HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• • ' \ ' River · ~oQth -at. Newport~-11luntjngton· I Called ··open Sewer· ·Li:D 'e . . .. . to Oeean~: . . c . . .ears • Ir outes ' ' * * - . JUESDA Y AFTERNOON, M~RCH 25, .1969 VOL 62, NO, n, I SICTIONS, 2( ,AOIS Art for"" Nixon•'"'"'I \ ' .. . ' PREP BASKETBALL GitMK GALLED OFF ! Orange Codnty's annual high achool all-star basketball game is off this ftlr, The summer p re p classic at Orange Coast College was voided when ap- plication for its certification was in- ftdv'ertently · sli.bmitted · b e y on d. the deadline imposed by the governing Na- tional Collegiate Alhletlc Association. S@x Gets Publicity Capo to 'E_t;I,uc~te' Family Life Critics · DAILY l"ILOT $1111 l"htt-THE PRESIDENT LIKED HER MISSION PAINTING Mrs. Caroll's ~ttire Caught the Cardinal's Eye President~s Laguna Artist Gives Nixon Painting It was a big day for Laguna Beach artist Jean Caroll. Cardinal Mcintyre liked her mini monk's habit and Presi. dent Nixon liked her painting. Sv she gave it to him. Mrs. Caroll 's pert mini-length costume romplete with cowl, C~dilJal Mcintyre drolly described it as "certainly ap- propriate" to the surroundings. Mrs. Nix- on agreed. Such players as Mike Contreras and Roy Miller (Huntington ·Beach); Jelf Powers (Westminster); Eric Christensen (San Clemente ); Steve Leech and Chrl.!I Thompson (Corona del Mar ); Ralph Chandos (Mater Dei) will forfeit the opportunity to participate in the battle be tween the best Orange County seniors. Elmer Combs of Huntington Beach was lo have coached the South. For details, see Sports today, Page 17. By THOMAS FORTUNE Of tile IMllY PLltt S11H Capistrano U n i f i e d School District Supt. Charles F. l)eMey doesn't like character assasslnatJon ol teachers. Nor insinuations that raw sex will be taught in Capistrano schools. . Nor a rumor that'a family life program is going to cost $250,000 per year. So he hall undertaken to publicly rebut sex education critics. "We have a good, solid family life proteram based on careful research," he said. "I feel as superintendent I have a responsibility to report to the ~pie and correct any distortions of lt." O(:';>omtion to the school district's fami- ly life program which includes sex educa- tion, has been heaUng up ever since ,trustees voted the go ahead Jn January. . Opponent! 'have rallied urxler lhe banner "Concerned Parents." One concerned parent wrote a letter to Kenney saying she is shocked and outraged that raw sex Is to be taught under the guise of family life. Kenney's response is that !'law ser Is not now nor will it be taught as Jong as he Is superintendent. He said the district teaches understanding of one's body and its functions but not mechanics of sex. It also teaches morali- ty. Literature circulated in the community showing animals mating has no rela- tionship to the Capistrano family life program, Kenney said. He resents the insinuation that this Is what the district is teaching or eventually will be teaching. .. ._.L ' Mrs~ Caroll was putting the finishing touches on a painling of the historic old mission in San Jaun Capistrano Saturday when the President, First Lady and cardinal strode up. The cardinal made the introductions and President Nixon told Mrs. Caroll, "I'm YU'/ pleased to meet you. l like your painting. '1 She thanked him -and said sl1e w a n t e d him to have the representational work as a remem- brance of bis visit. The painting today was proudly displayed outside the Caroll gallery, 3ii9 N. Coast llighway. It has a Iramc no\v of aged wood fashioned by Mrs. Carol\'s husband, Don. rt would have listed for $450 had it not caught the Presidential eye, said Mrs. Caroll. Magic Kingdom No Place for Bogus Bills Newport's Parsons Calls It will have a brass presentation plate before crating for shipment to the While Hous£l Mrs. Caroll, the mother of four youngste rs, wa!'I an exhibitor in the Splinter Festival last summer and will exhibit with the group again this summer under its new name, Art-A-Fair '69. A South African printer celebraUng his 36th birthday -at Disneyland's magic kingdom of make-believe-by allegedly squandering dozens of crudely coun. terfeited $20 bills is In jail, Jt was disclosed today by the · U.S. Secret River Giant Sewer Line A1 the First L&dy was introduced by the President, Mrs. Caroll said she bumbled slightly in nervousness and.call- ed Mrs. Nlit>n '"'Pat". Mrs . Nixon smiled and made Mrs. Caroll at ease. Noting .the monk's .habit design of ' ' She confided that she told the. president she was •glad "'he had taken down the modern art in the White House since she enjoys traditional work. County Declares· A,irport Can't Handle Ne~ Flights Service. .., . Leith t.1. Jardine and hill wile Carmel, 31. of Durban, Souih Africa, were ar- raigned before a U.S. Commissioner in Los Angeles Monday and held in lieu of $10,000 bail each. They are chargect with passing and possessing counterfeit money, after $20,000 in bogus bills was confiscated frem their car, according to Guy Spaman, Secret Service agent-in-charge for Orange and Los • ngeles counties. By ,mtOME F. COUJNS Of 111t DllW PltM lfeff Newport Beach city cooncl.lmen Mon- day were appalled to learn that the Sant.a Ana Rl\'tt has become -in the words of Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsor.1-••a &!ant open sewer line." The city 1taff reportOO it may be mor.ths before the fouled riverbed and polluted coastal waten are cleared up. The dffclosure .. dam~ co u n c 11 enthuslum over new1 that: -A broken maln le'Wet line in Rlverllde had been repaired and effluent Security officers at Disneyland took the couple into custody Saturday and notified Anaheim police and federal • aul,horities, after several of the ooun-D 'II' C b Special to the DAILY PU.<YI' the Issue at the bearing held bere on terfeit bills we.re passed at the amuse-rJ Jog llr S WASHINGTON -Orange County of-the seventh floor ol I.he Universal rnent center. f1clab de c I are d be.lore a Civil Buildirlg opposite the Washin.gton Hilton.. Spaman said at least $800 in fake B k d b J Ae'rmautlcs Board hearing today that 90 SPECTATORS · S20 bills are known to have been passed 8C e y ury the .county airport .caqnot 00'!' ~andle · ~me ~-~t.ators w~~ crow,d~ ;n. ,. io Santa Monica, Beverly Hi 111, Pacific Northwest flights. • • ..,. • · ..,•Ule. hear mg room. ·· • 1 • • Hollywood and ~ Lot Anaeles areu Or Co , u hare Filth D\strlcf SuperviSor 'AHon E. · Auen". 1 'Br:esbahan .'Was 1 alba' lur· ~' .iei-'..; (P!ior to the Jarciines'' arTt3t. ana:e unty 1 0 1 drllllng of. .L •.g.u n a Beach .. under _ C~0i'4-er-·.~r Robert,t. Pa;t ~her ~stlng . ""They had a few of the bills turned ::!lri~gse ~hlwogr.!!: ~~wl~ anunatlon ·by a CAB counsel, insisted Jet .ftlghts pa. ovet hom,e! near; the • 'doWn b merchants who told them the •1 -1 the airport's main runway weight capacl-airport. He said it was his belief bat y phon " be said but the r fll!IOJ.ullon wbith calls on state and. ly ia iRsuttlcieat to carry profitable night the)' did not. He said the jets .Jly ,over : =y was ev:/~ ~ed the federal legblalort to beef up coutline )Oldl fur (be ptopo5Cd increased service. water -· Upper Newport Bay -until . essmen 1 erploratkln JawL "The We.Ji6t limlt is now 9S,OOO they are,.at least four miles from~the JardJnes were a~ innorent victims. Recent acUon by county supervltors · pounch," sald Allen. ''And il wUI atly runtvay. .. ' . , • • .F~eral ~v~g_ator1 said Jardine ml In which the board urged cooUnuaUon 95,000 pounds." · The present inc:apacltJ' of. county his wife arrived m New Yort City March of shelter att8J and the passage of County Av)ltlon 'Qirettor Robert airPdl't for the Pacific Nortbwell route Jt, Oying via Amsterdam, then toot 11Uff antl..&lllina: alw1 was endorsed by iresnahan abo testified that fl ights out award, sought by three airlines, was a flight to ~e Southland and went on the Grand Jury. of county alrpo(t to SeaUle and Portland rurtber underscored by a Department 1 rwtft spending spree. The Grand Jury seeks to "ensure that would "lerloosly overtax" p r e s e n t ol Transportation repart to the CAB. lnvestlgaton are probing the South the past policy or no offshore drilling terminal and pa:rklng facilities. 1'he report, prepared bf the Federal Alrican e.nd of the Jard~' alleged . In tho!e arw tn whi<;h drllllna: Is pro. Thi county spokesmen were among Aviation Administration, said the main scheme, whil6 fhe couple awaita further..&. hlblted be conUnued, 1 the retoluUon several officials submitUng testimony on (See AIRPORT, Page I) U.S. prosceutlon proceedings. reads. t ' from that city wa1 no longer being dischar-ged into the Santa Ana River. -An Assembly resolution calling for state bearings on the river sewage pro- blem was paued Monday, with the flrst hearing slated Thursday in Sacramento. 'I1le Assembly measure creating an ad hoc study committee was co-sponsored by Aasemblymen Robert Burke (R·Hun- Ungton Beach) and Robert E. Badham (It-Newport Beach). Storm-spawned flood waters smashed the Rlvmlde sewer line two months ago. It forced Orange County health. authorities to, quarantine waters alohg several milfa of beachfront in Newport and Hunlington Beach. It had been anticipated at the Ume that after the Riverside break was repalr<d, the beaches would be reopened. But that won't be the case, Phil Bet· tencourt, Newport administrative . aide, glumly reporied Monday. Too many other agencies, be told.COUJlo cllm<n, m pouting both raw Alld lroaled sewage into the river. He said County Health Officer John R. Philp no.. esUmal.el it will be at least to daya b e fore the bochfront quarantine can be lllttd. ''111e sewage, In most cuet," Nld Bettencourt, "ls being trtaled, but the bacteria count Js still not low enough to permit bodily oontact wlth the water.'~ The area ol c:ontamlnaUon stret.chea from Newport Pier to the northern eod ot the stale beach in Huntington Beacb. 11Tbe: problem," aald Bett.e:r!"?urt, "LI (Se< SEWAGE, Page J) Kenney also decried • ch a r a c t er assassination of family life program teachers. He said it has come to hiJ attention that there has been gossip abouC' teachers' personal life and then the que,s.. tion asked, "How can be or she teach our children?" RUMOR SAID FAL'iE Also, before th.e San Clemente Lions Club he called completely false a nnnot that the ramily liie program will co.st $250,000 per year. · Kenney said the school district ill spen- ding Jess than $400 on inlltructlonat materials and has hired no special teachers. Jn all his comments he emphasizes that the program is voluntary wilh parents given the say whether their child shall or shall not participate. Kenney said it ls not at all .certain what most parents think about haviµg their child receive sex education at school . A just-concluded one week of family life instruction for fifth grader!I saw 10 of about ~ parents request their child be excluded. REPONSE YES , For a th ree-.weei: 10th grade ieK: educa- tion program to t>e .. undertaken next month al San Clemente High parenta were asked by letter if they want their chiljl lo take 1l. Nln<ly of 240 resP'\"ded "yes." "~ we have 10 negatlves and 90 positi ves," analyzed KeMey. "The next leUer w!'re Roing to say tl¥Y de.finltelr (See ,CAPO .sex. Pase II Orange Weather ' ' . The hot winds die down today, but the warm weather will be with us a while. Wednesday's outlook l's for 75-type temperatures along ' the coast, riling to 80 degrttS in- land. I INSmE TODAY The campaign to rni1t tht 1110Mll for Sman Mauc'I critical 1 kic!Mv tran.tplant ir faliering j ond more htlp is netdtd. Page 8. , 'Ctllfll'llll ~ ~ ' t Clnlo/llM lf.D Mr'I'" \I Cflnk'I IJ ..,..... """" " c,.._.i If .................... Dull! Nttkft I on-. CIMIMJ I EQ9rMll ,.. • lrtrit ,....... 11 El'IM!1tl.,..., 11 llC:ltt Mttll 1).14 ........ '"" ........ . , .. ,, l'!rt Ctlll I 1tkt1 _,... "'11 •tl'f Olllflttf I& T•MMI 11 """""'" 14 ~ ti "ft" l•llftn 1J ......... .. 41 M41illita I .,..... ..... .., ,i • -~~~ -~.--~---:-:----~,~-.-:-;----::--=:;'---~-=-::-==$>~------------------------..... :f DAILY l'UT S '-• -25, 1169 Jets Batter Reds' Saigon Infiltration 1'-outes LA .Finn Named Tbe clelador> ~ Ht .-mas ~~..::r.isls ~-na-1 tionwidt offensive into Ha Slsl day wilb :c; --inlo South -..... citJes and Allied military ci.mps. In Da Nang. Marine Command<r LI. Gen. Robert E. °""'""' Jr. aid the allemlve coold rootiDJt fer ''many months." "'lbe enemy is h..,banding his pmon. neJ and )ogistic re30lll"Ce$ &0 be can cootiwe to operate during the JI0"'9 ' talks ln Paria." Otshrnan aakl. Frvm Haool, a Viet Cong broadcast aid tho perrlllu would -to flgjlt ... w all American "lnvadeti" were driven rrom South V'.etnam. American 80UrCe5 said the Communists were 11.1pporting most of their offensive fn>m • string ol • -. -just inside neighboring Cambodia, free from U.S. atlacks. Pitoot of lbe guerrilla threat to Saigon stems from tbele Cimbodlan bivouacs.. Now, the 10U11!t1 Nld. the U.S. ~ -.. Vletaam, Gen. ~ w. Alrams, bu .....,.<d bis ~ for presidential """""""' to go ofter -- camps wJtb either bombers or commaodo ~~~. Former President Jobnson ~ Wd to hive tl.tnlfld down two IOCh requestl!. "In requesting permtssioo to raid these bues, we pointed out that, as Jong .. they ezisl, the Commllllists will always be able to -new oll<adves. ~ ... -&Oljl« aald. The Bllt today. as in eve17 day. dropped --bombloads .. these C&m.bodl.an-rooted lnfiltraUon r o u t e a ..... ....un...t, -and north ol 8algoii. 'Iller alao hit (»mlmmflt -thralenlng Klllltwn City in the central bf&hlands, war repcrts said. At Quang Nga!, 3JJJI mlla north ol Saigon on the .......t, the Communists lobbed d&ht mortar lhtlJI inlo the city ...mJSl>I and ballled l!outh ~ aoidler• ii> four baW... ooe of thena wUhJn • mile ol the dty limits. Backed by American w 1 r p 1 a n e a , artillery and belloopt8 gunahlJll, tho &oath VJelaam---defeating the Reds In the balllH southwest, south and noi;thwest of town. Tbe perrilla llhdllog Wiied llgbt dama&' and casualties. 1 l'roM Page l Harbor Realtors SEWAGE •.. more far-reaching than we had originally thougbl Other """ .... diBchargJn; -61 millioa gailom ol -· Into Ille rtver that normally bad -dl..ned Protest Leasi~g In albtrwn ·-for lrrlptloQ --But the beds Ille _.,. pa-.! Oft? were wubed out bf heavy ralnL . So It'• all going into the river Drl;. Md tnto our coutaJ traten." '\ H• iddecJ , Ill' JOHN l'ALTERZA OI .. Oellr Plllf SI.it Nearly a -.ol -Mel Realton Mooday clw-ged the Newport Beach City Couocll "Ith fgooring them and their peers when it approved plam to assign leuing of 50 acres or city property to • Loo Angol<s finn. The realton, whose protest followed IC'Ol'tS ol angry Jdten to dty cwn- cilmen, clw-ged the COWldl w I t h "vtrtually giving away s o m e o n e • 1 llftllhood to ..... boc!J •be." The coundJ. replied with a unanimous -to pollpoo< the mall<r 1llllil its AIRPORT ... runway's length ol 5,700 feet was too shart for the types of ainTaft and paylood propooed by the comJ><llni alrilnel. It would cmt anywhere fnim '2 millioo to '5 million to eltend the runway to the required length, aaid the deparlmeDI ttpOl1. a!AU.ENGE DUE Air WOii, Northw<lt Airllna ml Air California, the three Una -tillg the route award, art erpecled to challenge the depm'tmeat's fmding! later in the hurtog, wbicll may take llDOther day. Newport Beach Ctty Attorney Tully Stymour testified on behalf ol bis city's opposition to the Rightl. Ria alfidarit aJso cited the airp<rl.'I p b J 1 i C a l .-mp. He wu Wed by the CAB COWl5tl "iletber the dty'1 position would change if the airport's facilities were expanded. He said no, miphatically. Seymour pointed out that the city favon the recmunendaliool of the Pereira Air Transportation Muter Plan. It pep the ulUmate devekipment of County Airport as that o( a metroport, with a 40lknile flight de!tinatioo limit The city of Costa Mesa'a polition of favonn, the ru,htl was sworn to by PlanninC CommWion cbainnao Jack Hammett aod ?layor Alvin Plnklty. Civic Duty Try Turns Into Bust Qvic duty is civic duty and tb<ir fint alt.empt at performing it may have beaJ a bust, but Costa Mesa authorlUu Monday cmgratulat<d a pair of IC.year· old boys for trying. PoUce OfDcer Bob Arnold w a 1 dispatdled to -District Judicial Court alter the younpten walked in to say they felt they must tum in another boy with a marijuana cipttUe in hll poc:teL 'lbe -of the f.year-<>Jd IUlj)OCted offender W&I contacted and her IC!BJ'Cb ol. the younpter"1 shirt turned up t h e bandrOUed paper cylinder, which looted just lll• • -joint. But it WU Ully rolled paper, with nolhing "! it. I ' DAil Y PILOT .......... Hca:tqf•._. --_,.., --CAWOINIA CMlNIGfi COUf l'\llLllHING CCIMP'ANT lehff H. w-i .,_ .. ,..._ J••• a. c.m., ...... ,.,...*"' -o-.. _,..... n ..... r:-n .... Tlte•11 A. M.r,111111 ~l.~1- ••• , Niu•• ~Irle - nut m..un,, th<r<by allowing Realtors and <Jty stall to meet and try to solve the conlUct. Tbe conllic1 stems from discl~ure last Wednesday that city aJdes were drawing up contracts to assign Coldwell Banker and Co. ol. Corona de.l Afar as the leasing agents for 50 acres of \'aiuable, vacant land to raise money for the P'Qpolfd new civic center. Councilman Robert Shelton made tbt motion to postpooe. Ear lier in the meeting he cited "many letters, few of wbicb bad constructive criUdsm. Most of them bad destructive criticiml.." In the meantime the Newpcrt Harbor- Costa Mesa Board of Realton will meet to draw up suggestions for kttping the business of leasing city property spread about among local realtors. Jack Mullen. a rea1tor and member of the city's Air Traffic Advisory Com- mittee, told the council the Board of Directon of I.be Reattors group would meet today to draw up some recom- mendations for the city. "U WI bad oc:curnd d\ltbl& tho ....,. .... maothl, the irobl<m Wourd b< much Wfll'le. We~d have a 'lf!r1 dlfllcult tline keeping people out of the water." Councilmen didn't find that very coo- ooling. "It sounds like the Santa Ana ruver ls a giant open sewer line," grumbled Parsons. MAJ<ES NO SENSE "It just doesn't make se!l!e that the Orange County sanitation districts should be spending millions of dollara on 1 five-mile-long ocean ouUall and two aewage treatment pl.ants, when right alongside us other agenclt:s are uaing the river. "Eventually,'' he said, "that sewa1e is going to contaminate our underground w,1ter." County health chief PhUp, in 1 gk>omy report 1511bmilled to coondlman, listed the!:e agencies as contributors to the river and ocean pollution : . The ciUes of RedJaods, San Bernardloo, Colton, Rialto, Ontario and Chino. Other agencies include the Jurupa: Community Service. Distrtd and the U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Lab ·at Norco. "I resent the statement that lhere would be no other realty firm qualified to handle such large p1ecn of property except far Coldwell Banker. We have many realton in the area who have bandied IMge parOOI Jn the put," he aaid. Sot1nding Off f~ Alm.a Mater "Normally, Wlder dry weather con- diUOO!," said Philp, "the!< (..,..,.) flows never reach the ocean. Howevtr • during the P"""'t storm runoff situation, there is a cooUnuous now in the river to the ocean. ·.,r have bad an ouU!tanding offer on one of tbele parcrls for the past two ytan aDd tbt city staff is well aware of this," be added. Huntington Beach High School girts practice for final eliminations Friday in competition that will determine yell leaders next year at Oiler campus Nancy Brooks and Barbara Yamazaki and (bick row) Debbie Bruce, Nonna Cardenas, Sue Tard.is. BAcrElllA COUNT "We expect the high bacteria COWlla to continue as loog as the river flows. whidl will probably be llDOther two months. In the meantime, tbe quarantme remains in effect.'' Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons. who drew up the idea to lease the vacant land to raise money for the new civic centa, said, .. I don't think the city bad .., thought of demeaning Realton with this proposal to amign the job to Coldwell Banter." He cited many "rumors. lnnueDdos and nasty lettus" stemming from the appointment ol the Loo Angtles firm. One especially biting letter came from Newport Realtor Russ Ford, who said he "had never heard of a public body supported by electors and taxpayers con· tracting with one firm to handJe lheir properties for sale or lease." "I am amued at the naivete of people In positions oC public trust to enter into cootracb blindly and oblivious to tilt rig)Jis of other people coocern<d," be said. p,..... Pqe l CAPO SEX ... must respond." Meanwhile, Monday night the school board approved several films for the family life program. Several members ol "Concerned Parents" attended the acreening. Kenney said he does not think the sex education oppo5ition is connected to the 50-cent school tu override request or election of bOard members, both April IS. "I v.·ould say these are gen uinely con- cerned· parent.&," he remarked. .Flower Power • • Beatle, Bride Spend 7 Days in Bed for 'Peace' M1STERDAM, The Netherlands (AP) -Beatie John Lennon and his 'Japanese bride, Yoko Ono, will stay in bed for seven days and seven nights in a hotel room in Amsterdam to protest violence in the \\'orld. the couple said today. They are installed in a wide bed on the ninth Door of the Hilton Hotel under two improvised signs stuck to ~ wide picture window reading "Hair Peace" and "Bed Peace." "E\'erybody can let his hair grow, e\·erybody can stay in bed," John said. The protest is against all forms or violence -the war in Vietnam and \'iolence in the street, he added. ··The worst that can happen Is that ·we create a laugh, But the best is that the vibrations for peace get through." Girl's Body Found . .\~N ARBOR, Mich . (AP) -Poli ce reported today the nude body of a girl about 19 years old has been found at U"le northeast edge of AM Arbor. Discovery of the body came four days after a University of Michigan coed was found on a grave in a Van Buren Township cemetery. A vase of brilliantly colored flo?.1ers greeted the mornJng shin at the Huntington Beach Police Depart1nent today. Desk Ofi1cer War.ren Biscailuz paused long enough from his telephone duties to explain that the llO\\'ers had been left by a secret admirer. Tiz spring and Ike in 'Grave' Condition Fears Expressed for Life WASHINGTON (UPf) -Doctors treating former President Dwight D. Eisenhower described his latest heart affliction as "se\'ere." They said his conditio.n is "guarded" and would not predict whether he could overcome this latest threat to hi! life. Walter Reed Army Hospital issued a mid·morning bulletin saying the 78-year- old general spent a restful night and that he v.·a.s having less breathing trou- ble. However, the doctors said the con- gestive heart failure afflicting the general waa "severe." They were asked if his case wu mild, moderate or stvere and, in a single-word reply, characterized it as severe. Medical authorities say a patient suf- fering from severe heart congestion normally may be expected to respond lo therapy in a da y or two. Eisenhower's doctors reported t.tonday that the con- gestion had worsened despite "vigorous the rapy." The doctors, in repl y to other questions, said the latest crisis was precipi tated in large part by the previous seven heart attacks suffered by Eisenhower -four of them occu rring since last April 29. He b8.'I been in Walter Reed since last May and suffered three or the attacks here. Asked about Ute chances t h a t Eisenhower can pull through hiJ latest crisis, the doctors said: ''It is impossible to predict the ultimate outcome at this lime. Gen. Eisenhower has always shown remarkable recuperative power during past il· lnesses." Eisenhower's wife Mamie and his son John stayed near lhe suite where Eisenhower continued to receive in- tensive treatment. He was receiving ox· ygen rtgularly as the doctor• sought to get enough Ol')'gen.enriched bk>od flow- ing through bb body. The latest problem with congestive heart failure was detected in the general Jfl days ago, but was not disclosed for almost a week. Zoo Trip Scheduled A trip to the San Diego Zoo will be spoll30red by the Huntington Beach Parks and Recreation Department April •• A $2 fee vdll be charged for bus transportation and entry to the zoo. Philp said the situation empb.uizes the need for "the establishment of bacteriological quality objectivea" for the river. The outlook for the future, otherwise:. is bleak. "In years lo come," said Philp, "COD- tinued population growth of upstrum communities will generate increued sewage diacbarges and llll'face runoff to the river." The short-range ouUook isn't much brighter, city aide BetteDCOurt said, "The mountains now have a record snow pack," be ooted. "When that starts melting ... " "This is not just a 1969 problem.'' concluded City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. "This is a continuing problem.'' Councilmen unanimousJy directed him ta see that the city ls represented at the sewage hearings in Sacramento Thursday. Et·mayor and cooncilman Paul J. Gruber was also assigned to make the trip. Chest X-rays Given A chest :r·ray clinic will be held between 9 a.m. aod 9 r,.m. at the Hun- tington Beach Commun ty Center Thurs- day. A $1 charge will be made for the service. The Community Center ts located at the corner of Garfield Avenue and Main Street. DECORA OR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Furniture Spanish and Mediterranean All New Top Quality Brand Names A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display Over $100.000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! Item• •• follows: Gor9eou• 8 ft. custom quitted sof• with seperefe pilloW1 with hetry oek trim cf•tor encl metchin9 chtir, l metchin9 oek occesiontl ftble1, '121 51" tell decoretor lemp1, hen9in9 c:hein •w•9 lemp1 ln wrou9ht iron, •n 8-pi•c• kin9 1i1e me1ter b.droorn 1uit• in pec•n p•neled Mediterreneen styfe with top quelity 15 yeen wtrrenty lrin9 1i1e mettre11 •nd bo• 1prin91, Spenith dinin9 4ef, etc. Any piece c•n be purcheted lndividu1ny. Drop hy end ••e our selection of top qutlity Spenish tnd Mec:l it•rr•n••n fumititre ... ftnftsficelly priced! COMl'Utl HOUSIAIL WAS lK. $UH.OO COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGUARLY $1528.00 MUST SACRIPICE FOR ONLY .,,.00 II IJ f '11r11if111·e 1844 Newport Blvd . Costn Me•a f only l • f•.,.Y ~lq~t ••I; W<J So i A Su" .,,, 6 • ' TERMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • AT HAllOl IOULIVAlD I , ................................................ --------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------~~-- r ;I I l • 1 Huntington Bea~li EDITION • Today's Flaal N.Y. Stoeks '' var. 62, NO. 72, 2 secr10Ns, 24 PAGES . • l f I , ORANGE COUNTY,· CALIFORNIA • :TUESDAY, MARCH 25, '1969 JEN CENTS Pacifica _Plan Rejected -~ PJnnning Group-Won't Sanction Second Hospital . . DAILY .. ILOT $tiff l'llel• Flower Power A vase of brilliantly colored flowers greeted the morntng shi!t at the Huntington Beach Police Department t¢ay. Desk Officer Warren Biscailuz paused long enough from his telephone duties to explain that the flowers bad been left by a secret admirer. Tiz spring and who sez policemen are unpopular? Ike in 'Grave' Condition; Fears Expressed for. Life W ASIUNGTON .(UPI) -Doctors treating 'former President Dwight D. EJsenhower de.scribed bis latest heart affliction as "severe.'' They said liis conditiOit is "guarded" Jnd would 'llOt ptedi.Ct whether he· could overcome this latest thttat lo his life. Walter Reed .Army Hospital issued a m.id-mornirig bulletin sayil)g the 78-year- ctd general spent a resUul . night and that he was having less breathing trou- ble. llowever. the doctors said the C<ln- gestive heart failure afflicting the general was "severe." They were asked Jf his case was mild, moderate or severe and, in a single-word reply, characterized it as severe. Cigarette Gets Blame for Fire At Town Center · A cigarette falling to a seat at the Town and Country Inn jn Huntington Beach has been blamed ror a fire which early Sunday morning caused a n estimated $90,000 damage to structure and contents. Firemen sent three engine companies and the snorkel truck to battle the fire at Beach Boulevard south oI Ellis Avenue. The. alarm came in at 3:31 a.m. and the flames were out at 3:45, according to !ire department spokesman. Damage is estimated at $20,000 to the structure and $70,000 to furnishings. Most damage was from smoke and heat, firemen said. No one was injured in fighUng the early morning blaze. The fire was the second in a little Jess than three months in the Town and Country Shopping Center. Last !>«. 26, a $40,000 blaze destroyed the Universal Beauty College. Police suspect that the fire was set to cover a burglary. Firemen said the Sunday blue ap- parently began after a cigarettl or an ashtray fell to a s~at and ,began to &molder. After the inn was closed, Jt blil'st into name. Oil Blobs Noted On City's Bea<:h ~tiered bl~hes of oil have been washing up on the sand fOf' the· past wi!e'k at the Huntington Beach cit! beaches. but lifeguard officials say tilt oil is no problem . .. The worst patch of it was about. a week ago," said a spokesman for the city department ot b;eaches and harbors. To dale, aU oil that hits the local 1and is•qUl<kly disk«! under about U inches of sand by beach crews. , Medical authorities say a patient· suf. fering from severe· heart . congestion ~ally Jlll!Y be ~ed lo °.'l'i"'D<! lo-°"1'•Pl' .. , 1!lii~lft-!il!<nbow.r'~ dcictqn r~ Moiidiy thit'tlle oon- 1iitlon bad wonened despite "vigorous tber.....l" ' -~~· ' . The do<tOn; lo reply io ~ qu<stions, said the latest cr1sls was PfeClpitated in large part. by the previoqs ~seven heart. attacks suffered by . Eisenhower -four of them <M!CUll'ing, since last April 29. He has been in Walter Reed since last May and suffered three of the attacks here. Asked about the chances t h a t Eisenhower can pull through· biJ · latest crisis, lhe•doctors said: . t ! "It is JmposSibl~ to predicl theiultiinate outcome at Uils 'tlme. Gen. EiseMonr has always shown, r ·e m a r Ir: a b I e· recuperative power during pail il· lnesses." E!Senbower's wife Mamie and' bis sOn John stayed near the suite where Eisenhower continued to receive in- telt')ive treatment. He was receiving ox- ygen regularly as the doctors sougltt to get enough oxygen-enriched blood flow- ing through his body. The latest problem with congestive heart failure was detected in the general 10 days ago, but wu not dlscloaed for almost a week. · By WILUAM REED 01111e'o.11r r1~ Sl•ff Sanction, fo~ Pacifica HosjlitaJ Jn Hun- tlngtqn Beach was refused for the HBH' Corp·and its president Dr. George A. KrmpOtich Monday by the Orange County H~ital Planning Association. Ackoow:ledging .that there is an im~ mediate need for at least 80 addiUonal hospital beds in the city. the planning ~-unanimously extended sanction to Huntington Intercommunity Hospital !or construction of a second nursing tower on Beach Boulevard near Newman Street. • Defeated in bis bid for approval of SA River Described as ··-.. 'Giant Sewer' By JEROME F. COILINS 01111• o.11r ru.1 st.ti Newport Beach city councilmen Mon- day were appalled to learn that the Santa Ana River has become -in the words of Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons -"a giant open sewer line," The city staff reported it may be months before the fouled riverbed and polluted coastal waters are cleared up. · The disclosure dampened c o u n c 11 enthusiasm over news that: -A broken main 'Sewer line in Riverside had been reg~ and effluent from that city was ll& lpnger -being discharged into the Santa Ana River, ~An Assembly 1'1110lotio!l caJHni !or at.ate h~in•s ·on the river sewage pro- (See SEWAGE, Pal' !) PREP BASKETBALL GAME CALLED OFF Orange County's annual hlgh school all-st¥ basketball game, is oU this year. The summer pr· e p classic at Orange Coast College was voided when ap- plication for . its' certifk:ation was ht• adVertently' submitred b e Yon d the deadline tm~ed l}y the g6_vern lng ~a­ Uonal ·Collegiate Athletic Association. Such · playei-s as Mike COntreras and Ror Miller (Huntington Beach); Jeff Powers (Westminster); Eric Christensen (San Clemente); Steve Leech and Chris Thompsoh (COroila de! Mar): Ralph Chandos (Mater 0Dei) will forfeit the opportunity to participate in the battle between the best Orange County seniors. Elmer Combs of Huntington Beach was to have coached the South. FQr details, see Sports today, Page 17. City officiaJs feel that cum.nt oil ls drifting down from the great leak in Santa BaP.>ar~ but have sighted no Jargt patches Ol straw-filled oil n e a r HUDo Ungton Beach. .. ,,, Sounding Oft for Alma Jtfa~ . an 11().bed opeclallzed hospital, Robert planning assoclatlon, did not p<rtlclpata ZiMgrabe, owner of tlie con~escent in debate of the hospital pruposlUons, hospital which was t.o be cOaverte:d to but penonally preSented bis case for the specialized ·facility, asked for and the facility to care for mental patients. obtained approval of the planners for • Hospital C.oosultant Robert . Barton, a "Type L" convalescent hospita~ a speaking f~ Hqntington Jn\ercommunity, facWty for caring for mentally ill pa-told the board that the boopltal is already tlents. neQl'ing its capaclty and that "we needed 'l1le action by the association came these extra beds aome two months ago." at ihe end of an emotionally charged William Powers, representing the cour afternoon with a face to-face COD* pany which owns and operates both HUn- !rontation on the proposals fer providing tington Intercommunity and Westminster hoopital beds in Huntington Beach. The hospitals, aald It 'will take some 11 meeting was at St. Jooepb's Hoopltal months lo build a aecond lt.5 million, in Orange. four story tower and to cpen the 80 Zlnngrabe, who is a member of the beds • Threaten Recall Valley Residents l,tap Small Lots A growin£: nwnber of Fountain~ Valley residents are speaking out on the possi- bility of residential lots smaller than the minimum 7 ,200 square feet and on the Larwin Tract which proposes homes on lots as email as 5,000 square feet. Their voices call for the council to respond favorably to their cppcsitlon to me smaU-lot tract or face possible recall action. A bm'Qt of letters. to tbe:tditor and to member! .of the City ~. which reviews the controversial matter begtn. ning at 7 o'clock tonipt at city baJJ, P'°""la the council acllOll FridAY Di'111 in refusing to averturn the Planmng Commlssion decillion all<J'Ning the tract. A letter sent to Councilman Joseph Courreges, who voted for the tract, said that "we do not want substandard housing on substandard lots being built in our city. "Let them build, if they want, but make them do it according to the min- imum lot size of 7,200 square feet set down by you." The letter is signed by Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts of 8679 El C<ista Circle. Writers, which ' number 20, all express fear that building sm'1! homes--25 per- cent cl the propi>sed 500 hointl will ha"' less thaA 1,200 "I"""' fee-JU ~· problems ln U¥ City. f ' "Don't allO'lf )'OUI' elected orrJCiall to reduce the quaHt'y of yout city by a (See LARWIN, Page J) * * * * * * Controversial Small Lot Hearing Set for Tonight A special hearing on the proposed Larwin Tract will be continued at 7 o'clock tonight by the Fountain Valley City Council in council chambers. . Friday night, councllmerl heard four and one-half hours of testimony from citizens who oppose the proposed small· lot planned development between Talbert and Ellis Avenues and Newland and Magnolia Streets. More than 100 citizens showed up at Frlday'a meeting to voice their opposition to the Larwln Tract. Councilmen dead-locked in a 2 to 2 vote on whether to stop the Larwln Company's tent.alive tract map or ap- prove it, and decided to continue the hearing to April 1. 1 Jack Parker, substituting !or city at- torney Edwin Martin who declared tipecial interest in the Larwin Trac~ told councilmen they had. an Indefinite amount or time to consider the appeal on the Larwln Tract's approval. Sunday, P~ker called City Manaier James Neal to tell him that a review of the Business and Professiorial Cod9 showed that the council only had seven days from Friday to t.ake action. Parker said ii the council takes no action within seven days of the hearing on the appeal (last Friday), the Planning Commission's approval of the Larwln Tract wiU be automatically upheld. Notices wire sent Monday to coun- cilmen and. local newspapen, notifying them of tonighf1 meeting. Cycle Accidents In Seal Beach Hospitalize Two Separate motorcycle accidents in Seat Beach Tuesday resulted ln I h • hospitalization of a 19-year old girt and a 32-year old man. • Ridwd D. Laws, cl· 257 Bay St., was treated for llCJ'atches and scrapes au.ooc Beacl! community Hospital alt.r a collision wjth an automobile at 1:35 a.m. al the lnterseciloo cl Coa,.i Highway and iith ·Street. Driver of the car wu Virgil SuttOO;Sl,~f llO>l O<ean .Ave. ·The :aecond Acciden'ro&ured at 2:40 P.m. ·!"J ~.BaJ Boulevard, . souµt ol i Westminster Av~ue, when a motorcycle <riven by l~yeal'old Mlcbael Ha11111 IJIJ. elf to negotiate a ciirve, hit a cement ~ ttreet: divldel'1and a. paddleboard refleo- l« and overl.,ned th\' b~ ' . Hi• passeiifler, Dori> Dft, of• llm Cmnenlta SL, Cerrltoe, fell from the macllilie, iUff<Jlnc injuries, to btt left leg and serious .cui... 1 • The ooly large bkltch reported thus lat was setn lut week by city officials near Newport Beach-Balboa. Lo c a I Ul•guAtds, however, ,.Jd the tli<k presents no threat to Huntington Beach. HunUngton Beach IDgb•Sch,ool girls pracUce !or and new Edisou High. From left are (front row) ·Sh& was ta1ten by lln)bul~ to r.o. Alamitos General HoepltaJ for emergenCt treatmtnt. Hagan, who li ves at 11218 211th Strtet, Hawaiian Gardens, acaped unhurt. final elimlnatlou1 Fridll)' In compet!Uon ll!at will Nancy Brooks and Barbara Yamazaki and (back determine yell leaders nut year at Oiler campus row) Debbie Bruce, Nonna Cardenos, Sue Tardl4. I ~ I Dr.· Knnpotkh aald his group Coul~ have Pacifica Hospital open for bw.inels ''by "llanuary~' t!rlO." A larje~ group· of doctors attending the meeting wu in- troduced as members or the board ol directors of the HBH Corp. They too agreed that there is a need immediately: for more hospital beds. Thomas Broderick, appointed Monday as consulting administrator for the Pacifica Hospital, told lhe planners that he and bis group "are unhappy with the staff of the plannlng association'' and protested what he called "obvlou' discrimination" in favor ol the bid of (S.. HOSPITAL, Pap !) t'EAi:M~· HONORED , F,ount1ln V1lloy'1 H1nn.1 Valley Teacher Hanna Honored Richard L. Hanna was named Fountain Valley's Outstanding Young Educator Mon'day n i g h t at a Junior Chamber: of commerce banquet. 1 Hanna, an eighth . grade • teacher: at Fulton School will represent Foimtain Valley at a statewide Outst.abding YOWlg Educator program tc be held in Whittler. April 12. The teacher -~ ' ·a ·1 ·grad111:te~ o-1 Westmirister HJgh School,. holds a B. A. degree from Whittier CoUege an d an M.A.· degree from Cal St.ate Lo1t1 Beach. Ria teaching career began, 1n 1966 at the seventh grade level. - Ray to Change Plea SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) -James: Earl Ray definitely will change htl' plea to innocent Jn the 'issasslnaUOn of Dr. MarU11 Luther Kine Jr. and will bave a new trial, th~ head of the NaUOnal Slates Rlgbts party announ<ed today. Edward R. Fields, NSRP · cbab'man, g81d he made the announcerriel!.L on behalf of J. B. Stoner, NSRP vice chairman. He said Stoner w au l d represent Ray in the case. Stock M•rkeu NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed on a fairly even keel today. Trading slowed near the end .. (See quota· lions, Pages 10.11). OraDge • Weatlaer The· hot· winds dJt down today, but the warm W'tathtr •ill be 'With u! a while. Wedneodl)"a outlook is for 75-type temperatures along the coa:Jt, rJsing to 80 degrees J.n. land. INSm.E TO.bA.Y ... .r'1•·'~ ... ~,.•h• mont11 Joi SU&~1l Ma:~e11 cntfcol kjd••v 1ra..p1an1 u f•ll•ri•ll and more help U needed. Pogc I. , . . --·---- • • " . . Jets Batte:1" Reds' Saigon''. Infiltration Routes SAIGON (UPI) -Five flltlil> of ~ bornben~ C\W!lmwillt -.............. SligClll iodlJ omlil ._u the U.S. command hao fOUlhl l'reaident NIJ:on's EH.head for raids against Com- munist c1mps Jn Cambodia, where the infiltration begins. Jn the ground war. Viet Cong and North Vjctnamese soldiers shelled the northern province capii.al of Quang Ngai and foupt Allied deleoders Oii three lidcs af tbe city MoOO., and today. Fron• PflfJe J HOSPITAL .•• lluntif!gtoo lnter<ooununity." "We protm the delay. We did not v.•ant a confrontation, but lf that is lliult you want we ate willing,,. be told the hospital p!annen. He charged that claims of backing for the HIH facility \\;ere by "vested interests" and that his project has been subject to "harassment" as it was ap- proved by the city's Board or. Zoning Adjusbnents. "Hunling1on Beach l• growing toward a population of 250,000. Can anyone think of a city of that size anywhere with only me hospital?" Broderick asked. There was no answer. Doctors claimed that there is a waiting list of as loog as 11 days for scheduling surgery and empbaaized that the "major problem af HlH is bed space'.•• "Doc- 'q>l'tS," several o( the board members of the HBH Corp claimed, "are diaen- clw>ted with lhe hospital ... The planners noted that the average occupancy rate of the hospital bas been 67 percent. "It does not make aense to me that people are dying in am· bulances at that rate," a planner Wd. On a show of. hands a motion to approve Pacifica Hoepital was turned down 7 to 2. Unanimoim approval was given to HJH by the same mean&. NO CONVALESCENT WbeD the room cleared, Zinngrabe ask· ed that bis appllcaUon for a eo11.valt.ctnt hospital be withdrawn. "I have no need for the convalescent facility wM.bout the hoepital," be explained. He then aaked for approval of a facility fer mental paUents. "We are ready to tireai ground in two weeks." Planners agreed that "there ii a desperate need for Type L faclllties in the county" and unanimou.sly aPfX'()Ved his application. Zlnngrabe ttlused comment when Uk· ed ii be Intends to build Pacifica llolpltal deoplte refusal ol .aanctlon by lbe pJan. nen. The Asoociation lJ an advl>ory board and 114 relnaal of l!8JlCtion would not necessarily prevent the HBH Corp from building anyway. Dr. Knnpotich said only "nothini'' when asked about, the possibility of oometbing else happening on the hoopita! appllcaUon. - City Officials aaid100ay that Zlnngrabe has a use permit for a convalescent hospital whlch ntight include use as a facility for caring for paUents with menial problem&. Zlnngrabe said the patient. would be "ve:ry much like fiOITie of the Hnile patlents we now have at Huntington Beoch Coovalescent Hoopi!al." Youth 'Governs' Fountain Valley Youth took a fling al city government In Fountain Valley today. About 15 students from Los Amigos High ScliooI as5Ul'lled positions in city hall as part of the scbool'.11 youth day. City departm~t headi, police and fire officials all had young understudies, who \\'ere 'learning the r<1pes in local gove.rn-- ment throughout the day. "We're classroom instructors for a day," commented City Manager James Neal. . 11/1\IV 111101 OUHo• COAn l'\/llllHIMO <°""'ANT aehrt N w.,4 ~Nllllnl tnf ll'llMlllMP Jee;• It Ctrley Vice l'r•llMfll 11111 G111t1.r M _ _. Th•"'•• K11,ll ""' Tt.•"'••· A. MYr•hh1• ,.,,...,,... .. ,. ~ Al~•rt W, l•t.. WllU1nt l••' ~: ._1 .. , HUl'lll,,.Mll ••lodt lllllllt (lly ••11« H ....... l••••O"'-J" It~ Strttt M.111., A4i,.,., r.o. a.. no. tJ641 --......,. MIO• tl'll ... , ..... 9911....,_ ("" "'""' Ut wttl ,.., .,,.., ....,__ hKtl: m ,__. •""""' ,.... . , o111a:=:"'A1=..:0.~ fto 0..M ••l'Ul!ll!I. Iii* ... ~""""'9 llllo lll•l!Jt dq 'Olllr • bor'lllM .... Soutli -dlioo and Allied mlll&ary c&mpt. In Da Nang, Atarine Commander Lt. Gen. Robert E. Cushman Jr. Nid the olfen.slve could continue for "many months." "The eoemy ls husbanding his person- nel and Joei.tic reeourcts so he can coo!lnue. to Op.rate during the peace ' ' . , lllb .. Pull," 011Jpq. &aid. FJ'atD HliMI. • Vlei °'"" -~ llie ""'' ....... It' J!illl!. -~ t'btt 11 I" Wiif6 &iria ,,..,, Soulh Vlelnam. • American sourteS said the Communist.a were supporting most of thelr oUenslve from a string of a doun baae1 just inside nelghborlng Cambodia, free from U.S. attacks. Most of the guerrilla lhrtat to 5aigon stems from these Cambodlu bivouacs. INFORMATION -·Scouts and Leag\ie of Women ·voters ·are cooper· ating to inform public through informational leaflets about series of "''fueet the candidate" nights for school board aspirants. F.rom left are Mrs. R. E. Potes, Karen Potes, 9, and Leslie McGeorge, 14. School Board Candidates Meeting Nights Scheduled · Candidate meetings will be held Wednesday and Thursday night! for aspiranLs to seata on the govemting boards of HunUngton Beach Union High School District' and Seal Beach and Foun· t~in Valley elementary school districts. Seal Beach candidates and the higll school candida~s meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at McGaugh Intermedlate School, Seal Beach. The meeting is sponsored by the League of Women Voters, local PTA, the Woman's Club, Junior Woman's Club, Girl Scouts. Marina Business and P r of e s 1 i on a 1 Woman's Club and Play Group Coop Nursery School. Marina to Give Romantic Play 1 "The Lady's Not For Burning,'' a 15th Century romantic comedy, will be presented by Huntington Beach's Marina High sch o o I Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The student play wlll be staged at 8 p.m. each night Jn the school's cafeteria. General admission tickets will be sold at the door for $1. Appearing in the cast will be Chris Leland as Thomas, Sue Salaiz as Bennet, Lisa Hockney .as Margaret, Mike Leddy as Richard, Tommy Woods aa Alizon and Larry Shyer as Nicholas. Alsa scheduled to appear in the play, dirceted by Becky Ayers are Chris Fraenza as Tyson, J~ Saunders as Hum· phrey, Ron Ross as Tappercoom, Steve llogan as Skipp!! and Bill Wright as the chaplain. Valley Summer Session Okayed Tru5tets of the Fountain Valley School DistrJct have approved a a!Jmmtr school program far thla year. Summer achoo! will begln July I and end August I, wllb classes being taught Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12;30 p.m. It Heb of the e<hools. Included In the program will be begin- nlnc an d intermediate Instrumental music courses at Fountain Valley School, a speech and lanauap development class at Fulton School and a readln1 (llnlc pravlded In cooperation with Cal State Um& Beach. Registration forms are avajlabte at each of the schools In the district. Parents are advised to rerister their chlldrtn u eorly as possible. !Nollment Is open to all studenl4 currently t a k I n g clasus at Fountain Valley Schools, ranging from Jdn- dergvten to seventh grade. ( · On Thursday night the Fountain Valley Candidates are jnviled to join the high school district candidates at 7:30 p.m. at Fountain Valley High School, Bushard Street at Talbert Avenue. An informal coffee session will precede each meeting v•ith speakers beginning at 8 p.m. each nighl The public, which is invited to attend the informational meetings, will have an opportunity to ask questions flf the candidates, ac· cording to the League officials. Fron• Page l LARWIN ..• quantity <Jf low cost housing," pleads Mn. John M. Hudak of 9074 Pe\lcan Ave. A Jetter signed by Mr. and Mn. Ken- neth J. Braman of 18.Sl5 Santa Tomasa Circle, points out that about 500 homes are to be built between Talbert and Ellis avenues west of Magnolia street. One-fourth of the homes are to be on lats of 5,000 !QUll't feet in area. Some 325 are to be built on lots: ranging from 5,200 to 5,500 square feet. ~ letter claims that about one-fourth of the homes will be small, two-bedroom units. COUNTING PARK City officials backing the project claim that the tract will averqe closer to the city's minimum of 7,200 square feet per lot If a park being required by the city is counted lnto the JO( averages, "There is not a $200,000 savings to the city With regard to the p&rk, as claimed by both the mayor and vice mayor. The claim is that It would cost in exces1 of $100,000 io sod and in.stall sprinkler systems OI) 12~ acres of Edison eas~ ment is disputed. by several resident lanthcapers who say that • retail price of 135,000 would put aod, aprlnklen and llhade tree! over the entire area." Mrs. Hudak summed the message of many writers with her asking ''what happened to the planned community of beaut'lful Fountain Valley of which we were so proud with Its qua11ty homes, deoo!! ailed lot., planned park areaa and eiceptlonal achoolJ?" PEOPLE'S WISHES She, u many otben, claimed that approval of the LarwiD Tract "would be In direct -llloo to the d<Sirel of Ille people ... To Councllman Courres<s, """ of the foundel'1 of the clt"y, 1be wrote tbat ..as • member of the City eouncil your duty i3 to represent the desires of the people who elected yoo and to arrive al your declak>n according to lhooe desim and the lam ol. the city." Friday nigh! more !hon 100 filled council cbambtn to oppose lhe tract and to boo and hiss at the dfcl.sion refu11ing an 11ppeal. "There are a great many , ~ple since. the meeting Friday who fefl and found that our council is not looking oul for our ~t lnterettl and plans are being made to do something about it," wrote ~1r. and Atrt. Roberts In 1 not·too-veUed threat to join a recall action agalrut one or more of the councilmen. ' Now, \Jxi ...,.. Nld._..~11,s, ...,. ...-la 'Vlolimw, Geil. er....,.. w. .&-. ... -. bll rtquesl f<r p-.........,1 poruiW!on to go aller 0-' campt with either bombers or commando equads. Fortner President Johnson is Aid to have turned down two such requem. "ln requesting permission to raid these . buel, we pointed out that, as long u Ibey exllt, the COmmunial> will * * * alw:ay~.be. able..!o D\ount new offen&lves,'' -Aaioi'lcan llOUl'Ct aald. • ' The mts today, as In every day, dropped their »ton bombloads on 'tbtle Cambodian-roofed infiltration r o u t e 1 west, southwest, oortbwest and north of Saigon. They also hit Comlnuniat hideouts threatenlng Kontum City In I.be central hlghlaaj!, war reports said. At Quug Ngal, ~ mllel north of Salgoo on the -~ the ~uni.i. * * * Paris Meet Ottered lobbed •laht mortar lhelia Into the city • 0Vtrn11ht 111111 f>allled,S...th V!Otume• soldiers In fOW" blttleo, one of ~ within a mile of the city limits. Backed by American warplane 1', artillery and helicopter guMhlp1, ula South Vielnamese &aldiers rtpOrted defeating the Reds in the battlet southwest, south and northwest oi tow~ The guerrilla lihalllng cauoed lilll! danuige and caaualtlu. * * * Saigon to Recognize Cong? SAIGON (UPI) -President Nguyen Van Tbieu llid todly the government oi South Vietnam was ready to meet privately with the Viet Cong 1n Paris in hopes of ending the Vietnam war. He said the poalblllty of such talks was "a ray of light at the end of the tunnel." It waa the aecond time a Sooth Viet- namese official has made such a proposal and Jt reflected a shift Jn the South Vietnamese position from flatly refll8ing to rec<J8lllze the Viet Coog. Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky, in Parit a few weeks ago at the start of the expanded talks1 offered to meet With the Viet Cong. The Viet Cong, or National Liberation Front (NLF), fail· Police Squad Car Bl.asted by Bomb; Officers Unhurt LONG BEACH (AP) - A police car "'·as dem"oyed by a bomb tOOay seconds after the two offictrs got out of it for a routine invesUgatlon. Patrolmen Gary Freeman and Michael KJ,.mt had Jett their car to check a Dar when an explosion shattered the vehicle, damaged two other cars parked nearby and broke windows in the bar, police sald. No injuries were reported. Officers aaid the blast was caused by a bomb containing pellets which lodg· ed in two can across the street from the explosion. The bomb was thrown uOOer the police car from a passing auto, police :said. Thia was the second police vehicle to be born bed in the put week. The first wu an undercover panel truck, damaged Saturday Digit. Police Oliff W. J. Mooney said he believes the bombings are reaction to an anti-vice drive. During the past 10 daya more lhan 100 suspected prostitutes and procurers bavt been arrested. Harbour Fence Dispute Delayed A group of Sunset Beach homeowners and the Huntington Hart>our Corp. today agreed to a two-week postponement of their fence dispute-the fourth such de· ferment of a court hearing in the. action. :iluperlor Court Judge Claude Owens set April 8 as the ne1; date for the heat· ing of motions in the fence fracu . Two suits by homeowners and a $1 million counter suit by Huntington Harbour are being combined for ruling by Judge Owena. Sought by the property owners is an Injunction whlch "WOUid halt the corpora· lion's a1leged attempt to move back their fence&. Huntington Harbour argues that the homeownera' dividing fences encroach on its property and allegu that the J'lomeownera have unlawfully resist'ed Its workmen's attempts to move back the fences . ed to accept his cdler. Thieu, apeUtng at a newa conlertnce In Saigon today, eaprelsed hope lalka with !be Viel Con( could gel under way in Paris soon. "We are ready to have private talks with the NLF 1f they want," Thieu aald. "1 lhlnk they understood ... u that we are ready for these talks and we are waiting for them." Thieu said he would oppose any U.S. troop withdrawal from Vietnam until the Communists decrease the flght.i.ng and "substantial" peace talks begin in Paris. Thieu woold not explain how be though! the NLF coulJ ht disaolvecl and formed Into another political party Iha! woo1d not be comidered 11 a Communi8t pariY. as such." "ln prlvate talks we can raia any question," be aaid. "We may cooaider: any1 question they may raise." 'I1ileu said hls government wu not coocemed about what he called tM lm- pallence of the Am<rlcan public to end. the war 1n Vietnam. "Since we have had talks in Paris, I think the U.S. people have a better understandin@: of our attitudes and that of the communists," be siild. "The UDitod States is less impatient than before. "The people still believe that Praldent Nixon woold like to bring a settlement ol the war and is not a superbawk and would not like to win in a m1lltarY, way." From Pa9e J SEW AGE IN RIVER ..• blem was passed Monday, with the first hearing slated Thursday in Sacramento. The Assembly measure creaUng an • ad hoc study committee was co-sponsored by Assemblymen Robert Burke (R·Hun· tington Beach) and Robert E. Bad.ham (R-Newport Beach). Storm-spawned flood waters smashM. the Riverside sewer line two months ago. 1t for ced Orange County health authorilies to quarantine waters along several miles of beachfroat in Newport and Huntington BeaCh. It had been anticipated at the time that after the Jtiverside break was repaired, the beaches would be: reopened. But that won 't be the case, Phll Bet· ten court, Newport administrative aide• glumly reported Monday. Too many other agencies, be told coun· cilmen, are pouring both raw and treated sewage into the river. He sald .County Health Officer John R. Philp now estimates it will be at leail 60 days b e f or e the beachfront quar8ntine can be lifted. "The sewage, in most cases," said Bettencourt, "ls being treated, hut the bacteria count is still not low enough to permit bodily contact with the water." The area of contamination stretches from Newport Pier to the northern end of the litate beach in Huntington Beach. "The problem," 58id Bettencourt, "is more far-reaching than we had originally thought. Other users are discl;Jarging some 51 million gallons of sewage into the river that normally had been diverted in offstream channels for irrigation purposes. But the beds the sewage passed over were washed out by heavy rains. So it's all going into the river nov.;. and Into our coastal waters." He added : "If this had occurred during the sum· mer months, the problem would be much. worse. We'd have a very difficult time keeping people out of the water." Councilmen didn't find that very con· EOlln g. "It sounds like the Santa Ana River fs a giant open sev;er line," grumbled PJr~ons. "It just doesn't make sense that the Orange County sanitation districts should be spending millions of dollars on a five-mile-long ocean outfall and two sewage treatment plants, when right alongside us other agencies are using the river. "Eventually," he said, "that sewage is going to contaminate our underground water." County health chlef Philp, in a gloomy report submitted to councilman, listed these agencies as CQntributors to the river and ocean pollution: The ciUes of Redlands, San Bernardino, Colton, Rialto, Ontario and Chino. Other agencie! include the Jurupa Community Services District and the U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Lab at Norco. "Normally, under dry weather con- ditions," said Philp, "these (sewage ): flows never reach the ocean. However, during the present storm runoff situation, there is a continuous flow in the river to the ocean. "We expect the hlgh bacteria counts to continue as Jong as the river flows. which will probably be another twq months. In the meantime, the quaran~ remains in effect." Philp said the situation emphasizes the need for 11the establishment of bacteriological quality objectives" for the river. The outlook for the future, otherwise, ls bleak. "In years to come ,'1 said Philp, "con- tinued population growth of upstream communities wl!I generate increased sewage discharges and surface runoff to the river." · The short-range outlook isn't much brighter, city aide Bettencourt said. "The mountains now have a record snow pack," he noted. "When that starts melting ... " "This is not just a 1969 problem," concluded City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. "This is a conUnuing problem.'1 Councilmen unanimously directed hlm to see that the city is represented ·at the sewage hearings in Sacramenfu" Thursday. Ex-mayor and councilman Paul J. Gruber was also assigned to make the trip. Zoo Trip Scheduled A trip to the San Diego Zoo will be sponsored by the Huntington Beach Parks and Recreation Department April 4. A $2 fee will be charged for bll:r transportaUon and entry to the IOO. • '• DECORATOR .· • AND MODEL HOME ' RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top c;>uality Brand Namei A Decorator's. Dream Home Is On bisplay Over Sl00,000 Worth of Spa'9ish & Mediterranean. Furniture to Choose From! If.mt •• foRowt: &ort•ou• I ft. eu1fom C\uilfecl 1of• with ••p•rete p1Rows wlth heeyy oak frim dee.or and matching chair, l matchlnt 01k occasional teble1, 12) SI" till decorator lamps, h1n9in9 chein 1w19 lamps In Wroutht iron, '" l 0 1tlec.e •1n9 1i1e ma1ter bedroom suite in ;-can panefad ·Mecflt1rr1ne1l'I styJ• with top qualify 15 ye1n warranty king sin mattress •nd box 1prin91, Spanuh llilflklt set, etc, ' J Any piece c•n he purch.Ased h1diYldllMl!ft'(. Or.p liy and ••• o•r ••lectlort ol top quelity Spe:ni1h and MeCllferrenean filrnthM ••. f1ntt1tic1lly priced! COMPLITI HOUSIFUL WAS IM. $1Ul.OO . COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGUARLY $15~8.00 MUST SACRIFICE POR ONLY 5698°0 II IJ 1:ur11ifurt> 1844 Nowpo rt Blvd . Co•ta Mc•a (only I l•«i .,.,~, .,, <; w.·.i \01 ~ \,." ·,11 fo I • Tl!RMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS .- ,_ . ! • l • • ' I. I , • ' • • I • . ! ' I ! ' I I ' . I • • r I • I I I I l • I I f . I . I • . • . • • • ,._, ____ ., ______ ,_...__,.....__.,_..,...,.....,.__., ___________ ,....__.....,_ _ _,,.,.., -· --------... \ . DAii. Y P!l.llf • . DISCOUNT SUPERMARKETS ;:;~ ~~ ,::L~;;;~ 1 EVERYDAY LOW ·DISCO.ONT PRICES Fresh & lean GROUND BEEF U.S.D.A. Choice TOP SIRLOIN STEAK1 lontleu s 29 LB. . U.S.D.A •. Choice PORTERHOUSE STEAK s 09 LB. ROUND u.s.D.A. Choice 39c RUMP u.s.D.A. Choice 79c PORK STEAK lontlels lb ROAST lone-In lb CHOPS Fanner John 69C Center Cut lb ~~~~~~~~~~~- 1 TOP or BOTTOM 93c BONELESS u.s.D.A. cholc• 39c CHICKEN Legs. Breasts, 49c ROUND STEAK $£ lb RUMP ROAST lb PARTS 9uarttrStction lb ·SIRLOIN u.s.D.A. choic• 93c ROTISSERIE 39c SLICED 39c TIP STEAK lb ROAST U.S.D.A . Choice lb BACON Ra·Corn lb DISCOUNT FIODN FOODS DISCOUNT DRI. • DAllY BANQUET DINNERS :::::. 31 ¢ BISCUITS :=-:;-.:.---''"'"'"" 8" "~-..... ,, MEAT PIES :~.::...."""' 18¢ ........ WNCH MEATS ::."':.:;.. 26¢ ENCHILADAS ~~~... 36¢ CHEESE ::::-.,._ ·-89¢ APPLE PIES t::;:-;... 69¢ MARGARINE ~,':"'~: 16¢ POTATOES ::,..!;-.... 91¢ COTTAGE CHEESE .:::-;... 31 ¢ Dlici5iJAT ~~DI I llCT ol~CSDAT ~csm1 1 ~111g111 ROUR -·-61¢ ·-(P'1""'9-M"'-"'-.....M~ ............ .,,.,,..,., ....... COFHE 1·111. tkl 68c ROUR ·~-38¢ ...... 1.N P'•lllllY ' .... HI COFHE -69¢ oc-Wlltr 9ll'leMf 66¢ .... Kit SALT ..... •""""1•1111 89¢ .......... TEA BAGS ,.._ ._ .. 9¢ TABLE SALT ~'. ;:;:'"' COFFEf MATE .......... •· 1.09 .......,.,.. ., ·-11¢ C&H SUGAR • ....... DISCOO@T MdiClN SHCIXLITIH lillCoDAT llDCI • ,....,.... 9¢ REFRIEDBWIS =.~ ... -28• TOMATO SAUCE -••· MENll)() -· 46¢ STEAK SAUCE ~';" • .:-::::~"' 44¢ u,,. ·~ .. ROUR ... ,_ 1.19 .... MEAT SAUCE t;:..... .... 62¢ SPAGHETTISAUCE .-:.... 24¢ RED SPANISH SAUCE t::.::~. 32¢ PANOCHA .::: ... 29¢ CA TSUP =",'::. ..... 24¢ Dl~&DA1 IAIY '881 11Rl5DAT VIHTAILIS STRAINED BABY FOOD ~ -9¢ TOMATOES =:' -22• SIMILA( ·-26¢ CUTBHTS ~...,_ 18¢ , .... """'" .... H¢ PW .._ 23¢ SIMILAC D•L •tttr• .... --. STRAllD BABY FOOD _.. 10¢ PORll 1nd BEANS ~ 16¢ • CHOPPED BABY fOOO -. 16¢ CHIU BUNS ...... 29tl "'--"'- • • DISCOUNT HOUSIHOLD DISCOUNT PAPll BlllCH ~":':;;.!''::~. 36• PAPER NAPKINS :i::?.• 11• DISINFECTANT ~.::. -:.. &B• TOllET TISSUE ::. :::."'· 21¢ mn WOOL PADS :;'!., -29¢ TOllET TISSUE £:::::~... 26• FABRIC SOFTENER ::::: ·-19¢ WAX PAPER r1~1~11 26¢ CllillR :~-;-;,i:o• 68¢ AWMINUM FOIL :~: ... 24¢ lill~BDA! Pn R5i515 1511Cl5uAT ClllXCI CATFOOO L.nl Hiii l.MJ-'lf T-14¢ WHEATIES •....ic111t c-1 48¢ ... _ ....... 1 ............ CAT CHOW ::"" 89¢ CORN RAKES ~::-: ....... 38¢ DOG FOOO .... 1¢ OATS Qhk.,_. ... ff Olllrlr 29¢ Till Jft. I U~ 1 ... 1. .... 16¢ WHEAT GERM ~-::~:::: '" 42¢ SKl~PY "~· ....... DOG CHOW r.-:.:, 1.29 CREAM of WHEAT ='.::.."'.:. 46¢ DllC8DAT l51CI I IR81ftAIRll DllCZ5DAT ~llR i '1ARll5 EIEA Tl WESSON OIL ........ -89¢ TUNA Cllldl• " Ille ... 31¢ Olllllll ...., -· SALAD OIL :=. 31¢ CORMB> BEEF ~::-::. 63¢ CORNOIL -69¢ CORNED BEEF HASH :.:·: .. 46¢ --SHORTBllNG ~";. -.~::. 66¢ VIENNA SAUSAGE !:.~':.. 26¢ OUYE OIL ....... l-4lllfl'i1tlll 81¢ CHICIBI .. __,_ 38¢ ...... ....,. Dlrll5DAT PICIUS I llBllAI • lil~l5DAT AUnl I JDlell SAW DRESSlllG :.o:i :>:.. 61¢ APPLESAUCE ~-26¢ MAYONNAISE :::. '::"' 68¢ FRINT COCIT AIL ~ "' ~ 38¢ SA~ DRESSlllG ::::".:' 43¢ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ?,•• 46¢ ICEBERG Dill STIW 5-C-:"':." 63¢ TANG .............. 93~ Lt,.. lkt. l•r • ......... DrlNI ITALWI DR£SSll6 .=., 36¢ VEGflABlf COCKTAIL :;_ ~" 36¢ D j{I) 1Jll~ I GOLDEN RIPE "CHl9UITA" BANANAS Delicious Vint Ripened Cant'lpe SWEET TEXAS RUIY RED GRAPEFRUIT Fresh Tender Swtet CARROTS HOLLAND DUTCH BAKERY llJWfll§~WJ\YJW Van de Kamp's 1IJ ifl\IJllJ\11\11'\lf DISCOUNT SUPERMARKETS 19th & HARBOR STORE HOURS: Mon. lhru Sat. 10 a.m. • 9 p.m. , COSTA M'ISA Sun. 10 ·a.m. • 1 p.m . • • • -·-- \ J O DAll.Y PllDT LEGAL NO'flCB .__ ClaTt•KATI Of' I USUllES' PIC1'1TIOUI NAM• l'-~ .... c.rtlt• M It. <WIOIWo;lil>I e lllnl-ti 'HH ~'"'' AM A .... , C.lo ~. C•U ...... lt , ulldftt ttw lldltlOut nr111 llllM *' JIM'S DI LIVllltY SIRVICI •l'ld tftal wole """ .. ~ ., !tie i.iiowc .. "--· """*" -In fllll .... 11i..c. ., ""lclMcoo .. I S IOll!nn: J•!Mt ,. • '""*~ Ml' le"'• ~ A¥1., C.ta Me&•, Cell'°"" .. Oeftd IMrdl 11, 1Ht JI"'" I' ll••l .ll'ATI! OF U.,LIFOIU~lA l OllANGI! COUHTY ) • Oii ~ U, !Mt, t.fort IN, I ~ .... ,. ll'llltlk ... ... ,., lolkl '''"'· _._!It' _.,1111 J111nH P. llrook1 .....,..., ,. -"' .. '"-.,.,._ """°" Mint h .-crt~ lo it,. wfll\lft 111-~tovrnt!lt .... tdlnO'Wledffd ,. _II .... --· 1~5"1) J-91 t:. O.vfl Nott"' Pllblk: • C1llflot11l1 PrlrKINI Ofl'I.:. In °'"'"'" CounlV M• C-h.tklll Elitlrft JUnt 21, ltN P..ctll~l>td cw.nve c.,..1 01J1y 1'11111. Mt •dl \&. 11 tnd Al!rll I, t, lMt .SC..ff LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Nea rly Everyon e 'Listen s' to landers H Y our Coming Piiot, ..... ~Uni. 57).4it March Worth A two-percent increase in local busi:.ess activity during February was reported today by O. c. Adams, manager of Security Pacific National Bank's Costa Meaa branch. Activity was 14 percent greater than a year ago, u measured on the b a n t • s Southern California business index \1957·59 .. 100). The estimated business in- dex reading for February is l!H.2, up from 190.4 in January and from 170.4 a year ago. Adams reported particularly strong department store sales la st month. Among other seasonally adjusted economic components: Bank clearings advanced moderately, con- struction i n c r e a s e d frac· 29 Family ~ekly The Truth About Nursing Homes By JAMES C. G. CONNIFF What do we do wit h oging parents who "'"'t be placed in nuning hom~? Th is e~lighte~i ng article examines the quest10" and g1yes 9u1de- lines for good st<inda rds.. ALSO e DOLLARS AND SENSE -A banking oxecu· live makes some practical suggestions about bow to t.e.acb yOur children abou t n1oney. e FRILLY FROC K TIME -Cover photo lea· tures a child or the season - a delightful little tad of a Jtirl fll dressed up !or spring. • HIS THREE LOW:f-Profile of actor Peter O'Toole, '~'ho has a fine Irish temper. tem· pered by judgment, and why he's troubled at lbe crcsl orb.ls career. All Coming Saturday in lhe I DAILY PILOT I I ,• I I I tlonaUy and real estate declined moderately. ----------Clip and Mall To: McCombs SecurJtlff, UOO E. Co.st Hwy., C.b .M. No. of Tickets .. , •.• N•m• (Pt•••• Print) •....•••...•........•...•.••.• Address •..... , , • , •.• , ... , •... Cily .. , .•.• , . , . , •• , .•...•. Zip ....••.•• , Unable to Attend, Stnd No Obliga lion Information ' ............. . " -------------------------------- .. • • • • • • • • • I· I ' 1. 1 · I: ' .. " "' ' ., " .. " " " " " •, • ·. ' ; , • ·-. ) H nAJlY "t.or 11 Tuesday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List 1 u; m t~ ..... l,';"' o lJO • lU,\1111• 'Im ..... Y!!f'I" "' ll ~-'llll ' = ~ ll .. f:"...:.: • • • ' • \ " .... ' .. ,. -·~ • Gre\\' f\\•ice ;1s f;1st ;1s tl1e 11afitt11' s l;1r91est. UIDPleenwars to save did 11. We reached our first billion dollars in 35 years ... twice as fast as the Nation's Largest. Our recent merger brought the four Wilshire Federal offices into the Glendale family, giving us 22 very 22 OFFICES NOW SERVE SOUTHERN CALIFORNiA • ' • I I \ I I thought it was their new offices in Monrovia, Chatsworth, Costa Mesa & Mid -Wilshire. convenient offices. Each of which pays you highest earnings everyday, any day, even overnight on all our Umpteen Ways to Save. Nobody pays you more, more often. Come see us soon. Arcadl.I 100 South First Ave nue/Bnerty HIUI 175 South Beverly Drive/Canoga Part 7119 Topanga canyon Boulevard/Chltnrorth .2182'.I Devonshire Street/CO.ta MIN 1833 Newport Boulevard/Downey 9030 Stonewood StrHl/E Mom. 10952 Valley Mall/F..Utrton 320 North Harbor Boulevard/a..,. .. (Main Office) 401 North Brand Boulevard/Long Beach 5535 Stearns Street/Mkl~......,. 3500 Wilshire Boulevard/Monroril 535 South Myrtle Avenut/llofftrMe 2350 Honolulu Avenue/ Newport ltldt 23S3 Eul Coast Hlghwoy/Pocltlc P•H-15215 S..0111 Boulovord/P-722 Eut Cotor1do Boutewrd/S.. -658 Wnl Ninth Stroet/Shlnnln Om 13730 RIYOrlldl Drive/SNdlo Clly 12191 Ven1Ur1 Boulovvd/Torronco 3832 Slpulvedl llool1V1rd/V-• 472 Soulh Milla Ro1d/W01lwood V1lllgo 1090WHlwood lloollVlrd THE NATION'S $ECOND LARGEST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION WHERE YOUR llONl!Y EARNI THE NATION'S HIGHEST RAT! GLENDALE FEDERAL 5°' 51301 5 25°' SAVINGS -.... .,_.,.,. 10 ~URRENT ANNUAL RATE / • 10 cuR~ENT .lNNUAL YIELD / . • IO a YEAR BONUS ACCOUHTI ... '.~ ( Today's Final ' N.'Y. Stoeks ' VOL. 62, NO. 72. 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE 'COUNTY, ·CALIFORNIA i UESDAY, MARCH 2S, '1969 .TEN CENT . Flower Power . t • Pacifica Plan Rejected Planning Gro11:p ~ Won't Sanction Second Hospital ·By 'MUJAM REED an llO-bed speclallzed hospital, Robert ot .... o.11r '~"' 11.n -· Zinngrabe, owner ol the convalescent Sancjjon· for Paclllca Hospital In Hun· hospital which was to be converted tc> ilngton,.Beach was refused f01' the HBH the specialized facility, asked for and Corp ind Its ·president' Dr. George A. obtained approval ot. the planners for Krmpoticb Monday by the Orange C.Ounty a "Type L" convalescent hospi~I, a llospita\ Planning Association. faclUty for caring foi mentally ill pa· ,A~Jmowledging . that there is ah im· tient.s. mediate need for at least 80 addiUonal The action by the association came lioSpltAJ .beds in the city, the planning at the end of an emotionally charged boardrunanimougly extended sanction to afternoon wlth a face to face con- HunUngton Intercommunity Hospital for fro'iltat.ion on the proposals for providing construction of a second nursing tower hospital beds in Huntlitgton Beach. The on Beach Boulevard near Newman meeting was at St. Joseph 's Ho:;pital Sireet. in Orange. i:_ Defeated in his bid . for:. approval of Zlnograbe, who is a member of the planning assoclauon; did not partlclpste ln debate of the boaplt.al propo6itions, but personaUy presented hLs case for the fac!Uty to care for JDt!ltal patients. Hospital Consu1tant 1\ol.>ert Barton, speaking for Huntington lntercommunity, 'told Ult board that Ult hospi"'1 I• alttady nearlng its capacity and that "we needed these extra bed! some two moilths ago." William Powen, representing the com- pany which owns and operates both Hun- tlngton lntereommunlty and Westminster hospitals, uld It will take some ti montho to build a second ll.5 million, four story tower and to open the 80 beds. Dr. Knnpotich said his group could have Pacifica Hospital open for businen "by January, 1970." A large group,.of doctors attending the meeting was in- troduced as members of the board of directors of the HBH Corp: They too agreed that there is a need immedlatelY. for more hospital beds. Thomas Broderick, appointed ?ttonday as ronsulting administrator for the Paeiflca Hospital, t-Old the planners that he and his group "are unhappy with the staff of the plaruting association'' and protested what he called "obvJOU8 discrimination" in favu-of the bid or (See HOSPITAL, Page I) Tlareaten Recall ~.~~-· A vase of brilliantly colored flo\vers greeted the morntn~ shift at the H!-Jn~gton Beach Police Department today. Desk Off1-;er Warren Btscruluz paused long enough from .his telephone duties to explain that the flowers had been left by a secret admirer, Tiz spring and who sez policemen are unpopular? SA River Described as 'Giant Sewer' Valley Residents f.' i ' Rap Small Lots ! By JEROlllE F. COLLINS Of IM O.llJ' PIMT Stiff Ike in 'Grave' Condition; Fears Expressed for Life Newport Belch city councllmen Mon· day were appalled to learn that the Santa Ana River bu become -in the words of Vice ?ttayor Lindsley: Parsons-11a giant open sewer line." The city staff reported it may be months .before the fouled riverbed and polluted coastal waters are cleared up. WASHING TON (UPI) -Doctors treating former President Dwight D. Eisenhower described his latest heart arruclion a:; "severe." They said his condition is "guarded" and wouJd not predict whether he could overcome this latest threat to his life. 1 Walter Jteed Anny Hospital issued a mid-morning bulletm-saying the 78-year. old general spent a restful night and that he was having less breathing trou- ble. However, the doctors said the con· gestive heart failure afflicting the general was "severe." They were asked if his case was mild, moderate or severe and, in a single-word reply, characterized it as severe. Cigarette 'Get,s Blame for Fire At T oivn 'Ce1tter A cigarette falling tG a seat at the Town and Country Jnn in Huntington Beach has been blamed for a fire which early Sunday morning caused a n estimated $90,000 damage to structure and contents. Firemen sent three engine companies and the snorkel truck to battle the f~ at Beach Boulevard south of Ellis Avenue. The alarm came in at 3:3t a.m. and the flames were out at 3:45, according to fire department spokesman. Damage is estimated at $20,000 to the structure and $70,000 to furnishings. Most damage was from smoke and heat, firemen said. No one was injured in fighting the early morning blaze. The fire was the second in a little Jess than three months in the Town and Country Shopping Center. Last Dee. 26, a $40,000 blaze destroyed the Universal Beauty College. Police suspect tbat the fire was set lo cover a burglary. Firemen said the Sunday blaze ap- parently began after a cigarette or an a!htray fell to a seat and began to smolder. After the inn was closed, it burst into flame. Oil Blobs Noted On City's Beach · Scattered blotches or oil have -been washing up on the sand !Or' ther pil.St week at the Huntington Beach city beaches. but lifeguard officials say tho oJr is no problem. "The worst patch or It was . about a week ago,'' said a spokesman for the city department of beaches al'ld harbors. To date, all oil ..tb&t ~bit& the. local saod is quicklr dJ$lctd. ortd~ abo\.lt ·J2· inches of sand by beach crews. City officials feel that current oil i.• drlfling down from the great leak ln Santa Bartiar1, but have sighted no large patches of straw-filled oil n e a r Jftln. llnglon Beoch. Tile only large blotch rtported thu• far wu sten last wetk by city officials 11e1r Newport BtacboBalboa. L o c a I Ulaguards, however, said the 111lc~ presents no tllreat to JlwlUngtolJ 1klcb. 1 Medical authorities aay a patient suf· The dJ.Jclosure dampened co u n c i I fering fro!Jl severe heart conge1Uon ~nlhusiasm over newt that: normally may tie expected to respond -A broken main sewer line in to therapy in 8 day or two. Eisepbo~'s · Riverside.bad beert repaired and effluent doc~rs reported MOQ!iay .that tM con-. from that dty was no Ioager., being . •'-'-"' .:i'..i. dlscbatged Info the Sn\a.1\na River, ~i::a';;.~~ w-,..cl mi.~ "'""''°""1 -An :Asoombly 1"iolution calllng far e,late be~. Oft .iiVtrJltW&ge ~ 'rbe. Hcljll'r. In .ep10•411iorq,w • ·"'' · .-' ~ ..._. .., • Mid Ibo. 1atesl crGll ..... ,Jft<lpllat.d " ' -.. ~ ., ' in large part by the previom · aeven. ...._.__.._..., __ _. ____ _ heart 'attacks suflered· by Eiaenhower p' REP BASKEmB.4.LI'' -four of them OC<tirrlng . alnct 1as1· I LI April 29. He bas been in Walter Reed since last May and auffered three of, GA.ME ·CALLED OFF: the attacks here. · Asked about the chances t b a t Eisenhower can pull through bis latest crisis, the doctors said: "It is impossible to predict the ultimate outcome at this time. Gen. Eisenhower has .. atways shown rem arkable' recuperative power during past iJ.. Jnesses." Eisenhower's wife Mamie and his son John stayed near the Strite where Eisenhower continued to receive in- tensive treatment. He was receiving ox· ygen regularly as the doctors sought to get enough oxygen~riched blocxf'flow. ing through his body. The latest problem with congestive heart failure wu detected in the general JO days ago, but was not disclosed for almost a week. Orange County's annual high school a1l-star buket,ball 1aibe ia off this year. The summer pr e p classic at Orange Coast College. was . voided when ap-. plication ··tor its certification was in- advertently submitted b e y o n d the deadline imposed by .the governirig Na· &funal Collegiate Athletic AssociaUon. Such. players as r.tike Contreras and Roy llliller (Huntington Beach ); Jeri Powers (Wtsbnin!ter); Eric Christensen {San Clemente}; Steve Leech and Chris Thompson (Corona del Mar); Ralph Chando! (Mater Del) will forfe it the opportunity to participate in the battle between th! best Orange County seniors. Elmer Combs of Huntington Beach was to have coached the South. For details, see Sporta today, 'Page 17. RunUngton Beach m,lt Schooi 1c;r11 pradlc" for final eliminations Fridll)' In COplpeUUon that win delermlne yell 1-ders next year at Olltr caaip ::-hlrL ' . - ' . A growing number· of FOl,lntaln Valley residents are speaking out on 1he possi· bility of residential lots smaller ·than the minimum 7,200 square feet and on the Larwin Trad· which proposes homes on lots as small as 5,000 square feet. Their voices call for the council ta respond favorably to their opposition to the small-lot tract or faoe possible recall action. A barrage of letters to the editor and to members of the City Council, which reviews the rontroversial matter begin· nlog JI 7 ·o'clock tonight at ei!Y. hall, pro(est& \lie ci>undI acfion· FrldAf nflhl in ..i.,.;ng to overt"'!'· _!be <Plannlnc' COniMllin<-ellOWl111 lbe ll'J<:l. .' A Jetter sent fO CounciJman Jotepb Couneges, who voted for the tract, said that "we do not want substandard housing on substandard lots being built in our city. "Let them build, 1f they want, but make them do it according to ·the min· imum lot size of 7,200 square feet set down by you." The letter is signed by Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts of 8679 El Costa Circle, Writers, which number 20, all express fear that building small homes-25 per· cent of the P!~d 500 homes will have less than I~ &<\uar, .feet-will ca · problems !Ji'tht <:ity. • " ' "Don't allOW' yoor elected offldals to reduce the quality of your cltr. by • {Ste URWIN, P11e %J. '-*'1-* *** T!ACHE'R HONORED Fountain· Vallef'• ·Hanna Controversial Small Lot Valley Teacher Hanna Honored Hear!ng Set for Tonight Richard L. Hanna was named Fountain ValleY's Outstanding Y~ung Educator Mon'day night at a Junior Chambez: of Commerce banquet. A special hearing on the proposed Larwin Tract will be continued at 7 o'clock tonight by the Fountain Valley City Council in councll chambers. Friday night, councilmen heard four and one-half hours or testimony from citizens who oppose the proposed small· JOt planned development between Talbert and Ellis Avenues and Newland and Magnolia Streets, More than 100 citizens showed up at .. . Friday's meeting to voice their opposition to the Larwin Tract. Councilmen dead-locked in a 2 to 2 vote on whether to stop the Larwin Company's tentaUve tract map or ap- prove it, and decided lo continue the hearing to April 1. Jack Parker, substituting for city at· torney Elhvin Martin who declared special interest in the Larwin Tract, told councilmen they had an Indefinite amount of time to consider the appeal on the Larwln Tract's approval. Sunday, Parker called Ctty Manager · James Neal to tell him that a review of the Business and Professional Code showed that the council only had seven days from Friday to take action. Parker !aid if the council takes no action wlUtln seven days of the hearing on the appeal (last Friday), the Planning Commission's approval of the Larwin Tract will be automatically upheld, Notices were sent Monday 'to coun- cilmen and local newspapers, notifying them of tonight'! meeting. Cycle Accidents In Seal Beach Hospitalize Two Separate motorcycle acciden!JI in Seal Beach Tuesday resulted in t b e hospitallzaUon of a 19-year old girl and Hanna, an eighth grade teacher at Fulton School will represent Fountain Valley at a statewide OUt!tandlng YOUng Educator program tc be held in Whittier April.J2. . The teicher is a giaduate Cl f Westminster High SChool, hold! a B. A. degree from Whittier College an d an M.A. degree from Cal State Long Beach. His teaching · career began in l966 at the seventh grade level. Ray to Change Plea ' SAV.ANNAH, Ga. {AP) -Jamu Earl Ray definitely will change his plea ta Innocent in the assassination of Dr. MarUn Luther King Jr. and will have a new trial, the. head of the National States Rigbt.'l .party announced tQday. Edw~ R. Field.!, NSRP chairman. said he made the announcement on behalf of J . B. Stoner, NSRP vice chairman. Re -!aid Stoner w o u I d represent Ray ln the cue. Stork Marketa NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed on a fairly even ketl today. Trading slowed near the end. (See quota. tloos, P~ges 10-11). Orang!' a S2·year old man. · W th Richard D. Laws, of 1$7 B•Y St., ea er was treated for scratches and !CJ'apes The hOt winds die down today, at' Leng Beach community. Hatpll.fl alter ub5ut, 1 Ultwwhilanne. Wwednea~~ .. ~!1ll be00Uw00i~ 1 coll1!lon with an automobile 1•t 1:35 ...........,. .. a.m. al the intersection o( Coast Highway is for 75-type temperatures alona and 12th Street. Driver of the car wu the coast, rising to 80 degrees i.n- VirgU Sutton, 581 Qf 1503 Oce¥' Ave.. . . land. The> second """*nt oci:ured· 1t..2:111 INSmE 'l'AnA_Y. p.nt. Oii Bay · Bou1'vaid ... 1i>uth 'II ' 1 ". , · -.,_~ .. .• · WeslmlM•ri·A•enue w~• • motor<~• j T~•(.,.""1!1Jl".iQu.. "'" ra"li• -tb~. clrlven'W'lf.rt'aro<ildl-t H18tn:falt· ·, mo\ltU frJr SI'S•• Mat.,'• cri«cal • ed· t0·1it~•ti a turVe: 'hit • CO!J1"nt , . jki.lniv trarupl<mt II faltlring • litt..tdl-r ilMt 1 l!lddl•~ ~ : aitll mor• he!p ii Mecl<d, /!age I. '"""~·~j!![t~~~1t!:. 10·1··\.,__.. I.:.;..,. . •. -• • UI ·.,-ngtt\ !~... Lii .. I ~, . CltnlflM 1•1l Mftlft 1e ~ ea.rment~. St., Cerrltor., fell from ~ "•=:=:.,. U =..": ~ machintle;IUtftriftg· injurJa. to htr lei:, l.,._ Nttlftt • or~ ""'fY • le~ :t. "-•I ... ol .. • • • ' l · • 1 ~ , ~I "'" t trl\11 .....-.. 11 """ o,;uwo.,• ' • F._., 11 Sllttll Mtwt 1Jolt he B "tlWh ·lfr :anbM~I' to>. UJs ·.. I • 1•11 '"""' lf.17 ' ,..',.. &...l'n~<'>J..1.i;· ............ , Plff'C6 I lttdl Mwfileh 19ol1 AlaJhi~ ~ne.._.,. miapua l<lt emtr)l" ' •~ ..._, ,, ,."'"""' 11 treatment:. kigan, wfxt uves •t JS ~ ;: ='= ': 21.tth Street, Hawallan Gardens, eacaped M11-.. , ..,.. ,..... .,. wilurt. • ~ • . I l • • ... J OAp..Y •!LOT 0 1 ' ..._ \I \. Jets Batter Red~''. Saigon Infiltration Routes SAIGON (UPI) -Five fllgh!J ol BU --°'"""'mlll lllllllnlloa nMM towed-.. loill1 llllld no6rla ... ·. . .. '1111· def-r= HI l\lenlllaa ; Wb bi Parll," ~Nld. V- the U.S. comm.anil hi.I sought Presldtnt NI.ion's go.ahead for raids against Com- munist camps In Cambodia, ~·here lhe lnliltraUon beg!M. ~ "'f!:'m~ ...tr lllllr ~;!, ".!!,! C.., ~ •• .id llio llao!!ldo -.. llllo ... 1111 .., ..wt ... ~iii-....,.. drl-= • llm-.hA Jloulh VWnameii cliioi ' -South V,letum. • and .Allied military camps. In Da Nang1 ~mttican IOUrCflS aald the Communists Marine Conunander Lt. Gen. Robe.rt E. were supporting most of their offenilve ln the ground war, Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers shtlled the northern province capital (If ~ang Ngai and fought Allied defenders on three 1ides of the city Monday and today. Cushman Jr. said the otfentlve could from a string of a dozen bases just co.~Unue for "~any rnont~s." lnstde neighboring Cambodia, free from The enemy is hwbanding his person.. U.S. attacks. Most oI lhe guerrilla threat nel and logistic resources so he can to Salton stems !rom tbese Cambo<tiaa continue to operate during the peace btVQUact. , From Pqe 1 HOSPITAL ... Hurdngton lntercommunity." "We pvi..t Ibo delay. We did not wm I confronuitioo, but If that tllS what you want we are willing,'' be t~d Ibo hoopltal plann<n. He d!al'11'd that claim.I of bacldng for the HlH facillty were by "vested interests" and that his project bu been subject to "hara&m1.ent" u It wu ap- proved by the city's Board of. Zoning Adjustments. "HunllngU>n Beach 11 growing toward a populaUon of 250,000. Can anyone think of a city ol that size anywhere witb only OM hotpltal?" Broderick asked. There waa no answer. Doctors claimed Ulat Iller< Is a waiting list oC as long as 11 days for ICbeduling SIJl1ery and empba51zed that the "major problem of HlH Is bed space." "l)oc.. tores," several ol the board mtmbers ol the llBH Corp clalmed, .. ..,, dlaen- cban(ed with Ibo hoopttal ... The planners noted that the average occupancy rate ol lhe boopltal bu been 67 ptrttnt. "It does not make aeme to me that people are dying Jn am· bulance1 at that rate," 1 planner said. On a ahow of hands a moti<m to approve Pacifica Hospital waa turned down 7 to 2. Unanimoua approval was given to HIH by the same mew. NO CONV ALEM:ENT When the room cleared, Zinngrabe uk· ed that hla application for a convalecent holpital be withdrawn. ••1 have no need for· Ille convaleocent facility wllhout Ibo hoepital," be explained. He thtn asked for approval of a facility for mental paUenta. "We are ready to bteai ground in two weeks." INFORMATION -Scouts and League of Women Voters are cooper· sting to infonn public through informational leaflets about series of "meet the candidate" nJghts for school board aspirants. From left are Mn. R. E. Potes, Karen Potes, 9, and Leslie McGeorge, 14. Plannera agreed that "theie 11 a desperate need for 'l)'pe L iacllltles in Ibo COllllty" and 1llllnimouai¥ l[JIROVed hi11ppllcalion. Zinngr1be r<fuaecl omunent wbtn uk· ed !I he lntencl1 to bulld ~clf1ca llolpllal de•pil• r<fuAl ol aancUoo by Ibo plan- ""'-'Ille AJaoclatl<lo Is ... -a<lvtiy board and It. refusal of aanction would not -m!y prevent Ibo llBH Corp 1rom building anyway. Or. Knnpotich said onJy "B'.lthing'' when a3ked about the possiblllty of somelhlng else·bappenlng oo Ibo boopltal application. City Officials said today that Zinngrabe tias a u~ perm.Jt for a convaJeacent hospital which might include u.se a.s a fadUty for caring for patients with menial pvhlerna, Zlnngrabe said the paUtnta would be "very much like aome of the Hnile patient. we. now have at Huntington Be.tel> Coovalesceot Hoopllal." Youth 'Governs' Fountain Valley Youth took a fling at city government In Fountain Valley today. About 15 atudenls from Lo! Ami1os High Sctb:ll as.rumed poaJUons in city hall u part of the schoo1'1 youth day. City department heads, police and fire officials all had young WKleratudies, who were learning the ropes Jn local govern- ment throughout the day. "We're clauroom l.nstructon: for 1 day," commented City Manager James Neal. hl\11 'I' 1'11111 OUXlll ~ PUl lttHIHll ~IJIT lekrt N w ... .,....,... 11111 Mlllflitt J•c" It. c,,1:r ..... ,.,. .. .,,. ~ ~ .. n'"''' w .... n ••11er '""'''·A. Mw,111~• Mtlwl"' lflfw .. Al~11rt W. l1t1• Wllllent lli1• r A-l•lt HllfllkletM tM<flt i.i11tt crrr 11•1tw H ......... l111lO,.._ Jtf Ith SINef M11ll111 A.Ur1111 P.O ..... no, t2MI --~ 9Hal; m1 ..,.., .. ._........,. C..-M9tt r .. WM! t1, llflrl ~ 1-.c11: m ,.,... ,..,.,.,.. School Board Candidates . Meeting Nights Scheduled • Candidate meetings will be held Wednesday and Thursday nights for aspirants to seats on the governling boards of Huntington Beach Union HJgh. School Ol3trict and Seal Beach and Foun· tain Valley elementary school dlstricls. Seal Beach candidate.s and the high school candidates meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at McGaugh Intermediate School, Seal Btacb. The meeting is sponsored by the League of Women Voters, local PTA, the Woman 's Club, Junior 'Voman's Club, Girl Scoutll, ~fiirina Busine3s and Profess Ion 1 l Woman's Club and Play Group C:OOp Nursery School. Marina to Give Romantic Play · ''The Lady's Not For B\µ'tllng ," a 15th Century romanUc comedy, wilt be presented by HunUngton Beach's Marina High School ThW'Sday, Friday and Saturday. The student play will be 3t1ged at a p.m. each night in the school's cafeteria. General admlsslon tickets will be sold at tht door for $1. Appearlng in the cast wlll be Chris Leland as Thomas, Sue Salaiz as Bennet, Llsa Hockney as 111argarel, ~tike Ll'ddy as Richard. Tommy Woods as Alizon and Larry Shyer 13 Nicholas. Also scheduled to appear in the play, dirceted by Becky Ayers are Chris Fraenza as Tyson, Joe Saunders as Hum· phrey, Ron Rosr u TapJ)l'!:rcoom. S~eve Hogan as Sk.ipps and Bill \Yr ight 113 the chaplain. Valley Sumn1er Session Okay~d Tnu-of the Founlaln Valley School District have approvtd a summer school program for thll year. Summer lchool wtll begin July I ind end August 1, with clwe1 being taught Mond1y through Friday from 1:30 a.m. to 12:30,.p.m. at each ol the schools. Includ~ in the program will be btgln- ning a n d lntermedlate instrument1l mutlc courses at Fount.in Valley School, a rpeech and l1nguage development (Jass at Fulton SChool ind 1 readlng ~IJnlc provided In cooper11Uon with Cal State Lona Beach. Realstrallon forms are tvallable at each of lhe school$ In the d1strict. Parenti art advised to rtgl1ler their children 11 urly a1 poulble. EnroUment 11 open to Jll 11.udenb curnnUy t a k I n g classea at Fountain Valley Schools, ranging from kin· dergarten to seventh grnde. On Thursday night the Fountain Valley Candidates are invited to join the high school district candidates at 7:30 p.m. at Fountain Valley High School, Bushard Street at Talbert Avenue. An informal coffee session will precede each meeting with speakers beginning at 8 p.m. each night. The public, which l1 invited to attend t.he informational meetings, will have an opportunity to ask questions of the candidates, ac· cording to the League officials. From Page 1 LARWIN ••. quantity of low C06t housing," pleads 1.frs. John M. Hudak of 9074 Pelican Ave. A letter signed by Mr. and ?-.1rs. Ken· neth J. Braman of 1851S Santa Tomasa Circle, points out that about 500 homes are to be built between Talbert and E!lis avenues west of Magnolia street. One.fourth of the home are to be on lots of 5,000 square feet in area. Some 32.l are to be built on lots ranging· from 5,200 to 5,500 square feet. 'Ille letter clalfns that about one·.fourth of the homes will be small, tw<H>edroom unlla, COUNTING PARK City officials baci.lng the project claim that the tract will average closer to the city's minimum of 7,200 square feet per lot II 1 park being requittd by the city is counted into the lo( avtragu. "There I.! not a $200,000 savings to the city with rtgard to the park, a3 claimed by both the mayor and vice mayor. The claim is that It would C06t in uces1 of $100,000 to sod and install sprinkler systems on 12'>i acres of EdiJon ease- ment ls disputed by several resident landscapers who say that a retail price ()f $35,000 would put sod, sprink1en and 5hade trees over the entirt area." Mn. Hudak tummed the message ol many writers with her asking ~·wnat happt!fttd to the planned community of beaudful Fountain Valley of which we were so J>N!Ud with its quality home11 decent sized loU. planned park areu and exceptlonal achool!?" PEOPLE'S WISHES She, u many others, cllhned that approval ·ot the Larwln Tr1ct "would be In direct oppooillon to Ibo delhu of the people." To Councllman Coumgres, one ol the foundus of the cify, W wrote Oat "u 1 member of the Clt7 C<>un<i'JI our duty ii to rtpresent the deaim the people •ho elected JOU Md to arrive at your decision ICC(lrdin& to thole deslm and Ibo l11n ol lhe city." Frld1y night m... than 100 !lllld council chambers to oppose. the tract ind to boo ind hla 1t the decision refusina an !l(l?Cal. "There are a great many pt0p" since the meeting Friday who fttl and found th11t our council is not looking out for our bt!it Interests and plans are being m11de to do something •bout It." wrote Mr. and Mrs. Rcbf_rtJ in a not-too-velltd 1h~at to ;en a reeall action again.st one or more or the councilmen. • Now, !bf~ said, the U.S. com- -.. """'-. Gen. cnlCldoo w. Alrllil, We IW'llld bla nqueot "" Jli llklltlllll ~on to go after °"'!" e1mi-with e1lher bombers or commaOdo squadt. F9rmer 'Prtsld•nt JOhnlon is aaid to have tw'ned down two 1uch resue1ts. ~ • In requesting permission to rald lhese bases. we pointed out tbtit, u long 11 Ibey ealsl, Ibo C<>mmllllllll wW * * * always be able to mount new oUen&ves, '' I"" <\llMl'lcaa ...... aald. The Bl2a !Gday, .. Jn mry day, dropped lheir »ton bombloads oo thlle Carnbodian·rooted infiltration r o u t 11 west, southwest, northwest and oorth of Saigon. They also hit Communist hldeoub threatening Kontum City lD. the central highlands, war reports said. At QulJll N1af, IOO mllH north ol Saigon" on the MICOUl, tbl Commnolata * * * Pari• Jtle~t ottered 1 lobbed tight mortar abet~ Into Ibo city ovenitpi and balllld &outh -.. toldlert ln fOur battlu, one cl. them within a mile of the city Umlts. Backed by American w a r p 1 a n e 1 1 arllll.,Y and hellcopttr l\llllhlpa, Ibo South Vietnamue aoldlers reported de.feating the Reds in the battles southwest, aouth and northwest of town. The guerrUla ahell!n( cauaed llgbt damage and cuualtlea. * * * Saigon to Recognize Cong? SAIGON (UPI) -Prealdenl Nguyen Van Thieu said today-the. government of South Vietnam was rNdy to meet privately wlUt the Viet Cong in Paria in hopes ol. endina: the Vietnam war. He said the possibility of such t.a.lkl was "a ray ot light at the end of the tunnel." Jt was the lecood Ume a SOuth Viet- namese <iflclal baa made such a proposal and it reflected .1 lhift in the SouUt Vietnamese position from flatly refusing to recognize the Viet Coog. Vice Presldent Nguyen Cao Ky, in Paris a few weeks a10 at the at.art of the expanded ta1k3, offered to meet wit.I\ the Viet Cong. 'Ille Viet Cong, or National Liberation Front (NLF), fall· ed lo accept hi.a cdler. · 'nlieu, speatlni: at •, news conference Jn ·Sa11C111 today, ezprllSled hope talks with (he Viet Cool coold 1et under Way in Paris aoon. "We are ready to have ptivate talkl wlttl UM! NLF U they want," Thieu Aki.. "I think they underatand well that we are ready for these talks and we are waiting f« them.'' Thieu said be would oppose any U.S. troop withdrawal from Vietnam until Ille Communhtl decrease the !lghUng and "IUbstantlal" peace talks begin in Paris. Thieu would not ezplaln how he thought Ibo NLF coulJ be dlsaolved Ind lormed Into another poUUcal party Iha! woold not be COMldered 111 Communl.M party IS IUCb.'' "ln private talks we can ra1ae any qut.fdon," be ·said. 1'We may conlldtr any question they may raiae." Tbieu said his government wu not concerned about what be called the lm· patience ol the American pubUc to end the war Jn Vietnam. "Since we have had talks in Paris, I thlnk the U.S. people have. a better llOOentandlng ol oor aUitudes and that ol the communi.ts," he said. "The United States is Jess impatient than before. "'Ibe people !ltll.I believe that Prtaldent Nl:lon wouki like to bring a aettlement <i the war and iJ not a auperilawk and would not like to wio in a military way." · Police Squad Car Blasted by Bomb; Officers Unhurt From Page 1 SEW AGE IN RIVER .•• LONG BEACH (AP) - A police car was destroyed by a bomb today seconds after the two officers got out of it for a routine invesUgation. Patrolmen Gary Freeman and Michael KWllt had left their car to check a bar when an explosion shattered the vehicle, damaged two other can parked nearby and broke windows in the bar, police said. No injuries were reported. Olficen l&id the blast was caused by a bomb COlllalnlng peU.U which lodg· ed in two cm acn;q the street from the ezplosion. The bomb wu thrown wxie:r the police car from a pa55ing auto, police said. This was the second police vehicle to be bombed in the put week. The first. was an unducover panel truck, damaged Satunlay night. Police OUe! W. J. Mooney Kid be believes the bombings are reaction to an antJ..vlce drivti. During the pMt 10 da13 more than 100 llJ.'peeted prO&titutes and procurers have beeJ arr~. Harbour Fence Dispute Delayed A group of Sunset Beach homeowners and the Huntinif,on Harbour Corp. today agreed to a two-week postponement of their fence dl!pute-the fourth such de- ferment of a court hearing in the action. Superior Court Judge Claude Owens set April 8 as the rmr date for the bear· ing of motlona In the fence fracas. Two suits by homeoWners and a $1 million counter 11ult by Huntington Harbour are being combined for nillng by Judge Owens. Sought by the property owners is an injunction which would halt the. corpora. tion"s alleged attempt to move back their fencea. Huntington Harbour argue1 that the tiomeowners' dividing fences encroach on its proPerty and alleges that the homeowners have unlawfully real!\'ed ill workmen'• attempts to move back the fences. blem was pused Monday, with the first hearing slated Thursday in Sacramento. The As3embly measure creating an ad hoc study committee was co-sponsored by Assemblymen Robert Burke CR-Hun- tington Beach) and Robert E. Bad.ham {lt·Newport Beach). Stenn-spawned flood waters smrurhed the Riverrdde sewer line two months ago. 1t forced Orange County health authorities to quarantine waters along several miles of beachfront in Newport and Huntington Beach. It had been anticipated at the time that after the Riverside break was repaired, the beaches would be reopened. But that won 't be the case, Phi.I Bet· tencourt, Newport: administrative aide, glumly reported Monday. Too many other agencies, he told coun. cilmen, are pouring both raw and trea~ sewage into the river. He said County Health Officer John R. Philp now estimates it will be at least eo days before the beachfront·quarantine can be lilied. "The sewage, In most cases," said Bettencourt, "IJ being treated, but the bacteria count is !till not low enough to permit bodily contact with the water." The area of contamination ltrttches from Newport Pier to the northern end of the state beach in Huntington Beach. "The problem," aaid Bettencourt, "is more far.reaching than we had originally thought. Other users are discharging some 51 million gallons of sewage into the river that normally had been diverted in offstream channels for irrlgaUon purposes. But the beds the sewage pa.s.!ed over were \\'ashed out by heavy rains. So il'3 all going into the river nov;, and into our coastal waters." He added : "U this had occurred during the sum· mer months. the problem would be much worse. We'd have a very dllflcult time keeping people out of the water." Councilmen didn't find that very con· a;oling. "Jt sounds like the Santa Ana River ts a giant open sewer line," grumbled Pa111ons. "lt jUllt doesn't make sense that the Orange County sanitation districts should be spending milllons of dotlm on a flve·mile·long ocean ouUall and two sewage treatment plants, when rl1ht alOfliside us other agencies are using the river. "Eventually," he 1aid, "that sewage is going to contaminate our underground water." County health chief Philp, in • gloomy report submitted to councilman, listed these agencies as contributors lo the river and ocean pollution: The clUes of Redlands, San Bernardino. Colton, Rialto, Ontario and Chino. Other agencies include the Jurupa Community Se.ryices District and the U.S. Naval Ordnance Te.st Lab at Norco. "Normally, under dry weather con- ditions," aaid Philp. "these (:sewage): flows never reach the ocean. Jfowever. during the present :storm runoff situation, there is a continuous flow in the river to the ocean. "We e.xpect the high bacteria counta to continue as Jong as the river flows, which will probably be another two months. In the meantime, lbe quaranllno remains in effect." Philp said tbe situation emphasizes the need for "the establishment ol bacteriological quality objecUves" for the river. The outlook for the future, otherwise, Is bleak. "Jn years to CClme," said Phllp, "con· Unued population growth of upstream communities will generate increased sewage dhicharges and surface runoff to the river." The short-range outlook isn't much br ighter, city aide Bettencourt said. "The mount..ains now have a record snow pack," be ooted. "When that staris melting ... " "This is ~t just 1 1969 problem," concluded City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. "This is a continuing problem .'' Councilmen unanimously directed him to see that the city is represented at the sewage hearinp in Sacramento Thursday. Ex·mayor and councilman Paul J. Gruber wu also assigned to make the trip. Zoo Trip Scheduled A trip to the San Diego Zoo will be sponsored by the Huntington Beach Parks and Recreation Department April 4. A $2 fee will be charged for bu.1 transportlUon and enlry to the 2.00. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top 9uanty lrand Names A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display Over Sl00,000 1Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! Item• •• fenows: 6oftHU1 I ft. tustom qul~.d •of• with ••p•r•t• pillows with h11 otk trim clKor encl 1n1tchln9 chelr, 3 m•tchln9 01 lr occ••ionel t1bl11 , (2) I'' tell clec11t1tor I.Mp•, h•119in9 chain 1w19 le1npt in wrou9ht Iron, •n •·r.l•c• kl~9 1ln m11t., htcltoOM 1ult1 111 pecen ,..nelecl M1d it1rr1n11n style w th top qu1ltty IS yNn w1rrenty ldn9 size maff,..11 and bo1t tprln91, Spenbh cllnlrtg 1.t, 1tc. A11y_piM• cen b. purch.1.d lncllwtduany.'Drop by •nd see our ••l•ction ef top qu1rrty Spenlsh e ncl MtcUterrenffn fumltur• .•. fente1tic1/ly priced! COMPLITI NOUSIPllL WAS -· SUH.00 COMl'LETI HOUSERIL WAS RIGUAlLY $1528.00 MUIT IACRIPla l'OR ONLY II IJ 1:11r11il11r1• 5698°0 TERMS .-WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS 1844 Nowport Blvd Co•ta Mo\a I only) ··~·· "''•~· . ., , ""·J \,, .. ~ .. " •il . • AT HAllOl IOULIVAlD I ( - ,., Lagu~a VO~. 62, NO. 72, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGE~ ( . ' ..• "UCI Primitive By RICHAllD P. NALL OI 1111 Dlltf Plllt Si.rt The study ol primitive peoples at UC! .... sufllclently stimulating to tum itudents priplitive -to the cbaoeellor's dismay. But jt wa.s all part o1 ·the "education ol a chancelkr", according to Daniel Aldrich, UC! chancellor. In.a lightly paced ancedotal tal.t: Satur- day,, lhe U~l leader told his aud.ienct ol --d hla ... ed11catlo1111"trlb11J. tloru since be left ll'lcullun to -chancellor at IJCl !cur,_. .... He~ln1--lltbe Seminar by.the Sea for ltpl 11 ~.U ... of .......,., cllvlolcm tmn .n.;ona,e COOnly dllmben. Aldrich .... Ille most --.. ... perieoc:t was the study of pri1ldtlye P.. pie by bringing them to the 1cmnpus to live a• proposed by the .GclOJ ec!eaCe>- " "' r ' ORANGE COUNT1, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 'f969 Studies •went to Germany. His ..turn brooght pbue two ln the educltiul of a cJ>an. cellor. "My visit revealed lhll the place bad been taken over · tn the aummer by certlin cltlmll (ltudems) each lnl<ot on doing hla · own portlculsr thing - wr!tlni, ICUlpting, produdng pottery, medltalin1. tll'>wiPI their own food, still othera building their ifwn houses," he said. Novel "Everyone seemed to be happy,'' the chanceUor recounted. "But Crom my background, the ecene WM ~tutrophic, All the part!clpoota appearod bedragled, bearded and beaded. It was not the <riginal bKeot for the ltudenb to become primit.ive themae)ves." A course of acUon seemed obvious: CI06e the place t.tt summer's end. Deliberation revealed an alternative. the chancellor · aaid: ·"Tell the school • una.ns Ir Tod•y's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENrs . Twist al social sciences I couldn' UJlders!alld vmat they were t:ying to do, but would try to rely on their good judgmenl and action to brinB order out ol cti-... He decld<d he would try to understand what WU being done and work with the department. It began by cJeonJnr the place up and outlining goals. · "I returned three da ys later and ob- served thal a major miracle had been (See AWRICH, P•&e J) .or ee Capo Takes , Steps · to End Q~~s~~~~ .,.,.he .......... _ .. ··--~-...... -~ ... Mrs. ;ms~g Accepts Award PJ'.esident Nixon embraces ¥rs. Walt· Djsney· during cer~y. at White 1House today at· Which he presented lier with commemorative ~old medal in honor of her late husband. Medal; struck by· U.S. Mint 1n Philadelphia, was authonzed 'by Coogress. .~stage Presentation Bue Of Laguna Plan ·Processes A four-stage presentation or elements fn Laguna's general planning process is scheduJed Wednesday at a joint rty!Cling of the city council and its plan- ning· satellites. City Manager JaTm3 D. Wheaton said both the city planning commission and Citizens Advisory Committee (to lhe general plan) wm sather !er the 7:30 H a rbor Airpor t Group Finally Visits Solons Sptclal IG the DAIL V PILOT l\"ASHINGTON -,. It took a morning and an afternoon, and a lot of walking, but the Harbor Area delegation ~:onday finally got to talk to at least three congressional representatives about the need for a regional airport in Orange County. A meeting was to have been held at 10 a.m. in tne office Rep. Janfet B. UU CR-Tustin), but ooly UU was there. p.m. session. Wheaton said it will 1ncluc1e: -A slide pcetentation by Abra.am Khruskhov of' Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall (DMJM) on planning problems he has identified in the com· mllnlty and the potentlal al 'the -· rnunity. -The r<SUlts o! a rtudy by Dr. F. Jleach Leighton, geolotIW. on the geological structw:e ol the aru. , -A DMJM..land use in•eai«y•ftp<lrl M .mtinc • idediable • proliifml and • forecast., ~.1 cbl-11111 ml&ht be~-;,,. -1on1nc. -A repwt from City Plauner Al Autry on the 'Citiz"" Advllory Commlllea ques- tionnaire t b a i will be malled to •Po proxirnat.ly tOOO penGM. Ill ie.ulll wUI be another SOUTce of input tnlb the !60,000 geneuJ plan study by OM.JM. Stork JlfarkeU NEW YORK CAPi -The iltock markot closec:lri on a falrly even· kftl today. • Trading slowed Mir the end. (See qgota. tka, Pages l&-11). Vltjf oewap ad t!taled lifflueot lftto San ,~n Caplltrano's Oso Creel< bu severll of the area't rucher1 concerned. the Ml'l'ICher1 -me of whom b ~ J uan City Councilman W'tlliam Bathgate -depeod UJ>Oll wen. a!Olll the creek for wl1et and are wmied that recurrent discharge ml&ht csuae pollution. Sao J ... Capistrano City Councll Mon- illy ~ P1llillc "--T.J.'lltldon to lnVNtilllle'llie _.,. -~ who ·!Ian their alllre of muiilclpal ....... -. bad J<Ce!v. ed a letlq from •-'Viejo~ atatJiig lhll no dlsdlarp · bad occured at any thtte. However, Cit)' ~ Ernest 'l'hompooii aald tllot city Ila!! and a col'.lncllman bad witnessed a dl.5charge of sewage. Carl Kymla, manager of the Moultoft.. Niguel Water Di.strict., questioned this morning, uJd that minor diacharge of sewage had occurred twice. Once. be 18.id, a sewaa:e connection eilted up during the January rains and &ewage ran into the Oto Creek. Another diacbar&e occurred when a manhole backed up in late February, be Aid. ••'lbele were for periods ol jU!t a r .. boun," K1Jnla-nid. san JUA11 Public Wark• Director Meadows Aid tlilt tbe main concem ol the council w11 that the dilcharaea DOI ~a and thet IOIDe (lfGVWon · for ·-g tbe city be made In tile .efllt!oladilcblrJe .. lit soid • tllot be WGUld be dlacussing the mattu wtlll tbe wu district. Tni.dea u Parties as Firemen Visit House WASllINGTON CAP) -While Canada's Prime Mln1ster Pierre Trudeau was JJieet1ni at the White n..... Tueoday with Presidmt Nixon, firemen rushed to tbe nearby !edenl cuat houle wbe10 Trudeau bad -.lla)'iDI, Later In the morning, however, Rep. .$9.l MUlh,Ht "Efed Achieving Peace Nixon Believes Secret Talks Only Real Hope <W~ (UPI) -J'I•--, lald _, !lilt the ooly ''nal ):ftCreSI'' toward pt.ace In Vietnam would eorr,e throUgb private talks with North Vietnam aiid he intendt!d to keep the talks private and guarded against premature disclo6\lre. The clllef executive told a luncheon meetlng of. the National Assoclatjon of Broadcaeten be ,would "say nothing" about whether or when private talks have begun and vmat ouch ta1U might involve. Delay Granted For Four in Sale of LSD federal arraJgnment has been COO· tinued untJl ne:rt. Monday for four young men arrested in Laguna Beach in con· nection with the alleged sale of 1,250 LSD tablets -all marked with a peace symbol -to an undercover agent. Three d the suspects remained In custody of the United Slates marshal Jn Leo Anades County Jail today. The fourth, Lynn Allen Whiton, 18, of 436 Canym Acres Dr., Laguna Buch, was releaaed on 12,500 ball. Donald Edward Cllrbtemm, :Ill, "' 237 Woodland Dr., Laguna Beach, remained in custody In lieu of 12,500 ball. Coota Meamr J..,.. Mlcbael Elgas, lt, of 219 V1et«i1 St., and. James Alleo Cll-, lJ, d 258 Vlct«ia St., also nmalned In · custody In lieu ol ll,500 ball. 'lbe men were arrested Sunday evening in the psrklng lot al Denny's Corlee Shop, UIOO S. eoa..t Hipway, Riter the alleged aale lo the federal agent. Federal narcotJa agents today said that the 1,250 um tableU could be worth !rom 11,500 to 13.000, depending on Ille cwmit Wlclt market. Authorities said the atrelll w.re par1 ol a joint lnv..itptloo between tile Leo Anleles, and ·tbe •San Diego alllca of tho l'edlnl N.-Bunau. Wlille be ~ . """"'' -private ta.l~s Wf:!'e • "°" ~ way · fn Plria or elsewhere, tbe lllgh hopes be held for such procedures, removed from the glare of lnternatlonal pubUcity. car· ried a strong inference that if private sessions have not started meaningfully, they may take place soon. Where both sides have problems o( prestige and face, negotiations cannot take place in a goldfish bowl, the Presi- dent sald. In such negotiations, he said, "the tend<ncy II to speak to people at home and to repeat the same old rbetork." Nixon said it was no aecret that the Blqe bad been set !er public talka llnulh private dl.scwElons and added that H there is to be progress ln the peace talks, they had to be privet.. ·Coosequently, he said, he would not announce when private talks might take place, nor where or how they would p""""1. Nlxon said that in all of the public speculation about deve lopments on Viet· nam battlefields as weli as the negotiating ta bln, there was '"not as much hope as perhaps you might lik• to believe. n - . The current mllitary and diplomatic s1tuaUon, he added, would make it cruel to raise hopes for bringing home American troopa in the ,_ !utun, then seeing these hopes <Wiled. Earlier, on capitol hJll, G«1. Wllllam C. W-land Nld the Communist.!I have "no pl'OflpfJOts" of winning a military vldory In Vielnam wtUiout Red ai!neselnterventlon. PREP BASKETB ALL GAME CALLE D OFF Orange County's annual high school ell·star basketball game Is off this year. The aummer pr e p classic at Orange Coast College was voided when ap- pllcaUon for Its certlflcaUon was m. advertently submitted b e y o n d the doadline bnposed by the governing Na- Uoaal Collella!< AtllleUc Association. Richan! Hsnna (0.W..imll1Jter) also <flowed up. Newport Besch Mayor Doreen Mamlall, City Atlomoy Tully Seymour, and Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin P1ntley and two oth!!r Costa 1'.feM. of· fttlals made the ir pitch to the t'A'O con· IJ"'l!TI<n. · Tbe l-larbor Area officials then went to the Senate Office Building. where t~y ta!W to John Ahlers. ad· ministrath·e assistant lo Stn. George Murphy IR.C.IU.). Colleg:~ Se~~s State Aid Such playm u Mike Contreru and Ror MJller (Huntington Beach); Jell Powm C'W-); Eric Chrllt.nlen (Son Clecpenll) ; Steve Leech and Chris 'l'bom-(Con>na de! Mar); Ralph , Cblndot (Maler Del) wUI for!Olt the opporlllnlty to psrtlclpate In the battle betwten the best Orange County aeuJon. Elmer Combe of HunUnaton Bead! wu to have <OOcbed the South. For detallJ, oee Sporta today, Pqe 17. ~. Alan Cranston (D-Callf.) was out ol town. "We tried to expreu to Conaressmen Utt and Hanna and to Mr. Ahlers our concern •bout the need for • regional airport u toon u pol&fble."' said Mayor Manb.111 lat<r. "We IOUght to fmpn:n upon them the bnJ>ONnce al nlle•lnl the burd<n •t 0rllll' Coonly Airport. They """ nlce'd.llousok>nl, allllooah nothlni reslly concrete came out ol tbtm. '' Saddleback Collt;e Supl ·Fr"1 9,..,.,. and Board President 1.f~ael Colllns will journey lo Sacramento April t In pursuit ol fl. I million. That is the anKMrt ot state aid that COil Id be forthoomlng to the local jonlor college diatrlct over tbe nm ftft )'t&f'I U Senato Bill !IOI II poiled. Bremer and Collini will allflld the Senate Education Cotnmittoa 1llartnc .. the bin wrltl<n to 11.. aid to ..,. junior collega dlstrldl -. nsm to seemingly hlllt local tu -. per atudent while lnlttal studeut <M>llmenU art low, • campoa ldlplnlalrallon bulldlnf, dr<>p tlJe first Monday. -set datH !or ope11Jn1 ol bids for permanent campua coa1l i'uctlon . Architect Robert Lowrey bu utlmattd COBt to r...ty the campus for nut fall at 11,411,iSI. There are u pn>spectlve bidden. Bid. opening will be in two staiU -April I for gradJni, lltoetl, "lltw'"' oci Iandacaplnf: .4w1n1 tot •nlotidf 'alitlnf -porld')' bulldlnp rlmt 1ntOr1ot ca111p• ..... 1ct putun1 up new ones. • I( Lagunans Invited To !Sawdust !Show Residents or the greater Laguna Beach area are tllglble to join Tbe Sawdust festival which wllt 1\q:e ks UUrd annual art Mow for 111 weeks this aummtr. Member artists will upon paylnf a apaco,f .. be.ellclblt to l!low,tloelr :Wot~ Jn Ibo asla orlenlod~ ~· Tho 12· membenhlp le• may be milled to Box, 1211, Laguha lltlc~,laC_cot,llna to -mtmber lltloHI r en'ell • • Chief Fears Invasion 0£Siudents Eamr weet bu been ~ffl'11 !If • "'"" hi l'lllll(L,~ 'r"I llil Pal couple of years but PDUCe will be wat.- chful test vacatl-g jo.rtb pick thla year to kick over the traces. Art Colony Police Chief Harry Labrow said he plans 12-bour days for his men and no days of.I until they have usessed. the size of the vacation influx. "Apparently there aren't too many reservations but that doesn't mean Ir the weather is good that we micht not have a lot: of day visitors," aald' Labrow. Modem mobility can made the impact of youth's SJ)ring rites in SoutMm California a day-to.day variable. Motet reservations are one criteria but wann weather inland can have an instant im- pact. Labrow said hls policemen will be practicing strict law enforcement. "We want them to enjoy theniselves but we want the people who live here to enjoy themselves also," he saJd. During Labrow's tenure as Laguna's chief, he said the problem bas diminished each year. Part of thlJ lighter Jnflux Into coastal cltles ha1 doubtleu been the result of toughened enforcement. Some youngsters have sought their greener pastures in the desert areas of less populace and less policed eountle!. Others have gone to Mexico for mrflnl aod partying or to areas aloni the meandering Colorado River. Labrow aaid the young people who have been arriving Lo Laguna for Easter vacation seem " a clau: a bit okkr, more college and junior colltp ap and fewer roving high 11Cbool studenb. In past years, co&lltal cities Uke Laguna ha\'e beefed up with o!t~uty sheriff's deputies who supplement city police. Labrow said this ls not planned this year. If the situalion should demand, he noted, the extra po\lce manpower is available on short notice. The Easter influx, whatever Its magnttude, should begin Frida y night and Saturday. Orange Weedier The hot wlndl die down tod•y, but the warm weather will be with us a while. Wedne.sd.ay's outlook is for 7~type temper•turt.S alona tile coasl, risln1 to IO degre.u ln- 1~. IN~IDE TODAY The compaigr& to railt LU momu /or Su.tan Maz1t'1 critfc:al kUhuw traniplan' is falttrlng and mor.1 help U nctdtd. Pao• I. < ... ""'" ....... ._. ·---............ .. "' ........ -....... .... _ ~; ·-- ' ,. .. " " • • " .... • " ' '" • -. -" ......, .. ,. ,. ....... .._ .. --. . ·--r. ..... ...... , .. . -... . ... .......... ,, -.. . .,.,....,. .... " ...... , .. . --.. ' I • % DAJ~Y PILOT L Tllol!lq, llMI! ll,-1'69 • ' . ' .. f SA River 'Giant Sewer,' ... Newport 4ppnl~ (lt Pollution " By JEROME F. COil.iNS Of tM Dellf ,llM SI•" Newport Beach city councilmen Mon· day were appalled to learn that the Santa Ana River has become -in the words o( Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons-"a giant open sewer line.'' The city ataU reported it may be months before tbe rouled riverbed and polluted coastal waters are clear!d up .. The discktsure dampened c o u n c 1 I .. ,,,,, ... ovw Dnrl that: -A brOken ma!n sewer Une in Riverside bad been repaired and eIOuerit from lhat city was no longer being discharged into tbe Santa Ana River. -An Assembly resolution calllng for state hearings on the river sewage pro- blem. was passed Monda.v,.. wJth the fir st hw'loc alated Thurada,y in Sacramento. The Aaaembly tneuure creating 'an ad hoc study commlttee was <»sponsored by Assemblymen Robert Burke (R·Hun- " U.,.. llqch) ud llolMrtJI, ...,m (R.Newporl Beach). Slorm·spawned flood waters smubed the Riverside sewer lloe two months ago. It forced Orange COunty health :.uthoritie.9 ta quarantine waters along several miles of beachfront ln Newport and Hilnllngtoo Beach. It had been anticipated at the time that after the · Rlversl.de break was npalred, the beaches would be reopened. County Declares Airport Can't Handle New Flights But that won't be the cue, Phil Bet· tencourt, Newport admWstraUve a.ide, glumly reported Monday. Too milny other agencies, he told coun· cilmen, are pouring both raw and treated .sewage Into the river. He said County Jlealth Officer John R. Pbllp now estimates it will be at leaat 60 daya b e f or e the' beachfront quarantine can be lilied. "The sewage, in most cases,'' aaid Bettencourt, "ls being treated, but the ·bacteria count is still not low enough to permit bodily contact with the water.'1 Special lo Ille DAILY PILC7l' WASHINGTON -0.&ng• county ol· ficials d e c I a r e d• before a Civil Aeronautics Board hearing today that lhe county airport cannot now hanQ.Je Pacific Northwest flights. Fifth Di!trict Supervilor Alton E. Allen cf L a g u n a Beach, under crou~x­ aminalion by a CAB coumel, insist~ the airport's main runway weight capnc1· ty is insufficient ta carry profitable fight loads for tbe prcposed increased serv ice. ''The weight limit is now 95,000 pounds," said Allen. ''And ii will stay 95,000 pounds." County Aviation Dir~tor Rober t lJresnahan al.so testified that flights cut. or cowity airport ta Seattle and PorUand would "seriously avertax " pr e s e n C terminal ·and parklng llclllU... The county spokesmen were among several officials JUbtnitt1ng t~y on the issue at tbe bearing held he.re on Assessor Finds 800-acre Irvine Preserve Error Orange County Asse.ssor Andrew J. Hinshaw says he has dlSCovered an 800- acre error in baundaries which may invalidate \be entire 48,QOO..acre Irvlne Ranch agricultural preserve agreement. A top executive for the sprawling ranch today contradicted him and 13uggested whatever problem may have. develaped has been blown out of proportion.· The legal dr.scrl~ of boondaries en the preserve, a ma}or tax rellt.f far the Irvine Company, ii not the same as the one 5hcwn on a map approved Jan. 29 by the Board or Supervisors, Jlinshaw .says. Supervisors approved the f J n a I agricultural preserve agreement Feb. 18, but if Hlnshaw's hinta are correct, the fltW dlscrepancy may invalidate the en- tlre package. New Healtn Plan· Sought by Nixon' WASRJNGTON (AP) -The Nixon ad· ministration proposed t.<>day "a radical redirection'" of federal programs for con· slrucUon of hta1th facilities, emphulzlng block grants ta the states, guaranteed loans and nonhospltal services. Robert H. Finch, secretary of healtli, education and weUare, asked Congress to drop the Hill-Burton program of grants for ho!pital con.strucUon in favor or a '500 m!lllon annual loan program aimed at modernizing e.r.i.sting ho.spit.a.ls. The Hill-Burton appropriation for the current f!llC&I year is $254 million. Finch also outlined a new $150 million a )'ear program ot block ll'&Dta: to states "to expand '.such other faclliUe.s as out. patient clinicS, neighborhood health centera, skilled nursin& homes and struc· turea desJgned to increase efficient lhaz' .. ing of hospltal resources." I llAl!V l'lllll CU.Hel Co.Alf PU8ltllUNG (0M,,.N1" LMrt N. W•ff ,,...llltlll .... P'*llahtf' J••• it. c~,,,., V~ ~ ..,,. 0.Mr .. Ml~ttt Tlil•111•t K""ll .... Tll-•1 A. Mwr,.111~• MtMrth'll lfl ... lllc~•t4 '· N•ll r 1ul Hl111ft LI-IM<ll 1.1 .. r1111,.. (Uy 1!•1tt Olt"'""' ---!?I '•••1t J.~•. M•lllRt Atld11u: r.o. ••• •••· t2•11 --"'"' fMN t m w..1 a.v S'"'9t .............. <fl: 77tl '#It! ......... ...,.,. ............ -....:ti ;•• ..... the seventh floor of the Universal Building apposi te the Wa.shlngtoo Hilton. 90 SPECTATORS Some 90 spectators were crowded in the hearing room. Bresnahan was asked by CAB ex- aminer Robert L. Park; whether existing jet flights pass over homes near the airport'. He said It was his belief that they did not. He said the jets Dy over water -Upper: Newport Bay -until they are at least four miles from the runway. The present incapacity of county airport for the Pacific Northwest rou te a\fard, soug'ht by three airlines, was further underscored by a Department of ·Transportation report to the CAB. The report, prepared by the Feder!l' :Aviation Adm.inlJtration, said the nwn runway'• length or 5,700 feet waa too short for the types of aircraft and payload proposed by the competing airlines. It llt)uld cost anywhere from $2 million to $5 million to extend the runway to the required length, said the department report. CHALLENGE DUE Air West, Northwest Airlines and Air California, the three lines seeking the route award, are expected to challenge the department's findings later in tbe hearing, which may take another day. Newport Beach City Attorney Tully Seymour te!ffified on behall of his city's apposition to the flights. His _ .a!fldavi~ also cited the airport's phy s 1 ca J sbortcoming1. He was asked by the CAB counsel whether the city'!ll position would change if the airport's fa cilities were expanded. He aaid AO, emphaUca.lly. , Sejnioor' ·pointed. oO.t that the city favors the reeommendaUons of the Pereua Air 'lhniportati<il Master Plan. It pegf the ulUmi:le deVelOprilent llf Coonty Airport as that of a metroport, with a 400-mile flight destination lirrtiL · The city of Costa Mesa's position of favoring the flights was sworn to by Planning Commission chairman Jack Hammett and Mayor Alvin Pinkley. Ma1ines Caught -On Cliff Rescued ' Two Camp Pendleton Marines .stranded en Dana Point Cliffs were rescued by San Clemente Lifeguard! and the Doheny Velunleer Fire Department Sunday after .. ll()()ll. Private Ronald K. Burke, 21, and Gary P. Hock, 19, got .stuck three-quarters of the way up the 400 foot cliffs a~ut 300 yards sooth of the Dana Point observafion booth. Lifeguard Capt. Phillip Stubbs said lhe men were attempting to scale the sheer cliffs when they got to a point where they could neither go up nor down. A lifeguard using special cliff rtscue eciulpment descended to the Marines ' )>QSiUoo, roped them up and then the firemen hauled them up the bluffs. Flower Power The area of contamination stretches from Newport Pier to the northern end of the state beach in Huntington Beach. "The problem," said Bettencourt , "is more far-reaching than we had originally thought. Other users are discharging some 51 million gallons of sewage into the river U11t normally had been diverted in orfstream channels for trrigatlon purposes. But the beds the .sewage pas.std over were washed out by heavy rains. So it's all going into the river noi:, and into our coastal waters." He added : "If thJa had occurred duiing the sum- mer mon&hs, the problem wt>uld be much werse. We'd have a vm difficult Ume keeping ~pie out of thi water." COundbiten didn't find that ruy'con- i;ollng. "It .sounds like the Santa Ana River is a giant open .sewer line," grumbled Parsons. "It just doesn't make .sense that the Orange County sanitation districts should be .spending millions or dollars on a fi ve-mile-long ocean outfall and two sewage treabnent plants, when right alongside us other agencies art wing the river. "Eventually," he said, "that sev.·age is going to contaminate our underground water." County health chief P!Ulp, in a gloomy report submitted to councilman, listed these agencies as contributors to the river and ocean polluUon : The cities of Redlanda, San Bernardino, Collon, Rialto, Ontario ar:id Chino. other agencies include the Jurupa Community Services Dl!trJet·. aM ~ U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Lab atNorco.,, "Normally, under dry 1weather con- Clitions," sald Philp, "these (seWa.te>: nov.·.s ifevu-i'Uch l?I! oe-ean. However I during the present storm runoff situation. there is a continuous now in the river to the ocean. "\'i'e expect the high bacteria counts to continue as long u the river flows. which will probably be another two months. ln the meantime, the quarantine remains in effect." ' Philp said the situation emphasizes the need for "the establishment of bacteriological quality objectives" for the river. '· · The outlook for the future, otherwise, is bleak. ''In years to come," Aid Philp, "con· tinued population growth ol ~pstre1m communities will generate increased sewage discharges and surface. runoU to the river." The short-range cutlook isn't much brighter, city aide Bettencourt said. "The mountains now have a reeo."'d snow pack," he noted. "When lb.at starts melting ... " "This is not just a 1969 problem,11 concluded City Manager Harvey L. Jlurlburt. "This i.9 a continuing problem.'' Councilmen unanimously directed him to .see that the city is 'i'epresented at the sewage heari.nj:s in Sacramento Thursday. Ex-mayor and councilman Paul J. Gruber was also assigned to make the lrip. OAll Y Pll01' 111" Piii,. A vase oC brilliantly colored no,,rers greeted lhc morntns: shill at the HunUnglon Beach Police Deportment today. Desk Officer Warren Blacailuz paused long enough from his telephone duties to explain lhal the flowers had been left by a secret admirer. Tit spring and who sez policemen are unpopoJar? ' l Still Ti11re to Enter Mrs. Robert C. Peacock (left) and Mrs. Robert L. J oyce remind Lagunans th ere is still time to enter Chamber Mermaids' annual beautification contest. Deadline is April 1. Entry blanks are available at chamber office. Aw&rds luncheon is set lor May 19 at Hotel Laguna. Loop ·Road at Airport Splits 2 County Officials A proposed ene-half mUe long 1 o op road across the north end of Orange County Airport has become the center of a dispute today between Airport Manager Robert Bresnahan aiid County Road Commissioner A. S. Koch. Bresnah'an wants the road deleted from the master plan of arterial high,vays. Koch says it is required for ultimate circulation of traffic at the airpo.rL The county planning cogunission will stud)' Ute issue Wednesday. · - Bresnahan aaid the pl"Op(Rd -.toot road would be a safety huard and ! YMCA Counseloi· Plans to Retire · Mrs. Jean McManus, the South C~st YMCA employment COUD:1eiar for eight years, bas announced her plans to retire April 1. During ber tenure with ~ "Y", Mr.s. McManus has filled nearly 10,000 job.s with local boys and girls. In reeognitlon of her work, the Laguna Beach City Council authorized an official letter of commendation to her. In ad· ditlon, a recogn!Uan dinner will be held at the Towers Restaurant, 15.$5 S. Coast J-Cighway, Laguna Beach, Tuesday at 7 p.m. Roy OliJds, active with the ~urston trust for employment service, IS the guest speaker. Reservations for the ~a· plate affair may be made at the YMCA, 491 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach. Employment office duties at the YMCA will 'be taken over by Dorothy F1mlm· moos, a Youth Opportunity Counselol' in Santa Ana. Mrs. Fitzsimmom, a Laguna Beach resident, will be at the YMCA every weekday except Wednesday. a detrimeni to an lnstrument landing system when it is installed. He also said tbe road wouid ·eliminate 30 liMown spaces for private airer.aft. On a:>unty maps,. the road is shown intersecting Red Hill Road abolil 1,400 feet s o u th ol MacArthur Boulevard and curving northward ta parallel MacArthur to the east side of the airport terminating at Campus Drive. Potson ·oaf, Ivy Lodged in Debris On Aliso Beach t r you plan en tip-toeing through the drift1''00d p I I e d up on Aliso Beach, beware the poison oak and ivy, warns ?ifrs. August Corsini of South Laguna. Her husband and some friends spent a w e e k e n d gathering the driftwood brougbt to the beach by recent .storms enly to find on Monday they were beset· by what has been diagnosed as poison ivy rash. Several South Laguna doctors con- tacted aboui the poison Ivy complaints said they had recently treated patients for such maladies, but did not know where the infection occurred. County Health Department officers queried on the rash of poi.son ivy com· plaints said it was possible that as the driftwood washed down the creek, it became entangled wilh poison ()ak ()r Ivy and retained some of the irritant. Officer! reported that "quite a bit'' of poison oak and ivy can be found in the Orange County hills . However, they said this was the first they had heard of complalnts associated with 1he drift~·ood. f'rolll' P,,.e J ALDRICH ... wrought," the chancellor Wd. "'Junk ~ .... -.... ~llldaod-~ had -cut Md ~ were eager to tell about project plan.1."' "Thus beg~ my education by a.grotf!> of studenlt • • • what J have learned about them since has not ooly cbanged my views about them but about the character of the tnst.kuUon over which I preoide." Aidrich said the atudent.11 in producing the goods needed by a primitive socltty; became excited at performing the tasks -food. NO OPPORTUNITY The chancellor decided that no op. portunity existed for the .student whet would· like four years to learn about man and the world ln which he dwells. 'Ibe pe¢ulum of vocaUonallsm and pro- fes.siooallsm bad swung too far. A chancellor wa.9 being educated • "I have come . full circl~ in my un· dentanding of goofs and problems .t instituijons of higher learning," Ibo educator saidi He said it la the responsibility ol tll08e fortunate enough to make a livelihood out of pursuing ideu to .share results of their research, those who !!!tk to know the condJtians of the humati estate and values of rtght ot wroog. "You might call this what I conaider the closing of the generation gap," be said. Police Squad Car Blasted by Bomb; Officers Unhurt . LONG BEACH (AP) - A J>)lice Cl< was demlyed by a bomb today ~ after the two officers got cut ti. it for a routlne.invesUgaUon. Patrolmen Gary Freeman and Michael Kunst had Jett their car to check a bar when an explocs.lon abattertd the: vehicle, damagi!d two other cars parked nearby and broke windows in the bar~ police said. No injuries were reported. Offictrs said the blast was caused by a bom,P cr.ontalning pellets whic.b lod~·. ed iri two cars across the street from the explosion. The bomb wu thrown under the police car from a passing auto, police aald. This wu the second police vehicle to be bombed in the past w .. k. The first was an undercover panel tructl_ damaged Saturday nlght. Pollce Chi.el W. J. Mooney oaid ~ believea lflt·boOl~ an ~.t• an anU·vlcrdr!Vi.1>\Jilng the,..t'10· da)" more than 100 wopecied prootltula and jr<icunn. hive be<n me.ud. · , Eastern Star, " . Masons Set Meet Masons and Eastern Star menibera · will hold a potluck dtnner toaay at · 6:30 p.m. in the Ma.sonic Hall in Laguna Beach. Lagunan O. w. Pra will lecture and show slides of Alrica, its scenery, primitive tribes and wild animal life from a recent tour ol South and Ell3\: Africa. Master Robert Sourwine and Worthy Matron Dorothy Stead will welcome. members and friends. Those attending should bring silverware. Plates will be , Girl's Body Found A'iN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -Police reported today the nude body cf a girl about 19 years Did has been found at -· the northeast edge of Ann Arbor. Discovery of the body came four day!I after a Unlverslty of Michigan coed was round on a grave in .a Van Buren Township cemetery. DECORATOR • AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top 9.uality Brand Names A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Dlsplar---.. Over $100,000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! ltem1 •• follows : Gorgeou1 I ft. cuttom quilted 1of• with ••parete ,Pillowt wlth hu1 oak trim decor and m1tchin9 ch•i1', l m•tchtn9 otk occe,1on1I. tebles, !121 8" tell d•cor.tor l.mp11 henging chain •••9 lemps In wrou gt.t 1ro-n, in 8.ptece king sin master bedroom suite In pecen penet.d M.dlte!"1neel'I •*Yt• with to, quelity II years watr1nty kin9 th:• m•ttr••• 1IHI box 1pnn91, S~nlt~ dining ,..,., etc. I • Any piece can be purch-1.d tndi~iduany .. Orcip by end •••.cur•• •:'•Oft of top qu•lity Speni1 h and MHi .. rreneen furniture •.• fent1st1c.lly ptt'"l COMPLll1 HOUSll'UL WAS ll•. $1521.00 COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGUARLY $1528.0C. MUST SACRIFICI POR ONLY $69800 f I.I l '11r11irurr 1844 Newport Blvd . co,ta MC \O (only) r.~'I """''• "'•·I \Qt;\ •• •d• TERMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • " ' • I I At HAllOI IOUUVAID l •I ••• • .... ""' ~ ••.• , ~ • • •• , ... .,,. ... ..., .. ,_ __ -.. -.. ;o .4 ......... "' "'"~""""'""""""""""'"""" ... """"'""""'"'"-... -----------------------------------------·-··· Ike Still In.Grave Condition WASIUNGTON (UPI) -Dodan lrolUog former Preoldent Dwllbt 'D. Ebenhower deocrlbod bis laflll mut att1ictiGo a: "severe/' 1hey Mid hil "'1d1Uon Is "IU&nled" and -.Id llO& prtdid whether he could overcome ·tiil late.st threat to b.11 llle. Waller Rftd Army HOlpllll laiaed a mid-morning buU.Un .,y1ng the l).year- old general spent 1 restful nipt and that be wa:i havl.nt Jess tnathine tnJu.. ble. However, the doctora said the eon- g..Uvo heart faUure allllclln& the general was "11t:ve:re." They were uted if his case was mild, moderat.I or .event one!, In• lingl .. wonl reply, cbaracteriJed It u severe. DAft.Y I'll.Of ... ,..._ Medical authoriUes MY a paflatt IUI· leriog from Kvoro heart congestMJn normally may bo e>pe<Jed to reapond to therapy in a day or two. Eisenhower's doctors-reported Monday that the con- gestion had wonened despite "vigorous therapy.'' THE PRESIDENT LIKED HER MISSION PAINTING . ·Mra. c .. 011'1 Attire C1ught tfll Cardinal'• E:y1 The ~octon, in~reply to other questions, said the Jattst crisis was precipitated in large part by the pievious 1even . heart 1ttacb auHered by Eisenhower -four of them occurTing since last April 29. He tw betn in Walter Reed since last May llld auffered three of the attack& here. Laguna Artist Gives Nix~n P~nt~g Asked about U. cblnces t h a t Eisenhower can pull tbrooib bb lat..11 crisb, the docton aald: "ll II lmJ>Oalble to predJd the ulllmalo outcome 1& thla time. Gen. E.laenmwer has lhrays abown. r e m a r t a .b I e rocuporaUve power durJnc put JI. lnesael." Eisenhower'• wife Mamie and hi• '°" J olm stayed near the llllte . where Eisenhower ctnUnued to receJve in- tensive treatment He wu receiving ox~ ygen regularly as the doctors iought to· g~ enough oxygen..enricbed blood flow- ing through his body. The latest problem with congestive heart failure was detected in the general 10 days ago, but was not dlx:losed for almost a week. It ·was a big day for Laguna Beach ulial Joan Clroll Cardinal Mclnlyro liked ber mini moot'• habit and Pr .. i. dent Nixon . liked ber paln!lng, So abo gave it to him. Mrs. Caroll wu pulling the finishing touches on a _painting of . the historic old mission ln San Ja1.m Capistrano · Sf;lurday when the President, First Lady and cardinal st;rode 11p. The cardinal made the Introductions and · President Nilon told Mrs. Caroll, "I'm Very pleased to meet you. 1 like your painting." She thanked him and said 11he w a n t e d him to have the representational work as 1 remem· brahce of his visit. · Al!! the Fit:st Lady was introduced by the President, Mrs. Caroll said she bumbled slightly in nervousness and call· ed Mrs. Nixon "Pat". Mrs. Nixon smiled and made· Mrs. Caroll at ease. Notinc . the monk's habit design of . Mrs. Caroll'a pat mlhl·l@gth c0sluml complete with cow~ Cardlml Mcintyre droUy dtacrlbod II u •. "certalnly •Po proprlate'l to Ibo sUmiundlngs. Mn. Nix· on agreed. f.J;, Tbe paln!lng today .... proudly displayed outalde. lbe Caroll gallory, 389 N. Coaal Higb,.ay. It bu a frame now of aged wood !asblooed by Mra. Clroll'1 husband, Don. lt would have lilted foi- 1450 had It not caught tho Pr.,ldenUal eye, said Mrs. Caroll. It will have a brass presentation plate before crating for shipment to the White House. Mrs. Caroll, the mother of four youngst.en, was an elhlbltor In the Splinter Festival las& awn.mer and will exhibit with the group again this summer under its new name, Art-A-Fair '69. She confided that she told the president she was glad be had taken down the mcxlern art in the White House since 5he enjoys tradiliona.1 work. Magic Kingdom Flooded With Bogus $20 Bills Israelis Hold Secret Meet < "A Soutll African printer celebra~ hil 36th birthday at Disneyland's magic kingdom of make-believe by allegedly 11quandering dozem of crudely coun. terfeited $20 bills ls in jajl, Jt was dlsclooed today by tho U.S. Seem Service. With Hussein Over, Crisis Leith M. Jardine and hi! wife Carmel, 31, of Durban, South ~lea, we.re &r· raigned before a U.S. Commissioner in Los Angeles Monday and held in lieu ol 110,000 hall each. 'Ibey are charged with passing one! possessing counterfejt money, after m.ooo 1n bogua bills was coofqcaled from their car, aecord1n( to Guy Spaman, Seem Sorvlco qent-in-chargo fer Orange and Los 6 flleles countles. Security o!ficera at Disneyland toot the couple Into .....tody Saturday and notified Anabolm pollco ind federal authorities, after ltveral d. the ctun- terfelt billa Wert passed at the ID'l.U90o ment center. Spaman aakf 1t least $MIO ln fake $20 bills are known to have been pa~ in Santa Monlca, Beverly H i l I 1 • Hollywood and other Los Angelea areu prior to the Jardlnea' arrd. "They had a few of the bills turned down by merchants who told them the money wa:s phoney." be 11.ld, but the businesamen evidently amuned the J ardi.ne.s were 1lso inno<'eRt victims. Federal invest.lgatot1 iald Jardine and hi& wife urtved In New York City Mardi 19, flying via Amsterdam, theo took a lligbl to the Southland and ...nr on • swift apendinJ spree. Inv..U,1lcwl ore probing the Soulb Mric1n end of the Jardtoes' alleged 8Cheme, while tbe c:oup"le awaits f\u1ber' U.S. prooocuUoo pror"'"• JERUSALEM (UPI)-Two top lsraell orficials have met Arab King Hussein of Jordan in secret. Middle East crisis 'Assembly Bucks PraiSing For mer V eierans Chief SACRAMENTO (UPI) - A resolution praising former state director or veterans affairs James E. JohMOn, a Negro from Tustin, has been defeated by the as-- sembly for the second tlrne. Johnson, appointed veterans director ln 1967 by Gov. Ronald Reasan. resigned recently to become a civil service com- mlss:ioner in the Nixon administration. The normally roullne commendatory resolution by Assemblyman John V. Briggs, (R-Fullerton), was defeated 31..fi Monday with 41 votes needed for ap- proval. It abo was rejected earUer but the Assembly decided to reconsider its action. . Most Democrats refused to vote either for or 1ga1Mt. the measure commending Jolmaon on bis "clllalandlni and imagln- 1tive leadership." A!semblymah Leo Ryan, (Jl.Burlln· game), Aid ""'""'nding Johnaon for "'outstandihg and imaginative leader· ~p" WU "aimpJy riot. true, in fact ft 11 a lie.'' talks, reliable sources said today. Tbey saJd Foreign Minlliler Abba Eban and Deputy Premier Ylgal Allon each held separate sessiom with the Jordanian monarch in recent months. · 111.e disclosure coincides with HUHei'n's selection of Abdel Mdneim Rifai. as his new 1"ernier, a man reportedly In favor ol a negotiated ..w.m..t ti. the Middle East crllls. Both the Israeli foreigrr office and the state-operated Jerusalem Radio denied ..,,..ta of the oecret meetlnga. Tbere wu no word on what if · IIl1 progress the ~ bed made on resolv· . \ . ' ing their cflfffrtnCea. 'Ibeir troop& !ought 1 70-minute 'JD~ gun duef acrOSll tho frontier Monday. In London,' there were uncoofirme<I reports that Hus.se1n and Eban ~ Jn Surrey,· Deflf London, when both visited England in October. When Hussein returned lo Jordan from Britain, he denied during a televislon lqtervlew that his regime planned or wu Jn\'Glved in any sucb lalkl. Israel repoai.dly bas caUed for direct negotiations with Ibo Arab 'IOV'"""'nll as a major atep toward any Middle East .-~ rejoc!ing any poalble "blgfour"selllemonl. The Anb·goverwuents Just u often have rejedeci pubiicty ooy IU(IUllon ol direc:l taJb with i.aeL Sex Gets Needed Publicity Capi.s~rano ro 'Educate' Family Life Cl.tus Critics 1Jy TffOJllAS FORTUNE ... ..,, ........ C&plslrlno u n 111 • d Sc:bool Dlltrld &ipt. awJa r. K"""'Y _, like cbarw::t« ... ,.."wUon ol. tw.bm. Ncr tnliDolUom thlt , • ., ta: wUI ... laugbt In Coplm-acbooll. Nor I rumor tblt 1 faml11 If• Dpl'l'OCClllrlWm II going to coll _,.. por .,..,. So be ,,. underlallm to publlclJr - lt:r educltion attks. "We -I eood. aolid family Ille program buod .. careful rUe.mb," he Aid. "I feel .. -~ I have ..,mponllblll\y to report to tha people ml comet l1lf cflltorUoos of il" Oppoollloo to tha llCbool di.trlct'• lam~ Jy life prosram whkb lnc:lude.s Ml educ•· lion, hu been belllno ap ever 111nc:e truoleel ""4ed the IO lhold In January. Opponenll hove rallied under lbe blJm<r "Conctmed Pa"""'°" One coacemed porent -• letlet r to Kemey ,.ylng llhe 11 llhocl<ed 100 -•led that raw .,.. II tO bo laugbl under lbe gulll of famllJ llfL Keru'llQ't ftlPOl'IM ii that ra.w aez II DOI --will 11 be laugbt u lq " be II --He Aid lbe cllstrid leacba UDdenW>dlnc o1 ..... body and Ila -but not mecbanlcl <1.-.11 a11o-mora11- ty. Llleralure dtadalod In tha community llhowlog animala mating bai no rela- tlomblp to the C.plltrano family Ille prl)(Tam, K....,. UJ.!. He .-nll tho JnslnuaUon that this II what the dlstrlc:I 111 .. cblng or evtntually wW bo leaching. Xtnney also decried c h a r a c l 1 r • allelltlon that Ihm bu botn goulp aboul teachers' personal lKe ind then the qllf:I. asruslnatlon of family U!e program ltacben. Ho said It bu come to hll tiGtt uked, "Row can be or she tuch l Also, be!n tho San Clemente Llonl Club bl called C11111pletely !al.le a rumor ·- that the flllllly Ille program will coll '2!0,000 per ,..,, Kenney ald lbe IChool cUstrlcJ II 1pen- cllng ,... than l400 ... lnalrucllooal male!iala and bu bJred no speclaJ leacboro. In all his conunentt bo empbu!Rs that lht program Is '"11mlaly with puooJI given the AY whether their • cblld aball or llhall DOI parUdpato. Kenney AMI It II not al ill cerfaJn what ll10ll psmll lblnt aboot haYl!IC their child receive IU edlJCltioo It ICbooL ' A jusl-ooncloded Me -1 ol famlit Ille lnstrudlon le< ntth gnden "" JO ol •bout llO psrenla r<queal their child bo ucJucfed, . For 1 thret-wett 10th grade •x educ .. lion _,1m to be underlaken .~ month 11 San 0.-te Hlgb porenLI were oUd by letter If theJ want Uie.lf' cblld lo lab IL Ninety o1 ZIO ftlpoaded "yea:.•• Tuetdq, Mlldl 25, 1969 (l) l!!'!tY Pll.OT 3 Je.ts Pound Red Routes· ' ·Military Seeks Nixon OK for Cambodia Raids ~ SAIGON (UPI) -Five OJchb ol BU bombm ba-Communlll ln!Utrallon "'"'8 .'-<d SaigM today IJDld ftl)Ol11 ~ ci>nunaocl bu IOUCbl Pmldenl N1"on'1 go-abeld le< nJU qalnal Com· munlJt Clj!IPI In Cambodia, wbue tho ln!UtraUon be{jlns. In the groupd war, Viet Cong a n d North Vietnamese soldlen llhelled the nortbem province capital ol Quq Ngai and fought Allied defender• on three aides of the city , Monday and today. '111e delenders reported 148 guerrWu alaln qlllnsl ligbl .Allied losses. 'Ibe Communists pushed their na- tlonwldt offeml.ve into tts 31.st day with 2S barrsps lnlo South Vleinamese cities one! Allied mllilary camps. In Da Nang, Muino Commander Lt. Gen. Robert E. CUshnwi Jr. Aid !\le offeml,. C<lllld continue for "many months." '"11!e enemy 11 bYlha,.Ung bis person. ne1 one! logllllC ,resou=i so be can continue lo oper1te durJnc the P"'ce lllu In Parll,1' CjJahmon said. From llano!, I Viel Cong broadcaal Nici the guerrillll ~ conllnue to n,lil \llllll aU American °invaden'" were dftven from S,ooth' VletJiam. , American ~s said the CommunJstll were auppottlic most of lhtif offensive . from • strJDg or • doeen ''·bases just llllldo neighboring Clmbodia, free from u:s: 1ltackl. Most ol the ~errilla ~threat \o iSaigon stema from tbeSe Cambodian bivouac;1. Now. the IOurces said, the U.S. etm- monclor In vlotzwn, Gen. CreJgbJoo w. Abrmm. bu renewed bis request for l!ft!ldonUal permJ.,ioo to 10 aller thooo camps wllb either bomborl or CO!!llN!Vlo oquada. Former Pm1c1ent J-Is Aid to bave lmDed don two tueb roquoa!L "ID roqueolln( permlsalon to raid these Drilling Curbs Backed by Jury Orange County's of(shore drilling restrlcllons today won the support of the Orange County Grand Jury with :-resolullon· which calls on state and federal legislators to beef up coastline exploration laws. Recent 1cUon by county supervisors In which the board urged · continuation of shelter anu and the passage of stiff anti-drilling alws was endorsed by the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury_ $etks to "ensure that the past policy of no oils.bore drillin~ .in those arr.as In #hlch drllllng is pro- hlblltd be conUnued," the resolution reads. hues, we p>lnlod GUI tha~ u long as they a111, Ibo Communlm will alwaya bt able lo mount new oUel3Slvta0" one AmeiJcan ljoun:e Aid. The B52s todly, u In every d1y, dropped their 211-1411,bombloacll on the,. Cambodian-rooted tnrutratJon r o u t e s west, southwest. northwest and north . of Saig!)n. They 1~ hit Communist hideouts threatenlng Kontum City tn the central highlands, war reporb; said. * * * 'Rap of· Light'. Al Qull1I Ngal, JllO ..U.1 north el l!ai1on oo tlio -· 1111 ~ IObbed eight -llhlllo Into tho dtJ overnight and baJUed Soulb V- sokllm In toor blttleo, -ol tMm within a mile ol the cllJ lbnill. ' • Backed by AmertcM w 1 r plan••• artlllory one! bellcopter plllblpl, tho South Vietnamese toldlen reported defeating the Reds .ln the blttltt southwest, l!OUth and northwest of town. The guerrilla shellln& camed lllbt damage and casualties. Thieu.Says Saigon Read)) . To Meet Secretly With VC SAIGON' (UPI) -President Nguyen Van Thieu said tcxlay lhe government of South Vietnam was ready to mett pri vately with the Viet Cong in Paris ln hopes GI ending the Vietnam war. He said the possiblllly ot wch talks was "a ray of llghl at the end of the tunnel." It WU the second Ume a South Viet- namese official bu made .00. a proposal and JI re!lect<d a sbUl In Ibo South Vieinamese poa!U111 from flatly refualog to recogn!Je the Vld Cong, Vice · Prealdont Nguyen Cao Ky, In Paris a few weeta ago a& the start ol the expanded talta, offered to meet With tho Viet Cong. '111e Viet Cong, or NaUonal LiberaUon Front (NIJI'), fail· with the NLF .u they want," Thieu said. "I think they underata.nd well that we are ready for tbeae talks and we are waJtlng for them." Thieu sald he would oppose any U.S. troop withdrawal from Vietnam until the Communis13 decrease the fighting and "substantial'' peace talks begin in Paris. Thieu would not explain how he. thought tho NLF coulJ bo cflsaolved and formed into another political party tba1 would ed to accept bis d:ftr. Thieu, ipea.Jdni It I DeWI confettnce In Saigon tcxlay, npussed hope talkl with the Viet Cong could cet under way In Paris soon. "We are ready to have private talk9 not be cons~ "a Communlst partt as suc;h." 0 ln private taita we can raJle any question,•• he said. ''Vie may coosldtt any question they may ralse ... Thieu said his government was not concerned about what he called the im· paUence of the Americ&n public to end the war in Vietnam. "Since we have bad talks in Paris, I tbini: the U.S. people have a better und<rslandlng of our aWtudel ml thal of Ibo eommllllilb," bo said. "Tho Ualted Slates Is l<Os lmpaUonl than bdore. "'!be people aUlJ believe thil Pr'9ldelll NhOll would llko to bring • -ol the war and 11 not a llljl«bawk one! would nol like lo win In a mtlilary way." Murphy Neutral In Mayor Race WASIUNGTON (UPI) -Sen. Georp Murphy, {R.calif.), 1aJd Tuelday he would not endorse any candjdate for mayor of. l.<16 Angeles. "The people of Los Angelet are W.U able to. choose their mayw without help or advice from Wallhington," Murpht, aaid in a statement. Murphy said bo bad his "own views" m the race 4'but I wUl no& IUempl to loll other dlizens hw to Vole ill this 1oc.al, noOi*"Usan electbi. '' ·Sen. Alan er.-, Deallf., i,. ..,. cloned OJundlman Tcm Brodley. There's a new face in Costa Mesa·~ You Are Invited to Our Open Home througti Mareh 23. Completely rtmodeled, the Costa Mesa office or United States National Bank has a handsome new face. And there's more. ·Jnsidc is every cuslomcr convenience-new lighting, comfortable air conditioning ·and Juxurious interior appointments. Be sure to stop in and sec the new · facilities now reidy to serve you. BaoklOI H ... : JO a.m. to3 p.m. Mo;,day through TIUlrii!Jr/ 10 a.m.10 6 p.m. Friday . . ' Frank Zrcbiec f'IU l'ruf.d~nJ. Mt1lttlf'tl' I 845-NeWp<>rrBoulevard TeJcPbonc 646-3291 • UNITED We make it all a little eaJiu STATES NATIONAL -BANK A FULL' M .. ...,., ...... o.,.111 .. _ C..,.,.t• -,.....i """''" .,..... s~RE ' I ·' • . --...-..... ' • .. Sirhan ·Re-enacts ·Murder • ID Jail Cell LOS ANGELE.1 (UPI) -~ B. Slrhu iJ so auggestlve to hypnom tllat on one occasion he wu told to •ct lib a monkey alld climbed Ibo blri In his cell and -!her<, lfimaclnc at his jailen. • , In Ulal 111ai.., the defendant ~ the lhootfn&. repea\e<fly BqUeeiing an lmJilnory lrluer, turned blue as U he WU being choked . and shouted "j>ou -.i Cll a bitch," DiamOod sald. ' Dlu>aqd .aald the eoml>lllatlon ol wall 101mt1, chandelltrs and. brt&bl Jlght, In .. alcovt ol the hotel ]IUt SJrban In the trance ~ w'bJcb be killed the N111tor. He hid P<•cllolid aelf-hyp-nosts In hla ,_ wltb a iillrror and candle, Diamond a~ · · 'Diamond 1ald tllat under bypoools be put a ufety pin thfoush 111 Inch of flesh tn Slrb&n'•· harid aad he ft!t no pain. Be ukect blm to deacrlbe the 'Tbe J .... wm ateal my pa.' Bo ... put It In bit llelt and weal back to the hotel to get eollte and -up.-" He aaJd hi had clnmk four Tom Colllna. S..k In the bot4I he Jllet • girl at a collee bar and ahe bad collee, too. Slrhu WU allled wbat bJa tboulbJI . wm and he uld be had IOX!' lhouPts . about bow he coulcl pt .the girl to leave the hotel with htm. rlabt up In contact wltb the senalor and be sbot him, II "In my OJ!JpiOO at the ~ IDOl!"'"t ol the abootJni be wac, In a hllblJ abnormal state of mind with a ·rage reaction that was the outgrowth of hi1 paranoid psycholo.!I)'' that bepn whoo he became' confused and da1.ed by the mJrron and lights," Diamond aald. .c~_. .. ..,,...,...,, Dr. Bernard Dlamood, a poycblllril! and university profeuor.,'told Skhao'1 mur<ler !rial Jury. Monda1< tllat ' - tile 2f>.year<ild Arab lbot RDbet't 7. g..,. nedy be wu In a aoll-lndoced trance and acllng like a "computer thlt had been programmed for murder." 'nae ·doctor, who teaches I aw. er1mloology and psytblalty at the lhllvenJI)' of Callforn1a at Berkeley, 1111ld be ai.. Induced Sirhan to t.lk about tbe nlght In the Ambassador Hou!, and ·Sirhan described having "se:rj tboujbts" abo1jt a girl sbarlng coff<e witb him. Sirhan a1so wrote down 1n biJ .. n errat4c tbreab to Kennedy in a notebook similar to the one be put down In dl.arles foond at hia home. llhoolln( ol Kennecly. · · .. • • JI• -t Into the JlllltrY and saw Senator Kennedy ud a crowd enter from tile other end. Be uld 'They ruabed at me.' At flrlt 1M thought be w111ted to llbal;e S<oator Kem!OCIJ'a band. Then the bodyguards weot pUt and be was He aaid. Sirhan would not agree. He •aid be thought ol himsell' .. Dllf\yr wbO had saved his people and wu a hero willing to go to the a:as chamber. AQn11 l'llcklngar of West Seatue went to get her mail and stretched out her hand to remove some let- ters, litUe knowing her action was what the Humane Society says is a signal to a trained hawk to land aod be fed. A bird, wearing leather thongs on each leg, landed and then sliced at Mr1. Fiickinger'• arm when •ho attempted to fight It off. She subdued and captured the bird and an ad located its owner. • G. V•n Ettrlk, new miniJter of the Protestant Church in Sommers- dik, Holland, hes asked bis pari~ shioners to lower his pulpit because he sUffers from acrophobia (fear of heights). • Diamond aald be hypootized 5lrbao on six occasions by wavtnc a quarter coin about ei&ht lndles from his face. Moon Orbit Set Before First Landing SPACE CENTER, HOllllon (UPI) - Top space agency official!: voted Monday to play it aafe and aend astronauta to orbit the moon once more with Apollo 10 in May before trying to Jand men on the Junar surface in July with Apollo u . Atltlnpting to move directly to a moon landing with Apollo 10, they decided, would be too rlal<y. · The decision meant that spacemen Tbomu SWford, John YOllll( alld Eugen< Ceman will blut oU toward the IDQOll May 11. 'Jl>ey will apend a hours In lunar orbit -m«< thin three times u Jong u Apollo I ap0nt orbllinl the moon ChNtmu eve. "Sirhan aald be went back to bia car and felt dizzy, druek, alckiah, tired. Al be opened the car door be a.aw the ""' .. the back lftt and thougtlt Dbring orbllinl the three aatronaufl Will tat furtbe< the performance ol the Al>ollo mother llhlp wttb Its moon 1aru1ir -which wu no1 Included rn the Apollo I !light alld will trY to IOIVe sOme perplexing lunar navigaUoo pro- bleina. At once point Stafford and Ceman will detach the landln1 craft and fly within 10 miles of the moon. Young will remain in the mother ahJp, orbiUng 69 mn.. blgb, and the other two will fly back up and rendezvous with h1m just as though thty were taking off from the mooo '• llll'face. TRUDEAU, NIXON CONFER IN WASHINGTON Nuclur Ml11ile1 fn C1n1d1'1 Btck Y1rd? Although this little bot• seems well i'n hand the situation certainl11 isn't at thil first haircut "ceremony." Fath-- er and barb•r alike find that giving a grooming to 1S-mont1i old Boyd Johnson ii quite a talk. MQJ1be he ;wt wanti t.o look like big brother, • "With the e:rceptlon of the •dual I~ ding oa tbe lunar IW'face, the mbslon plan is the aame u the lunar landing miss1on," a 1potemian at the m&Med spacecraft center llid. ABM Issue Oouding Talks Between Nixon, Trudeau One fellow was playing a pop tune on a vacuum cleaner. And an. otherJiving what sounded like .a funer dirge by scratching a pane of glass. It was the Institute of Conlemporary Arta ln IA>ndon and just about BD1thlng went. or rather, made a sound. Star of the show was Paul H.dley. His "instrument" consisted of a bathtub filled with water, into which was inserted a mixing bowl with a rubber tube attached. It was said to produce an "exhilarating sound ... • Some doomlayer1 and proph- ets have predicted most of Cali- fornia w i l l be destroyed in ~rtliguake& next month, and in honor lMreof the San Francisco Municipal Court ataJf is having a party. The even& Jch.eduled April 13 features End of the W o r l d Cocktails, Ea~ Fiuea and Catastrophe ROJIQll at 69 centi each. Tile Muni Quar- u~ l<d by cZ...k Al McDonald, wiU ling "Nearer mu God to Thee." as other• hand out life prelervers and black arrnbandl. • The new $25 mllllon Honolulu lrtate capitol has a touchy fire alarm system. The building was evacuated when the alarm sound- ed. Investigators said cigarette smoke triggered an over .. ensttive. smoke, detector, which in turn activated the alarm. Tbe lint full landlni atttmpl Is scbeduled to lilart July Ii. Apollo 11 ertwmen Nell Armltroaa:, Mic b a el Collins alld E:dwln "Bus" Aldrin will fly to moon orbll Armstrong and Aldrin will land on the moon for 21 bwn. settlng out uperlments and gatberlng rocks, while Collins walta for them in the orbiting mother ship. Cast of 'Che' Arrested in Test Of Sex Freedom NEW YORK (AP) -Police raldera have arrested the cast and author of the off-off Broadway play 11Che" on ct:wges of public lewdness, sodomy and obscenity. Pll,inclotberm.en lt.lzed 10 peraona, in- cluding two women and a II-year-old boy, Monday nlght alter a performance of "Che." The controversial one-act play tested the semal freedom of the theater with simulated !ovemaldng In the nude and a variety of other sexual acta onstage., theater critics said. "Che" ls billed aa a 1ymbollc tale of the Jut boura of Ernelto "Che" Guevara, the LaUn American revolu- Uonory. It WU written by Lennox Raphael, a Trinklad naUve. Tbe 20 penona were charged wltb COl15elltual IOdomy, public ~ oboceolty and conspiracy to --olfensea. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe an- liballlsUc miss.ile (ABM) systemi moat controversial' issue of the Nixon ad- mJnlstratlon to date, appeared to have settled heavily over tbe President's talks wtth Candian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Traudeau. AJ the two heads of government wound up their third and final talk session today, Jt appeared the issue or how Canada will view nuclear-tipped defensive missiles deployed almost in ll• backyard would again t a k e procedence. . It wu also likely the delicate queslion · of Canada's p u a h to grant mainland China diplomatic recogni tion might be seriously discussed today. In the final hours of the visit, Trudeau Invited Nixon to Canada and Nixon ac- cepted -without naming a date. "I can assure you," Trudeau said, .. you will be very welcomed there. I can't guarantee there will be no lrouble. I can't guarantee it for myself. But aa one new politician to a more mature one, I can tell you th.at we will take our chances together." When asked if he would take 'I'rudeau u:i on the lnvtlation, Nlxon answered "yes." But be did not elaborate. Spokesmen for both men said the ABM Wue was the main topic dilcussed when the two met alone initially and then along with Secretary of Slate William P. Rogers and Canada's External AUalr1 Minister MllcheU Sharp. Jt was again "broached," a Trudeau spokesman aald,,wben the prime mlnlster met with Ro1en and other government offlclala Monday afternoon ln a session billed u a trade discu.uion. Ronald Zlqlu, Nlzon'1 press secretary, Nice in West, Not • Ill East Large Storm System Batters Eastern Half of U.S. California ala _,. mosfl'I' 111nn., _.... Sou~ -C.lllomllo ••cffl for ._ ¥1rl1b1e flltll clolldt •I tlma Ttm"r1tur" -. 9'111hll'r .,...rlMI" In tti. 11111/ld ·-· U.C..lllld ,,,,_ tllllY 11111'1!•111 wlnd1 IWW'I throutl'I -.,.,., but ....... -r•llY -"-"" IPlln Ills 11r- lllnf1 Wl'lldl ·-"'"' of lot ...... "'"' "" 8ttMrcllM, lllftrlk#, 0!"1-tlld VMlllr1 coullllac Mondi.,, T ... 1-~It-, Mlllldl., _, 71 m!I• Mr llwr -*"' 1! Foile._, fll'ndlfW ,,,_ ear-t to n.. tniul'llll. ~ llWI ,_,,,., -ts II It"" ti '8 lfl .. J\. fft 0.-1-<Aouftl\O, A~ trlol1flet Mm-•111'1' tloMI Ful1'trlall ltklftklNI Al~ lo ll11"f 1lrcr1rt 11 ,.. •Ind• butll!tell ..... l!'M. -11 .. __. ...... lft 11 kilt &Ill urnmv-....... Tiit ~ -. _.,., "-wttt1 -II ... <1oucl• 11 11-s 11'1111 111111'1 ...,....1\lftS Ill "" 111. ""' ""'"' -"· n. ~IM ""' IMll!frf ~ .rt1t1 -1111111 ciau.t ,,. lttfllr .,._ WtlY IW1llMll wlMll.. Hltllt •• ,_.. ....... rNdlN _,.., ""' .. -" ... -ltr w....., Ill "" """"" .ttll Cllflt-.i lou!l't' ~l'I' llOl1f'IMY ..,...._ HllJll ,._.. Met 1' Ill tllt -"'"'" ... -.. 11'1 "" ....... "' .... l OI ANO•l..Q Alll!~tl't' t1lr -.!!fl .......... 111111 d•lf1 lllr"-.11 ...........,., L.19 fmlltM !6. HltM' W-00. POIJllT (~ION TO Ml!>CICAH IOlllOe• """"' ......,..,. -..1n.i, 1 10 1.1 k!IOl8 Ill ...._.. W,,,llt:\OI., "9- _.,_ '""' ..... ftft*oblt ... ~lfll• ll'MI '""'"""' ........ hlr wl1tl ¥ttl1blt ~ ·~ tlfl* """""" ........... ,. ,11(111 ...., .., _,., -..n 1•1-, PnDrnllw, Nd """" .....,..,lilN ~ • 11 wll bt "*"" f;lr ~ lftlf ~ "411111 .... -'"' ,,........,, wlfldl _, "" u~ T...,.lllra '""" 1111 Or-CM1t .tu l'lft9t from p ,. n .m1i. 111i.,.. .WI M _,,...,, ~ • 111111 11. w1• .,_."'"' ..... W•DN•SDAY . '"'"' """ .............. )~00 '""· 4.0 ....., 111111 ............. 7:12 ... lfl. ,,, ,.,., "" .............. ,11 :14 '·"'· ... *" '°"" ... , ........ 11:00 1.1t1, a.o .... • ..... •=• '·"'· k!I ''" ........ ~ a! ... ft11' 1.m. ltlt 12:N 1 ,111, ..... ''"' .. ,.,.. ....., •. ~'· 1• Mir. Jl Nr. t Nr. t v.s. s ... _.,, ... ._. .... "'"" """"' "·"' ...... !ht "'*"' lttM' " !tit fltllllll '°'*Y bl'Wlrlt ~ 1U9tt v.,_ t lflle lflll t«tW!ttd fW 11 1tt1t twt 11\'M. °"""" "'" ellftMM. ~ ftlt ""' ""' .--. -"" --..... ol llld\IMllll, vi .. 11111 s~a.11~...,,.,..u1o• ........ Ind 9"'1AI 1P1rlmffll bullof. "'n ,..,.. dloltTortd or M1vl1'1' N m. -· Ge• loru wlndlt 11'1111 r1111 lltfltd 1 ¥111 em lrotn NIMl'~ llWI lo UPHt Mlcfl!Hft IM Nl'91td 111111 Ht-.. E,,. 111'111, MlllV111t, M,J,, r.«l.....i 1.M IMJ<. fl fll A lft Wrlnt I ll•·l><llff t>erfod 111d ,...._ Yllftt City ~ J.4 ·--Mount W1ltll"""", H,1'1 , .odK four lftdw>a ef -Ml11t Ol.Mw, 11-. Mffltorl. Wll,. end Wo!Moor .. N.t1 .. Mell rteli* -IMll. Alb!.lclutnlut -All1nt1 ••t.,,11 .... 811mtrdl: ··~ OR ... <>•-(!fl(lnNl!I ' Cltwlll'KI .,,,,_ ......... ....... '"'" '"' """' ·--......... ="" lAtV .... LR-Mlltnl ._. .. ,_ -· --.. ...... YIR Hlf1h P'le"-o.ti.1111 ...... PIM Rottlft l'f!HllClstfl'li. _,, l"'lllsburtll Pertl•nd R1pkf Cit-, RM •kill ·-Slcr•/nl!lll9 $1. LOUii S.11 l lkt City S.11 OlttO Sift FttflClf.CCI Slftll ••fbl11 Slo•"lt -·~ T/Mnn.t WtllllntfOll • 1'111111 L-PrK. ~ ,. . " . " I! 52 ,, 1? " " 52 Cl .1' u 14 ·'' .w )I ,)6 " " ... .. " Cl ~1 ·'' ~ )11 ·" " . " . " .. ~ " . " " .. 4 ~ .. .. .. . " " n If J:I .() .. " ,., . -11 n 2.11 ,, 71 .. " 11 H .ti -tt .w jO .u 71 ,, '° u .5' " .. u ~ " .. " " " . .. ~ . " 11 ., " ~ '' ,. It •1 ., " n H .. " ... said Nixon was trying to explain the need for the system and counter sug- gestions it would be an escalation of the nuclear arm 1 race. As envisioned by Nixon, the ABM would be primarily for the defense of the nation's strike-back capabiliity in the event of nuclear attack. The ABM has been criticized by op-- poslUon parties in the Canadian HoUse ol Commona. I Diamond concluded bis d i r e. c t leatimoQJ today. Pres1ident to Ask . ' • A Retaining of Tax WASHINGTON (UPI) -l'n•ldent Nixon will ask Congresa Wednesday to retain the full IO percent income tax • flll'Charge through mid-1970, Republican congressional leaders reported today. The chief executive will ~ 3. mes.!lage to the House and Senate ex- pressing hil co~rn over continued in- flationary trends in the n a t i o n a 1 ecooomy, the leaden said after a White Historic River~ide · Missi.on Inn Shut After 92 Years RIVERliIDE (UPI) -Aller 92 years and a guest list that included four presidents, the tustoric Mission Inn where Presldent Nixon was married has closed. Ten years cif IOBSel created the finan- cial crl.al.s blamed for the demise of the iM, which the late Will Rogers called "the most unique hotel in America." Presidents Benjamin Harrl.soo., William ?itcK.iniey and Theodore Roolevelt visit. ed. the inn and President Wllllam Howard Tait bad bis farewell banquet there ill 1009. President Richard M. Nixon and his wife Pat were married in the hotel's wedd.!ng cbapel June 21, 1940. The inn opened. in 1871 as a two-story, 12·room.adobe bostelry. Durioi the'yeara It grew. to its present b~k--lctJ.' ~. Inside its exterior ot classical Spanish and early Californian architecture were 300 guest rooms and a number ol large public rooma. 1 House meeUng with Ni:ron. The White House saJd NIIon had decid· ed to meet the lltuaUon "head on." Nixon's message lntenUon1 -which have Jong been expected -.were M< nounctd by the Senate '9.nd House: Republican leaders, Sen. Everett ~t. Dirksen of Illinois and Rep. Gerald R. Ford of Michigan. They sJ>oke with reporters after a tw<>-hour session involving the Prelldent, his chief fiscal advisen and other GOP. leaden from <;apitol Hill Dirksen told reporters that by cut.tine spending and maintaining present tues, the adminlstratkm hoped to. acbLeve a sUgbUy larger aurplus In fiJcal 198t, ending nut Jaee 30, thin bad been anticipated In the January badf'C: meuage by Prutdent 14'ndoo B. John.son. ·John!Oll estimated a lt.2 billion aurplus for fiscal 1969 and IU blJlJon ·aurpJus for fiscal 1970. FRIENDS 'SA.VE' REA.GA.N'S HOME SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan has been spared possible eviclion from his rented Sacramento home by a group ol political 1SUpporters who bought the TudoNtyle bouse 10< more than 1150,000. The two-year Ieue the state's first family took on the home expires March 31 and the landJord, fonner city coun- cilman Dain Do~ refused to reQew it. Monday tbe h9m;e was purdwed at a price "in excess of $150,000'' and the Reagans. will continue to rent it under the same terms as the prtvfous agreement. L I I ' FASHIONS TAKE l'LIGHT' -All al!utter over the spring collec-tion which they will be modellng are (left to right) Mrs. Frederick Prescott, Mts. Fred A. Howser and Mrs. Kae A. Ewing who will r ,. parade •the ramp April 10 during the 11th annual I. Magnin .Fash· ion Show and Luncheon benefit. Massive butterfliel which they are showing will be used as decorations. .299. a JJJl .t .J .. t~JJt J. _.JJJ ~·~ .. !Ji. ..... J •~ •~l I .. I.,.... ~t .. tt • ,, ,_ . . ' . .,.....,. M1n9 & 1Ht L ''" II • ' Spring Har mony ... Collection CoQlpliment~ Close on the heels of the first day of spr.ing \Vilt be the unveiling of complimentary feminine fashions by top designers in a collection arranged by I. Magnin & Co. The showing, which will follow a social hour and luncheon April 10 in the Anaheim Convention Center, is co-sponsored by the Orange County Philharmonic Society and the Newport Harbor Service League. Entitled Fa~hion Concerto, Opus 11, the 11th annual parade will benefit the society's program of presenting free youth concens. Couturiers represented include Sarmi, Chester Weinberg, Oscar De La Rents, Jean Louis, Gustave Tassell, Richard Tam, Marchesa Di Gresy, Manor Bourne, Norman Norell, Teal Traina, Geoffrey Beene, Courreges and Elinor Simmons. Following tradition of past years, a parade of jewels by Laykin et Cle will be the firiale. . Member~ rJ!, the sponsoring organizations who will augment the professional Triodels are the Mmes. Fred A. Howser. Kae A. Ewing, Donal d A. \Vattson. Alexander Robertson Jr., \Villiam "T. \Vhite III, Don R. Adkin son, Go rdon B. Jones, David L. Fraser and James K. Whi te, all of the Service League. Society mannequins are the Mines. F'rederick Prescott, Joseph Bush,. Ri,chard Martin, Robert Lee, Carole Cameron, A. Bayard Dod Jr. and Jeffrey Briery. Jewels will be shown the Mmes. Thomas R. Young, John Vil. Scholz, Ig nacio E. Lozano Jr., Torrence Dodds, Raymond L. Bukaty and Ralph Tandowsky. Children's fashions will be paraded by Thomas Anderson and Diane and Therese Snyder, 5-year-old twins. Teenage twins modeling will be Sandra and Sue Savage. ' More than 80 patronesses from an parts of the county already have subscribed to tables for 10, according to show co-chairmen, Mrs. Clinton F. Eastman and Mrs. J ames B. Keyes. Auxiliary 'Framed' for Soire e All the "secrets .. will be out of the bag when patronesses of the Newport Harbor Auxiliary oC Children's Home Society gather for a traditional tea in the bayfront Lido Isle home .of Mrs. Howard B. Lawson on. Tuesday, April L 11le · swpense is in regard to the group's exciting seventh biennial Soiree d' Art auction for guests, members, patrons and patronesses in the Irvine Coast Country Club on April 18. ti,(rs. Wilson V. 'Voodman, auxiliary president, will greet the women along with Mrs. Royal Tucker, 1969 debutante ball chairman. At the party Edward J. ~fooney, director of the Santa Ana office of Children's Home Society, will discuss the remarkable growth of the Society. Following his talk Mrs. Woodman will Introduce new patronesses, Mrs. George T. Pfleger, Mrs. John F. Porter and N.rs. Richard E. Vernon. PATRONS AND PATRONllSSES Patrons and patronesses also include tile Drs. and Mmes. Daniel Gaskill Aldrich Jr., Robert Floyd Beauchamp. John Kenneth Hamel, Emory Speer Moore Jr. and Harry E. Stickler; Judge and Mrs. Elisha Avery Crary, Judge and Mrs. Robert Gardner, Col. (ret.) and 1.{rs. Alan Jocelyn Mickle, Robert Guggenheim, Mrs. Joseph Allan Beek, Mrs .. Russell Lewis Iseli, and Mrs. G<ol'(e Yardley Jr. Others are the Messrs. and N.mes. Bewley Allen, Lloyd' Lees Aubert. Wallace White Barnes, Chester E. Brabyn, Lawrence Edward .B r o w n , Walter Burroughs, Joseph Logan Carver, Leroy L~nghenry Carver Jr., William Boucher Clark, Earl George Corkett, Charles P. Cotton, Lowell Winston Evans, Byron Farwell and Lyman Howes Farwen. Also giving support are the Messrs. and Mmes. Norma n Alexander Gamble; \Va!ter Gayner, Edward H. Groenendyke, W. Allen Grubb. A. Alexander Hamilton, Rolla R. Hay s Jr., Edgar R. Hill, George Meade Holstein 111, J ames \\'altham Laws III, Moreland Leithold, Maurice Coyle ]l.{cCray, T. Phillips Morgan and Paul Nissen. More are the Messrs. and N'.mes. Paul Arthur Palmer, Chester F. Purcell, Edward Angus Raulston, O.W. Richard, Raster R. Ring. Paul Miltoo Rogers, Henry T .. Segerstrom, Richard· Steele, Dents Sulllvan, John T. Swigart, F.dward G. Warmingtoo, ThClllas C a m p b e 11 Webster, Robert Nauer Weed, Charles S, Wheeler, Horace S. Wilson Jr. ana George Perkins Yule. ART AUCTION FORMAT Mrs. Merton K. Cameron Jr., soiree chairman, has stated that the Newport Harbor AU1iliary is possibly the firsl group in Southern Calilomia to use this format of an art auction for a major benefit. ID the lasL 13 year• Ille Soiree d' Art has gr.own into one Ill the outst.anding events in the Harbor Area, she elated . Mrs. Donald E. Swedlund , painting chairman, has announced the names of the rJ 'artists participating this year. '11iey are Hal Akins, Lucia Anderson, Roger Armstrong, Gloria Bradeson, Ray Friesz, Dixi Hall, Frank Hamilton, Ruby Hufford, Jan Kasprzycki, Corita Ken t, Roger Kuntz, Ruth Osgood. Don Shreves, Jan Hansen Travis. Anne Von, Flavia Weedn, Armen Gasparian, F1r an Williams, Louise Leiber, Ralph Hulett, Phil Dike, .Ken Knutson, Ron Roesch, Corinne West, Bernard Zalusky, Rex Brandt and Joan Irving. Working with Mrs. Cameron on the art Joven ' event are the Mmes. Delbert Van Omum, decorations ; W,J 11 i am Kiumpholz, PeUt Salon; Richard Jonas, salon assi!tant; Robert Hodlon. . in- vitaUoQS; George W. Gurr Jr., programs; Ira W. Smith, photography; Terrell L. Roof, press; William Blanton, reserva. lions; Robert Meserve, transportation, and William Harper, treasurer. The country c_lub will be ttin&formed into a cop lemporary Parisian art gallery "'ith drawings of black and white· ac- cented in yellow and will be decorated with oil paintings, watercolors and col· !ages. Guggenheim, civil leader a n d philanthropist, will be the auctioneer, as in Lbe past THE FlllilAL TOUCH -Before displaying his wo'rks at the Soitee d' Art duction, Frank Hamilton wants to make sure his painting is perfect. Admiring his brushwork are (le(t to right) Mrs. Donald E. Swed- Jund . painting chairman, and Mrs. Walter Gayner, patroness. Newport Harbor Ayxiliary of Children's Home Society is sponsoring tlie art lovers' delight on April 18. Don't Give the Gals Orchids Till You Know All the Facts DEAR ANN LANDERS: Why do you pin orchids on the virgins without know· inl the fact!? Jf you coold Set aome of those white flower gitls you'd know they coukln't give it ·away. Why not use your valuable newspaper space to praise the sought-after .. sexy girl who is constantly chased by men and is someUmes caught? I'm a woman in my middle 40s who has worklld 10 yeara with young girls in a steno pool. J see the goody-goody types in their lltUe white !hlrtwaist blousea and oxfords, SO amug and proud d. their clwllty, u H they bad a cbolce. Tbe7 make me lick. Onl1 lul Frldl,f 1 darling little redhead, jU8t 11, IObted Olli her story ANN LANDERS In the ladies' room. Lucy had been jilted by an ezecutive after six months of steady court.ship. They had been in· Umate and she was countins on mar- riage. It was the fourth Ume 1bt'd had this terrible thlrig happen to her. Girls like Lucy ~ Ann Lander• to tell tbem they aren 't AIL bad. Give them encouragement, not a putdown. I've been rudlng your silly column for U yeara and I thtnlt: you art 1 perftct fool. -MAMMA LEONE DEAR. MAMMA : Tbanks for the com· pUmenl, bui nobody's pmect. I don't hppeo to •ave any good conduct mesl.alt lylq around for lltla wit Udnt ·die bedroom k a dec1art tt tk~. Moreover, a &Id••• makes Ille ...,. m!allft f-li»et It what I ..U 0• polite llilpqe) 1 ,......_, DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I both love to entertain but because ol a problem we've had recently I've told him, .. No more parties." fie is furious and insists there must be a solulion. We like to give 11;mall dinner!! -rive or six couples. \Ve select guests who have sometbing in cotnmon and will make Jor stimulating convcrsalion. Our last three parties have been flops because the invited guests brought uneicpected friends or relatives. I ran out or chairs, silverware and food . The invited guests didn't enjoy themselves because the UJlin.. vited ones took over. Our last party wu ruined when a couple brought their teenage daughter who In tum broUjlbl two teenage boya. My hu•band aay! I musl ten the uninvited guests al the door that thef cannot cotne in. I simply coUldn't do it. Do you know of a civilized Solulioh? -DAYTON OEAR 01\V: All )!nstes ts ho\'e lhft. problem occaslonally1 but you 11ee111 to be afillc:ted wllb ll rc1; .. 1iu1y. ~1y advice Is to make it abundantly clear when you l.!111te an Invitation, whether by maU or phone, I.bat all guests art beln& uked not to bring any ext.ras because of apace problems. An)'CIDe wlo. drq1 11on1 an utr1 Iller belq wined la ...._., _,... ltbe-·flll)'tllrllat-tly. kilOw how important it Is to him · and he fries his darndest, put on as good a performance as possible. Th.ls is noble duplicity. It takes nothing trom· you tuld il cnn do wonders for your marriage. . ' ' · If yoo .bwYe lrtKlble gelUnc aJoug willt • your partlltl • • • If YOll cu't get t.bwt tt let you live your ••• Ute, 1eM for Ann Landen' booklet, "S.gecl by rareulS? ltow to Ge~ P.lort Freedom.• Stnd 51 cenll la ·coin wlLb YOIU' requt9t and a Iona, 1tamped, ldl-ack1.reite41 ea•elope. Au Lucten wUI .. llld lo llelp , .. -·~ .,.., .......... --lo lier la -of IM DAILY PDm, CONFIDEl'fl'lAL TO MUST BE MADE •ldollol 1 .............. ti ,,.C OF WOOD: Fake It, S!Jter. Since you Hvelope. ,...J • I -·-' ·' --------·-----~------------...-..~- Tllotdo1, Mlftll 25, IM Horoscope Leo:-Profttable WEDNESDAY MARCH 26 By SYDNEY OloWlll A11DS (llatob 11·Aprll ll): some envy lllllOlll lamilY :mtmben may e :1 I 1 L Be Independent w!lhout appearllll arro1ant. Now ts time to to- .... Mme oecurlly. Be • pioneer : plant Nedi which blOllGID Into - TAVBUB (AprU 11).Mey IO): Accent oo ahlllty to break lhrwCb rt<I lape. Yw pt action iodu· $UCCI I If U J ut11lzaUon of put aperlence. ts Indicated. Deal ceolldently wtlh "1aUvu. GDllNI (May 21..June IO): Don't acallet ello!U. Fun more than 1ertou1 10- c'"'1plilbment lndlc,ated -ac- dve llOClal lire. Friends amuae, bul could prove espemtve. CANci:B (June 21..July 22): Cballenp can be accepted; 111111lOWlted. Career pis boost if you are courqew1. Means uhiblt confidence. Be apecutc. bartel bee4. Avoid wtahlul 1hl¥'ol, eall-docoptton. . llCODIO (Oct. U-Nov.11): ~ mooa pooltton -~ ol brldpo tontd' w at a dil:tance. li011e1 ts .at ~ X-1hll and proceed with cauUon. SAGITTWVI (Nov. Do llie. 11): --wtlh CIPOOllte ... lltroqly to- dltatecl. Add to knowlodp. Gata add!Uonal facts. You are about to llnllh • pbaH of activity. 1"ol: to future. CAPIUCOllN (Dec. ~an. 11): Yw 111'1 be lmpaUent to alart • project. Key Is la reallu le1al -111!>1 labt time. Don't iet ahead o1 ,.._H. Aecent oa mar-=· perlnenbtpo, jolat. d - AQUAJUUS (J11L 20-Feb. II): Solt 1ell wine the day. Don't force 1-. ldalntan .._ of equtltbrtum. some maJ:,.,~ 1tubborn. But di ·~ tpal1I IUCCdl. Avoid n:cesa eating, ~ (Feb. 19-Mareh 20): LEO (July 23-A111. 22): 'Some discretion r.qulred. En- courqe aura of. glamour. Bring forth innate sense of showmwhlp. Deal wtlh Im· portant people -but feel yourself inlportant. P r o fit shownHabmocl. Soetal life domtnatea. Obtiin hint from"GEMINI mwage. Love could conquer a J J • Slplflclant relationship is hlghllabted. Don't play game with emotions. Sta.kea could be lllgh. Champagne Uncorked for Party NEW NECKTIE? -Dina Young, 5, and Mrs. Julie Young look with interest at the tie worn by Bill Graydon. The trio are preparing for the fashion show presentation to be made before South Coast Chapter, Parents Without· Part~ ners, Inc. VIRGO (Aug. 2.1-&!pt. 22): Count and Countess Ghislaln de Vogue from Epemay, France, were honored durlng a Moet champagne reception in the Corona del Mar home of the John Klllefers. Count de Vogue is general .secretary of Maison Moet & Chand.on, the world's largest champagne prOductng firm, which is heeded by his father. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes sta!f members at 6424321 or 494-9466. To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have thell' weddin& stories with black and white glossy :Photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcement_, it is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitiecl early. U the betrothal announce· ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac· cepted. Focus Put On Fashion Fai;:hion history and present day trends will be viewed by South Coast Chapter, Parenti Without Partners, Inc. in Laguna Federal Savlngs and Loan building ne1t Friday at I p.m. Mrs. William H. Roley, a veteran f a s h i o n show organizer and commentator, will show costumes of yester- da y, today and tomorrow. Modern styles !or women will be supplied by Lois-Paul Originals, while the Beach Set will show clothes for men. Refreshments and a social hour will follow the _, whicll on 11q1, parents and '\heir teenared children are invited to aftend. A friend wtlh martial dll· flculty could conllde In you. Be sympathellc, but fair. Domestic adjultmmt on your own home rr.ot ls a neceulty. LIBRA (Sept. U-Od. 22): Hold off on special qreeDlllll, contract. Some today are free and U1J wJth clalml, pro- mlm. Best to vlrw cub on Spring Social Scheduled Ports 01 Call in San Pedro will become 1 Polynea14n Holi· day for ni.t1nbers of the Woman 's AUJiliary to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, The annual spring benefit will begin at 11 a.m. for a social hour to be followed by a noon luncheon. Members and guests may "go native" for the occasion. Mrs. Joseph C. Wldmoot of. Newport Beach will take reservaUolll at 133-2711. Proceeds are earmarked for the natlonal acholanhJp funds. Republicons Vote Fashions For Meeting The COiia Mesa home of ""'· Lou!• Fisher wtU be • faabfon acene when members of Costa Mmi Federated .Rtpubllcan Women'• c I u b convene for a spring mem- benh.lp luncheon and fa1h.lon 1howlng nut Thurlday at 11 a.m. Relnert's department ·store 11 fumilhlng the outllts and Mrs. Jack &Inert. wlll com- mentate. Modeling will be MW Karen Avis and the Mmes. William Avis, Bruce Walters, Sam Cordeiro and Fisher. Put presidents will be honored, and~~;;: l i c a n women are · invited. Mrs. Avis at 54f..1649 ls taking reservations. STEWARDESS Mary Wilkinson Jetting Around Harborites • IN THE SKY J11nttte Wilder 1n Flight Soprano To Provide Program A musical proiram by Miss Sherri Glttolmen, I y r I e aoprano, is planned fo r members of Eastbluft Philhannonic A s a o c i a t e s t<imorrow in the home ol Mrs. Nicholas Kfoury , vice chairman. Miss Gittelman is making her second appearance before the Pbilhannon.ic Associates. She has appeared with the Savoy Hill Players in atverly, Hills ln a leading role in Gilbert and Sullivan's Trlal by Jury. A Robbi ·Speaks Meeting, Sale Scheduled Alpha Delta Pi sorority will meet in Mlyako restaurant, Town and Country, Orange, at 11:20 a.m. Thursday, March 27, to hear a rpea ker di.actw the lotter home program in Orange County. In the absence of the chairman, Mrs. John Hardina. Two Harborites have started Beach. She is a Newport the 11 a.m. blullness mfft.inc careers as Western Airlines Harbor High ScOOol graduate will be conducted by Mrs. and earned an associate of Kfoury. stewardesses following their arui: degree at Orange Coast Following the program a Church Must Listen to Youth gradtW.ion in IAI Angeles. College. salad luncheon will be IUVed. Mw Mary Jo Wllklnson,1--..:.... _______________ _ daughter of Homer Wllkimlon oC <Mita Mesa, Ja a graduate of a Cedar Rapidl high school By JO OUON or .. DlllfY P»ft Stiff "llbat bu happened to lhe dnin:h In the 20th Century? Where are young people 1olng on Friday nl&ht and Sunday mornlni ?" Dr. Morton C. Fjerman, final rpui:er in the serJes 1pOn1ored by Women "-lates o1 UC! Interfaith Foundation on Llvtn; With I Changtnc World, changed his topic from lhe uslsned one, Rellgious Re1ponse to Revolu- Eng19ed Anne Larsen Will Morry S. J. Robinson Anne Ola Linen a n d Stepbtn John Rob l n son. mraduatea of Costa Me1a Hlah ichool and former studln~ at Orange Coast College, will be married In the !all. MlM Lanen ia the daughttr tJf the Lars J. Larsen1 of Colt.I Mesa and the benedlct- t!ect 11 the '°" of the Oscar T. Rob1-il o/ Colla Meu. The future bridegroom ii a vetern of. VJetnam and •ill -rclum to coDep following his Army dlschat,. In July. tlonary Change, to uk those queaUons. The former rabbi of Temple Beth Sholom, Santa Ana, and current college profesaor, was greatly concerned with the outreach of the church today. both Jewish and Chrtstlan, and the methoda J~ is usin1 to provide meaningful worship and to attract youth. "Youth ham't forsaken Its belief in God, It has forsaken il1 belief in the church," he said. "Wt hear the same mu1ic, the same prayers and the same thoughts each week. We must relate our words and music Jn a relevant manner to both YOWll and old. "Music is the handmaiden of prayer," Dr. Fierman strf!Sled. "We need to reach Oijt, utillze the mlllic of ·modem compoeen." U the mua1c o/ Mendels!ohn with the ' way we approach Followin1 the talk, the Con- our rituall or the way we tempo Dane.era prt1enled a behave as opposed to what group of excellenUy performed we say, and now they are ti d Th 11 questioning our policy on VJet· interpre ve anca. e young entertainers, all high nun. the There are root.. f 0 r school students from revitallzatlon and renewal in Watt.Compton area of Los our system, however, the rab-Angeles, s an c as &C· bi stated. In the words of companlment for several <lf Mn. Robert Rauch , 544-74~, b taking raervaUon1. Final arrangements for a rummage aale on April lf.15 from SI a.m. to 5 p.m. at 410 W. Chapman, Orange, will be plenned. Taste Buds and attended Santa Ana Junior . College. The other new hostess is Miss Jeanette Elaine Wilder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barton A. Wilder ot Newport to Tickle the Jewish philosopher their numbers and were ex-Wlne-taltln1 instead of presented by F. Thomas Abraham Jmhua Heschel, we tremely well-received by the browsing awaits members of Kissler. are not only seeking God, God audience. the Huntington Beach Junior Proceeds will go to the 11 seeking us. We 1hould Their interpretaUon of the Woman's Club and their guests flfarch of Dimes, accordin& undersland that we are co-Psalms w a 1 particularly at the Barker Brothers furni· to Mrs. Hammer. ·workers with God in accom· ouUtandlng and the youths lure store, Huntington Beach Assisting with preparations plillhlng decency. deserve pl1udits for their tJ:· tomorrow evening. are members of the Kiwanis cellence of programming and Mrs. Karl Hammer, health Club, Police Wive.s Guild and ANOTHER QlJF..STION performance, aJon1 with the.Ir chairman, ls arranr!ng the s. Art League of Huntington Dr. Fierman concluded his director, Mn. Vivian Ganey 10 p.m. event, which will Beach. remarkl with a challena:e. "I and their choreotrapber, Mn. feature wines from the Reservations may be made haven't answered the first Eunict Caln. . Charles Krug W 1 n try, by conlactlng Mn. Hammer. question. All I have done ls~:..;.:.--------~----"------'----'----....::.----­gtven vw another one to think about.'' ts rlih~ then uee iL u the Auxiliary mllllc of Paul Mc:Carlney Is moving, let him write for the American Legion Hall In church, the rabbi suggested. Cclsta 1.1.esa ls the Sitting for SILENT PR.A YER meetings of the Auxiliary to Or. Fierman also stated that Barracks 1249. Ve ter1ns <lf the ~hurch is too "'ordy in 'Vorld "'ar I. The first Tues- its services. Silent prayer is &ay of each month members as important as speaking gather for a business session wordJ, he said, and added that at 7:30 p.m. and the third ~try should be utillted as Tuesday for a social and .... ·elt. since poetry can say,-'po'-tl_uc_k_•,..t,.!.:,p_.m __ ·....,..--- more than proge, We need new .-,.,...ernse..,..,r liturgies if we are to reach today's youth, he )X>!tulsted. But ultimately it is our behavJor outside 1he church and l)'llagoeue that is im· portant. "And htre ls where we rail," the rabbi charged. We have tau&ht our chUdren to be ldeallJUc, to lnlll peo- ple, to obey lhe Tin Com- mandment.! and to h a v e et:t.eem for everyone regardleu of race. But they are lhrowin1 It aU back to UI. They are chalttnpng UI. They IAY it i&n't true. Everyone ls out to get eve.rythlnf he i>oalbly can. You have lo be very cartful to oot get cheated or taken In business de1dings, Dr. Fle.nnan Illustrated. T h r young people are chaUenginr the relatlomhlp betwttn our relll1on and our behavior. QUESTIONING VIEl'NAM Our children are not h11ppy Your hand lotion is thirty years behind .the limes ·Ano you· -U.g oft dirt ho1ab1 and starting ·tomad-thee tryin1 to make it up to your haods with a lotion that w.n "l meant for an ything stronger than the eBecaa of M>ap and Wiier? Vedra is the hand lotion that helps retum lo 1kin what powerfuJ cleaner1stripaway. Com· pounded with Aloe, the de.1e.rt11 moi1turi1ing plant, Vedr• tmooths, lub~t& Ved ra Lotion, 1.00, Crwn 1..10. STEREO SENSATIONI The colorful sound of Or•n1e County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .,~ From Fashion Island. Newport Beach Pay your tax-and relax use our money! Pay your tax bill now with money from Morrta Plan. You may borrow from $100 to $5,000, or more, for taxes, bill consolidation, home °' car repair, any good reason. Payments sched- uled to fit you r income. You miitf have your money the day you apply -with no repey- ment tor 45 days. Morris Plan, the people who like to Ill)' ")9_ • SAMPLE ~ _,,,, .... ., LOAN CASH ,., . I -SCllEDUl.Cl I&!! SH 211 Jt,Oll.57 ISl 211 lt.51UI "' • 11.122.ll "' • Credit nte and dlsebility Insur.nee ..,...,.., Morris Plan Newport Stach, 3700 Harbor Blvd., 673-3700 J ,· . ~ . • , ~ • 7~<;. ...... r.T""';"": ••• ,.;,::-;"""~""~""""'"""""".,.,,""'..,,..,.....,.~."1" ........................................................................................................................ ~~~'!"lllll"'!I! TUfSDAY • • llAllCH 25 .... 8 no .11t .,_ (Cj (IO) ""' , 11u11phy. B 11 •-·'"""' !Cl l!Dl 8 Sitwt Allt1 Slllw (C) (90) Bud· dy £bale!. Tht N1tty Grftt1 Dirt 9'nd. Jlllll WnfOlll 1114 Gort Yldtl 111•st. D THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * "EXECUTIVE SUITE" star< WILLIAN HOLDEN 0 Sil O'alO ..... "b•ltift Sa,itl~ (dn11111) '54-Wlltl1M KaldCI, JUM AllflOn. GI llPJ (C) !IO) ID,., c..... CC> tSO> m-(C) "°' l1ti (J) ..., ''""' fC) m wur. ....? (30) "'TM 8t Boys." l'ut 11. Two bop, dbco'ltt lh• wondtra 11!11 custoru ~ Afrk:t 011, 1 al1rl bt KeftJa 1111 T1nz111!1. " ti) Multm SI• ~11111' r@ llPLM Newt tCI l :JQ C!J KNK NIWMf'lltt (Cl (9ll) m1 l-LllC'J (30) I!) Yor111 le tllrl l1tt.111 et tflt Su (CJ tiO) • ~ (61 Muntltf·l1!11kl1J !Cl ED te..int: Witll Yew Cllil;' (30) ''M~kin1 Use ot YOtJr lib1117." Ma· rion M1r1h1ll and 1uuts dlswa how p<11~11l1 un hetp tr1l11 th1i1 children ill ttlt pro111r ut1 al' the ntl&tlborhood' libral)'. arn mmm-(C) t:tl D @ 00 • tffl41• Mevl1: """"'· ........... '"""""') 'U-81rt11r•• st....,C-. lean u .. CIS!er, Wendtll_ Col'!t• £11 lqtey, Anri ·aktuirds. A Wiiddt11 1:11'1'1114, •lollt hi ...... ! "°""· "1Clde11bllf G~lt'betrt · 1 mlltder plotl:K on tti1 teltphollf 111( ~...it· •flliz•• \Mt ...... to )o -•kttrn. II ULA FITZGERALD and * OUKE.ELUNGTON.prennt GREAT HOUR Of NUSICI IJ S111wt.-I (C) (60) Ell• f 1U• 1erald 1M Dl*o EllilltM i11 IN· tuf'ld. (It) ID 1 .... ,_. u. tQ 160> fll ! lllCJA:I ltltwUI Jin! (l tv) An up-tHtt• IDOk 11 lhl u~. menieal lrlO'lttlllnt 11111 how Its 11· luts llM fllltted .... it II!. lllo of Ult Christilfl ltynl111. A Chrilti11 f1111ily Gf M flttlls Ind theolatbm •rt ftlturtd. eai•.-..... 1:3118 am..,. ..., (C) 1M1 Wlte11 Dorolhr 1ill90tl llb 1 llunied e.111 ltM th• stort: llld lier llusblrlld '* Into shocl, Doris wluntem to blbysit witlt lti• Benson's klur cll1!clffin. (Retehedul1d lfom M1n:ll 11 1nd March JI) O O:il(l)fBNYl'D (C) (30) ""No D11·Ttippt11 Meed Appl)." A OIUt IMWUS Id Id In fht East \'111111• 811'b, 1tllnd1 I paffJ (IVtP bJ I .ecttt "wit" 1nd Is bl1ekm1Hcd. Corao 1oes ttndlrCO'+'tl to hnd th1 bladlm1iler1 ind 1111 oomp1omi5in1 pttoto:s. D film ~) (25) ltd Mt;reu. ll)Hor PEANUTS l"'IJCIS ·--(C) Waltlf Cronkita. Q n.t'• .., lll" (C) (1tJJ ID_, ttl l!Dl <Jo> 10., n a CIJ ca - -tt1 (10) "MOii, Diel'" A oonltmPDl'•IJ lrutment DI 1111 Her111111 Mtl'rillt I~:=;:::;;~:='*~ novel C8S flltwS shipped out Iii stl in I 9(1:.foot fislllftl adJoon«, tho Seettlt, wllidl Mill tho !full ID ({) A•lrict! (C) m n.. frtndl Chef (lO) Child prep.rrs N1poleons. Q) (JJ Tht liiMd liillJ1 (C) in blinds 111 tll1 Sun (C) G!J Tfutll If Co11Mq111nc. (CJ \ Jutl1 of Alakl In midi If hllibut. Thi voya1e of the Suttl1 II dlltl'lbld In p1ssq:eo ta••n 1111111 lhl dmC novel "Moby Diel" Author HerrMri Me!Yilte's words 1r1 •••n by Klei Georr• C. Soot!. o m "• <Cl t601 0 @ 00 IJ nars Utt ICI 160) 7:30 €J :rfi llJ Lin~ IC} 160J. SrnO(llh· talkinr Clay Cr1s-.-tU con~1nc1s the c1t1iens cl Grttn Rilltr Iha! Ibey ihou!d 11vt up llle11 1rins wl'ltn ht becct111es tt mPo11ry sheriff, but Johnny l111C8f suSlllCIS lhlt tlleie Is 1 sin1sltf purPGW behind his •P· p1rtnt 1tttrnpt to foster to04 "ill i11 th1 town. Giit' Stockwell iutsts. fJ I iJ1CIA I Pr111 i111 Cow11110 ll:LLJ.'.L..c.....::'~::::::,.._J 1c1 (JO) ''S\lleet Ch11ity." Ccrierar• 1, ""''--"""="-"-"' :11....6-L_:_..U~ of hippeninp 11 the worl d pre· mit re of tllt motion piclu1t, 111~ inte~it.,..s wiflt Shirler M1~lt11 i nd Ria rdo Mcnlllbln In W.11. Ii) TM "'9 SHM (C) (30) lEDicU .... D ID JtrrJ Lnis (t) t60) Buddf Greca 111d Michele l•• 1ullt. MOON MULLINS H~T1 l(IT 1 7··7UU - STll.L GOT ALL "THoSS LS TTS /<S l W•OTE Y). fl<OM SUMM!il< CAMP? By Harold Le Doux ev 1ME WAV, I'M MAYIN6 SOME FUN WITH Ml OLP FllENP! I W""'f YOU TO U.U. TW1S NUM&ER! A WOWJI WILL AM5WER! PON'f GM: 'fOOll: NA.ME •• 1\IST ASK F0C M.AM: ACT AS TMOtlGH VOU'n: UP5ef NO·O·o ..• AUNT SFFIE FOUNI> THEM AROUNI> Oll>ISTM).S )W MA~ME 1Hl!DW'EM ™AT ME ISN'T MOM.E ! By Ferd Johnson YEs ... ·• ESPECl).U.Y "THEONEWITfl ;Hs -n.Jl<TLE IN IT. 0 TM W..,_. 130) lO:JCI 0 Mtril:: "Wiit IJllf T..., .... (dRIM) ''5-Jlllitt Ptont, Sal 0 lD) (]) llD MM Selllill (Q (fiD) Mineo J111 M1m17. •'Ketp the f1itll. 81by.• S111· ' ~......_,.our. "" 1:00 l!lf Divis Jr. lllfllh IS • Millb11t m •H1N••1•-1I/""" (C) ,.wnr prltSt who is suspondsd fOI fl) IMtl sn. Hi*\I his p111icip1\ion in 1 1tform cru· sade. then finds bis life lhr~atrned br I min whose confeSSllln cl ll·oo--Q et m ED ..... (C) mu rder h1 llld htlld bdor1 llis · iu U ~nsion. Robert Duvall, Willl1m 0 Atfrld Hitdacl Sdl1ll1rt 1nd Ren H1yes tlm 1uesL m liars Club (C} fJ MiHion S M~i1: "'nit Lttffler m Movie; "M1nlff 111 ltttlrM" I S.int" (dramM) 56 -John Diie~. (mysltlll '45 -Wl!li1m H11tne!t, P1ul Dourlas. Cesar Romero, Jody Dinah Sheridan. L1wr1nce. m T1uth tr CenUQuenm (C) (30) @ 00 ~ (6) 9 rtJ Nm ICI fD ll1d P1rspecliv1: M<1yor s.im fD l'e<IY M••n (60) Ycirty is questioned by !oc1I bl1ck ~ r6) Holid11 Cru1H Wll• Tiit ntWS'!1tn. 1t1•af 1111i!1 ltl m ta11clt11 ~t II llu• t30) @E [J C11arlt M1nd1mi1nte 11;30 fJ Mo~1f: "Subw1r Ill 1111 Sky" (ad1·enture) '56-Van )ollnson, H1I· d114rde Neff. 0 MAYOR SAM YORTY * SPECIAL REPORT! a rJJ oo en 1.~1111t ""' (C) 0 Mo'lil: "'Fi(lllin1 Ma. 11 tlll rllin" (Wtiltrn) ··g -R1ndGlpb S<otl 0 Yerty P1Jitic1I IC) (JU) m Haiti (Cl (30) fD WlfW Pf• (C) (till) m ,., ... -Ort"" '""'' WfDNESDA Y DAmNE MOVIES O .,",._ HMn" htr1m1) 'SI -hul Dol.l&ln, Gll09 Ktll)'. 0 (it (1) OJ_. lislllp tC) m Don1I~ O'CtnRtf sti .. (C) 12:30 m ''!nit tbl 11•1" (ccmcdv) '5l J I -M1th1tl W1ld1n1 "DtVI! 1n . Whttll" (1dvt11ture) '41 -Oury! Hidlm1n. 2:118 ID ''NMt LMll &Ni• (mystery) '52-stf'>'t Mc(luoe~. . ..... .... .. .,,. ·~ . *• . STAR T.V. 57.50 CLIP THIS AD AND SAVE ON TOUI NW SllllCI CAU. toner E•l'lr" ~Y i1. 1Ht1 RCA SALE,S" SHVICE ZENITH I'., E.,_, • ••lllbll Wvltl: 642-9742 TUMBLEWEEDS I DON'T WAITT YER BREAD! I WANNA KNOW WHY NOBODY U KES UIL MAYBE rr's YER QUICK TEMPER' ... ME? Mun AND JEFF GORDO ('l.!)/i F-OLLOllJll<J I ,HE1 ROACH.' YOl.l RE Tll£){)1JJ.E.' )t:XI eor A 6AD UFUT.Aff{)/J.r MISS PEACH YOU INSULTEO ME, tV..,ANO t OONT KNOW WMi!™i!R O~ NOT TO PUNCJ< YOU St.ACK ANO 8 !.l.IE ~OR. /T. ,,,z s1ocx~ P!L!N& ATOMIC MISSILES? .A~~ 1 C/tVOOIN 1 UP TJI# S~.A Wf111 OIL r ANO TIJE J.J.ND WITH QJi.'<8.A.fJE!' fM (>OINli> TO T'li/NK .AIOI.IT IT -wReMLE WtTM lt\V CCNSCJeNC.£, 50 TO SPfA~. By Tom K. Ryan OH VEH?! NOBOPY CAUS ME A HOTHEAD AN' GETS AWAY WITlflT! ... VOU TAKE THAT BACK OR YOUU BE RUBBlN' ELBOWS WITH TllE MOl.ES! 11 .. 'l ,, · 1 ""'"''" KNOWS A LOT OF H0!.05 ... • By Al Smith By Mell l-lflt CON5C.lfNCE HASN'T 6-0T. A CHANCI! ... -. . . F41TH '--Sammy Davis Jr. guest stars 'tonight with ·Peggy Lipton and the rest of the "Mod Squad"' at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 7. Davis plays a mill~ priest, suspended ·from the chureh , who 11 tlireel· ei;ied by a man he once ·heard coh.C~s to a ·niurder. TELEVISION' VIEWS Little Plot In 'Bronson' By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -"Then Came Bronson;"' NBC's tw~hour "World Premiere" broadcast Mon-- day night presents one of this season's, great mysteries. Not the prog ram, which seemed pretty fonnless end defied categorization. But the network's de- cision to tum it into a weekly series for next &ea- son. The program , shot as a pilot, suffered a acute-- ly from the problem found in so many of the "World Premiere" shows -too little plot and too much time to fill. THE IDEA FOR the series is that Bron son ts a young San Francisco ne\vs paper reporter who, shaken by the suicide of a friend. quits hi s job to roam the cou nlry and "find himself." With the motorcycle inherited Crom bis dead buddy he starts out. That's the beginning of the pilot ·and the future format -a dllferent place and a new adventure every week. After all, lbat worked for "Route 66" for several seasons. First thing Bronson encountered was a beauti· ful Jirl in a bridal costume on the Pacific shores tossmg gown, veil , corsage into the waves. WELL, OF COURSE the two distressed people joined forces -on a motorcycle built for one. After that the most exciting element in the rambling, leis urely sequences that followed Was the scenery. The show was filmed on location in some stunning country, Oh , the boy and girl quarreled a bit. He won a motorcycle· hill-climbing contest. Somebody stole that machine and rode it into a river. He skidded on an oil slick and landed in a ho spital There were no heavies, no fights. but by 'the end of two hours the girl someho \v found herself and went home - presumably to the bridegroom she had left waltin~ at the altar. And our hero rode grimly oU to next season's adventures. MICHAEL PARKS in the title role is an attrac- tive young ac tor but was caUed upon to do little more than look thoughtful, speak -on.en inaudibly -and st.art the motorcycle. The pace of the pilot-is indicated by the fact that the runaway bride \vas encountered within the first five minutes of the show and neither the hero nor th e audience knew even her name until almost two hours later. The dialogue was as predictable as it wa~ laconic. The girl gazed soulfu Uy at the bay and sud · denly murmured "thank you.'' "WHAT FOR?" Bronson asked . "J ust for being you," she said. At another sparkling moment she asked "v"hat about us?" "There is no us, 11 he replied. "There is you and there is me.'' WeU, maybe by next September th ey will have found something lively for Parks to do. Dennis the ltfetaace DIMES TO DOLLARS Sp1111I ilif!l11, f!lt\• Jolt•"· Ct ll t'41 .st11 fot h1l111 with '" 1 .. ••11 11111•1, 11111·flt• DAILY ,ILOT D!1t11•••li111 14, ' --------------------------------""""~""""'-~ ............. . . . . .._ . . ·~ . . • . . . . . . .... • DAltY PILOT County's All-Star Cage Classic Is Off Bt GL8NN WIDTE Of .. Dllb' ,.... ... ,, OrlllP Cowlly'a lllllUJI high ac:bool all-tllr bukatball pme wW be lbe!Ved Ibis ,..,-, the DAILY P!Wr Jwned exelusively today, bec:a.,. oJ a tragic mltcue oo the part ol Bud Franklin, wbo wu bandllnc orpnizatloo ol the 511> annual .....,.. cla&>lc f0< the IPOMOrinl Costa y,.. LIMI Cblb. . "Franklin, in hll flril l'W' .. ·-cbalrman, ..... .suppoeed to have sut>- rni"*I a !atmal 'rtqll<ll for ainctlon ol the IHI coot.st to the NaUOnal -c.nealato Athletic AJlilci1t1on (J:iCA.\l . : htadquarten In Kan.us Cily, Mo., by Matcb I~ But be says be flOmehow bad Jt In mind that the appllcat!on did not have to be In antU Ille fotlo1rina """' and when be sat down to fill out the papers on March 11, he discovered the mistake. He imm<dlattly telephoned the NC.V. ofilce aeet1111 to recUfy the •rror. But he was &oJd Qlat the.re wu no alternauve for late certification requests .and 'that . .....tloo for lhiJ year's county tiff Could not "' granted .• Tbe cutoff date is iron-clad u fat u the NC.V. Is concernad. Aoy ap- pUcaUon received at\er March 14 ls void and receives no considtration ror sancUon. And without that okay the all-ita.r game would become a maverick p~ ducUon and any participating player would automatically forfeit hil first year llf" varsity eligibility should ht!! attend an NCAA member school. ,\'telephone call to NCAA represen. tative Wa.rnn s. Brown at naUona,I. head· quarters revealed lbtre wu no courlf! ot appeal for the Orqe Couot.y ,game -.,they'll just hav~ to '!'ait W\tll next year and re-apply for certification," he told the DAILY PILOT. Therefore, the great Orange Coast area siarl lJke Roy Miller and Mike Cootrtru (Hunttngton Beach), Oirls Thompeon (Corona dt!!I Mar), Jt'{f Power 1 (Westminster) and Eric Christensen (San Clemente) will not have tbe priviledge of participating in what lw come to be a highly re11arded game. And coaches Elmer Combs (Hun-, tingtoo) aed Tom Danley ( Katella), forego the chance of coacblna: tbe South and Ncrth:conUngentl. Too, the conUnually irowin& legion of 'fans attending tbe tilt at Otangf! • Coast College will m1sa: out on OM of t~ richest groups of talent ever in line to perform -lncludlnl Brad McNanlara of Sumy Hlllo, Bob Sbenrin o1 Katelll, ConlrfrU and Miller. Franklln was so dlstraught OVtr the mistake thal be oflerod to I'll' all coell for a lt!!k!phonlc poll of approval com- mittee members or would even tly1 to Mistouri at blt own ez:peme to band deliver the neceuary documenta.~1 But such moves were all oiud · by Brown, wbo reltuai.d the .NCM lland -10 minutes · late with the appltcatloo and no deal "It (late applicaUon) happens every year," Brown aald. "We send out the inlormatian Jn plenty of Ume to 'be t<turned by the ~·dlle-Aocl -the cocnm.ltteemen meet. oo.Jy once a yeir and come from all eectioau ol tbe eountry, II'• Jmpoulbto to conalder any lat. req-far cerliflcatloo." Tht NC.V. ltepped Into the plcturo of .u«ar ' pm.e control MVetal ytara 110 when aucb ""'°"""' 'aot ou1 ol control becauae aret<Jy ~ten w«t uploltina the blP ICbool ptrformtr1. Tbll year the NCAA gave approval to SI all-etar cooteeta -it fOI' football and nine for bukell>all. Callfomla, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Arizona, Ohio, Oregon and Oklahoma ""' the atalel holdllll basketball cluhu. I~,076 See: Livsey New Quarry • Ill Line for occ Cage Job - Rout Buster NEW YORK (AP) -H~ trunks weno shockin(pink, not Kelly green, but Jerry Qu'"?'•· face Is a map of Ireland and he fough.t big Buster Mathis as if ht!! were Using a shillelagh and nO! a pair or boxing ,rove!. There also was a definite shamrock t wjnge. lo the crawd emotion as tbf! throng of 15,076 roared aPP"Oval at Quar· ry's new slam-bang. almost defiant style and derided Mathis' inept performance in tbe 12-round bea.yweigbt fllhl Monday night at Madison Square Garden. The 2.\-year-old La Palma, Calif., bomber, a 1U underdog who was spot- 1ing the 6-foot-3, 2.M!h-pound Mathis t\\'O inches in height and 38\; pounds, dominated the fight from the opening bell. Quarry batterf!d the head and body of the Grand Rapids, Mich., giant with heavy right& and lefts to the body and head, dropping Mathis to his right knee with a long right in the second round. Mathis got up at two and took the mandatory eight count. Quarry showed complete disdain for Malhls' punching and even taunted him in the 11th round by dropping his hands to his sides and sticking out bis jaw. Judges Tony Clltelano and Jack Gordon f!acb awarded Mathis only the sixth round and called the seventh evf!n. Referee Johnny Colan gavf! Mathis the fourth and sixth and called the fifth even. The Associated Press gavf! every round to Quarry. The lopsided triumph probably earllf!d Quarry a shot at Joe Fra.tier, the five. state heavyweight champion. Asked about when he would Uke tG mf!tt Frazier, Quarry said, "I haven't seen my wilt!! and · kids in siz: Wf!eb, Give me a break first." Then someone at a post.fight news conference .,ked him il be ""'11d fijJhl Jimmy EW. il the World Boring As!ocia· lion champion offered him a matcll tomorrow. "Yes," said Quarry who loot to Ellis In the final of the WBA ellminaUon tournament to find a successor for the deposed Cassius Clay. • Harry Markson. the boss of Garden boxing, said, "We hope to make it a t-----Fm:ier-Quarry fight in early summer. l t is the best poa;ible fight in many years and it has tbf! be.st money potential in many years." NHL-Russ ian Hockey Matches Outlook Gloom y STOCKHOLM (AP) -The czar of lntematlonaJ amateur hockey has iced 21peculation of a posslblt!! match .bet'ween National Hockey League stars and the crack national teama: of Russia and Czechoslovakia. "Such gamf!S could not take placf!, under our rules, without my permission," said John "Bunny" Ahearne, president of the International Jee Hockey Federa· tion. "And I certainly wouldn't give my permission if a third party was trying to make easy money out of it" Aheamt!!'s remark.! Monday apparently were directed at Alan Eagleson, counsel to the NHL Player Association v.·ho is expected in Stockholm later th.is week for the windup of the World Amateur Championshipl'I. Eagleson reportf!dly is interested in promoting 1 tournamf!nt in Stockholm next fall involving NHL stars and amateurs from Ruwla, Czechoslovakia and Sweden. NHL clubs already have said tllf!y would not be. able to spare players for such a meeting becauee it would be loo dos< to the start ol the NHL ....... LIVEWIRE LIVSEY -Exhibiting some of the nonnaJ symptoms ol coaching basketball is Herb Iivsey, the ne\V Orange Coast College cage coach, who is shown here pacing before the bench at Costa Mesa High School, where he coached for three years. Livseys' ap-- pointment is subject to approval by the college's boerd of trustees. Osteen Hopes LA Defense Vallely Wins New Honor Has hnproved BRADENTON, Fla. (AP) -A man with a 3.08 earnf!d run average de.serves a better fate than a 12--18 major league pitching record. But lhal 's the hole Claude Osteen dug for himself as a Los Angelf!S Dodger last yea r. "What happened," ht!! explains, "is that the deftnsf! fell apart until the last siz: weeks of the season. 1 know this team is not going to score a lot of runs and I'm resigned to it." The first two times Osteen pitched last season set the mood for his "unlucky streak." He aUowf!d two runs and five hlta in eight innings to Philadelphia. The Dodgers didn't score. Then he allowed three runs in eight Innings to Pittsburgh. The Dodgers didn't score. He gave up one run In 10 innings and got no decision. He pitched 71/i innings against New York and allowed only one earned run and the Dodgf!rs didn't score. He gave up three runs in 82h innings agajnst St. Louis but tbf! Cards held the Dodgers to two runs. By midsea'SOn, Claude Oslf!tn was a relit!!! pitcher. Has he shaken that role of the unlucky pitcher? Not yf!t. In 15 innings, he "has allo\\'ed <inly five runs and his cootrol has been better lhan last season at this time. But he's G-1. "Jl's a new be.ginning in 1959,'' he aay1 philosophically . Alcindor Is Greatest-West LOS ANGELES (AP) -Jerry West, who plays alongside the greatest. scorer in National Basketball As soci ation hislory, calls Lew Alcindor "the greatesL basketball player I've ever seen at this stage." ''It'll takf! him about 10 e:<hibilion games to learn how to play the way they do ht!!re," said West after UCLA's 7-fool·l ~~ Alcindor was named Southern Stars ota Bench California player of lbf! year Monday by the Southern Callfornia Baskf!tball Writers Association. It was the third straight time he 's won the honor. "I think he has an unlimited future. And he won't have to seotf! points to be valuable," said Ult!! 6-foot-3 guard <if the Los Angeles Lakers. "He's very unselfish." West and high-scoring Wilt Cham- Pro Cage Controversy " NEW YORK (AP) -A couple of unuttd Bullt!!ls triggered action from the commissioner's office and a war or words betv.·een Baltimore and the New York Knicks today as a prelude to their upcoming National Basketball Associa- tion playoff battle. NBA Com1nissioner Walter Kt!!nnedy disclosed he has asked !he Bullets for a report on ·why Coach Gene Shue started five reserves against Philadelphia Satur- day night and restf!d highscoring Earl Monroe and Kf!vin Loughery. The Bullets clincht!!d the Eastern Division title Friday night. The 76ers' 116-108 victory over the Bullets the nert night -minus Baltimore's two top guns -enabled Philadelphia to nail down the runner·UP spot when Nt!!w York lost ln Los Angeles Sunday night. "It's just a plain fact tn sports that you play your first string," complained Knlcks' President Ned Irish. Knicks General Manager E d d I e Dc>novan said Baltimore's stralf!gy will give thf! Knicks "more incenUve" whf!n the tv.·o clubs OPf!n a best-of-7 semifinal playoff series in Baltimore Thursday night. Shue isn't buying that. "I don't really think an e:zplanation i!l neci!ssary," he said at his Balt imore office:. "I run the team as I choose." "Monroe has bad knee3 and needs all the rest he can get,'' Shue pointed out. "Loughery had a groin pull and we've been taking a doctor on the road wllh us the last month to give him cortiaone and Mvocaint shots. Jt'a im· possible for him lo play without them." berlain, namf!d Southern California's top pro player, Jf!d the Lakers to a 55-27 record and the Western Division titlf! this season. Thi!! writf!rs named UCLA forward Curti5 Rowe, Southern Cal guard Mack Calvin, UCLA guard John Vallely of Newport Beach and Long Beach State forward Sam Robinson on the all· Southern California team with Alcindor. Coach John Wooden told the writen his Bruin team played very well for three games and S7 minutes in four NCAA games leading to the.Ir third suc- cessive naUonal title. "But those la.st three minutes in the Drake game. J have to take the blame for that," aaid Woodt!!n. The Bruins be.at the upstart Bulldogs 85-82 but held a 12-point lead v!'ith three minutes to play, Drake stole numerous passes and scored l l straight points before two frf!e throws by · LyM Shackelford after thf! clock had run out. "Our two best guard,,, KeMy Helli &tld John Vallely, had fouled out .and they just happen to be our mo.st con- sistent free throw sbooters. too," 'Vooden sajd. "I don't be.lieve either one f?,'11f!d out in any of the 23 previous games. Wooden said Heitz did a good job defensively against Purdue's Rick Mount In the 92.72 victory Saturday over the Bollermakeni. Who's on First? Don't Ask Rigney "I know Moon! tcored 28 \)Olnla but ,,. missed -a Joi o1 ahotl." Wooden 11ld. ''Hf!itz did a good job on hlm at the 1ldes and when Mount came nearer the basket. Lewis was there." Mount. the Purdue All-American cuant who averaged more than 33 -polnU per gamf! th1I seuon. wu only 12 of 38 from the field 1nd missed 14 straight shots ln the first half. • PALM SPJ!INGS, Call!. IAP) -The flnt bue:man la the man who normaUy ~'ttl most of tbe pul outs fn I itme but manqer Bill Rlply ol the CaUfornla Angels Im 't worrled about hl11 first bue proopectl' defensive 1bWUe1. Hlltinl is hla wmy and the man or .men who can bit tbl ball btst may cot the lllrtl111 firlt -Job for the American LeqUf teom. And lhue are three or four who could do the Job for Rigney. "Tom Satrlano has bttn a consistenlly good hJtter against M>ulhpa,\\'S," Rigney said. "BQb Chance hits v•ell a a a I n 11 t rl&hthandtts. It's i;omethlng worth think· ing about." Youna Tom Egan ls the regular catchtr right now and he 's·hlttlng close lo .400, U be kffps that up and earns the ltartlng catching JOb, Salrlano, a catcher by profes1ion, will bt free to play first for Rigney, Uie manager's reasoning goes. Chance, then, v.·ould gel the nod against right·handed pitchers and Sal r i an o against the leftles. The big question m&rk, though , is the hltUng ability of former slug1er and 1"1CW journeyman Dick Stuart - a man V.'ho hit 66 home runs one season in a minor league uniform. The 36-year-old Slua.r1. now • free agent "'ith the Ange.ls. hi! a home run , dooble and aingle Sslurda)' as U1e An11tl! beat San Francisco 7-3. lie has major league rlrsl base ex- perience., ha\•lng pl1cyed for Pittsburgh. Bolilon, Philadelphia, the New York Mets and the Los Angeles: Oodger1. At &-foot-I and 210 pounds, ht bu the site to play flrllt bPe and the heft to hJt the long ball. The que.stion Is: will be beat out tht youngu players. Tbt Aniielf faced Hawaii In an ei· hlbilion here today. Wooden comme.nttd on the two de.teata In the Alcindcr erl -ii 71-69 loss Ja11l year at the hands of Elvin Hayes and the Jious\on Cougan, and a 4M4 dclt!!at to Southern CaWornla at the end or this year'• regular se:uon. "Houston beat us with a faat brtak and USC beat us with the slow down," Wooden said, "so 1 don't know whlch is better." Post Is His Pending OK By Trustees By JOEL SCHWARZ Of JIMI DlllY 1'111tr Sltft Herb Livsey is one step away from be.coming Orange Coast: College's fifth basketball coach in the tcbool's 21-year ez:istence, the DAILY PILOT lt!!amed exclusively today. The 32-year-old Livsey will be recom· mended for the position at Wednesday nlgbt's meeting of the OCC board of trustees and pendlng that groll1"'a • ap- proval will succeed Bob Wetul u boss of Plratf! hope fortunes. Wetzel decided to quit Jn February, In the middle of a disappol.nting cam- paign following two straight. Eastern Conference championships. The trustees also are upected to act on Llvsey's appointmf!nt a.s an Engll!!b instructor at the collegf!. Llvsey, who presenUy is the ht!!ad basketball coach at Costa Mesa High School, was originally contacted by the collf!ge for the English position. Then when the coa~hing posiUon became va· cant, the collt:gf! decided to fill it without adding another member to the physi cal education dt!!partment. The coaching job was never open to anyonf! other than a member ot the college's fa culty. l.Jvsey, who has coached at Costa Mesa for the last three yean:, belif!ves in a quick-breaking team with a disciplin- ed offense and a pressure man-to-man defense. "You have to work with the material you have on band, but if I have my choice my teams will play the 1ame kind of baskt!!tball Drake played against UCLA in the NCAA tournament," he aald. "I want my team to look for the fast break, but il they can't score off of it they should run our set offf!tlSf!. "You .don't always have your choice, h<lwever: Last season at Costa Mesa I went with a zone df!ff!nse because I only had two kid!! who could play good man-to-man defense. "I'm going to give 110 percent and I want my playe rs to do the -same. Success isn't built on loafing and players on the collegf! level must be. totally committed and dt!!dicated to givf! that 110 percent effort. "I feel I can do the job," Liv said. "l'vf! always bad good rappo with kids. Thi!! main problem the first year will be changing the system - from Wetzel's way of coaching to mine." LlvSf!y is a native of Nt!!w York where he attended Briarcliff High School in Westchestf!r County. He was graduated from Florida Southern University. His fjrst coaching f!Xperif!nce came In the summer of 1956 when he attended Bob Cousy's baskt!!tball camp and Ille Boston Celtic star askf!d him to stay for a clinic and help Tom Heimohn. BUl Sharman and Wake Forest coach Bonts McKinney. Livsey calls that clinic 0 the biaest lnf1uence on my Wt!!." During the 1968-59 lt:UOD be was usis- tant ba!kethall coacb at Fn>ltproof High School ln P<ilt County, Fla., and the following aeuon was an a.sstst.ant coach at the University of Nevada . He becamf! a head coach at Humboldt County High in Winnemucca, Nev., dur- ing the 1959-60 sea!lan and the next year assumed the varsity j<lb at Del Oro High near Sacramf!nto. In h.is fi ve years at Del Oro Livsey's teams bad a 76-34 record and won lhrtt league championships. Livsey'& 1964-65 and '65-16 teams were undtfealed in league play and he was namf!d coach of the year both 1e1sons in tile Pioneer League. . Livsey moved to Costa Mesa High for the J96M7 RUOD and In hll three years at the helm of the Mustangs be bu a IMS record. . Monroe Deserved Award-Unseld BALTIMORE -~ who ha .. followed the BalUmon: Bullets throughout their championship season just ended hl\'f! come to re1ard Wutley Unsekl aa a genUeman., and .a very self'i!ffacing one at that. Thus, when Unseld was named Monday the NaUonal Basketball Assoclallon'll ~fo&l Valuable Pllyer for 196M9, It was not surprlsln1 that Unseld v:ould say that someone die should ha\'t reetlved the award. "I think Earl Monroe should ha"t won it. I can sea the ttnl.f'OUnd the Bullets wasn't all mo. It atarlld Jut 1e1tson when Earl was a rootie." N ewport Barbor EDITIC»I · I Today's Fina• N.Y. Stoc!ks :VO~. 62, NO. 72, 2 SECTIO~S. 24 PAGES • ORANGE coONTY,.~'t.JFORMA :TUESDAY, Jd).RCI-( ~' 1t:69 JEN CEii/TS . ,_ ' City App.ailed: SA River 'Open Sewage Line' By JEROME F. COLLINS 01 ~ 0.lt, ~llM ,ltl" Newport Beach city counc.llmen Mon- day were appalled to leam that 1l>o Santa Ana River has become -in the words of Vlce Mayor LlndsleY. Parsons-"a giant open sewer lint.'' The .city !tall reported it may be !'QOnth! before the fouled riverbed and polluted coasta.1 waters are cleared up. The disclosufe dampened co u n c i I •• < I Uostoa Beach) and Robert E. lladham (R-f'!.-.porl.Beacb). • · - s1orm,....wnec1 flood ...... 1111ulwd the Riverside lewer line two months qo. It r.,....i Orange • Coonty beallh authorities to quarantine waters -.big ffrea!•mila of beachfrunt In Newport and Huntington llea4 It had been anlldpated at !be~ Um• "·' afteo the RI·"'"""'~ •-~ ' " .. _ .. ci:osyi:i: ""'~~~was ro;.irod, lhe beaebea ...,.id be •'°-1· Jlul'.tlJi!,....,'t be the case, ~-Jilt· tencourt, Newport admlnistratJve aJde, 1Jumly reported Monday. Too iDlilY other l(encie>, he told coun- cilmen, are pourbll both raw and treated sewage into the river. He said County Health Officer John R. Pliilp now e.stlmllu It will · be 11 IWI IO daya before tbe ~t-quarantlne can be lilted. . ''The .sewqe!, ln most casa,0 sUi Bettencourt. "la being treated, but the bactei'ia :count. ia atll1 not low enough to permit bodily contact with the water." The area ol contamination ~ from Newport Pier to !be .northern end of the atale belch In <Huntington llelclL "The problem," Aki BtUencourt, "is ..... far-reachln( than we bad «lglnally lhoughL Other _. are diJChar&lng aome 51 mllll911 gallonl of sewage Into the river that nonnally·had be;en diverted 1n olfstream clWmets for lrrij'.aUm purpoeea. But the beds ~ sewage passed over were .washed out by, beavx rains. So 11'1 'all going Into the rlvtr not. aod into our coastal waters." He added: "U thla bad OC<Un'ed durl !be ..,.. mer months, the problem woui be much worse. We'd have a vay difflC:Wti time teepln& peopte out of the water." Councilmen didn't find· that vrry .,... IOlipg. "It IOllnda llke the Santa Ana River ls a giant open ~wer lint.•• grumbled (See SEWAGE, Pa&e IJ Nix on Wants Peace Talks Allen Hits Flights l{ept Private CAB Hears County, City Testimony WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pr<isldent N'IIOn 181d today that the ooly ..... 1 Jl"Oll'tsS" toward peacti in Vietnam "tould come through private talks with North Vietnam and he intended to keep the talks private and guarded against premature disclo:sure. The chief executive told a luncheon meeting of the National Association of Broadcasters he would "say nothing'' about whether or when pr ivate talks have begun and what such talks might involve. While he skirted saying whether private talks were now under way in Paris « elsewhere, the high hopes be 1'eld for llUCb procedures, removed from Ille glare of inlernatiO!lal publicity, car· ried a atrmg inference that if private aessi<lns have not started meaningfully. Ibey may lake place soon. Where both sides have problems: or snstfge 1nd face, negooa.tions cannot tal<e place In I IOldllsb bowl, the PttSl-deftl Jald, ' ~ In such negtltlatJons, he gaicf, • 11\he ~ency is to speak to people at home aj'ld to repeat the same old rhetoric." Nixon said it was no secret that the stage had been set for public talks through private dlscu...~s and added that if tberf; is to be progress in the peace talks, they had to be private. Consequently, he said, be would not snnounce when private talks might take place, nor where or how they would prnceed. Nixon said that in all o£ the public 1peculation about developments on Viet- nam batUefields u weli as the Ngotlating tables, there was "not as mucll hope as perhaJ>< you might lik• to believe." The current mJlitary and diplomatic situation, he added, wouJd make it cruel to raise hopes far bringing home American troops in the near future, thl!!n seeing these hopes dashed. Earll er, on capitol hill, Gen. William C. Westmoreland said the Communists have "no prospects" of winning a military victory in Vietnam without Red Chinese intervention. Man Sues Over . . . 1 • ~IL:Y· ,ILOT, ,_ . .,. M1111 V• .... Awe-struck by Fire Truck Firema'n Mike Hubert demonstrates as pre-~chool youngsters from coopercitive nursery at Newport Beach's 38th Street Park stare at in1posi4g city fire truck 'during recent tour of station house. Seconds later, children heard engine's siren and fled in tears, scotching, per· haps, a ' few boys' dreams of one day becoming firemen. . Middle SchQol Program • Co~idered in Newport ( By THOMAS FORTUNE ot fM 0.llJ' l'lltt Stiff Are sixth graders ready to go to school with lunior high students?. That is the question two experts on middle schools addressed them!elves to ?.fonday in talks with principals, teach- en, curriculum planners and some parents ol Newport-Ms. Unified School District. that pubescence ia occurring at earlier · ages ror American children. The sixth grader is physically and psychologically more like the .seventh and eighth grader than the fourth Of fifth grader." Clute said, "1be eleven year old is &n individual with body changing 1bape- new feelings, new aemitivity. lt is a time for exploration." OXI•cated' Boat With the po ... g. of the bood Issue last monlb the school distrh;t ts rudy ~ ~on a aixth-througb-eighth- Rid ~--.~--grade middle achool program not fall. e tO ala a The•~. Morrill Clute of Wayne ··.Adding to Clute'• tl)ought, Sclireclc said a chUd ci that age .should have a chance to sample music, art, drama, stagecraft, woods, metal.!, business, typing, homemaldng. Damages totaling $700,000 are being wought by a man who alleges tn his Sueerior Court stilt that he was an unwilling and unhappy participant in a \vll(i Tttghttime boat ride to Catalina Island in which he alleges the vesse l's operators \\'ere "subst.anUally impaired by intoxicants." Staie Unive~ity and William Schreck of the Pl-..tQn School lllstrlet In nortli· em Callfo~. refused tG take a def~ ive stance tf> answer parental lean that you ngster! yould be growing up too fast. Rather, they affirmed the benefits to sixth grade'ts of an explora tory middle school curriculum. Schreek spoke of the changed pattern of n1aturation. He said, "I can document for you "It is an age not for intellectual em· phasis but for vast exploration," 11id Clute. 11Youogsters should have a chance to find out where they have 1<1me talent for building oo to." ; Schreck said students ln high school "make election! or reiectlon.s on some- th ing othj!r than intelligent basis. ctr· t.ainly not on experience, probably because their friends are taking it." Clute said. "The early adolesce11t (S.. SCHOOLS. Page ZJ Speclal le tlie DAILY PILOT WASlllNGTON -or..,. Coonty o!- tlclals de c 1 are d .bef(ft a Civil AermauUcs Board bearlni today that the County airport' caMot now handle Pacific Northwest fllgbts. Fifth Oi!trict Supervi&or Alton E. Allen of L a c u n a Beach. undtr CTOSS<U- antinallon by a CAB counsel, insisted the airport's main runway weight capaci- ty is lnsufticienl to carry profitable flight loads for lhe proposed increased service. "The v.·eight limit is now 95,000 pounds," said Allen. "And it wUI stay 95,000 pounds." County Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan al.so testified that flights out of cowity airport to SeaW• and Portland woukt 0 seriqully overtu11 pr e 1 e D t terminal and parking facilities. The county 1pokesmen were amoog . . * * * Harbor Area . ' . "lides Flpally Find Solons Special lo m. DAILY PILOT WASHING TON -It took a morning and an afternoon, and a lot of walking, but the Harbor Area delegation 11.onday finally got to talk to at least tbree congressional represent.atlves about the need for a regional airport in Orange County. A mttting was to have ~ held at JO a.m. in the office Rep. James B. Utt (R-Tustin), but only Utt wu there. Later In the mornin1, howevtr, Rtp. Richard Hanna (D-We1tminster) also .showed up. Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall, Clly Attorney Tully ~ymour, and Costa Mesa J\fayor Alvin Pinkley and two other ~ta Mesa of- ficials made their pitch to the two con- gresamen. The Harbor Area officials then went to the Senate Office Building. where they talked to John Ahle.rs, ad· mlnlstratlve assistant to Sen. George Murphy cn.caur.). Sen., Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) was out of town. "We tried to express to Corlg:ressmen Utt and Hanna and to Mr. Ahlen our concern about the. need for a regional ,airport u IOOD u poeaibie," said Mayor Manhall later. "We sought to impres.s upon them · the importance of relievlne the burden at Orange County AirpOrt. They were nlce dlscu•loiil, although nothing really concrete came. out " them." Stock Mc r keu NEW YORK (AP) -The atock market closed on a fairly even keel today. Trading slowed near the end. (See quota- tions, Pag" 1~11), Alvin Booth names Orange County Recreation Enterprises Inc., Mesa Boat Co., Paul Snyder. Everett Alford and Raymond E. Anderson as defendants in the actJon. He ldenWies Alford and AnderJOn as directors and officers of the first named enterprise. Booth clai!N he llUli<r<d Injuries dur· Ing 1 round trip to Catalina Jut April JI when he WU invited by the defendants to join them on a te.!t run ol a 1 .. foot bo«l Throughout the voyl(e, he •talel, ~ boat was "recklessly, WUHulb' and wantonly operated at an utreme rate of speed." .Lt;tnd Pact Miffs Realtors Booth also claims that the boat wa11 ••negli,ently beacMd in t°" surf zone" of Newport Day and was "battered by Ulft surr." Sooth does not specify the nature and extent of his injuries. Surrenders lo U.S. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bobby Seale, chalnnan of the Bliek Panther party, 111modtr<d himself today to fed«al offlciall ... charg .. arl&infI from hla put In demonlltlllons at the ll<mocnlle Nalionll C...vmtlon to tblcqo. · C~~~ll 'Pos~ne~:,Assign~en i to ·CoM:weU Bqnker . lly-'JOllN VALTtltU .' . Wedneiday U..1 city &ides wore dr1jtlng Of 11t °""' '*' ttail ·Up' conf:l:acts .to. usign Coldwell Banker Nearly a 8C(ft of Harbor Arel Realtors · ~ ·eo. of Corona del Mar a1 lhe Monday charged the Newport Bueti City , . 'leasing agents for 50 acres cf valuable, Council· with Ignoring them and their vacant land to ra!Ae money for the peers when it approved pl1ns to assign proposed new civic center. leal!;ing of 50 acrts or city property Councilman Robert Shelton made the to a Los Angeles firm. motion t.o postpone. '£ar1ier 1 in the The realtors, whoM: protest followed meeting he cited "manr letters, few scores ol angry lttltrl to dty COUil-or whkh had CO!l!lructlvt crltLcllm. Most citmen. charged the council w ~t h oI them had destructJve c;riUclsm." "virtually giving away 1omeoot'a. la the meanUme tbcM~ Harbor- livelihood to oomebod)' ell<." -Colla M.,. Boord of~ will meet The COODCll replied with 1 unanlmooa to draw up ~ for, bepinc the vote to postpone the m1fllr ..Ul Ill -el luslq dty property IJlreld nut meeting, thtttby alloirin( &allAin about 111t0011 lacal mltorS: and city .wr le mett lilll try lo oo!n la Mullen, a ......, and ilianbor the conflict el the dly'r Afr Tralflc .Advisory C«n- The conflict r1 .... lrom dl>closure last mlltl!<, told the council the Board of • I ' DlreclAin ·Of the -group ·-meet lodlJ lo dr.W •P '9'11• recom-mei\dltlaoa.for the dty.. · "t I raent Lhe lfltement that thert would be no &ther realty firm quallfled to handle auch J1rge pleees of property except for CQkf~ ~ ... We have many rtattora l(t• who have handled Jara~ l!iJ the put," ho said.~· ; · "! ha~ • ~.,;Jnc'of!er on oot of.. ~-the put lwo yean ilold l1 sW! la wen a""" •' !!6'I bo ed.t Vic.· ayor ]Jj$Jey PlltOlll, who dnw Ip the l(lea -lelH the VICIJI\ land 1o r•* ..-1tr the .... dm center,~.wd, • ' ~ lhlnt lbt dty <lot Pap'IJ sevtral ofllclals llUbmllllQ( lelllmoay oo the tlsu• at the hearing held hero eo the seventh float of the Unlvtrt.al Building opposite the Wuhlngton Hlltoo. IO SPECTATORS Some 90 11pectators were crowded in the hearing room. Bresnahan was asked by CAB ex- aminer Robert L. Park whether existing jet flights pass over homes ~r the airport. He said it was his belief that they did not. He .sald the jets fly over water -Upper Newport Bay -until they are at least four miles from the runway. The present incapacity of county airport far the Pacific Northwest route awardr sought by three airlines, was further underacored by a Department of Transporillioo report lo the CAB. The report. prepared by the r tlftal Aviation AdmlnlalraUon, l8ld the mala runway's length of 5,700 feet waa tol short for the type1 or afrcraft ud paylood . propooed by lhe Olmpellng airlines. It would cost anywhere fnnn $Z rnllliod to $5 million to extend the runway to the required length', said the department report. CHALLENGE DUE Air West, Northwest Airlines and Air California, the three lines seeking the route award, are expected to challenge the department'• findings later in the hearing, which may take another day. Newport Beach Clly Atlorney TuDJ, Seymour testified on behalf of. his city'• oppoolUoo to the fllghtl. Hll alfldavit (See AIRPORT, Pip I). ~ ~port9;epo~es ~flt!rige ' In CdM Route 'Officially Newport 'Beach's opposlllon to any realignment of Corona del Mar Freeway near Orange County AJrport -or anywhere -ls now oUidal. City councilmen Mooday n I g h t unanimously adopted a r e 1 o I u t i o n vigorously opposing County Aviation Director Robert Bresnohan'a propooal to shove tbe ftteway routing !,Diii yards 1ooth of Ill adopted alignment below the airport. Bremahan two weeks ago told county 8Upel'Visors the move was required to provide more Uft-Off room for jetliners using the airport. The Newport COuncll, In taking the action, followed the lead· of CcMKa Mesa councilmen. 11ley protested the plan last week. The Newport resolution declared that any attempt to reroute the free way would rtsult in delays in construction of the freeway. Assess or Finds 800-acre Irvine Preserve Error Orlli!ge County A.wlSOI' Andrtw • J. Hinshaw 11yg he has diaCovered an IOO- acre error in boundaries which may jnvalldate the entlre 48,000-lcre Irvine Rancb 'agricultural preserve a.arttment. A top executive for lhe sprt'tllng ranch today contradicted him and Wggested whatever problem may ha~e developed ha1 been blown out of ,>roportloo. The legal description of boundaries On the preserve, a major lax relief for Ille Irvine Company, la nol the aame u the one shown on a map approved Jan. ,JI bf the Board of Sup,rrtaors, -.. ..,.. ~ Supentlcra approved the' f I o 1 l qrk:Ultural (IRWVe •sreeh>enl feb. II, but If 1llnthlw'• hlnlr "" -the new dlacrepaoc:J 1111y lnvolida!e the ... llno pactage, Ray Watloli, vice pnaid'tn\ In cW(e el land donlopnenl, Nld nq llajor dlf- flculty hu lieen -b1 eowlly oR!clalJ and he flnt read el the diacrt(>llllCl' In newapapera. "Our attorneys have been working cloeely 'lrith the county "'°nsel'r o!ll<e and only min~ problems hat~ come up ao • faf, ud f•'tf of ·thoae," WaLIOn uplalned. Alked about ooe theory that lhe land wu r~;. by parctl number lll- dlvlduallf and thua 1 d1Jcttpal1C)I would oot jeopardize • the entln! pmerve, Wataon 111d he couldn1111)' dellnlJt)y. "I lhink'that'1 true though," he u ld. "I reall1, llililll .wbatavtr the problem la, " hu """'blown OU\ el proportion and tak~ el ... tot," he ilddod. J~,tbe 1-........ II> -Pkr.Sl:llVI, Pip I)• Work "' the link betw-!be San Diego Frieway In north Coola M ... and Coast Hia:hway in CCl"Ona del Mar Is oow l<:beduled lo begin In !iii.' llid Newpart olficlala. ,.} County superviscn hav~ called for a Ila!! lludy of Br-·1 ~ Board f.andidates AtFonunlonight Candidates le< Newport-M.,. and Orange Coast Junlor College school boards will confront each other tonight. A candidates forum at 7:30 p.m. at Kaiser Intermediate School, 2130 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, will be sponsored by the Orange Coast League of Women Voters, Newport-Mesa E d u c a t I c n AseociaUon, and Costa Mesa Chamber of CA:lmmerce. CamJdates will have five minutes to answer a malied qaest1onnaihl and tben written quest10111 will be accepted from tbe audience. Qu<stlons put to tbe -bl mail, tn brief, are: · -Whet relevant eiperfence er tralalna can you bring to the job? -What chanceo !hould tbe llchool board undertake ..,.y -What are \be moot lilpifleant things the board should consider in the next (OUr years? -What legislatJoh might be needed? -What sources of ftmda do you thfnt the schools might tap?· Orange Weadaer The. liot winds die down. todll)', but the warm .... tiler .. w be with us a while. 1Wednelday'• outlook la le< ~ leniper1tuna alone the cout, rlllnr to 111 dqrffo II> land. IN.'lm E TObi\ Y The campcdan to rai.ie th1 71\oru!v for Susan Mcuze'1 crlilcal kidnev tramplont 11 falttrinq and more help ts needed, Pa~ I.• , .. J " " ' ' " ..... ' " :; • ==-,: --M .......... ,..... ... --' ..,. """ " ...._.,,...,_ 1M• -... . -T .......... ,. '"~:."':" :: =---.: •• ' . ~. ·-····-···· ! Wl.V l'ILOT N I . .. .• I UC{'s Aldr-ich R~alls Nat~v~ ori · C(!-mpus .. ' . By RICHARD P. NALL 01 W1e DI.II~ "11•1 111ff Tbe ltudy oi primitive peopits at UCI waa lllll!iciently stimulaUng to turn students primitive -to the chancellor's dismay. But it was all part of the ''educ.tion ol • chancellor", a=n!lng lo Daniel Aldrich, UC! chanc<llor. In a lightly paced a.noedotal talk Satur- day, the OCI leader told hls audience of women of his own educational tribula- tkms 1lnce he left agriculturt to become chancellor at UCI four l'ears ago. He spoke in Lagun.8' Buch at the Semil\ll by the Sea for reprellelltatives of women'a divisions from all Orqe County cbamben. Aldrich laid the most 1ntmstlng tx· pttieoce was ·the study of prtmiUve peo- ple by bringing them to the campus to live as proposed by the IOcla.I flcience~ anthropology dJvWon. The old farmhouses and machine sheds were to be named the "AnthrO fann.'' First studied were Mayan Indians. The Mayans went home and were followed by Samoom who brought materials for buUdln_g a canoe. A man from , Costa Mesa built a fishing dory and bealde him the--6amoam built their boat used in fishing for bcm:Ha. The Sarn<>ans went home and Aldrich went to Germany. His return brought phase two in the edocation of a chan- cellor. -. .'\My .visft revealed that the place had been taken over in the su mmer by certain citizens (students) each intent on doing hi< own pwlkular . thing - writing, sculpting, pn>duclng pottery, meditating, growing tbelr own food, ltill othtra buikUDg tbetr own houles," he oald. "Everyone seemed to be happy," the chancelkr roc:ount.d. "But from my $40,000 in A.t1 Taken in Boston lloctpwad, tbo..,... ... ~ ~'vi~ ~ -but ;abaoll Ille ' All Ibo partlclpanla,1ppeared hodriqled <' c!W1<ttt Of th< lnstltulloli over Wll!cb · 'I preside " boarded and btl<Jod. Il WU n0t the Aldrich ooi<J the studenU, Jn lll'Qduclnt origtnaJ intent for the 5'.udents to become t.he goods needed by a primitive &Ociety. prlmiUve themselves." became e:rcited at 'perfomtlng the tasks A course of action seemed obvious: _ food. Cl~ the place at rummer'1 end. fl'hevehancellor decided thlt no op. Deliberation revealed an altmfative, portunlty uJsted for the student who the Chancellor said: "Tell the school would like four years to learn about d soclil aclences I couldn°t' understand man and the world in which he dwells. what they were trying to do, but would The pendulum of vocationallsm and pro- try to rely on their good judgment fesslonalism had swung too far. A and action to bring oi:der out of chaos." chancellor was being educated. He decided he would try to understand "I have come full circle In my Un· what was being done and work with der1tancllng of goals and problems of the ' department. Jt began by cleaning insUtutions of higher learning," the the place up and outlining goe.ls. educator aaid. "'I returned three days later and o~ He aaid it is the miponsibillty of served lhat a major miracle had been tho8e fortunate enough to make a wrought," the chancellor said. "Junk ·livelihood out of pursuing ideU to ~re had been ta.ken away, grass and shrubs resuib of their research, ilKl5e who teet had betn cut and trimmed and students to kOOw the condl.tiona of the human were eager to tell about project planl." est.ate and values of ri&bt or W?ODf. "'Mlus began my education by a group "You might caJI this what J consider (Ir studentr ••• what I have learned the closing of the generation gap," he about Ulem :since has not only Changed said. Fri>tn Page J · AIRPORT HEARING • •• also cited the airporl's p h y s.i c a I shortcomings. He was asked by the CAB counsel whether the city's position would change if the airport's facilities were expanded. He said no, emphatically. . Seymour pointed out that the city · favors the recommendaUons of the Pereira Air TransportaUon Master Plan. It pegs the uIUmalfl development of Ccltlllty Airport as th.it or a metroport, with a 400-mlle flight de!tinaUon limit. The city of Costa Mesa 's pogition of fa vorin g the flights was sworn to by Planning Cornrniu;Jon chairman Jack HammeU and N.ayor Alvin Pinkley. LISTS ADVANTAGE!! petiU.xi with its service at other airfields. 'i"he CAB counsel asked Newport 's Seymour what "the people ol Orange County will do about get.ting to Seattle and Portland uOOl the county gets a regional airport?u Seymour replied that he la no npert In the · malltt; but felt they could use airport. at Ontario, Long Beach and i... Angeles I-I. The affidavit essentially listed the economJc and transportation advantages the increased filghta would provide the county. It referred to the county's e:r· BOSTON' CAP) -Two armed men plosive population, industrial, education today robbed the Alpha Art Gallery. and commercial growth. Dan Emory, __..,, the l,!00- citizen Noiae Abatement Committee, WU erpe<led lo take the stand lattt today, He said be anticipated stiff Cl'06Wll:• am.inatJon from the competing aJrlines. Emory, i·n his prepared te5Umony, charges that the added jet aervice would pose hazards to small aircraft using County Airport. Inc. or approximately 40 Picasso etcblngs The CAB examlntr did not ask Ham-- valued cat $35,000 to $40,000. mett or Pinkley to elaborate on the A dealer, not connected with the robbed prepared testimony. ~allery, said he had been in the business Pinkley, however, was asked by a 25 years and this was the first lime representative or the Orange County he could remember an armed robbery counsel'• office whether Cost'a Mesa Df contemporary art Dpposed longer runways, even while He' ·said ihe men, each carrying a fav~~ PacUic Northwest flights. Pink- pistol and wearing a Halloween mask, Jey · yes. . ~ , entered the gallery on N~wberry Street 1 • 1!\e · ·achange lfas ma'de ·part of the in the Back Bay section and told owner CAB record. Allan Fink lhey had com• . !of' the , 14$>0 . ~ · Mmh>l! ol Newport Pic-..oa. -··-~i,,a:amonr 1JK1se1n· attefltance. He saJd the thieves knew where the But she ylelded to Seymour u city _ etchings were kept and told Fink they spokesman. ' wanted them for someone else. County Aviation Director Bmnahan's They forced Fin~ Into a downstaJrs testimony was largely u n f a v or a b I e area ~here the etchings were kept wr1J>o toward the fiJghts, and thu s i,n line ped Jn two brown paper pary:els. The with the county's ()fficlal position. spokesmen said the men took the etch-Supervi.scirs earlier this month voted 3 ings, ripped . out an ~pslalrs teJephone. to 2 to oppose the Pacific Northwest Jocked Fink Jn the building am! fled on service. foot. At one point, however, Bresnahan was Newport Council Okays Greenery Newport Beach will have more than 900 new trees before the start of summer. Also a new eight-acre park, complete 'vJth playground, picnic areas and baseball diamonds. City councilmen assured the fre sh greenery Monday night by approving these two projects: -Development of the park in the Up- per Harbor View Hills tract 1above Corona de:l Mar at a cost of $78,622. Work will be completed by June I. It includes planting or some 800 trees. -Purchase of 100 parkway trees lo replace those destroyed by recent stonns. About half of the new trtts will be initalled in East Bluff. Work will begin immediately. Cost of the l> gallon trees is $3,00J. DAllY PllOT otl.AM&S• COASt PUall!HINQ COMPAN't' •tMrt N. Wee4 ,,...ldiWll ...... PWlllllH' J•ck •. e.,1.., Vlot Pr•lOMI -~ ,,.,..,....,. TJ,e1111•1 K11¥il Efi-. tlt•ll'I•• A. MurpJ,i~1 .......... 11111 E:dl .... J"'"'' F. c.llr.u '•111 NJ1111t ......,_1 •ffdl · Ad-.rt11I"' Clt1 h ltw Olrec:W --..- 221 f Wttt ''""' •·•llTtr' MalR111 .A.Umt: P.O. lq•l 17&.. tZ"J --c:.te .,_. t m w.,.1 ..., ttrtoet u.w.e a-A: m .,_, ... _ Hulitt ch liMcfl, ., • ,.,... asked by an Air C&I attorney \\'hether he had any persooal objections tD whether the line flew the · same type (If jets to San Francisco (Ir to Seattle, He replied: "It makes no difference to me." UAL OBJECT!ONS A United Airlines representative ob- jected to the inquiry. But the object.ion was overruled by CAB examiner Park. United's protest, observers suggested, -aroee from the line's opposition to any Pacific Northwest service out of Orange County. United want.s to limit the com- No immediate decision on the iMue will be reached by the CAB. It ii ex· pected the boanl will corviider all testimony for it least sit mooths before announcing: -Whether there will be a route award. -Which airline or airlines i! to receive IL ' ~ . F..Om ~Page J PRESERVE ••• volved In the map and legal description discrepancy Iles south of the Santa Ana Freeway near the UC Irvine campus. "Jt is not prime agrkultural land, bui grazing ground and I don't know how the error occurred," Hinshaw 11aid Mooday. He said he cannot assess the proposed reserve property until he gets wme guidance and advice from the county coi.insel's office, or the boa.rd of supervisors. "There will have to be -·without doubt -some type of corrective acUon ' taken. As of now, we believe there is no precise agrettnent upon which we can base an assessment," Hinshaw concluded. The a11Jcultura1 preserve ii alao under attack from heiress Joan Irvine Smith, who has named the board of supervl.sors in a lawsuit seeking to invalidate the agreement. UPIT ........ Mrs. Disney Accepts Award I President Nixon embraces f\1rs. \Valt Disney during ceremony al White House today at which he presented her with commomoraUve gold medal in honor of her lJtie husband. Medali struclc by U.S. Min t in Phtladelphla, was authorized by Congress. •' c Sttidents Displ.a9 Talent ' Lisa Howlett, 9; David Reid, 9, and Jennifer Sharp, 10, (from left) put finishing touches on pepier macho model of Mary Poppins buill by combination 2nd, 3rd and,fth grade class al Newport Elementary &hool. Project wu carried out under direction of Mrs. Alice Peter· &on, creative arts teacher. · Loop Road at Airport Splits 2 County Officials A proposici one-half mile long loop road across the north end of Orange County Airport has become the .center cf a dispute today between Airport. Manager Robert Bresnahan and County Exchange Plans Search for Talent Want to be a star? Ttte Excbanae Club_'<I Newp<>rt'l1¢>91\iitl&!tl>t • ~ pla<e to begin. It Is conducting Ha f~· annual Sean:h fer Tolent Contest, April I, In the Corolllj,dei Mor Hig)J ~ Little "nlelter at 7:30 p.m. , i All amateurs, 11 and young« .. ~ invited to compete in Juntor (ages seven through thirteen) and Senior (ages fouf.o teen through eighteen) dlvlalons in vocal, jnstrumem·a1, dance or other routine!!. Local winners will go on to the area finals later in April at the Newport Jfarbor Hilb School and winners of that contest will ad vance to division and state finals . All potential stars may pick up entry blanks ai Morri 's Flower Shop. 448 East 11th St.. Costa Mesa, or call 548~144 for an entry blank. Cook Charged In N arco Case A 25-year-old Newport Bell(h cook will be arraigned Thursday on charges of selling heroin stemming from the alleged sale cl. the narcotic to an undercover officer last week. Chester Norman Greenhaw, 25. was arrested Friday at his home after an undercover agent from the Newport Police Department bought a gram of heroin from hlm, police said. Greenhaw, of 11251,2 Balboa Boulevard, is a cook at a Newport bayside restaurant. Road Commis!loner A. S. Koch. Bresnahan wants the road deleted froth the master plan (If arterial highways, Koch says It iB required for u!Umate circulatJon of traftic at the airport. The county planning commission will study the issue Wednesday. Bresnahan said the proposed fKl..foot road would be a safety buard and a detriment to an instrument landing system when it is installed. He also aaid the road would. eliminate 30 tie-down spaces for. privaM aircraft. . 0o COUii\)' 'lJllpo, tlJC ro..J tis lholf!l Intersecting Red Hill Road 1bout 1,400 feet 1 o u t b of MacArthur Boulevard and curving northward to parallfl MacArthur· to the eut side Df the akport terminat!rig at Campus Drive. From Page J REALTORS ... had any thought cf demeaning Realtors ~·Ith this proposal to assign lhe job to Coldwell Banker." He cited many "rumors, innuendos and nasty letters" stemming f~om the appointment or the Los Angeles finn. One especially biting letter came from Newport Realtor Russ Ford, who said he "had never heard of a public body supported by electors and taxpayers COl_l" tracting with one firm to handle their properties for sale or lease." "I am amazed at the naivete of people in positions of public trust ~. enter into contracts blindly and obhv1ous U. th!: rights of other people concerned," he said. Girl's Body FoUnd ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -PoUce reported today the nude body of a girl about 19 years old has been found 1t the northeast edge of Ann Arbor. SEWAGE ••. Parsons. "It jwt doesn't mike seNe tba.t the Oran&• County aanltallol) dislrlcb ibould be IP'!DdinS m1111,. of doUarl oo a ftve.mf]e.long oeean' oullall and two sewage trea~ planbl, when right alongside us other qendes are tWng the rlver. · · • "Eventually," be s1id, "that sewage ts going to contaminate our underground water:" CoUDty health chief Philp, in a gloomy report submitted to coUncilmen, listed tfiese agencies aa cohtributors to the Tiver and ocean pollutioo: · The citiea or Redlands , San Bernardino, Colton, Rialto, Ontario and Olino. other agencies include the JUMJpa Comm\lllity Services District and the U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Lab at NotC<>. "Normally, under dry weather con~ ditlons," said Philp, "these (sewage). flows never reach the ocean. However, during the pi:esent storm runoff situation. 1~ere· ii a. c'onunuous now in the I riyer to the ocean. '· !'\Ve e:rpect the high blct~ia counts \o continue as long as the riv~ nows, which wi)J probably be ~titer twD months. In the meantime, the quarantine remains in effed." Philp said the situation emphasize! the need for "the establishment o( bacteriological quality objectives" 1or the river. The outlook for the future, ctherwisc, is bleak. "In years to con1e." said Philp, "con· tinued populaUon grov.·th oC upstream comrnwllties v.·ill generate increased , , sewage di~harges and surface runoff to the river." 'Phe short-range outlook isn't much brighter, city ._ide Bettencourt said. "The mountains now have a recorif snow pack," he noted. "When that starts melting .•. " "This is not just a 1969 problem ,'• concluded City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. "This is a continuing problem..'~ Counellmerl unanimowlly directed hint to see ,that· the city ill represen~ at the sewage bearings lo Sacramento Thuuday •. Ex-mayor 8nd councilman Paul J. Gruber was alSo assigned to make the· trip. From Page l SCHOOLS ... years are our last chance. to be signir- icantly helpful to students 1n the process of learning. Psychologically at this .age everything is open to review. It is a tim~ for rearflllDation o( values and atti· tudes." Answering a queslion, he said, "It would be exceedingly unwise· to movt into a sharply departmentalized school. Sixth graden need t.he home base secur- ity lhey h;?d in U.e fifth grade,' bu~ rm: not sute·1t·heeds to be all day.'~,1_-_.:_ · District Supt. William Curuungnam Ba.id 'the' mlddle s<:hool changeover {from the 'present seventh·an~ighth-gradHnl1'.' tntennediate school) will beg1n in the" fall but "It will be a modified program at firs( until we ha ve an opportunitY,·· to work lt through." .; Curriculum Is being studied now by • committee or teachers and principal! and It is with thi.s group that the twc . coosultants spent the better part of Monday. About one-third of district sixth grac}t en 600 of them, will attend TeWinkle, · Oa~is and Lincoln schools next fall . The number will remain aOOul the same the following year. increase to J,300 in fall 1971, and aJI 2,000 sixth graders in fall 1972. Pace of tlle changeover ls dictated bY, availability of classrooms to be built. Rosie CJooney Gets More From Ferrer SANTA MONICA (UPI) -Actor Jose . Ferttr ~·as on:lered Tuesday to pay· ex-wife Rosemary Clooney $1,2511 alimon:f and an additional $1 ,000 monthly support for their five children. · Superior Court Judge John· She.a made . the ruling after the blonde singer peti: tioned for an increase in her one.dollar-a- year taken alimony. Previously Ferret ' had paid $1 ,500 child 5Upport. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display Over $100,000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! Items es follows: Gor9eous I ft. custom quilted 1of1 w,ith separate ,Pillow1 with h"1 oalr trim decor end matchln9 chelr, l mat~~~I 01~ oc1;111on1I, tables, 1(2) I'' ••II dacotator l•mps, hen9lr19 chain 1w•9 1amps in wroutht iron, an l ·plece kin9 1ize mest•r bedroom suite in pecan ptneled M9Cliten1nMn .+yt• with fop qu•lity IS y.an warranty •in9 til• m•ttr.ss and bo11: spring•. S~n••h dinin9 ••t, at~ • Any piec• cln b. purchetad individu1rty. Drop by and '" our ••'•~10ft •f top qu1Uty Spanish end Mecliterran••n furniture ••• fenta1tlcally pricedf COMl'l.l'll HOUSIFUL WAS lff, $1521.00 COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGUARLY $1521.00 MUST SACRIFICE FOR ONLY II II f '11t·11iflU'f' 184,1 N~wport Blvd. Co,ta Mc•a I only I ..... "''!~' .,,, ·. .....~ \11• ·' ~-· ,,, i .,,,00 TERMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • AT HAUOl IOULIVAlO ' I ' ) i I 1,: -· . • ' ·- I u,. t....,. M1·s. Disney Aceeiits Award · President Nixon embraces J\irs. Walt Disney during ceremony at White House •today at which he presented her with commemorative gold medal in ho nor of her I3te husband. Med.al, struck by U.S. Mint in Philadelphia, was authorized by Congress. • Priyate Talks l(ey Toward Viet Progress, Says Nmon · WASHJNGTON (UPI) -President Nixon ~id today thBt 1he only "real progrtss" toward peace in Vietnam would come through private talks v.•ith North Vietnam and he intended to keep the talks private and guarded again.st premature disclosure. The chief executive told a luncheon meeting of the National Association of Broadcasters he would ••say nothing't •bout whether or when private talk! have begun and what web talks might involve. While he skirted saying whether Jlllvate talks were now wxler way in Board Candidates AtForumTonight :car.rudates 1or Newpor1-~1csa .anrt Oranget Coast Junior College school b!>ards l\'ili confront each-other tonight. A candidates forum at 7:30 p.m. at Kaiser Intermediate School, 2130 Santa :&na Ave., Costa Mesa, will be sponsored ti'y the Orange Coast League of Women Voters, Newport-Mesa E d u c a ti on Association, aod Co6ta Mesa Chamber ol QJmmere<. Candidates will tiave five minutes to M1.SWe1' a mailed questionnaire and then written questions will be accepted from the audience. Questions put 'to lhe candidates by mail, in brief, are: -What reJeva·nt experience or training can you brln't' to the job? -\Vhat changes should the school board undertake now? -\Vhat are the most significant things the lx>ard should consider in the next four years? . -What legislation might be needed? -What sources of funds do you think lbe -mighl !>pl P8ris or elsewhere, the hlgh , hOpes he held for such procedures, removed from the glare of international publi(ity, car- ried a strong inferenee that, if private sessions have not started meaningfully, they may t.B.ke place soon. Where both sides have problems of prestige and face, negotiations cannot take place in a goldf.i.sh bowl, the Presi· dent said. In such negodatlons, ·he said, "the tendency is to speak . to people al home and to repeat the same old rhetoric." Nixon said it was no secret that the st.age had been set for· public talks through private d.iscussi~ and added that if there is to be progress tn the peace talks, they had to be private. Consequently, he· said, he would not announce when private talks might take place, nor where or bow they would proceed. Nixon said. that in all of the public :;peculation about developn1ents on Viet- nam battlefields as weli as the negotiating tables, there was ''not as much ·hope as perhaps you might like to believe." The current military and diplomatic situation, he added, would make it cruel to raise hopes for bringing home American troops 1n the near fuhn, then seeing these hopes da!hed. Earlier, on capitol hill, Geo. WlllJan\ C. Weslm\>feland said the p.nmunlltS have ••no. -prospec{g•• of wimllng a militar)'c l'f.~'.in Vietnam' without Red Chinese interventiog. ~ , . Panther Surrenders SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bobby Scale, chainnail of the Black Pant.htt party, surrendered him.sett_ today to federaJ officials on charges arisln& from his part ' In demonmalioOs at the Democratic National c.onvention in Ollcago. Newport Opposes .Change .. ' ' ln CdM Rou·te 'lJ·lficitilly~ ·Newport Beach's opposit.ion to any ·realJgnmenl of Corona de) Mar Free~·ay ~ar Orange County Airport -or a11ywhere -J1 now official. City iouncllmen Monday n I g b t unanimDUSly adopted a r e s o I u t I o n vlgorouscy oppooing County Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan's proposal to shove the freeway routing 1,000 yards 1001J1 of Its adopted a~enl below the alrporL Br""8han two weeks ago told coonty wupervl.lon the move wu required to provide moro !Ht-off room !or jctllners usin& the airpOrl. j • • .. The Newporl Coancil, In taking 1he 11ction, folJowtd the lead of Costa ~1esa cotincitmen. They protested the plan last "'eek. The Newport resoluUon declared that any attempt to reroute the freeway would result in delays ln construcUon of the freeway. Work on the link betwetn the Sin Diego Freeway in north Coeta MfM. and COaat llighwoy In Corona de! Mat ts now scheduled lo beCin ln 1971, llld Newport officials. Coonty superillnn have called !or a lla!J study of Bremahan's proposal t .. . •.. ""'--... Today'~ Fl••I N.Y. Steeb ORANGE C(>UNTY, t.WFOR.NIA 'TUESDAY, MAR.CH 25, 1·949 .TEN CENTS CAB Hear~ of Airport , County,_·City Officials Take Fight to Hearing . . ' " . Spedll'to 1M DAILY Pit.al' WASHINGTON -0raDa0 Counl)' 'ol· fieiaJI . a e e I a r e d <befcre a • Civil" Aerooaultca ' Bolrd tiearlnc toc111 · that lbe eodnty airport c.--handle Pacific. Northwest fllgbts.· ,__, , ... '. ~ l tilth District Sµpervl!ot "1toll E. Allen .. ;: L 11 uni Beach, under ci-ou-ei-. ' Harbor Area Aides Finally Find Solons · sPee!ai tt lh DAILY PlLG'I' ,. .. WA5111N~TON -It took a morning and an afternoon, and a !GI of w&king, but the Hartior Area delegation Monday finally got to talk to at least three congressional representatives about the need for a regional airport in Orange · Counly. A meeting "'as to have been held at 10 a.m. in the office Rep. James B. Utt (R-TustinJ, but only Utt was there. Later in the morning, however, Rep. Richard Hanna (0.Westmin.ster) also showed up. Newport Beach Mayor no..en Manhall, City AhOrney Tully Seymour, and Costa Meu Ma)"Ot'-Alvin Pinkley aod· two otb.,. COsla Mesa of· flcials made_ lhelr pllcb lo the two ...,. gre.wmen. The Harbor Atta olflda!f then wont tq the ·~~le <lflke ,~,. wb.,;' they '.wnd to Jolni 1 'Ahlers, id• ~~~itt .. to Sen. Geor11 M~..,..).. . sen: Alin Cfllllton (D-<:a!H. l was out o( towh. · ; ·"We tri~ tO tlPf'f!f to Congressmen Utt and Hanna ind to Mr. Ahlers our concern about the need for a regional airport .a.s SOOQ u possJble," said Mayor Marshall later. "We sought to ~ impress upon them the impoi'tance of relieving the burd'-n al orange <:auncy Airport. They were nice dlocuaolons, although .-.., reallf CQncrete ·came out of them." Anonymous Ideas Sought for Mesa Police Programs . A serie& of programs explaining how lawmen can best serve the individual citizen ls being planned by the Costa Mesa Police Department and Chamber of Commerce. Ideas and -topics to be explored in connection with the meetings, tentaUvely due lo begin· April 22, are now being aceept..i by coordinator Dean Howard, and the best ones will be Incorporated" In the JormaL. • Howard nid loples may be aent ..,,,,,,noualy' and llhould be ·addrus<d to hln> In care ol the pollct dep;1rtm<nt, P.O.~ 1200, COsta Mesa. Tht flr'lt April 22 aesaion concerns ul"1Jardlng oneoe1! 'In cliook writing and C&sbing and i'eservatiOnl are requir· ed for the 7:30 p;m. event In the police facility auditoriwn at It Fair Drive. Mesa Soldier Killed 'tn Action A COs1a Melaii who em.red the Army Clll!y 10 ·-.,. ~ been U.l<d . aa klllod In -adlcll. lollowlog bis diaal"' . peor.....,..., a. V-.. comblt ~- 11 dayt...., . The Dtfm !Jel>ortm<ot tUlflnntd Mooday !bot Spec t Stepb<n w. Loda, 211,. oon of Mi. and Mn. Anred Lucia, 3011 Hfnling ';lay, WU fatally - In the figbtlnlf. ' Born in ·Sjon · Pedro. the youn1 GI was tal8ed in Cokt'a Mesa, a Newport Harbor u~ School gradual< whQ ·~ tended Orange Coast College -IM two years bO!ore mllil>l:}' duty. He arrived ln: Vietnam 5~ months ago as a foot soldier "1th the First ln!anuy Dlvlllon. NEW· YORK (AP) .."The lllock marlel -.. • falrljr .... k .. l tod.<)', 'lndlng -..i near the end. (See quota< tl<oa, Pagai 10.11). ' emliiatloo by a CAB counsel, Insisted the alt.pj)ft'J mairi runway weight capacl· ty io irmifll<~t lo carry profitable flight lqads lof.tbe·P!•PO,..~<Unereased service. "Th~ weiiPt. llinit is . now 95,000 J>9un<is.'' Wd' Allin. "And it will stay 95.000 pounda." County AviaUon Director Rober~ . Bresnahan also I.Stifled that filglrts out or county airport to Statt!e and Portland would· "seriously overt.a1'1 ·.Present terminal and parking facilities. The county spokesmen were among several officials submitting testimony· on the issue at the hearing ·held here on ttte seventh floor of the Universal Buildlng opposite 1he Wasblngloll'Hlll<m. · Some 90 spectators Were crowded ia tQe bearing room. Bresnahan was asked by CAB ex· aminer Robert L. Pat.k· whether elisUng jet flights pass over homes near the airpon'. He said it was his belief that (See AlJIPORT, Pas• Ii Cookielift . Fund Growing Service Clubs Pitch In; More Help Needed The . postage fund ls !Dchtng toward Its mlhlmuni $200 figure and the ladies o( ottration We Ca.re c.GokJellft are ltchlill to . begin packing goodies !or shlpmeot lo servicemen In Vietnam. ·Mn. Darrllyn Oliver, of 'IJ1f/1 Yukon Drive, Colla M...a. uid Monday that service clubs throughout tbe Harbor Area are involved In the morale-boost- ing project, but more help is needed. Volunteers, from high school (students to disabled veterans and housewives, \\'ill be working 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. week· days all during April, packing cookies in office space on the four'th floor of City Hall. Hard candy, individual packets of pre· sWeetened Kool-Aid, and all ' types of chewing gum are also welcomed, as well as donations to assure adequate postage to mail the goodies. . "We have set a minimum of $200 to make !Uf'e we get everything shipped," Mrs. Oliver said Monday, noting • the Security Pad!lc National Bank branch at 2300 Harbor Blvd., DOW lJJb: '175.97 iil account. . A recent $13 d.Onltion came frOm Sir Philip's Liquor store, where customers <irop their loose change from purchases into a canister, with additional contain· en available for othe r stores if desired. The goodies will be shipped in two and three-pound cans ir.dividually wrap- ped in plastic and padded by edible popcorn, with all supplies pouring in on a donallon basis. Mrs. Oliver coordinated a similar drive last year in the Sacramento area, but stresses that It is one for individuals who care to boost GI morale and should be don< through a w-vtce club. Students In the Newport-Mesa UnUled SCbool lll!tl"lct have been told of the * * * * * * Tossing Cookies? Priltesi on·Civ~ c~~iS~:e toomiiig · ~. lir'"' ' ' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL crnmbl ~r the munlcijl8! carpei. ot Hit DeltY "'"' st1H . One yeai ago, he hired an a~orney Will 'tweenage dissident Ted J. Botogb and JniUated Orange County Superior organize a hippiHtyle protea t Court. action to prohibit the city from deffioOstrauon igilnst use of vacant hosting a "Meet the Candidates Nigtit" Costa Mesa Civic Ctnter space to pack in city hall. just prior to April elections. cook ies for malling to Gia in VJetnam? It was just prior also, to his second This toilay ;., the II qu..tlon. deloat as a city councll upirant. The middle-aged municipal eritic· 11)'1 Campl\ignlng on a reform plat!onn "tie win · fndeed do it if Mn. Darrilyn as widespread as anyone could con· Olive-'s We Care Cooldelift program i& ct.ivably imagine, the 1nctustrial worker not required to pay foe use of the declared that ·auch action was literal facility's fourth•floor. prostllutioo o! the ideals ol municipal Not a Vietnam war opponent. but a gOvemment. critic of. irres)b:imible uae ol. the City J!ere come de judge and disagreed. Hall -for anything but unquettloned municipal · business -Boiogll says he BOYCOITS MEETING \fOUld even a~ a mere tl fee. Botogh collleQuently boycotted I.he pre· "I' Will be ·satisfied then, but If it elecUon meetJ.11g for all candidates and t! not charged, I will pay the $240 then demanded city hall use for bis legal fee [ pald last year to take the own session and was told be mwt post city to court," BO!ogh explliined. a bond -or Uterally pay rent'. · • · "Hence hi!! demand that the cooldetift WE1LL PAV pay rent," Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley "Certainly we'll pay," said the theorized last Thursday. cooklellft chieftain. Boloih explained his po15ltlon1 however, "What's his favorite charity?" Mrs. in terms of political purity. Ollver ·continued airily when advised of "When the Communists take over, t the latest maneuver ln the Bologh battle will be the best one in the 1ystem," to keep the city from sweeping cookie (See BOLOGH, Pase I) Middle School Program ·considered in Newport Dy '.l'liOM.llJ FORTUNE \Of tit o.llY Plltt ,lllff Are . sixth gra~rs ready to go lo school with junior high students! That i!: the question t-wo experts on middle schools addressed themselves to Monday in t'alks with principala:, teach- ers, curriculum planners and some =·of Newport·M,.. Unified ~I Wllh ;tjie paaaage ol the bond Issue lut mantb the school district . ill r..dy to embark 00 I oixlJ>.thrOOglHightf>.• grade ·middle ichool progrem nm !a!L The uperjl, Morrill Clute of Wayne -·Urilnntty aod Wlllllln Scbreel'of the Pleaanton.Scbool Dlatrict In north- ern CaJllomla, rtfuoed Jo !Ake I defeno- ive stance to·qtwer pattntal feua tbll youngste~ "'<¥dd be growtna up to:o. fast., , Rather, they a!ll~ 1h< . benefits to sixth graders of an exPloratorY .middle. school curriculum. Schreck spoke or tile changed J)AUei'n' of' m1tur•Uon1 • He sak1. "( can document for you that pubaactnce 1! occurring at earlltt qes ror Am.man children. The sixth ~ lo physkally and poyc:hol0iicallY more l~ the seventh and elgbill arader than.the fourth or filth aradei." . Clure said, 'llfhe eleven year old it an !odlvldual with body cbangtn1 1bape.- -r..llnp, --lilvlty. If II a fime for tx.P!oratlon.'' Addlllg lo Clute'•. lhoush~ Scllnci< Aid I child of !bot ..,. ilhould bava a ' ' chance to sample mu.sic, mi, drama, stagecraft, woods, meta~. business, typl.D,g, homemaking. 1 "I' is an age not for intellectual em· pha.sis but for vast exploration," said Clute. "Youngsters should have a chance to lind out where they bave some talent for building on to." . Scbr«k said students In hlgh JCbool "make elections or rejections on tome- thtng other than im'eJllgent basis, ctr· talnly not on experience, probably" becaule their lri<ndl are taking ll" Clute said, "The ~ly adolescent ,.an ara our last chance to be •"1111· !cantly. helpful to ~tuderits In tlie p.....,. ot !wrung. 'Psyc:hologleally at 1hls age everything Is open to ny>ew. 11 lo a tlm•· fpr re~lrm4tlO{l of values ,rid atll· tudel.' ' . . • • '. Answeti1Ji a 1que1lloQ, he aald, "It, would be exceed nil:Y 1:JRw1$l ito ·move lhto a ~harply dep;rf.mentallzed school. Sixth ~aden need the hOme base secur·' fty they hhd In tlie !iflh frade.' bUl rm. nol, $ure It 11ee<1s to be al day." · Oistrlct Supt. William CUMlngham said the middle S<hool changeover (!rem the present .. venlh-llnd-ellbih·(tado-Qncy tntmnedl•te school) wnr be11n fn the !all, but "It will be a modified fll'CCl)lm at firs( until we have an opportwiity to work It through.'' · CUrrlculum Is betng -studied now by a committee o! teachers and principals and It ts wllh this &fOllJ> that the two OOlllllllanll apeot lbt better·. wt: ot Mllllday. project, but district officials slrela that it is a purely voluntary thing, without any class requirement. The district was merely med 11 a source to pass on the infonnation, 1i:Dce i' can direct facts about the Wt care Cookielift to a large, energetic l!cmtnt of the population efficiently. _ Mrs. Oliver said a friend has joined her in coordinating cookielift efforis and sharing the workload : Mrs. Pat Fon- tenot, who can be reached at 5f0.43Z8, !or offers of help. Under the cookielift concept arranged by Mrs. Oliver. the baked goods and other items are shipped to unit com- manders who distribute them to their men. Letters sent in thanks tell the thought- ful T<SU!ts. "I' ts impossible to explain the grati- .lSee COOKIE8, Page I). . Assessor Finds 800-acre Irvine ' ., P1·eserve EITor . . ,. ' . Or~ge Co4ntr A~S&or .Andrew J. ltlnshaw says he has discovered an SOO. acre error in boundarlell which ma1 invalldate I.he entire 48,(KIO.acre Irvine Ranch agricultural preserve agreemenL A top executive for the sprawling r1J1Cli today contradicted h1m and suggested whatever problem may have developed baS been blown out of i>roporUon. The legal description of boundarlN on th.e preserve, a major tax reOO for the Irvine Company, is not the same as the: one shown on a map approved Jan. 29 by the Board of Supervisors, . Hinshaw says. Supervisors approved tile f I n •·I agricultural preserve agreement Feb. 18;' but if Hinshaw1s hints are ·correct, the new di&crepancy may invalidate the en. tire package. Ray Wat.wn, vice president in -cha!Jt of land development, said no major d1f· ficulty has been mentioned by COW}ly ofricial.s and he first read or the discrepancy in newspapers. "Our attorneys have been working closely with the county counsel's office and only minor problems have come up so far, and few of tb(ISe," Wataoo explained. Asked about one theory that the land was recorded by parcel number in- dividually and thus a discrepancy would not jeopardiz,e the entire pruerve, Watson oald.be couldn~ 11y de!lnitely. "I Lbink tbat'a true though," be sald. "I really think whatever the problem Is, lt has been blown out of proportion and taken out of context." he added. Hinshaw says the large acreage ln- volVed in the map and legal desdiptlon discrepancy lies...south of the Santa An• Freeway near the UC Irvine campus. ··it is not prime agricultural land, (See PR~ERVE, Page.I) Cou& we1it11e.. , The hot wJncll. dlO down today, but the Wllf!ll wy(her )I'll! be with Ui1 a wbUe. W~·a. ouUC!!k Is for ?$-type tomptralwu along the coast, ruing to IO degnies In- land. INl§IDE TODAV T11c campaign 14 raise the 111011cu for Stl san J.fa:ze'a critical kldneu tranaplo:nt i1 /alttrlng 41td more help ii needtd. Page 8. • )Ill DAIL~ ,llOT C • ~¥,~1":, I • Realtor~ Blast Newport U~asing Arrangellient • .' I ' ' • BJ~ VAL~ 1'f "'"!i!U ~ wtll_.-.. .-., •. :.:;~1:-................. il!I ........... lo'onday charged the Newport Beacb Cit) . ,-lilll'"" ......., ~ ..,. Council wUh Jinorlng t!lem and their ..... dli'llllf lo -... 1f1lo111111 peer1 wbtn U approved plans 1o aaslp tile ii>nl!lct. lwina of 50 acru of city property The conlllct etems from dlsclonr't lul to a Los Angelet firm. Wednoldly tbal clly aldel ...,. dmrJnc The realtors, whose protest followed up contra.eta lo Ulip Coldwell B~ker acores of angry letten lo city coun~ and Co. of Corona del Mar u the . dlmen, charged the council w l t h JeashlJ qent.s for 50 ai:ru of valuable, ''virlually &lving away s omeone' 1 vacant land to raise mooey for the JJvelihood to IOIDtbody el&" propoeed, MW clvk ctnter. ' I l:a t ""'" l!*rl lll!illia -~· ,._, IGjd ,IM CllUllCll 1111 Jlo&M of o~ o1 tbe'oe PlfC'ls lo; 91< fUI llfo fin··~~ 1111' ·~of tllo...,.... -"!"Id ftlll Ulll Ibo d\j> 1111111 '!'ll'•Wlff , ·M · i.. .qlOll ....... lo ..... up ,.... ,..,.... o• lhls," he acldtd. · · ljell • Ill"'* .....__ !ti' Ibo d!J'. Vice Mayor Uiidlley Panons, · ""° ol -~Midho at~" "l ,_ lilt lla~t Iba\ Jhtt<' dcew up the l&J lo leue tll~ VICI"\! In the meanUme the Nt#pOrt Harbor-woufd tie Doi otber n81tj nrm qulnnM land 1o raise money for the ntW clv}c COiia Mu& Boan! of RUiian will -t 1o h.llldle 1uch.llr11 plecu ol property ceote< .. aald, "l jlon't 1lt1nl: tile c)ty to draw up IUll{estionl for kttpln1 the e:1cept for Coldwtll Danker. We have had any thought of demeaning Realtors businw of leaainl city ... ptrty 1pcead many realton in tile area who ha ve with thi8 propoaal to uslgn the job abeut among local realton. hardltd 1ar1e panels Jn Ille past." he to COldwOll B,tnJ<er." Jack Mullin. a rtaltor aod member Aid. He cited ftWlY "rumen. 1nnuendoa of tllo d\j>'I Air Tral11c .\dvliory OO!n· ~"l:..lw:=.:.ve;_;:bad~p=...:uu..:.ti..:.'tand==inz:.g..:.oll:_er.c.con_·_,_n~_naaty_:_l_et_ten_~_alemmln«"-. _ _.:;__1rom __ 111o_ Mesa D.elays Rezone Plan 'Golden Triangle' Bid Decision HeM Up for 60 Days 'Ille eo.ta Mesa Planning ConunlSllon Monday held over a 17*-acre retonlne fer apartments in · tbe city's IM>-CIUed golden triangle section, 11 eipected. A 6Cklay delay wu attached to the proposal by Peoples Investment C.Orp., Beverly Hills, on the p~y at 630 Pau la.rino Ave., pending completion of a land use study ol the entire area. The golden trillf!lle designation mark s land bounded by the San Diego and Newport Freeways and the future Corona del 1-!ar Freeway. Most of the other action by planners "'as routine, although two proposals wil l go to the city council on a 2 lo i :;pllt ·vote C008tltutinj no recom- mendation, wiU! denial urged for a third. Cornrn.Wlonera v o t e d UNnlmowly agalnst a zone ei:ception. pennJt for James Jie<la to build two industrial structure! at West 17th Street and Wbilio tler Averme, with reduced parking. Updtr city law, U9 apoc.es would be ' requlnd and Ikeda .... to l"Ovldo on1y un ._.... No rocommend•ll<ln at all II WTied on .a variance 1ppllcation for Joe Bulbe, of 211S Wall~ Ave.,· who waril to build a nine-unit apertmtnt ccrnple1: at ~126 Thurin Ave., in addition to a duplei. The same 2 to 2 no-recommendaUon vote was cast on a zone exce,t.Jon penntt applicaUon by Theockre B. Undstedt, 1000 Mariners Drive, Newport Buch, for I 33-un.lt motel at 120 E. 23rd St., Costa Mesa. Held 1iver for future act.ion waa a tentaUve parcel map for Co a s t Investments Inc .. to divide p~rty at Melody Lone and FUllertDn Avenue into IW1> parcell. Delafad alao Wta ·a ICIOe ezception permit !or Golda l"UrnlUn and AP' pli~. Los Angelu, 1o oil« oaly 11 parking Ill*" f« a slore at !Oii Brtatol St., compared to lJt required. Appro .. I WU ......,......i. for - '-' -A tamld,. parctl map for d1'ilioo of JPnncla X. ~·1 iar&e pcperty at Baler Slrott and Newport Boultv&M mo two kU. -A RD!!:.£ ~i.ication for switching Jack G. Raub'• property at 131 Rochtster St, from residential to general com· mercla l uae. -Extensk>n of a !iJ:·month variance and use penn!t for Daoald W. \\'right lo add and operate 1 3'-un.it addition CD Bay View CGnvaltscent Hospital, 350 w. Bay Sl. -A zone exception permit ror Wilbur J. Leach to convert rooqa over · jjs praie into a rental unit at 338 Costa M-St., with o;po parkJri& provided --A ...,. en:eptloo permit I« Patric~ 0. Ma&!tn, 111 eo.ta Meoa St., to upand !ft -,.,... at tllat addre!I to b*1 ftve cara. Fr°"' P .. e 1 Frot11 P .. e 1 MESA COOKIELIFT ••• AIRPORT ••• tude and appreciation t1n our part,'' wrote U.S. Army Artillery Capt. Robert Tsiosdia. A GI who signed only as Cpl. Baruckl put it like this: "I am writing In behJU of the whole squad, which is 12 hungry men •.. God bless and protect you." BEWILDERMENT t~nldng Mn. Oliver and her Nort!lem they did not. He 11id Iha j ... fly over California helpers. water -Upper Newport ~Y -until "It ii a dilflcult war we fllht over they are at 1u.rt four miks from the here becauae. this Is the f1nt war that runway. we hive foueht when we an no( we!-The preaent incapacity of county corned in evtrJ town or city we come airport for the Pacific Northwest route to •.. " he said. Jward, 10Ught by three airlines, was "Please excue the tardiness of our futthtr underlCOl'ed by a Department thank you," ,,_ Marine Lance Cpl.. of Tranaportation report to tile CAB. DAl._Y Pll.OT ltd,.... Flower Power A vase of brilllanUy colored flowers greeted tile morning shllt at the Huntingto"n Beach Police Department today. Desk Officer Warren Biscailuz paused long enough from his telephone duties to explain that the flowers had been left by a secret admirer. Ti z spring and who sez policemen are unpopular ? Lawn of Month Contest appolnlment of ~1"11 ~la finlL · Olla "'' d•1'r blilol IitW -"'1in Newport Realtor RIW Fm!, who Aid be "had nevfl' ..beard of a public bod1 supported by decton and tupayera con- tracting wltb ooe firm to handle their properUe1 for aale or leue." ''I am amazed at the naivete of people In position! of .public \l'U!I \0 eoler Into contracla bllndly ~ Obllvloua 1o tile rjghta of other people oooceraetl," he IAiil. Stubblefield ' Death Probe ·Winding Up Evaluatido ol the Costa . Mesa police •laying ol a 14-yeer-old boy burglar u he fled a break-in 10 days ago in tM dark is expected to wind up Jn tw5 «three days, authorities said today. ·"I'm guessing later in !he week now," said Orange County District AUoroe)' Cecil A. HlcitJ. · Stephen Stubbleflf,ld. aoa of Mrs. Helen Ellis, 20112 Kline ~prive, Santa Ana Heights, was fatally ·wounded by a .38 caliber bull<t in Uf chest March 15 w~le running from "'camera sOOp. : He was dead jll arrival at ec.ta Meaa Memorial !\O<J>ltal, bit twice when police fired ~ the alley where lie,· was-nmning, ~After he ignored five l1houled commands to bait The sbota were fired by SjJI. Bo1i. Balllnpr andJ>•trolmen Richard Johnooti and Geor11e Wilson. District Attorney 111cks Slid today tbal ts Is not possible to detmnlne lilrl>llgb -'ballls.tics study who fired the fatal sl ug v;ltich ptlssed through yowig Stub- blefield's body. "But from other factors it would al'" pear to have been fired by the seraeanti'' Hicks sald. · Costa Mesa Police Chief Roser Nell\ said foUow:ing lhe trage.dy that hLs met \1·ere acting in the line ol duty at the scene of a felony crime, under basie :FB I policy oo use of guns in .Jaw en·. forcement. A Lt. Gene Miller Indicated eome of the bewildennent he Uid his men feel at , , what they are as.signed to do, in a lettei: Larey Dyer, "but'the man who had your 'Ille .report, prepared by tile Federal addreos WU -..led and WO had to 'Aviation Admlnlltntlon, tald Ille main wait for hia return to duty." 1 runway'• Jenith d S,700 feet wu too FRIENDLY SOLDiER I ' short for tile types ol aircraft and Initiated in Costa Mesa "No one questions the fjl.ct that ft was a terribly unfortunate thing," th(,_ chief said, adding that it was impossible. for officers to know the individu~. perllct!W. ol tbeir (leeing bU!Jllar. :l • Fro111 P~ 1 PRESERVE .--.• but jlrlUing ground and I dolll know how the error oceurred," Hhlahlw sald Monday. He 1&.id he cannot a~ss the propoeed nserve property until he geta aome · guidance and advice from the county coonael'1 office, or the board of auperviws. "There will have to. be -without doubt -some type of corredive adlon tak"1. Ai ol now, we belltve there ls no precise agreement. upon which we can bue an asaeasmtnt,'" Hift&baw concluded. The agricultural preaerve ii a1&o under attack ·from helrus Joan Irvine Smith. wbo hu named the board ol aupervl.Jan 1n a law!U.it .eeking to invalldatt the agreement. .Rosie Clooney Gets More From Ferrer SANTA MONIC A (UPI) -Actor J.,.e Ferrer wu ordered Tuesday to pay e1:-wUe Rosemary Clooney •1.iso alimony and an additional $1,000 monthly iupport for their five children. · Superior Court Judge John Shea made the ruling alter the blonde elnger peti- Uoned for an 1ncreue 1n her ane-dolllN· year token alimony. Previously Ferrer had paid '1,500 child support. 01\llY PlllJI OAAMa C0iUT l'UIUlfONO COM,AH't l•Mrt N. w,,, ..... lie"' Mil lll\llllW. J11• R. C11rl•'t VIW ,,,_...,., •ftf S-fl '-1 .... ttt T!I,..,,, l(,, .. ;t '""' n.,.,,,. /4., "41r,hi"1 ,... ......... '""" '•111 Nlehft ~"'"'~ c.... .... Offltt 310 W•1t 111 Str111 Mint .. A44N111 •.o. In 1140. tt616 --""""" a.di• m1 "'"'' .. .,. ""'"",. '--t11C1t1 m .,_, A-. H'nPrr1 """':••-- I L ___ . "My ·nlme 1s thlirnal E. Fentms, payload ~ed by the competing born Nov. 15, 1141, hel&ht ftva felt, !Olio alrU-. . · . · . ' A new "Lawn ol the Modh" contest comlucted by the COL!lta M e 1 a BeautlllcaUon Commtlt<e and "'°"""""' by the Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club is --toallcity-., and Ju<iiing will be dO!l< by .,~ frcm outside the Harbor Area, with prl:res for winners of the cmtinuing coo- t.est. • 1 He eij)lained lflat he could as Nsify have.boe~• ~arryi~. 40-year-ojd ci>nvict' as an unanned 1 .. year~ld wW;i:,.. a histoey. of ooly boyish mischief. .. inohti , • '.'I' bepn a nm:. fr02U * lOfM!y, . 1 lt would eoet anywhere from $1 mllllon ·• 3'Jldtor-who wu ·1tttlna'll0 man 11111; to ... mlllloo. to eJtend -tlle runway to to ui: hew we was getttnc _a1on1. the rfqulted iencth.-ukl tbl department "You uked what "' mipt lib for rtport. 1 Cllsta Mesa Beautificatilln Committee memben Claire ~f. Nelson, chaimian, Al Ziegler and Al Hollister originated tile coocept, 6p1111"'red by the Kiwan1' Club. future effort," beran ..... lntm AnnY, CILULENGE DUE Signal Corpe Capt, Thomu J. Young, Handbll~ detailing criteria -color, texture, grooming and general land!cap-ina: -are being circulated and must be r<lurntd by April lO to quallly for tile May n judging. 11\-vestigatora theorize that ·Ule Stub-',. blefield boy was with someone oldet ~. arxf more ~xperlenced, who escaped 1n ~ a car as police rolled up to the cameri·: shop. . ''. .• II there ant any atria that -Id Air Well, Nortlnreet Airlines and Air lll<e to oorroapond , , ." Clillornla, Ille tltrft 1lnea lfflclng the · "Homemade chocolate chip cookies route award, are expected to challenge seem to be a favorite wttb the men •• , 11 the d~'• tindinp later in the Only the front lawn wlll '.be coMidered Past accomplishments of th & beautification committee include various· recommendations to the city, creation 1if Tear Drop Park at 17th srreel and Newport Boulevard and landscaping Qf the boulevard's center divider. Holes had been drilled and a teetion Df ·roof sawed out, with ropes lowered inside for easy access lo and hoistlni . out of loot. wrote Miss Judy Scruns-hearing, wblch may take anothU day. . Some o1 Iha men at tile l!rd r:vacu.. Nnptrl Beach City Att<trney Tully t1on Hospllal whera.Mlu Scruns worked Seymour testifltd on bebaU ol. bis city's pntbably had to be lad thalr ceotlaa due oppceJtlon .to tile fill)tti. H1a allldavit PREP BASKETBALL GAME CALLED OFF to combat woundl. .allo cited the &irport 'a p h 11 l cal But . ...,. brings different t)'pa ol wwk Mortcomlngs. The nezt Lawn of the Month contest runs frcm May 1 through July I, wltb judging Aug. 15. Leonard Jacks Services Held for diUerent people. · He wu uked by the CAB counsel BOLOGH ••• he declared, "but under this l}'ltem, God gives me tile rt(ht ol -apeach •rxl I ret no aniwera from the Est.abllshmtnt. "My city under t.he Birth SOclety spends my tax maney to inveatigcte that topless joint Baby Doll'•, and yet., I ptld a $899 bond and atl ll have no sidewalks," the perennial critic added. WPP!!!: VD CLINIC Earlit!!' UUa mcmtb, he 1uuut.ed establiJhinc a vtntrul dlSeue tlinlc and soup tltchen for bomtless hippies in the civic center, U authOrtUta ire concerned about Ila 11111>Jl"'1hlcliva fourth floor vacancy. The Bol'lh charity concopt fell ahort of lukewarm on the ac:ale of public fJ!thuJlum. "Hlpplea are humans lull lite the boy> In the aervlce and wheft tlley come home, they'll want Jaws in tht counlry they're flghUng for to apply to everyone," 1aid Boloeh, ol 2M Del Mar Ave., Costa Mtsa. "And pt my address right thil time,'' he cootinued, explaWnc that a l)'poc1'aphical emir lut tJme btoujltt counter-demonstrators to the wronc house, after hls VD clinic augcutJon. The OUtiPoken obwver ol municipal m~• promlaed doflnlte tctlon -aided by tilt cun.ntly popular under""""1. prtss and radio -U tilt We Cara Coot!tllll cloesn' pool Ila '1 tollio-. SPllEAD MESSAGE lie Rld tile Loo Anrel'8 ""' Praia and nidlo etatJOn K1'T, o1 a.Nan Grove, bad Eil1o 1pcead tht mt1· .... and prvteottn from througbout tile and. !Some ~ emcrpol at tbia Point. "We do give rbllc aervict an- nowteamtnll," w 1 apokeiman for tht f'M llalion tno,wn u Ul>dtr,,.w>d 94, bllt add6d he knew nothlnl of any Mr. BoJocb anti didn 't uac14' rtlaM biJ ldta u • pubUc ..... le<. "Ted who!," asked tile F'rff l'te11 aditeetal oecretary. "We nevar ln any cimnnrtance& f~ ment qlt.atlon." lhe added In 1 bulc poUey ltlternent, afttr beln1 advlltd of Boloth'• 1vO'W'ed intent to picket UM cooldellll I ' whether the city's pCl8lt1on would chqe Oranae C.Ounty'1 annual hiJh. scbool if tile airport'• facllltiet went e•pande<I. all-•tar basketball game ts off this year. U.S. Re jecls Soviet He aa1d no, emphatically. The summer p re p clwlc at Orange Seyntoor pointed out that ilte city Coas t Colie1e WU voided when ap-Seahe,,d Pact Proposal fawn the rtcommendaUons of the plication for its ctrt.ification wu in· ~ Services were held Monday for Leonard Ptrtlra Air TrlnfPOl'tlUoa Muter Plan. advertently submitted be yo nd the GENEVA (AP} -The United Statl!s Roy Jacks, a resident of C<>Qa Mesi· It pegs the ulllmate development of deadline imposed by the ioveming Na-today rejected the Soviet proposal for for the past 10 years, who died in · County Alrpott u that of a metropmt. tional Collegiate Athletic Association. complete demilitarization or the oceans' Aptos, Cali!., Friday. ' With 1 40knlle Oight deatination limit such players as Mike Contreras and floors around the "·orld, saying it was HI!: had been in failing health for The city ol Costa Mesa'• J>OllUon t1f Roy Miller (HunUngton Beach); Jeff "simply unworkable and prob ab I y several years. f1vorln1 the fll«bts wu aworn to by Powers (Watmi.nster); Erle Christensen harmful ." Mr. and Mrs. Jacks had moved to ·; Planning Commi.uion chairman Jack lSan Clemente}; Steve Leech and Chris Speaking to the 17·nation U.N. disarms-Aptos the first of the year. They , Hammett and Mayor Alvin Pinkley. Thompson (C.Orona dtl Marl; Ralph ment subcommittee, U.S. de I e gate previously mape their home at MO Center : um ADVANTAGES Chandos (Mater Del ) will forfeit the Gerard C. Smith emphl.'>ized that his St., Costa Mesa. Tht affktavlt essenUally listed the opportunity to participate in the battle government is interested in Darring Su rvivors include his wHe, Georgla d between the belt Orange County seniors. nuclear arms from the seabeds. But of the home, 160 St. Andrews Drive. ec:onomlc and ttansportation a vantages he made plain prohlbilin" convt!nUonal An+""-·, a SOil, Dr. Francis Jacks of San · "· •--~ fli•~-Id provide the Elmer Comb!: of Huntington Beach was a l"'"" "'"" .u~-c;Ucv. auw JVOU weapons and even military installation• FranciSC<l; a daughter, Madge Dltchit -...+v lt rtferrtd to the _,....,., U· to have coached the South. For delails, ... _ lso ful I ol North Dakota ·, •t'ster H-··' Joe•· "'-•v• -"' ....... ., Iliff Sports today, Page 17. IJNll a serve -peace purposes s ~ -.i ~ve population. tndUltrlal, education unacceptable to Washington. Ill Kansas ahd two grandchildren. Aoil i:onunerel•I gnrwth. 1-;~~~~~~~~~~~:;;:;::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=====~:;::;;;:::;:::;;;;;;;:::;:::;:::;;;;:,-'Ibe CAB ei:am.tner did not aak Ham· I 1 ~ :~~ alaltorai. on tlie DECORATOR l'lnllle~ 1-.Ve!', wu ukad by a ~p~°'~~til~ AND. MODEL HOME; RETURNS le~ .Jh~ "" m•de part o1 the Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture CAB ncord. Ml)'OI' Doreen Manhall of Ne"llO'I All New Top "'uallty lrand Names . '88ch w11 arnona tbOle in attendlJ'ICf:. T sut t1te yielded to Se)'l!IOW' " city A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display apotesman. ,..<;r:.~~~:~:i.=a~~:1·: Over Sl00,000 Worth of Spanish & :'u:"1t11:i'" =y~; ~"' ~~ Mediterranean Furniture t~ Choose From! su,...,toan •arller tllla mootlt v<tttd J to I to oppoee tbe PICiDc Nortbw.t lttMI a1 f•llowi: Gorqtoti1 I ft. cu1torn qulJttcl sofa with 11P41rat1 piftow1 with wvtc.. httvy oak trlm d.cor and rnatchinv chair, l rnatchinv oak occasiqhnal. tabl11, At one point. bolittvtr, BrMnahan wu 1121 1111 tall decorator lamps, hanginv chain 1w19 lamp• in wrouv t iron, an aAed b)' an Air Cal attomty wblthtr a.piece •1iua sin mt•f•r bedroom 1ui+. in p.can ,.neltd M1ditarr1n1•11 style ht hid 1117 'Pll'IOl'fll objedklnl to with top quality 1 g yean w•FT•11ty ~inv 1la1 mtttrfl• artcl box 1prlng1, Spai11u.h -Iha lint fin llto aame l11'0 ~l•lllf tot, tic. I . of J* to San P'rancltco « to S.We. Any piect eel\ be purch11.ad individuelly •• Drop by and •••.our•• a~tion He replied: .. lt mQtl no dUfeNQCt ef t•p quafity Spanish and M1d 1ftrt'an••n fum1tvre •• • fanta1t1cally prtctdl le l!lf." COMl'UTI HOUSIFUL WAS lff, $1Ul.OO UAL OIJ1ICl'IONS COMPLETI HOUSEFUL WAS REGUARL Y $1528.00 ,:.J't.'°ti.. ~."lu~!;:.:. MUST SACRIPICE FOR ONLY ••• ovemded by CAB uamJner Park. Unltad'a Jll'Ol<lt, -rvar• 1uu etted, .,_ r,.., tile u .. ·, oppoeltlon to MY Pactfic NortJnrttt strvtce out of Or'•nae County. United wanti to llJnlt tho com- paUUon with Ill atrvlce at other alrllolds. The CAB coun1tl uked Newport's Seymour what "the -le ol Oranp Coullt1 will do about pttlng to Seattle and POl'llantl urA11 Iha county get& a ttgkttal alrport? It • \ • ' II II ,.· .. r11i•11···· 1844 N,•,.port Blv d . Co-.ta Mo\a I onl y 1 1 .. , ''" •, • Woj \.n \ ~•" til f '698°0 TERMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • AT HAllOl IOUUYAlD " " 1\ I I I ' Ii , - -. ----------------------------------------------------------------L BY WILLIAM REED Reeds ••• · In the Wind Irvin Harris is a successful busi .. nessman 1 i v i n g in Huntington Beach. His children go to the local schools and his wife shops at the local supermarket. He's not exactly the person any· one would point to as a newsmaker or even as the topic of a column. He is a very ordinary sort of a guy who might almost be a typical citizen of Huntington Beach. Only he's not being allowed to be all those things. Harris happens to be one of the dozen or so Ne- groes living in the city and the one whose home was firebombed Saturday night as his wife was doing the family laundry. Good Hidi ng Place •AJLY PILOT :J County Warns Water, ·Beaches Remain Pollute.d The drtatlna w1i.r Ind ""tamlnated beac~s 5.ltuatlon has not changed In the past Wft!k, Co~ty Health Officer Dr. John R. Philp announced today. NeWport Be'ach, Huntington · Beach State beaches ·and Doheny State Parl beaches remain closed to swimmers and surfers because of sewer line breaks. Dr. Philp said the ocean water was being tested daily and as soon ·as it ls safe. for swimmers an· announcement will be made. He did not hold qut much hope that it would be soon. ~ Water is still not sale to drink In. Santiago, Silverado, Williams and Mod· jeska canyons, U).e health officer' Said. E:rceptions are Sllverado School, Irvine Lake Fire Station, Irvine Lake, SHverado Guard Station and Welch's Sand and Gravel Co. ' 91:wer Une ·~ were near com- pletion I~ RI-~ !lllght bt Ill clays before cdnteJhlnatloo cleared u• ta tho Santa Alli Rivor llld the beacbel · The healUf' officer repeated hi! warnlni against picking up oranges and dead chickens which have been carried dQ,,wo the river and washed up on the beaches. They are highly contaminated,' he em- phasized. Assem bly Bucks Praising Form.er Veterans Chie f * llarris operates a medical labor .. a tory -in a nearby city. He operat .. ed one here for a while. He lives in Huntington Beach because he wants to and can manage to pay the mortgage payments e a c h month. He is not a man looking for trouble, but trouble has come his way on two occasions. This Siberian bear cub finds safe hiding place from London Zoo onJookers under its mother, Nikki. Mot.her was presented to Great Britain's Princess Anne by former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1956. 'lbe cub W'as bor"O. last December. Dr. Philp said that although ii. break In the 24-inch sewer main in San Juan Capistrano has been repaired, sewage is still being discharged into San Juan Creek from smaller breaks upstream. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A resolution praising former state director of veterans affairs James E. Johnson, a Negro from Tustin, has been d<feated by the as- sembly for the seccnd time. Last week be said that although the Cookielift Fund Growing Church to Help In Summ er Jobs Johnson, appointed veteram director In 1967 by Gov. Robald Reagan, resigned recently to become a civil service com· missioner in the Nixon administration. The normally routine eommeodatory resoluilon by Assemblyman John · V. Briggs, (R-F\illerton). was defeated Sl-6 Monday with 41 votes needed · for ap-. proval. It also was rejected earlier but the Assembly decided to recomlder Its A few weeks ago vandals sprayed painted obscenities on his garage. His many, many friends washed off the paint and wrote off the entire incident as a coincidence. Se rvice Clubs Pitch In; Mor e Help Needed A youth employment service h8J been established at the Elli! Avenue BaPVst Oiureh, Huntington Beach. Saturday night a white truck roared down his street and a mol<r tov cocktail was tossed against his garage door. Fortunately no one was injured and the fire was ex- tinguished, but the damage done was far greater than just a scorch .. ed garage door. * If bigotry exists here, and it appears that it does, Jet us open the fight agalnst such bigotry here and now. The fire which began to burn Harris' garage will consume all of us unless it is stamped out immediately. The reputation of this county in racial matters is not good. Hunt- ington Beach is not a Watts, to be sure, but it can become one. I have heard the voices of those who are militantly fi ghting their way out of the ghettos and they are saying that they \Vill not burn their O\Vn homes again nor will they tolerate being burned. Next time. if there is a next time, they are going to burn. the homes of the "good citizens" who are will~ ing to stand quietly by whell Irvin Harris finds his borne desecrated with obscenities and blackened from the work of a fire bomber. Sentence Given The postage fund is inching· toward its minimum $200 figure and the ladies of operation We Care Cookielift are itching to begin packing goodies for shipment t'o servicemen in Vietnam. Mrs. Darrilyn Oliver, of 3077 Yukon Drive, CQsta Mesa, said Monda y th at service clubs throughout the llarbor Area are involved in the morale·boost- ing project, but more help is needed. Volunteers, from high school students to disabled veterans and housewives, will be working 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. week- days all during April, packing cookies in offiCe space cm the fourth floor of City Hall. }lard candy, individual packets of pre· SY:eetened Kool-Aid, and all types of chewing gwn are also welcomed, as well as donations to assure adequate postage to mail the goodies. "We have set a minimum of $200 to make sure we get everything shipped," Mrs. Oliver said Monday, noting the Security Pacific National Bank branch at 2300 Harbor Blvd., now lists $175.97 in account. A recent $13 donation came from Sir Philip's Liquor Store, where customers drop their loose change from purchases into a canister, with addltlonal contain· ers available for other stores if desired. The goodies will be shipped in two and three-pound cans ir.dividually wrap- ped in plastic and padded by edible popcorn, with all supplies pouring in on a donation basis. Mrs. Oliver coordinated a similar drive last year in the Sacramento area, but stresses that it is one for individuals who care to boost GI morale and should be done through a service club. TOLD OF PROJECT In Drug Theft Students in the Newporl·Mesa Unified School Disirict have been told of the -project, but district officials stress that it is a purely voluntary thing, without A WestminstE"r man who admitted that any class requirement. he broke into doctors ' offices to obtain drugs has been sentenced to four months 1n Orange County Jail. Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner also placed Carl Michael Anderson, 18, of 8822 St. Andrew's Place on three years probation on the burglary con- viction. He indicated that he might modify the Texas·born youth's probation if Anderson seriously intends to return lo his home state. U.S., Spain Confer \\'ASHINGTON (UP I) -Spain and tbe United States began a fresh round of talks today in an effort to settle differences over renewal of U.S. rights to maintain three air bases and one naval base in Spain. The old agreement is scheduled to expire Wednesday. St1perjet P ut in P e.r spective The district was merely used as a source to pass on the information, since it can direct facts about the We Care Cooltielift to a large, energetic segment of the population efficiently. Mrs. Oliver said a friend ·has joiJled lier in coordinating cookiflift efforts and sharing the workload: Mrs. Pat Fon· tenot. who can be reached at 540-4328, Ior offers of help. Under the cookielift concept arranged by h1rs. Oliver, the baked goods and other items are shipped to unit com· manders who distribute them to their men. Letters sent in thanks tell the thought· fu! results. "It' is imposs~1ble to explain the grati- tude and appreeiation on our part," wrote U.S. Army Artillery Capt. Robert Tsiosdia. A GI who signed only as Cpl. Barucki put it like this : ··1 am writing in behalf Q{ the whole squad, which is 12 hungry men .•. God bless and protect you." BEWILDERMENT ·A Lt. Gene Miller indicated some cf the bewilderment he and his men feel at \\•hat they are assigned lo do, in a letter thanking Mrs. Oliver and her Northern California helpers. "It is a difficult war we fight ever here because this is the first war that we have fought where we are not' we!- Valley High Gets Va rian Comput er Several students at Fountain Valley lligh School are now working en their own computer, thanks to a donation by an Irvine data machine manufacturer. The computer. a Varian 520 I, was a pr_ototype model constructed by Varian Corporation. The $8,000 electronic brain will be used by the advanced students in the high school's industrial research and development course. Although parts of the computer are not operating, the students are receiving assistance from the firm's engineering department to make it usable again. VPIT......_ KLM Royal Dutch Airlines painted an ouUine of a Boeing Model 747 Superjet et Schipol Airport in Amsterdam to lllusliate the size o! the huge 231· foot·long, 350,000 pound jet. The 747 ii the world·s biggest commercial jetliner. l)_elivery of the first 747 is scheduled later this year and KLM will receive its first 747 in January, 1971. I corned In· every town or city we come to , • o II he said. "Please . excue the tardiness of our thank you," wrote Marine Lance Cp!. Urry Dyer, ''but the man who had your address was wounded" and we bad to wait for his return to duty." FRIENDLY SOWIER "My name is Thomas E. Fentress, born Nov. 15, 1946, height Cive feet, 101h inches ... "began a no\'e from a lonely soldier who was getting no mail at all, to ask how we was getting along. "You asked what we might like for future effort," began a note from Army Signal Corps Capt. Thomas J. Young, " ... if there are any girls tha t would like to correspond ••• " "Hometnade chocolate chip cookles seem to be a favorite with the men , . .'' wrote Miss Judy Scruggs. Some of the men at t.he 93rd .Evatua· tion Hospital where Miss Scruggs worked probably had to be fed their cookies due to combat wounds. But war brings different types of work for different people. Student.! seeking worlt over the sum- mer may file their applications at the church, located at SW Ellis Ave., begin- ning May 15. Office material and training ~ staff members will be provided through the Youth Opportunity Service of Santa Ana, while the church will sup_ply the workers and the office space. According to Henhey Gehri!, director of the program, General Telephone Com- pany will donate two free telephone lines to the service. Tries for Met Chance · Michael L. Gallup, 2.'.I, of Garden Grove, 11 amona: 11 regional flnalist.a who will conipete tonight for a cbince to sing with the 111etropalltan Opera in New York. action. ~ Most Democrats refused to vote either for or against the measure comm.ending Johnson on his "outstanding a:nd imagtn.. alive leadership." Assemblyman Leo Ryan, (O.BurlJn. game), said commending Johnson fOl1 "outstanding and imaginaUve leader· ship" was "simply not true, in fact It is a Ile." • But Briggs responded "if Mr. Ryu ftels we would be liars for adopting this resolution then he is calling every state senator in the state cf California a lia{' because they voted for H." A separate resolution w a s approved earlier In the session. Briggs also said, "this is the f Ir !I t (commendatory) resolution thiS> house bas ever turned down for a former state employe." Johnson had been critielr.ed lot deCl- lllons which cloeed four Cal-Vet farm and home loan offices, changed the method of payment on veteraM property taus and assessed fines for late J>4ymenl fl.· tax ... There's a new face in Costa Mesa. Yoo Are Invited to Our Open Hoose through Ma!ch 28. Completely remodeled, the Costa Mesa office of United States National Bank baa a handsome new face. And there's more. ·1nsitle is every customer convenience -new lighting, comrortablc air conditioning ·and luxurious interior appointments. Be sure to stop in and sec the new facilities now ready to serve you. Bankin& •1oun: JO a.m. to J p.m. Monday through Thursday JO a.m. Jo 6 p.m. Friday Frank Zrebiec Viet Prt!ldtnt, Moflagrr 1845 Newport Boulevard Telephone 646·3291 UNI TED We make it all il little easier S .1.J4TBS NATIONAL ·~-·-~~·--.!!~.If; t~~1 I L / Sirhan Re-enacts Murder • Ill Jail Cell ~., .. Dllt' ....... Atnot Fllcklng•r of West Seattle went to get her mall and stretched out her band to remove some let- ters, little knowing her action was what the Hwnane Society says is a signal to a trained hawk to land and be fed. A bird, wearing leather thongs on each leg, landed and then sliced at Mrs. Flickinger's arm when she attempted to fight It oU. She subdued and captured the bird and an ad located its owner. • G. v.,, l;sh:lk, new minllter of the Protes.tant Church In Sommers- dlk, Holland, has asked his part· shioners to lower bis pulpit because he sufiers from acrophobia (fear of heights). • Although thli Utt!< boJI 1t<m1 weU in hand the: .rituation ccrtainlt1 isn't at thU fiTst haircut "cutmony. ~ Fa tho n and barber alike find that giving a grooming to lS·month old Bo¢ Joh.man ii quite a ttuk. M~be he ;we wonta: to look Uke 'big brother. • LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan Ii SO lllil<StlVe lo bypnools that oa one oecaskln be w11 tOkl \o act llkt a mollkey and <lJmhed Ille ban 111 bis cell and """" tbet<I, grimacing at bis jailers. Dr. Bernard D!amoocl, a Pl)'Chlatrlst 'and WliV<nlty prol-r, tOld Sirhan'• munltr trial Jul)' Monday that wbtn the Z-year-old Arab shot Robert F. Ken- nedy be WU In .a tell-1IJdl;IC'd trance and actJoc lite a "computer that bad been procrammed f<lr murder." Diamond ..xi bt bypnotlaod Sirhan '"' &Ix oocuJons by wavlnf a quari<r coin about eight lncha from bis face. Moon Orbit Set Before First Landing SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Top .space a1ency officials voted Monday to play It aafe and send astronauts to orbit the moon once more with Apollo 10 in May before trying to land men on tbe lunar IUl'face in July with Apollo u. AttempUng to move directly to a moon landing with Apollo 10, they decided, would bt too risky. The decision meant that spamnen Tbomu Stafford, John Young and Eugene Ceman will blast off toward the mOM May 18. They will spend 63 hours in ltinar orbit -more than thrte times as long u Apollo I spent orblting the moon C1tristmu eve. During orbiting the three astronaut.. will test furtbe< the performanco of the: Apollo mother ship with Ha moon lander -which was not included in the Apollo I lllgbt and will try lo solve aome perplexing lunar Mvti:aUon pro- blems. At once point Staffon! and Ceman tvlll detach the landing craft and ny within 10 m.lles of the moon. Young will remain lo the mother ship, orblUng 69 miles high, and the other two will fly back up and rmde%VOUI with hbn JU!! aJ thooP they Wei< taking oU from the moon's surface. ID that state, the defendant re-enacted the lhootlng, ,.peate41y oqu<eslng an :r,ciu!Y trtuer. turned blue u If wu lielng choked and shouted "'you -ol a bitch," Diamond said. 'l'be doctor, who teaches la w, criminology and poychlatry at the University ol CaliCornia at Berkeley, said he also Induced Sirhan lo talk about the nllht In the Ambassador Hole!, and Sirhan cle>crlbed having "seay thousbt.." al1out a girl lharing coffee with him. 'Sirhan also wrote down lh hil .. u erratic thrtatl to Kennedy in a notebook simlllr to the one be put down in diaries found at b1s home. · Diamond aald the comblnaUon of wall mJrrors, chandelie.ni and bright light! 1n an alcove of the hotel put Sirhan in the lrance during which be killed the senator. He had pracUced self·hyp- nosls 1n his room with a mirror and candle, DlflllOod said. Diamond said that under hypnO!i! he put a safety pin through an inch of flesh ln Slthan's hand and he felt no pa.Jn. He asked him to describe the abootlng of Kennedy. "Sirhan said be went back to his car and felt dizzy, drunk, sickish, tired. AJ he opened the car door he saw the gun on the back seat and thought TRUDEAU, NIXON CONFER IN WASHINGTON Nuclear Missiles in Canada's Back Yard? ABM Issue Clouding Tall\:s Between Nixon, Trudea11 'The Jews will steal my gun.' So he put it in his belt and went back to the hot.el to get coffee and sober up. "lie said be had drunk four Tom Collins. Back ln the hot.el be met a girl at a cofiee bar and she had,CQf!ee, too. Sirhan wu asked what his thotJ.&hta were and he said he bad sexy thoughts about how he could get the girl to leave the hotel with him. u. • .He \vent Into the pantry and saw Senator Kennedy and a crowd e11ter from the other end. He.said i.rbey rushed at me.' At first he thought he wanted to shake Senator Kennedy's hand. Then the bodyglW'ds went past and be wu right up In conlact witll the senator and he shol him." "ln my opinion at the precise moment of the shooting he was in a highly abnormal state of mind with a rage reaction that was the outgrowth of hi11 paranoid psycboklgy that began when he became confused and daied by the mirrors and lights," Diamond said. He said Sirhan would not agree. He said be thought of ltirmelf u martyr who had saved his people and was a hero willing to go to the gas chamber. Diamond concluded his d i r e c t testimony today. President to Ask Retaining of Tax \VASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon will ask Congress Wednesday to retain the full 10 percent income tax surcharge througll mid-1970, Republican congressional leaders reported today. The chief executive will send a message to the Hoose and Senate ex- pressing his concern over continued in- flationary trends in the n a t i on a I economy, the leaders said after a White Historic Riverside Mission Inn Shut After 92 Years RIVERSIDE (UPI) -After 92 years and a guest list that included four presidents, the historic t.tlssion Inn Y<'here ])resident Nixon was married has closed. House meeting with-Nixon. The White House said Nix:on had decid- ed to. meet the situation "head on." Nixon's message intentions -which have long been expected -were an- nounced by the Senate and }louse Republican leaders, Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois and Re:p. Gerald R. Ford of Michigan. They spoke with reporters after a two-hour session involving the President, his chief fiscal advisers and other GOP. leaders from Capitol Hill. Dirksen told reporters that by cutting spending and maintaining present taxes, the administration hoped to achieve a slightly larger surplus in fiscal 1969, ending next J une 30, than had bee11 anUcipated in the January budget message by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson estimated a $1.2 billion surplus for fiscal 1969 and $3.4 billion surplus for fiscal 1970. Ten years of losses created the finan- cial ccifils blamed for the demise of FRIENDS 'SAVE' the inn, which the late Will Rogers REAGAN'S HOME called "the most Wlique hotel in America." SACRM.1ENTO (UP[) _Gov. Ronald Presidents Benjamin Harrison, William Reagan has been spared possible eviction ?-.1cKinley and Theodore Roosevelt visit-from his rented Sacramento home b)' ed the inn and President William Howard a group ot Political supporters who '!'aft had his farewell banquet there in bought the Tudor-style house for more One fellow was playing a pop tune on a vacuum cleaner. And an. other giving what sounded like a funeral dirge by scratching a pane of glass. ft was tho Institute of Contemporary Arts in London and just about anything went, or rather, made a sound. Star of the show was Paul Hedley. His "instrument" coosisted of a bathtub filled with water, into which was inserted a mixing bowl with a rubber-tube attached. It was said to produce an "exhilarating 1ound." "With the f::rceplion of the actual lan- ding on the lunar surface, the mission plan ls the aame u ·the lunar landing rnlulon," a apoke1man at the maMed spacecraft center aaid. Tbe first full landing attempt is schedllled to ltarl July II. Apollo 11 crewmen Nell .Arm5tronc. M i c h a e I COllina: and Edwin "Bill'' Aldrin will fly lo moon orbit. Armatrong and Aldrin will land on the moon for 22 hours, setting out experiments and gathering rocks, while Collins wails for them in the orbltlng mother ship. 1909. than $150,000. WASHINGTON (UP1) -The an-said Nixon \\'as trying to explain the President Richard 1'.f. Nixon and his wife The two-year lease the state's first Uballi!tlC missile (ABM) system, most need for the system and counter sug-f'at \\'ere rnarri~ in the hotel's wedding family took on the home expires March controverslal lssue of the Nl:ron ad-gestions it woul d be an escalation of the chapel JWle 21, 1940. 31 and the landlord, former city coon· nuclear arms race. As envisioned by The inn opened in 1876 as a two-story, cllman Dain Domich, refused to rene\f ministration to date, appeared to have Nixon, the ABM would be primarily for 12·room adobe hostelry. During lhe years h sed led he ·1 the p ·d • I it. A1onday the home was pure a sett aVl Y over · res1 ent s ta ks the defense of the nation's strike-bnck it grew to its present block-long size, f I 50 000" d P · · p at a price "in excess o I , an wltll Candian rune Minister ierre capabiliity in the event of nuclear attack, Inside its exterior of classical Spanish · E the Reagans will continue to rent it lliott Traudeau. The ABM has been criticized by op. and early Californian architecture were under the same tenns as the previow: As the two heads of government wound position parties in the Canadian 11ouse 300 guest rooms and a number of large agreement. tip their third and final talk session l~o:_f _:Co~mm"."'.o'.'.'."::'·-----------'pu:'.:'.bli'.'.'..c:..'.:roo~ms'.:'..:_ _____ .,---=:::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=-t&day, it appeared the issue or how • Some doom.sayt1'1 and proph- ets have predicted most of Cali- fornia w i l l be destroyed m earthquakt1 next month, and in honor tMreof the San Francisco Municipal Court staff is having a party. Tht event achtduled April 18 feottiru End of the W o r I d Cocktaila, Earthqu4!te Fia<1 and Calaltroph< ROJ,'llli at 69 cenu each. The Muni Qua,... t<~ led by clerk Al McDonald, toiU .Jng "Nf!arer my God to Thee," GI other1 hand out life pre1efW1'1 and black armbondl. • The new $25 million Honolulu state capitol has a touchy fire alarm system. The building was evacuated when the alarm sound .. ed. Invest11ators said cigarette smoke triggered an over-sensitive smoke, detector, which i!l tu r 11 activated tho alarm. Nice • Ill Cast of 'Che' .Arrested in Test Of Sex Freedom NEW YORK CAP) -Police raider11 have arrested the cast and author of I.be off-off Broadway play "Che" on charges of public lewdness, aodomy and obsc<olt)'. Plalnelolhmnen l5eiud 10 persons, ln-cludln& two women and a IS.year-old boy, Mondoy night aller a performance of "Che." 'Ibe controvenlal one-act play tested tht sexual freedom of the theater with simulated lovematlng in the nude and a variety of other auuaJ acts onstage, theater crlUcs aaid • "Che" la billed as a aymbollc tale d the lut boon of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the LaUn American revolu- Uooary. It WU written by L<MQZ Raphael, a Trinidad naUve. The 20 penona wen charged with coooentual -.,Y, publlc tewdnal, -..Uty and coosplracy lo commit - off- Cllnada will view nuclear-tipped dl!ofensive missiles deployed almost in ita backyard would again t a k e precedence. It waa also likely the delicate question of Canada's p u s h to grant mainland China diplomatic recognition might be .serioll!ly discussed today. In the final hours of tht: visit, Trudeau invited Nixon to Canada and Nixon ac- cepted -without naming a dale. "I can assure you," Trud eau said, "you will be very welcomed there. I can't guaranlt:e: thert: will be no trouble. I can't guarantee H for myseU. But as ont: new politician to a more mature one, I can tell you that we will take our chances together." When asked if he would take Trudeau U:t on the invitation, Nixon answered "yes." But he did not elaborate. Spokesmen for both men said the ABM issue was the main topic discussed when the two met alone initially and then along with Secretary of State William P. Rogers and Canada's External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp. It was again "broached," a Trudeau spokesman said, when the prime minister met with Rogers and. other government officials Monday afternoon in a session billed as a trade discussion . Ronald Ziegler, Nixon's press secretary, • Ill East West, Not Large Storm System Batters Eastern Half of U.S. Calltornia SI<'--· llWltl't' .Ult"" -SW-. .,.,. C.llfon!141 ·~~ tor -'ft rlable lllwfl c:leud1 11 t1!M1. T11mMr1tvn1 -. 911tlllly ... nMr In ttit triltl'lllll ·-· LGUlilld 1tr-tv.h' ~II lll'lncl1 .weitt .,,..,,.,. --· llVt _ .. -r•ll'f WMll., fllan "-1trone wit. ... !di ._, 11'11 f//f Loo A~ .. in. $all a-rdlno. JUv.nlo•, °'',.. al'llll Venturi counllH Mofldey. Tlle ,_ ...ioc1tv Mo11111., ..... n "'t1t1 --flour r«ordld 11 '°"''"'• -lnl trllH ....... , "' """ pl'OUf'lll. °"""" ,,_ ,_.,,.,, -ts II lliefil 11 .. m..,JI. In 0.-1-CClilH'ltY. """ 1h0rlfi. Mm_.,,u., c:klMll F11l1trtofl Ml.lnlciHI Alniort to 11tl'lf 1lrv.n 11 .... Wllllll buffll4«1 1M -· MWrlne _. llMI In 11 IH1! 1ht ~ ,.,, .... TM bMdtft _. -tty IUl'W'IJ' wlfll -""" c:ktildt ,, llmft •1'11111 Plllll """"'9tlurts ... 1111 ,., n. -- -P . n. ,,_...,. wtf'f _.,, ~ ... -lllltl '""'* ""' JIU!" .,,... ~ """""'' wi-. """' ,, ,..... ...... rMdlM _,., ...... ....... It -_,., ._,. '" ,,.. ...,,. Wllfl ~ '9Mlfr-'\' ~ .,.. "'* ,..,..... -" "' .... -..... ,. tM -..... !!It ..,,...,. "'-LOI AHOILll AAl~llrt' l1lr """ ....... lllllfll dwllt lflrwtll WM! ... I'. a-fllltlll'l1 JI. Mltfl w.41 ... ) .. "°'"' COMCl,TtON TO Ml!>llCAH llOllDlll ...... rno -fwho wlfldo I tia , ll 1r1Wtt Ill .,.,-_ Wflll""Ot'f i.. """'" li.trt 11111 ..,.,...._ In nltM incl . '"'"*'f ""'"-fltlr w111! VU!I~ l'IJ l'I dol.ldt ~ WftlrledtY. PtlCfl'!' CMll .. ,. .. ,., w.dMllNY ,...,Pll~. "'°' llWClll fllfrlMl"ltwt w-. co .. tal II wtn ti. .,.,.,tr lllr toNY 11'111 ~ ...... 1tNnt -"' """""" •lllM -... "-· T.,...,."'"" ......... or-COIJI wtn '"'" ,_ a " 1' wt111e 1r1..,... Wiii .. ..,,,..,, ............. '"" "· W1"' "'""'"""°' 11 If, WIOMllDAY "'"' """ .............. ii• ...... ... 110011111 1111111 ••••••••••••• P!lt 1.m. l.' ,..,, lcrw ......... , ••••. 11:t4 l .lft. ••• s.c:....i '°"' ............ ll!llO '·'"· 1.0 '"" ..... •1• '·'"· "" ,, .. '·"'· ~ '"'" 11;'4 '·'"· ..,. lt;Sf ··'"· .._ f'nl e. '•II '-"' O. ~. 1' ~r. • ,_, I Nr. t v.s. Sum ... .,, A lllM tule 11om! m,.,, "' ttfft ,... "'""" """" Of ,,... 111111111 todlr ~1iw1,,. .,........ ICNl.1 VI,.. t 11119 hi KCW!lttd !w 11 INll two 11-. DMNte ... •1111tMlve. ... ,...., 1111 by "-lon\MIDH ... ~ 1ht -fllt ''" Of 11:1¢1montl, ...... •Ml 111bv"'" ltll ...,,..., wllfft lJ lo 20 -... """'"'' flNrllMlll ltlil!O-1-.,.,.. Onlrll'td 0t Ml..,lf'r d1,... ..... Gitt leru wllldt •nd r•lfl 19'"" 1 ,,.., .,.. ,,..., "'""" , .. , lo _, Mldtltlfl ~ .. -.r11 ll'IN H'"' E,,.. 111'111. MHWllt., N.J~ ""'liWd 1.)t l"'I:,.._ • d rtlfl 4"''"' 1 11•-llour Pll'lod .. '" ... '" ~-'·" , ...... Moulll W1tfllMtorl, N,H., eddld fO\lr lncNl fl -wtlllt Ovevt!ut. tew1, Mldlltlfl, W11.. 11'111 WOfHl:lorO. N.H~ Helt nc11"'" -lndl. Tem~atur"s Hltll l DW P'l"tC. ,. __ lit .. " --• " ""-"'' • .. l•~tt"Sllfl4 " " l llmtirdl " " .. M • " ..... " • ·" ClllC•lllt • u ·" Clroc:l...,.11 H " •• ciw.11,... " ., •• ... _ .. " ... ..,_ • " ·" .... , • • •• ...... " • .... w ... g x ·-" • ..... • " "-""1111 " " ·~,.,, .. • k1~ City " " •• .... -u " l• """"" • • Mi.mt~ • n M'-• n ·" ~.-111 • " He--OrtftM " ~ H'"' Y(lo1! .. " 1.17 Norm """• ,, " °"~"""' • " ...... " " ·" PllO ll:atlln " Pllll~llflll • ~ •• f'lloenl~ " ., Plt111N,..ll .. " ... p.o,,1 ..... .. " lt1•1d Cll'I' ~ • 11:.., Bluff n • .. ~ " " S..CrtrnMl\le • • $1, l OUls .. ~ SIU ~e Cl1'1 • " s.11 o~ " " S111 Fr1f'IC l•to " ~ S.1111 ll1rbt•• .. .. ,.,,, .. " " -·~ .. " l"''""'' " .. W1 llll...r011 " g ... ,- ------------~---- I I : l , ' I I • Border Hits Eved _, Pakista n Placed • Plan Ai1ni!d ar Red Bases iii Cambodia . Under Army Rule SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. military command has asked President Nixon to approve plans to attack a string of. North Vietnamese bases in Cambodia, Wormed American ~urcts said today. The plaru recommend the U.S. destroy about 12 military bases along Cambodia's border witl:t South Vietnam either by a series of B52 bom: bing Sfl}i.es or by massive commando raids across the frontier . Similar proposals W er e made at least twice during . the administration ol Presi- dent Johnson and were re- jected. Because of two recent developments, the Nixon ad· ministration is giving the latest U.S. command request "serious consideration," the 60urces said. First has been the fact the QUEENIE North Vietnamese anny has used the Ca1nbodian base camps as a springboard fqr the CWTtnl offenslve tbrougb most Of South Vietnam. "In requesting permlsslon to raid these bases we pointed out that , as Jong as they exist, the Communists will a1ways be able to mount new or. fensives. "We may be able to meet the threat, but we can't C'Jt it off entirely when they ire allowed tQ. mass and operate without interference in camps 8Cl'O!!l$ the border only ,:S miles• from .Saigon," one souree said. Another recent development leading the U.S. ~and to renew the proposal was a speech in which. Cambodian chief of st.ate Prince Norodom Sihanouk indicated he would not object to U.S. bombing By Phil lnterlandi ::S·t..'? -,Fi:~' ---- "'You ski ••• " Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 5~ Speak wilh Yestrrday's Punlt Solved: difficulty l Spring 51 "Ethan _,. I evenl 54 Apprehmdff" • S Stars an d .511 Haid Stripes or 62 Serious: Mapl e Lear 63 Span.Jstr I q Mi nor ~rav1nce ~· "'"'"""' 64 tmporary S Garment resp 1tes 6 Fur 66 Edible trapper's fun gus vessel 67 False " 117 Emanations conception ~ ~ I N l~ Comt otL 68 Commo n " ' "' I ; ~,;;;' contraction 3/25/ti! 69 News 211 WW·ll medium 11 Prefix used 44 Old·tlm e \'IP: 70 Give over with body movie Informal by pact and biotic features 121 !Xie of a ... 71 Small round 12 Autho r ~6 Early reOgious marks Anita ·-·· Americ an ~oup lJ Weak: language 2.3 ade cf OOWM Comb. form 47 Scold · silver 18 Church tiDdf 49 Prof!ss- 25 Lasso: Var, l Subjeel"of a 22 Bad acl.DC" Iona I man's 21.i Highway discourse 24 Dessert 11 leltn1me 28 Length 2 Literary item ·52 One-Of the: t1nlts form 27 Faded ciut arts 32 Sea spray J Putting on ·29 Protection ·SJ Avoid 37 Stately lhe years 30 Member of adrolUy 38 'fhlle:. .(London. E. India/I 55 Singer Comb. form Ont., royally 56 Sub/ect of 39 Monster: t1nlversity 31 Fruit news story Comb. forra S Cal!ndar J20ppositt of 57 Slucnb,rs 41 Fibrous abbrevialion "OuU" 58 D!mlnlstr tissue : E. Weaving :33 Schemt &'ogess ively Comb. form machine 34 Bird 59 an's name .;z State or 7 ~!r • 35 Brother £0 Military .co11 ntry Doubleday , JI. Sullable "'~ events 8 "Beau-' fur b1sket-E.l Follow IS I 1 45 Hal iltuc 9 Transporta• ball chosrn path universi~ tlon medium 40 Not beefy 65 Little one: .118 FoUowe 10 former order 43 Vexes Sull i:w; of Communist targets in hi! nation. The suggestion by Sihanouk bas reduced opposition to the !1fOPOS8l !roai within the State Department, although some diplomat.a feel the United States should have further as,gurances before going ahead with such plans, according to the sources. The U.S. command believes B52 raids would be the most effeeUve means of destrpying the bases, none of whlch are close to populated Cambodian arou. But commando attacks were a u gges t ed as an alternative because B52 bombs produce telltale craters which could be used as evidence of U.S. at~cb across t be border, the sources aald. Ir approval of the plan is glven, the U.S. command is not expected to announce when It has carried out any such raids. Nor ls it likely to comment on reporls which leak out. The sou.rte3 said the com· mand would adopt a policy similar to that c<1verlng the air war in Laos. Hundreds of U.S. planes bomb Laos each day but the military command will neither confirm nor deny that they do. Living Costs Ris e .4% In February WASHINGTON !UPI) - IJving costs for American;; jumped by four-tenths of one percent in February, with no sign ol change for March, Uie government reported to- day. WEBSTER OF REBELLIOUS ANGUILLA (RIGHT) ADMITTED TO U.N. Says He Won't 'Talk' To British Until They Remove Troops, Ltt From lslend New Ruler Neetled? Lee Scapegoat for Invmion THE VAu.EY, Anguilla (UP I) -The British tnay have to find a new man to rule this hot and scrubby Caribbean Island if Com missiooer Anthony Lee fails to placate the Anguillan population soon. What partlc\Uarly angers the pick~ted his headquarters pro- Anguill ans is Lee's reference · testing the use of force tG to the ·~ailed "hoodlum" reinstall him. and "gangster" elements on Webster, who was in New the Island, the sources said. York trying to appeal his Monday he vowed he wiU not country's plight to the United let a "bunch. of hoodlums" Nations, told reporters Mon- drive him from the island. day "the Brit.isb came to ''Th.is would be a lawless destroy and disrupt. Until the community i n s i d e two British wKhdraw their forces monlhs,'' Lee said. and Mr. Lee, I don't see This allegation has made 8.Jl}1hing 1n the way of an Lee and Webster, once close accommodation." friends, bitter enemies. AJ for Lee's charges of the Lee zdmits Webster has "a presence of the crim1nal ele- strGng em<Jtionai hold" on the ment on Anguilla, Webster people of Anguilla. Most said "all we have is a few Anguillans believe ii elections licensed shotguns." were held today, Webster Webster said he plans to would poll between 80 and return to Anguilla later thb NEW DElJII, India ·(AP) · are b<hlnd G<n. Yahya III>an -President Mohammed Ayub whom Ayub· ftimed as the Khah declartd martial law In chief' martlal 1 a w ad-- Pakistan today and banded mlnlstrator, the broadcast ad- over the adrnlnistratlon of the ' ~;ub said, he had conceded strife-lorn country to lhe army l<>. lhe oi>pi>&tion demand lo • ctUer of staff, Gen. Yal!Ya introduce a federal parllamen. Khan, Radio Pakistan sata. tary system of government , Ayub m~de the an-ln the country but he could nouncement m what be called. 'not be a PW tG anything hll last address tG the nation whkh made the center weak. and appealed to the peop~e Eleven years ago Ayub took tG help the anned. forcts m over as martial law ad- the maintenance of l~w and minlstrator ln circumstances order, the brol\dcast s1ud. of similar pollllcal chaos. The radio quot~ A~b as Ayub announced Feb. 21 he saying that the s1tuahon in would not seek rHleclion in the country had turned from the baJIQting scheduled for bad 'to worse and that the next January. government was unable tG1 .. .,..,...,..;.,..,..,..,..,.,. control mob violence sweeping bolh parts 'of Paklslan. He s:iid he was asking the army to take over the service of the nation and fGr the e:i- btence of Pakllllan. The alr force and the navy A GOLD MEDALLION HOME 1 J90 D•1111l119 DrtM ........... by IONALD STU.l•HT Wfialbl Guaeamale ! hjoy enticing enchit.d.tt ••• tinlMi.iifis tacos ••• ,._ rel1tno ••• l•sly l•m•les ,,. and 01Mr M1lhentic Sou1h'-of-itie-86nlcr sp«~l11e. sened amid me colol'r111 atmosphefe of old Mei:~ ico. Delighlfl.ll wlM cocktails and bttr, IOO. EYttl·W' )"O'l"'re llOf: • an afkionado of MexkltltcW- Moe, )"O'l're wre to Nb .ow NCrte Arneri(ill'IO favoriin. f)!P\1!1';111 Have lun(h or dinner al Amigos ••. the West's "'°5.t: beaotiful Mo:iao 1"51:AUAllU. Luochn lto1n 9SC Dinnen S1..50to$J.50 '"""" T1ke-~ Food.loo. altll<JOS FAMflY lfSTAUW<IS OOSTA MB4-421 Etlt111kk/MMaJ ___ ....... _.,. . ..,.-.-~ Higher costs for cars, homes and clothing boosted tlle Labor · Department's gauge of costs -the Consumer Price Index Informed sources said today that Lee, installed at gunpoint last Wednesd ay, has become the scapegoat not. only for the armed invasion, but also for all of the imagined and real BMUsh blunders in deal- ing with the population of this dusty 35..square-mile island, which has no electricity or communications. Self-styled Anguillan Presi- dent Ronald Webster, who en- joys sµpport from about !Ml percent of 6,000 i s I a n d residents, has said there will be oo negotiations with the British until they remove all the troops -and Lee. 90 percent of the v ote ~w~ee~k~·~~~~~~~-1~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~:::~ regardless who ran against 1- -to 124.6. 'Ittat meant it took $12.46 to buy the same kind of goods and services available for $10 about 10 years ago. The so-called base period used in the computations is 1957-59 . Arnold Cliase, ass Is tan t commissioner of the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics, s3.id the February level is ihe same as the average monthly price in- crease during Hl68. It exceeds the three·tenths of one percent gain from December t o January. Chase said preliminary data for March indicated the situa- tion would not improve much, if any. "Early figures point to a five-tenths of a percent in- crease in wholesale prices in March," Chase told reporters. The wholesale price gain dur- ing February was four-tenths of one percent. Chase said the increase in most retail prices in February offset a decline in food costs. BEST Th t DAILY PILOT ofr,,... 1omt of th• b11t ft1turt1, by tdut f u1rvty of rttd1r1, ••ti!t blt in eny n1w1p •p•r In tht nttio n. But so far the British government, at least outward- ly, has remained firm in its decision to keep Lee on Anguilla. him . Sunday, 800 Anguillan demonstrators held a mock funeral procession with Lee's effigy inside a makeshift cof •. fin. It was the West Indian way of wishing to be rid of someone. Saturday he was mobbed as he tried to enter his office. On Mooday, angry natives Marble Soup FTC Charg es False Ads WASHINGTON iUPI)-The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says some of thoSe soups belng-advertised on television might be more aptly named "CampbeJl's Cream of Marbles.'' Specifically, .the agency ac- cused the Campbell Soup Co. Monday of putting marbles in its soups to make the soups look better for the television cameras. The soup company promptly denied the charge, saying it had discontinued the practice some time ago. Even when it did co, the firm said, It was merely trying to "picture to the consumer the garnish we place in the soups ... " The FTC, however, said lt would issue a complai n t agains t the Camden, N.J. soup maker and . against , its ad- vertising agency, Ba I t en , Barton, Durstine and Osborne Inc., New York. The FTC said the marbles were used to prevent the solid ingredients from sin.king to the bottom of the 1 bowl, "thereby giving the soup the appearance of con ta in! n g more solid ingredient.. than it actually contains ." It said the marbles "ex· aggerate" and "misrepresent" the soup quality and the adverti<iement involved I s "false, misleading and decep- tive." ~-THE NEWPORT HARBOR J.C.'s --• WISH TO THANK THE FOLLOWIN G BUSINESS FIRMS FOR THEIR SUPPORT AS SUSTAINING MEMBERS. STAR T.V. HOBIE'S PARTY SUPPLIES Jtrry Dickmen • Own t t Hob1rl loud· Owf.tt COLDWE~L BANKER fl ill F1r111wotfh, Mgr. llDWELL'S OF NEWPORT Mr. I Mr1. Jeck flidwtll • Owntt• NEWPORT BEACH CABLEVISION Fri nk Htrmtn • M1n191r RICHARD'S MARKET 0 , W, "Dick" Rlcht rd1. Own t t TITLE INSURANCE & TRUST D1vid R. Porttr, V.P. I M9r. U.C.1.-MARINERS OFFICE Rich11d Kimbtll ·Mgr. MACCO CORPORATION Williem 1 •• ,, · Prt1id1nl PAT MARLEY MEN'S SHOP P•I Merlty -Owntt FOR INFOR MATIO N ON HOW YOU CAN BECOME A SUSTAINING MEMBER, CALL THE NEWPORT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 548-11 55. A drink is a drink is not. nec~ssarily so. The people who know Seagram's 7 Crown think their whiskey is quite different from the rest. Smoother. Lighter. Better to serve friend• Qualily, through and through. Their findings have made 7 Crown the best.liked brand of whiskey in the whole world. That's got to be supttior. Say Seagram'• and Be Sutt. $ 519 4/1 Of, '16 7 · l /JPT. S.Jgram Dlttil1m C.pany, New York Oty, llaldld ~tkty • 16 Proof • 6:1,Cttln Ntutnl Spirits. • :M:UTU INGS % ,, I NO MINIMUM per annum •• -TIME REQUllWJ ASSETS OVER • $A25,000,000.00 comp·ounded doily 'INTfltEST fROM OATI! Of ltatt MEAD OFFICE on<ER BRANCH Ol'l'ICES TO DA TE O f WITHDJA W/4 315 E11•t Color-.do aour...,. w.tArcocflo·CoY\oll Pandtna, C./ifoml• 91109 Q-le .I ' ' I ·' ···-~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------. . I (!An .y P ILOT EDITOBIAI. PAG!j In Th e World Spotlight Oranie COull\y fol • tam of the big Ume last weet- ••Jdd-aa taste of what will happen If Prulden~Nbton doe• aelect a West Coul awnmer Wblte Hous . Tile world'• prua followed u lh• ~d t toot part in a colorful pagWll al San Juan Capl . ano'1 h!Jtoric minlol>-aDd Ibey n,ur.Uvely sat in u he and Mn. Nlzon revllltecl a favorite rutaurant of tbeln' In the Orange County community. During his rut-and-play "eel:end in bis n1Uve • COWJly, Preildeal NWm made It clear be won't lend 11>e.preatlg1 of his ofllce to rUlndle the ancleot llrea of CalifomJa..Fiorlda rivalry for tourlJt butiness. He will spend his winter vacattona In Florida, his 111mmer ones possibly lD South.em California-an even distrlhulioo of pollUcal glaloor. Rumon persist that the summer Wblte HOUie will be set up In either San Clemente or Laguna Beech. publldty surroundlnf an of the social and political fanfue mode It cJear that Orange c:.;:,,!b will never be the 1Bme If the Praident and his y cboo<e lo revisit us frequenlly, Refuse Unwant ed Mail Some mall order book aeller1 and other mercllau- dlaen have been trylng-4oo olta auccessfully-not lo tal:e no for an IDn'er. Even after retuaall of 1o1lclta-- tlons or cancellations, they go right oo mailing the merchandise. Tile Poet Office ~:cfi~ent suggests two sOlutions: -Put the merch aside for a reaaonable period of Ume, and, If unclaimed, ~.Jt ~way, or- -Retu.se to accept lhe llJIOl\ened package. Write t 1Refused, retum to 1ender11 on it and put it back in the mall. · Last weekend gave a hint of the world spoWgbt that will fall on Orange County If the N!J:ona do return • here for vacatlona. His moet Important words Issued from the San Clemente retreat pertained to cam$.olence. ~esi· dent Nixon made It clear that be upholds new leglalaUon denying federal funda to stu ents convicted of violating the law. Caution: Don't uae the item unless you want lo keep it and pay for IL TV's Visions .of Affluence It also was an ucell.entlf worded Indictment of those who have, by thetr w e of violence, endangered lntellectual tree.iom acrois lhe nation. Does TV make the poor "sick"? Yes, according to Betty Furness, former TV performer and ex-President Johnson's expert on coil.sumer affairs. Preaidenl Nixon drew" a fair and 1e11slble line be- tween Jef,itimate, peaceful protest and lhe denial by militant awbreakers of free speech and reuoned de- bat<>--the very essence of any college or unlver1ity worthy of the name. "It Is not too strong a statement to declare that !Ills Is the way dvillzattona -begin to die," he ·said. "None of us has the right to 1Uppose it cannot happen here." Sbe says TV too often ignores the limited assets of the poor, who sit around their sets wondering why they can't own suburban homes with luxuriant lawns and · brand new Cara. She charges that TV pictures these conditions as honnal and that the sense of fnzs.. tration felt by people who know they aren't is allenal· ing millions of Americam. Tile President had other words, and key meetings mth key figures, during his brief stay. Tile activity aud Sad, but true, no doubt. Communications in the electronic age can have Its unhappy side. Bui U lncen·· · tives also come out ol. TV visions of affluence, there can be good· as well as frustration. Vietnam lnfornacation Said lliareliable Intelligence Highly Suspect WASHINGTON -U tbm ls ..,. rule that every intelligence agent follow, it ii this: 11U the source 1w an tnterat at stake, dlstrult It." By this rule, most of the lnteWcence Richard Nixon is now rect.lvlng about what is going on in Vietnam is highly suspect. To illustrate the p o I n t, it Ls only necessary to recall the Bay of Pigs, where the CIA. in its role aa operator, influenced Itself In Ha role u fact-finder. Lyndon Johnson'• Cabinet meeting al last July 30 ls a more recent case in poinL In retrolpect. U can be aem that an lncipieol revolt againll the Jolmaoa war policy waa quelled at that meeting - a revolt which might have changed our Vietnam line and -indeed -our history, At least three members of the Johnson Cabinet now say that they went to that meeting prepared to re.be ques- tions about the Vietnam policy. At lust one of them had alr<ady argued the question with the Pres\dent in private. Btrr THE QUESTIONS were new rWed. Pr,.ident J-opened the meetina; with t.he announcement that be had received new, "bud" mtemaence. Dean Rust then revealed it The enemy, he said, WU preparing I muaive, Tet. like offenslw. It would come verr -. probably lhOlll the Ume al th e Democratic coanntion, then Im than a month waay. Mr. Johnson IUDlDled It up. Thero WIS nothing to do hut hang Oil. And thus Hubert Humphrey'• hopes for elec- toral victory, as well as a great deal more, went by the wind. The "bard" military inlelllgence was decisive. And as everybody now knows the "hud." military lntelllgenco WIS wrong. THERE AR.It ANY number of reason1 why It might have been wrong. But among thole reason& it ii Impossible to rejed out of band the poaihillly thal bolh -who 11ve II IDd those who received tt desired too mucb that It be righL President Nixon does not have L.B.J. 's problem of wanting to hear intelligence that buttresses a predetermined course. But the President s t 11 l bas the problem ol getting in· telligence from those who have an in- terest in It. Moreover, thtrt ls very little he can do about it. The military arm of the United States is the principal source of intelligence tn Vietnam, and the military ttmains anxious to convince the home front of three propositions: 1) that the war Is worth fighting, 2) that we are winning it end I) that If the military bu a little more freedom It cao hrin( H to 1 quick end. THE PIBSIDINT'S intelligence dilem· ma ii lllDllllld up in the event.I of WI month. South Vietnamese cities have been abeBed delpltl what fonner Defense Secmary Clark Cllllord has called the "nooeipllcit tmdentanding'' which form· ed the basis for getting the. Parl! ta1k.9 tmder way, That "tmderstanding•• -since the enemy wu not about to make any prOmises in acbange for an end to the bombing -seems to have been litUe more than a statement lhat Hanoi "understood" our desire that there be no major attacks on the large cities of South Vietnam. It must be added that we alJo "understood'' that they gave no IWlltance that they would in fact refrain from 8Uch· attack!. IN .FACI', n IS not at ill clear that Hanoi ordered the attacks on the cities. 1be NLF may have done '°• and at least one source in a position to know aays the shelll may have been launched by guerrillas who are not under effective control from anybody. As if to illustrate this posalhillly, President Nixon hi.msell h8J said a cease-fire is inappropriate in a guenilla war, Why no more llO for 11them" than for "us"? Yet t.he President ts rising to the Intelligence baJt. His response ·at last week's pf'!:Sll conference -"I will only warn once" -coupled with a con- tinuation of the shelling of the cities is a possible precunor CJl a resumption of bombing. But such a course, whlcb wou1d blow up the peace talks along with the bridges at Haiphong, will have come about through intelligence received from highly !luspect sources -our own military, which iJJ uolikely either to can- cede error or advbe de-escalation, and the Saigon govunment., which bas the strongest state of all ln our continuing the fight. English Have 'Pill' for Pups LONDON -The Pill bas come to Britain with a wallop. With an estimated l,lro,000 Engllall ·womeo oow regularly taking contracepUve p i 11 s 1 the pharmaceullcal laboratories feel that saJes must not be allowed to lag. One firm, Glu:o Laboratories, ls t a II I n I advantage of the currently receptive climate to Introduce a birth control plD for dogs. "Al the first sign of a bllch comlnl lnto season," a company spokesman told the London Times, "an eight-day coune of tablels should be given." This, claim the vets, will also alleviate lhe nulunce caused by visiting dogs end w 11 1 el· fectively overcome the "often distrualn& and inconvenient problem of heal" Such tablets, if regularly adminlstertd, will tolllly preYOnl I .... from -celving. "The "stop-the-puJ)•T pill conta!nl a !l)'Dthetic honnone simUar to the one used tn contraceptive pm. for human beings. But It will not he sold ..... the counter. Mediw resemill worm _, Editorial ·Reaearch ; • apll1n Iba! the dosage must he Pl'dJely URAed by a veterinary 8lU'Jeon. 111E ROYAL flOCl!:l'Y for the Prev.,,. tioo of Cruelty to Animals has for a klOI t1me advocated the neuterll'lg of IDlmlll, Including dogs, to cut clown tbe number of unwanted lltten. Ovarld, it 11 thought, cou1d prevent the now wldupread practice: of d row n 1 n I tboul&lldl of unwanted puppies, and it could cin..tically redoce BrlLain'1 lice .. eel doe ...WaUco al 1hout 4 million. The el!eCls of the pill will aiJJo change the popular atUtude towards dop, claim the Odlton of Looclorl'• Doc World. More people will own bltcbea in preference to male clop. Lord Kenne~ the Parlllmootar)' Secretary to the Mlnlllly al Housing, c111tloned In the H-of Lordi that while "It ii DOI the function al & he govemmtnt to five adv Ice to pet ownerai" he personally felt that "IM aafel& method of achieving the dMlred end la to keep the bitch or cat lndocn when Jt ii in llta&en" Such IOllcltude ii appr<dlted In 1 usUon where a doc i• not only man11 best ftlmd bat" aomeUmes ia the a1ool Enclllbmu'a only friend. Tiii!: PllAllMACEUTICAL llhontorl,. a1lo ""' undtrl•klng further -h Into pills for other animall, lncludlna Clll. Apparmllf no ..,. II obj~. Pother Jobn MICDoUlld, • ClthoUc spnknmln. uld the CathoUc Cllurdl --mtrlctlng the -al • dOCI IDd <111 U thiJJ would avoid Wt-_,cruelty. Meanwhile, tests are reported pro- gressing satisfactorily on an efficient contraceptive pill for human males. Ex· perimenllng oo rals, doctors at a Manchester hospital aa1d that the early studies of this male pill did not ttveal any obvious side effects -such as the impairment of sexual desire. THE SEARCH for the male pill could lead to a second revolutien In the field ol birth control. Dr. Timolby Glover, a reproductive biologist at Uverpool University, recently rtci!ivtd a $150,000 grant from the Ford FoundaUon lo 1tudy male fertility. He iJ confident that an oral contraceptive can be succeslfully developed for men. The male pill could brlng another windfall to \he phanntttutical com-pan;.._ Dear Gloomy Gus: Aboot 11>lsgusted, H who wrote that people wouJd ratbtr havt kld! ride minJbikes in streets than Jn legal placa: Well. wll<re's 1 legal place? nllJ ...... ,.,.. ............... I "" ... If W. #i#QQlr .... ........ --.°"""""' • Irate Rewkr Gets Irish . Da1'11hr Up To the Editor: In regards to the item by Tom Barley about the lrlBh and the Wearing of the Green, J think lt'1 in very poor taste and I am surprised that you as editor would allow such trash to be put in the paper. Not alone will the Irish be wearing green on the 17th. Tom Barley will also be wearing the color, but It Js green with envy because the Irish are 50 popular here and all over the world. THERE ARE A lol of· Irishnien taklng your paper and helping to pay his salary, but from now on there will be one less. I want the DAILY PILOT to be dlsconUnued as of today, March 17. MRS. JOHN KENNY Reader Kmnv wrote her protest before ahe had read the blistering· re· buttol to the Irish temper-stirring humorou.t feature 1tbry bt1 the DAILY 'PIWT'• Englirh reporter, Barle11. The Tttort to BarltJI tDGS written bt1 Irish staffer Tom McCann, appeared on St. Patrick'& Day. · -Editor C'at Licensing To the EdHor: I have paid for dos licenses for years, fLrst paying for rabies sbolll to jj.ualify. Let me urge that ·we "incur t.he wrath'' of cat onera and let them help 11hare the burden of the animal shelter. Never have I understood why cats aren't licens--ed. . Certainly I've seen It discussed In the papers before, with cat owners kick- ing and l!Cf'!:am.lng and f1nally having their way. Not fair! PLENTY OF US non-<at owners know that cats are bigger pests to a neighborhood than dogs will ever be. Since Huntington Beach's Robert Sharkey bas already. said cats are one of his animal pound officen' biggest problems. let's get on with It. Dog owners should not be forced to help pay humane officers to fool around with cats just because the word ullceme" makes cat owners wroth. CLEO PlllLHART l'ree A d Worth $30~ to Bates To tbe Edltor: I was fortunate enoup to win a free stx-day ad at the r e c e n t Com- munlCarnival held 1n the South Coast Plaza shoppl!ig center. 1 did hive 10melbina to sell and, thanks to your ad, I was able to sell It. The &irl In your office helped me lake full ed•anllge ol the Id pottnUal. I had bttn trying to sell, 1111SUC· cessfully, for one year a Lehman 10 ullbool Your ad turned out to he worth 1 $300 pr)u to me. f 1111 deeply grateful MARILYN V ASSOR Uftiln "-~ -...._., MonM!.., ....-. .,_,Ill _....,. .. ., _.,. ... -_... et" Ilsa. ni. """ • ...... ltt1ws II I'll -or '"..,,.. ,.... ~ Iii ,_..,._ AH llfttt"I _,, lo'ICIW9 t111111!\lft .... -lllllt .. ,....,_ 1W1 fl-"'" be wlrtllltlll "' ,_, If Mfldlftl ,..._ 11 .,...rent. Shorts The Ruso11111 uld they would bury us. They oeedn1 go to ony trouble . Between our l\IDI and frttw&)'J we are takin& care of It ourselves. I - • Ill The Defect Driver· Training My .repeated opposition to driver education in the public achools does not mean that I am against young people -or all people -being taught better driving: habits. It's just that I don 't ttnnk it should be any part of our educatiooal system. Besides, the D10!JI important part of learnlng to drive a car well bas little to do. with '.Qlanual or visual or mechanical skills. It bas much more to do with semantics and applied peycbology -with jncW..tlng the r!Pt 1Ullllde ol miDd, the right sort ol ttdnkiDI and feeling. MOST ACCWENTS are couaed hy the wrong attitude of mind, not by defective machinery or slippery road! or any other . physical factor. And this wrona: attitude is rooted in semanUc confusion and emo-- tional stubbornnesl. In Defensive Driving classes, for in- stance, ooe of lhe first questions asked is: ''When you get the green light at an Intersection, what does it mean to you?" Everybody, of course, 1D1Wen: "Go." EXCEPT THE instructor. He an!wen: "It means that the signal is functioning, not necessarily the driver." Wbat be is eaying ls the first axiom yoo learn in general semantics: "The map is not the terrUory." 'Ilt.is means you mustn't confuse the symbol of a thlng with the thing Itself. The green ~ght II symbol thal you have the right-of· way ; but it doesn't say "Go" tf another car Is crossing through the red llght. MOST OF US, however, take the map foc the territory and the signaJ for the fact. "I bad the right-of.way" iJ a com.moo remark after an acdde:nt -if the outraged motorist is !UU alive after the accident. But he can be jus& as dead as if be were wrong. People drive cars; signals IDd la"' and roles do not drive them. And people are highly volatile nervous systems, U& predictable under ob'"' al any kind. U they are red with rage, they ma1 not &ee the r.d ll~; il they are cree• with envy, they may Jgnore YOW' green light. SIGNAUI FUNCl'ION reliably mo'1 « the Ume; drivers ftllction nlieblJ only part of the Ume. The trained De fepstve Driver assumes nothing exceji that all other motorists may be crazy, or ju.rt learning to drive, or •dint out a private fantasy on the road. U the schools produced thoughltul aiH sensitive studenta, there would be nc need . for them to teach driving lkllls And lf they don't, driving lkl1la cmlJ give their possessors a falae eeme ol conlklence. New Rival to Bartlett's It was not Mark Twain who sald "Everybody talks about the weather but nobody ever does anything about It." It was Charles Dudley Warner (180f. 1900), publisher of the Hartfonl Counnl There is a satisfaction 1n flOOing out whG said it ftrst, or is thought to have said it first, Bergen Evans told U8 the other day. The leDcographe:r and Professor of English at Northwestern was discussing a new compendium of the world's familiar utterances, "Dic- tionary of QuolaU(IQ!," which he col· leded and arranged and wh1cb Delacorte Press will introduce this month. Why such a work, when a new edition of "Bartlett's" WU published just last year? Th.ls Js his own enthusiasm, and it contains many quotatlonJ Bartlett'.• leaves out; is intricateq indexed and cross-indexed and, when demled a con-- ·venience, a quotation appears more than once. ALSO, QUOTATIONS are arranpl In chronological order to show the develop- ment o( an idea, the perfecting ot Jt.s wording, the attJtude ol different perk>d1 toward certa.ln thougbta or values. Jt took Evans seven yt&rt to compile the work. ft llllrted Innocently enough when Dell, the paperback houoe, 1sked him io work up a •malt book of his own favorlte qu<>llllons. Bui the thi1ll crew heyood the pn>portloos al I paperllack original. Dell'• hardcover a ff 111 a t e , Delacorte, "" 1 big hook In whit Ha word m a n w a 1 up to and persuaded him to go ahead with thll major, or ' 115, project. To l>Orrow fmn EvlDI' "Dictionary:" 11U.S'l'E: Thttt ls no workman. whoso'er he ht, thal may both wort well and b a s t I I y (Chautf!", "Tb e Merchant'• Tl.le')." Speaking or Cha-, II WU ltChalc tennlnology that e1tl9ed the inM trwble In thiJJ hoolc, eapeclally In lta )l<OOfrudlng stage. Unhappily, the compner said, • prlnteni and proofreaders have leame4 to read and have a terrible urge t4 clean up and correct archaic Englls• style IDd spelling. It's enough to drlV4 a word scholar to an early grave. THE AUTIIOR OF a variety of hooks, Including "A Dlcllonary or CootemJ>OWJ American Usage and Comforta b lt Words" he complied aome years age with his sister, Comella EvaM, Berget Evans wu not defeated by the sevell years he Invested In the pr<Set>I project Whlle he feeb with William FIUll:ne1 that all human wisdom can be summed up ln 1 hall-dozen cllches, he ii pr<> ceedlng with a work Random HOUM asked him to do some time back, "A Dictionary ol Synon)'ITIS and SJmJlars. - Or, as his "Dictionary of Quot.Uons• puts II: "SHUDDER, Horruco referens. , shudder at the vt:ty mention of iL1 (Vergtl: 'Aeneid II)." •• Geerp~ Dear George: I got IO med 11 10 mDCh -on televtaion lhat I IDTlaabed my •I with I sled&e bsmmer. WbJ Isn't there some group to ~ thll! Would you bead IUdl a pvup! JAY C. Dear JAY C.: Not unlea you put that aledl' lwnm<r down. You'D just hive to ......,i ,.......u from_,,. TVL • •P " u nt ,, sl ~ 11 • ~ '· ~ ' • • ' 11 I I CHECKING SF Settlement .Stay~ • UP • Students Will Honor Strike End When the Nudists Went Ice Skating EGGS AND LEGS: Durinc the COlllldenble time I've answerod. • lnqatria Ir om customm, nobody hu Wed me how 1111111 qp a Sptllish mackerel lqs al "'° lime. Why aotl I bow. Two m1lllon. If they were all to batcb for ju!! three generatiom, you could walk aaou the Atlantic on their bac:U. Nobody hu liked me why Ptktn-dop art bow-legged, either, and I toow that, too. '!be OUne!e bred them that way to keep them from nmnlng oa. CUSTOMER SERVIC £; "WHAT do the nudist colonies do in the winter?0 A. Can offer only hearsay, sir, but am told some dlsband to wait for spring. Some move ~ doon. And some go tee akattnc ln that conditloo. At St. Catharina, Ontario, for instance, about 50 membtr1 of a lively colony did thal Arowld aod aroond lbe trow. lake they sailed. In states only. A l!OOd artl!t ought to be able to do IOmtthJnr wtth a visloo like thal -ldng in blues .•.. Q ."AREN'T THOSE DANCERS called the llockettes IUppooed to be aingle?'' A. Not necmarUy. But ab<m three out ol four are. or TINKERERS: Tate retired cooples who appear to be fairly cooteot. l'lbat do they have 1n common with other 111cb point A Dute University researcher checked this out. Aod found In his study of 135 caaeJ that the old mao In each inltauce wu a tinkerer who Ubd to do odd Jobi lfOUlld the property. Asked our Name Game man ·what be could add to this revelathmi and be said It is the fellows called Dwight wbo 1enerally have that knack. Of making bobbies out ol lbeir bouaes, 1 mun. You see what this aipifles, If true. No Dwight'• wile abould fear IN THE m...U. a:nai:&N, state&. &n arcbltecl of high repute, the r1111<, aiol: aod relrigerator must be &ituated to form an lmqtaary triangle, the sides ol which should never aceed 21 feeL • • , WRITES Jack T: Ghil: "No. I cao1 tell you the longest alr&lght 1lretcb of highway in the country, either, but tbe longest curve, I th1nk, 1.5 a tree-mile arc around a moun- taln just outalde Loagan, w.v.• ... WIIAT'S SIMPLER than .. ordinary ~ needle? Not much.. Yet I read uid needle, in fact, conaiats of a butt, lhank, alot. latch, eye, rivet. thru.t and hook. What's a needle's latch? VNATfACllED WOMEN : 'nte 1taUsticlans have been u.amlnlng the records to see what happens .to women who are divorced, widowed o< still single al the age ol 30. Much happens to them, it turns out. Nlne out of 10 divorcees remarry. Six out ol 10 widows do lltew11e. And five out of 10 11ingle glrll also eventually find matrimonial mates. Not by chan«, however. Our Love and War man, who bu made a study of lbe matter him!ell, 1aya the unattached woman over 30 who hopm to marry is not apt to do 110 unless she campalgos cleverly. Campaigo tactics to be discussed anon. RAPID REPLY; On the contrary, Calvin, the college aowd rarely takes it that far. '!be medicoes claim that the clilun most apt to turn Into a drug addict today ls the wealthy suburban bousewile. Your questions and com· mentl art welcomed and will be med w~evtr po,. rible in "Checking Up." Addre11 mail to· L. M. Boyd, i9 can of IM DAILY PILOT, Bo~ 1875, Newport Bta<h, Calif., g2661 Accused Bludgeon Slayers Get Tests LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Paul Ferguson ls ocbeduled p s y c b latric uaminaUons to sland trial July a . Thomas were ordered Monday for two Fergusorl 1ppean: be f o r e brothers charged with the · Bnmdl<r Wedoesday for set- bludgeon murder of ailent ting of. • trial date. screen star Ramon Nov11TO, H, In his Hollywood Hills mamion. Paul Robert Ferguson, 2%, and his brother. 'lbomu, 18, both of the Chicago 11'&, have entered Innocent pl.., to the alaylng last October. Superior Court Judge Mark Brandler appointed psychlatrllta to uamine the brothers at the request of defeme attorneys. 'lbe tests wtre ~to bol1t•r possible Insanity or diminished capacity defenses. RnulU of the examinatku will be available only to the defense. The judge also approved defense moUom to examine prosecution e T I d e n c e , in- cluding statements taken from the defendant.I and names of prospective witneuea for the state. Hearing Slated LOS ANGELES (AP)-Dr. Thomu Nopchl, suspeoded Los Angeles county coroner, goes before the county'• Civil -CommWlan w-day In a public hwl!lg to get his job back. ) Actress Sues For Divorce HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Among Hollywood marriages ending ln divm:< Monday ""' t!iat of aarea Irish McCall•, wbo uid her husband told her "he couldn't be married to anyone eo stupid" when she refused to vote for Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver for president. 1lie marriage of Brenda Scott, 26. and actor Andrew Prime, 33, ended in divorce for the serond time. Miss Scott charged "I want my children and my husband does not." The couple wu remar· ried in 1961 after a 1966 Mex- ie1n divorce. AllO divorced Monday was former child star Margaret O'Brien, 31, who tesWied Ille argued wtth her huJbaod of nine yean, advtrtilinC O:· ecutive Harold Robert Allm, <nf!r her befn& ID act1'ta and havlq mooey. I See by Today's Want Ads e AID TO EDUCATION: A )'OWlC UCI couple needs houle or apartmt.nt until Junt 1S or )'Nl'l)t, U possi- ble. Ins than $30 month, pleue. e FREE RENT: GuUtman in need ot part ti.me convaiucent cut and com111nlonlhtp wUI lhatt hil apartment and provide free rent in P:• chanie for llsht dutieL Student okay. e TRADER'S TREASURE: A SS 36 Diesel Awe Soop. 00. -T alls, and whH1 -· FlbeJolu aM t.eak comtruction. Will trade for a amilltt bMt, car, or f'ff1 ettale. ,, SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Studellt llr!l'I' Jelden 1t San ' FrlDcleco State IAY they will Doi repudlale tho endlnl ol * * * 'Academic Obscurity Peaceful' • SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - S.l. Hayakawa is sudde.n1y in lbe spotlight for his baodllng of· troubled san Francisco State, but he ls not so sure he likes u. Aa he left Monday to dine at a White House dinner la booor of Canadian Prime Mln1sttr Pierre Trudeau, the Canadian-born H 11y a ta w a declared that be would "love to go back to academic obscurity. It's a nice peaceful life." Hayakawa, a renowned semantics professor, com· mented that he was also glad that be was acting pm:kient of the school instead of just its president: "I can behave as if I didn't care whether I kept the presidency or not; and In a seme 1 don't, beeause I really haven't decided I like this line o( work." the 4'11 month strike S the Camp\l,S. the select eomm;uee (ol facult)' a!"f adminislratloo) spent togelber to reacll a I& dine _ ........ apeot ta nln becauae ol Ibo ...,,. diole drtama cl Hayakawa'a bawi:l.sb poU&kal future." Goodwin said atudeat leaden would begln a pn>- gram "to recruit itudents who are demandlnf a better educ• tioD." -with empbul.a on bla<:k lludent.t. Meanwhile, fi\oe per 1 on 1 amoog .st cbarpl -unlawful auembly in .a ma.a arrest Jao. II pleaded pllty. Judge ·Joaepb G. Kennedy set aentenciD& for them Ajl<il 21. Tbey were the rm ol the demon1tralor1 to faoe munklpal court be a r 1 DI· Tbey declared Monday that since Ibey had signed • tan. ding agreement they would honor it even thougb Ibey Pay for Campus again blasted a<tlng Pmldenl • . s. L Hayakawa for ilssertedly n 1· A keel reneging on part of their poet r 0 ice 8 tn regard to amnesty for those arrested on campus. SACRAMENTO tUPI) -An The leaders declared they Assembly subcommittee wu would "disregard" Hayakawa asked Monday for It.ate funds and "begln to build San Fran· to pey utra poll<e nqulred to cisco state· eouege into the :Z:t.t =versry~lf6~ most profound and creative camputes. ~ Institution <i hlgber learning '!be Educatioo Subcommit· in the country·" tee on Academic Environment Much of their new~ con-al.so received some sua:es:- ference was spent in' potshots tiOOI for a meuure to clarify at Hayakawa. whether strikes by teachera Spokesman Leroy Goodwin are legal. read a statement which said rr=========:,I "the long hours the Third World Liberation Froot and GIRLS · • • • Contra Costa Senate Vote Decides Balance AGES 4 -12 Wlfl!I Many Valuable PRIZES MARTINEZ, Cllif. (UPI) - About 60 percent ol Coolra Cost.a Coonty's eligible voters were upected to go to lbe polls today to vote in a epecial state Senate race with na- tional implicaUOM. George Miller Ill, 23-year- okl Democrat, is aeeking the post created by the death of his fA<her, George Miller Jr. .from a heart attack on New Year's Day. John A. Nejediy, vet«an county dmrict attorney, is the Republican candidate. He out- polled Miller and nine olber Democn.ts and one other Replblican In the primary i...t monlh. . Nejedly baa been cain- paigning on his experience in contrast· to the youth of bla opponent. Miller argues that be will be able to gain lbe COOllderable influence i n Sacramento which was wield- ed by his'falher. Before Miller's d e at h , Democrau hekl a 20-20 tie in the State Senate. If the GOP can elect Nejedly tt will gain a 21-19 margin in the Upper House and give Gov. Ronald Reagan's policies a smoother ride through the legislaturt: Reagan campaigned persooelly lo< Nejedly last week and many of the nemocrats• big guns have been stumping the are.a for Miller. Although t h • lieutmani governor caet.s the tie-bru.k- tng vote in a 20-20 Senate, divided Republicans have tietn unable to oust conservative Democrat Hugh Burns of Fresno from the job <i presi· dent pro tern d the Upper House. Nejedly say& that if elected, he win try to pul a Replblican In the job. Miu .. says U elected he wtU 1ry to put another nen-at ln the pool other than Bums. 1'UTO LEASING All Makes ',.....,.., 6 CYLINDER FORD MUSTANG 2 OOOR HARDTOP 117.17,. ..... lpl11 tu) CORT fOX LEASING 224 D. W. Co .. t Hwy. Newport Beach, Calif. 642-l440 IN . HARBOR CENTER'S 2nd ANNUAL TWEEN· AGf PRINCESS COllTEST CROWNING SAT., MARCH 29 -1 ;00 p.rn. NAME ADDllSS , • , • , • , •• , , ••• , •• PHONE ••.•••••••••••••• ,, ' ACil , , •.••••. , •...•...•• , _ f.111 OUI •!'Id •1tun1 ti G_,'I Studio at 0.ri<:• •r.d Modtlfnl 111 Htrbol" Cent..-. Uff HAllOI ILYI, COSTA MUA ·/$'· -==--..::- "'IIVDSO• g;.m1M t.uJ "D Ji\.1' ~ .__,_..,,fl'.'~ -.,._;.....,._,,_., ·-- Introducing The smoothest whisky ever to come out of Canada! Compare Windsor wltl! your usual American or Canadian Whisky. Once you do, you'll never settle for le111 or pay morel 'lbniPt. make the comparlaon: make one rrafna and pure, cleu 1Jadal waters. And drink with your ••u1ua1," the other with onlv Windtor t1 apd in Canada'• mtl•hlrh, Windaor. You'll be amazed 1at ~ ,.._,. dry llocJc:r Kountain air. AU the aippln' emoothneu of thia v.ry this, yet Wlndaor la priced remarkable nt10 import. Th.at'• $ 5~9 ... · rlcht in UM with le&dlna do. because onlr Wlndlor is made -· muttc whllld• becaDM Wll lm-1 from hard.J Canadian prairie port it, thn bottle It he.re. • I" I 2 • I 2 We've Pulled The STOPS . ANAHEIM SAVINGS' NOW ANNOUNCES -THE HIGHEST RATE OF INTEREST ON INSURED SAVINGS Earn interest daily at Anaheim S.vinp. Save today, .wl~--or in 20 daya or 80 daya or anytime. No loas of int~rnt-no minimum holding period required. On an bonus accounts wtl\Ch remain )hno yolfS • • you eam 5.38% at our current rat. wllon Interest accumulalll annually. Current annual rate of 5% actually eama 5.13% when 'lnlliat llCClltnU- lates for a year. At Anaheim Savi111s you earn lht llllhttt --In the nation; ind are insured up to $15,000 by the Federal SIVlnp 11111 l.mn lnsur1nce Corporation. ~· 0 OUR THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: •Anaheim •Brea •Huntington Beach 0 YOUR FUNDS AT ANAHEIM SAVINGS: eEam nation's hi&hest interest r1t1 •Earn from day in lo day out elnsured by the Federal Savlnas 1nd loan lnsurtnee Corpor1tfon eEam from .the lit If racelwd by 10th of any month and remain to quarters end 1 e secured by 48 years of sound experience 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO MOVE YOUR ACCOU!f"= ~ ewe handle all trans~erdltails c ) eJust drop us a line or ca1r """"':'It's easy .; esave by mail-we pay p05t1p tipth ways -----·II • ANAHEIM . SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 'I let"' ·~·""'' ""'' atcount., ... """"' aw dilallt. --I Ai<AHttM· I ..... 1 · HUNTINllTON llUQt 117 W.l.Melfn,,,,., '1oa.e,..IMI; •It Mtlfl ..... 'Al-ti» JAMe71 1.l1Mh1 SINCE ltll ?CONYINllNT ....... AT ALLl_f ... 0 ' I 1 • I I • I • ·-• f DAILY-r...-. iaw 25. 1'69 • For The Susan Drive Falters· .~:i~~~. ..:::~::.. ...;:;;:.... ..;rc:;:;~,;~;..h .. IUl'••tc1• cou•T O" TM• l'tcTITIOUI ......... _...., • ~ lfw rnadl IHld k~ ITAT• Of' CALIHANIA IJOll STATI Ol'if:lll'ORNlA Ni. ,,,_ ~ dltl C11f1ttt 1f1e i."" __...... Den #Mtlln._ M0¥'"9 . F ds still s I t f Kid y; .nf.. TMI COUNTY °' OV.MOI TM• COUM 01' OllAJMf ~ • lul-., .. ~ ..,,.. Stot~ Ii.I L ... .,,, ....... c.i. • Record Meeting• tu•su.v T'"""" .... Clv9. 7JW, ICll-.'1 T1illl ll:Rll"'9111, Wftfmlnll.r. t •.m. •ot1ry C ... tf H1• ........ ltiol• 1"'1111 CIMI c-lfY C... l4iM e:. c.&1! H._,...,.,., C.-_. MM, 1:11 •.l'ft. Ccilt• ,,._.,._, KlrMr LllM Club. No-. V.,. CfUl'll'ry Ctvll, c. .. MIM. •:• • .fll, t•lbol ••¥ Llttl1 Club, Vllll Ma•ln.t, lt:IS t1nW. Drl¥t. H-1 IMCJI, J ...... . Seti ... di Tot1tll'lllflrt Cluli, 101 ll.1tw:t1 Heutt. 1• l"ttlflc C1111 Hl1t1w11, S..I Ind!, 1 "·"" li>Jlltlntloll INdl Elli L..,.., !lb Club. * Oclol" A¥t.. .._.,ltllllilt •11ct1.11• ,.,.., $1c:llt'I' flW "" ,.,..,.."'-.... E--1 " ••1111r .,_ Clllt"'1 S.,_1111 Iii .l.mlfke. CllN AA-. CPI•""'· ~ l"lrt: Sdllo4. 1• Hoitt Dtma, C•ll M911, I .,,m. l,0.0 ,M., ~ No. 1151, 4'1 E. l"" S'I .. C." MIH, l:IJ •·"'· Ot~11t• COl1t •'l'IAI a'rlltl M-. l..<ldtl, T-lt ~. 117 W, KMtllltJll, C•la Miii, 1:11 •.m. W•DtlDD-AY Wtlt'mlftl!ll' T .. .._...... Cl• J. Ootl's ... .-.....,... w .. 1"11'*"'· ,,1, 1.11'1. COit• MfM.()rtnM Cottt UW. Clvb, Odlt's. 211 e. 11111 st .. c.tt Mal. 1 •.m. tMI .. IMll T-1'nffl9rl CM, ,,.,... V_,. C.,11try CM;,, Co11t Miu, 1 '·'"· H1111t111111on llHdl l!lKl'IMH Cl\lb, Kllll'I TIMI •••l••r1n1. Wnfll'llPll*'• -. Casi• Mal lltttwrr Club. COll9 W.... o.11 -s c.itrv c~ c.i. .,,....., -· W"trnl1111tr l!adll1111 Clu'-Hl'lt.,.,., ln11, 1 .. 1 11Mt11 aMI .. Wftlmfllcltr, -CO.II MISI Cll'llf'llllt Clul, Cotlt MIM Gt!I end c-!fv c11•, 1?111 Goll Cout1t Drfw, Clilll M1Mr. 12 ,_,, fi'ire CaD• ---!:• •·"'· Thundly, ... fir., 1D:r2 --· •:» p.m., "-fir., Mil T~ Wll'lds """" 1!11 ~.tn .. l!'lldlllll .,.., :nt Hl.ll'lllnslln A ...... Altt •• 2:1J' 1.1n, l<rldfiy, medic.II 11d, llln W1rntr A.._ .... 55 "" ,_.,la V•lllr 7:11 •·"'· n.unc11,. fnsll fir., l llte .,.. "',...., •:1• l .fl'I .. lfnlduf9 fir-, , .. 11'111111 11t4 """"' tnllflClll 1111, lmtl ......... •• :1:1• ..,.,,. t!Ndu,. flN, ltlS MIP. ..... 111& •.ffl .. c.r fltt, s. oi.. ,,_ ..., """ Wllmtl" A'IWIW --f :S6 t.tn. Thlll'ldtY, ....CW, °"' ·-· C•tl~ 11:-,:·r:.,.. ~~ f'llw 111trm, 12:SS ,,rn .. ~ UGO• Ctlnlt J :» """-• KddMlll 1llnn. IOll N--· ..... t:a P.fl'I .. t1i. 1llnn. 19 111 CIMlrll l:JI 1".lft ... lloflllf inlshilkl. 15' ~ 22Jle •• 7:'1 ~ l91M .1llrm, P'tlrvln' .,.. WM•-11.•tll DEA!l'll NO'l'ICES BALMES A.61111'11 M ... ...._ lft M-. Ort#, CtlSfl ..... ,.,,.....,.. ... ,_.,.,, 0..111 c. llln.a; -. Mld\.MI .... ••11'11111 cllllllll'lw. C.1'1111 ~' end fllllur ~1111r.1. SINlicft, ....... ""'*'· 10:• AM, " .... flll'llly <• lor!lll!f P'_.I HOIM, MAC RAE HMo1 Mlcbl, 2SO' C~ OrMt, C•l9 MIN. o.t. fll ....... ~ 1" ~ 1>r ~ •ldllN l.. MtdtM. l"""'le -""'°" t i .. Iii Mw'!wry, 171t s...trlw. Cell'll ,,.,,,.., ANDERSON ~ ,.,..._.,_ "' I!. t71h SI .. Catt N\111, Diii .t dMlll, Mlrcll n. F-.1 .-rv1C91 aM llllwmllnt •I s.t11~ tMw .flrH'1, ••ttz ""°"""' 1ry, 17#t SvMrlor, C•"' Miii, fl•"' _,,,!tit~ . MORSE Vetntta IN/t'll. :11671 lit CW. Ot'lft. L-1111 8M(tl. 141,..,..... .., ~ W1ttln -l'IK'Mw ..... -"'-• S.rvkw """'1111 al StillfiW' L- llHCl'I °'""'· '""'""""· IN ......... Mto'r*'l11 1"1'11:. Dlrtodwd fW $htfflf' ._....,,.. 8MCfl Morlulrv. BALTZ MORTUAJUES C-dd Mar.OR Wiii Colla Mtsa MJ H.Cf. BELL BROADWA'I MORTUARY 111 BrudW11, Cotti MIA uwm DILDAY BBOTllEJIS Batlq1ao V.n<J M-.,Y 17111 -~ Blvd. Hatlq1aollffU 141-7711 aaaru MOR'ltJAAY 1--.... us ... a.-.. -· un oiie i or ney M,,&.im ~. ,.~ ... ~EST HIVl\.Y, 11.,.,.. JOH ~~. , .. ,,l.OGLll. r:=. ~.!i..~~e:.: :::~ c;11;.:;.. ~:' .. ~"' ::1~ Cf NOTICE IS HfltllY GIVll'I It fl'ie Sil., •IM ~ .. JOHN L.. ltULOGl..l, :&!:Olll W ,.,,., Mii flrfll It -NNPOrt liowll¥•,..,. 1 C.I• Mt••• Bf JANICE BERMo\N VllU PARK -The Susan Maue Fund Drive, an attempt to ni..e fundl !0< a Villa Port llliib School student who hopes to W1derao !be COU11ty's flrrt kidney transp!ant in a few months, is falterlnl:. 'lbe JoCal cQll ol Susan's operotlon will hi ll0,000. To date, about $1* his been r'llsed lJirougb 1be eUcrll of Laguna Buch High School sen!«• Tom Gorman. Rob Kronman and Dour Sc:hmlti, wllh another 12,soil coming from the community of Villa Park. A benefit COOCll't otaged at the Anaheim Convention Ceot.tr Mardi 2 was, in the worJr ol Gorman. ••a linlJlclal disaster." But the producer of the •how has pledged to ...., the loss and. attempt to r&ist inoney for the opera- lloo w1tlilD lbe tlllertatnmen! lndustly. Manwhlle, Susan Ui looking NEEDS HELP Susan Maue forward to her operation as the beginning of a more active life. The blonde, brown-eyed gU-1 was born with Ulree k.lqneys. "II' ...J It --1.1 "'"-C•t>dlfwl tf ""' lobO¥e '""'H dtuclHll ,._ ~ "' .. f911Dwlne --· --C.llfDmlr.. -l:)ll 0 tlodl l",M.. .. s..,..... uncommon:, 0)4N 1ft:I 11111 •H ...,_1 lltlllnil clalON _,1111 NOflCi it Ht.•etv GtvEN '° "" .,.,.. 111 fllll .,... ~ ., r~ •rliMI!. "" fll'I ..... o1 AIWll. t~, doctor Carl p .. A .. lrnan of the "" Mii tlltetd'tnt '" ..... u1rt11 to 11t. CNOUon or tt.e •DOW ""'*' dtctlOMI It a. te1~1 tt.e followlnt e111o1:rlllld •r-rtv, 10-w!I. I ....,. I ttt.I tll P9tWM M¥111t Cltlmt ... ..,,., lthel MM '•Jllwr lion c.rtlc.. 1.41 N11mber, Jt(I, (;, It. II.Oland, Orange County ' Medical::::"'~:"' o1""trw~ o1~oow: ::::m_u1:11~•11~~""'~ .. "1~ l"t, eo.i. ,,,.;., c.1~11ta. ~'!r-'°'1Nrct1 u, IHf Center. trltltltd cwrt. /It ,. ,,._I ~' Wiit! the offlu or ..... clerk af the ...... 0.NdE~' .. I~ WINlv .. A...ctloll ·- F Ille ~ ~l. lo rN .,. fflflll"' court, or hi "'-"' '"-' wl1tl ll•le ., Ctl,,:.: 0r':': ~,.,. '°,,.,., NIWPO't llou"""•r4. or two ytm, the docton lhnl"*' -' ..... .me.-.., iwr •"""'"'" .,. llKMW'Y ~.... 1o ""' "'"' °" ,...., • 1,.;, __.. ~ 1 • """.,... c.o.11 -· c1111ot1111 couldn'l dettd the extra f~Y s:i:o ~·~ ~.~i:~~ clenltftM It ""' ofl'lu" .. klrd .. ll'vtlk Ill Md lot MW "'"· M-11~ P\lbli.tlld OllllM COit! 0.111 Pllof, ••~-Wbe . '1111 ~ It JM ~ If buil 11.alnL A"°".""t. I", 0. ~ 1rn, ....... """""' E"-1 MM l"tin-w-to Man:ll lL ll. Ifft •t1·6' ~f. 0 thty found ll, ' I -llwcft. C..lifOf'f\l.o, Wllltll 11 rN t lK• IM le bl fhl __. W1--1--------------w '"d ..i;a-fta-..i or Ille ~i.necl In 111 m1tteri """' of bi.Ill-of rN 1111Mr1Jtllld 111 •~ la lllerlbld to the wltlll 1<osrr-1 ~E ,. lll\ll \1.-:a.;w;>U I :JtCOOd t.1111119 llO 1hl ., ... OI Wld ""°"""I, m1rtn Mrf11ftlnt le. fhl tfltr. of 111111""acl(ni••l•dtM,... -:!i.. 1111 .. rM, LEGAl. 0 kidney So when ahe WU S wllltlll ftMll' ll'IOfltlll •ltlr tM 11r.r ,Wllca-wlCI ~I wllnl11 foul' _.,,. iltwr !OFFICIAi.. $(ALI 'Jcl ''°& f'..stl!:.;;~t· 1,., tnt llrit Publli:atlon of ltl!1 llOllee, Mt!'\' K.. l'tlftlY NOTICI! To C•EDITO•I yean 0 I Susan bad an <IS)era-I CINDY oiANNE HIVELY DllM Ffi>l'Vlrv U, ltff Noltnr P...tiHc . Clllfot'nl• SUP•••o• coU•T 011' THI STATE tion to take out the third Ad1T1f11lllfllrtx JOHN I... llEPl..OOLE l"rlnclNI Otlla In O" CALll'OIHIA , of ,,.. ht•le d Mmf11talr11ot Gt thl •lt1t Ort"" ~ fOll TMI COUNTY 011' OltANt;I kidoey. ,,.. .i.v. 11..,,.., ftcldtnl d ..,. 1boYI lllltlld Madin! Mr COll"ll'ftluloll IE.llllrtt • .... ,....,,,. In 1957 c<. ••• ft1 -£~..1 OINlllY ANO CA•Tll ' IAl•D & lAlllO Kew, H. 1'11 ESTATE of NIELS JACO& llUOOLl"ll ' .,~ I aa..·uuu -lllwftl M.ill """' ... 0 ••• ml l"ubllillllill 0r...,. '-' Olllr 1"11111, GULD.l.OEll, •IM .._ • JACOa kidney ceased to functlon and Sd1 ,. cut .._ "6cfl •!Yd. Mlrdl .. 11• ... u. 1"' Jl\.M It, GUI.DAGER. Otculld. ' SMlll ,._, C.lfln1I mtl ~ Ml<"-CtllftHll ... , NOTICE 1S HEltl!BY CNEN le tile was re.moved in aOOlhe:r major Tlf• NJ,.;,, Art••...,1 ,.,. A•mllllst'"""" LEGAL NOTICE crt111'-"' the ~· ,..,,,... t11Kldfnt operatioo, leaving her only one A':,-~~,.. 0r"!:'!111=::' 011.., 1"11ot, W.::1 ":'11,<>;t-25. <;-,: 0•11~ :'s':t -N2nt ~t ,!\:. ~ .,.;i:' ,.!.~:= :-1,~~~ kklney, which was only 60 IMrm u.,,.. Atrll I. L lS. IHf S7.... C••Tll"ICATI 01" tUltNl'SI llMm. wtlll Ill• ,_.,., wud!el'1, ht •·-~•--J LEGAL NOTICE 'ICT1T1ou1 NAM• !111 vtrlc• vi tht cllrlt of th• •DOV• percent 1wii..·wuua • LEGAL N011CE Tiii ullderilQned ,.... •rl!.. 111 1, 111111..i cou,,, .,. 1e ""'*'t tMm, w11t1 " ltM 11«1:111rv -...:l!er1 ta lht u"" AJ 8 result of tht infected t-Jl:-1411 CO!ldwdll!I ' bu•h•e,. lit 1'f7 SUMrlor, •nl11!111 ti 1111 offkt ;i ~ll Anar..-r" had SUl"l!lllOI! cou•T 0' THI NOTICI TD Cltl!DITOlS CM!t """'· C.llfof'lola, ~ rN fie-McCl..£AN ANO GltEENWALD, 2)41 kidney, Susan to undergo STAT• 0, CALlll'Dltflll.t. l'Olt SU,ll!IO• COUJl:T °" THI 111• flr111 -"' VISECO -""'' WllSlllrt. $1/!lt Number 11tll. LO$ Ante~1. a bladder operation in 1958 THI. COUNrY 011' OllANGI! STATE OF CAl..IP'DaWIA 11'01! ••Id """' II con--r " ""' foOOW!rw c .• u ...... 11 tOOO!. wl'llcll ho .... pttu el ' Ne. A"'"H TMI COUNTY OP' OIU.NOI --. ""'--Iii fVll 111111 'Ila -1-ti ,,_ ""°""''MCI ln •ll m1u~,, Last december the final NOTICI OP' Ml!AlllNCll FO• l"llOIATI! .... A..., or,..~"'' foHDWI! Plrfll11lnl hi tile t•l•le of ltld dtctdent. kidney ~ .......... ' f Uo-'-g 01' WILi.. ANO l'Olt LI T TI JI: S Eilth Gt MA•GAAET JOCL YN TOBIN, c!tllrln Et!WarCI DIVll, JIM AvocldO, Wlltll1t ~ rnD11lt!I •fl.r flll tll'll pllbllullolt ~... llDC IUll • TESTAMINTARY Dec:e1oed OM ... , Mir, C.~I. ol' !Ills noll(I , Susan has to have diaJV<ris l!:ilat. or ELTON lit. McCOY, tl'O NDTtcE IS HEllBY GIVEN to ""' Da..., Mt~di n. lt6" DllM Feobtu1ry lt. Ifft • ,rw• k-I J E. It. Mt<41, I!. Rld'lllrcl cl'ffllat'I of tht lllolll 111mtd flC'°'f\I .,. I!, Dl¥1t GOROON 0, OLTOll two times weekly, IO hours Mt;Co1 1nc1 EllOll Rkti1rd /hC.oy, o.. 1~11 111 peno111 111v1111 c111ms 1ut1n1t ~~l!'O~Jm-.,'yFDRNtA l EKtculor , at a time, to purify her blood. "=ic"! IS HFRl'BY GIVEN That ~~11!11~K;!•n:..:;:.~u~ fl~ °"' Mlf'dl ll. lfff, ..,;~ '"'· • ::i. ":bo~~n,:nvd ·dtctOlftl Because of this Susan can-RlCHAllD K. MCCOY ~ SECURITY· ,,,. ofllt1 or tht cllf'k of lhl allow Not.ry ~utllk: "' •1111 for ltll Sltlt, McCLllAN AND o•EEK'NALD -• PACIFIC NATIONAL llANIC Ila~• lllld enl111ed o;ovrt, Ill" l!t IH'ntftf lllfrll. wlltl --. I -"" Ch«ln Eh•rcl u.s Wli.111'11 tt\lt.wm not attend school She Studies ht!'tln 1 Pfflllon fflr •-It ol' Wiii tllt f!eeeUlry WOllCl\lrio, lo !tie I.Ill-....,•wla k.-11 19 '!!!1~ bl tht ,..-_, S•ltt N-W llM Ind for I~ I/fl 1t1ttn tnl11nef1• dlnlollf!d, COordon G. Diie, ESQ, 11 111 5 lltl'nl '-1u._.,....., It llW Wllhlll L.it ........... CAllfenltl "'61" at bome and has a tutor. llltY lo Pe!lll<lnffl. ~nee to Norttl Bto1ctw-1r. s.nra ""'· c.111or1111 1'"1rurnent tl'lll ~lldtld '-ccecul'ld AllwMn 1w 1Ea1ev1.,. She also practices the ... ,,.ar wii1c11 1s mNI for """'*' _.n1cu1an, '2106, Wiii.di ·Is 1111 •llce o1 Wllneu 111 ~-Se P1t-21ra 6.... tnd "'" Ill• ''"" tncl Pl•c• of lletr1119 t1w ufl(k .. loned Ill •II """'"' peM1lnl119 i.i ~ K H Publld\ed Ot1nve tout Diii~ l"Hol and SeWS. ltl1 ...... ti.. bffl! HI tar APrll II, ID rN esi.11 ot ttld <llQdenl, wltlll11 taur Not':ry Pu:i'e"'. Ctlllomlt Mln:ll 11, 1L 25 lllld Ap(ll I, 1,.,., The operation Susan faces lfdt. 11 t ::MI '·"'·• '" Ill• courm.om rnot11fll •flt<' Thi 11nt p11bllc1tiorl o1 1111s l"rlnciP•I Otllt• In lM-69 • , of DeHrtmeflf No. 1 of utd cour1, ncllt~ 0r1no1 cwntv is not unique, according to et 790 Wnl 1111 Slrffl, 111 ~ CITV OtlRolil Fetlru1ry H, It'll' MY Commlulon t!'Ul'ls Dr P Im ....... A_& '-• If s.1111 Alll, Cl!lforlllt. EdwtrCI T Toblll Kew 21. ltn · eat an. 11/Q!: uaVe Oared Mtrch 2'1, 11'0' Admlnl1tr.lor of Ille £st1t1 PubHo-,;,_ •··o• D••• ,,.,,J---~=~=~===~--Vietnam Now Headache LEGAL N011CE bee 1,200 I •-9 W E ST JOHN '""" ..... ...,. NOTICE TO CllEDITOl!.I n lransp ants Ul 1 . . of rN •be¥• llll'l'lll!d cleadlflt Mlrctl II, :u end Ap(ll 1, •• ,... Ill-« IU,IAIOlt couaT 011' THE tr• " he 'd "Of the County Clerk GDl!.OON O. DALE, IESO. coun 1es sa1 • EILl!IU, LORI, tAltANGl!ll llU Nwttl ,,..,._,, STATI OP' CALll'O•NIA l"Olt tranft'>lanl recipients 55 lV'r. ANO MYERS san11 -. .... '9Hllnll• t27N LEGAL NOTICE THE COUNTY OF ORANGE ·""}' ' r-Ult Wtslclltf Dtlv. Ttl: ~r-J.UI N~. A4f0et cent have recovered perfectly '· o .••• "" An ....... ..., Adl'lllnl1lr1tor fllOTIClf TO Cltl!OITOltS E1lal9 If l!'THEI.. HALL. RICAl{O, W'1thln a year In the Uru'ted NIWPll1 ,,..,11, C1Ullfllt1 ""I Publillled o ....... COii! DtllY Pilot, SUl"ElllOlt COURT OP' TM!' Oea!1oe<1. • Tlli (IUI 445-lSJt Mtrd'I (. 11, 11, 2J, Ifft lfMI STATI! OP' CALIPO•NIA 'Olt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to 1111 For U.S. Drug Officers By JACK CHAPPELL cw -. oe11v •r1111flff 'd of 'JJ J' ' St t th t' '-•·t Alt for I" ltMfl THE COUNTY 01< OkANOE cl'ed!ton of tne l bov• narMd llecl'd111t ev1 enct p1 smugg mg 1n a es, e ra ion L3 even ut: • '"'"' .. 11 ... A •• ,,,, ,,,., 111 ot•"'n' havlno c1~1ms ,0.111,1 addition to !he pot has been 1 ter; in some centers, as high M::c':!1i~~' ~;.:nzrtf~~'..,0111' ~9 LEGAL NOTICE E11a11 of BERT J~ALl..EN, o.c111td. 1t1i 11111 dtcelltnl •r~ rtc1ul•t<1 tG rn1 .. 80 per-"t." •----;-;;~c;--;;;;;;;;;;;---1------::-:=.·:------J NOTICE IS HEllEllY GIVEN to !ht lh1m, wlltl ltw nec:tuarv voutr11rs, 111 SANTA ANA -Vietnam, uncovered he said ........ 1 LEGAL N-CE cr.<1l10ri o1 1111 111o¥1 111mld deftdent IM ot11c:e of ""' ciee-ot the 1bov1 • "'···"•g headache f 0 r ' ' Donor of the kidney will v 11 •·nMI 1t1ar 111 peri.ons 111¥1nt clalrru: aval1111 entltt.d _,,.,, ..,. to prn1n1 mem. wil1t ~· 'l'1le Illicit weed that has C£RTlll'ICATE OF IUSINESS !/\I uld d«fdotnl '"' r-.ilrW fo II~"" necnurw ¥0UCh~rs. '" !ht u ... Amtnca•s h 1.n. .. M leaders for be Susan's mother. •·J:llU P'1cT1T1ous NAME 1111t11, '"'"' tr. lll<Hlirv V<>Udltr• '" clef'll9nld ,, 1t.e o111« of ou•Yt•• ~ seeped into the states has had s ~·-f ard Cfll!TIFIC.ITO:: OS BU~lNl:JS Tiie UMle•1lonld don Cl'l'ltl'I' .... h '"" otfk• of Ille clerk ol tllt above Cll'Ptllhlr Incl 81rnt1, bV Erne.I J. aJmoli 8 detade no'W'1 is pr~ USan ~ orw to P'ICTITIOUS NAMI '!Ondudll!f • bu1lntn ti 1'll0 W. eo.11 ... 1111111 courl or to llftMnl ....,,. wlltl Sd'lav, Jr .. Allomev1, 961 Dover Drive, ~ .. local narcotlt's agents to pas:s customs officers and resumption ol her school and The uro:ttrslo11111 "° c.1r11ry 111ev ,,, Hlonway, su1~ F, HewPOrt Bt•dl. tnt MCU5CI,:, voudit<a, to ~ _ sv1N Number 2'11, NND«T atecti. • ..._ J of!J .-... , . COllducflnt a bu1l11tu tt 2730 McFICldt11. Calllornla, undH' IM llclltlou1 llrrn n1me deriltntd 11 1111! offlc1 of Mr attorney C11itom11, wnldl 11 1111 Pia«' ol bw1lne11 with a few labor throbs of post.a cers wuu spot check extra~urrlcular activities, sen!• An1, ca111om1a, undt• Int fltlltlou1 ol' PAN .. AMERICAN COMMERCIAL c,rll A. wallliri, )SSS Torr•nce Bov"'°"ard, of 11>t unHrirvnK 111 ell m1rttr' p!'r- thelr shJpment.s. n....: t' f th S lfrm ntm1 o1 MA.C'S GULF SERVICE COMl"AN o tlld ltl•I ••Id fltm 11, (Dfno Torr1nc., Cl!llcrl)ll to503, wlllcll ii lht litlllh'9 to !tie n!a!t o1 1ald a1cedtl'1t, own. uuua Jons Ol' e usan and t111t u1-:1 111m 11 r.omP01td of PO•!ld of tne fo11ow1n11 ~rson, wt'lo•e Plac• of bu1ln.11 o1 tnt unden.19ned wllhln four month1 •fl•r lllt first PUbllca-V 1 et n amese marijuana, There is no evidence of Red Mazze Fund may be sent to tJie followlnv Ptrton1, wt1o11 namn In name Jn tull 1nc1 Pl•c. 01 r11lde11t1 rs In •II 111afftri Hrl•ln111111 to "'' 11t1tt lion ot 11111 no!lce. led ~•·-• I th ' La F I . lull Ind Pltcu or t•lldtl'IU ••• 11 •• f(lllowi: ol 1t!d dectdent, wllllln lovr ~lh1 Otte<! M1rcn J, 1t69 smugg into the United \,jlJ.,u•;;ie 1nvo vement in the e guna edera Savings follows : Ma4Slllae Furuklwl Sll Rlwmldl 1\'tlr "'• flttl "ubttattlOfl ol' 11111 nollu, Unlttd SlllH Natlon1I 81nlt States thrount. the mails, or smuggling, the state officer and Loan Association 222 Gl!Orot M1ck1ew1a. Jn Bixhnell ltd., NtWP<>rt B••ch, c111r.' ' Dattd Mlrdl .._ lHf Bv JI:, E. $d'lort1, l!i" ~ft ;..i ' C.0.te Mtu, C1ll1otn11 Otled Maren l, ltolt Marv Jt11t Allt11 Tf\111 Ofll«r by private carrier, has been oa.w.. Ocean Ave., Laguna Be.sch. M1.-, J, M1a.1twtcz, l11 Buc.11111n M111J11191 Furut.tw• ExfCVlrlx ol' tile wm o1 E11ec111 .... of tflt wm er ........ __ Up with increasing Itel., COlll Mew, Calllornlt STATE OF CALIFORNIA, !ht at.ow. Nrntd cllal!lnl 1he tbove 111/llt'd dtctdent '"t'Y"'& Otll'd M1rctl l, Ifft oa.t.NGE COUNTY: CYlllL A, W.11..TON, OUllYEA, CAal"ENTElt IM frequency in Orange County, Gl!O"t MICllewla On Mlr<ll ), 1Mt bftwt Pfll t lUS Tlfr111n hullwt.C, BARNES. Dalt.on N land tale Mary J. Mtdllewk! Not1ry Public tn ind tor ia!d siate T1tr•11t•. '9llllr1la tu1t '' 11!1'11111 J. Sc~••• Jt,, says ew • I Instant T1·1· al STATE DF CALIFORNIA, l>ll'JOlllllY IPi>tll'td M•111,h1M l'utuktW~ T•I U11) 1114551 Sult• HumHr HI. narcotka area supervisor. ORANGE COUNTY: known to "'' to bl ltle P«lllfl whose AltlnleJ tlr El!Klttrbl '· 0 , Box 17W, b On M1r<l'I l, 19'f. blfor1 me, • n1rn1 11 subsci!btd lo lht wltl'ltn In· PR·Ul" NitW,.rl lttth, C1Ulerlll• Within the past t t e e Notary Pub!le In •11<1 tor 11ld Sl1!1, sfrumenl 1nd lciuloWle<19td r. IXKU!td Publb~ed Otlllfll Coll! Dilly Pl!ol, Tlh 1110 Mf.fttt monthl, st.ate sa....ts have 1>eri.on1llv •-red Gtorwl Mlckl1WIC1 "" nme Mln:h II, 11, 25 incl Aprlt 1. Ifft ~ Afl<>rlll" IW Exec:ll'llr --Incl Merv J. Ma().lewi(.I k-n lo (Dflld1t S.11) P11bflolled Otlllft Coast 01l1Y PllOI. made four arresb in Orange p J B • F v d • mt fo bf' 1111 HI'""' wtiow llM'lh Mary K HtMY LEGAL NOTICE Mardi 4 n, 11, u. "" 3'U1 County involving amounts of .unc I r•ngs a.st er "'t ire tubKrlbed fo tile within i~lrvmtnt N01arv Publle -C•l1fornl1 " " "'-' •nd •QIKllWll'dvect llltr txec:uillll 11'11 Pr!nc:IP•I Dfl1c. In •••·•••• LEGAL NOTICE VI• J... .. _.,._ ''pol" sent 111· to sarna ... "'~ fOlfl(li l Stell Orang1 County NOTICE TO Clll!DITOR5 the states by U.S. servicemen, SAN . . Marv Belll Motlell MY CornmlHlon Expires SU,ElllOll COURT OP: THI IN THE SU,ERIDll COUllT he _ft1d TA ANA It ap-any time-wasting. He heard Not•ry Publ!t _ C•l~nl• Nov, u, un STATE Oii' cA1..11110111NIA ,011 OI" THE STATE OF CALll'01tN1A 1N 1;-'on~ cast, the Ulicit weed parently took W illiam A. the police officer, then he ~~~11;.::·~~~· in M:~~l~~~I. ~:,·~:,· 1J.°'" D1it~ :J~ THE co~:.TX.8f.OlAN0E ANO POii ™:o~~=2 Of' ORANGE · G •-I f heard Gates and then he very M' comm1u1on ExPlrn E1111e Gt JOSEPH A. CllA\.EGO, tka CITATION had been packed into two a""s ony a ew seconds to . kl ruled . Aprllt,un LEGAL NOTICE " JOSEPH CRALEGO, •k• J , A . 111 tt1t Miller o1 the P1tt11on o1 stereo -.-Jters apparenUy d-'de that what ·--ta Ana quic y In one word: Publllht'd Ortlltt Cc1tl D•l1V Pllol, CllALEGO, Dlctiloed. RICHARD L. BEEMER, Ptlillonff. -r-__. .:>411 "GulJty," Marth~. 11, 11, :U. Ifft 3t1"' NOTICE IS HERtBY GIVEN to 1111! THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF boQcht a1 an Army post eJ.• 8Alt-UO c•~llon of Ille 1bCM 11all'llCI dec:edtnl CALIFORNIA, ......... y1..._A_ police officer Byron Pompeo p 'd the •-·bl LEGAL NCYI'JCE MOTICE TO c1tl!DITo•s th11 •H -1\1'11111 c1t11.,.. •111nst TO! OILllERT RAY CAMPBELL: --.US ~ needed most h Offipe!) •saJ U\n.t e SUl"ERIOll COUltT o.-THI! ltla uld dKedlnt 111 rtCIU lrtd to II~ Punulnl to I..,., ¥OU lft MrrbY cllld 1\e speakers were then Wa.5 a punc on started when Gates cursed STATE OF CALll"O•NtA FOii """"· wllt! rN '*""'ry ~ '" Incl reql,llred fo ·-·· ~ ..... Ille lucltol .. ....a -~n....1t the nose. him hortJ af • P·:tlnS THI! COUMTY 011' ORANGE !ht aflkt of lht chrO: of !I'll above of ltlll CPVrl In !!It CourltlouH, 70tl pee .... up Ind ~ to an s y ter being cau· Cl!RTIPIC ... TE 0, IUSINtSS Ml. A4J:1U enlll~d cour1, ur fo llftttnl 11\em, wtl~ Weit Elohlll Slrtll S•nl• An.i, C1ll1or111 •• Orange c.ounty buddy of the And 1t took Superior Court t.ioned from the olficer"s a uto. TM ·~~.1~:~~! f,!:M,,.~~· mrllty o.~!i of JOHN J. CONNOLLY, :.'!~s1t':.'~tt!:it11 "':f:'!i .. ~•~me~~:~ ;::e J~:"~;;i"'~· i;:P"::'i~"'~•ci::"~ • er vice man, Newland Judge Howard CamttOO very Pompeo got oul of the car 11111 IMV ••• conttuc11nt •n Mlv1rll1lnt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo the Robe<Mn, H-lt• 1nd G••lt"d. Al.tO '·"'·· l~t/I lrill lllert fo show CIUlt, -1d. About 10 ............. ·of little longer Monday to decide nd -• b k · it 'lh the m•lltr bu1ln'HI '' C9-P1rtntr1 •I 5"' eredll!>n ol Ille •bov• n.1mtd dlctclent Cempus Drlvt, HtWPOrl Btactl, C•llfol'tilt 11 ..,y ~"" htw, whw """ con•e"f ..... ............. a g..... ac m WI Wnl l• Htbt• 8olll1W1rd, L• Htbrl ..... , Ill Hf .... ht¥1nR cl1lm1 10tln1I 916113, Wtl!ttl 11 !ht plac• af bu11nesa lo 11\e ldofilllon of LAURE/\I ALICE martjuana, juat a Utde 1tss ~t what the self~yled Black struggling Gates _.but only ca111<1n111, uncltr tilt 11dl!lou1 flrrn 111me "" u 1t11 dtct<11nt 1r1 ret1ulred 1o 1111 ot tht unMt1llMd 111 111 rntrtt" P1r-CAMPtlELI.. 11111 c ARLA SUE ,,_ __ ....... Ln----'" 1bout Pant .. -_,.,Jed was a guilty • • of THE FAMILY SHOPPEll. t nd """ l!Mm. With ~ MCHllrv ¥Olldlers. 11'1 ltlnl111 lo tr. nt•I• ol Hid dtc:ldenf, CAMPBELL "" 11.ICHARO L. SEEMER U..0 UTo:; ~ WUl"MI In:! ln:=.J after fhe enraged defendant said llrm Is cotnPOMd el 1111 f(lllOW!nt Ir. ofllat If 1ri. dwl( of 1111! lblwl Wlltlln four monlhs ll'tlr fhl flnt Pllb!IU-should 11<11 bl PtUUmed b'y tne Courr, $10I -tilo, were involved ' verdict. Ile 90 niled in what had d, elivered 8 solid .,,....,.., --· w11o1t 111m11 111 tvll 1nc1 PIKn .ntltlecl court, or to PtKl!lt !hem. wllh lion "' 1111• notlct . In 1ccord1na wllh ~ pelltlon on 1:11 r-"' ............ ol rllldlllct 1r1 II fOllawL l'o-wrt: ltM MClturv ¥Olldltn. l!t Ille ..... Dlltd Febru.rv 21, Ifft IO Wlllctl tm""'CI Is hareb<r ll'llC!e in thlc lnstanct, Newland said. may well be the shortest to 'the nose • Arrn-3 l"erer.. 1lf'l1 Mola, Whntltr, denllnfCI ., 1111 oflk• of lier 1"'1tnrrs. LOlt M. Cr11too for tuntitr "'"leula'11 . In --~-'""'· narcotics Su-'-~.~ tri'al in Orange •. C1llloml11 Rollotrt w. St'ltrry, la:JJD Halln e. H1hn, ::io1 e . Color.do. Suitt Exec:vtrtK of the Wiit ol DATEO: M.lrch 11. 196'. ~ ....,., .... \.<UW • Gates wi]J bt Sentenced Norfl\¥111 ltOlcl, l..OI Mteln , C.llf. l'OO, Past<Sen1, Cl11foml1 t11~1, Wlllcll 11'11 tbovl ntmt<I d«..i!MI W. E. ST JOHN agent.s found &oo plump mari-County history. April l4 He Is ~-vlcted of f006.l1 L111111 A. Amtn. 5"41t Enc:1nc b me plaa q1 11u11ntn or tllt unc1in1onecr llOIEaTSON, NOWSl!.lt & GAAL.AND COlllllY c1,r1t end Cltl'll: J ..t.. ettes stuffed into " "-"" Avtnut, Enclno, C1lifornla, 1n 111 matliNt l>l!rllfnlno to Ille ttlllt tJ4t C•m•in Orlw, ol tile Superior CPVrt of U&n.a '-'liar Gates, 20, waived a jury fei«J..iOUS assault upon i police Oiled M••cll ?It, 1Hf. of uld clt(1lltn!, within fOllr "1°"li'll N.w_, .,...,,., Ctll,.rnl1 mu Thi Slllt ol Callrornr., tor the 1MuJation lining cl. a sma}] ofl' Arm1ncl P1rtl alttr !ht flrsl publlca!lon of lt!IJ no!ICI Ttl: ~f.MOt · !he Counlv GI Ortllllt, and Judge Cameron Waived ICer. Rober! W , Sl'ltrrv D•led Mlrttl 17, lfff ' Atlome't fir l111c111rl• Wm. D, Kr1el'"g poi'tablf!: refrigerator JhiPJ>edJ----------------------------J LPVlt A. Amen Allee M. Connollv 'ub!tslltll Or1noe Cout Diiiy •llol; OIOUl'I by carrier Woo the county. STATE OF CALIFDANIA, Exec:utrl• of lht wm of Mt•dl .a, 11. 11, ~ lfft 3tut •OIEllT •• EASTMAN Th DAILY 'p'1Lo· r · COUNTY OF LDS ANGELES,) tt tile tboYe namtd dt<t<ltnf Altlnler 11 l..1w ''The cigarettes w er t e °" Mtrctl 20, 1"9, belort ""' • HAHN .. HAHN LEGAL NOTICE 1tM ... ,..,. ••v• .. Sult• JOI \Ulusualiy Jarge ones, '11ley Notarv Publ!c I" Ind fol' said Counll' IA, NALi! DINSMOOltt Cttll Mfil, CtllFO..,,J• t:r:ru ind Sllff, Plf_.aur IOPffred Armtnct •1 E. Cellr-, Suitt tot, T->ttU Tll*"-: ('141 ....... probably would have brought Per11, ltotlerl w. Sherry •ncl LOUI• .. ..-1. C1Wfoml1 flltl SUl"ElllO• COU•T 011' TNI: Alfol'ft•Y tc>r 'tlll~ -~-b "N J nd 'd Ai. AITlfll ~no-to "" l!t be IM Ttl: (tlll 1K-fl2l STATE OF CAL11'0llNIA P'Olt 'ublltllect O••l'lllt Coast D1ll'I' Pilot, -... "QI ... eac I ew a sa.l • Ptnot\I wholt nemu ... JUIH<:•lbtd All-IYI for EXICUlrll THE COUNTY OP ORANGE March 11, 25 tnd April I, r, ltdf SI 1-69 The other cases lnvo1ved Th I 0 1· 0 le ll'lt within lnllrvmttt. Ind 1cknnwltd11· P11bll~hell 0•111111 Cotlt 01lly Piiot. Nt, A"614'1 .bout •\.~ ,.....,...i. of "pot," ere S n y ne ed lo mt th1! llllY t•Kuled tht SllM. Mire~ II, 15 Ind AprU I, I, ltff 570-6, NOTICE 0' HIE.AltlNO 01' l'ETITION \.IU"'I:' Y""''.... WhntlS mr ~alld •rill se•1. l'Olt l"llOIATE OF WILL ANO l'OR be &aid. !OFFIClAL SEALJ LEGAL NOTICE LEnERS TESTAMBNTAllY 1------,-.-,,.,-,----- LEGAL NOTICE --VJ •--I' V!vlall I. NewlOl'l'I Eslall ct EDNA 1aEHE l..EVJNSON, Cl:ll!TIFICATE OF IUSINE'5 111111 eulilmeJe mar )UaJ'la Not1ry Public In l'!d l"·mll DKealed. 'ICTITtOUS FIRM NAME a'l'lnM!r. to be h i'"" qualityl1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j1 tor said Coullty IPld Sltti CERTIFICATE OP' 9USINl!SS NOTICE IS HEllEBY GIVEl<f Th1t Thi undtrtltned de htrtbv ctrllfY rr--'""6" I, CtllM & Wtotw1,, All'f'I. l'ICTITIOUS NAME EDWIN llRAOFORD LEVINSON , JOHN 11111 fhty ire conclvcllrlf 1 "°'*¥ tllll and contains few stems and YOUR OWN BUSINESS ~ l;.,t't!::a~.u='~ Tr.. unctll"lltft.fll -s ctr11rv •~e 11 MILTON BRADFORD 1n11 ROBERT cratt I/lap buiJnen ra1 111 inai~ld..,.11 teeds, Newland Said. No "71-0C conttucllno a bu1lnes1 1t ~II Mttt, WELLS htw llltd Mrlln I 1>1!1tlon •I 1111 Ptrt; A"f'llllt, CDtla Mno, l"ubllshld Drlllllf COiii! DtllV l"llol California, ~l!Cler !ht llcUllPUs llrrn 111mt tar PfCbelt ol wilt t nd for l1wtn« C1Ulornl1, ulldtr 11'11 flclil!ous llrrn ntm• Mlrdl lS '"" ""rll 1, L 15. lfff 5o1,.ff ol WELCOME Ne I G H B 0 R IN· of Llllhlrs Te1l•men!1ry lo Ille IHll· of COAST CREATIVE ARTS, CRAFTS !1-----------------JTEll.NATIONAL tncl tlltf 1tld film I• llOllll't. reterenc:t lo whlctl Is m1dt & HOBBIES tlld tturt u ld firm Is B d E • p I I' I 1 eomllOlell of tht to!~wlno PttlOfl, whJH tor lurfhlr P•rfkulari. Incl li'l•t !ht comPOsl'd q1 1111 to11owl"9 pe1i.on1, who11 All"• port oar arn1ng 0 en 1a LEGAL NOTICE nsme 111 lull and Pl•c• I/II re1kl1nc:t llm• ancl Pl•ce of httrlno the Hm• 11ome1 lft lull lnll pl1ce1 cl retlll~nt• Is '' lollows' tit• *" It! !or At>rU '• 196•, ti ire'' lllllowl, to.wit: U I• ., d T..,...l Dt, Pe•tll I. Hem!l!(lll, 7"4 Sll1Hl'nolr t ::ICI 1.m., In Ille CO!Jrl•OMI er 01'perf• Rlchtrcl w, 1Cn1pp, "" Co!umb!I n 1m1 e NOTICE 01" SALi 01" •IAL Drift, Cosl1 M~. C•llfot11l1 rMnl N.o. J ol nld court, ti 700 Dr!vt, C<>1ta Mnt, Ctllloml1 t M76 Meet Delayed l"ROl"lltTY f/IJT ,RIVATI SALi 0.1~ Mlrdl 11, lfft Wen £111\ttl "'"'· In tr. Cfl'I' ot Norm• P. Knap,p, 1316 Columb!I Ml. A·tUn Ot. Pnrle I, H1mHton Sanll Ana, CtllfDrnl1. Or!w, Co!;l1 Mt11, Cll!fcrnll 'PU2• We Oller !11 Ille SVPtrlor Caurl or Ille Sitt. STATE OF CALIFOANIA I 011"; M1rcn 17, Ifft. 0111(1Mlrdl11, lfft SANTA ANA -The -~·'-r o1 Cllllof"ll1t . for !tit Count'r I/II Ot1noe. Olt~GE COUNTY I ti W, E. ST JOHN, Rktl1rd W. Kn1cp '"'li...,.. In tllt Miiter If tht Ellttt ol Oii Mardi 11, lfft, befor1 mt 1 Counl'I' C~tk. Norma P. IC111<1P meeting()( the ~'"'6County f1'nanc1'af as.s1'•tance BEAT•ICE M. PETERSON, Dtc:1111'111. No"ry Public 111 1nd tor uld sie11. MITCltELl, SILIEltlll•• & KNlll"I" STATE OF CALIFOllNIA I "''-'6 ~ N1111« It llel'fb¥ 1lvtn tt.11 1t!t \Ill' 1>1r'°"'llv lillt'ltrtd Dr Ptirlt 1 UM Wllltllr1 9""11v•nl COUNTY 01< LOS "'NGELESl n AiJ1>0C1 Commission scheduled lltri!1f\ed w1u 1111 11 Prlv11t ult, H1mltlon ltllown to "'' 1o ·be 1r.. Hriori Los An,tle•. c~rll. 'HOCa On M•n:ll 1"11, 196,, belore me, , f 1.-.1..w h been led R1i11 9•ntl1 odorl•n Cl!i11~1!i1l11 111 yo11r "om1. Sm1ll l11w11f· to Ille hluhtil Incl bnl blddlr, iubltcl whou ""'"' 11 •ubK•lbed I• !tit wllhln Ttl: 1111) IU-7111 No .. rv Public 111 1nd lur 1alcl CPVn'Y or _......... as cance m111!, Co111p•f• t r.i11in9 pro9r1m, Won't lnt1rf1r1 wltl! p111•nl '" cenflrm•llon of lt1d SuPlr'lor Court. !nslf\lmtf!I •nd ldll"OWIK1ed "" ••. AlllnllYI ... PrllHOtllf'. Intl Sl•I•, p1rson1llV •PPft•t<I Rltharll bec&IJ9e 54!Vet'aJ comm.Jssion fl on or 1Her 111t 411'1 dlY If April, Kuled tllf 11m1. PublllnK Or11111 Cool Dilly Piiot, W, Knaoo Ind Norma P. l(n1PO k"'""" membtn will be out ol ttlwn, occupi on. tfft , " 1t11 omc. of SIGEL AHO (Ofl1t111 Sttll Mire~ ll. If, 25. '"' flt"' fl' mt to bt 111t ~rlO!'ll 1011ote ,,. .... , SIND THIS AD fOlt fltU llOCHUU--MEYl!:llHOFI', Alll>mn'I. $11111 2m, Ont Jottofl E, On-I• tr• 1ubs<:tl~ to Ille w11t1111 lf1•trvmon1, Chairman Dermll E. Carpen-un·1versal Ch-1nc:h'1lla ·---'-n Wlbhlrt Bou ...... ,..,, L• A n1•l 11 . Nollrt Publlc -C1lif(lml• LEGAL NOTICE Ind tekriowlldoed w "" 11111 lhn .... 1.----~-.......1 ~ Cttl!wt111 !'0017, •11 ,,.. rt.tllt, tll!t' 4'lld PrlllCIN I otlln In t•l!Clllld ~ Mimi. """ U... &IDl\IWJI.~. llllernt of 111d tllfeffltd lit 1111 llrnt Ot-• Counlr ,.,,.. WlhYJ1 m~ tlllld Incl ltll The neJt l'tgUlarJy schedU1· 1120 last Alli StNlt, F1ll"'"' Ceftf. of d1111! t"ll 1M fhl ri.hl, title encl My C°"""lnlon Eulr.. SUl"E•lotl COUllT OP TN• (Offldtl Stall ed -~••• J the __ , .. Oil C.11 : 17141 110-106] er C~tect: 17141 IH•:l161 l111frt1! tllal tr. Hlllf of 1tld -led June 21, lf10 STATE OF CALlll'Oll!NIAi p~ CarDt I". Grent1rt -~~,.~~~-~·~w~~~-~-·~··=-=~~~~~~~~~~;~M~A~l~L~T~H~IS~A~D~~~~~~~~~~~~lhe1 ttttulrtd b'f QINl'lllon ti ltw ot 1"11111lshtd Or11>111 Coe1! Oallv l"flof, TMI COUNTY o' OJl:ANGI Nol1rv Public -Ctlltor11l1 will be Tuelday, April.. otMrwl•t, °""' ftltn OI" 111 1clcllU011 Mlrdl II, u 1/ld AP•ll '· •• 1Ht 512-H Nt. A4'4U P•lllCl~I! Olllct I" W that of 11111 llec:et,ed, 11 ltle llmt HOTiCI: OP' MEARING 0, l"ITITION tOI Antrtle1 Countv of dttth, In tncl ~ 111 ll'lt c.r11111 LEGAL NonCE FOlt l"ROllATE 01< WILL AND ,011 MY Cemm!sslon E•Pire1 fqrpeople gomgplaces 521 for amci IUTmlll&RJteaurlalt111l:ml8~.DllTil.lll& lllTILIJ h Tll llUCtn D13llWITCO.ll~k!Qll,lt ' p"'""" sllu11111 In tht dl'V af N __ , l..l!nErts TE1TAMl!NTA•Y Jutv II, 1'10 l!ttctl C1111nty ol' Or-t, Stat. I/II Etl 1 I/II LDllE"A M. •OCHA Cl!.ltALD T. CRENl!.ltT, Any, C1lltotJ!!1, Nrlkullrtv cltscnbtd 11 NOTICE 01" TNE TtMI AMO !"LACE D'tn:,;.,. ' UI Sovt~ B9"1"tv Drl¥1 f(lllov.t, to.wit: 011' NUii.iNG OP' TH• LOCAi.. AOEN-NOTICE IS HEREBY CtVEN ii\t1 11"'1Y Hllll. Clllto<m1 fO':IU Loi ~ '" 8todl: It' of Se.-,.. CY "01tMATION COMMISSION OP' HU-OC C111ir1¥ Trtcf. ·~ lht Crl'Y el N-1 ORAlllGli COUNTY, CALl,,OllNlA. ~~!fnED, c::t:ri.e.11.N~~ := .. ~fl .. ~ ~Hihtd Or1111t Cots! D•ltv 'llol, B~. m ..... COulll'V el OtllltR. Slllt W0 'OM'" e'o l"•CH"OlliO Ott ... CNMEllT Ind for llSlltllC• of Lttttrt Tellamenlll'l' Mardi IL 2S tnd A.Ptll 1, L 1'69 jl"-61 of CallPof"ll!•, to Pt< ml• rl(Or1:[H R UNTY Sl!ltVICa Altf.A MO, .. .. •tt--... 1-------------- ln Book r, I"••• ,, of Ml1nll•nto111 1 OF OJl:•Nor COUNTY, AMO 01· '~ "" """"' .... irtnet to ""'~ LEGAL NOTICE MaPJ, rft:<lrlls of lllcl D•llltf Countw, Jl!CTIONS Oil l"•OT•STS THEltl!'TO, II 1t1Mlt for f\lrlllfr Pt'1lcvltr1, Ind f<ltl!1htf wltn !tlol l'O'tlon of Ille WILi.. II!. "ltl!llNTEO l"Olt Ht.A•· ltltl tht ftme 11111 "ftct OI 11t1rltll1--------------HDrtht11!er!v half of Oc:tt" AV9 .. Ml· ING · lht Wmt .h•1 batll ltl for APtll 4, MOTICI D• TRUSTl!'l'S SALE lol11lnt 11\d IOI on tht Soul~wtll NOTIC E 1S HEltEIY GIVEN lt\1! l'6t, it t.30 1·"'·• 111 tht f!!llrft'OOll'\ Ht. l'C211t ti iho-Oii itld IOllP 1ro;t 11 tbllncllontd Ill tPPllc1l!on ..... bell!n flltd \1111111 !tit Of Deparlrntnl No. ) If llld CJ)Uff, Oii April t, Ifft, I! 10 a'clot~ A.M , tw f'MOlll!klll ol lllt City .. HtwPOt'I Loctl A91nn F0tmttlon Cam.nlul<ltl .. II 100 Wat Ellhlt! Str .. I, In fht 11 ltlt Soul!! fl"°"O tnrta"ce 01 lht 9Qell, ~ Jan1H.-, ... 1m. • !ht Counly ol' Or1nte. Stile of C1H!omll\ Cll'I' flf Sa11ta Alll, C1lflortlll. cwnty cown-w, Cl" ol' """ ... ,... cll'flflM _, If wfllC/'I Wit ,_dell reoues111'11 11'11t 1ald Cominlnlon lllPP'IW 0.ttcl Mln:h 11, lMt CllllDr11l1, ~VINGS MORTGAGE COR• Janv•rv s. 1'32. rn Boot !», .......... IPr'OOOsell doeltellrMn! tllt!iltn•IH II w. IE. ST .JOHN, PORATION, ., TrUlllf Ul'lllt'r 1111 df\'d $.! of Offldal ltec:on:h bounded on 0...llM!l:lllolt No ,,_l trom Counrv COunl'I' Cieri!. al trvst m-by lllCHARD A.. HU RT tht Norlhwlll ~ """' Slll/ftl-lw•lo Servkt Area No . 1 ol Dr-Coimt •o•NLl!R I OWYE• and JEANINE HURT, tl<nilllld tlld Wl!t, PMllont&llon of lhl fll'0ttllwt11t11'V l("' C1lllorn!a, Tiit PiOPOUI t~ues 1:.: lHt Wl~tl'I llft., Svllt sr: 81 lolnl It"'"'' Ind r«orcltd 5fl>l•r.,ber of Mid lol Ind bounclK on ll!f Soull'ltttl lollowlng 9ent'Ttll¥ dttcrJbfd tttl wh1cl\ ~:Tl ~m)":il~J~~ ... &•fl ~'t'' Ill" ~oolt, rJ7llo, P&M ~l•, of tlv 1111' Sou!tlwnttrtv Jtl'0'°""1tlori el ti mo,. P8rllcul••lv dtscrlbftl by 1 Altt ..,. ~It"" e 1 KO ' •ntt Olllll'r, ~ SOV*'"1flr1V llN of ... 11 loll ""111! ctn<r!ptlon on file wl!tl !hi Cnm-.. v:td °"-• ~II D1llr 1"!101, C1lltorn11. I'':"' :; .;:cu•• 0 t n '"' FXCF.PT Thi Not"l"f&l!lrtY 11.r. fM! m1u1on: II lt " l 51M9 drbltdl'IHJ II ·-ACE . REEL. of uld 10!. rnott (On'l""""lw •-••: Sell! delat~menl Includes fhl , .. tlt.af· MtrUI ' ' ' "' • wlctow, new ow.-•net lllld b~ BRUCl!I lHY wnt Cketn Front, N-n 8'tetl, way ol' J1mborH &l.ilt¥•1d flomlfrtv LEGAL N~CE HOWAltO LINOSAY br, rea"'" et ltlil C1lllflrnl1. "" JOl!NI" ROlcll ..., • dl1t1nc1 v 11 brff(h .. citrl1"1 oblill!lllnt M'Cllftd lffmt Of \ti. ~•Jll In liwfUI monev of lllP"llWlm•lely II• fwl notltlt••ltrlv lhel.CW, llollct 01t Wllldll wa1 •la:ln:tf':I t1f "'' Unlltd s11m on ~llrm1non rrom Ct"""" OtlV'I, rn ll'lt ttvlo>t I'~ Olamblf n , 1Ht, In llooll N71, l"lv• of lflf, fl( Nrt <•Ill Incl bllanc:t tl'ldullrlat '"11 Ar11. C••Tll"ICAn OP' IUSINllS 00. Of 1•141 Ofncl•I Recot'ao. U.VINGS Sfflltfd by Morftlot Pt TtWI Dftll At 1111 !lmt of tnt 11t11!111 llOtlnod .. ICTITIOUS NAMI! MDJl:TOAGE C01lP, •Ill o<!I •! 1ublie on fhl 11t'OMf'fV • '41d. T111 H ettril hlret11 s.old bourodtrles ITltY be !¥10dlflfd T1'lt Vlldef'llelled lloor:I clrflfY Ill 11 t\ld'IOll lo Ille tlltllf'St btdder for cti/I, of ..-1 ltltll to bot 9-tt.cl wllll by lht •lllllllon ol •Iller lettllory Jn toncl\l(tl"' 1 bullnt11 •I tOIO F.lllnoer, "Ytbll ln leWf\11 ll>OMY ol !!It Unl"ll bid. Ille v!cl11itw of ~ • ._I. "-111" VallW. C•O"'"'la, llfltftr the ll•lft .. !ht l!rnt of ••le. w1t11<1ur 81dl or offtrs to bt !11 wrtn111 111<1 NOTl(;E IS Fl.tllTHEllt GIVEN, 11111 lklllkllll flrrn nltl'll of I. 'TIS T•Ol"ICN.. W1"1111ty II W tlltf, POl~u'9'1 or fl\. Wiii bt ..ctlYfCI et Hit .1.,..n1tcl clflct 111111 COftlml n lon Piii li•td Wtdlltsct•r FISH L "EJl:E 'TIS T•OPIC"'L FISH tvmbl'ln{ft, Hit 1111~.,,1 COl'IWY"ll lo 11 111r !hntt '"" "'' ""' 11ubtlt1tlon tnt tltl dtY ol' Apr!~ '"' •I Ille •nd 11111 slld tlnn It c<ll'ltottd er •nd PW:!'# l\fld bY •lid l•u11H under llereol Ind be!-cit .. I/II""-hOur Of 1:on o'c1octl: PM. ol llld Ille 19llowlnt ... -. '"'°" n-In ''" Oltd of Inn.I, •n Ind lo'~· FOl!D-Dllff tlll1 2•!11 ctaw of Mtn:h, 1•n "" or 11 -11 uld mllffr ctll lull tfld lllK• ol A11d..a k •• Int dllc:rlbtd ••-rr~. 10·wil: JESS L 81CKEtHAUPT, JI, bot l'lterd '" Room 513 In tM Ori,_ tollfws: An undl¥1Mcf l'I lnt1~1t In lot oil. Adml!lhft'tfor wtftl IM COllll!r AMlll'll1lrtllon Bulldl .... , SU Nori~ C, Ill. Grtblt. 112$2 Ellcill Aw.. ol f•tel Mo. 4'W. !" 1M cl!r ol •Ill •-•ltll 91 1111 Svurnort s1...,1, s.nta A111, 1;111~. Olr..,. o~. on1orni. N-1 hacti.. °""'" o1 Ot•/l<l"', 09("""' fl !tie ltrrle lri(I Plan for Ille llMrlnl 0.1" MlrC/'I 17, ,,.. S!tle ll!f Ctlff9rnll. IS p.tr ltllP rtcl'15ftll SIGIL ANO Ml!"Ylrtl+Oll'I< 1111 Wld "-"I f'lltllllff wttll '" lfOfnll 0. N. Gr9blo '" IOlllt H, P8" " o1 M1tc:,1i.....,.,1 SVlll tm, Orie WllMI" 11111, 1tld obl~lonl ,.,.,.lo wtlld! l'Nlf bl STAT! OF CALl,,OftNIA M11tt, In 11111 olllu OI 1111 (Cll"ty Olli WHllllN hule¥N'll HIM llld 11 wtilctl tlrnt ind •lift Oil.I.HOE COUNTY l u fl('(lrdtr I/II Wld ~l'Y • .... """""' c •• .....,.1. Mn ~II Pln.olll ln!tritlll'd ""•Mii ..... ¥ """'' On /Mrdl._ 1,, lNt, btlor• "''· I for "" Pll'"W ol NYll>I otlll1uim. TM: SIJ-41• .. HJ 111d be htarCI. ~trt Mlle Ill tnCI for 1ekl S!IN, •tCll..... by llldl Otlll lnc:lut1l~1 Ifft. ... lllit'MYI ,_t A•mWll'rtlet Oiled: M•rdl II, Ifft .,.,_...tit' •-•r.d C. N, Gtlblt k-tllarot\ ..... tX-M1 of 1M ftU1!fl Publl'lled Or•• C-' 0111y l'lkll, BY OROEll 01' THE LOCAL ACtNCY !O ll'lf flll bt tf!I fltfWll .tio!1t """'' .,,., of ult. l•"'="'=="=·=x=""==""='=I ="='="'==='='·=*;IFORMAll ION CCMMtS$10N Of' OltANOe fl lllblCrtbotd ,. rN Wltlll" IMm.rntnl Da"" M•r<'I l:t. 1fft COUNTY, CAUFOllNIA. 111C1 lldtroowi.drttd"' e~'°""" 1111 Mtnt. !AVIHCS MO•TGAGr ll:l(tllrcl T. l\lmer 'ntlklll 5"0 COrtl'Oll:ATIO'I LOCAL Nt otl!., n1w•p•p•t +.111 yo• mo11, •••ry ••y, tbovt wh1t't toint 111 /11 11!1 &re1ler O rant• Co11t th•~ th• DAtlY 'llOT. Ewecuuw Oft1ut J--. E. Dl'fflt Tf\l'ltft ~~·! AOtllCW NOl•tl' l"ublk • C1lllornll Bv ~n Olrt ... l'orm•llon CClrt'lll'llUlon l"rlnclNl Olllc. "' Tr\Ott Dflltt• 11 Or•"" C'OV!llw OtMfl c-tr mw C1tlfotnll My COl'l'll'lllHlell Enlr.t P\lbO.ritd NIJ"PQr1 li•rbot lj''*" p1~, l"ubll~ftll Netl'P«1 HtrbOr NtwJ l"l'tlt Junt 71, lfi'll (On'lb\hff •!If!'-D11t\I ftllct ~~ I C'!ll'llbllltd .. 11~ 0.11V Pllol, N""'""1 l"~lllllllllcl or..... Cotti D~lh' PllOI. 'Btte,tl, C•ll!or'"l•, M•rcll 1i H .:d lffttl, Ctlllo<"il M-tcl'I ts, JI, !Ht SJt4• ""•"'' 11. U •llCI AprU 1, I. !Ht Sii-ff ...... II l, I* ' j\J." \ /. I '"""" Mll'dl 25, 1'169 DAILY PILOT 9 , DISCOUNT SUPERMARKETS . ;::~ ~~ ,::L~;~;~ 1 'EVERYDAY LOW 'DISCOUNT .·PRICES I Whole Body U.S.D.A. Choice U.S.D.A. Choice FRYING T-BONE ROUND CHICKEN STEAK STEAK! Full Cut· Bone In c c c lb lb lb Fresh & Lean · U.S.D.A. Choice U.S.D.A. Choice GROUND TOP SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE BEEF STEAK1 STEAK -Boneless c $ 29 s 09 lb LB. LB. . . ROUND u.s.D.A. Choice 39c RUMP u.s.D.A. Choice 79c PORK STEAK Boneless lb ROAST Bon .. ln lb CHOPS Farmer John 69C . Center Cut lb ~~_;..~~~~~~~--- TOP or BOTTOM 93c BONELESS U.S.D.A. Choice 39c CHICKEN .. Legs, Breasts, 49c ROUND STEAK ~~~:~ lb RUMP ·ROAST lb PARTS 9uorterSectiOn lb ~~~~~~~~~~--- SIR L 01 N u.s.D.A. choice 93c ROTISSERIE · 39c SLICED 39c TIP STEAK lb ROAST U.S.D.A. Choice lb BACON Ra·Corn . lb DISCOUNT FROZEN FOODS BANOUU DINNERS ;::.~; 37 ¢ MEAT PIES :::::~~:.~ '"''' 18¢ ....... pk •. ENCHILADAS :;::~~ .. ~ 36¢ APPLE PIES t:~:':'... 69¢ POTATOES =~:.:·· 99¢ DISCOUNT FLOUR i SALT . FLOUR ::~ .. :"" 57¢ S-lb. "' ROUR t?~ 39¢ SALT g:.,~W•Ttr Seflentr 65~ S.-111 • .., LT $!H'l"fflelol 9" TABLE SA :: ;:;,'.""" ,. C&H SUGAR i.:'::. ~ ·-17¢ DISCOUNT SAUCE TOMATO SAUCE :..".'.'t~" 9¢ STEAK SAUCE .'..-;" • .:..~.::.':"'" 44¢ MEAT SAUCE ~;:...... .... 62¢ SPAGHOTl SAUCE ~::z-:.. 24¢ CA TSUP =',':'!. -24¢ DISCOUNT IAiY FOOD STRAINED BABY FOOD - -9¢ SIMILA( ,';':';." -• 26¢ SIMILAC :-::: " '"' 69¢ STWID BABY FOOD ....... 10¢ CHOPPED BABY FOOD -. 16~ " DISCOUNT DELI. & DAIRY DISCOUNT HOUSEHOLD DISCOUNT PAPER lUNCH MEATS :;"':.;. 38¢ PAPER NAPKINS ~:·11· 11¢ 25¢ DISINFECTANT i~. -:... 59¢ TOILET TISSUE ::, :.7"•m 27 ¢ CHEESE :.::.~"-,.,... 89¢ mEL WOOL PADS :,•;:;,,, 29¢ TOILET TISSUE £:;:.A"" 26¢ MARGARINE ~~":.; COTTAGE CHEESE :.,~-; ... 16¢ FABRIC SOAENER :::.;: ,_ • 79¢ , WAX PAPER ~'..~'~11 26¢ 31¢ 66¢ ALUMINUM FOIL ::.~'.::::. .., 24¢ DISCOUNT COFFEE i eRllMERS olsCODNT PIT FOOD CAT FOOD .. ":' .':", .......... ,_ 14" Cl'1~1~1--Muw.n ...._.1111 .... 1111 ~ ~ " COFFEE •• "g '·" , .. '"' 68c CAT CHOW :~"' 89¢ COFFEE .·~:-::::• 59¢ DOG FOOD i:::·... .... 7¢ TEA BAGS :.:-;::~.· 89¢ · SKIPPY .......... u• 16¢ COFFEE MATE ...... , ..... ,.. 1.09 DOG CHOW i.-::, 1.29 biSCOUNT MElliCAN sriellllhES DISCOUNT 01LS & SHOITIN1NGS DISCouNT CEREALS WHEATIES '™""' ,_ 48" u..,. IHI. ,..,, ,, CORN RAKES ~:;:-;... ... 38¢ OAJS ::~er~: .. · •r Quiet 29~ WHEAT liERM ~-:.~:= '" -42¢ CREAM of WHEAT ;:-:;;•.;;.-;: 45¢ DISCOUNT FISH i CANNED MEXTS REFRIED BEANS ~:;:~:· •. '" u• 28¢ MENUDO ~.::'".. ... 45¢ 89¢ TUNA :-:.;. :::.:· · 31~ WESSON OIL .............. . SALAD OIL ~.::.. FLOUR :t..''......... 1.79 CORN OIL ~~· ..... SHORTENING ~~ ":.~. OUYE OIL i:...-.::-·- 37 ¢ CORlll> BEEF .~::":!. 53~ 69¢ CORNB> B&F HASH ~.:':.. 45¢ RED SPANISH SAUCE t:..::~ .. 32¢ PANOCHA ~= "' 29¢ 56.¢ VIENNA SAUSAGE !.':'>:.. 25¢ 81-CHKKfN ::;'.":::-·-38¢ DISCOUNT VIGETllLES TOMATOES ~:.::' - CUT BEETS :-.~ .. PEAS ... ·~ .. ••rty ~.,.,. lN Cl~ PORK and BEANS ~ CHIU BEANS ~":' •• - ) 6iSCOUAT PICRW I DIHSIAG 22¢ SAi.AD DRESSING :.-:: ::.~. 66¢ 18¢ MAYONNAISE ::. ";"' 68- 23¢ SAUD DRESSlllG .=: 43¢ 16¢ ICfBERGDIUSTIW :::.;;,"" .. ,&3¢ 21¢ ITAUAN DllWlll& ~ 36¢ DISCOUNT ROiff I JUICIS APPWAUCE ~:;::.: -26¢ FRUIT COCKTAIL ~ •• •M 38¢ &tAPEFRUR JUICE ~::::.·· 46¢ ..... TAii& :-;::,::::r,, 93" .,..., • ., Ortflk ,, VEGETABlf COCKTAIL =_ ~ .. 38¢ ' ' ~ ii I J 1 JI I g I GOLDEN RIPE "CHl9UITA" BANANAS Delicious . Vine Ripened Cant'lpe SWEET TEXAS RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT Fresh Tender Sweet CARROTS . ....---------~~---. HOLLAND DUTCH BAKERY uu•r• ~wnrauv Van de Kamp's lll llil\YJWllI\IJW' ' JO DAIL 'r l'tLOT LEGAL NOTICE ....... ([_RTll"KAll 01" 11.!Slll&Sl l"IC'TtTIOUi ~M· Tlw Ill_ ........ etl'llfY M II ~ I ..,....... .. :llfH hlllt ...... AW-C.11 "'°"' Obtor!IM. ~ Wit ~ fln'll Mll!ll {Ill JIM'S OEllVll!•Y s••v1c• •"' 1t111 ui.i """' • ~ ol "" fOllDWlllt --· WflDM ,..,.,.. Ill fllll ........ " ..... ~ ii., 11)1117Ml J-"· l.....,U. 767' Soallt• ...... ""'~ C:o1111 MHot. C"lfl:lnllt o.""' Mardi IJ, Ifft JUI' ... P ll•oob ITATE OF (.ALll'OltNI ... I OltANOE COUNTY I a On M¥t1I 11. ..... btlfn -· • tfqt11T Plotllle I" MCI tor .. 1c1 Stilt, ....,_,.., _.,... _._ ........... , kl'IOWll II) ,.,. ,.,. be -....._ ---,,,... h 1ubloel'lbtel hi flw Wl!Mll 111, ··~ 11'111 «.knowltCIMol ... -1111111 ,.._ 10tnd1I Seel) ,_....I':. Ot~ft No11'Y "iAltl( • C1fi!Wftl1 lltll'lc.IN1 Office Ill Ol'•l'IP CoU111Y M~ (Om"'lulofl l!KP!'"° J~114' ,\, ,,.,. """""""' OnMe Coat! Dalh' P1k!I, Mlrtfl 11, iS Mid ....,.u I, I, lfllt SOH' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE •••·Un H~TlC• Tl" '"•1"0•"'01' SUPl!lllO• ((XJlT OP THI; JTATI: 01' (ALIFOaH\A FOl THE COUNTY 01' OllANGl N&. ... _.,,,. Esllll• Ill CATH ERINE MA II I E 8110ULtl(, D«e1Wd. NOTICE IS HElllEllY CtVEN lo IM a<'ll!tors (If !tit •"°"* Mmfd ~"' "'~' •lt --l'llYl1'19 ci.1m1 '''I"" ,.,. w ld Hc"'Clenl ~,.. ~ulr...i h> flit .,,.,,.,, wllfl ''-MUt.111"1' YOUClll:nu Jn ,., .. oflJO! gl !M cled1 ct mt 1b0vt entl!Md covn, er lo PrTlflll ,..,.,.,, w1t11 !~ -rt' ~htfL lo tl'le Ill' ,.,..,~ II ....... ,la 'fl hll •""rflf w 1'11.liNK M. MOOltE as L-••.ell lllvct •• 1..111'111 &t~cl'I. C.11.,,,nll tOIC1, w11l~h It ttw. plld Ill btl1!,,,.,., ct tM unde"lllnl'd ln tH Ml!ft ..... .-.rttilolM fil fM Hin!• vf wkl tl«edtnt, w!lflln foll• "'°""'' ,,,... """ ttm ,..1111c1t;eri o1 ftlh nenct. D1PH Mflrdl tl, , ... JEltOM!: OL!Vllt CAINES AdmlnlJl~•tor fl/I ,... E'1•ff: af ttot ""8W ~ <MCHtlll r1tANlt M. MOOllL 1$0, ..., LMt ..-0 .,,.... L-._., Ctll"-">11 ,.., Tfh (!ISi 411.fnl .,,.,.,..,, .... ••l•lllflMI' ~IJ>M Or.-Coetl 0111\1' Pllel Mtrdl U Mii All"ll I, I, IS. lt6f JT1·tf Nearly Everyone 'Listen s' to l anders Yoasr Worth I Stock Prejudices Overcome By SYL \'IA PORTER The gttlt and growlq de- mand for stoc:U from in- stitutional investors is now a famlllar t.ale. La.st ytar alone, t h e institutional investors 1urveyed by the New York Stock Etchange e :r pan d e d ""'"" holdiog,s ol listed ltocb by an awesome $21.9 billion and now 0\\-'n more than Sl&S billion or roughly ZZ~i percent or all NYSE stock!!:. Still, even l.hla enormous buying raised the Institutions' share of li!'t«. issues lea than *' cl l percent. There seems no doubt that tht insUtutions will contioue to accelerate their buying. nlE UPSURGE in bu~tng by private pension funds may slow i. bit but the demand from life iMurance companies Is just beginning. The IJle companies ar e on I y now overcom ing their prejudicts again s 1 stock ownership; America's 200,000..plus life ln-- surance salesmen are on1y LEGAL NOTICE •tarting to sen the ~ of programs which wtll «>mpel more stock purd\asel by the. companlft. Evtn JI the IUe companles d o u b I e their purchases of stocks ln the oelt few yean, their stock . holdlnas will repreaent minor lta<tlon of th<lr • In· vetlmtnU. Similarly, state and local govtrnment retiremtnt fund!: are only beginning t o overcome t h e i r prejudlct& against and the legal rest.ric-- tiona .. stock put<haSes. It wac a mere I~ years ago that the giant California Public Em ployes' ReUrement System was given authority to invest a minor percentage of iU huge aaM:ts 1n atocka: the fundS of New York State and other big atate.s an also just starling to expand their stock hokling,s. 'Jbt prejudices are disap. pearlng: the legal lim.ltatiooa are being eased; the evidence 11 strong t~t the institutions will speed up their buying ol stocks in the years .im- mediately ahead. BUT WHERE will the new supplies of stocks come from? Of course, for every buyer or stocks there js a seller, nd there always is a floating supply of stocks. But in ad- diUon to the noaUng supply, Local Business Sees 14% Surge Ove~ 1968 Coming March A two-percent increase in Joeal buslr.esa activity during February was reported today by 0. C. Adams, manager of Security Pacific NaUonal Bank's Costa Mep branch. Activity was 14 percent greater than a year ago, as measured on the b 1 a It ' 1 Southern California bwiness index (1957·59 .. 100). 29 Family 1*ekly The Truth About Nursing Homes By JAMES C. G. CONNIFF What da we do witlo aging parenh who mnt be placed in nu rsi ng homes? This en lightening orticte exam ines the question and giYes guide~ lines for good stondard5. '.ALSO • DOLLARS AND SENSE -A banking exectl· tive makes some practical suggestions about how lo leach your children about money. e FRILLY FROCK TIME -Cover photo lea· ture.s a child of the season - a delightiul lltlle tad or a girl all dressed up for spring. e HIS THREE LOVES -Profile of actor Peter O'Toole. v.•bo has a line Irish temper, tern· pered by judgment, and why he 's troubled at the crest of his career. All Coming Saturday in the I DAILY PILOT I tlonally and real estate declined moderately. OVER THE CO UNTER 4!1You ., ..... """"' .. y_ 6~ Lit. '"""" 67~ ::~ -A· r .. , .. • "' " " " ·• 1 I ~ • .. " •• :? l,. •• '• .. '• ,, '• " ~ " ,, • •• •• •• " " ~ ., • '• ~ • \ .. ' ,, ,,. •• • (: •• • ,, •• .. .. •• .. .. " • •• ~ '• • •• '• '• <o ,, .. .. " ~ ~ ., • • ' • .. .. • • • ' • • • • • • • • • ' • • • ' • I DAll.Y PllOT . Monday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List List • . ·-···-----·---------------------:--....... v ' . f.re\\' fil'ice ats fatst ats tl1e 11atitt11' s la1r91est. UJDPleenwars to save did 11. We reached our first billion dollars in 35 years ... twice as fast as the Nation's Largest. Our recent merger brought the four Wilshire Federal offices into the Glendale family, giving us 22 very 22 OFFICES NOW SERVE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA • l . . • , r • ., t I . .. , I thought it was their new offices in Monrovia, Chatsworth, Costa Mesa & Mid-Wilshire. convenient offices. Each of which pays you highest earnings everyday, any day, even overnight on all our Umpteen Ways to Save. Nobody pays you more, more often. Come see us soon. Arcadia 100 So1:11h First Avenue/Beverly Hiii• 175 South Beverly Drive/Canoga Parle 711 9 Topanga Canyon Boulevard/ChetlwOltfl 2182j C>wonshlrw Strelt/COltl U.. 1833 Newport Boulevard/Dow..., 9030 Stonewood Street/ Et Monie 10952 Valley Mall/ Fullerton 320 North Harbor BouleYard/Ollindlle (Main OMce) 401 North Brand Boulevard/I.Ong Beach 5535 Stearn• Street /Mld-WUlhlre 3500 Wilshire Boulevard/Monrovia 535 South Myrtle Avenue/lllulillOM 2350 Honolulu Avenue/ Noapcwt .._. 2333 East Coast Hlghway/Paclflc: P111Mdet 15215 Sunset Boulevard/ P1Udenl 722 East Colorado Boulevard/Sin '9dro 556 WMt Ninth StrMt/..,...., Olb 13730 Riverside Drive/ Studio ~'1 12191 Ventura Boulevard/Torr1nce 3832 Sepulveda Boul~ard /Ytntut1 .C72 SOuth Mllll Roed/WllltllOld V111f1 '1090 Wlltwood Boutevtrd THE NATION 'S $ECOND LARQEST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN AISOC i~ION WHERE YOUR MONEY EARNI l HE HATION'I HIQHllT llATI GLENDALE FEDERAL 501 513°' 5 25°' SAVINGS-........... _ 10 CURRENT ANNUAL RATE / 1 IO CURRENT ANNUAL YIELD / 1 . IO a YEAR 10Nu1 -'"OUNTI - -· ' " \ • • / • ~etctJ JOOEAN HASTINGS, 64J..4321 ,.....,, --.. "" • , ... 11 Spring Harmony ' Col·lection . 1 Compliments Close on the heels of the first day of spring will be the unveiling of complimentary leminine fashions by top designers in a coll'ection arr8l)ged by I. Magnin & Co. The showing, which will follow a social hour and luncheon April 10 in the Anaheim Convention Center, is co-sponsored by the Orange County P~armonic Society and the Newport Harbor Service ~eague. Entitled Fashion Concerto, Opus 11, the 11th annual parade wlll benefit the society's program of presenting free youth concerts. Couturiers represented include Sarmi, Chester Weinberg, Oscar De La Renta, Jean Louis, Gustave Tassell, Richard Tam, Marchesa Di Gresy, Manor Bourne, Norman Norell, Teal Traina, Geoffrey Beene, Courreges and Elinor Simmons. · Following tradition of past years, a parade of jewels by Laykin et Cie will be the finale. Members of the sponsoring organizations who will augment the professional models are the Mmes. Fred A. Howser, Kae A. Ewing, Donald A. Wattson, Alexander Robertson Jr., \Villiam T .. White lll, Don R. Adkinson, Gordon B. Jones, David L. Fraser and James K. White, all of the Service League. Society mannequins are the Mmes. Frederick Prescott, Joseph Bush, Richard Martin, Robert Lee, Carole Cameron, A Bayard Dod Jr. and Jefhey Briery. Jewels will be shown the Mmes. Thomas R. Young, John \V. Scholz, Ignacio E. Lozano Jr., Torrence Dodds, Raymond L. Bukaty and Ralph Tandowsky. Children's fashions will be paraded by Thomas Anderson and Diane and 'Therese Snyder, 5-year..old twins. Teenage twins modeling FASHIONS TAKE FLIGHT -All aflutter over the spring collec- tion which they will be modeling are (left to right) Mrs. Frederick Prescott, Mrs. Fred A. Howser and Mrs. Kae A. Ewing who will parade the ramp April 10-during the 11th annual I. Magnin Fash: ion Show and Luncheon benefit. Massive butterflies which they are showing will be used as decorations. will be Sandra and Sue Savage. · More than 80 patronesses from an parts of the county already have subscribed to tables for 10, according to show co-chairmen, Mrs. Clinton F . Eastman and Mrs. James B. Keyes. Suddenly It's Spring -Hat Contest-time It's time for Huntington Beach youngsters to take out the scissors and thread, feathers, ribbons or other finery and practice the milliner's art. Hats - pretty, original and funny -will be judged during the annual citywide hat parade and Easter egg hunt being sponsored by the Mrs. Jaycees. The events, in various locations throughout the Huntington Beach area, will begin at 10:80 a .m. Thursday, April .3. Hoping to win prizes for their ~ntries are (left) Andy Holden, 4, and MSIY Ann Brooks, S. Photo-iournalist · Spins Tales Mrs. Wyn Sargent, world-traveling Huntington Harbour .Republican Women's Club member, will describe her ex- periencu living with the head-hunters or Borneo when her club meet.a: at 10 a.m. tom-0rrow" in Huntington Seacllff Country Club. Pho~journalist, pilot, teacher and story-teller par excellence, Mrs. Sar1ent will return to the jungles in the fall with medical .supplies and a physician who will care for the dying Dyak.s. During her travel• she was ac- companied by her 12-year-old IOD, Jmy. Booked for many s peakinc engagements throughout the United States, the willowy brunette'a work in Ru.ula and the lrJ>n CUrta1n countries was lftoadcast On aad!O. Fr.ee .Europe in 1967. .. The federated Republican club also 1 ls making plans for a legislative study session and style &how in Augusl Members currenUy are arrana:lng their major fund.raising project ol the ytar, lhe second annual home tour which wW take place Saturday, May. 3. Tickets for the event, tentatively scheduled to include five Olltltanding Huntington Harbour homes, will be '3, and may be obtained from club mem- bers. Additional information re g a rd J a g tomorrow'• luncheon may be obtained by caWni Mrs. Roy Hughes, 811-2532, or Kra. David fl{ayberry, 9*1009. HEAD-HUNTING HUNTERS Jmy ond Mra. Wyn Sorg•nt Don't Give the G~ls Orchids Till· You Know All the F.acts DEAR ANN LANDERS : Why do you pin orchids on the virgins without know· ing the facts? If you cOuld see some of those white Oower girls you'd know they couldn 't give it away. Why not use your valuable newspdver space to praise the sought~ter, sexy girl who is conslantly chased by men• and is sometimes caught! rm a woman in my middle 40s who has worked 10 years wilh young girls in a steno pool. I see the goody·goody · types in their little white shirtwalst blouses and oxfords, SO smug and proud of their chastity, as i1 they had a choice. They make me sick. Only last Friday a darling little tetlhead, just 21, sobbed out her 1tory ANN LANDERS in µte ladles' room. Lucy bad been jilted by an e:s:ecutive after slx mootba of steady courtship. They had been in- timate and> she was counting on mar· riage. ft was the fourth time 11he'd bad this terrible thing happen to her. Girls like Lucy need Ann Landen to tell them they aren't ALL bad. Give them encouragement., not a putdown. J've been reading your ailly column for 12 years and J lb.ink you are 1 perfect fool. -AIAMMA LEONE DEAR MAMMA: Tbuka for lite t.01zt.. pUmea~ bot .-y•a perfecl. I doa'& ••ppe• to lltve uy 1ood conduct medals lyin1 1rouad ftr girl1 wbo Wnt the bedroom 11 1 11tor&nt to tltt lltar. Moreover, a iJlri wM mUet the same miltake four Umt1 Is wUt I call (In pollte lugua1e) a 1t011lell'M'. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and J both Jove to entertain but because . . .- ol 1 problem we've had recently I've told him, "No more partie1;" He is furiou1 and insilt.9 Ulere must be 1 IOluUon. We like to give small dlnner1 -five or 1fl: couplea. We select ruesta who have something in commoo and will make for stianilatini convenaUon. Our last three parties have been flops becaUJ< the Invited guests brought Wl<q><Cttd triendl or relatives. I ran out of chalr1, lilverware and food. The lnvitelt guests didn't enjoy them1elves because the tznin. vited ~ took over. Our Jut party was ruined when a couple brougbt their teeo111e d"""ter who tn tum b""'lht two te.nage boy1. M7 husband llJll I mllll ttll the ) I -· ' uninvited guests at the door that lbey cannot come in. I simply couldn't do it. Do you know ol a civilized SoluUon? -DA 'r'ToN , • . DEAR DAY: AD -U,ve W. Jttlllem tctu-.U,, lilt ,.. ttem &I ... --ti rtplarty. My -la .. -tt 1Mndqtty c1 .. , ...... JOO lme u llvltotloll, ~ "1 m.U • 'P.., lbt , Ill peata · .,. 'belq uked .-ot te brln1 uy estru because ol •PICt problema. Alyone wH • .. .,. aleng 11. utra olttt betoi ,. ..... II od• .... , deaerftl to 111 tMWd oil,_ !lat ,..,.....uy. CONFIDENTIAL ro MUST BE ll!ADE OF WOOD: Fike II, Slater. -1!lnco you know bow important it is to .him and ~ tries his darndest, put on 11. good a per(ormance as possible: This ii, QO:ble duplicity, lt takes nothlng from you and it can.do wonders for your marrlq:e. U yoa Uve troable getting ala.g 'Willi ,...r. peri..aa • • • u r• c• 't 1tt 1.bem to Jet yoa livt your tn Ille, MDd for AD Landen' booklet, "Bqfeli by Parenla? How to Get More Frffdom.' Stlld It centa tn cota wtlb ,..,, - ud .: long, stamped, aeU-addreulili tnvelope. Au Linden wru be 11act 1o 11t1p yoa witlt your problems. Stnd U.na to btr 1111 care of the DA.ll..Y PILOT, encl01lng a atU-lddrtMtd, atamfed uvelope. . I , l ) l DAILY PILOT --------------------------~r---....we":""---------- TUttday, Mlldl 25, 1969 , Horoscope Leo: Profitable WEDNESDAY MARCH 20 By SYDNEY OMARR AJl1F.'I (March 21-AprU JI): Some envy amona: family members may e x I at. Be Independent wllhoul appearinc arrogant. Now is time to in- sure future security. Be a pioneer :-plant seeds whlch blOS50lll into --TAURUS (Apr!l 20-May 20): Accent on abllfty to break th(ougb red tape. YOU gel action today. Successful utilization of piast experience is Indicated. Deal coofldently with relatives. GEMINI (May 21-.lune 20): Don't 5eatter efforts. Fun more than serloua ac- complishment indicated -ac- tive social life. FrJends amuse, but could prove ezpemtve. CANCER (June Zl-.lwy 22): Challenge can be accepted, surmounted. Career gets boost if you are courageous. Means exhiblt .confidence . Be speclllc. LEO-(JUiy 23-Aug. 22): bmel head. Avoid wlshlul tbinl<lng, seU-deceptlon. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. :11): Second-quarter moon position accenll building ol brtdgea toward f,1M at a . distance. Money ls at slake. Know this aJ¥1 proceed wtlh Cl\!IUon. SAGn'fARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Involvement with opposite sex olrongly In- dicated. Add to knowledge. Gain add1Uonal facta. You are about lo flnlsb a phaoe oJ ' activity. Look to future. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 11): You may be impatient· to start a project. Key is to realize leial green U~t taku time. Don't g<t ahead of yountlf. Accent on mar· riage, partnerships, joint ef- forts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. II): Soft sell wins the day. Don't force issues. Malntan -seme of equillb.rium. Some may. appear stubborn. But d.lplomaUc approach spells success. Avoid excess eating, drinking. P18CES (Feb. 19-Marih 20): Some discretion rtq111red. E .. cOurage allra or glamour. Bring Jorth innate .._ of ohowmanahlj>. Deal wllb Jm- J>(lrtant people -but feel yourself importanl P r o f l t shown if shrewd. Social life dominates. Obtain hlnt from GEMINI message. Love could conquer a 11 , Slanlficlant relationship is hlghilshted. lloo'I play game wilb emoUons. Stakes could be high, Champagne Uncorked for Party NEW NECKTIE? -Dina Young, 5, and Mrs. J ulie Young look with. iqterest at the tie worn by Bill Graydon. The trio are preparing for the f~shton show presentation to be made before South Coast Chapter, Parents Without Part~ ners, Inc. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Count and Countess Ghislain de Vogue from Epernay, France, were honored during a Moet champagne reception in the Corona ~el Mar home of the John Killefers. Count de Vogue is general secretary of Maiison Moet & C~andon, the world's l'\fgest champagne producing firm, which is headed by his father. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail~ able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members al 642-4321 or 494-9466. To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo-- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one w~ek af\er the wedding. For engagement announcements it is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy pi c t-u re, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce... ment and wedding date are six weeks or le ss apart, only the wedding photo will be ac· cepted. Focus Put On Fashion Fashion history and present day trends will be viewed by South Coast Gtapter, Parents Without Partners, Inc. in Laguna Federal Savings and Loan building next Friday at 8 p.m. Mrs. William H. Roley, a veteran (a s h i on show organizer and-commentator, will show costumes or yester- day, today and tomorrow. Modern styles for women will be supplied by Lois-Paul Originals, while the Beach Set will show clothes for men. A friend with rftarltal dif. flculty could confide in yw. Be sympatheUc, but fair. Domt:1Uc adjustment on your own home front ls a necessity. UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Hold off on 1pedal agreement. contract. Some today are free and easy with claima, pro- mlua. Beat to view cuh on Spring Social Scheduled Ports o' Call In 8an Pedro will become a Polynesian Holl· day for member• of the Woman's Auxiliary lo the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The annual spring benefit will begin at 11 a.m. for a social hour to be followed by a noon luncheon. Members and guests may "go native" for the occasion. Mrs. Joseph C. Widmont of Newport Beach will take reservations at 833-2711. Republicans Vote Fashions For Meeting _ The Costa Mesa home of Mn. Louis fisher will be a fashion scene when members of Collta Mesa Federated Republican Women's CI u b convene for a spring mem- tienhip luncheon and fashion sbowlng next Thursday at 11 a.m. Relnert's department st.ore ls furnishing the outrlts and t Mn. Jack Relnert "'.ill com· mentate. Modeling will be Miss Karen Avis and the Mmes. William Avis, Bruce Walters, Sam Cordeiro and Fisher. Pasl presidents will be honored, and Republican women are cordially invited. Mrs. Avis at 546-1649 is taking reservations. STEWARDESS Mary Wilkinson Jetting Around • IN THE SKY Jeanette Wilder Soprano To Provide Program A musical program by Miss Sherri Gittelman, 1 y r i c soprano, is planned fo r members of Eastbluff Philharmonic A s s o c i a t e s tomorrow in the home of Mrs. Nicholas Kf oury, vice chairman. l\liss Gittelman is making her second appearance before the Philharmonic Associates. She has appeared with the Savoy Hill Players in Beverly Jiills In a leading role in Gilbert and Sullivan's Trial by Jury. A Rabbi Speaks Refreshments and a social hour will follow the meeting which all single parents and their teenaged children are invited to attend. Proceed! are eannarked for the national scholarship fund.5. Meeting, Sole Scheduled Alpha Delta Pi sorority will meet in Miyako restaurant, Town and Country, Orange, at 11 :30 a.m. Thursday, March 27, to hear a speaker discuss the foster home program in Orange County. In the absence of the chairman, Mrs. John Harding, Two Harborites have started Beach. She is a Newport the 11 a.m. business meeting csreers as Western Airlines Harbor lligh School graduate wiU be conducted by Mrs. and earned an associate of Kfoury. stewardesses following their arts degree at Orange Coast Following the program a Harborites Flight Church Must Listen to Youth graduation in Los Angeles. College. salad luncheon will be served. Miss Mary Jo Wilkinson.1----=------------------- daugilter of Homer Wilkinson of Costa Mesa, is a graduate of a Cedar Rapids higt school By JO OLSON or 111e 0.11., P11t1 s,.11 "What has happened lo the church in the 20th Century? Where are young people going on Friday night and Sunday morning?" Dr. Morton c. Fierman, fmal speaker in the series 11ponsored by Women Aasoclates oJ UC! Interfallh FoundaUon on Wving With a Changing World, changed his topic from the .assigned one, Religious Response to Revolu· ANNE LARSEN Engagod Anne Larsen Will Morry S. J. Robinson Ame OU Larseo a n d Stephen John Rob inson, gradual.ea of C.osta ~1esa High Sc.boot and former . students 1t Orlnp Cou:t College, will be maniod In the Jail. MJn Laratn ls the daughter of the Lari J. Larsens Of c.ota M.,. 'and th< bene<llct- dect ia the aon of the Oscar T. Rob1mons of Colla Mesa. The Murt brJde,room is a veteran of Vietnam and will nturn to coUtge following his Ann1 di.charge In July, • ~-'"-------~ tionary Change, to ask thos.e questions. The former rabbi of Temple Belh Sholom, Santa Ana, and current college professor, was greatly concerned with the outreach of the church today. OOlh Jewish and Christian, and the methods i~ is using to provide meaningful worship and to attract youth. "Youth hasn't forsaken its belief in God, it has forsaken its belief in the church," he said. -''We hear the same music, the same prayers and the same thoughts each week. We must relate our words and music in a relevant manner to both young and old. "Music is the handmaiden of prayer," Dr. Fierman stressed. "We need to reach out, utilize the mu.sic of modern composers." If the muaic of Mendelssohn with the way we approaCh Following the talk, the Con· our rituals or the way we tempo Dancers presented a behave as opposed to what group of excellently performed we say, and now they are interpretive dances. The 11 questioning our policy on Viet· young entertainers, all hi1h nam. he There are roots r 0 r school students from t revitalization and renewal in Watts.Compton area of Los our system, however, the raf>. Angeles, s a n g as ac- bi stated. In the words of eompaniment for several <lf Mrs. Robert Rauch, 544-7455, ls taking reservations. Final arrangements for a rummage sale on April lf.15 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 410 W. Chapman, Orange, will be pi>nned. Taste Buds and aUended Santa Ana Junior College. The other new hosteS"S Is Miss Jeanette Elaine Wilder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barton A. Wilder of Newport to Tickle the Jewish phi Io sop her their nwnbers and were ex· Win•tasUng instead of presented by F. Thomas Abraham Joshua Heschel, we tremely well-received by the. browsing awaits members or Kisslet. are not only seeking God, God audience. the Huntington Beach Junior Proceeds will go to the Is seeking us. We should Thelr interpretaUon of the Woman's Club and their guests March of Dimes, according understand that we are co. Psalms was parlicularly at the Barker Brothers furni-to Mrs. Hammer. workers with God in accom-outstanding and the youths ture store, Huntington Beach Assisting with preparations plJshing decency. deserve plaudits for their ex-tomorrow evening. are members of the Kiwanis cellence of programming and Mrs. Karl Hammer, health Club, Police Wives Guild and ANOTHER QUESTION perforrnance, along with their chalnnan, ls arranging the 8-Art League of Huntington Dr. Fiennan concluded his director, Mrs. Vivian Ganey 10 p.m. event, which will Beach. remarks with s challenge. "I and their choreographer, Mrs. feature wines from the Reservations may be made haven't ailswered the first Eunice caln. Charles Krug Winery, by contacting Mrs. Hammer. quntion. All I have done is 1--------------------------------given you another one to think about." Is right, !hen use it. II the Auxiliary music of Paul Ml'Cartney is moving, Jet him write for the American Legion Hall In church, the rabbi ~gested. Costa Mesa is the setting for SILENT PRAYER meetings of the Auxiliary to Dr. Fiennan also stated that Barracks 1249, Veterans of the church iJ too wordy in World War I. The first Tues- it! !ervlces. Silent prayer is day o( each month members as important as speaking gather for a business session words, he said, and added that at 7:30 p.m. and the third poetry should be utilized as TueSday for a social and well. since poetry can say ,_;_pol_lu_c_ka_t_;_Sp_.m_. _____ 1 more than prose. We need new liturgies if we are to reach today's youth, he postulated. But ultimately it is our behavior outside the church and synagogue that is im- portant. "And here Is whert v;e fall ," the rabbi charged. \Ve have taught our children to be idealistic, to trust peo- ple, to obey the T.en Com- mandments and to b a v e esteem for ever,yone regardless of race. But they are throwing it all baek to us. They are challenging us. They say it isn't true. Everyone is out to get evt'rythlng he possibly can. You have to be very cartful to not get cheated or taken In buslne55 dealings, Or. Fltnnan llluslraled. T h e young JX'(lple 11:re challenging the re1ation!lhlp between our religion aod our bthavlor. QUESTIONING VIETNAM Our chlldrtn are not happy Your hand lotion is thirty years behind the times ·Are you setting off dirt .bomba and starting 'lomadoes, then trying to make it up to your hands with a lotion that wuo 't meant for anything alronger than the effects of M>ap and water? Vedra i~ the hind lotion that helps return to akin -what powerful cleanenttripaway. Com- pounded with Aloe, the deecrt'• moisturizing plan'9 Vedr,a 1mootha, lubricalee. Vedra Lotion, 1.00, c..am 1.50. /.' • STEREO SENSATION! The calarful saund of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .:ht! From Fashion Island , Newport Beach Pay your tax-and relax use our money! Pay your tax bill now with money from Mon1s Plan. You may borrow from $100 to $5,000, or more, for ta>ces, bill consolidation, home or car repair, any good reason. -Payments SChecf. uled to fft your income. You may have your money the day you apply-with no repay- ment for 45 days. Morris Plan, the people who like to say )'es.• SAMPLE LOAN SCHEDULES YOUR Monlhly ""°' CASH Payments -s "3.93 124 24 lt,Oll57 SSl 24 Sl~Il9!1 SS6 36 S2,12il1 176 36 C~it life 0tnd disability inSUf3nce available. Morris Plan Newport BHch, 3700 Harbor Blvd., 673-3700 I I I ' I JV .·D TUESDAY ! , f ~-I ', I 1:00 e n1 ll& •• tC> (60) Dunp~y. 0 m H•ntiff0l 1l1Uey (C) (30) 0 5WIW Alltfl $1119 (C) (90) lud· dr' Eb5Cln. 1'bt Nttty Gritty Dirt l and, ~im WtstDfl 11\d Gof1 Vidal 1u1st. 0 THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * ""EXECUTIVE SUITE"' st•<> WILLIAM HOLDEN 0 Sil O'CIOct Mtwlt: "btclftlwt Sllltt .. (drune) '54-Wllllf111 HokNn. June All~son. &'JI "' (Cl (60\ m ,., Ctrdl (Cl llO) Q)lttm11 (C) (30) @())....., Critfui (Cl @) wut'1 •tw? (30) "Tiie I Ba]s." Part II, Two berS diacowtJ lb• Wi!lldars and customs of Africa on a sal•rl In Kenya incl T1nunia. tmM.;tm 51 llllf (9 IPLM """ !Cl i:30 0 MIC NNtlrviu (CJ !60) m I LO'H LICf' (30) Q) YoY•lt 11 tilt ltt\9• .t tile St1 !CJ (60) (f_l @ Huntl11·lrinklry (C) m Rt ldill& Witt! Yo111 Child (30) "Makin& Use ol YoUt LlbtlfY.N NI· non M11$htll ind ruestJ dbcuu how pa1tnt1· c.an htlp ktlin tti1l1 thlldien in the ~roper usa ct the nei&hbo1hood library. ll!l oo em m m .... '" m -..... tcl {Ill) ...... -(<) (!O) 9M0Q)(l)MK f11M1, Mffit: 'ilnj, i''-a ......,.. (tu)IMUI) 'U-l1rbtJ1 ~k. llllt ltfl- Clder, Wtndelt Cote,, E• llqt.J, ;,,.. RlthardL A Mdrlddu krftlht, 11011t II lttr MIM. tcddeftUl!r 0¥tfhNr1 I Mllf1er plofttd tll tlMi tt!epflone 111d 1t1nanr rulihl th.It • • to bl tllt fktl111. U EUA FITZGERALD and * DUKE ELLINGTON pr....t GREAT HOUR OF MUSIC! 1J Sllewcllt S (C) llOl 0!1 fi1l· 1er1ld Ind Dllkt EllinfbMI Ill ftt. tu1td. (., ..... ,_ Lii (C) (60) m uw<w 1 Ecwkll """ tz hr)AllU,.io..dltt IOOk II tllt EC11· mtnlcal '*"""""' •!Id how its fl· f1ds hM fllttftd 6clWll lo tilt lifl of tht ct11tsti111 ll)ome1. A Qiristitll f11m1y ol two f1i!Mi 11111 thtolo&lem •tt f11turtd. e>aldlt~ t :lO f) /B (I) lltll llJ (C) (lOJ Whe11 !JofOtll~ BensoR ttb a huuied call from the stort ind htr hustltnd aoes Into ahoc:k, Doris '191untem to IWJ)'Sit with tilt tlan ilOll't lour ehildrtn. (Rescheduled lrom Mtrdl 11 and Martll 18) a rm Cil m NTPD (C) (30) "No Di1·filPPlfS Need Apply." A 111•• l l'ISWtts 1" td in the E1sl Ylllaa:t Barb. 1tttnds • party 11~et1 br t secret "cilltN t nd is bltckm1iled. Corso 1~s undtrawer to tlnd tht bl1tkm1ilets alld lht mmpromi~n1 pholGS. fJ Ntw1 IC) (25) Ted Meytis. !!)Hot 1:5S fJ Ylfty rolitiul (C) PEANUTS GOOP MOINL~,UIC.IE • .OR ~LO WILL I I 5AV 600P -'FTERNOOM ! I J'U5T IE ~&lrlG Wllll"&P lO TiU. '!'Oii WHAT A 'lt>U ~N &REAT TIME I MAD LA.Sf NIGHT SOON, LUKE?. •• ~LV YOU !:tHOULPN'T ICEEP 7:00 E) CIS Evtniq N... CC) W111e1 Cfonkite. 0 Whtt'• My line? (t} (30j m Password (Cl (30) 130) io:00 a ~ oo ca ,...,. ltlldlf tCl (60) "Moby D!d." A conttmporary treatment ol !ht Herm1n Me!villt I~~,;.,~~ ME OUT SO LATE ~ tj1 (~ Alafricl! (C) n11vet CBS News shipptd out to st• in a SQ.fool lisbin& sc:hocu1•r. the se11t!t, which sails the Gulf 111 Aluk1 In ~aid! of ha11blll. Tht 1i..,..;...i1 ED Tht frenth Chef (30) Julia Child prepares l'hpoleons. rlt (jJ Tht liood liUJI (C') , ' €D blinds tn tllt Slin (C) rn Truth If Co~llliftClf (C) ~oyare of the ~1ttle It dncribed in paSSt(U taken from the cles:;k novrl "Moby Oitk." Al.rthot Herma11 Melville's words art spoken by tdOJ Geor11 C. Salt!. 0 m Ntn (t) tGO, 0 (i1J Cl) ID TUfs Lil• (C) (60) 7:30 0 .a!! (IJ L1r1U1" (C) (60J Scnoolh· talkma: Clay C1isfr1H r.on1i11US tllt · c1tiiens ot Gree~ RNu thtl thty should a;ive up their 1rrn1 when he becomes tempof1f)' shetiff. but Johnny Lancer ~uspects that thtrt is 1 "ntSll!t' purpose behilld Ills IP· parent 1ttempt to loster rood will in !ht tt?Wn. Guy Stockwell auests. l.i) Tiii NIW S.11nd (C) (30) &:OD 0 m Jerry Lt#is (C) {60) Buddy Gieco and Michelt Lee a:uest. 0 Tiii Wes\ef,..1 tlOJ 10:30 C:J Movie: "Will klllM T"*t IM!" (drama) '65-Julid Pi1IYIW, S.I 0 fl.'ti (}) Q) Mod Sq!IU (C) (60) Mineo .I.In Murray. "Keep the faith. Baby." Sim· ' niy Oa~1$ Jr. 1uesls IS I militant m HolllfftMd/Pft'ft (C) young priest •ho b suspended lor €!) litnlt Sit Hiltoria his participation in • rtform CfU· sadt , then linds his hf• thr~lened b1 • miln whost t0n!eSS!Ofl !' 11:00 fJ 0 0 EE m aJ "'" IC) mu1der he had heu d bdo11 his susptnsion. Robert Duvall, William 0 l!lrtd HitthcKk Sch111e1t and Ron H1y!s 1lso ruest. 0 MWlion $ MGvit: "The Lntlle1 Saint" (drama) '56 -John Derek, Paul Doutlas, Ceur Romero, .lod1 ta•ren~e. m Truth If CllnHqutnW {C) {30) m Pe11J Mason {b{)J fi3 (.6) Holida, Cruist Witll l-1 kin1 f1mil7 (CJ ffi tancion dt 11 R.it !30) £D El tv1r10 Mand1m1snlt ID Litts Chlb (C) m Mtvit: "Mur•tr In lhwttU'' I {niy~tery) '45 -Wilh1m H1rlnel!, Din~h Shefidan. @(Il ID 00 ~ (j) Ntws !CJ fD Ii.di rtf1Pldiw1: M1yo1 Stirn Yorty is qurslion!d by Ioctl bttck newsmen. • 11:30 8 Movit: "S11bw11 I" 11111 Sky" f1dvtnlu1e) ·ss-Van John~n. H1I· detrrde Neff. 0 MAYOR SAM YORTY * SPECIAL REPORT! 0 Q.J (!) @n Ttni&ltl Sile• (C) 0 Movlt: ,.fi1;htin1 Maft rl thl 1'11in1" (•tslern) '49 -Rindolph Scott O Yort)' l';litical (C) {Jll) m Huel (C) (30) m Wo11d Prus (C) (liOJ €!) 1'1emier Orteon Ii.Ct WEDNESDA Y DAYTIME MOVIES t :OO 0 "TIM f1•ifti111 l11d• (corntdy) ·:2-RowhN RusscM, Doti Amteht. o u.t m m .1o., 1i.11ep 1c1 m Dont1111 O'C.nfllf Sitt• tt> 0 CdMuftr lullttlll IMl'd (C) m ,,.. tti• ·~· (C) ·~, 12;30CD "hrtt ttlt 1111" (oomtdyJ '51 -M1th1tl Wildin1. "DevH 111 Wllteb" (1ct¥tnturt) '41 -Dar(JI Hickman. %:00 m "Mllltt Lttt; '"'• (myl'le1Y) '52-Sl1!¥t McQut1n, l:OO D (C) MlJi Nflll ,, ..... Hf' (rom1ncej '57--e.IY Gr1nt, Dtbo11h !:lO 0 "HtH 1111 C.~qulfinJ Httt''t Ktrt. !comedy) '41 -£H1 RalnlS. Eddltl' Bract.en 4;30 8 (C) "fr•• lilt (artll • tllt D "ft111'1191 Mtun" ilftmal 'Sl1 u'"• t~·fi) 'Sa-.IOllpll Coltit11. -Paul Dautl1s, Grlct Ktlly. · I Ctortt Sindtts. -~· . .... . . * .,,.. . *• . ~ STAR CLIP THIS AD AND SAW T.V. $7.50 RCA OH YOUI Nm SllYICI CALL lOfMr IEiCll ... Mff JI, lMI SAUS l SHYICE ZENITH f'or ~ a lltlltto .. Servo: 642-9742 MOON MULLINS IEE·~!f! i~SSEO • COURTSlllP LETTERS Of Yo<Jl'S ARE $0 SWGST, 50 ,, - SE:NTrMENTA.L, ~ :;s so-- TUMBLEWEEDS I DON'T WANT VER BREAD! I WANNA KNOW WHY NOBODY LIKES ME? MISS PEACH YOU IN5U1.1EO ME, IRA_, ANO J OON'T KNOW WH~~R Oii NOT 70 PUNCH YOU SL.ACK ANO 8U.Jli l'Oft. IT, Ht:1, l<ITl')'·· JOU STILL GOT ALL '!HOS!' leTTEl'S l WROTE YA F•DM SUMMEI' CAMP? LIL MAYBE IT1S VER QUICK TEMPER' ... M<l srou- PILJN~ Am.«1c MISS/1$5? I " . _D . ' rM OOIN(> TO 'IHINK ...OUT IT -wesnE WITH MY CON5CJ!NCE, so ros~AK. .. .. " ,. Ii H i' :I By Harold Le Doux av nlE WAV, I'M MAYING 501o\E FUN WITH ~OLP FRIEND! l W1'WT YOU TO CALL TH l5 NUNiee«! A wotMN Will AN5WB! POW'r GIVE YOUR NAME •. J'UST ASK FOii: ALAN.' AC.T AS THOll6H vou 're UP5Er THAT ME ISNT HOME! By Ferd Johnson \:::;~~ '%'>-.. '• ;IU. ·, ESPEC(AU.Y Of 'THE ONE Wml 'EM? "THE' "TURTL~ ' (Nor. By Tom K. Ryan OH VEH?! NOBOPV CAI.LS ME A HOTHEAP AN' GETS AWAY WITH IT!..:VOU TAKE THAT BACK OR 'IOUU BE RUSBIN' ELBOWS WITH THE MOl.£S! ro>JIT 1').o. !UI' Me AIJOllT s.AJJ 6ABV.' ' -~ By Mell ""'~"" H~R KNOWS CONSC.ll!NC.E A LOT HASN"'l" t:.OT- OF HOL.05 ... A C.HANCI! ... • " ·-I I ; ' • )·1f ,..,,- • ru.11ro1, *'"' 2', '~ . FAITH -Sammy Davis · Jr. guest stars tonight with Peggy Lipton and the rest of the ""Mod Squad'" at 7:30 p.m. 1>n Channel. 7. Davis plays a militant priest. suspended from the. church, who ts threat~ ened by a man be once heard confess to a murder. TELEVISION VIEWS Little Plot In 'Bronson' By CYNTHIA LOWRY _ NEW YORK (AP) -""Then Came Bronson.". NBC's two-hour "World Premiere" broadcast Morr day night presents one of this season's, great m ysteries. Not the program, which seemed pretty formless and defied categorization. But the network's de- cision to turn it into a weekly series for next sea-- son. The program, shot as a pilot, suffered a acute.. Jy from the problem found in so many of the "World Premiere" shows -too little plot and too much time to fill . THE IDEA FOR the series is that Bronson ls a young San Francisco newspaper reporter who, shaken by the suicide of a friend, quits bis job to roam the country and "find himself." With the motorcycle inherited from his dead buddy he starts out. That's the beginning of the pilot and the future format -a different place and a ne\V adventure every week. After all , that worked for "Route 66" for several seasons. First thing Bronson encountered \Vas a beauti· ful girl in a bridal costume on the Pacific shores tossing gown, veil , corsage into the waves. WELL, OF COURSE the two distressed people joined forces -on a motorcycle built for one. After that the most exciting clement in the rambling, leisurely sequences that follo\ved was the scenery. The show was filmed on location in some stunning country. Oh, th,e boy and girl quarreled a bit. He won a motorcycle hill·climblng contest. Somebody stole that machine and rode it into a river. He skidded on an oil slick and landed in a ho spital. There were no heavies, no fights, but by the end of two hours the ~irl someho\v found herself and went home - -presumably to the bridegroom she had left waiting at the altar. And our hero rode grimly off::.to next season's adventures. M'1cHAE'l 'PARKS in the title role is an attracN tive young actor but lvas called upon to do little more than look thoughtful. speak -often inaudibly -and start the motorcycle. The pace of the pilot is indicated by the fact that the runaway bride was encountered within the first five minutes of the shO\\' and neither the hero nor the audience knew even her name until almost two hours later. The diaJogue was as predictable as tt \Vas laconic, The girl gazed soulfully at the bay and sud· denly murmured "thank you." "WHAT FOR?" Bronson asked. "Ju$t for being you," .she said. At another sparkling moment she asked "what about us?" "There is no us ," he teplied. "There is you and there is me." . Well, maybe by next September they \Yill have found something lively for Parks to do. Dennis the Menace I' ' • DIMES TO DOLLARS Sp•"' e;'"''• ..... , 411•11•"· c.11 642 .5671 fer htlpi with 1n S... ••p•n•l•e, u1r1.flr1 DA ILY PILOT Dlmt·t ·Lin1 ei . • Jf W..Y PILOT Eif•t Lifetime Bnu UCI Swimmers Pointed To NCAA · Tests All Year EARL GUSTKEY Head coach Al Irwin knew Ilia tum had a great shot at the champkmhip before departing fat the east coast but be was cagey early last week and would .. , only, "I'll be ml dllappointod u we 're not ip the top four." "That'• wby our w~lo.u record in the dual meets wasn't too good (s.5)," 1nrin SIJI. "We were racked Up by USC, UCLA, San Diego State and Cal State <Lao& Mesa Rallies For 3-1 Win Over Gauchos SA.i'l DIEGO -Bill Noon gave Up runs in the seventh and eighth innings Monday as the Saddleback Colleee d~ ped a 3-1 baseball verdict to San Diego Alesa Olymp.iam in San Diego. The Gauchos wert Cruls1ng along tied at 1-1 with the Mesans wiW the back-ti> back tallies. Ed Eag" knocked in the tying run for Saddleback in the s.iith inning as the third baseman fol.kri\·ed catcher Don s~·eeUand '1 double with bis own two-bag- ger. In the eighth stanza, the Gauchos threatened to break the game open as they loaded the bases with two outs <ln two fielding errors and a fielder's choice. However Eagle, in a bid for mcn runs batted in, rued to center I<> end !be rally. Centerfielder Scott Longnecker belted out two singles in four trips fOl' the Josi.ng Gaucbm, u did Noon. Noon allowed seven safeties in his eight innin( stinL Along with that he struck out 10 Olympian hitters. Coach Doug Fritz' troops travel to Grossmoat Wednesday in an effort to get back on the winning trail by way of a vickry over the Grilfins. 5......a 111 ...... 11H 0.rbyinl,.., lb 4 O O o N•l-.Jb 4000 Lon.,..a.,.,(14121 S"'"'killd. " • I I O STiii*, n 2 • 0 I E•Gki. )ti 2 t 1 1 ,. ........ 102 0 w1ui.m1, M J t I • Vldc,r'I JOOO Tcrt111 Xl111 5MDi.,.Mef.I CJ) ... a1111 J l I I • l I I 4 • • • • • 2 1 l • • 0 • 0 • 0 2 0 I I , 0 0 0 a I I 0 1 0 1 I a r..iiw, u Mc:Ehw, M Cr1ie, lb ~.lb 11.ldrlch, cf c-. rt "''""· Jb Colllno, < Eprttlf!, • ._,, d Tol1l1 " a ' ' kPrf ..,. lllllllltl • • • GOO 001 •-1 7 2 100 00 11-J 1 2 Spirits Soar Budl). bot '" :± ... preparing all !ht time." lnrill and hil ~ Ed Newland, used up on the workout !ICbedule two Sa-ys ago and by !ht time !ht UC! 11riuuD<n urlved In Springftald U>ere ...... boldlnl them bock. * * * LAGUNA DEPr. -Llpu ~·, S&tft •IHI :maa ree&ved:'• ....... --1-..-, ---(;Md..,_,,. ~-·-··· u.1 .. nt11 • "' ......... -Or.age Coui ... ployer alm.Uarty ...._.. w• Watmiui:a-'1 all- CJ.Fer, Darryl Bus. Lapa• ·--Bal .._ ... Wa aplMat, N-8end:l, wl8 Jene aMrtlJ fw tliie ..,._al cw:bn' eoa-- vuU. at Allulk: at,, H.J. lftm a.ere. A.tbu "m p .. New Vert Qty for a uu...t wt coaferemee. .. --.. ....-. Jt.f foolbsll .....,; .._ la abo a occompllsiled ortflt. * * .* NEAR·MISS DEPT. -That Gary ZelJer who played for Drake against UCLA lut week is the wne Gary Zeller who played !or Long Beach City Collqe last .seuon and the wne Gary Zeller wm aJmoot matriculated to UC! instead of Drake. * TRACK DEPT. -Newport Harbor ffip•a laq l=P reeerd la (oblC eo it.I !WI year DOW. Dfl rtHfd, ZZ feet and • UU lacll, wu Id la JMC by Sam FecJtm•n "'ldck are Ute eldest of Oru~ Cou- ty•• WP tcHol &net re c • r d 1 ? A••Mhn'• Mar juap mart et D-8% wa aet ta ltM ud. Nerta. BIP'• sprtat recwda were set tliie same year. * * * MARATHON DEPT. -Those E!tancia Hl&b School baaicetball playeri who set out Frida,y to play 50 consecutive hours pooped out at 10 a,m. Saturday. Elapsed time -20 hours. * * * ALUMNJ DEPT. -Former DAU.Y PILOT part d.me 1port1wrltt.r Steve Fl::ovim ii DO" •tknd.lnJ the Air Force's Vletu..mue lupqe lldtool at Fort Bllu, Tu. * * * BASEJIAU, DEPT. -The U C Rivers!de baaeball tournament this seuon is even more prestigious than UCR'1 first two productions. On hand this lime for the Matth 31-Airil 5 rvent will be Brigham Young, Delaware. lllloob. Indiana, Miasi.!lippi, UCLA, USC and UCR. * * * RUMOR DEPl'. -Witt 11 the Oranre Cout aru cosc" who 11 1trlckea trilh kJtptoman.la 1etnre1 al Liie mere 1t1bt el a ball pol.al pea? Baseball New Yorlc (A) 7. New York (N) 3 Washington 5, Atlanta 1 Boston 9, Pittsburgh I Montreal I, Yankee "B's" 1 Phl.ladelphia 2, Houston 2 Seattle 3, Cleveland I San Francisco 5, San Diego 3 Chicago (N) 5, Oakland 2 Court Ruling Moves Ali To Comeback in Poetry DENTON, Ter. (AP) -Former world heavyweight chem.pion Muhammed Ali sounded like Cassiw Clay Friday night, knocking out Joe Frazier in poem. Ali, formerly Clay, might get a chance to enact the poem if his conviction for refusal to be drafted is reversed. The SUpreme Court ruled Monday that Ali's case should go back tn a lower fe<leral court to check for possible illegal eavetdropping. He delivered a lengthy poem at North Teras State which depicted AU knocking Frazier into ort>il Ali said the faM never drtamed they 'd witness "the launching ol a colcx-ed satellite.." 1n his lecture , All ·p-eached MWllim beliefs in black-white separatism. AJthough AU preaches against violence, he said bo1ing is not the sort of violence he m:eans. "Boxing is nothing like "ar. There's no gwu:, cold lteel or .. 1111 .. ,, .. Ali said. -r On Marks for Beach Cities Meet Chris White, queen for Saturday's Beach Cities Invitational track meet at Newport Harbor High School, gets ready to time Newport's Darryl Blood and Jeanne Bush in pre-meet practice. The annual Bane Fans 16 1:- affair will include varsity, Bee, Cee and girls competition for 10 cbasta1 area high schoo1s. ll geL.s unu.;1 .... , -· ~ ................ ___ ,. ··-· running final is at 1: 30. Baseball Bizio Speeds To Mark But Lions, Diablos Chalk Up Standings Densham Wins Ron Bitio of Bell!lower set a new Orange County International Raceway track record of l&t.23 mile! an hour Saturday evening but still lost the AA-gas eliminator tiUe to Gary Densham cf Downey. Denabam drove his 19'l7 model T Ford to the UUe w:lth a near record performan- ce of a.n secondJ at 163.04 mph in the finals lo down Bilio. EarlJer in the night Bitio bad back·lo- back rtllU of 164.23 to break Pete Hill 's 16-month-old raceway mark Of 163.63 mph. Sklp Hess of Arcadia just missed eras- ing lhe ex.isling AA-gas elapsed time record of 1.66. He clocked an 8.65 but could not mll!ter the required 1 percent backup time. Ed Terry of Hayward swept the super stock field, driving a Mach 1 Ford MustB11g 120.32 mph in the final race for the eliminator title. This Saturday 40 top fue l and funny car drivers will be competing for $.1500 first place prize money and the title of all·pro. Assured of spots on the program arter preliminary races which were held De<:. 29 and Feb. 9 are Tom P.1cEwen, Steve Carbone, Larry Dixon, John Mulligan and Benny Osborn in the top fuel division. Sixteen other drivers are eligible to qualify for lhe three remaining starling positions. In the funny car field will be Don Shumacher, and Richard Siroonian. The other six starting positions will be con- tested for by 18 drivers during Saturday's qualifying. Baseball Standings w l ca .. -. ' ' ' ' ' t ~ r~ ' ' "' ' ' ' l J Jl'I t ' •Vt 2 • ll't ' ' ' 7-1 Wins;. Eagles Lose Eddie Bane, the soothpaw whiz from Westminster High School, turned Jn another brilliant performance Monday as the Llon.s dumped Htmtington Beach. 7·1, in Sun.set League baseball action Monday. P.fission Viejo tripped Foothill by the identical score 7-1 in a Crestview League game, and Estancia Jost. a S-1 decision to Magnolia in Irvine loop play. Bane, who is only a junior, whiffed 16 Oiler ballers and gave up two hits in seven innings of work. The only run allowed was unearned as his mates com- mitted eight errors in the field. . The Lions b~ the game open m the top of the first, scoring three runs W..s,,,,111slff 111 1b r a r1ll li..,t>H, c.:lb 4 l 1 1 McDoll1IO, rf l 0 0 0 M. s..n<IWL rf 1 0 0 0 Oedrlrt, lb f I I I Wtllt r, l>fl 1 o O I !>lr.~r.711 0000 P. McCr!nY, cl! 0 2 1 Mack, lb 1 0 0 0 J. Sal'ldlti, lb I 1 1 O w. McCrtnr, If 2 0 1 1 MembrU1. ph 1 O O I M11M, <-OJ • 2 • 1 Ho01n,u 1000 Citndll'"I• ]lb 1 1 I I ll8M,P •OI O ""'"....,,.. ••Kii c 11 .. , .... Mu<Pl'IY. 20 • I 0 0 McOown, d 2 O 0 0 Horvll, p l 0 O O 8er11,u JOOO RulLP<I J020 5ymom,M 10 00 WMtti.IO, ]lb 1 0 0 0 E1t1er,rf JOOO C~ldwell, lb J 0 0 0 Tyler, c I 0 0 0 Stl!1tr, c I 0 0 • Ryder, ph l 0 O 0 e udllnd, If o o o o Tolll$ l1 7 11 I Totah k ..... , lllfll~•· Wf,$fmln•ltr Hunlitlll!Oll ll•Kll "' ,. , ... ••• 1 -I 12 I O -I 2 J EJ1111c11 UJ Ml-II• f5l ••••rM •••111111 !;>vrWllt, rt l l I 0 f'looll, 1~ J I I • \l•l~t,Jb 3021 Wtli.fr,11 3 1 00 Pll'!Wll, lll ~ 0 I 0 P1n;ou•, rt 1 I 0 0 ltmlli,lb •01 0 Henry,< 3 110 Pow1rs, ~ 1 O O I 111.yNI•, cl l 0 O O cornui.f) I! l 0 0 0 LOl'IGntd<r. lb J 1 I 0 P~lr, ct l 0 0 Gr"n, JD 1 1 1 &ull..,.-0, ss 1 1 D Omer, 1 l 0 1 lostlh, I> l I I k ltlilll111, K 1 • 0 T1l1l1 t1 1 6 t Ttl•lt ll I I keA llrJ 11111111•1 ' .. lll!t0001 -2tl Cl!ODJ 11 -S7J 1< .. 111m 111 Mlsslel Vlelll 111 ... _.... ···~"' Jtd-. ss 4 I I I Halmt'I, d l I I l Miiien, ct l I I I ~1lro, Jb 3 I 1 1 l l1Qli091, lf'i! l • 1 • GtrdMr, II ' G r J Hof!, tf • t 0 0 Gr1J, < l 0 I I 5"'1111, ,; • 0 I 0 H•11". ll l 0 0 0 on a twD-run triple by Phil PtfcCartney and a followu p single by brother Will ?.-fcCartney. Doug Milne had a perfect day at the plate for the Lions going four.for-four a..nd scoring two runs. Greg Ruiz collected. the only two hits Huntington Beach could manage off Bane. Rudy Holmes and Tom Gardner drove In three runs apiece as Mission Viejo stormed lo its second straight Crestview League win. Holme:s chased home Mike Hickey and DeMis Hannaford with a single in the second inning to push the Diablos in front 2-1. Bob Blacklidge, the Foothill hurler, issued five walks sandwiched between two outs for one unearned run in the fiflh and then Gardner cmpied the bases With a booming double. Tom Berce went all th e way for the vi ctory giving up sir hit.5 and fanning .seven batsmen. Estancia's Eagles could muster only t·1ro tallifl, both coming in the third inning against Magnolia. Tom Bullard opened up with a single and Dick Durante then walked. Botlt runners adva nced on a fielders rt..~ice and scored on a base hit by ~ 1nd baseman Steve Vatiere to temr 1·ily knot the score at 2-2. However, the Sentinels pushed across a run in their half of the third and t.,,,·o more in the sixth. Bulla.rd had an even two-for-two day for the Eagles. Sports in Brief l"llllWAY Ll.AGUI • l Owoll ' Burno ""' ' k..,,M<ly ' Fullerl~n ' Sunny Hllli ' S••~nn• ' Troy ' " Habr1 • M-1y•1 ke,..t Troy 7, Fullerton S S•~•nl'UI 1, konntdy J Bven1 Part. .._ Sunny Hilll 1 ORANGE Ll!AGUE • Sod<ll.O.d ' l 0$ Amigos ' " ,,,_ ' k•l•ll• • ValP!Kil • llrta • Sonora • M-•Y'• 5nr1 S..ddltbtcil 5, Br11 J IRVIPU!. LI.I.GUI. • Magnolia ' Coro''" tlf! M~r ' ' . Fountain Vellty ' " ' ' "'" • MlndlY'S SCI ... M1;nolla t Esl•ncl1 2 l ""•Y'$ Guna (OSl8 MHa •I lO'lrt M8sno1i. I t CDrOlll Otl M•r E•tar11;i1 11 Fountalf! V1ll1y SUNSET LE.I.GUI • N•WPOrl Harb<»" ' llnl~tim ' SonTd '"' ' W9!.tMn ' Wo1Tm1nl!or ' Mor Ina • San Id '"' Vall•y • Hunrlng!on Bt•c~ • ~..,,,Sn,.. Wt•ln1lns!fr J, Hun!lneton 8e1cl't ' l..,1y'1 G•mt• SAnt1 ""-~t An~htlm M.lrlna 11 H""llng""' e .. c1t Wntm!nlltr 11 NewPort Sant• Ane V1llty ., Wtt!mln1ter CREITVllW LI.I.GUI: w Minion Vlt lo ' " MllOen1 ' V1lld Par~ ' Foo!hlll ' L•g11<11 , ... ~ • "" c1emtntt • Tvstln • Or.ngt • Tl'flY't Slll!Q FOOll!ilt 11 Ul;!f.ln• VIII• Pl<t •t Sin ci ......... Tvstln 11 El Mod1n1 Or1119t 11 MIUlon Vltfe Ed'wtt11t. 1b l O I O L•lllifr. lib 2 l 1 o N""ldtl. lb 1 0 0 0 Hlc•P¥, rt G I 0 0 ~" lb o a o o P~8vY. 11 1 o a o \lanOorGi«h,:lll 1 O 1 o Mortno. rt O 1 0 0 Jtn'fn, t 1 O 1 O H1nn1'°'1:1. u 1 1 I O S1>l•tr.1>11 1000 e .. a ,p 1 100 Roche, Laver Favored ToTol) 11 I ' 0 Tollll Jl S 7 1 kert llrJ 1111-.. • •• 1•••-11 1 0200051-IJl ' •• • ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' ' ' •• • • " • " ' '" ' , ... ' ' • ' •• • ' • I • ' , ' ' ' •• • • • • ' • ' ' ' ' ' "' L •• • • • • • ' ' ' '" ' '" ' ,,, ' •• Ali was quic;k to grasp the implications. "I'll meet with my lawyer in Ch.icago In about three d~y1 to ~an our move," he said Mond1y night, He spoke at a Black Arts Festival at North Tens State University. "U the conviction is overturned and Frazier offers, I'll fight." Ali said. 1'l'm about UI pounds now -20 pounds over my fighting wetatrt. But I'd be ready by Sept.ember." Alworth Threatens to Quit In New Y 01·k Tom·ney NE\V YORK -The $25.000 Madison Square Garden Challense Trophy Open Tennis Tournament opened today with Tony Roche, Rod Laver of Corona del Mar and Arthur Ashe seeded In I.hat order. BOSTON -The Bollton Patriots traded Nick Buoniconti, live-time All-American Football League middle linebacker. to Miami and 1968 All.Star cornerblck Leroy lttitchell to Houston Monday in a palr of mulUple-player deals. All singled out Fr81ier, skipping names of other eontenders like Buster Mathis, Jerry Quany and Jimmy Ellis, ''Frazier Is the name," AU said. AU sajd he's about l300.000 in debt, mostly in legal fees. AlJ spend~ most o( the lime on the roed ln his Cadillac now, complelfl with atereo tapes Ind te.levisioo. "I'm welting on my '69 model now," ht said. Wben not on the road, he lives In Chi-caco. A former HOUiton. Tn., rutdtnt., All says he lJ eventually build' a home tbtn!. lie l1lo said the AatTodoml. would be a J>OOllbl< Ali·Frui<r fl"'1 sll< U ht 1' able to ttrume bot.in&. ·-.-n wou.ldn"t matt.tr •ht~. If we found • pllce f« to millkm (to witch Ute lip!) we'd gd 10 million. A ~ of ~ -'<! pay I<> ,.. me '" beat. too, you knoW," All said. SAN DIEGO tAP) -Lance Alworth, I.be favorite target of John Hadl's puses lhe pasl seven yeara, may cut hLs pro football caretr short if Hadl leaves the San Dlego Chargen nert week. "I think John's Je.vlna: definitely wou1d have some effect on my decision," Alworth i&1d Monday. "I'm dermttely going .. play thll ,..,. but after thAt depends on what happtDS." "I feel lJke maybe J have four good years lert. I want to play as lon1 as l can.. Bul I want to make my Jut years good ones, and the quarterba.clr ii going to have a bearln1 on whether l pl1y or not." Dt1plte Nt.tmtnl& mede by Gene Klein, prtsldtnt cf the ,Jtam, the Ch&rten have to hope Hadl will again be the quarttrba .. k this suson. l!_ut a •·eek from today, Hadl beco~1 T rree agent. He .,.played out his option 1tith the • AFL team last seuon and on April I becomes eligible to make a deal for hlmsclf. Of course, he still can sign with the Chargers, bu t Al worth doesn't think he will. "I'm sure he would ha\·e before." lhe AFL's pass-catching champion said in an interview. "But it's gotten to the point that now, slnct Insults have been passed both ways, there's not much going for him here except the guys oo the club." "I don't think they'll resol\'e ii. J've talkM to John quite often, and he's said he'll come back to San Diego only il they give him what he wants. He·d like to pl1y, but ifs hard to play ror IOmeont who doesn 't think you al'! worth much." "I wl!h It hadn't happened, If it hadn'l. \l.'e mlght have a good chance of 1i111Jng him.'' Tht Charger nanker referred to the recent exchange between Klein and Hadl, "John is an e:rcellent quarterback, but he's no Joe Namath by any stretch of the imagination,'' Klein was quoted as saying. "I may not be any Joe Namath," Had! retorted. "but Klein's no Sonny Werblin." The quarterback and the president reached an impasse over 11adl's desire for a $15,000 loan to go with a three-ye•r contract worth about $60,000 • year, Now. Had! is just walling for ne:rt Tuesd;iy, "I don't think he'll do anything right away," said Al worth. "1 think he's wilted • long lime all it i5. He doem't have lo hurry into it. He'!i got three or four months in wh ich he can negotiate and make up his mind about where ht really wants lo go. So t don't think ht'll jump into anything right away." 11Urty-tv.·o players, both an1ateu r and profel.!.ional are competing in the e\·ent. Roche fices Brian Fairlie in the opener, Laver meets CiW RJchey and Ashe goes against Gene Scott in tonight's matches ending today's 16-match opening ussion. The winnet will receivt-$5,000 in Satur- day night's finals. ...... LOS ANGELES -n. Los Anrtlea SWI ml)' ben: raede &belr bll J>CIS• ... lata. The Amerlcu BasketblJJ AhOdaUon'1 yoan1n1 leam -ln pel111 of txbteace and 11e of pla7en -lakes Oft lndlana'1 Pattf1 httt tonight looktn1 ftr Its seventh victory la t:lgltt pmes. Tht Stlf1 mwl t•ldi 011:lla1 for a playoff apol and the Cllapamll ire $,, games abtad of Lot Ailptq.. The Pats got quarterb1ck Kim Ham· mood, line.backer John Bramlett and an undisclosed draft choice from Mlami for Buonlconti. Houston gave up cornerbaclr l..anJ Carwell, flanker Charley Fralier, running back Sid Blanks and linebacker Ron Caveness in ttcbange for Mltchell and an undlscl<Rd Bollton draft choice. ....... LAS VEGAS -Mike P1trlck and PllU Bowus, both of Pemon1, were the leaderi In Ute motorcyc:le tla11 ltdl$ rota& bi'° tH flu.I JOI miles of ... second unu.I A11._1 "4t0" Del Webb o. .. rt nil}. .. ..... BROOKLINE, Mw. -O.lendl"I cbamploe Roel Laver of Coroa1 dtl !\far heeds a flekt of II lop Pf1>' named to toft'lpek hi lite annual U.S. Pro T.- Champfon1hlps 1t Longwood Jul1 t-JS. I --·------·-----. . -· ----~·--- T"'417, Mn :!!, 1'16'1 DAILY I'll.IT Jf County's All-Staf Cage Classic Is Off By GLENN WlllTE Of ... DAllJ ,, ... SllH Orange County'• annual high 1ehool allclar basketball game wlU be sbelYed this 7ear, the DAILY PILOT IHrned ocluslvel)' today, because ol a tragic mlscut oo the part ol Bud frankUn, who wu hand1in£ organiza~ of the 5th annua: summer classic \for the 1poMOring Costa Men Uons Club. Franklin, in hi11 first year as game chairman, was supposed to have sub- mitted a formal request for sanction <Ji the 1969 contest to the National Collegiat. AthleUc A>sociatlon (NCAA) l)eadquarltn lo Kwaa City, Mo., by Mardi t(. But he aays he somebow bad it in mind that the application did not have to be in until the following week and when be sat down to fill out the papers oo March 18, be di'®vered the mistake. He immedlatdy telephoned lbt NCAA office seeking to recUfy the m"Or. But he was told that there was no alternative for late cerWication requests and that sanctlon for this year's county tUf could not be granted. The cutoff date is Iron-clad a1 far as the NCAA Is coocerned. Any •J> pllcaUon re«Jv~ after March 14 Is Yoid and l'fCtiyes no consideration for ....:uoa. And wilhout that okay the aU"'4' 1ame would become a maverick iro- ducUoo and any partlclpat!Qg p1',y<r would outon\lltloally forfeit hla lint )'<Ir of varsity eligibility should he attend an NCAA member ICbooL A t.lephone call to NCAA repr<aer>- taUve Warren S. Brown at naUooaJ bead.- quarters revealed there waa no cow-se of appeal for the Orange 'County game -"they'll just have to wait until oen year and re-apply for certification,': he told the DAILY PILOT. Thettfort, Ille areat Oraac• Cout area ?u.e to perform -lnclltdlni Brad start like Roy Mill<r and Mike c..treras McNamara of S\lruly Hllll, Sol> Shtrwin (HunllngtM Beach), CI>ri. Thom-ol Kai.no, Cnntnru and Miller . (Corona del •Mar), Jeff Power 1 Franklin wu IO dirtrau&ht over the (We1lmlnster) and Eric ChrlsWllen (San mistake thal be oflered lo f>'1 all C06tl Clemente) will not have the-prtviledge for a telepbonlc poll of aPJX'Oval com- of partJclpatLnt in what has come to mlttee mtmberl ot would nen Oy to be a highly regarded 1ame. Mluourl at bla .... UP""" to hand And coachts Elmer Combe (Hun-deliver lht neceaaary do<ulnent>. tington) and To'1l Danley ( Kat.Ua), But lllCh mov" were all nixed by fOl'1!go the chance of coacblng the Sooth Brown, who reiterated the NCAA stand and North cooUn1<Dll· -10 mlnut.a lato with lbt appU..tloo Too1 the cont.lnually growing legion and no deal of fans attending the Wt at Orange "It (late appllcailon) blppens evt:ry Coast CoUe1e will m.lsl out on one of year,11 Brown aald. "We lll!nd cut· the Ille rlchut llfOUPI ol talenl ever in lnformatioll in plen(J of Ume to be returned by the dtad1IDt ~ An4 *'"" lht commlti.emeu meet cmly -• year and come from all -ll the country, tt'• ~ to -UY lat. NquW fO< certlllcltlon." Tbt NCAA 1t.pped lnlo the pldlft of alktar pme. control aenral ,.... aao when such endeavan· rot CIUt cl control becauae anedy pn>molen. wso explo!Ung the blgh acbool performon. Thia year lbt Nt:M 1av. •-al lo II aU-atar cooi..ts -:l'I for football and nine for buketball. Calllornla, Oblo, Kentucky, lndl-Arbou, Oblo, Orqon and Ottlhoma are tho 111"'9 boldlnt bubtllaU dube:t. 15,076 See Livsey New Quarry • Ill Line for occ Joh Cage Rout Buster NEW YORK (AP) -His trunks were 'i;hock lng plnk, not Kelly green, but Jerry Quarry's face 11 a map of Ireland and he fought big Buster Mathis as if he were using a shillelagh and not a pair of boxinc gloves. There also was a definite &hamrock twinge to the crowd emotion as the throng of 15,076 roared approval at Quar~ ry's new slam-bang, almost defiant style and derided Mathis' inept performance in the 12-round heavyweight fight Monday night at Madison Square Garden. The 23-year-old La Palma, Calli., bomber, a 12-5 underdog who was spot- ting the 6-foot-3, 234'h-pound Mathis two inches in height and 38\t!i pounds, dominated the fight fro m the opening bell. Quarry battered the head and body of tbe Grand Rapids, Mich., giant with heavy rights and lefts to the body and head, dropping Mathis lo his right knee wilh a Jong right in the second rou nd. Math.is got up at two and took the mandatory eigbt count. Quarry sbowed complete disdain for Math.is' punching and even taunted him in the 11th round by dropping his hands to his sides and sticking out his jaw. Judges Tony Castelano and Jack Gordon each awarded Mathis on1y the a.ixth round and called the seventh even. Referee Johnny Colan gave l\1athis the fourth and sirth and called the fifth even. The Associated Press gave every round to Quarry. The lopsided triumph probably earned Quarry a shot at Joe Frazier, the five- 1>tate heavyweight champion. Asked about when he would like to meet Frazier, Quarry said, "I haven't seen my wile and kids in six weeks. Give me a break first." Then someone at a post-fight news conference asked him if he would fight .Jimmy Ellis If the World Box1ng Associa· lion champion o!fered him a match tomorrow. "Yes," said Quarry who lost to Ellis in the final of the WBA elimination tournament to find a successor for the deposed Cassius Clay. Harry Markson, the boss of Garden box1ng, said, "We hope to make it a Frazier-Quarry fight in early summer. It is the bes( possible fight In many years and it has the best money potential in many years." NHL-Russian Hockey Matches Outlook Gloomy STOCKHOLM (AP) -The czar of International amateur hockey has iced speculation of a po5Sible match bet'ween National Hockey League stars and the crack national teams of Russia and Czechoslovakia. "Such games could not take place, under our rules, without my pennission,'' said John "Bunny" Ahearne, president (If the International Ice Hockey Federa- tion. "And I certainly wouldn't give my permission if a third party was trying to make easy money out of it." Ahearne's remarks Monday apparently were directed at Alan Eagleson, counsel to the NHL Player Association wbo is expected in Stockholm later this week for the windup of the World Amateur Championships. Eagleson reportedly is interested in promoting a tournament in Stockholm nert fall Involving NHL stars and amateurs from Russsia, Ciechoslovakia and Sweden. NHL clubs already have said they would not be. able lo spare players for such a meeting because it would be too close to the start of the NHL / season. LIVEWIRE LIVSEY -Exhibiting some of the normal symptoms of coaching basketball is Herb Livsey, the new Orange Coast College cage coach, who is shown here pacing before the bench at Costa Mesa High School, where be coached for three years. Livseys' ap-- pointment Is subject to approval by the college's board of tnlltees. Osteen Hopes LA Defense Has Improved Vallely Wins New Honor BRADENTON, Fla. (AP) -A man with a 3.08 earned run average deserves a better fate than a 12·18 major league pitching record. But that's ihe hole Claude Osteen dug for himself as a Los Angeles Dodger last year. "What happened," he explains, "is that the defense fell apart until the last si:r weeks of the season. I know this team is not going to score a lot of runs and I'm resigned to it." The first two times Osteen pitched last season set the mood for his "unlucky streak." He allowed two · runs and five hits In eight innings lo Philadelphia . The Dodgers didn't score. Then he allowed three runs in eight innings to Pittsburgh. The Dodgers didn't score. He· gave up one run in IO innings and got no decision. He pitched 71fl innings against New York and allowed only one earned run and the Dodgers didn't score. He gave up three rum in 81h innings against St. Louis but the Cards held the Dodgers to two runs. By mldseason, Claude Osteen was a relief pitcher. Has he shake n that role of the unlucky pitcher? Not yel ln 16 innings, he has allowed only five runs and his control has been better than last 9eason al th.is time. But he's 0·1. "It's a new beglnnlng tn 1969," he says philosophically. Alcindor Is Greatest-West LOS ANGELES (AP) -Jerry West, v.·ho plays alongside the greatest &corer in National Basketball Ass oc I at ion history, calls Lew Alcindor "the greatest basketball player I've ever seen at this stage," "It'll take him about 10 exhibition games to learn how to play the way they do here." said West after UCLA's 7-foot·l ~!z Alcindor was named Southern Stars on Bench. California player or the year Monday by the Southern California Basketball Writers Association. It was the third straight time he's won the honor. "I think he has an unllmlt.ed future. And he won't have to score points to be valuable," saJd tht 6-foot-3 guard ol. the Los Angeles Lakers. "He's yery unselfish." West and high-scoring Wilt Cham· Pro Cage Controversy NEW YORK (AP) - A rouple of unused Bullets triggered action from the commissioner's office and a war of words between BaJtimore and the New York Knicks today as a prelude lo their upcoming National Basketball Associa- tion playoff batUe. NBA Commissioner Walter Kennedy . disclosed he has asked the Bullets for a report on why Coach Gene Shue started five reserves against Philadelphia Satur- day night and rested highscoring Earl Monroe and Kevin Loughery. The Bullets clinched the Ea!tm1 Division title Friday night. Tht 76ers' 116-108 victory over the Bullets the next night -minus Baltimore's two top gum ~nabled Philadelphia to nail down the n1nner-up spot when New Yor\: lost lo Los Angeles Sunday night. "It's just a plain fact in sporta that you play your first string,1' complained Knlcks' President Ned Irish. Knicks General Manager E d d i e Donovan said BalUmore's strategy will gjve the KnJckJ "more inci!ntive" when the two clubs open a best-<>f-7 semifinal playoff series in B1llimore Thursday night. Shue isn't buying that. "1 don't really think an explana.Uon it necessary," he said at hi! Baltimore office. ''I nm the team as I choose." "Monroe bu bad knees and needs all the rest he can get," Shue pointed out. "Loughery had a groin pull and we've been taking a doctor on the road with us the last month to give him cortisone and novocalne shot.A. It's Jm- J>OSSlble for him to play without ~·" berlain, named Southern California'• top pro player, led the Lakers to a 55-27 reeord and tht Western Dlvls1on Ut!e this season. The writers named UCLA forward Curtis Rowe, Southern Cal guard Mack Calvin, UCLA guard John Vallely ot Newport Beach and Long Beach State forward Sam Robinson on the all· Southern California team with Alclndor. Coach John Wooden told the writers his Bruin team played very well for three games and 37 minutes in four NCAA games leadJng to their third suc- cwive national title. "But those last three minutes In the Drake game, I have to take the blame for that," said Wooden. The Bruins beat tbt upstart Bulldogs · auJ bul hekl a 12·polnt lead with three minutes to play. Drake stole numerous passet and scored l l straight points before two free tbrows by Lynn ShackeUord after the clock had run out. "OUr two best cuards, Kenny Heitz and John Vallely, hsd fouled oul and they just happen to be our most con- sistent free throw lhooters, too ," Wooden said. "l don't believe either one fouled out in any of the 28 previous games." Wooden said He.it.r: did a &ood job defensively against Purdue's Rick Mount In the 92-72 victory Saturday ovtr the Boilermakers. Who's on First? Don't Ask Rigney "I know Mount seortd 28 polnts but he missed a lot ol ahotl," Wooden uld. "He itz .dki a good job on him at the sides and when Mount came neartr the basket, Lew is WP there." Mount, the Purdue All-American tuard who 1veraged ll'Kn than SS polntl per game tbls seuon , w1s only U of • from lht field snd miPed 14 otralghl abott in the first half. PALM SPRINGS, C.Uf. (AP) -The r1t1t baseman ii the m•n who nonnally gets most of the put outs in a game bot manager em Rigney of the California An&els isn't worried about hJs fim bUe prospecta' d<f..Wve ablUU... Wttina: ls his worry 1nd the man or men who can hit the ball best may get the startlni fJrst baae job for the American League team. And there •tt three or four who could do the job for Rigney. ''Tom Sabiaoo has beftl • consistently good hitter against southpaws." Rlgnty said. "Bob Chance hits well a g a I n s t righthanders. It's aomethlng worth think· Ing about." Young Tom Egan ls the regular catcher right now and he's hlWng close to .400. If he keeps thAt up and earns the starting catching job, Satrlano, a catcher by profession,. will be free to play first for Rigney, the manager's rtasonlni goes. Chance, then, would get the nod against right -handed pitchen and S a t r I • o o aga lrl!t tbe lefties. The big question mark, though, is the hilting ablJlty ot formtt sluggu and now journeyman Dick Stuart - a man who hit 66 home runs Oflf: stuon In a mlnor league uniform. The 36-year-old Stuart, now 1 free 11gent with the Angels, hit 1 home run, double and oingle Saturday u lht Angels beat San Fr•neitco 7.J. lie ha1 major league first base o - peri<nce, having played for Pituburgh, Boston, Pblladelpbla, Ille New York Mets and tho Loo Angelt1 Dod&er•. Al 6-f~ and 110 pounds, be has the slu to play tint baae and lbt heft to hit the long ball. 'l1le que.tlon is: will he beat out the younger playtn. The Angels factd H1w11l In an a - hlbltlon hero today. ' Wooden commentM on the two defeats ln the Alclndor er1 -• 71_., lou Jut year al the bands of Elfin Hayet and the Houston COU1&r1, and a *44 def .. t to Soulhern Calllomll at the end ol thls year's regulsr Huon. 11Houston be1t us wlth a fut break and USC beat us with the slow down," Wooden stkf, .. '° t don't know whlclt Is better." . ' • Post Is His • Pending ·OK By Trustees By JOEL SCHWARZ Of ... -""' .... Herb Llvsey ls o~ ltep 1way from becoming Orange Coul College's IUth buketllaU coach in lbt achool '1 ll·yeor ealstence, tho DAILY PILOT learned exclusively today, The 32-yur-old IJvsey will be recom- mended for the position at Wedrwsday night's meeting of the OOC board al trust.es and P""llng that group's IJ> proval will succeed Bob Wetzel as bou of Pirate hope fortunes. Wetzel decided to quit in February, in the middle of a dl!appolntln& cam· palgn following two otralght Eut.m Conference cbamplooshlpi. The tru.i.es also are expected to oct on Llvsey's 1ppolntment as an En&lllh lnstructor at the eollege. IJvsey, who presently Is the held baskethaU coach ot Costa Meu HIP School, wu originally contacted· by the <»liege ' for Ille English pooiUon. Thea when the coaching poaiilon became v• cant, Ille <»liege decided to fill II without adding another member lo the phyldcal education department. The coaching job waa never open to anyone other than a member of the college 's faculty. Uvaey, who baa coached .t Costa Mesi (9r the Jut three yurs, believes In a qulcl<-lin!aldng Wm with• dladplln- ed ofrense and a pressure man-to-man defense. "You have to work witb the materill you have on hand, but if I have my choice my ~ wDl play the wne kind of bukethall Drake played 1galnlt UCLA in lbt NCAA tournament," ho aakl. "I want my team to loot tor the fast brat, but H they can't acore oft ol It tht!y should run our set offense. "You .don't always have your choice, however, La.st season at Costa Mtu: I went with 1 zone defenlt beclUM I aofy bad two kids who could play eood man-~man defen1e. ·"I'm going lo give 111 percent Ind I want my players to do the AJM, Success isn't built on loafing and playen on the college level must be totally committed and dedicated to a:lve that 110 percent effort. "I feel I can do the job," Uvsty said. "I've always bad 1ood rappcrt with kids. Tbt main problem the~ IJrat year will be changing the l)'ltem - from Wetze1'1 way of coachinJ: to m.lne." Livaey is a native of New Y ort where he attended Brlarcllff Ingll Scllool in Westchester Coon~. He WU gad\lated from Florida Southern Unlvenlty. His first coaching eiperience came In the summer of 1951 when he attended Bob Cousy's buketball camp and the Boston Celtic star asked him to stay for a dinic and htlp Tom Heinsohn, Bill Sharman and Wake ForHt coach Bones 11-!cKinney. Llvsey calll that clinic "the blqtst Wluence on my life." During the 1951-59 season he WU ust. tant basketball coach at Frostproof Hilb School Jn Polk County, Fla., and the following season was an uslstant coach at the University of Nevada, He became a head coach at Humboldt County High in Winnemucca, Nev., dur- ing the 195MO Ha.tOn and the next year assumed the varsity job at Del Oro Ing!> near S..crmiento. ln ~ five yean at Del Oro LiVlllf!y's teams had a 71-M record IDd won three league champlonshlpo. Livsey'1 1964-&S and 'IS-el teaml were undefeated in leape play aod ht wu named coach cl the yell' both teUOlll in U\e Pioneer Leallle. Livsey moved to Costa Mt11· lll&h for the Il6M7 teaaon and In hll three years 1t tbe helm of the MUstangs he hu a 26-U rt<:Ord . Monroe Deserved Award-Unseld • BALTIMORE -~ who blVe followed tho Baltlmon BulleU U>rou1bout their clwnplODlhlp ...... Jut! - hive come to reprd Westley Ullltld u a greatltman, and a VC'r"f aelf-etradnr one at that Thus, wbtn Unsold WU named MandQ the NaUooal U.sk<Ulall Allocl1Uon'I Most Valuable Pl.Iyer for 1 .... , It waa not llaprislng tbal UOltld would Ull tbal -die abould ... received the award. "I tblnk Eorl Monroe lhould bin won tt. I can tee tbe turnaround the Bullets wasn't all mt. It .. ltai'ted tut 8eason whe:n Earl was a rooklL" JI IWLY Pll.OT. '-• M11<• 2S, l 'l69 Tlaeater Notes Lido· ·Isle, SCR Open Larest Show~ By 1Uil TmJS N•wporl Boocli and Sa a plaJ'> llrst .Ugiag oul.side oli,==========.11 a•...,,....... c•--~ N y •~ -""•~ -• ol .. ou11;ane. eW' or ...... ~y. 1w-u.lol.I' ,,..,. """""" "LI Turilta'' IW'IHI• Friday tbe~I-llk• ~live at lb•lr ~r--to tbe -.. this weet u pa.rticula.r genre are tbe Udo and 1JllJ run. T h u r s d a y s In Ille Play"'' "Allain ot Uvoug)I SW>4ar.i on sub>e-tbe Ugllls 10 oP Qlola ,.,.., Slalo," a light polilical cOrn· quout ...... >!the Third Step, 'ody; South Coul llopenory's 11117 Newport Blvd., Costa HWI OYll ... WIU .. La Twist.a," a bit1ng U· fwtea. RelttvaUons art beln& OPIN 6:41 ~ta! commeolaey, and lakto al Ille llOI ollico, M6-CLIFF ROBERTSON the South Coul Lflht Opera Ila. CLAIRE BLOOM AssoO.aUon's "South Pacific," A benellt performance of _ I• _ an America.a -cWslc. "South Paclllc" lawiches the ''CHARL Rodg<rs and Hammerstein Y' I 1be Lido comedy opens musical · Friday, with other tonight and Niii lbtouJb _, Saturday undor the dlr<ellon ,.....onnanc<s planned I 0 r IN COLOR • Satunlay and Tu<oday lhn>u&h :.--of Ruth 7'fcCulley, who hat Saturday of ne%t week. KUU(oCX'Wa ,,. staged most ol lhe pnxluctlons John Fenaeca is directing, .,,.. .. =.r:.. for the island group. with Eugene Ober a:s musical ..,. 4 -.. -Perforrna.oces will be given director aod Lynne MOrris as .... ~ Alto "PRETTY. POISON" at the Lldo Isle Clubhouse, ""°""'lfapber. Mary Sulllvaa THE BROnlERHOOO ·coocans BLUt 701 Via Udo Sood, Newport and Dennis DulSimer play the _....,.._.,. [je Beach. Tickets may be reserv-romantic leaps of Nellie and·~~~~~~~~~~~ ed by ..rung' 115-2!15 or 673-Emlle. ' J; 6197~ lf~~~~~=~~~ll Starts Woclnetdoy • l!I ______ ,._j_ At South Coast Repertory, Sam Shepard's "La 'l'urista" XWD is the lint in a aeries of A I DI ()I erperimeatal eflorU, l1lllJlini ~ ·:.I 1::1:~ ·--.......... ... If ....... just three weekends at the Third Step '!beater. It's a West Coast premiere aod the & The. ~-7Academy ·Awards BEST PIOURE BEST ACTOR + BEST ACTRESS Peter O'T oole Katharine Hepburn BEST DIRECTION + BEST SCREENPLAY Anthony Harvey j;'~-~iJ;;;;- BEST MUSIC + BEST COSTUME DESIGN SCORE Margaret Furse John Barry ......... ,_.-..o_llll PEleR IOOHARINE ~~!I~ 1H€ UON IN WINTER--:-- a8MDIOlr'L-UNc:AS?U= TUIOtMY DW'Qtda:"' AJmlOHTBOnIMSL'CI:' ~JGD.srocu:r NJCa.1'DnS-1ili3Slriw.lx m;;"°&.LEVlN& U"dCOU>ll.lNiiilfotl'QU. ~BAIVL'T -::l;fdi°iMBAlll' ~= MAIL ORDERS NOW 1lCllTI lrt.1IO Oii SAU: Ar 50UTIIUJI CALIRlltlllA MUSIC CO., U1 JOUTM tlllL ST. MD AU. MllT\.W. rl(J((T AClNCIU O'tllmle 121·12 .. llf,.. MUflt ...... otfln i,.:aliooll DGJlllE ... caam IDINI SOT 111¥9DT ST~ .ti?f 111 s CENTURY 21 TOMORROW! a11afl!CUIM.·-·l'7UM1 ~--Ml~ OPPIC• OPl!N DAl\.T ll NOOH ·t .. M . __ ,, PAN PACIFIC BEV£RLY AT FAIRFAX llUJ<DA!S-"f-2·10:30 I 1~-10-3' 12:8 , ... Ad•lt•$1JS-a..1drn $1 Yoyr relativ .. have descended. An41MJ need your car. ;wbare does that leave you? Near your Ford Rent·A.Car dealer. thafa where! Rtltlt 1 · new ford, Mustang, or Torino for a day, week. or month. Low rate.a • , • Insurance Included. FORD RENT·A.CAR SYSTEM .. THEODORE ROBINS FORO WILSON FORD 11USS ...... llff. H••tl ...... a.-1. C.Of. J.4Wit• ENDS TUESDAY l.M Marvin "THE DIRTY DOZEN" .... ''GRAND PRIX" STARTS WEDNESDAY ENDS TONIG.HT Pcltrkkt N ... "THE SUBJECT WAS ROSES" .... Also George Peppird "HOUSE OF CARDS" STARTS WEDNESDAY Alt• John WayM .. "HELLFIGHTERS" .. c.t .. 2nd SMASH WEEK ·------ BA~GAIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY, 1 P.M. "" .. ,, ..... ts .... ~ I ••• $1.IO NMll.ITPDllD rnd• .;~'].t,i~ ~~ .~~ GINA lOUOBRIGIDA SllElllY WlmllS ·PHIL SH.YERS· PETER LAWFORD .. TEllY SAVAl.AS ;'BUONA SEJIA, MRS. tAMPBW:' -~~.'!'°'MDllCI l£E.....,,. JANEi MAR!rul ·'"""' ms.PttlUPPf lEROY:...'1;·,;;;; :u-... ·---at• .. MUD!illllll' :::.:1ti:'. TlCllllCClOft' lhtld Arhlfa l•I ~-""-=-'e !::"' 4» I POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY ---·-fluNoo b:mREUJ -RoMro ~ e>JUUIT , e ST ARTS WEDNESDAY e FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! Some men are starved for love ... • I I I .... ......... ~,.._.. GREGOftY •EVA MAAE PEQ(. SAl(f ~MOoN T!ONCOLO"" • ,.,,,., iSiON" lHEYllllEm ROBU&W&Ui ELKE GARV . SOMMER~ LEEJ. JACK -COBB PALA/iCE .., • STARTS WEDNESDAY' 4 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS .. DAZZLING" ROMEO cfJULIEI' 11/M~llMMllJC 'ft 1111 /lllll!l.1111( .• !-IEQNCOLQI ~ 1 • aLtoCH • AT •W8 • tU""1NOTON MACH• ... ,:...C, NOW thru TUESDAY 11111l'llSNEY- SWlssFAMILY M!!!!I I ~:·· JOHN MlllS . . OOROTHY McGUIRE ~ . df: • .;- l!I .... I llllDIM.-..a....:n.a,._... 1 GREGORY• EVA MARE PECK SAINI' ··~*""" ,,_._" THE.SWJONG MOON Bast Actress NominH Pot..JOOJ NeDe; ~ .o-o .... -~ STARTS WEDNESDAY TillSPK:TIJ.- HAS A MESMCE· WAHT DAILY PILOT TO WANT ADS QWI 1-illi· ,.... .... _ ---------HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE UP HOUSE FOR SALE Generol 1000 General 1000 Generol 1000 Oii YOUR ClWl OUT! FOR FASTI FASTI ACTION! CAll DAILY PILOT CWS· IAID DEPT. D I A L D I R E c T - 6 4 2 • s 6 7 8 1===== MeuVenle lmmedi&~ poueuion • • MweJ,y M~ Verde Couotr)' Qub F..tates borne in iop condiUon with 4 BRs • both d~ le f.all1ily room. A &rQt nel&bborboocl &. a great buy at $41,950. SALESPEOPLE NEEDED 546·5110 near cinoNi theatrtl LEGE REALTY AdMm; at Haltlor.tM. WOULD YOU BELIEVE A 21 x 30 Rumpua Room with CUSTOM HOME SALES MANAGER A licensed real estate broker with a succes. ful record of past accomplishments, . to sell large, expensive, custom designed & CU;Stam built homes on our Jots in San Juan Capiatra• no· then to build a sales team for other pro j- ecls in Orange & San Diego Counties. Am· bilious aggressive person -on the ~ay up. Commissions only -annual earrungs of $30,000 & up. Send resume to P. O. Box 331 Sin Juan C1pistr1no. 92675. a Giant tin!plaee & ~that r-neral 1000 General seats 8 • A 4 bedniom + ;:-:::;;::.:;; ____ ...;.;; 1000 family room. zoo IQ. 1eet P'' ., --------an totaled. A ..,. x ""' 1ot, FEE SIM ~ S BEDROOMS • A Z' z 40' work abop for ~an view from living room, $20,950 $29,950 ·You. Can! dinin&: room. kitchen and 546-2313 ~7171 mast.er bedroom. 4 bed· Only f150 Down required to THE REAL ESTATERS rooms, 3 baths, den, gUP.st move inlo thia large family Sl.34 P.J.T. apt.,2doublegarages.Large borne. Close to shopping. You can't beat this monthly pool and ,,atio with BBQ. schools and churches. J ust payment 911 tpY lovely 3 Greenhouse and rose gar· put on the market, th1I one- bednn home. ca r p e t i n g den. Located on two lots. The won't last. $163 per month throughout ill jUBt like new. house needs redecorating. includes taxes and inaur- Pool size back yard Asking $97,500. ance! ! ! ! w/cowred patio. Kitchen a Jean Smith, WE SELL A HOME all built-IN tncluding Realtor EVERY 31 MINUTES refrigerator. Auume my w I k & L 6% G.l. Loan. FUtl prico ---'6'&325.5==---a er ee S21,'50. Phono 9"l-168!1 Experienc:ed RE ON THE BEACH Exclusive Oilna Cove home • y@al' around llvinc • best Harbor area. 2 BR. 2 Ba. priced to aell fast at . $69,500 By appt Cllly CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036E.CoutHwy,CdM 67S.1662 . 4 BEDRM -$U,750- Designed for an active fami. ly. 2 baths. Formal dininr: room. Sparkling like new. Convenient to e~ryth.lna-. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Herbor N. E. Costa Mesa 3 large bdnns. 1%. batba, bt.rdwood floon, large kitcb. en & service porch area. Double g~. Big yard with shade a: fruit trees. $22,950. Well...McC•rdle, Rltrs. DUPLEX Near Beach I: Shopping Excdlent Value • $34,950 George Williamson Realtor 673-4.1SiO Eve's. 673.1564 MOM & POP Retire to Palm Springs & operate this 7 Unit Motel 'vbile you enjoy the pool and climate. Sell or exchange $59,000 equity tor Newport area property. $92,500 total price. llDDRI· REALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 Salesman EXCEL. COMMISSION Rltr. 6(2..,9730 Eves. 54&-0120 e KENNfDY YOU OWE IT TO YOUR· SELF TO JNVEsrIGATE OUR 4 DIFFERENT TRADE IN PROGRAMS. 5 Bedrooms L a r I e family room, master suite with fire- place, s h a g carpets: throu&tiout. ~tany ex- tras, Top buy $47,950 . ~) J :.-::.1\ ~r~~· ~l\, .1 .~.1 546-5990 • . -BEAT THE HEAT Air conditioned • Pool 4 BR • Family . Dining Room $39,995 DAVIDSON Realty 546-5460 Eves. 546-3851 Investors Special 2 BR cottage with swimming pool, room for 2nd Apt. Owner anxious ...... S.12,00J HAL PINCH IN & Assoc. 3900 E, Coast Hwy. 675-439'2 ZONED C-2 for bus, Good Eastside 2 BR home, needs redec. Only $18,950 . $2000 dn handles. Kingaard Rea.I Estate MI 2-2'122 I""""'""'!!!!!!!!!!""'!!!!""' iOON'T JUST WISH tor aonit'"' DAILY PILOr UIME·A· thin& to furnish your home LINES You can use thtm · · • • find great buys l.n to- for :tust pennies a d.Q· DiaJ day's Oas.slI:ied Ads. 642·5611 \Vhlle Elephants~ NO MATTER 2043 Westcliff Dr. &16-7711 Open Eves. 9511310' Builders Attention R·2 zoning. Possibility of varL ance for 16 units. Full prlCI $27,500 Newport II Victor I• 646-8111 2000 sq ft 3 BR, family room with fireplace, beautiful eleo- trtc kitchen with dishwuho er, Jarge covered patio. double garage on alley-room for boat &. trailer. Vet Appraisal $16,500 -•ERNIE CLEVELAND Realtor 143 Broadway 64 111 Eve1. 641-8453 646-457' YOU OY.'e it to yourself to tn. Vf'stigate our 4 different trade-in programs. (Explain to caller) 1. Direct Trade 2. Warranty Tradl! 3. 4'/o Loan 4. Speed Sale ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 1ohn macnab DOVER SHORES Panoramic Vie1v llome situ. ated on 'I.. acre, 5 bedrooms. large living rm. r!chly pan. elled family room y,•lth brick fireplace, View from all rooms, Prist.ine-condition ... " ..........•..•• $144,500 Call for Appointment. 17141 642-8235 WHAT 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 Nev.'J)Ort Beach II.:= IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Fast Service & Expert Assistance DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT 1 BR DUPLEX Clean older units wlth dolJo bl<' detached garage on 50ll 140· Jot Aaswne exieting $13,400 -6% loan • no loan fee, Only $1B,750 Real Estate Sales ALSO· RENTALS Active Sales -Good Swnmtt. Winier fu-nts.1 Office. Per- . sonnel mil)' engage in Sales exclusively or Rentals or both. Est/24 yrs, 22 yn AAme location . francis Horvath, Rltr. J.U0 \V. Balboa Blvd., NB (7141 675-1972 DELUXE DUPLEX New 3 BR Unifll ~lnsula adjacent to Ocean l Bay $59,950. 7':'1i nnancinc. Balboll Real Estate Co. 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 67]..11'1) THE BEST FOR LAST Ivan Wclli mOOcl home now availabl(' 4 bdrm 3 ba tam. room . pool. 1842 Sanrtaao. Roy J. Ward Co. IBa)'cn?st Offll'1'l 1841 SanU11go Dr. 646-19 CHARGE IT! f ' ... --~-... ~--~·-----------------------. -------·--·--------------~-·--·- f-, .,,.. ~. l'WI DAILY '11.df HOUSES FOii '4L&. HOUSISFORSALlil• • HOUS&SFORSA~I 1 HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSESFORSALI HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES .. ORSAl R I •••AL• ---r-------=.:;;..-e===.:-..:==='-- Gonoral IDCIO ~oral 1p;;;;;;:~=;;;;; 1000 Gen::;•::.r;:;•lc....._. _ _..:;===::.....---:.=~ Newl'!?rt Beach lM~,rt Boech 1200 -Purnhhod H-U~ 1 ;:iiiii~~-~~iiii~~~~~iil~it...~t~1l~1 ~to~S~_!i;;;uo *5 Hunt! ...... llNch MIO : I 000 Gonoral -, Tl'f. RE:AL 1, L:OTi\TEHS WE ARE PROUD TO REPORT 43 ~"":!'" 23 days a ~ hard to beat • • • To sell fast or to buy wisely ••• can the "eood Goys" 644-7171 eMWJlJ Gorgeous 4 bedroom ·+ spacious famU,y room I: formal dining, new car- peb • ""'""· s..,,kl .. like new. $65,000 . (not leasehold). May be pur-chUed tumhhed. H-Hlt•r-k Reflects the pride and care ot ·a proud owner, 3 Bdmu., family room, 2~ baths. HardwOod noon, plaster interior. O.ne of a kind. $53,500. -CoU09t """' Sharp, c 1 ea n, quality built "cihdertlla" home 3 Bdnns, 2 baths, built In gas kitchen. $26,500 10% dowD. Don't miss Utia ooe, Newport Holghh 5 years new. Big 2 story with family and Dining rooms. 3 car garage. 2 patios. Plaster interior and heavy shake roof. $38,000. Th• Plus Home Beautiful 5 Bdrm 3 bath + dining room + fam-ily room + heated pool + 3. car garage. ' Only $49,500. Spcmlsh Hoc:kl- Better than new! 4 Bdrm. 3 bath with gar- den kitchen. Step down living room. Decorator drapes &: indirect light- ing. Low at $34,900. HonH! Honn! Big 66x200 with cozy 2 bedroom home and 2 ear garage. Completely fenced for corral. Only $23,500 Great terms. 4 lclnns. -$2J,ts0 Move ln tomotTOW with OK'd credit. New el.ec- tric range. Sliding glass doors to covered patio. $23,950 10% down or tt;y no down VA. lit Play loom Great 2ox36 Playroom, ready for wet bar or bath 4 big bedrooms. A perfect family home. 4 years new. $32,950. Wt1t<llff Vacant 3 B@droom. 2 bath. Large family room in move -in condition. Fast escrow possible - $40,950. Lovely Lido Ille Delightfully decorated 3 bedroom on an extra large 40' lot. All electric bit-ins in bright cheery kitchen. Sunny &outh pa t lo. Unusually low pri«9 at $49,500. Dover Shorn N•eth Offen 3100 sq. ft. of luxury. All custom constructed 4 bedroonu, family room and formal dining room. Immediate possession with 10% down -Ask- ing $73,500. YOU HAVE ONLY 13 Deya to Take Advantage of Our 6* "/0 lntereat Rate Oii the beautilul new homes or Rancho La Cuesta on Brookburst at Atlanta In Huntington Beach • Our Lender Must Increase his Interest Rate1 on April 7, 1969 • . All that Is necessary to assure yourilelf of this low interest is your selection of one of our 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 or S bath, I or 2 story homes and make your Initial deposit of $500. Coll 968-2929 or 968-1338 1ny d1y from 10 ff dusk. 'Gener•I 1000 Gener•I ==C----= lDCIO ONLY $16,500 Thrff bedroom, 1% baths, built-in electric range &: OV· en, dishwasher, fotttd air heat, wall to wall carpets, 2 car garage, large lot, quiet cul-de-aac street. Owner moving & wants quick aale. Financing ill all set. ALL WE NEED IS $1650 DOWN. EASTSIDE COSTA ~ESA 16th A T"'lln -C:oalo MaMI ADULTS , Most homes are built with '?'11r cblldren In mind. We have five homes designed for the comforts and fllll of adult._ Beauutul to look at, room for hobbies, private oUice, separate dining rm, guest room w!tll ll!lth, S car ga- rage, walking distance to churches, Westcliff shopping, and ~:""'"\$. 7"/, with !O'I. . , -7Vz% with 1oa;. On. no 2nds -no points -29 yn on balance Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 Exclvllvo Apnt p. a. palmer Incorporated ,3377 VIA LIDO . Troe! Ph: 540-5113 From L.A. Coll MA ~ Drive by 328 Also Newrpotrt He'...._ . f'REE RINT · s BR 2 i.u.. w..w. .....,. : ' ..,.,. st>a:o apt "'th --AD -.. -'° -l Outstancll119 Val .. ly Owner $34 000 ""-21· t:xc...,.. ... ..., -· ..!J 111••· • 1 I Ute duties, student O.K. 54J.. ;.96U181::;::==.=alt~l-"r-':'::~,,,-.....,=I Lovely eomer 3 bedroom home, large llnll, !1811. s BR. 2 BA. ISP"' drpe, : 2 baths, dining room, living room with at.. YOUJ<G w-Gld or s.. ~ ':';· 13111 :mi tractive fireplace, lmh carpeting through-deiil to lhan 2 Bdrm. CdM ,, .... out, drapes. Buutilul !me and planllnp. ~l'IO "°" -AIL I,.:'':;._~ 1~ Call qwner for appointment lo see. WANTED Gld n yroor..., !nod ,...S. $215. t&UI• 5•8 • 1444 646 • 1711 to lhan nlct 4 bdnn boecb t --· •--~ - 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1'1!!r !!!!!!·!!I!!·!!!! \ apt m-.JSM ext ~· °'1; ........ :;,..:;;·-:..;;-==--'-"'..;.;;-., eu,..mt weekends at eva. · le ~-, --,r--· PanorMn ,,.. .... Coeta -1100 .. , ........... 111. ROOM.:..'"'\ ~"'"': N!:W 3 BR • Homo, a ""' ' ~. d-2100 .,,,.,, c:arpeta. blWm. ..,,. SWIM'POR HEALTH . BAY VIEW BUSINESS ......,. .,... 'JS ,--BR,~=- And play In thla pool, 3 Bdnn. Near &,y i Ocu.n, 2 Bd to 1bare luxury •PL at So. o ... ' l1lll. home on J;;utlldo, E-Z llnan-2 ba. 2 car 1u, J>l'tlo • M Bay Oub> NJI. ICM835 ~ .!,.iioti. bl:"ti. clog. 511% IO&n. $26,950. lot. LUI• --';;==:=:::· :=;::=:==:J for.~ ps.$00 LADY to &hare borne w/1 .;: &'ff'~ R. c. GREER, REALTY or .,.... empW,ed ladl<s. Laguno Nlguol l7W ~-= Vt& Lido mmo Fun> own bdrm. 5.16--19!6 ' MONARCI BAY AREA I l ALTY l !~~~~;;;~~l;N;°';•;rpa;;rt;lo;";h;;;;;;22;00;;1 AD3 BUI;R.Td.._co2~-~. Near NB Poot Ok. 646-2411 Lido lahi 13SI -======= '"'""'"l!'"'""'l"'""'!''""''"" bit-in.. b-plc. heated Pool General 1000 Gtner1t 1000 Houee for sale S250 mo. 10 to S. 496-UU ------ 3 Br A Both Homo FR!'E Der. Go De Judge WALK TO BA y 843 *~ ;·14· on Vt& Wailers • ..,. .. Proporly Monogomonl ·bl::· ~-~~ ' HE SAID LOWER THAT AND OCEAN Udo'•""" ....... -... Anllabl<> .. Ill -pet& OK. $225. (1) PRICE, and they did. &ck Mew Vordo 1110 ,,_ 159.000 for a llmlted -eay Newport Beoch. Formal n.m thl& Juge •bedroom, ::.:::::..:.::=:.--...:.~ LIDO REAL TY, INC. 1. Comp!ete Booldre<PlnC .. :R1".. •--n.. 3 bath modem famey beach BY OWNER, beaut 4 bdrm, 34C)'\1ta Udo , 67l-8830 2. Volome plll<bu!nc di&-...., ... ,. room, l.i&U,...., room, hom H ottered fonnaJ ""'· ENTALS Apts. Fuml-2Mi balhl, 5 bedrooml, 2200 rle. t ere youuni"':. with ll'e· tam. nn, ~ I "l!!!l!!!l!!!!'!!!l!~!!!!!!!!~I eouota. sq ft, fenced, heated & til-a p va e comm v a nn, 3 ba, crpta, drpl & 1 • ---· 3 -FunY boilded tered pool, covered patio Qubhouse, IWimmlng pool, inkTcom, elec pr door ~untl"lfon BNch 1400 4. Yr round or aummer 1:Ge:::;no.::;.••:;l:_ ___ ~:.;;I that ill just perfect'for out• and tennil courts besides. opener. Elec sprtnklen:. All rental • $llO .ONE' Bdrm nlcd7 door inff!rtaining, Court or· Get ready for a tremendous elec. kit. Reduced $1500. SHARP Cll1 NOW to beat fwnlabed. Avallable oow. dtr sale. $49,500. ~ NSuOWbml! I! Full cCaD;,;:;;::61>-684G=~==== J BR, 3. Ba, bit-ins, dlah. the Summer rush Cioae ill. &r. ~ ~e~bo~ on our~~ -·-··· washer,tamrm.frplc,pe.tto, PROPERTIES WEST 1140 2 BDRM, praie, w/w. antee aale plan. •-. Coll91e P•rk 1115 $26,500 . GI or $3150 down as. 111l8 .Bays1de Dr. 67S4130 A~b1e mw, dtlld OK. WE SELL A HOME 4 Bil"""'· '6· 1lv ml. ,.,;,. llWll• Joan. --Bkr . .,,.._ EVERY 31 MINUTES '"'"lohi>s. lrpte, dbl gar, POOL Lido 1110 2351 ;;;;:==::::==;:-.,,...·I W-· tncd. $25,950 3 BR, 2 ba home _ needs -(ostl Melli 4100 alker & Lee 22711 Cornell 1546-2ll9 Agt. loving""" and pain~ $3350 EXECUTIVE HOMI 1=~""------ caab "toans. S23,9'0. with Qfflee/rtlldlo, , BR. , $25 Wk. Up WOODWARD BA. G""'ner Incl Leall, e Studio., lllCll apU. 8843 Adami, Hunttnston Bch. turn ·$850, unfum $55(1. e lnll Utilll A PboDa 111'9'. 2043 Westclitt Dr. N!!P'rt Beadl 646-1111 Open Ews. 1100 Mes•. Verde. Luxury • 4 Bedroom R1nchero This heavy shake roo.f spraw- ling home offers spacious bedrooms and 2 luxurious B a t b a plus DRESSING ROOM, Luxury carpets a. dorn the gracious living room A LARGE FAMILY ROOM with cozy USED BRICK FIREPLACE.. Dad wi1l love the privacy o1 the secluded den Ao-Mom will appi:eciate the roomy ranch sized kitchen. Lovely low maintenance l~aping surrounds ita sweeping drive- way in front Ir large inviting patio. Excellent flilancing at ONLY $3,600 Down. 336 Cherry T;.., Lino 962-3343 m.mll e ....,,_,.,.·TV avoll. ONLY . $20,950. Well located VIEW! More bomea for the money --I _@[_ -• New eat. a Bat 3 bedroom home with hard· L WI • than can be tound anybere? BELOW MARKET Summer Rent1lt 2910 2376 Newpcrt Blvd. MM'S WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd, at Adami ,...,.,, Open Eves, 691. Loan wood floor&, Walk to West-ease th Option 5· BR. .... tam rm "''us 3 BR 1%. bath S150 per month --HOLIDAY -••• dill Shopping Center.Enjoy ''For A Wise Buy'' Lovely upgraded39RCondo GameRm.$54,950 ... includq taxel '!,jtb $00 IDYLLW1LD • 2 Br, ne w DELUXE. ~t,84rm. · the fine n e I g h b 0 r h 0 0 d, Colesworthy & Co. l'-ith powder rm, ·Wet bar, Shown by Appt. down. Medalllon· flame with turn. boute W/ view. Near Furn. apt. $135 P!ius utn. schools, park & play.ground. and many other extras Jor 0.Lancy~Real Eat•t• blt·in electric ranee A oven 'Yill.ap. &.unmet rental~ Hei.ted pi,. AD'llil ~ Large, fenced, rear yard fine living. Best mutts sarbl&e dispoaa! eas FA mo-Yearly. $1'75 mo. 4: N childrtn No ta with fruit trees. Paved alley' ••642-~T177iiii ... O;;;PE;;;N ... EV ... E;;;s,iiii I View. Immediate occupancy 2828 E. ='IVY·, CdM be&!, epts/d"' dbte garige G75-1076 eves. ~ ~ c:' -easy access for boat 1t 1• .................... $325mo. ~~!!!!"!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!...., w/tioat door. Fenced. land· RENTALS VIII p .. .,... trailer. Terms available Assume 5% % 61 Walter Haase FINEST Family .area. Well scaped. tprinlde:ra, HOUMS Unfumlthecl • omoM ....... act now! designed 5 BR, 3 bath Mac--lflll b Colla Mea'1 newest A IDOlt Loan • ._.._._ ..... _ ~~~~~~~~:..; ~-~;;;~RE.NTAL°a= E,!~E:.::: th! '2 to be ..,, ----master suite. View ol bills. LOOKING ~-a __. ...... Dl'ftft In I. ,Browse ....... DJth of 18th St. on ' ' cy au~. "~ Coldwell, llaak• & C.. 2836 Alb Vist&, For •P. -•-~ w . -r & L ,_, irnma.culate 4 BR &: den me a.<-' .. 1....., pointment GM-1192 WI a bome. Try ttlll! 3 a Iker ee UZ. lJtG. 1 Br., clean. home features: sunken fur-~...,._..::..,.._.. l BR Waterfront No, 6l &ifs. All electric kit. with q ol,et. Beaut. furn. Ing room, comer .fireplace, ...,,...,..., .............. ...., Balboa Coves. ,. 6 0 , 0 0 0 • built-ins. Rd. ca r p e t e d ·2'1'90 Harbor Blvd. at Ada.ml Wshr I deyer, &If· l4atUre cpts/drps, oversized 2 car ~ " • .,_, ... hout l!b:2> -~ adults. Good corner home with room Ior OOat, camper etc. Has 4 nice bdrms + family room & best of all _ a 6% GI loan that you can take over with no increase! Only $157/mo. includes taxes &. insurance. Listing' la $2'2,650 but owner 1 ;;;.;Eveii;;i,;"',;""ii'.,Calii;iil;;i6ii73-0li.iiii;';;;;. anxious .. to ro to Oregon ao 11 make us that offer! SALESPEOPLE NEEDFJ> OCEANFRONT Leai.e w/op. Prefer trade for acreage ""v"6 ""va~ 545-9491 garage, professiohal land· tion 3 BR + fam. rm. or will consider other. MS-patio, garage is paneled and Open. til 9 PM 19'»-D \V'1lace, C.M. sea.ping &: much, much _., ahalde1 with a food pantry $99.50 1 bdrm ·turn. util pd. more. Call now for infonna-$&t,500. 833-2<m Owner. 11 1• off kitchen. Aaume our 6% $225. 4 BDRM. 2 ha. fl'pl, Nr storff. Adu.ti. 1915 S.l·r.180 ---OLLEGE REALTY -·-'"' Two For The Money ----UJoan---~~~-A--' uoun.......,-l"JN• , Bkr SJ4-6980 rvlDUl>ll ye, .,....,,,_ $35,750 Costa ' Mt11 1100 2 BA. bit-In., pool, club $1.34. P.I,T, Full price only Bl I bsepriv.Asldng$17,000 $ll,'50.962-7889 $135. 2 BDRM trlplez,lm;Fum.Apt. lmt•• QUIET CORNER 613-1251 or 613-0058 LARGE ADDED ..,...Bltr •• ;. :,z., -..... ~~gar. Adults. 1125. With 3 big bedrooma,.famlly, * BAY VIEW Fee lot 85' ~ ~ Extra aha.rp duplex, ldeaJ. for an inve1tor or owner occu-it&nt. These 2 BR units are separated by garages for '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I secluded living. Large fenc. ~ large encl_, Jana!. Im· x 116' w/ plana. 134.900. FAMILY ROOM 1100. ONE bdrm duplex. e i.".:T:s.~ e maeulate condition in excel-Owner ~~. M8-C1l PLUS 4 bdrma, 2"'° baths, w/w, available row, &ood in E. 22nd St. '°'3M5 PERRON -. .. ........ -~~ .. Harbor Highlands Newport Beach 4 BR 2~ baths, b1.1ge living room with fireplace, ell buUt-ln kitchen, hardwood Doors, completely carpeted & draped, dble garage. Pric- ed to sell fast! $M,SOO Rltr. 646-39'l8 or 642-0185 *LAC HEN MYER It's Different Attractive 4 BR Baycrest home with formal dining room & large family room. Owner moving East. Wanta quick sale. Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th St., CM Real tors 646-7755 Like to Entertain? Call to aee this 675-5200 3 BR. plus 3 Ba, cozy dining/ family rm. 2 frplcs + play rm. Enclosed pool separate Play yard, $52,500. Walker Realty OCEAN VIEW Custom built. All the luxury features, 2 baths. Built·in kitchen. Electric garage door opener. Jr. E1tate grounds. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbor ed yard. HURRY! This new listing won't last long for On\> $26,500. Jf5a.. co:TS ~WALLACl REALTORS --546-4141- (0pon E-inp) ONE JUMP AHEAD Of other homes in beautiful Westclill, 4 large bedrooms, 2 full baths + %. bath, out- standing kitchen . cl.I built- lns, dishwasher -tile spla.sb, separate service room, sep- rate formal dining room, ex- pensive w/w carpets It dra- pes. Price $53,950. I' \I I • \\ 1111 1 -t:\ll \111\\ .,....k!\11\''' 1003 Baker, C.M. * 641·1771 Anytime * SPANISH VILLA RemtnlScent (If early Calio fornia hacienda, thils pic- turesqUe 2 flory home has a beautiful sw1mm1ng pool, brick bar-l>q, 4 large bed· rooms, formal dinina; rm. and a charming living rm. with fireplact! acented by imported Philippine mahog· any wnod work, all on two large R-2 lots. See thi.! one today. ,. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646--4494 lent residential area. Fire-OUTSI'ANDING .View in the apotleuly neat le clean. A r.ere;;L;;,,;B~kr;;·~-::;:;~~==liliiiDRMiiiii;;J;;<;;7n:cl place, walnut panelling, Blutb: 3 Br, S Ba. by-owner. home thia sharp la hard to!...._ 1 BDRM tum. pd Is rec shake roo.f &: all the extras. $4DI dn. 644-0778 find • it'• priced daht to Costa Meu 1100 area. $145 " $153. ind utll. Only $27,500 • FHA or no 1-========' I only 127 500 1959 A 1961 ...... AYL down VA. CALL 540-ll51 N•WJ>Ort Helghta 1110 Pour' J.;,.1 Rulty 2 BR, pr, J>l't!o, ISl>ta. drpe, 2 BIDROOil apt "'th ..i =~e.~ves) Heritage Real •SAVE INTERF.$'l' • 147·1266 Eves. 5~7124 ::·~ul~~se~ cbildrt*O~ m pm. J365 -~~-~~--3 BR. 2 BA Ne-ts UP to 80m. CO'"' -~ ~M, ........ Canyon Dr. 5tMOM No Down To Vets · " crp • "' , • .._ _..,_ ......, 1 BR. UtiL pd. Pool. No drps, bltna. 1400 aq. ft. + BONUS EASTSIDE 3 Br fncd .... ..t · Quality Duplex. 2 BR., hdwd Detch dbl gar w/ elec R, E. Saleamen or Wotntn-child OK, no pe~. $140~...... ~ ~,!'!!..,Wm lbow firs, fll>lcea, FA heat, blt-in opeller, alley access. By ope~s now. Exper. or 540--0289 t1l 3 PM. -.... Jdtch., garages betwn units., o--Prine o-• "" ~61 new li<enlee. -··•-·-2 BR •• ~·-•·•~ ~-•-r._.,=..=Jnc.:..;:L;;..;.viil:;,.;•,.::::,.-~ .. ·-,,-.-., Jg !ncd )'ard. Quiet Street WI~• "'¥'• VU-VI "--'id ,,_.., ..... v Ulll-.U . ..__. .. ...,_ -__ t.., -~.J 0<1-15~ ~· 500 ..,..,_ , •·-,.._,. aft 4 &ram. ....,,u ential. Call Mr. """'W ,. ., dn • tir ~ .. adult. . Rto fb ....,, . ·~wont ...... t. ....... Kory '""' carpe pes. •Newport M2-aid no"'.:1 TAKE TRADES" Balboa Coves 1215 First Pioneer enclD!ed yard. t,t40. 548-4501 . Bob 01.,n, Rltr. 54~5580 BAYFRONT witb boat slip 842-4421 Newport Booch J200 N•~owMrpol"'rf" luch , 4200 BY OWNER ' bdr, 1 II ba, lal'ge • BR, 2 BA. $56,000 $2 '00 T I I D --.. -~ h"•' •""· Xln• "'""· l1SOO 10JOO .... ~oo. m-oas1 • o a own 111 SINGLE: y..,.. -" r.a. dn T.O.· G.l. 6%% F.P. OWN OUSE ury garden apff 'Wltb coun-$19,900 Eve• &: wkeocts ~W.::•::•::;l<::ll::;lf;_ ___ l:.:2:::.::30 Assume 6% VA Loan T H try clul> •tn~ and c,'612-::,,.:12U::::c~-----$pARKLES &; thinea lN1de Lovely 4 BR, l bath. park· SpUt Level 3 bdnnl, : baths oomplet. Jll'fvaey. SOUTH REPUBLIC Home, 8 ........ like abnoaphere. Doul::Ie I a r a & e, catpeta, BAY CLUB APT$ Irvine 1 .. ._ & out. Ltvinr rm a: dlnlng HAFF DAL REAL TY drape:i, Firep4ce, el e c. at 16th. Newport Beam. o d, 2 story, 4 BR, 3 BA. nn; aervlce porch, elee S740 Warner, FV S42-4405 bullt·inl. ADULTS ONLY •• (n4) 6454i50 Open House tam rm, retreat rm. 3 Car bltna. Clean crpts & drpa ....e1::; "'=========! ..-. $41.!IJl:By """"· thN out th!& 3 BR 2,ea POOL ANYONE?-................ -mon-i· 543-1"'5 Mrs. Fay Balboo 4300 Wl:DNESDAY 1 5 homo. Pro!. 1nd&q>d & ---· P rlc•d aaz Ir 1---L 1--------1 "' • 5 BR, 3 BA. 9 rm ' ,,,,,.,, main!. W/ chUdre•'• ploy rlghtl Beat location!....... ,._.. a.EAN Badw1ot ~ home + pool &. guert house. yn:I &: pet area. Heavy FHA loan. 646-4414 ealty, Inc. AD util 1ncJ $'lS up 229 Princeton $39,999, $10,000 dn. 64&-2541, shako-rool compi.te1 th!& 901 °""" Dr., NB Suite 221 SISE. Balboo Bl..S. STOP (Corner of Columble) 548-83.13 charming -·· By °""" Jl1lt• Jlnl £stat1 ..._2000 Evea: 5l8-Qll6 BALBOA 8U$l5 Searching any further. Thi!! REDUCED for quick sale! $42:,950. 642-t598 beauty must have been a Newport 4 Br.: assume 4%% G.I. 1---------15Ai!~ te 3 BA~ ~ ~. Huntlftgton leach 4400 "'°"rooms'~. 13" ""'ea'.: .. -Builb"1t In. el loan. Doyle Co. 548-1168, Corona del IMr 1250 VETS WEALTH go~UI :.;,c otu:U~.n•A~ t Bdrm, 2 a.th ,. ...., Mrs. Jordan. 6~1977 Evea. IJ -Bar, .,ntiqued cabinets, cov-BIG LOT B ILDER mo on leue. 64Ml9' or Carpta. Drapel, bullt.lnl. ered patio in rear yard. Olm· Vlctorl• ASSUME Low~. 3 BR, WITH A BIG VIEW DUPLEX 2 BR 2 bath. t yn . 646--1550 Best location. l block to 5 pletely fenced. $21,000 FULL 64M811 ~rde~ ~ ~~9:: Adjoins Emerald Bay in area )'OWlf No dn pymnt 3 BR POOL HOME. 1 block Pts ahopp!rv, thtaten. etc. P~~E's~L"l_A°HE,~· 540-4722 ~a:1~~=~ea~ ~ R. 0. SLATES, Rltr. ~ be&cbfh.o:: = ~ orCaJl~ EVERY 31 MINUTES l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PIADULT Section CONDO, 3 down in Newport area. 847-3519 EveL 962-736'9 ~=·Don 41 &G-2835 tor lnform&Uort. , Ea1tside Fixer Upper Br., 2 Ba •. Opts, drps, elec Orenge Coast Property 2 1:-G· lots lW. Nr 5 pta. L,...,...., 3 ~ -· an QUIET & BEAUTIFUL W I k & L e 3 2 ba h qul -·• ""'" door OWnel' 549-35!H 332 M•.-... rltt, CdM 673-8550 uruts-meclkal. $19,900 ea. --J -• a er e BR t . '1 ,w-dMac •-. . -.--tmnJ,. Klrchm-Doz 648 am'111 .... V boy .. pool. Adulta only; 2 8', Utll. ,aid. Quiet Eostslcle HOME -R-2 lot Excel 3 Bedrooms. 2 baths In a quiet non-traffic street West&ide. 3 BR 2%. ba. room --<m:Y living room with ~ 4 or 5 unit&. SG-1623 atreet. Asking $21,750-terms ~ii~ Golf Gdner .-645-llll Pool. 147-2125 ·-··-. CAIL GLEN Gen•r•I 1oooa.ner1I 1000 Kula Maul Hawaii • • -· 7682 Edinger ... ,.,,J ..:::=:.;;. ____ ;.;;:=.;;.:;:;;::.:;;_ ___ -"" ---17671 Cameron, Hunt Bcb. White elephants! Dime-a-line ~no~140 ~~~ 5:;!i51E~i;::. evea) .. • • • • • • • • • • • ... Fount1in Valfey 1410 W11tcllff 3230 G•rde G 4610 brick fJreplace, kitchen 11.::.'"':.:::'·-------wlth all electric built-Ina - a dandy buy at $26.- 900 with 10% down. O w n e r will consider tra4e for 3 or 4 units. .... lwVlow Estate 1lze 75x245 lot. 3 Bdrms, 2 ba tbl -2 flttplaces. Country kit- chen with fir4>place. Lge. muter bedroom with his and ller'a bath. Due to health owner needs smalltt home. Jt~t track. $55,000 H-•+ ,...,.. Npt. Hghl.5. Dist 2 bed-room completely re- modeded + 1 bedroom rental -2 aruages. New driveway!! -inc. pot. $300 -$29,'500 - 10?f down. " . OPIN 'TIL t P.M. 646-7171 oa 546-2313 - \ ::> THF. RE/\L 1'\. ESTATERS ~====-=-====:;~=~====-.,!._,====== 1 YOU'D INVITED ~ er. "'""' -n ,.... Gener1I 10000.neral 1000Genaral 1000 • • • I LUXURIOUS 3 BR. 2 BA. bltnll, w/w apta, htd pool. S@\\.~lA-~itrs· Sol or a Simple S=mbletl Won! Puzzl<! for• Chuckle •r='°=mb~ ~d', ::: /-.. low to form four tfmple RAMTliE I ' l:ETBO J .' I I I' I ] ~ITEW I I II ! I About a cortaln bor., "You . . ! . don't know what makes him l~M;::A::B:L:E:M==~1~.'......¥ you wish It wos a ' I I' . I I I' o Comp .... ""' dw<l.r:!...i by fill .. ~ tho m""'• "°'"' . ~ ~lop from _, No. 3 IM&ow. e ~m.~~ ... 1· r r r r r I' 1· 1. i> ~~~ 10'1 I 111 I • I I I I SCRAM·Lm ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8000 I 1969 I ~:.;" ~. '::f~. ";t =: Adw,.,"" .,.._ 612-'JStt ~;::-:,. ~ .!.:;: I RECREATIONAL tned atta for chlldftn. Walle Coron• dol Mor n50 ..,. club • ._ &Jal I I to '"'"' lcllb. Omv to --pie"' prtvacr. IOl1l'll frwyL nlA. a p p r a I 1 a I 2 BR home, extra wide Jot, BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 I l!0.500. °""'· 962-49LI 1rp1o, tormal din/rm, dbl '"'---· Awl., Gor~•• I ~ -~-· I VEHICLE SHOW I Lo2uno llMch 1705 ~;,,~~ .. ~ . -Int)..,.._ I WORBr LOOKING Balboo 3300 LogvM :INch 4705 1,... .... .-,;;,,..,;.._,.;...;..,;;,,....;;.,;;.;.,.-,..;,;.__, PLACE to Town -needl 1225 MONTH,,., CbumJ"I I 3 • I G D A Y 5 1 1 paint badly, redec/UIOle ., 3 BR, S SA, !rt llv nn. 2 bdrm Noo Side, - out. 3 BR. fam rm, din/nn, tam rm/din rm, frplc; 2 Newell Ml« . ...,.. I FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY I ldtcll bit-In ,.,..,.,..,, '""· 2 car pr. Y•&r\Y 1'.,. ATl'RACl'IVE, o.n 1 Br MARCH 21_29 _ 30 d..,t. A steal at ooty • hfll only, Aft 7 pm. OR ..., 11.acb' .. IDwD. _; I I 1;"-.!'! ..,. $28.ooo to .. s-m7 ""'· 11e 1ouo. -- 1 UNI E •Rt I Loal'ldreoR!cyt9M833 Hulill.-looch :MOOIU!NTALS • V SITY BOY -rr•s BIG .,.._, Apll. Ulofwwlohotl I ' , I rabolout tiom., ""'"' In f'Rll RENTAL BOOK -.1 5000 I New Otieana mottl. ap,.... DROP IN A BROWSI 1 OLDrMQR,LE DtO ., tt 11v ...... • aR 3 Bedroom. 1 811"'--..... • RENT ·" I .. ,... rm. ' ba. din/rm, "" • Drapn Double a ... I ' · lhrlquo Jdfdl. R • o, .,., w ......... 1115 mo. 3 -l'u"'""'9 I 2850 HARBQR BL.VD. COST A MESA I prbld""1-131,9!11> -13'1!11 First ual 1111p1m1 o.poa11. $20 • $25 • $30 1110. 1>11 omt """°" Ricy. W lk & l ruu. OPnON 'IO sur I Holp u. Colobrato Our Addition I ..._ a er ee Olefrfctnoton AnJJal>le) Df A Complete Lino Of • , • 13$.000 DUPLEX. 2 and 1 7'82 ~ No -· o.a.c. I GMC TRUCKS A HOLIDAY CAMPERS I BR. view, Juot .......,...., · 1CMi5 or_,., H.l'.R.C, pvt. wild ldlchtns! "'441l8 Open Em. Fumltu,. Rontol, I FREE! Soo All The New I L\JXVRY V~w -.., 511 W. 19th CM. - V-lon And 'I Ill. -....... -PLACE -..... .a ..... l.168 w. lAlcJn. Anhnl -I aclJ th!& Mok. --........ --DAJLY $135. 'BORll, 11t ba. uo. PepaJ & Hot Dop C•mpfng lq~lp.,,en.. fttld 1 G.rtlwluPYr PILOT d r 'Did ~ ..,,.,, blt·l.na. ~ .ti '·WW •• WWW W • • ~. ,,..,._, _ _,, llW8ll patOILBkr.- • . J i l I ------~--------. T. .. --------.. ----· --·-. ··-· -··-----·· ____ _.__ __ ··--~ -.-·--.. --· ·-------·------~------· ~ . -· . ---. ---·- H DAILY PILOT T-, Mardi Z'l, 1"'9 U Aph. Unhlf'nl-Aph. Unfurn1"1od Cknoral O...ral FINANCIAL I FINANCIAL :; _,==-,,-,,,.,,..,,..----;;~;;E!t!V"''~r.Lr<s~---nNr.,EmA• ESTATE I REAL ESTATE I' SINESS •"" BUSINESS and ~"Sl~l~Yl'.'_!C:!!kJD~l.~ll!!C:!T~Oll~Y!..l~*~-~*r'-~*r'-~*:--~*:--~*~I -------1aby.itt1ne 6550 ,,a.==·="=-==·==5000 _1a_1_r.o. __ ;,., ___ 53_oo I~ PrOperty 6000 lndustrtel Rtnlol 6090 .... ()pportunltt• 6JOO Monty w~ Q$O BABYSl'ITER ·=f GRACIOUS AduJt UviJ'll. • 28 1111ns FOR ldle i...a&UM Niguel, A'ITENTIO~ MONEY Wante d, Ex· Ftnctd ya.rd. Meab: Included. Ocean A Bay view. Spacious ()ff San Dttio Fwy at Crown NATIONAL ORC Hn• 'TIO"' ~ •• 'I re I I I y. • Wctk r~ only. Yk!nlb' 2 BR. ~ f:iA.. walk b'I Valley, new oonunerclal I. .n.nw.n . '' .bonelt, bud ~ •m· Ha.lWh A Bialiop St., S.A. JMMA~TE APJ'S'! cicsell. tieaulif\lJ carpet• ' Jmll 11Jtf!4. Attraetlvt, well tndustnal unta. Delta ~~ bltioul woman tor unique Phone 8a&-sti72 JMMED, OCCUPANCY dtaperlel .. Poot Boat 5"111 mAintalned bid&. IUl'towJd.. tric. Days ... 83l~lf00. ~ P...u U.QUIU&I Opportunity beer tavern ID Beach an:a. YOUNG J?)tbCll" will bab)'ll.t 'ADULT. FAMll.Y for .tr.nanta. Subterra:ne&n bw H&:F pool, Spacloua l -•9!J-(198. Yoo too can pt into )'OOr Reply Box M 664, Da.il:y week days in ()WQ home <ln SECl'l~S AV.All.ABLE park:Ull. m.3003 bdrm. <700 llQ. ft.) It 2 bdrm. -own bu.dneu. EiUoY profitl: Pilot. Balboa P.n. Call Sancb' C~--to I P rk "'""· 35 ~ .......... bi~ Loh 6IOO No 90mP'Utlon 1"'thlag like ANNOUNCEMENTS Pang-. G13-1238 -"'' • Huntington Belch 5400 In appliances, 5 yrz. old It It &Jl)'Wbere). Am.u!naly • e Spadoul 3 Br'a. 2 Bl located tn a prlme Anaheim 3 ADJ, lots; room tor 11 k1w invutment. Protected 1nd NOTICES BABYSITTING tn DlY borne, • 2 Bedrooni... area. Priced at 6.Rx sr.hec.IW.. units. 333 E. 21st St., Coota t e r r 1 t or y. No · ~ j: nd CF -$2C per wk. Neu Pomona -.·~· -'· - '9 SWim Pool. Pv:t/CfMll EXCLUSIVE ed gross inco~ OI $44,000 & Mesa. Owner•~ Eve. ovq:rbead. Year al"OWll ~ OU ,.. Adi) 6400 Sehl, CM. 548--9532 t •,!:fo.~"'.'t'/"""m Av"",.'b ON-THE·IEACH !hon ta •till ,.,..,, of room TOP LOCATION tit.. Prcw<n "'''•''" CO"\' SMALL Cclden tan !•mat• BABYSITrlNG, """ home Whaddy• Want? Whaddya Got? ~ ~~ !or"'"''"'""'"' pany wt1I tnln. U ,.. ~ dee. leu !baa a yoar old, by tho week. You !urn SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOi! ~ 21.3 BodroomAptt. SPRING REALTY CO. 4 """"''"'"""°"'"hub of lnveot $3,000 and can ...... "'"' !tlendly. Vlelnlty tnnop. c.M. .,..._ W-140! NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS ~ Luxury Uvbw to pteue the lnv11tment1 540-9517 lluntlna'ton Beach. 1.oned only 10 hounl per week. Beach ' At1anta. H.B. BABYSITl'ING m,y home. Speci•I Rite Costa Meu 5100 1M8t dlscrlm1natinr· No.> *NEW FOUR·PLEX * V4, 1 mil• from San Diego ln lell than 2 years )"OU Sr36--35'19 Prefer under 4. CM. area. 5 Llnft - 5 tlmft -5 bueb s. l BR STUDIO POOL ADULTS ONLY 1741 Tu1tin Avenue • off 17th Street Con • M..a 642-4641 HARBOR GREENS BACHELO~ • UNFURN. from $100 ALSO AVAILABLE l-2&3 BDRM. Heated Pool&. Orild car. Center, Adj. to Shopping - No pets allowed 2700 Peterson Way, at Har- bor &: Adams, Costa Mesa. S4G<l3'IO 'NEWLY DECORATED •--"·blo at Frwy on Beach Blvd. Prlo-can MCUl'e an annual net .,...... Near Beach, Huntlnrton I POODLE-TERRIER t 635540 ltOLEI -AO Mun INCLUO• TL ff nf' gf K to stl. profit ()f $13.000 to $21,000. Y Pe ......wn1t ,.... fl•~ to trioe. ~ Pl' wl.ll'I Ill tni• \ne U IR f'R Beach. $$5,!IOO. 84T-3957 HARBOUR RL TY Get in on the ground floor male. do& whlte w/aprloot BABYSITI'ING My borne, & 1-vou1: ~ •~cit• .-.... ..._. ·~· ldWrtlti.. -847-85!1) ()f this new e.x c It I n c llXdl tcMJd 1n vie. ol. Bo:l.sa side C.M. Prefer 'Wftkly. ~ J-N(lT MINO FOlt IA.LI -Tll.A0£S 0 L YI Busl""' Proporty 6050 bu<tnon. Write lnellKiln& an4' Coldoo Wut In WHt-* S.S.1'67 * PHONE 642·5671 Pacil,IC ~ VIEW • 2U>' of Ocean &: telephone number: PresJ. mlnlter,.c..J.1892-9018 BABYSIT One 01' two To ,Pl1c1 Your Trld1r'1 P1radlH Ad ei!1 li&:htl. $29,500 including OOSTO P I • I I 9 000 ft pad 2417 denl Color Co-ordinate• N Terrier. Black Ii: children to age: 1, m,y Mm~ 1958 Cabin Cruiser, 215 hp 17 Ft. ftber glass outboard ro ess1ona rw.ai:;r. Vie'!' Dr. CtiM. Corp., ~ Filth Avenue, white. P.1'ale. Vic:. Stater full or part time. 548-6327 $.1200 vali 1964 Comet, 4 spd and big wheel tilt tralle.r. 711 Oce6rt Ave.., H.B (114) 536-1CB7 641)..3:121 New York. New York, 10016 Brol, Newport Blvd, 04 -$SOC val, Trade for 111.ter Will trade for landJClplng. Med1'cal Build1'ng CANOY SUPPL y Call Iller l2 AM. !148-1.169 Boa t modol '"'· trucl<. oonper PHONE J &: 2 BDRM • 2 bath. ~ ish &tYle, shag crpt'g, prv t?i'!.tr & prv fundeckl. Adult living, nr beaches from $14(),. $1~. • VIEW o.I ocean, corner ROUTE BLACK Boston Bull maJe. Mllnten1nce 6555 ()r ? &12-5582 644-4687 bluff, possible 6 a t Y . (No Selllna lllvolffci> White marking& on face. 1,w,,,-"'1a"t,---od-,.ol""'Spo---,--,-330C aq ft, • Suittt ()n choice comer in deslrable area. Immediate cccupancy $M,00l • excellent terms Will exchange. medical or apts. Will build Excellent tncome for few state 8l"OI. Alter • -pm. MARINE MECHANIC ant em ~ to suit. 536-.3555 548-498'1 • Dau &: Night Servi Van. Have as part trade 60 R-4 Lot, Costa Mesa. 1m1ed houri weekly work (Days or BAL:' BOAT RENTALS Impala & 'l;iO Chrysler Sla 35 units. ~ru_llp), ~~ ~ col· FO~D: .!oung0 Gem>.8Sbel I!' 7Cfi e;i.........,ter Wagon w/a1r. ~~ THE FOX OOMP'ANY .~2863 E. C.oaat Hwy, CdM Owner/lfroker. SA8-fi61 ""°" ... • money ............ com op.. pup,.,,, v •C. ~ • ...._...... '546-1890 642$15 mted d1'po....., In Com Coul Hwy, Nowport 8euh. Balboa. Calif. LOT -Rolling Hills Read, Mesa a: aurroundlng area. Can a: idenlily. 646-4184 Robt. Schweitzer 6734070 Zl·7S Ac. NoSD Co. San Valley Center $800 down. We tst. route. (Handles FOUND Set of car keY• on Marcos Adj Fwy, R/R, UW 19822 Brookhurst {just N. o1 1 ,m'4~~.,~~!!or~~~642!!....,~ Adams.) 7141962-2981 I : Fortin Co. Rltr. 642-5000 name brand candy , & Newland Ave, H.B. Monday Brick, M•tonry, etc. Trd for 30M sq ft 1:5d ind. snacks), $1450 Cash requlr-3124• Call ~1877 6560 unlta-. Onr Mrs. Bmgharn CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS ~ess Rent1I 6060 Acreio(°\ 6200 ~A~~ - New 1·2 Bedrooma. Pay ~ lWNTINGTON BEACll I ~ olootrlo only Apartment Site 536-3927 or 53&-1727 GOLO KEY SUITES Pool·Washers--"'--rs 3 1/8 acres RA Private G~~; Executive & 5•111 Beach Blvd. near Offices Garden Grove Freeway Lagun• B11ch ~ 100 CLIFF DRIVE LUXURY FURN/UNFURN Yearly Lease. l I 2 Bdnu steP1 to SboN & Sbopt Oeeanvtew from every Apt, bun $150 mo up. lease 19<-2449 REAL ESTATE Gen1r1I ready for development of * Air-cond & utils 5 mtall units now rented * Carpets &:: drps for good holdjng value * Reception Rm $125,<n:l • temu available * Oeaning &: maint. Call • Jim Ccbb 'l'efepbohe Answer;ing & Res: 613. 18&1 Town & Country Shopping Center 18582 Beach Blvd. · (at Ellis) Huntington Bch ed. for peraoral interview in . 7.;;::t"'"'.R:;::;;:J~P0~69~3,".Bal~bo"'a~""41~~71__ Costa Mesa area, 1 e n d SMALL Bl.k/Bnr Mixed Pu~ BUILD, Remodel, Repair name address & pborie nwn. py Vic. 16th & Orange, CM Brick, block, c 0 n ere t e, TRADE: 11' Trailer, sell. ber t~ Multi.State Inc., 9075 Owner Identify. 543-5163 crpntry, no job too small. contained Travel Trailer. Lie Contr. 962-6945 FOR: Boat & Molm'. E, ImperU! Hwy, Downey, PEKINGNESE Male Dor * 548.sooo * Calif. 90242 3123, Ortega HI way , CANDY SUPPLY 496-6526. Dana Pt. C•rp1nt1rin9 6590 Cabana mob" home on the water, boat slip avail. ROUTE APRICOT Male POO<ile Bet. Warner & Slater 842-2073 CARPENTRY !1'8de for 2 bdrm condomi'.'-CPart or Full Time) 1um, H.B., C.M., Tustm Exctllent Jneome for few TURQfWht Parakeet 16th & MINOR REPAIRS. No Job area. 675-5195 hrs. weekly work (days Tustin, CM 642--0536 Too Small. Cabinet tn gar-1=~~-~~~~­ or eves.). Refilling aiid I"'======== ages 4 0 t be r cablneta. Fiberglas. tub &: slio~er collecting money from Lost 6401 M5-811S, H no answer leave mfg busmess. All equip, Coin Operated Dispen-• mag at 646-2Jn. H. O. molds & approvals. Trade sera in Co.ta Mesa and WST green a: ye 11 0 w Ander!On $40,000 value for vacant surrounding are a. No t TD (213) <~ selling. (Handles name parakeet in ~ie. 2 0 0 prop Y or · · .,., .... brand candy & snack!.) Poinsettia, CdM. k1swen MASTER carpenter, $4 per 5194· , $1650 total cash required. to Pete ()r Momm.a's Pretty hour. Remodeling . Repairs. HAVE: Apts, TD I, f'!-"1., llAVE Units &: Trailer Prk, Tucson Ariz. 5 ac. All ~nt. ed. rm/35 ""Jore ap. $72,500. Trade $30,0XI eq. for ! in S. Cal. OR 3-3045. 17 Ft. outbciard for m.tioli wagon or auto ot equal val- ue. Phone 644-4687 SPECTACULAR Ho me Mammoth L4kes w/Unlts lo eliminate tlncl concern. For $55,IXX.I eq. Or. Co, or ? Salisbury Rlty. 673-£900 SS 36 Diesel Awr: Sloop 1967, 7 sails, v.•httl steer- ing. Fiber.teak c o n 1 t , Trade smaller boat, ear ()r real estate. 6'/S-2838. House lull of modern furni. ture, will trade for anti. ques. 642-2070. Secretarlal Service avail .. · Rtntals Wanttd 5990 962.'6Q7 REAL TORS 2 BR untw-n, mtig. bit-In -· -----STORES ALSO 67l·4400 2 Br, w/carport-$).lij · Olsp, • water pd, _ nr schls 2l9i "D" Placentia Ave. • 63"4120 • For more informati()n Boy. He will repeat bis ad· 642-6409 or ~3900 TV's, ads, entertainment, and details, send name, dress. Reward. 547-Mll, YoU name ii! \Vill trade iaJ' address and phone num-633-tSl.6 REPAIRS, ALTE~TI~NS varied goods, services. Luxury GS' diesel powered yacht, plus $125,000 mort· ·gage on compttie. resort In Mammoth Lake, Trade for real estate. 646-2598. ·~Q~f; DEPARTMENT" LOST: Blk &: silver le.male CABINF:l'S, Any sue Job. can: Mr. Allen (213) BR. 2.. 25 :vn. exper. 548-6713 OOS9.' P.O. Box 3846 dog, vie Kendrick Circle & l========'===''I'~'-~~~--~ rtbve, carpets, drape 1, WANTED • BR furn home, I jj~f"'jjj~!""~~f": i ''!!!!!!!]!l!!!l~~!!'!!~~!!!! redecorated, no pets, $130 prefer beach area, 1em. I FREE DESK SPACE • NORTH OF mo. 568 Wilaon, CM • porary thN June or Sepl vicinity of Baker a n d 545-07(;() 213/ 291-9802. or writ• 4500 Brutol (C.M.) In ,._ tor ESCONDIDO Anaheim, California 92803 S pr i n g d a I e St, HB. Cement Concrete 6600 1966 -36' Trojan sedan, 1'LITILE BUSINESS1' Schnauzer bah' cut, name __ _..., -twin screw, fly bridge, all HAVE: Double bed, 1pring, mattress & frame or Herm. es portable typewriter, both m good cood. WANT: Stereo , uni~ tf equal value. 548-1923 NEW 2 . BR, 1 BA, crpta, drps, all bltn1 incl dshwr, aep patio, sep gar. $155. , ·,Ava.ii Aprll L 642-6257 l BR Duplex, cpWdrps, I EastBide. All lJtil, pd • $115fmo on lease. Pemn : Rlty. 642-lm ~ BR. crpts, drps, bltns, ' 4swh1'. Adults, $135. 54fr7285 . .,... 2 BR. &tudlo, unf. CpUI. !>rps, blt·inl. 984 El Camino. $140. ........ 2 BR. apt. Pool; cptli., drps; '3ll 17th Pl., CM. .. $125 Month. 6U-849!I 2 BR apt, downstairs, clean. Cl'pt&, ...... bltlno. -1552-A Corlande.. 546-5268 3 BDRM, 2 ha houae, crpts, drps. pvt patio, garage. 67~. $175 Mo. 2 BDRM, drp::, new crptl, ~tio & garage, Children 0.11. ~. S<S-7540 .. 2 BDROOM apt with pool, children O.K., no pets. :z26S Canyon Dr. 540-4084 $90. 1 Br unt, upstairs. Avail 4/1. Mature ()n}y. 12 2 Magnolia St. 4M-4695 2 BEDROOM 1JNroRNISHED $12$ month. M&-0448 Owar Pl, L.A. 90043 taking mesaages and ac-Approx. 44 Ac.es, rolling •Operate from your home "Wendy" on collar. Liberal ~ Work, no job too extras, $10,000 eq for apart. 1 BDRM Unfurn Apt Qi Beach area, fat employed lady up to $110fm (). 642--0086 YOUNG UCI couple need house or apt untU June 15 or yearly. Less than $80 mo. 673-8476 YOUNG Working Girl or Stu- dent to share 2 &:Inn. C.dM Apt. $70 Mo, 644-4049 iJt. 6PM FAMILY 01 4 needs 2 ()r 3 Br unfum hse (pref. 21, Vic Nr. Harbor Shp'i center. 54>-5412 e LANOLOROS e FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker 534-6982 * UNFURN 3 BR or 2 lrg BR hse w/ gar In CdM. Yrly. Refs. 67ft..5414 e Full or pert.time n!ward. MU740 small. reasonable. Free ments or land, ln4) 496-hillll; beautifUI eettlng; can Lo! planted in Avocados or •High eam!nga WST: Brown Doberman estim. IL Stutlick. 548-8615 3402. cepting deliveries. Notary • Income Tax -Ins. etc. hold for appreciation, Anx· • No experience necessary Pincher, bu choke chain * CONCRETE wcrk. Bond.1--------- ioua: seller is asking $59,400. • Fl'ff training program & flea collar, rabies tag, ed A Llcemsed. Concrete * * * * * * 10% Down with intereat only • Eam while teaming 1 fioppy ear. Vic Maple sawing l"!!!i!!!~!!'~!!!l!!!!!!!~~!!!l[!!!!~!!!!'!!'!!!!!\!!!!!!J!!!'!!~I Call Bill Robinson (Eve1.) 546-1418 1200 FT shop, warehouse, ()n balance. For more infor. e $3500 Investment buys Ave., CM. 548-l.283 Phillips c.ement. 548--63801$ERVICE DIRECTORY SERVIC.E DIRECTORY alley truck entrance 1125 rnation, please call K, W. complete inventory SOLID Liv e r -co Io red Custom L•ncfsc•ping wt utll. 646-2544, 548-8333 Sm"I w>.lb • For lnJ'onnatlon Ge-an shorthair. v 1 e I • 6755 ~ • ,.._n ''" BES!' IN CONCRETE Girdening 6680 ron1ng For Lease Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. w: 54&-674o eves. Irvine I Santiago. 546-6711 e 64&1234 e Sauna • Gym • Massage 1818 w. Chapman Ave. TE R R I F IC opportunlty, ;,"';c;;ith:C,.,==~~~~ e CUSTOM PATIOS e TAKATA Health Studio at 2626 New. Orange, Calif. amall coin operated car $100 REWARD • 2 Fluffy concrete awing & removal JAPANESE mrRSER.Y IRONING &: Repairing, Pick up &. delivery * 540-0l75 * p0rt Blvd. C.M. Ph. Bkr. MJ..2621, Eves-wlmd11 5M-597l wash. Owner must quit. Persian kittens( 1.o:eam, State Lie. e 842--1010 546-0124. Complete gardening 673.olM i'"'"'l~~,..~,..,..~ make otter. Located at 19th 1~. NO questlona uked. service. Headquarters for I-========= 500 Sq It Garage type bldg Dtl Nortt County &: Newport, C.M. 968-1753 897-9102 Contr1cton 6620 all your nursery needs. L1ndsc•plng 6810 , tor rent on East 17th St Nl'ar fabulous Klamath River alt 5 PM. 1'MALE-=-.-.-, .. -rian--H=U!lcy~-.-b~lk . ALLEN BROS LANDSCAPERS CM 220 pwr already In. in heart of the Redwood Na.. Flbergla• Tub Mfg Co & wht.. Vic Pinehun;t & Additions * Remodell111( GARDENERS STUDENTS ATTENTION &tailed ready for-plumber, tional Park. Call G 1 e n All equip, molds & approvals Warner, lIB. Rew a rd! Fred H. Gerwlck, Lie. working their way lhN col· I need landscaping, and will electrician or s 1m11 a r Thompson Cn4> 532·2538 Or. nee for mgf of tub1 &: •how-847-7671 673-6041 * 549-2170 lege. Experienm.:.:, licenRd. trade a 17 ft outboard with b.!alness 54&-6040 ange, Calif. or write Harold ers for bldg & trailer indust. ===========I REAS' 646-4203 -----Del Ponte, Box 35, Klamath, (213) 592.Sl!M Personil• 6405 C•rpet-Cl11nlng 6625 · big wheel trailer for-:row 0111 R I I 6070 Calif' 95548 services. Lets get togethe ct tn 1 LIQUOR License Orange PROFESSIONAL Rug & Gtntrll Servica ~ befor.. your busy season. LAGUNA BEACH Rnort Pro..arty 6205 County &: quality fixtures FREE Upholstery Cleaning. Top JaftJlln1sa G•rdener Phone 644-4687 Air Conditioned _. for complete reataurant. quality, guaranteed results. r-Poor Man's Friend 2-4 MOS beg. April 15, Lido ON FOR!S".i' AVENUJC FOR RENT Furn Mammoth Newell AB&oc. 494-6594 BOATING ..... Allen's Maintenance Exper, compl yard service! CUSl'OM LANDSCAPING Isle. (Remodeling L l do Desk gpacei avall&blti In Mount a In Condominltun WHOLESALE Distributor 6464003 or eves 642--3526 Free estimate, 548-7$8, home) 673-1395 or 521-8416 news oft.let bul'"n--at sleePI 8. 675-4130 needs funds tor larger i~ ro .. _._ JAPANESE Gardener, exp, "===*=""'=1134==*== ~ -=========I COO RSE ....... l"'-t " Uphol Cleaning reliable. Maintenance. Reai 1 • Roo-· for Rtnl 5995 prime location ta downtown -ventory. Will pay high Jn. 11 it'• done right , , • te 89'3219 Ma'°nry, Brick 6830 .. _ Laguna Beach. Air coodJ. Mount. & Desert 6210 terestratea.546-7015. Il's "OUNN·WELL"' ,_m_o._ra_~'-· _~ ____ 10.==""-="-'--"= STUDIO, Pvt. ent & bath; kil priv.; pool, Back av S t udenttwoman $65. ....,.,..,, PLEASANT rm, good loc, congenial home, kit. priv. $55. 673-0289 tioaed, carpeted. beautiful I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BY Free Eatinlates , • , 54iss44 HAULING. Cleanup garages, PRICE & QUALITY paneled partit1onlng. T w o 5 A. Nr. Hemel Hideaway Mon1y to Loin 6320 c.oaat Guard Auxiliary =========I odd jobs etc. Free est. Jim CUSI'OM LANDSCAPING etitraneel: Frontqe m 3,000' el. Wtr, game ;5500. PRIVATE party will loan atarta Thun. 7:30 PM C•rptt L1yfng & 548-5325, anytime e 64&1234 e Forest Ave., rear teada ·to $55 on. 633-mo 1-w A.M March 27 R1p1lr 6626 -H 1 . Munclpal parldna Iota. $50 agt ' $1500 up on R.E. equity ()r Corona de! Mar High School au 1ng 6730 pr month for space. Desk 1 ·-========= buy TDs. Cali my agent 2101 Ea.st Blatt Drive C.'.RPETS (nylons, wools, ---"'------P•ptrhanging Painting 6150 and chain anllable for $5. ExchangH, R. E. 6230 Anytime Ph. 543-8311 LICENSED polyesters,) Vinyls and Tll· Yard/garage clean up. Re- Busine11 hours anatrerin& --t"S. Latest style1 and colors. move trees, ivy, dirt. Trac. INTER or Ext. PAINTING, 548-5998 an 3:30 aervice availi.ble for $10. WILL Trade $150,000 in Trust Rt1I Estate Lo•ns 6340 Spiritual Readings, advice Commeicial and Residential. tor, back hoe, grading. 962. IMMEO. SERVICE. Local Newport B1ach 5200 All utWt:let paid UCfll11 Deeds andfor $115,000 In on all matters, 108 S. El Expert installation. 8745 ref. FREE est. 548-1627 -----Guftt Homes 5991 telephone. completed la.rge ocean view HOME LOANS Camino Real, San Clemente. BLANKINSHIP FLOORS l oSA=v=E-M~O~N~E=Y~--.. ~fo-re-yo" • APPLICATIONS fX1W a. I.::.;.;;.;...._;;___;.;____ DAILY pn..or lots in Laguna Beach for MONEY AVAILA$.E 492-9136. 10 AM·lO PM 642-1403 ~72Q talce It to the dump. Call PAINTING Int & Ex t . ' cepted, 2 bedroom, 2 be.th. GUEST HOME -Men ()r 222 FOREST AVENUE Orange County apartment& Call for detaila on today'1 SPECIAL $2 READING • G42-566S eves. Lowest contracted prices. !~ aa:~ 1~':!~8:;:; ~;~. ~~;erved faJni-LAGt.:t~EAOI ~~~:; level land. Broker :~or~geA Co~ty'";! A~~~~bv~~~rt Drifting ~rvfce 6637 HJ\ULING, General, Top., ~ :~: ~sf~~~=: • view in non-congested area. • -20 yell.I'll Design-Drafting, electro trim, remove trees le 673-ll66 1 or 2 adults, no pets, pool. 1 ,M=I•;.:•::.· ..;R.:;•:c•;;.••;;.l;;;• __ ..;5.;.999"'-* Modem Offices R. E. Wintecl 6240 Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. =~r :e~~e~ ~: mech, layout, detailing. hedges. Big John 642-4030 PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs 'Lease requir ed. $265 Single or suitea.-Air cord------336E.17th St. 213 .. 59l'53Sl-lO PM PCJayout,tapeup,lrg ---inHarborarea.Lic:&bond-thl Call 646-3580 GARAGE for rent Eut lide, 1 . nlng i.;_ , _ _,_, ,,.A .. :nn ~.., ...... ~ ..., Housecleanin'" 6735 mon Y· ~'YI tio , par ..... 5, secl'e<CU:oa.& WANT ~-~u ===~-~~-~ or nnall. Ken Sr. 675-1191 • ed. Refs furn. 642-2356 T~--cc-'---::3-;bd=-.2:;;\l-;ba::-I _. per mo. service, central location. Eves. 673-7865 642-U57 COUPLES. singles; lonely? : w/w ,.,.....,.ts, ~-s. frple: 1 ===*=642-=2'5=7=*==:::. c. Robert Nattresa Realtor ========"-=I New in area? Join the awing Eledrie11I 6640 CARPEI'S, Wlndowi;, nrs, HOMEOWNERS, does your ~,... ,... 1 · 230 E. l7th Street 2 • 8 quality units North East M W tel 6350 to tun & pleasure • 1----'-----'--I t?tc. Residen. or C<imc'l. home look run d ow n ?' : fenced patio, elec blt·inll, 2 Income Propertv 6000 ""'-~ M"~" "A"·l~o" Costa Mesa to $75.000. can ~ oney ant ----e 635-9291 e ELECTRICIAN Liceru.ed, Xlnt work Reas! Refs. 893-4438 Free est on ext. car gar, pool S27S 642--7219 '-=W. ~-IJ'U ...,.,. ·-54&-4lli S II T d NE\\'PORT CMC CENTER Hopper or Lowe, De Laney $3500 2nd T.D. Good 1oc in * Selective Slnglei * bonded. Small joba Maint.I======""'==' RESIDENTIAL palnting &. GOLD Medallion 2 BR, 2 8 Of fG e Real Estate. Costa Mesa, 6 yn at 8% Comparu'o"'blp, Sincerity & reruiir. 548-5203 WILLIAM'S CLNG. SERV. paper hanging. Good work. BA. •-•-bl-•n•l Offices suitable for Com· ~ cpuo, ._..t-, um, .. · o t t d• 673-3Tro pref. 548-4448 eves Introductions Confidential Carpets-fut1K'Ompl hse. Reasonable price. 1~7-6146 •~· n11-~-W•y $185 u s an 1ng merclal, Mei:lical, Dental. G d I 6680 gar. """" 11.1ui. • HARBOR Blvd property or lsYoorAdin~claS&ifleds?' (25-55) 642-9676 5-10 PM Ir en ng And Apt clng. 642-SlS. INT.&. EXT. Painting. All tse. (213) 981·1039 Air-cone!., crpts, e.Jevatot _ .. ---~---_ t FROM $70 bldg for retail tire activib'. Someooe will be lookin&: 1<r REDUCE s·•o, •\mp)• ,_ •--t ..... season rates. Free est. lic'd BR 2 bath -) Co-I t ..... • ~ EXPER. GARDENER lncom• Tax 6740 ......, uxe ,,. nves men 541-5032 OR 67fr2464 =6Jt).==l252=======.!=l;l;D=l=•l=642-=:56711===="1 with GoBeSt? tablets only Mid-age Japanese Reliable, -------& ins. Call Charlie, 548--0405 ' domlnium $2SOfmo unlurn --. craw 10 rd , , RX • -!urn 4~5081 P"OF~00JONAL m•• 500 J01' Mon to Sat 832---0705 RESPONSIBLE preparation • .,.,.,/mo · ...r p rt """ ~ ....,. Mount, & Dntrt 6210Mount. & Desert 6210 Pharmaey, Costa Mesa & till"" of all income tax Plastering, Repair 6880 rope Y to 26000 sq ft New bldg. J APANESE Gardec.er, com· .... Newport Hgts. 5210 designed to your needs . .,_ • ·• • • • • • • • • • llJI WIG & MAKE-UP plete yard service, tree returns by Cerlilied Public • PAT'S Plastering. All La~ strategic corner, Large parking area. Pele I 9 D •Cl.uses $85 estimates. 54()...1332 Act."'()ut:t. Available lo types. Free estimate. CaU ' 2 BDRM, pool, trplc & elec 125'x200' c+ 15' alley), with Barrett Realty 3.50 E. 17th YOU RE INVITE • • • I C·Belle Cosmetics SU-9481 REWABLE: Minute care. serve needs ol Corpora· S40-6825 bar·b-q, m child or pets. 2 ... u· build' St CM ...... , I tions, small business en- UUl ...... U70 Mo. 548-1325 N ... h .... lerprlses and. individuala. .,.... major street. ear un::: e.... Mutual Sav1'nn1 • Phone 542-7217 or write to 640-1931 Mor/•VH guvu () ice 1ng1 on ·• O'U-'l.lJ 1969 I ALCOHOLICS Aoonymous Low-rate monthly Avail. --ul o c Cl -• -. I ====-o~""'""'~-I Your complete aatis.faction Ent Bluff 5242 ~~~i~.~:~~~~ ~ B~d!:~ c;: I RECREATIONAL I ~~8;:n1::i~:e=~ta ~:i~-:!. ~;t is ~~RATE PL~~~oo :UAIR ~l~ng'-___ 6_1..;90~ I : • NEW DELUXE • &: exposure for high rue 675-4070 Eves, 49'-3223 I Mesa to Fashion Island. moving. Reul 548-'955 IMPROVEMENT • 6(2..3128 • ' 3 Br. 214 ba. apt for leaae office buildi .... , or hold for OFFICES I AND 646-6306 aft 8 pm • JAPANF.SE GARDENING COUNSELORS PLUMBING 24 ht .... ,... lnd. spa.e. matr. auite, din -~ I OMN • 642-9937 • -.. : :: = t=!~ ~BMTTEX. ~PCHANP:;.E~o:" ~:~o~uf~~~·~w6773/~·.;,'.,.t~. II VEHICLE SHOW II An.noun-642.mlP•::n,.hlLOS '~10 ==~~~:: ~~~~!~.~ ~~~; ~.gur!ie~;s~~=· Cburch & achool • Corona ..., ~ -on.tUU.o ...... ..... ~ Finest tqUlp, ~xpert yard business, your home ()r .ofc. Remodel, Rep•lr, 6940 RICK ALDERETTE I T u, 3 BIG DAY 5 I --•. u • .,, ~ ~~. 20 Y"· "'P loc f>rm. delMarHigh.. neom~ ax co, ncas. I · GRAND OPENING ........ .nc _.....,_ &tUl.83 or Sf5.0'742 eves ROO?-.t A DDITION & • ONLY $280 • <n4l 547-6'169 mnthly ttnt. l806 Nwpt I cut • Edie Lawn • , W NB e 14UNITS mvd ..... , ... "7301 I FRIDAY -SATURDAY-SUNDAY Fri. March 28th. new loca.· Malnt-'"-,, _____ .. eThtT•x Adv 11ors remodeling. Attractive : ~~igos ay, -· Costa Mesa, Sirigle building ~"'~~.~.Offlci I MARCH 28-2'-30 I ~~~::~.~~ 11: ~/~23;-;dt~ Yearroundotc.328 No. =6Freeestimates.CaU Coron.I del Ma 5250 showing 12~% ispendable CoJta Mega, 64&-2130 LAWN SERVICE Nt1:pt Blvd, N.B. Reas! '1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil olter a11....,..,, lncllKil"' : UNIVE•RI SITY I Cem•t•ry Lota 6411 M-vacuum C.U 64>-0400 '°" appt. Roofing 6950 r I' -5%> vacancy, 5~ m:erw lndustri1l __ Pr_op, _6080 U 8-5&16 after 6 PM Walter H. bhl"l'nholz P.A. -"-="'-----=::= ; ~ (;;.,J __ ... _~ _ and manf'letnen~. Actual va. I TWO cemetery lots a t ~=~~---~~I lncorue Tax Sl'rvice A Roofer not a salesman. ~~ cancy factor 11 O. $136.SOO INDUSTRIAL Bldg, new. Harbor Rest. Prime Joe. YARD C 1 e • n u P · Trtt 64U))4 or MS.1398 eve Leaks slopped, all type ~TYOOM~ ~~~~;;~~: OLDSMOBILE ::"::~ :~; ~~~:~f.:li~c:· =~:~.._or .. ra~w~ Olt'!'ENAOlES I • 2 BR. 1'ln> • Un!urn 1'rpks I priv. p11.Ho,,/Pools. Tennil • Contnt1 Bldst put.- tin& .-0. 2 TRl·PUXll I 2150 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA I ~;-:.; ReSp::.::·=:~ Call 548-2572 •INCOME TAX• • 6960 I d tri I R. I I 6090 • , . Done In fO',lr homl' \VOr.IAN needB aewi ...... --a. • n ua • n • I _u,_,,,,"""""~~==== AL s Cardenlow s "v o ce 15 ~ -~ -~ H I U I ::"'.: A ..... up. 639-:liOO l..ite alterations & nlendinp • 900 St. t.ae. QW 644-26U I block fn>m occ:an tn $Un. tMac:Al1Jiar nr. eo.11 Hwy) M:t Betlch. 10 yrs ntW, all 2 bdnn. Only $42,000 each. !ms.a Lane J<o," HARBOUR RL TY 2 Bit 2 BA. pool M!-8095 crpta. dl'PI, ftrrpl. pitl io. IS YOUR AD JN CL\SSJ· 1,,,8_u_~~l-=='-1Sl.:--:ms224===l Fn'DT S<lnMICDI will be Otal 5tU6ll b' RESULTS looldl¥ tot R. Dtal SG&7l. I __ .... ___ - ;-NF;w M7""~~rol I OtP A (Ct ei:;•'t1 Ou~f'ddltion SERVICE DIRECTORY ~W: =t~~o-INCOME TA.x~s prepared he1ns &: clothe!! made'. :/~ oe~ A~ :~oC:~ I GMC TRUC=~p& ~oLIDAY CAMPERS I Appll1nce R•I" F.XPER GARDENER yoot-homt, 1ontr. form com-846-2405 _,,.. --------,,...-------1 Pam 6510 Mkt-qe J11.l)llllffe Reliable. btned, $15. 494-J.m '•"'°"'=.,=m::Aki;:.=ng"-A'°'l""ra""t1om- NOW LEASING -New M·l I ~REEi I S.. All Thi New I \VA.SHER a: Dryer Repair. Mon · Sit 832-0705 lronln9 6755 c:~t:~s~!\ IndugtrW L"lSO square f!M't. e V1 c.1tlon And xtnt..m••rant~ s er v l c. e n1Jt SUN NEVER :iETS nt1 I Al -I .. -f.laalf!td's action "°"'" IRONlNG Wlnlcd 15c each. t.r•tions-442..sMS $1S5hno. Arent Mi.l.GS p I & Hot Dog1 C•mplng Equipment I Reas rates. M7..au5 rnr an ad to .ell around Xtn. for dtUv. ~04 or Neat. acct.ln&tt, 20 yrs. e<J> __ Whl.:.:;;:;la;..El"'-'-'--'--I • • • a • • • • • • • ~ OAT.LY PILOT WANT ADSI tlW' cklCk.. dial &42461L 5411-4685 I White elephant.a:! Dime+Unt> • .. --...... ---.. ---·---------·-·--:----:-:-:--: ---~~------------... ------~ • • T-, llftl 25, 1969 DAll.Y 'ILOT %1 : JOIS .. IMPLOYMl NT JOU .. IMl'LOYMl lnJOIS a I Ml'\.OYMENT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT 1()111 I Ml'LOYMINT JOIS .. IMPLOYMl.NT JOiis . I MP•,..... ,, •• ., ............. u,li\INf . Ji be -· Wem. 75CIO Sct-11-lnstn>ctlon 7600ScMel•fntl ructlon 7600 5chMi..1n11ruc11on 7600Scfltola.lnalrvcll0ft 7600 School1-ln1tructlon 7600SchMJ.lnatn1<tlOfl 7600 k'-11-l111tructlon 7600ScMel1-IMtrucftoft 7600 Pi . remter PIHONNll. AGINCT ~Sa. 17ttl It. c .... -........ 11D4 I . 17ttl I t. l•nt• Au M1.f721 FEMALE Bkkpr t• $450 wrn do payroll QUJrterty, poa:I to ge11t:ral I~, know Medicare l medical insl,ll'S.nce fl>rms. R•cpt/PBX $400 Type 50, open.le 555 boa.rd, front oUlce appearance. G•nl Office to $JSO Light shorthand or si>eedwritirw tor n o t e a , lype 60, filing. An u:ce_llent opportunity far young lady just out of achool to aet started In the b115iness field. Girl F rld1y $450 Type 65, will work in pro- duction control & purchas- ing, Bkpr (Burroughs) $425 Posting ac c ounta ~ceivable .t. accounts payable, light typiJJ& & 10- key adder. Clark Typist $431 Type 50 accurately. Will be typing numbers to a computer. Fii a Cl1r1< $301 F.T. Part time $1.75 hour, S houn day. Ca shier $375 Kardex, tiling &. type 40. Prete!' auto vcperiMC:e but not necessary. Insurance Agent Tr11fnH to $1 50 wk. Company is looking for won1an with top sales ex- perience or profesaional woman to train. Excelll!nt opportunity, Tolotypo Oper $350 Fee paid. Type 50 ac- curately. Dental Recpt Trainee $300 Level headed, good judg- ment, 1lght typin&', answer phone, keep appta etc., No small children. Part Time Office Girl $40 wk 21 houn. Good on phone, liibt typlng. WU! call customers rel!Lf'ding put due blll.J, would like older woman MALE Drug Merchandising Trainff $520 Some college cheml!try, experience in drug SA]e1 helpful. Looking for career type man. Machinist Tm•• $2.51 hr Good physical, work in mold shop, can qualify for Machinl.rit Apprentice training. Nurserymen & l•ndscapers $500 up Must know plants, shrubs, fertilizers, their matment ~ ""'· Lib Tochnlcl1n $750 Degree In chemistry or geolOiY. Good in math & physics. Fine career op- portunity! Tech Illust rator to $606 Some art training, one y e a r experience in in- dustria1 art. Will be work- ing on company manuals. Schools and Instructions T his variety of fine schools could introduce you to a new tomorrow. For further lnforrnat ion i'e91rdln9 t he Daily Piiot School1 & 'Instruction Diretfory CALL 642-5678, EXT. 325 Anna's Pre-School -1st Gracie ANNOUNCES Fatllltl .. fo r Enl1rtH Enroll..,.nt Regilter your Utt!• onea for: t A Full (fu n) LNmlng Progr•m • Music t Art e ,Oanclng e Creative Aetivltl11 t Hot Lunches A Sn1cka t Agoo 2 through ht grade 2110 Thurln Ave., Cost• Mesi Ph: 646-1444 ~~---------- • Craig Hayu Dantelo ue79 Roundhl!! Drive Hunl!ngion Beach, Calllornla Chilcoat School of typing 173 Del Mar Avenue Costa Mesa, Calllornla Dear teacher: 1 am 12 years old, and In tha sbth grade. I lblnk your system is real easy. I whb that your •Y.1lem would be put in all the acbools so that It would not take four and one half montba to do what I have learned wllb you in jUlt 10 les10ns. Your typing lealODI are very nice ind easy. I'm sure Iota of~ pie would agree with me If Ibey toot your typing le110na, they are teen. This is the first letter i have typed, and It will not be very long. I wish our achoo) would put thla typlnc ays- tem In lbe Huntington Beach school and that' you · would be the head of the Board of \be Typing Teachers. Your greatlUI pup il. ~alg Hayes Daniels MEN WANTED NOW TO TRAIN AS CLAIMS ADJUST£ RS lnlunnce lnveattplors an badly needed due to the tnmendoUI increase in clalma ,.. aultlnc from auto accidonis, flrea , Ooodll rlois, •tol'l1ll and Industrial accldenis tba occur dally. lnsurance Adjusten Schooll of 1901 N.W. 7 Street, Miami, Fl•., can train you to earn top money In this faat moving, uclt- ing, action-packed field, fuU Ume or part Ume. Work at your presen t job and study at borne, then attend resldtnt trolnlng for two 1 weeks at MIAMI BEACH, Florida, or LAS VEGAS, Nevada. Excellent employment a .. slstance, For details fill out coupon and mall today. No Obligation! I Approved for Vetttan1 under New G.L Billi I -------·-··----····------------F..-prompt nply writ. .. , INSURANCE ADJUSTERS Name_ ...A.re-SCHOOLS Addrns-, ______ _ ~8"~m. a1y .. ___ .. s1ai._· Tmttn.'callf. 9X80 Zfp,.---l'hont.. __ _ Mcrtdlted Jilenber National Home Stucly Coundl Halp W1nted 7400 Women 7~ Ho1to11 $150 WHk ~ to show model homes. Jr Buyer to $450 Electronics EXPERIENCED t ESCROW t SECRETARY • SERVICE DIRECTORY Help Winted, Men 7200 Help Winted, Men 7200 Help Winled, Men 7200 Help W•ntad, Men 7200 w-Help W1ntad 7400 C1thlor Typist to $400 UNITEO CALIFORNIA , Finance Co. experience BANK Trff Service 6910 ------------------ EST ATE. Maint Tree Serv Removal 1 trimminp, me Ht &U-6300, &U-2993 e HUNTINGTON BEAO! TREE SERVICE Expert, Reu! 84&-0T1'9 Televitlon, Rep1ir 6985 RAINBOW 'IV Co. No Ser- vice Charge! Expert work, color, blk I wht or stereos. 546-3720 anytime! 6990 * 1.00K * IS yrs. serving Orange fo. BIG SAVINGS CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPES Out other aervice1 include: * Carpet Installation * Carpet &: Rua Cleanin( Your satslfaction is our moat Important asset *DRIVERS* No EXperltnet Neceuary! Must have cleai. CalUoml.a driving~-Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Costa Meu. SECURITY GUARD Exclusive, residential com- munity Lil t h e Nev•port Beach area. Mwit have pre- vious experience. The posi- tion will entail mostly night work. $400. to start, unllorml provided, Please tend brief reswne or letter to Bax. M 509, The Daily Pilot. *BUSBOYS* OVER AGE 18 """''""""" """· Full -Apply in perton aft. 3 p.m. FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANTS 3801 E. Coast Hwy, ACCXJUNTING ITT JABSCO ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR Oppartunlty for an ac· pasive young account- ant in a small division of a large international corporation. Mu1t have at leut two years experi- ence in reneraI acoount- inl. Prefer dqtte. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER (Male or Female) 1485 Dale Wa:y, Costa Meu Phone; (n4) 54.>8251 ITT JABSCO MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Marine, chemical &nd in- dustrial pwnp1, Expm. ence in dost tolerance, draftlna and dimension- ing cutlnp essential. Shop experience deaired. EQUAL OPPORTUNI'IY EMPLOYER (Male or Female) 1485 Dale Way, Colta Mesa Phont: tn4) ~ * CARPENTERS Reva's Upholstery 3Cfi Palm, Balboa Penn. Corona del Mar (No phone calls)' 673-2794 ' 968-4197 LOOKING FOR YACHT CZ Y K 0 SK I ' S Custom .SKIPPER. GOOD JOB FOR Upbol.Jtery. E'l r o pe an RIGHT MAN. MUSf BE Craft1mans h l p.l00"1 "'CAPABLE, MATURE, Ftnancing. 642-1~ Dll RELIABLE I: SOBER . Newport Blvd., CM. SU~ GE.ST SEN 0 .tOIS A EMPLOYMEHT BACKGROUNO, RESUME * ELECTRICIANS *INTERNATIONAL* ET SETTERS MFG. & DISTRIBUTING * CABIN FIRM With mobile home, exput. EXPANDING TO ORANGE COUNTY eik:e. Exceilent benefits. APPLY lN PERSON A: REFERENCES TO BOX Job Wanted, Men 7000 M 409 DAILY PILOT. NOW HIRING PERMANENT POSITIONS EXPLORER MOTORHOME CORP. VIE'T VET att. schl. nds pt time job now, fl time summer. 613-0659 bet 6-9 PM Job Wanted, lecly 7020 CONVALESCENT Aide, companion or hskpr., avail. long or short t e r m . HOf.IEMAKERS.. 547~ DAILY HOUMWOTk wan~ vie. HB, downtown only 536-6801 before 6 p.m. e INSTRUt.TORS -Full AV.All.ABLE wmt or/and part time. Neat ap-ORANGE COUNTY pearance. M1.11t be able to , ASSOCIATES m<!et and deal w1th' the WE need men to work in all public, good tlrure. Apply depts. No experience nece .. in person, Holiday Heallh larY, u we train. Spa, "'° Hubor Blvd., TOP STARTING PAY C.M. AUTOMATIC PAY RAISES PART&: FULL TIME START WORK CAR WASH HELP IM1,!El>!ATELY J021 N•wport Blvd, Costa Mesa DESIGNER Eleclro-Medlanlc1I & FOR INTERVIEW CALL EXP'D. POLISH 1nd MOND~t7filSDAY Exp'd .,..,._ w/ <Oll<Je DETAIL MEN Jeve.I educaUon tr. mechani- Top pay. 2 loc. Full work wk. cal engtnHrlng. Recent Jay. METRO CAR WASH JANITOR out A: design work on draft· 2950 Harbor mvd .. C.M. ing board required, Fam\llar Account inti Credit Managers Administrative Trneea CALL BOB, 548-1'196 ARGUS AGENCIES 1869 C Newport Blvd., ~M. SAIL BOAT "'SALESMAN Youn&. Qll'USivt. Fiberelu aJI boats • 1n Newport. Write Box M 0 Ody Pilot, Agencies, WOft'W'l 7300 BEACH AREA Jr. SIOno/Secy $4U Lite ah, get typing. Excell benefits "' advancement Work with ft'OUp of yourw ena;neen. PBX Rocopl $400 Good Qri>IJ:t, well rroomed, % fee relmbuned 6 months. F/C llooidtHpor $500 C.Onstrucli(!n exp. ttq~. J, R, Pler!e Anoe. -1883 Newport, C.M, 64U7lO HolpWontM, w-7400 PART TIME WOMEN 11 AM -2 PM MAO>ONAID'S, the I&rr- est Carry-Out Re1taurant Chain, oUera an excellent opportunity for neat, alert women to work at MacDon- ald'• of Harbor, Costa Mesa. MONDAY thru FRI- DAY 11 AM -2 PM. 1'hll permanment year around employment in cle.an, plea- sant IUlTOUnciingl, W f t h meals I uniform furnJshed. Contact Mr, McOanahan or Mr. Dlnlll! at MACDONALD'S OF HARBOR :!141 HARBOR, CM SUPERVISOR WILL TRAIN UNIGARD IMurance 0NUp TIRED OJ' A LONG roMMUTE? Unlpn! 1ntunn<e c...,. II 1XIW hiri1W tot our mw di- viskrn ot:r1ee opeJttnc approx. 4115/'ll in H u n t J n 1t11 n Beach. Oil EdUWtr at Beach Blw., .,.. ott "'-s.n 01. ... Fwy, ""-......... will require a lhott tn.1ninl perlod o! ........,.""' .... month in our Lot: An&de• ottlce, ~ the move. Tranllport&tlon wW • pro- Wied. ln1ur•nce S.cty $lSO No shorthand Purch Cllc Typist fr. $320 Rocpt/Typi1! to $304 7 hr day, in Orange F1ctory Trnoo $1."5 hr Bkkpr, thtu T.B. Gen1 Office, Y •cht Co. Abilities Unlinlled Agency lmmldl1to Opening• In 411 E. 17th St, Suite 224 th• followlns 1re11 Cost• Me11 642-1470 STATISTICAL DATA Experienced or tnlnee 1n ftft, and/or cuualty atatil- The Riaaer Nov.· taklJll appllcatklnl ln Fuhlon hland for Ucal -· Pttl>&ft com-W (Ir ..... In-put ..... In our .... • . a esses • eratlona wrlt. Detail fliure """' lmlolvod. EXPERIENCE D ONLY FULL TIME POUCY APPLY IN PERSON SERVICE #~.!',.,~~ Prefer at Ieut one year ot•l---'-'====-- fire, casualty or mulUple line ratin& experience, Plea. .ant phone penionallt;r e• 11entlal, Excellent opportun. lty 1or advancement. POLICY e WAITRESS Good Opportunity Mu1t ba.ve: IOOd appearance * APPLY IN PERSON * TYPING Snock Sllop No. 1 Experienced or trainee, mul· E Uple line -typist. eo+ 2J05 • Co11t Hwy. accurately on the electric. Ceront1 del Mir, Cal, The klel.l poa!Hon tor mme- 1 ________ _ one who lite• to type, KEY PUNCH Domftllc Help 7035 George Allen Byland Apocy SERVICE Station MI r. w/ military spl'Cificatkma. Minimum qe 00, Crowin&' Trainee for cut-n.te lndep. Radar exp p~erttd but not organW.tton will train to op. Career open1rw for operaton station. Mull be bondable EXPERIENCED euential. erate &: superviae interest-wtth at leut Obe year ex· HUNTINGTON VALLEY CONVALESCENT HOSP. NEEDS neat appearance, ace 21..Qi. RADIATRONICS Div o1 ing sales system tru record perienoe on Alpha 11 Neu-Full Time 3141 E. Coos! Hwy Corona del Mar 673-'240 F.qual oppol'lunlly empto,ft GERMAN LADY We are lookln& tor a mahlN lady who can spealC: and t~ Germa n fluently. Should have some ott1ce ~ perience and a pleasant wa:y with our customen. Full time job, Call Mr, Pfebler oi Mrs. Schmitt at TRANS GLOBE Tr.vet B~au. -* Saltslacly . for st.ore at Fuhlon hland · needed tun time aleslady, 40 hou r week Monday throuah Friday. PleaM con-: tact MR. STEM.~ Karb Toys SO Fashioft i1l1nd See Betty Bruce at mi.s6Gx~c A&'ency for Catfff Glrll 410 W. Cout Hwy .. N. B. By aPl>OJnt. MS-393! Radio-T tlephone Dispatch Girl l\fuat know local atta. A~. ply In ptl'llOll YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Costa Mesa Sharp CerHr G•I• Sectys, Clerk 'I')'pllll, Gal Fridays, Recpts, Bkkpn; RNs .t LVN .. ·Both fee A: fee paid jobs. Top co'al Call Dorls, 548-Tl96 ARGUS·AGINCIES 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M'. Reil Estate Salff Men & Women "'Ponding opln. Ott!OI #' 4 openlna:a a~ far licensed men A: women. 1*' stant Income A: trainfnr. Mr Gardntt, S p rtn1 Realty. ..,_ ' Employer Pa.yii Fee 100-B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 Chinese live-ins. Cheerful PermanenL Experienced Excellent EmployH Whittak c.o merlc IBM equlp'mt. 0-.y Steady job with chance lor er rp. keeplnc. Dl1vine required, ah11t. Work Near Home promotion. Apply AM only, Benefits 18842 Teller Ave. car allowance. Must be per. ..,..,. N A !!." ~-~ HOUSEKEEPER Far Ea.at Agency 642-8703 Halp Wanted, Mon 7200 n-N rt Be ch ...,.. 2100 -ewman ve,, °" • .\coounttns,._..,. Sav-~for Statkin, m ..,,_,,,an ewpo a · °""'" IOn&ble, attractive It alert. Excellent he benetlt&. Ptr-~. • Secret.artal Ave H 8 Callt' APPLY B b Filina experience euential. " . ' P1rtonnel Office * us oys Rapid advan.,.m•nl man<nl ............. Our sunnARY ....... !Ion TOOL A DIE MAKER policy 11 pmnoUon ""m l.'l.IUI e Typltta KIWKSE"I' Third Floor c k within. Your future 11 deter· Superior A9ency CAREER 516 E. Santa Ana St. The Br01dw1y * 00 Apply: Ruth °""'""· Shera-mln<d ........ ..,. ,..,._ Now l:xporl•nc<d .. ..,,. needed Etlablllhed - A--•-1m ton Beach Inn, 2ll12 Ocean _.. to Ill o! -·" ~ PORTUNITY I ,,..,.. m ..... em oWoe, biendly, m&nl.(e o ce ......... 1857 Harbor Bl, Cotta OP • An Equal Oppty EmploytT NEWPORT BEACH Ave., Hunt. Bch. 9 A.M. • plewnt abno11>here. buslne11 in Newport Beach. CAILflnt 642-nn , J In tod•-•-~-n ~--A '"In 10:30 A.M, thun. Marth ........ _, ~--•·_._, 6 •-• = ' ---~ ~··-SERVICE STATION 47Court1efF11hioft ppy ..,..,. '1th. :::.::.:.:.'::~'.:.:'-=. CANYOUQUALIFY? profeaslon-Mutual Fund saln SALESMAN. 25 Ytan or NO "'""" ................ ..,. ...... •"'I-~ N ----. FASIIlON ISLA COCO'S (No Phone Calla Please) FO< ..._._n6 ...... .1.-p" •·•·-· OP'n "-~ ----to Need 2 ladie1 I.or 1peclal o ~~K'U\,o .. beet-,,-older. Full time, 1wing N •· ch .....::......,. ..... ""'I' ., .,...., -•iu ~--,_..... 12 H kl -Wetra.tn-1UDorparttime shl1t. See Clyde, 2590 ewport-• PARTTlmlCX>CKTAIJ..and CanC.ollect Box537,Balboa. w .... .._ ounwee Y.- Mutu1I Fund Advisors, Newport Blvd., eo.ta M.,. rooo WAITRESS n«ded PERSONNEL DOMESTIC HELP ::•~ ~ 2N~ NptB.l!OO ~!'tclil!MUm PUNC~,!!!!_SOPR. An~=rtunlly REUBEN'S at ALLEY WEST 1213) 384•1213 All kind•! H,.,....,.,.., lorP'nonatlntervl<w. S I Cl k t $475 ....... ~, 2106 W. Ocunf:ront, Newport Cookl, Mak1s I: ComPGlonl, LIVE in Hou.ekeeper, full erv ce er o S.A. 1212 N. BroadWay 516 E. Santa Ana St. 1SS5 W Ad•m• UNIG •1tD ltrll!rtDCH req Fee I: Feoe · Fee PAid· 1\1.v yean ool· sn.a.n Anaheim Cott~ MeH Beach (Attoa from Pier "' Pald Jobs. eaJi Mita Abby time; motherlea home, NB I m00•tk-all"'hall9 I"'==:-=-----, IHD.llllmf --&. ... .-w;;n;--11 :~:;,;:°""'==::=Fle<,:::;:::ll.,.,..~--INSURANCE GROUP ---' U'l'a. 2 tee~. Own ege. .... • ...,~ .. WANTED: YCIWli man to An F.quaJ Oppty Employe:r .u.IU'llMUU .,_, •n rrv ~ before t ~-·~.~-""':;:,"~~ : • .i::;i.:i-:=~ 0~,;,.~~ M<chankally lociined. Tol!~!T~~~AY c~i:;:\;:=~ HO~TISS/IKKPR ~\G~~~~~~~-~ .. d.1.,.. -= '"'"" $800 a mo. Must be willing Top wage fOr rlibt ~ eood eYffirbt. Both day NEW BRANCH IN ORANGE full time work In tumlture (combination) e SUPERVISION I: ~ Sal:-?, f'!_!~ Pl t.r. $,20 Wk to work 60 houri a Week ... _.., ... _, ,.,_ NB • nlte ope·•-1. Will c;c>UNTY. WE NEED 25 store, Newport Beach. Some ._.,, • ..,.., WORK e e, owr ' or re--..: • · hU ,...,.,,.tecuu-a1 OlUl.:OI:, • • • '"'"'• MEN FOR ADVERTISING Rita experience desimt. APPLY [N PERSON ~ to wear. Apply: Tlw: Show- Experlence In p I a t In r at minimum w~~~ wPUoet C..U 548-8818 days. train. Muat be neat A: ANO 0,.~ •y WORK. NO Call 6(2..2«JO. f'ull time. Mwit haw ntat Ott, 22 l'uhlob 1.1 • ...t N.B, · boardl with training. Write uauf de .... ...t .. ble _--""" .. 1-.. _al --. printed clrcwt Box P-317, WAREHOUSEMAN ~ ' EXPERIENCE, WE TRAIN. WOMAN t.o can ior 3 MllllDI f. lE£ ISl'P'~. a ...... to _. _8~·~~~=~---'l £Old If sflwr. e ~ ·-c r •~•cATOn"' Experience nieeeuary Kenn WORK FIVE DAY WEEK, childftn a.pa 10, I A 7. UUllln :~ people. Apply ln Pft" Cockt•ll Waftl'flHI • ..-1.M'W,.. ll,Qn4 ""' ruma Hardftft, • 2, es MASTER · • -· Marino C1rpontor wtth ...,,hanlcal aptitud•. 6:30 TO JQ,30 P.M. FOR IN-u..in or oot Lt 1 t UI E C I H•..&. Holldiy Haolth s~ FELICIANO'$ $150 wk reliable. AJM). MACHINE HarboT Blvd, C.M. Sf6..7lll0 FORMATION CALL MJt hOucekftpln&:. 839-2742 aft. ' NI ..,.,w•y I 'i.f: TatJns ipplk:adon1 ExP'rlenc<d In all l>P'• SHOP TRAINEE SECURITY OFFICERS SPECIALTIES JAMES. 7 PM Newport BoHh 2300 lllrw B vd., C. Oally 2 . 5PM/- of marln< cupentry, lla"" "'°"11ing Mlnutactur!oa NI tiJn•. 11.15 P'r br, Ap. MONOAY •TUESDAY GIRL to cm tor 2 boyt SHlRT i'l'nMr wanl<d EXPERIENCED -6 Racrivlnr T<ll<r, awn toola. 1919 Placentia, C.M. ply: 230C 17UI, Colta ¥esa. l'40 Monrovl• 774-7251 an 1ehl. my borne 2:65:30, Exper. Pl'lfm'ed ar will HOUSIKEEPER Prev. benldnr exp. dtllrfd'.. Admlnl1tr•tlve . SfS..1171.. SC-7009 for appt. Cost• Mesa '42·2427 HAND POLISHER muat have own car. Vie ~~ ~. Udo (DAt SHIFT) Appt,y at 'Stcwity Pl.cWc Tr.I"" uu Concrete Foreman, •Cook Rectnt experience in tJnlll E. 19th A: R ay mon d . ~ .... M., 1T19~~~. BJv. ,,...PARK LIDO . National Bank, Lqune NJ. .--......,,..,. need buUde" hardware. 115-1381 dqa, 9*-884& eva """"'"' ea. _....... U111valetcent Hospital iuel Br. -.eat : Fee paid. Four Ye• r w.,. .... ,.., eel by custom • Diahwasher/ Buibey MAN, steady part time job PRACTICAL 842-2.410 Coata Mf:N ,.__, will be tralmd in b u 11 d e r for d~nie_ed SURF I: "IRLOIN for rt.liable adWt Xlnl L.A. KlWKSET Beauty Counaelon nune far elder-1WO chlJdn.n, 31 mos .anll ~~ le 0ranp C.ounty --.,.-~. ~or 5930 Paclfle ('.out Hwy., NB 516 E. Santa Ana St. CX>SMETICS. Xlnt•tarnlngs. b lady F'rt. eve 110 Sun 2 WOMEN, cook • cook's 10 mGI need CPt, ll br department to am ope:ra-appl ealJ. 497•1665 behm "nme1 route open. $2'Jl mo ~nahelm a.a. In, no canna. '75-ew., wtdy. C7a-MJ art I hllptr • .sm..n p r l•1.t e 4ays, 5 d-.ya/wk. OIMI' Uom ar.S to mll'l&lt· 5 T nJy OONUT Maker, man lS-25; +. 962-4633 An Equal Oppty EmployTr 51!15. PM. K.hool. HOun 9: SO AM thru d'llld Mtdl _ ....... ~. • p.m, o 12 Mktnl&bt to I A.M. $1.65 ~M""""'lJLANo"-:,.CE=-0~RIVER==--2 30 PM M tbn1 Fri Call ...........--Factory Rtp DESPERATE LY need To ctart. Wlnche.ll'• Donut .............. __..M ..... .._ .,,11.. CON~UCMON SUPI' GENERAL OFFICE Gtrt. noed WalD'tn : on · 494-QJSlevn. T I $650 ad-a.....t"<''""'ou:v-,,.., ...., ~-... lor . VIKING SMORGASBORD Mr. Welch M'f-2655 10 AM ~-------ra nee out&ide •al• s m c n, Shop 253 E. 17th, CM. Uc'd. Top ...,., lot rfihl Apta A Jloulft, N.B, Ttleph;>ne answtrirw A l'5 E. , ..... St., C.K. .. ttn I PM Wffk dqs onl)r DESPERATELY nHd PBX, Fee pUl Four y e a r mlniatrative tninees, ac-_, atta. GIVl' operlencoe A ordu taJdnc. Ovt; n. Pb: F-., __ u,".'..,_ ·-__ 1 · · ckft t,yp!lt. Jr. g • c . , de&Ttt. will be traJned to countantt, dn.1umen. •lode FRY COOK: Grav1,yard man.ContactBob,137~ startinssalar1: reply Dt.IJ.1 ~ ..,. iou-,...~..,.,....,._J. Rectp. 6 Jr.~. repretent corn~. cJerb, ar.S mad!Jnlds. Ap. :'~ '::: exp. ~:. AROllTECltJJtAL 0RAm. Pilot Sax M-311 DEN'Il\L AIWtant, cbalr WAITRESS Wlnted 1t Col-T el ..... lteception P1eut tpplJ' )lerdwlta Cost Acct $600 ply Mm:blJ>la P<nonnel. 1n -14w'°!~~ c .. y MAN JR. • Senior tor •• ASTROT EK COiiP. Pio, In N-a.ch f<e, Donul _.....,. Sbop. Wwk. Coll 10 AM le p,,..,.,,,.l ~ .....,, ~ .......... penon, ~ · _ .. , .in. labU1hed N--rt Bead! .... _. ....__ I P 11 Fee peld. Experience In ·-1 "",.... Openlncl; Lathe mllJ 3-0. area. X-Ray aper. dettred. _..... ·~ Jill..2'M BAKERY SALES GIRL •·--·-rd • ~. -... EXPERIENCED GAR· REAL ESTATE. Sh<>Wdn't .-. -. T -·-·· -o• •u.. DENTAL .. -\lLI..,. Dr: "' fen"ed you bl .entrw Che bottnt EXPERIEN=======n,.-= I op pe.y. A-1 madllntst onty. 1u --· ~11: n.., ua tant over .-Apply Mr. JUchardmn counttna:. rrtt J>M! DENER to r un mowlnf are1 Hu.nth~ BeM!h? CED ffi. oom-U&7 Lopn Av, C.M. DRAPERY WON< ROOM Ori.I IUr'l'fl'Y. Must tab and SALESLADY: Muat bav. Trotter'• 8atnJ but will CICINSdtr mmeone craw, Or•• County VU1ap RftJ DU.tr 9SZ-tln ~t salea trainees. Sllar>', BAKER AND BAK El\• S lmmed opentnp for drapery "9d x • ...,._ 541--7711 Git· ln bltttt en-., aultt 2$4 f'omt. t..aw-Beadr wUh heaV)' experience. '44-2'37 /549-1611 _xt~n~l ~tu,..tUrt~,~-"'-'=..,-,,,.--1 HELPER. Top w a 1•1 . wortc, aD )buel. Sto-6464. OIRJ.. Jor Avant Gude alma. I coats. s.J A comm. Gd I COMB.. u--i--ni.t-. l lnderwrlterTmee$DO area . SERVICE Sta. Att. Exp'd, FRY OOOK.... ...... -D·"-~ .......... ·-·-·-~--x--7 _.. _.,, --•-.-..t"C'·•-r ,. SERV STA AT'I' N-~. n. d hUt u-M W• ·-~-,.--.. u••P"Y~"~" _,._. ~.. -· .. -M•···~ lllterNl~-...... w~ r oar ,.ear collete ~. • · .: o;l.'U '""' mt ay 1 • Odin R.ataurant. n: E . 17th ~ ~... -saJes 6rieflted, Loolt'lnc for time men. Apply ln pel'IOn Station.· Santa Ana A St CM 646-MOl MAN Frida)',' Bldrps, drfw Wanted: CHAIR SJDE MANICUIUST -Newport PBX AM. Serv. woman °'· Fri, I to 2 PM. can I.ft 2 PK a catMr '1Pe of man. f.leta Union Service 2281 Pall.lades Rd. C.M. '' · IN!k etc, for carpet Ch. Call DENTAL ASS15I'AJ't'I' beach. ~ RON'S Mtn'a 2S. F1ex. hn. !:lcp1d. pn:l'd. ~ • Newport Blw, C.M. "SA:-:ILMAKER.===-"'1:x~.-.-.,.,...,,...,,~ LANDSCAPE lead man -5'1<>-1!1CO Pb. -Hllr s1,.nn, .. 5'9"'111 c.n -WOMEN .. -....... Both,.. by •ppllcant DRAFTSMAN, Part time, NORTH SAILS 113 ~ 644-2!071)49-1689 En~rprlllnc youna; man. MAID ovtr 30, pe~nt TELEPHONE AllP'frll'C LIVE ln mature womac tJr tibe:ra)u ~ Af"Pl1 W. •rwl fM peld by com-must know ooustna: I: trtc. Selll Beach (213) J"l:r O.Stf PDot Wllftt Ada. part time, 9:31).1:30, P. pa.rt . time, fi dQ'• / litelc. SUv~. Exp'd, .only. 2991 pnl ~ A: meals. D. Selloet Co., 3502 L IN"Y posltlont. apartments. TI4 : 496-3402 596-4461 BRil'IO RESULTS! p!'f' hoar. 54.>1686 Sl.75 hr. $.8521 Grict Lane, C.M. &40-W ~ room. 646--25.14, 543-4210 Grtlenvilk, Sutt AM. 'I I I • • 1 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION .. TRANSPORTATION 9500 Imported Autos .9600 Imported Autos l'-"-------9600 Imported 'JtOI 950 OIEV Pickup w/new --------FERRARI PORSCHE . fORD _ tires. new bdttory, runs splendldlY., bright ugly red, lil!:et: rain, ml.Id 11.nd un. civilized areas, put will alao run on street.!. Mu.st hlave $250. 83&-9349 preferably bl!fore 3:30 PM FERRARI Newport Import.I Ltd. Qr.. anie Cotl,ftty's cml1 autbol-- lzed dealer. SALES· SERVICE ·PARTS 3100 w. Coo.st liW)'. POflSCHE'S All models, all years, all colors. Anything and eVtrY- thing In 4 spd Porsc:tm. IN&"est aelectlon 1n So. Callt. ' Over~ to chDoH~from. VOL.It 'AG~N Last Of The '68 ·VW's BAllK FINAl<Cll!G tor....,..,.._,.., call us for free ntimate. GROTH CHEVROlfl wum: ·:;s aiev lmiiols """ ............... S 4 B, J1W>c!>td 341 w/S ,., ,.,~CCUNT.ll,Y de~ 6 tn.fwr Mt' U,.. .-.. · • Fcmi(y e,._lon -llill·OK _, , 1"'l ......, •• TEST DRM THE i ""'· lot l7ltl tai<tL $49-2llS .... --"°" $l50 imjji!ji c:..11 ....... -IOI' •. MINI· B~UTE ·.~~~~= ~:~~ ... HOLIDAY ( RAMBLER 9510 ;-,ULITARY Jeep -Chev V-8, Corvair Bucket Seats, 23 gal gf!Jl tank, Surrey top, new ll00x15 llres, many 1nore extras. On front cover Feb. issue "4-\vheeler" r.tagazine. ~ at 1.1esa Union Station Cor. Fairview & Newport Blvd. &45-2380 '69 vw CAMPERS 9520 NcW"'V!rt Beacb IWZ-9"" 540-1764 Authorized MG Dealer FIAT 'GS F IAT. Good clean cond. Low mUeagl". Oper lo of. fers. Weekdays 9 to 5 p.m., Mr. Brown. 540-2111 67 FIAT 124. 4 dr. Must Sell! $1225 or Oller NOW. 5411-4751 JAGUAR 5 Deluxe Sundials Total down $366. 1967 JAGUAR XKE 2 plus 2. Automatic, AM-FM radio, 36 mo, @ $15.60 o.a,c. air coodlUoning, w ire + final pymt !or title. Dlr. wheels, BeautitU: b\Jlgerlne (1) 892-5551 or 534-2284 exterior with black-interior. OPEN SUNDAY Must see to believe. Only 1008 FOiiD F-250 w i 1 h 8 300 " De '-18835 , mues. a ... r. Camper. % ton pickup Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach. E q u i p p e d with VS, 540--0442 au tomatic, radio, heater, tac-1------~--. 8, .._,., -'S0-3.8 Sed. Auto. Pwr S &: tory a.tr. ""'' •""'""• B Xlnt -• Prv rty Dealer. 18835 Beach Blvd. ' COuu. · pa ' 644--0739 Bunt. Beach. 5f0.-044.2 * PAM-TOPS, all st e e I shells. Sales le ren~s. $149 up. Buy factory direct. 1010 So. Harbor. S.A. MERCEDES BENZ J~l'illPllrl 31111po11:, 3100 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 540-1764 Authorized MG Dealer '68 Porsche 9ll L Sportomallc, radials, low miles, dlr. $5895. 892--5551 or 534--2284 1967 PORSCHE, 911 .S BUl'ltNdY w/bla'ck interior. XInt cond. 892-1192 SUBARU ----1969 SUBARU 1199 Tow Down l'>'mL 36 at $44.78 o.a.c-. + 1 final payment for -title AVAJLABLE ONLY AT: T&M Motors Oanfen .Grove Blvd. at Beaeb (1) 892-M!il or 534-2284 OPEN SUNDAY '63VWBUG-- aistom interior, chrome wheels, Radio .Lie. KC\V6(f; $699 ~HARBOUR@ VOLKSW AGBI, lllC. from $1297; 66 MPG Complete roretin car M'rvic:t Authorized K111ta Kustom Kars. ,.nfff::,;'::iJ.'""~ 845 Baker, C.M. 54Q.59l5 '69 vw TOYOTA TOYOTA H'EADQUARTF.r ' CAMPERS 5 Delwee Sundials Total down $366. 36 mo, @ $75.60 o.a.c. + final pymt IOr title. Dlr. (1) 892.s.551 or 534-2284 OPEN SUNDAY ' Askf,,SaiosMsnapr 18211 Beach Blvd. HwitJrtlfnn Beach Kl "3331 WE.PAY CASH fOR ·YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2821 llarltor lllvd. °'"' lo!-l*LIOO Wiil luy Your VotlllKilD • ,... • '" top tlollala. hid lor or r>0L Coll IWI* . 673·l190 . .HIO auto. P/•P/>. All -;;::'"' UI ., j!l_Call •• JUST ARRIVED • ~...., -• _ ... : ANOTHER BIG • ~~ _, 1#,ord.J<t" • SHIPMENT OF • '51 QliW 2 ii:. lili1I . Galaf!if H•r4ttp • body/lnL -.. .. ,.,., ~: ~.t;':'..:.'et ir. 1969 • = rod. ---· ""· 1\11) Cuh d•!I, wilt fine • • 1965 CHEV •-·-'· Wq., prvt PfUiY, Pymnta $29.S6. ,. ~ u•._ tB ATB 798, Call Ken 49§. • • ij COSTA MISA 'AMX JAVELIN OFFll YOU A FREE • ·oP.ILS' .. 396. R/H, full pwr, tac air. 9773 or 5fS.(l634 • . . • "'' P''Y· $\500. 844-011• '88 FORD Fah'r.ne S<tu!n • • CHltYSLllt ' -...,. • n.-. ~·'r.,;.,oi;:;:r; • Wini AUTOMATIC • '. P/s A t&ll -f«l.WO JA'Vi[iH c Lu I wfth • TRANSMISSION • WD'E'6 Car. 1...,,... New ~. 54.:s.<l63! pm. ,., ,.....,,., brakll MW lhockl. UM fAIE over payments $64 I ; • ~~r N"'"'1. r. A:. ~ J.1168 Fqrd Cortina, 5 81AND NIW I I Pl•., l)r, srr. v., M -llld. 1qu11y 12so. '69 AMX • I 111:11 'at Udo 1baftt ffotjJ, lWJ..CliO V-1, 4 ,,..,c1. Fully f1ctory • • llT w; ,..._, I>r.; Kl. l'OltDtiiiiri::;.;161;:;--"o....=1ry="'rn""""l/..,r;pt4. Ord•r kcl•y. 1 • n..-.'1ll" ·10 -.-A!Mond. tots of $2999 1958 CHRYSLER.' G oo d ~~ l'lmpo .... ! $2, !50. •. OUl OPEL PRICES • •nalne & tmtsmiaion, P/b; ..,..,~ ~uto L•lll'!I LEASE IT OR I $TART AT • P/" Riii. ail' $115. 64&.7645 -. MERCURY IRAND NIW '68 Javelin I BUY rr · • Which la lktJt For You' • FOR Info. Without Ob\lpUon • ~ 11&4182 II South Coast • . Cfr LoHlng • O"''' Yours Tod•y ••• HAND NEW 'tt IUJCK • COMET .1--------'61 Comet, air, reblt eng. • Xlnt cond. $395. • 874 Dan't'll St., C.M. 548-2535 : CONTINENTAL • CONT'L '61 Black• dr, hdtp. '65 MERCURY, 2 dr, ex- cellent condition. 3 O 4 O Grant, Costa Mt-sa. $1190 540.5090 MUSTANG liq 1119ln1, •mall price. IP19969 $2386 llAND NEW '69 Rombler . ' . .. . Camper Rentals 9522 COACH -TRAILER. 01 .11v1e Coun1y ~ L.1rg"'~t S~lect1<>n Nt'W s ll~Pd Mei ced('~ B· 111 ELMORE IS300 Bea<b BM!, W-'64 VW BUG 300 W. Coast 1-lwy, Newpot1 • *AUTO LEASING* • $2444 433279%600349 lmmodl•M Otllv•ry • New 430 cu ln rebuilt eng. • Lo ml. PS/PBIPtW/R/li '68 MUSTANG, 289, air, dilc, auto, gold w/vinyl top. 7500 Miles. $2800. 64J.U61 days, ~392 eves. F1111 111.1, 1w1h 6 121 H.P. Ord er iooclay, ·.' RENTALS It's none too early to make reservations for Spring Hol. id ays! WEEK-END OR WEEKLY 546-0291 Jim Sl emons Imps . W,nne• & Ma111 St. Santa And 546.4114 MG MG Pbcae 8!K-33Z2 Extra nice, perfect condition, JX"iced to sell. Lie. RYK'7i2 • • Spd C. 6 wy seata. Fact. air. New du.al 9D'a. Xnlt BILL MAXEY $1095 ., oi~ru= • ITIOIVIOITIA! fl HARBOUR m c~ ~~x~:~::~· : • '63 4 o,. btk.: full pwr, -VOLKSWAGEN INC Newport Beach ......., '65 OLDSMOllLE • new tlre• & brb, ttbr, int. • oond. ;1600. 134 W. Wilson, • CM POOLE'S FINE USED CARS 18881 BEACH BLVD. r , •, .. ,.,, H.T. '"''" '''·• M4keoU"646-2873 '67. 6 cyl MUS"I'ANG Hdtp New glau tin& & shocks. $1695. Prlv party 545-8165 '65 Mustang V-8, auto, air, $1395. 675-52SG Hunt. Beach 847-8555 -Uttd Cira -9900~ •powlr 1t1•rin9 I br1k11, '63 CONTINENTAL 4 dr, full 3 mi N. of Coast Hwy. on Bch Authorized ----aawto, CMOY 14&1 • power, air, IMMAC. $1100. OLDSMOBILE, $2043. . ' BRAND NIW '69 Rebel The P•ople Cit, 1175212. $243.6 EMPI Sportster. Co r v a i r pov;ered, nylon top, ?.1ycrs buckets, \Vlde tires, Top cond. Will trade. $995. 645-2076 Sales, Service, Pam Immediate Delivery, All Models • ''69. TOYOTA unI::o::"s~,~~rvi~ TRANSPORTATION • $1595 • '"-""" aft.r 5 1--'-----'--• • -UNIVERSITY IRAND NEW 1 '69 Ambassador '· Dune Buggies 952S MYER'S TOW'D J1 rtupot t 311npor1 s ·~own,VIV36 ':'@""~.39~ CAR SALE •-'H CHRYSLER • CORVAIR 1 final pymnt for title, dlr., • Full pow1r: f1 ctory 1ir. • '64 CORVAIR Spyder, 4 spd, Large Selection o.a.c.' New car warranty. Credit problem ! Ste UI far • INh•lS~! • turbo charged, yellovl FROM $1770 SALES & SERVICE OLDSMOBILE Air coni:l1tionin9 V·B, Auto tr1n1. S110210 $3286 Immediate Delivery! $349. 100% finan cing, Dir. (I) 892-5551 o' 534-2284 OPEN SUNDAYS DUNE Buggy, T"5 Curtains, New Eng. $1550 or Best oner. 657-7729 Immediate Dellvery 892-5551 or 534-22&4 instant delivery, low prices, .$ 1 895 • w/blck int. Xlnt cond. $700. SEE US TOOAYI 1 '59 VW Pick-up, good tire1, easy tenns. We deekle on • • 642-2989 2850 Harbor Blvd. ~~· Coast Hwy.5,i~~fA If L • "'can""'Mr'ow. p&-~verseu • ... ~~ ~~t. Call or come In •---,6-S_l_U_l_C_K ___ 1 •• ~63-G~,...'-.~b,-,.-,~1 .. -wne-,-. ~l~!Tl Costa Mega Authorized MG Dealer IJll 11 Anti I .,.Ul .6.IU 540-4392 • hp, 4 spd, dUferenl, Mwit 54G-9640 Used Can Ml).8881 =========:I ~t. . UlllG days. 673-5736 eveninp. BLUE CHIP •:l•ctr1 coupe. F1lll power,•1."""=:'::18511:==675-=1=494==== '65 OLDS, 442, 4 spa, Yellow MGA U1PQRTS '66 FAST BACK AUTO SALES • "''" •1•· •1---wt blk Int, Mu.t ..U • AM/FM radio, very clean. 2145 Harbor, Costa Mtsa • $ 1195 • CORYEnE best otter. 1 ownr, 548-9527 'GO J'.1GA, 10,000 mi. on new -=="=T0oO=Y::OT:::;Ar:,V;:;;O:,L=V=O= Lli:.-SMH479 WE PAY CASH FOR 1 · • ·---aft 4· USED CARS SELECT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT eng. & trans. New seats -TRIU•iPH $1495 YOUR CAR, PAID • e '61 Corvette ''327" '67 OLDS. 442: air, auto., & tire" 1450. 54>-416' r , r.r.. HARBOUR r.ll\ FOR OR NOTI • '66 IUICK • Removablo panetg, 4 '"'"" pwr. ''"'· & b,1"; new Imported Autos 9600 I"''"'"'-"-'·"-""-,,-;;'°''"""'"'"'"'"'•"'-• L\Y~ fJA ======;o===: ewUdoet 4 41oor. Fectory power s~eering, Deep .ivy 1 =tlre=•·,,,123=95=·=642-=l=n;:&;:e;:v=•·=I\ ... · • MGB 'ti T.R. 250 Rdstr. ' BUICK' a•lr, 1ut1 ., po'w•t •ffwrin9,• green with black intenor. I' AUSTln HJALIY • , ,, .wuw•" • ~ ~.fl.O, with blaok lnt•rior. VOLKSWAGEN, IN(, UH. ISVX Ol'1 • 8.600 aotuaf mll<1. Faotocy PLYMOUTH '66 DodCJt . .,, MOl ll'tlr •11ff >,!IJ>1111l blcT.R.ac<"fuori01. l·,_-7-n-n~-. --.. -~-·-., •. $2595 • W<UTantlon. ty, ShoWl'OOm O>n<fl. '62 Auttlri H11l1y "" • '• ~-•u"•" oondition In ov.ry A th · d = •w·~~ ~--1~1 PLYMOUTH 6 Cyl, 3000 Mark II, 4 sPd. Sea millt blUel ! Wll\1' whlillla, detall.'""'Must see & drive, u onze 6 way seat. AM/FM •~. --------• . ,. 440 STATION WAGON V·I, Auto. tr1n•., power d1•rin9 & hr••••· TRD676 dlr, elec overdt!w, Xlnt f(ldiQ, b@e,ter, ImmaculAtc Sales and Service electro cruise, air cond A • • BELVEDERE II condltion. $7' Qalft dtllt thrb!Nt. um·Beach Blvd. 842-4435 beater. $2995. 548-8474 • '66 TEMPEST • Model ~ 4 door station wag· $5~ per mo. take pfIDl1ll. f'-8.H m.o, t,.D '68 VW SQ. BACK '63 BUICK Electra, all.pwr, •Ctutom cpw. R&H, t11t•., :; ~=I= }..'TF 665, Call Gt,lm Excel. Cond. Radio, Radials, air cond., loaded! Oean, 1 P.S., f•ctory eir conllllltlefl•I vm;,1• lllterior, pawtr .,_.; 'GO A.Q., rhlf@jif., 64&-2238 1 ownero $975. PriV pty. l in9. !STD l 771 I l100 W 0Dut Hwy wtnclft,whltt _t*Wa11tM. Radio. hostn, xlnt ""'14. ~oo w. Coa•t Hwy, '60. VIV s.dan: iood <»nd. 6#-1732 • · · $1591 I N..,;_. ltllll ' MILEAOI • II,• '66 Ford MUrfTlY S9Ulll -&U.(;611! New,l';"!e,~. $500 '61 BUICK C 0 NV E RT , --------;• , .. ~M •• ,... ' •••i-•. UCEN!I! , UJB Jilt !100' w. mot ffWY.. Newport Beach V'tlJ""'"""" XI:.NT SHAPE $495. • I --...,,. Iv.I com>rrJON·. ~etUdt Newport Beach S42-94ffi · 54().1764 '6~2->v'=w~.~S-unroo-7f,-c7bnn--wh.,.t'"·' 1 . .~ 739. 3 • '66 T-ll"D Autbortud MO Otaler PJUCI • *'-. ' It•••· v.1, 1uto. tr1n1., ,_,i;,, 1l••r~9-RPL 7J7 Authorized ?.1G Dealer ... u,.,.. " • '6' COR E • • .,,, 642-9405 540-1764 wid9· tihs, exhautl, rlh. 1----'-------• Full power, f1ct1ry 1lt. " VITT ... al Utt n4lliY I'll.Or. bO Authorized f.1G Dealer '00 TR3, xlnt body ahe.pe. Sharp! $995. dlr. 892-5561 ·~~~Rlvle.ra.XIAh-1 00~~ •tSLB 4911 881a(lk beaut.yr Must 1ee te WotBaylfrftt,C.M.areall DATSUN '67 OATSUN WAGON 66P"' ma. Radio, Heater, all the Xtras, couldn't look or run better. PWTS80 $1595 ~ HARBOUR EiJ VOLKSWAGEN, INC. Authorized Sales and Service isn1 Beach Blvd. 8'12-4435 '64 Datsun P ickup 1 Spd, dlr, radio, red paint practically new tires. $50 OPEL '66 OPEL Station wagon, xlnt cond, 4 spd, dlr. radio, heater. Sea blue exterior. All originnl interior. $75 Cash dels. \Vill fine prvt p•ty. LB SWG 416 Ask for Ken 494-9773 PORSCHE 1966 PORSCHE 912 Cash dels, or take small 5 to Choose Froml foreign car in trade. L.B. All in Top Shapell VE?. 521, Call Ken, 494-9773 Starting at $3995 0' 54>-0634 534-2284 or (1) 892-5551 '67 DATSUN PICKUP DI,. OPEN SUNDAY Yt T, 4 spd. dlr, nidio & heat· er. Excellent condition, all '63 S. rebullt eng., nu clutch, origln!I, Owned by little 'ole brakes. AM/FM, ch r m man in Lagtlila. $50 cash whls, Jugg rack, cust exhst. dcls or take foreign car tn $2600 firm. 5'1&-3420 or trade. \Vill fine prvt prty. I ~54~2-0="~'==--=c-o~-, LB PTB 904, C&.U Ken, 494-168 PORSCHE 912, 5 apd, 9773 or 54!>-0634 til"'ted gla1s, AM/FM radkl, ,69 DATSUN radials, s,ooo mi., dlr, $4895. 892-5551 or 534-2284 Big sedan, 96 hp, overhead 1--=~~-,c.o--=,,--.,_ 4 pd dl '68 Ponche 911 T <: cam eng., l.U.I·, s , ra o, heater, wsw tires, loaded! 5 spd trans, radials, low 2800 tnlles, under factory miles. $5895, dlr. 892-5551 waminty. Bal $1775. Take ot 534-2284 $75 cash <leis or older car. '64 PORSOIE, all extn.s; L.B. YNW087, Call after 10. new engine. Xlnt cond. 4!it.9773. $3400. 675-1297 'Eli DATSUN rdstr, hardtop 11 Your Ad In our classltleds? r&h, xlnt cond. $1695. dlr. Someone will be Iookina for 892-5551 or SJ4..228-i It Dial 642-5678 lmDOrttcl Autot 9600 Imported Autos , a~[Ea[;.1 ELMORE MOTORS '11100 HACH ILVD. YIUTMINSRR ., ... nu MEE-FREE las Ve~as Vacation 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FORIWO No 'urdi~11 Neceu•ry 15300 Beach Blvd. Westminster 894·3322 OPEN 7 DAYS good tires. See to ap-or 5J4....m4 ...... as. UJW nu, n COuu • alipreciate, Local car. $50 642-43Zl ext 276. predate. 540-5003 --· _ 12195 675-1596 • $2695 • ea..h "'''·'""·.,wilt''"' '66 Ambassador '65 BUICK Riviera, Ctuitom, 1 .. -----,.--foreign car in trade. Call PONTIAC tta 2 DL HARDTOP VOLKSWAGEN loaded. 1-<>wner, fact air, • Ken alter 10. lB QOB 223. V-1, 1uto. ir•n•,, power $2595. Call 673-4256 • '65 CHMLLE • 494-9m or 54.!).0631. GIU\ND Prix '64, e I e c 1t1•rln9 & br••••· SMR '67 GIA Extra nice. guaranteed,·J.t. dio, & extras, )'ellow' wltb black interior. lifo. P2!B ,57 CEN"n.JRY Buick depen-llS.s. Radio, heater, auto .•• '68 CORVETTE, yellow, 327 wlndwB, seats, alum. whls, 262. dable fnln1JPOrt8ti0n cir, •PS. (RGU440) engine, 4 spd, 13,000 orig P/S, P/b, air-rond, tilt $52 clean. $200. 548-0291 aft 5. • $1595 : miles. $4500. 546-8776 1tr'g whl. $1095. 673-5480 pet mo. • '65 PONTIAC GTO $1795 0 HARBOUR fl VOLKSWAGBt, INC. C ILLAC • • COUGAR - __ A_D____ ,66 PLYMOUTH Sky ,btuo oxt, white top, V-8, '67 Opel • •1----...-----dlr, pwr steering, bucket KADIT 4 SnlD IMPORTS '68 CAD, Sedan DeVllle; 8650 4 cloor, Aufo"'1tic, r1cllo,. '68 COUGAR seaUI, Dccellent cond. OWn-Coupe. Vinyl roof, ricfio TOYOTA-VOLVO Actual Mi. Chestnut brown, e h•1t1r. ITEZ 5121 a Lime wtth black padded top. ed by little 'ole lidy in San ind heifer. UOE tl2 ;-~M. 646_9303 beige top; real brn. lthr. • $1395 • Loaded and air cond.ltlonlrJi'. Clemente. $50 Cash del11 or $45 'IO VOLVO inter. Tilt wheel, air, &.way • $2800. Jf. Stolts S42-5581, take foreign car. can fine per mo. Authorittd 1 •M l' dlr --A _,,.,, .. r seat,. radk>. $54503 Firm. • • Eve!. 962-7m6 pKrvt ~~9-;!3 ~~"~~Call Sales and S•rvfce _., r .., • """" , ... u ... • Orig, Owner 644--034 _ ·'62 CHEVROLET • ======== en ...,..... ''" or ~ 18711 Beach Blvd. 842-4435 =:~ ~;hi~~te:~: b!~~ '64 CADILLAC ·Coupe de !;1ickir~~ Plu~~ing or • FALCON '6.5 Bonneville, perfect cond. '65 Mercury '62 VW Kannann Ghia Convt -~ w in f t Ville power, air, 45,000 mi. __ ec 1 l ~_pee .. ----·---~-new tiff• 4 01#1• Priv. M'A.UUDll 4·Dl. H.T. Rebuilt eng. nu brkl, clutch, :=.ui.8..,iXP rJ2. ~ ~;, Excellent condition. $1950. (K83D5J) · • 'SS FALCON v-1, Hardtop, party, * fTl.'Plll V·I , eufo;· tr111,., PS, PB, extractor exhaust Tonneau 9773 or'~ SU..M ' : $1191 • auto traiW, Pl. oulltandine '67 FIRiiIRD, rtb, P,, pb, ilr toftd. NHN 016 cover, Real buy! 675-4890 '68 cJ Conv pg5 I oond. to.61«1, 9624168 auto tran&, $2395. dlr. $ 49 ''-' pm. AntlquM, Cl11~lcs 9~ LIU new, Lo miles, I 'H PONTIAC • •li . 111'1&' Fsicon $2:15. 892-li551 .,. 534-2284 P"' "'0 • "66 FAST back, blue with Loaded! rl"MIOS1 • • Needs dutch a: water pump. '65 4 DR. Tempest V.S, R/H, white interior, mUJt 1111 OWi 1 'R '°"' srWtt I NU doon 1 lt.•11ohlef 4 ,.,,, f••· '''• <Bhae IGM) ""~1 air, auto, Pia. Xlnt oond. ~'66 Sunbeam w .. k. oood CQ!ld. llDl6-:J;" ~~1"i:'t!.= CAMARO I i~rr11;i , •• ,, ''.°"1'1·:1-==-=PO==lt=D=== IUOO. 847-'!250 TtGll &42--4000 wttb 'NU' end. 1 'CG Ford I , 1791 v.1, 4 •pd. l•1utlf111 ci r '64 V\V, ne\v ena:lne. Mu.It 'tf Camll'd U l!IO • .._ __ -----RAMBLER h11ld1 111cl out. RRK 31 1. sell, best ~~~f7st. l~. ~ =. ~ '~.;~la~·: :. ,61 OLDI . : ·~~~?1:::nc P~'. -'51-AMB--ASS-ADO--R-V-~-,-pwr-. I( $64 per mo. '" VIV, oo00 ... •am... aa. -"" = B1lL .....---~... -· & ·-.. MH: • ., body. motor, 1\000 . ===-m====I CHIVltOLIT ,c.~, .. , .. 1 .. , ••• 1w... • .1 DAILY PILC7fWANTADS uce .... $lll0.54M416 '67 Fard ho "'" -• A ... W t·• 9700 I II II • IRINO llE!ULTSt SOCK IT TO 'EMI ' "'~-1-• ........... •_n_-___ $1fl =-=====!=:::i:'===== ,.,. .... ,too '65 VW &00 Dr!POJ\TI 'WAN'l"ED '83 QIE\1Y Impala U 2 • IN C 9 9800 2 Dr. HT. V-1, •uto tr1n1. Blue with matchitlf tllm!Ol'; Or&nlt OJantles door. new brake1 6 t1rtl. , ·I tW ll"I IOO N.w Cin PS, Under 15,000 mi. r.ulio, • "'"'· Guonn"""'. TOP I BUYER -· au>d. $12!1). su.-1 • . ''2 MUCUIT I ii. •••••••••• -• " $63 Lie. RTFtll19. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA '11 OiEVY <on,.rl., IOCill : Mo1toioy. ,;,, "'· ....... 1 YOU'RI INVITED II P"' mo. $1295 18881 Beacb llvd. Cone!. $475. Call Mint.r at p.1. l&!X ltOI . • • • • I m HARBOUR D H. Beach. . I'll. 111.a -· aftlr T pm 510ollll : $6tl • • 1969 I '65 Classic VOOOWAGEH INC. Imported A-. HOOl"\l'!r!H Allltl ·~ :••••••••:• ·RECREATIONAL 1 ;;;~::;~;c\',~;~~ ... Authorized m CHICK IVER-INC. fl'JI • JAGUAR • • AND • I $ 44""' rno. Sales and Service U ·11 Bl I · I YEH SHOW ~-;.;..~:=:.=: 0~1ff.N~~;J:~~~· :c.~~!~'-=•· · ICLE : "" s--99 $1899 ., .. •nd P1rl1 o., .. t. I • 392-5051 "' "'4-2284 ~ •"'•,nl for JA&UAR5. : I 3 81. D A Y S '64 VW converDble, new top, Fnlft "' , , • Seen., hclfl119 FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY I paint. interior. ~.000 ml. e Porsch•• e IUMI & Cimpere· • 1949 Jet111r Teii11y • 1 MAltCH 21-29-30 Sharp. 6'&S2l1 • ., ·-CN,. '"" ... YW .. "" •• "'" •••••• ••• •• -I • .,. vw Sunroof, low rnt. s,.c1.11, Prlc•tl IT'1' 600 1 " I ., I ·=~~~~: :: !i~·::1··:: :::··~·'.::.'.~D$L;::· .: 23, E. 171b ST. :. UNIVERSITY I RIK. muat lell, $1450.· ('114) ll;111tt•r bff.,. {P.X? lltt t '•u•~91r INQlt721 I 7761 OLDSMOBILE ..,.,...bdoroe. . .. ,_.. .,, "'" .,,-"' ...... ''"' .• 14 • :.•1 1 I '68 V\V 7 paMenger but. 4 tp11d tr1n1mitdon 12 fo ... .., 17,00(l mi, Xlnt thruout. j~~o.;;J~~~) ISi.A 7211 E,;9inte¥erhil•cfllieur • OPEN& •1 2850 K'ARBOR BLVD., (.OSTA MESA 'I $2650 Pri pcy. ~156 '41 hnch t11 S64tt Shop IOS l.0471 8 7 DAYS ••• e '66 VW Bui 9 PRM, Xlnt Sporfolft1tlc tr11u"'i1•I~. • AND H1lp Ua Celebrate Our Addition I m"'1l u"°"";., ~ Pl.Int. ',~~t•ry, .,, 11, 0c•Hitf•N111n,, :'!_, .. ,,,"',,. c,1,, .',t,',"1• • IYININ•S _•I Of A CompleM LlM ot , • • I make 0 er ,U'I -•Q.)'I ew:a "" ••1•· ''"'· '""'' j",., trFxt4t> GMC TRUCKS & HOLIDAY CAMPllS 1968 VW l600, with map, bw111 regl1t.,.J. He.4912 ·--------.-------- :!-1.!'1M, auto. 12200 · CHICK MRSOll, lllC, I F I S..AllThoNew I ><• vw CONY, ~. 111·•-• m REE. Vacotlon And I ~ ·~ -VOLllSYIA4HN 6n-otoo .. c I E I I MANY OTHO MAICIS & MODILI , • .,..,..... .... d,Oft ''" cath er trff• .,.ulty, 11lva T&L for H ,., ... en .,,,.,_. hnlc cNdJt • HOLIDAY ' -1.s.mc. """1 o.,. ·-,.. , __ _ ''" Harbor llYd COSTA MESA 642-6023 1970 H1rbot IJ,..d., Colli M111 .,.. body \•oork. $575. DR,}'lt • • '· I Pepsi l Hot o-. • •mp no qu pmen p 49'.Q(133. Ev" -673-51328 -------w~•~,.•~•~,.•~•~,.•~•~,.•,,_.•...._,..,,_. • ...._,.•~1~~~!!!!:!!!!:'!!!~~~1 ·-I I ·------------~~----------.--·--------------r----·---......,., ....--·------·..--.·---....... -------·-·-r- . ' ff DAILY PILOT . ' ~OOD 'AT DISCOUNT U.$.D.A. CHOICE OR FAD "TENDERfUL• SHORT RIBS LE~~~ND . U.S.D.A. CHOICE•OR FAD "TENOERFULH CHUCK BLADE ROAST CUT U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR FAD "TENOERFUL" ROUND STEAK ~u~~ U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR FAD "TENDERFUL"' RUMP T~~~~R L!'AN • DEPENDABLE QUALITY • FRESH GROUND BEEF GROUND . FRESH DAJLY l7·P1ECf KITCHEN SET e STAINLESS ilEEl • 3· 99 • ~OSEWOOO HANDLES • llEG. 4o.9t CUTLERY SET • ,·1"'" ·-' ------ " • • :DISCOUNT -·PRICES · an d TOP UAllTY!· FEATURING FAD'S EVERY.DAY . . . LOW DISCOUNT' MEAT .PRICES! . . . c c lb. c lb. c lb. PRICES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY THRU TUESDAY, MARCH 26 ·APRIL 1 ... STORR HOUltS, DAtl't 10 A.M.. TO f P.M, SAl\JROA':_' $UNOAV ' JO A.M.. TO 7 P.M. WHOLE BODY STEWING 1 9~ CHICKENS NO GIBLETS, BACKS AND NECKS BEST OF 49~ FRYER NO STAMPS • NO GAMES • liO 811.llCIS • JUST EVERYDAY LOW PRICES plus 4 STAR· SPECIW, M\IX! e POacRAIN ANO CTMM tC ASST'D. D61oN5 e ttG. I .OD EACH COFFEE .IUGS DAV!tl 00U0V.S e IOX OF 1011 REGUl.AR 98c , COFFEE FILTERS DAVID DOjXi4.AS GIFr SET, tNC\.UOE5 2" SERVER. f.1LffR PAP~El!S, CONE. .. COFFEE ~pLf COFFEE ·SET REG. $6.00 ' KERN'S • 8-0UNCE • s..(VE Jc TOMATO SAUCE CARNATION e LIGHT M.EA T e NO. l/:i CAN CHUNK TUNA s~~, GLOBE e 1-LB. PKG. e ~VE Be A·l NOODLES J'EBSTERS PACIFIC • 20-0Z. PKG.• ALL VARIETIES BAG COOKIES s~~' 8' 27' 33' 49' glff!Nm UNABRIDGED DESSERT0ZTOPP1lNGRTS 3 7' RATH KIFRANKS0 UND PKG.65' SPRINGFIELD • .. ROLL PACK • SAVE 6• TOILET TISSUE ' SPRINGFIELD • 46-0l. CAN VEGETABLE Juice Cocktail 24-0UNCE e ALWAYS FRESH • SAVE 12c GIAt:T LOAF WONDER BREAD KERN'S • JO.OUNCE FROZEN SLICED STRAWBERRIES SANTA ANA ~ 2120 SO. BRISTOL AT WARNER COSTA MESA 2200 HARBOR BLVD. AT WILSON • $ • 0 l $ , 0 l 31' ----------- ,/ •