HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-12 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa..... ' . ' .. . " •• :J ~. ··J· ... Yo· • • • Huntington Be · Ch!'(f John Stitzer: "/ !II< pr~blbli of drug abuse is to be over- come, we will need more per· son.s to be 'in the know' and this series certainly wiR~tti (\ to achieve this end." J { · . I ) r t'f ':"\ • " ' . ' .. r ;·) . ' . ' I I . I . . • ' .. ' ' . • ' . . . " ' • ' • ~·,:1 I n ' r • . ' ' " • I 1i •• ·~ t .. .,_ -' . ! j l fl.I ·,....-;.1 • ,, . ' . I ,. . ' • I . 1. I . . • . < ,. ,: . • • •• . • I • I BSU Leader Arrest FRAN~.~tJPij' -Nos i old, 2t-)'t8Hta loader of Ille SI-'llillcD~.llSU) al S Franclaco ~A>IJN -im II \ht ochool Tutlday nlpl 00 ctlWltl of allanfMd a-. ··· · · • • PILOT c.nn •Nlii' •"M .cw.t-P• N'°"""' , . . ( • " . • • • .. i • ··.,e,~e~ ,, .. II may !tarl,'ilrlPf>ing again 1 .. nlgbl, but (hlnp ·l.i~ bO"back lo a sunny ~8J.1 ~. with coastal lempera.-. .ranglna from 10 lo 41. .--, • f I I •• I l " • i • .. ~ ! c " • • • ~--~ -------~ .~~ •• _.. ......tr_l:ll' ______ ..... _.,.~..... ..... • ...... • ~ , I i I " I • • ' . ! -, t ... 1 p . <( t \ • ~ . ,vof·1~,~~.76l, 4 $~~NS, 66 PAGES . ) ' . ' ., I • . . • You Must 'Know ·r' . , By ·ALTON BLAKESLEE Auedntef Pren Scleace Writer • Wile parents will try-lo'lead !tom the itr.n,tli ol lmowledge In - JDr'dtup wl1h ·Uielr ~ ·o.IJY that:wo;y are they likely to be dlective: Cllll,Y thal way <Oil !MJl·tjioal:llot,elllten"•. · . . " Kiiowleifi•llrlbl&~mult'be ~on ihe facts about the drup • tbemlelw:s -Whlf .tbfy're~lllfie~ what 'tbey1do to people. Here' is a nm- ...,, •olbe.prllldpat1dru(J ~ or abused. . ~ANA '-.11'• ~-nw!lr• 1mown· Iii pot; grw, 111ary J-· llo;y .. Jaliit; ....rr, ....... loi''.lly'fdozen otber~ . . ' . " . ,., , ~~-~;\!~Siaujo.~11 ~-11.\.illi:il ~ ' .,~~ ~: ~~·'deJ"Um.-- f . ' ii.Vii~'· ' ''ii,..l.'i>a1i«'ch1c1 Joh4:=:' •it !he "'9bicm of 'Cfrvg abu.st' i! to be otttr· com(, .tot 10iU n-ted more•per- . Jotu to • be 'in the . know' and this .1tm1 certainly will htlp to ach~ this ntd." <iU!ttlhl 'lt ·d-~ -ayl pliyabl ~ .. ,,.,...,. . ~\~~~~­~~Ii 4 M th,."'=• <otid'uio!all1"i>Wa<;e IOti> "'. "-' am ~e<poln; thot'can be "'1dlc, til'f' or blbll I~. I • · MaliJaena come.· inlm ·th• 1.m.ie hemp plm!t, camabii nUvL Tht 1 ..... ml -· tllpo .re dried, some!lmes'""' mlled '!Ith lnlla«o, and rolled Into ·a cilamte: Tht dlects! felt In a few mlmltes, tl!U:illy lul thre•o to ftve liom, but mat go on·f« 12. Reeferl ,cah vit1 widtly bl pfteiicy, dependln( an tbeJt coo.t.nt ol Ille active plant lngJ;edlenL Typically, mOlll imOkerr have a feelini iii great wen-being, of• feiUng hlgh, • ~ hadig bail a fe!f akobotio drinks. 'llley mo;y 1>ecOme ·lalkallve· and hilarious, er ran into • dreamy state. 'lbeir Iden flow rapidly, ...,.. times in disconnected fashion . They fantasize, ~ sa.metimes have a deeper apprectaUon of works of art or. music. Time atn:tcl¥1 ·out. Dis- tance and llOUndl aro magniljed • . OtllfJ' smokers may feel 'irritable and coofUMd, or become fearful. , (.SD ..: ii "' pol<pt that. a dllll< no Jar~ than· the point ol a pin II enough ., to -tiiid mboi· J\OOple' oil' oa 'aiiwln& "trips" wttbln their own mlods. LSD olandJ· l!r1 ~ acid' dletbylamlde, and Is ollen olmply called acid, trips, cul>Oo, p0arly gates ,.. ~veoly blue. . It'• IUppilad, quite Illegally, u a powder In oaPoUles, small white pilll, • •1-cotorlell;tutelea liquld that can be soaked Into IUl&r cubes or crackers. A trip uoually be&ins 30 to 45 mlnutea all« the drug Is ewallowed, itJid Wtt tight to , 12 hours. How a perlOh reacts depends on the dose, the person himalf, bi& mood, and the RWng. Moot UJerS report """'°" brlllilllt oolora, starbunls, and dlltortlon al .-ie ob)eota. Senles· may blend IO colon 1ppear to be tutad. W- tlvll)' to IDmd increues. Objects may pulsate. Something u famillar as a teacup can appear to be an object of fantastic beauty and wonder. Peelings (S.. PARENTS MUST KNOW ENEMY, Pa91 31 ~stronauts to Come HQDJe • . ' ' f.Alter-Thilrsday Morning w· .... prime recovery llblp, drove lw ......, hd ·to mU:e 11 to-the .new • recovery .,., near Gmid Tur>: Iallnd, In 'the -., •mu .. -o1111t.prriloal ;CPACE CENTER, HOUll°"'"~AP..) - Wllb happy lhoutl Of 11Let'1 IO, there !" 1111 Apollo t utron1uts toOli ilin on ..... lllCI plllcid target r.r Tburlday'• ~ to earlh fmn 11 teytnr dlys d t..i llllht In IJl&C<.. llllCllng, &He. She had been M"'\1DI .i>out .l It -lllayq up tbe'O ,... utra mldwo;y W-0 tbe llndiric ...,.. whlle --100 -more ·-,but. II fll&lit ollldlll -debllad· "°" to. ~ · ~ meon! •widini the roulb, ·lllorm-• the' ttormy weather. · ~ .... ID the oriclDll 1"."11"' Cmdr WU11am H. W~, ~VI •'x dGll't think uybody up'1>el-e 11 alflce1 ,ol the 06ot¥& htlkOploi' :tiiot, pd ....,p oal1or for that," uld nid, 1'We llh<xl1d cet Ihm well ahea~ ,~aft commander James A • of time." l\jeD!vitt, mellllnc nelUJer1ilirueH, nor Al tbe 1hlp lelt the 1'-fdpl twells bll copilotl David R. Scott lllCI RuJStll and lciw ovlfUll b<lllDd i.... Mclllvkt ~-elcbrt. • "llotl..-" llld· Miu!oa Cootrol. "We uked U 1lhl'd make ~ In time and clown 'here too." The new wutoldlhewajUlt llbounaway. rsdldowJI. 1.lme iJ t :Ol 1.m. PST1 at .. We need the cake,• kidded. &:otL aio ~ of 151 Hvolutlons al tho The iallor1 of the Gulllolcll10! have ..... ( ,,._..i I !It poulllf Wt to wlkorne t:JM alrcnfl carrier GuldJleanal, lbe utranaull abotnl. I , --r-- \ ·~ , ~---· '. J,'. l · .' . TEN CWT<: • I . .1 r'.J '• • . . . ' . - Fllror 4 •• ' ... • Pilot Executive Ni,ssen , Retires After 20 Years " ' . Oru1e · 1 ' '· ' ,(;eu& • • • .i i ~Y,IUT H .... -.... .I 'fu_, •. •• {· No Contest Pl.ed ' ' ..... ' . . cllarida' Ind did DOI -tho ,ntliilal· capacllJ lo lorm ~ meanlncfuJ, maturo, plol .. -lhe -· . ' Slrban iJ P17,cbopolhk:all1 poranold and dluociates -has • 'penonallly split -under strea, the psychologlat laid, adding "be probably will continue In dluoriate under strea,. Q. He'• "9 bettor now? A. I thlnk 'he's wone, from what I obeerve. . . Sirhan testified that he mnemben just a...., law thlnp about the moments precadlni and lo~ Iba· lboot1n1 of Rec Board Discusses Spring Activities Membera of the i1un11na1bo Beach Parka and &creation COmmilllon wlll discuss thelr spririg reereaUon program tonlgi>I In the Huntington Bead! City Ccund1 Cbamher~ Conunhslooers alao will COMlder align· ment of the San .View Park and park coooeptl al Clea.Stacey School, F.dlloil ·COmmunlty Park aftd Buallnglno Centrll Park durinf the 1:30 p.m. oe"1on. 'Ba·cked Kennedy last June 5 -going to Ken- nedy'• bolel In a drunlmn llate far colfee • .. talking In a pretty girl ... then cbokir.g u be was overpowered alter the shooting. Schorr said this "indicates partial amnesia." Schorr said had Sirhan been examined before the assassinaUon be probably could have been spotted as a poten1Ja1 murderer and ye~ the psychologisl Aid, Slrhao Iii his mental condltton could mt have formed a meaninfu1 and ma-ture plot. Tustin Voters Approve School Tax Override ·• Slid£ 'l)anger Will ·Continue Severaz-w eeks WASlllNGTON (AP)-U.S. O.OlogiCll Survey' IC~ baYe Warned that tbe danger of Jandalld .. In caJllornia from heavy rains will cootinue for ~veral weeks or perhaps months even with dry weather. f "Add1Uonal rains or earthquakes could trigger widespread disaslroul llldea dur- ijlg thla crtUCll period," said a rtalement Issued by lhe GeologlCll SJl'"Y, ~branch ol lhe lnt¢or Deportmejll. .. "Long after the rains atop, 1\'ater •low· ly seeps down into the ground and the likelihood of landsliding increases,'' the statement said. It said the recent rains Dear or at record leveh, hive .eruted one el the gr<atest land!lide d"'l'?S In CaJuontia history. Residents of buildings on or near slopes should be alert tor symptoms of im-pending earth failures and ' report IUl(Jfclooa •""8 In local autboriU.. '° that speciall!ta can investigate, the !tate- nie fifth tax measure In 10 In -... menl Aid. , • In the Tmtln Union Jllgh School lliJtrlcl 'nley saJ<I Wamln/! llin&ll could Include In 30 months wa1 passed 801ldly Tuesday, any of, lheae lndleaticlllll: brlnainR a 30 cent bike In the tax 1;~ ~· that lllct or Jam rate. -New cracks ln , plaster, t 11t1 "I wu tickled In death Ibis one did brlckwwk, or IOlllldalloos. paS$,11 said board president, WDUim c. --Outside walls, wslkl, or stain pulllnf "Bud• u-~atd today. "I hope Ibis , . away from bulldlnga. . .... '" -Slowly developing and wldehillf ii the ead «I.be turbulent era." cracks 1n the ground or paved attU. About a third ol the dillrict'• 35,001 lines.~ ol underll"Jllllll ulilily voters turned out. Thtire were 819SO for In .-. -Leakace lrom awlmmlng pooll. the lncrea!e aftd t,IOI oppooed •~ -Mbvemeal or tl1llni Cl fencos r .. sprawlhia dlsirtct. talnlnf wallli, utlUty poles or trees. nie ~ rate ol IU.O per 1100 -Neir water ,.._ or baJc1n1 ol .-valualloo wea due In ,eipiro the p'ound al the bue ol a olopo. June 30. 'Ille dlltrlcl would bavo bad 'nle . ~ Aid tt wu laipoalble lo try In live on tho bulc llall rate lo 11111mote ~ 1iow Ion( tho bawd ol 8' -. 11 bas been estimated thla might 1u1 bat that the .,.-water would bave forced reduction ol teacblng alnad1 ID' tho cround' would l<eep tho Ila!! by ti despile explnded ,,_11men1 danger allv1 oeveral ...W In a le w predicl!<>ot ol 700 more lludtnll and months. liready Jarae clall m... Hayward Aid di.tricl olflcla!J DOW will .begin recruiting and attempt lo ~ Oil\ the district'• ~ poei· lion nprdlng uncertalntJ. , .,,, o n 1 ~... t ~ '· He ll8id the boatd bad reoelvod a number o! .!eacber ...SpttOlll ·.at ill last mMtiag, "IClne from p8Qple 'we've been·workbJg.fcr yearlto aecure/' The board, .prealdent llt<l, "o0e perlOD In .~ •• darn IOOd t...cher, no1gned. We bad worked two yeera to &et lilm on the lllall. I gu... he ~ who the heck needs It (flnandal unie'ttainty)." Ha)'Watd Aid lhe boatd will allo be lludying ill w ~ e e I y ltanspol1AUon l)'Slem In make oomo basic decllkms on '9med1il mearurts. "We hl_ve1 !IOtnt W!lgs (bu!••) tllert . lhit art . pretty andM. almoet eolleClon 'lteml\" he sold. ' . ; ' Mile Square Park Entranc.e O~d Comlrucllon ol .. -· lo Mile Sq\lare Reclonal .Park al Warner AVO!lll& at Ward Street in Fount&Jn ValJtr n1 approved Tueeday by the coonty l!oor<I ol Supervlaon. Low bidder WU the 0. E. Henclerwoo ComV:uctlon eo: ol Santa -al 18,1115.30. then ....... ,,.,, bids nnamr up 1o 110,m . 'Ille Road Department .. timate of the cool ..... $8,112. ' nie work In be doo< conabta of con- $8,!06.30. There were oevm hldi ranginl gutWs and piJdng ot ·-•at• base and uphall concrete lor the -, of Warner AV<mle. We Care about what we Sell CONVINIENT TUMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARSE We tilso care what you Bl!Y Tltet'1 wliy w~ ~;.. Just es cenolul :•i;out liow we sell our Wetches, Di'emonds end ell other merehan· cllae thet make y · U: the .customer satisfied. Quali- ty Merchandi1e , and fair prices. Our prices are elweys in lint' with quality stores ell over the country. Why nof~cprlie and see for your· self. The store where v.iluis have spoken for them· 1tlves for 23· year•. ' BUY WITH COtilFIDENCe-WEAR WITH PRIDE Cail...Chaige:.Budget • I ·-. ' I WE DNES DAY ""8 llll. -• ... (Cl 00 llol .... " ~ "' "" .... ,ltk•IHlw, Mt • .,......" .... _1111 ..... -. MARCH 12., ' • • ~ -~·-=-.,, i""-" Mt tw · g11>1rr..:.-... lllo.:: --... ·--.. . .. ~--·· ... ~ ~ Bllll.·ilt -(Cl (.;,• ' • . ~ ~ -=~~ ,,i:::;;: OiiOoJw ....... :• ... -"" . ··-""""'(Cl (30) _ .... 'till .. __ _ 8ttM Qll ... (C) (90) \1c. Ctll ...... wfllt ....... tor Sdlh. ,....,, ., ""' °"""" """'*'-" ... 1....., .. ,....... 11*ta. Alia 111 tlM WI ttt Mort -as II Ill .... ,.,.,, ..... Sftll, Dllld JiDWI, Joell .... itNt- . , . • • ' ' . .· ....... Ill (IOI 8 SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE-(C)I B 1111 ., -(Cl (IO) *JAMES MASbN 6 SUSAN, •' ·-·"" ..f.t3111 ..,. o HAYWARD STAR IN "THE ::,-.";:; .. ,._.ti .-ti llARRIAGE.00.ROUND'1 . ·-..... ,.._ -(C) -. · riiel .. I fl r (~) '11 l:«l •. lntflf Hlll~llliH' (C) (JO) Sqn Hlriifird, Jt111u M•n. Jul· JIBtrt Nldl • 11111 _. ..... It ..... r. . ' cidll ti btconle' I IWI, IO lllllllY'I ..... (C) (10) • • ........... ,.. -..,.. m.,.,, en (C) (30) d11t's wlh 1111118 tut • $3,000 JM· : m .._ tc') (311) "" to· 111ru beldqutrt.1 Ill 1111111.. tm CJ) ......... (CJ • .. '"rio-::.:>~=: a.tinlllltf ,.. hll pt. ... ... chi WfL .... ...,., ... .. . .. ..... ....... . ,,_.,, told at Nllllf. . . •"-'"'r 11111\11-... , ... . I T ~ 1 'J r ' :-i "< v •,·c • ,. •-" ~ 1·' !!<' .... ~ ... -.... ·-U:» .... &! Ir (""'9J 'M -"""" \oofillo . .,.,. ,,,_ ..... (~ .. -..., .. Lltk• OAmME MOVIES 2:00••wt1on ..... s.a ........ ,.,. ..,, '52:-MtMfl Clf$. l:•8(C) ........ tt .. r.-~ •.W•C)'lll. _.) 'U -0... 0.lltf', Dlw I :• 8 (C) ......... (Mn) 1S- LJM. JMI McCltl. V.. Mila l:lt! • .,.. ..... (m,Csy) '47'-0.~ 4:JI. tCJ ... u = ........ t• ._,...,_JI. ....... ,~-- lHl ........ 1 •1' a .-(dtlMI) Prla, ~ ta6. STAR T.V. CLIP THIS .AD s7 50 .AND ·SAY~ , . e bM YOU MDT s1mc1 CAU. .. (Ottw I~ IUY at, tfiH) lCA ., SALIS l,UlYICI. , DNITlt ,., ........ •ttlllllt llNlcf; ! 642-9742-· 275 E. 17th ST,, COSTA MESA MISS HACH • ' . I --------~--- -- • , . ' ' -· ,L.•··--•' ' -... ,. ... . ·-.. ' ' .... ,,~ .... ..,------r--------..... ,, I • N....,., M""ft 12, 1969 Ii• M. Schull By Tom K. · Ryan · By Al $mlth DO )()U ~~~ ~,,..~,EYELASHES.; • : •• ! .. By Men IF' '!IOU DIP, 'IOO'!> llE A C:RliPIT 'Tb n<E HUMAN lit/IC.£:. ~\ , I c ...... , ""'t. • ·'. •• ~ 1·/J.. •. ,,.... . ' AL TAR-llOUND -Henry Beckman, left, Is oll""' ~ .. ine, good 16vice to the perhaps altaM>oumt ~ ~bl>y Sliennan on 1tonigbt's .. Here Come t11111 Bn6e's," on Channel 7 at 7:30 pcm. Robert Browii l and Joan Blondell "e-the stars of the series. Guest'' cast includes Mary Jo Kennedy and Henry Jones/ .... :\ . . .... , . TE .. EVISION VIEWS . Marriage May Come ·to End ""' ' .... . By RICK DU BROW . HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Th• latest !lap bt-, ~een the Smothers Brothers and C.SS:TV ~.,:. as absolutely no surprise to tl)e televlskm _,, The alliance of. the network and the com ... team bas been, for some time, strictly .a mlll'iaQ,~ of convenience (See story, Page~). • To say that CBS-TV and the Smothera bmthors,, can live without each other iS pulling It mildly. :.- It was common gossip for awhile that CSS.T\lf>i despite the success of the brothers, was eomldertnr'' dropping their series next season because of the' mutual headaches over censorship, taste and re:.~ .. Jated matters. :-.r. ON!' OF THESE matters was simply the per-.. sonal antago~· that ha~ built up; · '~ I Since Tom Smothers is ge\ietall~ the man o! the team, and the mo5t 1ny9lve41D,J! ... lion, he is the brother who most .otlep·lld, up butling heads with the networlJ; ~ '~l~· ,. . U the nelwo~k haS' INiy thoildl:~ • dropping the Smothers, it is .repoM~·'i'aiili ~· ~~l given S1lme consideration to droppinc c~ .•• ' ,The cvnics. however!. ~ways l3lk money, -~!1 ;,"Jhlct .1t'bi1*~'fJilil'fe\-Jllif' .. -t:.I ' ·~'~ .. ,-.,,. .. , .. ~-~ . . wouid do , .. !zna..r ,.:..,. ., ~\ ,,;. ........ ~ ,14 11 11 1 .... _ ... , qs ~~·· • 1":~' ... ;f tli ··e:=" ......... tlie ·~"~not T · •urprtsed h'""....,,i;.. thev•do · ; "' I ,.,_Jy•"?,'..,,~ti', ,,.~ .... , :t,o~ "/ •\'I.I I ~E ,SUGllESTIGN· ~ bfothers.mi&lft try' move to NBC-,'11V ii they can g!'I ~way .• Cl . TV is amusing .end·provocative. ···~ '"·~"~ Eirst of all, feelings aside, CBS-T.V<I• • .. s~_iive to th.e pos5lbility the Smotl!l.rl: ml come back to hurt them in the ratings Olt Jj < ,. network. , ' ·· •. · .. .i -' Second, would a network 1ike'NBC-TY; w . alrei¢y, bU the equilly controversial. "~..P.llf1 series, want 1to .be known as the broad91it1n1 or1 ganization that· has' a11 the irrevereJ:\Ci?," 1 • 1 Jn addition, NJlC.'l'V'S" appl08Ch wlfll '.'La"Ci In" is wholly different from thal ol tl)e Smolh~ brothers, who. frankly lay on theif )liollpti wtth~ heavily-pointed, message-like style. In Mtort, w is to say heaClaches might not arise elsewhere too . . • ' ' •1 j INSIDERS WITH both CBS-TV lm4 ll!t ~i ers brothers have no hesitancy in Ullbt&.~eir n;ipJ tu81 animosity. ~ •1 j A Smothers insider says ! u'Ille n~ri.t~ reelf:A • dosen't like Tom and ·Dick becan•e lhey,~ ~ mean what they say !Jfthelr hlJ!""'· )11>• de!-~~ executive• are used to dealing wttli C0111ectl8n1 w~ pretended.to.he.irreyerent, but~y w.erJ!ll't. Th~ were all members of the c1ub, like Bob .~.'' 1 , A CBS-11V .insider. inelllwlµ,le., •BY• tliit mll!J of the top brass at the netWorlr' considef !l'om ~I "impossible and arrogant." · ~-~' ' ,. ; • 'l ~ ~ I . ,AS ANY St-!OW business obsenret klfoWJ, ~-' are not usually. a~ bad as they .,se«11ft 'Oft'-;tbe . face. They are worse~· · . · . -" And if you · wlui! proof of a.a~· Just .~ what he~ th~ ~e.:S 'weri"at ,CBl!l,rV wl!jlb they bowed ln with the first serleo on the netwQI~ that was able to compete successfully in the nthWii against NBC:TY's .Jitgh·ridip,g .. ~.·· ----:r: .' .~ennis, .~1'~ /tlenace ; ' . .. • •. , 111 '1•' ' ... :•. '\ .... .. ' ! ... ~ .. . • ' I.': ... t ... " ' ; j : ,. J ! •' " ' " ' p lWlY l'UT U!ll&L NOTICE . , ' I "' ' ~~·~"~·~-~-~-r-• ~~·--~---..... ~------~~-----~~-,---~----------------------~ -11 I 'I I • . ·- • S43*Ml· • • DN. MO. , '65 '.CHRYSLER $1"11l1 $39 *· $39 ~~"'~"'~.\!:~'~-Woolt!rr: :=: · :I DH HGN~lo. •, ., · . FULL. ~lal • , .: .MO. '&8 ·1Wtedir1 ~107.7 $3_6 *: ~· AlltOll'latlc. r1dlo, '"'!'Ill'"· (Utz 70JJ, Thi•. ,' ' DH 'Mo ... _ 1, -rth di.cit"' rnto. ~: Pl!(f-, · · ~ '65 ~011 8r111d Prix ~~10JJ : Sl6 * $36 v.a, r1dlo. 11t11tf' Mi~Qmll~ '"'tnrinl , . · ON. MO ;&. 11rKe1. whlll1w1111. ·GD-1 • :Ft~IJ:PllCE , ' ' . :~·!~,~'~'E -~~.~ "•• . $ftJJ; '~!' * $Ml09· !Nf. W1W T A 121. ' • fULL•PJ_~ ' . · . . • '64 Po111i1c , · $8t/~ · ·529 * $29 Grerd ,.,,._ Autam1Hcl Pttllf'!'.._.J?.dU!t DH:f · MO &e1ta..eoriSol1. whl!t WI 1 .. (H......,..) FUl,l:PllCl . . $29 * $29 . MO.' '&&. 0._HEYROLEl $077;. :; ~29 t $29 l tl Air m,.:w1:: v.a.' At -A>H ...: ' Q · · 1 ·rw · · ·MO ' '"· ' •-. '· fllt;I, ,,~Cl · '. <": . '84 FOIJD B~i. .• · $17· 7;/ ;,$26 . t . $26 ' °'*" h••• ~-. """" •'"'kit. .... ON . MO tld~ ""·""· HGlt. "56~. . FULi •119 . . All f'lllt llrlc:el Ill• tn_,• Ii-. All INllltf'llY Ml'!'Mllft bllltdl ttl M MMtllli ~-Cfellllt. ' .. • • Cr:!!'" cllltom-.w.,,..,,., ~~, ll11ta~. S\IF. ,10. i • ;$'''' ~~!~ '. . $23 * $23 " DN. MO. ,. ' ;86~1·. ·w· '· ... ' .. , I : • I ' ,~ • Door. 'ltUlo. lll!11tr. ·t IPttll.' llP':. 3'1. \ • , J •. $871. FUii -. ' ·: . ' :.,,, Pri.c• ' . \. $29 :~ . ; $2,f 'DN.' ,: :Mo. . ,., . Full Price · $i6 . ' ~o. ----~----·---'----'~ .... ----~~-- • ' r ' • .. ~· .. .. - ...... ·~'=')~~ - ii I• ' ·. J t • . ' l • VOi:. 2, NO. 61', ~SECTIONS, 66-PAGES . ' f ll ' I • ' ' . ' ' . . ... . ~~ . . L:Bolsa " ! ~ I '. '1111 ~.ill • Johll f~al-prlyate '+i*i'!"·CClllirudlon ol'•·~ lllao!l ........ otilnf'planl "'·---flJrlber. boneall> the,;owellJ ' lodO)' ' . . allernalO 1ll0 oil Sant. ilubara and abo oil the TuU oh<nljoe' lW bion approvod an4 llar1ed, bowevtr; be· !Old the-llen&IO lnlerl<I' Comlhltlee. u -predlctiom rose hlgber. . Jaclt Hunter, dlrtclOr ol the federal Office ol Saline Water, uplalned that the II</.\"' IJlpid project is simply too expenstve for what private firmll would • ,Oddo aplmt. COOllrilclloo ol th6 water IUDOI)< aild ~er ~I an· rlalJ!t U lll'il.il!fJf'1 ~ UpliOU.. deadline looml;'a to; feileral olllClaI laid Tuelday .lo Waaldng1<m. . ., flO.qJll -~ ..:ant for a poqib\e be willlng IO pay. · All Interested parties pulled out ol the buge ..pn>Jed ud the public agency ' ' '· ' , ' ~ I l - ' ' :'fou: ·Must Know Who's· Your Foe ~ • • ' I J ,. ., •, t . . Jiy ALTON BLAKEsLEE ~aw Pms S<feace Writer Wise patents will try .lo lud fi:om the 11ttngth ol knowledge In discus&-. q ·..., wjlb 1beir ~Only that wai·are Ibey likely i. ~effective; ooly that way can· Ibey spoot> inlelllgenUy. ' · · , :~ fn.thlJ cue:must be bued m the facts about the' drugs tbemlelvee ...... what they're like and what ·tbey ·do to people. Here ia a nm-o!o1fll ~ ~ priJiclpal clrup being used or abll!<d . . ~AltA 7 lt'1 more commonly tnown u pot, grw, Mary Jane, . Jiv, .~ ~er •. ltict,or·by a dozen oUter names. . "Aa l(tllel:ally used in the United si.tes, mlrijuana ls 1 mlld' di'ttg· that ~I~ ~a.may deveJ1,•• piyclloi.gtoal neec!' far 11.Jllul·it • • -• •• ' >t • ia not ph)'lically! 1hablt Iotmibg~ -_,_, ___ ........... ' ' ·"':'""~ ti"!"1 J1:.1~ ~ljtnptolu. . ' . • , It is not a narcotic, ind rleith_tt are otber ~llm·l!lodudl!I ....... Mlriju:;;ar ~ narcotlos ""'1tnll tar· varkillt Hub. But tnll; nar- eoticl uiaalll prolluco llleep' ...... aid relieve' Pain; they· ... ,,. addic- tive or ¥bJt1formlnl. r , ; , Manjuana eomts<from the f«nale hemp plant, (!amahll Utl't'a;., !Ibe leaves.and now..,, iop. ... dried, llClllle-are· mind with· tobocco, and rolled inti> a .ciluefte. 'Ille elfects, lelt In a few minutes, uauilly Jut tbne 'IO five boors, blJI may go an fer 12. Reefers can vary widely II potency, dependlna. 111 their content ·o1 the active plant lnl!redlent. Typically, mosf m><iken• liave •. feeling of glut weJl.belng •• or feeling higb, like baving bad a lew alcobolle drinks. Tiley may· become talkatr;e- and hllariom!,' ... fall Into • _.,, state. TlleJr ldul now npldly, ...... timel In -faahlon. Tiley lantulse, and oometimel haft a deeper appreciatkm of worts of' art or music. Time stretches oul Dt> tance 'and llOWldl are magnllled. Qtber smoten ·may-feel ·Irritable and confused; or be<:ome l<arful • . un·-u lo Potent thal.a dbse no larger~ the pqint of 'a pin ta en~ IO ..oo' mbef·Pei>J>l•' Oii on ·amuing "tflps" within their nwn mlndo. LSD lllalld1 for lywglc add dlethylamlde, and is often simply called acid, trips, cubes. P..,ly -gm or heavenly biue. It'• IUJJP~ quite llJeplly. " a powd~ in capsules, small wbite. pw;, « a colorless, tasteless liquid that can be IO&ked ~ar cubes or crackers. ; •. A trip muilly begin! lMl 'to"G minutes after the drug iJ T!Pallawed, and licds eight IO 12 hours. How • person reacts depends on the dooe, the perlOll lilmMll, biJ mood, and the setting. Most users repcrt aeeing brilliant colon, starburst.I, and dlstortion of pometric objects. -!nay tilend 10 colors •PPflir lo be luted; Seasl· Ufity to sound lncre,.es. Objects may pul<ate. Sdmething u 1am1Dar u a teacup -can appear to be an object or fantastic beauty and wonder. FeellnP (Seo PARENTS MUST KNOW ENEMY, P ... 3) f . Astronau~ .. tp .Come .Hon,.e . I • ' •' ' I t . • • 1 ' ~ t .Later-Thtirsday' Morrlmg·:. f ' .. , . '· ' ' . . 0~1'.l,6~ COUNTf ,1 1:Al;l_~R~I~. • Bf RUDI NIEDZll!UIU Of .. cs.Ur l'lllt;1\9"1 ' -q--' A propooed ea educaUon -and' famlly life pnllJ'&m in the Huntingt"1 Beach Unloo High Scbool district dmr critlclmt from ·parents Tuesday nighl before district tmt<ea: I , -• · Ftnt to line up again& the program, propooed lc>r the coming-oummer ochool. was Joe Ferm, spokesman fOf' the Property Ownero· Protective Leagije (POP!.). ' ' \ ~ . Pilot Executive Nissen Retires. After 20 Years - • ' . • vn· ' J I •• t ' ! "! .l'1 • I ' .. • (; _ ........ _ • H .......... l RETIRING--'-........ _......_ . ' ' ll/\11 1 1•11111 ; ....... CIMn .......... COMllAl1' : •*-'HWM4 . ........ .... ,.. .. . . . • JM~ l. Co•lov .,,..... .............. -·---.. '="'" -. Miiittf W. ..... ~-le-4 ~ ........ lttdli -""- ···:· • 1 -, J MS..... : ...... -.,. P.O.._ ,., t2MI .: .... ..... . -..tMica: .. 1 ....... ~ ........ ~ ·=~-.. .,....=-' . i . • • GlVIH HY 'POllTIOif • ' C~r:I C1r.t.iun " ' Gains Promotion . ' ....,. polh, f!M.110 .... , ........ =·JA-IJ In S¢i ~ ~ . . . la lbl lllOllDt.ln oreu, II --. -Ofid and 1111 dlmqid. Tb e ...-. " "--le -d""'O)id boma, fH0,000; domqid ....... lMl,000; damqe to 1,1115 loll, $1,317,000; and loa ot bou11hold pell 1cms, $UO,OOO. Flgurel -pllod by the llood cOldrol deporbnent ban been f'"'anled to Lt. Gov. FA! Rdnocte by Board of Superviaors Cbalrmml W1lllmn H. ffh'>. 1e1n to -In lormulatlng a llatnlcle flood -relief 1l"IClanl. Sllverido CanJon waa the hanletl hit with Dve ~ tilled ta the mudalide which llumdil<d the fire llailoo and ft,m,7ml!n private jiroperty damage. A IUl'YeJ dlocloled lbat up lo llO -..u-t lo SUverido <net-· dllliulpd. Teo ..... clellroyed and 15 11lffered major damage. Damages In ModjHta and Harding canyons totaled 1413,200. In the El Toro, 111111100 Viejo oreaa -i, -damqed by alldeo lo an estimated $1Z1,000. In Laguna Niguel Jud San Juan Capistrano hill ....., ':lllO loll -. damqed, amounting to $100,000. A majOr alide In Laguna Niguel cauaed an es!lm•tod f!J0.000 damqe. Laguna Canyon bulldlnp auslalned about $311,000 damage. All flood damapd rooda have been repaired temporarily with the excepUoo of Sanllqo Boulevlld """"' SanilalO <net and Tralluco Road bet•-El Toro. -Air Stalloo and El Toro Rood. No Contest Pled In Traffic Le ... tli .. .. . -,{)it:·Smudges , I ' Beaches on-Coast . ' ··Sirhan • characiler-and ii1d DOI ban tbO mental capacltJ to fonn a muntngfuJ. mature, plot qalnat the ..-1or. Sirhan II poychopalhlcally paranoid and dlaaoclalel -bas a perlOl!llily splil -under atras, the poycbologlst said, adding "he probably will cooUnue lo dilaod1te undei ltrell. .. Q. Ht'• no better now? A. I think he's worse, from what I oboa've. Slrban testlfled that be remembers just a very fn thlnpabout the moments precedll>& and followfn& the aboo!iJ>g of • • Kennedy last June S -lolnil lo Ken. nedy'a bole! In a drunken state for colfee ... taltlng lo a pretty girl ... then choking as be wa.s overpowered after the shooting. Schorr said lhla "Indicates partial amnesia." Schorr said bad Sirhan been examined before the usass!nation be probably could have been spotted u a potential murdenr and Jd. the psycbologl'1 Aid, Slrh111 In !ifs mental -on could not bAve formed a mtanlnful and ma- tur< plot. • $lide Danger lf ill Continue Several Weeks W ASlilNGTON (AP) -U.S. Geololk&J Survey lcientistl have wU'Ded that tbl danger ol landalldel In California from heavy rainl will continue for 11veral weeks or perhlJll months even with dry weather. "Additiooal ralna or earlhquate1 eould tri11er wtdeapned disastrous --ing thil critical period," aid a st.temmt lasued by the GeoJoslcal Burvoy, a branch of the Interior Department · . Solon:s Demanding Probe Tustin Voters Approve School Tax Override "Long after the rains stop, water sJow.. ly seeps down into the ground and the likellbood of landsliding increut11" the statemeat said. It said .the ,.....i nlna ,_ or at r=rd levels, have cmled ODO d the grutest landslide dangera In California history. · ' . . " . , Of Military Stockades Residents of buildings on or near 1lopm should be alert for symptoms of Imo pending earth failurea and report suspicious sign_, to local autborltiet 10 that specialists can investigate, the ttate- menl eaid. WASlllNGTON (m'JJ -All Immediate ~ inftltl,.ucn" all m1lllary pria&.s -demanded today by Sena. Charles F. Goodell (R·N.Y.), and Alan ~ IOCalif.), In llllhl of ,what they, .itlif· 'l!f!I)> "deplorable condlllons" at the S&n Francl9co Prtsldio stockade. The tenatOn said at a joint news coof._._u,.~Defense Department of· llclal• bad ~ condltiom ..... bad . at ii* ~ 1\1'1 .. .,.. taking little or lid .diot. t1. corftcl lhem. · "I -lhal about all that hu bap- petled la llllt'!lli1hnllemd the chef," GoodeiJ·ll!<I-('Ille food WU pretlf bed." · In• lormal lle\e1D9nt rud by Goodell, t!>e -f!ir; ail4 "Ille outra1eoua ' .. , !"N."" .. P .. e 1 CITY · CENTER •• . ,. q<OCldl alftadt' have commltm<nls lo other mil, ... nolad. ' "Instead, ~e prppos;t developing Foun- tain Valley's city center on 111 .aes wtth a oommunlly commer<W cenW' (2!.S acres); mulllple fomlly dwelling (32.I """) and profealonll fadllttel (21.2 acres)." he said. About l .S Mftl Me Included in the civic center (city ball, fire, !Dnry, police) facllltlea and the mt 11 for -.i development. P,.pooed howdnc In- cludes town houses and apartmenll. Fountain Valley lead.era hope that the city center will become t&e new heart of the city, Ila new-... "We're lucky," aatd City Maager James Neal. "We don't already have a bllg!tted downtown lo contend with. We have a chance lo wild II right the first time." . Consultant stapltton said a survey con- ducted in 195' indicated Fountain VaUey residents have 1n ettlmated $7$ million apendable Income for -Items, tat.n lrom an • ....,. anmia1 ...,_Id lncm1e " ..... -f!0,000. """ -d 11111 ap<ndable Income ls spent llUtolde Fountain Valley. Slepleloa poinlod aut Iba! the ln- fonnailoo gleaned from the 11• '""'1 can be lnalrumental In lurinc comJberda1 enlOrprlle lo the aria, becaoa< It II m<n probabl;r com!ftbeM!ve than Iba! ".,,,, other di)' to the ~ "Y'"' jull ban to let the linlndal 1--"the -poten. ti.al JOO. have hen,"' be Aki. ••PrfTate enterprise will haft to dtYelop the dtf center," staplet.on aaJd, "but the cft)' CID enoounge Ila dnelopo men! lhroulh aoninl and a c I h e rtcndtlng of comnttr<lal lnlettlla.. Cloe 1tlet)' ~l<m bn>ul!>t up In the -WU 1nclualm ol Juara ColoQr, whole Mideata hive U)lt•e4 their delfrt lo --lllelr """"'"""1 lntagrlty, di)' -plaunlng. ...= pofntocl out {b It ftCom.. being made ... ~ and lhal ~ ..... be W<rtod aut later. PlopOoed --to the -lhroulh J .... ColooJ coold he cbaated • he added. Strike Talks Begin WASHINGTON (UPI) -Necotial«t for Amer1cle -llld the TrailoDorl Warltrl llllke -Into ~t bcratnlni l!ldom todq ln ID etkrt lo ..w. the -.. Id lllr1b 11111\11 the carrier. ,,,. llleJlped.ue aecotiatlonl ...... ... na&id al the i'equell of the Natleull MedJIU.O Boan!, 1'b1dl bal been -)Ill( -.... --" both oldft In aeetlngqnom.,tonanewCOlllrlct. ohotllm ldlllna of Pvl. Richan! Bunch, :IO, d Dlytoo, Ohio, by a guild at the Pra:ld!o stockade •nd subsequent disclosure of condlUom there made a Seoala Investigation bnperatlve." TM llhootlng of Bunch was followed by a al~own clemooalraUoo by %7 fellow ~. wbo beve been charted with mutlnf, Four of the men already have been CCll.ict.d by a military court and aeotenced fer terms up to 18 years. Goodell Aid there bad been no violence and th.It the f1 men hid been "carr:led olf wttbout resiJtance." BoCh aenatora uld lhef bad rectfved letlen from Aney Secretary Stanley R. Relor a<1mltllq !hot condllfooa wore bid II the Presidio. Goodell uld Reoor alao told him that regulatloal. Cll the me ot "deadly force" to stop eBCaping priaooer1 .. .,.. being m1ewed, But In respooae to queMSons, Goodell eaid Defense Depertment olllciala were not doing "nearly enough'' to correct cmd1Uoos at tbe Presidio and other prlaon3. Rec Board DiscusseB Spring Activities Members ol the Huntlugtoo Beach Parb and Recreation Commlsalon will discuss their spring recreation program toolihl In the Hmitington Beach City Council Cllambera. Commlss!oners also wlll conaider align. ment ol the Sun View Park and park coocepta at C1e11-Stacey Schoo~ Edlaon Community Park and Huntingloe Central Park dlll'lnl the 7:30 p.m. session. The ll!lh lax ........ lo ,. lo voters In the Tu3lfn UnJoa High School Dfltrlcl In !IO months .... pal!ed IOlldlf Tuesday, brlngillg a !IO cent bite In the tu rale. "I was tickled to death this cne dld pus," aald bc:ard president, William C. "Bud" Hayward today. "l hope: thil la the end ol the turbllleni era." About a· third of the district's SS,001 v.xer. turned out. There were 6,960 for Ibo -and 4,50& oppooed In the ll!ll'aWllug dlltrict. The ~ rate of $1.20 per ftOO •"eoaed va!mtlon -due to expire June !IO. The dlslrict would have bad to try to live on the basic at.ate rate d IS c:eiu. It bu been -led lhla woold have forced ...iuctlon ol teachlnr atafl by 45 delplle ---~ d 700 more lludenll ud already large clall ...... lllywlld aid d!IU1cl olficlals - will begin recruJllug and attempt lo atr.ighlal out the dlolricl~ eroilug poat. tion reprdlng uncertamty am o a c teacben. ' lie oald• the boor<! bid rectfved a llU?Dblr .ol' leacher ~It fll 1ut meetmc. "nne fmn people we've been wontng far 1"11'1 lo...,..._" The boor<! insl<fent Aid, "One peraon In ·puilcular, a dire pd teodM!r, resigned. We bad 'IJGrted two yeora to pl 'him on the llell. I guea be flcured wbo the beet .-Is li (llnanclal unoertalnty ) ••• lllywlld uld the board will alao be slud1fnr Ila .. h • • • 1 lraneporlaljon lfllem to -· -blafc ~­Oii ,emed1al meuurn. uwe hint tome llllni• (~) lhefe that ore pr<Uf oncle!!I, almool i:o!lectan Hana,• ·he eaid. 'lbey,uld Warnlnr algnala could lnclade .,,,, " -lndlcallooa: ' -Doon or wlndowa lbat lltlct or jam for the first time. -New cracks In plaster, tile, brickwork, or foundatlOlll. -Outside waDs, walb, er stain pu1llnc away from buildlnp. --Slowly developln( and wldenfnc cracU in the ground or paved area. . ~ of unc1er.....,.r uuui, lines. -Leabge from awlmm!nr poo1I. --Movemeil or wtfnr d f-re- taining wallr, atlllt, polea or - --New Wiler ..._ er buJc1n1 of the ...,md al the baae d a alope. The ....,. aid ft -IDlpoafblo 1o......,.. JftC(lel111ow Joor Ibo bmrd might laal but that the ~ -already In the ....... woold bop the danger alive ....al -to I f I w· moolhl. Mile ·Square Park Entrance · OK~d Un!b-d an fJJtrance to Mile Squore Regional l'lrl: al Womer Avenue at Wild Street In F0<mtaln Vallq ,... approved Tuesda,f by !be county Board ol Supervhon •. Low bidder WU the 0. JI:. Hmdenon Comtrocllon Co. " 5anla Ano at $3,806.!IO. tllero ............ bfdo ranglnc up to $10,172. The &ad Deparlm«K eotimate of lbe COit ,,.. Sl,llJ. The wort lo be clooe """8!lla of cm- $8.806.!IO. There ........... blda nnglug guttera and placing " lllJ'OgllAI bue and uphaJt -for the wldeolnr <I Warner Avenue. We Care about what we Sell . . We aho care what yo'-' BUY • • ( That's wliy we · ~re· fuot as careful •b'out liow' we sell our W•tches, l)iemonds and ell other merchan• dis• that mak• yoii, the customer satisfied. Quali- ty Merchendis• e~d fair prices. .Our pri~s ere·•lw•Y, in line with quality riores ell over th. country. Why not '.:om• end ... for your- self. The store where velues have 1pokt11 for them• selves for 23 yeef1. ' cotMNl9fl' mt.is llANICAt.IEllCAlD t.IASTB CHAl&E ' . BUY WITH CONFIDENCe-:WEAR WITH PRIDE . Calh,.Chmge-;Budge1 . ltll NEWPOtlT Avt., COSTA t.IESA 22 YfAlS IN JHE SAi.iE LOCATION , I ,I I I i l eaeL . ' j .~J.:. 62, NO. 6f, 4 SECTIONS, 66 PAG~S ORAl)l~E CQUNTY.,«;ALIPORNIA :1 W!DNeSDAV','MAkCH ·12, ·:19" ~ I .~ JeN ·C~ F·e~tiva1 \· Ch'ided ... fori ' \/ '. ' ~ '. • . . \ i ~ ~ ,, L. • Noi ·· .llelpiug Bojr~·:·C1uh : t ' I , ;1,i'll!IYai• ol Aris preaidenl, ,William D. Mll't.in critlclzed fellow board memben Tuesdly when they turned down his fund· raising idea for the Boys' Club tli Laguna Beach: , • ~-' 1 ~ ·bl;d · sugealed that 11111 or toll ~ lkftls. to the Pageant Of the ¥aiten -ml.St be useci' to beneiit the club which is in a fund rising drive to ·build new facilities. Ill Aid the club "indicated It would .• . • r ' -r • . ,,, r<ally be a 111ot1 111t and 11e1p. to lheil). • Board: members qlllllloned Ille ...i.. tkmsbip of the . aid to other charities and also how ticket &ales mJght be handled. Dlrector .Paul Gliem 1ald, "I lhlnJc you would l;?e oeeNn« a ~ble can of wonm. Thert art ao many fund ra.Wng drives, so many w o r th y charities." Directoi David Young aaid, "How .. about ' fiood relief!' PlreciDr Slilarl Durkee'sakl legally, "you can gi•e money to the Boys• Club but you can't to flood rtllef." YOllll& ..aid, "I Uuni You Should tW... the lick<tl over to the Boys' CIUb aod let them sell them the way they see fit." Marlin felt this method could lead to rt~Mions at the box office. Y oiiilg then . suggested t h • t the available seata of preview night be agalll • made available to F-.J members ~ Marlin , aald there wOllld be lial of U-aeal.I (utlmited a) In .Ille l,!OO«al bowl becaUIO of lncreued ..... far press and tlie lea1111 of cltfe.. · Robert Le~ bus'--· said the free seala for: memben Md call.ffd" bed •l\llatlonJ,a!!l .;.ar. WJ>ell · he arrived early, 'be ·iiaJd, be found peqple 1n portable chajn wbo ~· Wn waltlni al tho' ho>: olflce ~ I •.m.: . . . ' . ,.. ·. limJ eqocliol .. ••-of -d<iif'-U.. lllal Ult opera people """"" ...... be laid, _,, "1111i' had _,,,been liven f!O,llOll hut K didn't > c:ouldll'l;Jcare Jeu ,-lb( .,._ '!< -tw.' ... .,,_, else;,... going lo L_., -~orte-.'" ~,·~-.._.... ~ .. ll.' you gl~e it 'to , ~ Boys' Club Griem auggested Ille membenhlp that thla yaar, why nol give 'It to ,l!Je Gh1 wanted 'free tlclttls could wr~..!:!i Ille Scouta Dell year•an tO'olhen tbe loll.,.. 1'."!'11 .. r and -be· -'br ""'7"' ... inl~~.: 1ie .aa1d.: · ·: . a opeclfled day. . .•..• -llh'octor stuart Durkee said· the Bo)'9' 'nJi i>e!S<d over M8rlin'i dlalen!nr Club ilrtady baa ooe of the -•ole. He ripped the Idea thlt ,aklJq iucratlvo COllc:tsalo:m on the FestiVal the'll9y1'·Cl8b.would 'Ill u7·type pnce.. o;iundl.' ' • ;, > •• • • -\ • . . ... • ~ _'> • • ........... 1, ' . e., ' . ' I ' . ' ! "' "' I ~ ~ • • 3 Yach'.ts ·~"":'"' t4: .'S , .. ' ... ~... . i'·-.. · ' Was · E.,_e10ywhfil'e~' ' "-., .•Water ,· . . , - SeenNear . .. Hero Tells of Cleaning Fwoded .Lagun.'il .Cban~l :· You Must Know Who's Your 'Foe By ALTON BLAKF.SLEE ) Aoooda'M Pnal Sci-Wrll« ·! I ,,-I Ti9 pt1n11ta will -try.to lead from the a~ of knowl~e in diBCUS&-lnc drlJlo with their ~ Only 1hat way .. tbey l@y IO .be elfe<llve; Clllly tbal rway can Ibey IPiilli'il'!lelllg~ . 111 ~in thla CMil·'-be ·· 111 Ult precise laci. about,!h" ~ .-. what ~ U.ke and Ibey do to people. HOre .. a ttlMf .4'1 U. ~pel dr!iP being used·« abused. . · MAlltll!ANA ~ II'•. "*"''commonly mown u Pol. grass, 'r'aey Jane, hay,~ reel~, st¥:k or bJ~a dolen other names. . :., . · • , Al, -~Y used in1 f!ie · United States, ...,;Juana Is a mild !frog thll prod.-lanlaiies. Smokers:may deveioP a psyolji>loglcal need I<»' IL But Jt • • Is not physically habit loaning - qulttlq it doesn't C8U8e any phyllcai withdi'awal symptomJ. HWltl!1Qt01lBeach Poiic< Chi</ John S<lt:er: "If the problem of drug abuse U to be qvt:r- comt, Wt' wiU need more ptr· '°"' to be 'in tht know' and thi.s series certainly will help to acl1ieve thi& end." It is not a narcoUc, and neither are other hallucination • producing drup. Marljualia II under qan:oUca con~ for various rtuons. But' true Dlf- cotk:a 11111ally produce a1eep or stupor and relieve pojn; !liey ean be addl .. Uve or hUll lrinJ>lng. Marijuana comes from 'the .femiile hemp pllnl, Cannabi& aaUvL The leavea · and llo1rerlng topi .,. dried, sometimes are mind with tobacco, and rolled into a cigarette. The ellects, felt in a.few minutes, usually last three to five hours, but l'l'J.3Y go on for 12. Reefers cai1. vary ll!deiY. ln,potency, .Hpendillg on thei~ c;ontent of the actl~e plant Ingredient. TypicaDy, most 'amoken 'tiave a feeling of great well-belni, of feeling high, like having had a few alcoholic drinks. They may become talkaUve and hilariOus, or tan .into a dreamy state. Their idW now rapkUy 1 some- times in disconnected fashloR. 'Ibey fantasize, and somet.Pnes have a deeper appreciation of workl of art or music. Time stretchea oul Dis- tance and sounds are mqnilied. Other smokers may feel Irritable and confused, or become fearful. .. LSD -is so potent that • dose no larger"than ~e point of a pin ls enough to Hod most people of[ on amazing "trips" within their own mlndl. LSD ltands for lysergic ackl diethylamlde, and is often aimply called acid, trips, cubea, pearly gates or heavenly blue. lt's supplied, quite illegally, as a powder in capsulest small white pllll, er a colorless, tasteless liquid that can be 80ahd into iucar cuber or cnden.., • A trip usually begins 30 to 15 minutes ilter the drug Is awallo.led, aod lasts eight to 12 hours. How a person reacb depends on the dose, the. person himself, his mood, and the setting. . , Most usm report seeing brllliant cOlon, starburlts, and 'dlatorUoa of ceometlic objects. Sens~ may blend so colon· appear to be ta.ated •. Sens.I· tlvily to sound Increases. Objects may pulsate. Something as ·familiar U a , teacup can appear to be .a'n object 61 fantadtic . beauty and wonder: feel)ngs · . I (Seo PARENTS MUST KNOW ENEMY'. P•g• 3)• , ayonet Wielder Gets Jlill ' J A 21·,elll'Old San Diego man who pull. huJUi food bor 'bu been ro ... !' 111ilt1 till 1 bayonet on a former ~ice officer of. "br .. ...1; • .,1.... ., _ __. • the men aat in • Laguna Beach ............ • WeaPoftt . aent~ ~ -i , to a year of summary probation and ~ Reinecke Urges • B.eagan Re.election : 1sAN DIEGO (UPI) -LL O.V. Ed Reinecke urged support ol Go•. Ronald J\eagan for re-election next year in a lllffCh to a ~olunteer pollllca_! group Tuesday night. onltred to nt1Jrn to Illa mOther' In s.n ' . ' Diego Mark Alleo_ ~, .... placed ·under citizen's arrest by .. the former Laguna Ibc11 police offlctr, Steve Sanden, la!l week aft« be disarmed tbe JOOlth who had pressed Ille boyonet to Sanden' chesL ''I went out and saw water -water everywhere, nothing but water and not a human being in sight." The speaker, David Greene, paused as he recowtted the story of that rainy Laguna Monday when rampaging canyon water ruslJed down the man city storin channel Denied passage to~ the sea by a debris-choked drain, tbe wattt flooded the downtown-II, Greene, who admits to.being "around 70" aod 30 years a !1:''"· ~ the channel by ,~ . ~ . lumber, and •ri old ®or fro -!bi' passage. He jlad ... ak. ~.., ..... gulled on clothes, all4! toae f'U' lo oee -was happening. -. "I didn't know-:What to do, so 1 aaid a prayer. ·I' illlea ihe>Lord wlut eolild I do. 'Ille Bible ~ Luke: II came to my mind ·and. l tJKJugJR, ''UV! op- portunity is here now , for me to . do something to h<lp my people and my town." Greene said be climbed over the three· fool higlt chsln link fence by the Beach Street opening ol lhe cbannel·aod bent down in. the water beaide the · channe.I to pull out the clebrli. ' Then he went to tbe mouth of the undergroond opeolii; Ind with one leg hooked on the feoce ~ out men 'Festival of Arts . Forum' Name Of New Theater By RICIIAl\D P. NALL Of ftle Dlollr· P}lef Stfifl With the aid Of a dlcllonary, a bit of head scratclilng arid 8001 IW'chinf, Festival al Arts directors Tuesday named their ,new theater, It lvill be the Festival of Aris F<»'Um. Director 0. E. "Bud'' Schroeder in· troduced lhe word forum into the dlscws1on. One of its definitions ii ''The market place or public place of a city, center or judicial and public business." The 230-seat theater due ior completion about May 15 11 also a muJU.purpose building for storage, concesaion booths1 art uhibiUoo and restroom!. Discnsslon went like this: Director Stuart Durkee, "I move it be called the Fe.SU.val 'l11eater. Director David Young proclaimed 1"nlat sure doesn't show much im- agination." · Director Helen Keeley countered, "Wh! don't you prOpose 10mething." Young aaid1 ''I've been thinking." Schroeder, "Why not call it the Festival Forum?" Board President William D. Martin suggested, i•Festival Fine Atta Theater." Schroeder mused : 11Festlval PavlUon ... · Dl'1!Ctor Vemer Beck (smiling): "Sporll Arena."' Young: "Festival Arts Forum. We doo't ·want to seem to be in com- • petition wJth the Pllybouae." Director Paul Griem suggested Jn. ..nlng lhe word "of". Young agnecl. So did the rest of the board ei:cepl Ml'I; ~eeley. She voted DO. Dfi'eclor Harold Burton perked up and quipped, "Lllgun.t goes big time: we•v• got a forum now." The board also agned to require a 1100 depofdt from uten of the buiJdjng and 1 a fee of 125 for each uae u parl of an lnteitm oollcy for the new communltr bulld!na -' · 't.ek M'.,.keu Reaau will ,un for • JeCOnd term. llelnecke told the Republican A"oclatu Olpnllatlon. He urged auppon for tbe on.not'• re-e.lecUon four Umes in the asaault with • dead'• weapon, howe ... , "w Y RK (~) -!"Od\1111i'i4 Se1'or wu booked on suspicion of • -il~l'l·,.,..O!!Jlm!"n""'-.'l\i,..,,..,,:::!ir=~ I Y erased a anall wly advance anCI cloeetl thlt cht111e wu amended to "bran-lower today. Trading wu · slow. (s.I ·-" dlshln1," and Selsor pleadid Jlllilly. , quotaU0111, P111u lt-19). ., ·' • Paul i'iiaa¢n, Advertlling,-Dlr~ of the DAILY PILOT and . lbe newapaper'11 oldrit" employe 1n tarms •of ·cOnUluous service, is retlring April ' 1, 'on tlie m annltenary of his enipklyment 'by a Diiie paper that grew big: ' . The future Is pleasantly unfixed · for Nissen and his wife. They Ail April 11 aboard the SS Princess Carla f6r Mexico, CintraJ America and the Caribbean, 'but don't know whether the summer will find them Jn Hawall or Europe .. "The kids will be geWng oul of scbool and we're trying to-pl l a iloule, '" the lsllnd of Maul for -'-· Or else we'll co to Europe,',. laid the loncUme Harbor Area el.ic,.iead«, • Retirement ·of the i>AlLY •PILGT advertiling dirtctor, who joined the old GJobe."llorald which hai eJ:pinded and mulUplled 411 timll In clrculallon .ince 1918, will include resignallon .from other po611. • •• He , plans ·io step down u first vice president of the Costa Mfta Chamber of Commerce, after 1J ·yeen oft the Board ol Dlrecton. . . 11Paul'1 declalon to retire bas_ been accepted 1'1llt regret, i!<Jt •ailo with lhe deepell appreeiaUoo for his tlnlal con· .trlbutlon .to the Pih and·~ (loo llllTllllNG, P ... I) c ' Saddlehaek Raises Asked < ' ' .. . . . . ..... • I Hong Ko~,1 . . . Accused Infant-· ]Jqi;i_er Co~mitted, , Prolqn1ed Jll)'Chiatrtc e1amlnllicra bltl l)een, ~erltj lo.-a · young Mallon ~aid ac<:Ul&d of i>JrYinc her -11· born baby .in the back'yirci ,of· lier employ~'s home. , · ' ~ , . l , ·Superior Court Jud(e· Robert •Ganlner qrdered · lhe cqmmittal , ol1 M i r la Guadalupe Alcaru, 22, to Patton lltato lloapitai .Chargea ol, I n:v o .1qnlar1 mwllughter ag~lhe Tijuana iirl "8•e tieeii lnde!liiJtilY .._,(Jed. - 1 MiM Alcara_wu a121t1d Jut Jan, I .after ail<cedl1 bu91111 I* newly born ilifanl In a -""" behind !Ito Gard.err Grove home of Vidor Sonunera, ber. OJl!PIOyer. • Coas& Weader· ' . It may start drlppl1111 a1aln 1 .. night, but tfihfp -wilt 11o ·back to a SUM)' JtOtiiW , Th~. w(tl> loUtai tem~tun'a'r111111rig frliili eo to 49. .... 1.n I '1' I • ,. INSIDE 11'88AY" Theu W<t1t to «•u Nevada totDll, with ill .,....!"'llOr ccuino, to rilk Ulrir Gil M o gambling binge and "'"" knew 'lhey'd r.,, oll Im their /Ill/hi ' Ac,,.., ragc9 .• ', • I • , f 6 f I ..... , , . ., ,, ............ ~,. ca..,..., M ._.,_..... • C,tnll° c-It ....... M Clttflill..il &Wt ,_.,. • II C-'« • ,, --.... • C-.Nll 'l --... °"'911....._ 1 ............ HI tDlWl'W 11 ~TA i .i'. __ » .......... ,_ ' IN'!• -., .... .......... ·""'· ...,.. ' IHt .,._ ............ ,..,. ,, Ill,. (II" I• ltldl: ~ •tt j IWI O,,_., \ lP E' " ,..~,. II ,. • ... ._ . . ...... 6; .,. ..... • •• ~ DAll.Y -lf:_;:_ __ ~l---~J~sf!'!'f!: ... .._ 11; 1"9 ~--~ ---• Sirhan Plea ;rustiq .Vot_ers Give Okay Farmers Market ~ught in County ; ·er.. County wtll have Its own r--Pt -to the Jlolbwid -If the Anahehn l'lt)I Coar>cll •PPI016i plw eodoned Tueadl1 ~ lbe dlJ plamlnll --· Jlla can for the -ol. Wntmmn al tin open air lknl on ... ---Ille by Mr. ml !lln. Jl!llllm c. lllgdon ol Anaheim. le'-t N. WMll ---JH• L "-'-va.,_..... ... ...-.1._.., _ ...... --A.~· , ... NltM111 ~ .. ---111 ...... A .. . WllM .. AIU1•1 P.O .... '41i '2612 --ot..t.M9M:DW911.., ...... "'-t-.c:tl:tnl ....... ...... .... I ..... ! .. ..... Ml.Y '1LOT, .,.. _,. II .,-.. lit ..... ..__ ............. _. ..... ... -....... L.-.... ,...,. ..... ta• .... __ .,,,.,, .... --~"....,·~· ,_ ... .,,_~ ~ ............. .,.lit ... .... -. ............. . _.., ..... c.. ..... ~ if d ·::~. ":t....._, ....... ~-. .... C".-,.__.. ~·..:.-:-~==~-~;::It~ .. ~-;-::;;; ;ctxW ~ _... ... .......... _.. -!."L..~--5:1~=!~ r· • • Asthma Caused Youth's Death Drug Suspect Gets Jail, Probation A SU DIOgo man nnoled by Lqona -pollcl lul Chrlllmu Dl<ll1llnll •nr-..-_,_, to 14 d.,a lo °""I• County Jail Superior C<Mt Jud(e Robert Gardner olae l'lacod Mlclllel llouclas Morris, SI, · CID three )'Nf'1 proNUoft for JM1 s11Uica or martjuul. Ollloen 111-Morrta and anolhtt man after a Yuletide oprlnt aloq the belch •t Helller Point. Police aid • -"' 'the -lo yielded Ill ..... " marijaML - Burglar Declared Narcotics Addict ' 5eotadns "' • Llpla Bach ma On hurJlar7 cllqes baa been held """ In Superior C<Mt wt.tll the detmlllnaUqq tlllt be la • nar«>lica eddicl. Judie Robert Gardner commllttd John D. Mayhauer. :15, ol the Dtl C.mlno Hotel. 1219 S. Coast ~ay to the C&llfomia Rehabilitation C • a t t r . Maybtuet UQderwent n 1rcotlc1 ln- vestiaaUOn elttt pleecllng &WJ!y .March rn to the ........,,. CllllDL Mayhauer odmitled lhat be burgled tlJe olllces ol the Lq\111& Heill>ta De"iopment Co., tllt Cout lllibwlY· Addillonal c:harl" ol forgerY ml p:a 5 5 t ··-of dillfli Ola drup ha .... -·by tbl -•llcroof'I ol· lice. Bay Walk Planned A tW<>mile, t~ walk around up- per Newpo<I B.ty la slottd for t a.m. Satunf11. . . Tllo tour. lponfond by Friend& ol Newport Bly, will meet at tlJe In- ..._.,. "' --ml Bock 11&1 Drlvta .., Iha blllff overlooking the .. 11 -el the head "' the hay. BliloCulol' are ·'tecOnUneMed. II It rains, tbl t.ur wtU be cenoollod. ~SJ!de Danger R~~fus • ' 1 • '1 More .8ain Cou~ Trigger -Jr.Uh Dj,,ast.er. . ·.· ~ ' . . ~' ' WAlllDIOIOll !AP)-U.S. Gtoiop:ol """"1 levell, havt crulAld one ol the away from Wldlnp Sµmy llCltntJMI liave warned tlllt Iha grealal llndiUde dangen In California ~ly developing ml wkf<nfn( dlqv d lood&lldl! ID California from hlltory. · cracb In Iha ground or pav .. hreu. hetYJ relna wm --fir oeveral Rmlentsolhuildfnpooorneorsl--8realr ... «· 1D!dergroond uUllty -« perhapl lllOlltlla evw wtth allould · he lllrl for symptmnl o1 Im-lina. dry weather. pending eartll fallum ml ... por1 -Leakage r..m swimming pools • . "Addlllooal rains or eartbquaW could . ~;~ to ~ outlloriUee so 41ovemeut or llltlog ol ftnca ro-trtuar' wldftprud disu1J<1U1,11lda dur-' lhal · cu lnrill!Ptt. Ill' stalb-tainlng walls, ulilltjl polee or ti.a. ~Ulla critical pclod," aid • lletemelll ~ ~: "• , ' ~ew 111ter. -or \1111'111 or faoiled by tlle GoolOilcol ~. a lnndl '. ' 'lblf Aki ftrillnc ~ coul4 kt<lude • tlle ground at tlle bue ol 1 lloDo. o1the1nteior lllporlmeiot. .:: ""1<..of _ l ..... otlalll>· '!be mey lli1I II 1111. lm.-Dtio "Looi lft<r tlle ralJls etop, wattt slow· -Poon or windows tllal stick or jam to estimale preciaely how long the hwnl ly "'"' down Into the ground ml tlJe for the' lint ftme. · migl!t laat but tlllt the preaenf wattt likelihood ol Landslldlng ~." tlle . ~"' cracb lo pWltr. I'll e, already In the ground would keep the olllem<nt Aid. · · brlalniiwt, or liunifaUOU · : ' ' · · dllll<I' alive llOWll -U to • f • 11 II aid tlle .-it reins nur or al • . ..-,.e111, nib; or lllein ptllUoi monlbl. . : ~ ' SFSC Striker· Loses Funds Extension Studied From Festival On Oil Sanctuary Laguna Victims Of Flood Get Special Fund ting no new 1easa witboui tin& can- ..itlnll Ccmireea mllloldfq pihllc}°"'" lop. I Jle liU already amd -·end nc<ived, voluntarily -geological and lechnical infor:mati<ll from companies which have drilled in the channel and which theJ had ccn&idered private. He baa not made any deciaion. however, whether to require the sul> missioo at soch pivate information frcm companies in the futurt. Oil drilling ml tmluctioo In the Saul& Barbara clwmel lw been hllttd, al Hickel'• order, since Feb. -7. California already bars oil acllvities from a strip of submerged land nmnin& some 16 miles along the Santa Barbara coast and three miles out to sea. The federal government, by ••gentlemen's agreement,'' hu retrained from oil leasing in an adjactn:l buffer zone two miles wide and run.nin& the length ol the stale sanctuary. Hickel plans to make thlli hldfer a permanent preserve, it wu learned. Beyond this buffer lies another strip up to a mile wide . with two more tracta ntending seaward frol!l. its middle, where oit lea.sing \\'as permitted but has not yet been carried out. Hickel would bar leasing in this area tou. the sources said. I The $,780-acre Union Oi1 ° 'Co. Jeaae trac.1 lies at <Ile end of this outer strip. and C<Uld be addfd to It U Hickel decides to cue.el Union11 leue. still ---al9o, . the """"'"' aid, lo .,. eDdlY !)llllilslte ldu ol .mharizinl Ullion to ilrilr wells •end produce oil u flat u -"'lo. wttll the aim ol ..Uev!ng the · 1mderpllUll<I ~ tbll might otberwtle ca1llO ....... ed oil i .. u 1n1o t11e .... Youths Propose To Clean Beach We Care about what we Sell That's wfiY we · •rt ,lust · as careful eliout liow we sell our W etches, ·Diamonds •/id ell other merchan· dise that make you the custom'•• satisfied. Quali-., ty Merchandise end fair pricei'. · · ' Our prices are al'IO(eiyt .i~ li11J ''"ilh quality stores ell over the country. Why not come end He for your· self. The store wheni velues have spoken for theln- selves for 23 yean. CONVENIENT TlllMS IANKA!ofllllCAAO . MASTlll CHM'E BUY WITH• CONADENCE-WEAR WITH PRIDE Cal,h-Charge-;Buaget ISU HEWPORT AVE., COSTA ME.SA 22 Yl.US IH THE SAME LOCATION • • I I . I . Astronauts ~.. ~ ~ splashdown -· Site Movea SPACE Q:NTER, Houston (AP) - With happy abouls ot "Let's go there!'' the Apollo t astronaut,, took 1im on a new and placid ~et fer Thursday's Feturn t.q earth from 10 trying days oC test flight in' space. It meant stayinc up there one extra «bit -100 minutes more -but it aJ90 meant avoiding the rough, stornr whipped seas i'n •the original landing ""''· "I doa't think anybody up hert ls good enough sailor for that,•• said spacecraft commander James A. McDiviU, meaning neither himself, nor hi.s copilot.s David R. Scott aDd Russell L. Schweickart. "Roger.'' said Missioi1 Control. "We agrtt down here too." The new .11plashdown time is 9:01 a.m. PST, at the completion of ISi revolutions of the earth. The aircraft carrier Guadalcanal, prime recovery ship, drove her engines hard to make it to the new rex:overy area near Grand Turk lslaQd in the Bahamas, 480 ·miies south of the pfevious landing site. She had been standing about midway between the landing zones while flight officials debated how to sidestep the stormy weather. Cmdr. William H. Wood Ill, executh•e officer oI th~ floating helicopter base, said, '"\Ve should get there well ahead (Jf time." As the ship lert the 14-foot swells end low overcast behind her, McDiVitt asked if she'd make it in Ume and was told she was just 16 hours away. "We need the cake ," kidded ScotL 'Ibe sailors of the Guadalcanal have Jn:PE'ed a 350-pound cake to v.·elcome &be astronauts aboard. Ground communicator Stuart Roosa tokl the space pilots the weather in the original target area remained "grim.'' But, he said, the weather was improving in the alternate zone and 8ea5 were abating there. "Keep the swelling down," McDivitt replied. When the decision was beint considered to switch landing areas to the new target, a greatly reliev ed McDivitt shouted, "Hey, let's go lhere! Let's go there!" He had expressed growing eoocern aver the bad weather Tuesday. and pleaded for a site with "no wind and DO waves and lots of sunshine.'' • ;Killed in Vietnam A U.S. Army ofricer from Santa Ana Is listed among 42 \Vestern servicemen listed as killed in Vietnam Com&t action ~rding lo ll>< Defense Department. ~"' He was identified as Isl Lt. Carl ·L. Radtke, who leaves his wife. Mrs. Christina V. Radtke, of 2828 N. Bristol St, Santa Ana. · GIVEN KEY POSIJloN •. Carl carstenffft • Carl Carstensen Gains Prolllotion To Key Ad P<>st Carl Carstensen, Jr. has l>t:en promoted to national and automoth·e advertising sales manager of lhe• DAILY PILOT. Publisher Ro~ N. Weed ,announced today. . Carstensen joined the staff In 1964 as assistant classified ad v f:' r't is i n g manager. The newest appoinlee to t h e De\.\'spaper's executive committee \.\'ill be responsible for all nationa!'adverlising categories and for· automotive ad sales Jn classified and display departpients. Before joining. the DAILY Pi.LoT staff. the 37-year..okl executive was with the San Fernando Valley Times and has experience in the composing room, dispatch department and as a n automotive columnist. "lt is always a particular plea.sure to be able to announce the promotion or one of our people," said the DAILY PILOT publisher in naming Carstensen's .new post. Carstensen and h.ls \Vife, Laverne , live in Ne\.\·port Beach and have three chil- dren, Jan, 14, Jim, 12, and Diani , 10. ' Strike Talks Begin WASHINGTON IUPI\ -Negotiators f(l[' American Airlines and the 'fl:JDSPOrt Workers UnJOO went into rumd-tile-eiock bargaining sessions today in an effort to settle the two-week..okf strike 1eainst the carrier. • -., The ~pped-up negotialion! were at· r1ngetf' at the request of the National '-fediation Board, which has been Working with representatives of both Sides in seeking agr~ent on 1 new Contract. • PARENTS MUST KNOW ENEMY • From Page 1 ol creativity are enhanced. Time may 'alow. then race ahead, or even seem to flO backward. On bad trips, users may feel cut Off, alone, anxious, panicky. Some land in hospilals for treatment of · mental disturbances, and a few have tilled or injured themselves. No physical dependence develops, but poychological dependenc< may. MESCALINE: From the buttons of a small cactus plant -peyote or mescal. It is also supplied illegally u a powder or liquid. Far milder than LSD, its effects last 10 to 1%' hotirs. PEYOTE it.self, a 1 es s concentrated form or mesca'line, therefore milder. PSILCOYBIN from a M e x i c a n mushroom, supplied in crystal, powder, or Hquid fonn. lts eflects last two to six hours generally, and art similar to those from mescaline. DMT' (dimethyltryptamine) produces effects qke those from LSD when taken in larger doses. Effect.s last an hour or two. STP (also known 1s DOM), a synthetic chemical related to mescaline and amphetamines, is reported to be u· lttmely D!iJJd.distorti but lest so than LSD. . MORNING GLORY SEEDS ol I f varieties contain an acDYe principle closely related to LSD, but far less polall. • To drug abusers, barbitUfat.es ~ known by many nicknames -goolballs, barbs, candy, yellow jacket!, secey, rainbows, blue devils, and the like. Numerous peop le become physically and psychologically dependent upon barbiturates -there are m a n y types-for sleep, or to combat anxiety or tensions. When tolerance builds up, the drugs stimulate rather than depress. Some abusers use barbihuates com. bioecl with pep pills for 1 aee-saw effect. or late the barbiturates to reduce the jitters that pep pills cause. When com- bined with 1k:ohol, lbe kick from barbiturates can be fall.I. Prolonged use ol barbiturates can Mid to impair!(( judgJnent and intellectual perfonnance, lo bib.rre behavior, slurred opeech, tttmor, self-ne&)ecl. AbnJpl wiUxlrawal in 1 dependent uaer m1y lud to nausea, fever, hallucinations, coo- vullions, coma, and even death. There.'1 a big black market in am· pbelamlneo Ind OCber ltlloulant drup -commonly caDed pep pltls, wake-ups, bennles, deJJts, copilots, f o o t b a 11 t . Medically, amphetamines are used to combat appetite, to re:lleve m i 1 d deprmion, and for other purpooet1. Truck driven may take· them to stay 1wake on long hauls, or students lo stay up late stud}'lna: for exams. OVeruee and 1buM ind~ • 3C!fl~ ol good feellnc; excitement, boundlesr F,.... p ... /J RETIRING ; ... . .• d tbls Mwr; "*' IDd-tt tbl c:Mc and __ .,Ille __ .. Rotlert Wet, .. .._,llid ~•V l•r ol tbe IWLY Pll.OI', Aid. -·· ,...., ... Ille ... dlalnber cfmr pnloe -Nldloloi J. Zlmer, ent!llf!9 ·-cl Ibo Qllla -..,,.... of>Own-ce. "PD B a man 1 " ital Cleplb, lb&llJ llid lbili!J ...i ..,. wbo coold 'lhlaJI bt cmmted on In 'the de~ cl community ..... Illa ....... will bt -ly mboed ' on tbe Board of Db'ector1." ·· ~ Nillitn c~ to 'tbe Harbor Atta after .. a career with . Dewlpl'pers, magul.na ml U I ""'fuee ;writer, join)111 •the orpnlWlon as ua!Nnl lo Publiahet Woller~. lit llid Mn. Nilsen, ol inn: Sbipwoy Lane; .lle9porl -BeaCh, belong lo I number of clubs, ml pn>lessional, cultural and charitlble organiu.U<ms. He ls former publisher of the Richland, Wub., Villager, purchasing the publlca· tlon aft.er serving u a public rellilons aide fOI" the government's World War ll Mlllhattan Project, ll>< nuclear bomb prcigram., The Nlssens came to the Harbor Alu tn lMB, wben be worked briefly for the okl Newport Harbor News-Press. He then joined the staff of the Globe- Berakl, holding important management roles while the newspaper increased -- circulatlon and frequency of publication -ultimately becoming a d a 11 y and absorbing1.be-News-Press under the DAI~ LY PILOT logotype. "Together all of us ran it up into 1 pretty good Qaily," Nissen said in an inter~iew on the eve of his retirement. FIVE ClllLIJREN !\tr. and Mrs. NWen have five chi.ldren, ti,1.·o daughters married and the other thret children in schools and at home. Joanlee Nissen is married to Dr. Jack Starr, of the University; of Nevada faculty and Susan NWen is Mrs. Jack Hem- ingtcm, married to a USC studeat workina: on bis doctorate. The others are James, Linda and Grell, who attends Corona del Mar High School, while her older sister is enrolled at the University of Montana. Mail Order Drug Manufacture Plan Nipped at Prison SAN QUENTIN. calif. IUPf) -01· ficials at San Quentin Prison have "nip- ped" a plan by inmates to manufacture hallucinatory drugs V.'ilh mail-or<ler chemjcals. Associate Warden James Park said one of two key substances used in the manufacture of , metbedrine, commonly knoWn as "speM;,.1..as-'.found in a locker in the prison hospital laboratory. Park said there was enough of the substance to Rroduce 25,000 to 35,000 shots -or $350,000 worth of "trips" at currtnt retail price.s . • • energy, a sense that feeling tir~ hu gone out of style. Amphetamines do not cause phyaical dependenc.. Quilling this babit doesn't Clll!<i phy&i<al -In-large ll!IOUllla, amplletamlaea con m.tuce balJuclnltions and deluaiOill or P11Clmes, Ospedany l In j ee h d. Mallomphelomine or Speed, is one very ~drug which 90Dlt abusen hive . -ili)ecling. ,; COCAINE. 1rom the 1..i o1 the COCOI! plat. w11 ooe cl tbe earliest ltimullnt drugs. ffigb ®"el can induce happy feelings and halludnatiom. Overdolel may ci.Ule convulsions and death. · Opium, from ll>< poppy plan~ was the ancient forerunner ol pOwerful paiJt. relieving and depressant drugs. Morphil!e is a derivative, and a priceless medk:il painkUJer at times. Heroin, closely related to morphine. has no medical uses, but at least 60 000 Americans are addicted to it. 1They 'use heroin -the big H, horse, junk - to induce a sense ol good feeling, lo reduce feelings ol fur, anxiety and tension. • 1be user can "go on the nod," becom- ing .,..PY •. Ind "safe" from problel!ll and clJallenges. '!'his effect, deJl'fll!i!>I .., dole and potency, usually luU oiily ._ to four houn. Then the babilull mer must seek more drug. Tbae narcotics pnlduce both pbylieal ond poycllologiCll dependence. Pr<f!Jlllll women who continue using heroin or allied drugs may have newborn babies who show all the troubles of Jlll'COUcl withdrawal. Such babies may die UnJea treated immediately wilh antidotes. Heroin users usually become truly "hooked" after taking the drug dally lor a week or so. Some youngsters seeking kicks abuse cough syrups containing codeine, an opium derivative, or medJcines con- laining paregoric, containing a dil!M amount of opium. Sniflln( lirplone glue, or guoline, Ind VipOl'I from other products ia a persia- tent and dangerous, if low-level, fad IDlODI the very young and some leenqm. So~ents in the vapon can ad as poilom, l'elU.lling in permanent damage to the nervoua S)'ltem and livu, and bi& eooogb dosel e>n be I I t I I. YllUQ&ltUI snllfing ll>< Vlpon become dlay, l!ld can think ll>< experience is "fUn.' .. 5-" .. ..Dnll ....... °'"" C-1 _.., ,...._ ,..._ ... S. T.._., •.J • .,..._ .. _... ct.ll ,., ....... _ ..... ,._ .... "" .... .. _ . .., .. ""'"" .. ,....,.. ... ,_. "'* .....,. .... ..., 1111111 ••• .. """""' ........ .,...,... (Tom6miw: Wilot malctt drugr Af>P<Gllng.) ' may co ....... • • I :.fi:;d~l .322 ''1 . • • seeing is (1.J • .~elieving: . ·. '. greqt savings • . on Tasco ·binoculars S~mm binocular. 24.99. reg. 49.95 The mumber 322 . is desig11ed to fill any .need of · distance. Power or brightness. It ma~es imageir cr}'stal clear to the finest of details. Cenler. focus, 172' field, 22 ounce weight. your cboice: 15.99 each. reg. 24.95 Model 304. 7x35mm. is quickly adjustable with center focus , iull y coaled lenses, and a soft case. Regularly 24.95, 15.99. Model 308, 8x30mm, an all-around bi nocular, teg. 24.9?. 15.99 your choice: 59.99 each. reg. 79.95 • • Tasco No.100 is a .7 lo 14x35mm model lhat,Jels you zoom from 7 lo 14 powers wilh fingertip control. reo. 79.95. 59.99. Nuiaber 110 is a 7x35mm style, 657' field . reg. 79.95, 59.99 ·your choice: 29.99 each. reg. 49.95 . The 7x35nim.' riun\ber I 18, is rated as one of the best in its class fqr versatilfty. ' 578' field of view, reg, 49.95, 29.99. The 7x50mm. #21 4, !>lmm objective lenses, reg. 49.95. 29.99 your choice: 19.99 each, reg. 29.95-34.95 No. 310 is an 8x40mm binocular with R pewers, 34 I ft. held of view • , • !deal for long range views, reg. 29.95, 19.99. No. 312 is an !OxSOmm unit with JO p6wsrs, reg. 34.95, 19.99 -,1"Jy co camerets 3'/ • south c-t plam, san dleCJO fwy at brl1tol, c~ta •: 546-tnt lllop monday through saturdoy I 0 am to 9:30 fll!I • __ \\'_.........,, _Mftll lt, 1'169 TOIAft ,......, .., .. DllJ ........ ~ ~· . '* 'fhe PJilladelphla public school ~ has added anolller day 1" 111' list of holidays -the anolver .. :N of the birth of the late Dr. •MOrtln Luther Kine-'!be Boord of 1:ducaiion, acUnc · on requests 'from both Negroes and whlfa O\'er _f;be last several montha, unam .. ·'ll\0111ly approved a resolution •et· ;\lhg aside Jan. 15 as a day to hon- ·.,, the memory of the slain civil .iiit!>ts leader. :..... . A new program begins in Chica- go this week -streamlinine. the pollee department -around the middle. "Operation Weieh·in" will •tart with some 100 .traffic ·police- men stepping on the scales. The :P.'ogram Was ou.tlined after ''aev· ,Mal officers w~ aeon looking . a ~· on the heavy aide,~ said ,!Wmllton w. Pool, chief of the ~ic ·division. Ai!yone failing the weight test will be ordered to count "ealories and do some jogging, Pool said. • Strolling down th< corridor of CJIU:a. 00'1 LaM Shore A~" f ma l Ho8J)itaJ tolth Dr. Llo1id w. Pruuhn. "Ccmd~"' t A e inltitution'1 paraplegic pet, trits out her toalk· er. Paralyzed from the loin.s back, the skJ// df!Vised a walker that allows Candy to pull lrer, self forward with htr fro n t J)ato1. Now all thal bot,,; er1 hn-are 'quea- kU tDheeb. • ' The opening of the fourth annual LA Schools -· -· -JJ~der Siege By Negroes .. • LQi5 -. AlldElis ({Jpl) -N~ mllliuitl -....... ~ walkoull and win. ®Ir antU!>!nc, 1Uelilay ID lhe!r . eflort lo 'oliut ...,.. ')I ~'1 blaclt Jimkr and ---blP ICbooll. ' Leaderi"" the Block Sbjdaa Alliance vowed lo ._im11 • Jhe -· until .authorlties met dtmjll>dl whlcb Included barring police ---·· ~ Sam Yorty u1c1 pJ11co will. .,.ittiiue IO go lo acbooll when_,.. aid. Al poaltJono han!aied ... both ...,. more 111mult .wu apected loday. • Leaden ol lhe sluclalt lfrlke called on mllilaat """"" lo .,._ and clooe lhe -ol i:.o.· Anaeleo Qty College. The lludent coundl ot lbe 11,IDG- &tudeal ICbool voted lo dlv<rl all ~ maWnc funcll In the budp! -mart thin f;I0,000 -for bell bondl. • - Two schools, Csrver Junior Hllli•and .Manual Arts ll!gh, remained clooed .. . the protest moved bito tta third day.~"' Yorty urged parents to attend a meeting today at Carver to discuss the violence. 'Twel eve persons , seven of them adults. were arrested Tuesday after windows were broken .at two high !Chooll in mMly Negro oouth central Lo< Anaales. Other y<RJths • overturned d.W and chain, sma.hed -· IDd oel ftHa at other ~cbools. BOBBIES, BEATLE AND BRIDE BUFFE-TED Paul McC1rtney, Linda Ea1tm1n After London Wedding Slud-raced through cl_,, urging thooe Mill •tlmdln& cl-lo join the lt:rift. Attendance at IDmt schools dropped lo as law as 20 percont but otudenll at olben gave the boyeotl little supparl. • .Esrly today, vandals Invaded hie Grape Sl1eel Elementary School and ranaacQcl :io rooms In 11!< main two«my "'1ildJne. Before leaving, they oel a fire in a clalll'oom bookcaae wbtch camed an atbnated •1.000 damage. 'Ibe blaze was the 14th alarm at city 8Chool!: answered by firemen lince Tues-- day morning. 1bree of the alarms were false. '!be Black 51udent1 Alliance, a mering group far the mUllant Blaclc Students union, ""1led'lho.flrike v.om;; to,.,,. lest what Ibey uld WU pol.let brutality during • lncldail at earv ... Junior HIP WI-Friday. · · -·, The group claimed olficen llled bolms to clear :ioo ait-m dommllralon from a balhrl.l' '1<> they ""'1d amot a BSU m<mber .that !pored onln·. lo leave lhe i:ampm. Police deoledibe <1111'.... ' Paul Marries Newly_weds Mobbed in London LONDON (UPI) -Beatie Paul .McCartney married 'American divorcee Llr*1a Eutman lodl.l' and Meitled his fri&bt,ened. bride m1 her si:r-year~ld ~through ......... of screaming, IObblng teen-qe girla and older women. "[feel fine!" llbouted .the last Beatie bachelor before tbe feminine fans broke through a line of 25 bobbies outside tile Marylebone Reglsjry Office. ·Seconds later, .cbultlng "We Jove ~ •• •lJaul," -the -'P'ls d l v e d for lfcCar1ney, 28. 11!1 srin disappeared and be ~ .Linda, arm Jf~ daughter, -Heetber;-toward a waiting limo11Sine. Poke shoved some glr ls out of the way. But ecme d the teen-agers threw -· .. -the fenders and hood .of the llmouslne. Tbe crowd trampled RVeral of its on underfoot, police car- · ry1ng the fallen ... .,. I.Dia, who met Paul in New York • ytat ... ....., .... ., .. taltlnl ,.,,. 1-.J ......,lphs o! him, appeared shocked by the mob seine ootside the reptry ofrtce. A male friend picked up Heather and carried her through the struggllnl mass. The girl, as blonde as her mother, appeared frightened. Earlier, Linda had appeared at a registry window and waved happily at the crowd in the street below. Paul, a veteran of Beatlemania, had ushered hi! bride into the registry through a back door to get to the ceremony on time. But the ciTII marriage, conducted by Superintendent Registrar J. L. Jeavens, was delayed an hour because of the tardine!s of Paul's brother. The crowd ol 300 out.side. mostly women but including a few ck>tb-capped London males, walted noisily for the couple to came oot. .. • 1J1aU& V.S. SM1• • -Viet ' To ·Push · Battle • • PAlllS (UPI) A Viel Cong apokMmin aald taday It.II 1'n1Uonal UbenlkJO ''-" l'ltMed to corry on their ojfeulve In -vi.tnam and tliat the ·-*'11eolq oi -mid rocUl -lbelllnp wu·jull a ;-al decfllao • -,,, "'Ibe mUooll 'Jiber1tillt foreet are prwlns .lbelr oUllCb. !bgy wiD do 'so u lq u Ibo. American at1IU' ~· .tu South Vietnam," ,the opokelmon uid In c§mmenUng .., la1Ut mliliary develop- men!J. !fe . said Am<rlcan ~ South Vii~ nameu battle reporta indicating a slackening 6l Viet Cong aheUi.ng attacks in the past 24 l!ours did not indicate a forthcoming end to· lhe current 17-dly· old ollensive. · ' • · "Our forces 'simply strik~at· a place and pt a mommt of their choosing," lhe spokesman said. ' His statement coincided with final preparations In the Communist and allied camps for Thursday's negotiating session which was e:rpecled to produce little positive result because of the apparent refusal by both sides to make concessions at the present time. Lawrence E. -waish, deputy American negotiator, and his,, Saigon opposite, Nguyen Xuan Phong, laid down-allied 11trate1Y for the ninth negotiating session. The two delegations, which will speak first at Thursday 's meeting were eipect· ~d to urge the Communists in strong ttrms to quit seeking a military advant- age on the battlefield to i.nlluence lhe Hesburgh to Head Rights Board WASHINGTON (UPJ) -President Nixon today announced the appointment ol the Rev. Theodore Martln Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame, as chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commissim. Father Hesburgh bas served as a mem· her of lhe commission s I n c e ?tfarch, 1958. He has been at'tive In civil righU l\'ork for two d~adee and recenUy won the admiration of President Nixon for his firm stand on campus protests at Notre Dame. • ' . .o.ierence. and lo.-lromettfa)e Wks • .., haw tq de....:a]ate tile corillict. '· • N<llih Vietnamese . and Viel eon, of. • f~all. m'ade it c;leai they would turn -deaf ear to the aJlled ·urg1111 1nd rtslate firmly their demands Jim! tho coafereace, stalled since ill Opening Jan. . 'II. d.i.scuu first the "end to American ·.qression" ·in Vietnam. * * ~.S. Troop.s Kill 138 Reds ln Two F·ights SAIGON {UPI) ~ American "lioops battling to prevent a new Comm.unlit onslaught on ~aigon tilled 131 guerrUlu in two -major fights northwen and southwest oI the city, U.S. spokuma.n reported today. Action alllo 0,ared in the demilitariud zone on the northern border. The intensified ground lighting coin. cided with a decline in the number of overnight Communist s h e 11 i n g a reported tOCay -about 20. But a Viet Cong spokesman in Paris said the slackening was just a tactical decitiori and that the fight to drive the American,, out of Vietnam would be pre5sed evSl harder. Military spokesman said U.S. Marine\ socked in by weather in the jungled mountains of South Vietnam's northern quarter were running short of food 1od water and that cargo planes guided by radar flew emerg~ncy supply mislllom:. The Marines were the ones engaged ln the A Shau Valley operation which killed 1,400 North Vielilamese ~and destroyed almost MIO tons of arms ma.ss- 'ed for the new Red offensive. But early monsoon ' ra1ns m a r o o n e d the leathernecks until the emergency supply mission was flown. In the demilitarized zone 'action, American artillery fired Into the DMZ twice Tuesday, killing at least 14 North Vietnamese soldiers and silenced three .50 caliber machine gun positions. The artillery fire was oro'ered when Com· munist troops fired on a U.S. recon· naissanee plane. International Conference on Urban Transportation at Plttaburgh was slightly delayed this We<!k. · John Volpe, secretari' of transportation and the affair's keynote speaker, was caught in a trallic jam en route from Greater Pittsburgh Air• port and didn't arrive on schedule. • • They're givino Snoopy 1Ding1, finally. The Zang-eared comic strip dog who dreama of aerial combal tolth Gmnan piloll of World War I wiU be out•t of honor of the Na"1f1 famed Blue AngeZ.. /!fling tC<tm. HI<· Grlil~ Charl<s Schuli of S.bclllopol, Calif .. plan& to accept Snoopy'• Saboteurs fit · ""' 3 French 'fr~~ As Strike Ends ·'· PARIS (UPI) -Saboteurs lllruck three • French trains during the night in ab apparent outgrowth of the labor unrest that paralyzed the nation with a 24-hour strike Tuesday. Nixon to Give .Views on ABM . . ! S.y~t~i:n Friday . WASlllNG{l'Ql!I jUPI) -Prealdent Nbm-WW hi>1d a news CO!llcrenc• Friday ofter ....remnc with' congressional leaden oi bo!h pa1leo about Ille con- ltov....W antlballlsQc miMlle system (ABM), lhe White Home announced ta- A Delightful.Decision . • toing in a sptclal ceremony of the San Mateo NaV11 Leaoue chapter. In tile air, three old· time Sttannan biplanes will soar i1' s41ute to the dream11 pooch o/ • "Peonut1." . • • f.Jnu-ee men coUepsed and died at 1lte opening day of the Aqueduct racetrack season, New York police ttported. "There's nothing unusual about this," a police officer said. ':They ju.st get over-excited. We normally have one or two die on 1lle first day of nictng." Labor leaders today rejected charges ol President Charles de Gaulle they were trying to overthrow his government. The natjon returned to an appearance ol near normalcy, but feellnga were bitter and ·it waa· clear De Gaulle faced more troubled timu despite his vow in a nalimwide. !J)eeeb· to defend t h e franc, the French economy and his own regime. On< lndlcatioo of th< widel!pread Ulln!I came Tuesday night and early .tooay when saboteurs wrecked two slow-moving trains and tried UDSU<Cessfully lo 'lll"Oek a speeding expr~. 'The expre!!.'I was going so fast it hurled three-foot long mela.I beams off the tracks. 'Ibe &aboteura ecattered mlmeocraphed tracts sicMd ''NaUonal . RevoluUorfary. ~1." The council did not ldenUfy lbelf luriher and it was the flnt ·ttm• the ·organization had come to public: attention. Its me and polltk:s were a mJ'Sltp>. • -------- d•~... Secretary Roo&id Ziegler Aid : the President woukl be' "open to ques--· tiooa: on all rubjects0 • -wbkh .could give him a fcrum to announce hi! poslUon on going lhead w i t h the · Sentinel defeullivO-l}'8lem wbicll hu Ileen . auspendfd for review. ' Ziegle-declined to s1y flatly that such an ~ment would be made, how"tver. . The sess1on with reporters, starting at 9 a.m: PST, will be carried live on natiilnallelevision and radio. Nilon :fold bis March ' ..,., conf arenc:e that .ht woo1d make · public ·ear11 lhls wee l( Ills decision on the ABM, ",but · this bu beon delayed w!llle be ~ I thlll tough pollUcal issue with hl .. 'top .clVber-1 and congressiooa.1·1eaders. • A specially-eijuipped Buick Skylark Custom ~cir.Sedan at special saVings. Five popular 1969 Buick Skylark models arc now specially <qUippcd with a lot cl extra thing:s. Things like door guards. . remole c:onlrol outside mirrors, oonvenitnc.: groups, vinyl tops, whi~n tires, deluxe wiled c:ovcfs and bell reveal moldings. And they\'c orrcrcd 10 you now at special savings, too. The rcasoal Simple. We want to make your buying a Buick right now a delightful decision. Your Buick dealer is wai ting. It\ Ddigbtful Decision time at )OOI' Buidc Dealfn' now • I •I 11 .. I I '• 11 ., I I L ! I Daley Men Giv:en ·Run For Money 2nd Equipment Fault Told in Sealah Death Damage Suits · Filed in Crash SAN DIEGO (UPIJ -The board of Navy officers in- vestigating the undenea death of a Sealab III aquanaut was told Tuesday of another fault in the breathing equipment he may have used on the fatal dive. The disclosure came from Chief \Varraot Officer Richard A. Garrahan, assistant wgineering officer for lhe project, who took the rigs used by Berry L. Gannon and his three teammates to Washington, D.C., for analysis. GaJTaban said a crescent- shaped hole about three-six- CHICAGO (AP)_ Two $LS-teentbs ol an inch long was million damage auit.s have foutxl in a breathing tube <>f ~-.111~ -~ u-....... .... O®.,of the~gs when it was UC!:IJ .,..• ag ... -. 1"-"'1r checked O\ler in WasfilngtOn .. Linn on behall of families The bole was discovered in to two persons killed In the the same rig that was missing Jan. 18 crash of a United · Ui · 1 th p a· Oc vital air filter chemicals to Je ner in °" e acuic ean absorb carbon dioxide from near Los A~geles. a helium;:txygeo mixture that T~ ~g 7!1 t;a!Jlied · l$ ,bi-eeth«f over and over minUtes i.fter liking oft from agam .duri'fl.g dtiep dives. Los A n·g e 1 es International cannon was asphyx.iated 610 Airport, killing all 38 aboard. feet beneath the 5Urla<:e of Both suits contend United was the Pacific from carbon diox· negligent in operating the ide poisoning, an autopsy .airliner, alleging a generator showed. Without the filter in one engine was known to granules, Ule carbon dioxide be defective before takeoff. content of the mirtµre builds ·. , .QUICK · C..tc'fl 11; ""'ic•ty 011· 1•c•I -+-. R••4 yovr oomp•ct, ......,_ .. ,~'i"' tto111.t-11. M;., Kti1~4!f .+hti PAILT PILOT .. up-to .a tone level. The .Navy ha& not dis<loeed which of the aquanaut.& was weariiJg the faulty rig, bl.It the cause of. death wou.Jd in- . dicate' it was CannofJ. ·u: Alan Goldberg, counsel .Pauling Leaves . VC For Rival Stanford STANFORD (UPI) -Dr. Linus Pauling, the con- trov.trsial nuclear chemist wlio is the only American to ,..m two Nobel Prizes, is leav- lnt' the University o f ci1ilornia to join the faculty ot Stanford University. In I natement Issued Tues- day, the 68-year-old Pauling said one JUSOn for the change was "the present uncertainty about continued rmanciaJ !!up.- port ·of the · University of California." Pauling said the medica1 school at UC San Diego, where he has spent the last two years, "has already built up a staff or some or the best physicians and medical acien- tists In the United States - but there Is the poss.ibllity now that decreased support by the state of California will i;irevent its further develop- ment at the rate it had been planned." . JOINS STANFORD Dr. Linus P•ullng for Chlef Torpedoman Paul A. Well5 who was in charge of the rigs on the surface support sltip, argued that the not have been using the faulty rig b:ecause Ile would have noticed gas bubbles escaping when he first submerged. Capt. Walter F. Mu.zone, Sealab diving operations of. ficer, said that the hole c.ould have been made after the dive. He said three of the rigs were brought up from the ocean floor hanging on the outside of the transfer capsule used lo raie and lower the aquanauts from the ocean bottom. Mazzone said the buffeting the rigs were t1ubjected to jluring, tqe ascqit could have_ ~ caused t1ie tiole. Schll·ra Gets Job as Head Of Company SPACE CENTER, Houston <AP) -\Valter M. Scbirra, Jr., colorful dean cf U.S. astrooauU -he's 46 today -il " leaving the s~ce pro- gram to becorqt 1 compaDJ p;r.;ident. . On the eve ol his birthday, the boyish sporU car -butt an~ nounced Tuesday ht will tot.er private busineM I S .bead of . a firm that leases out in- dustrial equipment worldwide. ln bis new· job he hopes lo' help develop a Space station to be parked in orbit in about 1975. r He views lt as a way to "explore the earth as it shoul'd be explored," seeking out iU mineral deposits and other natural resources from high in the sky. After 27 years of govern- menl service, including nearly & decade in the U.S. space effort, Schirra, 1 Navy ~. taln, 1aid il wasn't easy lo go. The new step in his caretr will take him lo the helm of Regency Corp. ol Denver, Colo., a wholly o w n e d subsidiary of the Colorado Cbrp.; which leases such things 1s Aircraft. ships, oil w e 11 digging rigs. plant machinery and at her in- dustrial equipment. Tennessean Tops in Voting He added that Stanford, a private ·institution, "has one !II Ibo ·1'->l -1k:al sdlqo~ · m 111• c00.1ry." troversial in some quarters for his outspoken \'iew!I on· intemoUooal pofillcs and' hi• opposition to the Vietnam war. During his campaign against atomic bomb te!ltlng, he once went from an anti-bomb picket line outside lhe Whtte House to a presidential dinner inalde for Nobel scientists. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. Jamn H. Quillen of Ten· ...... .... • the Republico party's top vote-gtlter In 11181 for the third consecutive elec- tion. Pauling had been working ai.t San Diego on research inlo the Jnolecular basis of mental illness under a grant from the NaHonal Institute ol Men- ial Heallh. The Republican Con- gressional News Burt.au N.)'I Quillen. a four-termer from Kingtport, got 85.1 -of the \'ote. He got 17 percent in 1966 and 72 percent in IJl4. Stanford' Pnsldent Kenneth S. Pitzer, who ann<K.lnced Pauling's appointment Tues--r----l-OC_A_l ___ ,J day, said the scientist wants to "teach rtgµlar clUICS" in N• .th...-n.•1pa11•r ••II• ye• addition (o his Varied research M,., av•ry lfay, altellf wltet'• projects. His 1ppointment to •t • 111 • •11 111 th. t r•• .. , the Stanford ch e Jiit Is try o,."j• C1e1t th•11 tha DAILY PILO . I DAILV 'ILOT Ii • cher Grilled on Seizure ------... ' . -Deniei Piteblo Loss 'Surren.da;'·-Colors Not Struck . . --• ' ' ICBM Lofted Hang a phone on the wall when you don't want it on the floor. ' \ ' -- ·: . -. . , • • .l Yo u can choose from three distinctively designed wall phones. Call our bu siness office • and avoid the rush . \ General Tel~phone • He won the Nobel Prite in chemlltry tn 1954 for his research on the structure and forces of the molecule. In 1961, he wori the Nobel Peace Priu: lot his ,...ai:c11 Into . the hazards or radioactive fallout and for rallying scfenlinc opi- nion 1g1lnll 1tomic bomb te11llng. Pauling b cc a mt C"!l-deparlment Is effective July ·::=====:::;===-'t I. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-::"-;'~ • I • I DAIL~ PILOT EDrrOBLn PAGE I • . I• Do-Ta:xpayer S--:Agree? 'I • • ' ,. ., • "Belnl In educaUon J know lt 11 tough to iet the lllinga you want. Wbether people want to realize it, we art In compeUUon with other junior colleges for money our people are peylng for." . Guess 'who was speaking : Patrick J, Backi;s, a tlultte of Seddleback Junior College. Gueso who voted against seeking federOJ aid last week : Patrick J. Backus. . Guess who's running for rwlecUOn. The quotation from Mr. Backus was reported Jail year when he was on the winning side of a 3-2 board vote aplit In favor of federal aid . Each of the board members at the time gave a brief ~Janatlon of the !llillosophy behind his vote. Since then Mr. Backus bas had a rather lnterestiJig change of heart or at least an lntereoting change of pooitwn. Last ·week be was again on :the winning side of a 3-2 vote split that concerned federal aid. This time. his &wing vote defeated the motion. Hang on for his expla· nation. It'• interesting tpo. The defeated proposal was to apply Mr matching federal money (50-50 with local money) for purch .. e of audio visual equipment, an as yet unspecified amount which will' be In next year's budget. Mr. Bacl:us explained his vole by saying he doesn't want Saddlebeck Instructors to become so used to hav· Ing . !ederally-paid·for equipment that when the day """'"" It Is not available then will be unrest. An in- tereotlng thesis? Jie also said, "My fe~g Is I'd Tather have the dl$1tlct pay for It I ta elf." And Mr. Backus denied that his vote was 1J1otlvatoo by any consideratio~ of the -Upcoming race to retain bis seat In the <:qDJervatively-oriented district. Forgive us if we1re a shade cynical abo~t tha!· As Mr. Backus Indicated last y,ear , the district Is in competition with other junior college disbicts for federal funds which our people are helping supply. His latest whlmsey about !ht district p~ng !or lt,.elf conjures up visions of the wounded Spman tax· payer being carried borne on Mr. Backus• shield. Let's not forget, either, that voting with Mr. Backus against th• federal aid application were trustees Hans Vogel and Michael c;;ollins. At Jej!st they're conaistenl - They've apparently always .been wllling to turn down federal aid and probably always WilL Ca~ the district afford to snub the fund s its tax· payers hiJ,ve turned over to the federal government and will continue to pay? As the DAILY PILOT has said before. it is ques· tionable whepier local property owners would agree they can afiord to use their college district as a costly bastion against centralization of government. However, Mr. Taxpayer may take heart from the upcoming trustee election to fill two posts. Mr: Backus and Mr. Vogel are seeking re-election. And Mr. Voter will have his say April 15. ' '._ Sa11s €Jaristianit11 ·s1t.ould be Taught ita Schools Stalin Image Now Being Rehabilitated 11,_ 'Becoming Amoral Society' To the Editor: I find it bard to understand the re.non~ Ing of the Supreme Court. I !ully realize that change is inevitable and progress 1hould be made toward beUer tblngs for more people, but J doubt if the modern "liberal" viewpoint will brin& t this-about. The Constitution of the United States •as drawn up in a time when many people were too poor or uneducated to worry about the machinery of govern- ment and did not vote. In addition there waa a large group who were not considered citizens but property. Neither group enjoyed the ••one-man, one-vote•• ~licy and insisted on the "Bill ol Rights'' to give them the righl! and freedom \ l necessary to meet their ruponslbillties. EQUALITY MEANT an equal sharing •f the burdens, as well as enjoying tbe rewards, of responsibility. A good IOciety cannot be created by jeopardizing the riehts and sec~ity of responsible citizens in order to guarantee the rights and 1ecurity of the criminal, the dissenter, the poverty-atricken or an~ other minority group. If we have failed ~e peoJ?~e 1t 11 In our educaUonal l)'ltem wblch • hu failed to give them the educaUon and training necessary to make equal their opportunity for success. I believe Cbri1Uanity belona:1 in our 1chools 11 much u .spelling, arlthmeti~ or American history. Our rootl were nourished by Cbr!JUan teaching before the discovery of America and cur country) was settled, our sovenunent drawn up a.od our sue<:eu w11 due to appllcatlon nf Cbr!atlso thlniing. Christianity IJ what made us what we are IDd in order to underaland our ourselvu we must have a thorough kDowle<lge of the CJ!ri•· tian reliJlon. -·' NO MA1TER WHAT the mt.nt of lhe courts, we are becotning an amoral soclety. In srantlng reUsfOUJ freedom our founden d1d not mean freedom from reUglon or from moral res:ponalblUUy, ~bicbJs the way it is wortlng ouL Knowled1e of communJam, aoclalllm nr Cbr!JUanll)' dcu not pnimote the ideology they represent but an un- derstanding of them. It is too bad that the tchools feel that U IJ uelawful .to teach an Wlderal.anding or Chrlatiaµ.tjr, the only one of the three which m- courages individual moral responsibility. Money, legislation or court decisions cannot give our minority grou1>3 . what they lack. I U\lrik there are few AmericaDB who are not more than willing to help the.se people help themselvu. We muirt find ways to help them Ulllttle their share of the burden of freedom IO that they can look upon themselves with pride. OUR FOREFATHERS were no l -----Wednesday, Marcil 12, 1969 2114 fdltorlal -of IM Dallr l'llol u11<1 to hljorm ond rtfm. "14tc "°""' bl/ prurnliflg lhll M-r'I opinloiu tmd <Om- ,,...toty Oii lopicl Of lolcrul tmd ligtll[ico11u. bl/ "'"""""g • fonm fOf' 1111 e:q>r•lricm of ..., -· oplniofu. and bv pru .. dng 1111 d1""1t ..,,,,. palnll of lllf""""' oltlfl'Wtl tmd ipo1c.....,. on loJ>fa of IM dav. Robert N. Weed, Publi•hcr lAttWI """' ,.....,.. .,. ~ Nol'mlllr .,,.,. .... Ill .,..,. ffMlt --"' -...,., .,. ..... TM rllM It ~ ltf1itni te tit -.e. w ellml- nei. rlbtl It rtffl'Wd. All lttttf1 m1111 lnc:lllde •illMtvte •1'1111 m11H1111 acklreu, bul "'mn me~ i. wl!lllleld Oft AC1ut1H If tlltfltltnl l'fflOft 19 _,..,,, sleeped in communistic and aoclalislic doctrine and in the.ir wildest drums would not place the weUare of all citizens on the shoulders of goverruntnt. 'fb•, mere COit of IUcb 3. progr~, not to mention the moral decay it causes, would have destroyed the country and ~ prf> duclive clliuns before the 1overmnent was well established. The people were given the "Bill of Rights" «Q_ giv e everyorie an equal opportunity tp ,Jl)eet their obligations and to reach their goa.l.s. Our present toeiety needs new ide11 .and new approaches to solve our aoCial problems but to say Lhe "liberal" in- terpretation or today was the inteot (Jf our forefathers is not true. Our Constitution may need some revising but to twist its meaning and misrepresent the· tntent it destroying the foundations upon which our country wu bullt. MRS. EDITH J. SMITH '' 'Put Llmita on Smut' To the Editor: I feel very SlrO!lilY about the bills being aupported on pornography. Th11 IJ a great llep In the right dlrecUon. Llmlts must be put on the 1mut that ,, being printed and read every day by our nation's chlldren. As soon u a chnd ls capeble of reading anything, and even before, he ia confronted with filthy magazines and newspapen. The rile in i>ervtn.ion and filth among youths n wen as adults is riiln1 every day through the help of such ugly llteratuu. ONE CAN SAY that beauty or filth b in the mind of the beholder, but I think that uy human being with common eenae can tell what is filth and harmful to chlldrct and .what lse't -to a cerWn degree, at Ieasl The averase gnmmar school and junior high IObool lludent of !f)day h" a knowledge and backgowtd of .•uch filth that would ahock many an 1dult. HOW ARD P. MUTZ Abortion To the Editor: Hippies are crlticiled for dropping out or society. But adults are dropping out, too -out of an awareness that life Is a gi(l. More and more, lhey look upan pain, suffering iand frustration as absolute evils which make life in- tolerable. A recent letter po11e1 the hypothetical case ol an unborn child who, becau5e or an abnormal chromosome patt.trn. will he born 1erlously dolormed.. To Quotes W. R. Uvln(alon, LA. -"It is rtaaonable to rtqulre civilized behavior In a clusroom for the rights of olhus. Reapon~bUity &bould be t.au.aht along with right&." Jn l\fcElf01, Lo11 Buch, oa 1tnt.r• !loo 1•p-"l111't It aadl)' •pparent !hot a whole cene.raUon is re-luctanUr srowtn1 cider trylna not to Jet escape their mate- believe. cvetlastlnglj> youni; world?" spare him unhappiness, to &pare hls parents misery, to spare society expense, i hould he not be aborted ? IT WOULD not be unduly optimistic ; to reply that liCience will find a way to prevent or cure auch abnormalities, as it has learned to prevent deformitie!'I from congenital syphilis, the "Rh factor" and German measles. But what of his child, here and now '! A newborn child is unaware of his defecu and is as happy as anyone else. Whether he remains happy will depend on the bnportance others aUach lo his dif· ferences. NO PARENT can expect to avdid- moments -perhaps years -of anxiety , or heartbreak, even when his children are normal. Society should be willing to pay any price to uphold Its conviction that human life may not be rated second best when weighed against comfort and con- venience. PHILOMENA HESS Congreulonal Pa11 To the F..ditor : I have bad it with the people who lnsi!t that COQgreumen should not vote themselves a raise in pay. J believe that one should not criticize If he does not understand the workings of Coneres11 and the demandll upon its members. MRS. RANDI CRAGG Wants Raw Milk To lhe Editor: J am a young housewife wit.h two beauWul and healthy children, The heallh of my husband and children .is of great importance to me as a wife and mother. Therefore, I have apent many hours studying nutriUon, attending health semln8i'S and researching the nutritiooal value of food . It has been proved to me time and afain that the nutriUoJlal value of raw mllk far exceeds the value of pasteurized milk. I LIKE TO think that 11 a Cree American I have the ability to seled what I thint Is beat for the health of my family. Any legislaUo.o th1t would prohibit my fretdom or choice in pro- viding for my family would make a mockery of my consUluUonal rights. In closln, I wish to urge you to consider the fact that even lhougb you aa an individual might not wish to drink raw milk, pleage don't deny me and my family the right lo do so. NANCY BENWAR Dear Gloomy Gus: Clip and Save: There wu no con!pirecy to kill JFK. There was no conspiracy to kUI RFK . Thtrc was no conspiracy lo kill Dr. King . There was no conspiracy to kill -D. G. T. -,.,...... ---1 Editorial ·f' I Researc~ · ' 'j j ;;; .., } Jiistory, it has ~n said, is the past as seen .through the prism of the present. In lhe Soviet Union the prism is always slowly revolving. Less than three years ;ifter his death. Josef' Stalin, the Russian dictator, \11as being pilloried as a mad tyrant and inept military leader. Today the image is being rehabilitated, with the emphasis on Stalin's military skills. Kommunist in a review o[ several \Var memoirs published by Soviet ma rshals, has assailed "irresponsible" allegations that Slalin was a "milita ry · incompetent." On the contrary. E. Bollin, a military historian, wrote, Stalin bad "a broad strategic mind and was able to seize upon the basic and decisive aspects of a given situation and to determine clearly the aim and the main direction of military operations." • IN THE FOLWWING (February) Issue of Kommunist, the t e a d i n g ideological Tnontbly of the Soviet Com· mu nist party, five historians supported the official condemnation of Stafin's "cult of personaUtr." But they criticized Soviet authors who "blacken the heroic history" of the Soviet Union by dwelling on "mUitaku of the past." These are only samples of the attempts to rehabilitate Stalin in the past three years. At the same time the Brezhnev- Kosygin government has been cracking down on artists, writers, and other educated persons. JN HIS 1\1 EMORABLE secret spttch delivered . to. the . Soviet . Communist Party's 20th Congr~s in February 1956, Nikita S. Khrushchev declared : "The tln'eatening danger which hung over our fatherland in the first period CJf (World War II) was largely due to the faulty methods of directing the nation and t.he party by Stalin himself • . . Even alter the war began the nervousness and hysteria which Stalin demonstrated, Interfering with actual mililary cpera- tiOM, caused our army serious damage." Stalin refused to believe until t~ last minute that Hitler would betrayf'him. When the Nazis did strike. Harrison E. Salisbury reports: "From the moment ol the Nazi attack . . . Stalin locked himself U\._ bl& office, refused to sec anyone, arid took no part in the affairs of government." Stalin was in a stale or psychic collapse which verged on a nervous breakdown . THE APATJr\', ho\veve r. lasted Jess than l\\'O mont.hs. By )ale August, he "·as In complete charge of Lhe anned forces. On .1uly 19 he had taken over U1e post of Defense Commissar, and on Aug. 8 lh~t of Supreme Commander of the Soviet Union, or. as the title later came to be used, Generalissimo. The jury Is out on Stalin's later military effectiveness. Evt:n if what the Soviet hi storians are now writing should :-I.and the proor or time, it would have lo be balanced against the planned famlnt's of the 20'5, the purges of tho 30's, tbe postwar machinations. liot.arshll Nikolai Bulganin afft:r the war remarked to Khn1shchev: "A mon doesn't know when he is called to the Kremlin whether he will emerge ali ve or nol." ABRAllA~I LINCOLN d e & c r i b e d Ciarlst Russia as a land where ''dest>otism can be \llkr:n pun, and wlth<Jut tho ba>t alloy ol hypocrisy." NothJng seems to change. , Sex Should Not Be Thing Apart ''One thing I find it hard to forgive my parents for," said the woman next to me at the dinner party, "is· their failure to tell me how imj>ortant ses: would be when I grew up, especially in marriage." "But isn't that true of most parents?'' I interposed. ''I suppose it Is." she said, "but it's a dirty trick to do to kidll, And even when parents are enlightened enough to tell you the biological facts about sex, they :still underplay its significance -because, I guess, they don't want to get their children hipped on tht sub- ject." "IT'S AN INTERESTING example,'' I said, "of a sell-defeating principle at work, Sex is something set apart, a special subject, veiled in all ~nds of mysteries, and pulled oo\ of the norma1, natural orbit of life. Even when we present it clinically, or hygienically, as in classrooms, it's taken out of emo- tional context and turned into a 'func- tion.' "But, or course," I went on, "sei: is much more than a funcUon. It's phy1lcal, it's psychologlcaJ, it's social, it's sytn- bolic -it's a complex of actions and reacUons, emotions and repressions , all of which have to be working fairly well together in order for the prcass to fulfill itself as jt was meant to." •1'.>u MAKE IT sound so difficult,'' 1he said. "It Is difficult, the way most civilized societies approach it," I replied. "But making aex a thing apart, by seemitig to diminish its.fundamental importance, we act.ually succeed in enhancing jts importance to people as they are growinr up. ,;That's what J mean by a self~estroy· Ing principle at work. Our aim iJ presumiibly to dampen down, or restrain, young people's sexual ardor until they are old enough ito cope with their feelings. But when we do this, we give it a gpecial ptaee, and in a certain SeMt. we over~mpbasise its importance to them. "SEX HAS BECOME so. important in our society, from pre-adolescence right through to old age, because of all the taboos that surrounded. the subject when we were children. Primitive societies don't have all our sex problems, fncludinr our shocking record of rape, because they accept it a5 a natural part of life from the child's earliut yem." "Are you suggesting," ahe asked, "that we adopt the sexual practices of primitive tribes -wouldn't that be a step backward?" "No," l said, "we don't have to adopt anybody else's practices; what we have to do is teach our children, at an early age, that se:r, is important, is joyous, and is a learned activity as well .u a natural impulse. Jf we put it in the right pePSpective from tilt firat. it wouldn 't become so distorted and 10 disproportionately important later." Invitations to Disaster Since we live tn an age o( anxiety, staying out ol trouble is one of our major goals. This isn't easy. All a man bas to do is open his mouth and say the wrong thing at the wrong time and he wlnda up with a face full of knuckles, or worse. Only the wary warrior survives in a woeful world. Here, for example, are a few in- vitations that eenerally lead to dil!aster: "WHY PAY THE retail prict for It! JC you want me to, I'll arrange lo get it Cor you wholesale." , "How can anybody who Is irown up gel Jost in a few acres of woods? This looks li ke the road we came in on. Shall we try it?" "Here, let me hold the malch, You bend down and look in the tank." "Go ahead, kid. Hit me In the stomach with aU your might I can take it." , "If you don't like it you can lump it" "Of course, I'm just kidding, honey, but suppaslng I was to uk you whether you'd marry me or not Whal do you think your answer would be?" "I DON'T WANT lo mess ,up the bar with you, but bow would you like to join me i.o. the alley outside, where there's a little mort awtn1tna roomt'' "Yes, our UtUe Melvin bu become quite proficient at imitatlni bird calll. Would you cart to hear him do • ftw!'' "Reck. anybody can leapftog _ovtr a fire hydrant. If I go first, w1U yau follow me'?" "Just sign on the dotted line. ln case . you don't !loci this second hand car up 10 snuff in every way, all you have to do ts drive It rl&ht back here to Lhc lot. and we'll cfve you another one as good u new-and no Ifs, ands or buts about it." "I guess if you picked up Utis mink coat after it fell oif a truck, you can afford to let it go at $500. But all I got in my checking account is $400. Will you take thal?" "I NEED A Volunte.er from the au· rlience. How about you, y®ng man? Will you please step up on the stage?" "This looks like it's probably the men·• room. You go in first. and we'll see what happens." "I'm in a terrible hurry-1ot a cab waiting out5idc. Quick, can you 1tve me two tens for a five?'' "No we stoppin1 now. We're only 20 miles from hqme. Surely we've Sot enough gas lert to 'go that far. t filled It up onJy Lhe day before yesterday." "Get, learning karate la llU'e a lot of tun. I've had three 1......., already. You come at me, and t'll show you a couple ol tricks my lntbvctor tau,ht me." ·"' .----89 George._--- Dear Geor1e: ( Uke a ttdhead who ls beautlful- ly built and I like a blonde who 11 very intelligent and I UH a brunet- te who Is not only rk:h but hu • food fifUrt . G.H. 'De11r G. 1-1.: \Vh<> dotlll't? What'a youz tn- bltm! I I I ~ J I I l r • J ort BarBO:r * . j .. . J,:. 62; NO. ·61, 5 SECTIONS, 74' P>:&ES • • "1: '· .• ' . -I\ ; • I ,· '. ;•, .t mu . ! J • • "<I . . ' Who's '.Your Foe . . . 87 ALTON 81.AKE!U.EE -led l'nll -1VtU<t W'llO parent& will lry to<Jead from the strength of knowltd&• In .dilCUSS- inl diUP 1'ilb· jbelr childrai. Ooly llllt way are they likely to be .Uedlve; only lhal way cao they spells lntelligenUy. Knowltdp In this .-mull be based oo the precl!e focta about the ·drugs themlelve -what they're like and what they do to people. Here ls a . llllHlown oo the principal drugs being wed or abused. ' : · · 'MAIUJUANA -It's niore cominonly 'known as pot, grass, Mary Jane, bay,.jolnl,1 reefer, slick or .by a dozen other names. \u AJ generally used in the United States, marij\lana ls a mild c that ·pixf\ictl· .fahtaiiu. Smokers· may develop a p.sychologjcal need for But it · · · is no.t physically bapit forming - ciuittlng it d~it-Cause any phyS.lcill withdra~~ptoms. .. ... It is..not a narcotic, and nei~r are other balluclnatioo • producing qs. Marijuana is under narcoUcs control for various reasons. But true nar· cotics usually produce aleep or stupor and relieve pain; ~ can be lddlc- tive or habit forming. }!arijuanl cams .from the Ip• ~ Pia!!!, c. ... w. .. "~ ... • Tbe 1 ..... and ·no-tng ~ .... drjid, somellmes ... J!lbed With lobaCco, and roll"'l:Jnlo a cigarette. Tbe ef/ecll, fell In •·few minutes, usuallJ' tut three to five hOUl'I, but mar • cm for 11 a.ilen cao •art wiliely In pola1c)I ,~ 00 lhalr telil of the ;,a!ve plant tngrtdienL : tcally, molt mloters have a eeJlng of great well-being, of feeUng like having had a few alcoholic HUftlingtO!l.iieacn'folic.-Ch~f • They moy become lalkaUve Johll. Sdlitr:. "If. the, problem aod bllariOUI, er faD Into a dttamY ' . . of drug abtue ir to be owr-state. Their ideu now rapidly, some. come; tQe wm .ura·mar .. ptr• times 1n discomlef!ted faahlon. tona to be 'in the.·~ "nley fantasize, and IOmf:tbnel bave thi.i' 1trie1 ctrtai1'ltt wiZl :JulJ) a deeper appl'f#IUan fl..worb of art to achieoe this erid-.. or mullc. Time stretc:bes ouL Dito tance and tOUDdl .,. magnllled. Other 1moltm may .r .. r lrriiabl• and coolused. or become furful. . LSD-la oo potent lhal 1 &... n0 faraer than the point ol a pin II enoush to Jfft1i 'moet people oft Ga amazing "trip&" within thtir own mindl. LSp -Ill!' lywglc.acid q~Jamide, and is often simply called acid, tripl, cubea, pearly gales or beaviiity blue. U'1· IUPIJlied, quite illegally, ~u a powder Jn capsules, small white pills, ar a caleillll, tasteless !\quid tbJt can be soaked into sugar cubes or crackers. A 1rlii Ulllally ·beginll· 30 lo j5 minutes alter th• drui Ii .swallowed, and lutl ewiti te 1J houri. How a· person reacts depends on the dose, the person blmlill;.1111' ~ •• and th~ .. ttlng. .,di ' MOit 'llift ... ~ Seeing brilliant colon, starbursll, and diatortion of teol:uetrle,..~" senses may ·blend 80 colors appear to be tasted. Sellai-- .' Uvlty 'to ·eoql!CI "°""'"· Objects may pulsate. Something as familiar as a teaeup l:an tjlpiar' lo be an object of fantastic beauty aod wonder. F .. llngs (Sae PARENTS MUST KNOW ENEMY, Page 3) ... ' ' • ORANGE COUNl't, CALIFORNIA )._ . . ._ . ... . . ' . .·es.· ' ( I ,, .. . .. By JACK BROBACK Of .. Olltr , • .., "-" Newport Beach DlOWlted a heavy of. fensive and won the battle Tuesday on a recommendaUon by the Orange County Board of SuperYisors ag!inst approval ci service to the Pacific Northwest from th• Oroop County Airport. Eight witnesses opJ>O'.Sed endorsement or a neutral stand on · the flights. The board voted 3 to 2 to recommend to the Civil Aeronaulie& Board lllll they . .. ...,., ,. • ·' • ew,: ' ' be turned down. Supervi10ra Wllli~m J, Pblllipe and ~ W. BatUn did not go aloog with the majority of Supervl!on David L. Baker, Alton E. Allen aod WUl!am Hii&- M!in . . Newport· Mayor Dore<n Marshall !«I oil the oppoo!Uon arl!Uinl llllt the CAB woWd be 1lroJllly infiuencod by lbe posi· ti<ln of lhe · aupervilors. She llld a qeutral poaition would be assent to the new !itl'Vice. Mn. Manball Drug Usage Blamed 3 Policemen•Atureked By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of 111e Dell)' '""' s,.n Mayhem and violence linked to drugs and menlaJ problems erupted In three Costa Mesa incidents late Tuesday and early .today, leaving three policemu .iDo !Ur.<I aod'1hne -J011el'ot hooplt.11,,. ed. . • "rr"' -A 17-yeu-old boy 'wi! au! a polioo officer 1ent into bis room by the .,... .....,.., mother, 1e~· for lbe oafetj. · o( a priest coqmeling the boy about drug Ule ancf IUJCM.al ieodeQC'f& ' lllXl8 .TO BE millD ~olir.olflcera anclmedlcal ~I at two dJffereiit hospla1s we're iequired to subdue a stabbing victim who begged to be killed as hi.!1 own distraught broth-- er kiued and caressM tile man to calm him. -Two patrolmen who checked a man passed out in his car were forced to wrellle him into submllsion altor the groggy motorist, ... minJJy . blllld-fn. toxlcaled on barbi!Jlratea, alkpdlf al- tacked them. co.ta Mesa Police Sgt. Lan'y Bersch will be oil work lbe rest of lbe week alter belDi llDalhod In the moutb bJ Landslide Peril Will Remain Several Months WASIJINGTON (AP) -U.S. Geological Survey scientists' have warned that the danger of ·landslides in California from heavy rains will tontinue for 1tveral ·-• . "" ·I. j ;;. • .. l I I OF· • •• I!'), . . . . . • • • • • <. ' . ;. ,. '· . ' . . . .. .Humor Dispelled weeks or perhaps months even with dry weather. "Add1tlonal .rains or earthquakes .could lrlager ,widelpread disallrous llides dur- ing this critical period," said • statement issued by lbe G<ologicaJ Survey, I branch ol lbe Jntertor Department. Piwt Ex.ecutive . Nissen · . . ' . ·Youth. Admits Mischief at CdM HS "Long after the ralna stop, water alow, An act of vandalism was followed ~ Tuetday by an act ol <GlScienc< atCorona de! Mar High School. The confession abo dispelled a zippy otH11mpua rumor. P'ftnclpal Leon Meeks said lhat a male . Purglar Declared Narcotics ·Addict SentencinJ of a Laguna Belch man crf boir1lar7 char1es lw been beld ov.r !I 9uperior Court with lbe deU!nninati<ln tliat.be ii a narcotic• addict. "1alla• Robert Gardner committed John Pi ·Maybauer, 2$, of lbe Del Camino !(Old, 121t S. Coast HiJ!nray "to lbe c»lfornja RebabJUtaUon Ce n t e r • ltfl1bautt underwent n 1 r co t.t c r J.n.. ·~-after pleadiq pllty .llarch, I~ lo the burllarY COlllll. Maybouer acb•llled llllt be burl]td Ille o111ces of lbe Lasuna lfel&bU p;..!opmeat co., t• Coal\ Hip.ray. Mdltlooal chlr&OI of ,.,.,..., and ~·111rwJoe of dan,e.r'OUI drup bave bem ·-"' the dlllrlct 1UOrney'1 of. nee: atud<nt wbo rippod out a tow•! dispeDW' ly seepa don Into lbe liround and, llll! In a boy's locker room and Ml 1 minor HkeJ!hood of landsliding lncreue1," the fire in the wall called him later ln •tatement said. lb< day and admltted hi& guilt. It said the recent rains near or_ at1 reconl leveb:, have created one of the "tD !act be called DI• a( l!ome to gi-uteat landllid< dan1en In California tell me be wu responsible and wanted bi.story. lo ta.It to me aboUt It," !ft said. Residents of buildings on or near slopes The boy came in th1J . morning '° should be alert for symptoms of Im· see lbe principal. pending earth !allures and report• The confession dis]!ellod rumor• lhol iuipicioUo'. atgns lo local authorities so male student.I bad cut a hole in the that speclalllta: can investigate, the state... wall with a cuWna torch to 1et a · ment aid~ pe<k at wbif wu111111 dcior. 'Jli\y said warning signals could include Neat. door, ~ rumor went, .wu the an1 of.~ iod1cations: girl'• ~room. ~ .!..Doota or window• that stick or Jam N elvport Displa Laguna Artis~ .. ·~.lhe·linl lhne. -Ne'w' ~ks in plnster, t I I e, · :; ·brickwork. er.foundations. --Outaide walls, walkt, or 1talrt pulllnr , .away,~ bAilnp. • • • LSJowt1 *"eloping et wld · cndll.ill lbe lf9lDld or pa:ted areas. -~ 'ot unclefpoonci ul u.. ., . .. .i ..... '""" awimmlng poolJ. ~ ' Mlt llJF~ Ot" tUUnc.. PC f~ ~._..ljllll1J..::*tin1 ·~ lbe, the base of• ... The aald It w11 .. '""""'81*. lo eslhna · 11 hoW loatiil( mlgbt lul ·llllt the ~· .U.ocly in the ground would d..,... alive .. vml ...U monthl. • . . Retires After 20 Yoo:rs Paul NLueD, Ady!l'lilinl D1rec1or of the DAJl.Y PILOT aod the...._., o]jlal ~e In -of -oervfce, Ji ietlriq April I, '"' the -annlverqey Of hlo employment by • lllUe paper that grf!ft bl&. The fu!Jlre; Is plee!anUy unliftd for Nl88en and hl1 wife. They 1all April II aboard lbe SS ~ Carla ,ror • Mexico, Cen!lal """'""" aod the Caribbean, but dm\ know whether the summer will find lbem'in Hawall or Europe. • • · "Tllo kldo wHI b< pltln( out oi -·and we'ro trylnJ to get a boule .., the Island 'of •MMll for 1hrte -. or t1oe we:U &i 14> Europe.•' aaJd tile JonatllQO ~-Arel cMtJeodlr. • " • RC!tlrtmlnt ,of · the DAILY PILOT .. n111., ~. who Joined the old GJobe.!lerQI whi<h i., ._.w Ull. <multipUlll: lO •~;tli,~ ... 1llf. ~IP~:-.... JOlll<~,t.'.:• ,j, ·,.,,.' • He "' lie# ...... .op·.111:11 •loo, I ~flt the "Colla -0•- Q( -,... .. ., ' ':'1' • ,* ' , ) ;<!!tirdo1n to r.tln ·llu71-I •1111 .... .. 1wl!b•llll1 '"'iiiji.j,ot --lllo IOllJJril • ., "' J:~. . '· I .. ' • • 1 .. ' . 0, r· ,e,, ' -" ' " . - f .. ". M4Jre Sliclis · . . . . . ' ' . ' ·De~ood"' -.. . . ·-. ' . . .. . • l I I • ~ 2 Dloll.V l'ILOT ' , W1tnz?\"r, liWdl u, 1"9 ' • ' Hi eke _;_._. _ g_ Oil ·Le~!'C Ba;n _;LOst,~ N N Drill . . ~· .. 1.:. c ·.· . o.,.A_ s ·-..1 Mlffi s Yacht , "' o ~ . , ing. ·wi,~ut . onpess .. ""Y ugga~, . "#. · · , . . ----.. llJWilililOll (AP) ,.. ,.,....., al illdiol-......... n ttiN.... .'111<1o1•1 '"": • F•b. 7. . when oil ~ WU pornittt.a ""' Sigh.:ed? Ult IJll«lor 'ti alter J. lllcl:el bu laid U,,. oo new letao without llri\ cm-c.alllornla alttldy bus oil actMUts baa not yet beH Carried <1111. I; o W-llv!olr -~ oil leulq • lruu oullll>g Coogrea and holding pullllc heir-fnn'a ltrW ol -pd land l'llUlhlg Hlckel wOuld bar leaatni In tbla ll'e& , • . " • ,r .r ,..,.~ idJeliiii" Ca1Jlomla'1 ol~tr.. lngs. """" II nil~ a10llg Ille SUia Barbara too, tl>e IOUl'Ctl lllld. U.S. Set. Alan er-<DCilJI.) )IN 1111ttii1:1' ... the . -at 'Santa He has already a!ked -and recdved, coast and -mJtu·out-to .... Ttie ·s.-· Union Oil Co. leose .: ilONG° KONG (UPI} --- • termed a Newport Belch reool-Dr(· &rbara, -said Wedoelday. voluntarily -geological and 1echnlcal The feder.i gov e r nm• n t , by Inlet liei at me end ol thla outer strip -kesmen .... tbr his Ing C01Wideallon ol cloolnc ct '"" v.~ · ~ a11o plallned lo move cauUouoly !nfonnatlon from companies which have. ..,..llemen'i alreement," baa refrained .and . llOl4<f be added lo It U lllcteJ ·~ -ee yac .,.,. Mu1can bonkr lo. llllnor1 ";'milii 11-00lllllaioi, oil jeuea anywhen1 else drilled In the channel and wblch Ibey ln111» oil Jeaalng In an adjacent bufler '·decJclb tO,....,.J,Uolon'1 lwe. alght<d off •00., Tlleaday •nd may be -1 oo!llliGa 10 a~.. 111 the ltdiral par! ct tbe channel, and had consldered private. ...,. ·two miles wide and 1'1lllOini tbe • Sllll llDdOr . lonaldera6"" allo, the those miaslng noarly a month In eoa.. ' ~, 1 ff , -,;:.: iiia llU bepa, • ieirCll ~ leCal Wl,YI . lo He bu not made " any decilioo, -.lingtb of the llale lllll".!JIUJ-' . .:::~ aaldl la '14 m~~ lclea DllllllJt Chloe¥ waton with 1 l r j . Iha ~i( N •. , cancel -; · U • -17._ "" · tl>e le.., bowfV<I', wbelb<r lo nqulra .Ille 1Ub-Hlcl:el plana to. malil . tbla baller a I _pf iau~. Union to1 ~~ ,. Americans abo.tnl, ""',. Lqlw Baacll ~ 1 , . already bild by llnloa Oil Co, milllon ct such private lnlorm1U<11 lrom permiment _.., II wu IOlrnect. ..~ o11 , u fill ~ · , wfth •kipper; • •-' or on . . It ._.. .a-UDl<il ...n. •1\1<!! l\l<w. out CCIJ\panles In the futur<. • Be1'Jnd thlJ buffer iJu .-, otrlp ~ Ila ilii" of ~eitltC the The k · I= theer.i:.!......: :-:cooi --Jan."11 Ud ~ 'tlie cllanna1 and OU drilling and production In the Santa up <o a mile wide with two men ltacta · .. presllns lhiit might 'ollteriilao C.use llpO emian aaid U... yachts wltb f u ..... °' "'• !iid moot fill)JfeD, Its qeacbeo.· . Barbara cbanneJ bu been halted, at utending ,..waro from Ila middle, 1 r.newed oil leaka .Into the..._ ..U. resembling hose of he mwlni j Ing ...uu.. !lf,Qll!' tlmel." , cralt were sighted at 5,~ p.m. Tueaday • Ha nailed ~ atucly on -___ • _ --· : about 17 miles oil the western tip of !the ~~ woWd ·~· 'DT~ff D -id--d-N HongKong'sLanTaolaland. l W!i: .. ~·-lha -., ""'··. "•ff ec-HH:-. Mvnaufl ewport 0 Ks The li"'I Kong Marine J)epartment, ! Besides studier on the issue of the "1 ' . • however• could not confirm. thia repcrt. f l>orde<'1 cloolng lo mlnon, Cranston call. M ' ' • D 1ay· R t p • k $20 000 f Tb~ aighllng report o1 the government :ectfcr-kby~ . .,.,.,.,·Jl>ulb • esa , e s · OU e IC , or spokesman. furthermore, did n•t : and chrucb r.1Jll Ii>, 11\teiQp! lo -~ ' . ._, · ' ' .' . establish who wao manning the yachts • : IJ'Owlng nan.'ilticl a~ One miaalng sinc:e Feb. IS carried :· cran.ton ~ "'"°"" review " B h W k ·the priiblem •NI Ill< pro-·• to dole eac . or Simeon Baldwin, SS, of 1359 Cliff Drive. • th ~ ' ,..... • Mll< red and bue, the Newport Freewsy realdenU. areas botb objecUonahle tO ol the nearly W-hour hearmg, which -Tb !hr -•~-..... di _ _.. , e ._-.;. ..;. .._,. . , r r e ee 11.W1;t.U1g y.u.iwi S&rr-..... ; r.:-aJiolllor !llY)lhll ,,,.~-tolcr code combo which bu hunclreda many penons. • .aJmoot filled City CooncJl chambers, the on a pleas..,; cruiae from Hoag ""'°' :ed the :tppeal'1o eJOre b'biaer~ ol Costa MeaaM anxious for lhe future Little was said about other' routes. yJcemayormadeseveralkeypoints. Ntwp911 Beach's City Caunlcl Monday •·_~"""""•" .... _ _.._ 21 ~ ·." _ r'.-. .. n __ .. .J "·•Ir~-.~ t• b but strong hints came after the meeUng strengthened t t 1 attack on mounting fo Macao, • Portuguese enclave on the ., .... -WIUICI" .1-r•"""' .....,.. ~ 'll w..11: ._._,'""""you cou,. get rown. that the council_· may u. t the State The primary point seemed to be th.at Communi8' Cliinese mainland. Offlclall n-1.. ...... ~-cod f · .. -... "'· mound! of beach debris wHh more money · : ~vwu &0 """ COJUr e ot •11uwcr Highway Com.mWion to adopt th! Brown businessmen in the downtown area ar~ here believe they were seized by CoJn.. . . . .. ,., . ~ . ' . . FNtli "._,,, e 1 . .... £, ~AIR ROUTES •• Ohlt I PllOT OIU.HH CDIUT """' ........ c:qMIWfT IMerfN.W ... _,.._ Jar.• l. C.lf.., ~..,. ........ ....,* ..... n..-.1t .. .r1 ·-T\~M="'• -..... J. e.tn.. Pa•I Hlu•• ,,...._....,.. AdWf'T.- tltf ..... ou.c. ---1111 Wnt lalN-ktilw•t4 M•flfet ~1 P.O. a.o.I 171, tli&J -- MA.TH.OT .... ..-.. _.... .. ...... _ .......... .., __ .... _______ .....,......., -~-'"';::" ..... .., ......... -----... .......... 1 ... --· ---,,. ....... <Ml .... ;r;s:; I m4• ~ ~.~~a.. ••• , •• I:"~..:.. ....... . ----· ·w---... ., --· --==· ........... -""*... . 11¢7. ... --.a ..,. ...... ....,.., ....., •a __... pooalble lttJq{e _'5"'ali41'9"'nt 'ai/ioni ·five Roote, rarely diacuaaed In recent months. pleading that the triangular, Newport and plans for possibly another student munist Chinese gunboats that alopped Cdhlldered to ~e • tbe uWmste 4.5 The Brown Route alignment would ap-Boulevard-Harbor Boulevard intersection cleanup brigade. other yachts in the waters the aame mde coocnte lwittfof'progruS thrOugh pear to iiatisfy the desires • and and"*"'·-•· e·•···'Oll be saved. The couocil approved the spending of day. , Collta'M '1 intddte. ~ geographic needs ~ressed by-many ....... i.uuv ~-not more than Mn,OOO for the lat~ • ,. efJ · ' f1 rl Sludlel prepared by the State Division ..., "'"~ Communist China has never ~led I ~:l'&in\lnl thrcuJl'!"JI a oes the old route picked ]n 19", ol Ill h beach acraplng job. It had custody ol the yacbti '*' ibeir e ·1t ~Whidi ~ "!'!'{e to ~b not everyone can f1«ally be g ways show that the $57.2.m.illion 'Ibe funds will go to the same con· pa.Mengers and crews. n.ey i.. were ; pkt a rni.l~ Pf'de:red Tuud,Y, the pleased.· • · Brown Route from Bay Street on would tractor who receutly completed a cleanup reported to have been lighted by coasta.I Costa. Mesa . City Councl1 abruPtJy ad· .::'Gentlemen, we've heard a lot of new l?ulJdoze out the eut aide of existing under a previow: $8,300 contract. sailors tied up in a manland villqe joumed on I ·S '"to 0 wte. promising' ev1dence· 'tdntght and I move that we Newport Boulevard. The latest record flooding, however, a Jew days after their disappearanct. to mdt a c:boke -Mondly. ' · J delay aclliln oout ·Moriiay," said VI c e brought more debris back on the beaches The yachts carried 15 """.SOD.!, ln- J)lalogue • concentrait.d Oil the old Mayor Robert lrL Wilson, who spent The Brown Route, which would take even before the first load wu carted 1 · · ~ ,. ___ ...... .: ..:... .... ~_..;:.. --i-ff .. •.N-~ II •· ~ .• · I f d •· onl Jf 00 c uding six American citiz:ellS". u • .......-~ .o.uui.c uuwn "''"'"'""'&· ..... .,... ~ a \Ullf •1-UU)1Ulg vo umes o ocumenl-3 out y 118 homes, many or them dating .... . iciaJs termed it the worst ac· Boulevard and the newly proposed Red-and cllppJng.s. back toward pioneer days, could easily cumulation yet. Blue . line looping out . w~, ·~· . Speaking privately at the conclusion tie into the Blue Route link along wester· Besides allocat1na: the money, the coun-cil asked for staff inquiries into possible ' • , . Jy Superior Avenue to the beach. requests again IJ<ing out to Harbor area Tustm.. . yo· ters G"'1·v·· e' -o· kay Newport ~each ci<y officials prefer high school atudenls (or ...istance. From PfffJe 1 MAYHEM ••• the Blue Route, which would tie Uito Nearly 500 youngsters from area the Pacific Coallt Freeway, whose route &choola swanned on the beach la.st month hu already been adopted by the State and helped load tons of debris into waiting lrncka. ·To' . ·3'0"' ..Jtaen' ·1 Ta"' ov· e··. 'rn"de Highway Commission. The volunteer ellort aavecl tupayera ""'-' A Costa Meaa Planning Dirictor \\'illlam near& $3,000. L. Dunn studied the colorful combination Mayor Doreen Manhall, joined by tional volcaoo again, ·requlrlng four t:l~ fi cers and a hospital orderly to 1t1bdue him. Patrolman Denni• L. Homdeld llld the victim's broUler then abowed up, creating a scene demandlag h1I rtleue and threatening legal action, llnaDy being physically led from the scene bhnseH by an orderly. ' '11\e:lllth ~ Jl!fli..,. to I" I. ·wim v0ta1 In tlie last 211 year>, thr.e had ln _tbe'')'ustln Unll» IDih SChool ~cf failed. Hayward admitted aome doubts In 30 months .... ,_ed aolldly TuUday,' ahont thJa one loo. brinimf a 30 ·cent hfit la' the tu' · He siJd whet. he awoke this rrlorning, ~'.'.~ w~ llciW"~i;, itiaih W;~ld~ ~I =-ob _my God, what_ if !hi• ,... Hid . ' . '1~ ~ . t • • -,• '·~' ~· :H'' ' a; • ~~/j ,.~• Jf ~ "Bud~" lraiWn tod • •1"ho'po 11111 · " • 1 la the end or the turbulent era." · ·Mayors' Prayer , :AbQat a third of the istrlct's ~Et , ~-turned OU~ -''"° . U • :~!:i":.:i':!. •.sos · • ~.1 ~; , ., , • ~J, Set I. . The prmnt· rate ol 11.lll per 11~. At :Ba~ Guh . asleSlled valuatioo wu due to elJ!lr• . . . · 'J ~ · June 30. The diltrlct would hive had· · The • flrat ~ Mayors' ··Prayer lo try lo live on the basic lllate r•t• BreUlliLwlll ·i;. held at 7:20 a.m. ol 85 cents. It has been ..tlmated 'tb,la Fl'ldajrt al the B,illioa'Bay Club In keep. would have forced reduction of teachlug !!'$ wlta tbe 1trad!U0R,Of the Pre~entlal llall by 15 despite upanded enrollment. ~er Br:tjt( .. bel'd annually in the predicticm ri 700 more student& and NaUon'.' Cipltol. " already large clus Illes. The N\!Wl)Ort Harbor Junior diamber Hayward aald dh1rl.ct ofHclals now or Commerce will llponsor the. event will begin recrul.Ung and attempt lo as a non-profit civic function. Ticteta straighten out the district's erodlng posi· are priced at $3. · tion regarding imcertJlnty am on I Speake.rs will lnclude William J. teachers. Teague, vice president of Pepperdine He said the board had received a College; Dr. Ralpb L. Byron Jr, chief number of teacher reslgnaUon1 at its of ;eneral and onoc:ologlc surgeey, City last meeling, "nne from PIO;Ple we've of Hope Medical Center, Duarte ..... been worklnc for yean to ...,..., " The program will also include temarka The board president said, "One person by Mayor llore<.n Marahali ol Newport In partlcular, a darn goed teacher, Beach and 11adlng of New Teiariient resigned. We bad worked two year1 ocriptures' by UC Irvine Cblincell<Jr lo get him on the staff. J guesa bt Dlnlel Aldrich Jr. figured who the beck needs U (financial uncertainty), .. Haywaro said the board will alao be studying 111 w h e e 1 y transportaUon system to make 10111e basic decisions · on remedial measures. "We have 101T1e things (buses) there that are pretty ancient, almoot collectors items," be 6aid. District officials have said . that the newest bUJ is a 1956 model and some have more than a quarter million miles .... Hayward said the district tramporta. tion consultant bu recommended e regular repl&ctment program f or vehicles. "If we'rt going to stay ln the transportatkm business, BOme replace- ment b loins to have to be .done," ba said. Ol the five tu meuura put to dlltrlct But Gyrodinium Better Coo-perate Newport's marine ..tnari81 wlll be the tarp!"' a !20,000 lducly ol alnale-<ell- ed orpolomL Tbt prnlJa, funded by Iha Nallonal 5deioa Foundattoa and conducted by llrejdonlll College, la expected .. .,,. .. ,,. an ... old rlddlt: How do Gyrodlnlum, nd Clptdlr!• 1/100 of an Inch J 0 DI, nae! to llPt! , U tho l)'rodlnlum a>operate. It will tUa two_.. .. -the """"'· Sent to Hoepital SAN rtlANCllCO (UPJ) -0.. of m prmldlo Gl'a <11 trial for mutiny WU In i:..u.rman Omen.I Hospital to- day. Illa ~ aald lllal Pvt. Lnrenco Zalnor JO, Toledo, Ol>lo ., .. ... pe;raookf aftd lulcldal." Water Skiing Out for Easter There is llttle llope for water skiers who want to use Upper Newpoft Bay before Easter Week, accordlq to Harborma!ter Al ()bug. ~ So much debris has washed Into the bay from the slonn runoff that the •peed and w channels remain clqoed. The channels onnnaJly 1IS8d lor the water sports are now mudflatll at zero Ude, Oberg said. Some dredging bu betn done ln the silled clwmeJI but slorm-wasbed debrfs clogs them and they are not usable. Heavy Inflow ol alorm runoff, Coapled with the debris It brought, nudpd the channel marker buoys off slatiorL They will have lo be relocated before the atta can be reopened to the 1kltn. Boys' Club Week Events Planned Tbt Harber Ar-. eo,s• Club baa p1.,,. ned a 1 e r I • 1 ol nents to celebrate NaUonal eo,s• Club Weelr, Mardi 11-12. Scheduled f81thllles lnclade eoa.. munlty Sentce Club Night, _, houseo at both the Central and Upper 1111 brancbal, Anni nlghl, and a lather- oporll nllhl. c.pp!ng off tbe -will be a Hobo Fun Doy at bolh branches ... Saturday, tl>e Dnd. Et~ Dlrector Lou Yantom ex. plalnod ".h1 lllch • -la planned. He aakl, .. For tht!e k1da, NaUonal Boyl' Club Week ts their tlml lo get a lair Ihm bf the UmeUihl 'llleSe yC>W\gllen practlco 'JIMlllle deconq' • ....,. cloy. But 1"I doo'I baar alloul them; they doo •t iret lnlD trouble •• f -·1'-J N other councllmen, praised the studentll' 0 ......-... e ewport Freeways through work and asked the city staff to Bee town to Newport Beach arl.d suggested if another campalgn might be orginJzed. the old Green Route. The new contract would cover cleaning Barely making a ! to 2 majority, of beaches from Corona del Mar to the Planning Commission, however, the Santa Ana River jetty, along with recommended the Red-Blue Route for removal of debris in ~ mouth of the City Council choice on March 3 as a river where it meets the sea, even guideline for the state's final ruling. though that area is not in the city, UtUe bu been sajd in recent public If ~ ltudent aid is sought, the youths dialogue about any compromise between will proOably work on beach Md bay the ~year-old, $50.8 million Newport areas inaccessible to heavy equipment, Boulevard link and the '6Q.7 million ace<ri!ng to City Manager Harvey C. Red-Blue choice. Hurlburt. A staff physician found the •tab 1'ound and pronounced it lltue more than a scr~tch, but the emotional brother then hegan kissing the victim, at which time his cut re-opened and worsened. The vidim wu held for ~atiOl'I and ~cal staff membUa ~ be w11 in satisfactory condjtion thls mornfnr. bul would ;ilso bj' evaluated lo determino his m.ni,.t alate. Shillelagh Tankles~ J~h Missile Works Fine, But Mounting Difficult From Wire Services Philco Ford Aeronutronic's Shillelagh mis.sue can poke a hole into any armor known, but the U.S. Anny admitted this wee~ lhat il is havinj; trouble finding something: to put lhe weapon on. In fact, the Army's entire tank develop- ment program is in serious difficulties, · a legislator has divulged, because of extreme tecboical difficulties in mounting the missile on tbe M-a> tank. The mlsdle, however, works just fine, JU manufacturen say confidenUy, The Shlildagh la built in Aeronutronic'• Lawndale complex. The company also has faclllUe! ln NewpQrt Beach. Despite Ille dllllculty, procluctlon of the missile Is continuing without In- terruption, a company spokesman in Newport said. He added that the hangup • will pose ·DO pr0b1em· for PlmM in Newp\ll'l' or Lilwndale. . ' ~ :i:.. Menclell· lUvera,-of the Houaa "Armed Senices Com !D \Ji j e e disclosed !lie Ann)''• tank proble., . Riven ~ the Army ne.xt •eek wil1 give ·Rs official e1planaUop u to "".hY itll M=«t and MBT70 ta1}k progr&lI!J are .ioing so badly. Riven charges that seri6'11 ddm1nlstrattve deficiencies could result. bl ,Jou o( hupdredll of millions cl dollan from the two programs. The ·missile i!I earmarked only for use oD the M.tO vehicle, Aeronutronic spo~emten said. They strtaed there la nothing wrong witli I~ but In tbO tnrret and l!llJWIUng design, which la btloi hOndled by anolbar llrnt which makei lha'tanb, Untll th• turret caloombly can be red<signed th• .tank will be, equipped with standard armament, an Army spokesman said. The problem, Army aoun:es ouUined, centers on the eicessive field ad- justments needed on the tUJTet, which is suppcl6ed to let the missile be fired while the tank is in moUon. Meanwhile the Anny Is "postponing indefinitely" orders of M-&ls with the missile, even though the ShilleJa.sbs art . bought and paid !or. . The MBT'lO supertank'a problem ls Jn iu engines, not with armament. The Anny bu refused lo 111 how much µie problems are costJng tu· payer~ but price comparilcns between M60s armed with missiles and those with conventional guns are algnWcanL With Sbillelagh the tank coals 13»,000. Full price for the regu]ar t.allk and gun la 1188,0000. We Care about whnt we Sell CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAR&E I We also Clll'e rwhat you BUY That'• wliy we ·are fust as careful about liow we ull our Watches, Dlamonds and all other merchan· dise that ma~e you 'the cust9,nier satisfied. Quo Ii· ty Merchandise ond fair pric,i. ' . . ' Our prices are always in linFwith quality stores all over the country. Why iiot' l;O~~ and !•e for your- self. The 'Store where values have spoken for them- 1elvea for 23 years. . BUY WITH CONFIDENC~WEAR WITH PRIDE ' CtUh-Charge-Budget , Ill! NEWl'OAT AVE.. COSTA MESA 2Z YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION l't-IONE 541-1401 , I \ ' 'I I Daley Men . GiV-eil Rllll -Fo1~ Mon~y 2nd Equipment Fault Told in Sealab Death 'Damage Filed in Suits ' Crash CHICAGO (AP) -Two ILS- million damage suits have been filed against Unitff'.-Air lJnes on behalf of families to two persons killed in the Jan. 18 crash of a United jetliner Jnt& the Pacific Oce,an near Los Angeles. . ... The Boeing m <rasjted minates after taking off fnnn LO! An g e 1 e s International Airport. killing all 38 aboard: Both suits contend United was negligent in operating the airliner, alleging a generator in one engjne was known to be detective _before takeo{l .QUICK C•tch 11pi quicHy on . l11c1I· 9"1th, l111d Ylll.t~ Co11tp1ct, &Ofl'IJ""lkM1i•• 'ham.town odl- t'i ... ef th DAILY PILOT, SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The board oC Navy officers in- vestigating the undersea death cf a Sealab III aquanaut was told Tuesday of another fa ult in the breathing equipment he may have used on the fatal dive. The disclosure came from Chief Warrant Olficer Richard A. Garrahan, assistant engineering officer for the project, who took the rigs used by Berry L. Cannon and his three teammate s to Washington, D.C., for analysis. Garrahan said a crc.scent- shaped hole about three-six· teenths ol an inch long was found in a breathing tube of POe of, the rjgs yw~ it w~ checked over in Washington .. The bole was discovered in the same rig that was misslng v?tal ait filter chemicals to absorb carbon dioxide from a helium.oxygen' mixture that is bceetfied ovil' and 1 Over · ai:"ain dufing detp diTn. Camon was asphyxiated BIO feet beneath the surface of the Pacific from carbon dlox- kle poisoning, an autopsy showed. Without the filter granules, the carbon dioxide cootent of lbe mixture builds up to .a toxic l~J. Tile Navy·liu not disclosed . which of t.be-'"aquanauts was wearihg the faulty rig·, but . the cause 'CJl death woul~ ·in-c dicate it was Cannon : U. Alan Goldberg, counsel Pauling Leaves VC . For Rival Stanford STAN_FORD (UPI) -Dr. Linus Pauling. the con- troversial nuclear chemist who is lb_e only American to win two Nobel Prize.<1, is leav-in, the University o f California to join the faculty of SWtford Univers1ty. In a statement issued Tues- day, the 68-year-old Paul1"' 38.id one reason for the change was "the present uncertainty about continued ftnancial su~ port <i thO Univenity of California." 1 Pauling said the medica1 8Chool at UC San Diego, where he has spent the last two years, 1'has already built up a staff of some or the best physicians and medical scien- tists in the United States - but there is the possibility now that decreased support by the state'of California -will prevent its fut'ther develop-- ment at the rate. it had been planned." • He added that Stanford, a private Institution, "has one ol the besl . .medical schools In the coontry." Pauling had been working at San Dlegp on research intp the molecular basis of mental illness under a grant from the Nalional Institute of Men- tal Health. JOINS STANFORD Dr. Linus P•ulin9 troversial in some quarters for his outspoken views · o'lf .lnteinational pollt~ and' his oppcllition to the Vietnam war. During his campaJgn against 8lomic bomb testing, he 9hce went frotn an anU·bomb 'picket lioc outside the White Hoose to I presidenUal diMer inside for Nobel ac.lentisti. for Chief Torpedoman Paul A. \Yells who was in charge or the rigs on the surface support ship, argued that the not have been using the faulty rig because he would have noticed gas bubbles eecapq when he first submerged. Capt. Walter F. Mazzone, Sealab diving operations of. Heer, said that the hole could have been made after the dive. He said three of the rigs were brought up from the ocean Door hanging on the outside of the trln!fer capsule used to raise and lower the aquanauts from the ocean bottom. Mazzone said the buffeting the rigs ~e 1ubjected to Our~, ~ m .ent co¢d haye causea Oie hole: Schif~a Gets ' Joh as Head Of Company SPACE CENTER, Houston !AP} -Walter M. Scbirra , Jr., colorful dean of U.S. · as!fooe.ul.s . -he's 46 today -is leaving the space pro- gram: to become; a company president. On the eve of his birthday, the boyish sport& car buff an- nounced Tuesd1y he will enter private bus.in~ as head of a firm ·that Ie8ses out in- dustrial equipment worldwide. ln bis new job he hopes lo flelp develop a space sUtion to be parked in orbit in about J975. He views it as a way to "explore the earth as it shoutd be explored'," seeking out it& mineral deposits and other natural resources from high in the sky. After 27 years of govern-ment service, including ne1rly a decade in the U.S. space effort. Schirra, a Navy cap. . taiQ, -said it wasn't easy to go. The new step In his cal'MJ' will take him to the helm of Regency Corp. of Denver, Colo... a wholly o w n e d subskliary or the Colorado COrp., which leases such things as aircraft, ships, oil w e 11 digging rigs, plant machinery and o t h e r in- dustrial equipment. Tem1essean Tops in Voting WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. Jirnts'H. Quillen of Ten. nossee was · the RepubUctn party's top V<it .. aetter In 1iea for the "third conaecutive elec· tioo .' The Rep1,1blican Con- gressional News Bureau uys Quillen, a four-termer from Xingiport, got au percent er the vote. He got 17 percent In l9M and '12 percent in JM4. Stanford President Kenneth S. Pitzer, who announced Pauling's app6lntment Tues.- day, 1aid the scientist wanls LOCAL • ' Wed-, M11t~ U, 1969 -0 ti 0 ;; DAILY l'ILOT § ............ ~ ___ ... ..-B ·-~h e r Grilled 'On Seizure . ' Hang a phone on the wall when you don't want it on the floor. • I ICBM Lofted ' VANDENBERG AFB IUPfl -A ~tinuternan IT !JI, tercontinental ballistic Missile Wal'I launched down t be western test range at 3:1tl a.m. today by a crew froril Whiteman Air Force But', Mo. • ... • . . . You can choose from three distinctively designed wallphones. Call our business office , and avoid the rush . General Telephone He won the Nobel Prlze in chemistry in HIM for hh1 rtStarch on the structure tnd fcwtes ol the molecule. In 11162, he won the Nobel Peact Prize for his nsearch i1tto the haurda of radioactive fallout and for nJt)'tnc ICientil.ic opl- nl"1 ag1iMt atomic bomb te1tlng. Paulin!!: b e c a m t cl'ln- lo "teach, reauJar claues" In N• oth•r ,_-•• ,,,,,, ••II• yo11 addition to hJ.a varied research 111•r•., • ...-,., fl•y, •ltiJUt •h•I'• pro}ects. 1111 appointment to ' •' ft ' •• !ft ' •h• ,,,.,,, the Stanford chemJ1t11 Or•"t• C.•11 th•~ •h• DAILY ~~partment Is etftc:tlvt 'July.:::':": 0:·======·=="' ----------------------------___,'--------~----~-------· , . • ·-- ' • I DAIL y PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE J Marina Issue Se-ttled • Twice In UIUe more than a year, West Newport hom-..en have fQl!gbt for and won aaurances fn>m the cHy that the beecbfront will remain prel1)' much u It la -the forces of erosion permitting. Finl, It wu the beach roadway proposal. It had been cffered aeveral months ago as a possible aoiution to peolnaula traffic problems. But councilmen, swept up in a tide of protest, rejected it. They agreed un- anlmoualy that the cure was too drastic. NoXt, and just recently, came Stephen C. Auld's plan tq tum the waters off We•t Newport into a massive marina, enclosed by a &Uri-stopping breakwater. A new Ude of protea!, churned up by many of the same people, &wept into City Hall. The result was tlie aame. Councilmen rejected the offshore marina. The vote on that issue, however. was much closer. COUDCilmen llned up ~ against asking the U.S. Army Cot1ll of Engineers to 1tart preUminary studies of the breek;walet-marlna concept. That done, COlllldlmen then voted unanimoualy to ask Army englneera to begin feasibility studies ol llloll!er aspect of Auld's grand de sign - a Huntington Hazt>our.type resid"'11ia! marina on Banning lowlanda behind Newport Shores. • Nobody had protested that, so it was ·an ea sy d_eci· sion to reach. And, on balance, it was a wise decision, in view of both the political realitie& and the need to maintain the 11naturalness" cf natural resources as long as possible. · The city, after all, is at the forefront of Orange Coast communities aligned against pollution of Ude- landa by the oil lnduatry. It would be, at Ibo very lea1t, a aubllmo irony if Newport were to turn over to the boating ladu1try what It has long insiltad should never be turned aver to the oil Industry. No such conflict exists with the inland marina pro- posal Jt should leave the beachfront reasonably intact. A channel cut t.brougb to the sea fn>m the so<alled "Genoa Bay" development would, to be sure, require jettlea. But these would be no uglier than the field of anU-eroolon groins now being Installed by the Corps of Engineers. Irl any case ... Genoa Bay" la sUU but one man's dream. It may yet come to an abrupt end, should the Corps of Engineers conclude it isn't feasible, in tenns o[ n~ed or engineering requirements. Councilmen, in adoptinf West Newport Councilman Donald Mcinnis' motion asking !or the ilmlted federal aludy, specifically direct.a that "maximum Utougbt and effort be applied to assuring the preservation ol the natural shoreline and ocean beach.' Thus, it would appear, another beachfront conf.ro. versy has been laid to rest. No one ts suggesting, however, that another one will not soon be coming along. Teachers' 27 Requests Newport -Mesa school trustees last night began wrestling with t.he fattest package of reque.sts they have ever received from district "teacher5. The requests cover 27 separate areas of concern, only one of which is salaries. Why so maby? Bart Hake, the teachers' paid repre- sentative, offered the best explanation, \Ve believe, when he said: "There is a new breed of teachers." There is, indeed. They are more aggressive and , apparently, more confident than ever before. This is understandable. But the teachers' new atti· tude should not preclude a con.siderable effort to under· stand trustees' problems as they atteinpt to meet teachers' needs, within budgetary limits. N CaUs Costa Jtlesa Council Short-sighted Stalin Image Now Being· Rehabilitated Protests Vote for Jets To Ute Editor: 1bree to two, that w1s the vote by the aborklghted Coata Mesa City Council to despoil the best residential area in Soatbem California. Bring more jets In! Do the mayar and the other members of the Chamber of Commerce realize what the big jets wW do to the residential areas of Costa Mesa? Is he representing the voters or com- mercial interesta? Let tht voters in the area decide the question. NOW THEY ARE bringing the larger airport in through the back door. Five incbu more asphalt instead or routine maintenance on a runway just put in a year or ao ago. AD that empty land to lhe south of us, but in a few yean a major airport will bt built inch by inch and jet:s will be thundering over C...ta M"•· Who does the mayor represent? J. IDE Sinla Ana Heights J\'lzan's Vote Record 10 the Editor: In case anyone should ask, more people have cut balloll for Richard M. NIJon than for any other man Jn hlatory, m. cludJni Franklin D. Roolevelt. Relerring to figurn quoted In the 1969 Edition of the World Almanac: In two elecUona for Vk:e Pruident and two for President, Nixon has recelv· ed a total of "4,935,lOI. In four electlona for President. and ooe !or Vice President (llDO) FrWiln Rooeenlt received 112,!M,718. IN ONE ELECTION !or VICI Pruldeot and ooe !0< President, Lyndon Jolwon r.celved 71,313,111 (and holda the one election record ol '1,1'!,llO<I). In two e~ectlona for President, Dwight Eisenhower received 0,511,598. Assuming Nls:m! runs for re.lection, win or Joee, thlt vote probably will usure hil: boJdtng the total vote ca~t ...on! foe all time. N.R. ANDERSON •oh, Go4Hlle1 Oh, Look9' To the Editor: I'vt juat rood the papen, and oh, goodlo, now we will have nict 1""' lat rock ""'°'' INWld of abort akhiny steel oou lo beautUy and enhance OW' beach. And ob, looty, after two yun' ltudy -bike tralla all around the bly. But oops! once 1pln, West Newport got canttlled out Oh well, wbo needs bike trails anyhow? THERE IS REALLY dam mue lo see alone the oce&n front routt. w1y out hen tn rood old Wen Newport exctpt a few old historic oll we.111 and some second generation property owners enjoying their pcr80nat beach while the city, county, 11t&te, Uncle Sam, and I -----Wednesday, March 12, 11169 1'M odltonai ""'1< o/ IM Dollf Piiot ueb lo Inform ond 1Um- ulaU rcocinr br prc11nttftg thU ....._,.., oplnloru .. d ._ """'°'V °" top1a of 1111.,.at ond ~. br prmdlng • f"""" for lo\f up!'cmon Of our .....itrr' oplnlo!u, and br ~ Uur dfwTr• """" po1111a •I-fa/onMd obrm>m ...i ~ow topla o/ Uur dar/. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • fool the bill ror keeping them safe from the nasty mean IUl'f that bu to be preserved because .•. ho hum. · Come on gang, let's wake up. Let'.11 get going on tha t big bad marina offsh0tt. Maybe then we'Jl be important enougb to get included oo the bike trail map. DUKE HERBST Lo11 al Coach Blootli To the Editor: ' ) I am a student and a basketball playt!lr at Corona del Mar High School. J was greatly shocked and dlsappointed iat Mr. Bloom's resignation. Coach Bloom wall' (lne of the mo.st deV(lf.ed basketball coaches the Orange Coast arta has ever had. Not (ln}y did Mr. Bloom devote most of hia time to basketball, but he alao devoted many of h1a off houn: to the sport be loved. Coach Bloom apent hundredl of houn reviewing fllms and scoutfnc repoiU, preparing ror the SeaKinp' pmu. COACH BLOOM didn't just make basketball a sport at our IC:hool, he made it a way of life. Every atudent looked up to bfm u a friend, not just as a mernbet of the flculty. 11>t Sea Klnp won sames not only because of Coach Bloom'• great strategy, but because he tnstUled a sense of pr~dt in every player and every student. This pride !hows when you look in the locker room, fn the gym, and at his record. I guess you can sum up the feeling of our school In one sentence -Corona del Mar High School is a better ac::hool because of Coach Bill Bloom. BRAD DIETZ Wrong rree Specle• 'l'o the Editor: Furtber 1o your i.uer from Ralph C. Miller (Malt-., March 7), re1ardl111 tilt eucalyptu1 tr ... planted alonl curl> ln1 ltrlpa in Eastblu!f, thoulh\ "' ml.lht like to know others have complained 1bout these trees tn Corona del Mar and requetted their removal without suc· ceu. The decision on city trees falls \lftder the Parks and RtdUUon and · th"!! . beauUflcaUon committee and t hive gone the route with both and they will not take these trees (IUt, though it is my undersUlnding that 90 percent of tree5 Jost in the past storms were eucalyptu~. I BA VE BEEN trying for lour yt1n to get the cltr to remove two full grown eucalyptus trees from the curbing strip Jn front of <iur home bec1uae ol the real danaer they present in the way of Jallinr limbo. 1n any lllnd of wind, will! tlleJe llmha lallinr !l'om a heflbl of IO to !O let!. thty can cau .. ln)Ury anti dama,. anti I ahould thlnk the city would be more concerned than they are with this pmlbilitJ. In the last hlah wind, one tree kilt 1t1 entire top trunk limb, which cruhtd Into our side yard lncllt1 rrom our roof. It mellUJ'<d fully II lee\ lone and about a foot ID diameter •he.re it broke from th< tree. TllE CITY om i;ve ercelltnt ltn'lce In <0m1n1 out that 1ventn1 (llme and a hall to employuTJ and l'lllna tho thina htuled out and cul up and In removing anothe r dangling limb. It took the next day for the crew to finish cutting back the entire tree. The senslbls way to have spent the taxpayers' money would have been to remove the entire tree (In much Jess time probably) bu t .again my plea to do so was met with a pollte nd from the cily. Just thOught Mr. Miller might like lo know what he has to look forward lo when the trees where he Jives arc full-grown! BARBARA EDWARDS 'Put Llndts on S111111• To the Editor: l feel very strongl y about the bills being supported on pornography. This is a great step in the right direction. Limits must be put ·on the smut that is being printed and read every day by our nation's children. As soon as a child is capable of reading anythjng, and even before, he Js confronted with filthy magazines and newspapers. The rise in perversion and fi lth among youths · as well as adults is rising every day through the help of such ugly literature. ONE CAN SAY that beauty or filth is in the mJnd of the beholder, but I think that any human being with common seme can tell what il!I filth and harmful to children and what isn't -to a certain degree, at leasL The average grammar sc:hool and junior high school 11tudent of today has a knowledge and background of such filth that would shock many an adult. HOWARD P. MUTZ Wants Raw "Jilk To the Editor : J am a young housewife with two beautUul and healthy cbUdren. The health of my hu.sband and children is of great Importance to me u a wife and mother. Therefore, I have spent many hours studying nutrition , attending health 11emlnar1 and researching the nutritional value of food. It has been proved to me time and again that the nutriUonal value of raw milk far eiceeds the value of pasteuriled mllk. I LllE TO think that as a tree American I bave the ability to select what I think jg ~si for the he1lth ol my family. Any legJ1l1Uon that would prohibit my freedom ol. cholct in pro- viding for my family would mike a mockery of my consUtuUonal richts. Jn c!O&lng I wish to wge you to consldtr the fact that even though you 11 an Individual might not wish to drink raw milk, . please don't deny me and my family the right to rlo so. NANCY BENWAR Dear Gloomy Gus: Know l\'hal brand of gasoline the city ol. Newport Beach buys for its Police can? Ytp. You guessed it -ShelL -V. A. n" ...-. ~ ~ """ 1191 ...,...,., ... " ,.. ..... ,.,. ...... """ ........ " • ...., .... 0.11, llli.t, <'lt'~) Editorial : f ,· Research " ' -History, it has been said, is the past as seen through the prism of the present. In the·Soviet llflion the prism is always slowly revolving. Less than three years after his death, Jose[ Stalin, the Russian dictator, was being pilloried as a mad tyrant and inept military leader. Today lhe image is being rehabilitated, with the emphasis on Stalin's military skills. Kommunist in a review of several ,,·ar memoirs published by Soviet 1narshals, has assailed "irresponsible" allegations that Stalin was a "military in competent." On the contrary, E, Boltin, a military historia n, wrote, Stalin had •·a broad strategic mind and was able 1o 5eize upon the basic and decisive aspects of a given situation and lo determine clearly the aim and the main direction or m!litary operations." 1N THE FOLLOWING (February) issue of Kommunlst, the I e a d i n g ideological monthly of the Soviet Com- munist party, five historians supported the official condemnation of Stalin's "cult of personality." But they criliciud Soviet authors who "blacken the heroic hi1toiy" of lhe Soviet Union by dwelling on "mistakes of the past." These are only samples of the attempts to rehabilitate Stalin in the past three years. At the same time the Brezhnev. Kosygin government has been cracking down on artists, writers. and other educated persons. IN HIS J\1EJ\10RABLE secret 1peech delivered . to . the. Soviet. Communist 'Party's 20th Congress in February 1956, Nikita S. Khrushchev declared : "The threatening danger which hung over our f1therland In the first period of (World War JI) was largely due to thc faulty melhods of directing the nation and the party by Stalin himself . . • Even after the war began the nervousnes.c; and hpterla which Stalin demonstrated, interfering with actual mil itary cpera- tions, caused our army serious damage." Stallp rdused to belie,·e until the last minute that HJUer would betray him. When the Natl! did strike, Harrison E. Salisbury reports: ''From the moment ot the Nazi attack ... Stal.in locked hlms!.lf In his office, re(used to see anyone, and took no part in the affairs or government." Stalin wa s in a state of psychic collapJe which verged on a ner vous brcakdo'NTI. TJIE APATHY. however, lasted less than two months. By late August, he. was in con1pletc charge of the armed forces. On July 19 he had taken ov~r the poil of Defense Commissar. and on Aug. I that of Supreme COmmander of the Soviet Union, or, as the title later came to be used, Gencralluimo. The jury I! out oo Stalin's later military effectivene$S. Even U what the Sovitt htstorians are now writing should i-tand the proof of time, it would have to be, balanet'd against the planned famines of the! 21.lts, the purgts of the 30'!!, lhe postwar machinations. Marshal Nikolai Bulg11nin after the war remarked lo Khrushchev : "A man doesn't know v.hen he Is called to the Kremlin whether be wilt emerge alive ~r not ." ABRAllAM LJNCOtJ; d e"J c r i b e d Curbt Ruul• •• a laod wbue 11despoU.sm t.an be taktn pure, and without the base alloy of bypocrlgy." Nolhlng seems to change. · \ Sex Should Not Be Thing Apart "One thing l find it hard to forgive my parentJ for," sald the woman next to me · at the dinner party, "is thei r failure to tell me how important sex would be when I grew up, especially in marriage." "But isn't that true of most parents?'' I interposed. "t suppose it Is," she said, ';but it's a dirty trick to do to kids. And even v.·hen parents are enlightened enough to tell you the biological facts about ser, they still underplay its significance -because, I guess, they don 't want to get their children hipped on the sub- ject." "IT'S AN INTERESTING example,'' I said, "of a self-defeating principle at work. Sex is something set apart, a special subject, veiled in all klnds of mysteries, and pulled. out of the normal, natural orbit of· life. Even when we presen t it clinically, or hygienically, as in classrooms, it's taken out of emo- tional context and turned into a 'fwic- tion.' "But, of course," I went on, •·sex is much more than a function . It's physical, it's psychologicaJ, it's social, Jt's sym- bolic -it's a complex of acUons and react.ions, emotions and represslon11 , all of wh.ich have lo be working fairly v.·e\I logether in order for the process to fulfill itself as: it was meant to." "YOU ~fAKE IT sound so difficult," 11he 1a!d. •·1yl1 difficult, the way most civilized societies approacil -4t," I, replitd. "But mating,.J_!X 1"1hing'\.Uarl, by seeming 1·;, ' to diminish its fundamental importance, v.·e actually succeed in enhancing IL' importance to people as they are growln' up. "That's what I mean by a sell-destroy· lng principle at work. Our aim is presumably to dampen down, or restrain, young people's sexual ardor until they are old enough lo cope with their feelings. But when we do this, we give it a special place, and in 1 certain aense we over-cmpbaslle Its importance to them. nsEX .ffAS BECOl\tE iO Important In our society, from pre-adolescence right through to old age, because ol all the taboos that surrounded the 11ubject when we were children. PrimJUve societies don 't have all OU( sex problems, including our shocking rtcord ol. rape, becawe they accept it as a natural psrt of life from the child's earliest years." "Are you suggesting,'' she asked, "that lve adopt the sexual pracUces of primitive tribes -wouldn't that be a step backward?'' "No," I said, "we don't have to adopt anybody else's practices; what we ha.ve to do is teach our children, at an tarly ~ge, that sex jg important, is joyOWI, and is a learned activity as well u a natural impulse. If we put it in thr. right perspective from the first, ft wouldn't become so distorted and ao disproportionately important later." Invitations to Disaster Since we live in an aa:e of anxiety, staying out of trouble is one or our major goals. This isn't eaay. All a man has lo do 111 open his mouth and &ay the wrong thing at the 1 wrong time and he winds up with a bull about it." face full of knuckles, or worse. Only "I guess if yon picked up this mtnk the wary warrior survives ln a woeful coat afte.r -it (ell off a truck. you can world. Here, for example, are a few In-afford lo let it go at $500. But 1U vitalions that 1enerally lead to disaster : I got In my checking account is $400. Will you take that ?" "WHY PAV THE retail price for it! If yaQ want me to, J'U arrana:e lo •·r NEED A volunteer from the au. get it for you wholesale . ., dience. Ho1v about you, young man? "How can anybody who ls grown up Will you please step up on the sta1e?" gel lost in a few acres of woods? This "'Thll looks like it's probably the men '.11 looks like the road we came In on. room. You go in first, and v.•e'll see Shall we Jry it~" what happens." "'Here, Jet me hold the malch. You "I'm in a terrible hw'ry-got & cah bend down and look in the tank.'' waiting outside. Quick. can you alvt ''Go ahead , kld. Hit me in the stomach me two tens for a five ?" with all your might. J can take IL " "No use stopping now. We're only "If you don't like It you can lump 2() mile! from home. Surely we've cot lt." enough gas Jert to go that far. I rilled "Of CQW'se, I'm just klddlna:, honey, It up only the day before yesterday.'" but supPoSlna: I was to ask you. whether "Get, learning karate b aure I lot you'd marry me or not. What do you of f\m. l'Ye had three lt510D1 alrtady, think your anJWer would be?" You come at me, and I'll show you "l J>ONCT WANT to meaa up the a couple of tricks my lnatructar t&\llbt m, ... bar with you, but how would you like to join me 1n the alley outskle, where there's a little more 1wlnglna: room?" "Yes, our lltUe-Melvin bu become qulte proficient 1t Imitating bird call1. Would you care to hear hlm do a few~" "fleck. anybody can Jeaprrog over a fire hydranL U 1 go !int, ¥'ill you follow me?" ''Jwt iign on the dotteil llrit. In case you don't llod Utll ......i hand car up to snul( In every ~l)', all you hive to do la drive It f1&ht back here to the lot, and wt11 1lv1 you 1nothtr one as good 11 new-and no lf11, ands or B11 Geo"!Je ---. Dear Georce: I like a redhead who 11 be1utifuJ. ly built and I 111<e 1 blonde who 11 very inldllaent and 1 llie a brunet- te who I• not ooly rich but hu a lood figun. ' Dear G. H.: Who doein't? blm1 7 G.H. . Whal'• -pro- • \ \ -___...,,..---- .. • • •• ~· fijiif l -~.:r. Steeb .:_-:--· TEN. CINTS '" . ' " ·-·-.1, -" . .. : ~ , .. _;, . '' ' . . ' I ' • ~ :; J I l ' ' ' ·e· ' _;_, '• .. ..~ .-P o·liee. Link ·· Route: ' . ' " . ' ,, , •, ' ' ., _you Must Know " ·who's Your Foe ' ' '• . ' ' ' ' •• , , r • , ·ly•ALTON llLAKE8LEE 'Alsoditeil Pn11 Science Writer ~-: r • ' i'W~ paronta will trY lo lead from Ille Sll'ength Of knowledge Jn discua.. jag orup wllh ·their chlldrei. Only that way are thay likely to be dfective; ~·that .!UY c:oii ·they ~~geoUy. · , , , , . . . '·-~ m"lhil'Ulo,jqmt be baaed ,Oil ~ pllCll< facts al>Qut the diup•1hemse1Ves -!fliot -~ like and wbat tliey do to people. Here ;., a 1111Hfol'll'•llll11be 111Ddi-J """8'-belni uaed o" abuaed; · · .MAlllJU~ ~·ll'1im«e .~ known u pot, grw, Mary Jaoe, hay;~jolbt; reid:er,-stict or, by a dozen other names. , Aal~,uaed in>tlie United States, marljilmia ls a mild drug that · irodiiOM .fii>tAiteir. ·Smoblrl may develop a P'Jlchologlcal Deed for ll But it · -·• -; • Is not ·pby!dcally bablt forming - quitting it doesn't cause any physical wi~a!fjll symptoms.· It is not a narcotic, and neither are ~ balluclnallon. producing drugs. ' Map)uana ;., ii\drr parcotlci control f91' ,various reuona. But true oar· coilcs UIUally produce sleep 01' stUpor and rdleve palh; Ibey can be ,addlo- tive Or· habit fOnnlilg. ~ Marijuana comes from the fetnale hemp plan!, Camiabla satiVL The leav" . "'I :.""!'In& • are <!fl~ ='lnto !'~ ~' '.l'b• df<!llr,.Al!ll clew miqute., ~-~ live hour'i1but may ~ '"!:'for 1J. en can •lrf Wicleiy Di·~.~ in.~,, cootllil ill Iba "'lti"'Pllnl ~ TypJciby; iD6lf miokin bavi ~ feellog of -t, 'l!'l'-beJDc,.of.feeUog . ' '" hiah. like ·bavlnl hid .. fe!! ~ Hunlington·Beach Polii: .. ,C!li<I drlnlal .. ·~·mii -becople.' lalb~Vl! Joh)\ Stltut: "If the pro~lbn and bllarious,, or fall Into a druJD1 of 4rug oblile ls lo ~r "f<"' sta~ .. TliOlr klfu'.f!O,, f,pldly, ..m .. ~. we· will Mtdlmore per· times .in:~· fashion. '°"' to be 'in the kMW' 11nd They fantuize. anctaomethnel •ba.ve t~ ,,.,;,.'<!rt.inly unti·hllp a deeper iJiJndati.., of _kl of·arl tocachi'eot thia tM.•., · ! or music •. Tin;W stretches . ou~ Dia-~·and·-art· m,ignllleil. · bther' Smoliers 'mey ieel irritable and coftru...i/or·becoaie feartul.. - , ' • UD -;., ;., poteol that,. doOe no lal;ger than the point,Ol a pm·1' enough ·to send. mo.t ,~ .off,·on. •inazinJ ••trips" widtjq~tbeir ~ ~. IS> ' l\llld&flor. ~ acid ,dlethflamlde, and is ctlen llmply Cllleil add, tripe, ~ pmly gatu ot. heivenlf blue • . ·Ji·a ·aupp11ec1,.qu\te, illegally, as a powder In capsaiea, amall white pills, or a colorJW, tasteless llquld ,that can be soaked Into IRIP' C!lbes or craciten. ,_, A.'trlj(1J511BilY ·beiins 30 to .. e minutu after the drug la swsilowed. and ~-eight to ~ hours. H~. 11 ~ reacts depends on the dole, the ~ , blmoalf biJ mood, and tbe selllnl . . .. . ~ l!Mfs ,r<p<rt., wing brilliJnt colon, starbursts, and distortion of reomelric objects. --blend 80 colon appear to be tasted. Seosi' tlvlty,,io~ lncreues. Obi<!:la may pulaate. Somelhiilg.u famlllir as 1 IOaeilp-cin·•ppear to,be""l' dij..i of lantullc beauty and •'!"'ler. Feelings (Seo, PAREJilTS' MUST KNOW ENEMY, P .. 1 . .l) ' " By ARTHUR R. \'INkEL Of .. DlllJ' Plllt lttff • lllayhem 'IDd violence linked. to drugs and mental probl~ma: erµpted in three Colla M ... ln<;i~nll late Tijesday and early today, leaving three policemen U,. Jured and lbree meo jailed or bospltaJi>. ed. -A 17-yesr-old boy laid · out a police officer sent into bis room by · the ar· _,.,, motbet, fearlni for the lalety ol a priest counseling the boy ab®t drug me and lllicidal tendencle!. " BEGS TO BE m IJID -Four· offloos anct medical personnel at two different hospitals were required , to subdue a stabbing victim who begged to be killed as bla owe diJtraught broth- er kisled and cireued the man to calm hiin. ~ ., • -Two pitrOlmtn ·who checked a man passed oqt 1n hi.I car wtrt forced to wrestle him into submission after the groggy m<Jlor!ll. ~l blind-Jn. tolicated on ,bfrbibul.tu,. allepd]y at-· tacied then!. · ' Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Larry Bersch .will ,be off wort the c'fl. of the week after being ·am.,i1eci'·ln 'the moiith by the angry tffnager sbortlt· before mid- night Tuesday. . :rbe aud<l..,: J>ac.kl>l!ld ; ~low. ~ .s11. Bersc!i em.red the """" at the ~ d. ... qi !bf def~·wr-:" • " fljat. ~lil.·~· · !lental ' semlJ 1acera!id bla ·m!uu.· iild tMc:ked 'hiiil to the llool>. " ' ' ·Mixed . • • ' . ' ; City lmle~isive o~ N-e.wport Fre61f'!1Y L.ine , · M~ "·rid arid bu~, the Newport Fr,eeway colcr QOde combo, whic)I hu. h~ of .Costa. Meaan. anxioui for the. future of their bomes, and you Could get ~rown. BroWU ii, the· color code for another poos!liie lio\ite 55-allgnment among live considered · 1o .become. tho ulilmate 4.5 mile cOnc:rete swath of prcigresa through Costa Mela'a middle. • MellUliy , flllger·Wotlng throughout a Jengthy 'beating' at whlCh the)' were to Oil . Splotches Slriridge Beach ~<!~Newport pick a 'route · pi'efUenee TUeadiy, the Costa ·Mesa City. Ccluncll ablilptly ad- journed ron a.-S to ' O· vote.· promialng Co' inalte a cbolee 'Monday, piatogi.le. Concentralfd on ~e olll Green-Blue roote do'[D 4Jsllng Newport B<iulevard and the newly\ pl'oPol<Q fled, Blue line Jooptn; . 10\lt west through residential areas both objectionable to ' many persons. . , lJtUe was said •J>out · other rouU., but strOJlg hints Cl!"' eller. the meellni that thei COUDCll may w , the !llale Highway team••!'"' to adopt ,the Brpwn Route, niely dlsciialedln recent moritha. Tlie lh'.OWD !IOUte allgnment wocild ap- pear to llllafy . the d..U.S' I II d geogiaphlc• Deeds •expre...c! by m""Y foes ol the . old route picked in I~ althllllgb ·'not -ueryGOe can finaJly be plealed.· ' ".Gentlemen ,. we'vt heard a lot of MW' evidenc., tonight. and L ml>ve that· we . ·(Seo FREEWAY; P ... 21 t;ounJy tf doptS _ Newport's . . . . , , Stand on New .Airlines. ' ' . By JACK BllOB~CK of the idrJIOrt and terminal. By JEROME J'. COLLINS · °' .. Dlnr,,,.., . ..,. One pol~t lie made was that theie °' !" Dlltr ,..., lleff Newport Beach inOUnted" • he~J;. of-ts .no ·additional ·~ce for airline ticket ~~\:11=. ",::.~~ ~ b~ :,~ .lemlve a!ld """ ther ~· Tuesday 00 lacill~ and ·not en"'!ih Jll':~·. · , ing most of the-black muck had been •~endationby•tbeOtqe(@unty. 1 Heyl~ ~e ,"'.ere ·16 je_t d~Plrlilrtf covered by fresh deposits of swf·borne B9ar1' of s~, against al'll'Ovil dally now. 'Tl1o new Olghts .,could ,add IBlid· · · of servlce.io tbe ·lllClllc NortlnresHrom · • · -· • • 11 more fllgbu. . , . . ·Newport city and county Harbor lbe Ofange,<;ounty Airport. · · .. · · Dait E:Ji>Ory.of lbe Airport Noue Aba!O. Distri<l«>fllclall didn't relax, thouih-Elgbt .wiln_, oppoeeil ·endonement "merit Committee Ald.;llle. ad~icl mpta They 11\d til<Y're keepina a wary eye ~.!;, ";"0: r:i 2 op~~ ,ru.e:,~;}'11' woµl4 "~UapY, tii¢eaie 1be noisii , on00•1,Pl)tc1,T oil ·~~ ·•bout two mil'! ="(:wuc . , , , , '<I',.,,';"" 19 ezi>.Oi!!!o·...,. ,,_ 11,,,,.,_. neac11 area H,'" he ·-•> "One -· -~ ,~-"'-~'-tbo '"'·'-'•o... ~ Su--'·-M L. ~ all!I ~lo WM tbo .,,..,._.. .... ....:.v .. Clilt( Robert-ii" i.11 j;'._~ P.!'~ ... :rn .~ ..... ~. ~··,. ' ' n~..i""~~1 1UeU ·at~ d\tlik"Wld-~Upen1n1. WUDuA ~i; P.t11Ulti9.1ua Hti 'ft~ ua ,ilrvlq1 ·wu' 11n-~·l<W•·•w ti;o·ee lbrao ~·of ~ w. Battin did DOI .. uf!'lllth ·neceBllrjl, ·that drivin~ to Jmc ~ ~· ---"'"'!':!!!• ~' .... ·-· "' -... 'lJ!ey ~· •• ' ange C'A>cmty FINALLY CUFF., liq, .1 thin line -two !DiJiO o11 !~~ ... ! ....,.:~··Jll'" and W ~ HJra, ~ • · , J , · .:=11a:.il~~.!.Seb;,1::,: H~•s:c11,;; ~ ~ .; olzo ollN~~.'JJor<fn'._.~~~CAB1eil iu~ ltiil~~~or:7: youth w .. ~ to_~ 1o<!1 by ofllcerf .wubed up on the ~I W-lldly -itrulnC -.,.. !imll t .,.,_ W Wayne, Harber 11\d ,J-lo!ltchell, wb9 In several' arw between .the Niwport -.be.~ lDIJ.-bl' tbe Jll)lio ll:tm:Ji!1f!':ir:.~ ~ 4:ili.nta fil!llly cU!led,his lwidl aDd ankles. Pier and the wed(e in•BalbQL : lion' of the ialpenlaon. · ' ' • to other polnta, : . \ . ; , ·' " No longer> able to ltibt alter kickJnc Nobody ""°we for certalD where the She lald a neutral position · WO!lld· be Olhi!ta ,_...,.,_ the illgh!I Included Harbe" In lb< groin ·area arid tearJnc oil is coming .from. , , , , asseol to the DtW aervlce. Mrs. Marshall v,,_.. his i\aDts, plus atrlking 'MllclWJ lD the "II cquld · be (fom Santa Barbera • asid aervice to the Paclfic Northwest ile!<llOJJ .~man, · qba,lrman ' of tbe face, the youth twtated, cursed oiid spat '41d C1t1 M,anagei:· l!Mv!Y L. l!urn.it, woul<j vi<!late jibe ·rnetrii~ -· u ~::~ J= p!!"l:"°m'..u~I= as he was carried away. "but there are no,tdbtaJe aJim of ittaw set forth in the report oD comity AVfaUon stOOY o1-·1El Toro (me: 1cHtt 1Fialler, He was taken too Orange COuDty lD it.'' · -' • 0~·~:~:f.°':ill'I!.~•~· aliport il ..... ;'Cliarles 'Curry;',.,.._ Juvfllllle Hill, ~led.. wjth. usault iln · Toos of straw.a, been dumped, along 1 , w6ula'i;.d 't>o'til.To'-~ •tlnl ,the •Newpprt -· Chainber ,,i apoliceoffJcer1ndviolaU0j1olprobeilon, Santa Bilrbara's beach" to b!lp.soak .~tace ............ ..;_~•~noli.:,r,l'~tW.~ Commerce• ·Elmer~ wbo cited ~lnv..Ugatlll's ·wci~ " . up oll ,frOI!\ ;t11e .Unlen Oil Co, Oillbore ;;:t'-~ ... ~" -, .., 'i: danger.' of 'ilf ~ .. llet'berl. Cbilb- Tbe second violent lhcldeot occurre\I blowOUl.'V.iliy,allckl there have toUched usef!'toi· ~ ~··~·•', ~•.o , _, buclt, ofl '\'UlfJ!I '111Uc1ow, aild · R. s, early today when police were ltlll to the mar.line', lhe!i heldeil back to. sea, 7.l'.1"1! :!'"""'"'I!" "Sam" Bamel, a · Newi>Ort BHcb at· ~\l'la ·-M ... Memorial Jlospl~ to.~ carTYJnl tlie straw out. · pi'essure to upgtlde "'" io y(1•l e 11 torney. . a tzporl.on •the atabblog .of ,an El Toro City G<neral Service Director Jlke capablllllea 'lo accommodate la!Pr'and Supervisor Allen led , the board op. inaii·whO,showed up tbere·toi treatmeo~ Mynderse lald It.' is -1ble· thal the ~~b!Olle·.;.~afl wonld tbeir<.becomO poslilOll to lncreaaed ll!ghts. He m1ewld s~ Jim Greeii and Offlcer Jim local allckl are from.. iblpa blo<ilDg Olli ••-• the board'• 1911 ~-""' rem•ndln1 ~~ F..;;er arrl. ved lo ·find the ·wounded their tobes. . II II illegal, but many ·The mayor arped• thal •llrcralt pro. lt eaJled lor Jen~-~~; -":: tankersdoltanyway. l"'eil,forthO'P~NorthwO.t'.rulbla ' · ~ ... -·-·~· man becoming ·lncreastngly loud; hostile State Fish & Game Department <Boelna 137-:100 and Douglas JX:.30) re-to 7.100 feel. • • .•. and demandJnc to leave, whicb the chelllilto thiJ morning collected sampl" quire longer runway .Jencth than 1he. Allon. asid,. no , long, IIlglits should M medical staff would not allow. ol aome of the blobs llW uncovered present, ;,700 J,.~ •"" lleavier . groos erici>ilrag<a for the c<iunty unill II' He said be bad ·fsilen on biJ pocket oi1Newport'sbeacha.Tb~wlllana1.mo lght th ~· -i-1 15000 _,,_. reglonalalrporjcouJd ·bebulit. · lrnlle, but was eventually arrested oo ii lo aee u tliey can:delennlne "its ~It. • 81\ · cun:<n ' ""'t°':'• Supervlilor ' 'Phtlnpe '.becked ' 1,Jl e suspicion of belDg an unbelaoeed d•••er ·-·-Dtrector J Avlail · e • .,..i Bresnahan r~ and Supervieo< Il'aUin --·.-• w 00 '~wn, J, ialdtoo · it>Olddltl--1ru""tswi>uld to ru-JI and other1, then lal<en by U~·more · of lhe oil show!! up, cit•, Bresnabsn had recommODdod• that' the be . ppooe , . v,,.. .,, ambulance· to Oraq:e County Medical crtlf3 will rall out heavy mach1ntrf County take a neutral ltand on" the ."unprogrellive.'' ' Ceolef. · and disc l~ bur)'ln1' It deej> In 'tho appllcaUOlll. But he "prom ihal the Su"'1'visor Biker lliow"1 lhilrp .mi Once Ihm, iestraint devices wm sant1: ICeOlUJnc. to 'Burll>l!it: · CAB tie. told about' !lie .preaeot )lmltaUllOI ~de,st .J.'!, ~;.~ Toroa·. 1J~b·w! !!"·.!'.!2""be1 , , • . taken off the apparently calmed ·vtctlm, .... ~ w.i. ~ .•f ·-~ ' Lo F s at'Wblcl! ilme he· erupted like an ..,.. ' · ms~e to,bi·fo~ JiY,~ ~ P>unty's . ss rom torm (S..MA~P•rel) Pi·lot -Executive Ni$sen -. ~'*"· •tirll•· , r · · · llawaiiOffic~· " . ., · · · · ,· iWnYcia<AP->-Tbollockmamc ~stimated at '$12 Mi1lion R~port No ~ds; Re!!re8: After 20 .Y~q,rrs~ ~~~F·~·c~ }• -' .. -• • • -., • ' '": • • _,, + •• ' • ; _, : ' • , ! .. fOrange County'• bW 1or the Jen.l.,., pooseli!lom,'1H!,ooo. Mesa Boy· Buried Paul •!ilaen, Adl'lrtllln& Dir-~f Oriml• +ii February lllorms will toW nearly 'l'lgures compiled by the· flood -.OJ the DAILY PIOOT, and ilbo"beWlpapw'1· " '12 mlllioo, officials estimated today. • ~t bave been forw~ed to Lt. Autborities lD the Hawallan Islands oldest enlploye lo tenm of contllruciua I llood control laelltties wtte hit h-Gov: Ed Relnecke by lklard of have nothlng new to report in the brutal ~ ~ A:p~\"' by~ _ ... I m!lllon dlllll(e estimated. Supervilorl .~ Wllllam H. Hlr... murder of •·Costa Mesa boy..,. week lltlle'-Jlii'lhat-·blg. property Joaes In the<litounlains teln to wlill ln fl>nnulallng·a stiltwlde ago today d""'"" a -cash and bulk ~ r·· · IU million; rood<; 12 mllllon; IIQ6d eontnl rtirel i>r<iiram. · mm1juana ~-•·-The future 'ta pleaaanUy \IOf!Jed ' for Sllverodo r•-on Wll .the hardest bit _,,, __ p-• J 19 ol •~ Albert Ntsaen and bla wile. ~ .... "'" 110 and ·-ooo to ...,.,, • ~~ .. N r., 0 -.--. ,..., ,..., with live~ tilled In the mudslide Place, was burled Mlllldsy ln Good. Tbey • ..U April 11 aboard the SS t!Y.~m~ _.iy in Santa . Ana and. which Inundated the lire atailllll llld Shepherd ·Cemetery, Huntington Bescb, ~ Carla for Muloo, Ceotral .. l1,ll717PO l!Lprlvate proporty dlllll(e. wllh two buddies wbo accompanied him America ,and.. the cartbbean, bu,!. di<o'I , In &be mountain arua, 14 bomea wm: A aurvey dl.tcloeed .that. up to) 190 to the taiands among hi• pallbeattr1. blow-whether , the aummer Wlll tJacl. ~ llld 651 damapd: 'Tb e houses adjacent ~SDverldo Q-eek were '!lie vlCtlm• and biJ companions were lbem'lD Hawsil or Europe. · · "-'.~·.(£.__ ·• · of •·-·•e ..uma. le lhows, ,. dimqed. Ten l"" <festroyed and .15 . ataY!ne with two other friends in a "The kids 'lilll be 1-1 out of actieol :~·· -·-. suffered major .._... .-• ' ' c.Uig. at SUliset Besch oo the Island and we're ·lrYtoc to ' set • ~ "' ~v1ed l>Qmes, ltl0,000; dlllll(eil Oamqee In Molijeslcs and Harding of n-~ " ch • be th der the islind ·of Maul for three· lllOOlhll i;.-. 1941;000; damage to 1,025 Iota, canyons totaled ..... ' ·: ..,.;;: mil • .. n • mur or else• we'll iO to ~; ... aa)d the $J)rl,olio: and loss ol ho u • e b o Id In the El Toro, Ml-Viejo areas Tbree beachboys with reason to believe longtime llarboe Arel! ~.leader .. · " t • • ' property -damlpl by alld" to Ill then wu a cache OI marl 'uan1 •t Retiremeal ol the DAILY ·PIWI', I··"' ·• eailmated 112$,IOO. · l Ia1' advertlaing director, ~joined the old "oordinatina Council In L1guna·Nl&Uel and San Juan the~ belch house ln Ille popu •Globe-Herald wbich blli apondid lllil· ,_ --i; Clpiltniio -11111 , lrtll, 1118 loll """ ~-colony broke In and demanded, multiplled 40 Umei la chwlaU.. llnte ·~ting Next Week ~-tlng~~·T.;!:111: Whateverlhebulslorlhelrtnowlidie, ~wlll.~Mlpti~lan ~.-. , • estlmltcid $1lll,llllO dam1ct. lnVt!stlplon lald, Stave Chula, II, and He plans to llep down .as firt1 .vlce1 ~fllrl>or ma OOOrdlnatlng CM>cll Llpna -canyoo ~ SU1talned Teddy Hoaen. 11, ~ • .-1a111y, ,...r_ ill the ·ea.ta Maa Ollmbor WU! moot -w~ tna,jad of la· about $111,000 ,duiqe. at Which Ume one ol \he blndlli executed o1 Commen;. .n.r a l'Wf t on !be' naibl. u vlous/y .imof,neec1. All IJocid dlmapd' -have boon' their sleeping c:ompaolon f(ir df«t. • -'ol lllred.n. · J11ii 1uJ/: of the lrta lD the Harbor r<p1lreil temporarl/y wiih Ille exce@on Tbe cootra--wbooe cnmerahlp • l'P-.!'1 dec!islGO , IO -rtllrt bu _, At.. will he ~ during the March of Sanllap lloultvard _, Satl•lil bu nol been Blllbltshed .,. changed ICClpted 'with rtint, bul allo "with the' Jf--lecl for !:IO p.m. 1ttbe er.et and 'l'rllMlco .Rood bet,_, El handa Ind the beschboys'llod, threaten-d~~-for bla m.n, ...,J ffOt1 111Jnor1aJ Hoopital Con1ennce C.O. 'Toro Mar!Dt Alt staU.. and El Toro Ing to kill Cbula and llo(erl · 11 they ll1bUlion ta the·.,....tb and d...-.t tor. Rold. went to J>Ollce.. -( ... lll:l'llllNO, P ... I) i • r ..... • •} I . I . - . ' ..... It may lllrl ~. qain to- nlgh~ but ~ wlD Iii, back lo a.._,~~. with -.i,~JIU.•!>m rll!li!IJ.fraal 60 to ••. ' .. ' . !\'~..-~ ,TOD&"l' I !htv 1Df111 .10 tiny Ncoad4 town, with iu on1 m4jor ccdno, to risk their all m a. gombllng bingr and ,,,_ h•w th<Yd loll all ... -/llOhl "°""· 9-.li.f ' •·-i;~ ~ •I • . ...,.. .. ~ . .. ' .. . ' . . ..... lJ __ .._. ~· ~ •.. -· ....... ~· c.... ... \.: ,, ......,1.. I ......... , ..... --' --. ,, ..... ... C-' 11 1 ...... -1 .c ::.-:.J Ifs a ' 14 , a:-·_, If "' '~ . ........... • .... J\ .. ... , ........ -. -" ... , .... °",)OF " .... alt "' ..... -..,,....., " ,., . ......... ,,. ,,..... . =-....... , =:-..... .: • • • ! I I j -~-0 ' i ~Sighted? ~o ·Nel;" QrifJin&. Jfithb-qt Congr'ess Olwty Sugge's~ W.laiu!m»i (AP) -saCr.., of &al wu.lllUt ha~...... iilcb1'1-, llllce Feb. 7. . wher< oil fwinJ wu psinittid but the~ Wl!l!.J· ~p!Jllt )aid U., no_ lei,.. wijboot first ccp. __ ~1-\U~.~-~ 911 .~~l~es ha1aotyetbeenwrledoul. · plul • bir =-oil leUIDc ·lr<m oulUnJ Coogw and holding public lieli-trom' a itrlp«il lllbmer8<d land 111111UJ1I Bickel woold bar leasing In this area • -.ad)ol1IQ1 _Callfomla'I oll.ir.t lags. ~ aome II ml1a .aJaq the.BonlaJlarbara too.Jl>e,-uld. -- AllCtGlry alaog the cout al Santa He lw aJnady uked -and received, coast and three ml1a out to .. a. The 5,710-acn> Unkm OU Co. lease Blirbara, .....,.,lald Wedneaday. voluntarily -geological and teclmlcal The federal 10 •er nm en!, by lrl!CI llet at one end of this outer strip ' Hickel Do ~ to ipove cautloully information from companies whtcb have 4•gentlemen~1, qi'ftment," bu iefralned "' and could be added ~ jt if Hickel hr coi>lklerllli~-uywbert elle drilled In the channel and Which they from oil lellslng ill an a!fjicent buf!er .. d¢cl4~ ~cancel Union's lease. In !he ~ plrt of ~ channel, and hid COMidered )lrlvate. . """'· two ,mlla . wide and nmolq the • · Still pnder ~eratlpo. ~. · the lw bq1111 \ ,...i. for ,lop! •'11 to He has not madt .., dec:lsi"" ·length oMbt state 11DC1u111. · '°"'ce' sal~. loi u ~·~11dea canctl -If ._,...,. -.the loue however, wbltblr to requlre the sub-Hlcktl pi,n. to mate ~ buffer a '* autboriJ:ing U$tl to ~ ,.U. and alr<ad1 bell bJ. l]aloo Qj(a. mission ol such private Information fronl pe.-enl preserft, It wu .14amecr, · pfoctuce oil u fast u poal!'fe,>, with II wu'a-'1...., ,..U.wtdch •blow·out eomponiealnthefuture. ' • . Beyond thJa boffer'11es lllOther Mrlp the aim of ie1ieVbOf lhe.._gr\rund Jan. S8 and 1t1Uuted tbe channel and OiJ drilling and production in the Santa up to a mile wide with two more tracts pressmes that might otberwlse cause tts beac:htc. -Barbara channel has betn halted, at exfending seaward fron lta middle, reziewed oil leaks iot.o·the sea. S.hillelagh _ Tankless Joh • ~. '. , _ -•.;.i. ' Fro111 Pag~ 1 .. MAYHEM ... tiooal volcano again, reqlliring four of. ficers and a hospital orderly to subdue him. M~~iie Wor~ ,Fine, But Mounting Difficult Prom Wirt ·~·~ wW P6ft:'·no , problem for planll In with standard armament, an Army Patrolman Dennis L. l:lossfeld said PhUco Ford Aeronutronlc's Shillelagh Newport·or Lawndale. spokesman Aid. the ~tim's broij:ler then showed up, .mlsalle can poke a hole into any armor Chairman L. Mendell Rive~s, of the The problem. Army sources ouUined, creatiiig a aceoe demanding .his release known, but the U.S Army admitted House A,rmed Services Co mm t t t e e centers ·on the excessive field ad· and threatening legal action , finally being '. • · dlacloaed the Army's tank problem. justments needed on the turret, whiclt physically led from the scene himsell .thJa ,...k thot 11 IJi having byoble finding Riven said the Army next week will is supposed to let the mlulJe be fired ·,101t1ething,~ put the weapoJ\ ·on. ' give It.a official eiplanaUon a; .to~ why while the tank is In motio,i. by an orderly. ln f11.ct. a'b+·~'s ~Ure' tank ~velop-its M-80 and MBT70 tank programa are Meanwhile the Army ii "postponing A staff physician found~ stab wound :ment pro~, k lri:"1ouS dillicvJt!e1, going so badly. Riven cba,rges tha~ Indefinitely" orders of M~ wtth the and pronounced it little more than a ~ Iegifiator 1hi.1 dlvtilaed, ·15eQuse of serious administrative deflclertjea could miaalle, even though the Shlllelagbl are scratch, but the emotional brother then extrenie,teclmle.J dlmculilea ill-.i 'result In looa of hundredl of mllllona bought and paid for. the ·mlaiJe Oil ti' it.eo taU.·· . · of dollars from the two programs. The MBT10 aupertank'i problem is began kissing the victim, at which time '11le.~. Jaawever, Worb.juat fin,, The mls5lle is earmarked ~only for 1n it! engines, not with annamenl his cut re-0pened and worsened. Its miDufacturen say confi&!:DUy, • . use Of\ the M'-a> vehicle, Aeronutronic The ·Army has refUJed to say how The victim. was held for observation 'Tl)l.shllleligb 11 bullt In KhonUttonfC'a: '&pokesinen said. , JllUch the problem1 are CO!ting tu· and medical staff members said be was Lawndale co111pleL The company aiao They stressed there Is nothing wrong payers, but price comparilona between lw {ldllllee In Newport Beach, , with I~ but In the turret and mounting Moo. armed with ml8slles and those In satisfactory condition this morning, · Q<iepll< 'the dlfll'j!llly,. inctllCl!on of design, wb1p1111 liiinll bandied by -with conventional guns arulgnificanl but would also be evaluated to detennine II!• ,Jll!islle II c:oiit1mJi!11 .wlll>!Jal ill-firm :irhlc'h makes the tank!. With Shillelagh the tank coots 1335,000. his m~ state. . jerrupUon, · a company · spote.man in UnW the turret assembly can · be F'_l\11 price for the regular tank and Patrolmen Pat Donohue and George Newport said. He added tbal the hmlgUp ~ the tank will be equipped gun Is 1188,0000. ~meanwhile, tangled' earl,f today Boys' Club Week . • • • y Events . Planned ' ... ' l'. . • ~ Sent to Hospital SAN FRANCISCO (UP!) -Ont of llz pmldlo G1'1 on trial 1<r mutiny WU in Letterman General H08pllal to- day, Hfl altontey said that . Pvt. Lawrence Zaino, io, Toledo,. Ohio wu "pmnold and llQlcldal •• .Frona P .. e J Solons Demanding Probe \ .. .Of Military Stockades been convicted by a mllllary fourt and een*'nced for terms up to 11 yeara. GoodeD u.id there bad been no violence and that the 21 men had been "eanied off without resistance." B9lb senators said they bad !<ffived letters from Army S<cretary Stanley R. Rtsor •dn\itting that'conditiom were bed at the Presidij). Goodell lald Resor also told him lhal regulaUona on the U9e d "deadly f<ll'Ce" to ·mp acaplnf priaooer1 ...... being -~ed. But In respomi to qu..U..., GoodeD said Defenae Deportment of!lclal! were not doing '"nearly enough" to correct conditions at the Presidio and other pr!IODI. Mayors' Prayer Breakfast Set with a suspect alter arriving al 160 W. Wlboo SI., where a citilen roported a man possibly ill in his car. The invOltlptcn said they BUcceeded alter many triea In aroosing the man from hill etupor, and he Mlllcked them when he was able to reall!e they were poilce oUlCers. Guy L.S. Hampton, ZZ. of Nobleovllle, Ind., was booted Into Costa Mesa City Jail on .suspicion or pmesaion of dangerous drug1 alter three. cootalners of four red pills ,.... allegedly fOllJld in his "pants. Mesa Recreation Department "&.ts Spring Signups Spring Regiatratlon for aD fee cl..,.. offered by the · Coil& Mesa JleoreaUon Dejlertinenl Will be beld 14a\th fl; !Mm 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Mircli 21 and 29, from t a.m. to 1 p.m. on the fourth floor of the civic center, TT Falt Drive. Fees ri~· -" to $15. . • .. The.~ oilers acllvilieo~rang­ il)g•/>iai'l>rldle to tumbllrig .to .• ;rt to ~-u ·well •: ....,1,.,.c1ance classes for., &Jrls from ,ldodergarten. Jbrouah. 1iiib school . . '[ >: '*lllie .Jnd Explore." prngl:ijb -offers )'OUllpien ·-eupervilled alklay .... cuniolll at lt.50 per trip. • · Cram/nn • rlits Border " •, Cli"ise Plkn U.S. Sen. AIM Craneloo (!)Calif.) has termed a Newport Beach reeoluUQa 1111· Ing~· of cloOing ct.the U.S.· MWcan bordtr to minors "a minor sdlution, to a major problem." 11oopondll;g tt a letter from city ~all •dv'41ng tile senator of Newpl!ri'l ' 1111· gestkin for hearings on ~ minors' entry into Mexico, Cranston scored the juvenile abuse of narcotics as "ooe of the aaddest and l!lOfll frightM· ing realitiea of our tbnes. •· He ~aUed for. luither f.OOY.., wbelber the border's clordng WOukf •'have a si~icant effect GD the use of naroodct by minors." ,. Besides -... on lbt lasue of the border's closing to mtnon:, Cranston call- ed for work by hometown -· yootb and chruch groups to attempt to Item growing narcotics abuse. ·· -, Cranston promised aetioua renew of the problem and the propooaJ lo clooe the border. Meanwhile another city thic ,week j~ ed the appeal to cl<JOe the bocder to youths under 21 years old-Long Beach. Its City Council un.aniDlOUlly apsnvtd a resoluti<m. calling fat eJ("lualoa of unescorted minors fmn Mexico'. ~ Long Beach officials e x p r e 1 1 e d "vigorous oppo&tion" to alloWing youths to cross the border to reduce naroolim: traffic from Mexico. . The city sent copies of the otroqly worded action to all Call!omia citiel and appropriate legililaton. -Theft, Burglaty Raids Net $1,000 In Costa Mesa ''" ...... ~J A yendlng machine company and private 'cltlr.em loll _. thin ll,000 to thieves and burglan Jn crime cases reportid to Costa Mesa poli<'O Tuesday. A cigarette machine loaded with ~ pacb, totalling neerly $SOO In value, was taken from a service ltaUon at 3'J68 S. Bristol SI., employe Ralph New&er,.r told Investigators. A Corona del Mar wcinan and her sister IOI! assorted clothing irorlh $350 when Someone broke into tbeli car park~ ed In a ebopping center at !088 S. BrlStOl St., Ibey said. Mrs. Claire M. Crutlenden, 9f 46311 Gorham Drill•. eo.... del Mar, •aid the · tlirui, were banging · In the back of the~ EJl<tridan Gustan S. Joiliioon. of Ill Brootllne Drive, Costa M...; llld iome- one -bis tools valued at lllO from a wporl area In the -'">en! complez. , Water Skiing Out for Easter 'There Js little hope for water skien who want to use Upper Newport Bay before Easter· Week, according to ljarbonnaster .At Oberg. · FREEWAY CHOICE DELAYED • • • . The first annµal Mayors• Prayer Breakfast wtD be held at 7:!0 a.rn. Friday, at the Balboa Bay Club In keei" Ing with the tradlUon of the PresldenUal Prayer Breakfast held annuaDy In the NaUon'a Capitol Supervised playgrounds at Adams Schpo~ College Park, Corsica Park, Harper Schoo~ Klllyl>rooke School Mon- te Ylala School, Paµ!~ School and w~ School provide sports, games, ans and crafts and speclaJ acllvlUes for boy1, end girls from 6 U> II years of age. They will be ~ from 3:30 p.m. to 5:!0 p.m. Moncta.Y througli F?id,lf and I a.m. io noon on~Saturdays. • : . So much debris bu washed lntO the bay !Mm the storm runoft thet the speed and •kl channels remain closed. The channels nonnall7 used for the water !ports are nqw mudfiats at zero tide, Oberg said. Some dredging "8 been done 1n the silted cbannela: but storm-washed debrll clogs them· 8nd they are not usable. . delq action UDID Mondl,J," lald V l ca Mayor Robert M. Wlllon, who spent all day otudying .. 1uma of documents and clipplnp. . Speating l"ivately at the conclullon of the nearly !Jne.bour bear1ng, wliicb -filled Clly Council cbamhen, the' Ylce .,_made ltveral key pointl. Thi JlrizDal'J' poial seemed to be thot li11ll11eAuMU tu the ·downtown ma are ple·d!D& &bat lhe triaqu)ar, ~wport Boalevll'd-llarbor BoalevUd lntva.icUon Pf\lll I'll()! OIWIH ~ "'M.llH.h fX»IU'ANY ..._rtN.W1M pfll.lifMt ...... .... .,., ... C.1rt.y .,.. ................ ._..~ n.. .. '""" ·-•::.:.. "="". P•el Nh ... .......... .,....., ---JIO Witt hy lhet M•m.t .U..ru P.O. a. ll&e, n•t• --............. , ................... ,. -=. ...,.1111 ....... \\ ....... ....... , ... ...... ~'t PILOT, Wiii •ldl 11 ....... .. •=-1a MIMhMI .. IY .._. .... . .................. u.-. ..... ---------....... ~ ......... ........... _c....,...... ~ .. ~ ...... , .... --~c..M::a. .... . v· , m4t MMm a A , M: a "*• '°""" Cluci ..... ._ c... ......... ...... ..... ....... , _. .......... ".. ....... ==--..... ... ...... -· ......... _ ..... , ............. wc.---~•••a~ ~ ... __,, "' """ ... ......, ••••• lo •.n ~. andlOlltherlY-beaawcl. Studies lftPUOcl by the Slate Division of Highways ebow thot the 157.J m1111 .. Browii lloute from Bly Street .. would bolldllD aut the east aide of ezlstlng Newpoit Boulevard. Tiie -. Route, which would lake aut only 111 bomea, 111111)' of them dating beet toward pioneer days, could euil,f lie Into the Blue Route link along wester· Jy Superior Aven~e to the beach. Newport Beach city official! lftfet the Blue Baute, which would tie . Intel the Pacific Coast Freeway, Whose route has already been adopted by the State Highway Commfssl'll-· Colla M-=-Wllll>m . L. Dunn studied the lorful comblnaUoil of poeslble N ays through town to Newport Beach and suggested theolda.-lloute. Banly ...... • s to 3 majorltj>, the Platmlng CommiAlon, bcJ!rever, recommeaded the lied-Blue lloute for Cltj> Councli cbolce Cll Mud> S u a luldellnt for the stale'• flnal nlllng. Little lw -lald In rocent public dialogue about 'Ill' compromille betwoen the i!J.ye&M>ld, 1111.t mllllea Newport Boulovl1'd link and the llJl.7 million llecl-lllut' -· llla)'W AMn L. PlnkkJ a l • • blntld after Tuolda:r'• meellnc 11111 ~ new II In the wll>d and wu pu11colarly respomlvo earlier to opinJanl oflered by a lraJhr port owner. TW().11'.&Y l'RONTAGB Gordml llartln, ol !'our Sea-Mobile Ellalll, -":".C! Blvd., &aid tt 11 lloi*llll,. H a.town ,... route ii pldlo!, lllat M mml hi.,. two-way fl ~ =-........_ .. _ 11111 -·Ill fOC!!ll. ~ully _.._ .. Ila ... -u. will llde ol Nowpori Jlaullnrd, wttll 'ff!l'J' Utile Oii lbt eut lfleclod, .... two .... ...w.. . N'ftdl mUM • lat ol tenle, ~Gordan ... theJlll!'ll'-..d. The auddenly lnteratin& Blue-BroMI Route would lake aut only the euterly side of Newport Boolevard -Including • ' the mayor'• pharmacy -l .. ving a freeway on one side and two-waj traffic ... the ¢her. A parade or nearly 30 individuals spoke during the long bearing, pruenllng their awn preferences and challeJlllni aaser- tions made by fadlons promoting other freeway route links. FASTEST GAVEL Mayor Pinkley made It clear at the outset that he would to1erate 1 no 1oud partisanshJp and longtime observers of city government know he is perhaps the futest gavel in the West of Orange County. "J eannot be too grave In expressing that this decl&lon will affect Costa Mesa for the nut century and we 'want to avold ·any carnival atmosphm tnil keep thlnp Oii a high plane," be declared. One of the tr.quent auertlons challeng- ed wu tbl slow decline and economic deaUt of tbe downtown area, with Jeweler J .C. Humphries, citing 11,827,000 lo third quorter ules tu flguros by bis 48<!1ore Downtown Businessmen'• Auoclalioo alone. Many of thole familiar civic leaders and leldom-teen private citizens drawn Into the freeway laue by tts passlble penonal effect repeited lestlmollf taken In prior hearlnas. · 111 hive helped put every tree and aldewalt 1n on Parsons Street," aald Mn. Clarabelle ParSODS, of 1957 Parsons Sl, "J have 30 roee buabea and I gtve '°"' to churches and convileocent homea." NOT MY ITRE!:I' "JI you put tbal 1reew11 -.,,,., street ••• "bet Mtter ccntinued. drn1na a gale ol li&glea fnlm the mon-often oerloual,f u--. llldl•o: • Many wen with her ill spirit o1 op- pooltlon to the Red Route. ApparenUy as an afterlbougbt to ber 1ister'1 orialnal -· Clt7 Clerk C. K. ''Owlle" l>riOll read another epiJtle !Mm Paraons Streel "I belonc to the Oulstian Church and the Gr::!\~" ...to Floraballe Pmons . 1'Why ao many people mllerable?" • The .Newport Harbor Jllllior Chamber of Commerce wD1 sponsor the emtt as a non-profit clvlc function. Ticket,, are priced at IS • Speakers will Include Wllllam J. Heavy Inflow of storm runoff, COllpled with the debris it broughl, nudged the cbanneJ marker buoys off staUon. They will have to be relocated befare the area can be reopened to the 1Jden:. Teague, vice presJdent of Pepperdlne College; Dr. Ralph L. Byron Jr. cblel of general and onocologic rurguy, City ol Hope Medical Center, Duarte. Free public acilitild tiiclllde ...,en's v~lleybaU, ~-''cltimi ' Club, and a montlilf dance for the mentally -· .. We Cqre about what we Sell ' CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE • • We abo care what you BUY That's wli~ w•' ·~re just as carefu[ aDout liow we seff our Welthes, 'Diamonds and ·ell other merchan- dise that make y~~: the customer ~etisfied. Qu~li­ ty Merchandise t~d fair pricts. Our price• ere •lwi!ys i" 11in(~th quality ,,ores ell over the cou!Ttry. Wtry not co111t end ue for .your· self, The sto~e. wh~t• vel~es have spoken for them· ulvu for ·2:t years. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE-...'..WEAR WITH PRIDE Ca.h-C,u;,.ge-pudget • J. · C. ~l'/w;, 'Jewee~ lt2l NEWPORT Avt., COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION " I I \ \ Daley Men Giy_eu' Run ' For Mon~y CHICAGO (UPI),.,. Mayor Richard J. Daley's DemocraUc machine won four of 11Jc lldennan!c seats In a special election, bat loot one to o independent Negro and wu rorcect into a nmoil with another independent CID- didale. Tuesday's apecial election for 1lx ol Chicago's 50 oldermanic Reals put • small chlnk In Da1ey'1 control of the .city council. But it did even more harm t.o the PoWer of 11.s. Rep. William Dl'WIOn, a Negro ally of Daley w~ political m,,. cle on the soulh side was extensive. D aw son's administrative ~t.. LaWrence C. Woods, IOll in ~ Znd Wm! race to Fred 0. Hubbard. 39, a ' aocial worker wilh youth 1 I ganp In the near south side 1 gbettOt who ..ran as an in- , · dependent Democrat. The vote tn the 2nd Ward was 6,94% r I to 4,599. / 1 In the north side 44th Ward, I Independent William Singer, i 28, forced the regular party ' candidate, Cook County deputy controller James Gaughan, m. to a runoll. Gaughan received 11 7,788 votea and Singer polled 7 ,201. Another 4,603 went to Quincy White, a Republican, and 640 to another ill- dependent, Arthur Rosenblum. Alter the results, White went to Singer's headquarters and announced he would .sup- Porl Singer in the runoff. State Treasurer A d J a I Stevenson lII, leader o { Democrals disenchanted with Daley, had 11upported Singer and endorsed Hubbard. In the foor other ward r a c e s • Daley-backed can· didates won easily. In two, candldates of the American Independent party of former Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace pulled a total of fil6 votes. Damage Filed in Suits . Crash CHICAGO (AP) -Two $1.5- milllon damage suits have been fJled against United Air Lines on beha.lf of families to two persons tilled in the .Tan. 18 crash of a United jetliner Into the Pacific Ocean near Los Angeles. . The Boeing m Crastfed minutes after taking off .from Los A n g e 1 e s International Alrport, killing all 38 aboard. Both suits contend United was negligent in operating the airliner, alleging a generator 1n one engine was known to be ,defective t>eJor~ takeolL QUICK ~kit up q ~ic'fr •11 local e"11ti. l••• y•1,1r · co111p•cf, t•l'llptah."'i"' holl!.to•11 etli· H .... of., th9 DAILY PILOT. Newsman Chastised 1 2nd Equipment Fault Told in Sealab Death SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The for Chiel Torpedoman Paul board of Navy officers iD-A. Wells who was in charge vestigating the undersea death of the rigs on the surface of a Sealab m aquanaut was support sttip, argued that the told Tuesday of another fault not have been using the faulty in the breathing equipment be rig because he would have may have used on the fatal noticed...gas bubbles escaping dive. when he first submerged. The discloBure. came from Capt. WaJter F. Muzooe, Chief Warrant Officer Richard Sealab diving operationl of. A. Garrahan, ass Is tan t ficer, said that the hole could engioeerUng officer • for the have been made after the project, who took the rigs used dive. He sald three of the by Berry ·L. Cannon and hii; rigs were brought up from three t e a m m a t e s to the ocean floor banging on Washington, D.C., for -the outside of the transfer analysis. capsule used lo raise and Garrahan said a crescent-lower the aquanauts from the shaped hole about three-six· ocean bottom. teenths of an inch long wa!I r.tazzone said the butfeling found in a breathing tube of the rigs were subjected to one ol the. rig.s when, it was during ~ ascent could have checked over in Washington .. caused the h<ile. The hole was disciJvered in the same rig that was missing vital air filter chemicals to absorb carbon dioxide from a helium..oxyien mixture that is breattled ovfr and over agam during deep dives. Cannon was asphyxiated 610 feet beneath the surface or the Pacific from carbon diox- ide poisoning. an autop5y showed . \Vithout the filter granules. the carpon dioxide cooieot of the mixture builds up to.a t.axic level, Th< Navy !las ~di.,,losed which of · th!-. aquanauts was wearing · the faulty ri11. ·.but . ttie c.ause ~ deat.h wwld in- dicate it was Camon. U . Alan Goldberg, COOll.'iel Schh·ra Gets Joh as Head . Of Company SP A€E CENTER, Houston (AP) -Walter M. Schl.rra, Jr., colorful dean of U.S. astronauts -he's 46 today -is leaviq the tpace pro- gram to ·become a company presid~. Pauling Leaves UC For Rival Stanford On the eve of his birthday, the boyish sports car buff an- nounced Tuesday he will enter private· business as head of a finn tha,t. ,Je8ses out fD- dustr:ial equipmej'lt worldwide. In I¥s new job he 'hopes lo help develop a spate 81.ation to be parked in orbit in about 1975. STANFORD (UPI) -Or. Linus Pauling, t h e con- troversial nuclear chemist who iJ the only American to win two Nobel Pri.zes., is leav· i11J the University o f California 'In join the !acuity of Stanford University. In a statement issued Tues. day, the 68-year-old Paulil)f said one reason f~ the change was "the present unctrtain\y about caotlnued financial a,Up- port o! 'Ille Uni•enity o! . California." 1 • Pauling said the medical· school at UC San Diego, where he has spent the last two years, "has already built up a staff of some of the best physicians and medical sclen- Wts in the United States - but thue is the possibility now that decreased aupport by the state of California win prevent ita further develop. mf:llt at the rate ft had been • planned." , . He added that Stanford. a private tru:UtuUon, "has one o! lhe best medical schools in the country." Pauling had been working .1t San Diego on research into the molecular ba.'lls of mental illneu undtt a grant from lhe Natlooal lnsllttJte of Mm- laJ Health. He won the Nobel Prize In cbemi.sby In 11154 !or hlJ research oo the structure ind r°""" of lhe mol..We. In 11182. he won the Nobel Peace Prize for hil · re&earch into the hu.ards of radloactlve fallout and lnr rallying lclenUfic opl· nion apinst 1tomle bomb testing. JOINS STANFORD Or. Llnu1 P•ulin1 troversial In some quarters for his outspok~n views on intetnaUonal politlcl and his op~ition to lhe Vietnam war 1 During his campaign against: atomic bomb testing, he once went from an anll-bo!nb picket Hoe oobide the White House to a presldenUal dinner Inside for Nobel ec:ientists. Stanford PresldeQt Kenneth He views it as e way tl'l "explore the earth as it shoul'd be explored," seeking out its mineral deposits and other natural resources from high ln the sky. After 27 yea~ of govern- ment service, including nearly .a decade in the U.S. space ef!or_t,, Schirra, a Navy cap-. tain. said iL wasn 't eas1 to go. . The new step Jn hill career will take him tn the helm of R~ency Corp. ol. Denver, Colo., a wholly o w n e d subsidiary of the Colorado O:rp:, which leases such things as .aircraft, shiP!I, oil w e J I digging rigs, plant machinery and o th e r l.rt- durtrial equipment. Tennessean Tops in Voting WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. James H. Quillen of Ten-nessee ..., lhe Republlcan party's top vote-getler In 11118 for the third consecutive eJec. tion . The Republican Con- greaiona:J News Bureau uya Quillen, a four-termer from Kingsport, got 85.:t p«cent of the vote. He got 87 percent In llM and 72 perctnl In 1114. S. Pilz.tr, who announced;::========::,! P1uling'1 appointment 'I\Jt:s- day, said, the scienlltt wants LOCAL to "teach reeular classtll" Jn N• etl!•r ,.,_..,.,,r t•ll• v•• addltion to his varied re3earch 111ere, '"ilf'Y ,,.,, eb•.rt •h•t'• projects. lfis appointment to t • f " t .,. 111 tha tr••t•r the Stanford c h e m j 1 tr y Om1• C.t1t ff.en tha DAILY PILO . • • D.llLY ,ti.OT , J ~B ~,h~r Grilled -on Seizure .'. . ... -. . ... . I ~ ·-·' ' l ICBM Lofted ' Hang a phone on the wall when you don't want it on the :floor. - ) You can choose from three distinctively designed wallphones. Call our business office and avoid the rush . · General Telephone -' . ' ' .. .. : • Pauling b e c 1 m c r.rn· department i~ errecuve July·=========::-·' I. -~~:__~~:__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 I . I • I DAILY PILOT EDITOB1;'L PAGE I ' c A Prohlefil Is Solved - • Imagine youneil a member of lhe Newport,.Mesa Unified ~ District boanl. How would you feel bav- ,lnl to send achoo! chlldmt home .because you didn't have the IDOlllY to pay teachers' salaries to make their clasaes 1 .. t longer! • That was the unt11v!able potiUoo trust•.. found them.elves In aa they pondered retrenching by cutting i.ck the kindergarten day. But then aloog came a solution, worktd out by the 8Cbool admlnlrtzatlon, tliat let ·them off the hoot, The utended kindergarten day II 11V«1 for nut fall. And it un't going to cost any additional money. Hen is the dilemma 1chocil officials faced: One kindergarten teecher could teach two short sessions -one in the morning and oDe in the after· noon. But lenglht11 the sessions and you couldn't expect one teeclier to teach them both. The school district went to the longer kindergarten 1eesion1 this year. bired twice the number of kinder· garten teachen and tn so doing overe1tended its budg- et by '210,000. This wu done in anticipation that the Legislature would adopt the measure to foot tlie bill, but the LeglslatiJro never did. To save the longer kindergarten day for next year without nmnlng another '210 ,000 deficit required some rethinking by the scbool district stall. The solution was to have 1dndergarten teacher.s lpolld pert of the day teaching other gredes. By so doing, they. replace teacben that otherwise would have to be hired. Thus, kindergarten teachers will 1pend three hours with their kindergarten class and an add!· tional hour in another assignment, such as teachinf a fiist grade remedial mM!lng grotip. The expected savings from hiring fewer teachers for other grades and from bonus state aid for teaching lh• lonaer ltinderaarten ... aion& I• figured to olfset lh• '110,000. It is lho kind of happy endin~ thllt board members and just plain citizens always like to see ~ a littl.• extra something done for th• chUdren without added cott to the taipayer. • International Meddling Mulcan-U.S. reiatioru (Costa Meaa 1u1>-sectionl took a turn for lhe better wt week when Olght Baja California butinessmen came to town for a day of. good fellow1hlp and exchange of views with members of the local Rotary clubs. . The spokesman for the visitors. Senor ~Alfredo Lopez-Gutierrez, made it polltely clear, however, that while Costa Mesa's now·famous suggestion that the U.S. purchase Baja California may have been made with good intentions, it hardly translated as a gesture of friendship and goodwill south of the border. , His good·hwnored remarks, emphasizing the envl· able record of political stability of the young Mwcan nation, the centuries-old culture of. Mexico and the plans fur prognss effectively conveyed a quiet bu~ un- mistakable me'Ssage: Mexicans are as proud of their heritage, their independence and their country as we are of ours. , The understanding and eager good.,vill of Senor Gutierrez and his countrymen will be sorely tried, how· ever, if !Orne of the "U.S.·Americans" continue to hui9t that the Baja annexation is a worthy idea. Unfortunately, remarks by U.S. public officials, of whatever level of government, are likely to be given more weight by the people of other nation~ than they are given here at home. (Cl Calls ~sta Mesa Council Short-sighted Protests Vote for Jets Stalin Image Now B eing R ehabilitated To the Editor: Three to two, that was the vote by the lhorklgbted Costa Meu City Council to despol] the best residential area in Southern Calllomla. Bting more jeta In! Do the mayor and the other memben of the Chamber d Commeroe realite what the bll jets will do to the rWdential areas of Costa Mes1? 11 he representing the voters or com· merclal Interests? Let the voters in the area declde the quellion. NOW TREY ARE bringing the larger airport. in through the back door. Five inches more asphalt instead of routine maintenance on a runway just put tn a ;tar or so ago. All that emply lond to the south or ebut ln a few years a major airport be built inch t>y inch and jets be thundering over Coda Mt.aa. does the ll?Yor represent? J. IDE Santa Ana Helghto Nbon'• V ote Record To lhe Editor: In cue anyone should uk, more people have cast ballots for Ric:bard M. N'tton than for any other mon In blJl«y, (n. cludln1 Frlllklln D. -velt. llelening to figuros quoted In the 1919 EdiUon of I.he World Almanae : In two electlon1 for Vice Prealdent and two for President, Nb.on hu reeelv· ed a total of rn,m,106. Jn four electfoos for President.. and one for Viet Presldenl (llll) Franklin -nll ncolved IU,IM,771. Ill ONE D.ECl'ION for Vice Preaidenl and ..,. for Prtslden~ Lyndon Jol!Mon received 77,353,511 ( ond bolds the Olll elec:tlon reconl of 43,1211,106). In two t.lectlon1 for Pruldent. Dwl1ht iE= ~:' !;12/o,Hl; .. 1..,lion, win or looe, !hat vote probsbly will auure bia holding the total vote cast rec"'11 for all lime. N.R. ANDERSON LefS or Cou lt Bloettl To tho Editor: I em a llludenl llld a buketboll play<r at Oom>a dd Mar High School I wu groally shocked and dluppolntod al Mr. Bloom'• rtallltJllion. C.O.ch Bloom Wll one of the most devoted bukelbaU coaches the orange Cout ma hu ever had. Nol only did Mr. Bloom devote moat ol his time to · basketball, but he alao devoted many '1. h1I off houri to the sport ho !oval. Coach Bloom openl hWldreds ol boon rtvlewlnl rum. ..,..11ng rtPortl. pnoparing ror the Sea Kinp' games. COACH BL001it didn't just make basketball a sport at our 11ehoo1, be made it a way of life. Every studtnt -----Wednesday, March 12. 1969 1'ltc ..u1or1o1 -· or "" Dal!r /'llot "'"' to m/""" •tlll ·-.r.u """"' br pre11ndng lhll M"'PfJPf"I op;nloni ond C°"'" ...,.~ on ~ of mur111 o!ld rillnf/i<aftU, br prot>fdlng • fGnm for IA< ..,,,.....,,. Of .. , """"" opmlo!u. •!Ill br .,,...,.tlllg IM d!Nn1 m,.,. ,,.i.ta o/ mformc6 ~ atld IJ)Okumn Oii ~ of Ill• dofl. Robert N. Weed. Publisher t.en..w trom ~ ,,. -· frfotm•llY wr1i.rs 9'111.11111 ~ ltlelr .,........ In -_.. ., llM. 1lle """ .. ~ ...,.,. • Ill ..C. W ll""fo ~ Vlllll' .. ..._._... All ~ _, ll'lcluoM ..,.....,,.. Mid melflns tcld...., tiul n-.,,.... bit Wrtfllleld on r-t II' ....ttlcltnl ,...,. II ..,..Af'lt. • looked up to him as a friend, not just as a member of the faculty. The Sea Kings won games not only because of Coach Bloom's great 11.rategy, but because be instilled a sense ot~pride in evtrY player and every student. 11Us pride 1how1 when you look in the locker room, in the gym, and at bi.I ncord •. I guess you can sum up the fee.Ung or our school ln one 1entence -Corona d•I Mar High School Is • beUer adlaol because of Coach BiU Bloom. 1 BRAD DIETZ Bologh'• 'Gourd Seerls' To the Editor : Please continue to always publish every itty, bitty, twitty word on all matters pertaining to one Mr. Theodore Bologh's current and choice eccentricitier and o.ipidit.ies. Some days 1 arow a UWe complacent. I tend to feel that people don't really have much ~. a problem anymore in their orientationl to thelr environments and to one another. I Wonder lf there hun"l been groa mimpresentslion and glorloqs uaggeratlon eomewher~ along the lirle, with perhaJ>I a few glwnllns mi1ing apples ln with the orana:ts for the s1leor ornerlnao of IL THERE ARE even days wbtn 1 wall~ up thinking that mankind'• pmeot..c!U thinking, hlll phllooophies and hi• con· 1tructlve behavior is on par with the very best that's been produced since time be1an. Then along comes Mr. Bologh to scat- ter a few more af his gourd seeds; you write It up, and lnstonUy I'm jolted right back to reality. But U my dellghllul euphoria ta dbpelled, ll does ol ieut leave me better equipped to cope with people and ollair1 the ,.., they ruliy ve -which i& to say, all the way fnrn absurd to zany much ~ the time. Y oura In grateful recolJ>IUon ol the public oervlce you perform for such Cloud Nine-prone lndlvldual1 u myseU. PATRICIA KENT Afr. BoJogh, objecting to we of Co1ta M11ti Citv Hall to pack homf· mode cookie• Jor Vietnam Cl1, IOid ht would demand equal office .space lo trtot local hlppfn rulf<ri"ll from vtncrt4l diltOle. He U a twice«· feo.ted ccndidott Jor Cit11 Council and f)f:r1i1tent critic of municipal politics. 1113 announcement drtio im· mediatt $Upport for !tfrs. John \V. Ortver's "Cookitdift" Project, Flflfl Salute To lhe Editor: -Editor r had occasion last Wednud1y to take. my 10D to tchool (WUaan School in Cotta Meat) and while there talkln(:; with hlll lt9ch<r, M11. Mllllln. all o! a sodden thert w1.s complete illtnce on the pla,yqound. The music btgan over lhe loud speaker with our n1tion•I •n· them and the flag was raised. There wu not a 90Wld In that 8(h()()f yard until the mUJic finished. 1'-fy 110n c:1me over and asked U I had put my band on my heart. I "Plied )'ti aod be 1akt, "IO did I." Steven >•s told me he nlutea the flag every monting but I had 1ssum~ he meant ln the clau room . I WOULD LIKE lo lake lhb op- portunity ti> commend the school for teaching our children that our flag and our national anthem are still something to be proud oL..So many of our schools. and I 1peak of high &thools since I have not had the opportunity or being on the elementary &cbool grounds, do not practice this form of patriotism. Even some of our groups, naUonal and local, dq not feel lhe salute to the flag ls necessary to open meetings. I feel sure if our younger children were taught more patriotism at an early age we would not have such antagonistic unpatriotic groups at older age levels. MRS. JOAN F. TILLOTSON •P ut Limits 011 Smut' To the Editor: I feel very strongly about the bills being supported on pornography, This is a great step in the right direction . Limits must be put on the smut that Is being printed and read every day by our nation's children. . As !OOn as a child is capable of reading anything, and even berore, hr. is confronted with filthy magazines and newspapers. The rise in perversion and filth among youths as well a!I'. adults is rising evoy day through the help or such ugly literature. ONE CAN SAY that beauty or filth is in the mind of the beholder, but I think that any human being with common sense can tell y;hat is fllth and hannful to children and what isn 't -to a certain degree, at least. The average grammar school and junior hi1h tchool student cf today has a knowledge and background of such filth that would shock many an adult. HOWARD P. MUTZ Wa nts Raw ~Jiik To the Editor: I am a young housewife with two beautiful and healthy children. The health of my husband and children la of great importanCfl to me aa a wife and mother. Therefore, 1 have spent many hours studying nutrition, attendJq health seminars and researching the nutrlUonal value of food. Jt bas been proved to me lime and aealn that the nutritional value ol raw milk far exceeds the value of pasteurized mlllt. I UKE TO think tbal as a frte American I have the ablllt7 to 1tlect what I lhink is belt for the health ol. my family. Any legislation that would prt1hlblt my frffdi>m af choice in ~ vldlnf for my famlly would make 1 mockery ol my COMUluUonal rl&hb. ln cloalng I wish to urae you to conaider the fact that even thou1h you as an individual might not wish to drink raw milk, please don't deny me and my family the right to do so. NANCY BENWA/l Dear Gloomy Gus: J( the freeway wlU be such 111 asut lo C~l3 ltfesa. \ld1y ls New· port Beach handing it ti> us on a 81!\'!r platter! Not so the ltfunicl· pal Court. -M. K. fllll fnfllft !Mlit<tt l"IMtn' '"""' 1-.i Mftts..rllf tMM ti t!lt -· SMt ,_ ... _,. " ··-· .... 0.11)1 ltlltt. I ! . F ~J Editorial '. ,: Research 1 >I ' t llis10ry, it has been said, is the past as seen through the prism of the present. In lhe Soviet Union the prism is always slowly revolving. Less than three years after his dealh, Josef Stalin, the Russian dictator, was being pilloried as a mad tyrant and inept military leader. Today u1e image is being rehabilitated, with the emphasis on Stalin 's military skills. Kommunist in a review of several \\1ar memoirs published by Soviet marshals, has assailed "irresponsible" allegations that Stalin was a "military incompetent." On the contrary, E. Bollin, ;i military historian, wrote, Stalin had "a broad strategic mind and was able lo seize upon the basic and decisive aspects of a given situation and to detennine clearly the aim and the ma.in direction of military operations." IN THE FOLWWING 1February) Issue of Kommuniat, the l e a d i n g ideolocical monlhly of the Soviet Com~ munist party, five historians supported the official condemnation of Stalin's "cult of personality." But they criticized Soviet authors who "blacken the heroic hi.story" al the Soviet Union by dwelling on "mbtakes or the past." These are only samples of the attempts to rehabilitate Stalin in the past three years. At the same time the Brelhnev- Kosygin government has been cracking down on artists, "'Titers, and other educated persons. JN HIS fl.tEr.IORABLE secret speech delivered. to . the . Soviet. Communl8t Party's 20th Congress in February 1958, Nltita S. Khrushchev declared : ''The threatening danger which hung over our fatherland In the first period of (World War JI) was largely due to the faulty methods of directing the nation and lhe party by Stalin himself . . . Even alter the war began the nervousness and hysteria which Stalin demonstrated, Interfering with actual military cper• ;tionr, caused our anny serious damage." Stalin refused to believe until the last T'()inute that Hitler would betray him . When the Na:cis did strike, Harrison E. Salisbury reports; ••From the moment of the Nat.i attack ... SLalin locked him.sell in his offjce, refused to see anyone, and took no part in the affairs of government." StaUn was in a state o( psychic collapse which vergc!d on a nervous breakdown. THE APATHY, however, lasted less lhan two month!i. By late August, he was In complete charge of I.he armed forces. On July 19 he had taken o'•er lhe past or Defense Commissar, and on Aug. a that of Supreme Commander o( the Soviet Union, or, as the title later came to be u.!ed, Generalissimo. The jury is out on Stalln's later military effectiveness. Even lf what the So\'iet historians art now writing should stand lhe proof of time, it would have lo be balanced agein.~t the planned famines of the 20'1, the purges of the 30's, the po.'ltwar maChlnatlons. Marshal Nikolai Bulganin after the war ~arked to Khn.ishehev : "A man doetn't know when he is caUtd lo the Kttmlin wtiet~r be will emerge ali ve or not." ABRAHA~t UNCOLN des c rib t d C~rl.st Russia as a land where ''despoU1m cnn be laktn putt, and without the bast alloy or hypocrisy." Nothin11 .M:trfts to change Sex Should Not Be Thing Apart "One thing I find it bard to forgive my parenta: for," said thf. woman next to me-at the dinner party, "hi the.ir failure to tell me how important 1ex would be when I grew up , e1peciiUy in marriage." "But isn't that true of most parents?" J interposed. "l suppose it is," she said, "but it's a d.irty trick to dG to kids. And even when parents are enlightened enough to tell you the biological facts about sex, they sUll underplay its significance -because, r guess, they don't want t.o get their children hipped on the aub- ject." "IT'S AN INTERESTING example," J Wd, "of a seU-defeaUng principle at work. Sex is something aet apart, a special subject, veiled in all kinds of myst.erie11, and pulled out of the normal, n1tural orbit of life. Even when we present it cUnically, or hygienically, as in classrooms, it's taken out of emo- tional conteJt and turned into a 'func- tion.' "But, ol course," I went on, "1e1 is much more than a funcbon. It'1 physical, it's psychological, it's social, i\'1 sym- bolic -it's a compl11 of actions and reactions, emotions and npre11ions, 111 of which have to be working fairly well together in order for the process to fulfill itself as it was meant to." "YOU MAKE IT sound so difficult,'' she said. "It 11 dillicult, the way moat civilized socieUes approach it," I replied. "But making se1 a thing apart, by seeming to diminish it! fundamental importan~, we actually succeed in enhancing its importance to J>e1>ple as they are growinr up. "That's what I mean by a sell-destroy· Ing principle al work. Our aim is prtSUmably to dampen down, or restrain, young people's aexual ardor unW they are old enough to cope with their feelinp. But when we do this, we give it a special placi, and in a certain sense we over-o1pllasize· its importance to them . "SEX HAS B~ME liG important Jn our society, from Pl'Rtd~ence right through ti> old age, because of all the taboos that surrounded the subject when we were children. Primitive societies don't have all our sex problems, tncludlnt our shocking record of rape, because they acctpt it as a natural part of life from the child's earliest years." "Are you suggesting," she asked, uthat ~·e adopt the sexual practices a( primitive tribes -wouldn't that be a step backward?" "No," I said, "we don't have to adi>pt anybody elsejs practices ; what we have lo do is teach our children, at an early age, that se1 is important, i1 joyous. and is a learned activity al well a.OJ a natural impulse. J( we put it in thft right perspective from the fint, it wouldn't become 10 distorted and sc. disproportionately important later.·· I nvitatio m to Disaster Since we live In an aae of anxiety, staying out of lrouble is one of our major aoab. This l..!n't easy. All a man has to di> is open his mouth and 1ay the W1"0DI thing 1t ~ wrong time and he winds up with a Face lull or knuckle.s, or worse. Only the wary warrior survives in a woeful world. · · Here, for e11mple, are a few In· vitatlons that generally lead to diJaster : ''WHY PAY THE retail price for ii? If you w1nt me tG, l'U arranie to get it for you wholesale." "How can anybod7 who b rrown up gel lost in a few acres of woodt? Thb looks Uke the road we came in on. Shall we try It?'' ·'Here, let me hold the match. You be net down and look in the tank." "Go ahead, kid . Hit me in the 1tomach wltb all your mJght. l can take it" "If you don't like it you can lump It." "Of courat, I'm just klddlng, honey, but ruppolina: 1 wu to uk you whtthtr you'd marry me or noL What do you think your anawer would be?" , "I DON'T WANT \o mesa up !Jle bar with you, but how would you hke to join me in the alley outa:lde, .,here there'• 1 litUe more awtnalnl: toctmt '' "Yes, our UtUe Mtlvln ~has become quite proficient at bnJtauna blrd calls. Would you care \o bur hlm do a fewt" "Htc:k, an)lbody can leaplrOf over a fire hydronL If I IO lln~ will i'o<J fi>lla. me'!,. "Just &lgn on the dolttd Une. Jn cue you dan't flnd thla second hand car up 10 enulf In every way, all you have lo do 11 drive It ritht blck here to tht lot, and we'll give yau another one as 1ood 11 ncrw-and no ifs. ands or buts about It." "I guess if You picked up this mink coat after It tell oft a truck, you can 1Uord to let it go al "500, But all T got in my checking account is $4(!0. Will you take that?" "I NEED A volunteer from Lhe au- dientt. How about you, young man1 Will you please step up on the 1tage?" "Tltls looks Uke it's probably the men',11 room. You go in first, and we'll see what happens.·· • "I'm in a terrible hurry-got a cab waiting out.aide. Quick, can you live me two tens for a fivet'' "Ni> use stopping now. We're only 20 miles· from home. Surely we've pt enough gas left to go that far. I filled II up ooly lhe day before yeatlnl.,." "Gee, learning karate. ls sure a lot nf run. J've had thrte: lmom a!rtady. You come at me, and 1'11 ahow you J couple of tricks IT\1 tmtructor tau&ht me." ,..--Br Geor9e ---.1 Dear Geor11: J llke a redhead who ii be.autifuJ.. ly built ond I like I blonde who II very inttlllatnt and t llke a brunet~ te wbo is not tm.ly rich but bu a good figur.. G.H. Dear G. Ji.: Who doesn't1 What's )'(!Ur ~ bltm?' • \ ' .. , • • ,. " ... " ·!.'· ••• ~-- ·111 ··· ·~:: •• ; • ~ • • DAIL 'f PILOT Stiff ........ .... ' : · MRS. J'°'.MES CHAFIN, L.YNETTE1. 4, AND !CENT, '_2, MEET SU~IE THE .CHIMP An1m•l .Show for .Children ~hecl1:fltd ~i•~ ~IC~nd at Shopping, Center .. .. .. .. . · Sunsei."Beach, Harbour '· Fence Fracass Deferred A ''D.avid and Goliath" court battle " . .,,between · a group of Sunset. Beach .... ' 1. homeowners and the powerful Huntington ·:Harbolir Coi'p. went into storage· again ~ '"n:!Sday in Superior Court -the third ~'.._;'dtltr:ment of th~ fence dispute. ~. -~ parties stipulated before J udge . -.. that ham~Wners have u n 1 aw tu 11 y resisted its Workmen's attempt$ to move Ulf! fen~es back. ' ' Valley High · Sets .... Hnl!J ington Ce1ii:er to Sta ge . Animal Show ' . Suzie,Uic-Chimpanzce and~i~ Mickey , M~nkey will -be the sta:r, at~raCtlons in · 'l cfiildren'S animal show to-be Staged this weekend on the mall al the Hun· tington Center. The show will . a"lso feature Swinger, a cigar-smoking Macaw from South America, and Cookie. an Australian Cockatoo who roller skates . • _ ,Cla•d• Owens lh•t more time~·· n.m. .. 3rd Spring F ete :-,.. 'ed before they could go to tnal. ~udge , · ; ····Ow~·Set March 25 for the neJ1 hearing ',ChOra.l 0 works by several 'Ia~o~s com· ot ~ial motions ~ the fracas. .. posers will be . featured at . 1'~ountain Three complaints have been welded •• ·YalleY. ·High· ~bQOI M?ich . 2~ during The shO\V is free and will be performed fi ve times daily at the shopping center, located at Edinger A venue and _Jleach ' BouJevard, Huntington Beach. into one actlon in the court's law and the school's third annual Spring Choral motion department. Eight homeowners ~;~· than 200 students from five have been named in two actions against choral groups are sl ated to participate Huntington Harbour and the corporatiOO in the concert. which. will be Jteld 8t has in turn. identilied the eight.-. in a 7:3o p.m. in the schociJ cakg~!~·· : l •".!coonter.:ccimplaint 'ieekiJ\i ·'$I ,MIO,OOO in .Admi&sion •ill be sold --at-• the door ,. di mag es. .,.. • ' · for ,_ 7S adults and $.SO students. ~ , ~.... · · ~ A(nong ~the works to: be pr&iented · · ~gllt .~Y the property,JW~ is ~ <1:e; several 'lo' Bad!,. Sleinr •Peters, · ·.,Jn~~ • .JNl;li,fh.-wOt;lkl. ... bfl~ 1\fle cop.. ~Br.abma, .and Hande.I. ~ ... ~ 1 • ;•, • • t • :1PQC"at.ipn's·alleced attemp(·te move bacl: , ·. P.articipating.in the<event•wlllibe Foun- , ; ~. ~ir: fence&. ·HuntingtoB Har00ur· afgues · lain Valley High Schoo!'s ~egirul~g Girl's . • . thit'•lle· ltln'l'eoWrtets~ dividillg lumber Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Male 1 .:i!~ .. , • •. ..1 • . . Chorus-, &ncert Girls' Glee Club and · •. ·enc?.'~~h~.,yn 1~, PNJ;J>!erl~ and, alleges Troubador3• ,... / .... '?• , • '., PARENTS MUST KNOW ENEMY . . . ': From Page l • '· .\Of creativity are enhanced. Time may . .slow, then race ahead, or even seem to • 10 backward. ; On bad trips, users may feel cut · t·off, alone, anxious, parUcky. Some ]and • · ·fn bo.spitals for lreabnent of ·mental . · ~'disturbances, and a few have kilied or •· ·tnjured themselves. 1 No phys1cal dependence develop&, but psychological dependence may. ' • ' . MFSCALll!lE: F r o m the buttons ()f ~ · ~ small cactus plant -peyote or mescal. · · fi is also supplied illegally as a powder · ·,lJr liquid. Far milder than LSD, its ~ ~eels 1ast 10 to 12 hOlD'S. · · ·~PEYOTE it_,elf, a 1 e s s concentrated· ~ {.-nt 9f mescaline, therefore milder. 1 "'PSILCOYBJN from a M e :r i c a n raushroom, supplied in crystal, powder · or, Hquid form . Its effects last two ~ siJ: hours generally, and are similar . &D•those Crom mescaline. DMT (dlmelhyllryplamlne) produces effects like those from LSD when taken tn larger doses. Elfect.s Jast an hour or two. , STP (also known as DOM). a synlbelk: chemical related to mescaline ud amphetamines, is reported to be u- lmnely mind-dl!lorting but less so than LID. MORNING GLORY SEEDS o! a, mo varieties contain an active princille closely related to LSD, but· far JeSs potent. To drug abusers, barbiturates are known by many nicknames -goolballs, ' barbs, candy, yellow jackets, secey;, rainbows, blue devils, and the like. : Numerous people become phy1iduy· ! .and psycOOlogically dependent upon t barbiturates -thlre are m a n y •· types-for sleep, or to combat anxiety t or tens.ions. When tolerance ~-up, I.be drugs stimulate rather than depress. Some abusera use barbitur.11tl!s com- : bined wit.b pep plJls for a see-aaw effect, E or lake the barbiturates to reduce the · ti jitters that pep plUs cause. When com- • bined with alcohol, the kick from ; barbiturates can bt fatal. :. Prolonged . ..,. ol barbiturate. C.. 1eoc1 : to Impaired judgment and inttllectual • perfonnance, to bturre bebaYior, slurred 11 gpeech, tremor, self-neglect. Abnrpt ~ withdrawal in a dependent user may lead to nausea, lever, hallucinations, co. vulsions, coma, and even death. 'Ibere's a big black market in am· pbetaminel 11"1 other llllmulant dn!gl \ 1 -commonly ca!Jed pep pills, wake-ups, l bennles, dextes , coptlot1, f o o t b a J I 1 • ' Medically, amphetamines are ustd to on long hauls, or students to slay up · combat appetite, to relieve m i I d late studying for exams. ~· irTuion, and (t>rt>tf.~r pu~s. Trutf ·overuse and abuse 1ndUci! a-se~nSe tl'..lvers mA!. takt them to staY awaw i of• f&ood fetlin&. e1citemtnt. bo\;ndlw Perfon:nancts are schedu led from l p.m. through 4 p.m. Friday, with ari evening show at 7:30 p.m. Saturday showings will be at 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. through '4 p.m. · • ' • . . ' ,· f: • f l Killed in Vie tnarii · A U.S. Army officer from Santa Ana is listed ~ng :42 W~stwn servicemen 1¥ote.d ~~ kille~ in Vje\na~comba.t1acUon ' according to .t~ ~fense Depar~ent. . He was identified as !st Lt. Carl L. Radtke. who lea ves his· wife, Pi.frs. ChrisUna V. Radtke, of 2828 N. Bristol St.1 Santa Ana. • • energy, a sense that feeling lired ha!! gone out of style . Amphetamines do oot cause j)hyslcal dependence. Quitting this habit doem't cause pby!ical distress. , ~ In large amounls, amphetamines can Induce hallucination& and delb.sions or psychoses, espeeially ,if i p j e ct e d . Methampbetamine or Speed, is one very dangerous drug which some abuser1-have been Injecting. COCAINE, from the 1eaf of the coc6a , plant, was one .of the earliest sUmulant drugs. High doses can induce happy fee'lings and hallucinations. 0venioses may cause convulsions and death. 1 Opium, from the poppy •plant, was the ancient forerunner of powerful pain- relieving and depressant drugs. MOrphine is a derivative, and a pricelc~ medical painkiller at times. Heroin, closely related to morphine, has oo medical uses, but at least 60,000 Americans are addicted to it. They ·me heroin -the big H, horse, junk ' ....: to induce a sense of good_ feeling ,1 to reduce feelings of fear, anxiety and Wlslon. The user· can "go on the nod " becorrb 1nr aleepy, and "safe" from ' proqi® and challenges. This effect, dependµig on doee and potency, usually lasts only three to four hours. Then the habitllal user must seek more drug. These narcotics produce both phy~l and psychological depende~. Pregnant women who continue using heroin or allied drugs may ha ve newborn babies who show all the troubles of narcotics withdrawal. Such babies may die unlMs treated immediately with antidotes. Heroin users usually become truly ''hooked" after taking the drug dally . for a week or so. · Some youngster!! seeking kicks abUse · coogh syTUps containing codeine , .an oPium deri vative , or medicines con- taining paregoric, containing a dilute ~t ol opium. 1 Sniffing airpl3ne glue, or gasoline, and vapors from other products is a perm.,. lent and dangerous, if low.\cvel, fad among the very young and some t<enqers. Solvents in the vapors can act as poisons, resulting in permanent damage· to the nervous system and liver, and big enough doses can be f a t a I . Youngsters sniffjng the vapors bec<lme .dizzy, and can think the experience ir UfUfl.'' ' • SW II "' "Drvti ....... Or ..... C .... Delfr flllft, fl.O ... ~ J, TMMCll, pt,J, tfM&.'" ~· dledr1I -'Y•Jto .. ·-••tH ,,_, .... "" .. m 111 ""'11M 111....:1.,. "' l'MHn """ .... fllllr ,.....,.. nils w•y '"°' wltl llOI Alltmlllll .. ,.. ............ ' • -fl'°"'°1T'OIO: What malfg drupsl ApPfaling.,J ' ' .. " • • -" • ., I ' . ' , r·-...... ~ .. -.. : . ,' '• ' ' I 0 • • -"'"· 11!11th 12, 196, .. -~ . .... . .. . ' • " ' ' ' ... t • Model 322 ' ,.__, seeing is believing . . . great sqvings · on Tasco bjiloculars • .,! . Bx40mm binoeular. 24.99. reg.' 49.95 The . number 322 is design'!d to, fill •any need ol distance, .power or brightness. It makes impges crystal clear 110 tlie linejit of details. Cente( focus, 472' field, 22 ounce weight. yout choice: 15.99 each. reg. 24.95 . Modef 3-04. 7x3Smm, is quickly adjustable with center focus, full y coated lenses, and a soft case. Regularly 24.95. 15.99. .M.o~el:30B. 8x30\l'm, an all-around binocufor. leg. 24 95 , 15.99 your choice: 59.99 each, reg. '/9.95 : ,Tasc:o No. UlO is 0 °7· to .14x3~mm model that lets you zoom ~' ifmm 7 lo 14 pow~rs with fi ngertip confrol. rea. 79.95. 59.99. Number uo is a. ~x35mm style, 657' field. reg. 79.95. 59.99 t ... I I• your choice: 2jl.=ach. reg. 49.95 The 7x35min,\n ber 118, is rated as one ol the best m its class for versatih -S78 ' held. of view. reg. 49.95. 29.99 . The 7x50mm. #214, SOmm objective lenses, rea . .(o§O: 29.99 your choice: 19.99 each. reg. 29.95-34.95 No. 310 is an 8x40mm binocular with 8 powers. 341 ft. field of view .• , ideal (or long range views, reg. 29.95. 19.99. No. 312 is an !Ox50mm unit with JO powers, reg. 34.95, 19.9~ . ' • . may CO 19 .. CoaSt plau, san dlec)o fwy at bristol, COiter -; 546-9321 shop monday throuiih 1aturday IQ am tP c.~ "l.'11 ' '" ; . ' ----------------·--------------- \ 4 Do\11.V PILOT e• ! Cc-;ihll 1W ... O.llJ Pl• $1'ffl. ~;Tiie Philad~pbla ~ublic school system h~ added another day to .ill list of holidays -'th• anPlvera-,""1 of the birth of the la~ ·Dr. ·Mortin Luther Kint-;n1e Board of Education, acting on requests from both Negn>N ailcl whites ovlir 'the last several-moath1, unani· mously approved a reoolullon set• 'tillg aside Jan. U as a day to hon- '?,r the memory ·of tile slain civil 1jjbts leader. .. ' • A new program begins in Chica· go this week -streamlining the police department -around the !l)iddle. "Operation Weigh-In" will litart with some 100 traffic police-'lilen stepping on the scales. The ' program was outlined after 11sev· "'eral officers were seen looking a little on the heavy side," said 'Hamilton W. Pool, chief of the irifiic division. AnyOne falling the weight test will be ordered to count calories and do some jogging, Pool said. • Strol!ing down the corridor of Chi<t>- go'1 Lokt S·h ore An i tn a I Hotpital tDlth' Dr. L"'1/<I W. pruuhn, "Candv" th t imtitution11 paraplegic pt"t, trit.s out her ioal""' er. Poraluzed from the loim back, the st.a// devised a walker that allow1 Candy to puU her· self forward tpith ,_ . her fro n t JH110r, Now all that both- er1 her are 1quea- k11 wheels. • The opening of the fourth annual ·LA ·Schools Under Siege _ Br Negroes LOS ANGELES (UPO -Neiiro mllltanta ....i anon. walkouts· and wln- llOW smulllng Tueoday in their effort to shut down 11 pndomfnanUy black junior end -hJab aohools. ' Leaders Ill the Black Students Alliance vowed. to continue the priltfll until authorities met demands which lncluded barring police .from. CIDlpUles.~ Mayor Sam Yorty ssld ·pollcO will <oillinue to go to ochooll when MIU1IOlled f9< aid. JJ pooiU0111 hardened on both lldea, more tumult wn ezpectid today, Leaden Ill lhe lludent llrille cslled on miHtaof groupo· to . blrricade end close the campua· of Loo Anff!ol Qty College, Tbe ,ituden! council •I lhO 11,IOI). student 1chool' voted to dlv<rl all re- mainlng -1't the budfet -more than f,911,000-lor-boil bonds. Two schoOI., Carver J uni(lr High and Manual AN High, remained c1osed u the protest moved into its third day, Yorty urged parents to attend a meeting today at Carver to discuss the violence. TweJeve persons, seven o( them adults, were arrested Tuesday after windows were broken at two high schools in mostly Negro IOUtb central Lo6 Angeles. Other youths overturned d"ks and c:bah'i, smashed -· and set firel at other schoola. . students raced through· clawoonu, urging tbooe otiJJ atlA!lldlng classes to join the atlite. Attendance at some ochools dropped to u low u 20 percent bot studentl! at others gave the bo)'colf little support. · Early today, vandals invaded hte Grape Street Elementary School end ransacked 20 l'OOl1lJ in~ main two-story building. Before leaving, they let a fire in a classrocm bookcase which caUled an e!tlmated $1,000 damage. The blaze WBli the 14th alarm at city echools answered by firemen lince Tues- day morning. Three of the alarms were false . 'Ille Black StudeM Alliance, a !leering group for the lJlill!ant Black ~tudeilts Union, cslled lhe strike Monday to pro- i.st wl>al they Mid WU pollce brutaUty during a Incident at Carve< Junior lllgh laot Friday. The group claimed officen uaed batons to clear 21111 Iii-In demoootraton from a hallway ao they could arrat a BSU member that ignored orden to 1eave .th< CSJDPUJ. Pollce denied the c!iOrps. . . .~ BOBBIES, BEATLE AND BRIDE BUFFETED P•ul McCartney, Linda Eastman After London Wedding Paul Marries N~wlyweds Mobbed iii London LONDON (UPl) -Beatie Paul McCartney t1larried American divorcee Linda Eastma,ri. today and wrestled his frightened ~e pd' her six-year-old dau~ 11Jrough a !'f'Oll'd of screaming, sobbing teen-age girls and older women. "I feel fine!" lhouted the last Beatie bachelor before the. femtnine fans broke through a line of. 25 bobbies outside the Marylebone Registry Office. SecQl)ds later •. chanting "We love you, Paul," . the girla· d i v e d for N.:cCartney, 2f. Hll•arin disappeared and be fought Linda, arid her daughter, Heather, towlrd a waiting limousine. PoHce *rved some girls out of the way. But llOme Of ttie teen-agers threw themselves onto the fenders and hood of the llmoual.ne. The crowd tranipled several of its own underfoot, pollce car- rying the fallen away. Lln4a, who met Paul in New York a year ap wtitn she was taking pro- fealonal pldosrapha of him, appearea Nixon to Give • shocked by the mob scene outside the registry office. A male friend picked up Heather and carried her through the struggling mass. - The girl. as blopde as her mother, appeared frightened. ~ Earlier, Linda had appeared at a registry window and waved happlly at tile crowd in the street below. Paul, a veteran of Beatlemania, had ushered . his bride into the registry through a back door to get to the. ceremony on time. But the civil marriage, conducted by Superintendent Registrar J. L. Jeavens, was delayed an hour because of the tardiness of Paul's brother. The crowd of 300 outside, mostly women but including a few cloth~apped London males, waited noisily for lhe couple to come out. lt'Jilk v.s. ~-··-' Viei ·Cong Vow .. -To · · -~ush · Battle ..... t:: PAl\lS (Ufl) -A Viet Cong ~erence, and lo open immedlate•talks •P""-'llr safd today j)I "'national OIJ:)>oW to d«aca1't. the confiJcl. B~-IOreu" plaimed to catf1'"" North Vietnamese arid. VJ~ Cong of- • 9'feu!ve m· South Vietnatn ud ftclals Jni!le it clear they Wou1d turn ••-the . ,, , a deaf ear to the alllj!d urging and -t ~ 1llcterung ·of '""'"" ...tale firmly their demand.-that tho mlJI ~ afiellin(I I!,'! il!st a tactical' conferenC<, ilalled since Its openinJ·Jan. · dedlkln. . • . · . •. .#'. • IS. d!scuu first the "end to American "';l'be ~onal'-:U~aUOa (on:a ~ aggressio0" in Vietnani. ·~ their alta4'a: Tboy<.wtll ·clo... ..A. .A.. ..A. .. JOdi as the AnierlclJi ll'll1JI ~· H lo< lo< in Sollih .Ylelnam{;~tbe apokea-.Ald : , ~e'.:"'Ol\lll!I 00 """' 1 mllitarY. de~ V .S. Troops · Jle ssld 'Am'i,;iclll ancl. South Viet. I nameae battle .nporta lridlcafini a K' 'll 138 R. ds ~c1~n1n~-12~1~·'.i1~~,~~ :· .. ,; . . .. e . a forthcoiillng end to tlii,_ ent 17..Jay. • ~ offens~ve. ·"OUr f~s simply strik.e at a ~lace and .at ,a-moment .ot I their cbOosing, t( ~. the spokesmifl said. · '4. His statenient coincided· wlth final preparations in the Communist and allied . camps fcir 'Tbunday's negotiating sesS:ion whicli\ was expected to prodUce· lltUe · positive result becau!e of the app8f!mt refusal by both sides to make concessions at the present time. Lawrence E. Walsh, deputy American negotiator, and his . Saigori opposite. Nguyen Xuan Phong; Icrld down allied strategy for the Qlnth negotiating sesSion. 'The two delegations, which will speak first at Thursday's meeting were expect- ed to urge the Communists in strong · terms to quit seeking a military advant- age on the batUefield to influence the ~eshurgh to Head Rights Board WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixoo today announced the appointnlent of the Rev. Theodore MarUn Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame, as chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Father Hesburgh has served as a mem- ber of the commission s i n c e MarCh, 1958. He has been active in civil rights work for two decades and recently won the admiration of President Nixon for his finn stand on campus protests at Notre Dame. .. !n. T~o Fights SAIGON (UPI) -American 'troop< battling to prevent a new Com1nunist onslaught, on Saigon killed 131 guerrillas in two major fights northwest and .southwest of the city, U.S. spokesman reported today. Action also flared in the demilitarized :zon·e on the northern border. The intensified ground fighting coin· cided with a decline in the number of overnight Communist she 11 l'n g s reported today -about 20. But a Viet Cong spokesman in Paris said the slackening was just a tactical decision and that the fight to drive the Americw out or Vietnam woUld be pressed even harder. Military spokesman said U.S. Marines socked in by weather in · the jungled mountains of South Vietnam's northern quarter were running short of food and water and that cargo plane.s guided by radar flew emergency supply mission!. The Marines were the ones engaged in the A Shau Valley operation which killed 1,400 North Vietnamese troops and destroyed almost 500 tons of arms mass· · ed for the new Red offensive, But early monsoon rains maroone d the leathernecks until the ernergenoY. supply mission was flpwn. In the demilitarized zone ·action, American artillery fired into the DMZ twice Tuesday, killing at Jeast' 14 North Vietnamese .soldiers and silenced ~ .50 caliber machine gun positions. tbe artillery fire was ordered when CQ~ munlst troops tired on a U.S. r• naissance plane. · i lntemlrtional Conference on Urban Transportation at Pittsburgh was •lightly delayed this week. John Volpe, secretary of transportation end tile affair's ·keynote speeker, was caught in a traffic jam en roote from Greater Pittsburgh Air- port and didn't arrive on schedule. • Thev're Qiving Snoow toing ... finally. The lo'ng-eared comic strip dog who dre4m& of aerial combat with German pilot.I of World War I wilt be giu1t of honor ofi the NO"!/'• ./Jrmed Bl~ Angels flying team. Hil•ar.tilt, Charles Schul: of Se~ot. Calif., plans to accept SnoOpl('s wing in a specicil ceremonv oj the San Mateo Navy League chapter. 1-n the air, three okl· time Stearmctn biplanes wilt soar in salute to the dreamy pooch oJ ... Peanuts.• Saboteurs Hit -· 3 French Tri.ms :As Strike Ends PARIS (UPI) -Saboteurs struck three French trains during the night in an apparent outgrowth of the labor unrest that paralyzed the nation with a 2f..hour strike Tuesday. ,Views · on ABM J. Syst~ 'Friday t A Delightful Decision~ Labor leaders today rejected charges of President Charles de Gaulle they were trying to ovtrthrow his government, The nation returned to an appearance of near nocmalcy, but feelings were bitter and it was clear De Gaulle faced more troubled times despite his vow in a nationwide speech to defend t h e franc, the Frend\ ecOnomy and bis own regime. WASIDNGTON (UPI) -Presldent Nixon will bOld a news·C911ference Friday ~ confenlng with congressional !ead«s Ill both parties about the con· trov.-slal antiballistic missile syatem (ABM), the Wb!to lloo>e announced to- day.' Press Secretary RonaJd Ziegler tald the President would be "open to ques- tions on all subjects" -which could give him a forum to announce hls position on going ahead w i t h the Sentinel defensive sy!tem which has been auspended' fOr review. t •' . ,. One indication o£ the widespread unreat came Tuesday ru,bt and eorly today when saboteurs wrecked two slow-moving trains and tried UMllOCeS8fully to wr<ck a speeding e1preM1. The e1press \'181 going iso fast it hurled three-foot long metal beams off the tracks. Ziegler declined to say flatly that such an announcement would be made, however. The session with reporters, starting at 9 a.m • ...PST, will be carried live oo,nat.looa1.teiev1sion and radio. ""'Ibree men collapsed and died at the opening day of the Aqueduct r8cetrack season, New York police reported. '1Tbere's naµring unusual about this,•• a police ,officer said. "They just get over.excited. We normally have one or two die on the first day of racing." 1be saboteurs &eaUered mimeographed tracts signed "National RevolutJoQ.al'Y Council." Tllo council did not kleiitUy· itself furthtr ,,and it was the first time the organizaoon bad come to public attention. Its size and politics were a mystery. Nixon told Iii& March 4 new-11 conierenc:e 1 that he would make public early this w e e k his decision on the 'ABM, but ' this hes been delayed while he <Uscuased this tough politicaJ is.sue with hi.s .top advisers and congressional leaders. ' Cold Snap Chills Florida Tallaliass'ee Temperature Dips to Record 38 c.iuor111a PRE"llEW OJ ESSA WEATHER IUfll:AUFOflECAST TO 1:0• A.M. EST .)-IS-•9 c ... , .. Mof!ly _., wtTll .. rmer temM!'· 11Vf"ti t i-ll!t CGllJI ladlY. Wli'lllt _.lethr. JO lo llll ktlOta. l0111Y'1 11111'1. ,. te '1. Ytsiffd.IY'f tetri!IH1111m r 11111 d f..-I 111911 of U to I lew of d , I"' Lind tt!'llMflh.IN rt1* WIS ~ lo •• TIM wt• lfl'!Wl"lfu,-. ... S1 dff,..._ Sun, M0on. Tide• WttNllDAY StctM """ ............. :JS 11.rn. '·• ........ ' .• lt:.IO Jl,11'1, M' lHURIOAY Ffilt """' •••••• , ....... 4!ll t.lft, U flint ................... 12:2' '·"'· ••• kceM flllrt , ............. 7:U 11.m. J.f StCW .... ,. .......... IHM !J.11'. l.t ''" ..... V.S. Sun1n1ar11 Wlnttr W•• •1111r0tclllnt "' ffl'l!ll todl~ "'"" • cold 1rwi• fllll ttnl '""" Hflli;l'll llllfllllnv !nim th• 11oc .. 1n 10 """' Alltfltlc t0.11 trod •1 !Ir .tOUlll 11 --'hern Florkl•, lltconl lows •rt rwc:onted In ,..."' IJl1~1. T11l1N-. Fii., Ml I rwcor• ,, • •nf Dl'f'I-.. Kt! rwdlt4 •• l\lb ,... rtHll'lll ... ,.. ~ from fl\e ""'""'ft 1Mun!1ill1 ec:r111u th11 l'IOftlllt'R Creel PllTl\f Into t'11t """"' M~. n., ~ ltM fOI' !lit N llOll •11 ft btlow II LM"tmlt, WVO. Tlttr1 w" Katht"llf ,,.. ~ tltt norttiern Pllh'll 1l'ICI Ill '"" frflllTI IOllll'llrft KlllMI lo Ar)>·-· Wllll rtfft llOllt !'le wtlltf'll (;ij" (Oltl. The '9r W..I hl'll .. n11r1lly (lttr -""· wllll tcl ttfN'CI •"-'"' """' '"'"'-' °"''°'" i ncl 11Wlllern Ci llo ...... Temperatwres ·----,.~ ... .ileld lllm1rck lobe OM ... C~lc•IKI C!l'IC!nM lf C~•fld ...... 0.. Mol~ ...... 1!"11 .... FO<t Worlt! ·~ .. Ht Jent ti-lulu -·M KtnMt CllY L•• v~11 LOI Ar!fflel Mltiml Bttcll Mltw1ubt M!nne1ll0ll1 New Orlttnt -y .. Ot~Lllld ...... 1"110 ll:oblf.9 J>lltt.dtllllllto -· l"fttlbuttft Jl'ortltlnd R111d C1"' ·-.IKttmtflfe ... It IM:I City ......... Slf\ Fr1ncltto 51nl1 81~r1 S.tlllt S0011111e T ..... .,.,.t W11lllrltlf" MW! Ltw,P~ ~ I: ~ ... " e 1S » Tr " .. JI tt .Cl " . tt " ,, l• " ' " . . " " " . " " e IJ .t ~ " ,. ~· " n " ~ " . ... M > " . 50 o .OI n " ~ " ?I 11 . .. ~ " ~ " 11 1 t .Ill . " ll .. . " . " . " .. " 5l ,, .04 ., •1 ... . " ,, ,, • ft -·- Aspecially-etjuipped Buiek SkylarkG.istom 4-dr. Sedan at special savings. Five popular 1969 Buick Skylark models arc now specially equipped with a lot or extra things. Things like door guards. . remote conlrol outside mirrors, eonvcnicncc groups, vinyl tops, whitewall tires, deluxe wheel 00\<er.; and bell reveal moldings. And thcyh: offered 10 you now at special savings, too. The rcasoa? Simple. We want to mak~ your buying a Buick right now a delighlful decision. Your Buick dealer is wa iting. It's Ddightful Decision time at your Buick Dealm'~ T ' . ,. Daley M~n Given Run For Money Damage Suits · : Filed in Crash CJUCAGO (AP) -Two 11.r;. million damage suits have been filed against United Air lJnes on behalf of famflles to two persons killed in the Jan. 18 crash of a United jetliner into the Pacific Ocean near Los Angele! .. The Boeing 727 crashed minutes af~ taking off' fr~m Los An 1e-te1 lntetnational Airport. killing all 38 aboard. Both suits contend United was negligent in operating the airliner, alleging a generator in one engine was koown to be defecUve before takeoff. . QUICK · Ceteh •I' q11Tclr:ty •11 l•c•I ..,•11h. Ree4 · yeur cOfl'll'•ct, •-,,e$ie11aJ.,, · he1t1•t.w11 Mi· tiM 114 ffrle DAILY PILDT, 2nd Equipment Fault Told in Sealab Death SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The board of Navy officer.!! in- vestigating the undersea dealh of a Sealab III aquanaut was told Tuesday of another fault jn the breathing equipment he may "have used on the fatal dive. The disclosure came r rom Chief Warrant Officer Richard ..,A. Garrahan, assjstanl engineering officer for the project, who took the rigs used by Berry L. Cannoo and his three teammates to Washington, D.C., for analysis. Garrahan said a crescent· shaped bole about three-six· t.eenths of an inch long wa'I foand In a breathing tube of one of the rigs when It was checked over in Washington .. The hole was discovered in the same rig that was missing vrt:al air filter chemicals to absorb carbon dioxide from a helium~xygen mixture that js breathed over and over again during delep dives. ' Cannon was asphyxiated 610 feet beneath the surface of ttie Pacific from carbon diox- ide poisoning, an autopsy showed. Without the filter granules, the carbon dioxide content of the mixture builds up to. a toxic level. The Navy h;ls no1 disclosed which of the> aquanauts was wearing the faulty rig, . but the cause ci death would in- dicate it was Cannon. Lt. Alan Goldberg, COUnMI for Chier Torpedoman Paul A. Wells who was in charge or th e rigs on the surface support ship, argued that the not have been using the faulty rig because he would tiave noticed ga.s bubbles escaping when he first submerged. Capt. Walter F. Mazzone, Sealab diving operationllll o(. ficer, said tnat the hole couk1 have been made after the dive. He said three of the rigs were brought up from the ocean floor hanging on the outside of the transfer capsule used to raise and lower the aquanauts from the ocean bottom . Mazzone said the buffeting the rigs were subjected tQ during the asei!nl could have taused the bole. Schirra Gets Joh as Head Of Company SPACE CEN'TER, Houston (AP) -Walter M. Schirra, Jr., colorful dean of U.S. astronaut.! -he's 46 today -is leaving the space pro. gram to beconle a company president. Pauling Leaves UC For Rival Stanford On the eve of his birthday, the boyi.!lh sports car buff an· nounced Tuesday he will enter private business as head of a firm that teases out io- dustrial equipment worldwide. In his new job he hopes to help develop a space station to be parked in orbit in about 1975. STANFORD (UPI) -Dr. Linus Pauling, l h e con· troversfa\ nuclear chemist who ls the only American to win two Nobel Prizes, is leav-inl the University o f California to join the faculty ri SUnford University. In a statement issued Tues- day, the 63-year-old Pauling said ooe reason for the change was "the present wx:ertainly about cootlnued financial SUP" port ol the Unlvenity of C11Homl1." Pauling said the medical school al UC San Diego, where he hu spent the last two years, "hu already built up a staff of some of the best physicians and medical scien- tists In the United States - but there is the possibility now that decreased support by the state of California will pl'!vent jt.s further de velop.. ment 1t the rate It had been planned." He adde:! that Stanford, a private Institution, '1has one ri the best medlcal schools in the country." Paullllg had been working at San Diego on research into the molecular basis of mental llloeu under 1 grant from the N1Uoul Institute ol Men- tal Hwth. JOINS STANFORD Dr. Linus Pautlng troverslal in some quarters for his outspoken view& on internatiooal politics and his oppositioO t.ci the Vietnam war. ' During his campaign against atomic bomb testing, he once went from an anU-bomb picket line outside lhe White House to a pruide;nUal dinner Inside for Nobel scientists. Stanlord President Kenneth S. Pitzer, who announced Pauling's appointment Tues- day, said the telenUst wants He views it as a way to "explore the earth as it shoul<l be explored ," seeking out its mineral deposits and other natural resources from high in the sky. After 27 years of govern- ment service, including nearly a decade in the U.S. spa« e!fo;rt, Schirra, 11 Navy ca~ tain, said it wasn't easy to go. The new step In his career will take him to the helm of Regency Corp. of Denver, Colo., a wholly o w n e d subsidiary of the Colorado Corp., which leas.es such things all aircraft, ships, oil w e I I digging rigs, plant machinery and o t l1 e r in- dustrial equipment. Tennessean Tops in Voting WASlflNGTON !UPI) - Rtp. James H. Quillen of Ten· nessee was the Republican party's top vote-getter In 19&8 for tlle third consecuUve elec· lion. The Republican Con. gresslonal News Bureau says Quillen, a four-tenner from K lngspart, got 15.2 percent of lhe vote. He got 17 percent in t9M and 72 percent in 19M. LOCAL to "teach rtgular claws'' In Ne othe, 11ew1ptp•r t•ll• Y•• addition to bJJ varied research mer•, •"•'Y J1y, 111 lte11t whi t'• hrn • ts rn1 ppoinf.ment tO I • f II t •11 ill th• ffllftf ' DAILY PllOT § ' Denies Pueblo Loss 'Surrender,' Colors Not Struck • of tho v....i ~ •0ourreodtt! · qeilta, lo UwJr> oountry, tb<J 1 Vice Adm. Harold ~en. · might leave." the COOfl ....,i<1en1, jabbed at 8yc}l<r )lad tmphnlud thi Buch« a declllon not. to man dUficulty "1 . et•·· the ,_ hi• guns because the com· g«-,. ,"._..,.,. munltla bad tho Pueblo's Cl>V"' off the Pueblo I ,If. deck.-covered with maclune callbel-' machine guns tn co¥ guns weather. Under BoWren'1 q...- H .. Artw -10llll from •tloolng,• Buct;er' admitted. I.I Bucher that no Pueblo man could have been done ln "Ol)I bad been wounded by tbe or two minutes" In the warm 1poradic North Kore a n hours of the afternoon when machine ·gun fire and that the North Kore ans ap- lt had ps>etrated the ship only proached. once. 'lbe Pueblo's casualties In latu qllt.9tioning Bucher resulted from cannon fire at said he f e I t "completely . a greater dlltance. respmsible" for the falluie Buch,.. stletaed b!a" sailing to fuily ·destroy the ih- ord..., nqulred him not to telllgmce pepen. provoke a fight and to ketp "We could have taken t!!e his guns covered u n re s s doc:umeata into a co111- survival of the ship was at partment and poured diesel atake. ' oil oo them and made a com- "Isn't an armed boarding plete bum,'' Bucher said. ¥No party. a matter of survival?" one thought of it. I bold rpytetf Bowan asked. accountable.'' "It'1 a matter of t be loss of the eh.Ip or the salvation of the 1hip,11 Bucher answer· ed. s a y 1 n g again resi.s· tance would not have af· fected the outcome, Bucher added' "I felt It pooslble that they (the Norfh Koreans) mi(l:ht come aboard and leave. I felt that mce they knew it was American and net South Korean and wasn't putting ICBM Lofted VANDENBERG AFB (UPI) -A Mlnuttman II Jn· t.ercontlnental ballistic Missile was launched down t h e western test range at S:JO a.m. today by a crew fropi Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo. ~ Hang a phone on the wall when you don't want it on the floor. ! •j i ' You can choose from three disti nctively designed wallphones. Call our business office · and avoid the rush. General Telephone , • , .. t • He won the Nobe.I Prize In chemlltr7 tn t 1154 for hb rae1rch on the llrud.ure and forct1 fJl the molecule. In 196%., he won the Nobel Peace Prile for hll research Into the hllards of radJoadlve fallout and for rallying scienUOc op1~ nJon aplllll atomic bomb testina. ,..¥Jee · . 1 Ori1111,, C••,f th•~ th• DA ILY the Stanford eheml1try PILO . • ~epar1mcnt Is effective July.'.::========="l ------------------------------------------------;---Pauling b e c fl m e crin· •• f,, " I • • I DAILY PD..OT EDITOBIAL PAGE l Stick to the Issues ' • • • .,, ,, • ; ~I . ' \campa!Jlllnl for truatao po<lttoo1 lo lhe HunUngton Beach Union Ht1h School Dtslrict 11 under way and allMdy -the poesihlllty of parti'""' po!iUcs entertn1 this ~ race is seen. A dozen candidates, Including three Incumbents, are In Iha running. However, the mo!I important lnflu- ...Ce In the upcomlng campaign may well be two trus- 1""1 not up f<>r ""elecUon -Joseph Rlbal and Matthew Weyuker. • Alliances are forminc among candldate1. Some are expected to be loyal to the li beral \ilewpolnls of Rlbal, others to the more conservative side ·of Weyuker. • ThUI far, as an example, Dr. John Kent and Dr. Stephen D. Herman have formed an alllance to run u a team. Candidate C8rolyn Mllchell, too, Is believed to be .on the same side -the liberal aide represented by Rlbal. Incumbents Raymond Schmitt and John BenUey have demoruti:ated over the years a strong conserva~ UveJeaning. They have been joined. usually by Richard WUsoo , who was appointed to lhe board two years ago. On the other si de of the spectrum, there are thosti who are trying to disavow possible partlsan backing in favor of an independent approach to th• non-partlsan posiU9fl. Dr. Ra1ph Bauer and Robert Dingwall can be Jbted. in this classification. Partisan politics enters the picture when it'a noted that Ibo backers of some of the candidates are the per- 1oos who back various Democratic candidates and are rnaldng llttle secret of their effort to oust those school boelll memben who opposed renaming lhe Edison High School after lhe late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. · Since these pel'SOO& are reviving some of the party machinery on one .side, the other side Is upected lo • make 1 llrong bid to oppo1e thelr ou.ler eHoru. Some of the candidates already claim that 1tbey have felt some preuure from tho backers of W~yuker, who la administrative aide to Rep. Robert H. Burke (It-Huntington Beach.) There la no doubt that tl)t!re are some serlou.s laaues In the high school di strict. Campal&Jlln( wtU do the most good Jn the Joog run for the re11dents of tho dlstricf by atlckini to the lasues and not re\ilving the IJght over the partlaan !Hues Involved In natnlng ol a hlg'h achoo!. Votera may be Intrigued. by the partl5an by-play, but it'• doubtful they will be fooled on election day. • Honoring the Unsung · Willliun Schweikej'l has been named Distinguished Service Award winner by the Huntington Beach Jaycees for his outstanding work in a wide variety of Jaycee and community projects . The award Is appropriate, for it· honors an unsung community workhorse. The annual awards dinner also cited other leading civic workers. 'l'bi.s year Robert E. uBob" Dingwall was the flrlt.runner-up followed by Mrs. Carole Ann Wall • Certil!cates went to Ralph Burrison, Phy!Hs Galkin and Elaine Kemp · for service in a variety of fields. Just as a club mwt have its spark plugs, so must a city. Recognition ,of those who serve, often behind the 11cenes without fanfare or credit, is a commendable effort. Jn bestowing an honor on leaders, whether they be Jaycee 111emben: or not, the Jaycees also are making a valuable community contribution. IS) • ' Sags (;hris tiani tg Should be Taught in Schools St alin Im_age No w Being Rehabilitated 'Becoming Amoral Society' To the Edit.or: I find it hard to understand the reason- ing of the: Supreme Court. I fully realize that change is inevitable and progresJ .1hou]d be made toward better ~things for more people, but I doubt U the modern "liberal" viewpoint will bring Ibis aboul The COnstitution of the United States was drawn up In a time when many people were too poor « uneducated to worry about the machinery of govern- ment and did not vote. In addition there was a large group who were not considered citiuns but property. Neither group enjoyed the "one-man, one.vote" pallcy and insilted an the "Blll of Rights" to give them the rights and freedom necessary to meet their responsibilities. EQUALITY MEANT an equal sharing of the . burdens, as wel l as enjoying the rewarda, of responsibility. A good aoclety cannot be created by jeopardiling the rights and security cf respons ible citizens in order to guarantee the rights and . security of the criminal, the dissenter, the paverty-stricken er any other minority group. · JI we have failed these people It ls ln our educaUon1l system which has failed to gfve them the education and traJnina neceswy to make equal their opportunity f°' IUCC .... I believe CbrisUanlty belonp In our acbooll aa much u 1peJl.ing, arltbmeUc or Amert.can history. Our rooll were nourlahed by CbrlaUan teachin1 before the dlacovery ot Americe and our country was aettled, our government drawn up and our IUCCtu was due lo application ol Oirlatlu lhlnklnr. Cbrlallanity la wbsl made UJ what we are and in order to undtrltand our ouraelve11 we must have a thoJ'OUlh knowledge at the Chris· u .. rel!Jlon. NO TtfA'M'ER WHAT the intent or the courts,.we are becoming an amoral l()Cfety. In granUn1 rtUgloua freed om our founder1 dki not mean freedom from relfilon or frmi moral rtsponslbllilty1 which lo the way It la wO!tin( oul Knowledge ol comnnmiam, aoclaUsm or CbNUanlty doea n~ promote the ideoloa they repra:ent but an un. deratandlni ol them. II lo loo hid Iha! the ICboola feel thlt It 11 un1awful to teach an underatandlng of Christianity, tbe only one of the three which m- couragea lndivldual moral ruponslbiJlty. Mooey, leglalallon or court decisiont cannot glva our minority groupa what they llrct. I th!nk there are few Americana who art not more than wUltna to balp these people help lhemselva. We mllll llnd wan to help them ,..,... their 1har1 ol the burdtn of freedom so that they can look upon themselves with pride. • OUR FOREFATHERS were not ---W- WedDH<fay, March 12, 11169 n. cdlloriol l>OlJ• 01 ,,,. Dollr Hal """ lo "''""" and •llM--t"f<ldcta br prurnjjng UU. ... _..., """"°"' and ..... ........... lopia Of mlfTrrl oiod rlg!dfjoltlcc, br '""''""'Ing • fotWa fttr tM ,.,,,,.,,,.,,, of ""' ,_ .,,,,.....,, and br prunljfog ui. dtoonc ru.,. """'" at mf.......S ob,.,.,.,.. ...s ~ .. lqpla ., ,,,. do-,. Robert N. Weed, Publisher ~~~;,·.1 · L1tur1 from rtadc11 ari 10elcomt. Normally writtr1 1hould cotu''' thtif' mtssage in 300 words or lt11. Tht right to condenl« lttttrs to fit ipact or eliminate libtl ii rt1trwd. All lttter1 m1U't include tignaturt and mailing addrtU, but Mmfl fl'&Cf bl withheld on rtque&t if 3ufffeitnl t"ta- ID'l'I i.s oppo.rmt. steeped in ~unistic and socialillic doctrine and in their wildest dreams would not place the weUare of all cltluna on the shoulder!! of governmant. The mere cost of auch a program, not to mention the moral decay it causes, would have destroyed the country and the pro- ductive citizens before the goVemmes;it was well established. The people were given the "Bill ot RightJ" lo give everyone an equal opportunity to meet their obligations and to reach their goals. Our present society needs new ideas and new approaches to solve our soclaJ problems but to 1ay tbt "liberal" l.n- terpretaUon of today w11 the intent al our forefathers ii not true. Our Constitution miy need aome rev:l1lng but to twist lta meaning and m.iartpresent the intent is dutroying the foundaUona upon which our country waa built. MRS. EOiTH J. SMiTH Effldenc F iremen To the Edlt.r : Last night we had a mlnar fire In our kitchen and we bad to call the Huntil!j!\on Beach Fire Department. We wouJd like to cornmtmd them en their prcmpt arrivaJ. They were very quick and thorough, openlna the wlndow1 and doors, turning on a fan to blow out the smoke, and even moppln& the waler from the floor. THEY A13() \ruled my ha1band'1 burned band and ..... kind '"°""' to oner to lock up the boUle when they flnlshtd ao I could leave immediately to take my hUJband to the holpilil. We would lll<e to thank the lirl depart. ment for their ettlclent job. Wt woulO a!Jo Ilks to thank the policeman and nelihbor• who helped. MR. AND MRS. GARY REBOIN A borti... To the Editor : Hippies are crlUcl!ed for dropplna; out cf society. But adults are dropping out, too -out of an awareness that Ufe Is a gift. Mort and more, they loolr: upon pain, suffering and frustration.. as i:blolute evill whJcb make life in- tolerable. A recent Jetter poses the hypothetical case of an unborn child who, becaun of an abnormal cbtomaeomt pattern, Quotes W. R. Uvtap&.on, L.A. -''It Is rusonabte to require civilized behavior In a clawoom for the rights or others. RtlpoosiblUty should be taughl al°"' with righi.." Ju A1cElrtf, Lees Be~ °" cener• llon S•P-"lln'l ll udly epparenl that 1 ,;ihoJe genttaUon 11 l'f'luctantly growil\I pldtr trying not to let eacape: ~Ir m•ke- beJhwe, everla.stlngly young world?" will be born seriously deformed . To spare him unhappiness, to spare his parents misery, to spare society expense, should he not be aborted? IT WOULD not be unduly cptirnistic to reply that . lclence will find a way to prevent er cure rucb abnormalities, as it has learned to prevent deformities from congenital syphilis, the "Rh factor'' and German measles. But what cf his child, here and now'! A newborn child b unaware of his defects and is as happy as anyooe else. Whether he remains happy will depend en the importance others attach to his dif· (erences. NO PARENT can expect to avoid moments -perhaps years -of ani:iety or heartbreak, even when hls children are nonnal. Society should be willing to pay any price to uphold !ta convicUon that human Ufe may not be rated aecond best when weighed against comfort and con- venience. PHILOMENA HESS Congre •••onal P ay To lht FAiior: I have bad II with Ibo P"'PI• who lnalst that c:oniireumen abouJd not vote lhemae.lvea a raile 1n pay. I believe that one should not criUciu if he does not undtrltand the workings of Congrus and the demand.a upon its member1. MRS. RANDI CRAGG W ...U Raw Milk To Ibo Edlt.r: I am a young houaewif1 with two buuWul and bealthy children. The health of my hu1band and children la of great importance to me a1 a wife and mot.her. Therefore, I have spent maey hours 1tudyin1 nutrition, attending health aemlnars and researcllblg the nutrlUonal value of food. It ha1 been proved to me time ind a11ln that the nutritional value of raw milk far u:Cttda the value of. P1lteurl.zed milt. I LIKE TO think that u a free Nnulcan I have the ability to select what I !hint la becl for tho health ot my !omlty. Any le&ill1Uon that would prohlhll lllJ' !rtedom ol choice in pro- \1Jdln1 for my family would make a mockery of my constl:tuUonal ri&htl. Jn closing I wilh to ur1e 1ou to consider the fact that even though you •• an indlvJdual mJght not wfab to drink raw milk, pleaH don't deny me and my family the right to do so. NANCY BENWAR Dear Gloomy Gus: Clip and Save: There wu no conspiracy lo kill JFK • There wu DO coruplracy to kill RFK. There was no a>nspiracy t.o kill Dr. King. There was no conspiracy to kill -D. G. l'. "'" .,.,.,. ""'""' ,......... ,.'""' .... -""' HI-. .. .,. "'-....... , .... ,._ "" ,..,.. .. •'-'"' ... O.llJ f''"'· I' l Ediwrial . Research -----History, it has .been said, is the past as aeen through the prism of the present. In the Soviet Union the prism is always alowly revolvin g. Less than three years after his death, Josef Stalin, the Russian dictator, was being pilloried as a mad tyrant and inept military leader·. Today the image is being rehabilitated, with the emphasiS on Stalin's military skills. Kommunist in a review ol several war memoirs published by Soviet marshals, has assailed "irresponsible" allegations that Stalin was a "military incompetent." On the contrary, E. Ballin, a military historian, wrote, Stalin had "a broad strategic mind and was able lo seize upon the basic and decisive aspects of a given situation and to determine clearly the aim and the main di.rte ti on of military operations." IN THE FOLLOWING (February ) la.sue of Komm~ the I e a d I n g Jdeological monthly of the Saviet Com~ munlat party, fi ve historiana aupported the of[lclaI c-ondemnation of Stalln's "cult of pt:raonallty." But they criticized Soviet author• who "lllacken the heroic history" al the Soviet Union by dwelling on "mirtatea of the past.'' nese are only aamples of the attempts lo rehabllltat.e Stalin in the past three yean. At the aame time the Brtzhnev- Kosygln aovernment has been cracking down on artists:, writers, and other educated persons . IN HIS l\1E~t0RABLE secret speech delivered. to. the . Soviet. Communist Party's 20lh Congresa in February 1956, Nikita S. Khrushchev declared! "The threatening danger which hung over our tatherlaDd In the first period of (World War U) was largely due to the faulty methods of directing the nation and the party by Stalin himself . . • Even after the war began the nervousnes., and hysteria which Stalin demonstrated, interfering with actual military opera- tion&, caused our army serious damage." Stalin refused to believe unlil the last minute th.at HlUer would betray him. When the Nuts dld strike, Harrison E. Salisbury report.a: "From the moment or the Nazi attack . • • Stalin locked himself in his offJce, refused to aee anyone, and toot no r,art in the alfairs of government." Stal n wa11 in a slate ol psychtc collapse which verged on a nervous brt.a1t:down. TlfE APATllY. however. lasted less lhan two months. By late August, he was in com plete charge of the armed forceii . On July 19 he had taken over • the po:&t of Defense Commisur, and on Aug. 8 that of Supreme Commander of the Soviet Union, or, as the UUe later came to be used, GeneralisaJmo. The jury 11 out on Stalln'a later military effectlveneu. Even lf what the Soviet historians are new wrltfna lhould stend the proof of Umt.. Jt would have to be balanced against the planned lamlnts of the 20's, the purges of the ~·a, Ute postw•r m11chinationa. Marshal Nikolai Bulganin after the war rtrnarked to Khrushchev: "'A man doesn't kno• when he Is called lo the Kremlin whethtr he wlll emerae alive or nol." ABRAll.MI UNCOLN des c r I bed Ciarist Ruu la as a land whfre ''despotism can be takrn pure, and wllhout the b111e alloy cf hypocrisy." Nothing seems to change. Sex Should Not Be Thing Apart "One thin1 I find it hard to forgi ve my parents for," said 'the woman next to me at · the dinner party, "Is their failure to tell me haw important sex would be when J arew up, especially in marriage.'' "But isn't lhat true of most parenU?'' J interposed. "I suppose it is," she said, ~'but It's a dirty trick to do to kids. And even wben parents are enlightened enough to tell you the biological ficts about sei:, they still underplay its slgniflcance -because, I gueu, they don't want to get their children hipped on the sub- ject." ''lT'S AN INTERESTING example," I 1ald, ''of a :self-defeating principle at wark. Sex is somelhlng tet apart, a special subject, veiled in all kinds of mysteries, and pulled cut of the normal, natural orbit of life. Even when we present it clinically, or hygienically, as in classrooms, it's taken out of emo- tional context and turned into· a 'flDlC- tion .' "But, of coUrse," I went on, "sex is much more than a !unction. It'a phyalcal, . it's psychological, it'1 social, it'• aym- bolic -it'a a complex of actions and reactions, erooUons and npresslona:, all cf wh.lch have to be working falrly well together In order for the proceu to fuUIU itself as it was meant to." uyou MAKE IT sound so difficult,'' she aa.id. "It la difficult, the way moat civilized socieUts approach it," I replied. ..But making sex 1 thing apart, by 11eeming to diminUlh iU fundamental importance, we actually aucceed in enha.ndni its importance to people as they are growinf up. "That's what t mean by a •elf-destroy. Ing principle at work. Our aim is presumably·to dampen down , or restrain, young people's sexual ardor until they are old enoygb to cope with their feeli!lls. But when we do UU s, we give it a special place, and in a certain 1ense we ove.r•mp•utxe iU importance lo lhem. 1 "SEX HAS BECOME ao lmport.nt in our society, from Pre-adoleecence ril:ht through to old age, because of all the taboQs that !WTOunded the 1Ubject when we were children. Prim!Uve aoclelies don't have all our sex problema, lncludin1 our shocking record oi rape, becau1e they accept it as a natural part of life from the child's earlieat year1." "An you suggesting," she asked, "that we adopt the auual practices of primitive tribes -wouldn't that be a ateji backward?" "No," l said, "we don't have to adopt anybody else's practicea: what we have to do is teach our children, at an early age, that sex. is import.ant, it joyOUJ, and is a learned activity ill well aa a natural impulse. U we put it in Ul• right pen:peeUve from the first. Jt wouldn't become so distorted and ao disproportionately import.ant later." lnvitntions to Disaster Since we llve in an age of anxiety, sLtyinf out cf trouble is one of our major goals. This isn't e1sy . AJI a man has to do Is open his mouth and aay the wron1 th.Ing at the wrong time and he winda up with a face full of tnucklea, or worse. Only the wary warrior llltVlvea In a wotful world. Here, ror example, are 1 rew ln- vilatlon.s that aenerally lead to disaster : "WHY PAY THE retan price for It'! If you want me to, rn arranp lo get it for you wholesale." "How can anybody who b irown up get lo1t In a few acres of wooda? Thla looks llke the road we came In on. Shall we try it?" "Here, let me hold the match . You bend down and look In the lank." "Go ahead, kid . Hit me In the atomach wilh all your might. I can take! it." "II you don·t llke It you cen lump IL" "Of COW'&e, I'm just kidding, honey, but auppoaing I wu to ask. you whether you'd marry me or noL What do you think your anJWer would bl?'' ... DON'T WANT to mm up the bar with you, but how would you lite to join me In th• alley oulaJde, where the.re'a a UtUe more 1wlng1nc room?'" "Yes, our litUe Mel vin hu bttome quite proficient at lmltaUna bird calli. Would ~u care to hear him do a few?'' "Heck. anybody cen le1pff08 O't'tr 1 fire hydrant. If I 110 flr1t, wUI you follow me!" "Just 1l1n on U1c dotted line, ln cue you don't find thl1 second hand cir u-p to snuff In every way, 18 you blvt to do i1 drive It right back hm to the lot, and we'll clve you anothtr one u good as new-and no Us. nnds or buts about-It" "I guess If YOU' picked up this mink coat alt.tr lt fell off a truck., you can afford to let it co at $500. But all I got in my checking account Is '400. Will YOU· take tha t?" "I NEED A volunteu from the au- dience. How about you, youna man! WlU you -please step up on the •taie!" ''This looks like It's probably the men'i room. You go in first, and we'll 1ee what happens.'' "I'm in a terrible huny-aot a cab wailing outaide. Qulc~. can you live me two tens for a five!" ··No use &topping now. We 're only 20 miles from home. Surely we've 1ol enough 111 left lo go that far. I ftlled it up only the day before yesterday." ''Gee, leamlng karate 11 aure a lot ti. tun. I've had lhreo I,,_ airud,y, You come at me, •nd 111 ahow you • couple of tricks my Instructor taulht me." --•• Geerwe-- Dear Oeorce : I like a redhead who la buuUIUJ.. 11 bulh and I Ilka a hlondo "bo la very lnte1U1tnl and I lite a brune~ le who lo nol Giily rich but hu I (oocl ftgun. OJI. Our G. H.: - Who doem'tt What'• your ~ blem! • .. . ·--- Court ~ to · 'Act on Jµve .nile ·Rights W AIHINGTON -Now Ula! It 1111 l!ven I ..... 111111 lo ll'lftbolk: pnloitl by •tudeoll lo ""' pul>lk: ~11. 'Ibo 8uprome Court Ji balnc aN..s lo -Hpand Ibo appll<allan GI COl!ldlullllial "'1111\!o l•v~. Praelly before Ille court II Ibo q1111- llon of whether certain proCaduNi lo juvenile courtl, which wtrt llllhUlbld lo iflord sptdaf prolacllon lo YOUD( P10pl1, 1!1'11 11111alrJr deprived lllem ol lh1lr rl&lltl.·Tbt peodln( c11<. involving 1 N1bruta juytnlll court, has broad lmpUcaUOlll eiiliwbln. All bul lllUIOllcc4, Ibo 5upnme Collrt •(reed lo -lhl Juvenlll court case on U. 11m1 day It Mid that ;. 1 school board ln Del Moine•, la., acted uncollllltuUOllllly lo 1116 when It barnd lht wearinl ol bleck armbands b1 atudenll i mourn Iha Vi.team war dead. l ~~<r. " . . ~ ;~4 J, ' :. : .' •; ' . , , , I ' •· *: ~ '11111 II Iha clabn of al\omey1 for C1artDCt DeBacktt, who wu 17 when • jltvenllo court lit Fremoot, Neb.1 "I'' him lo the llOy1 Trainlltr lchool allir It fOlllld Ula! bl had 111J104 bll father's namo lo a PO check. Tho lawy"' - lend that lhl boy WU tnUUed lo I jury trial -lht --of the lllllh~L They allo· clllm Iha ydwlpter ahauld have baon lhown lo have 11pad Ibo chock 11be)'ODd • ru1Dn1ble douM'1 - u ia in dull crlmlnal court -r1thlr than. cin tht bllil of 111 ~pond.trance of tbt tvicluct" U Wll !tJe Standard in Juvto111 court. They contoncl tbal lhe boy'•· rlrbl lo due JnC•U of law wu further violated tiecause the county prosecutor had dl1ere1Jon in decldinl whllhlr lo JnC•ed in adult or Juvto111 court. THAT DECISION, written by Justice Abe Forta11 promptld a sharp diutn\ from JuaUce H•IO Black. Ii 1111 alarmed IOMt public achool adminlltraton who feel it may cive new lmpetua to dlmlp- tive -and dl111D1 by etudents. A'ITORNEYS FOii lhl ' llale of The i-Involved lo tJie juvatllt lltlorut1 and Dodp County coalend courl c111111quite1 l111.,....1e11llollo ,lhal, lhl,boy's clahlll lbould bl dillo- than the freedom-of-apnulon ;,.. • bec1UM the state bu the rolt of a cited by lhl" court lo upholdin( 11tt , IU,bllllull parent !or an errant Juveolle. black armband•. Wlial 'I• lmJ>(lrllal, '"" '!"4er the doelrlDe Ill 111 the however, II a liplllcanl trend In lhl Bupnmo Court In IMI. . court'• lhln!dJir.· FOIU' memb<n of lhl Nebraska Legal Hperll Uy the court ba(u, .._ Court uld ~ bof WU •nlilled In 1961, lo ulfnd -1M!onal ril'1ll II Ibo rfPlo claimed, an(, three Judlel and prolt<llOll lo )'OWll -le w11o ar. d-. Tbt declllon would havi vOld· atilt protedld 111 Iha cour14 11 j....U.. td I llale law, howovar, and Ibo vole Al that lime JuvlllllN char(ld wlllt of ftve lutl(tl would 11Jva bala rtqlllrtd • crime were guaranteed a wrttten n&tlce to do that. . . . of charges, the right of cross.examination Justice Black .• d1ssenhng Ul the ~r.m- and of representation by an attorney, band case, said the 7 to 2 deas1on and the privilege against s e I f -i n-of . the court ~t a precedent under crintination. w!Uch studen~ 1n Iowa and elaewhere. JUl\Y TlllAL -Basic lo the !Mrllll<a eue ii Iha qllOlllon of whothar a Juvlltlle · must bl aflordld a jury trial In a atate court if an adult would be civ.en .... will, defy tbtll teachers on almost any onllr. CIOlt ruding of the 1111jarity opllllon WQ111J that 1jadtllt1 "ould be unwiH to tU:i Black: at hl1 .. oro. JUITlCB -PORTAS wu at pains to Canlt Walk Backwards? By L. M. BOYD "CAN A TUR1LE walk backwards?" lnqu!roe Ted H. Dome1 of Reedley, Cal. Who l<Mw•l Nol me. He goe. oo, "Our iroup, wh1ch mtet.!I regularly M . a local watertnc hole, is equally 1plit over the matter. We remain unenlllthlenld. We have been lit thi! condltlOn Jee -)'tars. Our Individ-ual all11llil bav1 turned up anwinf data on tunlea: Their I0111evity, natural habitat. romantic inclinations. But not whether they can walk blckward!. Url6 fortu~ly, we have been unable to run ~ becaUll we IUffer from a paucity ol turtlee al'GW1d here. So we lllm lo you, tlr. Plcua 1-' promptly." !Irr. Dclrrla 1111 put me In a bad epol. Am almost pmtUve turU11 cannot walk backwarda. Bui that mey bl hard to prova. Will try, however. 1'lnl, I need R lurlle. Dou anybody baVI I lurlJel PUZ1.LES we have. Whal I cillun walb n<rlh lo till wubroom on a ""11h- bound airplane, lit how many -js he travdlnc at the HDll &Uni? Put that query lo lhl brlabl ,...,, lady tn the family, U lbt iloelD'\ H)' .1lx, 8end her to the planetarium for a brushup on Wbal'I h•ppenlnf • . • RECENTLY IAW .4 TV wfltem wherein a black anny dturter Rpeatedly aang that Old ditty, 41RufUI Jlutul Johnson Brown." Catchy. Tho •bow wu none too hislo'1cl~ however. Acllon sup- posedly Wll NI blfon the tum GI the century, but that tune wui't written until li0'1. CUllTOMEll lllllVJCl:1 Q. "WHAT do you tuppote Prllklcnt Nixcn's vac1Uon White llouM lit Florida will do to land valuee around M!amiT" A. Couldn't say, Don't ... how lhay c:oulcl gel much hlfher, lhoultl. Tbal 1111 been pr<mium iftpilty .if down arwnd tb6e ever 1inco Wllllanl .Jln!llllp Bryan took flllll,llllO • year from G<arge E. Merrisk for promolini Coral Gablu real ea\ate. ·KNOW A M!Dni.g.AQED m!iUtu -hu tWa up the Wlarinl . of • Urtleneck neater with a mtdaruOn on 1 chain around bll neck. Tl!al II tad. No doubt bl al!ICll lllCll mod mo11y to imprw the . younpter1 1n h!1 con~ lll'IPllon. BUI II doun'I war~, not al all. They go their ways, the youngsters do. Desperately, this gray-ha Ired gentlemap eermonizes so: "Would you believe that God can tum you on? That without Him you're on a bummer?'' The youngsters look aside. They smile in some embarrassment. He retreatl, ev.. w!lll tan lit bll <)'a. I think IOllllllme1 h< fall.I lo bll knatt in hl1 pr1.-. quartero and pr•y• for-lilhl in • conterVatlve toape. ANOO'JIP GOOD REASON io wtar a bat Jn the w1ntc ii to kt1p r°".lr feel wann. Tbat'• ri&!rt, loll ol bOcf¥ heal II hit flnl in Iha <Jtr<mlUt1 . • • Al A ICllEBN LOVEii. Gov. Ronald Requ Wll once q:ioltd U AYinl ho llkecl kllllill bloodll -than brune\. IM. Much l>otltr • • • NOW INDEED TBDE his appeared on the Tokyo nightclub JCene a Japanese dancer nam- ed Sakatumi. Inevitable, what? ..• OUR CHIEF PROGNOSTICATOR predicts a hinterland! movement to ap- }Xlnt S. J. Hayakawa as natlOf!.il om- bud .. an • , , THE YOUNGER lh< -· the -. apt lhl child lo ba a boy. Everybody -· Iha~ BUI why? Your qutrtfOM and eomnwntr art totlcomtd and tDUl ,,, wed tohcr1vtr po1ribl1 in "Chcc1cfn.g Up." Addrt11 moll to L. II. Bo~, in oor1 of DAILY PILOT, Bo% 1175, N<WpOrt B1och, Cnlif. QU6$. He Violated Her Trust Pele and J--and wile, owntd a ranch In Joint tenancy. In bll laler )'Mrl -Pelo WU faillng ln hoalth, Joan did her ball lo comfort and nurat him. lltfora ha died, Ptto got Joan lo llcn • qutklalm· died lo tranofer lo him any lnlettll 'In property she owned. Join lllned tht dtld when h! told her that 11 would not take away bu part of lhalr jolnlly ewn<d ranch. Aller Pelo died, Joan found out that the dead had tronlfemcl her rtlhl lo get Ibo wbola ranch II bll daath. Pm had wlllod....,. .. bit blolblr. Joan utad Ibo -lo Jdlll)' the deed, and Iha court did ... TRE QUIT-CLAIM deed •u lnvllid. Pele bad obtsln<d It b)' vlolalln( bll wile'• trust In him. Under lhl law b& could not lake advanlage of bet. Thi ranch qalo -I jo!nl too1J>. l!J,· Ind the ltniTOr, In thla case Joan, 1ot all of It. A lar1e amount ol pn1P<fl¥ owned )y huaband and wilt II held in joint llnlne10. Whtll ont of them dies the ether pt. the propaV automaUcaDy. Ntlthlr 1pouae can will away his hllf lnllml lo children or anybody. A will hu no effect on joint t.tn1nclt11 except In very 1pedal clrcum!llD<U, ' One joint t.nanl, while alive, however, could on hla· own without telllnr hit wilt dutroy the el!ICI of Iha jolot tenon· cy. He COllld brtak lhl Jo1n1 lenoncy mn!J "' tr•lllfcrrlilc ltla lltl<rlll lit II lo eomto111 elle and have him tronlfer II rfthl -· Or a cradllor ·<OUld force I Mk, ill .. aay, fll the huafland'I llttere11111c1·111ua bnu u. Joint 1tnat1ey. WHEN A IAnzll ll c!PcuMln1 their estates With buaband and wife, to prepare willl for lhem, he may hive .to ask them to change the joint lenoncy pro- perty to eome other form of holdlnc title, lo permit lham lo will lhalr ... -1o-.. or for las.....,,,. A court tevitwl 111 tr&n11cUons btlw11n huablnd and wlft carafully f« falrnesa. Neither can 1<1.Uy take ad· vania,e of the trwt the. other has a rlaht lo impose -or treat the other u a itrancer in property deallna•· NoU: California law11tr1 offer this column 10 that uou mo11 know aboui our kiwi. ""-'W . t.\. ~c:K" comment, in that n&lrd lbat thf CIM did NOT Involve "rtrulai°'1n of the l..,U. 'ol 1klrts or Iha typo. of clalhlnr, lo hair stylt or deportment." TM votun- ~ eoinmull ..,m lo lllQtll that lhele familiar tarrell ol llutltnt prollll will rtmalo wllbln Iha purview ol 1ebool ldmloiltrllorl. rortaa also noted lh•I .the armblnd display dld not involve "auruai•t;, d.,.pUve •ctlon or even I r o u p dtmonltraUon." Thai ii 11 leut a hint thlt any auch conduct would havf JuaUlled the llllJlllllion ol the five Dll Mol:nes ltUdentt who wore the armbandJ. Forta1 1llled 1peclltc1lly that any oorl ot conduct, in or out of cla11, which dllrupt.11Ch09l work or invades the rights crf othert "is, of course, not bnmuniled by the coostitutional IU~tll of freedom of speech." Ht uld tbtrt Wll no evidence Uilt the · Wurinr of armbands was dllrupUve. ' THERE WAI, aald Forta s, nolhlnl which could rtUOMbly have cau11d school autborlU.. to-fear that education would be interf•td .with because ot the weartna of tbt ' armba.Ddl and no showing of any CONl!lullonllly valld """" for barriJ>c them. 8llllllle1nUy, Black dllall'tllf on thol cenlral laue. He said Iha •eertnc . ol the annblndl did, as school aulhartUu contended In lower courts, lab Iha mlndl or the Rudentl off their clulworlr and divert them 1o thoughts of war and Vietn1111. • . -. . w-.,, -U. IM O.llLY mtr f t'• Pre-t I Publlelt9 Be Polled: . . -..__ The B~~· and Mr~ .Garriso~ Wt'n baPf'1 lo .... lhal .......... ol lhl American Bar Auoelllloa baa r-ocled tbal lhl i.rtlllaN Bar tnvlltla•ta Iha cot>duct oi ew Or1iw Dlllrlcil Attorney Jim G"l'I-; M will bl lltlertllin( to ... ll clllclPllMry -c1oe1 naul~ II II, ......, other lblnp, .. -Dent 1111 ., the) bar'• .-iod ability lo pollce p,.lrfal publicity. Mr. Garrilon ba• nQW had 1111 day In court, and Iha Jury medl lhart work ol hll cau lbal buai-()Jay·Sllaw conoplred lit lht 111i11l111tlon ol P.,alo, dent Kennedy. 1l1t upahot, lndltd, baa been lo vindicate bll opponent. Tho War- ran report bu never looUd bltllr; this lonl and w.U.llnanced lnVllll11!loo ol tta findlnp turned up -· Allo Wicllcaled 111 wdl 111 ..,.. modi• 11 lne late 81tunlay ~ Poll, Ntw1week and the N1Uonal Co., which tll'IY tn tbt 11ma· Mr. Gurlaon'1 cue u suapec:t at SO IT IS WITH no little lrOI\)' lhal "' nmember Iha typical picture ol tbe pr111 painted lit Iha debate °"' prelrial pubUcity, The preu, It WU argued, was an intruder in the judicial process, creating a vindictive atmosphere likely lo convict the Wlju.stly accused. Jn the Garrison eplsode, the truth seems more nearly the opposite. Ally poisoning of the public atmosphere came from an olllclal ol the '°'ifl' who lntllcted an bulocent man lrw ~ If ...,. mll lhl. mOll nolcirlocil murder GI our lltDll, than repaaladly recltOd In pybllo the IUJIP(lled details of tbt COliqllracy, AnCI who 1poke out agalmt him? What ht Cl1lld '1Eastem news agencies." Thi more sopblsticate<i students of prMrlel puhllclly, like lhe ABA'1 Reanlon -.nltlel lhtt ......,mlOded new IWictloDI ln releue of news, llld rt.U. that the problem was not the Pf!ll buC PJbliC officials. They spoke of It u 11tbe bar putting its own house in Qfdtr." · . ..,. ANOTllla -.m oa.11, bl an obvloul llep In lhal· 4lnelloo. --.'1111-,tlll ,.,_ but 1ucb 1C11an II for -arllla. kl~ Ibo -GI Dr ...... A epelct._ f'lf Iba l<ul--... La1b1r "" dlod fllr II I .. Auocl1Uon Aid u wlJI ...... Illa AllA .... 1uu11Uon, bul ldolld that lhO.: !l;,. 111ton:,:•'!'.."' u:J"'.:' .l"illli1t: UIOdatlon ha no ~ to..,.. . , Nllptars "'""'"lnad tnlhl --lftlnll Mr. Garrllea: -ll .. ... lilt Coatlllloa ., Ila'• llllprlloi = ve.U,.Uon and ~ tlo ....it, fllr a matter ·o1n1oua17 lmloYial to !?lthmadUlf, lhay -,_ llto • -· . ' w e ay. . , • ' ii Ilda, 111111, wllai -· • While Mr. Garrilon WU M!llllM lda. WW pabl!dly ,111 lo -In 111:.C:: varloul·co_noplracy -·Ille baibad '1\al 1 Wm< for Illa - -nry DtUi lo aay about llltlr -alll ....... it -,..UC, 11o1 Ibo&· a ,.. prajUcllGlal lllacl, Thie ---~ wllla popular=~; that • epelctma for Ibo -...,:. jltrl-caa lab """ ::::::.=. ... of "'if,.~ ,'l':"; ."': ., . 1111 -lo """' fllll lepI veallplloo, bul w11 -UU.C lio Ill 11 ,Pla1boyl quoted about them. Vary llWO In Iha rr KAY NOT Ill fair lo -- l11al m&D1Uvainl, monot•, •111r1t1d • the bllil of OD1 er two fdCbJ1 •· that !bl bar and tieoeli had11111Cb lbllll)' • • ,ctpllooal •-· tboufh that II not far lo put their own -lit Older. from Arbat wu done In maldnf Ibo -lornewrultlctloalonerlml-1. IN APRii.. OF 1111, the trial Jud(t, Even ... II would -. lo .. lllal following Iba oplrll ol lht -report, Iha provlllonal llllOOI of lhl Garrllen ordered Ill partlclpanll not lo lallt al>oul epllodt 111 lhal lo pracllet ,ll II ~-!'- the ca11. Bui In Moy, Mr. Gurllon doual1 dUftcutt for lhl coarta lo - was on W.vllloa proclllmlal, for a. Q ambttloul prollCUtor, and M 1t f!'1~::c· and &Imply lf'o I CUI leul -Umll I pr.I with """"""' OI · .. 1 of Iha CIA, • larp -Ii> lalormaUon _, pat.,m a llUllbat . fll Cubanl, havlq I comlclerable publk: IVVlco, 0r to put vanomou1 n1Clloo from lhl 19't llay II llllOlhar way, Iha! than if. an. all ol Pia ,aplindt. Certain \ndlvlduala with a good deaf lo be said for Iha pNlll' a fuslon of intertlb In repinl.n& CUba inltlnct-tha\ the truth will out when awwlnated the Prt1ident." tht marketpltce of ldeu ls frte. II any direct acUon wu Lian lo n-wllo woUld not _,i lhal.1- lilcnce the Diltrkl Atlon11y, we hive -.Id 11111 bave lo •rue lloal Iha N"' not burd about tt. However, two days Orlnna: trill sbow1 that decldlnc Pncl-o afler NBC broadclll Ill dmlnclltlon !y how lo mlraln publlclly II 1 larrlbl1 of Mr. Gurleon, ·the jud(t clDad dUfleull lalk, and perhaDI .......,.__ together new'""° to warn tbtm about an tmPoalble one. But 1t II a tut unnamed persom ~ 11deplorable .nit for. wbkh ,memblrt . of tbl tier. )ii.,. contemptuOU1 of thi ·cOuft Oram:." Tht voluriteeitd, arid· thty lboald M up judge r<lused a dlf-molbl lo pn-or abul up. ~G Mr. Ga~~ :~uld vent Mr. Garrilonfromloin&Oflnationll WID .... ~, ' • • l • All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturdcly '· ' - GIT AIOAID OUI lllAND-WAGOHI . ' ... ""'..,.., ... ., ..... _,._ -w. ... ....,, .. _ ....... ., .... _......,. ... ,,,,.,. w ... '., .. _. , ......... THROUGH· ~ATURDAY ONLYI -r +. • , 1\ I , . • '\ All 10."' Gay1node) shoes/ NOW 8.881 ' u." rrl1 re1.._ • ....,..,.."'-.....,....,._ _.,.,. _ _...._"""'-..,_ ac;ft4 · ___ .. ._..,. .. .._..,. .. _ .. / ... _ .... ..,,,,, ....... , .... ..,,.,... ..... ___ c.t.' ____ _ .................. I. I •M.,...1,..._;.__. ...... Gaymocle half 1lip1 a1you like t!Mml R•9!'3ea. NOW2for-S Rel!;!4 e&' . NOW2tor'7 ...... ::::· .................. ...... .,.... ' --..... ~ ..... --.. ... ........,, ....... .....,,. .. , I ....... -....... --···-..... __ _ ·'~ -......:; ...... ~ -·y•,o .... , .•. ... • . ~" .. . _, ' ... -.. -•. , ..... ••• ., ' ... ' . ... .. .... •• • ' .. ... ' ... .,. .. • ... .,, ' ' '· . ·~ I ' • , ! . . ' • :\ .. i • .--~-C-0-ST-A~M-ES_A_:__~..-H-U-N-Tl_N_G_TO-N..-B_EA_C_H~..-~N-EW..-PO_R_T_B_EA--:-CH..-....,, .. I (Harbor Shoppi•9 C.•t•r) (Huntington Center) (Fashion Island) , .. • f .£.qh for a . C•ase .... President Nixon, enjoys a laugh · wilh. zt'tiollllf : Easte'r'Seal ,Child Donna Kay How.ell, 7,_0I :TaJI&· '. _ hJisse~. FI~.. and T\f star Carol Burnett, .natjopal . , , . . . chairman ot the 1969 campaign, at the White House. ·. 1 ' • , , , 1 • l • • .... >' Miss Burnett and Donna presented Ute Chi!'fJExe., ...... D~UI ' cutive ~~ a aheet. of Easter seals, symboli~g the -' ~~-:~· .\ .. , . '. . : · ; appeal which .cootinues Utrougb Easter SWlday. . ,:ALWAwt>FIRST"GUAtmY ; , " Co.mmisary Bqgbays · . . ' . . Sacked at A~my ,Jlase , ' . WASHINGTON (AP) -The Army ,bu sicked a squad . of grocery bqboys at a nearby post: lll'd' ·will replace them with Civil servants who will cost~ .the-. ao~nt r about $12t,iOD a year: The baghoys, part of an antipoverty group fr om Washington, were fired after a aeries of complaints from This Family Flies United military ~ivet,'!"~sbop · at lhe bue IU-ket ·al Ft. MytrJ.V&.. The shoppers sard .the boyi, mostly· hlgl) 1ehoo) .~pqµta . -wltlf ,,.u.,. r""'*'li . from WaShington's 'sltim" 1;r ta 1, were rude and didli't.do·thelr work properly. One .woman COIJ!plained tha~ she' tpund1bet ' groceries .soaked in .vine11\1' a(ter ·she co~ '.o 'lllltioi' ~"' ·l.1. y ,1;. ' . . auuu~ 1uo pac........ , . , . The • hagho~s,' w'r•·; ~ IUO an hour. The poy canie partially from Ups, with tile sponsoring grQUp, the United Planning Organizatlori.., mak- ing up the dl!f~' NEW YORK CAP) -'Capt. The Anny _will re•Joce. • the Al It · 'I1berg wu , a proud < -man Jut -t a he pilol<d fired hogho71 wllh 11.clvllions his lftige jetllne< IOuthwlrd. lo he j l!i"!l ~ '~ The cepilot was hllt &0n. and aervlce arid Pafd $2.11 an bOul, hit daugbter, the first class aCcording to Leonard Slms of ·stewanlw. the Miltarj,. rt:....;.., o l "We ·have been lookln1 Washin'gton:· ..,.. .. -.. ' forward to ·trus. day all our He said the money would lives and kept preparing for come . .from congre~ional ap- it.." Tiberg, 52, told the 38 propriaUons and not t be passengers in Eastern Air revenue from the store. lJntl: Fll~t 69, a Boeing 727, Spokesmen for 'the , ~ headed toWmd ·N•. Orleans, tipoverty igroup said the·l>fO" the first lea ol.-1 rouitd trip. blems ·with the .women shop. "I'm pretty_ damed happy," pers weren't all the boys' Tiberg aaid as he took his faulL seat in the cock~iL The reSt "All the boys \hadn\ bee'n of the fJy.lng 1'1bergs -.were _,~aainta and-'all-·the· cu11tomm First Olfi!:er 11-hert. 25, and · hdn~ been• salnll," cun.o · 1tewardess Susan, 22. Flood iald "but ·1 think !lie "Ladiea and gentlemen." wife of il~me~y imponant the pau~er,1 were told as didn't like it and pt:. to tht! the pl111e 1Ht Ke n n e d y · right person." · - ' Airpo~I, "lhls .ii <:ipL Tlherg Enoogh s~ lilied' the speaking. This ls a very service to contribute to ·a t l p special ~ul.on , be ca u s·e box that averaged,1·80 cents flying beslil9 me la my IOD per hour for. the 11>oys, Flood Robert, wblle my· daughter 1ald. The agency ~.made qp Susan is·· serving as a the difference to1ft,10 ,boat1y, 1tewilrdess op the flight." partially from mo~·supplltd It was .U..· flril 1ime their by the , Ford FoundaUOl!o he crew aSslgrim.entl b·r o u g h t said. ' , them together. Eastern of-uEVep H every complalnt ficials saJd it might even be was true. wJth the boys we've a first for the lndustry, lhough .beeq ~working with here, this father-son_ combinations are program should be counted not rare and Susan had flown a success,•: F~ added. , , with her l>roth~r .. before. .Soldiei., 'Oft-duty~ ··a n d Tiberg lw been a pilot for .. volunteering-.. to WQrk ·for ·the 26 years .. He began tciachin1 tlpg, are ·filling iin .until ·-the ·hi& son · to ·follow in, .his 21 b11ier11are.biJ'ed·aCCoidlng footsteps in the famllY'a to ·Sims.: private plane when Robert Sims ·said · Sunday bagboya was 9. The younger Tlberg at the conimis!irles of nearby qualified as a flight crewman Ft. McNair and Ft. Belvoir in 1965:. .. "ere: recruited from . high Susan joined the airline two school age boys on and around years ago. .... the·base wllling .to work for What dfd Mom 1'Iberi think' lips.· At the ·district's ather aboUt all this:· "She got up · Arrity commissary, cameron earJy, made brta,tfast for UI station -a supply bue with and'wen(~Jt"t'o*t"Suaan ·no re1idents -commiuary said. ' · b8.gboy1 are hired, Simi sai~. ~USTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCREENS ~ tHSIDI 0AND co.Nia MOUNTS c-e1o .. Lll!O Of fl ...... 'A'cC-rl11 ' ............ ...., • - . . C.0$lA MESA {HqrbQ.r Shopping Center) • --• -====::::::::::;;::::::..:;::::::: • ' " J ·lw·· ·1· ,,_YI R1 ·•1 l '. ,•, ~ . ~· ' , 1, .. • ' • . • ' • O'~· A.L,~ ,,,E TRllOU'CIH. Safi . . . 'VELVET TOUCH' ~ ·W. n -llOft'"° tho toudll RCl)'On choll;,. •oo..,..r ....,_,,.._ ..... ~.a -ccnoepl'lo ...................... ....;.9i~ ... leaf green. · · · Reg. 2.4'8 . . · , . 68"x24".-•• :NOW 2.53 . 68"x30" .......... Reg. a19·NOW.:2.71 · 68"x36• ___ ,..:.R ... 3.29 :Now1'9 · Valance 66"x11"Reg.·::t19'illO'W;J;l6 · ' . • . 11'° • . ·~ ' 'NAPOU' ,-. ,_.&inpd ~ tf cOJorM '.fi· ~.poli-l~..;,..,--'~luot ' mcxlino _,, .... dryl w.., aold:'ll)lilUt ~ . . Reg. &29 ~·.a ; 61''x24''·~-··NOW _6el.7 . 68"x30" ····-····Reg. ~·Now ·196 68"x36~ --·-...,~~ NOW3.13 Valance 69"x11"'1leg. 2.39"NOW 2.03 'ELAINE' ~ lien el whilt 'fOill'llO pol)w1w . with a colond __ .... "'""wllodt«lily ...-...~ ....W·iloliclo ••• li ,,...., w:..-. R . ... .f ' • 99·~'9 . ~.--: .... 72"x24" ••••• NOW · -·~ I 72"x3Q'' .......... Reg. 3.29.·NOW 2.79 72"x36" .......... Reg, 3.49;NOW2.96 Topper 72•i(3r Reg. 4.91'NOW ~ · Valance 64•xn" Reg. 2.2f,}IOW' 1.94 •. .. ' ' -· -~ - ~· ~· . -. ... HUNTINGJ:c (Huntingtci n t 'f ; • ' . ·. .. --· .. ,.. • ··- .. ~ ..... ·-· .. , ,•. ';..I . . •• J ' •• ,. ' . • ' ltU;CED PRIC-ilS, l,ES-, C U .R,.T~.1.-N·$ a8t-RDAY ·ONLY! .• .. • . -~ • .... :. -. ,, .. "'Ii,,,-;. ·-~ I i ;':' .. . :c ·.< I ~ -·-·- •'\. ,.. " . •RCURY 'l' Pem P.-flocbd tlen that,..., """""'"-"· ....W. diy and •• in>n. O! pofyotlW iinon, thoy'ro.-widuof!wYI droll ,_.,woidows ~in :!P.!!";.fmli ...ad"<olori "' whit•, )lllfow"' ~ Got""',.....·-..,.. buy -• :r·~prlcnl ' I .1 : '' . • ; .., I IJOx24 , .... ;..-,g ·3.19 ...... *>V/~ ' ,. . • l :'.'M'x30'' ·••••······························: ••• Reg.·3.29 NOW 3-79 --· • . l . . • ;il''x36'' ····~······························i.. ..•. leg • .Mf-NOw ·2.96, • ... ' I • ,I ...,. • .: • • \tda~ IO''xTI'' : •• · ...... .:. ••••••• ..i.J.;~ ... ~ 1 NOW · LM . ...... '... . . .... . • ' . ,, . ,. .. ST:Qigt BEACH ". gt~ n Clft\ter) • • • • '. • • Losi .on Airplane acc.-iti rual,!9.~ ~.,..: \ ·REDUCED! Th,ru~•onlyl . . NEV/RORT -BEA-CH · (Fa1~ion ·l1land • j .. • • • . . . .... · . . .. . (. . wtdllitol.tr, i1w Ii, IM ~I I' iJ ,, . ' •: " I • • .. .. J .. I n I • -· --~~---------------------------------------.--~~--· -... -· - J f 0.Ul Y l'll9T Opening .... . Gas Ta~~ Vote N~ars Arn_aed -Gaar~ stars. . Advisets Huddl~ Ove r_UC , .. Doesn'i _ Halrl7eak · lleagan PromiSes H,and.s .Qlf ~8¢.nce . . . SACRAMENTO (VPii .,. accelerated at 8<rl<el•y by a Gov. Jlo!ulld Re11an '1 ~ 1trlke of lhe 'nllrd World ministraUOn J.ndicaWd TUe.. LlbtnUon Front for • n ct., ita: prime coacera wa& autQfloniou• collece Of ethnle I . duty at Cal "for 111 Ion& II we need them." SANTA IWIBAllA (UPI) - Oil wwk•n inun"6 tlveo welll .., Vllloo Oil Co.'• Pl•!> fom1 A. six mlla olflbort !o-c day In olforll to cut <lll . SACllAll&!n'Q (AP) -The Ro11an admlnlltratton said today It will ~p: bands o!f 1 Sena\e !JsJtl over booatlns the ptollne tH tampororUy lo poy !or mll!Jooa of dollan ht dlma1e1 trout tbe ...-1:nter'1 A spokHrilan •pill!<! out uie 1overnor11 po1ltlon·a1 the up-' per beillo approached' 1 vota · on the ~tuUre, whicl:t wolilld lemporarllY 11aite the levy 011 motor vehicle fuels from .seven to tl&ht' centl 1 ptlon. Supportero elllmated the In- """"' ol polroitum lrom the ocean floor, . nooc11. , . . . Sena.te Comniittee · Ol<S • ' J ' U~at~ Divoret: L~w . Spok-n for the 'oil llrl!I and Ille Co&ot Guard aakl Tueodt1 J>D _..table rodu .. lion• ID lakqt had occurred since the three 'fr'elll were reactivated In l\Opu ol drain· ing olf exceues and relievlnl prtUIJl'el under the 11Ddy CtCean bottom. nie Cout Guard reported after an aerial survey a nlne- mlle 1Uck about· 300 feet .wlde still trailed off from the pll\- rorm. Other c~ntraUona of oil were li&htet;f about piree miles fartber out to sea .and at Santa Crua and Anacapa Islands. Jt~lp' beds from Port Huenerrie to Point ~ceptlon also were reported holding oll patchei. SACRAll.ENTO (VP!) Le1lllaUon m o,d.e'r n 1'1 '1 o I Calllornl•~ !Ith ce n I u q divorce laws h" moved ~• step cloaer t.o enacttnem In the Senate. Cl'Wlllky 11id the ''concept, -or tault· Is 'totally tmlevaf)t" iri diWminlnr the uildtriyJns cauaeJ of a divorce, whlch he ,ald "is why it's so barbarian." Divers went to the ocean noor beneath the plaUorm Tuesday to ' Inspect the seepage. The upper houoe Judlclll')' CommJttee Tuelday approved the meawre by Sen. Donald L. Grunsky (R-Wat&onville), and aent it to the Finance ·committee. One of the major provi&lons or the refonn bill would ellm.lnate t!ie current practice of requiring that one spouu tie· blam~ for the. breahlp. !' . other r e f o r m proviaiOl'!S would ..tabll•h a Fainlly Department in the Superior Courts with special staffs of domestic relations experts. Persons filing for divorce with children under 18 would have to submit to an initial in- terview by the staff, which could advise them oI marriage counselini seqi""·· ~tarting in April, this ~ew. check 93shing card will get you cash or . . " groceries, . without fuss or bother, in markets • everywhere. Apply now at Alexander's, Alpha Bet a, .. Better Foods, The Big Apple (Chula Vista), Bill's. Ranch Markeis, BOys·,:carlton's, Crawford's 5 Point, Crawford Stores, Inc., FAD, Foods Co .. Food Fair, Hollywood Ranch Market, Hughes, JonSonf$, Mayfair, Michael's, Pantry, Ralphs, Safeway, Shopping Bag, Ted's Ranch Market, Thrlftlmart, and Vons. 1tlit ~ M !llblt •t mo:t1 Soultlllfl'ICel1~Ul'1iU. Of tht h"ed.,,... 11 )'l)IJ"\ltall'HdW c:pmoltllld '"~ yrll/tl be t~YO!Kcafd If! Ap.-1~ f tltc~•t !nc;.1901 A'f91"1U8 of tht"""' l.al Ansiel&, C.tif. 90067 .__ ..... _ " creue --: lo •~lend for three) 1119ntlta -. Wwld' ralae up lo ' ' ' > ' I '21 mllllott 'to' ftPtllr .road11 hl1bw1y . and · ollMr-pub~ fttlUUO, 1'i'tclllll !rl' lhl wont r~'·~4 w . ,In ~~: 40Cll!lfl; I .' J • ' • : 1',,.11i1 :'not,ti~ 1 'pq.uJan,; al )jllaipolal,!l''lal~ uie lldo.1 ll• tak!' 'llov. lli;IP., "waa wllllJli' until au tl\o dam•1• • ' I • ie~ -..,a, ;Ip , ~a!ore , !l<CldinJ Wl)'lhfl'. ~ tu hl~e . io necdeil. · . . . nie bili'ib~ ~bly\vOll).ID 11aullno· Davll (D-Porjolo), al- ao approprlalal more thll! II. million trom .. an "erber1•Y relief funcl for 1'Qld and Public project re~a. It WOQld 'applj> lo dama10 incurred betwetn Nov. 1, 1968, and June 30. ' · Substantial support comes from S o u t h e r Q. California, hardest hit by the bad weather. Both Lo11 Angeles.. CoWlty and the City want tbe ta:s: hike -and 1 controversial allocation t«milla. that would rtquln . ""' state lo pay 6() P!lrceat or. ~ ~mages over 1100:ooo. . · Btn . Sttpjltn T~le CD-West Point). has opposed the formula, charging it would deprive the lightly populated northern counties of money. But Allflllblyman Frank Lanterman CR-La Canada) 1ai<l "tbe Jlllill!lude.. ol the dlnller that 1111 hit IO!DO of the southern counties J1 not even contemplated up nc:rth ... : lo llaep ..iucatlon proctlMI studlas. JOlnc II lhl Vnlvwalty ol He aald there WBI agl'1le- OaUIOf!ill at 'llvirtley ·bul not moot "lo cooUnue Io · at the cost of nlaxtng Ill cooperate to malntaln the .. ·" armed suard. educational procesa on the The 1overnor's 1 d v l s e r s campua " . . , Sain . ''f 6tty · huddled ·behind doaed dool'I ' . unUI early Tueidiy evenln• Hlghw.ay Pfirol Commlu1on-. AppeSls ·on Libel .Suit li " er H.W. Sulnvan and Alameda wllh Chancellor Roger eyna, • County SherUf Frank I . othtr UC ofttclalll, and .chief• ModiSan agreed their men of the National Guard, would be 1vallable for riot HIJbway Patrol and Alamede · LOS ' ANGELE~ CVPI) Mayor Sim Yorty hll appell- ed the dlamlaall of hll 11 mil· lion libel ouit IJllnal the ·Lo• Anc~l11 Tbnu ovei' an editor- ial cartoon. Yorty contended in the or- iginal suit that the political cartoon implied be was insane in believing he :could be ap- pointed Secretary of Defense. County S!!erlff1 Department. Edwin Meese, Rea11n'1 ex· ltC\IUVe secretlry, t O Id newsmen the sesalon dealt with a "d1~11lon of t•cUcal problemi which simply are -not In the best interest of the pUbllc to d,iscloR In the preu." Meese-11id the iroup did discuss pending legislation dealin~ with campus violence, Herald Unions Win as Agent8 ' The cartoon by artist Paul Conrad was published Nov. 19. The Tilnes later explained in an editorial that It did not mean to imp I y Yorty w., LOS A!IGELES ~VPI) - n1entally ill. . Unions on ltrikt qainlt the: In announcing the filing of Loe Angeles H•ald 'E~lner an appeal Tuesday, Yorty for 1~ mo.nth s have said: o.verwhtlml·a1ly :won "The question of whether a recert1Acat1on I.I barpinlng OIW!P'Pll' can 10 u far u apntl -for the newtpaper's tho 'l'lmfl did and. then eacape · am ploy... · legal llablllty by 1lmply re-Nallonal Labor Relations traotlns Jn the manper In BOord olficlal• said Tueodty whlcli they did is aoinetblna a ' COUnt · of ballots in the that shou1d be tested out and recertification election showed we will proceed to the hliber 1,500 voted in favor of the coun,. to do it." unions and 25 against. NOTICE! SAVE $I 0000 In Tuition .......... -' .,... lit,,,,, LAPIN BROS . -- SCHOOl:S OfBUUTY 1~ .,..;.khurat St. . Huntln1tan ... ch 961-2291 Tl-i•r• ar• few qu1lifi1cl 1thol1rsl-iip1 1Y1il1bl•, . , • CALL NOW! Heyns 1ald the iNue bt4 · c o m e up but added: •'Via,; didn't got into detail." : ' SAVE TIME ... SAVI WAITIN• •• , ~ ' ' I ' ' SAVI TU.~~ ... , • • • l'ELIPHONI "' TAX . . llRYICI ... CHAl•I $5 MAXIMUM . CGlll. l FoPnll' 'J Includes ••l1ri11, p1n1ion11 int'er11t, cUvld1nd ind •n·· ni.tltl1i'. , • Send for fret ch9ck list Of your income ind deductions. I ! ' ' ! • ' We wlU prtpal'.I lnc.om1 t tv from ehtck list. I • We'll telephone ro11 41.., t rtctly 1! addltlona Jnftii. 1 1 . -1.. ls desired. . 'hon• 536-6020 ! . i or M1il to .. , IUl WOOLIURN Dl. HUNTINGoTDN BEACH f . ·I I I Ntm• ............................. _.... : Addr11• ...................... ~.. I Phone ...........................•• -. Extra Schedule• $2.00 uch All Penney Stor" Ope11_ lvwf Nliht Monday Throvafl Satv1H, ': I Sped•I lluJI . . . Ml-... lllllllMPI. 1111 .·s.99 'Maot o .-war .. --..•..-.. liodr-tkil!llMtO ...... lhifb ii .8'14 ... pallawl .-...i-.i--. .. -.......... ,.. ..,_Atifl «Mdtw.M,._ .. _. .... , •. ....... -. .,...--~ .... -...... 3fw'I c-tiri ....... ,...~~ ... ...... """' -a..."-.... ................ ' FAMILY l ANNIVERSARY ~ i ·~ SPECIALS! ·: Speclal buy! Speclal buy! \ RAnAN STRAW BAGS POR SUMMER MEN'S,_ PRISP SPOiit SHllTI 2.99 ....... ..,. ............ ,.. .. , ........ .,.. ........ , •s ,._ ......... ,.,._, witlt ..... .... -..... -.-...... ,_ . ...... '• ., ,.,._ ""'-'· ,...... ,,.... little 9lrl'1 ti.-eM ,_.,. "911 Get Mt fw IVfftn\ler M...-t >-6X1o99 l.JX 1.49 l'.-...y, pfty 1~ --._ _. potlly ...... ,... eta.. ......... . ..... Gf..,..... Whet ..... ,,.., 2for*5 " J' -ley'• hftn '""" ,,...... 1hlrt .. Jvy styled •nit s,ec:lally prlcedf 1.88 Sftcwt .i-ci. Gfod tlrltcf, in .... dw:liao • " .... .,,,_.._..., kiM .. .... l.eolr-.. .,,,,..., "'°"'' $1"' 6-11 . ' ' '-------:,~.----------------'----------...... ----------',. COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Harbor Shopping Center) (Huntington Center) (Fashion Island) l • " f I ! • • ! ' ! I • ! i , I I ·I I I I } I l I ~ " ' i l I ' ' ' j ! I I Feet . Oil Ground -. . . . __;;;. .. -Doug~Engineers Testing Jet Noise OCC Youths Ai 1ning for Pilols Tbere ate 2t Or•n1e Coast c01lt1e student. who don't hlve their feet on the lfOU?Ki. It will go to 100 !IUdents with no strain. ne occ proaram 11 set up DOI only to get the lludent the flllht time h~ needl !or his license, but to &Ive blm additional lkllla to mate him a hot commodity on the j()b market. The student can pick his course so that in addition to his flight trainin1, he can ah10, at ~ same Ume, earn .an air frame and power license. l'be 1tudent1 began training llil year to become com. tjer<lal airplane pilots. They '\<• logging fll'lng time, they 19"8 1etUng the around tra.lnlng they need, and they are mov. IQg toward their commerc ial licenses much lfster than they "ould In a non-collfge course. ' : Commerclat pilot training Js CJl" of the newest fields in t~e junior college field .. The P-fQgram began Wllh the 26 ~udent1 this year and in- ~ructor Dick McClur1 says McClure says Uti1 js almost essential U the pilot planl to work for a small company. Such companies can not afford : . Satiafaction Guaranteed or You lloae7 Back! ' ' ' : ;TRU EAR XI. Behind-· i the-Ear Hearing Aid • ' ' " > , Sun Low PriH :SO MONEY DOWN • &el.l'I l'.uy ..,._, .... • Beat &00uatical quality aid with behind-thMJr conveniei!ce • • Low • medium • hirh power re- 1ponge ••. for listeninr eue ~ ......................................................................................... , • • ' s.ra, Roebuck ud Co. ' • • , %lllO E. O)fmplc Blvd., LA. IOOM , • • : Atta.: Div. I Dept. 1501 : , I woald Uk• PRD Wormatioll' • --.r. H..,.._r 1 • • : ~ I udenllt."4 Ir aMw ao.elllJpU.r : 1 Nuno 1 ' I I Pho I • • • • ' AddreM , • • • • 1 Cit)' p , . -. ' ......................................................................................... ~ 0 ............... • lilf•I• J'I• U Sl•P•• I Sears I ·-~ ........ ·--llllk•-......... .,...... .. __ ._r•-a. ·--,._ ·-,,,..,. .__ .. _ .. to pay both a.pilot and another peraoo to maintain the plane on the sround. Bec1ute of strlnaent re;ulatioos, tbe pilot alone can not perform this aroond malptenance. But he can If he has an A&P llcenae. Tht OCC plan allows the student to earn hl1 com- merdal llcenM In 110 boon, com.paired· with the 200-hour- reqUlrement If he doe1 It outalde an approved college COW'te. ~ atudent does his actual flying, at approved FAA fil1bt IChooll ln the area. He pl)'I his own coats, wbk:h McClur1 esUmates at p,ooo for the necessary ntght training for the commercial Dcense. Thj! college supervises the proefam, motivates the student.a and gives them the nece91ary iround c o u r s e a . occ ls ID FAA· approved lfOWld achoo!. At OCC, the lfOWld 1ehool lnctudea navl1•tlon mcteorotogy and commercial pilot around achoot cotD'1e1. McCiur1 nid that women are very welcome in the com. merclal P'oaram, and that there are j()bl awalt1n1 them upon &raduation. McCiur1 aald that OCC also Ls oUertni for U>e first time thil year a complete program In air tralllJIQl'tatioo. Tbla ; .. cludu all cf t be atf.. mlnirtratlve and operations Jobi connected with llylna. Sludentl·ln lhll pro~am after-two yem will be able -to IO to work for alrlinu in m1d-mana1eme.nt posiUons, or trwfer to a four-year school, 1ueh 11 San J~ State, for a course in alrlint oper• Yon1. ''The airlines bulca11y look f o r someone interested in aviaUon, and who can talk the Ian.iuage,11 McClur1 aaid. 0 0ur araduate1 will lit bolh of these categories." Both COU?IU are set up at OCC with tbe'help of adv~ry committee1, made up of pro- fessionals from the industry. They meet periodically at the college, go over the courses, update them, and keep the college tuned in on latest trends. When the students graduate, they are thus trained for a job whoae demands exceed the BUpply of trained people. And that's a pretty good situation to be .In. READY TO F~ y -Oranio Cout Coll ere ltudoats In' commercial pilot pro- gram, Dennis .Connor (left) of Sll)ta Ana llld. Sieve Hahnau of Corona de! Mar give theii plll!l• a thorouah checkout before filln( off, OCC students train at area airports under commertjaJ in1tructor1. • . Estancia Seniors Honored l . A team ol fllghl enllneers at Doul)u Alrcnfl Compli1y In Fruno ti C<>Odudlol a serlea of toll· aa ,.rt ol an effort to reduct the nolae lam of four-en(lne commm:lal jet.. 'Die teal aireraft, a 004, WU OljUlpped with qino pods ' tined with a aoft, --abJorblng material instead of the 11 o r m a 1 barckUrface II nine. E..-, meaaund the noise level ol the aJwalt Im- mediately after tateatt; Air- lnJ landin( ·-di and nnl to the llllllJ potb. Resultl ct the ltlla are not yet avallablt, Aid a Doupa 1poke11111an. and 11 la DOI )'fl kMwn ~ the enalne lllGC!lf1calionl eu be flllPIJed to COIDl'lttreiaJ a1rtraft. The l•la are part of a 1l·month re 1 •arc b and development prOll'am con- ducted b7 Douclu for the Na&oal Atrooautlcl a a 4 - S-Admllllatntloo (NAIA), wbldl bopea ta appl)' Ibo .... lnlormallaa to'lulun - YOll OWN Imm We.,.., fltt...0.1 a llttw I .......... 111,,_ 0, 'A .. .,_ ..... = .::..:. -:.. C,.:!.! 1• ~ !o,C FI I u:n~m._._ .......... Filteen Ellancla HI 1 h mond, lab ac!ence; Tanya cattrey, foralp llJl(UAI•; U I I Chi chUla It ,,. School senton are amonr Foundl, muai<; Patil Talbot. Norrah AnllonM, busineu; n versa n ~•••• tboee honored in the Bank 11• ._ .-......, • • ...,. cw. ol Amer 1 ca Achievement art; David Pfiman, dr1m1; Geraldine F J 1 et· home Clal.: (ftt) ,..1• • ~i (tU)..,. Awards program fer ltll. All JN~lllC~y~W~t~rn~'"'~·~E~•~ll~11~h;~L;Jnd;aJoconomlcl'.;~~· ~and~~M~l~ch'.'.:.a~e11 =~~~~~~-~'~"~·~-~~ .... ~~~~~~~:::; will receive certif1cttel oft-Frencb. ~ 1Cience; Jeanne Powlll, indutttial arts. achievement. presented for o u t· 11 a D d i n I acholanhip, Ieadeiahip and futun poko- tlal. TboM -· ~ with piaques Will be ellilble to cmipete for cub awar<la nut month, when -" of commmity leaders will judCt the lludentl on tbt hula ol group discuulcns related to their studies. The cub priles range from 115 to 11,000. Plaque award winnlrl In gerte!"al fields are 8tepbln Hoyt. ICience and matll; Joann Taylor, fine arta; Jlldf Ascll , liberal arts, and Jun McDonald, Vocallonal Arla. Certiflcate award winnln tn special fields are: Ira Baster, mathemaUcs; ll4bert Ray- 'Dutchman' Set At Long Beach Leroi Jones' controvenial film "Flying Dutchman" will be ICrffned Man:h 11 and 18 at 7 and 9:30 p.m. in the Little Theatre cf California State College, Lon& Beach. "The Thieving Magpie,'' an animated film from Cuchoalovakia, will be shown also. • Va mps All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday Special Prices -Thurs.-Sun., Mar. 13-16 A liit o' the • BILio COSB 'ITS TRUE, ITS TRUE' TOTAL LISTENING 'THE'G.llATm HITS OF IOD MclCUIN' DIAN MAltl~. 'GINlll ON MY MIND' SPECIAL I J Fro"\ comedy to poetry ... From ha11l-rock lo pop ... You'll find your kind of .music in our complete record dtpart1111nts; plus suj>er specials like yoo1 -htr.I NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion liland) • HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Canter) •• Irish Favorites fro• ••Yan de Kamp'.sft• Ml•t C ..... t•te C1k1 four Layers toll! llch chocolalo dtW'a food cake, flllod aod 1r-i wllh pQladii.>--d ~od '"""'a-Icing wllh li9Y IMllt ,....,. pioms ... Rd ....... - lh••-k ...... c..ld .. Enjoy llie "luck cf the Irish" wllh VfM <!. ~'• Shamrock Cookiod T1loot i.--ri<h _.... .,. ......... lllco ""°"""""" •"" ci-a1o11 ........... aod U'"" coodi... ' ....... ••···· ............. : ........... ., ~ 'Oo • ___ .......... -.... 35< l-.............................. ,... 69* •1• ..., .... ..,, .. a ,., •• , ...... "..., She•rock Pe1tri" St. Pofi'ick'a Doy l-i1oal TGldor l'91-1110 .. cok• witt1 a aeorirf, lMOdlt l "'=-.... Eoch la -od wllh wllle """ _, a a:: d .... • -CIOl!dy "'°""otk . st. ••trick'• c.,..k" · " groat --for .. party"' !Or ''-1)-..... 3 lihier' and 3 Devi'• Food QfWI 11 -c•a• Miii dollclata whilo lclog -ood ""'~ .... -.._.. .... aod -coMy ...... A1aerte4 n1e•l .. a 1 .. he. ............ .., Ip .......... ____ '2" .. , .... ,_ ... _ ............. .., ... . ... ................ 3'1· (tc...-a;ufutFa ~ ... v..,..... ..... Look f« the blue wimll at sel~ sapam«ts , VapDM~aN~~mp:s I ~::.-- I j • l! DAJlY'PllOT ' -Careers • Extensive. --T""-------------------------- I I Continental -Drift .~Theol!y I Dr-aws~. ~·uppoirter.s- cu!' up a map ot the world aloog Darthuo E-. Aii:' --,,,. 0-, of-cootllltiit>l-Uolveralty OI Tll'Cllto uld lo oetan floor like log• frozen bottom is mavfo& away from alt! mapy of tbe cootlnento tarcllca and IDdla cu be fit. drlll, wlddl -lhal the , u Interview ud a publle l<i: In ic<. the Unlted Sto\U cout in a will fit loiet.ber like pieces ted to AUJtralla. cootioeats ma7 have been out ture that in ltlt Alfred ApP,renUy the continents northwtsterlJ dirtcUon at a in a jiaaw puzzle. Dlscoverj of ahnUar rocks, irut land mua 'm!Hloos of Wectner in Germany visuill&-and lhe sea noon are ltill rate of 1 or s inchel 'a ytar. from micklctan ridges la that the farther you get,from lhe ridges the oldtr are the islands," he said. The east coast of South plants, animata and foulla on yem aco ud tbeA mo·1ed ed the coot.ioenta •1 ralta moving 11s lbrey have been 1be notorlOus San Andreas B1 JOYCE LAIN America slips into place cooUoents that art -far apart, was dllo;llued l'tCtlllly UIOYinC Uuw'1I the ocean throuibout much ot 1ooloeical fautt, lite ol l!llllY California $~"'F,11 ; • .,.T.:. ..._~,.,N,1 ~~t f~m wLi':~riacoastto 1~~ apart his louc. ~that at the tlnl'flrlkJ ol SouJhern Ooon, time at ratu of a few lncbes eartbq1t ••-~ •• '~-.also moving It ii this consistency about the earth and tts movements away lrom mid-ocean, rktaes around the workl tbal tend to prove the theory or con-- tinental drift. Dr. Wiboa aaid. •• -..,;i;,, &•~ •• ~ ·~ they might OO<t have been CalllomlabyooeolilaleodlnC licieatllll' today, however, peryear,Dr.Wliaonaald. --K c °" . w i.r '~:COie, Cape of Good Hop. close together, but ii not con-upooent.s. tee t.be continents q be.ifll Off Vancouver J s I and , "Otbtr evldenat that the ..;i·~·nor'~"V:~ 1~ North America can be laid aidered proof. .... ./ .. Dr. J. TUlO Willoa of tbe carried 1bollt aJoag Wlth1tbe: BritiJh-r.olwnbia, the ocean OCWll art: •inadinc QVay •lit wll9ll I flnl1h eoLl~I ------------------------------....,.---,---------""------------.:__-..:...__.;_ _______ _ '""'~'A !" ~~ll"J.i en ~t -\,. ' ~ 1M .,.% ,,,.., ces I .,. na, I 111 ..... • 1'111 "" •llY flt ....... A. -You've Nled out the three most obvious· career paths for English majors, which suggests: (a) a career in English ''"' your bag, (b) you may not be fUlly aware of the scope of occupations in which 1be stucb' of. English _ is neceseary oc useful. or (c) you may wish' to minor in English: there's a close con- necU~tween good language skills· aod mental prowesL To illustrate the last. 'point an ........... ,un.,... ...... one ... SNPW JOB. While attending a publie' tneetfnt 1'ecently, I overheard a man in the au· dience put down an obscure, pompous speaker : "I think he uses t h o ! e hundred-dollar words because he's afraid that il we knew what he was talklng about, we'd know he doesn't know what he's talking about." WRY BOTHER? That critic wasn't too far off base. He had learned to be discerning about communication -the transfer of infonnation. That's just one of the fringe benefits we gain wilh a strong com- mand of language. The study of English covers a lot more ground than lhe mechanics of grammar, punctuation, spell- ing and pronunciation. Jt helps sharpen our minda: through . (I) Critical reading -tell- ing fact from opinion, (2) Speech -emphasizing oral reporting and group discwsion, (3) Straight thinking - reasoning logically, writing clearly, and (4) Composition -training to give form to thought! and organize material effectively. BROAD BASE. No business or career field works witbout words. Reading, w r i t in g , listening and speaking play some part in every job: a 1awyer persuades the jury, a carpenter uses language to teach his apprentice, a businessman re p I i e s to cuslomeri by 'letter. S o , student!, forgive me for soun· ding preachy, but if you ain't got no way with words, git it -or 1,bout the ooly way you'll ·get up in our quick· change-world is in an airplane. UNDERGRADUATE WORK In English is considered good basic training fOI graduate wort in law, librarianship, political science, business aDd the ministry, to name • few possibilities. WHICH WA> \\'ITH WORDS? Jobs in which English is essential or helpful Include : advertising rop)'W!itcr •.• public relations worker ••. interviewer (mar· keting.ruearch) .• , editor ... ne~ reporter .•• tech- nical1writer ••. photojoumal· ist •.. proofreader<\ •. drama teacher (or any1 kind of teacher) •.. sing •.. actor ••• actress •.. eech pathologist or audiologi court reported • • , secre . . • many OCcupatioM in government .... annou ttl'vialon or ·flJm · ctor. producer and ed.itbr ••• Joan examiner •.. liter·ary reaearcher •.. sales jobs ••• receptionist • . . a i r I i n e istewardess . . . . industrial press editor. IF. NQNE of thel'e altemaUyes appeal to 1ou, t .. p:tpdio1 this column lQd "l"Ybe you'll fUICI one !bat diles. Remember,~ to the U.S. Department.ol Labor, there are more than 21 thoJ,aaand different occupations to 'cbooet from today ..... • ~ ~i:"·'*r!.1" fl.;h'r. C.W.W ~o,rn.r, D_:tLY....,.,tQ~,.;.. ~~·=l·~'i r'' ~ .,., ~ ,, ....... I ' <c) Ull McNaulht Syn· Cli<ole, Inc. AD rilfda resorved. ·u111··.98c PRllKE Alka-Selher TAll.m '· ltlltf ,, U,S•l Sl1•I lk25'• 49c TUSSY '·.~Ultra-Brite ... m,,.maera TOOIHPASn llBTANI "Whistle' s,..,a-1111 ._la ,..,,, '1101. 39c ~IZE . · ~ MA TCHAllLLI "Sheer Dry:'~ ·Aliza m1~STllflGIH Anti-erspirant "l~e Breakers" • froslej EyeliRll 2.25 Ice: Sbajows Nett forlflljl.J he!ps kee,i J°" 2.75 feeling caiJfd!t Mii '*"" Joltilble . • • • txcessive =""" ... plel!lmiy eo ·zes! .s,...y Eye .•Cree"' Pencil 0111 • lo.II·•• 1~00 2.50. ,•t•c• M•TC••11w Creme Sachet • •WiMSH( •"11ffc!2 00 ·••NllAltt•• ...... •• SttaM1ri • 1111vn • •· TIT NEW "Ogilvie" IMSTAIT ClllllTIOllR wi~ YITAMIN I 2.50 k.!iOrttd lOlorful bunnies inc!udin1 2 98 "musicals" i~ as- sorted positions. • H loom rubber filled rolor1ul bunnies 1n 1ssorted posi· /IO~S. 1.98. HoHow Chocolates b lUIElf -Cboose from "Smart 8U1111y" eir"8oss Roes!· 37 If" ll'itll tilld'1 deolfationS. c ' 7'1.t 11. • •. LUIElf -~c00ose f1orn 53 "Cutie 8Gnny• ar "lovey Egg" C witlt can~y decorat1cm. ... Hollow Chocolate 1, tuo1N -'"~ o~-mlnule, o~stf9 6e· luxe Uir treatment ~ nght ~t wrongs· cl over·~iftg, 111~1- bleaching and tea sinc. Ho 1111~·n1 -nu set:ond rinse. & 4.00., .. Assort~ bunnies in differetrt Pos1· lioris or • swan. As~'! liJ [der colors. 2.29. ...... -·-----·---"Endust" Ml1stcl11rli11 Ai• •.. rleaflS w1tbollt wllx1n&! ----•·"' ··-· -----···-·-·-·· "' . .,, ... ----COPPllTONI WHISTllN5 Tea Kettle ii ln't 111t• Ctltrl • bti lnsl ...• 59' •ltwl lrai .... 33' • "'·'"· '39' lhl·SIK ..... . • ••Ir ........ "39" • Sclff ...... " 59' • Preparation H Sirius N1•n1Mrl• ... ~•l•s rtlitYt ••i•! ti•tllllt s.,1aiterin I •L 1t1 1.09 1:29 qp.o t Mt, to TO P.M. - 7 Doys A WHI • r • ! .1 •• : NEWPORT IUCH ?.:!..\~.!: , HUNTINGTON llACH .!::"- HUNTINGTON IUCH .,, ........ &1~1- . uge , , .. BABY ,.,"" Feeding Set Gift Im incfld&s feeding Disll ~· witl'I suctio~ CttP, drinking CllP 1 29 ~ with 2 lids a.nd training spoon • Wllile witll m't color !rim. • S1' Stuol "'.ltlllif SttJ" -bi il'llpjl:I plaS· - tit wi" nihber ~~. Mny llStS for 1 49 · the YOl!Jll ooe. Whije •r Maize IUIUIMAID Bathtub Mat color. . • ' Food Jar NOLDE• ~ sim baby food jws. lats tilt tornd tor C n. .... "'ltntt TiJ,.. .. -holds 1 slalldolfd 79 ~ my fttt:iing. lona; handle spoon i11tluded. ; { .. · ( Diaper Sets 1;!~:...·,,.~~l&-'Just in time for Easter. Adorable 2-pitte l.l styles for boys lld gii'ls ht ISSOrted ta!>fics. ~ock up now Jt 1 69 this lo1t pra. I ft 11 .. s. • 11r T1Hlm ••• Stretct 1111o11 ill new Sprillt col«s. ' one 3ize fits sgc 3 1t 5\\,Sto 7 • ..... ,s· Booties Bonnets AssHtyorn4 fabrics in while aadt>loB. 1.39. A .. Hand knit booties ill isscrted colors age a~d white, topped with ribbon and de!i· cate lace ••• ill xetatc tilt bot. "Mll'NMl.TCM" Shorts & Tops •11..,Wilb" ... 1001 OURENE C!l!ton i~ tolof·Wt pastels :1ml , populil' "hot" shades ift asscned styles, inatcllittg boxer type shorts. Sizes 2-7. T11s Slolls 1.49 ... 98~ .. t • ' ~ • • d .. I. ! ,, • • j ......... . .. -.. . , _;;;. --·-- ' Birt-...-:-s-,_.-...-;:Ma-_rriages, Divorces ' • • ~long Oran_ge -coast ~~ • I . Blrtlaa Mtlrlictge l,icensea .HERE IS YOOlt ONCE IN A LIFnl~E OPPORTUNITY 'TO BUY · t·,N· E~ MEN·, s w· ·.E·A R A .. I. · · F4NTASTIC ;. .. ' \ • • J• ' \, ,., • I ,• !• o<I ,• I· '" ' ' ·, ~ ' • ; ' . • ·,it... : . ·. '· • · + r.. ~ . . . ... . ... :\.,;: ,,, SAVINGS · · ;H8WA'RD'S·MEN's·-.·sHOP !42 FASHION. ISLAND,. NEWPORT CENTER, NEWPORT .::BEACH 0 osite ·the ·~Broadwa De t. Store SENSATIONAL! I I l. '1 A .......... Mlection:-ef MW 1tripn, .. 1w., checb & , 'ftMlll!ty ...VU . .. .. NOW $6.00 te ft.00 "'Pur1t1n," "C1prl~" ''L~ncer" a~d · "1pi11tm•n"'' · · · · · · : JAC SHIRTS ' . $6.00 -" c-" GOLF . SHIRTS .. $60.00 '"'"""""· ........ s ... , ..... WOOL · JAC~ETS .. ~ '$10.00 4'Purit•n," Nylon ·GOL·F JACKETS "'" --_, el , .... 'LEVI'S' White -Sta, Prest Don't forgot your Master Charge, C.rta Bloncha, Americ.on &press and l ankAmeric ud OPEN Every Night 11 a.m. to 9:38 p.m. DUR.ING SALE!' What • 11lectlonl What a 1avlngl Wing tip, I011fet1,· moc toes. Luther or con· fOrm tops. Ilk. or Brn. $22.0Q "Dimon;' all w~I, 'crew Mck. cab I• stitch ·. SKI SWEATERS . ·•14.00 Mon'• Orlon, C1rdlJ10n ·SWEATERS $19.001 Mohair & Wool, ·P'vllovtr SWEATERS $7.00 ~ •. ,.,.bo ,~··· .... •::r-. PAJAMAS ~nt PNM, lrOaclcloth \ ' ~ . , P.,00 to $1.00 11\ect\eri ~ "Jinh.n~: i. ""'H•nt Ttn" 'SWIM 'TRUNKS "Camp,'' mechln. w ..... ltM · ' S2M Men's WOOL SOX a forfl.50, Whlto, 1onc1. . .' INITIAL . HANDKEICHIEFJ ·, '3.00 to fS.00 ,......,. .N-Tie ' • a.1n Repellent, Aeeert .. Colort ·: ' "'1 S~ to 10" SPORT .HAT.S SUI ELASTIC BELTS " ' S.choo1. Chief Quits· P~ost Action. Conies After Arrest on Drunk Cliarge PLACENTlA-Growing dissatisfacUon was given as the reason but recent ar· rests involving drinking and driving ap- parently brought malters to a head Mon· day, as the Placentia Unified School Dis- tcict superintendent quit his job. The board ot Lrustees tootii: no action on Pa1mer's job status al the Monday night meeting in which Riddltbarger's resignation was accepted, closing his 10 year career with the diStti~. · Trustet!S slid they had been generally happy with Riddlebarger's performance during his tenure with the district, untll a subtle change over the past two years. rus letter of resignation listed dil· ferences of opinion in ope.ration of' the ' dlstrict as the reason for qu!Uing. ·, ,Clifford G. Riddlebarger. 53, will :~receive $30,000 in salary remaining on J~ current contract as a result of lhe ::3 to 2 vote by trustees in ~ lengthy •..secret session. : i' ·Municipal court records show that Rid· : !dlebarger and another key district ad· ; :utinistrative aide, Char~ L. Palmer, ::t(ere arrested by the California Highway : :Patrol Jan. 31 in Santa Ana. Dr. E. Earle Brewer, a S Si s ta nt superintendent for business alfairs~ wai named to the post ol acting superi'n· tendent following Riddlebarger's release from ·duty. SECRET MEETING Asked for a statement at the close of the secret meeting Monday, Rid~ d1ebarg~ said he preferred that all comments come from the board of trustees. FBI .·Nahs Bandit In Santa Ana · : •. Investigators for the CHP said they : ~stopped the car driven by Palmer on ·:t.be Garden Grove Freeway oear Main ::&reet, then found opened containers of ::beer and vodka in the vehicle. "I'm not tryin g to be evasive, V h~ explained. - AbOOt as persons showed up, but were noncommittal at the announcement that a board majority had accepted the resignation, wilh trustees Sal Zavala and .Roy Knauft J r., voting against it. · A convicted Oklah~ma City bank rqitber who ~d eluded .capture for 18 • 'mpnths was arrested in Santa Ana Monday by FBI , agents. Ke Meth G. Benscoter, 30, had been free on bond pendlng appeal oI his con- viction for coosplracy to commit bank robbe ry M8rch 28, 1966. The appeal was den£ed and· when he ·did not appear to begin ,a four-year Wison term, a bench warrant was issued Aug. 1, 1967. ., ::COANGES PLEA ·~ -. :!-The superintendent was charged-with :·beini: druni in auto and subsequently :;pteaded innocent, then entered a guilty :~ea to a simple chll(Be of drunk in ·:public and paid the nominal fine . ·~ Palmer was booked on suspicion of ~misdemeanor drunken driving, a charge .. Jater amended to reckless driving and :the district's personnel director paid his ":fine on that charge. Riddlebarger, son or an earlyday Orange County •educator, joined the district in 1958 and it ,has since grown from three to 16 schobls, with a total of nearly 10,000 students. His annual salary was $26,500, whi le Palmer was appointed personnel director last June at a salary of $19,000, but trustees said nothing at all about him or his .itatus Monday. The FBI arraigned Benscoter in Saiita A[.P. before the U.S. Commi"ioner who ordered him held by the U.S. Marshal in lieu of $25,000 bail. -· 'War, P eace' Set ;· At OCC F1·iday -· . .. ' .. ·- The motion picture "War and Peaei:" w!ll be presented at a p.m. Friday in the Forum at Orange Coast College. Admission will be SI. Napoleon's disast rous in- vasion of Russia is the background for the passions or, love and vengeance (taken from Tolstoy's monumental novel. Dli'ATB NOTlCES DELLACQUA LGUll Deli.cw •. Alie '1, of 111 Flow· •r $!., C:m l1 M•u . Survtveo t>v wr~, Vlc'IOl"ll! cll"'9hler, Prlvlll1 Hll""1r.,1cl; son-ln..*'w, JOhn Hfkletlr•l'lcl; 1lsler1- 1,,.1tw, C1tl1 K1tunonlkl, or Weu Ellb. , • WIKlDfltkll .,.,, Sflllt Sdlw11t:; 111'11"" FBI agents said Benst'Oter had been living throughout Southern California for the past year and had .held several jobs as an electrician. BUD Seeretary Supervisors Reje ct Two La'v Suits LBJ Cabinet Member To.Speak at UCI Day Robert C. Weaver·. former member (!f President Lyndon Johnson ',$ cabinet ., secretary of the Deparbnenl of Housing and Urban Development, will be the charter day speaker at UC Irvine April 16. Weaver, the first Negro to reach the rank of cabinet member. will speak o n ''Dilemma1 of Urban America." His 11 a.m. talk in Crawford Hall (the UC! gymnasium) 1,1.•lll be open to the public. • Weaver will lunch on cam- pus and during the afternoon meet with students to answer thE:ir questions. SANTA ANA -Two claims against the county !or damages totaling $160,000 have been .rejected and referred to the County Counsel by the Board of Supervisors. .,...r.w.w, Slwt Sd!Wabe •nd Jotet>l't • Fi.tyter. 111 Ill Mltw.llt.ee; r-., nlec111. , __________ ..., .. • Prl'l'lth klllibowlolll ...... Adlolliw l u- .. rrllll. Well £111:1, Wl~Jll, Prl••kl Chatter day Is the annual celebration on each campus of t~e Un ive r s ity of California's origin. Berkeley will ho Id its lOJst charter day Cf:remony this year; Irvine its fourth. Janice DuBois, of Garden Grove, wife of the pilot of the Cable Commuter Airlines piane which crashed Nov . 23 asked $100,000 for the Joss of her husband . In making the claim, she charged that there was lack of proper guidance devices and carelessness and negligen- ce on the part of the airport control operators. ~ servlCtl .... , llekl Mond9'(, M•rdl JO, ~. 11 Httt>or .RH! Memllrl1I Pirie. ·• . BROWN" Tall I,_. AH '4, Ill m N. Ort"'" SI., Ort ....... 0.~ of dNlll, M1rd'I 11. Llvl!d 1n Or1111t Counh lt "°"'"; Wll • -mbll!r Ill Fl"' B111!1il Churd'I, O•fr'91. SurvlWd bv wile. OOrolfl'l'I cl11,19Mers. W'1'!hiffl1 L1>eh1u, Lu Vl'Cl1 HenclffiClll, boll! cf Or1n11ei E!Mnor Kelchrier, Cos!1 Meu: il'...e<! 1r11nd- dllldrtn1 brollleu, uni. Brown. Slim. Mtrfleicl. Oltl1horn1; Cll.rit'f lrown, SPrlll9fleicl, Or-, 111d CINd 1,.-.n, Le1 Ai.mum; sl~ Emma Glbsall, C.mllbell, Ct !lf.; L-.. M..rlln, S.n For The Record Jow, ""' Jtwell Smllh, °"'""· !.4!f'¥./•n•••• .. •••E • I~ TINndt'I', 2 PM, 5111nnon Oll~l. I' '""'"'"''' F11rti.wn Memorl•I fl•~ RDbtrt w. Sh•nnon Fu111r11 !.ervl~. Directors. GONZALES Mlnuel1 Gorlz1ie,. 103!5 Clnca de Mll'O, f 001nl1!n V•llev. Dll• Ill dr11t1, Morell 11. ~rvkl!t Pf!llCllM . Smiltlt Mortu•rv. PATTERSON · Meetings Wl!!DNIESDAV Mesonlc St1f1rlflt Lodge No. 10I. MllO!lk T-.ple, Ulll Slrttl Ind SI, Andrews Pltte. Hew-1 llP ch, 1 P.m. Clvll Air P1trol S<luldrDfl n, 71231 At1ci. St., Coste Mtuo, 7 1>.m, Hu11!1"'lon St!Kh MIMl!llc Loda, lv\asonlc Hill, 1G5 l•-e Ave.. Hu,,. 11119'911 l11d1, 7:30 p,m. N-1 1111;11 Amtrluon Leoe lon, P111! Jtl, HI 15111 SI., NewPG"t 9tadl, I P.m. K"'-hla <of Columbus Jublle<' Counell, No. "'9. $!. JOIChlm He!!, ''" Or1n11e Ave .. C111!1 MtM, I o.m, Or1n11t CoUl\IV Ski Club, Elks Club, lC56 VII ()por!o, NtWPOr! ltttl!, l :lO o.m. Aeranulronlc Tottlrn1t lers, V 11 I 1 M1rln1, UMS Btn !dl Drive. N""""'°"1 llt•d'>. l :JD o.m. Since the change of ad. ministration in J a n u a r y , weaver has been named presi· ~ent of Bernard B a r u c h College. affiliated with Cily Ul\iverstty of New York. He is 'ovefseeing construction of a new campus in the Brooklyn renewal area. ProfessOr of Eng J,j s h Howard S. Babb is chairman of UCl's charter day com· mittee. Richard K. and Opal Bush. of Santa Ana asked '6(1,000 for "neglige.nt and wrongful diversion of water " during re· Cf!Dt floods onto property they own -Modjeska Canyon. . . R.epairs To Creek Authorized (Jounty Entpl~yes )Varn. . 'Don'i Charge for Parking? • SANTA ANA -The Orangr County ·Santa Ana Clvlo Cen· ter CommiUioo i!I wrestling with the problem oC whether free parking should 'be a~a\1. •·Parking i8 a fringe1 fJene. able to county employes a.s Ut," said Stauffer. On that .ba· a matter of course. sis, it would be discrimlnarory Ever since the new county to provide it to county emPloy· courtbouse was completed. thl' es and not to employes of prl· vale business." County Okays commiallon has debate<l. the The eomm.,sion not oroly parking questi on. Currenll.v. ' has the prciblem pf free· ;pr hundreds of employea: l> a r k pay parking, _.but_ also o~~of Flood Expeuse on a dirt -and recently, olt· 1rying to !ind enough sil)l<e en mud(ly'-lot 5outh and easl for county and city employes. SANTA ANA -n\e ex· of the ,.cpurthouse. A final decision on 'the pay pendlture of $107,729 for flood matter will be made J>y the John Sawyer, general n1an · Board of Supervisors and the control work cturing and after ager of the Orange County Sanla Ana City CoWlCil Joi· the recent rainstorms was t:p-Employes Association, warned lowing a recommendation ·.hY proved Tuesday by the county against pay parking, calling it 11 •t•he..,co;;;m..,m;;;iss-io;;;n . ..,..,..,..,'it Board of Supervisors. ''the p;ame as a pay cut." 1• The board approved $60,000 Sawyer said free patkirig l Charles·C. SCott, M.D. for pumping and repair work was an accepted practiQ! and ANNOUN.CES at the Burris Sand Pit any change would cause "ir- ·alongside the Santa Ana River reparable damage to CQUnty THE. OPENING SAN. TA "AN· -The Orange · le Anabe" h employe-employer 'relations." OF HIS • •• ~ 1m eas rn · un w ere Disputing Sawyer.'& e,hiloso-Coun~y Flood Control District flood waters are endangering phy that county employts have MEDICAL OFFICE .·~. was aut horized Tuesday by ~me 400 homcs.1 Atsci ap-a hi,storic right to fre e 5911 H•il Av.t.-Suita O . parking, commissioners Thom-the county supervisors to start proved, was the ·expenditure at'! Larsen, R.H. Kopel and Huntington Be•ch , repair work on the heavily of $47,729 for money speri\ ·WUliam J, Stauffer point out Pr1etic1 d1•11t1d to ,,,;+m•"f. eroded banks or Santiago by the county Fire Depart· lhat no .. dowptown bUSiness of th1 11v1rw1i9ht p1ti1nt. • Creek between Bristol Street ment in eme.rgency work dur· firm presently provides free 8~6-llll 8~2·7271' .~in:g!'..'.th:e'...'.'.ll~ood~-~-~~~~--=:__~e~m~p~lo~y~e2p~a~r~~-~ng~-~~~~~""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""';:' in Santa Ana and the Santa 1- A·na River. This Is the only stretch of tbe creek where the dislricl has responsibiilty. 'l'he city of .Santa Ana ls repairing crtek banks eaSt of Bristol. · Flood. Control Engineer CarJ Nelson estimated the cost at ' $100,000. He said the flood control right-ohway had been eroded as much as JS.feet at some points. The district cannot restore private . pro- perty, but will have to get permission from homeowners to cross their projierty to do the work. The job will be conside red temporary, Nelson said, and a. study mad e as to future bolstering of the creek banks. Fire Enuinc "" Purchase OK'd SANTA ANA Th e purchase of four new fire engines has been approved by the count y B o a r d of Supervisors. They will cost $159,000. Two of the engines will replace worn out military surplus rigs at the Modjeska and Trabu co stations and engines will be provided for new county fire stations at Missio n Viejo and Cypress. STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange Coun~ Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ~-- From Fashion Island , Newport Beach To make room for incoming 1ummer inventory we must close out all 1968 p0Hern1 and special Nns of all qualities of carpet. ' • •• ·i } i ' ' • •• • • ., .. ·~ l . _, l • ' • • • Flarenct D. P1tle1'1on. S5' Cvaress Drlw , L•llUl\I Btactl. Born J1nu•,.., 7', 11t:11 died Ml•cll ll, 1N9. survi....., br h\IMnd, lie<Wrt; ion. Jlllln Pit· ll!"non. of Memlltli•1 lour dlUVMtrs, .... .,. Rull! WcHI, flrllllh ColumbMI; M". N1ncv Oenluim, Ft W11rttu Mrs. Emlty w11....,, l•rtlesvllle, Okr.llllm1; Mt1. E 1111e!' W1rd, Nortlll'I, K1M1t1 lwo tltteri, Mrt. Myrll4! En1'minn r, L1911111 Hl!h, 111d Mr1. Rull! R1nM'1', Penrt1YN1nl11 fifteen or1ndc!llldret1 1r>d lour 11rt1l·t r1ndchlldren. S.-rvkM. ladl'I'• Wed"l!fd1y, 1 PM, Shel!tr Li- OUNI Betel! Mortucerv Ch•~!. Inter· ment will 111 In sn11w11u. 01<11nom1. OlrKIMI bv S"'1fet L1tun1 Beacll MorlUlr'f. LYNN C09sl Slnt ll'$. YMCA. 130D Unl~nlly Orlw. Nt..,.,'1 flttdl, l:JD p.m. Co1!1 Mes. lunlor Chtmber of Com· mt•t•, Cost1 Mew Got! Incl Countrv Club. Cosl1 Mtsa, 7:30 o.m, NO MONEY DOWN AND UP TO 36 MOS. TO PAY M1rv Lvnn. 10 5 P1clllc Ave., Laoun• llNctl. Dllt cf llelTll, Maren 11. Serv· ices pendlnv. Slltller LlllU!\I ~•di M11<tu1rv. 1110~1AS PllllllP Tllom11. Age J, 01!t of dtl l!I, Mtrch 7, Prlvai... services 1nct ln~r· mt!'! dlrK led by Wes!,tlf! Cl'nlPfl M(W'l1H1ry, ........... BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del !\tar OR 3-9450 Costa Meu l\O 1-24!4 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa LI W4S3 DILDAY ·BRO'MIERS HllDUnglOll Vall'Y MortUl'J' 1'1911 Beacll Blvd. Ilmatlngton Beacb IU-Tl'll PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAlllt CemeCeJ1 e Mertuar~ Chapel 350I Paclfie View Dri"e Newpert Beadl, Callforaia 144-!'I• PEEK FAftllLY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7111 Bolu A\'e. w1:1tmb1Rer ltl-35%$ SHEFFER MORTUARY Lapa II<... IU-llSS Su Clemeate •ti.et• ~~l!Til'S MORTU AllY m MaHi sc. thall•llff Bead> LEMAI THURSDAY liortior·Lhn Tot1lm11ter's Club. Ont•• Clfllt rl1, F1slll1111 blind, N~t llttch. J 1.m. flre1~l1tl OPtlmlsl Club of C111!1 M111, Cor1r lll!ff Rn!1ur1nt, 1'.Q Htrlxlr Blvd,. C111t1 Mesi, 1:JO 1.m, BOlrd ot Rtlllflls, Ntwoor! H1rtior 1ricl Cml• Mesa, Balboa ll1r Club, 1711 Co111l Hlvhw1~. ,.._,... leKI!, I 1.m. E•eh1r191 Club or N""'°"' Ht,bllr. SI"" g,1r1 R1s11ur1nl, ,.._., Buch. n ,_, Wntmlnsltr Rot1rv Club, Kine'• Tlflle Rn11ur1nl. Wt1lmfnJler, 12 noon Klw111!1 Club of CllSlt Me11-H11rlll, Cort i RNI R"t1ur1nt, ~ H1rbw fl lvcl,. Co1r1 Mei.a, U:lO o.m. Nt-1 H1rbor Klw1111t CIOb, Ftll- cl1no'.f,, 1617 WnkllN Drl.,., ,..._,. llddi, lt:lO 1>.m. Fount1ln Vllltv Kiwanis Club, F•- m11·. 11111 ll11ch Blvd .. Hur1f!neklfl klch. 12:1S o.m. N~lrvliw Jtotlf'V Clu.b, O.nlel'• Rt1t1ur..,1, 2':11 flriltor 51,. CCl!t Mt .. , 12 11111111, FirP Calls ......... J•5' •.m, Mllllt••· NI 1o!ll, hllf milt! wnl of ''' "" Wnlmkls!er 111u1e-v1rd Hw11!111tl• -..di 1a :1J 1.m. M-1.,, med!e1l 1111, 211J Flo!'IH. Ao!, lA 1: !I o.m., medlct l t ld, l571 cm1er• 2:» o.m .• POi iot 111111, :nf2 Gllbe'l ''" 1.m., Qlr 111'9, Douei.1 !.Pin c,,,~, 11r1c1ne 1111 Wntn111tttw l .lil o.m, ,,,,.,.,.,, .fiedk:1! t lcl, SUI Ml""""'rl ROid tl:t1 11.m., llrt lnVftll111llon. 1.00' Wllklol Ltiw. c..11 Miu 10 10 1 m. Moncllv, ci r llre. SI" Di- no l'reew1v lflllll l rhlol !1:tJ 1>m., I N,_111 n,., 100. \11 • cit Orlw, Apt, l ~:JO 1.m., l'ftt\11, l !O Ctl\ldltn 0 •!111t ~till V1llff •:51 o.m. T~df1', lif'w !nv11Ut1llOl'I, "'" 5a8f 1~11 1>.m., "°"'kl' ..._ 177l1 B11fh.llnll t.n , ...... , """""'' flft, ,..,.. sn...•e IWlllillltltl "'° 1:M 1.m. lUHd11', mtdktl lid. ltHI Gblcftlt!r L-•:JJ ,,m., rnHkllt 1kl, Truct1' 1na HeU , __ •1a1 1.m. Tllh4••· '"111\tl f'ttC:lUt, di Vlctll'le ' ~ 2! .. '·'"~ tlt\ICllH'e '"'· 1112 °''"" '"· •=• '""" 1lnKlll ... "''· ,.,, ~rnroct; 1:9 1.m~ tar.. 111tnn, -Fell'Vlew - i ' DuPONT 501·N -~ ... carwt Wllll --tur. :l. IHu!lfu.I h~ -..,,. 11!m. R lllw. '""'""'· r: lll'tnrt, white. ~n fl s-.... I " per So 1', OUR 4 29 Sq . Pl:ICE • Yd. CA,.(9£T ONL Y KODEL SHAG . TI!to llnftl lmpertN KOllel ~ ''" My II I prlcl Ill.,._ tll l!flnl. T~is Cir~ IMl!lf Mlt •I Jl,n ~ ... Vtnl OUR P1t!CE 6.95 INSTALLED OVEl'l HEAVV FOAM PADOINQ ACRILAN SHAG From car size fo room size, and over 500 Remnants. , PRICED FROM PHONE FOR HOIE ES1'11ATE 649-3349 L. & J ENTERPRISES INC. ORAIGE COUNTrS LARGEST WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE 2406 S. MAIN SANTA ANA otll llOCIC 5. Of WAINllt HOURS OAILV t TO l 1:IO i AT, I TO ' IUN, 11 TO ' -Phone 549-3349 - i NYLON SHAG COMMERCIAL TYPE TWEED TWEED l~<I Is I 'Vt(ill bin I ! -111;. 1rQ II t.lf Sa. Ya. 1. 99 ,:.::; 3 ROOM SPECIAL Choe•• lr1m S top I U•l•t)' n7lln1 Woa•1t Stl•t l•on 11 C11111n & Tt•h•,..• OININC ROOM-LIVINO ROOM. HALL AVllRAGE INSTALLATION 270 ••• 11, • W 1 fl'llll ur, II • W1 C.UI It e Wt ••• tt e W• cit t YlltY\ltlnt & 11 !h11 Mw ~1$e COMPLETELY INSTAUED $179.00 WITH THIS COU(9{ l EXTRA BONUS OFFER! WITH ANY INSTAUATION OF 30 SQ. YDS., 01 MOlf Yoa Get 6000 Blue Chill Stamps . DURING THE NEXT 5 DAYS W"""4ey, M•, 1ttll .... M•111., Mtll'. 17tti If You Can't Come In -Call us for Free home estimate -549-3349 f · ' ~ ... TY .,. ri· Jy pr of Ce "· ay .. he ol- by I .. ... } ' ' , ..• • • 1· J ., • " l ' ' • • , ) • • ' ' ' • • • i • • W......,, llri 12, lM . . • IMIL! Pl~ JS 10 Skipper8 Aw i~-S~~rt ~f 5th -~~~gress .~~up SIOPI nrrrc:..,.. __ ._ . ,.. .....,,. ...... .... -------. • ' Plcbnl <LrN -y-Cllb> •. ,..,.;; ~ ....,. .. (Ntwparl Harbor Yocbl Olll), VIVllll; Hoar)' W. Spraaue m <La!C Beocb Naval Yocbl Club), Kldnlpdof; and Teri Tunor '(Alllnia YICbt Club), J!olidaY Too. . . Y••ll• f'znl•Mlllrllsr' 1111tllll•111Jia ,..1•11''1••n ·~· ........ ,..,. .. a,.1111• A11na_t .. zwll 'k1m1 ,._lillfltlli•lllll•"' ... . ..... ; .._,, doJl•r ..u 7:r.!t! It.la la ,........... -· neal•,..G•dq· •-::·:::•' h .. Jllll ,. II I I I Mr .. ,, .... .... . .... ... ._. . . .... ..... · lftl111 ........... ri , .......... -fnm ... If., .............. ., ..... . -- ·-::·:·:.:=~=[ •:':::·~-=-=-== ...................... ... .. ..... 5 ..... I 1 L--...... ....... -\1 I " ' '" . - ' Dangers.· >!'PoWl!lelomlm,MD • . . • . ' 1f. l"'4M••lfl'lt.•T•!f'P• 11 c.. ............ , e 1ama 1 t ' .fltJ,w .. '!"fl< ,..t\ilHllC9iilif,~ ' ........... ..:....,;.tt....,..'91• ., .... c.-.. , H'M!~~;). r•.. . ........ We bl lt9«j " ._21MthRrwtlb4. ·i ........... Q.Jw.~~ -· • ..., ...... , ..... ~ ...... '! ............. ' -. 211•1...a .... •Ait•d .........,.._. ,. ~;·Dr. Steincrolm: About • · • nine rmonlbis qo my 1'1'ear· 12 Ounc.-''l 1 t ...i'i • ·, ·• .,, old daoahttt raiJl\ed tfu.. : ~c JI.I"' 'lt'l..w· I ._,.., -· -willliD I -'J!lr ;,.ii ' · 7"1 , lllJ .., . C!••er llJIDlllOml -.. falnt!ng art lieaclJicl>es and lmcular pu1oe: · JUI! before she lalnta her bUid begina to throb and she loses comciousness. She 11 out only for •bo\lt a ·minute'. She seems ' to get cold and clammy. There ' bav~been no convul.Slons. She . liad 'compla~ or beadaclJea 'but dido~ falnt apjn14"11tllh ~I ~ple of~~· ~1 Ibis week, she bas ralBIM ' three limes. '· Oar doctor sun hasn't h1 ·Idea what causes tblJ problem. The ooly lhlD( olherwl.oe ,that might be importi/of 'to lioow, f ;.. J 1. Is that the laiotiok always occurs during the Week' before her periods. . Yotrcan unde1'$1.and we are quite concerned ~\ her: Shi!' is a well-adju1~tjlild wJth plenty of frlends. She makes good gradt:!I in school and bar . been very healthy an lw Ille. Siie looks wry heolthy now. We will be moot grateful fm" any suggestions. :. Mra. u. • ~: Jn vjew of the • re~ ol lier faintiog speill lo her • perindl II would be . elQ' k> lf!Y._ "lf l 'i.1 form -ol ·pvwtng ')>OlnL H .. r 1)'111~ lire•~ due· to .~~li!~to --;"Ille 1ympbonlc nn:bellla ol the eadocrioe aluda. is· temporarily out of tune." .:.: Bal 1llldoUbledly your lamlly doet4i'-bas . ,hwfe IOID"' in- ~' -of the ~,.<( flYl!IPiomi. J ' ·l:'8di .. '~i.~. ltudy. A neurologist in coo- aultati<la will ll!ldoubl•dl,.~ ...,b ..... pbilograms (brain wave'tndngs), x rays or Iii< Rull; .... carel1!D1 ........ (with oPhtJialmiiocope) the bact~or her' eyes. In "addJUon to .ECGs; and complete blood studlei, ~sl)e should a1IO have· blood-· augar tests, thyroid tests, ~ other dla~oosUc . aortile.l . r . . ... '.lt~:lilrn DUI to be "arow-Jnl .. ' U" ~t you'll '..rest eultr yon make sure. MBDICALE1TES (ll<plle1 to Jteaden): For Mr. T.: Don't become too coocemed about your 3- year-old son's inability to straighten b.iJ thumb. We call jt a "trigger thumb." Surgery can take care of it, but I suggest you try coo- servaUve treatment first. I have been reading an arti- cle in the Florida Medical Journal, written by Ort~ James J. Conners and Lew'is J. Obi. They report on the conservative management of three patients (ages 3%, 2 and 2). In the first two. the thumbs were straightened and casts applied for 2· to 3 weeks. The third child did not have · a cut put on. Those patients who had had pluter cull, examined years later, no longer showed any lnvoluntp:ry locklng ol lbe thumb. In the third untreated pltient; there was oo "Jocking" 10 moatha later. Aa 1 llld, My T., ~ak your doctor to trj COMel'\lallve --before reaortlna to SlDJll'J· CertalDly, there'• no ba'10 iD pattlq off surgery for a few weeb. For Mn. A. : I believe that you are awa••Unr )'OW' """'1lpatioa by tUlng dally enemas. '!'bey make the bowel lazier and luier, unW such lime that chraolc and llulJ. born constipation 11 the In- evitable result. Btre is the better way to overcome con- llq>otlon: proper diet, proper bowoJ.llablls and dl'lll-belp !nm your doctor ( I I ~). F• Mis• Y.: If you are 1 0 sensitive and 0 Pl7chok>Ci<:allY unhinged" by tbl o~ acne acar1 on your· olba obit pretty lace, I would °" hetitale' to llnder10 Ilda! "•brulcm." performed by a .UDJed ~; or even CPN!der otber t r e a t m e n t ("chemical peeling") by • rtcoanlzed plastic surgeon. No one Jbould undergo men· tal IU!lerlnf wbell we have spedflc Wl)'I to reU... ll, . &Hu "'1ilJ .U1contl· --...i ·"'" od _ .. __ ,,.......i1...-- '.$15 .... 1•1:611 .. · Swag;~o~p~ · · ~ •'/I NyloolGll · ")~ ·• Cyllniltr Shade · ~ :.t~sho;O· · . ::·~.:sg· 99 :: . ' I ! ' ' " . '""' Pack of 40 ·' Pendls with Erasers • Puk or " ""'°" '" "" -··· c than $1.00. Stock up foi the ' ... home ot offi~. ........ Eled;' l'IH11ei New far Sprintl Jewelry lths •~19. Fauhlesl Tmel Syringe :=·99- .( • • • ' .. • • • . ~· i ii"x2i" band. towlls -. ••• , , .'at•• · ' . 12"112" wash clollls ....... :Jt" .. ..: .., ~ . . -. Deeply.scutpJure<I ja<quard ·•~ ..... lo!iels re· · \iecse to vetvet·soft·;vtlour ..... soff at moss! These thic~ 'abso.rlleO~· lint-free towels are 100% .,_tton teny. Gloriollsc01er$. ril•11Yfringed. '•Slight irreg~larities ,will riot affect wear ~ !j ' ANCilOR .IANDIMATIRESS PADS S.mtilf 'l'~"'·..itf,.,. "",.~mu,.. t1 ""'-Cel~!Otid icltitt;" htriin •tats fiberfilll «-intfil!lt solid toim. selectel itre....,.. Full bed-size z.aa• ~ . ' . 'SOLID C~L~U'lll Sllllis ·;, lrfiaain:e: tt, lu1ury of wnp;&,)1Ur9111'.ln the warmth, colbr and ultons of,thest! fnt~blth &llim. 36~UO" silt'.• Sli1ht·irregolaril~ will t!Ot' 1ffecl.wear. .. . . -; • ~ ..;, I' ,,. ... .. . .;~ ' . ' .. . . " ' " Co ' ST.EREO ·SO'liNbs JUllEn1 :· .. . ,. · 2 ll' sm ·TClcADD· io ' • , YDUl. MUSIC Ll~Y · · ' ·voo· have w •Hear it to believe it ... ' . ''lit!ieo' .sQOnds" truly depiets ttie •. joY;ol stereo and lamjliartii!'record- , 'rhgS'. 3!l"fuli ~lection~ QR ;i !P's. · "Silin Sitings," "Band' with a Bea~" ',1'ulsation Rhythm:• " t • , .. . ((0(1( RADIO ' . • Solld state, lnstanf ~ !. ,.. . sound • Elsy to iu~ . ,,, c\id fate • Hi&hJm-. ·. · ' ~ pKt plastK: case'.lJts ' , • • neatly on·· bfdStand 1 CIWMf.1 ' or shelf. ' , M1tf5 ' . . .. . ' ' ·" . 1 oua •EC.-• 1-bW DtlCJUNT · . " P.RIC.1 4,11 ., COMf ARE,.111.91 . -. . ' '•' . . 78. · · G.E. PORtAllE ·. . PHONOGRAPH • EACH ,. 'tlQUID 1URnl .. 'WAI I""'"" .......... sac r Iona IJ~in& '~int alld Pt"ol• ft's Mf had! , r iT·JZJ~OW. af.1'.M 1 ~-• • A delightfully li&htweight, tompact • phono • 4 sp:eeds .-plays all size records • Bright carrying:case. ' . ,. ANAllEIM·· HARBOR & Wl~l<I• ,WAY: ~ Aini S_OITH Of D/SllffW9 • · • fl I j J !I ·1 ~t\11 ,. J, • , :JJ I t . . ' (. ~ r' ,,, ...... / •• ' •• -c GUaia .. 11•. ION-IUI HOSE .·. !~~Tr~':;.~~=f : ·1-' ., ·-11, •(• I Beige, spite;_taupe, sl~s · :, , O -·· , 8\'rto It •SOld '2/9'Jc'. ' .I[' r . , reiularl:r. ' , J. ~ ."!, , • s . t s11ncli DENIM CAPii'iS--,--. 75% cott9n; 25%,nylon blen<I. l''L-~ Sizes 10 to JS. in navy, white, · 9 , maize, lime, orangt, ·turquoise. COMPAIE . Sizes 10.18. . AT 3.91 ., : .SIELtS' & TAllK TOPS $ . . · • 'An 'assortment of. novelty .cotton '1 knits in.sleeveless shells and tank ~PIH . t~p~ Assorted colors. S·M·L l!/.ll . • ,.. ~ .~ ~~'-· ..• G.oes on .' .. easi)y . )Vj lh.,.brJl.Sf\. Rr JOJ: ler. Dri es' fast! Charming -color choice! B.rushes clean. with_soap and·water. .. ' ' ' 'i •.• , ...... .. <lNAMEL FONDUE '. .. aow1,-& STAND . ·suNBEAf4 ·8 SPEED .,tENDJR · " ' ' Coi·or'fu l ena-mel Dow!, ... • •· stand·and-;:andle, great 8 8 C I • fOf keejfini fOOdS1 warm.:. WHIT£. fROllT REG. LOW " • - ' • orse·ouNT PRICD'l.28 ' " ·'··~~It'· . CO-STA. MISA · ~. 3088 BRISTOL AYI:· · r "' . ' S.TORE HoulS1 MON.·F.RI. 12·9 . SAT. 10 TO. 9 riusr Off NIWPdlf.Arf; lmmll s ... ••fEWAf AMO UllH srnfTS ' " .. ... . ' " " ' ~UN. 11 TO 6 ' ' • ' I • •. ·. T~·~~ws . ' , . Retzlaff · . . ' , , • ls '.His Man " . ' I Pmi.ADELPllIA (AP) -No)' that Leonard Tose II upon the Ph!Ljdelphia Eagl~. scen1, can Pe .. Retzlaff, be lat . By EARL GUSTKEY behind! Of ffM 0.llY ,llof Stiff -Tose, a Norristown, Pa., t.ructlng ex· Wbeo. you want to know bow ex-Marina ....:,......; lUgh basketball star Mark Sodtrberg ecutive awarded conditlooal '"'J'.'l"rship Js ~. • 1ng: at the Univeral.ty of Ken- o! the .Eaglel TJJi!sday by a bahkruptcy, ll the Jn •'• referee in Baltlmpre, favori 1the fonner tucky, you ca man , .•• .-rge, football -·t u. his coach, and -"b'•· Adolph Fle.derick Rupp. ' , .--,_.. •1.,,. Al a starter en the freshman team generil.manager u weU. ~.. al UK•••-""" the• •Socf ... The Auoelal<d Pre st l<amed T.,.. -,_,...,.., ~ "-1 Jeana 'toward Retzlaff . lhortl• aller averaged ~.I poloU per (eme a"!f II.I .1 reboundl ob a 17-4 team. Rupp wu Joseph o. Kaller, a Baltimore asked if his .Californian hu 1 chance bankruptcy ..refcne, awarded the Na~ to start next year aa a tophomore. j tional Football League team to Tose "No, he's not readv to start now," on a condlUonal bull. # IAITllN (OflU'l•INC• ) Tose won the right to purchase the· tJ:ie Baron mpooded. w. Liit Pa. •• team with a lut4Jtch oUer ol $11,055,000 "Dan lslelllll be' our M "Ai, 240-1pound jun!~r ~in.. s.n Anton1t ~ ~ 'J: ; that topped by '5,000 a bid submttted center, w a ltarter or lure. e Golden N•t 4 2 M1 i by Thotqu D. McCloskey, 1 Phllldelphla averaged 27 a aame .for ua, to Mark ~,:.~ ! : ~ :~ builder. won't beat him out but he'1 a certain 111i. Hendo 1 1 .-, The purchase, for the present, balls starter for 111 u a junior." =1c1~•1t ~ : :: ! out Jerry Wolman, who is flgbUng to . Rupp says Soderbtra encountered tome :=,. •::rcnn11 ~ ! :: !~ eta. nbl U W Iman _1_ rough aall1ng .Jn the clusroom at UK cy,,-. 1 5 .iu ~ r ID owne P· o can r......, last fall but weathered the storm. . $17 mllllnn to pay off creditors by AU(. "Like most '-1 we (et out of ''"h IN ISSELL'S SHADOW • T_,,....,. J, then'he reclaims the team. ._,__1 fund_, ... M k had ; :,?;.,':~"£~ °t'"" w.12 Under tenm ouUlned by Kalaer, TOH ~uuu' we 0 w .. t ar n Mark Socf1rbtfl 'llli.rtM 1, ...... Ml 1 ha f'-·"·-d .... babied' In bl(h ~I but we rot him , .., ...,_,M ,, .,,,._, s 10 i!Q'I· to u~ purchase etauo straightened out real quick. He's npt with Wolman and bis creditors. «olng to have any more trouble with game ln whJch he played forward. The Iii..-...'':,,~...,!'· Wolmln oald-alter the Jlve-ho;ur fl\ar-_ ·hll. bookl." • . · ·coach, who bu now pa.iled ·the Jl!l>'vi~,, ,,--'-' --'---'"'-'. ------~g In U.S. W:• ~~ ,en the buketblll ,court,,. Rupp .aaya ·tor)' tol.ll ln}I years of college c&iChlili./· aboor~ tho delta~ his llnl of the hold _M •"' '.~ .~~-~··~:~1'..jl!71!r1i~m:u•~::~h;, .. a,.d,1~f!leageat rellellllnt. . learn ~· ~· . l . • • ~~,~,.~, ; 1 · • • "we'll keep Iiiln 11 -He come lnlo Iha lop of lbe fourth All , , Iii'·-U ,,_; W.tr•)lm lliot'llll 'llllll ......... 'l!i,-Improve trelpeo-·. wllb !hi Rustkn down U 11111 proceeded men~ · leilmed that scbool da)'I you wouldn't" recogruu him doualy bet-• -and next -, to loot five lnnlnp of hllleaa ball. ''.Retzlaff, ~of U:ae NJ'L's a11-time great now.,, ' we might wt btin at ~nter IDd put ML SAC finally broke throuch the light ench, II Tole~ Ne. I choice. Soderberg hid 1 ,. • .,. hl(h of a Iuel at fonratd but I don't locil< lot i rtpt.bander' pltchlni( 11anta 1n the ninth It wu learned Tose feels coach-general points againlt the: Georgia frosh, 1n a that to happen ° ' ,, · · . 1 manager Joe Kuharlch must go-to • when Ray Johnson bounced a 1tld oU .... tore · the Eagles' public im•fO. a!Dg!e off .!be ae<ood.J>ue I?ar: Kuharl~ w h.o had four losing seasons c o Ii ' K • d B h Griffith abouJd have 1fOU1n out of. the In five yean,has been under lire by omg· aro s •. .rot er Jnn1nr wilb no troub1o becauae be fcrted the fana and press. . StoV,. l'aaner to .,.._ a perfect doubl .. Retzlaff played II seuona with the • p111 lilll lo Noel PaW-ot IJOCOlld. EaglOI and tanked U the fifth.best Paullon, }\Owever Jupled 'Ille bill oil receiver in NFL history at bis retirement Hi 400 M M u Mti SAC bad two 'mea ~ bue. · lwo yeani 'igo. ts ay ove p ' Grll!ilb -k ·out lhe third baller The . .J7.year .. ld Retzlaff became a , • .. o • ·. · ' . of !be frame but Mike S,kora laced television ·sportscaster In Philldt.lpb!a -:;-a tr1Plt lnlo' rlgh~ to chase fn two upon hb retirement from the Eagltl. • 1 ' : ,.,.,•, runs aild he later acared on Jim Ramol' Tose,: 54, like Kuharlch, is a product " WINTER ·HA , . (AP) -A .Tony C., whose tsreet wa1 feattd single. or Notre Dame. He recently was elected .' few months ago lt·•looked doqbtful that ended by an eye injury, is hitting the Mt. SAC got to Golden West slartdl" to lhe national alumni board of the ' . ,.A l"II the '·"hard 1 ·"b'li and 1 ·1 G""" Mark earlu scorln" .i. .. tte ,runs famed Midwestern university and once there wouJd. be one """n g aro on' l.lllU n e-.iu I on games Iv ng in ~the aecond .nd' &bird Wiu,p~ forclnl donated. part of $600,000 to help build 11169 Boston Red Sor. Now ·there s a every indication that he can resume Rust1er. co.Ch Fred Hoover to bring an athleUc comple1 there. &ood. chance there may be two. hJ' old right field position. Grtlfltb to the mbund. Sports In Brief H-0rnung jt)ay Land ~aryland Grid Post ' BALTIMORB A BalllmQre radio otlltion ,reporllld Wednesday that Paul Hom~ wur. be the ncrt University of Marjland foolball coach. · oul of !be depthS oi'Uie Natlonel·L<ague ln 1969. I , Alston's senUmtnlll wtrt expressed to- day as Hall of Farner Tett Williama . and the Wasb1ngton Senati>rs moved into Dodgertown for the first tllt between the two baseball teams in the Grapefruit League seuon. • ' And his ltld brother 'Billy, who was , Ron .Rlchardloli put Golden Wetl oo ticketed for more seuoning ln · ~ the aeoreboard when he ripped a solo mlnOrs, is forcing his way into ~ homer over the Jett-field fence in the t~J: :::.:. .. tflO Grapefruit l<lfUO '1";ien West briefly Ued It up In the Eaclt brother ' rot a hit and drove~. Jut 91' the seventh when M1f'OD Pines In a run In Tueeday'a '~ !Oii lo the lrlpled ~ rtsht center and w.u squeezed Mlnne.sota Twins, and Manager' Dick' home by Marki. William• was b1gb in h1s praise ~both. "There !mi a au~ player In the * * * American League," be said~ Tony. M, .... ..,..cn .._w .. 111 ' "He doesn't complain ~·an. Ht'& out ,.,IHfle. 1.c ': ~ ~ T '"'""'·., 't: 111.~ · there doln& the Jel!:•: _ . OMl!i;lflWla," ~ • • • ~ ''. .. • • • Tony got JUI .Arit bt(~ la rix tr1a · '""""""' " '"·• 1 • :"*'-cM • ! : ~ T Tuesday wilh l:·Jona:· doB't' qlinlt U. :.=;, '~· / ! l I l Mtm. ,.er • • • ' I. ce In I.ft -.i.-.-~ • , , ~Syll;on, l,lil I 1 ,I I 0.0.W, • I I I I n o:Jl-o \,_. "' 1 ~"""' a I t I I 'TMCt, Ir I I I I In earller gUDM, be No · atung the ••-. cf : : : t ~~ ~ • 1 1 o ball well, lining lQlio 4 dou~le,play, Ol)Ce .... '11Qt~ ' Griffith. , : : : : and Dying out ~ He his walked T11e1i ia • 1 .._ 'Tt111t a 1 4 1 twi~ and ltruck ouf onb' once. • ...,. " '""""' "He look. very, very good," Williama: Mt. 1e11 Anltfllt ttt •.., -~ ~ : summed .up. ~ wnt ooo 100 1oe -J 4 1 • • -~gels .~o Tra·de .. Rick • ' Wilt Bags 27,000th Point; LA Clubs Pistons, 13 7-101 INGLEWOOD (UPI) -Wilt Cham- berlain has passed the 27 ,<0>-point mart on his way to all-tlmt heights in scoring by a National BasketbaJI -A:1soclatlon player. ·· Chamberlain had 34 points -with ·1 perfect ,14-lc!r-!1 IN>m the field -;- as the Laters pulverh.ed the Detroit P~ Tueeday nllbt, 137-101. .<Del deap!tlo beJni laken out with eight riilnutea: remalning, Chamberlain manag· ed I<! gab rt rebounds and block II shots. 1111 all..ume point total now stands at 27,003. ' The giant center said later he con- sidered the· game bis "best overall" • thll teuon. Jmy West add,ed to the Laker total wllb ill poinla In !be victory. ' Loi Angeles travels north to tackle the San-Franclaco Warrlon tonight. The game will be televised on ChanneJ 5 · at 9. t'hamberl1ln wasn't the on 1 y One to set a rtcord Tuesday night. A crowd of 11,444 puahed the Lakers' retUlar seuon· attendance milk to a r!COrd bl(h of 137,114. Three home games still remain on the scheduJe. Dave Bing was high f or Detroit with 22 points. But he couldn't offset bot learn shooting by the Laken 11 lliey finished with a 58 percent average. uHe wu jwt tremendou:1 tont,ht." exult'!d Coach Bill van Breda Kolff of Los Angeles about Chamberlain. ·"He is playing much better aM everyone's playing better," Van Breda Koll! said. "When I c:ameJ to i.ot Ange1es," said Chamberlain, "I said it would take a yf:ar for me to get adjusted to the playl" and for them lo pl adjul1<d to me. We're getting adjusted:'; DIT':.'1' , 1' LDI Afll:ILa: T 11.r1tmy .s •It II ll•rltr .s 1.11 11 •Int ' "-1 n cti.m~lr! 1• '"' :w Oltdl~ 2 2·2 ' COU!lll J W 12 H1lrsftlrl I 0.0 I Erlcb(in 2 ~ I Koml¥• I 3·' $ W11t I 7-7 D Mcl1mor1 I 2·> ' Mde.wn J N ' fo\1111 •1·1UC.r1y JI-I ' MNrt • 0.0 12 Crlwhlrd 4 M f or..., 1 H o Eo•n o M 1 Walk1r $ M 11 Hl•lna 7 l·t 1• G.!lli;on J ,., 11 Htwttt • ... ' To!ilt a 25-3' ta. T11t11 U 11 ... 1'1 0stro11 1' n JI a -111 LOI ""8tllt U 1S U al -1:11 F1111ltd 1U1 -N-. To1tl twit -Ottrolt lt, ltt Anl•lel D. The report wu made by Eddie F~nton of Metromedia staUon WCBM. Fenton. quoted what he termed reliable sources tn reporllnf the foriner Green Bay PICWI mr woud be• i!'.emed I<! the poet from which Bob ift'atd resilJ>ed Wt week. Marylend's 1thltllc d~oclor, Jim Ke b o e. when 1sked by lhe i\UOClll<d Press about I.be report said, ''You know IOllltiblni I don't know." "" " ...,-SAN DIEGO -Tiie Sa Diop Cbar(en ol * --Footlloll League -aie city dakrimla11<d In favor ti die .S. IMeg9 Padres' N• Uonal Lape bMtW team. Biki:pi. ()lym pies at Rosarito Be~ch ' KANSAI an, Mt. -WlllUier Ooltce -• 1-..r fllP Point CGliece toafpt lo Illa -nuad of !be Nill '9tffl"''1 •mf't11tMP1. Wlllttler ltrt&dlied .ltt winning 1trt1k lo H poin ,..._., by w.ippleg Cllfll'U OrllU, 71.71. .. VERO BEADI, Fla. -SJ>tedi 1ays Manqer Wall.er Alston: can be: 1 blg factor In wuna l!>e Loa Angelet Dod(ers Tbe ~ lllo(' ........ -pialnl TtteldaJ ii urww ta Ute db''• S.perltar Coatl lalt for 1111,tll la "'al for - ol .. -!ail ,..,. Tbe leotball lum ... wl-Ille ,..~ <ffteodlae H 11 eodlled lo eqaal lru-1 stveo the PattrM, • aew tqmlllte tum. OAKLAND -Rooltle Larry Miiier !allied a cmer hllh ol 17 polnla ,..,_, nighL lo lead She uoderdot: Loi AnaeJea Slart to a 1Sl·11$ win oVtt the Oakland Oaks in the American Basketball AmclaUnn. · r NEW YORK (AP) ...: i/tltllna Nellon, blonde, pil·lllled and 11, -. there draped In cologne and ablUI two ounceo ol red -damut and Nici, l"lo tlr, honestl1, ahe ii lfdllnl reody for the Mexican Games. . "I, too," piped up Devon Blaln, blonde, 1Teen-eyed and ti, her 1Tammer as dr<um1pect u ber ~ figure. Devcin wa1 attlnd ln two thin strips of gold lame, stra,.g!cally pla<ed and 1ll1lenlng under lhe chlndeller l!ihll of the 171h·Ooof health club In • mid· Manbatlan hotel. 11Excule me," aomeone latm'jected, "but the Mexk:an Games were held last year -remember?'' "Oh. -p:e • ,d!!!<l'lllt kind of Games," aald M1ll Blaine. ''Tbue are , called the Blltlnl Ol1mpla." · · Krl.stina and DeYoa, who d& con- alderable for a bikini, On Into New Yort from Loa Anctlel lo help pubUciJe what 1nust be the moet unique •porting event -If yoo can call It that - of our q:e. 11'1 a l(>Oclacl• de~ped only for the red-blooded and U-with zo.lO villon. • The date II Saturday, Marci> 11. The alte II Roaarlto Beach In Baja, Malco, i u.a I below the Ca!Uorni.a boNer. The • -.ia: Silly ot-the moot beautllol g!rls In the 'l"fld, all wtarJna ·hlkjnls. The contest wlll be shown n1Uonally on AllC'a Wide World of Spoc11. Tbe Idea came cul of the head of a i.,. Angeles promoter, Den Wlllls. In· uhaUltive l'eltarch, Dan dllcoveted that what TV audiencet like most are pretty flrll and aporta. So why not combine lhe two? The IO curvaceous conteslanls, drawn from around the world, will oompe1e -all weertng blltlnlt -In lelecl<d tporll eventa. Each may .-three from amooc nlmmfnr, \llvtna. bukelball, 1)'111-nutict, mhery, uunpollne, molCrCYda ridln1, boneback rldlna """ dune '""'1 driving. \ ' They get poinll by qualllyln( In theao specialllea. Then they compete In a blktnl !><auty cooteat In which IS Jud1es lfHo fhem on a fact.or of 10, w'hlcb ii perfect. The sporla polnto are added lo tho beauty coolest polnll lo determine the Blltlnl Olympic gold medallll. ,, •• I l • • • • • = • • = µA+• . ; . . . .. '"" S¢uµpp; JS DAILY I'll.OT 0 I Newport-:QCLA Regatta Nex,t ''V· 'I .~~e · S~iW.~s 8,r~e~e .AI~~ .Co~st!~g·.Past ··Q 0~9 ·i ion ' ,( By EARL GVSTU:Y "' i •lllJllni pennlsilon to build a W. TbJ ·, !Tb& !!"f!>!ir .1Dl!lrlcl bu oK'd Ibo °'"' ... ~"'I"" , •''" T '· -Boy mi. ~ oome, ol ~;,waler l"\>J!id, w:lt\I 1li' sllpulallon \hat Coul Despite. being bull•le\l•by ·Ill winds spoce f~the c0llege'1 ~lieiidl ·._re a ii c:' t or1""!ove Ille "OCC 'CREW" from lhe· po_UUcal arena; ~rance.Jl>Ut 1 ..... 1~ \' j 1.. t · 81.gn ,'on tlie ,filsttWay aide 'of tta lheD College's sailing team ~· .,.. • ., ' •:-rlie • .Biy Club want,, ~!;,property bouse: , ., ' , daunted to dominate Weil boo.Ii coi--· icl they'do bllild another high~ &par\-Tbe 1lgn;t11o· district uys, ii lit viol• :1eglate·compeUt10n. . J 1 ·meotitiuilding. We uilni< tllo publtc -ild 1Uoo ol the cltY llgn eode. 81.,,. nwsl Uhder new · coach Da0e1 ~~ the' rat.her ~ve that view Of the ocean' . cover rio more than .40 perctrit of. • OCC s.klppe.rs hav'e placed fourth, aecond and have .the property used u a1 pub8c ., wall area or 200 square feet, whicheftr and tint three times in Spr, Southern facllity," Grant told the DAIL~ PILOT.,. .• is more restJ:ictive. . . S:erte:i regattas. t • Oran-Coast hu ftlne years reiftafnln( n · 1Grant says the sign meets thOle re. The Pirate sailors will go aft.tr tt>etr on iU ~ of the bbch. It 'h'u'1 •ied · qutreMenta. 1 t ·, fourth victory of the lealOD JSaturday, for a 50-year lease from the Harbor And lbe'.fl.ap goes on, l April 12, in the N'ewport-UCLA llogaU., Dbtricl; U lhct when Orange Cout ever bulJdo in the Newport bay. • I , • J.Ji~§l!!ven1, generllmaniger,ol'tlle , lil·dock, it "ill moor;tlwee Lehman Chuck ii ln, bil fiilt• yeari u pcc~1 Bay Club, .. dlsputea Grant~&. claim et 10'11 a; .flYlrc -junior and two IOfoot . sailing cqacl[ •. A ·~ Bil 1kl/nier &··BBC,pqwer play; , _ r Shield~ 1l90J!'!. ; , himsell, he I'!'~ b et l~·Dlve·:Grlnt;, "When •\!>< C\)llege requested a 50-~ "We've been Imposing on the hospltall- who also cO&cMI tllo...,lltge ere'!'.·~ • · ~. we . told the Barbar Diltl:Icl we ty of a num~r of people •!>\ llav• Grant says Orange Cont ju.st re_cently · 11\0Ughl ,ll w.Wd be:un~~ for °'11111" let us moor Our boata1 u their olips oblainad ponnialon from uie -~bor Cont to Ile up that property. We ,~.i lo the~·" Gran! says. "~ut, bi>~, District to build.1 • dock •her:e it will the ~1ct to consider all other we'll S<l:On ba"'.e .out own pJa:ce1 moor )ii boail. posslbillUes for the. prope~ .caref1!1J¥ . ·"We've trad!Uonllly domlliated West' "We'd been trying for two years to before endorsing a 51>-year lease.", Coast colleiiate sailing and thl. k the make th4t improvement on' the property ln the m~antlme, ·OCC. will ~ ~ad best team Orange · Coast has baa in we lease and now that we l have tth~I ·.1~~lt~ts P~ for a doCk .pro~·iOr· ·theJas't~years." OK,, ll's ...Uy a big boost -·f~,"oar . . ;.• . The' Bue skippen are Tom BWell 11.Uing program" Grant commen~. ,,.. .. · '- Gr~atesCOller_ ot~AU' ~ --~DAIL'( PILOT P!l!f! h' Rklllnll K..-.. 't.-~.-- The salllni teim shares the be~~ninl Pele ~ri\loo, ,Cbril Colby, P,•te ~· · 1aciut1 the"conege crew ...... adjacent CIF . Cage ·~cores· ".' HarrY. r•tt11oo, John Scru8P and · Lee -Mike 'Contreras (30) is en his way for anOtber bas~· ket against Sunny Hills in his prep career finale last Ftiday night. He became the hlghesf scoring var- sity man in school history, 'tallying 1,477 points in to the , Balboa Bay Club on 1Qoast · • • Snea&ker."" t•i ~ • 1 • r Highway. 1 ~ I ' ' AAA ' · • 1 Chuck; a ~Newport Beach· 'Mcfent, Is three seasons. He 4a.d 1,817 for iour years of Oiler Grant claims the Bay Club has 'been Santa Maria 70, Rowland~M . ~ an en~1n;eot at·~·S&ate <Lane tllo 11011tCe of OCC's dilncii1tfs.'in ob-.Beverly.llilll 95, Bbbop Amu 75 Beai:h), -cage action. · 1970 · (:age Playoffs Anaheim Due Host Role For NCAA .·]Jegionals The Anaheim Convention Center has the inside track , for next season's far west ?lCAA college division basketball regionals. · After making stops at San Diego and Las Vega! for ' the past three seasons, the tournament seems headed for Orange County, although San Francisco will sub- mit a bid. Larry Kerker, Humboldt State athletic director and chairman of the regionals selection committee, 'told us in Las Vegas over the weekend that he'd like to see the tourney in Anaheim next year with UCI as the hOst. • With University of Nevada, Las Vegas. moving up to the West Coast Athletic Conference and accompanying university ...J*********'* EARL CUSTKEY ***"" """******" division status, UCI will have a Vf:.f'/ •trong shot at a third straigbt bip to the regionals. "We'd definltely li'ke to havJ!l'f the tournament in Anaheim next ttar," Kerker said· "We might have been there this time except there has to _be a host school and UNLV was the defending champion." The Anaheim COnveotlon Ce'bter arena Is strikingly similar· to Las Vegas' facili- ty. Anaheim seats about 7,200 for baske~ ball, Las Vegas 6.000. Despite promises to the contrary, there were no sellout crowds for the Las Vegas g~es. * * * WRAPPING UP VEGAS -Nevada fan1 got 10 out of band In Saturday nJgbt'a cbamplonsblp gatne with San Francl1co State tbp.t .,UNLV coach Rolland Todd bad to gtt on the PA and auounct: "If tbfre's any more debrk thrown en tbe ·court, we will have a ferfelt tbl1 1lli:le to San Fran· daco." i . Upttt at tbe offldaUng, lunaOcs al coartalde were tossing' trash at the referees and running up to the sideline and Clll'ling them. It wu a revolting display, parUcularly 10 la view of the <bet that the refs were Pacific.I 0Ulclal1 and doing • lir1t.. rate job. * * * The UC Davis b,and nearly took the play away from the baSketball Fiiday and Saturday nighil. The grubbily d_resS- • Sports_ Calendar I, • ed mu~'!licians performed largely as they did at UCI two months ago save for one revision. This time the band director, a long. haired, beafded character, was decked out in a moth~aten band director's uniform, complete with gold braid and a bent orange plwne atop his hat. *· * * Dave Fontiu.s wasn't around after the championship game to leam he'd beeri named to the all-tournament team. After playl:a1 In the preliminary game in which UCI won tbJrd place, tbe Irvine forward left lhe arena to ezplore Las Vegu' cultural offerings. * * * BUGGY DEPT. -The biggest event of the year locally for dune buggy and Volkswagen enthusiasts arrives Sunday at Orange County Intei:national Raceway. Buggy anlf VW owners will flock to oCIR for the track's second annual "Bug~ in"' fOr an afternoon of oH-tbe-road rac- ing, 1lalom biail and drag rllCing. A ~by circus tent will . be set up to display the laten In accessory items foe buggies. and VW's. * * * MYSTERY DEPT. -,What Newport- Mesa Mgll scbool, administrator has it In for the likeable basketball oHlclal, Spttdy Castillo? * * * SOCIAL DEPT. -Here's two not to be invited to the same party - Dave Grant and Dick Stevens. Top Spike Aces . Vie Saturday • At Westminster Another fantastic legion of high school track talent Is s e t to invade Orange County Saturday as the 48th annual Southern Counties Invitational unfolds at Westminster lfigh School.· Despite the absence of county powers SanLa Ana and Santa Ana Valley, tbe field is deep in talent for all events. Reading tl}e entries are a pair of South Torrance stars. Steve Smith is the defending state pole vault champion (15-V.~) while Decker Underwood ls one of the favorites to capture the DAIL 'i PILOT mile trophy. He ran 4:17.S during a January all-comers meet al O;ange Coast College. Rueben Chappins of Excelsior Is tbe defending state two-mile champ and has a best of t ;03.8. lf La Habra's Rueben Mejia (t :o&) lhows for the meet the two mile could be a clasSic. Two others are under .t ,Ja. ) Vince Buford of Centennial ( 41.1) chaDenges Bob Langston o( Long Beach. Millikan (411.6) in the 140. Four h.igh hucdlcrs have run 14.1 or faster this year. And set.ting pace in the 100 'is Howard Williams of Muir, who ran 9.5 a1 a aophomore. He wu lnetlgjble last season. Mllfr is a solid choice for lhe large schools ltt1m ti tle. ~ • YOUR .-CHOICE! AMBASSADOR BY FISK "CONTININJAL Dllllltir 27 -™ 8UAIAN!'ll • ' .. .121• $14.96 $16.46 $17.96 PREMIER BATTERIES 4 DAYS ONLY '4-C?!!.. ---... 11: ....... .., ... , FITS WOST CHEVTs, f'l. yt MOUTHS.. 1'0JlllTIACS. M ... II.EU Fll:OM 19)6..Jl. FASf FREE no&srA~noN .... •ai-111 dltd: ,...i.....ry, ....... ,......""''"· ......... · --.~ ............. ,\T NO CHARG& • OIL MISll .... ... 47' • °""ONO' .. ti OUMCll ' 4)·1JIZ ' ';-' . '. ' . .. , ' " . ' • • ... ... ., " ... ~. • l'., I .. l~R.Y ltTO 14i ,. • • JUll. ll'f:O.J . .., LIFETIME · GUARANlEID MUffLEI a a.To·--• .c--. v.v-. IDIN.•1.-.. a •• .---" 4-DAYS ·:1.·o· 'NL. Y' l ' : , I I •· •. •: 1W1N JR AUTO· A"· •CoNDITICllB ' •, .... f ' ' J?ATS O!Jt.Y\ "t ' ' '~9.97 ,. ......... ·, ' " '·' , .. (¥ltd• .._.,,,.T,J,,,'.O.'. ...... _ ... ... " '. I r . THESE IT~MS GOOD ~T TflESE LOCATIOtfST GNL WUTMINSlll 11441 .. CH II.YO. Al..., ••••• tt2-20ll • • _,.Q1'. .... UMCOUI Aft. ,.,...,.,.... UI I'°' l _A,All • I ' IHI llACM an . I • '*i<i--• 12J-J041 '· • , ' li i.; • COSTA-IAliTA AMA U11 HAHOI an. • ·-······ ··-~-' M1-20U I 146-JIU .. . .. ' • .. ' " ,. ,, ' ~ .. I :i ~ ' • ( . ... ' If Dlol.Y IUf Wat tu,-...n.twt I Start Your Engines! by Delce Hou(gote Yw mlllll aped tllat Ille -el • el 1111 w...it'I ..,... ....,.a1oo -... lllle .... jlllt ..... -- .. • ''"" _..u, I t11a1 --J1114 him •r lilllllap .. -..... -1111 CGlilplllllon. 'l'bll'• Ille pclllllml s. E. (llunll)) -" Fan! ...... 0.. -~ II, 1111, -.. ·-"""'llllii! - la -........ _, -......i --ud -mnu rp Ill pleb ap ti. ..,_ and ealll lllclll7 ftl Wrlpilc nWle F''t Mlw• Klllllllat ad '1'•1.- liu ·-a -el ... IU ROI projocll ......... lo pcadt a. c '""9'11'1 .. adad&. .......,,, 1111 -" -lllcbf ,,,_ ...... - ... tua a 1111 Jmnf,. U *9 t:rlDd ' '' 2 1 1' 114 .. --llp ..... -........ l'anl'I' ...... pllai Iba 'l!olmu • ~ II -·er Cam1I ~ wu at -11ca. TMn t a.nnlma'llal0 ...... ,..11,__a_ -P.¥-U*I I DID -el 11'1141• .. bid -Ill, lllolloJ ml .-1 ... ~ Oapll Ill --• aplOd ....... a.. .. -1111 ............. . _.,.bid 1111 Int drlld la ... ---lllcb7 ,.. bocl: II Ille .a wllll a c:f&u'obapad -· poooNd by two __........, In wllldl Thuq-pJaanid lo lnU tbl DOD-jot land aplOd _... el • m.p.h. held by Ille s.-lnlbera. w-..-... -1111 -1114mpt, bat 'lllompo ..... IOOll --Gii -· 13' ...... llt b1I ... bl Lona: .......... thtt MW tmmd eat to be a matched pilr el dn( rocio1 flnl1 can dallllad J1a111n1 llacb I and Madi n. 'lll1s -bodt CUI will .. In -al Rl¥eralde In Ille Hot .Rod ........ dnC -llat their died "' Ille cln& ...... -unity .... alreadJ -felt. °"lall la Ille dlamp el -'I U.S. Piie! ml Ga -. and at 7.IO -11111 Ill lllflt -can i"* -11 aallotltablo In their cJw • 1111 ---- Tbe ---lllcbJ -·-.. lo'-with 1111 ....i llllr !ID a -fwm el mot« ~ dune ball!' rattas. . Dane .......... -,.. _,-. .. Ille-· pllytldnr d lolb wllo !De ta -wltll m-=-r. Tbq --.. a dtJ-IMJ"""' who hid .. -btw bow lo lib II aport. To pl a dime .._ ""1 1111111 Nl""Ne Giii. N... that ti. lad d. """°II ml drivfnc -buglaa II llnnlY ellllll-. ii · II '"'7 Jos1c11 lllal a amall call d car Diii -W -ti.I U. hJPat pmpooe d. a -ball!' la ractmc. ,,,.,,_and ___ ..... ....,.._ lnN--a. mdllll-raco li 'a--. Illa lllnl ... a lwlMlay m,..ie far ...mal In aeme d. Nanda'• mare plctw&QA wild oaaatry, .......... lnlantapartel_...., ...iaa11u ...., •• 1 rqidlf, ii II lllll In Ill tftnlll>o llate. VW qinll ue Aid lobolllli.t ~. 'J'hc11111 , howe..-, wlD rw www ....... Nnadl pow•id byi'riA .... ,... ....... ___ ..... lomm\ol a dim fi • t U8IM ear, IDd it dm:hp1' a ..U. apt v .................. . A lot ti -...... wwe llodlpOlll II no.tlonl, Mlc:IL, -... P''llAm -... .,,, .... -......... to bl ........ Nleb7 ... Mm • iihiitlr'gmd .. dna.Cratt • """' -far lllam. Nm 1111111 'lllOl1-ca-ue -nclol ml 11111"' a fllnc --ean. A Cmt-Am 41111 ... II Dll Olli ~ tbe ., ....... 'lh11pc:m aald became tbe tint .. nclftl .............. * * * C.-.rtAle ..... .R8c:•n ne ... _.,o...r __ .. .,....., lltllt-ncear. Te"'" Ml ... tfaM W1 '"''• Ptlllw ..... , .... 6e ..v. In& .._ ... , ... 11 " ••• • • • ca ..... tJIAC ,, '" '" ............ ndaa .... ' Be CD *fN 6t Cir at I •Mplll .,11 IWIJt ... ,... al(old<tlllM_ ... __ llMllc--f-..... ar_A ... _. ......................... ,..,, .... .....,.,. .. feraces Mwwww m. fer WAC ~ ti II Pia an ... ICCA .... n1111n 1aa.-.......... •zs ·,,, ' ·-llnl .......... -.. ........ train It -.......... , ....... -..,.., ...... ... ,..... ...... __ ·r-.w.n11- oa11e .. __ ..... ..,...... Nm camo Ille ml luL VIM: --a 'ltolalllo ..,ae!IJ, ... ll(lCA Wla al a pl' II _... F-muDed ~-Nat amt ............ " ................ .. -•-•MllMJ.ear• ,.,.1o111wr.- A -_. ---='tr -w1fll' fte W, _.. 1,111 a.11111 ........... -... fw I _ ..... .., Wiii ·-I Etlfl11a Folllller duugod 1111 lbouldl!I ml Aid, •y,.. CID'I have eva,tlllnl." He .decided IO sift aWIJ a Diiie welallt and Ille cornorllll •antaao el a ...... --... IJ&htor tracU. Ill -U. ear wtD bandJe JUll u wtll on Ille 1111 -and .... _, plan .. -· all Ille Formula "--·. nwn wlD bo -.,..._ I« Ibo car, • a -r...r for lndtaMpolll 11111 1111 ..,,.. "'1....,_ and hit Olmoletl, each matddor ... -""='-d.1111 hit nc1o1-. Uaq Ille IJIAC "'11ee, a 3111 ca. In. llOct b~ Follmtr ~ Ille _. II 0•1q4llllM, In 1111a 1«Mty .., U. _..ne tract at ~ lie WU rf&lll at Marlo Andrtlil'I «>Urae ---lap. For BOCA ,._ r-wlD -a • cu. In. Cll<Yy, -Ille 11t wlD be -far IJIAC raad ,_ ml abort ...i-. Bo 11 ao baPP1 wtlh Ille oatairDe d Illa ~ lllat -... Ill-tllouPI lo .... lDlo Ille _ .. nee ar t ' ' I tMa11neaa. ~ II -drawboct, 1111 lnillal ......... d 11i11n1 :.r ..:t":'r, :. i:-·;..:;..11meru-"! ::i !Ille°':.,! 'Jril!I •a ....... A Lola." '!1lal _., trial Ille "poor bof" ract car In at ~ lib ....... ~ ""'' a ear 11 lndllDlpolil lodq for ~ -tflal price. ....,.,. -""" -of lllooe bolter idlll. 1 • Barons . Whitewash ~ers,-5.0 fClllllaln VIDIJ' Mmrrwnd HillllJDl!ne 11oac11, M, and "'-•loll .. La Ha ..... N, la R••...,_ Beacll ma ---Tuaday • .. ~"' Retunu Area Swim Powers -To Yancouver , ~ eo. ......... --wlill•lhlpt.., 1•1ndMdUal.-,(l:ll.I) . FrtcLOwtas.-cllHctM of -...... --.od lo ... 111-h'll ... and andlllel01f7(17.I). -and w r eat 1101 boavfl1 \II tb11 W..1-allO~ 11Ille•1roa. Ntwpelll ' llarllor qullfled ...... ll Golden We 11 pnllma ~ --411 '1111 .. Ina ntaJ team Dina --ml hit reLll' Collep will bo a featured ~ -Mftf!tn ud d. Wllillbr, Olrt l'1llmlol, i.m ID ...tly-headed --II Ille ....W B. J E•-iilllb =--d Ill 'Jiii Roy ml Cbrll Ga..-"1 Jell Wlloll. 1111co& tlln>ICI C. Liolll eoachl"I tllnlc In n11nmen" .. ,,llMUDI ID Boa apadlbe~lnl:a.1. ID11:1Ulntllol00breaat. Vancouver, Brltlah Colwn-act1oa, qua1m111 Ollno m, Olbm" quallllira far 111,111 Vanlt1 ~for Ellll>- bl1, April II. . -ml \IOlh nloJ -In wnkY compOtitfao .... cl1 .... Dan Randall In Ille OWtns wW be speaking and w!Q ,-. lo MDII•-Roy In the ll'lrte, Plllllllea IOO end IOO lneltylea, David to v ..... ver anoa high l:.'li.1J:."->' nlPI al(IC< %.i ~ao~":"'O:., ":": DeGr-In Ille 11111 bad< ud VIOltlnl l'llUlllaln Va 11 e Y scbool coacbel on junior col· At Jordan, N~ Jllrbor IOI 117, Rm Xlalolek In Ille Ille madlq relay tam. AUTO LEASING AIM-. ,_, 1969'~ 4 Dr.,Lan .. ................ CORT fOl IWlll& 224 D, W. C.-Hwy. Newport -. c.llf. 642-- ~-... i-.- llonnd "' U. atn>ar rlll>t lege 1tbletlcl and coacblni and Coata llCeu, Ille latter 100 back and J17 . -1• F.d Clllford led tile Bees arm el J17 111aD1oJ ID 111 ldeu In Ille United Stalea. a aurpr1ae -· wlD Ila> In Ille 11111 bn111 aJooic wlth wllll 1 lint In the 100 free -win -Ille Ollu1. Owem at ooe Ume coacll· ret.n 11 7 Friday ev...., the·medky relay team. and <lr'I Goodyear lumed In HI -Ille dlitance for Ille eel at Vancouvtr Cqlleae for for Ille flzllll. Mall Waldellcll led Coe tiie bat -In Ille 100 brUll a..... 1_n~v~e2yean~~·~~-· ~~~~~Da~ve~Whl~tat~er~led~tbe~Coata~~~~·~m~m~en~~·~llh~flnll~~ln~llle~~for~El~ota~~Dct~1.~~~~~.'.::==:===:=:=:=:=::::: La Habra -..! Ille nm It -lo win In Ille fifth inlllnl ... ..., lllll)to al La All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday Habra • Wtltm!DM'• hopel ••• rochd ln.tbl !Int lnnlq when ealdierGrqWelltrwu lalochd F,efy In I -plate -llldPdtolaanllle ..... -Ille fomlll lnnlnc. TM ...... IOl"edallfiYO d. lhelr """ In Ille finl lmW>i en ftft bltl, two emn IDd a walk. ,._, * * * PIUNTAHI YAU•Y CJ) • r •,.. :::: ' ~::: I: d .. I I I ~.rf 4112 ....... ., 111 1 ...,.,u. ltlt ~c It t t HIO.t.11 ltlt JttMw. • J ••• '"'" a I' 4 NWTWMTOM lbat CIJ -·· -M _,., --~ ._ .. llul&. d -· Wiii .... -· T ... • r 111"6 I t t t I I I O J • • • I I I Cl 2 • 1 • J • 1 Cl I I I I :II I I I :I I I 0 • ••• ---~•v.nw •• ._, t I HllllftlWtai• ............. ' ' .......... (I) .. ' . .... l:fr•" ......... OJ ~2~1~1, 1: Jiii ---"I' a .......... ... --~-l y..._ SI ....... Sea Kings Post 5.0 Triumph eor-de! Mar -.... -Jell Tuoaclay af. 1iemoaD in N • w po r t-Maa dlalrlcl blP -boRbaO ac:ti'ri\l'. Tbo Ilea ltlDp ballt up an ~leldud-toa M win ..,., mtllnl TUllln wbllt Ille EqJea ._ Joalnc, J.I, lo their ..-_ Fullenat. Wlnnlnc ConlDI clel Mar r: Dan iSafder -four for Ille declaloa, 11'1nl ap tine hlta Ind llrlklnl CIUI two nDen. . Elllncll ¢tdlor Cbock Lolltb went fltt lnnlnp -Fulllrton -him from Ille Im In Ille flltb will> Ill two '11111. Tbo•Eqill aond lllelr only ""' .. • -ulc:e l'1 "' ~ lllat llCOl'ed Tom -Coraaa 11 four-nm third tn- ~ WU llfllrktd fl1 fdll off Ille boll d. Ila 81!,yder .... Jobo Kelly. * * * c... .. ,,.,,n,,,. t 1111 -~ ·-·· ·1111 ¥'.: , I ...... --·::,,_,,. Ctnftt ... Mfr ,., ... _, • 2 1 :-Ill .. r1 ll """ ,,. 14 1 ........ 2"'fAoff. ...... 1 ..... ... wwclJ..111 ... ... .......... Mctl ... . Tlilt •••H h1• ......... . ... .. -...... ...... -· • r..,.ti I ,.Cr ..... '"'' ...... 11.i. .............. ., ....... ··•·•··· la ---_, 30 months guarantH with 15 months frH replacement 070.14 FM/white tubtl.U plus 124 fed. tu: ond old~.. (69 .. 14) 34.95 170.14 Nd/white tubeleu plus 2.33 hd. tax and old tire '70.14 red/white tubeless plus 2.44 fed. tax and old tire '70.IS Nd/white tubelHS plut 2.50 fed. tax and old tire Q70..14 reel/white tuber .. pl• 2.59 fed. tax and old tire (17(1.IS Nd/wlaUo tubelm plus 2.69 fecf, tax and old tire 36.95 (73 .. 14) 38.95 (n .. 1•) 38.95 (ns.u) 40.95 (12 .. 11) 40.95 (11S/12J·1S) H70.15Nd/wfa;totubelHS 42 95 , ... 2.15 fed. tax and old tire • (145/15 .. U) FREE tire rotation every s;ooo miles! 'j FREE punctu ... repair for lit. af tl'9ad! FREE tire mountln9! fOREMOIT TIRI GUARANTIE o.a-..~trllld-t Big news in drag racing ... A f/x RACING SLICK If pour tlN _,.. out Chlflnt tM 111'1t half Of ,,. l~flntM P•rlocl, r•tum It w11n your tu1r1nt• cll'llfluot• 1nd .,._~ -II "Pl-YOWr tlN wttll , n•W llr• eh~rllnt YOl,I SO'!lo •-th.111 tM cWJent Mlllnf Pf}c;, lndudlnt l"MIWM 0'1M T11111r \'OUr tir. __, Olll durlltl tN 91C:Ol'ld halt, _)'OU_t:llY 2S .. 1.n tnll'I tfll currtnt: lllllnt Pfke lnclUClll'll .. ....,.. EaiclM Tix. • No recaps ••• all brand n1w tires • 4 ply 'wrinkle wall' construe· tion operates at reduced pressure for lightening starts a_.......-.. flitvN Ir -...,.,... ti. llN cturlnt' Ille fNe ,.PllCllMl'lt P"lod. tMt'9 1f no c:tll'll'; If -re~ llW tire 1ftw IM ft'-.plK-1 WIOd, you r'f SO'!lo or JS ti. I-t flan 1111 cwr«it •lllnt p.1u o tr. llrl IMhlClll'll F.nr.r bdNTU, ' Commtrtill u. Thll tuMlnl• It YOl1I whet'• PftMP1t1r tll'9f m l.IMlll en trvcq, UNd for ttut1net1 or 11r1-. °""' ao,ooo milts In ont ~. ' ...... .......... ,....,.. ...... flll .. ...tc.: .............. ,..... ••••••••••••••• 30 --,,.. ... a: ••t,....wid ••••••••••••• 1-11--., ""' .,. ............................. ta.D ......... as.,,,..._ .................... JiJ.a ...._ Fo ... most" A F/X st.el dish Whffls 4/$88 T r90I your car to a set , • , smart, slott8d, with new center hubs! 800/15().14 tubelea plut 1.5' led. ""' . 30.50 P.'J0.1' tvbel,.. plut 1.79 fod. lax 31.50 90().15 1u1aei.. p1 ... 1.n fed.••• -.. -....... :. .... --31.50 800[90!!-I~ tub.I ... plut 2.29 fod. m 49,50 10.00.15 ........ p1 .. 2.11 fod. ... 54.50 • " Hurst kit ' for Myst.ry ' ' Shifter ••• 32.95 All necessary hard- ware, boot, plata in smooth working unit. ' • ~·~-· .. j'! l1ilr--~:::--::-:-:-:::-:--------_____; ~!,;;.' .... .. ...... l 11 NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH ,_ .. .,. A' f ., (Fashion lsl1nd) (Huntington Center) 1!1tlmd• '10COOO-I J ""------------------------------------.:.... ________ _j .. r ' -----------r--"--------~----~-~--"' -r ~WoodR0n$ t 15.2, 19.7 ,For Eagles Swill Rlclw'cl Wood o1 Bt-lancla brolce two ICbool flill'. J!!e record• for the 'Eagle "'~""'•i' allernoon wben ho '<locked IU and 11.7 In lhl .)>Jlll>a and Iowa In I dull -I ;.111111 SaddlAlbact. • Thi Eallu beat '1alllnc laddlebtck, 71-11. Rall)i~ Monarchs Win, 42 New Baron Coaeh Faces RebuiMing By'llOGl!ll\ CAllLSON 1114• !or I starting rolt. 1 Tlvee untan¥d runs 1n the °' .. e.ie, ••• ,..,. 4 Me 1 fto ~ ..,,~•'-·'"• .......... "Ml~ 1ounl4Jn Y•U•Y, IUrh -.r . p ~yer " , ~ _,... ~-.-~ BchoOl'i •mltr balktllllll realJY. lillp Ille vanity picture Del ll1P lcbool lrcJm "81Jlnd · ta1111 hive had wlnnlnc II Mlh lblbata, a .. 1 !orwonl. to qpl\n a • U nrllty "''°"' !or two 1'lrt In • Ka-1111 all of Ibo •bovt batlball declalCll OVlf 81n11 mo, but dtancll !or & !lllrd 11" .. celllnt lhooterl but the Ana v1u.y TuudlJ altornoon 1ttal1bt IUCh eampolp will Baron1 eould suUer on the hlop 111 °"' relurnlnl vontty hoard1, dllplle belnc 1111 hll-on Ille toaer•a dlamood In Ill• letterman and i llock ol jlllllor 1ut team ever at rocmtafn llCOlld round ol lhl BUia vanity porlormer1. · V1!lly .• Ana lnvltatlonlL John Kasser hu quit as Al for Ille past seaaon, Ille The Monarc:ha toke \od•Y head coai;h and to date 1 U·Baron bo!I said he wasn, off trcm locn'nlJ compeUUon SUCCllfOI' hla nol been IP-11tis!ied wl!ll the final 11-11 ... · .. ••' ., ... ~ .. . ' Only ·• junior' 1111 alx..foot, 175-f'OWld Wood Illus olflciaUy cucked Ille IChool ncord1 he let late lat lf!llOD U & sophomore. He hid posted 1 wind-aided IU ll!n1 url!u In Ille""'"'· pointed. mark. 111lnc It could Yery and lllu rtlunl to acUon C(>mlng bac"k for the llarons .... u . bave been In I b ''J!,-o,....======--l Tburado)t .qalnal Santa Ana. Is Gary Valbuena, 1 1-4 neighborhood of zo.e hod the He come back later In Tuellday11 mett to mn a 52.J quarter mJ)e OD Ea:tancla'I mUe relay team. 1 l•li11$11 "· '"'ff:! ~ ~ -1., rrtM11 • I· ..... ,,. " .. .':"'!~ t"~ ""'! .... -c 1 J. Domr" :1t11fr,...11l..,. ~ csrJ. Oi1on 'ci~j Lq, 2. LlriMI (1) ,. oiJn rl111'lr1mtl s~o..t•rmltnle CE~!~~ ll;-~1'1E~l'frkm'.11~~.o~· Mort 2-MU! -I. I lt:~1, l11V1dw IS) l. ·••r Ill l \ ·r·• .no HH ·-1. ood z. '""'' (I) I. Garclt (I) llm11; JJ. • C.111 LH•-c•') w, ... ~~I. 11v1rt I I, lw I TllMI t, , 4AO lltllf -1, I Tlll'ltl M.O. MUI II.tit'/' -to lffdlttlKt Tl1N1 l :.WJ. ")HJ,_ i1~~111·rrrn.~J Zit. V~ J -o ~f'l!lltt lat 1, Wtl• CS J· S1t1wJ11. I Ultflllgl.f 1l·lij (fl 1 ""l" ri"~~t...\~1.t ... ,,. S" -. 1.~11 ('f)' '·r,:-(SJ I. Louftk Ill Ol1l•11U: ~ . Ol1cv1 -1, f'fflt!I" fl l· 1111\llO mllftd El ~ L~ Ill D .t1nu1 17'..0. "' llJlllltll ... lllHltMdl u 100 -1 Jlm1ntz \II l . ICJ11tr • Tlctr (l!j 1. W\lkewll 111 TLm11 " ' lto -1. Jtmlna II) t. Dll'lll'llllOIY IE > J. Ticer 111 Timl: lt.S 6'0 -1. I l11r fl \· C•l'lmlMIQ't IEI J. Jcwct IJ Tln1tt ~· ,o 1~0 -l. • cl-'· Moort CE ~'· Kizer 1Jl fJm•: 11 f\ I O LH -f.' lllfft!TR ) f, W1Llt't It: J, RoM1 Iii TlfT11: U. ..L .,. .U0 RlllY ~ 1, tlddllbl,... 1 lmtt *·' . . HJ -1. Rldl1,U tll I. Jevq IE) 1, Cun• l,lf HtfJhh U u -1 iiklWlll l'' t. Vos1 (SI Ht 11111""4 Ol1t1nc1: 1• ~ , PV -1, llainlr~ (I J t. Terr " {El J. Wuk11ilb t!) .toril: 10-0 Sf> -1. 1f1r I 2. Schur.mi" (El 1. Dr,111 El i't~1nc1: 3f.~ I "'""' n, r... ..... ,. I 100 -1. Hwmtn tEJ 2. Thoni11 (E l J, Gnivtr II:) Tlmt: 10,7 I 220 -1. Ntvm," ll!l 2. GrCIYet ' CE) J. Thomtl (El T1met t.t ) "° -·1. Gl'M!I (i r. lfnlllt "' " ''';i '~ "·1· 'f:" '"' -I ult II , Llpftl ts) '· ,.,,,, ( l1t1t: :U. lto HH -1, 1~.m1n I} J, '"'"' (51 S. V..t IEJ Tlrri11 lf 1~ ~ -!. Lflldlf'lll l!J f , ttt .. tt (SI J. Ull'lllft II Tlll'ltl 1 .l •o 1L11 -1, 1111ncll Tlm11 ,:•11 HJ -l. Ore.It \1!1 2. Mtlfflln (S) 3. S11am111 1£) >f• 111111 5-4 LJ -J ~-_umJn <El t. Gtenl" fE J ~. Wh 11 si or.1-_ne91• 1t'4 Jlv -l. •Vtt fEl . ••re~zukl (SI '· K111w ¥.1!1 He •~ll 10.0 lp -••n•r (t:) t CtrdOlt (S J. Morr\, El DllllllCll G_.,,. ' Mesan Honored Steve Del.,,y of Cosll M0oa was nimed to the all-tou.rna- ment leam In Ibo ll dlvlolon of the recent 14tH annual southern California boy 1 b a 1ketba11 chlmplon1hlp tournament held In Culver Cl· ty. ~ Mater Del ln!led by a 3-1 forwlrd wlJo wu Olll ol tho' llarons been able lo win Ille 111,lflln 1ola& lntO Ult top of main eogs in the Btronl' lf-12· close ones and tept away· from tbl record. the nu bug. 41 • aeventb and madt matters Valbuena came on ·mong,lliiiii~~~;pj~~:.iil Junior V 8rsity Tellnis • wqm When lhl flrlt two ba~ ICOl'inl 11 a l~.!'91fp aia1nstl ti., ters went down on llrtie."ouis. Irvine Leagut foes. · ~ However, l!tter Del rot new He'll unquestlcmably be . the • life when Wlll reached first leedlfti factor far TDWltaln en .. error titer Bill Gablo'a · Valley nest year. •lnsl• Ind Jim Llnoert ii>d Kaaoer "~ lhl ... 1 CDICb, lloa Munll !oilowed lri!ll bite bowtvet. will , hlvt .. ,,,. e .. hlta to.cap llie'lllntnr. etDenl 'help CD1!J1nc lrODt the """' "' f4J Junior Varllt.Y Ulat netted a Muli~~· •-"J·~' 'I, 11-t .D'llft. and won the Sa. ~ ..... ~ u 1111 u~iour;;!" who'll be ~~ junlcir1 In Ille fill feed Ille !fr•: ........ J ! 11 · :~::t,k-:::.·: . 0''-" I '! 'f"j U center deacrlbed as "sUll IG~ ·1 j. crowlng,11 Dave Lynch, a 1-2 :i~i/"· • forwlrd Ind Rich Power, M :'I~'" IUlrd who'll doubll up al u.i "' • q~ck apot oo 1111 foot-W ni-• bal~·Jn the fall. "''' ..,..., •~1111 .. ,1 M 1 ~ Junlot var11ty M•tw c.1 a 111 ,.... 1 1 performer, Din Shaw, a J.9 hritl Alie V1tlty 111 000 ~ 4 I IQll'd, ii uptet.ed lo bo . a Mission Viejo Wins 1st,, 6-5 MiHlon Viejo lllib School gam .. wlnnlnl oln1te. suV1To "' 5!'r.'li. • l l l ' posted ill first 1989 baseball One of El Dorado'• runs j: :::; l, ii.Ir , .. ,l, f1:~,c1• I victory Tuelday lllterDDDD'by , 1 In Ille oevonth wai ClllW!led. .. ~ f ' •11:!1.~d • lert1n, lb I t • T~IL Ill e ·edging vi!itlng El Dor1do, M. Mi8'1on Vltjo's llnl-lnnlnr ~!'~' •• n ! tlii51"~i" , In two other lllllll I.no outburl\ wu nurtured by four ~~"l'!'iD~ct 1 , , I :119.ft. , ! j 11 volvins Crestview Le 11 u e lingte1 and walk. Jn~11', l '! , 1f:Ji1:" • , : teams, Lacuna Beach lost to The DlablOI are· now 1·2·1 6?:i:r~ • ,, : An-""lin ,_.tr JA"tl'o-..e , , host Servlte. ~. and San on tbe aeal011. UlllNA llACM <£> , San ~rtm•nte 1101 lOO ~ 1 1 Clemente beat v It It l n g Laguna Buch had a 1-1 lri11ov1:t,2~ ! • , ",.. "l" •Atl:D NI lilt 9l'ldtr II Wiii h ... 1111"9111 tnltla Wfffl """' .,. tllfnliall •Olll lttlOtl' COi.Oii "TICI 11~6UNT" '1111 HIMl'M!" COLOl " "HAIPll" McDoP\11111 a ' 1 '1 '1"' Ml ..... Vlt$e Cfl Anahel111, H. lead In lhl flllh lnnln( al """&t::r:::.~·t"". d J , 1 ! , 1 ~!.~ .. "~. . 1: I\ , 1 ! 1: Mll~on Viejo 1e«ed fiY•" Servlte · but a mlajlld10\f !11 ~o; ~.. I times in the tint lnnln& )>ut ball witll ·.two '1ilrl Clll ~ 111 ltL "If . ' · • '' ., , , j l · Or.tOfV heir: COL.Git · ~ !:': thl~~en:r: ~ :i;bt-:1 :u:pt.beblJXI tbl ';n: ~ m 'l'b ·s ,· ' Rivh'" 'I l, '"'"~.~::-:~:ON" Ille (lllDI up. Sttvo Shapard pitched the . ... ~·Tl If , j"' ~~/ • "l'HI llAN OUTSIDr' whi;:, o.~~';!!:, = : :" U: ~ ~. ~r' 11 . : ~· ~1:.1;.. ·,. "~ ,., '"• ·, '!"l first on an error, went to aeo-~ " J ! I now ·0o3-1, open Crellvln w "' 1 l • •• :t:::;i=t~:O~ ~~::,1Jii Tue.day at El ii~:~ JI f . ,.., --·jj ! ! I Crossword Puzzle San Clemente ptaled the on-'' •.A•11M "';;. , ;1 ~:f'-· • J f l ly l'WI II needed In' thl tlJlrd ~~, I I I -......... ,.. ""'"" ....,., .. ,,. if """' AMI COLOR-WALf OllNIY'I "IWIU PAMILT' ROllNION" '""' M~y_rr•v COl..0111. "THI HAPPlllT MIWONAltr innlnr bul added two mar•-· f11u't"'""•llt Ill t.!i"1" for rood meuure In Ille fourth ~~j;~~~~~iiJ=~::~=====111 lr111!11. Anaheim colleelld jUtt tour lDJ]D Al ... -hltt olf Ille ...... of plteben 101 .. LWo .... ACROSS n r ... _ I Clotho, in 1111"1 fot onr '4 Fall'°: .. ' ................. . ' Thtdl Birt "W:!i:~ IDr mlt fMY•llYl 9 Part of SJ Dtcllnt lhtltlt io wlgor 14 Pub Uc '1 Gulf ii figure Chlltl S" lS Ancl .. t '' SUk PfOMt GrHi'cohl ., GMgllnd 16 Dlnet ChJtlttW 17 Comlct •7 Thct wbidll 2 wordt Is ower C 19 Canadl• thtillt: export flt• 2 wordl , 20 Norwegl• 71 Mldwttt• JD CltM 4J" JttedJ kf 1ulhor cltr , 11 S••• r11pl111 '21 Ilk n FrMet 12 Edlblt plft 46 Yuk1N1•'1 23 EncloStJre pmnCMi• of 1 Mt "'lfhb• for swine 71 Slrli oat's U Atplrhtt ti 41 "Sl.lf't 24 Marshal ttt shot 111 lrt&IUc fllnir. of Fr.,ct --'TS Marter 11 lf lrt Slant ' 125 Infinite 1lr raet 2 Naugtlt SO O•tr. btlnt 74 Kind of 26 1111 tht C•b, M '21 Btg[MM': lpplt pit rttl• If JJ ll1clt I Var. 75 N" YOrk llt:t• record 1SO Rh,U. grou, 27 •t•ll SS C11cl .31 P1ul Z9 Jud,_: S• Miil e"l.n lua,aa, •+ DOR: IClpllftt COfllllll"" 13' ~b~: ~o ~ 1 Bt Ml\lbfr. SO ~~:ZC~ ~I fn't~ f40 -Mlalsl.lt 2 words Jl Gr-khan• · pett . Ttvdttu 2: IClnd of eontftt1nt 59 ArtlllffJ, 141 Ttlltr of ) bullcll"t JS Mak• I l11f1nlty. fish 1tori• ••letlaJ pras•t of etc. 141 Trtt S Stow• 34 Aflbla• .. "'""' 44 Cr1vt11 chwtct• 11etl•t ruler •Z l111'rtwln1 t l ;trlJ 4 ltl•W of 35 l11btf Md •111ul 145 Town Ml Europe Dutt• M Go IM Iowa S lemh•-» Sf'lll •1•c• • 147 Mtrnory ISrai• ·d11__.1,, p_itct d1Ylcn 'Clflltl •·I· 66 ~•cl•ild• ·49 St•l• of hair tertc J1 J1t1•nt • of.,,,,.,, •tnlal 7 tttlltfM -Dort~t •t SPMIA wtii-btlll I Pl!Clil n tt.:a°r.'... U ~~~~ S1 ='!:,. t =~1::.. rtlttl•• flbtrC,.. • " " " Glemt T1111111 and BUJ Allen. " ! l>e1n Mwtjr(' -~ • :I Cttlt. -h• I , ... The Triton.I rapped HVtn "blp.· •nrron llACM • "'-· .._ ...,.. llAI ' .• MiltH.ln.: W::;;;~· ... . ·-·" •·/ ---·· KDUtllOUll&M ..... ..... -· . 1111 lllOl'HllUIOCD, l ... ?-',...,_ .. i ' THI NIGHT THI ITRIPTWI WAs IORNI NOW...::txcl111ln ArH Shtwl- Grlglnil Uncut Venlon lxlctl)' .. lhowii at 2-Yoar L.A. Roadahowl FOR All YOUNG 'I.OVERS WHEREVUI YOU .ME -A MAN ACllll!~Yi· " d 1llll ••1111 ' . AN A:nC>MAN 11•11• · . • '.... I ·--.._ llCONt t•lirllll til COLCll ''"' 0'1'fflt -%Mo M"'ol -J1•11no M9'1•1 "GRIAT CATHERINE" I WIN Nil OP AWARD . 4 ACAD,MY c!!OMIN4nON~ tNCLUDIN•• BEST PICTURE : BEST D.IRECTOR •• ~~~ .. D"lllLU.' .. -' SPICIAL SATUIDAY MOININlo STUDENT SHOW • : 111.JI' Wint ITUHN1 IODY CAID-10 A.M. . ' I NAnOIW. wmW. l'tCnJRtl ' GREGORY PECK· EVA MAmE SAINT. •. ,...... .. ~...._°' THE STALKING MOON • · .,. -ROBERT FORSrol Jocl - ' l!J~ naMXll'lf -.~ • : .. a: • • . VAN ~· .. HEFLIN . ' WINNll 6 ACADIMY OP AWAID NOMINATIOt!IS • POSITIVELY ENDS TUllDAY " I ' Porter Puts it ·Plainly . ' l· JI DAll.V Pll.OT Lancers Fatt Tall ND Club -' JI• TIOGD CAJIUON ............ ,.. ...... ~ ,County wa1 --""by four AAAA Nel:e4MD J10Wtt1 when the C1ll' l>lvoffa bqoa 1'11>. ZI with champions and runnenup bi, the -and· Fneway 1-... : B,owever, _~en the semlliAal .,..,.. al Lo s Angtles SJ>0114 Maia are flliied Frida~·=-Sul>-., Hiils. the team In tho ~ League will be rq<,...tlq the county. ltuntlllctGll j!each, n.y and Anlbelm ha .. alnce fallen by !be waY>ide la the rutged 4-A plaj>.U.. 'lbe Loncen will be up agaimt Nol!'t Dame. at 7:30. a team with exceptional belj:ht that bas propelled it to an overall record ol l54. Notre Dame"a four losses have been to Compton, Muir, Pasadena a n d Centennial Molt mtable victory wu the lOS-71 victoey over aem1finallst Ventura ill the opening test Of the seuon. SWlDJ' Hlllr, meanwhile, con- linuea to roll aloog alter flniabing -to Troy in loop batUe. The Lancers of coach Russ Hawk ripped 1eque champions Covina and Pacific befOl!t deraillM the Hlllllinitoo Belch ._ In the quarter finals, &t-61. Hawk uys his club will live or die with the Z11De pres,, agahist the Notre Dame ouUlt. THUE'STANC'ES7 , , AND THE\l EFFECT ON PIAY- • "I J ·~ ' ' "• ' ~ " \ ,, :: I , .. " ·~, : ... S~, C~06EI> GT" ti;· Sf/tJti.l(r" ·' .. 0 "~ \0 10 / OPEN 6T ... NCE "Alt fh;nv1 be;ri,, ..;..t ti.."'"'"' it..,.• will~· a ."'°'9h1 ohOI.• Tl•>:clubh;iad will be .,.vt1111 along the Unt to tlta J«vel-wftan It strik•.IM ball, Tttua, the ball wUI fly wit\ no''liclaopln that'WQjld inalce ft fly !alt or right. ' ' ' . m.. ' •• 1coec1--... flJe .clubhead wal be "'°"'"" from ilWid• to cutsid•.t.he torget linedurlng l~t. This will,....,. o riaht•to"lelt spin that will moke'th.i ball hook to the le~. '1 • The ·open stance will oause'tl,e clubhead to move Into tho ball r.... auhld• to ;,.;.i. tM i_. Uno. A left- to-right lpfn multr,· one that CGUlis tho ball to sllc• to the right' .... on the fh'eetas Gibbons Capture Pangle Tourney ur;u, llO'nCB --~' ~ -::·=OtTOn Cl,.Tl,ICA~:, IUlffllll ifAfll # ..._ Miiit"iiit ~ CNJ nll PtCTIT'IOUI t&AMI ,.._ a.TY ITAft ... ~llfA Nil ,,___...,.. • ~ tfleY lf1I ... ..._ TM tllUtiln' Oii OUJMI _..... • !Ml'*' •f IW ......,, llll1ICI •--M·-• ..,.",_ .... _ ... ......_ 8"""'__.• .....-<A1111ulle1 ,..,.,.._ ,_ ....,_ W ..... M9 Ha l:dltf el DOMM» D EWE Y th6 flctltfout flrM -Ill' Ai:COM LITTlltl Tmf.....,.MY -&aYMOOlt, ~ M.A•tHE £L£CTllOfUCI _. "'-f Mid E.-.. .._ AaTMUI: .MAM ..,...,.,, NOTK'• i' Hft.8'1 ClilVfN to .. ftn'l'I .. _..... .. 1b1 tol""""" ~· .. JUL ..... ICMllll~ W CN111twt .. tM ....... _.. ....., ..._ .....,. IJI NII .,... ·~ Cf .nu " ttunv •Mii ,,.., ._ .. ..,... ._... ~ •IN! ,.,_.. -.. ftl\oWS: u.n.A JOKHION '-.... ..... , ._ .... ....., .,.. ~ • .. ,. ,,_...,, ~ 1aa Mtllnt ..,.._ . ..,. .,.....,. ., .,. .., tw -. ....... _..,. ~ In 0r¥ TWfln. c.iit. t»M iMuMCll .. .......... T .... 1e•••r t. ----.. ,._ tllr't t11e *"9 l'.....wkt: J, ltMdl:, 2m F1""'°'11, For Next ·Season O'Amieo, Haven Top Tar LisJ · ,...._, ,..._ "' .................. _,, ., .. .,..,..., "*"' wtlll S.llf• AM. C.llt lilr Mtlllr" ~ ...... 1111 ... -IV ~ tt ... Ullo lt#f fl, ~1_2W 1flll fl'~ L ,._ .. "'9C9 " 1•• .. -.......... •t "' tlta .., w ~. c:.i. """"' C.llf. -be In tau""· In ·~ f "" a.. .... • ,.._ M. rNt, " ,..,. A. ........ "' r. '"" s,,.., Dtttd Mardi 11. 1ftt au Wll:I n.111 OI' t i• t.i... 111 1111 ~ 4' .,.,.,... c..t. ~. ~ .n&l11 ~ II Mttioiw Ot LW'lll• the , .... 111• Leamy, Cf9'ifll. "*"' No-. J ., ..U -..rt. If 111 W. "" .-.._., ~ ., fM ~ f'tteltrldl J. ICllQ ""t' -i D'? • l!llM!I SfrMt, Ill .. Cltr el ..... 111 •II fMhws MrlefM:ll tD fflt ftltlt lltr HDltMrd Bluelt, obltacJe ia rlUI> X ......_ C.Mfemi.,. " ulf -....W, W!lhlf1, 1--Hit ITA'TE: Of" CALIPOJ:HIA. • "'"b 'lh"h will' have II .,..... Mud! 1',.., .,.., ttlf flrlf llUMlcl""' ol tllk notk& OllAHOE COUNTY ) • ~ .... '' ~ ' I W. I:. ST ~ DI,., ~rdl 7, 1.. On Mlfdl 11, IM, ..,..,,.. -. t ~~umlnp1£f.!~yenuadfrom lt.s lM9 "'"*• ~~ · :::J:1t't;~ tt1t e•••tt :::;.1~~::..~ .. ~n:,. '=LJ.::!:: ~01 p IQ • • ~ .. Lew ., ... .,._,. Mflllll lllK«lent l'rldlrldt J. l('*"·•llll llO¥ I", Htlt••r11 Mater nd will ~be viltly :=-e...., ~ r,~ui ~;.~':::no. = :_-~:..": :::":~:"°: lmnrovdd 'boftver with blgb !.. • ... =•~,. '*·,... ~ Mfui, ~,..., "'1,i"""'l"lnd ~--ltlfl' tMCuteo .. .,.. ' . an:...:·.~ 1'111'1 '1141 ... ,... ..... !flt .. .,... hopes of 'dramaUcalJy im-~ er-cM.f Dllfr ,., A~ =-COMI 011'¥ l"llof, {OffkMI '-~~ E. Olvlt ~ provlng ltl 11-10 ovenµ mart. Mlf'dl 11, n. 1t. ,,. ....., M...oi IL ,,, w " .-....u t. 1,,.. ......., Noflrr M 1k • c.11rem11 n.,.._ ~--•-d Tom l'rtnclHI Ol'tlCI Jn n&I..... WWllUUUIJ 1 n J..l'GAJ, NOTO LEGAL NOTICE °'""" ,_ty McMenamln. both at M, .. , Mv ~u1on ~ headtlhe the rettirnlng ' front Cllm,KA,. ~ •Vltfffl ,.... Publlsl\fd 'i:'.~ It~ Dllfr l'llot. 11t--.... .1. •--u--... -'" ... Will J'ICllllOLll ...: IU,lltoa ceuttT OI' 1'tll M.ltdl Jt, It H 111111 Nfll 2. lM -MMI · WJll • iVlll ....,.. mvu111~ 1'11t ~ .. etrtll'r M k STATI C1111 CAl.ll'OfUllA HA j-----' -------- a!IOW ha~~ Bob ~w .. n·-~C:.,·~1~ .:::-::: ™' co:_n..:.,~NM LEGAL NOTICE erner n.iaQ, Tom &!&Cl" lltflttoon flml -., ,,.,..•NATtpN.t.L •Tte• °" tt•A•tN• "" •mT•oNii------------- and Steve Fritz. !:":!'~~fhl.;_-: ::',r.'T~1:f~~~"T:g~~~ NIWf'OIT-MES.t. uN11111:D SCHOOL Bob G:-.. ua.... Norton lfl Ml ·.-,i.e. " ,_.. It .. v.t.CAlllC'1' .t.f"Tlll DICLIMA'TM)MS 011 DISTlllCT • • ....... .. .--follDWI: ' 11111.IONI DElllMATIO IN THE MOTICI INVITINO ••DS and Doq ~lJon. are the three ' fTfl"HEN COi• HATC'tt. ms lldt< Will. NOTICE II HEltE•Y OtVEN tllll most 'pr-1-.u..• ... '..-1,._ that ' fl'IOfld • Wtr, <othl MIU. CoNlfw1lll 1Esl91e ef VlllGIHIA t:~INE OOILEA, t11t llolrd d Ecluaotlon d ffll lte-'· ~,Kill-• "'2f ' ' ' c.athtd. Melt UtHled Sdll:lol OlllTla d Or-• ' will be mlaalDJ neit winter.· Dlttd Mtf'd'I "· 1.. HOTICE IS ltl!fll!IY GIVEN Th.t CM#lty, C..llfvrllll, wru .-Ctl11• M•led Lee Raven was named most-..... T dle . lh ,....,_ c:. "-ldl .K>t4N •· WA•D, M1ntn111ntaf w11t><t11e-bldl w •• n:ot (WI tt1e 21111 u~ ;:-· Coa~ Jerry Ir SI~ e ST.t.TI! CM" CM.ll'OllNIA") •HI_ ... 11u fllild 111rt1o1 • 1'.tlllon d Mllrdl, lffl 11 tr.. flffkt of wkl valuatile on me vanity succeu of the Monarchs Could cOUNTY °"" OllAHOE 1 .. "' en erMt-'""°'"",. P•tr'ld: E. kllw• 011tr1ct, 1ouo1et:1 ,, 1m P1.a..11. basketball team Tuesday ni"'"l • 0. Mlltc:i. 111 1,., ........ n-. • °"'"11 u Trvslft d tllt T11l11Mnl1ry A11tr111t, C.I• Mew, C1llfornle, •I wlllcli &'' rest on the replacement for Mlltr.v ~lie: 111 111111 tor .... stttt. Trwt, to fl!l tM QClflCY aUMd i.r tlmt ukl bid• wlll ,,,_ publklY -*' at the annual Winter, Sports G. 'bet!· 1 !be ard ~1.1 __ Hr-.IN .....,,... ITEl'HEN , eo11 "" dt(lfnlttiinl of ...,_ c1a1en11tM Ind "-'tar: Awards, banquet at Ne.rt 1 a gu ,_..uun. HATCH ._ to' -to bt ni. ,..,.., In n. w11 ,. Kt " Tt'vltee, refertnat Llrien Ser11tc.e u-rbo m~ School Gibert . Was p1aYmaker and ...,_ -I• ""'*"'*' to the wltlll11 .. Wllldl .. rnMI tof"'JUdhll' p111kul•rs. eonun.rclal Ftrtlll1•r fiCI r 5"' • • te 1e-~r for .. _ Mo ......... _ ,,,.,,,,,....,.. •nd lldu!GWllllltM ht 'tllfCUIM •l'ld tlift "" time llnd Piiot of J1Nrl1111 POol CMmlall Ind Swolln D Lindstedt ni am Gl,K: ow:; IHU .. ua. thl -· "" --tl99ll ... for Mllrd'I All bldt .... flo be In •C<On11nt1 an 1 1 se or, was 'Heir-apparent to the vaCated tOFFICIA.L .srALI ,1, 1HJ, It t r• 1.m~ 111 "" aurtroom w1111 conc1111ona, 1111tructlon5 1 11 d named captain of · the T¥S , • . Marv K. 1t111rv , of 0-'11'nlllt NG, I of stkl couM, SHclfluttom v.tiktl 1r1 110W on 111. cl b ••-t 11-1 ... t. ... .1 In 1· post is Haupert. "°"'"" hblk<i!lfoml• •I ,. Wnl Elllhlll Strttf, tn "" In IM offlc• of thl Pul'dlllllll I.tent u UUI • uuall'CU a le The. Monarch ·--says his p,ll'ICINI Offlct."' Cll'I' ., SI"'' ""'· C1llf0mla. of llld School DJ1fl'ld. 1157 PllClnll• for fourth In :C..unset Leaiue JNM Of-OMity Dettd: Mtrdl 10. lHt AwnU1, coat• Me.a. c111!om11. ac"on. p strength will lie in the control flo.'I Commlulon Eulr• W. I!, IT JOHN, £Kii bidder mutt aullmlt • bid 0ts>o1a " f boar•-Ith his bi · .....,~ 2., lt12' COINlfy Cllrk. In 1111 folm of • ~lllld or. caitiler's M · D'Ami ed o the ua W A I l'lillnl!IM dninM c...t Daltr l"llllf, l'.t.T•ICK •· DU..AN dltclr: or , bid bond 1<1u11 to 11"" ano co was nam front line eYl'\l>rlence . and the #Md! .11-ir. 2' _, Mr!• i. tttt ~JWt i• •Mt 111fi strwt PftW!t 15"'1 of "-'"*'"' °' ""' captain cf the Sallon' cham-, ' --· s.... AM, c..,.,... mtf bid, ""* peya111e to 1111 arW d Pl·onsbip ~"-g team. leadership be expect., oot cf LEGAL NOTICE T•h NNJO"' -"" NMllOt'l..tusa un1tl9d School c 111rtc1. ""'RUJ.u '"'-•ARI .,........, • A Pertwm.lnt1 Bond rM' b9 l'l<llll•ed Bukttball UCI oguOrl. PubtllMd 0r.,... Cold Dilly l'Uof. at fht dltcretlon ef Ille Dlltrlcl. In Vars'•ty _ Cap•-•-·. Dan Others wbc might help oot ~ L M.erdl 11.1t. 17, 1"' · ~ 1111 ewnt of 1111ur1 to •nter 1t11o $11Cll ~• S K CEaTIIJICl.TI! OP •UllNIU tonlr•ct, 11>1 proo;ffds of IM cMck Lindstedt; MVP: Lee Haven; are teve emper, a . 6-2 ''CTITIOUI MAN LEGAL N011CE wm be 1or111tec1, or 111 use 111 " forward from the i·umor vani-ni. undlnl9111d ._ Cllt1lfr "" • IJond. 1111 11111 wm t11er90f wm bl Most~linproved : Bo Griffith. 1 and lher j 1 --•ty eendUCtt1111 • ~ .t n1• l'Klflt u.11..1w hlmlled 1o Aid Sd'ltol Dllfl'lcl of or11111• . 't c I • y ano un or Vtilt.I Aw .. Cost• ,....., CallfonNlo, llllllw ""' tfOTtcli TO Clll!Dl'TOllS C:OUfltr. Junior vars1 Y -ap am : lett D Kil 11ct1t1oin ti"" -., "AQUA-l!Jl'l•K>• conT 011 THE Ho bidder m1y wllhdr-t111 bid t..r Taris Young; MVP: Denny ennan1 ave ey. CVLTIJlll!" w tMt .. Iii fl"" i. ITAT• °' CAL1l'011.te1A ;o• • ,.,.1oc1 d fortr.flw ('51 ci.n •Htr Bean·, Most Im ·pr 0 v e d .. Pius X was tbe only team -.-. " 1M to11tw1,. --. wtooM · TKI couNTY OP ou,..1: ""dllll At tor"" -1"" 1~1«. bl def t M Del ._, __ nltM 1" fu" .... i.e. "" ,..llMncl . .... l."2111 ,..,. l!Hrd of Educetlon of .... ~· Heward Derlghauseft. 8 e to e~ ate~ nrM."I: b .. followl: 1!1i.tt "' 11ou.No G r o It G E Mew un111ec1 Sctw:>ol D151rkl ,._..,.. Bee -Captain: Dean Rich •, in league """',...tiilOD but had llOY M. YAllNELI. !214 l'.itk Oltlll£IT1 Jll.. ~Md. lfll rlo~I IO r1lect lllY or I ll bids, .,. ... .....,... • A_, Colli Miii. · NQTICE IS HEltEIY GIVEN to 1N l"ld not nece1wrlJy •«ef'I lhtl lowest M to go overtime to de Jt the D1IMI F~ lL I... aid,..,. ef Ille • ._. MIMIS dt<:iedent 11111. Ind to w1tv• In' lnlorni.Utr .,. MVP: Jchn Kazmer; ost second time around. 11.ov M. YAJ:NELL !Mt •JI ..,_ M111n1 c111rM •••lnsl 1rttau11r11Y 111 anr bid r1e9fve11. Imprcved: Larry Gentosl. Shi'9 of ea111orn11, Or•l'lff CountY: 111t ukl d«tdtr>t •re rw<1ulrect 1o 11i. oatec1M.erdl12. Ifft Cee C I . R ll The Monarchs will play toy. °" flbf'Ull'Y IL ,,., belOl'9 ""· !Mm, Wllfl "" lllUIAl'Y \ICIUdlen, Ill NEWPORT·MESA UNIFIED -ap am: usse I . lea b ti al • Nollri" l'ubn~ In 11111' for Hiii lltle, "" offkl d thl clertc ., .... lbow SCHOOL DISTlllCT Tucker· MVP · netmts· "Cline. 0 a JD non-gue at .e ong "_ .. ., -rid ·11.0Y M. YAJ:NILL ~Hid c:ourt. or to ltl'ftellt 111em, WI~ Df Or•~ County, C11llornl1 • · . -' with compeUtlon in the ~ to "" to i. 111t --..,_ 1111 ""'*"'IV ~. to tilt ur. By Oorotllr H1rv"' Most Improved: ·Bill ·McKio-R --•-Alamt'-Bl-1.. "'911'11 b 1Ui.tl'lbtd to fM wl111hll 111< d9rlll9nld •I lfll oniu of Mr 1ttortw11. Purcti111110 '";11nt • 8111;.nu WD, • ~uop 1trumlnt •nll •clnoWlldltld ht l.1ICll!wd John Vlrlw, 1•11 W11kHff Drtve, us.1100 Sblrle and Warr. G'bbona Al lne and Paul Smllh at 126 ney. Amat and Corona tourna-1111 urne. NllWHM Ind!, c.111orn11 nuo, w111c11 P11bli1~ec1 orant • coe11 D•llY PHD! y n I p . Wrt1Ulnc m ts (OFFICIAL SEAll II Ill• pl't-9 of busl11111of1111 ufldersltned Mar(h 1?, •nd M•rch It, lfft •7•·'' "When Muir pressed in the semlllnals It really made Nctre Dame look bad. I can't understa.Dd why Muir didn't press from the opening buzzer to the end. They'd get two or three tumovw; and then slop pressing. teamed to r 51 S day to J C Humphries and Don en · ~h E. O.'fl• 111 •H m1t11B P1rt11"1"" tt 1111 "'''''l-------------sco e un • • Varsity -MV: ch r i 5 NplMY Publlc-C1Ufor1'1t flf Mld <1Ktd911t •. wlltiln fllljr montM LEGAL NO'J1CE .capture the Harold .Pangle Conklin followed with 127, Jim M Prtnc1,.1 Olflce Jn 1tter 1111 first Mnat1on of th11 not1,e. Horpel; Captain: a r Io era"" Counl'I 011ec1 Mtrdt 7, 1H• Memorial TropbY at Me&dow-Lockwood and Ken Sampson D'Amico·, Most Improved: Gleason-Named "'" eamm1u1c1n elQllns Slllf'/'MI L Ghr11s1 .. Don Paul 1s the key to our press and he along with Brad McNamara and Dave Holmquest will f c rm the' mangle in the front court. "l think we're quicker than they are. I think our press can stop their board atrength. We've got to limit them to one or two shots, no more," says Hawk ol his opponent Frldsy night. June 21, 1'10 . Admln!Jlfllrlx d IM Edfle NOTICI! OF 'UILIC Hl!!AltlHO lark <Country Club in the at 121, and Dick Myers and Dan Herring. 'ut>nshld °"'""" C.Ut O.llY l'llot, • • of ,,;. ni .... nlmld deudent ltESOLUTIOH NO. •t-llt Ra Fr. eebalr and ··~.. Junior varsity .,... MV·. Don FRl'utry lt, 2• .Md Mtrdl •• n. JOHN YIJ:TUI, ••o. A llESOLllTION OF THI! 90MD OF amrual mixed couples event. Dr. y n...,..,, Top Wrestler Ifft J!Mf ~~=~~-:;...,.""' DlltECTOllS 0,. THE COSTA Ml!SA Second in the partners best-Sm.iih )lnd qor<fon Petennan St. Clair; Most Improved: Bill LEGAL NOTICE T•h cn•i '4Ws& ~~~~::,v c~~iTF~·~~\A. 0 ~~"' ~N~ ball action were Millie and at•129.' ' Parker; .Frosh-Soph -Most ~""-"'.t.-.illltlr11trt1 TENTION TO ANNEX TO .SA,10 M In Johnso I '"' ··1.. 0u'u--dlng Bob w.....a-Dave Gleason was ·named . l"\ito11111tc1 er'"'' '°'" o.n, P11o1. 01sT1t1CT • cl!!1tTA1N uN1NHAt1TED arv n a w w:iiu a First day leaders were Dr. . ltSlall : vvu.>. ....,, Mtrdt lt, lt,,. 9'llCI Alirll t. lN' "'11-69 AREA DESIQNED AS ENOINE!Elt'J Ue at third at 63 between ._,. mosl·va1uable wresUer at the ca1tT1,.te1.T1 OP •us1Nu1 No. us ANNl!XAT10N. Jenny and Gill Ide and Dor· Steve 'KoUler and Jact Rich-annpal Wblter •Sporb Awards ne unci!'!i';.:'u!;:.t.Mc:!nr., "' hi LEµAL ~011CE TJ~E cg~¢:o MotSA oi:~cJ?~sA "o~ othy and Onin Wright. ardson ·and H~es: and Gymn ti" banquet at Costa, Mesa High ainc1uc11119. • .bullnn.s ., "' 1'1-<1. 01srR1cr. ORANGE co u NT.,,. Conklin wij.b 5fls as CS . H..._., hlcll1 C..llfomlt. unlltr !hi lfOTKI 'TO CllEOrTOllS c AL 1 F o RN t A . OOES HE REIY A three-way Oe for fourth Koffier.' ·a 17: ..... -.1:-.. pper, . • ' · Sc.booJ 'J'uescfay·everung. r~ nl'll'I -et GAllY G DIAl • IU,IRIOll COUllT OP TltE RESOLVE •S FO Ll0\'15' existed betwee F d llCUIW\;A v it Caftf .. 1.. J COM,ANY ... tt.11 ..... """ ii ... STATI OP CALll'OlllOA ,.0. THAT WHEREAS. '"'" ls tll,,,.1M n em an scored I 38 00 the ·backside to · ' ,.......,, ('1) UtJ ,..,,, 8rs y -I'.....,; erTy POffd' el IN f'DHowlllll M!Wft. wi.t l;HE COUNTY 0, OIU.ltGllE r.antlguoui lo !lie CMI•• Maw S.nl!IN tlltrl D-(!Ml lCO Vtn1vrl 0 """"' 125 '"""" Harold Sproul, Janet McCros.. • llOPt d~ -1. YCMl9 !l'l i. Reilly; Most Valuable: Dave"""" In f\111 tnd ,,_ e1 r1llldlnai ., .. ., as": ~~THEil 0 Oi.strlct • tttl•ln un'nh•l>lled '''' " son and Jack Lancaster and pace the ,59leam.eflcrt: ,,. bllwMI J~ (NH! •1111' Sml!ll • Gle . Most'.Jm roved· Jim ii H ,fol~: td I• I M. • KUS· lltrtln•lltr mort parllcularly 6nct'lb9d1 ~ Vwlith~ and Norm Palicld.' l'•ed~ .. ~·toMarchapar~tbetr~t '.'\.~== ~ l. f~fl (I') 2. ~I p • ' fl~ g;a~'~ 2SI ,RPIPl'd, N"'°" Nonce IS . HEREl'v GIVEN lo Ille 1":HUEAS, ii WCllkl be lor thll' bnt 51 ~ OR ........a; a Tll bltw.n Ila: tMtt•, .•nd ll~ Jliller: Dt!Wlll #Nrdl 10; '"' a.ti-. ol tt. "°"' lllfMd VcedRnl lt>terat "' 111e dl•t•lc! to 1..nn: th• a · drive to a •ec-' place fin. tP1,po1nt1: lt.7. e. , Junior varsity -,Captain: G•N o. 0111 1111t 111 ",_ 11r11111. ci.1m1 etl11SI Hid r-e1"a11er described """'""': •nil 7• ''°!!~~ LJ'f' ... ~ Jf Clr!f9nnl1! S5 Mui, fl4111'11 11 Dlmltn "' S.11 01btlll •1 Jordtn ·77 Mllt11!111 ''"~ •n._, ., Mllmlnoldl S1 C...t.Ml•I IO .t.11lllltll ........ U ANmtnr • ""*'"'' ltn 11. fl111ncl1 lat llllslen •t l.on>ll ft All!Mnr 11' C•tlltod'r•1 '2 St. Fr.tld1 IN .. 1n1 .. M Se. Torrtncll' " M"' S.-, HlllJ bWI ·-· 7, F9oltill n """ """' .... t• Ui s..n. ,, L.owtll 12 L• H1bf't II Oc.niltle .. ,...... " Cre.unt1 V1l1t1 .,,..._ n Slv1""' • T.I LI H1br1 1' l-11 14 Fullerton "T~ 70 flUllll ,.,, tJ l(tfl!l9d11 36 SavlnM 66 Lt Hlbt'• IO U.W.11 M Fulll!Mon NT~ It IUl!ll f>1rk 6! Cwln1 74 l'aclf'lc .. H'IJl'ltln1ton •••di Prep Golf Bud Wright fired a -t 61 ,.. • ".;·.""" .. -''-*"' 11orA -l Mol4lr (l'l 2• Dale Will lams·· M-' STATE 01' CALl'FORIUA.) lw Mid"'°"*",,.. r1<1ufr'ed to nit the district-· ttierdare 1"111.11 11111 : "" au • IFN!fllnd jJ'} 2. Mil!lll {IWQ l'olllbo • . , un ~01 .C:OUHTY ) H !Mm. wllll !ht 111Dt1.Mrr ¥0Wl<!1'S. In 1nnex1t:Dr1; •nd .S6 to capture low net honors A.L " Vllluable: Brad Borden; Mort o.i Mtrdl 10. IHt, blfolo• ""' , ""' offla of t11t clert of 111t abo.w wHE1teAs, 111e ,~,., DI 11111 surw¥C•'• •s SaWrday in men's club ac-El '"''lg···ll Korll0!!!11 .,. _.,. •tbffiten (l'I 1... Dal 111---lilollry Pulllk ·'l'I '"" tor ulll sttt1 • .,alltlld c.ur!. Ol"h PrfUl'll ~. "''"' Ofll~ .... ~ .ecu•Cd and rt90rlll'd 41 l 'I' ~ 1.•FretlM!cl 11'1 I. Glbbl c•~-Polntl: .....,proved: e WIW111u:s. _,Jy ..... rid G.,.,, G. Oltl'k:MM!"" nee ..... .,. vo..cl!eni. to lh• u .... \IPOn by wld S11rv•vor'J Oflk• Wiii! Jt tion, Second place Went to 11.3. "'· .I if 1M 10 bl 1111 Pl,_ .......... ntm1 •relMld If• fM llW O!fkQ Of Hurwitz ~sPl!CI to Ille dellnlleneu and ctrl1lnty .. Gary Hanson's 64 nd Les Four members of El Niguel ftM ••carc!Q -1.' •ri ]NH) " tubklll'bicl to ..... >Wltllln IM!NrMl!t Hurw!ll .. Rtmer, ~JO 3'2nd Street. "' Ille PrDPoSed bcuricsarln; •nd .. Hill fi•-•"-~ third wi' 8 1h a··. Country Club at Laguna NI· '· F,_n (Pl :i. flu.. {'l:fliilllh~ PRE-SPRING •nd ldlllOW*'"6 M llleclJltcl tllt ..ma. NtwPOrt •••di,' C1lllornl1, whlell I~ WHER~S. said P•OPDJ!d a~ne~•llol! 5' uu;rucu vv 1!.3. • • ~' ·~ lotflc:lel SH1l 1111 11111:1 of bu&lniu of the under.iloned 1111 blfon submutl'd lo l~f loc~I Atll'flC'I " 'l1ed for· fourth at 67 Were gueJ w ere On the fourth, .fifth Side · horw -11•1 ,•"2 'Ufltl O""'h V, Uft In all 1n11ttrs per1a lnln9 la !~ r..t1te Formation Comml>ilon of Oran~Q CDun!y, 12 -'In 2: Didion IP) 3. leek ,("HI ,-...: J~ · Nollrr l'ublk • C1ltfornlt of stld decedel'I, ·wt1hln four monllls California. for ••Yifw, and J~ld Com· '' Art Brownell, Frank Beckman and seventh place teams \ 11.0. • . ' < • ··-,;-~~ Prlnc:IHJ orllot In •fl•r Ille firs! publl•"llrn 'I lhls nol!te. minion ~I found Ind d~l•rmlnKI Its " and Mort Davis. . the recent Troplcana. Pro-Am P•r•lltl .,.rs -1. frNltnd 9'1 • Or•"" County . Dllt<I Februarv l o!, 19t• approval !hereof; 14 tournament In Las Veg&!. '· Run (P) :i. R11 INHJ Pohrh:' • .My Commlulon IE~'" '"•rles \Y Steve"MI" NOW, THEREFORE. IE IT RESOLV· :i' In the Meadows and Lari ks Gordon Greene and Jake is~it'lql -1. Russ (Pl 2. Cit~• · . · . · L l'vtllllhW~~~ ;_!st · .0111r ,11o1, :::~~~·,~;;., w~!i'.1~~r'~e ~~,,trr M~~ ~!~11o..,D1 o~:;.~~:D•:o "!n.::: Sl tournament in women'! C Ub (P) J. Ytun1 (P) Paint: 12.t. 11111rdt tt, If, 2" lftd Aitrll 2,• 1M .WN' lboYI M!Md dt<:t<lt "t lo Ille OIJ!r'(t Ille "'Id rfel PrOPetl'I M play, the LaJ'b: have widened Smith were fourth, Jack God-W•tmlllistw (,1) lt'l C-•ftf Mar ' ' MUltWITZ. HUltWITf & ltlEMEll "" hereln11te~ de•etlbe<l. wMch s1ld ~ the1r· lead to IS2"·l3S" over win filth and Dr. Ray Hen-•RGPe, dlmb -1. R•lllon 1w1~ 2. The'' '1\T'r.iW-' LEGAL~ A11w....,. 11 Law re~1 P•IHH'rh .s ,on11g~w1 1~ the P•t•ent ~ n n h SM. (W) a. l'ttnon tW ) Time: 1.7 • .;-• • :LJ.sl , . ' . ; ua . JJn4 11,...1 Mund~ries gt dls!rlct and "'l'!l(h pro9frlY nn the Meadows. derson .was sevent • L-hol'SI ..:. 1, Mc:F•U IW) 1.1 ~ • ' • • NOTr<• 0, SAL• Ofl II.UL ,......,.. ... , ... C1Hf1rnl1 ll ~b~E..,.~' ~~:Eu;~ti&gll!~N lhlf 3, Florence Baker captured _Pro Pa. ul Scodell~r cf ~I H-r twi 3· TI• 11ttwen '°"-fl'•or.11t1'Y·AT ••rvAT• u.L• 'r.Mtt" .1 11 '"CIO'•od h¥ ,~. n>oiricr 1o •nne• N 1 d th m-(WI Ind J. Wilder CC) Pc>!nh: Ji.•. s VP.' ER · Na. ,. to AltlrWrl fllr Afmlftbtritw 10 wkl Olttrlct Ill• tttreln dewlbed ~ the mondlly trophy in class .1g_ue was s~n m . e TumbQng -1. MtF•ll CWJ 2. J. •• ,· • ' ' ' ,. TNI IUl"lll!CN;·COVllT, Of' WI!~ !flt Wiii -~.. "'( Pl"llllertY W!llch !<'Id re1I pr-111 57 A Alice KeDy, in class B and ' divtdual pro divt,li()ll, with a Welder IC) 1. H6rdaslle IWJ Ptlbtl~ TM•, ST.t.TI!. °" CALl .. OllNIA. IN AND Pllbtllhed °'"'"" C011I Oil'IJJ Pl!ol, S/\all bt k~n in ·~ proceN1'"91 D~-ary ~~,· •--In cJ• .. C. 14S for the two-day eVent. 1'~isth bl I Jolln fW) 1 21 _PM T:NI .aHllfn' OIJ LOS MHll!LllS Ftbrutry M lfld M.lrdl S. I?, 19. ~I Er111Jwr'1 No. 115 An11ex11lon lo ~II .&:dl &:IUJl '"""" J. W•lderr. ,o i VOii ~.lcl fw;' ... the Mlltw of tbl Etif'l' Ill Either IN• J5f.69 ~ Dlstrlcl .. .. ~ P.I.• ''' .-._c-.i..i.e. · • ' The "'"''we descrlallan of l~t bou,,. SanCa Ana sia;= llo(iie -1. s....lf*ll' 1w1 i. 11 "*"""· '""" lfllt Ille ""' LEGAL NOTICE daries ct '"" terrHOI'/ "'OPOSICI 1o be Mclnfull'I (CJ I. Mouue1u (W) l'olnh: ......,_ wlll -~ •f """""' Mii!, lo lnn~w""" •c It-• <1i~lr!<'I !• '"' fDll<>Ws; Prep Tennis !s Santa Ana Country Club de- : feated Los Coyotes ThllfS... •J day, 37·11, on the winner's : greens with captain Fred '1 Walter leading the way. : Hacienda CC, however, up- ~ ended the Santa Ana club, 23· Sfi 20, Sunday. .. l: HNntlngton Bea"la " " M .. " .. .. " .. A St. Patrick's Day tourna· ment is BCheduled for Sunday tn men's· club activity with lndlvJdual low ne' and Jew handicap featured in five-....... The 11-bcle tourney under way •t 11 a .m. gets 150 "" ,.,.. ..., bttl bidder, aublect NOTICE TO ( HTllA'T THAT aorllon Dt Ille l•nd lllolled .,·;.,.. -,,,-.. _ '· __ .,_. tD 1 ~llWI ,of· Mid ~ Court O "'"" Oll5 lo " 0 '~ "''"~ -'"" 11'1 « lfttr ,,_ 2Aftrl Mr {If Mlrdl f~llllllnl fir 111111) Jamfti Mc 1dde~ Jn ecr"' of McF•H IWI 1116 J. Wilder (C:) J. .,., it-ttil ofRu al DULANEY w' NOTtC:E IS HE1t£1Y GIVEN fhlll P1t1lllon of ""' R•ncllc Slnll"o de Hardcutle IW) Polnh: 11.1. .' l'AlM!'R.' •-•I ·Ltw IU2 Nortti th• N1WPOrl·M1w U11tflt<1 SdloDI Olslrid S~11I;, An1, rtnderN In Cate No. Vtnll'I' P•r•tlll bll'$ -1. l'f1!l'IOll (WI ,J. ~,..,,.,., ' tler111>1ft1r l'9f1rred ·to n Ille 6w,,..r, 1192 Ind !'ntered S.oltmber \1, lW C:lltl Mist {lSl.!!JI IA Vtllrl' 2, O'NeUI (WJ 3. J. WllOtr jC:) ~ i::. ";'1~·~ ,ri 'ti: 11Pll/ rtcelWI UP lo, bl/I not Iller lhan in t-·~~ I>. • .,,..._ 110 •I ._h·!lll,....,ls cM"" 'olnh:·1-.1. ' f\,M,~-u11, Ind lrllerlllt 111 Id 3:00 PM.. an 111e lfCOllCI ci.r of Alirll, of rM 1nh Ju<1lt111 0111 .. cr Court Kurntmoto ( ) llfOll 7·s._ .. ,, .... Rllllll -1, ~ohmon (W) t. fTle,' '"' :I .,.. t ti !MM' rt'°7 INt, $tl>lflll Hlled i>r-..11: tor Ille of C11if~rnl~, 1n Inf City of (Diii H . I (CM M ~ H. be'-n l11trson CW) Mid MeutMeu -' n ··-0 • " • II IW•rd Ill con lTKlt tor furnishing Ind Mf'H, Cwnrv "' o •• ,.,,.. Sl11t " INK, I lDll 1 ·WOii (W) ,olnls: l'-7. . "'I pras:e,..., ~ltuite In ~ CounlV r"st1111111 l'REFtNISHEO CASE,WORIC C:1lrtar11J1, described ~• f'otk>wl: ""Eu.1' (C~) IDll 441 -. .. 21 fj'iiiiiiiOi;;;;;;;;iiiiii;;;;;;i;iii;;;;; ef °"""' ttlitt of Cillfor~I•, P•rllc~l•rlY UNITS PL~·CA•P.EHTltY, l'LUMllMG, • B-siJM!lltl 11 1 DOlnt in Irle ~xlsll.,. losf I won•: II ftW'lbed 11 f'ollowi. fo.wlt, PAINTING, OOOltS AND ltARO\iJAR,E fit!unc11rr of '"'° Co1IA Mew $1nll~rr Sti~kl ·{CM lost 241 -·w, RENT YO.l.IR An uncll¥14M -four!h fnlt•tt! FOR THE IEAR STRFET ELEMEN. Dl51t lcl ots 1t•d b·"r·~•rv I• <kJcrlbtd •2 .... , Oewtlln . ~ • In ~ot 7, ,Btockn I •IHI Lot 10. Block f._Ry· S(HOOl , · tx.tltd °" Ille flSI ln Enpinee""s No. 16 Ann,J.t!lon to s11d """"'~ Clolt• ICM! wan '"'· .. 21 VAC'ATION HOhfl 1 :,......". '!:'.$ •'T~111 °'ree:Z: 1~na~ side al •••• Slretl 1i>Prox1mue1r $0ll' dl~trl:t. lldopled by Reto1u11on No. losi "'-• · 2 Ptt1 JI or Mlto11U1<1tM11 Reo:or<11. north of P1ute~~no Aw!lllf!, Casi• Mela, .'IS-'\, Mfly 'l. 19t.a, 1a!d POlnl beln• !~ M'f. uttftr {CM) loll M. 5-11 of Orll\Ot Counb'.. • Or1nae Coe1nly, .C1l1111rTtl1. Such bids l~tel's1c11an of "" cen!erllne of 5,,,.11ev lost '6M ' iit (U) CIJ Pacllkt ON WHEELS! : Tenn1 of ult! CIJll In l1w1ul mDntY Wiii ·bot: •1<:tl'f9d 111 ~ offlc.e of "'-RO.I'd, '° Jeet In wld!~. wllll 1111 Soufll lln1ll1 of'. 11'19 \lfllltd Sl•ltl on conllrma!lnn khoDJ Ft cllllltt, 70ll!I Cll" Drl1111, Stcond 11111 DI Sect!on 3S, T°"'Nhlp J Soul~, Commons !Ml WOtl 14. M, f.3. of ..... 'fin a.r cMI of trnaunt bid "IDor, NtWllCr! 8tldl, C•lllot'nl.t,, R...P., 10 W•''· •1 Hid lnterSICllon fl W1rdtll (Ml IOll 5-1, '"'· 2-4.. Go..,..,,, .V.Dll WClftt, Stay flo be d-lltd with bid. Eid!, bid m11st confcnn W bl ~n Dn • R.card of surv.y, flied In Sir•"""' (Ml .,,,,,,..,.1, ..0. 1 lkls t f> """ to be 111 wrl1!119 Ind rt sll<>nt<v. to 111 ll>I JleMlnell! centrff'I bocil!. 17, p101 :n DI Records of Sur.,.111 '""et! (Ml won w. M wltlrt you .._, wltftolt will M rec.lvtd 1t tM 1lortt11d olnce docum.en~. Cociles •r• ,,.,. on 1111 Ille.Ce Nortti '9' ll' JO"' wn t, 1i.n, °""" Khl'd11Sts or resenatl-11 "'Y 11"" 1rter 1111 first P11~11c1110t1 :;\~,. °':11 ,~ ~blk ~,'°',-'"• the s11c1 e•1J11119 bouncie..,. 111t s.wlh 11119 N•row end C .. rtl IMJ won ..... titreor and before d1hi Ill ul1. • ner, ·-"' rl11t, of Q ld Secllan ll 1nd !ht Soulll ~. Dalee!""' '"' 4er Ill M1rch lfM >tr'Olld F.~r. Nl'Wporj IHcl\, Callfom/I, 11 ... ti s.cttor. Joi T-hl• s lolllh '- ... V-<-1 -CHOOSE • DELUXI p ,,,... • .... ' • 'urs111111 !o !he L•bor CllClt of , '' w , • _ "• ' ..,,, ....... ,. "' ' ~· ' "" • ""'' .. w r,n t!'ot 51•1• ci C•lllornll !ht llolrd of 11"111•... n ' I dl1t•nc• "' 1315 . ..., "'· PICKUP CQnSer¥etor 01 thl Ed ,,__ ~ ' • INf; net deH rllnl trom Mid t~· V."O!il! Esllft fl Mid C-..V•ltt !Kl ""' ull llCtrl•llMCI Jtlt fWMl'•I IJ!lng 'boundl,..,. 1n4 ltli Soulll lll'!I .. ......,... 9'lltc11 no 1•1 kMMft I. 11"'1111 CHll ff t. Ml ..... fHll n I, OIGUllM (HI) 1M L Moro (ltll 17 S. Flnlty CHll 17 '· &lwllloll (ltlJ .. Mtdllllt; John •1tt1n11 (lt8J, lrrine Coast Elton Hallet and Tru Lattin teamed up for a 124 ln the Hugh Hucbon hi-lo tourna· mG.•1-..lng • better ball of paiWn over two dsys. (.,_.,_. M•i,,11• 11 •Cll'ilol 'Tllltllll DllllMy W, I'•~ 1'rl"llUl"I rt tn 91 Iler dltrn w-Of ulf $1cfl0ft 3o1. Natlll 1• l6' CAMPER a-...,..t.Lfw for Ndt cr..i or """" of worll:1n1n 4!" w! 1mM felt• lflence Norrh Miiier ~dMJ di!. Tholrlts f!l H. nn " vtfll llftded le t'"'f:Ule "" toltrtd wttldl ., ••• oJ.. EHt SN n ·~· lhtnc:• Et:•rdll Hiller •:Z.if:~lncrr-..... "-........ C•lflnlll Mft b9 •••rded . 11>1 IUCCIU!uf b!Oder, North 51' 1S'; wh1, 1 .. 5.111 IH I, • ..... 1!: ( 1Wlastdll;. ~~ 11..,., '69 ~YI. f..Jlf, NIA9.. .... ' .. ,,. Wl'lldl "" ... •111111 r•tn ••• c:ortt1lnld In lo 1111 t.rlC11t of SUnflawer Aftll11<1 Et,"'!f ...... .,.. ~ ,... ~ ~ Or-c...i D1llY l'llol, Mid -rrk~tktM .. hid by Ille &o.nt (tor~M W1U/lem A-) .50 IM!I tF~~,s.~"''nrrt.,ru _,......_ 1 Full 4 Ply l'fylon11"""---••.,..,u..._""·-'""'-~----"-'-•-1:,""""·~~tc.~11.:'.11 tn !tie efll(e ~,=·~~~:;.Id"'"';' Ceell .... (Ill 114) --••111111 (CM) lost to AbbW IMI "'" ..... IC:MJ IDJI tt Mlflclll CMJ ,..,. 1.~t ~i.,.r tMlltf' '{T) OR -4 LEG, AL NOTICE n~ti!:~ic:!on :'°' ,!~~. ,!11• ~L Etll. 1115 .. J !wt, lo 1'111 CFll'llltllM tt :r= ~ ... lh -e:~ . . COM~~, WHITC\1/ALL" ,.,.., SaulMnl C1ntimT. ,;,.!;;,. ~bOt ...... A';rft; :: S~lll'~"I:'~~ .'=."= .. ~i:.:~ MQ ICM.I dlt Klmtmll'I IMI 71-15. DIR! CCMI INd Poller CM) 75-71. W11kl11t ICNU 11111 Llr!llr CM) 77"2 Dlllm! fCMJ DI Gii¥'" IMI 1H6 A tie fir-~ mulled In weekend ·-with Ed God· da1il and Mila;MartbetU•ab.,.. In( tho l>onon with Dunc Mc- •11" •ffl .. ll II (1;1/i~'",•W"h f'..,ll:I. ~ff •All·!• mtlll and S.."lor~ll. · . ).m.l3 ffel, to Ille Ptlnl of ltolnnl119 . ~ '3. Ml' ~NJAINfD C•ll:TIJflCl.TI Of11 lltSl•lll APl'lllENTIC:F'S "'11 be lll'llllO'/'ld In FUltTHEll • NOTIC!< IS HElt EBY del j'] .. ~· • <;; -l'ICTl'TtoUt 'lllM MIJll• ~~y L.:~ c:!:11on ' 1m J d 1111 GIVEN thll .., the ind di¥ of APrll. toKl~....,tnd~~~rls"}~f"i~) "8!1 CONDOR NOW •t .,_. Tiie Ut'll:l&rdtnld • '**' certify EICll bid Wit to! m.oe ""' IN,, al lhl' ...,..., Ill 1::111 P.M. "' ....' w_lh I! i .1111 'S. 111 .ncr 'H1ctiOr. P•ntutk l'ftnll. llltt llllY 1;.e eoftdud"" .ii 111'1'11'-'! form tit be o~l•'flftl et tto. ~C: •• to0n 111enatier 81 11 m11 be tlffrd. •3 M. MOTOR , --..._. If toO Stufh T_, U"IDr! of tM SChool F'lcll;llr!, •ir be ~ In 1'111 Countll Charnbef'I d tllt Cit? DON'T MISS BUG-IN I~ the 'IN' event for hot Volkswagens and cool dune buggies SUNDAY at Orange County International Raceway * Off.Road Races *Slalom Ra~ * Dr09 Roen. * Ilg Top Display of-VW and luggy Equipment udA~ . * Elhibitlon 1.-by 200 mph JHps & VWs PWS -Full Ael'Pbatlc Airshow by llob tferendeen, NatlOllCll ioii Pile" . \ ' In 10 a.m. Admlulan'only $2 $ 111111: lkluare, .. C:llY 9f et-. COunty ~nted br • (ff\Hlfd Hall Jn 111t City of Co.II Mew 11 HOME 12 '62 If Orlifltlll', • Slllll ti Ctll'llnlle. UOldtr clltdr, or bid bond for ~· callllll'"I n F'alr Orlwt, Cos!a Men. c:1Ufornl•• 650/700.13 e , lllt,fktflloul flm\ "'"'9 lll'l....,_ltln fftol of Jiii ...,....,, o1 tr1e"bid";.c:! he•rl"" wm be Mk! 11 wlltd> ht•rlto111 Wllt'dl Goes . not lllow the tr'Vfl -H'l'•bll 19 "" order f'f Hiii llo&rd Ille IDllrd tllan he8r 111d PMI Vlllln l'o! ue to • ~ 'fl9ft'lll' •of tflt ~ 1111.,..,ttcl Ill l!OW.•llon. N-l·Mesl V !!led Ill Wrltteft aro1-!11 to !lit 1MtX1llcn RESE'R E Now '13.62 --Mid bltslrlnl. bwlti ldleol DlllTkt, ,.._,., 8lldl, 11C•ll· to 11\11 d!1trltl filed at '"' trmt biffor1 7Jll14 llEllRA'.,i\tlSlMvtn florill .. slllll ._ tflltd 111 • atiln ef!ut-wld llD11r lei fl!r 111d tiu rlngs. b¥ TO' ASS'URE ml 11111 ••Id '1rm II CllllflHHd of ._ wllti lilt name 01 1111 1 ~ .... 1>erson "'"I"' rNI Pro1>11r111 wl!llJn . ' ,.,. ~ """°"" ...... 8,,,.. •1111 -'itdl IN bid -eel on lhe t.rrllory IO arr:>POlell ID bl 1nll9XNI DATES .YOU WANT. $14.20 .,..,...... .,.. • tollowt! ' 1 '"'11<.eo Pll lnlv '" the leu to 111cl dlllr!et •nd 11 •nv time tielert r"' -OAVID A. A.•f:. ltw/Ctmlltrl--., et.,tr.lloltnllfMJloPI Ind !Ueo! Wiit! IM 1111 1111! llO'r lei fa.-s~ld hfo•rl~r1 771114 J:11'trtJW, 011~1 nas M d EdvCltr..., on or ~ ~n' -· ct llle PrOPertv wl!h'n th1 REASONABLE RATES , G1EOaC1; KANHO, 1GQ11 lt1iw, l'oun. ~:• '.M., A•tll f, lt6t, tlld win be ierrll•rr "'""'s•i'f In ~' ~r~'•'~ ,..~, 'BY WEE~No, t11rt Vllll)', C1lltDfl!J,J, ..,,. ~ ... •ubllcly rl'-d •loud 1hortl1 Ille • w•'l!r· "t-'··· • ., •. "., !"• , ... -"'5 s.14.12 W'ITNW e.ir )ltna _,. 11'11 111~ ~amo: 1111111 dlY 1, "'• cfPk<! -~!Ion to ,.,l'I dl•tr'('!. T~~ r.,.-.., WEEK. OR MDHT.H. 125.114 ol 1'91:irwry, !'Mt. • llefllllf """" IC'llllln, 700ll Cll!f Drrw, \11111 Ml foflll 119 rr~1 o~ r • r ... , Dl'lfd .t.. ~ llll .,,,,,.·.,._,le~.-,. Ct!ffornla, of IJ't• l'rt·•,.. , ..• , ,.~ ,. , Oloc'lie ·-mlntloned (:f'll'd: ~f ~S "'°""(pl;M bf 111' r 'y h ·! COME IN OR r•LL $ ,. 5 15 ttAn 0" .....,,L>FOllHl& 1 .,._II "" •'-n • 111~"'"'" ttwo1 ttr-s. ~ ~ COUN'TYIOP:-CNl:ANOl.1' I II li'lt IM9dw wfll tnler lnf'o lh• mntrtd N"T!C'"' I' ,. •• TODAY FOR ,Ull 115111 . -• I °"' lttl• 17111 -Iii, II _.,... .. h'"" Ind •111 "' -·~,,... ,..,.., ... N "'I . INFORMATION , IHt, ""9re mt "-llMfn~ry, \0. '-lwlflll If Ille IUC(ft.,ul b'°"•r m u'?" ~-1 ,; ,. • ASK FOR · • UNTIMI ebAUN1'11 •rr '"'*'le: 111 ~ ...... cMt: .i: ::..:1:,. ~-:: '°_.~~~,,:11;,1~·=: ~..,·..., .., .... , .. ~ ..,_._ TN fll lt11t, rwi,ltllfll lllertln, fttr cwttft1"91oned tYllltrlty. ~ :,:-· ' ' -... ....... Ind lWWfl. -fl'!' .,...,... OAVIO TM hl'lll ratf"'U 1t1t rt.hr 111 rt'••• " • 1~ • MR. MALCOM REID '"I ODORE ROBINS ~lF OR D : ,_ - ~l:c: .l,: =--~'"" A.. Al6 ...... CEOJ:•I!' IC.t.NNO i.r-HY Miiiet •II .._ Mil 1o .,,1,. •to-· ., ,. me to lie·.,. ,...... .._ .....,.. 1""9\llerlllll or lnfonl'~1;r,.., In r,... , BERG'S DELTA TIRIS .... ll.lb9ulbM .. ""' wlltllll """""-'· """ .. Ill "" bldllllnf, Hv b•d~ .. !'I."'' ...,, ~N .. mt 11'1111 llltY Wftldr-Ml Md flM' I Pl'rled of ferfy.f\or •ucuttd Ille -. !d i .. rs '""' 1111 ...," "' '°' "" ~ WITN(U my t11M •nd lftldli/ *L _,,,... """""'· .: .;.. • tOFirKIM. SEAll l'rt"'tftel _., be efwn 11 IUl>Pfln d' ; .. Ml"*-f .,,..,,... _ .....,.. ~-or •"'°'Va'd in ,.:;,. ~• • • ~~lltnie. -. • Ill N rt Within 11\lt 51111• "e •· •· ......... ..~.:.::::-~l'IC'll wllll Oowrnmtn1 (C"('t ••Jt•· .,..,... -·~ &tdllnll 4" " UU. IMlllllllle MY ~lqi,.. lloll'ft D1tt11 """ml lt, ,,.._ ' "I '' • ,. J-rv tt, 1'1t Hl!'Wl'Oll;T-MEIA WAllla• Slkff:.t. UHll'll!O KHOOL •ottaT T. MAll:Ol.D OllTlKT " """""'" Of ..... c: ~1 ~0R ILYD. 2001 W.17 .. SfTeet •M1.M1M.1t11.,1• C..llflrnl•~ty p• "· , . ' . -"" l ,...,._ 1'911 tno MNW """"-':·;: ~·t' .. ·r.-··,. .~ • I t 64~ 001110 •-,.· •oo 541 ,_,. kllttt.t.AC.......M! •r Oort-.M•-- • 141L111• S_, ........., ..._ "°'' °""' ~... ''" "'"• 'c TA MISA Costa M.... .us..-10 Mlr'd! u. l'-aw ~11L1Ht 'llll'lllPW'll °' M• c,..1 0,11, .................................. lli ................................ 11~~.;;;.:;;;;.:;;.;:.::;~~.J , .. ~~~~~~-,...~~·~· ... ll-~-~-------.,...,C:..:CIMll'd!U.M,ttff ~·-'• • f •• ........ r-·~·· ... _. r- 41.Mf M.t•dl . u .... 1 . ' l • I } - •• d • ,, •• • •• •• • • ~ ' '· • ' ' '• • ' • I Pvl. Jpbn Groom· .Jr., 23, of 1601 15th .st., Newport Beach, completed a field communi- cations crewman course at Ft. Ord. During the course he was trained in communica· tions. The Combat Infantryman Badge was awarded to Pvt. l.C Wiiiiam D. Hammack, 20, • son of Mrs. Mattie Hainmack of 900 Sea Lane, Corona del Mar. The private is assigned as a rifleman with the 4th Infantry Division servi ng iu Vietnam. His father, Dan Hammack Jives in Glendale. * ,, :4ccents , .. or Be:;;tity • ' ' • NINE ilparkllDg cllmnond,o in & loVely moderli ~ seltlng l>f 141; gcl.4:. '1,000. 00 ' '\ • 1-'.i!ghlUghts designed to e!llwice your ilew tume with elegance ••• from om-- ason collection. KO VE NS ~ HCOASTPU.ZA Phono-10 3333 Bristol Street, COSTA MESA • • .. ..:.. ' ' ~ ~ • " • ~ • " ~ ' • • .. -• • • ~ • -"'l-• • • • • •• -~ • • • • • ~· • 9 • " ' ' . • LUSTROtlS cultllred.pearla with diamond set clasp. 150.00 others from 50.00 conversation llDC- • . OPEN ID lo 9130 DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY ID lo 6 P.M.· • ' . ' • --~----~ -~ ---,.-~--~ ~ ..... _ '. ' $720 ' ::: 3 DAY SPECl~LI Reg. 8.99. Pump 1w ·-too aa4 a~ 1 low heel. for• lnih ~Pape. mack Jli1nmaa.·.-1eni. ! foam-b&ek lblln1. S.ve on thit remarkable '•'"'"" nNel I . " ' .. ' ' . ... . . . • • • And, we've eome • long wty. In celebr1t ion, w• w1nt to send you 1 long way! Like 1 15.,cl~y; i1U .. 1xp1ns1 trip for two to: • HAWAII ... Th1t'1 our fJr1t surprise. You'll 1p1nd 4 d•ys at WAIKIKI, then jet to 111 the l1l1nd1 •nd 1t1y 1t th• flnHt hotels. WfflLf ;YOU'RE 'JHRE~: .ihere will be'cockleil parllH, 1 "Q-n1 Ser· 1n1d1" cllnner If tht H1n1'1I Plant•tlon, •nd m1ny more 1xcltin1 apedel IC• llvlllff.1 Al• , • • , · ., WIHNiRS ·WILL rocefvo His'~~ itlr Heweil1n w1rdrobes from Ml11 How1il. : •• ~other one of our lucky blrthl:f1y ·wr~n1r1 will: receive 1 23 INCH MAGNAVOX Coron1lion Console Color TV. This 11 the top of . ' !ht .W!fti"9'f· Mvtl; 1:1ty ~'":'vox llnt, 1tylH In n1t11rel wa'nut. I ' ~j 4, " • ' : 'There will be otlfer pr~1 too! . ' ·;,:PRl!f 'WINNERS ALREADY INCLUDE: " ,• Sue Moiian,·Ml11i•n .Viejo, ··-···········-······-··-······Shoes, Handbtg •. -:..... ..•...•....... Complim•nts of C. H~ lar.lcer: ._.,.. f!: C.fi_.,.,.Costa, !-f•~• ..l.-----------~----$10.00. 64~ .. Cettiftetf• ___ Com _liment1 of ~ecor1tor C~n• Mary R ftklc•, Orent• ···-·········-························· Ha~dba9 -2 ••••••••• ___________ Comp~ments of Chtc Acculor1e1 R1mon J. Wyatt, luena P:,.rk ·-·····-···-····-.--· .. Haircut ··········--·-···-··--·-·-·-··-·-····-------·-Mystery STiopper, Mllc4' JOhnson, Huntifttfon leach ----·-··---Hei«llt -··············-······-· _,;.. ............... _ My1tery Shopper Don Remeekert, Senta Ana __ _._ ______________________ Heircllt ····--···-················--····-··--···------Mystery Shopper. ~"· DoM Rose. -:Hunfln9fon le•ch ____ _. .. -Rug ------------------·--··---------------·-·-··------------·"" My1t1ry Shopptr Mr1. Joh. CtplJ1, S1,M1 An .. ________ .; ______________ 2 Sleeks, I skirt, l swtrs ..•....................... _ Mys+,ry Shopptl" Kim M1y1 $entt'J~n• ----·-·······--······--····--Shoes --···-·-·-·-------····------···----·····--·--.L Myst4':ry S~Opptr Mrs. Ro.s.tlln• TrtM, Otlftt• -·------·····-···-···------Wtfch BtnrJ ·····--·-·--·•-··---------·-·······----MY•ftry Shopper D" Butldtr, .Stnta Ant ---·.-··-··············--·--·····---•ook ···························-········-······-··---·-··--1Mystery Shopper Mrs. Sut Fi1h, Newport Btiich ---·-·····-·--··----P•nty Host, 2 Blou1•1 -·-·····--·····------·----Mystery Shopp•r ltrcy Stmtnuill-1 Nt...-ptrf-lttch -----·····: ......... ShMs ···-···-·-············-··-·· ·········----···----.!. Mystery Shopptr S1Hr1 •OthttJley, W"tininster .!_1 ______ ··-·----l.R•b• ------~------·---------··· ----------------Mystery Shopptr -. t ... _ " ' I· • " .. --MTSTllT SHOl'Pll S110US THI SOUTH COAST l'CAzA MALL llAft. T. TOU ' ., .. • MAY• SUIU'ltlSID AT THI CASH H•ISTll WHIN TOUR PUICNASIS All PAID Nil •.• 01tlD •1m •IYIN AWAT IT !!P<WIN•s. DltAWIH SUPS AYAILAiU JN AU STOIU. ,. . . -. • . ~utb f ••~'1ua " . B~ AT SAN Dlf!GO FR¢#AY;· COSTA MISA ,.. ' . --' •• ... •• - • ~ •• -· -•• -,.. ., • ... •* .., --4• .... .... ,., • ... --... - .. • ·He 1111111 ...... .... • i 9 I o:l'l)pc.. · w2toelaltllitSF"" •-.: ,,, ..... , er : ••llrJ•,ffe!l 7 3 31 fl\ 1 -. _.. ___ _ --Soilt. c.oast· Plaza, Costa Mesa LClllWm WlnDS •. ML.I. mM 'I* WAft111PM.L, ...... "' .. s.. DioOD m.,~-~*7 ' ~Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See it ' 'Giants' Heroine Does Man's Job ehapman fi~no Instructor, . Presents Fine Performance ' I . "' VlllNON !ICG'IT BCU.YWOOD (UPI) ·~ Luaol, .... ol tllo Uny but beallUM -ol "Luci ol Illa Glula, • it ~ -.,.. wllll two chlldren wbo hllld1ol tbt -·· lobe ....... tbt -lho ncepllJ i.porod and = GM ol -tbl three .. ,. .. older houH In Weal L<>a Anceleo, un<iod ~ fiOlll' In tbt dlnlq ~ ~ Iaalallod I brick ct!Iln(, tt 111 tlllnca. 1n auu uolber ·-' ! t ... ·occ Siates ·'FµII Class In Ducing 'A fUll ---"-•-· . -----pro-...... ol-~el-'Ill -r.r. dinco movies ' -bolnJ aclieduled lhll IPrinf al Oranp C o I I I Colloc•· ,,,. __ -apoc.-ed lly the occ: 0..... Depon- m"1t. On Tburod17 l!elly J ..... , faCllllY member al Julllard lchqol ol MuaIC In 'N.W Yorlt, w1J1 teach I maalll' el111 In "Contemporel'J' D • D c •• ' ' I!~ U I parjj<IJ>l!ll It llml!ed due to apact. Tl>e -c!au wIII nm from I lo f :llO p.m., with I lecture. perlonnance !run 4:46 lo l :IO p.m . Charlu. Weidman ol New Y ft Clly will teoch I muter clall I n "Cootemponry Dance" nat Manday tram. 3:~ to 5 p.m. The class will be followed by an informal talk-""'· 'l'bl OCC -concert will bo bold April II and II at 1:11 p.m. . ta !be 0 cc ~ II It .,...ii-I by lllllllhlrl ol Iha OCC dance 'llJTOll•41'.ft' prtllllil DO problmN for Ille have loSI a few friends with °"""II. '!!lo wu -tor · • ., - -·-aocompllalled plan!SI. the opening work on ill pr .. Deuna llgrbln, would railllr our . ·~·"-•.-.... '--ol Hor -'orm&nCe wu not, gram, Cari Mam von Weber's alt dowp ad' wrtte poetry -.,.~ ~' .r-• overture to Der Freischutz. wlllcb obl dqll nrj wtl!.-plloolirtf, HU thaoo wbo.U to be ourt, wl!houl Ill mlJlor We prefer to be charitable or pllol • °"""' , lulltid lbt llllljlad """7lllllJ ol the flaw1 but lira. IU<tel wu and al<:l'lbe a laboted, churn· ol walla. Bal ~ It snd1lllb' cioitlmd llfo, art dllPIY hardt7 to blame tor mosl of ing rendltloo of what II nlurbitbllll tbt -roluclpt lo -.e from their them. 87 far !he greatest normally a 1plendld J':>< u.r J'OlliltWl.,Reldj ud Valued Mdubi iato the offender "'' an enthllllutic opener' for any cone to Kim -•--•· be pultUo tlut. Ch a pm a n S 'Imp b o n y on unfamlllarlty with the w1ork ' -· -w M' T d Wt Jatw Dfflr qnderitooo ord>utra which clroWned out 1nd-or"'/irst item nerves.' of moch blJp~= UJ appe ~ •-,., -·•· -e· ol SclwmlDll'I moat •-end1 were m I de , far by a -.rouoa-w••··-· ~" 1eldem)e v•on can Ja, no vJtal pbrulng. Mrs. Rickel however, with a happy rtn· holllekoeper Who ••• with For 'Ham' -t' WIJ lm))llr' their •bUJly lo !las, "' noted, I n ... diLion of Otterino )lespighi's thl IAmd famUI. l.e commmdcait tbefr proweu in ceptlonally eeqtle touch and Rotsinlana SWte. Here we had Deanna 1J rtqulrtcf to be the coacert hill and u:b rare tllil wu an added com· a faithful, charmini aJfinl o[ at lOth Cenlury-l'Qll 1111!1100 LONDON (UPI) _ Irfah ... lltj'bOanl por1..,.._ u we Dlieatloa In her llalton with !hit coocert ball favorite, auch !ram t:• 1.m. unUI t :• p.m. kf JIUdlud Harria hu ullod have wltn...ed lrun th$e ally br. Baipb Smlth'a orcboat1'. a happy climu to any Sunday n., daJi 1 wlllc. 11!1 lltlrrlot Illa r-to pllJ' Ophelia ._ have amIJ!y ..ntced Nooethel..,, tt wu a night concert. hom11 ID ttm• to llt· down tn hll fortb®mlq mcme ol to ltreogthe.n our arCument. per f e c t I y c om p e t e n t With all due reapeet to Dr • wNJt ~ ~ ltim !14ve Sblbapure'1 11Hlmlel" So tt wu with Carol Sue performance of one of the Ralph Smith, we would rug· cilnna' and Ible i,ct u.n "!Illa wal 1 Utllt frlcb!tned Jllckel BIJ!ld11 nf&ht In a -lyrical concertoa in the gest that thit pl'M!ising Clap. . Into ~. lllt It uauallJ too I 11ra1, but lhe It ~ porfarmanct o I concert repertolro. M r • · man s y m p h on y Orchestra llrod to Ill dlnoer. :ellatUd," llanla-aald. !loberl -Scllumann'a c«.:erto Rickel dltp!ayed ·, deep af. would do much better with Marrlq:t jln't tn Dunnl'• for P1uo at the Claprnan finity f<r the tender nuances a little more inspired direction lnu;ntdlltt planl, but lhe 4111 '"'9· 11-)'ear-old adtor, 'fho COJ.lffe aQditarfma:. Mr s • of U1i1 gracio111, r i c h I Y from the podium. A· lack of have datei, inolt oftln on is to direct and star in: the JUcktl. tucblr ol piano at harmonic Schumann work and adequate baton discipline was Saturday, « SUDdly nlcbts mov.le, aid. "We have• c:om-Chapman for the put two won ' many friends with her sadly evident Sunday evening when abe 1111i ahaualocf.lrom plololy -lnll!1nlalloa of years, amply ci<DlODl!raltd llne pbruin1 and clear In-and was, we suspect, largely wwk oa. the. Al!C-TV. iertu. &ht plq, which hu iakea me th.tt the tramttkm from terpntaUon. to blame for several irritating Iii: )'IUI to ccmplete." bllckbolrd to k •"Ibo a rd Tbt orcbtlb'a may well flaws and omissions. 1!'1 DOI jual tbt lloun ·lhatlJ-----'-------...:.......;....:.... __ __;=:......;;;.;=::.:...:::::_...:...._:.:;...:.......:....---.,-- ~1in her ea~11. Daanna doa1 .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ moet ot her own atuml, etJm. binJ »loot ,_ and -I· i., dolm IJ.lool alopea. "But tt'1 acUng 1n a good :series and worth lt,1' 1he 1ay1. 'll'bea the ch1idreo are uleep and tbe -qulel fof Uw evenlnc, Deanna like lo turn ... Iha -. Ilalenlq to clau1cal· mUlk: u well u the new aoundJ of pop 1"!111!1· A !avorllt family hour It urly llunday ovontnr when all threo Lwlda 111her ......i !he televltion aet to wotcb the allow. 1'The k1dt loft it," Deanlll 11y1. 11But they a r t t11orc1uPJy balflad at how Uny their mother ts on the ltrl11." 'David, Lisa' Due at SAC GETIN llftldudlotl claal. "-'"~~ Tlia. drama departmtlll o! It ,tven !be Iaal nllbl lo tliGii Bania' Ana College will preaenl who bavt made outMudlnl "David ad Lisa " a drama ~ss;lou:' ~.::C,1 about youth e..:.ilonal pro. muter c1 .. InVJ!allonal will blema, thla -d. ON llf E FIRST LEGS OF CHRISTIAN DIOR'S . SEil~NUAL •• '·Id ~ ... lo ,, p.m. '!'bl p!ay wI1I be •ia&ed -•• ~ •· ..hooi March U, If, apd 15 In ~~ lo btCb Pldlltlll llalJ, bert;aiol al I A muter cluo In jua will p.m. h -wrJUoti "1 J- Iii hlid 1o1ay ' by C1r1toa , -l(ld adu(od P. the J-fnlm•:•tot:•p.m. boolt bJ Dr. 'l\oodoio ltuc A leclun por1....._ wllI be lluhin, I payeblalrial, and held !run 4:46 lo ,,. p.m. 1C1'-117 lly-l'trry. J-haa appemd '• sani. Ana ~ many TV ahowa, and hu lllltnictor L~ -: It worked with Tom J-, llftl. dlncltq, whtlo lglllCb tllld my Davis Jr. and maiay drama l11truCtor Bob STOCKIN~ SALE! ......... , .. ~­ mllclldtd la tills telHfay ale. dll'tidaJlll'•lcJ • u tu Itri 2211 jm basiui. ULTRA DIOR STOCKINGS \ .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii others. Bil.-al Onnlf la The movies will all be al ledinkal advlHr ,n4 Laurlo II a.m. In the Dance Bt10dlo, SChoen ol Ganlen G- wlth llO admllslan char11. r• .. mulenl director. , .... ,, 1.15 a pair 6 pairs, 8.20 ra 11110 sbart, 811.z tu 11 medium, and 9~ ti U lo!lf,. .fnmch beige, toast -.~ .. • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • , ' • • • MULLEN &,BLUETT < GROD:INS 1rs A PRECEDENT-SHAnERING SLACKSALEI ·nrr--•-- • ire of Your choice of thousands of pairs• origlnally selllng for S15. to •45 s7so to s22so llUCT PllOMt D-1&.ACU, LUXllllY 11.ACU, CAIUAL ILACKI, QOLP IUCICI, TllADmo•AL llODll.I, TM-WAllr _., !IB.T LOOI' llODll.S. ._. __ ..,_&_Right __ _ -111-Tilll'lwllr _____ !n ..._,.._Ill_., .. -IOOl l'loll- .....~ ....... tabffcltMtldnlwotl .... •dl•• wontldl,~womtcts.,....r--.~ efWbldnl. ~ ~ tla 11*'9 Mii beillhlu. ~ .... , -• ·~ • -• IMTAMONIC.\ •MHIPI ~OGA PAlltc • 1.AICIWOOO • OOaT~ MIL\ • SANTA 8ARL\llA • JIONl'Ol.Atn . -• -. If pis (sam.), spmt11111 cbampap1 (belp), fmcb talpe, merliiue, black on:hid, ll'IJ sadmt (1igllt), nn, n'bbon, winners' ll!J (!Id), taa·lf nlllf casinG hmm (daR) 11111 1:11111 cnpe (Ugbt help). ACTIONIEAR PANTIESTOCKINGS .... ,, w • pair 3 ·pairs, 7 .15 petlll, 1111np nd ,UIL suntan, ctasm llllp, offnlll, dait brm, mme crape, &nr.lllJ. lllU. mllt IJlll llld mac. JOSEP·H: MAGNIN · \ • I ~ • ...., ...... ., .... ,._ ... .., .. .,..,_)ollll!Ur,59-.stnet, su !rnchco.calHo 941115. '"'' Mlfl AT IOVTM Ct.UT PUlA. llllll'Nt. AT IAM OllM PllNAY <OITA M WIMllNY A•• U.TUl ... 1' 1' 1'f .. llAI MONDAY, THUAIOAY AND l'lllOAY It TO J:Jlt UllOAT, I • -·--------------------~--·-~-··------~---·-·-·· .--...--• . . Wtd11esQJ, March 12, 1969 DAil Y Pl LOT !If Theater Notes He'd _R~ther Switch Than Figh_t Censors ·College Stages_~.' -, -: '• BOSTON (UPI) -TanlmJ reportedly !tu the last word SriiOtben, infertd by "con-on 'ceMOtlblp, for most -of -I ponoul ltlr-1 ill~bll-eriUclam, lddJn&, "l have The sbowt which features folk ~ Joan Baez, a leadirf& crtUC of the· VJetnam war -aa ltf! the Smothers Brothero-llu been resched· the sltuaUon wl!J be resolV«I . It's a great network-; ~~ut there's \JUJ-pertontl ballffPt -1 • -...... Take Spo.tlight the ctnaonhl.p ~.·• bu ln DO rapecl fw blrn." - dicatad he llJld hil ~ CBS· olllcialo aa1d the tape ire conalderillll network bop. of the llhow lf"ived in New ping to NBC uni¥,! CBS York late Saturday before ill uled for Ma/th !01 •11 want to llliY oo--f"'CV. It's a media that reaciies mWlons -more than ; h theater or the movies, a·~ to be listened to. But 'at Ws stage, NBC looka awfully at>cf to me." He said NBC 1iad not made any offers abf..tt By TO!ll TITUS Of .. DMlr "'"! St.ti Collegiota theater takes the spoUlgbl this week with both Orange Coast College and UC Irvine presenUn& their latest productions, whil• the Santa Ana Community Players also Join the par8de. Al occ, the most difficult and aml>tU.U., project yet mounied at the Costa Mesa school is cu.rrenUy in the midst of a sl:z-day run - a tandem production of "Th~ Devlls" and "The Devil's Advocate.'' Jack Holland, speech and drama instructor at Uie col· lege,. Is directing both plays, which go on stage nlghtlf at 1:1$ p.m. through Saturday. -· .. The-Devil's Advocate," which plays tonight and Fri- day,• features Dennis Hanfahan in the tiile role of a priest investigating the life of a rqan proposed for sain- thood. Playing major roles are M 8r' k Satyer, _Jamila Myn-derse and Walt JJougias. Thursday and Saturday "!: pevill" will be staged, wi Kermit Christman in the ce' al, role of a priest ac- cused jot diabolism. Barbara Sn\lth, Steve Scott and Les ~-·ta1te principal roles in the producUon. * * * l OVet at UCI, the Irvine Rei)ertory Theater w i l I pte#Dt its thlrd production of the year Thursday night, a Voice staging of Dylan Thomas' ••under Milk Wood:'" Directed by Robert Cohen, the show will involve nearly every member of the Irvine company, most of whom will play more than one role. Only three performances are scheduled -Thursday through Saturday at t h e university's Studio Tfieater in the fine arts building. Tickets are free, but seating is limited -~ ------ - and will b:e allowed on a first come, lint served basif after 8:25 p.m. * * * 1l(Ntward Bound," a com- edy-drama about t h e in- evltible ·.,judgment Hay,• 1 launches a three-weekend run Friday hight .It the Santa Ana Communliy, Theater. Ross Co'rbin directs the show, which features Gertrude Horn, Betty McClure, Howard Glasser and Ernie Brown. Other cast members are -Den- nis Griffith, Frank Ruggell, Lee Howington. M a r g a r e t Boyer and director Corbin. Six pe'rformances a r e scheduled, Fridays a n d Saturdays through Marcil 29 at the Players Theater, 1020 W. Ith St., Santa Ana. msetvaUons are being taken at the box office. 541·2188. * * * Art.bur Mlll!r'S c I a s s i c drama "Death of a Salesman" moves Into Its third weekend Thursday at South Coast Reperlory's Third S t e p TheateJ".. Martin Benson is directing, with Jack Davis cast in the central role. Marine Oberbeck; Clement Davidson and James Baxes play other major characters in . the show, which plays through Sunday at the Third Step Tru!ater, 18'11 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Reserva- tions may be mad! at the theater, 646-1383. * * * In a -U,hter vein, the Moss Hart comedy "Light Up the Sky'' riioves into its second weekend Friday and Saturday at the Weslminater Com- munity Theater with Tom Titus directing. Carol Faulstick, Alan G. Hart and Jennifer Murray he ad up the cast. granll them more freedom tcheduled airtt!g S u n d·I y . "U Tankeniey conUnues to in p'l'esenUnc the Smothers "T)lere were so many cuts be the voice of control - Brother• show. and to' much e d J t I n c , • ' if there ls n<> change. -tben 1 The comment.I were made Smother• aald, "that jt was we don't want to continue with Monday iri an interview from held up." CBS.'' Tommy said. 111 hope hla Hollywood home. Tbeyl----------------------------!--switching networks. .. STUDENTS STAGE 'DEVILS' DRAMA OCC's Kermit Christm•n, Sheila McGuire Ray Scott. The theater ls Beach, with ti~kets available loc:\ted in the Westminster by calling (213) 438-0536. Center mall , Golden West * * * Street and Westminster Menue, with ticket reserva· Also continuing in Long tions being taken at 893-5443 Beach is "The Fant.asticks," <lr 693-5602. which has proved te be Forum * * * Xi's biggest box office success to date. Thor Nielsen has followed OBS' decilion to substitute the regularly scheduled Smothers Brothers show SUnday oipt wiih a repeat ol. an earlier Ui~ show. It was another round in the long-smoldering ft:ud between the network and the brothers for lbeir oft-cootrovUsial and irreverent show'. Smothers said he and his brother Dick have "never been Closer" than in op~ing the cedsorsh!p. 0 We're very unhappy at CBS because of' .the constant ~sonal . llarassment bl the censorship area," Tom m "i said. "The show may be on next season's schedule, but the pickup hasn't been sljned yet. "We don't want to conUnue unless there are some radical changes in censorshlp policy. I want to rmd out all the legal ramllications. T he censorship has been s o ridiculously s t r i c t that our shows have been very bland this season." The Sunday nigbt variety show bas skJdded in ratings this season and was not in the top 20 national Neilsen ratings released Monday. Smothers s i n g l e d out William Tankersley, the pro- grams practices executive with CBS in New York who Closing out a six-weekend taken over as director o! the run. Friday and Saturday is feathery musical. Neil Simon's first comedy Newcomers to the cast are Holmes Filming "Come Blow Your Horn" at Christian NeJson in the role ·the Long Be<ich Community of El Gallo and Dick Johnson HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Playhouse, under the direction as the girl's fa t h e r . Billy Wilder took off for Lon- of James Brittain. Performances are given don to set final production . ' 126 kinds of cheese . • • are on display fer yoor selection at Hickory Farms of Ohio. Freshly cat choose is apprecioted•by 811 fodt retains the moisture and fu!! ta8ty flavor people li'ke. Sample tint /Jef"11 you buy! P-9~~fl&~ ~~r~~. ~· UFUHIQ E••t Wln9 Low1r C11'f1u11I Mall Sou1h Coa1t Plaza,· Costa Me1a 1t111o1 .i 1111 s.n Dl"9 P'n!fr. -l'lloM SIMl91 nr111J.'I 111111111r11r 1r11r1 . • > • • • • • • •• .• i • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • .> ./ .. • • ,1: = .. ' ' .. • s '! , ,. ' Others In major assignments are Rick Gunst, Helene A.sh, Ed Little and Andrew Hawkes, Michael Fridays and Saturdays at details for "The Private Life Lorenz, Joe Carr and Darlene Morgan Hall, 835 Locust Ave., of Sherlock Holmes" which Chaffee play major roles in with ticket reservations being he ·will direct for the Miriach the show. The playhouse is. _tak~e:'n'..'a~t~(2~1:3)>_:4~32:·~9229::_. __ _'."°'?:m~pan~Y:_· -------===========================z:;::::~ at 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long.- 688 HOPPln . HOP BALL The bol """".,..... o('fu,, fDl')tte ~ •. fml'lity. ~of'-' &~~._,, "-~ .... · ,_, $597 . EMPIRE ~w....1rrv1rr l'loo,;clatwilh2Jll c...s·,_.. IPKIAL. 3gc . BASEBAl.l """""'-' 77c <MC... -v .. 11"' hbbs c:-d ...... v•w.,.._c;-.. ...... 1 .. 1 .. ~ "lOUl$W,ll"' urn.It•••,. BATS "°" ggc 10 329 _10I .......... , , Oodles and oodles of new shoes bursting with fresh ideas and colors ••. You'll be dazzkd and deHghted with our talk-of-the-town low prices ••. -ff~ j~ a. A~U ,I Panll Hou ••• buy ant pair it.our reg. k>w price of I.Ill.,. get yew-Poir for only 1t. Seim'-olm:h. aprlng eden. .PAllTS SANDAL ... 7ee Newer then new ... play It smart with atacked brogue heel and notched extended sole, •avvy? ·EMPIRE'S SAlffl l8T Sl.ICCEI ..... OClie9 bell .... f••l•~ioe9 "'Sl1tnitl9 CAN.c:AN •• ••••• 688 Young and fresh .. , one · of thi prllfY cnes Imm our way out, way In Co- quette Spring Collection • _,_ ......,. __ Oriw ..... ll ....... I _,..,__ . . - ggc • • -· SIUYPUTTT TM fu='. lllllng ""' for ........ ._..,,.. • SOUTH COAST PUIA SQI IO, •tllTOL COSTA MCJA. PHOM• mHa INHTINGTON llACH "" ID .... I• Ava .. ~ .,,.,,. HONER PLAZA CENTER t..U WIST 17'11 IT"IET MHTA AMI.. l'HOfll l ~ IUlllA PAIK SHOfflNG Cllml mt ... nll Mi.L. !'NOMI m4* HAUOl SHOPl'tNG CINltl !IM"-."tl"'llol/l"' .... ll BE \ '\. ---- \ \ \ \ Jlllf-1 Zip Into OClr .... &tunnfng Jeoo1ook,., Vt'hllt. brown, bl'°" fn pagnt'"' -· llltlitrlook. S~VE'2A PAIR GROOVY ITALIANs .. gee lmporla In luxurious · hancJ.bumlshed leathers '10d petenls ••• YlfY, YlfY up front on the scen•·i:.i~ SOUTH COAST PLAiA 3333 BRISTOL, COSTA MESA I I ' I I I . I I t DAILY ,ILOT _Widows • Get GI ·Benefits fL ...-. ;1r wldow,s are now ell&lble !"', G.I. .Bil~type ~"' ! .... -loan benefill, a<· .-e1JLn1 to Mor1· water. --ol the Southern • ......... offloo of -Veterans Admlnitt.raU011. Jl'he ~·tl9n benoflls .,.. ''ii* available to wives of r· · am who are pennanenUy IOlally disabled .. the ,_it ofmllltacy'service. ndet a new law, passed December, the widow of li:f'WI who died and the wile a veteran who • a 1 m>anen10y 1nd t o II 11 y lhrough m 111tn1 -=-.-,:-,..-.l is entitled to ll _... ol educational &Siii.stance. • -An allowance of $130 .a ~ ni>oth is paid for fulHlme u,intng, with leaser sunu paid' '°" put-time lrlining, 1Jnrtmanied WJdo9't'S 0 f veter1n1 who. served ln World Watergate Populµ,r With Nixon-ires Wc\SlllNGTON (AP) -A ""' the -lo "'"" t... Tenank mull pay U pe runninl •P to 11,IOO·a lllOlllll. 11"11111 ""' ~ ...,,. lledroom -119 111o -c1o1on \lilli cbar ... .., Jt '°'II 13.IGt to JIOl'\ I pin, -yao cu fel'. a .~Ja~riU~boo~llil~~~~~~l!lllnllAance~~~~-~and~;;~~· ~w~ill~lbe~unde~r~IJOllnd~~lol~.ij llOOd -ol Ibo -for lllO.• ud k -. t!,11111 to park your car, ii provlnt to be the -POFullr pllce lnlownf«~Nls· "' olflclall, Called U\e W1tu11&e, It WU built three l"'"fl ogo tor t10 rnlllloo ·In II\ ore1 !hit once accommodated a gaswoi'ks 'and a slum. It's only a few minutes wallr !iom the White """"'· .'Jll.ree Cabinet m e m b er s ti.ve snapped up apartmenta In the b1!4e cooperaUve and at least one more Ii' tbink,lng about it. Some of the lower- ecbeloo appointees Bnl looting or already are in re:sideoce,. It was a sort 'Of unorganized 11forWard \j)getber" movement by people who W asbingtoo Pmt. writer Myra MacPbenon saJd "had a her'd instinct and the money to indulge \t." Unfortunately, affluence sotnetimes attracts t b e crinUnal element and Presl- Gent Ni:r'on 's prlvBte aecretary, Rose Mary Woods, was vlctimlzed by burglars while she wu in Europe with • • • - • I ' ' Red Letter Day lo~ ~les Who "\ant I Good Looking 1.egs ~!' Who w:t to Save!! •••• · rts ·~ath Coast Plaza 2nd Anniversary Sale!! , ~-111 the Korean· conflict; .. _ in the post-Korean period ~ (sj~ Jan .. 31, 1955) and who 'ed ln servict, or as the ~ the boss. Small wonder IO many fashiom.ble ladit'S kwJt: for- ward eapdy io N' hosiery SALE. ~ tnow .it'• a marvelous opportunity to dtesa their-legs in' u- pemlve Luxury-inel:pensitely! Tbeee ~ the bt.e we aeD at higher prices an year lollg., BeauUluDy obe<r 15 denier styles wi1h heel ~ ~ and ,...,, muy oCben Ill perfectly [npOltiooed lrom tip lo toe Jn slieo to fit petite, medium, or loog lep. Scoop up mough pain to last for months ..• and watcb your boliery budget smile. Wbat an op~! I It , of service are eligible :9foP VA-guaranteed G.t. home f.oins. ft:ie eligibility expires July C2S, 1970 for World War II w~. Widows ol ~ Korean ct veterans have untll • Ja_n. !l to ... the~ ... ·~enl · ' f ' It's a Small World Accordin& to Web.ster , wiliows ol. post-Korean serylce vltefans have 20, years from the date of their husJ>an4's dei:th or dbcharge from Weridy Eastman, 7%, of Costa 1i-1csa·takes a look around the wOrld -her new ~ice to obtain loans. World Book Globe which she won by submitting a winning qwestion.to the Ask '1le VA will guarantee I> Andy contest. Sharing her sister's in lerest is 11-mor'lth-old Kelly. percent -up to a mulmum --------------------,----------of ,112,500 -of the loan ob- tained by the widow. Long-· term mortgages (up to 30 olber com pens at Jons to payments for lhe education these payments is available YWS) and little or no down 1·r·ed 'd · f h'ld d d d from the VA Information pl)'Jllenlll remain the principal qua 1 1 war w1 ows, in· o c 1 ren an cpc.n ency advantages of G.l. loans. eluding death pensions, relm-· and indemnity compensations. Service, 1380 S. Sepulveda In add!Uon, the VA offer1 bursement of burial expenses, Further information about Blvd., L.A. from weisfield~ ... Where Pride Of Possession ls Part O f Your Purchase ~ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS ASSORTED GIFT WARE AT CLOSE OUT PRICES !. COMPOTE STEM WARE SNACK SETS SPICE RACKS ' ' ••• ' • ~ I• MUG TREES 6 PC. SALAD SET LIGHTER, ASH TRAY SETS LARGE OVAL BOWL PUNCH BOWL SETS ~ LAZY SUSANNS 12 PC . SNACK SET NOW NOW LIMITTD TO STOCK ON HAND • • , SOUTH COAST PLAZA ewe Jffi e~'d'S '""" """ .,., .. ~·· w .. 1.,.""' t. t lristol at tlie Son 011?90 Frnwoy COSTA MESA 540-7187 JEWl:LZ1'S I• W~tftef4'1 itt.ehf .. CllHrrp, le11k.A1Mtkd., M....., CW .. I I Despite security measures like TV-monitored elevators and hallways, the thieves escaped with more than $4,000 in Miss Woods' jewelry and mementos she'd collected dur· Ing 11 years with Nixon. The three Cabinet officeni now established in $130,<m to $140,000 suites are Atty. Gen . John M. MitcheU;' Commerce Secretary Maurice Stam, and Transportation Secretary John V. Volpe. The three couples reputedly are in t h e millionaire bracket. Secretary or Interior Walter J. Hickel and his wife have looked Watergate over . Protocol Chief Emil (Bus) Mosbacher and his wife are in the hotel section or the complex, paying around $1 ,400 . a month and contemplating the purchase of an apartment. Treasury Secretary David Kennetiy and Postmaster Gen. Winton Blount l n s-p e ct e d Watergate but :shied from apartment dwelling. Sen. Jacob Javits (R~.Y.) moved out of still fashionable Georgetown to buy into the apartments. BUY .· ONE DOZEN GET ONE PAIR FREE PANTYHOSE RUN RESISTANT DEMl'l'OE VarW,. fll. colors s169 ' s pr. s500 for pr. YOUR CHOICE Panty Hooe In Iii eo1or9 Opaque Cantreeo Sb.,.. ··199 SUPl'ORT PANTY HOSE •4•$ Regular ..... Albert'• 1tocU a f;0111ph1te 11 ... et ttc'ht. end leotard• bl Ii put .. colon end ti 1(71 .. i,,. Da.nailrln. On•o "''"' tt>P\t 'rl. 1C '·"'· to 1:30 p.m. Sat. 'tll I p.m. Snlli Coast P1111 About half the apartments -there eventually will be 700 units -have sweeping views of the Potomac River. Prices vary -often according to the scenery -from $21,500 for an efficiency or studio to more than $250,000. The average, and most popular, HOSIERY lrilf'OI at the San Diego fwy. ~Mesa PllOHE, 540-4997 . Upper' Mall aat to Ma7 Co. &'l'ORJ!lB SERVINO YOU COABT·TO·OUBT • Carpeling • Drnperies • Bed Spreads • Curtains • Both Skop S~vh:1gs of 30% to 50% during our New Store Opening in South Coast Plaza-Costa Mesa • Kitchen Shop. OE CORA TIVE SHEERS Flne1t Quality merchandise from the fore· most de1ignen--occe11ories for the bath- bedroom -kikhenl Beautifully 1tyled cur- tain• ond draperie1 fOf every room. LOWEST SALE PRICES ON TOP QUALITY I DECORATOR FABRICS J ffgular to 3. 95 yd. • 100% durable cotton• • f ine decorative Jacquards • Colorful Heavyweight 1atin1 • T extur.d cottons-rayon blends • Sun-proof 1elf-llned fabrics Special "01>9nlng" prices on regular 1f'Ock drapery fab- rics-hundreds of foshion-wiM color1-oll textures and weave• -Prices Or'll limit.d to 'thi1 10 day Sale Only! But quontitites ore unlimited! I • Shirmiering ontron ~-• Duroble dcxton ....... e Teirtur9d casem.!'lt ....... • Soft 'hon;-tno do<r-on Nincwi $1~? . ~.:::~.~~~-·~l • Colorful open w.ave look1 $299 -· I Mt•I •lilMI • ...,._..., .. eateN - t "" ....... _ ....... " •\ • • .... .... -.'Ill l ~ .,. • I ! . l l • 1 . : l l : • t I I i ' f l ' . I f t • ! • • ' t • • • • ! . • -. 1 • . ' • Textured Jocquorcl weovn e o .. Tgner fashion Antique• • yard ' CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES • Any 1lte wlrtdow or wall • l ln.d or Unllned • Iring your meo1uremenf1 • 10 Day1 Only • regular 2.75 ea. width I \ I a•"' -._ IC! <!Ol ... ..,.., " ...., "'' .. ..... ll'J.Mr.~tt•• I \ ....... ._ .. ... Ill """" .. .. --· · g· , .... M·~--........ -... -,:; ... _,_ ""----"" ....... ...., k ....... _,._ .... _ ... ............. ~ .. .w.1o .. ""I'!" -.. = _,, .. _ .. ............. ,..,.,, .. lltlft. I\ ......... (<)(IO) •SIX O'CLOCK .M.OVIE-<C)I .......... \Cl (SO) * JAMES MAsoN • SUSAN .......... (II. (SO) -~ HAYWARD STAR IN "THE --· ....., " -ol M.ARRIAGE-QO.ROUND"I ... lo M .......... ·-.... .,.... -(C) -riill .. n ,. CCllMltf) "1 t:t1 •....., ti»t•tru.. fQ ~ SllM Haywlfl, JtttM MllOfl, Jul-' Jilin ..... I Jll9I .... afl4 ... Jt ...... r. ddlllt'-tmn.tt....,.. ..... (C)(OJ) -- -.... • ,. C.. (C) (30) ffWI 'lffl """ Mii I $3,f'."XI ,_, ...... (C) QO) !"' " ""' .... " .... Ill IM'IL IDICJl""'"""" (C) R'""" -(30) ·~""· .,. a KRAFT MUSIC HALL ... A ta . ,..,4141 .... 1117 * W1yne Newten II host :"::' .:=,, ~ ~::: with lrownlnc lrpnt ... -....... """'"' 1111)0011 .... _llll(C) llOlcl tt ~ '' {IO) Wl)'nt NIWtall hom. LllCll e....,. •)I. kl'llr, lrownfnt lt)'lllt _. Tiit fl IPUI """ (q Goin& Tllln1 auesf • ....L~ t DM)rnmA1c ••II•••••' l :JI D lillS n1aHhke te> <to) llltfti: 1t> • .,.,,,. • 111 "" m1 ·a.. ..., (30) _.. (collllfy) ·'87 -d:a.Mtll .. """ tt .. ...._ 11 .. Haltnltfl, hter Xutnw. Jullt Mir-Iii tC) (IO) • n., GtrtldiM P .... Mldl1ll bull. U(J)la .. _ (Cl, ... ,.,,_ IJlo (Cl (IO) . ·-·..,., .. _ ..... , ·-·"'· • (lll) ........ -•• atr -~ -~ ...., ...... MlnMll ..,..,.... ' ...... _ .. _...,, ----· .... ,.. •• Cll_ .... (C) (IO) doll. lllWf'. til Lm Dlu&1as-IWtl Glelr •w•••-(C) :.==:=-~ · •a ....., m (30) &. trill • -. .... .in ... .., ,,,. ..::--"' "' """" ........ .,_ G ........ ""' (C) (IO) ... (II (IO) '" M- • -(11 (30) •1•'ut: .. , - - -U~.JW-•• , .. ., -';'.,\;;; !: · ,.,... "JN •·1r , , •=r• ......_ "'::::.!" .....:...,_ 11111.., -, .......... ., LACltf--"· _ .. _,,,_ mt:IDI ......... , lllCI I ,.,.., tf •· 9"ft ...... 'Ill -II ..... perb: .... IJllrtllt'I ... ilt Ml llfll. -.. ........ •<t.Cll•n. ·-(C) atCll---(C) (IO) .,--.,..,._ .. ... . ____ .. .. ••••• tzt fC) "" ..................... . 1!D Tr9111 ., C11 e • (C) to wort, Ille tlllt II 111111 .._ !:JS ..... ~ICI 8 MAYOR SAM YORTY * "LOS ANGELES PER- ·--(IO) ·-tCl(IO) • "" -(II (IO) --Yiir ... ...,......, ... SPECTIVE'' A SPF;CIAL REPORT TO THE PEOl'l.E ..... DllliTll'hl ... ·-... (IOI 1"" .... -ICI (IO) "' ·--..,,, L.iie U--., Merle H11· ' an. P'lt fl•tlpl ,,. 1lhl Milt· lO:lS e ... fCJ (ID) .......... D!llCllD1't -·«ll~ltlll""":' "I .. ~.­(!Of""!-it --...· ,...,.,, a.-•-.. -. _.,I""'-· ftoat. . Gtrt fl1k. ""=· ..,,,.w,,-·,.,. 11-111 CIOt rel ..... ...,.Tt1111· DM ........ (XI).,._, Jllll/ •• •owlll • .., Cell-Moore.• Sir ... ••,.. •· IM, lJt ......,, ......, CIMO, rttll I \liMI ...,, -1118n'I ft. .............. ..... . . • .. -..... tc) (30) ! •trfct .111 ... SU. ..,_ _. M"'1 lnPI• 111t9!. • "* 91 .... ew1.., -.,u ,ooaa••••-ICI 1o1t.• ....... J.1:·W::.:n..! ID u..11111 CO ....... " ..,., ,..,, .... " ..... .., ......... - --"' -... ...i 'SI -, ... ,_, ""' .-M 'TlllnlllJ', 111rTM111 fToM "9il lrfdfa. = ::7..., "": .:=. : 1121 CJ). Cll • Cll-(Cl ,_, U•I·--·-s ... "1• ..... fit .... {4FlllM) '5l-Olnitflf 11:11 ..... "f• P11t II ........ ~ Enlil ~-(oinMily) '91--ht• Sll1ft,. ,.,,. • .,,. .. c 114 (Q (30) n.w. ..... -(IO) BU(JJ.llT--(C) ·-·•-(30) DIDl!Jlm"" -CCI ·---(Cl 9(1) .... ,ef ""'•' ... ... Afllll ... , ..... U:4S. -"'"' . .. Uol" '(---·""" ·-· 'ft . a RICHFIELD PRESENTS 11:11 m-........ (-l 'fl * LOS ANGELES LAKERS =In< n...i.., 11..., ...... • VS. S. f, WARRIORS 11:1tm--"Doo .. , Qtl- BlAlllll I I ••• (C) (! Ml 1[111." c!Jlica: .... ,.. c'.ermMfltl. tllt tMen bfttll "" s.11 Fnneio w.m.n. I :It 8 B fllm (Ct ·-(<)(30) __ .. _ ... (<) .... Cll ,._(Cl (IO)"°" l·llD--llJ -( .. DJ. Kellllfth •. a.rt .._ .,. . 11111) '50-* tlffWI lllleMllM .... MalQM •"' In ............ ~ • ... httkll Y, lll1r,tlf, ,_. ,. llcil _,millloMI" rA Wllllh!IW. • C ...... llM fQ D.C.. _. "9d ti "9 ,.._ £1t. • ,...... Llw F.Mlvi ......... 1:.111.::ir. ... .,.. ~ •• Miiii.... , "'-WM 1 T,..,.... ........ llMll Mil °11111 lltn T.....,_ ... ,,, 10 ............. ....... T • 1 lJ ~ ' l' i• r ·11:11•' , =*':< ...... -_.._ ...... - ..... (~ 'S6 -'VIM 111 .. llal•~. DAmME MOVIES 2:11• ... , .. "" ...... ....... , .... (_ ............ CM- .... (C) -"' ......... (,. ·--.,,._ . -1 'SJ -... """· -'"'. (C) ---"""· ... -... -.... "1.-J(-'4 4:11. (q .. , - --~-""' ........ -)~-­(*-1· -~ .. .-. C~IP 'IMll Al AND SAft T.V. '7.50 OK TOUl NUT l1l'fl~I CAii· lotw .__ Mer 11. 1•1 RCA $ALIS & SDYICI ;mtmt ...,. ....... • • .... * 'lln'lal1 I . 642-9742 275' E. 171h ST. COSTA MISA \ STIYi. IOPER l • _,.,~ ..1~~ JUDGE PARKER TUMILEWEEDS MUTT AND JEFF MISS PIACH I 1 I/ 1· f,I l I I , , ly. CINlrlel M, scli'ula ly Saunders and Overganl c.C1crr1tPf.Cf l.ADY, I PON'TWANT 11) GET 'PERSONAL. SUT· :t WISM 1 HAl,-fHE HEART OF "UON, n!E EYE OF AN EA~E, TME CUNNIN ~ OF A FO~, n<E TI<t<tFT C'i= A :SQUIRREL, AND eot.X..P WORIC l.J~E A 6EAVER . ..... ,, ... ~--------· ·- By Ferd Johnson ly Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith tlO 'll:lU WEAR 'FAL.llE EYELASHES . ... il ',·-:·1; ly Mel '' I J c _· .. •• , "'-. , • •:: ~··IJ. ·. , ... "'"" ALTAR-BqUND -Henri Beckman, le!t,.11 off.• Ing some good advice to the perhaps .altar-bound .. Bobby Sherman on· tonight's "Here Come thr1 Brides," on Channel 7 at 7:30 p.m. Robert Bro.,,,..1 and Joan Blondell are the stars of the series. Guest cast includes Mary .rO Kennedy and Henry Jones.1~:: TELEVISION VIEWS Marriage May Come to End By RICK OU BROW . HO).L YWOOD (UPI) -The latest flap be'-- tween the S~ers Brothers and -CB&.TV come,•~: as absolutely no surprise to the televls.lpn ind.u~ 1 The alliance of the network and iOle coipir:u,z.~,. team bas been, for some time, strictly a marria14t · of convenience (See stoey, Page 25). ,, To say that CIJS. TV and the Smothm brolhor~" can live without eaeh other is putting it mildly. ,., It was common gossip for awhile that CB&.TV,. ...... despite the success of the brothers, was comldedn& ~ dropping their series next season because ·of. the,., mutual headaches over censorship, taste and re- lated matters. · oN£ OF THESE matters. wa~.sil"ply .~·.~~: sooal antagoruam that bad bµilt up, , " -, ~ , Since Tom ·Smothers: is generally· tl;I~ ~ : man of the team, and the most in~~ved ill p , ! ti.on, he is the brother who most .otteD Jiu· . 1 up butting h~ds. ~ith the networ'-. ~ . : · , .._ ·_ ~: : If the network bas truly thought at· all! """"' • • dropping the Sm«bers, it is reported that Tom ~ : literally given some consideration to dropping C~ j TV ~· The cynics1 ·however, always talk...mooey, ... •l find it hard io · .beli•••··.111e: !>'oung: ooriiedi t..., would,, do ,anytbb/& .;tll'ht~ · ·-~' .. ~' _ .,'. .. -.'_,.,,, .If,~ , But thole •ho li1l<'\Y the, ~lllO<MH ~·not ' surprised by'~yUiing;lae'y do., ... J, --., ' ',· "· ·* ! - -., •I , , , , ,, , , I . ! ' , -~ ,e t THE SU~GISTION ,t!>e· brothers ,mlfl!i try t>: move to NBC-TV if ihe)'. ~an get •wllY .from Ceil-; TV is amusing and .provocative. . . . . 1 1 First of all, leel!Jlgs aside, CBS-TY. ~ •lll'ef)t, senaitive to the possibility the smoth'!",• mlP,lt; come back to h\lrt them in the ratings on anotl:Mt • network. , -. , . . . .. . ·,. , ! Second, would a network like NBC-TV, whleh• already has the equally ~ontroverslal ''IAu~bi:•; series, want to be known as the b~~ca-ctf·' ganization that has ·all the irreverenc•? · ;, ; In addition, NBC-TV's app~oach 'wilh '1Lau~) in" is wholly different from that. of the Smoth~; · brothers, who frankly lay on their thought.I .with:~· heavily-pointed, message.like style. In ihOrt, w · is to say headaches might not arls' elsewhere tcv . . ' I INSIDERS WITH both CBS-TV aiid the s~ en brothers have no hesitancy in tellllif their n:1:1•1 tual animosity. ' -. ~-\ 't 1 A Smothers insider says : "The ·network r~Y. d0<en't like tom and Dick because uiey know tlit;,1 mean what they say in their humor.: ."Il;t4' old-tllll9 executives are used to dealing with comtdians w~ pretended to be irreverent, but really Wereri't. Thty were all members of the ·club, Ilk~ BoJ:, ,Hbpe." ', : A CBS-TV insider, meanwhUe, •~YI .. t!i•t ml,\I~ of the-top brass at' the network consider ·Tom •s ••impossible and arrogant." · · · 1; : AS ANY SHOW businus observer blows, thi.nli are not 1 usually as bad as the)' Seem .on.:the ·~ face. They are wotse. · · · -·~ "': l And if you want proof of that;,Ju•t:'~~r · what heroes the Smolhers were at CBS-TV w!iiQ they bowed in with the first series on the netwWt that was able to compete ·suci:essfully in the T'ltllfit against NBC-TV's bigb·rici41g 11Bonama.'' '. : I ' Dennis tlte Menace ~ i ·' .. :: ... ,,, . ··~: .... ,~.. . . ··.·.· .. :.; . ' I ,, ' ' . ' . ; ~I ' ' . ·. 'l ' . . ! " . " • • 11~· ~. , ' ., 1 I .... ft DAILYl'll.OT ~.-U.IM I I I ' I • -------------- I \ • • I ~1 JE I• I~ I~ ,: :a '" I• :~ I~ " " " :2 " '" .. I' 1! I' ,: :~ " " " !i " " " II Ji ~ f: New York ..,.. I> ' • • . 1ir i ...... - I I ! I • l .. ON.. MO. $26*:$26 ' ·MO. . . ON. ~- • • , • •All irun .riCi. ~ti~·~~~ •• ~ tnontllf'f N'l'r'Mftfl lllee4 Oii J6 """" ...... end. ' . . ' . . . . l '83 _ POftTIAC ~ Stii~tf 4-0r, VI. •UIOj tlf. :a;, q:l:lld~ ~·~ Pll, R&H. Plr'· ·$5· 77· ... !' . • PnC9 " ... ,-, * .5· 19 ' ,, • . 9 ·· '"1111) M • · I••,.. . -. ~ ..... ' •-11;.L, • •• 1"' ·.~ . •• ;,\ ! " .. ---~ I '63 JJODiE ... · oart G.T. 2 t1oor ti1rdtoD .... -.:. Rt.:i!o. 'Miter, FJT OI~ - ·"':477 '"" 1. pirice •; ':'$16 .. * M$i 0 6···:, ·:~ .... .. - '&4 OHEYR~LET -~ ' . . I Dru 11T_,. .fiutam111<: trltll• rl fo end ~lllf• m. IOLK~l.-' 5n 7· , '"l' . ~/. Prtc• . ; Stt ' * $It. .. · , DH. MO. '&3JMPAL ~ . . '64 CHEY •. ·:. t t t{f,·H.T. AU1"-: .. d:o~ MlllDoli-:s:!J/0.-. M.T, ~.J!' ,llu:¥\7,: ~,l~f/7.fr~l!tl'f ~. ~XK..~' _,, & • ' $6 77 'p:\~~ . '$171 ~~ •. . $i3 . * .$2,3 ' • .. ·~l2• * $f6 : .. ·ON. ,1 MO., .".1 DM.. M •. " • •. 1 • ·.'88 BELVEDERE , ·~WL.~. v.f.A.T~ 1tik".'~;. ~'(i~-~I. · '8& 'CHEYRoUT '· ( . • • . -_. - I • , . NEWPORT 8EAClil (F,uhion ltl•nd) ~ , -. ,. .., . . . . . . DELUXE 5 PC. SET • • • EARLY AMERICAN SOLID BIRCH BEDROOM GROUP I PC. SET . · ·FQNCH PROVJNQM GIRL'S BEDROOM G.IOUP HUNTINGTON BfACH (Huntihgt• Ctnter) . . ... ,:- . I • • i . t . I ' • I - FA<TOIY Penncraft• · 10" tilting arbor saw Look at aJI these extraordlnory feoturesa butft. ln 1 '4 HP motor1 lutMicated ~fl lteorlng1 rlpl center left or right of 4' panel1 Mp front~ for rip fence and blocle o~le1 up front 8'titch1 SATUIDAY MARCH 15 ~;;;;;;;:iiiiiiiiiiiiiilmlllillili:mlliilii.-;lrl'. Hff allgnlAg rip fence, m1tre, ...,.., morel , NO MONEY DoWll ••• USI PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT P~N 11 :M A.M. te S:OI P.M. A 'mnt' ••• venatlle chlal actle• sallCfer 1 Reg. 27.99 NOW2J.99 ,., GI lfttfe ·~ $5 per month Our Penncraft9 dual actloa IMllllWl•wflh1' ...... , .... and .,,. .. """~­ ..... MOO CllWtal 1tr4*• ,_ ....... ' Ow ••"' •• ,,. .. 2 apeecl ,_. 1.w ••• 1 Reg. 27.99. NOW23.99 ..., Cll lttle GI $5 '9f' .... DeflMrt 2400 & 3000 st1ek• per minute, 1/5 .. ......,, 2.5 amp11 %" atrok•J 1.all arul bronze bearings, tUt a-e. NEWP0RT BEACH (F•shion lst.ftdj ............... o .. v .... .W. speecl clrlH Reg. 28.99 NOW23.99 Pay • .... • ~ per month 0-lOOO ..,,.,, , ..... for ,. m ..... ecrewa, ltolte. V. HP "'°'°'' W ., .... 9IMI Inonu tleevelae•lt• J ...... ,,. .. ~ ....... ,., ....... . Reg. 54.99 NOW44.99 Pay ....... $5 ,. "'°""' 32W' hlelt ........... 3 ful .......... and.._. compartments with tvml:Jler lock and 2 keyt. • • ~ • . .. . .. .. , "'' .. .,. .... .. ---· . ~· ,.,. ............ _ .. --..... ·-· ·- - -.. ... I /1 I , ' l ""r TI Tifu w COUMAN• GD ITOYI 12.H • Two burner economy Mdel • 2~ pt. tank --~·IOlllTVHIATll 25.99 • ~flllts IOOO to 5000 ITU • ~.., to hand!. . · . ' . 7.91 • Cotteft C1C1nvo1 covir • • o,.... 12• x 16' x u~· · COUMAN 220 P. LANTON 13.99 • Double mantle ltt1• • 2 pt. tank capacity __ ............ : ... :--. ·" '1' ... ~ • • •• ·' •• ., Ail Penney· Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Satuftl'8f GET ABOARD OUR IRAND-WAGONI Your best &.,ya day In and day out are Penn.ya own brands I We test endlessly to assure what we tay ftt our slogan: .. alwayt flnt quality". We shop constantly ta assure competiti~ prices. SPECIAL .PURCHA.SE! 8.88 . Foremost 3 lb. steeping bag • Red cotton pophn thell • cOtton broadcloth print lining • comfy 3 lb. ofl acryhc filling • full Talon• zipper • Ftntshed size 33" x 7d' •fantastic wluet . . t'xt' hktll ,..,.,, 9' X 11' .W.00M l9nt • 7'fl' c.nter heltht 69 99 • 6.7 .. OL .:ottOft clrlH e roof • 5.91 os. cotton drill won. and floor Pay• little• · $S P" month ••• • Nrhct fOr faml ... • 7' center .Might • 6.7" oz. cOtton clrlll top • 5.91 os. cotton drlU walla and floor 69.99 P1y at lfftle • $S per "'°""' ... Our Golden Pinto 3Y2 HP -Mini Bike .149.99 • -4 cycle T ocumseh engfne • Disc brakes on rear whHl1 • Moton.ycle type brake and throttle controls • Automatic centrlfvgal clutch to ellmfnot. shifting • Mee Gold color NEWPORT BEACH (Fa~hion lsl•nd} HUNTINGTON BEACH {Huntington Center) I l I r ,•. . I ' .. , .. . , ~ -·· •• " i \ , , • . •, • . ' • ·" , ' ' " J ' ,t. :.• ~·l,i. . • ,1.. ) ' . • ' "· ,, ' r I , ... '"··' " .. • Po1so1J Pr•v,e.,rition ,W~e'k" · • . -. • f l ~ang~r · ~.~rk~ · " ' ' ' ' .. • j ~·~ri:~ --~--. . ' ' " I .. ' MEATBALLS SCANDl~'#IAH'STYLE· • ''' , Buffet Fare ., i ••• ·Ground · Chuc:k . De.lights Crow_d ·~·- Sour cream, dill weed and .wine turn grQl.llld ·chuck into heavenly D 111 e d· Meatballs ScindJa. Cook up a large pot of them for a crowd. ·. · They make perfect buHet- supper p&ny fare. Even the men cah 't resist them with their tangy wi.nE. , and sour cream sauce! ·' '; Be '1\lre to sUvetthem with lots of OuUy bu~ered rice and a crisp-cooked green vegetable. Bright ~ crabap. . pies~~·• gre:at qtvor touch along with colealaw and bot buttered rollJ. -\· DILLED MEA)'BAL13 SC~. 2 pounds ground chuck ' %: cup raw rice 1 tablespoon beau monde 1 ,;.. __ dUI .u ... ~ --r-• wew. ., . : t '~ l/1 teaspoon nutniee 2 cups white dinner Wine 2 tablespoons butter I cup dairy sour cream Combine ground chuck, ri~, beau m<qle, dill Weed, nutmeg and 'Ii cup white din- ner wine. Form' rillxt.are JDto balil; brown in butter In a luge· 11dll~'Alfd ~ I\\ C\IJ>t'..wthe; --ifilo , mer IS J1!inulq '·\J11111 ,rtce .ia completely cooked, SJ1don 110Ur cream over top· to aene. Matti I to I SU.Vinl'· •I • ' ti.ams, 3, ·holds one kind of antidote. llOl!on p,.. v-on will be emphasized March 16-23 by .the· Wo~en's AuxilillJ'Y.'. to the Orange County· Pharqi. '.aceutical AssociatiOn. :Pears "i Perfect ,f.ar Partytir.n·e '• ~: \ ' 'PEAR·FECT' CONTINENTAL DESSERT . ' ' . ' ' ·{~ . Enjoy the ~elegance and simplicity of a . Con~ • ll<Jiert 'the ~ 'lli!IO--. pany is 1n~lu~1! ~Ji~ It's the ~ ~:\O a lovely dinner, ~ rlgbl ;16- ;tedients for,, ~ ,1 iverui,t dessert. Serve-a ~tiriepti.1 platter featurii:ig-;-juicy, sw ... fresh winter pears and a v.ariety.of rich, tangy cheeses. Custom diet.ates that I .lltUe S\veet should follow if cheese is to be serve.d: at~the·· end of dinner. In our con~fntal . , dessert~. whether tor~~e:rellln& snacking or dinner flil.ale, the sweet is included .and··Y so. . ' Your choice of sweets may come from the winJel pelr varieties, D' AnjoU or Bose. Their mellow flavors add a periect complement to the meal precedlllg. "Ibe. tan«Y rich cheeses accentqate t&e refreshing juicy, qualfiy~of the pears and the comblnaU001 is special. Fresh winter pears lend themselves readily to all sort& of treatment. They a r e especially adept at providing good flavorful eaUng in their "£resh form". Individual serv· ing platters an~ ·knives allow each guest to prepare the fruit the way he likes Jt.. Watcb everyone discover that the be.st way is the quJckest 'and easiest, finger-sized we(tgea 'of P,e:U'S with the peel, · · You'll usually find Ireeh Western pears•ripe aild ready to eat at your ·favorite market. Ripe pears yield to genUe pfessure, regardJeS! ol color. I • · .. . .. •• -: DAILY l'ILOT for the good In my friends. I fllte pip and nevtr believe anything UDJus l see Jt with my own eyes. toly l'Ve oeen I lot. bell frlen<I ( alao the molhtr or ) told me last week that she b Jov. Wil.h a married man. Etta knows roomer la leaving and wets to t the room ao she and her lover ~ve a Hfe place to meet. Ing to Etta they are not doing wrona beca\ISt ~ man's wife y and cannot satiafy his sci Jleda, Her bulband, lbe QYa.-1ave up ~ on hls 40th blrtbday when the doctor f_d_ him he hu a hi&h cholmerol rt. He ii afraid of • heart attack. • Is_ Strictl y a Closed-doc ~ Policy ANN LANDERS I could 1ure "'° the Income but I think this is wrQng. Etta says it is a sin not to help people who need it and that she needs help . ~perately. I'd apprteiate your advice. -STRAIN· ED FRIENDSHIP DEAR FRIEND' EUa need1 lelp all ri.J-l. bat not Ute tlDd de'• ukbl1 for. Ttll _, ••· Jf yOI allow WI C9o fused womu to mm your bome tato a IUde-oat .I.I e1:diu1e for • few dollan, JOU'U ftlf'Cl h. DEAR ANN LANDERS: A few weeks ago l was shopping in the supermarket. 1 grabbed a cart without looking and threw in a big bo1 of detergent. I heard a loud fdp and a woman came rushing al me yelling, "You fool . You've hurt my cat! " I didn't see the cat in the cart and he wasn't hurt. I juat scared him. But she kept yelling ana people started lo stare. Finally I told her to shut up and I left. ~ Sunday I went to a wedding and met the nilUest guy ln the whoJe W-Orld. When be introduced me to his parenLS J'd like to have died. Hia mother was Ole lady in the supermarket She loo~ed at me funny but I'm not sure she remembered. I koow I'm going to see this gt.1y agaJn. Should I say anything to him? Mom says, "Honesty ls the best policy." What do you say? - TINKERBELLE DEAR TfNK: I ll"ff. tbat honesty Is &be but policy, but tellla1 evuytb.ing you bow 11 not ltollesty and i1'1 .not. smart. Keep quiet unleu Uie woman briog9 up UK Incident, In whlcb case, tell the tnotb. DEAR ANN l.ANDERS: I have a lonesome relative wbo telephones every day and lalU anywhere from one to three houri. I !eel sorry for Aunt · Mae but where's the limit! I have three children. When one Jn- terrupls to ask pennlJslon to do something, Aunt l.!ae becomes irrltaled and berates me for not teaching my children better manners~ Am I belng 100 permissive or should 1 erpect a 6-year-o.ld to stand by the phone for an hour and wait to ask .; if ht ·can go the neighbor's home to • play! -MOD MOTHER DEAR M~: You're a prlio sucker U yot allow yO&IJ1i)f &o be JuW 10 lbe pboae from. ooel Co tute bwrl -evtry d.ay yet! Wbea a cll.Ud ME. a questJon, lbat'• Use time to tld Ult cci.ovenation. Yoa owt 1our tidl more Ulu you owe Aant Atae.' Drinking miy be "in" to the kids you run with -but it can put you "out" for keeps. You can cooJ it and stay popular. Read "Booze and You -For Teenagers Only." Send 25 cents in coin and a Jong, sell-addressed, stamped envelope with your request. Ann ·Landers \\'ill be &lad to htlp you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT! enclosing a self-addreued, stampeo envelope. .. . , •• Happy Birthday Gift for Those Less Fortunate A happy birtbd.ay gift in the form of money will be presented to St. ?t1adeline Sophie's Preschool Training Center for Retarded Children in El Cajon' by the Sacred Heart Alumnae of Orange Informative Teo ' County. follo,ving a fund-raising anniversary dinner planned for ' -Saturday, March 22. The Sherried Beef Gourmet menu will be 'served al 7 p.1n. in the Huntington Beach hon1c of lJr. a nd i1lrs. Bernard O'Laugh1in. While Mrs. James \V_ Temple Jr., chair· man, starts to prepare her fa vorite pot, l\lrs. Dennis A. \Valz. co-chairman opens a surprise package which holds Hhead chef" Mrs. R. A. VerNooy, alumnae president. To introduce coeds to the activities of the University of Southern CaWornia, the Orange County Trojan League will sponsor a tea' for Harbor Area junior and senior girls. Opening her Lido Isle hoine for the event Thursday, Afarch 20, will be Mrs. Dwight Anderson and Mrs. Donald Tippett is serving as chair· man. Although invitations have been mailed, the tea is open to all interested coeds, the hostess stressed. Arranging the table \Yhil e assisting planners are (left to right) J\·trs. Joseph Ferguson, Mi ss Suzi Farrer and Miss Betsy Young. "' :· . • • l ·- UC /' s Booste rettes Collectors' Cargo Collected for Sale Embarking on another fund-raising adventure are UCl's Big I Boosterettes . Capitalizing on the university's initials, the members have en- titled their third annual rummage sale, Useful Collectors' Items or Unique Cargo Items. Bargain hunters shoul4 mark their calendars for tomorl'Q\v through Saturday for the sale at Newport Boulevard and 19th Street in Costa Mesa. Doors for t.tiose early birds will be opened al 10 a.m. daily. l)o. nations may be brought to the building. or pick up service will be supplied after telephoning Mrs. ruchard Forney, president, ·at 642· 8381 or Mrs. Sidney Shannon, 673-8791. Proceeds are earmarked for the aUtletic program's awards. Students maintaining high grade standards and interested in sports are the recipients. Teaming up with the Boosters al the Balboa Bay Club Friday, itarcb 21, the women's contingent will serve as b06tesses for a din- ner par1y. Friends and norunembers are invited, according to Tom Addis, Boosters presjdent. . Rudy Bukich, well known quarterback for the Chicago Bears, will be the guest speaker. Reservations may be made with Forney at ~3862 or by calling the bay club. The University Sports Awards Banquets have been calendared for April 9 and 15 for aquatics and basketball. Tbe public is welcome to attend the programs which will lake place in ?ttesa commons dining hall. Reservatioos may be made with the university's athletic de- partment. A glamour luncheon u being planned by Mrs. Lawrence Lock- et during the swnmer. Boosterettes and guests will enjoy the floral displays and fashion parade in Mesa common1 dining room. · Last month new Boosterette members were "' entertained at a champagne luncheon In the Easlblufi home of Mrs . Fred E. Hewill. The next upcoming benefit planned by the Boosters will be a golf tournament in l\lission Viejo on April 18. Dave Dawson and Bob A1ilum are co-chairmen. • SAILS SOAR FOR SALE -~iling off to reach another goal for the athleLic program at t;C I a re Carl Reinhart. captain of l lCJ's saili ng team and (!ell to right) Mrs. Fred E. Hewitt au~ ~!rs . I "t .. • , Sidney Shannon. The UC I Big I Boosterelles Is staging its third annual rwnmage sale tomor- row through Saturday. The boat features some the "coUeclors· cargo.'' . ' \ , ' 1' 1' I j I I I I f \ j • • P-T Units Circling Numerous ' Dates 'l'il:"o!...~ i:::.. t':"' 1:1~~-=~~,':1:. ~Mr-= it:•r!"al\N I'll.OT t ...... • worm'f;.I _, '!!.' r. ... -nn-· t: Mn. ";/~,i:J ~1111;·1~ .... mr. ;.i.e.. ~ "letdl. by N1o Fri..y, ~ -.o!IQl!t-~¥.I Adami PTA Mn. Carl Leuck • Pres.ident COMING UP: Mrs. Charles Lamb,· ways and mean.s chalttnari, announces thlt a ' Dllney Ulm "The Monkey's Uncle" will be shown at 3 p.m. ~day, Marth 14, in the muJlipurpose room. Ad· mission 35 cents. . . Balearic ·PTA Mrs. Charles Cook President C.'0~1~G U P : Association melting at 7:30 p.m. Tues· day, March 18. Hooorary liJe Principal's Principal Choice Presentation of the science awards will be made during the Thursday, March 20, meeting of WiJson School's P1I'A. Lisa Ortiz and Paula· Harrill (left to membership will be award ed. by the commltlet, Mrs. John Nolan, Mrs. Charles Cook, Mrs. Gerald Miller, James Wood and Arthur Christen.sen, principal . Of. ficers will be eJected; serv- ing on the nominating com· rnittee are the Mmes. Phillip Handleman , Davtd Wagner, Robert Behnke, W 111 i a m Miller and David Daniels. Canyon PTA Mn. ll<aall Miller President COMING UP: c.rnlval will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Slturday, March 15. College Pk. PTA Mn. Bmldgla Burtbem President REPOl\TS: Mn. Robert Ste~ tier, crimlnologilt 1 n lJ righl) watch OJ1xioualy· durin& t!>e judging by H• h<rt Leafllerman, principal. • • ·' · · . . -parent education chlinilin,,,,i. presented a fUm o n narcotlca: •t the meeµnc lllt nl&ht ••. John Melllli, CUflo- dlan for the ,paJt lO years, wu hooored wllb a money lrtt and retlrement te1 by board members and (acuity. CdM High PTA Mn. Aleunder Black President COMING UP: Founders Day luncheon at noon tomorrow, in the Corona tlel Mar home of Mrs. A1exander Blact. Olllcers will be dected aJid the honora.ry 1ife mem- berships will be awarded. l\.trs. Jact Ml c telson, hospitality chairman and Mrs. Lawrence Thielemeier are In charge ..• Parents of senior studer>ts are In- vited to attend a special meetina: at a p.m. Monday, March 17, in the Utile Theater to dlscuss gradua- tion. Mn. 'Ibomas Fischer aod Mrs. Wahlers Ol&nder wUI host. CM High PTA Mn. Omer Isner President COMING UP: Meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, EvaluaUan of Dru1 SituaUon at Mtaa ii program theme. Robert Humphreys, assistant di.Jtrict attorney, will speak on the Legal Aspect of Drug Abuse. Madri1a1 &ina:en will entertain. Davis PTA Mn. Ronald Lactle President COMING UP: A mini music.I, Where Is the Afayor, wlll take place at 7: 30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Marcil 19 and 20, in the mu!U""'-rOom. Tickets IDIY be~ by callng 111'1. Roc\Ollon'•l ""3070. ,. . , , . '· M h , d . " ,· » J. .: ·.:..'Estancia fT\\ · arc Win s Stir Activifies ... -·ca:~1~::: •• o. <J~llor"I Not•: A 1>11" dlwo~ tt l"OUMtln V•ll"l, Hvn!llHll"" lltlCll, oc.n VI~, t I lle•cn • n d W•lmhw.twr dlll'lct ,..,.,,,_ !f!~r f r "' I -r Jn i°iWIDAILY I !.91'1....~I~ ~r.i~,~~:Lrr.c.::;:rid!e Wtdnud1"1., " FV Hig!I -P.T A ~~Mason ; l'rdllent REPORTS:' belegates elected' to re~t:tiie hlgl) school . and "Vote on National LeglslaUon Prograni were the Mffie1. J ose ph : :0Jtte, WillillJD Broctmann, Richira· Benedict a n d William Creed ••• 9_W,cers elected for the ~year., are the Mmes. J1f0Ckma11n," pre sident ; ~I~~ Richard Hopper and Olar!• Lipot, vice pl"Wt:tent.a: William Mason and ·.D. W; Mohundro, secretarlei,' and Rudolph LaBlanc, treauret •. Mrs. Kenneth Maf'tJ' ')I , historian and Leo lvirtQD was elected auditor. Fultoii PTO ft.th. Gerald Hix Prq.idenl , COMING> '\JP : CltlJ<nthlp awards will be presented to oulslanding studen~ at unit meeLing Thuraday, March, 27. Nominating con'lmiltee: wilt be elected. }I y 1 ~ w revisio n will be presented for membership approval. Jim McMath of t 11 e California Angels will speak on The Angel Story. chairman, 1\1rs. Emanuel Pasliizo, reports a meeting on Monday,·P.farch 24. REPORTS: Sale of iden· tilication bracelets and necklaces has been exten<led to Friday, Mardt tl, repOrta M> Mrs. Arlhur Bn>lm; wa!'s on roe, PT A and means chiilm\an" . 1\frs. Wilijam 1\1ounl Eighth graders are raising President money for laeir gradu.ation . C,01\1.JNC UP : Spaghelti din. by ice cream sales ahd' bake ner from 6 to e p.m. Frid8.y, sales. The latest project ls March 14, ·in Los Amigos y~m-balled decorative t-ligh ·$chool cafeteria. Piano pillow covers. which sell ~or players. guitar p I aye r 1, $2. For more Jnformatiop . . sJngeri, ~accordions a n d on these coye.rs ~ mat _. daf)cerri4°wUI entertain dur. call Mrs. W11l1 \~ ,Q1g~tbt dinner. Tickets are at 847-0069. · $.1.25 for adults and 66 cents ' · ·~. ' • ~at 7:41 p.m. Mon· , •. day, arch 17~ Walter ·spring View School PTO is sponsoring a Father· •oo Spaghetti Dinner next Friday in !be multipur- pose TOOm at 6:30 p.m. Doing the kitchen chores with Paul Berg is Don E rger, school vice principal. Brots, American F i e I d Seryi~ student f r o m Germany and other students ln apeclal departments will speat on What Can Estancia Do for lhe Individual . Mr1. Aldl8 J ohnson, state chalrtnan will announce the ·· honorary Ufe recipient. Killybrooke PT A Mn. Ronald Hayward ,President .REPORT&: Servlllg on the nomlnltln1 committee are Mrs. Alfred German, Mrs. John Consoli, Mrs. Ronald Coleman, Mrs. D. A. Man· nin& and Henry Barriat. Laguna High PTA Mn. Mart Smith Jr. Pralrlem COMING UP : IW'beeue din· ner before the school play "Brfa:adoon" will take place from 5:30 to a p.m. Friday and Saturday, March 21 and 22, ln the cafeteria. Adults $1.25, students fl with ASB cards and 75 cents for children under 12. Lincoln PTA · Mr1. Duane Black President COMING UP : Old-fashion melodrama, "On Strike at the Dress Factory," will take place at 7:30 p.m. Fri· day and Saturday, March 21 and 22. Phillip Mauer. En&ILsh teacher, will direct the e14bth grade students. Mn. Nlcbolu Kfoury and Mn. Georp Corich are co. • ./ lor childreri ages 5 through Golden West •f'TA \2. Children""'''" 5 lree. ' • ft.fn. Jerry Sulherland President COll-fI NG UP: Mrs. George Schn~der, second vice president and ways and means chairman, announced a paper drive from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. tomorrow. Prizes will be aw,_rded to the class coUtcttng lhe mmt paper. Harper PTA l\.tn, CUrles Upel Pre!ldent COMING UP : First Parent Education Program at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 19A In the music room, ror parents and teachers only. Dr. Jin Pick will speak on LSD and other halluclnalory drucs • • • Block parent T amuro PTO l\.trs. Lowell Brink President COMING UP : Film enlilled "Make a Mighty Reach'• will be shown at unit meeti ng at 7:30 p.m. lomor. row1 ic tl\e mnllipurpose ro o m . Nominating conr mitlee will be elected •. Arbor Day groond plaoling was postponed to 1 :30 p.m. Friday, March 14. HB TOPS Club Allen School Is the meeting place for me.mbers of Hun- tington Beach TOPS Pound Pincher• at 1 p.m. every Mon- day. On With the Show Fiesta In Fashion will be highlighted In Fountain Valley High School cale- teria at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 19. Modeling are (left to right) Mrs. W. C. Dunn, PTO president ol Fountain Valley Elementary School, Mrs. R. E. Halliwlll; assistant chaianan, and Mrs. Andrew Edwards, chairman. • DAILY ,!LOT It's Cherry Blossom Time • • Cherry Bloosom Time Is here again as lbree young gel!has from Newport: Elementary School anticipate the Motjjer-da~ghter Lunclleon Saturday, Marci> 22, at noon in the sc)lool cafeteria. /)lie ndln'g !be Oriental iaJa will be {left to; right) Heather Richards, Trace¥ Wolle and Lisa Cunningham. : .- chairmen. Lindbergh PTA Mrs. Robert Vincik Preaident Newport Hts; PTA C ft.frr. !:lgte Arlnour ' ' President COMING UP: Students Tall pll!ce at 7:30 p.m. Mooda,)'. Marcb 'l7 , In . th e multipurpose room. D r . Wllllam Cunnlna:ham, superintendent of t la e Newport-Mesa U n I f 1 • d School District, will 1pe8t. N'ominating committee will report. COMING UP: Jungle carnival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 221 on the school g r o u n d s. T\ckeu of five and 10 cents will be sold for zebra ring toss, fish pond, hippo water toss and other games. Kite flying contest will ta ke place at 9:30 a.m. Monte Vista PT A Mn. David Goodsell Pruident COMING UP: Board meeting. at I a.m. Thursday, March 20, in the teachers' dining room ••• Ice cream social and honorary life presen- tatlon will take place Tue~· · day, Marth 25. REPORTS : Carnival workshop took place yeater. day . , • Car wash was discussed at the ways and means committee meeting in the home ol Mn. Mark Morris, chairman. Attending were Mrs. John Turner and Mrs. David Good.sell. Newport Ele. PTA Mn. John Scapple President l;0MING UP: C herr y Blossom Time ls theme or the Mother-daughter Luncheon at noon Saturday, March 22, in the cafeteria. Entertainment will include three winners from the talent show and selectlort'I from Mona Frances School of ballet. Mrs. John Franco is chairman. NH 'High PTA Mn. Robert Helie! President On the Greats is theme of the meeting at 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 11, in lhe cafeteria'. Mrs. W 1111 am Polloct and Mrs. Robert Payne, Junior Great Boots co-leaders will conduct a demonstration d l 1 c u ssion with student! on "Cln- terbury Tates.'' Mrs. Loren Heather will show a film "Some Wlth Vision" con- cerning the upcoming Orange County. Me di c a l Fair, Mothers of Uiird grade students will bolt: baby-iJt· ting wm be provided. Paularino PT A Mrs. NJ1el Balley President COMING UP: ~ence fair at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Mardi 18, for students in third throua:h sixth grades. REPORTS : Mrs. Fred Palmer presented Mrs. Raymond Rumsey with the honorary life award. Third grade students entertained parents with a patriotic program. Mrs. Jamer Sebbo, Miss Barbara Lindsey and Miss Nancy Little directed the progr1111. Presidio PTA Mrs. James Ramey President REPORTS: Assoc i at Ion meeting took place · last night and honorary life membership was presented.' to Carl A. Vrebalovich, prin- cipal. Officers elected are the ~Mines. James Ramey, presldeat;\ Philip Kilmer, JoUan Cfinbaluk and John E,ai;ne&t,---lllce prWdents; Riehard Scbltainser an1( Joo Mc lC t b be n , secretaries; Streeter Kl!>g, I t-: Abbie Chry!fer, auditor, and' Charles Kami nskas, historian. Rea PTA St. John Aux. Mn. Robert Rdll President COMlNG UP: Meetin& ab I pJn. tomorTOW, Sr. J~n AMe Eannarenoo w l l 1 speak. Rwnmage sale from March 15, in lhe school b*1l. Mn. John Hartl, MQ . Rooert M<Cormllh 1114 llr•. Emil Deyden are 1enetal chairmen. · ! ' . TeWinkle PTA .. ' Mn. A. A. Jobua • President · : COMING up , Mad Mod Fubion show by Wet l(eal from 1 to 3 p.m. ~y, March 15, in Botwell hall. Ttcl:ell may be purch~ by calling ""1-R a I h Boegel at MS;-2418, . Robert G; Campbell 1\ 8630 or at tbe door. M~g are . Katby · ~ Debbie Clifford, Cindy. ~. Patty Gibbs, Sally Kn!f.'I· Cinaer Marrs. c a nil y Martel, Ann Maull, Jennie Pellegrino. Sydni Robe~n. Gayle Roth, D e b bl e Spacinsky, Sandy To l h . Joyce V11n de BlankevOOrt, Suzy Uyn and teachen, ~ Wilscm 'PTA · Mn. Fred Slmpt0a President ' COMING 1JP: Sc.itnct awards and mfftini. •at ~7 p:m. Thursday, March 20, ln the mWtipµ'pose room. Mrs. Jerry Sturgeon, chainnan of lhe nominating committtt. will report on the slate of officers ; election will follow. Mesa Rebekali . COMING UP: Whal Do You Know About Drugs is theme of meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, in the social hall. Mrs. Hugh Plumb, program chairman. will introduce panel members, Leo K on t e J • detective with. Newport Beach Police Department, Juvenile Narcotics plvlslon; D r. Robert Dru~y, psychiatrist, Orange County Medical Center ; Don Mn. Keith Kellon 1 Every fint and third Tues· Prtlldent diy ol the month members REPORTS: Officers raUfied of. Mesa Re.bekah Lodge are Mni .. J. J. Archuleta, aaaembJe In Od4 Fellows llal!. Jirst vice president and Mrs. Costa Mesa, at I p.m. Wiiiiam Novak, historian. Hallstrom, Oranre County · ·Sonora PTA Probation Department, and Charles Godshall, principal. MJ:s. l>Nald Mollica Written questions will be «,c~ "Pretldent cepted Crom the audlence · COMING UP:' Unit mettin• following the dlacuUion. bu been rescheduled to tab . . Helping Hand ' . . ··; Century Club Twentieth Century Club or Huntington Beach 1alhers at 7:30 p.m. tbe third Tuesd1y ln Late Part Clubhouse. Block Parent Program is comprised of molbera who want to help chlldre who are hurt, frightened or In danger. Sunshine signs. which mark certal~ homes to aho\I' tots where Ibey can get help, are standard throughout llunti ington Beach. Mrs.•Lawrence C. Ohler,,_area coordinator from Clrtle Vlelf PTA, oUeri a helping hand to Kath¥ uevlch. l I ....,.---........ -------~-... ----··------- ' DAIL¥-l'll.OT W...,.,, -12. lM Foreign Fare · - ·Palates .Pleased Finl m a serl11 of ll>UlDl"l dinners feJto tur!DJ forelp cuilD will be llYID by the Espn110 Club ol Newport Harbor nm Fri. I day. Mr. and Mn. Frederick McBrien will open their Bl,ycrelt home for the event, and j asslatln& with botlta dulies will be Mrs. · John Sparllng and Mrs. Paul Williams. Followlnc cocktails, a buffet supper °' Chinese dollcados will be aervtd. Then par- Jygoera will trawl to Wotlmlnster Commun- °'• ll;y Theater to see the performance of "Llgbl Up \he sty;" ! Proo-from \hla party will be given 1 to \ho ll:idlley transplant fund for suaan ; Mazze. Upcomlnf events Include a dinner • dance in April and a Tibetan dinner pro-1 gram ·in May. " " ~ .. "I' Weelcena Opening • " Costa Mesa . Offers Dual Gallery Exhibit • • •·Two artista will be featured throughout Orange County, in- ' In the Costa Maa Art Gallery cludlnJ: Bowin Mu 1 ea m , HorO.COpe l -: Sagtttarius: Stick to Budget <" eoafu.oed, prbled. Know this SCORPIO (Oct. ZS.Nov. 21): cooc:..-ned. Stick to budgel --and be-patient ·ATold one Cbeek delalla. Be awan! ol CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. who wuU to·lnvolvo )'00 in fine print. Setback occurs ii ll):Yougainagnementlrwn undercover 1ctlvtty. Yfi are cartleu. You 1ain those in authority. ED:t:Uent GEMINI '(May 21.\lune 20): ii thorough; peralstent. Accent f0< .entertaining bola al dh> Demand that partner r, on ~ with relative. ner. Sdllyour product through mociates bear their lair SAGnTAlllUS (Nov. n. di.play ol cl\lrm. lood will. ahare ol llnancial bunion. Be Deel Zl): Keep · eye oo AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. pract1cal •. ~erdue a.ccounb1 possessioils. Friend's advice 18): Apprecllte chance for should rtce1ve attenUon. Don't may• be-slightly es:ggerated. privJicy. Don't feel you have be first to grab for, check ·-Me,m heed your·oWn counsel, to travel. Slow pace. Wait tontgbt. especially where money is and see. Bt a keen observer ,C!NCEJl .(J11!1' II.July :ti): 1ro====~------======0ifl =:.; i2: in~ ..-----·VIRGINIA'S----_, Bre~kfast Takes off Ill eipl•lnhl( point <i ...... SNIP 'N' ·STITCH SHOPPE do 10 with care, humor. Means avoid hca\')'llanded methods. LEO (Jll)y ZS.Aug.' :ti): Complete esienlial tasks. Not wile. to volunteer. streamline your ~; &et derk cleared. Thole wbO. urge· you Wat Grove Area Council to take m more lack un- memherl ol Beta Sipla Pb! denlandlng. Improve rela- w!D atteod Wbl(ed Fuluy, tionJ with --iates. the bimonthly meetlq ol the VlllGO (Aug. 23-&pt. 22): Southern Calllorola Cauncll al . Overcome lemptailoo : to go 10 a.m. ))tit Sunday In the to extremes. You' know what Sportaman'• Loci(<, N o r t h you need, but you · lend to Hollywood. overstock •• Children may. "1"1<• Election 'at .officer• and the unreaaonatile I d'e man d 1 . announcing ol judi,. to Realhe you .CIMO! really buy pralde over the scrapbook affeclloo. coolest and make achievement LIBRA _(Sept. -IS-Ocl 22): and cl.U def..,. awards wtn Obtain hint lrwn VIRGO be inchided' ainang t be ac-rneaa1e. Give attenUon to uviu... • "-'11< alfalrs., Ullttp«ted JJ3.4 East·Co.•st.Hwy, e Corona ciel Mar Phone 673~1050 It'• let., tht• Y••· thinlct E11tff i1 1111 fH11 f111r w11lc1 1w1y, 11 1ttrt 11wi119I H1w 1bo11t I 111trt clr111 1MI c•tf CNhl1111 ct1tfld froM 111y t. c1r1 . fir Dtcr111 cl111bl1 kilt, 1r 1 lilt pri11t Grt11 '•Ml c•• orJlntM w1.t •c11t fOC' the E1ihr ptr1J1, fir th1 t.111191 cl1119kkf"1, 1 j1ck1t 111J J reH in 1111 1f m•ny ~. w .. hlt. 1M ltl111 c1111b!11.1ti1111. W1 1r1 .,.ry pro11J if 11r wide Mlec:tlOfl of 1mbraii1r1J f1brlc1 111 cl1tftJ 1wl11 ind br11J cloths, 10 f1"'inln9 tni prtt+y f1r1 y1wn9tr -mbtrs of the ftmlly, With 111r 11rly E11t1r, the m1r111l1t9 will Iii 011 tht chilly 1id1 . 10 wt 1w9911t 111 1t1y to 111tlc1 ctpl f1 t• '"'' 'Mluy'1'' ••w-froclc. $••you soon, VIR61NIA .... Jltu -partlclpul. Avoid wlahlUI tblnkina. Be reallltlc. . PllCD (Feb. lt-ldud! II): Be respolllible where lundl W o_uld you believe .' • . • DIAMONDS • AT KMART! B•t tfll11lc ., .u tlu! --· ·-"'"' •• ., .. t A•••ltltel• JUtlletdetll •. • •• Planninl to attend from this ]lUbllclty la due •. Be ' poised. area are the · Mmes. Fred :bm't neglect feelings of older u-:. ,. ...... nhlblt openinj: March 15 and Com Mesa and Mesa Verde eooilnuin& throu&h March SI. libruiea, Cyprus J u n lo r Ari League memben Mrs. College. South Coast Plul, Paul Frieberbhluser 1 n d ,Bullock's and Richard's )lenry Ramiru will lhow their Market. llo(era. pnlldent; Jerome penoo_ or parent. Keynote 2200 Ha1bor llvd., Costw ...... , -• Colton, vice pretldenl; J~k·~·enalile:.:::::~·~ppr~·=~~ch.::_~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::!!==============================" .. .., O'Ntell, reconllq .muy;I° Jr!' and crall.t and olh in She WU recipient <i I Ford Ille Center Su..! 1all<ry. . Motor Co. OuUlandin( c.m. ~Mrs. Frieberbhauser, who mwUty Service award fa boqa portr "With papier macbe, 1tS7 and 1961 and served u )IUk .and bread ICUlpture, has art cbaJrmu and -Jl<Oli· uhlbited Ill l1Wl1<l'OOI places dent <i the Aer<JOutroniC (. Wlve1 Club. -~paghetti ~-Simmering ;. Cooking . up their -fund-~ event for the City of Rope la the Huntinlf<m B<1ch .~ma Ulirla.ub chap!«. o Tbe group will IJ>OftlOI' 1 ebetti · dinner between 5 1:31 p.m. next Saturday Lake Part ClubbQu.,e, with "11 pn>CHd.o ta11ed for cancer ,,.,, .. -~~ , will be fl.Si (or ~~-1.a and 15 ctnta for Jldldrtn, and plannlna the .;.mt ... the -Ed l!hrlaub, P'rllll< Whit .. Tooy DeF"ranCelco and J1ek JuPalrtck .• 1 enna.•1 ~-~-- Ramlm, formerly of Buenos Alm, warn primarily in oils and his favorite sub" jocl.t are flab, fowl, boat. and harbors. Two national magazines have carried hi! worb. A native of Argentilll, Ramiru II •·rr•duate ol the Univenity al. Fine Arts 1 Bueno1 Aire:st""IDd atudied with French artist Andree Moch. His accomplishments in- clude ~man 1bow1 i n Araentlna, Chile and Urquay, ownership ol his own art ltudios in East Mtldow, Lons Island, and bis current studio 1111\llolloaVl<jo. Illa --11111 bt -In 1allerla In N.,.. Jtney, New York. Tens, Florida and cali(otnia. Jack Murray, clvD defense; St.uley staffcrd, hlltartln; Mamie ·Wallman, directory chairman and Dove Wertz, reglrtrar. Garden Club Watches Films Laguna Beach .Garden Club will observe Coue:rvation Month with a double feature program when it meets ln Laguna Beach Woman'a Club at 1:30 p.m. 11<11 P'rlda1· A lhort· oolor film about the Santa Ana River, "Wh:J Save a River/' ·will be presented by Tr 1 .. c o u n t y ConservaUon Iarue. In addtfUon,. Paul Colburn will apeat and shaw colored 1lides on·BJrds in our Gar~ Colburn, who taurhl ocle~ claues in . Calllorola ]lUblic IChool.t for 40 Jura, la put president ol tbe Calllorola Auduboo Sodoly and a m<m- ber <i seven! eomervali«> minded c:qanisatiom. blAMOND EXCELLENCE ~ for INCREDIBLE j VALUES ~ • " .. .. .. !j t -~ ·-•• . -' ·-.'' • . • ~ J • . ... ,.. ,, .. • YOUl OIOIQ 99 50 _ ....... .......,.1$ ·~-.. · fw .... .._.. I J112.-...,._. ' ..... ... ....... ..... -~' y ... -.-~-,.-- --"""'11· - ... t.Mir ..... ,,I ........... ·=-• >Oii . . ..,._, - .., .. •• CHAW rr AT 't'OUl PfNNIT'S·rM·llWU'f Dll'All'AUHI' .. a " .. 1 FUL4RTON Ott1191ftlt C.11t•r HtrMr tf Ott..,.th•'•• . ...... , .......... _. __ HUNTINGTON HACH H111~tl..,t.11, C.11t.t ~int• .t S111 Df•.-Pwy. • NEWPORT HACH Mtt.Atthwr et . Pt&. Cit. Hwy. ···''" ,., .. , r •• l I IJNCE Oilly 152 toe.I alarill per 8 oz. ailaa. Thll's LBS aloriB thMt 8 UlliW of P\AIN LOW FAT ·YOGUlllt Enjoy •U -1he delightfwl ti._. of FIUIT-AT·TH610lTOM YOGURT In this llnlliill -,, $UUf f.-YONSON. With Y-•llfki•'1 ....i•11il MUil,·the-pllf frvitflnon •nd nu11illon .. ,._, ... ONE nmD IBS CALClUS Ihm fGiUCI SWM!lll 1•wlda1119M'• , ... ywr ...... il.ky. __ ,_ .,_ mllanm • From r.riMllw FilOdo, Inc., Fnllnlllll, C:.hfomi1 • YONSON qua1i1y food pradum. I , ' • Cha q l (s ·.Chamber of Commerce MappulJ( pi~n~ 1Rr a St. Patrick's Day luncheon are meiiil'i!!ts ,~,lb• Co sta Mesa Chamber of Com- merc·· .Worn.ens Committee (left to right), Miss Sand)! Carlsoq, Mrs. Gerald Galich and Dr. Hilda McCartne·y, Presfdent. It will be a lucky day for ' . $~minor Emphasizes I· ' . .. . .. '~~J-.improvemerit • f •. A cl\alle.nglng ' program is pla~d -nµ_t ·Saturday for legat secretaries in terested in improving their abilities and upgrading their profei;iion. Orange -County L e g a l Secretaries Association will hoot a Professional Leg al Secretaries Seminar in the Saddleback lM, Santa Ana, beginning with registration at 8 a.m. Starting the day's aclivilies LQQK for HAIRST'(IL/NG b~, tie ·m:ea's T01P, .'STY.LISTS! Mi~IC:u~ ~NO PEDtCURES IY 'APPOINTMENT ONLY . , . will be a talk by Siegfried Hesse, assistant administrator for resea'rCb and publications ol the continuing education of the bar, on the Role oC the Non Lawyer in U!e Law Office. Also in the morning session. J ohn Morley, world tra.veler and lecturer, will discuss the Vietnam crisis, the mid·East, Europe and Korea, drawing on his recent visits to those areas. The afternoon \Vill be devoted to a ma:ck ex- amination administered by Miss Mary J\1usgrave PLS, state PLS chairman, covering writ ten communicalion skills, human relations, of l ic e management, secretarial ac· counting and other skills. Script tickets for t h e seminar, . part of. a 1966- establisbed series sponsored by Legal Secretaries, Inc., may be obtailled by contacting Mrs. William. F •. Heckel-, 226 Via lthaa, LldG I SI e , telephone' 5'1$'.-0ut __ Recipes Discussed Course · those a ttending the noon evCnt Monday. March 17, in the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Cl ub, the trio add. An ou tstanding presentation, door prizes and a luncheon tab of $2. 75 will be the lucky fi nds of those attending. Irving Stone Address To Highlight Luncheon lrving Stone. noted author of "Luslfor Life," lhe "Agony and the Ecsticy" and many other famous biographies, v.·1ll be guest speaker for the luncheon highlighting the 11th annual workshop sponsored by the Frlends of California Libraries, Southern Section. The March 15 event ~·HI explore U1e question Is Your Library lleady for the 21st Century and will ta ke place in the Beverly flills Public Library. Registration al 9 a.m. will lead off lhe day 's events, with a coffee hour and display of exhibits planned d u r i n g New Sea son 'Swinging' Swinging inlG a new season are memberf ol the Fountain Valley Little League, and their firs~ activity will be a gel-ac· qualnted dance taking place at 8 p.m. hex t Saturday in the Garden Grove \Voman 's Civi c Club. The dance is a fund-rai sing project for the league and admission will .be $1.50 per person. Additional inforn1alion may be obtained by calling Mrs. Richard \Voolard, 842· 3459 • registr ation. Featured \\'ill be a panel discussion of the topics Have You Been Introduced to the Culture and History of 'Third America'? and Has 'Third America' Ji.let You? by Miss Mary Jane Hewitt, director, special education programs, UCLA. and Joseph Barry, coo rdinalor. high-potcnlial program, UCLA. The Library In th e Future vdll be discussed by Mark Taylor, \11riter, former pro- fessor o·i li brary science at the University of Soutl~rn California anrl children's 'book columnist, Los Angeles Times, An information center will be conducted by Mrs. Mary Tumilty, immediate p a s t president, F' r i ends of Calirornia Libraries. and l\1rs. 'fhomas C. llall o! Irvine, president elect. Polka Party St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated with a polka dance next Saturday by the Orailge Coonly Polka C!ul>. Abrams Town and Country Club, Orange, \\'ilf.be the set- ting for tl)e '9 p.m. event and music will be provided by the Cavaliers.· The public is in- vited and tickets may be purchased at the door for S!.75 . . " WIGS 49ts A change af pace is in order1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;, ·for Coast HomemakerS wh en Fill Your Hom e from WIGlfTS bo• ~'5 they meet at 10 a.m. Friday, With Thrilling So~nd ... a M::i.;:· of having the u5"al ' GULBRAN$0N . CASCADES ·~· 14ts catered luncheon, members ORGAN will gather at Ontra Cafeteria, · . . FAUS from 26'5 Fashion Island and select their MANY STLYES ' MODELS JO CHOOSE FROM. • own menu. COME IN FOR A DEMONSTR ATION Sak! Prices Now in Effect! Speaker will be Christopher creely, owner of treely's FREE LESSONS WITH ANY Book Store, Costa Mesa. A ORGAN PURCHASE! fourt h-generation book seller, YIYIANNI WOODARD COSMETICS math~~ the speaker will diScuss new and untisual cookbooks. Also pn the program will be .~rs. Lyle-M. Evai;is who will show a movie and talk ·about the Mardan Schoi:>l. EASY TERMS TO, PRICES OH lllADE·INS Electric Or gan Associates ' 333 E.. f7th St. -Costa Mesa -646-4033 WIG & BEAUTY SALON Call 548-3446 250·0 E. 17th Hillgren Square (B ehind th& P~nc~~• Hca••' Free baby-sitting is provided I ~~~ at the Community Congrega·1p ti onal Church, Corona d~l COAST c;.OLoOR Ce>sta MHa " Mar. Further information is available by calling Mis: Donald Pacol at 541).8299 or Mrs. Jeffrey E, Powers, 536: 8964. • LUCKY YOU Here's the perfect St. Patrick's day prMenl. Sure, and jt:~ i1E"'l · JJC?rled crystal Mper weight cove roil Joi' . :_ atian.'odia and one four.ieiile<i' over. Ours alone. $7.50 (P.S. ~t. P.afs day is March 17th ~· : -. . ' . '· r • ,., • ~ • SLAVICK'S Jewelers Sine• 191 7 . 18 FA SHION ISLAND· Newport Beech -644~ 1380 Ytur Ch•rte Aii."011nt W1l,on11 -l•"kA"'trii.ard Mt1ttr Chtrt•• ft o Op•" Mon. f rl, Dnlll •:JO p.m. NOTICE THE SIZE ' BIG 8x10 ,.' •• · j:OLOR ' . . 'PORTRAIT PLUS :~95(TAX Rego. 14.95 Velue 50c Meiling Cherg• One to e Fam ily! THURS-FRI-SAT MARCH 13-14-15 10:00 To S • ;f FAMILY GROUP~ NO EXTRA CHARGEJ OU~'} ('f:.'!i.. 2300 lfarho1· Costa Mesa > ( '. DAILY PILOT .~ I OPEN DAILY 9.4 SALi .STAITS TOMOUOW ' Home t:1 Gift S'lqJ " ., HANDSOME TABLE .APPOINTMENTS lmport.d by F.B. Rogers Silver. • DOUllLE SHELL · BON BON DISH, reg. I.DD· LH ' JAM JAR w;th SPOON reg. 8.00 5.H SUGAR SCOOP "9· ,8.00 5.H PATIO LANTERNS reg. l .00 1.7' Glas1 end metal c1ndle lentern1. In bright gre•n, yello~, orange, pin k1 blu• .OT red. CA11 UMBRELLA . re9. l .00 1.7' This compact siJ:e 'Vinyl umbrella comes ift its own cas• which clips to cer iisor. · .. ~ES / I · •. . ' ., DINNERWARE . SALE Sparkling white Chine ~o blend with ev•ry d•cor and durebfe enough for everyday. 5 pc. p,lece s•tting reg. 3.98 J.00 FtATWARE SALE . . ' 50 ~r.c· s•t. s'e'rdJ-~ 8. This beautiful stainl•ss tebi ewere comes fn two patterns, Gren•da qr Ki~ Eric. reg. 34.95 24.95 ., 8" TEFLON SKILLET w;th Ud reg. 3.50 SALE Io·• TEFLON SKILLET with Lid "•· 5.00 $All· Z.50 SUNBEAM HAND MIXER· IRONING BOARD with Pod reg. 12.50 PYREX CLEAR O~ENWARE · ·lie 2 OT. MAGNALITE GOURMl;l' ·P,.,N: · 10" pio plate:·1 V1 qt. fool dith, i qt., he nd-c est. reg. I 1.95· 9.99 squeri c'e1ce 'Clish , 2 qt. "ufllif'f dil.h , 'or · 10" CORNING-WARE sK1L'rEi ~i~~ .•. 31 OL me•sUrihg cup. '~· .... , .. ·~ cover, ' r•9. '8,95• 5.18 "KABUKI.·~~~,. . re91 4~0(r. .. i.~, RUB~ERMAID WASTE .BASKET~ .1• SQUARE,.H/BACHI, ID" gdn,r .. g.7.50 4.~ . white, gold or green. 3 sites, · • ) . ~ '. \ •' ' "9· 98< -1.98 SALE,'. 7,~c-1~. ~AS~ .~A~S •• l,Z ~ol. ·~0,9i-1:~D •'~·~ ;.·:::::~=·· ~-·-==~'·· f ....... ~ • ! ' " ') ' .. ' ' ........ ' '. . r I .. .: . ' . " '; . , ) .. ' I ' ' ' " . . . ' , ANCIENT MARINER; GL09~ PE~!L HOLDER . •89·. 3.00 ·5~~ .1·?~:..; .• reg, l.00 ·SW 1 lf reg. 2.50 SALE , 1.4.t · reg. ·s.so SALi ·~ reg. 3.50 ,SALE 1.88 . , I I· ANCIENT MARIN~R MAP. .SERVING· TRAY . ·sMALL SH IP'S MoDEL, mOdels.ol Columbiu' .hips. MEDIUM SHIP'S MODEL, C~lu.;,bus' ships VINYL TOTE BA<:>--iical dtsi9n At tKe Ent.an«• to Lido Isle · ' . . ' . .. ,~ ~ . ' • I I I l RICHARD 'S LIDO CENTER 3433, VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEAcH 673 :6]60 I _, ' . t ...,.. . --·--. -~-~~--------.-~~·----~~--------·------- • :tf DAll.Y PI LOT :t -r ASK FOR \ .FR·EE BLUE CHIP COU.PON ·BOOK 64 MILLION EX1RA STAMPS GIVEN TO fl_~ :_CIJSTO~EBS. C/V l st .'f: WEJJKS • 1 ~:·:: •• ~~~ 65• Sunn'! Vaf fe'!:.' Qr,~de . ''--:4 '' ................................ 39C G. . iutt.T--1.a. 55t . LAR. 'E' ( :::::; ..................... ': c ~linl . ~·••n ....................... 75 •.i;:;r· . t .. · FRESH OAST LARGE ' END c DOZ. OOWN YFLAKE FROZEN 6.cr. 1 OC WAFFLES ............. '.~~-... BIROS EYE FROZEN 3 , 0,_ s1. 00 AWAKE .. ····· TINS LB. SMALL'~O>Rll ROAST • " ... , ... $1.09 LI. I ' . U.S.D.A. "CHO ICE" STEER B~~F SPEl!ICER STEAKS .... '1.69 LB. RIB ;. SYEAKS ....... 89~ ORE·IDA-FROZEN 12-0Z.PKGS. 2 29C HASH BROWN .POTATOES . ................. FOR . TYSON'S PRIDE GRADE "A" 20.oz. MINIMUM WEl.GHT ' U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" POPPY BRAND -BELTSVILLE All GRINDS-COFFEE · BREA.KFAST SPECIALS GAM·E HENS. TU.R.KEYS -· FOLGER' 5 HORMEL'S RED LABEL . .· . c -~~,,. 59~ ' . .. . . . c EA. IMALL' FRUH ' , ....... . ' U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" GOLDEN QUEEN c LB• I ·LB. TIN BUY A CASE OF 12 s7st FAMILYSIZE-4-6L!S.YOUNGTOM GAME HENS • • • • • . TURKEY HINDQUARURS ••• 27~ LARGE ECONOMY SIZES 2·LB. nN : 3·LB, TIN $1.29 : $1.89 LENTEN SEAFOOD SPECIALS FROZEN NORTHERN WHITE MEAT DEPARTMENT FROZEN FOODS Gort•11'1 14-0I. 59C Gorto11'1 Fidt l ·Oa. SIC twin . Fridey'1 Gou rm•t l ·OL 79t ARMOU R'S MIRA CURE 59c SLICED BACON .. . . '';:;: Horm~l'1 Smoked-Trey p,,k Plf 6SC POLISH SAUSAGI .... • •· • .. • · · · · • • · · •• · · · · · •••"•••,Lb. Lu1r'1 Pu;• Pork l ·Or. 25C LINK SAUSAGl , • , , •.••.••.• , •.... • · · · ·• • • · · · • ·; • • Pkt• . ST. PATRICK'S DAY SPECIALS Gorto11'1 Sc1llop 7.0.. 79C C1r111tion l·Llt. 98C r rice Plu• Tea l ·Lb. 49t STEAKS lb _c .. _ ... _ ..... _ ..... _ ...... n. / "'"~n.............. CJm•••Gll~ .. _ .... _ .... _ .... _ ROUNDS . · .lb /-' roduce e!Jeparlmenl ~pecia{:j ST. PATRICK'S -SOLID HEAD llLYIU SMILTS , .••.. , • , •••.••• , ••••••••• , ••••••• L~. C.c:•teil1 & S1l1d1 -F1n'y Mtli,111 ht 119 GlllN SHllMP • , ••... , . , .••• , •••• , , , , , , , ••,,,,, ~. LOWER THAN DISCOUNT GALLON -LIQUID BLEACH PUREX c c LB. BAG LOWER THAN DISCOUNT CAMPBELL'S -I 01/,-0Z. TIN TOMATO SOUP c INCL 7c OFF CANNY SCOT-I-OZ. PKG. . 59c; THISTLE LARGE . 2 79c GIANTSIZEPKG. . . . APRICOTS ......... ! PRUNES . p~~. WEBER-;--"BUTIE R-NUT"WH ITEORWHEAT TIDE DDERGENI .• .... 69c wAsH1NGToN EXTRA FANCY · 19c SLICED BREAD ..... 1.~g;f 2s· OliCHlfS-ASSORTEDCOLORS-150-CT.PKG. c D' ANJOU PEARS....... lb STA-CRISP-1-ll.BOXSODA • NAPKINS .................. 29 . CRACKERS . .. . .. . . 25 ' 'JJehcaf e:j:jen 'JJepf; S,,ecia~ WILSON -CORN KING KS 12-0.z. PKG. WllSON--f.LI . 14-.0l. 1 PNOtA-DANWf ' . : OSCAR MAYl"-ALL .... T CORNED · aEEF l SUCID HAM : BOLOGNA : . I I , , I CELEBRATE ST. PATRICK'S D.4.Y BUSHMILL'S IRISH WHISKEY '7~!- HAlr-11 .... H• ... ..,,.. loffl1 44c IRISH BEER .......... . ...--· Get Volumes 11 & 12 Tod1y -..., McCall's79~. COAST .TO-COAST COOKBOOK NO. 11 WORLD.WIDE COOK BOOK NO. 12 FREE! 6i~ . WDSTll'S NIW 2011f CINT\lll •2•' : ···01-6·sc . : ILIC!D 45c . :·· ' t PK&. · t I.OZ. N.:6. · 1 · DICTION·ARY ' .. ' . ' .. ~ . ' ' ' . ' . ~ :JANE ANDERSON 'BEEF OR· CHEESE-12.oi. E.~: 3·9c : D 2.cT. : ENCHILA AS.· ... !~6..... . l WITH COUPON AND PUlCH~ VOU. 2 th,. It, ttc "· FRUIT PIES APPLE, BOYSENBERRY, PEACH, ALSO LEMON CRUST OR CUSTARD 00 WESTWOOD -CATERING, ALL FLAVO RS 5 9 ICE CREAM . H~l~TiA L C • • • • • • ' N . PEPP ERO NI, CHEESE, SAUSAGE-16·0 Z. PKG. 79 OH BOY PIZZAS..... ! PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., MARCH 13 , 14, 15, 16 2701 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST. GARDEN GROVE e 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 1308 W. EDINGER, SANT A AN~ 1 I . • ,f. Wednesday, Marth 12, 1969 DAILY ptt.ef 37 f ,;..._._-..' .:Thi~ uieek 'join :the~Super Shoppers ana sa~ durlng El Rancho's super. \ ' I ~ • • • . . I " ' \ l for s1. 5 for s1., 5.for s1. S for·s1. s for s1. • Carnation Tuna ...... ~H~~L.~~' ..... 3 FOR s1 A lbacore, .. king of tuna, .. solid packed No. l/2,cans! Save 17c ! Glorietta Peaches ............... 3 FDR s1 Elber,la-Sliced or halves ... save 12c on each No. 2V2 can you buy! Pork and Beans ..... -~~:s ..... 5 FOR s1 No~ 2 cAne ... brimfull of plump tendef beans in tasty sauce! Save 15c ! Glorietta Pears ........................... 43.i Bartlett sweet & firm ... in heavy syrup: ... X'o. 2~~ can ... save 1 Oc '. S&W Tomatoes .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . 4 FDR $1 Solid Pack ! Save 10c·a can at this price! No. 303 Glorietta Apricots . . . .. . 43f . \Vhole Peeled .... No. 2 'h cans at a savings of l 2c each: S&W Oven Baked Beans ...................... 3 FOR $1 New England style ... big 28 oz. cans! .. , you SflVe 17c S&W Red Salmon . .. . .... . . .... ... 59¢ Red Sock'1e .•. from Puiet Soun cl! Save 20c on No. ~ size can! Crushed Pineapple .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . ...... 3 FDR $1 Dole's ... No. 2 cans .. , get th ree and enjoy t he fruit.'i of economy'. Fruit Cocktail ....................................... 5 FOR $1 Stokcley's ... 1·ipe fruits for salads, cocktail~! No. 303 cans, save ~5c Cucumber Pickles . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 39¢ S&\V ..• 22-oz .... in glass, not cans, but too good a·value to pass by! Dole's Fruit Drink ......................... ' ........ 3 FDR $1 Pineapple·Grapefruit blend ... pink or regular!,~ . 46 ounce cans! MJ.B. Coffee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... 67~ Stewed Tomatoes . . . . .................. 5 FOR $1 Use them in so many good recipes! Gloriett.a ... No. 303 ! Two-paund can , • , ... , .1.33 Three-pound Can . , ..•... 1.93 ·' # a • Del Monte Peas .. . ........ 5 FOR S1 Early Carden ... s'veet, tender! Save 25c on 5 No. 303 cans! Niblets Corn ........... ... .. . . .. .... .. . . 5 FOR s1 SY:11et ... "·hole kcr~l ... from the Green Giant. Save on 12 oz. cans! Green Giant ,Green Beans ..................... 5 rOR $1 Kilchen Sliced OD French Style .,. mix or match ! No. 303 cans. Cream Style Com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 5 FDR $1 1'cnder kernels in s\Vl'ct cream sauce:, .. No. 303 cans! Mexicorn ................................................ 5 FDR '1 \Vhol c krrncls \.\'iih R zesty accent! Green Giant , .. No. 303 cans Del Monte Spinach ................................ 5 FOR $1 Field fresh goodness ... preserved' in No. 303 cans! Stock up! • , 1Del Monte Sliced Beets ........................ 4 FOR $1 Add color ... and flavor ... to your menu! No. 303 earn;. ' Super Bargains from the butcher Shop · Super • fresh produce Prime Rib King or Roasts! .•. and better than ever when it's naturally aged U.S.D.A, Choice Beef from E l J~anc:ho ! SMALL SELECT END! ................. . Fresh Ground Round . . . . . . . . . . 19~ Spencer · Steak ............... $1.791b. U.S.D.A. Choice beef .•. naturally aged, closc-trimmed ! Quality you'll identify Rt first glance: Ranch Steak .............. Slt'J Fresh Trout .. ... .. . 49 :. Lean and tender ... delicious broiled or pan-fried! }"rom the Snake River.,. min. wt. 5 oz. each J Turkey Legs .~~~ ....... 39~~ Turkey Breasts ..... 79~ Rich juicy dark meat .•. budget priced! Super Delicatessen Oscar Mayer Wieners , .......... 59~ , All meat ... & the kids can get a toy wienermobilel Oscar· Mayer Franks::: ........... 63~ All beef .•. save the labels to get toy '''ienennobile ! Woody's Cheese Spread ........ 69¢ Sharp •.. and delicious! 12 ounce cup goes so far I Fishermen's Wharf Dressing Green Goddess or Cocktail Sauce .... 3 ,M'l ,. Blue Cheese ... 39• Roquefort ..... 49' J...et everybody have all the white meat t.hey 'vanl ! Super Liquor Valu es . L. bf 'I h Flmt $179 1e raum1 c .................... .. Iravermcyer ... light dry wine that \\'i ns favor! Pink Chablis .......... '.'~~........ . .. 95 ¢ All purpose 'rine from Gallo ... ¥.! gal. .. l .49 El Rancho Gin ......... ~~~~ ......... '888 90 proof ... save 6lc .. , plus 10% on case oC 6 ! Harvey's Scotch No'v ... a quart for the price $5 77 of a 5th! Plus ior!J savings by ihc case! 86 pt•oof QT. I ~--~ --------~---------- Potatoes BAKER SIZE! U.S. No. 1 Russe.Lo; ... hig baker size for perfect individual !"rt·rin~~ ... steak hou~) quality: Sunkist Oranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 lbs. s1 S\vcct and juicy , , . ripe na\·el oranges, branded Sunkist ... your guarantee of quality ! Celery . . .. .. . . . . .. ..... 15:. Asparagus . . . .. .. .............. 39~ . l \' ' }"resh and crisp , , . do compare the quality: Larl{C size ... and so lender from tip o 1p. Prices in effcct-TIJ,urs. l.hrouoh S1t1i A1ur. 1.T, I~. 15.16 ~·.No sales t.o dralrr.•.' ' I . Ask the manager about our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonqu in St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastblulf Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) i; Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena I • I ,. , "" . WELCOMI .l'OR UNIXPICTID GUISTS Hostess With Mostest · Extra Added ' To Ordinary Every 90 often good frienrls drop in and the conversation " is so good that , before anyone ,._ . realize.sit, it's meal time. That's when the hostess ias a moment of panic, wondering what's on hand for a quick, .... , appeliliog menu. The smart thing is to an· ticlpate just this situation. ., .. , Plan ·several menus, write then baked; spaghetti topped with sliced mushroom s, spaghetti or clam sauce and Italian cheese. Hearty salads and sandwiches can be made from some canned delicacy plus lit· lie treasures from t h e refrigerator; there again, can· ned mushrooms add t b e festive . touch. With an eye to future company meals, do try these two recipes from ••• I· them on small cards, and J:lil , r.· out and buy the staples and ' •. canned goods necessary lo 1,11 ... make good, last-minute meals. the Mushroom lnstitute's ~,,_....._ kitcherui. ,.. Don't forget to add to your '"· Hat the purcha.!le of canned "" · mushrooms, whole or sliced. They are ready on your shelf ·•· . to add elegance to a savory ~· ~ cuserolc made of staples such as macaroni, rice, tuna, crab '1" meat, peas, cream or " mushroom or chicken soup or ... · Cheddar cheese soup. ' '' According to the American :P.1ushroom 1n&titute. 74 per- ,,,,_ cent ot all dome stic mushrooms are consumed in .... ., canned form. They can be '~' had in a variety of sizes: 2, 3, 4, 6 and &.ounce cans for household use and as whole buttons, sliced buttons and _ pieces and stems. Canned mushrooms a 1· e already cooked so they need enly heating. 1f they are to '·.., be sauteed, drain the liquid and save It for use in gravies ... R or soupa. Blot the buttons rr . " slices with paper towels before adding to hot fat. A rice ring is very festive. 1 ' -filled with a mushroom and '" crab mixture prepared ac· cording to the easy recipe '-which follows. Other good and e a s y mushroom·plus dishes include creamed ch icken and •' mushrooms O\'tr your best hot baking pol\'der biscuits, split •od butlered ; ca Med beef stew and sliced c an ned muahroom caaserole with an imlant mashed potato toppin:;, · ' Extra Flavor · · · Give utra [Javor and color to chlldrtn'a favorite chicken noodle aoup with diced lun- " · cheon meat and green bearui 1o.... • , , lunch of.f the pantry shelf '1 In minute!. Jn • saucepan, combine t ,._, can (10\\ ounces) condensed chicken noodle aoup, l aoup ·-11~; can water, \S cup diced luncheoo meat and ~~ cup ;_,, coobd. ireen beans. Heat !<-Maka 2 to ! wvlnp. .... . ' For Brunch ., .. Usln( pencake rnll, pr<ptre • 1 batter for Ill to eight suv· ,f'.:t· lop, addil'll "-cup California lr•u · walrwtl to tbe baller. \Vrap fr-.. ch eooted• pancake •round ' ,., a thick atrlp ol cheddar cheese '. • and bak1 id Jnl)t chtt1e. n,,., Serve with ,, creamed tu na aauce. SHERR!ED MUSHROO~I AND CRAB JllCE RING 1 can (6 to a ounces) sliced mushrooms l can (31/s ouncta) peas l can (61ti ounces) crab meat . 1 can (10li1 ounces) cream of mushroom soup 2 tablespoons dry sherry 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion ~-teaspoon a::round v.·hite pepper Rice Ring' Drain mushrooms. peas and crab meat. reserving liquid. Measure I cup liquid. Combine liquid with soup , sherry, onion and whlte pepper. Bring to boiling poii:it, sUrrlng COD- stantly. Reduce heat; add mushrooms, peas and crab meat. Cook, stirring gen Uy, for 5 minutes. Spoon mixture into center of rice ring. Yield : 6 portions . "To prepare r ice ring press 6 cups of hot cooked rice into a generously buttered kup ring mold. Unmold into a serving plate. CO;\IP ANY TUNA AND i\1ACARONI CASSEROLE 2 cups raw el.bow macaroni 2 cup! sliced celery I ca n (4 ounces) slic~d mushrooms I can (10% ouncu) Cheddar cheese soup 1 ~ cup milk 1.~ teaspoon ground mar- joram Dash cayen ne I can (7 ounces) tuna fish, drained I tomato, sliced ~~ cup dry bread crumbs 2 tabitl]JOOllS huller or maraarlne, melted Coot maclNOI ud ctlery In I quarll bcilllnc lilied water for 11 mloutt1. Drain and set aside. D r a I n muahrooms ruerving liquid ; combine liquid wltla aoup, milk, marjoram and caytnne ; mi1 will. ln a buUend ·2.quart casserole am.nae alternate layen o1.._....i.and ctlery mixture, muahrooml. tuna cbunb and IOUP mixture. Cow cm<role and bate In a preheated moderat.t oven CSSO degrees F.) %0 mlnute1. Remove cover. Top with aUced tomato. S p r I n t I e tomatoes with buttered bread crwnbl. Return to oven or place undtr broiler to l>r<m-n crumbs. Yleld : I portlon.1. .. , ~- WITH THE PURCHASE OF 1A 4-PIECE PLACE SETIING! AllD PDCiD l'UllCilASE OF $2.00 DR MOii l i111it011• S.fli119 Per'Celipcin-o,.. Coupo11 Per C111tOl'ler V•lid lhuu. '"'" S1111., Mor. l:J.16, 1969 •• • • • -~ ~ ,~~/~ ;.l\\ ·.~ PASTRY SEIVER CLAW & PIERCED & &IAYY LADLI TABLE SPOONS • ••. $l.7I 89 .... 90c 59· NOW C· NoW C BOTH BOTH FOR FOR aunEI KNIFE & SUGAI SHELLS leg. 90c NOW BOTH FO• 59c 4 TEASPOONS i.~0~·2• 59c A. FOi ONlY CHICKS CASHED & American Express Money Orders ......... SINS 11•1 ...., """" Snt St.,st Prt All 1w lllls wit• ''The ....... ,.. All 6F%.~i·~OFFEf CONT ADINA I-lb. can ............ 6 l'forTomoloH .. ,._ Jlc ·lb. con .......... $1 .3 Sliced Tomatoes 1n,te.-33 3·1b. con .......... $1. Tomato Poste 2 '""' Utll 33c INSTANT Tomato Puree ~. 2·.-35c 10-oz.jor. ........ $1.39 .... .,, 111 't ; "' ... ~ .. " .Iii ... ,,. , .. -:= 1i ...... • ~ ..., .... ... ;. .... .... ... "' ! U.S.D.A. CHOICE lffF STEAKS . WILSON CRISPRm BOllEUSS CIHUCK 89 ~ 89 ~ 791 ?l $1 ,;~ . . U.5.D.i .CHOKf IEEf, l()t«IM SLICED ·aACON RUMP ROAST ftE.$H LUGf. ' RATH &LA.CK HAWIC SLICID RACON , J.LB. 69C PKG. r MAGIC CHEF ~ CAKE MIXES All EXCEPT ANGEL FOOD 4 11.oz.$1 PKGS. ... ... , BIZ 'II PRE·SOAK PORMULA 2.5 .QZ. 69' PICG. .... . .. ~ 59f.11o. LOIN PORK CHOPS ,t'(JHi P/ICf, cr«NAC P'KG. 'f!flcCOY!S PASTRAMI ~ 6911 ~ f•OzfN, "1AIH 01 llRfAOfO VIAL STEAKS pkg. H1llSDAlE SALAD PIECES " . jU.SO ·' e APRICOT .p\t•l.UtPP~E o P!~t" .p1NE•'P-lE e sLACK'iU:RR'f Bartlett Pears MAGIC CHEF Salad Oil BERKELEY EXTRA LARGE 3 No 2v:s1 , CANS I ·•~z 69' 80TT LE • • - • "• .... ' ~· ... -,., ., ·i; ;.. Pitted Ripe Olives 3 ~:•1 CANS I .. ~ TREESWEET JU MBO ..t6.QZ. CAN 39'' ·~ Grapefruit Juice ;s~eeslo;e Peaches3 N~~~;·'l i ~~ ITAUAN Milani Dressing 3 '1 11 ::9! a.oz. , !; &TlS. l ~ DELICATESSEN . FROZEN FOODS ·-Oii II Bl•DSEYE BR!AKFAST DRINK 45• -~ PA~=.~~:',:::~1 s~::~ J.~1u ORANGE PLUS •;:; • -!. AMERICAN,45c FiSHrcDINNERS 1~;:·99• PIMIENTO RICH'S • . """ .. ,4 or SWISS •·•L COFFEE RICH J•' _.. r ~ SIMPLE SIMON ASSORTED 3 ·oct.$1 , ,l LEO'S SllCED CHIPPED p • 29' CRE~ PIE$ ·;... . ! PASTRAMI !·:; FREEZER OH BO~ ~· DAIRY VALLEY SUC EO 5·or. pkg . SWISS CHEESE DARK.~ROWN O~ POWOfRED C&H SUGAR 2 l ·lb. 35 c pk gs. DETERGENT .l\DVANCED All .d9.oz. Pkg. 79 ' QUEEN PIZZAS INTRllS W/GRAVY • Sliced let:f • Sliced Turkey • Soli1bury Steak HUNT'S (ttll1 .,"" ...... , 2 ~~37' ~~10!5 2~!'°35 ' 16·01. forTlily Sir:es SAUSAGE CHEESE Cl PEPPEW 75c 95c PIZ&A .. Ul·A·•AG a CHE1$E 12\oll.Ol.l 89 C 6 $AUSAOf Ml.I • 'fl'l'~llONI f).()l.) I STRAINED OR JUICES i Beech-Nut Baby F , Reg. Jar 10'! • •• ·~ ' . .1 . " •• • •• , • ', 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wilson St., Harbor Shoppl11g Cent<.. ' \ ~,.,sta Mesa -------------_ __..~~----------------------------------------- I I ·'I I·. . '. 'f. • ·-;,\ I ·-· ... . ' . ~, t FRYER PARTS 53:. •''f' •-.!J«•:~·-• • . ,..•_...,.,, McCOY'S ROUND CORNE D BE EF • ' I . ..... 29c pkg. l'o-lb. $169 P~'i· SUl'fllOlt FltOZff'<I FISH STICKS HONEYSUCl(lf, ffl:OZEN WITH Gfl:A'IY -SLICED TURKEY CflJl.fUSH FIOifN SKINLESS SOLE I-lb. 69C pl.9. , I ~ CRYOYAC PACKAGE89 ; ~ • c FRESH OCEAN PERCH ,II ~ .. ' I lb.... BREADED PERCH • I • ' I ,. ,. ,. -- E ~ c 5 ' I '-• •• '1: ( . ' r ..• ·~ ~ . . •• ,.. .. ~ -, ' ' I : NINI LIYIS .fl OOUBlf lUCK CUT GREEN BEANS 8 ;~~ $1 <Ohl ,,.~flt TUN ACATFOOD ORCHID NAPKINS ''" 29c "' ljt) lo 6 •0 Z. •1 cans LARGI aun1RY RIPI FUERTE AVOCADOS :'1 l'tl fAVOKllt !~!:f DOG FOOD ALUMINUM FOIL FRESH GREEN ROMAINf LETTUCE lo11i1• 10' b'"'' ••. 19~. FRESH All GllEEf'I BROCCOLI OET£RG£NT SNOWY POWDER'BLEACH MR. BUBBLE ""·37c RINSO WHITE "' 47c "' ?6or. 77 c "''· BUBBLE BATH ,,, G 69 '"' AUNT JANE'S PICKLES HUNT'S SPINACH IOOI C lt'I( Pkg. 01. Kosl!tr or 'o~sh 59c "' '" 29c 2 ~!'°39c Cvort Jor '" FARMER JOHN SKINLISS LINK SAUSAGE 4 ...... •1 pk91. Limit 4 Pltg5. SAYl32c WITH COUPON llMIT ONf COUl'ON l'Efl: CUSTOMflf \lglid Tlt11r._ thr.,.$tin., Mo r. 13·16, 11169 All'T. COLOR BATHROOM MD TISSUE · U.S. NO. 1 BROWN ONIONS 3 C ..SAVI Jc lb. WITH lb. COUPON llMif OM( COU'<>t+ 'tit CUSTQ;..fl \lolid ""-"-""" s.. .. ., M.r, 13-111, 1969 LIQUOR SPECIALS DOUBLE SPRINGS STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON 86 PROOF 6-YIARS PULL :::',~~O~L;D~~i'""'~~~P~l~fT;H~~ ~(sav• f1 .21) IMPORTED • ' HARVEY'S SCOTCH ~1i.! :::!~, ~ 1j 1/rl\P'OllfO f«>M ftANCr, VINTAGt O.t.lED CHATIAU LA TOUR CUSTOM HOUSl IMPORTED RUM ' 230C• ll11rbor Blvd. nt \\'ilsou St., Harbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa I • -~ Wtdnesday, M.vth 12, 1969 DAILY PILOT EXTRA SENSORY PERFECTION 'T ongue-titillators' Cause of Excitement Tangerines are t o n g u e · liti llators. They like to cause. ~xcite111ent. Don"l you be e1 bland and co lorless cook ... lhal's no run at all for tangerines, nor for you. Discover a tempting com- bination of western tangerines with ioney, onions and season· ings to complement pork. Fun- t1rpeel tangerines blend easily with other flavors for sensory perfection. Honeyed Pork Chops With Tangerines lift a meal right out of the doldrums with flavor perfection and with special eye-appeal. Tangerines not only capture your at- tention but hold it , . . and are ready to cause more ex- citement in other dishes. _ HONEYED PORK CHOPS Wl111 TANGERINES 4 center cut pork chops, "'' inch thick Salt and pep"per Milk Flour S<£1ad oil I teaspoon freshly gr1:1lcd tangerine peel 1/3 Cup freshly ~ueetec.J tangerine juice 1/3 cup honey I teaspoon instant minced onions \'4 teaspoon allspice 2 to 3 California tangerines, separated into sections, seeded (1 cup) Season chops well with salt and pepper. Dip into small amount of milk poured intG a plate, then into flour to coat well. Brown slowly on both sides in hot oil ; pour off all fat from pan . Combine remaining in· gredients, except tangerine sections; pour over chops in pan. Tightly cover and gently simmer about 50 minutes, or until tender. Remove chops to serving platter; keep wann. Reduce sauce in pan, stir- ring constantly, until thick and syrupy. Add tangerine sec· lions ; heat just until warm, then pour over chops. i\f1:1kes 4 servings. Snack Time's Anytime ''Let's have a snack " is an invitation to run eating and possible adventure. There is always something new in snack foods. ~You try ~olving the na1ne. game with the simple tag or thingamajigs. Then you Apple Cuts Sweetness Add apple to 1nincemeat for a pie filling that's not overly sweet. APPLEMINCE PIE 1:1' cups reidy -to -u s e minctmeat 111: cups finely chopped pared apple ( 1 very large cooking apple) % teaspoons grated orange rind Pastry for 2-erust a.inch pie Mix together minctmeal, apple and orange rind. Line I-inch pie plate with pastry; add minctmeat mixture ; top with pastry strips (I inch wide) in lattice fashion ; seal edga. Bake In preheated 425- degree oven until apple is cooked and paslry ia brown -about 3S minutes . Sem hot or reheat. ~1uffln mix from the pan- tryshelt and berrie!! from the freeU!r combine in 1 sweet qui ck brt:ad. discover that a snack loot! manufacturer has, with 110 consideration for your feel · ings, called his latest product thingamajigs! Snack food development and marketing have been com- pared to a three ring circus. f\fanufacturers walk tightrope!! creating new prod;.icts wllh l.3ny new names. Merchandising approaehe!I hustler tactics of a bygone era and you , . . in your party mood. • . get into the act when you buy and enjoy snacks. It is literally impossible tn count the number of mack foods in the market. It's dif· fieult even to separate the1n by categories • . . crackers, pretzels, chips and the like . Some facts are positive , though. Snacking go o d i e numbers have doubled In the past four or IJve years and sales amount to nearly $2 billion aMually. Popularity or snaet tood.1 has c:re:ated bot comptUtlo.n. Who will be the qinator of the most popular snack, name, lhape, flavor, size and package? Keep al rt. The se•son or Increased snack time ii at hand. Although 'snacking ii a )ear round pastime .•• you use the most during summer 1tioUday1 and again durlna w l n t e r holidays, inchtdln& football weekends. Next fOOd shopping day . . . just for your amazement. ••• look at your grocery bill. How tlTIJCh Is invested in snack food!>~ I i I I I ... .--' '" ... D.IJLY PILOT we;n .. du, M"'h 12, 1%9 Hllllli!ltfOll leach -15511 So. Ed~rdJ &.egina 1eac11 -100 So. c .. n ttwy. --·--. Folllltaln Valley.;.. 16042 Magnofta - Huntington BeaclL-8.911 A.claijis CorOtia •I Mcir_;30t19 C4Mist Hwy. • • • • ' • •• ,, • , , ' , .. • . ' • • • • .. .. • • .. • • • • , " ,, ' • • ' • ' • • ' •• • • • ' , • , • • "' ~ . • • • • • , : . , •• ,. , . ,, • • • ~ ' • " . . • ~ • • ' . • ' • \ ,,. 1 1 .·· 1· · 0'.~COUNT PRICES and BLUE CHIP STAMPS! ! ' . SAVE irWO WAYS . . with ALBERTSON'S Seabrook Farms 101~ 1N Vegetables • !•0 COFFEE RICH ,;,,., , ... , .. CHOICE LARGE END • OVEN 22c HOFFMAN OR FARMER JOHN SHANK PORTION ' c ~ r lb.~! - Choice Meaty Steak Sale CLUB STEAK u.s.o'.•. «i•"• ........ lb. 98c SPENCER STEAK .,,;,. "'' 1 69 lon•I••• . , . , .. , lb. 1 T·BONE STEAK c,~:~~.~"1 ....... 1b. 1.19 PTRHOUSE STEAK ~::;" .... lb. 1.25 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ~'.~:r.:,·• lb.1.49 GROUND BEEF ;;-;:~,,";:;~ ....... " 45c c lb. WHOLE 01 IUTT 59e HAMS .. LI . Short Ribs ~·:.~ M~~'.' .... 1b. 39c Chuck Roast ,,.,, ...... lb. 79c Pork Chops ~~:'" ."'.''.'.1b. 89c Sausage :;~:·.1 .~~~~·.v~~a~i~ 1b. 65c C ed B f Md:'Y'• lrl•h 79 orn ee lrc111d l rl,klt lb. c scon DECORATOR scon FACIAL V -8 VE GET ABLE McCoy'• lound1 Corned Beef .. lb. 89c B ""•01 59 . aeon ••d L111b•1 .... 1b. c Perch ~;·. . . . . . . 1b. 79c T t ....... 79 rou Sp1riol '' .. ' 12-ot. c A Uttl1 DifftNnt Finnan Haddie lb. 79c FRANCO-AMERICAN TOWELS :~LL 28C TISSUE CALYPS022C COLORS 20011 JUICE aoz. 49c 6 PACK SPAGHETTI ;~oz. 5~$1 DINNERS •··" •••• '"'· c•T•, ...... ·.·. 2 i 1. BUTIER ~~::.~·~.. . .... lb 79c Ch•• .. fnchilada . . . . . . . . ... SOUP ;~:pri:!·~.~~i~~~~ ....... ltki. 15c · Albortso11'a 11•1-/Country Styl• Cottage Cheese .. ... 29c ICE CREAM Alb'"""" ; . .-69c DRESSING •,,"1,'•"'.'.".". .., .. 39c t/2 Gallon llound , •... ,. · · · · · · ·; · • • • · I 59 SOUP ~:::1~1~·~ -~~1~~~~ : ..... 10 .. 1. 15c DRUM STICKS ,.;11-. , '"' .. ·...... . . c SOUP ;:•;,:1~;· ch;'''." .... "•" 15c SHORTENING :~1~'.",~:·· 64c ORANGE JUICE !:::~~'.'. ,,. 46c SPAGHETII .~:~·~:1 ......... "· 22c Tortilla Chips·~·~~""" 45c 7 V4-oz.. lo1 .. , . , F "t P I" h Joh"""" 69 Ufnl Ure 0 15 F1:1var, 7-01. tin C R Cl '''"""" 1 59 7 Inch -2 layer GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE CHOCOLATE-COCONUT & CARAMEL ICING DONUTS ... ,., .• ,,., SAUCt . . . . EACH 4C ' PRICES ~ GOOD ~ MAR. 12th • " thru MAR. 1 Sht FANCY EXTRA SLICING CUKES • GREEN BELL PEPPERS Ug eaner Glory, 24-ez. th1 . • • SWEET JUICY Valencias LB. BAG VINE RIPE TOMATOES Otc•r Mapr All Meat, k1. 0 1cor Moyer, l-01. Pkt. ,RESH . . ... . . . . .... LI . SLICED BOLOGNA •....... 4Sc MACHIAEH SALAMI ..... . 0Kar May1r All l11f, l-01. Oscer Moy1r, 12·ot. 'k1 . SLICED BOLOGNA . . 47c VARIETY PACK . . . . . . . . 89c 19c )'OU didt you did •.• ,~ made with fARlY~MES 5s9 'ab1t llu1 Ribbon Beer save 10 • •112-oz. , All Am1rican •ink FIFTH 1.15 Chablis """ 1.39 Rlch11i1u Conterd OntPf Wine~;.~ 'h ,.1.1.79 5ove lie Cou11try Chi~ Stout . ,11,, ... 1.32 3 i1 .. Dutch Crunch BREAD ,_,._ , ... a~ .. 01tot Ma.,.1, a .... COTTO SALAMI ... .. 49c l1pp1r lr111d, lb. CHUNK BOLOGNA . . . . . 49c (AT STOl:IS WITH IN·STOlll IAl(lllllS ONlY ) JJ.eafth anJ IJ.aul'I .AiJ6 Schick Colgate Pyrex KRONA· TO()TH Once-a-Year CHROME PASTE Special Blades King Size OVENWARE ::~ ... sac 74c · 66C 110 . RIG. .,, . "' • i , . COMET 15c O~F CLEANSER · REG. , I L• S Am•rlcon 49 1ver ausage .... ., '"" "· c Ch H.u11 et Oold Swlu, Jock, 39 eese Mild, Mv11111er Slleed 6-01 . ( LA-HABRA I Horlter •t ~iuler llvd. ANAHEIM ANAHEIM Orant• "' lrookhvnl )nv1 2.00 Arid1"' At• Bourbon v. ,.1.1091 Allilerbim't filtti red Vodka '"'" 3 .79 I BUENA PARK 7511 Oren91thol'Jtt ! ----------· -··-........ _..::..:..:....-----------.~-................. • .. --..-.-··-· -..... -------------·-;-----,,.-;c--....... ., .. -.... , .• -..-...... -~··· ..................... .._ . .-....... -·---··--····-1-<r ,,.••·,.,--------· -·-·· ----·----"---·-·-····-----···--··--.. ---... ---..-.. _ • c.H.a.,conea. .. w,.i,,a.o •• 2gc -Al »O<. "" -· • • • • c ... .... ..,, ....... ,. 25c Nooalls •.. ~v,.~~ : .~.u -. 22 ·so, S.Ce .. ~ ~~: c 0.lot>U W1'lo ~ o• Mv.ihroom Chow Meifl "' a.., Cl.op S""v 85C" • • 470r Dinners • • • ,,; , . . · ~'#-Or, .......... _ . 1~ Sauce • • • • c...~ ·· Pl!,,._... fr~'<I Cor.li!t>J, CotG<..., !.ta111, , c_.. St)'lf c .. ~, ,,.., ~ OI ., ~oes 3'~·4!r •1o~us DISCOUNT S!1CIAIS -,,,....,. •ffecthrt flt'# ... ,..,,h Tu-y, Mon:h ti. 1969. DAILY "LOT !fl • f •• ' ~,.,,. -r 11 'IU DAY !!"'.~-...., ' ~AWAY ... illy ain't.hay. ~. .It'• lettuce, the (f'ff• ~ • ........... Ibo his c ....-: ,. ~ ... .,. In --.. pd-ahput .... a cberllh, to m.azn about ' ......... boy. Do ,... - • • • onb' -penan tn 500 m. a )lmdr-d dollar 1Sql, iJl , .tbefr poel"et. You'd be · ~ at how many me Cu;.1o( ~)'OU muJ4 buy • it )'OU ai.pped. hundred dol- ' Jar bill dowlr" on the counier. And thla ~ dolltn • , · da1 bit is ~ on for the b!Xt ten dayi. Come on in and put ~ nune in the llllndlM doUarl • day llox. Allo mark "Monday, March lT,. st· Pabick'1 day, our honnt for rul btrthdaJ d-.y. .Gru.t thlnp always happen .oa thlJI candle lia:htq day. : J\ellJy you 'ean't ~ ~t ." ti take in our Luck 0 tM. ' liillt Day ~lchtl pd 'lee ; 'pt ... .... cooJurod "" doro- I .. ' , ... . 't ., ,. • . .._ • .. ,\; •t.-.' , . ·' ' ' '"~,\~-. ~ • '"''""' . 'f ,. ., . .-• • , ; •I ' '.,. .,.. _. • • ) ,t ~ ·~' •"~ ,,., L .. \.. "''·'11,-. \. ' '· '"".W' ,..,,, . .MUBAN·~~· · . . ". YUBAN -COFfEE . ' ~NUDSEN . ,·, · • , • •. "' IA BOtlf\l;JlJ§R . CIH SUGAR '~~~~,·~ · u , : :Ar. . ' • • "' ... - : .t.:o,, '• ,t• ... ,.. ;:'i f:5wDERED SU~Aif''' - '' ":-.:... t'1,,;\~· ~ ' .... ' CAH ·~ • .. · .. ·1 ..• LIGHT BROWN ~u~~ :.1 ''4.2 .... m . ' . ·' CAH . ' ' ~ . · .. ·DARK BROWN SUGAR '"" i "'itc ' '")··· .. , ..... ,...:.,, . \"\t,,~•" , .. ·-1 !•,'/•.•~ .• I ,•'Ir·• ,:·;·t, ,.,., •:;,!' I : ' .... -"• ...... \J l<l j ' • .} ' ••'"~ . . 7·U.P. ·. ·i'{~;::;_;·ft-79' ;·\· " ' ~ . . . . . ' '-~ 71 ·~ ~..-NP-'NOmK.. · • · · . " .. T"'~. ~ ....... ~: . . . . . . . ' . . '···' · ... "· '"" . ' \, .. •' ~-~.!I'· ... ,., ' . . . . \' ' , •" , , • , ' L ~' • , .. -.. . , • ,'~ "' ' '\ ·'ir ., .... • ,. . SUNSHINE .. : . , • · " \ " · KRISPY CRACKERS . · ·,i;.:· . lk. 1 • .t.. " . • ' .. .::>. ' • -. 'It . ' Klt~FT . . :, .:'5-i·-~· ·-·' 1-' ,._ •• · ... ·: • , .••· ~ .• .-.. , VfLVETT A· CH··· .. :. z L; ' ~ 89': . PLANTER•S • DRY ROASTED PEANUTS &ERi~'~ ~JP/-ltlED · . . , ' BABY ·~FOOD ' f~ OL . FANTAS~l.f' SPRlY· CLEANER 'ZEE ' ' ' ' I ' ' -" TROPIC TONE NA'PKINS . ' ' DETERGWJ' •· . '-r. •. LUX :.L1QUI~ .: ... : 22 OL . . . S&W $MVlN$TEIN ~ APPLE~UCE .. s&w 'TOMATO JUICE Sl<W GOLDEN CREAM STYLE •CORN S&W DELORO WHOLE KERNEL CORN · · S4w . SMALL WHOLE YAMS SAWl>ARK RED KIDNEY BEANS ·SlW NEW ENGLAND STYLE 1J"' •' . ' ' ' .. J ...... '' •.. .,.,SJ ,, Ill 5· ,_•1 . ... $ .. •1 .. s1 · ... l 7 . '1 ... ~- -.. " . . ' . ' ~ ' ' . . ... .OVEN BAKED BEANS · s1w· STEWED TOMATOES ; S&W WHOLE .. ' PEELED TOMATOES· - StW . • . . CHUNK LIGHT tUNA . S&W 'MIPIUM DEVEINED SHRIMP saw RED SOCKEYE SALMON.· ' .. ,. '. ' ( ' .... s ... •J ·~•t 5 ... '1 ' . .. ' . .. , ' •. ~···· ': · .._ Mt.1/1 "' ,, . , I •. ~ •• ~9f,- 59t ' ' "'· y, . ' . . ' ' ·t~·. ':-• -· ~· FLOWER SHOP .. . ' • ! •• _. VEll.Y CONTINENTAL CUST0!-4-.· · · " ·I ".. •.•• f • • r •r ' ' "' r· . . " . .. . ' ~. ' .• ' " BRIN(> HOME .A IUNCH .QF FLOWEftS,FROM YOUll. FRifl'!Dl Y,' NEtGHIGllHOOD FLO~ •SHO'l. ' . . IE SU·E· YOU DON'T-., -.:. . . . ~ ... MISS OUR · FRESH CUT · . YELLOW 0R WHil'E . . ' . : DAISIES ' reg. 1.25 I• • r .. · 1 eoo IUNCH BIG · ANNIVERSARY • SALE . . ST ARTS TOMORROW S!l-f~ ~r Complete ad, Page 35, 'Jn' thi Society Section , Tocl1y. • ~..-··-···-... .. .! ... "SHRIMP EGG ROLLS ' ' ' CHICKEN EGG ROtLS ""· 4k ·LOBSTER :EGq,.ROLL~. ""· 49( · .•.. .Mt1crt.&.shri~ ~g Ji~11s.u.... 49f ' . ' • / I . ' •' STOUFFER$ MACARONI & CHEESE STOUFFER$ . . NOO[)u:s ROMANOFF STOUFFERS POTATOES AU GRATIN ..... 1JeL ltc 39c .. -. --'. .. ~ : 39, ... , . ' ... 11·V,i & lk ,t ' STOUF~ERS . BROCCOLI AU GRATIN ..... ~4 ·. • .;~~-~SAL& ? BIRDS .EYE . ; PEAS ... ~ 6 "'s1 r • llRDS EYE _ CUT CORN llRDS EYE .... ' ... '1 CHOPPED SPINACH ..... 6 ... '1 ,llRDS EYE .. .: t . _-i i ~~F,;Sflft)W"'CFI -..'. . :. · · \' .~ .... s.: . ,~' ... ~ .. • llRDS.,l!Y. , .. . FRENCH FRIES .... l ,_ 69c '6~--• Seclia .. ,, . .., ..... F --ree •T.; , ,. '· ' .... . ··-·· ' .. . Jl~i·: :. W.iMte'W . . . , ..... . . ALICE ' DUGAS, Costa Mesa " ~HU.:~. Newpprl !leech . JANE SANDS, ·Newport ·Beach ' " Mrs. C. E. VANDERVORT, Newport •leuh ·~ ·' PLEASE PICK UP CERTIFICATES AT l~(FORMA TION ARRANGENIENTS FOR DINNERS MUST .BE MADE BY APRIL 2 lst •· •• • • • z .u_:,;,21 . _n1211··-·_:· ___ , n•'_J_&Zll& ___ .LJIL' SJ 117 .• p 7 ?' MEii ~ -. --••• ~ •• • •• . . . ·~ 9 I 5 a 7 . 2 2 YE 53 4 7 %! a v I -~U-..t..,:, ·MARKET FLOWER SHOP HOME' & GIFT SHbP " . . .. . :. .. Ol'EN DAILY 1•t, SUN. 9·6 · orEN DAILY ,,, OPEN DAILY 9-6 .. , .... _. . ,. . . £!1 i ' I ' J ... 1 ' I • ' . ~ ' I • - • ....... .,. -· . PRICES EfFECTIVE MARCH 'll, .14, II 1, •·t•.,:a. PHOINIE 673-'360 FOR HOME 'DEUvERY . . . .. .. .· . ' " . ( ~ ~. . . ' r ~ .-;, . . . °'9•11' ·. i S.r ... de .. For Yo..r .f Ploasur1 .. ' 1·.· ~· '. a.mictfoy; LIDO MARKET CENTER :• NEWPORT BLVD.AfnlE ENTRANCE .TO.LIDD'J'SLE • . GARDEN FRESH, ;TENDER .. , ALL.GREEN ··l , ·';jSPARAGUS . {' r:·ri \ .. ,.~~fl ' . : "'··" '•)'•"~' 3~ . \ "' • , ,.L :_,i ' • • ti c:, '•I • ,.. . ... · "" LI ... \.I ' l t . ~~~ . • MIST-KIST, FRESH , COMPACT, l.AR~E SIZE . ARTICHOKES . '. ·1 4 FOR , . ' FRE~.MOR~.·$100 A.~DAY Blt.G.A~~ · 2'-$50'WINNERS .EACH DAY ·-MARCH 12-f5'1!ncl'.MARCH ,,17-~ ... .... ~TESSIER . · .'•. , . . . . . . J:i~WIN6S DAILY AT 4 "'tif STARTING".;TOOA Y · .. , ' SURPRIZE PIUZES~JOO! ! . . ' . ' ~ .. . ' . " . ;FREE CAND.IiJUGllT DlN.NERS ' WIN DINNER fOR . 4 . . . -~ . •' . AR. th• fixings . for • f1bulou1 dinntr.' p<1rty for 4, o.von flowers.. » , . " JUST"Sf&N.JH.E BOOK IN THE lOBBY AND YOU MAY BE . : ?• .< :-• . • . . .. ·bNE OF OUR wiNNERS I '. •. . . . . . . .... ... '. :,. . · sec~No v.ieeK · · ~~'f ~.0UUft'tt ind ... tht.·trimmings for 4. c""!l>:.te,.mo~. i"i Lobby. DRAWING -FRIDAY, MARC~·14, ilt '4 1'.M. SIGN ,: THE BOOK IN THE LOBBY TO WIN I : ' • ! ~..:.. 1 ~I • :. C • ~ • ' ___ , -,r. '· ... -... -.... r I ', ; , :. · RICHARD'S' TOP OF THE GRADE, :u.s.'D.~='BEEF ·• • 1 • PERSONAlL Y SELECTED AND .A~ED TO , ON,, . , . ' KRAFr 1lridividJt1 Wropped, Sliced 12 01. lmerican Cheese 69' QSCA.R MA Y~R. ALL MEA f: or ALL BE~ WIENERS GRILL.SIZE li .-594 ' . . . ' .· . . · . RlcHAR.Q'S CHEDDAR CHEESE ···· ~ :,, Tiiiamook Sharp L •• 89'· '. ' RICHARD'S OWN ITALIAN . Spaghetti: "'" --~. ,..4k IMl'ORTI:D FROM SWEDEN .TENDER ENOUGH FOR BEEF STROGANOFF RUMP 'ROAST 7·~.:· NO,RTHLAND STIRRED or PRESERVED; SWEO!SH ltNGONBERRIES . . ,.,. · 1.09 A cl•liclous 1id• di1h for Swedi1h Melthi/11. . . •• j' 1 • -·' I l I' . . '" ., ' ' ": ' ,i ' ' " ;( ., . ' " I ' .. .. . • ROUND STElK --· 8~.. .ION~·IN 11·· >" :td BRAISE WITH A VARIETY OF -SEASONINGS . ' • RUMP ROAST - . ' ' SWISS .$JiA.K.: ! . t • .· 7~.. LEAN GRO~~D BEEF BONELESS ' 9t .. ' . IM"°R~D FROM FRANCE, DROMADAIRE . couscous ' I•·.... 1.19 , · ~ treditionaT Morccan Wheat Dish · '" . ' -p TRY A BAVARIAN STEW•!•1 .. ·• .• • · •· .. -· BEEf.·~ S1EW>&~~~. eubes .of B .. i . . • 8~.. 5tlcE\i~A~~DIAN BACON ,:i.,·· (' ··1 • ''"f{~-.. :;:-~~-~-~~~;)i)ri~~ , ~··::-_1:' :· ..... :.~-:~~-. ·.\ ·~:i.~·.:~;1· .. ·.~i '. :;~. -~.7001) . . . .· . , .... . lO ,-a.a INT . .. -.. -.:~: i' . l\GiNU 1PJJ'q)'p .. . ' . . • I·,. ' ... ~ -.. ·_ .-:. -. , .. , .. , . · GE.NUlt<H::NOVA SCOTIA FINNAN HADDIE .. ' • ·-'·-· ; : ; .. ; ,. ! .·. GREENAl,ISTRALIAN ROCK LOBSTER .TAILS ,. ' '· . -... ' . -( . . .. , ' --.. -. . .. '"' PANAMA or PAKISTAN GREEN SHRIMP ALASKAN COCKTAIL SHRIMP ' ....... 1.~ .... ""' 7.95u. ,..... •••••• ,2.79u. , . HAWAIIAN MAHl-MAHl "STEAKS ·• •• ,,. • \ • .r .• • "! : • :. : ·. ·:. ,, , ... ,._ .. . . . ''l' '•· -\ .. ~· LL ·,r. ~: . ·. . . ... "· ., ' .,. ' . . ': \ •• . 1,,! • • • ' .. I ' '• '· ... READY !0 MARINATE • ._ • . . • GERMAN SAUERBRATEN ROASTS r 1 · ' I WITli"~INi!A,PLE Stiel AND' CHEl\llY · .' ;· r : BAR-M: HAW AllAN, HAM STEAK ITALIAN STUFFED MEAT ROULADES r . . .. - . . . :. . '· . . . . LONDON BROI( STEAKS FANCY ·RlLETS • .. r ' ~ ' . . 1 ·7·,.., ... .., ,l .. " ' I ~·LI,,• . _, ' ·:t . • ' .. ' \ 1.7t11. 1.491.J, -1.29 Lt. -. . 1. · -(;l:fAf£AUBRIAND ROASTS ' · . ·. : . . ttlit. ]I; ' • > • ; : , I , ' , ' \ \ I ' ' . A COMPLETE SELECTION OF U.S.D.A:. PRIME BEEF ·I •••• .' '· . 1, " l . ' 49cu. 69c.~ ' - • ' . BAKERY · FRENCH ~READ Spukod with Poppy S .. d-& Oolon• JEWISH MOHN BREAD 43• CRUSTY TOP, SOFT CENTER • DUTCH CRUNCH ROlLS 6 ,., 29c HAVE SOME FOR BREAKFAST! ,, CINN,AMO"I ROLLS MADE FROM FRESH RHUBARB, LATTICE· TO,,EO. RHUBARB PIE "-· ,_ ~ .. ' . • •• ' • t';" ··CANDY ' . : l I· I I " ' .. .. . , ' . ' " • I ' ' FRsM HOLLAND, In. Hond.Po intod Wood•n Shon' . ·Van Dungan Chocolates t!'· · ~· • . ·'· ·,, SMALl Sll'E';, __ pr. l,~ ' . I > 'DiETliTIC, DROSTE;'Milk. 1~mi-Swoot1 Hoaolout ;• "• CHOCO~JE BARS ; IACll .20c I "'• •· ' f ' I ' DR!)STE. 20. INDIVIDllAL SLICES,, MILK , .'CHOCOLATEAPPLES ' _, 1.lt ~AH DU""EN, IMIT.kf-iON :: ' I (:ordial Chocolates ..:. 1.6t ..... ~ •"'11!JllllJl .... 1111!1 ...................................... ~ ........................ _., ........ _r.,•i 'illii .......... llJl!l .. 111 .. .. . -.. -. -LIDO YACHT SHOP · ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR. ·'. 1 _ .... ,' . ' I ' ,. OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY 9-51lO, SAT. 9-S • ! • CLEANERS DAILY l :l0-6, SAT. t :l0°S ·- ' ' I l --r 11 ' I I ' I I • I ' ' r"'l;li;mlll"";;:;-'"';:~ -~ --~-~·~ ~--rr-"""1>"'1''.'!t<o:;• <::· T'"i~i"'.'"'."'""'~''.'l"".'' <::"":"".'·<t".7•"'.'• rl"'.'7':'·'7' ;:-T> '."'"~' ¢':':··•;.:;,r«"."!• :'.'1::''~'0:'!°11e'.-:':'.'' ;:•·-::-~;:--<;";";:--''"'.'""'" -:---;-:::·. :· ·. : : -~~ .. ~~l.5." .. ~·---;; . ..., ... ~~ ~·... ·.·, •.:-.... ;'a,·""'.""l \""'f'~ .. • ........ ,, ...... ~ . .-, .................... : ,., ..... •••••••• I --·--- I ' • ., q.\llY m.or -Lucille Ball at H ~me -at t~e Kitcben -Range ' • . . ·~ (or 11oJ11 .i.w.> I) brlll to b!irWadll' ., 111111~ ,.110,. !llliiOt• from but. Add ~I CXJi.tncb pltc• petled iii>atr By JOllNA BUNN boll Simm tr Ill h u t ti, hrvll a, l!folb, IOY nuce, Hit ' and root,cbopptd or powderod HOLLYWOOD, Cll~. -''Al cold waler Cll!Nlll CIOOllll ...., and enouih waler •to (op!loaal) holne, 1l!lnCI pt !"'"1 luaoY e cruobod pep~ romove scum. A.d d 'pep-r 1111 al,lnlld l'IOa ptiuUri'-1Mlil, I cups. Bring 1 tablespoon cold water II the ~Id!!•," -odlenne bay IW (optional) percoros and bay IHI. Cover, 3 II~-~ lo boil. Md rlco, br.lol q.&ln 2 ta~lwpoon.1 con>1tarcb LGcllle Ball i'lld Jo Iler office I ppl\IOQ, pe<)ed, cut In simmer slowly 1~( 111 bolll• a acalllons (while 4 fflt~ • l:ombo~.~or lop rem"" Hut IOY 11uc-. bftl broth, ca the Paramount lei. "I'm ,carnwt (or uoUJ,mn\!1 t.ader). parll) 11\IolJ tlleed • • 1arlle 1111 and 1ln1er root !Ult out of pracUce," &be •ct. l'irnall onlona, peeled . Remove 'mll~-to heated ()l'lfl 10~ ounce c:ao beef Saute almonds In remalntnj In de•p aktlle\ (or 1aucepan) J tumtp1; peeled, cut in platter. Skim "ott tcum. Add broth butt.er until UchUi brown.d. lO rolllng boll. Let each guest mtttld. and told of 1 sklln& qutrtera (optional) potatoei, carrot.I, Gtalona and 1 tuspoon soy sauce Toi• ll«Jttly with eoeiktd rtce. aeleet meU and drop meat vacaUoo she had in Aspen. I carrotl, peeled turnips to Moc&. cook about 1 teaspoon salt SUves I. ,• ht MQ: one at a Ume. Let with her husband Gary Morton Medium 11.ud sreen calr 20 mins. Ad4 Ca*te and t leaspoon auaar For tltt ... , meat cook in bubbling sauce ud her tttnage chlldren, Desi bage, cut in 1\1ths cook unUI tend tr. Reheat water 1 ~ pounda top fllei& Of• beef, few mJnutea. Serve on almond Jr. ind Lucie ,\rneL Nlt to taat1 meal. Serve meat on ,platter 1"1 C'\IPI lnatant rice cut In \bin atripl rice. Pass sauce (made by; lht tried her luck a\ Ult Tie corned beef to bold wilh vegetables. Add aaJt to 1/1 c\Jp alivered almonds J/S cup lb)' aauce di!solvin& cornstarch in cold · t •• ~· ohapt, waah undtr running stock. Serve stock a1 n1~1l Melt hall the . bulilr in °"' 10~ OJRCC ~-• bttl water aocl 1ddlng to 1h cup S .. 'STI •s rwe. "Bu wu.:n you """' t water: put Jn larie atock pot. sauce or thicken with nour, 1ldl1et <Or .. aucepan). 1111"9: broth / of the s.tock cooked to desir~ • ' t<ITCHl!N' ~ "' know where ~&1 are and .!.Add~~llMll~lh~~co~ld~w~ati:ec~to>_:a~s~d':es~lr~ed~. _o:Ser':v~e~w~t~t..'.'.b~,.~·~IU~on~s-un~tll~• ~o f'...:t~e..'.'.n~e~d.:_· ~~~~'..:te:•::;IJJOO~•~g~ar'..'.11'.:.c ~·•:::ll:._ _ _:tbl~ck'.'.:na:•::;•I::_· :Strv'.'.::"::.'::.· ____ ..;.........:L::"':':.:'le:. .. =:l:;:l,_;Do=•':...J:...r...:.,_L:_u_•l.:.•_A_r_no_• __ _ c111't flnd the right utensils, 1• ~ can be di!utrous," a1J1 said. '~My children both can turn eut complete meals," she bouted. "Desi does 1aladl and ebop!, and Lucie !Dl-H c1ke1, fried chicken and Chinese things." Ctirnnt\y ncme ol ttiem see the imldt ol a kitchen, for Dtsi and Lucie have joined th • I r mother as regulars on the TV eeries, ''Here's Lucy." "It gives them a chance to learn acting on the job white they are dipping their fttt into show biz," Lucy said. "They're getting a good taate of. d19Cipllne and the ti• porienc• will help th<m to decide whether to go into Ule bualness, We see more of each other now." , Despite her tremendous sue--cw in &how businesa:, tl1e aleier redhead has always mede Ume ror her ramlly. Holidays merit &pecial at- tenUon In the Ball-Morton -old. HOUDAYS 118.:ause of the etiow. the kl<ll clldn't get to clo tho HaDoween bit thil y t a r . 'nley've always, lovtd bikllll c~es. pas&ing OlJ\ candy aM plo,rlnr scretcby ncanf1 for the kid• in the ~-· .. Quiltma1 is a · time for ,.,,.embertng othon Jo Lucy's prol"'1onal and ~ life. "This year we had a 1tucbO party for 300 or 400 people. And then there are lh• hOipltals and orpbanqt1 to remember. I gallitr ctfla and t!JJok a boot It, all yw ~ NEW ENGLAND CU181NE Lucy considers berseU a Ntw England cook of sorta. ••t love a good New England diJlnU, but my huaband doun't llkie 1t IO 1 have lo do 1 tlt\lt ... tor 01e." lly a snlnlaturt laalied dinner Lucy meau 0 one be¥{ "c1b- bap tnstead of two, ,...., conots and potatoes and an Ulat nice juice, plus I ~I.skol or tome ham shank!." Lucille Ball, who was borJ!. In Jamestown, N. Y., styles htr cooking after blr mother, Dede, and her m1t1rn al grandmother, Florabel Huat. "My grandmolh<r wu 1 fabulous cook .. 8hl. m1dt _ everything from ·)'tlloW com· broad to pi... Sha cookod and canned everything. She hid an orchard and a truck garden ... Work ts btr puslon. 11l'vt done almost everything from btlna: a soda jerk in an a~l­ nllbt Walgreen dnlpton 1n Tim<• Square to elerkln& 1t stsns department star• Ind modeling hats for HatUe Ctmt41:le. I even had a lemonade stand In Coooerstown when I was a kid.1' Mer real-lilt experiences sorneUmes have curled over into ber professional lUe. "I've pulled a lot o{ boner• in the kitchen, like the time I cooked rt~ for an army. We uatd per person. ll bollad all om the kitchen. Thert wa1 tnOU&h rict for any army. We used the incident in ont of the earl)' Lucy show1.11 And lht hU occasionally Mftrtd from a memory lapu. "I've done 1tr1n1• thlngs, lik,I J have the lettuce all wuhed and chllltd and all arrtna:td in lhelr litlle bowls and have forgotton to aerve Ult ulad. I go to the r~1erator and the. salads are still sitting the.rt," she aald, with a look of ebapin. "I've even fvtn partiu and plaJ Uke llODa n.naa and aak, 'Where IN the pall?' Than 1 na!lle r .. lortotlto to tnvtte the puts. And lbart art the mAJ11 times l 've bum· ed tb1np. But rvo bad 1 tew anat su=-. ioo. "I've made up a rectr,:1" lhe pfd with some prldt, 'for ctaese Goodie. 1 1et won· dtr!UI plec<1 ol lilet and J)blnlt \be 1llcai lnt.o an iron pol filled wtth 1 bolling aoy amce broth seasoned wllh .. Uc salt. '11\1 dlah tastes 1 little I t k e IQ loo )'Un&, • we strYe ll on almond rtee. I get It all rC1dY and lllto I ult Ult lunlly, 'Now, bow would you Utt your meat, rmt••lll•t''' WCILLB B.U·L'S NEW ENGLAND BOILED DINNER u pouncla corned bed -·--!>' GDllEl'S WY FOOD=r--11• GDIEl'S JUNIOR FOODJr::. .. 15' GDlllR'S JUICIS:=:" ... _11' FOLGlfS COFflE ~ 69' FOLGIR'S COfftJ:f.1.37 POLGIR'S COffD~I. 99 f!!!l!!'!INSTAllT 1.19 MJ.l. INSTAllT='• ,_l.19 ... k#/&tf.·-.... HAMSTDAY GOLDEN · CORN 16-0UNCl CAN' :I.Sa APPLESAUCE="..:'' . PllAPPUB:l'-' I PIAIHALVESl::l:' ... ' I tlUIT COCXTAIL :::" ... '" • MOTT'S FRUIT TRIATS-.. ...3 • PlllW'Ptl JUJa:ll'...... 29' . WILCH'S GRlPI JUICl-';.....37' GRAl'E-IERRY JUICE=tr.:"!....47' . · ... t:;/Grf.-..., llJIAFT 1000 ISLAND SALAD DRESSING 16-0UNCE IOmE &&a Gllll GIANT PEAs ....... _23• HUNT'S TOMATOES.-uo-31' YIG-lll!::ll:"~ 21' HAMST DAY ::t'l...--21' MASHED POTATO£$ :=_57• CUT GRllH llANS :1::.._.16' l&M lllllD lllHS -. ... _39• Our LOW Ever)day Price! 41 COUNT IOX LUCKY TEA BAGS 48° O&C ONIONS mc::r. .29' TOMA TO JUICI :::::'.. 34' DlVILED HAM ~--.45' CORNED BEEF HASH:'l:l.'1ll".'."_47• YllNNA SAUSAGE::r ... _25• KRlJT MlYOlllAISE --_5a• HEINZ mCHUP-.... ..33' BANANAS CHIQUITA IRAND J.OO'C CllfTUI -llCA'S '""" llAl!Tf U.S. llo. 1 10~ RUSSO TATOES 10~49' ' % PORTIRHOUSE @ STEAK ,.,., "" *1 lb9 I .. .. . ... . ~J!~~l~•:.:v . ..!~.L ~~ ... •~o .. m __ .............. 49,i . ~;~~,!~:! ........ -......... _ 371t. .FULLY COOKID IONILISS HAM rAIMll•llllN $119 oa'MT.elMI 1111. LUCKY SLICED BACON , .... 55c PKO. FARMER JOHN UCON aKll l-POHDPACUM--- ~!,'!;~'~ l',!!RME~-·- SWIFT PREMIUM IACON SUUl-1.tGl•PACUfl---·· ... ,. ...... OSCAR MAYll IACON ., ...... &lXU 1.roti••U.-.-.......... . Ourl.DW ~Pri<:<! DECORAHD LUCKY TOWQ,S 14' COUNT ROUS "~ -. . 57< 63• 69< 69< -> I .A.~ ' ClPT'N CRUNCHlllr.r-!! 48' ... MAZOLACORN OIL -.. _65• JONNY CAT ::!..°'=-~1.13 KIN-L-RATIOll ::."'Lo 17' PANCAllMIXG':".:-54' DllT-RITI COLA wr.. .11• POMPDAN OUYI OIL.;....,_81' CIGAREllES l:::.:l:~'.~12.94 rOurLOW Ever)dayPrice! DEL MONTE CLING PEACHES • SHURE AN' BEGORRl ••• 'TIS TRUE ••• EVERYONE, EVERYDAY CAN ENJOY SAYINGS IN GRUN AT THEIR LUCKY DISCOUNT SliPERMARml FAMOUS IRAllDS ••• "IONDED'' MEATS ••• FARM-FlllSH PRODUa •• ~ ~T LUC1('S LOW · EVERYDAY DISCCllJN.T PRIQS!• ... Tiie Lucky loriCI Js on th• Packot• ... ft'• · .. ..::.: Your Guaro,,,.. of flavor and Tenclern•••f C Uc 0 ROSQITAIEEFTACOS ......... 47"; H K R AST43c JOHNSONPIES:::t:.~~-'" ~ll,JUICYA11DIMIOID1D ... llt41Co1 .. , lb, :::~G~~:.:~~: TUR.K.EY. .:.s 2· 9c ::::.:;;:::~:· . . I ::;.:..--.-......... ~ ...... .., LU.A.ilAllA-ftlMPAletllDll......... .. '-'-e-t GROUN. D BEEF 45c ::::::~ ... ~~i~. • • • 11,, ORANGEJUICE , ... ~---55 ., n•,UA•~llllllQrot'IOPllAUTY.... FISHSTICllS =·--..... __ 931 · T BONE STEAK $114 SOUFlllET=-----••< • T1ll10ff CHICKEN W/GRAYY =:.".r!.,IJJ9 •IUCIOUIUHQlmOllHIUD ....... ,...... ,.. "·kltlktf. ( ~!~!!!!.aMYOl·891~ OIU IUP!;;E~r. PKG. !!!!t~~! _____ 79~ ~: CROS.S RIB LINK SAUSAGE L~FACw .. nssuE ... ~~~ ROAST 7nc ::.:~~= 29' NORTHEINTISSUl:...--31· IONILHI ;.............. 7i;. 1-0UNCIPACIAll LUCKY POil = .. -24' TIDEDETERGENT-... ___ 79• INJQY FAIJH, fAJl'J' DIUCAJllHN fRIAfS POR USS Af &UCl!rl OXYDOL DETERGENT-.. -191 CHEERDITEIGINT-.. 79< DRIFT DEIUIGENT-··-·---79° IVORY LIQUID :rn'. .. _. __ 931 Our LOW EYer)dl\yPricc! LUCKY MILD CHmDAR CHEESE CHUNK-RANDOM WEIGHTS r'79~ AMERICAN SINGLES :::"::.a9c """·~ PMUa (11911 JOOI -- 33' IHllMI' COCllTAIL YMCl _ ... _ __...t&,t.U SIE LITTLE OSCQ Wllll!IMOllLE DISPl.IT AT TOUR FAYOllnt LUCKY SIVIE! OSCAR MAYER WIENllS ••• 63< IAUlllr1-4LPD.'h)Ml•t·--'IL OSCAR MAYO 90LOGNA = 69< tA&1•1MLPandAUMM1' .......... PH. OICAI MAYEl llAM 3 .., f3H ••am.._,., .... _ "' MOUAllLIA CHIUI ......... _._ ..... ~ .. __ , .... BOLD DmRGBIT :::". _.......:J9• WCADE =.oir. _____ -591 ~MORN CHIDE IMI. PU. 62< ---·-·--Our LOW E\'Cl)lfly Price' lnH 1111 HAllQ 111'11Ml111Al ..... -........ -Ma.Pit. 89• 59< WHm KING SOAP :::.'.':.~-731 WATIR SOFTDIER =::'-49' YANISH CLIANER:l'l:::'-.. -39• DUPONT SPONGES ......... __ 331 •••th hw 1-1 llttff .. tlllt ,... C;.ltl- htl tftt •••II .... ,11 .. •f tltt tt.M11H1 •f ft, lew 41KH11t •ric1s i11 sttrtt t.r YHllfbckJ. IADY LH ICE ClllM ......... _5<)< fOlllMOST IUTIERl:.r~-.-79• JtUCOA SOFT :;:::;:: 38' MARGAllNE =".:-38' Our LOW Evel')llay Pr ice! HARVEST DAY PRUNE JUla 32-0UNCE llOTTLE a ·a 0 ' T ' ' ' • . ' . .~ .......... YAlllUA WAFERS:-.-36' T"1TS CRACllllts ~-...... 38' oao COOKIES ="..:=."-47' lltlAI ::."'W:'*"'--'--31• llllSIN IREAD ="..:' .33' IDOK FORKEY BUYS ........................... ...... ~....-..i ... '111 .,_ ..................... ... ...................... ,. ......... ,.,. ... ..... -... WNATIOH CHUNK TUNA ·~Vein de Kamp's- AN OUTSTANDING Y Amrt Of FRESH IAKIRY GOODS '1T -..rUICn lTOlq 111'.lll'lll'lllllnlllJllllll'lll- ·. •r . "L S"r'IJ '. PRPC"' n r • 'l['LT ll ~~·n 8,...,1·y. r" __ , 1,,, ...,_ -,._,, J , i n "' n '"'•• t.i:'.1•._ 1• ASSORnD HOUSEHOLD ·PLASTICS • H-IUAHllll wAsnwnr . • 1\;:IUSHRSIZI UUIDIY IAlllY • 1MIAIT1WHI stoUTPAA. •JUMIO UTIUTY rut YOUICNOICI CEPACOL MOUTHWASH ANDGAROLI Tiit MOITWUll .. M9 -- Mf'IHO " ... ,...,_.. "'" · '" tflll =i-•·r.!11" " .. ...... _. __ _ l.....UMf'tU. "'-""""'91c IIICOUIT PIKI \ MENNEN PROTEIN 29 HAik PRODUCTS ~~~!.~~ ......... ~106 =!~~72c ~~.~.~ .... 76c WILKINSON SUPER SWORD IDGE BLADES :ur.=r..:-.=.~':' ltT ...... ... p~~ . ...... , ·---OllllW 65 IWlftAr C '"" • I ,-~-------------..........--·-·-----·---·-~-------~------------------------------\ ......... ---___,.....,.._,,,_ . , ' . • ·, I .,,.,_., -u. 1969 , 4 • • 0 ~y PILOT ;f,fii . ¢' \I $ \: i f I ROUND BON E BEEF ROAST ... . .. LB. 4gc MUM DEODORANT CRiAM -->.iOZ. 69' PERMANENT SPEC<AL SJSI HOME ULT ----------EA. PRELL SHAMPOO ~~.:/:~'"''-.. ···· s1u DEODORANT i~~.r.!~~'"' ... +oz 93' VICKS VAPORUB _ .. : ....... , soz'53' VICKS FORMULA 44 ............. 3'•-oz 99' GREEN BEANS g:!~'l:~~~---··· . 003 25' SLICED BEETS ~:t~~~~~~.-.... "'' 26' BEETS ~~~~~N'a .--··------·-----~ :io3 19t DICED BEETS DIAMONO-A .................. ;., 111' CARROTS OIAMONO-A 27' SMALL WHOLI ----~·····--· 303 · DRESSING :;:~~ -·-····· -·-10-oz 53' BEEF STEW 57' ~~~I CAN -·-··-............ - DRESSING r:t.ll. ~-~oz 3gc:,~ot 69' 1000 ISLAND ~;,';.."·-·-···-"'°' 65' GREEN BEANS~iW-~~"---····-2 FOR 35' BEANS OELMONTr: • 2 350 FRENCH STYtE 8-0Z..-------·--FOR ZUCCHINI OELMONT'8-0< ........... 2roR 33' NESCAFE 5 t 09 INSTANTCOffll 10-0UNCl . --·~--e ' • STEWEDTOMATOES ~\i"" ... 1-0< 19' TOMATO WEDGES \!.'€"'' ..... 2s.ot 39' TOMATO PASTE \!.\i"'' ~--·--· 2 ~oz 33' t ·__._:___ . . . Our pledge is to continuously offer our cui,tomers the best In quailty, the best 1electfon. arid th• "1t•tvalues. Save more with our everyday low price, plu1 full 7·da .advertised value1. ' ')ti~~\ CREST TOOTHPASTE GILLETTE TECH.BAND '''•·69c 97c l-OL S't UG.OIMIHT -10'o ... $1.J' LA VORIS GILLETIE MOUTH WASH DEODORANT ,,0:90NUSP3ACK c ~w· 95c >-O Z. 11-0L .. Sl.17 . t.~'!.1!» \'\"~ GOLDIHGIAINLOHG 239 SPAGHETTI ...................... LB.PKG. c DIET-ASSOITEDFLAVOIS , 49 BREAKFAST .... ~~~g-. c JIF 39 PEANUT BUTTER ............. ~-~N c CHILl.BEANS ~&f., 2r""31"· RED BEANS ~"U,s,~~ 2ro•31' KIDNEY BEANS ~~i:.,_ 2"'·35' HUNT'S CHILI SAUC~ __ 11 i;.oz29' WESSON OIL . · --'~75' DRY YEAST nE>scHMANNS --•PAC 19' MARGARINE FlflSCHMANNS 49' • UNSAL!ED-___:.LI. ~~~'1,INAIS~-... 49'. PEANUTS PlANT<RS SPANISH 4"" DRY ROAST -~----·· l.S.Ot. ~ ORANGES LARGE f ANCY SWEET NAVEL IAKl•SCHOCOLAnDWPACKAGE 39 CHOC. CHIPS ................ 1~~0~ c Viv A TOWELS ......... £A _35c PEANUTS ~~·;~~r ....... ·~o• 59' ,.,,.:83' CANNED MILK 18~~~-~--~~ 2lli.'s37' COOKIES ~.'ol~~ ........... .!~39'it 59' VANILLA WAFERS l~ilr~~~ 39' 7 Up PLUS 6 79c • DEPOSIT -to.oz. _, CAMPFIRE 4 s 1 MARSHMALLOWS ........ ~t:s I.BS. SPRAY CLEANER ';1"JWc1t _____ 89' MAZOLA CORN OIL ... au•RT 69' MEXICORN GREEN GIANT 12-0<27' SHOE PEG CORN ~rt~ 12-0•29' i J ! • it ' • ' • " ' I ' ) ' ) l • ) • l l • . " . ) l ) ; } 1 ' ' I J ri 'I ; ·1 r J • • - ) q " q A .; " ' 1 ~ " h h b • 1 d , • • ,, d j ' " ' 1 • 1 i • I T r ' I ) I ) ., i ' l * '8«¥ '{Jlliat(, 1~ 1od4. * FOLGER'S ENCHILADAS GOHAAOTS ~.39' : : ,AV!,~!!.05 c JOR IOSAl1T A ASSOITIO-llG. 'l(G, MEXICAN DINNER ..... 39c _STAIKllT • $ TUNA PIE$ __ ... _61 .ox 1 . .UsomD•.t.~.UTMCIS $ DOLE JUICES _.. . ... 6 .. ox 1 PIE .. DiNNERS -............ ox39C :BREADED SHRIMP,.~~1 89 ltOll 1111.COOllD· $ FISH STICKS -... 4 •. ox 1 coiiiriffiEEF ~$1 89 C'H'ifS['piizA _ ,,..,_ 6ac LOBsTER TAI.LS--:$11! ~l"'DS fvl! ~ KOlO MIST twtlT 49c TINY TATERS -''°""~-CHICKEN ""°"'-.., lllllDSE\'EWtlOik 5fte kdl.01(11Te.OUNa 49c StRAWBERRlES -1.ot ~-tEEFSTROQANOFF-' 1u1osn& ~w>.Kmu.o " $141 ONIONRINQS_...,,olil CRABMEAT ""'- nNOEllXtaAfANCYG~EEH s 39c ••NC• POUND ASPARA(U . . '-"· c 2 ........ "9' .H(Y s 2 33 ~ APPLES l.AD~ANJOU PEAR LIS, w~~ Ji.19' B1110s E'l'l 2ftil!: QIUlN GIAfrfT/lum:lllAVCa ~l)c BLACKEYEPEAS _,,,,. ~-MIXVEGETA8LE-10«111l curoKRA __:__, ... 2scsmtcH........ , ••• 3ac STAR OLIVE OIL l ·OZ. ,. 2,. ... oz. .. Sl' , 1&-0Z. f5c 24-0Z. '1.lS ON E GALLON •• -15.11 1· (, ···coFFEE HUNT'S PEAR HALVES ... ~4' -' SOFT MARGARINE=~~~"_..... , DEL MONTE SPINACH -..... 11' FRUIT COCKTAIL~';}.,._:_:_ 2~31' 1°LI. CAN 6 ·9c !·LlCIN 'l.ll l·Ll.CIN ~.H ... . . :_ _: __ 11-0t !lllTIJIT~.lt ... w.iPllOESEFFE9TIVE7.fULl.DAYS, THURS. llvv WEDl.,MAICll 1•1• . -· . MM Wllf"LINCOLN, ANAMllM 6'U IDINMa AV• ... HUlfT~ IWiCll IM4 win lltOAO'#AV, """"''"' la'll MINll AVIN"8. ~-... NSWPO"-l IOULtrvAaO. CotTA MIU 1• tMT cou• c;r: "' WliT 1flll ., ••• ,, COSTA fli!IU. ,... Wiil 17111 rn•r • . .. -WllTMINITla II.VD. WllTMIJtlTlll Mii IO!Ntltt na11f~ 1::1. = -CH#MAll AVINUI, eAAOIN HOVI ' ~ ~ 1 1 1 ( " I I r . ' ' 41 CAI~ Y PILOT r. I . ' . ' A DELECTABLE TRIBUTE TO ST. PATRIC K I ~ ·Luck Irish 'Kneaded' I 0 the M springtime fancies turn t:t thoughts of love and such, speeial celebrations come to mind as well . For these occasions. baked breads ar~ greatly enhanced with tbe flavorsom e sweetness of California seedless raisins. As tradhional as shamrocks. the popular Irish Raisin Soda Bread is delicious for SI. Patrick's Day . California seedless raisins and c:irnway seeds add authentic touchcg lo lhc quickly made biscuit L --""""' __ ...., ' dough. Gut the dough round 1n:o quarters called ''farls" ;ind bake. A light crust ing or !Jut· tcr and sugar on top makci; il even more drlcctablc. JRISll RAISIN SODA BRE AU California seedless raisins are dotted throughout lh1i; light and tender bread -;1 real tribute to the \\'Ca rini; of the green! 213 ~~P California secdlc!'s raisins 2 cups sif ted flour -- I'~ lcaspoons baking powder ~ i tea spoon sOOa I teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar 11~ lcaspoons caraway seeds 3 tablespoons shortening I cup buttermilk :O.lellcd butter and sugar for lop Cho11. raisins coarsely. if desired. Hcsift flour 11,ith bal.- 1ng powder, soda, sail and sugar. Add caraway seeds. Cut in shorlcnirig until in fine pirrrs. Make 11•ell in center. 1 ·;1;1r lll buttcnnilk and add ... ••• .lo .~-\' _, ' . ·--,, '· ,, --, ~...J,_,':. .--.-: •• ~.; .,,,.,/,__ TOP o· THE MORNING, MINTED FRUIT ----------~·---. . ... raisins. Iv.ix lightly Io niodcratcly soft dough. Turn out on floured board and knead gently a fe1v strokes. Shape into a round ;:ind fit into greased 8 or 9-inch layer cake par.. Cul loaf cross1vlse into quarters about 213 way through dough with [ a sharp knife. Brush lop with nieltl'd butter and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in moderate oven (350 de grees F.) about JO n1inu1es. fo.1ake s ;ibout 6 to 8 servings. A ppetiz~ng Beginning \Vilh everybody •·thinking g-rl'cn" for St. Patrick 's D:iy, th~re's no better way to start the day than v.·ith a green Oreakfasl appetizer. A festive fruit dish, called "Top O' the Morning Minted Fruit," v.·ill match the color of your husband'!! lie that morning. It will not only wake up appetites, but give your family a conversation piece to discuss lhroughout the day of "blarney talk.." TOP O' THE !'.10R~'ING l\llNTED FRUIT l No. 2 can grapefruit scc- lionll 1 No. 3 can pear halves ~, teaspoon peppermint c:s:· tract 2 drops green food coloring Drain grapefruit and pears. , Add extracl to the reserved juices ~nd bring to a boil . Cool in your refrigerator f11r several hours. or ol'ernight in 11 covered bcn.1,11. Serve tor breakfast on S~. Patrick's Day. And if you 11111 e .. ony lcn at dinner tlmt\ •r grc11t 11•i1 h any m c ;1 1 I <'~llC'tlall.v la1,,b ~ • .,\.U·~ ~I/, ~ ~ ' . ·::-.. i\~J .. •;.....--:~ ,· \ fWeli~ Proof 1000 Bayside Dr.-New port Beach 24 Monarci,. Bay Plaza-South Laguna \ I ' , I ' ' "' ' .. ,~ Savory Smoked --.."'\l'.....,.,i;~ ::,<".,,.., SI• d-, ~·-. ice · · "'•<-· · · Baco11 ·-- Dubuqu• .Miss Iowa 0 . . Ma ... _ ..... ,ac _ scar -_ yer · -'*•· "7 Rolled & rtet1 ' Bonel8Ss Racist . -~lllllllM11 1P1 11111111111 ......... Turkey ·• Pl.., lledy llels ll .... ............ , .. ,,.. ---T•llT""I Beef Rib R•st ... 89'' I I SOfeway Miid Mi4 Y!llole Milk fGllllU-f• Soltis or . -Cllris,SndorCMl$blt. , Coldbrook Margarine .::. . I t4 1 ~11---=' :::-• Tllllllet l:"' :f, tr · r,..i 111w :::.. '::"' • 111111111 :: !"t:;:,,.,. o;::-r ' i~-;~fa$iil!, -•.....• ,..,.. ... .., .... ---... ·-.... , ' ' ' , ,. h 11:..: ' .. ·"' · · · . 1s " ...... Jers . . ' ' Caph!lln'• '"'' ·~ C:hOlce a..i;. Clloiu or-fflli.t. FM hdt · Of Sole, Scol<p or Slril\p • oa-..e·Mce;Lr:.~=..·s ~ •1" · · Bel-air Pw·· I Fruit shirlaets · ..... llllllilt-fmlo 2 .... •a. 'I'll -.. Of ~"" 2Ai -• • .... .,,-,.,,.., ... ~ Ptioel .. ~.. . .,,- -, --~---~---.. .,._ .. ________..,._ ........ __ _,, -~ ·~--............. ---. .. ___..__~-~ ........ ··-··~ ......... -----·--· ----~--------- cOHage : ·cheese ' ,, I; • I • ' ·' , I ' i ·' ' • . ; I I '! \ ----~~--~~...-."' -~ • U ••f'I +........-..._...,.,..-·~~·-.. ~--·· ~·* -~-......... -..... 4r"'''"""'~j \ _, .... , ... " ......... ' , ......... .,..,. ·-· -~-~~~-~-~ . ...__....---F -• --·- 1 r • { • • p DAILY PILOT ' ' I . -· .. ' IONEUSSCHUCKWAGON as· CHUCKiTEAKS .... -.LB. c IONB.ESS 78' STEWING BEEF .......... LB. .. HOFFMAN FUllY • 48' HAMS:k... . ......... ·ti. SLICED BACON . HOFFMAN BITTER MAID 1-LB.PKG. 58~. . . ' .• . . USDA -1 · CHOICE I I \ ' lb. WIDTEFRONT'SLOWADJIE'ITISEDEJ!ERYDAYBEEFPRICES BONELESS CHUCK ROAST.-•...• 1L88'. RUMP ROAST IONEftl __ 11.78' BONELESS STEAKS ~~11."~ 11. 98' BONELESS SHLDR.ao000ASl5-1LU' TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS'°"'=-IL 11" SWISS STEAKS· ~ 11,71' CLUBSTEAKS.:__ tL11" 7-BONEROASTS 'iL 48• PLATEBOIL IAll' FRESHGROUNDBEEF IL ... ., ' U.S.D.A.GllADIAFIYR 58C LEGS AND THIGHS _____ u. . Fiiiiiius1s __ u.58c RlilSTEAKS 11.88' FRESHGROUNDCHUCK . LL~' . 1nl11'EFRONTSLOIP'El'ERl'11AYSEdFOODPRICES CUTRYERS--u.311 IESTOFTHERYER:....u.51' WilTEFRONT'SLOWADJ!ER77SEDEVERYDAYJ!ORK.PRICES 98 -58' CTR.CUTSMOKEDPOIKCHOPS .-11.R ="~ICED SHRIMP ~=!lS-lL c ~!..~""'···-··· . ·-:lL 58 ~~::::H:~::: ~= ' GREENLAND HALIBUT_lL49' PORKCHOPS _. ·--~ll. ( PORKIHOULDERIOISTS __ 11.44''· - HOFFM •N CTR CUT RIB PORK CHOPS 91' WESml OYIT!IS-11><>< 71' Fllln OF nu wD -'• 71' ~ $J21 . -.ll. TAVE-HAMS INEll p ASTS 61' \.~· FJ~LLET:!,!!!OF!!PEIC:!;H =::.!!11.::.1r..!:F1~wr~o~F=IOLE::=::· .. =··'::•":...i' lift --····---'L LO D ORK RO .• LL ~ · · · WHITE FRONT'S LOW EVERY-DAV DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS VALUABLE COUPONS COIONrT2-IOU.>K-ILSIWHIOE29c 5' s 1 UllY'Sl2-0:L-ILSEWHEOE69c 59c BATH RM. TISSUE. ~ CORNED BEEF ...... -... ' · FIN 1/./. \ F<JOlJ." COIONll"-RSIWHIU>r. 29c mm..-24.oz.-.,, 57c JUMBOTOWELS .. . BEEFSTEW ________ . Dll.MoNnN0.2%-11.SIWllEllJS< · 29C Gl.DGG'S12-0I.--mlWllmJlc , 28' PEACHES.·-········· . ... · CORN FLAKES ........... . DB.MONTE30lCAN-BSEWHlll27c 21 c ~LMW10%..0Z-ILSEWHRiltc35c SWEET PEAS .-........... · CHEERIOS ·-··.. ... . DILMONTIJOJCAN-.u..Hm21. 23c· ... _,.,....,_,,. 22c CREAM CORN............. YOGURT ...... _ .. _ .... . Dll.MONTl303CAN-IUIWlllll27c 23' -1"8.-RSIWHal2>< 5' s 1 GREEN BEANS _..... MARGARINE ~---~ GUENG1ANT12.0l.-8.SIWH8El7c 2• ....,_ ..... ~alJSc 4'ftc NIBLETSCORN ......... u-COTTAGE CHEESE6.7- •atMUT--B.S1W11a111. ftc Alllllilnn--B.S1W11a1ss. 49c '--------· BABYFOOD _., ............... 7·. SOUR CREAM ._ ........ . ., ~u-0 ..... .-. ... ,,. 29' 8li8Yi=ooo_' .... 1oc· VAiiilulWAFERs 35~ DOLE JUICE --.............. . . -ors2•-0z~u. 36' -MlQT....&SIWHalSt•-47c --QU.WIT-•tc 59c GRAPE JUICE .................. PRUNE JUICE ____ .... . ICE CREAM *,-G•L -·- A-ltlOH QUAUl'f %.UL IUIWllB'l 69c5ftc ICE CREAM ._................ 7· FRoiE'N1ii'NN.ERs ... 37c U.NQWTl-0%.-B.SEWHm>Jc 15' MEAT PIES.--........ SAIA UIAOIBC PASTl:IES &SIWHllE 19c 6ftc CAKES~~g;::::............... 7· ·--llSIW!Bllt• 4• . BREAD _____ .. _____ .).PACK 7 · MoortONl.INOl--&llWHBIUc 25c FRUIT PIES~i!:~ .......... .. OLDVaGHA tJ.OZ.Pm. 45c ALL MEAT FRANKS .• WISCONSIN SllAIP 89' CHEDDAR :~E --............. WILSON ASSlD..:-12-0Z. PKG. 55c LUNCH MEATS _ ....... %WAN IMP01m>-4%·0I. 59c SLICED HAM.-............... KRAfTCIACICRIARlllL-10-0I. 75c CHEESE BARS GAIJ.O 1.oz. ~9• $129 SALAMI CHUBS 13-0Z.PKG. DOIMAH'SWISCONSIN-12-0I.PK<" 79c SLICED SWISS -...... . HILLS BROS. C8FFEE $JH t ,:$... ' HILLS BIOS. INST. COFFEE lllS .IUICI 4i•Ol.-IUIWH•l IJ1 39' GRAPEFRUIT ,. __ ......... I , Iii Iii \ I !:I 'II 11 :t 11 ' I \Ii I I I , I I I II I I ' DB.MONTll&-0~2S< 21 C CATSUP .......... ~ .............. .. MAYONNAISIQT-~ll• 57' TOMATOES fRESHcORN __ uCH 1 oc . LARGE FIRM .,PE 'FANCYQISPNOIMINPIPPIN 4i$1 BEST FOODS ._ ............... . KIAFT'IQT-~Sh 54c . MIRACLE WHIP ···-·- CHUNK ruN4::_ __ 29' __ ,... J _,, _ _,._,..,J --· - -.J _ --,~_ ... _ ... _,, - SLICING SIZE APPLES --........ .. ... s IB>UAl'OllUTTll 1 oc 19 c LmUCE _, EACH G9'J>l.Alll.INSTANT.1-tl. PICG.3 b s 1 u . POTATOES ._ ............. _ I COSTA MESA llllSTOI. AND PA~ARINO MON. THIUFlfOAY, 11:lOA.M.tot:)OP.M. SAMDAY,t :JOA.M.tet:JOP.M. - SUNDAY, 1ttll A.M. TO l 1Jt P.M. . . • ._.· • I I _!....___l__I ___ • _f_ __ _ ' ' ' ' \ -----·-----.. ·--~p·-----.------~-----·~·•~•-r -~---------:------·-------·· -------·--~-.- I ~ . -. . . . ' " • . . .. ' . -. ' ----. Liquid Qetergent · )VISK' • Regular $1.3' ,1/z . Gallon , . . • .11~ ~. Matih 1i , 1969 .,,, ( . . ; . . ; ' ' : . .G.RE.EN .. , · ... GIANT . ' 303 CANS • Kltdlin Sliced G~n Bans • Frenclt Sliced $"n' lnlis . • Cream Style Corn ' . • • . " • • • ' : •. J . . " F · 10 oz. No Deposit tot:tle 6~69c 49c )~$1 5~$1 . • Whole Kerrel Com 'O .. 7-UP: .D'eterg,nf-·22 ol. . UX LIQUID . Borden's Danish· 1 lb. carton MARGARINE -==- Folger's COFFEE 1 Lb. Can 69c: 2 Lb. Can $1.37 Big 1 Lb. 4.9( Box Detergent -Giant Size .BOLD • Nlblels Corn· (12 OL) FRESH PRODUCE U.S. No. 1 Russet POTATOES .. .CHIFFON 10 ·~: 49' . FACIAL TISSUE , Extr1 Fancy, Jumbo Siu TANGELOS Ruby ~od Toxo1 GRAPEFRUIT Now· Crap . VELVET YAMS 10¢ ": CHIFFON 2110 COUNT BOXES 19_ ~ T oi~~!_!ISSUE 1---------''-' ~ FACIAL · .9UAUTY R '! • ' ....... . ~· • F 0 . R ' .., • . ' ... . ., • • 't . • •f ' ... .. FABULOUS LAS VEGAS VACATION··. ' Three days and two nights lodging and entertainment for two · · at the Ha,eienda or Thunderbird Hotel · , '. $64.50 Value aU for only $3.00 with purchase of any of the following vacation Bonus Items -LI mite cl. Mall-In-Offer-Forms and full ·details at Bargain Basket Market! , · , .... $ Pulr.9UILL-kl. 3 sy · ' PEN r. 9UILL -kl. Att Ca• 3 1 o .... o ci.n o -for Whip Toppings ~:· for DIPS • 0.1 .. o a.-C:m · . : ... 10-• ..... Clo-3"' '1MMITAnoo" sou• cu~~ Cortotl 35' . Rod's Dressings : = =:! 7. R ... He -. I!'"•"" _.... He · .' , · 55' iiors GARLIC SPREAD 29' 1 .... Attosol Coo REDDI WHIP .... ._:-- USDA C:HOIC:E 'T.' -BARGAIN BASKET BETTER BEEF li~:~:~r:.~"y CeNI --'.. .... • •11'' BREADED SHRIMP .. · ...,._ ... .,._ .......... • ~SDA Choice Eastem. Grain Fed Large Loin USDA Chaice Boneless Eastem Grain Fed Center Cut Rib SWISS CHEESE 69C ' . T-Bone STEAK ..... ,_,,., Gr~ln Fed Former ~. • PORK SPARERIBS 69¢1b. U.S.D.A. 1onor... $10! SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS ' • lor M W..tom4 tyjo Corned 89¢1~· BEEF ROUNDS ' ' TOP SIRLOIN STEAK • Bor M Watorn Style -All -. . 59¢ Frnh S'lcod Mix or Motch 0 lologn• O ChMM Loaf· 0 Pickl• Pimento 0 C-$oleml E11terF. Grain Fed . 89¢1b . PORK CHOPS Co~':;. Cut -&~tern Grain F..t 69¢, ... PORK LOINS w~~~,·· . ' ' I . 'lb. Pork Chop . ' ' .. PRICES · EFFECTIVE: ; Thurs., Fri., Sat. Ir Sunday, March 13, 14, 15, 16 . . tt.: Prlcn subject lo sleek on hond, . .... . '----~-iii!i• U.S.D.A. Choice -. __ $_1_2_9_:, I Porterhouse Steaks· , ... • • · , W.I GIVE ·' :!Yi\11 'CHIP ' STAMPS 1.9111 Hd Pllctllla 710 w. 011111111 • I ' • 1 I _ .a _.<t >L .s ... • ._ ~ .l _ L "'--' _ • ._.. # \ • • ........._ ........ ~ ... , • • ••• ...... ..-.. ,. ... , _ _....,._.._,.__....a"' ..o -~~---~---~------------1:1 • • 'Kitchenitis' (Bad · Designing) ,(aus,e-of Homemakers ' Ails . '- NEW YORK (UPI) --A ,couplt dots a lot. ol ... ..;...!M!lll,.,.'ronot.10-1. cookie lbeell and 11ay1. Use said Mn. Clark. you're remodeiln( Ill 1n ,.. tries 1Q·.1nterVtew a coup!• -yoa wlDlthem.Anaqsewhm h.......U. who ii t I r • d, terlllnln& and eats holiday 11111 your kilcheA,' aht bu '"I· the bacilapluh IUl'face -tho "There •re no publlabed lstin& houae lnmad of pla,,. toaetber to flod out how muc.~ you work 111\d 1t<n thinas. grouchy, bMdacby and Colft-mull at home,'' Mn. Clar-gesUon1 for ua1n.C your prtaent area betwUQ countar top and\ prlcu, because we're aelling nln8 a new one). Ast yourself, they entertain, bow large tJ)e The kltcheu apecialllt ad· plalns of bacbche may have aald. one more efficlenUy: Store overhaQ,glnc cabinets -for auvtce, a design.• It'• llie •c1o you really need fancy pull-farillly ts, how much cooking vocatt1 rtmodtlin& even ii ooly bor kltcllen to blame, 1,_. I --•-u -•-• spices, which need 1 spot buying a new car: 1 Cadllloc out accoucrlet'! they do and what kind. She -· p·1an· to ..U your house ··-QW"lottc Clarlt. a De· She also auggesll k ~•• c •~g supp es on -vea Iii> lib .... ~-h • , •• iroli housewife turaed kitchen eallng space that cu double on the side of a cabinet near away m direct sunlight a.nd w atereo lDd telepbone will "A dlshwasher bu become IWIU sugg.,..,,. om e w or • wlUUn a few yun . .. designer. I.I a woman's ''du.II:" for the 5.int and use undeJ'ollnt stove heat. cost more than 1 Volbwagtn afmoat a necesSity but a tile befw;e tbe meetlfll. ''It may represtpt 1 Oll& "Kitcbms used to be 50 ugly paying bllls, reading or check· storq:e instead for canned "The quesilon "''" most with no extras. valance oo counter1 above the Study plarui in the lhelter third • tncreue tn Ute value nobodJ wanted ~ look _at ior out a recipe, and act as goods and rue_ storag e of such often asked about remodeling "Tbe cost depends parUy first dr1wers waates space." magazines. Mate a lift of tbe ot the house and get It off them .. she sald 1n an m·. _:.•.::serv:..::llfl::'.g'..:ce::n:::l.::er:... _____ thlng:;;.;:::::'_":.;_P:.;l.;_e _t!Ju:.;_'_;po:......t _Ji_d•.:.• _1s_'_H_ow_m_u_ch_w_lll_· l_t _cos_t'_!'_' _..,_,_iru_c1_ur_a1_pro_b..,1ema __ <_•_bon __ Mn __ • c_1ar_k_sat_d_11>e_a1_w•.:Y_•_fea_ture...,-•_10U:......_w_a_n1_and __ ".:h1 __ th_•_m_ar_k_et,c·qu1Ckly:......_;..;;_• _sbe_llid_. • · tervl~. "11tey were sman,1 · ·.• closed-off ct..et aress. Once .. •,people bad a lot of servanll ·'"!' ud bomeowDtrl spent large • RUDI of money on new cablneta without a thought for duign and efficiency." ' • Mrs. Clark, a graduate ... home economist w b o s e univenlty studies also in· eluded kllchen design. said backaches can result from ' standlng at a slant at old- , fashioned.. counters a b o v e •; cabioell that lack toe space ' -which is three lo four in· ~ ches of IndentaUon at floor , level "Hard liUl'faces make a kitchen noily. KI t ch a D carpelin& hu cut the auund level enormously and, because it's easier to stand on. It's easier on your back. · 0 .Eyestratn, fatigue a n d · grouchlness may result from poor lighting or badly located llglllinc; -· from ... ing cownen too high or too ·low." Mn. Clark suggested that a family's sile alld life style determine Jtl kitchen needs. She said women who use more prepared foods, such as in· st.ant and frozen products, need extra pantry and freezer space instead of under..W storage for iresh potatoes. A woman who bakes mostly with mi:r:es needs Jess counter space but more storage space. "Counters are inefficient if tht(re broken up into mqalJ wilts," abe· added, She aaid tJrla is espeeialbo wutefu1 In ' miaD kltcllens. A family wholt children wash thei~ hands at the kitchen sink before meals need& a double sink, she nld, amt so does a family in wbich both husband and wife cook. "A family's sto'rage needs also change as it grows older," she said. The wife has more time for cooking and ma.y do more cooking herseU after the children leave home. H she's been collecting serving pieces for her dinnerware and atra cups and saucers, while '-line on to pJect1 from pmlous aets, Ibo need& .ma dorqespace. Adjolllble lhelvea Ill all cablneta: also mate mora ef. llclent me ot space becau!t theJ can be nltcbed to ac- commodate ·Rew s1zel ' and shapes of packages, utensils and serving pieces. "Two ovens always are a luxury -they cost more and take more space from storage. But they'n no 1U%Ul'y i! a , Foreign Intrigue Wrap your menu wl.lh ntw Improved Italian f I a v o r lonigbl. Real ltalilllO spaghet· U ••• enriched thin apaghettl in .a lively tomato cheese sauce made from plump red tomlloes, 0.eddar, Romano and Pa.rpies&n cheese, olive oU and freshly ground spices. No need to simmer the pungent sauce for hours or warty about oj>aghetU noodles g.tting cold. This enticing meal is al~y • • . in a can ••• for your convenience. Just heat up a can and s er v e with a green 6al1d glistening in an on and vinegar dressing, and an al Jta1ia dessert of spumoni or tortoni. A.Other Jliiht, yoo might add .aliced mushrooms, crumbled bacon. c h o p p e d celery and onion to tbe basic spaghetti. But ln)"t'tY you choole to serve th.II n e w im- proved Italian style spaghetti, you'll lite the ·foreign accent It adds to your menu. SPAGBETrl VENETO 3 slices bacon l can (4 ouncea) sliced mushrooms, drained Ito eup ch\>pped celer)' Ito cup chot>ped onion I can (1511 """"') Italian atyle spaghetti la atillet, cook bacon untll criap. Remove from pa11 and cnunble. Pour oll all but I llblolpooa drippings. -A d d JDlllbrOOlld, ctlery, ID d .-1: eook until -· Stir Ill opochttll HfaL Garnbli "'°' ....... Mllea 2 • to 3 ....... We Welcome U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMPS L.A. ccxtnf Otf..T .-····•·····-COUPON .............. , • • ! DOUILE ILUIE CHIP STAMPS wltll thla : ! co•,.. oft the total •11tet11ltt of ony ,.,,.. ! : c..._ ncl•dl119 llq110f, tobctuo •IMI fl•hl : ~ R!Uk ,rff1Kt1, 1 co11jlN11 ,., cntomer. : . .._ .... _ ........... : : tilmcil 11 ....... 16. • • ._ __________ _ A~PJES -".!':.. 59c ---- ~('1rJf'1 HEALIH & BIAUTY AIOI NSt' ARRID SPRAY DEODOUIT -!MAdl<oS,..,. 59' -,:;., ~i.~nJ . GLEEM: 63' EX1l4 l.AIGE aZI). •••••••••••••• MOUIHWAS!J VONs SCOPE I . SHAMPOO ~.~. 68' $ . .'.4fc ~mmm tlOUORI HATllREI ROYAL VELVET DRY GIN DJST/UED lONPON DlY .. tC 4@'_J$359 PIOOF _ ~ ,.,, ~::BEER NB~24c;~~ , (Y/oJN/S ~ ENGLISH MUFFINS ~....:;,i.1 ... ~ .. -31~ .. """"""""-fl.fl. PWn,Uk.2k YOIS IOT CIOIS BUNS tIB139~ FROZEN BREAD DOUGH ~ 49' '#OlofS DltlQOIJ!,,. 3;MT "°' ~ CMt4 fOt CW'. ,'llK U:'fol,0, S-10.V "'°" . ' ..... RIB 80NEllSS ROUND 98~ USD.l CllOIQ llllim Corned Beef CHOla ORICK STWIS "= 49~ TOP ROUND STWIS "=" 'I~ ~69! CHOla TOP SIRlOIH. :::: *ltt ''"" BEEF SHORT RIBS :'..'.oz 39~ couce PLATE BOIUNG BEEF ::t::::. 29~ ... 5c Flat 11111 ••••• 19:. PORK SAUSAGE UNKS":'!::"291 ........ IOIHs •••••• at;. TUREK VEAL STWIS .:::. 91~ CRISCO OIL lJGHT, DIG!STIBl! IJJ..."VIGETAll.E ·--.,,__, ...,,.,., " "" Chiffon Toilet nssue:2':'25' Cal Fame Drinks = 46 ~3:89' Canned Pears N:.:.~~.:'""' 29' Vons Meat Pies 24~59; .. 4:89' LEMONS ~.: 5' WG! 5'ZZ •••••••• lL Mix or Match! Grapefruit ::.."': Juice Oranges • .:=. Tangerines ~= I Drl.nk M1°lk ....,_..,.___ ·'" -·--·-··"' -.....r--~·-···-·--····-····"' ~ ,_,. 1,_ ,...._ 2'c Ht;.. Qkt.,..... s.p ,.__ 'f.ltc Ort.t-.Enchiloda s-.. •-•--.-..-.21371: M.llJl'lil ..... -...Cdl.._ .... _$1.2fj M•J•I TM lop w.111 .. -.ca."9. ..5~ Chll C• C--.fttl .._...._. •• _.41c • .._II-' '4na1 ......... ._ ..... Held. MuM ... S-, It... -...... -~ ........... ~,._lie ·-·-••$1:11 Adult.I abouJd en1oy two or _.___ ,. 91, lw.,..,_.,~...,....,1._ ••• 2!3lc ~ •,.. S.,,.•-···-.... ···-·-"' man llMlfll fl milt. or the "" -- &~~lECHUCK SHOULDER aoD ~ .. --Su/*"" bte ff AUBUT RED BEEF SAUSAGE UNXS a'::':.. 4:'1 FILLETS SNAPPER McCOY PASTRAMI .-:::. 11!1 ~s9~ =:89~ McCOY BEEF BACON ...:."'.... 19~ SMOKED BEEF TONGUE -!::' 891 ...... ~ -.-.w.~na. .. $129 PICKUD BEEF TONGUE ':.=' 79~ .., ..... .W li. til.QU, MG GI' I •-•tic BONElESS HAM ::..~.::= ....... ... ... s.oi. rm. ···-'""f"" Ge 4""'--Msriib , • .oz.,.,. --tee. SUCED BACON HILL .BROS COFFEE ,,.....~1ac. 2~'1" 3c'!i.'111 GOLDEN CORN . ~ "" "' SWANSON TV DINNERS Otlo:EN, 'l'UIU'i'. D'Al.IAM, ~ 9EEf twtt. otOmD aoM ,,_ ,, ... ,... ---·-.. ia. '1'! 191. Green Giant Beans ~418t · Elberta Peaches Cascade Detergent ... .if:;,-St Jerseymaid Butter ~~crtl.7tc Sa!ldwic,\ Style ,.,,..,......., 3-LB. CAN m FAAMll JOHN FRESH SALADS McCOY'S Brnuchweler ..... ,,.. ""' 35c Brick c•n1 9 ::~ r;;;:i CONC.fNTtATID 59' flAYmU ••• f'OI C •C'Ql.fllAW ~ RAYC»flJl.,wA,aro ~~.~. i.;·::-=·=·:..• -===-=-=-..1 'Wm1 w. l·U. l"Jdi. ~ ll-hlfN ,,.If/• ' 1 TRASH CONTAINE-I ':'..:."@$277 ~·,,:~ .. •EG· .,.,, ,,.s, I "*""' Seasoning 49' o.10 1 H0t0: ITAi Pet F<JOd Wino Vinegar Olire Oil """""' 2135' I nm.~-29' "''" 79' • -.m~ ..... .. ,..oz. CNf ~ -l __ ,,., ~ ........... ' equlvaleot> In other dill}' . r-~. 1011 Adams Awe., at Brookhunt, Huntington Biracl. 5922 Edinger Awe., at Springdalt, Huntington Beach 17950 t,fagnolla, Fountain Yall•r I \ I \ ------~--~--~~--~--~--~-~-----· ... -------~·------- .. ~ .. -WrdM>dl!', Morch 12, 1'169 OA!LV ,,LOT tJJ Skiers Know Food Upma11ship · Cereal Coated Oa any 1ate Friday If· lbe 1roop ~ an llnexpected miniature roll bakln1 cups chlcten and fit· ~tDat; 1n t, cups cubed bolted potatoes temoon durln& winter, a treat. wt~ with cake mlx for eMy baking refrigerator for one hour or ~cup chopped celery Sweet Tooth Sati-sfie-d strange phenomenon taku For example, here 's n me.nu and packing. And, you're all tonier if time permits. 2 Labltspoons minced onion Apropos for any celebrat1oo purpose fiour vanilla and lemon peel; beat place. By car, by bus, by euy to prepare and carry set for good eating the neit Place chicken 1klh side l table!poon ch 0 pp e d are Leritoo Sugar Cookies. 2 teaspoonl bikini powder 'Well. SUt la alfted dry in-~:.· ::00~anj ~: ~ ln a pacf k !~~the hu11nirY skiooder. day. down in b&tinf pan and spoon par1ley :':n~n~!:· =ea mti:;~ 'D teaspooa ult grldleata; mls well. Shape mDlJ d kl buff ·.or, or ~J.llt ma er, 1 If ROYAL CHIUSTI'"' over marinade. Bake in flS '~teaspoon dried dill •11cup-··1·~··o•butter, level Uibl·--"'·11 J dou&b on ar ent s 9 -idea for lhe family al home c. degree oven for 20 minutes rolled in oven-toasted rice M .. ._ "'""' • ... .....,. .. w "" YoWir and old headln• for CHICKEN ROLL 2 tablespoons French Dress· f • soften-• lllto balls ·, roll In rice ee-aL -• on a cold winter's afttrnoon; ~Ung occasionally. Turn and · cerea. cu ·~ the ski resorts springing up Spiced Chicken Roll (with the 1 lO ounce botlle ginger ale cook 20 minutes more or until •ng The cereal gives them a 't4 cup sugar P~ 2 Inches apart on througl\out America a n d surprise coming from . the 1 clove 1arUc, finely minced done . Place .under broiler ; 11~~!!~;ppeal~p~;~d-cooked crL!!p exterior te1ture. 3 2 egg~ ungreued baking sheet. BaM: Canada. chicken being coked in ginger twpoon allspice about 5 minutes until skin e delightful contrast l.O the aoU 2 teaiMnnl v•nllla flavoring in moderately hot oven (400 A b!g part of all the fun ale),· potato egg salad, ni......... ~teaspoon sail c9g . I y 'll find th ... ,.,.,. f kiln I I lh l. u_,, I hi k b I becomes crisp. When cool s It d p 1 1 1 inter or. ou ~ 1 teQ n11ted ltmon deirees F.) about 10 minutes 0 1 g 5 n e ea tng, tomatoes, watercress, brownle c Ii-en reas 11 remove meat from bone in a an eppe r 0 as c cookies In b! f;.,:Otmand. r or until cookies spring bact Days begin with \VllOpplng big cates and fresh fruit. 2 large hard rolls, l!lpllt Place the potatoes, celery, ...... . i>eel ..__.. .. i brukfasts · end with hearty y k th chi k Comblna · 1 r large pieeel!I. Butter roll and onion, parsley and. dill in a be pttpar.,.. "~ une1pec • 2 cu pt JUfi "'""" when lightly preSSld. wttb meals ar~nd the flreplaee·m an,Jba,e:it.::dy '°e~b~~ allspice .~dger,:ite, f:r ica fill wUh cbJ~n. SpOon ovtf bowl. Add the Ffe'1Ch Drel!ls ~!~ta dt_Ot'mlfttJt.li::~;111tp ll(t t.u. JIM,. baking finger. the loda:es. But luncblOAI -the night before. Make the saucepan. Boll the liquid un· pan juices.' Ing and mayonnaise. M'' .WU powder and tilt. lil aside. Yitld : about 2~ dozen when lhe skler1 are often on potato tgg salad wblle tbt cove~, until lt is reduced GRAND ·SLALOM lightly and carefully stir in LDION iUOAR OOOIUI Jkatmar1arln4 , .... Narun-cookie.. 2V• inches la their ov;n -afford the in--chicken ts ccioking. Fi 11 to one ball. Cool. Pour over OTATO EGG SALAD the chopped egg. I IUPI 8'n.t nauJ1t llJ. UI ll&ht and 1111fft~ M<t eggs, diameter. dlvlduallst a chance to show 1...'.:~~...'.'___':'.~!:._~_'_'.__:.'.'....'.'.:'....'.'.'.~:::'.'.:....'..::'.__.:.:::_:~tl:~~::'._'.'.:'.:='.'.__:::::_:::::!:=~::__--..,..-.:..::::::;::..::=..:.:1=::...::::;._:.:;::::,.:::..:==!~~~::._==:.:...----­ a , little food upsmanshlp. Those l,n the kno1v pack their luncheons to eat on the slopes. or at \\'arming stations. Whichever. there are some food "musts" for the ski luncheon. First, pack high pro- tein f~s. Downhlll or up, skiers bUrn a lot of ener1y and need th• rla:ht food1 lo protect thtrn from the biting cold. . S6cond, plan your luncheon \\'ith a varJ1ty of colors and te"tures in tht foods, packing in a lot of 1oodl11 and the moet attracUve throw-away plates, foH cup1 for baked goods and colorful . pla.,tlc ~ utensils. Then ... above .. all . . . be different! Forget abou: that soggy ham sand"'ich er hunk of cheese and surpri.ie Salad Bowl Dressed Accompany a salad with a dressing that's a little dll- fCrent . SALAD CRABMEAT·ORANGE Cooked Crabmeat Sli ced oran1es or membrane.free orange sections Mixed salad greens Mayonnaise Dry vermouth Chill sauce Worcestershire sauce Arrange the crabmeat and oranges on the salad a:reen5. For the-dressing, whisk ti:>a:eUrer the remaining in- gredients; for each generous serving use l tablespoon mayonnaise, 2 tablespoona "ermouth, 1 tablespoon cbUI sauce and 1,,_ teaspoon . Worct.Sterahire sauce. (The d.-.,lng ta a pale pink color and the vennouth gives ln- terestlng flavor.) Pass the dressing with the salad. Have mayonnaise at the table !or those who 1vi3h It. Graceful r., 1lf-..; .... 11TMT" ... Lines rushlnl down to end in pleal.s create a shape of pure flattery and ltmlnlnlty! Loot forward to compllmenta -choose linen or 1hantun1. Printed Pattern 9181: UaU Siaes 12~, 141,2, 11-n, lt'lti, 2011, 12\1. Siu 1111 (bual 3'1) lakes 4 yds. 39-in. fsbrlc. SIXTY .FIVE CEN'lll l n coins for each 1>1tlml -add 11 centa lor ucb p111cm lor link:lw maw., and 1pectal handl1:it olllerwtae lhlrd- ct111 wry 1'W take lhnl .... ot' motL Send lo Mor- lao Mlltfn tho DAILY Pllm, '41 P1tl1111 Dept.. ISi Well 11th SI., New York, N.Y. lllOJI. Print NAME, Al). DRIM with ZIP, SIZE and STYLS NIJMBEll. l!Jrilla Send-elf! More lrtlh, YOUlll1 eu7-HW 1lylu Jn Sprlng.Summu P a t t e r n catllo1. Free palttm coupon. ao centa. ' . I SEAFOOD SPECIAL · ~Ee~s~Poc~~1~sl.MP ~ ggc ~~.~~~LAND HALl ~UT _ • 4gc WESTERN OYSTERS 7nc llK>L J"I "·*"~·"• • ··---'J FILLETOFPERCH ,..;."'--• 11' FILLET OF TRUE COD __ • 19' FILLET OF SOLE ___ • 98' 100 FREEILUECHIPSTAMPS (lKl l'S Ill WOITHl WITH THC ,UltHll{ Of lllf Of TH( fOLlOWINll MEIT IT(MI PORK LOIN ROAST lOIN n.io ............ .. ------· ....... . SMOKED HOFFMAN FULL HAMS COOKED SHANK aun POUION ....• 59' HALF -- PORK CHOPS TENDER EASTERN PORK Rll IENO ....................................... --·-.. --... ···-·-·- PORK ROAST PICNIC STYLE SHOULDER LEAN & TENDER CORN fED EASTRN PORK ····-··---............. -............... . , S,9 ... ~! BEEF B_R~~T aou~os __ ~.89' !~ .. "~.«!.~!!~~~~ lb. 79' ?9.!.~.!~l~KS . -·-·-·--·-"-69' !91!~~~!!,T~~~~.~~~s "s 129 HEN OR TOM TURKEYS _ • 39' FARM FRESH FRYER PARTS LEGS THIGHS OR llEAST SPARERIBS \~.;-~· .. 69' LOIN PORK CHOPS gr."' .. 89' THIN PORK CHOPS ::.i.:•'. ___ • 98' PORK TENDERLOINS i:.~.i., _.11 '9 SMOKED PORK CHOPS ~ .. 89' SLICED BACON ~\~~,~ 1 1 ~ LINK SAUSAGE ~~.gt.,o. 29' CORN KING BACON :~ ...... 69' . POLISH SAUSAGE _____ ~ 89' r--ma__yrair DdieatKsm--.... 01: VIRGINIA FRANKS All 53~ .,~!~PKG. . I· ~~!!!0..~.9,!1ll$E __ • 9& !!!!P!i"IATS =":,~"'"""-5gc ZWAN IMPORTED SUCED·HAM -·· .. "" 65' KRAFT CRACKER MRREL CHEESE BARS ;.~~ 79' CALLO SAi.AMi CllUBS '"""•·'1" ..... _ '89' DORMAN'S SI.ICED SWISS CHEESE =..,., ..... _ 7~ WILSON'S CERTIFIED CHILI ROUS :.~ 7~ ,---.maJifab-liqUAll'-.. ffAnJRING THE ~lttot.A TREK"', A 9£0At 11£-lf~ fOR S.f.H DIEGO'S 200th ANNFVEllSAl!'t ~;,{g~$&~5 HALF GAllOI SALE ARISTOCRAT BRANDY::~~ 11111 ANCIENT AGE ~~"' 111111 SMIRNOFF VODKA :.,~.m.110• CALIFORlllA OHAMPABllE fl".:l: $1'9 PM:. 'WHm OI W . ~---.. ---mH ' ~,!W,~~---$2'1 KLEt.'Nt:.\ IJOL TIQIJE KLEENEX BOUTIQUR CAMPBELL'S FRANCO AMERICAN FACIAL TISSUE 140COUNT 2 PLY • AIDEll 59c ICE CIE~M "'" HIGHQUAUTY -...... G'UOH, !'!P.~~)J~~MILK • 19' ' ARDEii YOGURT '" 1 Ile IOW 1AT't'O:)UIT H~F l'fN1' _t\AYOI$ "\J"" ~· TOILET TISSUE 2ROlLPACK • for r-m~fair fruits & Vegew.&s-- L ~ LARGE FIRM RIPE " SLICING TOMATOES 19~ !t~.!;'_AM_IQ-'UAIH _____ ___ "19' . CRISP UTTUCI "" "'' 2r' 29' ......... _______ OlllUTill! !,!!,RR A YOCADOS 4 i$ J !.!IP_~~!~-~!'_E.__ --u. 9' f!.~,!IL ORANGU ___ , 8o'.l> 98' v.s JUICE 46-0Z.!:AN llVIHIJlll ~Wl(llll Van de Kam p's S~ECIAlS T•llf'&..S-. Mart• 13·11 St Pa111ck's Cupc1kes.. .. ·"'· • , 43 c Pllin 29, Doap1111ts ... "• • • :~:!.~~~~.~'.~ $115 1.YIWWlYHYJ\JJW SEVEN UP 6 ,., 75c NO UTVIH In-11).()L In. CANNED SPAGHETn !)'A-OZ.CAN c 7.0~ ~~~WL~"..!.LENDER _89' f:'o~:~.;IN~-~ANT _~!.~~SJ lt MAYFAIR DETERGENT 5gc owo•n MAYFAIR LIOUID »al. OMlN., IN Oi WilOH mm;liir Frozt.fl. Food BANQUn DINNERS ALL· • va11rnn IEG. IIZE 1'118. for ' !,ll!l<IST ORANGE JUICE __ 4f $.1 !!it~!!.'!2JP.2,,'°...\;.LS _____ ..;, 63C llALLEY'S EllCHILIDAS ..,'"""'" -·---o.az. 3111 I ' ADVEITISEDPRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS ~"URS., MAI. 13th thru WED., MARCH I 9th- MAYPA1a MAlm -'111 IAST' 17TM snm. COSTA MISA 'lOJO W. 11t t trMt, lint• An1 11'2 Wtttmlnater, Gt~en Or9" ( :.. -~·.t-· I I p e.111.Y PllOf .. • ---HUM HOUllRIUll ' . ' T t [}, ,' l'' J 0, T I t P' T I ! • IOll[ AlltU, IET A =-·'~ ii'fft;·mr nut1• 16c· ~'hfl. LOTIOI 85' 52' amiLi h.ti.~nd9' 55c ':. @Lru·ninil ...... 66c iR1Ciiisic-"' 211 •1 7' F1u{1" TllLITS 89' 721 t:=::;;i 59' 471 t• 57c ' -• • " ...• • ' ' ''Al AWi Beta.you•t Peek-a-Boii'meatlrays ·that ··ahoW ·both Sides of ·the meat ... p/us.~~-, ~ · · fantastic · · .· total ·disco t savi like the sg.o _l'Qltbls . a . :' .· ' '~ ... ·' "" p ' . 'rltll.-.1....,. .. .._... .. _.. • ...._ ,..,.,..,.. .... ..., • .,.. ..... ~.,...._II!"•·,...~~_. ... ~ 11N&e1,J •.•· )'!", ,1;, , "'I • • f, ~ ' 1\~· ':.-! •. . .. , -----------.------~--------........ -•. _,, . ~ .• . • l;' ·1 llll~l [ l\~Ol.i ~I, [~!?1[A1 IClllf: AU'MllrfA IT~P llllCOVlrr CllAIGE ll.IC:t • 1 :· -'. llJIA1 [jl\l.Utl N:\ l ~ t 11 l {IA 1 ' . . 13~ @~lo"i'iii&s~ 34' oiiiiiTuici'""" ... 29':2r l:z.otnfC! CAM 17• 15- W'Pf FiUIT :.iiicr 21• 25' ' u..ltiCiiu'D1''" 34· 2tc DUTCll '""l!..:Jl o.W.i:>lf ' 351 IMITITIUI llE·llLI '38! :-· • • • •. t \,. SAVE WITll AlJ'llA BETl'l~m ~··~ @ TOTAL D~ ).! Savo "'" more .it1i Double Discounts ' .no, ""l!,,~·...,. ~ . ~'VJ'llltdll -·~1 _'1', cod mkt!OM Ill to J'lfll&. \.oat tor -Ill ... ""'· . . .. B1tt11 Prol11t1 ot DISCOUNT PRICES SUNKIST'S FINEST VALENCIA :.ORANGES . . swtµ'•'·~U\01 . "'°" ~~· 1\tl•'" u • .~~~~~~~~~-;::: "WISE llUYS IH ECONOMY SIZE" ' VAL!NCIA llPIUl lfll EXTRA URGE JUICE ORANGES SUI DRIED PRU II ES I ,•! ' • . ._~ N~J"" , ' iivEL1 0UNGES 8 }~'1:00 1-1.11: 38-f!IG. • . TEXAS RUBY RED Oft 8 $100 GRAPEFRUIT ffJ~ FOR . ; • • • J . . . 1l!nE l'tDllJCE PllCIS llfml'IE TllURSDAY lllr"'tb WEl>NESOIY, llARCll Ul9 JQIAl 01)COl•Nl S li£HV !JAl ~ Dl!L MOl!IE !>!l'<i::.uJ IR'k ~RUllS Ill. i111U11 .. uw;-• • ""''"''"''° QU.UT oomz 'IA~ .. · TOMATO JUICE 35c .., IOTAL DISCOUNTS EV[f!l OAT '• @6'R£Ei.P'Eisiac 15c PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL ALPHA BnA MARKETS COsTA MESA-241 E. 171h St. HUNTINGTON BEACli'-9045 Ad1m1 HUNTINGTON BEACH-116tl N. Moln St, FOUNTAIN V.ALLEY-l930 Worner LAGUNA--30822 S. Coost Hlwoy ' i J ---------------~-~· ~ ----- I ' ~..-.•r•rt"f"T'"l'T""'TT"'Tr.J.,...,.•t i f + ft'--l '*IF-Jtf ·#"f""' •,o•• '"""" • 1¥')+•+o t + &# i Wf l > i>'' ;JIN iYi J .-t •.•/'I . '·'-"" ··'ll ff4 ~l SS #Vlfr il {bff\l l • .. ' 1""1, trlfdi 12, 1"9 . .o~y l'ft.'O)' U • ' YOU' WERE 1-'4 OUR SHOES. w•·vE JU~T;L.ARNED 'THA1 WE HAVE SET NEW SALES RECORDS FOR DELIVERIES Olf NEW CQN'ti~ENTALS A'ND MERCURYS SINCE WE'VE MOVED T 0 OUR .: ·NEW HAR;O~ jlQULEV ARD HEADQUARTER'S. NEW REC.ORDS COMP~Q!'>:·To .OUR ,-IEVIOUS1 QUOTAS ' ••• NEW RE,CORDS'.:~N 'COMPARISON ro : OTHE,~ ~~ALE~§ ~ ;. ,; ~ljD N.W RECORDS IN RESALES TO OLD CUSTOMERS •. WE THINK WE ·trAtLY HAVE • ' I ,•/ .' \ ~ ' ! SOMETHING T ' 11.E ABOUJ! AND HERE IS 0,NE OF T.HE, MAIN '.' . ' . R~SONS THAT WE'RE 'SmlN~ ON , : TOP •.•• THE CAR THAT HAS .BECOME THE NEWEST SENSATION IN A 'LONG UNE OF SENSATIONAL AUTOMOJ!LES. · . . . . ' . . . , . '' ' I ' ... ' ' • .. ' • . I ! \ ' "' • GENERAL SALES ""'NABl!R, GEQRGE G~l/PE : .Jt. '"' . ' • • • ' • the.most dra.01atic;:ally '. styled car since the Continental Mark Ill. 4 door hardto'p.J.•lm white finish ·-.yith black int•rior I bl1ck land•u roof, 1.itomatic traFi1mi11ion, radio, heat•r, ·.power steering/ power b.rak11, power windows, power •••ts, factory a ir, et·c, l;ic. INOY 135 ) , . ' •SAVf S200· $1455 ·1966 DODGE CAM~ER The Sportsman Camper, ~8, '3 1p11d, heavy duty automt1ti~, · radio & h•afar, refrigerator custom g'ypsy cu1tom interior. · ~e•rY .. ~uty springs, power lock differential. 34,000 actual miles, a re~I sleeper. Priced to sell. SAV·I .$ $ $• 1966 CADILLAC Saden OaVille. Be•utiful Gold Mist fin ish with blond b9>i9e .,leather inter. Eq'Wpped with •II the luxury features: euto. trans., R&H, PS, 'PB, ,PW,. 6-way sut, auto, fact .. eir cond. · etc. Only ~·8,000,orig inel mil11. l ic. SBS, 145. · , . SAVE S4oo·· $3488 1968 CHEVROLET IMPALA Custom 2.dr. hardtop. Rich Bermuda mist blue metallic fintslt.. Equipped with autometic tr1nsm is1ion,. radio, hHter, power steering,.power brakes, f•ctory air. SAYE . ssoo· $2495 1966 THUNDERBIRD Cpe. Beautiful Arlee gold interior with m•tching interior. All the luxury equipment you want. Automatic transmiuion, radio, heater, power 1teering, power brak"e1, piower windows, power ,,,t. Factory air, 'etc. Full ·s't of Redial PJy.tire1. Shows excM- lent cart. Li.c..-ISjN ,5791 SAYE $31 o· $2395 · · 1967 CONTINENTAL ; 4 door sedan. Beautiful powder blue finish wi~h dark blue 111. ... '1h1r int•r~or. luxury equipped with automatic trensmi1sion. -radio, heater, factory air, power 1tearing, power brakes, 6. way power seat,· one. owner carefully m1intein1d. l ie. TEY 961 $3995 " DRIVE IT -COMPARE IT -BUY IT -OR LEASE IT. SEE THE INCOMPARABLE MAR9UIS TODAY •• DRIVE IT .QUT TODAY! •. 1966 CONTINENTAL Saxony yellow exterior "'(ith ... c:ild tn~erior, i1utom1tic tren1mi1- 1ion, radio end ·h1l1t1r, eit conCUfio'hlng, full power, steering, brakes, 6 way seat, tilt steering whe•I. ISVZ 040 1. Beautifully m•int•lnecf. ....... . . 1966 CQNTIN~t(T~L CQ.U~ local one own•r With only 32~000 111y mileit fini1h'1d in beau- tiful 1969 Burnt Ora,,g•~-~:~rry1•on; 'fliis ·on•. Anet ·it's· fully equipped with aH the Ii ~~J1option1. lie. SRW46'l - < I ' • ,,. . . . , 1967 MERCqttY MONTCLAIR . 4 door hardtop, ettractiYt ~·941 9old fih i1h with m•tching in· terior, automatic fr•n1mi1,ion, r-4101 h,eatar, power steering, power brakes,· factory air, etc. Priced to selLtoday. lie. ITUV- l 191 . SAVE $700• .. $1995 1961 CONTINENTAL CONVERTllLE Auto., power steeriJHJ, power breke1, power wlncfows, powel'. 11et, radio I heater, good condition. JlE 273. $695 • 1968 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Sup. 2-clr. H.T. Beautiful ~I• gold ext. w/matching bucket 1eet1, black lendeu roof. Fully fie. equipt. + auto. trans., R&H, PS, PB, fee. a ir. Dri~tft 16,000 mi,. carefully main, by ori9in1I owner. XOA 421 · • $2995 . 1.964-CHRYSLER NEWPORT Auto, trans., radio & .he-.ter, pawer 1t11ring, power bta~es, factory air cond. MGF 615. • ' . 1967 MERCURY C,01.0NY PA~K 9 pa11. station ·w•9on, Arctic Vfhit• with turquOist irtt•rior, auto, trans., ·radio I hHter, ·air cond., pow•r st••rin9, pow., brak•1, ctnt•r faCin9 third s•at, lu99a9• rack., dual ·•ction tailgate. I own•r car. lie, UBH 757. . , .. S4'VE $755. $2$9.5: . 1;64 01.DSMOBILE CUTLASS 2 Dr. H.T. Attractive POl_.r•white·finish with bright 'red, bucket 1e1ts, l:>'a'utifl/fly equipped. Auto, trans., RIH, PS, PB, feet. eir.' Oriven-oftty 44,000 miles byAn.e.ownei:; RAS.260. • f' • • ! ,, •• • ) SAVE $209* I $111 i ;s ~ , . • I , 1961 CHEVROLET IMPALA. . , , Cu1.tom 2 Or. H.T. Rich Ber'f'lud• Mi1t blue with matchin g in. ' terior fully .. f1ctory equipped ~nd auto .. trans, R&H, ~~. PB. Factory ai" A rail beauty. VRX 867 $2495 '' . ' " '•. ' . 1964 CONTINENTAL 4 Or. Bea utiful 1ilver blU. metallic finl1h w/matchin; intefiOr, fully luxury equipp9d. Automatic' trans., r1dio, heater, PS; ~I, P-wlndows, 6 w saet, factory 1ir cond, plus many more. IOZ 637 SAVE $225• 0 $1695 . 1966 MERCUR\' COLONY PAltK Station wagon1 10,pass. P.ow~er_blue 1fi'!ish with 2 toni "!Itch· ing interior. Fully fect_ory equiprad· Mel .. Auto ff!nJ., .R&H, PS, Pl, ·t~ird sad '.I rear f•cing duel action t ail gatil, ate. TAZ 162. • SA;VE $400 ~ lf978 1964 MERCURY COLONY PARK' Station wagon, -IOI pets. A~ctic white with red iriterior equipt . · as you woull:I like -auto, trans., R&t-l, ,PS, ,PB; Facfery elr cond. Rear feeing rear 1eat. Beautifully meinteineJ. IOX 124 SAVE $200• I '' ' $1388 ','' , • ... r ' ~£,[ffi~J]][ D.· ~ iE .oo©J .~.oow 0 ©© .. w@·fl\i.rm;d 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSY~ MESA ' I ' -------·-- • . -. " '' .. . (, • ·, .. - • \ 1 r . . . . .... .... t«>UlES FOR SALE • HOUSES l'OR SA~E: ,~IS-~R St'=~-HOUSE~ FOR SALii ljOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FDR SALE l ==""-i--:---========= •-----,-..._,·1,,_000,.. 1 ~~~-~·~'iiiiiiiiiiiiii'~~~-~G~·~,.~·~·~'·iii;iiiiii'ii-ili'IO~·iiiioo Gotlor.i , 1000 j 1100 \I Gt~tr•I . • 1~ 0.('tr•.I ~000 ;C;:°';';:•;;Mn;;;;;;a;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;; ~·':oci4~\· · · 5·3~· 'o'Yc" · ·· · · " Har~,;·,"~~; ·· &araae' ~rkSll9'P ,, !.~ .,,.!~~:"-°" swimming Poot Bucco/a~ Gngfu~ 11//ag, 16tfi & Tustin -Cotti Mew ADULTS Most homes are built wi\h only children in mind. We have five homes designed (or the comforts ar.d tun of adults. Beautiful to JooX at, room for hobbies, pr~vate office, separate dining rm, guest room with bath, 3 car ga· ragei walking distance to churches, \Vestcliff !iihopj>ing, and restaurants. 7"1• with iw. down -7V2Y. ~ith 100/. On. no,2nids -no point• -29 yrs on balance Pric:ed from $30,950 to $33,9$0 , Exclusive Agent . p. a. palmer incorporat.ed . 33n VIA LIDO Troe! .Ph< 540.5183 From L.A. Call MA W034 -··-------------~-~ - S'ltAlGHT '1',' 0 ·: •'.. .;......i::i.. lt'• • . --·to you, 1"ok H~ w~~::.~,;.:: if )'OU are inteftstea in a • BWIJllVH~ 09"t \..at&:e Qouble-t gap.p. tool-thfs O'Vtr'. ,C.Onvenient to .....,.._ """""'location <Costa M. eaa. 1 ssq911~~ .. shed,~·work&hopst?Hs-Ntwtt0rt Het~ht1 grade o$3500n ~'!de~~~ i::; •:-i" ) with Iller'• slip ed !or lit>COlld. ~W"Y~ <:over-JCbool. atld an shopplnc. 2 NeWpiOrt HefPts: area• 'spacious· Mr?.e with '.·~ ed amt 'e~ P!tio~· boat blldJ ·to new park. Only 5%% lot'I. ~950. c1-to llewport Helcbts You have only 24 DAYS to take ad· < "'""-·& """""~ t fro vtd at ' · ..... lf.. _ _.. __ , (l" blln) It ............. "'! s oraa:e-~ .. ll!. pa • $25,SOO; and all these "plus" 0 new.<J1"park(:blksl.ohot> · -~" reawr... ~~ '•.•-4• ....... ~ ""..._ .,. vantage or our 61M% interest ·rate !Xlm1ortable lanai room ley ~ "......._._·two 3 ~-· 2 9: ·~ ~-. 5 mlD. to Jleacb, a very on the beautiful new homes of Ran; nest k> ~wim.ming pool. ~u1 Mm:e ~fUf e~ ~°'" batU., rt.replace~ cpts. aM ............... ...., -cho ·La Cuesta on' Broakhurst 'at· tbeautiful garden= 1o~s~rnN!er ~ and drl'pea, double garage; (OD-t f Al 7 y quiet &tree~ big R21ot Croom Atwnta in Huntington Be.acb. $2.f5,(0) privat~ . b6tb •. Well_>..k' P t crete drive, l&l'K! ftnced N ~ Ot 6 '6-2414 fol boat, camper or .re,otal Call John Abell · · . property._ 1n~N"Er7, Q.R T ba-' ·-~on~"'" r.r. R~2 Near B,. .,.,t c. ' um ~ Rts: 673-736S "\.""' ~ • .,WI, LOT. Tbere is not to much ··---------~1>. 3 •-•--"" <or 2 • HErc-' -·" ~ ~ '~" ~ a den) 1% baths fire_plaoe Our lender must increase hi& inlet-ON'.v ""-.. ,._. .. , r R · ·-·~---~·.,...:.. •-·' H/l.RBOR AP"' .,.._ • ~ avalla_ble in lhli part of ----,. -est rates on April 7, 1969. -~~·-~~· OWN •,_ • · l,...,.e fenced ·~-:.it•-;_···· · e&111.a>Utl .....,, : U?l')'. -&ck ':·~·pbo~ me * ~ ~·~~ * * ~~-ILL _ FHA!! at 64Mi87. 1 am ~ All tpat is nece$Sary t o assure your· llOru.A V"'n""tQCll $25,500 but U you come nm-self of this low interest is yout se.; COMPANY · #t \. • • BALBOA POINT m..-(J'm.,m a. htUTY) with lection of one of our 3 or 4 BR, 2 REALTORS Th~.beCltooms. tW(_) baths Reiaxandenjoythi112&hm. ch«k book in ham, ~ils low or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story homes & 3 4-40 and sundeclc PLUS two-'.two and convertible den home as U150 ~J I'll a;ive it make your initial deposit of $500. 67 • Q bedrootn r~ All\u1.iis are in top area of line homes. to you "stratgbt, r t1 save you Call 968-2929 or 968-1338 any d;iy carpel:eii, have torCed a.ir Spacioµs sunny living nn, nooo: (:rhat"s .. -·.. from 10 to 6. owin:R DESMIUJE heat; flttpla<e .... built . ., ..... to "llin• fireplace. I bin get)._ ftl; rUlA aiipllances and priyate pa-. white brick, 2 baths, patio, Country Club Est.at11 Immaculate 4 bdrm + d" I Ing • tamUy "'Im• ~ yard I just across the street from one of the Metta Verde Country Club Freeways. This won't.last Jong. 54&·5110 (ne•ckwlN I~) LLEGE REALTY l5(l() Adan at H1fbef,CN. . ' 'Gonaral IODO General · !ODO • 2 UNns -~ ---$-1-5-,5-0-Q--1------SIJp and Pier Genoral 1000 J General R h y.,A. lltuil ie:_~ ... -.$12.lOO .• I;-;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1000 Name your terms. Trade or. sell. Now vacant. Immedf. ate possession. Immaculate 3 BR pool homtt, Asking only $29,500. CALL 5·10-USI (open t'\'l'S.1 tions. Shown by appointment extra sized -Jot %" block to ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"''"'~'"'] onJ.y, PRICED TO SELL AT private Bay beach • Ocean • a BR. 2 Ba., by owner, Cpts., $42.500. vacant, reaay to move into, drps, Jg. fncd yard; bl~in 3illl••••••r.I on1y $41,750 ·-Good tenns. elec. kitch. lv/rel. & nico lla'iln..-r.. rjishv.·asher; quiet stttet, 111: LRlll'"EJI ,' close to schls, Eastside. -----=-= $25,500. 837-stl7: 642-3;863 " ' The Pric:e 15 ig t .... rvom eu.tom d"/Cnod, 3 -m. Ard look what it buyo. 3 ..... "-2 .. ,.., gounnel kite ... , . 'PLAYGROUND rooms, 1%. baths, lush wall • Oftrle 1 bedroom apart·· tin d FOR ONLY -·WV. .... deck. fll"ASJIC to waU """' g. rapes. $9,.95 • "'"'1 ·i.oy,-Aftl and a dre&m built-in kitch-»BUILT ON . .....,... en. This home is on1y 5 ~ years new. Double garage YOUR LAND with boat or trailer storage J'EATURING: Thl& beautilul 3 BR Sun- shine bamt backs up to 111' - Duplex DOVER SHORES first lime Offered "'-;; buu1 by .rv AN too! """" • llllO ... rt. Cohhiill; ..... & Co. • Double garage ... 1:'~ =. ~=· • All lath and pla.ste1 Kl N2rll m.Mt , Estan cia Hi play· ground. 'Just made for kids. No t:rUfic to cross. Beauttttiftrees &: Palos Verde trimmed planter • • WELI.s Unequhled for qua!- -Excellent ~itiori.' · Ll!ued lty &-. elegance. VIEW: 4 ... J)tly, ;I, J!69. 2 "°!'<""""' BdnnL 3 bal!tl. •tri!tm•·. lower, 1 • )ledtroom upper Roy J : Ward.Co. "for A \V~ Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. • 642-11!7 OPEN. EVES. 8 Hardwood cabineU • Pullman bath • SpacioUs wardrobes CALL 537·0380 •1n most Orange County .and other approved areas, STANCO Builders Inc. OPEN 7 Days 10066 \Vestminster Aw. Garden Grove Balanced Po"·er Homes Pele Barren Really 6°/o VA LOAN 3 bedroom Huntington Beach Home. Near Brookhurst & Adam~. All electJ:jc kitchen, built In reJrigerator. I0x20 covered patio. Garage pan. aUed A: &helved with food pantry oU kitchen. Complete- ly carpeted.' ?.Jo.-payment $134. Jt only take& $4,825. down. By owner _,. pri~te . I party (Firm). !.+2·°lf!SS· . in front yard &-. Palos Verde fireplace. 51.4. % Joan can be assumed \vllh $114 month pay· n1ents. Can be pur• chase-cl no down· GI. JUST REDUCED TO $21,000 . • co:Ts WALLAC! ' . ··-·-REALTORS -. $44-4141- unit. ~ ~ ~.Oce~ in , {Bayett~l Office) West Newport -$;41.-000 1842 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 Peninsula Point! Charming, ·well built cottage, furnillhed. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths near Bay le Ocean. Clear property, seller will carry first Trust Deed $41.C>OO. Bay & Beach Re•lty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221 645-2000 Eves 67~79 TAX SHELTIR Four 2 BR triplexes that the owner must sell quickly. 1 ',\. baths each, ca rp e t s' drapes, ga.rag('s. Nortb Cos- ta Mesa area. Price $33,950 e~ch, Cail for :-llrliculars. ~- RE ALTY Transf. -1-IALECREST 2025 W. ·Balboa Blvd"' N.8. customized home; hd"' 675-6000 Ors, nu c1'])IB. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Commercial Bldg. 8 HOUSES s;c~~;, ~1~'Q. ':~ ;1~~a~ 2 Bedrooms. Each old. S400Cl down & O"-'ncr On 105x330' lot with room for will finance balance for you. 4. or 6 more uni~. $960/nto ldeal Ior u~r _ full price income. A5king $89.500. \Vill $2l ,SOO consider trade. Ca.II for Jur- Newport •• Victoria 646-8811 /~,_ ____ ..,...,., .. --MAIN-ARTE.RY- Lrg Jot. $23,950 -Owner. 546-4015 ASSUME 4% % GI loan, -" Br. OPEN HOUSE. 54S-1168 The Doyle Co,, eves 675- College Pa-.;.r;;;k __ 1_1_15 BY OWNER: l BR. l % BA. Family rm, frplc, lovely patio. Assume 5% % fllA. $24,900. 54().5566 120Q * * * * Lucilla Maloney 10460 Waxwing Circle Fountain Valley, Calif. ' -• BOYD'S ·my BUYS PresentJ BEST of BAYCREST Like to En .. rtlin? eau to see t.MJ· 67S.5200 . -.10,..,n, EyonillQI) 1003 Bakl'r, C.l\1. 546-5440 4 BEDROOMS Scpan1h.' formal dining room, separate den or library (no\V being used as TV room}, aepax'(!." for_mal livini .ft.!Om 8 iree & clear Bachelor Units in Glendale near Los Feliz . Owner v.ill trade or seU \\'ith 25% down. \Viii carry first al 7~i% interest. The price is $63,500 • but will make- ~ otfen, JiURRY! You are winner of a pilr ur llckcts to Ull!! 8 oa t Sbo\v at the Anabel.In Co nv e nllon C'.l!!nter, March S lhroagb 16. Come to any. of our 4 'brpclt .offices and pick 435 C1rnation, tdM ; • Front Courtyard with lovely-... OVERLOOKING ··OCEAN> • j. South ol the Hwy. Beauty with real ~llama -S39,500 ·• 4 Bdmu~ 31h i1parkling bat"' . •Format.dining room. e 2 fireplacts built-in , '3 BR. plll!l 3 bf.ths, tOzy din- ing/lamily rm, 2 p-ptcs + play nn. Enclosed pool With separate Play ya r:.d for SJ2.500 . POOt TIME o;._ • ' • Come see ·this swimmer"s 'paradise; 15 'j 3S' pool on large· corner .1ot.' Roon1 for OOS.t A'ND 'trailer. A:lso in- t•luded: 3 BRs 2 baths, tible frplc Al lustr. iush Jandscap. lng. It's a. l'teal for only Artist rch'f'a1. \Vild !e:rms . Owner · s!atC'~. "I will fin- ance !l)<,t, for 30 years. No loan fee&.'' \Valko to the sand and . surr: faniutic· val~ {or · beach flwr, 1.0\v dO\\'n payment. Priced in S31Js - Call '645-0303. • with fireplace, tarie lnOdem kitchC"n + evcryday eating aroa. Upgraded w/w cpts/ drps, exceptionally \veil lo. ca_tcd. $32,995 -will 111!11 GI. ll~DAI" .REALTY · Up rowr. FREE paS&e!i. * • * * 606 M.rguetite, CdM Grea.t 2 BR bome +. 1 BR BBQ _ . , Walker Realty :.m5 \V. Balboa Blvd., N.B. .. 675,6000 : t rentaJ. Parking,. for 4 tars. PLUS ro.arvelous outside liv- ing areas -~ I • Child-safe pool -en. closed with wrought iron tenee What more can y:ou ask lot $69,500! -OPPORTUNITY for 2 l.irenkd Real Estate people. Your own desk & phone. Good advertiaing pro- gram. \Vith well established office. Walk in traffic. Good Bc-autiful fain>,·ay lot. panoramlc Vi('W of lakes. greens &. trees adjacent to $100,000 plus homes. Devel- oper's sale. $14,950. FOREST E. OLSON INC. 2299 Harbor Blvd. C.M. a' mij1qP:'N!Pll 94l-+t71 :::' IOl Why P.ay Rent Income Units $72,000 LOVIL Y 2 Story Spaiiish Modern J lrg BR, 3 deluxe Ba, 3 shov.·c~'rnod kit. w/bltn!, r.tr. Lrglormal liv nn, frplc, B-B-Que, forced air heat, erpts. Terrific area, beaut- iful view. Nr. Bay & OcellJI. Priced· lor fut sale; oiily $.55,000. . f 6906.W. Dceanhont, NB 1 Beautitpl 2 BR ~rs unit j_ + 2 BR Rental Unit. Ex-~ lfiffi \Vestclill Dr. leads to work 1";1. . . f\.'E\VPORT BEACll \V. E_ Lachenmyet Realtor ')1:c.sa\Cr~.-·J1, .1! t\' 546·5990 . ' $-lf,150 . QP.lil':l-0~1~ y l-5 2527 Anclovor Pl, CM NEEDS TENDER bOVING CARE A real 1amlly home. l5x20 JiYing roon1, dining room. family room, 4 bcdroorris. l baths. bonus room. Pool-size yard with acc<'ss for hoat &- trailer. $39,500. $150 Mo. Pays All ASSUi\tE 51A~f LOAN. 4 bed· roon1 2. bath•. utility roon1. Total price SZS,4:100. YOU CAN 'T BEAT IT. Monthly Income $850 f 1 cfilent. TJX shelter -gra.. c)ou.oi living -$9'2,500 t flOYD . . 1860 Newport Blvd:, ,CM 646-3928 Eve. ~577 ~.. 642,5200 l-_:_:u:.: •• =L=ik"•"'A""K"°i~ng-UNUSUAL HARRY BOGGS 17199 Brqokhurst Will submit your lenns. agt. 67$-4044 evel'i. 642-15:>9 BA \'SIDE Village in Back REALTY 962-ti637 Rltr. 96.3--351'.)j W'SJIJ.McCardle, Rltrs. Bay, N1B. 2 BA. patio, 3629 ~ Coast Hlway, Ccm1 67S.5930 f 1 .... =-~~!!!! 1 $21,500-FHA·VA Space comfort and beauty. 2 Four Bedrooms· '"'"' •t•gance. Truly • $1. 7•2 .. 50 home ., d~tlnctio•. AU large rooms, S bedrooms or 3 !.iovl' into tltis illl'iC family and large family room, home today. Clou to shop-marbl~ entry. Terms open. 4 bdrm Baycrest home with formal dining roon1, break-· last roon1 & large family room. Owner mOving East Wants quick sale. Arnold & Freud JEAN SMITH, Realtor 400 East 17111, Costa l\.lcsa (ORONA J)EI. MAR 1--.--:·c.:.:~"'='~'---.- 1310 Newnnrt Bl d c M carpor!, crpted, drpd, furn. ··,,... v " • • Priv 6each, pool & 548-7'1f9 Eves. 644-0084 Desk space available clubhouse. Boat slip avail. in beautiful active ollice --Lease ftntaJ. $93 per mo. Brokers Note: t, 3 BR 2 BATH Newly car- peted Double Cat Garage • No Down to VeleraN. $151.00 per mo. + taxes and ins. Small down FHA. OPEN .EVE$. 'TIL 9 546-2313 M&.71n THE ~C AL E.STATERS -----. john mac:nab DOVER SHORES Exquilitely decorated l Bed- room Mmt, fa.rnil,y nn, Ian. ai, Iar&e 1unke11 living nn, huge muter suite. Exten· sively landscaped \•:ith cit- rus trees. Room for pool. ••••• ·······-........ $115,000 ( 714) 642-1235 !lll Dover Dri~. Suite 120 Newport Beach ~ITTO'EM! G.ttral ping, schools and churches HARRY BOGGS Just put on the market, this 17199 Brookhurst 3S8 E. 17th St., C.M. Realtors 646-7755 one won'\ last! $135 per 962-66.17 Rltr. 96&-3505 -:z:::=~:=:z:=zz month includes taxeg aDd in-• -------- """""'' ONLY$50000WN! 'DELUXE: DUPLEX WE SELL A HOME New 3 BR Units Peni!tSula EVERY 31 MINUTES adjacent ·tt> Ocean & Bay Walker & Lee 159.950. 7~. lioan<ing '""· Bllboa RHI Esto!• Co. 7(J"0 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa . 673-4140 2043 Westcliff Dr. 646-Till Open Eves. j~..,..,~:'!'!"!'!~'"''"'" YOU OWE IT TO YOlJR. $11,500 SELF TO INVESTIGATE High beamed ceilings. Gar- New List1ng 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths on cor- ner -room for boat, trailer elc. Big GI loan to. ~,O\'• er. Its a real buy at $22,650. 546-5880 f near cinema th!alttl LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams at H~rbor,CM. OUR -4 D I F F E REN T age beautifuUy ·paneled &:: ........................ ... TRADE IN PROGRAMS. used as game & party room. Push buttOn bu!Jt-ins, 2 bathl. Double garage. 54().1120 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST. 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 OCEA,NFRONT Lovdy modern 3 BR. + fun. rm. $5000 Down. 83J..D? Owner DIAL """" 6"~l Own -.... -"" -and listen to tbe pbonl ~! TARBELL 2955 Harbor DUPLEX 2 --2 Bdrm Un its szi.zoo DAVIDSON RHlty ~ F;ve. 548-8584 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! REPOSSESSIONS 10% dn. 61Ar % int. 30 years No loan fees. 2487 sq ft ol living area. l & 4 BR, 2~ baths new cpts/drps, com- pletely red('corated. Some \\"ith vi('"-'· S34,500 & up. Of· lict: 518 San Juan. San aerncnte, (l\.lodels o p e n dailyJ. Phone 492-9288 or ~-w. E. L.achenmyer, Rltr Dial 642-56'18 for RESULTS R-2 101 +house .. Rare avail-J. W . Ch~i.sty . ability high investment I» 1308 P.ac1f1c Drive tential; ''5th lot from Ocean Corona del Mar, Calif. IDvd. & tieacb. 3 BR., 1 ~ baths; -some view. A1v.·ays ·vo11 are "''inni·r of 1 valr rented. Priced to sell, or fl<'ket11 to the Bo at <$37,500 . N•wport at Victoria . 646-8811 :Show at !ht• Anahehn Convention Cente'r, J\larcb 8 lhrd111h II. Coln., to any of our 4 br1.1n.-.h olllces 11.nd 1,ick up your FREE pal!;Cs. --·-· • • Eostside Sleeper 3 BR. 2 I.la, ran1 mi, fire- "''"'!'!'!!!~~~!!!\!!!!!!!""/ place. breakfast ba.r, w/\v IR,VINE .and carpets. h\vd floors, plus 'WESTCLrFF ek.c, B/l, location, ++? $26,400 .. NO DOWN Immerliacc poss~ $23,500! ! Exclusive a~a. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. B!lill-in ifitchen, ne"'' telrlgerator. belached gar- age. 540.lTlO TARBELL 2955 Harbor l!\sPruNG «""•REALTY ~-""ANYTIME'" JOIN Ule SWqWI lD tbe DAO..Y Pil.CTl" 'WAffr ADS! 2629 H.arbor Blvd., C.M. 00-5611 blal &U-5bi & for RESULTS Coron• del M" ,,-low rent ON THE BEACH Sacrifioel $9750 Ca• h. Call for confidential . . Adults, 00 peU. Sales oft_lce, intr 1'Yiew. ,6.T:rl.(W·I Exclusive Cluna Cove home -Yt>lll' around living • best 300 E. ~t Hiwy, N.B. Harbor area. 2 BR, 2 Ba, BY O\VNER in quiet. re!I. 5 UN-, J· -s-prieed to sell fast at. '69.500 WestclHf. \Veil kept 3 BR, By appt only 2 BA, fam nn. All clec CORBIN MARTIN bltns; ·clean crpls, <]rps. $l4 000 10"' DOWN • Pro!. lntl"p"d & maiot. · ' • -'0 • REALTORS Chldrn'1 play yard: pet ROOl\.f TO BUil..D Rltr. 642-97,3;0 Ews. 548-0720 3036E.CoastHwy,CdM area. $43,950. Wkday& 1i; 67S.1662 eves, 642-:1598. · • KENHEDY II!!!!!!!!!!!!~~""'!!!!! -~v"'1 E""W,,...A"'°'N""'Yo=ON"'E°"?--HeavY. Sh'"eke Roctf A beautiflil view during the -4-BE-OR.OOM -$23,750 ~astsidc cul-de-sac, _3 ~'.In· tlay, breathtaking at night. NO DOWN G.I. lg !am rm, GE kit., d1~h· Our exclusive! 6464414 E..-.;ceptionally in1maculalc. 2 baths, den, dining room. All bUiJt.Jns. Fireplace. Palio. Fruit trees. 540-J720 TARBELL 295S Harbor \\'asher, cpts/drps. $28,950. -.a ERNIE-.. Dtlte Jliol Est•tt CLEVELAND Realtor Owner's Spec:ial 3 Br., or 2 Br. &: den, cus-JUST REDUCED 1~3 'Broadway 645-4111 tom w.stclll! home. many for immediate sale .. Eves. 646-4579 cxlraS, Jir stores & schl.5. Furn Duplex • $35,000 kJUS~~ n.illtketpJace m I =o-c-*=Pbo_no.....,6«-4=c-°"-:-*7-'-• George· Williamson town. Th• DAU.Y P1LC1l' PLACErt ftm. ad~ Real lor Oaulfled section. S 1 ve they ar. k>otlna -DAILY Eves. 673-1564 money time A e.Ucn UlOI: PIU71V¢.u&itled &C-5671 642-567i j 673-4350 MW!ll 1000 General 1000 Gtntr1I 1000 General NOW IS THE TIME TO -auY' HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE:--tl'I -646-nll .,,,..,..· ........ ---..i 2043 w If 1~ Lll .. er .....,, .. _ .. .,.. -.-••-... nlcll Dr_ at Irvine o,,.n Evo•i"9'. 2790 HARao..ILYD. Opt11 lftftl1191 'Ill ' P.M. BIG AS A BARN . NEW IN WESTCLIFFI I I , POOL TIME COMING UP . $23,950 ln \his gorgeus 3 bedrQom., 2 bath beaut.)'. Cloat to thl' ocean. HUrt be.cl;, yard A truly charming home, loaded with extras. A large bright lh1ni; room "-'It h and this SllANISR motif 3 bedroom, 2 bath beauty OOZt'!i. ,,·ith c·hnrrn and RtCf"t wltb oovere4 P9tio-CN'pttl and drapes, ~t. StunnJng stone fir<lplaet'. beamed cellim::a and massi\•e used brick fireplace. Nict f&1lllly IJ)(lnl IOokJ: OUl Vi SHAG CARPETING throughout, Dttam kitchen .,,,.Hh BUll.T·JNS. No malnten· Selll!r hu agrffd to sell NO DOWN VA or tow Down FHA. beeaus• or tranf.fcr. lovely enclosed patio. Bright sunny kitchf>n complete Wilh aveni1.c service room. a.nee bl.ck ,yard boasts large ht>ated 17 x34 POOL and prlvatl' OHQ area for rakt yOOr be(fihot lt $271200. .I-luge bE'drooms !~ Extra large Int for privacy. A home '''itfl lou of chnrm and !tf't'tlt c''cnlng get togethers. NO DO\VN VETS or Sl.600 Do\\·n tu al'l,¥onc. Hurry WANT A POOL? \.\'anlllh. Our exclusive. Only $41.500. Subn1lt your smaller hom!l on 01i1r ~•r· md PLUNGE!! · All our Uatl~p now.'ti.vi~Ja front &na ;~~. bu t thil caJlfornia Rancho hu a T"'E1"'RR58t1F' 1•c'""T.RIPLEXI I I I I WAGON WHEEL CHARM $20,950 30' RoYtJ that's belted and fUtered "'Ith Jots of dtt:k1ng. FeatUfing 3 King 'si.k ' Feeturtntt: be&utitol living room "'Ith '·aulted Cf'ill~ and ma111lve BRICI\: FIRE-beidrooms. 2 Baths. Mocm-n ll:itchl"n \'.1th butlt-lns. S24.500 full price. GI NO Cuh Live in one and Jet the others pay your pe.yments. One 1t1.rgr unit ''·ith hu~f' PLACE. 3 spacious bedrooms and 2 bath.11. S-pfl.rkllng kitchen "i th BUO..T INS A: ~ ~ movel you in or assume Jow interest FHA loan '>'1th payments of bedrooms and 2 baths, Plus 2-Tv."'O bedroom apartmt'nts, onr "'Ith firi>placc, BREAKFAST BAR. Ent('Tt8.intn~ PATIO surrounded by lui1h landseapine on quiet 70-L h Incl Ai.... both \\'ilh built-in range I. ovens. C&rpets and drapes. EnclOl!t'd 1ar~es plul! 3 dood-«nd flrcel. NO 00\VN GI or $850 Oo\l'n to anyonc. St ~mont u ..... '6-taxcs. •@:xtn pe.rking sp!'I~. Lovely private pAtiOI for each unit Look·•1 this-!:! S37,9.:i0. STRETCH OUT AND LIVE A LITTLE ~YI RENT? -Sub\'nit your homr-on our gunrttntce sale plan. · in this 4 !lt:iaCious tx-drvom~. 'l luxurious bath jt>\1·t l '>''ilh WC 13:(18 DEN and $1~5QO TOtAL PRICE .. CORONA DEL MAR DANDY DUPLEX rutEPLACE ,plus FOlt;\l,_\L DL';ING R001.t ! Excitin~ kitchen with built Ina. roJ. tf..t.. 3 Btdroom, 2 Bath R1n1:ho. Excellent condition "1'.i lh r<1nlpll't1'1)' .-.n-Put yoor Luy dollars to \\'Ork bulldini;: i'Q Ulty in B!'11.u"ti ru1 Corrina drl :'.!11r" l.Argc COVERE PATIO: And i;:rl this.,, Room)' 177 toot detp PIE SHAPED cJ<a"d yard with block \\'Ill on cul-d~c lot. CI no money d0\\1\. FHA $900 Roomy t"l'.·o b('droom front upit w\th \\'ood burn\ng nreplaee and all bulft·ln LOT. Assun1l" ·F11A IOAn at $136 J)('r month include!! taxt'S. Or NO po\VN GI. dowiL No~ cost!. $165 pt_r month i~h.lde!I everything. S~ thil! one NO\V. kitc hen:! Enjoy tN-benP.fit'of a.ddtd income from a quaint t\\"O bedroom bearn !'HA $1,900 Do\\•n to total $:l.),900 priC'l·. 'W~1 A BUY C"Olt~ over IArit~ doubl(' atr ~.Sharp JnO rttd.Y to m()ve in ~! No vacan<"Y $18,950 FULL PRICE NO OOWN GI OR *°""*"' -·n -..1-for thU: 3 Bedroom. 2 8';lh BMrutv, Ftftl.urlng 2 car ~ra"". factor hert! Askiru: 1-41,000. SUbmlt your mielltl' property on our nuarantN' --•'" ~·..-: ., .. ~ ··1··y,1•n · •0M) to ll"""nC' fnr this :\ llt'droo1n. 2 hath CORNE.R LOCATION •·!"' -m na-. ..a1e ,..._ta. J>ra.-. Nlctly i&nd<CAped with hu .. COVft'fd ""'lJo. Sltuatrd ... BA, CD.CST ~ """ .. l.f1 '"" ......._ .,._. ...__ .... -!""' ~ for boat or lrailtl'. Quality HARD\VOOD J?LOORS throuahouL Completely nn 1'. ~ loL-GI No cuh do,__·n or ~1me • low tntuest nrA of 5\( % Spi1cloull Drtam home: bullt fM younit proft'SSlonal lamtly. Dellghtf\ll decor. 1.Arire fcnctd! ~·o car garage? 2 blocks lo school. \Vhftt a Buy! "i._. to&aJ PQ'IMD&t or SJ 17 per mcntb indudin& taxt.1. llvinr Room, hucc r•mllv room and fireplace. Located on street of t'~nsh·~ ~ . :>. ..... ~~?.~ hom«. U you' ca.n artord $44,000 you'~ btttl!t" tif'e tht1 tocial'. You O\VN the lancU! ~ .... -.... _·-~ ~ ~ _ Submit your smft.114'r home on our «Uat:antff tradt' plan. ~ :~-_ ~;:~ .. !!!!!!1!!!!!!1~1!!!!1111 .. ~W:E~S:EL~L~A~H:O:M:E~EV;E:R~Y~3~1~M:l;N:U~T:ES~!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~;;.~~ \ -. ___ ---~~-,;, ---~---~--~-~··•~•~• •~"'"'""'""+~w-• .. 10"''""-N"""''''°''°'-•ONU_O .. M"""<=°'>"•~~· ... "t.'T"•;o::..., <; • -~,~~-~-·-----. "Or;=-r;;<-o.,.;..----;w;;.~ -:;-=-.;,..;;;;.;;; • Fin• Your Name Amo11 Claaifie• A•• Win Free Tickets WESTERN NATDW. & llARINE Her~• How To W•n1 J11it ''T" ftie ,.. ... .,f tff,•y't 1l••1lflM •'•ettftl~ .•Hfl.-. If ,.., ff9:ll .,.., 11•111~ .,.. wl11 tw• fr•• tfd•tl t. fk We1t1,. lUU.ii1I J ••t a ..M•rl•• s~ ... ~u fu +id"' •t • ., .1 .._ t.. I A:fl.J rtLO'f efflCH tit ~ Or.fife C .. rf, ............... --2!11 ..... ltN. N•Jllft lMlll J .............. IWIB11llUI-Tickeu Good .Any Day -March '8 .thrrt 16 -A,.aheim Conve ntion Center -·IJllUll'-- HOUlll POR SALE · HOUSIS .• l'OR IALI HOUllS l'OR IALI lllNTALI UNTALS-' RENTALS ~ENT AL$ . •• ... NT.-Al,.$ . • . -;:::;;:::;:::;;::~;:;;;l-,..!!H~ou~•!•'.;C·P~u~r~nl~at~ ... ~~1 ._:::H:°':":•:._:U:::ntv=m::l:lh:od:_ ~ PumlohM Apll. '•••WI~ ..,,.. .. ~ I!"~"~'"'~· ~"~!.!!!.!-!iiii.;12;10~N~..,~.,..~~rt~H~lth-~iiiii~12~1;.o-H"""..,... ....., 1400 .,_" ···-L. c . .,. Mo 42so ' jl ~-.. _,, 2200 Ceron. •1 Mor S2IO 0-sl. 4000 ....,. r C.. .. Slot llontols Wont.I 1'90 N U-1-PRICE REDUCED * * * * 11'15 NO. I BR. partly furl'-. ' BACHELOR API'. -• !UTllRE, • Em DrfYI by 321 A610, ewport .,...,..,. ·5!;% loon avail •. w/0,mo l'o•I Jsllsn•-· nlrli d s 2 Roonu. 115 Month NEW 2'BR ll!o BA. ..,.., -,,. • 0 $34 000 cuh. S Bil 111 ba, Uill' IOI Cstollns St. ::-im ~'%" oo.'r-'1ngle Adult, no pet '44-256% drps, all bu,,, Incl ~ ~od: ~ 1 .~ Ollhtandlng Value ly wner • aep. 1am no. lrpk. """· ... Lot••• lsoch, c0111. l•lloss 4300 ... ,.11o,. aep .... " CM, NB .. C<I¥ llo. °""""-·VA Hunt! ....... lsoch 3400 AvailAp<tJLMWlST e..wr._,.&4U310.,.., Lovely Cotner S bedroom home, large lanai, or 1llA. tenna YM .,. wluer., • -"' y a.rm Ba·'·lor Apia. EXTRA Ip 2114. wtw O'Jlb 2 baths, dining room, llvtnc room with at-IRASHIArl RI AL TY .. -...... :;-, OM ...... T1tlt oung All:.w i:d IT5 ... -blt.l:s, cJceod -: ~A~...:::..: tractive fir•plact, lwh carpeting throufh· MT-35ll ~-161-1179 ....,. at ,.. ......,,. •--., _,_ 315 E. Balboa Bl"'-11.25. Adulll, no · p • t 1. to 11J9. eu,... ., - out, drapes. BeauUful tr... and plant!ncs. W • .. I II c • • • • 1 11 0 • c.aw. .....,. -BALBOA 11341915 --· fG.OOll l1tl 5 ,. ... Call owner for appointment to &ee. a •• NC Maroll 1 t • r • • 1 • 11. Ima,ine the lWNl'Y or step-Ad I · ....,,. 3 BR home. .......... ._ .. .., " -• Pini """" Into ,...,,. ..... u ts Lids lols "351 '!:~·:;.,1~ ... id~ • UNDLORDI • 541 • 1444, 646 • 1711 cln .... htoyY """"" '"°'• ...... -... .... Ronwl Tub with Its own prl---------1 ""'-bus. l14D. Adlla. l'RE£ RENTAL SERVICE atrium entl:Y. quiet cul-de. ., 1..., J1lEE ,._. vate pnlen area • Our l·BDR~f.. util. p&Jd: pr., M-•• ~ ::.20th. Broker S34-69C -------------------l&C 1tqlet. Priced rl1ht • * * * * transferred owntt &1¥11, "U Luxury sincte, 1 " 2 l ad.Wt, no pea. $1SO. Mo., .. . PARTIALLY furn 2 or I ·$2&,*X! -"'GI or 111A terln1. l=========-1 it'• aold qulcldy be will in-bedroom apartments, )"!u\)'· 613-0SS7 Eve. LG DLX-2 Br, bltns, crptt.· bdrm hie. Have doc I: cat. Newpert Beach Paul Jenet Realty C.Nna •I Mir 2250 dude fol no addltfonaJ t'X· furnished and unfur-drps, pr/patio. Newly dee: Rent open Ma-7501 1---------1 ;;;;;;;;;;;~·;,;;;~~;;;; M.T-1266 Evea. 536-7124 pense a 10 month old :n~ h · 1 te Huntll\lf'e" IHch 4400 ~nt. ht. Adulte $135.j;:;==:;=·===== 1200 Litle lols 1351 • 3 S:!.. '~~~;~ o~~ o :: Want The ••••' -"s"2"'0","'s"o"'o" .• --c.4;-;;1"'1l~ = ~B~~tiful m~ =:.ti!br-'~t~ ~~ ~va~Y :~ i:d!'c:p. "=· 1% ba. M$. Narth _R_..,_.Mi_• __ ll_ .. _, __ •~·"-5 Prefer trade tor acreage CUst-blt house on choice Downtown area. C.pt Cod Available now, $415 mo. mns for total privacy. Tub ed. country club at· Apt. Pvt. patio, blt·lns. ROOM FOR llENT Wf»rv or will coMidet other. ~g.. GO' lot. Bellt loc/4 Bd, fam Stucco, 2 91brf on larre lot References required. and ho~ only . . . mosphere including Gatare w/w crpU. 5f0..3'lfd bl. le entr, no cookina:: % 'l'm mi, 3 ha, dln nn. St tO near Hl aehool, Lake P';fk. Don V. Franklin, Realtor $'6,tst $750,000 worth of or·~· .btk te beach. $60 mo. Prefer u=oo"""s.= .. :::1:....3-;B;;:r:-. '•'"Ba;:-.-, I su;,1C.~~~·R~:~ Hu ... al11ey T:'8..~a1 for trailer m~ OPEN EVES. ·m , recreational facilities 2 BDRM, 2 Ba. crpti, ~. liri or lady. ~ -"-1 ~-h. Lovoly -m-or • ..,.,.:1 ernu. ., ... -~· "•"nn d •s1·gn-• and olV'rat~ 1 tor•·-·••ts bit •·· •~-· rm -· pruv •~ --1:1•-•--\\' ..... o ...,..c '"' 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 T·• Ws• R"" 5u •~t l•llJt• l11an4 2355 ~-. ........ eu r-Spll.llish 111)' e, decora w.i•i. .... ' -.. .......... ~ -· ..... .,. ._,., 14;1111n munlty pool. Mid $20'•·1 ~~==~=~~=1 - , ••r -~, ed just for sing l e Sliq: cupettnc. veil clean-n '°.atter6pm5'0-l616 prl.vlleaes nr. 211t street, MM92T 1· .C Ill 1 ~ IATH % Bit, beaut patio, avai: now people. ill&' ovens, pr!\>ate entrance 3 ·BDR?il-unfurn .. n.5 Mo. ~ta Ana. $15 wee k. T ry Lea11nt First $22,950 'til Jun 14th. lli Crystal, t.; private Fundeck:s. Adult 2 'Childnn ok, crpt.1, dr'pl. 'f5.12Kbft'ore 2 p.m. DLX Condo, lplc, pool-2 br. 2 ba, xtraa. Quick po~. $5000 dn $28,500, • I t • 49'-5081/67!-1166 and then buy this lovel)' W/w cpVdrp It. bit-Ins, On Little Island. Call aiter T GARDEN GROV E livirl:, near beaches. 1 ~ 2 blt·ll'll. SG-0262. ~o pets! LRG Rm. Lovely home; 3 Bd, 2 bath PLUS Studio quiet cW-dHac. GI • .FHA p.m. {213) 697-1675 U100 Chapman Ave. BR. 2 BA .from $170 to $:?25.. S BR. 1~~ ba. Cbildml kl.tch pr:lv; aep refric, patio. * BAY VIE\V Fee lot 15' x. 195' ,, .. , planL .$34,900. ()iA.Tier 54&-'12C9, 54M207 custom,-~. lovb,•;rJ;""' t•nn• °' ..-oS!i% loan. Rl!NTAL~ PRll lllNTAL IOOK II"""-IV. Santa An& Fwy.) ~~~;; ftlrn.1150. r.r.,. 1i2 w . .., . ..,._ ...,, &teps 0 ~e .,.....,., mo. CALIPORNIA Rl TY, H9Ullll UnfurnishM Drop in and Browu tn4} '36-3030 IJl'\IU& ~ Cenl:tr Apl l ; 10 Lm.-fi p.m. STUDENT or empl. mu """'~V; ~~ER, Re~ (714) ff7'·1005 ! Bedroom. 2 Bath, filTplace, 2 BR. studio, Wlt Cpb. r-.. , $6-ldo. Newport, Bea"" -======== Gsnsral 3000 Encl.,.. yan1 with Patio. NEWPORT BEACH 19822 B ... khunt bit-I ... 984 El CIDUno.-iiiS. ~ " «>-5'21 Newport Hslthts 1211 Huntinlflsn ieoch 1400 fERSONALITY PLUS! 3 Ill'. % Ba. Ne"'~. drpo! bltns, 1400 IQ' ft. Detch<l dbl pr .. w/e~ opener; aJlfy acceu. By 011.'Mr. Prine only. 60-6167 aft 4. laotbloff 1242 FINEST family area. \\'ell dee.ia'ned S BR 3 bl.th home, Carpet!, d raperie s, firepla~. private muter suite. View or bills. Larie back yard. 2836 Alta Vista. Far appointment 644-ll.92 Irvine Terrie• 1245 • • Do Yo11 Need a 4 IR House? \\re have N11) • 4 BR houses with pools, Irvine TeITace \\'ith ex«llent financlnc. Sall1bury Realty 315 M•rlne Ave. a.Ibo• lols. 67Uf00 • • No Poyments FOR 60 Day1 ~ 3, 4, l: 5 Bdrm Home, CORAL SHORES Btwn Beach ~ Brook· hlll'llt on Garfield. Hunt- i,npn Beach. (714 ) ff2-U53 SEE this one before you buy. By owner. Take over my 67'a VA Loan C)n this 3 bedroom home. $134 per month. This i~ all you pay -principle, interest It. ta.>;;es 11iriU1 just $4,!25 down. All ell!Ctric kitchen with built-in ref. J.~ood pantry ofl: kitchen in completely p a n e 11 e d a;arqe, lOxJl covered patio. Cupel!nr lhrouahoul By owner -Private JIU11 (Firm) 962-'1689 2 IEDROOM $1'8 per month total includ· inC tun, $1700 down. Bal· Ceron• ftl Mar anc@d PGW@r, ru FA heat 1;;;;;;;;;;;,;;~~:;:;~:;;;.1 · I:. waterheater, elect. built- OWNER MUST SELL in rani=e A oven, rubaae R.edu«d $10,000. 2 BR, 2 diSJ>O!W, ,w/w cpts I drps, bf.th home on CIP.'l Beach. dbL caraa:e with boat door, 1250 Owner will finance. fenced l:. landscaped. Orant1e Coast Property 332 1.iarrtlerlte 0-8550 H•va111 Lake 1•75 Owner transkrred and A)'& Irvine and 16th St. (just No. of Adams) ~ · ROOM for rent. Nitt, .met · IRVINE TERR.ACE ... 2 BR .1ea1e at $113.00 or wll1 option t714l 660550 Hu;i::;.::ich . $1.0 • NEW 2 BR. Apl ~ h?me; .f/Jr ~:orlrlq: woman. HIYISU like, Calif. :,.,~ ::U":!' • v~ w'° -llk,,...e·r· ·& Lee Furn1s•..i """'" Included. Children oK, ... kit pr1v . ..,...,.. 0..n Dally UTILITIES l'AID pei.. * 5'1-2!ST • -Hsi:tss lfff 2 &: 3 bdnn homes fram per mo. 2 B9 • 7,,.... ..,...11M_ · Immedtate Occupe.ncy 2 BR 1; bach. Htct pool $125 INO... utU. 2 Br., nr.1----~· --,......,---1 $12 500. Laq'e.ft...l loU from BEACON BAY ... n .: """' ......... ,.er Cl b 1Q2 &noxvill A t D H B Harbor Shop, Center n.yt PJUV Rm for eldert,y lady. $2995. Call Alt. "2-4994 or den, or ~ Blt. ~mmunity M2""455 or MG-fil40 South l1y u • ~m.: e' · · 54J.IBS1; 131-127'3 Eve in He'd p est home. Good SC.1156 eves. beach, pier, tennis cout ... Open Eves. Apartment, OOM I t eld ..i.. ""======= food . ~ tam. lt;yle. $450 per mo. HUNTINGTON Beach · near 3 R apt, or ren e.~ Newpert IHch 5200 Gf&-3391 L19un• IN _ _<h_ 1705 John Mena,!' ~ty C.o. B"'°kh11,nt and Adams, .S ======::::--=--: couple pref., no pets, no I "======== I;;;:;;;;;;;;,;;-;;,;,-.;;;;;;;;;;;; iC-3~ bedroom home, aJI elec (est• Men 4100 children $80 per mo., 470 ----Mlie. lllftflll lttt · . built-In kitchen with rtf. --------Ocean Ave. after 2 p.m. GOLD Medallion 2 BR, 2 HANDYMAN 11'•1: NICE 5 rm. triplex: F•noed ,.., . yud with $25 Wk. Up 53&-9192 BA. cpts, "1>•. blt:u:, e""1. • G~ For lleht • SPECIAL pallo! pr., ""'· drpa. ,.,,.,r•d patio. C • r P• te d •Studio 6 Bach apl1. 4705 f:,· (~=Way, $lJ5 , . Sinlle .'$20 ldonth. Family OK. Blcr su-6980 throuchoul 1 r o o m made • Incl Utila a: Phone llUV. Laf:!nl l1•ch • ~ • He~·s a home to challenp S1J5: Dlx . .S Br. 2 ha. bodo. ·into nurse?)'. ·Preter family e Maid Serv:li» -·TV avail. the stout heart~. Located home; pool. 'Qt/w. patio, with ba'-· I: 1 or ·2 anaU •Now~•,• Bar Chartnm&: 2 Blt,.near beach. l ilt ll~ff 5242 fneeme ,,.......,. 6000 · the M lti Hilb~ of "¥ -' • ~ mo. Year lease. Adults. , -------:-:--tn Y c W H E R. E fncd. Family. Bkr ~ child~n. No leue, mo to 237i Newport Blvd. 54W'155 Newell Aaocl&tei ~ 1 • =~=~ H 0 ME g mo only $180. but wUI come DELUXE, spacious l·Bdrm. e NIW DILUl(E e Investment AREINnlE$50,000CI..ASS. Cut•~ 3100 do':'"' under certain con-Furn. apt. $135 Plus uti l. ~t~~~fnc~R~e?oca=: .S Br. 2119 bl:. apt. tor lease with liu11ranee Unique 3 BDR?.t. FLOOR * * * * ditiom. 962.-'16!9 2 Br. 1' den UGO Plus u.til, $95. 49'-4925 ~ :a;bt~~te~~ Approx3acfei,nreM~ PLA.'l SERVICED BY 21Mr. Gerden lrewn SPARKLING, 11unny, \Yalk to Hea!ed pool. Amp!e parkin1 ATTR.~CTIVE, clean 1 BR. door opener avail Pool I:. iJ1c in. avocad0s + rental. BATHS, built on 'split levels. 221 l tth St. beach l: shoppin£": 3 Bit: ?\o c_~Udren -No ~1" ~;u· beach &: t0\\1l, neu· rec. ~a. Nr. Catholic Utilities lr. le\\°ft' in a: paid Artistically deiiirncd li\'. m1., Newport aeich, Calif. bltns, :i;eclude<I patio. pool lS6J Pon1orn1. Ct.\I ne\\·. fU5 be. 4!K-'.!:S82 t'burch .t; likhool l: (!orona for. 4111 frntl on paved hu \VALLS OF WOOD L-: mainten&nce; n1any ex· n <>=; r.ro. Dix. ?.lobil Home, . street close to ahoppinc A tr&t. $195 Mo. 131-7954 ,......., AL> del ?ifar Hi&h. freeway. Can't b. topped al PANELLING, CATHEDR.AL Ye•_,. wt•mer 9f a paiP comp. furn.; htd. pool. ... .ci-. 1 e ONLY $280 e BEAMED CEILING, MAS-•f tlcl.eh t• ill• a• at LEASE \\'/option; 2 llt)'. C Ad ults only, no pets. A•t1. UnfurnishMI L"'l-871 At.~ Way, N.B, $a2,li00. 29o/. dn. Owner will SIVE RED BRICK FIRE-Ill•• at tM AMMlM Br., ~·Ba., ~. liv. mi •. Four Seuons hiobil Estates SOOO _ CUTY at fi.5,., PLACE. w ITH RAISED c ...... tl •• cater. Fam. rm; bltns lr. dishwvhr. '359::'ii~~··i;i"""ffi."~· aC~Mi-. ~.......,~p· I iGsniiiii······liiiiiiiiiiiiii Corona, 411 Mir 1250 IANKlll HEAftTH.SlidlncaiaJmu..U. Mardt a t•r••r• it. 1255 Mo. !182 Annik Dr. BEAUTIFULLY FURN. : ·RIAL ESTATI open to balcony with an c.n,. te u r •I nr c 96&-lHT Jrnmac. clean! 2 br, pool. VENDOME . liiiiiiliiiii~iiimiii~iiii l 2430 w.i!i~i8ta.Calif. OVERPOWERING VIE 'f'I •rucll .rnoe. ... pick JMMAC. S Br. 2 Ba. home: Adlllts, no pe!J $150. zm ,. • OF THE OCEAN ~ CATA-., 'J'OGI' nEJC panM. avail. 1\fan:h;. rel'L 8119 Maple. 540-5566, GU-4807 IMMACULATE APTS! ~-I •ou•l'LIX LINA ISLANDS. * * * * Month (213) S5U3Q t2i-:' .·-· *N W r .v * 'lbh: home i. 1n need or Im· $125. LJlG 1 Br, clean, quiet. Il\IMED. OCCUPANCY • • NMr beach, HuntirWfoll mtd. attention, nHdt co m-T-PLANd I~--,.3nBl 9 Lol vely S1nt• ·An1 H1i9h'1 J'30 Beaut. :tum. Wahr/dryer, SE~ON:rS•AVFAILABANILYLE Beach, .MS.900. 'lll..-r plete redecorattnr and clean Mesa e ~ n yeu pr. Mature adult!. ..... • ON TEN ACRES up. THE t1TY HAS RE-lease at $135 per month.I---------1920-0 Wall&~. C.~t. CIOH te Shepplnf, P•rk l A :I BR. rum A Unturn lutfnla ,,.,.,,, .0S0 MOVED ITS OCCUPANCY Vacant A ready. AC t • •• BK. Howe. 8tO\.'t I: Refri· e Nassau Paltn.ll e e Spacious 3 Br '1, 2 Ba . Frpks / priv. patfallPoOls. PEIUtllT p ENDING MG-4141 all util pd, $150 month. 1 a: 2 BR. • Pool e 2 Bedroam:. Tennlt. c.orrtnt1 Bkfst.. put-LAGUNA MOTIL CLEARANCE OF SANITA-2 BR. pr, patio, crplll, drpl, !Ul-OS47 · 1n E. 22nd St. 642-.$(.) • Swim Pool, PuVrreen ttn, sreen. Prime locatlon.11 older untfl TION AND FOUNDATION stove, nifriz. TR!plcal 11tt-INTAl:S . $61'.50 VER.Y nice bachelor e Frpl, Indlv/1ndry tac'lt 11XJ Sr& i.e. ODl'tuall OJ. Wa:e lot. Grnt for owa- PROBLEMS. We have esti-tin&· For adults, 1 blk. to A"'-PurnlahM Apt. Gentleman only. 1145 An•helm Ave, (MacArthur 11r. Cout Hwy) er/mir, 1&l'le equlV, matee of coat avail:, or have ahopJ.. n10 mo .. 544-C7BO • w w. Wllllon, C.M. SCS-9ii7T COSTA 1.tESA 642-2824 OR~~~~ your own contractor take a 2 BR. DUPLEX $80 mo . 2000 G I ..000 Lo 1 l Bil Tn.il NEW 1-Bdrrri., car a I e ; SHORECLIFF 3 BR. 2 BA, in exclusive area, not leased land. Under $50,000. By owner. 673-36!1 look, Distressed OY.'ner says Anaheim Ave. Call l!'Ves.1-'-•-ns_r•------· I ve Y • er $9.j; LOVELY 1-Br. apt carp., drQe1, bltu., $150 RICK ALDlltlTTE 5o/4•;. Interest sell it "as ta•• for ~7592 ' IENT $72'.SO Part. rum. Sm. pet OK. Lease. Adults only m-6635 llt.ealter s,:!,!r~,:::=. :! $26, 950 Ful Price 2 Bil. """"· 1134 Pu mo. S •-Purnlturs 13.'l :;,:~~t;.~M;::.1265 N.., all. Bkr . ......,.5100 loll:sa: 5300 107~:1·C-I ILnDG.411KT-= crpta I: drps. 2% car~. Dewn Pymt. lsl A La.st mo'• nnt req'd. $JS Mellfll Trailer. Xlnt location C•ta Mel8 rr • .., •. lilboe P1nlnsula 1300 concttte driin. Fully land· 0,... te Offar + S2S Cn. dtp. M&-9295 132 W. \Wmn.,,QI su.&l'I' l ~~!ii_!ii!ii~i!iiiiiiiii. GRACIOUS Adult Liriltl. 6llOO aq, 1t. 15 officel. = ... ...,. A«<u lo a • .,. MISSION RIAL TY ,s1 u. •105 FULL omtX<.~.•bUY1 , ''HARBOR 0ceu ~Bay ...... ~:"":: .,.1or;!;·:~!.?';'.:.~·1111. UY 1 parlcfromrtaryard. 2mlles 985 So. Coast Hlway, J..aruna ........ ,_, ,. Utm!reraton ..... vaua e N..,.,. leach 4200 2 BR. 2 BA., -~-,,_. lye lye -I • to :najo: +hoppin<. Walk lo PHONE (7141 4'4-1731 CLEAN 4 Bit ' bs, blt-im, No d•J>OOltCe.Le c1 ... 1s. boau!UUJ """~. 6 Euya. DconvlmrioLATnl. S Rltr Doll Howe on pen~:sula tchools. collqe A DouJiu H.P.lt. • * * * • GREENS draptrleL Pool. Boa.t ... ps • , ' • polnt; thrM bedroom•, one Plant. Located in Bolsa m===m=~==I trplc., dbte rarqe. '2SO/mo. Fumftur• Jtent1f1 Richard H•tch !Qr tenl.Jlts. SubterTL"'le&JI 147~ EVH. ... and a half baths, lireplac•, . Park. Huntin(ton Beach. INCOME UNITS Owner .qt. 5'&-5530 517 \V. 19fh;c.AJ. SU.Mil 2tU ltetlweecl pa.rkinr . m.!003 !: d:.r::k N~-:c~~..: -~I 89l-Nl569. D ~:~1n;:!:~~;:i:~ Meu Vertie 3111 ::~~~.7:r~~: C~· ::::,;.~·!K~ ,.1r BAhi:R sloO· 1::L;:ld::•..;l::•l::•C'.· :-:--::---:5:3=51 1 ;';;"';;111;;-~;;·;;""'~ .. ~~-~;1 Jewel Jteduced to $38,250--U • 0 own in exceu of i 13,000 f?'OI'· 3 BR.· Fam/Din iatta. lncd drapes· family. Near all er ticket. t. 6e B• a t ALSO AVAILABLE UPSTAIRS 2 Br. 2 ba. bltnt. 'KUN'I1NG1'0N BEAOI • IURR WHITE , Rltr . Owne!' says "sell now" and yd; dbl lrplc. I mo J..se.-$200, Broker'~ lhow at tM .b&Jlefnt 1 • 2 1: 3 BDRM. Cpta, drpll, rrpl. $225 Mo. 2901 Ne.,;port mvd., N.B. IAvely 3, 4 A 5 BR. will aJd in financl.nt'. wtr pd. Avail 4/1. 540-3955 C •.a.,• •.t I•• Center, I!eated Poolll, Ch.Dd ear. yrly. Jeai:;e. i73-3824 675-4630 Eves '42·22SJ Close to achool9. Good area. LOS PADRES 1ttaJty MuM I t., r • • 1 ta lt. Center, Adj. to Shoppllll _ 1,c:.;:;;""'~-.o;;;;;-"iPrl;;:;;;vt '"!~~~~~~~~I nAFFDAL JtEALTY m So. c:o.st Hwy., 49f..U33 New,.rt IHch 3200 Now•s THE c.rn. •• .., .1 · • .,. , No pets .itowed BAYFRONT 2 s nR. I; ''Homes to ?ifatch Incomeis" ~la .rnoe. Pl pick 2700 Peterson Way, al Har-Bea.ch, Fittplace, Patio, 1351 1740 w..,,.r, FV 142-4405 OCEANVIEW .Lol 11.00 0 BAYVIEW hut)'; 2.01111', 3 TIMI FOil ., ,..., FREE...,.,, bo" •Ad.,,,., Co"' >1.,..1-:;132>;:::':,·:;IT:S.:"",;,7:::"":=' 4=:==;:;:: Lide lols LIDO ISLE IUY Jmmac S BR hOme on 2 over. liled lots. One of molt beau. tlfUJ. patio/prdet11 on Lldo. Outstanding Vll.ue, $79,500, LIDO REAL TY, INC. 34'Xl via Lido 67J.8830 4 leclroom Hom• down. ~ $5,500 at m BR. w/all the amenities. * . * * * 546-0310 I ;_.Hun tl-_.,_ lhHh 5400 per mo. Owner '9'1-1'10 Poo~ aoll, odnr. $S 5 0 CjlUICK CASH GllACJOUS llvlna! % BR. ,,.,_, HI I: Dry Dplx, nr VictGr .::IU-=llll==;-,"':--;;,,-;::-I mobll home, comp. f\lm ., 1 BR. untum $12.Q. Avall Sparld.ll1& Glen M1r !! bl.th, fl.replace, a.iptts and dra~ e:11. Will FHA or GI no down. 824.950. 11. D. SLATES, llltr. 147-3511 Eves. 962-1369 Huao'•: -Inc. $6500 dn TOWNHOUSE S Br. %\0 ba. THll.OUGH A pool, cl•bho .,., $125 Mo. 31: • 2 -I Br •. !Um ll30 $34,950, qt. ~673-116& w/w ~tr, drpt, frpl. fncd, !CG E . c.t. Hwy, Sp. 227, up. Heated pool. no pell!, lllNTALS pallo, ole<. bl,,,., 2 Car DAILY PILOT Newport Bch. 713, 245-4163 b>by ok. 1"7 N....W., H I I Puntilhlill pr, pool $27S. tu-12U BEACH APT. Now thru 64&-4T'a3 eu e 3 BR POOL HOME. 1 block June! Sundeclt, hltm. ,... FOR LEASE. luxury 1 view. Rsnlols i. .Shsrs 2005 ..,. ,,...._ No parldnz WANT AD 3 Ill'. cplo/...._ $195 mo. opllt l•vol. 2 Br. 2 Ba. 11l ----------1 problem. Braker 5'6-4141 5f9-Q1M iC-35$0 GIRL Wanted W IJhare ! MScforDoll \~===========-'"-="='"'=====~:=::~=:====':'::::== BR. ap~ w/ pool SIO mo. GIMr1I .COOOGeMrlil .COOOGeneral 4000, c.u 111 ''~ N°"'"" Hsi1hls 3210 _,.::.;:='----"-'--.;""-"""------------''- 2 BR., •lw c:pts, drp!, bltns, 1~ Ba.; ~ultlL ,Jl&j ?Jo. SJ0 E. 15th: 5'1-:-:UlC Unl•s,.l!l Park , 32S7 Luxuiuous a ar., bonva ..... ' """"' frplc. 131111 lfo., In.et. IS3-<l9:2'7 c!'""" 4sl Mar OlAAl!TNG 2 Br. 2 Ba.: ffpl.. M W l hq cartp•c., "110d p&Mlln:: beam ctll., patio: clott to Mhopplna: a Mach. $3Q) ?Ito., yr, leue m.34!C S@~lA-4i.~s· Solu1.&Simj>I• s.r-1>1111 'lt'ord Pa.rzle for & C1'11<kl< ~WAY ll I I I' I I I AP S UI I I I' I I Cally ""'""'' "Ho d<Mrns ho "'°' ....,. • ~fsgtJClld. Ho must hove work.a ot o - SCllAM-UTS ANSWB IN CLASSIFICATION 9300 -- EXCLUSIVE ON-THE·IEACH 21 s .... ,_,.,... J.uxury u ... lo ......... l'\Olt dilc11:mtnatinc· f'OP' available at 1111 Hunlil!Pn 11122 -(juot No. ol Adsma) . (114) IC-2111 "'""' lsoch 5705 IOI CLIPP DAIVI LUX\111 Y.1'JltN/IJN1\lllN Yea>V 1-oe.1 I 2 Bdmos. ....... -• Sbopo Oceanview,_rmy Apt. -~ ... .,.--rr·s ...,, -....... Illa· Id 1tlilc:dOD enrt 8et tbe DAll.Y PJ!DI' OUlflloil wct1on '°''O\VI J GOLD KIY IUITIS Executive & Salu . Olllu1 * Air-<ond A utilll * Cupola ~ ..,.. . * Reception Rm * a..ntnr • molnt. Telephone Answerirll' It Secret&rtal Service avail Town I Country Shsflt'lntl C-r . """ _.. lllvd. . Cat Elli!} H'1n1tinttoa M. "2-4617 STOlllS ALIO 1a111 ......... .U,5o w.w. eupet. JUtr.-- Offlss .....,, . ..,,. *Millen Slnrle .. -Air -1&ni.. puldlw, wu;tulal -·---c. ftobct N'attl'MI a.n.- 230 'E. 1'11h SU.t Coria !If-. aa.i ... NEWPORT CIVIC _,, I I I • -----· • • ·-- ..• ~ . . . ,, I /, ' All 1,000 I y ad ; n: ~us y "'D ~'.1 TOt;lay ' t 1 . W e created and d eliv ered a nother' fr~~·li ~edition of Th~ Dfi IL.Y PILOT TEAMWORK produces each day'! all-new DAILY PILOT: Oft& a~ial­ isls like Thomas Fortune (left), whose beat is educaUon, wort with a staff photographer like Patrick O'Donnell lo get the story both tn words and pictures. The staff shot 70,000 pictures last year lo illu!trate the varied story of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local storie.s we wrote. Nol even us. \·i ' ,. CREATIVITY he.Ip!! adverti!ers tell their stories and sell their goods in the affluent market served by the DAILY PILOT. Gordon Crawford (center) of display advertising department discusses with layout artist Sutie Gunderson and DAILY PILOT Staff Artist Bob Noyes an ad \.\'hich will bt ready to appear in the r&wspaper only hours afler Noyes pul• final touches on artwork and it is approved by the advertiser, a local re- tail merchant. QUICK HA.NOS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the metal plates used to reproduce pictures) into page forms as the day's product begins to take shape. Compositor Arden ~1alsbury is only one of a platoon of printers \\'ho "build" the ne~'S pages under pressure of deadlines, work· ing against the clock to bring readers the latest available information in each edition during the day . DEIJV!RY of the. ne\,sapcr U; a apeed eveut, too. Conveyor belts carry the ptpfr1 throuth the mailroom wbere tbty are: automatically tied in bundles of 50 and tossed to ft'aldng ctrCalat:forl 4istrict managers ilik1 Blaine Roberts, shown here, right) who speed them via a 40-vehicle neet to carriers for deln•ery. Mailroom formllll George Arauz Cleft) and hiJ crew can move 20.000 newspapers a.n hour. . ~ l VOLUME is the word al the Copf Desk. DAILY PILOT Copy Desk Chief Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titus {background) and other copyreaders. every day sifts, checks and edllS n1ore wire reports from worldwide new!I services than the average weekly news magazine pub- lishes. Editors scan enough telepbotoe: to wallP:&per a living room every 24 hours. Speed, born of experience, helps lbfun keep it all fresh, too. THE WORDS are ready. ~1arjorie Jackson feeds them inLo 11 $25,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT investmenl in speed and accuracy, which uses a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of 1,000 a second and punches a new lape which will acti vate another machine for automatically setting type at high speed . The machines can set type at the rate of 6.000 lines per hour. ~1AClllNES hasten the processes of preparing plates for printing the pages of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and Ed· ward Quinn operat.e a casting machine 11•hich molds curved plates to fil onto high speed presses. The DAILYJ'ILOT keeps in stock more than 40 tons of type metal which is used, 1nelted down and used again in the continuous job oi printing 100,000 1vords a <lny. MODERN equipment helps the accounting department keep up with the , "today" pace at the DAILY PILOT. J::ven ci.s the day's ne\\·spaper is being sped to its readm, Bonnie Chaul'1n begins feeding figures inlo a computronic bookkeeping machine that helps kC'ep track of billings for Jtds and subscriptions. The machinC'. forerunne r of a brace of computen 500fl to be added. handles ~.ooo accounts a month. • • ' I .. ' •• ',1'1.,:1 RAPID communication is the name of the game. Supervisor Juanita Frey and her crew of "ad-visors" handle 1,000 lransactions a week by phone, resulting in publlcatlon of S,000 classified ads -words which help peoplt buy, acll, rent or I ease •.. even find Jost dogs. Many of the DAILY PILOT'S 150 phone lines are plugged in here, the classified advertising de- partment, home of "Want Ads" and Dime-A-Lines. PICTURES, too, get the benefit or skilled, efiitjent handling by master craftsmen who re-photograph them and then transfer the images to a sensitized metal plates which are used to reproduce the photos as read· ers will see them In the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takea a really close look at a negative which will be used to etch the image on the: metal plate. FINISHED PRODUCT is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chief, even as high-speed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per hour completing the day's run on press units which represent an investment of $3.5 million. Eleven-man press crew "'ill feed into these machines the: equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles long in printing the OAJLY PILOT this ye;;ir. ALMOST before the ink is dry, the product of our busy day is tossed defUy on your lawn or porch by one of our 700 newspaperbo)'s \\'ho are: important links in the chain of people it takes to bring you today 's news and features today In the DAILY PILOT. And as our YOUJll independent mm:hanta, like John Melton here. make their dellvertt1. we're gearing up fot anothu busy day -all l,000 o{ us. The •Now' Newspaper for All ,.f he CoDimoni-ies Of· The Growing Ora11ge Coast • . , • .. • r I -·-"•" .. -.,, ~ 12, lw.t r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:·-~:r:~*~~*r:~;r:~*~lausnms.... ANNOUNCIMl~~!!!j~~~!!!"~~~ I~ . -fllMANCIAL IM NOTICll ·INyollli"t 6SSO 0. ....... JOIN THE 'SELLERS CIRCLE' WE'RE SAVING SPACE FOR YOU ••• ~I ·~ r-;r-; ~' ~ r-;=-i r-;:;-i. ~ If you aell a service and don't eClverti11 in the DAILY PILOT Service Directory, you 're doing busineas the h e rd wey· The Service Directory ( clessification1 6500 • 7000 in the claalifled ad section daily) g i v e s you an advantage you get through no other adver· ti1in9 medium. It reacheo customers who are reedy to buy. Be there when your prospects come into the market looking for the services you have to sell. If your service isn't lilted, we'll start • category juot for you. Pick up the phone r i g ht now and reserve your 1pece in the "Seller• Circle" • • Your Direc ·t line to Directory Results 642-5678 DAILY PILOT CLASSIRED AD Dll'AllTMINT ..... ~It ... 6* ,....... If ... MIJ '400 ~n ~-------•I --...-.. ..._,.. MY ... my AUZN lltOI l'llANCHISI IWllll1' NI ....,. -h om'. I U. "" k . OAIU>J:IO!lll--· _r;wam_ ~ SPICIALISTS 1t1b. CM a Onap .,_, T•-/mo---~ - l'rwblle -··'tlol ·-MMSl6 WIJ.L _,,, 1111' -· .... Joaw, _._ ,. I ~,...,_ lhllt. Ono cblld ooly. Elp'd REAS! ltM20S ~ ~ n:= =~:-~· -· 16-1121 TAKATA -, ~o-.. -m-. , JAPONDE HURIEl\Y -rom ~·-lfldl.-rr,otc. 6540 Sll-mf.Com,i.te..-ar llOO.ooo. -........,. 1Mt MOI --•-u-~ .• ~ ~ 111r&lewithpr1ceolboal--·~•· · -..-w .. - 1tltcttd. ~ LOIT ll'"D a y e 11 o w BtJJLD, .. llemodll. ~ all )'OUl' Dllr'Mt'1' Mtdl. To ·~ ~ of parUHt ln VIC!. 2I1 8ridt. MocJr. cone r • t •. Jepw .... .....,. d,..loidnf truchlle ,... l'ab>oottia, OIM. A....,. -· ,. )1111 .,. llllal1. Expar, .....,. yv4 _, Whoclolr• W111!t WhitWy• h!r "*'"'• we -proytdt: ,... lo hte or Momma'• ProU, Lio Cmolf, a-· ,.... llllmatO,: $11.1'GI, . SPECIAL CWSIPICATION l'Olt albllllY •IUdlff, complote c1e-Boy. He W!l1 ..,,._1 hla .,,_ . • . ,.,. e PRIJNlllG, 21,_. _ NATURAL IOltN IWAPPIU w~or~.-drou. Rrnrd. 11'1'1431, lwl-hnt._ w Call BUI r.....-c-1.1 a..&.. -..., :o111•-6 '13--<MI .......... ~--..,..... ...,. ·--~ e ax:iuifAIUAL ~I _,....;.::.::::....;;-=~-=-~·I SU--111--SIMicb J'w-rlnlo ...... I REWARO.J!aleca~...t .... ~-111Bl4Zlooc, YARD Chanvp, r- lliU1t.ll -M ""''l.:f•• . UNIVIR.IAl. A b1aclr tortllllle lbart" b&lr, '3 br. N.B. .;._ Mt.2'41 ..mc:e, new J a" a•• ~.':...-:.:.,-:.., ...,.::.:"'...:...."°: l'RANCHISI white on tac. I: fett. c IJ)rinklm.mowl ...... ......oTHtMO POI: U.l•-"nAD•I OM&.YI I yn okl, ''H11>py", vie C•--rl"t ••90 , ... .,.._~ ,. _ _i __ PHONI 642-5671 IXCHANO ~!"::!"'· Laa N I 1 v e I . · ~-.., ~p1.,.-'":.':. ~·. ~ y J~ .... ""' In7 WH!dlll Dr. SU!lt 210 -TU• -~ -T• Pl1co our Tr-r'1 P1r • N ....... lllach, Col. IGmS REWARD. Gold -•I CAltPINTltY Oltlmales. ~ Ftve year cqui.QI in 3 bdrm. 2r C.ntwy Inbld., hat all MAKE MIN£ 2 chanm I 111cr I bed MINOR REPAIRS. No Job JAPANE.V! Ga rd ea er 1 bath. tup family room extru, C.G. qip. eqW9. COUNTRY STYLE 12125/11. at Omar'a. San Too &nan. c.binet ill pr-Olmplet. I• r v I c • • !» houa. rm-mobllt bomt or + Sis JlT. Sold ne" moo. On I: off We liq. Uc. bl Cemtntt. m..na eoDect .,er • 0 t Jt er cabtnets. pttlenoed. bliablt. ICM.W _. equl\y, Wljl,.._ llrl<e~~ h"rt of No. Calli. BIS WlllTE Samoyel Dor. Hee 116&115, Uno --e JA1'""'3E GAllDENING Call UUJn for amaUv -l .,_.._,.. ttmhn' eo.mtry. Tawm., IPOt on bad!: of head. IDll at •2312. IL ~ !ervioe 0Hn.rp. 1 •~ HA VE 3 UNITS; Med Mammoth I.Akel • 10 Unlts Ho~l, hup b a 11 r o o m. * 5*.f3'2 * ADdlnoa iz1c. 5!1-._'lmt aft T p.m. Orange O>unty lncmne ~UI Jure borne on 1 &CN. W/MP. bt.r. Banquet Of Stlc JOHN90N'B Guder!lrw ""· Will exchangt up TNde for )'OQr Qn.naoe: H1e. Fae. Joe. in center ,.....,.111 MOs QUALITY JltepaJn .. Alfllnr. l'1nelt equip, qpert )'Ud S1 Slavin, Realtor Cwnty property or t 5lli. of amall town w/rnajor tiol.-• Ntw comt. b7 l9olar earel Reu! IG-1)35. MUm bury Realty l13-l8CO uwmUl tnduttry. Xlnt hW> * * . * * or Conn.ct lt8'SIC2 ' a.F.AN·UP Spedabltl U... w:: rtnr A -l'ric!o Ind. lerl ll•clcwoll HAVE: Uke ntw deluxe 2 ~-1 dlt.up........, Oft pi.,. land, bld1a. and «amt. REPAIRS, AL"3U~ fnl, 9ds1ns .odd Jot.. lllbt Lo--o-on, full k<~ centla, CM. l'ric!o lllOOOO. 1 ~ -•u-dn pl il>o 17321 ll11Mre Clrclo CABINETS, k8/ 0 lob. """""" Reul IMMll0!5 boarci... ·• .. Trade eqt)', '95.500 tor Prop. v!~~";;: Will stnd 111 full Huntlnlfen leach, Ca. 25 )'ft. exper. 5a-f71S Cu; 1 F.dp Lawn TRADE: for late Pick Up, T.O. + "5,000 calh.. pa.rticull.l'I upl)n nc. Fin. MASTER carputv, ~ ptf MainttDl.nee. 1Jcenltd car or euh. 64J.41110 541-00 statement. Conaldtr trade Yn.,. wtuer "•pall' hour. Remodelina. R.epaln. 54MICll/862.UO aft f •59 Cadillac ($500 value) Will tan 11 to 20 ft bot.I tor aood beach prop. Write el tlchbi to tile a• at 642-M09 or 536-3900 eJAPA,NESE GARDEN& -d lo P1 k U '"-••'-u trade fur equity In L9 Box Ml63, DtJ1y Pilot. Bkr, BbOtf' at tile A•MbQ "'"·'~ten·-._ a .. ,. .. ~•• e r c p u........ Mirada~wttb$1JO.mo Own! C••••.•tle1 oeattr, CMllnt c.nc--'600 ,.._... ...... • boat or down on house or r. , Maftll 1 ••I'• 1111 1., ' ,..,.. Call stl-2512 ?!!, ~b,2"~nlnp ' CANDY SUPPLY c.m. 1e.., el evr • * CONCREn: waric. Bond· AL'S Gudlnq Sew•lm &t&SUS , , IOUTI bruc11 office• ... pick ed A Licemed. Concretie IAwn matnt.nance, ~ San Clemente Income 2 f1700 •ty I Btdtocnu, ~ (Part or l'Wl Time)' ap JKI' IUE ,..... aawin&: hll I dean aps. 1t1-D st0tt1 • 2 lots 2 offices 2 batb Su OmMnte horM, Excellent Income fat Few * * * * Phllllpt Cement. 5a-e3SO EXPJ:R GARDENER A...t• • Will talce TD'a or doae in, SUbm.it all otters Hrs Wtekly woiit (Daya or "'·lid J --•-"-"-•-on cl--lend "' Jolr. Bkr. · e PALM & CARD e CustcHTI LMll•=int " .aae a..--~. smaller ...... perty. Make oil-..... EvN.) re~ ancl collect· Moc Sat m41'05 .--S'r:>40'70. CH-3N9 inc Money lrom Coln <>per-Paychlc reader Sliter Julia BF.SI' IN CON .=:::·=::i:::i:====I ~o:::' lk.211 b&. Dl>plex So. Lasilna 2 bl ated Dl@e ..... In Oranle .,.. bolpod lhoUIUldl, lei • IMl-1234 • -·· ........ ..a !lo. to btacb. xlnt localloo. Coun\y and -btr ~ -.IPtdll read· e CUS'IOM PATIOl e -Beaut. appt'd, Priv. pt.Val. Trade $11,000 equlfi for area. No .. -. (Handlts lnp U. Open d&u, t a.m. cmcret••W.•removaJ. LIGHT HauJ.hw, Tracter pool, cloee to bly. clear lot or land, Submit Name Brand Cand7 and to 10 p,m. m.tl5C 7C1 Wat. Stai. lJc. • 80-1010 LmiUns, Oean Up. JJpt $32,0IXJ, low dn. or T.D., calb Jninsttr W..t:mlnlter n-11ot-Cbaln. I Car ot 1 ~ "6.66M offers. Bier. 67&«170 4S6-39C9 Snackl) $Ul50·kttal n-' . e Bm' IN OONCREJ'E ~ ....... .._ a" CALIMESA lot 15 x 300, Desert Crest mobil lot, Mecca Trailer Park. Box 1024. 29 Palma. Ml-9832. \Vant: Campei· or expa.rido ! OCE4NJ1IONT qulrod, For ...... Wonna· STARTING No• cl&-. In Wolkl, pool -. -won.. ' I.GE, DUPLEX !Ion aod dttello, llOd N,..., ..w....i,; a 111'11 In 0..,,.. r.t1oo. Pbool &Q.15\4 * -* $1T,IXXI eqUity. Exctwiae Mdna, and Phone Nluaber County. LQm how to look • CONCRETE work, an HAt.JLJNG. a.nu, ...... for Bayfront, Units or Sall-to: your btst 1n :fuat • few type1o Pool declCI • CUlbnn. od4 Jobe etc. J'rM at. Jim boat. Balboa a., Proper-"ROUTE DEPAlt:TMENT'' •hort houn, at • very low Call 5'S.U24 5'1-6325. anytime P.O. Box SM8 coat. Tautht by tht experta ,;:;.:;:;;:;:=--,__,.,..."""'-=:.;;=:;::;==:.I Clear land. LlJUna Beach, Sollln9 Beach, Carlsbad, Lake San Marco1. want residential IDcome Gt com- mercial, Broktr 494-1330 ties. 113-7420 11M18'1 •-·"·Im ..... ,.. __ ,. -of the itu.dl01. CEMENT Work, no job too:I"' ..,..,,. <.;i;;;:;~;;;;;;;;1Aid.;"lil.!~~-~~.c!~~~w~•-~~~ an bl F Hlullnt _..., Modem Comm1 Bide. C * * * * Ml...sM7 C-Belle c.o.metlcl am , reuona •· ree ---------I atorei nr Sear'1 dmtlop. M S ••1 . LICINSID-e11tim. H. Sbdl.1ck. 5'&-8615 LITE ua .. u-I die-', ment eovma. Trad• for r. tart l'Ul man ...... 1 1u<1,'1ncome or T Own.ti IU lqow•ter Splrllual lleadil>p, alMee Cont-6620 lteuonahle • .,,, -' ' Act. 6'15-40U eftl HJ.ll59 l•lboa, Callf. on all mattuw, lf:I I. !l Call IGat HAVE: 10x50 Mobile home w/extra txfO' nn; Metal top tent camper, melt-cont, alps t. TRADE: for motor home or airpl&nt. 6t6-51N $45,000 equl\y In Cbannol Red Penthoua. Wlll trade tor property in HaW&ii. Chester Salllbury, Rlty. ~ Camino Real. Ian Clemente. Additions * Remodeltnc CLEAN Lots/..,.... ' etc., HAVE: New Spanlsh Du-YM.,. .suer.,. ,.tr eu:ut. lo AM-10 PM Fnd.H. Gerwick, Lie. tre. mnov, dwnp lid• plex; 419 Uth St. NB. el tldl;ltt. .. tM B •• t SPECIAL '2 READING rTMOf1 * 5G-21'70 backbot, till and-. tGaT• $14,00'.J eq. + cuh FOR show at u. .a-Mbn UR.GENT l mom under to; Haull!w-Gan.p 0..m.JPI 3-5 well located R-2 Iott in ()ea" eat I ea CJaiUer, norwmoker, Jone4r IOD 4, C.rpet Ca..nlnt 6625 Trim iled&e1, 1W1a. R.ei1. ~= Count,. 673-M.\3, M9rell I t•r••1• lt. ~ ~d~ PROFESSIONAL Rua I =='BI"=G=-°'=JO:;llN=·=-=i::::=I Cleme te ..,. ., "" ' I pm ..i.A.-·-_.._ Upholstery Oeanin&'.. Top 1T Ft. oUtboard 1or station ltrpoia .me. ... JScl. · ...... ,, • .._...,,<H quality, euaranteed results. HOUMCltanlnt wqon or auto of. eqtlll val-ap Jew l1IZll ,._., Attractive lxpert Allt11'1 Maintell&nce CARPETS, wtndowt. tin. ut. PhoM M'-'611 * * * * YOUNG WOMAN ~ or nes 6U-3S21 etc. Ruldu. or O:mc'L * * * * * * IF You would like to be doncer will leach you aD CARPET " Furn. ... ..,... >ant -' lieu! Reis. 1:11 b~ tor )'OUl"lllf, ~ latest ltl'pL Call Ardell for 1 dq arv1ce I: qualltY 50-41U ll.il~l!ii •• llLll!!l!!!ST!!iAl!IT!!!llll ... l!ll~E"A!llJLllll!!!ST!l!A!IJ!T!ll!ll•ll.I ~~11 ~th m...-op. 21!: llll-4531 Ho Pio! wor1<, ..u '"""" "" ..;WIWAii~;;:;,~.~s~eu1=a~. ~ft1i=¥~.1 ~ ~-tlH •• YOU Muoi be ""'° ., be -~ -CarpeU.IW_,,,,. i.e. -··· GOMHI C-Ballo Coan>tlco 5'1-9117 Mlttted. We -1>00Ple .=;::====== .... Apt ..... -IWlllJ:RSHOP, attractive, of aD .,., Int. In ........ (1.,.t Loyl'!f&_ om .. ltlntol '°70 llonc'1oo 6150 N ........ lle-i.te, -l>r bit -In.......... ~tU2' ·-Ta 67 ---.:::.----1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;I 1ntentta. 14I·114 6 or movies I 'IV l28-M80 LAGUNA llACH SAN TIMOT!O -* -.. -.. • C.\RP!:l'S (nylonl, '"""· • Tho TIX A.tv1 .... Al ~-nclltl-.1 Compan~··"•, llnoorlM pol)'<11'ro,) Vln>ls ud TiJ. YNr round ofo, 121 No. ON :om., AVENUE RANCH ........... Leant 6'40 lntrodu~CcntldenU~ ••. Lateat styln am colol'9.. Nwpt BlYi!, N.B. Reul Dealc -ee •vallable ta 360 Acre ranch. Bufldbwl a (25-56) m1171 5-lO Piii Commercial and Relidenti&l. Call ·~ for Qpt. HDME LOANS -lna.,U.lloll. ' _.... olilcie bl&11dtq at equlpmtt1t worth QprOx}. MONEY AVAILABl.J!: DON'T let another lona1y BLANKIN8HIP n.ooRS NACX HARRIS Tu: lav. prime Jocatkla ID downtown mately $111,000 with inwtt-CaD for detallt today'• wttbnd l'O by! llucCffd Jn "2-lC MD-t2G2 ttb )T., 3117 R.oottwlt, Lqlma lleach. Air ....S. tory 1llnibhed, Somo ..,.. ralH ,.. lit 6 '"'2n11 TDL .i.rtnr wi"'°"t naUy trylns. ' C.14. Appolntmll, IM&olllll -..,,....., btulllul ... under -!Ion. Hu -°""" Counl1 for Ll(1w. Bcb -lloctrlol "40 • PROFESSIONAL T" x pwlld P&rtl-T•• waterrlahll,w<lll,....... :io C61iPLfB; illWJH· i0ii9111 -v·--;1~! •.. =~-C: ~· Pai::=m1:'! &f:i.rorta:qe Co. lne. New in areat w.have )'OW J:LECl'IUaAN IJoetmd. SU. CompiNll ...... 14._i putme lots. ll5G :::.S. ~IY J'Ull -131 E. 1'1111 St. kind ot exdtemontl bondtd. Small Jobi M&lnl. eINOOME TAXe per moaft:i for ..-.. DMll $360 axi For further 1ntof. ""2ln M5-ClSll • l:S$.DJ. • 6 rep.a.tr. ~ DaM In ~ laDt and chain a..n&bM tar $5r. mation. • pleue call Gle:nn !:'vM. m.7115 S0.115T REDUCE &di, limple A Wt Gardet I 6'IO S5 And. up. ...._ ,,_ hoan --.,_.,.. with • wllb OoBne tablo!O ol<IJI~ "I IN0014E T1m - eervtce anJlab&e tcr $10. ackheff & AIMC,, Inc. Merf111-. T .D.'1 6141 t8c. Crawford • a JUC ANTHONY'S )'OUr home. io. farm c:m. All utllltlol ll&ld -1111 W. Chapman Aw, •HAVE .-i,ooo. Prlvato anon-Phonn&cy, Coote,,_ 0.""'n Service blned, ps, -~0 .~:r PILOT Onllp, Ct.IU. •Y lnvntor wantl to bcQl.tea. WOMAN wrttlnr 1I'I1 I• s ..._1'41 Walter IL J'llU'trlhol; P.A. l22 romr AVD4\lli i4l-U, EvlMolcndt UU'/71 IOIMd Ill I 2l>d TDI. Jlla. coolcbook, -male boll BUllGEI' LANDSCAPING 1noome Tu - LA.CUNA BEAOI 1Dnable dl.lcount. ancl•· Mf.5111 ~ •• , Plant •• , P1wplrt IG..Q)C or 56-U. .... -It-rt P ..... rty 6105 k-~Co. Inc. n:Aamt waoi. dalll> ride ~~~-I INOOME Tu s-.-~ II===-.:;:==,,,,-..,.,. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 S3I E. l'l'lh Bt. from Costa Meu. to -nu.-..,,..... Pu.blii:, Reu. z.._ •JMD. SHARE oWct W/ •• t • N2-21n 5tU&U Lakewood. NS-OtT5 White ~ti! Dtm..a.ltne 2311 f.enlth. I.A, Hta. Income Tax co. Rua. Proflt/1''-ure s-. l'IMla eo.JU7 ALCOHOUCS •--o.,lioliiiioiiiiiiiiiiii_,... __ .liiialiiiiilioliiiiiiiil•rJ mnthly rent. 1JO& Nwpt ""'llHV' .. B CM M2-7l01 fnYfttllMllt 12% RETU1IN Pbool l!U-T21T .. """ lo lvd, . Off $30,000 lat TD, $YJO mo, Jn. P.O. Box tm a.ta Mau. 300 Sq. l't. lco LuxurtoUs 1plll.S.vtl cludllls 1%, s yrs, IAvtl =='""'===== Colta MeA. 64S--2l.30 2 BR mammoth mndomlnlum hilltop, mqniftotnt Ocean AnnoUneetMnta 6410 with quality cn.ttsmanahlp Vltw. Lars• cub down, tncluotrlll Rllftl1l 6090 You"",.." IHL Y•ar--...,..., Dbeount w111 ATTINTION round -~ '"""' U%. 49+-llSI IX-NAVYMIN FOR leue Lquna Msuel. recreational oomp!ex LARGE OCEiJMiW lDt' CSNn ovt the old ••liq of! San ~ Fwy at Qo,irn lncludlnc IWiJnnWlc pool, 82,0DO down, balance moo and help out • SoOd a ... .......... wbh1pool, .. una. and om yaur old unttonu <on. Valley, new commtrda1 I ncrttUon hall. w .. 11.1..... at f75 mo lnclucUnc 19' teen I Enlllted) to tht .... lnduotrlal uni,._ Delta Elfc. -~ Fully Im-~ • ano dlltanet to propoltd ... "Y-Scouts. NMd bluea, whites. trte Day1 • 131•1'°°-Eva • ttlmway. $21,950 or for rent, dersl'OWld utils. '97-mo .._ball, etc, MUW ...mo. PROPlllTllS WIST $211,000 2nd Tb, ID% 3 yn, ALCOHOLIUI ..........,. ml SQ It...,._ 6 oltico 11121 Bayddt Or. llMIJO :IO% dllcount <14.0001 lie -5C-'121T .. ""II lo +""° .. ft Plwd ,,_ " ... -p 0. ... l2ZI c.ta -~ m1: = .. ~ Moulll a 0-rt '210 ANNOUNCIMiNTI ..... ======"' ..,_'1610 • •nil NOTICIS C:.-terr Crypto '4 If iiiOO SQ. It. )l.i ,._ with H1•H• L•lro l'oullll (II,_ Mol 6400 NICHE 38, .U.... cl ~ front oftJct:; clriw in ft.U Finl n Off -.1 t1on, Palm Cow\ Padfte door. 1SOI 1-n It. C.14. 1111 llft FOUNOi· lmoll, cnam col-Vin Mlmadal Puta, - momo.-ond, lhaa> ~ ~~ --11.=::.::==::::====•I Omunndal ..,...., 1111111 dot. Vic. Pllllldla Rd, 6 ,.war ' Loll 6100 or tarp pan:elL He...u '1'11111n Aw .. Newport Thnl .OS II--~-----Lab, Calli. Ast. ..,._ ot llllch. Call I ldtn~ _ tc.Wil evta. lfS..M35 . NEED RmE frvm Into Dtn-Ralden~ =: needl LOVELY Dark b row n i 1 h mar A: Newpol'l Blvd. C.M. cub. Prlctd $40 000 114 ACAEs ntar Pa I tn black )'OU1lC ftm&Se cat. tD Oalllnl Jt.adto, N.B. Don V Fr~nkllft Sprinp. l:IO' Down 6 l20 -1d bo pert Burm.,. or l40~rri U lh1lt ~ 11 111or ' •n.mt month. T'" 11 ' " OK. llaln.,., colllr Vic. Dtb SllYtCI Dliil!'i0£y ' Bll-ll!l "Pu11, CM. -. ' ADJ, lolt; room l>r u 5 A. !Ir. H-L llJdta-PT. &me/ ........ dos, ... h'IJlllll• 6l50 u.nJU. S33 E. 2:ltt St., Costa 1,000' t1. Wtr, pme SS00. color, 10 1M1. old. Vk'. MoA. Owner~~· "5 Dn. o»-nJO J-10 A.JI, .... ,. Yllta. Oronp, Ck BAB11StnE!I PAlll ot 30' lo,._ 211 1(1 -,.._yvd..._lndudtd. Hollo .... , °"""'"cit! Mor. •UlllllH •M J'OUND' Dk. "'1 • ....... =~ ~.::::; ;,~ 132,IOO -m.3IS39 PINANCIAL Hlllkl•. OUI ol ll&te ..... --NOW'S THE ,... °!"°""!''~ ... '* :-nJ:.'°' ~ ~ "' ~."' -,::.-~i: TIME FOR "LtnLI IUllNIU" liil.iTLY SJ&rot11, mall, • ~ Ni :n• e Opel011 ..... --about 5 --· Vic. ~Call:=.::-=,;;5·c.,..~~~ e Fllll or -Wilton aod Coltep, C.11. COll'A MESA PRE SCIU.. QUICK CASH :~~.:=:~ a1::-'~Bllt~ =:.u.::~4:!::5.~ THROUGH A • nte tralnllW _... 1111• Vic. r-Rd. CM ,_,,sll=llOI~,,...-.......,.... : fi; ;;::.t!:..,.~ llM514 u&:Ndb 11"1 care. fut DAILY PILOT oomp1e11-.,1ory J MO. Old 11111 1't1P nm. .,i.JJ S4 yra Roi -~ • " lntwmallcm hd Vlo-!'41-.. 11'1' -&di~ - D •call: 5*C7to evil. •~· lll'l·TOST BliYt:rrrrNo?,JY home, WANT A Till< illN NiVfll tliii.., IMALI. T•rrler Y-kldo C:JI. Prttor ~ .. kly. . a .. 11t«1'1 aeue11 ,..,... Blk/Bm eomu ot i:uropa * ~ * 841t re71 ror an 1d to Mll .......i 6 Koma~ C.M. l4MlllS DAILY PILOT WANT Alllll £•;In_ ,._cl«!<. dltJ ~· DAILYPILOTWAN'l'AOSI . D~l\Qlll.]'BI ~ a NO MATIER WHAT 11i IS • e • YOU CAN SILL IT WITH A DllLY PILOT WANT AD DIAL 642.5678 DIRICT I I f r ------~----------_,. ____________ _,,..... ..... -----~-....... --58 OAJLY PILOT Wtdllffdlf1 Marth 12, 1%9 •iav1c~ IJll(~CTORY JO~S A l:Ml'LOYMcNT JOBS & EMP\OYMENT JOI!$ & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS A EMPLOYMENT. JOBS & cMPLOYMENT JOBS I EMPLOYM~NI ' . -Income Tax 6740 10o_,.,_ .. _ •• _1._H_•_:IP __ 1_03_s_ ,_H_•l~p_W-;a·~nlod,:;;:;:;:·:;;Moi':-"--7200-Help Wanted, -7200 Help Wantlll. -7200 Help Wan!Od --------1• JANITOR e wv1~"E" Help Want.d Womon H. K. CI art Aceta Serv. ~ Alle:n BylA-nd Agency 1 * -r• ·~. ~. • • 1 • WOtnlft 7400 HolpWonletl 7400 w-. 7400 Income tax. pc1"110hll ot ·Einployft Pa.ys Fee fmmediale openl.nc tor a , JCt..• 1 .. • ~ 1---------1 --)<\lr"""' "'otc. 1owi E. !lib. SA•5'7-019$ •toady, ttllt"" ·""" •• HOUSEM"'' APPLY .IN nll30 -* HPST!SS * 20 1" ...,., loo -1lnll. wod< wllh 2 olhtt lOnllO<a _ -; , • · "','I I t;IC<: • ,_ • CITY (jp: -~ o,-GG-Cn42 ~ Otinese llv.ins. Cbttrl\IJ. 1'11 OW' lrd lhllt CU:30 p.m. Jrrtmedlate 1>Pl"nif'll'I. Ex. ~ Perma"'nt. E:xperknced to 8:30 a.m.) .. nding statt for ,,.. KARAM'S • ~WPORT BEACH lronlnv 6755 Fv Eut ,,.._ IM>-8'ro3 '"""" hotel, Call "'ace so'1 --51' --1. .......... .. We tntter a minimum of J Mi.ml Kinr. 1 • -~,..-..-"'Jr. !ROllJNG, ""' hom" :dot Arncl.,, Mon 7100 ,.,., iDdW1trlaljanitor1a1... • Nowpon llMdi fARKING COruROL -· fut, "'""""""· s~· Cl•~ M 45 perlellC• with knowl<dge of THE ' OFFICER .. -... 962.mo 1.......,. ,,. • •• ··'' •• ••• .,.. power cleanln& equW1nent. Mgr. rram.e .......... $65<1 Y•• m"'' have a stable NEWPORTER INN; AfOnclot, w-7300 .$510. -~ por month Project ~r •••..• S800 l.... ·,. __ .. • • L•nclau..J-6110 ~t!IVI work nistory. ~ starµn,g 110'1 Jam.C....-Road I----''"--·~=...----I Test Tech , ,1. •• ·• ••• ••• • ..,.,.. rak', shiJt premium & lien-N~-rt~Be=ach 'PayroK ~Clerk Requires mlnfrnum 21, maxi.. Mtrch•nts ~.!rsonnel ~'I --~ h Poor Man's Frl•nd 20U WQ:tclllf Drive ""'ta. G4f.1700 $500, PER MON'Mi mum 30 ~ ot age; hl& CUSI'OM LANDSCAPING Fee paid ppe!tlon school srMtuatioo or equiva. * 64&-U34 * Nowport Beach Ylrl'ln dafa . Typing and eel<ulator loc>d J.nt; 2 yearo ....ot clorlcal Mescnry, Brick 6130 64S-tn0 545-5615 IF $1,SOO IN A MONTH · figure aptitude, larg;' PAY· Or publlc contact work. For interest$ )'ou .• ,YoU ~t, roll. Beach area position. applieltt;ion and add.lt1onal in. PRICE & QUALITY CUSJ'OM LANDSCAPING' .• 64&-1234 • riela Want-.tt. Men 7200 machines us, Opeuing for man over «I Aho have fee• positions. formation. contact Personnel in beaci cltlts atta, No ex· JO.LEN Of.flee, Qty Hall. 3300 New- A V 4RIAN SUBSIDIARY perieuce required, CUh boo. p I .a... port Blvd., Newport Beach, uses. A1r mall ,H.' ~. Dicker-ersonne .,ency 873-6633 . .Appllcatlons will be E.ARN $25,000 OR MORE ANNUALLY 2722 Michelson Drive (Adj, Orange Co. Airport) Irvine, call!. 92664 110n Pres. Southwestern Pe. 625 s. Eucl¥l M h troJ~um b,rp,, Ft. Worth, Anaheim ~ .:O~= until 5 p.m., arc P•perf'l1ngln9 P1Tntin9 6850 An equal opportunity ('mployer M Ii F Texas 16101. sec. Recep •••••.• ; ••••• $550 1-~---*----- p ART k FULL TJ1dE Sec. • .. • • • • •, •••••••• , • • $500 VINYL wall covering specialist. Kit, b a t h s • Mat~ial &: labor. :Est. 847-1659 CAR WASH HELP . ~p. "2l .......... to S350 ·NIGHT & Typ~t ....... • S2.45 per"'· HOUSEKEEPER; I! you att a young (30 to 40 years <lld), aggressive, per- suasive, professional sale• man, you may q':1811fY. Be successful ln gelling n e w homes with a large builder. Real Estate ~·s ll. ·cense not mandatory. Many benefits, such as deferred profit sharing, insurance, and hospitalization are part of this challenging career. Office EXP;O. POLISH and Merchants P•rsonnol INSP"'TRESS AND DETAIL MEN , co-lTth & Irvin< "" INTER or ExL PAINTING, , IMMEO. SERVICE. L«al ref. FREE est. 54&-1627 SPRING I• Ju11 around the corrier EARN TODAY FOR Newport Beach • JAIDS Top pay. 2 loc. Full work wk. 645.2770 _ 5'&-5685 , IVl METRO .CAR .WASH 2950 Harbor Blvd., C.M. PAINTING, inte rior, ex· terior. ve ry reuonabJe! Call8l6-5625 EXT/Int. pntg. Aver rm. S20 + good paint. neat v.urk. loc refs. Roy, 847-13."l& PAINTING, inter .• exterior State lie. • bonded. Free estimates. 642-0238 EXT.-INT. Acuust. Ceiilng Lie. Ins. 17 yrs. Exp. Free Est. MS-5325 HOUSE Painting. Quality at a fair price! Free est Call Rick, 645--2215 PAINTJNG, Papering 16 yrs in Harbor area. Lie &: bond· ed. Refs furn, 6'2-2356 Plaste~ing, Repair 6880 INT. Plaster, ext. .stucco, dry wall tapin&, acoustic &for textured ceilings. 545-6IXl3 e PAT'S Plastering. All types. Free estimate. Call >W-6825 ~l~n~g--~-6-890_ PLUMBING 24 hr SCTV. Work quar, lie, ins. rernod, repair, rooter serv. 531-7566 Remodel., Rep1ir, 6940 IF You need remodeling. painting <lr repain, Call Dick. 642-1797 Roofing 6950 A Roofer not a salesman. Leaks stopped, all type roofing. New or re~air work guar. 53$-<44< 6960 After•tiont-642-5845 Neat, a.ccurate, 20 yrs. exp. Televifion, Rep•ir 6915 RAINBOW • TV (color <lr blk & wht) & STEREO Repair. No servi" charge. 546-Jm Upholstery 6990 Contact Don Pa ddock Call 213: 636-1755 GENERAL LINE MECHAHIC Must haw Cadillac Expefi. ence. Excellent company benefit& etc. Apply in person to Bob Rogalski. NABERS CADllIAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mela * WAITERS BUSBOYS Immediate <lpening's. Expert. eoce necessary. Expanding stafl for enlarged hotel oper. ation. Contact J, Ravin in person. THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Rd. Newport Beach *Busboys * Cook Apply in person COCO'S REUBEN'S 1555 W. Adams Costa Mesa • Easter Togs & SUMMER Trip• We have temporary as- signments available for secretaries (also JegaIJ typists, NCR and hand bookkeepers. COME IN THIS WEEK We'll tell you about <lUl' Free Cook Book offer t ool Anattelm 1784 \V. Lincoln Santa Ana Ptt. 540-0325 Costa Mesa Z700 Harbor An Equal .Opportunity Employer USED CAR LOT MAN Must have experience. Excel· Jent cumpany benefits and working conditiolll. Apply ill pel'SOn to Bob Rogal.ski. NABERS CADllIAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa DISHWASHER Various shi[ts availabll'. ~re v.'ill train reliable person. Top wages & Insurance + <lttter benefits. Good equip. ment & best working condi· lions. MANNINGS, INC. El Toro Road (Leisure World, Laguna Hills. l 837·1014 YOUNG MAN'S DREAM PRODUCTION WORKER with mechanical ability, to work smau produ c tion machines. Apply in pel'S<ln 1987 Place-ntla Ave. Costa Mesa NEW CAR DETAIL MAN' Top salary, excellent workilig~coriditions. CAU.. Bob: MARQUIS MOTORS 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach 49-1.7503 DISHWASHER Full Time Apply in person THE RIGGER 16 Fashion Island Newport Beach e INSTRUC..TORS -~'qll or/and part time. Neat a~ pearance. Must be able to meet and deal with the public, good figure. APP1Y in person, Holiday Health Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. EXP. DINNER WAITER Apply alter 5 pm BEN BROWNS REST. Located by LAGUNA BCH C.C. 31106 So. Laguna Beach. GOLF COURSE SUPT. Maintenance & operation of two lJJ..hole courses. Please file application or resume by Marett 21st. CITY OF COSTA MESA 77 Fair Dr. 834-5350 NEED 2 men to work full time Service Station. Must be exp'd and over 25. NO phone calls. Richfield Sta· tion, 19th & Newport, Costa Mesa, CaliL If you are under 27 and like BAND OI RECTOR talking to girls, wtty not get paid for it 1 A mar~ting Teacll brass 6.'. woodwinds program dealing with single 2 Evenings a week girls for nat'l firm, 15 wks Beactt Music Center training. $400. to $600. mo. lluntington Beactt 84l·&536 salary + comm. +co. hen. Accountants: e.J.ita. Call 9 to 5 p.m. 534-3()11 Credit Managers: CZYKOSK I'S CUstom Upholstery. E •1ropea n C rat ts mans tt i p.100% Financing. 642-1454. 1831 Newport Blvd., C.M. 'OBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, Lady 7020 CAREER • JONES' • Administrative Trnees TIRE SERVICE CALL BOB, 54S-7796 OPPORTUNITY! ""'"""'""and ARGUS AGENCIES Join todays lutest growing requires experienced 1869 C Nev.·port Blvd., C.M. • * • Harry W. Brice 17251 Euclid • I e Tire Service Men profes.slon-Mutual Fund .u es • Front end and brake SAIL BOAT No experience: necessary-mechanics ..,.. SALESMAN Fountain Valley, Calif. We train· tun or Part time Company paid benE'fits and Young, aggressive. Fibergla! Mutu•I Furtd Advisort, an oppcrtunity tor ad-sail boats • in Newport. Inc. vancement Write Box M 40! Daily Pilol You are winner ol a paJr Npt B. 1603 Westcilff 642-6t22 BRAKE & a I jg nm en t .,, Uck.ets to ~ Bo• t S.A. 1212 N. Broadway Apply: :,mg llarbor Blvd. mechanic, exp only, many 8bow at the Allaheim 5t7-8331 CM •--M-Jo-< ---,.==~~=~--=7·=· 7~=~'°7·=·=·~·I company benefits. Apply Conve ntloa Center, MECHANIC FINANCE CAREER Young & Lane Tire. 482 l\lal"Ch 8 thro111b 16. "'-C.OUie to any of our 4 Journeyman mechanic, ex-National finance firm, 800 Ocean Ave., Lagunn i:x=ach branch omcew and pick perience Foreign or Domes-offices, st-eking applicants e PART-time tire man. Ap- up your FREE pasflefl. tic. One of the oldest For-a.. potential branch manag-ply Young & Lane Tire Co,, * fl * * eign car seivice departmeni! ers. Promotion in 18 to 36 482 Ocean Ave.. Laguna in Orange Co. Flat rate & months, Experience unnec. Beach MATURE woman, night k 18 00 essary. outstanding career •mpi-. uill man""'e warranty wor · per AMBULANCE DRIVER ·-•-.. -pay •---• 00 50/SOrl opnnrtunity, excellent bcne· ,.,_ .. n complex (Costa Mesa area) uvw·, ..,.._,,. · ·m . rv E.xperienced-1'.fust ut< fi.u.iy I & Ill pl Excellent working• condi-lits. At least H.S. educalion Lic'd, Top pay for r;~i.t or apartment u . us. . L-h nd ....,,uired. Contact George 'h'' Reply Box Pfi§2, Daily t1ons. Must oave own a ·~.., n1an. Contact Bob, 837-0931 Pilot. tools. Call Mr. Kelley. <19-1-Downing EXP'D. Serv Sta Attendant. gm or 545-0034 Public Finance Corp. TSCJl.ETTER OIEVRON .MATURE girl-Friday wilh 1-~L~L~O~Y~D~S-"N~U=R~S~E~R~Y~ JSR E. 17th, C.M. recent personnel exp prefers 646-4841 2275 Newport Blvd, C.M, part-time perm position.· Wanted exp, flul'S('ryman, s E M J • r e t i re d man for Enjo"" bookkeepins. types call lor appt. 640-7441. SERV. SfA, SALESM&'I. ~~ Young men, eves & wk gardening; I~. Apt. house 70 WPM. Phone l).i6..5108 K.ENNEL Help v.·anted: Part Nev. ...... 11 Beach. 49+.1268· eods. 1'.1ust be neat in ap-··-Secretary wishes posilioo lime, inornings only 8 to pearance & hand\\•riting. E.XP. Hl·F1 component sales in Christian work 11. Wine Daily Piiot J\1·313. See Clyde, 2590 Newport trainees. Salary, xlnt future. Phone 7141528-2351 SOCK IT TO 'EM! Blvd., C.M. 646-8.S95 Help W•nted, Men noo Help W•nted, Men 7200 Help W•nted1~7200 t-t ela Wanted. Me" 'noo Excellent Benefits Including GIOUP MEDICAL & Llfl INSURANCE PAID SICK LEAY! PAID HOLIDAYS & VACATIONS PlOfll SHARING /HTIUMINT PLAN ta£DIT UNION EXCELllHT WORKING CONDITIONS .,,., hlpley ..... C>ff&c. KAYNAR MFG. CO., INC. '" s.. ..... c..,. llwl. INfERVIEWING HOURS; Mo11, to Fri. •~oo •.11'1. to 11floon;,1100 to 1:00 ,.,fll. Aftu i.. 111 .. rYl-1 "''" llo on•..-1 .,,. c•llf.119 ... 17141 t7f·llS:t A,,, E~11•I Opport11.11ffr Li,Jey1r Screw Machine Setup Men Thre• to fiv• y•ars oxperienco 1ottin9 up and oper•ting Acm e Gridley or D•venport screw m•chines, •bility to use micrometer •nd read blueprints. Second shi ft openin9. Excellent BeMfits lnchrdlng GROUP MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCE PAID SICK LIAVI! PAID HOLIDAYS I VACATIONS PROFIT SHAllNG/RETIREMENT PLAN CREDIT UNION EXCELLfNT WORKING CONDITIONS .,,.., r..,1.,.-., omc:. KAYNAR MFG. CO., INC. 100 S.. Stm C1lf•to Im!. INTER.VIEWIHG HOURS: Mo11, fo fri. t :OO 0.111. to 11110011: fiOO 11 J:OO p.m. Ah1f 9\0111 l11ftnrl•w1 ""Y b1 1rr11191d by e1llin9 f114) 111 ·1l50 Aft 1!11111•1 OJ>po•t11ftily Em,ilo)'•t Women Help Wtintod 7400 UNIGARD Insurance Group TIRED OF A LONG COMMUTE? Unigard Insurance Group is JIO'W hiring for our new di- vision ot1ice opening approx. 4115/'69 in Huntjngton Beach, on Edinger at Beach Blvd., just ott the San Di· ego Fwy, These position! will require a short training perlOO of approximately one Immediate o~. Ex· pandlng st.ail for en- larged hotel can or see Mimi Kins· THE NEWPORTER INN uar Jamboree Road Newport Beach 644-1700 RN's ICU & OB month in our Los Angeles - <llfice, bdore the move. Excellent work!ng conditions. Transportation will be pro-above average salary and vid~d. fringe benefits. Call Pel'S<ln· Immediate Openings in the following areas STATISTICAL DATA net Dept bet 8:30 AM • 5 PM. Mon. Fri. 527-7744 Stanton Community Hospital • Experienced or trainee in * * * tire, and/or casualty statis-W~ldon ·Bankston tical coding. Prepare rom· 10226 C1rdinal Ave. puter in.put data in <lur op. Fountain Valley, Calif. erations unit. Delail figure work involved. l 'ou are 1'inner of a pair of tickets to ~ B o a t Show al the Anaheim P.OUCY Conveatlon Center, SERVICE J\larcb I t II r o u I h lG. , Come to any of our 4 Prefer at leMt o~ year of branch of1lce11 and pick fire, casualty or multiple up your 1''REE pa!iSes. line rating experience. Plea. * • * * sant phone personality es.. e Full time housekeeper. sential, Excellent oppcrtun· e Full time kitchen help. ity for advancement. e RN <lr LVN·Full &: Part POLICY TYPING Experienced or trainer-, mul· tiple line policy typist. r.o+ accurately on the electric. The ideal position for some. one who likes to type. KEY PUNCH Career opening for operators with at least one year ex· perience on Alpha &: Neu- meric IBM equip'mt. Day shift. For Details and App't. Call Collect PERSONNEL 12131 384-1213 UNIGARD INSURANCE GROUP Apply tn tlf'l'90n 1987 Placentia A~ Co.sta Mt u . . . . time, 12 to 8 a.m. Calif Ji. cense necessary, (no pttone calls please) APPLY IN PERSON Huntington Beach Convalescent Hospital 18972 Dela ware St. Hunt. Bctt. PART TIME CLERK Clerk for circulation depart- ment, anSWt"r telephones, general clerial work, eve- nings approximately 16 hrs. per week. Apply at the Daily Pilot, 330 West Bay Street, Costa Mesa, or phone 642-4321 ask for Ruth Lea· viii. MISS UfC AGENCY FM Paid becuttve Secy •••••• to $600 Secretary ••.•.•••••• $500 1.11' ACE 21 to 28 Size 12 or under: Apply tn' pe,Ml(>f1 between 2-t pJD., Tut:s. thru Fri. Secr<W>IPR ...... to l500 FIVE CROWNS • Acct1. Pay (split) •• to $500 RESTAURANTS Seeretary/RE <•P\10 to $450 3801 £. Cout. ltwy. Dlca~ne/Seey • Ctia1)na del Mar (split) ••••• • • • •. • • to $(00 -;' _:<N:c•~Phonc::::;:-..U.:::::;:::)-­Re( . .'eptioniat, MS •• 1• to $400 ~ Applicont Pays FM Factory Trainees 5'cretary .... ••• .. • to 156.1 Many E&crow Olfit.oer , • • • • • to $500 Seeretary ............ to $:!00 Fem.ale._ du,ys • &llo swine Bookkeeper .......... to $500 $1.65 hr. ~ Secretary ••••••••••• to $415 APEX Acct&. Oerk ..... , .• to $450 Emp~~~t Agency Girl Friday ......... to $400 1873 Harbor Bl~ Escrow Trainee •••• to $350 (l'ii block South of 19th) Cosla Mesa 548-3426. 410 w. Coast IUahway 'Work Nur Home N•wpor! Beach , 6<6-3939 e A<counttog/Bkkpc SR., S-TENO $4,lO. to $S45. • Secrttarial •Recep~ • Typists Superior Ae-ncy Established 1946 1857 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa Call lint 642-nu Xlnl, oppcrturllt· for sharp -..:;=;c.:;:.::..:~;=:__ young girl Elect. typewrit· Work Near Home "· shorthand, 2 yn, ,xp. SEC TY'S I 5 I Advancement oppcy. -By Apopintmeat- PUBLIC AGENCY FULL BENEFITS Superior Agency Established Ul46 1857 Harbor al, Costa ?.fesa Call first. 642·TI41 Call Mr. Sylvester, 540-2910 DOMESTIC HELP <lr 962-2411 Mon. thru Fri. All kinds~ Housekeepers, only. Cooks, Maids & CompariioJI!, • References req, Fee &. Fee ADVERTISING Secretary/ Bookkeeper Pald Jobs. Call Miss Abby, 54.l-Tl96 ARGUS AGENCIES 1869 C Newport Blvd .. C.1'.1. HEAVY Typing and some general <lffice W<ltk, Small mfg. finn. Penn., pleasant Responsible, top level working cond's. App I y position for sharp, take-mornings Golden's Mqic Wand charge girl. Must h•ve 942 \V. 17th st., c.M. excellent skills Incl. PART TIME shorthand; handle lite Need 2 ladies for special bkkpg; billing. Under work. 12 Hours weekly. $60 per wk. C.all Mn. Nelson 30. Call Barbara. (714) at 642-8560 betwec.n 2 and ':I 642·3910. for personal interview. * HOSTESSES BAR MAID, No bikini-no dancing. Apply in person bet. 11 & 2PM daily. LIT· TLE JOI:Di'S INN, 20072 N. FULL OR PART TIME Santa Ana, Santa Ana Hts, Expanding staff for enlarged Calif. ttote~ ~ration, Contact J. co=MBIN==A~T~JO~N7,~sba-.,,~Bar~ Ravm m person Maids & Go Go Dancers. THE NEWPOR'rER INN 1107 Jamboree Rd. Newport Beach Top wages $3.()().$3.50 to start. Ph. for int. 54a.9983 SASSY LASSY. 2901 Hat bor, C.M. TelephonbUtyplst1 for 6 girl office. Must have ex- ---------1 cellent voice for telephone, RN DIRECTOR Of NURSES Challenging position with excellent potential with multipal convalescent or- ganization, Lynwood area to start Phone 645-0030 I musl be an accurate typist. Phone: Mr. Andrews , 675-3551 PUBUC stenographer. ?\lust be ,quailfied, experienced, have references. No in- vestment required. Laguna Beach office. Send resume to Box M·706 Daily Pilot SARAH COVENTRY ttas openings for full or part time sales. Pleasant work, J0tl:t di ~M.r'LOTMC N) Jobi Men, Worn. 7500 * * J. C. ~nney Co. Fashion lslarid Newp:>rt Beach ' ltu ~ IW' COOK * * Apply in pe1'SOn 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monda¥ thru Friday ' J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 F•shlon Island <\n equal opportunity employer * * -EXPERIENCED - Commercial • Tel.ler • APPLY IN PERSON hi National Bank of Orange Counly 1650 Adamo Cost• Meaa ASK FOR: Mr. Stamer or Mr. Springer An equal opportunity employer * SECRETARY * Good typing and short· hand skills required with preferable experience in -sales department in in- dustry. 0 u r rompany benefits include a gener- ous profit sharing plan. J. C. CARTER CO • 671 W. 171h SI. Cos:ta Mesa 541-3421 An equal opportunity employer PART TIME Minimum age 28 +. Six hours dally, five day week, Mon.Fri. 9 to 4 PM, 1 hr lunch, Will train for inter- esting sales promotion sys- tem lhru record keeping. Filing experience, good hand writing, $1.70 hr to start, ad. vance within 45 days, Posi- tions in Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. Apply: Calilomia Depart~ rnent o! Employment. 2823 S. Bristol, santa Ana, Cal., Friday 3/14, ~ 9 to 10:30 A.M. Cl.ASS 9500 • • • • .. •. • ... • · FORD PICK UP $250 CASH. 548-3597 alt 3 p.m. Ancient Mariner 2607 W, Coast llwy, NEWPORT BEACH No\v taking applications daily ... tor • Lunch Hostess • Daytime kitchen help Apply dally belwetn 10 & 4 p.m. *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! !\lust have cleai. california driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Costa Mesa e· FUU. CHARGE BOOK· KEEPER, male or female, with reslaurant experience, to \\'Ork out of Corona del Mar ottlce .••. to handle recurds Lor three locations. 675-0470 newport . personnel ·~agency PIANO lelli<l111, BA dtgn-e in mualr. 1 hour St ~I)' ho1nc, Cdf\l m:.5849 " Wo!MsdaJ, M"'o I!, 1969 MERCHAHDISI POR TRANSPORTATION SALE AHO TRADE S d Skl &;;i. 9030 !!!:=,_ "·--· DAILY PILOT 58 ' TRANSPORTATION • rruckt Misc. Won!M 1610 SANGER 1-.. 39'.I Heml YSOO !i IAAHD HIW 1Mf 1/2 Ton l'lcll1p BRAIDED 3Pc. SET llU I luta OHlf Bought M.nufldurtr'1 '69 St)owroom S1mple1 At t..-Jfk s..t..I S,.CW w.a. ..... 8' Wood Carved arm divan, lg. man's chair ' or love seal. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak dln•set w/black or avocado framed chain; 8 Pc BR se t. 9-d.r Mr; &. Mrs. dresser, Jg mirror, 2 cornmodes, d·ecoratlve headboard in Spanl$h oak design with matching box springs, mat· tress & frame. , Items Sold Individually * 5 AUCTIO'NS-* Accounting Controller Dtm1nd1 Fltc1I Clt1JH1p Wo h1v1 lop qu1llty NEW, NEAR-NEW l ANTIQUE FURNITURE l HOUSEHOLD ITEMS COMPLETE LIQUIDATION FOR OUR RECORDS! WED -THURS -FRI ot 1 PM Soturdoy nlte 6:30 ind Sunday 1:30 PM Color TV's • B & W TV's Stereos -Combo's We have several Dining Room sets, finest quality, with chinas1 buffets & servers. These ite:ns are top of the line. lflf<I '"" • 1111.••,M/.AI 8'xl0' 2'x3' 6' ~UNNUt 2944 Shop Around -Before you buy see USI VALUE $1095.95-FULL PRICE $529.95 or terms •• low 11 $4.66 per week Use Our Store Charge Plan or Ba~k Financing No F'ancy Front -BUT Quality Values Inside Spanish • Ma~og1ny • Maple •Modern French • Provincial • Mtdlterranean CUSTOM MADE, Hardwood Bedroom sets, mattresses, couches & Jove seats, sectionals, (latest designs & fabrics), naughahyde couch- es, Chairs. coffee & end tables. ,,,..,,,_,, •I (;,t rt1~n:1or...iJ.Jn·~~1 ... 11 .. 1.;,,.J .... 1. •1.,.;1 "'L'":' i...., .. 1 '"""""'"*"'""~"" M .......... .i.r. loOOjLlolo~ 111 .... ~11. l"""'•A "'".,1.1 .. f,. ,,,., ... , ... ,.,..,,,.,. •t•lino .. Hours: Monday.Friday 10-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 11-4 FIRST QUALITY mahogany furniture. Din· ing room sets with chinas, Bedroom sets, leather top "Coffee & end tables. Refrigerators, washers, dryers, dish\vashers • bronze, yellow, white, turqolse • JLS '/Jnusual lurnilure Applianc" 8100 [ Pianos & Organs 8130 \Ve also have pianos, dinettes, game sets, desks. bunk beds, lamps & paintings. Mirr· ors, china & miscellaneous "goodies." e SPECIAL PURCHASE e Rcliigerator1, automatic ,,,,, 11.l(N llVO . M~TINGtoN'lrACH-111 ••64 washers &: other major ap.. ~ ••••• e ••••••••• e plianccs lrom model homes .iv ~ .... ..i. ..... _ _, •. ... Schools-Instruction 7600 LIFETIME Gift, typewr1t1ni;. Children, graotlchildren, or yow-sell? Individually ru1or· c<i Qlilcoat 10 l!!ssons typing school. 173 Del !llar, CfIT. 548-2859 NON-PROFJT Childrcns Art Workshop C'lrts.~ !J c g 1 n r.1arch 17th. Painting, Clay & Sculpture Ages 5 years, up. 64&-5511 ior info. ~-­\VHY drive? Music lt-~~ons, your honie. Pi11no. Oit;;n, Guitar. BC!ginner-Advan<•t'<.I. Qualified teacher, r r f s . 83.S-7934 ME:RtHANOISE FOR SALE AND TRACE _ --------at fantastic discounts! No Furniture Down. We service. See al: 8000 FOSTER'S ----------11nss Brookhurst, Ftn Valley SPANISH Rt!turnctl irom (So~ et Warner) 963-1234 t.1odC'I IIon1es on sale at GE Refrigerator. bottom lcs.<\" 1han \\'holt-salc~ Group freezer, Frost free in food includes beautiful 9 6' ' section. New compl'CSSOl' quil!c<l sofa & Jol'e seat. Ul)il. 1 yr guarantee on sca.1- 3 Spanish oak decorator l.'fl uni!. Jmmac, white. tables, s1,11ag or table la1nps, Dunlaps, 1815 Newporl , Cos- 11•alt plncquc, king, queen, la 1'.1esa. Furniture or full size bc<lroon1 suite;=~~~. -~~--c-1..-omplc!c incl box springs, GE Refrigl!rator-Ncw froni ma\\rcss, Jint-ns &. boudou· J\1odcl !'fotne--Save. nl&Jly lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc dollars-Side by Side on din1n~ set priced else\\•hcrc !'tillers', 21 cu f~, Frost free. a t approx. $1195.00 ALL Dunlap s, 181:> Ne\vporl, FOR ONLY $399. $20 do11 n. C0·7'~1.=~~~~-~ Sl.99 per .. eek / out or ADJ\llRAL Side by side sla!c c1'C'di t OK. \\' i 11 Rcfrig. 2:i cu ft with ice separate fvr quick sale. 201h maker. Tltoclcl home display. Century Furniture. 9 "! 7 z Suve $200. Don"\ miss this! Garden Grove Blvd ., Dun!aps 1815 N e wporl, Garden Grove Daily !(}.9, Cosla Me~a SOOD Sat 10-6. Sun 12-5 Come -=-~·======~~ I;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;; in or call t7l4J 530-52W Antiques 8110 jpanish Mediterranean Rec ei ved cancellation of $22,000.00 Spani!;I\ and Mediterran1?an Furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names Decorator's Dream House on Display Items as follo\\·s: Gor- geous 8 ft. CUSLOlll quil- ted sofa \Yith sc~rate loose 11il1011s 111ith heavy oak trim decor and n1al- ching chair, ~ 1natchi11;.: oak occru;ional 1111.llr~. (:l) 58" tall decorator lam[,S, an 8 piece rnaster brd- room suite in pecan r1an- clled !llediterranean slyle •.11ith top quality 15 ~ r. \Varranty n1a1tr"ss.t.:.bv.s snrings. Spanish d cc or dinin.i::: set. et('. Whole housefu!I was regular $1295.00 MUST SACRIFICE $568.CO Any nicer r11n ht> !•Ur· rhascd intlividuall.v . . TERJ\·tS -\Ve carry oui· 01vn accounts. Jiii] f'111•11i t 11re at HARBOR BLVD. 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (only) Every nite 'til 9 Wed., Sat., Sun. 'tit 6 20 PC . MODERN VAST Slook .Arn".>. E"' 3 ROOM GROUP '""' & "~'''' · ~torgan An1iques. 2 .f 2 8 Includes· f'loral sofa & chair Ne\\·port Blvd., C.?11. . \Valr:!lt tables • !amp~ · OLD Strad. Violin tn9 completr lirrl1,JOn1 wit~ quill Goldl'llJ'Od Ave .• Corona de! ed nialtt·cs~ -5 pc, d1nelll', Mar 644-2\79 etc. All for . . . -:::::=:=:::::: _ ~-=-=- •27~, ;;t Sewing Machines 8120 No t.v11 n -l'n11s. only $10 1110. llfll>k SINGER. Touch-0-matic WELK' s WAREHOUSE "'"''' w;th wet "b. SeNk~ n1un leaving: area forces 000 \\'. 41h Sl., S.1n1a Ana rcpo. $39.15 }~ull price or ()pen Dally 9 . !) Sl.10 mo. Au!omatic zig-zag". ~11. 9 • G Sun. 11 • 6 bu1ton ho!C's, blind h<'ins, • • Keith Brown • 8501 Orinda Circle • Huntington Beach, Ca, ' \ 0(111 11r1• \\"inn1•r or 11 1iai~ of lit·kt·I ~ It" Uu• 8" a t Sbu11 l;!_t 1111· Arn1!11·iru ,. 0 !I \'I' n I i !) 11 ("t•1111•r, J\l:tr•·h X I hr •l u i,: h 16. ('l>r1U• lo an~· uf our -I oveJ'casls. i:on1c f a n c )' sl1!chcs etc. flo atlach need· i>d. GUarantee good . :i26-fi616 1!:68 SIN~'~G=E=R-. ~T~,-"-,~h-.-,-. matic. auto zig-1.ag, buHon t10lcs, blind IW!m..~. O\'crcast.s without allachmcnts. lllneu forces repo. $38.01 or $1 .35 \Vcck. Guarantee still good. C'lll :inytime. 893-4444 br.i.nt•h ufrt1·es and pil•k Musical lnlt. 8125 1111 ~uur 1:1t1:a·; pas~c~. ·--------- -*--*---• * Guitar Headquarters 20 P M I e NE\V and USED e C. ap e Fender e Vox e Standf'l 3 ROOM GROUP I • GIBSON • MARTIN lnrhu1c~: l,1v1n_g 1oon1 Sl't -e \VILSON e YMIAl-IA tabl~s . IRn1ps • bedroom Orum Headquarters set . quilted n1atlress -ma-e NE\V and USED e pie dining room. All for , •. LUD\\'JG. ROGERS, ASI'RO $44 9 Large sclec!ion "'ith new 4 pc. sets and cy1nbals start-Nn d,.,\n -Pn11~. nnl.v Sl!I mo. ing 11t $99.50. PC'dals. hi -hals WELK'S WAREHOUSE aod ''"' rep,;m!. Alt 'malt parts. accessones & cymbals liOt \\'. 11h !'I.. &1111 11 Ana 10 s!ock. Open U .. 11!y !J _ !! EVERYTl-llNG 1N ?.IUSIC -"'-' ' · ' ""' u -' Beach Music Center BUNK bPcls (21, ffi("!al. com. fJll'1c with foam rubber ma1. Jo'11ctory Sales &: Service tre11srs, bert spreads 8: Daily 12 noon 'tit 9, Sat 9-5 slll'cts. R39-1 ,!27 a f1l'r 5:30 17-UJ1 Bc:ich Blvd ., (1-lwy 39) prn. l·:xi't'lll·nt ('Ondition for l'li ml. So. San Diego Fwy. only S:lll. 11u11tir.gton Beach 847-8.'l36 P1\IR i\lalching rusl lounge CLARINET, iikc new. Ex- ("h:i!T's. goorl tiind. S·IO Each ci::\Je11t cond!tion. Paid s.iz;,. G7:~::1:12 ,\f1t>r 10 Ail! Sell $90. 962-7516 'GS ~·HOST !rer n:frit;. - a\OCado $1:,0. 3 pc BR sci, Pianos & Organs 8130 J:ast<'tl. 11·ulnu1, $15o. 3 J'(' H"AMoNDORGAN~ ~l'!'f\On~d. hr1gf', ~l ll I 11 1• d st:,o. >11H<207 LESSONS • New Pianos • WURLITZER & BRADBURY All styles & finishes, all American made, 88 note. del w-bench & tuned. Price start. ing at $~99. 2 Decorative Dining Roon1 sets w/buUets Wurlitzer Organs e NEW e AOK Commission Gallery 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. Many other makes. styles & finishes. start at J\1any Prices 1 Block West of Baoch, off G. G. Frwy $595 FREE TO YOU EVERYTHING JN i\tUSIC 5 !110. old large mixed breed Beach Mu,;c Center '10•· v,..,, """'"' """ '° M small ch.ildren :1.11s hosts. Factory Sales & Service 546-7408 3113 Daily. 12 noon 'W 9, Sat 9-S ~1AXl!IULLlAN, 7 mo. old 17404 Beach Blvd .. U-lwy 39) Black male. Has aho!s. 11,/. mi. So. San Diego F\\'Y· &IG-1715 alter 5 P.M. 3114 Jiunlington Beach 847·S536 WATER Softener & tank. 962-257:! :l/14 ! ! FIRE SALE I ! Television 8205 ------Our gorgeous n cw store OOLOR TV's • GE & RCA burned! The pianos & or-Trad e i n's & r ans suffered no water dam-repossessions-Choose iron1 9 age, but they are smokey, models, fully guaranteed - dll1y, dusty & scr.itchy. \Ve pric.."'d r ight for quick sale, movc<i then1 all back to our Dunlap.c;, 1815 N e w p o r I , old location & marked cvCl'Y· Costa J\lesa thing at FIRE SALE PRIC-.-CO-LO_R_T_V_, -R-CA-,-,-.. -x-,-"' E~~ So, U you dig that "O~? condition! $1;,(). 673-1339 eves T1n1c Smol>ey F I a v or , & wkentls. conic & get 'cm, and at1---------- priCl's you won't believe. H·--:-F~-& S--· -821·0· WAHD'S llALD\VIN STUDIO I· I tereo ___ _ 1801 Newpo11. C.!IJ. 6-12.8484 1967 PORTABLE 4-speaktr str.rco • bcnu1iful 2-tone Miscellaneous 1600 * AUCTION * FRIDAY· MARCH 14 7:30 P.M. Bedrooni. set!, di\'ans, OC· ca~ional c h a I r s, cocktail tables, l a n1 p s, pictures, chests, bar & 3 slools, bunk beds, mattress, TV's, buf- fets, 8' Mediterranean style stereo. AM/FM, coppel1one upright httzer, relrlgera- ton, stoves, washers, dry- ers. miscellaneOus carp!'n. tc1"s tools & MUCH MORE!! COME BROWSE AROUND WINDY'S AUCTION 2075\S Ne11.·11011 Bh·d. Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'ls • Costa Mesa * 6~6$6 OPEN DAILY 9 to ~ KNITTED FABRICS THOMAS Organs -all styl- es, exclusive color glo and automatic rhythm.' Large assortment ol pre-01\11\t'd or. gans a1 Darga.in prices. Con1e in and con1pare. · cabinet ,v / stand. S:i().00. . ""FOR SALE • you won't believe this until Coast Music 1839 Newport Blvd, CM 646-0271 PIANOS you hear for yourself! Remnants. samples & MUI Include:; headphone jack. ends Sat. Only 8 a.m. lo 2 Olson headphones w i 1 h p.m. 929 Baker, Cosh1 Mesa. separalc volurne control, BELO\V Cos!: gifts, hon1e brand nc\\· $15. ~16-5197 decor. Lw;t \reek! Also ~lliliEO l9G9 Solid stale display !able~. s h c l v c s. deluxe console stereo, 4 desk, rug, vacuum. 551 \V. spU changer. Lcfl on lay 19th St., 0.1 548-1914 away, Pay off remaining bal-CARPETS, Vinyls, Tile.'!, la!- uncc of S76.00 or terms. est slylf's and colol's. Com· Fabulou.s selectio~1 of new Crcdil Dept. 535-7289 mercial & Rl'sidential. Ex· and used pianos 1n all sly). I"'========= pe1·t installation. es .. Grands sta11 from s.i.95. Sporting Goods 8500 642-1403 ~·J0-7262 Spinets fro1n S395. Pl"actice --·-• _ --~· ~· pianos from $150. GO LF Clubs. like new; UPHOtsrERING • $79.50. 2 pc. <European crallsn1enl Coast Music rnt·n·.~ First Fl!gh1 rt'g. pro. model n-;, Stlff sha!t. 9 Free est., clel, pickup, 215 1839 N I Bl d CM !llain, H.B "Berny" 536--6405 ewpor v ' Irons, 4 \\'oods, $85. 6,l+-0790 646°0271 9 AM to UO. SPACESAVER bro, '""'t & ---~. ---~------desk bu 11 t ·in. Sl5Cl. PIANOS &-(fRG-ANS-SURFBOARD r-.1anufact~r Jlefri~th-eezer (300 lbl $100 Fan1ous Name BL"ands rnoving, mu~! ~JI all boards ~3904 fron1 $529. in stock. Used boards, all '"===-~--~= Also USED Jn!;ti1inicn1s fib.cs $55. nia.-.:in1un1. Sl;i \\'. f'REEZER, Xlnt cond $8j. Gould Music Compony 18th St., Costa i\les;1 flCA rolor TV, good $125. 'G2 Grand Prix S 6 5 0 . 2(H5 N. !I.lain. Santa Ana SURFBOARD • 9'3". Candy 646-1218 So. or Freeway 547-0681 apple red rail&, w h i t e ?.1on & Fri 'Iii 9 Sunday 12-5 center: b'OOCI shupc. 5-16-8458 PRIVATE _1a1ty 1vants 16' \Vhaler, n1usl be xlnt cond 8600 FREE TO YOU Miscellaneous ---\Vi1h or 1vithout n1otor. (805) 8:11-Sljj ----------SHOTGUN, new l !haca 16 OH.IEJIOTAL & Persian rup ga. 5 shot 1'C'pcatcr $85. Out-All sizes, n1osl $-1 to $50. 5 FluHy Kirtrn.~ 6 \\'!X'ks 0111 .. * 002-8186 * 3/13 bo:u'<l ney,· t1 -olllng mo1or 842-7890 Jl!i h.p. SGO. Nc11; boat anchor $2. Drill press, new FULL 1nembership N'pt. table model S!IS. +poster Beach Tennis Oub WANTED Laving home E1-l-0637 1or 548-2035 4-pr. bedroom se., xlnt cond. w/elderly person fo1· Toy \. 1.11 'I.< C II 4XS' BRUNS\l'I~' po 0 I S 50. Sh0rec 1 s, .> a e '""' Boston Bull, 5 yrs old. v • T . o. Cl 1 Ta"I• ltko -w. Pvt pty. 536-8(l9J 3113 ta or1lo. ~an en1en e ,, ·- PUPPY-:--Mall', 10 v.·ks, --ATTENTION 646-3718 TREASURE IBM Stnndartl MOflel C smar1, he R l l h y. with penonality plUs. 494-31CM HUNTERS "Int cond. ;:zij. 3/13 Gardiner elcc!ronlc transis-1 ===,,.'-'.,>-~=~.,,----,,--­ ----------tor mclal detector, mod el CAJrIERA -Colltanex SUper GRASS Matting, Large Sl)C('\li, suilable for Wall ~-~fc..~ range 4 rt. \\"Ill 8, F'2.8. w/115 lotM Pro- sacrifice for $75. Call 6-16-Tessar l cue $130. 548-8149 Co\!erlng lor Beach Pad. 675-244;} 3!13 1987 nflcr S p.ni. LUXURIOUS oH w h I t e 9 CUSTOM DRAPES e carpet, $40. 548-2394. 2001 --------with tranu S:S.800. S WE BUY$ • -~ $ AJRNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TV'-l'l•11•'-Stor•o'1 I Pioco •' Ho1uo F11rt CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541-4531 • • • • Mrs. L. R. DeWitt '49 Darrell Coat• Mesa, Calif. • 1' ou are "'inner or: a pair ol tickets lo u.& B o a l Show al the &Rabehn Convention Qin.fer, ~fan:h I throurh ti. Corne to a.,. or our f Boil Tralltra 9032 =.;...;,==---' WANTED BOAT TRAILER fOf 21' Jnboru'd * 540-6173 • Mobll0Homo1 9200 branch ornces and pkk DBL \Vide Crusader 3lx:53 up your FREE pa.uc5. luxury living in Bayside * * * :t Village. 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba, $2195 $99 DN . µlut T&.L, oac CONNELL CHEVROLET . ' l 2828 ll tu'bor C~f. • 54ti• l ~IQ(.} I ---1 ! '60 STUDEBAKER 1-s TON PICKUP' V8, 4 Sflt-'!'<l, cxrc!!l'rlt mt"t'h- artical 1.'\llKl.lllOIJ. 11'.1JTJ6jJ $S9S 'ATLAS CHR YSLEP.-PL YMOl.m-l 2929 Harbol· Blvd. Costa ~Je:sa 546-193~ Open 'ti! 10 p.m. '68 -Chc\'y ~~ ton pickup, t°d· dio ! heater, cu.stom cab, 1700'.l 1ni, turbo-hydro trans. 327 V8 engine • a real husky truck. $~. 494-36.53 '62 CHEV P/U 8' F1eetsidc, OD: Step bun1pcr, runs 01'-. $550 firm. 673-6945f~39J7 ·' ' ALASKAI'i MalaniUtf, AKC. crpts, drrs, frplc: awnln,i::s, female, 4 mos. Excellent carport, cust. porch, patio, !or show prospects and lndscp'g. By appt Ev6., breedin&. Black with white Sun ~ Mon 6 4 4 • 4 4 2 2 ; Jeeps 9510 markinp. 49'U403 1,;w;;k~d""~,;';>;"";;'~O~ll~=== I :;;;-'-:;;;:;:;-;;,;;;;:;-;-~ '5.S JEEP Milltary VS-:', SKYE Terrier•, AKC Ml • B'k 9275 Cl ,_.. _, n1 I ff totally wblt., will ronsidc1 iamp. A11.,.,., Rare, "'"m• trade. Evl's. G'tl--3.wl 1 fiuUy ; pet A show, 549-2547 LIL·INDIAN 5 HP. -----·l POODLES AKC, MUST -==""'=t='°=""=· =~=="==I Cam_P!!!__ _ 9520 J SELLI Very rea110nable. ---~ --l ,,..._ Motorcyctn 9300 All '69 Modal• •l * ilG. Toy Poodle puppy, · NO\V Here 4 1T10A n1ale i W h I te). * * * * Save extra $ on our Truck-' Ah-e11dy does tr I ck I• Lowell R. Anderson Can1pcr Pri1·cs. .I 546-4680 5112 Harcum Lene 8-9-U Ft. J\lodels, ctwsil.' ~ 1 MALE 1 lemale Poodles. Irvine, Calif. ~~odc!S, Self-Contained Units. 1 . Male $25. Female $35. 4 All Crunper A1.usaorle1 in YOa are winner of a patr Stock ---~-. Cl I 592-1882 of ticket• to the Bo at Camper earanca . 1 6bow at lhe Analicln1 or 1968 T:;t Dorarlo, Fou1· LAB Pups, slttd by ch. Co n v e n t 1 o n Centur, \\'inds, Scotsman a nd Gold-f Lewi!llcld Bt!'ret. SC e ~larch I j h rough 11. I" 00 \ 1 pedlgree to1ppreclale. ll'lt.' ni 1.'s a 1 642-5630 , Con1e to any of our " * Big Discounts·* 11 branch olfice11 and pick 5 Ycan> FiO!lJIClrlJ.: On POODLE Puppies, 7 Wks. up your FREE passe&. Approl"cd Cr.:-dit !. ";;;: ;;';'~ ~· * * * • CAMPER RENTALS - BOXER Puppl" (oouty SCRAM-LETS pure-bred); "little beauts," only $10 & ns. 549-1351 ANSWERS MALE Mt.,;,,1"" D""'h"od AKC re1. will use as stud for one·uppy. 545-5736 PUG Puppies AKC, fa1vn col- or; champion 11uality 962-2374 FEMALE Basset 11 o u n cl AKC, l year old, shots, very alfectionatc. $75. 5-10-2917 TRISl-1 Setter Puppies AKC, best in show sire. J\falcs only. r140-0715 Horses 8830 -------EXCELLfil.j"T JIORSE CARE Dry safe pipe paddocks • best hay & grain. Giwm service, et 1-cas. rates. 2 mi ea.st ol Santa Ana Frwy on Ortega H11.'Y. River Oaks \.l:!lning Stable, San Juan Cajlistrano QUA RTE R HORSES: l·\Vhite face wl \\'ht sock.s $150. 1-Buckskln marking $150. Appaloosa Stallion, reg; very good stock $650. 897-73SO TRAN,SPORTA TION- Boats & Yachts 9000 NEW KETIENBURG 41 $ Seve Thousands $ 29· Col 29 l/B loaded $9950 3."' lle11-eschoU, absent 011.•nr dcsperalc, ..... , lty $12,000 38' Kcttl'nburg '65 Gray. e PAOFIC YACl-IT SALESe 3446 Vit. Oporto, NeWpOrt 24 I-lour Phone 673-1570 17 FT. Performer. Islander Deluxe model (all liber- ghwJ outboard. CUstom snap do\\'ll cover. Big wheel tll~ lrailt!'r, $700 or best oll· er. Phone M4-4IID after 7 pm FOR Sale -14' fiberglu boal. l:)HP Evinrudc Motor with l'iectrlc • t a r t c r . Complete with convert. can- \IU top A tilt.up trailer. 962-mo Sailboats 9010 ------ Grouch -Weary -Pause -Tartar -CAR WASH ~ Catty chatter: "He clalm11 he was once n lifeguard. Ile nuL~l have worked al a CAR \YASH." '65 MATOILESS 500cc ln a basket. Equipped for DffiT Best offer over SZ-,0 complete scl o[ 111ctric v.·renches lt b:kclti $-10. Priv. Purty. 531-!387 'GS TIONDA 90, trail hike. Like new, $275. LlcellllCd. • 644-01&1 * TRIUMPJ1 '67 T-100-C, 500cc 1900 miles • perfccl cond. 516-8458 '66 BSA Lightning 650 CC. Best offer O\'Cr $700 5-16-7577 Trailer, Travel 18' ROD & REEL VERY CLEAN 9425 4 burn<!r stove, oven & hrlr. Dbl sink, t!'!C'C \VII , cl!'C relrig • ice box c:on1b. Nr new !ires • spare T & \V. A real buy nt S8&S.~~·. 1960 llltl!r. Tl'UVl'ltl.ll, \\·ell l'xpcrienced, $300. * 545-sro.I * 12' Teardrop C1mp1ng Trailel' wit h cabana. $2\j. fi!G-1721 Trucks 9500 *SPORTSMENS VAN* * TRUCKS * They Are All Here At F1ntastic Discounts Ready to:-in11nc<l1·tle delivery BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 Beach Blvd., U-lwy. 39) 54().2fi60 llunllnglon Beatl '&:> G?.IC r>anel llandivan, Auto. tran1.. radio, heater; sac. $1050. 642 ... 1956 Special winter i·atcs. J\lakl' ; yow· rcscrvalions today! l THEODORE Robins Fo rd 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 642-0010 vw El;is & C cm1 Fer SPECIALS • • I '64 Sunroof Bus ........ $1 t'l9 ·, 'o:i Dix Bus, 9 pas ..••• $J6."9 · 'Gi DL-.: llus, 9 pas ..••• S2'l~D • ' '67 Camper, split :;en!, clrc. ref ................... S21!J9 ' e~,~ofl : ~~" S4'1·00J-67l· 1190 1970 HAUOR BLVD. COSTA MESA -----* PA~T-"fQPS, nll st c r I shell.~. ~n!cs & J't'1i.al11. 11 19 uµ. Uuy faclory di1't'c1. 11110 • So. llarbor, S.i\. ---'67 Cl!t::V Von Can1p1'r, io:r ·. V-IS. uutu. air. 111vnin{:. l1t··1d, crp!f;, !np rri.dt $ 2 5 ~ ~~. 54:W:l7l, 8:{7-l'..151 l-70R-Sale· C.in-,,-,-,.-,-:h-, I for M' 11•klc Ix-ti P ickup. Si~> 1. 5-18-51 11 Dune Buggies 9525 1968 DUNE Buggy, r.hmnic butnpers, bugtire~. c111·11ct!l, n1~tal blakC' borly. Tujl side curlains ready fOI' !ht• 1uaJ. Will ~r Joi· l)k:k-1111 •·r S'.'i, bt·lo1v goin~ 1na1·kcL Phone 525-308.'\ lmported ;\•1tos 9600 AUSTIN HEALEY 20 PC. "MADR ID" 3 Room Group FRO\II ?-IODEL HO:'IU·;S Includes: Quilled l'Of;1 & chair -2 end tabh•s & co!· !Ct' table -2 laiups -dJ't'SS- l'I" -mirror -head!Joanl - quilted box ~pr1n~ & 111:111. rcss -5 J><'. rlininr; room; table & it hi-back t·hn1r~. CO!llPAR F. AT $1•19.95 ----ENROLL NOW! i\IPLF:. drop IC'al tahlC'. lour SIG for 8 11.·eck roun;c eh:uro;, S30 eon1p bdrTn . .sci y 1 h 1 $% · . 536-S!l!l6 ou i o not ave o own an · misc. · · lnstrumcnl. Free practice ll PIECE !llahogany dininf: time availa ble. CLASSES roon1 set incl. p:ids. Also START: Bcglnnc~. 1-.iarch uphol chair. S33-0a39 J8. TUesda,.v, 7 P~t. Toter· Al .BJNO Parakeet w/ cage & supplir-s to llOD\eone who r.tanufacturer lo you. Save cares. 846-0281 3112 on materials: guar. \\o'OTk. Jo"ree Estir.1atrs. 546-1431 5 BLK. Puppies Cocker & CLASSIC ORi\PERlES Terrier 4 Wks. 01 d 3853 Birch St., N'pt Bch. Kings-Road. * * * rnt=°'EW'=oo=o071o-,-... -.,-."'w"a1"'"'.,""'t I John M. Dexter EJralyptus, Apricot, $47.50 1761 St. Andrews cord $25 % crd. Del. & Westminster, Callf. • DIAi.. dlrec:t 641-5678. 0iargt yoo.r ad, then lit back and Oaten to the 'lbon• rin&! '59 A. ltEALEY 100-li Clcun. $&T.>. cau aJlcr 3 P!ll 5-\8-361r. Dial 642-5678 Int RE..;;UL1S • - lmDOrted Autos 9600 lmportid Autos $399 ~o down--Pn1ts only $Hi inn. WELK'S WAREHOUSE 600 \V. 4th ~t .. &intn ,\n::1 Open Dally S.9 Sat. S-6 Sun 11 ~ ,..UALlTY t\Jllf: h1"1.l wtquilled m111trcss. t"OmfJ . t-lrver used $98. wol1h SliO. ~ 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom Large 9 drawer d1-euer, ml."• tor, 2 bedllklc iitand~. king l!ite hef!flboord, frame, quill · ~ m11.ttren. s~ts, b\l\nk- ct:s, ete. Chol<.'fl C)f Spnni!th or 1'iodcrn Sc-ylf' All For $249 No down Pmt~. only $9 mo. WElK'S WAREHOUSE CiOO \V, •in St., ~nt" Ana O(X!n Oe.i\y 0 • !I &1. 9 . 6 sun. ll • 6 CllARGE your want ad "°"" ----~,,__,_.~ n1ediate. !\larch IJ. Thun- Gara?e Sale 8022 't:l11y T P~1 . Excellent tcach-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;~I "· Garage Sale! R1<;GtSTEJ't NO\V: Fun, En- 01.&'-0llt AntlqUC'll 11.'rlnining. ~naw!ed~able. 1''u1'llllure -t3rh•41. Bl'aC Hen! organs 11vailablc dur- B111°lj'11ini; J,:alorc: ing !crn1 of course. Sign up 5Cti Qu·nntlon now! Avoid the rush!" Corona del J'l.lnr Inquin! for dclatls: l-'RI. -SAT. • SUN. llAM'r.tONO 10 ll.m. · 5 p.m. In OORONA DEL i\tAR -- ---2.SS I E. c.oa&t Hwy., 673-8930 KENi\IORE Gas Dr>cr & . , \Vash<ir $S5. Al!>O i\Hsc HAl\tMOND • Stemway \a.- hou&l'hold itt'm5. 968-1563 maha • new & wed pluol ----oJ all makes. &-st buy1 ln Appllanc" 8100 So. c.alif. r iahl here. -'-'--------I SCHMIDT MUSIC 00., RE rR IC ERATO RS : 1901 N. J.taln, Coldspnt, xlnt con<!. $75. Bar ~ta Ana S40. Older rclrb;. \\Orkil WALNUT Splntl piano, UM good. S.t1. 54~213 nrw. Cost S795 Scll $400. h'ENlifORE Automallc v.-nsher. Lo.le model. Ex· ~!lent oondillon. S 4 O 8t7~11:i 5IS-"10I rRIYATE PARTY W•nti to buy piam for CaVT. 213-8't1·1035 Kcnmo1'C! \\aahlna niacblne. \\'M'TED~ Planoil l Oraans. ·0o00 dlape. w. Cash pakt • 671-2&19 • • IJ&.3ll) • M8-271ll , 3113 Ad j. Orange County Alrp't. TO GOOD HOME MAN'S 1,4 carat diamond Darling Cocker P u p p Y ring in beauU!ul norenline 675-T.'3.'J 3/13 gold and brushed silver llCI· PART Cockapoo Male 1 yr ting. \\lu $210.00 llC\\'. \Vill o I d n d g d H o m e , 11acrifice for $100.00. Set for 8--12--2617 3113 )'OOnelf. 546-jl97 BRO\VN Tabby Male Kitten. Be..auliful markin g Silver Fox Jackel 6T0>-47J8 3115 COit S350 • :P.luat sell $50 LOVABLE a:ttY & white cat, st2--0Cl!6 eveni~a · long hair, l 'ii Y'nl old, f'X· PRIVATE Sa1e, 9' Couch, peellna:, C&ll 675--0'al 311~ '1nodern dincltc, king lied BEAIJT'. Kf'l!Y kitty, klnl( A !ll"I, all 6 mos. Old. hair, 7 mo . old, gpade 64~104 aft I female. Call 67S--0250 3!14 BEAihiriJL Marquis dia· "PELE" Jet Bla1.it ftitndly roond "ngagcment ring l fem. cat, hall Siamf'M'. Wftkilng band. Beal otter. 675-4138 l/15 646-1464 FAN Palm trees, Oleanders. UC Thrift S!tlt! -10 AM A. F'lrewood. 12il Old Mll'ch 13-15. Nt!'Wpl)rl Blvd Foothlll. 642-321& 19th CJ\1, Dt:hlnd Mesa LOVABLE 4 mo old male theatre mixt'd puppy frte lo good 1Q ·~u-.-L-,---, -r--kl-"!--bod- bome. 6-12-1001. 3/12 ••/quUled mattrea. comp. CDCKER Poodle Blnck lilnle Nf!wr UM!d $!11, worth $200. 3 mo. old. 892 .. J369 3/13 842--6536 3, W"hl.,.too!a P11m1 I' tall NB TENNIS CLUB 545-1229 3/14 membt.rahip/Mle. '73-7314 dy stack'd f'ttt. (1) 688-0846 DELTA 4" Jolnter-Plancr wi th motor, med once. $50. 64>--0341 ANTIQUE RUltl, Oriental Ii olhel"!I. Brown studio couch llS. Cali Kl ~169 Misc. Wanr.d 1610 WE PAY MORE ·CASH F,or any near new or used" furnltun, lJlpliAncn, color- ed TV's, 1tereoa, pl.anol, or· Ian&. 1tow1, ~trlatratnn, bedroom .et.I, ~ room &etll, of.nee lumltutt. 1 plece or houtdul. Dty, nllht or 5Und1>. 636-3620 WANTED lo buy • to" w\de pa ranae wllh double ovt1L Mu.JJt be aood condition. Prok< O'K«I> ~ MmitL 51&-1'19 " \'o\I •re "-Uiiner •I a J*lr o' llckels to lhe B o a t Show al the Anaheim Co nv en llea (ll!nter, Mattb I thr••Jb 11. Conie to any ot oat fi branch offlM!I and pick up )'OW' Fltt::tl pueee. • * * * SltlALL SAIL BOATS Sabotl .......... b'om $150 New 12 ft. Dart •• , ,,, S.W0 Udo 14' -............... $'795 20' Sloop • • • .. • • .. • • • • • $6$ TOMCAT BOATS 2614 Npt. Blvd., 6'15-2400 OLYMPIC Clos Sailboat nnn No. '121. Excellent con- dition " raclna record. All extras $121:M>. Call f13..8148 or 64UI02I Power Crufters 9020 SACRIFICE I 36' Oi.llser w/fll rnaorlrw: top cond, Mutt 1ell by week- end. 5484691 AU. 6. a~a~ara El.f..'!ORI MOTORS 15300 HACH Ill.YD. WISTMINSTrR 894·3322 4 1/2 % 1011\ fi11oncln9 •"'•ll11blo 011 lao~k o'provol of croclil. FIEE··FREE las Ve~~s Vacation 3 DAYS l 2 NIGHTS FO~ TWO , No P11r<:ha10 N1 c•n•rf f 5300 Beach Blvd. w mj r 194-3322 OPEN 7 DAYS I: I: I; l '• ' . • ' t TUONIPORTATION riWISPOltfA TION 'TAA.NSPOltTA 110N TltANSPOltTATION TltANSl'OltTA TION TltANSPOlt'I' ATION TAANSPl>RTA TIOll TRANSPOltTAf.ION lmportM A-N00 Imported A-9600 lmpo~ Aytoo f6GO 9-fod Autoo 9600 lmportld AutM 9600 Im!'!!.'?" A.,._ t~ lmpo .... A-N00 Autoo W•nlod t7CIO AUSTIN HEALEY ENGLISH FORD FERRARI KARMANN GHIA MEICl!DIS ll!NZ om VOLKSWAGEN \VE PAY ••• ... A. Ueoley, -abarp! -'66'-0PEL N..,, 1""r1or· ....i dub English Ford· GllW CASH • • • • I BRAND NEW 1969 & wheel, JoMeau, t!ttt, 1op. FlltltAltl Iii (Mrdrlve. $11111 f I rm • N"'1Jl)t'l h:QpQrta. Ltd. ()!.. 611-.31!9 Complett ...in • «J"\llce =• Caa.atf1 cmJ,y autbor- '60 A.ff,. rblt Vii·· 100 MPl;f, 32 int per pl. ., •• ~lllSEller. VI-••- • •·••· •·· xi nd Full ~ --"' ~-~·r~•o ,,.....,.ai, ~ter, nt co . ••r" • $815. ......... 11>1lrc. 3100N W. c...!',.~· CORJlllA ..._ ,...,.... ~ 541).1161 • • Authorbed MG Dellltt * O.lux• 2 Door * I • • BUICK • --,-6'-D_A_T-SU_N __ DATSUN $1881 • • Bl& -96 hp,' ...,..od 1 '2444 • am """ dlr, f opd, radio, • heater, w..... U:ret, loaded! Immediate Delivtl')' JAG '65 s.a s sedan, lilver • 2800 rnllf:1 under factory Over 50 2 doon, ' doon, l"!Y / red Jtbr Int, auto, JAGUAR I • 61'1 LlU new ''Onl with t,000 tnik"I" 2 • 18'1 Extra Nice "One tfith alt cood." All extra atw,, all with ta· diac I: heatl!n and one with ... coodlllontnr. '61 PORSCHE Very clean, m111t aee to ap. SPEOAl PURCHASE tc.Uledoan&....,kljUsl call U1 for flw ntim&tc • GROlH CHMOlfT 1968 Allc re. -... _ ume..dllllvd. Volkswagens 1 __ 0 -...:.:Kl;...:c9-3"1=-'--- • ·vinyl Interior WE PAY WH • Radios FOR YOUR W e Heaters • IMMIDIA.TI DIUYllY • warranty, Ba.! $1775. Take GT1. ltatlob W1gOD1 in pa, wire wh11, air, AM/TM. • • f15 cuh deli or older ear. stock. Fully auton11.tlc tit $3595. Priv party, ni&: $22tt • • • L.B. YNWtl7, Call alter 10. 4 •~TRADE FOR 511-0689 """'""· J2 rtuport ~l111port ~; e Remalni119 CONNEU: • 49f.9T13. '61).3.S Sect Auto. Pwr S I: I DIM IT HOlll TODAY '67 ·DATSUN PICKUP YOUR PRESENT CAI\ B. Xlnt a>nd. Prv. party, THEODORE ......,,, 14t.OJOl---'71.l I t0 1t70 HAllOI ILVD. COSTA MISA CHEVROLET Fact. Warranty ,.,. ._ Bl••· e LaftJe Choice eo.1a M• ...... = • delt or take foreign cat In PRIVATE Party want11--"',;,;.;;~;..;,;.;_:c=.;:;_, Of Colors e All Under 13,000 Miles • otliinal. 0woe<1 ., mue ·o1e ~b'ins f 0. rd KARMANN GHIA MERCEDES B,ENZ ~ . S41>l16I °' • m... 1'o LquM. $50 Cub AulhoNod ).IQ l>Wtr ~ • • LI Pm 004, Call Jim, ~ 2000 HARBOR BLVD. whl.s, AM/FM. $2.175. ot trade my 250 SE Coupe. Hl<..111, .,.,. _ We Pou Ow Y•I•• • ,2444 • trade. Win ftne prvt· prty. '68 GHIA. 18,000 ml Cbrm Mercede• 250 SL--Wlll buy ·~~~r Will Buy Your Volklwaleo cr ~ 6 p" top -Paid for or ttOt. Call llalpb CC>SrA MESA 675-4119 aft 6. Must be lmmaculate. (805) ..,,........ or,,,_,_, 54f .. IU-f7J.t1ff l•'tl114J P•-e11 tti Ye• • • tm3 or ""'634 6'>(QIO ~usu:..r mut-1-" 131-tlSS . MUST ..u 'l'l MOB GT, 1t7tCOITHA.-4 11_'}~·. '195 '5"° l========I • '69 DATSUN Convert. mue ~IW<E=:::--:,c-::MEM=o;,-:to.,-p"•"°ier rown. Tbt oili.Y PI1DT MERCEDES '%&, 280 SL Chrome wire wheels. $2395. I;,,,-;==,.,,..=-,,_,,..-.,-DN.· 7 MO Auto L1a1fng 9810 •• • • w/blkt lnteT. Best offer up"""" .,.... no 1...,. Dffd, Oauitled aectSm San Olupe Road•ft't. Automatic 9b2-612'7 64. PORSCHE. Silver beauty 011 IJw•"4 Cretllt 673-1190 67H796 -.1 .. ,,-~ , • ,...._,, with black interior. e LEASE e $, 99 • adl tbem 1w cub with money, Ume ' dfcrt. Looli trans & steering; leather; nm QUICKER YOU ............... Bl plunk AM FM radio SAVE on VW's ·~Ca •• "'" • DOWN White Elephantlf today! now I I I ~ mi. 644--0.519 or 644-0107 j THE QUICXER YOU SELL dl,a .. u ._...,&1 all. --.. -•,' "" maro, au-• · • • """' mo. • • ===="====="""'======-.!...::======= .. .,......., ~VUJIU '64 cad CdV, air •••• $89 mo. PlUI tax I llcenM' on ap-. New C1rs 9900 Ntw Cars 9800 Ntw Cart 9800 New C1r1 9800New,Cll'J 9800 ~e wheels, tadDry air ONLY J6 Mo11tU '67 Le Mant cpe, air f15 mo. ~ credit for thla conditlonlna. Must eee and '67 Corvair Monz cpe $52 mo. mNew Bukk Spedal. N~• drl" this•"'· (0SS997) on-BOB LONGPRE SOUTH COAST •43.'l71ll'l6000•. • 1Y $3295. !>eater. lB835 PONTIAC CAR LEASING • llANDNIW • DEMO CLEARANCE! =2 Bl"'1. HunL Beaoh. lUOOIM<hlld. JOOW.c;outlllfhway • '6t OPIL • ==~~-~~= 6U~2SOO Newport Beach M.>2112 MOVING 1a1Ult aeU! '59 1----:'=o'c"---• $1777 • -eo"v1 _, .. , VW *AUTO lfASING* • VW '"" $700 or beot ofter. • OrMr Yeun T ... rl 645-226B • • --~~~---'GO BPrlco Spocl•ls -I CO~~irua:s • • '64-C "1 """""""'-c FA LI • • 35 '69,s TO CHOOSE FROM! ALL SO FRiSH, SO NEW, YOUR NEIGH· .,:; ~ :~ :: :::::::::::::: l: ~ w~"c...~:::,."' • • Over 15 V\V'a Newport Beach 64J.M«I ~ '63 PORSCHE S, new • ''5 IUICK • BORS WILL THINK YOU HAVE A BRAND NEW CAR • • • ...... Xl"1 ,,,,"1, M"'t Ali.::: ,f,;." Used c... 9900 ~-~!:_::~-~-~·-~_;_'~_ .• _ ... ~ OYER 1969 THUNDERBIRD J1~~~~~ ~~: = 0 &>.. o~ TRA~:®R--s!-~Tl-ON • .,. •u1cK • $99 INvo1c11 2·DOOR LANDAU Now'·............... SPRITE ~,~S P er.dit probl•m' See .. re. .:~•::!o.~p~::~.:.•.cr~:r;,: ON ALL NEW 1968 $510163 ·~n1~~a t~!!u~~ w,~,_P ~~~~:!!~e~~1::::e~ •R&H. 15VX 016 ) a (IFE854) 0 ... 1 .. •"""'.Dealer. Your credit Call or come 1n $2595 ·~ "°"" 14f·DJOJ-67J.11tl • • ENGLISH SHELBY 18835 Beaoh Bl•d. HunL 1'70 HAHOI ILYD, today. , .. _______ • Beach. 540--0442 COSTA MllA 540-4392 • FORDS GT's FULL PRICE '" vw Bus o pau, x1n1 f~~J"s~~1:s SUBARU mechankal oond, 'er y ''6 TEMPEST • Cnt•"' c,1. R&H, 111t1., • • r .S., f1cfory 11r 111ndltl111·· 1119. ISTDl77J • $1591 : • '66 T·llRD • Full powtr, f•cfory .fSLI 4tl I : $2695 . • • 1ir •• • • • • '65 CHRYSLER • N-Y1rltr ~1rdf1p c•upo •• •h it ,_,,, f1ctory 1ir• concl. tNHA 114) • : $1995 • ··-------· • 'H PLYMOUTH • ... door, Aut11111flc, r1dio,. l111ftr. ITEZ 1121 • $1395 • '67 CHMOLET • aC•prlct Cp1. F1cttry 1ir,- 111to., PS. lUXC 072) • : $2295 : • • 'H PONTIAC • aSt•rchl1f 4 door, F•c. tlr •• 1ulomotlc, pow•r 1f1trin9. • lVTP 1471 a : $1795 : • '64 CHEYROLn • • lmp•I• 4 door. A11fo1111tic, • pow•r •l••r. IOTU 43ll a : $1295 • hr-------• • 'U GRAND PRIX • AYfo fr•~1., pow•• 1t1•r.,• •r•dl•, ht •l1r. IOHZ 621 1• : $1191 : • • '6J OLDS • a Cut/111, tufo. p,1, IWFH·· 1111 • : $895 1.-------· • • '62 MHCURY • • Monl•r1y. Fie, 1ir, •Yt.., p.1. lliiEX l•OI • : $695 : :·······-= • JAGUAR • : HEADQUARTERS : mcompl•t• Sal•• .. Sarv .. • Ille• and Part. Oap•rf·• •m•nt for JAGUARS. • • So• 1\., bdtlJ19 • a 19419 Jitu•r T-4oy .......... • • : ZU E. 171h ST. : : 141-7761: • • OPIN1 • • • 1 DAYS AND llVININM DELUXE 4-DOOR'1 DELUXI Z·DOOR'1 GT 4-DOOl'• GT 2-DOOR's s .... 1 .. w_. 4 Speeds. Automatics GT• 500'1 GT• 150'1 FAST IACKS CONVERTllLIS 4 Speeds. Automatics 599 Oftl ACTUAL FACTOIY IN¥0JCI WhH• lnfft.,._ Leib! $99 OYll ACTUAL PACTOIY INYOICI Whll• '"""'•"'" I.uh! No 1al11 ex1MnH charfff • No prep1ration charges e No delivery ch•rpt. You pay ONLY $99 over actual factory lnvolcel Compare win· dow atlcken with our "'' prfcu to convert thMe truly unusu1I discounts Into actual dollar1- 1nd-cent1 1avlng1I Black Jade with Black Landau top and broug- ham interior. 429-4BBL engine, crui.!omatic, Air Conditioning, pow e r • steering - disc brakes • windows -seat, tilt steer- ing wheel, AM-FM radio, retractable head light11, tinted glass, head rests, deluxe seat belts, H-70 PoUglass wide oval tires, etc, etc. Serial Number 9J84N109083 SHELBY FOR '69 IS HERE! Theodore Robins Ford, Orange County's ONLY Shelby American Dealer, proudly fruent1 the uncommon GT for '691 GT· 350:. GT· 500 .. NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. RENT A VACATION CAMPER OR MOTOR HOME REASONABLE RATES RESERVE NOWI 1967 T·BIRO LANDAU Fie. Wl !f. illt wh1ol pwr wh1. pwr. •••ii, w/w, p1, pb, •uto. 1wlng •w•y whttl pwr. locln, vinyl top. lVCKJ12 l 20% dn. or !rd. $2595 ·.~~. $69 ~~.?.! 1967 FORD SQUIRE WAGON RIH, v.1. •u+o., p1 1lr cond. ''"'"'c. CVHM· JIJI 11111 look $2115 20% dtwn 11 h1dt. $2195 ~~. $60.:::.!! '64 T·BIRO HARDTOP Full powtr, •ir condition. IOMIC 0741. 20% OoWll or Tr1d1, Bluo Bot~ prlct $1711. $1095 ;;:::. $39 ::.:. 1963 FALCON PICKUP Econollnt, fully equlpptd, CFJF 2101 20% dow11 or tr•dt. CL95 FULL .pg PllCI $29~ TAX REAIND DUE? WHY WAIT? IUY NOW·PAY LATER Easy Financing Av1llable COMPLETE LEASE AND OAIL Y RENTAL DEPARTMENT ALL POPULAR MAKES '68 FORD 4 DOOR VI, •11!1., l•O tng., htat1r1 bl•clc w/whitt top. i IG5]Y 121062 l llYI look pric1 $2115 20" down or tr•tl• $1495 ·:.\~. $39 ::.:.~ '65 T·BIRD LANOAU Fully tqu!ppttl, 1lr, powtr window1 •ntl 1t1t1. IOYG ti211. 20,, Down or Tr1d1, 1111• look prlct $2270. $1395 ~ $48 :.-.:.~ '67 MUSTANG H.T. COUPE V·I. •Mio., R&H, P.S., ftc. •ir, IUJB 1571. 20" Down or Tr•dt. llut l•ok prieo $2411, $1695 ~ $47 :.-...::. 1950 FORD 'Al·TON PICKUP Y-1, 4 tp••d, IM224911 T•11. I Uc. down 4• tr•lll•. $199 ~~\~. $14~..: '65 MUSTANG H.T. COUPE Fully tquippt4. IWSX l•SI. 20'4 Down or r,,,.,. $895 ~::. $31 .::::~. UllD CAI SAU PllCU DNCTIYI 41 HOUIS UNLISI PlnlOUSLY SOLD AU PAYWINTI PleUUD ON APPlOYID CllDlT ..... -. -c-..... 14MJ:ll OPEN SUNDAYS Fr.• Narthni o,..c.....,c.n 540-1111 EVERY DEMONSTRATOR AND EXECUTIVE CAR IN STOCK HAS BEEN DRASTICALLY RIDUCID FOR QUICK CLEARANCE T·BIRDS-GALAXIE 500'1 -LTD's-MUSTANGS- FAIRLANES-STA TION WAGONS-CONVERT· IBLES CORTINA'S. TRUCK • CAMPER SUPER • CEtmR PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL F·IOO PICKUP Fl1r11idt. 115" W.1 .. J 1pd. 1yncro. tran1 1055 f.1prlng1, •55 R·1prln91, tfc. $2099 ORDER TODAY I • • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 1969! F-250 PICKUP ••• SCOTSMAN CAMPER IOTH FOR '3495 ll 11t. N•, P21il11:110tlll Scthll'lln c1mp•r h co'"pl1tt !y furnishttl with let bo1r, 1tov1, 1ft, Sl11p1 '· F-250 pre•up h11 JOO 111g., ''"P I oil 91ugt1, 1910 lb, t•tr 1p rlng1 ISJ 1.001116,I l•ply tubtl111 ti1t•, dl11, ht1ltr •nd d1fro1ttr, tic. M•ny to choott ftOll'I •I thl1 prtc•I 5,.,, o~ Eldor10'0, Fourw!,.ch, ~oldll111 Scoh'"'"· Ov1r JO v1rl ed fltllf' pl•111 111 dJ1pl1y •114 •tidy for fm111odl•I• dotlvory, de ~ $1775 Aft 2145 Harbor, Coata Mesa an. •-P"t . WE PAY CASH FOR 1969 SUBARU 6, 6"-2634 from $1297; 66 MPG ... "'~vw"""~1"'600~F~.-.~,~b-.-,~.-.1 YOUR CAR, PAID Complete forelp car service Sunroot &. R/H. Very ~-'F_O:..Rc:....:O:..:R.:....:..N:.:O:..:T..:1 __ 1 Kosta Kustom Kars ot••"' neu. °"'· •wne,. Newcastle Moton 845 Baker, C.M. Mo-5915 673-6946 aft 5. e Good only thru TOYOTA '63 V\V Camper, 1500 eng., ll'Iarch 17th e new trans., comp. equip'd, '60 Olds 4 Dr, hdtp. Llc. No. Make ofter. 596-6&30 GVJ 437. $99 TOYOTA lfl"'..ADQUARTERS ELMORE '64 VW convertible, new top, '59 Chevy ata. war. 2 dr . paint. interior, 55,<XXJ mi. $18 dn, $18 mo. 24 mot. Tax Sharp. 646-5278 &. lie. incl, Lie. No. QSH lll '66 VW Van whlte pantl, 2188 Harbor Blvd. C.M. - clean, rear' 11<>und proot !642="""======= Priv party. $1795. 548-7072 l.5!00 Beadt BJ....i .. Wlbmlltr '63 vw SEDAN IUICK Phone 83322 * VERY 0..EAN * l,·-65-------- BILL MAXEY $1>0 494-9826 SKYLARK Grml Sport Auto uans; R/H, lull pwr, '66 VW, ~Int ~nd. Many alr-cond. !-owner. Top cond. ITIQIYIQ ITIAI =~·7~~35 5!::d~ p;ust 1967 Prv prty $1600. 546-1970 , RIVIERA, all power, 18881 BEACH BLVD. 69 VW, 3CXXI miles, R&B 6 way seat. AM/01 stereo, Hunt. Bqch 847~555 Grd!. Cobalt blue $1899. electro cruise air cond 1 :\mt N. of Coast Hwy, on Sch Take tradf'. 968-4354 heater. $2995. 0548-M14 '69 TOYOTA'S 1ll68 VW, auto tnou, R/11. '61 BU1CK, 2"' hanltop La w/s/w t_!res. 18,000 miles. Sabre, original owner. New large Seledlon FOR Immediate Delivery SEE US TODAY fOll LlloiA IMPORTS TOYOTA·YOLYO 1966 Harbor, C.1al. 64&-9303 VOLKSWAGEN * * * * W. E. Niemeyer 2586 Arbor Drive Newport Beach, Calif. l' ou are wlnner of a pair of ticket• to the B o • t Sbcnv at the Anaheim Oonveatloa Center, Mardi I tllr••Slll 11 • Conle to any of our C branch offlc:es aad plok up your l~ILEE paNeS. * * * * nsso. 675-6576 paint & upholstery. Ext~ '56 VW, new eng. $375 lent cooditlon. 549-0'49. -co7962-0538=~-•r_962-~22'13~--1 '63 RMERA, all pwr., air, '67 VW; 'blue; radio, htr. immac. cond. Good titts, $1325 -Or oiler lthr. Inter. $12l0. 962.-7938 67~ 1957 Buick Sed. $100. '61 V.W, rect-ntly rebuilt 546-1992 •fl. 6 PM eng., rood ttre1, R/1-1, goodl========I "'""'"'" l60tl '""· 546-41211 CADILLAC MUST Sell '59 V\V Exlnt --------1 C.ond. New Paint $&0. CADILLAC 1964 Coupe de 64fr.3711Eves Ville fully loade'9, '66 VW Bus orlglnal owner. w/leather, mwt aacrifice, Very best cond.~. $1750. 5(1-4.574 eve• 645-23 54g...1966 '62 SEDAN DeVille; ~. All power; 58,000 ml.: one Antiques, Cl111fct 9615 owner. 642-3368 1 '36 Ford irille, 2 rear doon '59 CPE. DeVille, xlnt ~nd; complete with glau 1 hood new tra.111., battery, tires; &lightly beat. 1 bell, housing ~"'="'=·=644-0=="'==== with rear end. 1 '40 Ford hood .,,.,., & 1 rrlll• ... CAMARO luxe. Set of back 1eatt for --------1 V.\V. Bus. Phone s.16-84ll '67 CAMARO cH=.B=·=Al~k=fo=r=B=ill=. ===l2 Dr. hdtp. V.S. Rally 1Pt -dlr. Sky blue exh:r., blk. on Autos W1ntecl 9700 blk. inter. Car has had xlnl '66 vw R/H ' 1---'=""-''--'....-'I care, $75 Cuh dels. or will ' • rnap, IMPORTS WANTED speclal raclna: equip, coco .....__ ,.,__ take foreign car 1n tra~. ht Vl-.wp •.u.wtlet Will tin. prlv. pty, Call Jim n1ats. Wood 11r&. w • TOP S BUYER MS-2994 BILL MAXEY TOYO?A ~:1"'1 4M. 49Ul73, Fer Dally Pilot Want Ada. U8Bl Beach Blvd. ··=-==~~--~I Di.al 6C.$11 Jt Beach. Ph. "74555 67 CAMARQ ~ 350 Gold !========.!..:======= \V/Blk Top, maoy u-ta. 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Must Sell $229S. Ml-93'5 SO WE TRY HARDER FOR YOU '69 Toyota From$1770 41/2 °/o BANK FINANCING WITM ,.,, DOWN On Approv1I of Crodll • Ml. '''* ,IMMlnt Ay1l11blt on """°'11Cf Cl'tdll Clft WE NEED YOUR TRADE INI L""~l'I MPORTS A·YOLYO 646-9303 CHEVROLET * * * * W. Mlck•eli1n 15781 Shorbock L•n• Huntington Be1ch, Ca. l'ea •re winner of a palP of flcbl• to lbe 8 •at ~ow •I the Analtel111 Cen"cntlen Center, l\fareh I lllr•111• II. Comti to any of our t brantlh onll"etl and ptdl: lip , •• , ~ flU'ell. * * * * '65 CHEVY IMPALA lfa.rdtop, V-8, fact air, dlr, local c.ar. Ectlltnt eondltlon. $.ir Cuh dda or take forei.in car ln trade. WW fine prvt party. LB TXJ '84. ~ .,...._ oo a...,......,11""'Nova,.....,ss~·1 Take Ovtr pyrnQ:/ + ~T-f f ~ 1966 HARIOR, C.M. l<JN'T JUS'T WISll ........ 1 ,..._ t., , .... M"·'" e s.11 •·•· .. • •·•· PARTS & SERVICE HOURS PARTS ONLY J&Na.,,..Ylil'JCHI ~.~'. ~"~~ = /:: , _____ _::S•~·~tO~•~~~·~··~·~·~··~·-------~'~·~··=·~··~·~·~·•=·~M~•~·~·~l~·~··~·~ .. ~·~·~··~·~'·~··~·~•--.,--''-""-"·~'~'-'~~~·~·S~•-'~ d17~C~.W.. • '!""' .... --.• -----------~-,--..... -,.... ___ ,...~--------------------.------·-~ ' ,...,_.,.PILOT 8J r1<AN>..UI< I A flON TRANS•v~ I A flON..---,T .... NSPORTATION TRANSPORl ATION tlOONowCu• 9800 -' -CADILLAC for NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE-' ---' Jv1ASTEl{J>IECE FR.OJVI DfE Jv1ASTER CRJlFl:sMEN ' .. ON 'ISPLAY AND READY . FOR DELIVERY TODAY! -· __ '_• ---OVER -80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM------ . .. 1968 • • • ( ' EL OO~ADt~f The ever ~ular El with bei , ec • • 1968 tl~~~~~~=t=t~·f ~~ .U: !~~~lh~~ck ~,1;,~~ntecioc and black· eovt. top. Power steering, power brakes, power &eats, power windows, AM· FM radio. Thls automobile ls absolutely gorgeous throughout and has !C'S!! than 13,000 actual miles. Truly a fine car. (F8188672) r'M'"' ing (\1TL367) -~ ~ '~o~~~lfp.::~l·~· ~ ·1" blue Utlftor wtth '"'~m -1nterfor. ,caane •· · PUUY ·~ with peWM' 1teerlng, 1><>w"tr elc. btlke., power aeata, power windows, factory ,, ' air conditioning, power antenna,. tilt steering wheel, rad.lo and heater, safety sentina1. Lovely coral exterior with white u top and matching coral vinyl interlot', P·ull, ~ulpped "'Ith pov.•cr steering, power 1'flUi. power windov.·s, pmver seat, radio an'd huter, automatic transmission plus white side wall ltires. A very well kept car. (101.570J SAl.E ' $999 PRICE . 1967 CADILLAC This: lOYe)y Sedan DeVllle has all popular po\\W Ulists including power steering, pov.·er brakes power windows, pov.·er seat and Cad- Ulac'a famous factory air conditioning. This beautitl.al automobile has been very carefully driven and shows only the flnest of care l!Y its previous owner. (444:i) . SALE $4222 PRICE 1964 CADILLAC A be.Utiful black convertible with contrast- ing wbtte top and black full leather interior. Ha.Ii power steering, pc;n~:er brake&, power seat&, P>Wer windows, A?.1-Fl\l radio, and fac- tory air: conditioning. This one is juat beauti- ful. 01HY 487) , SALE $1999 PRICE SALE PRICED -1966 CADILLAC c~illt~-• ia """"""''' gor_.., 1'. -JI! IUW wtth mafchtng ' lnl!~iea er interior, fully J>O'"'er ac- cented with power steering-brakcs-v.,ndows- seats-door locks, AM-F1'1l radio, aulo. cruise control, premJum white side wan tires and factory air conditioning. CRGN297) SALE $31 I I PllCI • ' . 1966 THU,,.DIR ... ', The sporty 2 door hari!top 11 fU1lt tqu!PPfd, with power steertna. power bftit:t. po'Wtr \vindows, pov.'er 11Mt--and Fonl'1 tadaou.1 fie· tory air condi~I· A beauttful attn .UVtt rxterlor with c Ylh:rl &manor. Muat be seen and dri to tuUy Qpredl.ttl (RTlJ• 339) SALE$2222 PRICE , -1967 OLDSMOBILE The 0.....tom Delta 4 Door hardtop finiahed in a met&llic blu~ exterior with black vinyl roof and blue interior. Fully equipped with power steerlni", power brakes, power windows. utro seat, factory air conditioning plua man)' other luxury features. Sho\\'ll meticulous care by previous O\\'ller. {TYY 744 ) SALE $2999 PRICE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL, PREVIOUSLY OWNED SEE US TODAY! $4555 1966 OLDS TORONADO Hardtop Deluxe. Emerald rreen exterior with KrCen clotb interior. Full power including power steerlnj, power brake., power win- dows, tilt atttrlng wheel, factory air condi· tlonlnr. Low mileage and absolutely aorre- oua throu&houl (SVX120) SALE PRICED • 1963 CADILLAC This is a Hardtop coupe that is gold In color with beige top and beige cloth and leath- er interior. Hu autamatlc transmisslonhpow-et 1tefrrtbr,• ~er ~l..~o and ea and lit OOlld!Uoiiinf. \("""1~); . SA~ .• ~·~ii J9'4.,.0,Ual ~~·~~~ ·Ei1~4~~ '1ior ~ "' ,. • local P.-.. -·-•·. . ,000 are!ullf __ ,um;.oi ·.· ,, ,., .. ~-,,.~. ' SALi «;1 ,. : i PRICE I ''" 11 !»QIADO ·Flnllhed In -~Wilh gceen doth .na ·leather futetir: ~ IQUlpped wttb pow-er •tettltts. powlf: lirakes, power seat. paW'! ~·Jilt telescopic steering wheel, wondelfair ,._:~ cy air c:ondiUon- tna plua l!'lDf men 'j¥UIC optional features. (VXH 188) ';.; " r - 1 SALi-~'99 PRICE . 196'l RIVIERA Cran !port, L.owlf midnight green exterior with black Ill viny lnterlor. Has power steer· ing, power brakes, ~wer wlndo~. tilt steer· Ina: whtt1J't ~ hi&h style Gran Sport wheels &Del of eeurse factory air conditioning. This automobUt lhows the finest of cart by Its previOUI ~.· ltt:ust see. CTSD498) SALE PRICED -.:.:...--..,...,,-----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----------• SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area v1sn OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE • SAW & SERVICE CENTER • WE ALSO STOCK ALL ORIGINAL fACTORT E9UIPMENT TIRU. NABERS $39" ••h IHCLUDIN• MOUNTING.IAU.NCIN• & UClll TAI • FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 \l90G UHd C1,. 9900 UMd C1,. 9900 UMd C1,. 9900 UMd Coro 9900 1--------CHRYSLER CONTINENTAL COUGAR FORD MERCURY CHEVROLET MUSTANG 1---- '64 WHITE Chevelle Super '&I CONTINENTAL 4 DR. '67 COUGAR, air-oond, ~. Sedan 55,000 mi. Full pwr vinyl lop; Jo Mi. FuU pwr. &: air; new paint. Xlnl cond. $2750. STI-8811: 646-5731 ~ $1550. 5.11-4153 eves Sporl, black jnterior, stick, l96ti OiRYSLER Cr o w n 230 cu. in. q. Askin& $800. Imperial, $3200. oi-best' of- 644--0913 fer. Xln~ cood. ~ 3--9574 '66 CHEVEUE. Mllibu. VI, ""'· .... '· -418. Pvt CORVAIR DOD&E '65 FORD GAWIE 500 MUST Sell '65 Colony Park 9 pau wagon. Full power, air, AM/FM radio. l owner. prv prty. $1795. 516-3665 1967 HD'I'P, 289 V S , auto/pwr 1tr. new wide oval tires, console, alr-cond, wanutfl $2175. (Boo ii $2500). 540-3111 factor)' air, pwr str. Oc pty. -------'°-:,;""=·"'S:0:1650~.;:.842-J834-=.;=;;;;,-,= ========= ---------1'64 Dodie Dart R/H, P/a, 2 Doo1· hardtop, VS, radio, heater, mag wheels, excel· lent condition. (\VXF052) '66 COLDNY Park Station =====-=== 1957 OIEVY -$275, rum COMET 1960 C 0 RV A IR. Must auto, 6 cyl, Xlnt cond. $750. -....1 _ new tires. 536-7(0) &ell-good trans car $770 or Prv prty, 613-4536 Wagon, w/p\\T everything, air, tape deck, low miles, $2'700. 642-4 104 OLDSMOBILE •""" '65 CO?.IET p s btst offer. 6Ta-3585 after 6 p.m. · . I , Auto, e.lr, FALCON $1195 UNIVERSITY GOOD Transportation car! R /11. New ti res, new Ex~! cond. '60 Chevy 1fa enctne. Jl<XXI. 546-8980 CORVETTE MUSTANG ---·· -· -· '63 FALCON Ranchero, 260 ATLASo -E-,-,,-,-,-n Jantily forces Im· SALES & SERVICE OLDSMOBILE wq, V--8, auto, ~1464 '56 01EVY Wagon 4 OR. Good oond!Uon S325 -1959 EL CAMINO. Al: it. air- coa.i, R • H, "50, Prlvate party, 642.QJ6 CHRYSLER -'67 CHRYSLER llWPORT SEDAN VS, radio, beater, automt.Uc tranamlu1on. power 11ttr- lrw, po-wtt bnkea, factor)' a.Ir corxiitlonlng. Except1on- all¥ fine condi~n. (UPX133l $2395 ATLAS CHRYSLER.PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Colla ?.fl!u. 546-1934 Open 'II! 10 p.m. -· .. ·= CONTINENTAL Corvtttts '57 thru '69 V3, 3 1pd, Xlnl, green CllRYSLER-PLYMOUTH mediate Mic of '&J l\1usta.ng, World '•· largest independent 642-«194. bet 9 a.m. or alt 29'29 Harbor Blvd. 289 VS engine. New wide ---------Corvette a.nd lll·Perf. dealer 9 p.m. Colla Me&a 546-l934 oval ure11, Black interior, 1969 MARK Ill >'ull ":Vk• fad llU.1 • 30 '''63~F~ALCO=-N-v-_.-,-Hanl--to-p, 0 au ID traM. 77,000 ml. Ex- 11 n wa-nty Open 'Ul 1 p.m. 1 mo, wn e ,,.. · auto trnna ps, oulstandln£: I-========;:; I cellent condition. Re ease ColmlmlTAl MISTER "T" cond. 8li-5740, 962-<;1" MERCURY IUbmll ofle<. 96"-1689 nlUKnl :noo Harbor Blvd., CM 1969 1.fUSTANG Sporl roof. 2 Door hardtop, Full potrm, f.actory all'. Landau top. Lnl than 300J mUe1. Showroom hab condition. (XSR958) SAYE $$$ 645-1441 FORD '64 M'ERCURY low nill•'I'· V-8, IWI. $S5. WW lndo I"' Ill< CORVE'ITE 'al, 4771425• 1 '65 FORD COUNTRY ...,..1 truck or El Camino. ~'.~. '°:.';;..·~ ~: SEDAN COMET CAUBITE 54()-<211 .. - 518-1489 Sii W'I, dlr, V-8, pwr 1100~ 1966 MUSTANG, yol/blk IDP ========~! ifv, Ex:c:e.llent condition, $50 V3, radio, heater, JX>Wt!f A: int. Red Linea, xtru. '850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Me1a f>40..9640 U!led Cars 54Q.8881 '65 OLDS, 442. 4 spd. Yellow w I blk int. Must Mil - best otter, 1 ownr, 548-952'1' aft " '59 OkU 91, apart coupe, .. .,.._ ' air """"· $495. * 642--0981 * PLYMOUTH COUGAR Caah deb or take arnall for-steering, l!xfi.emely clean &: 1 owntr. $1650. D a Ya; J---------lel&ncar.F\ncprvtprty.$39 orla'lnal. {00L898J MW389, Evei; 49+-6367 1966 PLYMOUTH Bar- Monlb. LB UEV 184, Clll $995 '6:1 MUSTANG V_., autom, ATLAS 'ST XR-7, 390 t!lll.. GT om.YSLER.PLYMOUTH Perform~ Group. Air Pat. 56-0&M oo: '94--9173. ._ _,._,i lop wid ncuda. Fut btck. V8, 4 pwr. 1 ... , Y•.u.r• , e speed, radio, heattT. Shup. oval tirft. Xlnt cond. $1450. Ltu than 19,0XI miles. 29'l9 Harbor Blvd. condltlonlna, dl8k brake1, 'ST FORD; Falrlane 2 Door; Colla Me1a 546-1134 ndial tiroe1, 11 l t • a -w a '1 nine good! Flnt $125 take1 ~ 'IU 10 wbecl, 20,800 mile.. StlU It. 64J...6867 ...,~n p.m. ==,..-,,~~~~~ under origlmJ dealer war-CLEAN '63 Fam Ranchm>. '&1 CONT. Ootam hdtp. Lo rant;y, Can be tarnsfcrred. l owntt, good c::ond. Call ml.: finet~~ Loaded! $2885. 546-0750 after 1:30 p.m. ~ BUSIES'I _.....,_ • '6B COUGAR '68¥AJRLANE ........ 1cio1. '"""' Tbt DAtLY PlLO'I Uma with _black padded top. Xlnt cond. $1900 QQatned ~ s." Lotded and alr.condltionlrc. tm-7757 moae1. time A e!fort. i.aok $2800. f '. Stotts W-6581 . '60 FORD Sta Wag, V-8, Auto rw:iw111 I E\.u. 962-iOOG ' n.ina good $150, 968-2600 ,, I , ATLAS 6IH392 ""' l wlc<ndl llalane< of 5 yr, oe 50,0XI '65 Hardtop, auto. p/1, null warnurt;y. WW sell chrome rtrna, xlnt cond. below Mall or wW trade CJffiYSLER-PLYMOtml 2929 Harbor Blvd. Colla Meaa ~1934 Open "tU 10 p.m. '63 MERCURY Monterey, 2 door hardtop. Private party. $490. Good 1hape. 673-8878 White Elep.'lant.s! 11~195=-·~-~=~~~~I for pick-up. Phone~ MUSTANG '65, oriCfnal, red 'Ell Rood lluMlt, lull¥ w/bla.ck Int. Auto, ~pnwr, equjpped, like new. A,1. Phone 873--2431 ' * ~ 1r ''611" MUST, alr, btrlcb seat, '62 VALIANT/8 stick Wq. dlac brake:1, Cru!samallc, New valves & rlng1. Clean! )I') mUt1, $2690, 64Z.2307 $.195. 673-8617 PLYMOUTH '67 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill RAMBLER NE\V '69 Rambler. Full size compact, $204.1 + tax and Uc. Hardtop. V3, automaUc traJl5. mlu.lon, radio, heater, power 1teertng, power brakes, fac. tory air conditioning. Bal- ance of factory warranty. (TRJ 460) •• ;;64.-;;RAli;;;;IBLEk;;;-;;;;--;2----n0c:-,u:~ $1895 .... •tk. $450. ca,. 632 uk foe !I'&, '""· &'13-733.1 ATLAS T-BIRD . rnR YSLEJt.PLYMOUTH * * * ·• 29'19 Harbor Blvd. Richard Koen Cost& lt1esa. 546-193-4 3067 Murrey Lene Open 'Iii 10 p.m. Costa Mtu, C•llf. PONTIAC "°".,.,...,.,of ... ,, el tf<*tts to tbe 8 o a I 'M PONTIAC Brougham. 8bew , at tile Analteln• .Full powtt and tactory a1P Clo• ye at Io a GenUlr, condltlonlJti. IAnda.U top, ~ I t .. r o a 1 h 11, From or\ilnal owner. $850. Come to t-.r or 1>11r • $100 undtt wholesal.e.....prlce. IRul!h oltk!et and pick lFYK'87l Doaler. 18U5 --Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach. Gp 1"' r ~ plMC'i· ~2 ...... * ,56 PONTIAC Safari W 195T BABY T-Btrd convt ai., auto, fUll powe:r. I c h r om e rbna, ~Is, Orlgtnal owner J].750. 1213 wide oval. $210. ~7615 436-1962 ' F.CONOMY ·~ Tt mpest ; 6 '61 T·BlRD, blue; x!nt ~ eyl./atand./2 dr. f195 1-0wnar conu:n1ting 847-4163 Alt 9 PM ID utru. $2500, &nlm ' '66 Gro eonv. • ..-i. ona rr·s • KEVEJ.A110N oiid owner, xlnt cond MaJ\1 barrti.DI JOU 6"d Id * 891--&15 * Clullfied Ms. Oeck thtni Dlal 642..5673 ror RESULTS now! I J I I 11 i I' ! • . • • • • . . ft o.111. Y fllOT I I ' • TODAY, .ROY CARVER~ .w1tH .'HlS '. H~GE. :.s~oCx '.0f~BRAND "NEW~-. READY· TO .~GO . PORTIACS, IS OFFE81NG -· sOME ~ OF 'tHE: ·BEST ~D~ALS · ON. SOME : ·Of ~ IHE . BEST' CARS ON 'THE·· :M4RKEI . JODAM~ ~~llKE "THESE:. ----------------·.. J • ' ' ,-• • ..... ·BRAND MEW· '69 TE . PEST BRAND NEW ·'69 FIREBIRD le1~ti111l -Cerc1111el r•d au!omoblle. 1qulpped with 1p1ciel ~i11t. 1-70xl4 r•d lin• tir•s', cltl11x• wkt•I co~•"· cl•l11•• •'••rln9 wh••'· wh•~I Op~nin9 111011lclit9'• c111to111 m•t•I trim pl•i••· 22J37fLti01492 SfRVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN • MONDAY THRµ FRIDAY 7-,30-A.M. to 'li,OO 'P.M . • SAUS DEPARTMENT OPEN s,oo A.M. to 9jo P.M. EVERY .DAY . '64 PONTIAC $2652 s1377 fULL f'RIC,l BRAND NEW '69 GRAND PRIX E1pt•Ho brown. Turbo·hydr1mtk, air eipndlt1onin11, powat d~iA7, p111hb~!· · * ton radio, WSW tira1, '400 C.1.0. engln1, deluxa balh,~1t~ato bucket ·fro\)t '1eah, hidd en wind1hl1ld ,radio anl111n•, pl111 more. 276579PJ42191 $4336 port co~p•. ChemP•9~• w/<Jer.i lilt•li•r, aiilom'1lic,.pushb11tt.n radio, heacl r~h, 11at. b•lts, cl•cor 11ro11p, rae.i11ed wjnd1,i•lli wiperi,.d,.luJta wh••I cli1c1, d1l1.-1 1t.1rint wh••I, 1lc. 2l 3279Z600924 · ' $2750 . . . THE LE MANS! THE FIREBIRD! • ROY CARV ER CAN LEASE ANY . · CAR OF You·~ CHOICE 1'AOM' ,' . ROLLS· ROYCE ON DOWN . · ' "• • TODAY, LEASE A !!RAND ·NEW :::1No PRIX for $1291ofo. TODAY, LEASE A BRAND NEW. 1969 $9109 LE MAt~S COUPE "" Mo .. :~~o.~~~.~~~p~•~en :~.~,~~a~.~~~~:!s .. : .. ~:"~"~. ~...;19,.;;;·; .,1_1-....i FULL PRICE IN~PfM~08~0~1 ~iif4Hn;--~:;;;;~~;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:!I radio, heater, white wall tires, .. FUl,L ,..RICE ~I 111264C I .'.VALIANT· $ 'n71· '.~~~~~-VH~O~-.E;!0 :."· S.1977 !ii!'66~COftliR'"'VE~TT"E.--. 1 ..... =.~$. 3=2n=~ r.V-200 4 Dr. passenger wa9 on. 1.~ · . '"' vs ... auto. P . .s ... ,R&H, WSW, FULL pj:1e.1P kk •. s~ .. ~_.~.a~;oii'·1's~·~·t~"~· V'(~,slwr.~b·uc-· ~~~!'";:;'~' ';'!~C'::;:;::;:;~ f,stback. :vs, 4 speed, radio, ':.; .~ FULL PRICE Ci'taline Wagon: Y8, hydra- matic, P.S., radio, heater~ white 'wells:, factory air. IT244AI 3:M~14~ciiH·E~ .. v~TR~0~1L~1ET~ .. ..:...:· ·~· ~~~5~1i~·CKEVROLET ~67"0ATStU.N 1 sLn 691 "' · 525. 77 Family.wagon, b cylinder, auto-$1677 Ma Ii bu S.S. VB, automatic, s1sn Nissen Petrol. b cylinder, 4 m•tic, rad io, heater, camper "FULL ,f'RICl power steering , radio, heater, FULL PRICE wh eel drive, warn hubs , hard-FULL f'RiCE ~;&"~ip~8iiu1iilc~1 ti~0 1c;tts__,4iftoo~~~~~~~ 1 ~;&~& ~ro~·4Nii;5 1~;1·~A~cN~6~1~o~::::::::::::::::~ ~&1 1 F1Kiii:e1n o VS , hy<!r~mol;<, pow " ,t,,,;,g $2677 2 0,. VB hyd••mof;<, P.S., rod· .• $3277 VS; hydromofa, pow" •leor· s2a.n & brake1, radio, heater, WSW, PULL PRICI io, heater, WSW, factory air. fUU f'RICt in9, radio• a nd heater, .white· ftlJ.i.,P.MCt .• (~ factory air, vinyl top. ITPYSl9 ) IW1C Ob 1) side wall tires. IT299A l , · . ·, · , _ ----· "67 COUGAR · · . ., · · .. : " . . ·'66 PONTIAC Bonn•'Lil.le conv. VS, P.S., P.B., s21n .P.W., R&H, fa ct . a ir. WSW, FULL P•ltl , blk w / blk lop. Red b"'ket · L--------i ieets. I RZA 451 1 '63 BUICK Riviera Hydra,;.ati~, .. P .S ., l>.B., -1adio, heeter,·WSW.tires, fe et.Cry ai~. I FQG62b I ;· , · .:. ' ~ ; Do~r h.ard.~.~p. Y8,~~Jt~~•Jj~'-·~ -'. ~ ·::«?{~:241l: ~.-:~~: power steering, red10, he'ater~ ~ . · · · PUL ~l I · · WSW tires, mag wheels; (·Jiif, .. · · r , • ~· ,C, :;.' 727 1 EACH AND EVERY "CARVER -CARE -CAR" CARRIES OUR · 100°/o · WAR·RANTY 0 N MEC-H411CAL PARTS. ALL PRICES INDICATED ARE, OF COURSE, PLUS LIC. & TAX. . ' 1 • ' ~ , ' • ' . - r •, ,. . ,. '• .•. . ~: (-; ~ +