bear cub that Is taken from 1 zoo by a boy and his friends to be lltpt for ttltlr YlfY own. 11 Mtwll: (C) Ufa•_,, Tell Mt fiie'• (comedy) '61 -Sandra Ott, · John Gavin. I hller .,.,., (C) u ......... EJ f"I' MclHvtr lfMI till C...... (C) 2:30 fJ MllNM $ llo¥tt: "Pride ef St. Louis" (sports) '52 -Dan Dalley, Joanne Dru. 8' 1'1le Rat htrtf (C) 3:00,FacetillllattN (C) ~U~ DlrtdiNt (C) Canklde of 1oob (C) Cl) Wmttlnf (C) . £illp O'T .... 3:15 8 All-Wr.,..Up (C) 3:30 fJ l11idtr/o.tl*r (C) Chanru In Mexican-American hi(h tchools are discussed. I Tai• ef till 8olclt11 Wat @ CJ) m 1Ntcowtry cC> SulldaJ Mltilet: "Frontier Gam· bier." fll)R&DRtwlew (R) 8l'l'T11t Dallttu 4:00 I Vllwpelnt (C) · SetM Up (C) Bill Leyden hostL crtJ CJ) EB TIM Alltrlcan Speftl- •• (C)Bina Crosby and bueball player Gaylord Perry hunt quail In North Carolina; Adam West hunts elk in Idaho; Robert lanslna and John Forsythe fish In Paraguay. I M111 from UNCLE (C) Ci) Tiit World Wt Uve In (C) Cl) f.ce tltt Nati.n (C) II) Vtlltlea Sebrt In Hjjos 4:30 fJ Nnnlnlktrt (C) Bob Hope Lucille Ball Critic's Choice In Color Sunday S:OO PM ~ THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 8, 191159 D MAYOR SAM YORTY * "LOS ANGELES PER- SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL REPORT TO THE PEOPLE Yorty ~ltical NIWI (C) Brence (6) I Dr11111 of Jtannlt (C) . Mlit1J011rs' Nelahborhood (R) (I) Polka P1111de (C) Elia & la Vida • futllfe 5:00 Ntwa (C) Clete Roberts. Ii)@ m Shell's Wondecfvl World of 8olf (C) Sandri Haynie, Carol Mann and Kathy Whitworth meet at the Royal Bangkok SPorts Club, Bangkok, Thailand. 8 T1't Killy Stylt (C) Movie: (C) "Critic's Qoice" (comedy) '63 -Bob Hope, Lucille Ball. ! Country Carousel (() Tiit Lucy Hour Ci) Stvtn Arts Thutre: "Satan Never Sleeps." 8ospel of Christ : What's New? (R) • Toros Run for Your Life (C) 5:30 Qj (j) Amateur Hour (C) Polka Parade (C) 5'1ppJ the Bush Kan11roo (C) "long Way Home." Skippy is kid· napped by the villainous Dr. Alex· ander Stark aod spirited off to his private zoo many miles from home. I Mcff1lt'1 Navy William Tell The City Ma~ers (C) (R) EVfNING 6:00 tJ 9 (j) Tiit 21st Century (C) (30) 0 tH 00 m G.E. Collea• (C) (3o) I Gidpt (C) (30) ,. Ce ds (C) (30) las Veau: Dice and Dolla ( ) ( ) A penetratin11 study of Las Veaas. Nevada, including dis· cussions with visitors to the famed vacation resort. interviews with pit bosses and bar girls who dabble in behavioral psycholoay, and spec· ulation concerning Howard Hughes' residence there. Juliet Prowse, Tom Smothers, Jeannie C. Riley, Fats Domino and Dick Shawn appear in lments of the show. lntem1tlon1I Pla~use : Black Pmpective (30) (R) • M1n from UNClE (C) 6:30 Ralph Stoty (C) (30) '1he EVO· lution of Underdrawers." 0 @ @ m Wild Kinadom (C) (30) "Islands of the Sea." Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler encounter unusual adventures when they trav· el to Pacific Ocean areas to film three of the plnnlpeda -animals with finned feet. 0 John 81ry (C) (90) John wel· comes Dell• Reese, Morey Amster· dam, Richard Deacon, Rose Marie, Rich little. Jo Anne Worley, Marie Wilson and Roy Hamilton to to· Haztl (C) J30> i. hr~<c> (60) ~anrr:dl Chef (30) (j) SllppJ (C) 7:00 fJ QI Cl) l.Asle (C) (30) Terror stalks the forest when 1 deedly Siberian tieer escapes and an In· Jured woman, trapped and alone In a remote Ranger station, faces a sudden and st1rtlln1 nightmare. n @ 00 m Movlt Sped1I: (C) "file Wiurd of ot' (musical clas· sic) '39-Judy Gar11nd, Frank Mor· ean, Ray Bolger. Bert Lahr, Jack Haley. Dorothy Is b'°wn by a cy. clone into the maeic land of Oz where she meets a scarecrow, a tin woodman, and a lion. who join her to find the Wizard. The score. inspired by L. Frank Baum's book, is by E. Y. Harburg and Harold Arlen. (R} D (llJ Ci) Q) Lind of the Giants (C) (60) "Genius at Work." fltz . hu11h becomes a giant after eatine a substance developed by Jodar. a eiant boy prodley of science, and is arrested and held tor Inspector Kobick when tiny farth money Is found in his shirt. Ronny Howard guests as Jodar. m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) 0) Passport to Travtl (C) (30) "Charm of Portueal." Hal Sawyer visits the country side of Portuaal from 0Porto to Nazare, Fatima and Estorll to the Alaarve Coast. I Speculation (60) (R) Domin Herdez 7:30 9 OO:entle len (C) (30) Mark Wedloe competes with another boy for the distinguished Post of Junior Game Warden of the Ever- 111ades. O Million $ Movie: (C) "fancy Pants" (comedy) 'SO -Bob Hope, Lucille Ball. m Jilerv Criffin (C) (90) IE The Cllallen(in& Sea (C) (30) "Semper Paratus." Bill Burrud tells the story of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy at New London, Conn. tE Bia Picture :00 fJ TV's Best Variety Show * ED SULLIVAN Tonight! fJ 9 Ci) Ed Sulllven (C) (60) Greg Morris and The Association euest. 11 ROLLER GAMES-Live! (C) * T-BIRDS vs. DETROIT 0 Roller 81mn (C) (2 hr) L.A. f.Birds vs. Detroit. 0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY * presents THE FBI D (llJ Cl) Q) Tiit Fii (C) (60) 'The Youn11 Warriors." Inspector Erskine investiaa\es a slayine on an Indian reservation where the tribesmen are In an explosive boundary dispute with a minine company. Scott Marlowe, Lin Mc· Carthy, Barbara Luna, Anthony Car· uso guest IE Wenderlust (C) (30) "Two Cross· roads-East and West." Bill Burrud takes you to Istanbul and Hons Kone. ft) The Flshtr f••llJ Ell) Pll (C) (90) "Multiply . . . and Subdue tha Earth." A report on how Americans art turning their once-glorious natural environments Into poisonous wastelands with planless buildine expansion. Eli) Cuatro &as Para 1n Ada• 1:30 ID Tiit Ski Slllow (C) (30) fl) TIM Wotld To11110rrow (C) 9:00 R 9 (I) Smothers Bmhtrs (C) {60) lOan Baez, J1cJde Mason, Apfll Stevens & Nino TemPo, The Com· mittee and John Hartford &llt$l. li9 I· n a :) I· f· k I· 'l .a n '· '· d s I 8 d r s j "The Man from Laramie" In color. THE KNXT SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE CBSS2 MILLION $MOVIE a 9mm1eoaau <C> cso> "TheWlih."Ossle Davis auests as a freed slave who attempts to keep his family toaether and overoome his ft1r of the white community. Geo~~ll auests 11 his son. fJ (]) m Ale su.a, MMe: (l") Cardlul" (dram1) '64-9'!41~lllll!t~ 7:30 PM SUNDAY BOB HOPE I LUCILLE BALL Tom Tryon, Romy Schnelder, Carol Lynley. A youna priest whose f1ith is sh1ken takes a y11r's leave of absence and falls In love while tourlna Europe. m Spotllltlt Wll' PIWI Sffvtrs (C) (60) Phil t11ms up with Barbara McN1lr and Jon Weavina. 9:30 Ntn (C) (30) l1rry Burrell. .1rc hil.rnuus in FANCY PANTS. COLOR 7:30 PM MONDAY SHIR LEY BOOlH IS in1m1ta1Jle in l=~~n(30) MJ Metlltr, U.e Cw (C) (30) SndaJ l.Mt/Muilll Fn• Davtd S.allftd (C) (2 hr) ' erlca Now-Why So Alienated 11111 and Violent?" Discussion bued on "America Now," a new book whose contributors are on tonlaht's panel. Guests ire Sen. Georae McGovern: THE MATCHMAKER with SHIRLEY MacL AINE ANTHONY PERKINS Erle Mann, 1 founder of SOS; Floyd MclOssidl, former national director of CORE; ind Richard Rovere, writer .,...,....,,._... 7:30 PM TUESDAY CALAMITY JANE for the New Yorker maaulne. ti) Los Caudlllos 10:00 fJ Qt (lJ Mission: lltpOUiblt (C) While try1n1 to free a nuclear sci· enlist and his wife from enemy hands, the IMF is trapped when 1 would·be assassin takes over one of Rollin's disauises. Part II of two-part episode. Lee Meriwether auests. 8 @ CI) m My Friend TtflJ (C) (60) "Dead lfeckonlna." Cecil Kel· laway and Frances Bavier auut in drama in which Woodruff and No· vello are hired to lnvestiaate the alleaed llleaal activities of a aroup of SEitualists. 8 UJ NfWI (C) (30) Movie: ''Laura" (mystery) '44 -Gene Tierney, Clifton Webb. ' Labof Report (C) (30) CarroU11I Maicano 10:30 Sucusa Storr (C) (30) A Feee of War (C) (90) Re1>11t o vivid documentary on Vietnam. 0) Wild Mwttlturt (C) (30) "From Capetown to Cairo." Bill Burrud travels 12,000 miles across Africa. 11:0018 9 (i)Qi Ci) Ntw1 (C). Ci"'U.idrelofTomorrew (C) hbHc Servlc. (C) 11:15 Movie: "Blue Cardenla" (mys- tery) '53 -Anne Baxter, Richard Conte. DORIS DAY I HOWARD KEEL A tiuck n ~1nr ~ntcrn COLOR 7:30 PM WEDNESDAY TOO MUCH. TOO SOON DOROTHY MALONE ERROL FLYNN Joh,1 B.1rrymorc ~ d.iup,htr.r 01.1111· her tr.1g1c l1fcstury 7:30 PM THURSDAY PORK CHOP HILL Where ;ill hell brc.Jk\ loose' GREGORY PECK HARRY GUARDINO 7:30 PM FRIDAY CLARK GABLE I SllJ NEY POITIER 11:30 II Movie: (C) "1'111 M1n Fna• Ill Lara11l1" (western) '55 -James BAND OF ANGELS C1vtl W.ir epic COL OR Stewart, Artflur Kennedy. D WATCH LOHMAN AND * BARKLEY . • • THOSE STRANGERS IN THE NITE I Lohman & 81rklty (C) Ci) ll1alpt (C) 11:45 r.1tur1/Wor1d of Youtll (C) lZ:OO D Wortcl To..,,._ (C) m 17 SUnttt Strip 12:30 D Prince of f'eace (C) William LundJ.l1~uests. 0 ().1) t1J El) Ntw1 (C) 12:45 0 Movlt: (C) "Byt, lye, Birdie'' (musical) '63-Ann·Muartt, Dietl Van Dyke. m Cine•• Sundlr. "Four In I Jeep." l:OOIJNews (C) 1:15 6 Movtt: "Under flrt" (drama) •"5f-Rex Reason, Steve Brodie. 9:00 PM SATURDAY ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE Cl.1;;1c cJmp AL JOLSON ·' ALI CE f AYE KHJ -TVBJ MO N D AY MARCH 10 For momlnc and afternoon llltln11, please see DAY- Tlft'E PROGRAMS. Below, fOf yow convenience, are the day's movies. All sfa· tlons reserve the richt to chance procrammlng with· out advance notice. DAmME MOYIIS t:tO D .,._ Wililllr ,..,,.. (dren11) '5'-James C.rney, 81rbara Stin- 9:30 r ........ ,. ... ii 1111" (comedy) ¥ -Fred M1cMurray, M1detelne C.rroll. 1~ fJ "'1111 Ear Wr/' (comedy) '52 ~ry Grant. Betsy Drlke. 12:30 m .,,_r Tlbs Air' (comedy) '56 --Olynls Johns, "AnllMllt" (mys· [] '4S-Sruce Clbot 2:00 '"Y .... Y•PlllC9" (adventure) ' Irby Gr1nt, Monte Hilt. l:JO B ...... ,, llttlllM" (comedy) 'Il-Th• Bowtry Boys. 4:00 R (C) .._ 5elctillp" (muslcll) '!7-frtd Astlire, Cyd Chart ... f VI NINr. 1:00 IJ De ltc lhwl (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. D m Hu....,.lriotllf (C) (30) D BUDDY TRIES TO * HACKETT with Steve Allen and JAN MURRAY! D Sten AJlt11 Show (C) (90) Bud· di H1ektlt, Jin Murr1y ind J1net L1W10n suest fJ Sil era.ct Mowit: (C) -C.. ..,.. (western) '58-Jack Lemmon, Gltnn ford. ,., c..-(C) (30) llbue (C) (30) MtrY Crifflll (C) 11 S,, (C) (60) a>:, Ntw? (30) "Top Hind." 11 ·yur-old city boy se>tnds his summer wortln1 on 1 Texas ranch 1nd learns how to ride •nd wort with othtr r1ndlh1nds. 1 11 ..... S. Mor ........... (C) 1:301 UK ...._wlcie (C) (60) I Lowe lJtq (30) ..... 10 J!VeNI" .......... .. I ~-601111l.. ... , ..... 111WlllJ ... (C) (30) Olt (30) ''Th•. Rlchlnl n StofY." A ,ouna NllJ'O dls- cuaa his uperiencea In crowtna up In Witts Ind liter •llffllll• his OWft bulln-. 7:GO. is "L!.?J = ~ (30) f.'tter Croftkltt. B Wlillt's Mr Lilt? (C) (SO) Willy !Jruner hosts. m P1sswtr4 (C) (30) Audre1 Mtedowa end Jtfry Lewis tutSt. 9 Cl)......, Mewle: "Tht Utt of Adr1en Mt11tn1er." Georp C. Scott ind Dina Wynter st.tr. fJ!) U... Altltrtl (60) ''The Mexl-, Cln·Arntrlcln Senior Citizen." I Cl) ,..., Alfllr (C) &Ifs W.W (C) Trd•=•••(C) 7:30 9(1)1 (C) (60) e Good S.m1rlt.ens." An en· cempment of former ,...,., pro· tects M1rshal Dillon from bouQty hunters who ere willin1 to kill him for some pipers he Is tlkln1 to Dod1e City. Brock Petm, L J. Jones and Sim MelVllle, Ra In· 1:00 ' m end Robert OoQul ruest. m I Drtnl of JtlMlt (C) (30) unnie for the Defense." A lpttd trap ensnares Tony ind RD11r In 1 rural court system stacked 1111nst "city folks." · I .... in S{Nlce (C) (60) @oo m n. -.,.,. <C> ( ) "P1ndor1." Tlr1 Is kldn1ped end somehow tent blcll to 1917 whtre she assumes the Identity of a alr1 wanted tor murder. fJ Mlllloa $ MNt: "'1111 llddl· ..,.. (comedy) '58 -Shirley Booth, Shir1ey Mecl1lnt, Anthony Pertdns. I ,,_. • Coftat111•ces (C) (30) ""1 M-(60) C..-• II RID (30) u. Allpl .... f111p 8 NOW! All NEW! *THE BEST OF "LAUGH-IN '69" A REPRISE ALBUM Im ..... l II.till ......... (IO) Alp Wiiton 1U1$b.. Hazel (C) (30) NET ......, (C) (2 hr) A _,.. two-hour upertment In ll"CMIP dynlmics utrlcttd from an 11· hour dillofue between "''"* ind Jews who probe their own feellnp Ind beliefs with the Intent of II· HI SEILlll'S TIE YICTll Here C••• t~1 Stars Cd lll'lftt pub In 1n .,.,.ar· ence nay from her own allow to help 1 clloice troupe of co11le1 Ind 1eton to toast and roest pllywrite Rod Ser1in1 In toni&frt's mirthful ~ Actorl .., c.... and Ml Pilrr'I --ptfform 1lon1 wltll co111ic JHJ Ab••· TONIGHT 9:00. COLOR• ITLAU THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 8, 1969 Tiie Stl'8 Allen Shew Viewers fllld • nlcome refuae from t11e tul'lllOll of the world's news 111 tualq In wit• Steve fOI' the relaJi. tioft of leuptw end Vlriety enter· t1l11111111t. T--COIMdl1n Buddy Hlckett and Jin Mwny help Ill ttl• hipjinks dept. ,...,.. lrs Bob "HO&lft'\ Htfoes" Cr1111, 111d KlthY (Mrs. Bini) Crosby.,. .... 111u1. Dnid J1n1sen 1nd Joan Baez. """''' Omen McGnln. ,...., , ,.. cam· nu I plorinf the current question al 1:30 B F••ltr Afflir (C) (30) Jody Is 1ntl·stmitl1m ind ttle bled com· Jalous of ttle 1ttentlon flVtn Jiit muntty. ptn·pel, • little boy from BolMt ! c:.a. 1 Cled••• Who coma to visit. S:JO 8 (I) Min's lay (C) (30) , ..... (C) (30) ltd Mtytf1. nmee Emit Ford iutat1 • • · hwlstl 111.-. fermtf •tkina help from Uncle 10:00 1J t3 (I) c..I l...U (C) (60) H1rry's employment •ltnCY btclU9t Ross Martin ltld Jolln Dwicboft no one wentl to wor11 on • firm lest anymore. Lucy per1Uld• "Uncle ,.._ (C) (60) Ernie" to tum his firm Into • "fun . I (]) m 11lt 111 v..., (C) f1rm" where cl~ slickers PIY to ( ) "A P1SS11e of S.ints." By do ttle chores. Thi BIQpordl M• rentinf 1 firm to a Mormon lfld Jorlty 1llo iuest. his two wives, Jarrod incites tht 11..,.. Vtrlll (C) (30) 'The enmity of 1 bully end his (Inf. Mmons In Muk:o." fritz Wuver 1uests. n l1! oo m,.,... ,... <C> ! ......, ..,. <30> {l(J) Normln ttlli Steven to INVt n.t Slllew (C) (30) "How To Rod and Betty 1lone; Betty Informs akl Your Next Move a Good Stmn lht Isn't &0in1 to protest One." Vivien Vence ind Edwlnl ttle will; Malfle confides her feel· ROSllCO auest lnp about her lite husband to Eli; fl De lf'Mt Wer (30) "Strlfn." Fred end Dr. Milts t•lk •bout Lew The time Is July to December of ind C.rotyn. 1917. The Allies, f11rlna Ruai1'1 I Merv Crifflll (C) (90) collapse, launch another attacll hit lie Oda (C) (30) •1inst the Western Will. TV **" Olllrt DkU ....... t:OO ...,..,.,., lfD (C) (30) Emmett 10-.30 • Mewie: ......, II.,., CIW' doses -his fix-It shop ind retlm, (mystery) '65-l1n Hendry. but IOOft becomes bored with his OJ lhws (C) (30) life of ltbu19. fl!) lww1t1Ns (30) "Unbrt1klble D 9CJ)1!3 • ......, IMil: Windows." Two experts from Gen· (~ .,...........,. (western) '66 enil Electric discuss 1 new un- -Doft Mu,,_,, Abby Ditton, Gu1 breakable stass for use In windows, Stockwell, Brldfofd Dllln11n, Henry street lilht (lol>Q, surlkal sup. Sl1¥1, Liiiie Nltlsen, Simone! Olk· pllts and othtr fields. lllld, Edw1rd Binns. Wild Bill Hie· fl) c..te Sill llderil ~ C.l1mlty Jene end Buffalo Bill 11:00 I II D ., m GB ..... (C) Cody try to stop the salt of re· lfWtdTtmonow (C) puter rifles to the Indians in '" Liln alb (C) Rod Serllnr effort to promote PtlC•· hosts. Betty White, R1lph Story, II YES SER-LING! says Richard Deleon ind Ruta L• * Jessel to special guest &,~: "Sepilll" (suspense) '48 ROD SERLING! CAROL -<iene R1ymond~atricil Morbol\. BURNETT also on hand! @@900~(1)""" (C) FANTASTIC! 11:30 tJ Mowit: (C) "Pa111booper" (dr•· D ._,. ......,., tt.. C.. tllt me) '54--Al•n Ladd, Leo Genn. ..,.. (C) (60) Rod Serlin1 Is 1U1st 8 9@ m ,...._ a. (C) of honor. Appe1rln1 ire Clrol Bur-iiiwlt: "firis ... ..,.... .. (mu- nttt. Miclley Shauatines.sy, Jtln· steal) '39-Blnr Crosby, frtndska Pierre Aumont. Joey Adams, Marty Gaal. lnpls. Ridl Little Ind Ralph Nel· I @(!) m JoeJ ....... (C) son. DiUld" O'Cteltr (C) D (ft) m GB De Olltcasts (C) lr.1' a .... .,.. .. f..... (mys-~) "Huna for • Limb." Tammy tery) ·~ard Keel. Grimes 1uests IS Polly Teasd1le, a 12·30 0) Actio11 T1lutre: "lldy from Lis· lirl who asb Elr1 Corey to help · bon " • blnk bandit Stln Sutton ISClpt to l:OO D ·ScMekllll frMIJ (C) Mc:Gtofl' tht border. Bundy iuests I ... .., , .. Uf• (C) (60) I c-.. nit, ...... ...... (C) ~::. f:::... UftC1f. (C) Nen (C) *THE 'FACTORY' SWINGS! l:l5 ~:)!;~~ce~E::d Tomorrow NJte at 9 on 5 G. Robln90n . I ll 169 , n , ~ ·. , • s ~ J ,, r Is I 1ls .. 11 D) lfl => Sy tel .. I· ·o od 'd .. 'If 's * .. • I· I• I, .. l '• • TU ESDAY MARCH 11 For momin1 and 1ftemoon llatinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All WI· tloas reserve the rl1ht to chance pt'Olrlmmin1 with· out advance notice. DA YTJME MOVIES t:GO D "TH L8Cfy hJS or (dr1m1) ,.~ -Linda Darnell, Stephen Mc· Nally. t:J011 Hftlrt Ce•• tltl W_.., (mu· SIC.I) '44 -Blnc Crosby, Betty Hutton. 10:00 G ... ,.... luf" (drama) '50 - Gary Cooper, Lauren Bacall. lZ:JO GI "Y.., Fatir" (musical) '47 -Joan Woodbury. "Tiit ,.......,. (comedy) '45--Alec Guinness. 2:00 • ...,.. ....,... (mystery) '57 ~on Randell, Mary Parker. J:lO II ................. NII" (hom>r) '59-Vincent Price, Rich· ant Lone. 4:00 9 (C) "'TM Far Herimu" (advtn· lure) '55-alartton Halon, Donna Ried. r v r r~ 1 N c FOR SALE: Tiie 'Secret tf tlle ......, llmiml FIVE FINGERS Jmeslls•stlnl_.J • 11tt Sil O'Cleck llM 1:00 9 Tiie lit ""'8 (C) (60) Jtr1Y1-~----------- Dunpi:. I . lhlntltf·Ml*llJ (C) (30) Alie• ..... (C) (90) Bob 1ne, Jean Shepherd, Kathy Crosby, and Barney Kessel 1uest. fJ Sil O'Clod Mn: "'f1" FJa. ltfl" (mystery) '52-James Mason, Michael 'Rennie. 11 S,, (C) (60) ,., Clrdl (C) (30) ..... (C) (30) CJ) MtfY lrlffill (C) ..... NIW1 (30) "Folk Sonas." Tracy Newman plays nine different Instruments used to play folk mu· sic, lncludln1 the 12 ·strin1 1Ultar, autoharp and kazoo. II) M...,_ Sl11 AMOf t!)Qll.M NIWS (C) l :JO IDlc Nwwlce (C) (60) I loft LKY (30) v., ................ ., • Ste~) (60) 9 H.....,_lrhtU., (C) fll) I Wltll Yow ctlild (30) "Gettln1 Rudy To Rud." Marton Marshall loob In on a class of first·cradtrs lurnln1 sounds and recoe!zi.!!J word$. 41 l1J mmm""' (C) 7:GO R CIS &11191 NIWI (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Mlt'a MJ UM? (C) (30) ......... (C) (30) Ci) AMlflcal (C) 'flit fftftdl Clltf (30) '1he En· dive Show." (R) I (I) Tiie hod ,.,. (C) tiliJldal11tlteS.(C) Trdl er eoa.illlMll (C) 7:30 9 Qt Cl) U.-(C) (60) A wtll· meanlnc attempt by Johnny and SaJtt lancer to rescue a 10un1 brid•to·be from tfll cl utdles of1 her miner boyfiiencl nett them a sound blatin1 and lands tfllm In }Ill. Shelley Fabam, Dennis Col• l!!._ISt. u .u oo m Jtny Llwil <C> c&O> Connie Stevens and The Osmolld Brothers cunt. l~~&-..J~(C) (60) "A Run Tor the Money." Pitt b .. comes romantically Involved with a lirt whose fatblr is servi111 a Pf1•· on term for robbery. Tom BosllJ Ind Lesley Ann Wamn pest II Miiiea $ llowit: (C) "'Clim., ....... (comtclY) '53 -Doris Day, Howard Keel. ""'.._ (60) ' I Trdl • QC.11t1•1• .... •1ec•• (C) (30) c..-• ti Im (30) U1Aqll•llF ... * NO "FACTORY" WORK TONIGHT AT 9-TV 5 .• 1 ..... (C) (30) : Wtrtd ,,_ (C) (60) "'"*Orf-~ l:lO R Cl) hi ..,_ (C) (60) Roy lfoprs and Dale Evans auest. a o oo m...... cc> <30> "It Takes Two to Tancle." Clrryln1 out Dr. Checley's do-not-disturb orde11, Julia unknowinclY ro.dblocks thl on1 min who could save the doo- toi~~arity project. Paul Winfield lnllu In Actioo (C) (30) @ CJ) m It Tabs a TllW (~ ( ) "The Funlfal Is on Mundy. Julie Newmar luestl u Suunnab Sutton, ltendlwoman of an 1uusl11 with a contract. on Alexander Mundy. I Men lrttfill (C) (90) lut die Gd* (C) (30) t.00 II U (j) •• .,.. Prt•ltrt pricel•• frlSCOQ damaatd by ~ (C) "1lf1le .... W..W la floods In 1966. ......... (df'ama) '69-lurf lws, 8 GI Nan (C) (60) ~ C.mpentlla, Jant11 Faren· D lJ! Cl) m TMt'a Uft (C) (60) tlno, Hal Holbrook. StM Ihnat "Chalk Can Bi ~." Phyllis Diller, a PUBLIC INVITED FOR Jack Cassidy •nd John Byner auest. II lllrsMI DillH (30) * ARST TIME! NO WORK at n.t *'-(C) (30) "What Do TONITE AT 11FACTORY"! You know About Soclal SewrilYT' Norm Crosby! Georce Ed Btctey ind Alex Bu y cuest. fl!) lltct ~ ( ) News-Shearin&! Paul Newman! men question al nclldatt 9 s•n~ (C) (60) Filmland's Jack Rourtle, preside e talevl· most excl "In" nllhtclub is slon production company. open to tfll public for the first @I) Die._ RobNe ti!M-'¥ia tfle lV Ml · . 10:30 a UIXT 11eperts (C) (SO, '1hl I lu fw , .. Ufa JC> (60) r\Oiiabtled Minority." An examlna· NU Festini (60) .~Ina Si~ne tlon ot Mulcan·Americans In South· • -The Sound of Soul. Entertainer em California. KNXT Newsmen Bob Nina Simone brlnp her hlahly per· Naverro and Clete Roberts report sonaliled styl' to Jazz, blues and .. · folk music in thla one·woman ape. II Movlt: (C) ltfa Mab Love" clal (comedy) '60 -Marilyn Monroe, 1m'a111cM AwflaMt Yves Montand. t:JO II 6' Cl) Dtfta D1J (C) (30) ID News (C) (30) When Dorothy Benton receives a ll:GO • a fJ OJ m EE News (C) hurried call from the stork and her g Alfred Httckodl husband (Paul Smith) ioes into GI Liaf1 Club (C) shod!, Doris vulunt1111 to ~abyslt .. with the Benton's four chtldren. ID ~: "Prfvatt Hell (ad'nn· D lH) CE EB Ny p D (C) (30) tura) 54-lda LuplAO, Steve Coch· ·~ ~&flt Out " The detectivu ran . hunt 1n extortlonlst who flnds his 11:30 9 Movie:; <C> .. ,..,,. West" victims in ntlfhbortlood bars. (western) 51-John Payne, Denni• O'Keefe. G ..... (C) (lO) Ted Meyers. D ta (i) m Tonlallt .. (C) e Mer 9 Mowlt: ''TM Star MaW' (musi· lHO 8 Cit (I) Wh, Wltat, WllH, cal) '39-8in1 Crosby, Louise Camp. ....., WliJ'1 (C) (30) "Once Upon bell. a Wall." ltallan author lulcl ~ fJ (ll) Cl) aJ .1o1J lllhop (C) :: We,';_.:~ :,~~Iv= : GI Dould O'Connor {C) Roy Bulla's ... v ... rv SWllllH WITH THE STAHi A Nit~t at tb Factory ·hit N ... • and emcee N1n1 Cm~ perform In this excitement special shot Inside (for the first time) Tiii FICttry, fllmland's most exclusive "In" night club. An en- thusiastic audience of stal'l and comJ)lnlons, (try incl pick them outD, enjoy solos by a.11 lltlllty, sensational Uttte Dll1, and Jaclle De Aa111-. Pianist 11111' Sh•· Its Is a "key" performer. TlllllllT 1:11 · COlOl • ITU ' 1953 ....,_. atvd., Costa M9sa 1 ..... 541-3494 ,... 11 WEDNESDAY MARCH 12 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are· the day's movies. All sta-. tions reserve the right to ~hange programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO IJ "Tiit Minim Stoey" (drama) • •SO---OrNr Garson, Walter Pldieon. 9:30 11 "Tiie Upt Tltat Falltd" (dra- m•) '40 -Ronald Colman. Welter Huston. 10:00 Ii) (C} "Let's Dancett (muslcel) ·~Fred Astaire, Bttty Hutton. 12:30 m ''T1111ndtriq Jets" (drama) '58 -Rex Reason. "lluebeard" (drama) '44-John Carradine. 2:00 &> "Room ht die Houu" (drama) • 'SS-Patrick Barr, Marjorie Rhodes. 3·30 8 ''TlM Qrut Jewef Robbety" (Id· ' ventU19) 'SO-David Brian, Marjorie ~Ids. 4:30 6 "Radlel and Ult Stran1er" (dra-. ma) '48-Wllllam Holden, Loretta Younr. EVENING 1:00 fJ Tiie lie Ntn (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. D m NunU.,-l d1tkleJ (C) (30) 11 RUMOR BY MORT SAHU * ALLEN BY STEVE ALLEN! VOCALS BY JOAN BAEZ! D StM Alltll SIMw (C) (90) Vic· tor Schiro, M1yc1r of New Or1eans. auesta. Also on the bill are Mort Sahl David Janssen, Joan Baez. 1J $ia ~ Mowlt: (C) "Mar. rll1e-4io-Round'' (comedy) '61- Susan Hayward, James Meson, Jul· le Newmar. hJ Cards (C) (30) Bltnlan (C) (30) Mlf'I Qrfffin (C} 11 Spy (C) (60) ~rs Ntw? (30) "Pancho VII· la." A 10 year-old Mexican boy continually rescues his aoat. Pan· cho Villa. He barely rescues Pan- cho before the roat Is mistakenly sold at market. I MujeHs · Sin AllOr QUI Ntn (C) 6:~ KNBC Ntwservlct (C) (60) I Low Lucy (30) Voy111 to tilt Bottom of tht Su~) (60) . @) H•U.,-lrittkltJ (C) I DEBUT Ltt's Jilk Aboat '""' (30) "Where the Action Is.." City Schools teacher Marion Marshall talks with junior and senior hiah ,4Chool students aboot today's teen action. 9 Ci) g) m Q) """ (C) 7:00 I) Cls Ewnln1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I M at's MJ Unt? (C) (30) hawenl (C) (30) (i) You ~ed for It Tfie Percepttw Parent (30) 'The Road Ahead." Hostess Betty The Marriage-Go-Round Susan Hayward, James Mason and Julie NeMDar star , an The Six O'Clock MoYie. Wednesday in Color ~ THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 8, 1969 s Ith LA City Schools parent ed· !:00 fl ltwtrlJ HlllbllllH (C) (30) u:t~n teacher, ind a panel of tx· Jethro reads a yop book Gnd -'" perta discuss parent's aoals In cldes to become a auru. to ran," s brin In up children. diqust. Meanwhile banker D~ I ~1a.v~ Hlllblllla (C) dale's wife maps out a $3,000 J~r· Wln•rfiist (C) ney to ruru heactquartm In lnd11. Trattt or ConMC1utt1ctt CC> a KRAFT MUSIC HALL 7:25 * Wayne Newton as host D MAYOR SAM YORTY with Browning Bryant * "LOS ANGELES PER-e 0 00 m Knft Music Hall (C) SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL {ro) Wayne Newton hosts. Lucie REPORT TO THE PEOPLE ~z. Brownina Bryant and The Goin.1.... Thln1_1uest. 7:30 f1Qltn Ca11pbell (C) (60) Ken O UZJ CIH:fJAIC Wt dnuday Berry, Leslle Uuams. Merle Ha1· McMe: (C) "Ye11'rt a Ii& BtJ, aard, Pat Paulsen and John Hart· Now" (comedy) '67 -Elizabeth ford _tUest. Hartman, Peter Kastner, Julit Har· 0 QI (i) m TIM Vlt'llnlan (C) ris Geraldine Paae, Michael Dunn. (90) "lndctent at Dlablo Crossin&." 1· Rua for Your Uft (C) (60) Discovery of a ferry operator's flo•t· lnt.matienal Mapzine (60) inr body and the theft of army pay· ~ia , Enrlqut roll aold off the staae delays Tram· !:JO (I) Qreen Acr~ (C) (30) pas' cattle-buylna trip. Gary Coll· Olive aiiif Lisa Douflu find thelr ins Lee Kroeger, Anthony Caruso home turned into a wholesale baby· ind Bernie Hamilton 1uest. sittina parlor when their handyman, 11 Win WHll tllt stars (C) (30) Eb tries to earn some extra money Sue Ran~ and Marty lnrels auest. fo~ the annual Hooterville dance. O @ m Ntrt c... tilt a ..... (C) (30) Ted Meym. Brides ( (60) "Mr. and Mrs. J. 10:00 fJ 9 (i) Hawaii fivt..O iC) _(60) Bolt .. " Joshua Bolt is Informed that Steve Mclr1rrett infiltrates a h1aflly he has to marry Pew. one of the sophisticated International syndicate brides, because her ruardian, Jeb· led by ruest Antoinette Bower by ediah Thomley, Is arrivina from New assuming the identity of a hoodlum Bedford. Henry Jones ruests as nitro expert-spedalizinr in blow· Jebediah and Mery Jo Kennedy as Ina safes. Pew. D 9 00 m Tht 011blder (C) 8 Million $ Movie: "Too Muell, (60) "All the Social Graces." A mil· Too Soon" (dnma) '58-Dorothy lionalre retains David Ross but be- Malone, Errol Flynn. fore the private lnvestlaator can IO I Trutll or Consaqutnca (C) (30) to work. his client Is found slain. Ptny Mason (60) I l1kers Wn p·Up (C) Candon de la Rau (30) • M1rsll1I Dillon (30) (I) Best of Hollywood News (C) (60) lJil An19I en el f1nro That Sllow (C) (30) "How Does 1:00 Your Garden Grow?" Shelley Ber· man, Ron Dean Taffel ruest. 11 RICHFIELD PRESENTS 1· Quten Ta1 (30) * LOS ANGELES LAKERS · Didn Robida VS. S. F. WARRIORS ~~~ . :::<~A <:1 Fn111 Ftandtrs" IJ Lakers llUttball (C) (2 hr) (drama) '63 -Maximilian Schell, Chick Hearn comments H the Lakers Gert Frobe. battle the San Francisco Warriors. G) News (C) (30) m Hazel (C) (30) em Art and Artists (30) "Henry em Tilt City Maken (C) (30) Host Moore." Slr Ralph Richardson nar· Dr. Kenneth B. Clark discusses ur· rates a visual study of Moore's ab· ban tensions and law enforcement strad sculpture. with Patrick V, Murphy, former 1>0-I 'tnt. Sin Niltorla lice commissioner of Washinrton, 11:00 01J @I) m (!)News (C) O.C., now head of the Justice ~·· illrs C IMb (C) ,, partment's Law Enforcement Assist. Mcwlt: "Try and Qet Me (mys· ance Administration. tery) '51 -Frank Lovejoy, L101d ii) Mitfcolu Mlllical Brid~ 1:30 fJ TM Qood '"" (C) (30) ~ert • ~ Afi: @ ~ (j) News (C) hopes to· marry off his difficult U:~ IS .. ;:. ~'YHr Put Is Sllowfn(' father·in·law, Mr. Arsdale, to a l•'!Y • (comedy) ·,58-Peter Sellers. Terry· astrolorer but she sees romance rn Th the ~ars, not for herself but for lom~as.fE I TonlrM Sllow (C) Rufus mother. Joey BisMp (C) 0 @ rn m PREMIERE Tilt Kl1t1 . faMity (C) (30) Music and variety Do111'41 f!'Connor (C) llllllt" series starrinf the famo~s sln(in~ ll:.S( ~~It): .3~na''er:y Ethel Kina Sisters-Yvonne, Luise, Man· mUS1C1 • , lyn Alyce Maxine and Donna-Merman. • , 1 plus the 'entire famll)'-husbands, 12:25 0 Mme: "f.npt" (mystery) 5 cousins nieces and nephews. The -Eric flemlnf, Nancy Malone. senior Kinas will be heard on Ameri· 12:30 ~ ~n T!Mltrt: "Don Juan Qull· can standards while the younrer haan. members of the family will provi~e 1:001! N:: 1~ Out (C) -:,,~: in the contemporary mUllC 1:15 w'!:.: "Under MJ Skin" (dra· If Mtrv Qriffin (C) (90) ma) ·~John Garfield, Micheline a.at tilt Odds <C> (30) Presle. • Beek Btat (C) (30) Guest is 11 CoM1111nlty B11llttin Bo•d (C) An°ne Moody author of "Comina of 1:30 m All·Ni&tlt Show: 'The y8rllh~ Al• in Mississippi." Stranfler," "Anael With a., rumpe m Sonrlsat and "One Mort Tomorrow. 1969 (30) I de· ~111·1 Df)'l- Jou r • ndla. I (C) uclt The ct er ..,, >etb • Har· inn. 30) llelr tbY· 1an. ney 60) 'Illy ate by um )W• C) lil· >• 10 ,. II, ry I· ,. .. THURSDA Y MARCH 13 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change procramming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D (C) "Mttt Mt It tlll Feb" (ro· manc:e) '53 -Dan Dailey, Diena Lynn. 9:30 II "T·Mtn" (myitery) '47-Dtnnls <fkeefe, June Locllhart 10:00 G "Ptrftd stnnpn" (drama) 'SG-{;in1er Ro1ers. Dennis Moraan. 12:30 m "Rt•brendt" (drama) '36 Charles L1u1hton. "City of 5' · OWS" (mystery) '55 -Vlctor Mc· Laflen. 2:00 IE) "'Wllbperi111 S•itlt vs. Scottan4 Yard" (mystery) '52-Richerd Cart· son, Greta Gynt. 3:30 0 (C) ''Widllta" (western) '55- Joel McCrea, Vera Miles. 4:30 II (C) "DMltreUI Mlaalon" (ad· venture) '54--Vlctor Mature, Vincent Price, Piper Laurie. f VEN 1Nl. 6:00 II Tht 811 Ntwa (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 8 @r3 HunU.,·lrinklfy (C) (30) D Remote-Controlled Oum-* my C. B. CALLAHAN handled by DARREN McGAVIN! FUNNY! 0 Steve Alltll SM (C) (90) Dar- ren McGavin, Mort Sahl, Ted Dibble end Esther Phillips iuest. 0 Six O'Clock Mowit: (C) Hf• G•• tD tile llerdtr" (western) '54 -ROf)' Calhoun, Colleen Miller. 11 Spy (C) (60) hJ Cerda (C) (30) S.bun (C) (30) (]) MtJY Griffin <C) nit's Ntw? (30) "Folk Sonp." Tracy Newman sine some aonp that ere hundreds of years old. @I) Multns Sin AllOr 6:30 I MIC ........ Ice (C) (60) I Lowe Lay (30) Yopp tit tlll 8oClltt'9 tf tile SM i_C) (60) ~ (!) Huntsey·lrin..., (C) fll) Men for Yow MOMJ (30) "Tht Older Consumer." M•rion Marahel and a merketinc upert talk about the 1rowin1 phenomenon of tht buyln1 power of the older adult. a Cil mm m ..... <c> 7:00 II CIS ENnlftl Ntws (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. fJ Wiatt's MJ Lint? (C) (30) m ,.....,.. <C> c3o> @@Hiatt and WUd (C) l!ID "8JUl1 tlll G.ttar (30) ''l.Mm· Cowtlo1." atamni Dustin Hoffman, Council Sett to the Plllns R.-r ln1 To Read Mulic." Instructor fr.cf. will follow tllt ft1ture film. Edwin O. Rtlsdlauer, former am· trick Noad teachea muslGll notation U (17) (1) El) Wlalt'a It All Meut, bHstdor to Japan, and Harold rtedlna for students without pr• Wie1jf" (C) {&()) Phil Sllvtra Jolna Hinton, profmor of polltietl Id· vloui muslcal 11\Structlon, He re-forces wlttl Eva Gabor and .lick e11Ce at Georp Waslllnltoft Uni· views for tho• who haw 11udled Delton ea t(*ial iuats. vtrslty, are wttnases. Examiner la an instrumtnt. , .. let Y .. Ufit (C) (60) Harvud law professor Rorer Ftshtr. I CJ) McH.Wa Nft1 fl ..... £111 lAlco Lyman Klr11patrlcll hosts. frit Advettturt (C) 0) Aente Sia Hldlwta Trd or C04•11••-(C) t:JI ~l,P. = .~C)ea~: a> TwlllJ!t z ... 7:30 •c )Qt Ci) d~ld!-t .. • ::or' Ba(C)r· POlt .. lmllltmtnt buytra at I 11:00. D. 0..... (C) 00 Duffj - -, .. --c:onwentlofl wt!trt pmblera •rt fur· ID • •-Cl c ney Shima needs a lift. IO llt ar· Ins "ltranltf'S In town" to a private ...... Illa ( ) renaes for I karate expert to throw fl!M. Cl\anln Halt fUtsts. OJ Mwil: "Nl(lrt frtlPt" (myt- a flfltt with Barney. Larry ~s 1J ..... (C) (30) Ted Meym. ttry) '55--Forrtst Tucker, Ba~r1 &uests. fll) ........... ht ..._ (C) (30) • Botton. a ~@ mo1111e1 •••H <C> @(])~@6(1)....,(C) (60) "Love and E.qulty." When a 10:00 l!I 9 Ci) m Dtan Martin (C) t:R1 ni. m N ... (C) love potion he sells falls to won (60) tcldr. Albert. Linda Benn&tt, lllil l:l:I on a wealthy widow, Prater Beasely Dom Otlulle and Gtorlie Klye 11:3011 Mowlt: "'Joll•"1 Alltare" (~ must st1nd trl•I for fraud. Burt Ives ~ tery) '4~ Raft, lflna fodl. l!.w. s-. .... ~ <C> <60> a aw m 1..a.,.. a.. <C> U loxln1 (C) (75) Tape replay • ......... Dlla.. (30) fJ @(j) Q) JMJ llllltp (C) of the Mondo Ramos.·Teo Cruz News (C) (60) Championship Welterweiaht Aaht lllat Show (C) "Witches and ! Doald O'C.-(C) of February 18. Tom Hermon la 1rlocb-Art They'°' RNlr' Aines 12:00 ~t: "Wailti Wtddilt" (mu· rinpide. Moorehead &uesta. cal) 37 -Bins Cl'oaby, Martf\a 0 @ Cl) G> Tiie rtrt11 Nu (C) @ (]) Tllt U, ~ (C) Rayt. (30) "Happy 'llrthday, Deir Gaspar." fE T1tNtn hit (30) A look et 12:90 fJ Mowlt: ''na Ganptlr"' (mYt- Captain Fomento hu a chenre of aome scents from ''Tom Paine'' by ttfY) '47-8any Sulllvtn, Btllta. heart about the nuns when he Paul Fost,r. Hal Marlenthal com· m Adloa Thelh• "Bftrtytd Wom thinks that they ere havin& 1 sur· ments on the Oxford Tht1tre pre>-en " • • prire party for him. duction. • · I Miiiien $ Movie! "Poltl CIM>p ii) DicM Robacla 1:00 D D ..... (C) H r (dta~) '59-Gre,ory Peck. m ,mport to Tmtl (C) ID fra Ille lnsldt Out <C) Harry Guardino. I Trdl tr ConseqllttlCll (C) (30) 10:30 fJ Mowtt: "Jlpn" (mystery) '61 1:15 II Mowle: "I __,,J drama) '58 ~ Muon (60) -Jack Warn«, Ronald Lewis. -.Jote Ferrer, Vlvtcl ndfora. eaa. • 11 1taza c3o> m .... <C> c3o> Un Anl'f tfl ti fantt. ITTfl r.n -ltlYD-O.t-..a (C) 1:30 D C.••n~ lullltia .._ (Q &:00 -~ (i) Jon t11 w ..... (C) ULJ l.:LI ..,.... -~ gt All·Nldrt Show: "Tht Clptiye • ar 14%1 Glib 8 an 1" .. rs EJD If You W•t President (C) (30) City," ''Th. Bir Operator," encl (60) Bo le Gentry, Paul Lynde "Would You Give China's s.cur11v "Clouds Over Europe." and Stu Gilll•m auest "" o @ (]) m ntt &1rt <C> c3o> "It's So Nice To Have • Mouse Around the House." A tiny mouse fri1htens Ann, so OofJ Insists they trade apartments for the nl&ht. Ann promises to make Don a special breakfast as reward for his chivalry, but it is Lou Marie who wakens the hero the next mornln1. m Hml (C) (30) fil) NET ,_.,,.._. (90) "Anatol." The romantic comedy by 19th·cen· tury Aust r I an playwriaht Arthur Schnitzler is about three episodes in the love·llfe of • Vltnnete man· about-town. Robert Hardy, Moire Redmond, Priscilla Moreen, EM Hilt star. @I) ftllclanol (C) 1:30 B 9 Ci) @?:') lronlide (C) (60) •'J>ullfi1Qa·• Ironside must dlaco¥er a weak llnk In th• perfect allbl of 1 pollce·treintd slayer. Simon .Oak· land end Dennis Cooney auat. a @CD m ltwtkMd (C) c3o> '7rhe Battle of Bumlnr Oak," Sam· antha re!tues Darrin from an En· dort·induc:ed sc>tll of snobblshnea. GI MtrY Griffin (C) (90) m a..t .. Odds <C> c3o> Im Mala J &hlla (C) 1:45 D NCAA Rtlleul St•lflll• (C) WA hr) Dick Enbera calla the ac· tlon live from Pauley Pevlllon. t:OO R Qi Cl) CIS lllllOJ M..W. '"Tiit itrT""""PPf(' (drema) '&S-Joanne Woodward, Richard 8eynttf, Tht dramatic story of a beauty contest winner who winds up In a MCOnd· rate road show. A short based on tll• motion picture ''Th• Mldnlaht ht• 13 FRIDAY MARCH t• For morning and afternoon ll1tlnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day'1 movies. All stl· tion1 reserve the richt to change proeramming with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES 9:00 D ""'' SJelpia1 City" (mystery) 'SO -Richard Conte, Coleen Gray. 9:30 D "lnnoc.lftts In Palts-" (dr1m1) '5s-Al1st1lr Sim, Claire Bloom. 10:00 fJ "Wut r.tnt stotJ" (mutlcal) 'SO-James Cafney, Doria Day. 12:30 CD (C) "Wtlknd In ttn .. " (mu· slcal) '41 -Allee F1yt, "1lle ,.. teftcllf.' (drama) '47-Nbert Dekker. 2:00 m ....,..,.. Doctor" (mystery) '43-John Loder, Eluno< Parter. 3:30 fJ "Tiie lalllful Eleptl-r' (dram•) '62-Molty Mick. Helmut Schmid. 4:30 IJ '"Suled Cerao" (dreme) '5l- D1111 Andrews, Cl1ude Reins. r .' f ~ ~ "'111 ( i .. ! Tiit ... ..... (C) (60) Jerry l n;.H...,........, (C) (30) ........ (Q (90) JHI St. John, Jack .loMI, -Molt SIM. Letta Mbulu. 611 Bemll and Sftefyl Cll10ft peat. ! Sia "*' .... (C) """' ...... ..... Sldrtl" (comedy) '56-SMttt "°'111, Tom Ewell. II In (C) (60) ,., c.-. (C) (30) .... ~) ~ lleW? (: "Alvin." A lcl'•eyevid of I mldtft sub· m1rlM uMd for numerous Ondtr· WIW ,_ll'Ch ac:tfvltia. ..... si.-. G!>KPLM ..... (C) l!lDI DIC ......... {C) (60) I U.. LllCJ (30) v.,.p ............ tile See~ (60 @@H•tllJ·lrt•ltef (C) m n. Allmd Arts <30> "Th• Ab· surdity of Educational Telfvlllon." Or. Ctarence Sandltih conducltl the llfie with an 1nelylla of ETV and the lnttllectllll atietto. a C1J 11> mm ..... CC> 7:00 R CIS &ellq ..... {C) (30) Walttr Cronkite. II WWI My U...1 (C) (30) CD Piii .,. (C) (30) @ (6) CiMIU S19e•mt (C) "Rid- ers Of Veniunce." Richard Cont• and ViV9CI Lindfors star. • • • • • • • NEW EXCLUSIVE '9 • • • • • • • • • • • RACK-EM-MA TICS . Fits all ball return tables-Automatically racks balls faster-Saves wear & tear on bed doth • Only $22.SO. HmAWT• su1mY ..... You won't believe it tll you ... ltl NUNIWICK llWAH TAILD MOM ..... ~ ..... • ptt,H Vetw ···~ • hi<..,_ • • : • • 0,.. 7 Oap-11 :00 to 7 :40 StllMlays 12:00 to 6:00 CALL NOW S32-1H2 ....... THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAftCH I , 1969 ew.1dldfll w.tll " CllM9ll •1n~, .. ~!t~·~.l.~~.:r. (30) "Your Clllld'• Stlf·EltNm.'' 'frii ... •M u"""""-• Mra. Emma .Hmlnc tatu about how Thret euthcwttiel Oft ttt. beMvfiorll partt'IU can help thtlr dMldrM de· tcltftcet dllCU&I the ~mica al ~ f..ilnp ol lltf·worth. fl'OUP tfltrlpy end tht lffect ol 1(1) ...,._,, lfD (C) rroup lftCIMlntln on tht part.Jo. ftii -.a. Wtet (C) lpants. Or. Rlc:hlrd Fal'IN, c:Mltman Tnllll er Cm1,111• (C) of the board of tht lnattut. of 7!lD tBl Cl) 11lt WM. WM w..t {C) Behavioral Sdence It La Jatla; Or. ( ) An mpment to ta .. poues· Berne Kalletian, llftlltivlty lf'OUP lion of 1 prieeless diamond for the trainer and cllnlcal ~: Dr. Nltlonll Muaeum in Wesltlqton, Ch1r1es fttl\lloft, Mad of the d• D.C., brlnp Jama Wiit to an ..n. partmtnt o1 Coftflf'lt1Cll and Pfo. ltllnd tslltl and lntxl an 1m1nce (l'lm Consultltlon et UCL\ IUtll with 1 famed Scott1nd Yard detec· ii) £111.._ ....,. tm. John wi1111ms ruests. t:JO D @ CJ) m n. 1.. et w a m ..,,... Clllplml CC> <60> s.nMtt (C) <30> "Sodbusttr." wiu "No &ups, No Drums." Buck is ind Jtff hel~ 1 prairie farmer who captured by thieves when he et-befriended James. Jacqueline Scott tempts to retum the mlssinr hus· and Don Dubbins ruest. band of en old fla me. Bethel Leslie fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. ind Wiiiiam Sylvester rue,t. II) Festini 11 Madrid IJ Jimmie Rodgers is Back! lO:OO ¥i '~~.,!!-;_.!~P~~n 'K~J * Better than EVER! and Mr. Spock, elonr with Dr. Mc· 90 MINUTES WITH Coy, •re tt1pped In the past, ind Sensational Rod McKuen return from that time means d-.th Nancy Ames· Dale in the present. Monroe & R~ndy Sparks! BI ~oiCJJ.60> * tt1e De-t?J!'cw, i Sal1te te Jl••I• fltllt (C}' '(60> "Runawey." Judd (90) A standinr. whistlina. defends 1 yoonr hippie Who is •c· clap-happy crowd welcomed Jimmie cused of t1klnr men1e on her f1· Rod1en 1t the Cocolnut Grove. ther after he ordered her to destroy KTlA brlnp you 1 show f11turinr her horse. Jecqueline Scott. James Jimmie, Rod McKuen, N1ncy Ames, Broderidt and Susan Anspach suest. Dale Monroe and Randy Sparks. fJ Mlf'lhl Dilleft (30) · D I.HI CJ) ED Tllis Is T.. ..... m TUt .. <C) (30) "Scienca ~ (60)P1ul Anb, Georri• Brown looks at Witchcraft." Willl1m Shit· and Mary Hopkin ruest. alona with ner and Dr. Milton Kiin• 1uest. Geor1t Carlin and the Crazy Wor1d fJl) RID Rl¥lew (60) "An Experi· of Arthur Brown. ment in Enrineerlnr Education." Dr. D Miiiea $ Mow\e: (C) "Band of Albert Hibbs reports on Caltech's ~ .... (adventure) '57-Yvonne De Great Electric Auto Race with MIT Carlo, Clerk 01bl1. students. He looks 1t the protect I Trudi or C....11enca (C) (30) beh. ind the race-a fedtrally·funded Peny Muon (60) study in methods of reduclnr 1ir C.llCM de II ltaza (30 pollution. Utl Alll'I 111 If F111f0 @I) Didi• Robida l.1JO Hazel (C) (30) 10:30 fJ Movie: "Maniac" (drama) '63 lalnltow Quest (60) Penny and -Kerwin M1thews, Nadia Grey . Sonya Cohn 1uest. 11J News (C) (30) Im lJIClldta (C) @I) hnte Sin Hllt8ril 1:30 fJ QI Cl) Gomer Pyle (C) (30) 01 D .. Gomer and Sit Carter are victim· ll:OO 1 ·fredl II> -.:.1 GE Ntws (C) lad by a pair of unlikely pick-~ :!':";* pockets as they make their way by . Movie: (C) "Plfldora alld tt1e ; ~~mt~ :::•o;ndi. '-• flyltlc Dutdlua" (fantasy) '52- (C) (90) ttfreakout to 1 Fast Ava Gardner, James MHon . Buck." Dan Farrell suspects that @CI) 9 @9 (I)...,.. (C) an 11lnr criminal has been forced 11:30 fJ Mowte: ,.,.......,.. (west· into ncapina to aid in a multi· em) 'SO-Ward Bond, Joanne Dru. mlllion·doller robbery. Barry Nebon 8@@ m T•!Pt Sllow (C) and Arthur O'Connell &uesl Mowie: (C) '"Th E•perer's 8 Ci7J Cl)&) C....tien lap (C) Waltz" (musical) '48-Blnc Ctotby, (30)0.nnls Wholey hosts.. Joan Fontaine . I ...., 1r11i. CC> <90> a cm m m-, ....., <C> t..t tt1e Nill <Cl <JO> CD o.ai O'Connor (C) ,.._. Tapltia 9:00 9 (i) CIS Friday Movie: (C) 11:35 QI (I) Frtd., Sltow "tlarw•SC.-" (musical) '65-12:15 fJ Mowie: "lllllbeanl'1 T• ......,. Elvis Praley, M•ry Ann Mobley, llOOftl" (horrot) '60-Georfe Sand- F r•n Jtflries. ( R) ers. D IT'S AFTER DARKI TIME 12:30 CE Action Tllutre: "Mutiny on the * TO PLAYi HEFNER with Elslnor1." OTTO PREMINGER, RICH l:OO I Po!~~ of Cit .. (d LITTLE and many MORE! ma) '42~uriess Mere:: C11I~; D Pteybly Altar Dalt (C) (60) Trevor . Otto Premlnpr, Nilsson, Rich little. CD Fl'MI tlle ln9'dt Olrt (C) Norm Crosby, Tht Brothers Castro, MS.-. MGwte· -'Tiie Crl • .._..__.. The Pllr Extrtordl111ire, and Tony • _. •• -• -Glo" ~ . (lftYStlfY) 59--Glenn Corbett. a w m let's Ma .. I Dell 1:30 m All·Nlpt Sllow: "Madlfeine," (g ( 0) Monty Hall hosts. ·'C111 of the Wild," ind ''The Livlnr m Ron for YOUf Ute (C) (60) Head." I • ' l ' • SATURDAY MMCH 15 '.1 l I P "-< I '' (, &:50 Ciwe U. Tllia O.,~ (C) 7:00 .... ,.. ....... (C) .............. (C) 7:JO ..... S.•11t1 (C) :.:;~ .......... ~ r~rw:(tl ·~=wtllttU..<C> T ... ef WIMI F-. ,_...., n.tn; "Tou1h11t Man Alive" and "Naked Gun." l:JOfJ9 Ci) .... ...,/ ........ .... (C) mec.t(C) ;-m.m WNwr <C> ~ W (dram•) 9:001a·&(t1 Mtwie: ~ WltllHt ,.....,. (mplefy) '34-0aude Rains. I (17.) rn .m ,,, • ., ,... CC> Jact LI laMt (C) _.. .... Tllaeh &tl6 ..... t:JO!ft()) WadlJ baa (C) a oo m ..... Splits <C> oday the B•nana Splits present a repeat of the NBC Children's Thu- tre production of E. B. Wtllt1'1 "Stuart Little," the stCMY of • rnoutt born into a New York City f1mlly. Johni Ca110R namtes. I m m F11ta1t1cv.,. <C> lieih (C) "The Corlicln Brothers" •nd "Juvenile Juftlle." l~I&;~::~ .. ., ... fMtlr (C) D Mewie: <C> -c.w. u.n" (westem) '58-Joel McCrta, Gloria Talbott. I Patllm fer LINc Las Estrella J Ustld 10:30 !(I) ....... /_.... <C> @ 8'Ullderdec(C) It: ~ ... ..,.. (drama) '41-Jackit Cooper, Walter Abel. l ~~m~ Fow (C) CIMll ... 11:00 9 (i) ID Storyboolk S.-- PttefMarsflall hosts. @(])Gl)C.O,..tftlll ...... i Award n.tre: "Amuon Quest." 11:308' Ci) Tiie Hercllloldl (C) @Ii' UlltlttMd Woild (C) Phil '!I. hosts. g ~ c.v m Mtrican .......... ct MM: (C) ...., Fro• OU.. "'9u" (western) '54-Wlll Roaers Jr., Haney Ol10n. ", I T I J) "" () () •, lZ:J01=-~-::., ca-t (C) ~"I l.M a ....... (COlft• drtN) '44-f'IUltttt Goddatd, lmT(tl ... ..... nun: ~reasurt the RubJ Hits." l:t01·=-~ (C) UweJDA• ....... <ca L covtr11t of the two l•met 11 the recional finals. TOlmt will bt annoul'IC*I. 0 Mewil: ....... A,c,.. .. ..,.. CdlllM) '40 -GOOflt Raft. Join Bonnett. Wilt• Pldaton . ..... : (C) .............. (drama) '52-Alan Ladd, Vlflinll Mayo. '8 s,.11 5'lda' (C) AAWU SWlm Mfft ua.A holb the Pldflc 8 Conferenu at Lonr Bach's Bel- mont Plaza SWim Stldlum. Tom l(elly ii miMlidt. I Cl) Cir aM Trad! (C) Dldll loWI ..... F..aa Htcllllatltl (C) l:JOI!.~ ~ ...,.,<C> 2:001 lllt .... (C) ll1owlt: (C) ..... et F1ro" (td- ventu11) 'SS-Jack Palance, Barbara Rush, R• 'Ronon, Marthl HJw. m c:..Mt ni.tre: "Shed "° fiara." 2:30 8 QI) CJ) CIS Celt Clmlc (C) tiit second quarter-finals match Is btJd. 8MeM: "ff I W.. ..... (dra- ma) '38-Ronald Colman, Ellen Drew. 1•11111T• 3:00 Clillw .......... l:JO&MeN: (C) .._ ...... r (drama) '54-Sttwlrt Gr111aer. Pe-ter Ustlncw, ElizllMe Taylor. DCi7J CJ)&>Pr9 ......, Tow ~ L. 81tiir holb the $50.000 Buckeye Open from Toledo, Otllo. &l Coler n.tn (C) "Home In In· dlina." 3:558""" (C) 4:00 a...... Pril 5 (C) "1968 Star- dust Gland Prix." fJW ... Traia (C) 4:JOUC1ta•ploulllp lowtl11 (C) Butch Gearhart and Norman N.,.s meet Glenn Alli10n and Bob Cooper. ............ s:00 o (lJ) Cll m ... Wido w.w .,-s,o.ts (C) World Surflnr Cham· pionshlp from Rincon, Puef1o Rico; International SQ f1Jtn1 Champion- ships from VlcMrsund, NofwlJ. Jim McKay holts. (T lfttftivt) mz... .. <C> , fl!) l111a11tloa: "Unbrtakablt Win· dowt.." Dr. Richard Brtnneman and two experts from Gtntnl Electric dltcua 1 new unbreakable ISalL ~ Fltblf.s.car 5:301 •• -.., (C) (R) lt'a Acadtlllc (C) Co1ek1tJ ...... (C) Groucho Marx auesta.. ........ Col ....... (C) "°"1 ~. "*1 Ditton and Walter Wlndletl ero cuest Judln. 12:00 I a CJ) lllmMt (C) MM: "1llt I•._.,. (Wiit-• ern)-Richard Conte, Merilyn Erl- kine. I ,._ F,_ UNCU (C) MdWe'a NIWJ lntlmdoul Mapzfnt (R) 1ntroduc1na Thi Haalhkll .. aoon11-Blke" ••• Thi 111-s1ason Trall Ind snow Bike Power from tho engine It tran1fo1TOd by chain to thi1 II • 1.50 tubolou floatetion-typo tire. Tho rHult it high 1tability and romarhblo traction under almoat any aurfaco con· dition. \.THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES .GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION Snap on tho optional 1ki occo11ory ud tho bih h rHdy to Nin owor 1urf and wot Hnd, u wolf H 111ow. Tho combinotion of .._. 6T-ll'1 S HP on· 9ino, 2-ipud tranl• 111i11ion and giant roar tire 9ivo it remarkable traction, oven up 1toop hill1 encl patht. ldul for hunt•"· fishermen, or ju1t ploin fun . No nucl to put tho 6T-II away for tho wintor . . . ju.+ mount tho optional Slii Acco11ory. -sriop• on in 1oconcl1 without 111- in9 tool1. UH it for winter hunt. Ing, fi1hing, towin9 1liiors •nd tobo99onort. FREE Send for Our Huge C.talog It's ~ .. to Yo• for ttMt Alkl•t• HEATHKIT® 1uc:no•1c c1na -~}(l1c··. ltl'. To rHch HHthliit Electronic Center tali• Harbor llvd. to lall Avo. oHt 011 l•ll • fow 1hort blocli1 to JJO Ea1t loll or take Sa11ta A11• Froowoy to Harbor llvd., H ... bor llvd. to 1111, • fow thott l.locli1 and yo11 'ro horo SALIS Ir ,ARTS HIATHKIT 776·9420 no IAST IALL. ANAHEIM SUYICI 776-t4JJ ... ,. 15 . . ATLANTIC MUSIC SAVE $121 54 ~ $170 58 01 THIS ·SALE E'eaturing: • THE F.E.T. SOLID ST A TE 200 W. SHERWOOD FM RECEIVER • THE UNITED AUDIO 1009F DUAL AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE • THE 808 EMPIRE ELLIPTICAL CA RT RIDGE • A-R ACOUSTlC SUSPENSION OILED WALNUT SPEAKER • LANCER 9535 12-in. TWO-WAY OILED WALNUT SPEAKER • 'WHARFED ALE 3-W A Y OILED WALNUT SPEAKER lllCIUdes: Dual Dust Cover, Oiled Walnut Base, Speaker Wire, Connecting Cables l A N C E R full renge I " speeker •v•tem feet11r•• 45 to I 5,000 HZ rosponH, Yo welnut •nc:lo111rH. Compl•t• 5 pi•c:• •y•t•m -$538.94 AR 4X SpHker ayst•m f e • t 11 r e 1 AR's ftmous eco111tlc su&oenslon '-· 1i9n. Comolete 5 plect system. $553.02 -----; ~~ . N•w from Sh•rwood -Th• ell 'ilic:on solid atet• SUOOA ,.. ceiv•r. A bolcf encl bH11tif11I n•w rec•iv•r. 160 wett. Up front circuitry, Fl•lcf • Effect • Tr•n1istor1. IWelnut cu• op· tionell. Duel I 009F. Th• l.+tst v•riion of th• ftm•d I 009. FHtllrH '11 9rein tr•c:king, cueing m•c:· h1ni1m 1nd pltc:h control. Com- plete with SHURE elliptlc:el c:ertridgt. diemond 1tyl111 end wtlnut bue. OTHER COMPONENTS FISHER • BOGEN • LANCER • HARMON • KARDEN • ALTEC • UNIVERSITY • WHARFEDALE • BA'RZILA Y CUSTOM CRAFT LANCER 9535·2 12" two wey spHktr system fHtvrH JO to 20,000 HZ responH, olleef wel· nut onc:losuro. Comploto 9 piec:o system -$578.94 Wherfodelo ) wey apHlr· or system feet .. •-.1 their excl111ive Hnd flllecf con- struction. Comoleto I pioco system. $703. 92 ADD A SONY 2$:0A •.. TRACK .STEREO I 0 R ADD A COPY CAT 155 MONO RECORD I PLAYBACK. VU METER~. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF. DIGITAL TME COUNTER 11950 e SOLID $TA TE e PLAY-BACK/DUBBING STEREO TAPE DECK _ ..