HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa1 ! ---.-----~ ---. I .. ---. • -~ • -· • • . .. oas: ·e · . ' ·ome om ' , -' : , ., • an- • 'MONDAY AFTERNOON; MARCH 24, '1969 VOL. ta,,MO. 11.1 l•CTIOfllS. :ti PUii • . " .. . • ~ . ·.-. . . ' . . ' • • * * * * * * * * * * .. ' •. ' .. ' . * * ~. • "' * . . • ' .. * * * . . -. . ., •••• ' ':··1: • • 1, What Pat Nixon Says on llo111e in West. Huntington N~groHome . -~· -·- •· r -· ' ' on Coast: ... 'Fr~~·dQ.m ·Pe.rU~d~ r ·-. • ' " • • .i.. .. -.; , _ , r . . I , llJ·.unmlR .iJV!Nlll. Finch .sta-!om"'*"•• bu& •tllt ' l f • • • "f li-.ebomhed · ,.. r r t , . -. . I' 1 I •• ii . A young Negro couple's home was llrebo...,i Saturday night In HunUn"'-" ...__,_ 6""' Beich.r1ne,wife narrowly escaped injury. Police investigators said a mGlGtov Coc1ttaµ tossed from a speeding truck cParred 1he garage door Gf the Irvin Harris home about 10 p.m. Damage was limited to the garage door and asphalt driveway, police said, but the explosion had enough power k> •erlously Injure bystander" Harrls' wile was inside the garage at the time, doing the laundry. &be was not injured. ··• Detective Sgt. Jack &inholtz said the Incident was "obviously r a c i a 11 y motlvated." . About a dozen Negro families Jive in Huntington Beach. There have been few racial incident.! reported in the past. Reinholtz said Harris was the victim of a related incident in February when unidentified Individuals s c r 1 b b I e d obsceniUes on bis garage door. At that time.. nelglj.bors helped erase the four scribblings, and dropped the tnatt·~ Uilnililg perhaps It wU just co.iDcidence. IliVesUgators said the two inciderits are now app1re.nUy linked. .A milk botlle, probably load"! with II .... wu Ul4!d for Saturday's bom- llllC. -Reinholtz. ~ .said a witness .saw a ligbt cq\bred truck slreak by Harris' home, ud that there were ooe or two persons wltj>in the ' truck. • . .' . Hanis has been a Huntiqton Beach rf!lident for about three years. He ciperatea a medlcal lalloratory in a nearby city, and previously bad one here. ,· . Police are condDCting s full in- vestigation and hope to gather more inlormaUon soon, said .Relnliolti. • · -, • -• • DAILY .l!ILOT ........ .._.. llell PRESIDENT AND ·MRS. NIXON BID ADIE!J ,TO 0'41NGE COUNTIANS AT. EL TORO . 'H1nC11hakes and A Thril l for a Fiv•Y1.ar..O!d S.for1 Bo.anllng Ai r Fore• One .. • A un..;.:'0:-~ ";ci~ hf on ~!,,!"t<l.f"..,.._~/2f""_., clilQrdl bu' ,,_,__ -MO "°"'·""'"" by.-..-' • • • < < • ; ,,· .~· 11.wWJ'{ 1rdi.an'i.~ ~ T1¥' Jirimary concern ii. oulrlliit • .. ,.. "'·=·--'ec1 .. to ' .• -··-· <••-" forcemeilt· ol ·ledtnl lln' _. ...... " or N-~• uca ra ·-a · ~·g edai:itlc;\ )md:,tJ!e• ~~..,. aludlld today ,. !9llowtqg 111'-,weekend sf......i· as far mor e lmJIOl'l!ml DI re ~e a ! et by'Pre!twt Nlion ·in San the presiderillal statement, ii praery• ~l~~~ent w~ tniilally sent to ~~. ~~pendent, ~live ' Jll&b'et college and .university ·a~aton by, "Freedom -intellectual freedom :- . Robert H. Find!, · ~tary ' of · health is in dabger . in Ainertca. Vloleiit"t - ·F'Q '"""'c ""'"';'. ·g·· , · -ph~slc8J· vloll!fJ<.'e, .. J!liy.sll;al.lnti!!>lf!ll!.on u rllVTV \,;,Ajlvere -15 seemtng1y on its: way, to b«Oinfnl Of Nixon Yisit P.agi 13 an accepted 'or at all events a nOrmaJ .,... ___ ,,_ ___ _.. ... ,..__ and ·not to be avoided" elem.nt In tJ;o education and' w~, .speUtii& out the ~l~sh of Qplnion wjthfu the univtra!ty .ABCI ·of · free, lelftfmate dlaaent vemJJ ~oriflnes," lie saJ<r. · anarchy and ti! devulalh\I reitili.. . VIO~ USED . • "Qiji!JllOlll' o1·1:r1m1na1 'violation·<>!-the-· "miiiii ·silif~ ·"ie · 1><· .. lii<d iot law mu.rt be. determtDed.. by the ·courts,1 on . . VJP. nee is mg ~ th • __ .. .1--1· · •· • · unity ·the Nb:o'n-onlY, to poliUclie student bodies,. ~ not e w.;&1.1'C'1un.; comm . -• to poJiticlze the· educational im~ themSeivei;, action wliiclr haa: ln ·&be · Past .sPelled disaster , to h9tb iK!tiilil Utt Blames Reds : and culture. For Roe~ Music, "It is . oot too strong ,a ~ tG declare .that this is ·1he way ctyiHaa... t.iGns begin · to die." he ~· 1 • , "'Ille p r ocea.s ls· il~.ta familiar· to those who would· ~, ~ Se. x Educa•!o ·n wreckage ol hlstOry. Assault 8nd....,.... U -assauU, one extreme .lucllni to ;tJie-, op.' Pai Bfminis~es on Laguna • posite extren:)e.;' · the . volcel ot ..._.... WASHINGTON (UPI). -~J lducaUon and' cllm <!ii=dltei!·" . ·.~ and rock-and-roll mutl:c ·are par.t .of. a 0 N'OOe .ot us· bas the rlgbi Jo'~ r .......... unJst compiracy , to de a troy ft~. ~p'pen hen. .1,'~~ con~~ ~1.j ' ~.,.... . "J "" 'B Utt "·(R· ' .. . . ~ . America,· 8'p. ames · • . CLEAN-VP iloirsE · · .. ·. " · ·:. First . Lafly Likey Beaches But Unlikely w i~e ·1'..here =~~it' ~letter to.~ :i.i:mci:;, , 'AD levt.11 of the. U:S., clergy uo..ve for the aC.demlc :ammuntty to By EVELYN Sf(ERWOOD lonesome,"· she explained, "I like to . me t.··10 when ·I ·would , llke;"-ahe allobeen 'lnflltrat.eclb,Yt!>e~0 ef?emY up its own boUle flrlt when tt · °'""Dml"'""'tatt aceompanythePr~twhenhetrav'19 •addt¢·1 , .. · • ~ ·•·a basic Rr•tea ~ard conquering to~""involvtq:lbJdentS.ortacul Chic and prilJl In the publk: sunlight, but n ilo't always P9"1ble." . Lti<e _, mother hOWever 'ibe' kee the nation · tllrougll cootrtved collapoe but'.promtses bac~p aCtioo. ·' Amer'·ca's Firit T .. .1 .. in the dim, cool "My activities 'are tcbeduled · In-. · ·-· ,,-.N" r:; ----• ,... · ~-' ~ <f-morallty, he 1ilJJo.clmges. --.. ' Oiie piiOOPleo:to <be·~ ..11e.W4. • ...., Washington so: they doo1 always permll I trac~ 'If bet Cbll~ 1 ~v!Ues. · "One o( the basic · ac:tMties ol the Jg that co11,.e. aDd unJveniUeJ arli dining TOOm ol a cherllhtd cal• Is just ' · • "Julie 1and D4vid are. In Floriila," ¢ominwilsjl i1·thelr ,Pf9n10!ion ol com· " .. (lee NIX~ r.. ~ . , ' one ol'tlle 'gfrls, 'with a margarita In , slie 'llld •with a lifht',laugll, a8dJnc .....,,,...education In .-all IChool · her .h,&nd Cai\d "bome l.W1ffllpily on·htr H• h Co G• µtat Mr }'oung ~bi-'J,lw 1tnia:·w1\h &radei;" uttwrote. ~ · ·' "No decbion ,,.will 'be made on the are ,advanced which, I am llOr'I')' to mind. ig . / url Ives , !he •lllljt grp.p ... i :E.Ji.r w .. k·merrr· · "Aa· u111a1, noble ·1(14 dealrable .goa11 Or ....... ···,.· ._. ·,· -. ·.·«: .. ·.-.. ~ .. J Laguoa 'Castle'.''· aak1 tJte person Jong.:-;-r ,~· ...... •.:...; ' • '. niUen evf/fy }'eAr.'' 'say, mve fvd) draWn'the .national chUd Blood, y Weekend • .,~"to wuma1e1y ae1mn1ne the '-'unVl't ~· .. :t1.Ccess ·" 'atlaYt.uitl:RNi>ON"·: .; 1... 11NjaredlVilliln'Ol''tho.AblerlcanLe&I•• rum6ri!d ~ ·or Pyne CuUe is • · · ·IMo ~ 11' 1 •1-~ / • ! : · ..... · ~: • " • • suinnier White Holise. ' . rn s ' t ' Fil . ;.:o1.r~ ~~ ~ ·=ai b7 Vt\ .Aid 't.aChers and embmuaed ........ -~· { 1 »acl-~, Up Six Evidently, the couple WM court.ed ' Oil .l O· ta. e s es . plua Umt Meslcan beer, the Pr.'!114'111 ~ .... 'permitting Communllt ... I •-" l.t. ·~ . · ' , ·once..cludeclO..no•.~.~scon-waa a~t lo Wici up~-; !i/ncliean aptred oiz·~catlpn of chll~ through How long~ It lle<n~slncew ._I · .... ~ • I 'sider La'gnha'a~"t,;~~ to ·f\sit but WASHINGTON (lP) _The Supreme where ·he had lmpoeed ;-.. ;or'ltorium' uee 'fl~m.~rial provided by tbe ·Sex ·a ~ce, warin s..ia -.\DI~? ,,,ra'f'f1Jc De' a~ might not chooae Iii u.,,·tfiere. Couri today •ave ~onvicts trying. to win on ony retl newa. ~Uon al¥I Education Collncll o( Well there'•' -· .. the . way, •• • • , •I , " "'We liY• ,r~mm•'a.~ .ud have • '"· _,._ 'tbe' United States (S!ECUS), which 'he. tle•a'.;.; · .[. ~.;;; . ..,_.,-" ~, 11 , • spe11i 'many~. ·aspeetally 1n the their freedom 1lnllt!d -to pro. of ';:n:.."."I.!~ ~wcr..::_':_.l>==~ 'aald, bad "spread Its tentad .. Into jolt ..... ,... ---, -""'~I 'l'our -· were killed SimdaY,n!Cl<I -·-'-bMch wtlidlll!.and ocean secuiMa' files.-, ,... .aboul ~ 1tate In .the union." ' • abo!lt. m!-.P a..lll.~.1·•·~· ~~·-.. ~ . --. and ·llnen with boero'Jacket and c:rilp, • ••-, J 1.L .~-· -• ~ and two others early s.-••Y nulnllng wa1<11i14" tllo llld over ,the 'hmcheon Prl!onera planning appew do not have 'bow•lle Ill ldentlcal llllterlal,· wu 'rady "~ly SlECUS l~ not' ......,.. • IN . .,~· TOD•·'"' - fn ·ooe of the~weekends on din ·' 1 ". anabsoluterigbtt.owbattbe_proeecutort tobttomepublic~· · 1 : ·iD · ~1'! Utt uiCI "ll.Dce tt1 17...... nt• ' Qr0nce ~ • iibitJI( Four· ,\' morlachl ii!od pla...S Jlle.W -ic know about tbelr C-, 111el court .,... , The:cblcly 1llorl>lllrt wu ol matd>lq ,ire...,.., i.'.adore· ~bin,' H . ~«! · : A pair •I "f°""1r -~·!)lap ',<illltraw';"J_~,";.~' Uiat<1n ·ciUlt't •lllM la tbe soul cludedStof , .pl91d 'ploall,:-.lfrf. !l!Joo ..rtled <Jommflollt,·laedijorolthePol'DOCl''l!hlc stagtd witMn ~dill- • •~aboutlri •, p.m • .._. •• were: J·•ce '; "'.'fii .. i~, ..... ~Ir~.':'!:--~-' However .:..i Jmtlce Abe! Fortu Jar a matchlnc boa with broWn •-·w :m...,...., '6uololJ,' " \lit .! .. 1 ~i I .0/ ~h 011/'T 0. co.ia·•'!'." !"" .....,, __, . ..,. . ......, ,... ~·~·=-' ,diltrlcl ,Court Judie rtov" !or: the m1at1or. !our'and 1UOcbeon. "'SIECUS -. Dr. !.-KIT-.. rtlM>oiif ~ :lltr N~ w..i, llj Wllllam r. !Awe, u . John .. po1e-1~.,..,_....,t1nftllnl~ ~~~~-·~·~<Clll<habeu-. "V!Y.1~.\dOl>O."udalmedPraldent and .otller .ollJclals a!IC> are J:oopect"!f I ·mfilt:l'llO•Jf. •. r • 1lil c ... 11 Tra!Hc 1• tile WlllilDCtoo -oorpa. deeldes there ii a need to sift lhO" ''liltdll,>i!lo ·i..H110,,.11t1dy , vblllit;lhe· :~jth,;l!,o.OlOo'·' '• . · , , ... • j ;-,. --; 4$ Dudl Tell l • CAMI dftEN facts relevant to tbe ~~be DlA1 obtain ti~ tnd com~mented .cbe6C&rroll "eommtinlit .~'v'~ ·~\ .. .rpi. ~ ~ .'' . .i ~-!~~ I L ~· 11 and "·· Prock 5 all "11'• came a. the beach often when thil Information. i Looadon !"' tbe ~ne.. . . . . -.· ·.' . ~;tJ!o;Z·~ 'tf~1:lf~h_I! 1 -··"'" •.. ,,;;rn_. · :t • rlUl.;a, \;&l'ey ' I we .... w•U.C/'1 ~ Nb:on aald The ... tulln lh\tbl9U IUCh lnform1Ui:ih ' .·-Gl~·· .. WW•n5tc"iinft0\·w'tkh ·Plii*"~~ DWI : ...... ,, t l\'Mt........ ,, el Pomona. almOlt wlltfull a ntmr private aorl as the rel~t)' of wi~ teltifylag bad mqbUf t.rtnlformtd an earlllr of moral star!dlrdl·" For:_. thlt reuon :;::: ..._.. ~ = -:= tnjurf:d ,,Jn tht same .~oft•!~~~ of woman na/'e«nmltted 11aln to a fGr lbe proseciitioh ProiteMon ha,. ...,..,,1ifn.·Mxon pj·eo her_. .be sa~,.the had·"long •90.fnflltntid '1""11 ,,, ,. ... 1,.,..... "''' took place at µie lnter-uon ~ ' •• ~ J:1 ~ <... ~ the ,..__ ~ 1 w. ~-ol the ......,,_ ,.,...._._ -· ,.,, -,a Drl and linpertal Highway were Vfr'/ public life. bee~ ~luctant ·Jo let.I.,.,. -·· U1R 1 or ......... .....,..... out · or a ..,.. WK: , ..-nu.i,. ~ 'lf'I c..• ,. ,........ ... ~~ •• wife Carol 27 and daughter She~ lltUe time as the naUon's prltoners have claimed Jf needM .d1Yltl 'antaet1manfo!Jt'o. . ·'faiths and therf: ~.now communl~ ·~ ~1 ~::::-...;;... •i: T~.t. ney~~ ...,,.........,_ 1.m·~.s!)<_t.J>t:•l11!lll•~1 111~~. . ion\etlmes to sustain 1 babels corpus .' No lotlger Juot ... ,,, the gJrla, lbe 1nclerlcllgarb1talll<ytlaolrellsJon,' ·-r· •· , ·--... , tiw.__~?/l'.'; ·:t~·~ · ii«f)':«,~, api.aL 1wu1!ackoolbejol>. • 1 , . (S..UIT,hpl) . ... , •• ~ •• ~4 • • .. w .J.'i!~1 -. >~ • -,., ... ~ • • ... ,. 'I .. ·~· I I ' • .• 1 'j \ __ ,"" ~I I . ' 0 • , •..•••• , .... t ')·•'•' ··•·• ,1:1 f "''r;• " ~' •I I . "' I~\ . , f 1 • • I I I 11 I I I I BUSINESS AHO PLEASURE -Although hi.I week· end vmt lo Ille Orange CoeJt had a f..Uve air about It, President Nixon allo &pent time eonfer- ring wtlh top aides on the Vietnam. War. Ready lo board Air Fon:e One for return lllg)lt lo Waahlng- ton are (lnim left) Nixon, Secretuy of State Wll- .liam P. Rog en, U.S. Amb&ssador to South v.- Ellsworlh llullker, f<J!1Der U.S. Deputy MlliWy Commander in VieQwll Gen. Andrew J. G<>o\lpu- ter and national security advlaor Henry Kissin&er. •viva El Presidenie' . Nixon Gets Bell-ringing W el.come in Caputrano lkadlinm on newwaetl akmg the sleepy .u.et piuclaimed a major war council, bot Camino ~ and omp lllglnray formed the ... --SaWnlay cl a world ,,,_ nr -though ugly -was still a distam thing. Richard Milhous Nixon , 37th President <i the Uoited Slates, had returned to his native Southern Califmtia, to rest. relax and enjoy its tl"&ditimal Spenish ..W food, but be enjoy<d Htlle ..Utude. Only the .... proUdlDg blm bad absioWtelr no peace· this weekend. A crowd much larger than San Juan Capistrano's 3,000-plus re9denb jamm<d around the entrance to this mission foonded by Father Junipero Semi, to see their President. a-to touch him. ''Viva El Presideote, '' read a storefront banner. '1'ommy lhook. bands with him. tt safd.., • thrilled moa.r. Ooe n>q, Irllh-Jootl:ot rui. stood mul- ing will! a wrinkled Lalin .wr beside her in a dark portal, as the Quate:r chief executive and his first Jady taJrtd the IUIHfr<ocbed, -grown fll'OllDd$ d -Saa Juu CapillrlW. White -flappod tlrougb lhe cJood. spWbed blue sty above and ooe llgbted GJ. tbe bead -and one on the band Narco Roundup Reveals Buildup For Easter Week A roundup o( 20 suapected narcotics c(fenden by lhmtingtoa B .. di oollce this weekend was alleged by officers to be. involved ill • buildup or marijuana aupplles for UM! e:spect.ed Euter vacaUoo. flood " tema&tn. Police uid the largm. single nid 1nvol ved geven persons at a party at 310 Orange St. Other UTUtl were made fndMdua!Jy u the ruult d car searcbea, pollce said About l300 w<rth of suspect<d mari- ju~ a pound and one-ball d the lllegol -. .... taken during the .,,..i. . "Enough marijuana was recovered to mate about n joints, .. sald Detective Carl VJdaoo. "We found a lot of cue1 where they wert cuttlng (adding oregano and clove leaves) and bagging the marijuana," said Vldano. .. Apparently the pusbtn are prtparlng for heavy marijuana sales during Eaater v acaUoo," e:1plained Vldanoi .. Twenty arrests ii a high amount for a weekmd, but we had the same troblem last year at this time." I DAllY PILOT ....,.. ..... "'., ...... --_,.., --CAI .... OV.lfGI COMl ruM.lltl.... COM1"4fll1' 1.1-f M. Wff4 ---J.n l. c ... 1"' ¥1U ,, .......... °"""-' ......_ n.... kMvif -1li·~~i11• P•.t NIM-.i ----c. .. -..:ne....,..,...,... ._., 11Mo1:111 m1 .,., ..... ...,.,_ .......,.._,.~m,...,.,.,_ ..... ....,., . -.... -cl a -cl SI. J...pi In the -~ .. the oddly..ut-cl-placo ...-surg«I. 'll>e Pr-mg the brwy -bells. Contrasting the windy. drizzly """"" day of 5fri.ng on 111·bicb the President arrived. Saturday was the kind of morn- ing that must have made the early seUlen -to sellle. A motorcade carrying the Nixcm had rolled up to the -ga<m, where James Frandl Cardinal M c I n t y r ~ , ArchbJsbop of Lm Angeles, waited along with other prieata am pioneer residents while the bells clanged. 'lbe mood was one of caRJa1 pagwitry, u town&people aod tourista followed President and Mtl. Nison hXo the courtyard, l5bephenled by the Sttret -and Oraoc• Caunty -ill'• d<pulia. n.e tinny, vUnnt music a the Alariachil!i San Juan band followed, as the presideotial party mov<d through the crowd, in which aome individuals again wore costumes from la.It Wed- -y'a ammaJ cele!ntioo d the return "the .... anow.. Eariier. the Pmideot'1 - -lllmlgb ........ 1a1< al Camp ' P-. odi-nt to the H. B. C.U.. --·tbe-~ml be -fnlormlllY widl )'<111111 Mm-who W<tt IUeD by surprloe. Uoually, the -.Ja.dild vili1a the fnp brass. Mr. Nizoo told Sgt. Samuel G. Nichol, ol Jackson, Mi!:!., a NOgro ~ mu, lha1 be hoped be could aome day operate a road-grader in peacdjme during a break w h I I e ffliCbol repaired a flood. rava.&ed rood. The day befcn, the Presidemt told a Navy Seabee blUalion at Point Mugu that be hoped -and pledged his Administration's nspoosibillty . -to reach an bcnorabte conclusion to the war in Vietnam and to keep their sens home from any future wars. One baa the time -walting around fl>' the Praideal -to notice liUle thinp like tbe sign palat<d Cll the adobe •'&ll: "Jewel of the Ml'*'4;'' as well as the tmy decal in the ci:rner of an alcove wfndow: Protectod by On:o Burllar Alarms. Somehow, inside the old adobe, you ""' feel -.. apedaJ ..., _.ate ml .....,. -and ii luta to ...u.e tbe lad -...-q, -. ii ia ~--• Fro111 P,,.e J NIXON IN CLEMENTE. •• places fn whidl men are judged by achievement and muit in their own specific areu of knowledgt: and mnduct. "The Independence and competence of the faculty, tbe <0!1lmllment and equolty the competence ol the student body, •r:e m.1tters aot to be compromised,'' Nu.on said. SECOND PRINCIPLE The second and only other principle to be COlllideftd, be continued, is that violence or the threat of 1t mwt nevtr be pttmi.Ued to influeoce the actions or judgment ol the acadtmk: community. "The federal govmunent cannot, should not -must not -enforce 5UCh principles. That is fundamentally the task and responsibility of the univus.ily community," be Wd. He added, IOCiety need not fear for contirwed application of lhese two educa· UonaL.principles, but every man must dread damage to what he te:rmed the large.st, freest educational system in history . Nixon then spelled out a prescription for sickness in that particular society, qualifying his statement witb a long-tum program for its eventual cure. PRIMARY INSTRUMENT "From Ume immemorial, eipUlsion has been the primary l.nstrwnenl of !Wversity dtsclpllne," be 11kl. ''Thole who would not abide by the rules of the community cl l<arnlng bave 1i.m.ply been required to ltave it, for any other form of coercion would CIUM that community to change itl fundamental nature," be expla.ined. He noted al9o that the last Congreu enacted la"' stripping federal aid and a.Wstance from students convicted by coun. of criminally disrupting the <duca- Uoool system. ''The new regulations: m modtrale and they are justified," he said. "Gi"" the present tactics of dlsrup. t!oo. -.. convicted may fairly be asumed to have been assaulting the JM'OC.'eSl'I ol. free lnqulry which are the very life of Jeamtna:,11 NiloD added. PROTECT rl'SELF "Any ooci<ty that wilt not pM«I' tt- ..if against such aasault exhlblu pre- cious llUle respect for tnte!led, com-Plrtd to which the iuue: of public ontu la: vf!f:Y near to (de mlnlmis,)" he a id. • .,,,. dlfflCUity " this "'""''""' u " ----prlndples are diallmg<d, Is that many cl - pooin( tbe dial'--and ••"' more cl -supportioe them. are rupoodln1 to Vf!rJ baaic problems." n..a..ntng the twin principles cl -demlc freedom wblle lgnorinr the llluts fcremoot 1n the milldl " stucl<m. JIOllnc 1 thrut to them, however, 11 not the total answer, be admitted. 5LOTllFUL, DISHONEST "It It I ... than JncloriOUI: it Is 1!oth[uJ and diabonett., an aUront to those prtn- d~ in the end Mlle." ~udenu today point to many """'" which "'"" be r1Jhted. Nixon sald1 """" luJnc on to u p!aln them fn three orotd ' 'Visitor' Liked Painting, Gets It Artiats must wort -the spirit and llpt are beet, npr<tlta cl the com1np and goinga cl imporlallt men, and I Joana: bouJtwife WU doina IO Satunfay. Suddenlf, PraldMt Nixon WU .. ~ dllq om the -1" Mn. Jean Cu1111, Si, u lhe recreated the C»OI corrtdon ol Million San Juao Caplltrano on canvas. ? Pleased at hil compliment., Mrs. Caroll offtr<d the l>ainlfnl u a menento of t.ht occasion and the Pmldetrt ac- ctpt<d the graclc>ul flllfl. Mrs. Caroll, motbtt of four cblldrtn, said she will frame the pafnU.,. when the oU dries and mall tt to tbl Nllooo 1t lbe While House. r- / U~S. Opens New Drive , Sirhan in Self -induced Trance During Shooting?i. Body of Anaheim Youth Discovered ' In Ukiah'. River ,,.... r .. e J CRASHES •.. LOS ANG~ (UPI) - A defense psychiatrist tellifieri today that Sirhan B. Sirhan was in a sell-induced "b~Uc trance• when bO fatally shot Sen. Robert F. Kem>edy. Or. Bunard Diamond, professor cf psyc:hlatry, criminology and law at the Unlvenity cl Calilomia in Berteley, told the manler trtaJ jury that he placod Sirhan in a bypnoUc state on a number d ocwlooa and that other times Skban hypnotized himsell. The. !>year-old Arab had testified that be had no memory of writing in two notebooks intrcdue«I. as evidence in the trial in whlcb bf:. repeated over and cver again that Kennedy must die. Diamond said that fn tbe hypnotic trance Sirhan could remember having done so while sitting at a table before a mirror with a candle in front of him. Diamond said that in that slate Sirhan again wrote such notes in his jail c:elL ''Tbese notes were written during •a sell-induced hypnotic trance similar to the state fn wb!ch be conducted the aet cf sbooting lbt: &mator," Diamond said. The psychiatrist said he examined Sirhan on elgbt teparat.e occulonl and sptal a total of 20 to 25 boura with him in tb£ tt1L . He sUd be WU of the opinion that Sidlan WU .... hie to mtanlngfully and maturely reflect cm the gravity of his ad and -to ~nd b1' duty to govern bisadtal>L He sald'Slrban wu a chronic paranoid ~ witb a major poycholia and fn " blghly abnormal dissociated Fre• Pqe J sta te when he shot Kennedy. A tape recordihg of Sirhan rt-enactin& the as,assinatlon under hypoosit may be introduced at the trlal. Anaheim Police Arrest Four in Station Robbery ' - Three men and a girl were arrested . by Tus tin police early this mmifnC ~ following a broadcast descripticn of. · suspeds who earlier held up a lll'Yicl rtatlon attend~t in Anahelm. Anabeim polict said two of the 1111pecta nabbed, David E. Driggers, 19, and Cllf. ford S. Ryono, 21, both of Santa ~ •. - are believed to be the ones who held up Paul Anthony Schmuck, 48, cf SlnUI Ana, attendant at UM! Ten.cc •eoke station at La Palma Avenue and Brookha.rst Street about 2:30 a.m. Schmuck gave police a descripUOQ of • the robber• after lbey escaped with : $85. He said they threatened him with : a tire iron. Driggers, Ryono and two companibns were anuted by Tustin police about . two hours later and turned O\'er to • Anaheim authorities. • . The other two are Frant R. Solia, · 1 20, of Santa Ana and Cheryl Jean Adams, 20, qf Onni;e. All four are held Cll . · suspicion of l(m.ed robbery, . :· ' . Board Candidate · Night Scheduled .. ··.··,.I',·._:· ... ·.,, ••• •.· ,._ ';•······'·,·.· .. Q OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA "' AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE (i} COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized end repaired • diamonds end precious stones remo unted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY HA._ SHOPPIN6 ClllTD noo~aYD. . HUNtlll6TOH CIHTD COSTA MISA 145-Hll lllACH I DINMI HUNTIN•TON lllACH ltZ.1101 . (', ·. '\• \.',··~(:••'".' - • I • .. ' ., ' .. . • • • ! • I . " 1 Do\ILY ptL0T ,..,_,..... 'HUNTINGTON , UN-AME: RICAN' Golden West's Catanzaro Unhappy Easter In Huntington: .. Beach Polluted . Vacationing ~ents coming to Hun- tington's beaat... !0< Easter Week lhla year may" have their plans for pleasure f o i 1 e·d ~y . thousands of microscopic bect<tll. ~ceording to Robert ~. d~ector of en~!' health /::r1g tlje County HeaHh ~. prev · · ocean I""· ,.,,._....__., •-u.......,._ ~~':."' lftiJ .-p. f~-· Stat~B~g:ci ·~•t< ~ind dtiiid> uar • , ~the~ .itv itJe~' \. I ~ • • f'"". Ttie pal!ulion b ca.....i by a oewage line rµphire during reCent floods in Riverside. Samples of bacteriological conttnt ,are examined by t h e health depi?tment aloog eight mea&Uring sla-, t.ions daily. Bacterla have kept the lwl>mile state beach closed for water cootact # for several weeks. Use -of the beach area for sunbathing and picnicking ii: sUll allowed. Huntington City Beech bas been spored so far bJ the pathogenic bacteria because the prevailing current direcUon has kept the refuse moving southward. "It is possible that the city beach could.also be quarantined since the cur- rent swella generally change direction about this time or the year," said Stone. He added that current dµ'ection c~ge has already been detected in 80rlle in- stances, which "could cause a worsenJng of the situation." According to Stone, Riverside has done everything that could humanly be dooe to a~ellorate the problem, having (See POUtrnON, Page Z) • Today's -~ . . . ' .... , N.¥•s.eu. . . - ORANGE , COUNTY, 1CAUFORNIA . . ' ' . . ... MONDAY; MARCH 24, :1969 JEN CENTS . . •• 11 .. ' I• ' 'Precocious Dropout' '. , · G.WC lnstrf!-C_to-F ·Hit,s '.t~k -t>f Participation' at Congress Conll'fli for Caminllftlty Pfocna. 8-h II ~ bee-JI hos. the Catanzaro, 1 lOOthful' U<I Oomboyll!l wealth, blllllQ poteoUal 'Ind' Jl!Oli!nlty speaker, ratUe<t ·the auaience J 0 ' to• tfei\ ~ iM et!Ucatlonil"cinter (\All "'*'!,.) lo ~e gigantic strides. More 1torit1 °" Huntingtbn ·Btoch't . It it ·f.~~ bec.11111 it• ''fills c ... ,.tmltv 'Congrosa' .... ~ be ' / .. nd ~~ ... aeveral crlUcal cuinnt toda" on P""'e 3. <RVvw f • -· "HuiiCtii>t<ii lleOclo la '4oinc Ila Job awareness with a crttJque that hardly In a ~ .. ·fabion.'' be said. "It left any segment of the city 's educational · is no tonier vi.able. it b: not >forward,, and cultural programs unscathed. ' ~t.:-tnllgb~ .not vl!ionary. It· is un· According to Ca~, Huntington AmUicaJL" , . . Before tlie dty can eeme. up wlUt "What we have to realize 11 a.t an adequate aystem using lts tremendoua: mftny · of our people are not of 'thll potentlal, It · m'uit · tuin tO the dlleD-afOuent group Ind' that eduea-II frllllCblsed, to campr<beftllve: atid aclen-· nol to brine people up the ladder ·M tiflc pl.Inning l,J>d to retuni to tbe een-to ettate Institutions which enhancw ielf- trallty of wJW, la .llmMn. <111Mr--Ullo c0ncepts." · -• .- what is. !ll!4\i.I by • ldo411, · ideoloa or 'Ille speaker pointed out that ·-tridttloo; tile ·pror...Gi iotd. · ; tlngton Beoch <tu..ns havt 1llooPI of "We have dr<pped out becl111e our their commlllllty as a' ilPotlt> -Jli.., focus la too ·n.irr.ow. lt's geared to the ptizzle which can be pieeed • t9fetMF 1950 whb collar· Uecutlve, the '6uc-according to a.· P,re-ftt pattern ~1f'b(cb ceSB!ul shlden~' "he chided. (See CONGllE!l8, Pap J). 11( ' ... San C:lenaente Talk Nixon on Coast: ~Freedom Periled' By AattvR II. ·'l'INSEL . . OI ; .... ~tr'P"6t ·~ A three-point jlo1icy declaring war on campus dilOl"der but uralni correction o! basic student trrllints -a guideline for American ' educaton ...... is belng i•tudied today, following ill weekend r e 1 e a a et by President Nlloll in san Clemente. The statmient wu lnitlaDJ tenl to cOllege and university ad~~hitraton by &her! ·H. Finch, -ellry of health tions begin to die,'' he uld. ''The pro c ea s is altogether too familiar to those who woYld lllrV1lY the wreckage of history. Assault and counter· · aisauJt, one extreme leading to the op- posite extreme; the voices of ·reuon and calm discredited... . "None of us has the righl to auppose it cannot happen here,'' be continued. The Presicjent's basic statement on (See ,NIXON; Pore I) £ FuH Photo · Covar.go H • Wtn Of Nixon Visit . Pig•. 13 , Untin,0 """R iJ.iiia~ N~~~i•;"~~~ . ~· Of.' . . of tbil • . '""t'I . ~ ".''"'I': ~'!!·ibe-~~~e. Fir· ·efidi~beif'· ·. ~ ~ . t ·-~· • tiDdi ' ~liliteoi ~ 11111 the ' . . ' . . literal -wlll.llt.~ -ooovictloo. by both oi~ The primary -la Olll!'llht ... lorcuient ol federal lsw& ·pertalnlng to education and the Hcondary point, one 1tressed u Jar m o r e important in tJie preslde11tW mtilnen~ II praerv1- tion of -p<nden~ creau.e higher l<omlng. . '"Freidom -lnlelledui! irlodom - .. in dlJllU in AmericL --phJ!lcal ylolence, Jiij>sl<:U b!tlmldotlon -la Hetrunlfy.M its ...,.to l>ecominc iR 1ccepteCI or II all evilitl ·a· normal ...i · no1 to ht 1v01ded •1-.i in t11e C?am of 0~1 Within ·the lidversib' cdnllnes," .II< nld, · VIOLENCE USED Niaon, said viol~ b belns ~ not only to pollUclu atud<nt bodler, but to pollUclre the educational lnaUtuUon.s · themselves, action which bu .fn the P'!SI Spj!l!ed dlsls\er to , both poliUcs and culture. :•1t Is not too · strong a statement to declare that thia is the way .civiliz.a· ·A· Youni ilecro eoupte'I llOiDe n. f~ebombed Saturday nlPt In H~ B<ach: The wile lliifvwly ffClpod illJQrY. Police in•estlgaton 11114 1 mololo't cocktall loosed from 1 speeding truck charred the gatage doer of the Irv1n llarrll homo about 10 p:m. Damage WU llmHed to the prq. door and asphalt driveway, polloe aald, but the eJ]llosion· bad _.p powtr to oerlously lnjure bystanders. Harris' wile W_u inside the 1ar11e at the Ume, · doipg the Jaundrj. She wlu bot Injured, ' Detective Sgt. Jack JWnl¥>lia lllid tbe lncldent w11 "obvlou!Jy r a • 1· 1117 . motivated. n , . i , I ' A"bout a dozen Negro families live in HunUngton Beach. There have been few racial incidenta ,.ported In the put. Reinholtz sakl Hams wu the victim of a related ineident In Febriiary when unidentified individuals a c r 1 b b I e d oltsptnhiu on his garage door. At that time neighbors helped erase the foul scribblings, and dropped the matter thinking perhaps it wu just coincidence. lnvestigatora ~d the two incidents are now apparenUy linked. A milk bottle, probably loaded with guoline, was UJed for Saturday's bom- blnc, said Helnbolla. Pollet l&ld a witness saw a light colored truck atreall by Horris' home, and that there w:er.e one or two peraou wl~ the truck. . Hmla bas. been a Huntington 'Beach mldent Ice about -yem. He -11'1 I ' medical Jabor1tory In f nearby · city, Ind prevtOUl!y hid one here. Pollco ... conductlnr I full• 1n.· vestJ.a:aUon and hope to aathtr more. lnformotloll '°'"'• said Relnboltl. • ' c\ratL'fPIUT,._.W ... Mll·- JNTEN$E 'AWDIENCE LISTENS .TO 'SPEAKER AT .HUNTINGTON BEACH 'COMMUNl'fY CONGRISS Heus City Detcrlllff 11 'Prococious DrOjlOlll Opuollllf on Dl~o!~• ol .Tr~~l!l0n: . . . . . . . . . , ' . , • : , I ' i i , Place~· .But •. ~: •. . , • I ,,. .. 1:.n..'' ' ••• :iee • ~j. ~ I . . · B~room City Attitude Criticiaied at . Con*ress By TqRY, COVllLE with k In the compeUIJon fer indUJlrlal · °' ~ '?-'" ...... 11... , development. . l!ettr Horton, djrector of pli¢., ior McDonnell Douglas Aslnmlutlca CO., wu ~ !Or the ........, oppo<hm!U.. semlnlr . Ind al'° Wl!I deeply lnvol!td Jn . hls .company'a move to ~ Beach. HIJllllngtcm Beach j, 1 iil<:e· place to With 111 the rapid """"""'"' growth In Southern California, Ind eopeclally live, but. • • Orange County, is Huntington Beach get,.. 'M&at aleepf, bedroom citr.: attitude on ting its fare share? · the part of residents can be qulte damag· Most people Slid no. 1.,g to. !ht . Oconomic oppcirtunlUer of !nd · they blamed stlff city ,... Huntington 1'each arid several cltiuns q 11 i rem e n t a on c om me rcial in Saturaay't (:pmmunilY. Congrea5 had establishments and a lack of. lnterut tbf:lr oWn oPJhiona on how to cute it. from the general populacef ... we.11etd to •atttact imall·and medium Development .of industrial parks, with size bu&lneu here for a 1 tax bUe," street lmprovementl wu given as one sal<l'Ralpb Bautr, in Oceon View Sdiool mi:tliod l<ir ·..UCing small Ind - Dlitrict•)(ruatet. ""And we have to.ftart site cornmerCia!'lnteresta tO the citf. offering them a· reuoh 1for. ·comiRg to It was pointed out that the irn· our city." ' · provementa required by the city (streets Several .opinions expressed Jn the and.. other off-a.Ile improvements) are F.conomic Opportunities porUon. · of _ too expelllive to ·aUr~ any, except ~ay's ,_.., lntllcar.d•·that to VO!Y ,~ge Interest. such u McDonnell date HunlJnaton Beach· just im't getting llougl8'. * * * * * * Educator Calls for Law ,. By Consent ·of Peopl~ . . . . , Trying ·t. .. soJve the· vexing problems of today'ir .raPt.i.pa~ !Oclety . is jUJt u dilficult1 .. ' Jelming overnight how lo Hve underwater, Dr .. Ivan Hinderaker told I P.'f'P of lliloUngton Beech Com· murilty 1eldlrs ·s1W!diy. The University olCaJJfornia, Riverside, c~Jtof 'made this. remark when be /•. ' ' . deHvered • lhe 'keynote · ltldrtu · at Iha cit)''i> iecond ·armual' Conartsl for Com- munity Progreu at Golden .west COU.ge. Dr. Hind~aker rcmlnded ·tbe audience of 275 that. thougJl the tuk· of . 11>l•lng these ProblfD'll appean lnSurtn9lllllable, there are .sev.er1l 11teps 1 a .CQnµnunity (See HINDERAKER, Pqe I) • He oplained two f~9ra. involved In a large company'•-•arch for a 111~ First pbyalcal factors (land, cottl, etc.), and then what he calledi peoplMel.itd factors (bouslng, lchools, facillU,., etc:) Horton pointed out thal even thou!lli his plant employs 8,000 people, ooly l,llllO li.ve In Huntingt.on Beacbl . '.'The peopl•related factcn in ~ lingtoo Beach are someWhlt poor," .aid · Horton, "al)d we haven't really deve~pt( a good labor pool hero , ... l ..,..,uer ""'!'• merclal .lpt,rest$ to dra.'if fr:om. '· . , , Horton also noted that in Huntinf'on (See ECONOMICS, Pap I) r Huntington . Tr~"tee11 ' To Meet at McGaugh Tru.!tees of RunUnpn Beoch . U(llon High School Dlstrlcl will meet 11 7:ll0 p.m. Tuesday at the .J.H. McG1ugli Intermediate School library. Ba 7 Boulevard and Bolsa Aveng,1.Seal Beach, tot a regular bualness meeting. .. ' NEW YORK (AP) -The stock m11rket ' , cl~ loWer' tod8y •. Tiadhig ' nttr' the finish was reli.tlvely ' slow. (See quota-. . . lions, Pages 1'4-15). , · • • . t Consulting Administrator ·Oru11e · Broderick Heads llospital· , ' " Weadter lfow lc>PI'• It been alnce 1"• had1: a nice, warm Sanla Ala wind! Well, there11 one ·on the ' wa;, elevating the men:ury to 711 Jieloe. aboula and up to ii further inlllld. IN'IWE TOPA.Y ' .... y~~,... PAT AND DICK WAVE GOODIYE l'Ri:!M PLANl!i IUllllP ' A S.ntlment1l .lournoy ind A ~ .., vi.tiuim • • I I ' , I I % Dollt.V PILOT R ....... P ... J NIXON ••• Ille hol -"' -tmmoll ealJs lot Ille acMlemlc community to clela up it1 own boUse flnt wbto h comes •••ta·~---·--· bal _... llldolP ....... One prlnc:IJ>le to be -· be said,. b thal coll•&" and unlvtnllla aro places In whk:b men are judgfJd by aclllevement and meril in thelr owo specillc mu of knowledge and conduct. "The Independence and compeleoce or the faculty, the commitment and equally the competence ot the student body. are matters not to be compromised," NiJon said. SECOND PRINCIPLB The second and ooly -princlpl• to be considered, be continutd, b 11>11 violence or the threat of lt must never be permitted to influence the aeUoos or judgment or the academic community. '"The federal penunail CWlOl, should oot -must not -enlol<e web principles. 'nlat \J f\lndlmentall1 ':he laJk aod responsibility ol lbe unlvtn1ty community.'' be Wd. H• added, IOClety -not fear for coaUnued application ol these two educ> Uonal princlpla:, but IVft'J' man must dread damlp; to 'Whit be &ermed the lar&eat. fr<eSI educational S)'ll<m In history. N-then opeJled out a prucrlpUoo for 11-d In thal particular IOClely, quaUfy!n( bis mlemenl wllh a lollg-tum program for its eventual curt. PRIMARY INS'IBUMENT . "From Ume immemorta:I, e1puls1on has been the primary instrument of univeraity discipline,"' be said. •'Thole who would DOI abide by Ille rules of tbe commmdtf ci lumlnl have simply been nqulnd to 1eaft 11, for lllY olhtr form ol -would Cllllt that ctrl\munlty to cbanp tta flmdamental nature, .. bl upl&lned. He -alto that tbe Jut Caop9I enacted laW> llrlpptn& ledml ald and -lnJm ltudenll COD'flcted bJ courtl ol crlmlntDY ~ tbe edllCl- tional jyltem. 1 •-r1M1 new ftll!latianl are rnodera(e and tbey ... jiiolllled." be said. - ''Glven tbe -1 lldl<I ol dlanlP-tio!I, ..,..,. 00 convicted may lalrly be assumed to haw been UllulUn( tbe pm: IF!I of~1~!...~~~ tbt very life of _.,....,., Jl'6UU ~ PR~l'llELP "Any llOdtt)' that will not pr.t.d It- self aaalnll IUCh .... ult exhlblla pre- cious little respect for intelled. com- pared to wblcb the tlaut o1 oWillc otde< is wry neor to (de mlnlmll.)" be uld. '"Ille clJlflculty ol thll -. u of moot ta---.i arloclPles are cballenpl, ti 11>11 DllllY • o1 tliaoe posing tbe cball-and .... mar< ol tbose ... -tbem, .,. respoodlDg to bUiC problell11 " .. ~g tbe twin prlnclplel o1 ·-demic freedom while ignoring the issues foremost in me minds of r\Udenta posing a threat to them. however, ii Id ~ total answer, he admitted. --sumu:m. . .!a1~-·" "It is less than lnglor\Gul: It m ~uw and clisboneSI. an illront to those prtJ>. clpl.......00 In Ille end futile." Students todly point to maoy wronp which mual be rllhled. N-Aid, c:on- tulng on to uplafn them ln three broad sta-without mtnlloolni lj)O- ciflcs: "We have seen a depenona]izltion of the educaUooal uperlenc<. OUr !nstltu· tklltl must ""11pe themlelves, !tit tbis turns to tota1 alienation " "Student unrest does not mt ln I VIC• uum, but reflects a deep and IJ'O"ln&: oodal unnst affectln( much ol OW" world today. Sell-rtpteoul lndlcatloa by oocl· ety wUI 10lve none of th1a. We must resolve the tnterna1 CGlltradk:tlom of our: communiUes.'' UNIVERSITY REFORM "There must be untvenlty rtform including new uperlmtnl'.ltion In cur- ricula. such u ethnic atudlel. student involvement in the deciaton-mak:ln1 pro- cess and a new emphuis on facullJ. teaching." Nixon said he has ord~ Finch, as lIEW director, to explore ntw methods of accompllshinl these needs and eas· ing tensklns in the educational commu- nity. He Aid his -lstnllon w!D alwl)'I be open (o constructive auuesttons. "But the forces ol separaUoo and non- reuoo must be replaced by vllOl'O'lJ, penuasive and lawful efforts for ~ structlve chanp, '1 hll p>licy ltattment concluded. 11/\ll\ 1'11111 ........ COM1 "'*l.llH,,.. <C:IUM't leMrt H 'WM4 ..,. ........... hlllWlw J•t• •· c.,i., .,.. ..................... ...... n."''' ... .,n -n..:::.:;. M.:e1,., Alt.,rt w. ..... 'Wllll•lll "'" A...a.tt ~~ ..,. Cl,,. •flfW II_..,,,. 1' O"'- lot It• Stnet Md"I A,U,..., P.O. '-"' tJMI --__ .... , .. , ..... _ ........ a.-.: ... ,..,, tlfMf .... ~ ....... ... 11,Tl'ILOT ........ -~ Project Delaued Valley ·stymied - • -4 • T On Larwin Tract -Militant opponent.a ol lhe pr-td !Ollland developmen~ home Larwin'Tract 1n Fountain Valley Jamu E. Erickson, a S1nta Ai\• •t- are raUylng forces today to contlnDO torney represeiillnc the Lanrin COm- ll>e IJ&bl wqkh .&tined them at le1JI pany, refuted Capplul'• clalml polnUns a dtlay Friday ID. construclloo ol lhe to city ordlnancu and· 1111e law• to 1maJl.lot bouoes. show that tbe Lanrln Company hid ,.More than ioo reatdents crammed Ctty procteded In a campletaly lept manner. Hall Friday as councilmen heard four Parker ruled a1Jo that J'riday'1 bearin« and one-half hours of te11timony. then wu to be conducted OP acUon taken reached a Z·Z deadlock on· an appeal by the Planning C.Om.mil&ion, and IOlllng to reverse plannina commission CJpproval aeUont taken earlltr by the oouncLI were 9f the LarwiD development. not relevant to the matter. The' Ue vote means Larwin developers BASIC OPPOSinON cannot move until the City Council takes Realdenta who live near the propoHd either affirmative or negative action on Larwln Tract pointed out IDOl'tl basic the appeal The special hearing was opposition. Some of tbe.ir commenta: 1111 BUSINESS ,v!D PLEASURE -Although his week· end visit to the Orange Coast bad a festive air about it, President Niion a)so 1pent time confer- ring with top aides on the Vietnam War. Ready to board Air Force One for return flight to Wa•hlng- ton are (Iron\ left) Niion, Secretary of state Wil· liam P. Rogers, U.S. Amba .. ador to South Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker, former U.S. Deputy Military Commander In Vietnam Gen. Andrew J. Goodpas. ter and national securlty advisor Henry Kisisinger. continllj!d until the council's April 1 as foUowa : regular meetln& during Friday's aession. "I'm worried about havin&' to PIY but after the meeling, city olflclalJ decld· lor the i<lds In the Lanrln .Tract. I ed to hold the hearing at 1 p.m. this Httled here becau.se of the city's at~ Tuesday night. mosphert of low denllty bou&lnJ." BEGIN AGAIN "I'm tired of bumping my note on U councilmen uphold the 1ppeal, the a block wall j111t outside the back door." Coast Bids Nixon Farewel] Larwin Company mufi begin all over "People bought here for 7 ,7m square again and submit new tract maps for feet. Your planning now i1 pretty poor.,. approval of planners. If the appcaJ is "I worry about the educaUonal qual!ty denied , the Larwin Tract will proceed of our schoola with high density housina:.'' as scheduled. "The issue is not legal, I'm 1lmp1y build worried about the quality and ability, 350 at El Toro See President Off After Visit Larwin Company propo13es •to of this council to rt--nt the people.'' 500 homes on property located between ". -~ Talbert and Ellis Avenues and Newland ''The Edison Right of Way fi,urtd J11 IUCllAllD P. NALL Of .. Deir ptlllf .... Tbe pratdeotlal seal on Air Fottt One seemed sldly symboJlc ol the qonles ol tbe praldency Sunday 11 Richard Nlml, htl wile and aides boanl- ed tbe hlf"'!et at El Toro Marine Cor]Jll Air Stallcn. The lier<>e eogle that symho- ~ clutched its olive branch ot. peace in one talon and the arrows of war In the otber. This balance ol peace and power, the Vietnam war, had been -by tbe Prealdtlll and htl aides lhortly before a helicopter wb.W:ed Nixon and hiJ en- toorage to the Marine but. Delore hoarding Air Force One to ...turn to Wuhlngton late Sunday, the President met with Ellsworth Bunker. U.S. ambassador to Saigon, and Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster, former deputy commander ol U.S. lon:es In Vietnam and newly ~llDed _...ier ol Ille North Allanllc Truty Orcanizatloo for<ea. Their ---lor three houri Sunday, tbeo rawned on tbe fll(bt back to Wilhlngtoo. A ttOWd ol aboot llO penonl WU on hand at El Toro to apptlud. -. bid farewell. It wu Nixon's first visit to the county of htl birth since the piutdentlal lnauguratloa. There was 1 special treat for 5-year-old Timotloy Flores ol Wilmington aa tbe Prelident and first lady veered toward the amJUn1 crowd. 'Ille boy wu thrust by b~ father over the crowd toward the PreaJdent. Mr11. Nixon touched her buaband's • shoulder. He turned back smiling and shook the youngster's small band. Timothy beamed. and saluted. The President in a blue-gray suit look· ed tanned and relaxed after his San Clemente weekend. Mrs. NiXoo was wearing a green and yellow plaid suit. Asked if Nixon had purchased any real estate Jn Orange County, a press aide told a reporter with a grin: "l think he's taking a look at the Queen Mary." The joke alluded to press and public speculation that Nixon might buy property ror a home and library in the area. After about a 10-minute handshaking round, the Pres.ident and Mrs. Nixon hurried up the ramp, waved and left on the shrieking thrust of four big jet engines. and Magnolia Streets. The tract comes in the tract 11 a developed park is under the city's 7,200 square feet per usable only as a green belt. It'& pro- lot planned development; ordinance. bably the biggest dog-run in the atlte. Oppone:nts, pointing to rome-of the ''This tract ii not new and unique.'' 5,000 square-foot lots proposed in the "Even rats become neurotic when tract, claim it will be crowded, increase overcrowded. I came here for brui:hlng the tax burden, and destroy the original space and elbow room, and I don't large-lot coocept of the city lor wblch want to support the Larwln Tract with they moved to Fountain Valley. my tax money." When the final vote was tallied -Mayor Robert SchwerdUeger opened correctly _ councilmen John Harper. Friday's session, told the packed au· and Edward Ju.st favored stoppln& the dience he had personal interest in the Larwin development while Freeeau and development, handed the gavel to Vice. councilman Joseph Courreges wue lD -Mayor Donald Fregeau and spent the favor of the tract. rest of the night sitting 1n the audience with his wife. HEAVY APPLAUSE Heavy applause broke out, when at 12:30 a.m. the council finally voted and the tote board showed a surprise "yes" by Fregeau's name and it appeared the protest.ors had won 3-1. * * * Councilmen Give From P .. e I Frona Page l But before the clapping could echo from the walls Fregeau yelled , "No! I made an error and mlatakenly pushed the wrong button. My vote is no!" Reasons for Votes on Tract COMMUNITY CONGRESS. •• ECONOMICS. • • The boos that greeted Fregeau's 11.ate· Once the vote was taken Frlday nlsht unfortunately remains static once It ls completed. "We must .rtcognlu that thO&e jipaw puWes can DeTl!I' bt put together, that we have to take certain risb," he added. H• adloaated ·, cultural and educational · sy&tem which is developed accordlnt to a strategically played game like chess, one which Is flexible and adaptable. CVLTUltE IMPOSED Undtt the jigsaw system cullurt and education are imposed oo the people by )X'Om1nent citiuns, without taking irio ccndderation broad community, cooperat.ton at the graas TOOU level. "Our block-walled, windowless homes isolate one another," he conUnued. "We muM. break down these concrete bmiers, reall!e that we are alienlted and work .. toetther 11 a ramUy." Oatamaro ~ thal the lint Sep toward progress muat come from the outside, that the city must hlre a team ol lndef>endent r-.rehenl to ltudy the city and find out "who we are." From P .. e I ·HINDERAKER •• can take to make it viable. He stressed the need for a rule of law, based ori bro9d C(lnsent and not just enforced by police. "If we have to have a policeman every JO feet, we can 't have a viable C<>mmunity,'' be said. The educator also caUed on Huntington Beach citizens to provide a community which can adapt to change, one which has the attibldt of the scholar who is always &Stine questions and uamlnin& the altematlves. Hlnder1ker pointed out that WI lJ one of the cardlMJ concepts of 1 living community, saying "the world demands a lot more than cllllem who remain 1tatic." "We must a1so learn how to accomplish things within our poolitical system," the keynoter said, yet al the same time calling for an open :;ociely in which the~ is a free flow of Ideas. "A high deutt: of freedom of speech brines with it • cenaln amount of ferment and IOUl9 of the best Ideas evolve out of disagreement," he commented. "Wei art an unhealthy aociety If we cannol tolerate tba compeUtkm of these Iden." He caD"1 on memben of the so-called "e!Labllabment" to leave it optn for all the e 1 e men t 1 ol the commuolty rtmlndinl tbe (UHls that "tho!e •ho set out to destroy the establlsment are tbose Who feel thal they doo"t haVt aI\Ythlnl to lose ... t1>e chancollor atlo ur(ed HanlinJ!on Beach to aubec:ribe to a 1 y a [ t m of urban coalition. to develop ta 1 t f«-ces whlch would lmmfd{ately f a c e •lhemlel\·et with the problems of employ· .ment. law tftforctmenL, bealth1 welfare, education and recreatlon. Finally, Hinderaker uid, there I• a need lot leadenh!p bNed on pem111lon Instead ol authority. "Good leoderahlp mu.1t 1)'11\bollu the values of the COfns munlty rather than tell lt whit to do," he said. l men1 bad twice the volume of the on the Larwin Tract, each of the Foun· 'Illen the city could s.et itseU some Beach there are only 300 houses for previous applause. When the vice mayor tain Valley councilmen gave • short realistic gorala, engage in concrete plan· sale and the v~y fact.or in asked the substitute city attorney, Jack summation of why be voted ln such ..,..,., --"' __._ a w.. .... (If •• -...,;ve apartments Jt -tu. nia.o percent, making Parker. U be could legally switch his a manner· -a.uu ~ r-..._.-~ ""?-* r. Here's what th.,,. .. _: ... -~•evemenL it difficult for employes of a ne 1um vote, lbe audience shouted "No!" and -, _... ...._. John H•-r, voled yes oo the appeal, ~ ;; to move into ~'"· con"-ued to boo -~ 'GROUPS SHOCKED -• loll• • to stop the Larwin Tra"' ''This Is not -"" • Rapid ........ .-. ·.a am.all town with Parker uked that a revote be taken, ., A man to-member ~ group ... ._..... the same tract mtp ~·e saw ,. ··~n I under the cbainnanshJp of Dr. Clare only land for a retOOrct, to a large and added another twist when he said, voted for the zone change in Dec ember. Hall, reacted with shock to Cataniaro's city in need of industrial development "I'm not even sure If the voting machine It is different now and 1 am agaiMt remarkl but .1eoerally agreed that has made a tough adjustment for the used by this council is even legal, and it." ••something must be dcine." city. I think a revote should be taken vocally.'' Edward Just, voted ye1 on the appeol, City Attorney Donald Boofa u:pressed Angry cltlzens then filed out of council 'I the At least part oI the. blame was placed . h chambers prepared to renew the battle • n put I voted for planned on the nature of the community by the view that the "city as a poor Apr1·1 I. developments, koowlng full y;ell it might untl record in luring commercial development ·um p and b·t '·· one who said, "H ngton Bf:ach is cDo 11 Dou 1 .. Throughout the more than four b~•rs J P u 1 e me u now, ~auae i:;ince U gained M nne g as. "" I f It that 1r th l lb d" growing up too fast. 'Mle residents are o[ testimony, Michael R. Capplzzi, a e ey me e or mance C(jming from too many different sources. It was agreed by all that the land lawyer and resident of Fountain Valley I had no grounds for opposition to make Maybe it's 00~ quite as bad 85 it was Is here. but It has to be made attractive ed k f it Bilek. Now I feel I have a chance • l d I serv as primary spo esman or the II I r..nr-esented.'' o eve opers. to stop a sma • ot proposal.'' -r· Lar:win opposition. J Un .. ~ Another member of the dl.9cu.sslon Joe Ferm, of the Property OWners Cappl.u.i, in nearly two hours or speak4 ust con U1:U, "I also do not feel group, Mrs. C&roie Wall, said much Protective League, said, "We've got to ing, based his opposlUon on what he t.heed!Larwint f I··• Co( hmpEdany should receive work is aJreedy in progress to rememdy ad fast. There hu been a rapid change 1 1 ., al 1 al hnl all er or llJIU t e ison Co. easement) from farm to urban and we haven't ca mcu were sever eg tee c Ues., whlcb It does nol own W "'vln the situaUon, but she felt that the media including the foHowing : · e are .. g waa not doing ib job in telling the adjusted." -A poulble conflict of interest con-them land, and the cost of developinc ~e about it. Ferm, however, opposed any free give-ceming the mayor, city attorney Edwln thehe par-k wlll simply be pwed on to ObjecUon cmtered around the away by the city to lure commercial 1'1arlin , and an unnamed councilman. ~eveloper~" owners, ralhtr than the speaker's suggestion of hiring an out!:lde investment. -Illegal zone changes made by the Donald Fregeau, voted no on the ap- agency to do a survey. It was felt Horton emphasized the people factors council in Ordinance 515, passed Dec. peal, "My particular view is that over by ... -al .. ~,,·~n1s "·l the ..,.,,.,. for drawing commercial interest. "You 17 ~ .,... .. I"'" .. ..._ ......... • the vem we_ have gone throu"" chan•u """" -"ould be included in· ••·" a can't aU.ract business and industry witil -On f th I · ml · ' · Ii" o· muuuY iw ., .. 1;1.1 e o e p annmg com ss1oner1 on our master plan. This amall-lot j~ you can aet people to Jive here," he t t h'· · b to h d l pro~·· • was oo new o ~ JO ave a equa e development ia not something we have Panel member Pat McGinnis said that said. background to make a decision on the just plucked out of the alr at this the average Orange County re5klent has "We have control ol these factors,'' Larwin Tract. time." been too heavily involved with th e he added. -The special planning commlsslon Joseph Courreges, voted no on the aerospace industry and has not yet Most cltliens felt educating the meeting on Feb. 27 which reversed appeal, "My voting Is bised on the fact learned how to get involved with the residents to what might h a p p e n , previous denial of the tract was too 1 personally think thls development is community. especially in the way ol property taxes. hastily called. a good one. I remember hot charges The 1eneral tenor of the discussion if the city develops without a commercial -Apparent inconsistency of the Larwin made during the battle for lncorporatlon, was summed up by one panel member base, would help the probltm. Tract with the city's 1eneral plan of but look where we are today.'' v.·ho added, "We all come from such 1------'--'-----------------------------'"---- varying backgrounds that all of us iden- tify witb pneplace elae than HunUngton Beach. I think that if we could begin to identify with the community we could get aheed." From P .. e l POLLUTION . •• r01'0lrtd the ruptund lines three Um.,, only to have them brot-en again by recurrent flooding. Stooe said the city expects to get it.s repair project buttoned up today bul lhal unfortunately the pollution will continue for about two months. "There are nine sewage tre.almcnt plants tn San Bernardino and Riverside COUDUel tha' art: dumping a total of 50 million galkms of sewage into lhe tributaries of the Sant.a Ana River each day," he said. "Althouch this is treated sewage, It's sewaae nevertheless .and it contains a hlib cmtenl ol baderia accu<JJng to our nmpllng." As Ione u there is water 'flowing tn the Santi Ana River bed the polluted subatlnct1 will be dumped into the ocean. "ntere are no state rtgulaUons re- quiring that the treated sewag:e be of a ceru.ln quality. We cannot rely on the fact that the ttwage ls treated and disinfected;" •lid Stone. " ' • • ~ ' • 1. • • , • • ' ' , • ••I, • ' , ' • ' , • • , \ , I '·, • , , , • · (l OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED F"1CTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sited and repaired e diamonda and pr1clou1 ston11 remounted e pearl1 reatrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY HA._ IHOPPIN• CINTU noo HillOI aw. COSTA MISA M~MH HUNTilleTON CDn11 llACH •IDl- HUNTIN•TON llACH nz.1101 ' I "This J1 the first Ume that I can re:nembtr that ~·e've had a prolonged flow d the $ant& Ana River. lJnlt111 somtt.h!ns u.nlbruttn happenl the pro- blem will ba w1lh us WlUl tho !low ceases. whkh could be as kling as two 11\()flth~." I ( l I I I I I . ·----·~~~----------~----~-----~ ----·---~·· ·--·--- . -. CHEERING THRONGS AT CAPISTRANO -.While Secret.Service agmu •print and puff alongside tu. ·limousine. pre.ident Nixon and his wifJ, Pat, draw an enthusiastic greetine Saturday 'frorli big cro.wd DAIL y ,l\.OT ...... rw •Ucllll'll K9'JllN' •. PIC.KET.S ON MARCH -Led by Robert 0. Bland of Laguna Beach. several dozen Peace and Freedom committee members picketed near Nixon headquarters in San Clemente. Police were called out · from Newport and Costa Mesa but there were no incidents. .I DAILY PILOT 11.W l'Mle awaiting' his appearance at sar.. J uan C.apisb:ano for tour of Mission grounds. Nixon stayed on for lunch at bis favorite restaurant. DAILY l'ILOT Stiff l'llelt WORDS ON MISSION STEPS -President and Mrs. Nixon appear to be listening tntent1y to words of James Francis Cardinal Mcin- tyre in· fronf of' pJaque noting the founding of Mission San Juan Capistrano. .. 8AltY l'ILOT Ullf l'lltlf FACE IN THE CROWD -In the crush of followers, Presi- dent Nixon reco~nizes an Orange C0W1ty ·friend a n d shouts a greeting during Satur· day tour of Mission San Juan Capistr~no. DAILY ,ILOT lttfl , .... • VIVA, VIVA -San Juan Cap. ialtano merchant Larenzo Padilla was 'Ill decked out ·1ri traditional Spanish dress and his store front carried the mes- saae u Mlsalon city residents prepered to greet President · Nixon and his party. 0 •' M-,.Mllth lf, 1'169 DAI\. Y ~II.OT JI ' ' DAILY .. ILOT ....... "" "''' 0'0...I TOURING MISSION GROUNDS -Gripped tightiy • by the band, President N~on gets a bit of guidance on the Mission San Juan . . . Capistrano grotmds from Seven-year-0ld resident Jeff Dunn. ' '' I.• ·r. • . ~ .i ·~ I ' : - I '• ,\ ' '• -.. ) ,f Nixon Tells Campus Stand By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Some college officials agree with Presl· dent Nixon that disorders and dlsrupUons must be solved on campus, but 1tudenl!I have shown less inclination lo endorse the President's weekend policy slate· ment. David G. Barry, executive vice presi· dent of San Jose Stale C.O\lcge In California, where Negro alhlcles and other student.I 'have demonstrated, said the campus ls where soluUons to society 's problems· are sought "and the solution ~ not to be lound tb!,ough dimlptlon." Chandler Young, dean of letten and aciencu 1t the UnJverslty ol. Wl.lconlin at M1dlson said he prelem<I "local handling In the long pull. I feel concern for our freedom iq handle our own problem at lhe c~mpus level." Young said, "What President Nixon has slid would help us in this regard." l In a statement Saturday, Nixon de- nounced campus violence , as a threat lo iotellectual freedom, but limited federal action to wlthhokUng financial aid from students 'convicted or violating the law. 1 Nixon saki Robert Firich, secretary of health, education and welfare, would seek "lo launch new iniUatives toward easing teJU1ions in our educatlonal ·com· mu11lty." But ~ President said the federal gover~ent "caMot, should not -mU1t not -attempt lo guarantee campus peace." He aOI this was fu. damentally lht task of coUtae ~d­ minislrators. The President lenntd hl1 plddlnfs moderate. "Congreu bas doae no"""" lhan io withdraw federal ualatance frora thole sludenil judged, not b7 UD1""1t1 rcgulaUon1, but by courts of law,· to have vlolated crlmlnal 1tatute1." ' • I .1 I ' I • J. ~wA\lt=:::::Y~Pll.:::OT.:__ ___ _;_H_:___'°'~"'...c:•~·-·-""'-""~'-"'""-I---------. LEGAL NartCJ! ' LEGALliartCll LEGAL Nart.CJ! ---·-==--1--==::;:.:= __ 1---'---___ , Kl ~l.VT.Ofl ..,_, Tl 1CA ~ IWltNIU .. ........ 11¥tn ... lfl4I Cl•Tlll1CAft Oii COllfOllA,TIH c.t.• .. rcr,rious'" """'' AN~L.rr~.::-:: 001~rn~~:~~='~Jr."• ~V::''!9":..!:.. ~l'Y-...,..: ltllt:LL dMN' ~ : Tto!I UNOlllSIONI O COllli"OltA 1 tUN CrtKtnl N.-i &Md\. e.fl'°'111t -.......... fll TM! GLOlt ... ....... urtifr ltlft It ;. ~1"' "'*" .i;. lldll-nnn llel'M .. ooN SHOP • ti" w .. t ~Ill ,.,...,, Cltr I .,...,..mt .,.,, ~lllMlf't l'(lnllr.t P'O$Tl!ll'I SALES AND tl(I lJllO!ll.I .,.. fl ....... ll.-dl. Sit" et c.llfllnlll, Mlt.I at m Hor'ttl lr..allhu"', ni.t 11111 '""' It ~ fll flll .. ~ 1M ht lllY ti MttOl. lMf, MllMlll'I, Ca11toml•. uadW .... fktlllow """°"""-_... .._ .,_ In f\IU ........ lw w!No'-4 f'r'Oll'I ulll 11,.... -of P'HOTOM.ATION •tld lMI . ., AN"I LllAllll!l.L lflf -of Mid Qil't-ltlon f#r/I lh llNd •llcft of ""1*ftol lrt M !Clliow., $111111 W.lflnt lfl W. ~ ..Cl! 111 l'f"ln()pal 'IM.t" 11111i.... II II...._ ... ; Dorllld Ltt '°""'• PM trve. c ..... ......-.. "' G!ltl EVANJ ... Df,a11 He$U111 C-. loot., •211 Crfll, N.-t a.di. CA11Wt1la ~ SHiii~ l.l!VINE .,_ llWll 111 •ltlY N"'111 t~. Mlihl~ Callt9nlla. ~ti! ...... ~. n1 •· .,.,.,... 1• 1 1'lil tor 111' ~' wJ uld 01"": '*"""' 1J . M . H._.,,)., Aw. CM!rwftll n1'1 ~ 1119 wt!Mr.W. _,,,,.. Mv""' (eor-,.. SHU Dll .. Mlt'dl .. 1•. tlrflliM!M rtllt!GN ,,,...... o. .. ~ c:.r-, W. OC-llf L ,._, 0.fllll Merdl I tt11 Olont ~ L_,, .,.,._ Ffrt.ler SH11tl.EY LFllNe Ylcil P'rttio.til ..... km•rY SI•'-of Cal"°"" .. Or._ c-!Jt GllU EVAPU STAT! CW CALll'OllNIA I Oii #Mell L lM, .._.. ,.,._ , OAllY ... llLllKMM.AM COUNTY 011 Oll.lo'IGi l P O Nol&l'T flUbllc Ir! llld fW MN Stai._ A"--"' "-Oii tllll 17111 On' ol Fftrull'T, A. • -Hy .......,.. Dorlllll l• l'lallor IJI ._... ...... Orlwt !Ht, ....... ITlf• • Not.I\' l"Wllc Ill Md L111111nl ,.... Jlottw' kr11Wi1 to &wwlY Ml ... C.1""'11 Nod for Miki C-ly W Slat-. -llY me tt W lfl9 M,_. .._ M"* T .. U ..... ,.... ·Dlorw ~Ill ._ to l'M lrtl ~"""' " t11t Wlltil1t iMITvmlfll ,.ulllt9Mll Oraftta CM_. 1)1(~ •lklt. lo M IM Y~ l'\otelOl!of tM llcrth!rJ Wld • ~ltdrMd ""' ~ the Mu'dl M. 1Nt ' MUt ~~ lM~'°' '::...:":"': t': =·ICIAL SEAL) -•fklii ~Ill HIM4. lltll aO.ricwlellll ~ Y. Utt LEGAL NOTICE Id te ""' ""' _,. ~11on o~t111 "'°''"' ..wiic..ca111oN11a --------------!""' lllM. f'rlftc!NI Q#flc;e In ..._,, WITHESt lltY '*Ill IN ... L Drante ~ ClllT1f'tCATI".,. •utu11•• (Ol",ICIAL $EAi.) M' Coltwl'llAklfl ~lff:I ,-ICTITtOUI l&AMI Ml!Y Jantl ~,.. Mlrdl u; ltl'J TM tlllllln....,_. .. Clltfll'r th.-, lrt Nclll!Y •ulllle.c:.lilol'flla Publl.rw<i Or&nM COatl ~ltr •11111, AftllUC::llM 1 ---st ~ V1a ... lllo. ar..,.. COUrll'I' £ It Mardi 10, 11, U. ~I, 1Nf 41'* Swift IOt. ........,,,. ltffdi, Calfforl'l\I, My Cornmlnkifl ~' ft uncllr ""' "<"'• """ -of '8 ~· 1m LEGAL NOTICE CO. INVD'J'MENT ~ANT' Md ~ .... o. ltl!lw, Jr~ Allf. wkl fln'll II CIOMllOlld ti "'9 flll•lne us s-tf1 s-""' Strtl'I "-wt-. -"' tllh .,.., ""* .... A ..... C.llllnlll Milt ...-If """"""" ,,. It fl:lrlows: Publll.htd Orll111tt Coa.11 D1hr •Uol, Cl•Tlf'IC.t.Tl Of' lUllMlll ....,,,.. L 1.....,....,.., 2$17 a-1 MMCll 11. 17 14 Jl, l ttJ 147..ff .. ICTITIOUI HAMI '"'"'· '"-" '"""' C.llflnlll, • • Thi Uftfenlfned dO arllf'f' lfllol' .,.. TillollWf ll. llnditr, D'2 ..., l'lml eoMucilllt I llulolftlla II 1)07 lllliofl "11a. a.... AM, C.Momla, LEGAL NOTICE IMI.. "9-1 9ffch, CalllVnlla. ~t ... ,..., L Mwf1...., 1«1 l lrdvnont tt1e f!Cflf~ nrm -o1 11•0 JM om.., AN!wlm. C1~ PD,. SEA•CM OF A CAGE BOOt(f'l'OltE aw.c. f , Mlllw, • Mii Vbta Cl•Tll"tc.ATI 0'" COl"°1lATIOll l'Oll -lhll .. w-= ::,_ ~ ·~ .......... J~ _ked4._ Clllfltllll. TWAMSAC'TIOll Of' lllSUl!U UMDllt = ':!:"':11(111 Of l'tlldll'ICrl IN u .,.._' *'• · PICTtTIOUS IU.MI ~L .. =----THI!" UNO!IUIGHeD COllP'OUTIOH .. ~ E._, ~h lhlltt afld ltlchl"' ~It. '"'-· ... MrtlW (ltftlf'r "!!'..," -· ~-c-11' lid $1 .. """"' te.Cfl. ~ p1,,,_,. I bullnlll IOQM II ..._I • Cll". .,_.., I!. ....,,.,.,.._ c--"'· .. ~111or1111 ~ "=e:"',:8 o.lld Mlrct. 1, ""· Glnlnl •lll'fMr h '""' -""' COM Is Doti Eld« Cll'*'C:e F lo\lli.r CIEUIEI C.0. 111111 111.t !.&If firm 01'!1.,I• $111Nr Lllltftld ,. .. ,,,_ · ClfNIOIM ti tht tottoorilot ~•!Ion. Rkh1rd ems lfAtt O"" CAlll'OltHIA. wl'llll •rlllclHI •I.Ma flf bin'""' .. Sl11t o1 C1ltfomll. Orantl Co1mtr: ,_,llTY Of' LOI AlllBELEI • U fOI ...... : On Mlrdl t lHf, llllor1 fl'll, I '"""' " UNITED ltESOUllCIES CORP'~ 1711 Nolfr'I' P*I<-\n -for Hiii Slal1, On ~l'T )1, ,..,, ""'°"' !Mo t ...... ,.,. lllYd., 5'1119 111, lot ..,,..,11!$, H nontltr a""ared Dc1n EIO«, Dfnnlt ltotln' Mnc In lflll for Niii $Ille. Calllornll f<IG.tl. Sllltfl" 11111 llldwlrll Crou ~ lo Hl'"MNllltr -1'111 HelW'V I. S~ WITNEIS lh hflld ftils 1Slfl II... IO lie f11t Pf1't0flt """°" llllTlft Thl!odlw't II, elftdolr,, t'a<"Old E. MlllVll\tlr f:lbr\llry, 1Nt. ~ illbscrllled to lh9 wll!o!n ll'lll"""""I "" Cll,_ '· .:.\llllf' "-to -lif•lltd ltesources Cor•. 11111 ad.no ledMd Iller 1x1eutM Ille to ... thl • .,,_ ...._ ftlfltll I N ll;lclwinl fl. W111tl111, umt "" ~..:;::=....~.•'Id ITATIE \I~ "C:t't'Fo'11:NIA. COl<F.IC IAL SEAL! .. ~ ... .. Billt Ge•• Cadillac Salesmen Horwred By CARL CARSTENSEN .................. Knox Coaverse, Bm Rennick and A. B. SwlJ'llOll of Nlbon Cadillac, Inc.. <:Gsta Meiia. have been hoDOr'fld for being among the out s tandJna: Cadillac u.Jesmen for the past year. The mt:n were named to membersblJ in the 1 9 I I Cadill.oc Crest Club. They were among only D mu from throug!!Out Southern Calllom!a and Arizona wlto -....,. berohlp. Cadill'C Zone M a 11 a 1 e r George w. ~ told the (ltOllp, 4f well-u Ill other Cadillac lllesmen who tamed membersbip In the Crat Chlb allhoogb not rinl-wlnnm, that the 3Z award winners personally accounted for the sale of over $22,000,000 in Cadillac sales during 1961. • • • ISEALl ' JoM9ll e. 01vlt &alMrt Zlldrnn COUH'rY D' LOS ANCiELES I u Nol1rY Put>llc.call'°'"'• ~fERCURY SALES lolollt'f' l"vllllc. On lfll1 1$lfl IM r ;rf Ftbrulr'I'. • D Ptlnc1Pll Offlce: Ill ,...., be4ot9 m1, 1 Ncll•rf Pklbltc In Orlf'lle c......,r-, REACH N-WGH ::.. ~~ ~lr•t and !or Mid c ....... iv •lld St••~. Hl'"IOM Iv Mr c-ll•loll E•Pl•~t r.o" llAllTMAlf •6 s~N -•ml ltldMrd a. Wllkhn k"""'" Jun1 21. 1t1' E Zimm """""'. "-lo It'll to be flle V!~ Prnllltnl .,i PubllJhed Orllnte Co.11 01llr P!li:iot, Frank . ertnan, Jr., ,.... w1....,. ,......_ .... "' "'--»on "''' uKUftd ""' """''" Mirth 10. u, u. 3l, 1Ht ~sut general sales manager for .. -11' Mlllll. c.111 tt11• 11'11~ t111 lltNlf .,i Tri. cor!>O<"tllOll T.-.i · lhtnln llll'l'O..t. aftd Kkr1ow11t1g..t to LEGAL NOTICE L i n c oln-Mercury Division, P'ulllltMd Orante eo.11 Dalh' flttot. ,,,. ht •Kii COOIOl'•llDn •~Kiiied Ille -------------1 while in Los Angeles to meet Mardi lt. 11• u.. J'I, mt ll\-41 =·ICIAL SE.I.LI •-22141 with district dealers, laid the GIYle G1t1tt •All•llH LEGAL NOTICE Not•"' Pllttllc • ea11t001I• cl!llT•P'tC&TI! OF 1us1Nl!ss American car buyer'1 desire l"rlnc.11111 OHk:I In l"ICTITIOUS r111M HAMI for ~mium pntduc•-pi"• r .aJlt7 L• Alltl ... c-11' Tiie uMffl"Md -. het'lllW '"""' r .. ~ ..., Ull•IOI M' Commlalon IE.olr.. ltltt hi h Clllltdudffl9 a Mlnultclurlnt hJ""' 1-1 · IUlo ind"~ ·-••• Clltflf'ICATI Of' COltl'OtlATlClll l'Clll Mr! t1, lW blnllleb as '" lndlvldulol 11 7$1 H. &"' "1'1'1:1 ...,, .. :t ~ TIL&N$ACTfON 04' •USINlll \IND•• T.-m laJtYll, U111t H,, Dr111111. Cal!lot1tl1. are propelling the division to f'ICTITIOUI llAMI l"Vblitlllll Orantfi C.tl DI!~ ,.llol, U1tOW thl nct'ltllul firm ftll'M! ol D th d THE UND!llSIGNED COlll"OllATION ~ u1, 17, 24 :n. ,.., GHt & • MANUFACTUlllHG COMPANY and ano er recor year. ... ""*' art!tr thlt II II ~ 11\it 11111 flnll If --.ii of ~ Deli · f ; •• , ._.,_ ~ 11 m 11aur 11r1e1. LEG ... • NO'l1CE f9l•lftto ~ whoM ,....... 111 1.,11 ver1es o u~ n e w Celli. Mna. c.r11orn11 ut'lder 11M nd1t~ iu. · '""' 11~ of ~ 11 •• 1ou1 ... 1n:, Mercury in the 1969 model fl,,., -d Hl.PltECISION GRINOIHG fo.Wll: •!Id ""' 1111:1 flml II composld of NOTICI INVITI NG ••os DouelH fl, Brown. 21'0 Giff, year are running 31 percent "" 1o1111w11111 corl'On111on, w11o1.1 l'l'lncl .. 1 Notice It .,.,..,,. •1"'" 11111 ,.... lkHlrd °''""' c1111om11. ahead of 1967 and 62 percent plltt of butlneu 11 11 tol"""': of Truslffl ol Tri. Or-C111tl Junior D•teid Mlrdl , 1969 DeLTRONIC COllPORATION. .,, Corl ... D11trkl of 0 1111111• Countr, Dot19bit p u--~ over ktrike-hit 1968. Southern ID:er Sh'ltl, °'911 Mesa, C1lllornl1 C1lllornl1, wlll NCotlVI! •!tied bldl UP STATE OF CALIFORN IA, WITNess lh hind lhll 3111 di' ef to 11:00 l.tn. Thundl1'. Al>rll J, 1Mf, COUNTY OF ORANGE ) H. California sales are even JllWlr'I'. 1N1'. • 11 th1 Purd!nll>ll Oet>1rl1"1•11I o1 uld On Mardi ,_ !Ht btlore '"" 1 hlnher «CO<POflll SHI! ldlOOI dllfl'ld 1oCl!ed ,, 7701 F1lrvllw ' ' '"6'' ' OELTllONIC COllPORA TION Road. c.._11 MHi, Ctll10rnl1, 11 whldl Nolan' Publlc In and tor 'aid Counly """--full·&'·· "°rt w•-8y lllchl~ M. latlllti~ t1m1 Ukl blck wlM lie Pllblktr ~ ll'ld Sl11t, t>e!WOlllllY -•red Ciowllt ••tc: 1'IC -"''<' •resldlnl 11111 "Id f0< Furnlthl1111 o1 CloHd c 1rc:uu P. lrown known '°' m• lo Ii. 1111 restyled for 1969 and they're llY Ph1'11 .. l 1n11t" TY E""l-nl. """°" -e -~ ltlttcrlbtc! to the Is Slo'9f1ry 11u b!lh. art 1o be In eccortillle'I !ht ... 11,.1n 11111nm-1, 11111t 1uu .... 1111tea hotteSt mode this year. STATE o, CAl.ll'OllNIA.. witti con11111ons. lni1MKt111tr1 • n d to me"'''"" ~Ku1ed """urnt. Our new MarqW.. upper series COUNTY OF OltAHGE.-. li!Kffkitlonl '""'kl! art -on flle Wltnet. m1' hind lnll tt•I Oii 91111 '11t ...,. .. J111111rv. ~D. •rl'f ml1' be '"""" In "'-olflcl COFFICIAL SEAL) ls accounting for half the 1Ht, lllfwt! rne 1111 lllldenitMd, • 111 1111 Purc,.nine Atl'fll of 11111 Kllool s.e ...... H. G,..... Me~·~ sales. Niian' flvlllle In alld !or Wld County t1Jtfl'1cl. Ncltr'I' Pul>llc<alllor!'l& ·~-J Md It.... n11dlnt lhlreln, ifvtr c.wn-Eacfl blclctO!f' 1111111 wbmlt wllll M1 PrlnclNt Offlao t" "Th di · · , I ml111or1M 111111 ew«n, person•ti'I' •Plfffld bid a ~ihler"• chKll, urllfle<! cl\ed!, 0•11>11t Countr e VISIOD J UXUry Cars, ltldla"' M. Ltnfltrf and Ph1'1111 .,, bidder'• borld midi Pl1'1ble to ''"' McOWEN ANO GllEEN the Lincoln Continental and Llf'llletl k-n to me lo Ill !Ill order ol lhl Otlll!lf C0t~I Jvn!or Collete Al_,.I Prulcltnt tnll S«rett r'I' et tht co.-Ofltrict ao.rii o1 Tnnlen 1n an 1mo11n1 ut I!. Clllpmlfl the Continental Mark 111, are -•llfll fhlll e~tculed till ... 11111n In-not leu TMn flvt Ptr<t~t (5'1l.I of Or'"''' C•llffrnla '1'67 28 pe"""'nt ahead of 1967'', 1tl'Vmenf on lleh•ll of ,,.,. corPOr1tlon wi. 1um 111'1 11 1 1u•r1nltt lflel ll>e T•h '1>-S1M '"'" tt\1111\ft 1111Md, l lld 1rt.-lad1.0 lo bfdde• will enler Into 1119 pr-ed Publlih..i Or1n1e COltl OtllY P'llot, ,he Said. me 1'1111 oucfl c11<-•llon ueculed tllt Conlrtt l i1 'he ••rM It ..... ,lied to M•rd! IQ, n , 2~. JI, "" ~ um.. him. tn t11t ev"'' et 1111u1e '" 111ttr "This is additional evidence in w11ne:i.1 WIM:•lof, 1 havt he•ru~ 1"'9 ~ui:h c .... 111c1, t11t ''°''"°' et LEGAL NOTICE of the nature of the current 111 mr hlnll lftd lfflxed m¥ offlci•I 1111 ci..ct will bl! forfeltell, °' In tlltf------'---------1 -1 ni. 111,. 1no:1 '"' •~ 1111, car1inc.i. UH et • bDnll. 111e 11,111 ·-t11erl!OI ~ market". Zimmerman said. ''"' 1ii.w. wrlltwl. ...m "'fol1rl!lfed to uld tchool dl•lrld. NOTICE TO CllECllTO•S IOF,ICIAL 5EALl No bidder ..... , wltfldra ... "'' Ille! for SUPElllOlt COU•T 01' Tltl "Llncoln-Me"""'"" s a I es •• ,.. s. t:cdel I Nrlod el lorfl'<fi ..... {'ll d•YI •119r STATI! o .. 'C•LIPOllNIA l'Olt ... _J Notll'T Putlllc-Cllllwnlt ""11111 "'IDr ""-1 .... llllrl!Df. TNI' COUNTY OF CllAN41 since the introduction of the Drllltl °"'"" TM SO.rd ol T~ '"'...... Ille Ne. A""21Jt 1~ od I 20 t MY c...rwni.1on E•ltt:1 trlvlletl ef r11ec11n11 .,,. •NII 11t llkll E1t1le ol HELEN GE II T II \I 0 IE w;;i m es are percen JI!\. 4. If" or to WllW lftY lrrwtU11rll!n or kl· HOWELL, 1k1 HELEN CHAllLIENE ahead Of 1967, OUr previous WITTMAN a ICHMIDT, Allw1l&Y'I tom11tllles In'"' bld 0t In tlM bldd!n1. HOWELL, tki HELEN C, HOWELL, "" ......, Dftft hilt • Price, lttneu and 111111111' Mint ~1. aka HIELIEN HA.51CIN5 HOWELL. •kl best year", he said. "We'n: ........,, ._., C.llfllnil• ..... .~ Wiii lie 1Jv1t1 lo IM arodllcll HELEN HOWE LL ~fifed. a cinch to sur "ulllnllld Oriinte C1111! OlllV •!Jot, lf'll'Wlt, m1nvf1clufld "" 1r11d~ In NOTICE IS HIEllEBY GIVEN to Tri. paSI our Mll'G lo lf. 17, '~· lHt ~ lhfl 511!9 et Ctlllom!1. crtdlto" o1 tt1e ltlo'tl n1m('ll llt<fldtnl previous high of 3 7 9 , 3 0 0 .a.n m11Wr1111 1>r11vlded throu•" '"It '"•t 111 Plf'IOIU hlvl"' c111m1 "'IN' delt""ert'es and we•-aun· Ing lllcl lhlll c-ly """" Gover,..,...nl CPlll !hi u ld llfte-del'll i re required to flll • •~ $Kllalt ~. ni.m, wl!h !hi lllCHHr'I' VO!ldltl'J;, In for 475,000 this year. That LEGAL NOTICE SALESMAN OF YEAR -Sal Bemartline {right) of Chick Tvenon, Inc., Newport Beach, receiv .. VW Sales~Guild "Master Award" as top salesman ol lll dealerships In tow-stale arN . .Mating presentation is J. H.,)lcCord, general mm>ager, VD division, Volkswagen Pacific, Inc . type of transmission -fOUJ"-' speed and automatic. Ad- ditional judging will be held to select the "sharpest" cars, from tbe standpoint of ap- For Coast Area Here's How to Join Rare Book Bonanza By SYLVIA PORTER DI !lot Dllll' •11&1 S!lff Ned'ICI CHI flUaLIC "I A It IN. I '" l+Oll;MAN E. WATSON 11\e oflla-ol !tie drtk ol Ille •bo¥• I al , •IPOlll THE Sacrl't•r'I'· ao.r11 "' Tnnr..e• tnt1111c1 coun • ., ta Prt111n1 1111m. """" wil be a g n of 25 percent." l'LANNll .. COMMISSION°" TMI OHn: Al'I'. J, 1"' H:tlCI t.m. 1111 n~rr ~rs. 10 "' Ut1o '7•--Annan sat'd that the As age era! rul rare book CITT' OI' .. ouNTAlfll YAU.IV Pllblllheid Or"'" COi,, Dlll1' Piiot. del'J;ltll\9d 1t Ille cflke DI c. P1ul ....... um; n e, NOTICE 1s HEltEIY '""" ""'' .n Mlrct. 11• 24. 1"' .ffJ.tt 0..11011, Attorne,. tor Pe1111011er. m Oowr Cougar, up I percent na-values are based on rarity, w......,, Anfl 1. lfff, •I 7:• fl.M., NOTICE Oriv,, N.-on Be1ct1. C•mornla, Wllldl ·---" • I . 8 beauty, importance and con-1 1119 COUricll Ollrnl)en.. Clll' Hi n. LEGAL 11 1hl Piia "' M ir.KC o1 111e u..,.,..ie_, ttuwwy 10 sa es, IS up I per· ,i:,. ii.ter A-. ,._,.111 v111...-. In 111 m1ttert Perl1inl1111 "' "" at111 cent ln Southern California. dition. But the value of any C.llflnola, 1111 •llnl'llnt C.nmliilon ... u1 "·"'" of 1111c1 drceden1 ... 11h111 fl'luf' """""' boo I l'lold lllUllllc ht•rlntt en 111e 1o1iow1nt c1•T1l'1CATI!" c, co1t•OllAllCN "011 11t1•"" fl••! PtJb11ctuon"' lhl• 1t11t1ce. He added, "Cougar seems to rare k can vary wild y. \lcallonr TllAllSACTION OF tU•INl!IS UNOEll Oi!l!tl Ff'llru••Y 11• l~. al b Therefore 1'f your lt'brary con .,.,. 01 cM.iKIMI Uw ~-11 ..... ct .. ICTITI0\11 NAME Vlrtll ltut.ttll Howell be season auto with a ig • • ANnaonon IUbtnt"ed 11y G••"" G""" TH£ UND£ASIGNEO co1tP01tATtON E•ec.utor of ""wru bounce in sales each March lalns a volume which you have unlfltd Sc11oc>1 0111r1e1 tor conatrvc:11°" 0oes 11erei.., (.lftltr "'" 11 r1 conc111c11noJ 111 1'-•tlo111! 111""" dece.11"1 and Apr'il." reason to believe is ex-°' an •ltmtnt•r'I' 'chOol Oii tr111frt\I 1 t1111l""t iou,..., ti 201 M1rm. 11...,nut, fu "~ ~ 1 ICIS loctM!I MG '"' more or 1es1 narlh 111111o1 hllnd, c1111orn11, undl<" !hi tic-N rt 1 r ~ caitfofnl• t1•H Asked if the Mark Ill had ceedingly valuable, seek the of Wlnllf' Awnue. '60 "" '"°" lltlous flml n•m• "' RUBAIYAT TOUR T ~-;, • ...::. advice DI a rare b 0 0 k or 1n1 .,.., "' N~ Street. ANO TllAYEL 1nc1 !I'll! .. 1c1 nrm 11 A;..,_.. w l!'x.cvi.r dipped into Continental sales tn ...,......,,."" " oni111e-.... com_..i °' "'-1t1iowi11t ~·11o1t, ,.ut,jj~ orintt c~~1 D11i. "11&1. ' s pecialist (e.g ., in American 16 Att ..,,..~ " Onltllllf'ICI N•. ~ •rllKIPll 1111<• o1 butlMn 11 MatTll , 10 17 1._ lfft ~ he said it had, "but a Jot history. English li'terature • .., ""l.ltld u111 On1111111(.1, n amend· 11 ICll"""': .1 cc:..--;_c·--·----------I I th t d It' .... 4'Cl'll:llnt rn1nlrnu11t noor t111et Tra111-P1dlk Twn. inc .. 101 M1r1,.. LEG" NOTICE ess an we expec e • s etc.). The S""""ialist could be ,,... ,_1~ '°" 1nclosed 111'1"' A'tlftue. 111t11o1 ••llnd. oi111orn11 ru.. a b ig year !or Continental." t"-~ •w.rlet't tn 111e 112. Ill. "" •• WITNESS th: hind "'" l'Oth dtY et'!------~-------1 library or museum cur ator o~,~~~ .. "*' ...., iu A.1P:lc.'tt1on '"'111rv, ~~IM-P.clfk Toun. l11C. a"A ir.r::S Queried about the possibility or a university pro(essor • ..........,,llttd .., E. w. 111nbt!Wt. 11 11r conn1• HO'Mi. Cli1tT1P'1t.t.TI! OP' •us1N!ll1 o( a new small car similar M ·r· 11 ber -r1c.a111. •rwos!n. comtr;.>ctlon .. •n Viet •rnldenr FICTITIOUS l'lltM NAM& t F d ' •1 "ck ·-aid on: Spec! 1ca y, e are o111n 11v11111111 -~~ Oii Piwtrtr 1cer11ctr111 Seen The ut'!Ckrtime.i ODH htfeb' mr111'1' 0 or s " a ven • •ic s • lhe three key fields in which luclttd $0!,lth of W1rMr •vtNH!, 135 STATE DF CALIFORNIA I II Iha! ht II condudlllll • ll•rblr Sftop "We do want something, bul ' I ,.. ""' rMr'I « ltll •••I d N .... llftd COUNTY OF ORANGE I llu1l"'1o1 II In lndlvlclu1I ti 161' w h h I you can lDVesl a port on of s1..-lft 1t1t CP 011tr1t1. 0n tt111 20th d11 QI F111ru.1rv. A.D. Fourlh 1trtt1, s11111 11n1. c-111fom11, t is is t e sa es manager talk· -.th O> blll Cllllltl Ne. IH A1'Pllt111an 1Mt, 1w1on me. 1 NO!•r'I' Pulllle !n vncltr 1._ lktl!lou• firm "•m• q1 House · " Ob · I th . your savings WI e V e r Y IUbmltml lw 81hln •rid HISl!f•""•· Ind lor 11111 Counl1' arid Sfa!t. Pll'SO!llltlv OF NATURALS '"" !hit 11ld fl""' Ing. VIOUS y. ere IS a r easonable expectation 0 f "' •1, 11 -"' rtc1~t1n1 clla11111 tPPt1rl!d conn11 Ho ... le k110W11 to mt 11 comPOSed of ~ to11o ... 11111 "rion. s mall competitive car in the • in .., _ °" ,,_m-1oc:11e0 on "'' to be 111e v1ce •res1del\1 er1 1111 c.or· ~ 111me in 11111 11111 1>l•tt g1 ru1111~ future for L•"ncol-Mercury seeing your vestment grow ~ 11ok o1 1!111,...r A.vtVM •lld "°"•'Ion !hit "ecvltd "" ... 11t11n 111-b •• tolio'N$. 1o. ... 11: ,.-in the years ahe d Elldld 1trwt lrom At Ciener11 ""'"""' 011 lle"•lf o1 1t1t COfllO••llori 1111py Kl.W, 1111 w. Fcurlfl St.. Division. a : AltfieVtlvr•I Dltlr\cl !o 111-PO 1DOO tri.l'lln n1,,.e<1, •rid •c-nowledtt<d to $Intl Arw, c111tornl1, Slnt11 '""ltr llesldena alld •ttn""" "" 11111 1ui:t1 corwr•llon extculwd 1M DirH Frbru1ry 'Hi, 1Kt. IJ MEDICAL AND Scientific 0.Vttulomlnl, Cl LICll llu.IMH Ind Mll'lt. flillv 1(1...,.,. * t * p · l t llJ ~ 0-ltr Multll>ll ow.rnr11 (!11111 STATE 0, CALIFORNIA, apers on Imp 0 r an Dtflrkh .. "'°"' rtttrlctlw dltlrlch. Jl(Clu-tnnt J. $Inborn COU NTY OF OtlANGE l u DRAG o•v COM"NG FOR discover ies and inventions. ln CW llllMI UM P-11 NII. .._ ltlt.::1 Nolin' l"ubllc C.11!•1111 Ori Fftlru&r'I' 211. Ifft, lletor• mt. "' I.I Ill anl\llldlofl"""'""' -CIY. Prklc:1HI Olliu "' Or1fltl I Nolvr Pllbllc 111 II\([ tor w lct C-1'1' A.\fX JAVELIN this category, reports the Lon- (f zr.a a-Ma. in 1in11ca11C1n ~~2'omrntulon E•Pl••• •IHI $1111, Jlll'IOl'llllY •P1>t1r1c1 fllllY ' OWNERS don Times (which maintains, 1vtmln.ll tw Mlrlf1 ...,. k1wlt\ll;fll, ...,,,11 17 lf71 Klrtw known to me. to be 1111 per.on All f X .i •L ·~ -.. -''r11 e111t1t1 ,cHN v111ruE • '""""' "'""' 11 wbscrlbed ,. "'' ... 11h1n owners o M 1 and with Solheby & Co., the auc- .. -.,. ~ koted °" 111e A"'"'" .i u. 1.._trumen1, •nd KkntiWIKl9eO " ITlf Javelin cars in Southern 1· • • d r ~ •lft • .i.n ..., HfWPllH. 1617 wllfcllfl Or~""·.. 11111 "'••Klltfll the"'""· 1oneers, a uruque 1n eI o -111 .i ,._ Werner ctwo-1 f"'"' .....,.... a..c11. C•IM. ""' wllftno m' hlfld 11\d 1111. California have been invited to values in art and literary Al G4ntf&I A1rkullu,.I Dklrlcl te T·mN {OFFICIAL SEAL! ... • t · "0 I Th 111-PD "°° Sinlll F1m111' Restct•~c• l'ublllllld o r1r111t c,,.,1 Di!IY •11o1. c111r~ 11. wld~ pa. d Clpa e in a ay a e works). vaJues have jumped 1rW ,......., OIYelcPtntnt Com!lln!nti MWCll 1a. 11, 1t. 31, 1'6• 4'1-tt Not•"' Pub1i.e-c:1morn11 Drags" at Orange County more than IO "---•Ince the Dlttrld 11..ullllonf 0t fllOl'I mtrlcll<,o• PrlntlPll 0111ca In W lit:ll . 111111r1c1. C'.lndl!IDMI uu Ptfm1t NoJ. LEGAL NOTICE Dl'antt c-11' Internationa l Raceway on Sun-early 1950s. ~J nltlll Ill c:Ol\Junctloll with lllt 111wt M' Commlu!Oft EMl'Trtl d M h <t11 M _c.,.. otc.1•.nn ay. arc ....,, R . · All of the great .. , r..M a--Ne. 1n A .. llc111on P·UMI ~u11n1,..., Or•ntt Co•nt 0111y Pllol, S t e p h e n s o n , AM zone llUllrftlt!M "' J. IC•-· •1 _,... Cl:llTl .. ICATE o, tCllPCllATICN Mlrctl J, 10, \1, 1~. 1Hf JIUf breakthroughs of m 0 de r n ...-111'11 '"'"'' Gf l'OM on .. OIOUIY 1'011 TllANSACTICN CP: IUSIN E5) manager, announced. t' h a ed 1oc11to11 """' .. slltrf' AWllut • .....,1 uNorr11 F1CT1ricus NA~a LEGAL NOTICE unes ve appear as ol Cali. l1...-u ,,_ Cl L1t1I lHE UNDERSIGNED CORPORATION,!-------------Stephenson says AM exptcts articles in sc.R:ntific 0 T fl utl11111 a15"'1c1 i. 111 Medi"'" o."'1" 11on htfm c'""" 11111 11 11 cOl'lllllcfi,,.. IAll·IUI some 450 owners to show up edi I • al II Mullllll 0 ... 1111111 Did••:r Ot ~. tiv1lnHt loc:•le-d ., S14 ""' $free,. .. •••••••• (l)U•T OF TME tfATl m ca JOUrn S, genera y r .. 1r1c11...., 111,1t1ct N, ... _., B~•tn. c:1111om11 undtr ' \.l'ith their cars. II bl t 1 t in :r-a..,:. JM. '" .o...,11r11•011 uc1111ou1 "'"' n•m~ et euSM 11our1ouE ,011 ™~' cg~~~~1 ~t1ANOE •va a e a very ow COS 1Ubn\1"1!d w ltfl!Vblk Monie,, n ·~ ~n11 ""'' \tkl 11r... 11 <°"*""' "' 18 A ,.1.., Drag trials "·ill begin a t "'hen published. All you. the "lkl"'· tte1""""' c1111111 &I -NI "" '"'1""'1"9 ,.,..PO,.tlon,'""""" ..-i .. c.111•1 NOl1c1: oF MEA11itrte cF l"ET1T10N 9 a .m . and conUnue until I collector, need do is read the _.., \otl!N _,Th cl Wtrrer •l•ct 111 bu1l11M1 •1 f> lollowl: .. Oii AUTMOatTY TO lll!l'INA.NCE A-•· ... f"1 rnor• ... 1eu t•ll JEANNE BUSH, IN C. SU 1tlh "''"· A co11•01t.1.ll! LOAN ANO TO A•· p .m . Eliminstions begin .at newspapers to learn o( lhe wJ lll'CIOthvt'tl Sfl'tel lrton 111 i !nvt• N•Yn>O<I Br1t11, C1ll1Crnl1, 01 l"LY CCNSl!RYATMSHIP •1tOf'lllTY "" Cl "If •· .. .,,1r, llflldtltU •llll ll~D Mte!u!I' WITNESS lh t11no:l 11111 "'"' •• , Al S!CUll:IT'I' .. o. LOAN l :o)\/ p .m . asses WI ui;: important developments. As .,_,,.,. MulllPlt Dwtl!IM -"1•nnl'CI Fro.,,irv. lf69. , , .... Malt..• o1 t11e con1erv•rorthlo determined by ~.,;ne •ize and an indi'cat1'on of what 15· ha-0.01~ Clnlblnlr4 D I 1 I r I c ' (CORPOll:ATE SEA.LI O! n 11:o'i'E1tT LESLIE llAll.NE~ON, 1lt0[_:.:._::_:::_:_:_::._-:;::·~'.:_·::._::_:::._::.::__::::._:.:::.::.:::.:.::_:_::_::::_.:.::.:c~::., ltll'Vll~ 19 ... Hllfi OMl"ll11' M~l11Plt JEANNE 8U$H, INC:, I ROBERT L eARNEWN 1l10 Owtll/lw 0~ • "*'9 rfllrlctl.,.. 111'• Jel-llulh, ••tlldent llOWll II ' ' dfttrtef Pnclw '°llilft M6. 111 f"lnl fly: C!wrYI C.. !<IV $Kt1ltro ..,_,.It II.. L. 8AllNEWN, Con1itrvtl .... '11 -·IWldllfri 1"1111 11111: lbow !G~ STATE oF CALIFOllNt.-'. NOTICE IS HeltEllY CIVIEN Ttlll ""-COUNTY Oii' OllANGE • THE flANIC OF (ALIFOllNIA.. N1tlo!ltl Thllt -ltwli ..., llllllt •l'telt.ttll Otl ftlll 1'th dtl d ~tbfu&,..,, A 0 . A.noclootlon. •• .. Ct1111trv1tor. "'' lllell •TAB n ... --.. --.. _,.. • ..... .. -,....,.,"' L.-,; "' !ti. Ifft, brtott -Emat J, ldlll. Jr, i'llN'lft I "'''-.. A.vltlorlTV lo • ..,,. ., c.lftnls. (Gw'T, c.. ·~·* 1 Nott ... Pul)ISC tit •nd '°" Mkl c-tr Rlf~ • c...-an L$1fl •nd to "' Or_,. c...tr . .t -.,) ...,. Ille jt_.,.., v.11,., -St•t.. '"kllnt lftlo'9lt1. dvi'I' cvm-~~tr c;:w~~-;"' ..tii: • • Unfrrw Ol'WIMllCt. TN -tt-..,. llllMklllN -,_,,, ,...._11v •-"'9 _...,, • • M•rti lf•ct-tt, tl11ti1h, atf•meyt •IHI ,.,•f111i•11•I ............. , ......... fO Slctlon•I .ltinnot c a.mi •ncl °""'. c. FIV " maclt fOr f\lr!Mr ,N"'"'•"",.· -, • ,..,1 •••• , .... , ..... tti., ''' ........ _,,,,,, ~ Mwl n•tt '1ld ,,.._10. ~ ... Uv:l'Nfl ta' "" tG Ill! lfW ,.,.,ldtlll "'411 "'-llll'lt 1n11 •en 1r"' ,., , 2"""' OrllMrict. z.w. M-. 11~1 • .., Stcrtl•rY ef JEAHNe 8USH, INC,, lllt Mimi .hi• llMfl "' tor A1>rtl •• ••rYlc1. • ..... -~ """' -911 lilt""' c:orl>Ortflo<I 111•1 UICll .. ""' ... rtti!ft ..... ,, •.••. ,,, •• In "" CO•l'l'VOl'n iii 111e ,_ °""""""" •no:I •n 1"'"""'""' 611 1w11.i1 Ill "" cc-.0t11i.." °' 0.-.""""'' No. J °' ••kl ceu,,, • FOR AS $ 60 PER 1vtlll"'-""' c ~ and •~· ~fl" ft-..!, Ind 1dl110Wl9Mtd le .i 1111 Wtil Eltlll t trftl, '" lht Clly • 14 • t!ft!Mlllll, -11111 Wdl ~allclfl ll)tt(UIM ti. °' Santi ""•· (II~. LOW AS MONTH TMlt lllftlr'ltlt It frttHfV 11 fll/00' ,,.,.,. 0111<1 Mitch U, 1'*' • ., In _...llllfl .. lhlN ~II al\ll 1~ .Wlll'llu ~. I """' """f\111"' W, f . ST JOHN • .,.,_..., ..CM .. 9iWfl tit ""'°r~Jlt•lv Ml l'rl' hafld lfld llllrtll llW ol'lltllt 1tOa l•~: ~::SI:. Al<IO OAltl.ANO 9 di a. II ""1llllr lllforMAflon 11 1t1I 1M 1!1y end -Ill ltllt certlfk•t-t -C -· '°"" • ... _... '*"""' ... ,...,.ftr.,. 11111 ''°'" wrm.n. -..... · • II M>-204 .... l'Tf.-r le (OFFICIAL lEA.L) N--1 9-11. Cl~ ttKJ 1Jw •-ltt ,.._ ~. Nt £mnl J, ~. Jr. Tel~ (7U! ...._ Ht. If,, Z-c.Nnl• ~ Noll,., "'1blk • C.ll!Orr•t• Al-lw PtlllllMr • • 1ft .... !'2, flt'MiM Pll'll Prlfl(ipil Dlflca lft Publill'IM 0•-• C1111 Dlll1' Pll!tl, NI. 1111, Inf NI. ID 1M A11 Ai1•••-t Or-'-t'J Mlrcl'I II, 1"' tHt 14,. "or.-"'· -. Ni• c-"'*' ...,,,.. • l'Ui~ltrte OOMMISSIOfll ""'' ti, 1'7' • OI" TMI CITY OP l>UllYI&. CAll•lllTI• I •••111s. PENETRATION • ..OUNTAtll YAU.EY At1n. ''"""" '-.......,.... "' °'"""" .,.,_ N11..i.. •-•rie rt•-'• tht • p ........ on.e.t ..... 1111 rTf ' ••• ::::......._.,..,,,. "'111t r. o. k• 11M DAILY r1LOT, kM•few11 111w.. · · • ~ ~rn~:r 0.l1' ,.,.._ ~Nd'-:.~!"·c::' Dil!v P!'el, ~'.',',',, fet tloe F1lt1lev1 Ortflf• 11 e e e •••••••••• ~ tMt .., Motf'Clll 10. 11, ,., JI , '"' OlftlL------------I---------'-------'-..;;..-::;.._::_ __ _ ••••••••••••• • • -A· --·-·---------- • DAliY~ J5. ' . Monday's Closing Prices-Complete New York ... ,_i-cai.o..r------------·· ._ • ITOCK 1.u1>111 l l I ' .. • :11 l>.llLY PILOT I -..-------------- ®. ,' . . . : : ' .. •7 4 squale inches of pic:;tur•. ' • Ligh'tw~iQ_ht, ;,_,ighs 1111 !h~." :ll· lb1. : • •All ~honriel UHF oild VHF sing!' knob .f11r11n11 •Front rno11r.1e~ full _,;de'.lity ipea~ei-: ! • • ,. . ' . WESTiNGHOUSE MINl·COM8012,'~ TY; . . PHONO AND AM~PR.UDiO . . ' ,. -. . ..• -i . \ . 229.95 value •Jet 1et 1creen • 1n1tcint-On TV wiih 7-4 sq. inch picture cireci •Solid state>-AM-FM transistor rodio with w1;1ke·lo·m1nic •"4-spe>ed phonogroph with autom1;1tlc chonger • fl•••-1 ·-········ 349.95 • 102 1q. inches of picture . •lnJ!ont-On all chonnel UHF-VHF 111ning •New trim shop• wilh top-front control Ii · •New Wedil'tghouse designed color chcuii1 with 22 i111provemen!1 WESTiNGHOUSE BIG SCREEN 18''* PORTABLE UHF/VHF COLOR TY 379.95 valUe •We1linghou11 high bright pic-11111 lube •All-on-cane d iol UHf/VHF chonnel tuning •Memory fine tuning, up-lronl sound • lntlo rit color fidelily oulomotico11y ................ -.. . \.~ l ,l 'l"l 'l,I~. \.~ .\ti .lit)\ I~\· IJtJI\ \ ... 1 '. \h I~ .'tltJ .\'1'11S 1't> 1•,.\ \'! . ' . t ·' WESTINGHousi 19"* Pot:Ta•t»f ' .(. , ... ;. . ·UHF!V'liF llT 'iilT n · · . WESTINGHOUSE 22•'* INSTANT·ON · COLO._ TY CONSOLE • lt1ik111t-on feature ·and ~jg piclure TV •Memory,firte tuning lets y~ pretune each channel •IJlpmincted.pop-on VH F and UH.F number1 · •fwin .t4!le1coping ontenng • Delu~e hon die . 1;.;--...... "' FIVE FEU.OF ·STEREO IN.IOYMENT WESTINGHOUSE STEREO WITH AM·FM RADiO 209.95 value ·•C~nt.mpOrary rl,ch ~lnut venfff'c~\tinet .' • /JNFM radio with outomatic fre(iu~ncy co'ntrol •4-speed autom1;1tic r~ord playe'r with 011tOmotic shitl·off '•4 spRker aound system •Five feet of St~eo1enjOyme1U\ ,.. WESTINGHOUSE SOLID STATE STEREO IN EARLY AMERICAN CONSOLE 355.00 value .. •AMJfM/FM-1tereo multiplex with 6 1peoker 1ound sy1tenl •4 1p•ed outomotic rKOrd thonger with diornond 11ylu1 • Si•ty woth of music power in 1olid .tot• high fidelity •Early Am1r icon 1tyl~ng in mopl1 veneers . ' .. 569.95 value ••full 268 sq.'i'nch~ of vie111oblt1 picture •Memory fin• tuning for perfect re<:epl ion •Westinghouse choui1 with oll 22 improvements • 1lluminc:ited Pop-up Uti_f c:ind VHF chc:innel numbers • 1;., .. ..i·--··· wo•l.rs LARGEST COLOR TY SCREEN AND STEREO COfttBINATION BY WESTl .. GHOUSE 899.95 value •Feature• big 1<re•n lndant·On color TV •Solid 11011 stereo and AM/FM rac!io and FM·Stereo •Six 1Peaket 1tereo 1ound iyitem •Authentic furniture styling in contemporary wa lnut veneer WESTINGHOUSE ALL .SOLID STATE STEREO CONSOLE .@ IN CHOICE OF 3 FINE FURNITURE CABINITS e CHOICE Of 3 STYLES •AM/FM/FM-ster10 multipl•• with FM tuning miter •lope input·oulput jockl and 1xt1mol 1peoler jod: •In Cont1111.poror'y walnllt, SponiJt Pecan, Fr11Kh Provincial fruitwood' •300-tts pet1k rnu1ic pow1• ~------..----.:H:.:U:,:Ri::R:,:T:.,;.-UANTITIES LIMITED ••• SOMI MODEL N T AVAILABLE AT ALL STORES! NOllWALK . NOllTH LONO BIACH ANANllM•BUINA PARK ANANllM•fULURTON WIST COVINA NORTHRIDGI RIDONDO BIACH IM,lllAl ffW,, AT STUOllAkll l . SOUTH ITlllT AT CHlllY llACM ILVD. & LINCOLN OIANOITHOl'I AT 'ltMON. . AZUSA AYI. AT ,UINTI llSIDA ILYD. AT DIVONSNlll HAWfNOINI II.VD. AT SO.IAY CINlll FOUNTAIN VALLIT LONO •1ACH MAllOI ILVD. AT lDINOll LOS COYOlll,SPllNO & WOODIUJJ HUllTINOTON BIACH OOLOIN WIST & IDINOll GAaDINOROVI BURBANK CANOOAPAlllK T0,AN°0A CANYON ILVD. AT IOKOI SANTA ANA H. QIAN~ AVI. AT 1n" Sflllf CHA,MAN & llOOKHUIST SAN fllNANDO II.VD. AT IUllANK SHOP A SA YI AT .IODYI MONDAY THRU SAT. 10 A.M. • t P.M., SUN. 10 • 7 ••• SA TllFACTION GUARANTEIDI . . . • • r ' ,I , • • • • .JI ...... • ·- . . J\•011:•~.-in · ~alley~ •• <t -.. ' EDITION O~~ ~. ~ , . MpNoAY,•M~RCH '2",;1969· :TEN, CENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....... ....:.. ..... ~~~~~~...:.~--''--...;:;-..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---...--1 'Pre~Ocions .. ,. . ' l . .......... . ' ~....., ' San .Clftnente Talk . . Nixon on • Coast: • DAllY·PILOT Stllff l'llO .. 'HUNTINGTON UN-AMERICAN'· '/F d p · 1 d' _) Golden W11t'i Coton>1ro ' .• . re·e 0 m , e r1 e . .' Unhappy Easter In J{untington: Beach Polluted By ARTHUR R. VINSEL or ,... 0.11,. PHH ttefl A three-Point policy declaring war on . campus disorder but urging correction of basic student irritants ..._ a guideline fQr American educators -i5 being studied today, fellowing its weekend r e I e a s et by President Nixon in San Clemente. The statement was iniUally sent to VacaUoning students cominp: to Hun--college and university administra~ by ' . tiom begin to die," be Rid. "The proce11 .ls 1 ~·too fomllW' to thoae who woWcl ·-·Ibo wreckage of history. Aalault Ind counter... assauJt, one extreme · leadins to· .the op- J>OSile extrtme; the Yokel of. reuon · and calm discredited." "None af us bu the.richt .to mppoae . it cannot happen hue," be conUnued. The President's basic statement on (Sff NIXON, Pap It · ' ' Qropout' tington's beaches for Easter. Week this Robert .H. Finch, se<ntary ·of healtlt year may bave their p2aDS for pleasure . , , :,:~~!.by thous~ds ol microscopic Full .Photo: ~ver190 H untingto"· ·~NTENSE .AY~Ji~11nl-"s TO:lPEAKtR AT ~~l;i,.q,:Qr.:. EACH c~uNIWci>N'GRlss" ACcording' to Robert .$tone, director Of-Nlllon VISlt P1~e~ 13 . . •Ill!'. , Htoro C11y .Ducrlllod Ii• 'Pr-l0u1 Dropout Opor1t1r11 on Dlct_1to1 of .Trodltlon' · - derm.rqafuentaJ.rbealfhfortbeCounty educationand'Wtlfart(,.~Olt ·tbe -&.,J : ·1:~· .. ,tj '-~'/:i · ~ .,;··1:·!·-,.:,~1 • · ::;'.:·;:': .. 1·:· : r ~ · .. J.' "'' t· ~ii.'!'~:~:,.=:~ ~~~!ii.~iilil~ ... , ... ttear.o·~.n~·: ·'~ . ~ ,~ ".--."'-.1~ .. ··~ ~•"~ .. ·ii .R:1·· .· ':',.·· · " , .. " ··· Stale Beach closed over Easter and -~ .. of crimlnaI vlllatloo. · ~.;..-__ ~ · ;: · -~ •· ,· .., • ·• · .. ' · ~ ~ !!!9."--.li!IJ ,.....,._ I k· •. 1 w·iJq ; •<.. • . >y.rt<.,,, ! ~ "':"l...i"•,...,:t 1t~* •»:D . ' ' ;f , . ,. •' by' • , ' ...... W'.t--•• m":M r~ .... 1. • • ~;.:"~ 0:. I y. , •• ~ '' ~: f'l1'1 ) ~ The pOllution ts caused :tewag& Finch ~&rrlen_t."'·~. ·~ itae : . ( . . t ' . ' ' .. '; . ' ;tr • I l ;';f • . • I ', ' • l . ir ~ '. • : t j • • .-r I •• '1 ~ -·.'. Dl." ~ :: .. :kfet.ur~.!~~g ~~=ic~~ l~eralvi.:'tence 'lip! 'ill Jlnpcioeo! ,_ A' )'!JQll• M...., '~· ~ 1111 ... . 'h J '.J : ' , I ! r, it , A~•·. J -C'll.; t' ; • ', . }J at · C . ' ~ I • . content are exuninect by the health · cqpvicl by boll>.~. 1r•~t ' firebombed~· J!t•~·~, ' ' D~U°('OOJH ·t:I IV UJ.U.Ci(.W · ·~.Cl.zey, . ~ngress • .h".! -" The primary .~ .• OU ~· en· llDeh. Thi ... ' l_laliift'.. ' . ',I.' "'~l' ' '· ·./' ' •. '' ., . • ' . J ' • • ' '· dti~I t.,. .,ong el~ht measuring sta-. larcemeitt o1 federil:·~ws pertibilq to Police · · , ,j ~ · · 1"11Dfc~. -· '. wilb;a'.,~.~ .~Jl<!UUon ·fcit',hiciuotr1a\-, Peter' Horton;.cllr'°'°* of pl" " .!GI' r· Ul~-:1~): ' educaUon and the aec&daiy ·Polnt. one . ~ tOllid , a:.,12N1~·trmt. ' .. t.., . ..,..,f'* ..... ' ~~. i ., '4fv.elo~·~· , . . . . . . -McboOneunouglii'AslttinaUUci<;i .. \1..t ',Bacteria have kept the tw .. ml!e state , •ir.s...d as far more lmPoflant · In · charred lbe .,_, •· doer ·ol tlii ·....,.. ,,.&+·~~IL" ·•"· '·-' ,_ , Wfllr.:.·~· lbet r•i>\d ec:Onomi..;~ . pr~ter !0<..!j>e_,,,_,,ic~' ' . beach closed !or , 1<ater contact for the pmt~lal atatemen). Is ~·· Jiorrll liome ahoqi)l m. "''"" ,..,...,....... 'P'!"!"' 11• 1 .w~, p,...,.. w 1 ln' sWuiirn (;llllomJi, Md, eapedally • aeininOr and aJOP~iw'1 f t" ', several week< •• Us< .o! the beach area ti6n o1 lilde~~ dtallve hlglie< Dam ... wal ~ 'w· the .at.1J. . D~-. b(iL JI•,, · . . , ,. '" , 0i;inieA>Jiy, lo,.lllliillnllOa'~aef., 1n. bis .t!om~·ir~ , . , l for sUl\halhing and picnicking is still .I~ tDieii..w.t,;....... d6oronc1·uplwhir1~'~illi: 1'11111.....,,.,bodtoom'!'•IT•llllodoi oov : lllic·ilsf~.-?'; .', Biach: '· '. ,',' ''"" ·,,.• 1 ~ al~:;;,~ton CUy Beach has been spared II'. in danger -b\ AmtriOL v-=·· but tbe ~'"' bod -f6wit 1be Jil!lol-can .. qliMe-.g. · Moot Pe!tPll!'Pld Ari. . He l!JP.lain«J two f'l"!<r.' mvdlvm:)lf . '· .. lat by ·tbe pa°"""eiu·c bacten·a because . ...-.... •• ,,. . .._. ...............' ln"-ldatloi\ to oertoa.1; llQlftib)Rauilho. ' ' hCi ·!i,,llif .........-~tlel ·Gf :W 1 tliey, bliked ~.;!fit ' cltt. ,... : a ·1aige' 'CQDl!i!l>li's,'~ :fill' ;a 'site. ·::- wrug rvo-.. ·-~ ....,.....-""' 'Hanis'·Wlle ·wu· .b:dlt tbe" ........ JluntlntUnll-leMit /IDt';liftral:~ · qUire·m~nt1 ' o.'n c; m't1>.trc1al j Fintp~yti~~adon (ltqd,c(*ti .. ')'''~ • :.:; therefu'.ae.movingsouthwarc.I. ·a.ii -accepted or at aD.teVentl 11' wu•notinjured.. 1 . · • tbelrowni ..... Wwoai.wltCilll"liL · · frimtbeftiletil el" '·' _,. "fa~(boli.llG&;'.t •ea;i1 ' ·~·· the prevaillnJ currem direction has kept ..., Is oeemin«ly'."' l1i 1111 w ~ at Ibo time, domC tlie · ._,, ti hr llatwdoy!S e.-111MilW ~lllid · ~bU~~ and~. a . ; Of1 , lnl.erut ar¥t li)eo .~t· ~-i . ; . ,. , "It fl pO.swle that the city be!!Ch" and not to .be avoldlid· .._ In 1be Det<ctlve Sgt. Joel Mibolts 'lotllllo • .~We .n11lluo<t11n4 omiJJ'...iniodlU.. •. \JeY~eiif ,of ' . , l~:wflt> 1. \1~;1'!iii~7 . , <,.;'.~ ;~~" could also be quarantined since IM"~ claah. °' .. opinloo wll\lin the unlvmlty Incident ;,18 , •-., ; 1,eiulJ'; olu ltooJ-Jim for • -""' ·:::.:; 1 oq'ftl ,'lD!proYl'l!ld 'm 1 al""~ Cl!" :1 lliii:pWitempwyat~ ""*~ , .. f.1.~' · rent swells generally; change direct.ion --eonfines, he said. motivated.., · , •-1 • .... l.ilph-a.der, an~ Vffw· miibod for .~Ucinc ~'i ind.:_~' 11\te 'in H~;~· .; ... ' 1 ~.:r-1")• aboutthiatJmeoftheyear,"said.Stone. VIOLENCE USED About 1 dozen Negio famllill Jl'le . ~.Jn ... ""•And ~1~~~atart : afJe•CClinznercitftnt:eiabto\~·a -~' ','fl!.4J.J>e?~J~.~~ ... .lfft:',H..-("~~ . Headded;tbatcumnt·directionchange Ni.Ion said viol-is beinC Uled not ll>Hunt!ngtGn Bood!;.ni.r..-,bom oq.,;nl :,~ a"fU111n .Jor -,C<JIOlnl ,to , U •waa pointed .oul,_,,1"1'-ille ·Im-ti~~cll ,are;~~ '"!!!' ·~l· hu alrady been delected in"""' in-olily to polilicize 'atudent bodies, but ' lewraciallncidinta..,..lod.lntlol]!UI. ·Clllfdty. 1. · . , •.,. I provemenlo,"'1,uhJ!!.ltrj.';;e{.\!!;/.otreeta. _H~ ,~'!f,~~};~!:j~ .,;:.. stances, wtilch "ooukl cause a worsening to_ poliUclze the educalional .tnstJtµUons Reinholb aajcf· Huril ,,... tbt· 'flctba Jeverat ,op.lniau enre.ed • m. the and 1 other -·df~fniu )~ are a J09d J~-~ 'N.~ -.,; ~~ ol lhe situation." themselves, action whlcll his In the . of. a n:lalod incldeot .to.Jl'ebn11!7 -E<OnOrn1< "~' 'pol'uOn .of I ·eUilillve.. to atlfl¢..,on ~ • merclal fu~tOdr\hi lldi\.'' '•.. ~,, According to Stone, Riverside has cklne past. spelled disaster to both polilli:s unidentified tndlviduall 1·c r tb·b le 4 , !hlnM .... ,, .~ , !Dllk'akd .uuit, to • ,:,.. lirp·,~r iUdi t&.;~·~ Harfon' .aiib hotld ~ihat.1n lHibtlitPll ' ·_ f.r th' h id h l ciltu'-hie--"~· .,_ ,,_ ;;;;;.;;;>'..;1 •• +.I.; .., • ...,.Jnot U.'t ·~•·• ., 'Dtfigld• -•-· · • '~ ·' ' ' ' (Sff:l;C01'10MICll, ~ It• lff. every 1ng 'tatceu umanybedonc arid tun:. · o cau~cm~w •. ~ ... · .. -i-r-:'--~~--,·~-I-rJ"li a"'~";4"9 1 ~:" -. , •• "';,r. ,_..,. ,.~ to ameliorat~ the problem, having · ;'It is, not. too stro11g , a. stat~ent · At that time Delptlcn: MfPed tr-.e · ~ 1 1 ..J...; , ·. * . "'ti, , 1 1 1 --k '"{:( 1 :· • ;y1 ; • · · . 1 • , ; , ; 1 • ~·· 1 • , • ~ ts..· P(lLLt!rl.ON, P•ge z1. (o, declare that thls Is tbe way ,tlvlltza.. . th~ .Joul ICl'lbbllnp, ,an4 ~· Ibo : . . >; . . • • , • , , . 1 , • 1 . , : '1 , , , Huntntaton.• t~ •., • : r I · · · · · · ~:~~.:-·~,It , '!''~ Ea· ·uc· 1 · w' · ;o''r·· t:·a ·:lls'tor ' ,,.. · w· 1 · · · 'ill:l:': .. ,,.,' '; · "~··'11·,~,! ••. Inv~, •• ;_ aalcl '•!be" •. I •,:~ ' . ' • "' ............ l M,;.r. ~;:· + ,,.~~'!l!!!'!"!Wl . are ~p;;;_.w.'Jlni:trf.,';'°' i-rti .. ,-:-_r' ~ . , .•• . , •• •I : r' .1 . ,'. . ·' ' •. , ,· '~.· '""''O'r!Y.~ .~~~ ·~·.• .. • "'t~ .• ~.' ,, ~J ,'?.·~·. DAILY~OT.lf9fl ....... PAT AND DICK WAVE GOOD.BYE FROM PLANE llAMI' ~ Sontlmontol Jovrnoy one! A lluddlo.., Vl-m A milk boUl;~"Y~, . •1oeded '-'fll> ' ~ ~' f :· ' \. ' I '1 -•-'w' I~ .., -- . • ... ~ ... I . I r • ·.' ' ' I I 'n !1·'." I'' 1'rull.etll 1111·Hunt1nc'en·Be8ch~ .,,.,-:.__ lllJOllne, WU 'for, llaturclay'l ·bom-B. c· 't ' . . f' p· ~ ' . llltbdlcbodl Dlstfli:l "1Jl ..:..1:at• ,,,. -,.,,~ !>lnl. uld lleinbolt.v .. " .. , ., ' ' ' ' ' t ' · ll'llold.. it• Ille J;ff.;.·lleGilllb ·1 ·" ~tu;:. =7~·~ 1 l. y · 6 ~~n. : ~ · .. ·~PP .. : ... ·: ~!.i·=~~-~l ,: ..widdbtbetratt. r--:-, , .· _. ·· ..... , t; r ~ 1 ,· ·, •l,. ,.: ~ i' · fora-regutar't\11"'•-·n•*'''C" ___ ,' · · ..=" i; i::n·:~~': ~~:: .. ~;~·:;:;i;; ~,.::~~~~;;c! ; : s~·~-.i;, ~ · l opefSta. a medibl<'·IUoi•; _In ;.. M 'dllli<uK u :,......, 01 ....... <ltow· '1!1lllill}' l'nlr ... If Goldin Woot~llqe. 1 c. , .....,,,. city, and omiou11t '-llad -lo lift~· _ ~, · !yon ~ ~-lllt!t*1¥t !l"ll_-.)he ~-NEW YORK (APJ -'II* -mll'l<el hon: . I. loltl o • a.ell' of .111 lllal.,!lbilb lbe,t.k of ·=(. cl"'4-1·-loclOJ••Trodiolt -, llo ~ -....m.:li.. ~ Ln "-'-wt~~. ' ,· C .I< · •~,-...•·•-·,'--LLb ·, 'fuliab WIS "1ol!Yllyt ....... (S.0 1 qWlt> ,;;kw\-;,,..--=:-=~..,,!-~.,,,;;;· ~'",,,;' m~al:CJlllomla,~ tt=-~r,...,..~--r.~•-:--"':";lllll)" '. ti..,,'Pag., 14'11~""'"' lnl~-~.._,' ' . . ,.,,, ~~-...... .. _,.., . ' ;.t,'.Y 1• • ' ' 0 4 Clll009, ~ I ~ Ulm n::u.n,•"t"""!:"• • ,.. '" ' " • ~ • • ' . / . / •, j I , ~' ~ f I • I I •' '"" •• •) i 1 'o • 'It '.f •"' Y. \ , • · ~": ,., .• , .... 1•1 ·-i,·,~· Oram•e 1.,•, .. ·1Ce..r-Cp,.~l!lf-Ad11~lt1~!~·. ', ' · ; ';·J '; ·. ', -·~, , ". ~ ' "'. , ,1 -' ._ ,... ·e· · , d ; ~ r1 ~· u· ···; ·-·d",. ·: "" ·\ ... \,. ~· · ~ · ·1: · ... , · .... ; J ·,~~: : : :: : .. r.o e-r1Q~ .. :, :: . ~a ·.·,:~~.-~~~p,1~',,:.: .~~~.i:Z~~'. ' ' ': • .. • • S' J i ,· .. ,:.~J.'.: .· •91-,. •t : *Jr,;t i~\.··~•·-~·.:'J.•11\•: Wdl.,, • .-.i1 t..oare1 •·'1a ~..,,, ~ · ·nmma1hJ.f ~t'.l*'beon ,•Po llnltoollodl: "••' • oM:.:1Mhr1 t11t'lii>li'farl..,..' et<v~~ ..,,,...,. t.- polnlod '!'"!'JIU.,~ lot U,, ~:e:-~~'tllo ' ........ -'*"' •ton ... DR!OtrpC•W. aflDiiiDcoil\ -llll up-io 1...-_ . lnlaotl. piopooed p~ l!Oopllo~ ~ to. • '""' lliallqlon •M -l .,. lrJ llli!+Aflb U"IDt, -R. ' Dr. Geqo J.. ~JI'-oil ~ 'J!Mpllol1111111J ....... -:l"I'-. . Dr.-'l.'111•e,Er>-.J \ I . IN'llDE '~"" • tht boonl of ..,_'ff !lie llBH CorP-.. --........ "!!" Iii',.....,._....,, llr, I • • .,. ~I'~~ .. ownerofthepnpooitl~mlllioebooFW ~ · -····~~~~·.,_ ... llr• P'1ti* lli!llM!.~Dr: ' . A/l!l'k.OF.:.'~ • ~.11"."<U __ .. ff-.,,..-. . . ~· .1•f'*91( ,...., ~-'.:""" 'lo lft d.',Ji'.llilll#f!o-• .... ·~ •. ~~~~~ -Jd,Who-~ l~l!ill!•f\! ~,....,•{Jir; llllJ01116itr.' .......... I' ..,.... .. •'-ii"t.l~l ·U•'>U\, il·~Hunlin1ro.O· In lloii ·Ml llJI ~. · I ., lo-,·-id·" ~~~JI ~I , Wiii whtn tt•opoiled·tn H~ · '~ ·• 1 .11" =tt;U..-.....,.orx1*cl-1 ~.P"1" 2, , , ... , ' ,:, Ii" •' ~lw;o ..... ·-will iAJjj tn !ft ' -.... , .• • • • • ' , llr thorflllll ~-ort 11t)llD I ~ !_." °' 1 '';f_,).l' i ' ·••" lti• ' ~-· _... >"6,;:.....L!="'. ~. • .. • .......... -.r--)I 1•-.... ,,., .I and _., ~ .. ~ .... -.. ., -............ ;~ jleo<h •• •;' ·-• "' ·-· .. '.... .' !'. ofthe11M>er11pedalbedbtiotiltllalllo\ir ~. 'u~·~:;oana.·1'f'Qcl1tiil5.lri'biz¥h ra1·19 -· =..r--~ =.=i-; l!ld Dejawere Streeu: I~ .... ,,. -.,. ~j:h -·ffeoJlilel 1tv 1 ~ -•."\;, m PreaenUy , --,,al Piltil ,.. fl'-f "°" 'U .... 1"1111; "ii\ 1 lltilpltll ls~ tO ') t h.r, • ":"",""" • l! f' 1 Harbor 0ener11 11osp11a1 ,Jii .Gont!I ,,,. , .... ,, , , .• > .. • tw"!;~~. ·~~ ,.la•!•".,.'-lJ-.5'~=-i 1· urove, B-llaa ,ollO ·Mmd .. ~.,_,.,ttftddo. , ~ lw • .-~'"~ "• 'i;;.;.;;; , :: boopltalconsultantfcx;CblpmonHorpltal U ;.,_itr:U,11*W••~ f*.: ~·!~.•-: : ._., ~ 'i.S" · • • I· tn Orange and w1s~lol' for U. Mf:,.._ --.(~ ~-.;....-..!I'_ , aid", .,' ' 1 > l Hun~ ProleaiOilol ~ tn,_H..,. ~ty ~. , . lllldlllao·~llif • · ' _: -;. . ' -,, I t . l 2 DAil V PILOT H ,,,_. P_,e I NIX.6N-.•• the hot -cl -turmoil ca!lt for the 1Cadtmlc community to cleaD \IP lta own house flnt whm it comes '" ............ -.. fa!oll1, but ,..;ml._..., -. One principle to be oblerved, be aold, ls that colleges and unlven!Uta are placa In which m<n ar< judged by achievement and merit in thtlr own sptdllc mu of tnOwled&e and conduct. "The l~ependence and competence or the faculty, the commllment and eq..Uy the compett.nce of the studtnt body. are matten not to be compromiaJd," Niion said. SECOND PRINCIPLE The second and only other principle to be coosidered, be continued, ii tQat violence or the Utrut ol It must never be pennitted to lnllue~ the acti~ or judgment or tbe aeadenuc commwuty. "The federal pemment cannot. should not -mU!t not -enforce aucb principles. That is fundamtntally tJte task and responsibUlty of the unlvenuy community," be u.Jd. He added, society need not fear for continued appllcaUon of these two educa~ tional prlnclplt1, but every man must dread damage to what be termed ~ largest, !rmt educaUonal gystem lD history. Nixon then spelled out a prescription ror slckDeu in that particular soclety, qualifying his statement with a lona·ttrm program far Its eventual cure. PRIMARY INSTRUMENT . "From Ume immemorial , expulsion has been the primary instrument o[ univeral.iy dlsc1pllnet'' be ukL ,.,,_ wbo would not abide by the n1lfl cl tbe conununlty ol learninl have simply been requlred to leave it. for any other fonn of coercion woukl cauae: that community to change lit lundamet>tal nature.'' he uplalned. He nolod alto U..t the lut eon.,... enacted lawa stripping federal atcl and ...i.tance from studtnll eot1vlclld by courll ol crimlnally dlanlptlng the edoca- tional oyllem. '"111e new rqulatloos ar< moderate and Ibey are justlftecl," be .. Id. "Given the .,.._,. tactics cl dlanlp- tion anyone 90 convicted may fairly be asmimed to have been uaaultlng tbe p:ocelSel of tree 1nqulry_ whlcb are the very Ille <I. learning," Nllon added. PROTl!Cf IT!IEU' "Any IOCiety U..t will not proted H· sell agalnll IUCh aaault exhlblll pre- cious little respect for -mienect. com- pared to which the lasue of public ordet ;., vtrJ near to (de mlnlmlt,)" be uld. "The diffk:ulty of tllil moment, u of most llm• wben fundamental priDclpla ar< chall<D1ed, Is Iha! many cl U- poslng the challenges, and even men of thoOe .upporttng them, ... rupoodlng to very basic problems." Reasserting the twin principles of acl.· demic treed.om while ignoring the issues foremM\ In the minds of studenta posing: a threat to them. hawtvtr, is not the tot.al answer, he admitted. • • SLOTHFUL, D18110NEST "It is Jeu than ingloriOWI: tt Is aloth!ul and dishonest. an iffront to those pnn. ciples-and in the end fuUle." Student. today point to many wronp which muat be rl~hted, Nixon said, con· tulng on to explain them in three broad statemtMll, without mentlonilll 1pe-- clfics: "We have seen a depenonalliation of the educational experience. Our inltitu· tions 'must reshape themselves, ltat this turns to total alienation " "student unrest does not utst ln a vac- uum, but. reflects a deep and grnwlng oocial unmt aHecllnl much ol oor world tocby. 8ell-rtghteous Indication by eocl· ety will IOlve none of Ulil. We must resolve the internal coatradk:Ucm of ~ ei>mmunldes.'' UNIVERSITY REFORM "Then must be university reform including new uperimentation in cur. ricu.11. aucb u ethnic 5tudles, student involvement in the decision-mating pro- cus and a new emphasis on facu1t7, tea ching ." Nixon said he has ordeml Finch, as HEW director, to explore new methods of accomplishing these needs and eu- ing tenslolls in tht educational commu- nity. He said bil administration wUl always be: open t'o constructive suuesUons. "But the forcu of stp,rat.km and non-- rtason muat be replaced by vi,oroua:, pmuuive and Jawtul eUOrts for con. structive cha.rip," his policy atattment concluded. • OftANOI CQU1 l'WLmt!Ne ~NIT leMrt N W"4 .. ,....,,,. tflf ,..,... J.c• l. C.1J.y Ylcit,,...... eM ~111--.. fJi•"'•' K11tll -n.111 ... A. M~r•lll11• _ ..... AJMrt w. ••t.t w1111 .... •••• ~ tM!tlrltlM ... ••11or Cllf lf!IW " ............ lOt ltlri ltr .. t M1m .. .-.w ...... P.O •••• no. tl'MI --.._.. ...... , tl11 ..., ...... ...,,..,.. c... ... , ... ~J"""" uw.. IMfll m a..._ BUSINESS ,\ND PLEASURE -Although bis week- end visit to the Onnge Coast bad a festive air about it, President Nixo11 also spent time cQnfer- rinc with top aides on the Vietnam War. Ready to board Air Force One for return flight to Washing- ton are (from left) Nixon, Secretary of State Wil· llam P. Rogers, U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker, former U.S. Deputy Military Commander in Vi.et.Dam Gen. Andrew J. Good.pas- ter and oaUooal security advisor Henry Kissinger. Coast Bids Nixon Farewel] 350 at El Toro See Pr.esident Off After Visit By RICllAJID P. NALL Of .. Di9fb' l'tllt ...,, Project Dela1fid . -Valley Stymied .... I " On LarWin Tract Militant opponent.a ol the p:opoitd 5001&nd development. home Larwln Tract in Fountain V11ley JllJlU E. £rl.ckson, a Santa .Ua 4t.- are rallying forces today to eonUnoe tomey' repru.nim, the Larwln O:m- the fight which gained ·them at leut pany, refuted C.ppiul'a claim.I poinUnl a delay Friday In conatructlon cl the lo city onllnanw and atate lawa lo email.Jot i-s. show tbat the Larwln Company had Mort than 100 residents crammed City ~in a completely Ifill manner. Hall Friday as councilmen heard four PU'ker ruled also that Friday'• bNrlng and one-half hours of testimony, then was to be conducted on action taken reached a 2·2 deadlock on an appeal by the Plannina Com,nlWon, and zoning to reverse plannlq commission approval actiom taken earlier by the counclJ were ~ the Larwin development. not relevant to the matter. ' The tie vote means Larwin developers BASIC OPP<m'J10N cannot move until the City Council takea Residents who live near the propoeed elther affirmative or negative 1ction on Lanrin Tract pointed out more bu.le: the appeal. The special hearing w1s ·Uo Som of their t. contlnued until the council'• April l 0~ n. e com:men ran as follows: regular meeting durlng Friday's session, but alter the meeting, city officials decid4 °l'm worried about having to PIY ed to hold the hearing at 7 p.m. this for the klcls In the Lanrln Tract. I Tuesday night. settled hert becawie of the dty'1 at· mospbere of low density bouslnc·" BEGIN AGAIN "I'm tired of bumping my noae on If councilmen uphold the appeal, the a block wall just outside the back door." ·Larwin Company must begin 111 over "'People boUjhl here for 7,20!t iquare again and submit new tract maps for feet. Your planning DO"if la pretty poor."- approval of planner11. Jf the appeal i11 "'f WOJTY about the educaUooal qulllty denied, the Larwin Tract will proceed of our school.! with high denalty bousin&.'• as iCheduled. '"'Mle issue is not legal, I'm 1tmpJy Larwiti Company propose1 to build worried about the quality and ablllty: 500 homes on property 1ocated between of this council to represent the people." Talbert and Ellis -AveOues and Newland "The F.dlson Right of W1y figured and Magnolia Streets. The tract comes in the tract u a developed park la under the city's 7,200 square feet per usable ooly u a green belt. It's pro- lot planned developmenC ordinance. , bably the biggest dog-nm in the state. Tbe pralclmUal seal on Air Force One eeemed llldly 111Dbollc cl the agonies of the pmidency Sunday u Richard Nbon, hit wtle and atclea beercl- ed the big jet at El Toro Marine Corpa Air Slltlon. AndreW J. ·Goodputer, former. deputy commandd cl· U.S. forte1 In Vlelnam and newly nained a1lled commancler cl the Nortb :A-. 'l'r<aty Orpolzatloo shoulder. He •tumed back smiling and shook the )'CJWllsltr's mi.all hand. Timothy tieanied-and saluted. The Pre.sident in a blue-gray suit look· eel tanned and relaxed after his San Clemente weekend. Mrs. Nixon ·was wearing a areen and yellow plaid suiL Opponents. pointing to some of the "This tract Ui not new and untque. ·~ 5,000 square-foot lots proposed in the "Even rals become neurotic when · tract, claim it will be crowded, increase overcrowded. l came here for bruthing Tbe ftm:t •'Ii• that l)'lllbollzes -cluiched Ill olive branch ol peace in ooe takn and the arrow• or war in the other. Thtt balance cl peace anci po-. the Vietnam war, had been cll.oc:uued by the President and hi> aldes llhortly before a helicopter wldlked Nl1on and bit en-touraae to the Marine baae. Before boarding Air Force One to return to Wultlnlton late Sunday, the Pruldent met with Ellnrorth Bunker. U.S. ambusador to Saigoo, and Gen. forea.. \ Tbelr dlacuuloDa cootlnued for three boun SimciJy, thon ........ion the !Ulbl back to Wulllngton. A crowd ·« abool SIO _. wu on hand al El Toro to apPlaucl and bid farewell. n waa Nixon'• flnt vlltt to the county of hit . blrtb alnce tbe praldeotlal lnau11Jr11tlon. There w11 a 1peclal trut for I-year-old ~ Fiona ol Wllmlntilon aa the Prealdent and fJnl lady veered toward the llllliUn1 crowd. The boy waa tbnut by hit father over the crowd toward the President. Mrs. Nixon touched her husband's Asked · If Nixon ·bad purchased any real estitte· in Orange County, a press aide told a reporter wlth a grin: "! think he's taking a look at the Queen Mary." The joke alluded to press and public speculation \hat Nixon might buy property for a home and library in the area. After about 1 10..minute handshaking round, the President and Mrs. Nixon hurried up the ramp, waved and left on the shrieking thru5t of four big jet englnes. the lax burden, and destroy the original space and elbow room, and I don 't la rge-lot concept of the city for which want to support the Larwin Tract with they moved to Fountain Valley. my tu: money." Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger opened When the final vote was tallied - Friday's session, told the packed au-correcUy -councilmen John Harper. I · · th and Edward JU!t favored stopping the dience he had persona Jnterest m e Larwin development while Fregeau and rlevelopment, handed the gavel to Vice--councilman Joseph Courregta were In Mayor Donald Fregeau and spent the favor of the tract. rest or the night sitting in the audience with his wire. BEA VY APPLAUSE Heavy applause broke out, when at 12:30 a.m. the·councll f!nally voted and the tote board sho'wed a surprise "yes•• by Fregeau's name and it appeared the protest.ors had won 3-1. * * * Councilmen Give ,,..... Pqe. I From Page l But before the clapping could echo from the walls Fregeau yelled, "No! l made an error and mistakenly pwlled the wrong button. My vote is no!" Reasons for Votes on Tract COMMUNITY CONGRESS • • • ECONOMICS. • • The boos that greeted Freguu's state--Once the vote was taken Friday night unfortunately remains static once It ls conipleted. "We must re.oogniu that those jigsaw pUJZlea 'All l!i'ftr be put to&ether, tbat we ~ve to·taie certaJn risks," he .cided. ' He advoctt.ed 1 cultural and educational 1ystem which is developed according to a atratqically played game like chess. one which is flezible and adaptable. CULTURE IMPOSllD :Under the jipa.w system cut1~ and e<fucatjon are impQHd on the people by prominent cltiiens, witJ>out; taking into C<lttiideration bl'Old · community_ cooperation at the grus root.t level. "Our block-walled, windowleas homes isolate one another," be continued. "We must b.-eak down these concrete barriers, realize that we are alienated and work together u .. family.'' Oatanzaro IUaut<d U..t tbe !int step toward progress must come frun the outside, that the city must hire 1 team of Independent researcben to llucly the city and rind out "wbo ft are." Frotn P-.e I HINDERAKER .. can take to make it viable . He stressed the need for a rule of law, ba1ed or. broad consent and not just enrorced by police. "If we have to have a policeman every 10 fee t, we can"t have. a viable community," he said. The educator allo c11led on HunUngton Beach citizens to provide a community which can adapt to change, one which hu the attitude of the 1chol1t who Js alway• 11kln1 que.ation.s and uaminln& the alternaUvu. ID.nderaker pointed out thlit this is one ol the cardinal concepts of a living community, 11yin1 ''tht world dttnands a lot more than citizens wbo remain il.aUc." "We must also learn how to accomplish things within our poolltical 5ystem," the keynoter said, yet at the samt Ume calling for an open society in vth.ich there i!: a fret Dow of ideas. "A hllh degree ol lreedom ol apeech brlnp wJth tt a certain amount of ferment and some ol the best Ideas tW>lve out or dilagreement," he commented. "We are an unhealthy toelety if we cannot tolente tbe compeUUon of these Ideas." He called on memben of the 0><alled "establlahment" to leavt It open for all the ' J em. t n t 1 d the community r<mlndltia tbe Jlll'&ll U..l "thooe who stt out k> destroy tht establlsrneot are U-""" feel that -Ibey clon't have an71hio& lo_ .. The _. a1ao urpd Huntington Beach to dlecrfbe to 1 1 y • t e m of urban eotlllkm. to develop t a 1 k forces whlch would lmmedi1teb" f a c e lhem1elve1 with the problema of employ· ment, law enforcement, hulth. wtUare, cdueltlon and recr<alloll. FinaUy, Hinderake r 1aJd, there h1 a ntf!d l\Jr le1dershlp bAsed on perruulon lnsltad of 1uthority. "Good le1der.shlp mu1t •fmbollze the valuts of the com· munlty r1ther thin tell It what to do," he said . ment had twice the volume of. the on the Larwin Tract, uch of the Foun- 1'\en the city could set itaell some Beach there are only 300 houses for previous applause. When the vice mayor lain Valley councilmen 11ve • lhort reallstio' goals, engage in~ p~ sale and tht vacancy factor in asked the substitute city attorney, Jack ammtation of. why be voted in such ning and erUr" a pha&e of acgrta&ive apartme.nll Is 'only me pe!'Cf:Dt, making Parker. if he could legally switch his a manner. ' achievement. -f it difficult for employes of a new firm vote. the audience shouted "No!". and Here's what they Wd. t · lo ... .._ Jahn u .. --... .. , voted yes on the a,..,.11. GROUPS SBIVOl!'"Wlrn • • o move lD --continued to boo. ._.~ ,.,,.. ~~u -.. all · • ote be k to stop the Larwin Trac.ti "This Is not A Sm.II I•mem•·r d'-·-lon ~·p Rapid cbJn.te" ¥_.;'!I· mn town w1t11 Parker asked that a rev ta en, the tr cl . 1 .,. uo; ...._.,_ e•vM 1 nd , to I another tw" hen h aid same a map M saw 1· ·--n under the C•-·-·-·"'p ol Dr. Clare only a ior 1 re.ICIW'te, a arge and added 1st w e s , ,,,_. 1 ..... _ .. h....... . n..... ber ~~~ · --• of Ind I I d I t 11 the otln chin Vu~ or uie zone ......... ""e in ut;\;em . Hall, rtacted with shock to Catanzaro's city in ir=u Ultra eve opmen "I'm not even sure v g ma e 1t i!: dlfferent now and I am asaJn.st __ ., ....... Iha has made a tough adjustment for the used by this council Js even legll: attd ,·t." • remarks but g1:1-.a11.y ...,....... t city. J think a revote should be taken vocally." "aomething must be done." Edward Just, voted yes on the appeal, At lea.st part of the b~ ·waa placed City Attorney Donald Boofa expressed Angry citizens then filed out of council "In the past 1 v 0 t e d for plumed th t f t.be .t b the view that the "city has a poor chambers prepared to renew the battle developments, knowing full well it mla:ht on ehona ~d ~'H "•~Beuru yh .Y record in luring commercial development April 1. i·ump up and blte me u now, becauie one w !i8l • un .... -e-• ac is since· It gained· McDonnell Douglas." Throughout the more than four hours growing up too fast. 'I11e rtsident.s are o! testimony, ~1ichael R. Cappi:.z!, a I felt th•t If they met the ordinance I ~-too ma dille nt s It was agreed by all that the land I had no -ounds for op-iuon to make com ng uum ny re source · 1. lawyer and resident of Fountain Valley ~ ...,.., M ....... It' __ , uJ•-bad Ji is here, but it has to be made attrac 1ve it stick. Now I feel I have 1 chance "'3--. s 11U1. q K as as wu served as pr imary spokesman for the represented.'' to developers. to stop a small-lot propo1al." J F ol ••· p pert Ow Larwln opposition. Just conUnlH!d, "I also do not 1 .. 1 Another member of the diacuuion oe erm, "ft: ro Y ners CappizzJ, In nearly two hours of speak· group, Mn. Carole Wall, said much Protective League, said, "We've got to Ing, based his opposition 00 what he the Larwtn Company should tf:Cf:ive work is already in progress to remt:mdy act fast. There has been a rapid change claimed were several JesaJ techn!calliles, credlt for land (the Edison Co. e1aement) the "l u ....... she f It that the edi from farm to urban and we haven't • which it does not own. We are living: °' ua on, IN'-e m a adjusted." including the following: them land, and the cosl of developLng wu not doing its job in telllnc the -A poS!!llble conflict of interest con-the park will simply be ............ on to pe:opl.e about it. Fenn, however, opposed any free give--cerning the mayor, city attorney F.dwin ~ Objection centered around t h e away by the city lo lure commercial Martin, and an unnamed councilman. ~ei::~. owners, rather than the speaker'• .suggestion of hiring an outside investment. -Illegal zone changes made by the Donald Fregeau, voted no on the 1p- agency to do a survey. It was felt Horton emphasized the people factors council in Ordinance 515, pasl!d Dec. peal, "My particular view is that over by several ptrtlcipants that the com· for drawing commercial Interest. "You J7. the years we have gone throuch changes munity should be included in such a can't attract business and industry until ~e or the planning commissioners on our master plan. This small-lot project. you can get people to live here," he was too new to hla job to have adequ ate development i5 not something we have Panel member Pat McGi.Mis said that 5aid. background to make a decision on the just plucked out of the a.ir at this the average Orange County resident has "We have control or these factors," Larwin Tract. time." been too heavily involved with the 11e added. -The special planning commission Joseph COurreges, voted no on the aerorpace industry and has not yet Most citizens felt educating the meeting on Feb. 27 which reversed appeal, "My vol.log is based on the fact learned how to get involved with the residents to what mlght h a p p e n , previous den ial or the tract was too 1 personally think this development is community. especially in the way ol property taxes, hastily called. a good one. I remember hot charges The general tenor of the discussion if the clty develops without a commercial -Apparent inconsistency or the Larwin made dw1ng the blt'tle for incorporation, was summed up by one panel member base, would help the problem. Tract with the city's general plan of but look where we are todly.'' who added, "We all come from such 1--'----'---''--------------------------------- varying backgrounds that all of us iden- Wy"with 10rrteplact ebit: than Huntington Belch. t think that If we could begin to identify with the community ~·e could get ahead.'' FNM Pqe l POLLUTION. •• r.,,.ired the n1ptured line& three times, only to have them broken again by_ recurrent flooding. Slon< said the city upecta to gel its repair project buttoned up tooay but Lhal unfortunately the pollution wlll continue for about two months. "There are nine sewage treatment planta in San Bernardino and Rlverslde cwndff that are dumping 1 total ot 50 mllHon gallons of sewage Into the tributaries of the Santa Ana River each day," he aa.id . "Althouih this is treated aewage, It'• sew11e nevertheleu and k contains a h1gh conteut o( b6cttria acccrdin1 to our aamplinc." Al Joni 11. t.bere" ls "ater flowing In the Santi Ana Rlvtr bed the polluted au-will be dumped Into the ocean. "Thtte art no m te regutadorrl re- quiring thlt the lNattd sewage be of a ctrtaln quality. We c•nnot rely on the fact t h a t the sewage ts tttated and disinfected," t ald Stone. "TN• Is the first tJme that t1 can remember that we·ve had a prolonged rlow of the Santa Ana RJvu. Unles1 30mt'thing unforeseen hlnpena the pro- blem will be with us Wiii! tho flew erase,, \\'hlch coukt be 11 long 11 two 1nonth~." • . , • • • • ;. • • · • • .. "·l. • • • • • • • •• ' • l •'I" ' • ' Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaired e diamonds end precious &fonts remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY HAUOl SHOl'PIN• CINftl JJOO HAllOl II.VD. COSTA MISA 14S.t4H o.,.. M..., ,..._ I'll 'Ill ' ,..., HUllTIN•TON ClllTb llACH I DIN ... HUllTIM•TON lllACH ni.1101 ' ~ • • •. I • \.\• ,• /."."•"·" . • • • •' ' • ~'' •" • o _. • I• !I L I I • I • I I I I I ' I I t I • I 0 , v I .. ' ' v • , ~ I • t I I l < • I t ' I t • I I .. •:·~~:-· BY WILLIAM REED Reeds ••• In the_ Wind 01' Greasy Murphy dropped in this morning to tell me a sad tale about all the hassling on hospitals in Huntington Beach and to suggest that the City Council should give at least as much attention to the hospitals as they did to dogs. "I've been tryin' to make some sense out of all this yjikkin' about whether it's better tot the city to have just one big hos{>ital out there on Beach Boulevard. or to have that one and a couple or so little ones. "I'm not the kind -my clothes are a bit oily -to be allo\ved to wander around tlirough hospitals so I don't know what's inside that makes the differP.nce. • "I asked my doctor 'vhich 'vas best and when he suggested that I might need major surgery, I decided I really didn't care about findin' out all about the inside. Besides that, he might have stock in one of the little hospitals. "Then I read in the paper that the councilmen went right down to the city pound to look it over to see if it was fit for dogs when some woman complained about the place. llf understand from some coun· cilmep that they've never seen the inside of either the small hospital or the big one to see what kind would be best for the city. • "Why, I understand that lhe councilmen wouldn't even listen to debate on the hospital hassle. Why should they? The city attorney said that they couldn't do anything anyhow. "Bob Zinngrabe is convertin' his convalescent hospital t o a lipecialized ho~ital to do certain things over lhere and the big hospital is complainin' that the small hospital ,will make it im- possible for them to expand and buy a lot of big equipment. "I don't give a darn if either one of them makes a nickel or not so long as there's a hospital handy if I fall off the oil rig or something'. But I sure would feel better if I was sure the city council had looked into this hospital hassle completely.'' Of course, 01' Greasy knows nothing at alJ about anything. He even suggested that as long as there has been no public hearing on what looks like at least a semi- public use, the people will never really know 'vhat would be best for the communitv as a '"'hole. Perhaps no one raf.es. • Another dilemma is w h ere should the 80 hospital beds no'v needed in this communlty go - to Huntington lntercommunity or to Pacifica Hospital? Both are privately-owned facilities and both claim the right of private enterprise to build as best suits the profit-loss sheet and the community. Anyone who would like to debate this one shou1d send letters streaming to the editor and to the city council. Th J s is one which seems almost impossible to settle without making anyone angry. Involving Question Un~nswered Do the majority ol residents or •tunt- lngton Beach want to get involved in the <Xlmtnunlty or to iake advantage of civic opportunities? This is but one or the quesUons raised, but unanswered during Saturday's Com- munity Congress sessions on Civic Op- portunities. ~ionte Nitzkowski presented the facts of civic opportunit'y to the scores of CXJm.ihunity leaden, but It was up to the leaders to find solutions. Nitzkowski pointed out that Hunting· too Beach has one of the finest. recreR· tiooal beaches and climate "nywhere in the world. He explained how the "cilf govern· ment is in a program of rebuilding some areas and planning to create ne1v development in parts of the city now considered blighted and hopelessly out or step with modern progress." He could not answer the queslion or v.·hether the citizens want to becon1e involved in the community or not. Nitz- kowski suggested that resident.s be en· couraged to bectime involved. "Youth, in particular, should be. v.•elCXJmed to the civic are.a or the com- munity life," he said. Community Congress is not intended as a device to solve all problems, but to make people acquainted with each other and with the problems that do exist, acCXJrding to Dale Dunn, mana.s:er of the sponsoring Chamber or Com· merct. Many of the problems in the civi~ involvement area were stated as ques· tions: "Does the majority want to get in· volved? 'Vho would coordinate mass involvement in city government? Who would listen to youth? Why do we sec the same old faces at every meeting'!" Participants in open discusssions of the problems of civic involvement pointed out that there is no problem with build· ing interest if a freeway is running through the neighborhood or when a pork site is threatened. Nitzkow~ki pointed out that v.·hen Mayor Alvin M. Coen issued an open invitation recently for residents lo appl y for committee assignments that there were 30 applications from a population of about 105,000. "It looks like too many people are waiting for the man next door to do something," observed one of the discus· sion participants. 'Through the open discussions it was emphasized that participation begiru; with CXJmmunication, a two-way CXJm· municatioo from the leaders of the com· munity to all segments of the city and to all people, the young, old, middle aged, black, white and pink if they are here/' and back again to the top. "We have the assets. There is prog· ress. There is more participation now than ever before, but the need has never been greater," said Nitzkowski. "Those presently involved in civic affairs would lllce CO;IJlp&ny," he said. During 8'1mtnatlon, Nitzkowski pointed out that the.re had been suggestions for weekly scoreboards in the newspapers on the issues before the community. 'l'bere llad been considerable discussion of the need for better communication channels between city government and the aver· age homeowner. There is a need for a youth employ· ment sef'Vice as a part of getting youth interested in .the comunity and a real effort to represent city government "like it is" is essential, panelists said. U.S. Plane Crashes F AJRFORD, England (UPI I -An American military transport plane car- rying six persons crashed today, the Ministry of Defense announced. Ministry spokesmen 1aid the plane was a Hercules Cl30. "It Js believed there were no survivors,'' the spokesman said. wirudng Asaociated Preis aclence writer, for !}is frank and factual "Drugs 1969'' om" pub!Wied In UN! DAILY PIWI'. Now you can havt all the information contained in the 16-part series, and more, in Blakealee's booklet. "What You Should Know About Drugs and NarcoUcs," for just $1. Clip the coupon below and maU it in today (allow two to three weeks (or delivery due to heavy response to this offer). ·--------··------·-~ I T•: o ... look!tl O"'°"• c ... 1 Dally Pilot P.O. lox 5 y..,.eck, N. J. 0706 I I I I I I I I I Send me ...... copies of "What You Should Know About Drugs I (Make checks I and NarcoUcs" at $1 each. Enclosed is $ ......... , I payable to Al•oclated Press). I I I I NAME ... _, •• _ .......... _ ........ _ ........... _ ............... -......................... -... -...... I . I I I ADDRISS ................................ _ .. _ ....... _ ....... -.CITY _ ....... -.... -..... -......... I I STA~ -----------------....... .%IP .. ________ I ~--------···-·-----~ I l -· Mitt~ 24, 1'169 (51 _ DAILY l'lt.fl' ;j Congress 8. Smashing Success ' ~ By WlJJJAJI lllZD ~ ~ every pl\Mt ol Ille Of .. .. .... .... In tbe comD1UQlty. The IOCOlld &nnutl'~ for Com-Spo1t10red by lhe Huntlncfon Beacb munlty Progress 'In • lfUnthtclon 8udl • Cbamber ol °""'"""'"' the e.,al •b was hailed a stnUl>i\ll ......., belcre to ·bring'~ 'lefdott <lf,'l!>e ciJm.. lhe end ',ol,lhe closllig i;;,,a,....Sat~ mlllllty and lo aoq.,.r..t lbem, With efdt and pllJIS (or a tblrd ef'eiil~f"ti. alreldy -and with ...,. 0r lhe · ,..tlltms being ~e before the 1iat ~deltpte 1ac1' •i<6 ..;..;.:._""' • filed out ,ol the Golden ·West Collep · "Pi ·~· ...,....,...\>'.. · auditorium. DuM ~ !hit ~tlon ls lhe Community Congress, sugg'8ted tw . main Soil and "Juclglnc from Ille II> years ago by Councllman Hall'1 Kaul· maoed w)Ume of dlscUBllOO· ft;Ollt lhe man and brought Into bflng locolly by opening· -.Ion to the cloM' ol the af. Chamber ol Commer<e Manqei' Dile le.,_ ~ lhll waa a 'lllllllllllng Dunn, wU attended by about 275 ~ ·~11 • Nigeria Claims Six Biafran ·Planes Do:wll ' LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) -Federal , planes shot down or destroyed • aix_ aircraft "in the Servi~ of the rebels" of Biafra in the past four days,.Nlgertan radio claimed today. ; It <Ud. not live at\Y fal'lller 'ldin- Ullcatlon ol lhe '1r:craft. Plllfes•cwy)ng relief to• Blafra, some m~· by Americans, fly 1upplles · ·to· the ..... s1on1a1 .. bels nlgbOy. SALE on e-half p rice alligator wallets 3.00-7.50 rev. 1.00. u.oo ' Manhattan baa styled beaulilully marke<. alligator skins lnto hcmdaom& ksy cases. wallets. pcu;s.cmes or billfolds. Elo::ep tional values! Call Jn your order today may oo men.'11.furniahings 8J His viewpoint wu lbared bf many pmona attendlnC the cooarea for Ute • aecond Ume. A new format w .. credited by moat for IDc:reued lnttmt In the event 'l1lree main tOplca were dlacuSled - Civic Opportunitiee, Econ o m 1 c Op- portun!U .. and CUitural and Educational Opportunities. Following pmontatloo of the facts in one ol the three areas. small groups met and dJacussed in detail the problems involved in particular areas. , 'f"n·o main sessions were held so that a delegate could attend two of the three discusilom. A summary-.of tbe diy's activities wu given during the luncheon meeUng. The chamber today Js tabulating: the questionnaires returned by delegates, but several' ol the chamber memben irr volved In staging Ute congreg said that • already tJley ant.icipate a thUd congress with a format &lmilar to the ·one uaed this year. Saturday'• c:oncras hrlolved a lot If people and a lot ol -• •Uld -• .. lhe Individuals Who -.re ........ lion for 111·-· Dwm ,oald. Dr. Iv111'Hlnderak.er, keynote' ipllka', and. C. E· ~'BW" WOO!dl, ,cblmber ~ : dent, wbo set lhe tone lor lhe -Peter Horton aemd u pmialor lot lhe economic opportuptUes podlo!I. Panel moderaton were Diin L. Bpnet, Jr.1 Robert L. Merriman, Doyle MUler ana: Kenneth ·A. Reynolds. Presenting the civic opportuoilles pm. gram was Moote Nitztowlkl. Paael moderators incuded Jack P'eehan, Joe Halisky, Ben Londeree IDd Raymond Picard. Handling c:ultural and educatlonal op- portunities was Dr. James L. Catanzaro.. Panel moderators were Roger G. B<tsworth, Dr. Ethan Fullmer, Dr. Clarence Hall and Dr. Dale Miller. Ready to mt In at in-tor and moderator positiom were Dr. Henrr, Kaufman, Jerry Shea mid Bill Wren. SALE our exclusive Gold Toe hose · reduced 20% ••• , for one week only soc -·1.60 ng, Now ls the time lo r&ettx:k your hoBlery wardrobe. Every single pair of Gold Toa socks in stock is reduced 20% IO you're sure lo find just the cclors and typea p>u wanLFromourWBtslY.leselecilon: , reg. 200 <l'm-lheoill"ooland nylaQ UO reg. l.&lanklalstylewoolandnylon 1.20 reg. l.75 ovar-th&call a>llon llsls 1.411 reg. l.25anklet style-I.isle IAO ·reg, 1.7 5 over-th<i<:all textun.od nylon l.40 ceg. 1.25 anklet slyle texturued nylon I.DO ceg. I.SO Orloitli> acrylic crewsocb 1.20 reg, l .&!Orlonli>aayllcdlesshos& L20 mayoomen'sfu~ 127 [. C 'O llll• S STOii m"y co south coast plaza, san dlego fwy at bristol,. costa mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 a.m . to 9:30 p.m. • •• \ ;_ I· Joe Stffl of Eastmanvile, Mich., ave up smoking last year after ·, physician told hirh It would borten his life. Steel will be 109 farch 31. ~ The atomic .sc!nti.sts at tbe : gov- lernment research center ~- ~eth, EnglaQ.d1 hav,e solved the roblem of ;the, bathwater that aJ- ays gets cold so quickly. 'The bnswer, they announced in their tiewspaper Atom News, is that it doesn't. The bather just gets used lo the beat. • LT-V rStoek D~wnA~ter Merger Suit NEW YOR (AP) -The price ol Lilll'Tem<o-VOIJ&b~ Inc, and JOllll 11 LaOlhJln Steel Corp. 1tock<lectlnecl today after the Jua~ 0.l)Ortment &IUIOlll1COd Jt would file suit to force Ling-Temco· V°'Jht !-0 dlspoae · of iu interut in the steel company. LTV sokl at N6. down •i.:s on JU common atoci:, afW, ,l>elnJ delayed in opening. Ung-Te~Vought, a conclomcrate company with wlde.ly di y e r a l f i e d sub&idiariu, owiu 83-percent' of Jones & Laughlin stock. It bu <lfered to buy tbe remainder. The Juaijce Dtpartment'a plan to move against Ung-Temco-Vought on antitrust grounds adversely affected !lock prices ol other conglomerates. AMK Corp. stock declined $1.25 ;• share. Avco; Gulf & Western ·1ndwtries and Nalional General \\-ere oU less than $1. "If the Justice Department succeeds in its test ~ it wo~Jd open the way for further actions to force divestitures in some of ,the bigger takeovers," said Eldon A. Grim, senior vice president of the brokerage firm Walston & Co. -.--. Living in Drains ---...... - EaeestlropPitlfl l11ue Review Okayed For Hoffa, F..m Tiie WIN Servi.., • ' that state libel l~l"' d not apply to The s ~ .rdedl ~'Y that radM>televlsk>n broadcasts on matM J ~:a fmprl.;ned ~amaters o[ public inttrest unless the material Uaolmes chltr ~ farmer bea~l•"t Wf.S aired with malicious inlenl. on • · <! ~ ~ ... -In another declllon, federaJ ~ champion Caaaius Clay a!e enliUed to were given a chance by I.he court to lower court n:vtew ol. ~ir clal.mt that win their freedom on grounds illtJ:al they were. victims or ille1al federal evidence was used to convict them. eavuctroppma. . They may raise the claim of an illepl ~.the basis of. its recent wittL1:pp1ng search even though the claim wu not. decwon, tbe court also ordered similar made at trial and they are enliUed rehearinp In about 13 other federal 10 a rul ing on the claim, tbe cowt cases. said in a >3 decision. Desipte the reheitring order. there was no indication that Holla, now serving an eight-year penJtenUary sentence, would be allowed his freedom while the lower court proceedings are con- ducted . Clay, convicted of ref ming to report ror d r a f t induction, is free on b a i I pending the outcome of his ippeal . Today's rulings stemmed from the court'11 controversial March 10 decision that government evidence based on n~ Jeagl eav~ping muat be turned over to defense attorneys in it.s entirety if the direct conver11ation of the defendant was overheard or hill own premises were bugged. 'Noguchi Wants 'Full Hearing' On Dismissal Grimm said the Just.ice Department's decision 1o file su.it ''Wu not the massive surprise it would have betn a month ago." The Jmtice Department in recent weeks hu made known its intent.ion to move against big mergers. Vietnamese civili~.s forced from their homes by battles in a ~d around Saigon Jive where they can. This group pf refugees -vic- tims of the May offeiisive when their. houses were desti:oy~d in . th e Y Bridge area -li"e in concrete drains tn the Cholon distnct. In ordering the lower court action, the court. also rejected out of hand a government appeal for reconsideration of the March 10 decillion on grounds Jt would hamstri(lg 1ovemment national security surveillance activities. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Dr. ThonW T. Noguchi, ousted as Los Angeles cor- oner after ·he was accused of praying ror airplane crashes Ui bring alory '° his office, Is determined to ficht bis dismissal. His attorney. Godfrey lsa{lc, demanded Al noon today that the Civit Servict. Commission conduct 1 full hearing into what one pathologist calls the "affaire Noguchi.'' . Demo Leader Calls AQM Plan 'Maginot' Letters Reveal 'Interest' Of 2 · Women in Fillmore The court commented in the rehearing ruling. for Hoffa and Clay that "of course, a finding by the district court that the surveillance was lawful would make diacloeure and further proceedings un- necessary." In other actions, the court: -Rejected a Chicago appeal which challenged. the customary practice of states to apportion th eir achoo! ex- penditures on the basis of local property taxes. The County Board of Supervisors fired Noguchi a week a~o after it~ ad- ministrative ollicer, Lindon S. Hollin&er, detailed in a 10.page Jetter w b e n he said were examples of the coroner's bizarre behavior observed by his ~taff. One accusation jn Ute letter said : "You stated on several oceuions that each night you prayed that a (Boeing} 727 loaded Ui capacity would crash into the International Hotel because the press would then 'come and Noguchi would be the center or attraction." This cold-looking bird at ·Madilon Wisc. Vilas Park Zoo ts actually en· joying the balmy weather -pleasant for him at least. This penquin, un- recognizable when he's sitting down on the job, probably is hoping the ~ director has hi! r_efrigeration sys- m up to par since spring weather just around the corner. I • . -~ Queen Eli1.•beth's ,brother-in-law lnay find himself on s,trike one ,of ~ese days. The E•rl Of Snowd'"en. rofessional photop-apber and ·hus- and of Princess Mlr~._et, HBs' ap- ied to join the Association of nematograph Television and Al· ~ed. Technicians whose walkouts in e past have parll)yzed much of ritish television. U the earl, 39, nown to his press colleagues as .t\ntony Armstrong:.;Jonts, gets into lhe union -and the union says he i\vil1 -he will have to join any ~trike or face possible expulsion. ' ' . \Villiam J. McCabe , 41, a twice ~ conulcttd forger, wa.s r elerued It from the Di.strict of Columbia Jail Jart 1Dttk afteT c court on:t.- c arrWed reque.ttinQ hi1 free- ' dom. TM order wca a foraef'fl. · Police acid McCGde appcrntt" · drafted the document w 1': j l t , wo:Jcing in tM jail'a records offi«. • j A stranger knocked at the door p t Mrs. Adele Ll1berm•n'1 home j n Menlo Park, Calif., and asked !her 4-year-old dauirhter, Rabin, "Is [Your mother in'?''l' "Yes," Robin ~ e p IJ e d, "But she's sleeping." t"Well coold you bring me ber wal· llet?" the man asked. Robin obedi- lently brought the wallet 'Ibe man :took out '4$, handed it back to the :little prl, and departed. i • OSWEGO. N.Y. fAP) -The dlocovery WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen ate of 10.000 to 12,000 letters to President Democratic leader Mike Man3field aaid Millard Fillmore. many of them from today the Pe.nta1on already appears bent two women, has been disclosed by Prof. on expanding President Nixon 's Charles fl.t Snyder of Oswego State Safeguard antimissile system I n to ''a University. great nuclear wall whose CO/!lts would The women were Dorolhea Dix, a be incalculable." crusader for reform of insane asylums Mansfield stopped short of announcing and prisons, and Ann Ella Carroll, a his opposition to Nixon 's plan. But, in chost writer for Fillm ore during his a statement, he reprimanded the Ddense uruuecessful 1&56 campaign to regain Department for turning a limited pr~ the Presidency. He was president from • posaI into "a vast program to convert 1148 to l&S2. the entire nation in a missile ma&inot" Snyder said he found the papers whic h -a reference to the World War II bad been bequeathed to the university. Maginot Lint in Europe. ' Among the letters were mon than 70 He noted tbat Nixon called initi~y ffom Miss Dix expressinJ 4 "deep only for two Satecuard inltallaUons, 11t }( penontJ .interest in Fillm~ ~du.rina: his Montana and &outh Dakota, to protect. year as a widower," Snyder1Said.. 350 American Minuteman mlMlles from · The first Mrs. Fillmore, Abigail destruction ~ any Soviet strike. Powers died in 1853 after years ()f Bu~ Defenae Secretary Melvin R. Laird poor ~alth. Their daughter died the and his subordinates, Mansfield said, next year. Five years laler the little· now ·are talking like "an open-ended remembered 13th president.married fl.trs. deployment of an area defense system Caroline c. Mcintosh, widow of an aimed in any and all directions Is a Albany merchant. foregone conclusion." Fillmore "made an · at.tractive figure He said the Penlagon officlah were ... a real catch for inyone" the historian playing "one-upmanship with Preaiden-said , but calling the Dix correspondence tial decisions" and their testimony to love letters is "really jumping way Senate committees last week "have tend-ahead." ed to obfmcate, it setms lo me, the Snyder 11aid the letters show her ''deep restraint w hie h characterized th e personal interest and concern for his Pruident's decisions." heaJlh. They were cert.ain1y very cordial. but beyond that the letters don 't show Nixon, 'rru:deau Meeting Clouded WASHil1GTON (UPI) -Preoldel)t Nixon welcomed Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau today with a pledge 1o find "a common around better than either of us had be.fore." Nixon .said Canadi~American rela- tions were 'not characterized by "a total unanimity of view which destroys creativity" blt by a -''lively dJvenity". The ABM luue and Cuwda's drift toward recopiUon Of Communist China threatened to cloud the NJJOn.Trudeau talk<. an intimacy.'' A aecond set of letters Snyder df3CJ'ib- ed as ... intriguing" wert: from glamorous Miss Carroll, an ed.iU!r and daughter Campus Violence Lifts Fire Insurance SAN FRANCISCO (UPI ) -Because of campus violence and inOation, fire insurance rates of all California school buildings would climb 40 percent begin· ning April I. The Pacific Fire Ra ting Bureau, which aets standard rates for insurance com- panies, said Sunday the huge increase was baaed on losses of $.1.I million on achool fire insurance during the five. year period, 1963-1967. !Heavy Rains Wash Midwest • : • ! • lnt,ense Missouri Storm System Whitens Plains $4lrwl' ... --·-... _. ,....., ....... ,....,, ""-""" .. ~ !flt WY w'llll """ AM <.wl"-,.,...lfliw. T~ 11t• ti ~ .. v..,.,..,.. ,..,...."""" r•it••f lrtn1 t 111111 fl 11 1't • IN ., JI. lfto ltfllll !etNtN"'°' ,.... WM 1' 1't .. l"' .... ""' ~,.. -$1 ~· Sutt. /ti.._-,. Ti.U. ~lr11 ~itll "ru """ MOM.,_T ' TUCSOAY 17:1111 •·"'· •.S l :H t .11'1. t.t ,,., ··""· -·· ......... 10:14 ··"'· •• , ,,__ IJ9't •:lf •.m. Seti lJ.11 •·"'· .._'I l ltU l :lt •• 111, hM •:N 1'.1'1'1, "Int •. JNr, ,. Lt•I •. Ntw Altr. J A••· ,, AIM11trQ\/• Mc:hol'ttc .r.tt•11!1 l1ktr10111d fl l11111•ck ••w -~ Cl'llc:1eo (lncl11""ti (~1•"11 °"""!' ~rou Euf't~• l'orl WDM~ ·-...... ---·~ ICl11M1 City ......... l • """"' M•'"' MllWM ee Ml-"°'i, -°"""' ...... .,,. ... °""'" "-•" .... ~ .... ~ -.. .,...... '~vtr ·-SKrll!'l~!O St l oul1 s.11 ..... Stn l 1Q Cif>' S.~ Dlett Sill l'rt MIKll St1111 •• .-•• ..... ""•M ·-· W•ttll119ton I Hit-l .. ,rte, St 11 " ~ i.o l • I ll 70 .. " " . " J• lJ ~· ·~ .~, ·" "' " " .. .. ., •• •• " " " • .. .. • " " .. n ., " w " n " H • " " " .. ~ " ., " " " • " • ., • •• " " .. .. • " • H " • " n " • w " w " " • " " " • .. • " " • " • • u • - "' u .., ... ·" "" • ol a Maryland governor. She "was not a bit reluctant Lo lry lo influence Fillmore," Snyder said and she often arranged personal visits at campaign stops. But Fillmore avoided her and was discreet in answerin g her letters. -Let stand a government order that Chas. Pfizer & Co. must license its drug tetracycline to other pharmaceutical firms. The. letters asserted Noguchi once con· fided he was involved in a "forensic Mafia" in which the country would be divided up . -Refused to interfere with a lower court ruling in an Oregon case holding Be a.u t y ·s a.lon• ., . :...· FRONT ... SIDE ... BACK ... ALL CURL, ALL COLOR, ALL CUSTOM \\'e snip and shape, custom-curl your ne w h•irdo . Then w• custom-color your hair with your own persona!iztd color. By .1-·anci-tont, or course-our tint in a ne\v push-button dispen ser that lets us create j11s / the color you wan t, and duplica te it ''cry time! NRtural looking colors for gray hair, to ning colors for bleached ha ir, and ou r ul tra-soph isticated "Color Originals," th• style colors that set the styles! Fanci- ton e color doesn't wash out,.conditionJ your hair u it colon. Ntwpoff Batch, Colil. llll ~ II~. Coata MMI, Calif • 111 I . ll'ttl tlt9'1 MtYlefr '"'""' ,_,_, Costa Me.a, Calif. ,. ,..,.., ., .... r;-N.11t l"lul Mt rklll' ··-"""f '9 ,,,...., ''"IUt , Or•nff, Cellf • IW~.~ ... ""'°"' "D·n• ,,.... ... l$ l I i i i . I CklAM HA ti. TINT with Shampoo Most Cases end Set, $5 .75 COiia Mui, C1l if. 1¥ w. '"~ '"''' .. ,. ... f,q.))U Santa Ana, C11if. ,. .,., "''"'"'"' '•hllw o..r 1'"""9 ..W.11 Fount•ln Vallty, Ctlif. ,,.,,. ,_.,"1111 V•!llll Cllll•tr l"~e .. tn·i•• 1' I 11 I I a ,_ ' ,...., -. I I 1: ' • • ' JODEAN HASTINGS, "2-4321 .._..,, Mlrdl Mo IM I ·-U . . In CHOC Garden Fashio.nable Ideas Grow ' . Planting seeds for a garden will be rpem~rs of CHOOettes, auxiliary to the Little Mermaid Guild of Huntington Beach, When they meet tomorrow in the home of Diane Barritt. The young women will complete final arnmgements for their second annual benefit whion sll<>w, a_ CHOC Garden, taking place at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, April 19, in the Golden Sails Inn, Long Beach. Tickets, at $5 each, now are on sa1~ and alt'Proceeds \vill be used for the support of Children's Hospital of Orange County where the group also provides volunteer service. Miss Kim Hubbard, general chairman, will com- ment on youthful sportswear provlde~11~ the Wet Seal and after-five and formal wear from · ey's Fasbio1p. Modelinf will be CHOC-ettes members including the Misses Nancy Nelson, Laura Wagner, Renee McLeod. .Valerie Arkle, Debbie-Bauer and Coleen Schroeder. Assisting with arrangementJ are the Misses Juli Sorenson, decorations; Nelson, location; Wagner, shop :!ielection; Teri Thurm, prizes; Arkle, invitations, and McLeOO, publicity. Included in tlle prizer· to be given away will be a weekend for two in Las Vegas. Miss Kristen Cairns, a new member, will be we!· corned during the meeting. CHOC-ette advisors are Mrs. Charles Heller and Mrs. Frank Haigler. SPRING? NOT .NECE SSARi LY - A lludy of c1othes ·flying out of closets isn't 1lll indication that area young women are volun~ leering to help with spring cleaning. They're making room for some of the newest styles they're planning to see when they at- tend the second annual CHOC.ette fashion sh<>\>' taking place Sat.'; urd.ay, April 19, in the Golden Sails Inn. Planning to convinc&· mothers that they "don't have a thing to wear" are (left•to right): ·-· Renee McLeod, Nan~y Nelson and Kim Hubbard. • '· ... .. Royal Time Predicted • A fabulous fun-filled Family ;Night at Disneyland bas been announced as the next major funding project for Children's Hospital of Orange County. The Magic Kingdom will roll out the red carpet for a limited number of members of the 13 suppcrting guilds and ii>eir guests on Mother's Day, Sunday, May.11, beginning at 4 p.m. Serving as general chairman of the event will be Mrs. T. \V. \Velsb, Little Mermaid Guild, Huntington Beach. Mrs. George Gartz, Littlest Angel Guild, Yorba Linda, is «>-chair- man, and treasurer is Mrs. Robert L. Doss, Tres Osos Guild, Mission Viejo. Tickets, at $3.75 each, will include un· Jinu'ted use of all facilities with the exception of the shooting galleries. They now are on sale and may be obtained from any member of. the participating guilds. Coordinating the event. which will re-- place the annual fall CHOC Fair, will be the Mmes. Robert Lucas, Cinderella Guild, New· port Beach; Robert Thomas, Punch and Judy, Costa Mesa; Charles Roberts, Queen of Hearts, Laguna Beach, and Doss, Tres Osos, Mission Viejo. The tickets will not.Include food, which may be purchased. in the park. ... .Officers Sealed '\· ' New ' ~n will preside . when tbe ."Fountain VaDer. Hi!toricaJ ·Society meets at 7: 30 tonight in the home of ~1r. · arxl Mrs. Al Krukenberg. Installed bf Mn. Dorise Jesko, the city'• fir 1 t librarian, were the Mmes, Krukenberg, .P r e 1 i d e n t : George ~aJd, first · vice president in charge of p~ grams; Joseph Dltte, second vice prt.sldcnt, membership; Joe Courrege!, third vice president, historian, a n d TbClnu Kohl, fourth vice pfesideot, special events. Also taking office were Mn. Ronald Murphy, secretary; Mrs. Lorrin Lamme r s, treasurer, and Stan Stafford, auditor. Chairmen appointed were Mrl. Muarll Kato and Mri. David Solonlno, holpltallty; Ron Rice,' outside speakeri; Don Fregeau, n.port.s from other aocietiel;11 Mn. Orvie Hlghum, hi.stoiical news, an(l James Diet, parliamentarian. Th<' society mtela the fourth MQDday of each month and plan1 to make the new com- munity center its permanent meeUng plEice next month. Stud.ents 'Can Do' •. A community drive to co1· Ject a variety of items needed at Fairview State 'Hospital ii being conducted by Marina High S c h o o I organizations under the direction of student chairmen Kbrls Bender and Jerry Miles, who • organized the projecf. In addition to ae«pting con:, tributions from the IChoolrl • student body, they 1lso are accepting contributioDs frm:g_ are:i nelghborhoods. · Among the things they are collecting are clean, useable clothing in small to large sizei for men, women and children; toys in good condition, ~­ any type of uncomplicatect: games. ,· . ·'· They also are acceptinl chlldren's boob and fOCllS coupons \yhicih will be use:4. to help purchase a' school ~· -for excepj.lonal dilldren. :;. The Ancbbr Club will ~ making Easter baskets for t1* hospitalized children, so ui • studenls also are collecUnt:- ~ soft, wrap~ candy. ~ The guilds also plan to award prizes dur· 1nJ1 the evening with first prize to be six days in 'l!awaii for a family of four. Membership again wilt ~ open to the public as soon as the new center ill available for meeUnp, and addiUonal Information may_1 be obtalnod by ca.llln& elmer M r s • Krukenber& or Mr1. Ditte. ALL· ABOAR0:..Everybody ls invi~ed to climb o~ the bandwagon to provide a bus needed for excep- tional children by contributing ccqpons during a community drive sponsored by Marina High School youth groups. Majdng their donaijon toward pur- chase of the bus are (left to right) Jerry Miles and KhriS Bender, chairriien, and Cheri Pratte, Anchor Club president: The young people's organizations are cooperating in the drive to provide many neces- .sary articles for Fairview State Hospital. Cooperating In the coui:.!' munity drive ls a committet comprised of Greg Hellan~ senior class president; Shaws Millbern, freshman c I a s I. president; Qob Childs, Ke:f Club; Cieri Pratte, Anchor Club; Chris Leland, lneract Club: Chris Briggs, Polarlst and Alan M..W, Choir elul».: ~ ·~ 'Tip for Brides: Jt Takes Two lo Tan.go DEAR ANN LANDERS; Sever•l o1· us camerameD here at UniversaJ StudiOI in Hollywood read your column and d!!CUJI it regularly. Five times in the past two months you have publlabed letters with the same basic theme - "Men are animals, interested only in utlsfying their own sexual needs ." The Jetter that really ticked me off wu the one Crom the wile who said she felt like a prostitute. According to her, sex was a nuisance and a bore. She eot nothing from It but exhaustion. She said she was will ing to put up with It, however, in exchange for respec- tability aJld lhe finandal security of maniage. You've stated many times that women who are married to inept, clumsy klvert: should teacb them. (Nl1ht achool, ANN I.ANDERS remember?) Well. I uy men can teach night tcbool cl .... 1, ,too. And they ' DEAR ANN' µNpERS, I 1111 a If. should. An Inexperienced bride often Is year-old girl with • mentally rtl~ed fearful, lnhlblted and motionless. A brother. He is aevtn years older th'"'1 man who ii loving and consklente can I. Lately I've been wondering what work wonden "1th' even the dumbest will become ol him when Mom and partner if she is wllllng to. learn. -Dad pu1 on. J:t.f. In addlUoo to being reterdtd, my DEAR J.~f.t Bravo. Tlte eper1dv1 brother has a spinal prob~ .and. Is words are comma.aJc1tSon, coeperatloe completely helpless. He needs to be 1acl alll<lflllme11. T H AN It S FOR bathed, fed llJ1d dressed like ID Infant: WRITING. I'm beginning ,. wonder If t h • reipomibilily will fall on me. • Please don't think I am &elfish or cruel, but I ·don't want the burden ol my ban- dlcajlpod brothei. It could llJ>Oll my chances for marriage. I ~ve never beard Of a place that cares for peoi)le who' are both relafded and•ulppled. Have ~? I wouldn't date dlacuu this With my parents: Please help me. -CLOUDY. FIJt\Jl\E DEAR CLOUDY: Yo. MUST discoss this wills yoar partnta. I& lJ tlttlr rupooslbmty ,. ,.. 11111 ywr b..-r 11 provided for arttr Ibey art cone. b,n ln1uruct eollcy pllr'Cbued early WfUkl plfll'l\ee 1ood c11re in a private latUtudon. It also woWd give your parents peace of mind. I ltope ~y· hive Sidi a policy. as Well as .. ' " .. :· •• . If there are no runds ror private care. and no "''llling rclallrc. the patient becomes a ward of tht slate and Is leltt le a state laltllulion. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My mother was very disappointed when I marril'd J>\>IUP· She felt he wasn't good enough foe me because his parents were foreign bQrn end not "society." "' Every momin~ Mother telephoOH fo mske some cutting remark about him, such a1 "Philip's sox were baggy last. night. Does he own garters?" Or "Philip offended Mn. Beck because he Ignored her and talked to the~ wo.man et hls rig_ht all through dinner.'' I hate to hear the phOne ring in the morning. Right now rny stomach ls tied up in ~ knot.~. I need your advice. -UPTJGHT ~ DEAR UP: TeD Yo,tr mellter ~: ,.fuse ,. .. 1er ... ""1 1..-crldcltoof: al y,.r hasbud. U ... f..,.U, c11op:: Mr olf la mldsentence. : • •• ~ What awaits you on tl'te other lid.!; •• of the maniage vtil? HO'lp' CID YOUir' be SUt't your mlirrlage 'will work! Rea(: Ann (..anders' booklet "Marriage -~ to Expect." Send your request to Ann>; Landers In care of thi1 newspaper encloto;; Ing SO cents In coin llJ1d I Joni, ltam!>«I.! se~~:.v:rbe Clad to helpi you with your problems. Send thtm~ to htt ·1n car< ol the DAILY PR:Q'r1 • enclosing 1 sell·addrtsaed, atampeq envelope. ' - \ ~ • ' I ' I • • • ., YOU'RE INVITED -Joe Kroll (rl2ht), dean of , student activ;ties at Orange Coast College Interests .. Kit Weiler, Estancia High School senior and MUs :~ Birth Defects Conference Future Parents • Every other minute a baby ii born In the United States with • defect ser:IOWJ enough .. dlslblo, dllOpre .. kill, 1' lolol of 1,700 defective bahlet 1n1 born each y<1r In Orqe Collnty alone -a quorwr ill • million In the U.S. Tbe problem of birth defect.s involves tJ1e young people of today -for they are all future j>amib. the fields of medicine and science. Included will be Dr. Vlr&lnJo Apgar, vice pruldent for medical alfaln: for the f~ datlon. Tb• dynamic speller ii renowned for crullnc the A.ppr score, the necmatal tell: which can lead to rapid cor· rection of early deflclencies before irrtparable dama1e rttuJts to the newborn. Her topic will be Bettering the Diane Munyoo, OCC nursing student Jn attending Ille annual Birth Detects CoOference to be present- ed Wednesday, Marcil 28, at Ille college. Invited Oddi for the Unbocn. PredlcliJli tbe Future will be dlacuJaed by Dr. Charles J. Epstein, d sodate profeaaor pediatrics, Univenity of Callfomia, San Fra n c Is co Medical Center. A bljbly respected 1eneUclat, he hu lectured at universities and blab scllools throu&hout tbe United States. Allo on the panel will be a repreaentaUve from the Salk Institute for BioJoal cal Studlei. Horoscope Aqua rius: Make Ne w Contacts TUESDAY MARCH 25 .• ., llYDNEY OM411R ~'Tbe Wilt min camraJa bis ~ Nlroloa poinll the ·=~·~!·= bef<n' dllClrdlna red llpe. You hove • job lo "'"'plele. Olio-wbo .tomP4.I Y«I -not bovt 1"!!r ·inlomb at lie.rt. . Tal:o. yoarJ.tlme. Avoid bn--pilli,. oc:tloo. , TAUJllJll (April »Moy 20 ): Activity -· Viola and vi1Ucn .. feltured. New ap-""*"' to aid praO!ezm "'" belt nlllllb. Be -w.. Utllill -. d llumor . Relollv• wbo clbploy1 ..,,., b blulllnc. Gl!:MlNI (llay JI.June IO ): Check tendency lo om1peud. ClOOoe quality, but llld to necelllttu. °'1ld m a t_ e • demondl. Be lair but 1"11Jble. TnJ>t bW1cl!. You're moVing In right dlreclloo. · CANCER (Jone 21.July D): Domeltlc cnndlt!om could be upset. Be reody for ~·· Don~ boW. -· Be flex. Ible. 'nle ~ Uuit occur at· borne could be of ultimate bene!IL Go o1ooi wltb il LEO (July 13-AUI. Z2): Important lo f o 11 ow in- llrucU.... Apparent minor details coold be major. Wise .. put oil journey until •P- polWDents are verif i ed . Overcome -1 to be im-poUenL . V11IGO (AUi. D&pl. D): What appeara a blrgain may be the opposite. '-tbis and bt • lbnwd obllerver. 1'r1e>dl' wbo mean well may be mlllnlinned. HMd your own counoeL IlroW' upon past experience. LIBRA (Sopl. 2S-Oc:t. 21): SCORPIO (Oct. ZS.Nov. 2t): 11): one you depend upon BIRTHDAY you are Jn. Be sub t 1 e . Communicltion _,. embert upoo journey. trospective, creative; you are -·y cauae ch•noe cl·-'-able to determine what others ,,_ -... .-Avoid feeUnc ot resentmenL 1 11n You Don't burn . brl<IJ!W. Best to You will hove·choooe to malle are tblnkl!IJ. ee B· retain good re.~. You ~ eontadl. PkDeer 1 ~ would make fine artist, wrlter. may have to rep11.~ ltepl. J •c t : d 11 p I a y unique You al.so are attracUd to Jaw. Know this and act ao-capallrlliUM-Promotion due; money comes cording} from effortt of recent past. SAG.,:;:ARIUS !Nov. Z2-PL!ICES (~eb. !!I-March 20): . GENERAL TENDENCIES:· Dec. 21): A friend wbo ,... Today you get to heart of Lunar ....... tUon favorable tor matters. Includes learning .......,. quests money may be ea-truth abouf rpecial rtla.-fishing. travagant. ln.si.st on facts. Be ""-·up. Judgm-t of one To tlnd Ollt ""'°'' 1~dcv tor .,..... ~1:11u '"' hi rnonfY •Ml lo\<•, order Svd .. Y kind without being careless. clo!e to you may be Jacking orn.r•'• bookltt. "SK•tt H111t• 'f' J•"'-t today 13· apt •-be Mtll 11111 women." Send blrthd1" -.-•• W be · ned 1nc1 J,O ct~t1 to Ornerr "''"' .. _., ~ lloo't be al ·d ,ft w re money u conccr . , Stcrirti. tne OAtLV PILOT. ao.w. Jl40o ._,,..,.,...._ TB.I "' Tl! y U Gr1fld Cen!rtl Sllllon, Ntw yon,; IF TODAY ~ 0 R • eipress the truth. _ • =,,;;=;;;~~;:=;;,,;:::;,,;:=;~··;·~'~~"~· =======; CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-lan.li 10): You are able to suc- cessfully communicate vlew1. Opportunities multiply. Key b to choose tbe beaL Pt:rmit mate, partner to 1 b a re limelight. Tben you have feel- iog of satisfaction. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. GAYLE PEARSON Summer Nuptials St. Andrew's Rite Setting ,,. So, the annual science con- •ference on Birth Defecla", •Which 1gain will be presented .at Oranp Coast Colleae, is • being presented especially for ,._all Orange County studenls and faculty. Spomored by the college and the California Association of Secondary School Adminis- -trators, District 21, the sym- posium will be pruented by 'the Orange County Chapter, N1Uooal Foundation-March of ~nmes from 2:30 to Iii p.m. ·W-y, Mardi 21. Yvonne Collis Marr ies Jack D. Richardson STEWARD ESS Poggio Ostling T ra in ing Completed Expand oetMU11. Allume autborlty. Be confident. Ac- cent on ambiUon1, carter potentlal. Family member can help you fuHlll 1ooI. Study CANCER Jnel681" . Parents Inv ited Gayle Peanon and Phillip Cotton have selected S t , Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb for their evening wedding on July 12 . The daughter of Mr. and 1'-trs. W. W. Pearson of Newport Beach will lf&duate from Golden West College in Jtme. While at Newpo r t Harbor High School abe was ·~~~~....;_ _ _;__~ ......... ,i ... Ill'! ' ' Tht Marqulse diamond, $4,500. SLAV IC K'S • Stressing birth defecl.5, the ecnlerenc.e will feature na- JiCNJJy known apeaken from Yvoone Collis and Sp/5 Jack D. Richard.loo, blah ICbool sweethearts, u-chanced wed- dinc rlnp and plediea before the Rev. Jolm K. llurbom In Chaptl O n e , Baum.bolder, Gemfany. Army Sgt. Jerry Thompoon .- I • -( THRU SATURDAY ONLY! , Special Easter price on our Sue Cory 'So French' ' PERMANENT REG. 17.50 NOW 11.88 •• poo ....... Jewelers Since 1917 cave the bride in marrlace during tbe afternoon nuptials. Parenb of the couple are Mr1. New and upectant p&rents a cheerleader, are invited to attend a The bentdlct~. 90l'I of meetln1 ~ by Lo the Robert Cottoos of Costa Leche Leaiue of Hunttncton Mesa, was pduated from Beacll Mardi a on ibe birth Corona de! Mar Hl&h School, of the baby and lamlly rti. enrolled at GWC and now it tlOlll. a sophomore at the University I 8 Fashion Island Newport 8e1ch -644-1380 Y•llr Clt1r9• Account W1lcom1- B1nkAm1ric1rd, M1st1r C~1rg1, loo E valee Tbomu fl. Cotta Y.:eaa Graduated from Eastern and John. R. Collla d Sum--AirliMs' flight 1 t t e n d a n t merland and V..r. and Mra. training ce!lter in Miami la Jack B. Richard10n of Coata Mila Peggie Jeanne Ostling'. Op1n Mond1y, Fricl1y ~ntil 9:10 p.rn;. """..,.{• Mesa. The daughter of Mr. and The new Mrs. Richardaon Mra. Stan OsUlng of. Mission selected a floor len,ih white Viejo alao ia an alumna of saUn and Uered ch&ntUly lace Newport Harbor High School gown. Her full tlt:rtd elbow and Orange Coast College. She length Jlluaion veiling was now is based out of New York. Mrt. A. Lynn Meyers of. ·~of~Ca;UJ:;ornl=:•·:Ri=versi~·d~•~· :;:~;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::::::::::::::::::::~ Huntlnlton Beach will bolt1• the 9:30 a.m. meeU.01. Anyone wishing information may call Mr•. David Watercott, M7- 80l9. cauiht to a pearl Uara and1------------------- ahe carried a caacldidr bou- quet of red carn1Uori1 and fern. Honor attendants were Sp/4 and Mr1. ROO«t c . Reynoldl. The matron ot. honor wu 1owned in a red drea and held pink carnaUon•. A 11111.U roctpllon followed the ceremooy in the chapel hall. Auildnl were Mrs. Marie Koontz and Mrs. Clay JacklQD. The newl y wed s are graduates of Costa Men H1gh School and lhe benedlct at· tended Orance CO.st COllege before t:nllltlq: in the Army. He is a veteran of Vietnam and will be stationed in Germany unUI hla dlechar1e In September . The couple now are making their borrte in ldar-Oberstein, Germany. Book Stud y On Progra m Coolemporary Boon w1u be tile topic ol Mn. Temoce Halloran cl. tbe Mrmorar. Guild whto: lhe 1ptaka for the Oran1e County Alumnae ol 11Dll111culate Heart College Wedneadoy, Mardi 21. Mrs. Aluander Brunett cf Santa Ana will ~ the 8 p.m. meeting. Nominations fGr new officers also will be on the agenda, &C<:Ording to the pNllldent, f.lrs. James Cap- passo. NB Auxiliary Newport Bt!ach Pollet Aux- iliary ealMrs the last 'l'Uesday of the month 1t 7:30 p.m. Location 11 1v1Jlable with Mn. Robert Wheeler, 1175-llzt, AO'll lllTISllMINT NO MONEY DOWN "''0r:·.~~"™' CAl.1 POI Piii mlMATI AND SHOP AT HOMl ll•YICI OW "9f...-elly trllftell llMll'lltlf Wiii ct'"" flf rhf lliot"lt II' ""'" , • , h1' W 9¥1111111 , • , WI"' fltl MIN """'"' Mlle!... If ... ,..,. w ,.,,.. ........ '" MtlflllM. " -ru. PI Oll YOUI AllA CALL 548-8242 ~I 140.1117 BEAUTI PLIAT DRAPERY & CARPIT Acid Ctlotf!.ll l"xcllll'Mrlt II Vwr lllOMI Dlaor ., • W1111 11111 NIW 111 ... •nd 0.ltNI ··-...... e Tlelllb ··-. ._ -e V11t1MW .. ...,.. .... CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES ••• .. $195 S4.tl y..i '-' NOW ONLT Y' .,. A i.tiutout Clll!lcilan ol hlgh 11111llty d~rttor l•brlq lnt!!ICl'lftt 1000'1 of Y~•Ot of hl(lh \tyle bouclH, t.1111/rft, !IM'nl IMI llllrnlflll , • , 111 -.ii!I prlcfd. DELIVERY IN 7 DAYS ..... _.. ""•-,,. •llM'•tt ew ,.,. "' ....... Wfrtl-=~·l!lt ,.. , ....... '"'"' ~lclloll ..... It •• 11.ty ....... 11 f'lllt .... fllfl tlJli"" Ille ti-t .._,._,,._ .. l'H't .. rtllMlllflill ... 111111111-. OUI WOllMANSHIP IS sun•• HAIDWAll A I ODS CllT TO 01111 ROBINSON 1S --·-~ ~ CLAIROL® SUNLIGHT GLOWS IN YOUR HAIR The sun shines brightest on the wOman who has discovered the magic of CUI"' fabul ous col or stylist s. She's a glowing Clalrol@ blonde •• ,the p rettles t blonde you know. Be one ! Custom c olorlng, lndlvldually priced. P rice !ncludlng set, from only 15.501 cut, rrom 5.00. Beauty Salon. (Me.., T-I. W.d. °"'1) t3 llUDE AND GROOM ~UTIPLEn DRAPERY 4 CAJtPEr w •••• 111ba in ...,. .. of~ wigs . USI 'RIUll PINNIY CllAIOI CAID- NO APl'OINTMIHT NICfSSAIY 9'1.ILUllTOtll HUHTI PtlTO" SIACM •IWHIT alM:tt "'~·" Ctnllr Hllfltlft""" c..,,., , ......... 11 .... hilflool',f11~ '"""-·").1111 h!llo!w,~11 ' ' Are the two JnOllt Jmport- ant people Jn a wedding. tr you're ready to walk down tbt: ata:le, get the ''How to Plan Your Wed- ding'' Gulde. Send 25r in coin lo P.O. Boz ll!, Hun~ lnfton lleoch, C11ll. 92143. CAU PONIU .ISTIMAfl SHOP .... T.ffOMI Sll'flCI 548-8242 NO MONEY DOWN •• '°M M .. ,,,, TO ••• ,_.:.;...:c:..:....~.:.::..;.....:....;:...::.;....:...~~~~~-· Now in Our Family: Family Wet~ly ,.- HUMAN HA• snncH Wtct,CUSTOM STTLEO, 45.00 In blonds, bn.mettu, rroateds and greys •• ,What• wlg to wur when your ONl'1 colr droop•! Save dUrtng this limited emir. See our entlre wlggery gr-ovp: ca!lcad .. 1 wiglets, long and medh.1T1 tall•. Beauty sa.tol"\, ROBINSON'S NEVvfORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 I' " t " -T .. ay!•. . (' • • .N.Y. Stoeks • ! ' • • ! : ' . ORAN6E COQHTY, CAUl'ORNI>.;' ' 01:. 61, NO. 71, 2 SECTIONS, 32 PA:6ES ' ' . ~ .:rEN:CDm ' ".) ·;- •• , I . . . . ... Coa st Citie s Ask More -Cont r ol of D.rilling . By JERO.'!t F. t'OWNS Of 1119 Dellr Pl ... Sii" SANTA BARllARA -Officials ol 21 CaUtomia coastal ~ities and .coon.ties llldAy called · for ·state )eg!slatlon ' to -..,bllsb more local control over offshore oil uplor'aUon end drilling. 'Ibey alao agreed .at a two-day co.n- '-nc:.< held here tllat a permanent lid atiouid be· plaCed on all-dr!lwig In federal watm. Ne~ Beach City Manager Harvey ' ' ~-H.urlhl'!I and Sell Jl.-h C!,itM'!"'I" Lee Rimer were named to 1 spearhead the drive'°' fc:s~ 'l~Jau'On .... at1 tbC state and 'feder~tltvell. · ' The conference, lmted by Santa Barbara . city and county, wu aimed at assuring a unf!<d . !hint , agail)st the • tiu.at of olf~ oU pollution. . "We believe tbls~w11.addevel,11• said Hurlburt.. · . "There was u~rrl!DOIJS ,aariement to ' ~ I .. • res1 e.n · I . ' ' . : • ' . ' 3. ;: • -:-• ·_;; , DAILY Pll.OT ~ ".)~:· Mii Siie's Cou .. tg· Clla~p . . . · · ' · · , • . • ' ! .. ' • Sandra Winieskl, an .eighth grader at Lagunfs· ThurSton SClu1<1f, ~ls Orange County's speH!ng champion. She •pel\ed down·3:9·o\hl", ~dill) graders in countywide bee . by correctly spenint '~gnaAlirioit$:'; . Sandra moves on to statewide competi.tiOn :April ~'in ~cranient9~ I ' Sex Education,Rock&Roll Aid Commies, Utt Claims faiths and there are now rommunisl! in clerical garb at all levels ol religion." pull t<Jcetber so we eould ha,. me Ydce." RllllU took ... the .......... ol dial· tine immediate\\'· •• _ .. bill ,lo ~ local la>O!•emorit In ·oil drJll. ln& -laken'by the ·-lie plaDt to >Ubmll II lo the county's l<cblMtv• .. ~u-• s..r-•17 ~ week. •. "We're png to try to tiave, it 1n the i<~\.e bopper In llme for~ J'hree-~int ,• ~ . Policy Told .. At Clemente By ARTHUR 11. VJNSEI: · • Of ,_ O.ltl Pllft .... A three-point policy . declarln( -: m campus dilorder but urging correcUon of basic student irritants - a guldellne 1 for American educators _ . .,if f.ieb1i stud~ed today, following Its ftekend re J·e a 1 et by Pres1den1 Nb.on ta.:.San Clemente. ~ -. The 111tem<Q\. l!'.tr.·lp\tfa1Ji . .'Qlit to collt .. · ~ 'U)ilv , • . by no ~·,"-.,. th ' y· • > ~! . . ... ,.~ . ' o+'-1-liJeli.)'i.lt'P~gedl ; I ..ioeauOD ~ .. Zbl.41i,c,U.. :AJIQHlf fl!lt. ')lcjllmlteJ!J-t •. w lUW'd>y milll de.-tlnll mu!IL· '· · Questlom Gt ciiinlnal 19lolaUon· ol the law mllll be' deler!dlned b)o •the CloUrts, not the academlc·conununity, the N~ Finch 1latement tmphltilm, but the lltttar sentence will be bnpoled upoo conviction, by both qencle1. The primary concern Is outright en. forcement of federal law1 pertalnlnt·to eclu.~tlon and the secondary pi>lnt, one lllr<saed as far m or e bnportan! In the J'..';'ldenllal statement, la p~•· Uon of lndepe~ croaUve . hl&l\U learning, "Freedom' -intellectbal freedOm - Is in danger in Amtrlef-Vlolen~ . - physical violence, pbyslcat· lntlrhldatlon -Is seemingly on Its way to becom!nl an a.ccepted or at all evertts. ' normal and not to be aVolded eleintnt 1u the club of oplnJon within the unlftrslty . confines,". he said. VIOLENCE lJSED Nixon said violence 11 being used not only to pollUcize l~tJ).t bodie1. but to poliUclze the educational inlUtuUons themselves, acUon which has in the past spelled diaaater to both poliUCI and culture. "It ls not too 1trong a statement to declare that this is 1he way civlllza· Uons beiin '° die,.. be r:ald. Loi Ancelel city m 1mmg thooe "well --· "· Hurlburt 'polnl out. "Everybody.'' be saJd, 0 wantl to ~ • lid l'lt Oil drilliag In federal lldeimll ... nae reuon, he uplalned, 11 that, unlike In stlte'Waters,~there are no kal'bene· 111' -"'17 baaarda -from federal oU explollallon. ' Other CQllC!usiom ' -by -f<renc< deleptea ..... that : --Orlnge Couoly -olficials • .. , . abould take the lead In the "uniled froot" campllgn, with Hurlburt 11 P ciPo.l coordlnatot, what c:ounty ·~• do Will be copied 1bY other coastal.q,D. cies. 1 _ -Ttie state.dlouJd .-.r ... spect all ·(ederal"cfishore dr!llini ....... tjor)s, il a permanent ban ,, not feasible • That state's re<fuirinients .,.m ~ to · be loogber thin the f~l ·rviim- (See on: PLEA.• Pip II ' 1.sor ' . ' ., . . . . , ' . ' ' . ' ' . ,. • ' · ~ ., ' '" -: ' . '' . • , • DAILY ~ILOT ....... •'J IUCiill:t NM RRESIDENT Al'.ID MRS. NIXON BID ADI EU TD ORl,NGE • t OUNTIANS AT EL TORO , , .H.ndsholr.1 and A TJirlll for• Fl .. YHr.Old llefitro llttardl119 Alr ·J'erc1<!Jne · ", ; . < Nixon's . Visit ·to Coast ' ' . ~a t~ ·solnber, Pleasant '-By.'RlaL\RD'P. N.\LL Of ..... .,..... ............ The presidtn~ • Hal 4?11 Air Force. One · seemed udl1 l)'mbollc of the q:~ea of the . pres)dency Sund~y as Richard Nixon, hb: wife and aidel boanJ.. ed tbe ,big jet at El Toro Marine Corps; Air· Statloo.. , The fierce .eagle that , .symbolius America clutched 111 olive branch of peace ir. •OOt-talon and the arrows of war Jn the oljie:. , . Thla balance of peace and power, the Vietnam War 1 had been diacus9ed by the Preli~eqt and hll aides sborlly befor~ a heltcopter whliked Nbcoo and' !iii .0.. toure&e to tbO u.~"e baae. · · and newly named allied• ctmmanderl of tbe North AtlanUc Treaty Organization forces. Their discUJS.ions continued far . three houri Sunday, then re!Umed on tfie flight back to Waahlnglon.- . A c;TOWd of about 350 per!IOns was oo hand at El Toro . to appla.ud and bid farewell. It ·was Nixon'• first visit tG the coupty of his birth since the presldenUaJ lnauguration. There wu'a 1peclal treat for 5-year-old Tlmoth)I Flens ol Wilmington u the President and first lady veered toward the, nnlling crowd. Cm:ri~,tlum Topic F or · S~udy ~~l A study se~on on 1 hlgh school CUJ'o flcuJuln for· ~ Coming yfer"l Will Le \><Id at 7:3(t'p . .;. T.e:iday t1y 1.alJina Beach ·unified ·school' Dislrk:t ~ and administrators · :... . . . . •. r . Desfrlbing the 6eS5ions a 1 .. fn-. rormattooa.J; D i s t r i c t1 Superintende:nt William Ullom aald . Principe! ,R<,>ttert Reeves and his asmtarU will mu. a presentation oo 'o I f e r J n I s and alterilatives for aJI sect.km. Dr. Ullom Mlid he · thought · t'llOl'e emphasis woukl be put on Er:igulb. in the coming school year and said • q,. boerd also wanted to taie a . JOok at business education and vocation&J ~ tioo. offerings. . . - Sc.ele &rlee ts .. .. • WASHING TON (IJPI) -Sex education and rock-and-roll music are part or a Communist con.spiracy to d e s t r o y Am:frica, , Rep. James B. Utt, (R· Tust1n} charges in a newsletter to bis Orange County constituents. ·A,11 levels of the U.S. clergy have aJ.91J been infiltrated by the unseen enemy u a balic Strategy toward conquerlng the nation through ·contrived collapse The Califoml>,, ~an said Cqm. munists abo used "~tic, · r~c music'· to aSslst • iri . giJnliig aCceRtinCe of their evil programs."· Ht ·aafd, rTiany elemenlaey, schools uae•lriustC bf .. Y6Ung Peoples' Records, Inc., an organization (See.trtr; Pa~'" ' "The pro c e 11 is altogether too familiar to those who would II'"')' the wrtckage of history. Assault and counter- .... u1~ ... aa.m. leailln1 "to. the op- poslte eztreme.; the voicta of rtUOn and cahn dllcredited." "None of ua bu the right to suppoee it cannot happen here," he conUnued. 'Ibe Pre1ident'1 bale statement on the hot issue of cam.P41 turmoil calll (See NlXON, hp I) ._,. ~~·Air , .... '°"" lo mum 'lo Washli)l!lon ,late SUnday, the Pn:itdent met with. EUtworth Bunker, U.S.~ambuaador to 'Sallon, and Gen. ~" .J. 'Goollputer, tormer deputy commander ol 'lJ.S. force< 1n· Vietnam The boy wu thrust by his father over the croWd toward the President. Mrs. Nii:on tOtiched her l'lusbaOO'i : ahoulder. He turned back smiling and shook the youngster's amall hand. Tlmoth)I beamed lll1d aaluled. The Pmldent in abJu~grJy ~It look· ed tanned and relued alter hil San Clemente weekend. Mrs. Nixon wu wearJnc a gnen and Yollow plaid sult. NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe otock market e closed lower 100·ay .. Trading . near ·the finish was relatl~el)'. 1l01ff .. (See qoota.r. lions, Page1 lf..15). · o1 mor.uty, be a1so cliarges. · 110ne or the basic activities of the Communtsts Js their promotion of Cilm- plete sex education in almost all school arades," Utt wrote. "As mual noble aod desirable goal11 ' ' " Mystery Guests at Castle· are advanced which, I am sorry .G ~;:·~·:::, ~·: ~:~·:.;~~ Rum ors of _Laguna · White Ho use P~rsist. Des.pite De~ials in~:tll.IP!:·.~achers and embarrassed Despite o~ial and unofficial ~11 Rumon of Pybe Castle u a·~n-The ~-~~ would be ·~ ideal ~1' ·.,...permitting Communfat In-olpttS!~llnl«<OllilLigun&Beoch'I till llll!llner ha\111 ,..,. revived a1aln -for a llllI1Dltt 1VhlW House, iplrod,.; -.lion ol children through l'YQ< Casile,.....,... In a bleck,·chauf· Sw!d1y, bowevet. despite official -with ~ore. IOClll'lty due to Ila ... of material provided by the Sea feur.<Jriven 1-toot a -·"'• loot to exorclae the recunin( ll!Otiel. , ...,...,. ~ loolallon. Information and Education Council o1 ,_ A blf, black -..in. c:urylq tine C&mp_P_ ll!fjolno the ...,,...iy Aaked li Ijlaon bad pun:based any real estate Jn Orange County, • press .Jde told ·a reporter with . a grla: "I think be'•. taking a look at the Queen Mary.'' The joke alluded to pre11 and public speculation that Nii:on might buy P.~Y for a home and library in. t,be area. Alter about a IO-minute handshaking· round, the Preaident and Mra. Nixon hunied • up Ule ramp, waved and left· on the allrieking thrust ol four bf& jet enfllnet. the United •Stales (SIECIJS), which be at the rambJtnc old f<ni••Sunillrf. women, l •llllll ml a chlu!leur whipped on Clll8 ·li<Je, •.the _., ,c:lilf lies. a!onl. aafd' bad ".,..ad Its tentaeles Into just Prflldeol,.-~ lJlr,er the up lllllcr!'ll Drt .. lo Jilmber 'l'IO at another, whll& I waU lrootl th& estate Vitamin Loss 'Noted about every state In the union." 17«r< Henry -Hmnlllon Oot1a1 ·Olla!• t :IS a.m. Sunday and ooomed Into the "'tbe llcle Jadnl·PaciJlc ~ lllchwa.Y· "Cbvlous\l', SIECUS Is not lnterealed where be ,llayed In ~ CJeineute over rear parklnt .,.., · A'bdlcol*< llndlnl feclllty ii provjded Jn Oil-tainted Birds tn ' inorallty," lJtt . lljd,1 "since 11' lha)lusy,,.._,bulno.~have l'ldldn't..eacythlnJ;""'""1'~t bya~l-Ooal!Q_,istatim'*1'by_ ... tttaauter, lsadore Ru)>Jni ,an Identified •!'l*'e. 1 ·'. • A aid today. ''· '):~. >; l -1 a.i tbe>fourUl .. lide,,01(.,l~._,;J"l'"')Y r~~:Gaut-.....(Ullij ..... <lonullunls~ la edltor ol ~ 1>0mo1raP.hl4 '~ · ~ =~-laid !% ,Mel'Tict bow tho' l i..b4urid1!1,~Bld -a-_,.,~,. 3Uiff~bflllll~ttd:Jltllll<SOnjo> ma_,.,..._ :sieiO"'-'' "l<J!tl 'fa'a·•~.--,=·11111......_.. t'&.'""':-"· .illt ·'· ~·• ·1· Tho.Nlxont....,.1~·-•iact ,,Ba;llaia.oll sUcll>u revtalecl .1~1 .-~ ._., •-"'"-" _£/;::,.~ .;::;w.-,.,-· • · .=<-... ~1Jllir,•••"'"-',.._.,. ' ' "~no-11•1ore:--"".u :!i~/=is°'~b:;.o;.~!:i def!ni..i;7'..l. ~;'.: '\1:1 m1n and · 10.A ii;;;;..t'Bilich and.~:-;;;: ?.m:!l'wb'>JOiOo;;..,.tocraY~;.. wtth 'Seloiogy.' " matter what -eile•JI. ph®gra:' ~ .. '. btJ! lit'! Pmldent ,.,.. 'to'tlaVot the · 1Tlie Jlltlonal • Wlldllf• H<alth ·Jl>un.' Communlat leaden. Utt said, were Merrlct llld his naJ estate .,..-11avo A lfOUP · ol M~~:a..i,. 8an~lltl, • • .. F· 1· ·' 4•tlon reported ihe death late •-i' "too ...n ...... ol the l!l"'•l lmD<IUS laid othenriae In tbe pllt. while another --.en Incl till~ ~ . . <Q,.. lb :the ~ ;,nd the blnb 1urider;"itlily WU dramalltl!1Jj fllffll to their plans fY the !lellr\lctlOn lady , broker Ja,i Wftt t'Jauy. oecima c:onfldanl 11e11e '*-flr1','1HY ffr thtJ'/do qol.lo ... y h1Jt<d Wbetl acientl81a dl;coveroct' '01 o1 moral standard"' For tllat reaoon lhot ~-ere ·•-~-drlwa up tntereoled In -~•-1tiNI. • ~ ~ .. t111 • fhlunln ''•ll&llllo JI.I) de!lc:leney l'lirii!: he llld, !My had "lool •I• Infiltrated awaltlnc lilnalun for purcbue cf the .., lnldOransend ,. , " . . ~v-:S.·~~ ~ . , ;;ro-; , I:!!l~"-'!! !",,"' ,' . . · , ,, I The Dow ·Jones industrial ·avera1e at 1:30 p.m-. wu oft 2.24jlolnf.I at 917.71. 'W'eatlier , How long'1 It bed alnce ""·had . . . ~ . a ruce, warm Santa Ana wind? 'Xell,' tbtre'I one m 'tbe•.,.wfl, elevattnc_.the 1rmtui) to 70 ·here- . aboula and up to a furlher JnlaDcL -. INSm E TODAY A pc1fr of"fomll~ IVP<"·playt stoged withf• wallong dilf4!1cc of each othtr {1l C~ta Mcao arc r,vicud today. Ser £'rttcrJaf"}' mtni. Page 24. • . ' • .;....:·: I~' .. "11~' \ =~·" ...... ooft .f .. ~ .. o,...~ ' ~· _._ t ··""' """' .. ~ " .......... ,,.,. ....,... .... • IM1t ... ... «'Ill c I 111 ........... 1t11 ,.... M-11 ;:.;..~ ' • .. ,.,.. <* M . 111 ._ • ..... 4 AM.._.,, 1f ....... l . Mii.... , ......... .. ' ' ' ~~·· ~-.. -.. ' ' ' mA" · Mn ,....., ' ' •••••-' .£.inb~' >' JlooM o! 'thlllllinl ; the semlnarleJ of the leading rell&ious Cotton prllpetty. .... •·'j. 1 I' .,w• ~ ·~en · 1 , • • / ,,.'I: «•~;.J.1-r .•• ,,.1 .y-•· r .:.,: .• 1 A~\~ti~ ... ~· ..... 4 1 . :.11 •• ,t ~ ~ • ....... I .•' " I "'':'"I ,.... , :-,. .. ...~· ~ .. • • ", •• I 1 • " I 'I ' f I ,, ' I I I % DAll.T Pll.OT l Tax · Override. to. ~B.ankrnp~!>-C~pisi.rano? By THOMAS FOl\TVNE •ot111r dlatrldl ud -. •we w.. lq ~ B...ii. °' "' -''"' "'" ... too ~ ud I !J lime lo .. ~prllldllil ol Orall(t Cq\>olJ l'-Clfa_Coplalr_Ualllod • -Ol!IQil. 'T>~'iilloa. Wldcb ----tu -''ril !lad ... -....... .-. ' NII. .. Ji.ilol all ....., -•Doi• blhkrupt, • t1>e ._ "I -~ -lo ..... llQ' loll i llN --poslUoo ballot """""'1t will md. and lllt'_.r tlll • 1111 limb~ lllt ---JJ ~ .,_ AuUior RI Ibo ol!lclal "no" argument taJ,"'"iiiie Ult!. !Jir. • · for Ibo AprD 15 ballot is Mn. Emma She lald ollo 11&1 been •rcll'llnr with )\In. VlrJll Elkins, W!le ol lhe Santa Blr!n!nibam ol San Juan Capjstrano. Jooeph Fenn, ol Huntlqton B<ach, Jn Ana pr.,ldent ol lhe taspoyen usoda· lier argwnent, buod oo the need for lltr lnv..U1alloo ol the school dl.!trlcl'• lion, said It bu 75 memben coontywlde. l.11 reform, is endorsed by the Oraop coots. Ferm said he bu been through the County TQpaym A»oclatlon. Ftrm 11 founder ol Properlf Owntrs 11me thing In H11J111nit4n Beach and Mn. Blnnlll&ham Ille! li>t bu com-~Ive Leag11e whlcb hu opposed is able to "look behind tome ol the pared C.plllr-School DJ.tricl -ocbool bond and tu override olectloos cllcllea used liy scbool admlnlstralbra Youth Held On Burglary, Pot Charges A ........ Beacb man WU amsl<d early Saturday momln1 on suiplcioa of burglary and marljt111na poueaalon after a jewelry store window was shattered setUng off the burglar alarm. Police said the suspect Ronald Lujan, 21 of S26 N. Coast Highway was later released on hi! own recognizance pending municipal court arralgnment. Sil Dave Brown aald Lujan ls ..,peeled of atlempting to burgllll'il< Farrar Jeweltn, lM S. Coast Hi.ahway. Nothing was taken. Brown said Lujan wu found by police lying in a lot at the rear of 240 Broadway,. The offictr alleged that a :small bag of marijuana wu ln the jacket pockeL ' that .,. ~Uy not correct but ~ feel have ~ appeal.11 -8apL Cbltile "-'• ...... ....... thal lbs ••••!do --cull ID Iba tduelUONll program made Wt 1"11' and allow the district to b~p poce wllll erpeclod enrollmtnl iDcr ..... nut year. Due to rapid growth, he says, the d~trict will bel"f:ly be able to hold its own. Projected for nf:Jt fall are J,too studentl over the present 7,'*I. Cull to he restored are remedial mding tescbtr1, library book purcbueo, and preventative ma.lnttnaDCt. • ...... Ilia --.... '61 ...... -lndeflnllol1 the--la-rate from 14.U to"$!# por 1100 ol - valuaUon . • Mn. Birmingham aald wheft votan read the opposition ballot argument It .. Will give us exactly the amoi.mt of publicity we nHd. They .can make up tbelr own mind." Her argument readl : "The h&rd·pmaed tupaym oppooe an tncrease of the tu rate because: any addltlonal burdeo will find mtnY t1111 .... ~ W14taillllfft!H odtclilate ""'1eallllo bat are vrry mucb aware that tu re.form for achoo1 fina~ cing ii now overdue. ""Unlll tu rel"'"' becune a realltr we urge curtailment ol unnecessary ex- pencliturt!, prudence on the part ol tru.t... and thrllt on the part ol ad· miniJtraton and faculty to miitcb the aacrtflcea we property tupayers are .,_ . maa.wg •• ~ Supplies Captured Drive Launched Into Khe Sanh SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. military command today announced a third major allied coonterofferi'!ive againlt the Com- munists winter-spring drive -a puab Into the Khe Suh area juot below the demllltarlzed zone. A fron( cillpatcb said U.S. Mari.oea capturfd vut quantities o1 Communist suppu ... UPI c<Jmspondtnt Davld Lamb, wllh the 3,000 Marines and 100 tanks sent into lhe abandoned Kbe Sanh area in the newest offensive, said the Marines captured huge quantities ol. arms and what was believed to be the lara:eat North Vietnamese rice cache ~ the war. Lamb said the caphaed North Viet- namese supply depot, spread over an area larger than t111'0 football fields, contained 434. tons of rice, other foods and supplies and hundreds of cases oI anna and ammunition. In an urlltr weekend arrut. police booked Anlbooy Umberto Roa~ II of 31111 MooW-.y St., Soulll Laguns, and Howard Roy Sheldon, 31, of Lu Veau. on 1Ulpidon of credit card forJery. Brown Ille! the pair Wtre arreJled at the Coe IJquor Store ~ nilbl afllr theY .U.pdl1 trted to pey lot $11 wmb ol liquor and food wllb a credit wd thal wunot thelr1. BUSINllS AHD PLEASURE -Although his week· end visit to the Orange Coast had a festive air about lt, President Nixon also spent time confer- ring with top aides on the Vietnam War. Ready to board Air F'orce One for return fll&ht to Wuhlng· ton ara (from left) N~on, Secret,ary of state Wil· Uam P. Rogers, U.S. Amba.lsador to Soulb Vietnam Ellaworth Bunker, fonner U.S. Deputy Military Command.er in Vietnam Gen. Andrew J. Goodpas- ter and national security advisor Henry Kissinger. The first major allied offensive was announced last week , Operation Atlas Wedge. It ha:s killed 1nore than 600 North Vietnam.., and Viet Cong in Its first week of operation in the Michelin rubbtr planlltlon 4.1 mllea n«lh-.'!ut of Salgcn The HCOnd major offf:!llive wu an- nounced Sunday -Operation -Strlbr "111cb -3,000 U.S. paratroopen Into the A Sbau Valley, SO mil., IOuth ol Xhe Sulh, to bnak up a msjor Commllllist supply route Into South Vietnam from the Ho Chi Minh Trail In t.aoe. He said the Marines ripped apart the atacb of rice ball and 1l.9ed the 220- p:iund sacks to bUl.Jd bunkers in caae Communist troope DlOlll1ted a coun• terattack. Lamb said Red soldiers guarding the depot fied without I fight. Brig. Gen. Frank GamtlQl'I, 51, et San Diego, deputy -ol the U.S. 3rd Dlvlalon. told Lamb American fOl'Cel bad the Communist supply depot under oblervaUon tor two weeka. Brown .-ted that 1everal other credit Carda with namel other than the •\JIPOCll ware In thdr -1<>n· The oince llld complainll would he sou&ht today. Both men were 111ll In jail t&is mornlna. In other weekend cuu, police ln- veltlplld the theft ol lt.Jl6 worth ol Paul Blaine Henri psintlnp from a Lapna -home. PollC<I llld Gerry Huth of Burbank, owner of. a retldenoe at !Olt Mar1nt Drive reported the theft of three paln- tingl, a televlaloo set and -radio combination. Janll COWiin, .a oat st., reparlld the lbe!t of ber 1111 gull&r from the Hat.ch Cover tavtm. AM ·1lt11ae1. -GI the eutla r. COii -y lhop, 1IO S. CoMt lllChwlY. reporied the Iii thall cl a qprlU tree lllif plant. Police Hold 4 After Seizure Of LSD Tablets Polie< llld today they had -1~ LSD tablets bearlnc peace embleru Sun- day night during the arrut ol four youna: men in Llguna Beach. Sgt. Dive Brown IRlkl the four, two from Laguna and 11n> from Costa M.,., "''ere arrat.ed by qerQ of. U.e Federal Bureau ol Narcollcl and Lq1ma dellc· ~"" Norm Babcock In the perking Joi of Dtmiy11 Coffee lhop, 1800 s. Co11t Highway. Brown identified the four men 1s Donald Edward ciirlst<Non, IO, ol 137 Woodllrd Drive, Lq1ma Beacb; Lynn Allen Whiton, 18 of 4!6 Csnyon Acra Drlvie, Luuna: James Michael El1u. 19 of 1911 \rictorl.a St., Coela Mf:SI, and James Allen Cllppenier, 18 of 288 Vlc· to<ja St., Costa Mesa. Brown !!lid the arrtst was made after an alJea<d offer ol Mle ol the tablets to 1t1 undercover agent. He 1atd the foor had apperently be<n taktn to Loo Angeles for booking. ouw.a COMt P\IRSN111tca ~l" ••Wt H. W•ff ,,........ .... ,....JWr .I••• •. c...i.,. .,.. ,,....... ... 6-.i _,...., T~11111t IC...,tl ·-,...._. A. M•,.til~1 _, ... a1 .. 1ri.n1 '· Nill '•u1 Nl111R Lfflo'M ltlcfl ...... tMlll,_ UJ.... Dlffc• ---Jlt ,,,., ......... M•lmlt AIM'''" 1.0 . 111 •••. n•1:r --<-II Mlltt .. WMI ...., "'"' .....,, llMI: tfll ""'' ............. ,. 1•r • l•••u•••""' Negro Coup"le' s Home Bombed In Huntington From Page 1 A youna Negro couple's nome was firebombed Satlll'liay nlgbt in Huntington Beach. 'Ibo wile narrowly escaped injury. Police lnvutliaton aald a molotov cocllall Joued from I opeedinl lru<:k charred the aaraae door o( the Irvin Harril bome about 10 p.m. Demage WU limited to the prqo door mi upbl]t driveway, police llid, bu! ~ aplOllon had enougb power Id -1 Injure bystandm. ffirrla' wife Wll inlide the 1111&9 at the time, doing the laundry. Sha WU not lnJured. Detectlvt Sgt. Jack !lolnholll lald the lncldent wu "obvlOUJly r 1 c i a 11 y motivated." About a dozen Negro families li ve in Hunungton Beach. There have been few racial inck!mta rtported in the p11t. Reinholtz :said Harris was the victim ol. a related incident in February when unidentified individuals :s c r i b b I e d obscenities on hi:s garage door. At that lime nel&hbor1 helped erase the foul scrlbbllngs, and dropped the matter thinking perhap:s It was just coincidence. ,.,..,.. Pa9e I UTI .. ~ "ci~ as subveraivt by the House Com· m!Uee on Un-American ActlvlUea." In addJUon, he 111d, echoola UR records frun Pram records and the Children'• Ricord Guild, both subeldllties of Young People's Record•. ''Thtir records have been e1ttn11tvely analyzed by noted medlcal ezperll and by leaders tn U.e fieldl of hypnoeis, and tbelt unanimous opinion la that the hypnotic Induction produced by them can easily place young children In a most receptive mood for auggestiona of vll'loua sort!," Utt aald. NIXON ••• for the academlc communJty to clean up ltl cwn bouae flnt when It comes to dilorder tnvolvtna ltudentl or faculty, but promlsu backup acUon. One principle to be obaerved, he 1ald, Is that colleies and unJverslUea are placa ln which men m judged by achJevement and merit In their own specmc areu of Gowledge and conduct. "The independence and competence of the facully, the commi-and equally the oompetence ol lbs ,..t body. are matlen !IOI to ba campromlted," , Nlxon Nld. -, SECOND PRINCIPLZ Tbe oecond and only other prlnclple to be comldered. ha conllnued, Is that vlolenct or the threat of it must never he permitted to Influence the adlons or judiment ol the academlc community. 0 111e federal government cannot, should not -must not -enforce sucll prtnclplea. That \s fundamentally the tuk and rea:ponalblllty of the university c<>mmunity," he said. He added, society need not rear for continued application or these two educa- tional prlnclple1, but every man mu1t drtad damage to what he termed the largest, freest educational system in history. Nixon then spelled out t:~rescriplion for :slckneu in that parttculir IOCiety, qualifying hll 1tatement with a long-term program for il!I eventual cure. PRIMARY INSTRUMENT "From Ume immemorial, expulsion has been the prtman· lnstrument of university discipline," be said. ''Tho11e who would not abide by the rules of the community of learning have :simply bten required to leave lt, for any other form of coercion would cause that community to change its fundamental n1ture," he explained. lie noted also that the last Congress enacted laws :str:lpping federal aid and assistance from students convtcted by courts of criminally dlmlptln1 the educa- UonaJ system. "'n>e new reculations are moderate and thf'y are jwtlfled," he uld. "Givtn tll6 present tactlcs of dlsru~ Pinpoint Pilot 5,000 Watch Capo Air Shoiv Pete Obon of Dana Point can not only )and on a dime he's a pinpoint bomber pilot. Ollon, 26224 Brill!lntlne Ave., proved aa much ·during the weekend alrshow that drew more than 5.000 spectators to San JIW' Capistrano's airport. The 01111 Poin t man capttnd flnl In both the 1'1andl.n& on a dlme" and "plnpolnt bombing" event.I at the unlque alrshow and Oy-in of antique and home- , bunt aircraft. Ollon'1 wife Imelda acted as his bom· bardier u he made his bombtni run ovf'J' a taraet tlrcle. She dropped a <anlllel' /Ult 10 feet from the bullseye at about 00-feet alutude. The C19lstrano Flylng Club hooted the .. tnt under _.i,Ip ol Sport Flying Mqazlnt. Hlpuchb o( Utt weekend inc-luded a dating JO.milt Jlldtr fllgbt from Eblnon by El Toro l!tarlne, Dive H1rtman, 2J. HartmlJ'I ucended to an estim1ted 8,000 fttt °" the warm Eblnort updrafll and thell allot lbrou1h the """ or the Sanll Ana Mounllinl in rapid dOICttlt Into cooler air: Ht 1ta1ecf the 1tunt lor the llral limo Ju( yur. The Sunday crowdl MW Dem Piccard demonstrate a hot-air balloon ascent over San Juan Capistrano into a pasture o[ the O'Neil Ranch about five milu away. Tht Mini Jumbo Sky Van, built In · Jr,land. Yi'l :S demonstrated by Che'ro'Kte Airlines in a wies of fly.bys. The twin- enitne plane showed HI facility to operate on one--engtne and its 1hOrt-tJeld l1ndlng capacity. Thel'f: were n alrCTaft entf:l'ed In the show. They include formtr m!Utary crifl and lllran1t hom .. bullt modtla. Wlnnm included: Olden Ab'erlfl -A !HO Plptr JI flown by Gordon and Sand)' Ruller, 15111 Burning Tree Sl., Wutminlt<r. -Sbow --Sllorman NIN bullt In IH4. Flown by Ray Post ol S1nL1 Ana. Beil MIUtary Altttaft -SNJ.J, built In 11'3. Flown by Clifford Shirpeer ol Norlll Hollywood. ~tost Autbentlt Aircraft -Convair Al-19 buUt In 1"3. Flown by Walter • N. Wi1nlew1k, Sy1mar. Mott Aath!ltlc Dreu -Mr. and Mn. Robert O'Hara ol San Fernando. He w11 In 1 Canadian Air Force uniform and she 111·1:s Jn a Canadian \VAC unlform. I tton, anyone '° canvtcted may fatrly be IMllm~ to have been usaulting the ~ ol free inquiry which are the very •.tife .. of learning," Nixon added. PRtnECI' ITSELF ''Mf"socif:ty that will not protect' it- self against .such assault e1hiblts pre- cioua little reapect for intellect, com· pared to which tbe issue of publlc order i.s Vf:f'f near to·'(df: iD.lnimil,)" be said. '"111e dUllcttJlr: ll,Ws momem', u of most timts wtila f\lridamenta! principles are challen~ many of those posing the and even mol"f: of those supporlblf! ~ are reaponding to very basic problem.. Reasserting the twin prlnciples of aca- demic freedom whUe Ignoring the llsues foremost in the mlnda of atudent. posing a threat to them, however, is not the total an1nr, he admitted. SLOTHFUL, D!8HONEST "It is leas than lngloriou1: it ia slothful and dishonert, an afiront to those prtn. ciples-and in the end futile." Student& today point to many wrongs which must be righted, Nixon :said, con- tulng on to ezplafn them in three broad statements, without mentioning !J* clflcs: "We have seen a depenona)izat1on of the educational aperif:nct. Our instltu· tioru: must reshape themselves, lest this tp.rns to total allenatioq_ ''.. Skin Diver Drowns At Dana Point Jetty A skin d1ver drowned Sunday while swimming near the west jetty at Dana Point Harbor, the coroner's office nported today. Dead Is Phllllp W. Walker, 27, of Bell Gardena. He was brouJht to shore by companions and lifeguardJ but flrat •Id efforta fail ed. Today'• operatkn wu code-nlmed Maine Cr11 and atao WU deltgned to cut off a m1.jor COmmunia:t supply route from Laoa needed by the North vi.~ nam,.. to sustaiD theft lllocllly growing offensive. The communlJt offensive sent mortar and rocket berrqes todey agalntt as U.S. buea and South Vletnameoe towns and c:Wet. Alllod mllltary olfldala have predicted 111 all out -ult on Salp, pombiy cocrdinlted wMh • mm~.ltrfke aCl"Oll the demllltarlsecl ..... Girl Crippled In Dangerous Dive at Beach Despite npeated w1rninp fr o m onlookers and warnlng 1lgn1, a 15-year- old .UU.1 cJrl dove off Rocky Point in Corona del Mar Sunday, 1ullerina crippling neck Injuries. U!eguards reported that Deborah Soliz walked out on the: small promontory at Co rona del Mar's bayslde swimmln& beach and started to dive from the rocks into three fett of water. Onlookers, Iilecuard• 1aJd, told the girl to stop, but lhe dove ,.nyway. A San Bernardino SherUf's of fl ctr, Capt. Hillard Horton, saw the accidmt and went Into the water to bring the unconscious girl lo shore. She w1s taken to Hoag Memorlal Hospital shortly after the 1: 49 p.m. in- cident and underwent surgery for the fracture. Her condition was listed as critical Spokesmen for the hOlpilal 1ald she migbt remain par1lyzed for llfe. ' "We witched tbe enemy for two weds while they put the stuff In place," Gar- retaoo II.Id. "'.Mlen we pounded hJm. Jt'1 pretty obviow we're ln hJs goodY, locker." In a campaiin earlier this year tn inountains on the fringe of the A Shall Valley, Marines ol the 3rd Dlvllion 1eiud ~ than 500 tOM of CommuOJ&t aup- plle1. From Page 1 OIL PLEA ••• ment's Hurlbert uplained. -Thole couta1 communities not en- compeued by the Shell-Cunninglwn Act '• oaf llDCtuary lbould receive a greater share of oil revenues, "in order to compenute for the estbet1c 1ou and the COit of cleaning up m1nor oU 1Uckl," aald the Newport city manager. t!OME TALK Hurlburl aald there had been some lllk at the two-day affair about a total ban on all offshore drllllni· But ln view of. the fact that JOme cltlf:I, 1 u c h as Ventura, depend on .IUCh revenue, it wu decided to concentrate iMteed on obtaining greater local control over oil exploitation decisions, he said. "We're Jook1n& for the common element, and local control appe1r11 to be it." In addition to Hurlburt and Ris.Mr, · Orange Coast olflclsll att.erdlng the parley, which included a tour ol Santa Barbara's oll-90titd w1ter front, were: Laguna Beech Mayor Glenn Veddtr, San Clemente Mayor '\\'ade Lo\\'er and City Manager Kenneth Carr, Huntington Beach City Adntini!trator Doyle ?\1iller and Harbor Director Vince Moorhouse, Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall and Seal Beach Mayor Lloyd Gummere, Hurlburt said another 11athering of the oil drilling foes will be held later th.is year In Oran1t Counly. Ill Ill I -P'OOllllF'llPl_,&R-N Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA ~ AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE !i) COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR • rin91 sized and repaired • diamonds and prectous atones remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE All: TYPES OF JEWELRY NAUOI IHOl'PINI wma 2100 HAltol II.YD. conA MISA '41-NIS HUNT1,..TOH CllffQ llACH a IDINlll HUNTINITOH MACH ltWIOI ' . . ' . ' . ' . ' . . . ' ' ' ,. ' , ' ' •, ' I I I I I -r I I I I j : ''-·-~-.._---__ _.1o-7.~.~ ................................................... ,...~ .... .,., ................ ,,.. ....... ,.. ............... ~ .............................................. "'~:""~--......................... ""' ......................... .., ... !!'!'"'!!""'I . . . , • • J • • ' . l • 6Ct~ Fashion Focus On Young Se -t Countless fashion shows and articles have left no stones unturned in depicting haute couture for women and even men this spring. But what about the younger set. Will rosy-cheeked young ladies romp to school in beaded Indian costumes and suede boob or will the nude look be vogue? And will young men be able to get away with last year's Nehru shirts, or is a new fad in store? These and other questions will be looked at when Mission Viejo Recreation Center offers a special Easter Luncheon and Children's Fashion Show, Saturday, April 5. The style parade, to take place in the center, is open to all members and guests interested in newfangled fashion for children. .. Clothes will come from Bergstroms', South Coast Plaza, and school children are welcome to attend with their mothers. Festivities,. beg1nning with a noon luncheon, will include favors for all 120 participants and numerous door prizes. ~trs. James Brustman is chairman of the event, and Mrs. Heruilng Otto; her co-chairman, is making arrangements for colorful" spring decorations. Others laking part in plans are Mrs. George Webster-~nd ~fr•. T. J. ; Stout, '· ~ ' • " • • .. . • ' .. ... . - .. • ,. , . , . • . . ~ ; ·: Tickets will not be sold at the door, but may be obtained' ~t tl.,IO for members and $1. 75 for the ·gen~ublic, at the center, _-MOft? \ I o > ' ' • • ' I ' ' YOUNG GIRL'S FA'NCY -It's never too soon for a girl th start thinkin' about her wardrobe, ac- cordiljg to style-j:onsc1ous . Cheryl Webster, 4. She ch"ecks ~ curreni ~uhue tre~s with Mrs'. James tanoso Drive by Thursday, April 3. er information may be obtail!~ ;'. ~,, by calling the center, 837-4084. •• - In 'Magic Kingdom' Royal Time Predicted A fabulous fun-filled Family· Night at Disneyland bas been announced as the nei:t major fundirig project for Children's Hospital of Orange County. The Magic Kingdom will roll out the red carpet for a limited number of members of the 13 supporting guilds and their guests on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 11, beginning at 4 p.m. Serving as general chairman of the event will be Mrs. T. W. Welsh, Little Mennaid Guild, Huntington Beach.·Mrs. George Gartz, Littlest Angel Guild, Yorba Linda, is ~hair .. man, and treasurer ts Mrs. Robert L. Doss, Tres Osos Guild, Mission Viejo. Tickets, at $3. 75 each, will "include un- limited use of all facilities with the exception of the shooting galleries. They now are on sale and may be obtained from any member of the participating guilds. Coordinating the event, which will re- place· the annual fall CHOC Fair, will be the Mmes. Robert Lucas, Cinderella Guild, New- port Beach; Robert Thomas, Punch and Judy, Costa Mesa ; Charles Roberts, Queen of Hearts, Laguna Beach, and Doss, Tres Osos, Mission Viejo. · Brusbnan (top) and Mrs. Henning Otto, members of the· ~ssion ·Viejo Recreation-. Center. , . . ' ' .... ·The ' LaglJna Line Irish Emerges In Party ·Host By JEAN COX ot lllf Dllltr , .. Sl1ff YOU DON'T have to be a Kelly or an O'Toole to, hav.e 1be Irish come oot Oii St. Patrick's Day. ' . Mrs. Leo Gassman, for in- stance, Is only hall Irish, but Europa which stopped at 14 ports. Mrs. Garst, who raved about the fabulous food served aboard the liner, reported they · didn't experience a single day of rain during their trip aw1y from wet Southern .California. tha't part of her personality The foursome boarded the has been emer1lng for the liner Jn Miami where the · · Krocha·vblted their claughter-past few years at ~ in-law'.J sister. parties hosted by her and her husband. A highllgbt· for the Garst.s was St. Thomas, an American ~land off the coast ol Puerto Rico. 1be Krocha were equally pleased with Juab St. Vincent Island, which fdn, Gant l<J,: milted wu the "prettiest island in the Caribbean." This year lhe Gassmans bad 10 friends to their Laguna Beach home for corned beef and cabbage, Irish coffee, Black Velvetl and dart games. It was ainong several sniall parties the couple has been giving recently. THE DOUGLAS REEVES, who are quite British. used SI. Palr1ck's pay to ent<rWn three Russian-born friends over dinner. The tickets will not include food , which may be purchased in the park. The guilds a1so plan to award prizes dur- ing the evening with first prize to be six days in Hawaii for a family of four. GOP Women Ac/dee/ to Mem~r~nip Roste r ' Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kroch, Dr. and Mrs. Norman , Nlion and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Weldon of Laguna Beach along with Mr. and Mn. Leo Garst oC Irvine Cove and Mr. and Mrs. George Scott of Newport Beacb. MW Mary Chamot ol Lon- don, where sbe is assistant curator · of Tait Gallery, at· tended with Mn. Ludmila Sofonov of Leisure World, ~ hostess during her visit to Southern California. MW Chamot and Mrs. Laguna Niguel Republican Women's Club Federated signed up 22 new members during a recent miln- bersbip drive. Mrs. Harry Umhey, preoident of. the Tip for Brides: It Takes Two DEAR ANN LANDERS : Several of us cameramen here at Universal StudiO!!I In Hollywood read your column and discusl it regularly. Five times in the put two months you have p"Jblished letterl with the same basic theme - "Men are animals, interested only in satisfying their own sexual needs." The Jetter that really tk:ked me off wu the one from the wife who said 1he ftlt like a prostitute. According to her, sea was a nuisance and a bore. Sbt got nothing from it but exhaustion. She said she wu willing to put up 'rith !t, ¥-'!'ever, ln u change for respi:r- lability and the financial security ol marria1e. You've stated many times that women who are married to Inept, clumsy lovers should teach them. (Night school, ANN LANDERS mnember?) Well. l HY men can teach night ocbool d-too. And they should. An Inexperienced bride often ls learfUJ, inhibited lll1d motionless. A man who is kwing and con&tderate can work wooden with even lht dumbest partnf:r il \he iJ willing to learn. - J.M. , DEAR J.M.: Braff. Tbe oper1Uve word.I are commuaJc1tioft, ~r1Uon and unte1flallnc11. T B A N I S FOlt WRITING. ' . DEAR ANN LANORRSf 1 om I If. year-old airl with a mentally, retarded brother. He is 11even years oltler than I. Latel)i I've been woOderlna what will becOme ol hhn when 'Mom 'and Dad pass on. In addlUon to being ntmled, my brother bas 1 spinal problem and ls completely helplell. He needs to be bathed, fed and dreued like an .infant. I'm beginning to wonder lf t b ~ . · i outhem divisi~. reads, the new names from her notebook to (left to right) the Mmes. William .fl. Eadle, Winlleld Sbiras '111:811d Daniel B. Boyle. THE K R o CR s AND Soronov, both bom in the same GARSTS, Jn c id en ta 11y 1 part or Ru.via, were joined m:enily returned from a by Miss Lila Zall, who plans three-week Caribbean crulse to vllit her bomel01m, 1bllbi, aboard the German llne:r SS next June. to Tango . . \ responsibility will fall m me .. Please do1ft think I am .elfish or cruel, but I don't want the bgrden of my han- diCapped brother. It could spoil my . cbanca for marriq:e. [ have never beard ol a place that caiu for people lfbo an bath1 retarded and crippled. Rave you! I wouldo't •clare dlocusl lhil wlth my pennis. P1eue help me. -CLOUDY F(mJREI DEAR <J.OVDY: Y•~MUST dllnl1 tld1 •ltll )'OUI' puu.tl. Jt ... Mtefr ....,..albiUly to Ml! 11111 JOV -r Al pnvlftd for after \Hy are 1one. Al lntlll'Ute rpodey pard;ued · Nr:ly woldd iaarutee «MCI care ii a priva&e lutitution. It ala wolld clve y.- pareall ,.... of mJnd,. I llope they •ave 1ocll a pelley. as Well as U *re art .ne fucb for prl•ale care. ud ae willln1 rtladve, ~ p1dent becomes a wanl •f lite •&ale ud ii 1e11t lo a 1t1te lmdtaUon. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My mother was very d1sappointed when I married PhWP-: She felt be wasn 't good enough for me btca1111e b1s parenll wen foreign bj>m and not "toei<ty." Everr mom1ng Mother telephones to make 10mt cuttin1 remark about hbp, such 81 "f>hlllp's IOl were baggy list night. Does he own earters?" Or "Philip offended Mn. Beck because he Ignored her and talll:ed to the woman at bis ri&ht all through dinner." I hale to hear lhe phone ring In the morning. Rl&ht now my stomach la tled up in l ko<>ta. I need yoor advtce. -UPTIGHT DEAR UP: TcU ,._. mtdter Y• ..,.... tO '*'* 1111 -crilldna of yoar Joubud. .JI slle for,..., clltp lier oU ho mldtm ...... What .cawaita you on the other aide of the marriap veil? How can you be Rite yoor ibaniap will worU Re.,i , ·Apn 4n<!en' booklet "Maniage -Whl& to Expect." Send your request to Ann Landen ln care of Wt oew1paper.enclo9- ln1 50 cents In coin and a Ion(, lllmped, self-addressed envelopt. Ann Landen wll be 1lld to help you with your problem1. Send them' to lier lo c:ot< of the DAILY PILOl'.1 enclooJng I seU-ocJdrwed, llampe9 envelapc. ,. • I 1, ! • • --------- DNW l'ILOT " ' '·YOU'RE INVITID -Joe Kroll (right), dean of •tudent acUvitl., at Orange Coast' College lllleresta , Kit Weiler, Estancia High School senior and Mias Birth Defects Conference Future Parents Every olher minute a baby is born In tbe Uniled States with a defect ltl'i<lll enough t•· disable, dlsflguno or kill. i\ tot.al of 1,700 defective. babies are born each yur in Orange County alone - a quarter of a mI1llon in the U.S. The problem of birth defecta: involves the young people of today -for they are all future ·parenls. So, the annual science con-. •ference on Birth Defecls, •trhich again will be presented the fields ol medicine and lcienct. Included will be pr. Virfinia Apgar, vice presldent for medical attairs for the foun- ctaUon. 'lbe dynamic .,.a11u Is rtllOwntd for creaUng the Apgar 1COre, the neonatal tut which can lead to rapid cor- recUon of early deflclencles before irrepar1ble dlma1e mulls to the newborn. Her topic will be Better_lng the Diane Munyon, OCC nunlng student in attending the annual Blfth Defects Conference to be pr .. ent- ed Wedneaday, March 26, at the college. Invited Odds for the Unborn. Predlctlni tbe Future will be dlscuDed by Dr. Charla J. Epatdn, usoctate prOleuor ped.1atrle1, Unlversl{j o f California, San Franc 11 co Medical Center. A !ilghly respected genetlcltt, he hu lectured at unJveniUH and high 1ehools throughout the United States. Also on the panel will be a representative from the Salk Jnatitute for Biological Studies. ,. . -- Horoscope Aquarius: Make New C:o~tacts TUESDAY MARCH 25 111 IYDNEY OMAIUI 1'1'e wile man comroll hb: dM!ey •• .AltroloC' pointa the way." AllllCI (M~ 21-April 19)' Ba """ <II legal cleanince blfcn dJocardlng red tape. You have a job to complete. ODe who tempts you does not have your tntermta at heart. Take 7our time. Avoid im- pU!llve actlon. TAUIIUI (April ZO.May 20), AcUvtty tocreues. Visits and v!liton IN fe-atured. New ap- pr-11 to old problems get.s belt retult.!. Be versatile. VtlllJ.e lel1Se ol h u m o r • Re.laUve who display1 anger Is blu!ffn(. GEMINI (May 21.Juoe 20)' Cbeclt tendency to overspend. O>oooe quality, but aUck to nectllltia. Child m a k e s demandl. Be fair but sensible. Trult bunch. You 're moving In right dlrecUm. CANCER (June 21.July 22): DomeotJc conditiOIUI could be upaeL .Be ready for change. iioo~ battle progreos. Be n ... Ible. The changes that occur at ~ could be of ultimate benefit. Go along wlth it. LEO (July 2J.Aug. 22)' Important to f o 11 ow In· atructlona. Apparent minor details could be major. Wise to put off journey until ap- Polntmenta: ire verified, Overcome tendency to be iJn.. paUent. VDIGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): What appears a bargaJn may be the opposite. Know thi• and be a shrewd observer. Friends who mean well may be mltlnlonned. Heed your own COW'llel. Draw upon put esperldce. SCORPIO (Oct. J3.Nov. II)' 11)' One Y"" d~ QpOll BD\THDAY yoo are lo- Be 1 u b t I e . CommunicaLim ml1 embark upon jOW"oey. troepectlve, crtiaUve; you art may cause cbuee of planL Afold ft.tun, ol. resentment. 1ble to determine what other•· n.t't burn brldlt:I. Slit to You will haft chance to make are tbJnking, feeling. Yoa reta.ln aood reilt!ocs. l"ou nlJf' coot.di. Ploneer a pro-would make fine artist, writu. may havt to repeat stepe:. j ect: d l• pla )' ual q ue You also art aU.racted t.o law. Know U1la and a Ct ~ e1pabiUU• Promotion due; money coma cordlngly. P-(Feb 1 .... ~ -)· lrom efforta of recent pHt. SAGirt'ARllJS (Nov. II---' rm-•~ . GENERAL TENDENC1Ell1 Today yoo ret to heart of Dec. 21): A friend who re--"-tterl. Include• lea-H.• Lunar position favorable for qu..U mooey m•y be ti.· ..... • ,....,. f'•"; ..... tr1llh abool special rela· .....,. travagant. 1MlM en fact.I. Be ti•• .. ••. J•"'-ent' of one To 11nc1 OUT who'• llXllY f1H' vw "-• wi'••-" being ,..-1... ,...__.. ....... , In r'Mn•Y 1/ld kW•, ordtr !C'!il a&ilU u11.11.a .,...,.-. c~ to '-• may be lac1.;,.,,. em.rr1 !looll l•'· "St<.r•t Hin Jud t '~ ls pt to be -~-IUU6 Mtfl ilnd WOl'l\el'L" hlllll •1 t gmen wuly I "-·-.....,.,..., ls --er-....1 1nc1 50 cmll to Om•" A•lr•ltft' ~ Don't be -'•aJd to Wuc.ie •u.,..w.1 .. .,.,.. ""''-'· SllCreh,. Ille DAILY l'ILOT. &N nAO. ._.,.~""'•• «U IF TODAY JS y OUR r,r1rid C1ntr1l Slll!on. New Y~ e•preu the truth. ·-===~=~=====':=·'::;";:"';:"::::======; CAPRICORN (Dec. n.Jan.lt' 10): You an able to suc- ceafully oommonJclte views. Opportuniti11 multiply. Key is to choo<e the best Permit mate, partner to a h a r e limelight. Then you have feel- ing ol aati.afacUon. . AQUARIUll (jan, GAYLE PEARSON Summer Nuptl•I• St. Andrew's • Rite Setting . .at Orange Coast College, is ·~ins presented especiaUy for .all Orange County student.s and faculty. Sponsored by the college and the California Association of SecQndary School Adminls- ~tratOrs, District 21 , the sym- }.OSiwn will be presented by the Orange County Chapter, 'National Foundation-Match o[ 'Dimes from 1:30 to e p.m. ·Wednesctay, March 21. Yvonne Collis Marries Jack D. Richardson STEWARDESS Peggie Ostling Training Completed LIBllA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ), Expand activities. AYume authiOrtty. Be confident. Ac- cent tin ambitions, career potential. Family member can help you 1umll goo!. Study CANCER message. Pb rents Invited Gayle Pe.arson and Phillip Cotton have aelected S t . Andrew's Presbyterian Church for their evening wedding on July 12. · ~ The daughter of Mr. and Mn. W. W. Pee.non of Newport Buch will gradu.te from Golden West College in t ~ -June. While at Newport HarlJDr lltgh Scbool lbe WU The M1rqul1e diamond, $4,500. SLAVICK'S .. Stl'Mlling birth defects, the conference will feature na- tionallJ known speakers from Yvonne Collis and Sp/5 Jack D. Richardaon, high achoo! sweethearts, e:ichanced wed- ding ringa and pledges before the Rev. John K. Durham in Chapel 0 n e , Baumholder, Gennany. Army SIL Jerry Thompson " • _ .. --( THRU SATURDAY ONLY! Special Easter price on our Sue Cory 'So French' PERMANENT REG. 17.50 NOW 11.88 S•1 sp11 941 Mt ,3 (Me.., ,._ & w .... oely) w •• , ...... "' ..... ., ~ 'lrit• llA TOVll PINNIT QIAltOI CAID- NO APPOINTMINT NICISWY MU,.,-1,.0TOft llACtt tM!tlat• Geftftr JN n-. m-m 1 L •tWNlf llACli ,. ...... ...... ~flfw .... •Ull gave the bride in marrla1e during the afternoon nuptials. Parenti of the couple are Mrs. Evalet Thomu ol Colla N.:esa 1nd Jolm R. Collis ol Sum- mtrland and 1/J. and Mra. Jack B. Richardson of Cost. Mna. The new Mra. Richardson telecied I fioor length While saUn and tiered chantllly lace KOWn. Her full Uertd elbow length lllu1lon veiling was Graduated from Eutern Airlines' fli&bt at t e n d a n t training center In Ml..U ls MiJa Peggie Jeeone Oalllnl. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. St1n OSUing of Million Viejo also ii an alumna of Newport Harbor High School and Orange Cout CQ1Jege. She now is based out o( New York. New 1nd npectant pu11111 a che<rlwler. ate invited to attend · a · The benedict-elect, 10n. of meetlnc apomored by La fl1e ltoberl Cotto!ll DI Costa Leche Learue of llunllnfton Met1, wu graduoted from Beach Mardi 21 on the birth COrona de! Mar High Scl>ool, of the bGy .Ind lamlly re1a-"'"'!led at GWC and now is Uona. · 1 l!lpboi'nora 11 fl1e Univenlty Jewelers Sine• 1917 18 Feshion hland N1wport. Beec h -4'4'1-1]80 Your Ch•r9e Account Welcoll'l•- l111kA111er!cerd, Mister Ch1r91 , too Op•11 Mond1y, Fri d1y until 9:3 0 p.m. l Mrs. A. Lynn Meyen "'•~•:l:Ca:lll:Orllll:;:·:Rf:::veralde====·==~;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Huotlngton Buch will hoat1 · the 9:30 a.m. meeUna. Anyone wllhtni lnlol'Dlltl(\tl moy call Mn. David Wattrcott, 147- IOll. caught to a pearl Uara &nd1--------------------ROBINSON'S abe carried a CAacadln1 bou· quet of red carnations and fern. Honor attendants were Sp/4 and Mrs. Robert C. Reynolda. The m1lron or honor was 1owned in a red dress and held pink carnatlona. A small reuptlon followed the ceremony in tM chaptil halt Allllttnt were Mrs. Marie Koonu and Mra. Clay Jackaon. Tbe newlyweds are graduates of Calta Meea High School and the benedJct at· tended Oranae CG&st College before e.nll!tine In the Army. He is a veteran of Vietnam and will be at1Uoned In Gtrmany unlit his dlschar1e In September. The couple now are m1k.lng their home in Idar.ObersteJ.n, Gmnlny. Book Study On Program C<lntlmporary Books will be the tofllc of Mrs. Terrence Halloran of the Memorare Gui ld when she speaks for the Orange Coonty Alumnae ol Immaculate Heart COllege Wedntaday, Mardi 21. Mra. Alexander Brunett cf Santa Ana will host the 8 p.m. meeting. Nominations for new officers also will be oo the agenda, according to the president, Mr s. James Ca~ passo. NB Aux iliary Newport Beach Pollet AUX· Jllary g1thers the last Tueld1y of the month at 7:30 p,m. Loc1Uon la 1v1ilable with 1tfrs. Robert Wheeler, 675-1129. ADVl"TltlMINT IRIDE AND GROOM AN! the t-wo moat import- ant people in a weddlnl[. lt you're ready to walk down the able, get the "How to Plan Your Wed· ding" Gulde. send 25c In coin to P .0. Box 388, Hunt· Jngton Beaoh. Calif. 92641. NO MONEY DOWN up '0,:' .~:NTH• CALL JOI Piil llTIM.t.n AND SHOP AT HOMl lllYICI O.r '""tK118111tf tr1~ ._.,,.., ""II ftlM • .....,,. """'9 tr Mitt • • • ... ., ·--••• Wllfl .. "'"' ...... .....,,.. " ,,.,.,., tr Cl~ HlftllM. ..... lltlt• el .. . PlOM YOUI AHA CALL 548-8242 01 ....... , IEAUTI PLIAT DRAPIJlY & CARPO Add COlorflll ••cl~t l't VII.Ir tllODm 0.Cff ' ' • Wiii! ltlct Ntw lclMf IMI Ctll9MI ··-...... • Tll lackl ...... I C•tc:Hft .... e v1i.nc" e A111lt11i._. OUl wo••MANSHIP II SUPlll HAlDWAll & lODS CVT TO OlDll EIUTIPLEn CALL fOJI Piii llTIMATI SHOP.AT·HOMI lllYICI DRAPERY "'CARPET· 548-8242 NO MONEY DOWN u• TO. MONT" Tl "T Now in Our Famlfy: Family Weekly " . ~· .. CLAIROL® SUNLIGHT GLOWS IN YOUR HAIR. T he s un sh i nes brightest on the w oman who has discovered the magic of our fabulous color s tylists . S he's a glowing Clairol® blonds., .the prettiest blend• )IOU know, Se one I custom coloring, lndlvt~lly prlcecl, Price Including aet, from only 15.501 cut, rrom 5.QO. Beauty Salen. HUMAN HAa METCH Wl01CUITOM SIYUD, 41.00 In bl?onds, bNnlttu• rro.t9da and g,..y. ••• wtw.t 8 wig tow .. ,.~ yo.Ar own ooll°droqMI Sav• d.lrlng thl• llmltld orttil". SM OJr entire wtggery gr-oupi caacad .. , wiglet., tong and ,,.,.dlurn ,_ti•• Beauty Salon, ROBINSOl'.J'S NEVvfORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644·2800 I I I ' _..,.. ...... '!_ .. ,. .......... • • . -costa .Mesa N.Y. Stoek8 :voe. 62,' NO. 71, 2 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ' . TEN CENTS ' ' ' Campus · Guideline . ' Nixon Moves on Student Violence . By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 111t O.llY , .... IHl!f A three-point policy declaring war on campus disorder but urgin1 correction of basic student irritants -a guideline for ' American educators -.is being studied today, following its weekend r e 1 e a s et by President Nixon in San Clemente. The statement was initially sent to college and university administratbrs by Robert H. Finch, secretary of health education and welfare,, spelling1 'out the ABCa of fu.e, Jeg\uinate dissent vUsu.i anarchy and it.s devutaUng resulls. FUU PhOto Covaroge Of Nixon v;,;1 Plig .. ,J., 13 · . Questions of criminal violaUon of the Jaw must be, determined .by the courts, not the academic community, the Nl:1on- 1''inch statement . emptwiles, but the . . ... lliml _..,. will be bnpooed upon conviction, by both ageodea .• Tbe '_-prlinary coocern is outrJlht en- f orcement of federal laws ~.to educalloo and the secondary .pciln~ me streued •.far· more important in the presidenllal statement, is prewv• tlon of independent, cr<aU.. hllher learning. "Freedom ..:.. intellectual freedom - is in danger . in Amerlca. Violence - (See NJXON, Page I) Community Leader Utt All· Meet Fails to Get Retired Doctor Milum, ' 62, Succumbs at Hoag . Off Grourtd . J,I ·• •"~ )l ~ • "• _C ' • DAl\.'t ,ILOT ....... WI~ ... lpecUl.to tM DAIL~ Dr. Edward W. Milum, a retired physi- cian with a lengthy record of community service In the Harbor Area, died at Hoag Memorial HospitaJ Saturday alter an illness of several weeks. He was 62. Services will be held al 11 a.m. Tues. day at Pacific View Memorial Park Chapel, with interment there to follow. WAslDNGTON - A . . for • joint meet1n1 of Harbor Atta . olliclais with congressmen and senators over local airport problems failed to come. off to- day. · P~Sll>lirr ANOtMRS. 'Nl~ON , BIP ADIEU ,TO ORANGI COUNTlANS AT, El TORO · Hln!!llMba:.n\I k Thrlll•lor • ,._Viar.Old lelor• loardint Air Foret Pna < Coast Bids Nixon FarewelJ . ' Dr. Milum was executive director o( -, the Newport beach United Fund from 1961 until December, 1968, when he resigned due to ill hea1th. Jn a series The session, which Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley had sought to arrange, was expected to be held in the office ReP. James B. Utt (R-Tustln ) .. Robert Geyer, Utt's adm:inlatrative assistant, said reporta of the meeUnc 350 at El Toro See PresUlent · Off After Visit were incorrtd. "The people • froi;n By'JUCRARD P. NALL' shoulder. 'He turned back 1mlling and think he's taking a look at lhe Queen Mary." 'n!e joke alluded to prua and public speculnUon lhat Nb:on might huy property for a tiome and library in of successful campaigns, Dr. Milum saw the fund goal rise from $53,000 in 1961 to $115,000 in 1969. From 1959 through 1961, 0.. Milum strVed as clerk and then president or the •Ill Newport llaJ;bor Union High &:hool' -Boord el Truateu. '"""' new high schools, Corona dei ~EsU!!l:. cia and Costa Mesa, were 'dtll'ltt hJs term of office. Dr. Milum retired as a physician in Corona del Mar in l!M7 -following a heart attack, but remained acUve in community affairs. Named Newport Beach "N:an of the Year" in 1956, be bad been a member of the advisory committees of the Boy ~outs.of Ariierlca, the Girl Scouts. He also served as a member of the board of trustees of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and Hoag Memorial Hospital, and was active In Lions International. He ls survived by his wi!e, Madge, Ge1i. Eisenhower Growing Weaker; Requires Oxygen WASH1NGTON (UPI) -Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower grew progressively weaker during the weekend despite the "vigorous" efforts of his doctors to counteract his latest heart .rfliction, the hospital said today. Eistnhower, 78, requires constant ox~ ygen and other medlcal support after suffering congesUve heart faJlure March JS at Walter Reed Anny Medical Center "ilere he has been hospitalized since last 'Jlflng. · Congestive heai:f. failure gerier~\ly. is due to heavy fluids colled.lng 1n the heart, Impeding ita aetloo. and reoulting tn an inadequate flow of blood to the rest ol the body. Even as spokesmen at Watte!' Retd disclo&ed Eisenhower 's erosion of strength, Mrs. Mamie Eisenhowe\-told the White House she Y.'ould pass up Monday night's dinner for Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau because of his condiUon. And, at Mrs. Eisenhower's insislence, President Nixon's daughters, Tricia, 23, and Julie Eisenhower, 20, went to Walter Reed to cheer up Eisenhower. Julie is married to the Elsenhowers' granClson, David, 20. Burglar Spotted But Gets $500 A Costl Mesa houaewlrt chtcking her cits early today heard a bufglar ~a­ into a nearby golf range office, but ht escaped ~·Ith nearly S5<IO 1n cash •nd cluhl before police rolled up to t.he acene. Usina 1 Ure Iron, the bur1lar pried o(>en the door 1t the Costa Mesa Golf ltange, 2717 NetVpcrt Blvd., and im- mediately fled In a car, 1cwrding to the woman who telephoned p)ol\ce. Own• Roy A. Mar checked the premitel and found $100 in cash. plus &Olf clubs v11ued at MOO miJ&lng as a regult or Ute brcak·ln shortly artcr midnight. Newport Beach and Costf, Mft.f,'' ht Of"" Dlili.-'lilt tJtfl shook the youn1ster '1 stnall hand. sald, "wlll have to meet wita their 1be. presidenUal seal on Air Force Timqthy. bu.med and saluted. .,_....,.n individually." One, ~; ~d.if symboljc el • the Th' r~ldenl in a blue-gray suit look· Some ol t11ellarl><r'.Ara d•f0Jall"'1, 1gooles ·of .the .presidency sun11a1 u ed tanned and reiued afier hla San no dooht .U..ppointacl, were ia. tJtt'1 JU-~ bis wjf< U!I ai• bolrd-Clemente ,-,.ee~<n<f. Mn. Nb:on was 1111* a1 tl>O Q>ue. , • t<I ~. 1·1:. Ill< #•lllt•on ~boipl · . ..-... Pll! and ,..U.W,._IUit. •• Gefer-iald tho ta J y -Ali. . .' · · . . . · Aalleil U Nli<m had pun:iwed any UV. II> llie ·;qi;~!ii'.911::"" ~nm,. -,J,0 !bit ~U.. · reol , ealaie ip .Orange County, ·a ,,.... QWn ..-~~ 1ai1·'iioA .-.!liilo!W~JM ,.uit , ~·61 lllle·tolil •• t4>orter with• j!in: "I the area~ ~ •ff-about a 10-mlml\e hanclsbaklpl ~ the Preslderit Llftd MJ-a:r,NWm hurried up the ramp,· waved and left on the_ shrieking thrust of faar bl& jel eoglneo. wwld attend, ·~:I.--~ 'Ollli>Wi>I. iii! "" ~ Gt . . . Sena1on GelJraoy : (&caltl.) and wit In ihhlthtr. ,.. · · · · · Aillt Q-anstoo 1 ). and ™P. ...... _ ~··-----· , . __,_ . ~. G ... lde T . l R Riehm! HaDna (l):WeStinlnl*).. V'~.-~. '"had""-:. °"1.""""'5~, ':: 0 . . n r'lnng e ' ezone "Wedon'tknowJf~calt1etMittphf;" n:w~u ..... ~ 11' MAI aaid G<yer. "and ilamla' ls appearini lhe Pralcjenl.and fiis ai4ea lhortly·belort · · CIVIC LEAiiE'rt' SUCCUMBS . . l)r. Edw•rd '/i. Miium ~ore the Supre~·Court m IOme m1~ a bellcoPter ·~ Nixon od hia en- ter thla --•··. Q-wton ls out el toureg•-lo 1¥-Martn~j>Ue. · ... -·-.. · .. · )lel(/i'e ~ Air Force •One ·1o town." · . , . nbirn to Wlshffipod tAte SundaJ, the . The trip· lo Wuhlnglon by Newport ~ .•• and ' C.O.ta Mesa OffldJJa: w• btidJf President met with· Ellaworth ~Iller, a wbte; however. They will be atumdhl& (J.S. ombwador 'lo Saigon, and Gen. Request Filed in Mesa or the home, 1215 Nct~llham RDad, Newport Beach; a son. liobtrt, alao or Newport Beach; a ' dalighte. Mii. PhylJJJ: Marr, ol Pasadena, ind foor graridchildren. ' ' The family suuesta thlt thoee ·wbO wish may mlilte 1 memorial contribution to the N_.wport.Jleai:h Ul\ited Fund. . . Girl C1ippled . 111 Dangerous Dive at Beach Despite repeated warnklgs from onlookers and warning signs, a 15-year- old AtUSa girl dove off Rocky Point in Corona del Mar Sunday, suffering crippling neck injuries. ' CAB '-~-• ~ J. · Goodi>uttr, JO!'lll'f 'deputy aC!vUA!rollauttcs&llrd( >--. comn/8nder ohii-.8.:.1~'-ln Vietiiani Tuesday aOd ~pt Wedneaday on • and .. newiy nameil >llJed coinnlarider of propooal lo allow llacili< Northweol filgljta out <!I Orange C<ranty Airpol:I. lhe North Atlantic Treaty Or1anisaUon Newport is opposed to the fllcbts; for.cu. ' · · . • • CosLa Mesa fav~ .them. . Their diacussions .continued for thtee Newport•• op-;tion will be _,;,..,,_ , llouia _simday,'then resumed on ibe.llistit before the cAB by Mayor ~ back"lo 'l\!ubingtl>li·.' · _ . Marshall and City · Attorney TuHy A crowd ol about ' 350 petsOn!i · WJIS Seymour. RepreseDting Qista Mes&'• on hand at El Toro to applaud and position .will be Mayor Pinkley, Planninc . bid farewell It was Nixon's first visit Commis,,ioritr Jack Hammett and Plan-ta' the cowi.ty f/. ~his birth since U,e · nlng Director William Dunn. presidential inaugurat,lon. · · _ . The CAB is not 'expected to reach Theri:.wu a special treat for.S.1ear-o~ a decision oo the iuue for aevertl wee~. Timothy Flores of Wilmington u the The board will probably do little more President 'and first lady veered ~ward than take testimony . from competln1 the smiling crowd. · alrllnes and public agencies during the The boy was thrust by his father heatln over th'e crowd toward the Pnsklent. g. ched ~.·.·--~ Sdme 10 airlinea are 1eekln1 IUlht Mn. Nixon ' tou · her uWuaou.s awards for the 'P&elfJc Northwest route from tbe Solhern California area~ Only three of them have applied lo 111. out of Orange County Airport, however. Tbe othen propooe uaing other airfields. Cranston Urges ;More Money . .for ·Educalio~ A rtzone request to allow development of a 17.S. acre _apitrtment complex in Costa Mesa's so-called golden trlangle distdct ii up for PlanrUng Commission study tonl&ht, but no action is ezp!cl.e.d. Property owners in lhe freeway-bound· ed ·area of ·northeast •Costa Mesa are stronlJy opposed to such. a development and the plannllig dei>artment says it wouk! be premafure Without careful StUd)'t Planning Director William Dunn sug. gests the· proposal by Peoples Inveslment Corp., ·Beverly Hilla, be shelved until the planning commission and city council can study the entl're region. . Previous requests to develop in · the B<H:alled golden triangle section have met a sbnllar fate; despite arguments by applicants th•t rising laxes make it a burden to let the land just lie. Some. long-term studies indicate the family residential development, and the front was converted to 1Mtllutloila1 and recreationa1 zoning some time ago for a hospital project that never materlaliz. ed. The golde?\ tri~le a.rea will be ~n­ compassed eventually by the .existing San Diego and Newport freeways, tiotb oi. .which will be linked Jnto a wedee paUern by the future Corona de1 ltfar Freeway.. . City 'hall sources said an organize!! group of property owners apposed ,to the suggested development may show up, but I.heir presence will probablr only serve as a token indication of feeling. Nothing is likely to be· developed fn the crucial area until the city's govetnlng agencies deeply study its future use and contribution to the !WTOUnding neighbor: hood. Most other Items on life planning 'com- rnissiorr agenda are r0\4ine and a sliort meeting -fo!Jowing a recent trend - is expected. Lifeguards reported that Deborah Sollz walked out on the small promontory at Corona del Mar's ba,_ldt twimming beach and started to dive from ,the rocks into three feet of water. Onlookers, lifeguards said, told the a:irl to stop, but she dove anx~IJ'. ~ng the award ai County Airport are Air Calilomi1 and Air West, who are aJrellly·located at the iocal"facjllty, The' third line <ls f'lorthw"" ·Alrllnee, whkh doel not now do : businesl at Orona• Cowity Airport, LOS ANGELAS (UP I) -Sell. Aillt n--. 1o:c&U1.>, toda;.· ..rg«i~u.. · led•ilpei'ninent to gpend 11lQl"'t ~ on tcl..,.UoiiaJ 1<bool 1""11'._,.f!f· ~ chlldrtn and . called on· ,the. "'Uon. not lo \0 IOtLolied with preaenl· achool.-id aPSfoprlaUons. -· · area could be the center of what will someday be mefropolllan Orange County, a complex of blgh-rlse buildings and cotnn¥fCial deveJormenL The particular •parttl In question · at dr Sell H Id 1on1gb~a .?:30 meottnr 11 bordered by Chil ~n . · er e , Pauiarlno Road, Ludlngtoo Stre<:L the RICHMO)'ID,.1\v. (AP\~ A middle411· • SanDl~n.e'!'ay.anci an.Or~nt• COllJ>.. ed logger was. held )lll!ler f:,500 bond ty Flopd."'°""1 Dillricl qianoeL . ' today, chacged wlih sqllcIµng hrn of 'A rear pbrOoo ls zoned for single . his six children for adoption. ·ponce Chief A San Bemardlno ·sherl!t'"s officer, Capt. Hillard Horton, saw the accident and went into the water Jo brlna the unconscious girl to shore. She was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital shorUy 1fttr the, 1: t9 p.m. in .. cident and underwent surgery for the fracture. Her condition was listed as criUcal. Spokesmen for .the hospital said ahe might remain paralyzed for· life. Steele llferkm NEW YORK (AP) -The llock market clo8ed lower today. Tradln& near the finish was relatively slow. (See quota- tions, Pages 14-1~). The Dow Jonet industr"'l averare at 1:30 p.m. was off 2.24 points at 917.71'. "We can no longer ro on f q_ o I i .n g ~iv .. thit ow' federal aid' l!fOlrams Boar'd . ca· ndidate are sufficient," he told the ·state dlrectors1 • of ·federally financed · ~ · · ~=:.it1on ..;.i~=~~~ h.':y1o~~ ·Night ' Scheduled prlorlly . In' federal · b u d 1 • t' .. ~-· alderaUons." ~ CahcWlal:el · for Newport-Mesa and • ' '.Orange •C<iast Junior College school • • • J • I • · • • 1 boafdf. WW confrpnt tach other, Tuesday R . k M . 'R d Pl t'0 ·nlght. •. , . .. . C Us'IC e . 6 1 r. ' ' A candidates forµm ·at t :ao p.m •. at . • 0 , . • , ( ' " ' • ' . ' 1 I • • ' KAl,ter Intermediate Sebool •2130 Santa , '' '-. · ·~ · : • 'An&:A ." ~.M ...... iJik:~sor<d : r ... . '· 1': .1 ·1J'.'·1·. :1 ',.l' 'bytbtr~·~·LbaUe '~lV'~ S E , C . 1 •· i . ·rr:r ·. 'J ·J ., • ·V~rs:_:N~di' ~.dut.•tl•l\ Utt Says . ex ducation AJfO o~mun,_._, ;.1:Qnt<·.: .; ':~~01\d -~ M•~.~ber .. . . ... ., • ' . • ' , . ·~1 will lian' o .. 1mfllutes to WASIDNGTON'(IWJ)-S.1tducation "Aa uauai noble and -p1a . trul)nr •. l~ Rlloln, an ,Jdflll~ ·.,,.,..,.,malWqu..tlonna!rtal!d,tl1en and rock-and-roll mllllc: an part ol a an advanced which, ·1 am ,_., lo ~uni.I~ Is lditor'(lf·~ """'°"a""" written quelliM< Jrili.be accepted Q'Ol11 c.ornmumst comptraey to de1tro1 •Y· have even drawn tht naUOoal child macnlns 'Sexology,' .'• Utt' 11·l·d. ·the .audltnct. -r-:-• •, America, Rop. James B. Utt, !'!i welfan division ol the AmerlcaA Lellon · "SIECUS founder. Dr. Wlor.Jtlrk~ QuatJon. put lo the canilidalH by Tllstln) c:barPo la a -Id~ lo hil bJlo oupport." 'Id Gl1lor olftclala allO-. .,.,_ mall, In brl<f, are :." Orange County --. Ult aald teaaien and einbanuied -1,tll 'Suo19e'.' •:.. .. · . . , -'ftat•nlevant eiper!Mce or training • Ali ievela ol tho U.S. clq)r havt -ta were penniltinc .CmununJlt !* -Ooow~' "'4f•· UU AidL~w!'" can•you wing ll> the job? • · also been infiltrated by tbt-o eoemy roplroll ae1 education o1 cblJdren lhrnufll ~ ...U ...,. bl .the' l!'al m>pm11L -l!'l<at ·c\llnge• abould the school ., a bMlc atratrgy towml cooquerln1 Ille el material provided by the Su v"1 lo the!< ~"by :u.e dOittudioa hoard underW:e now! the naUon 1hroql\ cootrlved , colllpot lnfonnatioo and Educatlot!, Council o1 "1«.ai lltanil&ii!o.'" For U,t -· -Whi! are the muat _algnlficanl things or moralily, he arso chargu. the United States ISlEcuS), whicll he he 11k!I they.1!a4i''iqI;g,4p illlillratecl the bl>ord ahould CONider In the nut "One ol the . basic aclMtia o1· the. said had "'spread Ito 1'1\taciel' lnlO just t1it seminariOI el· the , leading raJJcloua four !(tan? Communists it the~ pron19tloo of com• about every stat< In the union." , ffltlf~ ai}lf tliert are ,.11\'w· coqmu111lata -'Whit 1'1laia)ion mlglil be "'"!led! plete "' education In aimolll ail tchoot "Olwlousiy, SJECUS it not in-' ld <!<11<il garb at 111 l<veli of ... Uglon.'' ' -Witat IOlll'µOI ol lundl do you think grades," Ult wrote. in morallly." Utt aald, "ltnce its tltt, UTr, Pini) the achoois mi&bl tap? -"~--- Frink Nassida ·said the' lOger, Paul Grilno.sr .. admitted lldllng tile 'ch1ldr<n. ' Orange . We.tiller How ioria·J n beeii• slnct we· hid : a nice, warm ""~ritt Ahl wind?. Weil, there'•. one on the way,· ,eievatini th! mOn:ury lo 70 hfte. 1'1'°"ta anil up lo IZ ~urther in1and. ' INllilDE TODAY I ~ pair of "fa!IUlv twc" plaJll lt.QQcd toi.t1-in walking dilimtce • 1o/ .eocll. other in.Coata McMI: *" reuiewtd.. todau .. Stf' E'\&tcrtdf"" 1 ~t, Pvge 24. I.... iii C:•-fllhoNI I •e.io n ,_ .. -=-llNIJlcott .: •111 ...... '"' • l[llltf'I....... ,.. jf._, 1 .. is Jl'lrl, <•Ila It ""9M.-II Aflll l.Mlln It Mtl.. , ' • Ii • --.......... -........ __ .. ..,-, D.\ILV I'll.OT ..... ,. ""' -..... 'UNfillCll$AitY, DISltUPTIVI' Ail'port. Critic l lMIY Huntington Negro's HQme Firebombed :NorthMrest Flights Said Airport Hazard • NoiseFoeEm;oryChitrges Route Too Much for OC A.irport • Pacllle Northwest flll)lta !l'om OranJe county Airport wtJI Impair tho ufelJ ol amaJJ pianos, dlitort the 1irpori'1 n>le and coolllct wtth the poller or the Civil AeronauUcs Board, it wu cbarpd today by airport espanaion foe Du l!lmoey. 'Emor1'• views 1ppear in advance --, prepared 10< a CAB htarlna .. the propoaed fllpta. Tbe haarlni opem 'l'llalday In Wuhinltoo, D.C. In hio JS.pap allidavlt, Emory, chairman " the l,JOO.inember cl~ NGUe Abotameot Commltt.e, c n ti !\ilWU . W!!if'116 II Iii alrporl, •llOttllni that with pre,_ announced we!Pt llmltatloos (95,000 poundJ), the noci.top fU&bla would be Impossible without airport r<furblahin1. '"I'he airport," he sayd, ''is unsuitable !or the 1mall aatellite tenniul role ... the Pacific Norlhweal aervk:o lo th• alrport It unnecmary and dlaruptlve to the 1\11TOU.od!n1 community, ml lhe atrport'a rola In aervlna the need.I of Or1111e County would be aerloully cll.ltorted. ti -Since otrvk:o <It the llllle oort ii pllnned I« ·Lona lltlch and ,OnlaJio 1lrports, fllaht.1 .from Orange County' would be 11~wldant and unnece!Slr)'. '' The two other tenninllJ, Ule presen- tation says, would be much better suited for nonstop flights. He cites San Francisco u the probable refueling point for "noostop" flights from Orange County, and since the CAB wantl to e~toate eonaetUon at m a; o r termlnala by 1dd1ng nonttop fltthtl from sateJUte poi~, the stops required In San Francisco, "would defeat the CAB's purpou." Emory araues that the addition of fli ghts lo Orange County Airport will add to already crit~l congestion there and that the congtstlon could affect safety ol aircraft at the airport. "The absence of instrument land~nc sy!ltems and approach lighting reduces the 1n.argin o! safety durini bad weather." He cites aalety hazards when Uthl planes must share the runwayt with larae craft and daneers of mid....tr cot. llsioru w~ fast and slow planes use the same air space. Emory also says air turbulence ca!Jied by large jets would pn!sent ''severe huarda" to llCh! planes . ElllOl)' concludes hil praentaUoo b1 touchillf OI\ damAC• claims, totalin& Ill milllon, roentect by mo« th.. ., Homeownett ln the Harbor Ana over noise and nuisance caused by Iow·fl)'inf large jets. The Nortb>'ff( (lll!rts1 he 11)11, "would lncm.ae taltlofl nolaa Jevolt by as much 11 IO perceot due to alowar !lkeoll lime brought about by heavier lull llllf paaen.ger lo.ads." "(It) ii of amt coocem and would Undoubtldly pr.clpl!lte I -round of damaa• claims." F ro111 Pffe I NIXON ••• ~ physic1I violence, physical lntlmld1tion -is se:emlna:ly on Jls way to becoming an accepted or at all events a normal and not to be avoided element in the clash of opinion within the unl\'ersity conflne1," he 11aid. VIOLENCE 118ED ceurll of criminally diorupllnJ Ula ~ tional 1y1tem. ''The new reaulatioas are moderMe and they are justified," be aaid. "Given the Present tactice of· dilru~ tion, anyone so convicted may fairly ~ assumed to have been waultina: the procwes of f,_ inquiry which ~ ~ very llfe of learning," Nixon added. PROTECT ITSELF A yamc Nf#O cauple'1 'Dome WU lireboaibed Saturdly a!pl In Huntlnctoa Bead!. 'Ille wife lllm>WlJ eocopod lnJury, • Polke lnveotlg-. Kid a mololOY cocitall taooed lmD a opoedlnc truck chamd the --<It Ille Irvin HaITll hlne al>out It p.m. Nixon said violence is being used not only to politicize student bodies, but to politicize the educational institutio ns themselves. action which has in the past spelled disaster to both politics and culture. "Any society that will not protect it- self against such assauJt elhlbita pre-. cious lllUe respect for intellect, COJn· pared to which the issue of public otdtr is very DW' t() (de ~minimis,)" he uld. Damap WU limllod 1o the -door and upllaJI drtvewlJ, polloe Nld, but the <OqJloolaa bod .....,. ......, to serloutly loJure b~. Harris' wife wu inside tbe Pllll at the time, doinr the laundry. She was not injured. Detective Sgt. Jack Reinholtz uid the incident was "obvlowily r a c i a 11 y motivated." About 1 dor.en Negro f.amlliee live in Huntlngtcm Beach. There have been few raclal incidents reported in the past. IUinholtz said Harrill was the v1ctim of a related incident in Ftbruary when unldenUfied indlvkluall 1 c r I b b I e d obscenities on bis 11rq:e door. At that t.imf: neighbors helped trase the foul acrlbblinp, and dropped tbt matter thlnkln& perhaps lt WU just coincidence. Inveotiga1on aald ~ two iocldento .are now apparently linked. A milk bottle, probably Joaaed with guollne., wu ultd tor Sa~y'a born· bing, nkl ll<ll>holts. From Pqe I UTI ... 'Ille Calllornia -aald com- munists also used "hypnotic, rhythmic music to assist. in l linlnl acceptance of their evil prosr1m1." He uid many elementary school! use music or Young Peoplu' Recordl, Inc., an or&aniz.aUon ••cited 11 subverlive by the H<MllO Com· mlttff oa Uo-Amerlcan Activlties... In 11.dditi<>n, he ukl, acboola UR record.I from Pram records and the Chlldrtn'• Record Guild, both 1Ubeidiarleo of Y"'"'I People's Record1. "Their records bave been e:rte111lvely 111:1Jyzed by noted medical up<rla and by leaders In Ille fieldl of ~ii. and their unanJmou1 opin.Jon is that the hypDOllc inductioo produced by them can e.aslly place. youna children in a most receptive mood fOr eugUUon,, of various aortl," Utt Kid. "tiie Beau... and their mimicklne rock·anC-roller1, use the pa v I o v 1 a n techniquu to produce artificial neW'OIU in our youna people. Eitenalve a:· perlmt11ta in hypnotism and rhythm have shown how rock.and-roll music Judi to a destruction of the normal lnlllbll«y m«han!Jm <It Ille cen!bral corlex and pmnlta .. ., accoptance " immorality and dl1re1ard of all morll norms." itl'\11\ l'llOT OllAMI COil.IT ~lt\.llUllHO COMl"AN't l •Mrl ~. W-4 """*"' -'Wllllltr J•cli l. e.irt,., "'-,,..""" ""' 0-11 llllM .... 1\•11111 kfft'lf .... n,,,.,, A. M.,,1ri1R1 ~,..... ... ,. '•" Nh1tt1 ~i.N'~ ---))0 WMt hy SttMf M1lll•t /rMNw P.O. I• 1160, tJt Jt --......_. hlldl! 1111 w.i ..... .....,. ........ ....,., tn ,_., ... .,.,. ......... hldl: • tlfl llnll BUSINESS AND PLEASURE -Although his week- end visit to the Orange Coast had a festive· air about it, President Nixon also spent time confer· ring with top aides on the Vietnam War. Ready to board Air Force One for return !light to Washing· ton are (from Jell) Nixon , Secretary of State Wil- liam P. Rogers, U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker, former U.S. Deputy Millta(y Commender in Vietnam Gen. Andrew J . Goodpas· ter and national security advisor Henry Kissinger. Mystery · Guests at Castle Rumors of Laguna White House Pers is t Despite Denials Deaplte official and unofficial denlala of pral-11 Interest In Laguna Beach'~ Pyne Catie, tomeooe in a black, chau(..: feur-diiven limousine took 1 quick look at the rambling old fortress Sui>day. Presld5it Nixon reportedly llke3 the 17 .. cre Henry Hamilton Cotton estate where he atayed In San Olmente•over the bUJy weekend, but no declalOOI have been made. Preti aecre!ary Ronald ZJtCJir P ld Friday that Thomas Merrici:'1 M-room hillside mamion in Laguria Beach is definitely oot under COll.lideratioo, no Coastal Cities,. Counties Seek More Oil Control By JEROME F. COLLINS Of "" Dllh' ,lilt '"" SANTA BARBARA -Olficiall <It 2l CallfQfllia COi.ital cities and counUes today called for state legl.slat.ion to establish more local control over offshore oil UJ>kr•Uon and drllllnl. Thty alao ap-eed at a two.day con- ference held here that 1 permanent lid lhould be placed on all drilling in federal waters. Newport Beach City Manager Harvey should take the leed in the "united front" amPlian, with Hurlburt u prin· cipal coordinator. What county agtnciea do will be copied by other coastal 1gen· cies. -The state ahould administer and in- spect 111 federal offabore drilling opcr ... tioJ\,s, if a perm.anent ban ta not fe.uible. That state's requirements are conceded to be t'ougher than the federal govern- ment'• Hurlbert explained. matter what anYone ebe says. Merrick and hla real Ut.ate agent have said o&herwbe · &ht ~ while another lady broker 1Ji ..ef flaU, declared that papen are already drawn up awaiting signature for purchase of the C<>tion property. Rumors of Pyne Caltle as a presiden- tial summer haunt well rev1ved 1pin Sunday, howcvtr, despite official efforts to exorcise the recurrlng .stories. A big, black limoualne carrying three WQmen, a man and a chauffeur whipped up Hillcrest Drive to number 770 at 9:45 a.m. Sunday and zoomed into the rear parkinl area. "I didn 't see anything," owner Merrick said today. Mrs. Merrick, however, confirmed the visit by the unidentified party and said they inspect«! the grounds for about JO minutes and snapped 11 o m e photographs. A group of Miami Beach, Fla .• businessmen lncludiD& Nixon pal and confidant' Bebe Reboio art reportedly interested In setting the chief e1ecuUve up in Orange Coast headquarters of iOme kind. The Cotton estate would be an ideal location for a summer White House, with euy·to-en!orce se<:urlty due to ii., remote, beachlront isolation. "It is not too strong a statement to declare that Otis Is the way civ1Jiza. tlons begin to dle," he caid. '"The p r o c e s s i! altogether too familiar to those who would 1urvey the ' wreckage of hlato;y. AllauJt and counter- ass~ult, one extreme leading to the o~ pos1t.c e1treme; the voices of reason and calm discredited." "None of ua bu the right to suppose It cannot happen be.re," be continued. The President's basic statement on the hot issue of campu.s tunnoil call• for _lhe academic community to clean up 1ta own house first when it comu to dl.sorder involving students or faculty, but promises backup action. One prlnclple to be obwved, he aaid, Is that college3 and universlUes are places in which men 1re judged by achievement and merU in their own epectfic areu of kuo.wledae and conduct. ''The independence and competence of the faculty, the commitment and equally the competence of the student body. are matters not to be compromised," Nixon said. « SECOND PRINCIPLE The lecond and only other principle to be oomtdored, ha continued, ii that violence or the threat of It must never be permitted to influence the 1ctions or judgment of the 1cademlc community. "The federal 1overnment CIM<lt, .should not -must not -enforce such prlnciplei. That is fundamentally the task and responslb!llty of the unlvusUy community," he said. He added, 11<>Ciety need not fear for continued application of these two educa· tional principles, but every man must dread damage to what he tenned the largest, fret3t educ1tional system in blstory. Nixon then spelled out a prescription for sickness in that particular society, qualifylng his statement with a long-term program for Its eventual cure. PRIMARY INSTRUMENT "From time immemorial, e1pulsion has been the primary instrument ol university discipline," he said. "Those who would not abide by the rule s of the cogununlty or learning have .simply been required to leJve It, for any other form of coercion would cause that communily to chang1 ft.s fundamental nature ," he explained. He noted also that the last Congress enacted laws stripping federll aid and assistance from students convicted by "n.t difficulty ot(thil momenl, u of most times when fuidamental principles are challenged, ls that many of those posing the challenges, and even more. of Uwe aupportinlf !hem, are ""JlOndlni to very butc problenu." Reasserting the twin prlncip)., of aca- demic freedom while ignol"inl the isluff foremOft In tbe minds of atu<teftts po1lriC a threat to them, hoftver, ii not the tot•l anJwer, he 1dmitted. "It b 1 .. 1 than tnglorloos: It b 1Jothful and dishonest, an affront to ibole prioo- ciples-and in the end !utlle." Students today point to many wrongs which must be righted, Nixon II.id. con· tuin11 on to explain them In three broad statements, without mtntioninr •JM!· cifica: Date Bait Lures Men From Bars To Waiting Thugs A young woman who made !plf4-the- moment dates with two cart& Meu gentltmen bar patrons -!or thup waiting to beat and rob them outakle -Is M1Ught today by police in the Harbor Area. The tavern-hopping woman viaited two fairly fashionable lpcta In Cotta Met.a early Saturday within a 30-minute period, lurlna: victlms out to be robbed of a tot.al of $33, investigators aald. Detect.Ive Capt. Ed Glas1ow said the bait ln the strqarm robbery schemg WtKJld get the victims to offer her a ride home or to another bar after striking up a con versation. Once outside, however, thty were jumped and severely beeten by two men described vaguely as being in their thirties and vicious in their methods. A 65-year-old man pelted up at the El Pescador, 4UI E. 17lh St., lost $30 and a 41·year-old man who left the nearby Bi.t<k Knight, a< 330 E. 17th st., 111'1S roughed and robbed of only 13. police Aid. Neither vicU.m w a s hoepitalli.ed, althclJgb both complained of ertenslvt beating, with cuts, bruiles and awelllni. n.. lirl who set up the bar patrons to be rolled ii deacrlbed u about :tO, a brunette, weortna a white blOUle, dart 1Iackl and a brown jacket. L. Hurlburt and Seal B<ach ctly Manaaer Lee Rimer were named to apearhud the drive for le;:lalaUon at the state and federll level1. Allies Launcl1 Another Drive, Capture Supplies • . . : • . • . • . • "' • • •• !. ; • • ' . • \ • • • ' . . ' Tha cont.,.._, lmted by Santa Barbara city and county, wae aimed at assurtnc: I united ff'Ollt aaainlt tht tllreat of of!abon oil poUullon. "We blUevt th11 Wll IChleved," NJd Hurlburt. '"M!ere wu unanimous aareement to pull together ao ~-e could hive ooe voice." Rimer took on lhe assi1nment of draf· ting immediately a "skeleton" bill to l!lttncthen local involvement in on drill- ing actiOM taktn by the state. He plans to submit It to the county's legislative repreaotltJves in Sacramento early his week. "We'r .. Join( 1o try lo have U In the l<lill•Uv• ._, In tbn• I« •ctlon thiJ Miiton," Hurlburt upllined, not1n1 that K ...... Id probably be expanded d\ll'o In1 --beartnp. Hurlburt, Wbo bad flrlt 8Ullftted tile Santa Barbar• c:onftl'U)Ct a month a10. UJd ha WU pJea.ed by tbt .....,..,.. of eoasla1 qenc1,., 11len w.,. at Jeut so city and county rtprtoenlaUV<I on band. 'll>ey Included offlelalo from .-every .-tat com- mllllfty llorn San Di<I" 1o MooW-ey. Lot Anaela city wu among UKllt 0 well represented," liurlburt pointed out. ''Everybody," be II.kt, ''wantl to Ht a Ud port ~llln1 In ledcrsl tfdtllnd1." nie ru90n.)la e:rplaintd, ft thll. unlike In 1t•te w1ters, fhere •re no local befteo Illa -only hwrds -from federal oil exploitation. Other conclu.<lonl reached by con- ference dtleaatea .-ere thll: -Orange County eo1atal oNici1l1 SAIGON CUP!) -The U.S. military command today announced a third n1"JGr allied counteroffensive 1g1lrwt the corn-. munflta: wtnter~n1 drlve -a push into the Khe Sanh area just below the demUltariied zone. A front dlapstch said U.S. Mllinu captured vast quantitie.s of C<xnmunist supplies. The lint major allied offenaive was announced last week, Operation Atlas \Vedge. lt has kllled ihore than eoo Norlh Vietnamese and Viet Cong in its fint "'eek ol operation in the Michelin rubber p\antatioo 45 miles Mrthwest o( Saigon. The second m1jor d!enaive was an- nounced Sl.lnd1y -O per 1 t Ion A1usachusetb Striker which sent 3,000 U.S. paratroopus into the A Shau Valley, SO milts llOUth <It Kho Sanh, lo bruk up a major Communist supply route into South Vlatnam from the Ho Cb! Minh Trill In 1-. Today'• oper1Uon was code-namtd Al1Jn1 Cra1 and alao waa deti&ntd to cut of( a ma}or Cocnnlu!Wt 1Upply route from Laol Meded by the North Vlet- na,,,... to llUltaln lhtlr atud!ly l"'WIOI olfcnalve. The commun!Jt o!ftr\Sive 1tnt mortar and rocket barrlgu today •&aintt 3S u .s. basu I nd SouUI Vltt.namtM toWM and cities. I ' -"l Jepair Q OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e ri ng s size d and re pa ire d e diamonds a nd precious stones rem oun ted e pearls r11trun9 WE CUSTOM DESIGN I MANUFACTURE AL( TYPES OF JEWELRY HAUOR SHOl'l'IN• CINTU llOO HAllOI II.VD. COSl'A MW 14M411 ' ·~ HUNTI ... TON CIN11I llACH a n1N•U HUNTIN•TON llACH H J.llOI . , . . . . ( ,, .. . .. -. . .. ' 1~ I I ii '1 I I I I I ' - I I I 11, I I I i • ' IY WIWAM REED ......... ;1n the Wind · 01' Giuiy Murphy dropped In tJlia moriilnc to teJl me a sad tale al>mlt all lhe'ba1111lng on bolpltola In H1111llllgton Beach and to suaest that the City Council should give at leut aa much attention to the bllspltals as they did to dogs. "I've been tryin' to make some sense out of all this yakkin' about ,.bether It's better for the city to have just one big hospital ont there · on Beach Boulevard, or to have that one and a couple or 10 litUe ones. · "I'm not the kind -my clothes are a bit oily -to be allowed to wander around through hospitals ao I don't know what's Inside that makes the difference . • ' ''I asked my doctor which was best and when · be suggested that I' might need major surgery, I decided I really didn't care about :l!Ddln' out all about the Inside. Besides that, be might liave stock In one ol'the.UWe hospitals. "Then I read In the paper that the cooncilmen went right dawn tO the city pound to look ii over to seli II It was flt for dogs when ooirie woman complained about the J>!ace. 111 undentand from 1om1 coun- cilmen that they've never seen the IM!de of either tlie small hospital or the big· one to see what kind "fOUld be best for the city. ' ' . "Why, I understand that the counctlmojl wouldn't even listen to debate op. the hospital hassle. Why should they?'The city attorney said Illa! they couldn't do anything anyhow. _ '.'Bob Zinngrabe is convertin' bis convaleteent ,hospital t o a opeciallzed hospital to do certain things over there and the big hospital is c:omplalnln' that the • small' bo<pital will make it hn· possible ·for them to e:<pand and buy a lot of b!C equipment ''I don't give a dam if either one of them makes a nickel or 11<1t 10 tong u there's a· hospital bandy II I fail off the oil rig or aometblng'. But I sure would feel better lf I wa1 eure the city council bad loolced into this hospital hassle <ompletely." Of course, 01' Greasy knows nothing at all about anything. He even suggested that as long u there bas been no public hearing on what i'IOks like at least a semi· ptibllc use, the people will never really know ·what would he best for the community as a whole. Perhaps no one cares. • Another dilemma ls w h e r e should the 80 hospital beds now needed in this community go -to Huntington lntercommunity or to Pacifica Hospital? B o t h are privately-owned faclllties and both claim the right of Jrivate enterprise to build as he sulll the profit-loss sheet and the c:ommunlty. Anyone wbo would like to debate tbls one should send letten $earning to the editor and to the city council. T h·i s is one which seems almost lmpo1Sible to setU. '1\11thout milting anyone angry. Involving Qllestion · ' Unanswered U.S. Plane Crashes ' F AIRFORO, Eoli&nd (UPI) -. All Amerkan military tramport plane ..,... eying m peno111 cru&ed today, the Minl5try ol DeftNt lllllOllllCOd. Ministry spolr...,.. llld the plane wu a Hen:ulu Cl30. "It II bell<vod t!>el• were M survivors," the spokesman Aid. 1 I Easy To Order I PoUce dliela ol llve Orone< Coal e1t1f9 commended Al1'lo Bllkalee, awlnl· 'lrilinili( AJoocWed p,.. -writer, f<r hll frank and factual "Drup 1•• -publilhed' In the DAILY PIWI'. Now you can have aD the lnlormall«> cootalned In the ID-port oerles, lllil ,_.,In Blak-'1 -1et, "Whit You Shooild Know A-Drup and·Nm:otlci;• fir .Jull ,I. CUp the coupcn below and mall II In today (allow two to W.. weeks r.r delivery due le helYJ nspame to lhil oller). r•••••••••••••••··-~ I re. Dnt 1eo1i1et I I o.w1• c-11e11r ""' • 1 I ~~~' ' T••••k, NJ). 076" I I - I Send me ...... copies or "Wbat You Should Know About Dru&• I I and Narcotlcl" at •1 each. Enclosed is •· .... ---. -(Make checks I I pay1b11 to ADoc1atec1 Prus). I I I I Miff.___ -------------.. ··--·--I 1 · , . I ' I ADDllllL.. ... ---_____ ,CIT1'.-----.. ·--I I Sl'An · • ·------.. -"-·,.---"'---.... I ·-~------~··-·-----~ : • Nondly, Mll'Cll i4, 1969 (SI DAILY PILOT i Congress a Smashing Success ' nin-tlnl, almoll O\'Of)' pllale•of life In the~. Spol!IOtflC( bf, the ;Hunllnston )leach °"'"111a" of ~-. the emd ... ts to bllar tols"""' ....... ol the c<llll· 10uni1Y udlte -h>I 111om :•nth each otber .. ••"•wlll\-sc!ine ol tbi';iln>l!'lems 1ac1ng 111.--m.m111: Dunn, uld that ~m•n!c:a&n, Is tho main Fl! ,and «•16dctni lniin the iJi. crt.,..i •volluiie ot dllcu"'oo fl1lm the oponJoeo ~;to the dGre ·Of. the al· ternooD-J:Wbetm, tlUI WU a :Jmasblng succe:u." . ' ., Nigeria Claitns . Six Biafran Pipes 'D~wn.. -. - LAGOS, N',,.na .(tJ>)· '-F.edf"al planes shOt dolin or datnlyed llz aircraft "in the sen1ce of the rtbeb" ol Blain ID the put lour da,ys,'Nfcerlsn radio claimed today. , It did. DOI ;tvO &IQ' further !den· tlllc1tion of the aJrcrall. Planes cmylng ..nor to 'Jllalra, some crewed by Americans, fJy ~.PJ?lla to t h e secession.lat rebela 1lfll:ll.IY• ' SALE one-half pr!ce . • ~!gator wallets ·!~OiJ .. 7 .so ----15.00 ' : .~ haa1111eci beautllWlrmmkeo ·~Ulna lnlo bandoome., ..,_, wall •• -or b!Dfol<!s. Esa!p-. . 1. . t!clllal'll<lluMI Call In yoozr clldorloday . . . • Ills viewpoint WU ilhand by m>oy peraona attendlna the conareu for the second time. A new format was ettdited by most for tncre8!ed lntemt In the event. Three main toplQ were dlJcuued - Civic Opportunities, E con om l c Op- pqrtunlUe1 and CUitural and EducaUooal Opportunities. Followbag preeientaUon ol the facts ln one of the thrte arus. small groups met and dJ..,1MM ln detail the problems lnvol..cl In psrllcular areaa. ' ' Two main aeulons were held ao that a delegate could attend, two of the three dfscu.!!iOM. A summary cl. the day's activitler wu giveD during the luncheon meeting. The chamber today Is tabulltlng-the questionnaires utumed by delegates, but several of the chamber membenl in- volved In stllging the -sald·lhat already they anticipate a third congress with a format &ln)Uar to the one med this year. Saturday'• -lnjOITild • lol " people llld a !Ot, ol W<irll and -are the lndh1duall who -.. t-1- tJon for ttl IUCCell, Dunn Mid. Dr. Ivan m-Her, Dyoole spooler, and C. E ''Bfil" Woods, ~ ~ den~ wbo oet the -.fer the - Peter Horlon oerved u lftlOnW f<r the economic opportun1Ue1 ROflloa. P .... modera&on were Don L. Bytnes, J~., Robert L. Mtniman, Doyle 'Millor -Kemieth A. Reynolda. PreMnUng the .civic~ Jl'O- gram WU Monte NltUowUL ~· moderstors lncuded Jact Feeboa, J .. Hallsty, Ben Loodefte and 11.,._i Picard. Handling cultural and educatkml .,. portuniliU WU Dr. Jomes L. Cataeun>, Panel moderaton were Rola' G. Bet8worth, Dr. Ethan r.n-, Dr. Clarence Hall and Dr. Dale Mll1er. Ready to lllf In al pr-.t<r and ~erator posltiON were Dr. Blm1. Kaufman, Jmy Shea and nm Wren. SALE our exclusive Gold Toe hose reduced 20% ••• , for one week only soc --I.60 NII• J.()0.2.00 Now is the time !o r&6!oCl: your hooiery wardrobe. Every Blngle pair of Gold Toe socks in stock Ls reduced :lll% so you're sure 1D find just tho colora and types :f'l'l wanLFromourwstatyleae!ection: _ reg, 2DJover-lhec:zll wool and nykn LID reg. l.SOa1tkletstylewoolandnylon Ull reg, 1.75 oveNb&call ootton lisle L4D reg, 1.25 anldet style cotton lisle JAi. rog. l.75 over-the<nif l8lluri>ed nylon Ltl reg. 1.25 anldet style tmlUrizod nylon !Jiii reg, J.SOOrlon®acryllccrewooc:b 1.211 reg. l.SOOrlon®acryllcdreahoo& UO mayeomen'dumishfngs 127 . ' • m.-y . ~o south c:oasf plaza, san d lego fwy at bristol, c:osta mesa: 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. ,. ' I •• ~ ..... 0.-. 11'.W ,..,., JM Stoel of EulmlUlvlle, Mich., aave' up· smcklng last year after· hi• pby&lcian told him• it· would lhorlen his life. Steel will be 109 March 31. • ' The atomic. acleDtisl.s at the cov- emmept res.,.rcb center at Cul· cbelh, Enlland; have solved the problem of the bathwater that al· ways getl cold· so quickly. The answer, they announced in their newspaper Atom News, is that it doesn 't The bather just gets used to the beat. • Thil cold-looking bird at Modiaon Wisc. Vilas Park Zoo i! actually en· joyin9 the balmy weather -pleasant for him at lea.st. Thi! penquin, u•n- recogniiabte when he's 1itting dOWT& rm the ;ob, probably U hoping the Wq director has hi& refrigeration SJIS· ttm up to par since spring weathtr i.s just orou1id tM corner. • Qu..., Eli1•be1h'1 brother-~-law ma.r find himself on str~e one · o! these days. The Earl of Snow4en. pnl(essional pholograi>l!er aJ!!l .hus- band of Princess M.rg•ret, lias ap- Qlied to join the Association o! Cin~rapb Television and AJ. lied Technicians whose walkoUts in !be past heve J!8ral~ed .much of British teJevision. If the ·earl, 39, known to his press colleagues as Antony Arm1trong-Jone1, gets into the union -and the union says he Will -he will have to join any strike or face possible ex pulsion. • William J. McCabe, 41, a twice convicted forger, WdS retewed /NJr'A the .Di.!trict of Columbia Jail lo.ti week aftn' a court ord- er arriwd requt1ting hi.s free· dom. The order we.a: a loioerv. Police IOid McCade opparentlt1 draftt.d the document 10 h i l c working in the jail's Tecorda offitt. • A stranger knocked at the door of Mrt. Met. Lieberm•n'1 home in Menlo Park, Cali!.. and asked her 4-:year-old daughter, Robin, "Is your mother in?" "Yes," Robin rep 1 i e d, ''But she's sleeping ... "Well could you bring me her wat~ let!" the man asked. Robin obedi· ently brou&lrt the wallet. The man took oot '61. banded it back to the little Sir!, and d"l"'rted. LTV Stock Down Afte1· Merge1· Suit liEW YORK , -(AP) -The pr~ ol Lina-Teme<>Vought, Inc. and JOOOI • Laughlin Steel CJoo>. stock d<cllned today alter the Justice Department anziouncod Jt would file suit to force Llng-Temco- Vougbt to dispoae of its intere.at in the mel company. LTV sold •\ ~ down .fl .~ Oil its common sf9ck, after. being delayed in openlna. I.Jng-T~Voughl, a cona)omerate com~ with widely dlveralfied atiblidflrtes, Owns IS-percent of Janes & Laughlin stock. It has offu.d to buy the remainder. 'l!le Justice Depa,rtmtnt's plan Lo mpve aga.lnst Llni·Temco-Vought on anU~. grounds •dversely affected stock pnceJ of other conglomerates. AMK Corp. stock declined $1.25 ; share. Avco, Gulf & Weetern 1nduatria Md Natkloal General ...... off Jes. than 11. "If the Justice Department aucceeda in its test case it would open lbe w•y for further actions to fcrce· divestitures in some of the bigger takeover1,'' aaid Eldon A. Grim, senior vlce pre:ildent of the brokerage finn Wallton &r Co. Grimm said the Justice Department's. decision to file luit "was not the m"aslivt surprise it wou1d have been a month ago." The Ju&tice Department in recent weeks bu made known its intention to move qa1nlt big; mu1erL Demo Leader Calls .ABM Plan 'Maginot' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Senate Democratic leader Mike Marufield said today the Penta.ion already.appears bent on expanding President N i J: o n ' 31 Safeguard antirni!slle syttem i n t o "• great nuclear wall whose costs would be incalculable." ' Mansfiekl stopped short or announcing his opposition to Nixon's plan. But, in a statement, he reprimanded the Defense Department for turning a limited pro- posal into "a vast program to convert the entire nation itt a mluile maginot" -a reference to the World War 11 Maginot Line in Europe. He note4 that Nixon called initially ooly for 1"" Safeguard tn:itallatlona, In Montana and South Dakota, to protect 350 American Minuteman missiles from · destruct.ion. in any Soviet strikt. But Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird and ~ subordinates. Mansfield said, now are talking like "an open-ended deployment of an area defense system aimed in any and all directions II a foregone conclusion." He said the Pentagon ollic1a1s were playing "one-upmanship with Presiden~ tial decisions" and their testimony to Senate committees lut week "have tend - ed to obfuJcate, it seems to me, the restraint w h i c h characteriz~ t h e Preaiden\'t deciaions." Nixon, Trudeau Meetmg Oouded W ASHINGToN (UPI) -PrOlldtnt Nil.an welcomed Prime Minllter Pim'• Elliott Trudeau today with a pied(• to flnd ''a common ,mmct better than itther of us bad before." Nh<on said • Canadiu>Amerk:ao ,..j,. tiona were not characteri&ed 'by "a total unanimity of · view which destroys creativity" but by • "lively dJveraity". The ABM isaue , and Canad1'1 drift toward recopi!ion ol Commanill China thrta&ened to cloud tht NiJon..Trudeau talb. -....... Li~ng in Drains Vietnamese civilians forced from their homes by batties in and around Saigon. live where they can. Thia: group of refugees """'-vie· tmui of the May olf...tve when their. bowes wore destroyed in the Y Bridge area -live in concrete drams In the Cboloo district. Letters Reveal 'Interest' • • Of 2 Women in Fillnwre . . ' -~ . OSWEGO, N.Y. (AP) -The di!COvery ol 10,000 to 12,000 letters to President Millard Fillmore, many of them from two women, bas been disclosed by Pror. Charles M. Snyder of Oswego State UrUvtrsity. The women were Dorothea Dix , a crusader for reform of insane asylums and prisons, and Ann Ella Carroll, a ghost writer for Fillmore during his uMUCCessful 185S campajgn to regain the presidency. He was president from 1141 to 1852. Snyder said be found the papers which had been·beq_ueatbed to the university. Amorig the letters were more than 70 Llrom Miss Dix e:qireSllng;;, "dttp :-:t"" pernW ·interest in FillmGn· durlnr hia year u a widower," Snyder aald. The first Mrs. Fillmare, 'Abig:ail Powers, died in 1853 after years of poor health. Their daughter died the nut year. Five years later the little- remembered 13th president married Mrs. caroline C. Mcintosh, widow ol an Albany merchant. Fillm<lre "made an attr•ctive figure . .. a real catch for anyone" the historian said, but calling the Dix C<>ITeSpondence Jove letters is "really jumping way ahead." Snyder said the letteT!i show her "deep personal interest and concern for his health. They were certainJy very cordial, but beyond that the letters don 't show an Intimacy." A second act of. letters Snyder descril> ed as "intriguing" were from glamorous Miu Carroll. an editor and daughter Campus Violence Lifts Fire Insurance of a Maryland governor. She "was not a bit reluctant to try to influence Fillmore," Snyder said and she often arranged personaf visits at campaign slops. But Fillmore avoided htr ISld; WU discniet in urwering her i-., ' Eav~•dro"'~ l••ae R~view Okayed For Hoffa, Ci~, ;i.. ft. wi!> s.rv1.t. The Supreme Col\fl 'ruled today Iba! Jamel R. Hoffa, bn"1s0ned ~ters Unlou chle!, and former IH!1vywel1ht champlcn Caulus ·Clay are entitled to lower cOurt refiew ol' the.Ir elailms that they were 'rictloll ol Ulqal federal eavactroppln(. On \be buiJ ol its rectnt wlretapphig declsiqo, the Clllll'I also ordered Jimilar rebearin1s in about 13 other federal cases. Desipte the rehearinl order, ~e was 110 lndkition that Hoffa, now sernnc an eight-year penltentilry stntence, would be al)owed his freedom while the lower court proceedlnp are coo- ducted. Clay, convicted of refusing Lo report for d r a f t induction, ill free on b a i 1 pending the outcome of hla appe,al . Today's rulings stemmed from the court's controversial March 10 decision ·that government evidence based on ii· leagl eavesdropping must be turned over 10 defense: attorneys in, ill entirety if the direct conversation of the defendant wa, overheard or his own premises were bugged. In ordering the lower court actiol)., the court also rejected out of band a government appeal for reconsideration of the Mardi 10 decision on grouOO. it woo.Id hamstrinr aovemment national security aurvellllnce activtUes. The court commented in the rehearini ruling for Hoffa and Clay that "of course, a finding by the district court that the surveillance was lawful would make disclosure and further proceedings un- neceuary." In other actions, ·the court: -Rejected a Chicago appeal which challenged the customary practice of stat.es to apportion their school es~ pendltures on the basis of local property tu: es. -Let stand a government order that Chu. Pfizer & Co. must license its drug tetracycline to other pharmaceutical firms. -Refused to Interfere with a lower court ruling in •n Oregon case ho1din1 Iba\' ftale Dtid' laws do Dot, apply •lo rldl..celerillon --'Oii matters , ol. public int!te!t unJess. the material • was aired with wllclous intent. -Ip· another ded!loo, federal prlloom wefe given a clw¥lt by \be COl;lrl to win their freedom on lf'OUDCll illepl evidence wu used to convict them. They DJaJ' raise the claim ol an Wqal searcb e\'en \hough the claim wu not made at trial and they are entiUed to a ruling on the claim, the court said in a W decilioo~ Noguchi Wants 'Full Hearing' On Dismissal LOS ANGELES (UPI) -br. Thomas T. Noguchi, ousted u Los Angeles cor- oner after he was accused of praying for airplane crashes to bring a:lory to his office, is determined 'to fight his dismissal His attorney. Godfrey Isaac, demanded at noon today that the Civil Service Commission conduct a full hearin& into what one patho)ogist calls the "affaire Noguchi." The County BOard of Superviaors fired Noguchi a week a~o after its ad· ministrative officer, Lindon S. Hollin&er, detailed in a ta.page letter w be n he said were uamples of the coroner's bizarre behavior observed by his ltaff. One •ccusation in the letter aaid : "You stated on several occa&ions that 9Ch nlght you· prayed that a (Boeing) 111 loaded to capacity would crash into the International Hotel because the pre.'I would then come and Noguchi would be tbe center of attraction." The letters asserted Noguchi once con- fided he wu involved in a "forenalc Mafia" in which the country would be divided up. Beauty Salon• SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Because: of campus violence and inflation. fire Insurance rates of all California school bulldings would climb 40 percent begtn. ning April I. The Pacific Fire Rating Bureau, which aet.s atandard rates for insurance com- panies, said Sunday the huge increase wu baaed on losses of $3.I m.Ullan on school. fire insurance during the five. year period, 1963-1967. FRONT ... SIDE ... BACK .,. Heavy Rains Wash Midwest ALL CURL, ALL COLOR, ALL CU\STOM . . \..J- lnrense Missouri Storm System Whitens Plains c-w ._ ................... _, ....., ...,.,..... T.-,, WIMI'~ ~ llllt .. ., WWI S.-AM. ~ ,,...,.,.""· ,....,.. ........ tell. ' ~ T..-..O ,.,,_. ....... '' •••• """'" . """ "' " " . ""' ., •... ._,.,. 1ttN>tr1l'lll"t .._ .... n ,. & TIHI .. iw ,.,,..,.,_twt -• '"'"9· Su11. 111-. Tfcle• MotltAT fl'l<\I Mtll 11:00 '·"'· U l'ln! low ... t:H t .m. f,t TUltOAY "*"' M•h • • .. •• 1:'1 '·"'· •.1-l"lnl 1f1f ......... 1t11• •·"'· '·' ~ 111 ... t :U '·"'· .... ltrll •·"'· S. lllMit J:fl a.in. .... f :N t.lfl. lllW •. ..... Lt•I •.•• • It•• ,,,.,, ,. .... , ' ... ,, • ... •• t• , ............ """""" All•nf• ••ke-nr!.lcl •11m•rd< .. ," 911&!(111 C/11(• .. Cifl(l-11 ciw.1.,,. ... _ ..... """" ~w-,..,. -· -. ... K11•..,, City U1V-I.• Atwe!a M•~ Mltw.l.*9' ~lfwittiJelll .......... ... , ... ...... ....... ,.. ...... Nllft9'1111 -~-... -lll:W 'lh.IPI' ·---· ll. LOiii' S.flNI S.tt L•o.t: Cll1 $elf Dleto S..I\ .... ~ S11>t• It,._,. ..... -·· .......... W•1lllrl.,... Mltll L .. ,rM. 1• ,, . " .0 .i.. I !I n " ).\ 11 . " " . ~· •t ,(I "-... ·" II •l .II ,. " .el •1 U Tr -• " .w ... ,IJ ... . " ., N " . •I 41 .U " . ., 11 " n M JI Ol ., . n st 1.12 JI '' • • ... " ·" " ., " . n • ti ., .15 " " " " ... " " " .. 1.'-' " n ,. ,. .• .. " ... ., .. ... " . .. . •• W1 snip and shape, ou•tom..:url your new hairdo. Then wo oustom..(:()lor your hair with your own pel'3onalit.<d color. By J-'anci·tont, o/ cou~t-m1r tint inane'" push-button dispenser that lets us create ju•/, Ille color you want, and·dupli•ate it every time! Natural lookingcolo1'3forgray hair, toning colo~ for bleached hair, and nu r u 1 lra-sopbistica ted "Color Originals," <he style color.o that set the •tyleo ! Fanci· lnne colf'lr rlocsn't wash out, cond itions )'uur ha.i r M it colon.. • Newport Beach, Celli. )Ill tie-' llM. "ll•t~rt ..... , .......... ""'"' ,,,..,,,. Orangtt. C11ir. 1DI W U>•-·~ ,.,,.,.. m-no • Coate Mota, Calif. U!ll ,..,.., '""'· 1("""'41 .. lq. .. lleN ..... .,. CREAM HAIR TINT with She mpoo Most Cases end Set, $5 .75 Coste Mitt•, Celif. 1• W. Uli'I l!,...i ,. ...... lll·);l71 S1nt1 An•, C1lif. 21'9 Ne, ,.r,..,...., '•lrwl..,. (~ '"-" IJt.Jlll Founteln Vall1y, Catlf, Irr.I Ml.,..,11. vm ... Orltw Pllll,.. •u.-1 --------- 500 Held At College Face Trial 1SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) _:; The first group of nearly 500 San Francisco State College students, arrested durlng an j llegal rally on the strife-torn campus in Januaryt goes oo trial this w~k in five sfparale municipal proceedings. The defendant! were ar- rested Jan. 23 at the height of a 113-day boycott against the college by the Black Students Union and the Third \Vorld Liberation Front. Student strike leaders signed an agreement to end the strike la~ week with a select com- miUee of six facul ty members and administrators. T h e y made amnesty for those ar- rested· one of their key demands. Gernian Missile Destroyer The flag is raised on the fantail of the new 440-foot \Vest German guided~missile destroyer Lutjens as it is commissioned at Boston Naval Shipyard over the weekend. It is the first of three guided-missile destroyers to be built for the Gennan Navy in the U.S. New CRA Chief Raps 3 Nixon Appointees Here it is ... M,..,.,., Matth 24, 1969 DAILY '!LDT IS Fighting Erupts Along Suez Canal ' -J llallod Prtl1 latuaallollal llta, 1balll !'> mlla below Wblie ftlhllnl rqod l<:l'Oll qr ... ble " 1 polillcal aet- Egypllan .and J sr ae•!I Port S&ld at the northern end the 10!-mlle iOog watenray Uemeot ol 1J1t MJddle £111 artillery and la?tkJ baliltd of the canal, lo Suei City major political upheaval wu crtall. at the south el'ld. liking place in Jordan. , Premier Bahjat Tathoutt aloor • 72-mile ltr<lch ol the 'Ille Unittd Nations finally KJni HIWeln reahullltd his "'ilned and Foreign lllnlMtt Suei Canal today. Israeli arranged a cease-fire after cabinet to be could iru1.all Abdel MonfJm .Rifai bep.n mlllta.ry IOUrtt.S said• A?1b oll one abortive attempt. a Jordanlan premier more cboofin1 a new ca b I net• refineriea were set ablaze and-------'----------'-------:.....:'------ E gyp t la n .artillery empl.ll.cemenµi knocked oµt, New lljhling also broj<~ out along the IaraelhJordanian tronUer and the •two Ilda . fought · a 71 0·m l nute machlnegun battle near the Sea of Galilee. No Jordanian casualties were reported but a spokesman in Amman said the Israelis were $etJI relllQV-· ing three casuahies. It WU the finl major light across the Sue1 canal in· aix days and an Israeli military spokesman said the Egyptians started the shooting, taking advantage of the first cl~ weather in several days to open up on the heavily sandbagged Israeli bunkers constructed along the east bank of the canal on the . fringes of the Sinili Desert. SAN FRANCISCO, OAK.LAND AND SAN JOSE FROM ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT CALL . YOUR TRAVEL AGENT OR AIR CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY (714) 540-4550 ___ __.A~l~R-·CALIFORNIA The big guns of both sides blazed all the way from Qan· ·~~~---~---~~~---~~~~~...:.....~ ........ ~~ For years, there has been a great need for a better quality suit at a modest price. Two years ago, Robert Hall decided to do something about it. To design and tailor a suit that would give a man thefabric, the/it, SAN DIEGO (AP ) -The California Republican Assembly, a 13,000-member conservative ann of the party, is now under the command of a man who objects to some of. tbe people President Nixon has appointed to high olfice. the 69.95 suit ' . ' the appearance of a SJOO suit, without the •100 price tag. The first step was t.o get the best man for the job. We found him-leading men's suitde8igner, Joseph Salvatore, with many years of experience in the higher-priced clothing field. He has spent the past eighteen months designing and perfecting this suit. It is with great pride tii_at.w~ , --. ' Peru Raises Ante Against Oil Company LIMA, Peru (UPI} -Peru raised the ante on the ex- propriation of the Interna- tional Petroleum Company (!PC) by almost 50 percent, just as the United States was ready to make its bid. As a result, U.S. presidential envoy John N. Irwin will now be raced with Peruvian ex· propriation claims against IPC totaling $1 billion instead of the original $690.5 million. The increase was disclosed by government officials Sun- day, the eve or Irwin's first serious talks toward resolving the issue. If Peru does not make some move toward paying com- pensation for the e:rpropriation of the company by April 9, U.S. law requires that the United Stat.es cut of£ all finan· cial aid to the country. Government sources said th e additional claims of $334.5 million dollars represented taxes, tax delinquencY. fines and other d e b t s IPC owed the government and its state oil company, some of them having accrued since the in- itial expropriation claim was made last October. The initial claim of $690.5 million dollars was the government's estimate of IP C's gross profits since 1924 from Peru vian oil field s to wh.ich the government con· tends IPC had no legal title. James Kraemer, 50, a Pied- moni real estate and in- surance dealer, joined 500 delegates 'in criticizing the new Republican ad- ministration after he was elected CR.A president at the close of the convention Sun- doy. He objected to the al>" p.lintment of James Farmer, the Negro who formerly head- ed the Congress of Racial Equality and ~ now assistant secretary of health, education and welfare. And Kraemer said he didn't like Nixoo 's decision to name as a top security adviser Henry Kissinger, who once ad- vocated a form ~ de-et!ca\a- Uon of the Vietnam war. Kraeme r also criticized the appointment of Charles Yost as ambassador to the United Nations. Yost had Served in the Johnson administration. The views of the three men, Kraemer indicated, weren't in line with what he considers Republican principles. Delegates to the annual con- vention of the state's 11ldest grass roots political group adopted a resolutiori telling Nixon that appointment& should "be made from among qualified people identified with Republican principles, be they from majority or minority groupe." '111al unanimous a c l i o n followed a debate in which there was heavy criticism of Farmer, an unsuccessful GOP congressional candidate who joined the party in recent years and has been associated with its more liberal wing. 800 Anguillans Stage Mock Funeral for Lee THE V AIJ...EY, Anguilla (UPI) -'Ille British govern- ment today defended ~y Lee, the resident Britieh com- mlsstooer itTiposed on this island at gunpoint, as the "right choict." At least MIO Angulllans wished him dead. ln Loadon, the House of Commons met today to con- sider the Labor Government's handling of the Anguilla affair, with Forlegn Secretary Michael Stewart the . prjme target foc the conservative op- ~itlon. Carrying a hand-made casket, 800 Angulllan demoostcat.ors Sunday ~ged a mock fuoeTal for Lee and Robert L. Brad:Wlaw, premier ot neighboring St. Kitts who wants th i s 3~square-mile speck of coral to return to his island federation ol St. Kitts-Nevi! from w h i c h Anguilla broke away. The crowd marched to lhe i s l a n d ' s a d ministration buHdi ng. wailing in mock grief over the "deaths" of the two mtt:n. Jn the West lndies, such mock funerab are common wa ys of wishing to be rKt ol !Km'leOfle. The prd.eSt was held In lhc mood of gaiety Md there wa! no repc:titJM o( Saturday's dcmonstreUoo whlch tumed Into a brief 1Cufne when Lee wu mobbed trying to enter the admlnlstralloo building. SeH1lyltd President Ronald Weblter was In New York \:Y tt)in& to get permi&'Jion ) to address the U .N. Com· miUee o n Decolonization, which last week decided to send a fact-finding mission to Anguilla. ' Ray Retrial Motion Due NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UPI) -A motion seeking a new trial for James Earl Ray will be filed in Memphis "possibly this week," according to Ray's brother. Jerry Ray said his brother would plead iMocent to the auassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in a new trial. "A decision will be made within the next three days on e1actly what the petition will say and who will file it." said Jury Ray Sunday. •·we are considering two at- torneys." The lawyers were identiried as J . 8. Stoner ol Savannah, Ga .. the 1964 vice prtsldentlal candida te for the National States Righi$ Party, and A. J, Ryman of Memphis. Stoner visited Ray In hi& cell at the Tennessee Sllte Prison Saturday where he b: serving a 99-year stnttnee after pleading gutlty to Klng'1 murder. The Georgia lawyer o.id Rtly was lnnocent and had been "preMUred Into pleadlng guilty.'' ' that should ' sell fors100 introduce the suit that fills the need for a better quality suit at· a modest ' 1 price ... the Crown Juilliard' ... the 69.95 suit that should sellforSlOO! - 0 ~uilliard 69 95 alterations Included designed by Salvatore! A!Ur years of d .. itninl and controllint the qualily of Anwi<a" two moat f amoiu $95-$1451uil1, Salvatore creates the69.95 iuit that should sell for $100. Salvatore says: •our imported fabrics are equal to and many are superior to clotha rued in the $100 and up men'lsuit." Salvatore says: ••our 1tylin1 ii°' diatinctiveand forward-loo/Unt as the moot .,,,.,.. 1ive men'• 1uitl in the country.• Salvatore says: "Sevmof the$100and up...,.'• auit makers u.se the l4lrN' inMr canva& we have inour69.951Uit." Salvatore says: "There an lhtoill ill the $100 mit that add to the price withoat oddillt to theappearlJllCf tli' li/t of the •uit. We put the fil11i/it:onl detaila inour69.96 mil.• Salvatore says: • w •... the"""" wuld..-"""' found ill the$100and up•uit." Salvatore says: "Our hond-tailorcd •houllhr -· i& fO<llld ill 1uita 1ha1 HU for $100. • Salvatore says: "Tll4JIOOandupmm.,..,it,... the ...... '1ft1J1head """"""''""' a our 1uil ot 69.SS." ·S=Y 11 to 5 COSTA MESA, 1611 NEWPORT BLVD., AT 16TH GARDEN GROVE -12372 GA>ltDEN GROVE BLVD. ~~lfi!t· I 11 ' • l DAILY :1'1LOT EDITORIAL PAGE/ Puh~Ii c Disgu -st Mount s Like !Iowan In sprlnJ -or weed.I, as the cue may be -bills to curb campus violence have proliferated in legislatures In nearly every state. Public oPlnlon In California, where some 70 bills on Ute subject are before the Legislature. probably typifies naUonal opinion. The Mervin Field Poll reveals not only public cli.sgust but an escalating demWld for repre.,lve mee1Ures. For uample: -Those strongly favoring expulsion of all students who challenge ancf defy authorities have increased from 67 percent of all Calllomlnns In 1967 to 72 percent today. -Those otrongly opposed to giving students more voice in deciding campus rules is up from 19 percent two years ago to 38 percent today. -The Senate bas nol tborouffey re111arcbed pruent laws appl.Yinl to current campui problemi. Conlullon reigns. AU the public knows Is that wb1taver law1 may be on the books, Ibey haven't been efiectlvely wed. Assembly Speaktt Robert Mona1an laat week ao- knowled'ed that most stale lelialatora feel it 1' "!Jn. perative ' that they do 1ometlilne, paas ~ Jaw, to stiffen penalties against thote who create campus dis. turbances. TblJ reflects the l"leld Poll. Mooaian also said emphatically that "we aren't going lo solve campus unrest limply by pautn1 • Jaw ... Al this di.stance from Sacramento, it appears that the best hope for tnoderatlon, after rounding up all the facts, resta with the Auembly. There should be clarili· cation of old Jaws, where needed, and adoption of new ones to plug boles. ..,a in the fa« of our brilliant , tactics of raiain/J ilituut ratu tluw tilnu in the p&tyear. · -To the demand that many more black students be admitted to California higher education institutions even though Ibey do not meet entrance requirements. 84 per· cent are opposed. -In 1967, 32 percent believed that professors in .tal&-supported institutions should ·have the freedom to .speak and teach as they see fit. This figure has dropped to 2.S percent today. The pr .. ent situation cannot be pennltted to con• tinue. At the same time, as the cllche has· it, we can't attack the rats by burning the house down. The 'Marching Martians' Gentlemen, thia dmumda creatWe thinAiif8. We nwat come up with an evm better idea. Let's raise the intemt .rates again. '~~ -Two years ago, 53 percent agreed that state cam .. puses should be independent of political control. That percentage is now down to 39. In the face of this oplnlon by their consUtuenls, it's not' surprising that some legislators are capitalizing on the emotional climate and that voices of reason are in danger of being drowned out. The Senate has aJready passed and sent to the Assembly four bills aimed at giving campus authorities more penalties to use in dealing with students ail'f teachers who are involved in campus turmoil. Two disturbing facets of the &ituation are these: -Present laws are either full of loopholes or have not been evenly enforced against campus, as opposed to off-campus, dertroyers of property, violent disturbers of the peace and attackers of.persons. Soutbem California Edison Co. bas won a national ''Design in Steel" a ward for its new utility poles. They look like "Martians marching," accordin& to one viewer. Edison is trying to mollify objectors to its abov~ ground lines and poles by improving the aesthetic qua!· ity . If high tension lines can't be put underground, as claimed, then the Edison Company should be credited 'vith doing what it can to modify its own damage to the natural landscape. We can't help but wonder why, in this age of sophisticated tecbnoloC', the abominable things must remain on the surface. They may be an improvement over the old poles, but they're hardly an improvement over the .sky. Politics and the ABM Wrong Issue, Wrong Time? Savings Bond No Longer Competitive WASHING TON -"If Nixon goes ahead with the ABM he will have signed his own poUUcal death warrant and we'll elect a president in 1972," said one of the most prominent Democratic i..ten. Ni.Jon ha! gone ahead, on a modified bull, with the multi-billion dollar anli- bllllltlc missile program. Congress will problbly approve his slo1v beginning. And the democratic leadership may find that It has picked the wrong iasue at the wrong time. The political consequences of the ABM declalon were cattfully weighed as perhaps the single most important fact.or. Tb1I led to the modification of moving the launching sites away from the pro- t..u., cilles, except for Washinglon. ond posllioninc thole slles lo protect hardened miulle bases. BUT THE BEGINNING is being made 1n 10mewhat different form than in the Johu:ln administration, and once begun the deployment of this missile deferuie 1yltem is not likely to be ended aoon. Tbere are several reasons why the DanocraUc leadership may be making a la'ious blunder in oppo.sing deployment of the ABM. Nixon's proposal for An lnitlll ouilay of $800 million v.·as coupled w:lth an announcement that the total dereme budget will be reduced by $2.5 blDJon. The argument that the ABM Is robblng urgent domestic programs therefcn becomes harder to sustain. Even harder to 8Ui!llaln' may be the argument that deployment would be a tiostile act driving the Ru.saians away from negoUation on nuclear anns limita- tion. Nixon hu apparently correctly / ' i. ( . .,. Richartl • Wils oii ~ ' -------.. ~ judged the Ru.s.slans on th1a: point. They want negotiation on nuclear anna: limita- lion for urgent reasooa of their own. \Vhat is to be talked about i1 not destroy• Ing or dismantling existing offensive and defensive weapons systems. Both aides desire limits beyond which nelthtr will go. ON ANOTHER POINT the Democratic leadership may encounter a rough read. It is harder to prove that the anti-balllstie mi.saile system won't work than to t?!tablish a prima facie case that it will work, especially since the Russians have already deployed 47 of their missiles. The Democratic fault runs deeper because it is based not alone upon the ABM deployment but on the general proposition that unle11 Nixon pulls back en nuclear arms, gets ua out of Vielnam and reduces American c:ommltm.ents all over the world he "ill have misjudged the reasons for his e.lection and will lose public support. Unle5S Nixon acll soon in Vietnam, the argument goes, Johnson'J war will become Nixon's war and he wlll lllffer as much polltlcally from it as Johnson, and perhaps even more. Thi1 argument. too, is difficult to suataln in view of the North Vietnamese spring offem:ive while peace neeotlatlons art 1olng on. The uffensive lllu.strates clearly that U.S forces cannot do what the war critic! call for, a static remaining in plactt_ of our forces there and a steady reduc- tion in the level of fighting. The North Vietnamese will not permit that. If they accepted that condition they would have to abandon their war objeetlve of prevtn· ting lhe fonnation of a stable Seuth Vietnamese government under the unhar· rused prottction of American arms. THE ALTERNATIVE of a phased, unilateral American pull~t leaving a weak South Vietnamese government to the mercies of the northern Communists is not acceptable, eilher, to the rational war crlUcs. In the end their dilemma It as great as NiJ:on'1. They can describe an Jdeal condition but they do not know bow to create tb.at condition without the cooperation of an enemy who shows no dlsposiUon to cooper1te. Ni.ion i1 in a poslUon to initiate a peace offensive and he undoubtedly wiU do so when the time is right. If such an initiative proves again that the North Vietnamese will not stop flghtlna, their refusal to stop will be hard to blame on Nixon, allhougb, of course, he will be blamed for it by people who alJO do not know how to stop the war. Reducing our comm.itlnf:nla in the "''orld , limiting nuclear atmll, 1etUng out oC Vietnam -thue are all easily stated objectives which lose plausibility wben the time comes to act. When presidents art called upon to act they make declslo111 like Nixon'• on the ABM, and they do not significantlf, back away from the continUOW1 pol cy of world·wlde invol\'ement of the past 25 year1. · 'Christian Firepower, Sir' "The spirilt.ioi firepower of tlic Chrlltian Cllurcl!.-ba.sed on love of Cod-is sufficient to destrov all tht- Sovict manmadl mil.sile1 and rocktt.t and txtirpaU ihis 20th-ctntury abtr· ratlon"-J. Edgar Hoowr ln J1i.s new book, ••on Communism." 1be J. Edgar Hoover Anti-Ballistic MJalle System won immediate and virtually univerul acceptance. It wu discovered by a White House aide klly leafing throUj'.h Mr. Hoover's latest work, "On Conununism." After exclaiming, "Eureka!" the 1ide bum in oa the President, who was pacing the lloor. "U l spend ~.5 billion on a thin Anu.cblnese Balliltlc M11slle System," tht Pruidtnt wu muttering to hlmseJf, "I'll olftnd the Russians, 1Ur up a Jt«m In Congress, open the way lo a "° bWJon system and wreck the -· •'On the other band, if I don't, I'll ----Monday, March 2l, 11169 fM edftonaJ -Of Ill< DoiiU Pilot 11tkl to ta.torm and 1iim- llloll ·-,,, ,,,...,.dng lh .. llC10lp<lp<r'• opmlofta and co.... IMlllarr °" lopjcl of ln14tf'1 !llld dgttlfjmflot. ,,, protlidlng • f°""" tor CM upr«lll<m of .. , ''°""' op1n1om, cmd bu prcrntblQ ~ dfwnl oftto- J)Oi11tt of t.fOt'fMd ob1.rwr1 cmd .,,......,,..,. ot1 top1u of Ill• dof. I Robert N. Weed, Publlaher • I f offend f\1el Laird, stir up a storm In the Pentagon. open the way to cbar111 l 'm soft on Communism and 'Yfttk my image. Oh, "·hat':; the answer?" "Christian firepower, sir," critd the excited aide. "J. Efi&ar Hoover sa,ys so.·• THE PRF.SWENT r1 verenUy took the book, read the now-historic passa1e., clap- ped a hand to his forehead and gupe:d, "Why didn 't I thlnk of that?" , The bill authorizing The J. Edjjor Hoover ABM System aalled throua:h Congress -no potlUclan in his right mind being willing to vote against elt&er Christianity or J. Edgar Hoovtr. The only fight came over an amend- ment of(ered by Senator Jacob Javlta to include Jewish firepower in tht system. Thi~ was adopted after Mr. Hoover testified in open 1w!on that he felt ll woukt do no harm. True. a few aclenUsb e:qirtaed doubts that Christian nre:power would shooC down Soviet mi.sslltra. But lbe:r conC'edtd lD1der stiff r.rou-eumlnatlon lhat they felt it "mild be o:ac:tly as e:flicltnt In this respect as the original $5.S bllllon system. AND TilE PENTAGO~, after an OS• baUJllve COll..Uecll-atudy, qmcl tbsl. comparod lo !Ito Sprint 1111!1 S..llntl ABMs. Cbrlatlan firepower lfOl1ld atv• I (U 0 bfqer bang for I buck," So The J, Edg1r lloovtr ABM System wU lnatalled under the optratlona1 con- trol of lhe Rev. Billy Graham. Teams o{ pritSt.I, ministtrs and rabbis were fn1t1tlcd around evtry major city on constant alert 10 begin lnteruivt praytng A =====~~_c .i,_. __ the minute radar picked up an Incoming enemy missile. There was some criticism that thl8 was only a "thin" ABM aystem. But as the President pointed out, "Once the warning sounds, we can count on every ciUien joining in. It wll1 be an alJ.out national effort." THE KREMLIN, at first suspicious, finally aranted 7.3 billion rubles to the Jooi-opprusod Russian Orthodox Church to develop a compaUble Soviet system. And the Chlneae, whl.le outwardly con· temptuou1, secretly revi ved ancestor wonhlp. But moll experta arreed Jt was a crude, unaophJJilcated system which would probably mllfuncUon in an emergency. Thus mankind, which had al l11t In-- vented weapons awtsome enouah to destroy Ilse.Ir, complacently sat around and prayed it wouldn't. And what elle Is ne"? Dear Gloomy Gus: Stai. Stnalor John SChmita 11 aa prtdidabJe u ever. Robert Wrich laid down !Ito John Birch Socl<ty Une on tu educaUon 1n Januar:r and a few weeks later SclunltJ ln- troduced a bill and two molutlona to Implement hia leader 's lnstruc- UO!U- \\1• R. 8. f~ll ..... ,. "'""' l'Mftrt' •llwl. .. lltaU~ ..._ f/I ,... -NH~. ,_. •-.., "'"" fl G..,_y •om. Dtl!ff Pti.t ' Uncle Sam ham't been playing fair of late wilh the ndlllons' of Americ4n1 who invest in ~vine• bonds. The rate of inflation is outpldnc the 4.25 percent rate ol return on •riea E and H bonds -actually tn>dln& the purdwing power of llle dollan ssltad ..,,.., In them. The ajtuation hu become untenable as the aprtad widens between the yitld on savings bonds and on other Treasury securities. Anyone willing to put up Sl,000 for a IS.month· Treasury note, for ex- ample, can assure hi.mlelf semiannual Treasury checb paying interest up to fi .'2 percent. Two of the ntUon's most iofluential business columnists hive called on the government to start living the small savings bond investors a fairer shake. "The Treasury," wrote J . A. Livingston, ''has a fiduclary obligation to savers, especially payroll savers, most of whom are not load shoppers in the money market." SYLVIA PORTER put it more bluntly: ''I hold there Is no defense -none what.soever -for promoting savings bonds to the public at 4.25 percent in th.ls era! The fact ls that when yo11 buy a savinp bond, you are: buying a NEGATIVE RATE OF RETURN." When the savings bond concept first WJS originated durin1 World War IT, a yield of 2.1 percent was set. That yield was maintained for 11 years, untO 19!2, and the Jnveslment return has been aweetened five times since then -up to the preaent 4.25 figure. But a 1917 statute prevenll the Treasury from exceeding this rate on any or Jts bond1. The Nixon adlnlnistraUon baa: been ftltudying the problem in recent weeks preparatory to uklng Congrm to lift the ceJllng. One danger, u the Wall Street Joumel pointed out, is that this could mean "tan,allng with such euy· money ad vocates u Chairman Wright Patman (0.Texu) of lhe House Banking and Joint Economic Committees." BUT THE altt:mallve11 to some reasonable adjustment are even more dlstuteful. The bond progranl could IUf. fer a 1trlOU1 alump If little Investors get the idea that thtlr government 18 dilcriminaUng agalnlt them. Thert Me some dltquleUna: 1lgn1 already: 1961 salea of aa:vin&1 bonds totaled ff,17 billion but heavy rtdemptlona left the Trtasury with a net gain of only $87 miUlon for the: year. And cah-ln1 well exetf!ded ules In the flnt two months ol 1969. .Nevertheless, mo&t Amerlctna attm lo be holdlnJ on lo lhelr bonda wllll impreulve tenacity. U.S. News • World Report commented : "lllvelton aun are cllnJlni lo IU.7 bllUon In uvtnp bonda that now art in thtlt lflCond er third maturity ptrlod. Tb1t acet1Unts for well over hall of. all the Ml .I billion In E and H bond• -colstandln&." OFFICIAL SURVEYS sllow lhal 11le\y and c.'OQ\'enlenct are two of the U>aJor ...._ wlQ> poop1e b<l1 ond hold 11\itip boodl. They are 11!• IIUn the price decllnts that can hit bonds bought in the marktl. They can be replaced easily If lost or destroyed. Moreover, the opt.Ion to defer federal income tar until bonds are-rtdetmed off era a big break tor perm"' wbo rtUrt and fall 1nto • lower tax bracket. Human Race Is Schizophrenic If someone were to ask flatly, "What Is the prevailing characteristic of the human , race," the only honest answer would be "Schl1.ophrenia." We are a tchizopbtenic race of beings, and the left hemisphere or the brain dotsn't want lo know what the right hemisphere is doing. Two dl.!linctly different minds inhabit the body of mankind. One mind can fly us to the moon, and the other plunges us into hell . One mind makes the most magnlfict11t conbibutioo.s to science and medicine and technology , and the other is sUll slithering in the muck of the Dart Agell. WE ARE WU.LING and eager to bentfit from every development deviled by theoreticians and scientists and in- tellectuals and inventors; but al the same Ume we wallow in obsolete pre- judices, we engage in wildly irrational behavior, we exhibit the s ame parochialiam and rigidity and hostility • that have always perverted new hwnan tools to the use of old inhuman halts. We are now approaching a technology that can, if not interefered with, provlde all of mankind with" enough physical power, enough food, enough material goods, to assure stability and comity among all the naUons -but most of this technology is the servant or our passions. WE ARE BOTH Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde -bul the faster Dr. Jekyl disrovers better v.·ays for us to live, the futer ~1r. Hyde turns these devices into more devastating ways to die. Even cur s~hizophrenia is out of balance, for the wicked hemisphere of the brain CQr- rupts whatever the wise hemisphere creates. \Vhat v.·e cannot see is that it ls too late to be anything but a man, a whole man, operating as an integrated unit. Whatever divides us' will kill us; whatever separates us will eventually fracture this delicate spaceship we are traveling on; whatever does not bring our social system up to the level of our technical system will compel us to turn the technical system against oursel\'es in global suicide. PROVINClALISf\t is a luxury v.'e can no longer afford; even natio nalism, only a few hundred years old, is dangerously obsolescent. The rule of force, which has been the only universal law of mankind, is now our greatest common enemy -for it is now unlimited in its potential to eradicate everybody, everywhere, for all time. One part of us knows this; the other part prefers to ignore it, living in a fantasy-world, hoping to cling to the past while surviving in the future. But there can be no future unle&'I we repudiate that part of the past that lures us in demonic fervor to our doom. Sav ing Money for W ives Things a columnist might never know If he didn't open his mail: A handy husband around the house Is worth money to a wife. An insurance company study found that the a\'erage husband spends about 24 hours a wttk performing home chores and thereby saves his wife '51.SO it would cost her to hire llomeone else to do the work. Do you chronJcally munch on ice? Well, if you eat as much as a tray of ice dally, it may indicate you are suffering from an old ailment called pagophagla. Its victims suffer from an iron deficiency and if given small quan- tities of that nutrient they Jose their abnonnal appeUte for ice. It certainly wouJd ht a problem lo fit a neaMi&hted bee with contact lenses. 'Ibese. insects have some 13,000 t)'es -fi,000 to 7 ,000 on each side. JIAVlNG TROUBLE with your hear· Ing? That might be because too much waxy choln:terol is clogging the blood veuel1 between your hearing bones, and It could be a warning of an impending heart attack or stroke. Researcher! at Purdue Unlverally found the he:Brlng cf a number of staff worktn improved after a regular program of e:Iercises reduced the quantity of cholesterol in lllelr blood. Americana and Britons spe•k the same langua1e but "they don't make it sound the 81.mf!. It is eaUmattd that they dUfer In ·0ie pronunciation of U percent of lilt woru In !Ito English tongue. Quotable notab!ts: "11applne:u 111 not llavlng what yw wat1r,' but wanlln1 what you have." -Rabbi llyman Judah Schacht el If civl!Jutlon comes in c1n1, Amtrlca Is the most clvlllud nation on earth. Lut year It led the world by produdn1 SS billion steel cans. JUST l~UCl<Y: Our land l! a vinlent 1~rl!f but lotf'ly it has escaped 111 lt'n .. t one form of violence. For three straight years it has had no urthquake fatalities, although last year it was mildly shaken by 257 !<important earth tremors" in 21 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin l slands. Throughout the world 20 earth~ quakes in 13 countries took 12,401 lives. For the buck : Henry Sutton. author ol the eyebrows-raising new novel, "The Voyeur," is an honest writer. He says ne writes books not for art's sake "but for the money." He made a million dollars with his recen t best seller. "The Exhibitionist.'' The breakage: Women wiually have fewer accidents than men be<:ause they are more cauUous, but this isn 't true when it come.s to skiing . In this sport the ratio of lnjur1es is higher among the ladies. GASOLINE AND alcohol don't mh:, and neither do aspirin and alcohol. The British Medical Journal reports that .aspirl.n-inductd gastrolnttstinal bltedini: increased amon11 patients when It had betn accompanied by the drinking or liquor. B 11 Geo,.,,e ---. Dear George: I've told my boy frtend no\ lo park and gtt fresh with ~ However, ht kef!pa ptrklng and setting lresh with mt. \\'hat should I do? ANN Dear Ann : It all d11.pel'ld3, Where are you now! • • ----------------·---------------------------i Mon!U:P, March~. 1'69 DAILY Pit.OT 7 MAILBOX: .A Variety of Vfews Smog, Air Pollution Draw Words of Concern To the Edltor: It Is more and more evident that man is becoming less concerned about h.is own well being in his environment today. I address my comments to the air pollution problem. The average American consumes 35 lbs. of air daily. Jn the more polluted areas, it is hard lo estimate how tnu ch of the '25 million Ions of pollution dumped into the alr annually is being taken jnto th!! body with each breath. AIR POLl.UTION has b e e n shO\\'O to rontribute to disease and premature death: J. Investi gations have linked air pollu· tion with the incidenct of the common cold. 2. Emphysema rates are highu in the clti es than rural areas (pollution being greater in cities). 3. Bronchial asthma is a condition <>flen aggravated by air polluUon. This is a' man-made menace and ls controllable if the proper effort is put forili. The resources are at man's fingertips and in some inslances in limited use. 'l'llE INT ERESTED citizen should re-- quest infonnation from h1s congressman regarding ai r pollution, its effects and control. This infonnation can assist in organizing one's thoughts. The infonned citizen is then ready to participate iii antipollution groups such as the United States Jayetts. Groups such as this one can aid in channeling the interested pcrson·s efforts in a constructive man- ner. ~tan has a tendency to procrastinate to extremes ... ''Put off today what can be done tomorrow," if you like. Ey the time "tomorrow" comes, ho\\'ever, we may not be able to see our way clear lo lake aclion on the problern. IF ONE THINKS or the economics of the problem, it is equally startling. J•:stin1atcs put the cost 0£ air pollution .at around $65 pe r capita or an annual cost to the nation of over $12 billion. The individual can become interested and participate in anli-pollution programs by: I. Getting the facts. 2. Relating the facts to others. 3. Taking action through various anti- pollution groups. Act now and you can presttVe tomor4 row. JOHN C. McCOY .Hnsl<s for Children? To the Editor: f\1an has long been convinced that he is set apart from all other creatures and brought closer to the gods by his ;ibitity to think, to reason. \Vith help f r om the J udea-Christian Bible he becomes the ruler and user of all plant and animal life on earth. The only prcr blcm with this logic is that man is nothing but an animal and just like animals, man is slowly but surely devouring his prey in the form of food and natural products. TllE ANALOGY between man and animals supposedly, does not hold up because man has reason and animal does not. but unfortunately man has used his reason to his own disadvantage. \Vith all his knowledge and reason man has been able to develop not only the deadliest weapons, but he Is also slowly emitting gases from his utilities, in- dustries and his transportation in the form of pollution. This pollution, unless aclion is taken immediately, will soon <1vercome and destroy man's culture. · AN™ALS increase their population, :ind eat their prev until they regurgitate or they run out of prey and their popula- lion starts dying off. It Js high Ume for us to look at the fate of animals as our own fate. Unless we con trol our population and have stricter con- servation laws abou t our n a t u r at resources, we will ultimately annihilate ourselvet. With the incrtasing threat o! smoc iusteac! of trying to dlmlnlsh lhe source, we are progressin1 to bigger and better ways of producing smog. The crowth and progreu of the Orange County arta ·nit b mn II ,..ty II frm llr. k"' lill II Iv t few days.' means more freeways and mare airports, or proposals for new airports. TllIS PROGRESS which transforms nature in.stead of blending with it, will increase 8.ir pollution to the point where one day it will not be unfamiliar to see school children wearing "smog" ma sks in the playgrounds. To prevent this deadly accumulation of smog we should individually aod col- lectively act now. Appeal to the c 1 t y council, to the state representative, to the senator, demand that your rtghis as a voter be recognized by the elected representatives. Tell them to act now. for without your vote they will not be in office during the next term. Progress might be necessary, but if you or your children are not around to cherish the fruits of your progress then it is no longer necessary. PA UL POZNANTER He Bln111es 611111 To lhe Editor: It is a sad, sad week when 1 learn of a young police officer in Santa Marta being killed by the '• a cci den t a I'' discharge of his own gun and of a 14-year-old Costa Mesa burglar being shot to death while fleeing the scene. The mounting toll of needless death! attributed to the gun and OlO' arthaie gun oriented, Wild West society can no longer be rationalized. When will we learn? How many more must di1 first? I find no great attraction to our necessity for a gun, I am repulsed by their very inference -that they are designed to kill something or some-· · one. AS I PURSUE my studies and con- template the ramifications of our modem American society I cannot find one sound justification for the continued allowance of indiscriminate gun ownership. For those that insist that it must remain so, I see insecurity as their hidden motive. What manner of /ears can we really overcome with the gun? What morbid "sport" or killing game can be reflected back ue?.n as true pleasure? No longer is the gun an eS21ential element for procuring meat for the table. And no longer is that romanticlud minute-men militia effective. REGARDLESS many look for that hypothetical invasion by Uric Commies as their ludicrous just rationale. They hold steadfast to Amendment 2 of our Constitution and loudly proclaim gun ownershi p to be an obvious basic right as though we were delivered from tho womb with this ridiculous appendage. Circumcision never encountered such op- ' Joe Na1nath's Successor By L.ftf. BOYD Note a ltfelboume, Australia, lady nam- ed Dora Russell is training 200-pound kangaroos to play football. To ki ck, catch, carry. What a remarkable notion! f leave ii to you lo conjure up what 1'1r. Joe Namath .... ·ill engineer at some rhstant future date with a lively kangaroo :imong his running backs. It is possible the point-after-touchdown will be carried, not kicked over the crossbars. Can you envision the altitudes al which such n rt..'Celver will pick o(f passe8? E,-pect the most profitable point-make r , llO\\"f'Ver, will be the pOUcb play. THE SECRET SNUFF Sniffers Society r.( America must be recruiting. It is a fac t American men now use 10 times es much snuff as they used 100 years ;igo .. .SAY. fttONKEYS get bald, too, I hc<ir ... WRITES Bob Hargreaves : .. In 35 yean ol. research on telephone 1na1U1t r!, I've found the more important the exL~ulive, the more courteous hii; l!ccretary ." How trot!. .. ALlttOST BUT NOT QUITE one doctor in five eventua lly Is sue<I for malpractict ... WlllLE GIRl..S calltd Vicki are worthy oC all the 11- focUon they can aUract, 11y11 our Name Game man, U 'a true thty require an ''OOmlOUS amount of 1t. An unloved Vicki is a mess. NO END TO frtsh examples of lhe woclcl's sh<lrtt r poems. F'or instance, .Joseph E. lllJck, Jr.'s exquisite com· po.sit.ion call ed "One Night at a Conctrt lo , \VJ~on-Salem, N.C." II goes: "&:th?-Ach!", • ..AN OLD 80l' jusl r-~~-...... ~ ..... -r Checking Up: i . ' .. v.·ent by the house, whistling, "K-K·K-Ka· ty.'' Everytime I hear that, I want to go spend a lazy day in 90JTle town where the sidewalks are sUll m&de of wood. Are there any such ? THIS JS A MATI'ER of some delicacy, or indelicacy maybe, but it is rtported in accordance with this de.partrnent's pledge to leave no topic unassaulted. Women tend to .be faWer ol flesh than roen. How lone that bas been undtr1tood comes clear when yoo re.ad Plutarch'' notes aboot mass crr.cnatlOM of humin bodies In ancient Greece. Upon the re· maim ol every 10 men wu: pilced the remains of one 1romal'I, reported he, to add fat to those furiouJ fires. "WllEN I ASKED my barber why i;o many men get bald al about 40, he said thsl's when thty dev<lop big midsections and the wtlght.s of l&nf!i are apt to pull thtir &ealps tight, prevtn- ling the hair from growlng." So report, E.S. Gil/<Spie of Honolulu. H• says lho!le Honolulu barbers come up with • lot oI basic data like t.b8t. Your que1tiom and commtnt1 ore tvelcomed arid wfll be uatd wher,..vr.f' po31fble in "Checking lJp." Addrtss mail to L. M. B01Jd , tn cart of DAILY PltOT. Bor 1875. Nt lDf)Of't fltoch, Calif. 92663. po&IUonl Amendment 2, like every other, was not set forth In the spirit of inflnlte necessity. If this were the. cue, Article V o! the COnatJtuUon wblcb aeta forth procedures for amendment would never have been Incorporated. WHAT A SELFISH, auldaled fool lhe NaUonal .Rifle As.soclaUon is and how blind we are to perpetually buy their line. What a ridiculous bunch I sometimes think we are for ever being so brazen as to proclaim ourselves civilized and intelligrnt. Law en- fcrctment officials generally fa v o r stricter gun control. What I want to see is Utls standoff come to a halt. Law enforcement agencies have the courage to check in your guns and lead the way. Does this sound fooDsh? Or is it too high a price to pay to regain the deserved respect of Ule people? R. D. SEYMOURE Our Crowded World To the Editor: N. a student of biology I have become increasingly concerned about the world population problem. Recent evenls and 5tudies strongly indicate a precipitous increase in the world's population, particularly in the underdeveloped areaa such as lndia and Africa, and to a lesser extent as well in the United States and Russia. It is quite apparent that there is a physical limitation to the number of people that the earth can support, a UmitaUon irilposed by food resources, physJcal space: and waste production. The saturation point is rapidly being approaQhtd and may even have been surpassed., according to some experts. THE SERIOUSNF.SS of this problem 1>hould not be underesthnated, nor should lt be viewed !lrtctly from the asper..'t of atarvation. Overpopulation also has aignlflcant effecta upon disease, pollution, crlme, revoluUon and war. It seems to me that It is the · rt&ponslbllity and the duty of the United States and other developed countries to make a concerted attempt at controlling thelr own populaUon and aiding the und er developed and grossly overpopulated nations to control theirs. THE ULTIMATE solution lies in birth control, bqlh art.iliclal corrtrace:pUon and abortion. This ls, however, a long term 60.luUon aod will take several generaUoos "Serl} ~ttr! f ftfltl ya or piH1 ag1i1!'' to evidence any real effect. Tb.is does not fuean, however, that it is not im· port ant. lmmedlate action can include vutly incrtased foreign aid in the f o r m of the new high-protein grains; careful research into and immediate im· plementation of microorgani~ sources 0£ food would also be a ·great aid in short-term ,lid' 'to starvation I n overp1pulafed areas. One has to realize, thouah, that birU1 control ltse.tf cannot be put off. IT SEEMS QUITE clear lo me that a choice must 00 made: Would It be better lo give up some individual freedom now (eg., not having the number of cbJldren you want lf that number 1.9 over two) or malnlaln co mp I et o reproducUve freedom now, only to be faced with increasJng lick of freedom of any kind in the lutur1 due to grossly overcrowded and undersupplied con- ditions. Th.ls is the choice now facing America and the world. I only hope that the first of these alternatives ls chosen, and chosen liOOn. Th.iJ is indeed the vital revolution of our times. R. WILSON GOltHAM An Airport Solutlo11 To the Editor : So you goUa have a big commercial jet airport! One million Orange County people must have jets to, arrlbng othe r things, Costa Mesa Mayor Pinkley says, "permit academic and sporting activities with the Northwest." O.K. ! I'll buy it! I don't like it, but I'll buy it. I don't understand why everyone Is in such a hurry, but it must be me that is out of step. If speed is essential for financial and "spo rting" s u cc e Ii s. then put in as large an airport as you want anywhere that you wish. BUT! YOU DON'T have the mo r a 1 and, yet to be determined, possibly not even the legal right ta wreck even one person's health or financial well-being to get" your airport, no matter how many people might benefit from it. Besides, the solution is so simple. If you must have your airport, then pay for tl!· Any person owning property who feels damage should have the rlaht to sell his property to the people for a price equal to 1.he value wllhout an airport. (Personally, l would like to make it that the people who are so insistent on having a big airport would be the ones to pay for it , • • but that is wishful thinking. I tnow that we would aU have to chip in.) THERE WOULD, cf c 0 D r I e, be no value to the circumstance that some person didn't want to move. The moral and legal right or ernineot domain 1s well established. The people (county, state or whatever~ could then sell the property to the h!gttest bidder whl> was willing to sign hla ac- ceptance or an airport. You might be surprised how little money would actually be lost, and you would tmmed!1tely eliminate all valid oppositlon to your darned old airport. BILL BOWEi\ J\11.ron's ABU Derblou To the Editor: Any rational evaluation of Mr. Nixon's ABM decision, taking into consideration what we know of politicians, the military and Mr. Nixon, wouJd indicate another: total victory for the military. The "year· Jy re-evaluation" will be a lf.ep-by-e:tep escalation, and the world will go down lhe drain. I PARTICULARLY noted ?ttr. Nilon's, reply to a question about eliminating the lax override, when he stated that, after lhe military had submitted their budget, if it v;as reduced, we might either eliminate the override or take a look at some of our other problems, , like starvation ; that was when I wept. E. B. O'NEILL All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Throu~h Saturday ACCESSORIES T AT SWING INTO SPRING AT PENNEYS ·-h ~ .... hloh ...... pmtrhw• ......... . ........ ,,., .......... u .............. .. !"*-ciM.rt JM'" wdi• ~ Wfllfrll'fl ._Ur(...'G. --1.69 "'-'-"" "'*" •"-' Mgt ~"""'"" -• frtfll • ~ ,.... ';t'lf .w.. ......... ..+wt. ..... eotM.. .. .,.., ............. ___ ..................... --. ........ •3 ......... •s w .... ...,.toii lhettr "°""" ... .......,. ~ ......... .,,... .. ~WOflM~ .... w•••••• ....... .... ..... locilil .,.,.,,..., '9lradl -...... °"' .... ,... ... -'2 YOUR PATTERNED POLYESTER KNITS SET THE SCENE STORE w. ....... ..-. .............................. .. ............ ollt,..,. ....... --................ -.... Md....,... ....... _ Pl'lldicntt ........ ,..... ....... ___ ........ _ .. _ '""'-·-·-,.._ . .., ....... .... .,.,.. .... ..., ................ ic.M ..,..._. .... lo-..... ...... ...., ..... ___ ......... ~ .. - ....... .....:s..a.u ....... s.13, • COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Htr bor Shopping Cenfet) (Hun tington Conter) (F•shion l•l1nd) I ' I • • ' ( " • ' ._ . . , ' > • :· .• \ . .. ' . .. • ' • .. ' ' '· ' ' ., • - • • DAILY '1LOT SACRAMENTO (AP) -An assemblyman p r o p o s e d stronger tfforts today to lands citing r<c<nl flood and .slide damage to homes as an example ol. local government· al bungling of the problem. ol Jong-range SUCCHS." Cities and counties have Assemblyman John T. Kno.1, (D-Richmond), put forth five bills endorsed to preserve more open areas in urban localities. Ir local government still doesn't take the initiative, he J .said, then "every pos.!ible avenue must be explored, in-! eluding more e1temive use ot the police power. Eltective action in the preservation ol open space is mandatory, and to the ei:tent necessary should be assumed by the state." He noted that the recent program enacted by t h e legisl~lure or allowing local government to give tax breaks to owners of open spaces, especially farmers, was "to preserve California's prime fannland as well as to cont.a.in and guide the growth of urban areas." But. he noted, "the fact that only about JO percent of the land under the Land Conserva- tion Act Is either prime farm land or situated within three miles of any city seems to indicate that the present pro- gram is falling short of its mark." Knox added, "if s u c h failures continue to prevail, this program has little chance of long-range success." Cities and counties have failed to use the power that lawmakers gave them to preserve open land, t h e assemblyman declared, and cited recent storm damage as a result. Mondi!', Miid! 24, 1169 IWMr. -Garvin will see yoa. now ••• er, he'• n~ver forgotten be started out u & bartender ••• LA Close to Kennedys At Best, Worst Hom·s LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sen. Edward Kennedy, at a memorial dinner for his slain brother Robert, says Los An- geles "bas been close to us at our finest moments and at our roost dilficuJt." The Massachu&et t s Democrat's brother John was nominated for president in Los Angeles in 1960 and Robert Kennedy was assassinated here eight years later. To 400 guests who paid $500 a plate Saturday night, the Kennedys' mother R05e said : "It behooves us as parents to get our &OllS lnt.erested in goverrunellt and politics. He may be a winner or a loser, but he must be a participant, not just an observer." Proceeds from the Beverly Hilton dinner and others acrcm the nation will go to Jl"Y olf 13.8-million campaign debts incurred by Robert Ken- nedy during his J::Nd for: the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination , a family spokesman said. Fight Ends in Death UC Brain Drain Untrue? Woman Caught 3 Days Sailor Found Her by Merest Ch ance ESCONDIDO, C.UI. (UPI) But I dldnl think I was going R<turnlng tn heavy fog, lhe -A chance stop by a sailor t.o make It." inadvertently turned olf onto BERKELEY ( A p ) _ ended a lhree-day ordeal for Mlss Ingalls was rescued a seldom-used road. She William J . Bouwsma, vice a woman who war trapped by the merest chance Satur-became lost and said she chancellor of the University in her car when it plunged day afternoon. An unidentified blacked out. of California at Berkeley, over an embankment In the Navy chief petty olrlcer was Her car ran over !hi! labels as exaggeration reports Cleveland National Forest. driving thro .... h the forest with shoulder of the road and rolled that there is a brain drain "6'' on campus. Jennilou Ing a 11 s, 50, his family and stopped near for 100 feet down the !lope, Bouwsma, who Js leaving Hollywood , said her rellgloua the embankment to admire coming to rest in thick brush. for Harvard tbls fall, took f;tith gave her strength to the view. She was unable to cpen the issue with a New York Times of luminary educators who &urvive 83 hours in freezing He beard 1 woman crying car doors, ~hich were held 6tory that cited hJm as an have come to Berkeley since temrw-." atures, her W r 18 ts shut by the brush. and a\. example of brain drain~ 196M7 IChool year. "'~ and looked over the edge of though the convertible top was He claimed be was quoted Among them, Nobel prize bleeding from cuts inflicted the bluff. ripped open, Miss Ingalls has out of context and is not, winner Charlea Townes of by shattered glass. "He climbed down the bill arthritis of the spine and coold as the Times aa.id, leaving Massachusetts Institute 0 r "I kept looking back over and found me,'' Miss Ingalls not climb out. because of campuB turmoil at Technology; sociologist Robert my life and I wasn't pleased said. ;•'Jben he yelled for bis "At night the temperature Berkeley. Bellah of Harvard; ·1egal wUh what I saw," she said wife to get help." was below freezing and lt Along with Bou w s ma . scholar John NO()(Jan d. Notre from her hospital bed here. Her lonely ordeal began rained Friday . historian Carl Schorske and Dame, and former University "I promised God that if I Tuesday when she dropped off "I kept talking to God." poliUcal scientist David Apt.er of Chicago Slavic chairman got out of there I would make a friend at Palomar Mountain she said. "I think he heard were listed among the elite Hugh McLean. something better of myself. in northern San Diego ~ty. me." scholars departing. The lhree --'-------------'-------------.:.._~..;... ________ _ sjgned a letter that taggtd the "alleged flight" of brains "statistically untrue. f• "Those who, like ourselves, decide to leave Berkeley generally do so for reasons as diverse as their sense of regret in departing is com- mon," the letter added. Bouwsma named a number Intruder Kills Two at P arty LOS ANGELES (AP)-An ln- der who complained of too much noise at a party, shot and killed Geneva Martinez, 30, and F..dward Martinez, 35, and left the dead woman's husband, Raymond, 30, with critical head woonds, police say. An all-points bulletin was issued later Sunday for a 42- year-0!d man. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday Why shop about At frantic pace? Your Easter's at the Easter Place I Look at the nice things going on at Penneys- for your_ fashion undercover story! "Many local governments HERMOSA BEACH (UPI I Luxuriously flal lering women's nylon satin full length slips! have passed up the op--Hennosa Beach Police to- porlunity of preserving flood plains and steeply sloping areas u open spaces, and by doing so have often permitted construction upon areas ac- tually unsafe for residentiaJ building," Knox declared. Samaritan Shot4Times THE BEST Reede,.hip p • 11 • pr••• "Peen11t1" 11 one el the •orld'1 me1t popul•r comic tfrip1. Roed it Geily In the DAILY PILOT, GIRLS ••• AGES4 -12 WIN Many Valuable PRIZES IN HARBOR CENTER'S 2nd ANNUAL lWEEN ·AGE PRINCESS CONTEST CROWNING SAT., MARCH 2f -1 :00 p.m. NAMI •••••••••• , , •••• , ••• ACDlll l , • , , , , , •• ,, , , ., , , f'MONI ••••••••••••• I ••••• .. , .................... . rm wt •nd rtllll'fl tit c;--. lludlo .. Dtl>Ct encl Modtllll't In Hlf"OOf C..• t)OI NAllOI I L.VD, COSTA MU A e Seereteriel e Medie•I ln1ure11ee e lookk11pi"t e D•"t•I Ai1hti119 WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT? YOU CAN'T CET IT B1JT WITB PACD1C'S SWftCll 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yoa an do llmoll 11 wall lly b1ping 1 lot len money in year dllC•i• 1-.t 11111 a lot mon in your l'llcific 5" Pmbook Accoant 11d awitdling money !lack and forth • att. • :yaa lib. Became evel'J" dollar earns every daf It I• la 7oar Paelfte Account- evea for Just one day. 5" n11111J •• P111hatAca.nt1 _,.. ... lllilJ .. 1/Cll ... jdlllll 11 tbne.,.r ••11 ..... 111 aimll 11111. Savi111 11 ya.r ••• at ,111111'1 11d um fra• tli111t 11 Hf ••~ wlt11 nnlvd ., tli11tltli. • - WomM"1 f"CWtCy 100% nylon panties .nth aswtod '""" ond odging>f °"~.,Ion brio& ..... ;,, ---32.olO . $) The bra chemise 9natfrwthe clothn of today! ·--'"""" ... _ ...... "--""""" -lody loblc .............. I -.,ton'"""'· st .. 32-36t 4-1-C. Ji $6 // '"' ...,. ........... ....,.-"'°" ...... --fW( """"' ""' -.. -....... a--• -cl""""'""' trinfMll .... ciolcn. Canes in ... mt 32-31,, Of a.age 32"""' Half slips ............ $3 w_.,._Jo!lat/!lat, dicrt Ord CMl"Clg9 lengths. • Comfortoble Lycra9 non-curl lace cup stretch sh'c!P bra 0... 1,..... """""" i... """' ~borllU Jo tJ. '"I" for addod comfort. White and fashion cdor-1 in sins A..a.c. $3 Complete comfort! Lycra• front lace long leg panty girdle • ... ,,.n.. ......... 1""".,i.. -""~olllno -paoel. Ynri. and fmlW:in don lfl tiza SJol.l.XL $7 ; UllEYDUR EN NEV CHARGE ACCOUNT TOCIAYI """ ~ • -t - a I COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Herbor Shopping Center) • '•-.0. ,,--~ MOllda1. Mardi 74, 196? DAIL V PILOT I County Fire Crews Pool Servi~es I Sae by Today's Want Ads OAIL Y l"ILOT ....... "' RkllWll ~- MECHANICAL GIRAFFES AT WORK At Anaheim Stadium,, A Fire Drill Deatlis Deaths REECE HUBER Delll M. Reece. 12 Fle1!1 LIM, Wll- mfnQ1on, su .... lved by three •OM, J~met. F .• R1Ymond F, Ind P1ul A. Atta; lour da1111hter•, Vl~l•n 8110-, WIC'll, Donni Br1K'h, Huntington ll1111Cl'H Helen J 1111!er 1nd Frances Sml1hi tour brall\1!1'1;, Bruce, Biii, Geer99 and Jack McC111y; three-sl•1e~. H11e1 FDx. Helen Wllson and Gr1ve Dev· ~·all. se .... ICl!1, We.!nesday, I PM, Pfeil Femlly CDlonl1I FUIRfl1 Home. Cllflord C. Hube<'. 222 Tustin Aw., Newport Beed\. su,...;vec:1 by c111111111er. Mrl. ,..,_rll\'11 Irwin, CYP>Usl bl'O'll>er, H1rok1; slt11!r, LI V~ne-a.ldWln. Gr11vf'Sfde :ie,...I~, tod1Y, MonclaY, lO:JO AM, P1c!flc v 1..... Memor111 Partc. Dlrtt'led by Bell 8ro&c1w1y M«· tu.ry, 110 lln>i1clw11y, C111!1 ~. ENGLE Mlf': E1111le, 200 Newporl 81yd., ff, c.:.11 Mesi. sv .... lved by son. Rov • .if Cc.11 Mesa. Pr!v11te •~Yl~ today 11 " PM, S.11 Broedw1v Cll&Pfl, 110 e"°"dwav, Costa Mesi. HUTSING Mershln 11. Hut5lng. 2900 COl•I HlglJ- way, Ne'<l($>011 BQC'll. Dttt al c!Nth, Merch 7l. SU.VI~ bY wile, Mllrr1 '""• Oouii.$ H1ml11on, Prince ~' \llrglnl,; d11111hter, Alli Erl!lr/lfl'>, New Yori!; """ 1lsters1 Ol'I;!! brot'llel'. end two 11r1ncldl<.IOh!ers. FuiRrll ,,,.... k!1 1r.d fnte-rmenl will bit held In M11!laon, Illinois. E11lt1 Martu1,..., 1141 Sll90•1or, Cc.ti Mftl, torw1rdl1111 d\. reclon. COLLINS H•1e1 Gerlrude Coltlns. 211 Senti , .... ~I, CDsl1 ~. D1t1 o1 dult'I, Mire~ '7. su .... 1wd by ..,, Ja""'• T. c.oinn" 0111n1h, Ttl!PI two sl•Hn. M ... LI\. li1n S. Stml>SOll, COill Mewl Mn. Irene Healh, SI. J D1$11, MD.; IH'Olhe<', Mur,..,. J. Dorltv, L.Gl>I llff<:h; tnd one gr1ncl!JllllllhleT'. Rm1rv, tonkll\I, 7 PM. Rl!<lllifm MISS, Tuesdl\', t AM. boll! 11 St. Joadllm'1 Clltiolk C'tlurd!. Entom1>ment, Hotv Sel>Ulcter c~. Dlrecied bY Blitz Mort\llfY, 17•1 5"" perlor, Cost1 /11\eY, JIAVDEN H1rrv L. H1voen. 2•1 P1!mrr, C11tll MeH. Dile of death, Marcil 71. Sur- vivt'd by wife, Cell•; son. J1me1 L. Hayden1 two cl1unvhlers, Mrs. 8;>-tty Jine Btrrlg.,n, Caplllrano 8Nf;111 Mary L(IJilt Hellen, An1~lm1 nei>hew, L"l\t' o. Linwood; !O gr1r.dchilclren and 9 g1"Hl-Or1nclchlldren. Funertt lll!rY1ce$, lodly, 7 PM, at 11•111 Cm11 Mesa Cllepel, with Rev. J1me1 lll1lne of!iciatln11, ln~rm4!nl, HartKJ~ A61 ~11 P1rk. Directed b1 B1lll Mor11J1rv. 11•1 SVPttl«, cos11 Mesi. NEIL Jovph M .Nell. 215\lf :Ortd St., N.,... C>Q01 Bff,Ch. 0.~ al dM1ft, Mlrcil 1J. 5UfY!ve<I by wife, A!1flllll; ten. J1mes J Neil, Tuili.n; dat111hNlr, Mfl. JN,._ eile F .. 11111111, Hunt!noton Beachi moth· er. ,,.,.,... N. MaollD«o. New Yori<: two t>rOltwru l11<1r 1\st"'; 1lx tnonO- tftlldren. ROS&rv was reclNld l1•f nt!ll'lt, SundlY, Aeaulem Mats 'NII eel· eorited 11111 momn\g at our LadY al Ml. Clmwl Call\Olic Church. Dlrec.!Pd bY Bil!l Mortuerv• 1741 Sui>eroot, Cost• Mne. BROWN Ros• Brown. '10 E. E11y Ave .• B1lbOI. Survlv-rd bY ""'· Alben fly1rd, CotTI Me11; ~. JoM W\'fln; twa IA!o' ten,, Mr1. A~1ft RD!lel'S 1r>d Mn. wir.- nle Seeley. ServlcH, !ocllY. 1 :XI, Biii Broadway Chl9el· lnlerm..,1, Wntmln- •ler Memaf\ll1 Part:. Dll'l!IC'Nd b~ Btll BrDMlwlY ~ry. l!D BrGlclwlY• Cosla Mesi. BALTl MORTUARIES Corona del l\!ar OR 3-9'50 Costa l\Jesa 1\11 6-!4%4 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa l\!eu IJ s-313S DILDAY BROTHERS UnnUngtoD Valley Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. Iluntln.(1.on Beac:b SU-7771 PACIFIC VIEW •IEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e l\tortuary Chapel !t'iOO Pacific: View Drtvt "'l'ewport Beach, Callrornir 6«-!700 PEEK FA~llLY cow~~AL l'UNERAL HO~IE 7801 \JOlsa Av~. \VestntlDs~r 89J.l5!$ SHEFFER MORTUARY Laguna Beach San Ctutente 494-1535 llUIOO SMITll'S MORTUARY 6!7 Malo St Runttngton Rtacb LE U539 DENNIS £!11WDrth A. e>enn!1. 2010 T1111r11 Ave., CDsl1 Mftll. SU,...lved by wile. Mn. Anne Oennl11 son, H1rokl Denn! .. Ocetirrsidel d1U11hift", M~. Arie.. T.,. son, H..-t Beed!/ two .1.~. M ... ~ Holhnln, Wlsc-ln; Mn. ,..,_be! Jal\otSCln, Grind AIPidi, Mlc1'1- l11an; f(IJr tr1ndctlildren and fflrM 11rftt-11r11ftlldllldren. $efV!CeS, lomo<'· ,_, T\R'Sday, I PM, Pa(lf!c Vlirw CMl>el. lnfennenl, PK:lfk View Mf-. no-1111 Parle. Dindrd bY Bell 8"°"11· WllY Mort\llrv,. HD llrmdw1y, Coste ...... GEORGE Ctlerlotte E. Geonoe. 116 Rodln!tr St., Cost• M1!11. survtlll'd by son. C!iffOlrd; i:leuthlel', M~. Jeni.:. ~ l>M!, bolh of ClndnnmtJ, Ol'llo. $eT'YICft wm bit l'leld WeclMMIY 11 ""' Glll!Nn Ful!H'.tl Home Jn Cincl~ lntwment. Glfe of Heeven Cemetery, Clncln111tl. ee.11 SrClldwly Mo.-ruerv. 110 B/'!196- _y, Cc.ti MtM. lolWwird!no dlrK· ..... SMITH !ll1nclle Smlth. :!060 NewPOi1 Blvd., co:111 Meu. survlYed by ~usblnct, Guy; son. Mr. c. L. Arm1t,_, of Vlt11lnl1: daw/lter, M~. Dor!s C11'1Cf1, Lal V-•: sll'tfr, Mrl. S. A. YOl.l"ll· Prlwle servlcl!S -•e lleld. tnummenl wlll bit 11 Rose HUis ~mor111 P'1rt<, Wllltt!rr. Olrec1$1 by Btl1 llrotdw1y N.orl\Mry, 110 Bri.dwaY, C01t1 Mn1. GRAVF.S JD1n Grtvetl. r.1•~ W. !Pih St., (:(1111 Mes.I. $«Vk:el pend!no. 8t" lfOICfWIY Mortu1rv. 110 8rnedWIY, COll'I MHI. TALLEY "1td<'PW T1llfll. $«Vices Pff>CI!,,,. 1111 llroedWIY MOrtulry, 110 Broedwwr. C•!a Mesi. >llLUM EVANS lnflnt ""' ol Mr, Incl Mn. RDbllt1 EwM, 1on M-e Lene. MIP""' Vltlo. Gl'IW.ldt ""'left w111 be hlld """"" ftle" lllrWCllon ., &hefftf' l.llUlll •NCI! Murh>lrv. Don't Ne9lect Sllppln9 FALSE TEETH 0o !llM tM'fft ~' 91{11 0# woblllt Wl\fl'I 'JfN II~ Ml, lllltll Cir -«? Don't e. ...no'l'ed ll'ld emblrrMifd bw 111C11 hlftC!ic-l'ASTEETH. en 1111• llM (non-IC!f) ...-tlr TO •lr*le _. 'fOU' 11-111, """" ll-tltlfl ll'IDl'I 11""" i,l'I, Gl\lti c:nr>lldenl IW!I~ Ill tK'llrlty •nd IOd9d mmflt1. Ne eumrnY, llllOl'I' , ..... ""'11'11. °""'''" ... !ht! fi'1 .... -'1-1 TO PIUlll\. 5" l""W llltftllll 1'1911'11rr~. °" ,ASTEETH •I •II drut col.'"!'"- PEOPLE T111t'1 whet lt't 111 about. IVESTCLIFF MORTUARY 427 E. 1'7tb St., Co1ta l\te11 -1 Orie of tfle '"01t ptpuler d1 ily f11futtt of th1 DAILY PILOT I• P1opl• Sc1111. It'• 111 1l>cout, •lrit•• co'""'o"ert, ••olri '"ii ch1r1cl•r• -p1opl1. By TERRY COVILLE Of ltlil Dlll'I' f'U.t llal't ANAHEIM -A gasoline truck and trailer overturns in Anaheim, 1pewlng gallorui of gasollne and flames into the streets or a heavy commercial ...... just as they would in a real coordinator lakes over. fire, because they were not Emergencies oo a smaller informed of what would ht1p-level ca.11 also be handled pen." wlthln the network, rather Rapid communication is the Lhan on a t'OUflly-wide x 11lc. key to success ol the Mutual Network areas are arranged Aid network. In the following manner: ''With our nets set up, we Net I covers all county fire can contact one coordinator units. who will broadcast on the Net. 3 rover.s La Habra, mutua l aid fr equency and in Brea, Buena Park and a matter of seconds that Fullerton. single coordinator can have Net 4 is Stanton, Anaheim, units rolling from all parts Placentia and Garden Grove. of the county," explained Net 5 includes Orange, Santa Picard. Ana and Tustin. / • OQ:u.Wo Trade: Party hu double> bed outfit or pol"- table typewrit~r to trtde tor steno wilt Q( equa.I value. e Sego\lla 1' Not quite hb i.-tyle, but you can do 1110n1e n1Jghty fancy plckln' on thi:-1 12 • string aCOW1Uc g11l1ar. Perfect for the ~ ginner ... sounds iOOCI. $25. e l.i!llt• Pl>Wf!rhowle: lt'1 a F-0-0-0-1'-r-d!! A little Ford Cortina, 1968, only 5 months old, For you, take uvt!r pay1nenUJ, at $04 1nut11h. SZ10 equ.lt;y, That's the way Ult coun- lywide mutual fire aid ex- ercise began last Thursday - on paper at least. . All fire depart.meri.s in Orange county met in Anaheim lo work out a fire fighting problem which could have been real and might be someday. Before Anaheim firemen could stop it, according to the paper exercise, the curling flames spread to several huge commercial buUdings, leaping from structure to structure a't a wild pace. In each Of the six network Net 6 Lake.s in Huntingtonl sectors one city is designated Beach, Costa ~·lesa. Newport coordinator and one city Beach, Fountain Va 11 e }', Grande fire in Noverubcr of alternate COCN"dinator. For a Westminster and Seal Beach. 1967," said the chief. bl:ize in that net area, lhe Net 7 is Laguna Beach and • Gl\lc Him the Slip: llemet Doclor needs a slip for :?S' Sloop during April a n d ~fay. He'll be aboard only :? or 3 weekends, At one time city fire coordinator will organize the San Clemente. dePartments in Orange Coun1y help from other cities, unless There is no net 2 becauseJ!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ signed separate mutu al aid the 11'-e ;, ;n !he coocmnaLing or a confHct wHh rad;o fre-Who Can Read Just One 'Pea nuts'? As the roaring fire grew rut « cootrol Anahe im firemen hopped on t h e Orange County Mutual A i d communications line and yell· ed f« help. 'lbat's the way it will be done in a real emergency. contracts with each city, not1 _~c:H~y,~;=n~lha=l~c=ase=~lh:•::..::•:ll:er:n:•:":_:qu:•:n<:1=·'='~· _______ :_ _____________________ ~ always cooperating with all Within a matter of minutes more than 18 pieees of fire equipment from every city in the county arrived at the scene, and in three hours brought the imaginary holocau..t und<r conlrol. No -it never really haJr pened -but it could, and Thursday morning Orange County firemen d~ated how they could and would meet such a disaster. Working under cooditions simulating those described above, the Orange County Mutual Aid system went into actioD at Angel Stadium. Trucks rolled, men ran , sirens screamed and water spurted to far corners of the stadium parking lot -an in less than two hours. It was all directed by Hun- tington Beach Fire Chief Ray Picard. "We were really quite pleas. ed wilh the way it went," said Chief Picard. "Our ti.ming and communicalion system held together nct:llently." The mutual aid system has been revised recently. "We reevaluated our old system after the serious Paseo 'f? their neighbors. The new ¥(up, officially adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors March 11, divides the coun ty into six seetors and lum ps the cities in each sector together to form task forces for an emergency. "The old system involved lengthy legal contracts and an involved process," says Picard, "now cities can sim ply adopt the Board of Supervisor approved plan and we're ready to go." In Thursday's dry run, a ll portions of the county gave full cooperation, with the Anaheim fire crew rapidl y bolstered by a task forct: from each of th e sii: sectors, or "nets." More than 18 pieces of heavy fire equipment rolled on the mock alann. "Even· though p I an n e d ahead," explained the Jiun- tington Beach fire chie f, "in- divklual units were operating Nearly Everyone 'Listens ' to Lande rs spring spectacular in our portrait studio: THIS WEEK ONLY! 10 SPARKLING PORTRAITS ~~ !~.~h~.~~~~~~. ~~~~.!10 Bring your child in this week and let us capture that special springtime spa rkl e in a fine portrait . And at this spectacula r price you'll have enough for yourself and fam ily gifts! 1J3FlDADWAY HUNTINGTON BEACH Phon• 892-JJ)I, •xt. 281 l'li1to9r1pJ. Stwclia Ill Flee, All Penney Store$ Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday ' ·'- A I' ..' ti "' \ UBE VDUR EN NEY CHARGE I ACCOUNT TC CAY I Picture prJtty Easter dresses ·for girls! A. Spring fashions from Carol Evans• for girls! little girl's Carol Evans• Arne!" trioc.etate /Forlrel .. poly. ester dresses for Easter. These fashion comcious dr~ses B. Pretty lace dresses for Easter from Carol Evans• Sash !rim dress with ripples of acetate/nylon kx:. has lOOo/o cotton lining. Perfect for Easter, it comes in spring come in assorted shades. Sizes 4-6X. Smart looking Carol Evans• gloves for girls 100~0 stretch nylon snowy 'llihit• gloves to complement her Easter fc~~ions! Sizes 7-1 4, 3-6X . fresh colors. Sities 8-14. Fa$hionable girl's pa- tent purses for Eoster! Shiny potent plastic handbags lo !&am with her Eostec..outfitl ~­ sorted fothfori styles. $)and 1.98 Step in fashion with Penney's Easter shoes New fresh look, poleot vinyl up-- P'!!f'S, ''T" strap, tqv0re bode heel. aiack and white. Sizes SYN. 6.99 costA MESA NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (Horbor Shopping Center) (Fashion liland) (Huntington Center) ' 10 DAllY PllOT Mondi)', March 24, 1969 For the Divorces OIVORCl!S flt.ED Jo•«>ll Rol»r! (1br~r• VI "'"M M1rl• c.n, .. . l •I• ... C1in VI Juli ... l"1ln, Jr. Jo,,ic• H. R0oellellt V• R-rt C. l!ocMll• r~, E RtbV V1 E•rl E Rab¥. <ama~lnt fo.• •01r11t m1lntM11nce or Clv<>rct l\Mnlt D, W•ith! VI Wllllam H. ,,.,:on1 G•a••• J., w,,gM V'S Jerold E Wrl•llr l•n,ct C E!l'111111 VI Jl)lln 0 . EMltsll Mtll>.o J•wtll Cale v• Corltl Evt•t•! (•1• Blll• F. Fa~ V• Corl& For i<a ... 1rc K•nM!ll F1g•• •I ~:.dUt """ F1wtr (lltr'VI Ann SllW.•11 VI Gar<'Oll T. Sl\!9••• f'•99Y JllM Wolff VI l'lfftlf'tl Ktn""'" wom ElllM Marla Griffin .i G1rv l~hn Gr!flln J••t>" 0. Snelli"ll VI Gltn<I~ Ann 5,,,,111<>g kl!O'l,l'lll!lh Frlflll Macti•• ..., Jvdv .lnn M1cal•• k1tlli• Anne "'y1t1 vt <i:lch1r<I G1rci1 II.VIII Jttnttl• H ll1gul11! vi O:!nal<I R 1!1g~1lt !!fir. 0 . Sm\111 v1 l'aul R. Smitn Pnvmi G. Ml1cl\tl v• Dan•el M1'thfl Har~Y Whitt VI Eloll~ll\ l'llli1t Kllhll'tll R. 011ltr v• Miiton F. 01li.v Sl.,.,..n~ A, llwn VI Al!lf'•! M. Liwn K1tlw.rlnl! Gr1c1 Surla« vs \/~""'" Giibert $url1ce l oul.. E. Culrkl!lt ._. R•ll>fl W, Cutrlt hl Conitanu A. Rlt011e n Hu•h H. Ritchie Jimmie Let Lllff ,.. '11'11'1G1 Gr.ct ""' Ch111"1Dft9 M. Mc"-VJ Alfn N. McK- Jo.tn M. MelYn&ull vs N<lfmln Mol•r>eU• Wall•n• P, Vellutlnl v1 Wi1ll1m J. lltll11!111I Patrlda Slf1tl\tnton v' em ''""'~·•"><l"' e1rb.tra Ann P11tnam V$ Wtll<l•ll J•mn Pulnlm e.n~. J. Lud1 VI Ltm1>•I E Luo;:I• J<Jdllh A. Ce~ V1 11.-0. Cast Mary L. Cllurdl vs Wlllllm G. Chut(r. L.ooard L Holm" "' R-.rary E. ... ,_ Joan Noel Pel1! V$ Rltf'lafd L Pote H . Flol'd Mkn~I Ruin v• Kathletn "'"" 11.u!n Ro•ema,.., HolmH V$ Leonard Ltrov Holmff JoAnn Katl;•arl,,.. $1eckll '• v• E1>v~nt Edward Sleckl1Tr INT!llLOCUTOllY •OEC ll.E 6S J• a,1n I{ Oona""° •• L•"v I'" Oonanoo -... r• Record Elllbtlh N, $11nt~vth n 1¥10. W. $!1Mbil119h PllYllll A. Mllorwv YI Edwa•d M_ Malonev 1{1!1\frlM l . Alusli11 VI Tony' Al1111i1a f'IOrel\Ce J"" Hlrron v• Jonn P. H~ron Linda J, BrOQd "' ll.on1ld l . Brood ..:atnlPl'n Mi ry Slone v1 Ot11nls Rocen ·-RtbKc.i """ Sander& "' Jerome ll1rtholtmtw Slndotrt Jo Ann T111111I vs J.,?1es Lewis 111"'"' !wt """ Ro.tch VI Biiiy N11! ROl(I\ Cf'lerlolf• ~nn W1rr11111 ."' Evert Jn11ior warren Jo.tn "· Kn•1111 vs Johft L • .: ... PO Ju1n1 LI••• YS Mill ... , u~. Judilll M. An1ro V1 Jim~ F_ A:•"o Slln!M Let Morris YI Jo Ann Mo.rroo DOMI Ell.e Rodri11ll<!l •• G1~""' MatWel Rodrluuei G!nnv F, L&ndl1 YI J1mes J. L1tldl1 M1ryl011 Church"' KenMlll F, (llurdl K.ov Kvol(o Tarnowsll.e vs Otto Robert T1rnow~1 Arl'hur E. LunMll <n Anl'lll lit.I LUnd.-1! M.ll'Ylola 8•0lllW ... Robl'rl M. Sr~IW Alber!• JIM GllHHn> "' Al1H:1 ! G~sens Liurtne E~•lvn Gi !l"o vs '"'"••d Glll'1JO Gorocn Get JerYlt vs Pri\cilla M~ Je,..,i• M~r~ Joy(e Squibb v1 Dontid 6tll Sc.uobb FINAL OECll.EES JUDGEMENTS Nine~ Ann Triom1>i.cn VJ '"'"'~Y Ru~rlord Thl>ml>son Di~"" S1tr9lo1is "' C~rhlos John Sttrplot\1 E"ller J . l • Rue VI Mtdi1tl B. Lt 11.Ut B•t1• J. Znulk• v1 Joieoh E ~·1u~11 E1111er. Elaine Rln!'leY V• ,1'11n G111n-. R•nnev Minnie L. Glb\on vs Arnold D. G,b:;on Genevieve Bour1ua YI. J•mi"S E, Boor IHI DINI E:, Heinl~ v• Er,,... L Heinly !•nnu!~f'll) And"' -Hf"11 Hunler n Frl'd R1rmond Hunter Vernon P. 611nkinlhi1> vs fr~nces M. 811nklnol'll1> Virpin1a JNn Mlr!in "' J1ck Lte M•rlln B~ver1y Lvnne Wiison vs De1n Jlme..• Wiiton (annylmtnr) M n Marie M•tKe!vry v' Lo"n A. 1nomas E. HanV(ft Jennie E. Collins n Tl>om•• F, Ccl1ln! M•cKe!vrv Pent loi>r Ann Mi ry Mort~n VJ !lrven l(ellf'I Mcrg1n H1nych l•nn\llment) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • YOUNG! TENDER! HUTRITIOOS! ECONOMICAL! SA TISFYIHG! - Veal Breast .... S1ulled with Bread Dressing •• ' ••• a •••• ..59~ Oven ready'. Tender ~ty ,·cal, stuffed with a perf,..ttly ~('asonNI rirP.,,sing: Veal Chops ........ :~~ ........ 7 9~ U:-an, <hdicint1s: ••• fin(' vrl\rtr !,..xturr 1:--yo ur lll'.SU!'ante <•f qualtty'. Round Bone Chops .. . . . 99 ;, Veal Cutlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 89~ Serve 'f'm pan-f ried~ •.. \"C:-11 is deliciouF.: Serve 'vi th gravy-an<l bi~cuit1< '. Veal Rib Roast ................ lb$1.09 Braise in hf.e( broth for fi lTt-fl.<1,·or: "l"he cla..<:.sic dish or V'icnna ••. rrad,\" to eook: First of the week values in all departments Artichokes ............................ 19:. 1-'rost ki,o;ed .• , nlorr fhlvorful, n1orr tl.'ndcr: ltaUan Dressing ................. 29' >;"r\\'! l "rom J,.1wry's ,., 8-ounte hol1 1r'. Peanut Oil ........................... 59¢ Go\drn pure .. , liirht And ,·crsatilr: 24·0? •. btlr. Del Monte Zucchini .... 4 '" $1.00 Coes srrr·at \\'i th veal: No. :H!3 C"Hn~. Prirr.tt in rlf(rl /if ()'fl_., T11(':f., 1l'rd., !Jfnr, !'..;. !.i. !?6 ••• •'i o salt.If to d'n.Ur.~ Mayonnaise . H • q: 39' T,;1ura St·u,Jder's .•. Sa\'(' JOr : ... quart. Clamato Juice ...................... 49 ' I t '~ <liffrr('nt ,,. and :rnu :; .. ave l itr: 46-oi. can. Scooter Pies ...................... 39' Kirts love "cn1 .•• J'\A\"I" 10<: ! ... thrC'f' fla''Or.-: Crescent Rolls ............ 3 "''1.00 Piil.~•bury':; •.. ~·01~ ... ~et tJ-ir Bakf'-Off recif)f': ARCADIA: SIJll$tt and HuntingtOO Dr. (ll Ranclo Cenlor) PASADENA: 320 West Colcndo Blvd. SOUTH PASADEICA: Fremont and Huntingtoo Dr. HUNTINGTON BEACH : Warner and Algonquin (lloan!walk C.111'1) NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport BM!. 8lld 2SS5 Lastblllff Dr. (Easlblufl Vin1ge Cont01l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ---------------...... ~ .................. ······· ·-· THl--STUNGnVOllD .. /MR.MUM ------------- 5 Scientists Receive $5,0QO AEC Awards ' , All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday • USEYDUR EN NEV .CHARGE ACCOUNT 10 WATT 4 PC. STEREO COMPONENT SYSTEM REG.137.95 Now you, too can own a four piece walnut SOtM systena ••• including a 10 watt solid state amp'rifier,AM/FM/FM stereo tu ner, with AF C, BSR mini changer Wtl h cover, a'ld two 'W'Oi· nut enclosures -10" high X 8'/i' wide X 81/2" ?eep. $ NOW I 20 WATT 4 PC. STEREO COMPONENT SYSTEM 50 WATI 3 PC. ANTIQUE SPANISH STEREO SYSTEM Reg.~:;~ $J78 Reg;;:s268 Pay os little as $8 ,., month Pcryca littfeas $11 ,,_ l'flontM Ovr Penncr~st Delv:te .4 piece component stereosyslem 01.11" .( speaker Spanish stereo in oiled walnut venerers includes: 4 piece walnut cabinet with..( speakers, 20 and hardwood hos a 50 watt solid stole amplifier, a watt :.olid stole amplifier, AM /FM/FM stereo tll'ler, Garrard d,angerand lrU$hed oluminvrncontrt>I panel. wit h AFC,4 speed a utomatic changer. AM/FM tuner with AFC. NO MONEY DOWN ... USE PENNEY$ TIME PAYMENT PIAN .. NEWP ORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (Foshion lslond) (Hunf ington ~enfer) ,. • • . ' •• • • • r. ~ • • • • ' .... • ' • • ' • • • • • ' • • "T -------------------------"""!""'-------------....... ~ • Employes at V,CI Honored - The UC Irvine campus is of Medicine); Los Angeles. not yet four years old bot Mrs. Eva M. M a c k , has 15 employes with 10 or laboratory technician, college more years service. counting of medicine. IS years (prior time put in with 01.her UC service with UC Berkeley and ve.mpuses or state agencies. UCLA); Pasadena. The longtime employes were ' ~tiss Ruth lnderrn.iU, ad- hooored at a recent ceremony. mlnislrative assistant, college Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich of medicine, 15 years (prior Jr. presented service i1wards service with California College to : of Medicine); 422 Carnation, Walter Selufsky, assistant Corona de! Mar. business manager, business Thomas A. Rolinson. sta(f and finance, 20 years (prior ~ college of medicine, service with UCLA); 25742 10 years (prior service ~·ith Cervantes Lane, P.tission Vie-UCLA); Simi. jo. Theodore Otto, s e n i o r Andrew Jones, janitor, col· engineer. physical planning lege of medicine, 15 years and construction, 10 years (prior service with California (prior service with Lawrence College of ~tedicine ); Los Radiation Laboratory); 519 .4.ngeles. Marguerite Ave .. Corona de! Mrs. Sabra D. ti i 11 , Mar. housekeeping aids, college of Gordon A. Marsh, senior medicine. II years (prior museum scientist, biological service with California College sciences, II years {prior HAL AlllSCHIW HEARING AIDS CwJforn Aur•I Amplifi c.:•tio" NO SALESMEN 3409 (, COAST HWY. C.,_ dlll Mar '°' Appolnt.-it ,11-llll service with UC Berkeley J: 1973 Kornat Dr .. Costa Mesa. Gunnar L. Jensen, senior architectural d r a f t s m a n , physical planning and con- struction, 10 years (prior service with UCLA); 2025 Centella Pl., Newport Beach. Glenn L. Anderson, prorram promotion manager, universi· ty extension, JO years (prior service with UCLA); 2140 Vista Dorado, fiewport Beach. Mrs. Bette L. Abs, financial aids coordinator and associate dean of students, 10 years (prior service with State of California}; 16948 Edgewater Ln., Huntington Beach. Mrs. Alice V. Deremo, library assistant, 10 Yf.fll'S (prior service with State of California); 208 A v e n i d a Princess, San Clemente. Miss Elsie E. Epp, senior administrative a s s i s t ant , physical planning and con- struction, 10 years (prior service with UC Riverside); 14801 Newport Ave., Tustin. Miss Dowrene Hahn, senior administrative assistant, cen- tral records, 10 years (prior service with UC Berkeley); 1701 Bedford Lane, Newport Beacli. - Mrs. Virginia Klapper, ad· ministrative a s s i s t a n t , university extension, JI years (prior service with UCLA); 277 Ogle St., Costa Mesa . OAl\.Y PILOT_..., "'919 An Artist's Rewards Susan Dennis, fourth grader at Bear Street School , Costa Mesa, co~ plaque and U.S. Savings Bond after being named grand prize winner in Newport· ~1esa school distri~' first Americanism Art Con· test. Passing out S an 's awards are Sam McEl· fresh (left), princi al of Whittier School and chair- man of district Americanism Committee, and Jim Garvey, representing Harbor Area Optimist clubs, donors of various contest prizes collected by 31 ele- mentary students. Susan is daughter of l\ir. and Mrs. Arthur Dennis. 759 Olympic Ave .. Costa Mesa . Most Air Hijackers Are Latin Americans HAVANA (AP)·-lnforma-They are credited with at least tion available here indicate111 six. the majority of highjackers A good portion of the Latin· who have diverted airliners to American hijackers, logically Cuba are Latin Americans. enough, have taken planes Official records are not from their own countries. available to newsmen. But in-Sometimes these hijackers ronnation frcim pub Ii s hed have come in bunches. The Cuban accounts, from Havana biggest group was 15 from sources and from repoN Ecuador. They forced ;in originating in the United airliner to Havana last Jan. States h>ws at least 90 hi· 19. • DAil Y PllOT JJ Shop at home! CALLCOWCf (714) s23-6sn • -.-... "'.............. • • ........ g' • ............... ,,..;..., ; I CUSTOM DRAPERY SPECIAL! 3 year guclPGHlae • PINNIY'S FASHION - DRAPll.T GUAllANTll.- W'..W. 3 ,_n .,,....__ .......... ......... !i-.. Wirii::C-. .. _ .. .......... w.tc) .................... ....... .__..,..._., .-,.WCIClllll:ICf•---.. ...... _.._ "-(1 _... -...r....w""' ..........,,.. __ r......1·. _.,... .. .... ~.,.... ..._, ... ...,...,... ..... ...... ......, &i"7' .... _..., .......... ~ ...... __ ..,. ............... ~-w. _,,,,,,, ..... _ .. .,,.Wwtt ...... .................... ,..i.--i.-.Mr. odlil-. 1.9810 2.98vo. _.... 1-P9"""-,...... .......... c:•rtlfi, ... et e••r••tee will be 1...-1 toJ-1• writi .. I jackers have come to Cuba SOl\IE PRO-CASTRO !-============================== on the 45 airliners pirated Some of the groups havel· since 1961. SllYICI &YALllU M GIUtaUIS AllTJ<, OIAll6E AM VllflUll COUllllS been idenl.ified as pro-Castro. By nationality, the hijackers Three were identified as line up thus: 61 La ti n Venezuelan guerrillas who hi· A m e r i c a n s , 23 North jacked a government plane Americans. I Frenchman. I as retaliation for the seizure Jordanian and 4 unidentilied. by the Caracas governmenl TheLalin -Ameri c an of a Cuban fishing boat last breakdown:· 16 Ecuadoreans. year. ll All Penney Stores Open Every Night Mon. Through Sat. Al~S~!!~TY'll 15 Cubans, 14 Colombians, 5 Two airliners were hijacked Venezuelans, 4 Peruvians, 3 to Cuba in 1961 and two in Puerto Ricans. l Argentine. 1967. Then the dam burst. 1 Dominican, 1 Mexican, 1 Most observers date the out· Central American. break from the Havana con· ftilOST SINCE IM~ ference of L a t i n revolu- All but two of the 45 planes tionaries in August 1967. Dur· have been diverted in the ing this meeting four Colom. wave o{ hijackings that bians and an Ecuadorean fore· erupted Aug. 6, 1967. At last ed a Colombian plane with count, 26 of those hijacked 70 passenger~ to Havana. since were from the United Forgotten~ some is the Stat.es, 8 from Colombia, 3 fact that hijacking is a guer· from Venezuela, 3 from Mex-rilla tactic Fklel Castro's ico, 2 from Peru and L from forces used in their fight to •'.~ Ecuador. Latin Americans are topple dictator F u J g e n c i o listed as stealing 24 planes, Batista. i North Americans with I. On Oct. 22, 1958, less than \ Three were hijacked b y 21/z months before Fide I pirates not identifiable here. Castro took power. two men So far. none or these airline armed with reolvers hijacked hijackers has been returned a Cuban Airlines domestic to his home country for pro-flight with 11 passengers secution. aboard. The plane later turned up at a rebel airfield under Only one plane from Latin the command of Castro's America is known to have brother Raul, now head of been hijacked by Americans the armed forces and deputy -a twin-engine Mexican craft prime rnini.ster. forced to Cuba March 16, 1968 Twelve days later aooth~ Penney's top value asphalt drivew·ay sealer and coating • by three Negroes. Cuban domestic flight with 2S OPEN Cubans appear to have con· passengers wa s hijacked. centreted exclusively on Castro's forces later an· 7 DAYS 1 __ Pl_ane_s_fr_om_l_h•_Un_;_te_d_S_ta_te_s. __ noo_nc_ed_th_•.:_Y_h_ad_th_e :_•l_an_e_. WI lfONOR IANKAMIRICARD & MASTIR CHARGI A WEEK FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN • Ultro Modem Conditioning faclliti•t • HtATID ROMAN SWIMMING POOL • Roman Stearn looms • florldo Sun Ton Rooms • Finnl1h Rock Sauna Rooms • Whirlpool laths • llectronlc Mossoge • Conditioning faciHtle1 • Swiss focial Machine• COURSES FOR '* nGURE CONTOURING 1i IEaNOPOITIOHING * SllNDlll%1NO * BUST DEVELOPING * HIP AND THIGH RlDUCING * POSTURI IMPROYlMINJ It's fun to LOSE WEIGHT arid INCHES at UU TODAY FOR YOUR FRIJ ClUI TOURI CallPSA for .home delive~ Oakland $13.50 We dellver rresh daily. 900 flights a week connect south· em and norttlern California. More than any other airline. All jets, Lowest airfares. Want prompt dellvery .--. to East Bay poJnts? Oakland International is " cklser and easier than San Francisco Inter .. national, and the crowd tissn't found II yet. PSA gives you a lift. •· Before After Improve the oppearance of your driveway while you proted it with a tough jet black finish. Sealer resisls wear and weath,., coals as- phalt to last much longer. 5 gallon size covers 500 sq. feet. Easily applied with a brush , broom or squeegee. Dries completely in .only 24 hours or less, 3.99 S gal. • can Driveway· coating brush and applicator 1.19 Handle for coating brush • • • • . • • 39c NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (F•sh;on Island) (H untin qton Cente') • I • \ -------------~-------• J% DAll.Y •ILOT ........ M1t<h 24, l~ GRAFFITI b~LNry J U.S., -Bass, <ihlaa Arms Race Grows -AstFonautK May-'fV Their Blastoff From Moon SJ>ACE CENTER, -Spoco Admlnlattatlol'• Man-Air Force Col. 'l1lomu P. normal n>Ullne. astronauts returlllll& lo eenh, (AP) -Astrooauts may oed Spacecraft Center. Stafford and Navy Cmdl'$. ?t1ounted on t~ surface of ·the camera could provide !E mount a ttlevtsloa camera on America'• non ~man Eugene A. Ceman and John lhe moop to televise valuable englneerlna: data. tile moon to provide llv• flilbl, Apollo 10, "will pro-W. Young -may a1Jo carry•l::::============~=~=:;==j coveraae ot their blastoff back blbJy be the most teievlsed an experiment.al camera toll L I In Southeast Asia WASUINGTON !AP) -The large inflUJ: of American, Russian and Chinese weapons into Southeast Asia because ol the Vietnam war is leading to a vast pool af second-hand but highly usabl~ ar.ms for internationaJ trade, according lo a prominent defense analyst. to earth this-· lllgbt we have," Haney wd i:<Jay color TV. AU spacecrar~ ,,... CARPET! CARPET! CARPET! Spacocralt-to-<arth ttlllCl!sta Jn an Interview. "'lllere are lo-<arth telecasts Jn tile past WOW ' f RD. S Ing br<ekdown on '°m• 01 In livln& color are a1lo under lndloaUOlll tile crew la willJn& have been Jn black-and-whtte . 1 000 S 0 YA the largest arms suppliers: study u Space Agency plan- -1be United States, the ners oonsJdet how TV should to mount the TV camera in-Oooe regarded only as a ROLLEND$! REMNANTS! world's largest arms pro-be put to work on future slde the cabin, turn it on gimmk:k by many persons in OFFGOODSI CARPET FROM ductlon base with 20,000 com· Apoilo nights. and Jeave It on." Uie apace program, television TR.ACTS! • panies, eold Ill.I billion wonh "There is a strong l.,llng Apollo JO, echeduled lo blast now is btJn& recognlud ., LOW, LOW PRICES of oew and used military to try la use TV in a real all in mid-May, la• planned a u..tul tool, H1111ty said. c-. .t Warehouse aircraft, missiles and missile communications role -a! an • s a n a r o u nd-t&e-moon Left on for long periods in ~ r.-. systems, ships, a r m or e d adjUnct to voJce," said Paul journey similar to the fllght the cabin, it would give OJaht 1753 South Ritchey • S•nt• An1 Louis A. Frank, 1 member of the Stanford Research Institute, says the war will leave in its wake "buodredJ cf thousand! of weapons, ranging from small anns tbroo&b IDtiaircraft g U D S , tanks, mortan, mines and aircraft" that will be sold as surplus. vehicles, weapons and am-Haney, public affairs chief at of Apollo II last Christmas. conlrolle.n a better Idea of IN•wport Fr••w•y to Lli11t•r -W. to Ric~"'fl muniticn from 1912 to 1968. ----------:--=tlle::...:N...:•:.:tional::.::::...:A:.:er:.:oo::.::••:.:I::""· :....:•::nd:..____:The.:::..::A::po::ll::•...:l::O...:u::lrona:=::=ula..::._::bow::::..:;•pacem!:::'.::'.'.'.:en:'...:":.o::_r:_:_:kln:._:tlle~lr'....!:====O=P=l=N='= Dell='='='"='=s.t=·="=A.=M=·=,.='='=·ll=·="='=JG=Jl=' Aircraft sales accounted for .... Frant, who released his study in a newly published book., "The Arms Trade in International Relatiom," also said a re-equiping of NATO forces expected in the early 1970s will add even more weapons to the surplus available for purchase. ONLY llfmllAINTS The only restraints on the sale of these used weapons come from the nation,, who owned them originally. Such are far from effective, he ir· dicaled. The armaments are put on I.he market, Frank s a i d , because it is usually "too cos.. Uy to repatriate the weapons." He said the ·weapons sent to Southeast Asia will find willing buyers not only in South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, but also in neighboring areas such as Singapore and Indonesia. The author. an economist who specializes in defense anaJysis with the Strategic Studies Center of the Stanford Research Insti tut e in Washington, gave the follow· 37 percent of the total. Includ- ed were 5,071 Nike Hercu1es SAM! and 3,323 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles mostly sup- plied to the forces of NATO, Japan and Nationalist China. II.I BD.LION ORDER Also included was a $1.1 billion order from Britain for Phantom Jets. Britain also bought $638 million worth of Polaris missiles and West Germany bought $250 million worth of Pershing medium range ballistic miss:iles which have nuclear capability. -Soviet Union, the second largest armameots industry in the world, exported between 1949 and 1968 more than 5,000 jet combat aircraft including 1,200 MIG ISs, more than 1,100 MIG 17 sub-sonic fighter-in- tcrcepters to %1 countries. Communist China received more than 1,000 Soviet jet planes before military aid came to a virtual halt in 1961. Moscow's second biggest customer is Egypt with 750 jet aircraft; Poland received 620, North Korea 465 and East Germany 270 to become the other major recipient. The Soviet Union has ex- ported a wide variety of missiles including the solid~ fueled Guideline SAM now widely used in North Vietnam . There are 50 semimobile Guideline launchers in North Vietnam. Young People And Narcotics • Why dt tee•·•iers experi11tat with d"'ls •nd nJJcotics? •-Wk•t sknlj tbeir ,areats d1 Jbout it? • Wllll CAM tlley ff •b11t tt? • Hn •JtlftrHs is 111rijuan2? • ~It lllltly 11 lelll tu111ethi•r worse 1 TheM •r• just a few of the question s answered In • bookl•t th•t re•lly tells it like it is by • m•n .-ho knows how It is bec•uM he apent months talk· 1"9 to th• right people to find out. You can own • copy of "Whit You Should Know About Drugs •nd N11rcotlcs'' fo r only $1 . Written by Associated Pre11 science writer Alton Bl11ke1IH, it's prob•bly one of the most ncMlolds-H rred work of Its kind ever wr itten for the general public. Clip the co\olpon below and send for your copy now. .. --------1r., I I I I o • ., looktet Oran9t Coast Dolly rnot '· o .••• 5 T-ock, N. J. 076'6 --- -'"I I I I I I NAME ... •4--••··------···-····--··-····-··· ·---· I I No Cheap Ship Line For Students LEYDEN, 'l'he Nether~s (AP) -Dutch "student ships" that provjded cheap transat.lactic passage f o r American and Ca n a di an students for 23 years will sail no more. The Italian fuMr Aurelia will make one or hlOfe Atlantic crossings this summer with studeots traveling from New York to Le Havre, but il1' traditional Dutch vessels have fallen victim to air travel. Floris Croon, 2 4 , com- mercial manager of t h e Netherlands Office for Foreign Studenl Relations (NBBS), said the two famous old stu- dent srups Groote Beer and Waterman were rold to Greece. He added that the Holland-Amerika I i n e r Ri- jadan. which was chartered for students last year, will oot be available this summer. "It ls very sad," Crook said, "The cheap journeys aboard Dutch sb.ips made the NBBS enormously popular in the United States. Tens o f thousands of Americans have unfcrgettable memories o( the New York-Rotterdam voyages between 1946 and 1968. "There were panels. con· certs, theater and movies, parties and balls aboard. Ex- perts from numerou! ooun- tries used to lecture. Even now we have 500 offers from professors who want to take care of the cultural part of the journeys. Daily we arc sending letters saying 'we are sorry' to students inquiring about cheap passage." Croon said it has become impossible to charter suitable passenger ships and "group pea.sage by plane bas nearly ouated Atlantic Ct"06sings by ships." Based on data collected jointly by European students orgalUzatioM, a r e c o r d number oC more than 200,000 U.S. students will visit Europe this summer. Most or them will fly to the main gateways -London, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. 10 Awarded Certificates By CoJle ge Ten area residents ha ve been awarded American Jurisprudence priies r 0 r academlc excellence Saturday night at Western St a te University's Spring Supper- i;>ance. The dance, spon.wred by the Student B a r Association, brought together students and faculty members from both the Anaheim and San Diego campuses. Certificates of honor were given to Delbert K. Bailey, 16784 South Bayvie1Y Drive, Sunset Beach -Torts; Ronald L. Bartholomew, 92ll Tiller Wa y. Corona del i\1ar - Equity, Evidenet; Betty J. Farrell. 100 Via Qui to , Ne\\·port Beach -\Vills ; Vin- cent E. 1..aRosa. I 6 3 3 I Myrtlewood St .. F' o u n t a i n Valley -Pleading and Prar. lice: Thomas G. Morrissey, 13502 Iowa St., \\'estminster Contracts: Neill D. O'Malley, 851 Domingo Drive, Newport Beach -Corpora. lions; Real Proptrty: William P. Paulson, 32922 King Charles Land, Sou!h Laguna-Equity. and Marjorie E. Reed. Kil Valencia Drive, Huntington Beach -Torts. I AllDUSS .. .... ........ ..... CITT ···················I 11-------- :STATI -·-········· .................................. ZIP ................ : I-Send me . . .. copies of "Whal You Should I I Knlt!I' About Drugs and Namitics" at $1 eac I I Enclosed iJ $ ....... (Make checks payable I to Aaodaled Press). , &.; _____________ , BOAT BUFFS AlfllM lec .. •lli•y It fht •111• f.11 . tl111• "••fi111 •• u •• , -•Int o" •"Y ftl Wljt•P•' kl Ot•111• C11111ty, Hit 1v- &l11Tv1 .. ,.,.,,,. ef bo•t- ln• 1n4 f•1lttl111 "-• h 1 4ali. fo1t11,. of Ht. DAILY PILOT. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through S~turday At Penney's, your storage problems can be so~ved! Handsome chalet style steel storage building Attractive end gable de~ign 1tt1I "tarage building iii white with decorative trim. Tough and durable triple coated plastic finish O"Ver ~galvanized sleel. Door• roll easily on nylon bea ring~. Equipped with ribbed rteel panel1 for more str ength. 2' x 10 b1Jildin g with .(4" dOOf opening. UBEVOUR ENNEY CHARGE ACCOUNT TDDAYI 169.95 Pay as littfe as $8 per month 8' x 7' • • • 7' x 6' . • • • • • • • • • • . .119.95 . . 89.95 NO MONIY DOWN ... USE PENNETS TIMI PATMENT PLAN Attractive but useful, our great side gable steel storage building Sturdy c{eep ribbed 1tetl panels f0t greater ttrength. Triple coated plastic finish over gofvoniz:ed steel. Doon ride eo\ily on nylon roller beorings. AVO<odo green with white "l"im. 81 x 71 buildin9. 99.95 t'oy a• littte os $~.50 per month 7' x 6' • • • • • • • • • • . 79.95 HUNTINGTON BEACH {Huntington Center! \ Penney's attractive steel utility bins for an end to garbage clutter! P•nney's practical way to '1ora your gorbog. cons. Con al>0 bo uted f., compost, tools, or equipment. lllbbod and btacod f.,. utra otrength. Hold• 2 thirty gallon gmboge cans. 18.95 NE-WPORT -BEACH (F .. ~ion lsl1nd) 1 I ----·--------------~-~--...----~~ .... ~~-----~---.-.... ------ . . CHEERINd 'THRONl;S AT CAPISTRANO -While Secret Service agents 1pript and .Puff alongside his limou.sine, President Nill on and his wife, Pat, draw an ai111 .. iastic greet;ne Saturday from big crowd ' . DAILY l"ILOT l"lltt9 ~ ltldllN ........ PICKETS ON MARCH -Led by Robert 0. Bland of Laguna Beach. several dozen Peace and FreedGm committee members picketed near Nixon headquarters in San Clemente. Police were called out Irom Newport and Costa Mesa but there were· no incidents. Mond'1, Mardi 24, JM DAILY PILOT J3 at Capistrano , ·oi.1LY. Pl1.0T 11eff,,.... awaiting his ap·pearance at San Juan Capi~trano for tour of ,Mission i:rounds. Nixon stayed on for luncti At his favorite restaurant. DAll..T PILOT Stefl' ....... WORDS ON MISSION ·STEPS -Pre•!dent and Mrs. Nixon appea to be listening .intently. to words of Jame~ Francis. C~rdinal Mcinl tyre , in front of plaque noting the founding of Mission San Ju:ln Capistrano. · ... PA_IL 't l"lLOT Sti ff ..... ft FACE IN THE CROWD -In the crush of followers, Presi· dent Nixon recoJnizes an· Orange County friend a n d abouts a greeUng during Satur- day tour· of Mission San Juan Capi11trano. DAILY '1\0T ll•ff ..,..... VIVA. VIVA -~an Juan C&P' iat.rano merchant Larenzo Plldllla was all decked out in· tradlUona! Spanllh dress and his l!Qro front carried the mes- 111• u Ml11loll. city resi4ents prepared to grtet Pre•!dent Nixon ond h!a party~ . I DAil Y PILOT PkM •1 .... O'OMM• TOURING MISSION GROUNDS -Gripped tighl!y by the hand, President Nixon. gets a bit o! guii111Dce oh the Mission san Juan Capistrano groundst:fn1m •1tvpn-y.ld reside~i JetI Diuu\. · . ' ,· . ' . • , . ' I . ·, . --' •J' I ' \ . Nixon Tells Campus Stand By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Some college officials agree wi th Presi- dent Nixon that disorders and disruptions muJt be solved on campus, but studenu have shown less inclination to endorse lhe Prtsidcnl's weekend policy .state- ment. David G. Barry, execulive vice presi- dent of San Jose Stale College ln California. where Neira athletes and other st.udenta have demonstrated, said lhe campw is where 90JutJons to society's ·problems are sought ''and the solution ii not t.o be found through disruption." Chandler Young, dean of letters and sciences at the University ot Wlaco~ 1t Maditqn aald ht preferred "local handling !n Ille long pull. I fee! concern for our frtedom to handle our nwn problem al tha campus level." Young ta1d , ''What President Nlxoo h:is snid would help us in thts regard." I In a statement. Saturday, Nixon de- noµnced campus vlo1enct as a threAt to intellectual lreedotn, but !United federal action to withholding financill aid from students convicted of vlolatinl the law. Nixoa said Robert Finch, secn;tary ol health, education and weUare, would seek "Lo launch new initiatives toward easing tensions in our edueaUonal com- munity." But the President said tht federal government "cannot, should not -must not -atlempl. to guarantee campus peace.·• He said \his was fa damentJ.)ly the task or college ao- mlnlstrators. The Pr"ident termed hll gil!dellneo moderate. "Congress ha~ done no tnOl'I than to withdraw rederal ·1UJ1tance from tho,. students judged. not by un!ven!ty regulations, but by courts of law, ~o have violated -cri mi:{lal statutes." ! ! I I Jf DAILY PILOT Moodl!', MO'C\ 24, 1969, LEGAL NOTICll: LEG.IL NOl'ICE ·-..... llOTIC• ~ Dlntf.UTJON .....-Ct .ClaTl~AT& Of' ... 111111 . Nottq It _.., t lwfl 111.t tht C:llTl•ICAT• °" COJll'OIATtOM f'ICTITIOVS ~ "'tMrlllt. ...,..,.,.,. t11t.fMll Ntw""' NI ... IUllMlll UNOll •The "'"""""°"' • illtl'tll\< •llW, .,. Cllll EVANS. SHIJltl.l!Y Ll!VIME •nd •JCTITIOUI "-'Ml I ~ctll'll ii Mlnil9f ., •llM lrlkt ANNIE l"AllllEll dolM QI-Ullfff TH! UNOlllllOMlO C01U'0llA1t0M Cr-I M-' IMCll. C1llf0tllt1, tne fl"" NIM tM •rit -' THI! OLOlll:'I' .... flffebV ltrttfr lllet ff II ~uctlftt llrodtr ih. flc:tltlollt flt'l'll -et OOfll SHO .. ,, tn• Wttt Ooottl ,,.,.,, Cltr • ~-r--r Miii f\llllllh' "''11""' .-osTl!:tl'I SAU!J AND INT.lllOltl ti ., N-' 8.ec:h, s1111 •' C1lltor11i., buslllfM •I m Nonfl al'OOkl'iurJt, !twit .. ,. tlnn i. ~ f!I W• Oii the It! 41r ol M1rdl, lfft, ANhllm. Cll~I•, ~ the HdltlOIH .. tlowirnl ..,_. '#MM "'""" Ill I ., ... ._. lrJ wlthd•IWll fr'Wll sa141 firm~ ...,..,. ,., ... HOTOMATlm!n •rwl11111 "W! .,.,. Pit~.,~ IN" filllowti ., ANNl FAltltELL ~llWM .... r. i:-: ,.... Oon•kflM ....,., ~ •rue. c-~·":' 'i'-1:1' '~~lN;iu ~ " 01::! '~:'th 1ausc=:111r~1 :':ic .. 'ho u<'Jt, N-1 a .. dl; e.w~nl~ ~ ~HlltLlY l.eVINE, wtlt tlNIH Ill 511'-l'f ~-=1 •F:r.:'·o~~J;'.""" C.Uttrfli., H~':'::' = ~It I t17-...._~1' for 111 tr....ad'-of llld (c.r. S..11 DIM Mardi t. tHi bwllllll .. 1fMi wlMl'IWlnt """"'' t11vln1 ' o..11 t4..ittltl Clmf111Y, Int. DtnaN l,, "-"'" twmll'lltM' r11et!Clil'I• 11\vtln, oi.nt Htlklll'I ~I'll '-' l'"•llf' Dtttcl Mard'I I, "" Vlol .. r111de!tt ft ~ Stth ef Cflltllmta. 0...1111 C.Ulltyt SHlllLl!Y L'IVIN! STAT! OF CALIFOllNIA ) 011 Mll'Ctl .. 1Hf bffert ,.,., I GAIY :E:l.ftc":J..,. COUNTY OF ou~oe I u Nolll'Y .. UMk" In .... for' WC $1t'9, ·-'et L.. Oil ffll1 17'tl llY .. Pil>lvll'Y• ... 0 . .-.on1llr • ..,.. .... Danetd l• l"ottlf IMJ, ..... l'l\t. t ~ ,llltllc Ill 111111 ~I'll F ... I '°''" kllfWll ICI 1U ...,.. ..... Drlw 1nd fw UHi C_,., lfld Sllfe, ,.,_tty tM iq M lt'lt __, ....._. MITlft ._.... "'"" et~t, ""'r" oi... HeU;1111 ltlWWll to ~ 1,. w1tt;cr1bMI .., .,. w11N11 1,...tr11llW'lt fl ubtl1Mooli Ortntt C..•t 0111r "llDf, : ii;_ "'41 c:Jo'1.tfcw.""~ •,'t~:l'.11~'.: !:., ackMwltdtM ltltr Ultuttlll tht ,,,.~h 2'. lM' 56U9 wlth111 lnatrwntnt ell WI.Ill ti t111 ...,.. IOfFICIAL SEAL) -•lloll tl'llNlll lllf!llOf, 11111 1dll'lllwll'Clt· Or1111~ V, U" LEGAL NonCE ... tot me ""' _,. Cf'Wlt11r\ UWllfed Nffll'I' ftlAl!le>Qlllfot111& . ------------1""' .. fl'll, 1'rlMIHI OfflCI In ....,..., WITHESI ""' ...... ''"' ..... o,.,... c-rr <.ITl .. IC&Ta Of SUllNQS {01',l(IAL IEALI M'f Clltlm ... 11111 l!JllllNI Ml,., JIM! (lmohu11411nt ~rdl t1, 1172 •K:TITIOUI ·MAMll Hottl'I' ""~UOC•ltttrntt ,ubllilltll Or1iiM (Nd D1ltr .. 1 .. 1, -~.-.~;.,";"~ .rii; ::"LI~ or1nt1 C~11tr I Mllt"dl 10. IJ, ''-II, 1,., 431"9 LEGAL NOl'ICE ._..,.,.,,..,. 1 ' Mr Colflmlisfell E~• '" SUllt 202, N..-t •Hdl, (1!lforll 1, Sept ,1 1'1t .IJNl.r "" fktltloln """ 111tm1 d SI sm-0c ' eo. IN'Vl!STMINT COWAMV Ind tl'llt ... D ........ n .. AtfY. 11!1t firm Is ~ llf ._ fellowkll tSt $Nltl S.tfM llt'ftt .. .._ wflost' ...,,... 111 f\jlf .... , .. cat "" ......... C.tttlnll• .. ,, p.121tf "r~ ., ... f!tllowl: l"V'UthM Or1n11 (Hsi o ... , •not, CeltTl .. ICATli 0, IUSINllS ..... ,., I. Sletstnbef'tl, "21 l unr1 MlfCll 10. 17 '~ "' lNt "40-'f ,ICTJTIOUS NAM• ltrMt, N...-t INdl. CtllfoN\19, .' ' flit 11ndlnJtoMCI N Clffllf'r llllY '" ~ ll 111"Nr. U'2 ••~ Firm condvdl111 1 11u11ntn 11 n111 l•lbM ,.i.e.. S111tl Arll, C1llfornl1, LEGAL NOTICE IMI., Ht-' llectl, Clllltmli, Vf!Clll'· If ...... 6elir. • Sal.esmen Horwred. ''• By CAJll.,CAR8'1'1!lN8EN ..... ..,,, ... itlit'. Kno. Connne, BW.RemilC)r., and' A. 's. Swanaon '•l:Nabon Ca,dlllac, Inc., ~ Mell have been honc>red for ·belnc .,..,,, ·the ,ou 111i,u•h1 ~~dJemnm for · the 11ie men were named, 1o membetsblp., ·in titre ,.1.,_11 . '• Cadlll1e Crest Club •. Tbq ..... °"'.., ,only.D.n"!' ~ tbrousft«JI Soulhtr\a Calllor'llia .. d Arimna whoeOrntd mein- -, HtrtW E. Mld'f'111ft, 141'11rcl\rne.l!t tht flctltlol;1 fll'lll 111,.,. fit lltl:O IN Drift, MIMlm, C1lltor1111, Punt llAlltctt OF A CAGE lOOKITOll.E . bersblji." ' ., ' ' ·, . ' . . $~LESMlH·OF·~EAlt·-Sa!·Bel'D!ll'dine.(rigbt) of Cblct.IVenO!i;'Inc., Ne)\'!>Ol1 Beach, receivesVW ~e's G1illd '~Mast.er"Awml" u'toj> salesman of Ill ·de.lenlllpo 'ln'll!Ur·slate area. Making presentation ii ,J; It McCord,. general manager, VD · division, yci!Uwagen· Pldflc, Inc. Cl1N11Ce F, Mllltr, "5 M9r Vllll ClltTIPtCAT• O' (Olll'OUTlotil Htl ::: to~tr.!'1~.!:, :.:::::. 1i: Ori ... , N._n •tldl· C1Uftrnl1. TUIC&ACTtON 0, IUSINIU UNDI• ft.ln tlMI """" or~""'*"°' .,. •• Ott.id Jl-l'Y 31, 1H,, ~ICTITIOUI MAMI lll!Ws' :::: .. :-.. ~~· THE UNDlaSIGNED COlllrO•ATION .. o..; fld1r:Dllwllt•S111ter Ind ltld'larf Tlleodort It. a1nc1er. don Pl¥etol' c:trt!f'r"~ ,,':.., ~.:;: Cress. n• ltd $1., Newwt IMdl, C-r1t P1rtr1er I '""'1-loa!M ' C111f Htrtikl E, MtttrtoWt. ~=·~II:"..: :'l'o,X;t,'.;E{r,.:ig D1t.0::!1'~ lHt. ~='~er, Cl!SSES CO, Ind thtl .... f1m1 It Otnnls Slllfer Llmlltd ,.,r'lflu eom_..:t fit fhl tollcrwlnt C•'"1'•fkn, ltktlll'll Creu STATE OF CALrFO•N•A. ' ~ ,,lncl1HI •Ila .. ltuliMSJ .. ll•lt of (ltlfonlll. O•lftll• countr; -O• LO$ ANGE ES u folltWI: On Mardi .. 1Ht. klor1 mt, I COUN1• -l l u UNITEO ltESOUllCe:s COlll .... lnl Noltl'Y .. wnc In 111111 for 111cl 9111•· On JMUtrt 31, Ifft, Nlor1 m1, I leverlr 11vd., S11ltt ,.,, LM Alltela, ffnOllll~ , .... ,_ Diii Elder, D-11 :.:=.,~~:=., ~':..,., ~ ;:,~..,=· C•,','"'N•"u" "'"•• · '""" -tflls 15111 .riv S111fer ind ltldlerf c,._ ~ to . -. ' w "'' fro ... ttll ,.,,_ w'*i• """"' ~ a, llfldlr, ~Nllf If. Mlltvtllff Fetmi1ry, 1Ht. iubld'fblcl ft fM within J111fnrf!\el'll •nd CloaNllC. F. Miiier ~ .. -Un!led' 11.ISOlll'a!S Cir•. ·~ •dtlloW~ 1ller IUCUllMI tll• til lie the ,_,. ""'-lllflllS ,,.. llld\lnl I W•l'kl.,._ 1 Wb$(rlbMI '9 IM wtfflln llllfrvl'lllll 111111 Vlo:e Jl'rnr'denl .. me. • E ) Cldl1llc 2-1M •an.a·r-er . ' , l G<or1• ·W. · lllrrlloo told the , .,...,,, u •wtll 'u tM ' ojher Cldlllilc: HI~ ~·urned memberddp Ill tlle.Crelt Club illhoulh Dot rllll-. t!>al the 3% award w·l1t.n·e.r1 .,..,..any acccunted for the ale of over tD,t'llD,000 in C•cliDac sale& doriDJ 1961. · * * * •dllowled9• lhlr •~llltf ftll 11m1. STATE 01" CALIJ<OllNl4, ) (OFFIC~~ll f. Owls (S!AL) rbe Zlfd COUNT'I' Of LOS ANGILt'I , u Nott.,., '"*"~•llforllll MER--v 8" ~· type· of:tnnsmlssion -four· ·speed and automatic, Ad-- dltional ,jucJiing will bo .held to etect"tbe .. sharpest". can, frorh the standpoint of ap- pearance . ~ will bo awarded to all w.inner's in the performance and appearance conteat.s. · For Coast Area .. ~ ri,l!lln"1111 On ltlll 2$flt Qr f!I Plbnf1ry, ,l.D. ,.rlMIJlll Ofllce in "un ~ ~ 1u'.i...· E I \Ht, lllfor.-,,.., .1 Nol•rv .. 11bt!c I~ Or11111 ~ Jl••cs -w·mGB ~ 2'. ~'71 ., res 1nd for .. 11t C111.1ntv 1M St1i., HrllCll'l•llV M'f Comml1lloll l!)(Jllfff • """ ,i-.Q ' 1~rod lltlcNrtl I , W1ftciM know" JWM .,1,.lt70 :::=i:.,.•~,.ON to m1 ,. bl the Vitt ,.rnldtnt of ,.ublllM.i or.nte. e.tt C•llr 'ilot, Frank E. Zimmerman, Jr., ,... Wlltllfrt 1..,. .. kll9 .. , "" ornoer•tlor'I ""' •ec1111111 tht w1tt1111 ~rch 10. 11, u. 31, ttff &-ff general~ aaJes mlDlier for a ...... w Mllll. C.llt. Mii INtrument "! bll'l11i of th• eerporllloll T"""1 1111rt1" n1rM11, 111111 1c1tnewrt110111 te LEGAL NOTICE • Li n,c oJn.M!rcury Division. ,.111trlll'>lof Ort"" Co.it O•l!r Piiot, 1111 lfllt ,sudl eerMftlloll exec:uftd th•l------,-,,,,,.~----1 while in Los Aqelel to meet Mlrdl ll, 17• It ti,. UW-_.,,.., ~i;;;·ICl.1.L SEAL) l'-aMI -'lb .&;_...i_. .t...i..-.. ••Id ••- Geyl1 G1ltn 9Al·i*'I "' U'OU .... ~ --. aai. UM::" LEGAL NOTICE Note,., Pllbltc . c11;1or";' c1at1,.1CAT• OP a1111t11n American cu buyer's desire "'111el11I OHIO. 11'1 PICTlftoUS 'l!.IRM NAM• f-p--"·-......,__ plUS 1' UJilJ LOI Anf•!• Cl\lntr f1'll \!Mtnlfft" .... hlf'tbY C"1if'r "' l~UllUUI ,.. ......... _ M•·10I M_r Cornml111'n -hill"' thlt hi II Clllllludlllt t. ~nllfldl/11111 bi1h )evei auto , ...... ~. UJOS Here's lfow to Join Rare Book Bonanza ClltTllllCATI OP COll:POltlTIOM POil Mn :t7, lHf bu.1111111 ti 111 /ndl'l\(1111! 11 751 N, '-WIJ" TllAMIACTIOfll °" IUllNlll UNDI• T411tl l1t1v11. Unll H.. O!,fnp, C1ilfomf1, ire propellirig the Clivi.'lion to P1CTrt1ous MAM• P~1bhlll or11111e co.st 0111r ,1i.r, llMI!' "" flctlllouf ,,,,,, 1111111 of o another record year. By SYLVIA PORTER pening: 10 years ago, a copy THE UNOEltSIGNe.o COlll'OUTION M•rdl , .. 11, , ... 31, Ifft @'t .... MANUFACTilltlMG COMPANY llnd of the 1"ournal ... which Eins· ti°" hl••br tw11fY' thll II II CONl\lctl111 lfllt said fl"" Is Ol"'"'9111 ot ltl1 n..]" · of the Of "" Delly """ Shoff • b\11111111 1out.1 11 m 111nr sir.,,, LEGAL NOTICE totloWI"• ,.,-. wt1o11 ntme In 1u11 uc 1venes n e W tein's "Theory of Relativity" C•hl MHI, c111tom11 111111er thl t1ct1n..... 1nd ,.11c:1 of ASld"llm 1s 11 tol!oWI, Mercury in the 1969 model la my last column, I appeared (pub"·h·' m· Lei"n•i"g tlrm n1me 9' Hl.PllECISION GIUNOING ti>wlt: u:i i;u ,.._, llld flllt llllt """ II OlmPOlld ef NOTIC• INVITIH SIOI 0.Ul1M ,. ll'IWfl 21'0 Giff, year are runnillr 31 percent ---'ed to you that values • 1916) -~· ... ·~ trll followlr'lf -<1'10ll, w1lo$t •rlndHI Holle. II Mr.trr •IYen th1I thl 9Nflt Orlfllll, Cttlfo;nll. ' •s~• m W8S WUtu• .,,-.,.,,....; •t•c• et buiineu 11 " to11ow1: ., Tru.toes ., ,,., or1n11 C•lf Junior oi1a11 M•rdt s, 1u, ahead of 1917 and 12 percent of:rare boiOks and manuscripts today it's worth $5()G-4600. Fif· O!!LTltON1C COltPOJtATIOH. m C1tl"1 Dfllrld of o .. -C-fY,' Ooutlll p Urown over strike-hit 1111. Southern ~ f ••k.r str"', ~ Miii, ee111orn1. c.11tor-n11, wm rec11w ... 1111 •1cs 11P. '1ATt: °"' cALlirt:illNIA. • ~• . , · -•a fantutic eo ~t teen years ago, a copy. o WITNESS Ill Mnd tllls Jlst Uy .. fe ll:DO l .m. Tllundlv, A•rll 3. 1,,,, COUNTY OF OlltANGE l 11. cantorma laiel are even 1-1~ •1--.... : '~•r's Ne" t 0 n I 8 • Ip r l n clpia J1n111ry, Ifft. 1t the ~11rdllat1111 D-""""1t of uld Oii MIRh 5. Ifft before '"' 1 bigber ' ~ u.c: ""..._ cc.r-po,L'::L~:gNIC eo11 .. 011ATION ::::' c~ ~"t,1~~~ :.•r= Nll•rY P111tllc In 1nd' tor 1111t ~ ...... ~ ,_,11 ..i.. ..._ _ / tbe"~f·i:iow.J~i JD.. Mathematica" sold . for ~ Ir ltld'larlll M, Lan11.,., lllM '1111t bldt wm M allbHclr '"'*' 11111 Stttt. J>IP'$lll'llll'I' 1H111recl Ofull•• 1wi: • .,..,...._ ..... -..-• .~-~· ~·"""'·'"'_" 1 •• ~ ~. $800; today, it sel.11 for ~000- "'"'ldtnt 1/HI l'Md tor P11rrdll'l!N et °""' c1rcur1 ,., •row11 llMWll 111 ,,.. "' lit "" restyled for iMI IDd ,,_,,'n •-' . " ... 0 000 Al Jn the put 15 Br "lnlllk l.1no1'r• TV Equipment, --wl!o$e 111m1 I~ 1ue.trlblt hi ,,_,, :,,..;: ;.j':J.i.. ·1.:.... ..-, • SO . s.cr111rv AH bid• '"' to· M 111 KconJl11t1 thl wtfhrn rnt1ru1Mr1t, 11111 •dl:newltdtiH the 'bottett mOdels this year. , .•"!! ~.IP'! ;:nu~_ .~s, Copernicus' • 1 De STATE OF C4.LIP01tN1A. wlltl Ce11111111ent, 1rutruet1oris 111 d • m• t1111 ,.,, ••l(llfecl "'" um•. OUr ·new-M .. -•'•'upper .ene. :J>emg.iliiilJe_ 'lil'_lhh, far-vn-evolut"ioru"bus" (l543) has COUNTY OF ORANGE, 511. IHCltlCltloru wllldt •re 1111111' Ill flit WlfMIS rnr Mnd""" ..... -·-~ On tl'lll !flrt dlor fit J1n111rv, A.D. Ind llllV .,. 11Q1rM 111 th• etllcl (OFFICIAL IEALJ is accounUn1 for hall the ~d '°" tnv~ent, . are soared from $1,500 to $25,000. 1Nf, tMl!'ort ""' lll<t 11nd1rti.r'l9cl, • ot th• ,.urdlatlnt A.tent ti 1111t acl'ltCI SlrlN H, Gr'911 M •• 1 · .-11...;:...a .. .1 .... hft. 00 mJ••t Not1rv Publk rn 1n1t for uld Cou"tv dJJttld. Not1rv Publ1oC1llfo~i• ercury' a&1ts. . ~~{'!~~ 7~.'Y au Kraus sees a similar trend •nd lttt., rnldln• !Mrtln, dul'f cell'I' Eld! toldlter must submit with 1111 •r!MIPll Offk1 111 "Tbe di~-'on'• Jn.~~ ·•-, ~ ... ·.a d~"lh o_f _ytbeour own for the ori"ginal papers on such "11Hioned 1nd IWOl'n • ...-.m•llr ''""''"" ltld 1 c1slller'1 d'IKk, cfl'flfltd dltck. Or11111 Ctuntr 1'1.lU ~-~ ...... ~!!!"'" ll.ldl1rd M. L1r11lere t nlt l'hyl11s « blcl.der'1 l>Ofllt midi NYtbl1 'lo th1 MCOWEN ANO 9AllN the "··oJn r.~ ... · ntaJ ·-" J are W ?afe b aJrth ~. "llln Llntllre 1tnow11 10 "'' to bl thl &rdtr of fh• Or•-c .. st J11nl&r c.r1tw1 A1Nn11y1 a.ail'.: 'l.Nln .,au bOolC .._;-an!a., , re. rou~ .. ~ as pen1~1 , Prnldtnt lfld S•c•etlrv ot "'' <»•· 0!1lricl lffrd of Tru••-I" Ill 1meunl SM If. ClllM!M the Continental MG m, ate :-.· """:"' .. ,/ ,nnlio vaccine, the tranststoi, _..11or1 11111 exlOl!t' flit wltil11 i,,. not 1eu fhllll · th • ••rctnt CN-l llf 0r1,.....C1llftnll ttur 21 t ah d of 7" ' M-. '1 • "'-• • strunllllt on Mhllt. ef tM -ratloll "" tum bid ., • Mr111te. tlllt "" T•I: UHi" ' percen ea -195 • Yvy WOULD ' IE only ' ~quilizers, atorruc fiss~ ther91n 111mtc1, •nd •~Ill to b!Odlr Wiit ent.r 1nho tt. •r-td ,.vbUlllM Or11111e Ceut D111Y "llol, he aaid. h"-"" . ii you -re SO Ill iet -.... .. t .. Uon, the 1ynthem ..,. 11111 1\ldl COl'llOl'lllOll flltc:l.llllll lllt e.ntrld If thf 11m1 II 1W1rdld to Mifdl 10. 17, 2'-J1, 1tff 45Uf .._..,,, ""' 1 y•v.,...., N-. .., 1 -..__ ...... "'""-111 ttie .,....... 111 te1wr1 .., "'"' 1'1'his is additiinal eviUnce tJils",· <Olumn. 'I'll .nve y<81 of DNA, birth C1>ntrol pills, 11'1 WI'-Wher • .... ........ -ellCh Clfllnd, .... ,,.... fl/I LEGAL NOTICE --e1!.i1-'-'--. lA ..t ""' t11nf llld -""'"" "" lllflNt lhl cMc11 w111 111 '°""""' .. 111 "'-"------,,..,,------! t1f the nature d • the :current 1~ on how you, an e<.e. '"'..,. •r •nd ""'' 111 tl'lli c:sflllc:et• U&t " ' ......,, ..,. fUll evm 1'"'"'1 3ll.U market", Zimmtrinin llld. =-..uatebi,,, ..... , ....... t.w.w.te -""' •boYI wrlttlfl. w111 .. ftrhlte.i to 111d Kfllol d( .... ld. HOTIC'I TO c••DITOll.I IUD "-" t-' -..y. tOl'FICJAL IU.L) Nt llloH.r -r w11Mr1w 1'111 \Id for IU,.ltUOa COU..T o,. TNI uLincoln-MI"''"""' S l} e ti e'~ Jn .f4(e' Of· the fact that ,..,.. L Ecdel 1 -I.it d fol'tY-ftV9 101 Mve tftlr ••AT• o• ""Ll•Ol•IA.... ·•-• , Nottrv 'u1111c-a11rOm11 tt111t1t1 .-,... tM ._.,,,,.,, fhtr9o/. THI couNTY 0,. 0 ... ,... since the introdoction of the y~,.will bie'up against a small Oran.-c.u~. ™ ._,... et Tn.ilMI rettrV• w. -. A.a1• ..,,. A.r-1 · 20 I .;,;,. of pro1.,.ional rare Mr Cen\rnlQllll 'E.,lr• 'tlvt,..1 f!I r.tec:tlll9 lll'f lrwl •11 b111a Ett1!e (ti HELEN GEllTA,,DI! 1-n'lvuo;:ll afe. per~ -•-J · Jlft, .c, Im . OI' "' Wllvt lllY 1r,.w11m1 .. or In-HOWELL, lkl HELEN CHAltLl!HI! ahead'° of lN'I, our prevlotis book, d,e.a I e r's, specialistll, "'"MAN i:. -=ur-..:i:.~ ,..,,,.rm .. In lllY llld •r ffl ""bllllll1111. HOWELl, •kl HELEN c. HOWlLL, ~ year", he •-'d. "We'.re h_lokl Y~~··tr' ained-u n iv e r I i ty 1Jll Witte._.. c ....... ""' ... ra, tllnftl •nit •U•tltv ... ,,.,, _,, .. t41L!fll K.l.SKINS HOWELi.. an ...... ~ ,,.. :-~ .. N........ ... I lrtflflllCI win tMo flYll'I " "" •""'uch HELEN •-"ELL ........ inch to ~....:.,. -·· liibr-cur • I 0 r s The l'utl!blllll ~.,... c-t OtllY "11111• ,,,_, mlnllfld'uf1ilf Gf PfMllCM In NOTICE "if Hfllffi GiVIN ti t1'11 a C u-.-.,... .~J ' • Mlrdl a. 10. 17, 14. ,,., 3IWt ""' Sflllll "' c.111ornt1. credlton of "'' '"°"' 111111111 •Cldtnt previDUI Jilah' of 3 7 t , ~ O O gUidflinu 'Come from H. P . AH 1Ntlr!t11 torovldl.i ttlrwtl'I fllll thlt 111 ,..,.,.. 111v1,,. c111M, -1n11 v--N. .. jni 'Nft YOri: City, a LEGAL fiOTICE 111c1 t11111 _,., wrth GoWnHnMt coc11 .,.,. 1111t 111CHH1t ,,, ,...1111*1 to fill deliveries and we're aimln1 &U...,. ------------Sldton ......,. them, wtt11 ttie _..rv VlKICl!tn, 111 for -·ooo· ••'-y••· That -ld--famous · rare . b o o k ltOTIC• Ofl .. uaLI( MIA•IN•I '" NOltAMN e. WATSON !hi offleii ef lh• cltrk ., lhl •blv• '"'• ~ ...... d .. e .. ~•.·r. •1,.oa• THI ' Slaltlort •... rf llf TrvstMC Wllltlll cour1, or to 11reser1I tllem, wlffl will be a Caln Cif12S percent." &I ,U.MNIN9 COMMIUtoH OP TH• OllM: AM. J.1M 11:M I.IT\, t111 ~ vouchlr1. to tlll I/fl. •· al ruJ book clT'f o' .. oun~lft YAU.rt Pllbll"*' er-Curt D1tsr Piiot, lttl'llllMll 11 th• o111ee of c. ,1111 Zimmeqnan said that 'the '""I &enet' e,. rare NOTICE IS HElt!IY' ..... ., thalt tlft IMrdl 17.,.. Ifft MWJ Dulols, AlforRtV tor P.r\lle11er. IU °"""" ,..,..,__ . • ~ t na values _. a(e. ba9ed on rarity, Wltl ....... 1, Apr11 'L lM. It 1:• ,.M., Drtv .. N1Wt10rl ... m. C1llfw"l1, wllldl ............. , up • ' n ,· ~-.. ·1·y, 1 ..... po•--and -.. 111 ""' t11111CH ct1111'\111111, c1rr H111. LEGAL NOTICE 1. 1111 •lleii ., bul1 ..... 11 ,,,. 111111111111111111 tionally bl· Ales, Is up l' per-uc •u1 • wwi.;,. ..... 1a:200 s11m A.....,,111, f'-'1111 v.n..,, 1r1 •n m1111111 ,..,...1nrnt "' !hi "",. -.. t •• Sou.••-Calli-.··. ditlon. 1But ttie value of any c111..,,,11, tlll '"llnnlflll COmmlnllll Wiii ....,.,.. of ulll dlctlltnl, wm.111 twr 1n011tfls "'"" u• W1"C1·11 .... _ tiokl 1wnc ttHrtnt• "' "" 1o11owr,. c•m,tcATW °"' co11,o~T10N ••• llftlr "'' t1111t 111b11cat1011 of 11111 11111cs. He added. -•'CouJu' seems ·.to ~ ·boot can . vary wildly. •PPl!Cltleftl: TUNSACTIOH o .. .UllNlll UNDllt 01tecl F1bniarv :II, 1N9. ~-. ......... auto• w1~ .. a ,bl• 'Ilierelor.' ,e,11. ·your. library .. .. (1) ~l\tlllt \IM P"""t Ml. a ,ICTITIOUI NAMI Vlrtll ltUUtll Howell U'C llAWWU wi a ...,,.11u11on tu11m1t1tc1·~ G1r1t111 crwe 'nlE \INDR11.1r0Neo coa,011.ATION E~ec:i.rtor of"" wrn bounCe ljn siles each March ta1ns a volume which you have un111e11 Schoel or1frkt tor C0111truct!Oft .._ ""'* ~ """ 11 b c:onc1uc11111 of t111 •bow r'llrnM 111ecec11nl ..:..•-to '·"eve JS. ell· « 1n 11-hlrv school .., ,,_,,., 1 kll:1-leQl9d .i 201 Mtr111e AV'enV9, c. "AUi. OU tors and April.'' .__.., u..u 1oe11ec1 UD flltt m&r. « 1ms ner111 •• ....,. hi""""' c.11tor1111, 111\W "" 11c. m °""' °""' ~~ .. 1y valuable seek ••· el Wlrrlll' Aven111, MCI f'tlt mart tffloui 11,.,;'';'.,,. 9' 11.UIAIVAT TOUll. ~rt a--, CtllfN1111 '2'41 AJted il the Mark m had '-'"'\'""!';'64 ' un;: .,,. 1eu welt "Nevmo,. str111. AND TllAVl!L ..., thlt Miit """ 1, ""-' 71•'~".• ·--·dlppedm "lo r-"--tal sales advice of a rare boo Jr: (1) ...,,.MlfiHIHI .. Orfinl-Nt. ~ tf tl'le tlfllfllrlfll _,.,fltll, A ....-XKv...-......,.IW...ll ..-...t.ll..f ( " Amer! " ... 11 Arnench'Mllt "' 0rd1-"'· wt1o11 •rtfldJ>ll , 1• ., _ 1_ " ,.ub1W1tc1 Or•nta c .. ,, 0111r .. uot, he Said it had, "but . a lot ....-.-~ e .g., 1D can "· "" L1rw1 u .. On11111na, 11 11111116-.. foll•w•: M'""' .. 10. 11. ''· lHt »Ut hlstofy, Enalish literature, "· lllCl'N•int mini"""" floor JHct Tr-'•lftc T11Ur1. Ill( .• 201 M1l1n• LEGAL. NOTICE less than we eipected. lt's e•·.). --specialist could •· 1r11 r1C111t•1m..rts w e11Closed """" Aftllllt, •• ._ 11111111, C1llf0rlll• b' ~ar for r-"·'ntal" "" 1.m:: u.: •u•"tl'll Ill ""' ll2. Ill, Ind •• WITNEU "' Mnf fl'lll '°"' ftY "''1-------------1 a 11,,.. l.NllMUli:: ' • • library or museum curator otttr1cta. ,....,..1,.,, ,,., ,. ,,,.. Queried about the rv.ast.,.11:.u ity f 131 'rfdM ..... Ht. u• A,,nc-111111 Tr1,..,.tclftc T&11111, l11e. IAlt·lGS r-...... ,. .or a univers pro essor. 11J11m1t1t111 11r r . w. 111nbr1m, •• • ., c-1• Mew1e ci11Ti,te•T• o .. e011t11s1 of a new small car limll~ ' M flclll ••• • ..,11q11t. ,_,,,. ~1n."C11o11"' •n v1e11 ,,..""" ,1cTiTtou1·,11tM "'"'' to Fonl's 111 •• --i.1.., he said, ore ·specl y, uue are offlCI b\111dln9 _... on .. ,..m cco-111 SNO Tiii undtr.i.Md ·-hlffltY c:1r11,Y Dl9V~ n:. the three key fields in which 1oc1"' '°""" ., w1t11tr ,,.,.n1>1, m: STATE o' CALl,OJINIA ' •' ""'' h• 11 c:on11vc11,,. • 11rtoer 111ot "We do want 1onfething, but you' can .m· v~ 8 port!on of Ill"",_... mol1ll Clf' lM• •ttf crf Newltlld COUNTY OF Ofl:MIGI I Ml""' 11 1~ lndtvhlWI 11 1•11 W, ~t.. 11. ~~ Slrwt Ill fhlo Cl' Ol1fTlct. °" 1t1i. 20tl'I ..., "' Ftbr'ulrv. A.O. FOllrlll 11rat. Stntt ""'' C..Hfwllla, this la we lilts manager tai...· -..i....... 'lb . {•l ~ C:"'"9 Jk. 1W AllP11Ut1on IHf', lllfl•• ml, 1 Nlhlrv "ubMl 111 llriMr thl fletfflou. firm 11,,,,.. of HOUSE 1.o.r11 Obvious] the ii Y"8' U...... WI e ,V e f Y w llrnltl.c br • .,,.,. Ind Hu""""' •nit fir llllt Counf'y •nd Stitt, ".--llr O' NATUltALS lnlt t111t !llflt firm '"'16• 1. re • relJClnabli expectation 0 f " ,,, .. _,, '"""""' thlnt• 1•"9r'ld conn1• Howi. tM11111 "' m• 11 arn11MM ., "" 1ro11-in. "'""""' e:mall competitive car In the . In ' "' ..,. 1n •....tr ._,..,, .,. "" " bl fhl v1c1 .... 1tdeflt et ""' cw-wlMIH 111me 111 full •nd 11,ee of rn1d1no;e ,, .... ,. 'for Linco'·M-ury seemg your vestment (J'OW MIUtl'lll:lt '* et h i,,.., AvtVn1 111111 -·"°" ""' t11twllld "" w1111111 i... 11 " 1e1tow1. .....,,, ,..... ur ~... m· the ye•--•eod EUC'n• lfrllt l'rorn Al 0-1111 ltr\111\tftl _In bltl11f ti IM -rll'IOll B111r Klrb'f, 1111 W. Four!h SI.. Divisibn. ...., 1111 : All~ 01"'1ct '9 lt1.PO 1000 fhlr9111 Mll\lll, Inf ~lldlld Ill 111111 a-1, C1!1 .. ml1, • sr11111t F1mllr • .._ •Ml "'•lll*ll 1111 ""' .i.im corHr•tllll a:IC\lfld !ti. 0111111 'F~1ry '" 1Ht. 1) MEDICAL.AND Scientific 0..11-mlllt, Cl I.Kit lu.CnltQ •Ml .. IM. antv K1tlrf * * * p • · ·t t lt3 Miii!-Otneltv Multl•" Owtlllflll , ... t) STATE OF CALIFOltN1A, ) apers 00 I m p 0 r . • n 011tr1ct1 or -. ,.,,1e11 .... dlrfl'kh. J1ee111ii11e J S111t1om COUNTY OI' oru.NGI l ff DR'G v•y· COMING "FOR discoveries and inventiOOS. In Cendlt5'rlll u.. fen!\11 fill. .U ftlllll N•ry Pu.ilc_ Ct1lferll,. O.. f lbl'lllf'Y 2" 1"9, llltOl'1 m1, a 4 "'Ot11!1111Cfto11 W111111t11 -uw. ,.,lllCIHI ott1e11 1n 0r1t1t1 1 Noterv l'utin.c: 111 11111"" 11hl ceu..'V AMX, JAVELIN OWNERS this•cttegory.,reJ>!lris the Lon· (I z-a.._. Mt.. tn mltutklll ft':'~!nllft a.!f'lll 11111 Slll9, H•-llY .,_NII I H!r d(ln Tifn.is (WblCb D!ltitbins, 11.1bmFtt111 tw Morttt •M Kn .. llCl'lt. ~11 17, 1tn 11:1""" k,_,,.. 1e "" ,. bl 1111 ""°" of AM "' II. •• -.. ~Int ~N• JONN Vl•TV• wi.e 1111111 It wblcrlblll 'lo "" lllllhln All owners i{ and ~th Sotheby .. Co., the aUe- crf 1-• ,,...,.,., 1oc11111 "' "" .. .......,. • uw 11111rvm1111t, •lld ._..,._" "' me Javelin cars in Soutbem t " • • ....,,._. 11111t tf H•n 1,.. N..,_, 1,1, ...,.11,. cw..-M1. .. 11111 M -'" tt11 -· toneerr, a uruque mdex of north ti 1111 w1m• aw-1 ,,,.,,, ~ ..-.. C1llf . .,,,.. '*"-my 11111'11 .--'· California have been invtted to values 1"n art and literary Al 0111-1 Atrlcll!tl,1<11 Olllrlct It T4111M (OFl'ICIAL SIA.LI . 1t1.po ,.. s11111te """'*Ir 11.n11H11Ct l'\lblllllllll ora1191 e..11 0111r ,.11Dt, °''"""Ill. w1een partlc!J>ate in • ''Day at The worla), values have jumped ,,.,. ,. .. nMll °""*"'"trit Comb111i,,. M8rdl tt. 11, M Jt, 1tff '4Mt No11rv ,..,t>1rc.c11lfwft11 Dr•n" at Qr•ri•e County -t.-~ .. M_, 10 tt'm•• ,,_ the Dl1trkt """II"-... ""'9 rllfrlctlft .. r111(1,..I otfleto kl "19---.. """" wwm .,.. ..,...., .i.frfet. ~1 u.. """"" ,... LEG" N.....,.CE 0r-c-rv lnternatlonal Raceway on Sun-early 1950s .f.S flltd 111 COfllllftctltll with "'' tboft 4M v•• M'f CG1T1rnllli.n a...rrts d • M h 30 R. M · ~, e:::;. c..._ *· m A••llc:eHln ,...... ..utin.~:f ~.~: c .. tt 0111r ,.11o1, S ~y~ p h e8:s O·n,' AM zo~ A 11 of the Ir tat •ullPTllltM br J. "'",.. " ..,._, c••TIPICATI 01' co•,o•ATtON Merell .. II. 11,"' '"' .,... breaktbrou&bs of m 0 de r n r-tl"' d>lllt• "' 111ne .,. ,,....nv ,..... TftAMUCTION OP su1n1•11 m~ltfr, announced. .:_., · •-ve appeared a 1 leolfM nor1ll .. 11'1tr ·-VI. _, UNO•• ,ICTITIOUI NAM• LEGAL NOTICE lUIJ 'AP: et C.lll ZlrtfOll '""" Cl Letti THE UNOElltSIGNl!O COll,.DltATION., ______ ~------1 st~enson II.JI AM upects articles in scientific 0 r •1111 .... 01ttr1d ..... , MelllUlll OeMFIY doe. l'l•••br c.rtlty thll " •• OD1>1ucn1111· . ~CA . to ~- ""'"""' o-t1in. D15trict or -. • 1io.111nn1 ••'" ., 51' ltth s""'· •A•·1• 1ome .. ,,.. owners· • e:U\lw up medical journals generally r~ •: ,.. ltl Allllltca!Wlll ~= 11~'C:."'.c~~~ :=1Q~ su .. 1at011. J0~1.::"1l"• STlTI with their cars. available at verf low cost Mmlfltd br lttt>ltlblle. Hlmls, ... ,. .... 111•1 uld firm II _,__ 01 .. 0• THI! COUMl'Y 0 ' Oltl..... Dra1 trials will beiri11 at when pub]ishe<I. All you, the •lkl!!I ~ d'll"" " ISll "' ""' foll•lftl eor.,.11wi, ...._, "111C1"1 Nt, 1..-1M e-· .,;,. leett... Mllltl't ., Wlf'Mf .i1c. of bonillfU 11" foll&'q: MOTICI 01' ".,,., ... OP ,ITITION t a .m. and conlinue until 1 collector, nHd do is read the :.... .... fill """"" w ... ffll Jl:ANNE IUIH, IN(, '1• ltlh Stl'llf, ,Oa AUTIIO•ITT TO ••PlttANCI El'-'··"-llf ·~ ttr.t ,,,.,.. ttl 111111!1 ..,_. •nc:ri. C1llfornl1. ... COlltl"OllATI LOAN, AND " ,,,.. p .m . llllWilU\IU~ begin at newspaJ;'ff'S to learn of the llwnllr •• ,.._ ... tltJ.H> Medlllm WITNIU "' "'"Ill 1111• ,,Ill lll•Y .. ,.LY COIUElltVATOlllHI, ,.o .. •llTV 1:30 p.m. Closes will 1M: izn......I. ant developments. As 01111J1Y M•m.11 Dwtlh llld "1111111111 1'ttorv1rv, 1Mt. A.I llCUIUTT PH. 1.0A.N !"".• 0.•I""''*'' Clmtllrolnt 0 I 1',' c t ((011.l"OltATI! Si.ALI lll•o"'"•••M•"'L"••"•e ... '.~.-Eso•"'"'.,''n __ d_e_te_nnlnEd ___ bcy_encJne...;:o_. _ai.. __ .. _d_ .. __ lndlta_;·_,._u~ .. __ o1_w_1>a_;t_h:._~h~a::.p., lt9W..._. '9 It' H111t1 °"""" Ml.llTl•Jt Jl!ANflll! IUSH, INC. ef L A • I ,1 . °'"lllnt Olllrtd ... _,,. f91fr!Cflv. IV: Jwnllt aw.11, ,.,..1,.._,,I ~no-11 ltOl!ltT L. IAllNISON, 6bo 4lltl'ld. ,.reclu ...... Ho. '" flltlll l'I': Cl'ltrvl c. ... ,.. ltm!llrt ~ .. It. L ... ,.NESOH, c_,., .... , 111 COflfUrlcfllll Wllh ,,_ ...... aont STATE "' (ALIPO•NIA,. NOTICI! IS Hl!ltllV OIVIM 11111 a.. COUNT'!' OP Oii.ANG!, • THE .... HK OF CAlll'OllNIA. Nlllontl .,,_ ~ ,,. boelllt •~m:llll Oft tlll• ""' .. ., of FMll'u1rv. A,0, ADOd1t11n. IS c-r"lltor. ft•• flied Jro~"" '9 ts. "l1n111M Ltws If lht Ifft, blfor• 1111 !!'Mtl J, lclllf, JI'. ~-Ill I "t!lloll lllr Al/thlrlh' lo Stllll et C1tlftrtl1a (Glv'f, CM!! j"CM 1 Ntfln< ,Wile ffl INf for .. llt Ctll!l'V ll.tf1111nct I C«P«tlW LMll 111111 N tr1 ,..,) inf !hi-FOl.lllhllft V•tllT tlld Jllff, ,_1111"' IMl'l!r'I. 1'ulr com-"""' C0111•rv1lor1hl1 """'"""' 11 :C..lnt °'11lll1nce. TIM lOfie d'I.,._ l!'llUllMll -"' 1_.,, , ... _u., ._,..., Sec11rl"' for L11111, rlfll•tno:e to wl'lld'I ""1~ lnwlft .,...,.._,, 'lo Slditnll JMnn• c. 1 .. 11 •nll CillrYI c. "'" II '""" for .fllrl'llW ,.rtlcvllr., 11111 1)1"'1cf MIU '1+11 111111 ~\I, "'hi ·-tt ""' le bl thl ,.,_ldlllf flllt thl time lrwl •IKI ef ""'''"" z.i .. Orclllllr'ltl, ZollJM Ml't, Plot 1,.. Stcrtt1rv 9' Jl!ANNI aUSH. INC., "".., -~· htll i"' .. '°' ~~ r• -"' .. ttelM ,.llM 1r• tfl n .. 1111 --•'kM tl'let 1-.evttlll ftll Wlllllll I • It 9: .. l.m., Ii ~-"-" tit ""' .. llMll'lt 081......... 111C1 1r1 1"""1rntnt "' lllflllf tf tllt arMrlt1"' tf D1t111~ NI. I llf 1114 ctUrt, •nlllMt fir lllNtc lnwecf1"' •nd ... tfllttln "'"""' Inf «It-""" 19 It ,. Wiii Elth! "'"'· ... ""' Cll'I' llfl'lfMttlft. 11'11 fl'llt tlJdl ~tiln MIC\lllf h Ill Sllltl AM. C1lltem ... 1'*' •rt• "' lfffflV lft ,,.,., -· 0.ftll Mtrcl'I ,,, '"' W Ill -1'11111 '9 lfltsl ,.,."""' ..wt lfl W!"'"6 W'Mntf, t hilW """"'kl W, l , ST JOHN ...-• wtll .. ''°'" '" w1erl',111ttr"' my hillllll 1M ""'"" ""' efllc1tl llOll1th~ ~••• ANO elaU.Nt " w -. ff """""' lllfWlftlllllll " •I ""' •r ""' ••r 111 tlt'9 Cl'l'flflni" .,.. c-'°""" ........ ~ ,,... _,_Cl !hi 'lfllllllll t1,.i ...... wrtlltll. M_,.,. Cc., Cl ....... ""' l>••"•1oM1I tf ~ tM Nfw ti (Df'llCIAL llALI Ttl cnf) - CMllllJllMI V.. '-'" N1. a , Ht. CIMlf J. ~.Jr. -· .., -1¥ 11'1111 Ht. .... Z-°"""' Ne. M11'1tn' .. UWIC • C1llfiWll1• 1•, In , It! W IQ, ,,ec:IM '11111 .. rtnc:INI Offlcf In ""~'...... Ora... c:.nt D11ly "lie!, "" m w ,... m .,. All ....,_,._, 0r.,,.. ~ Mardi 11. tt '"' 101..i .. Oll•4t.o -Mo MY ~1111111 a.I,_ ~Ml ... COMMISSION' ,,._.,fl, ltn Ofl THI crrv o,. ou•T•A. u.11.,1WT91 • •A•N•s. RIUJITAIN VAU.n' """' ..._. ~.:J:"kl "' Dll'IW Dtiw ........ ""'., ... "°'*"' .. "" , . 0. .. ,,.. .......... C:..111 '""~ .......,,. ...... C:.llf'. -.u ..... """ .,,.,.. QiNt JHI~ .. ,. .. , "-" ..... 0r.... CNtl 0.11¥' .. !lit, M!l'dl 14,, 1Ht • ..... Mtrd 11, 17, 14, Sf, ,.., m.... ..... < PENmATION H1erlr •••r,-•11• r••'• th1 DAILY PILOT, h•111tf•w .. 111w1- '''" f•r th• F1hlt11• Ot111t• C..•t• A $3 INVESTMENT' in a well-chosen lcientific article, Kraus bellevu, can turn Uito a ~100 value in less than a decade. Your key rule: ketp the entire issue of the journal in which the article appears -in perfect condition. 2) First editioris of modem YOWll authors ond pla)'wrlghts who show great literary pro- mise. Since 1950, well-selected examples of modern literature have quintupled in value. Since the early 1960s, one ,edl~ tion of James Joyce's "Ulysses, n illustrated b y Matisee, has soared in value from $165 to $600. A first edition of Nabokov's "Lolita" now sells for $65. Again, WaJ'nl Kraus, if you try collecting first editions, "handle them like eggs," U the pages are uncut, don't cut them. Don't even open or read them; don't remove the dust jacket; just wrap them .in plastic and put them aside. 3) ClllWREN'S BOOKS 2 with "a certain eternity." A first edition of "Pinoc- chio" (Carlo Lorenzini, 1880) now sells for $500-$100 ; Henrich Hoffman's "Slovenly Peter" (184&) sells for $2a,000. $30,000; Lewis Carroll 's "Alice n Wonderland" for $10,000. $2'0,000. One reason for these high values is that perfect copies of any children's books are rare. My own r.boicts for more recent chlldren'1 books which could become classics are the Dr. Seuss boob, the Hobbit books, Peter , Rabbit and Stuart Little. lncidentally, notes Kraus, C1>mic books fall into this category. But if you want to stash some of these away, make sure .. thfy're in perfect condition and also have . that "aura of eternity." IF YOU FOLLOW these basic rules; if you're willing and able to hold the "growth" volumes you buy; if you keep them In per(eet condition - your chancel of seein1 your investment srow substanUally are ucellent. • • * This II the last of Bv. Jn- lllallmtnts In tllt present series on far-out lnvtltments, but I will bo baclc lat..-!hill month with further ...,, ol this· whole new '"Im of moneymaldng. Ii you've had a success story, send it in. The subject is one wh'-re my readen' v:perltnctS and aug· 1e~lioiu are especial!~ \\'elcomcd. e ···: ar 'Home · Makes • Almost As Many Shots As The ~ Lake rs (Or Who~ver Your Favorite· Basketball Team Is) • Thi DAILY PILOT's, photographic teem ·Covereil '44 9•m•s in the fint 50 dl)'s of th• urrtnt lta1lr•tklall 11i11on. L•d by Chief Phofogrtpher be Payne tt.,, in photo •boveJ, our--t•tm, including Pattick-0'0.nnell tfron~) •nd Richard Koehler 1will t'*·•reuntl +.·eltout 75 high school, junior col119e and1celf99• ca11 i.att19s btfor• th• ••••on clos••· AM th•y'U shMt en e1f1 .. m•t1d 2,705 pictur•• to mele sur• y«1: pt t• IM th1 tdiot1 •f tht 91m11 th.y tft1nd. Here's the JM1t ••citing t ip-off ln loc1I be1lr1tb•ll. You'll••• th• hest , 1hots in the DAILY PILOT I I ' '.· . ' . I. f : . . ' , . . .. . . · ' WHAT'S YOUR · . If ANGUP? If mountain climbing is your thing, we can'! help you much. Bui if your real "hangup" is looking for a broad view of the news that includes a good, hard • look al what's happening al home, !he DAILY PILOT has !he line you should grab. We give you a broader view· of !he world than you can gel even 12,000 feel above Chamonix in the Alps. Mont Blanc, over there in the background, is !he highest peak in Europe, which reminds us ••• ., ' -------- • I .. • • -- Our local coverage Is hard lo lop. When it comes to piling up information about local schools, sports, social events, entertainment or crime and calamity, we're king of !he mountain. We're your hometown newspaper. We make keeping up with the world, the nation, the state, the county, your town and your school a lot easier than climbing a mountain. Just grab our line. No more hangup. The DAILY PILOT will fake you where you can see the ~iew from the lop. , / • ' \ ' I I I .. I \ I I ., .... ---.,..----~--~------. ---~-·-------------. ----.-.. . ' • I ' ' I • I • • 18 DAILY PILOT Monday, Mart~ 24, 1969 -SAVINGS ,UP lO ~- QUALITY DISCOUNT DEPA RTMENT STORES • . .. WISTINGH•n1 i•-·PORTA•~' Tv WiTH' ~L;f;QN .. L TU·~~ . ·','?-- WISTINGHOUSI MINl·COMBO 1,,,.,.,., PHONO AND AM-FM .RADIO 229.95 @ •Jet set screen •Instant-On TV wifh 74 ·iq, inch picture area •Solid 1tate AM-FM tran1i1tor radio with wake-t.~music •4-1peed phonograph with automatic changer .. ,,,., .... _ .......... WESTINGHOUSE 2o' .. P·R~BL~ UHP/VHf 111' iilT ff 229.95 ~l111tat1f-on feature and big·pictvre TV . • Me"""1' fine tuning lets yo11 p1etvne. each channel • llluminotff pof>OA VHF and UHf numbers •Twin tele1eoping ontenno •Deluxe handle -~~-· FIVE PllT OF STEREO llUOYMINT WESTINGHOUSE STEREO WITH AM·FM RADIO . ' ' . . . 209.95 . value •Contemporary rich W<llnut v.nHr c:bbinet •AM/FM raClio.wilh.<NtOmotiC fiequ•ncy Wnt..01 " •.(.1peed·automcrtic ~ord pl~f'Wtth 01.1to111otic 1h11t:oft • 4 1peoker so11nd sy.,eni • f i.,. feet of stereo enjo~entl ' ' ' ' . . . ' ~ . ' ' ' ' . ' WESTINGHOUSE · SOLID STATE STEREO . . . IN EARLY AMIRICAll CO.NSOLI 355.00 value .. • AM/FM/FM-1tereo lftuhipl1x with 6 1peaker sound 1ystern. • 4 1peed automatic record changer with diamond 1tylu1 •Si1ty wott1 of m111ic power in 1e1lid state high fidelity •Early American 1tyl~ng in mople veneen ... @ ' . I 1e102 • .q1inch111·ofpidura :. ' I •rn1tant-On oll thonnel UHf..VHP. f1tnlng •New t'rlm 1hap• with top-front·cifilto.l•~J •New We1tingh,ou1e detigned cilor chclllil~ . . .. with· 22 improvementt · ·....---· WISTINGHOUSI •IG SCRllN 11' .. PORTABLE UHFfYHF COLOR TY 379,95 value •Wfttinghouse high brighf·plctvr• tuM •All-on-on• diol UHf/VHF channel f\lning • M.lllery fine tuntftg, up-fronl 10111rtd • • lns.ta nt color fidelity automatica lly --··-- ·I wuriNGMOUSE 22•'* INSTANT·O· . ~-,, · COllt• TV CONSOLI " 569.95 •Full 268 sq. int.hes of viewtibl<1 pichne •Memory fine tuning for perfect rec:eplion •Westinghouse c:hauis with Gll 22 improve"1enb •Illuminated Pop-up UH_F ond VHF channel numbel'1 ·--·---· WORLD'S LARGEST COLOR TY SCREEN AND-STEREO COMBINATION. BY WESTINGHOUSE ' 199.95 value •features big screen ln1tont·On color TV •Solid 1tofe stereo and AM/FM rOdio and FM-Stereo •Si• •Peaker 'lte~eo sound 1ystem •Authentic fumitvre •!fling in 'onternporo'Y wolnut .,.n .. r, WESTINGHOUSE ALL SOLID STATE STEREO CONSOLI . ~ . . IN CHOICE OF 3 FINI ru•NITURI CABiNits . \!::::) e CHOICE Of 3 STYLES •AM/FM/FM-1t1reo 1nvltipl1r with FM t11n i11g lft1ter •Top• inp11t-011 tput jocks arid 1xt1mal 1p.aker jar' •In Conf1lftporory wol1111t, Spanish Picon, fr1nch l'rovincial frv itwood •300 watt1 pea~ lft u!it r · ~-----------~H::;U::R:iR:,Y,;,,;-;., UANTITIES LIMmD ••• SOME M .DIL NOT AVAILABLE AT ALL STORES! NORWALK NORTH LONG 81ACH ANAllllM•B UlllA PARK ANAHllM•PULLlllTON WllT COYlllA llHTllRIDGI RIDONDO BIACll IMPlllAl NWT. AT ITUDIU.111 L IOUfN lflltt Af CNlllT llACH llVO, & LINCOLN OIANO"MOIPI AT LIMON AJUIA AYI. AT ,UINfl lllllA llYI. AT DIYONSHlll HAW1'HOINI ILYD. AT 10.IAT CINTfl POUNTAIN YALLIT LHO lilACll llUNTINOTON 81ACll MAllOI llYD. A1' ........ LOI COYOTIS,IPllN••WOODIUrr GOLDIN Wll1' 1 IDINOll SHOP ft,SAYIATZODYSMONDAYTHRU SAT. 10 A.M, • 9 P.M:, cu•. 10 • 7; •• SATISFACTION GUARANTllDI . . . I ' • . . . .. ' . ' ' -----~-----------·---~~------------"'!"---~!!""------"'!""'-..... --~-!'!"' ... !""_"!" ____ " • • I I l ' \ \ ' I •• JODEAN HASTINGS, '42-4121' ....,, Mlrdl ... 1Hf • ·-v In CHOC Garden Fashionable Ideas Grow Planting seeds for a garden will be members of CHOC-ettes, auxiliary to the Little Me~d Guild of Huntington Beach, when they meet tomorrow In the l\ome of Diane Barritt. · The young women will complete final &JTElfements for . their second annual benefit fashion show, a CHOC Garden, talting place at 11:30-a.m. Satuf!!af, Aptil 19, in the Golden. Sails IJ!n, Long Beach. , ' •. Tickets, at $5 each, now are on oale incl all proceeds will be used for the support of Children's Hoopij:al of Orange County where the group also ·provides wlunteer service. Miss Kim Hubbard, general chairman, will com- ment on youthful sportswear provided by the Wet Seal and after·five and formal wear from Shirley's Fashions. Modeling will"be CHOC-ettes members including the Misses Nancy Nelson, Laura-Wagner, Renee McLeod, .Valerie Ark.le, Debbie Bauer apd Coleen Schroeder. Assisting with arrangements are the Misses Juli Sorenson, decorations; Nelson, location; Wagner, shop sel~tion; Teri Thurm, prizes; Arkle, invitations, and McLeod, publicity. '· Included in the prizes to be given away will be a weekend for two in Las Vegas. Miss Kristen Cairns, a new member, will be wel- comed during the meeting. CHOC·ette advisors· are Mrs. Charles Heller and Mrs. Fronk Haigler. $ .:RING?_INot NECISSAll:fl.Y -·A fluriy·of clothes flying out of~c~'..~n't an indication that area young women are volun· t eenn#. ti)>l)e!p with lpring cleaning. They're malting. ~in for some of the newest strles they're planning to see when they at~ tend the second annual CHOC.ette fashion show taking place Sa~ urday, April 19, in the Golden Sails Inn. Planning' to convincO:'. · mothers ttiat they "don't.have a thing to wear" are (left to right): Renee McLeod, NanCy Nelson a.pd Kim Hubbard. ,,, In 'M pgiC Kingclo 17J' . . .. ' .. •\ . Roya-I Time ' · Predicted· ' . A fabulous fun-filled Family Night at Disneyland has been announced as the next major funding project for Children's Hospital of Oran~ County. The Magic Kingdom will roll out the red carpet for a limited number of members of the 13 supporting guilds and their guests on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 11, beginning at 4 p.m. Serving as general chairman of the event will be Mrs. T. W. Welsh, LitUe Mermaid Guild, ~tington Beach. Mrs. George Gartz, Littlest Angel Guild, Yorba Linda, is co-chair· man, atJ.d treasurer is Mrs. Robert· L Doss, Tres Osos Guild, 'Mission Viejo. Tickets, at $3.75 each, will include. un· limited use of all facilitie1 with the exception of the shooting galleries. They now are on sale and may be obtained from any 111ember of th~ participating guilds. Coordinating the event. which will re. place the annual fall CHOC Fair, will be the Mmes. Robert Lucas, Cinderella Guild, New· port Beach ; Robert Thomas1 Punch and Judy, Costa Mesa; Charles Roberts, Queen of Hearts, Laguna Beach, and Doss, Tres Osos, Mission Viejo. The tickets will not Include food, which may be purchased In the park. Officers Seated New officers will pre.sJde when Uie .FoOntain vane1. Historical .. Soiclety meets 1t 7,30 tonlgbt In the borne of Mt. and Mrs. Al Krukenberg. lnstslliil -by · Mrs. rloriJe ; Jesko, the clty'a f I r it · librarian, w~e the Mmes. , Krukenblrg, _p r e.ai d ~nt; George fulwald, first vice preeldent in charge of pro- grams; Joseph Ditte, 1econd · vice pruldent, membersh!pj Joe Courreges, third vice president, hlltorian, a n d Tbocpe Kobl, fourth vial prelldenl, lpotial events. Al.so taklnl: office were :P.11'1. Ronald Murphy, secretary; Mrt. Lorrin Lamm er s ,, treasurer, and Stan St.ai!ord, audit«. Chairmen appointed were . ' ' Mra:. Muaru· Kato mtd Mn. David SOlonono, holpHality; Ron :111ce, outside 1peakeri; :om. Fregeau, repcrts from 1 other IOCJetlfl8: Mn. Orvie I HJchum, hl!torlcal news, on<! James Dick,. porltsnwJtariaD. The ooclety meets the fourth Monday or ea.ch month and plaD' to ·make the new com- mtmity center Ill permanent -u., place next moolh. : • Students , 'Can . I Do A community drive to eoJ.. Ject a variety of items needed at Fairview State Ha,,pital is being conducted by Marina High S c b o o I organizations under the direction or student chairmen Khris Bender and Jerry Miles, who organized the project. In addition to acceJ1ling con: tributions from the school'f student body, they al.so are accepting contributions frODl .. are: neighborhoods.. , , Among the things they are collecting are clean, useabl• clothing in small to large sizes for men, women And children; toys in good condition, ancJ.. any type of uncomplicated.~ games. ; They also are accep~ children's books and foo( coupon! which· will be u!e\Cf to help purchase a school btd'.: for excepUonal children. The Anchor Club will be': making Easter baskets for the"'.' hospitalized children, so th; students also are collectin( soft, wrapped candy: The guilds also plan to award prizes dur· ing the evening with first prize to be siI days in Hawaii for a family of four. Membenbfp apln will be open to the public u IOOll as the new cenW la ••allatile for meetlnp, llld oddltlocW Wormatlon may be ohtalne,I by calllnl e.ltber M r 1 • Krukenher1 or Mn. Dllte. ALL ABOARD-Everybody is. invited to climb on chase o( the bus are (le!t to right) Jerry Miles and tlie bandwagon to provide a lius needed for excep-Khris Bender, chairmen, ahd Cheri Pratte, Anchor Cooperating 1n the com. .... munity drive ls a commiH~ comprised of. Gree Hellancf."': senior class president; Shaw( ·Millbern, freshman c 1 a s 1 . president; ~b Chilits, Ke1. Club; Oleri Pratte, .Anchor Club; Chris Leland, Ineract. Club; ·Chris Briggs, .P,,larls; and Alan Meeker, OxNr clubt .• tiooal cbildten by contributing coupons during a Club president: The young people's organizations ~unity drive sponsored by Mariha High School are cooperating in the drive lo proyide many neces· ·~,ffeups. M~g their donation towar~.p~· 1 .sary articles for Fairview Stat': Hospital, . .. ..... ' Tip f.or Brides: It Take.s ·.t wo : ;to .. 1·~n~6 • as . . DEAR ANN -!;ANDERS' Several ·o! us cameramen here at Universal Studios In Hollywood read your column Ind discuss it regularly. Five times in the past two months you have publilbed letters with the same basic theme - "Men are animals, interested only in satisfying tbelr own sexual needs." 'lbe Jetter that really tieked me off was the one from the wife who said she felt like a prostitute. According to her, sex wu a nuisance and a bore. She got nothing from It but exhaustion. She said she was willing lo put U:P with it, however, In exchange for respeco !ability and the lln.andal security of marriage. You've gf.aled many times that women "''ho are married to inept. clumsy lover• should teach them. • (Night school, -,. '1c-. ANN LANDERS A ~~ remember!) Well, I aay men can teach night ICbool clasHI, too-Alld the1 should. An inaperienced bride oflen ls learfu~ lnhlhlted on<! motionJ,... A man who ii k>ving and considerate .can wort wondm wtth· even the dumbest partner U she ls willlna to learn. - J.M. DEAR J.M.: Brtvt. 'l1M: eperatlve word1 are eommulc1tton, eooptr1tlon and auelflahttt. · T H A N X S l'OR WRITING. DEAR ANN 'LANDERS: I am a lf. year-old girl with a mentally retarded brother. He ii RYID . )'Uri older than J. La\tly I've been wondering what will become of blm whtn Mom and Dad paq on. In additloo to belng retarded, .lJlf brother hu a spinal problem on<! Ii completely helPless. He needs to be bathed, fed and dressed like an infant. I'm begiMlng to wonder il t be • mpoosllilHly ·Will fall on me. Pl..,. 1( tlltre are no funds for private care, and ne wlllirtl relative, tbe padent becomtt a ward of lbe 1tate and lJ sent to a 1tate ln111tulion. · •ttoti~thttik 1~aM -self1sh or cruel, but J don't want the burden of my han- dicapped brother. It cou1d spoil my cb411Ce1 for marriage. J have never heard ol 1 plaet that DEAR ANN LANDERS: My mother cares f1r people who are bolh retarded was ve ry disappointed when I married and crWJ>led. Have you? I "tfduldn't dare .... Philip. St\e [e.lt he wasn 't good enough dilcusa UUI with my partnts. Please for me because his parents were foreign help me. -CLOUDY Fµ1t1RE . born a~d not "society." DEAR Q.OUDY : Y" MUST dlscus1 Every morning Mother telephones to this wltll yoar parents. It it Deir make some cutting remark about him, reqoulblftty .. lee iut JOV brother web IS "Philip's BOX were baggy laB& 11 provided for •fltr t.bey ttt pne. night. Does he own garters?" Or ''Philip Al ln1uruce ppUcy parchaatd urly offended Mrs. Beck because he Ignored wr.On1!t cu•..-lttl cood care la • prlv1&e her and Lalkad to the woman at his tnatUaUon. It 1llb ""1d ctv• your right all through dlMer,I' J hate to p1rent1 ptlce of mind. I tHuie they hear the phone ring In. the morning. ••ve aacl • policy. Right now my stomach Is tied up in \ • . . . ' '. ~ •• • ~· i; tools. J need your -dvice. -UPTIGHT ~ D~ UP : Tell )'fiKll' mother ~ refue to tolerate "'1 furtlttr crlticJmt.: • of yoar bu1bud. U 1k for1et1, chop:-! ' her off hi mJdsentence. ;! ,. What awaits you on the other slde:: • ol lhe marriage veil! How can y~ be sufe yoUr marriage wlll work? Rea : Ann Landers' ,lx>oklet "Marriage -~ to Expect." Send your request to Ann>;. Landers in care ol lhil newapaper enclotoC~ ing 50 cents in coin and a Jona, stamped.): self·addressed envelope. ~ Ann Landen wll be ala~ to he!~ you "with your p'-blenu. Send them • to 1 her In care ot the DAILY PJLOT, enclosing 1 sell-addressed, •tamped envelope. .. I ---------------------~-~--~-..,-~------------~~------ • DAILY rlLDT YOU'RE INVITIO -Joe Kroll (right),' ~ean of ,,1tudent act1v1Ues at OranJe Coast College interetts .!Cit Weller, E1tancia High School senior and Mias ~'.Birth Defects Conference Future Parents : Every -minute 0 blby the fields of medicine llJd ls born bi tbe United Stoles fitll O de!ICI su!OUI etllllib 10 d!Nblt, dlJlliure or kill. A tcita1 ol 1,100 defecUve blbla · ... born uch reor "' or-. C.U:Ku!""' -0 ..-ol o .. tbe U.S. 'Ille problun of birth delecta lavolvu the youni people of. today -for they are all future parull. : SO, the annual science con- f erence on Blrth Defecta, ~ qaln will be presenltd science. Included will be Dr. Virginia Apgar, vice prealdent for medi<:al attain for the foon- daUon. The clynomio spuku Is renowned f« creatinf the Ap(at scon, tbe neooaW tut wblch can lead to rapid cor· rtction of early deficiencies bt!ort irreparable dam11e results to the newborn. Her topic wUl be Betteriog the . Diane Munyon OCC nunlng student in alt.ending the annllll M Defects Conference to be present- ed Wednesday, Mareh 26, at the coll~ge. Invited Oddi for tbe Unborn. Predlctin( Ille Future will be dlJcuued by Dr. Charles J. Epste.ln, ulOdate profwor pediltrics, Univeralty of California, San Fr a DC l 1 co Medical Center. A htjjhly respected l'll'licllt. be bu lectured at umversities and high ochooiJ throughout Ille Uzilled Stoles. Abo OD Ute panel will be a repreQntaUve from the SaJk In1Utute for Blolo1lcal Studies. HoroicoP! ' A~!~riu:_~~~~~:~ ~~!~~.!~ Be I u b t I e. COmmUn!.-llJJl.1 -upon journey. ~ve, crtaUve; )OU .,. lMY cause ehupbrl=ol ,1..-Avolll (Hlin( ol r~tnt. ahll t:'.~.'~.:,',1 o~ MARCH 25 9y IYDNS\' ()MIU 1'Tbe wilt m111 controll his delllny •• .AIC:Oloa poinll tbe .,,...,." ARID (llar<h llqil 11): Bo '""' ., """1 --dlardJDc nd tape. You 111 .. a job ti> OCIDplete. Oae wllo laftJpC.I you cfoel not bave ,_ -ol 1'llrt. Tan ,_ -· Awld lm-pulofvo oetloa. TAUllUI (April Z.May lOJ: ActlYlt7 izx:f 11111. V1lttl tlld vllllon ... t.turw:I. Ntw Ip- ~ lo old problama ""' beat -Bo -tile. UUU. ..-d l:tumor . 11.i.Un who clfaJ>lan' ...... II blullfnr. GEMINI ()loy ll...Juna lO): ~ tendency to O'tfiiptud. aio-quality, bUt -to n8ceslitlu. ~ .mate 1 ........... Be fair bUt -bl•. TnJat bunch. Youn ·11111\'lng .. ri&ht dtrlctloo. CANCEll (Jllne ll.July D ): ~ Clllld!t!ana OOllld be upeet. Be reody for cbln(e. Doo~ blttlo --· Bo flex. Ible. '!be ~ !hit occur ot bome OOllld be ol a!Umate bentlll Go aloq wl1h ti. LEO (July JS.Aue. D): Imponlnl to I o 11 o w In· alrucllona. A~ minor dtllllo OOllld· be major. wi.o te put oil joanll;y until •P- polD(menta: are .,. e r I f i e d • ~_,.le be lm- pott.nl. vta00 (All(. D&pt. D ): Whit appeon o barpfn may be Ille oPPCl'fla. JCmw this ml be 0 -oblervtr. Jl'rimdl who mND. well may be --. -,.... own -1. Dnw upoa plat --· L1B11A (lllpl. JI.Oct DJ : Expull IOI!-=·-Hlllortty. Bo :coolldtnl.. Al:· Doo't bum -· to YMI 'l!!U bovo c-to· make ar< -~... · retain 1ood rt tlOal. You --,...... a ~ would mal<e llne artist, "1itq. may blve lo ._1 lttpl. joct·· dlopliyonlqu• Youallooroa«radldtollw. Know Ibis and o ct .... _ ... \,u... • Promodor. due; monoy coma c:wdlngty ,.... !Nin ellorll of recent pest. SAGnTARIUS (Nov. 22-Pde1!3 (Feb. !f.Marcb lO): GENERAL TENDENCIES: Dec. 21): A !rltlid wbo ,. =.,you, "i!r!' ~~ Lunar pooltloo favorable for q....U monty may be U· truth ..: tpoelal rela-fishing. trava1a.nL Jnsist. on factl. Be timlhlp. Judime.nt of one ""Tt~ ~ ~ 1~ ~""3: kind without bein& ·careless. -""--to .,.., ...... -1.-.. :-g omwr'• bool<leJ, "S«l'9t l · • ~ I""' .,_,, """ ~~l MM! 1nd W-." Sn I • Judgment today IS apt ta be -i....."' -y .,. --~.....__.. '"" 50 c.111i to °"'''f • • "Pll:" u.--~~ucu. -OAJLY P'ILO I• corTect. Doo.'t be afra.id to D' TODAY JS T 0 u R 1=" Ctnft•I Stltlon. "-tit;, eiprm the truth. it.'Y.'iwrt. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 10): You are able to suc- cessfully eommunice.te view&. Opportunities multlf>l1. Key 11 to -tht belt. Pcmft mate, partner to 1 lt. 1 re limelighl 'lben you hove feel. iDg ol sallslactlon. AQVARIUS (Jan. 21>-Feb. GAYLE PIARSON Summer Nuptl1l1 St. Andrew's Rite Setting .at Oranae Coast CoUeae, is y btlng pr ..... led .. pec1a11y f0<' ~ vonne ,all Orange County students Collis Marries Jack D. Richardson .and faculty. s_..r by tbe coll•1• and 'the Callfornf1 Assoc.talion of Secondlry School AdmW.. tram, Di!trict 21, the tym- _JIO!ium will be praenltd by 'the Orange County Chapter, 'NationaJ Foundation-Mardi or 'Dimu from S:30 to I p.m. •Wedneldly, Muth 211. STEWAllOISS Poggio 0.111119 Training Completed etall ·1 cm ambttlobl, · ' caretr Po(enttal. Fomlly m<mber am belp 1'11 lullill • pl. 'Study CANCER mt IQ&~ ~ Ro rents Invited Gayle Pearson and Phillip Cotton have selected S t . Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb for their evenlnc weddlna: on July 12. 'Ibe daughter of Mr. and Mn. W. W. Peuaon ol Newport Beach will gradoate !Nin Golden w..i Coll'I• In June. While at Newport Harbor High School abe WU The M1rqul1• diamond, $4,500. SLAVICK'S •• Strusing birth defects, the canference will future na- .tleeally lmown l]leakus from , . Yvoone Collis and Sp/I Jack D. Rfcblrdlon, high IChooi sweethearts, evb•nced wed- dflil rinp Ind pled1es before the Rev. John K. Durham in Cblpel 0 n e, Baumbolder, Gmnaliy. i ,Army Sgt. Jerry Thomf)IOll • • • .. • .. ' ~ ~ -·· . -( THRU ~ATURDAY ONLY! ·Special Easter price on our Sue Cory 'So French' PERMANENT REG. 17050 • NOW 11.88 . S• , ........ •3 (MM,. T-I. W ... only) We II II t ti. .. C8'9 of ,,..._ .._, la 10UI ""NIT CllAROI CAID- NO AnOlll-NICDSAIT ,. ... u.a • .,.. .. ~tire­ • ... """"'' 11'1.ad ' MUlf,IN'9f'Ofl •UCtl Mllllt"""°" Ctfl!ir N llfllllt, m .nn Ml'Wl"O•T llMlt "''"""' 1'1t ... ii... lliOtf', ..... 111i • 1ave the bride ln man1qe durlnf the afternoon nuptJall. Parenti of tbt couple are Mr1. . Eva! .. Tbonw rJ. Coal.I !(. ... ond John R. Collis ol Sum- merland and lr'.r. and Mrs. Jock B. Rfcbard>on of Corti Meu. Tbe new Mrs. Rlchardaon nJected a Door Janith white Him and tiered chanUUy lace aown. Her full tiered elbow [engtb lllutlon vef1lnl WU Graduated frClll Eutern Alrl.l.nes' flight a t t e n d an t training ct!lter in Miami ls Mba Peglie Jeanne OsUins. The daughter of Mr. aDd Mr•. Stan Ostling of Mission Viejo also is an alumna of Newport Harbor Hlah School and Orange Coast College. She now is based out al. New York. N.W and O)iecllnt pennta o cheerleader. are tarited to attend a The benedJct-elect, '°" of -U. lponlGRd b7 LI the Robert Collom of Costa Lecbe Leape of Huntiqt.oa Mesa, was graduated from Bqch M11t1j S on the hlrt1i Corona de! Mar Hfgh School, Jewel9BSinc9 1917 11 F11hion l1l1nd Newport B•1ch....,... 644-1380 Y•ur Ch•r9• Ac:count Wtlc:om9- l•11kAm•rlc•ul, M11t•r Ch•r9•, too Op•ri M•riclly, Fridty uritil 9:30 p.m. -~ ol Ille baby and fllDlly reJa. enrolled Ill owe ond now ii tions. ·• IOphomore at the Univetlity Mra. A. Linn Meyon of• ~ol~C.~lil~· omla.~~Rf~V<rllde.~=:;:::!!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Huntfli(too Belch wlll beet1- lhe 1:30 a.m. meettni. Anyone wiahinc information may can Mn. Dovtd Wa'-11, Ill· ltllt. cauaht to a pearl tiara andl-------------~---­ROBINSON 1S abe carried o wc:ldln( bou-quet of red ca.rnaUcm and fern. Honor ottendanla wee Sp/4 ond Mrl. Robert C. fteyooldL The matron of honor wu 1owned in a red drt111 and held plnk carnaU001. · A miall r<eeptlon followed the ceremooy .. the chopel ball. AulstiDg were Mn. Morie Koollt& and Mn. Clay Jacklon. The newJyweda are sraduotea of Coall M,.. High School and the benedlct at- tended Orana:• Coast Colle1e before enliltJni bi tbe Army. He ii a veteran ol. Vietnam and will be lllaUoned . In Gmnany unW hla dbchar1• bi Sei<ember. The couple now are making their home in ldar-Oberate.ln, Germany. Book Study On Program Contemporary Books wlll be the toplc ol Mrs.. Temnce Halloran of the Memorare Guild when she speaks fot the Orange Caunty Alumnae ol Immaculate Heart College Weclllelday, March 2'1. Mr1. Ale.under Bnmett er Santa Ana will bolt the I p.m. metting. Nomlnations for new officers also will be on the agenda, a<:rording to the president, ~{rs. James Ca~ peoso. NB Auxiliary Newport Beich Pollet AlB· Ol•ry 1athu1 the last TueldaJ of the month 1t 7:30 p.m • Location Is 1v11lable wllb Mr1. Robert Whttltr, 675-Ilft. ~D'lll:lTISlMl:HT IRIDE AND GROOM Art the two mc.t import· ant people bi o w«ldlng. tr you're rNcly to w11k down the a1a1.. 11'1 the "How to Plan Your Wed- dlll(" Gulde. 5end>.)!c lo col.n to P.O. Bu 311, Hunt- logtOll S..ch, Colli. !Im!. NO MONEY DOWN "' .10 ,.:• .~~- CAu POI flll ISTIWATI ANI SHOP At MOMl lll'llCI ow ,........"' "' ..... ._.... Wiii c-. • "" ........ ...... ...... , .. -..... wt'llrl .. _, ................... .....,,. ... """ ............ "' ........ ., .... ROM TOUI AHA CAU. 548•8242 01 14M"7 BEAUTI PLIAT DRAPERY & CARPD "'"-a.cli-t" YIVl'ftGOnl Dkw .'. Wlfll .. It fill"' '°"' •nd ... ~, ··-...... ., .. hcb ··-·-.... - 1:=. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES ..... $195 S4.tl ,_. '9f NOW ONLY fllll • A ,...,_. colltdton OI ~Joli lltUl!lty dt¢0rt!W flllrta lrlol:!\1111""' 1eor. " Y•f1h 01 !lltfl 1tylt boudri. ~ I...,_ •I'll .. l\'lbltf, • , , •II Ult •k•. DRIVlllT IN 7 DA TS "'M*' •-.. .,...... -- a.tM!fl ........... ,.. ........ -... k""4 lff'YkL ltlly •....,. ...... ,., ~ ...... •"""9. .. , ... ~ .... ......., ~ ... -·-OVI WOllWANSHIP 11 IUNll HAUWAll • toos Cut to OIDll EIUTIPLEn DRAPERY 4: CAJUIEr· CAU. fOI All ISTIMATI SHO,...t-'IOMI lllYICI NO MONEY DOWN 548-8242 Uf' ~ a MOllTMI TO f'AY Now in Our Family: Family Weekly ' l I " CLAIROL® SUNLIGHT GLOWS JN YOUR HAIR The sun Shines brightest on the woman who has discovered the magic of our fabulous color stylists, She's a glawing Clairol@ blonde,,, the prettiest bloride )'CU know. Be one! Custom coloring, lndlvlctJe.lly prlc9d. Price Including set, from only 15.501 out, from 5.00. Beauty Se.!Qll, HUMAN HA• mlTCH WIO, CUITOM STYLID, 41.00 rn blonds, br'VnilttUt rl"Ollt•d9 and greys ••• what. wtg to w.r When ywr own colr droops I Save OJl"'tng tN• llrnltad OrftP". S•• OU,. WIN Wlggtry group: CUCAcJM. Wiglets, long and rnadl11n ratts. BM.ut;y sa.ton. ROBINSONS NEVVFDRT • FASHION ISLAND • 644· 8 I ----~---------·---..-· .... --,.. ..... -.-.. ......... -··~···-··~-·~....,,..,.-.................. ------.... -... -"!'-1!-••~"'!'--"!"'!'"'"'l'""'!'"'•••••••--....... 1111 ... ~111 \ r -- Delegates To Travf!I A time le< tnvellni hu -dtslgnatod by confer- ences Inti cuiventiou ol the Daughttn GI the Amtriwl Rovolutl"'1. Att.ndlnt the stat. con- ference in fuano earlier this month were Col. Wllllam Cabell Chapter delerateo, the llfm<s. Goqe D. Buccola, state a 11 i I t a n l leCl"el#y; Selah Reber, rqent; Bnmo .,.. N ormu, vice rqtnt, and Nell v. Williams. · 'Ibe 71th Cont i nental Cooirm will be conductod April 14-11 in Washinatoo, D.C. DeJe1atea are the Mmes. Reber and Norman, whiM. cbc9en as alternates are Mmes. Buceola, Guy Holmes Cherry Jr., Edgar M. Cox Jr., and WllliAm B. Tritt. During the ne.rt chapter meetin& Jose Norman will discuss Castro's Communism in IAUn America. The group will gather at 12:30 p.m. next Wednesday in Island House, Fashion Island. Ho.stesses will be the Mmes. • DAllY l'!LOT, J.f ~ ........ ,.... . •••••••••• 'I• • ii p1t·t ·are: peeksi • llY M.wy.e • • • • • • ' It II quilt paulble thal .0. April eve beforo looc Pa111c!O Neal will stop forward a4I accept the "Oscar" awarded f' Best Aclresl for ber" por- ance in Tiie Sahje<t W• 8-' -And, oo that very same pl'f form Jack Alberbon mlg!d well nc:eive !he Academ)ilo Award for Best SuPl'orlf4t Actor lo< his performance ~ MGM'a Metrooolor mo'lie 1" SUJe<t Wu-. w~ yoo like to hear ai.i ..0 thelJ ~tloos and MY to Y"'4\- , self, u1 saw Patricia Neal aad Jact :Albertaoo In 1'lle SahJtGt Wu ROlq at the Mesa." ~ Try viewlnt !'rant D. Gli- roy's Pulitzer Prize winner at the Mesa tonight or even ~ morrow night. Or botll l 'l1l9 accompanying moUon picture at Ille Mesa during 'thia star-llud-T. V.. Pole, William L. Ben ta, J. Harold Kt11oe1 and. Donald \V. MacLeod. Open House /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;&;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jil ded program u a-ti Cardi. .. I " 1~ HAIR ••• HAIR ••. HAIR -That will be the subject March 27 wlien Orange c&st College cosrnf:tology students compete for trophies at the annual hair· styling" conte$t. 'Spectators are welcome to watch the coeds vie. Practicing her skill is Pat Gilbert of Fountain Valley \vho "combs out" Gail Warner of Costa Mesa. League Invites Paul Lauritz Comb Out Becomes In At College 'Women' Portrayed Portrait.I of A m er l c a n Women will be presented when the Temple Hlllel Sisterhood meets tonight at I in the Com· munity Methodist Church, 6662 Heil Ave., Huntington Beach. Forty women will be divided irto panels ol ail:. Each panel, comprised of a Catholic, Protestant, Jew, Negro and Mexican.American, offers the audience an opportunity to ask qllfll!ltiom followinc the presen· -· The public .ii invi1ed to at- tend tile meeting. Dual Showing · ParenU: and their nur- sery school aged chi!• dren are invited to an • ·r en house from 9 to I :30 a.m. next Wed- nesday at the SUnshine Community School, lo- cated at the M e s a Verde M et hod i s t Church. One of the many facilities to be view,ed is this tree house which is being ep.joyed by Suzanne Pansell, KaUtleen Cecil and ,l{eyin Dazey. In- formation . regardbig membership is avail- able to th°'e attending 0< by calling Mn. Denest Hess at 6(2.4236. lures Viewers YES MAM ,-. We do have the largest stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP IJ llMlm ...... flf ~ Stii ... I 426 SOUTH MAIN ORANGE Sears · Humble beginnings have produced many men of note .such as renowned artist Paul Lauritz, who will be guest at the Man:h 25 meeting o{ the Costa ·Mesa Art League. Galleries and pri vate e<>l- lections throughout the United States contain hill works, in- cluding Carnegie Art Institute and National Academy of Design, New York.· \\'hat's new in hairstyling An impressive numJ:>cr of the ne\f Sheraton-Universal ! '''ill be dis.covered March 'n Orange Coast res1denb1 · are Hotel. Universal City. when the fourth an nu a 1 expected at the 19th annual Serving on the p\an~i benef•, 1,_._ect by Gold committee ill J\.1rs. Jean Orange Coast College com-,..,.__ Plummer of Costa Mesa who petition take s place in the Diggers fot Cr I PP 1 e d ia in charge ol. prize.!. OCC student center. Children'• Society. ----'--'-----~ii Bii, Glorious 8:dl oowa-Portrait of Voar (ldld The contest, .themed the The even1 •a doubl• o11ow-Gloomy Gus Tells ii Natural LQok, will begin at inc of Ne l m a n • M a r c u 1 6:'5 p.m. with rtudents from fashions -the firtt California L turitz, a native of Larvik, Norway, began his art career by carrying ...,ls end paints d. famous artists in exchange for the privilege of watching them at work. Lauritz formerly wu on the faculty of Otis Art Inst!tute and Chouinard Art Inltitute of Los Angeles and served on the Los Angeles Municipal Art Commission fc:r six years, holding the office of vice president. the cosmetol'W}' department preoentation-Mooday, March As You See ii competing for trophies. Judges"l"•3l;;;;;;and;;;;;;;;;Tueoda;;;;;;;;;;;;y;;;, ;;;A;;;pril;;;·;;;;;;1,;;;;;;ln;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ill will be well known hair stylists II from the Harbor Area. He went to Canada at the age of 16 and in Vancouver and later in Portland studied art at rUght and began his career in commercial art. Many years later be returll- ed to Europe and studied and painted in England, France and Norway, eventually returning to the United States. The 7:30 p.m. meeting will take place in Adarm Slrett Elementary School, Co s t a J\1esa. f.1rs. Richard Intram, president, will conduct a short busihess meeting prior to the program, which will be in- troduced by Mrs. P a u I Friebertshall8e1', p r o g r a m chairman. During the otyling and judg· ing, spectators will be en- tertained by music a n d modern dancers from the dance department. Approximately 30 y o u n I women wUI compete in senior and junior division.s. Each coed will have a model. Charles Stevenson of tht cos-. metology lft.'aff is the c:haiz'· man. The artist, a mt'mber of the Royal Society of Aris, England, and a fellow of the -------------------11 American 1~itute of F i n e Arts, bas received 100 awards for his wc:rkll. Give to Your United Fund FINE BAKERY Arm11 Bread Rich , French typ• round loaf te cut en feur sid•s, enjoy with ch••••· 4tc Chocolate Eclalrs Fr1sh-99g p1estry with • rich filling of 1mcoth- as-cream cu1terd. 2tc BaKana Cream Pie Fill•d with b.n•nas, in a fl•kly li9ht pi• sh.II. A patfllicf w•y to encl • wonderful maal. 1.49 ~~~~1~~7 If your birthday is in April, May or June, stop tn and fill out •n entry •.• a d1coratad 2·1ayar c1ka tO !i lucky people a1 ch month! ~~LIDO C,E NT ER 1433 VIA UDO 'NEWPORT BEACH ' .. ' .. ' Elizabeth Arden face treatment is much more than just a facial A1 llllUll! Anlu "'"' in llullums' Red Do~ TrHlmenl Ro°' wni help yor discover delfahlful beauty secrets. You'll flave • flee tre1lment *1d emerre with 1 luwriwsnl!'llf makeup 1s well as a rld ianl fee iinz. ~ltk ln.llment. wlt oakeupll,M S..u~ Sludlo, Buffums· Ntwll'•rf C.11ttr #I ft•hien lilen4' e 644-2201 ~.ft., Th~r .. , '"· 10:00 tlll •:JO Oth1t D1y• 10:00 tHI 1110 Offw ixplm Scmirday !It 5 p.m. ::.· c I i I A wla:flll loeepeake for al time ••• lrlO utm:al ..., ponnit •.•• mwc•ted. l!lieable for bw•ini. • Licl&: -,.. ehiltl, tn per f..;Jy · ••• .,.1-ilhlt.U,..n • Cllildl•'• P'WJlll taken et t9e per cllild --• l!llbjedl •hou !d be •ell er-net! • ~. &,,.-I mt_, •"ry e P~raphon heun 9:30 ,fo S p.m. SEARS SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3JU IRISTOL ST. PHONE 5-40 · 33J3 Abode ol Ille pute!Joordl,' Or c Route Of Ccdl, la: all lboyt international intrigue. Georp Peppord and Inger SleYml set deeply involved in a plot 6l some 'Fuclsts who pJan to ~ over France and return Algien to Fiench rule. 1t is rated "G", !or ,eneral audience witl>ojil 1ge comideration. · • The Lido bouU of a bill with two mighty big movie!!. 1'e Dirty Doseo plays alonpide t1!e hu1• Lido acre.. with - Pitt. Lee Marvin and Emeot Borsnine e<>otar In the fonner w!llch deals with a tough rrodP ol Americans, all GI convicts, who are trained for a Vtry spe-- cia.I mission behind enemy lines during WW U. Glud Prb: gives the thrllL!. spills and subsequent romance of racing guys and their gals. James Garner and Eva Marie Saint are in row one: u the starter's gun sends this cm. erama, Super-Panavlsi.on Metro- Color motion picture down the straightaway. At the Udo. Planned for openers at Ute Newport Lido for a new week Wednesday will be Angel In My Pocket which will play screen- side with Loli Continent. Andy Griffith plays the port of a mini.!ter in a smaJI KaMas town. He has many problenu, with a rivalry within the parish involving two leading families who want to share a lol ol. glory. The minister has his own family problems what with a nagging mother·in-law and a brother-in-law who plans to in- stall a still in the church bue-- ment. Fun for genenl audienct appreciation in this one. MESA MATINEES prml<r the brand new movies which are scl>eduled for a new week's pl'Oll'am at the Mesa. When there la a aecoad week ol show-Int. the Shopper'a Mailnee will .,....nt a favorite film ttealled by popular demand. The pm. JITlDll open every Wedn<lclay afternoon promptly at I o'dock with {te*irefreshrnentl. FREE PASSES to tbe M ... or the Lido will be malled lodQ to R. ff. PulUkl, lCltlO Miramar Dr., Bafbol, J. L HUtton, 19t Oat, Costa M.,a, Jam" An<fer. IOll, l,lO PofnsetUa, Corona dol Mar Ind H. E. Wllllaino. llT Apolena, Balboa laland. . 'fllll quartet will be ....... .r : "Picture Pttks'' at the LSdo « · the Mola ooe dl)' ru1 -. Wt do hope !hat ,... my .,.. • nlJl'lfl will be read here bef«w i too many moons pop up ancf '------------------!·------------------••fail down. I . ·-------------- ' I I \ ·------·-~ --~--------·------~---~----~--~---..... --~--------~~-~---------- - • ~· ., -t .. IW\.V rtLOT ~. M~ 24, 19!? ~wi~ P I~toon Wi~s· .NCAA • J 9-!Man Anteater ' UPI T ..... ,. .'.'.,PITFALLS OF RACING -Three drivers in the :; .... -;sebring endurance race went through the bmnps ... ' and grinds of their dangerous profession Satu~ay . ... ,~.,.Bill Boye and Russ Shirley's Beach prototy_F,e t~ out '!.::··of control (top) while a Lotus Europa pilOteCl by John Howard and A. J . Lilly digs up dirt trying to get back on the oval . And, a Porsche 906 driven by Dr. Merv Rosen and Dave Morrell slams onto the infield (bottom) . .tnt1• ."4 O• •' Light Porsches Pounded ~Ford GT40 Wins at Sebring •. ' •, .. : "'§EBRING, Flo. (AP) -Ellmlnalion of minimum weights for prototype sports ,,~~s in internalional racing this year "" has produe«I bodies super liaht and "'I~ OOwnrighl fragile. ;:1~ They were !O fragile that the rough Sebring course and a seeminafy in- .' U"tased supply of those traffic cones .. '""·tbll police everywnere use to mark f'"\lar\cs during rush hours combined lo l"n ~i\ctally pound the erotic machine• into · 'SUbmission. In part. that is the story of the victory • Ju Jackie Ickr of Belgium and Jack ..... o uver of England in the 11-bour Sebring • Endurance Race Salurdly. The rest of the H9rJ ts the charmed ..... ·.me of the Ford GTfo can, whidl have ·...:.· ... been racinc five years and are sUU gracing victory lart"..s more often than any other machine. When the Ford drivers first pitted their sturdy machines against the brand new, featherweight Ferraris and Porscbes as qualifying beg.an Thursday, they found their best was five seconds a lap slower than Ferrari. The difference was only a shade less against Porsche. "Competition becomes quite difficull "'hen you are that much slower," lckx said, "even though the Ford is still qu,ite a good car." The five factory Porsches from Germany iook a pounding from the rought concrete and asphalt course carv- ;;:,Yoss Sma cks Two Doubles But Angel s Ripp ed, 10-1 PALM SPRINGS -The C&lifornla Angels get in some homework today durina: an intermission in thtlr 1prlng eablbfUon game !Ched.ule after taking a 10--1 lacln& from the San Francisco three hits each while Ron Hunt had a pair. The Angels Tuesday bolt their Pacific coast League farm club from Hawaii when they return to exhiblllon play. ed from an old WorlC. War U air base. "I drove behind the Porsches through lhe 'esses' several times," said veteran Bob Grossman of West Nyack, N.Y. "They bounded from side to side every lime and I wondered if their suspension was going to survive that pounding."\ It didn't. Two Porsches "·ent out of action and the others had long pit slops for repairs. Joe BlWf:tla of Smithtown, N.Y., and Rolf Slommelen of Gennany brought one Porche home in third place, four laps behind the winner. Genhans Gerhard Mitt and Udo Schutt finished fifth. Vic Elford and Dick At- l\\'ood of England were seventh in the other Porsche. The Ferrari \\'as a casualty of overheating in the final two hour1, at- tributed at least partly to a collision \\'ith a traffic cone. which banged up the radiator at the rear ol the little cars. It linisbed second almost two laps bnck . Some of the Porsches also tangled with the cones. placed alongside the courses to mark off-road hazards such as ditches. One Porsche had a long stop to replace the left front fender and headlights. Even the winning t'ord hit a cone, but it received less damage and was repaired qu icker. Marti n Pac~· UCI Conq uest Dy EARL GUSTKEY °' .... o~ l'illt .,.... Thanks to elgbt 1wlmmers and one. diver who 1elected. the r.libt weekend to record their an.t1me b e 1 t perfomwice., UCl'1 IWimmlnl leam owna 1 naliooal clwnpionabjp today. Wrapplna up lhe !1cM'1 co11t1e dlvlslon UtJe early on Saturday'• flnal .. doY of compeUlion al SprlnJlfleld, Mua., lhe Anlealers ~ed wllh a whopping 248 polnll to tile -pllce total of 1n lo111ed by Keuyoa College of Ohio. UC Da~Ui bagged . third at 141, Wesleyan Uni.versUy of Middletown, CoM., wu fourtl\ (IOI) and·bool Sprlna· IWd Coller• (1111) fifth. Eqhty4wo coJleie dlvi1lon o<boola "·ere oo hand. It's the first lllllonal championahlp .,. for UCI in any sport. And moot of lbe credll , ... to amuJng sophomore Mike MarUn of Corona dol Mar, who became the lint IWimmir In lbe siI"l'ear history of lhe m..t to win rive first placu. . Martin won the 500 freestyle ev&W Californian, Mathis Duel In TV Fight . NEW YORX (AP) -U Jerry Quarry comes out fightfug like he says he will, then be and big Bu.ster Mathis shou1d put, ft ' real Wlf in 1ll'adison Square Gar"911. ®night. ~ • • U he reverts to his former cautious counter.Punching style, then · their 12-, , . ' ... . 0 ;J'on19'1it on TV' 7 :30, t hannel i; rounder could turn out to be as exciting as a spelling bee.' "bon't worry about that," prontised Quarry. "J'm going righ~ after him. He'll quit after about six rounds." "1 just hope it's not all talk,'" said Mathis. "U be comes after me I'll knock him ouL I'm too fa.st for him. I can hit him five times to one. The filht .lhould last five or Iii: rounds. or as long as Quarry can take it." The odds favor the beefy Mathi3: by lbout 2-1. · Mathis suffered hit only pro defeat at the hands of the auressive Joe Frazier in a title fight in the Garden a yeor ago. Frultt draped lbe blimp from Grand Rapkls, Mich., over the ropes and won on a technlcal knockout in the 11th round. Since then, Buster has won slx straight for a 29-1 record, including 11 knockouts. He is ranked slxth by the World Boring Association and Ring Maguine. Quarry, of Bellflower, bas won four In a row since he lost a dull 15-rounder to Jimmy Ellis of Louisville for the WBA title at Oakland. He has a 31).J.-.t record. incl1.1ding 11 knockouts, and never has been 1topped. The Z3-year-0ld blond husky is ranked second by the WBA and fourth by Ring . Mathis, 24, wlll have big advantag"' In height, weight and reach. He also Is rated faster afoot and with his bands. BULLETS' UNSELD WINS MVP HONO R NEW YORK (AP) -We! Unseld, the rookie from Louisville wllo helped Baltimore from lut place in 1961 to the Eutern Division tiUe lhil anaon, has been named the Most Valuable Player in the Nalional Basketball As9ociaUon. Unsekl, the first rookie to win since Wilt Chamberlain In 1960, easily be1l out Willis Reed of the New York Knicb. 310 p::llnts to 137, in the balloting amoog NBA players. Billy Cunningham of Philadelphia wu third with 130, Bill Russell ol Boston fourth with 93 and Elgin Baylor ol Loi Angeles fifth with 89. Tbunclay, lbe lllO J'rldaJ, 11111,et Dtur- dlf and docked tbe f-. • .. the wlMlnC An14ater • Ad •. relay leaml. 1111 114111 and 1,llO Umu of 1:11.1 and 11:11.0 • .,. natlooal· noordL 1111 100 le& on &aturdly'1 40t relay tum wu 11 oeconc11 ·11a1 -m-tenlhl feater lhlD lbe wlMJng time In the 100 !rte evenl lt wu a menonble performanct for the Uthe rwlmmer and ofter the final event .saturday1 tile IOI ..i.,, be wu rewarded w I In a flVMlllnute llaDdJng ovation fn>m the 1 ... wbo bad jammed their woY IDto '8p:lnaftt1d Collqe'1 aquatorium. But for Ill of Martln'I herolCI, It Wu diver -Wllhlte who wrapped thlnp· up fer 'the Aotalln. He WU baflq 1111 -off lbe --board SatunllJ -bl llood olal>lh Iller <!pt di,.., HO poJnll behlDd lbe leader. But on bta Jut three dive1, he rece!T· ed perfect ·-min Ill -jlJd&<I and 1JOD the event fot the third year in • ""'· • . . "Wllbllo realQ> took lbe pres111re off lhe IOO nI., 10&m," coach Al Irwin ' -. "Alter that; tile .. i., ........... jull 1f1llll. out IO< a nil fut time, nol baviDC to Won)' aboul a ~ tlon." The team ol Steve Fanner, RScJs Euoo, Duane Ollon and tlartln c~ a ,,.... UCI ,_,i of l :U.t. MaitJii WU aomelhJng to behold In the 1,llO fMe. He fJnllbod two lapl ahead of lbe rwmerup and his 11.11.t time ls wllhln re1ch ol tile ""'1d mark of U:lt.I, held by MIU -ol UCL.I, UCI'1 nmalnln& point winMfl 5abJto day Included Ealoo, wbo qualllled thlril and tool< lhlrd Jn Ille IOI tne final Jn 41.4. Farmer quallfled ,....u. and won his COOIO!allon heal l!I 41,1, In the 200 bacutroke,Bob Dlke ~ flllh In 1:07 flal Butterfly man Dale Hahn WU ninth in. Sf.I. . In recognition of UCI11 n11UOnal cbam· pionshlp, the NCAA told lrwln the 1'71 college division meet ml&ht ~ mld at the Belmonl Plua 01Y1'1plc Pool Ip Loos Beach wllh UC! the boohchool. Tbe lll70 meet will be held at ·OU!and University In Delroll $4,300 Per Foqt For Floyd's Putt JACKSONVllJ.E, Fla. (UPI) -Ray Floyd knows lhe vllU< of mU!n( U>ose abort putts: be got '4,300 a foot for the tut one be toocied in. A prel!lure-packed little two-footer on the first hold of a 1udden"(feath playoU Swlday was the difference between the $20,000 Floyd got for winning the greater Jacksonville Open and the $11 ,400 Gardner Dickinaon settled ·for as the runnerup. It took anolher two-footer on the final hole of regulation play to put Floyd into the playoff with Dickinson, who hung a %3-foot birdie putt on the Up of the cup on that hole and then missed a IS.footer that would have kept the playoff a1ive. The 26-year-01d Floyd, a curly·haired, sligbUy overweight former "army brat," bas two previous PGA victories to his credit but bldn 't flnilhed in front aince lhe 11115 SL Paul Open. "It's been three and a Jlllf 11111 · since that last win," Floyd •aid. a' bit mbty-<yed. "I'm really elltocl, you bqln to wonder if you will ever w1n qain." Floyd and Dickinson, 4.1,. flnilhed regulation play with matchlnf IO-under par 27Ss -two strokes ahead of U.S. Open champion Lee Tre\'lno, South Africa's Gary Player and Dewitt Weaver -all of whom get $5,300. f lntl ICO,_ lhlll "*19'( w1nfl'"°5 Ill rtlf Jed• "°"~ui. Open: RIV Flll)'d, $20.000 G, Okkltiton. SHAia LH Tr.Vino, 15,300 o.w1tt Weev.r, 15.lOf G•ry 1''-Ytl", l!,300 kbbV Col" $3.UI Arnold l'•lmer, ll.2511 lob CMrlel, S2"12 e m C11per, 12,.12 Jim Co!rwrt. SUit Bflll MIKllftV• U"U loO Resllur'D'. SJ,700 Al lllalnl!, tT,100 '°" OkUOn. 11.100 Mllclllrn Gf'l9IOl'I tl.61 8/Vlle Ct•'"'""' 11AO Frl~k 8H,., 11..UO FraM .. .,.,.""' tlA •11'*'11-m .... JG.1f.16-f71 6Mf.12-1G-:lll ... ,.....,,,..... ,,.....,,__,. "'4,.1tu-»I 11Mt-7J.fl-2U 11.n-J0.4t-m 11·1~1Ut-2G n.11.11......_m 71·1+47·1'0-a! 7U1·1...,_:ld 74'7Hf.11-al 11.11~ 11.n-1U1-..a.t ,,.70-74'7l-#4 ff.10.74-n.-.JM ...,. .......... Didn't Need to Stall DrakeShowedRealWay To Piny Agaimt UCLA Drake Univerlity'• 1pirited game last week against UCLA reopens the case of USC's stall t1ctica in Its cut.scoring or lhe Bruin> (16-14). Drake graphically demomtrated that a learn could play DOH-tc:Hlose basketball with the Bruins without using unethical tactics that make a travesty of the WHITE WASH *************•• aport as i~ ta int.ended to be. One last letter on ~ subject and then it will be sealed forever . promise. For the tut few days all I have heard is people knocking your column about the USC stall against UCLA. Although I have disagreed with you in lbe past on many of your columns, I find myself in total agrttment with you on this subject. When a team stalls it obviously admita that it is interior. As it was in this case, USC had to stall to 1aln a nuke win ·or as you state, "a hollow victory." Having met h1r. Boyd, I had a great deal of admiration for him as a coach. I have since lost muctl or my ad- miration and mped for him u a basket- ball mentor. }hT\'lng played 3 yean of vltllly baskelball al Eslancia High School, I know what it ts to win and lose. I have Jost to teams who were inferior to mine and beat teams who were superior to mine and I can aay that for a team to win the way USC did is not nearly as satisfying to a player as it ?.'Ould ha ve been to beat UCLA ltraight oul. I think the st.all hurts basketball everytime it is used. I think the 30· second clock would be the greatest thine for high school basketball since the use of referees. This \l'ould eliminate such bush tactics as those used by Mr. Boyd and his USC team. The loss obviously didn't hurt UCLA Jn their ranki ngs. The basketball ea:pert.s realized that UCLA wu by tar the superior team and \\'as most c:ertalnly defeated by a once in a mllllon joke. I certainly hope teams of. the future will take a more mature atutudt tioward! basketball and play it the way 1t should be played. Maybe that "ill make buketball pro- gress instead of digress. M1XE LillUE Ch erkhag Area Tlllettt Cbect1n1 out 1-0me el ... ,._r Orange Ce11t area preps wllt .. 19 sports action W1 spring: ' Jon 1'11eek of Fountain VaDe7 Ull TOm Read of Costa Mesa are -.tiedn& I.I ttanl1 aH track ftr Wut.r C.Ueie. ~.Mjants Suoday. ~"!•;,:For the Angell. Bill Vou of New~rt ·s;cb had two doub&es and Tom SaU'iano !, .ty;o •i.nclet and drove In UM: only Meanwhile, Giants manager Clyde King became more cooCerned about tht quiet bat of sluuer Jim Ray Hart. Hart's concerned, too. Warriors Next for Lake rs RHd, a lriple jamp tpeclllllll, <tm· pleted basketball fw &lie heta wtUL an average et 1.1 pobita: per pme ftl' a team 111.at wu tu and wnt It IM NAIA louney lie!,.. falllq. Mlle Read c.r!1leolH Wt U flolnb per dh. lie pnpped at N...,.,.. Huber. Al Perlee of BUtta(len Berl 11 -ti UM: tlfeas1ve guard tudld11e1 rw Slufori Unlvenlty football 11111 1prioi. He wtlghl U3 and 1tudt M . • c ,. omi.a run. ' ..£aufornla'1 plt.cbl.na: suddenly went t m.4QW' in tbe Sunday 1ame and only 1 ·lcnuc:kJebl.ll artil t Hoyt Wilhelm. the .. : .. f~ AneeJ hurler, etcaped without gi\•· ,,~.,up a nm. , n. -m»e Olanta drove Anpla 51.arter ~ Brune< Iran the mound arter ' • .' w; Tminp u lhe vetuan fa,·e up ~· ~ bll.I and WU charCtd wltb hve t 'runa. Clyde Wrtlhl allowed four run., .. ,.Jwo of them earned, and Mlnnll Rojas rr-·WM toucbed for the f1naJ nm. M;, ~oYlonl Perry ltl the Anetll down 1: Willi anlr -run u be ~ the fl rll Hffn lnntnc1 and ICIUered teVtn hit>. The Ollnll aot IMlr hllUos power from J1ck Klatt and H1I Lanier •lth He went into the game hitting .121 on four hits in n at bata, and added lwo singles and lwo walks against !he Angels. "I'm jammioi myself," said Hart, "holding my hands in too close to my body. Can't get the bat around on the inside pitches and can't ruch across the plate foe the oulslde jobs. "Me and the skipper are going to have a few rounds to1ether In balling practloe back ln Pboeni1. And torother we'll get me stralshtened aut." . "Timtng," aald Coach Wis Westrum. "That's alt Jt 11, and Jtmmy'll get It back by optnln( day." ' I.as\ ~cason Hart hil .153 with l.1 homl!rs 1.nd 71 rurui b1tled In. LOS ANGELES (AP) -In their tirst full season 1t the Forum , the LOi Angeles Lakers won 71 percenl o( their home gRmH and e5lablished a seuon record for most victories. They're hopin1 that trend will continue Wednesday. to.~ Angeles plays San t'ranclmfs Warriors at the Forum next Wednesday in l h e first or . a best thn!Hf-five Western Dl\'ision series. The wlnntr of that series meets the \\'inner of the San Diego-Atlanta series. The Lalcers closed out their 1!16M9 N3Uonal Basketball Associ:itlon seeson Sund:iy night "'ilh a 128·1 I I victory over the New York Knicks. It was triumph No. 55 for the season and &ave Los Angeles a 32·9 record al home. "Wt'Y! never be!n more ready than we are right now," said a jubilant Coach Bill \'an Breda Kolff. "We're running better, defenslnt: better and playing bet- ter. But wt .1till throw the ball away too much." .. The key \o how we'll pl~ In the pl1yoff1 ls EJcln Baylor. A res led Baylor Is cur moll lhlportant asset. JSTy West Is back Jn shape and I know Wilt Cha mberlain wlll have a good playoff. we ~an 1'.'ln It alt" Van Bred11 Kolff said rookie Bll1 H~wiU of Southern California and former UCLA star Keith Erickaon were the most im- proved players this aeason and 1aid he expected sreat thlng1 from them In the p1'Jofl~ NIW TOlll LOS AJ11•1L•• . ...... ,- ··~!! t t.t • OW11'1'111tt111n11 J., n l tNlly I U 21 C-1$ 11 1-4 M Dtl_,,... I U " Irle*-It t-1 ft F••rler t W ,. Hewitt J M ' ll:t'ld 11 M X W.1 U 1·11 M e.wrne~ 1 M t <"....,., t tt ' Het•.rt I H t IEtlfl t ).J r Mty IMtH1W11.llll l Mt RIMI•~ l M t(.1My t 0.1 4 Tt111t t7 11-ft 111 T1lt lt U 'O·H UI MIW y.,ii ft lf h t> -111 lbl ... ,,.,,. • " • 11 -,,. F.ulld llUI -H-. 1'tlt l l'Wll -N1w Ytrt )t, L" A"'t!n It. "'"-""'"" -1'.l lCI. Stuford's ttnB..11 team wtll • • ftlldctably Wtakued •T tlte (rldudtl Iola of Jamie Cami!, 1 .,.nnq ""ilkl pla,yer wtie llam4 al Nt..,... HuW. Sllort Gl9M4!u Newly hired Costa Men fOOlbal) coach MIX Miller Illa picked hll •ualtr wl1tant1. lfldudtd wtll be Don Bums, DouR Brown and John Sweazy. 'nit lrvlnt: League wlQ drep )l)'ftf. Bee al'MI Cee. ftotHD Ja t• la '''°' er frtsl11nu, 1oplttmw. aal Yanity •qvads. ----------~~,__,........_ ____ -:-________ .__ Mond&J, Ml/tit 24, 1169 •mY Piiar H ~arina Star DoJDinates Area Swi'ln1ners B7 EARL GUSTllEY OI .. Olltr f'li.t lllft level. But hit eo&ch, Larry Ana:elel, says lbe swlD\ world ha.sn't xen anylJl.lng yet. hove made b\111 ll) All·Amerlcan wl year, But u good as LlppoJ b, the st<adlly AA a S.. laal ye11, Lippoldt llnlJhod dropping awtm llmea In the en• i,neu third in the Jll0.711d bacbtrvte. the Vltlng ,.nution will experience ,no Lu1ely because of Lippoldt, Marina It ls 1 matt.et ot lnore Ulan pau1ng Jnttre~t when an athlete dominates bis 1port to the e.s:tent that Don Lippoldt of Marina Hlih Scllool does. Comparing lJppoldt to the rest of the Orange Coast area'~ swimmers is a pretty one-sided matcbup. Of eight individual varsity eventl, Lippoldt has the best time so far this season in five of them. "Wben Don gets into colle1e and i$ coo.fronted with tougher competition, he'1· really going to be great," be aays. Uppoldt, who l! aa lood at water polo u he b · 11 swlmiDJn& Is not a product of the twnln1 youlh group swim J>l'OST&m!. "Don d.ktn'\ t.a.ke awlmmlna ·aerloyaly ur4ll he lo! lo Marina," his eooeb point& cal!o6-walk to a ClF champloo.ship. ha• it.a fineet twlmminc team ever. Two , '"!be times In the CIF .,. much WW ' -ko ogo, \be Vttes handed Anaheim now than they were tut year," Aqelel U.. first Sunset ~a&ue swimmingJWtat 11We swlm t ,000 to 1,000 yardlJ a day ln our afternoon workout and Don ls says.. ~ ln three yeat11 tMS. /' • out. · always the first one to flnish." • r <!But w~ could see rJebt. IWJY ~t "Don miabt have trouble winninc a Llppoldt won two events and handled Clf· championship in lbe dtetance ,eve.nu 1 leg o~ a winnJn& relay te401 in that The 6-1, 16()..pound aqua standout recorded his best pttfonnance yet Wednesday against Sant.a Ana Valley. He turned the 400 free in 3:59.%, S.J seconds faster than a time that would he had sml po<enlJat. He· had a good , strvk• and an ability ·lo 11<1 hlmaell In rood pl\yslcal condition. When he WU t Cff U I aophomOrt, be WU swimming In bur varaity· meets.•• because of Gary Hall ol Rane.ho one. Alamitos." Anielel il:ll!n>lni Marina into 1 c0unty 1 llallj\'on a sliver medal at the Ma1co •wlm J'!)Wer.,.. Bi; ~ a freshman, Clay In four swimming seasons a( Marina, Lippoldt bas accumulated 13 of 29 scboool records on the varsity, Bee and Cee ·" • CHECKING STOPWATCH·-Marina High· swim flash Don Lip- poldt checks out one of ))is nifty clockings with coach Larry Angelel. Lippoldt is the top all·round prep swimmer in the Orange Coast area. Sports in Brief 10-mile Run to Bernick; IOC Hits South Africa James Bernick, rUMing unattached, won the open division of the Newport Beach JO-mile handicap run Sunday morning in 53:02. Blll Anderson of the Santa Barbara Athletic Club was second in 54:33. In the handicap di vision of the race, John Halterlein oI the Senior Track Club posted the top time of 46.22. Robert Herman of the Seniors TC won the 40 and over category ln 48: 15 while Charlie Suthhard posted the best Ume for runners :;o and over in 49:26. ... ... ... LAUSANNE. Switurland -T he International Olympic Commit.tee rebuk· ed the Soulh African Olympic CommiUee Sunday for usln1 the Olympic five-ring 1ymbol at tlle alJ..•hite South African Games: In a telegram to the South African group, <the commltttt'1 e1ecutivt board ctnsund the South Africans for "misuse of tbtse symbols with gamts contrary to Olympic principles a.ad ideals." The board took no decision on the controversial Issue of amateurltm in 1kilng at its two day meeUnc h e r e ud referftd a report on tbe question to the fortbcomi.nc IOC mettint in War1a1'. ... ... ... LOS ANGELES -The 14' Angeles Stars' season-ending rally get.1 it! stiffest Rustlers List '69 Grid Foes Golden West College's 1969 football schedule, which feature.s four non-con- fennce and five conference games, has been conllrmed by the new Southern California Conference. The Rustlers will open their sea'Kln Sept. 20 against rival Orange Coast and then play three more practice games against Mt. San Antonio, Santa Barbara and Sant.a Ana. Although lhe newly formed Southern Calliornia Conference Is a seven.team unit. the Rustlers will onJy play five circuit teams -East Los Angeles. Rio Hondo, Loll Angeles Harbor. Los Aneeles City and Cypress. Southwestern, the 1evenlh conference member, won 't field 1 footbal l team unlit al fell!I tl70. The Rustler sch<dule : Sepl 20·1t Orange Coasl Sept 27 al Ml SAC OcL 4 al Santi Ana Oct. 11 1t Santa Barbara Oct. 25 •t E-..,t Los Angelell Q<t 31 Rio Hondo Nov. 7 Loi Angle1 llarbor Nov. 14 at Los Aneeles City Nov. 22 Cypreu test Tuesday night when the Eastern DiviSion leaders, the Indiana Pacers. meet the West team in the first of two American Basketball Association clashes. The Stars scored their sixth victory in seven games Saturday with a 135-123 y:in over the Miami Floridians. ......... VERO BEACH1 Fla. -The Les Angeles Dodgers today took their 01.ly respUe from exhibition 1euon play after dropping a H decision Sunday al Clearwater to the Philadelphia Pk!We1. The Phillies capitalized on the bitti111 of veteran Deron Johnson wbo hU two home runs and a double to drive in four runs that were more thu enoucb for lhe victory. The defeat was the elgb~ of the spring for the Dodgers against 1even victories. ......... OAKLAND -The Los Angeles Kings, bounced out of contention Sunday night £or second place in Ure National Hockey League's West Division , now must battle for a third place finish, but you couldn't blame them for not trying too hard. The Kings were dumped by second-- place Oakland H . ......... LOS ANGELES -Bootle fullboct Lar- ry Smit.II ru. the ~yard duti In • deadbeat wit.II •orkl cbmpl• 1prt•ter Tommie Smit.II in 4.7 1econd1. A few 1toan lakr, I.any was bobbled with a brokea foot. Re wu tajarec1 wbea u ai.rUDer boardin1 ramp collapsed Saturday al&ht al lntematlonal Airport. Af.ttr 1pendln1 &be algbt at a bos pltal, he Oew back home to FlorldL Doc&or1 said It wm be four or five •eekl before the cut come• off bll foot. SmUb, a former UnJvually of Fklrida standout, wu tbe No. 1 draft cbolct nf the Los Angeles Rams of Ute National Football League. ... ... ... PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) -Not content with the exercise he gets on the tennil tour, Cliff Richey has added three-miles of jogging to his daily 1ehedule. And, it's been paying o(f. Richey, 22, has won rive of the last eight outdoor circuit tournaments he competed in, Ule lat.est coming Sunday at the Thunderbird Invitational. R.ichey1·who says he "has been running • lot lately," beat Spain's M1nuel San- tana, M, H. for tht men's singles ch1m· piOfllhip. In other finab competition, Richey's sister Nancy brttzed Into the women's singles championship, unseating defen- ding champk>n Patti H<>ian of UCI. S-t , 6--0. Miss Hogan and Peggy Pifichel won the woman's dOubles crown. beating F..ame Emanutl of South Afrlc• and C.Ci Martine> H , 6-!, 6'1 City, Olympics In the <Ol).meter lndlvldu&! Jilv..,., who, be predlcjs, will eventually medley event. brtat lll~lJppoldt's records . ,, • By EARL GUSTKEY Burke (6-S~) of Fresno City College (6-2). Palos Verdei;' Tom Rah.Son (6-5), Of~ 0111,. 1'1111 II•" d D p th ,_, an ave ra er (6·9) of \.1\,Qden West." Long Beach Poly and John Woodard Tile search for basketball talent al UCI continues, despite the possibility head coach Dick Davis may leave soon to assume the coaching vacancy at San Diego State. With a surplus of talented guards returning next season, UCI is zeroing in oo front line players, the most notable Of whom is John Borchert, a &-o ~ forward from Long Beach City College. "Borchert is one of three junior college players we would like to ha ve here ne.xt season," says UCI assistant Tim Tilt. There are three Or'ange County high (6-3), Mt. Miguel, San Diego. school stars who are also getting a Lawry received second team all-city heavy rush from Davis and Tifi. UCI recognition for Bell thl'i season. Smith, is jusl one school of about 50 after the 5-11 guard from Bishop, averaged Troy's 6-10 Scott Magnuson. 26 point.a per game. ?\lagnoli:n's Dave Murray (6-6) is a Two prep standouts who have applied forward Irvine would like to wrap in for admission to UCI and who are believ- Anteater togs, as well as Jeff Powers ed to be leaning in the direct.ion of (S.3) of Westminster. Irvine are Scott Wright (6-5), SOuth <>4t~f-the area players UCI is pursuing Hills, and Bob Bahme (W Y..), Miranda are are Garrick Barr (6-3), Aviation ; County. Bob Black (6-6 Ya), Taft High, Los Two memben of Compton's fabulous Angeles; Tom Kennedy (6-6), Pal0& CIF champions are .OO being recruited •·we'd like to have Borchert, Verdes; Paul Lawryk (S.3), Bell; Rod by UCI: Ron ruchardson (6-1) and Louis Yale Smith (ft.LI), Bishop ; Andy Woodcock Nelson (8-2). Tempi~. '.fops Boston, 89-7 6, For NIT Title NE)V. YORK (AP) -Neal Walk. Sim· mi~ _J{jll, Bobby Smith, ButCh Beard. Those . Jere the CO~eJe basketball stars who were to light 'up •the 19'9 National Invitation Tournament at M a d i s o n Square Garden. But by last Saturday's final. ·all tbe gliUer belonged to a hockey buff who o~y took up basketball after he outgrew his skates. and a former business school student who n!VeT played basketball in high school. Terry Driscoll of Boston Coll ege and John Baum oI Temple were the pair who took their teams t.o the final . Baum and the Owls completed. their surprising surge to the top by beating the Eagles, 89-76, for their first NIT title s i n c e J938, the year of the first NIT. Driscoll, a 6-foot-7 senior pivot man who ~·atched plenty or hockey games in Boston but never a college basketball game until he was a senior in high school, came into the tournament with little national recognition. "I didn't start playing basketball until my sophomore year in high school," he said. "I never anticipated anything like this. It was beyondl any of my dreams. "But the loss takes so much away from my MVP honors. We wanted so much to win for the coach (Bob Cousy)." Kansas, Rvun • Invade UCLA LOS ANGELES (UPI) -J im Ryun and the University of Kansas track team clash in an intersectional dual meet Saturday with UCLA at the Bruins' track stadium in the highlight meet of the week. At the 1ame time the powerful ·university of Southern CaUiornia take!I on Occidental College at the Coliseum in their traditional dual meet. Southern California dominated last Saturday's 31st annual Santa Barbara Easter Relays by capturing 10 of IS .events in the university division, in- cluding victories in four relay events. The Trojans scored It points while ruMerup CalUornla had 31 and Stanford scored ~. Arizona was fourth with 24 and UCLA, which entered only eight men, had 19. OulslaOOingperformanceswereWmed. In by Dennis Savage 0£ Westmont in the college division who captured the open mile in 4:06.S and anchortd th e .,vlnning two-mile relay team. He was named athlete of the meet. In the univer!lity division. UCLA's Mark Ostoich hurled the shot 61·9% t.o hand teammate Steve Marcus his first Intercollegiate l.oss since 1967. EARNS HONOR -Like a fine wine, Newport Beach's John Vallely improved with age and capped his first season at UCLA by being named to the NCAA all·tournament team. Va1Je1y scored 29 and 15 points in hi s last two games to play a key role in Bruins' drive to a third straight national title. 400-Mile Off -road Race Gets Under Way Today LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -A new madness has been introduced to Las Vegas: 400-mtle off.road auto races. Each year thousands come to La§ Yega!I to see how many shows they can see without sleeping or how long they can stay without losing their money . The Mint 400 race gives the more rugged visitors a chance to sec how many bones they can break or kidneys they can bruise. The second annual 400-miler over desert and mountains began today at noon and should wind up sometime the following afternoon . , This motor sports phenomenon receiv- ed its biggest push three ~ears ago when the first Mexican 1000 was run down the rugged Baja Ca lifornia Peninsula. It rumbled into Southern Nevii.da for ' the first time last spring with the initia1 400 Desert Rally. In eight 50-mile laps near Las Vegas this year, motorcycles will lead the way. They are normally the first to cross the finish line. Then there are utility vehicles 1ike lhe Broncos and Jeeps. pickup trucks and various shapes and sizes of dune buggies. Last are the plain passenger cars. Apparently all of ltte mangled, dust covered and weather-beaten hulks of off- road machinery have been cleared off the course of last year's rally. Cox Named Athlete of Meet VICTORVILLE -Paul Cox, Sad· dlebact College's versa.we track 1ta.r, was choeen tit.kl event athlett ol the mttt in Saturday'• Deaert Conference relaya held al Vipor Valley Collqe. The 170-pound Cox competed in four field evtnts, ran a leg on the Gauchol' 440 relay team and wound up the al- temoon by setting a ptlr of school rtcords. Cot won Lhe dlscUll with a college Tecord tou of 138-4\'.c and .was second ln the javelin wJth a throw of 169 feet, also aood for another Saddleback mark. --' The Gaucho star &190 finished thlrt1 in the triple jump with a leap of 41-5 and fifth in tbc long jump with an effort Utat meuui:ed 20-S. In the uoofficial team standings, Sad- dleback. compeUng in its fint traci season, finished fifth in the eighl·team field with 13 points:. Victor Valley won the meet with 2' points, barely edgin1 Antelope Valley which t.allied 27. Ed Jarrell also had a good afternoon for Saddleback, placing tilth in lbe long jump (20-6), fifth in the triple jump (39-8) and running legs on four Gaucho relay tenms. Saddleback'1 best relay showing came in the sprint medley wbere the team o( Rich Moecowib, Jbn Yunt, Jarrell and John Dauss placed second In S:U.O. OaU&!I, who clocked 2:01.0 in his ao leg or lhe sprint r811y w1s runnerup ill the balloting for lr1ek athlete of the meet. In other relay race., the Gauchos wt"re fourth ln the 440 (41.1), thlrd in the dllt.anee medle)1 (1l:S4.0), fllth In tilt 880 and fourth tn the mile (l:D .O). • Sa.ddleback'I ltack team LI Idle ntxt week. but re turns to action April 3 In the Southern California relays. I • An added junior college proapect b 6-5 Howard Nicholson of Pasadena City College. • UCI will probably have t e \'en talented guards competing for spots·itm. season. The vanity returnees wnr be Mike Barnes, Steve ·Sabina and Keith Bean. Up from lhe frosh are Gary Fox and Larry Wassennan. ~ And former all.CIF star MJke Kendall Crom Monrovia has told Davis 1.e •u. to transfer to UCI from the UnlYenlty or Hawaii. 1 Tbe 1919-70 front line returnees •will be Jeff Cunningham, John Farwell, John Glavinovich and Gene Zeeb. Two OIJtlt.m. ding freshman i;rospects are Bill Geirge and Steve White. .. Vallely, Lew Make NCAA • All-tournament LOUJSVIIJ.E -For John Vallely. another bright year of UCLA baatelball ~ on the horizon a I t e r his sparklln1 finish In the Bruin>' 1969 NCAA cblm• plonship drive which was culminated Saturday when the Uclans amothered Purdue, 92·72, in the linale at Freedom H.all, here. • Vallely, former Orange Coast College and Corona del Mar" High School Whiz made the all-tournament five, along wit~ Wlllle McCarter of Drake, Rick Mount from Purdue, Charlie Scott ot North Carolina and Lew Alcindor (mos-t valuable) from the champion Bruin.t. It was the second straight wee\ in which Vallely had made a select 'Unit. He was all-tourney in the NCAA regionals. In the championship claulc be scored 29 points In the Bruins:' 85-12 chiller over Drake in the semi!I. And he came back for 15 more against Purdue. Drake flntshed third at Loulsvllle by cremating overrated North Carolina 104-84. , While Vallely hall another year to look forward to with the Bruins, Alclndor now looks to the pros. _ Alcindor's reign produced 88 victories in 90 gamts for the Bruins, and. he was complete dictator. He forcect op. posing teams into dillerent tactics .1han they would normally employ and alfnoat always controlled the game. But, that's all over now. Alcindor'a nexl big challenge will come from pro- fessiooa1 basketball, and It will be in- teresting to see how he met ts it. '· "I saw Bill Russell dominate cobq:e basketball for three 1traight years;·~so I had no doubt It could be done" said coach John Wooden Saturday after hl111 team had defeated Purdue, f2.7Z, for its fifth NCAA crown in six years. ~· "I think Lewis will be like the player he was in college in the pros, atlhough it's very dlfficult to dominate the ~pro game. "I don't think he's reached·.hl• physical peak yet," said the Bruins~ coach. Coach George King of Purdue; a former pro player, concurred 1ff'it.h Wooden that Alcindor should man a fine professional player. "There Is no question that ~I" will be a fine pro," said Kini, after big Lew had personally destroyed the Boilermakers with 37 points and at re- bounds ht bis collf«iate finale. .. l'v• never seen a big f'lY witb that much agllity and mobility." • Czech Olympict Gold Medalist At Long Beach: LONG BEACH -Otymplc Garn .. women's platform dlfinl 1old medal _,,tn. ner Milena Duchtova of Clecboalotakl• has accepted an invil•tJon to COJ1'\pde against the United Stattl' flnut dJYtrW In the Natlooal AAU Sborl Coone Swim- .Ung and Diving Cwnplooablps April .. ti at Belmont PW. Olympic Poot.· ,,,. c..chotlovUi .. 1111, to 116 ..... companied by her coach, Dr, Morla Cermatova of Prague, will compete tn UJtte.meler sprtnsboonl dlrilll April I and In the pl1Uonn event April ' II, but will nol enter the one-meltt sprlna· bol1d comoetlllon. ., Tlcll:ets for U\f event are available al all Compullckel ouilet& In Southent Callfornla or by wrlUn1 AAU SIVIK Cl!AMPtONSJllPS, P. 0. Doz !IOI, tons B•ach, i!OIOl l I I ' ff llNLY r!LOT Arizona Spike1·s Breeze at !2~.,~~!..az If Oran1e Coast Colle1e'1 track and field team manaees to run into stron,v squads than Mesa and Glendale com- munity colleges of Arizona they'll probably have to be from a four-year school. The pair of Ariiona ..oooi. easily defeated the PlraLts in a triangular meet Saturday morning at Orange Coast and broke sevm meet rtCOrd1 despite a aoggy trtck. Mesa won the meet with t:1 points while Gleodale had 73 and Orange CM!t scored %1. Mood11, Mm 24, I~' ,-- Even with the rl.i.n;oaked track which turned the lns.ide lwo lanes into a gooey meas and added extra distance to Top Barbor Area Athletes any race over a quarte.r of Recipients of special certificates for being chosen e mile, several Pirates turned Harbor Area athletes of the month 8re (left to right) in fine efforts. Mike Ogden (Orange Coast), Jerry Rinker (SoCal Miler Fred Skirdt was College), Bob Austin (Costa Mesa HS), Skip \Vil- Iiams (Estancia), Lee Haven (Newport Harbor), Jell Cunningham (UC Irvine). Doug Hilliard (Co- rona de! Mar). . in the middle of a fiereely ------------------------------------------- Pro Cage Standin~s ••• l.ttlln OM ..... WLPcl•a • .. ~ n 11 ,.,J -"lll!Mt...,.11 .U M .4'1' 1\'i> HN Yortc U ft .ut I ...... ., " .• , .... Clnclnnt'lt ...i Al .•u """ Dtlr.fl Jt ,. ·'" '! Mllw•ltlkM 11 SS ,m » W•tlnl DlvlllM x~ AntefM, U 11 .•11 -Alllnlt ia :U .JU I llifl Ft110CIKO 0 '1 .JOI 14 1111 Olffo 17 +I .411 111'1 Chic-lJ tt . ...i2 tt Sl1ll!e JO ,, .iu t5 Pl'lotnlx '' M .Its lt X.-Cllnc:Md Cli\'ltioll l!tll. .. ,.,,...,.. .. .... "hUtdoliPl'lle 111. ltfll""°" IOI HitW York 117, "" P-r1ncllm " ClllCl-tl 114. S.11111 127 MllWI .... uo. Siii 01-1116 Ol'llY t•rr.e. Kl'Mllultd. ko""'l"• II-lb """" 121. 811t1rnor1 .. Detroit u .. Cl'llQ .. 11• lot Afllfln la, Ntw Y"'11 111 Mllw"""-M lK. fl'hofflbl 111 Sin OllSO 121, Al .. !li1 121 ~ ~ tdlellllled. T...,..1 ·-a"Ulll' S..... ..... San DllN ¥l. """'°' 11 Pllllllle~llle C!lldnMI! at P'hllldlldllli Onl'r 11ml!:I ~ultd.. Soccer Roundup Rangers' Win; Subs Take Title Once-beaten Coast Ra~n: out of danrer when lAlf malntained their gtp on first Werneid put a comer kick place in Pacific Soccer League into the goal to make it U OOstilities by taking a 2·1 with 25 mioutes to play. It triumph over Fullerton Sun-was the .f<utb time this day afternoon in a rainout see.eon that ht hid bffn able makeup claab staged i n to hook in ooe of the kicks Anaheim. for a ICOl'e. And tn the. prtlim, Ranger But Fullertoo fought bact, reseves clinched the reserve scoring off a corner kick witb league champiooship / b Y JS minutes left to slice the blasting Fullel'too, S-0, to up gap to :z..i. Hoftver. the their record to lM. Rangers kepi Ille pr<0111n oa Coach Brian McCaugbey's to maintain ue-advantage. Rangers had a much rougher Tbil weekmd they play at go with Fullerton's varsity. UC Riverside with the subs Only a sparkling performance playing at DOOl1 and the flrlt by goalie Joe Feola kept team at 2 p.m. 5cu'1n.I for E1mr!•:...,... the R8niers on top I! be sto~ Ranger raerv• a 1 • in 1 t W L Pd •• ped Cfle shot' after anothtr. tl'..TI-'~ w-••·ve J~•-l'ldll~I '2 ,, .5" -H ad ~ k S'WK:JW'll .... ~ ~ \ll.U-Kentudk'f' 3' :n .w 1v, e m e "'~ ey saves (%), w h 11 e Andre Coultn. Ml1m1 • M .SM 1\\ in the first hall as uA~ Weyer and ·~·. Mlnnn.ott :lol )p M6 W. lMllloll IWUll:'O New York 11 n .m u McCaugbey'rgroup waa nurt-Moran"""' ooe each. 01lcl1nd O.iiv•r Wt1tw11 DI~~ ,7'1 -Ulg I ]..(t Jead. Tb! only goal1----·-------- N-Orle1n1 Oell11 LOI Ant•lff Ho111IDn "42 31 .m 13 of the half cMnt after .4Q ~1 32 .MZ 1' i1 -» .!!, nv. minutes of beWe when Glen 32 lt .. oi ii James took a free tick from 21 51 .2H 11 s1111r11111'1 •-lh 20 yards out and Colin West ll:entuckv 11J, NIJ\lll York 107 N.W Orle1n1 11,f, MlnMtOl9 11~ headed tf)e baQ into the Det. Ll!ll Angeles 131, Mllml 121 w~ W81 •~-to m1 .. Whal <UDpetitive race and had to .settle for a ihird-plact finish ·tn 4:22.0 b&s all-time best. In the race, be managed to beat .Mesa's Bob Bogliooe, tbt ;ctelendlng national cbampl .. who WOWld up fourth. PRE.SCHOOL SW I MF EST W C B I' 0 1kl1nd U7, HOl.ltlon llS ~ .--e OVer Oa lnQ o.,., m. """'" McCauibey deterlbed as two Olympic Pool for Tars ?1 __ ~B~es~t_i~n~W.!!!e~s~t __ _J£°~,~~~r~~k;,~:, ...... ~··'f;;..~'~~y~[~··:lr-____ -~~~~~!goolo~.-~~..!:'°~be~~====::::~ · Roger Palmer of Glendale won the race in the meet record time of 4: 11.5, edging teammate Rick 11-fonciviaz who ran 4:11.1. Moociviu came back ln the 2-mile to nip Palmer. In the 880 Terry Schmitz turned in his top effort of !he season, l : 51.%.. fini!hing rourth ln a l :SS.3 two-lapper. The Newport Beocb Tei> nis Club's Pre-school Invita- tional swim meet r 0 r youngsters five years old and under i! scheduled for Mar . 30. The meet will feeture 39 events in the boys and girls dlvisions with entrants eligi- ble to enter as many events The possibility of building an Olympic-sized swimming pool at Newport Harbor High School is being tentatively ex- plored b y Newport-Mesa School District officials. Talk is ri a 50-meter pool. more than twice as long as the 25-yard pool now at Harbor High. If built, the pool would be for district-wide use to spend $24,000 to replace the fast deteriorating filter system for the two Harbor High pools. District Supt. William CUn- rllngham said the new filter ma.chlnery could be moved to another pool if one is built. ~. u11 GlllMl1 .. 111 oc:c nu as they ""••. ._ ,......,_,_ G...._le l. ,_,,... Time : "'!'"' He said, "There has been some interest expressed in the community for an Olympic- slzed swimming pool. There has been a tremendous growth in water sports in the area." 'Board members, seeming inter¢ed in the propruia l, asked him to investigate the possibility of bull$1lng an Olympic-sized pool. a:;,_,. a.rtr.r tGJ '· 11t1t11ttti !Ml Event! start at 2 p.m. ). Tti.K CG) '· EM:l;e IOCC) OllMnce: after a 1:30 p.m. wann..up. ~1. ~ !Ml 1. 111 JorMn Interested parties should cocci •nd K1i.er 1a1 '· Mni.r 1occ1. contact i -De 11 o ta , Hlfthl: ~l\.\. .._.T M1i-1. fl'1tmer (GI 2. M..:l~llr Aquatic Director at the 1G1 1 a1'* 1occ1 '· .._.,_ cM1. Newport Beach Tennis Club. TlrrM: •:11.J. __ __:. ____________ _; U--1. Jld!son CM) 2. llftllll tM) 3. I' V1nlev !Ml '· ICtlHI' (GJ. Dl1t1nc.: !1·11"'. J1.,.11n-1. eent'-" (GI 1. ,.r1nld!n fMI J. fl'rMt< IMJ '· 91rloe!' IGJ. Dls .. iw;e: l/ll>L 1211 HH-1. G ... 111 CM) 1. C•llu1e ff) 1 . .,......,.., COCCI .a. C.,...bell iGJ. Tl""': 1•.1. ..._,_ R-11 IMJ 1, W, L ... 11 IGl 1. ~-!Ml 4. A. Ltwlt !GI. T'-: ... .2. 1111-1. ""*9n (G) J. Hall•fl IMI I. Sftl!llMY (0CC) t . K•HV iOC:CJ. TllM: t.I. DIKvl-1 .... blolllr. CMI J. tl'fle Ioctl 1. TMi. (G) A. JfMIOll IOCCI Dllt1iw;e: 1Jl-I. *-1. 9lldl !GI) "1.. '"l'lde!'fllnl CGl >. Mdl11rMT CMI ' lctlmltl cocci. Timi: 1:».J • .... l'MH'dlK-1. O•tlllll fMl 1. ll:l'll'r tMI I. I'-COCCI '5twt IOCC). Time: 5:1.7. 220-1. HaWlllll CG) I. Del$ !Ml l. Slol~ (OCCJ '· Hale IM). Timi; "·'· T J-1. J.cluon (G) t. V1nlt\I CM) l. 5--Y {Ml 4. KeL,er iG). Olltttw:t: •1·1. J.ml-1. MOtldWltl !Gl l. P1lrn1r (GJ 1. EtntMl"liflil (GI 4. IC.II-CM). Tlm1: t:lt.1. l"Y-1. C,.,... tM) J. Mccolm CMI l. l'r1ler !Ml 4. 119 l l1nd (0CC) t nll I'~ !GI. H~!: IJ.Hi,. Mli. ..i.y -l. Mtw 2. Gllndele. Time: J :U.6. Pro Hockey Standings ttel\eAll \.NI.,. ••"' 01.W... "'-!rte-I _..., W \. T P b. •"IA •J u 11 101 '" 111 H 17 U ,, ?ti 110 :lt1$1Mtl61H J:ll~1J tl2'2t20l 11 " 11 71 ?Jl '°' u:a1n24.ln1i -y"' T ..... """'' .,._ WM! Dlwl ... R $! Louil JS H U M lff ID 01kl1ncr ?I lJ 11 67 2CW 1U P'llllldf,....,\1 If ,.. 10 • , .. lit LOI Antti.o l~ 3' t JI llJ ?4t Minne.all II 41 I~ JO 113 7JJ Plfbbu"ll 11 '5 10 U 11'.I Hl S.lurM1'1 •-111 Monl .. 11 ], Ntw Vart ! ll!llten J, ClllcellO J TorOo\lo ], Detroit I PlltlbY ... h 2, JI. lol/11 ! O.kl1nd '· L11a A11111•i.1 o Plllledelltl'lll J, Mlnn1i.o!1 I Su....,r'll 11••11• Cl!lnto .._ tonnto 1 P1!lleMIJtlll1 ' 51. L..,k 1 l'llf\bu ... 11 S. MlnMMll I Olkltnd l. L• .......... f OniY 11rnu KMdulM. T•r•t ·-Na tllMI tdtetlui.11. ~ SAFl!CCI INSURANCE for ~pecial GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Family ~u+o Insurance lob Paley onol"-1- INSURANCE • • 474 E. 17111 St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 l\.nne.,1 AUT8CENTER • Is that funny thump-thump under the hood the generator? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. And maybe it's kind of foolish to let the local garage spend a lot of time (and a lot of your money), trying to find out. Drive into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center. In less than one hour, we put your car through a series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential ones. Steering. Engine. Brakes. Transmission . Electrical and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems. Expert analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe. You watch the results come out on an electronic typewriter. A skilled diagnostician goes over /".:t°;:, the report with you. II you wish, he'll give you an estimate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to take care of small problems now, before they develop into big problems costing big money. And, if you wish, PenneYfwlll make the repairs- qulckly, accurately, economically. Repairs that could prevent a needless highway breakdown. II you prefer, you can take the report anywhere you like. The cost? Only 9.88. Pretty reasonable for an analyst, these days. Ch~elll • ..-... "'•k •••10....-........... •lteM~ S'IU111 Penneys Auto Dicglostic Center ThoSclonti'1cT1<>11bleshooten Pullerton Huntin1ton kh. l~Or.11et.lrMef1 TmMI...., ... '"'IMr ,,, ... w ,.._..,,.., "2·1771 Newport lch. 14 .. tM ........ Ph-. 644-JltJ All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday AUTO CENTER Save big on a set of 4 Cushion-Master shocks! Foremost® Premium heavy duty shock absorbers give extra service, extra safety on the road! Up to 43% more cushioning piston area than ordinary shocks for greater control of 'wheel bounce.' For a smoother, more comfortable ride •.• stop in today! 4tor27.88 UBEVDUR EN NEV HAR GE ACCOUNT NEWPORT BEACH (F•shion f,f•nd) , 1. Rugged upper mounts 2 •. Smooth, super- hardened 1/J" diameter shaft 3. Multi-lip seal 4. Four-coil spring 5. Tough, heavy duty walls 6. Larger pistoa 7. All-weather fluid 8. 1·l/16"micl'llo smooth c.,lh1der 9. 12°/o more shock fluid 10. Special reservoir YalYiag 11. Cooler operation P1y M Ir.tie• $S ,., Month •• , NO MONIY DOWll HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) MONOAY ' IWICH 2A '"' 0 MAYOR SAM YORTY * "'LOS ANGEUS PER· SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL REPORT TO THE PEOPLE ••an."' -m (.., ....... l!I m ... ., • .._ tC> (3CJ) 8RM lllell ... ('C) (90) P1l iWmistOll. JaMI: lna 11111 Mill· llllOll fib 1uat. 0 6 O'CLOCK MOVIE-Color! * "DESK SET"-Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy D Si1 O'Olla; Merit: CC) ""Dtlk Sil" lcttmed1l 'Sl~nc« Tracy, lttluirin• HtP1111m, Cl1 Younf, 01 ... (C) (IO) m.., ... m CIOl "' ,,_ ..... m.-m 1101 IDl IJJ ... -(C) fEI ..... .., (30) '1'111 8r.w BorL • hit L Ant .t e th,_.part llofy iltloat lwo Ml'fll bop Ill Ill Mricn "'•if-·-· -m """ -m l:IO a me • 1 .,. ('C) (80) Q)ILM ... (30) .,.,... .......... .. ... (C) (IO) CDCl>R 1iraw1e cq ll!l -... (IO) .,,,. ........ dH stDfJ. • A fDnnlr lloar tlOt ti Ilia CUfTtllt .ctMtill • I llliti --· 1111 CIJ m m m •-m TUESDAY DAmME MOVIES CJ MAYOR SAM YORTY * SPECIAL REPORT a•..,,,_.. m (JO) m--m(IO) mno -• <lOl .__. Thi .... • .... .... "' Alllld ~ '**"" iftll -· I!)-- 2M m ..._. TM" l'lffttn) '.56- t:CI08 fQ -nr. S1111r1_,1 llrf" KMI Tr1'of, .lolwt "'11111. ...... •:•CJ--(-'U -Ra H~ ltitl ~. t:Jtll ........ • AM IW" (Wtltenl} •:Jt9 (q -sill c.ttr" (4tw) '51 CLIP THIS AD AND SAVE -.IDct lllahofltr, llrMn H•. T.V. '7.50 ON TOUl Nlrt lllYICI CALL IOI!$' 1~111r1t M.y 11, 1 ... 1 RCA SALIS & SllVICI ZINITH '" s .. w• • ~.r1111i. W...Jce: 642·9742 275 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA PERKINS I WONDER l'M'~ UKESME? J·.>+ MISS PEACH --- I Cliarl•s M. Scliulz - ly John Miles By Horold Le Doux 1U. IE nteRE lO PIO: '!Cl IP • OIE HCJU •• A.VP TME Rll:ST nmlG f'a 6CU6 10 TELL '#OCI ~ wo.f ME~ VP IA'/ .v.nlME! l'U. ANt' OO"f IF I GOITA~O!Jf 1liE WIUE LOUSY, S11Nl<IN' B!Jf.Ol! By Al Smith I I I I I "L....---..i ' Mondi)', Mlldl 24, 1'169 LOVE STQA'Y -Kalhv Carver flips over rock-and- roll :tinger, Eddi~odges, above. and has a date with him. He taltes here lo a party and sings to her alone and tben goes a\vay. The episode of · "Famil~ Affair" is titled "The Flip Side" and may · be viewed tonight on Channel 2 at 9:30. · TELEVISION VIEWS Vast Power Outage Seen By CYNTHIA LOWRY ,., NEW YORK (AP) -The possibiilty o! ano!heo vast power blackout like the one that darkened the Northeast in 1965 was raised SWlday night by the National Educational Network's "PBL." , The ..hour-long segmer.t o( the pro,gram moved inlo a number of areas involving electrification,,, but focused primarily on facets o{ the continuing..· controversy bety,•ecn public and private power advocates. PERHAPS PARTISANS on either s ide n1ay have found the program more controversial than the. average viewer. It seemed that i! the program had an editorial viewpoint, it was the position that both public and private electricity suppliers should work together and that more elaborate safeguards - power grids -should be built to protect the public. CBS's "21st Century" early in the evening re- emphasized by demonstration \l.'hat 1nan the de- stroyer is doing to his world -polluting the air, poisoning the water and generally destroying the baJance of nature. Neither program had much to say that was new, but television perhaps also serves by remind-. ing the pubfic that there is still work to be done i" vital areas. NBC ON FRIDAY traced the journey or mail I thousands of years ago from his arrival in Alask<t southward 16,000 miles to the southern tip o{ South America. . "The First American" took the viewer on 1r · camera trip, with archeologists for guides, fro1n prehistoric shelters built of mammoth bones in · Siberia to a dig in Pat.agonia. From evidence at the various excavations, It is presumed that the first men in America were Asians who crossed from Siberia, perhaps as long as 50,000 years ago, when glaciers had lowered the sea so that a land bridge was created. AT THE VARIOUS sites, bones, early stone and: metal tools were shown. Specialists told of early man's way of life and showed the evidence of his migration. The progra111 \Vas highly educational although a t times it seemed more like an illustrated lecture than a television presentation. NBC's "Hollywood : The Selznick Years'' also on Friday was a disappointing and unimaginative hodge podge of film clips !rom old movies intercut . with bits and pieces from interviews with perform-· crs and directors who had worked with producer David 0. Selznick. ••' THE PROGRAM seemed designed more a s a ' flattering memoir than a rounded portrait of a man and an er a. It was interesting that one of his film5 that has been reissued received a lot of plugs. The most interesting portion of the hour showed¥ screen tests of various stars seeking the part ct, Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With the \.Vind ," but even · these were handled clumsily. Dennis tlae Menace ' ' ' . I DIMES TO DOLLARS Spend JI'"''• '"''-'' J,lleti, Cttl' •-41·5611 for "'l will! •~ In. •1111nti••, 1ur1./;,, DAILY Pt LOT Dill'lt-•·l ln• • , ' lt4 DAil. Y l'!Laf a.rn~ COOGans BLUf f ---~~ ............... ENDS TUESDAY [!) --,...,..._......::n.-,...... I GREGORY• EVA MARE PECK SAM' , ... ,,. ......... -., Claildren's Theater 'Half Past Late' Short hut Sweet By TOM BARLEY Of 811 D911y Pllet SMlf 1'lt1lf Past Late Jn Won- derland" iii ooe of those glossy, fun.filled fanWles that seem to flow unerringly from tho.se faithful cateren to childhood joy -the Chldren'• 'lbealer Guild of Newport Harbor. To be surt, tb1s happy hour of ideal holiday fare Jeans heavily on the wit and wonder ol. Lewis CarroU. But, ln sharp contrast to some of the welrd erlem.ions of Wonderland that we've had the misfortune to witness, this merry musical romp is impeccably geared to the inspired ideals of Alice's immortal creator. than lhat slncere accolade. "Jt was marvelow:· but lt wasn't long enouah" wu \he unanimous verdict· ot -this critic's four YOW'll crltks and ~ have to agree. But. Jet us quickly add, wbal you get for your mooey lJ top-lliglit family fare aDd a crisp, "MAL" f'AS'f UT• IN WONDll•lANO"' A ll'lllllcal ltla'f IW Jo.11 St.lllfortll ll'ld fin Wl~ Mut!QI In'.,.... """' by MIUl(o Ol.ollll\o ~~I' bl' °™" P ... I, dw~ beKd Oii Ltw11 Drl"l:lll'* "'AIQ 111 w~ ... ,.,... sented by k H--1 H1rW Olll- llrw1'1 n..tw GllUll """"°' 2t tfld :II 1t a.11 Me1.I Hitt! ~ trail.Im .n.1er. Moll'W .. (llnl ..... el'llt), J.....t ...... M<#Mr .. (Mlr, 2t&:llOJ •. Sonwll W•- Allce ...•.....•........ , ., .Sue ClfT T~ Whfie R11bltll ..... A.bbit Mellllewa Cheohlrt C1! .............. Gl11ny P111I Tiie Wlt!te ~... •• . • .. !"el Rtdloy T-11-Off ........ ,. . . Mary Mic-, Costa Mesa High ~l au-- dlence. Sue Olrr is a sweet and conv!nclng Alice, .on Inspired piece cl castJng -tor the not-so- easy-as-it·loob role of Car- roll's young heroine. She broogbl to her Wonderl.;,.i wanderings a freshness and naivete that Weft Al ap-' pealing as lhey were con- vincing. Mesa Civic Playhouse 'Remnrkable Pennypacker' An Appealing Production By TOM Tl'IVS Of .. Dtllf ..... ..,. "Morality," observes "The Remar>-ta bl e Mr. Pen- nypacker" -only slightly ruf- fled when his l!OCOOd family of nine in ~ city comtS to light -"is a matter of gqrapby." Jt ii aJlo a matter of time, place aod lndi vidual opinion, as the Costa Mae Civic Playbouae points out with !lralght laced aplomb and a W<1l peeled eye toward the gent 1 e , 111-encompassjng humor that would earn a "G" rating from Ill)' movie censor, and maybe even a 0 G whiz." ''TH• Rl!MAIUCAILS M•. Pl!HNYPACKl!R .. loaded linea of the evenlnf is Jack MurTay, hilarious as the grumpy grandfather. Lois Wilson has some fine moments as the maiden aunt ("You can't get married in a week -It's immcral") w bi I e Maurice Roland as the elder cleric ma.ke.s a ~ foil far Pennypacker's the o g i ca I thrusts. The youngsters -as engag. 1HE.STAU<INGMOONll'============~. It's a worthy, if shorter, successor to its G u i l d predttessor, t h e glittering "Simple Simon" that we recall with fond affection. And even Good Housekeeping can't pro- vide a better seal· of approval Tweedle Oum ......... Betty Mc:K"vet The Mitll "'-tttt, ....•. Mlrw Slle!IH1cil ~ ............. , ... J Jmmy M•tY And a gratefui bow for the lhoroughly royal progress or Peg Reday as the White Queen. A fine piece of casting, we tboughl, and :ri.1rs. Reday brought to her role a pomp and flourish that popped Car- roll's Queen right out of the pages of the children's classic. A comec1V by Ll9m O'Br19!1, til- rected bl' Pill T1rnbtt11nr. a..1111..t b1 ll11rt>.tr1 G1'11dt, tfdlnlc1I dlr.elor W1rn!l'I Conck, ..i dnl9n by P1ut Gf'l(rf, P~ bv 1111 Cotl1 Mtw Civic Pl1Vhouw P:rkf•I' 1nd Slt11rd1v, ckl5!119 Marci! 29. 111 I~ Comm1111Jty C9fller •vdllorlum, we,t .. ,, Orane1 County F•l'lll'Ol/Nls, Cc-11 Mna. MOST CONVINCING Pet H•rp Ing a brood as ever crossed lhe footlights -are unifonnly effective, used sparingly but effectively to maintain the ensemble effect. They include Toni Bergman, Andy Vircsik, Bruce Cooper, Krill Tam- bellini, Ciody Van Atta, Tim Flanagan, Brad Ogden and. from the other side of the tracks, Bruce Campbell, glv- ing a fine impression of youthful befuddlement. ~Ofl'"• M~i9C»r 1HDCUIEM ROB IAS\'ElilS ELKE GM« SOMMER LOCKWOOD LEEJ. JACK • COBB Pl\LANCE aa • STARTS WEDNESDAY 4ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS "DAZZLING" . "" ROMEO cS"JULIET llMllWY/l!M111111C ~:'!~! • •ll:ACM • . ,.T •'-U• _ ~--' 'UllfTINGTON •&ACH • M7- NOW thru TUESDAY (!] -............ ..:n.-,._t GREGORY· EVA MARE PECK SAINI' .......... ,,,_., lHEsrALKlfG MOON f5.1t Actress NominH ~"" ' ~ .o--.... -~ • STAllTS WEllNISDAY :j,_,_ .""l'"-'t ( --:_; r'l._;·Jo"-1-' -----Arcs•·=. I , • Who Can Read Just One 'Peanuts'! ----Naminatod.,,. 7~yAwards BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR + BEST ACTRESS Peter OT oole Katharine Hepburn P€reR ....... ~~N€ 01001.E _.,..+ri HEPBURN •"""l!S! 1H€ UON INWINT€R -...... .. .wco DDAllT ----MAll.OBDBBSNOW--- ?IUETS Al.SO OI WE AT 30VTM£ltll UllfUltlllA 19JSIC CO. 111 sot/flf Mill ST. NG All IM\IAI. TICUT GJllCIU ~ w.12411w -•Wiit ...,.. on;c, LtatWil OAUIM-~ ltSOltl SEAT mt f*'I STlllS ot0et11s CfNTURY 21 WEDNESDAY! •• -.. .... -.,,,_ •ox Ol'FICE Ol't:N DAIL T 11 HOON . f l'.M.;;;..;,;;.;;;.., ef JOO'" ooly ONI MO'lle tltis ,_. ••• I ,.,, ...... bo ON! of thtm! STARRING SA-r .11.uai 29, 1919 ,l:JO I'll-!:JO All ,,.,..., ,, TBE CIASSICS IV • JGE SOUTH •-SHAl&O THE wans 1131D ST. IHnHll IANG WIWE ilm:llBl • 11tE samm mmTIOll • mt , Ai. ENJOY UNLIMITED USE OF ALL DISNEYLAND ADVENTURES ANtJ A11RACT10ftS (ace gt lbootinc pUeri~) °"' SCIO prim -OMn lhu $1o,llllCI! WID l'lllE: 1'69 ·Yoltmitio PLUS Hond• 50's .t MrQl.Jral Bibi • hider llmbl lnstnmtats • Sh«t flkttl 1111 Unitld AlrfilMIS to Siii F111ncbco • Mitntr: Hcm\1 and· C. stmos • HW Clfftar-4ri'NI UnGUllnl klr 10 dl)'I • C!. PlflOIMll ApplialCa • S111Dt luk:en • Cooct,...,. Rldnt Jacbts • Ctr11dol '1ft Certlfatn: • Coolin at p.pll • C.pltol Reconts •A IM Reconb • ka:tl ._..,. TkUt& • Thlti: W•tchn • ~•t IMt..tlc c..m.a. • Gff't ClfrtJflcata tRlllt PllldletOft • Cift C.r1ff· imn""" Rldlfttkl Oil. r.wm Coat •!Id Ptdflc Th11tt1 P'utS • Plus bandrlds cf othW ptlztC. Ott ,..,,. ~ • WW An;•blo 11 Di...,.tod 8'i Offlco, Wollldll 1 AIWAN<:E SALE .Musk Cltr stora, Dtsmond'• Stora. Md II TICKm ""* of "''"" llltncOIS ..,, Bon-sooo ard. llcMtlmM~29$7.DOand . ...nablt..,, ... ~.nd. ,..,,._ C<Nm PilaMr .......... Dl•nt P111t s11e1r 11-1..... . ....... L!nd1 5,,..,, TMl l"LAYIHO CARDS Kim C•rr M1rilv11 Macv Roblfl C..rr Tortev Mor\111 Le.U, Fre-n.n Oetlble P1\lf M11rylou Gllbtrt K1ren Pwlle St•rr HUODlna CJn11v Shill!> E~I .... K~ Joen Spe.llHlch Klll'IV LlmbKk Lori Wix Tile dtfld,_,, •re •II membeo-1 tA CTG's C.-tlw or.,na wn111oPs. sparkling piece of pantomime that is utterly true lo the concepts or Carroll from the first flurry of the White Rab- bit to that last joyful finale. Much of Faye Wilson's tuneful . mll!l.ic carries definite echoes of that magnificent "Simple Simon" score and Joan Stainforth's clever lyrics are made to measure for a cast that didn't, at the Satur- day perfonnance· we had the plea~ure to attend, put a C<Jl- Jective foot wrong. This well drilled, disciplined C<lmpany reflects a polish that can only be attributed to t h o rough, . pre-performance pr epa ration . We were particularly deliibted with a higly effective flurry o f footwork provided by 14 young "playing cards" in a routine that drew a sustained and deserved ovation from the TNE CAST P11 Penl!l'Mcltff ............ Ron 1"1!1111 Ml PennVlllld<lli' ............. P1l H••P Wllbuf" FHie-kt .........••.. P1111 Grattl' K-. · ·" ................. YI,.,.. How A11nl Jane .................. Lois Wllaon G,...._ Pennyplld!;er .. , .. J1ck Murrav HorKt 111 .............. 81\/Ct Campbell Dr. Flr"111d •...••...•.... M1urlu Rol111d L•urle .................... Tonl ktvm.an Otvid ..................... Ardy Vll'Qlk EllWltrd .................. llrvca c-r E llz11beth ............... Krll T1rnt.l1lnl Pe1111Y ................... c:no.,. V•n "'"' Ht>nry.,, ................. Tlm FllMHrt T-.......... ,, ........... Brad Otllen Qullll111 ..................... a m Slllner Shtrltf .................... WlrrM C- PUP1l1 .. Lri911 Altft I. Kay l.....,, B-11 Mary Macy and B e t t y ?ifcKeever did a beautiful job or duplication In their twin.Ji..ke maneuverings as T w e e d I e Dum and Tweedle Dee and f\.farge Spelleticb was no less accomplished in her Mad Hat- ter role -her "Tea for· Three" musical romp was an absolute delight. It's true family eotertainment Abbie Matthews devoted her at jts finest. ever--fiowing energies to the Spaning with lines and role of the White Rabbit situations that would be looked ( U""" as ",..;.,,,ue" at ·-time perpetual motion this girl) Y"'' ·~ .. (<' and Ginny Paul was suitably or the play's setting -in f II d the 1890's -"Penn ...... cker" e ne an mysterious as the . J t"'" Cheshire Cat. A Guild ~ pl'OVJdes us with a most ducuOn without little Jirmlly marvelous spoof of our strait Macy on haDd 1,jUI( wasn't 1, laced years in one of the Guild show and, sure-enough, "most a~ producti_or:is th~ ~ was flS the Donnouse · r« mounted oo the Civic in ~~apot. Playhouse stage. OVflibl.lective bouquet to the · "Remarkable" is an apt man1 other t a I e n t e d description in m<>re than one youngsim's in this fine cast. respect, fer in staging the They ill played lbetr part _.\ft ,.. .. Liam O_'Brie.n ~edy, diree- a pfodUction that puts ·~· fresh tor Pati Tambelli:n.I has done coat of paint on tbt p-eatest f~ the Costa M.esa stage what chlldrt.n's story of ~them all ~a.scope did for the mo- -Alice'in Wonderland. tion picture theater. With an eoonnous · assist from set designer Paul Gracey, who bas fashioned the largest, most decorative and altogether luoctional _, ever seen at the playhome, she has creai.d deplh and width of almost cinematic pro- portions. Too much mention caMOt be made of the staging area, w~~h reproduces the tUgh- cedinged drawing r o o m • hallway and frmt poreh of an Eastern yesteryear, rellec- Ung painstaking atlenLion to detail. A double round of ap- plause is due Gracey, who also e1ceUentiy interprets the conservative young minister in the play. Against t h i s impressive backdrop is enacted a warm comedy of the "old morality" which, though it tends to take its illCQllgruit.ies a bit too seriously, presents a quite en- joyable picture of one o! our earlier "free thinkers," a man born several decades ahead of bis time. Ron Filian portrays Mr. Pennypacker, the head ol two households who alternates on an equal time basis between each. WW!e a shade on the youthful side for the part, Filian makes the most or it, deftly underplaying his character and skillfully con- trasting the radicality of his ideas with a stern, n1> nonsense demeanor. Beautifully complementing his performance with a teary, traditional rendering of the emotionally martyred wife is Pat Harp who, like Filian, lacks the years but not the ability for the role. In a part which could easily lapse into soap opera, Miss Harp keeps it well within bounds in a most convincing portrayal. The aforementioned Gracey comes .of£ swimmingly as a 5tuffy suil<r, cootributing a fine , believable tipsy scene ln the later moments. A n d Valeree How is equally im- pressive in her East Lynnish man ner as a conservative rebel to her more progressive (if that is the word ) father . Delivering the most laugh- Crossword P11zzle ~'"63 ~~# ~o-o- -Also- George Pepperd Inger St•vens Orson Wells "THE HOUSE OF CARDS" Eve Show Starts 7 p.m. Co11t. s ... """' s s.11. tr.111 2 11 IUPU l"ANAYISIDN illO lltmocoua NOTE SHOW TIME Dirty Dozen Once at 7:15 Gr and Prix Once at 9:45 ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. * NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY ==---...... flwioobmREW -· RoMro ~ .9'.JUUET NooMln IOW'! f>tnr,-.. e STARTS WEDNESDAY e FDR ONE WEEK ONLY! Some men are starved for love ... ACROSS ' 1 kind of bear •Towel Insigni a 10 Soates 14 Practi cal 15 EnthusiaSll'I 16 Go into llquld state 17 Insert: 2 wonts 18 lh!t't Eveqst is 19 "Thanlc you": Informal 20 Had an aversion toward 21 North Pacttic island 23 The other side 25 AcceSSOIY for Na ncy Greene 26 Football •'''" 27 L•Bttl -Pits 29 Foolish person 31 Snea'/ Jl lslaa off Tuscany 35 Come Into si_ght 37 Given to 1 chatttrin g •l Ettol 4Z Threw down tht gauntlet 44 Carried on the person I > ' • " " ' 4S Guatdlan--'7 lnfor11atlon 48 Lrgal matter .C9 kind or Ytssel: lnforn1al 51 Kill In crrtlin ••>-53 Sort or: Suffix 54 Man's nid:naine '!i1 Ory . 59 Lowest 111 position 61 Put out of office 64 Spinelikt proce ss 67 W. African monkey U Spiritual~ lst's word 69 Kind of race hors• 70 or the samr fam11y 71 Zig°' zag 7Z Rub out 73 Exigency 74 Bring dlfleren\ in ldeeUt, 75 kind of island OOH l Door slsn 2 Grer\ Barritt Island 3 Strret cleaner's pet hate 4 Strange 5 Tore 1way 6 Onerous burden: 2 words 7 Femlnln r ""'' I Monsoon f!1tures ! Hors d'oeuvres 10 Ale utlan Island 11 Rmovr stubble lZ Platt of pt'ttious JRtUI 13 Gnissy surf ate 22 Suavr 24 ,,, ... 27 N. Honduras .... 28 ..... s nllDt JO Five book• of lfoses 32S,uawt 34 P ural noun s11ffix l2 3/24/69 36 Certain househol d utensils 38 Kind of parfy 39 Head of a republit: Abbr. 40 Slan11r affirmative -43 Europra1t -'6 Lecheiy 50 Act 52 E1prrssed surprl se 54 An Italian 55 Elltit .56 Contenls of maqic bottle 58 Rapacious fiO Kind of tire t.Z Witw.tl!t's.- rand 63 llagnelile a.nd bauiritt 65 Bird-buill structure 66 Spact 2 ' • 31 " .. One final note must be made on the subject of seaUng. Friday's opening night au- dience was treated to newly purchased risers, elevating the rear rows to the point where \\'ell over 100 persons can - and did -enjoy an unhin- dered view ai the stage. Even from the topmost seat at the rear of the auditoriwn, it was a fine production. Only two perfonnance3 of "Permypacker" remain, Fri· day and Saturday at the Com· muruty Cent« on the Orange County Fairgrounds. TV Drama Will Study Transplants NEW YORK (AP) -The trend in television dram& would lead yoo to believe that writers are creating script.! with ne"'·spapers at their elbows. ~1any stories are right out of the headlines -campus demonstrations, black • white confrontations, drug addiction, mental retardation, alienated youth. Such material makes the screen fairly crackle with con- troversy and tough dialogue. It's not bad tor the ratings, either. "The People Next Door" and "The Experiment'• on CBS Playhouse, "Teacher. Teacher" on NBC's Hall of Fame, and two recent NBC \Vorld .Premiere movies, "Deadlock" end "The Whole WGrld Is \Vatching," did well. Coming next is • ' T h e Choice," on NBC's On Stage Monday, March 30, which tells of a heart transplant and the conflict arxl emotions it can generate. P.1elvyn Douglas, who beads the cast, said, .. The conflict arises because the father of a young man killed in an accident doesn 't want to giva up the heart. But the boy'!'I V.'ife doos and it then become!'I a quest.ion of v.·ho gets the heart." Will it be an aging diplomat, played by Douglas ? Or a gifted young pianist, played by Frank l.,angella'! George Grizzard is the doctor who must make "The Choice." "You want to hear a sweet story?" asked Douglas. Thfl voice is gri tty, the hair is thinned and gray and he has pouches under his eyes. But Douglas has loot nooe of the charm that made him a star 30 years ago in light comedies \Vith Greta Garbo. "Tom Donovan, the director, had a doctor friend with him to sort or act as technical di~ector at the taping," he said . "George Grizzard and 1 had a lill\e SCUlC at the ~· I take bis hand and say ~ m glad Chat the decision wa!'I in the hands of a man like him. "Tom told me later the cfoc. tor got tears in his eyes and to!~ him things like that made being a doctor worUiwhlle." Fox~s s.. Oiilrt r,_,-11 am... !M6-1711 HI LD OYEI 2941 wna OrtN 6:45 CLIFF ROBERTSON CLAIRE BLOOM -la - ''CHARLY'' IN COLOR -~~~ ... KIRK DOUGLAS _ .. .... -· THE llROl'H ERHOOO -~.,..,...,.--~ . . ....... • •• DAILY PILOT llondl1, Mardi 24, 1969 . .., t •• .. Always at Sears • • • Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money . Back Quiet! Smooth! Road Gripping! ·Sears 1 ears. ...... ~ . A-.. ._. STEEL CORD RADIAL TIRES .A* AitJ ADstat11 --A.lloat ,,... : • ·' .. SAVE •401 AotoAirConditioners Save an add!-f20 on Reiu· Jar $50 Jutallatloa '30 During tblo lllllt only Regular $24 9.95 20988 NO MONEY DO\VN on Sean F.uJ Tl!l'm• • 2 \4-in less in depth than any other Sear model • Fita 1nug]y mtder da sh • 3 fou r-way adjustable louven and 2 revolving side louvers • High capacit1 unit for quick cool-down • 3 ·speed control, automatic, thermo1tat, dual blower wheel& for maximum effici- ency. Model 5775-7 Full 4 Ply Rayon Guardsman· With the Life Protecting Patented Features Guaranteed 30 Months · Has a Carcass 12% Stronger than an average of non-belted new.-car tires Regular ,Trade-in Priee $18.96 ·. At 25% Qff Per Tire You Pay Orib; ... -. SIZE 6.50.13 6.95x14 7.35'14 7.75x1' 8.25x1' 7.75xl5 6.50x13 6.95xl' 7.35x14 7.75x1' 8.25xH 8.55x1' 7.75x15 8.15x15 8.'5x15 8.85xl5 I~! .... .. ~ -'Nt1l:a • •&• PlmsL11hL-. '!'as 494 ON n,.· I Ysj£ta 1 ..... ., . TUBELESS BLACKWALL . I 18.95 I 25% I 1'.21 I 1.7' I 19.95 25-10 ···-··-I 21.95 25"to 11.46 ,_m I 23.95 250/• 17.91 ..... I 26.95 25% 20.21 -I 23.95 25% 17.H Z.z J TUBELESS WHITEWALL I 21.95 25% I 16.,6 1.19 I 22.95 25% 17.n 1. I 2'.95 25% .1s.·11 Z.o~ I 26.95 25"to ~.21 ~ I 29.95 25% 2%.•6 .- ~ I 3295 25% 2'.71 ~ .- I 26.95 I 25% . ~·.%1 i" I 29.95 25% 2%.46 .as I 32.95 25% 2'.71 •57 I 35.95 25% I 26 ... Z.79 Gives up to 15% More Tread-Wear for greater '1iiv- ing mileage •' 'AilmATE Pa.uenrer Tire Gaamitee Trtod Life Gaarantft 0--.t.eecl Aplntt .All f&DU1'811 ol. tbe Ure n.IUnC tr.- llOl'm&l road huard.I or detecbi in m&ter1al • ~ JI'• Bow i-,: l'or the Ht. ot tbe orictMl tr.4. · Wlaaj; llelr9 wm Do:~ UU punctures at•...., Ill ' tJl.1 e&H of fiiilure, in exchanre for the Ure, replace It. .urrtnc cnly the proporiion of eurrent regular Mll1ill&' prb pa. J'edtnl J:xdH Tax that np~ta tn&d uaed. Trtod w-.0.1 G-teo O.......teed Apiut'1 Tl"Nd wear-cut. Per How i-,-: nae number ol mc:et!w llP'<'lfMl!t Wba& Beus wm DO: In exchange ~ the ttrt, nptac. it. ~ Ing the current regular Mlli%ll' pAc. plu1 ll'edenJ·lbldae Tu i. the folloWtng allowance.. M .. u. Omru*-1 12 to 24. 27 to 89 ..__ '"' .. ,. 4 Ways Better! Quieter, Smoother with 4 Full · Plies of Dynacor Rayon 1. Gives Silent Soft Ride 2. Quietly comers, easier steering NO MONEY DOWN 3. No thiimp, &Iii! no blimp! 4. No harali wann- ups When You Bay Y INr Ttreo al 8aaN on C....UL 12 Big_ Reasons Why Sears Brake Relines Are Bett~r All 4 Wheels 2988* ... ..,... .... _ ... na..., a ••• ,_ ~.,, Ullllp ....... 'hit,.. ............ •auy.i, .. product. baYIDrc ....... vtt ... and .,. wtUt. d1lc bakes .. llllbtl7 ...... .Uy acrn·fJ additlaaal parts adlltJlirll' ......_ able at a.an low, lair sirte-t ~ -----~----·--------------------·-----------------_._ .. ' --iA -. 521-._ MC11!11 &I U911 IOHG -HI! 5-0121 , PICO WE 11-4262 Wiii. II-'44a1~ -•. IW . · I ---MCMl661 ,.._at S.1004,.a .4-4611 «'l'MPIC • S010 All a.u11 . fOMOHf. ED 2-1145, NA u161, "" M75i' IAllfA 1110NCA1 EC 4-4711 ,vNJrr ro 14461, "' Ft I I ecMPIOM NI 6-J/111, N! U761 ltOUYWOCO HO t..5'941 . . -637·2100 SANTA' ANA 1:1· 7-3371 50U1M COAS111AZA MG.:IJJI 'ITP"CMI fl f-1'11 .• C011HA ~I -011'8'2.521 'rASAD!HAMU 1-3211, rt 1..(211 'IClt.INCI 5'12'1511 ,_______________________ _ ____________________ , S1..'i.ll'S ....., •••• Am .. 1 .., ....... , ..... . .. ~. .If DAILY 'ILOT Mondlr, Mau 24, IM NEW RECORD :..._ Don Aronow, 1968 oHshore power boat racing champion from Florida continued his reconkmashing perfonnance in the Pacllic Satur- day 'by establlsblng a new average speed record in the Long Beach·!!:nsenada International race. ...1 Passage Wins Miami Race; Kia"toa Second I Aronow Cracks Record to Ensenada LEGAL NOTICE £iGAL NOTICE IU,11.IOR cOu•T °'" Tltl IT.t.TI Of' CAUl'OIUUA POI. r411t1 Doo Aronow, Ibo I ti I Seavey, St. Cloud Fla., 2:51:!1; ofJUiore poweroo.t r a cl n I fifth was Wave Layer, Petrick dwnpSoa from Coral Gables, DuffeJ, ML Clemem, Mich., Fla., J>n>V'Cf that the PacUlc 1:09:28. Ocean bolds no mo r ~ First West Coast boat to myaterle.s than the Atl&nUc ftnlah was America, a %7-foot saturdAy when he wen the Magnum with twin Johruon Lona B e a ·c b ·ED I e D I d a outboards sk.lppued by Carl Intem&t1ona1 with a rtcOrd-Asmus, Sherman Oak5, iD brtattng aver11e speed · of 3:13 :45. TMI COUwrY ot' OU ... 1 CllTll'ICATI OI' IUMlilltS ... MMn · PJCTITK>UI JI.AMI llOTN:I W MU•tll9 Ofl PITfTtolil n. llftllln191*i ,_ cfffW M • .. 1-HI. NHATI 01' WIU AMO POii ~lnl 1 Mlntlol ti lllt 0 M. Tbere were -starttra .,, Polnt: Crap Shooter, skip-"'"'"' T11TAMIMTA•Y ei....,., s.1111 ""'• c111ror11i.. """'' th and 10 f• la~a ~ b Du b K ll (MO IM)lil0) ""' f1dft'-""" MIM of OllAHGI e race o) mw~rs. -·--y tc a emeyo of ...... of T, H91.tttotl ,. ... , ''"Ir-COUNTY 0jtGAH SEllVICE co. '"' M Fortn ' Z Z! W •-•··••• t I H TlllNl'\11 A, ""'' ~114od. ni.t .. Id llrm II <omi>OMd of lht aurr. ey II enor ppe e!UIJ..1..113Ka was OU a NOTICI 15 ~EltllY GIVl "f Ttlll lolfowlnt jlHIOfl, ... -r.-me !" 11,1~ rrom Newport Beach wa.s out Oce&ll!lde· Assuin Jerry Oorol,,.., 111:. '"' ,.., filed 11t.-.1n • '"" "-., r.icienc• 11 •• to11ow10 ol th With ••g'-trouble ••---of N·-~ s.' ch _ _. "'"'911 fW .,.,. ., Wiii 11111 ,... o.i o. s1. ci.ir. 1114 w. "•nkH'lll e race ,... ~ ...._ ..... ,_ • a , WoU11 1tMM11U !If Ll'ltfl Tet1nwni.,., 1o Serif• w.., c.111ort111. ' by the tlme be radJed U. · out at Ocf.l.Dllde wlth a ~'-" tNo ._.,, ralwenct " wt1lc11 01i.ii Ft& a. 1Nf. • 11 midi 1or f11ttNr .-rtlclli.ta, attd Corl O. 11. Clll• ' Newport Harbor e:ntraace. broken V-drlvt, and Bob ""-' wi. ,,,,,. ..,. 111m • t1wr1111 s11t. o1 c.1...,.11, ~ COii""': Rapid Transit, an o t be r NordUoc'1 So&ocaust, Va n =.. ~ ,1":' .~ :' :: ::!1,..!!; • <>;;..~ :-.)...•tw ~· 11:;:; Newport entry wit.It Gary Nuyi, lo.t botb eQ&tnes oU al o-rtmeftt .... , • 111111 cwrt. ---llY ..... r.. Corl G. .,. Cl1lc u,...._ WU -~ a' D••• "-Jon* .. ,. w. •i.111t1 strW. 111 tlla ~ to me 1o bl -.. ,..._ ·~. 6UO mil .. per hour. ArcMw Jn b!J slim new boat COOPER IN TROUBLE a-lalely lllllled Tb e Hord luck Bill Cooper of CIJ1rtlle, !luhed ICl'OOI the Marina del Rey WU JUMlng flnlJb line at Eotentd• in an in (lfth place off Dtacanso •---' time GI I boon !7 Point. Baja Cllllornla, wbeo = and II econdl. ' be 11<>ve a ·nJne.loot hole lo ............ """' • -... ua. Qtr fll ,..._ """ C.llflr!llL MOne .. 111bKl'lliiM .. ttll Wltlll11 lfOo l--''---.,..-------------------1 D•"'fl Mtrd'l IL lHt. lfrl/IMl!t Ind .m-lil6tld M ll:l!Kuftd A~ W .•• IT 'JOHM, C-.fY Cltl'l lfll Mtnl. The old aveqe apeed the bottom of bll boot whllt record of a mllos per hour ramming tJuwcb li-tf foot in an offshore power boat race swells. Cooper and h I 1 wu aet Jn 11151 by Bill SiroiJ pwenger Jooalh<l1 EdwordJ, of St. Cloud, Fla., In the L«tg ~I~ .:':l:ec1 ~;·~ Island Henne511 Grllld PrU pa ..... er crull<l. Neltber race. wu btjured. . FIRST RACE Winner in the c r u l 1 er The Ensenada duh was tht dlviJlon wu Pete Rothschild first race for 'l1le Cigarette, of Newport Btach in his 27- a :J%..footer powered by twin foot Aqua Cralt, Thunderbalb 482 Cu. Jn MeiCru!Jer Inboard powond by two 427-cu. Jn. engines. Mer Cru.llers. Tbunderballs Second to finish iD the f1Dilbed the coarae in 3:57:03 oftsbore dlvlaion WU BOSI 0' actual elapeed Ume, not coun- Nova a 32-foot Bertram with Una 1 stop at Oceanside for Bill Wlshnick ol New York rduel!ni. at the controh. Wlshnick'1 craft Is also powmd by twin SWINGER WINNER 482 cu. in. MerCruiaen. It Wlnner in the development flnlJbed In !:~3.ll, 11 minut.I cla11 WU Swlnier n, akip- behind Arorlfw, pellOd by Dave Shane of 1"I •• The only medication '1Jlaf .. ) --.I 1 v 1Gets to a MaJor~cause of Hemorrhoids· Nowt Most complete 3-way relief!. lhli Important dev1lopm1iit In hemorrhoid treatment comas to JOU 11!1r five years of scltntllic 11nd ctinlcal testlng. N9t Ollly clues C6unternoid1 wtirk by lessenin1 1pain fast, Ind by coatini. soolhlnL and prottclf111 lnj11td fusu• ••. but unliU MfJ other htrnotthoNi product Counternoid al5o works 1 ,third way. l1tion with DSSao p1nttr1ti1 ~ mil'IUl:e$ to the top ol Ult· rectal area to soften tht stool 1NI 1111 th• bowel mov1m1nt. ' It 1$ I/lb .,;q.,. action I/lat"""' so much to mak;t Wril llnf'mc possible. So, if you live witi tht palll W fe1t of recurrin1 ml/110l hemorrhoid troubles, 1et tempotary relief with medically·tuted Counlemoid. Actually, ll!ed as di reeled, Coun- ternoid offers the most complelt 3·way relief you can ret wtthout a prescription or without surrery. In 1t1inless cre1m or suppositories. _. At ltl Sur counters. ~ __. ~ Mwr'Mtl ... ·-(OFFICIAL S!ALI ............... .........,. ._... Ct""'111a INrt hlh Mort.'! Tith OU) •r>tt» MlllAl"t' l'llblloC.UflMll ........ ... ......._. l'rl!w;lpal Ot'tl<lt 1111 l'lilltlbhld 0r..,.. COhf 01lh' l'llDt, °''"" Courtty ......,din.. 24. 11. lNI' SJHf My COll'lll'llMlol'I l!ulrn CE ""'M f, lf11 LEGAL NOTI ,_llll'lld or.,... Coa•I D•llY l'lltt. ,.,, •• ,. cou•T "' TM• nAT• ~ a. IL 17, 24. lfff 3l(Mt, .,. CALll'Oll••• LEGAL N-CE Nit THI COUNTY 0 .. OUHI v11 .. ._ WOTtCa ... M..U .... M .. fflTJ(tW ,,_. l'Oa ...... Tl Ofl WILL' Atto .. o. NOTICI TO c11•01TOlll Lll'Mnt TlffAMINTAIY 11.WllllOlt COUllT 01' TM• 11 .. ll ti ~UOE JEMISOM COLE, STATI Of' CALll'OlllNIA l'Oll ,. ... 11MWn • MAUDE I. ('(IL!. 1• TM• COUNTY 01' OU.NOE ~ • ~UD! I. JblSON Cell, ... A-4.2112 1tllil Wwrl. • MAUDE I. JtMISOH &t ... fl (S'f'WElll GARDHElt, DKH~ 11'41 MAUOE 1&.UEL JEMISON, Ditc61• Id. 1 Id. NOTICE II H!ltE8Y GIVEN lo ~ HOTICI 11 Ml!lt!IY OIVl:N Tllll C'tldllol"I o1 Mii 1t1tW 111mftl de•eotr-nf YllWU'll Ell!.. Brftll 1111 fltM ..... 111 ""' •II --f\rlltl9 cllllml 1111ln1t 1 "tlllln 1"r l'fOlllt. of wltl •NI ttw wtcl dtc.o.nt -.r1<1ul•ed lo Ill• lot luv•llCll If Llthll'I T..t-ll r)' thl!ll. With the '*-r'Y wuchel"I, ! .. lo P.tln-r, r.ftt..O M whl(ll • 11'11 Offlo:t flf tlw <iiwtl of Ill• 11>(,v• • 111• for fUfftwr p1rtkvlllrt. 1notl tlllt 111tllllCI court, ., tD 1mitnl th¥n. wll,. 1M tlmf Ind •llelt et h•""9 ltll ft'll _,., YOUdllra. .. "11 ~ -has bittf1 NI tor Al'f!I 11, •lM, W.ltftltd at lfll fllflc:I et ATIU~SO!f 11 • t 1JO 1.m., I~ ttw ......,,,._,,,. 91' AND GIBIOtl, Atlllr.-n, n" . v~I\ ~ .... J itl wld COUM, ,, WflhlJ'llfQn ... _. Whittler, C•h"""•• JW W..I l!lei'lltl StrNI, In 1M CllJ t060I. wfllch h thl lllm ol ~u,lr.eiS rA 11t111 All., c.11+omt1. et tM lll'ldltl"lleMd In •II rnetter1 per-' D1flll Mlirdl 21 lNt 11itn1,. te ft'll .. 11te -' Wtd dKrdtnl, W. E. ST JOHN within four monttlJ 91'1.,. b tll"ll POl:LIC1•' CoYnlY Cltri. !loll flf 11111 notlclt. llLlllS, LOIWlf, BARANe•lll AND Dlted Mardi 3. lfft. MYIRI Johll I'. G1rdn.,. lMI Wnlcllff Drl¥1 Ea9Cllfor II ltll wlll of ~ llldl. Cttw.r• 1'1661 ltll 1tboYI 111tl!lld t!Ktd.-.t Tith 1110 '4S-1At AT1UNION AND •t810N " """'"""' fer Pitt..._. mt ....... WnlllM ... A-l'vblf1Plltll Or111t1t CH1t 01'lr l'llltl, WNnlltr, C1llflnll1 ,... Mlrdl :n. 14. n 1Ht IW-ff Tet1 11w•11n ' AllWMYI fw lmcvtlt • Bob Joll>soo's 73-l<>« kelcb Windward Passage was first to -the 8ll·mile M1aml to Mont.ego Bay race in an elapsed time of four days, 10 bwrs, 22 minutes and 28 .......is. Quick Silver. a 21-foot An&elea 1n 4.:Cl:31. Swinger lime .......i for Ibo Ill-mile Magnum skippered by Jolin II Is a 23-foot Formula N w 1·n Our Fam'I couroe ia.t week In four day1, Stenbeck o1 st. Cloud, Fla. Tbunderbird pow,...d by twin 0 I f : Thanks lo an exclusive fotmula 'with DSS10 rw only Counternoid gels to 1 major cal/Se of hemor· rhoids: Painful hard cwtlP1lkln. Without irritating lautiw 1ft'1ct. Her1'1 llciw: Jn hospital X-rty tests doctors have demonstrattd t1'11t the rtmMklble COunternold formu-. . 1'T........-11t lloll_L&a...i,;-~ ' ---... l"Vbtl1111td Or111t1t Clltrt DlllY 'I~.'' March lD. 11. ti. J'I Ifft "41t:• Tbe beamy ketch sometimes refmed to u a Ailing platfmn -wu over 11 houn ahead ol Jbn Kilroy'• Kialoa II from N e w p o r t Harbor Yachl Club. In the race Windward Passage was sailing under the colon oC New York Yacht Club and Kialoa II waa flylng the burgee of Los Angeles Yacht Club. KiaJoa's finUll time .... 4:11;28;05. TbJrd to flnisb in 5:02:47:51 was James McHugh's SJ.foot 11\oop Inferno from Qiicago YC; fourth was Salty Tiger, a '7·foot yawl owned and sklp- p<nd by Wally Frank and Jack Powell, SI. Petenburg, Fla., and fifth was Ted Turner's 12-m!ter American Eagl< from AilaiG, Ga. Tbe <H<>«-yawl Flyway ls champion of the race for the second !IUCCeSSive time. Skippered by her deoigner, Bob llenocktor, and owned by R<p. Ogden B. Reid, R.N.Y., f1rwey broke her comcltd four 11oun, •1 m1nu1<1 ind .,., third to 11n1Jh In 2:51:41: 211 cu. Jn. Holman Moody _ family Weekly 2llleCOlldl. . ~fourth=..:::._:wu::..:S=now'--~Shoe...:c.'~Ral......:pb;..__F_..U.~~~~~~~~'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-''~~~~~~~-t Tbe eame yachi, okippered•- ln 1167 by Ted Turner at AtlaiU, made tbe. voyage then in four days 22 hours, ZZ mlnut.a and 47 """""· Turner flnbJbed i.t on c<ll'- rected time in the 1919 race with bis 12-met!r I J 0 Op , American Eagle, wimer of the recent St. Pderoburg I<> Fort Lauderale 1,203-mlle race. Rum«-up in the 2J.bool neet with a corrected time <Jl four days, five boun and C mlnuies was "stubby," a :JO.foot aloop •kippered by Lee Creelan<n of M 1 a m l ' 1 Coconut Grove Saillni Club. Salty 'llg<r, the It It Southern Ocean Ra c I n g Confermce titleholder, WIS thlrd and took Clase B bollOn u well u taking the lead in the new World Ocean Rac- ing O>amp!on seri.. which will inclode 11 races in a U....year """'" The 73-foot ketch Wi.nttward Passagt sailed the coone in four da}'I, 10 boun, 22 mlnutes and 29 lleCOndl but WU loth on ...-..i time wtJlJe wln- Diog Class A b<mn. Pay your tax.:and relax ~~ BYC's Alsuna Captures Drilling Islands Event Alsuna II, Balboa Yacht Club's enlry fn the March 311 LJpton Cup challenge was the winner Saturday In the Drill· ing Islands race, the first in BYC's 66 Series. Alsuna II, owned and ski~ pered by Allen Puckett with the Lipton Cup crew aboard benefitted by a fresh slant of breeze near the beach between Balboa and Newport Piers and picked up a substan- tia1 lead while others in Class B and the following Cla!!!I A got caught by a dying breeze and left~ver sea. Prelude, J im Linderman, BYC; (3) Spiri~ Alexander & Worrrnan, SDYC; ( 4) Salacia, Tom Corkett, NHYC; (5) Newsboy, Jack Baillie, BYC. CLASS A -(1) Prelude; (2) Spirit; (3) Salacla; (4) Newsboy; (5) Lark, Paul Holmes, BYC. CLASS B -(I) Alsuna JI; (2) Atari, John Cazier, BYC: (3) Sanderl!ni, Morrie Kirk & Bob Poole, BYC; (4) La Prensa, Al Lockabey, BYC; (5) Vela, Jack Bibb, BYC. CLASS C -(1) lmpetuOCll, Charles Glasgow, BYC ; (I) Brava, Jack Hogan, NHYC; (3) Mistral, Bud lluenberg, BYC; (4) Falcon, Bob Smith, BYC; (5) Marvida, John Payne, BYC. LEGAL N<11'1CE MOTIC• TO Cll•DITOlll SUl'•llOR COUlllT 01' TNI! ST.ITI 01' CALIJ'OllNIA l'Oll TM• COUNTY 01' OU.HE He. A.QIM E1t1I• ti MELVIN ALBERT LEVOU.,' DKHSltd. ; NOTICE IS HERllY GIVEN to the cttdlkll"I ol Thlt 1boYlt llltf!IM -.Ctdent. rti11 111 l'ltrlOlll lltvlns cl•lms 1t91lnd ,, 1'1'11t llld dlCltditfll lrl l'IQUll'ldl IO Ille ., thlm, wl!h tll• _,.,, voudltr1. •n. ttll offl~ of 11'11 <llrk of llw lbovt 1t1lllltd court • .,. to l"'etent ftlem, .,..1111 • 1111 lllClttJlrY Wlldwn. .. "" 00-' d1n'9111d 1t ltll oltk.t II WILLlM\' E, FOX, AttorneY, IO Soull'I I 1k1 Ave11ue.· sutt. '"· l'111dtfllt, c1n1ott11e t11c1. which 11 1'hlt pW.clt ti llullrlesl (If tn11 undltnllntd In 111 mitttar1 pert1l11i111, lo Thlt eitell ol 111d decodel'lt, within, loo.tr -.irto. ettitr thl tint 1'UblJ,1tlon. or !Piia 11Dt1e1. 01ttd Mardi 7, lMJ. Albtrt Levor1 tke Albtrt F. LtYWI Adrnlnl1lr111of' of ltll es11t1· of 1'lle 1bovt llltll'IH dtctdtnl'· WILLIAM I . 'ox AllWMY ltt Llw 11 SlllTtl 0 111 A-, Sulll ll:S .,,..._ c11~11 rnn 'l'tl: 'li.+n"'6U A,,.,_ fw Afm1Rll'"'ttr l"ubll1hltd o""'• Cotti 0•11'1' "llot, Mardi II 17, 24, 31, lHt ~»·'f LEGAL NO'rICE ·-· CIRTll'ICAT• OP 8UllMISI l'ICTITlOilS NMtl Ttol unclln1'Md d09I cl'fllfr tlllt to. (Of>llUtflllf I bu1lnltl1 II 1M1~ Sprue• Clrdl, Foun!1ln V1llltY, C1ntornl1, under' 1111 flctl!IOlll firm lltmt of DELTA.' fHTERl"RISES 1tr.c:I 11111 11ld llrm Is c:om-td of !hit k1Uowlr111 ""°"' wl'lol,•'• 111trna II 1ublcr1btd to the w1t11111 In. • nt me In full incl lilltt of rt1lll9nc1 II 11 fellowl' • G19n D. L1wlt11, 1M7' S,.l'U(t Circle., FOUT1lll11 Vit111Y, Citllfornl.. • Dltwd Mlrch 7. lNt. Gltn D. l.IWt.u St1tlt "' Cal!f«lll1, Or11"91 County: 0.. Mardi 1, lNJ, blltort m~. •: Nollry l'ulllle: 111 11111 klr 11tc1 li!tl•., ,,_/'IOlll l1Y l~fed G~ D. Ltw~s. llrlown to m1t to bt the Plr&en Wl!oK 111~ b subKrfbllll to ... within n-:· 11'ntll'l1nt 1nd 1dt11Gwledted ~. 1~eeu1td f thl 11rn1. (OFFICIAL SEAL) Glltd¥1 Doollll11 Nol•fY Pub!lc-C1lltor~i• l'rlroc.11'11 Offlct In Or11>111 Coun!Y • MY Ccmrn1nkoll E•Plres •1 ~I U, lf70 Publl~ Or111t• Cots! D1flf' l'llo!,: Mltdl, 10. 11, 2<1.11. lf6f '°' .. ': LEGAL NOTICE ,._:WJI CllllTll'ICATe OF lU51NE$$ l'ICTIT10US NAME : Th9 ur.c:litflltnff does certify Ii• k, cenctuctlnt I busll!fU 1t 2052 Nl'WP"Orl t l lvd., Suitt 10, COJi. Mttl. Ctlllornlf ,1 Uhd1r ttll rlc!Ulou• firm n1m1 of lHE t "EARL OF ARM5" 1nd flltl 11ld fl rm• 11 cornPOlltd or 111~ follow ing Pe''°"' wllotl n1m1 111 lull and Pl•ce et resldenc• i II II follows: 01vld Ross Wllll1rn,, 7110 N1wpoarl" Blvd,, No. 10, Cost• Mew, Call!. 1 O.llCI Mtl1'h 7. 1'16f • David 11.. Wllll•ms • STATE OF C.ILtFOll.NIA 1 11 COUNTY OF ORANGE I I On M1rch 1, 1'69, ~ore "'' •I Hotarv Public In and !or w id 5:11~. • p.,......,lty IDPttred 01•1KI Jl:O'llJ Wllli&"'•I known to me lo be /he PHS<m WIKY.11 ~1me I• IUbK•lbld lo !hi w•th:n I~· , strum~! •nd ltknowltdgfd hit 1xetu!id} "'' ....... J ((lfflcl1I Sf~ll l Ml'Y K, tltnry Notary l'Ubllc • Ctllloml• ' PrlnclPtl Otlkt In Ort l'l9t CDUnlY ,..., Cornrnl11!on E~"irn No~. 1l, 1'12 I l'ubtfshtd Or•nv• Co-st tl1!1Y l'ilt!t, • Mlrdl lo, 11. ''· Jl, 1Hf '"'"', • LEGAL NOTICE • As lhe southerly breeze freshened off Hunt Ing ton Beach some of the late starters caught up with the earlier classes, resulting in some close roundings at the first drilling island. At least two boats Jost control or their .spinnakers and there was one minor collision. CLASS D -(1) VoJante If, Mike Hinh, BYC ; (I) Ex· one, Andy McDonald, KHYC; (3) Pinata, Herb Riley & George Bissell; LJYC; (4) Helena, Vince Arrigo, St. FYC; (5) Arriba, Dave Smiley & John Tbome, BYC. use our money! 1------------" There were 68 enlrlES in the race which inaugurates the seven race 6tl Series. The Jerits is divided into four cla!Stl of Ocean Racing type boats and one class or ?>.fidget Octan Racing F1eet yachll. Final nsults: OVERALL -(I) Alsuna If. Allen PuckeU, BYC; (%) MORF -(I) Dolphin, Milt Allione, VYC: ( 2) Sea- quariOUJ, Craig & D o u I Kut<llo, LBYC; (3) Kilo, Tom Butler, BYC; (4) Cepheus, Dean Durgan, BCYC: (I) Aloha II, Glenn Reed, SSSC. Pey,aurtaxbllt now with money from Morris Plan. You maybo1TOWfrom$100to$5.000. «more, for lalUIS, bill consolidation, home or car repair, any good reason. Payrrea ac:hecluMd to flt your income. You may have your money the day you apply-will\ no 1 llplltment for 45 days. Monti Plan, Ille people who like to ssy ''yes." 4 l'·lll1J I • Cl!llTIF!CATE OF IUSINES$ I • "ICTITIOUI NAMa •' Tlllt uncl"1i~,,.. dOlt cprflfy he i,, e· condUctlne I buS\flftl I I 9111 C.nt••~' G1rc!fn Gro\09, C1llforlnt, \lncllt lh•,, llc!Ulou1 l!rm "'"'e of fl. J. MARINE,, SERVICE 1'1d tlltl 11tcl flrrn Is cor111mtdi• ol IPll lollowl11t pero;on. Wl105tO ntm•,. In full ,..., pl1ce ot tnlctence 11 11 lolklwl: • II.. J. Rtf!d, till Centr1I. Gt'11fl> 1 Grov1, Cell!, t Ditl'lod M1rcll 5, UH " Ru11ell J. RllM STATE 01' CALIFORNIA I tt COUNTY OF ORANGE I Bkrekfin Sets Mark SAMPLE LOAN SCHEOOLES YOUR CASH $ 453.93 $1 ,018.57 $1,518.99 MONllilY PAYMalTS $24 $53 NO.OFIDTHS 24 24 Oii Ml1'h J, Ifft, blfert m•, o • H011ry l'ublk In I ncl fol" 111d St•'•,' 111tt10r11tll'I •-rl!d R. J. Rffd ~-n 1 lo mt lo bt Ille 11•-whow ,.,,.,., It ...tos<rlbNl to 1111 .... 11111" 1n11ru""n1 .• Ir.cl ldtllOWledttd t-. 1•KVIM tt11 11m11. ,. {Ol'lld1t ktl) MlfY ltlll Morlofl • ' • $56 36 NOllfY Public • C1lttwn11 l'rlncl111 Olllcl In Or1ne1t Countv My C°'""'lulen EQ>lr11 In Tri-Island Race $2.122.38 c.d ... dllll>lllty !nuance llYlllable. $76 36 .-,.,11 t, 1tn • PllbllsMd Qrll'lll Cotlf 01l1Y l'•lof. •' Mlrd! It, lT, 24, JI, 1Nt .nMt • ' Km DtM"'"''' 'IJ.foot ketch _......, ,..,._, LEGAL NOTICE .---.... ·-· 1-----,o-=,,,.-"----!: Blactfin from St. Fra ncis The Trt·llland Rice atartld ca1tTll'ICA~:': BUSINESS Yacht Club finUhed L<ls Friday at 5 p.m. 1'ith the M • Pl 1'1cT1T1ou1 NA.Ml' Angeiell Yachl Club'I 112·mlle C1a!s fleet ~H-IW .. flrat 0 r r1 s a n ..::O .... 'i.,""~'·=~":"., ~.;: w':,~~: • ~ •-•-~ I •• I' p m •-• _,, A""""", F-t•ln v1treot. c111to'"11, U!'ld•~ • lll'U~ race :.,; .. . . I "~ I n ..... --"'~ lhlt flC'ltlloul fltm ,..,,. of FOUNTA1'4 Saturday to hang up a new n. ~ eute:r y "--~lftlU VALLEY MANAGEMENT COM,.INY Pflfl them to r ..... _ ..,._ ........ _ "·'·--' ll'>tt 11!• rllm 11 Cllrl\~ flf r.ra • elapaied time recQl'd for the .-i-Pl" Iola'• w-..i"" 1o1-1,.. otr-. ""'°"' Mm• 111 ,V11 • --OI\ 0 ~--••..-nm, lflCI ~!itn et rtffdtflCI h 11 fol10W1: 0 ........ .,.... .,.,....__.. E,.,,, Wl'!'Tlt 8ilnbrJOt.f, UUO' The new mart is 10.408I BllCkfln tOUDlkd S 1 n ta ~;:u1, F1Un1'111 v1111tY, c11;;or"1' '. hours, lopping aome Onie Barbara Island at JJ:IO a.m. oiled "•torv•TY t1, '"'· •--off ~ Id ---..i -*' .... ..,,_._ t....a t ol u.. Eidt~ w, ll1lnbrlctg« llUUll ... 0 '~" ~ • ..,.._""Y· l1'n. "° -I d 3700 ITATI! OF CALIFOINIA I ... • by Jim KilrvY'• 'IJ.root Kllloa catomarans -whlcb llarled Newport Beech -3700 Newport Bo.u ever -673-cou•" .. o''"'" • .. Ir ' ·n 1-. IO m•-•-. ~~ _ .,...__. °" FM!. n, Ifft. ti.for? ""· ; "'''"'' .. , UIU-~I.IOU YICIU l'\lbtle: 111 ..... !It .. kt 11111. '"t&Orll ll·r • B*kf'ln WAI the fi:nt yacht ahcld on the nm down tbt •-1'1111 Eldtn w. 81l~llrk'>-t l'lftWrt ' lo Int II ht !Ill H tlOn whMf •11r<rt . I oi llf1 ~ to fhUb, beatina back aide o( C-.calm. and San .. tvbecr1t.H "' ""-W'111'1111 1"''"""'''11 • . ~ •~ •u·----, •~ ~ ci~-Ill*--'• tncl ICllle"ltdffd h1 t•~vttcl 1111 """"" , URI UJ• ~MY4'fl U~ _. <1:u .. ::uu1; -IUO. JOFFtCl.llL SEAL! •- foot Sea Smote by a half-hour. Blxkfin •vt'd her tiJnl to ~:r.~ wPu~~~z,,11"'1111 DeMeux'• new &ltnnlmnn become the Nnt:tclp Ind ,. Ptl"t!NI Otltt• I~ ro-I Tbe O''"'' Covntw tdcb I• a &iattr-thlp lo '--Aw nntr. net WU My (OO'l'lmloslon E~~ .... Sumner A. Long'• Ondlne JI bu firW m~jor competlUve •uri11,~!:i.~'71co-•l 0.,1, ~""" ercrpt that'tlbe 1' llOm& 17,000 outing. !----------------------------------------------------------""'"" 10, "· '" .11. ,., ....,.. WE ARE PROUD TO REPORT .... •-hT ..... ftc 43 TransacUoNI ln 23 dayl a record fwd to beat ••. To sell fut or to buy whely • , , C:.I floe ,.._ ••ys" M6-7171e146-211J ...,., ... Gorpoui ' ~ + apadous famJJy room 4 formal dtninr, new car- peU A d ....... Sparkl" like new. $65,000 (not leauhold). May be pur- cha.wd furnished. H-Hr.Jiio1141 Reflttti the pride and care d. a proud 0W11er. 3 Bdnns., family room, 2~ bath 1. Hardwood floors, plaiter interior: One of a kind. $53,500. Col .. ePork Sharp. c I ea n, quality built ''Cinderella" home 3 Bdrm•. 2 bath1, built fn gu kitchen. $26,500 10% down. Don't miss this one. Newpon Heltllts 5 years new. Bir 2 story w1th family and Dining rooms. 3 car garage. 2 pat!~. Pl&.lter intertor and heavy shake roof. 138.000. The Plus Home Beautiful 5 Bdrm 3 bath + dinina: room + fam- ily room + heated pool + 3 car garage. Only $49,500. Spanlslo Hecld ... Better than new! f Bdrm. 3 bath "1th 1ar- den kitchen. Step down living room. Decorator drapes A Indirect light- lng. Low at $34,900. Hones! Hones! Big 66x200 with cozy 2 bedroom home and 2 car garage. Completely fe~ for corral. Only $23,500 Great terms. 4114nM.-521,flO Move in tomorrow with OK'd c:Mft. New el~ -trlc range. Slldinr 1lus doon to covettd patio. $23,950 10% down or try no down VA. •It,,..,·-Great 2ox36 Playroom, ready for wet bar or bath 4 big bedrooms. A per1Kt family home. 4 years new. $32,950. w .. 1en11 vacant 3 Bedroom. 2 bath. Larae family room ln move -in condlUon. Fast escrow possible - U0.950. Lowely Uclo hie DellghUully dttorated 3 ~on an extra Iarae 40' lot. All tlectrlc blt-ina in brl1ht cheery kitchen. S.UMY aoulh p atio. Unwually low priced at $49,&>0. Dow« Sltorn Needs Offen 3100 sq. fL of l\lX\Jr)', All cwtom corutructed 4 bedrooms, family room and form&l dlnL"Jg room. Immediate poss euton wtlh 10.Yo down -Ask- ing $73,500. 9.1 .. hslll<I• 3 Bedroom•, 2 bath• In a quiet non-traftlc street ~ living room with brick fireplace, kitchen wtth all eJectric built-Ins :.... a dandy buy at s:zs.- 900 with io,; down. O w n e r will eonsldft' trade for 3 or 4 unlta. leckhYVlew Ettatt sizP "r.>x245 lot. 3 Bdmu 2 baths - 2 fireplacff. Country kit· ..... with !b"<place. "'· mut~ bedroom wtth ht• a.nd htr'1 bath. Due to hMlth ownl!r netdl tmal1er hOl'J\I!. J.fi(ht tra&. m ,ooo Homo + l•UM• Npt. HthtL Dllt. 2 bed· room eomplete)y 1W"" modedtd + 1 bt!droom re ntal -2 pNlff. New drlvew9.Y• -Inc. pot. $300 -129.SOO - 10'-' down. OPIN 'TIL 9 P.M. 646-7171 Ol 546-2313 ~----~ -~~~--_____________ __..,.~~~~~~-.~ ................................................................................................ . 16th & Tustlo -c .. 1. Mew ADULT$ Most hom•• are built with only ehlltlren in mind. We have five homos de1l1ned for tho comforts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look at, room for bobblH, private oWce, aeparate dining rm, gu11t room with bath, I cu &• rage, walking distance to churcha, Woatcllff shopplne. and nstauranu. . · 7% with 21% --m%,wlth 11% On. no 2nd• -no paint.-" yn ... ul.- l'rlctcl from $30,950 to $33,950 axclualw Aten! p. a. palmer Incorporated "77 VIA LIDO Troe! Ph: 540-51U From L.A. Cell MA ~ ·------------'-----=- OllLY $21,500 BAYCll£ST HOUSllS '011 SALa HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSIS 'Oii SALa _ .. ___ _ Generol 1000 Gener•! 1000 Gonorel Unbelievable lut ·frue Friends Wiii Wonder ZUtakle .CO-ta Mna hom• How )'(Ml bmd 10 mucb bomc wllt added ti)) 111. ft. pan-for ·., bilk. 3 stoJY ovtr tied tam, rm. wilb rock 2,000 1q. ft. l'mtr ot thl. molt flreplact, e>il)&nded. ma1ttr ~ bedroomt l'Oll ever bath wtth c111tom ftxtur'el, aw, Larae IOmW llvlne adtkd room oft prace aJ. room wttb pk:tta. window, ready plumbed tor bath, fireplace wall la an u.sed plua: l Iarre bedrooms and brick and pa.nell1ns:. Imam 2 bathl on • ll5 ft. deep Jd~n lac1&ldt9 d!ahti••ttr lot. All Jt needs ts paint ud dbbwubtr, briaht out. but at P3t50D )"OU'd better door bn&ldut bar, covered hWT)'. ' patio. Adult occupied and tt ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'I I. 17th St. ~ 4 ltcll'OOllll l'lus l'ool ln u exttllent area dole to abopphtr and .:bool.s. Exce-1- Jntt !loot plan llr':lth Muter bedroom 11.llte <11 <!JlPOllDte side of boule, from other bedrooms. Hure beautitul AnthonY POOL, heated and filtered with lot d. dtddq. Larte eovettd and encko9ed patio. Rumpt11 room adja- cent to pool Walk to shop. plq, Catholic ICbool, ek-- fairtY IPf.l'ldet. Near south ·c.ut Pl.a ... ppln( ....... ... only 135.~ • tmlll< ..... "For A Wl.e Buy'' Colesworthy & Co. &Cil·mT OPEN EVES CUSTOM HOME SALES .MANAGER A Ucenaed real estate broker with a aucceu- ful record of ptsl 1ccompllsbmenll, lo 1.U large, upenslve, custom designed & cuatom built homes on our loll In San Juan Caplstra· no·i then to build a 1lle1 team for other proj· ecb In Orange & San Diego CounUes. Am- blUou aggressive penon -on the way up. Commlsalona only -annual eam.tnp Of $30,000 & up. Send r .. umo to P. O. lox 331 Sin Ju•n Caplstr1,_,. 9267$, --------------·:-- BROW MARKU Assume 5% % GI lNR on thia 2 sl.ol7 beauty. The immaculate 4 BR I: den home feat\u'H: aunktn llv- Drive by 321 Alile, Newport· He1""9 OutshlndlflCJ Value ly 0Wll9r $34,000 LovelY comer a bedroom home, llrai lanai, 1 bathl, dlnln& ~m. llril11 room with at. tractive fireplace, IU1h carpolhtf \hroJIC>- out, ~ BeauUful lroel and plantlqa. Call owner for 1ppoinbnenC to .... 548· 1444, '46· 1711 Gonerel 1000 1W 4 IEDROqMS 0:1' 0:~ i 1-:i. ": Only '2.000 dn. Back Bl>· 2 Dbl .... ~ OPPOR'l'Ulm"YKNOCKSM writ lhp uu: lncd ,..i )'O\l to own thl• 2~ bath well w/ rm b' boat or b1r. located ranch style bomt, 3 Br. S S... 15x2! "pMn nrpet, drape:s, built .. in tam rm "can be con"o'ft1ltd rana:e / ovtn, diahwasbtt. to make S Br'a." Wood flrs Mi&bt rent or leue option. &: trplc. 252:1 23rd St., NB. A UNIQUE OFFERING -0'1U' at Tustin I: 23rd. Tbh 3 Br • , . famfbt room home In Me11. Verde ii today"• belt buy. !'Unc- tlonal 11oor plan bu 1"- baths, all eleclric ·l]Ullt-tn oven I r an1I!, nice service p o r c h. spacioua livinl room. w/w carpell &;; drapes, fenced rear yard, Good location near ahopp~ center. ONLY J2;5,950. VA or FHA terma. "'·"" ,, .... =""'91~43,,_,~,,...--= Inc room, comer ftreplace, Herry A. Bon• FINEST Family area. wen cptl/drp&, overalzed 2 car Realty 962.es:tT da:irned 5 BR, 3 bath MM> I' \l I • \\ 11111 ~I \1!\\11\\ 1, I \ I I \ ' •' = r1~~m~~ Low Down Peymtnt ~~~~r~._: n:iore. Call now for irdorma-4 bedroom.. 1" tile bath. muter irulW. Vkw1ol hills. tion. Rootn b boat I: tralkr. 2836 Alta Vilta. l'cr ap- tOl2 REGA TT A AAum• his 111.300. 5lf." po-ont ,.._1192 Open Set/Sun 1 • S loan. FUii price 121,500. 3 BR Wa_, No. a $35,750 Balboa c..... ·ue,011 . A$UME 5%"° VA LOAN & own this spacious ' bed- room, 2 bath home.' Cttamlc tile kitchen, Dialµ'naster le dishwuhet". Drapfd I: corn· pletely carpe:ltd. Comer Sot, fenced tell' yard -a«aS from eitbtt ltrfft. Lf't UI ar- range the pQmmts for you, SUR.1\fl'I' f1500 DOWN • lWRRY! Only $6800 down ,aftorda ,.,.. & -kmi!y all the pleuurn of Uw bnt of fJChooh. 4 BR, 3 baths .. l&rse hMted il ftltered pool, formal dining room, family room, 4 patk:. I: owr- lir.ed lol Portion could bt ~ioeed off tor pla.y yard from pool. mentaey, junior aod Hl1hl..,,..iiii,..,..,...,.,..., I .. ""°"· Pri<>d •• "'·~· Pele Barrett Really 11113 -·· c .M. ~" &romit your 1maller home I ""'""'""!!!!!!~'!"!!'""!I!!"" I ERNIE I Pttttt trad• !tlt acnap CLEVELAND °' will constdtt other. 1111-1111 ~ 1PERRON on our ruarantee sale Plan. PreNnfl $43,500 WE SELL A HOME R.J lot with eomfortable Spanish Hacienda with 3 car CORONA D£l MAR ~COATS ~WA•~CI llAl.TOIS 5464141-'°"" lwutln~ EVERY 31 MINUTES 2 BR home, close to prap, 4 bdnn•. Muter -ONLY $22,500. Build on front ol. Sot A: have tun re- modH!ng 1 bedroom 11xtr-. upper at rear. Own your land amone modem duplu- W lk & L lTlh sn..t -· bodrno"" baa 2T ot clooeb a er ee ""''"· Lo,.. ,_ "' .,,. wall plus orlull ... yant, alley In rear. treat, teparale tub A shower· 2013 Wettcl!H Dr. $15,IDI Lari< !amlJy room with bit-646-m.t Open Eves. es. Bicycle to B1&: Cc>rona "'"!Jl!!J'"""l'~~~~"' I H C ff••• 11 .. cb & State Puk. Walk to 4 Br • Only $21,500 OfteymGOR 01"'11" skfts while your ch.lldren GI • Totel Down $40 safely play~ block away at This larre t btdroom, 2 bath IRVINE TERRACE · 1 ~ Wtlltclirl 1)1', ln wet bar, 45' of covered pa. tio, cemnlc tile prden • • NEWPOlt.T BEACH kitchen with lPdoor outdoor bar + put tbru window. ~ ' ~ ExiatlJW 6% FHA loan pay-~--642·5,00 abl• $770 month lncludln( Conununity Youth Center. family home on OORNER Protusion of Roles, Shrubs Asume exi1tin& financing! LOO' with room fcrr BOAT 2 BR. 2 BA. cnly S32,tm ' Evenina1 Call 646-7887 5 BR, 3 BA, 9 nn 2 story borne + pool I: ruest boule. ""·"'· $10,IDJ dn .......... 548-8333 THE SUN NEVER DETS an OR CAMPER boaru exotl· HAL PINOIIN A • ...., 1 IR DUPLEX lent k>catkm near achooll I: 3900 E. Coast Hwy. 6754392 abapplng on quid 'nu:E Qean older u11U1 with dou· LrnED STRD:r. A little REAL Eatate Sale• me: n ble detached prqe on :Mb: pdnt in the BlG BID-wanted. Newport Realty I: ltO' lot. Assume existing ROOMS and KING SIZED Inve11tment Co., 1 8 4 2 113,400 -g% loan • no loan KITCHEN will make this a Newport Blvd, CM ftt. Only TERRIFIC BUY-' a..,., ""°"' $18,750 DREAM HOME! fl,m<I 4-lobl, R-1, Founta.in Valley, DOWN TO ANYONE! 50x1XI, $5,0CQ and S6,0IXI. EVERY JI MINUTIS Bogp RHlty, 96U037 WE SELL A HOME HOME -1W !oL Exc<1 W I k & L Westside. 3 BR 21M. ba, room a er ee ... ' "' 5 unit.. SG-1023 * -1771 Anytime * ~ tpERRON ,, -.-.. ·~·. Ouaified'• action J)OWe:I'· 2790 Harbor Blvd. a.t Adams Fer an ad to ..U around ~SEl OCEANFRONT Leue w(09-VETERANS·· eves. · .. t.he clock, dial 542-5678. (}pert Eves tion 3 BR + lam. nn. DON'T gi..,. b away, pt DON'T sift It a~. 1•1 $64,500_ ~ Ownu. t&io~ ~r -·~,!~ mdck CUb im tf: wttll • quick cuh for tt with • Dial &l2-5S7I tor RESUL ~ nn, fonnal din nn • Daily Pilot want Ad! Dally Pilot want Ad! ltae7 llft ~ -DAn.1 multi.purpo1e room may tru. taxes. four Bedrooms • $17,250 Mf'o'e into this large family hbrne today. C1ose to shop- Pnc. IChoolll and cburchel. This one won't lut?!! $135 per month hicludea tun: and inlu.rance! !! ONLY $500 00\\'N! ! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 Westcliff Dr. 646-7711 Open Eve•. --------' ,J• • .:.-· -~·. --,•RMftor, * BAY vtE.W 1'ff iot 15' x 195' wt plan&. 13(.IOO, * 642-1771 Anytime* 143 Broodw•y 645-1111 0wnu MA-!249, 5fM"1 ~!!'"!'!'!!'~~~~~I Eve1. '41-14.13 MMS7' Olll'STANDING View In "" SPANISH VILLA 1134 P.LT. B1un.J11r.s11a . ., __ Reminiacent of early Cali-You can't beat this monthly IOXI dn. 6f4..-0'1'7I fomia hacienda,. this pie> payment on my lowly 3 ---------! tureaque 2 Jtory hOme bu a bedrm home.Ca rp• t 1n1 "' lillll owlmmln( poo1 lhtouabOllt "' J>ut """ ""'· Newport Helghte 111 au ~ Pool &lie back Y a r d :.;.:;;.;:.;;.:.;-'C.;...:;. ----1 brick bar-b-q, ' la:rle w/covet'ld patlo Kitchen ii e SAVE IN'I'ERDT • ?'OOTnl, formal dlnin& nn. • and a chArmiJW: livinc nn. all built-lna I n c I u d I n C 3 BR, 2 BA. New c:rptl, 'th fireplace actnted b)' rdrlgerator. Assume ~ drps, bltna, 1400 eq, ft. :ported Philippine mahoi:· 6% G.L Loan. Full price Dttch dbl pr w/ elec any wood work all on two $21.450. Phone S&l-7689 opener; alley acceu. BJ tarp M loll. See tht. one ~· Prine cmQ'I. MMllT today. DUPLEX ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-44'4 Near Beach I: ShoppiJ::W Excellent Value -$34,950 Geor .. Wllllemson Realtor Eves. 673-156C lelbee Coves 1215 BAYFRONT with boat .Up lur• 4 BR, 2 BA, 1$1,IDJ l2'IO dn. -3TMl8l W-1111 12JO EUREKA! s:~vt! ::-: : Ye• we've found tt for you. 3 Jarse bdrms. 1"-bath1, rm; lt1'Vice porch, elec A Calta Mesa. 3 BR 2 bath, hr.rdwood floors, larp Jdtcb. bltn& Oun apta 1: drJ9 HARDWOOD 11.00R COi'-en I: 81!l'V!ce porch atta. thru oat this 3 BR 2 Bl ner home. Sharp! Sharp! Double 1ana:e. Big yard home. Prof. lndscpd A $21 990 with ahado A !roll °"'· malnL w/ clilldn•" play 1 S22,950. yrd a: pet ~L RcaV)' P.S. Owner will .ell to veter. Wollt-McCardlo, Rltra. shake-rool cornpletn tb1a ans with $600 down + cloa-:::==:=:::=:::=:::=z:::=C I channin& home. By OWner ;."'~""~"~=====~,;:"'~-"""~======~P~nm~~ef~aetfted~~',::"'~-567a~~ 1y ,urprl5e you. Just tell us -------· -wha.t YOU think it'• worth! -"Ge-=ne•r-'e'-1 ____ 1-'ooo"'-'-'Go-'-ne-r_e_l ____ 1;..0"-0--"0-Go.;__no_re_l _____ 1_0-_00_1 Howewr, it's tilted at $41,000. ing costs. N•w1Mtrt Like to Entortein? $U.950. 642-159& • h b can to 1ee this Corone clol Mer 1250 10 n macna et •7s-s200 ·~=~~.:: low to form four limp!. words. IZAIREL I _' I I' I I' I _ ITYHIC I _' I' I I I H 0 T I 0 . l 'Tw always thought motwr-· _ j 1 I j n;ty words •hould have signs . saying .... _... 3-24- 1 ,...Q_U_l'"L""'E,...C-.----., Jin. O.P. Loper lt_--rl-rl ""'llT"'' ""'l',....,...1-t !fr~::.~= • :~~~~'.;.~rn•RS r r 1· r r I' I' r O ;'r:;;~LETIWI • I I IE! I ·---CIP I ..... SCRAM·LITS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 7500 START MAKING MONEY NOW!, CALL 642-567·8 ASK FOR YOUR . DAILY PILOT AD-VISOR AND YOU MAY CHARGE IT! S•IHpaople Needed 54l·SllD (MlfclnlrN tt.btl !?lkl~:~~u Real Estate Sales ALSO -RENTALS Active Salet -Good Summer Winter ~nt.al Ottl.ce. Per- 10nnel may enpge 1ti Sain exclusive:ly or Rentalt « both. Est/24 yn, 22 yn same location. Frencla HorvAth, Rltr. 3410 W. Balboa Blvd., NB {Il4) 675-1972 ON THE IEACH Excluaiw Ox1na c.ovt bom• • yea.r around living • best Harbor arta. 2 BR. 2 Ba, prlctd to Rll fut at. sg9,500 By appt only CORllN·MARTIN REALTORS IOJfE.c .. atHwy,CdM ''7S-1N2 --·--- OVERLOOKING SANDY B!'ACH Fantutlc valu,. 0 W NE R WILL FINANCE AT 7% FOR 30 YEARS. NO LOAN FEES! Fixer -nttda work but can be a decoraton de· light. Ideal for arti.t or 2nd home. Only $39,9:!0. Call to ,.. __ FOREST E. OLSON, Inc. REAL10R FAIULOUS ArtlJtlcally dellptd S' bdnn 4 bath 8aycn:at home. 1 bed- room suitable tor maid·• """"· DdJabtl\11 pool. Arnold & Freud 388 !:. 11th St., C.M . Realtors 6t6-175a; DUPLEX 2 -Z Bdrm Un lta $22,200 DAVIDSON ll!Hlty ~ Eve . ...- DELUXI DUPLEX New l BR Unlbl Penitl.lula adjattnt ·to Ocnn A Bay $09.ll!Oo T" flllan<f,_, lelbee RHI lttete Ce. 1QJ E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 613-4140 THE llST 'OR LAST Ivan Wtlls model bomt mw available 4 bdrm 3 ba tam. room, pool. UC S.nttqo. Roy J, W•"' Co. (BaycrutOUkel 130 Salll\qo Dr. MG,1'50 Victor!• BR. plus 3 Ba, -di .... / BIG LO'r DOVER SHORES kmi!y mi. 2 trplca + play WITH A BIG VIEW BAYFRONT 646-8111 nn. Enclooed poo1 apuata AdlowEmenldilaJln- BeautUul 5 Bedroom home Play yard, SS2,50(). of $100,000 bomea. Owner with pier I: Doat, la.rte bay-I~~~~~~~~~ W1lk1r R11lty may •ubordlnate or trade side terrace, handsome ex-I . 0 "'"''""""''""'""'""'"",_. down in Newport uea. ••rio•. formal dining rm. S.lll"Cbln( ~ ::...... Thu TWO 2 BR HOUSES :l:~~°i!~~~ sunny breakfast room witb Mauty mtllt ha.v. t.e.n a VM!w. Larfe muter btd-modtl. 3 Queen the bed· ~ zone, l k>tl 10Q:tl35'. can 221 PolnHHle, ~•u room wtfh walk-ln cl'ot1et -rooms. 1%. Bathll. Built in bulld2or3monuntts.Price Oneotthetlneftnntham- • • • • • -"· • • •• •• • • • • • Slf2,SOO Bar, Antiqued cabinets, COV· $30,'lSO. es in the heart of CdM. lalpa Shown by appt only ered patio in rear yard. Com-Leon VIMrt, RHtfer to Ocean, 4 BR, 41$ ba, (714) 642-1235 901. Dover Drive, Suite 120 NeWJ)Ort Beach -------·---- VIEW! l.eaM With Option LIMly -> BR t'.lohdo witb powder nn, wet bar, and many other extras for fine llvtna. Best B1uU.a View, Immedl.ate occupancy .................... $325 mo. Walter Haase Immaculate, ·4 Bed- room. 2 story, h111e family I: livin1 room -both v.•lth tirept.ce. Impressive entry, luah 11.ndacapins A many ex· Ira!. $45.500. ·'1• · 1' , ... li t . I , 1 ,:., • , , , , , , • \ 54 6-5990 .MOM& POP Retinl to Palm Sprl,.a I operate this 7 Unit Motel whlle you enJoY the poQI and cllmate.. Seil or exchan&c $59,000 e(j:uJty 10f' Newport area propert;y. $92.500 total pribt. \ 1111'*-". REALTY 20'l5 \V. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 17,__ 4 IR HOME 2 baths, fan'dJ¥ room. double pn.ce, 1\.4 l()Dt 17th Sttee\ Shoppln( ..... Can b<tlld 2 or mort unit•. $2.4.950. L-Vlllert, llHlter ~-BfiSIESt' m.rketPJIOI 'II Cuslfted -1ion. s ••• __,. time • effarL. Laat ...._ 'l'!lo DAILY PILOT pletely fenced. $21,000 FUU. ~ anytime $1111,000. {By appt.) PRICE. GI no mo"'Y Down.!.=:====-==== D•L•ncy RNI lat• E~~r::~~ ;,:~:S 1Coat __ a_Meu ____ 1_100_ 2828 E. Cnut Hwy, CdM W lk & L Four Bedroom+ Pool 1~~!!..,,_!!3!!110~!!l!!f 8 er ee Ovodoolnl beaulilul eo.ta I~ 1 •• 1 M,1& O>wrtry Cub. lmma· LI~ Isle _. '7682 Edln1er culate condition Ir; prSced tor 842-4456 or M0-5140 Immediate tale at only $211,· Open Evea. 750. FHA/VA or may assume YOU owe it to youneU to ~ ~YI.% loan -S175 month to- vio1tJiate our 4 dlffrrent tal. CALL 540-1151 (open trade-In Pf"Oll"aftl" (Explain evea}. 1 °E.;;..i..:.d. l"~-= ... ,,..., ... -_--=--.1 3. 4% Loan 4. Speed Sale BY OWNER 3 bdr, 1% ba, huae yard, Xlnt cond. $1500 dn T.O. G.I. !II" F.P. ,.__i $19,900 l:vea I: wkends ORA GE COUNTY'S M2-121l LIKE NO OTHllll Beaut l'H (4 Bd) PLUI pier/llip PLUS Inc Apt. 12 Bd) PLUS ntra kit. 4 CAR GARAGE, "90,IDJ R. C. GREER, n.atty . 3355 Via Udo l7U3llO =--=--=--"'------=--- 3 Br& Beth H- on Via Wuien • one of Lido 'a very nlcHt •trlt:fl. Aaldna $59,000 LIDO REAL TY, INC. 34<XI Via Lido m.wo LARGEST R"'E"'PUB='"'u"'c,-,-;Hom<--. -,,,-..,,..- 2'3 E. 17th St. 141 44'4 old, 2 ""''" 4 BR. 3 BA. I '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I tam nn, retreat nn. 3 car •--1 •-Wntcllff Area '""'''· "'·""· 11,. ...... ,. Huntlnvten -cit -\Valk to We:rtcllU Shops A 540-4905 2 BEDROOM l\tarlners School. 4 BR. 21' ASS="uM=E"'1.ow'"'"--=FHA,"'°-3""11""R. $141 per month total lnclud- ba, Jg llv rm + dlnlna: &?ff. Pan. den & fam. $26,&IO. ing tue•, fJ.100 down. BIJ. AU built-in kitchen, bdwd Owner will t&kt 2 11 d . afUd power, Pl FA llMt Drll, fireplace. Dbl 1acqe. 540-4722 6: waterheat:er, elec:t. bollt- Anxious SM.500. ''•~o"u"LT"°"'Sec'""'tion,.--,CO=NDO='"°'. 3 b. rana:e I: oven, prllap Rltr. 646..39'JS or MUJ.85 Br 2 Ba, ..._ti drJ>e: e:lec dllJ)OAl. w/w cptl I dl'Plt * LACHENMYER ,.;: -· o;;;.,: . ....;... db1. -with boat -· fenced I landlcQtd. WOULD YOU BELIEVE Howe: for aall! 843 Govemor, C.M. . .....,,. . A n x 30 Rumpu1 Room with -===·"·""· ====0 I a Giant fireplace 1 Bar th.at Coll ... Perk 1115 -------~-1 PRESTIGE seal.I I ~ A t bedroom + 4 BR redet. 26• llv rm, w/• ~ room, ~ Ill· tee:t cpt1/drp1, b'plc, dbl pr, an total"'. ~ " x 200' lo!. tncd I'S.~ TWO STOllYS A 20' x 40' warlc lhop l.ot • fl!l,950. You Cul :rm Comoll 6'&-2308 Art I BR, lovely cpU/-II> ~13 MG-n71 ttrcom thrUout EJeetric ldt.- n!E REAL UTATERS ff.ewporl -1200 ch<n. SHOWS LIKE A MOJ>. -~ EL. VA « FHA tftm&. Experlenctcl RE 2 Units. $23,000 lllAIHIAR RIAL TY Salesman Cote to Be:ach I: a.nr.i M7-«W Eves. 531-2123 EXCEt. COMMISSION l.Jve In -A Rent -DIVORCE !Utr. 6'2.$730 Ji:\.-es. 548-om e KEHNBIY ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGIST 2'3 E. 17th St. M6-4494 De1poroi.-Mu1t Hll Submit o.n dn pymnt AllUl'Dt 'll" loan. LoWl1 ' 1111 -·· HAFFDAL ltEALTY 8740 Warner, 1'V 8C-+Clll PRESTIGE HOME -4BR2both-. -"'" 11fA ..... Exct!Jent IJ'fL otAJtGg )'Ollr' ftnt ad now. BOWi 11 Dill Mum fcr 1U'.SULTS =Dl'"at'"'""~==~ .... -RESUt;===:rn R. D. SLATES, llltr. 111-3519 EWL l&l-'1311 2 LG. Iota M. Nr $ pb. anl!Hnedlcal. $111900 -. tmna.-KlrchJ.M)T .... Kula Maul 11.twall -------- LUXURIOUS 3 BR, 2 BA, Fam rm. trplc, woo!. ei>tg. J!td pool, t.rplc. ""' BBQ, 1ncd ana for children. Walk to lhp'1, achls. Conv to frwys. FHA appraisal • .. $30,500. Ownr. 962-4915 RENTALS HOUHI Furnished ·-· -·---------....------------.......... --------. -INDUSTRIAL Bid&, new. 100~ oc cuPJed, cood tenant.. N.B. 10% net retum. 32,000 sq ft Phil SUUlv,ari . ~Sl ' ' MASTER carpenter, $4· ~ hour. Remodeling -Repail), 642-6409 or SJ6..3900 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINE"l'S. Any sitt joM, 25 yrs. exper. ~ Lett 6401 Cement, Concrete 66QO Part-time profits ot $400 to / ::;::::,. _____ c..;.: $500 -per • month possible. LOST creen I.: ye 11 o w Fulltime eUort can exce@d parakeet 1n Vic. 2 0 O $1000-per-month. Poinsettia, CdM:. Ans\\'t"rs to Pete or Momma's Pretty If you drive a car and be-Boy. He will r!peat his ad- lieve the Vendinc Indu!try dtt.u:. Re1vard. 547-3431, ts here to atay, write a ler-633-W6 1ble letter a1vi111 a sood/,l;:;IOO;;...:REW="ARD=,.-.~,..,.,;;;uffy= (::llmpse: of your ba.cJcaround. PeJ'slan kittens/ 1-cream, Only 9Jlid and indmtrious J.grey. No queltiorui uked. "workers" will be conaid-897-9102 ~! (lht your pbQne num. SH;;A:.OGG~Y;..,.,..-.,.-,,,-,m-,ol-,-,poo-c­ ber.) WRITE: dle with red collar, vie. Speed-Vendor, ~PL B- 7262 Natural Bridge Road st Louili, llt!Mouri 63121 ?..feredith GardeM. 962-7659 6405 CEMENT Work, no job too small, reasonable. F r eie estim. H. Stu.flick. 543-86li * CONCRETE worlt. BorW!- ed _& lJcensed. Con~ sawing ___ I Phillips Cemenl. 5@.6380 Custom L•ndscapi"f' BEST IN CONCRETE I • 64&-123.4 • ' e CU~N. PATJos·e ~ concrete &awing l. ~ State Lie. e ld-1010 ~ Contr1don 66f Additions * ~modeUns1 FREE Fred H. Ge.rwick, Lie. 1[ NATIONAL ORGANIZAnON ' 673-QMJ * 549-21,fo Hu Untl.!U.ll Opportunity + You too can 1et into your BOATING C1rpet CINning 662' ewn busine.!ll. Enjoy profits: Ne competition (nothing like COD RSE PRDFESSIONAL Rua: fl it anywbtte). Amuinpy UpbalBtery OeaniJ1r", T. klw invesbneqt. fyotected quality, guaranteed rmtltas terr It er y. · No fixed BY Allen's Maintrnanoe 'f overhead. Year around pn> Coast Guard Auxiliary 646-4063 er eves 6U-352Sc fits. Proven aucce&S. Com-starts Thurs. 7:30 PM CARPET k Furn. cleanlflj; pany will fl'ain. It YoU can March 27 for l day service I: qual~'if Invert $3,000 and can spare Corona del Mar High School 1\'ork, call Sterlin&" rqr Rent1l1 .. Share 2005 B1lboa Island 3355 VENhoME lnduitrlel ·llen.tol 6090 -- YOUNG Working Girl or Stu· dent tD share 2 Bdrm. CdM Apt. $70 Mo. 6"-4049 Aft. :: 6 PM WANTED Girl 21 )TS or over to share nice 4 bdrm beach apt. 111-1234 ~ 397. or 67S-3224 ·~;eeke.nds or evl'l'S. ' ROOMMATE aervlce, male j-or 1emale. Efficient &-: qualill<d. 83>-2100 • : Newpert ... ch 2200 $165-2 Br, beam ceilings, bltns, w/w crpts, hld pool. Adults. no pets. 642-2514 IMMACULATE API'S! IMMED. OCCUPANCY' ADtn.T le FAMILY Huntington BMch 3400 SECTIONS AVAii.ABLE FREE RENTAL BOOK Closo lo Shoppl"t, Pork DROP IN & BROWSE • Spacloos 3 Br'~ l Bo • 2 Bedrootn.. J Bedroom. 1 Bath. Nice car· ~ Swim Pool, PuV~n pets i. Drapes,. Double Gar-• Frpl Indiv/lndry fac'll age. \Vater paid. $175 mo. A, h I A First and 1ut plus a Deposit. 1145 n• • m ve. Walker & Lee COSTA MESA ""-2S2• RENT ---·----- 2111.!lllXB FOR lease Laru111t. Nir!Jel, o.H San Diep Fwy at Crown Valley, n!W Commm:ial ft lndustrlal wtlta. Delta Elec- tric. Dayi -131-1400. Evu -~99-4.lSB. . e NEW M ~ l Blda"., 10,000 sq ' near Ah'port. Air · cond oles. $900 mo. rros1. ..... ,,., NOW LEASING -New M~l Jndll!trial 1350 aquare feet. orily 10 hours per week, 2101 East Bluff Drive brightness! 642-8520 ,1 in less than ·2 years you RENT FREE: Shatt apt. can seeutt an annual net with corrvalescent man 28 Carpet & Uphol Cleaninz;! Profit of "' 000 to ~ ooo • It It's done right. , .• ....,, .,..,, • fr: exchange re r com-It's •'DUNN-WELL"! ;! Get in on the ground floor panionship I: lite duties, -·--·!. of this new e :It c It i n I part time. Student OK. Must Free Estimates .. , 54H5tt business. 'Vrlte including be sober and de~ndable. C L & f telephone nun1ber: Presi-S.U-587l 1rpet 1ying ,1 dent. Colar . Co-ordinates .:.::_;;;c.:,L~IC=E~N~S~Ec~0--1 _____ Rc.•cP.•:.;i:..r .:c66:.;f;i:: Corp., 235 Fifth Avenue, C.' np~ ( l '" New York. Ne\v York, 10016 Spiritual Readings, advice '""' ""'~ nyons, \VOO•. on all matters, 108 S. EI pozyesters,) Vinyls and Til- CANDY SUPPLY Camino Real, San Clem!'nte. es. Latest styles and colorJ;. ROUTE 492-9136. IO AM·lO PM Commercial and Residential. 1 bloclc'·from ocean· in SUn-$1S5fmo. Arent M2-1485 (No Selling Jnvolved) SPECIAL $2 READING Expert installation. ! BLANKINSHIP FLOOl~S ~ 900 Sea Lane No. "88 Bet Beach. 10 ..,.... new·, all Excellent Income for few Al! 1· E I &\2-1403 541)..~ .::;: -~· Drafting Service 663T 7682 Edinger 3 R F •t .r•v Lets 6100 hours \\ftk1y \\'Ork (Days er rac IV• XJMr S.U.4455 or ws140 ooms urn1 ure 2 BR 2 BA, pool 2 bdrm, Only $42,000 each. eveni"-), ~filling & col. YOUNG \VOi\1AN FREE o,.n Ev". $20. $25 • $30 11111. ....~. "'>•· !np' ..... HAlllOUR Ill TY s ADJ. lob; room fur 11 ·~· '"""will ""h yoo all Property Mlirwigement ISP ~~A~RKUN=~~G-, ", .. --,,-,-w-ol~k-to FUU. OPTION TO BUY Sub lease $115. 67J.5224 147-8595 units. 33.3 E. 2ht st, Costa ledinct~ """'Yd 1 ........ ~rn. coineo',~ latest steps. Call Ardell -"-••-·" Ow '! "--~ ... .,_.,. ""'--era a.i ""~'"""rs . in "" 2U·. ""I •538 1·10 PM Av&1-1&,_. to ... , ners beach & shopping; 3 BR; CR.e!rla"erators Available) lalbea !300 * NEW FOUR..PLEX * "esa. vw ... r .,,,..._.,. 'i-'"';:• Mesa I. ISUl't'Ol.lnding area. I~=="~-'-~~..,,..-'-~-,.., for a limited time bltN. attluded patio, pool No deposit o.a.c. ---------Near Beach, Hwlttncton · TOP LOC &, TION We est. route. (Handles CXJUPLF.S, singles: lonely'! t t.Complete~ping • 'I HF R c ·---· ~,., ...... ..._.. A A-..i.. N ' •J ' th ' ma1nenance: many ex-• • • • GRACIOUS Adult Livinc. ...,. • ...,.._.. .... ,_. name brand c.,J<q &-: ewmarea. 01n C.S\\'lllg 2 -:1u'= pun'.:buinc-dis-tras. $U!5 lllo. 8J&..nt54 Furnltur• R•ntals Ocean & Bay view. Spadowl I .:::i::=:=:~====== I 'Ji=~= h:!n~ anacks). $1450 Cash requir· to fun !: pleasuno · : ~ l. Fully bonded J BDRM, blt-ins, wall to 517 W. 19th C.M. 54W481 2 BR. 2 .BA.. ""1.1k ~n luafnea Preperty 6050 c.; 1 mile horn 'San Dleio ed. For persoral intuvie'v in • 635-9291 • Design-Dratting, el!Ctro 'i mech, layout, detailing. •! PC layout, tape up, lrg ·: or small. Ken Sr. 675-ll91J • -und '''all crpts, drp11, 2 baths, 1568 \V, Lncln, Anhrit 174-2800 closelll, beautiful ca.rpeti I. Fnvv. on Bea·-.. "'"Jvd, __,_ Costa Mesa area, send * Selective Singles * •· 4 • Yr ro or summ('r 96" " ,,.,:;. ... p I Boat U ".r ""' D r.-~ n•-· dd-·· • ho•o nwn . h' . . , rental lncd yard. $215. .o-u748 $135. 2 BDRM, l~i ba, patio. ..... pe.-1es. 00 · I P!I Prof • • .J «:to sell. -·..,,a '""" P " · Companions 1p, Sincenty Call NOW to beat ,v/w, bit-ins. Children I: for tenants. Subteinnean ' ISSIO.... ' , HAR.BOUR: R:L TY ber to llfulti-State Inc., 9075 Introductions Confidential Electrical 66.io the Summer rush L1gun• Beach 3705 pet OK. Bia'. 534-6989 parklna:. 613-3003 B4T-i595 E, Impe.ria! fl\'o'Y, Downey, (2:>-55) 6'2-9676 S-10 PM PROPERTI Es WEST -Medical lulld1'n1 Calif. 90242 REDUCE Safe, simple. Wt 1-•···Id 0 6..,, .,30 P•noramic View C0tta Me111 5100 Hu.nt ...... &Mch 5400 VIEW • no· ct Oce&n " CANDY SUPPLY w!tb GoBe!e tablets only G1rdenin'" u.M u-U9J• e r. ,_.__,_ NE\V J BR _ Hom(', 2 ba, city li1htr. $2!1,500 including ---•. ___ ....,._ 330Caqft,4 &lltnon lant. (0) ROUTE 98c. Crawford 's RX OCE rn FRONT Apt 1 v.·lw carpets, bit-ins. stove ORIEUtr EXCLUSIVE choice eomer .ln dfflnblo JI 9' sq. ft. pad. IDT fParl or Full Time ) Pharmacy, COlita Afesa TAKATA : E LE CTRICIAN Li~ru;eB, bond ed. Small jobs Mainl. l: repair. 548-5203 '' Lart:~~Bdnn. (2 ~a) 'sl.25 dap1>1. 675-343( 830-2825 LUUU area. Immediata ocrupan'cy ~:i. View Dr. C'.dM. Excellent Income for f"v WIG & MAKE-UP JAPANESE NURSERY • :. lnd. util. until June 14. NEW 2 BR HOME-AP S ON-THE·IEACH · $94,(0). excellent tenn.s :-==-o'-----1 hrs. \\'ffkly work {days 54&-0724. Complete rm:l~ '• 673-3088 2 baths, w/w carpets. bit-in T , 2 & • •--'rMm Aptt. WUI exchana"e. e V!EW er ocean, corner or e\·es.). Refilllni: and Classei1 S85 servi~. Headquarters '* • I========= 11tovc. • ...,.. THE rox a>MPANY bluU. possible 6 1 t y, collecthw money from CBelle Coemetics 541-948'7 all your nunery l"lffi:ls. ~ '• 51 67~34. 83().2825 Luxury Uvtna to plea. the tnecliW Ol' apb. Will buUd Co In Operated Dis pen-ALCOHOLICS Anonymous : Lido Isle 23 vi.oat dlscrimbtatln&-.NOP 2363 E. Coast Hwy, CdJ..I to oult. ,._. ••r~ sus in Costa h-fesa and ALI.EN BROS • • --2 BR, view, remodelled, 3 BR STUDIO available at 8T3-9495 or 642-6969 ~ surrounding are. a ..... No Phone 542-7217 01' write to GARDENERS STUDENT~ • EXECUTIVEHOME th t bl ' u-• nlf BUJLDERS, lnveators aelllng,(Handles na m e P.0.Boxl223CostaMesa. workingthe lrw.avthrucJ. ' p "' cp g.. ·~,. ·~ POOL "'• Hu a..t11n ~ with ettice/atudio, 3 BR, 3 $1.9i'i, tum. $XIO. 494-S748 '" ''I' 6CNO 60XOOO' pouible 7 unita, brand candy & snacks.) lege. ExJ)«!riencet., lice~. BA, Gardener incl. Lea~e. __ luslMQ ll•nt1I choice area. Real ba)' $1800 total caah required. Anneuncemenh 6410 REAS! 646-420.'l , •.• fUm -unlurn $550. ADULTS ONLY $19.SOOBkrtla..5851 For more Wormation -. Lagun1 Nl9u•I 3707 ~ • Ille QE and deta.ils. aend name, NOT Jt@spnotlble tor any EXPER. GARDENER : mmo -~--~----PIC HUNTING"Tttl BEACH R-4 Lot, Co.sta &ea. Zoned addmi5 and phone mJrl). debt&, e~ than my Own. Mid-age Japanese Rellable. Summer Rentals 2910 ~ IDYU.WlU> 2 Br, new rum. hM1ar: wf V'tew. Near vWqe.. Summer rental $250 mi>Yearly $175 mo. 714: 675-lb7s: eves. MONARCH BAY AREA 1741 Tustin Av•nU. &5 unUll. her to: William L. Allsup as ot ~·i'°;c",,',,•;;S.;!;_83;:.'-".:7::05:.· --~~~en~~~ C to/fM17th Str~ ...... 1 ru Ocean A\-e., H.» G~•LocDutKll•oY&SUSolTl•l•S Owner1Br61cer,·5'M7il ''RO~on:~TI-!ENT' 1=M-"""=::211tho=·='",:,·===-o!JAPANESE Garder.er, com-. ' ' ' DI a ese .. ,.._. n4) ._ LOT • ~ Hills Roa~, . ' JO.o plete yard seIVlce, free bit-ins, trplc, heated pool ( , 636-lflT Offices _.__ Anaheim. Calltornia 92803 Cemetery Lots 6411 . S250 mo. 10 to 5, 496-124.l Valley Center $300 uuwn. ''LlnLE BUSINESS'' ,';::'iitimi7.-ati.""·..:"'°>-:_:;133l7,-,,-,~-I HARBOR l Ir. 2 BDRM -2 bath. ~ * AiNlond ~ utils Fortin Co. Rltr. &U-5000 •Operate from Your borne T\VO cemetery lots • t CLEAN-UP Specialist! llfow. 1sh style, sha&·crp't'1; prv *Carpets._ drps 6200 e FulJ or part-tlme Harbor Resl. Prime. Joe. Ing, edging, odd jobs, ligltt RENTALS Apts. Furnished GREENS fftr 6: prv ftlndeck!I. Adult * Rtc.ptton Rm Atrti'I• e HJa:h earnings Leaving area. Sacrifl~. mOving. Reu! 548-695.1 ., llvin1, nr besthe.~ from Sl40-* aearu:n& A maint e N rl 642-J.j27 e JAPANESE GARD C RENTALS Gon•••I 4000 11so. T•te·~-•·-c·•-, NO•TH OF • ~ ~._:~ """"""' •-· CJ , -~ Heuaea Unfurnilhed ..,..,..., _...,w..,.~ .. .., • ft ~ n:e ..... -. Pf'Olr&rn FOUR ~mete.ry Iota at ...::n'lce ~anup, ....,iuscaii; su o . ON£ lldnn nl"'1,y BACHELOR. UNFURN. &\Jtm'tfilAn S.C..torl&I s.Me. •vail ESCONDIDO •Eun wbJJe t..ntlnr H"b<r ""'' M•'"""1 Porte mg. 531-71l.l4"' 7 p.m. , ~· Gefaer•I 3000 fumis~. Available now. from $100 ~Uiiiii-Tm & Ceuntry • Sl500 lnwstment bu.ya In Blue Spruce 91'ldion. Call JOHNSON'S Gardeninc &!n°i. 1;;.;c...;......; __ ·-~-CloM! in, Bkr. ~ ALSO AVAILABLE l982'l Srookhunit ''1.&st N. ot Sheppl,. (lfltw .Approx. ~Ac&es. roZlinl com~ lnven1or7 LI s.:.:rr5 Finest equip, upere yard : FREE RENTAL BOOK 1 _ 2 ' 3 BDRM. "J .billa; "' R~ can e For lnformaHori care! Reu! !J6:l.3)3.j. Drop In & B~.. S!~~:a:~n:~.~ w6~.· 11e:atied Poalt. Oilld Cart Adami.) n4/962..29ll 1B2 Beach Blvd. J,.., planted ln Avocadoa or e Call: SfG.6740 eves. SERVICE: DIRECTORY en W lk & l Center, Adj. to Shoppfn: -CHEZ ORO APAlrrMENTs (at EWI) Huntl~ Sch bold tor appreciation. Anx-TERR t F I C opportunity, • • 1 . ,t & """'uU."" , a er ee ·B="'=· =-=======! No pets allcm'ed &DC Atlanta ff2.U07 lolls seller Is ulrinc $59.400. amaU coin open.led car A.pplianc• lt•p1rn "a1n enance. censed A 2700 Pe \\' t 1:1 Ne1\• 1-2 BedroOms _. p~ ~ STORES ALSO 10% Do\1<n with interest onb' waah. ~ m"~ qu(t. .P1rh 6510 548-4SIB/645-2310 aft 4 -••a~ Blvd. at Ad•-• Co1t1 Mtu 4100 tenon ay, a ar-'--...... on balance. For mon! lrxfor-...,. --;l.Att;IVN;,;-7.';;,;,;;;..:._ .. w ---~ ---------1 bor le Adi.IN, Costa Afesa. e~c cm\1 rnaltc otter. Uw:a~ at 19th w ·~·rn • ~.,. n ... ~. SF.RVJCE ,, .. , .. ..,,1 -.... .,.,....,10 •~ -or c."Mr: .. -matlon, please. call K. W. ~n. ..,,, • ne .. l\fo"·~t ~ llOlJDAY r~ _,......, . .._., ,,,,.....,., FREE DESK · SP,ACE Small "-Ith I: Newport, C.Jd. 961--1'1:13 Xlnt-guaranteed re r vice ... , ge-vacuum ~ Open tfl t PM D'ELUXE, spacioua l·Bdrm.l!'!!!!!!ll!!!ll!!!ll!!!ll!!!!!!!ll!!!ll!! I Pool-Wa!he.r.Dryers 0 vlclntt)' or Balcer an ff alt 5 Pllr. Reu ralell. 147-3115 lJ 8--5646 alter 6 PM J $fl5.4 BDRM, 2 ~ 1"\u1&. apt. $1~ Plus utll.· Prh'l.tt~ Brhtol(C.M.)lnniturnfor ltltheff&A.ss.c:.,lnc. UQUOR Uotne OraJ1C1 YARD Cle.anup . Tree w/w, ba.tns. OiiltlrTn OK. H«!ated pool. Ample patttna NEWLY DECOJlATID DELUXE J bdrm, ta.m nn. laltJ.aa memtn: and ao-llll \V. Clflmsn,,Ave. t.ounty A quality fbr:turtt lat.yaitHnt 6550 lM':n.>lct, new Ja w n 1 , mt ~ No chfk1rtn • No pets '.I &, w/---... <I studio w/ranp. no peb. c:eptlnc dtJlveries. Drane•. Clllf, for complfJte. rtslaun.nt • • l}Jr'lnkJen, rototill. ~(.a.1• 1963 n...-..a. CM r --..--... ..,,,. '" ,..__ r......-1.a SU~. Evff.'ll·kn!Li S!l-591'1 -~ $JZ.. 2 BDRM t rl p I ex, ..,.......,_ DISp, • wattt pd •• nr acb1s -10 . ...-~ ..._.-. Notaey -Income Tax ·· Ins. I •"'!:"'!''l!'"!'~~~!!!!!!P I Ne1\-ell Auoc. '94-"'594 BABYSITJ'ING ~fy home., & eJAPANESE GAROE:Nqt pnp, w/w drps. patio. Villa Pomona Apta 2194 "D" Placentia Aw. Plut. Call 5!1-"m& etc. 1 Del Nerte <Aunty W H 0 LE.SALE Distributor aSde C,flf. Prefer \\"et"kly. llttlntenance 4 Oeanup Rcr. 5.l4-e9IO "'a-ta Mua '• ne•'tit a, mo1t e "'"412' e Call BUI R.cbln8Qn <Eves.) ~ ... -111_..._ ._ 1._ ,_ * 548-1557 * Cail ~2572 ..__ l a.ectt :5705 546-4471 Ntar ft~ Klamath River ·~ ,,.... i....--•-... u~ pm. ONE bdrm duplex, luxurious a.plll now rentins. $90. l Br ullf, UP11tain. Avail .. una In btut o1 the R~wood Na. ventory. 'ViD ~ hliti m. BAB\~SrT One or two AL'S Gardenlna s, r v 1 ct ' •/w, a .. '&llablt l'.IO'IP, good F'um It. anfum. Adults onty. 411. hfarure only. J % 2 BEAU'l'JFUL OCMn f'ront 2 llOO 1T shop. t11-.n.bouse. &naJ Parle. Calf G 1 en terelf rate1. 546-7015. chlldrrn tu age 7, my home Lawn maintenance. Prdt~ ll'M. Bier. ~ nu pea, J760 Pomona AV@ .. M..,nolla St. &f..4695 BR 2 BA. spuiows.roonu allt.)" truck tJitrance U25 n.o~ (n4) 532-2MI Or-nIE HUB ot activity rw run or part Time. 54&-6.77 lng &: clean ups. &46-362$ . PLAQ J'GUf' wane .. wber.i Just soulh of !3th St. OJAL dirac:t IG-51'7S.. Qars1 Ii. nt.plaa!, avqe, Ltue. w/ utll 64&4544, 5"..an3 aJWe, Calli. or write Harold Rn'tc. ~--... tJM.· CHILD or Jnfan1~· Cal"f', Nr. E.'CPER GARDENER '" rt.y AN Jooldnc -DAil. T THE Qutcxr:R YOU CA.u.. "1111' Ml tbte lit 11aet uif Unf'lan ss:;o· mo, tum $400 THE Qma&i YOU ~ Del Po<1tc, Box S3. Klamath. C...uied Ad" Dial M2·· Pac. Q)Ut I Newport. Ml~ Japa"'9e Reliable. PILOT dUltflecf MWl7I nm QlJICitER YOU SEIL listm _; ttw p1Ka filWI mo. 494-MSJ mE QUIOCER YOU SELL Clllt. ts.3'11 to otf9' YoUr 1e:""9 ~'OW Re.11i. ()pm « AM m-5429 >.ton • Sat llJJ..-07(ij • I • ~--~~-~·~~~-~~~-__...-.~~~~~ ............... ""'!' ............................................. 1111111 ........................... 11111111"' .......... . . . .....,, -24: 1969 :;-.a;•-1114•1••; .. -•; .. -·;--•;•1 SllVICI 111i~~y .IOU ' WLOYMlifl .IOIS,li IMl'L0Y'!11Nl .IOU Ii IMPLOY!i!!! JOIS & IMPLOYlil•NI A Y a · P1a1ttr1nt. ""'"" AIO ~i. w~. ~ 7'11"l. '1'" Wl"'rfc,IMI 7200, ·""' w ........ -noo 11eri; w~ -noo Help w""9il. -7200 ... !.";""..., e 'PAT'S -~...:. All MlCOUNTINC " * * · • "'-.---. ....._ ' . . ' ])~ , .~~·r-~ ~.. 111110i . nA.'fW011t ·llYf PUm ~':~":.,.,~i! UNIQ.11 ......w.. "'° m JAIS.CO . 1 1wM1D1Am.~ DIYISIOll ...... 1ai._ ..... ,., 1 _ _......., ....Ll.I' P~';,o~.~ , , , "/A~ .. Nlt·::.mi liXPANSIOMIN Tunet~Optr. ~.!.':r....-11 ""-~,...-' U ~-. ·lec:lriW or. -•·-ORANGE COUNTY ~~~ ·-· --.e ...-. • :ACCO NTING HJah rSCllOoa,· dl!lliina -·~ -.... ---b1r11s tor our -.ii. PLUMBING :11. ljr ""'·' SUPERVISOR I (IO ... -l. .lcal _... .... ~ .... »:.: 'h-P~lde· Prechlan vtp>o _ _......,... W.rt-. lle.1ni, nmod, Ith kllO l<!d& ol not ._....,., .,.pt, °""'1"11 C/U/ .. la R ••th1lo• ...,,.ir ............ ~.-, • • :'...,.,,,_ w~-i ... ~ -ir,Jnhw.ll<pld ... MEN ARE NOW BEING Machllllst lleodl,oe_al _ , ...,.....,. \II' f'!!".,. .,..._ . ...-t lalo-mool INTEllVIEWED HillEll Bl'ld., JOit flll ... !!'!' 1)1. Whl•dya Want? W'*"11 Gort 1 1Remodll, 114Hl~,1~"4o · Oppl>rturill)> lo<' an .,. --ta..mn~·. 'traln!nr• thorlaht man. Al<D TRAINED TO FILL Wl!JI ablllly la~-,.. """· ,_ I':"'"' • IPICIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR .,_.,. ;.lwW' atcollnt· .. tim,,kMoiloc proeodum • UP TO . GOOD PQS!TtONS wrrH totne ~ lo .,...iq lo&. w111,...m. • lllort tnlllll NATIIRAL IORN SWAPPIRS ROOM· ~D:lli'i-Jp.N • •lll .ln ;a Fall dtvlilOrt and m•~ · "'40.. . 'ioP STARTING' PAY. ~odlont-....,. plrlOd al--tal7- ' spec111 1ta1e ~ ~~f ~t-~ ::.:,..~:,.~~ A»PlY ........... all Pi•c'!'u.NTH $512.-mo. & IP -,iu. ....-. =. i;.: 1:. • .:0:.. S.t1--5 11--5 llucb -1 .. 1~ two ,.. -U/41 546 -~ Appl At _..,. w111 be - :· , .• ' ' . 1~, ••• '1: ' ' .. ' . ' ~ ::=1t~"4~:~Mun~u:::~": Rooflne· 6950 ~~~~~t. ro:a~'::~~~ PERSONNEL u~::'::"~ lMOE.N!n.:W,,,1• fttl4. ,... ......aTMIHGfOll:U.LW-JAADUOMl.VI ;.;J: t I '" ~DEPT• ~the pQroQ tbla week. Saftta.Afta PHONE 642.$671 A &ol<r not • __ .. • Midi le .s~. Div. , 54"·2· 034 . Both -and .-n..i a Blod< """" ol Mchddln. lmmedlete _..._ In Te Plan Y.Vr Trader'• Paredl11 Ad LHJia .-.i. all· l>'l'I EQUAL Ol'l'Ol\rllNrrY , ..... , .,.. .~ -" ~ 1' blo<k W•rt" Graat.l ..,... •• ,.. ~'11111 C&blnCnl,..,., 2isbp 3 B~ 11< ba, Mon;_. =t'""J;;'.:"""'1'w.rt EMPLOYE!t .. AT,' A ~TIC * · * ·=t-=~:::: . thefellew .... arNa 196' Cond ptl~ (Mal~ or Femaie) ~l., ·-, ,. . , . ~r. , :l:°::J'. .,,...C:..:-1,": ,...0'."'i;aoo "::ii>'~·~_; Sew!"! "'°' ' · ~-DAY. BUSBOY . MINIMUM At-'"· Women 7111 STATimCAL i' ~..;s,truck,...,.., :'r~1iti..~.::"~ TI:!l'.;..~ .. ~,:·11.!S~,i;r,1~"' RESE~RCH ~,~KNIGHT ·=~~~:ONs J~~!.~s!:!! ~:, Want late model Sportsman 1'1 Ft, fiber sJau outboard hma 1; clotht1 made. f; Hf Mheol.'1rH er Ute lh. id. b'Pltc. ExceD l\>ATA ~ or tnJDM Ill a... and/er ..-JI>' '*"*' :-V&J; Haw u part trldo ''° -b;, W""1 tilt tnlltr. 8*-:11-0S . ro'!"°.l':". ToflO~ . , * D~ Y ..,1v11ent "'""" • ...........nt. ,· 11np&1a • 10 o.r,.i.. Sta . ww Ind• lor.landx&plai:. • ~-* INTERNATIONAi.* A-·· , ,D)SHWASl:IER .~ °',..~ c-rty ·work "1th....., <t ttcal-----dale lo -... ........ unit. lll1all llC1ft •. w .... ~-642-600 :a.: ' c:-...:.~ MFG." D~~~IBUTING I n.. ~Jwuja ('mp. * ~11\?HT U-~...i..11 Pii'XR~$40o • · Equal opportunity •m•lo>er ' · DISHWASHER • i.d'lned y Good ""'"'-...u "'°""""· work lnvolwd. t 21.''5 Ac.. NoSD Ca. &n HAVE Unlts & Tn1ltt Pik, A.lter11tkln~ EXPANOfNG TO • . • ~fee retmbunled 6 ml'nths. ·~ -Adj"""· RJR. U1il """""'Arb. • ac. All .... N•a~ accura ... ,. .... -o·RANGE COUNTY ....... to lfart work F/C B IL . • ... POUCY SERVICE \ Trd tor 3m.t aq ft Ud Ind. ed. rm/35 :""10re sp, m.m ~ ·· . . ·· , , APPLY .1~ PEltSON now . c.onstrllC:J.a!i~~ . wtlta. Onr' Nn. Bingham Trade $30,000 !!fl. tor T in Trff Service 6910 · 1 ....., INTERVIEWS . PO 1!3·Bat>oa m.8417 s Cal OR s.31145 • NOW HIRING ' · i.ir.r · l ft MON. • 11JES. '· R. Plttce "-· Agoncy · · ESTATE Mal•t ""' s.rv PERMA1iENT rosmoNs In JABSCO . REUllGI· l · w; Kl '°""· ext. 22 = Newport, cM. ....,,. Pmtr " 11ut -,..., " :c =:t:.~ ~~=t::mo1~: ~~ ~ AVAilJ,.BLEWl'nt ·151 I, Coatt Hlnhwey Astc·b'Mr. HW; H1ID W•ntM, f:·ra=pei~~ : !'PR:.~t,t ,..,..... "" Phone 644"'87 O~GE COUNTY • Po""""'1 llop&rtm<nt Women 7400 ... t P-..,...,.n1y ,. ', . * • """""''"' , e HUNTINGTON BEAOI ASSOCIATES Newport lllch "'""' Ex~•-t _,,,., . _..,-7 .,....-, SPECl'ACULAR Home TREESERVICE WEneedmeotowork .lnall ·MECH''Nl'"'•L -~-~.--i-- Mommolh La k 11 with. Expert, Jlou' .....,.,,, N --~· . '°' '°'" •v --·--. Cabana mobU:. 'born. oo tho •oouzh Unit, to dimlna" . . dopta .. o -.-•""" ..,... . ORA~SMAN MISS EVU Al'..Ell(Y ... ..,. boot '"'• avail. -· u ,.... tn1n. * CARPENTERS ITT JA8S(0 UR llUI •• ""'°fo<l bdnncoodomin. llnanclalroncom.Tnd•lo? Televlolon, Ropalt 6915 TOP STARTING PAY POLICY ; · lum. H.B., CM., Tultin !;';"tn,~~RI~. 6•!~ RAINBOW TV eo. No .,,.. AUTOMATIC PAY RAISES • .· .. . . * ELE(:TlllGIANS FM Pahl ...... Q5.Sll5 -_, v ·~ . ~--~.. ~ srART WORK '""""·chemlcal'llld... * c•BINET smERS Ltral ............. to 11511 TYPING HAVE· Double btd aprlng. Vloe ............. ! -~ wo • .., JMMEl>IATELY dw;trl&l pumps. Experi-" Sfc~/P R. $SOfl mattre·.,·~--.:.H•-.-. blkt<.whtor"'ftOL FOR•~VIEW r'" In-•---~••---*BUYER* . ............ --·-mlll. ~ Whll do yoa 'bave to trade?. Lilt tt ... -lb Crane• ;~ Caunl;)"• larJrelt rud trad- i uw~-~make a deal. :· * * * • u--"'" --I u"= ~ """' -·~~··• Girl l'rldq, ""' ...... $500 tiplo Uno polley t:Ypllt. al+ es portable typr'Nrite, both e MONDAY&: TUE.SDAY ~ and dimension-With mobile home uput. A.P. Clerk <IPl!t) •• to $500 accuratltl, 1111 tM e1ectrlc. ln good cond, WANT: Stereo ho 990 n4-7253 ing ealttnga ,e19!"Hal, ence. ~~nt beneflta. Gen Ote/Bkkpr, ntl••to $500 The kteal po&!tkm for mne. unil lf equal value. 548-192.i Up l1t1ry 6 Shop t!Xflt!riMCe desired. . We Med IDtMOnt u back· PQ!"DU· ·············•••• $475 one who lllllel., trpe. I * LOOK * ,..,.,. APPLY IN PERSON up man lo< our .....,,.. ... 3'· ""'"' (oplll) ...... $400 . * CA........ . Agont w.· ... umalt pump Mall ~ PBX (spilt) .... $350 * * . ··-- ----·--------15 Yl"· ,.rv1ng °"""' Co. OPPORTUNITY! · EQUAL OP.PORTUNITY ·EXPLORER manuiacturer, • dlvlskm ol P.T: "'"1 Ok .. to ss.-KEY PUNCH SERVICE DIRECTORY lllGCUSSATOVIMNGS l oin ~-·-•lutelt ~· ' ',i.J!'P. e ~r".!!t.i , . & la'I• !nt.matlonal oorpor. Applicant Pay1 l'H ~--·•-..:. .......;~ : r.! .. rcleftf.. ~· ...... _ ~~ ORHOM. £ QRP ation Purclluing in OW' op. Sec/Co111truction •••••• $500 ~ •-...,--.-.. ,. ,.. 66IO Income Tu 6740 . UPHOLSTERY __ ......_.... .-, "· MOJ ( , .,...On i. •.., llmcttoo, m. !:ocrow otlk<r ...... to $500 "1th at lout one ,.... ... 1--------h AND DRAPES Na ~.,...al it:.'"'' ~,,;. ·· · \.olvinl a' ·rei.uve.., ,._ Secty/Recpt •••••••• to $500 perience an ~ 6 ~ ; SE.VICI DIRECTO.RY cart Low-rite mo nthly Year round ofc. 328 No, .-...... -tlnstallatlon MUt~ -r:~ · . ;.11 ·: l(Uf) ~ New· port •---L • Keypunch •••••••••• to $500 1h1ft. DEPENDABLE: Prof. yard • T •Tax Adviiors Our other services include: We ~· ... . 1 e Way, Costa Mesa 4000 C•mpus Drive portion at our ales·dou;·~ Secretary •••••••••• to ssoo merle IBM equip ml ...., ·a•allable. 545-1931 Nwptffivd, N.B. Reas! ._.Y" ---,-_··~·",-···-• ~· -....-. st ~~ -amJ f!\W. Call 645--0IOO tor appt. * CarPet A Rua Cleaning -1::.riJ .;l...,.p .. 2tt .. , _ _.. ___ ' .,.--------: F1eue .et'4 ~ lnclud-eno, ............ •• •• ··• to _,., Excellent tree btDtf!•• p.,.. •-:==:::::;=====c I 'WaiiU'ifi~;;;;;J;'ii-.-· Your aatal1Ac1km. is Npt a: l' . • 1 · hla' ularJr. rtqUlmnents or Bank Sec'1" • •• •• •• •• • $f75up -I· WalterllFahrenholzP.A. ~mortimportutaaaet 6:4 to ~u~.•&un OR * * call ~1 deput:menl Sfcretary •••••••••• to $475 manent. atMd1 work. Our Generil Servlwt 6612 .. ~~~· ,!~., Servi 1398 :"_ Reva's Uphol•~ ·· \.J' 111M1SJ :IH ,. ~· SALES for appotn~l NCR Operator •••••• to sea poltcy 11 promo&a trom · ...........,., .... ...._ ..... --··1 · .. Tl"!:: , REXAIR NOW HIRING Girt Fri/Irui •••••••• to $425 within. Your fubn 11 deta- Japa-Ganl1n1r 300 Palm. Balboa Ponn. · $0 • "m ,,..._. . SALESMEN AN ~uAi OPPORTUNITY Acctr Ok .............. S«IJ mJnod '"tlftly bf ,... Now . E::Qer, corn.pl )'a1'd atrvice! Ironing 6755 673-279l 968-4791 -a.AllERIENCED We haw appointments. we ... ,. EMPLOYER General Ottice •••••• tu $tOO modern otttce, fritndb'. :~ FJft ntlma'!:, 541-795&. CZYKOS1'l'S Cullom Jflltl, . ' have the product, we bave ~ •••••••••• $350 pleuant a~ JAPANDE Gvdener, exp, Ironing $2 dmen Upholatery. E 'Ir o Pe an ftlllf ... t lmployff the opportuntly and we have 1486 Dale .Way, Coa:ta Meu Tra1nrte ••··•••••••• to $.150 n:_lfal:lle:· Mafntmance, ·fteu My home. Bring hangers. Cr a ft s m a n 1 h I p. 100% ~~ilU;jlJL i&i,,J.• ' .'~11i1!>Solhneflt1 . the top commluioi:is. c.Ilfom1a 9'lG26 flO W .. Cout. u•-~.• I For Details and App't. mo. n tes. --Financing. 642-1'54. rm ..... \!Qn,..,, ....... aril ~ .. , ' !!ALL MR. LEE ·-.. -~ · HAULING. Cleanup ~ ffiONING. 80c an bour Newport Blvd., C.M. ~9' t. . o!~•~}. APPLY fOR PllSONAL Newport Beach &t6-3939 • odd Jobi etc. Free est. Jim Pleue hrillg.ha.nzen peison to BOti .. _... · A Nr'IOrn-.1 Office INTlltVIEW WOMAN to can tor 3 .'=="PAINT.::;.;:~~ ~:s :.:~~M= lt-~I -·~&;~;.. . * ~~-* DESIGNER ~t;: .. .t;k:~ CID Collec:t PERSONNIL (213) 384-1213 "~OOIJ roes, ·ETC up ·-;~* roNVALESCDIT< Aide . 211t)OJWilar'Bhd. .. ~BEA~ * IUSIOYS * Eleclro-MecblalCll ?PM companion er hl>pr., a..il. Colla -47 Courll of l'ilhlon l!:fJi'4 ~ w/ colJe&e ORTHODONTIC uatatant UNIGARD ' INSUltANCI GIOUP ·, Haun.. e730 Lendocaplnv 6810 tong or '""" tum . *DRIVERS* FAS11r0!11SL.\No OVER AGE ·IB .i...J-tlonl<moch&JI!. over 21,..-nce<1, .. 1,,.. 1:..:.==----"'-"' HOMEMAKERS. &11.-' N rt lllHch . Exporlenced only. Full \!me Ci.J.-JU<eni lay-ftd not .......... WW tnJn .. SAVE MONEY -,,. .... ""' LANDSCAPERS DAILY "°"""""' "'""" No !Jpe.ifenc• . . ~ . -. . Apply In ...... all 3 ..... out ......... work .. ~ quick -Pl u The Rigger . '•"' tt to the dump. Call ATTENTION .~. HB.. ~--~ -·· ,. • • -.. • ·-~~ -·~ __ .., __ , ;;wm:;;=:c,---,--~~ .. , -uw•u ··~ N~-1 An ·-··• ~-"'-'•'N , . . FIVE. CDoytNS ' --• ·~--•~~., 6G""6 ...._ I need land!<aplno, and will · 536-6!tll bafO.. 6 p.m. .' .--_...,.. r . ~-"""~-v REST•U"RANT" w/ milfWy _.tlcattono. GIRL lo cu. lor 2 ..... CLEAN Lotl/aarqes etc., trade a 17 tt outboard with ~·have ' clelii1 ' Calltamil ' ' Employer 380t E.~ (but ~· Radar op pJ'lfeJnd but not aft IChJ, my home 2:6$:30, tree remov, dump skip big wheel trailer for yottr· Domestic Htl! 7035 ~~rd.' A~ · '' " .• "' .,.,._,'". --.-.--Cororw. del Mar e.-ential . moat haw own car. Vlc • W1Hr1sses • ......... !ID .,w. 96Ull5 ,.rviOOI. Ltt. l'I IO<•thtt. ~'LOW CAii 'CQ. .'liNTORY' · (No pboM ..Jiil RADµTRONICS Div of E. l!th & Ra Y mo n d • """"' your b...,. ........ """"'All .. Byland~ . ··Ill' E.16tl! S(. ,._}: TROL C'LERK • ~· ... ~Corp. 675-1.111 m... -""' '' u---'-· 6-S ""°"' """'1 Em-Pays· F" · · Thala -.,,..,..._ : ..--nl.. •• lo&a E.16tb, SA 517-<l3!15 . • ... s MBLER M . 181112 Tdlar ""· Beauty c-.. 1o .. • ·--------Poor Man'• Friend °"""' -a-ut SECURITY GUARD • CARPENT·ERS Maintenance an Nowport 8'&cb. 833-2100 OOSMETICS. Xlnt - EXPERIENCED ONLY FULL TIME • ~.:~~: cu~M=~G -.....t --Excl..W.. "'"""tlal ..... •PAINTERS s1ioDay1 .awHk *Busboys ~.bra, ......... "" Xlnt work Reu! Reis. Far East Agency -6'U103 munity lo t h"e' Newport~ • M8-t1U Mliaonry Brick 6830 · Beach arta. Must'havt-pre-ComPMY. ,benefits, free Ir> c k GENERAL OFFICE Glrl • APPLY IN Pl!R.90N #11 ........ _ N-&lclt . • Hel w---·. u •• 7200 vloua ............ Tho .... .... ....... ""'"t ......... .... REUB .... E. LEE * 00 Tel•pbono -' . . w=:=;.. S:~· PRICE & QUALITY P ~-~ tion will '°tall moot1y ""hi IJI , °"'" -°'"' 21. Pb: HUNT·INGTOM VALLIY CONVALESCINT HOSP. And Apt """ 6IUIM CUSTOM LANDSCAPING SERVICE SIL Att Exp'd, _., $400. In •lart, unlloma ''""' -Corp. 111,E...coaot Hlll!way 1,;,511).6373:;;::;;....,..,..,.,,-.-~ · e 646-!234 e n time d.ly shift. Union provided. P1eue ee.nd brid 235 Filher, C.M. NewpOrt Bffch Appl,y tn,pel'IOD DENTAL Aaiataat. chair '.r Income Tu 6740 · Station. .Santa. Ana I: resume or letter to Box M· i.ooKlNG FOR y Ac H T _...:.;,::.;;;'-'-:=.--:::-: aide, In Newport Btacb Paperhantlng Paltades Rd. C.M. 509, The Daily Pilot. st<IPPi:it.' GOQO J.DB FOR e INS'i'Roc..'TORS -Full COCO'S atta. X-Ray exper. detired. NEEDS l'ull n- HOUSEKEIPll I JU;.SPONSIBLE pttparatlon P•lntln9 6150 SAILMAKER. Exp. desired. WANTED; Youne man to RIGHT MAN .. " Must BE Ot/and put time: Ntat • To apply, Pb: OR J.1166 Ii filing of all ~ncome tax NOR'I11 SAILS 913 Elee-learn eli!ctrical eatirnalliia: c.\PABLE •• MATURE. pnrance. Mud ·be able to REUB. EN'S DRAPERY WORK ROOM returns by Certified Public VINYL wall c o ve r I 11 I tric, Seal Beach (nll with a potential aal&ly of RELIABLE I. S 0 BE R • i:rwet: and de&! with tbl: · · Immed openlnp for drapery 1312 N A H.B.' A:ecountant. Available to gpecWlzt. Kit. baths. 596-4461 $D1 & fn1:!: Mull be Willing SUGGEST SEND PQ.bllc, good filure, Apply wartc, all pha--. 5t0-64&I. ~lw,, teIW the needl af Corpo.ra· Material 6 lalQ. Est. MAN steady part time job to woric: 60 hours a ~k BACKGROUND, RESUME 1n penon, Holiday Hea1tb 1"5 W . Ad1m1 Beach Drapery Servtce. --=='.:=~.-.-.! tiont, amall bualn:@•• en-847-1659 1 ~ adult X1nt. I.A at mlrtlfnwn wases wtibe & REFERENCES TO BOX Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd.. (Ht• Met1 SALES lady, ..., 2J 9:1 45. SKREJAIY 1 terprlles and individuals. INTER or Ext. PAINTING, .;mts roU~e open. $23tr mo trainlng. Write Dally Pilot , M 409 DAILY Pnm. ~C:;:Mo:··------p &RT TIME full time, chlldml'• store 11 Your eomple~ •tiaW:tlon IMMED SERVICE l.DC&l + 962..(6.13 Box P-317. HAND POLISHER PART & FUlL TIME " .to. Cout Plua. Appl)t 650 Experienced penoa nsecltd ! 11 ~=RATE "L FREE Ht. .... lGn ;MBULANCE DRIVER PUNCH PRESS OPR. R•con: ....... •nee In •mall CAR WASH HELP TOP STARTING PAY D St. '!Uttln. to manqo of!lce of ....U 1• IMPROVEMENT INT . .1: EXT. Painting. AD Experienced-Must be fu1b KIWK.SET buildera Hardware. & NEW BRANCH IN OR.ANGE OOMB. JIOUllkeeper/B&by-. buainea ln Newport a..cia. • C'OUNSELORS &euon rates. Free est. lie'd Lie'd. Top 119.Y for fiahl 516 E. Santa Ana St. KCWKSET EXP'D. POLISH •nd OOUNTY. WE NEED 25 sitter Full eharp. Mon-Wed.. General Secretarial A aoo&. e 6'2-9937 e A: ins. Call O\arUe. ~ man, Contact Bob. 837..cml. Anaheim 515 E. !Janta ·AM St. OITAIL MEN MEN FOR ADVERTISING Fri, g to2 PM. caD aft 2 PM bepinsoPftience l'l'llQlnd, .. ,. ' ,. '• ' • K. cta r t: Acctg Serv. RF..5IDENTIAL painting a: BOAT AnC Equat ~0ppFcy Employer An Equal~:Employer T;,,~0focCA':1~...::.•t. =:~~~ 96hml ~;~re1Umeto Income tax. penonal or paper hanging. Good worlt. CARPENTER ... oner... or1m1n, WORK FIVE DAY 1DPll"V" TE L EPHONE Anlwtrlnc·-======-='"'-1 -... your homo ... of~ Ruaonable pri"' . .,...,.. Expaimc<d Working., -by CUiiom PART' TIME --81..t". CM. ,,30 TO 10,30 P.M. roRiN'. Servi"· Exp'd, only. :1991 I DOMISTIC HILP ' 21 yrs. op, klc firm, PAINTING Int a: E :11: t , 1682 Placeritla C.M. bu 11 de r for dlwnttled $250 PER MO. ,SENIOR JIOYER FORMATION CALL MR. Grace Lane, C.M. 540-2052 All kinda! ~ ICUlB:l or MS-0742 ~ lawelt contracted prien EXPERIENCED m-FI cotn· O?:anle County wort. F'ot NO EXPERIENCE NEC. m,.~t .. ~~ -~th-o~ JAMES. YMCA NEEDS TYPIST Cooks,** A O.,.rDorw. auac HARRIS Tu Serv. Fully Ina. Satiafaction,auar. ponentsa)e1tralnee1.Sa)a.cy, :pp~ caU .... 'f.?·1665 betwn OALL ·MRo Rl·ID 1>1l1Jll~\;.. ... U""I MONDAY I: TUESDAY 6CU990 Refertneel req. r .. a: Pee 9th yr •• 3llT Roosew.lt. Free etll Call Jim Weeki. xlnt fululT. 646-8895 • p.m. ......,. ' 540-2014 , firms. Pmtlp company. 774-7251 BABYSll liJt, V5c sear-SL ..,.PaJt!.obL Call Mist Abby, C.M.. Appoltttmtl.. 54l)..29'Tl 673-1166 FRY OOOK ... ,.. DESPER-AT-ELY need 9 'M to 9 PM· Tremendoul benefits. $1,100 11• .... ·-·· outsido ,.1., m·e ni ""' _ .,, ....,th. ·IF'" paldl SAIL llOAT Sehl. C.M. Call all I pm. ARGUS AGINClll •INCOME TAX• PAINTING, Papering 16 yn; Odiel ReatauranL zi: E.17th mlnWratiw traµltes, ae-TOOL &·DIE MAICIR Beach ana. M 11rehant1 ..., SALESMAN MS-752> at wlalda. 1181 C Newport Blwl., C.M. Done in )'CV borne in Harbor area. Lie. bond-SL, CM. &fS..M03 countanta. draltamen, •tock KtWKSET Pfflonntl. M5-2'17(t apr)ey. Yourc, agreutve, Jibefslu WOMEN to poUah • muk • SUPl::RVISION 6 :~:Tuel :; H~~~~ >WI' i.·Your Ad ht~clauUSedlT clerlci, and machinists. Ap. 516 E. Santa· Ana IC. SERV. STA. ATI. Dt,y man All boats. tn Newport. tiberlfu moldt.' APPl.Y W. 1ALES woaxe -~. 1 ... -._ -. home look nlft d 0 w n T Someme w1l1 be. ktoldDI fer ply Merchanta: Pirnorme1. Anaheim I W/~ up. owr 21. Wrtte &JI: M fOI DI.fly Pflol D. Schock' Ch., -s. 1'tdl tblw. lf\llt ....... ,.,_ ~ -..,._ .......... 645-2770· qency An Equal Oppty Dnp~ 4901!. l'/tb. Costa Mta Acc.unt1nt1 G~. Santa ADa. apptartDCe, Ult to -1 ::ldl::iad.::,;$15.::;.;"'~'~m~;;;~tl93--4438~::~,_::~";;':"":"~L~~·L:Dtal;::~6C-16'11;:~~--SERV1"11' s c--.llt M•nater• SALESLADY: Muit ti.ve wltb people. ARlb' ta -SALEsMAN. 25 T :e'!!O! tWP. W""'1t W.. 7200 H.lp W•nt.d. Men 7200 Adm'W1tr1tlv• TmMI exp. tn bettft' ctrnRt. wits '°"' -- ST',,. "W> G ,..,.E-~1<¥. ....... Full -· -~;:;:;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;..,,1 CALL BOB, .... 7796 • ,,,. ... ~ ........ Gd Htlltlay Naallh .... ~,.--~~<Ul'Ll'OLl..ra.IJAN--,~-::::-0""::...; llhilt. "" Clydo, "9 0 SHEET M.ET' AL ARGUS AGINCIEI v.wk. """'L mao 2300 -Bltd., C.M. K y_...,,....,. ..... M NewportBlvd.,Coolal\1•1& ... UllCNewportBlyd,. CM. PBX Ano. Sav. "';oma< ov. ,EXPIRllNGID ..,. .._" ............ ..,. DRAFTSMAN. -· M. •cHANIC • PAINTER ---25. ...... )>ra. Expd. inc•. HOUllK••,•• TocfMlopmessogeforTimdoy, lnmobllehomep&rii;deslp. • lnll&!: 6 outalde, IOmt Qll53&4Al. (DA.Yaun) _._,...,,_.,...,. .. _ Too.,... fo<'r!Pl,...... ~ ~· Porm. ~ LlVE tn ...--lot PARK LIDO • o1,....Zodlocb0th-Atthttechnl om.., N.& Needed immediately. High school plus 3 to ttoo. "" on "°"""""" .. ni _,,... ' ......_ eon.ataomt • ._ , ..., ,, ,,.,, ., ~ Coll ~ ..,.. 4 yean upctenee U, l•you1; \oftl.ng.1 flbrl· 673440/fl3..ii62 "" -. 611 zi' !HW2ID MW'10 Costa - ,..... """ """' WARElj.OUSEMAN cation, ahd U.embly of .slieef mettl p~ SUPEIUNTENDENT WAITRESS, PUt \!me ~=-~r:.. !l~ 'i!;!!i -,,.......,.. Kenn and wembllOi In boat bulldlng or related for ~ ' -N.B. D>YS OVER 21 CALL T.e ........ ..,. ... :r'-. iii:"" :::::.::-• IUma H""-W, IUI 11,eld. M1181 hne basic knowledge of minl-aroa. Giw aparltnca & -Wort<.CallltAM .. ·• ., ""'"""' .,_ Harbor 81"'-.\:-M. 516-!080 'tllum beod radll and ,'bend allowancei 811'1 -1&1uy; ,..,., DallJ w.-: 01A1R SIDE I p M. ~ ~ ' . • 31! ,, .. , "'"" SECURITY OF•ICERS Pilot Box M..31S D--·· .~ .. .-·' -,.._.,, • ' ,,..,_ 6tYw • of malerlahpeclflcatloos wecl In 1heet metal ~"--·~· lY~ tt=.. ~~ hll time. SL'15 ·ptt hr. A~ wort.. Cart layout, plan, form wort from AITROTIK CORP. Pb.,.._ . TWO cbOdnn. 11 ._ ud ~!!!!--1 """ .,_ 72°' W.230E.l7th,Coota ...... templalel.~tlnthe.uoeotpowerlhean, ,Open...,; Lah mW S.O.!WD -ID. --10 -nNd..,., 11 llr '11~ :!~ n::z.. &C-10ef«awt. power bnkes, foot p~, aqueuen, and 'I'opPt.Y •. A·lmld'llnktorV. part.ttr.,ldlQ's/ ..... dQI. S ~ Olitlr , ~~ !:fe.. ~..... • c.-all other macblllery aod !qulpment used tr1 ,12!i7LopnAv.c.ar. $1.'15 hr • ....i thfld DMdt .......... ~~~~ ,,,._ .,,.. TTTo • Dllhw48'*rll\lli!ioY ah .. tmetil worlt. . . AllCll?rl:Cl'UJDJW1'S.DENTAL uslstant.,.. z. --· lJ~ :::z... lli:::: SURF. "W.OIN' C II p. ' u-11 I h MAH aR. II.,_ for .. Ont.......;.. -IUe and SAMPLE --2:1._... eo'Mflt '°~ 58.10 Pacl6c Cot.it lfW7 .. ND ; or appl,r to . te rw r c tabUlhfd NtwPOrt a.di tt9d Xn.YL Ma.nu ,.....~, ...,.. ~-..,,. il~ ~?%,. ~~· O\YCOOK G d 3"3 Htfbor Btv4.,,CMta.#MM cftkt:.60.aH GIRLi:irAvantGudefllma. Nlelt11•lteam•at,lil ~=-~==. ~=.... Mlft..2 ~ .;.._•:;to:e, (114} J4'I030, lxt. 15' !ERV. SfA. A.Tr.: Need a. Orw·XeMnT r...,.. Blach. ~·.VU. "'t:."' ll-.-.· ::::::..... 11. slllO"" to rlarL ~ ~ Atla·nJi'c R-. Nil. h--...... -"' ...... iilliiCUIUif -" .. port ...... -.~ 51::-"'° M ,, . ..,....... In pcnon, Ml W.Uth e.:M. V9 !ii-. Unkm Servke 2211 BNch. MR. RON'S Mta'r DESPERAn:LY __. Pii. a ""' -"='9 REAL ESTA'!$.· -•t c t" · N-Bhd. CM. Hair 1111Urw· -· dall lnllt. J'r, lee ,, =~ =~ :.... ... bo •• n ... "" -o,rn.or.1 .101 MAN™""'· -· drivo DAILY PlLOl UDI& .. -' lr. -..... ,o, ,a. 6\ """ .,... Hon-8t<cll! T-truck. & eto. CID -L1N!S t .. - --l'loul al'Pl1 11-\S:l'Gaoi w.Mtw '7Nir:iilsd v01qe RaJ x.tatt 9SM4n • · A Df•· .rTtit '"1!4•••n:w c.r... • ' 5«)...330,) ,.. • _.. • •· * Pcl'Mlll'lfl. ... '"' ....,. '-------------------------•Whl" tl•pbanlll ~ An oqual ~~ employ<r M/J' SOC& rrTO 'EM! -"1ltte....,.. lltou oa.. • ' ·------ I • l ' DAILY PILOT Moodq, Mrdl 24, 1969 MllCHANDISI POlt MlllCffANDISI POlt . MIKHANDISI '°" MlltCHANDlll POii I'm an4 LJVIJTOCIC ' • " .,... ••EN" ;otl$ a iMP~OYM,NI MERCHANDlll POlt .MIRCHANDISI F'Oa SchoolHntlnlcllon 7600SchooJt.lnatrvctlon 76001-.;:SA:;;:L::l:..;.:AN:..:D::....;T.;,;RA=D::.I_;;;;:;;;;:_=::....:=,::;=-. SAi.i AllD TIADI SALi AND TllADI SALE AND TUOI SALE AND TltADI ~ IUS ) fumltuN IOOOFvmllvre MEN WANTID NQYt TO TRAIN AS CLAIM$ ADJUSTERS Insurance lnvoaUgators .,., badly needed due to the tnmendow incru>e In claims re- sulting from· auto accident.a; fires, llood9, riots, storms and Industrial accidents that occur daily. Insurance Adjusters Schoo!J of 1901 N.W. 7 Street, Miami, Fla., can train you to eam top money In UU. fut moving, excit- ing, actio ... paclc.ed field, full time or part time. Work at tour present job anti •tudy at bome, then attend fesldent training for two weeks at MIAMI BEACH, Florida, or LAS VEGAS, Nevada. Excellent employment as. sistance. For details fill out coupon and mail today. No Obligation! fvmllvre IOOO Fumllure , IGOO I'll-& l)rtono 1130 Ml-II•-NGO FREE Bamboo d\1111p -;. ' "! l'Unl!ture .. -,_di.. •' New· Pt.os • · * AUC110N * . ...,.., "' taJL You dl& "' • • pi., rtudlao, modd homct, <0t 54Mlii1. I 1 Botiaht Mtnul•d~ror't '69 ·Showroom Samples 1>JT_ ........ __ .._ 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's chair or love seal 5 Pc Octtgoo dark oak din set w /blaclt: or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR set. 9-<lr Mr. & Mrs. dres<er, lg mirror, 2 commodes, decorative headboard In Spanish oak design with m1tching box sprlnp, mat- tress & frame. Decorator .._..,..__ Wl1RLITZE!l6BIWlBURY !wlllltllorbor * FORS&»or""'"* 1 I -.t Medli.m-. tie All llJtea A lln"'*' oil W1nci1 a ..,. MID Red Male llocMllun4• RD AIRNRVRE ---· ...... de! 'A Fridq T•IO -~&ti. 5..... • I 11441ffwportllvll.,~M :.~~~-·-...... ~~~,::.!:.:' llINIATURZ ouJe l ewey """'~t!I 9 · W.tltur O-~ ,,_ CY-Dt.c"""1md al otod. -c Wed Stt • ""·-, .. , 111 • ,,.-•-'""'on. ,,,.. .. ...,... aft. 5 p.m. , [ " -..,.., e .KEW e • LIKE New Beip...uc bod Mw -·· ...-.. Mll\Y MJoc. Wtfttod 1610 I 1WIN Bed --divan $12 5 •. OVeNtu.fftd atYlfs a finlabea-Prm ··-l Dble bed lrame, wooden ~ ..,..i blue.• av....io cm ""'I"• .. WE PAY MORE p1.,.... 1149-l030 3122 , :!'. ~'15.~~·· o• $59.5 CASH =-~= =.::. i QUAL. ({qr Sia bod w/ EVER1TlllNG IN MUSIC ' mo. old. ~ S/25 quilted ... ..._ • o.. •.. Belch Musk Cenfef ••·1<111,.,,. · N..., UHd !ti; _,,, flOO. ror any nter now or used .,..IS OPENING SOON ,: UT-Factory Saito 6 S1n1<o .......... appl1-, co!OI'-' Items Sold Individually I Approved for Veterallll under New G.I. Bill! J Shop Arour:id-Before you buy IM USI ·-·-· .... -...... -.. -·..,-----.. -VALUE $1095.95-FULL PRICI $529.95 Receives Cancellation of $22,000.00 . Spanish & Mediter- DaJly 12 ntipn 'di 9,' Sat M eel TV'&, Jttreol, pWlot, tit• NEW Plywood I er a pa, Office FurnltuN 1010 11«MI Beach B?Vd., OJw7 39) pm, stoveJ. rtfrllen.toJ1, 64S-m1 Sl2S ! fN~=CEre~~E}?S Name.-............ -...... .Age .... --Use O:: ~:;:sc8:~ Pr!·:: C~~ancin ~~~'& Add"5s._ .... _ .............. -.. -· No Fancy Front -flUT Quality Valu_, 1nsfde INS. Croup d!spoae1 of: at"l & wood Exec A Secretarial de•kl, chairs. table1, tilt's, shelving, lockers I drattlaa: room furniture. ~~~! ~~r.:. =.n::ce"t!:rm:~l = HWHI IUO .t l'IANO & ORG,ul ~~· Dey, nlahl or QUARTER HORSES: l P.O. Box 722 City ....... -·-···-·Staf.c ... -· • , BARGAIN HUNTERS! 638 3828 t-Whli. ,..,. wt ""' -~. Oranae Coullty'a tarae11t • $UO. 1...nuckskin maidnC ; atock ot. new Ii: ued $150. A'ppaloola stallion, -' Tustin, Qlil. 92680 Zip .... ___ . .Phone ..... ---··-Mc?wWiAN'S 772:-8400 1830 s .. Anaheim' Bivd.. in· Anaheim _ (alonp\de S.A. trway at Kalella) Pianos 4 0rpns rtr: vel')' iood •lock $650. , ' Accredlted Membtt National. Home Study Coundl ranean Furniture Spinet Pianos -. .. 13'8 $ WE BUY $ m.nr,o : HolpWo- Womtn KEYPUNCH OPERATORS :Minimum of one year Jndu1trl1I eaperience Should be able to work non- .itandard work week. COLLINS :RADIO CO. '19700 Jombo•H R .. d Newport Be1ch ~ opportunity employer EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. Coast Hwy Corona d•I Mir 673-9240 6 FT. ~Ow deak 6 match\rl« table. u~holstered ...... ! chair lllO. ""4110, Baldwin Orpn ........ l!lll $ FURNITURE . $ PINTO GELDING, I yn old. :.! Olickerhla: ~ ...... f7'5 APPLIANCES · quarter bone breed Ins .Conn C.pi'lce Orpn . • well broken, centle. DI.YI "~ Save t.lllVI Celer lV -ftl•n•'-$f•ree'1 .,.,. ._.. .,.,, ,._ •I all w:.:.:;,::.:•·;_·~:::.'°"..~ I Piece er Hev11 p:,.IJ -~--'''c..'c."".;;,,c-c.;_~"-""--1 '""'-._-r • .....,..., uuu.-CASH fN lO MINUTIS . •COMMERCIAL•'oas&EMl'LOYMENT Furnltvre aooo All New Top Gar1ges11e I022 ..,..~~11yt.:;'"' • 541-4531 • TllANSl'OllTATION TELLER Job5-Mtn, Wom. 7500 SPANISH Reta:rned from I J,W<E oner or we' 11 No down ~ent· WANTED: lb.t trailer loltt I Y1~hh: 9000 1 EXPERIENCED rn.a73 UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK J029 Harbor Coste Mesa, calit. 546-2'"3 SAWPEOPlE PART TIME, DAYS, FOR SPRING PROMOTION Model Homes on sale at Qual1'ty b&rpln! All m~t ID· Great Gould Mu11c com,,.ny to Jl'ill 14 ft. Ahnninwn boat FREE Jess than whoJtsale! Group buys. 6131ii Nat'r.lUUI, CdM. ~ ~·!::._"!_11· San~7= Mu&t be reuonable, . includes beautiful 96'' ,.o .r~a:w..:t ..,_ ~2083 quilted '°fa 4 Jove seat, NEW deluxe ranae I: oven, Open Mon I: Fri evu 'tilt BOATING ,.J 3 Spanish oak decorator Brand dresser, chest of drawen, SUnday 12 to 5 FREEZER needed in 3 to ' , t.• desk. 9 to 5. 962--1428 PIANO TUNING ... _ 4 weeks. {preferabl.1 Fricf· ,. ta111es, swag or table lamps. ========= I I: no::palr daire) 833-2935 (Irvine) c ' wall placque, king, queen, Expert. rtuonable! . . OU RSE '' o• full w.e bodroom ou11e Names! A Appll•----•-100-Al-.......... 61""67 PITs •nd LIVESTOCK 1 Apply Personnel Office, complete incl box springs, CHEST FREEZER. 5 cu tt BY 1 Equal opportunity employer 3rd Door, 2 to 4 p.m. mattress. linens A boudotr $50. Gaa or electric dryer HI-Fi & S...... 1210 C1h 1820 Coast Guard Auxiliary ' ADVERT1s1NG Mooo., thru Frno,y Lim ... Spenl•h ... s .,. Decorator's $55. Auto '"'"" $58. All . . ...,... Thun ,.,. PM ,; dining oel pri<ed '"'"'"'re guaranteod. Coul Eloc:tric Sl'EREO I"'9 Solid otei. 81,.UE k S"l Point Kltt"'" M""h n " Secretary/ The Broadw1y al approx. $11'5.00 ALL Servlc< Dopf......... deluxe................ • we<k, hou .......... ~ C.n>na d•l llfu Hllh Scbi>ol FOR ONLY $399. i20 down, Dream Home O'KEEFE dlxe 40" ras spd chaft&tr. U!ft on lay each. 968-1877 2101 Eut Bluff Dttve ; B kk 47Courttof Fashion $4.99 per -... eek / out of range, dble oven, brlr, ·~:!oray~.00"'!""'""1e-·bal. • 11' BAY IOAT :~ 00 eeper state credit OK., Will ........... •'" ... '""' n...-1125 FASHION ISLAND separate !or quick sale. 20th minder, rrdle. alus shelf, CredJt Dept. 53S-72l9 .....,.. Like new .......... try $141111 ~ Responsible, top level Newport Beech Century Furniture, 9772 is on Display ' ,:,~,:,: .. ,.:.m.:,76.;.-&--'hn>_m_•_·~185-· MAGNAVOX Stereo C!>m· AKC Registemt Dachshund ~OL 2' ........ ~"~ ,-.~ position for sharp, tak• Garden Grove BI v d ., 1 • )Xlnents; 30 watt AM-FM Min. Ve'fY Loving Needs bot.rd ·•· •••· ••··· Li:ladtd. • charg• nlrl. Must hav• An Equal Oploportunity Garden Grove D~ 10-9, COIN-OplP. auto. w a• her• stereo receiver~ 2 spkri w/ Good l. om e, i33. 449 ·~~laIC~arJ'NSALEse ; • Emp yer Sat 1Q...6, Sun U.S Come 0 $100 000 CGm · re-«ind. Like new. enclos11tts, G8JTal'd turn Seaward Rd. Corona del ,,,,...,rto, ewport excell•nt skilla incl. in or call (Ut) 5J0..5240 Ver 1 $11.5. Guan.ntttd. CESD table, $120. 64J.6906 Mar 67~2022 aft. s· 30 PM 24 Hour Phone • • 673.UTO 1horthand; handle lite ------------------' 646-2486 ' • Coming CUSTOM DLX K (1 blckpg; bllllng. Under SCRAM LETS 20 PC. "MADRID" worth of • DLX Hotpolnl " cu' SONY 560 D, auto "'""'· SIGN up now for -" A IT FT Pm I'1and 30. Call Barbara. (714) •. 3 Room Group ~ refric, freeur below, like ss. eonomone 10 3-A' open dor obedience clusea. Delux~ ~n;ie~~ tJ.;:. 642-3910. ANSWERS FROM MODEL HOMES MSpa.nish & new, .... 613--4735, =::...,=·=""'==for=Lo<==Van=.I ~~~·~r~t~;,. •• ';;";:::';;t:-;:K;;•nnels=' :!:~o:=. Bir a:: · · Includes: Quilted sofa A: ed1terf'9Jr' ~~ ;t~to. Dd-:er, .. BASENJI African buidets tilt trailer. fioo or bQf: oft. BE JHf FIRST mu .. -Itchy -Booth -chair-2 ond tahl" & oo• f ! 'm ·ut.tm"' · · M"';loce;;;;l;l•;n;;••;ut;;;;;;;;;;;';;600~1 "°"'' od"''"· abort hair. •r.·Pbono.......,alterTpm O ique -"O. B. QUIET.'.' le-! ta~~-=2J.amps-dreu-eaft Urft. ~ • AK~ champion .line, tennJ WANTED: Boat trailer .~ l.fcDONALD.S Is hi r In I "I've aJways thought ma-er-uurwr-headboard-choose fro • Antfq'.... 1110 Wllat Knot Shop .... available. 6U-4350 to pull 14 tt. A1uminum ·at. ·.·,· COUNTER Wom.n to n .... -'. temity wards should have quilted box apring &: matt. r-•nr.RABLE ~... T M ~ •• ~ -5 "'·'--_ _. ___ ..___ H•ndlcroft & Art llUV • .. ..,-0 Y ust ""' reasonable. r. Monday thru friday 11 am· signs saying "O, B. QUIET." acSS -pc • ....,,..16 room; 'i: t VASr ·Stotjc An>tr 6 Eur Poodles, apricot It cream. 5'5-aJIJ • table & 4 hi-back clWn. T NEW CONCE!'T --===~--·I '! 2 pm. Unilorms furnished, MATURE couple to manage COMPARE AT $749.95 ,, • "" f\D' Ii: ~ I.a r ry OPENING' March 28th $50 le up. 893-3306 1966 W Dlna:hy, free meals. aptJJ: in the Costa Mesa $]99 ( E, XAMP(E) MNeo-Ijl•.vdntlqu., c"~· 2 f 21 Open Daily Easter Week AKC black Labrador $75 or make offer. APPLY IN PERSON area. 32 units, Children ac-Wiiort-•-Retriever pup•, bred to Mr •. w~ght 61" ·-. M DONALD'S N d Pm ·•'•II ....,, work done by atta ftlll· .-. ....1000 c ceptable. 635--4481 0 own-ta .... ..,-6 mo. Items as follows: Gor4 6'x9' ORIENTAL Rug. Orie-denta. If YoU are internted hunt. 49f-5153 da, 4.95-4582 16' Glu.! boat &: tandem 6561 Edinger Cutter, Exper'-nced WELK'S WARfffOUS£ geous 8 ft custom quilt-cost $250. Bulloclla 1967 $50 in aelllng your crafts on att.s -trlr, $600. lt' boet a trlr, Huntington Beach Immediate Opening ed sofa with separate tlrm. 6TM427 consignment • write "What POODLES, 2 mo«, 1 male, $150. ~2544 ~ Work N•er Home Beach Drapery Service 600 W. 4th St., Santa Am. loose pillows with heavy MUsfca. Inst. Knot Shopet:,' 1 2622 NeWpart apriCot. $50, l female, 1957 14• G~ Nttds e Accounting/Bkkps 900 W. 17th Street Open Daily g.9 oak trim d-or and ____ 1_1_25_ mvd., N.B. 92660.\0pen Pb.a,n~. $75. Small toy1. 10me work $125 ~ olltt--,,==~~~~~ • Semtarial Costa Me.a S40-6f6f Sat <U: SUn n.e .... Friday 2-5, Sat &::: Sun ](1.5 AKC 8Q.625ol • . ·,GERMAN LADY · ·"" matching chair, 3 mat· Gvltar Hetdqu•mrs l"'?!~~~~~;;.;,le.#i'' Afil"SPANi'Ei:<=RTe Mr. Wriaht 615-11811 • Reception SADDLEBAO< Inn, Laguna 17 p K" s· I::: BRITTANY SPANIELS-Rer, .=.=::;=::=:==:=='' f.qual opportunity employer Wearelookqforamature •Typists Beach now hiring reneraJ C. lftCJ lie Ching oak occasional eNEWandU~D • BIRDS. of Paradiae *** 6 wke old. Xlnt hunfu!g$all._.ts 9010 JadY who can speak and Superior Agency hotel and restaurant pmion-Bedroom tables, (2) 58'' tall dee-Fender• Vox • standel HeaJthy bloomh!s we LI dop. 675-3570 or 6C9-276f 1---'----:.:.:c:1 type G er m an fluently. EstabUshed l9t6 nel. Call for appointment orator lamps, hanging • GIBSON • MARTIN eatabllabed 2 planbl: to a DOBERMAN·X Pupa: 1 SAil..BOAT 17'6"x6'1" Sloop, 5hould have eome office ex-UST Harbor Bl, Costa Meu. 494-9436 · Largt 9 draWer dttuer, mir· chain sw. ag lamps. in •DruWILSOm HNo!,qYuAMAHAa~rs 5 gal. container. OnJy • weeks Fine tem_.,.,,..,en• fiberglu. C&bln alff'P' 2 Peri~ and a pleasant way can fut1: 642-UU =""'~~--~-ror, 2 bedlkle atands, king ht 8--• •• few left at thla price tJI ~ .. 1 .,,.;,,_ •vr. ..... -;;;;:-., Dacron aa11a:, c u 1hi0 a ,.· ·: with our customers. Full ======== EXP. Landscape aelesmen •ize headboard, frame, quilt· w_roug . iron, an piece •NEW and USED • only $5.00 for I plant.. Call ... ._, .... -· ~J>O~ head, trailer. Irwin Fried: .. ·~-~ can Mr -··-J L. .. w 00-or trainee. Salary+ comm; ~ mattreu. 1heel.I, blank· kmg size master bed· LUDWIG ROGERS ASTRO after 6 P.M. or all d• .. S,lLKY 'TERRIER PUPS. (~") ... ,-. µme,....... · rlalll"'• or o~en, om. 75 qUallfied leads. Fri n 1 e it · ' ' ~ .o.w ...,... 0 ' 'Mn. Schmitt at TRANS benefits. Call S4&-<i846 ets:, etc, room su e m pecan Lar&:e aelectlon with new f Sa~ and Sunday. 1212 Male, female. AKC. Buena NEWPORT 30 Sailboat, 1 GLOBE Tr wl Buttau SJOCKMEN Oiolce or Spanish panelled Mediterranean pc, .seta and eymbala start· So. Rosa St, Santa Ana. Park 32'7"'966 old-like pl ' ~ • BLUEPRINT SHOP requitts or Modem Style style with top quality 15 ing at $99.50. hdall, hi·hatl REDECORATING v Small AKC Beqle femaJe 21 mo. for raclns~ ~~Ip *Saleslady tpr rtote at Fashion ltland lll!eded fUll time seleslady. !'Q hour week Monday throuiih Friday, Pleue con. tact MR. STEM. 644.al81 i Karls Toys • 50 Foahlon loland . Radio· Telephone : .Dispatch Girl ¥1Jll know local area, Ap. ply in person . YELLOW CAB CO. . 186 E. ]6th St. Costa Mesa e Medical &>ttetary e Experience in c::onvalescent home or mue Cross. knowledge or Medicare and Medical billings, aJao book· keeping, trial balances etc. Top wages. Pn!ter older penon or handicapped. Box M.sJS, Daily Pilot SALES GIRl.S PHARMACISTS NEEDED FOR ANOTHER THRIFTY DRUG STORE OPENING SOO)'I 16141 Harbor Blvd. Fountain V11ley IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Good working t'Onditions, blueline trimmer operator. AH For $249 yr. warranty king size and aets repaired. All am.all couch I matching chr & lie. Shots, tpayed.· $15. u.Us, many extru. By 1 ====,...="'="=== No down • Pmts. only $9 mo. mattress & box springs. ~ accesaorlea 1 qmbala coffee tbl. Pr shldk> eouclies M&-U75 owner, call OR. 3-0731 ; l " S . h d din. in stock. bolatv pill-·-•Y·-g1n WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE pants ecor . irig EVERYTHING IN MUSIC ....... .nan I AKC Reg. Poodles. Tcy's • VICTORY 12 • Sailboat set, etc., etc. Any piece Be h M , ( I tamp. Baulnot w/ "'1rt. Mini'•. ISO up, ·: 1 stud ser. Good nd Agenci ... Men & Women 7S50 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana rt Open Det1y 9 • t newpo _ s.t , . , Sun. u . , personnel -20 PC. t,10DERN agency 3 ROOM GROUP The proteuional placement counselors at Newport Per- Mnnel, can adv!ae the sin- cere job seeker intelligently, Includes: l'toral tola 4 chair • walr.ot tables • lamps • c::omplete bedroom with quilt ied mattrea • 5 pc, dinette, etc. All for .. , $277 No down. Pmt!, only UO mo, WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE can be purchased tndiv~ iC USIC en er mat. "' cur1a1ns to match. sn.J851 or 511~ * s:..;, ~· Parrot cage. ~2070 C CAL 20, excellent cond· dually. Drop by and see I . F111.etory !ale• I: Service our . se ection. of top Dally 12 noon 'til 9, Sat f.5 qual~ty Spanish and 1740& Beach Blvd., (Hwy J9l Mediterranean fumi· 1% mt. So. San Diep Fwy. ture. Fant as t I c ally Hwittnrton Beach 147-8536 priced!! NEW Fender Mu• ta n 1 Complete houseful ............ , 51528°0 Guitar &: cue. $150. or best otter. 962-4779 Going out at Bulinets MER HANDISI FOi Raci..... gear wtth .. .,.· , ART SUPPLIFS • """" SALi AND TRADE -~ &: easels. apiniker, boet bath M4--0816 536 w. 19th St. CM. 'FREE TO YOU NEWPORT Finn. us N~ * 6U-9590 * 261, trailer, c::over, MW sail . CARPETS, Vlnyl.1, Tiles, lat. "SNOCKER" pUp.I Ccocktt SUperb cond! $1005. 173-91'.BB est styles and colon. Com· I Schnauzer) I wk blada: 8' SABOT: Fully rlgpd I men:lal I Residential. Ex· male, to good h c me , equip. $85. pert inll'tallatkm. dtlldttn preferred, 497·1088 * 894-3100 * ,, 642-1403 St0-7262 . . 3124 ' FREE PUppi"' am a II, Spood Ski Boote 9030 ·)' Sliver Fox ...... , Booton T. rr I er. Bull Th' k. nd .... ' IAR mother '42-fil.33 aft 5 11 wee e o....,, , Wurlltzer Bung. Piano Colt $350 • Mlllt lell tllll p.m. ' 3122 The pn1ect fibergl .. ·out· : GIBSON J..SO with Hardshell c::ue, $320 new, S200 or offer. Eric, 675-5160 after I PM The many fine Ustlngs of jobs opportunittea for both men and women are too numerous to um. Please call or come in and take advant- age oI our service!, 833 Dover Dr., N.8. MUST beautiful tone. $300. ttt ..,., board for Salt I-Sea, the ; best offer. SD-4543. 6'2-0086 evenlII&'• "BARNEY" 2 yr old lovable ccean, wherever )'OU want ~ 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana SACR I FICEI CELW for sale, full she, QUAL. Kng Site bed w/ male child'• doa needs • a 17 ft to perform in rough ' Open Daily 9 • 9 • Lyon A: Healy. Xlnt tone. quilted matlrfss, c:: 0 mp, cood home. Pbone &U-znt water or speed on fiat r Sat. !ii • 6 Sun. l1 • 6 $250. 592.-5l34 Ne\•er used $93; worth n::;o. 3122 water. Asking $700. Sat only .i 642-3170 549.2743 * $29.44 * $6 9 800 GUITAR. 12 . tic:: 847--0406 PLANTS, You Dia Sat. or at $500. M4-46f1. 64J...(980 ~ For 3 Piece Braided FOR string acous nREWOOD ::';;r 1 a I e , Sun. Oleander, Btle(Brush, 15' SI'YLECRAFT w/tr'·, ' Sounds good, must sac! $25. ul " • OVAL RUG SET • Call 962-8741 Walnut,• Eu ca l )' 0 ! u • • Phlox, Succ: ent.s 1627 Anita Men:: 58 h.p. enr. $6.95. Nylon blend, ttverlible, ONLY Apricot, $47.50 cord, $251Ao Ln. HB Phone LI g..2886 " good pay, many other bf!ne. 1 ,...,..,..,..,..,..,..,;;; I tits. I• APPLY T ,,fl J Brown, coppertoue, rreen. Plinos & Organs 1130 ml. Summel' prices July FEMALE Cocker Spaniel 4 OLDS ~ffil SK 17' been ·~ 1 need. a yoUng, &inale pl Thuradey & Friday Slzes: 8 x 10, 2 x 3, 2 x 6 Any piece can be pur4 I:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;; I " Ausust, $38.50 crd. Del. yrs old. AKC Rea:istered to stored needs detail• work. 1 wm can think on her own March 27 & 21 £ -'. AL'S UNUSUAL chis~ lndivlduelly, I• 6 atack'd free. Cl) 68&--0846 family with older cblldren. Ex~. Sl350. su.i3:u. 1 two f.el! Ynu will •nloY 9 AM to 4 PM "1 FURNITURE 11 FIRE SAU 11 GIBSON J..SO ....,.. 3t.14 ~· ·: Girl Friday woddna in Orar!&e County'• 'ffooRf:.::!L.·.~1= 17881 Bel\ch mv<1. Terms Available with Hardshell cue, LOVING mixed 2% yr. dog Mlrlne Equip. 9035 ) most eXcl~ buti!Jeu. can THRIFTY ,.... ";,.,,,.°':"l:tJii/ A..,., Huntington Beach 142-4464 Our gorgeou:. n cw store $320 new, $200 or ofter wanta nu hm w/ chldrn - tor an appointment M$.2118. · 1 have outstanding openings 20 Pc. Maple to California burned! The pianos A: or-Eric, fi75-St60 after & PM. ro low Mr. &U-7829 btwn G MC 6 • 71 R. e c • n t I y Sh•rp CarHr Gals (ma.le & femaJe) tor appli· Newcomen plll 1ufiered no water dam. CURTIS-MATIIES c 0 m bo lG-2 3/22 Overhauled, need• 90me Sect;yt. Cert 'I')'plsts, Ge! DRUG STORE cants with excellent attltud· 3 ROOM GROUP •re, but they are smokeY, blk/wht TV, radio AM-FM' 2. 9 week old female puppies. Work to Complete It Trant. FridaYI. Recpfs. Bkkpn, 16141 Harbor Blvd. e.1. Please c::all for appoint· Includes: Living room set • dirty, dusty Ii scratchy. We 1'cwd player (stereo), $135'. 1iS Poodle. Smart I: Sac. $1,000. Ewa:· ~251! RN• a LVNa. Both 1" 4 fH Fount•ln Vall•y ment. tablet • tamps .. bedroorn Credit Approved moved them all back to our VM tape noorder $40. lovable. 1168-2&31 3/21 6 CYL Chrys crown marine • ~ jobs. Top co's! Call 546-21JJ aet • quilted mattreu • ma-old location Ir rnarktd eveJ,.. Couch A: chaJ:r, pld eond. LG Rtdwood Cron ''xB' )'OU enrine, 2 to l reduction ~-543-'1'196 An E o-··· pie.,_,_ ... for lmm.!dlately . thing •• FIRE SALE PRIC 165. 5'"''1361 -M, .... -, u'u E. '·t ..... 119•. OR ""553 ARGUS AGENCIES qui! •~·-·l,y --.. $roo44m.9~ •,' ES! So, U you dlr that "Old KIRBY V if"-·C.,,.-'~ ~ .. ..,..,;;;Eiimiipi;toyerii;o ... ..,;;;;; Schoolf.lnstructlon 7600 nme Smo)'ty FI av or", acuum cleaner; wy, · ~ 3122 Bo.t Sltp M•rint 9036 1818 C N"J)Ol't Bl\ld., C.M. No down · Pmts. only $18 mo, We CGrrJ OUr come 4 pt 'ern, Md at MW l9&9 model, dinette aet, Ll'ITLE lost .lhaa:)' doe l ---~--"---1 ltNI lbt•te Solo• * * Tho Newport WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE own accounts ,,....,., you won't hell.... contour cbalr. Sacnftc<! """'°' A Cocker? Nttd; -• Women J, c. Penney c.. School of Buslnoa WARD'S BALDWIN sruDIO ""'prty. m..--...... .,,,_ 3/U • SUP w·- ErpendJIW qata. OtDcc '# P'uhion l a:lsnd 1801 Newport. CM. &Q.1484 CUST exhauat headen, tit MIXED Colle-female g 'AftlQI e 4 cpmtnp avaDabl• for Newport Beach FEATURES: «Xl W. 4th St., Santa Ana lr"T .. •-!!'O• l•!!!!,..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l "S.S-'51 Chev v.a. •ll or mos tome abota loves A II & u. 25, 1 ~ma 6: womm In-e Eltctric typtwriters Open Daily!· 9 , I /] llAMblOND. Steinwq ··'" trade for &ood bucket teats. ~. 646-7374 ' 3122 pr ""'"' loep 1'IUlt: ....,._. It tralnbW· Mr Has openin& for • Dlctall"I' equipment Sat. SI • 6 Sun. ll • g • maha • new A: uatd p1anol 5'Ml34 SEALPOINT SI t ~ wilt be aboard onJ,y Q.erdnlr. Sprta1 Realty, e 'lod H' _., MAGIC Vue xlnt Coppertone of all mAket, Belt buys bl LADIES oollta .. diamond amne ca , weekftlds., Dr. Colden, * COOK * " •m •~<e p.~~wu femele 3 -o Id n076 ~11 ~ H et, _.,. e Brush up Grqg Shorthand $75. Wh t. \\'edge"'OOd $75. So. Calif. rlaht hen. 1.4 carats aIM!Oll new whlte ' ,,.¥. · "' '""'"' ur., em CAN YOU QUALIFY? With ..,,. ,...,.....,. and e ,,.,,. .. , Dowlopment Siove $4'. Dh><tt• • 6 chnl. furna"ture SCHMIDT MUSIC 00,·-""Id ....,, .... Ste. $900. 2,..._ 3/ZI Calli. ortt4/6!8-1!18S Need 2 ladle• 1#t qecial wllllnc to learn our limited <Mk about our special otter $35. Hpt. washer $45. Retrp 1907 N. Main. Phone m..a11 WHL Tnlla met&l boxl--------- work. 12 Monn Wff1.1 ••• S60 menu. eom-tittw .....,. which includt• ~ typing 520. to $4.5. l<elvlnator 165. Santa Ans IJPHO' ._._....""' needs 10me work. 361 Ogle Bolf S.rti ~ ~ Box • mat ... Hd ~ w . ~·-•G • $79.lO. '"c;·~M:..· !CW.~1291~---~~I-::-.;...;.""':';;;•=-:: por wk. can -Nelaon ............ hen•fll• lllclucl inotru<tion.) -. -. ~ ONLY AT ANTED. PIMoo. -pc. ,,,. ...... atltamon)I, at M2..a5eO between 2 and' t.rw prof'it a.harinl· 646-0153 ! :£11Si0·8~:~ d6k17. ~ Cuh paid n... est, del, pickup. 215 SMALL. mixed female doe Or•np CMtt Mlrlne .... prnoaa1 ~rview l F * ~ * Main, HB "Berny" ~ n e' d • Io o d ho m • • Olmple:te :.darlne Serviett . •-•-1n peno• .1 ET •ME G1t1, 1s. 3 ..... 16. "'· Rm. 1au 11-wporl Blvd. iJ•uooANv ~ ... , N.-. WEDDING _ ,.,. , c.p111:'1nOBcbf96.Z643t.11 .,, .,.,,."'"""· Htrh UVE In ~. full "l'Ji"'J typewrltine. Ch l Id re n, llOla It ch. 2 End 1: c:offt.e ... lftil ,._ .... ., .-iauu a v-•• wt Quall ttrM: modtwrle. borm, NB 10 A.M. to 5 !.:if:... arandchlldren, or )"OUnll!!U! table A: i.mp~ JIOO. ~ ~ Xlnt cond. Private paiV. originally $250. Sacrifice 2 YR. old maJe mbc: cocktr • H ~ Marm:.nPerionnel, ...... • ....._.. Own Mond.,. thru .. _ In div Id u. II y tuto1'd • H'-'>oy $50. • mi.c. ~t H1rbor Blvd. * -* $65. W.2487 call ... .,_ • dacluhund, hltck. can • ...... • !>Ol"' --...., -a t....fcre_ I ChU 10 I • ~=:.:::::.,;=c;.,:=~cf ~ aft. 5 3/22 e 24 Hr, EmV'll!ncy Sf'rrioe Pill I.. V'-•--coat ('l!IOf\I typing Items. 1500 A &zperlor St.. SACRIFICE trand _piano, • rtRE Ii: emisar Alum . .. 175-2460 * am or alt 1 pm. J, (, PfllllfY (0, <Choo!. 173 Doi Mu, CM, C.M. 6f6..9l88 ( s1 Me """nul. In ,.met condltlon. S,.l<nU lnoltDtd u low aa FREE wuber • d"" ,.., w ..,..... ~.. N"""°" iiBtSIJIER needed nery ,_,.._ __ 2859 _______ 3PctedionalU>PtI"lfCUon 0 I Si fr5..4290 $99. Call IU-S490 ' hall! away, 60-'364 l/)I ~2460orr7S.2&0 ~at eYf!r'I ot1-dl,J for 24 Fath&on l1lend WANT To •.?Pak Frtnch like or mm otter. Floor moftl "" -5 PC DRUM 1ri $15. Prov. WHITE flutty ldtten. 673-ffilSl a Wftk ar 1 C2 dtillftnl. An equaJ opportunil:1 a nail\~~ Thtn come to TV. \\'Orks $12. ~ Every r'llte 'tU t 1•lnltfon l20S tow 1t•l SllO, s pc siect1 evtt. !13' Alrcra~ flOO IJ'Wl35 (IJTine) employtr ~ •• _rrenc:h _eonvenadon WN'1' JUST WISH b Mmw-E ~t ER s 0 N c 0 m b . $85, Deak SJ). ·~ LARGE Che•t 1)pe Frffztr. 1961 ~·-·A ·~ N llOU™ .... uER/ ~ 2 1 !*!;!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'lt!!'!!!I ~s 64U.iw 1,M .. to .... _,_ ........ .____ Wed., Sit., Sun. 'til 6 St 1~1 M • M ., ........ -3/U ... ~ ~. av-eom _ .. ~. ............. ...... 1Ufl.Ulfl ~y--tf'@O ...., pr A I 1r , 9' JOEY Oabtll Cua tom " • ~'"' 300. One ownt:r. Xlnt eond' ad\111&. l,J\IHn, 5 dQ'. $D DAILY PILOJ'WANT ADS . ···find grut buYI bi to-N~w. Med. C..b. Lt. Walnut. .$UJ'fbo9rd, &ood coadit!On. JS" GAS ranp with own. $610'). Contact: --Paul~ Good rda. 67).7811 White el~ls! Dtm~inw BR.ING RESULTS! d17'1 C1Ulll1led Mio $400. 61J..4595 -M(), ~ old but clean . .(9f-35Z13/7J &ll~y. 64z.e900 ar m.im ton ' I l ' ' • . ---------.-~~~-__,-----~------.... --------'!"" .. "!"" ... ~~-----------~-..... "'!"'lllllll!~---~ Mcrldat, MN 241 lM DAILY PllOT TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIO A ION T !maort:o" A-HGO lmfO!I!'! A;;,., HGO Now Caro HOO BUICK Ulld Caro 9900 New Cars HOii : ..... --:::::::::::::::::(I : VOU<SWAGIN VOLKSWAGEN 'I oo RMEiiA. all -· COUGAR ,_ • ..., -t. AM/J'JC .--.1-------- St>tbae~l• Total clalm 1311. • mo. @ me o.a.c:. + !lnol·-t for 11111. Dir. (lJ_O<_ OPEN SUNDAY '90-"-I Sol ~.... Pwr -• 8. X!nl -""· ---L II Of Th '66 ,AST llACK olottrn "'11M, olr cond a 'fl COU<:All, -!WI a e AMlnl radio, ..., d-........ -. -· ¥11"1 top; 1o ML NI ....... Uc:.-&mm • imo. rtt-1111: MWtD. .... '61 VW's $14'5 • • 'G•B\l!OC ~ oil pwr, • imi IWIOU. R llllll • TUT DRIVE 1HE • j1' .::::.· ~i!,.."":; DODGE ~ n:=~t a'lll D • ·MINI • BRUIE • "'"'m u ooooc 2 nr ....... l!!l!!io~W!!~IM~~-_.!!'200!! UIS JOllD F-2!0 wl tb 36 at $44 78 VOllJWAl!.llll INC • oru<n • 't1 BU!OC CONVERT . IWI, nbll. q , IZ!Q. --e>.mper. 11 "" pldql • o.a.c. VU1, • • •• JUST ARN,..., • XIm SHAPE. S<95. ,..,Iii! E 1 " ....1... .,. + 1 tl.nal Pl.)'mtnt for title I m.'1393 ky Hor..., ••· •••• w-·~ AVAILABl.E ONLY A"' Authol'U•d • ANOTHER I G O Malallo .._, ....... u.. ndlo, -·.... ~-M · s.1 .. 011<1 s.mc. • SHIP''ENT OF • ·«'Bu1CK ruvi.ra. Air oonc1. FALCON ll'.:11'::::: ~ -=-~DJ ~ = ors pm Beacb Blvd. IC-4ll!I • 1"'969 . • =·~ml, XIDI cond '113 FALCON V..f. Hlr4 .... 12 wtDEI Hunt.-. -'a VW SQ. BAO< • • .. to -"' ..,...._ Deel. Cnnd. Radlo, JWllW, • 'ts BUIOC Rl-C\Rm, cond. 80-lll«l, -•.a'-e'.aq'.55'..,.« 22 • lot.cled. towner tact atr I======== ,,,,..,_ ~_ltantelo _ts ....._ GudanG,...Blvd.atS.adl ~-• OPELS • IZ!e5.C.Um4e ' PORD ra.-·-In oil.,.. COACH -'l1WlZft -W m= or !134-2214 VOLVO • • ~1 CENTURY Buick ~0-1-------iGS lllloor Ill. lllNTALS , OPEN SUNDAY -r 11 bloctEutot-Blvd. 1ro -too-,....., S2 MG TD , -1---------1• . • dabio -""" car, ''5 ,ORD COUNTRY .. --tor -~ Jmm...W.t., rJqml"'.,.... '4 VW llUG VOLVO • WITH AUTOMATIC • cl<an.11)(). _,alt~ SIDAN Cotta.,_ <nt> lllGfl'IO u---• _, ' SOd dlt, radio. El!tn. nice,""'"" coodlllon. 1-• 2 D -••u•u1ss10N • Sta.,.., dlt, v~ . ..,"'"" ·~~y ~ .o ~"-~OR WEEKLY ..,...,_oc..W..l'OCUb prt...Sto..U.Llc.RYX'l!i2 .. A r.,_,. • T~~ CADILLAC lnr,D..U..lco-l'O ~·-~ ~-Tw __ ,. ol $1095 Now 164 Ol1 Dl1pl1yl • • --------1 CUb dela"' talre ......... In J:ldo Park. 2 --~m~ ~-LtmiA 1 .. th, .. 11o. v1ew , ,....., $31.113. QYll <5'1. cau -m HARBOUR m ·• • • .,. c.• °""' -~:' ;!;""' & c..11·~ biacl>-,ll!Wla ~ !~ "" Ol-ml .. -11&11 m • • IJk..:.:i:· ~ Ken, ,....,.,. .. ..mi 1!':.i:'!:=..:!:: MYIR'S TOW'D . s.i... .:.,., Pa11a VOWWAGEN, INC. : : ==>C=A=M=Alt=O==l·---'-,Q-F-or_d_X_L __ Sp.1!<.1111_ -1mm ...... ll<lJm7, TOYOTA-VOLVO OUR' 0 1'L p•1••s • Oalul• Hardtop lmmtdtat. 0.lfveryl All MocWa Salt~u~or:::!nct: 1966 Harbor, CM. 646-9303 • • p " ~ '67 CAMARO \Vhlte ,exterior, plU&h t\lllo Mai.rcyclao noo $341. -~-Dir. '43 VOLVO • START AT : 2 Dr. bdtp. v.._ Ra11,y ...... llebuc..,,.. ... ,.etdrlr. ---~ •• -.-·~----·----1 (1).lft,.Wl., ~ U7U ,,.. ... Blvd.' M2-443S 122 s. dlt, ..... -· • s17 7 7 di•. Sky blue ....... blk ... •Ir. $lO CUb d•U. wU1 line 19IMI --· CUlllDm,, OPEN SUNQAYS '68 VW Squaftback $246 .seat&. Excellent rtlIUUn& COD-• • blk. inter. Car bu had xlnl ptvt J>&t:b'. Pymnts $2!1.18. necondw. ~ =-;!t DIPI Spc4tAn, Corvalr dO'wn, 38 mo @ $54.19 + dltion, All orJainal. $50 cuh • • ca.re. $75 Cub dell. or wW LB AYK°798, Call Ken$ """' • IJOWel'td. nylon top, Jrl1ml 1 final pymnt for title, dlr., delivers, will " take trade. • take fortlan car 1n trade. rm or 5f5.-06U Apt U.D, C.M. buckets, wide tirel. Top 3100 W. 0-t HW')'., N.B. ~N: :2'l84 wa,rrant;y. ~~ c:.·:...;;-LB. • Onler Yeun TM•r • \Vlll fln. prlv. pt;y. call Ken FORD MOTOR CO, '68 EX· 'Ill HONDA l25 Ser. cond. WW tndL $1195.. 6G-9Cl5 540-l'l&t ==-=.,----,..,,--1.===-=====o 1• • L.B. TPP993 '9f.9'1'13. F.cUTIVE reule car I • $3.50. 2900 nillel. ~ Authorized MG Dealer '59 VW Pick-up, &ood tires. • • '61 camaro SS 350 HUGE, SAVINGS on a wide Clll MUID :=======:!:=======: needs low & reverse. u:zs. Antiques, Cl1ulca 9615 • llAND NIW • 4_,. _.__ .. __ ,_ "1 .. ....... • .,..., uuiu w~, .,.. ........ 1. choice ot near new '68 ~ '68 llAWMAKI 115 OC 1100. Im....,... ,._ MOO OPl!L ~ ':ii..i:"' ~-~2541 1 '36 FoM ,..mo, 2,.... doon • 'H IUICK • V•ry cl•an. lmil d Ir . '°""· M"""'Y, c.upn_ invotl... s,,.,_ lor ICl5. ~·· ""'·-·· ...,..,,., with 1Jau, 1 hood $2444 • 8S2-055l or ..,.,:128< For d•lalll call Mr. Brochu, ~alt. s. AumN HIALIY •66 OPEL ·•1 a1A """•"' ..... 1 hell -• ... .,........ '67 CAMARO v .. :m -,~-~""""0"'1r"".---~. '6i' HODAKA. an tbl pod Extra nlct', auaranteed, n· with rear end. 1 '40 Ford • lm"*1llt. D.llnry • Sport, yellow/blk tcp, vinyl TAKE over pa,ymenll 154 raclnc ~t. $ 5 OD • 'IO A.H., rtiH: t'DI·• Station wacon. xlnt cazxl. 41 dk>. & extras. yellow with hood deluxe 1-1 Erille de-• • root, loaded w/xtru. 1 mo, 1968 Ford Cortina. 5 MS-1711 IWDo, buttr, xbrt com. IPd. dlr, radio, btatu. Sta black hrterlor. No. Pltti luxe. Set ot bade teat. for • • owner. $2395. 494-1155 mo. old. Equity $ J 5 D, l17L -blut .... rlor. All orlain&1 $1795 V.W. SUL Phone 536"'11 • ~ * MAGS * 4 American Mart: w/ Jue nuts ~ locD, $115. 6M-m'I'$ .......... fl5 CUb ..... wm m HARBOUR m H.B. ..... for SW. • • CHEVROLET '&<'"'"'=ro=RD~o.~-~Sq-. ---- !lne --lB = m • ., --AU: tor Ken 494-9m '61 OLDSMOllU • auto trans. r 1: h. pa. Pb. ,,,DATsuNwAGON PORSCHE YOLKSWAGBI, INC. ~~A;·."~ ' 100 :!o~:;'.t~~!ift:·; .. ~.:;;:: S:to;~~r'ra'::L:r. :ff~'tt~S:~ DATSUN bdlo, Heater, an the Xtru.,________ CASH •. uto, IMOY , .. ,.. • local car. Ecellut OODl!IHon. FORD '6'l eowm,. Squire, ~~loot"',,.. bolter. 1966 Mnrtin: 912 Authorittd $1595 • 15<'Cuh4'1oortalre-10...,. Alr-cond. Loto ol ..-..... _ l'VIU\flf; Salt!s and Service • car In trade. wm fine prvt ectru? Pampered! $2.750. Tr1ll1r, Tr1vel $15'5 tm1 Beach Blvd. U2-"3S • • party. LB TXJ' 4M. 4M.m3 545--0'l'&l 11• ROD a REEL P.lll S lo ChooM From I '69 VW for med can .o ""°"'!not • 'H CHRYSLIR • or..,_ ''~~1-CIY=,..-,Sed,..,....-P"'i~S.""""P=JB, MU VDY CLEAN Q ~· II All In Top Shape I I call UI for fret estimate. • Full powtr, ftctol"( •Ir. • WHITE '58 Olev Imp&la. Pwr RJH. Dependablt wart car. 4 -.-. oven a br!r. Starting at $J9t5 CAMPERS GROlll QIEVROlfT • INh• llO • S & B, ,,.,...... 3t8 w/3 406 E. 2"t ..,._ Dbl <dnl<, •loo WI!, doe VOWWAGEN It(. 534-22J4 or I 1) "2-5551 5 lldux. SUndlolo . •J,• $1895 • dF~~.~-•-tri-pwrn "!~ * XIm Cond ''5 0.try -•-~ b !Ir ' Dir. OPEN SUNDAY T -• •-.. u -• ~·~ -'~ re .. ,. • n."W -com • · o .... Ul.>W .. -----Ask aiA.Sa1e1 Mana.pr ,. aale. lat nz; tm1. S49--2'12.! Sedan Wq. Alr, power, new ttra ..... T I: w. Authoriud '"" TARGA LATE '67 36 mo. @·f15.60' o . .:a:: 18fa!Beach mvd. .,_______ 45,tm ml. $1550. 5l5--62'lO A naJ bu1 at $1118.a Salt!i and Snviet: 5 ~ • .Ameri'e&n map xlnt + finaf"Pit\t fdt 0H&. ·DU\~ l!'tlnston Beach • '61 IUICK 8 '64 CHEVY Impala SS Convt, ,62 FORD Galax.le ro'.I. FUll 1BIO Jntw. TnwlaD, um Beach RMS. M2-443S cond., muat be seen by appt. w ~1ol ~-,,,. KI 9.3331 • Eltcfr• COllP•· Full pow.,,. drk blue/wht tap, 321'-VB, Pwr I: A1r P!rled Cond. ,....u *~~*-'64 Oet1un Pickup $4600. Wm. Burtln1h1m , .!OPEN.iiiNDAY0 1..,'f3 • f•ct•ry$•ir. • =~· .fs.'::.'!'~ ol!.1!~ ~ut ~ Aft. 41 PM -4 SO". dlt, nodio, nd ,.mt 546-0100. All 6 p.m. 5'8-1153 16f'J)f;B.:WJ'~ ''' W!'PAY CASH 1895 • 673-302'1or675-ml '61 GALAXIE GL Qmd, l=T=ru=eb======,=500= .,.._ ""' ...._ I'll '63 s. ttboilt '"'" nu clut<h. ~!!?!!'".-__ .;;;_ . l' JOIJR W • • ·01 CHEVY 2 DR HT Exlnt. Tift• llOO, ...,_ Cub deh. or take small brakn. AM/FM, ch rm .. _,, .n.&ll\O Lie." • . Aft. 6 PM foretp car in 1nde. L.B. whlJ, tuu rack. cust exbst. -•• .Htt .. -.~ • "66 IUICK _: ~':e ~. ~~b-=======:. HAND nw '"' = sn. c.n Ko. $17'13 $21i1iO 11rm. 5t6-3tlO .. •un11111111· CONNELL •wi""' • '"'· ,,,....,-.....,,. Ml!RCURY 1/J TOii Plcklfl or ......,. ......., li1VOWW: .-na~"," . ·:· CHEVROLET •'''· ...... , .... '''"''•·• LE"r 8'd.ln 1n s '67 DATSUN PICKUP '68 PORSQfE 912, 5 ~. . •• ~ mvd. .R&H. ISVX Olll • ·:~cond. 36,DDO ~~ .... ~ :!. -:i;; 2195 '!r.~·:,~·=~bea~ ~~~~.= -. r ,. -•i ."".lf'O ·e1 i ~ Meu. ~mo • $2195 • =miles. Make otter. SAVINGS on a wide choice $98 DN. p1ua Tat., - CONNl!LL CHEVROLET -°"""' by Uttle 'o), l9>-0ll5l or ""'""' · AuUiorized ' ' '' ' -Will Buy • ot near ... '611 Lincoln. man in J..acuna. S50 Cub '68Poncbe911T s_~,tl!"i~.~~; .;;! ~1'.~. . I ''6 TEMPEST • 1965 CHEV Impala Wq., Men:ury, eou,an. For dell or take foreJc:n car tn 5 lpd tra1ll ndlall. tow mu Beach'ltlW:~· ·'te>ft'J!f ":_>S:.g:3 : " • 396. RJH. fUll pwr, fac a.ir. detaill call Mr. Brochu. ~ wm tine prvt prty. miles • dlr 39)..M.ll • • • I t . Toarfi~. Pana •C111to111 cp•. R&H, ·~t... PrY prty. $UID(l. ~ 5'0-6630 Dir. lB Prs an.r c.11-v .... $ · '5895, • 6f VW, new ~. lMli1 A p0 top dollan.. Paid tar • ~.S., f1ct•ry •Ir cNlh•ft·• ,61 QlEVY __, cont. $f'l5. , •~...n,... ... y ,. dr _ ~ ..._ or 5M-22BC sell, beat otter. CIC' not. Cll1 ~ lftf. ISTDl 771 • • .......... ~ MLAOw~n. • .. • ex rm or ......,. '&8 ,,.,....,, 911 L 962-lW 673 1190 • $1595 Coll Minter at 6'Ml511, cen.nt condition. 3 o 40 'ff DATSUN Sportomatlc, radialt, low • I a attn' T pm call MQ.-m& Grant, Colta Mna. $ll90 C.H. stc -.,, Ill bp, overltttta mile~ dlt. 15895. m.\'151 ·~~":.:::'.""ri:'• IMPORTS WANTED 0 '63 dliVY lmpala SS 2 5'l>-<090 cam enc., dlr. 4 apd, radio, or 534-2284 phone 646-2888 <>ruip· Cbinttn· • door. new brakH • tlttl, I======== 00 a!EVROLET .,,....,. i.ator, · """ ttr.., loaded! '8'-PORSCHE, all .....,. . TOP I BUYER 1 'H T·ll•D 0 exoel. cond. ll2'0. 8'7-2157 MUSTANG , , aoo mllel undei' factDI7 ' ' 'iS VW IUG BILL MAXEY TOYC7J'A 1F111l , •• ..,, f•ct•ry •Ir. ========1-...:.:::;:.:.:;::.;: __ ;.:,,:.~ "':J .......,.._ Bai pm;· TU.. ;:'., ~ Xlnt cond. m"'-With ""''hinr Interior, 1"81 lleach Blvd. • ISLI "' 1 • CHRYSLER '61 MU!l'ANG, 219, all',-· englnt, radio, heater, blr .tis c:uh dela or older"''" 118'7 • PORSCHE, 911 s """°;.'extras. Gaannle<d. IL.Bet<!>-Pb. 8'7_...,. • $2695 • auto, .. ., w/vln>I top. !500 rubbrr -Dealer la35 t.B, YNW017 Call after 10. IJc . .Jl.TF869. · -• WIP'E'S ,Car. 1-owntr. New Milet. $2800. 6G-111Ji dlyl, • -· '9UM3. • suranudy w/hlacl< Int.nor. • · $1195 AUM ~'9lsl!1f 9110 1"'bs, -ohoclu. J.96t liH-ll392 ewL Bead! Blvd. HuoL llw:h. · Xlnl amd 19i-U92 I , · = __ -• F A 1,;.;;...:,;::.;::,:_,;:::o===-I -... DATSUN ...... budtop · -·HARBOUR 13 *aur'o lWING • ·u cHmu• • Chry1ltr N ..... rt -. '67 •• eyl MU!l'ANG lldlp 1'61 FORD RANCHERO 000. r•h. xtnt cond. $1895. dlr. SUBARU ll1ill ' * •s .s. Rdlo. h .. ter, •uto... P/L 2 Dr. HT. ~ be N•w ...,. """ • •hocl<s. -~ '" -· PS. (RGU«O seen at Lido Short• Hotel, $1695. Priv ........ 56mJ5 M..-"1111 blacl< -· ~~ or --VOLKSW AGEJl 111( # ALL MAKES • l • 611 Lido Puk Dr., NB. I-'-==~-;-'~..,,.,,_-:_~ .... ~ .~~· FERRAii ~1969$129SU711A66RUM·~ • #Cl)MPETETIVEPRICES. $1595 • !T.>m!.IUOO ~.:.~· ·-· ~·· ·~--uvm ; rv Autho.Utd Cort Fox Auto L .. 1ln9 • llall•r. 111.15 Btodl Blvd., Complete ~·-"""'° "" W ~--u•-b • ''1 CHRYSLIR 675-5200 HunL Btacb. Ml).Ot42 FERRARI •v•_ .. car Salts and Service ·......,..,A..,. way • '661PLYMOUTH ~. fUl1 power, air, dlr.I======== . ., CHEVY c.1>owr, 2-T, Newpmt tm.,.... Ltd. "'-Kosta Kustom.~~ U7US.acl<mvd. M2-443S Newport• LEll<acl<ASING642"'1l• •• '"'" •••••·"~ ""''·= ... ....,.,.llODe~.wm OLDSMOBILE dutk&m dump. JI' ltttl anre Coanty'a cmly autbor-145 Baar, CX. ~ '64 VW, rAh., cuatom paint, •hHl•r. ITEZ 1121 tine. prvt, ~ ........ pay-1--------·~ -.... tzec1 ct.Ier -.. 1 ---"''""'.._a ..,._, • me:ntl of SU. mo, J.B QUR 1 .. rvnrnv -· .... -• -·~ ·~-~ ·-... Camaro, olr .... $89 mo. • $1395 $17'13 545. unlfi:iutll tr1n1mlulon. !2500 SALES· SDI;:'.:':!'· PARTS TOYOTA dlt. '6' Cad CdV, olr .... $89 mo. O ~.c.n Ken °' 5I0-4109, IC-4305 l1lll W. ~ Hwy, ..,__ or 5.14-2284 '«! CoMOlr M"" ""'152 mo. • -SALIS & SERVICI '01 FORD Pue!, clla button -Nrwoan Btodl5'0-l'll4 TOYOTA '6' VW, SUnroo~ d>rm ""1o, SOUTH COAST • '6% CHIVROLIT • 1958 CHRYSLER. Good OLDfMllllllE sunk int, rebuilt 292 erw., Autbarized' MG Deeler wide t1tta. exhaust. rlh. CAR LEASING •Pick·up. Plumbfn& or• enatne A tranmniulon. P/b, ~ :i5,Dl)J_ ml.. Mblt Me to bf. HEADQUA1\TER~ Sharp! $995. dlr, 88J..556l 300 w. Coast HJahway 1 •electrlCll special. P/1, R/H ~alt 1175. 646-76'5 11,..,,.,.otter.~ FIAT ELMORE or..,.,2284 NewportS.aoh ~M CK63951) • COMET 28500::";,!'vd. ·Ii FORD pl~..,.., duty ·~~:':ii. :.'.o. ~~~ U.: c.;. 9'00 • $1195 • 5fO.S6tO u ... ea.. -4 •peed. $2151). '61 FIAT. Good clean oond. tm Bndli Bhd Wlblmltr • ·a Comet, air, rtblt • .,,. '85 OLDS, "2, 41 spd. i'ellow '56 TR 3, Ill ....inr cond Low mil•.... Opfn lo ol-Pbaot ..:_m, 642-944& be!<n •· JRAllSPORTATION • ,66 PONTIAC • Xlnt cond.1!115. w/ hilt Int M"" ..U • izo. &f9..2CQ'.I fen. Weekdays 9 to 5 p.m., 'II VW 7 JIUll!D&ff bua. U St. CM MS---25.15 u•--.,., -·-.... 1 BILL MAXEY St ,1 1 4 , F 1 W 814 Dam , . . beat oftar. 1 ownr, ,,_, ''3 l'ORD PICKUP Mr. -·••· -·= 11.000 ml, Xlnt thruout 1 '"" • ""· '" •" tt 4 ~K~ :E:I 1;:°oo.~ Jtwto Good. ITIOIYIOITIAJ : ~:; :°"" Bua CAR SAlf I i~';::1;; ,..,,. .. .,,,,.: CONTINENTAL a ~LYMOUTH . W>iib '8' >,>TON ExoepUonal, all.~ .. ,: Credll tm>bl•mt S.. "'"'I $1795 • '!5 CONTlNENTAL, ex-- Good Omdl"°" Stiel< JAGUAR 11111 llACH llLVD. 11650. 673-3524 tnoturt d•Uwry, Jow prloe• 1 oeuent cond. 1'ul1 pwr, air, 1ff7 PLYMOUTH . * -* Hunt. -h 147.as" ... vw Bu, 9 ..... Xlnl ..., .. _ We -00 I ·u OLDS • iruo .... bnt otter. 675-1510 BELVEDl!RE II ·65 CHEVY Van. RIH. needs l9S7 JAGUAR XKE 2 plus I mt N. of Oiut Hwy. on !kb mech cond, pod paint, your credit Call or come In • ·-~· Model • i door •tatiOn WI.I- ,.... bod)>......._ $'50. 2. Automalk:, AM-FMndlo, '69 TOYOTA man oiler 6144634..., today. •c,11.,, "'" •·•· IWFH.0 CORVAIR on.Equlpmonl • ....,.•-* &d._1S35 * air conditklning, wlr• J40.4m Ill} • trw. autmn.tic trarwnluion, =t: -U. Beautttu: _,. •o> vw With.,. """'· -' ILUI CHIP • $895 • '64 CORVAD< -· < opd, """" 1n1er1or, -r nu c.-.. 9520 -M .. -... wi"' .. ~~ FROM$1770 ""'" ..... -$!11. Coll AUTO SALIS • • --y•llow -.wblte.......Ullra. "~·------.... ....--. "'(!..r Ml-IM> 21C Harbor, Colt.a MllM • w/bldl: Int. Xlnt eond. $1t0. MILEAGE • 28,581 * PAK.-TOPS. oil •11•1 UXl mn... Doller. llll3S Lo"° S.lactlon 1'61 vw ts;JO, wtth ....., WI PAY CASH FOil • ''2 MRCU•T • 6'2-2919 UCENSE. UJB 309 lhalla. Salel I: nntala. no ~ mw. Hunt. Beach. Immediate O.llvt'T alr, FM, auio. $JJOD . _youR CAR, PAID .w.11ter; , ••• ,,,,. •• , •. ,. '83 Gr1tnbrier 1-owmr, lll'J CX>NDmON. Ext"ellent .,._ BtiY tutnry direct. 1010 SIE US TODAY! .....,..,_ 'OR Olt NOTI P·• IG lfOI 0 hp, t opd, -""'' PRICE • 11915. SO. JIUbor, S.A. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! •• $695 • "'' $'50 <15-1191 lee al the DAILY PILOT, DI I a-!• W!dte !1tpbantl! CHA.ROE m == W•t &7 Street. C,lt or eaD Imp•-A-96001---uana ·---·--A-HOO ••••••••• CORVETTI 6'Ul2loxt:m. l~~~~;;;;;r;~~~~ : .JAGUAR • '62 co1tv1n1 PON11AC • CHICK MIS()ll, 1K. . O''IRS THiii ( OUTSTANDINO SPECIALS BUGS It GHIAS -s399 .. s1a99 .,...__ .,, ....... c..,. '''" S,.cf•lly Prh.•4 IY" 6001 ........... '" ..... c,.. M-l•t•ly Ilk• II-· IWYWtlll .......... -""' ~ "4y. ,,xz 1111 "" ..... t11 141tf .. t,.H ., ... ,,., •• ,_ (2 "' ••• , .. fr.,.ii~ fSIA 7151 llHWJfl l '&I ..... tl 1 '"" S,.,+•M•flc tr1111111l11l•11, , •• ..,, .,, ••IMllll•lllllf, PM RA11l1., D•111•. N•••r ku 19tl1ttrH. N .. lt It 1'4 YW ......... St4tf S1111 r••f. R•41•. IKDLfltJ '" YW ,_ ...... SUH t ''"'ftft' IHQlt7tl 'ti YW ........ 11m '"''''' ..,., ... ,". 111 •• , th1, IOSL 0-47 1 .,, .. ... lllff 1..tr• •"•'I•· c.r ... ''" ,,,. ''''" f 'FXt4t I CHICK IVBISON, DIC. • VOLKSWAGIN 549 NN lt7D H•rlliH II"' .. C.1t4 M•t• 67J011t0 .J If i ~ •• 11 • Black ...... .,, M .. I -lo '611 PONTIAC OTO m==u=u=P=H==-• •l • 8fL • ]. IL!J : llUDOUARTERS • =~· ~ .:ir· ~ .. blue .... ""'"..,. v-1. ILMORI MOTOR. •Compl•t~ Sol••· s.,..: =~~10.'"LB~it ~ :!.., ~~ ... = •eo TR!!.""" -..,..,., ___ Sfftoap-_..,.,,..._ '&C TR Spltin. new pt.int. cluld\ A ndJau. 60-«l!T 11¥116Sat. VOLKSWAGEN '8' VW-$115. Call 5'8-7ll4 -°'"""""'· '67 vw --low ml. l150ll, v..,.. ..... --ssa..MlO ewaJwtotndl ... vw Rwta(OOdl- • e.t&-3881. ll Your Ad ln wr dalltfWtl' Somta1e wD.1 be Jooldna" b" •fee i nd P•rt• D•p•~. ....sm or ~ llCf b)' little 'olt 1adY in San 1 UDO llACH Iii.YD. WISTMINITll H4-IJU •mont for JA6U,..RS. 0 '!II CORVETl'E. >ellow, 3:17 ~=-: ~ c:" ~ . • s .. TII• bcltl11t • eftllne, • tpd, U.000 ort.c prvt 11f11, LB NRC 2(1, Cd 4 1 L2% . • "" '''"' lo4w • mlJn. l4500 . .....,,. K•n tM-m3 or - Ii "'•••••••• COU ... Alt 'M PONTIAC sta w,._ ~ W SUrftr, mechanlcl deiWJL •. -------· --------1 N-work. Act. 100,000 l•ftk fi1111Klllf n1ll•M• .. •••k •Cll'""'' ,f uMH. . FREE-FREE I.ls V~s VICl!lon I DAYS & 2 NIGHTS POR TWO . N• P11rck•t• "'''''~ 15300 Buch BIYd. Wtslllllnster 19,·3322 OPIN 7 DAYS • 23' E. 17111 ST. • '61 COUGAR ml'L ... llcome. lll3 -. I Lime Wltl> bladr ,.Mtd .... 54W372 •• 548 7765 • Loadtd""' olr,condlllon ..... -'5----.-...-t-ect-.---• ....,,, 1'", Stotts ICMll1. DtW dru. tnktt. PrW. • • • • • OPIN1 7 DATI AND MNINtl • -llD-111M party. * 673-1lll 1 HOW'S THE ·17 FIRE!llRll,-l'Ah. "' "' • • • t 0 """'· 121115. tllr. • nMI! POil -or -~ qu1cK CASH RAMILIR fj),()()fp BUICK THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD '80 4 DR. Rabel, not l'llllllkor l30· •113 Ambe .. d..-11a ..... pwr, olr, -1495. 873-4ltl . "' '" '. • : , • "' r tc Dtol 8tUl!7I _,..,...,....,...,..,.,.....,...,...,_.,._,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COSTA MES A I HOLIDAY RAMBLER IN COJTA MBA AMX JAVELIN OMIYOU A FREE =~r..!:.. "'-= .IAVILIN cru· ...... ..... ..- IUND NIW '69 AMX v.1, 4 ''"'· F.lly , • ...,, ~vi ,,..t. °"'' +M..,. $2999 laAND NIW '68 .ICIYelln l lt tntlft•, 11111111 price. IP7ttlt $2386 lllAND NIW '69 Rambler F11!1 1!1•, ''''' & 121 H.,. Ortltr t.J,y. $2043 llAND NIW '69 Rebel Th• p,,,,, C.r. 1171212. $2436 lllAND.NIW '69 Amllaisadcir Air c.iitltt1 ... h1t v.1, A.le fr•ft•. s110210 $3286 USID CARS SELECT YOUR MONT)1LY PAYMENT '66 Dodge 441 ITATION WAHN V·I, A1i1!•. tr•ft• .. ,-wtl' 1t1•rlftt a ~r•k• .. TRD676 •52,.._ '6' Ford • • • • • -.. • " • • 1 J ' ' ' ' " " ~ I ) ' j ' • ' " ,. l ' j I • • • ' j • ' " ' COVMTIT lfUIQ .~ f l'•lf, Y0I, •11f•, tr•M., p•w•r 1t.•rlftg, •PL 7J7 $66,..-; • " I ' '66 Ambauaclor : ttl J: DL HAIDTOP ' " v.1, '"''·· tr•111., , • .,., ~ 1turlftt I lN-•k••· SMA : 262. $52,..- '67 Opel ltADlf 4 IPIU C•lll"· Vlllyt r••f, rttllo ,114 h••t.r. UOl t I Z $45,.,- '65 Mercury MAIAUDll WI. H.T. v.1, e11to. tr''"" PS, Pl, •Ir c•ntl. NHN 01' •49,., .... '66 Sunbotlm , .... v.1, 4 1ptl. lt•11tlf,,I ••r ln1ltl• •rul •11t. ••K Jll . $64,., .... '67 Ford PAllLANI HI 2 Dr. HT. v.1, ••t. if•nt. PS, UM•r 11,000 1111. $63,.,- '65 Claulc UO 4-DOOl lllAN Y·I, •11te tr•11t. PS. f•1t, •It c:•11tl. VfU IJO $44,.. .... MAHYOTHIR MAKll A MODllJI -• l " •• , ' .. " ·; , ' • " '• ... ' • ~ " i· ·~· ' ! " ' ' ~; ' • ' " :i '• ' •: 1 •• . , . ' ' ' ·' '· ,, • ' ,.,....,.,. .... eft .,. l I UM ... ,,... ..,tty, l'f• T&L fer 16 -. ... ,,, ........ ~,. HOLIDAY W.&S.•lca _, ..... _ ,_ , .. Cca:s t ca 1969 Hl!Mr BIYd • COSTA MEJA 642-6023 '