HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-26 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa'-'· ' ... ~ ... , .. • .:1.J ! :. ... ~ • .. ·¥• .. -" -.;• ' --·--- J, -- • .., ·-'II ... ,. f ). t; •r ,. t"" ·' 1j ~,.,, · 1 ' \ ... •Jo • .4 .... , ... _, . . · . .. ' . t . " already here, many water sport enthusiasts_ are · ignoring poUuUon w11;nlligs. Lifeguards s\'ghth)g . violators of awimming ban have been authorized ,to cite .ame. , · .. w s;· ·~-~;;pie Spy? Y~u~h Picks Bad I : '.Ii '7,.;f 'jf • ·l · . , , . , 1 U ,f for tscape Mesa .f1don·F~~-$,12 Millwn Suit A ;Girden Grove ...,,..,. blndlt ' .;.~ 'BA.~t + ' wtth,tbe fut growina.1Dennf Chain. --~. ~, 1'rq: CM , hi which to t ~ ........ ~; "' i · The' action states& that Denn 1'1~ 'm:akt: :hfl; ·eicape Tueldly . Mgb( after 1f HllT)' Tl'anldin dJ41'irbat Marie /,tliroulh ita l&e!lla and employa :.;ilffr',r~'up a fD1irket. · Caliend••" "1d 1 be . <lilt. .be . bad a Joi mediately tbreal<nld lo ,.t th• • , The car .be jlODped Into was driven of cnist. -· I:. 1' .,,,. ~ , • formula." ·• 'bY~ "'~ ~· ' Coeta 1,1~.~ oool;;J'rlllllb!,~11 The langual'·~ the< comp!olnt In·· \>'~.Nell A.idm'. WU drl..,, aceusod::;:b~ij!ng a;' ..cr.t·• apnt di, cates that Denny • wu ...,....,ui. '. . .;i.., ~ AV..... when the II-year· fonnlll;a ' ' .. r~le fa·§d~erlor Attached to the suit are sworn af. old -.. .. h ·oP-ed)tbe door and jumpid eoort dispute '.1iehieen Calimcler p1., fldavill by other CaJieoder ernp1oy.. • ,.,..... • .. and Denny'a mtaliranta. \ in which they de.crlbed.Fnnkllll'• .u.g.. ;in: AllllF'!'I' uk<xl hlm, . Why ,.,.. Named !n tthe fU mlilito -.llled ect statem..U In which be admltled• you ~.·and · ~f c!c> you, haYO late Tuesday l>y tbe ~ Co, It In o.. liti? former tmPI01<.Fraeklln, -_, that he bad paoed on Ille eecm fGrmuil r for Denny'• iii Ooota MOIL • to hJJ new employer. 'Sloriled, tbe youth jumped out, of the The euit ~1 • .,. that be ~vtili:d the Callender;• alleges that Denny~ car ,and ran. -~ aJ>d .. ,. raelaurant chain wilh.full -111 <JI the to ""' that fomwla In a chain of pie -)llm al Cllepman lllid HuTll Strftl. aec"'f, Cali"¥Jer' l'O<ipe delpit& bla bOina . -lo be ....... --Pit>. • Mee laid the yWth bad . held up "'"" to oecnq by Clllenlm. . ' ' A bid by Cillender'1 lor <granting "'t Ille Tic Toe Market, 11131 Euclid St., The Clllender comJilaii!t .~ -that a reslrainlll8«ltiler' acilnol Dem7'1 wll ' mt um. 'u and ... with Denny'• det"1nlnalloll lo olJtlln lhe'PI&-be beard Aptjl I. The 11DM lini\'1 -• U! ,er •-away meklng formula -llema frillD a ·rec<nl against Hll'.fll Froilklin"w!D '&O before ·about flO .in ·• paper bl(. ~·IDOlle7 refusal by Marie Callender to niergo· Judge Claude Owens April 3. waa ftCOVUed. I r ,·t \ , I , • t • . . . • · 1 • FINCH PENNIES .. . WITlf. .PILOT .ADS The "Peiiny,PlnclJe~" . .ad clUlillcaUon ·11 .. been 1tpaDJted in,uie QAIL y Pnm .. :c1...wid ")'ant Id" ....,U.... f!.ihclucle anyt1J!nc anyone , W,n1410 ·tell" (uetpl tor """'"-"aL~) .. 1"-;;'!-J>enn .PloCh«" ,.U .b 'appear. ~. ~ the clUllllcailon in wblcb ~ ad flll. 4oy :iPeim,r1 PiJt Cher1•' 1d' ~in run up to three llnei 'for two 'um.I for n;· Maximum vaiue ol the Item tor 1111 II $110. Read 'lm. u .. 'em. P!nCll your, peonlei,and make dollµt. . • .. can ~ 1r,r the dlrkf lill!_tO the CluiUied Ad~ Depl. . . . 'l • • ' , , -; .. ' I• . ' .. . . •.t • I . . ' ' . ' .Max Easbnan, .~ .• . ;Dies . on Bin-bad95 . · BRIDGEroWN, ·~ (APj' - Mu l!: .. tffial!;'" 116, a ~l<'iaiii( -~ and intellectual llm'llll tbe:ywa belOra World Wat I • poij,I~ and~ Oil Bolsbevltm, dlid ... Ilda ~ island.during the· nigh , "• > Hj1 widow, Yve!te, and»•lllateri!n'lalf, Miss Suzanne ·Selfe1: ta.Id they woul4 return with bii body' to Ilew York .~ J."· ,. ,., .. ,:~t'·V l J I ' . "'--~/l ·'.~\ ·, '-;. J . ' . " ···-.~~ Hot dog, that ms<ury'1'1'1111y climbing. Tburaclay It'll be up tO 88, t/l•qk• to~ a m\kl_.Sanlf A.1111 '\b re e 1~. '' -with · fair•· R:lu: •"' ' l throqgbout. , ,.., ·~ : . INSmE TODAY Thirt art lofn( Uiugh.aJnt1 Mil~ ing. Read. h~ actoUnt of ont Nt10p0rl Horllor',.... tohlcll ~ plmJr •t Ihm. .11~ Peot JS. , • ; .e-• "" ~ • () •. ~ !~ ' I =.. ."! ": ~ -: -~"·~~ .. CIRtfflll 4.>11 .,..... • =-~-' : "" --·= .......... .JC: ........ e"::r ~ g~·J-~ ~ .4Mi ... ..._ • • .. -. =-· .. ........... " ..,. ~ ......... ll " ' A '~ I t s Wiatr .....,, MW». lM Crash Kills Coast Nurse, 2 Others A 1-Beoch -lllr JlllWJ -1« --dot lo lhlp aUt ... vllilDm tod13 -ond a 11-.i ~ -killed !ale 1'1Mode7, wbon -....,.. car cnlbed Into a 6an Dleto ......., alrl>cne at hlib "'°"' lib " cllft -· San DI"° Olunb' eor-'1 lllfid1 Dlvld slSt aid Ellaablllt A. An., 21, d lJ9ll 10th Avt., South LqUi1a, wu drlvlor at an ..U...i.d 111 ma.· per bollr just belcn Ille "'*"""Jar craab. Killed at the same --. her liance, Lt. Waltu L. Toy Jr., JI, d El T,.. MCAS, and LI. Dooald A. lli-, 28, d lllo llalboa Naval 11o1!11a1 al San Dieio. ln...ilplon tald Ille trio .... out ttlebraU., far tllt last -~ prior to Lt. '1'111'• dtparar, lolW)' hr • 1:1-moolh -dllly 'lllor, -which he ·ond llJao AlleD bad plaanad 'Living Death' Ends for Boy In Long Coma A tlnd el lf"riot death llnally tnded at Fairview State Bo.pltal in a.ta 11e11. TUe9day, fllr a 5-year-old boy ttill 1n a coma 162 days llfter bein( revived lollowlng a nrimmlng pool accldeDt. _ 11.icbael Willon, ol 2'1GI N. Laird SL, Santa Ana, died without regaJntnc coiJ. sclau!ness, although Sant.I Ana Police Sgl Km Reeoor sUrled bJm breathing ageln with lllOlllMo-mouth - ~' 11 the home "' Mr. 11111 11.n. Louie Wlllon in responN to an emergeocy call, Sgl &taor dove Into thelr llagnanl swlmmlll( pool IMt CJo1. 17, spotting Mkh"1'1 leg1 In the murk. 1be victim was n18hed to a oo.pital, but irreparable brain damage bad a~ pareriUy been caused by lack of OXfJftl lo the brain and clelth wu alll<1'DY ~ as accidental drowninc. Young Michael WU ftnally tmldtrred lo Fairview Stale Hoopllal, alnce he required constant care. A spol<esman far Peet Family~ Funerll Home, Westmln!ler, Aid no services will be he1d locally, but the body II being shipped lo Waller, Tu., for burial. Besides hb parenU ond matemal IOd paternal srandmothon, the W!llon boy II wrvlwd by hn> oi11«1 llld m brotbil!rL They are Jo Am llld Judy: Louie Jr., llA>bat, Qwlea, James, Gary and Dave. Police Nearing :Firebomher of .. _,.. •1Jb •• bow teniWI," murm..ed ...., v ..... ~ "' Soidh C06ll Clalftmn1t1 Jbpilal, ..... Illa ,... -........ ::t:" bwt!lr -oltllt-~. Pollet Aid 11111 Allin W• tiriq Lt. _,.. ..,, -ipGrll car B ~ speed aJooc Chatlworlb Boalevll'tl what she lost coatiol and 1111 lalal lltde ud lllgltt be(an. -.q r-·one side of the bouJHvd lo the otbor, Ille automobile -oil the curblnl and .......r up a sloplnr private driveway wbJch literally aclecl Iii a _., pad. ~ lbnuP 1 bod ol Ivy, the ...... Into tllt alr and -tllt tr-at the top ol a--· blutod l1nllb that and --on oat throulh die • wall ol the atruo-"luN. • The -· ->lrlulll:r -and a car and boll= lntlde _. lalned eomld!nble , accOnl1'I( lo San Diego County aulhoriu ... Spokesmen at South Coast Qmununlly lioopllal aid today that MJu Alleo •I" pareoUy roomed witb one or two other .rwnM at a beach view home. eor.n.t'1 lmeat1plon llated her IUl'VIYcn u her parents. wbo live in llo'oney. Pilots' Group Calls for Strike Over Skyjacking AMSl'ERDAM: (AP) -The Interna- tional Fedarllklo of Airllno Piloll Allodatlooa wll'lled today lhlt It m1y call a worldwide atrlke for tZ or 24 boun If alrllne hljoctinf la not lllitably punlshed. A TelOJutlon wianlmowly adopted by the federation's annual conference said it may ah@ tab thae actions again.st nationa that don't punish hljacken: I, A ban on olr alr lrlfl!c Into the country. 2. Coordinated action to restrict move- ~t of the country's aircraft and to l'eltrlct movement of cario to and from the country, either by air or surfaei!, The fedeqtion representa 70 percent of Ille world'• IMO alrllne pllotl. The Soviet Uni.CG WU reprt.se!Md by observers, but CUba, the chief tar1et of the reeoJutJon, WU not repruented. Eorller, the ...,,.....,. adopted • ~ Aylor that the federations o.ecutive committee ia authortud to impose • ban ol lligbU Into the ollendlng ~ wben it doe& not allow . the crtw 'ol • blJacted plane tO 'leave within e11oun. Yotith Has Its Day Fountain Valley City Hall took on youthful ap- pearance Tuesday as 15 .student.s from Los Amigos. High School took over municipal goVernment for day. Mrs. Sally Hartman (left), coordinator of . p.rogrlµl!, and Marta Brownt 17, tend a hand as 'Wayne POO, 15, tries city1ll&ii8ger'.s desk for size. ' North Viets Iiivade··\Saigon Eiglit Americaris Killed as Red Offen.sive Mounts SAIGON (UPI) -Communist troops stormed a U.S. outpost protecting Saigon today and killed eight Americans on the 32nd 'day of an offensive that sho\llS no signs of abating. Overall Communist losses in the Reds' longest sustained campaign soared to nearly 20,000 men killed. Far to the north. U.S. fi.farines sweep- ing jungles near the demilitarized zone seized another huge haul of Communist rice and muniliom to fuel the offensive. South of Saigon, 1n the_ Mekong Delta, Conununist gunners shelled the U.S. Anny-Navy complex at Dong Tam, destroying a big ammunition dump and forcing hundreds of men to abandon part of the base. Military communiques said Allied 1.,,,.. killed 275 Communists In lighting that ranged from the DMZ to the Delta Tuesday and early today, ·adding to the staggering Ioooes 3Ullered by North Viel· namese and Viet Cong units since the offensive began Feb. 23. U.S. commanders said more than 15 000 Communist soldiers were killed in 1the first three weeks of the offensive, and losses since then were believed to have added at least 5,000 more to the toll. Io the attack on the U.S. baie today, Communist forces charging behlnd a barrage of mortar shells rut a Ist Air Cavalry Division position along in- filtration routes to Saigon about 50 miles northwest of the SOuth Vietnamese capital Military spokesmen said e i g h t Americans were killed and 17 wounded before U>e Communlsl3 ·finally· pulled back under heavy counterfire fr-0m U.S. artillery and helicopter gun.ships. The bodies of two Communist soldiers were f-0und banging on the barbed wire sur· rounding the base. The Marines operating near the DMZ .in an Allied counteroffensive reported finding 2.50 more tons -0! rice and 29 Airport Director~­ Road Chief ... ' . ~ 0~ ~ ~.~m:::00ai!'.i hi~~ Clash on Freewa}i: miles oorth of Saigon. 1 The haul pushed to 1,250 tons the County Road Commlai<>ner A. S. K&ICti am-OWlt . of rice seized by the Marines 1s at odds with Avlatiop Director ~ this week near the abandoned combat Branahan over ~ 111~ cl ~ base at Khe Sanh and dealt a heavy O:irona del Mar Frerwjy. blow lo North Vietnamese forces in the Followi'I( llrelnlhaD•s request . t y ii S. ha area. weeb ago that the coumy. -.i, Iii l·r p h . t . t H "t In another acti-On ~ today, a Supervi9on ... the state DMdDa ""GI n syc l(J, ris l large Communist lorceattactecl'a South illlbway lo move the r-..ay 1,000 Itel l\'ietnamese airb&rne battalioo 12 miles south of Palilldea Roed, the t.iU ~ ll!IOUth of Da Nang, and Allied spokesmen red the matter to Koch lor ~ ~ · · F , reporied 120 Vi« Coog l<illed• Jn 1 beUle Koch's report UJ'lel lilt I h t Or 'Dodg • g Q. tw" · ' that, 1nc1uc1ec1"tacti<a1 .ir llrik .. ooc1 supervisor• for,.i the whole tb1'I( anc1 ' in· U. es ' ns· artillery. Five South Vielllemeae llOldlers leave the 1r .. i;:i where It la~ ' He -J.1 -· I' .._ ___ ·1n~ ... _..._.._ .. _."t...a..t_ . ., . .were killed and 15 wOIJl:ted, the -.a ,., UR11 QUllllllUWAllDI • ~ 1 tapOkesmen said. • 1 -wl1h ~ lQafi tmce lNO Onr 1the -.uet- LO& ANGELES (UP!)-A prosecuUng put wonll tn my ftlOdth that ·1 didn't A Viet' Coog blrtage at Dong Tam l1ll!llt ol the lreewiy and .the Dlvlllom attorney heatedly, charged a defense , aay. t caq't allow yoo to di!tort what befoce dawn today killed at 1east three of Higb]rays mna1m firm in ltill psychiatrist t-Oday with dodging his 1\-e sa)d." . Amerlcans and woonded about 65 others ~~ ~. it 00 the ~ questions about just what triggered "Doct.-Or 1 doo military sources said. The base serv~ numa ' :Negro's Home 'Jbe ftl01utlon atreued that fn.. v..U1at1oa ol the h1J1ckln1 "llhould not be uaed u a reuon for detalplng the crew by a country where the aircraft landed." Slrtian B. Sirhan in the shootlni -Of Sen. • 't know why you're as the headquart.er.s -Of the U.S. 9th Bresnahan had protated thlt the jll:Oo Robert F. Kennedy. .. d-Odging me,'"'.Flttl aaid. " lntantry Division and bas a repair facili-po9ed alignment would enc:roach 40I fteC Police are nanvwil>g the llMrCh to liod the lndMdull or lndlvldulll who .firebombed the home ol 1 young Hun- tlnctDn llelch N..,. ccuple Salurday. The 1araa:e doer and driveway of Irwin llarril, -"' • medicll llbcnl«y In Garden Grove, were leVU'ely xorcbed 'Satunlay when 10111e00e threw' a molotov ICOC.i1ai.I fnm a speedinc truck. Pol1ce llbled the lire bomhinl ... Gbvioul racial 1llcldent. .. illrTil WU the victim ol point spluhing on h1a prq:e doer Jan. 29 In • poalbly rellled Incident, police said. Huntington Beach only has about lZ Negro families in the city and has never experienced IUCb racial violence be:fGre, police said. Investiga&q: ddedives say tbty hive several clues, and m1y aoon know who b ""J'Ollllible far Sllurday'I violent 1Cl I ' UAILY PILOT ....,_, .._. lt:aaJtqlw ._. ----c--CAUIOllllA OltA-.OJ COAST l'UIM.llHINO CCVU'ANY ...._.N..WMtl ,,.....,, ... ........,. J.,. -. c.rt., VIH ..,..... ... OMlfel """-,...., ..... ·-"•"'•' 4. M•r,lilft· ~.,, .. Pail Mint• ~ -C.ltMIM1 UIWtlt~t"'9lt .._. ••ctu m1 .._, .. ,... ..., ....... utuM a.ell: m .._. "-"""''*" ..... ! .......... D&A.Y Pl.Of, ... ..._~ ....... .. .......... " ............ --.... .... _.._._ ... '--..... ............... c.te MfM, llWMSISe __ , .... ,....,...,, ....... , --.... ·~ C.....~W.et!tll ::-..., ":.... Celle ~ .. 11 ==•• mer MMU1 C' •• $' 0 ... ",. ~ ......... (11111 .......... -... ----............................ ..,.. _ ..... , ....,.....,_ ............ _. ---..... =.-... c.--. c.wwlll.a; ., -rltt..,, ........,, .......... _.,, Mlltery ........ ! .. 11.11 ....... Another reeoluUon emphulzed lhat no bilateral air agreemenb between states should be made or renewed without atrict provision. f o r proeecution of hi- jackm or tbelr return "to the state o1. rqiltraUon of the aircraft or the llal< or the operator of the aircraft for ptOleCUtion." Dance Too Hot; Bar Trio Jailed A Santa Ana nJght club dancer, a patron and the owner fl the place were arruted oo lewd conduct char1ea Tues- d1Y nicbt by hn> Alcobollc Bevu1ga Coolrolofllcen. ABC men Stanley Griffeth and Ronlld Pttaka of the Santi Ana of'flce were amoni the tudJence in the Vampire Room. Wl W~ Ave., when dancer Rotelli Marte Moen, tl, of ~ -alleplly e1111gl'd In lewd acts with a customer, Thomas R. J ICillon, 28, ol San DI.,.,. ' Bar ...... Ccllcblla E>cob1r, 38, ol Los :An(d.,, WU cbaried with procuring, """"'l1nr IOd aailllna In lewd conduct. She IOd •bout . 411 patrons witched the por!0111W1Ca l>ttweeo .the dancer and the customer, the ABC men u1c1. J1cbon wu ctt.id .and nleutd but the dancer and blr owner were bootu:t In Or1nge C.W,IJ jail City Beach Open For Easter W eeIC HunllJlitoa Belch city helCh la Opal and appomrtly will he -during the Eaet.er Week ~hoot vacaUon dwplte clolure ol H-.,i.n stile BellCh, ror..d by _.,. com!nf from the Sonia Ao• River, city ollJclllll tmphaalzed toc11y. Tllo cJty beach eNndl ncrthwen from llelCb Boulevll'd 11 Plcllic Coan 111Chw"7 to the munldpal pltt. Oa the norlllwetl lide d the pier the bellCh, 1 priv1tely owned lldllty which II open '"' public 1111, Ind lulher ncrth BolSI Obie• 61al< 8-h, 1pparenUy will ~ main ullllftcted by cloaure1 "°"" COhl Hunu.,ton Slate Belch II clooed lo w1ter <*ltac:l ICUvitla and 1btllf11b s•lherlo& from the lllOUIJ>, d the S1nta Ana RJvtr to Beach Boulevard btca.UH ol -ag• contamination. MIUioM o1 pllona ot raw lew'1ge hu been dum~ into d>t rlvtr from brffb ln 1ew•ce !Ines 1n Rlveraldt. ~-~ist. Atty David Fitts: was cr-OSS-Defense attorneys immediately object-ty for craft of the highly mobile Mekong into airport pr<>perty and 1nterhi-e Wtth enmuung IJr. ~rnard Diamond, who eel and Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Delta F hi h ... A"~ ha airport -•tlom u well 11 ........,..._, had testified previously that Sirhan was Walker ordered the remarb ltrici:en. orce w c .. ~ ....... ~ ve U..-~ "' safety hadrd. ----=::~ like a "computer programmed ·t-0 com· "The jury can decide how the doct-Or so successfully in the area. Supervil<l'll did not dJlctm the matf8o mit assassination.' is behaving," the judge said. The barrage was ooe ·of about 30 Tuesday beclUlt of. UM abMlc:e cl M Fitts said tha( most people "''ere pro.. Diamond previously bad testified which C<>nunurtiat forces carried oot District Supervilor Alton E. Allen .. ~ grammed by their environment and Sirhan was in 1 atli·induced bypootJc Tue&day night and early today en bases: Civil Aeronautics Bo.rd bearinp ~ tb background, yet dld not conunit mur· llr=tr=ance=="=l =the=t=lm=e=ol=the=';;shool;:;;;;;lng;;,. ===and;;;;;:=tow'='ns:;ln::Sou==th=V'=letnam~~·====~w~15~· ~blngtoo~;;:·~D;.c~.======~' der. Diamond replied that nonnal people had a certain amount of free wW but ·' that Sirhan did not. Fitts drew the corlcessiOn that DI• mond believed Sirhan Ut bis usual state, even ~gh he wu a . paranoid1 schizo. phrenic, w-OU.!d haw been haqnless in the Ambassador Hotel \had he not gone izrt-0 a dlssociative state. However, Diamond Wisted it wu not ~hat simple~ tha( one had 1-0 g-0 tar back into Sirhan s background in Jerusalem u a boy and through his whole life. Fitts sal.d. that he was accepting all those concht1-0ns ~ut asked agiin whether the actual shooting had not been trig· gered by a dissociative state brought -0n by drinking and by mirrors and bright Jiihts in the hotel. The doct-0r again refused to put ii on thme terms and said, "I woo'' Jet y-0u New Pakistani leader W ams On Agitation KARACHI (UPI) -Gen. Yahya Khan, a no-nonsense professional sokl.ier and the new ruler of Pakistan, told the naU-00 today he "will not t-0lerate agita· tion" in bis eU-0rts to bring the divided coontry back fr<>m the brink of civil war. "l have had enough laxity and cha<>e and will see that they are not repeated In any fonn <ll' ·manner " Yahya said in a broitdcast -0ver P~n radio. "Let every member ol the adminlstration take 9eri-Ous note of my warning. I will not tolerate any agitation." Reports from West Pakistan indicated the populaUoo was h e e d I n g the ne:w lelder's call for calm. Yahya, S2, the tough, hard-drinking Army commander in chief, assumed power Tutsday after President ~foham. mod Ayub Khan r<Signed hecluse ol contJnued riots agaiMt m regime. lie imp-O&ed marUal law and declared death ~ peraons caught rioting, loot.Ing or burnina. "The armed fortes coukl not rem11in fdle spectators when the eountry was btlng drive~ to the edge of-an abyM.'' the mustachieed Yahya said in the radio broadcast today. CONVliNIOO TERMS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE $1fs.oo 1315.00 $165.00 ,•16S~OO To the girl who knows what she wants but not where to find iL Miltc;h your style with our many dislinctive desigru. And ~s k us about our lamou1 O~nge Blooom guarantee-. J. C. .J/umpf.,ie6 J~w1fu 1823 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA \ ,_ 2J YfARS IN TNE SAME LOCATION PHONE 141-1401 . .: . ... ·•· .•. .. -. " •l . ,., . .. ·---------·-----• I 'I ~ • • ~ i • • i ' f • i I • I I I • I I rl ' '! • I i ' • ' 1· . ~-ntingJon .Beaeh _. ' ' EDITION ; '(eday'• fteal ' . N. Y. Steek,I YOl. 62, NO. 73, .. SECrlONS, 72 PA'"G~S' WED"!JSDAY, MAlCH 26, 'ft'9 .TEN CENTS .·LarWin Lot Sizes · Stand Jl.all.ey Council Deadlocked Again; Cr0wd Jeers ·~ . . • if TDllY 00"" J.r #, .... ...,,...,·~ .11e11uo•Mat-1w F-VanOt'• I........ ll'OCI -..trlualJJ app\>V<d ~:--·Ille Qty·~ deildlocl<ed on the ·-·~~ lillbl in aiio1ber Z'to I U~\\i<lle .. The' ··c0unco~~ ..... stanaort, which came aftei-ooJy. 1J minutes discusalon, drew angry·'outbursts from the e1pacity au- dl...,. 1'!1_d . a..lhreat of recall, against . two CCUllCIJmeo favoring ·the·ilminer·lots. ; . . . . .- HuntiJtgton CoonCtlmen ,Qoaald Frtpau a ft d Jooeph CouaegeS irere In favor of tbe reductd..U. hoJQO Jior<ell. Mayor Roert Schwerdtfeger, tbe fifth ·eouncil member, wu not seated with the oouncil aed In effect, abstained as he has conslstenUy done In tbe pas! on grounds of having personal interest in the tract. Acting City Attorney-Jack Parker ruled .lhat ,the Ue vote means plannlng com- mission 2pproval cutUng '25 percent of Larwln lol slses lnmrU. .i..cWd·T,300 aquare feet to · i,000 wlll 11""1 unless tbe City COuncll .... to ~ lta Ile vote by l'tlday. M:tlGll by P r 1 d. a f waild """1re calling a -1ai CGlildl meellllf. n...,, was · no lndlcail Tuesday nlpt that such a session would be called. More than 100 Fountain V a 11 e y residents ja1t1med tbt council chambers Tuesday night . ll'f. the ~In tract debate. Huntingtrua Market Heist • At one point, acting City All«ney Parker clashed heatedly with - memben over ·cooduct and verbal oW- bunta. ' · 'l'u'3Ciay'1 meeting WU req...ied by P•ker · to clsrlfy. a ruling be mado during Friday's heated public beating • Laa! week Puk.,. told councilmen.Ibey had an. Indefinite period of time to._tato 4ction on the appeal. Further 1nlpection of the Business and Profellk>nal Code, (See LAllWIN, P ... I) ;. ' . "I.·~ 'fot-Se.riowly Hurt; b.y· Auw · Robbery Suspects Nabbed • :Ail·~.H·untln·gton ~~~ 9111!~·~, to . b1l4h lOp' Ind . ..,\.iH) I rJlii ~ broken Pelitl · iiid ~~e: iini ~and ··spleen-' ~ airer belnf Ni .Wer by an ~JO Mondlf aitem00n. ' . :-: "'' T.......,. , Day.ff! Michael Hirf.ell, 14652 :Edgevlew' R i A , JI -llane, it. now ·resting · 1n· flle · pediatric• USS CiHS re ere Waid: of· weetininst.,.· comm n n 1 i y ' 'ii... ' ' . I ' ' . . ' ' Two female. Russian ocean9grapbers, Lidiya Sakevicb (le{t) and lloopltal where be ·1s said to be maklng val eh tin a Kostikov'a, ar,e.. P,Mt· <>!-84-~, l~woman crew aboard. a satisfactory rt!JCOVtry, Soviet trawler, Professor Deryugm, .curi;:~ilY. ~ed. ~t San 1 P~. ~-cbild:w&.ll.·taten'to the hospital· Jn cooperation with American scientists, ·Soviets ~will snoop along sticrtJY arter ·the act:ident occurred : at -Prdfic coasfJine investigating fish•life, particuW;ly th~ belte,a mem-5·,zo· p.m. The cldld· apporettiy was • ber of the cod family. · , ' Pl4Ymc ~Iii ~bile perked ' . ' ~.boiqo-.. ,,;,:,.,;,..~ ---.. t. • · I near.~ 'Im. :-;--:·-;t~• ....11 M h 'E'w..!l . Pn..+ """' .' ,<(,;lbO, ·pr,,•.1,UJ"Old Yliµ~y Qt . et.s~·..:·~~tct·'~: ::T~~i°-:7:· Sc.h~l B~µnd'-~--tli~4ge ·iJ:7P-=*J~~c ' Two FOunWn Valley mohn failed fn their attempt Tue8day to Convince Huntington Beach High School Dhitrict trustees that ,a , change ot.r tl(lund~es · WM needed to prevent an attendance prqblem at one ol the schoot.. Mn. Paul Wurster and Mrs. earl R. llobm'g pleaded with the board to allow 130 1tudents living in Fruntain Valley tO aU.end Foontain Valley High School father than have thti:n bused to Edison High School this ran: 'lbe area In questJon 13 bound~ on the west by Brooktlurst Street, on the ...t by ·Ward -· on the nonh by Ellis Avenue and on the south by Gar· field A venue. De parents argued that an attendance problem would be creat.ed since the avef'ale distance to the aom to be com- pleted Edison High School ts 4.0 miles and only 1.7 mlles to Foontain Valley High. "It ls not In the best Interests of . . . . fi t~· ~·Will ....... ·-·~1"< . . at'a1..savwile41chool.'' ·' I• ' ' p',w11.rAH· .i~ • .i'T"'S • ~ 't0 ·llenUey;blihg!n8 ·1n lhe: .If,"'. ' · Pl!.l'il!'f>.11!. addltlooal -would.~y.riood -WfTH PfLOT ADS dltloar al Fount.in Y~ey lligl> School. · · "'I'm rwllY ·ap~ve and IClted The 0 Penny Pincher" ad clasalflcaUon lilly?' lie· said, ''that it would jeopordiie Jiu been 'erpande4 in· tile DAILY Pn.dr the.s~ at FoUntaln Valley." cluslfl.eCI "Wlilf ad"111e'cllon to• include anything ·IDJ0ne Warib• to sell (eicept Alter 1 CO!llllderabie discuMion th• fir -al idvertlaera). ~ wu .d~ S.1 with Dr. JOHpb ·The new ~Y Pincher" 1d1. now Rl'bal 111 ;ppositlo'1 and Rldlanl E. WillOll appear dally, undor tbe ciassilication not vo4blg-beca,,.. he iald be ·did· not tn· whfdl tbe ad fill. w "Penny· Pln- l!tv.e. lllfllC!<.ol lnformaUon. cber" ad ean nm 'oit> to lhret nn.. 'Ibe trustees alao g&Yt their approval far two times fer $1. Maximum value for a carnival to be bekl at Matina of the item for sale 1a $00. Re.ad 'em. High School April · 1a to ZO and allowod Use 'em. Pinch your pennlet and make the contractor a time extension until dollars. August 21 for the completion ol. Edison Call MUm for the direct line to HJgh School. the Clusllied AdvertWn1 Dept. the students who live rihin w~ · distance ol a school to be bused sevml miles to another," Mrs. Wurster ~ , ~ the trustees. · Trustee John J . Bertley disagreed With he and contended that it was. '"nlil · bOundery hae: always looked mighty ' ~ oo the map but it'• a matter of matbematJcs," he said. · "I can't help but think that ywr' City Beach Open .F Qr Easter W eel[ ! Huntington Beach city . beach 13 open anct. apparently will be opm during the Elier Week school vacation despite clooure·of lluntln&too State Beach, forced "by sewage coming from the Santa ..,_ Rl\\tr. city officials emphasir.ed today> The ci!y beach ertendl northwett from, !each Boulevard at Pacific COlllt High!'ay to the municipal 'pier, On the not)hwetl llde of the pier the beach, ! ~·~~Ir owned faciii!y which la open for polJlic VI, and farther nortb Boisa Qi\ca. 8lale Beech, apparonily will ,.. .,... -by closureJ down ---~ State l!elch la clooed to weter ..-.ct ecUvitles and obelllisb "*"""' fmn tbe mouth of tbe Slllta jd Rlftt lo Btach Boolevard becaule ol -canwnlna!lon. M111lonll or· pUoal of raw sewage has been dumped ~ Ii.. river !rom brew In sewage il"f In Rivenlde. • ·Off SF ~ I \' ··~···-· Three holdup smpects, an wearing 11woll" tattoo,, on their anns were at· rested Tuesday night after the robbery of the Food Fair Market at Beach BOl:llevard and F.dlng~ Avenue in Hun- tington Beach. ' Police today said that three m~ also ire belng questioned ln connection with 14 other armed robberies .in Orange County. James Robert McDaniel, 20, of ~fld· way City and John Leon Cushenberry, 21, of Santa Ana were grabbed by· police u they flod lhroulh an open field behind the Huntington Cettter, allegedly carrying $350 in cub from the market, aald police. A third suspecl, Robert Paul Drum- mond, 21, an El Toro Marine, wu picked up at 1 a.m. this rnomin& ln 'Glrden Grove. Witnesses told police that the suspects entered the market at 9:30 p.m, and pointed a small pistol at cashier Ro.1alle Huntington, Valley Police , ' r~~p~e· f Or· E~st~r. w .. · ·~.· ~' k . ..__J.. __ ...{[] ' . " ' • ..._.......,are -m ~--"'1<1!.-ll11~ 11s cott .. bOlcll ~ the i (ol«ing ·o1. ~ lfaD.' cities. ... . ' ' thm.n .~,ptlice ~.In civilian , .. ~ .. la _ .. Cllpl. lofilil.'111111-la ii,;;!. 'y West~ ~ lilwmen a qualJlylng tone, . , I~ ...... -W~k and pern.ps.· arrival 'Ill< ~ ll<acb Police llMJottn.>I of 1--;E, will adcl two fuli-llme offX:tii. ...... I OW~ egp. ' ' ~· day '.ntdi ml ll reaerY0 jJolrolrDen . The )lOlrol torCe in both Huntln(ton will be ...ignec1 to other pxlN 'i!Uty . Beadl and Seal Beech will be beefed dwing the week·long sprln( vac1Uon up with atra m&np9Yler to prepare period. for the annual lnfl~x cl winter-weary "A portion of. the annual Or~e Colst students, maybe ,heavier this year il beach fun will be spoiled for aome~young current warm weather continues. vi.sitars, however, due to a quarantine on certain beaches due to dage pollu-Huntington Beach Police Capt. Harold tion ot Santa Ana River waten in Mays said he doesn't like to reveal Riverside County. all detaUs of precautionary measures, Tbe potentially harmful bacteria have oot admitted several younger officers forced closure of HunUngton Beach State will mingle With vacationers. Park waters M)Utb to the Newport Pier, . Thi! bathing-suited plainclothesmen are while the same situation exists at Doheny colorfully known as Seltzer's Sandmen, Stale Beach near Dana P<l.nt. a tag attached by a New Jersey-born The quarantine was impoeed when newsman several summers JgG when heavy winter rains ruptured the Police ctllef. John seltzer announced the Riverside sewage system and ltilt re- w'lique project. mains in effect with no fo~le lilting Emergency vehicle!! will be stationed of the ban during Easter Week, close to the beach during the Easter authorities say. Week period, jncludlng a paddy wagon, LA-h{>und Plane. Veered to Cuba By Young Latin 'ri.IAMI (AP) -A young, curiy·balred Latin Who .said be WIS trying to get to bis home in Venezuela hijacked a Delta Air !Jn .. Jal carrying lit pertem to Cuba today. After nearly eight houri in Havana, Cap(. WI~ Wood flew the airliner to Miami and a tc0re of FBI agents spent more than one hour questJoalnt the passengers u they remained aboard the craft at Miami lnternaUenal Airport. 11We were about 1~ ~ut, out ol ' Dallas · bound for San Diea:o when Wt heard a sharp rap on the cockpit door," 1 Wood said. The plane was preparing to romplete Delta'• Flight 821 from Newark, N.J. After stoppln! at San Diego the liner WU tony to Loe: Angeles. ~ ''The engineer 1D1lockod the door and the man came in, pushing stewardess Donna Cheat.am ahead of. him ~with a snub noscil re.volver ln ber aide." Wood aald the hijacker, 1 man about $-fett.S and In his late 3111, aald he wanllld to go to Sriago oc. Havana. "He •Id that be wanted to try to get to Veoemela evehWally," WOCl!I said. "Ht said that that WU hil horrie and ' be bad been in tho United Stalel for yetn." Mlaa Cheatam w• fon:ed to Ill 111 (S.. BIJ4pt. ..... 11. Sf.II FRANCISCO (~)-The slriclten ff!Q!viaft frli.lbt.er Y1VM1 Wit in im- mlllent ...... of 11ntinl in the Pacifte today, ber decks a1•uh li1124oot swells Ne'l'PQl'i l!etich·rnlllertt u'nda•BuUer 22 basks In ajrea4f bore, many water aport enthusiasts are sun near oow of ~t>on·t Go Near th• Waler'' stgm ignoring ' pollution warnings. Lifeguards sighting N~W YORK (AP)·-The llock market cioted wtar a Wr gain todt1· '!'tiding near the cloN, wu moderattlf acttn. (See quataUona, Pageo If.&) Tile Dow Jones !Odustrtaf am• al I :30 p,m, WU UJI UI polnll at nus. Gains Jod 1i>sffs by about ltlO -· . 9'0 I mll" 1-0Ui!iwt!I of ben?. _ lining ·several Orange Coest beaches these days. violators ol rwlmmlng ban have been authorized • Will> Easler. '.\Y~pproech~ •"" warm..weaflle• -lo cite aamo. • l ' litet.zger of Huntington Beach. Both meo flod on foot toward the field, police said. A box boy, Joim Adkisson a1Jo ol Huntington Beach, lollowed to tte wlHn lbey went. Adkiston said be .,.. jolnecl in the clwe by an unldeinlll<CI man in a Volkswagen. The chase ended at the ~· of the field when. one of the f1eeini bandits turned and pointed a pistol ai· the two (See WOLFMEN, P11e I) ' Doctors Working ' ' Over Ei.senhower .To-:Curb Seizure ·"' 1WASlllllclroN (UPI) -Former h"'1deiit Dwight D. EIMohoftr rto maJned in "critlcal" condition at Walter ~/.rm~ Medjcal Center today while doctofi "flied to revme tbe hurt alJmenl·thal lhreiitenr hit llf•. · 1n ' II br'le/ mfd-m«ning medical 'l\Ullelln. tl1e -said that "evldencel of COllfeltl'" heart failure persial deapltt tbe fict that all appropriate therapeutic mea.surts are being utillzed."' The inabJ.Uty ot. the 7 8-y e • r-oJ d Eisenhower'1 ·heart to pump enough blood to give his body an adequate oxygen supply was discovered March 15. Since then, hil doctors at Walter Reed a~ parently have been tmable to reverae the cood.Jtioo. The bulletin said ElsenhOlm-"slepl comf..Ubly through ..... of the night" and conti!llled to enjoy brlel vlJlta by members of his family. '\'he phyJicians noted the general'• "i.rilerent atamlna" ln recovering from major 111ne .... In tbe put. In written Jtplles to queetJons 1u~ mitted Jn advance by newsmen1 the <k:Jdors said it WU "unCertain" how long a paUen! in Ei.,elJllower's condlilon cbUld be expected· to tildurt severe coh- gestive heart failure. ' Sunset Beach 'Cleanup ..... , ~ .... Scheduled by County Orange County will ...,tract with the city of Seal Beoch to .-and aanltize Sunset Beach saDds in t1me for the aunmer beach crowds., Supervtson approved 'the 11',1811 co1> tract TUesday. The lltne price WU paid last year to Seal Btacb Irr tbe wort . Oru1e . ' I Wea tiler ,Hol ~0£ thl\ 11\e?CurTI reall1, climbing, Thursday 11'11 be up to 88, thanb to a mild Santa· Ana 11 bree1 e." with fair lk:le1 throurhout. IN~mE TODAY There ore •-loutllu fn ICI~ Ing. Reod ~lloriow occov•I of OM N-t Harbor rot• iohtc~ hod plcnlv· of lhlm. Bootiog Pogc $$. ...... .. -. ---. ·-.... ,_ " ·-. ~ ...... ,. -:r .. . ..,...._,... ....... --.. A'-L....,. .. M..... t ............. 11 -" • I =·=·'°' -.. --. ,,. .. .,..,.. ........ M ---..... -"· 11•11• 1' T..,_.._ lit --w-. .......... . --.. 1 % DAILY I'll.OT H State Offiee Okayed .for. .. Civic Center. APl"'O"I al the popolld otate bo!ldlng In SasU Ana's Civl< C<s1'fr hu been voi<ed ·by the Orange County.sa.ta Alla Civic Center Commb:slon. But at t b • same Ume, members ~ attenUoa W penlltent parking problen\a II tllt ...,. . let. • CO!r\JniUI ...... •IJlll'M'I ~· 61. • 90,000 _.. loot offlc< building norih o/ <lb sir..t near Pll'l<>I SU..t and ..q...ted -to ne(OIJ>te l<r • -parcbose ----the <lOllUilllslon b a joint pow<n o/ authority and the ltat.e. The negotiations must be approved by the -Alla Cil.y Qiund1 alld the 0r..,. Oounty -.i o1 s._.;.on. Two "W.W ago, 1'-1"· o/lldtla - -plllll& to bUlld the -· to.;cQnoolktm mM pl !ta 14 offloes in branlt Oourty. -R. IAl!l,cdJreo. tor . o/ the ~ '·o/ General SoNiaoo; lllid the IUte """1d DOI expect, 14"'°upy 1111 bulldlng bOf,... 1971 •. (Dlring , COll)mlYlon 'dis e u 11 Ion, cl>aJrmii Paul While ~ -"" to .the parkll!I P<Oillem:&·tbe ""'"'· Ha crged that the problem be attacked with "dispalclt''. The slate building, he pointed out, would require %00-employe and ~visitor parking stalls. The connniMion has been wrestling with the parking problem !or several months' without a soMion. Muddyipg th8 wateri ii a county «nploye asaocia· don request for free employe parking areas near the new courthouse. Coas t Nurse , 2 O·thers Die ' In Smashup A 'Laguria Beach nurse, her Navy doc· tor. Hance -due to ship out for Vietnam today -and a third physician were killed late Tuesday, when their sports car ·crashed into a San Diego home, airborne al high speed liie a dive 1>oMtier. San Diego County Coroner's Deputy David •Stark said Eilsllbeth A. Allen, 22, ol 3191« 10th Ave., South ~. was ~dQvlng al an ~llimalfd 100' mllp per hlur jusl before the •pec(acular cruh., Killed al the same ·time wtre bet fiance, Lt. Walter L. Toy Jr09 2C. of El TOro MCAS~ '8Qd Lt. Do.nalc1 A. Htftts, 2.8, of the ·Balboa Navai HOllipltal at San Diego. :Invatipton said the trio were ou t celebrating for the last time togelhtr prior to Lt. Toy's departure today for a 13-month Vlelnam duty tour, after w hlch he and Miss Allen had planned to marry. "Oh my, how terrible," murmurtd Slanl.ey Volga, administrator of South Coast Community Hospital, where Mlsa Allen wu a nurse, upon htarina: details of. the violent accident. Police said Miu Allen we driving Lt. Hines' new American sports car at hl&h speed aJon&: Chatsworth Boulevard when she lost control and the fatal slide and rught began. Swerving from one aide ol 'the boulevard to Ule other, tht automobile bounced oH the curbing and veertd up a sloping private driveway which literally acted aa a launching pad. Streaking through a bed al ivy, the auto shot into the air',and cruhed the transom at the top of1 a garage door, blasted through that ariQ 1maahed on out through the west wall \ of the &true-. lure. The garage was virtually demolished and a car and boat PJ(ked bide u. talned considerable damage, actording lo San Diego County aulhorlties. (IAll V 1'11111 OllAHOI CCIAll PUll.ISHINt <1WJOMT RtMrt N Wtff ,,...,.. ........... J•tl l. C1tl:r Vke,....... ... ._, ........ Th•111•1 K11,n ..... T"-i ... A. M11r•hh1• ~ltl!llir Al~•" W •. l1tet Wllll1111 R1•• ~-MlifW•• l tldl bttlr Cit, lfltw ~l11•0MM lft ~h Strtt l M11n.., A..W,. .. , P.O. ••• n o, ,,,,., ' °""'-.......... I ttlf Wftl l f "91 lll\lftwtre CM .. ~! -W•I ...., ''""' ' UMM itkJl; m '"''' AMlllt • YOtitla;Bas It• Da.g Fowitaln Valley City Hall took on youthful ap- pearance Tuesday as 15 students from Los Amigos High School took over municipal government for day. Mrs. Sally. Har\man (left), coordinator of program, and Marta Brown, 17, lend a hand . as Wayne Poe, 15, tries city manager's desk for size. North Viets Invade Saigon Eight Americans Killed as R ed Offensive Moun ts SAIGON (UPI) -CGmmwlilt troops stormed a U.S. oulj>olt proteding Sailon today and killed eight Americans on the .82Dd ·day of an offelllive that shows no slgm al abating. Overall CommWlisl los9es Jn the Reeb:' longat 11.1stained ca.mpaJgn 80flJ'ed to nearly 20,000 men killed. Far to the ncrth, U.S. Marines sweep- iilg jungles near the demilitarized zone seized another huge haul of Communist rice and mwrltiom to fuel the offemive. South of Saigon, in the Mekong Delta, Communisl gwmers lheli<d the U.S. Army-Navy complex at Dong Tam, dt.atroying a blg ammwrltion dump and forcing hupdreds of men lo abandon part of the base. Was He Pie Spy? Mesa Cook Faces $12 Million Suit . By TOM BARLEY or IN Dllllr Pli.t lttff I! Harry Franklin did what Marie Callender Aid hi did, 11e had .: Jot cf crust. .Costa MO.a putry coot f'rlllklin, ii aCC)l&ed ol playing a secret-agent f<lrmulH:tuling role In a· Su p er I o !' Court dl!pute bttween Callender Pies and Denny's restaurant.!. Named in the $12 million 1clion filed late Tuesday by the Callender Co. ls former employe Franklin, now working for DeMy's in Coita Mesa. The suit alleges that he pi-ovlded the restaurant chain with full details of the secret Callender recipe despite his bein& sworn to secrecy by Callenders. • The Callender complalnt alleges that Denny's determination to obtain the pie- making formula items from a recent refual by Marie C.llender to merge with the fut growing Denny chain. The action stales that De n n y ' s 0 through its agents and employes im- mediately tbrutened to &el I b e formula." 'Jbe: language of the complaint in· dleates that DeMTI WU 5Ucct111fuL Attached to the s u t t are sworn af. fldavlt.s 'by other Callender employts in which they described Franklin's alleg· ed statements in which he admitted lhat he had pused on the secret formula to bis new employer. Callender's alleges that Denny plans to use that formula in a cha.in of pie stores to be named Mother Buller Pies. A bid by Callender's for granting of a restraining order against Denny's will be heard April 1. Tbe 11ame firm's action a1llnlt Harry Franklin will go before Judge Claude Owen> April 3. Pilots Tln·eaten World Strike Overi Hijack Issue AMSTERDAM (AP) -The lnlerna· lional Fede.ration o! Airline Pilots .o\ssocl.atlona warned today that it may call a worldwide strike for 12 or 24 hours U airline hijacking-ii not witably ptlll!!hed. A resolution unanimoualy adopted by the federation'• annual conference said it fT\llY allo tU:e tllltle acUons againlt naua,os th•l•dofi' puni'1> hijJCkm: 1. A ban on all air lralllc inio the coun~. . 2. QJPrdlnated action to restrict movt- ment <l. 'the Country'1 aln:raft and to restrict movement of. eareo to and from the count.r;J, either by air er surface. The !~lion repruenla '111 percent ol the w<irld's 1,500 airline pilot.I. The Soviet Unkm w.u represented b y observm:, but CUba, the chief tar1et of the resoluUon, wu not repruented. Earlier, the cooference adopted a resoluUon , Sl.)'ln1 thlt the feder1Uon1 executive committee Ja authorized lo lmPoH a ban ol fl!aJ>ls into the olfencllnr state when it does not aUow the crew of a hijacked plant to leave within 48 hours. i'he rfllcluUon llluled that in- Ve31i11Uon ol the hlJtcldns "should not be rUJOd u a reuoo l<r dell\nini the ~w bY a country where the tlrcroll landed.'' Another retollllioo emphui.od 11111 no bilolel'ol llr agr-enla between llalel ihould bt mlde or renewed without •trlct provlolon Io r -'loo ol hi· jackers or thtir return "to the atate of reai1tr1Uon of the aircraft or the l!ltate or the ()perator of the alraaft for prosecution." From P .. e J HIJACK ... the ohlervtr'• ... 1 in the cockpit and the hiJJCker stood behind her the entire trip, Wood Aid. Because of the necealty few colng lhroogh customs alter the Cuba fligbt, the pauen1er1 were kept aboard at Mlrunl during I Ion& rrilUng al the crew by FBI agents. At cme time a Delta reineentatlve came oU the plane and Hid, 11Tbtse people want a cokl betr. Try and a:et a couple of cues." From time to time a paaenger wu escorted off by an FBI agent for a quick trip to a rest room. The hijacker arose from a front •at in the toorlst oeclloo to put the run oo Mill Cheatam and wolked her lo the cockpit The stewardeu said ohe attempted to q1Jeltlon the man on his reuons for taklnc over the plane but Aid Ille could mUt llUle senae out ot hla coo- v"1&11ont. "All l cou1d tell," abe llid, "was that bt wanted to go oomewhm." Military communique.s said Allied forces killed 27~ Commtlll!sls in fighUng that ranged from the DMZ to the Delta Tuesday and early today, adding to the staggering losses suffered by North Viet· namese' and Vlet Cong unils aince the offensive began Feb. 23. U.S. commanders saia more than 15,000 Communist soldiers were: killed in the first three weeka of the oUensive, and losses since then were believed to have added at least 5,000 more to the toll. In the attack on the U.S. base today, CommwUst forces charging behind a barrage of mortar shella bit a 1st Air Cavalry Division position along in· filtration rwtes to Saigon about 50 miles northwest ol the South Vietnamese capilll. Mliltary spokesmen said e i g b t Amerlcens were killed and 17 wounded belono the Commlllll>ts finally pulled back under heavy counterfire from U.S. artlli<ry and hellcopter . gunahips. The bodies of two Communist soldiers we,!'c found hanging on the barbed wire sur· rounding the hue. The Marines operating near the D?i.lZ In an Allied counteroffensive reported finding 250 more tons of rice and 29 tons of guns and ammunition in bills clOiSe to the Laotian border aboot 375 miles north ol Saigon. The haul pushed to 1,250 tons the amount of rice seized by the Marines this week near the aband<lned combat base at Khe Sanh and dealt a heavy bkJw to North' Vietnamese forces in the area. Sltl.00 ' . S~rhan's Doctor · Grilled· on Stand LOS ANGELES (UPl)-A prosecullng attorney heatedly charged • defense peychlalrilt today wit!> dodlinl bis questlom about just what lrJ&gered Sid!an B. Sirhan in the ahoo<1ng ol S.n. J1o1iert F. K<nnedy. Dep, DIJI. Ally David Filla wu cross- e11mining Dr. Bernard Diamond. who had testllied previoualy that Slrhao wu lite a "computer programmed to com- mit assa.uinaUon." Fitts aald that moll _. ftl'e pro- grammed by their environment and backgroond, yet did not commit mW' der. Diamond "'!>lied that normal people had a certain amount d . .' free will but that Sirl>an did not. F itts drew lhe concession that Ola· mood believed Sirhan in bis usual state. even though' he wu a paranoid ~ phrenic, would have been harmless m the Ambassador Hotel had be not gone into a dissociative state. However, Diamond ln!isted it wu not that .simple, that one hid to go far back into Sirhan'• background in Jerusalem a;, a boy· Ind through his whole life. Fit~ said that he was accepting an those condlUOllS but asted again whether the actuol shooting had l1QI been (rig· gered by a dilsoclative state brouabt on by drinking and by mlrron and orlgbl lighla in the hotel. The doctor agaJ.n. refused to put it on those terms and 'said, "I won't Jet you say. I can't allow you to distort what I've said." "Doctor, I don't know why you're dodging me," Fitts said. Defense attorne)'3 immediately object- ed and Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walker ordered the remarks strici:en. ~ F rom P .. e J WOLFMEN .. ._ l>UJ'sue rs. By that time, one police unit had arrived on the scene, said in- \•esugators. When captured, Cushenberry ta1d police that as he and McDaniel hid in the field they considered shooting the first officer on the scene but dldn 't because ()[ the presence of the Volbwagen, and "'v"e wondered where that helicopter might be," he said. Other unil.s quickly arrived and sur- rounded the field beiore the pair could escape. Drummond was arrested in a Garden Grove apartment by Huntington Beach detective Gilbert Velne. Veine aaJd he had to forcibly ente the apartment, and found Drummond inside With a .ZZ.. caliber automatic rifle. Drummond allegedly drove the first two to the market and was supposed to pick them up following the robbery, saJd police. All three men are booked in Huntington Beach city jail today on suspicion of armed robbery. They are scheduled for arraignment Thursday in West Orange County Municipal Court. Veine said ipvestigators are checking out the possibility that these men were also involved in several other Orqe County armed robberies. SJ61.00 •1•1.00 To !ho ,;rl who knows what .... wants but not where to find it. Matt;h your style wl1h our -many dbtlndlYO dos;ps. lwJ aak us •bout our famous 0...-- "The Jl!l'Y can decide how the doctot ls bebavtn,1" the judge aaid. , Diamond previously h • d talll!ej( Sirhan WU in a seU·lnduced hypnotic tronce at the time of the .shootJnr. Fl'Oftl P .. e 1 LARWI N .•. however, revealed a aeveo-day limit once 1 public btaring ii cloaed, oold Parker .. TUeflday'A lellion Wll osfentiblJ io hear Parker's report, and -o/ the Larwln appeal -nol oo the agenciL When CooncilmaD Uward Juat move\I to reverse PlaMing Qqmle3ton appro•il on the tentative tract map, ViCe Mayer Dooald Frtgeau. uked Park"' U lllCh a motion was valid. DREW APPLAUSE Parker drew loud applaUle when ~ said, 0 ln View of the fact it. ts a matUf o/ greet publlc llXeresl, ii Ill my feellnl that a motion lo cooaider tbe I~ wooJd DOI be ·out of order." · The city attorney drew bocl latlf however, when be lalbed out at ti! audience l<r whet he called "their pcq- coodllcl" in Friday's meetings. • "Yoo people an probebly the _. met who sit at home with mart1Q in yoor hand ICOnlfully . wlllclllqr tbO Berkeley riot.I," Parker declared. : "We're not on trtaJ here," yelled .son» one from the audience. : ..No, bU( democracy ls," re p 11 e d Parker. : A> tile council meeting broke urr. several individuals waved papen 1n th• air, aaklng for 11,.-.. to aid in a recall dlort to · oust councllmeo Fregeau and COurrtges, Who voted. agalnot the appeal. In order to hold a recall election, a pe(ition signed by 25 percent of ~ registered voters In the dty must be presented to the city council. Once the petition is certified, the coun• cil is required lo OOld a recall elecUon within 60 days. P eter & Paul's Mary: R eveals Engagement NEW YORK (UPI) -Mary Alllri Travers of the Peta', Paul 4r: Mary folk singing trio WW man')' a Ne\lf York executive in JW>e, a 5pokanuua announced today. The spokesman said the tall, Ione- haired singer who has been with l;tlil trio since 1981, was engaat<t to Gttald Taykr, presidert of Taylor & Sm, a Jlllbli5h~' ~ve firm with 'of,. fie~ ~ New York. - Record Stamp Sale NEW YORK (AP) -A reoml 1tn.~· was paid for 264 lots ol stamps auctioned here Tuesday night, including 1115,0tJO. for a rare airmail block. 'Ille Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries Inc. said the .sale total was the grutest sum reallz.ed in a single aessioo. « atamp· auclion. t. . U.S. Offer Studied UNITE D NATIONS (UPI) -Sovie~ llrlUlh and Frtncb dlplomola ioday studied a "wortlna pa,ptr" ot U.S. pr. pogls daJ&ned to promolA a Bii Four peaco iniU.Uve In !be Middlt Eut. Of. fl clal U.S. aouroes 11kf the documtnt contained 1'concrde" ideas. The plant landed laloly ti Havana, where the security ruard arnund the lermlnal lttl WU IO l1pt that f<nlp newsmen could not eet • allmpse of the hijacker. The hljacklnl was the 14th Utls year of a U.S. airliner, pushing the 1~9 total to an all•tlme high. ln all of 11168 there were JS U.S. plants and sevtn trnm other countrla diverted to Cuba. CONVENIENT TERMS IAo~KAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. J./umpM1d Jew./. 21 YEARS IN THE SAME L~TION Sky piracy has liken l ,117 per...,. M the unx:hedultd run to Fidel Cistro'a bland tblJ rear -SSS <,1 them i. Mord!. I • ( 112l NEWPORT AYE. COSTA MESA • • PHONE 141.1401 .1 OFF A:GAIN -Sharon Sites Adam s, the woman who, s;iiled so!~ from Marin~ del Rey to 11onolulu in 1965. is now planning a 6,000.mile voyage from ·•Y°okoh8ma;· J8pan tO her home port. The solo non- 'Otop v"l"'ge will be the longest ever undertaken by ,A_ worttan. She hopes to make the. trip in 80 days. ;11.,Jusewife Sets Sail ... ' :Across the Pacific . . SAN DIEGO !AP·) ->. 1'.~arina Del Rey housewife .u.ys that sailing alone from '.XJ)kahama, Japan, to 53.n :biego isn't as dangerous as ~VJrig ,'00 California. l:reeway.s. Mrs. S.~~ Sites Adams plans to 'begin .the 70-lo 80-day voyage qn May 12 in a 31-foot sailboat. It ls billed as t h e lObkeSt..solo truise , takeii. by anyone in a sailboat across the Pacific and the longest ntem"pted by a w o m a n anywhere: "I can't see lhat there is anything .about sailing from Ybktlhama · to 'iSan Diego that a . ~'Ol'llan can do," she aaid ltfood&y ·while accepting a • •• special message from May.or Frank Curran lo deliver ·to ?i.1ayor IclUo Asukata o f Yolu~barna, San Die go 's Japanese "sister city." 1·1·nie most dangerous thing J have ever-dooe has been to drive on C a lifoi'n1a free.ways.~• said Mrs. Adallll!I, a mother of a boy in high school and a girl in colleg~. 1 The 5-foot~. 112 ~p o und blonde said. she Is "more , po'>Verful th.a·n I look." The o n I y pjroblem she foresees is loneliness. "If everythi.rig goes all right. there will be hours and hours witll notltllig to do, aOO that will be t h e hardest part of the trip." ' :$~~ous Model .. , . ~ . . '~:.:COronado Yachts 'Bare · New 23-foot Sailboat A. tive,\Y new ' 23-lool sloop, tOuiidink •out the · company's line of fiba'glass sailboats, bas been unveiled by Coronado Yachts.' • .. fl'he Cortnado-23· offers ex- cll>Uonal .gpacTousness at a ;e;m~kabty Jow price and tlley be-~ined in either a be! model or with keel· -er board. .,&porting ··.four full· length berths and abundant locker space, the boat is ideal for weekend cruising. As a, fersatile racing class. tlle Coronedo-23 promises to ~ eqd.11¥. popular. Designed ror M9RF competition, she features a long waterline, low wetted surface, large modern sail plan ah!il a spade rudder mounted well aft. High freeboard and broad bearp t~ .her roominess below, making her . a sillf, dry boot in heavy going. Her ballast to dlspl6cement rati·o of almost 50 i>ercen! assures her "sailing on her bottom" even in a brisk blow. The light displacement craft is said to move well to wlndWard and points higher than many boats of her size. Before the wind she pla~ easily with maximum control under spinnaker conditions, even in large following seas. The builders are touting her as an ideal ho.at for the young famlly With a ye n for a big boat but with a limited budget. The keel-centerboard model is tailored for inland lake sail· ing a11d shoal draft afeas. It is catching on fast, with skip- pers who like to· trailer their craft to various cr.uislng areas. ~~~~~~~~~~~.--~~- Bappy BttrW· At Se• .. . . lnlli?ad 'of the customary [(iortgage burning, Shark Island Yacht Club olllcers'cho;e a burial al sea lo get rid o! their pesky document. Participating in the ceremony (from left) are Robert' Baulch, vice commodore; Elmer Chiodo, stall commoilor<; AJ. bert Mathews, comrri~re i Hume Seymour~ s~ff commodore, and l,Jlrry Roehm. The l)urial tootr place oo Fleet Capt. Bill Williamson's MalUUni VII. ' ........ Therl!s · Fun THE REPORT of the race In BCYC's club bul leti11, Masthead, by Fleet Capt. Vince Gurley, is a maaterpieoe of what someUmes 1oes on in a yacht ra~ as aeen by an obaerver with a Hnle of humor. 1be piece follows : "~ event atarted, with rriany interutinc llttie details on S.turday morning. '11>e keys couldn't be f()IU)d to Ray Gun's Coronado.a (one ol the compeU., boats) and '!lie · Jocks had to be uwed -off. The other Coronado-25 loaned to us by Fred Ellis ol Voyagers Yacht Club, wa.s found to have a "mule" In· stead of a wcrking jib. A frantic call to Frank Rowland and he showed up with his jib. r "Once outsih In the nasty chop and about :IO koots ol southeasterly wind, CCC found that the spinnaker oa the E1lla boat, .whlch bad never been unpa,cked, tru IO poorly cut i~ couldn't be used. Both crews agreed to race without chutes. "AT THE START of the race Hennan Lorence, CCC skipper, iouled Mike Dou1an as both jibed around to 10 for the line. Mike goose-wing· ed hiJ jibe with hiJ mains') getting so wrapped around the. rigging he had to jibe back •gain lo ertrieate bhmelf. ,¥JU .... flying a praldt n., .: .. hen ... .-sod the u... "Halfway op the weather leg Mike's starboard spreader fell oil and the ,-i. let . 10 and he withdrew whUe CCC won. "The judges, Myron Seward, ~ack Johnson and Cordy Koolman of CCC, sustained tht protest but the race was ,:ancelled becauae oC the equipment failure which could not be conclusively attributed ,t? the foul.• "DAMAGE AT THE DOCK waa one broken spreader and gooseneck on the GETa boet and one torn eenoa on the Ellis boat. The crews headed for the bar and the race com- mittee looked at tht bolts and considered suicide. "Penerverance will out. bowevu. Mike Dou1an and his crew flied the spreader. Jack Harl phoned Don McXJb. bon who pJcked up the tom jib, managed a beautiful repair and dttivtred It tbe next mombig. Tbe writer managed to get a pleasant peraon on the phone at Columbia Yachll who said there was no chance of 1ett111g •·&<>o5eneck for 1 Coronado-25 ·-but after free 111e of the names of Dick V aldti and Bob Poole, there WU a iooeeneck waltinf at the iuanl 111< ror U... 0 SUNDAY MORHING wt New Trophy Dedicate.<I • w~, Mvql6, 1169 DAll.Y .NI.OT , p P••VAILIN• .,.UaL Y WA•I le.ALI l&dlllll ,.A"J , .... "" '·" •.15 •.1s .,, '·'' "" .... •U ..,. ... .... ... .... .,,, .... ..... .... •.a S.72 '·" •.n .. ,, .,, ..., •• ... us .... .... '" • ' • ~ IAll.Y l'llOT H , " T•ilr lllonef'S Wortll f It' l "f.',1'; How to Lose · Your II)> SYLVIA PORTER 'Die news a couple of days qo lhat Neiman-Marcus of Da.llll bad paid $2,700 roe one skin ol a new strain of tnJnt fUr -an all·time record, more than dooble the Ji67 lfig)l or $1,100' and the base for a fl.tr coat to retail for $hi0,000 - wilJ could set off a new boom in fur anUt.aJ...brteding .. '• • • breeders. • · . , _,. . .;. 1be Federal. Tnde Qom. mission 10 Wasbin1ton .tstlm1tes that,c h l ~c b 111 •,' btte<itrfi'fltk~;nQ.r.~ inl tbe Al'Mrican public out ol llO million 1 y .. r. At tu.I ·200 lirtl)S n operating In_ this arta today, groi911lng up to 13 million apiece 1 yep, the rl'C.belieYts. rackets. , The rackets are. IN CASE 'VOU ah ev11 already Oexuishing furiously mildly lemptff to set Up '""' 1n chl.nchllla, ~al.I, minks, own chinchilla. b r e:.d In I etc., and this sort ol. news )>u!lntss -,or \f yoa bne is a built-In b(mnza for tbe an eklecly ?t.lati~ .« ltf>. co~n .artists. Jl'or tnst.ance: bilious teenage ypunpter who how does a deRl like this strike might fall for this ieomo-on you? -hert are the l)'P&tep'· key then 1 y.,' of . o~ pereent of Yoo invest $2.000 to buy claims, countered by buic: 'pelb now being sold brings fift pairs of chinchillas to facts .put together OOnUy by as much as $60 and many brted in your garage. Your the FTC:. . are refuted altogether. After income from this sideline' Will Claim : 'ChlnchlD~ JJf;OOUet the costs ~f . feed, pelUng. be $5-10,00I within five years. ont to . f~ off~ abwt marketing~ Veterinary fee&, 'The firm advtt.tising this deal three limes a yur -for • special equipaie~, etc., have promises not only professional 1:n a•erage total of. !wr ar been met; a net -Of a~t A guidance on chinchilla rai!ing five llv~ young per f~~ per pelt is ' c o n s I d·e 1 e d for profd, but also guar~ees each ~If· . .· :: , ''re~Uatic" fQr afl..amaleur. that the animals he is !ling Fatt': The , chinchilla lS a ClalJD : :Mutatioh {white or will rep!'Qducc. relaliv~lf slow breeder and silver) ~iochil!as for bteedlng even 1n the hands of pr~ ·are ·worth up to $350 apieCe· TEMPTING . YES? · fessional s. produces an .and ··their offspring sell -fo Tragically, though, tens of aver.age just under t'!o l!ve any9'here from $80 to $7m. thousalldl of naive Americans young ~r year. One in' five Fact: Mutation pelts are are losing their shirts on lhe female chinchillu is steril~. almQit never sold _ at ·any typical investment of $1,000-~JaJ~: Y~ can s e} 1 price.. : . . $2,500 in, four or five pairs ch11~h11la pelts for $30 to .~· Claim ~ An ·ama\eur breeder of chincbl~ -which ls twa F a ~ t: lbe current , tt'ice can achieve a profit of $10-~ tbrfte times the.going price f_or chi:nc:hllla pelts at-fur auc-1S,<M»within 'five feart. ~led t»Y .Jegitlmat e. hons is about $1Wlf. Less Fac't: A more realistic pro- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii spect •would . be 'profits of a "WE SAi.UTE OUR , LEADER 1 few "bilndttd liollan -if there N.YSE Q.F . ,• To Ea~t River Site THE MONTH ,. LAllY ADAMS Congratulations to Larry Adams :for leading th~:· Orange Agency in new life insurance prot~on placed durini the month· of February. Mr .. Adams . . ' . specializes in business and personal financial plan· Ding. c.ron D. lryont, C.L.U. Suite 310, Union lank Square °""'9•· c..111on11a tn~ 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABEL$ $1.00 ... , .. ,_ Moy be used on envelopes es return .address la~ls. Also very handy os identification lo~Is.. for mork ing personal items such as books, records, photos, etc . Lobels stic~ on qlass and food mey be used for mark ing home , canned items. All labels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fine q~ality white gummed paper ond packed in reu sable seal top container. Mrs. Christifte Bro- 911'9 Po1t Ro1G mogic ' Ce5te Mew, Celif. '2424 r - - - - ---- - - - - - --, I Fill i1 thi1 c:oup•"• clip an9 "''ii with ll.00 lo; J Pilet Printin,, L•\>.I Di•., loc I 17S, I l'/owport l etc:l1, Celif. •26.~l j I I -·········--························· ·················· I I I ....................................................... I I I I ···-···················································· I I le 11111 te 111• yeut llp CM1 I PILOT PRINTING ,___ .., ___ , L----------~ FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE ND SET OF PACKAGE MAILING LAIElS. - To ....... , ........... .. _I NE)I' YORK (AP) ~ Tbe New York Stoct Exchange said last week it· would make 'its first permMJtnt move in more than 100 · years to a landfill ,site to ·be built by the: city in Manhettan's East River. ' The Wc!!hange's board or governors authorized signing or a letter of intent with ll•f' "City,of New York for a 99-year Promoted Nel'son L. Halliday· of Tustin has been prcr moted tO vice 'President and manager of t h e Santa Ana office of the Uni,ted States National Ba n k. Halliday wa s previously ass i' s t a n t vice 'president and manager at the same officl". · Bank Plans 2 Branches Newport National B a n k plans to open two Leisure World branches.this spring. The Uguna Hills Leisure Worlil office will be next to· Utt ~gW1a Hills ,Professiona l Building, a.nd wiH be housed in a temporary structure until the pmnaneot branch ls com- pleted. The other branch, in Leisure World, Seal Beech, will be at Bay and St. Andrew! Streel. where renovation ot lhe ol·d Seal Beach ~ Pr<>fe~sional Building is under· way.. · lease en 'the new sile. Banks to Merge United California Bank, Los Angeles, and El Dorado State Bank, Napa, ha ve reached an agreement wh,ereby El Dorado State Bank will be merged with and operated as an office of United California Bank. Total rcsourct$· or , E t Dorado Slate Bank have grown during the past four years from $4 million to. $8.8 million with about $2.S million in U.S. government securities, and loans of $4.9 million o( which ·approximately 60 per. cent are .lnstalment, JO per· ctnl real tslate, and IO per~ cent eomme.rcial. Deposits of S7 million. are a.bout two-thirds saVillJS and one-third demand. ••••••••••••• . - ' .. . · . .. ' ... M •• - •• .. .. ' , • tm, f '"" ,... u;: _,.. r1:. \t> 111.. , .. "Hril: List ' 'I •• :II IWlV l'llOT ' NOW! ···NEW!· PILOT PENNY PINCHER C~SSIFIED ~DS WiTH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES . l TIMES • 51.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e No Item Over $50 e No Comm•rci1I Firms • e No Copy Ch•nt" e No Abbr1¥l1tlon1 • START MAKING MONEY NOW! ·c 'ALL' 641-5678 ASK FOR .YOUR DAILY PILOT ~D-VISOR ~ND YOU MAY CHARGE IT! Thef4ter No.tes ' 1 Three Playhouses ' Drawing Curtains , I i By TOM TITUS Ol llMI PlllY PIJM tltff The curtain falll on three. community theater pro- ducUons thi.a weekend u two others arrive to ·take their . places. . • gl-ves tta last two perfonnancea Frid•Y and Saturday after btln& held over n. e1.tra weekend. Directing Is yours truly, wbo ~ on stage tor a Klt.cbcoctdiJi appearance this weeteod'f Carol Faulallct, Alan Harl, Jenn~er MW....y, Rick GW11l, Ed LiWe, Helene AM aod Ray Scott handle the major roles tn the sliow at the tbea· ter, Westml.nltt1" Avenue at Golden Wt!t Street. Reaerva- tion1 may be ordered at 893- 5443 or m.-. B,...laed Vp Closing out tl>elr respective runs art ''The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker" at the Cosla Meu Civjc Playhouse, "!Jgbl Up the Sky" al the WestmiMttr Community Theater and ''Outward Bound," the latest producUon of the Santa Ana Community Player'!. Ron Filian sporta side- burns and mwtache for his UUe role in "The Remarkable Mr. Pen· nypacker /' closing Fri· * * * day and Saturday et the "'Outwm! &und'" arrives in Costa Mesa Civic Piay- tt. last port of call Fridly aod _hou_•_•_· ------ Ron Filian aod Pat Harp take tbe principal roles in "Pennypacker... an 1 a • 0 I I comedy under the dirtctJon of Pall Tambellinl. A Is o featured in the cast are Valeree How, Paul Gracey, Lois Wilson, Jack Murray and Maurice Roland. The final perfonnances wilt be given Friday Md Saturday at the Community Center auditorium on the Orange County Fairgrounds. Ticket!. may be reserved by calling the Costa Mesa RecreaUon Department at IU-5303. Westminster's "Light Up the Sky," a modernized version of the MtJS! Hart comedy, Saturday, with Roa: Corbin at the helm. Lee How- ington aod Gertrude Hom play the principal parts in the judg- ment day comic drama. 'rerfonnances are given at the Playen Theater, 1020 W. 8th St., Santa Ana , with tickets reservable at 541-2188. Entering Its second weekend Is the Huntington B e a c h Playhouse ver1lon of "Barefoot In the Park" under the. directlon of D a v i d Maiville. Mike Sikrmer and ruta Kisner play the primary roles. Anabelle Quigley and Paul Sullivan also are prominent in the Neil Simon comedy at the Barn. 2110 Main St., Hun- tington .ee&ch, The number ror re1uvaliona 1s 536-8861. l•l-,:=!"'.!!.'! .. ~:9 .... &..119'riflll• SMI..., Wl ... r ........... I Sl_lY•l"ll * ,,.. S..olMI Am.ctt.1 -iii •• Gery LHlnrr11ll Lff J. C.W. . lll•h• 111 .... ,. ... ................ hi l.W4I •• C.lt. S.llffr f'9tl' 2 p.111. In. Show Stwtl &:45 'Tll.IPHONE 541·1552 FOi INFOIMATION THE GREf.TEST ADVENTU E OF THEM All! WALT DISNEY'S ' .... . -. ' . ' ' CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT., SUN., MON., TUES., PROM 2 P.M. scene are the Lldo Isle Players' "Affair• of state,'" SOUlb Coast Repertory'• "La Turista" and the Soulh Cout Light 0 per a A5sociation's "South Pacllic.'' The Lido comedy. whJch opened Tuesday n I & h t • features Pat Moran a n d Joseph Charles u a roman-- Ucally involved acboolteatber and senator. Jim ID!dunln. Ladislaw Reday, Lynn Harria and Dave Wells complete the cast. Ruth McCulley i> directing the Louis Verneull play, whlch continues lhrough Saturday night at the Lido I s I e Clubhowe, 701 Via Lido Soud. Tickets can be reserved by calling 67f>.2216. * * * At South C-Repertory, guest director Russell Leslie is staging "La Turista," wtth three of the four c a 1 t membert makin( their d<bub at SCR. Susan Burns, Squire Fridell, AusUn Kelly and Jerry Comey comprise the ca1t of the Sam Shepard comic drama, which opens Friday for th r e e weekends at the Third Step Theater. lb7 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Reaervatioaa are being taken at tbe box office, 646-1383. More 'Late' Shows Set Five more showiJ1is ot "Half Past Late in Won- derland" have been scheduled for this weekend by the Childrens Theater Guild oC Newport Harbor. Set for the Lyceum Theater <>f the Costa Mesa High School, the muaical adaptaUon of Lewis Carroll's clasaic children's book will be alapd at 10:30 a.m., and 1 and 3 p.m. on Saturday. Sunday's The cast includeJ Mmes. Donald Carr as A I i c e ; Ladislaw Reday as the Queen; Mark 1i1atthews as the Whlte Rabbit; Don Paul as the Cheshire Cat; Ka Im an S~lelich Jr. as the Mad Hat- ter and Jamea Macy and Dan- ny McKeever as Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Cee. There are 20 children in the cast. BB Playhouse 'Barefoot' Brings l?ea"ls of Laughs By RlJDI NIEDZIE!au Of .. DtllT ,. ....... Pull "' brl8hl la,.gbtor rlJ>o pied tbnlugb the audience al the Huntln1toa BMcb Playhquae Friday JllChl. They came about o n e minute after curlaln lime aod continued rlibl up UDlll the ........ blttor eod. The occasion for tile bliarity wu "Barefoot in the Park.'' "IAll•'OOT Ill TMa PAiia" A ~ h frMR Simon, llltlct9d b¥ D1vllll Mll'ftl ... .,....,. .,. c..1111 G4'IYo •• ~ ~ lle11 LAlllMll'I. n...,_ .., PHI 11.tlllvln. ~ ,. ..... .,. Mii ..,....,. (OC:tllt WI! ., ......,. WI it If tfle Humll!llOI' ~ ,......,._. Jill N.9111 St., H...,.. ---ntl CNiT Paul ''"'""' •• • • • • .. • . . . Mike Slc1-' C.le .,......,. ,. ............ Rite l('- MB. t....U .••••••••• Mltitli. Q11ltleY \lklol' \l.i-m .......... f'l!l'I SulllVM T1le!IMM _,. .......... .!din Mer111 r>.nvwrv "'*" ............ J•tl! HtMrt Neil Simon's comedy about tile tn>ubles of a pair of newlywods, wblch opellOd a siJ::-weekend qagement at tile "Ban'' theater. If tile luncllon <I comedy la to provide -r<llel from -JllOl>lem.o, then 0 Bln!foot" fu1f1Us ib goal ex· cellenlly. For .-two boun tts audieoce was too far in stitches to W«rJ a b o u t anything . Rita kllncr plays t b e leading role of Corrie Bratter. Her effervescent, effortleM pm'trayal of a somewhat unusual character provides the cemem for the whole play. eat as her husband, a fWlcllng lawyer who baa ju.st """ six -. fmn hlll first damae• cue, la Mike Skinner, who -.. oulltandlng job on bill port, .,.. lhoogb his really good lines came in the lut act . A ster1ing performance also is turned in by Annabelle Quigley as Mrs. Banks, ·eor- rie's mother. She bas been active in community theater In Coote Mesa ml Newport lo< the put ll year>, aod WU tile dinocl« <i 'Ille Barn's lat prtlductioo, "'The Best Mu." EFFERVESCENT Rlt• Klaner The funnyman <>f the whole production is Paul Sullivan, who plays Victor Velasco, 8. middle aged lecher, who wishes he were 10 years older becall9t he feels that "middJe. aged men get away with ii> much more.'' Sullivan rips up the audience with his urbane, dignified meth<x:I of cha.sing down won'tefl, including C or r i e ' s mother. ' John Moran and J a ck Hebert have ooly bit parts in lhe play, but thanks to the expert directing of David 1.taiville, they poU&i their parts ' "' perfectioo. What could have been two pot.en. tially veey dull roles are con. sidm'lbly brightened up tllroogh -Introduction ol bumorollll gest\ll"ej!, '11le play is not a "hMvyweight" in terms of phil06ophical content and will probably never become a classic. It's value Iles purely in its ability to keep people amused. Five more weekends of "Barefoot" remain, excepting Good Friday, April 4, al tho Bern, 2110 Mlin St., Hun- lington Bead!. 'Middle of the Night' A uditionsA nnounced Tryouts for Paddy Cheyefaky's drama "Middle of the Night," the final pro- dueti<ln of tile 196Mt RRIOI\ at the OOlta Mesa Civic 'Playhoule, will be held Sun- Country Show Coming Sunday day and Monday eveninp:s. Resident director P • t I Tambelllni will stagt the story of a yulq hou!ewife who falls in love wilh a middle-eged widower. A cast of eight women and three men Is re- quired. The auditions will be held al 8 p.m. both days at the Community Center auditorium on the Orange County Fairgrounds. The play will open May 22 for three Country-western music faru1 weekends . are expected in large numbers---------- from all f!Vf!t Southern Califo<nla Sunday al the Anaheim c.n...uon emi.r w11en Bob Wills headilnel • ··west«n Swing Show.'' Gloomy Gus Tells ii As You See ii STARRINQ SAro~oAr llAllCH 29, 196! .l:JO I'll -I~ All m CUSllCS IY •JOE Slll!ll •.SIAllO m wam ma sr. 1m111 m1 Wl1IE lmclBl • 11lE-mnAlllll • 1llE r.U. E!UOV ~UK OF AU. DllNEYWID AIWElfl\JRU AND ATTllACTIONS (..,,.pt .-"Ip-) • '· il 0 r. > .. • d n ' k 3 :0 d it ti ,. ,. Ip >I Jl ll .II • ly le >I " .. .. ' l l I ry 11' "' ht ... Jd be m . y ill .. . • EDITION OIWl&E "WIDNESDAY, MAllCH u, l , N, Y. St.eeb r JEN CENTS . ' . ' . t ""' . ~P ·. • ·Ill Lot ·sizes Stalld . " . ~ ~. ' , .'/ . al~y~C~~ncil D~W.cked-A-gain; Cr~d Jeers : • ~ J .I -. . i BJ TBllB'i ooVn.u: Councilmen Dooald ,.,.._ a~ d Larwill tot, allel from Ibo lllaDdaid 1,200 At ooe pOlnt, actlnc· City 'Attorney · · • 1"~'1"11"!'..., J•ph,eo.1.,.. .... In law al Ille oquare lee! to UOO will --Parker c:Wbed beatocllY with a•ld._. I 119duced lot~~ Valin'• ~"""'°parcel<.. · •the City Council acll to 1nak Ill' tie member• 9ver conduct iond verbal -·=~~~~ :i11J=· · = ~~...:: = ~ ~rld17 ..:...W r ro'Qulre "':'~y'a medlll( wu r~ by on ')/>el ilaue ~ ~"Ip -Iba -ad in .dfllct; 'ablt11Ded u calllll( 1 -111 eouncll lllllllni. '!bore Parker to clorily a rullll(' he made , 2·t0 I tie ~ot~ .. " I ' ~" · he • Ila eonolllMlly -In the J>8!I . m ·'no Indication ,.._Y nlitil that during Frlday'i bealed public hearill(. : Tile · ci>Wl<ll's · .laiidlllf, which ~ame · on growlds al havill( personal Interest such a""''°" would be called. Last week Parter told c<llmCllmoo Ibey altor only 12 minutes dbcu!Slon, drew in the tract. . r.Jore than IOI Fountain V 1IIe7 had an indefinite perlod·d ·time.'!o tall• . , .angry outbursts from -the capacity au--Acting City Attorney Jack Parker'ruled rtatdents J11mrhed the eouncll chambers aetion· 00 the appeat Further ~tJon dlence ~eyd a .~t of r~ •c~~ . ~t pie_ tie v~e means, pl~ co~ Tuesday. r\lght for the Larwin tract of the Business and ~I Code, two c:Ouncflm~ laVO/in1 the slnallei lots.. . in(Sslon· approval cuttlll( ~ JFCenl of dehate. · (See LARWIN, PIP I) Huntingtma ·Market Hei•t H untin;gtQn Tot s~J.iously Hurt by .Auto Ro~!Jery Suspects Nabbed ' . . ' UPITti. ..... Jtmsians Are Here ' . . . • ' ' • • ' T • ' ' • I An eigbteen.roonUM>kt H u n t i 11 g t o n Beoch youngAter suffered fia<tui-es te both legs and-ileveral 1 iibl, a brbten pelvi! ind 'pooalble tiver' ~ opleen damaie after being nil over by an aulA>nioblle Monday afteinoon. ' ' Three holdtlp su.opecta, all' wearing 0 wolf" tattoos on their arms, were ar- J'elted 'Tuelday night 'alter 'the robbery of the Food ,Fair Market a\. Beach Boulevard and Edinger Avenue m. Hlln-Unibln Beach. ·Poli~ today said that three men also are being questioned in COMection with 14 other armed robberies in Orange County. · James · Robert McDaniel, 20, of Mid- way City and John Leon CUshenberry, 21, ol Santa Aoa wm srabbed ·by police as they fied tbroulh an oPtn field behind the Hunlington Cenler, all.,..rly<ll?)'lll( $350 ln cash from the market, llid poll~. A third suspect, Robert Paul Drw!>- mood, 11, an El Toro MariM, "•'picked _ up at ~ a.m. th1I IDomJn& in Garden Grove. Witnesses )old pollce that the l1lljlOdl entered the. marktt at t :~ p.m. and pointed a small pi.tot al C41bier Rosalie : '.l'Wo . female Russian oceanographers, Lidiy~ Sajteviclj, (le!!) anil · ; Valentina Kostikova, are part of 8'-man/;1().womao. de')' .abpapl ·Soviet trawler, ProfesSQr ·neryugth, cun:enlly:d-Ockeci at Slin P,eclro. In cooperation with American scienti$tS;..:&Y1tls.will sno9R along • P,acific coastlinO'investigating fish life;'patticu\ar,ty th~ h!l'e, a mem- David Michael Harrell, liMS2 Edgevlew Lane, is now resting in · the pediatrics ward r of WestmlMter C o m m u n l ·t y HosPital where he is said to "be miking a satisfactory recovery: 1 ' The · child was taken to the hospital shortly arter ·the a<;clctent OCCUJTed at 5:20 p.m~ The child appare~y was playing Wid~th an automobile parted near liis homO on ~"'Lane. Huntmgton; Valley Police :ber of the cod family. . : · _ r ' .... ' • • • I( • • • • . I i:-.rep~e f~~ Easter We~~ . . 'l'be Clrivet oC. the Cir, 41.yea{-old Y 4Ue.y. Mntfteni:b~~ .. ~i~rn~t ~-==.~:.--~= -~ .... 11j.tor-~1- • I v~~ , witllo¢ ·~-li>Jt lia llOd; -tlle lncMllng the 'co. lorblg al RV~ ,mm. -. £ 1.,.,._•., • ' I • \· ) · j .. r, ..,, : , , ~t.1 oi:.."'.. 4 t:-.,..... ' r · ~ ·' · ting!On .Bead!~ _ollleln in d\oillan ~~h<.>ol B~~i . , -~ ·e ~°f~Ji. , ::c ;:1~w=~==: ~-t(. F...-Uln valley mothers !ailed sf!lcle.is ,;tli,J>a~,. ~'-~ • ™ palrot iorce ID ' boUI J!lll>!!nlto• 111 the1r attempt Tuesday to convince at·a~._<:rbWded icliool." .. ' H SoNJ\TJE' Beach' ai;xl Seal Befcb will be beefed Jluritington Beach High School DISrict ·~·lo.-B<ntley, biibcJn( In tbe PINC p.,, q . S up with utra manpower to pr.pare trustees that a change °' boundaries ~ua.;..1~ ~ would overload ·con-WIT·H· Pl. i:o' T' ~ns for tbe annual mnux °' ~-weary wall needed to prevent an alteoduce dllloni) atT'iiunwn ·vipey High ScboOI. .rlt . · 4 students, maybe heavier Ibis year if pfoblem at one of the schools. · ' , . 1 • • , current warm weather ·cont1rll¥!5- Mrs. Paul Wurster and Mft, Carl R. "l'm-1"1li' appi:~e . and scued The "Peony Plncber" ad clualllcation Hwilngton W Polic< C&pl Harold ioberg pleeded with the board to allow 9ilJ.y, be.llld,.''tbaldt wonld jeopardize has been e_.iedln the DfJLYol'li.-OT Mays aald he doelln't llke to reveal , _ _., .. ,,_ts living in Fountain Valley the --·at Fountain Valley." claasilled "want! -1" tedioa to include . ..,,,., "~"""""' .. ~ ... ~1.... ... to II (• .. ~ --all detalll of precautionary mt811ll'tS, to altond Fountain Yalley Hlg)I Scbool · Aliei ·~able discuosion the an,.,... anyone wan~ ,. ' -·,.. but admitted ,.veral ·younger officers rather than have them bused to Edison ~ ~ttMitd S-t·with ,Dr. Joseph forTbe_cor:1~enn. "":.~%;c;h·~.·" adl. DOW will mlngie with vaCltiooers. lill!h School this fall Ritial 1ri o ' tiOO and lllChard E. Wilson appear dally, under 1he ctwification The bathlng.<Ui!ed plalnclotbesmen are The area in question is bounded on _ not..Y~fbepuise.;he :#id he tlid not in-wbich .. the.ad fitl.-ADY,-"P@nl'IV. l>in.. ' colorfully known as Seltzer's Sandmen. the west by Btookhurlt Street, · m We ha.ve.-IUttk:leot infatlilatioo.. --·,, a tag attached by a New Jer~y..f>om .~ b Wan! Sir I the -~ by cher" Id • ~ ,r;uq lit _kt three liDeJ al when e""" Y ee • on '""'''"' -1'be trustees "aTuo "gave their approval for two uines for $2. Mui.mum value newsman IE!Vet summers qo . Ellis Avtnue and on the south by Gar-for a carnival to be hekl at Marina of the item for sale is $50. Read 'em. Pollce Chief John seltier announced the ~4eApavernenue;n argued Iha. t an attendance High School April 18 to 20 and allowed Use 'em. Pinch your pennies and make unique project: tern w~ld be creaied since the the contractor a time erteMion until dollars. Emergency vehicles will be stationed av--distance to the soon to be com-August 11 for tbe completion ol Edison Call 842-5671 for the direct line to clo9e to tbe beach during tbe Easter ---Hlgb School the Clwlfied Adverfulng Dept. Week period, including a pa<ldy wagon, plated Ji;dl<on High School is 4.0 miles _: ___ ·---------=-'-""'-'-"'-'--'--=--'------....:...-----'-----and only 1.7 miles to Fountain Valley Jitgb. "It ls not in the best· interests of the students who live within walking dl$mce oC a school to be bused seyVal miles to another," Mrs. Wurster told th. tru ...... 'I}mtee John J. Bentley disagreed with heJi and contended that it was. "tbiJ ~ has always looked mighty ~e on the map ·but it's a ~­ ot'mathematics," he said. . "I can' help but think that your ' . I City Beach Open For Easter Week . Huntington Beach city beach ts opm and apparenUy will be open during the Enter Week school vacation depite~ - clOlm'e of Huntington Slate Beach, forced by1sewage coming from the Santa Ana -River. city officlals emphasized today, · . 1'le city beach ertenda northwest f1'0Ql~ • ~ Bei'ch Boulevard at Pacific CQu\.I ~ay lo the municipal pier. On thi ~west' side of the pier the beach. a..ifjva~IJ owned facility whk:h is open ~. blk use, and farther north Bolsa Slate. Belch, appa"11Uy will .., rn unaife<:ted by closures down cout. lluntlngton ·Stai. Beach Is cloaed to' waler <*\tact activities and shellfish 1aibrln1 ·f10m the mouth al the Santa ~ Riftl' to Beach Boulevard becAUIO el 1eWage contamination. MlllicDI tJ p6:1 cl. raw sewage has been dumped lntt the river ~ brtaks in sewage ~ iA Riverside. .. I . . . Ship Sinking Off SF SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The stricken Pmvlln frtlgtrter Yavarl was in im. mlloint !Ilana« cil alnkln& in the Pacillc today, htt decks awash in 11·foot swells * miles southwest of here. • " . • f': I . • , "'• "'t. ....... .,, • ,. : •//• ' '!I h N'ewp.~ lleaclr l'f~lderit.Linda Butler, 22, basks In r -;here, ~an~. water 'JiOrt • enthusiasts aret;' sun ne~r ooe o! "O\>n'I Go N~ar.the Water'' signs I J l{norillg pollution wal'nbigs, Lifeguards sighting'. , lining several~qrange Coest beaches theH ~ays. viola.tors of sw~'Jian hll.u been .aulhorlZejl , - With Easter Week approaching and warm weather to cite lime. .I , · • '• • 1 · • 1{ ' -1 • • :· t ' ~': . ~ ~uan,:,~ ua ec.t~w·~li clUes. •"JljS! In .,... ... Cap\. lolaf lfld 1n a quolllyJ!!g ~ ~ « . Thf Self h Police ._~ will allil two lilll-ttlno -.i11, dil diy witeh +-' II ,_,,. P,ltiolllliii w.m ba .•lllined to ·other' elitrl d1liy durill( the -k·loni sprini vacatfcio . period.' . . A portion ol Iba annual Orqe C..tl beach fun will be 1polled for lllime yowig vtaltors, however, dut to a· ·qumlantlne on cet;taJn beaches due 'to te:Wqe potfu .. lion o1 Sam Ana RiVer Wlller3 ln JUvenlde County. 'lbe,potentlally harrillul bacteria. have f~ closure of l!unti1)1ton ~ State Park waters. IOUtb to the N~ Pier, while the'same.sttuaU'on exlstl at1I>Oheny · State Beach near Dana Pdnt. The quarantlne wu lmpooed whai· h>avy wlntu raibo ~ I h.1 Riverside ·sewage s)'ltem and lltlll re- mains in elfect wtth no foreseeable lifting of the ban during Easter Week, authorities say. LA-bound Plane .. ~' Veered to Cuba By Young Latin l'f.IAMI (AP) -A YO!Ull. curly-haired Lat.in who laid he wu trying to get to h1J home il Venesuela hijacked a Delta 'Air Line• jet carrylnc 11 I perllOlll to Cuba today • After nearly eight hours in Havana. Capt. Wlillam Wood flel' the ltrltner to Miami and a acore · tJ FBI ·agents spent more than one bout questionlnc the po-.era as Ibey remained •boord. the craft at Miami lnt«naUonal.\h>port. "We were atwt 15 minutl cut al Dallas. bound for San Diego whiif" we heard a sharp rap on the cockpit clooe," Wood said. The plane Wll preparing to -ple!e llella'• ,FU&bt IU from Nowark, N.J. Alter llopplng at San DlolO the liner-Was to Oy to Loa Ange.lei. , "The engineer unlocked ,the, door and the man came ln, pushing stewardeu Donna Cheatam ahead of I-Im .with a anub noeed 11votver in her aide... , Wood aald 'the hijacker, a man. abaut Heel·5 and In hla late IOI, said be wanted to go to SanUqo or Havana. "He •Id that be •lllle!l 'to try to get to V~zuela eventuaJl)',"j Wood aaJd. "He oald that thll was hla h6me and he had be"1 In Iba United Statea !qr yffrl." """ Cheotam .... f«<ed to• mt In .. '.(~ llDA~,1'."r .1!1 • ~ • • . .. .. . . Mebgtr al Huntington Beach. " , Both men fled on foot· towlnj the field, polic< oald. . A box boy, John AdkiSIOll allO d H1111tfngton Beach, lollowed -to 111 !'here Ibey wen~ Adkislon pkl be ~. lofned in the dwe by 'an unldeulllled man in a Volkswagen. The dwe ended at the edp al the field when one ol the, fleeing , bandlta turned and jlolnted a pi.tot at the two (See WOLFMEN, Pap I) Doc.tors Working I ' ' ' • Over· Eisenhower .To ·curb Seizure· 'wAlllINGTO!f (UPI) -ForDiu ~ .Jlwtpt ..D. ~ .... mained in "crJtical" ~ at Walter • l!eed fF1'1 lledlcal c.mter today wbile doctoi!l ........ to -. tho heart alhDeiil lliil tiniillm his life. ·.n, . ~ bdel' ftsid-m«'llfiii -"cal bullelJli the~,.id1hat"~ oJ .q;.uve be.ii lailnr,' Pentst clupjlO Ille fact' that all aJlllij>prfata lberapeutlc meuures are behJI utfuzed." ''lbe lnab1Uty 1of the 71 -year-oid Eise~wer'1 heart to pwnp enough tiloocl to give his body an adequate ""l'ICJl suppty was diac<>vered Mwch 15. Since then, bis doctors at Walter Reed ap. parentiy have been unable to reverse the condiUco • The bulletin oald Elaenhower "slept coml.rt.bly tbrougb moot of the nilht" and ·conttnued to enjoy brief vialta hr. meinben of his !amity. The physicians noted the 1eoera1'• "inherent ~" in recoverlnj: from major illnesses in the put. In written replies lo questionl aubo milted in advance by De'l\'&meD, the doctors said it was "uncertain" how long a paUent in Elsenhcrwer'• condition cOu,ld be expected lo endure severe con- gestive bearl failure. Sunset Beach Cleanup Scheduled by County Orall(e <¥u>ty wm cootract with lhO city of Seal Beach to clean and unitize Sunset Bead!, Allds in time for Ille summer beach crowds. ~ra approved the 11,llO con- tract' Tuesday. ~ same price wu paid la.st year to seat Beach for the work. 0rU.1e Weailler 1 Hot dog, that mtrtury's really climbing. Thurada'y 11'11 !JO up t~ r"88, thank.I to I mild •Santa Ana I '1bree1e, ·r with f~ attel: throughout. IN'iWE _'J'OD~ Y There arr ·-llwgha in "'II· ina. Read hilarioas account of one NetltpO'ft Harbor roc1 wlJjch Md 'pffntv of '""" Booting ' P'/O< JJ, • • ' t I 1 ~ DAILY PILOT H State Office • Okayed.for. Civic Center. "' . Approval of Ille ~ o!ate bulldln1 1n Santa An1'1 Civic CsUr hu been volcal by the Orlll(e Cowity,S..t.I Alla Civic Center Commlasion. But at t b • same ttmet membttl calltd 1tllll\tlclt to peniJtent pu1dni ~-at Iha ...,. . tu CommialcEeri .PP,.,veif coriltrucuoa ' ol a 90,000 square loot olfice bulldill( llOrOI ol <lb Street near P-strtet and req~ authoriZation to neJOllate roe a l<'Mi! ~ ~ belw,.. the COl11llllslon oa •· )ciinl powen ot authority aod Ille liM<. The negotiations muot . be approved by the Sonia Ana City Quicll' and the 0r..,.. OO<mty -" Supervllorl. Two weeks ap,. ~ 'CJfficja)J an-=:to build the -. Iii • ,_ ol IW 14 olllcet . in • ' .ADlmrR.1.0lll.~ tor ol the · ~ ot Geoiral Sirvlctl, .9id tM ·--.lei DOI expect to ~PY the• blildlng belcn l!'I!. -- Y nth Bu 1i1 Dag ~ ~ dlscu11lon, cbairnlMI Poul White cllljtd -DR to U\e parking problem al Ille center. He urged that the problem be attacked with "dispatch". The state bulkUng, he poJ.nled out, would require 200-anploye and 27:>-visltor parking stalls. Foiinlain Valley City Hall took on youthful ap- pearance Tuesday as 15 students from Los Amig6s High School took over municipal government for d13'. Mr.. Sally Hartman (left), coordinator ol pfugram, and Marta Brown, 17, lend a hand . as Wayne Poe, 15, tries city manager's desk for size. The commission has been wrestling with the parkinf; problem fm' teveral months witho\!t a aolutlao. lluddytll( ttie wll<n II I county~ . .-!•· tim· reqnut foe free empioye parking areu near the new courthouse. North Viets Invade Saigon Co~t Nurse, ·2 Others Die lnSmmhup Eiglit Americans Killed as Red Offensive Mounts SAIGON (UPI) -Communlll ln>opo slormed a U.S. outpoet pnltecljn1 S.t1on today and tilled eight Americana on the !2nd day of an olleml.ve that ahows no 11,,,. ol abatln1. Overall Communl..t Josaes in the Red.I' longest sustained campaisn llllred to nearl,y :I0,000 men killed. Far lo !be DCll1b, U.S. Mari-oweep. ~ jUll(ltw near !be demllltariJod JORe se1J.ed another huge hlul of Communist rice and munitions to fuel the offensive. So\lth ol 8.a!goo, In U\e Mekoll( Delio, Communist flllUl!'n ahelled the U.S. Anny-Navy complex at Dong Tam, destroying a big ammunition dump and f()(Cing hundrtdl ot men to abandon part ol !he ba1t. • A Laguiia Beach nurse, her Navy doc- tor Hance -due to ship out ror Vietnam today -and a third physician were 1 killtd late Tuttday, -when their ipOrtl car ttaSbed into a San Diego borne, ·airborne at bl1h speed like a dive . bomber. . Was De Pie Spy? Sb Di•10 Counl,y eorOner's Deputy Mesa Cook Faces $12 Million Suit l!y TOM BARLEY ot .... o.1tr r 1111 1ttt1 • Dovld Slark aid Ellaabeth A. Allan, 22, of 3198& loth Ave., South Laiuna, wu driving at an estimated 100 in11.. If Harry Franklin did what Marie 'ptr bnur jut! before the opec(acular Callender llald he did, he had 1 lot craih. of Ctu!t. Kllltd al the ...,. lime ,,_ her 'Colla ili.a J>a!lry CODI: Franklln, is fi Lt Walter L T J • of acc1llOd .ol playing a .....i aaont. JID(:tt • J oy r., 1 El Toro· MCAS, and Lt. Dooald A. Hlnea, focmuJa.llullng role In a Su p er I o r 28, of the Balbno Naval Hnopllal at Court dltpute between Callender Pl., San Diego. and Denny's reataurantl. Jnvell!goJors aold the trio wtrt out Nomtd In the fll mllllnn acUnn filed celebrating for the lut Ume tofethtr late Tuesday by the Callender Co. ia prior to Lt. Toy'• departure today for former employe Franklin, now working , 1 a 13--month Vietnam dut)I tow, after for Denny'• in <Alta Meu. which he and MJaa Allen had planntd The lull allegno that ho provided the lo arry restaurant chaln with full detatla of the m . .. Oh my, how terrible,'' murmured secret Callender recipe despite hla btlna S, __ , v I admlnl tr tor of South awom to •ecrecy by Callender•. ~ty 0 «a, 1 a The Callender complaint alle1ea that COiet Community HOlpltal, where Mlll Allen wu a nur1t, upon hearina: details Denny's detmninaUon to obtain tbe pie- of the violent accldenL -• making fonnula ltemt from a recent Police said Mias Allen wu driving rtfuaa1 by Marte Callender to merge LL Hines' new American lpor\I car with !be lost growing Denny chain. The action atalt! that D e n n y ' s ••throuab its acents and employu im- medl1tely thrutened to 1et th • formula." The llll(Uqe ol !be complaint Jn. dlcalel that Denny'I WU IUC<wful. Attached to the 1 u l t are sworn af- fidavits by other Callender employe.s In which Ibey ducrlbed Franklin'• alle1· ed stal<menta In which ·he admltltd that he had puaed on the aecret formula to hi• new employer. Callender'• alleges that Denny plana to u.e that formula in a chain of pie , !ilore• to be named Mot.her Butler Piea. A bid by Callender's for granUll( or a mtralnlo1 order againlt Denny'• will be beard April J. The wne firm'• acUnn against Harry Franklin wW llO befono Jud11 Claude 0..1111 Aprll 3. at high speed along Chal1worth Boulevard wbtn 1he lost control and the fatal sllde and fll&ht began. Swervina from one aide of the boulevard to the other, the automobile bounced off the curbing and veered up a sloping private driveway which literally acted u a launch1n1 pad. ,Pilots Threaten World -Strealdng through a bed or Ivy, the auto shot Into the air and crashed the transom at the top ci a guap door, bluted through that and smashed on uut through the west wall of the strue- ture. The earaae was virtually demoli!htd and a car and boat/,arll:ed inside 1111- tained considerable amage, accordlng to San DJeao County authcritlea. O•AllCN COAn P\llllNttMe CCIM'AWY ••Mn N Weff ,.,.. ....... """ ...... J•dr-I. C'lrley Yla ,.,..... •Ill ._., ,,,_... Ttri••• K"tll -"'"" ....... w .. ,,.r" -·-AJNrt W. ·1111... wnu .... •••' ,,,_.... """''-*' ltkfl MtW Cl'1 ••ttw ............... Olllw Mt lfll ....... Midi.it~' r.o. 1 .. no. tlHI ---...., .... ttll .......... IMMt9 . c. .. MM11 -... , '"' .,,.... u.-a.ri: m ~¥ ._ Strike Overi Hijack Issue AMSTERDAM (AP) -The lnterna· tional Federation ol Alrllne Pilots .~soclaUons wamtd tbday that It may call a . ftkiwlde strike for 11 or J4 houri U airline hljackins 11 not suitably pun!Jhed. A r ... 1u11on unanlmoll!l7 adopted by the federation'• JMual conference 11ld It may allO take lhlH actlnno l(alnll nations th1t don't ounfah hiJacken: t. A ban oo ab alt ·lralfic Into !be count:y. ' I. Coordlnatod acllon to "'bict movo· menl " the ""'"'1'7'• ~all and to reatr1c1 ·mo-i OI msn to and from U\e country, alll>W by .air or IUrlace. The federation rep-.ta 10 ptttont ol the world'• l,IOO llrllne pllola. The SOvlel Union WU repr-lod b y obHrvtn, but Cuba, the chief tarset ol the runluUon, WU not rtpruented. Earlier, !be --adopted • resotuUon 1aylna' th.It the feduatlon1 executive committM la authoriud to impoae a bin of flllhta Into the olJendlns state when It doN not allow the crew of a hljaoked plane to leave within 41 hour•. . The l'e501utlon atrtaed that tn- v<l111lllon ol the hlj~kllli "shollld not be u!td aa a rtuon for dtt.alpJn1 the crew by a c:llWltry where !be llrcralt landed." Aootber rtto1uUon emphu~ that no bilateral l1r .,,._ .. ,. bettlaen •lotu lhould be mada nr -....! wllhoul strict pmi.!lon f or prooecutlon of hi· jacker• or thelr return 11to the 1tate of reilst:aUnn of the alr<rall or the etate or the operator ot the alrcraft for proHCution." Fro• P.,e 1 HIJACK ••• Ille oi>lerver'1 Mat In the cockpit and !be hi Jacker -behind lier the· enu:. trip, Wood uld. lltclUM of tbe -y far lolni thmllh C\lllOml alter tlla Cuba flilht. tht PUl!n.Jtrl Wtf't kept abolrd at MlllTll dunn, I ICN srtlllnl of !be crow by FBI asao11. At one Um• a Delta....._t:S:,•nt.ativt Clml Off the plant Ind I 11Thll9 -It WIJll A cnld -· Try and &el a couple of c11t1." From Ume to time a Pll't'ftCll' waa · tlCcrted atf by an FBI .,..1 for a quick bip to a not 'Dllfll· 'l'ha hljacktT 1tWO from a fr<mt IHI In lht tourlll ""1loc\ to put !ht 1\111 oct M,_ Chollam onll walled bar to the enckpH. 'l'ha llowardttl oald aht •tttmpttd to queation the man nn hlo rtUOl\I for takln( Dftr the plane but ll!d Ille could make llUle -oil\ ol hla con-va-1'AU t coald ten," lbe 11kl. "wu that be wl!Md to ID ...,.,.bert." The plant landed Nltly at Htvano, IYllert !be IOCUrity IUan! an>und Iha tenntnal art1 wu oo Ulbt that fonl&n .......,.n could not 1et a 1Umpee of Military communiquea a.aid Allied forces killed 275 Communists in fighUng that ranged froM the DMZ to the Delta Tueoday and early today, adding to the litaggerlng losse• lllffertd by North. Viet .. nameae and Viet Cong unitl since Ule offensive began Feb. 23. U.S. cormnand.trs Hid more than 15,000 Oonununiat aoldier1 were kllled in the first thr'el wetta of the olfensive, and Josaes since then were believed to have added at least 5,000 m«e to the toll. In the attack <11 the U.S. ba.ae today, Communist fort:es charginl belliod a barrage ol. mortar lhtllt: blt a 1st A'ir Cavalry Diviaon polition along in- filtraUoo routes to Saigon about 50 mil's nortllwest ol tbe South Vl-meae capital. MJl!tary 1PDkesmen aid e I g h I Amedcanl were killed and 17 wounded be!cn !be Communills l\nally pulled back under heavy c:oonlU!lre from U.S. artJll<ry and beUcopter fUJ10hlps. The bodies of two Commu.nlllt soldiers were found hanging on the berbed wire 5ur- roundtng the bu<. The Ma.rint1 operaUnc near the DMZ in an Allied counterofftnslve rtported finding 250 moce tons of rice and 29 . lonl of ,,... and ammun!Uon In hllls close to the Laotian border about 375 mlltw oortb ol ll&'IClll. The haul puabed to l,llO tons the amount of rice Ml.zed by t.be Marines WI week MIT' the abandoned combat base at Khe Sanh and dealt a heavy blow to North Vietne~ forces in the atta. tltl.00 • tlll.00 ( l . DOdl(eCI Que•tl~~ ). Sirhan's Doctor Grilled LOS ANOELES (UPl)-A prooecullng attorney heatedly charged a defense p1ychtatrlst today wllh dodl!ni hla quelll<ml 1bout just what trtumd SIJ'.han B. Slrtlan In lht obootln& Of 8tn. R<>berl F. Kennedy. Dep. DlsL Ally .David P'ttta wu .,.... eumlnlng Dr. Bernard Diamond, who had testlfied previoualy that Strhan wu like a "computer programmed to com- mit usauinatlon.11 Fltta llald that moll people ...,e JrO: grammed by their environment and background. yet did not commll mur- der. Diamond replied that normal -1e had a certaln amount ot free will &ut that SIJ'.han did not. Fitts drew Ibo ......,Jon that Dia, m.ood believed Slrhail 1n his uaual state, even 'though he wu a paranoid IChizo. phrenlc, would have been h&rmJeu in the AmbBfSador Hotel had be not ..... into a disloclative state. However, Diamond lnallted it wu not Uiat Olmple; thal one hid to 10 rar back into Si.man's backgrouhd in Jeruulem as a boy and Uirouih hla whole life. ' Flttl 1ald that he WU acceptlnc all 11-condltiDlll but uked again.whither the actual · lhdot(ll( had not been Iii&· gered bf. a dluoclative 1tatia brouaht on by drlnklll( and by m!rron and lirtlhr lights In the hotel. 'The doctor apln reluaed to pul It nn thoee tUIJll and aald, ••t won't let you say. I canit allow you: to dlmrt what I've said." • "Doctor, I don 't know why you're dodging me," FUii 1ald. Oetense attorneys immediately object.. ed and Superior Court .Judge Herbert V. 'Valker ordered the remarks stricken. . From Page I WOLFMEN •.. pursuers. By that time, one police unlt had arrived on the scene, said in- vestigators. \Vhen capturtd, Cushenberry told police that as he and McDaniel hid in the field they considered ahootlna the first of(icer on the sei?ne but didn't because of the pre.sence of the Vol.Uwagen, and "we wondered where that helicopter might be," he said. other unUa quickly arrived and 1ur .. rowxled the field beiore the pair could escape. Drurnffiond was arrested in a Gardm Grove apartment by Huntington Beach detective Gilbert Velne. Veine IU:I he had to forcibly enter the apartment, and found Drummond lnside with a .22- caliber automatic rUle. Drummond allegedly drove the flnt two to the market and wu suppoeed to pick them up following the robbery, said police. All three men are booked in Huntington Beach city jall today on suspicion of armed robbery. They are acheduled for arraignme.nt Thursday ln Wut Orana:e County Municipal Court. Veine 1aid lnvutlgaton are checking out the possibility that theae men were also involved in several other Oranae C<lunty armed robberlu. ,, ..... ,, ..... Tolho alrl who 1'nown•hlltho wanb but not~ to find It. Mat(h your •tyl• wllh our """' dta~n<llwt ciao! ... Md a1k u1 abo•t oar f1lftou1 °"""' ...... ,.,.,. .. on Stand "The Jury can decldt how the -II behaving," U\e judp Illa. Diamond pnvlou1!,y had leltllled SU1wl ·WU In a Kll·lnductd llypDOllc !ranee at !he Ume cl !be oboolJni. Fro• P.,e I LARWIN •.. however, revealed a oev"'4ay limit_. a public hearln( II cloeed, llld Parker. TUeedey'I .-bl. WU OltenlJbly to hear Parker;• r<poct, and -o1 ihe Larwln apPeal w.. not nn the l(Ollda. When Co<1ndlman Edward Juot l!lCIYOd to reverte PllMlll( Commllel"1 aPf"OVal on !be ttotallve tract map, Vice Mayor Dooold Fttgeau uked Parkor II lllCh a motion wae valid.. DREW APPLAUSE Parker drew loud applawie when he nld, "In view ot Che feet lt ii a matt* of grtot pubUc ilUml, k II my ttd!Jil tbal a motion to -Ille appllil would not be out of order." 'The city attorney drew -liter Jioweyer, when he luhed oil\ al !hi audience for what be called· "!heir pool- C<l0duc1" in Friday's mettlngl. · "You people are probably Ille - ..., who lit et home with - In your band -.lully wotchlnc tllO Berkeley riota," Parktr'declared. ~! "We're not oo trial here " yelled """* . ' ,. one from the audience. ~ 1'No, bu( democracy la," repli1W Paiker. : A> tbe council m~ broke up, several individuals waved papaw in &l:le air, asking fnr tlgnalurel to aid In a recall effort to oust counc:llmell ~u and ' Courr<j.,, who vote4 11a1nst !be appeal. In order to hold a recall eleetlon, a petition signed by 25 percent ot tM regiltered voters In the dty mull bo pr....ud to U\e cKy councll. Once !be peUUon 11 e<r!Jlled, lbe coon- cll is required to hokl a recall electioo witbi!l SO days. Peter & Paul's Mary Reveals Engagement NEW YORK (UPI) -Mary Allift Travers ol !he Pet«, P1111l " Mary folk singing trio will marry a New York executive in J1mei a 1poll:esman announced today. ' 'The BJ>Oketman llald the tall, lont- hatr.d 1Joger who h11 been with tho trio since 19111, was engaged to Gerald Taylor, president ol Taylor & Son, a publishers' representative firm wH)I of. flcea in New Yock. Record Stamp Sale NEW YORK (AP) - A record 1911,11$ was peid !or 244 lota « atampe; auctloned here Tuesday night, tncludlng 1111,000 for a rare airmail block. 'lbe Robert A. Siege! Auction GalleriOI Inc. Aid the ale total wu Che greatest tunJ r<alized In a lllngle IOSl!otl ol llomp auction. U.S. Offer Studied _, UNITED NATIONS (IJPIJ• -Sovie~ BrlU.h and Frm:h dl~lomllt today 1tudled. a "workln1 paper'' of U.S. pro- poaalJ deolgned lo promo!• a Bt1 Four peace fnlUatlvt In tht Middle Ea•t. Of· flclaJ U.S. llOUrtOI uld the documont contained "concrete" ideas. U\e h!Jocker. -• ..,. . 1'1tt hijacking was the t4Urthls yea r ol a U.S. airllntr, pushing \he 1969 total lo an all-time hiab. In &II ol J961 there were IS U.S. planu and 11ven frrim othtr countrlt1 di•ttted to Cuba, CONVENIENT TERMS IA1~KAMERICARD MASTE~ CHAR6E J. C. .JJwnp/u.iu J1w.fu ll YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION I ' Sky plrocy hH t1ktn l ,117 -· on the UMCheduled run to Fidel Qi.No'• island this year -25S of them in ~1arch. I I 1121 NEW,ORT AVE. COSTA MESA I ' ' ,HONE 14'-1401 II I I· r . • ED-ITION ~Ot.:. ·62, NO. 73, 4 SECTIONS, 72'.PAGES • . . • .. • • . . Lagun~ Nu1$~ Oiee . . 2 Others Killed· in Flying Auio ·Jr~eck iA !;qoma 8-h aurae, her Navy doc- tor fiance -due to ihlp out !or Vietnam . ~ ., Way -and a third phyaScian were ~ late Tuelday, wbeJr their sporu car .ci'ubed into I SAn Diego home, otrhorne at hip !peed like a dive bomber. . San J;>iego County Coroner's Deputy David Stark said Elizabeth A. Allen, 22, of 319111 lOlh Ave., SouUl Laguna, Was driving at an estimated 100 miles :p:r-hour just before the speCtacular crash. Kllie.d at the same time were ber fl:anCe, Lt. Walter L. Toy Jr., 26, of El Toro M.Q\S, and. LL Donald A. HiDes, ~trategy Meet Set Thursday On .Oil Fight • A coune d unified ciliun oppooijlon to ll)o ~ -.... i!ffil1ac , .. oil Jill "' plotled Tllunday ~ an I· p.!L -bl ~ LOim* Bach City 11.alL COocemed ci~, ~ U ~ wtll 1 1 Assembl)>man Robert lladhpi, Jlat• -Jal}a Schmitz, and til1 -d-.i.... been invit.d to ·-the * 1 a..ion. ,PmpOit OI the meeting Is primarily to ·pi:opan dtlu:n ...._ to tl>e public beerlop acbeduled by the California ~ C«mnluloo on ~lcratory oil well drlllhic ·in -.,... south ol the santa ADI: River, accordlng to oil foe JlarU.llrim&ley. ~.area now is protected from oil pnxtucti<ln by the SbeU-Cunnlngham act, however uplcratory well drWing has att:lmts taken ·place. '"lblre are a put many things that must be done in getting ready for such hearings. You can be sure that the oil companies will be ready," Grimsley aald. Grimsley said that he e%peets a tom· miUee to be cboeen which would then wort privately to prepare the case ARinol tbe oil compani ... r~ aaid that a similar tack was llindVinii the --00 the Shell-Cuclnlnlhlm legislation 13 years ago. K.,.W Glenn E. Vedder will attend tht· meetial and it is anticlpa~ed he will &i-.:t a report on the meeting ol municipal ofi1c::iik llll weet in Santa Barbara. Winter Festival · Successful But • ~pense.s Awaited' Laguna Beach's Winter Festival na tenned a "succe.u" Tuesday at a m~g of the sponsoring Chamber !crl Colnmen:e'• board of Dlrteton. Rowtver, all the bllls aren't in yet. '"!'be purpooe ol the Winter Fe31lval' wid not to make money. But It helpe ~break even," General Chairman Bett1, Myen 1ald. 'Ibe lo-day apluh was partially washed out by stonaa and Mn. Myers said sheiklesn't think it will ~ak even. Sllie llkl the festival wu succeuful in that the dty received1 a great amount of publicity, and that a number of tourbta ...,.. broulht Into the community by'tlie activ!Ue1. It also provided the LqunaM with wiliter acti91tia, Ille said. n. apirlt d community aervict, public tntenst and pd will created by the ldtlval ...,. also to be counted In the pip aide of the ledcer, Mra. Mytra aaW. •we lllimale that about 1.900 people ""° •broulhl into tht• """' hecaUIO fl. tbe ·r.uvat," abe aald. _Now, 1 compreheoaive report Cit the I~ iJ beln( <0mplled by the at.mber at.II I le help llUide l\llure [~-ken. Y"''d be ~ at the"thinp that r.an bl crm"kllllld," Mrs. MY'" •1d. . . Y Plans Dinner Fo r·C0umel.or, Installation 117 JACK l'IU .... J. ., .. ...,--,.;~ ' Vole!' aPJl!Oval d a'lk«I~ two-year tu o~. fer 'Ille Lq\lla Btach UnlfiedScbool ·--ldl-- 1111,GOll In addltlooal ~ !or .tllt dilUlct -mooey -ollldall -taln la oeceaatJ .. upbolil the hich standards ol the dlllrld. Dr. Wllllam Ullom, auperlntendenl d IChooll, said thal -aall(lel, iJ>. Diiion, ~ ~ ".....,itall" ..... quire~-· The -ii April It. " ' " · ''lD fNt datrict we mu It ralM IO porcenl "' .... 9--lin]J • '-1 ol the bodiel -"---. CQmpmd to the -nllo lhal allla. in moll dlatrk:ll," Ul1""' - 'lllll' la -• dlllrltf"lr- I , . . Laguna Chamber Picks Officers " -.. ' • ' • l ,,. • ~· ' . . ' •JI: I ' ' ' wmNESDA Y, M,4.Cl'I 26; Tt69 . . • • I • ' Salt Creek , Issue ·-sd.ts . l • • 'l -• .if \ l • Legal.· c,~s~ ' -By TOMB~. Of N DtllT P'l19t liM A bitter court battle ~ miooinl •factions in the simmeriril Salt Creek 1 Road controVeny .ahnoet-became a • courthouse corridor free.tor-all today. 1 I • ' 1 ( 1 ' • . ' LjlCli.a Beach i:ooncllhien• it: ,the"; next ~· ~ wlll go into . executive .......,. to dlacim the coot ol acquiring ~-·'lllls wu ·the -today ol City M-8'1' Jamee D. Wheaton who hod prellmJnary appnllal estimates bul '"4n'i iulklnJ them public pOildlng OU~ <"'"9 ol .-rib Jll-11' ........ The -11 In' Februlry mood I• "' rr-m. to nlDe 1o11 beginning Jun Union Oil Co. Guilty 000\h;ol lhe lfblrd Sine! n*!tc.i ctnier · and· flnl!hinf: out the cut l1de of th• . lfloct to Mermaid stceet. · • · · Wb8t the council decides~lly April 21 -whether al.I or nine 1Qti: or IOMl!ll in.between· riumber ..-. 'JJis ' to be somewhat "lffy0 , Wheel.en· Bald. This is because the whole financial ;spect wW hinge• on how far the c:ounly- la • willing to, budge !rum ill normal crli,rla Ill' land and bulldinga. -lal!I the county crttui& roughly Is thal 'bolh 'iln4 ond hullding .boUJd coot the county Ii ceoll per square feet month]J. ~··proposals including extra land for ~X]>lllli\in oould double Iha! criteria, ii bas been Nld. In . son1ething of' a ~ I Lan .J~ k D . . situation, the county can't· adjull 114 n umar ecl8IOll. ~rta or ~line to helcre ·IM cJ11 dei:ldos what ii wanta and what It will SAN PED!IO, Calif. (UPI) -Union do. Oil Qi, ,wU:.lilW>d ·,..n1y MO(lday of• Wheaton lndlcaled ,llfat nu!Hlld-bolia dwnplJll ollT ........ Into Loo Abi<la d~lllona with the ..,.inty abbut <the · ~-· 20 1--· """" new brtu!ch·llbrarY'can bqln·in earnest -• ~. ' w o, ·~~..... = ·~ -~· ~· -~ --· 1-11-•~-JHM • ~ -~H _, •-00 wu !1Ded •~ JUU.LLIJUIU "' ,_.., • · Jt w.U blllll on the preUmllllry 'l)M-h7 Municlpll Court J"""' 'liPll;llaal. w-s. -ended 15 ~ "' • 'l'bll -Could laVoiTe con- lillpllan lhl'aaP lour ~ -· ~ ~..-..0, aplnal lev• In • _cl!lll that UIUftlld Jindinarl; Jll)JPOl'tY owner• '11111')111nc-lo 11n al ~ the dty prict. j • i Superior Court Judge i;laude Owen&' deni&l ol a bid by Laguna Nlgud Corporation to 1et a bearins on tbs lss_ue before lls scbedujed' dal& ~Id a corridor lwale that ople<I wtth.bolll parties coming back before the a1toolabo ed judge. Laguna Illich attomey W 1111 a m Wilcoxen tokl Judge Owens that Laguna Nilud Viee rr..tdent Wllllam Beclt hur- rledlx Jell when Wllcoull ukld him to wail !or the balllU. Wilco'!"'. aald he wanted to jmlue lh,tl lleck would be available ander an extension of h1s aubpoena for 1'uldQ'1 hearing qn the Salt Creek matter. This WU angrllj deJlied" b1, <Lquna Nlgiiel attorney -· W. B<n. He told Judge aw.na thet Bed: . tell ... bia iml!uctiOOI and. that there had been no inlenl!Oll o[ ~ Be<k'• .-at the .h.earlna. : . 1 _Judge Owena' suueaUO!ll, ~-WDcozm re-ten:•'~~ !'}th a Ml! suJ>poena(wu aqctpled by both aid'!So • . . -W~en )ater ,.plalned, r-.g -pnilract.d corridor ......... betw... the lwo portleo that ht partkularly \ranted _.al the bolrlng . "becoule "' Ille ,..,,. ~--his slklin'lt. • -> Jr I ,!I . "Ill'~ ..... to ~.Id IOI don: to a M ~ g=lfe1•qw," ~7:'' ~~·~ Jaflllf *'*.;,1111~ pilera!Jtta••arJllU;,~<Hilud't clalm tlial ti!e.dllalln1ia rdeveiopmenl ol . the. Sall, Cm~ ..... ,la COl!ial· tipe corporaUon,Mll'Jy','4flllO a day. ·Seuiht by tapna Nigu!J tociay ·...ii acUon by Judge Owens that would 'haft ... b)ed ·the CO<plratiae to ,... ahead wJtll deve~nt. of. the--D-~e-tract of wb\c4 l!aJI C~~f. !!Oait i.;a,PI!~ . It ~ru at'tue<f that ·sucn action Jjy tlie · juage· wo111d enable· Lai!Una Nll\11!l to go before the .pianriilit · c!ornmJiliOri - Wday •and ·gel approval d 1 lia '1rait ~ for the,~a. . 1 , · Wilcoxen, obviously angered by . whal be said was· "railro&ding .. a~ti°"". ~ La~ Nl~l._a~ ~. ~tt l:ree~ ,(See ~T.CREEK,.'~,I) , . . . ,, . PINC H .PENNIES · WIT H"-PILO'f ADS· I . • tbe ''Penny Pinch!'" ad ci...tl)cat¥in has ~· expanded In the DAILY PILOI' clus.ified "want ad" se.cticin tO mi:h.idt anything anydne want& to -..u· (qi:ep\ for commercial adve.rtisen ). ' ,., t .1be; new, "Remy; Pinchtr" .U DJW appear dally, under the . clwHklUm in which the ad !l!a~"1i)'""Pmny P.11>1 cher" ad can nm up to &Mee Unel l~r lwo lilDoa !or • Kum.,.. value ol the item fer ale ii ta Reid •em. Use fem1 'PiDcb your penniel· and 'mab dollars. , , , • . • , Call 642-5f'll '!or· the direct line to. the c1 ... 1n.a Ad~!l'!l!!n& peiii. . 0r..,. ' .. <:euc ·r • Weedlmo • llQ\ ~or. 11\AI m..n...,.•, r..J. t cllmblnt nninclay Jt.n be up 'Iii 88, tl!allkl to a DiOd Santa Au "b r I 11 e," ltith fair ati• throughou~ . INSIDE ~DAY Thtrt 11r1 .,_ itivghl in aaiZ.. Ing. Rad liilanou ""-1 of OM ·Neioporl llorboo """' "111<1' l\Od plmly of "'"'°" Jooliltg ~.11, • :::...-. . n *""" ~ .. . ' ,....._.,,... . ,c.,..,ai...." =-.. , c ........ ·~ c._, ,. CM!c:t" Jt • ...,._ ... C-' Jt ............ till -::1'.;. -~ = -:ll E·t:·~u ........... .. :.=:"" ... ~: :.;;.:; "l . = =· -~ ....._._, n , ...... -~ - I • I ,---I......_ ~ 1. l-..-' • ·-l ',,... ' ... . . ··-. . . .... . ... -· • I WLY PILOT L ~· 11....-26, 1,.. Hijacker. DivCrts Plane Bound for LA to,Cuha: MIAMI (/\!') -A YOW1(, cullJ-llaif<d &.Illa ........ lit -trrlll lo pt to lda baml Ill VrrrW1 NileW ..a Dolt.a fJr Linea )el U!Tl'lnC ui ·,.r- to 0.1'11 tadly. Aftor. ~ly •lil>t hoot• ln Hanna, Ctpt Wllllim Wood fl01! lhe airliner to Miami and a -. lit nI ~ spent more than. ooe hoUr questloa)ng lhe ~111en u Ibey nmtlned abo<rd lhe tnll at MllJlli lntematlooal Alrporl. ' ' ' FBI agent for a quick trip to a rest \roon>. ' 'l1>e hijacker .,... lrilm a flUll .. 1 In lhe touriJt Hd1on to put th• 111!1 on Miss Che.at.am aQd walked her tO the cockpit. The l!ltewardeS! sald she attempted to question the man on his rums for taking over the plane but said ahe could make liUle sense out of his con· veraatkn • "All I could tell,'' ahe sald, 11wu ~t Iii •llllt*l lo .. _ ........ ' Tllo plane landjJd saltly at Hevana, where tbe security guard aroUPd the terminal area w~ oo tight that f~p . MW!D1011 could \not 1d' a . &Unif'M GI the hijacker. Sky piracy has taken t ,M? peraons on tbt IWCbeduled run to Fidel C.U.'1' island th1.s year -~ ol \hem in M~ ' . . Talks on . Salary · Await Override From P .. e l SALT CREEK .. Road 1~eeerUd oal.y an IO foot right-or. way area in an 136-acre sector. He mut..i Laguna Nlgiiel's arfUJ11enl that oo devek>pment wlthln the atta could be launched wilhoul settlement " the Salt Creek issue • ··11 RICIL\RD P. NALL ~ Of ., 0. ........ . , .. Te!ICl>er.:iallrJ .nqOlllU-In i.....,. !leaell UlliliO<t School DUtrld Will op- par•ntly Mt 'become public until ari.r ' '•• ' ' I ' • • 5Stjal !of f'(mld•-ill iloclded by ~ ~ Al>!'ll 11. ·-- The voi.ra alto ·will ' be fillllli U..... vacincles on ·the five-member ICbooJ board that day and the board must m"e the final decision on aaiarlea for lhe comlni year. Dr. William IJllom, diltrlct IUperin• tendtnt, aaid the tucbet repw:t1a1:taUva have made a propolll tO the bolld Ski Trip Signups Deadline Friday Deadllne·(or roPt<rlng for tbe four· day, YMCA~ sil Ulp to Mam· morp is Friday. A 110 dePQSit wnl .-rve a opot for lhe Jtmktt to be ataced April s throufh e. '1be lrlp wlll -llO, which Includes tr_.i!on, lreailalltl and dinnen:, lodging, accident insurance up to 12.000 and shuttle 00. to ski IJfts. Olllclall d the South Orahre eoonty Y OoWICll u1c1 tr-portauoo Into town Easter Sunday wUJ be available fer those wishing to aUend Euler aervi<es. South cout teens m1y pick up regiltra. lion forms by Friday at the Y, 411 F-1 Ave., Laruna Beach. Addltlooll in!Grmatl111 may be obtained by caJlin( _,_ . / wbidi •• wq -lie dlc!IMd ~ opoclfy • the -al the _. unW, ,~ Mid, the boord bu a cm-· to relJ>Clld. • Oranae CoimlY reprtltllUitl-al-ihe CaUlorii!a TUcbtn -(CTA) are ~!1fcr a atarUna l&1lry far teac)Joil In er-. Count, of JI/Kii • and • top of 111.000. Ullom said the La(una alarUOI aafary i! '8,.00 for a teacbv with a bacbekr'• de(!Oe and no uperlence. The lftllllt schedule nml to 112,111>. IJllom aid it takea a teicher abobt U years in thla dilltrlc:t lo aet to that point Althooib -lcl!ool dlltrlc:ts an now • In lhe aafary nt(Ollatloa atace. '7-.U. V alley School Dlatrlc:t placed 111 new salary schedule In effect Ju. I. The FOlllllain Valley dlatrlc:t, educall111 you11ten from lclnderguten thrOllJlb eighth grade, bu an abundance of teacbera with ont, two and ~ )'W'I experleoc<. It II paylnf 18, 711 to atart and 111,111 tops. . Boord memhm In La(una In lhe put bsve Aid La(una'• aafary llCbaih&le hu been weighted toward e :1 p e r I t n c e d U.acbm. IJllom Aid the CTA rule of thumb hu been that the toj> salary should be oboul twice the alarUl1I salary and that 'the top lbould be -In 10 years. La(una teachers 11"1 llileohle aafary hiktl wt year and 1nau1ec1 1r1n,. benellll lncludln( bulth illlur&nce. Nt(Ollaliooa !hill yeor ..m Ubly be U,. fluenced by the tu -· 1J11om said be npec:ted publlc -•ns with the board and negotiators to befln in late April Beached Bunn11 Newport Beach nsident Linda Butler, 22, basks in sun near one of "Don't Go Near the Water" signs lining several Orange Coast beaches these days. Will! EaJter Week approaching and warm weather DAILY PILOT P~ '' LM P1Y11• already here, many water sport enthusias'-8 are ignoring pollution warnings. Lifeguards olgbting violators of swimming b~_have been authorized to cite same. .F..... p .. ,, l VIETNAM .•• Air Cal to Increase Fare Today'• court act.ion waa a further step in Wllcoren'• fight· to overturn COllfto- ty abandooment d Sat er.et Road am ensure • road that 'Woul4. all~ ultimate Public atXeSS to UM! beach. County supervison have peen ordered by Judge Owens to set aside a resoluUon ol M""'h 25, 1961 which aba<>PoQed the iborougbfare to Laguna N!iueL Also reJtrained under court action ta the coonty planning commission. It hu been ordered to take no acUon oo any plan which -not """iJllu Sall Creek Road 1111 beklg a public rieht-Of·way. J Botb Laguno Niguel and Prud"'1ill Jmurance Co. have been ()IJie:red ti not interfeu with public use d. the road pending a court ~ that WU ..t f0< April 3. CONFIRMED STORY Bell today conlinned that Laguna Niguel brought the acUoo bef!)l'e JuJfge • Owms before its schedule date in a bid "to have this matter settled right now. ''This business is costing us at letst · $3,700 a day," Bell said. "We feel that . the ultimate ruling will be in our fa•or . but we deeply resent delaying tactics . lhat are costing us this kind of. money. "And I mi gilt point out that lhe county condemned Salt Creek Road in our flVor in the flnt pla<e," Bell said .. Bell odded that the S()ie a.im of the corporation right now VI to clear the way for ~ tation of the tract map to the planmng commission. AAUW to Learn About Thurston Wa D · p· S 'l -=~':uli~b~tovl~~ From (:ounty to Bay Area What'• k a11 About at n.nta>!, • . s e le PY r ~ =e·:.::~e~. F~ siree the 'I ==~~~~ten~ ' . cO~~~-:enimc:n~n:,: Orange County travekn to the San similarappllcet.lonsforiacreuea~. ~~P~ ?:30 p.m. next Tueaday;_ Mesa Co.ok Faces $12 Million Suit first u.ree weeks" lhe dfenslve, and Framsco Bay Ar•• wHI have to pay before the -Bui lhe PUC SpoollClnd by Lagun. Beach Branch. By TOM BARLEY 01 t11e O.Uy ""' 1tetr lf Harry Franklin did whit Marie Callender uid he did, he had a lot of crust. Costa Meaa putry cook Franklin, Is aCCUl«I of playing a secret agent formula-stuling role in a Su p e r i o r Court d.IJpute between Callender Pies and Dtnny'a restaurants. Named in the SU million action filed late Tuesday by the Callender Co. is former employe Franklin, now worklne for DeMy'1 in Colla Mesa. The •Wt alleges that be pl'O\lided the restaurant chain with full detalls of the aecret Callender recipe despite bis btlnc aworn to secrecy by Callenders. The Callendu complaint allega thlt Denny's determination to obi.Jn the ple- makin1 fonnula stems from a recent refusal by Marle Callender to merae with the fast growing Denny chain. The action stltes that D e n n y 's 1'throuih ila agents and employes im- mediately threatened to 1et t be formula." The .l&nguqe of the complaint m.. u.AN•I COoUT PUM.llMllfO (OMP'Atn' leMrt H. W••' ,,......, ... ,_,Ww Ja1k t . Ootey v~ ,,......, .. ..,. MIN'" 'fMMM IMTll -n.... A. w.,,.,," _ ..... •11h1r4 P-M•JI P,111'Nl11e11 lr.:i:::ll -:=:.."-___ iJJ,• ...... ""· M•IMltt , ... , 1.0. l1a '''· t261Z . .,_ ~--t DIW9'tl..,MtMf ........,, Wdi: rtl1 W..1 ..... ...,.,...,. ti~ ...._, .. ltll I,,.. ' j dicatea that Denny'• waa 1ucceuful. Attached to the s u It are sworn af- fidavits by other c .. uender employes in which thty described Franklin'• alleg- ed ltatements in which he admitted that be had Polled on the aecret formuli to his new employer. Calltnder's alleges that Denny plans to UH that fonnula in a chain of pie stores to be named Mother BuUer Plea:. A bid by Callender's for lf&nllng ot a restrainin1 order a&alnst Denny'1 will be heard April 1. The aame firm'• action qa.inst Harry Franklin wW 10 before Judg• Claadt Owen& Afril S. losses since then were believed to have hightr air farm beginnil'lg ,April 15. 'I1ie felt that Air Callf«nia fac«I sufficient Amtrlcan Association of Univenlt1 added at least:S,000 more to the toll. · California PubHc util:lties CorNnission emergency to grant hUrlm relief. Women, the program, open to tht publlC, Jn the attack oo the U.S. base today, will be led by Wick Lobo, a 'lbunton Communist force! charging behind a Tuellday grarud penhisalon to Air JllCl'easea were about 9 percent, wUh counselor. barrage .d. mortar shells rut a 1st Air Callfornia to 1ncreue ticket prices and faces ~een ,Orange County and the Lobo's talk, explaining the school'1 Cavalry Division position along in· adopt m<n flttlb)e routinp. Bay Area Jwnping from $14.15 lo $11.19, lllique approaches to learning, will in- filtration routes to Saiaon about 50 miles In an interim order the PUC said The PUC also i al,lowed Air California elude ezplanationa of the Khool:'a non-· northwest of the South Vietnlmeae the intcutate airline could raise fares graded daily demand program. the aw.·~ capital. for it' routes between Orance County to exteod an:t comolidete its operating dent perlormance pro'file, fluid .wdenl Military apokermm said e i 1 h t and the San Frandaco Bay area, between rights by chanciJ:c its acbedules during grouping and the elective ~-: Americans were killed aod 17 woundea Oakland-San Joee aM OrUrkl, and off-peak hours. 1be public achoo! for seventh and before the Communlats finally pulled between Burbank and San J«*-Oakland. Air California spokesmen in Orange eighth grade sbJdentl is built fot its back under heavy c:ount<rflre from U.S. United AlrU..., Pad& Soothwest Coonty declioed to comm"'! on the PUC unique program. 1lurlns Lobo ..m con- artllleey and helicopter gunships. The f~Alr;;lineo;;;;IDd=;W;....,,==Alr;';llnol=='ll=bs;v;e=;acU=·on=tod=a;y;. =========;-~;·;-~;of~the;;;bulldlni;;~·~· ===;-, bodies d. two Communist sold.Jeri were found banging on the bubed wire sur- rounding the but. 1191.00 $)25.00 IJ61.00 $161.00 To the 9i rl who knows wh1.1 'Jhi wants but not where to tmd rt. Maleh your style with our' tn1ny distindiYe designs. And ask us about our f1rnous °"" .. -... - I llus1ian1 Are Here 21 YEARS IN TH&-- SAME LOCATION Two female Ruulan oceano1raph•ri, Lidiya Salcevtch (left) and Valentina Kostl.kova, are part of ~man, 10,.woman crew aboard Sovie( trawler, Prolessor Deryugln, currenUy docked at San Pedro. In cooperation with American sdentlst1, SovtetJ will snoop along PAC111c couUlne invest11at1ng fish life, pelilculaliy the blle, a mem- ber of the cod family. CONVENIENT TERMS IANlAMERICARD MASTER CHAR8E J. C. AmpM1d J1w.fo lftl NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA PHONE 10-1401 • ' • Ike:IJemains . . . In Critical ·~rilled on Stand Condition # • •• LOii ANGELES (UPl)-A prooeculinf altorney he1tedly chanred a defense psydllatrill today witli dodging hls P~ots' Grpup Ca),ls for Strike • OVer Skyjacking AMSTERDAM (AP) -The lnlerna· tional Federation of Airline Pilots Associations warned today that it may call a worldwide strike for t! or 24 hours if airline hijacking iJ not suitablJ punished. . A' resolution unanimously adopted by the federation'• annual conference said it may also take these actions against naUoru that don't punish hijackers: I. A ban on all air traffic into the coonlry. 2. Coordinated action to restrict move- ment of lbe country's aircraft and to restrict movement of cargo to and from Ill< country, eltherby alr or surface. The federation represents 70 percent of the world's 1,500 airline pilots. 'n!.e Soviet Union wu represented b y observer&, but Cuba; the chief target of the ttsolution, was not represented. Earlier, the conference adopted a re.solution saying that the federatiorui: e1ecutlve committee is authorized to lmpooe a ban ol flights inl4 the olfendlng 1tate when it does not allow the cn:w of a hijacked plane to ]eave within 43 bouts. 1be resolution ltreued that in- vealigation of. the hijacking "should not. be used u a ~ for detaiping the crew by a country where the aircraft landed." Another resolution emphasized that no bilateral air agreements between states should be made or renewed without atrlct provision f o r prosecution of hi· jacken or their return "to the state of registration of the aircraft Of" the state or the operator of the aircraft for prosecution." Peter & Paul's Mary . ' Reveals Engagement NEW YORK (UPI) -Mary Allin Travers cf the Peter, Paul &: Mary folk singing trio will marry a New '\"ork executive In June, a spokesman ~today. The spokesman wd the lall, long· haired EDgtr who bat bffn with the trio since 19111, was engaged to Gerald Taylor, president of Taylor &: Son, a pJblimen' representative firm with of. fices in New York. qutstions about jusl what triaered Sirhan B. Sirhan in the shootlng ol Sen. Rd>ert F. Kennedy. Dep. DiaL Atty David Fiua was crou- examining Dr. Bernard Diamond, wbo had 1 .. tlfied prevlolU!y lhal -...... lite a "computer programmed to com· mit assas.sinatlon." ."" Fttta aaid tha( most people ·weri prl)o grammed by their environment, and baCkground. yet did not commit mur· der. Diamond replied that normal people had a certain amount of tree will but that Sirhan did not. Fitts drew the concession that Dia- mond believed Sirhan in his usual :stale, even thou~ he was a paranoid achizl)o phrenie, wOu.ld hate been harmless in the Ambassador Hotel had be not gone into-a dissociative state. "" However, Diamond !misted it wls not that stmPJe, that ene bad to go fir back into Slrhan's background in Jerusalem as a boy and through his whole life. Fitts :said that he was accepting all those conditions but asked again whether the actual shooting had not betn trig· gered by a dissociative sta.te brought on by drinking and by mirrors and bright lights in the hotel. The doctor again refused to put it ori those terms and said, "I won't let you say. I can't allow you to distort what I've said.'' "Doctor, I don't know why you're dodging me,'' Fill& said. Defeme attorneys immediately object· ed and Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walker ordered the remarks stricken. ''The juty can decide how the doctor is behaving," the judge said. Diamond previously h ad testified Sirhan was in a self·induced hypnotic trance at the time of the shooting. Police Nearing Firehomher of Negro's Home Police are narrowing the search to find the individual or individuals who firebombed the home of a young Hun- tington Beach Negro couple Saturday. The garage door and driveway of Irwin Harris, _,.tor ol a medical Ja~alory in Garden Grove, were severely scorched Saturday when someone threw a molotov cocklail from a speeding truck. Polic< labled the fir< bombing .... obviom racial incident. 11 Harris was the victim cl paint spla.shing on hill garage dam' Jan. 29 in a po6Sibly related incident, police said. Huntington Beach onJy has about 12 Negro families in the city and bu never experienced such racial violence before, police said. Inv~gating detectives say they have several clues, and may soon know who is responsible for Saturday's violent act. WASlliNGTON (UPI) -Fonner President Owlght D. Eisenhower re- maJned in "criUcal" condition at Walter Reed Army Medical Cent.er today while doctors worked to ri.verse the heart ailment that threatens his life. Jn a brief mid·mornini medical bulletin, the doctors old that ••evldences of ~estlve lieartfallure persist despite the fact that iu'·appropriate therapeutic measures are being utilized." The inability of the 7&-Year-oJd EJ.senhower's heart to pump enough blood to give his body an adequate oxygen iiupply was diacovered March 15. S~e then, his doctors al Walter Reed ap- parently have ~n lmflble to rtve-rse the <OlldiUon. The bulltlin. said. l!:isenhower "slept comlortably through mO!t ol the night" and continued to enjoy brief visits by members or hls family. The physicians not.Ed the 1eneral's "inherent stamina" in recovering from major illnesses in the past. In l\'ritten replies to questions aub- mitted in advance by newame:n, the doctors .said it waa "uilcertain" how long a pitient in Ebenhowtr'1 condition could be expected t.o endure teVeft con- gestive heart failurt. Youth Picks Bad Car for Escape A Garden Grove tee:n-a1e band.it Rlected t.he wrong ear in which to make his escape• Tuesday nighl after allegedly holdin1 up a market. The car he jwnped into was driven by an off-duly policeman. Officer Neil Anderson was driving along Chapman Avenue when the 16-year- old youth opened the door and jumped in. Anderson asked him, "Why were you running and what do you have in the bag?" Startled, the youth jumped out ol the ear and ran. Anderson pursued and cap- tured him al Owtpman 8l'ld Harris Street. Police said the youth had held up the Tic aTgc Market, IJJ31 Euclid St., a short time earlier and got away with about $60 in a paper bag. The money wu recovered. . Record Stamp Sale NEW YORK (AP) -A record f911,935 was paid for 264 lots of stamps auctioned here Tueoday nigh~ includlng ftu,000 fur a rare· ainnail block. The Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries Inc. said the sale total was the greatest sum realized. In a single session cf stamp auction. Stores Gird for Walkout Supermarkets Recruiting Replacement Clerks By JANICE BERlllAN Of the Dlllf 1'1191 S!tfl Supermarkets in Los Angeles and Orange counties are recruiting and training replacement clerks against the P>S&lbillty or • strike by union clerks throughout Southern California. The Retail Clerks International Union (AFLCIO) and the Food Employers Council, whlch serves as bargaining: agent for Southern C a I i f o r n i ~ 1UJ>ermarket management, have been conducting round-the-clock negotiatiom In an attempt to hammer out a new contract before the l\tarch 31 e1pira&ion date of the current one. 'The threal of a slrike was ea!led Friday with Local 770's Secretary Joseph T. DeSilva's offer to have his clerks continue to work without a contrad after the present one expires. However, Food Employers Council spokesman . Robert K. Fox noted that DeSilva has not withdrawn any of hiJ 117 demandlli, which allegedly include free auto m. surance f o r teenage children o hmion members. Nine localJ are invt1lved in the negotia- tion& with the Food Employer• Council and according to union spokesmen each union ii autonomous. However, it appears that the locals have split into two factions : One group that includes store clerks in lhe Los Angtlea metropolitan atta, allied with DtSUva and another made up of si1 locals. including those in Orlllie County. The Food Employer1.Counc1l has dubbed lhem "the Big Six" and claims they "ha•• apUt away from DeSllva and are bargaining In good faith." l.ocal SM Secretary Arthur Z. Berland, whose local is one ol the 10-Called Big Sil. hu dtciintd 14 dbcuss dtmands made by his group, wl\Jch incll..t~ Orwige County clerk•. "NegoUaUons are continuing and win eontlmie," Berland aald. "Al far u l'm cvnct:med, negotiatlonl ahould bt con-- tfuded at the bargaining table and not In the public pttSS." A spokesman for the Food Employer& Council said Its role in negotiations \1 .. to 1e:rve the pubUc by curbin1 In- flation," which he alleged would re.suit if DeSilva'1 demands were met. The spokesman also said that in the event ol a strike. trained replacements for clerka would definitely be available. "We don'! know whal houn !he llore. would be open," he said, "but they'd be open aomeUme during each day." He a d d e d, "We'd like to avert a strike, bul we won 't do It at the housewives' e1pense." Said Local 32i Secrtlary Berland: "There's no point In 1aber-raUlln1 by either party. We will conduct negoUaUons around the clock to work out an agree- ment with both parties that will be equitable to our members and to their employers." Easy To Order l Police chil!f1 of five Orange Coast dt.iftl eommmded Allon Blaknlee, awri winnina: AMocialed Press JCieoce writer, for hill frank and factual "Drugs 196!1'' aerieis published In the DAILY PILOl'. Now you can havt all the tnrormatlon contained tn the ti..part series, and more, ln Blal:ts1ee's booklet. "What You Sboutd Know About Drup and Narcotics, .. for just SI. Clip the coupon be:low and man lt in todq (allow lwo to thrtt wttks for dtllvery due to belVY -14 IDl·oller). ·-·-·-·-····-·-·-·-~ I T" .,,.. -let I I o-c-1 11a11y l'l1ot I I P.O. lox I " I 1 r-.... N. J. 01"6 1 I Send me , .• , .. copi" n! "Whal Ynu Should Know About Drugs I I and Narcotics" at '1 each. Encloaed is $ .•.•.•.••• (Ji.take checks I I payable In A!soclaled PrH1). I I I I I 1 ADDllSS .• ______ ··----____ c1n._____ 1 I I NAMI.-----·------- I STAfL__, ______ , ___ ._..Jll'_,_ ... __ , __ I ~---·-·-····-·-·-·-· " •· .. " • ',_ '• ·• DAILY PILOT ,.... .., l'lt 0'0-.11 ORANGE COAST YOUNOfTERS ROMP ON BEACH WHILE REST OF NATION SHIVERS R11in in New Yor~, Snow In Chic11go, Flooding In Brockton, Mti11., 11nd Cold fn Mllw11ukM East Whipped by Storms: As West Enjoys Spring By Unli.d Pnn blenad-1 Heavy rain . and . anow, whipped by gale force wind.!, sent rivers couralng out of their banks, triggered power failures and snarled transportation from the Midwest to New England, with frot!lt forecast as far 10Utb as the Gulf coast today. New York City had more than two and a third inches of rain by late Tuesday night, causing power fallures lasting as long as 11 hours. Thousands of commuters were tem- porarJly stranded in Boston as more than an inch of rain trigered a ahort circuit, shutting down all trolley, trackless trolley and rapid transit aervice in the city. Brockton, Mesa, Mayor John E. SuJUvan decland a state of emer1ency u more than a foot of water surrounded homes in much of the city. Ei~ children were · evacuated from a . .Chool for the ret.arded when it was swamped by floodw1ter and .some IOO childfe.n were Uken from another ~boOI when "'ater touched olJ a firt aJirm. ~ ' ' BUSTE-R BROWN. Civil defense official& ordered sandbag protection aton1 600 feet of the Pa.ssumpslc river in Vermont and the weather bUreau said many small streams were raging out of their banks in New York'• Hudson and Mohawk rivtr systems and in' the Adirondack mountain area. One block of Canal Slreel In Troy, N.Y., was closed when pavement began crumbling Jnto a flooded creek. Wind gusts up to 100 miles an hour were reported in Vermonl A commuter airplane skidded off a runway at Chicago'• Meigs Field as the city was dusted with a cover of snow. The plane bunt injo names, but the eight occupants ""aped l•lWl'· <l1i the city's weat 1lde, a ear skidded on the snow41ick pavement and craabtd into a bus, injuring 10 Persons. Mil)faukee, \\'.is., 1ot tw~ Jncilel of new anow, tccompanied by 1'lnc$ gust.I up to 50 miles. an hour. Scattered power lailum wen reported ai windl IDppled trees end power poles and, shattered --'--'~' ' . " . ~ ... Assembly Slates Hearing on . ' Sewage Breaks ' I The A.wmbly Natural -Com- mittee will bold a special he a rt n c Thursday tn Sacramento. to fnvesticate the causes and effect& of the Rivmdde sewer 'break• atiD pouring miilkml of gallon& of raw HWage onto Orange Coun--ty btache1. The bearing. iJ taking place at the; requ .. l ol Asaemblyman Robert H. Burke CR-Huntington Beach). "There wUl be a great deal of testimony needed al thiJ bearing," said Burke. "Local and atate ofiicials in- terested ln seeking a aoluUon to \he sewage di.laster will be in Sacramento on Much 27 to give UJ a hand.'' • Burke added !hat he ...U legillaUon that '!!II f'O"lde for1 e~ergiac'r.• m,.m,, iii Ille even! ol 111ch dllutm, and an inve!UgaUon to detennlne whether present planning for emeipucy aituationl ls adequat.e. \ ·. Great for parties Grandma's or p~rades WATCH FOR BUSTER BROWN ' i11 p•r••11 11t "' fASHlOll ISµllD IOOTllY iASTI• WEIK Mire• )f t\r. A11rll llth :J.tHing. t'I Our G~perl Pel'donnef No. 30 FASHION ISLANO l:flWPOR1' BEACH ••• 644-2*4 • NOW 2 STdRES TO SERVE YOU • Ju,t L11vtif11l, 111 f1ct, ••eh with 11n•11rP1•••I l1nl1r lrillwit 111111ity. • White • Red • Black Patent 1DS2 UtVINI -WESTr.LlfF PL.A~ NEWPORT llACH • • • 54M614 . . . 4 DAll.V PILOT Repuhlic~ns Win Senate Rul.e DA Nejedf y Defeais 23-year-okl in Contra Co~ta Vote J,mTINEz (APf .:. epU~liclJIJ eon· ~I the Clli!ornia Senate today for the tiitit time in more than a 'decade as a result of Dist. Atty, John Nejedly'a 'VI~ kl a 1pedal electl<>n lha( oliowed th• GOP llill pacb a poliUcal piaich. ' "A Volo ol coolldence from all , the Charlie the myn,ob biN is &o!•& people," Ia 00w the throe term Cootra' Cl!\ tho wqon. Charlie began tip/-Colla c.unty pcoaecutor deacrlbod hll pliDC la.st summer when owner triumph over Geor1e Miller UI) the Ml11 Ellulloth James of Taunton, · Democrat. En.g1.and put a dash of whltky in Mlller who failed to win the Contra ru. beth. water ffler . reading it cO.ta c;...., out, vacated ~Y tht ct.a th helpocl biN.s keep !bar feathe<1. or his father. Aid Ilia 1p -"' b Bot Charlie didn't bathe in it, be. 2' -helped defeat blm. drank il Miss James said he began Wallace Man He sa1d he b returnif\& to law IChool al the Unlverslti ol ~all~ at Davi.I and ml)' run for po~ office · after he cradu.at.es. • In the !lnal tally, NeJedly h>d D,1.14 votes to Miller's t1,10l votes. The victo1'7 Wal I bi& one tor GOP Gov. Rea&~ and the • Nit or the Republican party, preaervin1 L winning strut in rped.al eleetiom that stretcbee but to urly in ll>it decade. In addition, tht Republicans captured all but one ' 1t11"ide offioe in 19" and President Nllon" carried tbt atait In 11161. Now, lhe Republicans have the 21 votes in the Senate l}eeded to .pwh lbrough. ReaglJ\'1 Je&lslatlve P"'ll'IDt· SOtnethina he needs to build 1 reeont ror an e1pected try for a second term next year. It ~"° (!ves the GOP enotl,ih votes lo ov'rthrow senate President pro tem Hugh M. Burns, (~Fresno). And it pro. vides the party with a running start for next yeu's lqislative races. With only 19 votes, Democrats are reduced to a minority for tPe firlt tlme since they won control bt the 11158 eJec- tion. The Assembly is 40--39 Republican ,..,ilh · V~• to Cut Spending a vacancy that will be filled in a tpeclal election April 22. Miller llid another reuon [or 1'fe· }edly'1 victory wu his use of the cami*ls diSOf'dtr iaUe. I "We could not overcome tbat1 .. Nld ~i1ller, a San Francisco State Collekc graduate. Jn adVtr.U!ements, Nejedly menliol\ed Miller'1 San Francisco state background. noling the xhool. bu been tlw 1eene of campua di.lorder. He n!peatedly aaid that Miller "tUI Kupported by Democratic ltgi111ltcn 'ff.ho voted atainst new student cootrol Jaw1. whistling popular tunes atid jump- ing about bis cage. Now Charlie'• •lipplf bjs hem cut off althou&h he ~ bi> allowed a nip or two ftir mediCnal purposes. '• . , Four men were jailld ill Cal)ter- oury, England~ admitting they tried lo smuggle U0,000 cilars,into Britain from Holland without po.y- in! duty. Tlte priiaecu191' 11ld' the mat used a boat for the attempt and added: ''It was a fonner Cus- toms Department lau.Dch." Defeat~d in Nixon Asks Tax Exten_sion • ·Man on tht: moon olrtadt1? Not quite, bv.t cutronaut Walter Cunning· ham ~ar1 to t1U1D th.t tarth from a 1pot cm tht: moOn. as he .rtand! in trant of d photo of the moon's nr- f aa with the earth appearing cs a mbttled eUipse in tM background. Ht vi.TiUd the Amtrican Miueum·Hat1dtn Planetarium i1'J. New York a.s part of the proc:ttdina1 Ot th.t In~tioMl Cont1ftdion mad EVUbUfm!i' 'pf the 1n- s4tutc: Gft Elt'ctTical and 'Elt:ctronics • Eft0inf'1"· • 1 ' ' Whtn Mrs. Cynthia Grad11 of Dowagiac, Mich., 100.r accosted b11 a prowler in the fam ily garage rec1nUJ1, she btg01l blowing the car horn. Mr1. Grady tapped out dit-ditdit, dot·dot-dot, dit·dit-dit. Htr hwlR!nd, Dmoagiac'.t police ch~/, heard her SOS and ran from the home to rout the prow- lor. • The British Home Office in Lon- don has ordered strict supervision of the amount of floor polish deliv· end to pruons. '!be rea~.: In· vestigation 1bow1 prisoners ha\le been using some polishes to make alcobol. Bulk supplies will now be kept locked up and no stocks will be allowed in workshops. cJass- rooms or "other user ctmten." • The London P hilharmonic Or· dJestra is hoping the letter it re- c:eived from the Inland Revenue was a mistake. The letter was ad- clressed to the Fly By Night Music COmpeny. l'ennessee '1ote NASHVILLE, TtM. (AP) -Ed Jones, a Democrat, ran far ahead of nine other candidates to win the Tennessee 3th ¥.ict. seat l.n the first congre&!ional race since the general election last November. Jones, a cotton farmer. had SZ,705 votes to 11,s.11 for William Davb, running for George. C. Wallace's American Independent party, and 15,640 for Leonard Dunavent, the Republican nominee. Six inrlependenU trailed fir behind in the voting Tuesday .. 'J;be district is traditionally Democratic, but WaUace carried, it last November when running for president against Richard M. Nilon and Bubert H. Humphrey. The congressional vacancy wu caused by the death of Democratic Rep. Robert A, Everett last Jan. 20. Wa1lace, in a campaign rally for Davi5 , had called the special e I e e t i o n "America's most important political race between now and the ne1t national e.lec- tiQn." WASHINGTON (AP) -P...id"11 Nix- on, declaring that "inflation is a form of economic aggreasion ," proposed to <:ongrese today that the problem be met by extenWng the income tax surcharge for another 12 monlhll and by making significant cuts in federal spending. In a special message, Nixon reported that •( least ball of the budg<t 111rv1- envWooed in January by fmner Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson .already have evaporated -in some easts t)eeause of inflation and· in others because of overly optimistic e!limates. Faced with that situation, Nixon said he ·will propo6e budget revisions for the fiscal year starting July I that will reduce spending "significantly below the amount recommended in January." He gave no details. 'nle chief executive, in calling ror a continuation of the 10 percwt federa l income tax surtax beyooc: its scheduled Ju·ne 30 e1piration, declartA:I : "As I have aaid before, the surche1r1e. Solon Labels Army Tank 'Billion Dollar Boo Boo' . ' WASHINGTON (AP) -The ~ ... ~a~';'" .. ·~t>:fu'ff'~':i1::S i:o'°"i!!f in developing a new tank because : r ·· -Although the' tank i' ior .peon-. naisance. it can be heard three milea away. -It hu a "rooster tail cxhau~t" .system that makea lt an easy target. -Its cueless ammun i t i on l!i ultrainflammable, leaves burning residue in the brtech which can prematurely ignite 1 round, end is adversely aflected by moisture, oiJ, Md rough handling. -"Due to a JX'Oblem with fuel-tank leaks, frequent checks for spi.Ued fuel should be made to prevent fires." -"When operatin&" in jungle or hea vy ur.derbrush, vegeta&n will clog air in- take grilles and the radiator, requiring frequent cleaning to' avoid overhe&Ung." -"The Shillelagh rm.i1e must not be fired ~m the launch vehicle is in mot.ion." -"U!lder extremely dusty conditions, the. prettQ( air cle&na' requjrea cleaning or re.placement every 1 ~ houri." These were the findincs cl a prtvioosly classified document that Rep. Samuel sttattoo, (D-N.Y.), ordered the Army to release Tuesday after six days Qf secret testimony on the Sheridan tank. Stra,tton, chairman of t h e sub- committee of the House Anned Services Crunmittee, sfrid "the people have a right to know this incredible story." Stratton charpd that the Army had 'll"'I .. ~ tht ·weaJXlll.' system into combat &na . mass ·}X'Oduction in order tn e.Umh'Nlte .it,, P05sible cutback or elimina- tion by d;le Bure.au_of the Budget and the secretary of defense. He succeeded 'dwing the hearings in winning admission from one Army of- ficer , Lt. Col. St.an Sheridan, that the t1nk was recommended for production fer budgetary re.ll8ClO! although tests had indicated there were many problems. Later. Sheridan's superiors heated ly denied thif!I, despite all illterna1 memoran- dum in the subcot'nmitte€'s possession in which Ulis point was stressed by Sheridan. Israeli Bombers Lash Jordan City By United Presa IDWnatioul Jordan reported four Israeli jtt fil)lier- bombers struck a populated area 1!1 miles northwest of the Jordanian capital of Amman today and killed 11 civilian.~ and wounded ~ others in a bomb and rocket attack. An Israeli military spokesman in Jeru- salem announced the Israeli air strike but said the planes were on a "seek and destroy" mission aimed at tnOcking out Arit.b CClmmando bues before the guer- rilla bands oould ·strike Israel. SOCIAL SECURITY HIKE CONSIDERED WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nii:on la considering asking ·congres!I to ibdease Social Security benefits, it WU disclosed kM:l.ay. RoaaJ(t Zie&ltr, White House presi<len- tial prw secretary, said a c t i v e discussion.! were under way on proposal11 to raise benefits. He !laid oo final decision had been made and that "a lot of proposals" were under conSideration. Presumably, Nixon wiU as.k for an increase in payroll tues if he see ks a hike in bene!its. is a lemporary I.ax that must be ended ~ soon a& our commitments in Southeut Asia and ecooomic ronditiOl16 peon.ii." In the Senate, Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana, the majority leader, said earlier that Congress sOOuld lnsist on " second big spending cut as its pri ce for extending the surcharge. Nixon le.It open the JX*liibility lhat he might call for acaline down or repeal nr the surcharge within the year of ill extension ahouJd the Vietnam war end and inllationary pressum east . The surt.a1. is expected to yield $9.5 billion if ertetided. In addition, NiJ:oo called for poet.pone.· ment of scheduled June 30 reductions in excise taxes on telephone aerv:ice and automobiles and enactment or unspecified federal user charges. He said these action,, would produce nearly $1 billion in revenue in the coming fiscal year. Touching on another tax maUer Nixon prom.i6ed that th e administration, through the Treasury Department, will submit i'n April its first specific proposalli for tax rerorrn. Again he did not go into det.ails. In lhese times, Ni xon said, the go vern· ment cannot ris k budget.I narrowiy in balance but must seek meaningful surpluses to put a brake oo inflatioo. He said this was necessary "becau:>1e the. problem of inflation was neglec ted far too long." U.S. High at Culver City Ronaan Setuator U"ITt~ Cold., W et Weather Dominates Eastern Seaboard Senate GOP Leader Everett M. Dirksen dons Roman gladiator ht:I· mel as he poses for publicity pictures Tuesday for the March or Dimes benefit premiere of the film, "Ben·Hur." lo be held in Wash· ington April ~. CaHforala - IJ.S. Sut11mary A 1i.r"" CM1e....:I ....., M••rn .iA.11'11 lwll•r COfttlrluM '' •~"1 II• IMQlf>Jll _,.,..,... -1M GfWt l .U. 111111 llllfl!Wlf1I • lllt <'tlltral AllHtKflfe.rii. c-. -' '""*"" 4-llwfff ""' .... -4tlt ·-"""""" wttfl rtlR -'"llCll tf H-E.,.ltN'. Ol'l>I lrlC;fl ~ -t1M .. llM '"""' llYl!lfM'I WI> ""'"' ..... UllllM .. MIOllHll - -"-" llMlllol ... ~ ..... Oii-. Tiit llffitn'I ~Ith n...flY -11 •• Cvlvtf ciw. nne tll9 L• MMrwt CMc Ctti• •n Ol'll'r -*"'" "8wlf. Tiit -11ltM ..... .,., M tO-11 Alltnlfttl, 1.0 . T1'lt '""' 11•111 •-c-rlloll ""U(tl al "'-ao'!ff'tl A'1anll( ttt•I tltfft, ,.., lflr rtll Ill "" M iii!! _,. .. ollt.I •l'f ffllMI '' wwrm WN"'9r Wffl W.. rul•. All NOP ..... W~t _,,,.,~ l"IWlll• ...._ ........ f('fl ..... l'ff """""" r•• 1<o11 .. lbutaU••--'llC"-fl oU1•nl• ,.-.... +~!4 llltm••C. 110111 llOOOI' Clllt- Clr>e!Mlll! Cleffil'WI 0-r Dt• Molllti ....... l'u,,.• l'.,-r Wer"fl\ f'rhllt ....... f.40tlel!ulu -·M ~11t•1 Col• l.ft Vrttl LOI """'" Mlfml a..c11 Ml,_~-·-· Nt• OrlMl'I& _ y .... ,...,. ,. .. ._ O.tltnf ..... ,. ... It .... 1"111 ""'""' .. ""*""'1• -....... It_.., Clf'Y ... ... ·-Stt,.._IO 11. yUb kllflM . .Stlt Lit• C'llY S•" °"" .. "f1Nfte1«11 Stflll t•""''' ...... ,..,,..~. -· ""'"'"''"''"" .. H+t~ ltw l'l'M. M " " . u " " ,. " " "' 3.1 I' U .lt JS t5 .u II ll ,GI \O n JI .. " ~ ,. -~· " ,. " " • " ,. 3 Coeds, I Runaway Found Slai11 Witl1i11 21 Montl1s " ., a " " .. • .. " " " ., • • " ~ • • " " " " , . .. " " " • " " • • " • " " • " • ~ • " .. .. ., " " .. ~ ~ • " " " ~ " • -• .. . .. JI U ... ~ " ANN ARBOR, :\11ch. tUPJ ) -A!J four i:1rl.s we.re slightly built and hid long. hghl bfO\l·n hair All have been found murdered In lht' 11 lillll 21 months in a IS.mile triangle or 14>wcr Michigan. The third was found 1b: days ago. 'Ibt founh was round Tuesday. Three were coeds; two attended the ~ame university. The fourth-the last - ... 1vas a JI-year-old runaway. The clothes of three were pik!d neatl y ... ne.xt to their bodies. One, lhe third, wa~ found lyinc. on a grave. "There's JOmeone mentally dcrangrd around h~ -·ho's eot to be c1ugh1 cs quickly." aays W1111htenaw County Sher- iff Dooglas H11rvty, The crutlly btaten, nude body nf Mara 1ynn Skelton. 16, a run11way from Flin!. w11~ found by surv,yors Tuesday in a woodtd lf'f!I nttr a lover's h•ne used •• hy students of thf' University of ~fkh· 1i.:an at Ann Arbor. List July. lht bod,v of .Joan ScheU, 11, 1 ~ at Eastern '-1i~hfgan University. wa~ found Jc,s thin a quarter·1nlle ay,·ay Last Friday, the. body of University of i\1ichigan coed Ja{'e Louise Mli:er. 23. Y."8!t found on a iraPe in 1 cemttery ea.st of Ypsilanti-where Eutem Michi&an is . ln August of 1987, Eastern Mk:hlgan coed i\tary Flesr.e.r, It, was found in under- brush northeast of Ypsilant i, 11bou1 10 milc.s ta!lt of Ann Arbor. 'T'he l11test slaying was by far the mos! ~dlstic, AA)'I Walter Krasn.y, chief of tM. Ann Arbor Police Oepanlntnt. "She ~·as unmercifully btaten 111bout the fact." said Krasny . An autopsy revealed she died of a fractured idcu lJ. prob11blf caused by a blunt i1\$lrumen1. ft WAS \>tJitVi!d !ht Wll!t Jtt.11.Ullt\> ass.11ulted. · l" , VETERAN ACTOR OIES Al•n Mowllr1y Wit 71 Mowbray, 72, Famed Movie Butle1·, Dies HOLLYWOOD (AP)-H~ buUer rolOI were univenany acclaimed. John Bal" rymore called hfrn "a worthy adv• sary" as an actor. 1 Alan Mowbray loved actine and· actor• in general. "If a bomb hit Hollywood, it woul• only be a matter of time bdore eon. one wu squatting amid the ruina ~ ing storie!I," he once said. Four days after ent.erinJ Hollywood. Prtmyterian Hospital, Mowbray daed Tuesday of. a heart attack at n. A London native, he was a naturalized U.S. citizen who appeared in mort than 400 movie roles after star;ting his ~ ~r on 'the English stqe. He played in New York stock compahl~ in 1m.21. Mowbtay's f i J.m 1 included "Lady Hamil too,'' "Gapu.in from c.Siiie7°• ''The Steel Cage," "Ma and Pa Kettle at Home.~· "The King and J," and '"Ille · Man Who Knew Too Mucb, '' He return- ed to New York in l9M for the play, "Enter Laughing." lo New York, Iii years ago, he had his own TV series titled "Col. Hum- phrey Flack." Mowbray paid the .$50 fee in tm far iocorporation of the Screen Actors 'Guild in which tie held membership card No. 4, The actors' union now has more than 50,000 member!. Mowbray · al!IO ' wu active in the Hollywood r.1asquers, a Jiff-- Conners' social organization. \ · Sumvors include his wile of 42 ye.1r1 the •fonner. ~ayne Carpenter; a 1<11: Alan Jr.; a; ~aughter, Patricia, wifed. actor Doug!O Dumbrille ; two iranddl.U· ~ dren and two tiroUPers. ' Cong Decision On Talks With South Postponed -PARIS (UPI) -The Viet eon,, 1p. parently torn belween a conciliatory and a hard line, today postponed until Thin: day announcement of whether it will agree to hold secret peace talks with South V~oam. The National Libertion Front tNLF) said it would issue a communique today announcing whether it y;ould accept tht offer made Tuesday by South Viel'9ame• Pres.ident Nguyen Van Thieu. · But after talking it over they decided to withhold their announcement until Thursday's regularly scheduled meelin1. Allied sources said NLF acceptance of the offer would open the shortest route to a settlement of the VJetnam war. They said if the Viet Cong accepted, the United State! and North Vietnam could begin secret discussions o( their own. President Nixon said Tuelday such secret talks hold the be..4t hope for ruc- cess in Paris. 1 Thieu, at a press ct)nference Tuesday In Saigon, proposed the talks and called the prospects of iuch discussions a "r11 of light 1t the end of the tunn el.·· In his announcement. Thieu aaid, "We are ready to have private talU with the NLF if they want. I think they understand well that we are ready for these talks and we arc \\'ailing for them." Allied sources said the Uniled St1le1 fa vors Paris as the beat !Ile fot prlvata t.a.lks between the opposing delegaUons but h1 willin1 to consider any site. Agne·w Presenu Medal of Honor WASHINGTON (UPl)-\lice PrelWe:.- Spiro T. Agnew today presemed tM Medal Ii Honor to the tearful widow el a Negro Marine sergeant from Gtor(la who threw hlmaeU on a hlDd 11r••111le to save ~ buddlt.a In Vletnam. "Mtre words are lnldequate to e• prw the gratitude or Util (®ntry.'' Slkl Agnew. "but let ii be 11ld that his action M bcbalf of Ulla country, his selOQe conduct and courage will stand as Q example for young men for years te come and for generalloM not ytt born." The gold award, 17th preaent11tion ot lhe medal for herolm in Vietnam w11 m1d11 posthumousty to Sgt. Rodnty Jl Davis, ZS. of f\lacon. Ga .. I I I I ' I ' ! I ,. I r I , • •. . r I I I • I l • t , I I ' I I I • OPIN SUNDAY 9 'TIL 5 OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STATIO~ FOR ORANGE ' ·;..COUNTY ' * PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 26 TO APRIL 1 CAMP TRAILERS *Easy fo Tow! * Easy fo Park! * Easy to Ser Up! * Easy fo Own! SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN COLEMAN '69 When you go cainping you w1nt to · cimp. trou'b.le fr11.' Col1m111 knoWs thet. So when wt dulgn~. our «¥'Ping . tr1 ll1rs WI kept you in mind. Thi re1ult Is 1 llnt of handsome, long lasting c1mptr1 that 1ntlclp1t1 your camping nted1-1vold c1mp1lt1 problems. See Them All-al Grant's! See Them ALL at Orang~ ·County's large,~ · [oleman l'i Dealer! SAVE ON All of your comping needs ot Gran!'• .• , from Canteens to Cook 111ts ••• See at1 of the brand new 1969 mOdets of Coleman qppliances at Grant's now! We've g<ft:it when you need ill Stoves ••• lanterns •• , Heaters •., Te nl1.,, Tra ilers,,. Sleeping Bags, etc, ....-N-EW_f_o_r -,6-9--.1 "The Umbrella'' THE TUDITIONAL .f1yarlt1 1mon1 c1m,en •• , thl• t'xf' Um~rtll1 ttnt for 1 fimlly of 4 1ff1rt 111 t f the fin• Col•· min ft1tur11 from ridt1 to floor , $)9.ss 1~~_, New for '69 "The llagabonds'' WITH EXCLUSIVE WRAPAROUND FLOOR ... LOCK·O.MATIC DESIGN 8'x10' I Sleeps 4) ....•...... $89.95 9'x12' !Sleeps 6) ...••.•.•. $104.95 10'x13' !Sleeps 8> .... , ..•. ,119.95 NEWI 3·11. DACIOll8 "II" AMD "76" DACIOM~ '20.88 OTlll SUEPIH UIS FIOM $10.U WI HONOtl AtL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ' . II -~ ~ rlRI l&Lll Cl"" Sfty1111 ltw u t11.tS llnt1rn1 11 In 11., .$10.fS H11t1n 11S.W11 .... fll.tS t Wldnttday, llltth ¥• 1969 DAILY PILOT "S j NEXT DOOR AT ADDmONAL PARKING GRANT'S GULF SEE GRANT'S GIANT EXHIBIT AT THE PAN-PACIFIC SHOW! . M~N'S ·DENIM Lev rs nt n 1 .. 1 m.tt• xx Dffi• levl'19 In ab .. 27'"a27"' thr11 50"1 32". '5.98 IOYS' llVl'S"' SIZES 0 TO 12 •4.98 ' * *NOW IN PROGRIS$' * * Over 400 Rifles & Shotguns On Displ1yl ASIC TMI WllTSI Gr111r1 GtHI Dlptrtmfllt II 1t1ffN •y e1pef'tt M their fltltl ef 1hHtl111I Mitttttr yeu lftly w1nt 111 1uu, tr.mt 1 $20.00 21-lint to 1 $2,000.00 Shotrun, Gt1nr1 hM lt i. •*Id C:... 111 ull '" for ~ntlf lftl 1f tM l111ffl •t.dc.11l 1u1t1 111 South•rn C..llfornl1l . ~ ..... ....... aw.-·•-.,_ ..... •M&I •I ..... ·-•W""'-.... _ ··- OVER '20,000 PAIR LEVI'S" IN STOCK AT GRANT'S ••• NUVO SLACKS BY LEVI'S® IN NEW CHECKS & SOLIDS . NEW SHIPMENT 1f tM l1t11f Llvl3 St1prf1tl Sl1c.k1 • , • colorful 11ltctltn of Chtdt1 11Wf .. 1111 colon In a cem- •l•tl ''"'' of 1il11 • '8 LADllS SLACKS by LEVl'S"·c::.--'-' NOW YOU CAN 11ltct froll'I 111 ., tht .......... .,., •• itf L1Yl's9 Sl1ek1 1nd J11ft1 for 111 you 111•1 5•• Grenr1 for th1 p1rf1ct fltl '9 UP EvfRY SIZE! • EVERY CO LORI • EVERY "Jh• l.art••I Sleclr In Orea,. CNlllpl" STYUI New Colors! New Stripes! • I• Grant's Wesrern Depl.I HANG· TEN T-SHIRTS WESTERN BOOTS $1695 • "'HANG-TtN" 1oor. lu1uriau1 comhd ca.Hon • , , M •hrinlllnt . , . ftl wrlnldlnt ••• na lrtn· Intl lit 11111, N1vy, Gr11n, Whlt1, Golll •n• Llt1 th.le, s.M-l·XL Stltct froM Sllhl 1nll Strlp11J IAMOUS "DUUNGO" W11ftr1t loots lit f111 l•t11t 1tyl1, "l1u1h-Our• l11thtr for rue· 1111 weer. Sl111 6 to 12. ' . SAVE MORE ON CAMP GEAR at GR!\!!f s llG. $1 .91 FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL 99c ALUMINUM PACK FUME s49s lr1nr., c1rrl11 1 cempllte •tock et 111 typ11 •I Ptck1 1nll fr1m11I lnclulint Hlmilrt•• pick fr1m11 '"' 1cc11sorlt1. , UO!fTWllGHT 1000& POI OllTDOOllSMlll S UIUTil Gr1nr1 C..rrl11 A Complete Lln1 of llCH-MOOR Flillf.ORl!J> FOODS I See Grant's First! WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! , .. ,,, 4 '"'"' ., ""'"' CAMP TOASTER Etty t• uni Spr•••• ht1I tY1nly. ,..,,..,,, CAMP TOILO C..ntpltf1 111 lndv"• tl1 lllltpe .. 1W1 N11 111d ttDtt. s2aa Complete Stock of Cast Im C0okw1r1 NOW IN STOCKI ' ~ • t fDAii,y :PJLOi. ··J1o~ PAGE j · !_~',Op¢riillg Legal Voiley .. ·· . . , • .. .. • " .. , • " ... r: . . .. •: •.•• r . • ' 1be verbal busle over ~ abandonment Of Sajl Creek :i!l!llll to teiuna Nlluel Corporatlon·hal lhnw>il tnte llllPlloL ' ~ an April 3 bearlni, tllf Superior Court ha,s ordered: -Tllat UM Boezd ol Superv149rs set aaide Ila March 26, l*. reaolutloo al>andoDIJ>I the rOad. . -The coun\y pWln!Dg c:Ommiiilon to lake no acljon approving any plan (such as a 100-acre tract maf.) "111>4 recognizing Salt Creek Road .as a publlc r!ihl-<> -way." -'!bat Loguna.Ni1Del Corporatliln anif PrudenUil lnsUP,DCe Compe!IY. no\ inter!..., wil,b pµbpc use of~· . ro .. f'oendlrig a sbOW caUH "'111111 OD April 3. • •. . The pe11-. In lite -Ing ltaal volley are two aUorneys who live In t..guna. e-1t;w1111am Wlk:oun and Michael c. sagar. ' • . ' Ai tasue ia.county relinqulBhment of a road that had long been used to reach a three-mile stretch of pub.Uc tidelands between 1b!M Arch· Bay and Dana·Pomt. It was something of ~ blow to sµrfers. ape! otb~r beach· goers.-. .. . . 'Ibis importanl,ma~ llOW will ]\ave !he advanlaP. of a court's deliberate judgment to clear doubts on l!olh sides. • · · The Job Kept Her Yoring When YMCA Elllployment COllnlelor Jean McMan- us retires April 1, sbe will leave .behind eight years ol unlllbching -~ to the people of· baguna Beach. Wltti he.r, sbe lakes the admiration and 1ij>preclati011 o1 the community. · · . Her battered desk in the crowded comer of the YMCA office will have seeo -than 10,000 Jobs and job applicant. brou(hl together. ·, · . , · . , fdrs.. l\lcMBnus soys that when 1he retires, II will be wi~ ~'11'1 Just llll>• to rellre. ~· wan ti !ti Qlrit' Uille 'wlli' her srandchlldnn and 10 cam(lln& Willi ~Ii~. Rewami 11111w=11 of htt •liht yurs lln11I, thougJI. ?4r1: Mc · llled that one yow>& maa sbe placed in a locol job nvenl yean ago saved all lte ' could ~Uives1ed In stocks, otocks that are now worth ~'~,«Kt. ;·; _ SI);• . , the,job hu t her tolerance and not lo judgei 'lDqoUllllCtl:~ says that working with the YGUOJ~ &'iept.ber :f"Ulll too. Her J1D ~·been to flJfcl lhe rlpt Jo,b lh~J'CiY\del pride, acco~lbment and aeme of fnlftllm for the youn1 peopl<i.who seek and need :wort. Mrl. !WcManna filled an llnportpt ~tlon wltllln the community. II was a job •ell dOJle, : . I;" ' . . . . ' . Boys' Club .ih~. Lokr • II ia dlf!icult to vfluallze how uW11 ,800 9r so P!'" geant of the Masters preview Uckell to aid the Boys' Club of 1<@suna a-Ii could have opened "a terrible can of woi:nu'' u ODtlesttval board member suuested. '!be 11nandally ~slful Fesllval of .Arts will probably continue to ba asked !or 881illance from 01ore needy orcanizaticms. 1bat doem't mean lh .. fesUval . always need give. Lite anr eo\ity, the fertlval board has to call Its shots. · What seemed Ulifortunate was that wlille soma members of the board hem.Id sympathetic tO the idea of using the Ucket& for tile club'• benellt. lhey couldn~t get together cm mecJionics of·Ucket sale. • 1be Uckets now will be ;lven !tee lo i.tiftl mem-J:'. choeen by lot. 'J'.o ma11y, It was a goocl~ty l . . · 'Heahnowl Y'all want thoae.oommiea.tojindout we'ahnotperfect11. . . ILJ .. --------------------------.,------L------------------' '.._n ~natw110 ls in No Sense a Miniature Human Being' Asserts California Ah~rtion Law Should Be Repealed To Ille F.ditor: IF YOU HAVE suual relations, !hen . wete J>Ol ne<ded. Thll wu ID oulpo\ll'ini Tiie """5tltullc1<ialily of !he Collfomla you are naponsible fcir. what happens. ol _.,.tly proving Iba! people In _.___ ,_ 11 now be!ng c~ed All you are thinking ,.about 11 yourself. Orqe County are ready and eager --~w Wilen you lblnlt ot'ha-'-• an abortion IO'bel: M••-. befln Ille -supreme Court. In de en-..... p u-· ...... Ille law, !he attorney general COii-II> <lo .awsy with ,....,.'<problem." You wbat many callcn -and llOll-callen ....,. """" have ·a respopstblllly , lo your IJ!lbc>m • not ha -·"··• II "•t !he t-Iba! alDoe ·~JI .a ,Jorge ...., · ~,. once·. "~ ~--.""'~ It Into ....,___ . ' ' '-' msy ,. ~ •• y of -.LI-... ~1 .. .: the r.--g tbst o.JUU Qll;' IMU ~~ ~· ..:.,..,. ""'T'lllMn'.,. ......... *'-1" wrtt.rt were •. alfe..... giving usmance to C'f_,.. ""'i' ..... Wl'fJ ~ I.... '----bel•• ' Wbo •--• lo ~'CIDl'l¥n llllil ........ ·• ll'W4• W '-. L-~ -.q hmnan J1fe beglna with the ~ 9f .. '6 a ............ , --r .: · ..... ,,.,,.. 'nit 1rfltlt -~ ~ """"" • .... ~. •r 1t1rn1-clisUUH" vlctlms through their con- sperm and eu, the expectant~ -decldewhocanliveaftd.Wbo,can't? · :tt='!.'::&::·.;.,~"':"=~~~U:: tribiiUons to Red Cross. Red erosa is b• 00 more right to muff out ~ No matter what tht case .ml7 ~ wlfhllNI .. ,...,.. 11 IUffldW:,....,.. _._.... the ,officlal disaster rtlief agency life <i her unborn boby !ban ·lo kill poalble ddonnlty, mental nw.tp!looi, dealP.ted by Congressional charter to her ~ear-old child. l would like to rio money, damage to· y~ ··tp¢ect"' .• provldt both emergency relief and post,.. ~'--.... bis argument.. llfyoare, ~~v!,,:kt~. ,.,sJiomi, I~ .. i!',. four~ 1 year. It wu,ICtually quiet emei'geocy rehabilitaUon. ............ wwwu somd t•. l'6 more. 1iOW I m.ve the - AN DllRYO IS IN no ,_ a , / ' ·< '· roirl <i:'.tbo((feeway lo ,Jll!~' lo. (I'd JliD CllOll8 Haiat1ace ~,diaalllr mkiloknbumanbeing; It merely con-.--WBE18Ell YOURB one monlh ·!J' ra!f!er 'heat IioOs and dgen.J The v!c!llms msy Include food '.do!blfti, talm !be po!mrtlal to produce ..,., A , ollht -1hs pr<gnaii!, wbo wouWM• ~ ~ helicopWo r-a lot,: '"'!"l.leolnct, repair or re~ ol cWd 11 farmed by !he dlemlcol......i...i~ 1 llle wblcb bu evf<Y ,tf9, iliit IP --bot ~· and 'o"""""""'plod homes, ~and plvlicaJ Interact!""" <i !be embryo .wlll>... eno men !ball ~· to )Jve, .. ' · ijLlnl"°" inoloreyclfl iad sport-ears. other bouaehold DOCe161Ues, 'medical and !•· ~·--• and .~--• .. ~-·-L , perlence !bl! life, IQ gam lalowledge, lpewlng out !heir, obscene, sounds and nunln( c 1 re , )lospltal!zollon. ..,. 'Jbe u; ma~W~rtse~u~ihe to be a leader or a b".-h ~' filthy elhau.stl. cupatlopl) ·~+! ~ •:,,;-_,, fertllilod oU I! !be blueprint which whatever bis llle may be, It's 1111' llleor ..;....... · , ! 'Ille Qnn(e CouD!j ~ of !he ~~ the directi lb . •-ocli<na not youn. -• """"" I· BOUGllT ray l!D<Jle· I ·knew American 'Red Croll 1i '"""""6Y ·-will'""~ .. ~ on ese ffir,.g , ·-"'' _,\nd U yoU ~do 1et an •hno:f"'." It . tbe .. ftetway ... wwould ...... _·'near ··tt,, but -~· ~ ~" be ~.. ,-~ ,..... ducting a C¥nPWD ,1o ra1 .. ~.ooo . It •• ~-il!ent I all Ibis --~·-WW 1001 who WW r<J11"111uw;,,¥.d , ' I, didn't {ealiie bqw !lie ...,00 >!otlld .. lts.naJi' .• irullloir"clolle requli-emeat Y -~ 0 .c . ...,._ .• rel"'i It. You're dealing yourltlf a lei· carry. AM il you Uh lo we clop f oervtca locally lo U.S servt bluepint a human being, for !hell "" rlble late, lbM of murder. No mau.r In your reuoolng, coosldtr !bis: loc>l!b!I :...m Ille Id' and,. victims c:emen w'!llld. !Hlvt .'9 .~I\.• ,•win cdl or ·. how you rati~ It; ll'l '11111 munler · ar·lliat 'lleOply llUJe"'ilioiilJ'O) of in d1wt.er ~ U., .;.'U..,, The lim~· •Ill W • bumoD, for Jliey each cmtaln lo · illlilfY yoln-own ,.llllb neecfa or airport teo yurs 110 ru bet few people 1o belp victims o1 !he ...i disaster hall • .._inL Ye.t '!'" lblnlt no!blng who! you say sre-.. e1se•1 ....U. rullud what a y;..iq beul II """1d la NOW by 11vIn1 lo Red er ... ,. of the delth of billions of egp or I hope I've U'pfall!lld haw J feel become' it wt be on tbt job whenever disaster •perm. A bit of DNA II nol ' !JOfl'll. I'll prsy for all !he dilld..n still to The .;,1y ~Wu! country left orounc1 11riua.. THE PROBLEM remalm, !beo, lo ddermlne al ;not polnl 'In demopment an embryo cmii bie.c:Gnsidered:"a ••penon , '' with God-given • • n d .. lllaJojriltc!ed rlcllla. Since .,.., til.ve -!hat a 'baby ls olowly ev<l1ftll wl!bln !he mother, rather ~ imtanUY ertated, it 11 a aomewbat arbitrary dedslan that mut be made. "Jt-ii rfmch the same problem .. do&lln&":W!a!n • -unckr construdlon.Clu. ~consldered a home. 1*" II c:omO 'llflij lmtcnce when !he b~ are' drawn up (aaalogous to !he ron!iaiioo of !ht genetic blueprint by union Of sperm and eg), when the foundaUons are dug, when the frame is put'oi>,:or·net until !he family I! moved in? WE CAN SEE !bat a ftrliliud egg la not a peraon; but a baby kicking in the cradle we call human because it cao exist on its own and interact intellJgenUy with its environment. l pro. poee, then, as a reasonable arbitrary point It which lo begin tnatlng a deft!lcpinc fetlll BS a "penon" with· • fu)I rights under the law, to be !bat ~t in development whtn the fetus cciuld Qi.st on lts own outside the ~·· body as an independent being. THE PROPOSmON lilll a hWDlll being with full ri ghts Is ... ated at c:<>n· cepUon is biologically and logically UllDllld, and is merely the dogma of certain reliaklus groupa, wbicb tbe state should not-force on lbe rest of the populace. The Calif<rnla abortion law should be repealed. JOBfl K. TmERMAN Grodulta-.t ~ ol Orgsnlamlc: Biology ' ,. UC! (lfposes Abortlea To !bt Editor: Ill •-.-to the letttr Mn. o_,. s, Hqhol wn>tc regardlnc !be llller a( lilrL D8'1d A. Felde. "Apinat Ahor- tloll" (Mallbor, P'!b.' 11), I'd Uh ~ .., -,,, .... wtth Mn. Fcldo. •11 seeild lo me !bat. OYtf1lhbc .. .i. -ha" a reopooalblllty !bal ..,. .... I~ Evin !he aimplal !bi01 lib ttlllll * -ch bu • .._n,mty7 Y• an> .._tblt to your boo1J to 1--.. .... 'tliat do " IOOd. ..r 1111"" doll\ 1"" hive a.....,. o como lo tbll 'world lllaL .. !bey'll make here fai beld ·by !he 'lrvlne Company, IL ·, · and even they seem eqtr to COltr' JAMES D. LAWLER :'MISS DIANA WILSON it with ,buildings, COll!'rtle. upbaJt and , ·light P,!>fM. The Back Bsy will .... be Pr(ttdpol Stipperted 1 1 · a noisy, polluted mea. U that ii Mr. VCI .llfetl~ Sehool Rlchmoa'• Ides of pr-. he CID hive To !he F.dltor• To tbe ·E!!I~ ; 1 •• il M far me, I'm &lad J don't live J want to compliment Mr. David Uoyd. ;.. a 'llludenl al 'UC Irvine 1 witch In Playa de! Rey anymore. ' ' 1FincipaJ, Thnntoo lnlmnodlate School, ·~ •~'-In Or ,__ , 001\0THY llUlll!S . and Mr. Tom Wllftll .GIL the program -u.., ~· anae ~ty1 · • 'Iii have gueJt speakori *'!Ch., James flnl·li>eclk:ll ii!bool being built .. !bis w _.,_ ... -· Th cam,...· Md l wonder tr the av~ --J '! f:h:f.u:' ot ro:·~ldr:s:t ~eat~OC:=~~·.~~ 'Bl9h IKteru~.Rldu om <i !be be.lief lbal· 11o1auni our , • .,., . gomg """""" .To !he Editor: . chlldreo 1mn wbll II happening is no a laDtistlc period <i growth, and .ill!b Medlcal -tells ufi Ull! oltculallM way d Pf'Pll'lng !bem for: !he luture ~;~1 new ""80l'Ch snd new medlcOJ of !be blood brlnga nourtsllment lo ...,,, Ibey IDllll !see In s rapidly changing -vver es. • , ~ d ·the · l!odY and !bat H II II · w«ld. In .!be yell'I lb ....... a large 11\&rt lmoeded Ii ID1 WIY !he body wllhuffer. of !his dl!covtr1 In ,.edicme will COJllt Pol!ticaJ -· inonlton !he cliculalloil I DO NOT generally write lettcn, from !he medical school at UC!, If of 'money which brlnp prosperity lo but feel after readlni last. ThW"!day'a put peyionusnce of !he UC medical f!Vet"/ port of !he comlDunJly. u' tt · 11 ·DAILY pn.o,r !bat I ha9e ID obJlistion school! u any iDll!csuon. Impeded by blch lntemt rates dlc:tA!Od Iii let you !mow Iha! my wife and , ~ . by !he Fec!Ual RoRrve l!Oard, the I nioot ~ , tupPort !be. ictlqn he· THE .PRBSEN ... E of a medic al ~ ·economy ·auffers, and if the high rate' hu ~en. My son,_ Jack,. atte(lds Thurs- In Orange County will not only increase continue• atubbornly the economy will too and bunt Mr. West speak. His re. the number ol doc:tors in the are1, stagnate lu.vint: the community in tbe acUon wu, J am IUl't, whit one would but will greatly Increase the pment status oi a glleU0-tab f Ho 'ntcrestod concerned knowledge-« ·atabliahed ·d-octor1:·1'. ·-· · · · · · · w or. wu 1 • 1 and that evening hid a most Jnforma· medical school iJ a braln t.rml and TRIS R.\JSJNG ol tmemt by the live dlleu.uion ca lhe subject with bil an area whert 1he latest medical Federal Reserve Board ls a boO-boo parent! knowledge csn be ,'\iosily obtained and in terma <i ·!be consequences. Reoul!: · rapidly diuemtnat.ed. The nation will go Into a depresalon ' JOHN R. HEALY Many people are, unhappy with the more catastrobhic than the last one · I ·. ·, university It !be P'lfelll time due Iii _bloody~ 1baJ nobOdy wull. ,· , Bl•ek P•trfol.t recent campus unrest .• This ls reflected YOllD.K people with no money no * in the recent bond ~ deleat. but with an t~ that could0 be eul.ly channeled info riots, anorchy, )'ti' clVll A GOOD PART of !hat bond wu war ! A ssd dly lot !be fat cstl Wl>o to br)n& ""9d"'1 inoney to ~Ip set up sit ~ !beir pile wllchlna It lffOW. ', !he medical '.mooi It UC!. Lei's 11\t, , ,•Nfw .)ull what ls the Ftdtrll'Noirve cut df oar •DOM to spite our race, Beard, and who needs it? ' !houlh-~. unrtlt w1ll die down. ' bl& ......... Jn Ibo -·' school FllAIM BBRE, tt looks llko !be _, may haft for nachlng effects "" olllant -.. well u !be sar1111lusn m~'lll'~ c.unty. perhaps••' iMurlDCO tomf)lllleL Thoy neec1 ·1t, 11111 ,... LOWD medical J<Oble!DI of !Ill ' foe certaJnl1 clon'L , . -1 ar Ille lu!urc. . Thll 1111 McCrackee c:alll fOI' "a attrn GARY T. ANDEJISON policJ ol fllcll and amelary nstraln~" which, atrqiped of aemant1cs_ means- lilllply "slop tlllf _,-, mon, llop Ibo drcull!loo," A trqlc tbo1>fbl'I Alllld>lola -Id .....uirow111e -To !be Edi!«: lllllll bf 1 .... , but !be P'llB II teyq MW T. A. Rldmm (who olld buJen lo ..-.,, the -U1e '-bf ol - -tllt COUD\J airport should ~L hlri -.111e :wrim'W11 thm)')lid!i'. IO · MlLT llAsHAM -oil Ille -and -lluih!M . . ' . . (Malllm, -14), I ho,. be-will .. tab !be -1o toddle -1o 1111 Re.I CN•• Seni1ee9 loral. Ull;arJ Jlllll -.. "'111 _ol.~'.'nle . -. • . • . -. --• -• Mqlc Animal" b1 Philp Wylie (-To Ibo Editor: dsy, U.). "Watcbln at !be Pm!" MIDY pqle cslled Red Croll durlnl i., 1'1---·be .. -!be nceot m-aml -offeriJ>I -· • help, houalni, lood, dolllloi.••!'money. Tin ,..,. ... I, loo, WU -Wbllt llllllY ol -. alftrl ...... o1, Ille paolln1 Ille still tx!IDI In Or1n10 IRWullY acctpCoil, -. bad lo be 1o the Edit«: ' My, ....,..tu1auon1 lo Mr. Name · Wl!bbeld for bla uha,.ua.m..'iestiptlooo a!iout black potrloll ( x, Mtrch -,HJ. Hll """'""' for blstortc:al dtatortlon ol facto II lo be ~nidtnded, · 11e ls tmly amued !bat taaohe!'o ind' pro- fe!l30Mi would allow tbue· .cn.torucm to 10 on and he JumP.1 on llJa ''WbJte11 charger lo RI Iba rt&-d strolgb!. The...,,.. motortal'u.teci by Mr. Nome Wl!bbald II !be World·llool' Encycloptdla (AmtrlclD l&!orlcal Record, Im) (ale.); Harper's Enc y clopedia ; Woodlon'1 ''Ne~in American HistA:lry,'' and • ....-~ bJ Poat Reftre. ICach aml OVtr)' 1ccount wrlU.n by wblta men, iDdDcUIW •'The Land of the l'rtt.'' ·TBB·4U11IOllS of·1D1 oouroe malerlal tt,prtltDl a Yilwpobtt. No milt.tr how ~vety Iba matcr!al II prtmtod, · · -Quotes l lo P11J - -It boa-· radio or,.,.'""' 1111 do! 11 c ... -,.. •• tMot. L;: ---· -- OaunlJ. 11'• ..., bad -!bree Ot declined -Iba pods Ot ... •lc:os -. . , . ~ 0,la Olooo, S.F. -"People wbo ntod m .... lilaltrlal CllJ> t.> meHUA tbtlr 1Ucee11 have mlatcl out on a lot .. pulODll h1ppl!lts1." ' ' !he aulhor ClllDOI help but be lnlluenced by biu . True accounta and abeolutes .,.. dlWcult to find In any hlllory. For example, U all our American hia:tory had been written by !he Amerie111 In- diam, . who would be a patriot Cl' rully great American? Certainly not the white man who took his land away and put him on a reservation. For another con- m 'te eumple, ooe might compare the Mexican and United States versions o! the Mexican-American War. FORTtlNATELY, educa!<Jn t o d 1 y · .uslJt l!llllenii Jn --· e"'1uoUoM about .~. ktieP!i>c Ill mind '·Ibo· btu Ot polllt ti'~ .. t1.:·au11ior,., ., iil"foct,• the btu Ind point of flew CID eully be oeen In Mr. Nome Wl!bbeld's -·· 1\'}len "" Jteg1lll to quallly wfJO are !be rtaDy 'grial American N~. hil 1emJ>IM!lls ls on entertainers anCl·•porl figures. He .. '11g- guts that an American Nego wbo bu "radical" rlcial views couldn't be a really great American. -ThlJ attitude· ha! been a major con- tributing factor to the ever-widening euif between white and black America. MRS. JEAN A. Sl)TrER . The letter in qutstion ar•erU two , Negro .. rz:triots" portrayed on a. B~lc Pa.mots float in Laguna's Pa.mot'• Day para.de represented a. dbtoriion of the facU, concluding, "'The Ameri- can Negro is part of 01i1r history, but U:t us have a true accwnt of their part, not aU of this fabricction that is currenU11 being pa.s&ed off a.s black hi.i'°'I/ lo lllllis/y th< mobs of black and white cma.rchilt revolutioncriet." · Spelll"f To !he Editor: -Editor The article in the March 22 DAILY PILOT about· the name of the witness In the Newport beating case being spelled wrong on a legal document was not very funny. But DAILY PILOT staff writer John Valtena miMpelled iUbpoena (BUpena) $xi that WU funny. Pleue get him a tHct.1onary. MllS. STANLEY GO'ITLIEB Workable Committee To the Editor: '• l think we ha ve a serk>ul airport problem. Alrpol1 Manager Brtanaban la the only one who has even touched cil. • pracUcal IOIUUon from lll'lOl\I GUI' publli;,_ servanll and of course I think ·he h11 been cletbbered and probably morti thin we art rudinl about. We lltOd 1 -table commlttte. preferably amall, of • n cc es s r u 1, dlveralfled 'counlj ...-11 wbo Ila•• the b9cqround Md lnt.erest In aviaUon, to come up with stint !boogbts that could make 1G1M aenae. We hive a number of people In tbe county who could be <i real help and II seems to me lbaJ few <i !hem 1tt being called 00. ' YOU CAN STAllT rlgllt 1t !he airport with Jobnnle Martin. He ha an estensJw.: backin>wld a( real -alrU..., and airport opera!loll. Tbwe ... a nwnbar <i lnduxtrlalllll, laW)<en. ordlltecto. etc., who .,. ...U 1nlm mad tin avla!loa, tll llmllatlolla IOd Ila capobllltit1. Theno .,. a oouple <i !hinp Iba! continually strike .,., U It wu c:on- celvabte lo find lll10!ber Iocallon other !ball El Toro at !he Catalina channel, we--are -png· to have e1ac:Uy tht ume• problem wl!b sdjscent -and oUlert !bat we ora blvlnf In Newport IOd tho El Toro ....... IN THE CATAWIA channel, !OrpUIA( !bat II -.Id ton a llqprlnl .-mt of ....., to pul In a clevtlopmut, when !he peopk of the aru bolln'lo rWlu that aomeooe 11\sertoua and;what IUCb. a development will do to our couWne. we are going to hear complaints thlt will mate the prtMnt altuaUon loot like a tea party. How many people here know that ssr flights will probably originate from places such as Palmdale, and most likely never here. I hate to get any more controversial, but I don't think that the airlines need to run any longer fUgbts out o( Orange County lhan they are doing rlibt now. BOW MANY people know !hat !he manufacturers of aircraft are knoctlnc themselves out trying to lower the Dolle level? And eventually they will att tt done. '!be people_we are h!aring from mostly are-\ht ones in the airport areu. 1be majority of . the people are not havtnc any problerna. IO they are pretty quiet. But they ·must start to realize that they too could have problems in future airport developmenta that are. not IOUnd. Space doem't permit, but l could write pages on airport blunders that have been made in years put. Fort Worth and Dallaa are prime eumples. JOHN BAKER 011-Coverell· Blru To the Editor: l understand ID article. appeared in your paper conctrnlng a woman who called in and asked if you know of a place to tU:e a bird found on the beach and coVtred with oil 1be arUclt'1N:Dt oo to aay you directed !he WODllll lo the HunUnglon Beach Sccta!y for !he Preveodon <i cn.el!y lo AnlmaJa and Ibey bandied !he ..... ltm with !he utmOll efficiency. I believe J am the woQlall who called and I 'IJOUld Ute lo ctortly a few lilJ!lp, FlllST, THE BunUnglon Beach SPCA did no!blng. They Informed me 1 lived In the wrong atea. 'they told me. to call !he Laguna SPCA. They told me I Uved In tho wronc uea and !hey ftl'en't relJ)ODllblt. I called the Animal Control <i Newport Beach and Ibey said they would pick up !he bird, but probably jull jJ'JI It out of its misery. I WAS ON THE ~ for an hollr and DO one could help me because it wun'I !heir rtl})OMlblUty. Finally, we took !he bird up to UC! and !hey oald !hey w-help it .. best they could. I 1m still wondering its rate. l1t1't it a llbam~ no one is responsible? By the time we decide who la, It will be too late. ~t atems the people around Santa llarbara ca.re. They ha ve !be ~ equlJ)rntnl Iii deal with the probitm. Why can't we? BONNIE VALEK --~-- Wednesday, March ~. 111119 Tiie ..U!orlcll "'°' ot a.. o.a, l'Uol .. .a to ""-nd -lllat4 ........ bf .,,._Uno tllil _., oJ)lllJonJ """ ..... '""''°'II °" IOpl<i ot lfttntlt on4 ,;gm,_.., by prooidfftg • lonnn for a.. ,.,,.,.,.,,. •I oair rcodm' opiniona, and by prttf"dftO Ult dfwrt t Wio- pomts •I lft/tlnfltd obs.,..,, end ~ °" topia •I tilt d4)I. Robert N. Woecl, Publisher .. :II .. at >I< iT m ly .. be its .. be "' .. II Uy he "' !I. al .. "1. le '" th in ho ol be "' ch ty m td !A !d to ,. '1 rt :k it ' Ir lt :r l! 1g ls It le .. • K . .. • .• .. -:< . • -....... !~Newpo.-t Bar~r, _:·i /. , • • EDI TION . A~rcraf t Squeeze ;1:~ight Planes Can't Move, CAJt 'f,(ild -. • , 8pecfal to the DAILY PILOT WASHINGTON -There is oo room al other Orange County · airflelda for Jl(ivate planes now bOBed at County Afr1>ort, tile CM! A«aoautic! Board was tdd today. 'lhe abort.age cl. tie-down Sf*e was · rilated by comity A vialioo Director . JllbertBresnaban. ··lie responded lo questions IIun CAB lllid Air West officials as a hearing .. • propooed IUgbla to the Pacific Nortbw.ol erUn!d Ito leCOl1d day . 'llle· queotl<loinc indlca!<d oome hopes Oil Ille part ol County Airport ... pami<llllato that lllDlll« p!aoes con be moved oot ol the facility lo provide more land and air opace foe the big "'""""'"'1 jtta. BI'fSllhan, however, shot down any such anlidpali<lll. "Fullerton. Airport has . no more a-vailable ti&down facil1tles," he said. "And Meadowlark and Capi1trano * * * * * * Emory Grilled:. Says Jet Opposition Not Fin~ced . ' .. I alrflelds are too minimal." He ~ that COOn4y Airport baa just about reached P,Der•l aviaUoo capacity, aa well. Breanahan'i testimony dove-tailed with tliat ol Dan Emory, chairman ol the Harbor Area's 1,300-member cltizen(' Noise Abat<meal Commlt!ee. E!llO<)I, Wider .......umlnatioo by counsel for the CAB and ~llne ap- pllcante fer the Seattle-PorUand fligbts, • (See CAB HEAl\ING, Pap I) Enemy Troops Siorm· S·aigon; 8 Gls·· Kil&d .. ' . mOllj qualllled -lo· talk .., the subject." • Vaugl)n, 2'! y"1'<)1d OOC atudenl with wildly uncombed ~. said, .iuere I am. Now you see .~ everytbin& )Oil are lndoctrinalod ~y. the system to fear d bate." . · lie Taki· sDS Is the lllDl1 democratic orPllllatloo )le knoi<> bOcaule m<znl>ers tab voles °" evet)'ti>li>a. , · Vaughn allo •Is runnl!il' f... the New- port-M.,. board• qalnsl, SUoauss. • Challenger Gorilon C Morrow, a for- 1 : ' ' ,.... • -• .. ' 1 T~~'1 :n..J, . . N.Y.S~ mer Newport.M-teac!W1 ~ ·• apectlk aer eduealion J>IW'Ull, lo lie adopted H the conunJJDlty ~!Wly ""* it. He said !~Y !He ahoold be biQahl u an evening ~ for joa!O< hllh IP students accompanied by a poMd f1I! guardian. For lhooe wbo could qet - coorae matorJtla -Id-be avallablo lo be cbeced "out• to the ,bome, be -~ gested. • '. •I • ;i. &.-' Mr>. Martin began reading'aex .a.... (See CANllIDAT_ES, hp I) 1 . ~ lo' IH ,ji,w'.y .~ ""'' ~ ~;~J Ii loo,'\!l\lfl' !n.. aiJ!ed befPf' .... <;JvU A~~- ; I I . ! ~ l '. /.~' ) .. . "' 5,\1001¢ (UP!) ·-:r.npol<I !mil!&' ""'-• u.s',;_..,.__ • .,. latp JVASiliNG'l'ON -Dao Emdll. princl· pal ~ Area citizen foe ap!oll Qr- * * * Harbor Ma yors . Consi.der Joint Airport Report .X. joint statement on Orange County Airport operatim!I may be issued in the days ahead by Harbor Area mayors alter meetingo in Waahingtoo lhb week. Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley I iaJd today iafter flying home Tuellday ~ht that he and Newport Beach Mayor lliireen Manhall must first noport to &heir respective city councils. "[ don't imagine there'll be a n y decision oot of the CAB bearing for ~kl ahead," he commented, "but our 9'.eeUng with rtpresentaUves Utt and ilanna may have a little more bearing now." ·'J'he Costa Mesa and Newport Beach coptlngents discussed problems relating trpreserit and future airport use with Oran,e County legislators Monday. "Tb-..re are problems -like Hanna lhll llo.~~l"""lli"' ·~-.. aoll-'-'·~ . • ..• I""'-~ ' • . .. ~-· m ll>t · ol llll llve!Jl>oM 'by Air CaHlanu 'I: ney1r al a CAI J>fartnr 111 ~ flight< from lhe . clwrty lo IM PacUk N~:;_ activitlea," aald,Emoiy, ''have ~ ic> do with my. noU!e;At>ate- ment &ctlvlUei... Emort ts chairman or the 2,P.member N o 1 s e Abatement Commlllee, a cilium' gmip. He said he has received no compenu- ticn froin any IOUrC9 for his a!rpicrt ac- tivities, apart from tramportatipo cqib, which are paid by the Noise Abat.mtllt Commillee. . . Air Cal'o 1 cilWlael, aaked hlm ·what he does for a ·Jiv¥i&. Emocy rep~ed that he b a free-lance technical writer. He was mked whether any finm he is now doing wort for would benefit from bis committee's opposition to the Pacif- ic Northwest Oights. Emory saJd no. "My business 1ctivi- ttes have no relationship in any way to lhls (aoll-jet) activity." After the grillmg, Emocy told the press: "I was telDpted to 11ay that t h e questions really w~'t relevant .to the issue\" H YS -we don't want to push the Coast • Highway ~ out of Colla M ... and Newport BUch and into Buena Park and ~·" Pinkley expia1oec1. Speed to Change ·,.;00 Man y Crooks 'l1le speec1 limit ... Plclflc Coul .,-1.' ~ay, --Avocado· Av!iiue In • • Corona de! M1r and Bayalde Drll'J w!D M , M B oth be nduced frOll! 50 to 45 mil.. per ean ore r -1iour )rithln the nut w,eek .. ten days, • ' lhe -DlvillJoo "Hlghwaya inoomlcOd · ofange County Is running out Gf money 1«117 .... · to feed prlsooen in the county jail Iner red trllllc flow alooif tbe - because there are more "CUJtomen" « cout BIClnr•r wu it'ftn 11 the tha4 anticipated when tbe budget -....... iw the c:ban&O ordered by dlvialao figured . -...,._.. . *{k>unty Ad~strative Officer Robert Olirlet O.•"-, inbmation offictr I!:. 'lbomu '"d the daily bead count for --. In Loi Anpla, Aid ·11,i111e fall to running to a 12$ averap the red"'4loa will --.. wllh lnitOad of the budgeted 500. ' the poellllf """" apeed llmll Gpl. The supeMsors voted to take ~7,00I) ~ .; f.1: om the contingency f u n d Lo feed • 1o11a; and. * . -Oil Ille -day ol .. -.. that ..... .. , ... ., ..._,Q!ftll-c.mnlillil -la Ille "JIM.I ..... -campajp -ii; -ly I0,000 .,.. killed.. ' Firr to Ibo. nortli, U.S. M~ IW"J>' !IC ' j~ ~ ~ demlllllri1"d -· aelz¥ -Imp liaUI o! C«nmunlJI rice and munitions to tu.I the olfenllive. South of Salgoo, In the Mekoiig Delta, Communlst gunners abaDed the u .s. Army-Navj comp1ia · at Dona Tam, de!JlroylnJ a bl1 aliuntmJ1k>n dump and lon:ing bondtedl o! _, to -abondoll part of the ~. ' ' '"Military· communlg.,_, aald Allied forces killed l'IS G<lmln\inllll In flihUng that n111ged lri>ni the DMZ to the Delta Tuesday and early today, addlntl to tho staggering losses suffered by North. Viet.- namese and Viet Cong unitl &lDce the offensive began Feb. ~. U.S. conunand<rs aaid more tllan 15,000 Communist soldiers were killed in the flrrt three weeks of the offensive, aod loues since then were believed to have added at least 5,000 more to .lhe toll. In the attack on the U.S. bue today, Communist fOl'C6 charging behind • birrage of mortar shells hit a 1st Air Ca1alry Dlvlaloo posltioo along U.. Oltralloo routes to Salp about 50 mil,. rathwest of the South Vietnamese captllL Mllbry apok...,.. aaid e I 1 h t Amedcan1 were tilled and 17 wounded -. the CommunisU finally polled back Ulld<r be.avy coontertu. from U.S. ariil!<rr and beliooptet-gunohlpo. 'Ille bodiel of two Communllt toldtera were lomNI hanging on the barbed wire 11111'- rotuidlng Ille baae. ' • NEW YORK (AP) -'l1le ltock market -with a fair galo today. Tndln& near the close wu moderately active. (See quotations, Paps ~) 1" pow Jones industrial a\t«ase at 1:1) p,m. Wll up 4.17 ·pointl at 921.25. Golm·led looses by about lllO INuea . ., llULY PILOT l'llllt llif, ~,.,.. '" • I •' " ' l'-' .J ' 8•1ii• :,..,-..'.~' • I f • ·-.-Newport · Beach noldent I:.lnda Butler, 22, bu~ in sun near one of' "Don't -Oo Near-the Water" signs linlng~sevet'lll -Q.;inge"Coli(t• i>!>ltches these days. With Easter Week approachillg and warm weather al rOady h.;;, many "waler 1port enthusi4.tr .t. ignorlnf . pollull'"' ?{aniings. Lifeguards 1ighUAg· violators of swimming lian have been· authorized to cite 11ame. 1 ' J' 'J~ ' Harb.or Trustees DiVided On·, Distri~t Tax Ceilin.g N~·MN& ochool ~ are <!!-. vided .on "hat atand to take on keepin' GI' lifting a ceiling on achool districts'" taring J>C!Wet. . ' Pnlbal>ly a•)ll•fority on the hoard op-J>ORS bills authored :by AuemblYJllan · Robert 'ff.. Burke (J\.HunUngtoo·Be!lch), and State Senator John G. ·!lchml\Z .(1\- Tui!ln) to keep lhe erfstlng yr ceiling. . But /l'rusteei Donald Strausa does no t -ihe Burke,'lcilmlls bills: and· Trustee 'Selim i•Bud" Franklin .is. lndil· fereot to them.-' A vole lo ·draft ,a rts0!utlou probably will be taken al the boerd meetJna nut Tueoday. · • · Board membtn who earlier ·aatd they want to lift the tax celiln,g removed are. Mn. Elizabeth IJl!y, Mn. Marian BerP. m; Mle!iCi: Mac"Mllltaii and , !ffld ' Blanpled Jr. Board' Priilaelit • lllh<I· "Bill" Peyton )111 not 1talod h~aplnlon. 'lbe'bllfo are to ~Ito th~ tar ~ll.· l9f!/U'*1• le~alloit-cted·l,W?;Yean ago-liut 'nOI 1<!. ht i!llect the• Cefllntl Is due to be lilted July I, ml, u tiio,-eolllhc Ii "'II belqte lbep re!J>o sllted. oehool -·ontillt data will be permltlod on their own. to Iner-the tar rates wlthouf ,._ntlnf·an override tar TeQOeat to tho •olen. . . 8chmltl'• bill, s.B. »1 baa J>U!ed ,lhe -te for the ......Si!:W la~ f"'r· It Is, now: In-the Aaoembl,y,,.ducaU.0 Qimmi~. tee,,where 1t died 1~ year. So L11 Burk~'s hill, A.B. 5. . Newport·M ... Supt. "William -CUnnlng- ham 1ald hto' sourcei In the wembly U.. d.lcate the retmtJtement bills have great- er support thll yw: Board membe:i's 1n favor of blowing off the tax cell}n&:' • it u an 'bsue or IGCal controL .'i'li\!y thinlt local school board membtn should have ·authority like city councUm'n to .aet the tax ralt'. , Bui Stmil !""l'tets, "f d0n't •t:e H as a 10clt-Contro1 'isSu9. i.t all. lt's a Cf.les- tion r:l. Whetber·t ou care to get the elee- ti>rate Id io atmig with yoo. u Ir• right and we feel s_1tnn11; &boot a tu Jncreaae we C.n'get the needed 5l'percent of the votei."' • .Airport ~ir:ector~ Road Chief in LA-bound Liner ..t, • Goes Via Cuba With 114 Abo(ll'lf, l\'JA"MI (AP) -A young, curly-bajred Latin wbo aald he wu trYllil to lei to his home in Venesue!A" bljlded a Delli Air Linea jet carry!na 111 -- t.o Cuba today. After nearly eight h9url ·in Hlv.a, Capt. William Wood l!ew the .alrl!Der to Ml amt • and a score Gf ~BI , agtnt:s spent more than one ·hour q~~ the passengu1 as they remabJeCI abolrd the craft at Miami Interi>ailooal i.frport. "W,e were about 15 Dlizl~ out of Datlas bOund for San Diego When we heard ·a. sharp rap oil the cockpit door, .. Wood said. 'Ille plioe WU prepar!llC tG complete Delta's Fllght at . from N.,.art, N.J. Alter !!topping at SID llleao lhe liner WU to fly to Loo Angele!, '''The ~ -llllloclied the door and the man ome .Ill, ·JIUlldDc atewanleas Donn& Cheatam ahead of )Un-with a snul:t·noeed revolft1' In her elde.'' Wood aaid ~'hJlM:ker, a man about ~feet-.1 and· In bis late .3111,. aald be. wanlod to go to ~'!')!lqo,or,H1v1DL 0r ..... . " . Wea'"r .. ~nfromoowtoJune30. • Mesa' Cook PINCH PENNIES a / Pie ··Spy? ' Hol do1, that .miftiu'Y'• nan; • clliDblat. 'l'buridaJ' Wli be ap IO ea, thaw 1o a mll4·Sa•ll Ana .. b r • e·1 e, " wttb: fair ati• throua,Dout. ,,. • W ITH PILOT ADS 'nit "Penny Pincher" ad clusllk:ailon ,~been eipanded In the DAILY PILOT ~ied "want ad" section to include -~ aoyone 111aoto to sell (ucept ·liOi Commercial advertiaen). lrbe new "Penny Pincher" ads nmr _., dally under the clullllcaUon ·In-111bich tho ~ ad ftts. A11ll ·~ """ Cloer" ell ca11 nm up to thrte 1lna for two Umel for $2 . .t.lulmwn value Q( the Item lw sale Is !50. Read. 'em. \la 'em. Pinch your peonies and \naka 'dOllars. Call 142-$1171 for the direct line to Ille Clwlfied Advertising Dept. • ' INSIDE TODA\' There ar1 1omc Javghr "' J<dZ..> inp. Read ~ilarjo., oc:c:-of on• N""fO'I /larl>or """ .,~ llod' Jll<llltl of · thtm. llo611iiir' Povc 33. ...... . ...,.. .. :-",...;.,..: =.·=.:, ~·on ..._..c._., • ==-e :;.=·1· =-..:r ~ n.. -, ----·-_._ .. == -. -,. .......... ..,J_ -11 I : .. • 1 I ' .. ------~~--~~ --~~~~~~~~~ ..... ~~~~...-~~ ..... ~ ..... ~~ .......... ~ .................................... ~ ............... _~_""' .............. ~.·-... ~ ....... , ......... 1 • ..<!.' -• __ _, • .,.. ..... -;;.:.;-·"·----·---.. !!! • . . . • • 2 DAILV l'ILOT N Niguel HaS'sle Eriipts· . - ... Atwr-neys Clash Over Salt Creek Road By TOM BARLEY ! . "becallll o1 • .i.. ·-~la .• .w~ ....... ~ , Of .._ o.iir .,,., ,,.,. hls aUldavlt. County iupenrfa1 have been ordered A ~iller court -battle betw«n opposing "He's &<>lnll to have to set.down to by Judi< owena to Id uide a nsoluUon f•cUons in the slmmerinC Silt Cfttk a lot of. apec:Wct in court tomon'w," Road controversy almost *8me a Wlleo1.en said. "Re know1 tlW and he ol Much ti, 1• wbldt abendoned. the courthouse corridor free-for-all today. knows just why I eked him to wait tbcrou.pfare to Lajuna NlcueL Superior Court Judge CIJ* Owens' lor ~ bailiff today.'' If Alto rutrained uadtr court action 1s dtnlal of a bid by Lquna Niguel Wilcoxen p,oint..r out one of Ille Y~ tbe ~ pWmlnc COQ1ID!ssloa. 11 baa CorporaUon .to 111 a hearing on tbe pwalilia 11 ba~ Lquna Nlpel s bOio --to take .0 icilOii cm &ey Issue before Its scheduled dale aparked dabn lhal the dllay. lto·•lopcoeot plan which does not ncoplM Sall troek • con1dor hwle that ended wtth both ol. the Salt Croek """ II <Glllllll the Jload u bekle a pubUc r11f>tol-way parti" comlnl back before tile astonish-corporation nearly 14,000 a day. Beth Laauna Niguel and ~al ed judge. Sought by Laguna Nlguel today wu ~ • Co ha be"1 ordtl<d to Lquna Beal'h al1Mney w i II la 111 acUon by Judge OWens that would have nol :.':i · '«bve bUc ol tile Wilcoxen told audaa OWenl Illa! Lquna I enabled the e<rp0raUon to 10 ahaad "'' w P'I UM Ni&Uel Vice l'lelldent Wlllla:rn Beck bur· wltll development ol the 116-acre tracl rosd~e'°'11"prill a courl beorlnc Iha! wu liedly left wben Wllcaltn uked him of wblcb Sall er.et Rood fl a port. HI •~ A I. to wait for tile ballllf. It wu araued tllat ouch aellon by CONFlllMS!l flTORY Wilcoxen iald be' wanted to lnsura the judge would enable Lquna Niguel llell today confirmed the! J.aauna that Becit would be avallablo under an to go before tile plamrlnf commlailoa Niguel ~ tile actloo befort lud1e atension ol his aubpeena for Tbunday't todq and get approval of lit tracl OW..,. -., Ito tcbeduJo· date in a hearing 00 tbe Salt Creek matter. map for the area. . bid "to have lhlt matter ..uJed ript Tbll ,...., egiJly deided by Lquna Wllcozen, obviously anprf!d by -,,hat now. Niguel attorney' Eugene W. Bell. He he Aid wu "rallroedlni: act!on" b1 ~'11111 h 1GM11 Js 0011t1n1 UI at least told J"udge Owens that Bede left on Laguna Nifuel, arped that S.li Creek $3,700 a day,'! Bell Nld. "We feel lhat his lnslrucllona and Illa! tllere bad been Road ~-(!Ill~ an 10 loot rlaht.of· -Ibo p]ltmale ruJlN will be in our favor no int~Uon of lDluriQ( Bec:k'1 ableoce way area in an l3kcre sector. He but we deeply rllfd delaJinc tactics •t Uie bearing. relutod Laguno Niguel'• araunient tllal lhal are cilttli>l 111 this kind of n>Olllf· 1Ju<lse OWens''auJgellloo that Wllcoun no deveioimeot within tile ,_ could "And I mllhl point out thal Ibo COllllt)' ro-ierve Beck with ~ new .Ubpoiaa wu. be lauDclied wltbout -o1 Iba coodemned Sall <;reek &ocl in our-favor a""pt..r by both al!les. • Sitt Croek llluo. In tho !Int place," Bell aald. Bell a4cled Wiicoxen l&!er uplalned loUowlng Today's court actloo wu a lurlher Iba! tho oole aim ol bl corprallon another protracted corridor argwnent lllep in Wllcozen'1 flgbt to overlun1 coun-rtCbl now It to cloor Ibo way fdr pnoon- ~tween the two parliet Iha! be ty a-ol Sall Crtek lload -!Mm ol tho tract map to tho plannhii pa:rlicularly want..r Beel: at tho bearlnf llftd """"' a n>ad Iha! ~ allow C<llllll1lttlC111. LIVELY DISCUSSION '-RepreaentaUves of Mexi- ·can ;i:achtlog industry carry on animated COllVetsa· tion during tour of Newport Harbor facilities. From left (foreground) are Gabriel Alareon, Fabian Fro• Page l CAB HEARING .• clurig to his prepared testimony that increased jet service out ol the county facility would pose definite hazards to lighter planes. D41&iY PILOT ..... "' ..... V ..... Aranud, Mario Padilla; Mario Pan! llMI Victor Villa. Vl.tltbra ptl!&red bacltground Tuesday for future development of BiJa Ctllfomta yacht refuges. Mexicans Eye Newport as Model For New Ports DUAL SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATE VAUGHN (RIGHT) PONDERS NOTES DURING FORUM SDS Leader Says Other Office sffkers Afraid to Speak Out on Sex Educ1tlon Fram Page l CANDIDATES .•• tion film descriptions from an Anaheim Tbe Rev. Mr. Jones -••t believe school district list and when cut short the board should not relinquish its by a five-minute time limit reacted, "Oh responsibility oo controversial is.!ues. my, not really.'' When speakers art brought onto campus Boald lncumbetits wero ut.d tllelr it baa a responsibility to obtain speakers positlce an au education. repreaentln1 both viewpoints. I'm not Mn:. Lilly old, "We would rather call afraid or the choice students will make.'' it family life because .sex education is a N·hl District. 4 very minute part ol it" Blanpied -"We've undertaken a lot Lloyd E. B!~~~ Jr. Aki, 11l'm glad of problems and one reason I want we did It.art ~ I look at it and l 'm to May on the board la to see them no( ashamed of. it. ' · through. One new thing we are 1oin1 "We have done aome neeardt but not into Is the mkldle achoo1 or three-year yet reached • conclualon. It ltrikes me junior high school. It was a controversial u a reasonable appro1ch to an tsaue decision to move sixth graders tnto mJd- shot through with emoUonallsm,'' said dle IC'hool as are so many we have to Strauss. make." Commented Roderick H. MacMilllan, · Morrow -"A major problem is "I am a «>dal worker and I feel a need narcotics on and off campua. I hive for the Jlr'Ol?'lln· It should be 1 shared seen students removed from m y ~ei-:'."°t somethlna the schools classroom by authorities one day and be back the nert as the center of at~ The Rev. Mr. Jooes said be doesn't tention. l propose when the ichool is have any particular u to grind but when first notified of apprehension by th• he timed contoctlng "folb to ... wbat thelr concerns are be found se:r educa· authorities the student be automatically tion to be a very rea1 islue, suspended until acquitted." OCC student Vaua:bn had the last N·M District 5 word. He said he'd llke to tee schools Straus -i•1 think it is imPortant provide more sex education and cffered the district teach children bow to thlnk:. the opinion "there are cthen running They will be living in a WCll'ld we cannot for the board who strongly belleve in It visualize. I don't think we should decide too but can't come out and llY lt bt-whether any one issue is relevant. We cause the community la all hune up cm should teach them balance/' ltI." Or. John W. Ches.sell -''Teen..a1e Each ol the contestanfl pve a brief, Im •· jor bl b t the bll si.....t.. ... talk adY--4-• b1I « her mi•J.. er e '° a ma pro em u pu c ......... ., __.... ,_ doesn't know it. It Is handled · 'VIT'/ :l:;1::.: and plallonn. lien fl whal quietly. We should 1114!· tile" scllocll as Mn. IJlly -"After my years on a crime preventloa. lnstituUon. Tbtre -tlle,board I feel aomewhal Ute a motlier are no oourses now to dellneale tile rilt>ts ,,ho hu borne an unprepoueulng infant, and rtsponslbllitles of a peace cWcer. '' J'd Uke to be d f Terry W. Hay was not pment. aroun a ew more yean: Mrs. Martin -"The school evstem to see bow the unllled district turns ., out. We have puaec1 that marvelous is pwbing children at a terrific rate bond ii.sue. Now perhap1 we have time today. They don't have . the . time to to begin to develop our trtmendoua gool off we did when we were growing potenUal." up. We are presentlna them with adult Alvin F. Bender _ "I'm runnini problems before they are rtady.11 s~nt In the classroom ." • Paul E. Massey -"l'\•e noticed '!'C have a tendency to segregate drug .Qf· lenders. We are saying we don't trust the lood youngsters among the delirt- quent subculture. We don't give theiJl credit. Their mores might rub off cD the bad youn1sters ln!tead cf the other. way around." OCC D11trlct I Rodda -"There is a critical ~. for a curriculum relevant to practlcaJ living. VolaWe student energy must bll directed not only to social reform bu( channeled into positive goals." · Vaughn -''The problem is the kidl don't like the education system. It ii just a training gr,>und for jobs. Students don't learn things to make their lite-- happier." ,. Students Barring~ Recruiter Rapped ' SAN DIEGO (AP) -The Acad~ Senate at the University of California has rebuked students and a faculty member wtio baned a Marloe COSW recruiter from a campus building. ~ One faculty member and about 2Q students bl~ked a doorway to a camp\lt building Feb. 21 to prevent a Marine Corps recruiter from enter1n1. Chancellor WilUam McGill said Tull'' day that nine cl the studenta have bein charged with violating campus regul~ · lions and their easel! were being heard' by tile student <liscipUnary committee. . . Ship Sinking Off SF because I'm upset. with the progress N·M Dbi1rtd 'J • ol the new system of education at Costa MacMllllan -"We must work closer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -'?be stricken· "Many llaht planes now wail for as king as 15 minutes before landing at County Airport because ol tbe wing-tip vertex problems created by the Jeta," he said. Benscoter, noting that Air Cal Is now using tile t11..._ine 71'1 on ito fillbto to San Francllco, told CAB examlner Robert L. Park that the i IS.passenger craft would be no noisier on the longer runs than it ls on its present flights. ~tesa High School where I have two with the commwllty on the problems Peruvian freighter Yavart wa1 in im~ Six prominent Mexican oUlciali toured children. 'Ibe echool ta len on its own cl drug abuse, Ill education and l!chool minent danger cl sinking in the Pacific Newport Harbor Tuelday to l&thtr by the school board. I feel this 1a a dropout!. There needs to be more em· today, her decks awash in 12·f• rwelll AFllAID1 "They're afraid to go through it," he said. "In some instances at other airfields in the counlry wings of mialler craft have been blown off by the jet.a' vorte:res. In other cases, they have been caught in tbe winds and pulled around violenUy, but they survived.'' Emory further claimed that Air CaWomJa, ooe of three lines 1eeklng the route award, would be UJln& too noi!y an aircraft lf it wen pennltted to fly the Boeing 737·200 non-stop to Seattle and Portland. Carl A. Benscoter, Air Cal president, denied IL DAllY PllOI OUHOI (QA.IT PUILllHINO COMl'AHY • R•lio•rt N, W•-4 Piw*-f itNI "*'lllW J11 .. l. C1rl1y ~ l'Ta ...... .,,,,. 'G.n.ta1 Mlftttlt n..i., k •• ,n .... T\1111 .. A. M11rphl111 ~!Hllll' J.t-•11t• f . c.tR• P1ul N/1t111 ,....."" ... • AMftltl"" C:ll'I' 9411llilt Oln<tw ---2111 WMt l1JM1 l11l1•1tl M .... A4 .... 1 P.O, IN .. 171, tl•&I --. Cllifl .... I • W•I lty lfrltt L...,... ltedl: nt F......t ,,,.._ ~Nnt-.. 1(:11: ., .,,. ...... He conceded, however, that because cf a heavier fuel Joad, it would cllmb out at a lower llUtude. RUGGE!) .D4 Y _ It wu a rUa:ald day . for Air Cal wltn"'ea generally. 1'•y were tlfllled by counael for otller alrlhiu, principally United AlrUnet. UAL ts not among Ute appllcanta for the County·Pacllic Nnr1hwm ""'" award, but the line II determined to keep u many Orana:e County palHl\lers on Its Los Anielea tn!ernaUooal filpts u possl61e. UAL sp<)tesmen oflei<d a !ecbnical rebuttal to an Air Cl! claim that the 71'1 would be capable ol the llOIHlop !Ughl on tile l>ull of wind and weather conditions at County Airport. Richard Nair 1 an investm«it banker with First California Company of San Francisco, testified to the financial stabill!y ol Air Cal. He said his firm waa Ullderwrllina' a 17.s million Air Cal stock 1nue. Nalr unduwent extenliv• questioning by UAL counsel. At one point, •Nair WU uked whethrar the Air Cal stock woWd be "1peculat1ve." "Well," replied Nair, "It's not for wJdO\.\'S and orphana." He quld17 addad: "Neither ls the atock of other airllnts." Air West and ConUnental air~. com- peting with Air Cal for the COW!ly fll&bls, Wtl< lo mike th<lr plidles laier today and Thursday. TYPE or CIW'T They m e>pecled to ba llwply queo- • Uonedoalso on the typo of aircraft tlley propMe to me. Air Weat plam to uee the Douglu ~. mn tbouah tile line hu acknowlodaacl In prtpond lelllmolly tllat a nmway '-1 tllan the altpon's ~700-foot runway WOG!d ba nqulrad rw llft-ofl ol the -._.., crlfl. Oontineotal -to ... the 125- -Boein1 m-:ioo. a lhrff.«ngJne jetliner tha1 bu been boMad at WNhlnltoo lotemaUooal Airport because ol Ill noile. U.S. Offer Studied UNlTED NATION5 (UPI) -fiov1t4 British and Frtndt diplomata too11y 1tudled a ''work.Inc paper" ot u.s. pre- pesal& detlptd to promote 1 Bir Four peace lnlt11Uvo In tile Mlddlo Eut. Of. fldal U.S. IOUT'Ctl 11ld the documtnt con.tamed "concrete'• ide11. !nformltion fer a muter plan ol very dan1eroua altuation." phul1 on lwnlng ratbe:r than f.ime 950 miles i~thwest of here. yadttamlft'I refupt planned for nearly I--'--=-----------'------':._ ____ .;_ __ :__:_:__:_:__:_ __ _ a score ol Baja California ports. The half dozen o(licl.aJs are. key person- nel in developlna the d!.aln of marinas proposed for laja 1lon1 tile Baja Calllornla cout from -EnMuad& le poinll lacinf the Gui! ol Calllcnla. Ulldor tile piano the m.Uons. apae<d lea than :IOll mlleo apart, 1IOllld provide 1n1.11 harbor, food, water and other sup. pUea to yachtsmtn wM art traveUna tile popullf coutllne. - Jack Barnell, -ol tile Newport Harbor t'hamber' d., Commerce, said the master plan 11 important to Harbor area yachtsmen ~ thty will form tile majority of "'"' ol the harbors once they are completed ln the next few yeara. Tbe muter-plan project II being dcoe by the Blllk ol -~aUonal dlvlaloo, under tbo ausplcu ol the Mei· ice Min11tr7 ol Flllance. County-Bay Area 'Air Fare Hiked Orarco County trav.lln to tbe San Frarcle<o Biy Ana will hofl to pay higher air fareo boglnnitlf AJllil II. Tbo Calllonila PubUc Utllllloo Commlaloo 'l'u<oday crantod pmnloslon 10 Air Catifornia to incruae ticket pricts and adopt mor< llellble rouUnp. In an lnt«bn order tho PUC said the 1n1ruta1a a1ru.e could ra1oe r.,... for its route. betwtef\ Orange County and the San FtancilcO Bay area, 'odween Oak-J... and Onlarlo, and between -and San Jooe-OUland. Uolled AIHlnea, Padllc 5oothwul Alrllnoo and Weolam AlrlinN all have almlllr ajlpllcatloM for lncrtaaoo ptndln1 bllort the commlalOn. But tile PUC felt lhat Air Ca11l«nia IM!ad ouffk:lent "'"'""'Y to ftanl bhrlm .-.Jltl. lncrt.uea Wert about I ptrctnt, with rom be!w-oran11 County and tho Bay Ana jumping from f1U5 to fll.ll. Tbe PUC also allewed Air Calllornla to enend and conoolldlla Ito oporaUnl riahll by dta~ Ill ocheduloo during off-peak houn. Air Calllomla llpOfreomen In O.•naa County dtc:llnad to ~ ., tho PUC action today. r t , CONVINlENT TUMS ··:-- lANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARii£ I $111.00 ·$161.H TothotJd"""'.....,wfutuho wants but not~re 10 find iL) Matc,h your style with our milny dbtlnc:tlw designs. And. ask us about our famous Oranp Bloncm IUf'Mll!_t. .~ ' . J. e. Am,,!u.i~ J.-1., Jill NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA • 21 YU.RS IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE 541-l•o I I : . •• IC ~­st ... !)\ '"· !f. ., r-. ,, l ' i; a y ' ~ " • ~·· n " ~ f : I I . OPIN SUNDAY 9 'TIL 5 . OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STATION· FOR ORANGE COUNTY . * ,PRICtS EFFECTIVE MARCH 26 TO APRIL I s CAMP TRAILERS *Easy to Tow! * Easy to Parle! , .. * Easy to Set Up! * Easy to Own! SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN COLEMAN '69 When you go c1mpli1g you w1nt to cmp trouble frt1. Col1m1n knows th1t. So when we designed our camping tr1ll1r1 wt kept you In mind. Tht result is a line of handsome, long listing c1mptrt that 1ntlclp1t1 your camping needs-avoid c1mpsltt problems. See Them All-at Grant.'sf ' See Them ALL · af Orange County's Largest SAVE ON ALL of your comping needs at Grant'• , •• from Conteen1 to Cook sets , •. See all of th• brand new 1969 models of Coleman appliances at Grant's nowl We've got it when you need it1 Stoves ••• Lanterns •• , Heaters 1 ., Tents.,. Tra ilers .,. Sleeping Bags, etc. .-N-EW_f_o_r-,6-9--.1 "Tltt Umbrella'' TH( TRADITIONAL .f1voritt '"""' c1mJNrs .. , this 9'x9' Umbr1ll1 tint for 1 f1mlly tf 4 tffers •II tf !ht fine Ctl• min ft1lur11 from rl6cl1 l'9 "i39ss ~~~ New for '69 "The V•g•honds" WITH EXCLUSIVE WRAPAROUND FLOOR ..• LOCK·O.MATIC DESIGN B'xlO' (Sleeps 41 ...••. , •... $89.95 9'xl2' !Sleeps 61 ..••••.•.. $104.95 10'x13' !Sleeps Bl ....••... $119.95 NEWI 3-11. DACIOll8 "II" AND "76'' DACIOll3. Fl.lfUlfS nlf1 c•W..iat ...,.,, ''" tf• M4, .......... """ ., ,. ..... , .... If OKtlll, fWI IOI ftri. "'""" .... -"' Hit i.,1 f1H tht-Aoit-llt- 1n1r wltll "ntllll hc\'"fttl .. ""tfll 11.1.., .•• 1 .. w """'"' ~k1u1 '20.88 01llll SllDllll IA&S no• $10.11 "CHARGE IT" al GRANT'S SURPLUS WI HONOR All MAJOI CREDIT CARDS Ill BE Dealer! · , •••. ' . I.Lii. ' (Im' s ..... ••Jew u 911.tJ LAnttrf11 •• lew 11 ... $10.tl "'""" •• In ••.... $16.tl • WtdNsdQ, Mitt" 26, 1969 DAl~V PILOT I ADDmONAL NIXT DOOR AT PARKING Gu•• GRANT'S GULF . SEE GRANT'S Gl~NT EX"'•'T AT THE PAN-PACIFIC · SHOW! MEN'S DENIM Levfs Th"riflul rivet•• XX Dtai'" 1ri'13 In tlr11 27"'xtr• t Iii r u SO''x >2". .'5.98 IOYS' LEVI'S" SIZES 0 TO 12 •4.98 f • • • *: *NOW IN PROGRIS.S * * Over ,400 Rifles & Shotguns On Display! ' ·-:::=,. ......... ..., ., .. •H&I ..... ·-•WM-·-., .... OVER 20,000 PAIR LEVI'S" IN STOCK AT GRANT'S ••• NUVO SLACKS IY LEVI'S® IN NEW CHECKS & SOLIDS NIW SHIPMENT •f the l1t11t L1v18 St1pr11t* Slack1 ••• colorful Mltctlon 11 Chtell.1 inti sollcl color• In o com- pl1t1 Flltll of 1l1tL ss -LADllS •SLACKS by LEVI'S".::..---' MOW TOU CAN -'•ct frollt Iii tf tht lllW·MW 1tyl11 tf L1'1'1'13 Sl1ck1 1M J11n1 t.r oll you 11111 $11 Gr1nt'1 for tht p1rf1ct fltl •9 u~ fVfRY SIZfl • EVERY COLOR/ • fVfllY "••• l•r1111 Srock In Onrn11 Counrrl" STYUI New Colors! New Stripes! In Gr11111'1 W11l11n Depl.I HANG-TEN T-SHIRTS WESTERN BOOTS $J695 • "HANG-TlH" 100% l111111rltu1 . com .. d cotttn ••• M 1hrlNclq , • , nt wrlnldln1 • , , "° Iron· 1"111 In 11111, N1vy, GtMn, Whitt, Gold ind Utt II~•· S.M-l·Xl Stltet fnm Solld ind Strfptsl fAMOUS "DURANGO" W11t1rn looh I• tht l1t11t 1tyl1, "a.u1h•011t"' l11thlr for rvt· 1•d w11r, Sli11 6 te 12. SAJ..~ MORE ON CAMP GEAR at G~NT'S G.I. STYLE no. $1.91 FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL' 99c ALUMINUM PACK FUM5 s49s Or1nr1 c1rrll1 1 compl1t1 •t•ck tf 111 types of '1ck1 ind fr1rn11l lnclodlftl Hlm1l1y1n ,ack fr1m11 end ICCllHrl••· UCllfTWlKIHT fooot fOlt OUTOOOlll Nll BlllllTU Gr1nt'1 C1rrf11 A Complete Lint of RICll-MOOR FllEZl.ORl!ll FOODS I S.. fir111t 's First! WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! ' , ..... . '"'" ., Oleo/ CAMP TOASTER blf ft VHI Spl'tl1d1 h11t ntflff. 49c < .. Compltlt .. , liKhtlln 1b: .,.,. .. .w. Mt• •d ttU.t. ·•2•• Complete Stock of Cast Iron Cookware NOW IN STOCKI ., . ~ I j • • .• i#~ •~.ED~~~PAG~j ~ _ ·-..• End · Sewage Polluti~lQ .• . ·•"' ·-···-·-'" '·" si.... Ju. II oome 600 mink>I) &allonl bf raw 1eYi.. porm •. idi\ldlli}~ Ille river and.!ll•~tllu. 'If• jl8Ye lJ9Und froni a ruptured p~ 111 Rlvw-• AIHID . ~,J!adham (R-NeWl'Orl ~) side Into the Santa Ana River, moved'tbi:e, ceftli:al all4 ~ ' ~ (R-llmlllngtoo 118ac:h) have <>nni• County and ended up ponu11ng be • •• lht .', l!r<>Ught Ill• .. .-~~ a11en11on of tha ·•tate eovem- orao1e Coast. . ••• ,, men!• bl', &ettllll ·the 1itcWatun to ipjllllOf lllldlu of RI Id •~-•-•-th t tem ' -·~· ponrwieilt ip!ul!ons to the DOllutlon pfOb)em. Tl!w vers • om'"""' .. Y • por~ r~P~• ai:e • • should~· ........... . by the local city council• and'"' the complete on two maln HWICe U-, rtflluC:tne the ~ ' .,...,,..,.. "' llow of raw se;~ft:o Into the river from 9,lllllllan , ' ' , reside Of')li(·coutaJ area. -· ..... 1 half · Re ... of '""" small • Ulll.""" tlilr;•il loc•' action, lb• Santaf AUa River ~ ::..: anO!her tw! w': ~·.;;~~ the ~ of can ~ _,l1ong ~ and the i.ehes a re- raw sewage Is being e1Jmlnated, the tlow o( tryted ~.!t"'"" ~'Was~_ol ~"'of ,pll'I. •. ou llvlllJ_ far nwage increun from •San BeroardlDo and. Rlvdijdo , , • . counties. . . dU.:~~u:S~~;a:b~:1 .. ~: ·1 Youth an_d the· .. ·~-~wz'. ·: repain. Theae, however, are not problems of great t.tna .. -;,; portance compared with the need to find • permanent 'Ibero wu a dlltnrbinf cooHnlus ~ ~ alternetive to dump!ni 1ewag1 -treated or untieatOd •chool stwlen!I, police juvealle omc.n 'tm -into the river. leaders at a recent ''Youth and tbe "'Law' am o ' • Tiie' Santa Ana River hu become a 11\11• tnmlt the Oran&• Caul Leaaue of Womeii Voters. 1ewer, each day c:amllur &0me IO 111m1an 1&1Joa1r of , 'lbecoooeumwuiliatyoun1PoOl!J.-~l!¥>lke. Tl'aste waw to the l'ioWpm:t.l:iuntlngton Beach ma Several su11eet1ons on wllat fo cfii"aliout It lllvolve from Riverside; ¥lt\nd•, San Berna~, 'Coltoa. tlie.schools. Amooc.Jl!em: a "cop on campm" program, Rialto, Ontario, Chino' aod other •ewer· dlstr!Fll. studenta ·or"teachen.-l!dlng w!lh police .,, patrol and .U1ually lhll waw II diverted for iniga!IOll or other ICbool study about the role of the policeman. • PW1'08u, _but with meJor rajn .storm. It he;i4' for Iii•, , An appropriate way jo follow up some of theae·ideas Orange ~ beacllu,. . would be. to bave the ·~bor Area Joint Cltl...schOo! Flndlllg another way to dl8pose o~ sewage e!Duent · Ua1son <Jommlttee take .th• leed In exploribg them. -1uch u plpelinu -would·be·• goOcl way to ellml· 'lbe Liaison~ .. : It frill.be recall~u form. nate the river contamlnaµon problem, which Is often · ed following failure of . a school bond el a year greater locally than at the IOUfCe of the bacteria-laden and a half ago and .Ubltqueilt recrlmlnatlOUf\A 'school sewage. Rigid standards with munlllglul penaltiei bond llsue now has been .pa&1ed. , • · . · might be another way if strict erilorcement of the Ways to overcome dUtrwt of youth for ~ce offer "' standards wu demanded. . . a new challenge rui4 . an opportunity foi't~ble Inland cl11u have fought viloi'otuly to aslert their JNblic sen1ce. The school dlrirlct and city..,..,,...,, claim 1o·water :rtgl\!1 In tlie river. An equ8! amount· of which run1 the police fon:~ will want to work dole!y to- '. 'lleah now/ Y'aU lllalll fJIDl8 t:OllllniaJo find out we'ah not perfect'f1 .. effort to solve the sewage problem might resdlt In a gelber on .. th!i am.., pri>nlem. , . . . / ·~ . ' ·: .. ' .. H ·'An Eittln'flo I• in No Sense a Miniature Buman Being' Asserts California ~bi(Jrtion Law Should Be Repealed To the Editor: The conslltuUonallty of the Calllornla aborUon law .II now being challenged before tbe state Suireme Court. In defen- ding the law, the attorney general con- tends that -,_.. .... Iarce bedj. of evidence supporting the !!Mlo( !lift ht1111.111 Ille beglm with the · nolOri cl sperm end eu, the upectanl mother hu no mere rtpl to IDllff out the · life of ber unborn baby than 1o ldll, her _,.....Id child. I would like to dispute 1111 argumenL ' Ir YOO BA VE sefiia'i relaUons, then you are 1'48pe>mible for ·wbat happens. All you are thtnkfr\:r°ut .iJ youraeU. When you thlot "'· ' vmc en abortion ·to dO away with!"" "problem." You hlVe '. ntp>M-~~ uniGra .. , .. ~ .. ~ ' ,.;; ,· ·1 chUd ohce we-·bu ltl(ted _'t into bel:d)n,. ·-:~ --....-=· r~ Wrtltn IOI a human belnt;iWb>,.,. ,,;.{·lq ~ -.. -::::1:"""'•· ... M .... decide who can live AJi1 w~ tan'lf. · · 5:1:: ': ,...,..~~:;:\ .. ~!'"~ N -•"•· hat •~ · be Mvllltllrl ..... fl'll4Alle .....,_, ... MlftJll rnri 1M 0 ~ W -Clle 'llllJ I ·• .. lftNW tll ...... ~·,... 111• ..... Nn!. pnulble delormity( inmlat i:elUdallan. .• no money, damaJe ... to~J«Ji' "r;er:ft.ct" .-. ~~ · · life, you hive a treai-~'8Pl''ID>llit1~~. NeWPQrt,BelCh real elta&e ~era have your .-0 dJ!ld. " ' dtall:.la -" -In Oii ...,, have AN EMBRYO JS IN no ...,. a / '.' , .i ~ o11r'ii'i#-Ip, 'plua· all other mlDlabn 1mman being· 11 mett1y con-, .WllllT8lll YOU'RE one mootb . • ldil, IO tlle · dtJ Cl Newpofl Beach, me~ wonder wby we ahould make our airport larger. I have heard that only ljye'percenl of the people In this COWIUy 11:,y. n> the olbera then have to have Itta over tbelr homes whether they like t er not?·· ~ Wby 1 don't we spend our money for more parks, trees and for a good transportation aystem from wblcb. we wlll 1all beoe!tt? ELEANOR V ALOES Spelli119 .j •• . TO ·the Edltor : , ~· '1118. artlde In the Marcli,11· DAILY PILOT about the name ol. the Wltfttu concluaions reported by a lclentific discipline? If so, then ptJ'baJll Ill scienWlc knowledge includJng that of the chemistry, physics, biology, peycboloCY, sociology, e~ .• should be disregarded a! well. Mr. Glavas' remarks clearly reflect the unwillingneS!I of the lay population to acrept the work of social sctentilts who have been trained to view their social world as objectlveJy 11 possible. Thank you for giving me the op. poriunlty cl upreaalng -thougbla. , PATRICIA W. SBE,.Pb.D Department of.Socli>Jogy ~ .. ge = l!"f~ toj:1e:';J . ~~ ~1:.* :::ec:-:,·~~l.,.~·e. p1'Jslcal lnt.racUon1 ol tho embeyo With . .,.. more ~ )'Ill; to live, 16 ez. -tho yean, "-oar boll to lmpnl'e It. Internal and enema! envlromnenL periellce this life, to ~ -lldfo, tr. lmqo ol the city ol l!ewJlorl Beach, In the Newport~ -being~.. ,,._.,~--ir--i-...__ ='~~~ :!'4 ;.,,.,Jzp~!!" .\tl .,.. .. -........ ._ .... , The 1eneue material present In the to be a l~ader or a trailb· ~. ltldi ., *ring ion et.ic committees ~ertllii.ecl q:g is the blueprint, which '!hatever ,Jlil .Jl!.~ may be, •tt'I till lift, ud bl.her commJUiel ~Jthin th e controll ·the direction these interacUOlll ~ yours. I Chamber of Cei:nmuce and ,other,. groups -, ·-1 l•f"DAIL ...,, To the Edltor : wrlter~cilln Vallenamlasp!Doct.11!11>~ A! a member of tbt board cl the will tab. And H . you do 1et an. •.~ t fer · tbe tmpnwem• 1D4 betterment / It 1a tncooslstent to call this .-tic ( wW be you wbo wW remember 'and of the area, and I mlpt add, wllllngl)' (IUpena) and that .wM ltmny. P!We gel him a'dlellontry." ' • · California 'Mu.le Educaton AMoclaUon. MRS. STANLEY G01TLIEB and as a member of the adjudication blueprint • human being, for thin we ~· ll You're deallni younell a tu· and wl1bout ll10IJOlary compen5atlnn. . panel ol !be Southern Calllomla School woatt! ~-to call a &perm cell or nble fate, tblt of murder. No matter PU"IOUlly;1bavtmalnta!IR!daiioffke .... -·-..... ,,,_ -·--· · ...... Band and ·Orchestra Asloclatton, It is eu hall , hwnan, for they each contain bow you raUonal!Je l~ It'• sUll murder and ...idence lo Newport Beach for half a blueprint. yet we think nothlnc to ~ ~ own ",le]tlab Deeds or over 11 years. I bave dealt with a .,ll•llet19-• .,,_ -· my privilege lo hur many sehool in-" -v ... v-strumentll organizations in perfonnance. of the death of biW<l\I of ecP at whatyou"?"are~elle'1needl. good many propertiel in the dty, u To1he Edit«': sperm.AbitofDNAiJnofapenOn. 1 hope Ive upr1111il lmr I feel bavemy~Ueagues.Furtberm.ore,Ibave M ii·IOdal lclenu.t IDd u a !=(llltge THE PROBLEM remalos, thin, to determine at·.wi,t )Oint lj\ ~ent an embryo CID be C0AlldeN4 a •'pinion,'' wilh ~ ·a·n~•v~ rji!Jts. Slnce":.'bi'fe . .,._ that a 'baby la alowly tvOlft\d within the m1llber, rather thin· -Uy crealad, ll la a oomewbat Ul>l""'7 decfllm that must be, ~ ll .II. ~ the · aame problem.~U 4'1•1 ._ a houle under -C1DJ>o.-ered a home. Doel I!' Jill "llito Giateoce when the b1uepr1nr .... ""'"" up <onaJogous to the fonnetk>n of the genetic blueprint by union of sperm and egg), when the fotmdationl. are dug, when the frame Is put up, or nol unW the family IB moved In"? ll'E CAN RICE that a fert!llud qg ts •not a person ; but a baby ticking in . the ' ctadle we call human because Jt ~ eti!:t on Its own and Interact tnlelllti<nUy with It. envlronmenl I pro. f!0111!, then, u a reuonable arbitrary point . at wbldL to beCln lnallng a developing fetus 11 1 "penon" wUb fuD rights under the law, to be that point 111 development when Jbe fetus coald e1isl on lta Olm outlide the mother'• body as an lndepenclen! being. I'll pray fer all the . dllldren sUll to .. ver h!tanl ~ a l!'lbllc bocl)', oupporlad ....,_, 1 can not allow Newpori Beach ~ ~ tb1S world_ lhit they11 make by the electors and tuplyen, ~ Pollce CMet Jamtt Glavu' remarks of . .• ...,.. nu ~A WILSON tr acting with ONE firm to handle their, March IJ to nmalo uncl!all"'ged. The · • .._ ~· properties for 1111! or leue. • • 1 , • _ • nature 11!-Mr. Glavu' .utement was · ' .41eai' -'J'ilE NEWSPAPER articl~oe1 on a vtrbi.l uaault of a lecture tiven (/.,. M • S L--1 1 ••M ••· ,...,.,_ ~-·-. al UC! by Dr. Howanl Yradkln. ·a Long ""'" !"-e...... 0 .. , -~ con---.. -~ n-'-~ M ••• ~... _.._, .... ~ M ~ .. ,~' : • firm bu bad an office in Conma del • .-.u .,_ ....uuege .................... .1 '-" iu- To ti!< Edl!ll!'! .. 'Mar llnce 11111. It lalled to iiienll<OI que II u follon: tla·a-t. at' UC lrvloe I w1td> tho!' 11)11· la merely a brUJl!h .. ollloe ., I. Mr. Glavu llated: ",. .. moot collcge tht .ia9J jll'op• In Oranp COwily'I , ol a mali1 office In Loi Anpl., COl\nlt, ·pniieaon are "*' cl mtfltd develop. lint lllldl<al olChool being built on «!!iii • "!'!II "1pe ol tbloklns COlld:~ ilOuc · menL The maturalloo process hasn't campoi; end I wooder il the averiil! •'wllli the Idea that one firm i<Oolll do been completed.'' Thia 11 the Or&t I ~.reallra the lmporlance oNbli 'a · better job for the dtJj than 'to '1111 have heard ol IU<b a personallly ovenL Medical education la &<>Ing thn>dp the properties with ,all ..brokerl and chartderlltlc aincq college professors a fantuUc period of irowtb, 'and with brokers' otf1ces in Newport Beach. allow· and invite Mr. Glavu to substantiate It cunes .new research and new 111edlcal In&. tllel!l. the ,opper!Ulilty of IUbml~ . Ujla . ~L la addlUon, I. question dlscoveriK. · .. « · · 111Waclory Otten· to the dty of' Newpt!rt the jliltlllcallon of attacking t he In the ye·an to ·come a large share ~.fer. appr:uval or rejeetlont· ~.. penmality dtvelopment of IJi" entire OC· of Uti! discovery In medicine will come 1be ~ alao states ~t ~ ~ Cup.Ucmaf cateaorY beca111t one member from the medical !Choo! at UCI, If '!>u lbfl client or thet clienL Would ol that ....,p reported ldenllflc findlogs past pertormence of the UC medical ,... belteft all of tho dlenla thef -contrary to Mr. Glavas' beliefs. ochoob Is Im'! lndlcaUoit. ' · " ,, heppea. to bl cllt!nta of ·all· tn.nr&· In ·Newport Beal:b and elsewhert«and U THE Plll!llllNCll of a medical acbool mlPI Mprile the coandl to !mow that tn Orange C«mtJ w!O not only Increase the real eotate broker• lo Ne~ B<ach ~ ~um~.'ft~s. I!!~.-.. -l':;the~~,,.:.rtti::i bUt will .-~ iDCftase the pre1111t -1 J"w •·t "'--•t.J.... j'all erful" knowledp of. elfeN!lhed d o c tor L A UI. ua~ W~ PN .._ pow medical 1cbool.la a brain lnlll and llnn done for the dty ol Nftport Beoch, an are1 whore lhO late&t medical camparecl to all ol tho other roal etlate knowledge caD bt euU, oblalned and firms "I the aty combined! rapidly d1'semlnated. t. MR. GLAVA8 STATED: " ••• the adalatialtd imprmicmable younr minds is no anner to tbe1r emotional matura. t..km." 'Ibe.le "hnpressionable young m!DdJ" are " ln the minority, tf they extlt at all. Students take DOIWq for groted and dO not hesitate to critldre the professor -cormtructJvely and/or o~ l invite Mr. Glavu to ait in oa llVC'al. of my classes IO that rr JS MY thiokinJ IUld I believe that &)~y 1ee foe bimlell the. nature o/ of the malOrllY' di ~ broltr1 ln 'lljk , 'lijucauon process In our insUtuUons area that!t II· not -"Y the llrftl ' blP< 1eamm,. , . Some of these are outstandingly fine. ·They demonstrate a superior ability to become completely proficient in all ·aspects of musical performance under tHe direction al thoroughly competent mwlc educators. NUMBERED A~fONG this latter group must be the Concert Band from Corona deJ Mu: High School whkh appeared in a compeUtlon fesUval at Paramount High School March 21. The musical skill and sensitive wr derstandlng with . which the mus.iclans ln Urls ensemble performed could onJy be a reflection of the artistic integrity and educational devotion of Mr. Harry Corea, their teacher and conductor. CONGRATULATIONS by the com· munlty sboukl be e.itended to the fine young Americans who are members of this band, and lo Mr.' Corea. Th.is notable performance will noL soon be forgotten by those of us (ortunate enough to be included In the audlence. CLINTON SAWIN ,To the E:dltor : I thlnk we have a serious airport problem. Airport Manager Bresnahan is ·-u.e onl1 one who has evtn touched Ul a practical toluUon from among our public aervanll and of COll'IC I think he has been clobbered and probably more than we are rudiol about. '· 'l1IE PROPOSmON thot a human being with full righla Is ~llld al """ upClon Is biologlcal!Y and lol)cally WllOlllld, and 11 mereb' the dOgma of certain religiou! ....,pl, W1ilcb the mte shduld nol force on tht -ol tll< populace. The Calllornla abortion law sboclld be repealed. JOilll ~ TESTERMAN , •. Graduate lludent I Dejt. <I ()rganlamlc Biology UC! ' M1m1 people n unhappy with the university at the pment lime due to r<eeot campus W1l'llL Thia II refleded lo tho,-1 ~ Itm>e deleat. lnt'olved, ~t f!Jt ANY firm to fl<tl~ · · 3 .. ~. Glafu llaled: "Our aelection ,IRlch prelerenUal -from a ctiY, prilceil' la geared to take only the opp., Counoll II la!gbly unel!>lcal. PenonAlly, · a1i percent o1 the f>Olll\l&Uon In ~· A GOOD ~41n' of that bond wu 1.1'.flPi'd 'tlifa action u wbolly 1rrtsWlr of lntelllaeoce." I subinll that., .. ., to ~ neldli 'l!O!l"f to heT,. set up ·hi~ to being uoethlcal and cnalel' 1lol _.,. may indeiit· l>e ~ to the m a1·JCheOI at UC!. · l's not an•exiijino low for 1bJ governtna lllldy. !ib the upper •Ix 1ltttfnl ·1n«tmni cut all r .-. to 1plte our fa~e, By'vfl'.foe of this llCUon. II wo~ appear <if lntellig'f'CO, but lt ~ not niru!t thauflll.,\Cam]lQI 11111'111 "10 die dOwn, ·lo ele<ata tho contracting Orm to the the uppet si• P'lloeol In ~ ol u,. but .. pitba<!< lo ll!e medical ochool ,,-·~ )lOlfllon ol nal eotate oa1,. aiJI tel''-ence. Pnvlous aludl., ·have In· may lioft far nochlng ellectr 0\1' linlce In the cl\)', wblcb II err-... -. medlclfte to Oranp COwily, perhaps .., BUG riiRD dlcated that the 'IQ cl police oflictrs 1!'I' -,.iicaa problem of ' lbt • dolelY re111cU !be lQ of the general _. the fUbn. populaUon. On the other hand, most We need a work1ble commiltee. preferi.bly amall,1 or 1U:cce1 a fut,· divenififld COUDf.Y, tfllddenta who have the bacqround and lmtrelt in avlaUon, to come up with ,.... thouihll that could mah .ame sense. We have a Dlll1\ber ol people to' the county who could be of real help and It seems to me that f"' of thorn are being called on. OppoH!I .4f>orti.-.. -. or -•tege prof......, do Indeed have l.Q.'s . ~·ny T ANDE•<nU .,_L "'-"•r• -~ YOU CAN START right at the airport To the Editor: VIV\ ' ~1 •--....-........ -.. fatltna In the upper JO percent of the with Johnnle Martin. He hu an enemive. 1a t df IM lo the letter Mn. Clft"'1 " To Ille Edltoro ' UDited States populaiion. bacl;cnJund ol real .,tale, afrU..., and ....... wtm. the ltttlr' '11-.-.w-1 1-1-r' What foola wt eoe. Ii:a the naimt: of airport operation 'lblre are a 111mbtr ~·=-~-A.,.-.... ~~••-•~•~ _ ___, .. ~ .. ---ft an ..-tng our beautWul L MR. GLAVAS 8TATED: "I'm.get. ollndustrlalllla,iaw)<en.-etc., w -·-" -. ... -. ~· To tho 8dll«: • ' -1n·-. Do ,.. need 1wo '-Ill\( wpary o1 tbeM ltllde, poydlological who ere well Warmed on avfatloo, Ila UGtl" ,(NtiR>o•. Feb. 11), Pd lib lo • To' lllJ ..;_,,.,,, nt Win, I , fi<eW111!' 1llth' ttie blue 11M t11< -•l'Ula\IOlll ol the police pniiesslon. Too llmltatlool and Ila capeblDtleti. --1-wlthMl'l.·Felde. --fttm a llll'd ~It ..,. Uae end the red line, wtior.,wlll..,.. mal!J ~ mUin& ltoero dao't know Tbere are a couple ol lhlop that -i. me that e'NtJ1lllnl wa naltJ o111ca lo ~· Bltcb to be llleb be! WUl we enjoy UvJnc here •bat lbeJ're tailing about." When IOdal continually llrlh me. U lt wu ...,. -a respantfbWIJ that I* --111 e mmllot lo the DAILY In a few more ye111! · ICleaUlla mallo ol>lttvatlons of the aocie-cetl'allle to find anotber lo<allon otber .....-..... slmplool-lbbif... ~~!11::'-!1·~ J'V.-3e:&~Q'.~ -zoc:i.~ n:!u~a..:.1 ~:r u:.: :::-J1 ~::ha~=:: ..U.. a~ hu • ._..ibllltJ. ..OP' lo nod •Plfm To Cull IL" """'111 foc -lo a bony. We have ....Ull(ta -. lrrapooalblt evaJua. prob!.,. with tdJocenl llomeowtMn and Y•• 11; 'blo to y<NI boclr •-I Mir , ..... -.11,,...ie. a.i..td blp.t11-tothe--~ -1r-•--•~no1-::_Drand .. ~d iloteda othonand ~we are llarin& lo N...,.n lull I ... ... dO It pd. ..i la pOlillr 1 · of pailUc trlllt to enter -~ an aoocl, boa· too ·ltlllCb ~ • ~ w ~ o,," ·-ev the ™ Toro areu. If ,. ,_, ,. lllv• a .,.,.._ lalo ...., ... bllatll7 and oblfvloul to a ,...i thing ltn't nece1Saril1 bettar. hll ca,...,. to the lnvelllgatlnn ol thl1 . lo ,., -,,__. ~ bl • ,._ illt tlPla cl .... _,. concmiecf, ..... Thmfore. I submit thil quesUon: IN THI: CATAIJNA cllannel. fot'leltlnc odll • ,,. .. .,_ w. dope ,.., WE cAN DRIVE to the Loi AnaelH I the a pt1orf knowle<Iae ol a member that It would tab a llllPriJw amount ..-,.wt•*lll . I,·A8 WIU • ,...,,,, ....,, 'Otber .,\lrperi ln·tt lo Milllllutel, wblcb m0u ol 10Cle\Y·lo bav• preced<nce mr the--tl-money to put In a developmenl, when ~ ·i ·I I , the people of the area ~II• to realise that someone is seriOUI Ind what such. a development will do to our coutllne, we are going to bear complaints that will make Ult present situation loot llie a tea party. How many people here know that SST flights will probably orlg\nate. ftom places such as Palmdale, and most likely never here. I hale to get any more controvenial, but I don't think that the aJrllnes need to run any longer fllgbts out of Orange Cowity than they are doing right now. HOW MANY people know that the manufacturers oI aircraft are knocktnc themselves out trying to lower the no1ae l~vel? And eventually they will get tc done. • The people we.are hearing from rDOltlJ are the ones •lo the airport areas. The ma]orliy of Uie people are not hlVinC any problqia lo they are pretty quieL But they must start lo realize that they too could have problems in future airport deveJopmt!nta that are not sound. Space doesn't permit, but J could write pages on airport blunders that have been made in year1 past. Fort Worth and Dallas are prime exampl es. JOHN BAKER Oii-Covered Birds To the Editor : I understand an article appeared in your paper concerning a woman who called in and. a!ked if you know of . a plac;e to take a bird found on the beach and covered with oil. 'l'.bt article went on to say you directed the woman to the Huntington Beach Society for the Prevention of Cruelt1 to Animals and they handled the problem with the utmost efficiency. I believe I. am the woman who called and I would like lo clarify a few thlnas. FIJWr, THE Huntlngtoo Beach SPCA did nothing. They lnlonned me I lived in the wrong area. They told me to call the Laguna SPCA. They told me I lived in Ule wrong arfa and they weren 't respomible. I called the Animal Control of Newport B<ach and they said they would pick up the bird, bul probably just put it out of its milery. I WAS ON THE pbom for an hour and no one could help me because it wun' their rupontlbilftj. Finally, we took the b.lrd. up to UCl and they l&ld they wllllld· help It u best they could. I anf still wonderln1 its fate. Isn't it a shame no me iJ responsible? By the Ume we d~e who la, it will be too lite. U oeems the people around Santa 'Barbara' care. 'Ibey havf! the nectlllary equlpmont to deal with the problem. Wh1 can't we? BONNIJ: VALEK --~iiill- Wednesday, March 28, .1111 r11< """"*" _. or Ulf llollr l'!lol "'"' to fnf-...s -lllatc r<odnl 1>11 pre'"""' lhla .....,,.,,.,.. .,,,,,.... --.,.,.1ar7 .. ..,... ., fntcnn .... lfgolttoa-. btl pr'Ollldjng • tonmo for Ulf upradoo ot ollr rtadn-t' opiniotal, and bt1 !>N•lllll!IO Ulf ,_., -(>Ofnta of fn/mncd obi..,,.,. mid ll!OM,,..,, "" topla o/ Lio ""'· Robtrt N. Weed, Publisher ·- .. : , N.Y. ' -' . ~91.'.. '6f, "J'?·. 11'. 4 SEcTION~, 72 )A~ES .. --• ORANGE COUNTY, CAL!liORNI>; . , , ~f'l£$DAY, W.~()12&, 'I~ 1 :, • ·~~·~ i .U! 2 I 3 . .. ' -~ .. ... .... . . . Help Boost Harbor Trustees DiVided ( • ~ • -•~' I ' ~ Clab • l .,, Supplies for Viet . . ·' ' . . Cookie Offensive On District Tax Ceiling On the eve of the great pre-Easter eh9colate chip offensive, Harbor Area ~rs are giving added support ·to the w~c~.Cookiellft p~ject to send baked (08ds to U.S. Gls In Vietnam. r,t:erchants and service clubs are pro- vidiqg· a last-0.itch push to provide ad· ~ 1Uppties, while ll)dividual! work. 1rii .a~Me or in groups prepare am- m!jrtltion. • · Nw-'·M,.. school trustees are di· vlded, on what stand to _take on keeping or lifting a celling on.xhool districts' taxing power. Probably a majority on the board op- poses bills authored by Assemblyman Robert U, jlwlle' (R-Huntington Beach). and Stiole Sooator John G. Schmitz (R· Tultinl to lroep the existing tax ceUing. 1lat TruiteO'Dooald 'Simm -no f -lhe -bDll and 'Iftl&ee Sellin "Bud" Fnm!in is lndif- "'There's a whole lot of bakin1 PC ant ' says Mrs. l>arrilyn Oliver. of _,. Ym:on Drive, Costa Mesa, organizerJo( the-twil>dty project which is a puroJy volwitetr ,effort. .. fennl lo them. A -to drafl a retolutloa pn>bably will.be .labn at the board meeting nut Tuesday. The vaCant fourth floor of Costa M .. City Hall has been offered weekdl)'I ' (See COOKIES, Pa1e ZI * * * Bologh Files . ' I Mischief Repor~ · Board""1nemben 11ho earlier lalcUhey want to --~ tax cetlilig removed art Mn. Ellnl!ell! Ully, Mn: ~ Berg .. • -~ ¥acMIDian and Uoyd Btanpled Jr, Board President James "Bill" J'e)'loo bu.POI flated hia opinion. '!be lillll ... to•ftinslate the Ila cell· Ing. U..!JePtatlon ~ two JNB qo, l!(jt ndt ',.t In ellect tbe eim!J& la · Vtnctals stole a mailbox and stranp · due to• llll lifted :.JulJ l,><ltTl. • ~-If tile eelllnc 11 DOI before then re11>-· can reportedly prowled by the ~ otatod. --on that date will be Mtsa home of Ted C. Bologh Tue9day, _..._. -to · the foj.lowin« his p.iblished criticism of fee.. ~-:-an. -own, mcreue tax rates without presenting an override tax request to the voters. Schmitz's bill, S.B. 35, ha5 passed the senate for the second year in a row. It is now in the Assembly Education Commit· tee, where it died last year. So i.s Burke's bill , A.B. 5. Newport-Mesa Supt. William Cunning- ham uld his sources in the assembly in- dicate the reimtatement bills have great- er supPort this year. Board members in favor of blowing off the ~ celling see it as an issue of local control. They think local school board members should have auth<lrity like city councilmen to set the tax rate. But Strauss counters, "I don't see it as a local control issue at all. Jt'1 a ques- tion ol. whether you care to 1et the elec- torate to go along wilh you. U it's right and we feel strongly nbout a tax increase we can get the needed 51 percent of the votes." Franklin said he thinks there is other pmdlng legislation far more important to lhe'school district. "Unless we are going to put all our polltkal. muscle behind it why bother with a resolution?" be asked. free civic cent.er U!e by a project to tend cooties to Gls in Vietnam. m.J~-~ R p .. ,: Ill , .. ' ,, admlOlttrator Dr. J .. Dea toJsl her II lfU lllOllUy PT,\ ..... Iba! ...ed. • Two candldateo lot tile Onnce coat Junior College boud --lllGut aUempta to establllb ,~a ... ,., for• a Democnlle Socl<r '(sill) dilpler ... campus. • G<orge H. Roilda .J;., a11er "°'"" !hat he doem~ heli<ve SDS ndleoll ·~ the high Ideals of our l1lflm," • to John L. Vaughn· wHll lhe _..,.tloll - "u activator ol ~ ~;~ Ille l ' •• ... -'' .Pmtry Firm Fila $1~ ~ilUon Suit ' By TOM BAllUY Of .. Dtltr ""' ..... U Jl.ll'ry Franlllln did what Marie Callender aaid he did, he had a lot of crust. ' Colla M-putrJ boot Franklln, la accuaed of ptaylnr a aecm qenl formula-stealing role In fl S u 'P er I or IJOOlt! dlaP!lfe l!el"f°'I' Callender.Plea and Qenny's reatauranls. Named ln'tlie llZ "millkll aclion ·med late Tuesday by the Calltnder Co. ta former employe Franklin, now working for Denny's in: Coeta. Mesa. 8 Gls Killed In Red Attack Near Saigon • I • 1 f ·-1 ... . SNG):l~· !IJPIJ a.,'"'ll"i!I' "-\ta,,. 1V .. ;tot:; • , .. :IJlak:·•t, ~· _, an4 'ldlliil' elgbl ~· .. the tlnd day of '-!' Glieni!fot a.it~ no lfgm ct aballl\i. O\'er~ C•11••W -lnlhellldl'lialtet .~t­ campalp aoared to nearly :IO,llllO .... kilted. ' Far to the north, U.S •. Marinea . owffi>. log j1111gJes near ·the dan!Utaruecl tono aeiud anolher · bu4e haul ·of ~ml!Jltsl rice' and mllnhl6ns tO fuel the offensive. sOOth of salgoo, In 'the Meton1 Delta, Communtat gunnerr tbelled .the U.S. Army-Navy complex at ~ -Tam, destroying 1 . big aµununltlon dump and forcing huridreds of men to' 'abandOn part or the ba.e. Military ~uniques aaid Atlled forces killed 271 Communi.t.. In .fighting that ·ranged .fro!!! the DMZ to the Delta Tu'*1ay and Ell'ly to41y, adding to tho alqgerlag ~ 8Ulfmcl "1 ·Nodll Vie~ namese and Viet Cong uiuta slDce the offenslve began Feb. ·23. U.S. comnianders laid more than 15,009 Communist aokilers were trued in the fir~ three ~eeka of the oUensive, and losles since then were beUev~ to have added At leut S,000 more to the toll. Whetmore Bill Wins Approval SACRAMENTO, (UPI) -·The Senate today passed a bill to continue the upper chamber's crackdown on atudent and faculty unrest at the Unlvft:Slty ol California and state colleges. By a 23-t vote, the Senate approved a bill by Sen. James E. Whetmore (ft.La Habra), that makes It a misde- meinor' for any pet9on 1o· • lnterfe!r wltb teachl~. ftllearch, 1tuden( service acU.viUes or administration 1on the cam• pisea. Under terms of the bill,-a ' peJ'IOft eould be sentenced to up to 80 days In Jail on a third ..,.v1c11on. The ... , allepa thal hi 'jh\ldel"tbe mtaurant chain ,.W, lull! detalll of llMI ·_..i crJlenifer nmpl !IMPite bla tiolnc "'°"'to_,."'~ . . '. ,,,. callender camplllDI• auec-lbat Denny'• ~ .. obtain Ille .... mOlnr formula --frem· • .-it refusal by Maril Calleitder tO inerte willl tho 11111,_.., Denny ,eain. The &Won 1tafe1 'that t>:e n 'n 1 ' I ~ tta lgenb and employ,. tm- medtately threatened to 1et I h • formula." The language of the comptalnl In· , . ' Private Planes· .. , ·e. ;,:: ' . ' ' F~~li~g· . Squ~~i~"·,_. , , • : . 1· r,.. • ' • · I . l .. '' ff ' . .:.....* ........ u , ~la 'Ii! .T •' . 1 • ,.,...~c.-r""!i'' ;...~\= W Ulnllln>MN -· 'rtiOry 111 ?00111 /l'lnl the .._.,. ,,., GIL .. i,i''"Oiijd;p.r-.!lam)!J"~ldil .I# to Saa l!r.....,, lold CAB·~ J1111.*~a"°llfl",-~ ·~•L. -·thl!t the •l~ ~ t!Je av11 -~ *M ~::1-• liclaier in llii ......_ to!! ~-· · ·, """'tlib ·:wf.11..:.....tw"'- 'llll """""" J ~ -... Hoo . ~ ·:"'~ ~ .. ~. = ~ .\-'lllnolir jlf "'i.vter .fUll. ~. u. would. - He responded lo questt-· from CAI llut al a 1.,... a!Uludt. . ··, "' 0 · and J.11','IVIOI· offlda~· as .a . boorlng It ·wu a ~dll}' -!'IJ.. Al( j;al on propoaed fltpta lo Ille Padflc wt-g-Y.. :i;i.y._,... ·pJIOd Ncrtlnves( enteHd ·tta -day. ' (lie CAB G, .,. ~I · The queatlontn&jMjcalad IOme hope• _,, '.Jv . ·.A. ' oo tbe port al 'County 'Alfporl .. , H H ' H ., , ~'!bat ·amatlel" pianos con bo ·•r 1...-M ' '"'" movect ,cot 'of 'the fac!Uty fll "piovlde ·l"J arwr, . '.ayors , ' 1110"0 1aQd and air spaco f1r ,Ille tile ; . " " cd!nmerclal j¢s. . . , . C .. aide· J· " C Jlrmahan, bowever,. obO! -· U1 . ' o • .,, r oin lli!dt mtcipaUoa. , . · . ' "Fullerton Airport n.. .. """" A • R availa~le IJe.dowD: lactlltles," ·he laid. irport•. · eport "A:nd ·MeadoWlart and C-;1pt1trano , ... , r airfields are too minimal." A J<llnt ,slajemenl !!'· oru,11··~ He added that Cf?UnlY ~ ha1 Airport operauoris maY be' 1llUld in just about re.ached general ,,avlaUoq the da)'l"'m!!y·!Ai'llGt'A>M.....,. capaclty,"u .well. . ·1 .~t.,;-,· , . ,ff> ~TJ.-:-::-~--- . Bresnahan'• testlmoily dove-U.iled with tfter·mtte1111p WUlilnjtm~tldl Wet. that ol naq Emory, chairman · of the Costa Mesa Mayor. Alvin L. Pinkley Harbor ArU'1 l ,300-memher clllzens' aaid today after Oylnl lioiiie Tuadq Notae Abatement Committee. night that· he and !'le,.pcrt1'wll'li'111< Emoiy, under crooa-<XaminaUon by lloNen ,Mar~ must flnl 'n'port 'to ·counsel !Or ·the CAB and airline al>' 'lhetr re~~• city counctli. , ~, ptican!s le< the SeaUle·Portland ~' "I don't lmagme there'll ' lie ·_a n~ cllllli lo hta prepared testtinoliy thal dectaloo .out of the c~ .bea<tnc for increaeed jet service out Of the county weeks ahead," be commented, ''bit iir lactllly would -definite hazards to ,meeting with r....-wuv .. :;utt. atllj llg!Ur planes. Hanna may have a lljtle more ~ -" "Many lilht planes now wait fer 11 ..... ". • ····~ • • • long aa 15 mlnul<a helou landing at The Colla llfeaa and N~ ~b County Airport because cl the wtng-Up contingents dlscuasod tJfOhl•ms •rUltnir vortex probtema created by the jell,• to ~..!z' fUliln' Olrpiitt --wtii he aatd. Orang< """"'' --·-f. "They're afraid· to go throoP 1~· "Th'" are prubllim -Jtte ffan¥ he aald. ••'1 IORlit tnstlneel at ott_)er says -ff'e· don't 1want to' pum.1 the alrftd<I< In tile country wings.of smaller airport out of Collll -and N~ craft have been blown oll by tho jets' Beacli and hltD. _, fult "f Vortexes. in other cases,.lhey have been Fullerton," Plokl.17 .!IP~ ' caught In lhe whlds and pulled around vlolenUy, but they survived." Emoey further . ctahned that All Califonta, -of three, llna aeetJnr the rpllle award, would be using too noisy an atraalt If It were l>ermllled '° oy. the ,Boetl1( 73'/·:IOO, non•top to SeatUe and Portland .• Carl A. Benicoter, Alt ·ea(preald"ll. o. .... r.. ce·.- denied IL . The Costa Mesa Police Departinenl ' .. ..._, e~t· rOpOSed :ght log showed a mallcloul --· -~;~;;~:;; Long. Council W eekeiids entire point and purpose of his remarks · ii.Ven to the press earlier were missed. ,. He. said his discontent centers on the Costt·M•· City €0uncllm1ll Wiiiiam ~ purchase of a Costa Me,. L. st. Clair hat-.uu<sfed 1 melliod ol l>Otlte helicopter aerial patrol system imposlnf, waUnd homework on him· for liOme $200,000, the same approx1mate self and hla col~ c:ott • of a municipal swimminl pool, St. Clair wtll introduce a suue.sted ell on several recem occulons, which ha .. ~ St. Clair to aay he hadh't heard a word about them .._backed by othen-needed more time for their lludy. not under comideration. Thlt com.plaint seemed to warrant pol.icy on ltalf reports, recommenda-"This Polley will alleviate the nectt- hand:ling separate from his demand that Lions, cltr ordinance drafts abd other •ity of makln1 hurried decisions without the we Care C.Oklelift" project he ,... such ;pryposaJs 1t Monday's cl\'y council th• council "member> able to fully re.d quired to -"' a 'lotm< It renW to ,...;.,{ • and «xnprehencl the teglstatton t'c> be ,.... ll "'-'·•April ~ . • acted upoo," SL Clair claima. u1< ncant City Ht space-~... · .. ~ pdl!C)' ...Uld call lor cleU...,-ol "If thae reports cannot bo cleliverect Bo(ogh has Aid he ts nol opposed tt-matlm to tha !he <OUDCltmen on In sufl"JClent time, then the maUU fo the spirit of the cooklellft per "· the Fl1day Prior to lhe!r mettlnp on lhoutd he held ov-:," be eJl>lalotd. but to use of Iha Civic Center for lhe fint ml thin! MondfYI cl the n-.e 1-...n CoOnCIJman, ~ jQll projecll other than municipal govern-month. about one year ago, bu dnJleol 1 letter m<!ll. Matten have come up before the ...,., ouUinlnl the proposed polJc'r. wl!!!:ii ta I • lined on four· main polnta: ··e1ty '°'•m1ltill ihOuid not-bo run by expodiency, but .by judlcloOa deClalon, "RmuUona and propouls· lrt0 too lmpol1Anl lo .-In U-,., and then expect 1be dlY llalf to Int.rpm our thlnld"" "11\e "'""Ith of our . 0011ncll la lri lta ability t6 view moat subjectl f...m a bactcround fl eaperlence. ntM lom&- tlmos «llbles IM to point cot welt· ne0es of a proposal_: • , b<fore ,.. 10 public. ' . ''1111t ~ICY. eouJd fl90' """ ....... ,. ... "111 to a.. Cllr -o1 an .,.. _._.,,,due ....... of -Jot! <ounoll ................ hi conclUdes. • \ • •' , I ' , 1. 1. UILY PD.OT c . . 'Liv~ng Death' I Enih. ·.for Boy; · lnL!JngComa A klM <i U>1ns dtath IJnally ,...W a ( till?lfw~ ·lf<Gl1'1 In COllJ llM& 1\Hod.iy, ,.. ... JUMlld boy ~ ill • ·-· ~ 'don .,,,... belnc mind lollowlqfa lilrtmJidlll pool-ldoijl ICl!'hael Willan, <i 1791 N. Laird SI., SW """· diad w1t1iou1 rqalnlnot .... -. although Santo. .Ana Po!Jce Set K<nl -illriod.lilm brealhill& , •iain.wlth ~ -bilan; .\tttrio1 at \be home af 'Mt. ml Y.n. Louie Wlllm in respome to an emerpney <Ill. Sat. Reelor doVe ln1o their lllqnallt ... !Jrunlng pao! lat Oct. 17, spotting Michael'• Jep m the murk. The victim WU l\llbed to a holpltal, but irreparable brain dama,e bid ap. par"'1.Y been calllld ,by ~ck <i OIJ'l"D to \be brain and death -olllclally liMI IS accldental c!rownJni. Y""" Mkhaei WU finaUy llllllferred to Fairview State HQllllilll, o!nce be required COOlitanl care. !tip, Wood L u . -d'!'lbe '*""!117 I« IOlni tbrcuP --the Cuba fllPI, 11\0 "'':' _. kept aboard ·ll Mtllllf • ""' lfilllnl ol \be crew b7 J'BI qonta. At one t!me a Delta reprtltDta.tl ve came off the plme and Aid, '"nt11e people want a cold beer. Try and get a couple ol cues.11 From lime to Ume a passenger wu e.corted oU by an • FB1 ..... I« a qu!U trip •1" I "" .... ' ' 'lbO bJjacker ....... from a frGlit Mii In the tourlJt -It' put the, ... on Min aie.llm and waited bir-io \be c4ctJJt' . 'l1le otewan!eu uid ahe attempted to question tbt man m hla reuons for t¥1n4 over \be plane but llid she could make UWe sense out d hla CCJGoo • verllikJna. . .".\!! I -ta!!." lllt. ,.W, '"was 1111U11•-la11-i.o." · 'l1le Plane l..,ie; Alely at !Uvana, wbeiO the -117 pard around the termioal arti Wb IO tjpt·ihll·foreip --could nol &el • lflmpot of Ille hljact.... j;ky piracy h11 taken l,Sl'7 -· '"'the ~run to Fldd c.tro~' islllld lbll yUr -165 ol tllern ill llarcb. '. Air Cal to Increase Fare • . . ' From Count): to Bay Area : <>ranee COllllly travelen to the San Francisco Bay ~ea will Mve to pay blgber air !area beginning April 15. The Callfornia Publlc UWJtlca Qmmlpion Tueoday srlllled permlosi011 to Air California to tncr:eue ticket pricel aod adopt more flexible routings. In an interim order the PUC said the intrutate alrllne could -, .... for tts roui.a between <>ranee County and the San ll'rlDCllco Bay artl, between OakJand.San Jooe and Ontario, and --........ ,~. Unlled Alrlineo, Pldfic Southwell Afrllnel and w ...... Afrllnel an have a1mllar applicatlom for 1ncre111es pe.ndlnz belcn ·Ille commlJsion. But the PUC !ell that Air Cjllllornla faced llUfllclent . emtr1ency to crant interim rtlltf. " • lncruser were •h9ul t pet<tlll, witll. farts betw-Oranic Counl7 and tbe' Ba7 Ana jumptnc bun llU5 lo l!Ut. '!be PUC allo allowed Air Callfornja ; to OlleJ!d 'l1Cf ..... -ill operatins righta by cbanctn1 its aclledul'" durlJii .. oll-peat houri. . Afr California spot-In OrlJWI! . County doclined to -on tbe PUC IClluJ leday. Aerospace Nde Miedel Services · Slated Thursday .·. A opot-.n for ~eek FIJ!lily Colonial Funeral 'I'-· w-. laid 110 ....-will bl "'14 Jocaily, but \be body jl belq lilipped to Waller, Tei., for burial. DUAL SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATE VAUGHN (RIGHT) PONDERS NOTES 8URINO FORUM SDS L11dor S.ya Other Offlet SHkera Afraid lo Spook Out on S.x Educatlln Staie Assembly Okays Local Laws On Topless Shows SACRAMENTO (UPI) T b e Services for aerospace consultant Robert · E111ene Mledel who died ol .,, apparent heart atlact Mooday bi IM·_. Angaito while en route to Wubilllton . D:C., will be held al S p.111. ~J .. 11 Padllc View Mtmorfll Pirt. ... Bo~tyard Trio Loses in Fight For Auto Jack A trio of Saota Ana boatyard laborers I011t a tug-of-war ovir a two-ton capacity automoU.ve jlC~ to a COlta M111 lll'9ice station auendant Tuaday and wom>d up in jlil, police uJd today. Glen S. Adams, attendant at the A1u 4 ander J, GaudenU . Enco. station, 1897 Placentia Ave., said he lflbbed the till piece of equipment by the ha..rJe, juat.u the 11.11pect1: car drove away. Qn .. ol \be men bad ._bed ,\d.lml ukfnl f!J' a restroom key, )le told Officlt Mar~en, but be. iiXf6enly dedd<il to dfecl:' the rear onh! lllilllon' ahort11 tlm'eafter when the men didn't leave. Tiiiy lrlld to -.be approac:bod, but wert too late, Adama aald. A police-broadcast dtterlption of the stltlon wagon involwd ltd P1trolmln Bowen to pu11 the vehicle to the curb on Placentia AvenUe at Hamilton Strttt al'jf arrest three occupants. Booked for lnvutigation or srand theft were the driver, Albert Carrillo, 2', of 1207 W. Third St.; David Alvardado, 27, of 1500 W. Second Sl.; and Armando Palacio, 21, of UH5 W. Third St., all Santa Ana addreues. .Frolll p .. ., l COOKIES. • • from t a.m. to $ p.m. durinl April, far the packing and culni of cooki•Wt .uppiltl.. . Mrs. Oliver nid Tuuday that the Plhtry Marketa are donatln1 SOO larae plutic hap and the Cotta Mua Downtown Bualneaamtn'1 Aaoc11Uon 11 provhilna paper tape to secure the cookie c ..... Boin will be provided by \be South coait Plua Merchants Assoc.11Uon, she added, uylng the Newport Riviera Women's Kaffee Klatch group hu alteady baked and packed several cases. H/\.11 ~ 1111tll GU.Ml COiUT PUILllHUM COIVAHY I.•~ H. W•.4 ..,..... d NM111hW ..l••k a. Cfffrr v-. .,,. ....... .., .....,.. ......... TN.::.J.••·11 Tltt•• A. w.,.iw •• --' ,.., Nlu"1 ~Dlrwftr 'C....._OMM ~· JJt Wttt 1.., Sf,.et w • .., ....u,.... •.o. ·-llH, tt•2• . --........ ...,_, .. , .. , ........... l-~:nt,_,._ . *"""""' 9"c:tl1 ....... \ From P .. e l CANDIDATES DEBATE SEX EDUCATION • • • Mltmbly today pa....i 50-ID -i aent to the Senate a bUI aimed at lllowlnfl 1ocal governments to enact law1 blDnlnl topl"8 and bottomleu abowl. But opponents ol the meaaure by Allemblyman Floyd L. Wakefield (R; Mr. Mlidtl, "· WU empJOyed for n.'; years In Wuhinifon with the Ajr Foree" Sylleml COtnmuid. He retired lhno yws qo becauae ol m .boalth anci. had lince "'°" aaeli-employed -..Jtant. for the atl'Ollpace industry. ~ tion film delcrlptione froDJ an Anaheim IChool dlltrlct list and when cul short by a five-minute time limit reacted, "Oh my, not .really." Board incumbents were asked thei r position on sex education. Mrs. Lilly said, "We would rather call it family life because au education is a very mlnui. part of tt." Lloyd E. Blanpied Jr. 1akl, "I'm glad we did at.art taking a look at it and I'm DO( uhamtd 9' iL;' ., "We have done IOtl1e research but not yet 111Ched a conclu1lon. It strikes me u , a ""'°nable approach to an iuµ,e •bot tbrGop with emotJonallun," sild Strauu. c'oi)Unen!Od j!ooerict H. MacMJlllan, "I.am a IOdal worker and I feel a need for the P"'fll'llll. It should be a ahared program, not something the achooll take over." The Rev. Mr. Jones said h'e doesn't have any particular •1 to grind but when he started conlact.in& folkl to tee what their concerns are he found 11U educa· tion to be a very real issue. OCC student V 1ughn had the tut word. He said he'd like to tee schools provide more cex education and offered the opinion 11there are others running for the board who stronsJy btlltve in it too but can't come out and say It be- ~u~ the community is all hung up On IOI. Each ol the COJ!testanta 11ve a brief, stand-up ~ advanclnc his or her qual- iflcal.lons and pl&Uon:n. Here is what they nid' . Mrs. t.ply -"After my years on the board I feel Somewhat like a motbe:r who bu borne an unprepGllWing infant. I'd 11.R to be around a few more yean to aee how the unified dlllrict tumJ out. We have passed that marvelOUJ bond iuue. Naw pethape "' have time to begin to develop our tremendous potenUal.'' Alvin F. Bendu -"J'm rnnnin1 becaU1e I'm uptet with the protresa ol the ne" ayttem of educ1tlon at C.Osta Men HJgh School where I have two children. T}le sctKlol ii len on ill own by the ICbqol board. I feel this Is 1 very dan&V'OUI aituatlon." dropouts. There needs to be more em· South Gate), volced. fear that 9uea and The Rev. Mr. Jones -"I believe pha!IJ on learning rather than time countiea ual.ng the au~Uon a1ao the board should not ,relfnquish its spent in the clauroom." might prohibit the wearing of bWn!J respxalbllity on controvenlal issues. Paul E. Mauey _ "I've noticed we on a beach or performances by legiUmate Whtn 1peaten. are b-·""'t onto campua dancing troupe1. • •u••a11 have a tendency to Selffljlte drug of· w ke!I Id aid hi b.ll tn'"'"'ed it has a responsibility to obtain speakers a e s 1 t wu 1e1R1 renders. We are 11yin1 we don't trust to JJmlt topl"s __ , bottomleas -~ representing bolh viewpoints. I'm not •11u -"•• afraid ol ~ choice itudents will make." the good youopten llDOr'll the delln-but Democratic Aaemb~ Mike quent subcultur!. We dcll't itve lhtm CUllen of Long Beach and Alan Sleroty N·M lllitrict f of Beverly IDUa argued fl could aJao Blanpied -"We've undertaken a lot credit Thelr mores miiht rub off on apply to otber1. of problems and on~ reaaon I want the bad younpten lnltud of the other Cullen voiced feaT the meuure to ltly on the boltd 11 .to see them w1:y around." e.!tabll&bed 11the griMmdwort'fcr makln1 through. One new thing we are golng occ Dklrict I the wearing of a blkln1 batMn1 .Wt lnlo 13 the middle •cl!i>ol or three-year ljadda _ ''There ls a criUcal n<ed unlawful in t1lOle clUeJ that adopt junior'hJlh school If "Is a controvu1lal ordinances under U1il bill." •T dtelrkln to inove siJth grtden into mid-for a cunicuJwn· relevant to practical Sieroty challenged whether entertainers die· tcbool u m !o many we baye to Jiving. VolaWe student energy mu!l be such as an African dandcg troupe with At \be thne of hll retirement be w11 special uailllnt to lht cominmider. or ... AFSC. · • · ' Survlv>n include hll wile, Jean. of. "" home, :1115 EU.Oere Ave., aad a. brother, William Mledel al Oblo. . • Burial will be at Pacllk: View .. Memorial Part. Laundromats Hit : ' For $100 in Looi : make." · ' directed not onJy to IOCial reform but exposed breasts also would be outlawed MorTOW -"A m1jor problem Is channeled into poslUve goals." at cultural and theatrical events. Inveltiptor1 Jogged three la~t · · narcotics on and olf campus. l have Vaughn -"The problepl is the kid11 ''1bls blll gfves to local governmentll burg~lu Jn <"Alita Mesa totaUnl nlarJy . .- aeen students removed from my don't like the education system. It Is the right to pau ordinances in v,jy $100 in nickels and dimts n..dlyJ ·. clauroom by authorttles one day and just a training ground for jobs. Students broad areas," he warned. Etter E. Lawrence reported a $15_· be bact the nut as the center of at-don't learn things to make their life But Assemblyman E. RJchlrd Barnu burglary at Dick'• Laundry, 107 .Santa tentlon. I propo&e when the sc}lool i3 happier." (Ft.San Diego). said cities and towns Isabel Avt., with soap, bleach and plutle·· first notified of apprehenalon by the demanded that the legislature approve bag vending machines pried open. ·. authorities the student be automatically a bill declaring ita intent not to preclude Antonia Alomar, employed by Coin-A.o IUlpended unlU acqultled." Ship Sinking Off SF the field of topJ.,. "'llliation. Laundry, 177 E. 17th st .. «porled a•, N-M l)j1trld· S "I'm pleading for the common people, $15 Joss from a dozen different macblntl, \ Straus. -"I think '' is important SAN FRANCISCO (A P} -The stricken lhe towns and citle.!! and counties, who noting that the laundromat was hit for the district teach children how to think. Peruvian freighter Yavari was in im-wish lo have this authority," he sald . $100 a mooth ago. They will be living in a world we cannot minent danger of sinkin' in the Pacific However ~semblyrnan John Kno:r (D-Gary D. Jung, employed by the ~ visualize. I don't think we abould decide today, her decks awash m JJ.foot 1Wells Rlchmoocl), termed the measw-e "an Wuh, 1812 Monrovia Ave., said three whether any one tuue is relevant. we 950 miles IOUthwat of here. utterly muningl~ piece of legillaUon." s:o.p machines Were rl8ed ,of$3: Mould teach them b1lance." I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Dr. John W. Chuaell -"Teen-age I crime Ls a major problem but the .public doesn't know ·it. Jt is h1ndled vuy quietly. We should UH the icbools as a crtme prevenUon fnstltntJon. There are no courses now' to delineate \be rlshts and re1ponalblliUe1 of a pe1Ce officer." Terry W. Hay w&I not present. Mn:. Martin -"The tchoel -l)'&tem is pushing children at a terrific rate today. They don 't have the time le> goof olf '" did when we were growing up. We are preaentlng them with adult problems before they are ready." N·M Disb1ct 7 M1cMUl1111o -''We muat work closer with the community on the problems of dnlg abuse, ,., educallon and school .From P•e l CAB HEARING •• .. by coun,.r·ror,Olher alrllnea, prlncipaUy Unlled AfrllbOL UAL la not. amoni the applicants for the County•Pactlk: Northw..t route award, but \be line Is deltnnlned to keep u many Orqe County -·• on its Loi Angtltl IntemaUonal fli1btl u poulble. UAL spokesmen offered a technical rtbultal to an Air Cal clllm that the m would be capable of the non-stop night on the basis of wind and weather condltlom al County Airport. Richan! Nair, 111 lnv11tment banker wilh Finl C.llfmlla Company of Sin Frtnellco, ttstlfled to the financial atalilllty ol Air Cal. He llid hll firm wu underwrlU., 1 l'l.5 mllUon Air Cal atoct lllue. Nair underwent otenlive qlllllJoolnc b7 UAL COWlld. At one poln~ Nair wu .. tell wbelber IM Afr Cal stock would be "1peculaUve." "Well," reptied Nalr, 11Jt'1 not lor widow• and orphanl." lie quietly added , "Nliiher II \be stock of other alrlinie." Afr Welt and Conlinental alrflnu, ccm- petlq with Afr Col f0t the county ru,tii., wera to man thelr pilcbea Iller today llld T!llradl;y. TYPE OP CRAFT 'l'llq ... upec:ted lo be ahllply qu~ licl>ed a11o on 1M type ol alrc:tall the7 propoJe to use. Alr West plans to UM the Douglu De.I, even though \be line bu acknowled1ed In prepared latlmony that a runway lon1er than the airport '• 5,70().foot runway would be required for lifl..olf ol the tt-pauen1er craft. Contlnental ~ to use the ~ Pl""""' Boetni .• thrOHJlilne jetliner that has been banned at Washington International Airport. Burglary Suspect Said on Narcotics A' commercial fisherman accused of the bur&lary ol a ea.ta Mna ttore had been found to be in. danger or addiction to narcotlca. Superior Court Judie Robert Gan!nu ordertd commitment to the Callfomla Rehabllltatlon Cent.r'of Theodor. Yunls, 23, of Sallll Ana. Yunls "111 ht detalnod 11 \be state faclll\Y for an lnd<llnlte tarm. Ht wu captured by tmployes ot Sears Roeboct and eo.. 3131 s. Brl1to1 st .. lllt Jan. 24 afttr 1 foot chi.It. He WU booked OD burlllry Cbatgtl and accuted or iattni mott Ut1n ltc.:I from \be •tort's babJ ahop cuh resister. Those char1<1 wlU bs held In abeyaoce peodlJ1I CRC reports on Yun1$. CONVENIENT Til\MS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAR8E SJJl.00 1161.00 To lhe Bid wlio knows what sho wants but "°' where to find IL Mat~h your style wilb our many distinctift designs. And ask us about ovr famous °""'"''"-""'- I ti YaA.RS IN THE SAi.if LOCATION rHONE -1401 1 l " .. .. in ol . . • . l : nl 1( " .... la'·· " "'. Ill . c ·. ... ... A, ... n . 1..,. • i .. ; d. •• ' ',. • . .. ~· y .• ·. s:· • ~·- .• ... > . . r • ·. ' '• OPIN SUN6AY 9 'TIL 5 OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR . STATION 1 ,, ' FOR . ORANGE , COUNTY ' * PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 26 TO APRIL 1 ••• ' 111/J!j'~ CAMP TRAILERS THEAILNlW *Easy to Tow! * Easy to Parle! * Easy to Set Upl * Easy to Own! ' SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN COLEMAN '69 When you go camping you w1nt to ump troublt frt1. Coleman knows that. So when we designed Our camping tr1il1r1 we kept you in mind. The result ts 1 line of handsome, long lasting campers that anticipate your camping needs-1vold campsite problems. ... "'! ' See Them All-at Grant'sf See Them ALL at Orange County's Largest . . SAVE ON ALL of your comping needs at Grant'• , . , from Conteen1 to Cook sell ... See all of the brand new 1969 model• of Coleman appliances ot Grant's nall(I We'v• gat it when you need itl Stoves , , • lanterns , , , Heaters 1 •• Tenll ••• Tra iler• , •• Sleeping Bogs, etc. New for '69 NEW for '69 I "rhe Umllrella" THI TIADITIONAL f~torit1 1men1 c1mpen •• ; this 9'x9' Umbrell• tent for 1 f1mlly of • 4 off1n eM ef tht fin• c.o1 .. ~· '"'" ft1turt1 from ridge te "'"° \C~~ 4,.. flHr. ,:~i~ ;,: .. $)988 ·" .... ~~ .i. "Fhe Vagabonds"· ~.ifp E:rc-~~~E FLOOR ... LOCK-0-MATIC DESIGN NEW!' 3·11. DACIOll3 "II'' AllD "76" DACIOll~ ' B'xl 0' (Sleeps 41 . , .... , .... $89.95 •20.11 9'x12' (Sleeps 61 .......... $104.95. 10'x13' <Sleeps Bl ....•... :$119.95 OlllU SUIPIMf IAGS FIOM $10.11 "CHARIE IT" 1t GRANT'S ' SURPLUS WE HONOI ALL MAJOI CREDIT CARDS • BE Dealer! , .•• l&LBI Thi tieet'l onl The hotteet _.,, hillory on @Jfi C.mp Stov1111low11 $11 .tS l1nt1rn1 •• ltw 11 ... $10.tS He1t1n II ltw ••.... $16.tS Wtd.....,, Mardi 26, 1969 DAILY PILOT S ADDmONAL NIXT DOOR AT PARKING GRANT'S GULF . SEE GRANT'S GIANT EXHIBIT AT THE PAN-PACIFIC SHOW! MEN'S DENIM Lev rs The eritlnal rfvtttd XX Dtalrn leri'•• 111 lh•• 27"d7'" th r 11 SO"'a 32". •s.ta BOYS' LEVI'S~ SIZES 0 TO 12 •4.98 * * N~W IN PaOGalSS * * . Ove~ 400· Rifles & Shotguns On Dlspl1yl ASK TMf IXP'DTSI Gr1t1f1 h• °'"""""" It 1t1fft4 •1 expert• "" their flel• •f lhMti"ll Whlttwr you Nr ••llt "' f llM/ tn.. • $20.00 22-llfle II • $2.000.00 Shettun. Gt1nr1 Mt it f1 sf'Ktl Conie l1t 1nd. '" for JO'lnelf ... tf tt.e l•rw••t lhct1 tf 1111t1 111 S.11thtnli 'C.llf1111'11I ·-· • .......,aw-·•-.,_ ..... ........ ::::=,. ......... _ .... •Ml.I ' l"9M ..._ ... •W.tl ..... .... _ ··- OVER 20,000 PAIR LEVI'S" IN STOCK AT GRANT'S ••• NUVO . SLACKS BY LEVI'S~ IN NEW CHECKS & SOLIDS NIW SHll'ME'NT ,, the l•t•st l1Yl8 st.,,..tari Sl•cb ••• colorful ul1ctloa •f Cbtdt1 end solid. cekln 111 1 ""'" •ltll rlllfl If tb11, '8 LADIES SLACKS by LEVl'S"c:;_-~ NOW YOU CAN nltct froM 111 tf tht 11ew-MW 1tyl11 1f Uvl'.e Slttk• 111d. J11n1 tor •II you 1111! S11 Gr1nt'1 for th1 ptrfect flt! ··9 UP fVfRY SIZE/ • IVERY COL ORI • "Jh largerl Sfoclc In Onrnr• Cou•frl" IVERY STYLE I New Colors! New Stripes! In Grnf's W11f1r11 Dept.I HANG· TEN T-SHIRTS ·WESTERN BOOTS $1695 •"MANG.TEN ... 100% ln:uriou1 combed cttton ••• M 1hrlnklnt • , . ·no wrlnkllllf , •• nt lrtn· lrttl In llu•, N1vy, Grun, White, Gold. 111d. Utt 11111. s.M-l·XL. Stltct frtm S.lld. e11d. Strtp.11 FAMOUS "DUlANGO" Wtsftnt lootp Jn the l1t11t 1tyf1, ''atu1h.Out"' li.,htr for ru1· t•d. Wttr. Sl1t1 6 ft 12. SAVE MORE ON CAMP GEAR at GRANT'S I G.I. STYLE RICI. $1 .91 • FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL 99c ..... • .. -- ALUMINUM PACK FRAME s49s lrtnt't c1rrl1t e CIH'll•l•I• 1tock tf 1N types 1f P1ck1 ind Fr1m11I lnclud.l"t tUm1l1y1n ,tck fr1mt1 tnd. ICCllHrltl, Gr1nr1 C1nit1 A· Compltft Lint ti RICH'MOOR ll!EZ!.ORllD FOODS I SH Grant's First! WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! , ... ,. . ,,, .. , ., °""' CAMP TOAS~ER l••r te uni Spmd1 httt n1nly. < -.. ,..,,,,.,,, CAMP TOILET Complete Stock of C.st Iron Cookwtrt NOW lN STOCKI I ' '·'"' ·~ : . . . . ~ :->·c· jD~Y P~ -~~ ·P~GEl . '· ... -. ~. , I ' ' ·. t.< ·' -End Sewage ll9lluti~n . Slllce J1111. 18 aome alO mil!!"" aallOnl .ofnw·sfft •ll!l •liave poured tro111 a rupiur.d plpellpe Ill River-·" side lllto the Santa Ana Rjver, moved throujh ceil\n! Or&llJ• County and anded 11p polluting be~bu on ·~ •. Orange Co¥!· · • Riverside -official• uy·that leniporaty repatis 'an· complete on two main ••"1~e llneJ, reducing the daily ' · flow of raw sew'age into the. river :froin e·muuon (al~.~ . Ions lo a half million •. Repair of a third, smaller .lljle;. will take another i.wo w.Us. ·surevan .as the flow Of.,. A raw oewage Is being ellmlniteil,. theiflow of tr~. ••wage increases from San Be~ A!l<I Riv~. •·. ~ceunties. . .... : i-' • .,. * •. Storms can and do lnlllcl terrible ·llDd unexpeCl;a ' • damage and cities may or may not 'be llow.ilj maJdn& · • ' repai,rs . Tb.es~, however, are not problems of.great iJn.. · portance compared with the need to find 'I permanent alternative lo.dumping sewage -treated or untreated -into the river. · · · · · ·: ~ ! , .. · ' -The Santa Ana River hU become a '~ge ·!runt" sewer, each' d'ly carrYlng sQll)e 50 "1lllion 1anoa1. ot • · . waste water to the Newpol}HUJl!blg\on, Beech area . from RJvenide, Redlands, San Bernardino, Cciltoa. , Rialto, ·Olitario, Chino and other sewer dlslr!cls ... , ~ • UsWilly this water i. divertad for.irrlgatlQO or other puzpoaes, bu! .with major ralri ,Sto".U!' II heiids to~ lh• •.. Orange Coeft baaches, . · , · Fi114iDg 'IU¥>tber way to jlisp(> .. _ o( •ewage effluent . -such u pipe!lnes . ~Would lie a good way to ·~1- nate the river contamlnallDn. problem, ·Whioh 1s ofton . '· greater locally'tban at the lSOurce of the bacteria-laden , . ; · sewage. Rigid iitandanls .with meenlniful . penalties · might be another way if strict enforcement .of the: standards was demanded. . . pe~'•··m the river and &.cbol . "·!!~ d1wn (Jl,.Ne1!J10rl ~), ind'~ 'If.' . (~HIDltlJ>tlon e.acb) have brought --.~ atteatlon of the state govun-ment'bjl ietllllil lllii 'lJeglalatme to oponsor studies of permenllilt 'IOlullon• to the JIOllatlon probl11111. ~ should be ~od by . the local city counclll and by llie resld~jol' ~ area. •.. , Ul!fl!ll• ii l~n, the s..tlU\na Rivar 1:an ~Jong · aild the beacllte a ,.. f:i!'!,9!.fGr\IJ,~~ of.~ of persou llvilll far and:i-, l . ~....... ·~ •, ' ' . . . .. ... ~ . ·. . . · Youth and the.~~ !~~1 'lbere was a dllturbint ~·-;.·~·~,­ school·students, police Juvenile offlceiii"l'l!\·~6¢li ~ leaders at a recent "Youtll and the0lliaw" procrani ot fhe Orange Coast Leagne of Woibell Valera. ' The cot1seuus was !bat~ people dlatrus.t ponce • Several sugestlons on what to do" abWt· \t Involve the gcbool<. Amotll jbem: a ''cop oa cam~" program, studenu ·or teachif~',.rldillg wlfh police on patrol and achoo! otodY about tbe tole of the policeman,. . An appropriate way to follow up ao111e ot.t!it1e.ldea1 would )>e, to have the-llarbor Area Joint Clllu-Scho.!>1 · tlalaon ·COmmlltee taile the lead In exploring tbem. • The Llallon Cpmmlt!M;'lt will he recalled,)wa• fom>-' eel followiJ>f failure'<;( a ·sC/'001 bond elicllOD a year and a half ago and 'Sllbleq!/,Ollt rec:IJnlnatl6bl.?A school bond ilsue now ~·· been;pilued. . . . . .. . • . • • . ' Inland cities ~ve· fought vigorously to asiert )heir claim to· water rights. ID the r1 .. r. An equal amoUJ)t·of effort to solve the sewage problem might result in a Ways to overcdn!<i dlltrult of youth fq, ~ce offer a new challenge ail!. an cpportunlty for liieal..aable public service. The school district and clty,i~ent, which run. the police fon:e, Will want lo woit: Cli>tel:f to- gether on 'tl)IJ &ertous problem. .. · 'Heah now! Y'all tDallt thoee co111171Us to find out we'ah not per/tcf!" :·· . ' 'An-E,,..,.110 is in No Sense a MinU.ture-11utna•• Being' 4 • Asserts California Abortion , Law· Should Be Repealed To the Editor: you are respoMible for what happens. AD you 1tt thinking atiout is yourself. When you think of .having an abortion to do away with_~~ -':JJrOblepi." You have a responsi.bititY to your unborn cbl1d once.life bu~ It Into becom- ing· a human being._, W& are yoa to decide who can live aad wbrt can't? · ~ to l>e a roundlbout way of of &lant banU as well aa the 1ar1antuan butklli1& the atrport runway• lon1er. My insurance companies. They need lt, but The ....Ututlonallty of the Calilomla abortion law is now being challenged before tbe state Supreme Court. In defen· ding the law, tbe attorney general con- tends that &ince '!her• la • large ibody of evidence !UppOrting the· fioding that human lile beg!ps with the 1IDibo of sJ)mn and egg, the expect.ant mother l1al no more rilJ>I to snuff 9"I the life of her unborn baby than . to kl11 her one-yesr-<>ld cblld. l would like to dispute his argument. ·entlre . n&jgbborbood. covering two we certainly don't. -tt; bu uted tho City Council of 1'b1I guy McCracken calls for "a a1ern ~, Meaa to Include ua In their city policy of 0 .. 11 and monetary rutralnt," and w. are more thin IO percent strong which, stripped of semantics, means on tlllJ request! We know that Coat.a simply "stop the money, man, stop tbe fio matter what .the case rpiy be: poulble deformity, mental relardelion, no ~y. dunag~~ to )'Wr.,.. ·~ect..", !He, you liave a wo•t responilblllty lo MeSa will do something about our prob-circulation." A tragic t h o u g ht 1 lems. · Anarchists would overthrow the gcwem- JOHN McKAMEY ment by fore., but the FRB is trying to overthrow the human life force by born child ~ " )'OUl' un , . ' ~ •. ·. /. . . AN EMBRYO IS IN no sense a , ~' YOU'RE one month .,s;._6.r_ mlnla-Jaunan being· it m<re1y con-· ellbl months pregnant, wbo woul«.ioe tains the potmtial to 'iw:~ .1,; killlnc"a lile which bu every ltd, child la f(l'JDed by the · and e,ven more . ~ ~, ·~ live, ~ ....... physical lateractfons cl the embryo'wltlr .' penonce this lilo, IO 1am tnowtedfe, its internal aod atemat environment. · to be a leader or"a tra.&4 collector, The .-ic material pre,.nt In the wliatever hll lile may be;.;11'1 ~- fertililed egg is the blueprint wblcll not .yours:_. ~ · ' . . · controls the direction these interadtoni' Aitd if -you do g~t an. ·~bon.ion ft will take will .be you who wdl, rem'1"• and · : regret It. Yoo're dealing younell a ter· ll ill lllcoos11tent to call this ~ rlble late; thit JJ1 murder. No matter bl~Pf!n.~.~.!1wn~ ~. for Um WI how yoo ntkJn&llze tt, it's. llill murder . wOUld liiVe to ci11'-a-sperm . cell or to 11Ulfy, yoar own aeifiah need& or ea half a human, for they nch contaha what you say ah IGnltOne elM's need!:. till! a blueprint. Yet we tbink nollJlnf I hope .,..., ·elpreisod how I feel . of the death of billlooo o( e"" or I'll pray far all the iihildrtn still to sperm. A bit of DNA 1s not a per.won. come to this world u.t they'll make It. :. ' ._ :. MISS DIANA WILSON • but a '-cutbaclt in the ~I school Dogs Attuk ~mfls mQ1 have · fAr rucldpl effect.I on ' • melilclne IJ:l~~ange County, )Jl\-hops on To )ho Editor: .. <., Y• .own .,niedlcal problems_ of the _,, Al a rtaldonl cl M ... Verdi, I .liawi ~ or.!IW_f~ure. _,. , · IOlll enjoyed *Ina the al!MP gr.,iq :J' ··.r, ., '~ GAllt T. ANDEllSON In the hills near Fairview Hoopital oil ·-Estancia. Apart from addini • cliannini pastonil ·~· tp;11 ....., pmtllt.;a> YINllH ... lleut lino-.-. "tliildiol 1a a ttiT ruhenio-0ilod f!Ol'dlf• To the Editor: .. lmqlne my hortvr, yilterday upon , ·Afttr·:r. A::IUchmGo (wli; said buyers seein( a ewe wltlt her mlnut-lamb 61 homes near the· county a1f1lOrl sbould belq haraued by clop which. Wider have known the airport wu there) picka tbe leaab law, hid no ript to be there hhmett·off the floor and stops··lalllhlng'"'liilhellril plaee:T.ast'year many lmnbs (Mallbo>, Mardi II), I hope be will were tilled by dogs -ii was not a take the troublo to toddle over to hll pretty sight. local library and obtain a copy of "The Magic Animal". by Phlllp Wylie (Doub! .. d•y, 1981). •'Watcben at the Pond" by Franklln'Ru ... n would be an excellent follow-up. \ t Ten years ·•&O I, too, WU enamored Ve .. ~• ;,i.-~.· of the pastoral life still extant In OrlJlie · omCEM FROM the pound are ' ~ patrolllq tho .... and doing a nm.ct.,, job, ba! wtth all thetr other clutles they cannot be thett Sf boun a day . Plout let us all prevent further carnage this yesr by calling the , Pound Immediately upon oeeJni unleuh«I clop In this area. Every .reatµtt hu the right to livt, so may"theae 'baby lambs and >beop loq enjoy .... hllll. 111e,.~ School ·eaunty. We only bad 1mog Ihm or To the"ICCll!a': f -: four da1• a year. It wu actually quiet AA .at.stihnt':,8t iuc Irvine 1 wateli someUm• .No more. Now I have the JULIA LANGDON roar of the frffway to Usttn.1to. (l~d the .da!IY· _...., In Orange County's ntbU b •• r lions and ugm,). Tho lint lnldical IChool being bullt on t!>ls olrplaoes and h<llcopters. roar· 1 · IOI, cimP,.,, ~ I '"wonder U the averap· ~·,. not to mention bQt rodl -and resident· realizes the importance ofAl"_a· mlf,\bltes, motottycles anil ~ can, S Ill eveep,iedical educaUon is going ~ . •pewtng out thetr obloene ~ and pe lltr a lantulic period ol growth, and with !Uthy uliaust.s. ' To the Editor: government. MILT BASHAM t ' E-,Jt freeteaJ!• r:~ Edlior: .,,. Wliat looll we m. In the name o1 flrOIJ'elll ~fl'll el)'CMl!C' oar ·~ area In cemem., Do w need two men freoway1? WJth, tho blue llne,.the sreen line and the red line, where will our lliellne be? Will we .eiqoy Uvinl here 1n a few more years? We have the Sin· Dle10 Freeway and Uie Newport Freeway only a few miles from us for those. in a hurry. We have a broad highway to the beacbil. Some freeways are good, but too much of a good thing im 't necessarily better. WE CAN DRIVE to the Los Angeles Airport in 40 to 50 minutes, which makes me wonder why we should make our airport larger. I have heard that only five percent of the people tD \his country fly. Do the others then have to have jell over their homes whether they like it or not? · Why don't we spend our money for more parka, .trees' and for a good transportatkm .. sy1tem from which we wtll all beMlll! • ELEANOR V ALOES THE PROBLEM r~ •. then, to detmnlne at.wllal point iii dlftlil!ment an embrJO can,.bt •dered a ''pi!non," with God-giftn ·afn d ·~ riilbt.s. Since we ... e oot•bllw.d that a baby ls slowly tj-'A>l:red within lbe mother, rather UMql JmeluUy created, it II a IClllleWhlt lrbitrlry decision that must be made., lt ii; much Lbe aarne problem u ~ilftc,wt.. a hooae Wider ~ an~be cmsidered a borne. ~ ~t .fJftl' JlftO: existence when the b~'-~ drawn up (analogous to the f~u of the genetk blueprint by unloo of •petm and egg), when the foandliuCIDI .re dug, when the frame is put qp, or not until the family Is moved tn? tt comes new rOIW'Cb and new medical The ar11cle In the March 12 DAILY diocoverles. -~~ 1 UGllT houa 1 ~-PILOT bout the of ••· · ClaaU--ea Glaeu In tbe years to ·come • large lhare · nno.i•-BO my e a.i•w· a name ~ witness --·-u WE CAN SEE that a futiliJed qg fs not a person ; but a baby kicking in the cradle we call human because It caii ui:st on its own and interact intelllgenUy with Its environment. I pro· JKl&e, then, a.a a reasonable arbitrary poW al-wbkh to begin treatlq a developing fetua as a "person" wilh full rights under the law,. to be that polnt in development when the fetus could el.isl on ill own Oat.Ide the mother's bod y as an independent'being. THE PROPOSITTON lbat a._, human being with full rights Is cru¥d at con- ception Is biologicaUy ' and logically unsoond, and is mertly tho dogma of certain religious &roUPI. wlll.ch lbe atate 11hould not force on U-re1t of. lhe populace. The Califotnla abortion llw should be repealed. ~ JORN It TESTERMAN Graduate ltUdent . llfpl el Orglnllmlc BIOIOIY UCI of this dllCOVery in medicine wtll com• the lneway would pus near It, but In the Newport blaUng cue being spelled To tho Editor : from the medical School at UCI, If I didn't nalit.e how the s~ wouJ4 wroni OD a lqal documtnt wu not al acl . t ll carry. And lf you like to uae dop very funny. But DAILY PILOT staff AJ a aocl entis and aa a co ege past perfonnanoo of the UC medical . Jn your reuonlng, coasldor thlo: looklDI writer Jolm Valtma miJlpelled IUbpoena professor, I can not allow N1wport Beach &ebools is any indlcauon. 'at that aleeply llUJe mongrel d an (aupena) and that wu tunny. Please· Police 'ChJef Jame1 Gtavu' "marks o[ ·•-ten I'll ••t f ..,. I t ••~ dlcU _.., • · -March 11 lo remain Unchall"lled. The THE Pi£sENCE Of .a medical -~ ... .,..... yean ago, 1uc '" r-"P e ge · uuu 1 ~~sfAm.EY ,.,_-!EB nature of Mr. Glavu' statement was In Orange .Cotp\ty ."will "°( only increase · =• what a -yowling 'beast tt' WOUkf uvi 'M a verbal uaault of 1 lecture given the n~mber of doctois in the area, The ~ly beautiful country left around at UCI by Dr. Howard Fradkin, a !.«lg but woll greaUy lncruse the present here 11 hold ..., the Irvine Coml!W .. Bit• .Jtttef'elt Rates Beach State College sociologist. My criti-. tnowledgt ,ol ataWlahed 4iee-t-o.r4..,A.·-""::::<!I r-•· .,...,::1...-··~· -... "'.!:-. • que ii as follows: · edi I hoot is b · t d ilDU even ..,_,, seem eager w cover m ca IC . a ra.Jn rust an it with blilldlngs, concrete, asphalt and To the Ectitor: 1. Mr. Glavas atated : " ... 11¥11t college an area where ,the . latesi medical light Polft. The Back Bay will soOn be Medical ICienct tells us that clrculaUon professon are cues ol arrested develop. Jmo:-Vledge can ·be _,.Uy obtalned and a noisy, polluted meu. u t.hlt is Mr. of the-blood brlnp now11hment to nery ment. The maturation pl'OCMI hasn't rapidly dlMemlna~.. 1 . Richmon's idea of prOif'tll, he can have part ~.the body, and that lf lt Is · been completed." This ta the flrst I ~any. people are unhappy. with the it. As for me I'm 11lad 1 don't llve · im!led ln any way the body will suffer. have· heard of 6UCb a pel'ltOOl.llty uruverslly at the present time due to in Play a del Re). anymore P oat eclence monitors the ctrculatiait cbaracteriJUc amona collt.ge profeuors recent campus unte!l Thi• la reDected · • ooRi:>THY mJB!1S 'of ·lDOneY Which brinl• pt'osperlty :to ' and invite Mr. Glavu to IUbltantlate In the recent bond Issue defeat. • ' ""'1• part of the community .. If It • ..this statement. In addltlon,t I question • . I~ by high interest rata dlots1!\d the )lisWlcaliGn of attacklO, t h e A QOOJ>. ~· of that bond was ']'Jae Beu yet' .by-!be Federal Reoervt BoOnl, Uie pe.....Uty devtiopment cl an entire oc- to brinl needed , !llO""Y to help •et ljll ......., aullm, and il -Ole 1ll&li rate cupatlonal catqory hocouoe -member the medical -at UCI. Let's .... To !i)e Editor: • ... unues stuhbonlly the· economy wUI of that group ,.llO!Ud ldenWlc llndlnp cut off Clll'. nUe UI spite our fact", r hid a rtal seiwe of retrtshinent · IUfnlie, leavin& the community -m tbc contrary to Mr. tl.lvu' bil.ltfs. thoucb-'Can:Qlul unrest will die down, March J7, when my wife and 1 vllited ~ ltlttu ot a pe.uo. '-· > a Oolla Mesa City Coundl meeling and ---B1J G•Ot'fll! liwil Councilman Wllaon'• airport pro-THIS RAISING of Int""'' · l>J the 'P'liaJ. An entirely new -wu;tatea Federal Reserve 8oUd ii a boo-boo Deli °'°'1•: With recard to the Or-~ .-\!!POl't in terms el the ,._1.,mcts. R"ull: , lC)' mother says I can't find a!ld the problema with ~al Tho nation wUI ao Into ' 'a clepraalon a lljaband becaule I'm too boosy. fllgllta. 1 lhlnl: Cosla Mw~ klea u mon cstulrophlc: than the last ..,. Opposes ~flof'tl-However, all the married men f presented by Councilman Wliloft wu -bloody revoluu.n that nollod1 want&. I · 1tnow....,. h<npo<:ted..-they don't the best.yet! ·. • Y!lwli people wtth no money. no jobs, Z. MR. GLAVAS STATED: " ... th• adulaUon ol lmpr•ulonable young minds ia no answer to thtlr emotional matura- Uon." Thae "impnulonable young mlndl" art in tbe mlnor1ty, if they ealst at an. Studenb talc• _.,,, for granted and do nol bllftate to -the prof.....--constructively andl..- otherwlse. I invite Mr. Gbvu to sit In Oil -cl rD1 claaol .. thlt ht may '" for -the nstun of °"' eduat1on ..-1o • 1n1Utut1ons olhllherl ......... 'l'~'l!t Editor: seem to mind too much and I Golni dlnclly to WllhlDJt«i, D.C. but wtth an enerv that could be eaoily 1-t OllO to the leUer Mrs. G;_,.. 1hlnt the7 nther Ub IL Well, ud ~ 4'1e matt<r wtth all cl -Oil lnlo rlola, ...-c1l7, JS ·cl'fil s. ~ ..,,.. f<prdlOI the letltr l'll adJ!\11 !''!' a UtUe bouy but ..,. Iqlllallve repru'entaUvu ts a far war! A Nd de.I' for the fat cs~ who ol David A. Felde, "Aialnot Alla<>-don1 ,.. !Wilt a wife abould be J>e1ter ob)<ctfvt ·~ all an thtjr p0o watchlnr tt •l(IVW. """" fMallbol, Ftb. II),. l 'd IDie to bQuY? • • Now lull -is the federal Remve .... I • r -.. • "'MAllF%l:.' . ··m ... ~ • • • .,, .. -~.uclwt>oMedifl! . . . . UZtt,,,.."::O:h~~ we Dur!hlitf"C: · • '" · · M~Jatl~ ::''tt..c~u~ . · ' .. dol' ___ a respcmlbillly thlt -Ya, dear. ' and trjtOI to 11 a way to mowi PROM'Bsllz. it loob llb Ille puppet ;ii.ii. Even the slmple.ithlJw Uh OOpo -I mun, yes, Mabel Ille whole c:omm.-.lal _.uon ...,,. .aiii&..1.Mlll!!lcb hao a raJIGlllOlllilJ .c..-..,....,. ·ptololy out ol·111e ---Alta·11111 Yem are .._,.ihle to 10'8' boc1y lo (l'ye -married 11 years and over -bomff before other airport leod It thlnp that do ll pod. 11111 habit Is a hard llllDI to break.I !tnd ...., are -fortVtrl 11-.,.. ....,.'1-yw-have • -.. • --• -1\1 council ta a ""'1 loot •t the lo ,_, --ft be a sl I ch OONFIDENTIAL TO J U D D : a1f1lOrl requat for DlO'flOi the fneway 'aclll ..-,m,.. 1llllr life ........... J)ao, tiorrJ alWt the parJdni route and ,.u mft!11 la)' they "IOI ,oo-,.ool•tkint. >tlcllet-l'lliafrlendo/thema,..-. found OU~" The idea of moflnl the I .JLXllll.JUll.-1 .rel .. km,.then. _..., ____ ...... ____ ...,... £ori>oa.dd MuJ'\'tftay .Into our bame8 \ -Quotes 0,... OIM\I, S.F. -"Peoplo wllo nMd more mltertal 1atn t.> measme thetr •ucceu have ml-out on a lot cl perlOJ>al llappjneu. •• 3. Mr. Gliivu atat.d: "OUr aalectlon proceu ls ,.-to talce anly the upper 11• pemnt cl the pop11atioo In tarms of lnteUlgtnct." I aubmlt tliat hll oe1«> lion -m11 Indeed lit _...i to talr.e the upper Ill< pll<tllt •• terml el IP!elllpnco, but tt -not -the upper m J>W«1111 1a terms cl m. IOW,.nce. Pmloul studies hawi ln- dlalled tliat the IQ ol poUco olll<m clolely rollocll the IQ cl the _.1 ,..,.,, .. ,,.. On the oUler' band, rnoet collea:e professora do 1ndted have J.Q. 's falltng In the upper io ·pemnt •f the United States populaUon. 4. MR. GLAVAB STATED: "I'm !Ill· Uni weary of tlleae snide, psychologlca1 evaluations of the police profession. TOG many people making them don't know what they're Lalk1ng abouL" When social scientists make observations of the socie- ty u the result of rigorous methodological investlgaUon, do then COn!titute snide, irresponsible , evalua- lior111! Furthermore, Dr. Pradkl.n ii a trained crlmlnolopt and has devoted his career to tbe .invest.igaUoa of tbil area. Tbtrelort, I aubmJt lhis qudtion: ls the a priori knowledge of a member of society to have precedence over tbt cancluslona reported by a scleoWlc cllaolpilne? • I( so, then perhaps al ICienllllc ~· including that cl the chemistry, ph1Dcl, biology, psycholoo. soc10Ioa1 ·etc.. 1hould be disregarded aa well. · Mr. Glavu' remarks clearly rdlect the umrilllngness cl the lay populstlon to accept the work of social scltntista who have been trained to view tbe1r social world as objectively as pos.slble. Thank you for Rlvlnl . me the op- portunity of expressing th.,. thoughts. PATRICIA W. SEE, Pb.D Department of Sociology Chapman Collqe O•tstattd&11gl11 Fine To the Editor: As a member of the board of the CalU<nil Mlisic Educators Association. and Ii a member of the adjudication panel of the Southern C.Wornia SCbool Bsnd and Orchestra Auociation, tt iJ my priv1le1e to hear mllly school jn- strumental or1anizaUona In perfo.....- Some of these are outatandlngly line. Thoy demonstrate a auporior ability to become completely proficient in all aspects of musical performanct under the d1rectlon ol. thoroughly competent music educators. NUMBERED AMONG this latter group mu!! be the Concert Band from Corona de! Ptfar Hl&h School which appeam:I in a competition festival at Paramount High School March 2t. The musical skill and aenaiUve un- derst.andlna: wllh which the musicians in this ensemble perfo~ could only be a reflection of the irtlstic integrity and educaUonal devotion cl r.(r. Harry Cort&, their teachor and cmdu<tor. CONGllATULATIONS by the com· munlty thould be elllended to the fine YOW\I Atotricans wbo are memben .tf_ thl1 band1 and to Mr. Cores. This nota~ performance wll1 ncit 'IOOO be forgotten by thole ol us fortunate enough to be intluded in the aOdlence. CLINTON SAWIN --W- Wednuday, March 26, 1111 n. ..sitorto1 -or .-. oaa, l'ilot aHb IO t.Jonn ....S -llloll ...oder• b(I ,,, ... 1'11,,, llUe ....,._.. •• opl>llo!!s and - ...,.14r11 °" IOpjts of mtnuc ....S &igftl~CGllC._ b~ l'f<'l'iding o ,,,,.,.,. tor IM uprlllioft •t OW' r<ockr1' opf•i<>nl, Glld b, prt1 .. ~"f u.. dlvm• Iii<.,. f'Oltltt •I iflJonwd *'"'"' Glld spoke....,. °" toplca of tho ""'· Robert N. Weed , Publlsbu - - • • ' I • ' I I I I j I : r • ' I • ' I t 1 I r • OAll.Y l!UT 3 8tores Set for S:trike . Sitpermm-kets Recruit Replacement Clerks BJ IANJCS\.BEllMA.!i Gt .......... . Supermarktll in Loa Anltles and Or eountlet are recniltfnc and f~acement clerb qalnst the ')OISlbl 1)1 •Cf a lllrtke by union dorks ~t !louthun Calilornla. •: 'ft>e •Rttall Clerks lntmtlOOal Union '(An,.CIO) and the Food Employm Council, which serves u barilllnlnc ~apnt for Southern .ca 1lIor111 a 1UPl'morket IMljlllemen~ have been ..a<1uct1o1 l'OW>d-tbe.cloclt .....uau ... ·II> 'op atlelllpt to hammer out a new contract before the March 31 expiraUoo -ot the <lln'Onl .... ·~-lb< lhiut of a llrike '!JS e.ued day with LocaJ 770's Secretary Jcmeph ~ _; DeSilva's offer to have his cltrb 9.}ntinue to work without a contract ~ the preseiil ~ explrts. However, rood Employers Cound.l spokesm1n RQbert K. Fo:1 noted thlt DeSilva has :Mt withdrawn any of bl!: 117 dtmands, '·' ~ . · .. BY WIL~IAM REED ... d •••• , .Jn_ the ·Wind ' -... ·•·,Easter Week is on -it.I way and police are .gin!ing for the upecled onrush of that peculiar animal known as: the juvenile homo sapien. , Unfortunately, this year Hunt· ;hgton Beach is not gOing to be ready lo 1'!Ceive the hot little d~· Ian the darlings of the campusies usually bring with them to swell IJ!o city's coffers. -. Huntington Beach's $2.3 million ''IJGrldng lot project from the pier lo l'leach Boulevard won't be ready \ihe'n the cars arrive. Rains have delayed completion of the lots until :(W1y summer. Even at that, there j,., some concern as to the disposi· .UOn• of the millions of cars after -tlie lots are open. ' .. ·.·.-* ... Last year 111• kida did not arrive lili'llleidrona of y .. tei'yeeu. They ·Went to the desert, to Artzona and 'tb the Colorado Rive< and they may ·ifcJ so again this year. .Actually, with Huntington Stale ~ach all closed UP. because it has been drenched with raw sewage Jrom Riverside, and, with the Possibility that the swells may ~ange and send the conWnina· Uqn onto the city beach, there's no ieal reason why anyone shoUld :want to come to Huntington Beach fOr Easter Week. _ -So pertlaps there is a blessing after all in the se-wage problems on the sands. With the beaches and perking lots closedj the youngsters might as well go e sewhere. * Pacific Coast Highway is looking better every day, ~owever. A few weeks of sunshine could do won- ·ders. The pavin~ .. could begin. lighta could be installed on the new highway and the center divid- '•r could be planted. Work also could begin on the :pier. Golden West Street construe. :tion wlth its landscaped c e n t e r tdivider could get under way and, :best of all, I could go sailing once in a while. . AU this terrible weather we have :had makes me wonder what's hap- ;pening in thf! South Seas. I wonder :If I could sail tllett and bock dill' ·ing a two-week vacation. iBurke Opposing (Lease-purchase '.School P1·oposal ' Assemblymn Robert H. Burke (R-Hun- 1tlngton Be1ch) today volced 1tron1 • .,posiUcrt to a bill to permit school diltrlcta ,to le-hue school bulldlnp.' : The bill to which Burke obj«U, A.B. :214, has cleared the Auembly Education r<:emmlttee. : Burke states that "with removal of :the mulmwn ta1 ceillnp 1n July ol '1171 local school offidais could enler '.Into a I~ 1greement and build ;clusn>onu, and other acbool bolldinp : without the 1pproval of the tuplyt:rs." . Burke 11ld the bill Is another -ifllr the need to pall his own b!Il, A.II. I, which would ttlnstlte mubnum tu 4 ctlllngs due to be lifted for tchools :tn 1'71. . He argued pa11qe of bi1 bill would prtvent IChooJ bomt dmnnvenUon of lvoter lppl"O'fll sncf "the abuse of leue- jbtlct 1grttmentl." ,. wbich aUepdly lnclUde !roe auto ln- ""'"""' Io r· tienqo dl1lclrM o lll!Uoe memben. . . Nllle 1ocsJs are lnYOlvad In Ille .. p11a- tloill with tho Fqod Employtn Coancl1 and ..,....., to union 1J>!*11111<111 oacb un1oo11.a-... . ~er •. it appun that the locsJs haVe aplit Into two llldiolll: One 'Jll'Ollp that lncludet llOre derka In Ille Los Angeles mtlropolitao ....., allied with DoSlivl and aootber -. up ol Iii locals, inc!nd)DJ U-In Or .... County. 'll1e Food l!,nploym Counc!J bu dubbed them . "the Bis Sb:" lbil clalml they "have split away from DeSDva and are barplninR ii1 iood faith." Local 324 Secntary Arthur z. Berland, wbooe loco! is one ol the 11C><alled Big . Six, bu dedioed to dilcusl demanda made by hi.I group, which includes Orange County clerk1. "NegollaU... are cootlnulng and will cootinue," Berland aakL "Al far u l'm coucemed, nqoll&tloea lhould be con- da<:led at the barlalnlol lab!. and 11'>1 ln tbt public pN8I. •• A. apokwnan !or the Food Employers Collndl IOld !Is role in negotlatlaol is "lo .,..e the publie by c:urblnl ln- llatlon,• whleh he allqed ...wd re111K if DeSUvt'J demlndl Wert met. ,,,. -.... laid that in the event ci a 1trike, trained nplacemwita for derb would definl~Jy be avallahle. "We dorl' know what boon the ...,. 'f'G:Gld ·be open," ·bie u1d, "but .they'd be-..... time during each daJ." Ho a d·d e d, ''We'd like to avert 1 strike, but we , won't do it al the boUlewlves' ezpense." Said Local 32f Secretary Berland: "'nlert'1 no point la saber·ratutna by either party. We will eooduct negotiations around the clock to wort out an alJ"ie. ment wUh both porties that will be equitable to our members and to their employers." .. Condominium Protest Due • On Takeover of Green Belt Residents from the Green Valley con- dominium area are erpected to flll Foun~ lain Valley Clly Hall tonight to oppooe a propoul that the city take over a green belt In the coodomlnium. Porks and R«reatlon Commiasionen have been asked ·by Green Valley developer George Holateln lo accept about 15'n acres of green belt 1n t b • cmdom1nium for the city to dev~op as • park . c;....,, valley ....tdents claim they bou&ht homes in the development with the prorg1.se of having private part, pool and ......Uonal lacilltt ... Staoley Sta!fcrd, director of porka and recreaUon, ii achedultd to present a DAii. Y l'li.OT. P1111t 11r Pit O'lllMmll ORANGE COAST YOUNGSTERS ROMP ON BEACH WHILE REST OF NATION SHIVERS Rain in New York, Snow in Chicago, Flooding tn Des Moines and Cold in Atlanta Deadline Nears On Applicants For Summer Jobs East Whipped by Storms, As West Enjoys Spring Assembly Slates Hearing on Sewage Breaks staff report oo the feuibllity ol the · city developing the park. Applicants for summer jobs with the By United Pre11 loternattoall protectlon alone IOI -feet flf h Co6t of maintaining the proposed park Fountain Valley Parks and Recreation Heavy rain and mow, whipped by Passumpsic 'river In Vfll'!lmt ad the would be about $23,000 per year, plus Department have been asked to notify gale force winds, aent rivers coundng weather bureau sajd many mWI ltreaml an initial $3,000 for purchase of equip-the department by this week, said Stanley out of their bank.!1, triggered power were raging out of. their banU in Nt!WJ ment. Stafford, parks director. failures and snar}ed tramportaUon from York's Hudlon and Mohawk riftll "eW are not currently budgeted to Nine jobs are open with the city's the Midwest to New England, with frost system.I and in the Adirondack mount.Un pay for auch a project,," aaJd Stafford. tt).week swimming program, said Stal-forecast as far south as the Gulf coast area. One block of. Canal Street In Troy, The Assembly Natural Resources Com-"ln order to do it a park district wouJd ford. today. N.Y., was cloeed when pavemesrt bqan mltt.ee will hold a apeclal hear l n C have to be let up, and the area realdenta Positions include lifeguard ($1.07 per New York City had more than two crum"\>Una into a flooded creek. '1'1Nrlday in Sacramento to investigate wou1d have to pay tht coat In much hour), cashier ($1.'15) and locker room and a third inches of. rain by late W!nd austa up to 100 mllel an hour: the causes and effects of the Riverside the same way lhey alrudy pay It." attendant ($1.52). Tuesday night, causing power fallurea were reported in Vermont. Stafford l.ndjcated there were 1everal Lifeguard personnel should hold a lmtlng as long u 11 hours. A commuter airplane •kidded off a aewer breakJ still pouring mllllona of legal problems involved and al.so the senior life saving cert,ificate and a water 'Thousands of commuters were tem-runway at Ch!cago'1 Meigs Fltlid u gallons of raw sewage onto Orange Coun-feeling of the residents. safety Instructor badge. ,C'8hier:'s ex-porarl!J stranded in Boston aa mere the city was d\l.1ted with a cover ot. ty beaches. "We are only considering a proposal peflence is preferrtd for that job. than an Inch of rain triggered a short snow. The plane burst into flamet, but The hearing is taki.na place at the broucbt to us," he emphasized. Swimming programs will be offered clrcult, abutting down all trolley, the tight occupants escaped Injury. On request f.i Assemblyman Robert H. this summer at both FounLain Valley trackle&: trolley and rapid tr~t aervJce the city'& west aide, a car skidded on Burke (R-Hcmtlngton Beach). High School mdl.os Amigos High School. in the ctty. · the. snow..Uct pavement and crubed Boys Club Pl 'J'h!'ft or \fClll' job• ari: alao i.vallabJe Brockton, M~ May« John E. lDto a bus, injuring 10 penons. '"I'here will be a creat deal of. . 8llS for male playground superviaon, added Sullivan declared a state of emergency Milwaukee, Wb., got two lnches of testimony needtd at this beartna," aa1d Stafford. u more than a foot of water surrounded new lnO'!f, accompanied by wind pats Buru added · that be ...U lealJlatlon 2nd Golf Tourney Previous experience in conducting homes In much of the cily. Eighteen up to I& milel an hour. l!callerad.,..... tere.sted in Mk1n& a IOlution to the playground programs 1s required as well children were evacuated from a ecbool lallum were reported u wtndt topplld dlsuttr wUl be in Sacr as a minimum age of 16. Playground for the retarded when It was twamped trees and power poles and lhattlnd. :".M~ 21 to ..ive DI 1 hand." amento Boys Club of Hunt.iqton Beach will supervisors salary is $2.35 per week. by floodwater and some 800 children wtndoWI. ... bold its leCODd. mmual Huntinitoa Seacllff Applicants will be interviewed next were taken from anotbtt school when G8le wam.lngs were polled earJ:y·kldly Burka odded that be -ka Jesblatlon s.._iu. Goll Tournament be"'··•·· k d·-'·· E·•--" ·'d Sia! •···~·-•·•oil •-·• all ••· G t '·• -~ Ibo that will prpvide f<r • m • r 1 en e 1 a.n-.a-am'"'_,;,,. +h_ ..... Aprlii, ... ,. i~., ..... ,. -"" vacawon, SIU • waloC.I wul.all:U a w c a.iarm. . onM·'·e .:.,~l rea .....a.et ai11.1 on mea111res Jn the ....i ol IUdl -.ion, -;;;-b..,el!t~"ii. -to •jm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;'Cl;;;vll;;;;;d;;;el;;;en;;;";;;;;off;;;;;;;id;;;ais;;;;;ord;;;;;;;er;;;~;;;';;;san;;;;;;;dbi;'ai;;g;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;''";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ and an lnvut!ptlon to t1Nrm1ne .U ,.Uers and 1Upporten o1 the Boys U ~ ir-nt plamlnf I« e-rmcy -Club. Golfers may enl8r Ibo toomament I) J ~ ~ · · (J IJ //) I ·tJA ·. -. mluaUomis adequate. :i~~-:.~=h:i=: I vJlr.ere _;1,.0~ltJina J:J J/ (<;,_ea f-'lea:JU/'e lo winnen of 1everal different divisions. ,-r --" Westminster Sets Ladles.,.. 1nv1i..i 1o enter. . ~ • AD proceeds go to the Boy1 Club for IUlcJan<:e and cbancter development pro- Easter Programs rz ';..,,the,.: s=nu,,,..Coatm•~ be -by caJling lll&-711$. An Euler V1e11tion l'fOlll'IJll will be ol!ered from March Sl lo April S by the Watmlntter Reautlon and Parka Department. Included In the actMU.. are Euler crafts, Easter bomiet nWdnl. fen.Inch baseball, ... decorallnl and -·· story telling. Parka puticipatlnl In the Jl'Oll'lm are Sigler, McFadden, and Bola. Chica Put, Sequoia, Finley, Midway City, Aolhony and Star View Schools will also be open. Featured at 10 a.m. April I 1t McFad· den, Sigler and Bol.11 atlca Park will be an annual Euler Ea Hunt, t_..i by the R«reation and Parb Department aod the Westmlnlter Elka. The hunt ls -for prHchool .. lllth srade yOU!l(Sten. Variety of Lei.sure Activity Provided A wide variety ol leilure time actMUeo will be offered to Huntington Beach ....-u the dly Parka and llootta· lion Deportment oiwlnp inlo 11s· IJlflnl Jl'Oll'llll. Jnlcuded in the lineup are awimmins cl..-, volleyball, boys and glrll -k. table tennis, modem dlnct, archery, l)'IMUliei, bukethall, aoltball and ten- nis. P'urlher Wcnnatlon about the 1prlni prop'am Is available by t<lephoning the l!mlllnif<in Beach RecttaUoo Center at lll&-1573. I Easy To Order. I . . Pollet dtltI1 cl five Onnp: Cout ciU. eommmded Alton llakeslet, award- wirminl A.aoclated Press ldenee writer, for hil frant and factual !'Dru11 lM" aeriu publlrhed lo tbe DAILY Pn.or. Now Jiii eu have all the lnfenaatlon ttr1talned bl Ute 10-part .-ia, and JnOre, 1n llU:eslft'• boMJet. "What Ytia lhouid Know About Drup and Narcotla," I« juJt It. Clip Iba coupon below and mall It lo todl1 (allow two to three weeb !0< deli•"l' due to heavy ._.. lo tllll oiler). ··················-~ 11•1 '"" -I I °'""' c.. 1o11y ""' I I P.O.iorl I I ,_ N • .I. 17"6 I I Send me ...... copl11 of "What You Should Know About Drugi I I and Nan:otic1" at 11 each. Encloald ii 1 .......... (Make checkl I I payabte to AJ:ioclated Pnsl). I I I I NAML.--------------1 IADD·~•DgS._ ________ ClfT __ . __ ~ I I I I STA•TL----------.?IP·-----·-·--· I ~---·-············-· , .. :eusTER 'B.ROWN. WATCH FOR BUSTER BROWN 111 p~1111 In .,. FASHION ISLAND IOOmY EASTE" WEEK M1rch l 1 t+iru AprJI ISfh 5-itling /,'! Our Gxperl Perjonne/ No. 30 FASHION ISLAND NIWPORT BEACH ••• 64-4-2464 NOW 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU Great for parties Grandma's or parades J111t ll••wtlful, 111 f1cl, 11ch wit!. .11111u1r ....... l111f•r lrown 11111111i,Y, • White • Red • Black Patent 1052 IRVINI -WESTCLlff '°LAU NllWPORT BEACH ••• 54""4 ' '• 't ..... _______ • __ • . 4 DAILY moT Republicans Win Senate Rute -, . ' DA Nejedly Defeats 2~·year-old in' Contra CbStti Voie · Now, the fttpubllcana have lbe 11 vofAll In tht Sena!& needed to PJlh. _. !Wion'• leilJllllv• .-am. -.. he ·-.. liul1d • 'nc:ord lei an -ed U')' for 1 -term a .Y~ lhal will bo fillod· ln a . ..:..i.i: electlGnAprllU. . ' . . ·Mlller aald tllOlhet re'-·for Ne,. dltofder lane. I I f f • ; (c..1111 .... .., ,., ....,, Charlie the mynah bird is Join( oo the wa100. Charlie began lip. pling last 1um1111r when owner Mf11 EllulMth Jama of Taunton, England put a dash of whisky in his )>ath water alter readlnc it helped birds keep thllr feathers. But Charlie didn't bathe in ii, he drank it. Mi11 Jam .. said he began whistling popular tune. and jump. inc about his cage. Nnw Charlie's supply has been cut oft althouib he may be allnwe•fa Dip or two .for medicinal purposes. IWl'l1NEZ (AP) -Ropubliwll - trot tile Calllamia Stoa"' toclo7 for tile fint Ume in more than a ,dee.de u a -it of Dill. Atty. John Nejedly'a vict«y In • tpedal ·-!hat ahowed tile GOP allll pacu a polllleal pundl. "AvoteolCCllllldtncefromalllhe )IOOl'le," ls l»W tho three lenn \)ODlra Colla County J>ROOClllor d-hi! 'lriumpla over Georlt MJU.. '111, .Ille n.-rot. ne:rt year. II · II also aivts !ht GOP tJ10Uib vctu to overtbrw senate President pro tem l!lllh M. BllrTll, (f>.llreano). And 11 l'fO" vldit the party with a runnJof llart fer neit year'• lt&1Jlatlve J'ICtl. Jedly's vld«y wu hll UIO ol t Cinipus • • i r .''W• could ~.overcome ' t," uSd lllilltr, .a S.. Francl!co Slit• C91Je1e. , g;lldua~. In lld...nlsomeots, !i•/odly 11lU11ioned Mlller'.1 San hanc:llCO State -~. nolinl Ille ICh99I has been tho 1eene ot campus dllordtr. Miller, who failed '° win Iha O>mlra Colla County IMl, vacai.d bJ tho .. th of bis father. oUt bis ... -be b 2'I -helped -I him. With on11 .it vofAll, ~ala-art reduced '° a mlnotUy for tho lint Ume Ii... they woo control ·1n !ht 1tll eJe<. Uon. The A.!atml>i¥ is ~Republican; with Vows te Cllt Spemllng Ht repeatedly sot that Miller was Ollpported by Democr1\i< lqislatora who voted against new ltudent coatrol lln. • • Four men ·were jailed in Ca.nter- buly, England alt« adnµtting they tried to 1mugg)a 180,000'cigar• into Britain fi:om 'Holland without psy- i ng duty. '!be prosecutor said tho men used a boat for the attempt and added: "It was a former Cus· toms Department launch." Wallace Man Defeated fu Nixon Asks Tax ·Ex.tension • Man on tht moon alrtadt11 Not quite, but aatr0110Mt Walter Cunning· Ram' aPJ)t'ar1 to wi°'1D Ult earth from G si:)o& oft the mOon a.s ht .stand.I "' front af a photo of tht moon'.s sur- face with tht tarth appe:arina a& a mottled eWpse m tht background. Hr vi.rited Ula American MtUtum-Hayd.e" Plamtarium i" Nm York aa part of the prou1dingi of tht Zn~ C071Dmtioa aM Exhibition of the I~ stitirte of Eltctrical and ·Electron~ J;ngintcr.s. Whm M.,. CJ/nlhla C.adv of Dowagiac, Mich., toa1 aocoat1d b11 a prowltr in the family garage rtctntly, sht began blowing the car horn. Mrs. Gmdy tappfd ovt dit-dit-dit, dot-dot-dot, dit-dit-dit. Her husband, DOW(l9iac'1 police chief, heard her SOS and ran from the howe to rout the pr0tl1" !er. • The British Home Office in Lon- don bu ordered strict ltlpf:rvi.lion of the amount of floor polish deliv· ered to priSOM. 'lb.e reason : In- vestigation shows prisoner& have been using some polishes to make alcohol. Bulk suppli .. will now be kept locked up and no stocks will be allowed in work1hops, class- rooms or '~other U!er ·centers." • The London Philharmonic Or· chestra is hoping the letter it re- ceived from the lnland Revenue was a mistake. The Jetter was ad- dress~o the Fty By Night Music Company. Tennessee Vote NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -Ed J-. a Democrat, ran far ahead of nine other candldat.. '° win tho T...._ ath Distrkt seat in the first COftll'tlaional race mnct the 1eneral electlon last November. Jones, a ~ farmer, hid D,705 vu lo 11,131 for Wllllam Davlo, """1ln& for Georce c. Wallace's American lndependtnl party, and 15,l!O for Leonsrd Dunavent. the Republican nominee. Six lndtpendents trailed fll' behind in the voting Tuetday. The district is tra d ition all y Democn.tic, but Wallace carried it last Novtmber when nmnlnl for prettdent againlt Richard M. Nllon and Hubert IL Hwnphrey, The conareuiooaI VfflDCY WU catlled by the death of Democr1Uc Rep. Robert A. Everett lut Jan. 20. Wallace, in a campalp rally for DI.vis, had called the apeclal e l 1 c t l o n "America'• most important pol1Uc1I rice between now am the nezt naUon1l elec- li .. on. . WASHINGTON (AP) -Pnli-·Ni,. on, doclarfnC lhal "lnflation Is a form of ...-onomic aanMon," propoMd l.o eoi.-loday thal tho problem be met by erte,Jdinr the income tlx surchlrp for lllOlbe!' II montlll and by makinr significant cut& in feder1l spendl111. In a iplclaI 1M"'&e1 NLIOll reported lilal at -holf " tht budpt _,i-. enviliCIOed In JlllUlt)' by former Pr<l!-- dent L1!1doo B. J-llrffdy 111 .. evaporat.:I -in JOme Hl!M btcaU1e m inflation and in othtn because of overly Ol'lin>islic oolimales. Faced with that lftuatim, Nixon said he will ptOpQR bOOget revtaioos foe lhli f""ll 1'8l IWtin1 July I that will reduce opond!nc "licnificantly below the amowt recommended in January."' JU rave no detana. 'lbe chief. e:ieeuUve, in callin1 for I continuation of the 10 -fod ... al income tax surtax beya.: Ito ICheclultd June JO expiration, declared : "As I have llid Were, the surcbarae Solon Label_s Army Tank 'Billion Dollar Boo Boo' WAS!flNGTON (AP) -The chilrm1n ol. a Houae subcommittee hu 1cc:u,ed the Army of a "billian-dollu boo boo" tn devtlopmg 8 new tant becaUM: -Allhouah tKt lank ii for recon- naisance, it can bt heard dine mij_es a.way. - -rt hu a "rooltter tail e1.hamt" syMn thlt mates Jt an UtlfY t.ariet. -Its cuelaa ammun i t i on l.!1 ultrainllanunllble, lelWJI buminc noidUe in the breech which can pnrnaturely iimte • mmd, ond It lldvenaly ·-by moisture, oil, and ...,p hudJlni. -"Due '° 1 problem wllh lutl.tsnk leaks, fr<quent checb lot aptlled fuel should be made to prevent fns." -"When operatlog in jungle « heavy underbrush, ve,etalion will clog air in- take crillel and tM radiator, requirin& fftquent cltamnc '° awid .. .m..(inl." -"The Shillelqh mloailt must ilot be fired when the launch vehicle is in motkin.'' -"Under eltremely dusty ronditions, !he J>t-' air -requires clwtlng or replaeement ntty t"' houri." n-...,.. the flndinp of a ptOYioosly claasifted document that Rep. Samuel SUatlon, (f>.N.Y.). "'*'"'I the Army l.o rtluse Tuesday aft.tr ai.J: d1ys of secret testimony on the Sheridan tank. StraUon, cha1nMn of t h t sub- committee ol. ilMI Htu11 Armed Services Committee, llid ''the people have a rigtt to know this incrtdlblt rt«y." Stral ... chlrpd that the Army had rushed tht weapoos system into combat and ..... ~ In on!et .. •llmlna"' ila !>*Ible culbO<k or t llmins· lion by tht BlftlU <l the Bud1et Ind the oecr.wy ol cltfense. He eucteeded during the belrinfl in wibning lldmissiC!Q from one Anny of· -· Lt. Col. -Shoridsn, lhlt th• tank was ~ for production for bodptary ,....... although tells had indkl.ted there were Jnl!1Y problems. Later, Sheridlnl1 IUptrlors heatedly d~ed this, dupitt e tntemal memoran-- dum in the aubeommlit~11 ~en in wtllch thl! pmnt wa11 ~d by Sheridan. Israeli Bombers Lash Jo:i;dan City lly Ualte4 Pna la ..... U...r Jordan repor1ad lolir lml1i jot fllliter· bombtn stnict • -1atod .... 1$ milts northwest ol the Jtrdan1an caplta) cl Amman -Y and 'ldlled ll·dYtlilns and woonded 25 «hers in a bomb and rocket attack. An Israeli military apokesman in Jeru· salem announced the Israeli air strike but Hid the planes were on a "Ifft and deJt.roy" mission aimed at lmockln& out Arab commando bl9es befon the cuer· n1la b1nd3 could atrill:e l:rrael. U.S. High at Culver City SOCIAL SECURITY HIKE CONSIDERED WASIDNGTON (UPI) -Ptesident N-.b conalderibg uking Cootrts• to bKft.ue Soclat Security benefits, it WU dflcloHcf today. ' \ Ronald Ziegler, White House preskiw- tlal preM iecret.ary, 'llki a ct iv r. dllCUaions -were under way en proposals to rabe benefits. He 1aid no rinil decision ltad been made and that "a lot or piopoe.als" were ur>der consideration. Prerumably, Nb:on will ·JSk for 1n lnereue Jn p1yroU toes If be seeks a hlke in benefit.s. Is a temporary tax thal must be ended as soon 11 our commitments in Southeast Asia ind economJc oonditic:ns permit." In the Senate, Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana, the majtX'ity leader , said earlier that Cqresa: should insi!t on a !leCOnd biJ lpalding cut a.s its price for extending the surcharge. Bm11an Se1aato1· ' Nixon left open the poesib.ility Ulat he might call for scaling down or repeal of. the surcharge within t6e yNr or itl enenaioo ~ the Vietnam wa'r end and Wlationvy preesllftS ease • The surtax is expect_ed to yield $9.S billion if ext~. r • In addition, Nixon calle4 for po6tpone- ment ol schedu~ June 3o reductions in e:s:cise ta:s:es ·on telephone eerv1c& and automobiles · and «naCtment oi anspecified federal mer cha:t'ges. He said these actions would produce nearly ,1 bilUon in revenue in the coming fisca l year. Touching on anottw tax ~u.er Nizon iromised that th e administration, through the Treasury Department, will submit in April tt.!i first specific proposalft: for tax reform. Again-le· did not go ioto details. . lo these times, Nii.on said, the govern- ment cannot risk buda:et.s narr~ly in balance but must seek 1 meeningful aurplu9es to pot a trake On Inflation. He said this was neceMRry "because lhe irol>lem ol lnflation Willi neglected far too king." CoUL, Wet Weather Dominate& Emtern Seaboard C•llfel"lli• Senate GOP Leader Everett 1.-1. Dirk1en don s Roman gladiator hel- met as he poses for publicity pictures Tuesday for the March of Dimes benefit premiere ol. the film, ·0Ben--Hur~" to be held in \Vasb- ington April 4. "'"""' ..... -"" ....... ftlllt Qlftl • .. .., Wl911 lb ........,. ~ ... ....,.,..,_, W1Mf ......n., I .. IS kl'lefl. T .. Y°I llW!, " ._ 14. v .. ,.,..,., ..._,....,,.,. , •••• fl trim • Mitt .. "' ... ~ .... lr.- 19Nf .....,.t.,r,. -.. " .. n. Tiie ....... ""'""""' ............ . s • .., M-. Tiiie• ........... y ....... w.11 ............. ,1~• 11.M. S.A ._... .............. tll#ll..M..l.t TllWllOAY l'1...t 1t1• ............... •:n '"'· "' 1"1,., ................... 11:# '""· •.• ...... Jlltfl ••••••••••••· 11• "·"'· u ._,_, ................ 11:• ...... 1.1 MMI ll ... 'l:lt e.m. ltft I :~ t .m. ........ •i•t.ft\.Sffll:tt ...... ... A•· l \.•• •. N•• N r. f N r. U v.s. s._,,, AVwm~-........ ~fn• ,.."!' ...tlllwll "' ...,. Its "9d!IMll •iw.H -"" Gfwt L.ell• .,. ""'9lw•"9 -"" tlt!'ltrM ~IM!lltm. c.1111. Mt _..,. _,.N..,. !tit ..... wi1ll ·-"""""' "'""' .... _, l'lllldi ., N-,,......., Ont llldri ~ -,., floltM ~ """"'"' wt .. -.11 .... .. ...... "' Mldlltil• ..... ~ IWllNI .,_. 111i. OJI ... Tiie Mtltll'• Jlltfl T...,.., .. , t1 1f OtMr City, Wlrlllt 11'1t Ut MtoM1 Otte ~ ..., lftlr --- '-· """· ~llflf .... -"" ....... ,~t.D . TIW 1'1111 1JW1 -....,... ....ai ~ .._ C9!lnll AH111!1! calf ...... l"or fllt ""' f# ,,. Ntllill Mlllr sic ... IM Mllcl i. -"" ---- ""' ""'· "" ••u.119'1 -_,.,,.,,. 'llfllll• ~. Mw .-w. ....... e11 ~u. A-...iu.r.vt ·-" ........ l1kl'nN!f 11..,,.rct .... .. .., ,,,_ Clndl'V\ltt ci.w .. IMI ...... ....... _ ..... Ev.Wt • M ..... ·--H._..,i., _,., IC-Clf'f Liii V-1 L•-Ml9""' 1-'t Mlt-Wtt M-·--N-Ytn. Nd '19"-" ...... ...... ,_. __ :;t:t~""'" ,_ ... ::::--(11¥ _, .. -....,._ Sf. L .... ..-... Ulit C'ltr ... _ "" l'fltlldM .... ,..,.. ..... ....... -W1M1l111*1 .. " " M D n " ~ . " ., n 5' •• ·" J5 15 ~1 41 XI .II .. ~ .. " " :.. ,. ·"" ~t '' .!l " . " ~ 3 Coeds, I Runaway Found Slain Within 21 Mo11ths " " . " " " ... M M ,, •t .. ~ " .. ~ " . " " M " .. ~ " " D Jt tl " . D u " . • • " . : ~ ... ... ANN ARBOR. Mich. CUPI) -All four ftrll wtre slightly built and had long. ligbt brown ha ir. AD have been found murdered in Lhe .11 last 21 months in 1 IS-mile triangle of lower Michigan. The third was found six days qo. 'l1ie. founll was found Tuesday. Three wn coeds ; two 1ttended the U.mt unn.nlty. The fourth-the last- ·" was a 11-yur~ld runaway. Tht clothes of three •·ere piled ne.atly "' ne.rt to their bodies. One, the third, was found lying oo a grave . • •• .. ., "'nlere's aomeone mentally deranged around here who's got 10 be c1ufht quk:tly,.., MYS Washtenaw County She:r· if! Douiill H.,.,.y, : ~ " . " " .... • n .... • • 'lbt cnH!ily beaten, nude body of Mara· lynn Skelton, 16, 1 runaw1 y from Flint. i\ .. !I found by surveyors Tuesday in a wooded atta nt1r 1 lover's lane used ,. by t !udents al lilt Universtly of Mich· ' igan at Ann Arbor. Last July, the body o{ Joan Schell. 21 , a ooed at Eutern l\1ichigan University, was found Jess than a quarter·m iif: l\\'ay. Las' Friday, the body of UnlYtrsity of Michigan coed Jane LOYise. Mixer, 23 was f~nd ~ a Vive k\ a cemetery wii al Ypsilant1-whcte Eastun ltichiaan is. In August o( 1967, Eastern M~1n CXICd l\fary F1euar. It. 1rU found In under· brush northeast. of Ypsilanti, about 10 miles east o( Ann Arbor. The latest slaying was by fir the most sadbUc, says Wafttr Kraany, chief of 1 ~ Ann Arbor Police Department. "She was unmerc:ifun, beattn about the fact," said Krasny. An autopsy revealed she died of • !racturtd. skull. probably cau&ed by a blunt inllnunent. It 1\'.U be.litved rhe wa!I 1exuallv WIUlltd. • I . VETERAN ACTOR DIES Alan Mowbr•y Was 72 Mowbray , 72,. Famed Movie B:utl.er , Dies .. HOU..YWOOD (AP)-His butler rolff were universally acclaimed. John BU.. rymore caned him •·a worthy adve,.. aary" as an actor. Alan Mowbray lo ved acting ind actors In general. "If a txmb hiL llollywood, it would only &e. a matter of ttme before _. one was squatting amid the ruim tell- ing :tlories," he once said. Four days after entering Hollywood Pr~yterian Ho.sPital, Mowbray died Tuesday of 1 heart attack at 72. •• A London naUve, he was a naturalmd U.S. citizen who appeared in more than 400 movie roles after starting his acting ~ar~r oo the English S4l'e. He plaf"1 1n 'New York stock companies in 1923·ili. · M0wbray's f i t m i included 1'Lady Hamilton," "Capt8ih from Castile'' ''The Steel ,Cage," "Ma and Pa Ketti. at Home," "The King,and I," and "The Man Who Knew Too Much." He return. ed to. New York in 1964 for the play, "Enter Laughing." . In New YorX, 16 years ago, he had his own TV series titled ··col. Hum-phrey Flack." · Mowbray paid the $50 fee in 1933 tor .lncorporation of the Screen Actors Guild tn which he held membership card No. i. The actors' union now has more than 50,000 members. Mowbray also wu active in the Hollywood Masquers, a plr- formers' social organizatiori. Survivors include his wife of t2 years the former Lorayne Carpenter ; s son'. Alan Jr.; a daughter, Patricia, wife of , actcr ,D?i"'-Dumbrille ; two grtndcbil· dren and -~ ~rothers. .. Cong Decision On Talks Witl1 South Postponed PAR!S· (UPI) -The Viet Cong, .;.. parently torn between a conciliatory aD(I • hard line, today postponed until Thurs. day. announcement of whether it will agree to hold''Secret peace talks with Soot!) Vietnam. The r<{ationaJ Libertton Front tNLF) said it would issue a co1nmunique today announcing \\'hether it \vould accept the offer made Tuesday by South Vielname~ President Nguyen Van Thieu. But after talking it over they decided lo withhold their announcem!tll unlll 1'hursda.y4s regulatly sched uled meeting~ Allied sources said NLF acceptanCe of the offer would (){!en the short.tit route to a settlement of the Vietnam war. They said if the Vh!t Cong accepted, the Un~ Stales and North Vietnmn could begin secret di scussions of their own. Presklenl Nixon said Tuesday s~ secret talks hold the best hope for ~ cess in Pari.s. Thi~, at a press collference Tuesd&y In Saigon; proposed the talkl and calrtd the prospects oI such discussions a "raf of tight at lbe>-end of the tunnel." Jn his announcement , Thieu said, '"We are ready lo have private talks wkh the N1;J" if they wanl I think ~ underst:and well that 1'e are ready W these talks and we are wailing for them~" Allied sources said,. the United State..1 favors Paris as the best site for i)riv1te talks between theQlpposing delegations but is willing to consider any site. Agneiv Presents Medal of Honor WAS!flNGroN \UPl )-Vico PreoidGI Spiro T. Agnew today prtsent~ tM Medal of Honor to the tearful widow ti a Negro Marine sergeant from Gtor-1a who threw himself on a hand grenade save: his buddies in Vietnam . "Mere words art inadequ1te 10 • ...... tho gratitude of th~ COOnU')'," ul4 ~w, "but Jet it be aaid that hb act• on behalf of this countrj, his sel• conduct and oourage wil stand aJ 8D t1ample for young men for ye•r1 -~ come. and for generations not yet born.-'' The Cold award. 17th presentation V the medal for huolm in Vietnam, wM made poirthumonsly lo Sgt. Rodnty ¥- Da\•ls, 1.S, of ?\!aeon, Ga. ' • I • I • -----~~~~~--~----------------------------................................ ~ OPIN SUNDAY 9 'TIL 5 OFFICIAL COLEMAN R'EPAIR STATION FOR ORANGi-· * PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 26 TO APRIL I s CAMP TRA'ILERS · '' ' *Easy to Tow! * Easy fo P~rlc! ,.·- * Easy to Ser Up! * Easy to Own! • SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN COLEMAN '69 When you go ctmping you want to camp trouble free. Coleman knows that. So wti·en wt designed our camping trailers wt kept you in mind. Th e result 11 1 line of handsome, long lasting campers that 1nticip.11te your camping ·needs-avoid Cimpslte problemt. See Them All-at Grant'sl SAVE ON All of your comping needs ol Grant's •.. from Canteens lo Cook' sets .•. See cit of the brand new 1969 models of Colemon appliances at Gront'1 now! We've got it when you need ill Stoves ••. , Lonterits , • , Heaters · • , , Tents , , • Trailers •.• Sleeping Sags, etc, New for '69 NEW for,'69 I "The Umlirella'' Tiff TRADITIONAL f1v01h1 amo111 u111per1 ••• this' 9'd' Umbrtlla ltnt for a ftmlty '' 4 offers · ,n af th• fiM c.1 .. ilttn f11fure1 from rhf11 to fto.r. $-]988 · ~~~· fmmediate Delivery! "We Have 'Em-When You Need .'Em" ' ,. WITH EXCLUSIVE WRAP AROUND FLOOR ••• LOCK-0.MATIC DESIGN NEWI . 3-11. DACIOll3 "II" Ale "76" DACIOll'3 """""' t lltrl c..w..':r ..... -ft• ...,.. ...... , '"""" j """ ,.,..,. . 1f Dtcr..., t1" Ml tM Ntt-1•• Ht .. '" ,.,. 1~11 "_ ... _ ...... -wltlt "'"'-• hd:" ... .,.. ,.11..,. lhhl1 ' ' ' 2-4\r .. nn. ,.c.1tot1t 8'x10' (Sleeps 41 ........... $89.95 ' •20.aa ·. 9'x12' (Sleeps 61 ....•..... $104.9$ 10'x·l3' (Sleeps 81 ......... $119.95 I OTKll SIHPI•& IAIS flOM $10.~ r 1, "CHARGE IT" ti GRANT'S SURPLUS WI HONOI All MA.IOI CREDIT CARDS Ill BB llRI IJlLI! The hhf'tonl Th• hottnt pricea 111 history on *''' (Im' Sttvff a1low11 $11.tS ltnttrn1 11 low 11 ... $10.95 HNt.ts 11low11 .... $16,95 )'' ' '~· .... ~-26 l969 D~LY PILOT .NEXT OOOR AT GRANT'S GUL StAT O,lil SEE GRANT'S GIANT EXHIBIT . AT THE PAN-PACIFIC SHOW!. MEN'S DENIM Lev rs . The origiMI rlwtltd XX D1111i11t l1vl'19 ht .fr ... · 27"x27" th t u SD''I 32". •s.9a BOJS' LEVI'S" SIZES 0 TO 12 •4.98 I , > **NOW IN P.IOGRISS * * Over 400 Ri6ts &. Shotguns On Dlsplayl ASK THI lXrUTSI lrllllf'•' 11H1 '0.,.ertMW· Ii tt•fftd .y ••ptrh '" Hl•lr fl•I• ., lhNtlntl ...... , f'U NY w111t 1111 1uns, from 1 $20.00 22·11fll N 1 $2,000.00 Shottvfl, Gr1ftf'1 .... lt -mdll CMll lft M4 ... t.r rurMlf lfM ef.ttlt larfMt stocks ef 1un1 In S..tfl.,. C..llf9r111l1 _ ....... ...... ... ._... •W ....... ·-•ltt.c• OVER '20,000 PAIR LEVI'S" IN STOC~ AT GRANT'S • • • NUVO SUCKS IY LEVI'S® IN NEW CHECKS & SOLIDS NlW SHlrMl:NT ,, tlM l1t11t l••!!I St1pr11te Sf1ck1 ••• tolorfvl 11IKt11n of Chtck1 and solid colon in I ctlfto plttt r1n11 of 11111. '8 . LADIES 'SLACKS ' NOW YOU CAN Nltc:t fro• 111 ,, tilt "'"'"" itylt• •f l1'11'1'1 Slacks •'-' J11111 ltr 111 you 11111 Set Gr1nf'1 t.r tM perftct fltl '9.uP • EVERY COLOR/ • EVERY STYLE I "rh• l.argesr Slodr In Orang• Covllfyl" .--------.. New Colors! New Stripesl In Grallf'• Weslwn Depl.I HANG· TEN :T-SHIRTS WESTERN BOOTS ·~1695 • • "'HANG-TEW' 1 DO%·, knruri1u~ · cornllell cotfoll ·• , • '"'111riMl"I • , . no wrinldlllJ ••• ,.. Jro• , 11111 Ill llue, N1¥f, Gr;Hn, Whlt•t G:ol• end Utt l lut. S.M-l·ll $1l1ct frDM $oll4 an• $frl,..1 ' PAMOUS "'DUUNIO .. W.l'ft'l"lll looh In tM latt•t •fYf•. .........(hif"' lfetflet for """ ' '" ••• ,. SlrH ... 12. ·[.J!Yf~oRE .oN CAMP GEAR _at GRAt!,!S I G.I. STYLE 110. $J.91 FOLDING CAMP SHOYEl 99c ALUMINUM PACK FRAME $495 Gr1nt'1 ~errl11 • cctn1plet1 1teck af 1\1 ,.,,..-of r1c'k1 ind Fram11I lncludlna Hlm1t1y1n pick fr1me• 1n• ICCllJOrlll. LIOHTWllliHT roooa fOll GUTO.OOltSMl# ft"iJl1lU Gr1nt's C1rrlts A Compl1t1 Lint of RICH-MOOR FlUEZE.OR~b ' FDODSI S.1 firllllt's First! . WE 'RENT ~verythlng In CAMPING • EQUIPMENT! T-f ,,, .. , "' 0. .. 1 CAMP TOASTER '(e1y f9 UMI Spr11 .. Nil e~y. CAMP IOILO Compl1tt Mt lncludn sb: i1*1po1- 1W1 Ht• •n• toRtt. •2•• Compltt1 Stock of·Catl'"'"' Ctok-•·" NOW IN STOCKI ' ' • ·~ I l -· •• • • • . • .• . . ~ " . ' ' 'lleoh now! l"ail uioial ,,_ -W.JX> find~ IOI" all not perf«tr• Asserts California Abortion •. Law Should Be Repealed 1lli CAii ID that a "'1lliled au II DOI I ....-: but I boby lldJnc In· Ille cndlo .. call ...... -It CID uill 00 lb OWD 11111 ·lllUract lnlalllenU1wllh~uvlroomall.lpro­ -. then, U I ,,_Ille arbitrary point al -to bq1n tnallll( • dtnloplns fl&ul u • "penoa" with lull r10ts -tbe law, lo be that · pain\ Iii deve~ when the lelua -alll oo Ila own ·oulllde the -·1bodyuan~b&a- Tiii: ~ tbal • -...... with lull r1p!I II .,._ at con- ceplloa II bloJoc)cally arilh loclcally -· 11111 " menly tho doilm• o( ...,. "°"""' -wlll<b Ille Ible -DOI r..... 111 Ille ral of the pcplloL Tbe CallfarU. abartSaa l.lw ablolil be repealad. . JORN J(. TES'IZllMAN --lllpl. of Opdlmlc BIOloa UC! .,.,,,, A••1•ca.a ,.. ....... , 11114 tollla-lln.~ ............. , ...... 1111- "' .... iloYld A. Ndl, "Apiall AW-u.• (lllllJbor, JPQ., II), N DU to _, ... I -wt1b lln.- n -to me 6al ""1tllial 1N .. --·"*' llllMJlllll-~ JL -Ille•••"·'*"'· .... a trr\cll 1111 I 114 1 Q ,, "" -.... -to .,.. ... lo .................... . ,. ..., ,. __ . . .. ,., -..... ' .. . ,,, ?. -·---· ...... __ ,.. __ *!& I l •• ' \ I I ' I ~lltlcle -... Iii NJ,.. - tlle . -to tbe 1-..,ion -Society ,.. tlle p,....tlon of Qwlty to Allhllall 11111 Ibey blndled the problem with tlle -elllclecy. I believe I am the womm who called and I would like to clarify a few thinp:. Flll.9T, THE HunUngton Beach SPCA did nouu.,. They Informed me I lived il1 tho -ll"M. They iold me to can the Lquna SPCA. They told me I lived Jn the "fOlli .,... and tbey weren't reipanalble': I called tbe Anlmll Control of Newport Beach 11111 they Ilic! they would pld< up tbe lllN, but pnibobly just put It oul of lb misery. I WAI oN THE phone for an hour and. no ODI ·Cl§!Wd help me beut»e it ~t llltlr'"'"""'8ibtllly. •·~ii< .. :-Ille bird up to UCI > ""'· tlOY 11111 . they would help H 11 belt !Illy *"1. I am lllll woncler!n1 ltl fate. 1111'& Jt a ahame no <me is responatble? I By Ult l1me '"' decide who 11, It will be too lite. II ...,.. the people ll"OU!lCI Slnll Barbara .,.,.., llley 111 .. the ntceaory equl-to deal with tht problem. Why can't we ? BONNIE VALEK 'RWleUt.. Idea' To Ille Edllorr , . The ar1lcle ,lllrcb 18 about tbe llcb- lnr of cab baa prompted me to wrtto th& litter. Y11, I am a ~at owner ~)'II. the idea "incurs my wn!b..; Nql ,tolf -It'• • ridlculoua Ides bal bocauae In tho three yaan J rU...i In Huntlnpn Belch, Iha ~ , CWnc:fl bu not come up with more lblo tbree wmbwblle ldtu. '-Id of Iha ~ of cab for .......... 11ow .-oadourlg11111 -and lndllltryT The di} crltl !or lndllllry, 11111 ""-an upba1t plant (In the middle o( llO!hlnl) ,blclUle ol • smell. SmaJ1 ntllbborbood 8bopplng cenlu1 are GUI, and, oh, ya, lot'• .. pamlt another CCll•al-holplt1t ' LET'I AI-'O !alt about I llbu!Gus civic -11111 •• librory, 11111 • parl: pvcram. But let'• abtlve tbe .idUa. Let'I day dream without IUbcllnoe, Oh y ... It'• the .-. that dCll1 -the U.U.., but maybe thal'• because they alone wtth me. aped a UtUe mch plalmln( by Ille City Council be!... ... nte to sfve them our~· Probobly many votm and tupayen wonder what Is 'belnl dOne with Iha money a1ftady ~ pili lo the dty. TM ltreetl art: I -ind "downtown" Hunllllfllon -" ptlcllcolly I -I I live bin, I ,Pl1 Wes, I vote '*"'. I Ute tt i.., but I am very diappolotod. A.n-rspdcsa-, • . • R. A. 5!llTll ..... -~·-- \ 1lQ Accountants ~~ l · ~ I Oµi~IQ the. ·Rest? . ~ - By•l. ILi~ O)l*n In a pan will·,.;.. themsdves : If )'OU drop a spooollll .ol bictrbooale .. ol aoda In with then\. . . . ONE OF THE INlllGNIFICANT peculiarities o\ . ,, &Iris called Elsie, aay1 I"" Name Game . the lod( ha~ styles · -... popllar ~ man, b they prefer la oleep all curled , wltli' )'<>lmi m••1. HIP prlco Gf:~, up rath<r lhllll all ~ out. • . . I Cllln1I-. ..,. • • A SURVEY AMONG the QO<ds who dtlnt AA! .ASKED the natlanll 'liril!n ol ' pO I ~ly ahows the ma)Ority tool< ~ my anceston. They were Scola. Al .lwi first nip at age lS. . . :tHAT P~ ~ were. Highly inventive ~folk, the fESSI0,1'\A)'.., matrlmooial.e.pert Georp ~ Take one named Kirkpatrick Ill. Bacli clllhns ,9 wjl/, ii moot apt M~ for lnatallce. He lnvenl<d the to pick a fight with lier 'husband 'In bicycle. ·And anotlM!: named Robert 'the .. kicl\e11. • ~..,bapd mooit •Pl ·10 'l'hoqlsoo. !J• Invented• the fountain pen. •pick .. light with his wtle,ln the bedroom Cu8roMER SERVICE. q, "Do -t- i ..• ~ TESTERS lly ~ 11 tlkl ac-.i...·~ • ' i countant.S wtio'hive the highest average ci.,..,.le boots with no 1lces .t~ to I. Q. 's among all the prof-. ~ a man put OG wefabll U ~ how ' do you account for the fact auch. a Iar1e MR. NIXON IS the firs United Slalel· proportion ol our . Wyoming -who '. Presidelt nam~ Ric!Wd. Hiib• •time wear thein seem to be fat?" A. Easy. 1a ~d made it, wbat?,:,Five , 'Ibeyliketboeebootsbecauaeiheydon.'t .Pre11dellP ~'!e been names J~ .t~. hive ·to bend over so far'\O pall ·tbe:m named John and three named William. .oa:·Heevpet feDow wliO ~~Y W<4 ~ for .the wlv~ ol· Prelident~, Mrs. such footgear e:s:plaiDea ",uiat.~··ffardeat · N1:1on 11 the hrst ca¥~ Pat. too. ~i .... 1 d 11 da t...:..J " slid ho. ..1_ Ot.he!'wise., two each have .been named ...... 16 0 a ~' __.., . • " Elizabeth Martha Abigail Caroline, put my oncu on. • • • Q. "DO YOU , Ellen, M~ry, Julia,' and >.nrd. ~VE anotbeed Mr thasubocrl,,, Abt~s_ubtchl aa my &liner nam a . , uuu t. Never ,beard.of a Matha before. Will inquire, however. • • '°' •!' :ntl'WONDEIFUL WOILI OF WICKS ' 1'.~~~1 " . ' ·' ~ 0 ·~~a:> DAll V PILOf 7 Lil' Black Tomho • • :Finds His· Soul . SO SOME Nk:e WhHe Peop)e gave hlm· an tducl.Uon. It wun't easy. It tonk yeara Ind years. Jlat 1at lut Little Black Tcmho had an education. "It's. fwmy," ,Wd Ttm (for, being educated, he had • cbanpd bb name), '1but I 1tll1 don't feel equal to you." "The probltm," Aid fOine Nice White People, "U an ~.one. You muat have a F;od. job. Then you .will be equal to \II." , So ..me:Ntci White P<!>PI• gave TOil\. a job. It Wasn't e.y. It took yUJ'I· and ye1r1 and yehl. But at last Tom bad • job. . "It's fUMy," Aid, Toln, "but I sun don't feel equal to yOu.¥• ' • bad to sell him a house· whether they Hkect. It or not.· But 1\ last Tom got aiilceboaae. ' · . "II\ hinny," .. id Toin "But I 1Ull doo' feel eq~al to .,... ..... -1 ''The problem,"~l&ld some Nice White People, "II ~*'1ca.L You .inust dress like us, tllt Ui:e ~ · and think like UI. lben, obvioully, )'OU 1'lll be equal to us." 1 &> some' Nlce White' People taught bjJn how to drel!· and talt. Ind think aitd , they even )Dviled him to their cocktail parties. ' ·" -·THE HOSTESS would tqUeeze his hand warmly (Utoopi oho aever tis!ed bjJn on· the cheek). And the men would clap him on lhe back "and ~astr: him bis opinion (but-only about racial matters). This time, Tom didn't say much at all. He kfew a beard, _put on dark glas.sts, changed his , name to Tombo X and shouting "Black' Is beautiful" hit the Orst two Nice -White People he saw over the head. · They were, of course, deeply hurt. ,. After all we've '<IOne for you," lhey 41ald. "Don't ·you realize you're throwing -away everything we struggled together for? Now you'll' never feel equal to us." .. It's funny," said Tombo X, smiling, "but at last I feel like a M5'n." CAN . ANY' BARBER give a man a 'good haircut in as little as five minutes? ! If not, why oot1 Were such a fellow to charge $1 a haircut, the crowd that •no doubt would flock to ·hls shop might pay him as much as $15 an hour, or . almost. This comes up because a client wants to know what's respoM'ible for Your qutstions and com?Mnts are welcomed and wiU bt wed wherever poslible in "Chtcking ·up:" ~4:dl!r111 mail ot L. M. Boyd, in care of DAILY PIWT, Bo:e 1875, Newport Beach, Calif . 92663. 'Yll'rt rtgltt! I 111111 ........ . '111111 11 l -I Ultlllrl&J.' ''THE PROBLEM," slid llOnte Nice White People, "la an·mi/irOOmental one. You muat move out .of•the ghetto. iato a nk:e houle Uke ours. Then you will be equal to UI." So some Nlce White People got him a bouee. It wasn't easy, They hid to pus laws saying other white people MORAL: You can think ·a black man la free and equal. But first you must think ol him, not. as a black, but as a man . " .. Atl Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Throilgfi Saturday .. _ .• The flattery of a Corfam cla11lc .. 10.99 ... -"""',...pof ...... hohtln; Corfom uppen In 1hlny block, ncrrry, bclfllor .... ,., WOffl#(t m& ' j Smooth moc toe dress oxford 12.99 -looflw ....... ~ .... and nJbb. '-' wi1h • st.el ...... llodi and lfl"'C" fn inen'1 Mm. '· . ... IT'S .. . ' . ~ ,{. ~ ' ·o·u1 ANNUA,L . . Crushed leather 1,owiMe1ec1·pump · tallored pump with woven trim 10.99 10.99 for al )'O'll' tallor.d loob ... tt.. Soft ...................... _,. al """"'1 looflw .. -......................... "°"' ~.wlitt. w_..•, ...._ ,......,...,. .. w..-...... I"' " : '• : " I • ' loy'1 baste moc loy's basic moc · •dNssoxford toe sllp-on shoe 6.99 6.99 n. ~ r..i.'""' -""'" SaM---... -----pen'fl4ttl r .... dltll .... for NIOle cN '-1. llack, boY• lllm. ...... ~ ........... -""" -- Sany bow trim pattfna pump 8~99 """""" ....... ,._,. ............................. ..... Wfllf!Mt ..... .. loy'1 wing-tip dress oxfords 7.99 Gtoift leather """' .. ,.,.. .................... -... tpna.. lof1 Ill-. COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping C.nttr) HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington C.nt11r) •. l The marvelous T, a 1trappy acindal · 7.99 0.. Jol~T ...,....w ... i......t . r..uttM .. w.. ,...., ..... ..+wt.. In WOMW1 Ii:&& ' Pretty, atrappy patentpump1 ... 5.99 °"'""...., .... ...,. _ 1r1oke1 for l"Ht. flt. t. ~ er , 'f"hlte, )ft ........... EASTER IS HAPPY FEET FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY ... WITH SHOES FROM PENNEYS. , . . • · ntt.o ,J-'iT'f-...$!., • w .N n• . > " "..·~ • • ·I ' ·\.:~ · T• ' .. .. ~ . · Men'• P,lqln toe clf91s allp-On .. The always-good men's tip oxford 9i99 ' , .. ....... .-ty """ ............ ........ lrt,_,, .... .,w ·-~MMltU.. ' • • ... Olrl'1 patent T lltcq» pump1 ... ·~· , 6.99~ • _ .. "9 ...... ,,,,., -. ..,.... .. ___ ., ...... - ·10.9.9 . Our )'W'l(I ,.,...., lord l.Mng ..... codOrd ••• Pentnd consfnlction ••• ln ... ... Wea. M.r.'1 liHS, Thi 'In' style Mary'Jane 1hap 4.99 -·~lier_...,_ I .._ ...... MW, ...,, rounded toel .... ., -wfllte,, <Mrf't ... • • NEWPORT BEACH (Nohloft . hlon<I) ( ' i , Trudeau ·Remains Ctimbodia Bombing South, Viets to Take Control of Air Base Cool to Sentinel _, Op po~ SAIGON (UPI) -'!be Uni~ nance lbopl, u ...U u lllo ed States plam lo transfer mJmon "°" belnf llllllllod by control ol Nbs Trant Atr Bue U.S. warplanes nytn1 Ir om WASHINGTON (UPI) -to the sOutb Vletownm A 1 r Its air strips. • W ASIUNGTON (UPI) missile (ABM) lyllem. Pmldeot Nixon bu been ap. pareotly unable to win ean .. dlan Prime MlnlBlor Pierre Elliott Trudeft.u's immediate aupport for his antlballistlc Truueau, -flew · bact to Clnada Tuesday night after a two-day vlsit, said he was . "no closer than before" to making a decision on hll stand S • n. Mark 0. llaUield (ft. F°"' wllhln· the nm 1 e w The S<11r«S Aid lhe 5,000 ' Ore.), _1(1ged Prtlldool NWo mouths, iDfWmed u ,s. sour· U.S. atrm<n on the bue !'ould today to njeet IQY piano for .., llld today. . • be 1'duced to a small advio> attacldng Nor1h ~ '!be bua, .....,.d by 5,000 ory ital!. The rat would be basea In Cambcdla. American ~ -1id be transferred to other -for Off the issue. The ABM ptoj<!ct has rsbed qu..Uohl! In Cjlnada, · Jn part because N 1 x o n ' 1 propoull would place nuclear tipped missiles in Montana and North Dakota -practically Canada'• bac~. Oppooltlon parties have been a rt e r Trudt'au to denounce the. idea as ao eecalation ol the arms Hatlleld nlmed to a UPI the lint ... Jor U.S. laclllty the remainder ol ll!efr tour. dispatch from SaJ,... Tuelday releued lo the Soulh Vletnlln· Tiie SOUlh Vletnlnleae a r • which quoted i a formed eae in t!le w•. It wai sche-expected to replace the U.S. American soun:ei u uyins duled to be followed by other warplanea now stationed thera the U.S .. ,mllltiry commlllld major tumoven law. with at least..,. ol the thr~ haa .uked Nlxqn lo approve Under lhe plan, the South scjuadron.s ol U.S. MT J • t plans lo attack a lllllltary Vletnameae would amane C<lll· bombers being turned ..., to basea along C a m·b o d i a • 1 trol of the Mle'I facWties, tn. them in a pl'OlrlDl to uptrade border. \iiicl~u~dillg~~ba~np~rsjiiand~ii·ma~ln~le-~~their~· iim~·~rorce~.iiii;;iiiiii~ Russ Fleet Seen Sailing To Far East "I urge the Pmldelll lo "'~.said Nixon gave Slaades of Pony Express firmly resist lbeae augguted actions that wou.Io only pro.. loog and lnttnllfy this tralfc, senseless and costly war," .HaUleld said In a .atatemant. Stalo Depatlment ofllclals said !Aiday the)' were abll<llule- ly opposed lo any U.S. bom- bing of COmmunlsl pOoltion.s within Cambodia. fl'bey aJd Are you 1 TfAOIRI Interested in ·1ncre1Sina yoar, income wlhtoUt spending 1ddltion1I lmt! him cla&Sfied infonnatkn on Contending mail service is too slow, the Secaucus, N.J ., Chamber Qi Corn- .the ABM which be will relay merce hired John Werner and his horse, Jack, to delt'ver messages. John and to his cabinet. He aaid he Jack· delivered mail Tu. esday on the first mail run a la nniny express. ltill could not make up his --------~-.:_ ________ __:r:.._•·•'--'2::=::.._ __ _ iheft 1MI llliJ be Ible to help! mind -the ABM would be spurring the arms nee or keeping world peace. "All I can do now ii go back to the cabinet and report the new 1nformatioo we have received, the new t.chnological information !hat has been Imparted lo us, and assess 1he impact on our f<lre1gn policy aod anMUnce our decisk>n," Trudeau said. · they knew of no aenthnent J Le i A I . B-..] F d within the ~nt that erry WIS po ogizes "'1Y oun would favor sucli • atap, particular~ In view of the LOS ANGELES (AP) _ In fact some progrt!I Is being Org•nlzed •nd owned excl111fvely by educ•,.r1, TJ;ACHl!RS, MANAGEMENT AND INVIST· Ml!NT CORP. prevld•• ncure, wel .. re1t1rlhed r••I e1t1te lnvestmenh slmll•r ft those uMll lly other profe11ion1. You art Invited to F M• • • • J k h ~· ""-'-made toward restoring or 1ss1ss1pp1 o e ... ~•f-• ~ yard, diptomauc re1auons with JMl'S SYMPOSIUM pojlco found the body ol IJ. Cambodia. " yel.r-ald Rola Alvarei in a Th Hi · '· d "·-d •-•t the Hotel Lqun-., Llguna leach NEW YORK (UPI) -Jerry Griffin, jn a telegram to · • · eae ° Cll10t ecwn: .., Lewb said k was all the fauli fr<tl!Jy dug grave. A bl.oey say whether any such requert Thundly, March 27, 7:30 PM of a cue card. _NBC, demanded the 1~--~.and shovel w.ere had been made by the OUlltary SUsptnSion of the "Tonight UUlAI ,_,., command, but indicated they JarMa R. Mertln Lewis apologized Tuesday Show" until ....,...w.;..., were 'Ibey ll'rilted D 1 vi d thou""t it waa doubtful 1 of Peat, Marwick & Mitchell ru..i..t for a comment he made .. ,......"'&_" · ... · n Ill di .., forthcoming. Wllliams called Rodrlguez, 20, on 'IUSpk:lon of any event, they said, there w 1cu11 on a television program that on Rosel H. Hyde, chairman murdtt and booked him at was no dispollUon on tht part PRE-PAID INTEREST, IRS & THE TEACHIR: brought the wrath o f ci the F e d e r a I r~. the --i-ward of County USC f the Nix ad 1-•-tr ti • ,_. ...... te ,.....,., "'-A41"""'•• lofmilslppi Gov. John Bttl \,NU• t"'"""" -o on m iu.a a on _...,..... murrications Comm.lsQon, to MedicaJ Cftlter Tue 1 day . to t·•· a 1•-wblch coul" c.n C714J 494.1211 ., 4f4·J446 fer fllntrM ...,.,_.. .. ., Williama and a Mississippi ilM: ....... "' LONDON (UPI) -Soviet wantrlps, submarines a n d support ships sieamed into the north Atlantic today and western officials said they were probably bound for the Far East as a show of force to Communist China. British reconnaissance pilots said the flee! coosisted ol three cruiser s , three destroyers. eight submarines, tankers and support ships to enable the force to operate at sea for many weeks. Nixon, howevtr;wat1 pleased with the overall impact cf the talks. He said they were "the most successful . : . ever held between the two coun- trie«;" Nix.ml said the ses..lon WBs a first stest, in a "~ era" ol Canadlan-'American coogressman. start "a full s ca 1 e in-Police said the youth was in be cdticized as widening the ~== 9~11~MI • .._., s...,.. fl07 WlllMn 1tr• .. lt'""'1 __ ~v=..tlg~ati::::on~"~m=to:.:lh<:..::m=•=tter~.~="""':::e~sort:.:.:~~dnlg~~·:•~por:.:_·~__:w:ar~·:._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , •J<t: comedian, substituting 1- The Defense Ministry would confirm only the size and presence of the fleet. But in Brussels, ofl!Cials of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization said the ermada was probably bound for the Far East. NATO officials said the warships were probably diSpatched to reinforce the Soviet Pacific fleet based at · Vladivostok on the Sea of Japan, as a deterrent to Red Chinese attempts to provoke clashes along the Si»Soviet border. The officials said the fleet was believed part of a general Soviet naval buildup o r f Vladivostok, oot far from where Soviet and Chinese troops clashed earlier this month over tbe disputed Damansky Island in th e Ussuri River. 'Ibe Soviet Union said Tuesday it was taking all 1'nece.s•.aary measures" to strengthen its forces in the area. · for vacationing Jofmny Carson on the NBC-TV "Tonight cooperation. Show," said in his opening Ma hin monologue Monday night he c eguns had lullilled a lifetime am- bition by "using the bathroom 0 An while Dying over Mmis:sippl." • ll guilla A spokesman for Lewis ln Hollywood said Tuesday night LONDON (UPIJ _ I'hree the comedian was "genuinely' crate! of machine guns ar-sorry" for tbe remark. How- rived m AllguillA shortly ever, the spokesman explaine(f before tht Brttfsh· man , was Lewis "read the remark from chased off · the Caribbean a cue c8ld prepared by the Island by armed men, a Tmight staff and he did not British official said today. ~:uhaJ! !':id~~· &?ing to U~ersecretary W i 11 i am However, the spokesman ad- Whitlock, whose claim that ded, Lewis aald "he akint a gang of pistol-waving men must shoulder the blame and forced him and other Britons not the anonymous writer of to flee the island led to Bri-the quip on the cue Card." tain's lnvaston, to14 the House Williams slid Lewis' remark of Commons, 0 We know who was a "blaoted, gratuitoua, took them (the guns) there. 1 ~.•" ... ~ 1pp1 1be man's name I will not vu gar lllDW~· ~ss mention ...-.. But ·~ were Congressman Charles Griffin """ WIO;l'C said. it WU "ID obsctne af-three crltes ol these ,,, ..... " -~ front to the' ~·'· of the F.o.rty, .ol t,~e . 30 0 nati«I and an 1nexc ... ble fn. patattOil!JO'l ·iffio r• •• d.e d sull lo the pioi>le ol my ArtgillJlA last week &o restore state." . • · , , <rder w{ft due bact"ln Britain -----'-'-----1 today. 'lll'Y'" 1o be repjaced Who Can Read Just by army ·.,.._, -plan :=~~::,enta on the One 'Peanuts'! WANT INTEBEIT ON YOUR BANlt CHECKING AC¢OUNT! ' You c.uPT on IT BUT WITll PACll'IC'S SWITCB 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Ya1 CID da 1lmast II Wiii lly mpin9 1 lot Ila llDlllJ in your c11Kld1g .. wat ud a lot mon in Y8llf Pnllic "' PISlliffk Acceaat •• IAildling llonlY back •d furth II often II ·YDD lib. B1oa111e every dollar earns ffll'J dg It la la J'•••-Padllo Acooaat- nea lor IU•t one daJ'. R 111..i(f II .............. _, ... 111 .. .., ... 1/4ll 111- tltilllll II lliiM J•r ••n -· Ill i:lllill ~ Snl1p la JD• 8CC111l il •11rt1r'1 Hd -fn• I .. 111 If IRy •••tli ........... ., tlii 1~. . I' r ' All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday Why shop about ::At1rantic pace? Your Eastei's at the Easter Place! ,._,.. --• ..., fa. !•.1l•r to b• dr.-s1tl up, 4GIW ...,, MribbeMd, ,_ teltd. GrU ,_ ....... )'OUI' ,....., -.. fltlrtl, Nto fl-. ~ -bill -..• ,._ .,.. '-r pn<., Whtno1Yw .-M II .• , tlw fnlwt ""'-. COSTA MESA TH.RU SAT. ONLY! I • A complete wardrobe of our own superb Gaymode· fashion hosiery! ..•• ,, 3, Pn. ~95 ' ~ow . 3 P~. ·2~3,: NEWPORT BEACH • · s1-. titting, dmlicGtely stiw-l'l)'lonl. _... ....oncf proportionmd ••• c:tr. or ............. _ ', treat yourself "' • anplet. ---... 0.,.. ..iCle• hosimry at hwi ....,. PN l!ala -i,.1Yoi/llfindlong-intlllllicr9~ '"llyles. delicol9 plain knltt, An19'14 .... Ji..-. ..,... a.now r11 e:.mr.c.-_. ,,._,. stretch ~ E1ep ~ .. ll4lft?lu•=• evety'tll'Ordrobt in.U. IV1 .. 11,$hort,-· oge c:nd long. De M AA to .. hn ..ty ... ~ Cln _,, "'*'* .... .....,. ... fomcu for quality end.........,. • Nglllm-prices! Gaymocle• support hosiery ••• specially priced for Ea"9tl ALLNYLON 177 llG, ::!.91 Pl. NOW I NTLON/SPANDIX2 oir7 llG,3.91PLNOW 1# HUNTINGTON BEACH (Herbor Shopping Confer) IFuhion lslend) !Huntington Center) _·f \' \ I I l \ illo 'by m IOI> tld i.. be !or rt .s . ... ... H to • I ' I I \ I • --""" . G~logists Ma•• Arre•t• To Decide SF State Cases . Oil Fate Bog Down Courts Old World Mediterranea" Spanish Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY Package Means Hope For Kidney Patient TO CHOOSE FROM DICOltATOll CANCILLATIOff •rMI RETUlt~I PIOM MODIL HOMll blCOltATOlli:I DllAM HOUll ON Dll,LAY Items as follows: Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate Joose pillows with heavy oak trim decor Md matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece kinf size \ master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress k box spring1. Spanish decor dining set, etc. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - It lool!od like on ordinary air friljht Pa.ck.age, but the con- Wnts of a cardbolrd box ship- ped from Loll AngelH March 17 rnay •1'11 tht lift « a 41-ye&r-old patient it the University or California Midlcal c..t.r. the bo.I, it wae reveal*I Tue.day, held a Jive kl'dnty, PK~ In Jee and I oold !llt -· It bad *1 removed from • J~ear-<>ld piUent who died .t t\io UC Medical cenler in Los , Aztelll Ind W I I ~lo !Jone! Gradey " San tr.ncleco, who had b9en. oo. a kidney machine more thin a year wllllt awaitfng an qan that match- ed his tissue type. The kidney was reported functioning normally. Dr. Pa u I Teruki,· UCLA surgery professor, said a kidney could ~ maintained for up to 12 houri t.e allow ttanlport by air to any of 100 ~lant center3 in the natill!. A compm.r fil< ol waJUng pat.leati ruu1tad in selecrt.lon ~ Gradey u a rtuonably cloee U.Ue match. IA.st tnontb a kidney .from a deceased donor ill San Fran-- d1eo waa flown to a patient In Phoeni:1, Ariz. WheS. H°"1.tvll w•• regul•r $1521..M ::To~~~Alfl~~-·--$698.00 A•y Piece C.. le hrc'-N .. Mwlll1., '""" A.wolkable -Nftc....,. to c.nt. Crodlt A~td llftlftMlottly ,.....""' Furniture At Harbor Blvd . 1144 Newport llYd. Costa Mela Clllfy 1...., nlglll 'Ill t -Wtd. Sol. & Sun. '!fl 6. A Delightful Decision. 1969 Buick LeSabre. What makes it such a Delightful Decision? Just price one and see. , ------·. ------- It's Ddightf ul Decision time at ywr Buid dealer's now. \ ) -..-.. ---------,------.. _. DAJl.Y mot' f Balan~e Challenge Ignored Trr.ut.ee1 Bury _Request for More 'Right' Teaiher1 Towncraft suits he can wear 10 different waysl 14.98 A. Our 10-wayauit reollyllooltupaboy'1 oai•o1io1So...,.,. to-tt. GI a SlftOl'lfy 1iylod auit, or a ooarclinalod -"'Just n. Dad'sl Solid ccal with motd1ing ..tid llacb and d'"lbd olacb, tool All "°"' r-.A>lo -A IWitdi of -· llodcs w ccat, and H'1 a .io-loold Llaht blue .. bran. SW. 6-14 l!tg., S.12 snm. l.5-.. ....,,.illsl1n3-7leg. • TI.91 P,.._.chool boy's Penn Pres~ suits or treat blazer and ilack duos! C. H""'"-2 button Mio ct,_v~~ ..... - neod Vrilsf becaoiao thoy'N '"""Prwl'f In or ob. $.7 Rog.Apiaclloohultatal..tofi8htl"bfar~,....--· r-~""- o. liggor bof• oporly bfam. """' -with tllOir -..idling ~ .... ,...,. llcxb 1llat _ l"'!i .._..,.ng. loi !!luo-.......... ~- 6-12 W.V. or Slim. Good loolcJng Cllld lot!! of -for Ni.I ..,,. " -- COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH (Horbor 'Shopping Ctnl•r) (Huntington C.ntor) I NEWPORT BEACH (Ftshion IJ1nd) ' - I f ' ' l -- DAILY PILOT·Sterr ....... · · Fie$ta Approaches Ann and Dave Dunham pause before Spanish fountain in San Juan Capistrano while trying olU theii costumes for cities annual Fiesta de las Golondrinas. · Fie<ta i~ sclledlll<d f<!~ April 19 after being postponed because of flooding in Capistra~o a~ · '" · BALTZ MORnJARIES Corona tlel Mar.OR I-Mii C0tta Mna Ml WfU BELL BROADWAY MORnJARY 111 Broadway. Coda Mesa uwm DILDAY BRO'l'llEllS Bullllgtoo Valley Martury l'ltll BNdl BMI. HullnpoBeod 111-1'171 PACD'IC VIEW MEMORIAL PAllX c-ler>' • _.,,. CJiapol iat hdflc View Drive Newpori Badl, Calllmll llf-1'111 PBEll ll'AMILY COLONl.AL .. J'UNEIW,. BOME 11'1-Ave. w-~· -IBUIER MOB1'JARY ._ -Of.llU Soa CleMoll GMlll 11M1'1H'1! MOlml.lllY .,, ... 81. 81 ...... Betdi LEMm wara.rn MOJmJARY C7 I:. 1'1111 Ill.; COiia· u ... .... Capo Police Protection Costs to Soar This Year CAPISTRANO -The San Juan ·capJstrano City Council has been told the cost Of its contract with the county sheriff for police ,protectlOn will soar ·fro:m. n&,000 to just under $100,000 this year. City Administrator Ernest '11lomps<ln advised the council to reoew the ·contract for the coming fiscal year, despite the hike. But he . advised them to "seriously consider" the establishment of a municipal force later. • Thompson said .that there wu not ·enough time available for an orderly change-over to a city po1lce force ·prior to tbe ~~ of. 'tJie, new flScal y __ a,,... :o..-- Go Fll11h<r ot S.... year this sumrrier. He recommended negotia· tions with the county for law enforcement 3el'Vice. The city had been warned that ·such service might cogt four times as much now because of a new system of computing charges. 'nle method bases costs on the territory being patrolled, rather than the population count previously used. Thompson said ·he had no idea what the hike would cost citiiens in tates. Th a t detenninalion would be made in budget aesalons ·to be held within lhe next \wet months by lh• city coun<O and staff, he !laid. SA GI Killed PERSONAL for the Hard ., 'ueorinc Does yov family m-ble1fheol they Wit! Hearing Aids at·-a Price Toa Can Alford! Backed by a Comp&n;r Y~ Can Depend On! ........ -Model ... ..,. ... ---.. ,.. ... ,,.,. . ., .......... . N•_, moli ...... •Ne_....,_ ............. ................................. ._. ... ,.., Ot,. ......................... t ........... "" .............. ,.. ........ 0-.... ~. r-.. •• ..._ .._....._,_. --.c... .... c..taa. ... ,.. ......... " . ..... ' -. . -. JO Ce.ts for :I Year• FloQd 'fax Increase· Sought 8Y JACI IB09ACK .. --_,.. """ ..... SANTA ANA -'lllo>ttate Le~w!U be Mlied to -the o...,. County Flood Dlltrlct'a In rate by ceull !« tho next -'""'to ffnlDc:e npaln to Ibo Santa Ana River; the 8oold of.SUpervjoon ·doclded ~ after. • ·spirited -. 1be propo&al c..U. !« a total rate ol ao. cents (It's ~cents · -p11111 u cents to r<tire boodS) for three yeirt and a permanent five-cent Jn.. crease to m cew. .Supervisor Da•ld L. Baker who voted ag-the proposal thought an increue of 10 cents for tWCY yeir,· ·only was all that could be justified by dala (ID hand. i That dala called le< $6.6 l)llllloll to be spent to lniprvve the ii•« chaMeL A dlvtrlloo channel would be bulll from Kat.el.la A venue lo Anaheim to Carbc>r er..~ for IU mlllloa; t11o r1ver bed i... proved lmn Carboo Credt to Taylor~-fw llli>tber 12.5 mlWon and rip rap W..k to be done from T8ylor to Imperial Highway in Orange for II.I mlllioo. The ·program calls foe rock ttlnlorc..i!~ ol the cluu\!>el and ~ of "drops" or small waterfalls to slow down the flow of water. The diversion channel trom Katella to Carboo C....k will provide one river bed for set=- tling basina to percolate the water underground a n d another for flood contro1. Flood ConCrol E"n g 1 nee r Gewge Osborne had recom· mended at five.cent addlllooai but posed no flood tbrtat. The rate to talee a tolal ol • $8 water in the snow is equal mUUoo in three years. to a sb: to ae v e n-1 n ch Flood Cootrol P I a n n i n g rainstorm, but would b e D.ivLsion Engineer Carl Nelson released grad u a 11 y, he told superviaOll that the predJcted. federal government plans to The long awaited U.S. Corps incre ... the ""1lll1 now from o1 Engineers sludy ol tbe San· Pr ado Dam because the re-ta Ana River basin, begbn cent rains proved that the lo 1965, will not be completed dam doesn't have the capacity until 1971·72, Nelson said and Altbough Supervisor Bater to handle a heavy flood. 'nley the county caonot wait that stuck to his tw~year iacre8" want to keep the normal level long. plaJI, other board members down. Langdon Owet11, geoeral pointed out thlt Jegislativ~ ~ Nelson' said the Santa Ana manager of the Qrange c.oonty tion would ooly raise the MU· River banks were heavily Water District, was the first imum allowable r~te and that eroded and need immediate to sugg$ a l<ktnt increase the coupty board would IC• attention ~to prveat flooding. in the tax rate. He said the tuall)' set the tax rate ~acb He said the Prado Dam still work should 'be hurried. year. has more water than anytime jjjiijjjilijiiiijiijj"ijjjiijij;iiiij .. lijiiiiijij;iiij .. ijiijjiij~j in history and the outflow was causing additional erosion. Nelson said the snow pack in the San Bernardino Moun· tains was higher than ever, CUSTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCREENS Drug Th~ft Trautwein to Face ~=~~~:=·sentence April 17 INSIDE AND CORNER M6UNTS Complete Lin• of _Firef,l1ce Acceuori• Mft. hi ••r ••• fectery ONE WUX DELIVERY · 1ter man who admitted that SANTA ANA -Charles he_ broke into doctors' offices ' John Trautwein of Huntington to obtain drugs bu been sen-Beach must return to Superior tenced to four months in Or· Court April 17 for sentencing ange County Jail. on his iassault with intent to p)ea of guilty, the striking of a damning Atascadero State Hospital report from the recprd and his freedom on bail, Call for free e1tim1te • Complete Une of Gas Flame LoCJS Superior Court Judge Robert commit rape conviction. Gardner also placed Carl Trautwein, 31 , of 20292 Michael Aoderson, IS, of 8822 Cralmer Lane, a p p e a r e d St. Andre:w"s Place on three before Judge Robert Gardner years probation on t h e and was granted a four·week burglary convicUon. He in-probation study. Trautwein admitted f 8 I t Nov. 20 that he had tried to rape beauty queen Sandra Scott last June In her Balboa Island home. S t A Jeni and an G na Awning Co. dicated that he might modify The ruling came three days the Tu:aa-bom youth's pr~ after Judge William Speirs' batlon if Anderson seriously rejection of Trautwein's plea intends to return to Texas. for a reversal ot his earlier Trautwein faces, if penal code provisions are applied to his case, a possible sen- tence of one to 20 years in 2202 S. MAIH 545-0,91· . SANTA ANA ' state prison. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday Reduced from -kl Limited q1H1ntitinl· Famous name spcwlswear fobrlcs for spring sewing! ONLY 99cp. ......... S-on lflfirl sporfswaor wcr..,.. for rha ~ ahtocil with ftMlrhrd aolids, prinb and pfoids in beM!M lpffrll ce'lon f'OI' pannits • ycrd. Women'sltetter • dresHS reduced! Group I Group II Group Ill 6.88 8.88 10.88 ·--·--·-- Glrl'1 panty hose of sheer nylon! 99C Look wfiat )"'I.I con ~for leu thorlo do!· bi: M• he.I '"icro mnh she.r ponry h .. iflcmortedipring~SiJMl•1& Women's· handbags clearance priced! • V.~..,..... lb-. •llCI Ntlrhtlo • AaftM colon •• ,tll ""It Mii fof ..... 0-,1 ....,, 2.22 4.22 Huge costume jewelry clea~nce • ~,_ • .,..., ....... 11,.,_, ·~..,... .......... 1ri ..... __,. ..... ...,. 66C 1.66 END-OF-MONTH ' Glrl's dresses for .bit 'n llHle sister! Sins S_,,X Sl:r.n 1·14 2.88 3e88 ,.,MJ'S fa done it again] w.·.,. .i.c. led JJ group cf dresses ond picld thet11 for cl.aranc• jutf ill tim• for Eottw ....... Women's sport tops and bottoms to clear • .....,,.....,. ........... ""° • lttbll ii-...., _,., "'" ,.,. - 2.99 3.99 Girl'• sport tops and bottoms to clear • v.c-. ..,,... ..... "''"'" • ""'""""" .... _,.... rt'-,... - 2.22 3.22 SPECIAL PU RCHASE \ Glr1'1 Penn Prest~ full length 1llp1 s1 This is your chooc:e to buy fint rwilyesltf/ cotton sftps that ,lon't n!l«I itolling ot • kiww·#ion-en:r p-ic11l Whitt, Ii• 4-14. Men's and boy's sport shirt b11yl • "-orltd ti)>!-' •ncf f.brteo • Vtrio" ror.n ftl1 --... ,; .. ...,.. .... ..... . .,_ 2.66 3.66 Novelty tier curtains priced for clearance! .,...,..,....,.,.Cl ·~.t ..... 1.66., COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Harbor Shopping Center} (Huntingto~ Center! (Feshion Island) ' \ " ' " • .. ,. ,. ti -.,, Mll'<h 26, 1969 DAR. V 1'11.fl' JJ '' • .Der Flight Was •Engaging!' ' Planners OK Pap~r's Use Of ' Jrous~ Calender of, Events Air Cal Cov er Girl Tells lff; Career . ... UOAY, t IMdi. 1 •.n1. w•, fMtw '~ ~.~.,..,.. Ael'MUtnfllc TMll-•a. VI I I• lt"Mkftll o.tltnltl CIW 91 COllt ~. ·$'.·--~·' -, ........ Of Ille DlllJ Plitt .... • Is a 6-mlnute flight from Orange County to San Fran. ciaco long enough to become tngaged? Alt California ltewardess IDd cover itri Diane Arlotto .. ,. k Is. Tbe 11., ...... ld lrowlH!yed bloode laugl!lngly uplain" 0 1 wu engaged once during the trip' to San Francisco. But Jt didn't l.uL ni..t wa.s when ... had 25 Boy Scouls •board returning from Dlsneyl- ea it to him when he lert lbe plane. "lt waa a white: rat." ' Di-may "°"' be gettiq a eonaiderable number of .. legith:n•'' propopls. She baa been aelected u Air Cal's cover 1lrl for maaazinel and billboards this spriq. At the same thne, the Coron.a del Mar J11P Scbool graduate will be doublla& u a stewardess. tt11 her ftnt real job, she says,. addJn&, "'I was once a baby-sitter." N.lirl,... IMS ••waldt ~ H.fwPOt' CoNL fllef 1 .. t.ur.,,., ~ HtrW ., ... went On a diet." 1..m. Ji•:t-m. · IMl:7Qit1 ~. 1:• •·"'-' cor • ..,._...., • IWW Ctvll Atl '4~ SIMclRll'I n, -' IMn' \.::'""" ......... Ht rtlw• l ift.. (~ lll• M\ Diane dld the tight thing EL 1:080 -A weekly Ac.ill a..-; c.te ,_., 1~• ~c..t Hia:::r, :::.!.~..:! "':::. Wl1 :..=-.._ ~ In s1: r~ :.cea~ trim 1%(). newspaPer . here,: the Ranch6 ~~~:,.~ ~::;" .... ~ 1 :.~';;;•;•;:'"';;;;;;;:,::;:;;:;:;;;;;;;:,:;;':;" ~.,:n;'"~-;;;:,::;:;;:;:=; pounder, stand.lng 5,11 and Reporter, has re ce Iv e d , :"""~' ,.._ '"""'""·~!· measuring :11--. reading permission from t,he ·Orange • tt11r1t1119t1111 •• hflol ~1 ~ P'"""' · Comm!' .r .. 1 \r ' ~le: Motl{. ,1", ~. ""°" H~ either way. County laluung :iGc100 f!llllofl a..cn.1;11 '•""' ~ ' . • I -C.. ~ .IVf\lor C,_,.., fl C-.. Air Cal officiall uy she to continue operations i iii a ,_.,., com """" °" w C:-HY ... of All 'l .. ~1':••.tn.• . ' is jmt we type -~on.vetted house on .Whis u ~· car.11 ~... 11: •c f,• t 1111 American girl they want to Dri d' t t El T au1W1,., irw ~~1 ..... 1!Yf., le·"··e In ••·•· upcomm' g ve, a 1acen o oro .... ~ w...ti. 11., ,.,,.,, M4" ..ur;.u. ;wl'hM (OOMY ~MW ~""°'"lelll "Discover California" cam-Road. · Allfl..1 st1111.,. Hltll SdlclOl.' GllrcMrt Th ' b"·hed ' b . ,q.,.. 1tJI "·"'" paign. e paper, pu = . _ Y · c.it• ~ '"• ......... 151' w. "llike·-'"'""a lf.ewardess,'' Carl E. Venstrom, jounWlsm -=~trW:l;.~~..._,.!._~ 11-_,. proressor ·· at Santa· An a JIMMlt ~ tM er.n.. ..,..,.., ~ sayd Di&M, addi"I good, ---~ ,_ ' " ' YOUR OWtf BUSINESS Earnl111 Pole11llll Unllmiled -. We ofter financlll 1Sslsl1nce • .. --"y, "I lalk to the College; haS I' clrculatloo oI ~-..__ ~ • ...;. ....:.,,,.,.. ~~ ,....,, <ltlt• 9t ntl1 ffotft tt, Clilndoill11 in y111r II-to. S1111tl '"'"" MID-AIR ENGAGEMENT Stewardess Arlotto "Ooe d. them, he wu nlne, gave me wh at he called an engagemeol gift. But I ,.tum- But that was a Jong time and many pounds ago. "At lbe time I weighed ISO pounds. I bad a boy friend and when be married someone else, I grandmolhers aboard t be 5,500 8l)d ii! 2~ years old. ' ~:n"~:"s1~.,.-H~~1:'i! 1":: .. ,_.,. Comp•.._ t~1f11i11t protr•~ W*'lit.l11t1rf1r1 wlffi ,r•t111t plane as much aa the .single Vemlrom was .backed in his 0:,.:;:· C•ntv w,. ci..t.. e111.1 ~1119. 1•~P•ti•n. men. But some men flirt and request for -special use of the w. via a-t0. ,..,_., 11K11, llNI THts AD POI NII llOCHUll- take up too much ol my time. land by more than 20 letten c!.': ~;:le$. YMCA 2300 ul\l~ Unlvenal Chlnchlla lrtecltn Most d. them are married ot reference from churehes, Drift. ""-" aa.dl. 7:3' 1.m. 1119 ._ ,.,,,,,, ..,_, ,........, c:.tf. and I doo't date married schools. and residents of the TKu•10"" c.11: (fl4J 11~1111., CelNtt C11411Jt.lt•1 ~~::=-=~====:.-=:.-=.:....~Ho~""~~~,M~'~a~·~~,.,~w~'o~C""'~""~"·~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~:'.:~~~::::~~ Sertlltlfl men... 1-area. C1f11 ... 11. l"•lhlo!I l11toe1, ....... 1'<111 MAIL THIS ,.,, She says even on the brief WORLD'S LARGEST - All Of Orange Count11 San Francisco hop "some passen,cers are IC&led." "You can tell because lheY look startled when the plane doors clMe. And, they often have a rosary in their lap. FLAME PROOFING REM OVE WATER STAINS EXChUSIVE GUARANTEED DRAPERY CLEANING Dr•p•ry C1t111ing , Pit· f11;t r1g1 rdl•11 of th1 •CJ• of your d11p1ry, or I 00 1. r1pl1c1m1nf if cl•••"bl1. • No Shrink•g• e No Wilted He•cfs • Perfect Pleet Folding e Perfect Even Hem• e Weter St.iin Rem'!lval OUR JXCLUSIVE SERVICE e Prof•ssional lns1allation e Prof,1sion1 I Removal e Terms May Be Arr.a nged' • Free Ertim.etes ~ •· Frlei<t.~n~Qrepes 200/o OFF fOR CASH alld CAlaY 1702 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA "But I just start chatting, and soon tbey relu ud enjoy_ the Bight." Judge Heads Center Board ANAHEIM -Judge Loga.fl Moore, of Anaheim, has been named president of the Board of Directors of the Child Guidance Center of Orange County. He succeeds Mrs. John 1.fclntooih of Newport Beach, who resigned because of ill health. The center, located at 171 East 18th St., Costa Mesa, provides outpatient therapy for young people with emo- tional problems. , . Fields Coµ\edy ·Slated at UCf JRVINE -The motion pie. tnre "Million Dollar ~P,'' itarring W. C. Fields, ·irill,be shown al l :Jl p.m. Thursday, in the Studio Theater at UC Irvine. Admission will ht: $ 2 . 642·ll270 -540-1366 Sponsors are Un i v et s i t y Gallery Associates and the Art Gallery. ·~ -· '1 • • ' All Penney ,Stot•91 Qpen Every Night ~oqday lhrough, Satur~ay . t · .• ~ · Come in.·•rowse around, , , ' , and yoll1i'e sure to find the enne• •J ·&est ncords1n towa In :'!"f Penney's nconf~epamnrits! ALWAYS FIRS;iiE HA VE 'E:M GLEN CAMIBELL 'GALVESTOW ~- The stor of his own TV show now .... praised in practically .every newspaper and magazine in the country, Glen Campbell inducl1t':..ledions com- posed by Jim Webb, Buffy Saint Morie and Randy Sparks in s1ereo. QUICUILYIR MESSENGER SERVICE 'HAPPY TRAIU' Two great sides in stereo by this imaginativ• group are a sure journey in1o Americana. Live portions recorded at Fillmore East 'and West. MARY .HOPKIN ..... 'POST CARD' .}. New sangs by Donovan and Nillson; old songs by Irving Berlin and Frank Loesser inducling the one that started it all-'Those Were The Days'. 4.91 YALUU, NOW' • HUNTINGTON BEACH {Huntington Center) NEWPORT BEACH (F .. hion Island) 'I \ ' . . ' . . . . . i All Penney $torts·Open-~ery Night Monday Through ,.Saturday · enne•.•1 A~WAYS ~IRST ·llUALIT~' • ·' ' ' ' Oif p.R'~re 11~ Imperial fro1tle11 upright ........ rt .Reg. 279.95 Now*257 ray ~.1itt1 ... $11 ,. rnonth • White, ~Rperto~ & crvocodo • Com~etely frost free ' • 18.11 cu.!fj . copacity • 24.78 sq.'·fi. ~heff area Custom 11' upright freezer 'Reg. 239.95 ........ NOW $217 • Avoiloble in white UBEYDUA ENNE CHARGE . ACCOUNT TOCA.YI ' S..e· .tow ol .., PtRcrnt@ 17' Imperial fmtl•H rwlt•atorl .... 34'.'5 NOW $318 '°'at little"' $13 ,., "'911th • 26.3 sq. ft. shelf area • 6 mntilrlw lhelves 0 White. coppertone, O¥OCOdo & • harvest gold ' - .. •. , . . OUR PENNCREST 17' CUSTOM1 .fROSTLESS REFRIGERATORI · REG. 309.95 •, 27.7 square f•t . .a: shett area •.• Adjustable whtols ' " • Percilain meat pan with half shelf . ' • S.lf<>Stonng split shetf • 2 lever ice trays & ·ice ltr\'i'C• • CoppertQ.M, avocOcfo, and white r P••CASI@ 17' lmporle1 ,c ...... ., .. frost 1wltoratorl •ot· 315.ts . , JfOW $358 Pay ~·ll11Jf •• $14 .,., menth • Automatic ice maker. • 26.3 sq. ~. s!.Jf ..... 0 W1ti~, copper1ow'll & GYOCOdo NOW s21a Our 1reat '•nnc,..... 15' custom u~ghff-rl Now reducecl11 ... 1tt.t5 NQw~77 Pay .. llttla • LIO ,., Mlnfh • 2 adj1111oblo..., ....... • st.i. out...,...._ ltoil<or • A>oilobWln ...... NO MONIT DOWN ... UH PINNns TIMa PAY-PIAH .. ·'NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH Fashion l1!1nd Huntington Center r ( ' --·~-~===-• • !L: =·--7: rp Ap~•1we:c:;s:;r. J! IAllY "LOT ~Ol_JIEl_'«E ___ e.,:_y Ph_n_in_terl_ond~I Parks s~hedule Eyed .. Your case bas been po.st.poned. until eight o'clock tooigbt-diruler for two-at a. restauranl of your choice.'' Airport Transit Line Proving Huge Success Hickel Seeks to CIWJige 1'ime Cutback WASHINGTON (UPI) -their con gr e s1'm e o , the W.rth_ vac&Uon-lime not far . interior departmtnLand...Ol.her oU IDterior Sec:retar w lte orncialJ a~ut lncreased <."OOts • , Y a r played a big part. J. Hicteri ls trying to rind Hartzog said the nrst ex· a vt13 to ~pen naUonal park! perlmental operoUon of the on 1 HYen-d.IJ•l·wetk scbed-campground at Crater Lake \ ult. National park in Oregon last A COlllf'tlS(OlMll Umltatioo year by a. cooceuioner had on qwipowu last year ·rorced been tenruna~ and c~trol the lJobnSon adtn.lni.etralion to returned lo the park senJce. cut 'back eome parks to five , Udall ~as forced .into,, the days a week ,but Jllckel wants 'distressmg aJtemat1~es of to reverae that. reducing the park service staff . or "lowering standards" of The loter1or • Department service and protect.ion ror also 11 reversmg. anoU_ler park visitors, an Interior J o ~ n I o n a d ~91tratlon 900.rce said. His decision was dec11ion by choosm1 t 0 to "maintaJn quality service." operate federal campgrounds itself this year. Under a UFJ' CEILING a week were announced , the city .. aod I.be local ch•mber of comm.erce launched a drive to raise money to oay for cavern guide& and have kept the P.tTk ope1l 1ays a week. PATROL ROAD Hot Springs, Ark., has )lept a portion of the Hot Sprtnis NationaJ park open by anlgn- lng city policemen to patrol an access road -a job performed by park rangers before the reductions. The Johnson adminlNatioo budget, now under re.view by the N i x o n admlnisU'aUon, sought an increase of $83,367 under the budget sect.Ion in John 1 on ad ministration decision, private conce!Sioners hoklinR coriracts at somt na- Uonal parts could have charg- Several bUls have been in-which funds for persomel and troduced in Congress to lift physical facilities operations the ceiling on personnel as are kept. ed t.ourist fees. The parks manpower limila- tions came in accordance with 1e.neral ~udget reductions in au £ederal aRencles last year. Only three or each £our job openings may be rilled with a ceiling set or 5,988 compared to 5,:90 at mid-1968. MORE MONEY was done for the natioo's Spendlng totaled $75,181,800 postal system afte r com plaints in the [)aSt fiscal year - flooded Capitol Jlill. the bulk of it, however, for The budget restrictions at' management, protection national parks prompted two rehaipUtation and .main-- localities to find enterprising tenance oI park faci.lllieS. methods of their own. to keep An Interior spokesman said parks in their areas open. the park service is makint Tourist revenue from visits every effort this year to to Carlsbad Caverns is con-publicize early the opening sidertd vital to the economy dates of facilities. The dates for the city of Carlsbad, vary from park to park while • STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music -RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island, Newport Beach Hickel Is asking the bud&et located in an ecooomica\ly others have traditional open- burelu for mare money to depressed area of New Mex-ing dates and still other open-~store full partl operation. ico. ings depend on weather fsc- CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) -all the seats on iOfllt runs. It was learned the cost cf -~-~·~·~cu~tb~ac~u~to~fi~v:e..'.d~a!'.ys'._iton~"~==--=~==-~2================================ OD.ly four months old, the na-The rapid's do-it-yourself such an effort · could totaq- tim's first a i r po r t -to • Iuggage.totinR sytC.em may upward11 ~ $10 million. downtown public rapid transit While many parks and line already is carrying twice alJO be 00 the way out. The tourist-dependent communities as many passengers as its ~transit system and airlines are already have felt the economy ~ken expected. studying ways to provide pinch, vialtors to western .and All Penney Store1 Open Every Night Monday Through SOtutda, And while some talci drivers downtown baggage checklng northwestern park systems gnimble, the C I e v e I a n d service f 0 r airporl-bouod only in the next felf weeks TraM:it System (CTS) is wUI feel tbe full effects: as trying to borrow $2.5 million passengers. the seasonally cloeed facilities for more cars to the airport. "All it t~kes is for people begin to reopen on the limited to get behind it, be tenacious basis. "The line is a success a1 far 811 we're concerned,,, says and get lhe bonds issued," The 1968 decision b y Oi.ainnan Allen Lowe or the says Lowe of Cleveland's r!l~. , S{cretary Stewart L. Udall to C1tvtland Trailsit Boan:!. as the airport trans 1 t permit coocesliooers .in groundbl'eaker. selected attll wu part of "We bad anticipeted a To other cities however ht a run..point program. to enable ridl:nhip of 2,000 per day and recommends "it should' be the Nitionaf P8rk Service to we have had a steady 4,000 done princi~y 00 a county adjust to cutbacks i~posed riders since the very begin• basis since most airport! re-under the act. ning of t.be operation." J-ted qulte a way from the RATE .._.. OPE CAMPS The $18.6 million service center ol the city and often opened last Nov. 17 after com-you must travel through The park service director, pletioo of a 4.1-mile rail ex-suburbi on the w1; to the Geor1e B. Hartzog, said the tension linking c J e v e I a n d . ....,.,... from do nto ,, 1ervice will operate a 11 a1.,..... • w wn. campif'O\IJlds in the rr areas Hopkins International Airport €'lS itself may weU be take.o. of the system except at to the end of a regular transit over eveOOt&lly by a clty<OUD· Everglades Natiooal Park. A route running from one side ty port autbority bCfoV being concesaloner there already has of Cleveland to the other· proposed. Despite those 4,000 a ooe-year contract to. run Trains leave both ends of dally riders going through the the Flamingo and Loog Pine 1 he route every 10 minutes, airpoct &tatlon, crs rtcenUy Key campgrounds. · covering the ll-mile route amounced p18ns for five-eent Although Hartzog did not. frc:m Bopkim to Cleveland'& fare increues aimed at pro-llet the other "factDrs" In dowOOrwn Tenni.naJ Tower in ducing a • meager $200,000 reversal of Udall's decision, 23 minutes. The fare is 35 surplus in 1989, inslead of its an Ihterior spokesman uid cents, but may soon go up projected $2.4 m.illlm deficit. complaints from tourisl! to to 40. 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ limousine passengers pay t I.tiO and ta.ii passengers spend up to about $6 for s trip that can last more than an hour in heavy traffic. "Airline pa59engws com- plaJn when our trains run two or three minutes b ~ i n d schedule," says an wrrport rapid conductor. "They say they might miss their flight because they've timed their departures that close.'' Taxi officials say they don't keep a count on their airport trips, but some driven; say the trans.it line, which delivers passerigers to an underground tennioal at the same airport entrance used by ca bs, is hurting business. "It's just ebout dri ve n us out of business," says a woman cab driver. "I guess it 's cut business by about 25 percent," says another cabb.ie. "Sometimes we wait up to twice as long for a fare into the city. "People who took I he limousine to save money now save more by using the rapid," says another. "But the ones who take taxis don't wor- ry about the eJ.pense and slill take cabe, especially people with a lot of luggage." Limousine operators say busffies:s is oq 50 perctfll. Last Decemlier. the fir31 month after the new rapid line opened, limousines car- ried 16,189 passengers to and from the airport. The previous December, they carried 33.366. Jt was estimated that in the (int 20 days of January. 1969, the city's new airporl transit C<l5l the city $3,851.50 in 25-cent -a·passencer limousine commissions. CT'S is seeking a $2.5 million rederal Joan to buy 10 more air condilioned cars for the line, ~·ht!re \'eleran passengen of the older part of the route have complained that travelers are taking up ! Big values now on aluminum ladders! 16 foot aluminum extension ladder Construc1ed with the famous W*t• ner Afflo9 patented rung joint. Di• co11 oluminum lock. 16" wid•. 14.99 20 Ft.18.99 24 Ft.24.99 6 foot aluminum step ladder Hi-strength heat tempered oh1n11i- num. 50 lb. c:cpacity poi! shelf. lnclude1 dip-proof plastic feet. 9.88 S Ft ...... 8.88 TOcaAYI ' I I PAINT R DUCED THRU SATURDAY! . ' J. C. P~ Comp.11t'ly guM•nt-th•t thl1 prod- uct ...,;11 ~de o,......_.t <:0¥9r911'"' •~ will be .... .nab!• fot" five yurs from t"-d•" of por· o:h•• wh..., -.>llliMI -• pro.per1y .,.._.i ,..,. f-• ~1bed tr. d irK- tiO.... on l.t>el. APPlic.•- tion mun not •Jte.ed 9114- lon ccwer19a llMW belO'l'I fot" •-=h typot of ......,""· If this pnodllCt d-not P•rfonn "stand, The J. c . P•nn.v Co. win --PI v. ,..,. Of "'11rv-, eno..9'"> MldttlOMI "int to compl~I• c:O'ln!r8ge or r111:011, or •t lh• c:o.n - tom..-"• option r•f\lnd th• puro:f'I-plic<I of th.a paint. COVEl'l"GE-op 10 • p,....louJly paoint-.i SUI· fK"-•00 ~. f1. p,<r e-!lon. . •P-M_.y-10010 2&0 1111. ft . .,.-t•llo". TM J . C . .._.y Co. l'IW"'t-di.-9'\iJ PfOd· '11;i9"" uct wMI ......,..,... -co1t Ii _,... whett applied ,.,,- _, • prOf*""ly prapertod -...rf--de.crltoad .. dl1'9Cfl-on labll. Ap· pllc.lttoM must not •O:· ceod gallon c-• IUI· .-<! ~'"""tor •Kt> tYP'I ot aurf-. It tlli. product ooa not par-form .. 1u11- «1, ltM J. C. ~'I' Co. •ill 1upply, f,..., of ch.,11", anoug,h Mldit/on~ p1in1 to compl.-te cOW!r- 9111', or r1lund th• p ur· ch-prio9' ot rh• p1int. COVEl'IAGC: Not to E"o:Hd: • Pr1111l-ly p1lntoo;1 su•· ficet-00 Sq. n. per 91110 .. 0Porou1 •....O"'Y-100SQ. fl.-.. llon N E W P 0 R T BEACH ( F•shion lsl•nd) SAVE 2.so • Saw bit llOW 011 01r l'e1111Craf1• l're•i-- coat interior fetu paliit ! Forget about a bothonome second mat. Foctary ..u..i ..... lo .,._ COMplotely with the font coal of ...-Mlowi11g, .... i.. paw.· Drioo qaickly and i...... na painly oder. Reg. 7.49 4 99 NOW. e Tint bate ....... ······----Reg. 7.-49 NOW 4.9' Pe11HJ'• cerries yoar c-plete wallp..-,er Htdt! Poper, smoothllllJ paste bnsltes. pl•s ma11y _,., SAVE $3 lilJ sni•9S 011 o•r l'e1111craft• l're•n He coat exterior latex pal11t! c ..... "'°" """"'1y prepared ..n-s in ~ caa1. AM with bnlsh, rollor « sprayer .•• -.., ..-Illy, ....i,. Dries in 20 l!linut.s. l.toves a ~. durable finioli that re~m bffstering, pooling. factory mixed colon. Reg. 8.99 NOW 5.99 Tint baM.. ___ ... _ .......... -... _.Reg. 8.99 NOW 5.9' ' ... -54 Valley Students O~inawaFightRages ' -------~ lt'TSliglitlyf)iHerent From 1945-· Bombing Stepped Up But North Escaping Honored TOKYO (VPf) -Two -. . ol J1pu lftd Pmldoai lm!, which m,_ they oro the . . ~ yem.,.tbllw.UAmsican wbo his not eoDYml ted tmd. dtl!ped for •lJbnlted l'1ft,t trODpl 1•uled 4*aawa. the bimMU oo the ol Wll'." llllb · ~ ':. V~.,! lMt mojor blltloCl"ld ol the ~ Oklnliw1 to Japon. Vol<et .,. being raiaed In -._ ., Ille acbool'• Poclllc war, ud In the II ore ~ to -In South Kon• ud llllJoi>ollil -iW! rill llit!Pl"'A" cla)'I 11111 followed 11,111 ol Wllhi>ct<la'tlllt fall to c111ca11 Qi1na qalnll My .......... tMrn _.lilied. the matler. \ Jllu 11>11 m1PI reduce ........ wi.. nolll .... flnolly WU Oppooilioo puilol .. Ille otJnawa't r<>Je In deftndlnl Emend an tbe Ult Wtn a"llllbed, A,l'lt J a p I ft. I e JIPIOM m""'Md ID d thole eouotries. the follow1Dc: IOldien aad llt,ea «*inawan Okinawa IN mart ootlpok•· If U.S. buu on Oklnlwa 9l.ljlllm II. -b'. Dulle dvtllam lay -EJ.TUMI: P<llmOlll .... ci .... the """' otalul L. Bralloa, PllJJ!ll H. _.n.1~~"!':!".'1~1 ~ One pooltloD Wlllch _, ... u U.S. balM iri Japon, II -· llat)' B. DIJullo, -, ~ -cm ..,.. • w-be --·-~ wnnld be neoeaury f<>< the Wayne B. Dor!Jlmd, lUnt B. fllbllnr llUll rqod, Adm. f • Ublled -to qqe In Dudrt&r, Bnqda J . Pillp>ao. Cjioll.i W. Nlmltl -'" .:.pl~,:..,~ ~ "prior CU*111111lon" w 11 b Carol A. Hamt. l.JDJ E. -pladq °'""wa ud the .,_ !run Ollllltw Jape belore latlnf any types ~~f;;!,* ~·r-= ::.. ol t • ~U, ~ Anolhor llOlllloo L callt 1or' ~ colftlllive action from thooe Kay Y. P-. ~ M. -.., -· ~ ""verlioo •lfll U.8; -nn ~ would eliminate what Savldp Marjorie A. Wllcoa, ·yo111 W. otlnawa la llUll Oklnowa to ba" the ume U.S. mUilary leoden call one v1rpu; wn-. Dorolb.Y H. flmllJ . .-Amerlc .. rule. 11a1u1 u u.s. ~In Japon, o1 the great t1ra1t&i<: ad· Yim, Mariam Y...,. lllJTD PILL w~ ~~;,hich vantaps ol their b-com- Otrrl A. C&rlltnter, Vlnctnt It In a bitter pill !0< mllflt be C<lllsld8"'d a pin In Okinawa -the ablllty A. Como, ·Sandi Fukinaga, o kin 1 w a as who an· moderate one, calls f 0 r to respond quickly to ag· Phllip R. Martz, Kat.bryn R. throt>OJolkiUy, J.i.oiuisUcally reV'trsion with U.S. bues; le.ft treUklll iD the Far East. Oyanla, RUJsell M. Soll. Yuri and culturolly .,. Ja_. lala<t. Japooeae polltkal obottvers S. 'hn1bata. Chert L. Watson, and 1ntllt that admln1ilr1tive It i5 no secret that eome say that if SATO and Nixon Marilyn E. WUUams, DHnna rtgbtl over Olduwa be U.S. military officials believe fail to come up with a R. Woodson. rtlurned to JaJlilll. Jt is a removal ot. nuclfar w1apoM satisfactory aolutioo to the Naomi L. Young, Sherri J. goal lhartd by the Japanese. from Okinawa would be a Okinawa problem the security Beans, Steven M. Chernow, 1be United States, while gra\re mistake because they alliance between the two na- Marlon M. LancaM, Toni M. recornJzinl Japan's "residual serve u a deterrent , lions wiU come under Mavy Oberacheven, Michael W. so v-e ref Int Y'' over the particularly to North Korean fire in Japan. ' Ormsby, E4wm! c. PiU•, Ryukyut, lnallla tt mllll have Premier Kim II suna who That treaty, Mtich bolb Sato AJ)ril L. Sorenetn, Nell M. free acCUI to its military h¥ vowed to "unify'' the and Nixon want to see main- DAILY PILOT ) 3 ---•ONLY lf DAYS LI" ___ _ kMOW WHERE yaa're BOINB on this year's COSTA MESA, 1175 Harbor Blvd .. 642-6940 CORONA dal MAR, 243S E. Ceoll Hwy., 67~62 w .. r. o.,.. t •·•··' , .... s. .. s.. •. t •·•··• , ... WASHINGTON (UPI)-111e "We have actually been fly· Torr, Leilani R. Blod&ett. base!! 00 Okinawa in enter Korean pemmula. tained, ii 111bject to renewal United Stites 18• •-ppln• · th William E. CH•, Barbara to ,uarantee security . in the The nuclear weapon1 nut year and can be can· ·--NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY wv 111o 1ng e cunent high rate (of " Fir K•at stockpiled Okin t lied more tons of bombs in the BS2 sorties) since l\tarch, J. Elladel, Gerald T. Pliml MlniJter. EU S ti on awa art ac-ct by either oeUon with -------------------Vietnam war than it did be-lt68." Gellqhr.r, Donald w. Ol'ondi.n, llu ato cal rather UWl ltratefi<:, me year's notice. fore a halt In the bombing of Stephen ·T. Jackloc, Michael North Vietnam was ordered Pentagon sources, however, J. Kiley, Jenn t fer ll. Nov. t, an analysis of Penta· said he did not mean to indi· Milbrandt, Rose A. Moffett, ion statistics showed today. cate that the rate . ol. last n.-1 L oi..e March continued without a dt-..,. ..... 1 · n. Since a conservative esti-1. . ••-nd 1 1,.... Larry M. ~. Mark P. mate indicates that at least c me to u11: e 0 ""°· Schildhauer, Kim Todd , half the bombs were formerly 1 Laird later refened to "the Marshall P. Toppen, OanMe targeted in North Vietnam, ower number of 852 tortle1" D. Whitehead and Sabine this ecould only mean bomb-and made c~ar that use of the w · ing in South Vietnam or neigh-big eight-t:ngine jets is much __ rn_mar_·------1 boring Laos, or both, has men Htenlive than bad been sna.,,1y mcreuec1. p11!111eci. 11e .ubd·fot an•<> We Cover Boating The inc~ was reflecWd dit!Oflal $102 mlllklo to finance In Defense Secretary Malvin ~=don dllrlng the next Best in West R. Laird's 1"Vlaed budget luf,.'ili.;jl~ ----------iiiiiiii_,..;..,.. ... 11 week wbea he 1ald: "Aetualll consumption of air munitions is now running at about 129,· 000 tons per month (including the higher number of 852 aor· ties)." BOMBING PEAK Former DefenM Secrtt.vY Clark M. Clifford said in Jm- uary air bomb C<l'JIUmptlM "peaked" at 130,000 tons per month last spring "and has bttn declining !li.J:Jct then at about llS,000 tons a montb by the end of 1951. '' Except in terms of total tonnage the bombing increue nnoot be pinplnted far two main reasons: -The bombing in Laos, which borders Vietnam for more than l,Q001Tliles and~ stltutes a major porlloo ef·lhe Ho Oli Minh.1rai1, hu always 1 been under ·tlcit agreement with the Laatlan government and no figures whatever are available. · -The available statistics for South Vietnam showed the number of bombing "gortie.s" (flights) has not incrta.sed, but because there is no break· down as to the types of planes used, the statistics do not show increased use of 852 bombers, each carrying up to 15 tons of bombs. QUESTION OPEN Laird left uncertain a ques- tion as to how much ol the incnase could be attributed to more uttnaivt uae of the B52s. In one place he said GIRLS • • • AGIS 4· 12 WIN Many Valuable PRIJ:IS '" HAR I OR CENTER'S 2nd ANNUAL TWEEN· AGE PRINCESS ' COlflllT CROWNING SAT., MARCH 29-l:DOp.m. MAMI ' ••••••••• I ••••••••• ANinl ........• •••···•• PHONI . , • , , ••.••• , ,, ••• •• ... ... ·················· Sears Big, Glorioas ldl . oowa Po.rtralt l '.. ..... . .. . r•' :y oar.: ~ Offer Expires Sehlrday at 5 p.m. c • Liait: -por dliW, m per faeil:1 ... ..-a-a.tieu~ • OriWnm'• ....... talla at l9c per child utn • 1!9h!el:t! ........... ·•-eel 8 Ne4,1Mt t•UILll!'J a '"°"'"""'" houn NO to 5 p.m . All Penney Stores Open Every Night Mondoy Through Saturday Sava 11aw 011 our Panncrast• 3/1" Yllrlabla speed drill! Reg. 24.99 NO,W ••••• 19.99 1'1y • lltlt<o .. $5 per """"" lig savings on our 23 piece multi-purpose micro workshop! Reg. 23.99 19 99 NOW..... • P1y • little u $5 (Ml' ....,.th 1-----. 7 1/•'' Circular Saw Reg. 44.99 Now37.99 Pay as lltlt<o as $5 per fllOllth • 12 AMP-2\.2 H.P. motor • Rip guide included • All bill & needle bearings • 5000 RPM . ----------------- only 3.99 8 piece screwdriver set • %: x 211 Pocket Clip • V. x 4" Electronic • Ji', x .411 Cabinet • % x 1 *llf Stubby • % x 611 Standard • 3" no. 1 Pt. Pftillips • -4" no. 2 Pl. Phillips • 1 ~·no. 2 Pl. Shlbby Phillips Plus o woll mo\lntad self storing plo•lic holdor- all in an attractive display box. NO MONO' DOWN ••• USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMINT ~ ,Ill 0111 ll'Mll rt!Vn'I t. GWWI~ l lwllllt .t DlllC'J •NI ~Ing In H•"'°' Ctnlflr. IJM MAUOI ... ,~ COSTA MISA SEARS SOUTH COAST PLAZA nu IRISTOL ST. PHONISICl-uu NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINC '-I BEAr J (Fuhion Island) (Huntin~ ' ' ___ ,1i___ _ __.:___~.:______ ____ , •• ( I '1 _, __ ' ~' -l t · ~LY l'ILOT • Sprl•g Thaw . . . Emergency Steps Taken for Floods ... CK I CA G 0 (AP) time for the expected floodloi . "-Y llt<pll are bein1 Tbe Dakotas art under a W..a to Aleguu<f people and deep '°"" blanket. ,In North pc~ !Jun lloodB tbat lhe Dakota It b lhe huvle!t for U.S. Arn1J Corpo ol Engineen March since 11117. Snolf(all ..,. c:oold oweb into lhe worst ranged from 30 "' 72 l~s in tbe hhltory of the Midwl!!!t. tttis winter, compared with a Record snowfalls are e1:pect.ed nonnaJ. 25 to 32 inches. to bestD melting next week. East.em SOuth. Dakota 11so 'Sandbllp are bting packed had record "lmomrtl, including and dJkes reinforced as a nine-91 inches at Skim Falls. state 9l'fll. covering a quarter To lhe aouth, the snow cover of the country aod affecting in Iowa is heaviu now than six rnUlkm per90m gets rtady in 1965-wheo record\ floods for the anticipated rush of caused more than $25 million water. damage. States bordering the F~ would· spell northern hal' of the mighty disaster for many farmers. lttis.sissippi River art in the When dikes cootain the rolling greatest danger. water, it is backed up 1n low- Tbe Wetther Bureau says lying groupd, droWning crops. snow normally begins to melt The St. Paul, Minn., City in the last week of At arch Council ' has authorized bor- with most flood crests oc-rowing $300,000 to m a k e curring in the second or third preparations. The Mississippi week in April. • is expected to crt!td. in St. SANDBAG SUPPLY CHECKED -.Orders !or wd- bags were heavy J8st week in view of the oncorttlhg thaw and threat of impending spring floods. Rbbert Berg, vice-president of Berg Bag Co., Minneapolis, checks his supply of the flood stoppers. The Anny UPI Tl__,. Corps of E~~rs was preparing for the threat by buying ~· i million sandbags and distributing them to citi~ ~obg riven. "We supply qie bags, but the communities have to supply the sand," said an Army Corps official. Snow accumulations i'ange Paul at 22 !h to 25% feet. Flood , fmn 4 to JO inches inc the stage is 14 feet. I 21}: million sandb.lgs ,to aug· pow« plam. taine: 226 inches at Rubicon have more floodin& kl the San Mississippi a n d Minnesota Preparations are b e i n g ment the 750,000 'it Ji.as on w!!;enandin d the ~nd .ha.,. SPunurueak, 'tl90aodinchesl3 ~~a.'t J~Ifq~eVbaa!leveY: .~~ flood, River basins and up to 100 made to move the Mesquakie hand. '1t has a$6 ordend 25 eeper a ve UIUR;'3 ., ~.I. inches in northern Minnesota. Ind;ans from their settlement mUes mor~ ol plast.ic dleeting, more capacity, 1 and s o Tahoe City. we'll _be dorie,'.'' sai(t Lfirenct In Wi!Coostn, families with along the Iowa River near 12 re« wide, to' cover levees normally thef,can cortain and At Reno, tarp au 1 ins, Winchell, ;t, of AiUsi His : : ·r5'e'bj Today's .''. : .... Want Ads . ' ' .•Have~ trailir'l .. Wl!l .tn.v· el,-, . ln comfort and f\ln, . .. in th!& cuitam built 15' .~~~~;;r:.~?f. I tJ'9.ftl tnller, with eJee. · tric ttfriiera(or and brU:· es. y oms !Or $65(1. e 'Pita» Return: KeepMJr:e ; \ 1tzW. Jolt in the vicinity of Ke.rm Rima. Senlimental value, ~ward ottered. e Map MqnilJquet ... A 11 ... J99ck . qt. excltitl& ·thina:• ad.om this ,'64 Corvette, in '-tnunat;ulate cond!Oon. NN • ... . e~~. 'F.ut~h. ,paJn and .; • mutaa;. Nqt '-' \lne'tlon · ' ~ the new nl top, klwrior, ., and unusual maas. • Summer ~: EnjoJ the · rtnUe art ofkll'l_,.,.tctrina ' as yoU zip around town on cottages onJ-the ~fississippi Tama, Iowa. and dike's. carry oil the exceaive waters plywood and sandbags are home was aw&Sh in recent stxre are moving furniture In Dubuque, Iowa , some The Weather Bureau has h-cnn the Ml<!west, the Corps being stoc ked. _:floodinl~'.'.'.· !.:''.'.'.nd~m~ud~~b~un'.:'.'ed~hl~s~========~========~ and appliances to storage in $900,000 is being speri on such forecast record or near record of Engineers said. One business reported sen..1- ·• this Suzuki 150.' EJtcellent condition, moat be iJn to appn!Ciate. safe places. Some are putting measures as the raising o( flooding on the Des Moines But the flood threat goes ing 2,000 sandbags each to their Mmes on blocks as bJgh a six-mile dike two feet above River. near the headwaters, beyoJ:l!J the Midwest. Harold's Club amt Harrah's u ~ ~~~: =~ ~st~evel · of the 1165 flood t::i~rnr:~~~ bu:ng : ca~:=r~~~::;: Cl~iu=a n~ been ., ... ,. ·r.nnAllePenn1y.St.or11 Open Every Night Mon. Throu~h Sot. their furnishings to higher The Corps ·of Engineers in sandbag ring is being coo-for floodt from record snow hit hard by torrentilll winter ground and move for the dura·,· _Roc_k __ Is_land__:,_1_u.:._• ..:hae_conl:..;.:.•..:•ed.:.....:struct_..:ed.:.....:around..:.::.:..._lhe_c..:":::.'Y..:":_..:dep.:t..:hs::....;in;.:...:lhe:::_.::.S::.lerr::.:.• ..:M::OW>=:._:'.:aina:::_..:•.:nd:..:fl::.-=·..:.:llld=-.:ma:=:.yi tioo into JnOteJa:.' I ' •• The ""ta llll\ll"!f""ed are ;. , . ~. Minneoota. Wls<ooiin; 19 wa, All Penney Stores Open livery Nighf Monday Through Sat.urCl\'ly j~A~Lw~"~"'~s~··~RST~o~u:;:AL~Ir;.;v::'.~iil!!il~=:"'::~=:".~::=-:=~==:== ~~~ . ' .-. ·auv A t'EW ~ AUT(fcENTER and lhe Corpo ol Ellglneers _, • ; · ·-· ·~ ~ • ~ ... . _ ·ruJ. m~~hificent ;:~_·!k;."~t" .. _ ...... _"!~~ ·ffi . COOLANT ii ~~le~ nooo insurance f~ rt ' . * * Snow Survey Measurers Confused SACRAMENTQ,(AP) -The snowpaclt in tht' K1ngs and Kern River Basins is so heavy .that Army Engineers fear their snow survey measuring devices may be thrown out ol whack ir mort ol the white stuff fall! before the melt begins. designs ... one to S"'"ST-EM' 1suit your taste ·~1 :· ll ' .· . Seranada chi pdesign-in smart • ~,e~enfi bold colors. A real buy. 10,x 15 .,, family room ' • nie two basins, where the snow ii. more than 20 feet deep, ~e considered the most criUc'al areas in the state as far as runorf is concerned because the water has no place to go. Excess water not diverted along the way ends up in land-locked Buena Vista Lake or in Tular! Lake which has no outlel to the sea. Va largo Rooms come alive with this boldly hued Moorish 178 90 Ove1heafing I Measuring devices in use are called snow pillows - • rubber container which holds about 400 gallons of denatured alcohol. Pressure from .the weight of the snow sends 'alcohol up through 11 pipe. A Ooat o perated telemark dispatches coded readinp to staUons. Glenn Castle. who heads the Sacramento Army Engineen District :mow survey program, said snow pillows art designed to measure water content up to 300 percent of normal or 150 percent of the maximum of record -equivalent to 80 inches of water. Water content in this year's snowpack already has reached 70 inches in the area. Readings are being received only from five of six snow pillows in operation. design. White, beige, too. l~x 15, f/00, desiin cooyrlghtftf . family roo'(n by Armstroni. Montina® Random-size-veined .vinyl 169 46 stones set in translucent vinyl. Practicalluxury! 10x 15 Norage_rT~ Makes floors bright and sunny with hexagonal family room 145 58 vinyl chips in bold colors. .10x 15 family room 10·3 27 10x 15 famil y room NEWPORT BEACH 644-2313 I ' .. • Purges air from coolln9 system ••• prtve1ts Mist -• Provides visual ch•!=k on coolant level 'I" if r • lnc:reased radiator and hose lift • Stops loss of c:oolant due to overflow • Prevents overheatin9 in traffic 10.95 NEWPORT BEACH (F•shion l1l•nd) I ' HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) \ -J s nlV• ""'· ls· ,,,.,. .... .... y of nW .,, ;.,.. '· in .... and tion ior, "" """ , .. ~., "' - at. = = " Control .. T~affic "' ' . , .... , ,.. •.,. f'rl NIW , YORlt ,(AJ') ..,. Ao ...-...... ..._ to lllllt llltlU from lhe -tra..i -ol lhe , ... ---~··--. : .npejllli\I> .t!lll summer ol lut • yeai•a hilon' -!Oa.,-lrupo. !· Bui tra..,~ wlU flnd ·tt.,.,. • dllllcWt to l'h O!ght precbe- , ly \ri>en they wont .... The -acbedules ...,. • , ' ·~irked out by the airlines to meet limits the federal ,ljOVernrnm\ has lmi-f ef. • • fective J\!Dt' 1 oo the number ol fliibts per hour at five ' major airp<.u. """"" New Y<rt, Wathlngten and Cllie•&<>· lndu8try '""""" said the · .alrlinennel the federal q mootly by -.. !Uihts from the buslett travel period - late "'"""-aod early even. in& -to leas popular travel times., MORE l>D'FICIJLT "It wW be more dll!lcuU !tr a pl.enger to 1et the flilbt .ht wanb or to matt connections," one airline source said. "He may have to · come: btcr later. or watt a day." Making cormectin& !U&hts Ti111 -~ more dlff1eu.lt 1 ""°k..,eo aald, naln& ll>at · the rescheduling was not coordinated a m o n.I the airlines. :Edward M. Pike, director ol air traffic management for . MQbawk Airlines~ Mid be ez. .. pect;d th1a ..mu.er to be bet· ter than last aa far u atackups are cooctmed: "We'll probably have delays but I think they ..W b. reasooable ones. Many of. the delays will be taken oa the irow>d ratber than in the alr or ln &tackups." An Eutern Airline spokesmai 8iid there mll8t be more alrpartl, improved navigation ~ and other basic ~!in the air transport system. ; ''This is m soluden," · said of the q-sytlem. '11'• just rnakin& the bat ol a bad situation.'' NOT SOLIJ110N.,· "It's like foort guya Oil a raft and they cat.ch a &b," he added, "and they divide the fl.Sh and maybe tt la a lair and honest and .... propriate way ci. solvina tbe lmrnedliite problem -but It doion't n«fll9lrlly provtda Ill ldequate meol> !or 111J1 ol them." ·; . ' The agreement.. aff«ltl , ·!. nedy, N..,ark, Wulimil!i,ilr '.. Natiooal and Cbicago'a O'JfU. . airports. Agr<ement ls sttJi . to be rtached oo New York's La Guanlia Airport. At Kennedy, for example, the airlines will be allowed '/O tske oils aod landings per hour, escept tor the period ol frun 5 to 8 p.m. when IJ will be allaw<d. Nonatrlihe ::,,:._".1u be·~ 10 !U&hts La« July.anc1.A .... ~ peat ) air ~~bnlugbt 130-.. 135 ~1a:D"°'-n' .at ·Ken--.~ nedy, with delays of up to llx hours 'ad' with up to 70 planes waltin& to take o!!. The llackups at Kennedy bad a ripple affect, slowing air traMportatloa throughout the coontry. IJM1TS SJ.T At the other airporls, the limits set by the govlnP1lellt are: O'Harel tti; Newark and Wllllhfnitori, 40; La Guardia , •• • In -to !U&l!t limits, the new regulations requirt that an airline mi.wt .bold flights on the irow>d ot the point ol «igln if a stickup al, !&y, Keonedy · Airport means a landing delly of, ID hour or more. The exact effect.I of the new re,ulattons, the weather, 1inkl to ........ !Ughts, and public -to K all add! up to a 14 question. mark !0< tile alr-. 'l1le Air Tramport A&oocia· Ilan aald the Industry had ... Pk1ed a 15 pertoent increase ill national air traffic this amuner, but said Tue«lay it doemi 't know now what will happen. "It is reiz-etteble that fu,bt •ationin& . . ' baa -necewry," laid Tram: WtrJd Alrllnet. 11Sucb restrlctiOOJ TtlUlt in retrencJunlot of NrVlce which Is contrary to .. alrline'• obllptioo to ..... vlde ...,. -....ice.Jn to public demand." ~·t aay the alrU... Un It." an Atr Transport AllociaUon spokesman aakl, 11but they are NUdled with · It-It ddt111'I aolft all Ult pnibloma. Ycu olon't lm~vt ,..., -by c:urtallIIC II. Which lh1I ha.f to do. II • i • ' .. ; v ¥ I " - ~. c . ' ~ " '· • {' 11 • \• ) ANAHEIM 444•.-l.IMtn ............ 11 .......... ,... ... .. .. ' " ' ,. ' ' ..-• .. • • • • ' ( ' ·' ' ~· ' I ' ' ...... . ' •. .. ' \ .. NEWPORT • • ' . . ' .. --_ .... M•11. """' M. 11 •·•· .. t 1Jt p.a. tit, It •·•· te 6 p.-. I . • • • I I I S: I > • • • • • • I f ' I ' • • 1 •• • • I t, • . I i . ' ·' .. ' : ' • , .. ' • I I ! ~ i ·-' "• J .:, ' 'I·,, .. . ' > ' " ' ,\ ~· .·. ' ~ .. : COlOR-SPARKED .DR,ess , -' I SHIRTS 'WtifH 1KODEL .. . ' '. . .··. Brightining the -spring .suihsc6ne , , , ( dres1 ·shirts aliife with •n~.color iii ...if. ·mannered· KodiJe ' polyester ·a~d cdflbn. By ,Kt~ninglon in '• w"!'lo0;r~n~1 of the . seuon s newest .c01ors ten'd pt thorns,. 71111 •e.stmon· R•gi£tered . Tro~einerk . TIES ·IN · HARMONY T r~dition·ol nockwoor by 81iar stlikls . tho col~o'chord for • hatmonious Clvo of tie plus· shirt. See our ·coll1dion ·of tho now•sl spring colcr'etlons. JiocM.oo COLOR.CUED HOSE • Hose "'" the. color g,emvl .• • • com~l1m1nt every oullit , , • f!'Om bosit: .bloek to i•zty ploid. Keepers designs ·l~ern in .. 1 9re1t1i1ilbt hl*t of foshlon sklillls,.ICme clyed•f.,..,,1tth .,- fovoril• ,#ii .. 1.00.1.IO. . . ..-~ Univerilty Shop,: 53 'il•il· end, 1.i.phon. otde~ inYit.cl. .. HUNTlN&TtiN; If.Ii~ ,,,,....,_ :~ ............ ,........... . l ~··· Troop Withdrawal Can't Come Before a Year WASHINGTON a,-sc.ne -i.;y U.S. military NY k may take 1 year belon IUbstlnUal lllftlh<n GI AllW'- lcan -.,.,, be wtthdrawu lromVletnam. !Jon decision could sforl I pullout eariler. tuaH,..p pullback ls a major negotlat1ng !&sue In Paris. Sen1<>r Glfic<l'I 11ld any unJ. latenl withdrawal ol U.S. troops will have to be keyed to improved battlefield per· lormance of tbe South Vl<l- nameee t r o o p 1, aomethinc which involves more than just moderniv!d w e a p o n 1 and equipment. one top mllltary· l<Ader. "W< sl>olllct have I blndle by tbeD on bow the ARVN'1 improvo- ment !I .&oinl·" U.S. com· -.W alao ·~ be able to tell by tthta if the ellmin• tton of the Viet Cong'• deep root.,i cu<irfila structu,. '-' ~' u upeci.ct, he llid. Mesa Student Goes to Washington U.S. Senator Alan Cranston {D-Calif.) greets Costa Mesa High School student Michael P . Woodard, 17, who visited nation's capltal recently for Senate Youth Program for high school leaders. Also on hand were Esther L. Valadez, 17, Baldwin Park, and Vice President Spiro Agnew. \Voodard, 2873 Drake Ave., and Miss Valadez will receive $1,000 college scholarships under Senate progrun. Massive Quake Due U.S. Geologist Cites Time Factor WASHINGTON (AP) they will continue to occur Another massive earthquake at intervals over the ne1t of the type that wrecked San million years. Francisco in 1906 is inevitable Pecora testified in support in the next 30 years, J govem-of a $1.S triillion budget for ment geologist pr~ted Tues--the earthquake a t u d i es day. during the 12 month!: begin-- The 1906 disalder was ~the .nlng July l.' Jle aaid other last of three massive quakes agencies, including le Atomic over a 150-year period on the Energy CommJision, the C.Om-- San Andreas fault/William T. mer c e and De ren s e Pecora, director 91. the U.S. Departments apd the National Geological Survf:y, told a Science FOlp)dation, are Senate Appropriations sub-cooperating in earthquake in- commitlee. vestigations at a total annual "\\'e are predictiDg anolhtr cost or $7 million. massive earthquake certab:l]y "The hope of mankind." he within the next 30 yean and said, is to develop.a ~ most likely in the next decade of forecastlng earthquakes or so," he said. "It ls in-withanaccuracynqwattained evitable." in forecasting volcano erup- For a few million years, lions. He said every eruption Pecora explained, the earlb ht Hawail in the last five jn the area of the fault 'bas years has been predicted. been in "a steady state of An objective of the San restlessness." Under this con-Anilreas fault studies is to dition, he said, it can be ex: determine whether some lof peeled that when three such San Francisco's new major earthquakes occur in 150 years buildings are built on unsafe No Big Clash Red Chinese, Russ Boost Border Forces LONDON .(UPI) -The Soviet Unioo 'and Comrnunl!t China have almost doubled their annecf forces along their critical Far Eastern borders, lnfonnecf defense sources sajd, China, moreover, is reporteq speeding its nuclear arms development program, aP" parently concerned at the possibility of a Soviet strike aga\flst its n u c 1 e a r in· stallatlons in Si n k I an g province, the sources said. Neither the Soviet Union nor China seems to anticipate a major war now, they added. But neither side is taklng any risks, and to all appearances, bolh are taking aJJ possible precautions. special anxiety in view of the vital nuclear installaUOns con- centrated there. ~lier reports bad disclos- ed Moscow had placed a chain ci rockets in Outer Mongolia, directed against China under new defense deploymtuta that also mov~ a considerable number of Soviet "advisers" • n d "technicians" to the area. PE"k.lng was reported to be greatly perturbed by the developments and their possi· ble designs, the sources said. China was said to be speeding ita rocket . develop- ment program after Peking'• nuclear arms projects had suf. fered a setback last year because of the so·ca l led cultural rtvolution and ln· ternal dissensiobs. foundations. The city, he said, has been bllill partly on tidelands of the put "on loose material." Pecora told Sen. Alan Bible, !}.Nev., that bis state "is in the 1ame boat with California" as to being a "restless" atta. Atlanta 1st In Venereal ' Cases Rate NEW YORK (UPI) -Atlan- ta leads the nation's major cities in venereal disease rate, wtth one case for every 23 residents, the American Social Health Association reports. Pittsburgh had the lowest rate with one case for every 223 persons, according to the survey financed by the U.S. Public Hea1th service and backed by the American Medical As&>ciation. Th e survey was conducted J uly 1, 1967 through June 30, 1968. San Francisco was second on the list with one case for every Z1 persons, followed by Washington, one for 2 9 ; Chicago, one for 36 ; Detroit, one for 39; Cleveland, one for 41 ; Jackoonville, Fla., one for 41; St. Louis and Memphis, one for every 43 persons; New Orleans, one for 45 ; Birm· ingham, Ala., and Ba1timore, one for 47 ; Cincinnati, one for 48 ; Dallas, one for each 50 persons ; Boston, one for each 51 ; Newark, one case for each 52 person s; Philadelphia, Kansas City, and Tulsa, one case in SS; Denver, one in 58; Oakland, 61 ; Colum- bus, Ohio, 67; Houston, 68: Louisville. Ky., 69 ; Mobile, Ala., 72; Los Angeles, 77; Fort Worth, 81; Seattle, 84; New York City, 90; Indianapolls, Ind., 96; Phoeni1, Ariz., 97 ; Minneapolis, Minn., one case for each 124 residents; San Antonio, 126, Buffalo, 160, 1t1ilwaukee, 182 and San Diego, 195. The defense sources said the Soviets, Sfl far as can be determined, recem.ly h a v e moved major r~nforcements to the Chinese borders, bring- ing their strength in the Far East to an estimated 25 to 30 divisions, or about 300,000 -------- men. HALF THE NU~IBER In the past, Soviet forces in the area were estimated at about haU that number. Frontier reinforcements wtre ~ .,.:~·,~::-~~·~WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY --s TO 9 Urals. There was no evidence major Soviet forces were moved from Europe to the Far Eastern borders, lhe &00rces said. China now is believed to have about 500,000 men con-- centrated along the borders with Russia, especially near the Mongolian border and other critical areas, according to the sour~. A broadcasf by the New China New1 Agency Wt week boasted that eight mJIUon soldiers and civillant i n Sinkiang province alone wert fish 'n ChiDS a favorite of Old England Breaded fish pieces ierv(J(f with Ftench fries, cote &Jw, roll •nd butter. 99~ Includes beverage. engaged currt .. ly In "Im-'--'\''f'" proving the uea'a war pr<paredllql • . . to build tbe -·"" -ol tbe rDotheriand I n t o an Im. pregnable wall of iron.'' PEKING ANXn:TY 1be specific mention of Sinkiang reflec1-the tn- formants 1aid, P e k J n g ' .s I OPEN 11 AM to 9 PM ZU7 FAllYllW COSTA MISA 64Z.07JZ Bu( they -tbelr luda· men! ls ba.sod on mllltaij. r. ct 0 r. and 1cknow)edp .,.__ II Iha Paril peace ta1b ot a Nlma. Adminlltr• Secntai)' ol Def<me Mtlvln B, Lalrd said, "l\ do not be- lieve that now 11 the time" i<> dllom U.S. t._ wtlb- drawals. Laird aald this la bo- cauae the enemy ii contlnuinc a "vay affirmative and atrong cifenstve" and because mu. However, tbt new Pentagon chief spoke ol m-Mng toward "Vietnameslng" the war by modernlsln& tbe South Vie• namese fon:es-ARVN-on "a realistic baail"-meaning at a ruter rate than the Johnson Administration'• Jll'Ol'&m. "We'll know this fall," sald ...... ~- ·MV!la ---• Where should a widow invest the money she can't afford to risk? " ' In a California Federal 5.25% Liquid Savings - NOW! DMDENDS PAID FROM DAY-IN TO DAY-OUT! Her husband provided well for her. She's invested carefully, too. Good stocks. Bonds. And a California Federal S.25% Liquid Savings account for the money she can't afford to risk. Because her acxount is safely backed by the strength of the nation's largest federal, she keeps a subotantial percentagc ·of her assets there. Per dollar invested, her account often yields more than her risk investments. Liquid Savings accounts are for everyone. Shouldn't you open your account now? Earn from day-in to day-out. In addition, funds received by the 10th of any month earn from the 1st when on deposit at the end of the quarter. Choose from two higil rates... , • 5.25% Bonus Account: (Available in multiples or $1000.) Earns '.4% bonus each year above ngular JllS.'book rate when held 3 years. 5.13% Passbook Account: 5.13% annual yie1d on insured pasSbookaccounts when all saTinp and diridends remain a year, if the 5% current 1n1Wal rate Is maintained and compoanded daily for a year. California Federal Savings md Lou Asoociation • 18 Offices•~ ovtr $1.S ~illion · NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE: 600 N. EUCLID AVE. • 778·2222 COSTA MESA OFACE: 2700 HARBOR BLVD.• 541-2300 ORANGE OFACE: 3810 W. CHAPMAN AVE.• 839-3033 Head Office; 5670 W11shire Blvd . Los Anoe les ACICICRll"Q ire iftSWl'd 1lp lo SJ S,000 ttn<kr provi~ons of 1he Federal Savini:s &r: Lo:in lnsunintt Corpontton, a pcrmantnt 11ency of the Uni1ed Stites Ommunent. ........ ' r We bell .... >m- 1ble na- eep i.. b• -.... ' ~~~~~-·-·-·-=========~~----•••.,...,..,...,...a .. aazaaazaaazaaazaaaza .. aazaaaza ............ 111!1!1111!11111111 ... lmll ........ ....... - t I • h11.11t111t .. c ... ..._.,,,111 ~c .... .... • , ... ! .......... -=~=··= ~···I ........... ...... I • tl61 c•••• .... •Af: c.!..t, ,._, 0.., ..... e 1460_!.l...._uf ..... St.-l ...... c.t.,S....AM ............... 'Ii' Aerowax •• Solid or Strip• Summer Wt. .•9· $1 Sylvania Blankets flash Cubes IAlllTU1' NAPKINS • siit'(~p;;~i 'iouthwash •••• 73f $8.64 Fire R•sistant Storage Flies ........ ..,.,;~ ""'' $694 in Bcitr: • .CVi' biJh. ------'I 12*" Joni and 8Yt" ~ck. 6 Year Old Monogram Straight Bourbon lelltl $3.95 Hand Blown 10" Glass Vases '.SmutSIJlalM•";• $299 f1nl1od--oew u lomor· nrw I <hlice of Olitt, Blue.G ot Gold. $4.95 Valu•I Vinyl Chai•• Loung• Pads FIH• $2'' •••• "'"' '°""""'" $333 (.la 0 i c t~ prictd dcluit •ioyl ptd!, c.hoict tff'tl lower tha.n Dur low ••"'•'•''•'"•''•"•'"•'•do•;,.._. ---•I price cf .SJ.49 Wines from Around Dciici<M ... ,,. ~pain, Germ••!• fnnw. J•r."' Jtll)', ~I or b1m dlnlor. •• ' $2.49 Val. El•ctric Charcoal lighter It Ir,, dataMI •vnittlg: No "'"" flo;d MOl<d. $199 f1t1. a ua. -r ... 10 d1nfCl'Old /l•ft11J11. I • • • • • • $101 ••.•••. 43( 89f Pond's Cold Cream 62c B.F. Goodrich Water Bottle . s1" Hardwood LACQUERED Clothes Hangers :r, 87c .. , • Ttc1u11r H11191ri • Skirt tl1111- 731 • 'fltr l~irl ••• • t •I~ llMH '"' • Sl!rl llUlffl, J'1 I -c Satin Hairdo Protectors 11L1opard Print" ~ s1•• Giant Sale of Scatter Rugs 2:$5 Wide ran1c oE IOI· id colon llJICl toul· ti.ailor tombol. 30x10··. 24%60'", 271:.U" It otbtt P9Pllbt· 1ira. AJI flJlt qmliry nyon '.le. C'Ottoll. ·$1.29 Tlirtle Wax Cpi' Care Kit ...-it5!F,..Cw 99 ............... c Bmatilia '• 111.r 1lltcmobil1: lfg, 13":x16" Plastic Shopping lags )()# tat in colorful C y'"'""'' 39 priob that d111n •ith c damp cloth. 2" giwets. $2.37 Valu•I 12 Qt, Enameled Pot s;,.,,.,.,,...,,....,.. "188 "· cf(, Baked Gii tmmel .J finish i.a whitrfbi.ck trim ""ith lid I 39c Val. P1yched•lic Magnetic Can Open•r Handle ii mapdi11Cd 19 IO stick Ol'I 11'1)' ftlftl\ C 5urftce! Wild, psy(he· ddk d"i8n• i nd colon! $1.29 Fluff Tip Plastic Braom1 .'i<'>Otrtd P1tttJ,J Ctt. 99 rho. holds IM 1m1ll'9t C Jl•n1de1 of dlJ!t. Re· pltct your old broom $16.95 Value! 6-Foot Exercise Board H<0•f 1"1' ,;..,1 ;, $999 A•oado or Hot Or1n1c. Doubl e k& JO('.k!. 2 ,ht(ld ICt'PI> Reg, or Lo·C•I Canada Dry Soff Drinks 12i9' I • DAILY PILOT 7 ' • 11112 ...... "· .. W.••••!f ........... C..., ........ • ,4 6"7 W6' f ¢11 tf hWtc WW, WtA 1' t'OI • 'e 1ttllY6f ... 111,ci..,·-A.,. ....... ,11-.._ .. .._ • I ._,.. T1 Otlllll At $1 Your Choice Prtmium 1ttttch n;rlon1 in QUtO• rib or c•blt desiA'1, popul•r colon! Cushion foot cl'tW' llOds 17% cotlOll, 1 }'):;, llmcb nrloa ill ... bite, 11'hitc/ 1tripa, C'Olon. Black, n&YJ', browa, chattoal, ol· \ · i~, I lilt fib 10.1,. Easter Baskets and Novelties Thrl~y Has A Giant S.lecfio11I 39c to $389 Ride'm Duck wltll 1111-I Polf Dud: 'With $ :.::.::. 233 t I 1:i.les. Makn klij-lr::l1k IOuocfl $3,4t Vil. Dr; Dolltllt Pushml·Pullyu Toy ,.,;, ;,"' doll• $1•• p l 1,11 beodlblt, lo"eabk pl 111 b Pushmi. Pullyu. 8eautiful, btribboaed. bukttl, metal pails and no-rcltia chock ful l of wonderful trtUs •nd lurpriJQ. ne k:iddi,s ,,ill thrill. 1t JOllr chofrc ! Chocolate Decorated Egg v. ........ ttlCOIOut filled er fruit ind nub. To 1i•1: 44c ., Ill Easter 1;ft. -"'"' in 1*1ctt. SZ.AI Y1I, Plush llUSICll 111111111 """ ""'~' ..... $J99 goup of gilt u i· IDllJ that pby I tllttry l\lllt. · 1-n Wllslllre . Stnlle11 Nylons Reg: 871 Everyday [~],; 69° est f•Xiion <0\on, fit and flattery. . • ••4-d c. ............... lk • ffc 1111141 ... hrt •f I SH•i.. M••h •... , • .' ••• 7ft • ffc L.-41 W'lllhir•. A9llH N C.fltrtct , •• , ••• 7tc • ttc La'r WillMrt S......., ••n'--....•.•. Jtc Women's Canvas Boat Shoes · ·. ''Smartly Styled'; • full cushioatd 1rcb sponsc in- wl,, mol ded •o!c. Hca'f'}' dutJ ' up~B in wbitr, n•vr, f1clrd blUC', ... 10 • . ! :> ~sy:>' $3'5 Men's Fine leather Belts &Iris' Colorful "No-Iron" · .Pant ·Dresses $176 $4.15 Y 11. Ylnyl Zipper Bigs """' ..... ;.. $299 double C.l?fUI• hendla: in taa finllh 'With BJid:trim Smoke 111111 Llthter l C11a ·~,,,;r.i1~ ,.,,... $23' Ci,(lftltt CllC .. i lb 1D1tchiq: light er nn •r h1i r'crQUDtDt prw f1h- 1ic1 thH ocvcr n'ed ironin3. G17 prints, •tripo, .solids in l to 3,) to 6X;7 to 12 . ~ $8.95-$7.95 Y1lu11! Ylnyl Conrtd Rattan Tote Bags "''' oir, •io~ $1 98 Women's Sateen Summer Shifts ~ Butane Lighten ,1:u1r1ntee !No ""''"' i;r.,;-$399 ch•rse lot 1erv- icc whm return' ol $2.00 Hot Colar loxed St1tlonerr ".VcJoar1" !1•· 99 hOlltfY ,, I t h .. lintd mod JtJ'lc tn'f'dOptJ i tt M111'1 & Boys' Stretch lastex Swim Wear :'' Yow $29' ..... l.1:Jtn ttrttcba · for btlftr fit, driew quid:ly, 1969 1tylf111 ,.,, • Git! ....... kilt S•IM w .. , t SJ.59 . • Othtr Stylff, 5t.6t 6 SI.ti ,.,, lioed, colorful IOI• b.\11,. Ida! for the bc1r b. picnics, $'·" Boys' F11hlon s3•a 100% corto n priOls •.. f11lly lined, split side witb •ttrtcli•e bow. kutiful Kt'ttll 11rint1 . Dr111-Up .IHH R<&oluo«J;m $29' 1t7le1. Your . ·---------d1oi"' ti «ilon No itoa ll1wl Wem1n'1 Everything· SClrf "''"· • " • "'· $157 ~tie, ncdr 1t.1.rf, ••cot, •!Uh. etc. Hitb fisbioa printt SI.OD Y1lu1! llewl Kiddy .lew1lry ..... ...... ~ 69 ~ldtontc b1i1 C Jl"ldinl 11 'C Ir· 1•"1 ..• br1ce· sec va1. ea. P1arsu D ress-Eez Pan s Pack ol 2 f l $149 Men's Knit Sport Shirts $2''.- Choi(t of hi.gla emit neck fuO. 1<>0 knits. JOO'Jli, ,om.btd cottocl 111 10Jidr ind ind f1Jhion Hti Mini·Flowers ' Jewelry In Pots and , Spedator Pins · i .~~-?l~i •t t1tor 'J:ips thlt .ill~ .. .,..it .. •r o.di! I Jl I b l ' New Liner Trying Agait• Southampton, England spectators look on as Cun- anl's new . fransaUantic luxury liner, Queen Eliza- beth 2, is edged out of her berth Monday en route to three d ays of technical trials in the English Channel. A Cunard spokesman said the 65,000-ton liner's de- parture was earlier than expected because of the success of weekend tests cM her refurbished turbines. The turbines, of a new design built specially for the liner, broke down during • shakedown cruise last September. ln~tant Stroke .Diagnosis • Study Under .Way a~ Soutli Coast Hospital B7 lllCILUD P. NAU. "In the JlrOlraln now being be ltudied with a view to by all hoopllala In llnnP °' .... »r ,.. '"" dtve~ wlth the aid ti. evaluatlna and redac::loa the County1 Southern CallfOl'.Pfa. A pilot slutty that may Jui federal IT&l'U, it II propelled data to mmput.rtuttoa. and -hopeluD7 -In the to "instlnt dlapotla" of • to amQ.l IJld camputeriu all "If the feulbllity of this United States." stroke vlctlme tlnu(h ....,. atroke cue hlltorl" and to ltudy at South Cout proves The program 11 sOulh Cout puterlled data II wx!mny provide each poll.-. pa· successlul," Dr. Carroll aid, llbeln&organlzed by!lr.B. L. at South Cout COmmunlty 1 tient with a code number "It is hoped tt will be actepted Tesman, a 11l1 t a·n t Hospital. which he would carry with coordlJlator of Area VIII ~ The lludy, llrlt ol 111 kind him at all times. Regional Medical Program!, in Orani• Coualy, could pro-''Thus, no"matter wi-he AFS Picks and cfaoulty member UC! -vide new hope to an •"mated might be overcome with a Colltee of MediclDe. two to U... m1Won people r.........,. al the diae..,., hll Membenhlp ol the study > ' In the nation wbo .... Dve medlcol hlltory would be CdM Off1° c1· al teaJ!IJ Includes On. i...., · -· the·threat Of nc:umnt avalllible 'Within '\nlbuta by Moore llld Jolut Plcktrill; • , -, lelepllooe .. teletJpe . to the Mn. Kathleen Qumqbam, \ Sa,. Dr. Vincent CllTol1, approprilte center.'' 1 Amerlcf.ll.Fleld Service baa registered mane; 'Joseph presldont <'I the medlea1 llall; The wort is being un-awarded Corona de! Mar High Chaain ; Mra. sue Uqennan, "A JX'ObJeJn we ftequently d e r ta k e n u n d e r t be School Vice Principal Robert bio«atisticlan, UCI; and Mrs. encounter in treau.n,-a penon spoDIOt'lb.lp of. Univeralty of J. Hughes a one-month study Mary Carroll, pt1ycbologist; IUffertq a JeCODd sCrNe ii CallfornLa, Irvine -College trip to San Jose, Puerto Rico. alone with Warnn · Callah.ln, .. I U. ~bittty of hill past of Medicine and Callfomta Hughes leaves California a polt-&troke paUenL medical record wbJcb. because Area VID of Regional Medical April 4 and returns May, 4. Sooth Cout was sel~ ol, the ·<GmpleJ:ity ol thll l'rqirama. During hll stay In Puorto said Dr. Tesman, because it ,' di..-, . would be ~ in-. The study team at South Rico, he will work on the is one of a limited nw:nber etC.imable value Jn pr8Cl'lbing Coast is engaged in testing starf of a 3,000 student boy's of hospitals already involved -olten IPtlliftl the difference and developini a standard set school in San J ose. in the Professional Activity between Ille mil death. of. questions which could be His duties are to familiarize Study Prosram on 1trokes il!" used in any area to ~ hil1'lllelf with the operallon or itiated in 1953 by the Un!ver11· Sna'ke for · Zoo case hlstories. the school, to teach English ty of Michigan. The hospital Stroke cases treated at the and' help out with acUvity and has for the put, 4'12 years b03pltal during 1968 will be athletic programs. Hughes, 38, forwarded stroke 1taUstiCI· le HONOLULU (UPI} -A bill reviewed and during the next Uves at 2918 Carob St., the Univenlty'I com P D t e r hu betn iliroduced in the, .;•~lx~m~cm~ths~all;;,;;iie~wi;;;caae;;;;•~wllliiiii;;;;;i;N;;•w;;:po~rt;;iBiiie;;•ch;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"';;;";;;ler;;;;at;;;Ann;;;;;;;Ar;;;bor;;;;."'":;;;;~f state senate wbicb: WouJdfj ~ ,::1i..:" ~:""~ Is Your Business Conducted Under A reptiles to Hawail. At ir-nt, there are no makes in the 50th llllte. FICTITIOUS . . ' Our Starlite phone glows in the dark. FIRM NAME? So you won't answer the cat. ~.,.,,, ... . ' ). f ->'•. :,.\. ' 'Klu know the routine . Late night call, you reach over to answer the phone and BOOM! CRASH' Pandemonium . Well you ca n prevent it from ever happenin g again . Get O\Jr Starlite9 phone with its glowing dial that will guide yo ur aim in the dark. And make a cat happy. General Telep one I '5 \ I I I I' \ \ IF SO IT IS 'MANDATORY UNDER THE LAWS Of CALI· FORNiA THAT THI FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS OF THI CALIFORNll\ CIVIL CODE BE COMPLIED WITH: LAW ON PUBLICATION OF CERTIFICATES OF BUSINESS, FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME (Civil Cod• Section 2466-6"491 Sec. l466.-Except •• otherwlM p~v1ded in the next Mdlon every P9"'°" tranuding bu1lnet1 In this St1te under • fldlt1oua name and every partnenhlp tr1n11cting butln ... In thf1 State under a fictitious name, or a designation not showing the name of the person lnterMted •• p1rtner In such bu:.Jnes1, must file with the cleric of the county in which hit or · lt1 princip•I place of businep is situated, • certlfic•t• subscribed and acknowledCMCI in the manner pro- vided In Section 2461 of the Ct.ti Cod.; stating tha name In full and the place of rftidenc:• of such penon and statfng the name In full of all the members of such partnership •r.td their placft of rftidance. Such subacrlb.d and acknowled9ed certificate must. be published subsequent to the flfinq thereof with the county derk punuant to Government'Ceide·Saction 6064, In an...,. D1per pubff1hed fn the county, If there be one, ind If there be none In .such county, th.n in 1 l"MWlplDtr in an acljoinlnQ . county~~~~ afftdhlt showlnq the pµbllc1tion of such cartlfl· cate· 11 ltt this Hctlon provided 1h1ft be filed with the county clerk.within 30 days 1ftar the completion of such publlcatfon, hut In fto 9vent 1h1U such nublfcation bt meda prior to the filing of 1uch c1rtiflc1te with the county clerk. 2461. -The certificate filed with the clerk ., provided In section twenty.four hundred 8'1d slxty .. lx must be signed by the person therein referred to, or by the partners, as the ta .. may be, a~ •cknowladgad before some officer, autho,.. fted to take ·the acknowltdgamant of convey1nc• of real ~rty •.•• Whet'e a busln111 11 herNft•r commancad bv • person under a fictitious n1ma or 1 partnanhlp Is haraaffar formed, the certificate must be fil.d and the publication dHfgnatad In that section mulf bl! made within one month tfter the commanc1mant of tuch but1nes1, or after the fo,,..,.. titn of. the: p1rtnarth1p, or within one month from ttM time d•ignahd Jn the agrHmant of lh members for the com- mencement of the partnership. Where the bu1inn1 h11 &a.rt heretofore conducted under • fiditlou1 name or where the partnarthip h•1 been haretofora formed, tha certificate must be fiJ9d ancf the publication made within six mo111th1 after the p1111~ of thl1 act. No person doln" butlnaas under • fictltlou1 nai:ne or hi1 11slgnff or assign .. , nor any per\ aon doing buslnas1 as p1rtn1n contrary to tha provislont ef this artlcla, or their asslpnff or asslgneff, shall m1 int1in Jn the courts of the State of C1llforni1. Sec. 2469-0n !VERY change In the members of a Plrf• nerthip transacting business In this 1t1ta under 1 fiditious nam• Ir 1 daslgnatton which does noi shaw tha name of the Plrton1 lntaruttd n pilrfn1r1 Jn lh busln111 ••.• a new certificate must be fllad with tha 'County Clark, and a new publlc1tton made 11 requlrtd by this article on the formation of such partnanhlp. If you have n11lectacl this procedure, vou should reaillte that the nama of your firm ft not protected •nd that you are not antltlacl te maintain aulh for colltdlon, or for other purpoHt, •nY action upon or on account of any contract or contrffft thtlr partnenhlp name, fn any court of this state vnttl the certlfic1t1 ha1 Min filed and th• publication h11 bean rnNe •• herein requlNCI. Take care of this Important mltter now, by having the DAILY PILOT, an adfud(cated legol newspaper for Ora.,. County •nd distri buted in COSTA MESA, FOUNTAIN Y~LLEY, HUNTINGTON BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH, SEAL BEACH, NEWP.ORT BEACH, WESTMINSTER, publish _.. urtlflcat•. Tho cost 11 111\all but tho flllnt and publlcotlon It IOlftothl~ which should l'ot bo onrlooked. Forms for Flctrt1ou1 Firm N1m11 and Certificate of Abandonment ef Ffctf. tiovt Firm Na"'°' can bo obtolned FREE from any of tho DAILY PILOT offlc11 shown below: 330 W01t lay Stroot, Coata, Moto 92'27 2211 Weit lalboo loulovatll, Newport leach 926'0 309 Sth Stl'fft, Hunti ..... -92646 222 Pol'ftt Annuo, L .. una lloach 92UI BE SURE TO CONSULT OUR LEGAL. ADVERTISING DEPT. AT DAILY PILOT 642-4321 ,. "'· • " - ..- ,• ,, ' - ·.:. ' 1. I' \ " , .. ~ ,. ! : .. .- .. .. •' " .; a u a s __ D~Y PILOT JS)' Have i a Good · Attitude -in· the Face of the Inevitable ., . 111 P.1. Slot-., MD glory. JOll bw lood ..-.1 far mo. the Inevitable." You IOWICI low alerted many ol us lo the lauUves dally may only mate (which oomollmes retain bits Detr ~. ilelncrolm: When IT IS QUITE an ldjuotmalt -Mn. D. and depres.ed, Mro. D. I Ill&· IOclal dangers ol h11Ylq had you more cOOlllpat.d and will ol food). Poet na""1 drip from J "'' to I believed that the just to trow old; let ·alooe OOMMENT: 'J'be &ood news eett you take inveotory ot breath. Uke an,ythin& el.le, It oot affect your brtalh. chronic sinualti~ is another •llN ptOCtm did not begin being bes.leged with varicole ls ln your own wordt: "a, the plus signs : your present ha 1 bee o overdone l suaest tUt you check cause for bad bttath. witll lhe IOI. Now, at ao. It's veins and lhlnnlog balr. I lood attitude In tbe Ill" ol general llOO<f health. Add up NeverthelOS! il ii ollen a J... your leedl for retained food hal'l"l'lnl lo me. know U..re Is mare lo Ille the Inevitable." Far, 1lthougb the figures and you will !Ind lor In our relalfoos with ]llrllclel. l'd also "' a ..,. WllAT 1 AM raying Is lhat Fer one thin&, 'w bat than mert: phyllcal attributes, tt11 true tM& we can Mlp have our falllD'el1 too. you are not as old at 30 otben. , ahd 'throat speclalist to t.e you will have better rt!Ults ~ CID medical science but tbele ~ 11e1p to m.1111 pid:lenta who suffer At lllcll times it is eeffQtial as you Utink, It ii no( UIUIUT"ID, u .-. )'OU . haven't got a ii you COOCtf\lrate on nose, otter for vlricoee v e i n s keep a cood attitude ii the trtm YatiooM vtlnt and those for the paUent to have "a • • • you think, Mil( 1 ~ tt tnubll ........_ 9'Ptum, nasal polyps teeth and throat UU1n OQ belidel surgery! la stripping _::fa~ce~af...'.the~,lnc~~.tt~·~-""'~•~l~bopo~:.....!pollirod~'~~by!...'.'.tlli~ml~o&!_halr~:_· w'.'.:e'._:g~ood~a~W~tude=:_..,'.ln~lhe~f:ace::...'.ol:__:TV:._:AD'.'.:YEllTISIN'..'.".'.:~'.:'.G~h~1~1~ln:_:lhe=..lntestlaal'.'.'.:~~tr:ld.~'b~•:1:!!,.~··~l!ul11!!';=::,...:"11=:ar'.!ged:::__::tonsW~· :._~sto:m:•:::ch:,:and=.:'"'.::"":=oet:•:..__ the cnly answer? Aren't m-1--T · ' je<tloos ol >alue! " ' • ANOTHER: 1 What i.s bf.1ng c1ane 1o couotesact haklne" o t hair.thinning?.• Doe i tnllllplaollng really grow hair on bald headw! I ask thlt, becaOle lut:year, 1 (~ female, loddeolally) ,und""ent th• tnumati: ell]>erieoce ol lo&Jog much hair. It aWI haso't.,.,,. pletoly grown In. Then my doctor told me that in women over 30, hair may thin out for m evident rea900. A wig canoot replace one's crowninc Start Now On Yolll' Job Hunt • By JOYCE J. L.ID1 Ate you one Df millions of high schoOI ~ college studeJits who 1wtil be oo the prowl for vlCatlon-time work this year? Your fUDUDlr JOh campaign can be a f~ pain -« an uciting and valuable exp¢enc:e, depen- ding on how you 10 about ·· It. NOW'S THE HOUR. The mJ1n thing is lG get movine now , , . thinking,. J>lonnlng investlg1Uog. Don'I make ~ mlatake of waiting until next June to start your aeJ?Ch; all 1he best jobs wlJJ be 'filled by then. lNITIATIVE. Start wit b your school 1u l da nce counseJor, or coPtie plaee- mtot director. Rlgfater with the local office ol your State Employment Strvlce, or with lb Youth Opportlmlty Center. If you're willing to· pay a fee, 1 refbter wft.b private ' t emplO)'llleot ageoe!OSl ~. about laws retulathil youth empJoyment; find out if you need a work pmnit. Rttd the clasal!led adl in th1a new1paw: think about pi.t- ln1 au ,d yourlelf. When I was a student, I received 13 replles to my .ad, and found a Job I liked V"Y mucb. Apply at stores and buslnesstiJ in your nelP,borhood. W a t ch bulleUo Wards, lllld factoey and store windoWI for "Help Wanted."1 allns. Talk it up - tell everybody you.,lmow that you're /In the market for a sumrqh-Job. Check with your local • Chamber of Commerce to flad buslnea:u in your area that.-1llre vacation workers. 'l'YPICAL JOBS FO R TQNS, buo hoy . , , caddie . . • cannery worker • • . car wlliber • • • cashier , • • coMtnlclioo helper • . • dellvtry. ,boy • -. • elevator operator . S ; food ltote clerk • • • farm ·bafld • • • 115 statlpn attendant • . . grtellbouse worker • • • ban. dymao • • • hospllal worker •.. houseworker , , • libnry aide , • • lifeguard • . . olftce clerk • , , playlfOU!ld •Uendant • . . restaurant y;orktr • • . sales clerk . , • ticket taker • • , tutor , • • typist • • • usher • •. window washer ••• yard mao. Gl!:T-AR EAD GMET· TER& Some sharp boys hive chltJed 50 cents or $1.00 for painting IKltue ourohero oo the curb in paint whJch can be Seto at nlghL Warnlna:: Do not paint lira~ then ask for payment. Ask lint. OtheT oll· beat ideas are: clean donns for a college • • • wort as a caritater in an animal testing lab •.. be a sift-wrap- per for a department start • , • wort u a vault recep- Uonllt In a bank helping peo- ple find lheir safety depo!llt boxes . . . be a practice rider with customers of auto drlvlnc achool1 • . • become a dos·wall:er: check with apartment bulldill( . dqormen , • • wort aa .a night hotel c~ .... btcome a tour --a local~ Int ""' -" • hftill 'l'OVf '""'"'"' fW Mu,.. al-""'" ... " '· J, Loin. ,.,..., cer. Mr, OAIL't' ll'IU)T, P.O .... 1Ueo. &!. w.i .. Mt. 6>1 .. ..,,.,, "' -11 ·~'"" <•~ "' olw!I. "'"" ''°"'" wr-i.ttel' II !flt bult el • Mtlrt e1111Nt win l'WCtlw • "" IWlllll Mff· Glr't' -""" ~'*· t .............. MC,...&yMI""' ..... ,! , ·.~._\. ' "Final ·Toueh"-c ..... 11.111 Fallie Sattmr ,1f!.J••·Wllit1 ~ lol. 99c · ~ ' 11 &assette" 11.11NtTic Recording T•~Cdi•p . i,PllMl ••. in llliJllSllM. 'ii •lit{ 1· 59 / ....... _. ,. . ., .. PllMJll JI fllllltll • lllillll Jlrilll Pl . Tiiia W.:.111 1.19 2".49 "Reel to Reel" -im • l1citniqJ1Jt . 3i'i !ill . I • • "Coets" llllHD Cotltl S-1 -liootat nt to IOPll """"" ,...,..,, 1111 I,,.._ rum Mow ••• sofli: Sid "UC 1trDni!f'. , H1la er1• "Sudden Action" lr1at~ fr'*"r -WllenMJ JCU haYe UCOfld Ulol~ mt )'Gii' brtatll • • • jist Y! 8t Spam!• w ft ' 1111 A ·trio lllictjon Iron! Oll!IJ, Clitly, e.., Bq. Or. lilllttte. °""' l..nta IOI..., -ggc ....,,_ .. ~ " a ~-I P~teic c ~ti()~ "~ ... LA011s• Blouses "Lovelids" Tf'lllS111Ct!1t t)1 s"*4¥ drilllltiza wi~ subtle, dell-· .. W::l.50 Sweet Heart Pore, Mild SOAP •.• Ball Size -Ass't Colors "Listerine" TOOTHPASn FrtshHs litatl II It •11111 t11ll. PAKDFZ 49( FAMILY • ~IZE "Lilt'' . SPECIAL HOME PERMANENT for oil types 11 h ir 1..,A11n· Underwear . Pill• Shirt ]ff. l!llll1 -1ooi soft COllbed. Cl1ltDI • .. • • ' l !vii· 'Cut • fir 4gc cilllf<rl, ' . 'lot lie . ·'Pi1111111 Pants @ '1!1111'$ -2 .. , stretch -double thick· ? . 11s s, trlolt 4gc Cfllltll, l1lkut. 1$1. l k Petr1lt1• J1 llJ -ill __:.";:.J~11 -''Vaseline" • rolorful . plastic sgc 111 1111rsery Jar. lk 12tLSin P1rm111t Pms ••• aicoae from mi sfyles in will• « -·;, 3 98 '* lenat~ tr fulf lntti l •bW •'"'lttt l•. lf'lm"-. 1tenes. Sim U-11 a -------~:::::"~~=::=::=~~==~ •on· Suits JUll GLYClllN 'Butcher's~ . (ir M>rlble 2 piece sets·~~ !ssortol sty"' fir loy1 ' Ass't styles & cckn ••• "Halo" Shampoo printed tops, mntrfs Ill 11111. Slllp "" ... "' slacks w/bDttoll ftOJIL eiu. solid .color long pal!b.t "'' """ clooCiftl. tic ~ ci.o... ham Z or 3 botton ~ Sim ~14 - l l-4 Sins I tt t4 ••· Sizes 2 t• 4 ·1 ti l 2.6'9 2.69 5,98 AQUA tftT I COTTON BAW HAIR ~y i 2b~ .. ,. of 260 3~8.8' R ... He 13 OL c;a ~ . FWH CU8ES · DASH DETERGBfl SYLVANIA 12~88' J.,.bo s1 .. 1.79 "'G.I. ' ' JUST WONDERRIL Pl1ylex lAMllONS 39' 88' HAIR SPRAY lox of JO 1J 01. c. . . . '" c ' ' • • • ·r~ HUNl'INO'l'GN IUCH •. = .. , HUNTINGTON IEACH { ,.. • ' ,\ h slottsplool bottle. Choose 5gc lrom Blue & Dry Fi>rmulas. Me T IL Gl11t Sin "NP-27" f.., ATMllTl'S FOOT ~ Kills inlectiol allderthe sllffece 7t: 1s wen as °" the surtace of thll , -sl'.lnl lie Ll••I• 1r Cr11• "llll" :-!:: "Raid" Ant & Roach lllW -~IY wbs'e mr ct1Wliq iflSeC are foel'lll ••• 7gc itl C.Ui• deltli to roacbes and 111ts. n1 1 5~ tL Size LACI Mantilla I •' .. ' \ ,, 1, I ( ) I • • • .. OF LACE • i . ' ;-i ... . " FOR THE LOVE •• COVER UP . Whot a pretty woy to sounter by the •••· poredo by the pool, in our peek·•·boo of while cotton loco, copturing full sleeves with gountlet cuffs, your waist with o sosh of hot pink. S·M·L. By Victor Bijou. 25.00. ANAHEIM Worn over Sirena's nylon/spandex swimsuit. cut-out to bare you. In red or block. Sizes I 0.14. 26.00. Misses' ~portswter, '4-0 ,. I l ' ". • ••• " I • ' , ... " . .• '·~u -'.,, """""..) .,,,.,,."" ~·J :' o, ' • ', ., .. ,;:i J;,1 ,, . ~ '"\ :i" lJ . '' ", • ,, ..•. ' , ~ ,, " .) ':I ' ' ' .. • !' . .);\ I \ , .. . " . .. :') , ,, •" ,2, .)'' , , , '> . ')•''),.., .. .,~, ~)·>~_., \\1 )>.> '''>-,, ~ • • J •? •• "· ~ J "'t -) • , ' , • ;t'\ . " • • -·> /· , . . . . . : •• ' ' ' i" .,., 1 · .1 ..._JI . .. " .. • • I ., " : " . .. ... . ': -.. CATALINA STRIPES IT SOFT IN FORTREL .. Protty postals lino up with solids • • • all of Colontse® Fortrel~· polyester knit and marching you onto the new scene with e flair for fashion preci~ion. A. Drawstring tunic, 14.00. with pull-on knit pants , blue, pink, green, white, I(). I b, I S.00. B. Cowl neck top. S-M-I:, 13.00 with flare leg citY: shorts, white; blue, 10.lb, ,11.00. C: Lacy knit turtle, pink, bi~~. S-M-L. 17.00; pleid pull-on pents, blue, plnk, green, 10-16, 17.00. Misses1 Sportswear, 78 0 For:trel .is a reqisterecl<tredemark of Fiber lndustries.~.lnc. ' ' \• . ' " • . " ! . ,,. -< • " r-· ':\ ... t ; • -.• ' ' .. , • . . .•. "" .. I 1'. • ' ... . . . · .. .. . ' ' !. ' . ' ... .: " ' ' . '" ,. ~ .. . ' ' \ ' . . .... , N~WPORT Hl:.INTl~TON ;.IEAdH 444 N. Euclid 535-81 21 -47 Feshicin' lslend 64'1·1212 77~Edi"9or Ave. 892-333 1 ' ~on .. thtu £.t. · Mon. thru Set. 10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. M9n. thru Fri .. I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. ' ' ' • I Set. 10 e.m : to 6 p.m. 10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. ) .. .. "' ., ' ., .. "· .. 'I-" . ' • . • '• \.\ '• • ' ' ' " c. \. • '· • " , " ,, ..~ • "~·..,. " /I k . • I " ... ,. ;1, ' _), / , f f' \ " -.~ ~· ' • " ' l ......... . • ! ; ~ ·•··• .•.•... .. . .• ., • • • -.. . .· .. · •.. ... ...... .... ......... ... .. ~ .. .' ... . . . ,. .. . .• •. . . . .. .. . . . •r .. ' • •· .. ··• ·• .... . . . .. . . . . . . ., ......... ; . ~ . . ;· .·· .-· . I .., •. ,,, .•.. ••· ..... ~•~~ .•• ! ; ,• , •• !' •. : ~ • ! ; ~ .... • ,.. ,.. .. ·. . . . . . .. . . ··~ .. -.. " ... 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' • " .. •.· Pl•Jeet8 Threatened Sta .,e in Trouble With Finances SACRAMENTO (AP) -The aplrollng coot ol bom>wlnc -II lhreoten!ng to ll"P work on Cllifornla 's statewide -wlter project, keep veterans fmn buying homes and halt ctmtruction of local schools. 'l1>e basic problem facing the It.ate government ls the ........ facing tlloosanda of itl'reskleots: It cannot afford to J>llY the hi'1 rate of interest required by banks to lend tbe1r money. Unlike Uie beleogurod in- dividual however, the state bas a 80luUon to it.I dilemma -K cu ask the legislature, governor and voten to ap. prove ra1!ing tbe maximum inUre6t rate the state can peytogetmaney. That wo1.dd a Dow sale of hundreds " millioos ol dollars in bonds -which are essenlia1 to pay for }ocal schootS, the water project. new parks and allow vetenns to buy homes. CURRENT RATE 1be current nationwide in- terest rate i..!I 5.29 percent, far above the five percent ltm1t the st.ate now can offer the banks. The c h i e f legislative sponsor of. raising the allowable rate, S e n . Gordon R. Coklgne, says bankers teU him that while they oomider CaUfornia bondJ gilt edge, "they would not buy at that rate if they were solid diamonds." He called the matter a "crisis" and said that "failure to seU the b<xxls to finance the various progrruru could result in many ol. Calil'ornia'1 lmp<riant projects C<X1ling to • stop." The Indio Republican noted that state wanted to sell $&75 million l:n bonds this xear out <I tile fl.34 billion In boods autborb:ed by voters 1n recent electioos. Cologne, chairman of the Senate W a t e r Committee, wlced most concern over what failure to sell bonds woo1d do to the State Water Project, DOW hearing thirsty Southern California. If the &!tuall<ln -and>ongo!, be a.aid, the project "wlll come to • crlndlnc bd before Novembtt." However, be noted, "l can hear the acrtams from JocaJ schools, too." '11tls ls because about ~ thin! of Celilorni•'• 1,200 xhool d1stricts havt ex- hausted their own local bon- difll capedty and must rely 00 special -fundl to build ocbools. And ~ are the .. bedroom .,.... adjac<lll to big ciUes where they have all kids and oo taxable industry," one state olfldal noted -the oou, In other wordJ, wbo m o 1 t deoperately ne<d .... IJCboo1'. The S~te Allocatioo Boan! wNcb distributes the funds already has approved alloca· tioDs ol $10 millioo out of a $275 millioo scbool akl bond voters approved in 1966, but now can't sell the boads. M a resuh, it has haled alJoca. tioos, except for a token $1 to a few districts to give them priority fur whatever mooey does turn up. NO PANIC YET Paul I. Hoyenga, executive offic<r ol the boon!, said local scbooldficials "aren't panick- ing but they·re sure worried. Something has alwa)'I come aloog to boil them out. Will something come alone now?" Cologne b a ' introduced "something" that would solve the J>')blem. It ls legislat!oo allowing the state to raiae H.s Derest rates to meet whatever current demands are. nm would require voter approval of a constituttmal amendment, and Cobgne said that If Interest Miles keep ooar!ng, be might seek a special statewide V<U late lbla year. CAN'T BUILD Cologne also pointed out tllal Inability to ..U l """"l obliga- tion veteram bonds is cutung into the ability to finance }ow. interest loans for e1- service:men to buy homes and farms. SPECIAL c:he1tntra open 110clt prioti SI KOO !NTl!RNATIONAL DEEP SILVER" Clumln11il•upb.tt lo •dd 1parkling tlqanoe to tho1e "•pec:W occ:a11oa• din.nen wbc:rt cuial eta.in1e11 W011ld ne"YO" be •ppropri•lc: ! Eiflit 4·pc. ploce •t1Un11 (lmi/1, /ork, trsJpoonarwlsolaJ Jorli ) "' 1M1r ! "'°'' ..mttd scrlliti1 pkcu. Oller tod1 April 30, 1969 •T,..,_.1~ el -"l,-t1tttM11tu! 5""' C-,., C...,. AM1 ..... ll'tltN alFT WI» -NO CHAl•I lllDAl. llGISTIY GEORGE · MURRAY 1 s1i..v••. CHINA . Clll:YITAL . FUll:NrTUll:IE S.utt. Co1d l"l1t1 l litt.I Sfr1el 1t 5111 Oi1,. f re1wty ~•n• 5•6-2100 L,~-··· ···- I t \ ' _ spring things ••• pale, soft, and pretty For spring and f.aster, girls collect the prettiest looks they can gather together. Pale little dresses, plum pantyhose, plus hat. pWlllland gloves, Spring things, galh&rechlOW'. b. blouson top, yellow With while, . 7-12 ILOO (56) d.A-llneskimmer,navyar pink with white;'S.14.17.00 (00) e. ribboned empire waist. pink on white, 6-14.17.00 (00) f. straw hat. fwm a colleclion UO Cl 18) a. white nylon 8lrelch glavee 1.50 (118) It.chain strap shoulder bag, white, blaclcUI (118) 1. stret:h pantyhose, beige, chllfon, plnk,blue,navyUl(llB) girls wear 56, pre.teen apparel 90. girls CJlltlllllllCir 118 may co soutfl COCllt plaza, san di990 fwy at bristol, cMta -: 546-9321 shop monday through saturday" 10 am to 9:30 plll I ' ' _....._ ____________ --~------~ Ike Hits Leftists, -Rightists NEW YORK (UPI) - Former Pre.sldent Dwight D. Eisenhower, declaring that "'extremists . , . cause most ef the trouble in the world," characterized his own ad- mlnlstration today as a ''government by c o m m o n sense." ln an article written for the Reader's Digest before his recent operation, Eisenhower cited "extremisUI of the far left and the far right" as troublemakers, but his specific criticism was aimed at two men usually regarded as rightists -former Alabama Gov. George Wallace and the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy. He praised President Nixon as one "who has always been a man or the center in thought and politics." CONG!lm OPPOSED The general recalled that hls administration, like Nix- on's, faced an opposition Congress during much of his time in office. He said this pro bl em is not in- surmountable. "By using reason and persuasion and sometimes a bit of compromise, my ad- ministration was able to put through a respectable body of constructive legislation," be said. "This should be a heartening note for Mr. Nh::- on." The title of the article is ''We Must Avoid the Perils of Extremism," and it is largely devoted to the question of ex tremists, whOm Eisenhower said are "few in number but strong 1 n decibels.'' "I was delighted when It b ecame obvious las t November that one extremist qo the political scene, George Wallace, had gone down to defeat with a much mialler percentage of the vote than bad been anticipated," he said. GAIN POWER "His campaign was a calculated attempt to gain the l balance of power by whetting the emotions of anger, fear and hate. These are nearly aJways the weaPQIIS of the extremist, and with them he sometimes gains his ends. 0 Hitler did for a while, and be very nearly wrecked the world." As for McCarthy, Eisenhower said he used a postion of immunity &o issue "wild, exaggerated and often wholly false statements charg- ing that there were thousands of Communists in government positions." The general recalled that he was criticized for not de- nouncing McCarthy when he was riding high. The former President said he believes that if he had done so, "instead o! smashing him, I would only have enhanced his stature." DESTROY HIMSELF "I was convinced th at through his own excesses he would eventually d e 1 troy himself," Eisenhower said. "Actually, I yearned in every fiber of my being to do precisely what my critics were urging -but I 'felt filln! this was the wrong tactic. ••What a lot of people don't know even today ts that behind the scenes I was doing all I could to assist those who were wrongly accused.'' He expressed confidence that the United States will find solutions for the Cllfl'ent problems which he said are created by attacks from black militants on the far left and John Birch Society members on the far right. "I believe that we as a people have the good sense to place patriotism and human understanding above the ar- rogance of personal prejudice -end that we can and will .solve peacefully the problems that beset us," he said. Laguna Man Ends Flying A .South Laguna pilot logged his final commercial flight this month after 33 years with 1J6ited Airlines. Captain Lowell Heacock, of 24062 Paseo de Campo, retlrtd alter flying into lA>s Angeles International Airport from Honolulu on March 4, his final flight in a career of nearly 26,000 hours in the air on seven United aircraft. Heacock began his career as an open<Oekpit flier for the Anny Air ~. and flew In •the Paclllc durltlg World War U. --~------------~, _:-'""-----,~~~=--01!!'1~ ' • ' may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, cosla mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through satu rday 10 am lo '9:30 pm ' • YOUNG EDWARDIAN MOOD double·breas'ted Edwardian-look blazer by MocPhergus with subtle shoping tho!. fits closer to the body. The brighleo colors ere spring shades accented by six gleeming meta.I buttons. Arne~ triecetate and royon. 8-14 25.00 16-20 30.00 MacPherCJuS no-iron hopsack dress slacks ere tapered to provide him with a handsome fit. Moms will be please d by the easy care Dacron~ polyeste r end Avril" reyon fabric that's been permanently Creased. Grey, Blue . 25-30, 10.00 MacPherCJUS no-iron briCJht color dress shirts blossom forth in spirited raspberry, green, blue or gold. Ivy style, shorf sleeve' with button.down collars. Dacrons polyester nnd cotton. 8-20 4.00 MacPhel'CJUS moc-toe tie oxford slip-on in super-soft leather fits comlortobly ond mo kes e cosuelly impressive appearance. In char-brown or block 24.00 may co boys' wear I+ and 23 shoes 60-oll 17 stores H•v• br••kf1st with th• Ea•t•r lunnr, Sat., March 29, or Sat.1 Apri 5, 9:00 •m; 95c p•r p•rson. Call 546-9321 for r•s•rv•tions. 111·1 5 I tOll ' ~~==~~~!!!!""'"""--------------------- U.S. Falls Behind in Subs SAN JUAN, P.R. (AP) - 'lhe ccmmander ol U.S. sub- lml'foe fatte1 tn the Atlantic, Viet Mn. Arnold F. &;hade, 11)'1 be believes tile United -ii looioe ground rapidly to the Soriel Union In aub- nmine ltnllilh. "tllete are nol enough (American l aubmllrillts 8fld we are not buikifng enough," Schade told 1 group ()( San Juan Navy Leogue members and • newsmac on a crui6e abol.rd the nuclear sub Tinosa. T1le 'l'Ulo<a Is among .-i.. ot sevmll oavltS lnvolvtd In jomt maneuvm, ca I Jed Openltjon Springboard, oil ea.sttpl Puerto JUco. FROZEN AT Q Ht said U.S. submarine 3Cttogth, excludin1 the Polaris missile subs, has been frozen at 6B for several yars and lJJ new constructk>n is under way at present. He did note that the Defense Dl'partment hae b u d g e t e d fund! for three new .sub- marines in 1970, which, he said, "moons we are over the 68 hurdle." He said it has Fire Recruit also agreed that three or four new submarines an needed Paul Puckdlt, of t h e each year from now on. Seal Beach Fire De- The Navy atlmates that the pertment, led a group Russians have more than 400 of 21 fire recruits in submarines and may be graduation ceremonies building at the rate 9f one Uris week at the Santa a month. Ana College Fi.re Sci· Schade W&B highJy critkal ence Academy. He was d the freeze ·on American rec en Uy elected class ronstruclion and attributed it presicient by his class- to misinterpretation of a study mates at the f o u r t h of submarine strength ontered basic fire •science class five years ago by Robert s. at Santa Ana College. McNamara, then secretary of -----------II def~. He said the study came up with "a pretty good estimate" that U.S. submarines · had seven times the over-all capability o( So v let sub- marines. 41 POLARIS SUBS However, he said, ''systems analysts took the study to heart" and decided the United St.ates needed only ont--seventh of the number oi Rmsian sub- marines, so the conventional U.S. force was frozen at 68. There also are 41 PolarU m i s a ile-firing submarines, although thi.!i construction pro- gram also has been com- pleted. Births Drop, Marriages Up for 1968 Scorecard for 1968: Births down, marriages up. That's what the National Center for Health Statistics 1ays. Births in the U.S. during 1968 tola1ed 3,470,000, the fewest since 1946. AulboriUes say the decline is caused by Riot Manual · Says "'Kill Them9 PlllLAJlELPHIA (AP) - "lf you can't till them, harm them." Tbat I~ one of I.he ~ st.ruciiiona in a pamphlet distributed to area coUece studeril! on how to deal with police during c a m p u 1 disturbanc.. • . , cunplele with crudely d r a w n Il- lustrations of how to make bombs. It tells how a campus rioter ca~ disable and maim police, pohce horses, photographers and even imocent onlooken during school dlaorders. Frank L. Riuo, city police commissioner, says the anonymously written slx·page pamphlet, called ' ' Y o u r Manual," was distributed to 25 members of Studenta for a Democratic Soclety on the 11,000-student body campus of the Univeralty, or Pennsylvania. Along wMh copies went orders to circulatt them wlde· ly, Ri.EzD said. A spokesman for SDS ckoi«i tile organlia- Uon bu any coontetlon with lhe booklet. 1be booklet lists i t s pubUJher u the "SR News Service, loc., San Francisco." No such fl.rm it listed in the San Francisco telephooe direc· tory. However s i mi 1 a r pamphleb with the firm also lliJted 11 publilher have a)> pured on the campus ol San Francilco State College. On the effectiveness ol hurl· ing rocks and bottles, the manual reads: "An empty bottle or rock can disable a pig (policemen) for the whole campaign." It prompts agitators to throw first at p o I ice cameramt.n to ellmlnlte pic- tures ol ensutn1 cluhes. The manual, Vol. 1, No. I, glvn othe.r detail& oa poegible weapcw 100 how to use them. 1·u we are to free OUl"R1ves, we mwit out of necessity, strike at them as violently as they have struck at m," a preface says. ''It 's terr ible and outrageous," said ruuo. He said no attempt b being made to confiscate copies, but added he is taking !Mpo to see whether any violation of city statute is involved in circulatkln. A spokesman for t h e University of Pennsylvania said the pamphlet 1Yould not be banned because this .would not "eUectively curtail its distribution." The inHW llsue promlaet in IUbeequtnt editiona to hlg!illght a m-olutloury leader ol the moolh, publish an aa,ussiNtlon llat, detail how to mW napalm -b• and print • primer .. riot Jogi.slics. Auto Callbacks Top '68 Figure WASHINGTON !UPI) - Domeaic automobile makers called back 955,485 can and trucka during 1968 to correct delecu, acardini to the Transportation Department. Foreign. makers r e c a 11 e d 552,397 dlrirc the 1 a m e period. Massive callblckl this year have alttady pushed 19&9'1 figure put lut year's. FULL SIZE 4'x8' BILLIARD TABLE In The Crate ••• You Pickup ••• You Assemble ••• You SAVE $129.00 3 YIAR WAHANTY AMI SCANDIA Danltlt leaU'fy , •• an11 Hanlbotr~ wtlll C•"lth W•b!l,lt '"'" rlllhll. owr AJI"" ._.... fOf ~ lflbllltv, lllCIUOln1 -ind! llllCIC ltt l**.I wHll 1dlu1n1'11 t. i....1ars, TrllOI ltrltl l!'Ylllh dw'"' 1tr1Nlnt M 1cet. talll -•pr1111s. •1111, CMWI wt lnlll l'•ln flnldl •~II •-"•11111111 1~1n. 0111 llDll!J. c.,.11tn, oi. u11 Mlln ~ trnlll>ed rtH 111111111. P-.klf LlMnl Mllldtd ,....,. Unt rt !H"DYlcil --i.t\11 1pee111a11-.,. -lno 1nd Mete 111err. CVllllM11 U..., 111tur1l·nlbbtt. 1111 •ttws• F11t. w ilt, 1iof.,,...., •nd -.i1tt-111 r..:ttwor .... SN<lllCtl-: :I.SO !bl.I 0-111: IOll"•W'. PlfJlnt ..,._ l1<t: U"xll", HfltM: ll'".JJ'' •dl ... ttbll. 'i.rlftt Ar.s-111: 1 ... JI" c-. 1 1t1 ftlvor• Miit. 1 revoA1tklll lrllrool., ' •l«ts ~Ill. 1 rvr. lloot. South Coost Pla1a; Costa M1&a lrisMI al the San Diqa fN1way llHO~ avt:RY I.VINING Ma11lll•y tlll'll f'rld1y Untll l :IG p.m . Sl lllfdl)' 'til I '·'"· .... , .\ !11../. /11111 f,,, .1.1111·~ 'I /, 11/1•, !'" 11/ .. • If,, ' • /;,/1111d •/ The reasoning on the freeu, Schade said, was "wholly unrealistic," because it assumed that deployment of enemy submarines would be such that the odds in a given location 'vould alway11 be 7 to I, when this probably would never occur . the increasing tendency ofl!~~-;;;~~;;~~~~;!;:::iiiiiiii~~==~~========~~ young couples to have a decreasing n u m be r of children, and to space them more widely. Another cause is that those couples who were making the baby boom in the fifties. after postponing having children in the forties, have decided to stop. Meanwhile, the couples who followed them are now havi ng fewer babies at older childbearing ages because they tended to marry earlier and have their children sooner after marriage. ••• • ' • • • . · • S1. CMll rs.., 1JJJ 111ttel. c ... M ... Hlf'Hr Cettt.f, IJOO N. H-.,, CNt11 M .. * :4ccents • NINE sparldlng diamonds In a lovely modGl'll marqulae setting or 14k gold. 1,000.00 ~hta designed to enhance your MW costume with elegance ••• from our new &dason r.ollection. KO VE NS Further, U1e admiral said, the Russians "are building better subs than before," ll'hile many of the U.S. nuclear subs, of. which there are about 35, are approaching 20 ye-ars of age, when they will be considered obsolete. THE BEST R••d•'thip p •I I• prov• ••p••nuh" i1 011• of th• world'1 1nott popular ce1nic •frip1. R•ad it tlally 111 th• DAILY ,ILOT. The matriage windfall, uy the experts, is related to the coming of age of the offspring of the post·war baby boomers. In 1968, there were 2,059,000 marriages, a rate of 10.S mar· riages per 1,000 population. • LUSTROUS culblred pearls with diamond aet clasp. 150.00 Others from 50.00 • SEVEN full cut diamonds in now barl< fiDilh setltng ••• a conV8rsatlon ring. 275.00 eomJOOASTPU.lA ~ P-S<M'10 as Bri•tol str .. t, COSTA MESA / •• ' _j_ ___ _ CHENIU.I CHICKS ·--c•l •k• ~ .... I ...... fat Y••r ..... , ....... li-49c ......... , ... ,. .. CANDY =':::!'- 29c .. MIOWllCloL 'WIHD UP TOTS ltWSIB,. CltlQC • DUCK -·-- rllllD 98c ""°""" PLUSH ..., .. AMIMALS s.n, '-Y· -.f. ................ "'* ...... si. .. _.,_ 1is.9s IA.SKIT O.tideM _. • ..... t ....... 11 ... ....... -· ,iri. -- SOUTH COAST PLUA JUI JO. llllTOl COITA M•U.. l'lfOHI ~ HUNTINGTON BEAClt rm ll>IN•rr• A't'I ~ ~NI '"'11" IUENA PAIK SH<WPING c~na mT ON THI MALL. PMCHlll! m.-. ltARIOll SHOPPlllG CDITU !!li'l"J'J."Qo\'l""'- HONU Pl.AlA ClllTU W'.!'l'llJ."llol.111.'"- ll BEJ al .. .. _ .. ... CHICICOl =~~. ~'59c ... SST. DOll.S lH IASltfT ........... ..... flf _..., ... Y" ....... ---...... $1 .49 . . ·~ -. lGG ccx.oa ~ 1GG CG1.01. KIT IClT '9ittl .. ....,..... ' ......... ::.. ........ wt ....... 39c 29c 39c . . ' ,..,.. '""'m .,.":&·=.-.:... ---_ .. _ ••ler .......... --10c lo 79c Custom-Knit Originals All Hand-Made Bikini 25.00 Cover-Up 25.00 Hat I 0.00 Choose your pattern and yarn from our vast array of colors, textures and styles." The KNIT WIT ~ower mall 11crou lrcm WO()IWOr1h'• South Coast Plaza Briilol •IT~. San Die90 Fwy., Cod• M•1• Phone : 545-2812 Vie are the exclusive franchised distributor for "Brotl~er Lace-Maker" Knitting Machine ':I ~-'' ~~ .. :t .. , ' ,-q ' ' ---~~---------·---------------- ----~-~ -v .............. . . " n ill•~-....--..,. PREPARING FOR SHOW -Needle point instn 1ctor Paul Ditzenberger dis- plays craft for members of Niguel Art Association (from left} Mmes. Toby SWlshine Esther Coutu and Lila Graham. Needle point work will be included in April ~rafts exhibit planned by Niguel and San Clemente Art Associations. Art Groups Set Exhibit A painting and crafts exhibit Smoking . Parents-Give Children Colds, Flu of the works of members of LOS ANGELES (AP) -State College, said a survey the Niguel Art Association and Two researchers say children of 2,130 families in Detroit lmvan H™ Orange DAl~V 'F ,. ,, JuiCe SAN BERNARDINO "!"' Mr1. to do wpi too start a na- George 'J1lompson of Jel· tJonwide aearch for the travt~ ferson, Iowa, where are you? ing Mrs. Thompson. But she needn't wwry ebool Ille juice unlhawlng; It's belng kepi safely Jn the freezer, Your orange Juice ls metung. ' ~ ' ' Mrs. Thompson won a r.=;;;:::;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;::=:=:=:\l year11 supply of Sunkl.9t frozen orange juice In the Eiffel Tower citrus fruit guesalng contest conducted during the 11-day run of the Mth Nauobat Orange Show In S a n Bernardino. But a call to the tnrormation service operator in Jefferson brought the answer: "Sorry, that number is (In ·vacation," which means apparently ·that Mrs. Thompson asked for a temporary dlsoonnect l,Vhile she went on a trip, which ultimately brought her to Southern California and the famed citrus exposiUon. Of the nearly 5,000 persons , who entered the contest, Mrs. ~ Thompson was the only one to hit the number right · on the .•• uh, navel. She correctly guessed that there were 3,506 1 oranges and grapefruit on the j Eiffen"l'ower, whlch was con- structed by the National Orange Show staff as a non- competitive display in the Feature Exhibits department. Mrs. Thompson made her correct guess at 2:13 p.m. March 7, the second day of the 1969 show. So NaUonal Orange Show officials felt the only thing TASI'E .BEFORE YOU BUYl cheese ball BEEFANDSTICK Twofwtow"t:r &cm tbewide :I! etiiCll of.~ b>4I Im •. -. -.11st Wing Lo-C.l'MI"' Miii South Coast Plaza, Costa Mna around cigarette sm oking showed smokers' childre n suf-the San Clemente Art Associa· parents are more prone to ferred 39 percent m o r e tion is scheduled April 25 have colds and flu tha n are respiratory problems than through 27 at the Monarch children of nonsmokers. children of nonsmokers. smokers' children with 20 per- Bay Plaza, Laguna Niguel. Donald Rober tson , a And a survey of 496 families cent -more respiratory pro- 61/11U'JUllR-- The recently formed Niguel _s~oc~i~ol~og=is~t=a~t~Lo~n~g~B~e~ac~h~in~~Lo~s~An~g~el~es~s~h~o~w~e~d~b~le~m~s=. ======:::!~==================~ Art Association meets the se- cond Thursday of every month in the cafeteria of Crown Valley School. Guest speaker at the March meeting was ceramist Jack Taylor of Laguna B each. MULLEN WHAT'S GOING ON AT GRODINS? (or Whal'• In A N1rne?) The Mullen & Bluett "'Change of Name" story has stirred so much ln.- terest, we're taking thls method of answering the manyquestlon1a1ked by our friends and custom· ers. The most common being, ''wh en are you going to change the name?" Frankly, we're not c:iutte ready, due lo some unforeseen delays. Hun- dreds of things must be completed first. like d .. signing new signs, gift boxes, bags, wrapping paper, stationery and coun tless business forms. Not to mention, many contemplated store Interior design changes. AbOVf!' all, our new Grodlns Inventory, 'Nhleh has been slow In arriving, must becomple1e before we can call ourselves Grodins. Meanwhlle, ovr Ch.ange of Name Sale Is setting record1. Every day thousands of people are discovering the re• markablevalutl through-- out our storf•· We've even been obllged to add some new Grodlns me,... chandlse to th• Nit and we wlll continue-to do ao. If that do~•n't make ttiesevatues the greatest In town. our name lan't Mullen I. Bluett....oon to · bl Grodlna. f BLUETT G::RODIN'"S Now, save $33 to $48 on all Mullen & Bluett ri . $110 $115 $125 . en's • u $ Out they go, the entire stock of $110 to $125 suits carrying the Mullen & Bluett label. Most are famous brands you know; all the styles you admire. One or two button forward fashion models as well as three button natural shoulder models with vests. Even, ~o pants suits ere Included in this spectacular sale event. Select from year 'round weights In wool wors1ed and silkened worsted fabrics. Solid• and patterns to please every man ••• twllls. stripes, checks and plaids. At these savings you'll want at least two suits, tor business and social occasions. SAYE• CHARGE If TU11111t112_..toJ1111 ... JIW M1"9!1&81...U Ol'G!MN~ .~., ....... 0.19" ·---·-··-Sony., ........ Mltd .. Al.TfAATIOH9 AT COSFI NO C.O.O'tl HO OOMlllQI t10 MAIL OR PHOHEOIEEMI "OSI Stom 0PMt 1f11md1y 1nd Ftkll'f Ni1M•I Mlf!ACUMILI 5ei10Wlltl'llr•. DOWNTOWN ~. BroadWty. QLfNDALI Wll1on a Brand .,AIADW 4Gg E. Cobrtdo•TOPANQA "-AU Canoga Partt.• LAICIWOOD Lu.wood Cenlilt SANTA MONICA Sanl• Monica Mall. souiH ·c~o.IT PLAZA COiia M .... AHAttllM BOW,-Arlalltlm Ctnttr . MOHTC'l.Am PWA MontclW . LA C\.IMIQ 11\AZA a.ma latberll I· --. ------, -. -------,,,----,---0-----.,----------·-·-------------, I • • ~ ' ' ' • JI llAl\.Y"101' Casiro~s -Creation '. Ex-UCI Stµdent T elh of Cuba Visit W~tern States Nµclear Pact Introduced . . 117TIJOiul FORTllNB Cllba with bl& 111111 duill!s the, c~ mool GI tl!o ttlui ... • .. ..., * '"" 1111 mlaOe crilil. are thole who were better ,,,. , ()ulro ~ in n.nw lhe -trip lo oil .-the old .,...., - OJ11a 11 ,.,,....... a -CUl!il Ilia wlla, Ami, ...,eel older ~ who couldn~ ad- .;doly aid .. "'"" • -hom< ln 1-8-h. 11111, pellllle In Ibo .1our111·1 .. -..,. uc Jrvlne '\1"""'1' Krilmanoaldlbotn..,;u duolry, ltcbnlclana for Mlcl..t Krloman -.ho opeot -nol -him·~ -" . --pollieo. the dglJI ol the ~Olh ... .. CUbt, bul bt, ..... ti• , '"!bin in very , ... black o1-.,y ol lhe Cuba .. voi... holds ...... ,.._ .. It.; ... ~ re1ug .... .. ~--FldOl~ bosllolWhotbt-.-r Krilmonllldlhereloalack -.•yoat-<ldfcrmer He aafd be 11w ~~-~r=: . UC! -body preelolen~ •-In Cnl!I, a But !here -·1 -1 gml '" -balhedl1 ~ polltlcal_syMll In,,_ lbso deal "' --.. ' al!outwllllht-ona,...,.at ""'no ll()Ol\lal lntedlh, '"° . pro-A VISIT WITH flDEL ·---~ ...... trtp 1o lb• ,...,___ clucin(........,ll'IOda. IJCI St-Krltmaft ....,.._ In the 10 ~ since lbt f<x-loland. He oald ht nallctd lllckJ, revolution lbt number of W1itJo bt aOI be -no1 a blc rocl: and rnD alar, -bes ,,..._ revojutlClllary in Gualemala · tfUnl; lhe new Cohen Way of wallfng In h lry!JJg lo rt from 300,00 lo 100,GOO. Bui btfure ''Cube." doing thiinp Is exp<lable lo admloaion lo a ho I Id• Y in lhe ..... time lhe number "1'.ll ldl sou where lbt the United Slates, ht Is quite celebratim. llllellectuall llid of traclon has incntsed from thfttt lies," Krloman said . .,,..1nced M Is best fur lhe ll'tiN .. nol -5,GOO lo 45,GOO be said. -"Olher Lalin natioos will ,.. Cubm 1iO')Ple. In .--, bt Mid. I~ He u""'""1 the people's what lhe Cul>ans llf' d<>ing .. ·u. 1* aeen the Cubtn Efti!Cllltfll·Cnbt, no-~ coodltion bu been improved -lheirrate,olgrowtl)." ,brand of communimn '8(1.jto ~.ter what be does moet "c,I in other ways. Cube la now He said that is why U.S. JU mind It ~ " lhe ,_, -In the:] ihe .-literate ol oll Latin capilalist Interests c an n o I · J(rlsman'a.risky lrip lo C:Uhl be . IJl!id. Fidel \rorka In Am<riean -· be said. lol......, a succ:essful sociali!t Wlll!l taken with anotblr; ua ~eJds too. • ... "Ont ye.er they sent nation in Latin America. ------~ anil _amar-. _·l!Nman'•-m-, ~-r~ -lo <Vf!rY -· He "Someday we're going lo rted cou""" !rem UCLA'Oftf 'l'r<mler Culro at 1 receptloil ~ In ·~• untt'I ha t I 1 ,ii..-~-.. l..U1..1-~ .• ··~."1:1 tbe.,,•cithe ~lllk movcu ft'Jw1 you veto come to a muua """"" usmu1_, ......... ,.0 ., ~ . '"'6'-"' ewryme in your family could wxlerstanding w i t h the • Be 9'id tbe~ dn:ee are anij,"'9ary '1l &be revol~ read am write." Cubans," he pre.dieted. "It's '.u PhD ~·in Lalin II< 'laid tboft ·we.. a mllllilO -• ....__,. . ......,_.. ........_ In ihe ...... There is moc• polilical a very young country. The America JdetorJ. Kri8lnant ~ . ....,...,-~· f freedom in the se:nee that revolution in many ways is !*melf, la a. oeoior w.rtln( •we .-his MM. ~ D!'f' people .,. partl<ipatiill o1 young 1nteres1s venus old." ,in dual ~ ... ·In ~ looftd :rt8IX at ,..,. mn; kl : tlit ~ ... be ---------11 One! Jllilooolfly, , . -~ 11oc )'>ti. H• ukec! r...arked. · prnc ' . 'll"I' ap..11 two ·....u .. ,..._ .. ~ ....... 1mn." , "On every bioct 1ber. is Nearly Everyone •tne -· llylog il!lo.Havana Al t!>e ~ly mlsed a Commillee f<r Def""' of fmn l,lezice Cit)'.' 'Ibey had reception Krilmln alaom ~ lhe • -The · J>O<IY to Jem via Madrid, Spa!n. lhe -1 --fmn.; ..,;.,. doirn lh!np-f!lef want becauoe Mesloo will nol admil lhe Valican Ond Briti8h and. Qi be -· Bui l!fOblems U:S. --.. llighla lnlm Freocb d!ptomata, '·IO up too_ uu,.. 1i11< !Ooct Cul!il, -·-111<1-be agked ! ral!oniilc, lhoddy .ooe., rel- -Coming llnogb custom! in Cu-be -"Wjlat wlll Unc lhe -clNn." 'Listens' A bill thal would permit the lormallon ol a Western lnlenlaln Nuclear ComI>OO!I bu -lnlroduced Jn Ibo U.ll -ol RepreseniaU- by Rep. Chel Holilleld (!). Calli.) IUld Rep. Cralf HOllllU (M:alll.) 'llle,compad, formed by tho Wettern Gov er nor 1 1 eon. I.._., bu already been raWled by lhe Slal• l"ll•'olun l n ~omla, Colondo, Idaho, Woibb>gtoo IDd Wyoimlq. However , ~ appronl ls ___ ..,_ peel becc-111 ettecttfe. The compact will establish a Western lntentate Nuclear Board lo a1a the ·development and wae of ':to}nic enera in weatem states. A ai.milar com- pact alrudy •xiats in the South. '1lle W.1'11.B. alloo would have the aulborlty to act as representative for the CHUTNEY $19.00 states in deallngs with tbl Atomic Energy Commission. Congressmen Holilleld • ... Boomer in~ced> ~ bill Iii their resp:itive rvla M chalrWn nct ranking mJncri. ly member ol lhe Jolnl Com- mittee on Atomic Energy. The bill has been referred to the Judiciary <;ommittee. N .... ·vcrt they ...,.. '"'PPtd ·11tpp<n 1o the ,..,..._ 11 . -ilid, "Y"" can dif-to Landers -they said Ibey had 8tl)tllllnghlppo!llloc.bol" ' -. vioitod Cuba. But the -''They'd laugh and .,;• ,_., -.lhe nvolullon.,, --------~l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll"l"l"B"R"IS .. TO!!!!!!l!!• ... c .. o .. s .. TA!!!!!!M!!f5!!A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!S!!O!!U!!T!!H!!C!!O!!A!!S!!T!!P!!LA!!,!!ZA!!!!!•!!!!!s!!4!!6-'1!!7!!9!!1!!!!!!!l!! '• ouperior let lhem by 'Thol'a lhe question a I I CubtaO · .,. .fi<ely admit 1o,_ :use the U.S. Su~e Ama1clm ~' 'Ibey claim ~·ha~~ MtQf' JM ,,_., $0UTH ~T PW.. llAISTOt. AT SAN DIEGO FlltEEWAY. COS.TA ME.SA: MONOAY, THUll!SOAY AMO l'IUDAY 10 TO t :Jll TUESCAY, WEDNESDAY AND $ATUROAY M TO" Court ball upheld lhe rigbl lher .... devdoplng • via~ tr....w. bland and the . . of fi<e travel, Krisma1uatd. polilical ayslem tl!al doeon I .-·ir·llun&rY ., they have He added, however, that be depend on any me man." · , Cfillt ma'rtet ~, undent8nds tbek passports, ·He llld they aro fiil>tinl , • • · . . wbicb belong ,., lhe State lhe Lotin penm><OI lnldi-" , lluliil lhe C:Uban mlnlmum Department, trave1ed illegally tion ol caudillo -penooalism. age in pesos b ~ual to "I baven' beard from lhe ll's agaln!I lhe law lo name '60 per mooth. Medical IUld government yd," be !!aid. "l any achool, building er monu-d«ital work end education is bop I don't.'' mert after 8 living leader ~·Workers recetve SCl.daya Krisman said lhal his party .,. fur pictuno ol government paid vacelloo eacli Y""· paid its.own way ocept they 1e&den to hang in public 11Rent it automatically 10 were given tree room in buildinp. ~ of your income," he Ha?ID!l because they were He 8lid the Cubans todl him at.id. "When a houae is 20 atotrrU. 11>ey """' left alone Caetro W<lJld like to retire ffl8l'I old you pay no more to move around wffbout a at some time to demoasfrate mt. It is J>&id for. They ll*!e-• Ibis to lhe niat ol lhe -..rid. filure, 'Why ~ snmebody 'Ibey got a:i quite wtil, be Krimnan IMWem:f th e pay for k agam?' ' -· 'Ibey all speak Sponilh. reporll<'1 queollon ab o u I II< •Id Cuba is nol trying Kri"""'1 is lbt ..,. d 1111 refugfts leaving Cuba In larg• to expert iU ....mtlon. Army colmeL Before c«ning numbon. "Ole (Guevara) .... an Jn. to UCI he ~ three yean He md 1bout I00,00 of ths t e r n a ·tional revolutimary In the I*-llid recalls Island'• e!gbl mllllon people 'lbtl -hi• t!Sng. II< ..., otudyfn( millWy ....,. ol have left wlunllrlly. He bMft in Argenllna IUld a rM*~fs ... Tfi© ek~l:i<i!$te1'i c::e~m Kia.in§ e.0l0P5-wW 1-e. n.~ysl~e.1ite 9lwei, lite pll'l~. 01!' p~l'l.'(Jf··· $21.00 € ... W00 · Th~ M&ili~l'l c;:e~ i l'l. w}'l.it~. Pi 'El.V'J 11 l:J~ 0~ r~~wt ~1El ... . $'.2.1.00 I ' JOSEPH MAGNIN IS SOFT ON SPRING. THE FAVORED NEW FASHIONS FOR SPRING AND THERE- AFTER COME FROM SOFTER, SH.APE-CARESSING FABRICS AND FIGURING. A MOST FAVORED 1NOW IN JM YOUNG CONNOISSEURS ' IS THIS TURQUOISE RAYON CREPE BY JONNY HERBERT. IT'S A REAL SOFTIE WITH A WIDE FITTED WAIST ANG> A DIRNDL SK IRT. SIZES 6 TO 14. 66.00. 1 'f ~---_J_--------~ _L_ --. .. ~ ---·--------·----.... ""' ·"-·.,.·------,.,,,...,.,,,...,,.,,n.t ,....,.... .. , l"C",c c .qJt: '<~ < e c: a• 1i3i tt '> .'!l t Jlf Y 5'. 4:i; 'L"lt:"fJF -.:,e::J!t---~~-"-"'"""'=""'""""'..,.,. .. _,,...=.,.="""'"""'"''""""""""'"'"""'>:l"".'l'-~~ ' Orange Coast Area Men $ Ill Two HunllngtDI! Beach men hive graduated from a U.S. Air Force tec:Mlcll school at Keesler AFB, Miss. 'Ibey are :f;J'L l.C. BIJ'Us W. Vtr Baar -• son of Mr. and Mrs. B. • W. Ver Haar Jr.. of 8562 Donald Circle, and Airman Grei Pudt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pasch of 20122 Marina Lane. Ver Haai, a 1r1duate .of Marina High School, was trained as an air traffic co~ troller and has been assigned to Ft. Rucker, Ala. Ainnan Pasch was trained as a personnel specialist and has been asigned to ?\lather AFB. He is a graduate of HunUngton Beach Hlgh School. Sptt. 4. Clyde L. GUlam Jr., 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gillam Sr., of 313 17th Place Costa Mesa. received the Silver Star Medal for "gallan- try in action while engaged in ground operations against a hostile force in Vietnam ." A machine gunner in Com· pany C, 2nd Battalion of the 25th Infa ntry Division's 12th Infantry, G i 11 a m 's cita· tion reads, iHs valorous ac- tions contributed to the suc- cess of the mission by his personal bra ve ry . ag- gressiveness and devotion to duty in keeping with the highest traditions of ) h e military service." Airman Theodore T. Ott Jr .. whose parents live at 3308 Seaview, Corona del A1ar, was graduated from the Air Con- lrolinan School at the Naval Air Technical T r a i n i n g Center, Glynco, Ga. The school trained the airman to direct aircraft traffic in and out of air stations and aboar d ships. Airman Leslie E. Heide, - ~eeq . 012 tqe ·Best L>egs iq 10wq, USAF, san ol Mt. and Mrs. John F. Heide ol 3 0 4 Broadway St., Costa Mesa, has graduated from t h e Defense ln!onnailon School'!! basic military j our n a I i 1 t course at Ft. Benjamin Har- rison. Ind. The airman, a graduate of c..ona del Mar High School, 1966, attended Orange Coast College and Saddleback Junior College before entering the service , was trained i n new s paper , radio and television techniquea for duly in the information field. Staff Set Bill S. O. Carr, son of Mr, and Mrs. Billie Carr of 13631 Milton Ave., Westminster, is on du ty at Ubon R o y a I Thai AFB, '11lailand. A radio operator, the sergeant is a graduate of Westminster High School and attended Orange Coast Colleg~ ~fore entering the service. Altman Craig 1\-t, Flowe r, son of N.:rs. Barbara Flower of 301 Marguerite, Corona de! Mar, has graduated from a U.S. Air Force school, Shep- pard AFB, Tei . He was trained as an aircraft mechanic and has been assigned to a unit of the Air Force Systems Com· mand. Edward!! AFB, C:'llif. He is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School. His father, Walter Flov.·er, lives in Santa Ana. Two Newport Beach men are serving aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Tico n· deroga during its fifth tour of duty in the Western Pacific. They are Airman Appren. Chris topher F. Boltz, son of Mrs. Thomas R. H.olme of 512 Iris Ave., and Seaman Apprea. Richard S. Roseoast, "1:::'1:.. llgging~·- .. h ... pmily '-..... ·-•h pod lotts". ' .. "'* iMNolpL comi.rta1111, .... -.. -. BIJY ONE DOZF..N <;ET ONF. PAIR FRF.E "' ................ _....,. , ... ~~ ... ~' ,,__......,_ .... ,, .., ...-.... ... 114 .... """" ,. ... . • -. t• t-.JO p .... . ....~·~"'· NEW FOR PANTY BOSE IN \ ~~~?J!-°~ PUJS I PANTY 1'0SE IN CANTRE¢E OPAQUE ,ffil RUN RE.'iJSl'ANT YOUR CHOIC1': • HOSIERY 1-Md-•lla,C.. ll"fORll8 81!RV1H() T(>U OOAllT·TO-COAl'r South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa Rmtol at the San Oie90 fr:#y. -Phenti: 540-4997 ·~~~--------·,;_~~~~-- son o.'. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rosenast' ot 1207 Somerset Lane. Airman Roger Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Davis of 68Sl Retherford Drive, Hun- tington Belch, has b e e n assigned to a unit of the Air Force Systems Command ilt Edwards AFB. A graduate of Fountain Valley High School, the atrman was trained as an aircraft mechanic. Storekttper t.C. F e I I x Martinez Jr., whose parents live at 525 Fairfax Drive. Costa Mesa, is on the sta(f or the Commander cruiser· destroyer group, Long Beach. The command p r ovid es logistical support for the two Long Beach-based cruiser- destroyer flotillas of more than 40 destroyers and two destroyer tende rs. Cadet SgL Richard R. 1\1. Seltz, class of '69 at West Point Academy, will present a series of talks at various high ~hools throughout the area on "The U.S. Jl.1ilitary Academy Today." Cadet Seitz is the son of U.S. Marine Corps Capt. (ret l and Mrs. W. A. Seitz of 31423 Coast Highway, South Laguna. Pvt. Andrew E. Pria Jr .. 20. ".-hose parents live at 2914· A Peppertree Lane, Costa !\11'sa. ha.<: been assigned to the 35th Engineer Battalion. Vie!nam , as a co mb a l engineer. Airman Roland L. S"'·ingcr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. S"'·inger of 30824 Calle Chucca. San Juan Capistrano. has been assigned to a unit of the Aerospace Defense Command, Harhilton AFB, for training and duty in tile wire maintenance field. The airman is a graduate. of San Clemente High School DECORATOR ' and attended Shasta College, Red~. before entering the scrviee. Lt. Col. George It. ltaab, fl.1.0 ., son of h1r!. The resa J{aab of 809 Avenlda Sevilla, Lagun a 11ills, !s serving as assistant chief of t h t! Opthalmology Departni ent. at the Brooke General Hospi tal, Fl. Sam Houston. Tex. Sgt. Robert S. Bau man, sor. ()f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bauman of 14322 Hammon Lane. Hunti ngton Beac h. has arrh·ed for duty at Davis· h~onthan AFB, Ariz. He is an aerial photo systems repairman a n d previously served al Tan Son Nhut AB. Vietnam. Sgt. Richard S . Hem- mersc hlag of 3132 Samoa Mrs. J~arvey P. Hanl· mersch!ag of 3132 Samoa Pl ate. Costa Jl.·!esa. is on duly at L:dorn Royal Thai AFB, Thailand. The .<:ei:gcant, an air lra rfic controller. i.~ a graduate of Costa ~1csa High School and attended Orange Coast College before entering the st'rvice. Forme r Laguna Bearh resi· dent Craig Liodse~·. 20. has b!'en assignl'd to Key \Vest, Fla. where he Yt'ill be stationed on the submarine USS Tirante. Canyon Uoads Pay111ent Okay !l!ODJESKA -Pay men t nf $'22.965 J.o the Sully l\1iller Con· tra cting Co. of Orange for repair \\·ork on rond ~ in Black Star and Jl.1odjeska canyons has heel\ approved by the Board of SllJ>(!rvisors. The Roaa D e pa r tm e nt ofdered the ·work after the recent storms made t h e road1vays impassable. I FABRICS ib ~tiff~~! I DECORATOR FABRICS I • 100% durable cottons regular to 3. 95 yd • • Fine decorolive Joc.quords • Colorful Heavyweight sofin s • Texlured c.ollons-royon ble nds • Sun·proof self·llned fabrics Spec.iol "Opening" prices on regular stoc k drapery fab- rics-hundreds of fashion-wise c.olors-all ll"xlures a nd weavt!s -Pricl"s ore limited 10 th is l 0 day Sol• Onlyl Bui quantilites ore unlimited! I.._ _n_Ec __ oR __ AT __ o __ R _eo_uc~L_E _.I ; • Newest heavy opoqUC" !exlures $2'§1 • Colorful open weave looks • Textu red Jacquard weaves • Des.igner folhion Antiques I DECORA·TOR 'SHEERS I e Sh;mmedng Ant ... n blend1 $150 e Durable Dacron Betiste I e T e•tured casement boucles e Soll h•ng;ng Doc•on N;no,n yard I SHOP -AT -HOME SERVICE IT COSTS LESS TO HA Yl THE IEST AT UDOFF'• -C4"1 ......, ,_ c•t•• ......, ..n.t.I N....,.., ,._bffft 111 •R tti. •.ten, tert.... 8114 ....,. -on ., ,_ mm P"k"I Fl11e11 u1 .... wettr-•1, ..t wntcel Udoffs ~fwrti1~s South ~ast Plaza, Costa Mesa Lew« M1fl Ac,.H Miii W•lwertlu ""'°' crt "' So• ote90 Frffwaz for "Sltop ot Home Senict" Ph~• S4 -6812 r • • I ~ OAU.Y PILOT Servic·e Around the World Lindsey, an e ng i ne er ftrtman apprentice, bu bteo in the N1'vy about one year of his four--year term of service. Currently on Juve, he J~ vl1ltlng his mother, Mrs. Doris Lindsey, 251 RubY.' St. In addition to his engineering training. Lindsey attei)ded subn1arlne school at New;.oo· don. «;onn., and hopes to at. te nd diving school to Btudy both SCUBA and "bard hat" di\·ing techniques. , Tech. Sgt. Charlie N. Harris, son of R. F. Harris oL 4103 Calle Juno, San Clemente, is a member of the unit that earned the U.S. Air Force Uu.tstanding Unit Award. Sgt. Harris b an airfraine malntenanoe technician ln the 4371h Military AirWt Win(, Charleston Ara, S.C. that was cited forexceptlon•lly meritorious wvlce during combat and resupply alrllft operations marking the third time in four years the wing has been so honored. ' I' whoR: home Is at 2811 Walnut Lane, }JunUn1t011 Be 1 ~11 • S\., Costa Mesa, received the he.lped launch a U.S. Air Foree BiUu.e Star Medal near Nha '"Mlnutem:in.1 JI lntercontinenti.1 ti'afig, VI et n am. 'the ballistic mlssil& from Va.n- Drllenant was presented the denbtrg AFB. altlrd for meritorious service The sergeant Is a graduQle .$. ground operations against of Marina Hlgh School and hlllti le forces in Vietnam. aUended Orange Coast Collego , At the time bf the prese n· before entering the scrvlc-O; Udon the lieutenant, son or Airman Bruce L Brown, son 1Leo J. Walsh, 118 Trafalgar Seamon Rel. l.a~'ren(.-e .J. o{ Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. 'Lane. San Clemente, waii Carmon11, son of l\1r. and Mra. Brown ot 21801 Starflre Lane, t11m chief in the 41st Civil Edward Carrnona or 2848 Huntington Beach, has. been ('JfaJts Company. Velasco Lane, Costa J\fesa, • .iJ assigned to Keesler AFB, , 1 --assigned to Coast Guard l\tiss., for training in the air 1 pat. Peter F. DuCaen11ols. Recruit Trai ning Ce nte r . traffic cont rol field . 1~ of V.r. and W.rs. L. R. Alameda for eight wee.ks of The airman is a graduate·-±'I>,ICUenoois;;t:===· ='=of=l=6=92=l=C=ax=o=o=bas==ic=tr=airun=· =g=. ===='::· of Huntington Beach High 1~ School, 1963. Lt. \'t'arren D. Taylor, County Men Honor<'.d At Service Academies Cadet St.even C. J. Lockhart, so n of W.r. and Mrs . Joseph P. G. Lockhart of 6182 Sonoma Drive, Huntington Beach, has been named to the Dean's List at the Air Forc e Academv. Col(), The cadet is a gradi.iate of lflarina High School, 1968. Cadet Walter R. Allen, son or l\fr. and Mrs. W. E. Allen of 25252 Yacht Drive, Dana Point, has been named to the Superir.lendent's List at the U.S. Air Force Academ y. Cadet Allen is a 1966 graduate of the San Clemente High School. T \\'O Orange County 1nen have been named lo the Conl· mandant 's List at the Air Force Academy, Colo. Cadet Larry A. Pattertion. class of '72, son of Ronald Patterson ol 1880 El Camino Real, San Clemente and Cadet !'tlark C. Witman, class of '7 1, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Witman of 1006 Sandcastle Drive, Corona de\ Mar. were se lected for out st an ding , military performance. PENETRATION Neerly •"•'YOfte •••d1 tho DAILY FILOT, ho,,,.towft ftew1p•p•r for the f•bu- lo1tt Or•nt• Coest, Elected ' Cadet James A. Dr'f- den, class of '69, son ot Mr. and Mrs. J ames L. Dryden o! 2406 Minule- man· \Vay, Costa Me sa, 1 has been elected for tbe position of e 1 em e rot leader \vith the rank 9(; cadet first lieutenant.1 He \Vas al.so named to the Commandant's List, al the Air Force Ace~ demy. Colo. Cadet Dry, den is a graduate c f Cos ta 1'.1esa High School; 1965, pump on the rise The 11bape for spring-full round toe, riinn~ front. 11. higher, straiichter heel. With skirtii 11.nd citypant.a, the pump of the 11eaSOn is white maninade patent vdth a broad faille bow, Qu aliCraf t'• newsmaking shape, juat 9, 99 SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 BRISTOL COSTA MESA H re's The Man Who , T ~lls The Truth About lflle Drug Scene. ALTON ILAICESLEE ' I I l Here's The Book : He Tells It In . •• A 'Best Seller' ~ere! ~·········· ~~--• I I To: I I I P. o. lox S Teoneck, N. J. 076" I I I I Send me coeies of "Wbal You Should I w About Drugi and Narcotics'' at $1 each . I (Make checks payable I to Associated Press). I I I I I I I I NAME -·.--·---""" I : ADDRESS _,_:,"_·----~ c/ri ----: I STATI ________ ,_,, ZIP ···---·· I ----------····- And Here's The Coupon That Will .Help You Order - Your Copy DO IT NOW! -------. - ~Ir DAILY PILOT Wtdn!iday, Mll'Ch 26, 1969 Huntington B.each's Jane Wa rd HD Gal Honofed ij Firlit Woman to Be E11shrine d ~ J ane \\'ard, the most decorated n•o1nan \'Olleyball player oC all time, has I anoU1er feather in her cap today. The lluntington Beach Olytnpian has become the first woman inducted inlo the Helms \'olleyball Hall of Fame tod<iy. . ' Since the Hall began recognizing vo\!eyball players in 1954, ti men have ~ been enshrined. '.~ ' The 37.year·old H1111t1ng1t1n Beach school tea cher has competed 14 years i in her sport. Playing fur the Long Hc<ich Ahern Sh;unrocks, the ~ng Bea~h I Rrcakcrs, the Santa l\lonira ~lari11crs and the Lung Be~ch Sha~'!Cks. Miss \Vard was accorded All-An1er1can honors for 14 consccut1ve years.., She has been nan1t'rl 1von1an player or lhe year for the Unite<li States five ) tin1es and played on national chan1pionship tca1ns 13 times. I ij I, ~1iss \Vard rl'pres!'n!l'd the L"nited Stales in 1956. 1960 and W67 world l cha1npionship pla,v, Sh(' was a 1nl'n1bcr of the 1964 and 1963 Olympl~ teams. I Born in Buffalo. N.Y., on April 30, 19:tz, she attended Bennett lfigh School [ in Buffalo before being graduated from thehUnhiversityko! Bhuffal.o11 i~A1952. t-• -' Currently the coach of the Long Bcac S amroc s, s e_v.·1 ~ ~rescn l!U 1 v.•ith her Hall of Faine 1nvard at the U.S. volleyball champ1onsh1ps Jn Knox· \·illc, Tenn., f\lay 5-9. -l Prep Sl ams 4 H 01tiers '. ! In 48-0 No -hit Rout RlJS TON, J.::i. (AP\ -Bii;: James Jlichards pitched lhn.'l' hilles~ innings a nd polfd home runs fou r ('(1nst.>cutivc ti1nrs at the p \a I c 1'ucsd:1y In give his high school team a 48-0 no-h1l bascbnll victory. The &-foot·i 1~ Hichard :-., ;11;,n a baskct - bnll and roo1b:ill slar. dro\t' in 10 r11n~ as Lincoln High ol Ru sinn deft':l!e:d Jackso!) High o( Jouesboro. He also ~cort>d on a 97·yard in· tcrct'ption return \Vhlle playing defense. LeBlanc says hi s star perfoCner has had numerous college scholan;hip offers in all U1ree. sports. including ~ds from l\11chlgan Stale. Florida State, South Carolina and Oklahoma. " llepresentatives of the Red ~, Cubs, Yonkecs and Astros are amOft( t>sseball teami; Lhat have offered Richards pro cont ri:1cts. ~ \ Lakers Open -NBA Title Ru1' LOS ANGELF.11 (AP) -Winners Iii ~e West durlna: the reaular aeason, Ule Loa Angelft Laken open ~ NaUonal Baaketball' Association playoff series tonight facing a San Francisco team with tiUe aspirations of Its own. During the regular season they met seven times with the Lakers winning four and the Warriors three .• At the Forum, scetle of t_he opening two games of the playoff, the two teams split, each winning twice. Los Angeles, with Wilt Chamberlain playing his first season , compiled lts best season record with a 55-27 won-bl Celtics Look For One More Title Miracle By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The National Basketball Association playoffs open lonight and for perhaps the first time the spotlight shines on a fourth place team, the Boston Celtics. Can they pull it off one more time? The Celtics will be trying to salvage their most miserable season since 1949-50 when they begin the Eastern Division semifinal best--0f.7 series at Philadelphia. SM Francisco plays at Los Angeles in the Western Division semifinal opener. The New York Knicks invade Baltimore and Sa n Diego opposes host Atlanta Thursday night in the other semifinals. The Ce1tics, who have won nine NBA titles in the last IO years, finished a dismal fourth this season, their lowest placing since they finished last in 1949--50. They hadn't been below second since a third place finish in 1954-55. "We have lo redeem ourselves," says John Havlicek of Boston. "I'm looking forward to the playoffs as a new season," adds Sam Jones, who is retiring after the p!ayoffs. With Jones leaving and age creeping up on player-coach Bill Rwisell, Satch Sanders and Bailey Howell, this might be Boston's last shot at an NBA cham· pionship in the near future . The Celtics did have a ~2 edge over the second·place 76ers during the regular season but it was an evenly played series 'with two of the games going into overtime. Sports in Brief record while the Warriors finished third in the West at 41-4.l, "We are definitely mentally ready for this series," declared ex·Laker Jim King , now a Warrior. "It's going to bt tough, but everyone on the team thinks we can beat the Lakera and go all the way." King has been alling much of the season but says be'• ·now at about 75 per cent efficiency and San Francisco will need his outside shooting to pull off any upset. The 7·foot·2 Chamberlain led the NBA in two categories, field goal percentage with 68.3 and rebounds with 1,711. His Wanicr counterpart, Nate Thurmond. grabbed cif 1,S24. Jeff Mullins led the Sao Francl.lco scorers during the regular season with 1,775 points, an average ot 22.t per game with Thunnond om at 1,624 and Rudy La.RWISO, ailother ex·Laker third at 1,550. 'Mwrmond and LaRasso averaged 21.5 and 20.7, respecUvely. Elgin Baylor, the Lake captaln, led hia team ln scoring with 1,881 points lllld a 24.I percentage. Jerry West had 1,575 and a better average at 25.I playing 15 fewer games. Troubles plagued the Lakers early in U,. oeason "' they soulht to ~t 11'! style of play to tllat of Chamber~ But late in the year, they ahOwtd !the power exptel!lfl ol tberz:i aod 1at one point downed Bbston, Baltimore a d Detroit in order. • lt was. paradoxically, the W¥fiots, who broke that string with a t7~ triumph on thelr borne court two weeks ago. • · "We have the best basketball team we've ever had Jn Los Angeles right now," says West.I "We're playing· I.he game the way it should be pl~·ed. I think we can win it." $200,000 Event Next Leading Pro Golfers Aching As Tour Moves to Miami MIAMI {AP) -Lee Trevino has a :;ore thumb, Arnold Palmer has an aching be.ck, Jack Nicklaus has an attack of tee wildness and that's the casualty report for the '200,000 National Airlines Open olf Tournament, starting Thurs· day. _Trevino, the voluble U.S. Open cham· pion, became the newest on the hospital list when he jammed his left thumb into a door on his arrival here Tuesday, forcing him out of the pro-am tournament today. He's stiU not sure he will be able to tee it up Thursday and go on to play in lhe Masters two weeks hence. A doctor put a cast around · lhe thumb and Lee's wrist and said: Pressure on Conscienee · Keep Negroes on Job ls ABA's Pitch to Lew Highly reliable sources reveal that the American Basketball Association has even a greater pitch for Lew Alcindor 's services than a freight car full of platinum. That is, in Lhe all-out effort to keep Lew away from the senior pro circuit (National Basketbill Association ), the ABA is applying pressure to the big man 's conscience. They lire telling Alcindor that without him the ABA will probably be hard·press· ed to stay in business. But with him, the beach·ball circuit should indttd survive and thus keep a couple of hun· dred Negro players employed. And with that thought in mind , he may well wind up with the ABA. VCI Foes Revealed "Nothing's broken, but when we take Lhe cast off Thursday morning we won't know whether he can play or not. It just depends on how he feels. He may be out 36 hour s or two weeks." It would be a big disappointment for Trevino. "I felt I was really gelling ready for the Masters," he said. Palmer, who gets injections twice a day for his ailing hip, said, ''I don't know how ii will be -it 's a day·to-day proposition." Nicklaus, who found his booming drives soaring off course in the Jacksonville Open last week, complained, '"I don 't know wh1lt's happening -I just seem to come up dry." Ile wasn't around the country cl ub of Miami Tuesday . There were reports he went over to 'take a lesson fr om his old pro at Columbus, Ohio, Jack Grout, fiow teaching in this area. Palmer, Nicklaus and Trerino are three of the fa vorites in !he 156-man field which tees off Thursday in one of the year's riche st events. First prize is $40,000. Bin Casper, pro of the year and top money winner in 1968, is among the contenders as are virtually all of lhe top 100 money winners. Anti-dunk Rule Retained -UC Inine hu scheduled Su JBSe State for its llQ.71 bastetbaU campaign and 11 clole to flaalill•I • game wtth the University of San. Francisco. 'I11e list includes such foreigne rs as Gary Player, Bobby Cole and Harold HeM.ing of South Africa. Tony Jacklin and Malcolm Gregson of England and Bruce Crampton of Australia. Despite Coaches' Gripes LOUISVILLE - A decis.ion by the rules committee of the National Basket. ball Committee or the United States and Canada lo retain a no dunking provision has drawn disdainfu1 reactions from several coaches. John Dromo, University of Louisyille coach said he thought the committee was "missing the boat" by not recinding the rule, which prohibits playe~s from leaping into the air and ltuffmg. the ball through the hoop. Roy Skinner of Vanderbilt commented, "It's time the co11eges 11topped letting the YMCA high schools and Canadians tell us whai rules to use ln our games." Another new rule says a second free throw now can be awarded.by the referee "when a technica1 foul is also an in· tentlonal foul." ...... ' ...... ...... NEW YORK -Rod Laver of Corona del r.tar, winner of the 1918 Wimbledon and Los Angeles Open tennis diam· pionshipi, the United States Professional and the A1adison Square G a r d e a Professional, Tuesday was awarded the gold racket Player of the Year Award. Tblt wa1 based on the vote of an International panel el 11 \ennJs writers, and for the firs& dme the compelft1on was open to all players -frofeuionals, amateun, teclsteted playen. a D d England's clullffcadoa of players. Laver had lt9 out of a possible Ill points. Ken Rosewall of Australia was second with IS and Artbur Asbe of lhe United States third with 92. .... .... .... MACON, Ga. -The Kitchen Fresh Chippers of Los Angeles, who hoped to have the serv.ces of Lew Alcindor, forfeited their opening round game in the National AAU Basketball Tournament Tuesday night to the defending champion Armed Forces AD.Stars. Alclndor was never committed to playing for the Chippers, who failed lo show up for their game against the armed forces team. ..... ..... ...... PALM ·spfuNGS -The California Angels clashed with tbe OakJand A's today after getdng some exercise and a 11-% victory at the expens e of the Hawaii Islanders of the Pacific Coast League. Andy Messersmith burled • e v e n scottle1s innings lo run bis atrlng to 10 Innings. The Angels announced second baseman Bobby Knoop would be lest Lo the team for about seven day• with • hairline fracture of bis big tot on his left foot. He suffertd the Injury la1t Saturday du.ring batting practice but the ailment was not detected until Tuesday. .... .... .... VERO BEACH -The Los Angeles Dodgers regrouped today lo take on the Minnesota Twins after splitting a pair of games Tuesday. Don Drysdale was rocked for si x runs and six hits in a six-Inning stint on the mound at West Palm Beach as the Montreal Expos registered a 6-J victory over the Dodger "8" squad. Meanwhile the "A" team. led by rooki e B i 11 Sudakis with f i v e RBis, routed the Pittsburgh Pirates, IM. .... .... .... LAS VEGAS -Motorcyclists finished in the firat th: placta Ja the mint "'°9" Del Webb Desert nUy with overall ftrlt plac;e honlN's golng to Mike Patrick of Pomona, and Phil Bower• of Chino. Tbey tteorded 1n elapsed Ume for the two-day tett of ltl hours, I minutes aboard a Yam.aha 150. 1'e Urlt foar.wlteel vehicle 1ero11 die llne was the uperimeatal cl&11 Convalt daoe buOY drlvu bf John and Uoda Johnson of Spring V8Uey, Calif., tn u hours, 19 mlnll\el. The following ytar the Anteater1 will open their aeason at Cal State (Lomg Beach). UCI wiD. be tough, too -if tbe Anteaten can keep Dick Davis on tbe coachln1 payroll. Dick was oUered the GLENN ~HITE WHITE WASH **************• bead job at Cal Poly, San Lui1 Obispo recently but turned It down. He·s in line for the Sao Diego State post, being one ol three finalists in the running for the Aztec position. Short Cirrults Clarence Johnsen of the University of California broke Mike Lange's Arizona State-Cal dual meet hl1h jump record of 6-101/, with a 7.0 leap Tuesday night at Tempe. 1:-ange was a fmner Costa Mesa IHgb and Orange Coast College star, Cal won the meel, Incidentally, 7416. Ron Terranova, head baseball coach at Brea High School, will be resigning t h a t post the end of this season, it was reported today in the Fullerton News· Tribune. La Habra High School basketball figures tough the ne:rt few years. The lDgblanders, member• of the Freeway League, won loop cage titles In jayvee, Bee and Cee thir year. ' Charlie Pasarell's brother Stan is mainstay on the Stanford tennis squad this season. Cbarlie was a member of Lbe U.S. team that won the 1968 Davis Cu p and subsequently played at the Balboa Bay Club (Newport Beach) Wills Claims Discrimi11ation In Florida WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. tAP) - Maury Wills, Montreal Expos' Negro shortstop and the National League's one- time Most Valuable Player, said Tuesday "for the first time in my big league career I have been discriminated against." Wills said he had been asked to leave two bars last Friday "because they said they didn 't serve colored people." Wills. noted for base stealing, said he entered the ba rs with a newspaperman and a photographer, both white. "We decided to go there because it was suggested that it would be a different atmosphere in which to discuss the story rather Lhan the ball park." \Vills S{:lid. "We went into the first bar because it had two pool tables and v.·e decided to shoot a game of pool. "Alter a couple of games of pool, the people in charge of the place Jet us know that they didn't \\'ant tne in there. They told me, "\Ve don"t sen·e colored people here .' So, I wasn"t welcome in no uncertain terms." Wills said they went to another bar. "At first, I wa s reluctant to go in," Wills said. '"But then I felt that surely the same thing wouldn't ~n twice. So, we went in and v.·( sat down to order, Then, I heard those exact same words, 'We don't serve colored people.' That was enough and we left. "Finally v.·e went to the Negro neighborhood and visited for two hours. We had a fine time and "'ere accepted as human beings. Richards' tcan1 drfcalt>tl t-.Ior,hi)u!'t' of Bastrop 5--0 in :i gu1ne 111:1_\(•tJ just prior to the Jackson-l_,in1·0J11 rlash. Richards. 18. hit a homr: run in the first game. gi\'lng him fi1·r. for lhl' aft ernoon. fUchards :'lnrl rt•ll<'r h11r!t•n:1 ,l1Try Spender and floy Cndel'wood, who each also pitched three Innin gs, l'Ombined for ll strikcoulll against J~1cks(:n Richey'1 Tops Laver, Faces Emerson ·•Things like this bite at me inside but in no wa y cause me to lose my dignity or act in the same manner as the people in charge of the establish· men!. "As far as the law against racial discrimination is concerned. it ill 011 my ride. But it means getting a lawyer and making lrequent trips to court Lloyd Le.Blanc, L.Jncoln'.c. i:,1ut'li, said Richards, an all·state Ua~ki:lh;1 U 1ctirn member ~·ho avtrnged 35 rinint~ :i g;i111e this past season. has: 3 21·0 record as- a pitcher over the past three )C:<1r:o;. 'Nit 220·pound athlete. a Tl'lt'm~r of the high school honor socit'ty "!th ;i S.! grade average, played at quarterback. dcJe:nslve tackle and defensh c halfback on lhe football ttam last f3JI. lt \\'RS his rlrst sea~on a~ <i quaru~rback, Le.Blanc ~Aid, 11.nd R~rhllrds threw R'Veil scorinB pa. ~ts and ran lor .....,/01ore. / i'iE\V 'YORK 1AP) -i1adison Square Lart!t'.n ohviousiy brings out the best in lhe tcnni~·lllaying Richeys tiSan /\nitelo, Tex. C I j f f ltlchey, a desi nated a teur p!aytor shooting for his ln,tial open nnis paycheck in the $25.000 Ga.rden Challenge Trophy Open, pullrd off a starUing first· round upset Tuesday night, knocklfll off sccond·sttde<I professional Rod Laver of Col'()na de! Mar 6-4, 3-6. 6-3. Richay v.•lll tackle Ne~·port Beach ~ro Roy Bmttson. who beat Austt lian Bill Bowrry 6-2. 6-2, tonight. ~st Marrh 29, Cliff's sister, Nancy. o\t'l'l'<1me rnati:h point ln the second ~el kl post a . .f..&, 7.S, 6~ semi En.al ' .....L__ victory over No. 1 seeded Qilly Jean King on the way to the won1en'8 title in the same tournamtnt -then an all·amaleur 'f!Vent. Richey, allowed to play (or the $5,000 first prize money while retaining his amateur slalus under new open tennis rules. elimanated Laver, the s 11 ck . southpaw who has been the pro l.OQr's top money ~·inner for several yurs. afttt top-seeded Tony Roche of Australia st ruggled past amateur Brian F1drlie or New Zealand 6-3, 1-e, M . 'l'hint·seedtd Arthur 'Ashe of Richmond. Va., Ille amateur ChnUenge Trophy defender, also 1vas extended to three ttit before ove41 aen. .. Scott of • Ntw York 1-1, &-3, S.O. Fourth.seeded Andrts Gimeno, the pro rrom Spain, btat Rumania's llie Nastase 6-2, 4-6, 6-2 and amateur Clark Graebner of New York, seeded &ixth, oostl'd Ove Bengston o( Sweden W, 8-3, 12·10. But British amateur Mark Cox cut down pro John Nwcombe of Au·stralia, the No, 5 seed, &.2, 3-10, 6-1. The field of 31 was trimmed in half for today's second round . There is no women'a competition In this year's tourney, which TUM through Saturday. In other first·round matches, Charlell' Pasarell of Puerto Rico dtftaltd pro Denni• Rail'°"''' Bakenlltld, Calif., ------------_......J..._ -- U , U , W ; o I d pro Pancho Gonialei of Los Angeles took out Jan Kodu of Czechoslovakia 1-3, 7.S ; pro Marti Riessen of Evanston, Ill., downed Ray Ruffels of Australia S.-2, g.1 and Pro Butch Buchholz of St. Louis ousted Brazil's Thompz Koch +&, 6·3, 6-2. Amateur J i m Osborne ol }lonolulu dispatched pro Pancho Segura of Loe Angeles 6-2, 6-3; Tom Oltker, a pro from Hollnnd. topped Ron Holmberg of Highland Falls, r;,v., &.3, 8~: Z.ljko Franulovic of Yugoslavia outla!led. Tom Edlefscn of Berkeley, Calif .. u , &-I, 6-1 and pro Ray Moore of South Attica eliminated Jim ~1cManus of Berkeley 6·2, 6-0. ... '"Believe me. if I had the time. I would havt prosecuted in both cases. But being a baUplnyer I am always on the rood,·• Wills said. "Nothing Uke this has ever happened to me in the major leagues before Jn the minor.i. thou gh, I r"'mcmber hav: ing to stay on the lcam bus while the mt of the players ate at rcS'taurants along the route.'' Wills played minor le.ague b 11 t J ror Miami of the Florida Statt> League In 1953 lind for F'ort \\'orth in the Tt.xas League in 19SS. Wills also played for other 1J1inor ltague tea ms In New York Coloratf and Wa shington. ' MAKES FORECAST COME TRU E -UC Irvine swim coach Al Irwin shows off the giant trophy his Anteaters won last weekend ~hen they captured first place in the NCAA small cpllege swim championships. Irwin used to be the man on the spot when the late Wayne Crawford told banquet audiences that Al would win an NCAA title within five years. Balley, Brawn Homer Bucs Enter Tournament After Topping Cypress By JOEL SCRW ARZ 01 tllt DlllY Piiot Sllll Mike Bailey and Randy Brawn ended Orange Coat College's four-game Eastern Conference losing streak Tuesday af- ternoon with two swings of their bats and the Pirates now take a break lrom conference play and move into the 25th Annual Southern California JC Baseball Tournament 'i'•hich opens Thursday morning in Azusa. The Pirates are scheduled to open tournament action at 10 a.m. against Phoenix College aiid also will play at 2:30 p.m. Th a f game will be agal~t the winner or loser of the Mt. SA~ Riverside game. OCC's opponent will be dependent on what the Pirates 'df in the morning game. · In Tuesday afternoon's gahie at Orange Coast, Pirate coach Dale Wonacott was all smiles after Bailey and Brawn had ripped home TUM in the first two innings, but had a few aJJxious moments before his club had finally salted away a 4-3 decision. Bailey spotted Pirate starter Steve Pinter to a 3-0 margin in the last of first. After Mike Leech had singled and Roger Whistler was safe on an error, Bailey connected for his third homer of the year, a long shot to the spacious depths of left center. Brawn made it 4--0 with an identical shot to lead off the second. The rest of the game was in the hands of the Pirate pitching staff. Pinter had control problems all day and his wildness finally caught up with him in the fourth. He w:i.lked four men to force in one· run and Cypress scored again in the inning en an infield out. Pinter got in trouble in the fifth again when he walked the leadoff batter and the next man reached first on Bill Jenkins' error. Pinter got the third batter ~ to pop up but when Gene Edwards singled in the third Cypress run and moved the tying run to third, WonacotX, went to u u u · CJ,rl'IS (ll ·-r hrM 'llurr•y, u 1 I 1 O Plc~ler, :lb ~ 0 0 ll Loe1<her1, ct J 1 o 1 EdWtrd" 111 ' 0 I 1 Gentry, It J ll)l Fr.d, rl J 0 0 0 Clnden"'""' lb l o I 1 OtLeon, c J o 0 0 MIPIH,P 1100 Hwv•r, Ph t 0 0 0 Tettlt JI I l I Or111,_ CMll l'l N t II •Ill J~n~lns, 'Ii ' • 0 ll Leech. 1b • l 2 0 Wh!s!l~r, cl • I 0 C Ballt Y, I! , I l l Paul, 111 ' o o o Rtntrow, cl O 0 0 0 Pal~, t l 0 0 0 Brawn, Jb J 1 I I Selt~rt, rf J 0 I Ct P!ffier. P I t I 0 Onlt!e1><"11er, P l 0 0 0 Ttl•li J' 4 • 4 koni II~ tnn11t11 ' .. DOG 210 ooo-J J 1 JlO 000 CtOll -4 6 I HB Cage Cham ps, Wrestlers to Be H onor ed Tonight Huntington Bead1 Hlgh Seboors Sunset League bssketball cbampiOM and the wrestllng teams will be honored tonight at the annual Wlnter Sports Awards banquet. Festivities begin at 7 o'clock in tht IChool cafeteria and Lhe guest speaker win be Jerry Tartanian, basketball coach of Cal State (Long Beach). Tarkania w o n rour j u n l o r coUege state championships in a r'1W at Ri verside and Pasadena colleges befnre matriculating to l.ong Btach. Special awards will be presented to atl classes of basketball teams a:~ the. varsity and junior varaity wr~lllng teams. ' the bullpen. Gary Dunkelberger faced only 'one man in the fifth and forced him to hit into a double play. He went the final four, limiting Cypress to only one hit, and gained credit for the win which enabled him to even his season record at 4-4. GWC Enters Tourney After 3-0 Blanking Dick Hutchison will try to get Golden West College back on the winning trail Thuursday when the RusUers do battle with Rio flondo in the 25th Annual Southern Californi& JC baseball Tourna- ment being held in Azusa. Action will commence at 10 a.m. with the winner dueling tbe victor of the EASTERN COHFEllEHCE Ml. San ""nton~ Fullerton Cl Tr us Gokl•" Wa.! cna!f•y Rl(erside S1iil1 Ana Oran~t (Oll•! S•n Bernardino Rio Hondo Cypress Wtn Lttl f'd . Ga 10 0 1.00D ' l M1 .5 J .625 ' ~ ·'°° • ' ·'°° • l .511 J ' .as J • .m 3 • .3ll 2 ? .21S 1 t .100 ,.. ' • • .. ,. '" ••• , .• • T11H41y'l k•nll Oral'ie (Gall '· (:yprHs 3 RlvH>klt 3, Gokl•n Wt>t 0 Mt. San An!On~ 1, s.in B•rr•arcl!no o Fullerl<>ll J, Rio H(>l>do 1 Chaftey t, Cltr111 I N••I Gtmt' ThurMhy th•llVllh 5.t11trd1y-C:.ltrv• tournev. Cilnis-Glendale clash at 2:30 p.m. The two losers also will meet at the same time. Terry Terrill disposed of Fred Hoover's outfit Toesday, 3--0, in an Eastern Con- ference game staged at Riverside College. Golcfen West could manage only two runners 'as far as third against Terrill, while golng down on strikes seven times. In the sixth inning Ron Richardson, Gary Marks and Mike DeGeer banged out consecutive singles to load the bases with two outs. However, Tom Cornell, the next hitter, went down swinging, killing the threat. Riverside scored in its half or the sixth on a two-run single by first baseman bill Renwick off loser Dave Paynter. Mike Woods relieved Paynter in the sixth 311d allowed the other Tiger run . The 'only other man to reach third lor Golden West was Myron Pines who led off the fourth inning with a base hit. The speedy Jelt-fielder stole second and took third on a sacrifice by Marks. Pines died there, however, with the next two batt.ers failing to conned for a hit. OeGeer was the leading bitter for Golden West, going \wo-for-four. ....... Wat (tl 111 t ~ rfll PaulilOI\, !II I 0 1 I 11-.111 3 00 0 Pl..,, 11 4 I l 0 JIJen.l'(IJOO!, "' ' 0 1 • Me,q,tt io10 ~, .. ,, ' 0 t c Corn.ti,!! 30 10 H-lt'ldllf, " 0 • 0 0 Slltll,,., ( ' • 0 0 Ptl'l!l9', I I 0 Ct 0 ~=~,;, ; : : : Tetlll » f 1 t ltlwnMot UI 111 r II t lll w.-0.211 ••t o Btr,,.t>'Om, d 3 I l ll ,., ... 11 .... , .. , 0 ' • kOtlllll, Jb 3 2 1 • Wrlr, II 1 1 I I WhQlm•n, rl ' I 0 0 ~!nsfortll, rl O O o I Cllf'flS,C ll•O "'"w!dt, lb ) o l l Ttrrh!, 11 , 0 o I To!Mt JI JJ I iktA ., lnRl"91 ' .. IOOIOOOOO -IJO 000 Gin 01.0 -J I G WtdntJlay, Marth 26, 1%9 DAILY PlLOT 28 s·pot I Anteaters' Man ' on Produces Title as Predicted By EARL GVSTKEY OI' fllt Dell'I' f'lltt Staff Wayne Crawford, the late UCI athJetic director, used to enjoy putting his swim coach, Al Irwin, on the spot. Every time the two were at the !ame banquet and the occasion required Crawford to introduce· Irwin, he would do so by telling the audience that lrwi?\,, "will produce an NCAA swimm.lng cham- pionship for UCI within five yean." And so Irwin'! memory scanned those bygone banquets when he was handed Lhe NCAA college division champiOQ,!hip plaque at Springfield, Mass., Saturday night. UCI now has its first national cham- pionship of any sport and it has happened mainly because Irwin and his assistant, Ed Newland, have long since deposited an old wives' ta.Je long em braced by swim coaches in the trash can. In fact , most of America's vwimming coaches believe a swimmer's devotion to the pool must be total. Activities like weight lifting, basketball, volleyball and the like, they say, harden the call muscles and render great harm to a swimmer's performance. "Baloney," says Irwin. It is a facet of swimming that Irwin and Newland have researched and proven false since they held similar posts at Newport Harbor High School in the 1950s. "I have to give most of the credit to Ed for this," Irwin reveals. "He runs our weight programs for swimmers and explains it at clinics all over the West Coast. As far as l we're concerned, that old theory is out the wlndow." UCI swimmers are on exacting weight training programs and are not discourag- ed fron1 participating in a basketball game when the spirit so moves them. Irwin, of cou.rse, can offer impressive credentials to back up bis findings. In eight years at Newport, his dual meet record was 205-41 and he won 14 league championships in three weight divisiol'ls. His Orange Coast College teams were 109-26 and never lost an EastfU'll Con· ference dual meet. He has produced swimmers of national stature, the latest and best of whom is Mike Martin, a !~pound sophomore from Corona del Mar High. Martin set two national records, won three individual events and swam on two winning relay teams at Springfield. Irwin was a busy man at Springfield last weekend. In addition to coaching, he also served as a proctor. The NCAA meet fell during final exam w.eek for UCl and Irwin had to administer three different final examinations to his swim- mers. He received the tests via atr mail and the test papers were returned to the . UCI instructors the same way they arrived. In the beginning of his coaching career, Irwin, 51, wa! a football man. After an all-league career at Newport Harbor, Irwin was granted a football scholarship by the famed Amos Alonzo Stagg ~t College (now University) of the Pacific. The 1;:wimming facet of his life began on Newport's beaches in 1932 when he FISK CUSTOM 240 ,..~l 4-kTNft.-C08• iBS PM•N ... IKOllOMT Tin • R 0 'lftA9 ....... ..SO.IS -U.W.l&. -- ~ signed on as a It-year-old city fiteguard. 1 ln spite of interruptions bf college, World War ll and two yean of coaching out of the Orange Coast ~a. Jrwih has 29 years in with the "Newport Beach Lifeguard Dept. In the summers, he helps train lifeguard candidates. ln the 1930s, ~in WU also a bouncer at the Rendezvous Ballroom In ~alboa. Irwin was 1 seniot at COP when Pearl Harbor wu atfteked and within a month he was a SW~ smiervisor for the NaYy at Prlnc;eton UDlversity. Toward the end of the war, be was a flight deck officer on d!e U.S.S. Les:~ ington in the Pacific. Following his 1945 senice discharge, he obtained his teadtlng credential at COP and then became head football coach at Antioch High SCboOI In 1946. He spent a year at Valencia High in 1947 then moved on to N~wport as bead football and iWim coach in 1948. ln the spring of 1956, he succeeded Ray Rosso as head football coach at Orange Coast. The '56 season was Irwin's last football campafgn. He became Ill the final month of the season and resign- ed after a 7-1-2 season. Since then, he's been steadily building a reputation as one of the nation's most productive swim ooaches. He was a candidate for the 1968 Olympic team coaching post. But the highlight arrived last weekend in Massachusetts, when, as Wayne Crawford preWc~ ,UCl won a national title. Don Explosion In Fifth .Rips Ga~ch~ 8-3 Santa Ana College's junior · vmlty baseball team exploded for a.ix rUM in the bottom of the filth huiln§ and went on to down Saddlebact CORta:e Tuesday afternoon on the Don diamood, 11-3. It WU Saddleba<k'S .... nd loll , Gl the year to Santa Ana and tho GIUChoo have now lost four straight pmes. The Gauchos hoped to hall that ol<id lodaY, in a road game ( at Gr,oumont College in the San Diego area. Saddleback jumped into a 2.0 Jead In the top of lbe third when John stubblf scored on a sacrifice Dy and .lim Williams trotted home by .virtue Ii • past ball and an error. Sapta Ana evened the score with a pair of runs of its own the bottQJn of t1)e same frame and lhen broke things wide open In the fifUt. The Dons chased Gaucho ~r Greg PeMington and aJso tagged reliever-Joe Peavy hard in the frame, coming up with three singles, two douhlea, two walks and a Saddleback error for their six runs. . Saddleback now owns a U record for the season. SffdltNdl: 01 eb r llrbl Ntl'°"'211 30 02 Lonof1.,;j(9', d 5 0 I I Homl,tt 5 0 10 SWMILJnd, c l o I o Oerto/tlllrt , lb 4 et 1 f £•t ie.lb ,010 Slubllt. 11 l t l e wi1111m1. rl 3 1 e o Vkk,rl 1000 P.,..N119lon, ~ 1 a a o Ptl\IY' 2 Ct 00 T1t1l1 14-4_ J ! SUie A111 (Q .. ,."" JonH,SS '211 11: ... lf-c 5 11 • F1ttntur1c1, rt s 2 3 ~ Slffle, 111 <t t 0 t HlfTITh, c l I I I v..,.,, .. 411 1 Err«V. 211 ' 1 I • L1"11erl, ci·lf 2 1 Ct 1 SUtlOll, lb l Ct I l a;-own, p.c:f l o 1 :a Dufl~.p 1 10 0 c-.r," 1 I 1 o Tol1l1 # • f I kWI"' 1111\Cfttt; ' .. 002 000 !!Cll-3 S 3 ll02 060 00x -I t 6 --DAILY II ,..11 SUll. 11 .. 1 -. .......... 4 CMYSOMLTI f I I 7.75-15 ,,_t.2'_11!11. ------L2s-M .... ,.. ......... ----t~' 2,.2911 < •csf'r•'',s.- ••• I iuo-..... --com• ••~ lft Wll'I _,. .... RSK CUSTOM 360 ---··· -• ,_,+.MY""°" co._,. .. --Hf""' ftlM -~ ............ a ... w ........ _ _,,,_._..la I -.-TVaa.ns. ILACllWAUS ,, ... 1.9'1 free. a.. ........ 6.95-14 "-'·"'""·"" ..... _ 7.aS-14 ... ,,., ....... ..... _ l.2S.14 - 1.25-15 (I.IS) ,,_ ut,..., h. .. ..... 1.214•.:a.•W. '", ...... LU-» 111.u1- 1.55-14 -I .SS.IS (SAS) ... ,,,, ,.,.. r.. .. ........... ffi .... · ro. '" -11· ..... ,. (II.•- ••;ts.is "'--. ,.,._ b. ,_ __ ... -....... 2IOl41 98 ---2 ... 45• ---2IOl5581 .. ,... .... ,......., ........ W1•1 slit P.00-•-'-'W ...... ··---- '" ·----. .. .........,_ ..... ~-..._ •111•11 ---.... ..... .,. ......... ......... 11 ........ a .... .......__ ....... ... ___ ....,.. ........... . I~._ ....... ..,..,. . __ ................. .. ............... _ ... ... .. _..... .......... =-~"'""­.... ., ... ,....... .... ............... ..._.. ... ......................... ......... l* .. to ...... 11 ........ .. .. ... .. ........ -.. ..... .. _. ....... ...... -..... ,.... ... -.. OllllWT mt!rDAT SBl- NICI,, AT TW Tm Of ADJtn. -.i-llOT un ,.ICI • • ftAOll'tKl. ........ l090 ·- 222 2-697 --.... ..,,. ""t ... tl\.71 ....... ...... _,, .. ... 9dr 'HCM AR'd M'nf RISLONE ltE$.ll.11 85 •MYS ONLYI e ~1129 -ll'EllllDATIOll .lllftT REG. 117.'7 •O.O.YSOffLYI 13.aa PfUI l~kllkWI .... _ .... ....., ___ .... -w.F.--•sr --.................... TUllURI 11¥111 NI' , kEG. m.n ~~·,··· .._..,.. .............. _. _ _........_.,.,. ... .......,. __ ........ ,.,_ _.,._ ........ """" smro fl:EG. i34.'1 •o.r.YSOHLYI 2• Plus lnstorlafloll 7• ~-.. -------~ ...... 2 -....... ....... ..,_ .. _ _. ...... , .. . .... ...... "1. YOUR CHOICE 88e- nm &Wl<l -~· ,.... ................ ·-----... -- THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT ,fHESE LOCATIONS ONLY WESTMINSmt 15440 RACH II.VD. AI M ....... 892~088 BUENA PARK 5115 UllCOUI AVI. Al Valley View 826-58°' BUENA PUK 5301 -CH Ii.VD. At ulhrltlor 523-3o4o ~ ' COSTA MESA 2200 HAllOll M.YD. A•- ~48-2082 SANTA ANA 1400 IDIN- At - 546-7832 1 \ I I I .----:--.----------------------------·~~-----------------~~-~-------------- , \ --' Helps P1it on Clinic Lovely Marsha Bennett. f\.1.i ss California and ~ Laguna Beach resident, gets ready to help with a public golf clinic which is being staged at Mariners Sav- ings and Loan in Newport Beach, for the next three weeks. Pros from area country clubs and Miss Bennett will be in the lobby ~ help golfers sharpen up on their game. Tritons' 1st Dumps VP by 7-2 San Clemente exploded for five runs in the first inning Tue3day afternoon and rolled up a 7-2 victory over visiting Villa Park to highlight Orange Coast area Crestview League baseball activity. In the other two league games involving area nines. Lagun1 Beach lost an 8-4 verdict to Foothill and ?i.1ission Viejo was a S-4 loser to Orange. ... The big Triton blow in the fint inning WEI! a bases-loaded double by Bruce Jooes. Dave McDonnell slugged a tw<H'Wl homer for ~guna but the Artists were less than that in the field, wiUi six errors. Mission Viejo \\'enl ahead of Orange, 4-3, in the fourth inning on a two-run single by Tom Gardner. But Orange came back witll hl'O in lht' sirth to win it. FMlhlll Il l •D r fi r•• l 0 0 0 l 1 I o 4 l l I I l I 0 l I 0 0 • I 2 J • 0 1 0 J 0 0 I J 0 0 0 ll I I ~ l •tllftl ••• ,~ (•l •II r ~rDI ri~~1Jb )b 3 ~ J ~ 0oua St.llmlfl, Cl J 1 1 0 $111111fd, D 1 0 I 0 Ke111••• II l 0 0 0 Mee "'"r· 111 J o o o 801111.r l I 1 o McM~rTIV, C 7 0 II D ~e.:~· ~l!L 11 ~ ' f : Tott!1 l<l •Jl Fooltllll s~ D;,i1'~"1~-• 1 1 Li<!YNI fle1(11 OCl2 001 0 -4 i ' * * * °''"" UI .. • . ... R~u ' ' ' • Wll!ll, ID • ' •• ''"''°"· 1b • ' ' ' w1 ..... rl·" ' . • • ~ ' • ' ' " ' ' ' • St nfool. c ' • • • Ault, c • • • • Fon!. lll ' • • • W• .. tt.J D • • • • 0.Urdlw1f'll, ct ' • • • M •r!I", • • • ' • K•11t, p11 ' • • • Wr>el11m1n. 1111 • • • • Tot1l1 " ' ' • Ml1111fo Vlele CO .. • ... l'IOlm•, rl ' . • • Cllni, 211 • ' • • Ger_,, H ' ' ' ' 'Gr11, c ' . ' • K&l111, •111 ' . ' • l••!Mr. Jb ' . . ' P•t•IY• r1 ' • • • MetT.,_., .. ' 0 0 • Me<Wlth. "" • ••• l'l~d.n • ' • • ~1~ ' ' • • " . ' • ._. "' IMIMI • • • ... _ 101cmo -s ' • Mluloll v11i. '°' '°° 0-• ' ' * * * Vtfl. Pi.-!II •• • ... .:.:.'\.. ' • • , .... ' •• ll-11.111 ' ' ' Frillllftl, r1 ' • • ...... ' ' ' Mdtlln'. :ni ' •• 0'-•• ' ' • e..~. ' •• • • • • •• --· ' • • 'V::"' ' •• ... " , ''" Crr.mtllll HI •• , !Ital • l l • • I 1 1 • ~ 0 0 J I I 0 I ' . ' I •. • • J 0 ' 0 ' 0 0 0 J I I ! I ••• ~ 1 • J Warner Homers Tars, Western Pla y to 3-3 Tie By ROGER CARUON the plate on a good throw Of ""' Dalty Ptllt Slaft I from the Pioneers' \hi.rd Newport H a r. b o r and baseman after the ball went \\1estern h.igh schools battled awry at the hot comer. --· to a 3-3 standoff Tuesday Newport's ~~ runs ca!'le afternoon in Sunset League In~ fourth tnrung ~hen ~ch baseball action after nine in-'Warner unloaded Wlth a line· nings. The ho&t Sailors threatened tw ice -in the bottom of d:le seventh and eighth innings to break the tie, bul lost their chances on two bang-bang plays by the Pioneers. \\lith the bases loaded in the seventh, Newport Harbor's allempt at a squeeze play wit-h one out went awry when the ru nner was forced at home and in lhe eighth stanz:a. another Tar was ni pped at Baseball Standi ngs SUNSIT \.EAQUI W t. T GI A11tll~lm 1 o G - NtwPOrl I 0 1 11 drive home run over the ltft field wall to knock in mates Howard struble and Bob Leavy with the go-ahead runs. Western broke the scoring ice in the top of the fourth with a !IOlo homer by Steve Provenghi and added two more in the fifth on a fly ball double and a throwing ' """"'' CJI 1_i.m1.,.. If M..rtln. ' ltrlll:llt, 211 \......,, Jtl w., ..... rl ""*""'· rl ~llll•Y• U (u•tY, (! NII~, lb s:tloll•r, II T...,.,.no,"" ro1111 W•tv• (J) •' r h r1ll ~ 0 0 0 J I t 0 l 1 l 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 l I I I • l 0 •• J I t I 4 II 1 I 1 0 I I 1 0 0 I 11 J ' J '" r llrlll l 1 1 I ' I 1 I l 1 I 1 4 0 I I • 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 l 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 21 l s 2 ''''f '' '""lnll Wet!trn I o l~• r II MArl111 1 ' 0 1 YN11ern 000 UG 000 -l J SA V•lltv I I 0 1 NIWPOr1 000 300 000 -l I SanT1 Al\I 1 l O 1 1 --""'~i;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jl Wl!'STmlM~r 1 7 0 ,....,, • t1111111nv1on Be11t11 o l o JI'! T11e1d1y•1 sc ... , LEASING Mtrin• 2, l'lu"llnt!on Bt1ch O "ltwl>OI'! 3. Wn tem J rt in"ine~I SA V•llt• s, w .. 1mln11er I YOUR Ant!lllm J, S."11 ""' 1 Tlda,; 01-1 ""•M-lm ti M1rlfl1 N-rl ., SA Vlllt• NEXT CAR? """ ,..... . w \. 01 M•e<111li1 CM~ .. -' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' Cor--dtl Ma• E111no;la FOU01!1ln V1Ut• ClllSll MeN • T-Ur't kor .. E111no;i1 '· Founh ffl V1lleY ' ,,....noli, s. c~ 0e1 Mar o l ,.,, 4. C0t11 Mii• 1 ,.rldll"I Gtl'l'!I M.Qnollt 11 t .. r1 Fou"t•ln v.11 ... •• Cotti M~1• C_,1 clel iv..r 11 Etlln<l1 C•l!5TVIEW ll!AGUI w l 01 Min ion Vlelo FODllllll S.n Clftnelllt T111li" or.,,. ......... VUl1 Pl~ LI.UNI 8t<!t!I T.,....r'I ''"'' ' ' -' ' -' . ' " ' . ' " .. " 0 1 l\'o S.n c-•· 1. VIII.I P•rll. 7 0.-t,,.. 5, Mlqlofl Viele 4 FCIOlflMI I, L1111,,_. f f111lln t, El Mocltnt I T"9r't .. _. II Mod-11 Sen (.._.,It l"UN ti VUl1 Ptrl. FltlfWAT Ll!AOUI • ' .. ,_ '~ Fulltrton S.-M ......... l-11 ·-~.rll, 5',lrl"" Hlllt l l MllM'I T_...,., IC91'~ 11.-cl\' 14 Sll!lfll¥ Hlltt J Trov •· t..,..it I Fu!.,.,,, .. LI ... .,,,.. S S.wflrll •. ,_. .. ,,. J TMlar'I 0.IM lowfoll 11 Lt Hltbrt O•ANOI Lt.AGUE s.d<llMNtk El DonodO L• Al1mh0i '""""" l<t!t!ll ,....,. V1 ltn<l.I "" ' ' ,_ ' ' -' ' -' ., ' ' . ' ' • ' 1~ • ' .. ' ·-' • ., ' • " ' "' • ' '" • ' "' • ' '" • ' ' T'"'<11y'1 9c-$.OO!~· •· Lo. Atnllot l ~-Al1ml10t It. V11t!!Cl1 0 lf•l~llt '· SOl'ldtl 1 (I l!lnln,,) Cl Diii""° J. lrtt ) TIMl"I 0.1119 .onor1 11 Vtll'fl(ll I SAVE 0~ ANY POPULAR KE THROUGH OUR AUTHORIZED ING SYSTIM. Ow LHI• Exp«ts U GIYe Y" A n AHlysh of l r Portlc•t.r L e Need1 w 1111 ... bll,.mo.. Se MR. Or Call A LC OLM 642·0010 ICOSTA MUA I I ,_ Errors Kill Eagles' Cornuke Homers, Lion Bid ~. E . . 4 2 w· uives stancia • in In 5-1 Loss \Veslminster•s Lions couldn't handle the baU in the field and dropped a S-1 Suoset League baseball game to visidn& San· ta Ana Valley Tuesday a!· ternooo. Estancia High Scliool w"' the Ora~ Coast area's only Irvine Leegue ~ baseball winner Tuesday afternoon. ~ visiting Eagles, thanks to a three-run hooJe run by Bob Cornul!:e, turned back Fowitain Valley, 4-2. Corona dtl MIJ' llld,)IPIY two bits, second-lnolq ldqles by Bill Ward llld Mll<e Euell. But that WM the exte!X of the Sta Kinp' offeue. No C<tM player -eble to r<ach third base. ~-5.~ ~·( ='l Tht uom comm.itud six er- rors, three (I( which directly led to three Vallty runa. Dennis Mack started on the mound for W~ and gave up three rurui in three innings. He was replaced by sopbomott Doug Milhe who finlshed the ga.mt, giving up siJ: hits. S..1111 Au V1U1y Cl) tit , " 1111 l a o a J o a a • 1 2 0 l I 2 1 ' 0 0 0 4 I 1 0 2 2 2 a ' II 2 I WttlMlnUff 01 ~ J 1i ~ •II r fl r-1 4 II I 0 l 0 0 0 1 II II 0 J • 0 0 11 (I 0 0 2 0 0 0 I I I 0 1 o 11 O ' .. I I 1 0 I· : I g 2J ' ~ 3 The area's Irvine League Josen Tueeday Wert Costa Mesa , 4-1 at Loara, and Caooa de! Mar, a ~ lo5er to Magnolia. Qrmike had a big day for the Eagles. He had two hits and JCOred all ol Est.ancia's run,s. His thrtt-run homer in the second inning sailed over the left fielder's head. In the sixth hming, he Slnsl· ed al1d took second Oil Chuck Loleth's single. Dick Durante sacrificed and Cornuke scored. Both teams had rane hiLll. Coate Mea'a cnly run ca.mt in ihe fifth iming when Dan Clark reached. first when be was hlt by 1 pitch. He stole second and took third when Art Addenen weat aboard on an error. Dave Barton's sacrifice fly produced the run. ,_" 0Wlfl19, "' ....... ,. LA111b •• 111 •uttwd. It v.u.,.., a ..,., a Comu-•· e ,.,,.,_..,,II T.t•ll tit r ,,.. • • ! • ! I I I sc-11, .......... •••• ' • 1 • J ••• 1 1 • • J 1 1 • J J J J J I I I 21 • ' I e1t1nc11 Oii • 11 -• t !l F-"iln V111ey Ill 1• .. _ J t I Ce1t1 Mal Ill .. r llflll 2 1 •• t I I 0 l I 0 T 1 ••• 2 ••• l • ' • • • • ' ... ~~=·· '-""e ... I o •• s.r • .., ...... c.i. Net -(11 .... 1 l.Mfl ---· ~ll lSJ ' ' • • .... .. -Mtrin. ,. -1-1 3 • Hwntlnwieil 1.-cti -........ 1 All Penney Store• Open Every Night Monday Through Solunlay THRU SAT. 011,Y!t I • Byron Nelson registered golf clubs with an unbeatable alumium shaft! Foremost® shaft saver CJOlf baCJ with pro stylin9 Reg. 17.98. NOW 14.99 De luxe design 1eparat•• clubs to 1ov• weer, give eosy o«eu. large boll ond ot ce11ory pock•t•. !lla(k, green or gold. Save on Fo remo st8 CJOlf baCJ IEG. $1.00 17 NOW TODAY I Save on Foremost® solid golf balls by Faultless! Reg. 6.96 dz. NOW 5.77 d•. Sttaiqttt driving, tong play• ;., balh that'll ..,..,. ywt gall'lt , , , WDn'I cut or chlpl Rege 129e98 NOW115.98 i Pay• lfflle • $6 per_,, I • .Temper.d alu_rninurn lhafl Col'11da rib guicle &Wilflll W'liglM • Set of 3 woods: 1, 3 and 4-laminattd ~lade walnut finWi • Set of 8 irons. 2 through 9-tiaw diamond bade adds weight behind tho .wnt opot. to help give "°""'' loft and S. Jim Turnesa-Betty Jameson professional golf set! Reg. 71.98 NOW 62.98 Pey• lilfle•$S ,__..., • 8 irons and 3 woods with <leluxe lfMI shafts • Woods hem top grade laminatod hoads with high glou finioh • Irons hem new chraM flnlth with IClnd blasting an the face NO MONEY DOWN ••• USE PfNNEY'S TIMI PAYMENr PIAN N E W P 0 RT BEACH \ (F.,hion Island) , HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington C.n'!) " ' ~ ktr1o " lllftlll• • ,. • ' il>tr\ aoltc•O -J ' J l (~ Sit IOI, -1 ' 1 -' ~--~---------------------~---------------------------------- WHOPPER --A.rur-'havis cradles ,a 13Y.z.pound bass in San Diego booth at Los Angeles Sportsmen's Sbow ;wvhich Continues run through Sonday at Pan.Pacific Auditorium. 'fbe Florida st{ain bass are being caught in Lower Otay Lake, open to publlC fishing w4!s'day and weekends. BROTHERS STAND OUT The Walder brothers of Corona del Mar High School, Jeff and Paul, established themselves as gymnasls to be reckoned with in CIF competition o v e r the weekend. Jeff •was second high point man Friday night al the 23-school El Rancho Gymnastics invitational and Paul was second at the 21).. school Long Beach Millikan Frosh..SOph event Saturday evening. Standouts for Corona del Mar at the Millikan meel we re Jay Fisher, Rick Fleming and Steve Graser. The Sea Kings placed second with 19 points to Wilson. Westminster tallied 15. Area Sports Calendar w.-.i ... r aaNMll -Mahlr Del at Footllll1 tl1U), SMNletledi tt GroHmotll 12:XI O'f-l ltlQ --ll~ewoocl • I V lnatw. ,,,,.,no1l1 1t Corot1a del r lh 11 l :UJ -S..n c111Mnt1 11 Laguna l fldl 121 '"'""" l!I -Cot!• MM• !' Corona de! Mlt, E1 t1ncf1 II Fovnt• n 111ll1y, H""'lllllllGn BMCh at SA V1!11v. •r•M!m 11 "'__. Hort.or. weittrn ' Mtrlna Weslmln1fer at S111t1 AM, '""" 11 L.,una IH~h. San Cl4imeMr al Saddlll»ck 1111 al J). Tllllrtffy ll11tball -GOiden Wtsl Incl CCC I' Cl'frlfOI 1o1irn11, M111r 011 ,, llJ'lo9 Am•! U :l l, San c11m ... 1e at loltt Gr•ndt Ill. L11un B••ch u1d Ml1tlon Vlrlo 11 Mira Costa touJoT..:.... Co1!1 M111 ti CMJC tour~v. Hunl!1"9lon 811Ch '·' 0181!1 tourntv. T1111111 -ArlrliN 11110 af ucr 11iwrmm1"' -F011nt11n v111ev •nvit•· 1101111 {I), Gvmn•ntkl -NCAA ct111mplonshlo1 11 Walohlnvton. Tradt -OCC, Stddk!tlack •f!d Golden Wtl! II .s.oc.i RtllYI. Malor Del 11 I I"*> Amal Cl:UJ. l'r!Nr la•IMl1 -Gold<!ll W11! Ind OCC 1t Ctrrl1111 twmt'I', Tintln 11 Cosl• M1M !If 1.m.J, LHUMI ludl Ind Mlulon Vlelo 11 Mlr1 t'Cllll klurntY. Tennlt -Cl! w"r'r" II UCI (2). Goll" -UCI 11 C1I St1t1 !Full) 11G~ltla -NCAA cMINllomhlPf 11 W1dll""""-....... , liilllblll -Goldtft West I nd OCC 11 Clf'rltot; fourlM'I', Tf9'/ 11 ~n ClltMntw n1. 'frldl. -Siillclltblldr. OCC Ind Goldw!I W"I 11 i0t11 lhl1n. k rtt11rww ll•LIT• on. Crew -S.n Oltl'I 311lt II UCI. Ttnnh -Colitrtdl 11 UCI CIO I. G""n11tta -nCM d'l.,..plentl'llPS 11 Wnfllnt""'- \!here Are N~w Angles J o Old Angling Game ' Time was when a country kid 'could cut a pole, filch or ~g some twine at the general store. and impale a worm on a bent pin or a treasWtd fishhook -then he'd «nrt fishing. Those days are g o n e forever, and anyone who calls a fishing "rod" a "pole" today is definitely putting himself in the .. he just isn't with it" categors. A visit to the cur- rent O\ closes March 30) Sportsmen's, Vacation and SjlorlSm~'s, Vacation and Travel w at Pan-Pacific· will pro. the point. Nor is '.a hank of twine wound on a chunk of double-- notched t:Jwrd adequate, as it was in bJgone days. "Line" is the in· 'ord, and it can be braided br monofilament. floating or tapered. And it's a matter d some lmporlance to know whether the breaking strength is eight ' pounds, 40 pounds o r unlimited. Alfi 'lfbat handles a line is a "reel," which can be doublematie, anti·backlash, or practically computerized to help fishenneri outwit fish . Many reels have more jeweled bearings than a fine watch. Fishing records ar'e based on what "test" line the trophy fish was decketl on -it's con~dered mud more of a feat to land a billfish on six· pound or two-pound test lines -it's been done -than to bring in a sailf)sh or a marlin on what the li g ht-line specialists call a rope -the beavlest test lines. Bait is w.11 worms, min· nows. cheese, higli-smelling chicken innards for catrish, salmon eggs. clams, marSlmallO"oVs or anything even remotely edible. On the other l}and, anything artificial on the' business end o< a line is designated as a "hf'·" not bait. Lures, as the $5 million display (I( fishing gadgetry at the S portsmen's Show demonstrates, can be almost anything. Plastics and n1b- beroid materials s i m u I a t e \vonns so truly that a little boy worm conceivably could make a pass at one . There are dry flies that ap- proach works of art. and other lures are constructed o f polished metal, bfu:; of mirror, bucktail (deerhair). feathers, fabric, fibers, cork, artfully de~gncd s pinner s that resemble miniature pr!> pe\Jers, "plugs." which can be simulated fish, frogs or crayfish of wood, plastic or rubber-like materials -the list is endless. But the lures, lines and rods, plus sonic depth-finders, other electronJ.c fishfinderS, water temperature gauges, waler.i, creels and the various other hardware fishennen (need) to fish make the famous ''Tackle Row" at the Sportsmen's Show a magnet for nearly a quarter mlllion anglers an· nu ally. The Sportsmen 's Show alS<l features new and tradilional features,• and Vacation Way has di:sp\ay:s of resorts and vacation spots from several sta1cs and half a dozen foreign countries -where everything from a safari after tigers in India to still fishing for yellow perch in e wayside pond is shown on film and described in literature. Show hours: Daily, 2 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; Saturday, 12 (noon) to 10:30 p.m.; Sunday, 12 (noon) to 9 p.m. Mat Oasses To Be Held CM Youth Wins Tw,p U.S. Badmint9n Titl es The AAU and Costa :\lesa Recreation Department are Joining forces to conduct a wrestling program at Estancia High School. Wrestling Instruct.ion I ii; being held Tuesday and Thurs- day evenings from 1 to JO at the Estancia gym. Instruc- tion ls offered by Mike Lan· dlno. Charles Coakley, a 15-year- old Estancia High School stu- dent won two national bad- mlnt'on championships i n Flint, Mich .• last week. Coatliy, .a jun!or varslty baseball player at Estancia, WOO the sin&Ja and doubles tlllea II the Nalional Junior Champ-po. II< turned with M. It e Curn<ctl of Plbot ID win the doubles c:rvwn and was run- nerup in mixed doublH play w!Ut Miu Diana Mies of Arcadia, Cal~. A ..t.rao of championship badminton play, Coakley won the lS.year-old championship two years ago at Eugene, Ore. The c.oota Mtsan has been playlnt the game slnct he was eight and I.! upected to be a candidate f o r in· ~ion.al play in a few more 1eal'1. CHA!liLES COAKLEY -· - Boys from eight through col- lege age are etig1ble for the program. Regi!tra.tion is $7.50. Additional ln!onnatlon can be obtained by calllna 1134-5303. Prep Golf • DAILY "LDT •#{ Eagle, FV Stars Rank High I AUTO LEASING Ail Mak~. Two Estancia High School athlete9 and one from Foun- tain Valley High are among the elite list of track and field ,athletes iq CLF southern $CCtlon action~ Estancia'& George Barnett, with a 22..a~ long jump, and Rich Wood, with a 19.4 clock• ·· ina: in the l~ .. Je.w hurdJe!J are listed along with Fountain Valley's Carl Hardin. Hardin has a 1:57.6 timing in the 880. The might. of Hunlington Beach's Southern Counties meet is evident with several first place marks chalked up recenlly at the 48th running of the clilS!ilC. Included in the array are the remarkable 41.1 440 effort b)' Bill Sims of Whittier ; Centennial'.s 3:19.1 mark ln tbe mile relay; Santa Monica's Oqane Johnson's 14J in the 120 high hurdles; Excelaior's Ruben Chappins' 9:08.9 clock· ing in the 2-mile: South Tot-• ran1.:e High 's ~cker , U n d erwood 's ou landlng: 4:13.B mile: and Vic Moore. of Compton with a 1:55.0 in the 880. '" lllf9nl. (tllltnnl11 WIMlll'"'-Ml/It RICtllrfl;,. P1~1a> ..... ...._ Wl'llM, Mnt1 Al'll ltko. Worl11Mn <1111m111, a111-1.11 Motv-, llllr SProut.,1!!1~ Otfttoli, hllfll 41111 \'11"" tnhl/11 SMldleblek .H~.IClollll• no fC\11.VIJ Whtlf, s..M9 ... ,.. $1~ WM!llff Gt'lfflll. '-"' a-n11no J.,.,,,.,... 'llllr H~ l lllr Wnlllrnt.. Cll'rwrluo Lldr.tri S.\11111'11 llulwll. C9111fn1111I Gltllllll. Ltktwood WllOtlclfl, Font1M1 Tutntft., lM1 O.• tlni._,.I, l'lldflcl ••• ••• '" .., .., .., ••• u ... .... .... .... ... ,,,.,., '#hi , L-•"'"· Mllllltl" Mlctl.. V.,..,,,., Otl Lwt,C~ ..,...,eon, '-"'• AW!!lco JlllbiMOn, llnt1 NII r11111. CrltC9!!1• v11111 Minier, ~Ill 11n11er1, et MadtNI H91nNn, G1t!ldol'I Lva.1, ........ llflldf l.aber!L JOf'Nn - 41.\ ••• "" .... .... ... ... "" .... ... , ~'·' '!·' ""°'"' c-.IOll I ;j.$.0 Mfmlt, ,..,.._ MOllltOl!ltl'r 1 ;:U.o ~,.11111, a-l :W.O ht!lllt. Memlt!tlldot l ~M..4 COUr!MY, S.n Glllfltl 1:M.6 ......._., )Vorl11n•11 1:.W.I lllkhff-. ~1 .. 1111 t:S1.0 loblt'tl. )Onllll 1:51.2 olMlklt, la Htllf1 1:SJ.• Hll'dla. "Gllftllolll V1tl<lr l:S7.6 ~ l!ll<llllor 1;$1.1 It*-• Polr ltSl J (Cladn11ed on Page 12) <••.,S.> . 6 CYLINDiUt FORD MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP s11.1'7,., ....... ,,._ ., CORT rox I.WIG 224 D. W. Co.at Hwy. N•wport hach, Calff. ' 642-1441 1 All Penney Stores Open Every Nigh_t Monday Through SaturdaY' 21 month guarantee with 11 month'free replac,ment -· 88 plus Federal tax and old tire Black tubeless / ANY SIZE· ONE LOW PRICE! • Strong full 4 ply nylon 'cord is moisture SIZE FED. TAX resistant to withstand 1oad impact and 650-13 1.79 protect against blowouls • Wrap-around tread extends from 775-14 2.20 sholder-to-sholder for better traction ' 825-14 2.36 Supple polybutadiene rubber adds • extra_ mileage to everr Reliant tire 775-15 2.21 Top qualit on auto electronics! ~'· Custom 8 track stereo tape deck f1.11I ronge tone cofllrol, botk light&d chonnel indicator, This set includes o 'gidget', o special accessory that lets yo1.1 ploy A track carlridges. 2 easy mount speo~ers. 79.95 P•y a5 little IS $5 per month FM tuner c1rtrid9e Convern yov' lope deck to AM/FM 'od;o, ................ 29. 95 Pinto Jr. CB mobile transceiver T ron1mit1 and recctiv•1 on 6 channels. l ran• 1istori1ed for d1pendobl1 performance. Micro- phone/speoker aimblnolion. $69 Pay •• littl1 •s $5 p•r month TCDAYI Pinto 23 .......... -......................................... $129 ' . I Pinto 23 b110 ............................................. $159 See our complete selection of 4 a~ 8 track tape cartridges. NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion lslend) ' •, • ' ' • I ' I • ' I I • I I I .. · ~ -... -~ ... ·,.. ~ ~· -;~ -;--.~-.,,,,,,..,,,.,.,.,,.,,_.,""...,'"'"""''""""-,,-.,"',..,~----------• • • . \[ ........ ,. ,. ' *''up '""-I a •• .,..'IT.'li"""'~•!l•\. , .OI P ~P ,t ...... ··--------------- :t:f IWl.Y .. LOT Oil City Lands 2 OnCIF Huntington Beach, Sunny Hill! and Troy high schools each placed two players on the AAAA All.CIF basketb•ll tum with Mike Cootreras of the Oilm and 8 r • d McNamara of Sunny Hills leading Orange County players with first-team berths. Huntington'• Roy M 111 e r r«eived second.team rec<>gni- tion. along with Sunny Hills' Don Paul and a pair from Troy gaHWlg third team bonon. Scott Magnuson and Tom Gregory earned third-team berths for the Freeway League champions. Compton's Larry Hollyfield was named player ol lhe year. '""' T~ l"lollrer Sa..tl Hft· C._ AVI. Hollyfltid, C-lw!. .. S Sr, II.I 11191'1m, .Momlfllllll• .. l Jr. JU F.i.IM, ~ DI-.. 4 Sr. l"-' Cenfrwll. HllflTINklrl .. Z Sr. 1t.6 WINtn. V"""1r1 .. 5 Jr, 20.7 C.."41'1, Muir 64 Jr. 11.J McH11Nr1, S-HHll H Sr. lt.I ....,..,,, "°'"""""' •·t "· 14.7 ......,_, Ho. Torrww::e .. 2 Sr. lt,I ~'"9, Muir S-10 Sr. ILi -T-~uo;, ... "-,., <~ ... .. "· 21.1 l"11nwf, Cn.c.ilftt1 VllllY 1M "· lt.2 ........ ~ ., "· ••• -..:I, PKllk H ''· U.• .,_,..., a.n11cnww .. ... ,._, &lake, CMffeV ., '" ,,. Mlller, --., "· U.1 "•u~ Sunny Hlll1 .. ... lJ.6 AH, Llk~ •• "· 1,.1 T~lrf T-Aluor11, Plolletr ., "· 20:, T1Kner, Venlur1 ., "· 1,,5 Grl'IOl"f, T~ . , "· "·' ~.P-~ ., "· 1J".6 SI_, Notrt 0.,,_ •• ''· ''··' ... __ ... "· 1,., H-~. Vlfll\lr1 ., "· 17.7 Let, LI Htbr1 .. .... 11.t Wlllllma, eo...h11 .., "· 17.7 Llld)r, H-., ''· lt.J Oerter Set To Throw At Relays WALNU'I Affable Al Oerter, who made an indelible mark in Olympic Games h1stcry wheil he won his fourth straight dll:us gold medal at Mezico Cif}•, has decided not to retire and will launch his 1969 campaign at ttie Mt. San Antonio: Relays. The thr~ay track a nd field carnival will be staged at the world-famed facility on April 25-2&-27. Some 3,000 athletes, from the prep level to world clas.s performeni, will compete in the 11th annual event. Now 32 years old, Detter is one ol the most popular spikemen e ver to compete in the sport. On two occasions, in 11183 and 1964, he m ade his seasonal debuts at Mt. SAC and each time established world records. In '63 it was 205-5~ and he upped it to 208-8 in '64. Handicapped by a back in· jury stnce 19&4, the New Yorker has wom a neck brace to protect it ever since. But it doesn't seem to hinder his perfonnances. He bettered his all-Orne best by five feet when he came through to triumph at the Olympics with a toss cJ. 21U, beating out world- record holder Jay Silvester (224-S) and a hoot of ot her great throwers. It is not generally known but Oetter won his last two gold medals while competing with injuries. In 1964 it was his beck and last fall he pulled a )eg muscle in his final hard workoul But as bead U.S. coach Payton Jordan said, .. Little things like that don't bother Al. He's one d. the best com· petitors I've ever knowt1 , in any sport, II SOFT SELL SAM - Wtdntsdq, llw 26, 1969 LEGAL NOTICE Mlrdl S, lMt UITl,ICAT• 0, 8USOlllS TO WWOlo\ IT MAY CONCEAN : ,ICTITIO\JS MA.Ml! sublet M luu.oc:• or the l!cense Thi 1111111tr1l9""" -_.,.., llf tt~ IPOlled '°'' Nttlce Is henbY ,iw., "''' CClrlCludlM • binlntU I I n,.. (l...,y n. unMnl9fMld ~"' to !It'll 1ltohOllC Dr .. Cost1 Mau, C111fomlt, oncll-r 11• Pllol. bever-II !ht Pl"emlaes. ~Jbeel rtdllloul firm l'lllne "' H04.IOAY MOOP 5l2-4f I I tolllrwl: Ind ,.,., 11Jcl firm ii <-* "\ [----~---------1500 4dlms. C0$11 Mfta Tiie folloWI ... 1>9not1, wfllls.t llllM ~ •'-AL NOTICE Pur111111I to wd'I lnt..,110"· l~ urt-fl.Ill ond pllc• of rHlalft« ii 11 followl: • ~ dtnltl'lld .. 11>1'1'1'1111 lo II'..-Dfol>er1mt11l C. A. LO'U(k. 21'-l C•llll"I' Dr~ COii• ol Alcdlo11c: 8tVtrllll COl'llrol lot luul~I Mal, CllH. • Ol'I orft!MI -llclTlol'I ol 111 11co110llc o,,led M1rCft 75, IM7 SU"1!a1oa Ci!UAT OJI THI! ~ llC9t\'9 (or llttnSll) tot-fMW c. A. L~ STATI! o" CALIJIOANIA JIOA PrlmlHI u r.lloWI: STl\'TE OF CALIFORNIA, .· •. TH• COUNTY OJI OllANOI OH SALE BEER &. WIHE (.,,,_ LOS ANGELES COUNTY I • Ha. A-4ll14 FlcM Jlublk E11! ... Pll«-l On March 7J. 1'6f, beta.. -· • HDTICI! 0, HRAAING ,o. ••o•A-rl! AA'/Olll dtf,lrl1>1 to ""'""' the llWll'l<e N•lwv Public 111 . Ind for 11111 ,,.,., 0, WILL AHO Foa L .. TT •• s ol 1uctl lk;erM(ll in.v Ille I W!'lllld w.in111Y ·-·ll!d c. A. Ll!lldl ~"°""'· TE1TAMENTAll:Y prolesl wlll'I tflV oftlct ol lhe 0rPtr1me"' IO me lo bt lllt --wt'IOM fllf•W· Esl1te ol EL TON R. McCOY, 11111 al Alcd!Oflc: hwTllllJ COl'llrol wll!lln J1 iublcrlbed to !ht wlllll" lnJ!r\lmenl k~n II E. II:. McCoy, E. A:lcllard 30 dlYI o1 1111 dill !he ~-Sid prffTll>tS ...., 1dnowlldted ht t1X~ltl ttll Hml. McCoy efld Etton Rkhtrd McCoy, 1)9.. were flr11 POii.<!, 1111111111 1round1 /or (Ofllcl1I Se1U «a.eel. danl1! 111'Pr""ldec:I b'f law. Tiii 11reml1~ "'-l"f IC. Hei.l"I' •~~~'I NOT1<1< IS HERE&Y 011/EN Thil 1r1 not now llcelllld for Ille Hit Notary Public · C1Ufol'11l1 RICHARD K. MCCOY 1nd SECURITY· ol 1lcohollc -r111ts. TM form o1 Prlnc:lpal Oflk1 Ill PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK hive !lied W!'lllc:.ffl:WI m..1 119 t11111fned lrom '""' Ortll!;ll Counh> Mrel" I 11111110!1 k>r 11roti.le of will olflc. al It. Dtl'9rlmlflf. M1 Comml11lo!I l!xplra ll'ld lor IUl>ll'ICI al leflw"I Thlt,,_ Rnter IC•I· I H1l~o Nov. U. lt r.t lal"f To .Petitioners. f'91i<1'Al;tl to Adtfinl y-I HlllO Pultllshed Orl'llt Coa1t 0111'1 Pile!, Wllidl ii ~ tor tu"""" 111rtkulaf1, Pubfls~ Ori"" Co.st 01lh> Pilot, Mlrdl 14 Ind Aprll 2. t, H . lMf 9'-tt and !Ml thtl !Im• •rod piece ol hffrlnt Mlrdl 2•. 1'6' SI'~ Angling Cltib Officers This is the lineup of the new board of directors for the Balboa Angling Club. Top row, from left : Hank May, Bob Reid, F red Howser and Brad Miller Bot· tom row: Chuck HoWard, vice president; Ted ciarke, treasurer; Dic_k Thompson, president, and Bill Farn- sworth. Not pictured: Ralph Cook and Gerry Gar- ret. Ille ume h11 bMn WI tor ~rll 11, LEGAL NOTICE 196•, ., t :lO l .m.. ln lht ~~ LEGAL NOTICE of 0.111rfmlf!I No. J of Mid ~rt. It J'DO W"I 1111 SlrNI, 111 the CllT'i------,--------·-ol Slnhl Alli, Ca11Jotl>ll. •A•·14'S Cl!ATl,ICATI! OF 8UJINlll Oiled M.r~ 1t, lfff NOTICI! TO CAl!DITO•S FICTITIOUS MAM• W. f'. ST JOHN ' SUPl!RIOtt COUttT 01' THI ~ IHldcr1ll!Md dott ctrtlf'lo Ill 1:1 Counrv C~rk STATE 0, CALll'OttN1A FOA c:onO..c:tlnt I bull .. n If nn AldllTIOnd STARS .... 121 MICH NUllOLIS Jahnsen. S111t1 Mol'llQ Gresltfl, 8111<'11 Tinnin, Muir H~J.On. Bl11r 0."11, S1nt1 AM O.....lclsol'I. c-Slodtll:>'I, Poll' Harr11. Mulr ICl11t .... A, 511,.,, ... Hlll' O..vl1, P1111t1tn1 Fi.1111. S•All An1 V1Hno P1n11, Pomorot U• LOW "UAOLl"S Low,P-StpQ!oro. PolY S..uls. "'"""" Oen..,,,, S..1>11 AAI V1llry McAlllter, e ralr Gr.11'11, l u1n1 01vls. S..nl1 A,,_ Wood, Ell1nci1 ThamPIOl'I, Vfftlum Oef OCllllldlOll, ComPIOl'I Ct't!lenn11r COMP!an 1511ir Fon11n1 4tt AELAY San!1 Ant V.rlt'V M1rlA1 Muir "" 5•n!1 MOfl iCt G1rdt'n Grcvp ~ ..... 1.1 c~­H1w1 .. ornr WPP~rn Catn1rlllo "" Wltflller """' Cl••""'°"' MJIUk1n MILE lllEUY MIGil'I JUMP &r•dlh', Muir ''"""""·c-e..cr1"', Camvtoll J1ckson, Ke~l'H!<tt lll1rrto111J J11m11, lle!UIOwet" hMn1n, Como!OI' j 6-mlfl, Noire O.me iSO) Tln..r", Muir Liddle, Whittler H!lt, EdVfwood S1nl>ef"l1, Nor"' Torr~nt• LONG JUMP H iii, f"9fWOO<l Tubb, C1m1rilb MtAUlltr. BT1!r BM'Clll· ReM, Muir Gr1111, Cente"nl1! Htlnt1, 51Nlte Fulcll, Bl1l r ~. C1lifo(nl1 Trunne!. Ce..tt'nnl1I ll1m111. ll!:stencla SHOT PVT W!lhrllw, Pt1Ad1A1 CIHIAll'l!lhlm, S.."11 81r1t1r1 L1urftno. L1kew«ld S.U-Vu11 .. 11, Sin!• AAI V1Jlr' F1la~l1. S..n Mi re,. Gonloro. El _..., Anwlo. CltrlJ<T'IOl't HHlll, Al'l ..... lm POL• VAULT Sml!h, Sao.II!\ lorr1nu Al!denOn, S,nl• A ... Mooers, V11t1ACl1 P.,...,,, R-i1nd C....rlfle'f,I~ Gl"lrld'I, R~ C1rJMll'I, Pllcttk:.o W11hlntloro. C-n Nunntlly. Mlr1 c .. 1, S..ITl<>Sorl. LI H1br1 DISCUS L••stl"'11t, Cllltotnie 5!'tW'le, C1llfornl1 Mon!OCmln", G!el'lll ''°'·' t :Qf.I ,,~.o •:n.' 9:1•.• ''"·· t ·t1.• t!7tl.t '" "·' " ' H.• '" ". , .... ". 1'.I ... H .• H.• 1'.1 ,,, "·' 1'.l l,.l 19.l "·' 19., 11.l 19.• .,, ... ". ". •l. t ' '" •l.1 " ' •l.t "·' ,, ... 1 3:10.1 l .211' ]:fl ' 1:1:1.t 1:1• ' J:111 0 1:16.1 J:'7.D l :U.O " 1-t'~ •• •• ... •• •• •• •• 6-S't ... •• ?l·ll 1l·IV. 1:1-t ,,. .• ,,, 1l·l ,,, ,,.,. 71·''" 2'1·11~ 41.a·~ 61.ct'• 11).Jll 5 .. ,~. ,., n.,. 51·1 51-1 By Marvin Myen l!ILl!RS, LOl!WI!, MAANGl!I Tltl! COUNTY OF OAANGll! W•y, Colli Mew, C.lltot!'lll , llNllr tM AN~ MYE•S "' A-12ll' flCTltlolls firm 1111111 <If INTEANATIONAL lSll Wetkliff Orl¥1 Elllll! of ttUBY M. HEDRIC)(, OK1u-SPHERE Md ltlll 111d flmi II ~ MVP P.O. ~:o: 1'Jt td of Ille followlnt 111,._, wtwit. - N d "'"'-' ••ICll. c.i111n1\1 nWI NoTICIE IS HEREBY GIVEN to lht In full •rod p!lce of rnldtrKI i. •• 0 Tltl: (114) 66-TS!G crtdUor1 cf ll'lt aboY• 1111mR<I ~~nt follows: All•rMn ,... Pefllllffrl lflll 111 ~ hlYll'll clalms •••Inst STEPHEN COB• HATCH, 23.» Aldl-Off the Green~ Publlshed Or-• COllll Dillv Piiot !I'll .. Id dec:fdenT 1r1 rt<111!red m !!le mond W1y, Cosll MIN, C1fllemlt O'B • F • Marcl'I 2~. 26 1nc1 AP•ll 1, Ifft ~ ltltm. wllll tht ne«ss•l"I' ~. I~ 9117• T !111 olllct ol the clerk cf ttie itio<e Oa!ed Marci! 11. 1969 rlen Vs alSon P 1ntllled ~n. er to prn1n1 lflem, with Slfl>M!I c. Hild! 0 Owers LEGAL NOTICE !ht llKfllll"f voudllri, lo ffM •rt-STATE OF CAL!,ORNIA ) [---------------[der1ltned 1t Ille olllce cf lier 1llol"f'llVI, COUJrlTY OF OA:ANGE ) • NOTICE TO Cllll!OITOllS WINSTOH lo WINSTON, S1' Jef"!llns Tnisl On Mt rdl 11, )Ht, Mfer1 -. • SUPERIOR COUttT OP THI! llulldl1111, Loni Beach, C1llle>ml1 f(llll2, Notary Pultllc In lrod tor 11ld Shit .. Jeff Powers was named STATE OF CALll'ORNIA J'OA w!llch 11 Ille ~lice of bu1lntu of 1111 per1onally IPPllr'ed STEPHEN COii THI! COUNTY OF ORANGE 11rod1r1l1ned In tl1 m11f'en S>erl1tl!ri11 HATCH known l<l ml lo bt tflt -- m ost valuable player on the Ne. A·S'1U to Ill• 11l11t of 11ld dt<edenl. Vlllllln wllose n11M 11 1ubtcrlbfod to 111e w11111~ Westm1nster High S c b 0 I E1t1n of EMMA FORO, OKeiitd. tour monltls 1thir 1111 f!ril pultllo!lon 1n11rumtont •nd 1dlnowltdlltid ht nKlllH • O NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN lo Ille of lhl1 l\lll!ca. lht 111me. varsity bas ketball team Tues-cr!dil<lrl "' ""' lbovt n.med decW t Oiled Mlrch 11, 1969 (OFFICIAL SEAL) d . ht t th hoo 11111 1!1 P~SOl'll hi Ing clal I nl Vtrnlct 0 . Grcvt Mary K. HllAl"I' For Seniors' Title ay nlg. a e SC J'S an· !ht uld dl<;edll'lt :re r1<1ul~ ~:• ~~ Admlnlslr1IT!• ol The E;slal1 Noltl"f f'ultllc-C1Utorn!1 nual Winter Sports Awards l,..,m, wllh lht nKHUl"I' 'IOIJChtr1, In d lht lboYtl named dli:ldtnl PrlnclPll Office 11'1 Georganne Daugherty a n d ban t 111e office "' "" c!•rt "' 111, itiove WINSTON • WINSTON Or11111e counrv qu~ · tnlllled ~rt. or to prtltl'lf !hem, wllh 112 J1rtl111 Tml lulldlnt Ml' Cammlulllr! l!•PlrlS Bruce and Dorothy E stey. David Wommack teceived '"" . necl!llll"I' 'o'OUCl'tUI to "" """" l.ell'I ltlCh, C1M .. nol• 90#2 NoY. ,,, ltn It's Ed O 'Brien and G ene. Faison in the finals at Santa Ana Country Club's annual Senio r s ' Championships Thursday in the Old C r ow flight. • , n 1 ned t !ht o1n d hi Attomt'I' T1I: (71JJ 4~1414 Ptlbll1M<I 0•11111 Coelt 011~ ~llot, George H olstein and Don similar honors on the wrest!· Ti:,.91, w • H~<wn ceJr sur~ Nu"'tie A"ornt¥1 ,.r Mm111111r11rl• Mirth u, 1t, u •r.d AJ>rll 1. '"" nu. · t · -"' ' Publbl>ld Or1n11e Coto! Otllf Plkrt Ander son racked u p a 59 ins earn. 111, lSO E111 i,.., s1., c ... 111 Mnt, M11ct1 it u and Asi u' ' 196tl •• ,.., LEGAL NOTICE Ctli!ornia, wMch 11 lht pllct of blnlneH ' r ' ' .,.. \Vcdnesda y in better b all of B•sketball "' ""' undersitntd Jn '11 mt"'" per-LEGAL NOTICE 11lnl1111 I~ 1111 1111~ ol u ld decl'dMI, 115'1 p artners in men's club play. Varsity -Captain· David ~1hln tour,,,_"" .ner"" 11rr1 wltllc•t--------------1 NDTICI! TO c111Eo1To•s O'Br~en defea ted defending champion Al Moner on his way to the finals in second round action while Faison took the measure of Dr. Phil Scheehem one up in the semis. Deir "V · Tooro of !hls notice. 9.llt·UU Ht. A 11117 Tied f or second were Jim s: JY. P: Jeff Powers. Oatfd March 15, 19't NOTICE TO CAEOITOIS SUPEttlOlt COUIT 0, THI! Lockt. ... ood and Bill Tucker _Junior varsity -Captain: ,H:~.i! ~: W'''.... SUPEllOR COVAT OF THE STATE OF CALJFOltNIA, l'Olt R h ••¥ '" """ "' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ,-OA THE COUNTY OP OIANOI! along with Hadd R ingand IC ard Mann; MVP.: Steve ""' ·-nuned deeedent THI! COUNTY OF OU.IGE In Ille M•lter"' !he E1!11t ol GAACE M h II I . I M c Le-"on Thomn w. Htndt"°"' Jr., Nt. A-Om M. BENNETT. Otce1Hd. ars a Du 1e d al 63. iru · s~ihl H11111>1r 111, E~111e o1 DONALO o E w E y NOf!ce Is llerrb"t •I"*" to cr'edllor, Phyllis Arnold w on the Bee -Captain: Bob ?tlen· JSI Ettl 11111 sirwt, SEYMOUR, Ol«Jased. lllYJn11 cl1!m1 1e•rn11 the u ld cMcedent h doza.· f\IVP.· Alan H ale . r'",,,",,•,.-, ... · '°n'ulflrllll NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN to 1111 lo lllt u ld cl1lm1 11'1 "" offk• of onors in class A action in cre<111or1 o1 111e 1bov• n1mec1 c1ec-..1 Tiit c~rk ot lht 1toreuld court .,. The winne r of the Paul Renius-J ohn lrvioe match will lock up with Joe L isle for the 61Hi9 H!lc andcompelition is do"'" lo the semifinals in the 50{i9 div is ion. ladies fub I "th Cee -Captain: Kirt Ha rris· Allll'n•Y f1r •i lJCllMI' 11\tt 111 peno11t h1v1n11 c1,.;m1 1111rm "' Preaenl 1'hlm to 111e .~ ... ,....., C p ay "'I a nel MVP. T y ' Put>llsntd Orlfl9t Co••I Ollty Piiot, lh• wld deced<'fll 1r1 rlQVlred lo Ille II "" olfk1 ol FORSTEa. GEMMILL 361 ~ in a T anCJ F t ourney • erry oung. M1rch 26 and Apt11 2, '· u, 1Mf S114' !hem, w11~ 111e n«IHlll"f o,vuchln, In " FARMER, too Wllshlrt e Nd in tJ ll'lt olllc1 of !ht clerk f1I the 1bow lf'ot City ol" LOI ""9eln, In !he C;;.,nl'I' recen y. \\'re.stling LEGAL NOTICE enlllled courl. or fl) 11rti.enl """"· wlltl r Loi Alll!tlft, ,wtikh llller cfl'ICtl Virginia Willis was the Class Varsity _ Captao·n.· Chuck I-----,-,-,~,-----"" neceu.l"I' _,,..,..., Jo "" 11n-s 111111 1ace of bu•lllHI °'"" undtrslgnttf ders!tned ti Ille 'lffkol "' lier lllomtl' In •II matters ""111nl.,. to !Mild nttTe B titlis t with a 371h and Del Suter ; MY: David Wommack. •AR·l1141 P1u1 A. 1-11,.,,1. 'If E. 11111 street; Such c111m1 will\ the nec.1utY >'Dlldltri'. Gustke.v was tops in C di"vi·so·on J · NOTICI! TO CRl!o1Toas Cost• Mn•, c11llornl1 ""7, "ll'l!fch Is mu•! be llled or PrHenml n .tornilc un1or varsity -Captain: sUPERIOtt cou1tT o, TKIE llle 111ac1 of busll'H!H o1 1te 11nder:slvne<1 wllllln lour mon!l!I '""!tie flr1t 11Vbllc• play w ith a like score. ?i.lark Wilbur·, f\tV : M ike P in-STATE 011 CALIFOANIA l'OR In 111 mallen Ptr111n111111'9 1111 es11~ lion"' lflls nolleto. B H THE COUNTY OF ORA"'OE cl Slid deccdlf11, wlltllll four monthl Oiied "'-rch U, lfff. etly enderson scored 40 ney. N&. A·J.anl ati.r 111t flrrt Pub11e1t1ot11111111 l'IOllce. Robtr1 a. B<'fll'H!ll Fred Walker and Art Nisson are paired in the upper brac ket while Dr. Pete Treadwell and f.1ax !\1cLain are scheduled for action in in Class D activity. li"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;ji EHllt of ANNA J, MARLBOROUGH. 01m! March 7, 196' E:o:ecuh>r"' ""wm Oece15"'1. ilt11it M. Sevi>our al 111d dlcl'dlnl. PRE-SPRING NOTICE IS HEREllY GIVEN lo lhe Adrnir,l1tralrl• of 1he Eittle :~aSTEA, GEMMILL A J'AAMElt Jllesa \I et•cfc crR<lllcr1 o1 !ht 1bove n•med dec:tdenl o1 111111 tbcw• 111rnec1 dtttdent orn•Y .. t·LI"' the lower brac ket. ' f.1en·s c lub President Cup action s tarted this week with the low 31 qualifiers joining N ewport Beach's defe nding champion Bo b Vordale In a bes ' ball Of twosome Iha! 111 l>l'tlO"t hav!nt cl11lm1 illllll'lll PAUL A. HANNA, ES.O. !!! .•,,•,hlllrCI 81vol. !hr stid de<;e<ltnl ••• requlr'ed f<l fill ,,, I!. 11111 Slrlll, -&n tnlff t · ' I b ~~~~ them. wlll\ lh• nK••Ul"f YOUchtr1. In Co•t1 Mt». C•HfomJ1 "'17 Les An1tlts, C1llf. tflll11 ~~~1~a;~ ~~~ c ~ba~;t i~~~ Ai ~;11~1~~~-:• '°(l:~:W~ ~rn.~~ !~;,~•i,.s:~1d~lnlrlT•tr1• M~:~,~~' ~~':::ruc1".';~ 1:. 1111 :.J:i; Ch I F "ed d I k 1 (L/' lh• "''•HI•¥ voucl'ltr., l<l ll>e u.,. Publlthed Or1nge C:O.d 01!1y Piie!, ares r1 ers or too ow <1enitne<1 at 101 e. Ch1pm1n Av• .• Mercti u, n, u 1r.d 11.pr11 2. 1m ~' LEGAL NOTICE net honors with a best ball Tru•t o.,,artment. 0r1ng• Calllornlt, [--~--------'-'----- Vordale opens up defense [ 57 Q'ch 11 11\t Piie• of bo.nll'llJn of lhe LEGAL NOTICE CERTIFICATE OJ' sUstNl"SI 0 · TJ NE undeflltned In 1!1 minus Hr11lnlnvl--------------l FICTITIOUS NAM• Second place went lo G e ne te W :!,,111~1~i. ,;',r .. J! ~~;~bn~:: P·t2'"1 Thr l>rlderslel'H!d 11o <ffilfy "'"' •r• Hahline-r and Bill Ronaldson DI 11111 no11c1. . cnT1F1cATIE OJ' 1us1N1Ess ~:;;:i~1"' • 11u11""" 1t m c w. t 58 f II Oiied Mlrdl •. 1t6t FICTITIOV5 NAME ' Olll Mn., C1ltfoml1, lll'llkr "'- a 0 owed by Mic hae l Rap s VPER Tiie F!ril Ntllanll The ur.dertlv~ toes cerllty h• ,, tlc!IUoin llrm n1me cf REMAttlt of his title against Bill h1acauley. Low qualifiers for t h e tourney are Walke r and K en Nowling with 67s. col'lduclh•t I 111/sl-11 .u3 e1v1ld• PUBLISHING co .• •rod 11111 l t ld """ port and Bill Cohen's 59. s'!:.:r>11:1a1e~:T:1~,.~n!:' or1v1, Newi>ort B11d'I, :::1111orn11 • ...-.ner 11 com-.e.:1 o1 Ille 1<1uow1,,. .....-.. ll<e Eillll ol Ille the flCTlllou• llrrn n1m1 el O a M """°" "'"'" In full al'ld ,ii-If lbo"e 11""'911 dlcedtnl FI NANCE co. •rod Ill.II u ld firm rs rnld~ ••• II followl: Sencliff An 18·hole SY!'eepstakes is scheduled for Scacliff M en·s Club a wee k from today. Afler the all·day tourney a dinne r at 7 and the first-ever men·s club meeting at 8:30 l\'ill follow. iUeadomlark Joe DeMay scored a ho!e-in- one Saturday on the 19().yard 16th llole. Def\1ay used a fi ve -wood in accomplishing the t rick -the first ever on the 16th hole in its prese_nt condition. Tennis Sum1naries FulllffOft 1'1 ft\ Celden W•U S!nt ltJ ;1-dLIOY!I IF) ~•I. Grev IGWl 1•6. Wy~t! (FJ o~•. ThomO!<lll (ClW 7-9. J-6. Wt•!lorlll (F l def. Jrnk.ln1 !GW) ll-6, 11..a_ Rtld !F) d'1, Dwrureet (GW) w , ,. ,:''' !F) Ck*. Vtlenrutla {GW> 34-, ,:•Ill.tr IF> de!. Cl!Hord (GWI M. Ooublts Llovd 1fld W¥J!I CFl lie!. Grno and Tl'lompl.Ofl fGWl l.f. 1-6. Rancho SJ We1"or!h af'ICI Rf<'d CFl def. Btrkolt I nd Val"1lutll (GWI 5-1, ).6 Emil Kohler and Bob Berry Ari5 .•"" w11-er CF! ""· O...er11rtt1 •nd Cl•fford (GWI )..7, 1..a. teamed for a ne l JUI over Crprn• 111 u 1 Gei.t• Wnt 36 b I Slntln o es to capture the m en's .. :1oem-UGWJ det. Lo ... cc1 I b "' del'•ull cu scotch hi-lo twosome Grrt !GW) 1o11 "' F111~Ko IC) lournan1enl Saturd av at :J.s, '.a. Rancho San Joaquo"n c" ount•y 1.i.'~l.n1 IGWI IOll lo Mali.11 lC) • Dvfr$lreel CGWl lofl Iv Wtll IC) Club. •·.S. 1.s, 1..a .. . The "'inners led after the 1c~A!",':1~1-1 cc;wi 1o,, 10 lac~•·• f e~i~I !GW1 lost kl &tm!Mo ~Cl 1rst Ill holes with a ne t 59. '""· l..i. ·--d ..,, ... ,,._.,_vn place went to !\tnrv Grrr anc1 ,.h...,.,11M111 1Gwl 11t1 J o_hnson and Robert Lopui Fu!c11ko 11M FIDt>Y• tC! ,...,,. .. 1. · a~r~o11 end v11ei.1vtl1 tGwl d~ "'llh 1 \31 while F•ank Smi"th Zac~a ... """ Yunt 1c1 ..... l·S, •-•. • Overi!r•ol •nd Jenklnl !GW\ loJI a nd Norm Pallcki followe d 1o 11em1110 and "¢.~~7r1111c1 o..a. 1..a. \\•l!h 132. HeWNrt 11\v,1 li\lil Wt1i.r11 A tie for fourth resulted oaie tNl "'°" .. ~~·~. i.o, 6 0 bet\\"l't!n Ken Cochran :ind .J:u""1""~•m H~· won i.o • ..o. •-o. F k i-f""'•" (NI lof! °"' , ... , WOii •• ,, ran Beckman along with ._~1?~~11.\NI -· 1-1, IPSt 1 .• , _ 1-~al Sh aw and Virgil Har· "" rongton at 133. c~''" •M °8',u!1.t" !Nl 6-1, 6·'1 loll'"' -6-J, Frank GraCI! nnd Pat Wade P1r1no •net P•'n tNI won .. 1• followed with 134. t~1.~lfif''tl 112 "1 Ft111"11111 v11~, r~: 1r.,f11e Coast .~ L~> .~-A~:1"::" !:I' R d J" I I !It'll Wlnttn 6'1 ' ' :iy an 1m arbour Taootn 1Fv1 dJ.' M•~·.,, , ... , Ml !ima!!hed all opposition Satur-~0~1n~~. 1"l'· """" "'· •·1: 11>\t dn.y in rntn·s club action with V•1""1W1• iFyt o.1 M•non. 6 o t:,'., 11:1\..t:'ii.i~; ,.;:• Auou111ne, 11: a net ~? in better ball of l(rnocut \.,Vl <ttl "'•"Of! ~., .. •lncrs p'·y. e1e1 Ltw, ._ ; ,,., AllllUir1no' -1' ' "" kill to W!fltfn. l:!:... . Tlc<l for second r;ix i;trokes P1,...n 1r.d OH~ \Fv1 "°'' 111 back •·o-th t f Du £man '"° Scl'lll~~ "'-,.. .... , ,., e eam!i o nc 1o "°'""''1 .,... "°'"' J'" 06 · "" !\lc Alplno a nd Chick lllgbie ,.Oft i nd B~ne I~ 1 '°'' to ,..,,.,.,,, •~d Ftr1!tr, •.a. M i toil 111 fmcry and Phil RJmito and nlll f\1et-,-~""';;:..:'~"·~·~•·:..::'~:..:·~·----­ calf. Full 4 Ply Nylon WHITEWALL Mc:OWl"M & GAl!IEJrl cornPOSed ol Ille lollO'w'I ... 111r..,,,, whose R111 Sl>eldrkk, 14112 N. K!"" lltol., UI E. Ch•Pmln Aw. nfme In Juli 1r.d ,illcr of rnldence S1nl1 An., Cl flf. Drlrttl. C1liloml1 nM1 f1 II lolloWI: Frank Hrely, 716 Jl1ull11t Pl1ce, Tt1: 17Hl UJ.llN Rlch1rd W. L1rlrln. AC BIVtlc!t Drive, Cos11 Mew. Cati!. Allo""'s Mr SPldtl Aotltllllll~lltr Newport &el!Ch, C1lifoml1. 0..1'!1 Mlrdl ]I, lM' Pultllol!N Orintt COMI Olli¥ Pllol Oiied March )'0111, IM•. Fri1nk Heal¥ • Rtch~r-d w L1rkln R,.. Shrlarldt 11"'.:.:.'c"'-'c'·-'-'·c'c'-'c"""·C'c'_"c' c"-'-"c' __ ~:::.""c1StBtt ol Callklrnil ) STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Counh> o1 Im A11Hlt1 ) H COUNTY OF ORANGE I i.s LEGAL NOTICE On March 10th, lfft, btto~ mt, 1 On Mar. 11, 196t, before mo, • Notll"f 11-------,ccccccc------I Nol~l"I' Pub!!c In 1r.d tor iald Slate, Public In •ncl tor uld Stale, t11r10llllll' person1llY 111H1red Rkhard W. Larti:lll a-•red Frank Hetl'I trod Reoa. 5"9ktrld( BAA·l4'4 ~nown to me to ti. 11tt1 penon ~t known Ill ml to l>e llttl Hrson1 whoM NOTICE TO CR EOITOlllS name 11 iubscrlbld to the within In· n1me1 lrf 1ultscrlbed fl) Ille wn~ln tUPl!RIOa COURT OF THI? \TATE itrumOIPl'll and IC~flOWiedtled ll'llT lie f~· l"strumrnf tnd acknowledDed !hfl" ••· OF CALIFOlllNlA ec1.1!1!d !hi llmt. Kiii~ 1111 l lmt. FOlll THE COUNTY OF OttANGR lSEALl (Olflcl1( Sea!) Ht. A••l2UI 01 Ferre.I HOml M1rv K. Hl"l"I' E1l1te of IVY EATON GILE, l>ece11ed. NolaN Pultlk NoT1rv Public· C1lllornl1 NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN fl) 11'.11 DE FORREST 140ME Pr!11clp11 Ofllcl In crl!dl!O'I of Ille above named d«ed1nl Al?lnMY II Liw Or1n1e Counly lhAI 111 !'&•"""' h1v1.., cl.!llrn1 1v•lnsl IOI.SI 1tlwnldt 0r1... My Camm!Hlon l!~l'lrn !111 ,.Id dlcl!dent ••• rtoulred lo lllf Herl~ HoHy'"""', Cillf. tllllt Nov. 24, 1'12 !!>em, wllll Ille ntttUAl"f vouclltr1, In T·Mn7 Publls!IM Or1n11e Co.st Otlh> Piiot, 111•. office 111 Ille clerk d 111• 1bcv1 Publl1htd Or-e Coaf\ Oilh' PlloT, Mlrch M •ncl April 2. '· II, ltff _.., ~l1tled court. Of lo Pre1enl lllt!m. wlln Mire~ 7' incl Allrll 1. t , 16. 1M9 SIJ..a9:[------'-"-=-'-'-'"'---== 'he nKeu.arv voucrieri, to Ille un·[----,,---------'--' LEGAL NOTICE 0.tSIDAed 11 the otlkt ol M1 1llot"ne1, ERNEST OUNCAN. UJI' B .... erly lllvd., LEGAL NOTICE 1-------------- LOI Antelll. C11!'°"'!1 too76, which•[------~~------[ •Alll·l.U ls ltle PIAce DI M ine" of tl'lt l/l'ldtrsltned P·l21n NOTICE TO CltlOITOllS In •II m1tttri 111rt1tnf1111 TO lht ultlt CERTl,lt"ATE OF •USIMESS SVPEa10111 COURT o, TMI! ITAT• ~I ~Ill decedenl, wlll\ln tour monll!I J'ICITIOUS JrlAMI! 01' CALll'OAJrllA llltr Ille lirll PUbllc1ll010 of !~It nollce. Tiie Uftder1ltM<1 0oei ctrllf\o lie 11 ,.01 TM& COUNTY 0, OAANCI! 011?<1 M1rch U. 196t ttlfH!ucfll'lll I bullfll'n 11 2511 PtOM>ecl, NI. A-4!21.5 E"erell GI~. Jr. Newport lftlCll, C.llfornl1. uncM'r !hit Ell•te .. JOSE PH G. MARKAY Admlnlstretor !ldll!OU'I llrm nl-of GARY G DIAL Oectl•ed. ' o1 Ille E1t11t of COMPANY trd 11111 wltl tinn ii can· NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVE"' fl) the ''"' abc"f n1!'Md Mttdt n! ""'!<! of ""' fo!low1,.. Pe rson, """"'' c~nor1 ol me 1bo¥1 ... ,.,...., dttedlnt ElllNtST DU NCAN, ESO. Almt In Jul! Ind 11r.ce .. rnldlllce lllllT all' S>ef10l'lt llavlntl cl1fmJ IPIMI l}Jt enerl<i' •rvd., \1 •• tolle-<t!.: !ht u id dl«Mnl 1r1 '""""ed fo 1111 Lon A~-eltt. C111•·~1. '°"' GIN G. D!1I, 2SI PfOSl'ld, NtwPOrt lhwm,, Wiii\ 1111 lltCIUll"f ¥0Udlfn. In Tl-I: f1UJ MA "116' ee1e11. ca11tornl1 th• otrlu of the cltr11 111 "" lltlwl Altwll~Y tr<r '-'"'"''•Ir•,.• Oiled Mire,. 10, 19"" l!<IU!led courl, or to prlltflt ttwm. ,..1111 Publ!•M<I Orang• C<>1st O•llY Piiat, G•l"I' G. 0111 !ht nectSlll"f vouc,.,..rs. ta 1111 u~ Mtrch lt, 7• tAll April I,'· 1969 Sll-4• !TATE OF CAL IFORNIA, denltned 11 Ille office of hor lllomt¥ 11------------------=-c10111ANGE COUNTY ) • w. PATR JCI( MrCR4Y p 0 ~ Now .t th... LEGAL NOTICE On Marcil 10. lfft. before me. 1 10'271, S.."'' AM, C1lffarii1e nn1.· wi.k l't Nata,.., P-11'1 t !ld for wltl st.te, 11 !IW PllCe OI ri..s1...,1 a! lht undera!ined Fantastic Prlct1! l [------,--,-,-------l"''"°"'tl'I "'"""" Garv G. 0111 k.......,. !n 111 Mll~rs pert1Tnlnt to fhl ft!ah! IAR·l4W 111 ml fo bl 1ht Dlriol'I wi-t nim• ol said Olc:lcltnl, wl!lll" too.. ll'IOl'llhl 650/700113 5 12.62 735114 77Sz14 825114 B15i 15 5 13.62 ' 514.20 514.82 515.15 LIFETIME GUARANTEE Pl'fnililm Tin!! Ill •llMI" tlrtt ... ,!~ 1.it. 1:•(1-. Tt• .. ..,.... 1...., 11.M Ill U.a ..... 11 ... NOTICE TO Cll!OITOIS 11 JUbKrlbed lo ll>e wllll!n lnJ"'-"-"! alter !ht II"! lltlblle~ll"ll of lllll notk:I SUPEIUOtt COUttT 0, THI •!'Id ack.-119Ded ... e•Mulcd llll &11N Oi ied Ml•ch u. '"' . STATE OF CALll'OA"'I' POI ~Olllcl•I S.11 . T,,.,, Mtrlltv . THI! COUNTY OJI OAANG• Otm1h V. U" Admtn!1tr1lrlw .... A.ill1) ~•l"I' Pultlit • C11llornl1 (!! 1111 Esl1hl of Esl•I~ ol ROU.NO GEO It GE Prln1;lul Otflu In lllf tbow """" lleclde'nl GH RIEST, JR., ~11ed. Or1nte Count.-W, ~ATRICK McCttAY NOTICE IS HERE!IY GIVEN "" Ille ~ COf"m!Hlon E•p!rtt P. o •••• 1tnt, creditors of lt>t 11:1oft 1111med decedenl IMrdl n. 1•n kllll A~"' 1'•"1~.,.11 mn ""'' ell 1>1'"500'll ,..vi.,. cti lmi "''"'' Publ!s~td °''"" C~I 0111¥ Pllot, Ttl: 1n•1 u1..on ttw g ld deced1nl 1re l'MlllrM lo Ille Mlrrfl IL If. ff IJlld April J, I~ •2-69 Publl~hed Or1n111 CMJI D•llY "llot, lllffr'I, w!lll 11\f "Kl'1,.,1"1' VOllcl'ler., In Mlrct'l l•. 16 lfld A..-U J, '· 1"9 J3.Mil "'-office OI '"' (1tr1t ot 1111 ttow LEGAL NOTICE en1111ed tolKI. or ta "'"'"' lhtm, w1111 1--====~~~==::---·J ----~LE~G~A~L~N~OTii:::~::: __ Ille l'IKUSlrv VO\ld'lltr1, hi lllf 11,. P"1INt ~"1191'H!d 11 1111 olllc:t of ..,,. t l!ornry cri:~TI Jol>n "'"\It· 1611 Wn~llll orrw: , KATE OJI IU,.NESJ •Alll·l.U: H_.i Boid" C1l!tomle ,,_. ~ ITJOUI llAMfE SUPl!tt!OI COUR t 01' TH• 11 !fie Piece ol blnl""t o1""" Ul'!Oer1'9l'lf'll r.::: lt.9 ""'" flt (#'r11fy 11>1'\' lrt STAT([ OF CALIFOltNIA 1'0111 IA 111 tnl"°"' P1rl1lnl!!e lo lt'lf tslilw SI ~-~~~ IW Anel'ltlm THI: COUNTY 01' OAA"'G I! !If llld ~I. wl!hlo! ...,,. """""' flt~l"lou1 ij. ' 1 11, ~ l'rlol NI. A.at& Ill" '"' llrsl IMlltllc .. llQIO "TM• t!Offn. •ING " .. i Ari;;e. °' OUAl lTY PLUM> •o,nc, I DI' Mli•llMG 0 ' Pl"TITKMll 0.l'fd Mtrc~ 7. Ifft .... l'ltf .... II"" A PRD•ATE CW WILL ANO , S/'11 .......... L Gh• ... T 11 ~" el Ille !'90owin. ~. UnEIJ Tl!STAMINTAIY Oii AOml11l1Tr1!rlr fJ/ '""' E1t1tf =:.. i:fi: '" NII, fflll '~ of ~t~" .. DORA C, HUFFMAN, Of fr1o1 I~ l!lmfoll ~T Cl n fol'°"'*· ...,.,TOOM!d. JON!f VlltTUE, I SO. / C C~R:. VCNCAN, IMS ~ SI. NOTICE IS "'!REllY l'<IYl!N "nlll'I • • "" "'"t(hff Oriw, Ct 1 '-'• tlltornltl ... L0\1111 'rlM\Hi, lllmlll In I'll H--1 ••• ,~. C1lll9n!l1 ,,... JOSEPH FAltlCU$. ~ Coolm..t, IS ~nw/1111 Lou!M Fr1nc11tn I'll r" .. Ttl: cn•1 M1·J7J4 Cos!• Mf'll , Clllfl)ry\19 IVreifl I ""''°" "" IH'1>bl"' I ltd AU-.., ••m•nlltrllrl• STATE OF U.L1,0 llil4 1A ) And tor IJtual'ICt of L""" T • of wlll , Put!!lhld Orinve (Hsi OlllY Pfll!I COUNTY ()F OIANGE I ti I'll l'•llllll'lfr. rf'lerM<• '8" ..:::'::''';: ,....,.." n , 19, 11 •r.d AerH ,_ '"' ..,,n °" ""n:l'I IL tHf. blle!'P ""' 1 ~ let lvrtlltr M•llcullra, ,,,.< tlllt Wolel"I' lllVtllic I" Md 1or l•ll SI•,. !ht Time •r.d 1lttt Of IVi•I *" LEG --..llY •-•l'ld Cllt~ °""'8n ...d .. w.4 l'llt """1 Mt fir April f' ' AL NOTICE 1111.,,.,, 1'11•111 •-'-"" Joo 111 ti.. 11 t lllr 1.m , In IM ~1,.,1., BERG S ---,;;;;;:::-::::--;;;:o:~==---,..,_, ....... "'"* -~·!tiff .. oe.i.r't"'fl'l1 ,..,. J • 1•'" CIM1 ., NOTICf 01' !NT•llOIO 1"9 "'111'111'1 IM!rlffl'ltl'lf •!'Id llclUIOWlld-.1 1111 W"f E19htll Slrttt, In Tiit 'Cl ... •/ll!JJ, ACT/liJ.L Y; l'M /JE{Wlt JD85, NII> I _/UP 7l/F /JMlH TO fU /WtlKll!TCf.1* 1 n II beUer ball of mixed partners SUnday. Ed and Lois Riddle and Tom and .Loma lludson combined to !ll'Ore 132 -good for a 5hare of the 1!1\P. DELTA TIRES se:cu•1tv INTEIEIT AG•l•MINT llley llll!ClllH ""' ...,.. Of SIMI A,,.., Ctlllor1111 ., . ISt<l. '1tl1117 U.C.C I !OFFICIAl SEJr.Ll Oe!H M111;h 11, 1Mf ''"" "'" 1N4t·LI Ml•" K, Htl'IO' W. Ii!. ST JOMJrl. 2001W.17th Streft Holle• ls Mr~ t l'lt'll to CTedl*' NOlm' PU(llle-C•!!foml• !l;t!IO .... ~-,,rv (lrrk. ol ll•Y•I R"ll•ur1nt1, Ill(.. • Clll!Qmt• Prhc:11t1I Diii" 111 -• , ~ t~ro. Santa Au M 1-6904 "•11er•TIPn lftl•ndH O.bttt" wfleff Of•• Coun!Y •• .,...,,.. e-.tti IMI., 141 • 1"" 11u.1,,..., •ddrl'U It l201'""~''' PKll!t M' Ctl!'ir .. luleft l!•Nr L-••Kii, C.l!f11r11l1 ...., PA# p ~ • , .. Strett ,_, Hr..-.,., c.,...,. Ott ....,. •• (N-.1 NI"\ ,. 1,71 ei ) Ter: u1J1 G1.111a:o '""'', I, . ' • Atso 1t 152 In the Jac.k 1nl'I J ill ( event wue Ari and • ..._;.;;;;,.:,:i~:.:;~::::.::.=:::./ Costa Mna 645-2010 BIKl'ol, '''1'°"'11• 11\11 • ·~""''" "''-'' J1111t11t11K °''"°' C0111 c.1"' •11o1 "''"'""'' '°'" "•"'""'-' ... . . ... -• 1·~ .. ''· 20. "· Tiit I ll¥ ~ ,. ______ .,. __ ., __ _,,1, lnttl!lotfd lo It!• 1r#l'llN " Ml"I' M1.U. U, I• 1A• ,_,,' ' ••• .,..,• MP!!'b"I'!! O•A"I', CO.II O •• . • •. I• .. ,. ' •• ,. ' • ' • • I ' ' ' ' ' • ' • I .. " OFF AGAIN -Sharon Sites Adams, the woman who sailed solo from Marina del Rey to Honolulu in 1965, is now planning a 6,000-mile voyage from Yokohama, Japan to her home port. The solo non- stop voyage will be the longest ever undertaken by ti. "-'Oman. She hopes to make the trip in 80 days. Housewife Sets Sail Across the Pacific . .. s.•N DIEGO (AP) -~. fi(arina Del Rey housewife says tllat sailing alone from Yokahama, Japan, to San ~iego isn't as dangerous as driving on Ca Ii for ni a freeways . ~.Mrs. Sharon Sites Adams plans to begin the 70-to 80-day voyage on May 12 in a 3l·fOOt sailboat. It is billed as t h e longest solo cruise taken by anyone in a sailboat across tJie Pacific and the longest <rttempted by a w o m a n anywhere. "I can't see lhal there is anything about sailing from "l:'okohama to San Diego that a woman can't do," she said Monday while acce,:ting a special message from ?i.Iayor Frank Curran to deliver to Mayor Ichio Asukata of Yokohama, San Diego 's Japanese "sister city." "The most dangerous thing I have ev er done hall been todrive on California freeways." said Mrs. Ada.nu, a mother of a lx>y in high school and a girl in college. The 5-foot-6, 11 2·pou nd bkmde said she is "more powerful than I look." The o n I y pjroblem she foresees is loneliness. "If everything goes all right, there ¥lill be hours and hours with nothi ng to do, and that will be t he hardest part of the trip:• Spaciotis Jtlodel ~.Coronado Yachts Bare New 23-foot Sailboat A lively new 23-foot sloop, rounding out the company's line o{ fiberglass sailboats, has been unveiled by Coronado Yachts. The Cornnado-23 offers e:i:· ccptional spaciousness at a rl!markably low price and !llay be obtained in either a kffl model or "'ith keel- <1)-bo•nl. Sporting f o u r full-length berths and abundant locker space, the boat j3 ideal for weekend cruising. As a versatile racing class, the Coronado-!.'J promises to be equally popular. Designed for MORF competiUon, she features a long waterline. low Wetted sUrface, large modern sail plan and a spflde rudder mounted well alt. High freeboard and broad beam enhance her roominess r. l\ below, making her a stiff. ~dry boat in heavy going. Her ballast to djsplacement ratio ol almost 50 perCt'!llt assures her "sailing on her bottom'' even in a brisk blow. ' The light displacement craft is said to move well to windward and points higher than many boats cf her size. Before the wind she planes easily with maximum control under spinnaker conditions, even in large following seas. The buikiers are touting her as an ideal boat for the young family with a yen for a big boat but with a limited budget. The keel-centerboard model Is tailored for inland lake sail· ing and shOal draft areas. It is catching on fast with, skip. pers who like to trai1er their craft to various cruising areas. Happy Burial At Sea., lnstea4 ol the customary mortgage burning, Shark Island Yacht Club officers chose a burial at sea to get rid of their pesky document. Participating In the ceremony (from lelt) are Robert Baulch , vice commodore i Elmer Chiodo, staU commodore; AJ. bcrt. Mathe\\'s commodore; Hume Seymour, staff com1nodore ~nd Larry Roehm. The burial took ri ce on Fleet Ca pl Bill WWiam ~n'1 Malihini VII. 1 There's Fun In Sa.iling Yadll reclq, In lhe 1...t you hiveo't heard, ii I dMdly aefious t.nlNM W h i Cb ..... 11mes -lo IU\Ylliinl from~ tantnima lo-. templlUOn ol bar1-brl But , when the ''t1llnllt firedrllls" are all owr ud tempers baV< bad • chance to com, the bumorotla aide sometimes comes out. One IUCh yacht .... Wll Bahia fuinthlln Yadll Club .. booUng of · lhe semMlnll eliminations ol lhe Prince ol Wales Bowl match nee c.-. peUtlon bet ..... BCYC'a Mllre Douian and California CruJI. ing Club'• Herman Lorence. THE REPOllT ol the race • in BCYC'a club bulletin, Maslhe1d, by Fleet C1pt. Vlnct Gurley, is a muttrpiece of what aometima l'Ot' on in a yacht race as aeen by an oblerver with' a Jenae ol. humor. The plece follows : "The event atarted with many lnlerestin1 little details on Satunlay momln(. Tbe keys couldn1 be fwnd .tD llay Garra's Corooldo-25 (one of the competina boat&) and lhe locks had to be uwed off. The other Coninado-25 looned lo us by Fred Ell~ of Voyagers Yacht Club, wu found to have a "mule" m. stead of a worktnc jib. A frantic call to Frapt Rowland and he. showed up with his jib. "Once outlide in the nuty chop and about 20 knot.a of southeasterly wind , CCC found that the 1plnnaker on the E1lls boat, which had ntver been unpacked,· wu IO poorly cut it couldn't be used. Both crews agreed to race without chutes. "AT THE START <If the raei! Herman Lonnct, CCC skipper, fouled Mike Dou(an as both jibed around to IO for the line. Mike 100SM\'in1- ed his jibe with his mains'! getlin& so wrapped around the rigging he had to jibe back again to ei:tricat.e blmself, Mike was flying a protat na1 v.·hen be crossed the line. "Halfway up the wu:ther leg Mike's starboard 1pnader fell oil and the rOOltDeCt Jet go and he withdrew while CCC won. "'..._ "Tbe judps, Myron Seward, Jack Johnson and C«dy Koolman of CCC, IUSlained the protest but the race was cancelled became of the eqWpment failure which could not be conclualvely attributed to the foul. "DAMAGE AT THE DOCK was one brvkm spreader and gooseneck on the Garra boat and one torn genoa on the Ellis boat. The crews beaded for the bar and the race com- mittee looked at the boat:s and considered rukide. "Penerverance will out, however. Mike Dougan and hJs crew fued the SJnadtr. Jack Hart phon~ Don McKt~ bon who picked up the tom jib, mana1ed • bt•utlful repair and delivered it the next mornin1. 'I1lt writer manaa:ed to 1et a pleas.1nt person on the phone at Columbia Yachta who said there was no chance of retun& a gOORnect for 1 Con:N.do-25 -but after free ust of the names of Diet Valda: and Bob Poole, there wu a gomeneck waitlni at the guard gate for us. "SUNDAY MOllNING we New Trophy Dedicated LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE DAILY '1LOT So! PllVAILINe MOU•L Y WA•t KALI ,......., ...... , . .. Net 1•u ""'" 12.11 ..... ,.,.-..~ <n . ... •.n '·" t .7S t .15 f,7.S J.11 (.765 1°'1> Mllltt.MI .... •M .... ... . .. '·" ... .... l .:17S' .... •.•is .... J.I, .. n •.a o.n I .I! '·" J.17 .... .... ... <.n •• .... .... .. "" .. I l 1 ) 34 DAILY PllOT (S) W!dMO!ay, ~ 26. 11111 'YOta" Monett'' WortJi By SYLVU PORTER 'Jbe news a cOUple of days ago lhat N elman-Marcus of Dallu had paid $2,700 for ooe skin of a new strain of trunk fur -an aU·time record, more than double the 1967 high or •t,100 and the base for a fur coat to retail for , $150,000 - easily could stt off a new boom in fur an.irr.al-breeding rackets. The rackets are already flourishing furiou&ly in chinchilla, muskrats, minks, etc., and this sort of news is a built-in bonarua far the come-<Nl artists. For instance, how does a deal like this strike you? You invest $2,000 to buy five pairs of chinchillas tO )>reed in your garage. Your income from this sideline will be $5-10,00U withln tiYe yean. The firm advertising this: ,d.eal promises not only professionaJ guidance on chinchilla raising for profit, but also guaranttts that the animals he is selling will reproduce. TEMPTING, VE S ? Tragically, though , tens of thousands of naive American.s are losing lbelr shirts on the typicaJ investment of $1,000- $2,500 in four or five pairs of chinchillas -which is two to three times the going price charged by l egitimate breeders. '!be Federal Trado eom. miNkJn in Wasbln1tta esUmata that c b 11 c ii t I ta breeding racqta an: "°" bl~ ing Uio Americ,on public out of lliO million a year. At 1...i 200 llnn$ are _.tine ih this area today, grassing .up to p million apiece a year, the FI'C believes. IN CASE YOU are even mildly tempted to st$ op your own chinchilla b r ·~ e d I n I bwlnm -or if ~ hive an elderly mauve or •m- bi~ teen.ace yoongiirter who mlghl !all !or this ·,...,...., -hen are the IYPSlfn' key claims, countered b1 ba$lc facts put together rdnUy by the FTC: . Claim: Chinchillas produce one to four ofhprina about three times a year -for an average total of four or five live YOUJll per -female each year. Fact: The chinchllla Is , • relatively slow brudl.r· and even in. tile hands ol.' pro- fessionals, prod u c t s an average just under 1"o · live young per year. One ~ five female chinchillas is sterile. Claim: You can 11 e11 chinchilla pelts for $30 to '80. Fa c C: The current ,'price for chinchilla pelta at ftlf iuc· tions is about ~14. Less "WE SALUTE OUR LEADER OF THE MONTH LAllY ADAMS • '· •• •, Congratulations to Larry Adams for leading th~ Orange Agency in new life insurance protection. placed during the month of February. MT. Adams specializes 'in business and personal financial plan·'. rung . Carroll D. Bryant, C.L.U. Sw1te 31 0, Uni°" Ink Sq..,. Orungo, Colllomla tJHI 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ....... - May be used on envelopes as return address 1obels. Also very hondy os identificotion lobols for mer~ing personal i·tems such es books, records, photos, etc. Labels stic:\: on glass end may be used for marking home canned food items. All lobels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fin e quelity white gummed paper and packed in reusable magic .seal top container. Mn. ChristiM lrewn 969 Post Aotd Coit• Mtw, Co~f. '2IM:'- r - - ------ - - --, I I I I I I I I f ill i" thil '011pon, If.lip t11tl n1111il with ll.00 to: I !ti1o• l'H11lint, WMI Di• .. lo• 1175. I I I I I I I It •11tt to \IM yo11r llp c.J1 1 __ _ PILOT PRINTING ___ 1 L -.-- - - - ------_I FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE RD SET OF PACKAGE MAIUN& LAI ELS. - To ...... , ........... ... NEW YORK (AP) -The New York Stock Exchange said last week it would make its first permanent move in more then 100 years to a landfill site to · ht built by the city in Manhattan's East River. The exchange's board of governors author;ired signing of a letter of intent with ll'ie q.ty of New York for a 99-year P ro1noted Nelson L. Halliday ol Tustin has been pr0: rooted to vice president and manager of t h e Santa Ana office of the '.United St.ates National .B a n k. Halliday \vas ·.previously ass i s ta n t 'V ice president a n d manager at the san1e office. Bank Plans 2 Branches Newpor\ National B' an le ~ to open two Lelsurt \VOrld branches this spring. 't1le Laguna Hilts Leisure \Vorld offite will be next to thei Laguna Hills Professionlll Building, and will be housed in a temporary structure until tht permantnt branch Is com· ple<td. Tbe olher branch. in Leisure World, S..l Bead>, will be at )laY and St. Andrews Streets, where renovation of th• old Seal Be.1th ~ooal Building Is wider wa)'. Banks to Merge United 'C;IUiornia Bank, Los Angeleii, and El Dorado .State Bank, Napa, ha ve reached an agreement.whereby El Dorado State Bl\1lk will be merged with and Operated as an office of United California Bank. Total resoorces or r~ 1 Dorado ~late Bank have grown during the pasl four years from $4, million to $8.8 , million with about $2.5 million iR u:s. go'9'emment secu rities. and loans, oC $4.t million or which approximately 60 per· cent are instalment. 30 per· tent real ~late. and 10 per· cent comnierclal. Deposits or $7 million att about two-thir~ savings :i.nd oneothird demand . ••••••••••••• .. ' ' • l H• ~: "' H• "" "" "' "' "' "' "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ~' "" "" "'' "" "" Hffl "" "" Hn "" HH ~j~l Hiit "'" "" "" Holl t'loll ""' ""' HM ·~ ·~ Hot: >loll Hoo Hoo Hoo ~~ Ho~· i!OV' Hoo "~ "" M ID•~ Idea I ... '" Ill C I"' '" , .. '" I~~ ,00, ,00 •oo• l::il '~1 l:if,, tll~P lnte' nle1 1n11. "" lnlF Inf ~ lntH '"' In! f I'::. "' "' "" lr•I ln!SI lnl~ lut lnTt, Intl. ntT. " !ntr Inn lo Tl 1 .. 1 '"' lnl\J 1,,re1 l"!f• Int! In!., lnteo 10 .. l 1: ti lowf '~· I~? '"" Tuesday's Oosing -. - Pnces-wmplete -New -York :.~tock Exeh~e .-List • I' \' • .. l r I ., -------------------------------- -,. L .. 111· 'f'I\'' v~r_, .i -• ;--e-~-,· r ;, tf' .:~:-.! -~.~~""'..--..,..,..T'"I...,..,..,_.,..,.....,...,......,._, .... .,..,.....,.....,_.,.. _____ """"'"_. _______ _, _____ _,. ____ _ X ML' llUT -· Mm 26. 1'169 • NOW! NEW! PILOT PENNY PINCHER C~"S.SIFIEO ~DS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIM~S $2.00 ANY ITEM $ . ' OR LESS e EACH , ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e Ne 1-0..r $.10 e Ne C-rclol fh·-e e Ne Cepy ~ e Ne Abllrwlotlont e START MAKING MONEY NOW! 'CALl! 642-5678 ASK FOR ~OUR DAILY PILOT ~D:·.YISOR ~ND .Y.OU MAY CHARGE IT! '.f'faeN,er 'Notes JIB Play•ome ·"Thr~~'Piayh~~~es-• 'Barefoo t' Brings .. D:rawing Curtains - ' \ Peals of Laug hs By roM TIT\JS Of Ille DilWY Plltl Sftft The curWn fllll "' lllrM community t b e a t t r pro. ductionl tbll weetend u two others anive to take their placei. Closing out their reopectlve runs are "'Ibe Rem.ltkable Mt. 'ennypacker'" at the Colla Mm CMc Playhoul<, "L!"1t Up the SllJI" at llJe Weatmloster Commun I ty '!beater and • • O u t w a r d Bound," the latest production of the Santa Ana Ccmmllllity Players. !loo Fijian and Pat Harp take the principal roles ill ''Penaypacker," an l 11 O ' 1 t<medy under the dfrectloa of Pall Tambellini. A I 1 o featured ln the cast are Valf!'r'tt How, Paul Gncey, · Lois Wilson, Jack Murray and Maurice Roland. The final performances will be given Friday and Saturday at the Community Center auditorium on the Orange County Fairgrounds. Tlcketa may be reserved by caWnc: the Costa Meu. RecreaUon Department at 83!-$.l03. Westminster's "Light Up the Sky," a modernized ver1ion of the M08.!11 Hart comedy, -Al- 1lve1 111 laat two pedomw>;a Friday and 5'1lun!oy afler belq held over •• ezlra -end. DlrectJni . ii youra tn&Ir1 who crttpl oo •tace 'for a lDtcbcoctlaa . appearance this weekend. Carol Faublldc, Alan llJfl, Jenn~er Murray, Rick~ By IWDl NIEDZlllUIJ Of ...... " ..... Petll ol britlJl lludW rip. plod thrGuih tbt oudltnce II the Hu.atlostoo Belch Playhoole Friday ni,ht. Ed LltUe, Helene Aab and Br ... lled (Jp Ray &»It handle the major They came abo\lt one minute afler cul1aln time and -~-"' until the ....... 11P --end. Tbe -far the bilari(y WU '1ilartfoot in tbe Part, 11 roles in the "-at the tbea· Roo Fllian 1porla sJd&. ler, w..im1n11er Avenue at bums and mustache for Goldfln West Street. Reserva-his title role in "The Ilona may be -at 81:!-Remarkable Mr. Pen- 5443 or 113-510!. nypacker," closing Fri· "aAJ!:l f'OOT 1'6 TMI P.t.all" A t11m10t "' Ntll .. llNl'I, ~ W o....w MaMlle. ......... ..,. c..1111 ...... ... ~ ...... 111-~ * * * day and Saturday al the "Outward Bound" arrivu ln Costa Mesa Civic Play· ....... • """ SUllNM. ,,,_,.,. l"rtMl't """ ....,,...,. , .. .,,. """' •l .._,.,. ...... " ti .. ~ .... ,....,__ ,,It Matll ............... Its lasl port ol call Frldoy and _bous __ ._. ------ Saturday, with Roa Corl>ill at the helm . Lee How· illgllln ond Gertrude Hom play the prtnclpal patls ill the judg· ment day comic ~a. --TM• CMT . Performances are given at the Players Theater, 1020 W. 8th St., Santa Ana, wltb Ucketa reservable at 541-2188. * * * Entering Its aecond weekend Is the Huntlnfton Be a c h Playhouse version of "Barefoot in the Park" under the direction of D a v i d Maiville. Mike Siknner and Rita Kilner play the primary roles. Anabelle Quigley and Paul Sullivan alto are prominent in the Neil Simon comedy at the Barn, 2110 Main St., Hun- tington ~ch. 'Ibt number for reservationa b $3£.8161. * * * Maklng their illtitial a1> pe.arance on the local theater " scene are the lJdo 1ale Playe.n:' "Affalra fl, state," South Coast Repertory'1 "LI Twi.sta" and the South Coast ,...,.. lrattw ............ Mlk• tklNIW c:.rh ,,...,. ••••..• " .. . .. llllho KiMlt ,,..,... ,.,... .......... ~i.·ouieM.,. Yktw ~ .......... "•ul SI.Ill~ T ....... lft9lf ,,,,,,, .•• Jdlft Mti#M o.w.,.,Y -............ J.a. """"' Light 0 per a A!lociaUon'a --------- "Soutb Paclflc." Neil Sbnan"I c:cmedy about The Lido CCJDedy, which the -bla ol a pair ol opened Tuesday n l g h t , newlyweds, wtUch opened a features Pat Moran I D d lix-weetmd qagement at Joseph Charles u a roman-the 11Bsn" thMter. Ucally Involved achoolteacher U the function ol ~ and senator. Jim Hitchman, Is bl provide emollonal '"1lef Ladislaw Reday, Lynn Honil tmn bumon pniblems, then and Dave Wellll complete the "Bardoot" fulfills lb pl e:r· cast. celkd.ly. For about two houri Ruth 1.fc:Culley ill directing Jta audience wu too far in the Louil Vemeufl play, which aUtcbea to wcny about cootinues through Saturday anytbjng . night at the Lido 11 1 e RJta bner plays t b e Clubhouse, 701 Via Lido Soud. leodillg role ot ()orrle Bratter. Tickets can be reserved by Her effervescent, effortle11 calling 675-2216. portrayal ci a somewhat * * * -dwacter provides At Sooth Cout Reper!Dly, the c:ementlor the whole play. guest director Russell Leslie Can as her husband, a is staging "La Turi&ta," with fiedglin& lawyer who has just three of the four c a 1 t won rl:r cent.I from hiJ: first memben making their debuts damage cae, ii Mite Stinner, at SCR. who does an outstanding job Susan Bums, Squire Fridell, 00 hlo part. ev"' though hil Austin Kelly and Jury Comey really good line3 came in the CQmprise the cut of the Sam list act. Sh<pard comic drama, which A oterlq performance also opens Friday for th r e e 11 turned In by Amabelle weekend! at the Third Step ~ Theat.r, 1827 Newport Blvd., Quigley as Mrs. Banks, ~ CMta Mesa. Reservatlons are rie'• mother. She has been being taken at the box office, active in community theater 646-1363. In Colla Meoa and Newpcri far the pa.at 12 years, and was the director ci 1'ie Barn's last JrO(tuction, '"lbe Best Man." EFFERVESCENT Rita Kisner ~ .. The funnyman ol the whole produdlM Is Paul Sullivan; who plafs Vidor Velasco, a middle aged lecher, who wishes be were 10 years oldet becauee he feels that "mlddJe. a&ed men get away with ao much more. 11 Sullivan rips up the audience -his urbane, dignlftet,I method d chasing down women, lncluding C oc r 1 e • t -· John Moran and J a c i: Hebert have only bit per\s. in the play, but thanks to the e>perl dir.dJng ol Devld ldaiville, Ibey poll3b tbelr patta to pertectioo. ~I could have bee:{l two poten,. tially very dull roles are ~ aiderably br i ghtened up through -introdudlon of humorooa gesllftS. The play is not • "heavyweight" in terms oC philooophical content and will probably never become a claasfc. It's value lies purely in its ability to hep people amused. Five more weekend,, ot "Barefoot" remain, exceptine Good Friday, A~il 4, at the Bam, 2110 Main St., Hun- ti!lli<Jn Beach. ,lta.11.S U111ltd Ar11111 -1111 5#00"'-=-:9 -............ DllOey Wlafw;......NI"'""' More 'Late' Shou's Set Five more showings of "Half Past Late ln Worr derland" have been scheduled for lhil weekend by the Chlldrens Theater Guild of Newport Harbor. 'Middle of tlw Night' A.uditionsAnJWunced * .......... ldtrtlctt.. ..,. ....... , ""J. C9" .................... "' ... htrwce .. Uff .... c .... s..-, ""' 2 , .... ltt. Sllew Stwrtl 6145 Set for the Lyceum Theater of the Costa Mesa High School, the musical adaptation of Lewis Carroll's claulc children'• book will be staged at 10:30 a.m., and 1 and 3 p.m. on Saturday'. Sunday's The cast includei Mmes. Donald Carr as A I i c .e ; Ladislaw Reday as the Queln; Mark Matthew• as the White Rabbit; Don Paul u the Cheshire Cat; Ka Im an Spelleticb Jr. as the Mad Hat- ter and James Macy and Dan. ny McKeever as Tweed1e Oum and Tweedle Cee. There are 20 children in the cast. Tryouts for Paddy Cbeyef1ky'1 drama "Middle of the NJahl," the final pro- ductloo ol the IMM9 aeuon at the Oolta Mesa Civic Playhoue, wil1 be held Sun-- day and Monday eveni~. . .. Resident d!rector P a t I Tambelllnl wlll rtago the _., ol a yo1mg homewife "1lo falla ill love wUh a mlddlwged -er. A cut ol eigbl women and three men ls rr, qulml . 'Mte auditions will be held Country Show at s p.m. both days at the Corrununity Center aud1torium Coming Sunday on Ille Orange county Falrgmmds. The play wlll Country-west.en music fans open May 22 for three weekend1. are expected in large numbers--------- from all U'I« So uthern Colifomla -y at the Anaheim Convmlcn Center when Bob WUll besdllnes o ''Weltem Swing Show." Gloomy Gus Tells ii As You See it t\1<1-rnesa -;-. ,·. t f • '" '• •• , STARRJNQ 1IE CWSICS II• JqE Slim •-SIAlll ~f\'JP• 1-'l /\N(I l!flf.'!11•!' '; '•'',f/\ ~'!'•/\ 'TELIPHONE 541·1552 POI INFOIMATIOM THE GREATEST ADVENTUR OF THEM ALL! WALT DISNEY'S m wans mn sr.111Y1111 w1 Wl1I ilniCIBl • nE --_,,. r.Ai. EH.JOY UllUlllTm USE CW ALL DISlllYIAND ADVEllTUllES MD Amw:'llOHI (--C •llllte!> \ J ___.\ _____ } _____________ ~-----' I ,, • Soloists Balaneed Coneert \ i I . Perform Splendidly The Envelope, Please Writ.er Predicts, Explains Oscars In Orange Coast Concert By VERNON scorr .. -In tile put !or "The HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -It's 111r• faca ol Eve," pined nit!J griUy time bl Ol<arilnd. Ille etunlly ol the rulll colon~ Predidklns and wa,er1 bavt1 been made, htdied on, and 'l9btn lbe announced ahe wou chqed on the Winnen ol not appear at tbt <>sc ar thlf year'• Aoedemy Awards. teltcalt i.au1t.bu buaband, Redsrave with ber anll- "-kan attitude ha• mad< mare entmla llDOlll the AClld<my rank and Ille lhan W-ard. 11 TO~I BARI.IV ., ....... , ... ...., Our spoll~t 1oday II ~ two clilllnClllbd m<lllbO:_\ ol Ill< Oraqe Oout co ... Community srm,Dbcin? Orcbellr• and lllelr coatrlbuUom to a ~ did much to <Obince ., almdY COOllderable IWldlU ol lhiJ dedicated, d•- eoaemblt. . ~ fOl"'Oard Laurie ~ comb and ThomU H~ be our flUON for a belaW. but rlcbl,y -...i u1ra bo.!' and this writer's penonal 'I': $de.for~ JemiUve aid Nu.nt performances &mday jii Ille Orange Coast CO!leae auditorium. And let us not omit maestro JOl5eph Pearlman from the final reckorWng. He achieved a. rapport with his soloist8 fu which each pajd tribute i.lXI he extracted from hi! orchestra a perfonnance that w11s a! varied in its offering as it was beautifully balanced. Mrs. Whitcomb's flute was Q,eard ·to great effect in Q idyllic, deeply moving work that was unfamiliar to us before this concert; Charle! Tomlinson Griffes' "Poem." She completely captured the subdued, haunt i ng im· pre5Sloni&m ol this lovely work in an ideally pacM in· terpret.atioo that won splendid backing from Pearlman and Ns orche.tra. DEEP AFFF.CJ'ION P.trs. WhHcomb, p I a y i n g * * * Coffee Kitty Aids Arti.sts . Tho6e coffee 'n cake col- leagues of the Orange Coast College Symphony Orchestra did it again SW'liay with an intennis&ion program that poured coffee in the cups of concertgoers and flO into the crchestra's coffers. The refreshment efforts of the group -they withhold their names-have now~ded IJ'5 to Dr. Jnoeph Pearlman'• am.ts fund. Th<lr donalion! are added to funda used in payment of. sotoi!b perfonn· ing at OCC conct.rts. Backing the ef£orts of the "plunteers Sunday were a group of tralnee air hostesses, a1J students in the 00::: trainlngpn>lnlJI. wilbOut a ICOl'e, lnjected into her delivery an obvious deep a!fectlon for a work that is allied, in many of its subtle nuances and tooal'beauty, to Delius and which i3 not unlike Debussy in its · lltoughtlul phrasing and sem.i·abstract scoring. . No less immaculate was Henderson's rendlUon of that happy, carefree concerto Mow1'1 Cmcerto for Oboe and On:bestra. Our 10loist demonstrated. a uimplete in· t.imacy with a score that is, for all iU breezy cuiviviality, a difficult and complex asatgn· ment and he came through in our book with .Dyinc colors. A special mertion f<r this Jawyer--musician for h i I faultloss handlin1 ol those demanding tolo passages in that gl«i.ous adagio non trop. po. A fine pctbn1ance, Mr. Hend61Cll'I, and we hope it will not be long before we again hear your rweet obie from Ult :soloiJt'a point of honor. Our soloist! had b e e n preceded with what w e thought was an exceptional delivery of Deli.us' "Air and Dance," a work that is very dear to the heart of this writer and which had, of counie, been awaited with tome interest. We had had no fears for Jt.5 safety in the hands o f Pearlman'• orchestra and we were rewarded with a faithful r<productlon ol thi! grac.tu~ subtly scored w<rk.. The rematned, poetic Delius was in sharp contrast to the bold almost strident -but nonetheless magnilk ent - 11oussor11ky masterpiece with which Pearlman chose to open his concert -that grand old pipe.opener, "Night on Bald Mountain." We had, if you will for;ive the pun, a hair·rai.sing mo-- ment « two in the openinng Crossword Puzzle ACRO SS ·t F1sttntf' S Ca1\andtr, 0,l ct1tbrltr. lnf0t1111I 10 Faclal ftatll't I C Soft •ud 15 Rt111ovt sttln; 1' Otbauchet 17 At or on: 2 words 18 Tli1t is: 2 words 19 ••-ofl!" ?.O CO!lle b1t k 22 Started doing but*iess again 24 Pol,nni111 t11estmil Z' Ft111lnlne n111e 27 Clroa lMO tlffOfl: Abbr. 30 Kind of Uzi rd l Z Goof: Z wcrds 36Pmut prod"' 37 Descends In grtat q1.111nlltles )41 coatfd stttl 10 o .. to' of •z KMd of "'1• 44 Fhttd IN'tr of 1otaUon 45 GethOM sate I' '47 HoustJ!old Item 4~ Old • • • SO Grew vigorous ly 5Z "Essays of -···" 53 "lell done!'' SC "Go" Of ''dt", e.g. S' Color 58 Sovereign authority Yesterday's Puzzle Solve~ l/26/69 '2 Disconnttt an appliance ''Augury 67 Format lmrn I Certain JS River to employee Arnertcans tbt Great l 69 Unsolltd ff Grand-· ' Stave 70 lfttll lD More 31 E1ti1111tt "' 71 Fttnchn!;an's lnfon11I yield or nlfllt 11 Etiulne lotolnt ar• 72 An lnferr!d color 41 Sa5Jc1fch1w111 ctncluslon 12 Buct~'a for one 73 Ending used river 43 Bon •lvantl with mignon 13 oandllio", •• SllOOtb altd 111Jnion t .11• 41 llln11 ln 74Thinks Zl"Fl'Oll byway of '' Waver --to rthn ,,,,,,.. 51 ..... OOIN 23 Asll I 55 Clrfltd r••iltffly 57 -clus ~ 25 Dnult II SI SIHP l 11\d .... Z Flowet 3 City olt the Doll 4 Put off • 5 --U111 'G1111• conntdi•t 1 RJ~f IO plSI .,,, .,,.,,,.,., , .. ~ • ligld1y 2 wWls s• Skip 2:7 IMt cut MJ Not11t rufft:i 21 Lttttr 61 Group of 2' Pwt of phn.H!llJ ltOllllllve 63 QgW's dl•btt MCdlilJ 31 Cop1lnnt '" ~ 3J lffltrn 6S Studf of U.$. cllJ roch: ....W. 34 Tiii act •I En11int: ti•• A.Mir. --------~- So S1rellaod wlna. Not only tllla -ad mal-y ol Iba -reperioln. A,11<l'<!, heft, loll ,,. fara<t, abou\ the ollan ...,looUd and tr.- quatJ u n a u n c percuaioo deplrtment-lhey ..... beard to lellbJi ti!ICI lo I b e Mouuarplo> aad -...i AU entries In Ille bi& Paul N•""!"'• had DOI bttn cateaorJes are up ror gra bs nominated Ill belt d.itector for ai never before. Picturea and "Rachel, Rlcbel.'l --the --loat, but beca111e Ille picked up • mediocre movie, ' ' F u n n y Girl," and turned it ln(o an il1uminaUn1 ptrtonal triumph. She iJ alto nctUnc. pro- v o c at Ive, fr t sh •nd ntWIWorth)'. petfonnances among t h e Bad rorn1 •. Sour Grapes and nomloees are so un.lveruUy all that. hlP pnlM far -· p"llld wort 1D the orcheaen.11 auperb flnele .• 'llllt clooln& -k WU 1Umaty-Konatov11 •'tlpriCd Eapapol" and tllla· rlcbly aoo<od, nlrU,,. muterplOco bad Ille -. pulllq out all Ille l(opo ln a well cboom -clooer. Pwlman'• demancS1nc baton was Vf!f1 much in evkttnee here in a briak, wnlentless airing of a work that 111 as famed for its vivid, tonal luster as it is equally mown tor its bola, almost phyllcal clamoring. II "!Joa In Winter," O'Toolt and Stt<lland loae. fp>re the above. good that one muat er:amine Hepburn _;nd Neal are both the motive!, sentimentality, ..Wtntal favontee, bu( both le\lde and palSlons ol lbe all'Mdy bold Olc&r1. Nor can v«:er• to come up with mta n-either actrtu be delcrlbed 11 in#ut -not to say educ1ted electrica"r lresh. -,_.... Ir===::!==============::; 'Take Jtfe Along' Let .. begin with . illl! best picture nomineM: "Romeo and Juliet," "FuMy Gtrl," '"n>e Uoo in Win ter,'' "OHvtr" and ' ' Ra cj) e I , Richel" And the winner is -:--''The Llon in Winter ." Explanation. The two bii mu.steals will knock o n e another out. "Raebel, Rachel" hasn 't a pra)'er. "Romeo i nd Juliet" has been dooe before . 'Ibe finale to our finale should , and lel ua not ovuJook this richly deserved closing Dwight Allen as a Mexican youth attempts to <:on· brickbat, have been the return vince Susan Burns to take him back to America ol Pearlman and the orchestra with her in this scene from "La Turista," opening for at leul Iii calls. F riday for three weekends at South Coast Repertory What they got was the meek _in_C_O<ta __ M_e_sa_. _____________ _ Next the best a c t o r nominees: Alan Arkin (The Heart is a Lonely Hunter), Al8.n Bates (The Fixer), Ron Moody (Oliver!), Peter O'Toole (The Lion in Winter ), Cliff Robertson (Charly). and mild applause that had marked the end of prtvioU! works and which was as astoniahlni U it Wat in· furiaUng. It was not, we took paim to discover, due to any lack of enthusiasm for the caliber of the performance: it wal!I limply pure lazines5 on the part of an audlence which got far mote than value for its money but couldn't be bothered to show its ap. predation in the one way that meaM '° much to the perfonnenrs. And a final, friendly word r o r o u r c o ncertmaster , Andrianne Geiser. It i s clllloo1ary In !be COllC<1"t ban. to acknowledge, if only with a brief bow, the ovation that greets: your appearance. It is not the CU8too1 to take your seat with no recognition of that applause and with your back turned to the audience throughout the maneu ver. Courtesy belonp on both sides ol the (ootligl>t<. Now TV Commercials Are Really Monstrous . The envelope, please. Best actor is Peter O'Toole. Expla nation. They v.·ere a 11 great, but Bates was in a little-seen film. And Moody, Arkin and Robertson, ' like Bates, are all first Ume nomin<e:!. This is O'Toole's third shot. Prtviously he wu oominated By JERRY BUCK Sanctwn voice, he s 1 l d • f<r "Becket" and "Lawrence ··welcome to the Ford torture of Arabi.a." NEW YORK (AP) -Would Moreo\'er, O'Toole has been from test. We'll take your car and you buy 1 used car twict nominated for playing Count Dracula? That may be put it through all kinds of the same character. King the coming thing in television torture -yoo know , things Henry 11, each time portray· commercials. like that. Another company ing the English monarch ln "The next big thing 'ls is building a whole food pro-totally different fashion. ff dul't around monsters. Emotional Hollywood voters monster!." Allen Swift pu ed are likely to cast their ballots quietly on his cigar until Lhe "It seemed like l do at for a two-time loser rather guffaw! subsided. •'I 'm least one a day ," Swift said. than for any in the crop of serious," he said. "You're "Listen, you ~ave no idea how rookies . going to see a lot of monsters fUMy it is. You'd think Always the most interestin&: in commerc .. la." · '"A be f everybody is t a p p i n g race is tu.; st .actress o Swift, a round.faced man everybody Jse'! telephone the ye.ar. No m 1 n at e ~: with a ginger<01ored Van e _ Katharine Hepburn (The Lion Dyke, should know what he's lines. in Winter), Patricia Nea l (The I ' - ... ,_. ., ' j 11 • • a•ACIH \t£Y. l j llll!flltlll MUNT•N•TON •IACH" .. l'·tOO lll'llilml OSCAR NOMINEE CUFF ROBERTSON ft.!: "W>Y IN CfMEMT" 'TitlS PICTURE HAS A MESSAGE:--- Watchout! 20th Cenluty·Fox presents 100 RIFLES A MARVIN SCHWARTZ Production SPECIAL SATURDAY P.T.A. SHOW -11:30 p.m. "Further Perils Of Laurel & Hardy''-All Sutt 50c talking about. He's bee.n the ''There are three ad vertising Subject was Roses). Vanessa voice on more commercial! agencies after this one ar.· Redgrave (Isadora). Barbra that anyooe else. At last count count. One's got it and is Streisand (Funny Girl), Joan- the number had passed 30,000. trying to hang onto it and ne Woodward ( Ra c h e 1 ,IP.-------------------1 "I did a movie v;ith Boris two others are trying to get Rachel). Karloff and Phyllis Diller call-it away from them. By coin-The winner is B a r b r a ed 'The Mad Monster Party' cidence l did the presentation Streisand. by process of and I did all the other monster commercial& for all thret -elimination. v<lices," he said. "I gues& it and, can you believe it, all Joame Woodward , already was Karloff's last movie. three came up with virtually Singer Ed Ames halls now "I don't know il this I.'! Uie same kind of monster ap- joined the April lineup of stars sparking it ot what. But ln iroach." appearing in Melodyland's two are three months you're He laughed. ''The thing I'm spring celebrity seriel. going to see these monster afraid of is they're 1olnc to Set lo appear at the commercials." blame me for leaking it to Anaheim showplace for one Slipping into an Jn n er each other." week, beginning Tue ad a Y, -====================,II April 15, Ames will be joined i on stage by pianist Peter Nero. Previously announced for April were Bill 1Co1by (April 1-6) and Juliet Prowse and the Four Tops (April S.13). ........ li.,.nl Tickets for all Meldoyland performances are available at the box oUlce, 'by mail and at all agencies. '""' flrill1r1 SllNllllll rlttl IM -"' 1:)1 ,..M, -TMlltD SHfl T:!:ll -M6-INJ lW N•,wt l lW.. MeM ,..-"lHE LION IN WINTER"-...._ Nominated for 7 Academy Awards BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR + BEST ACTRESS Peter O'T oole Katharine Hepburn BEST DIRECTION + ~~!j£~,W~Y Anthony Harvey James Goldman BEST MUSIC SCORE John Barry BEST COSTUME DESIGN Margaret Furse ............... #/00 ........ PETERC!.!QQ!:§ ~ KATHARINE tlir.fil!~ lHE UON IN WINTER ·-.IS! MAIL ORDERS NOW SOflOULI OI f'Mf'OltMANCU & "'ICU .... -All su.n 1taurvtD l ... ........,.., MA1.-'8AflM.......,.a......, PM JUI ~ af ........ ,,.,...,. .,.. 11.11 -TIMT*"ll.Jl1• ...... , ... PM JIM ... , • ~ 1\1111-A1 ... ..... SS..-, ....... ., ...., ........... .., ..... '1• "fttaft .. M llll.l "1 llUfllPll ICM.lfOMll-IMIC et .. 1W l9flll lllll If, -"1 lllTWIL TICKIT "9llltlU _.,... .U.ll'I."" --........... LIUtitll) IOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY 12 NOON· f l'.M. 11!1 I 11t MtMy Si.- "Swias Family Roblnton" ... "Run, Appaloose, Run" c...w ... ... s.t •• s ..... M ... ,1....._1,.-. w•-ff s AUlhnoy Aw•retl JI.,,. G•rnrJI" COLOlt ,.&UND PllX"' '--" M•,....lrl COLOlt "THI DIRTY DODN"' "It" aAT•o Ht -_.. It N111ltftlll _,.,,_, Wltfl ,fftllt ... Alll11ft ...,..i.,i Jllll •-ltAQlltl Wtleft.GM.r "100 11,Lll" l"r1nll $1n.lr1 COLOll: "LADY IN CIMINr' -·· -· 147·JHl c .. v .. T•-• or roOdcty H•rtll•r COi.Oil "PrT OP HOllOI" "" ''TlllOI CllATUllS FIOM THI OU.YI" Tllll ""',."' .. Mt .. ki.11 "'"""' Grlttllfrl COlOlt "AHOIL IN MY POCKIT"' Jtfwl WIYM COlOll: "HIWl•HTlll00 ahk ,.,..!rt Ill I .. ~-,.­"CHAUO" t.!0\'11 1""9tt COLOll: 'iHI DAlllN• •AMI" ••• • • • COAST HWY. A MACARTHUR BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0710 Paxton Qulgley's crime FOR ONE was passlon ... and his WEEK lfllnlshment ONL YI fits exactly! He's the exhausted captive ·ot three young ladies, with a unique idea of revenge. NOMINATED FOR 4 ACADEMY AWARDS Including BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR --· 'BEAUTIFUL! The en1ire film is 1 poem ot youth,lovt anti violence: .. a R1n1issarn:1 recapitulation of 'West Side Story' playtd wllh pure 1968 passlonr -PLAYBOY 'I .. •• ---1-••,..-.iwravm•,.,.• ~ ll-l-•l--l--l--••11111-.... _. ___ .... ,.-=---·--- • \ • l Electoral Poll Pla.nned Sown ro Test Nixon WASHINGTON (UPI) -A Senates u be om m It tee is preparing to poll about l ,000 st.ate legislators to test Presi- dent Nb:oo's claim that the sLales woold not ratify a con- stitutional amendment pr~ viding for direct popular elec· lion of the president. S u b committei:: chairman Birch Bayh (D-lnd.), who ravors the direct election method, Is behind the poll, He hopes for a good showing for the plan among state legislators, which w o u I d slrengthen his efforts to steer such an ame.ndment through Congress. Nixon and m a n y con· gressmen argue such a course would be futile because the plan would not get past the states even if it cleared Congress. Constitutional amendments must be ap- proved by two thirds of the House and Senate and then ratified by three fourths of the state legislatures. didacy threatened to deny a clear ma;ortty ol electoral votes to Nixou or vice presi- dent Hubert H. Humphrey. In that case, the election would have been ~ into- the ~ouse W'bere eac~ state would have east one Vote for ~sident regardless of Its pOpu.Jation. As it turned out, Nixon defeated Humphrey by 30'l .electoral votes to 191. Wallace got 45 but ran strong enough in other atateJ to raise the possibility of a future elec· toral deadlock. 4 BASJC PLANS Four basic plans are before the House and Senate sub- cominittees trying to draft an accept.able amendment Each plan rai.ses questions not only about i ts ac- ceptability, but about other problems. For iMtance: -€o\Jld an election day storm in some states determine the outcome of a close election? Theory on Elections I now appears to command the ' ~Uonal amendment and most support in CongrHll but only ts st.aw a.re needed to le911 than the necessary tw~ 'cttteat tt. •• thirds vote of. the House and • Senate. Another plan b e I a r e Nixon's message to Coogress would reU.Jn the Coogress Feb. 20 said he present system of eount.ing believed the candidate with electoral votes but uslgn one. the highest popular vote vote to each coqreaional should win but that "prac-district and two to the'-Ute ticaUty demands recognition at large. Crltia complain that that the electoral system is lhe plan would re t a In deeply rooted in American weaknesses of the present history and federalism." He system by cowiun~ ~ eJ.ec. doubted that abolition or toral 'otes on a WJnqF-t.ake- substantlal change in tM. eleo-all biiSis ~h on a snlaUer toral vote syp.em cou¥ win sea.le. , appl'0\'81. · ~ Richard. Scammon, lonner ,. Census 6ureau director and QUOTED JOHNSON now head al the electi<l'l!I· Nixon quoted PresidenrLyn-research bureau, aaid the don B. Johnson 's 1005 Cate-district system also contains ment that the present s}1tem a built-in bl.as a I a 1-n st oC counting electoral votes-was Democratic candidates. Of an essential part of the !ederaJ.1 congressional distrJcts carried system. Other critics of "the by margins of •more than popular vote plan quote the 50,000 votes last year, be said, late John F. Kennedy's doubts H b t th•-•-of \·oiced in a 1956 Senate debate ump rey won wo-11 ~ them and Nixon only' one-Dol,lars by the Bawketful 1.hat any proposal abandoning third. · rec~nltlon of the federal Joe Hamblet, executive director of Newport Beach system would be approved. The fourth plan, recom-United Fund (center), accepts buckets of cash do-- DAILY l'ILOT ll1tf l'Ml9 ... ser, student body treasurer. Harbor High students raised $702.92 for United Fund through dance, cake sale and other campus activities. CONCEDING NEED Nixon, whlle conceding the need far electoral reform. has settled for a far Je ss ambitious approach. But Bayh. whose co n stilutional amendments subcommittee is considering the problem. contends the direct election method in which e\'eryone 's vole has the same weight is the unly fair plan. -\Vould the plans en- courage an increase in lhe number or political parties in a nation long comfortable with q tw~party system? . Yet a re«nt Gallup Poll mended by Johnson in l965. naled by Newport Harbor High School students from indicated that 81 percent of would retain the present count school Principal Charles Godshall and Laurie Fra- the American people favor s.vstem but eliminate the P,eo---------'----------'----'-'--=------------------------direct election of the Presi-pie who serve as elec(ors. d Il also would eliminate the Sentiment for reform of the electoral system has been growing for some time. But it reached a new peak last vear \\•hen George C. \Vallace's third party can- Forrucr Solon Namc<l to ICC -Would a change bring pressure for unlform national voting standards in place of those now largely under state control? The popular election plan '"rht. pr~nt provision to sett!e gives extra power to the e present system gives deadl ocked elections in the smallest states because no each state one electoral vote state has less than three elec-for each member of the House House with each state having and Senate. These blocks of one vote. toral votes. Calculations made for Congress show that each votes range from three each YIELD PO\\'ER electoral voter e presents for the five smallest states Under Johnson's proposal about 7~.000 people in Alaska to 40 for California and 43 and the present system, the and 400,000 in California. Nu.XOD" Bi• a for New York. As the system heavily populated states have Would the small states sur- • " has developed, each state has overweighted power in the cast its entire bloc of electoral render this bonus? They would electioo of a president. Would have to g>·ve ,.t up if -'Flag Fan' votes on a winner-take-au .,,.e the . llin those states yield that power? popular vote in Wyoming is basis to candidate po g Bayh's survey of the to equal one vote in California. a plurality or the popular vote legislatures should indicate The present system fixes \V ASHINGTON (UPI) in !he state. the ~er. lhe electoral vote for each and 2.271 in Idaho. Each state has four electoral votes. Nixon polled 57 percent of the vote in each st.ate but that meant 238,000 votes in Utah and only 1&5,000 in Idaho. .. No system is totally pure," Scammon told Bayh. Sen. Marlow Cook, (R-Ky.), Moon Mission Launch May 18 President Nii on obviously Nixon indicated a preference The present system also state even if it has a low likes flags . for the so--called proportional turuout caused by bad weather \VASH1NGTON (AP)_ The A new One Was -·-· ·~ay plan -allotting each state's or other factors. Bayh worries u . . · --· ~ Ject I t . rt• Apo 0 10 space nuss1on IS in his office -a small f0 t~popov01!:. ~ot:,rorarr:~~ l s1·ael PiJol about whether stat.es with a scheduled to be launched May low turnout should get that 18 ·th la to ""-" . .\merican flag on a standard to three decimal points. w1 P ns ~"" a man- on hls desk. Reporters were Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard lnJ"uries Fatal protection. ned lunar module wiUtin 10 NO PLAN PERFECT miles of the moon's surface. told that ii was a special C. Kelindienst told the sub- WASHINGTON !AP) -Ex· gift "from friends." committee that this plan z UR IC H, Switzerland, He found that the pro-No attempt at a moon Ian- congressman Donald Jackson Another, full-size American would be "a good strategic Yoram Perez, the Israeli portional system would have ding will be made, the Na- of Santa Monica was sworn as ·well as ideological com-trainee pilot wounded during given Nixon 2.260 electoral tional Aeronautics and Space reported that a fellow· senator, wtiom he did not ideritify, was unwilling to support t h e popular vote plan ~ause his !tate had a minimum voting age of 21 while Cook's Ken- tucky gave the vote to 18-year- olds. Thus the popular vote plan presumably would c r e a t e pressure for national voting standards and make it Jess acceptable to the legislatures. MORE AGREEMENT There is more agreement on abolishing individual elec- t.ors and keeping a deadlocked election out of. the House with the one-state, o n e - v o t e formula than any of the broed plans. ~tisslssippi in 1960 and n[ runaways like the North Carolina elector who.voted for \Vallace although he was on the Nixon slate. Generally, proposals for averting deadlocks w o u I d recognize as the winner the leading candidate who polled at lea~ 40 percent of the popular or electoral vote. If no candidate received 40 percent in a field of three or more, new pf9posals call for a runoff election or the selec. lion of a president in a joint session of the House and Senate with eacb member casting one vote. In all U.S. elect.ions, only John Quincy Adams, Rutl1erford B. Hayes and Ben- jamin Harrison have won the presidency while polling fev.·er popular votes than rival can- didates. in Thursday as a member nag, the rE:Sidential nag and promise." He said there was an Arab commando raid on votes in Utah last November Administration of the C military nags also decorate li"l · J t · -;;------------------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;========•• Interstate ommerce Nixon's office. "e congressiona suppor 1n-an El Al jetliner at Zurich's 11 Commission. dicated in the South for the Airport Feb. 18, died in Eliminating individual elec· tors would prevent the election of unpledged electors like tho.5e chosen in Alabama and Atty. Gen . John N. Mi tchell The President also has popular election plan. hospital today. adm'·n,·stered lhe oatl> ,·n a started using the Military p 26 . ed th Color Guard to lead the way PROSPECTS DTh1 erez, , rece1v ree White House ceremony, with down Ute grand staircase for "If this is indicative of local bullets in the stomach during · President Nixon looking on. receptions at the White Hou se. ratification prospects, then na· the raid by three gunmen and Jackson and Nixon both en-And the CQlor guard now also tional ratification prospects a girl from the Popular Front tered Congress at the s:;.ffie forms a backdrop for the also are dim," Kleindienst tor the Liberation of Palestine. time, as members of V..e0 80th President and Pitrs. Nixon for said. "This is true because One of the gunmen was shot Congress. Jackson is a their receiving lines at formal 38 states must be persuaded dead by an Israeli Security Republican. parties. to support a direct election agent during the raid. -=====7"":__~~--'-----~~~~~----.::.2.'.---------------------=-==~ J AIR-VENT BUY FROM THE OLDEST AND LARGEST ALUMINUM CO. IN THE WEST. AWNING I AIR·YENT GIVES YOU MORE • BuJ FactOl'J Direct • No Sub-Contractors • Local lnslallalions Factor, Trained Experts NO MONEY DOWN 110 PAYIEllTS 'TIL SEPT. 1969 ' 4 DAYS ONLY CALL NOW • • • FOR FREE HOME ESTIMATES Our factory h'ained •xpert• giv• you complete: lay-cwt & planning .erv-ic• 2'.~ln your home FREE OF CHARGE . ' • • I I •• s • ot rth for on or 1 d the Jed the '° or for ec- 1int md ,., nly s ' en- lhe ter an- - ! 'It' I ( J '. t '> ~ : i -· J:GG II CIS £_... .... ti> ':(JI .· '!\'lit. Cnlnki\L IZJ"""" .., Llllllf•fta •'fl))~~ m.-':Jll q;, . 11)11J! .. _ ... flD"" -.... (30) .... ilil llrowth... liln. SJM• .... ind p111ftt·ld11Cttion t.-Bttty Smith dilCUll IOdll ~ Ill dllldrt11. 11t III -•-IC1 IE W1idlrtlll (C) al T,.. • C1 U••• (C) I .. T,. « r.C11-; -II (q (JO) Ql -M-(IOJ l~llllJM1•-t1•- '"" tiimt) ·-.-. ·-...... (30) tllb c-tl 1111 ' leni. ''" "'""" ""' .. -(CJ ,:i ••• ·-Ill ::. ltlts aftll Gtlrll • C I u• .... ltlnl A ·-IC> (30J __ .. _ ... (Cl r ~ lJ P r, Ll r. ' Cl.I' THIS Al T.V. 7.50 AND SAYI OMYOltllllY~CAU I I.,....,..., ... , IM RCA • Wll&•YICI mlltM ....................... , 642-9742 275 r. 17111 ST., COST A MHA STIU.. Fll\ADING LOI'!> PW5~- 80TTOM1S COUflTSHIP l.!TT~I<$? •i ,I -,, ______ ~---------'------ •• \ .. ~, TELEVISION VIEWS CBS Tough On Mondays ly RICK DU BROW J • HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The real wonder of CBS-TV's M~t series Hneup is not merely that it is 8Dr' · Htiftgs-getter, but that it is a fine con.Aloft of~l\Pf. popular 1hows. ' ' . TQi,""" ~aeries in the lineup, "Gunsmoke" and the ·Ludlle Ball program, are, In fact, much more th~ just ordlllarlly entertaining shows. Both ,ho.~e '*<lllle ,enulne additions to the tradition and lofe~of itie~rican entertainment businees. The ·ta¢t :\ii.t ~i\ltwo landmarks of showbiz are pre- 'ientilll'llacf;tl>-back •each week gives CBS-TV's Monday nighll tomethlng rather remarkable just \fer openers. ..---.,. .. --~M ... SWIVE~. 15 IT AT THIS POINT, I think it is fair lo say that f7"'1 POSSl81.-E 10 SUt: A 11GW1Smoke11 is no longer just a fine Western, or HU$/fANC> FOft merely the best series on network television each l!l!EACH OF f'llOMIS!? .week, which it is. I think it is safe to say that "Gun- smoke" is a permanent American classic which gets better all the time. We tend to take a week1y ~ 1 yi~eo series pretty much for granted, as perhaps ,1 some lower fonn of entertainment -which is too often true. , • ,But I venture to suJgest thet, along with a ~ )Wldful of great cowboy movies such as "High ·Noon" and "Red River," the weekly 0 Gunsmoke" series ranks with the gr.,.t film weJtems of all ;-ttiqe. It's consistent excellence is nothing short of .. ,. ly Tom K. Ryan \ · · 'dntastic In a deadllne business. ~'f~~~~~~'l"l'/ r-,-A-IN'f-PER--FE-CT.-, Y-'KNOW--...1. , ASKS A !WIK ifUER 10 HANP OVER 1\lE JACK~mf I SMILE AN' SAY'~~§ ~'WllEN 1 GUN DOWN ~.rorfl' I SI« 'THANKS LA!!'., HAVE A 600!1 TRIP' I THINK It is also safe to suggeot that James ~~s, the "Marshal Dillon'' of the aeriu, n.nks 1 Will! the all-time Western he~s 1uch as Hopalong Cassidy, Tom Mix, G_ene Autry, Gary Cooper and John Wayne. '!be lunlptng of ArneBI with all these is. \l)erely in terms of fame, for as an actor be is liJbt years better tlian Cassidy, Mix and Autry. AFTER l<ll'l'IN' A ~~= LOUP!Aecrf CAN 81! OHL'{ SO MINP&.'f.I, ... ·---- The place of Mtibum Stone and Amanda Blake, the "Doc" and "Kitty" ol 11Gunsmoke,11 is likewise 111'!1 in American shaw busineSB blstory. And the sOlldity of ll:e series ls indicated when one eo111lders -how important DemUs Weaver, formerly "Cheater" In the show, was before he ':I.ult -yet the replace- m~t character, Ken Curtis "Festus.'' has been )*'lectly splendid so that Weaver no longer is Dilssed. MISS BALL'S ccmedy series, meanwhtie, is not .fO qtemorable for its individual shows as it iJ for the fact that we are privileged to see, each week, oce of the great stars and talents that Ute nation has ever produced. The eplsOOes a"' conslstenUy enjoy- li:~"lll able, of coune, but mainly because of Miss Bell's .C<Snedy, energy and performing genius. I .. Dennis tlae Menace DIMES TO DOLLARS SJMMI "-" M••• 4•11•"• C1tl MJ.&671 f1, t.1i. with 111 11. ••P•f'l•l•1, tur1-nr1 DAILY •ILOT Ol1t1•·•·Lln1 1 . \. ' I' I' I •, I I l I I -I L ,, ' ' • ' • • ' • PRIU'WAl, · • 0·1sCOUNT ' j ' • l ' 'l969 ROADRUNNER 2 DOOR 4 doW, MIY ..,, Wllll all .,_ °"''-' I~ 1xtr• lrw:lllC!lfll FllH "°"""' Air-., ""4. AultfMflc etc:. kftll1 .... ' CE41G9Cl4'06 --;-ROADRUNNER HEADQUARTQ$ FOR ORANGE COUNTY ?7 TOTAL ?7 TOTAL ~DOWN Mb NTH LY " PAYMENT '"ATMENT IMMEDIATE DEUVERY Fully laclory eq1,1I~ wllfl VS efllillnf, front " '"' 1r11 bells, Mater, pallded dash, 11lety rim . wh~l!, backup Jlllhl'I, .ilOlllder harness, wlnd1hltld w,uht r., out11d1 mirror, Hl-perlormanc1 c1m WI!, special Roadrunner lmfllnla, hHYY duty !ton! " rear suspension, Don't Forget! At Lee W~ite's NO PAYMINTS * NO" U.tLOO.H P,:4.YMEHTS * NO -SIDE LOANS * NO PICKUP PAYMENTS -. shOdr,1, n1avy duty bra~es. fully urpe!ed, u1ed, lcw mlluga. (Y881176l Yes, yci;•vr read correctty, $11 Is the total down pvml, arid 111 Jotal monlflly pymt, Including lilX, lkense a. all carrying cnar~ on approved crldlt for only 1or1y-elgh1 months, Hot -per111y more 'Tll JUNE 1'961 . VOlUM! SELLING " MEANS VOWM! SAVINGS 11 ·CARS ·11 SUPERMARKET PRICES S ACRES Of NEW & USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ... '""" ~-ttfl "" ---- . '64. JO~ Gat 500 · S6f7 $23 * $23 t door llflrdtop, •lllO!Tlllk;, power 1!terlng, DN MO radio, he<rte~, H~R ~ .. ;", FULL PRICE · • . $29 * $29 DN. MO. * $36 MO. * $46 FUU PRfE DN. MO. '67 Chet. Impala $1577 $53 * $53 GOLD Sl!"1. CAJI. C01Jpe'. Power "erl"!!J .wim1t1c, !Wdlo. FUll PRICE l\ffler, WSW. ITGN-l l WMllHd•r. Marth 26. 1-~1 DN. MO. '62 v.w. •&&TOYOTA '65 v.w. lhdoo, Mater, ' •-C,_ C"''""' W-. ~ Ooor, R1dl11, ~rer, ' _..i, NPR 27'. lladle. h-r. SVF JU. RPP Jl7. $477 '"11 Prl(e $677 '"11 Pr1c• $877 '"11 Price 116 * $16 $23 * $23 $29 * $29 ON. MO. DH. MO. ON. MO. 66 v.w. '65 v.w. ·~4 Y.W. 4 IQffll, r•Olo .. Mlllr. ,.wte(I, radio, ne1rtr. V~rlant 1500 Wigen 4 ~peed, IRZK 07') RGU 111. l>ell!tr. 05U '75. $877 F~ll Pric• $777 $877 :.;i:. 129 * $29 $~6 * $26 $29 * $2! ON. MO. DH. MO. On. Mo. ' '63 DODGE · '63 PLYMOUTH '63 DODGE D•M. A.T., 111.H, Pwr. lleer, Furv 2 dr. H.T Radio. hn!1r, Dart G.T, 2 <toor h1rd!ll'P. Auto. 158 :no. 1~0., PoWtr 1teer. tEYC.Q6Q) Rtalo, h111 ... FJT 1114. $Jn ·~11 $477 Full $477 Full Price Price Price $13 * S13 $16 * $16 $16 * $16 DN, .,D. DN. MO. DN. MO •. '63 PONTIAC '63 IMPALA '64 CHEY. :no s1arc:111er .,Dr. va. 1~10. 11c, 2 dr. H.T. AU1~. r1afo, M1!lllv S.S. 2 Dr. H.T, V-1 11& 1lr cona., PS., PB, R&H. \PIF• ,.,), ne11tr.,fr: s,;.~~1n111~1crory Ii, llvc>.rt ~1!1 J; COMOll, WXKOll. $577 Full $677 Full $n1 Full Price Price Pri'ce $19 * $19 $23 * $23 $26 * $26 DH. MO. ' DN. MO. DN. MO. ANY USED CAR WITH GOLD SEAL 100°/o GUARANTEE GOOD FOR 100 DAYS.OR 4000 MIUS WHICHEVER COMES FIRST '65 Plym. Fury Ill GOlD SEAL 'CAR 2 door hlratOQ. A.T., 11.&H., nor, Jlftr. TNF-1 42- '66 Plym. Barracuda R&.H. 4 S11tiecl. Wl'll'. !UOL M. S977 $33 FUU PRICE ON. s1077s36 * $36 FUU PRICE DN. MO. '65 Plym. Fury Wgn. $1077 $36 * $36 Air toftCI .• P<M.r S!ttrlf\;, I Ul'ln'latlc, ,.. DN MO dlo and M11..-. lllVJ-ol]Q) FULL PltKE . • s1077 $36 * $36 .rg ~ELVEDERE. Power 11ftrln;, 1u!1 .• fUU PRICE DH. MO. • , R&H. Bur It Ille wek.. !VZZ 109). '66 Plymouth \ ' ( \ ' ( ' ' ' l ' • ' ' • ' " ' • ) ( \ I ' I • • I 1 • ' ' ' • • ) ; .. do ' l v t • I • ' j • -.. I ~' I I ·-~ .. • \ j. ,l Th~,.U oker Is Wild -. " • ' BY NANCY McINTYRE DEAR NANCY: I wai married a year qO on April Fools Day. Most girls get married on romantic holidays, but I had to faµ in love. with 1 practical 'joker. While our marriage ceremony was on ~,the lfl;vel, the reception was a "riot of laugl).s."·J ust to give you an idea, my hu!band and his best man wore white carnaUons that squirted champagne. What's more, the groom couldn't resist cutUng the wedding cake with one of those trick limp iili.ves. I knew before we were married that Billy was.·, prank· ster, but' 1(~ he'd give up l this childish business once 1 coWd make him ov'er. I didn 't -·' dream bow bad his addiction was. Every bit of pin money that I give him he squanders , at the joke store. He always promises, of course, that he's go- ing to reform or at least .call Practical Jokers Anonymous when he feel.S a gag coming on, but it's always the same old story. In a few days he's back with the aeepy crawlers and the fake ice cubes. I've talked Utls problem over with ~y . minister, astrologer and hair dresser aJ\d nobody seemS to be able to help me. As if I didn't have enough. woe with the practical jokes, my husband's other passion is food . He really looks like a · barrel of laughs. I have no interest in food and freely admit that I'm a hi>rr· lble cook. ,. .. . \ Blfiy sa'rs he can get better hot dogs than mine Jn the joke store. Despite ~ve.rything I still love him. Can you tell 'me why! DESPERATE BRIDE DEAR DESPERATE:· Cupid Is the biggest practical joker cl them all. One of his best tricks is making opposites attract. It sounds like yOu and your husband have nolhing more in common than t>e.. ing in love. That means you're goin.!( to have to work harder at yoor marriage and try to understand this joker. I have a hunch that a lot of your hus- band's pranks are nothing more than a little punishment he's returning for your attempts to reform him, manage him and starve him. Any wUe who is a hor- rible cook deserves to be shook up with a few creepy crawlers. If you're smart you'll cater k> his ap- petite and tum bis thoughts from pranks to the pantry. You don't have to ·be •a . gourmet•. ook to<.id~~ some . tasty dishes: to · the table. Here, for ixtimple, ·is a fool-proof reCipe for brides who can't cook, The only talent required In this dish is the ·patience to peel and de.vein a pound of shrimp. It cooks in a matter of min· utes and tastes gala enough for a party -or first anniversary· dinner. No fool· ing. Peel and devein 1 pound or medium· sized shrimp. Heat ~ cup butter in a saucepan and add shrimp and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of paprika. Stir shrimp over a hot fire until they curl and turn white in about four or five minutes. (Resist the temptaUon to be a bad cook and toughen these shrimp with over- cooking). When shrimp are done, add 1h cup dry sherry to saucepan. Shake shrimp for a few seconds and remove from fire. Pour shrimp and wine-butter sauce over :four cups 0£ cooked, white rice. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve. ' • t The gay, brlghtly seasoned foods from south of the border accented with the shiny can· ned California ripe olive com· bine to create dishes with uni- que flavor for interesting low budget entertaining. Easily prepared, t b e s e delicious combinations are flavor pointed with c h i I i seaioning and the nut-llke goodness of the· California ripe olive. Influenced by the lei.sure of the sunny climates, these casseroles cook gently and wait for relu:ed diners. . ' FESTIVE NOTE ADDED TO BUFFET TABLE nore to the buffet table. ORe of the most tradltional casseroles from Lhe land of the fiestas is made with beef. beam, cornmeal and chill seasoning. Crumbled, meaty texture canned California ripe olives are added to the beef to enhance the flavor. Just before serving. this casserole, top the ring of cornmeal with plump, canned ripe olives for a flavorsome dark accent. RIPE OLIVE FIFmA CASSEROLE 2 pounds ground lean beef pinto beans ·;· a three-quart casserole with 4· cups tomatO juice t l two-thirds of cornmeal mix- g cups water ture. Spoon in the olive-meat. 3 tablespoons butter bean mixture. S p o on re- 114 cups yellow~cornmeal majnlng cornmeal mixture in Preheat oven to 370 degret:s \ circle around edge. Bake for F. Heat oil. Add beef arid 30 minutes. Garnish with cook until browned. Drain whole ripe olives. Makes 8 olives; save 8 or 10 for servings. garnishing. C r u m b l e • re-RIPE OLIVE maining olives and add to CIDCKEN MEXICALI meal. Stir in chill powder, 1 cup canned California pit· 1 Yt teaspoons salt, garlic and ted ripe olives onion. Cook together for ~ J ·p pound) chicken fryer minutes. Remove from bea~ ~ tablespoons olive 0 r Add beans and tomato julce.4 vegetable oil 2 cupa codked or Canned' peas . ( 1 canned pimiento, cut Imo: strips I ' : Cut rtp. olives Into bal,... Heat oil in large aaucepan. Add chicken and brown wtD. Remove chicken from p111. Add onion, celery, green pep- per and cook ,until tender ~ not brown. Add rice and ~ well. stir In tomato sauce, water, salt and oregano. Brine t-0 a lull boll and Jtlr D>i>tln very well Add ripe olive halves. l/l cup olive oil or salad oil 1 (No. 300) can pitted California ripe olives , 1 3 tablespoons chili powder. 3 teaspoons salt 1 clove garlic, minced 11k cups cnoppea onion A colorful, delicious com- 1:.iination of browned chicken. tomato flavored rice, vegetables and herbs is ll5'f : ttnted for taste and eye 'a~ peal with ripe olives. Serve the chicken and rice in a gay, Mexican inspired casser- ole and let it add a festive · '6 cups cooked or canned Bring 5 cups water to a boll. Add remaining 1 y,. teaspoons 1 cup chopped onion of sa1t and butter to water~ ,lfl,cup chopped celery Stir · remaining 1 cup waiet '4 cup chopped green pepper into cornmeal. Stir moistened ·1 cup Jong grain white rice cornmeal into bolling water. 1 cup canned tomQ.to sauce Cook, stirring constantly, for t¥' cupa water 5 minutes. Cool slightly. . -11/a teaspoons salt Line bouom and side! of )h teaspoon oregano Arron&• chicken on top el mixture: Cover tlghUy and cook over ·low belt; I• about fO minutes or until rice ii tender and liquid ii absorbed, Add peu and coot jult enough to beat pus. Ari'lnl• on serving di.ah arid 1amllh: :~m:_lm,iento. Makes 4-6 Healtn Kick Fed by Fads? By· JU.DY HURST You needn't be a health food fadist to shop in a nutrition store. But it helps. Upon visiting one such establishment in Costa Mesa, it looked like a miniature drug store and deli. While I browsed, others bought. There were several elderly gentlemen and young athletes. Many well dressed young career · women and matrons as well as a few "poor" looking hippie couples rang up staggering bill•l 'The atmosphere was congenial and un· business like. Probably like it was 20 or 30 years ago. And the food! Exactly what my grandparents must·bave been raised on. One section of the stOre was a cool room which featured such delectables as rye grits, rolled oats, oat groats, corn meal, cotton seed oil, peanut butter (no salt added), fresh nuts, dates and vegetables. What are groats? (cracked, hulled grain .) Alter becoming throughly chilled 1 wan- dered past the dairy section with instant non· fat dry milk in bags , racks of book• and food supplements for animals and shelves of low sodium soups, 'imitation catsup and herb teas. Strolling by ·the natural and synthetic vitamin and protein Counter, I suddenly felt ··•tl'O!\ger. The · cosmetics section really captured my attention. There was a 1otion with mink oil blended with deodorized marine life oils and lemon delight eye and throat oil and, of course, turtle oil for dry skin. There is an exotic California fruit utilized for the relief of sunburn' and Irritated, dry and cracked skin which pro- tects against the effects of aging and de-- hydration. This green, fattening "miracle'' lotion. which also is goad on salads and bacon sandwiches is 'labeled avocado moisturizing creme and contains natural avocado oil vita- mins A, D2 and E and has no coal tar's and additives. Now, if you don't care for avocado sUmu· Jati.ng every thirsty pore -try yogurt. A product which claims to take away ~tale makeup and free your skin to breathe ".;tgain and at the same .time softens yoq.r complexion, or so the label claims, is a special soap with the ingredients of Ieci.thi.J\, yogurt, ..sesame, honey, papaya, lanolin, almond and wheat germ oils. And, if you want to make your teeth foamy white and clean there is an imported ,tooth powder featuring egg plant and salt In- ,, gredients. -· I paused to find a chocolate bar to fortify me until lunch. No luck. No chocolates. But there were milk honey bars, "mild" tiger's '. 'Jllilk bars, carlx:rcoated candles and dietetic cookies. Most of. the candies appeared to be rich in vitamins Bl and B and high in pr~ tein. They were made of honey, brown sugar or raw sugar. · At this moment I stopped to envision a prpbable menu from .items I had noticed In the store. (This idea sustained my growing hunger. pangs for only a minute.) Breakfast: a bowl of millet and wheat germ wilb natural maple syrup or a poathed egg on a soya bread slice with banana slices in yogurt or fresh California prunes. Lunch i. half a grapefruit or brussOia ·. sprouts and cabbage slices with a tomato herring sandwich on. protein bread or steanr ed .egg plant slices and baked soy be&111 or a tomato onion salad and honey blueberry or Jinden blossom tea. Dinner: steamed mushrooms and squash and crunchy beef balls, tossed salad, cup of clear soup, fresh peas and rose hips tea. Rose hips tea? (Herb teas or natural teas are taken for ailirl.ents and substituted for coffee. They have nutritional food value, and are good for f<>lds and cougbs. Who get& colds in Southern California?) For dessert I cou)d imagille eating, car• rot or honey ice crearili; ·WhiCb bai'DO llllera or preservatives. (I think I've a1ways been partial to those fillers.) And for those tempt. ing between meal treata one could lip a glass of cold raw milk or organic grapefruit or apple juice, unfiltered with no sugar .or pre- servatives. ' On this note I departed. My lunch was almost enjoyable. TRADITIONAL CASSEROLE FROM THE LAND OF FIESTAS 1 I < I l I I " I I ! I I j j 1 ' -----·---• Dad's Dogs Rate More Than Kids and Mate, Making Her Irate ' . DEAR A!ffi LANDERS: My huabind has sone cruy ovtt Golden Retrlf:ven. He brought the lhlrc1 one home ,..terd01. Every evening after supper he Cott out • to l'11D the dogs. I'm atuck ln lbe house aft dl)' wllh two small chlldrtn. At ni1ht I'm dying to bear u adult voice. ~ be•.goea out to fool ll"OUDd with Jn1rDalL ANN LANDERS Fe<dln( U-bounds ls darned OI· pensive. t could have bad an' ermine jacket with the money he has spent on dog food, ahob and Ucen.ses these last two years. When 1 tdl my bmband he ahould get rid ol the dogs ud P>.Y mote atteolion to me and hi! sons, he say1 l 'm a nag and to keep quiet because be won't do 1t. I have dlscusaed this with my mother, my two ~Im. my 1unt IJld the oeiihhors on both aidel. They Ill agree I am. riahL What do you 11y! -DOG'S UFE DEAR LIPE: Y• may llave 'WOii u.e po0, twit, tM!t .,.,.,,. 1•1 ... lole tloe 1111 H JOI d,fi't llllDle tloe -plolall. ~I Wiiii -..... r1ed me1 do fw ..,..u. JW Uve liWe II !""Y'a"' U..L !Mk II tloe d1y wi... 1-..,_ .,.. IW tloe . boys llllatlq ud kw:Hdm'betfbli'. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I 1!D 1!11 11- year-old who wants to Mow how much of a say...ao in my life my · prlNOb have. ' ., . Acocrdlng to law In this llllte ID tl-yeor .. fd can !tJve home, Id married IJld work 1t any job. But my ~ dM't feel !hit 'I have the rf&b! to I ,- FIRST PLACE -Mrs. John E. Wells of Costa Mesa designed the winning table setting in the annual competilioo sponsored by the Ebell Club of New· port Bea<:b. Themed Aller the Easter Parade Spring Brunch, the table was decor3ted in brown, orange, gold and yellow. Mrs. Welsh was assisted by Mrs. Hank Le!stikow and Mrs. Robert Thomas. Table Settings Reflect Spring Another table setting ex· travaganza is over and the Wednesday Plforning C l u b slwv.·ed itJ imagination and creativity to win first place in the annual event sponsored by the Ebell Club of Newport Beach. Selected by popular vote from a group of 13 tables entered by Newport Harbor area organlu.tions, the win· ning setting was called AJter the Easter Parade Spring Brunch and featured browns, golds, oranges and yellows in the appointments. Second place winner was the Friends of the Library, Newport Beach, with an Easter Brunch theme, and third place honors went to the Friends cf the Library, Costa Mesa, for a Springtime 1910 setting. "{rs. John E. Wells of Costa 1-fesa planned the winning Easter Brunch setting, ~·hich was centered with an &r· rangement of pussywiilow, hemp, strawflowers and eucalyptus. A Belgian Unen tablecloth in a mod pattern of brown and tetra cotta set the color scheme, and brown handmade stone Mexican plates, yellow egg cups, hemp placemats and napkin rings, fruit bowls of kumquats, gold-toned table se rvice and bright yellow and orange enamel tea and coffee pots completed the theme. The $75 first place prize money will be given to Children's Hospital of Orange County through the Punch and Jt1dy Guild by the Wednesday Morning Club. The second place table featured a plni: lab1eclotb, pink hat filled with spring Oowen, miniature baskets of colored Easter eggs, white china, cranberry thumbprint designed cry st a I and miniature hats. declde wbicb.colleae to attend. g your .. ., ~ U yoa feel aa -"1 lboal IL Yot'U pnbll>ly de hellor Ibo if yoa 1• tf a tcltoel yog .. 't like -EXPENSi;:B PAW. IJld at1D be truthful! -LAKE J'ORl!SI' Ttey· HJ that llnce tbeJ are pa · the bliil I mllll ao to the college their choice, It IO h•ppeDI I pref lllOlhercollesel11yhbmyf IJld my life and I om the one who D~ANN , • ·~-•: MGlll b 1 will hi,. to do the llDctYin& ud nllite -·u~ the arldes. They lly college ls I nice -U In the cllur<h, beJpo DEAR LAU: Y-..... ,._ ls I tUO .......... TM!ty. Ill doea ,.. tulal .. belll Walllly lldul, .. ., .. _......, 111ccm•"ll DU u, "I've .._MWtutw.e .•• " privilege IJld I ohoold be thrilled to the ..tall•• ud ~PJ>ors 'llld ii w<U 10 to any place they 1elec:t. thooght el. Bat Mom la DOI what anybody Ajcobol b ... lborlcul to ooclal llltttll. U you thJllk yCN, havt to drink to )>e aeeepted by 'f111Jt lriendl, gel the 1-. Read "Booze and You -For Tetoagers on.Jy, .. by Ann Landen. Send 35 ctnts in to1n IJld '1 Ion 1, stll...tdraled,_ otampe.l eovelope with your req.- I am wtWna W wprk my ·wey through woukl call a pretty woman. If nect1Sary, but"flrlt I want you to When people 1ay to me, "You look lcll me U my porenll have the right just · like your mother," I become ir- to mike the selectloo. U you think rUated. In !ht first place, I dM 't look tllY foib ore rtPt ·1 wlll retbink the lll<t her. Our coloring la almlllr ud q-. -llmEPl!lNl>Da OR ST1JB. • my eyu are llmond-lhapad lllte hon, BORN! but to put it hcme!Lly, I t.1D much DEAR INDEPENDENT: Tiie tllolte • helter lootdill. I feel 11P 1 il)'pocrl)I Uoald be tell to ... stadaL !Work • U,llia "thaJlk you." Whll con I 111 AM Linden will be llad lo belp you with ,.... pniblam. -them to her ID con el the DAILY PILOI', •too-· q I "1f-eddre-, llllmpad eTeiope. Iron Curta in 'Pa rted' Slid~ Tour Enlightens By JODEAN llA8TINGS Of ,.. D911J' "" ... ff Emphaslrlng • people< .. people approach, the Rev, Wendell L. Mlll<!r parted the Iron Curtain and offered an inside peek via slldea and commentary to members and gueats of the Monday Morning Club of Huntington Beach. 1be dlstinguished clergyman with a trimmed white moustache and beard opened , his dbcualon with the com· ' ment lhat what we don'L know about people causes more lrouble than what we do, and strused that "as much as we hate the system, the people are kindly. "Russians remain curious about the American way of llfe -we're still a paradise to the rest of the world," he continued. Pointing out !hit at Umes It WU necessary to bribe guides lo allow hlm to take photographs {"They h a t e capilalism but love o u r capital," he quipped} Rev. Miller carried his audience along on an armchair tour of Russla including Moscow, which he termed the he1rt, and the Kremlin. the head of the Soviet Union. llli first emotional response to the people was that of drabness which contrasted starkly with the richness and ornate design of many of the buildings, particularly those within the Kremlin. "Russian women d on • t dress : they slipcover," he stated. The country boasts many museums and libraries, he ad- ded, but the houses are so small and nondescript that the people use the museums and 'TOUR GU IDE' Rev. W. L. Miiier libraries. Much of the building now going on within the country is facade, and many of the items now displayed in store windows can't be purchased. From his own experience he illustrated an example where one of the larger, more luxurious .hotels in Moscow didn 't ha~ stoppers for the sinks, and in order to hand1e his drip-dry laundry he had to stuff a sock into the drain. They waited more than 40 minutes for service in one of lhe more elaborate restaurants, and when the waiter finally arrived and they mentioned going 30meWhere else, the waiter shrugged and commented, "What good will · it do? The state owns them all." Some ol. hh: most revealing slides were taken within the · five major churebe1 re. mainlng In the M°""""_ oreo. In a country where the leaders have strugaled to abollsh religion, the people continue to attend -many standln1 through the two-hour oervlces. Church interiors w e r e ornate with %karat gold and semiprecious s t o n e 1 u.ted lavishly. 'Ibrqh bis many visits Rev. Mll11r found the people lntelllgen~ curious and Jn. terested r1tber than .holtih. The Methodilt clergyman mentioned one sdenUst he met w~ apelotlzed became his father spoke 13 lancu11es and he was dumb by com- parison since he ooly ljlOke aeven. An active clergyman for more than 42 yelrt and' now a!soclated with the Com- munity Church in Manhattan Beach, Rev. Miller ii a member of the "International Platform AssociaUan" an:d is listed in "Who's Who in Amer- it"a." "Who's Who in the West" and ''Who's Who Jn Methodism." Moose G roup Women of the Moose, 1151, assemble the first and thlrd Thursday of each month for meetings in Moose Home, Costa Mesa. The program• begin at a p.m. and Mrs. William Callaw1y, M&-Utl, may be called for further in· formaUon reaardins mem- bership. l • JUDI DOKTER Wiii Marry Summer Nuptials Planned B e 11 flower Presbyterian Church will be the settln1 for, the July 12 nuptials linkini Judi AM Dotter and Randall Blair Wilson, son of Cotta MW Vice Mayor IJld Mia. Robert M. Wilson. N ew1 of the fortbcomlN: event hu been lllDOWlCtd l>Y. the future bride's pweot.I, Mr. and Mn. Al Dokter Jr. of Bellflower. Miu Dolder is a gri.duate ol Bellflower High School mid attended Cerrito. Ju n I or College and CalHcrnla Slate College at Long Buch. Her f11nce, an a1umnul of Colli MOii Hlah School IJld 0r..,. Co1s1 College, ..ru ar1du1te tr.m CSCU1 -fill. He ls 1 blllinell major. New C la ss Di sc ussed Springtime 1910, the third place winner, had an old fashioned spring bouquet , delicate old-fashioned china, sil"er candelarbra and ornate fl1twear on a white cloth. OU..c/\ief eta ls sUll beaming"""' oor special Chnstrrei oner. Thousands ol OOOJXll'& came pouring in. Thousands ol new fins tor our famous Pepperkige FamfSoups. So here we go again. a.ict .. CUny ._, Pine cru1lry ~ 1hlck""" chiclcen and vegetables, llaYOred with curry. Now goJ clipping and start sipping Peppe ridge Faml'Scapa. l A talk on Family Life and Sex Education in the Schools b planned for next Friday at 8 p.m. for members of Remarrieds. Inc .. in t.1cFad- den Junior High School, Sanla Ana. PresenUni the topic will be Mrs. Bernard Paul of Costa lttesa. president of the Oranse Couoty Council or Family Relations. An overview of the subject will be gSven, followed by 1 diseu!Sion of the SOUtteS of opposition to sex educaUon pJ'Olrams In I.he schools. Divorced or widowed umar- rled persons are welcome and there is no chargt. Anyone. wishing further information about lM organization may write to Remarrieds Inc .. PO Bal 742, Santa Alla. 9Z702. .... na11.t°'t'ILJ.ll_ Other orgtniiallons entering table stttings wert Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars; Chambtr of Commerce , Women's Division, Newport Harbor; Chamber of Com- merce, Women's Committee, Costa Mesa. Also, the Expresso Club, J1arbor Key Auxiliary of the Child Guidanct Center, Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach, Atarch ot Dimes, PM Section of tile Ehell Club, Soniptim1'1 Club and Youna Sophisticates. The table setting com· petition was ln conjunction with the &0th anniversary tea ot the Ebf!ll Club 1 n d members and guests were: greeted by Mrs. Clayton Thompson, pre1\dent, In the American Legion ll a 11 , New)Xlrt Beach. Three different choices. And all of them choice. Country llUlhroom Soup: Velvely, young mushrooms. Dappled in a deep, dark stock. Laced with sauteme. l.oll91tr LlngooHno Bloque: A creamy puree of Moino lobsler nd Chilean langosUnos sauced with sauteme. r.---·----------------- 1 10~ SAVE ICK ON TSE .PEPPEIUDGE FAUrsooPs, I ..... --------..__ I I ' I • I {I I I I l \ Couple Honored ~on Anniversary ... ' '" Golden w e d d i n I an-bouquet ot chrysantbemwnr. nlvenarie1 -50 years -are Epinette, once a 0 baqk .. rare enough. driver, showed a plcture ol. · Mr. and Mrs. Wart en his first bone-drawn Clb, ~plnette of Balboa Island "This cost $100," be Nid. Should know. They celebrated "The next one, eight years ; ''One -two decades ago. later, had a Studebaker liOOy '' Wt week friends and and cost · $2,600. We had in-~fteighbors helped tl}em tQast ·• fiation at ,,the turn of the cen- itleir 70th anniyersary in their tury • too. Jwo-story beach cottaie. The honoree owned ~ own W 17 and his il cab company, later switching arren, • w e, to horseless carriages. Mary,_ 85, ha_ve spent most The surprisingly spry cou- of thea years m Orange Coun-pie, after years of living in ty, In 1914,_ when they resi~ various places, moved to Westminster, they were Balboa I.stand in 1958. of the John, Mur.dy They have two children, one Y· Retlr.ed state 91!nttDr in San Marino and another ltrdy 1 ~as among di e1 t in Los Angeles, and ~y have ll. \ three grandchildren and five "We ·li:Pew the whole Murdy great-grandchildren. ily.''· ;said Mrs. Epinette. A reporter asked Mrs. Y. were w o n d e r f u I Epinette what she was looking eigh~s. John here was our forward to now. ocery delivery boy." Mary renected for a mo- . The senator chuckled at the ment, then smiling, said, • reminiscence. He had brought ' ' M o r e great-grandchildren. . bis lifelong friends a huge honey." ' , Horoscope "------ 70th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. •nd Mrs. Warren Epinette ' Gemini: Generosity Tapped ' Three Arch Bay Cone/ave Russian Schools Topic Emblem Club Gatherl.ng for b u 11 i n e s i sessions and programs are members or Newport Harbor Emblem Club the second Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the EIU OAU. Y PILOT 43 Overeeten Russia -Its Educ1Uona1 System, a PljOUlin SPonstred by Three ~ aay Women's Association, will be posted by Dr. and Mrs. I Everett Chaffee at 8 p.m. next Friday. t:vuy h1onday at I p.m. members gathtt ln Ande.r10n Schwol audllorlum. Westminster. for meeUngs of Overeaters Anooymou1. Gueat.s are weJcome to attelld. ficla.ls about their syslems and Lodge, Newport Be1cb. also met with the minister·1;==='====-================:; Dr. Chaffee was deputy !iUpervisor of Los Angeles City Schools and joined a group two years ago which studied Russia's educational system. During h.is talk in Three Arctt Bay Community Clubhouse he wiU recall the educational mission heh.ind the Iron Curtain sponsored by the Department of Health, Educa- tion and Welfare and the State Department. Dr. Chaffee talked with Russian leaders and school of. rJ: education. Refreshments will be served following the program, 8nd admission will be $1.25 per person. A 11 o upcoming for the association is a talk by a board member or Laguna Beach Unified School District Thursday. April 10 on the school board election and tax override to take place Tues- day. April 15. Mrs . Aina Kristensen and her committee will serve cof- fee, tea and sweet rolls at the 10:30 a.m. meeting, wh.ich also will feature the nomina- tion of officers for the coming year. Club Burns . Mortgage Soroptimist Club of Laguna ~ach will celebrate the burn· Ing of a mortgage for its Thrift Shop during a dinner 1neeting tomorrow evening in the Towers restaurant. The happy event will !>egin with a 6:30 p.m. social hour followed by dinner. The Thrift Shop, operated for lhe past two decades, has allowed the club to raise funds Bluebird Pa r k , Children's Hospital of Orange County, South Coast Child Guidance Clinic and Fairview State Hospital . Representatives from other Socoptimist clubs and area organizations will particip.at~ in this long-anticipated event HB Mothers for many community projects. Huntington Beach Blue Star h1oney raised has gone lD Molhers, Chapter 2, stage South Coast Community Hosp it a J , nu mer 0 us meetings the second Mondays Would you believe . . . . 1DIAMONDS 1 AT KMART! Diamonds arr " Girls best friend ••• A· lllan?s best prier Is a K111art dla1t10Hd Every StoHe 911aranteed toa!t THURSDAY MARCH 27 is clarified. Slight obstacle early is overco:ne. But you need cooperation of one in authority. Turn on charm. SAGlTrARIUS (Nov. 22--Fishing, planting favored by scholarships, a drive for the at 1:30 p.m. in Lake Park By SYDNEY 01\1ARR '''Mle wise man controls his destiny _ •• Astrology points the way." ARIES (l\1arch 21-April 19): Evening is fine for romantic, creative pursuits. E a r 1 i e r , basic tasks must be com- pleted. You cannot shirk responsibilities. If receptive, you gain valuable information. · TAURUS (April ?D-May 20): Some restrictions you did not • '1:xpeci could cause revision o[ plans. Maintain sense of humor -at worst, a slight delay ensues. Don't make : Something big out or nothing. Go along with it. 'GEl\UNI (May 21 -June 20 ): Friend could make demand s. • You may have to placate relative. Day when your £enerosity is tapped. Some .rules are made lo be broken. Don 't be overly strict. Let iptelligence rule. r CANCER (June 21..July 22): By evening financial picture LEO (July 23-Aug. .22): Tonight circumstances begin turning in your favor. You can straighten out dom estic mis- understanding. Harmony pre- vails if you take initiative. Bury false pride. It will be worth it. VffiGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 )o Romance featured tonight. Don't take everything you hear as gospel. Sweet nothings are whispered, Earlier, check assets, budget. Good day to take inventory. LIBRA (Sept. '3-0ct. 22)o Don't mix business w i t h pleasure. Giving in to tempta- tion could be costly. Know this and act accordingly. Overtime assignment may be necessary. Be poised. Avoid overreacting. SCORPIO (Oct. 2J..Nov. 21): C a r e e r incentive indicated tonight. Finish tasks. Don't carry burden not rightfully your own. Be helpful without being foollilh. Er>d of journey is accented. l'IR61NIA'S ----~ SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 333-4 East Coast Hwy. e Corona d•I Mar Phone 673-8050 Only t•n mor• .lay1 until Ea1t•r! So, if yov'r• W••ry from d1opping th. re11~y-lo·w•1r r•ck1 for 1 n•w Spri11g co1tvm1 to pl•111 you ind th1 bvdgel, 1111k1 . 1 quic• !rip to Sn ip 'n Stitch. Li t 111 h1lp you 11l1ct 111 11iy lo 1111k1 p1tt1rn, 1ui+1bl1 f1bric, tri1111 i n.I notion1. You'll probably h1v1 lo n1gl1cl lh1 hot111- work 1 bit and conc1nlr1l1 on lh1 11wi11g m1cli"in1 . bvt what fun lo w•1r yovr own ,.original" in t~1 E1il1r P1r1d1. Sae you soon, VIRGINIA U1• Your lonkAmorltord or Mo1tor Chart• "" Whitman e Stuffed toy bunny with Box of Candy • Chocol•te Easter EGGS Whitman•' Easter Gift Box of Candy {.. ..,{'"•,~ }/';' <:'. -... ;, : ' ' ~ ":> ;~ ~1".'<I. -. '~~ Easter 6ltt ldelU fn Beautv Items FULL LINE • Arden's • Lavin • Evyan • Christian Diar HELENA RUllNSTllN MINUTE LASHES e hi e Slllagty eN-.1 eD-1 wl .. .,,._ 1804 NEWrORT IOULIVARD COSTA MlSA • Dec. 21): Young person with, _:mooo::::::.."."°':'.:iti::oo::·:_ _____ .'.'.h~ighc__:"'::h:oo:l___:sw:i:::m:m'.'.i:::n~g....!'.poo:::l,~:C::lu:b:::h•::u:::se:. ______ 2'===================="°' serious ideas dominates at-1- tention. Be willing to try new methods. Chuck o u l m o d e d procedures. Be vital. alert. Come alive. CAPRICORN (Dec. 2!-Jan. 19): Basic issues require ut- most concentration. Halfway measures do not suffice. Build on solid base. Pay attention to details. Take care of small matters -big ones adjust themselves. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Discuss proposed trip with mate, partner. Strive to improve emotional at- ,mosphere. Be flexible. hiake intelligent concession. Solution you seek is available. PISCES (Feb. l~i\larch 20 f: Be practical w here ex- pcndirures are concerned . ~listake could occur in bill ; check it. Detennination wins the day. Don't perm.it one of little fai\h to sway you. GENERAL TENDENCIES' Wardrobe Hints Due Sewing llpi; just in time for creating a new spring wardrobe will be ottered next Friday for the H a p p y Homemakers and their guests at a potluck luncheon. A teacher of the Bishop method of clothing con- struction for the Santa Ana YWCA will speak on color, fabric and structural detail in sewing . Nonsewers also \\'ill be in- terested in the presentation according to Mrs. James \V. Dick, president, as the tips are helpful when purchasing clothing. Anyone wishing to make reservations may call Mrs. Wayne Hanlon, 847-9439, Mrs. Robert Hubbert, 540-0997, or Mrs. Russell Keith , 962-7486. A small fee will be charged for the program. which will be in St. Wilfred's Episcopal Church, Huntington Beach. Television Tour Date Changed The NBC tour planned by the Fountain Valley Woman's Club for March 28 has bef.n changed to Friday, May 16. A new show, "It Takes Two," will be Included in the excursion along with a tour of NBC's Color City. Those attending will leave from Huntington Center at 11 :4S a.m. and return at 5 p.m. Cost is $1 ror adults and 70 cent.I for student!. Anyone. wiah..ing ta make re!lrvaHons may call Mrs. Lorin Lammers. tc.<333 . Dimes Swapped Funds raised during a dime- 1-<ffp luncheon for members and guests of ,.1idw ay City Woman'• Club were presented to Lee W.ossteller, chairman of the Dollars for Scholars Fund, Huntington Beach Union Jllgh School District, by N.rs. Cht ir Bunt. woman's club presldl'nL Uo the 11-pring Lhing! Pluck a (resh Qual iCraft look-like Lh(' hi-button 11pectat.or·spat, in bro.Jn patt>n t with beigf' calf spat or in black with grey. 1'hC'" ~pt'C-~pat is 10.9!J, cOQrdinatt'l l hag 6.99. ']'hat's ju~t onr 'A-'ay QualiCraft k('(!p1' you up with tomorrow. Ji"'in<l shoe news fl'Oln flf'W high heels to city/sandals, rcfinl'<l brogue~ to stri ppy straps, misty pales to red, white and blue. The collection 6 99 10 99 is prircd mosUy ju~t • to • FASHION ISLAND HUNTINGTON CENTER SOUTH COAST PLAZA NEWPORT BE,O,CH HUNTINGTON BE,o,CH COSTA MES,o, , ------------~---->-- ! I • ---:-:-;=~==:r----;::·i==;:;;;;,;;.;·.~ I I ) School Units Wrap Up Work Before Hc!>liday I ' ' Pick Out a Whole New Wardrobe for Play Time Early shoppers get all the bargains, say Debra B1tlk~ Jey, Cheryl Coffer and J ulie Wiley (left to right), who are previewing merchandise to be sold next Saturday at the rummage sale sponsored by Mesa Verde PTA. Bargain hunters are invited to shop at the sa1e site in the Thriftimart parking Jot, corner of Adams Street and Harbor Boulevard, Costa Mesa . from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Potpourri Crowds P-T Agendas FV Council l\lrs. Ronald Murphy President COMING UP: Dr. Allen Lli; man will speak on Providing Learning OpportW'lities at the individ u8'i7.ed instruction cooference Friday ~ n d Saturday, March 28 and 29, in the Ambassador Hotel, Lo.s Angeles. John Holt will speak on How Children Learn and Fail. HEPORTS : Communit y resource project, resolution on drug abuse, eighth grade graduation p r ograms. emergency action plan in c.ase of noods and President lneugW"ationel Scholarship Fund were discussed at president's roundtable. A convnittee was appointed lo develop guidelines for the growing size of t h e roundtable membership. Cl egg PTA J\1rs. C.P.t. Kno.t President l!EPORTS: Unit presentetl honorary life membership in the name of all room motbers who have served since the opening of school in September, 1965. Mrs. Interest Kindled Ada E. Clegg was the reci· pient of the continuing service award for her years of work with children. Fulton PTO Mrs. Ge rald JliI President COMING UP: Candidates for the FOlDltain Valley school board elect.ion, Mrs. Douglas Meyers, Harold B r o w n , William Crane, Jack Brown, Charles Barbieri, Jerome Balkee, Andrew Berg and David lsraelsky, will speak at unit meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight. Unit nominating committee will be elected. Eig hth graders will sponsor a bake sale following the meeting. Gisler PTO J\trs. Peter Barbolak President COMING UP: l\1cmbersh.lp drive will begin Monday. April 7, under the direction of Mrs. James Ellena. REPORTS : Officers el~ed to serve the new school are the ~1mes. Peter Barbolak, president; Fred Armstrong and Larry Keith, v i c e presidents; Donald Willson and Jame s West . secretaries, and Thomas McCann, treasurer. Direc- tors appointed are t h e Mmes. Nonn Adair, library; Richard Spindle, publicity and co-director oew.!E:tte; Thomas Kohl, programs; Jatk Caldwell, newsette: Donald McCallum , room m~ thers: William Byes ; parlia· 1nentarian; Robert Taylor, parent resource project; • lames Ellena, membership: Adam Kiss, health and wellare ; John Spaulding, hospit.alily ; Thomas Daley. youth activities; Er y i n Armstrong, curriculum materials center; Eugene KreHemeyer, pa re n t in- formation; Dougla! Carr, safety; Cerl Cunningham, teachers' representative, and Kenneth \Veils, ice cream .sales. Nieblas PTO l\tr1. Richard Wilh elm President COr..11NG UP: Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. Friday, March 28, in the home of Mr s. Ken Woods. , .Unit meeting and open house Thursday, April 10. .Fashion Show Wedne.!day, April 30, in the Peek Family Terrace Room. REPORTS: Tammy B<lnnell, American Fiekl Service stU- dent from South Africa, al- tending Fountain V a 1 I e y High School, spoke on her native country at parent education meeting. Uni l donated $10 to American Field Service in her behalf ... PTO donated sponsor's flag for Cub and Boy Scout Pack ~4. An additional $400 Girls Drive Corralled \Vanta!: Camp Fire Girls ;ind Blue Birds. No experience nccc5Sary. A member~hip dr1\'e now 1~ unde r way throughout Orange County conducted by the Ccin1p ,.,ire Girls and girls 7 to 17 are being solicited for the organliation. AduJt group leaders, as· Kaffee-klatching sistants. speciaUsls a n d sponsors also are needai, ac- cording to 11-trs. Rutherford Oonker, executive director of the Orange County Council. Girls may join Blue Birds when they are 7 or Camp Fire Girls when they are 9. and continue into the Junior Hi Camp Fire Girls and Horizon Club in high school. AAUW Seeks Members to increase membership by al least JS percent. The Blue Bird program In· eludes creative arts. dramatics, outdoor activities. simple service projects and social events, and cevers a tw~year period . Camp Fire Girls study in seven areas, including home and creative arts. outdoors ac- tivities, scienc e , business. sporlS, games and citizenship. They take field trips, pl:.in parties and assume leadership 1n their groups. The Junior Hi Camp Fire Girls participate in group ac· tiviUes, learn parllament.ary procedure and work in their individual fields of interest. Horizon Club programs are designed to help the girls develop their inner rts00rces and become \\'ell-integrated, happily matured and emo- tionally "'ell-adjusted young women. was alloted.to continue with p e r c eptual development equipment. Tamura PTO l\1rs. Lowe ll Bri nk Pres1dent COML'tG UP: PTO \\'ill host and prepare a teachers luncheon at noon tomorrow, in conjWlCtion with parent· teacher conferences .•. Meet The Principal, W e n d e I I Edwards. at an infonnal discuss.ion at a p.m. tomor- row, in the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Buddingh ... Hot Dog Supper prior tG Open House on Thursday, April 17. REPORTS : Mrs. Buddingh was reinstated as health and welfare chairman ... Serving on the honorary I i f e membersh.ip committee are the Mmes. C.E. Stewmon. \Vill Romine , Chris Schneider. Budd ingh and 1-:lias Alcaraz. Wordlow PTO l\1rs. George l\lt eban President COMING UP : P'TO will host a luncheon for s l a f f members tomorrow in t'(ln- junctlon wilh conferences ... Unit meeting and open house Monday, April 21. REPORTS : Pa r ent in· fonnation meeting t o o k place in. the home of Mrs. ruchard Eh1enzimmer. Council PT A Mn. Robert Soreuea Presldeot COMING UP : Hooorary life membership lunebeoo will · take place Monday, April 7, in the Costa Mesa Golf and O>untry Club. Get.ac- quainted time at 11:30 a.m. and Jwx:h at noon. Reserva- tion! mar be made by mail- ing $2.!IO per penoo to Mrs. John Clark, 1ao Whittier Avenue, ·Cost.a Mesa 92627 by._Friday, March 28. Adams PTA rtln. Carl Leuck President REPORTS: Officers elected to serve are the Mmes. Paul Ohlsen, president; Wendell Williams, Robert Parker and Gerald Doan, vice presidenlS; L. E. Chall and Duane Steputis, secretaries; Charles Lamb, treasurer; Jack W. Ross, historian; Lawrence Poston, auditor, and Carl Leuck , parliamen- Larian. Canyon PTA l\lrs. Dellnls f.lilJer President C0~1 1NG UP : Board members will honor Mrs. Dennis Miller, outgoing president at a luncheoo tomorrow, in the Costa Mesa Golf and Coon- try Club. Mesa Verde PTA J\tr1. James !'tlangus President COMING UP: Public rum- mage sale feat u ring furniture from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 29, in the Tiniftimhrt. parking lot, romer of H a r bor Boulevard and A d a m s Street. Coffee will be served. Viejo High PTO r.trs. Ronald 1\-lcGowen President C0~1 1NG UP: Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 3. Can- didates for elementary, high school and junior rollege board of trustees will speak . Question and answer period will follow. Organizations who have made their booth deposits of $25 to Airs. Paul fUc ker before April 4 may participate in the drawing for Cinco de Mayo Fiesta booths. Monie Vista PTA ~tn. David Goodsell President COMING UP: C I ass room Easter parties will take place the last half of school Friday, A1arch 23. REPORTS: Room mothers aUending the carnival workshop were the Mmes. Dona kl Greene, chairman: f\1ark Morri!f, R o d n e y Schuman, Mi&ael Hi 11. Covel Allen, Mike Seymour and Blake Milne. Honorary life membership was presented to Mrs. Walter Holland, school secretary, by Mrs. James Moor, chalnnan. Newport Hts . PTA ritr1. Elgle ArmOW' President REPORTS: Offlcers elected to serve are the ?\.Imes. David Chavis, president ; l';1 ax Give a Birthday Gift Students celebrating birthdays this year at Corona de! Jvlar Elementary School are invited to give a blrthday gift to the school library, now in its second year. Name plates are put in the fronts of donated books bearing names of the honored students, and the birthday celebrations will build up the library \Yhile paying tribute to the students. Celebrating birthdays and donating books are Kevin \Vilson and Joan Spelletich, and receiving the new volumes is Mrs. Audrey !\1eyers. PTA volunteer librarian. llarihcock, second v. i ce president; Sam Pa Im e r, secretary; Terry l\1cCardle, treasurer, and Miss J udy Mathison, a u d i tor. At· tendance a"·ards o( Voit balls were 1von by students in classes of Mrs. David Harshbarger, l\1rs. Darien Jones and Miss Louise ~1cNei1. Paulorino PTA . l\Irs. Nigel Bailey President REPORTS: Third th r o u g h sixth grade s t u den t s displayed their projects at the annual science fair. Ac h icve1ncnt certificates were presented to a 1 I participants. Election of of- ficers took place: serving are the l\1mes. Nigel Bailey, president : Fred Palmer. Richard Baldwin and John Grauer, vice presidents; Nick Hanson and La Von Burdsley, secretaries; Del Larson, treasurer : Ed~·in Chaon, auditor, and Richard Barrett, hi storian. Pomona PTA l\lrs. Roman Scheide! l\trs. flobert l'fliller Presidents COMING UP: llobby show fron1 5:30 lo 8:30 p.111. Saturday, l\larch 29. Serving as judges arc Mrs. r..turray Black and Costa Mesa ~·layor Alvin Pinkley. Prince of Peace PTF Harry Southron President REPORTS : Guest speakers at the meeting that took place last Tuesday were ·Robert Poor, Science Research Associates and the Rev. Flcnry Jones, candidate for ihe Newport-l\1esa school board. Choir entertained and coffee was served . Rea PTA f\·trs . Kei th Kellogg P.resident REPORTS : 2.'lO students al· tended the St. Pat.rick 's Day skating party. Teachers and parents attending were ri.-1rs. Vernon Schroader, r..I r s. Edward Read , D a vi d Korshivn and Wendell ·Rice, principal. Profit was $100. St. John Au x. l\Irs. Robert Reid President REPORTS : 106 n1 embers were present at the ?\larch n1ccting. Class 8A 1von the attendance award and banner. Hoom s 4A and B room mothers hosted. 111ey arc the Mmes. Joseph Parrino, Ramon Poitevin, Hobert McLeod and Cyrilla King. Membership voted to purchase a slide projector and 20 tables for the lunch pavilion. ri-trs. lf e n 'r i Bourget, room m o t h e t' chainnan, reported tha t green popsiclcs were served to the student body on St. Patrick·s Da y. TeWinkl e PTA rilrs. A. A. Johnson President REPORTS : h1rs. Ra 1 p h Boegel, ways and mean! chairman reports that the fashion show was a financia,I success with a profit of. $125, Ser.Ying on the committ~ were the Mmes. Robcf'.\ C a m p bell, co-chairman; \Varren Stullaroff, Robe rt Klees, Robert Roue a~ Robert Sorensen. Vi cto ria PTA l\1rs. Fred \\'oodworth President C0~11NG UP: Nominating cornmiuec meeting at .a R.m. Friday, l\1arch 28. j a the home of ~1rs. Fred \Voochvorth. Serving on the commitlee are the Mme&. \Voodworth, Ken BowlGr, John Opferman , Kee Adarns, \Vayne Morris and Lew Fannon, principal •. 1> C. rt1. Parks, director ·Of parks and recreation outlin- ed the summer program ~t the ~1arch meeting; first and second grade studenUI entertained. Woodland PFO f\1rs. Daniel Fawcett President COi\fING UP : Joint mfl!ti.ng for old and new board members at 7:30 p. m, Wednesday, April 9, in the home of f\Irs. D a n i e I Fa\vccll . . . Leo Pollli, author of children and adult books '-''ill speak to student! 1n thlrd, fourth and fifth grades at 1 p.m. Thursday, April JO, In the multip~ room. Autographed books 1nay be purchased. Bridge Does Double Duty Bridge buffs will have • chance to enjoy their fa\·orlta pastime "'hile helping Serviee11 for the Blind inc. in Santa Ana. Tbc second annual Friendly Bridge Tournament sponsored by the ~larbor Guild ol Sen1ices for the Blind will begin wilh a kick-off coffee l\1onday, April 14. \\'inners ~·Ill rtteive prl.za at a special cocktail party in June. K.aUee-klatching \\'ill be members of the American Associationo! Uni ve rs it y \\'omtn. Hunlington Beach Branch, when they entertain new and prospective t11emben betwff:D 10 a.m. and noon 'T'uesday. April I, in lhe home of Mr1. Robert Horner . Dual themes \\•ill be cn1- phasiled. including a presen· talion of the aims of AAUW and the four new topics for program study to be con- ducted during the next two years. Prospective members also "'ill be introduced to many soc ial groups and activities within the branch, Girl"! in all le,·eJs or the Cam p Fire program participate in the three type. .. ol camping offered, group. day and resident. Giving a Pus h in the Right Direct ion Mesa Se ni ors / ~1r1. lforner, membership rhairman, i$ urging a 11 men1ber1 to at.tend and bring It prospective new member. The area branch is joining !he Nntlonal AAUW campaign j_ Additiontd information rnay he obtain~d by calling f\lr ... Jforncr, 847-6393 ' ' Anyone \\'L~hing more in· formation on the organiialion. "'hlch is a United Fund agen· cy. may call council head- quarters al 5-t7.S98~ ---~- Ready to S\ving Into Spring \\'ilh a luncheon-fashion sho\v arc J\frs. Ilrooks Ca\'a naugh. president of Can1pus Advance Auxiliary and daugh1er Jolean and filrs. Deln1ar Bunn, ways and means chairn1an, '"ho pushes Kevin ~la rsi:rovc. Peck Fan1il y Coloni al •Terrace Room in \Vcstrnlns lc r ha! been reserved for tho f\1arch 29 occasion. Scars '''ill furnish lash· Jons and proceeds arc earmarked for the ucr schola rship funrt. The organization Is a campus mini stry \Vilh classes and worship services in To'i'•n Center on the UCJ cnmpu.~. C o m m u n I t y Rectt.atlon Center at Orange Counl,j Fairgrounds Is the acene o! activlty when Costa Mua Senior Citizens meet 11t 11 a.m. every Tuesday. 1 I . ' ti ,, a't ·ed St. pb .ru. the ;a,1 25, ·~ ei'.I tn; ert .rt<! ng Ji ,. -.d .he es. "· ••• Iid .. ol "'" •t :st '"' "" rd " he 'I ti, '" " th y, .. is • le " ,. ly :d !>I II "' • ; ~ • I _, .. ·-.. ---~- Wcdtttsda.y, Marci\ 26, 1969 DAILY PILOT 43 Fishing Industries Threatened Sunny Flavors ' Ambrosia Pie Deserves 'A' an NEW 'YORK (UPI) -e1tch. He added lhat RUSl..l.a Slate1 In the past lit years COn1mercial Finr~ Is ei;::~ and I dOzen olher a well' as other lishilig na· has dropped from second to sponsoring a $2 million factory S:unny navors come through 1 baked I-Inch 0 r an ( e. pour into crust. sugar, and t teaspoona cr•ted I t b. ~~a~ tbis are working wilh the a.ixth place in world fishlng ship that cleans and freezes in aU lhrte parts of this OrCrumb Crust, cooled Cover surface with wax orange rind . MLI. 1n \~ cup ~Mola -..-, 1 special pie. llQ(e sect.Ions paper; cblll 4 houri. Remove softened butt.er or rnarprlne. l(Jntrclal fllbmnen in whit UI-United States on net 51.us that volume and Oeet acUv ty. Ten fish as several foreign nations ilIBROSIA f'IE 8repared whipped toppinc paper and prnish with orange Press firmly on bottom and ied to be tbe1r 'lprivate ocean," will permit the fore.ign.'coun-years -io. we 1mported only do. If it proves successful. t package (3'1• oz.) coconut Flaked coconut secUons and prepared whipped sides of I-inch pie ,Plft. Baka •the north Atlantic. tries to catch what they rieed 3S to 37 percent of our fish. it could change our traditional cream pudding and pie PreJ)llt p1e filling miJ: with topptng. Sprinkle wilh naked at 375 degrees for 8 minutes, Huch F. O'Rourke 0( the without lowetl.Qg the· popul.t-Today', import5 tot&! 71, per· fishing methods to meet the . filllng milk 11 directed on package, coconut, H desired. Cool before filling. (For eaa6 !,fassachusetts Seafood CQun.. tion of younger haddock, cod pent. >-demands of an era of con-! cups milk adding orange rind after Orup Cnm• O'olt in serving, dip.. pie pan 11\ cil, a trade oreanlzatkm, aays and flounder . In one effort to reverse this venlence foods <ind wor king l table.spoon grated orange removing from heat. Cool 5 Combine l cup fine Yanilla warm water for a few •econds this heavy ·c 0 mp et l°t i 0 a --"-•-' _ai.o ... __ sa_id_t_h•....,.u_n_it_..i __ in:_n_d_. _th_e_u_.~s._B_u-;re,.•..,•,..-or_wi_·_ves_. _________ r_in_d ________ m1_·n_u_tes-'-, _stirr_ • ....;.lng"-t_w_icc:•;:....the,;-n _w_•f.ce_r .cc_n1c..m.cbo.;.':_3_ta_bl--'es-'-poo'--""--hef-or_•_cu_t;..Un_;&,_·>:_ ___ _ thttattns the future of bla'-,. lltate'a fishing lr<hlstry, thW largest in value in the United States, at a time when U.S. fuh comumplloo ls 1ncre .. 1ng. O'Roortt added that Russia, by taking a lot of herring, also lowers' the food fi&h population and this, In turn, affects the me of the U.S. catch. Another lhrtat -to foreign fishing industr ies as well u :f.-merican -Is a proposal to drill for oil on the con- Unen,tal shelves· of Georges Bank, an bnportant fishing iround ror 14 nations . O'Rourke is chairman of a Cob!ervatioo committee trying to dtlay or prevent granting of on leases fo_ijhe area unW f ludiu can be made and pro- FUve measures taken. . Meantime, t h c Massachu- setts fishing indUstry bu r.roblem s at home-a abor shortage. O'Rourke, in an Interview, said many old- tlme fi shermen discourage their sons from following family tradition. They'd rather lee the boys become prt>r fessional men -such as doc- ton or lawyers -instead. .t "And kids today don't want the hard physical labor and the separation from family that comes with a fisherman's life," O'Rourke said. The average fishing t r a w I e r voyage Is IO days. Some last two weeks. The men work six hours on, six off, and they "'ork around the clock when a school of fish is sighted. But the chow is good. "Many men eat better aboard than at h o m e , • ' O'Rourke said. "They have roast beef, steak, lamb chops, caMed or frozen vegetables and fresh milk. After two or thr~ days, the cook bakes his own pies, cakes and bread. "They take fish from the daily catch. Sometimes at lunch there's a six or seven inch high plate of lobsters worth about $100 retail." The fishermen th emselves O\.\'n the trawlers and each pays a share of ope.rating costs. O'Rourke said Jt takes $3,500 to $5,000 per trawler per trip just to pay for fuel , food, amortization of the boat, fixed expenses and insurance. A fisherman 's Income is a share of the total each catch brings at auction ashore . O'Rourke esti mated t h e minimum income at $6.500 a year, the maximum, $10,000 or $12,000 on a good modern boat. "~fost fore i gn cou ntries heavily subsidize their neels and processors," he added. ''Some have huge fishing flee ts "'·ith factory ships, some of which fish as well as pro- cess their catch, They freeze and can it, make fish meal for fertilizer and other by-pro- ducts." A factory ship stays out for three to six months with l!atellite trawleni that take their catch to the mother ship. An oll tanker shuttles between mother ships and mother country, carrying fuel to the ship and fish products home from it. Because fa ctory ships can use all V"arie ties, many keep undersized food fish that would be thrown back by U.S. fleets to assure future catches of marketable size. O'Rourke said this practice already has reduced our Appetites Mushroom Fresh mushrooms . , , marvelous meal makers ... just for two. Being leisurely? Serve stuffed mushroom caps as hors d'oeuvres. In a hurry? S e r ve s au t eed whole niushroom caps as a m~ih dish. The Important con.sidcra t n 11\ buying Iruh mushrooms is how you will use them. Small or button mulhroom! are ideal for appetizers or for chopping. Medium siul ones are best for broiling or sauteeing and the really big ones are for stuffing. You t an't decide? buy an asort-rnenl or aizu _ .. have some for each U!t.. There lln't much of 1 pro- blem or buyini too many muahrooma. Even w I t h o u l cooking, they keep for leVttal da)'J in the refrigerator. Put tbtm •bert air can circulate ::i r-"!"~~"='~~~~,....'1 Butt End ~~>l~J:~. 59~ BONELESS HAMS Whole Ham ;:;;· ~ 59~ Jtr•tr J1•1 a ...... .,.HoM ..•... $129 $ t =--~a:.::... :::..•11!. 11.f Tavern HaRl ,;'i'i"~~ 1 ~ .. U~PA C~Cf snr• lEEf l\ADE CUTS Chuck Steaks Boneless Steaks • JUICY J"-"'llY CUTS CUSIOM-UIMM!O Fancy Beef Liver ..,~~ .. Sll.cecl Bacon ~-.. ·~·~·™~"~~ 69 · c~c,., ,.,.TIJ W•mt •"'"' Jol.lfl D,_.T f.w..I 11.JOiD 1•CCt1"" ll. llt Farmer John Sausage ~ 29 · • COINED lllF IOllLIS1 ~ 89' amm .., "' -·~ Boneless Chuck Rolled Roast Golden Ya1111.::.2125• ":::r GRAPEFRUIT cantaloupe ·.::.::r3:s1 ~~. 3!49c Fresh Spinach ::::. 10' -------- ......... Marvarin• ~~-38• .................. ~ ... -.............. Ur I ....... "'""'" ........ -........ '""M""'".'""" UC Magic Spray -..... w.w ..... -"'. _,, ........... 2" 6"' "-C..."'*''-"( ... , ..... Mn""''" =lllll 7 • 01C ~ MM o.i--""' ...... ~.. :11, freely and cover with a damp paper towel. Do keep the towel 1011 Adams Ave., Cit lrookhurst, Huntington ltac:I. damp •.. meaning YoU m iy HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD ~~ .!!'!'' 33' --· .ASSOITlD VAl!ETIES 5-0l . JAi TOMATOES FANCY FARMS 2~ I ... @ 0 H1ot1r 11/t ~ ...... -;;;·;;-~· -f/o..,.,, (.AM I . .................................................................................... . INOTHE/t 11,000.00 WINNE/ti. . . ' ,...5 , ... a w 11/fTCN, llOI GAVIOID cou.r. 5.1.N OOlGC, If. c1 .. r WlNNll Cl "Wit< Wll" IHI SIAU' 11.000 00 Gll.....O l'IUlft •ou !CO (AN Wl>I •llCll< I! Oii IO 11.oo:r.1111 PU'llNG 11<1$ D CITHU TV GAA'! "Cl C' "fOUll fill r..o,.w {..-0 t'IU'r I~ Vl)IJ SHOO .t.t V0Ns , • "OJI (Wlllf f-f 'lnl 6'1.JOY ' PU.,,.,;-WIN""111 f .. 11..U ! • .-~- i BLOOMING-I ; Easter Lilies i I Oii IOlll ILOO•S 1110 IUDS PO PUITI .......-~a..odi't °"""'' fcullr c....a ......... •Jltl• lll:a iom . • ...... .0141 ......... 'SPl'C•uo -!GG• ............... ,..,., ""'..., 39 C • ~ lf.,\at••.t.UOW fOGI ,..._tat ,.. •• 6·111ANSISTOR RADIO PLUSH SNAIL ·i¢i··::;.=~;i········i ~··········mmiiiiii''"·······~ MArzos aoRSCHT i ·,_~ Macaron·1 ;,.· 5 ;:., s2•• ":'~ 39' i . . I Gefilte fish "::' 'I" I i.: i AND CHWI 39' i • • ~ lllCll9I «tit IW. .. 2 . i IU.TJO -............. -.••.• "*'"': : 20-·-·. : IGG ... llOI .............. " -. .... : , ~r , OOl•l'O h.NC.UO ............ II "' • : • ~ t-¥1 ............. 1"°'" "": ,·,· P' a Ml-----45' .':· WMl!t~&,-.n ........ ,. l'ftlf ... ; A ~ . . ''°°" l'O'$. ;~;i--""·····"'''"'''''''''''' ........... _. "APPLESAUCE . ·i:!JL' GRANULATED iHol~ SUGAR [ Sut"r Special Offo'1 ®"- .... -~,~ IAG TOW,UO HOT PWOl.lill -.~. ~-. -.. - PALMOUVE GOLD~ BAR SOAP Rte;, R .. ulc' s;,. 2/29• /V/O/N/S/ COFFEE "-;,,,,, o..olirr-1..t ... c ... 2 '''I" 3" 'I" CJI CA• Heinz Ketchup "''"nm ~b "'" 39' TO/l\ATO llAVOk ~ Westwood Ice Cream :Z:.6!:. 59' Vita-Pakt Drinks ~ ~ 3tc Soft Stick Margarine .-:-. ~:. 37' C·H·B Pancake Syrup ·~" 'J.1' j9£jJf!.lfil UOUORI f!ATURll ROYAL VELVET VODKA ·~ ;::::'"'ii3· 39 80 I Inf · PROO r111-UWI WINES WINES •••COUPON••• : DOUBLE BLUE CHIP • ST AMPS wi th this cou-• • pon on the total 1mount • • of any purchase extlud· • • ing liquor, tobacco ind• • fluid milk products. I a • coupon p • r customer. • a Coupon good Thursday • a thru Sund1y, MMch 27 to a Morch 30. • • •••••••••••• 19m11Jf!J " <I PY lR £A Tl CINIAMOfl ROI.LS 55c t11WUm ~--= 12 :=:-HH """,,_'-,_ a. ............ 5r.. ....,.,.., c-..., ............... '4 ~- f}filillfl HtAlffl & B!AU!T AIOI Crest Tooth Paste ~·---~~?.54c um -1ors ....... _ ........ w RIGHT GUARD DEODOWl'I' ....... ~:; 11' 1'11111 i-. SllAlllGq -·-= .. PllJJIJJ& .. ~~ ... 69' !);ft.lit. Cole 5~' ... "'... ., .... _, __ Hillt !ros. CoffH . :.: 69' : 2 ::.11'! 3 ::. 11" • "" I -. -"" I ..,_,,. .......... -1 -Dog Food c" er-a-Peanuts Sugar Mk:rln 3'2"" ft~--·······2 ... --~ 69' 2'3 45 ... • 7 · w.ei. lw!lll c.. _Goo .. -. 5' -, i;... • "' .... -...... -22-__ .., ....... • ... 5122 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Btac:h 17,950 Magnof10, Fountain Yaney have lo moisten ll 11very day. I • I__ -----~--~---------·----- --- - - \ I (! l I I ·' --------•--• · ~~--------------. ...... -...... ·-·---ii~.,..,, ___ ,...., _______ ~~-·~"'~.~·~· --~oT,.To-•~·~·-..... ·+~·~·····-·,..,,\"0<~......,.--p-~ .•~ r'1"'~ r~--,1·~~--,·--, ~~-~.,-~ Weight Top Losers Win TOPS Honors • 1n Qoamplcn wtlght looen !or 1981 were hooored by TOPS Mer~ Mermaids with Mn. .£dward Ban receivlnc tbe queen's crown for her wti&ht i... ~ 45\\ pounds. Runner-up was Mrs. Billy Williams, who is 2511.t pounds lighter than last year. Other weight losers cited were the Mme!. Bea King, NOTICE! SAVE s100°0 in Tuition 1y-.n .......... A,,U lit, lflt LAPIN BROS SCHOOLS OF BEAUTY 19060 8f'ookhunt St. Huntington l\e1ch 961-2291 " ............ ki...t Oltlr Th•r• ••• ftw qttlifi..I ''hol1t1h ip1 ,,,11.111, •.. CALL NOWI Ru Btuhns, Blair H>millon and ClemTowntr. Mn. CllntaD McCall toot KOP cl tbe Year (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) boocra for malntainJng her w-e I 1 ht nean:st htr goal for the year. The chapter will celebrate it.s fourth anniversary at A bullet ollnner tomorrow ln Villa Sweden, Corona del Mar, and new officers will be in- stalled dllring the evening. Ei:chanctnl gavels will be ~tra. T b om a I McCleland. outgoing president, and Mrs. Gary Oii. Abo tatina olllcea will be tbe -Jaba. Jacobs, ccHeader; w~ secretary; John Bo1ted, treasurer, and Tom Lucero, weight·rec<rd<T. TOPS chapters wW celebrate the organit.ation's 21st birth:lay at .Recognition Da)'ll May 2 and ~ ln Anaheim Convention Cen~. TOPS Merging Mennaids chapter meet! every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Woodland School, Qxrta Mesa. Newport Betliel Young women affiliated with Newport Beach Job'• Daughten, Bethel 157 gather the second and fourth Mon- da}'! at 7:30 p.m. The Masonic Temple is the setting for meetings. Informatloo regardlna momberllhlp ii ob- WnabJe by cal.li..n& M r s • Walter TUI, !115-1755. GIVE HER THE EASTER BUNNY The Easter Bunny is handsome indeed in 14 karat textured gold, $30. with diamond, S55. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Since 1917 18 Fashion lslind Newport Beech -644-1310 Yo~r Ch 1rgt Aecour1t W1leo111• ••• ltnkA111tric•ril, M•1l•r Clt•rt•• It• 0,0111 M•111lty, fridty 1111til •:JO ,.111. BUT NOBODY has THAT GRAF'F GIRL LIKE we do l1ro• s.1.ctlon Sl111 JO_..O In. c..ta Mn.I It's sinezis DePA"TM&NT STO .. £ 1116 NEWPOU IOULEVAID PARK CONVENTIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE ••• Op•• D•ily 9,30.6, Fri. Ill 9 MRS. WILLIAM D. HAVERT Carm•I Hon•ymoon Brentwood Setting Vows Recited The Brentwood home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hubbell Erwin was the setUng for the double ring ceremony linking 1n marri age their daughter, Leslie Anne Erwin a n d William Dav id Havert. Miss Cynthia Forgie ct Brentwood, maid o! honor wore a yellow silk empire gown and carried yellow tulips . James Br1dy of Venturi was the best man. • • . Men's Night Out Banquet Fit for King PubUclllnc tbefr I D D U & 1 men'• D1lht bm>q:Utt on Tua. .. y. April I, are momhm of the Chr1IUan Women'• Club cl Newport Buch. The diDDtl' at f p.m. will tak• place In tho Newpo<Vr IM. Tlck«a are 15 per JlVIOll and reservatloos must be made by Friday, March 28, with Mrs. Lewis Mertz at 833- 1221 or Mrs. Roy Barter at 61H325. IA former Broadway Shakespearean actor and Yitth A venue dlOCe l.Dltructor, Blll Roberti, """ dollght<CI his ... dlence1 w:lth bla pretentltloD ol ShaketpNl'tl with a Texas drawl, will be tho foaturtd speaker. Roberta aod his wHe, .,, former New Yart model, ei:. changed tbetr New York 8partment adjoining Henry Fonda's for a home In rural Washington, where he shared with ethers his discovery of a new dimension to life. He and hJs wife are serving Casa de ORT MINISTER 11111 Roliorta u naUonal repre;settatives 'tor t h e Stooecrolt Aasocl1ted Mlnlstrios, ooo of whlcb ii the Chrlltiao Women's Clubs of America and Canida. Previous IA> tlU mlnlatry, he served u rural m1n.iat.er ln Machias, W&3b. Fashionable Lines Sold How would you like to own an original Rudi Gtrnreich d<slgn !or one-filth ils orlalnal price ta1? The racb at an unusual boutique ln Anaheim, Casa de ORT, yield treasure6 to fashion-minded women from Orange County through ita: ruale comignment plan. Owned and operated by the Ea.!Jtem Region of Women'• Organization for R e h a b 11 i talion Through Training, Casa de ORT ac- cepts "never worn" or "aently worn" fuhlons a n d ac- ~ies. The i nventory changes daily. All proOta realized by the or1ani.zaUon are earmarked for tbe JewislHpoll!Ored ORT effort which maintains, staffs and equips more than IOI) vocational t r a i n 1 n g in- atallatiODI in 22 countires. The casa is open from 10:30 a.m. to 4 :JO p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and is staf- fed by volunteers. Star Club Card Host Author Due Jn.spirational author Mn. Eileen Guder will speak for the St. Andrew's Women's Fellowship LWl<h<oa Wed- nuday, April 9, In tbe followshlp hall . For the 11:30 a.m. a:ather-lnl. her topic will be God'• Am.ateur1, bNed on a book she is writing on friendship. Luncheon will be served by the Miriam Circle, led by Mrs. Richard Brockmeyer. T h e c:ommunlly Is lnvlled and child care is provided. LQQK for 1 HAIRSTYLING by the area's l:OP STYLISTS! MANICUR.ES AND ,EDICURES IY APl'OINTMENT ONLY WIGS .... 49'5 WIGlfTS ,,.,. 4'5 CASCADES hom 1495 FALLS .... 2695 Sale Prices Now in Effect! VIVIANI WOODARD COSMnlCS The Rev. Ernest D. Pipes Jr. directed the vow exchanie. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Havert of Newport Beach. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of English net trimmed with alencon lace over taffeta. Her A-line skirt extended into a train, and other features of the gown's design included , long, pointed aleeves and a Afterward a ~pper wu served to abcut 200 relatives and close friends in the gardens of the bride's parents home. Literature Reviewed Star Club, Laguna Beach Chapter, Order cf the Eastern Star, will close March with a card party next Friday from 1 to 4 p.m. in Laguna Beach l f·---------:(1 1weetheart neckllne. A fallle bow, encrusted with seed pearls caught her illusion veil ing, and forming her bou- quet wete orchids, stephanotls and lllle1 or the valley. Slenderizing • 9259 Slzts 10-11 ~llf;..;~11fMT' ... The newlywedl left en a honeymoon to Carmel and other parts of northern Califcrnia. Upon their return, they will reside in Brentwood. Masonic Hall. Dessert and coffee will be Tho ~ of children's served at th• afternoon event literature wW be reviewed by chaired by Mn. Bernice Miss C1rolyn J oh n s o n , Franke. Tickeb are $1 per ch.lldren's librarian at the person. Fullerton PublJc Libr1t1, for Members 1nd friends are f>hj Mu Alumnae of Orange invited to attend. Further in- Coonty tomorrow evening. formation may be obtained ma!Ae; WIG & BEAUTY SALON Call 541-3446 250.D E. 17th Hillgr.n Squar• Cost• MM• The bride is a graduate of Marlborough High School, at- tended Pitzer Cc!Jege and now is studying at· UCLA. She was presented as a Le ltfadrlnas debutante Jn 1966. Her husband l.s a graduate or Lcyola l11gh School, at- tended Claremont M e n ' s College and will graduate from UCLA in June. Beth will continue their studies; he is working toward a PhD in Englbh. Mn. Edwtn Sawyer of by calling Mrs. John Williams, Fullerton will host the gather4 '494-0686 or Mn. Arthur Stead, ing with Mrs. Forest Merica _:•::94-'.:'-~'.:_· _______ ~~~~~~~~~~~I of Buena Park assisting as1 co-hcstets. Arr .. llna the program I! Mn. Merritt Cooroy, procram chainnan. Memben pi.mng IA> attend should cont.act Mrs. David Mugl!"t, 77HU5. YOU ••• IN WHITE KNITI taking front st1ga center in •n Hl'f<I,. polyMtw that wins rives for its: open-work texture ind stay. neat composure. O.oose ywr f1vorite skimmer shap. ings. Both ara shown to best ldvantmge in 5t1rk,. chalky white. And both are pmtlly delallod with button or belt trim. Either ls c:m't1ln to m.kti you • ~~~L ~· LAST 4 DAYS SPRING SPECIAL! """ llAUill :r::.a.TtNG CAN llE A STUNNING Al'IA .. The ICtlle WU ,tut Tbun- day at thll Ebell Cub's Table Settln& Tea. Lt>uise Reynolda from our GW ~ and Clark Ktnnedy troaJ our F1owu Shop teamed up their talents and did one jUJt for fun, not m compete of ....... .. They came up with f. pale low of a one color t:bing, .o cool and arbor-lookin(, yott fel'. the 1un should be out even if It v.wen't. How do you keep 4 people cozy r atb- ered round a long table T You 1hlne the floral arra,naement brlibtly on one comer. -You put Ont Rosenthal! NetttT ice crtam chair on one side, one on the end, and 2 on the other side, Get the .fOursy picture! Now here's the pale, m,,ere whiU of one color, The table cloth Wlll of a brand new unheard of Bel&ium Uritn that doet not need to be ironed. You simply blot up the spota or sponge them oft The des!an a delicate "Am- brosia" of white Dogwood, · pean, and apples on a Jl!l.)e lime backgrowkl. The oh&irs . . , 2 lime and 2 avocado. Coming Centura stark whlle servill& platef:, completely ovenproof and i\llll'Mteed to la.at for 3 years, teamed up with Vietro misted 1Ws !ruit dilhe11 and goblets. of more lime and avocado. Oneida Tempo dull stainless !OCiallted along 1lde match.. Ing Ambrosia napklrtJi . FLOWERS AND FRUIT MAKE HAPPY TALK The cornerplece , .• dig that instead of centerpiece . , . a swcet·smelll.ng bower of white alliwn and Ranun- culus, oozles of &Tttna: and fresh pem, avocados l.nd limes to pick up the colors. Sv.·eet smelling "'Ill used a little 10011ely here, because il anybody had happened to squeeze a bit of alliwn they'd · o1 come up with the most beautitUI odor of pr!lc yel to arace a cornel}llece. Com- mon nomer b onion flower. This wrapa up our table set.. ting, Strictly toda,y . , . done up with all the wash and wear, no crack, no chip, no peel, no scratch, no tarnish acceasorles we've all learned to not live "1thcJ\lt .. , No ruu, no muss ... It was the kind of table that m11.de you want to 11\l right down and eat anything from a ha.rn- burfer to a Bombay Duck . , . or perhap1 have wtne for breakfast •.. If you did Pouilly-Fume would be the ria:ht one .•. so very French, so extra Jlght and fragrant IF UME IS NOT YOUR COLOR. OF TEA You'll clamor to know "Ambrosia" allo come• in yellow or blne. The ume no Iron Belgium linen table cloth11 h a v e a !Wln(ing "SomaJiland" design or an ''English Garden" interpre- tation or a "French Bou. quet" creation , • . All to set dllterent moo d 1 and fancies. The same company does some delicioillll terrle1 In great colon of blue and lime or orange and yellow for out- doorsy u~. Vletro glauware runs wild, all with 2 colon blushina; together •.• pink and green, green and turk, 2 shades of blue .• , with bowls blf el10Ul'h for Wads, a.net a quadruple old tuh- ioned to Ill' used for stirring thin&:s or amall dashes ol ~ tato chips. AJI ••. 'l'Kf.: S~IET.L OF SWEET SPRING Open the door lo the F1ower Shop . . . wM.t a heady mixture of carnations. calendulal, anemone1, fl'ef!- slas. snapdragons , . , SUcJ. denly all the lovely frtlh cut things are here , •• in bunches ... BIUe Wedgewood tris, daffodils, tulips • , • What a way to brighten' up, a day, •. F1owers are nowers. ARROW SEAMING nicely or are they · · · \\'oukl you nanmn the waist or • jump-110W ••• p1'ctura your ch1'ld 1'n a """'big lri•h """''"with er that goes out in the eve-n laces painted on them, and nlng 11 a dress. Beautiful p I p ' p bright (Tftn hat• and neek- blouse hu '"" co11ar. tie. arsona ity ortrait by annays I ""· """' .,,. , ... •'"""' Printed Pattern 92$9: Misl-on with pearl headed corMae S'··· s pl111, all keepl• JO\-ely com- es' 1.1.Q 10, 12, 14, 16, 11. lze 3 495 pany "1th ff'tt" c&.m11.tlone 14 (bust 34) jumptr 2 yda. '5-and fems ... The Flo'Aw ln ; blou.te I~ yds . 39·ln. Sllop'• contribution for SL SIXTY-FIVE CEN TS in Patrick's o..>i. ~"' for each pattern-add 15 • st Th< C6lll& r..-each pattern for THE are jU ""'H,;:".,_; i,;~i.::; tlrst~lass malling and special A FASHION Wff people ... A men! 6 ..... handling: otherwise chi rd-class ~CE •1t• 1.r 10 f•r ,... •Ml tw. J.r7 for tire l•Mlly F.verytJocJy roe" mad for delivery wUI take three ~ttk.s ... __ or more. Send to Afarlan Mar. enne111 lrint your child In now and ltt ow talented photog. u....., ceramic doll.I wlth their hata, mutf1, and pockttl tin, the DAlLY PILOT. 4.U rophtr capture that tporknng 5ook forrml Corne in tlll«l .-Ith Ocnwrs. Cn!!tchM Sl".tatltrNn ·Dtpt.,kmNwv"'100 1Blh11 whTI• 1hoppfn1 ••• no appoinfment Mt'tl1tory ••• oncl our mad hattn dOtl nou.trw ., ew Vor , . , . but make Simon, U'·· and Prlnt NAl\!E, AODR,ESS with rern emh..,. yov "" chorv• t~ of Penney'1! Jtenrleti. ~'l!r ~ ZIP.z. SIZE and STYI.E NUP11· all day f<>tW. JIEK. 1.--------------------,111.-------------------~1 Rkhard'a the Peopte·sror.. Spring Send-di! Mort r,..,h, NEWPORT IEACH HUNTING; TON IEACH ""'" you """ llnd ,.,,.,. young, tlS)' .. eW 5lyles In PUl.l lltTOM HUMTIMOTOfrf IS~.. Nntl'OltT ••ACM thlrc from Ofltontde to Cha.. Spring-Summer l'11ttern C1ta· fft1~l•11 ltl•11ill IH•11tl11tt.,. c,11,,,, Of•,,.fl•lrc'"'... Hu11tt11t11111Ct11'9!' !'11111ot1ti111'11 tt'llll IAllle Rolh~h!ld 1!?19 ..• log. Fre!e patterrt coupon. SO "'"'11oot. P1..uit 11w1 n-. m.nn 1n11 tloof, ,.,.nt• Jllil•••••lll•••llll 'f"'· l==============================~-~~~-.;--~~~~~~~~i---· I . --' -MG , n.un. Cub's tow.. l S>op ""'"' • lhelr ..... ., of ~pale ""' .. . ,.,. • out "' do plh- 1 You !ment .'You ni~ '•one n !he ....,.,, ""'" ~ brand "''"" lo be ot up :n oU. "Am- """"· • ""1• """' >Cado. white .Jetely ted to !d up glaM !t.! ot oeado. inless >Otch- • dig .,,;.,.,. ,. .. , ...... ' and and olors. .... ..,. il d lo bey"d """' vet to Com- :>wer. ~ aet. done and p, no r nl.!lh umd • No .the ! you and ...,,,_ °""' w!M ll did . the !l'ICh , ranL know a in "no tabll'! oging • an .,,,... Bou- ll to and pany .. in lime °"~ ....... -pink !W"k, with ~ ... ,..,,_ ring I po- lhe t • 0 .... -Sud- mh • in -••• '"· ~ and !<k- ""' ... .... •'!' -St. ""· .... ... .. ~ 2 \1 ... "" .... ... ... .,. ... 9 .• . I I ~ I I •• ' i PHONE 673-4360 FOR HOME DELIVERY _ ..... . . • DAILY PltOf 41 PRICES EFFEiCTIV£ MAR. 27, 28, 29 We pride outsefvts on un11cell1d variety. What-.... ····--.... ,, '•, :'· .. ~;) ever you'rt lookincJ for , wt probebly have it. Just :: ;··..... \, :' \, ,' <t ' ' I \ I Our produ~• if tM pie I of tho I Produce Marie! -, ' . ";;1~k~ _/ Chosen •I the peok of flavor. You'll be surprised , 6«/lJWfT~ Ii the qifftrlOCe, ' ISi. I .. : I I ' ' ' r ... ,• '" \ "'-·"''.>_ ........ _ ... •\ .· .... ....~ . /' ··. .... 1'1'1'1J'll".::,~ nANl&i/J;_,-. CALIFORNIA NAVEL , vrr er "':::~-~--·=-~,ORANGES 8 LBS. 51 FOLGEll'S COFFEE I 69' I ' ' " . . ... . I lb. Can FOLGER'S COFFEE JLI. 1.37 I ' o ' ·. . ... -; . . . . ·-.... -· Ill:'---------------~ "', .. 0,ITry Oren9• Salad, with onions •nd French Ora11ln9. FOlGER'S COFFEE· AMERICAN BEAUTY fGG NOODLES SUNSHINE HI-HO CRACKERS KNUDSEN LA BON BUTIER POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL WELCH'S J U. 1.98 12•01. 29' .... 37e 79e .... 39e GRAPE JELLY 20-0 .. 3 for s1 SCHILLING IMITATION BACON BITS MAZO LA MARGARINE GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN GREEN GIANT CREAM CORN GREEN GIANT Kitchen Sliced Beans GREEN GIANT French Sliced Beans "GREEN GIANT WHOLE 1 ... ..... JOJ ... '" 39e 35e s ... 11 5 too 11 5 to. '1 s ... '1 MUSHROOMS 2y ..... 4 for s1 GREEN GI ANT SLICED MUSHROOMS 2 ~1 or. 4,., 11 KING OSCAR BRISLING SARDINES J f4 01. 3 ... 11 CHIFFON BATHROOM TISSUE 2pk. 4 ,;, '1 ! Sec1ia1 a. .... ,... I F """'"_, I ree ~";= ~--oiiiiii;i~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.._...,! IFROZIEINI FOODS CAL FAME Orange Juice 6 -0L 4 1 " 89' BABY RUTH SUNDAE BARS BOB'S CHILI 'N BEANS VAN DE KAMP'S NORTHERN HALIBUT ORE-IDA 12 oz. HASH 6 pock 16 01 . ••• 49c 49e 69e Or9•0 Serenade For Your Pleasure by Bernice Fay ' LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE Our· meat is more tender and has better flavor because it is so carefully chosen and aged; perfectly trimmed so you don't pay for fat or bone to throw away. (Even I oz. of waste at 79c lb . cost you 5c. I • · Our produce has more vitamins end flavor be- cause it is first quality, carefully grown and handled. At Richard's, Quality is Our Speciality! MEATS There is a difference in U.S.D.A. C h o i c e Beef, depending on where it's raised and how it's fed. Richard's chooses only the finest Choice Beef -so fine it's almost Prime! You get more flavor and tenderness for your money! PREPARED FOR EASY CARVING STANDING RIB ROAST ~,:;• .::1~:i~•rn•;u Sauca 98~1. SPENCER ROAST ;~~~:i1;:t•~:~!iEP::~.t ond 1.79 LI. SPENCER STEAKS Tha •Y• of tho ,;b. 1.79 LI. Lean SHORT RIBS Parlad o••• bakad withe ,,.;.ty 39'LB, of 1auca1 and 1a11onin91, Lean GROUND BEEF Cook •P, b•••h of hom•m•d• cnm. 4~1. ~· cA~ SALISBURY STEAKS 89e ... Seasoned with garlic, onion, bell p•pp•r' and p•prik•. BEEF KABA BS 1.49 ... B••l cub•s ma rin•t•d in 81.1r9undy end exotic herbs. MARINATED CHICKEN WINGS 49e,,_ Delightful lor hors d'o•uvr•• •.. m•rin•ted in Chlli Seise. 8~1. CARROTS ......... A ... -4~ '1 NORTHERN 4,_ '1 HALIBUT STEAKS S•~• wHh Pu1lay l uttor. 89~1. BI RDS EYE 1-oL Peas with Cream Sauce BIRDS EYE I 0-o" Peas with Pearl Onions 4,., '1 BIRDS EYE 1-o" PEAS, POT A TOES.,,. ..... A•-;. 4 ,_ '1 FOR OUT OF TOWN FLORAL GIFTS - ORDER NOW AND SAVE TH E WIRE CHARGES. FRESH RAINBOW TROUT From the Snake River, Idaho 1.49LI. WE HAVE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF u.s.D.A. PRIME BEEF. Mr,, P•nny lend, l ido Mrs, R. H. Ewing, l ido Mrs. Midge Roberts, N.B. Dorothy Reinier, N.8. -~ 50 UJifutelw c;,.,,. w.u" l•v~ly Hill1 Mt1. LI LA•. l•lff• ltt1y S.tt•, N-pert S.•th ' Jot l t•ri.li, L-111 lt•c:h C, l . 51'1'1ift., N•wpett l•1c:h Mra. Ofivt C••• l1IH0 Frt tl Litt.II, N-p•ri lttc:h A. G.tt.n, C..f• Mo1• (Aro Piclttn, l•t""' lttt h An'y "'1111tf•'· Nt wp.tt leoch GARDEN FRESH Italian SQUASH 1 ~I. Sauta In oliva o.il with garlic, silt end P•PP•f, Sprl nkltt with lamon juica. FOR DIET CONSCIOUS EATING ARIZONA GROWN GRAPEFRUIT 8 ,~& 49' Nice eddltlon to en Hors d' ouev r•s Tray. FIRM, RED, RlPE Cherry Tomatoes 1 r,.k .. I .DIELDCATIESSIEINl1 GOOD WITH GERMAN POT ROAST REESE CHAMPAGNE CURED SAUERKRAUT 20.... 39' HAMBURGER SIZED KRAFT SLICED -12 ot. lmerican Cheese 65' ROYAL HAWAIIAN MACADAMIA NUTS THE VERY BEST, KNUDSEN'S FARMER STYLE COTTAGE CHEESE IUDDING'S SMOKED Jl/1& 69e ,,,, 33e SLICED MEATS JoL H•m, B••f, Corn•d B••f, Turke y, Pestr•mi 3, .. '1 Primo Rib Ra•sl with B•amelse Sauc• Roosted Pol1loes Peas and Pearl Onions Choe11·0nion Rolls o.ssert Coffee ltaujoktls or Zlnfandel CAKE-LI KE, WITH LOTS OF CURRENTS IRISH SODA BREAD 4.le HONEY, CINNAMON & BUTIER TOPPING STICKY BUNS 79e APPLESAUCE, RAISINS AND SPICE Apple Sauce Cup Cakes 6 ,., 49e TOPPED WITH SESAME OR POPPY SEEDS. SEEDED ROLLS 6 ,_ 29c· CANDY '5k~131UW«f'A~ TINY SWISS LILLIPUT EGGS , ._... 79' SEE -THROUGH EGGS Beautiful picture · windOw ~gs to dellght • chllcl. .Ste lo 9.U . ' "'e,~ MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OJI.EN DAILY 9-7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 ' -· .(. OPEN DAILY 9-6 ,_ - I • , DAILY 9-51lO, SAT. 9-5 OPEN DAIL Y 9-6 DAILY 1,J0-6, SAT. t :l 0.5 .,, ' . ' I ·1 l I ( • \ . I, ~ ) I I ' l • I ' I • ------~~---------------------.. ---....,,. ........... -------------------................. ----~ ...................... -........ ~~~---...- I , • ~ I ' i •• • ~ if Nll.Y PllOT Spring Slant -· -• --• ---------------------I I · I I ' 9035 ,-.'-'SIDS IO~)S !&; 11T-.;.., 1lf t.\f'- THE SLANT ii everytbio& ·• thil q~ 1llek, n~ nallllng dzeu you'll io .. for any and every day. Sew jt la polyester kni~ Unen. . Printed Pattern 9035: NEW Ball Sizes lO'h, 12~, 14'h, '!Ill, 1111, :IOll, 2211. Siu Jiii .(llust :17) tam :11 y<b. -in. SIXTY-FIVZ CENTS i n eoiM fot uch pattern -add 1S ~ for each pattern far flnt-cl.w mailing and special ~: otherwise third-cl&.a dtli....,, will tab tbr .. weeU or men. Send to Mar- ian M..U., the D41LY PI- LOT. le Patt.rn Dept., 23% Wee! llthJi:il New York, N.Y. t•11. · -NAME, AD-illt1!SS with ZIP, SIZE and l1'YLE NIJMllER. :spring Send.41'! More fresh , :J'OUDI, ell)'-ff'llt' styles in ·lprinc.Smnmer P a t t e r n Cltilog. Floe pattern coupon. .. -.. NU INSTANT SEWING Book -sbowl you bow to liw it today, wear it tomor- row. Over 500 pictures. On1y $1. .Butter Up ; Filling Freezer Anyone who hisn't tried -lltlnr; forever dif!erent with andWicbu can tell you there , ii~ lo iL You've learned llet1er. u nothing else • • . tbe feet tblt they are always .. be dODI CID be a (!rag. ·One .,,., out ii to make a aupplr aheJCI and free.ze lllem. lo foll or free= paper, M'tn: the ice cube com· putment ls satisfactory for a couple d. weeks. In a zero dqret frlutr, they will keep a mooth. Some lllldwich f i 111 n g s fretie bet(a' than others. 'The JDdlt aatldactory ooes are lancheon meats, roast meat ud poollrJ (lllced CJ< ground ). .uced cbllle, cheese spreads, peanut -and egg yolb (no e1g whites, pleue, they touchen and change fiavor). Butter, etpeelally if you cream it a bit, can be used en bread to be frozen. But 'ue cooked-type salad dressing ..,.mtgly and dcm't u s e maymnaiae at all • • , lt m.Uea bread soggy. . Maybe the idea of ,......, aandwlcbu doem't app<al to -,.u at all. You u1ly wiMI uodwtch mlllng were a bit Miier and you'd lib 1 few tricks for mating "the same thlni" dlfterent. wen .•. froiell bread~ "'"'adloc anything euler. Try lt.. You can vary the andwlches with d i f f e r e n t 1lruda: • . • from the freew'. Butter of different flavors makes aandwk:hu different. Try IOlll• of these • • • and man up your own. IANDWICR llUTl'ER UPS Add ingredients; cream with -.fourth cup butter, for: Orange Bulter -1 1 teaspoon _.,. Jule< and II tWpoon ilrattd • riQd. CUrry °!:&-II teupoon carrt powder and a few-_of_ juice. lbtard Butter -I lallle· .,.... JftPOttd muJtard. rAvocado ButW -~~ cup .,.,,,,,, rrocado, l teupoon -julct, In dropc of -julco "' IJ'lled onloo. Wolnosd>y, Mardi 26, 1'169 • ' • i • ' Rt ftl'I® IUIRI Dftil® ' . BARIAlll II IALITY FDIDB U.s.QA Cboicl Tendwoy 81'..t e.t c.lie Steak ••• ,, $J1t ' luer ~ry SUtleu * Unk Sausage .4 :;:~$1 Swift l'remiwn .Sliced BacOll. :.':; 69• S....;tt ~ ltewn '~ ·, ' link Sausage .~69t Seo l'altfl'Nlll ~ Hsh Sticks,. •• !;°;43' U4-0Z.11c1 20-0Z.$1_.7) , , U.S.DA Grude A Fryflg CllOcktn ~ lacb. Neeb.or Gi:ilcu Picl10'Chick u. 49' U.s.DA Choicl Ttndenly 8IW Beef ....... Spencer Steak " $J" U.S.OA Choice ttndtroy Brond !Hf .............. Clod Roost ...... 95' Old C~ Vllall!lf Poe SI• ed B '"'·67. ' re aeon .. ,.,. WHY TRUST T-0 LUCK? TAKE U.S.D.A. CHOICE·JENDERAY BRAND BEEF Don't b• suckered .by gobbledgook. "Bonde~,. Beef isn't U.S.D.A. Choice. '"Trim·Ritc" Beef isn't U.S.D.A. .Onfy U.S.DA Choic• is U.S.O.A. Choice! And a Federal Govenlment expert says 10 with a purple stomp right on the meat. Marker Bosket sells only U.S.0.A. Choice Beef. 0And only Market Basket sells it diKount priced! S.Pukfrolfll • Deviled Crab .'~'$1" •S. l'ok Froltll Bnoded ~ ~~ OI' HllllclockSt~63' U.S. NO. 1 COLORADO.RED McCLU RE ... .. Tolllato Sauce '<~: 11' Princelll AQ.O * Yams ........ ,,." 43' Hvnr1 • P rk & B "'0"39' o eons ''" ~l H1111t'1 Wholt~ * t.:~:~ TA-'8·0< 29' ''" VllNIOIS, •,.Con . ' :·.;:!;.: ·~:::~ ·.~· POTATOES ~ 10 LB . BAG EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE NAVEL Oranges S"'1rttrldo fl'Ol'9!I Chitk.n Fried Sttak Beef Fritters •• " 98' T" Md f1'0Ztl'l &r.:idld Ved Dnmisticks •• '~; 69' FULL FLAVOR BANANA SQUA . ...... ' Cooked Ham. '~59' Juddig Wot.rKorn,Ctmll, T11tti:rr · Cornr..t.Pcstranior 3.Q , Chipped Beef .... '3 7' ~Notiollal Fnlllb ' 7Pll'~« l2-0z. Knackwurst •• "" $1 07 Arrro/IStarAlllAOI I li.. Hot Dogs ••••. "'-55' All B.!ff fAANt:.S. l·lb5t1 Roth Sliced All &ftf OI' 16-0 "'"' Bolog1111 ... ~9· Birdseyt Fn!Zllll ,._ A ·k ·-is" wa e •••••• CQn Wt51 Poi; Cit! Bto111."Miud VIS!lfO :i, Cut Com. or Ptci5 with Blltt• Souc.e I Vegetables •• ~ 20'-1 Howaimfrozen l:l-Ot. 1 Punch •••••••• ,_._35• Von De ~s· f roun Chicken , orl~key 9-0z. Meat Pies ....... 37' Monon rror1n All Vorieties frv<t gr{rtom P• '""'""' 29<' 1es •••••••••• fD. w 10c Off tobell 0ow-aa~ Cleaner ••••• .'i!-62' Spoc1 Shol1 Popsicles •••• :r; 57' H~k:r~t . Tomato Juice "i:29" o~ 12t0tt1.DODMM1s1w • Ail •••••••••• ~~sac ,_ '"°" Bleach •••••• ·.""' 75' ~~1:!'~~ FAMOUS FOR DEEP· CUT DISCOUNT PRICES! liltlir. Juit~ dtopped Callfctm1a and~ e NEWPORT BEACH _,,.,, ..... .,, •.• ,""''· ...... enr • mmtng bowl 1110 11'¥1ff ""· IWesttllff rfmJ " ;,_~:.:=i.IUll e HUNTINGTON BEACH-~::,~:; .. ,, •. • COSTA MESA _,,,,•·-e SANTA ANA~:.':.:""' e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-'!'~=· l r 'I ' ' ' ~ \ . ~-. , -~~ ·-------~ -·· _. _____ -'·~ -~--~ • ) I . I ' ' ' . I . · Get o ·ut of the Pineapple Rut fl"'"""", Mord! "2', IM ' ' Leftovers Tu rn. lnto Party Fare A big problem with cooking - for twp ill shopping for two. Especially shopping lo< meat. Meat doesn't seem to come in two'j>eojile portions • • • or at least, not often enough. Early in the shopping game you may have nsigned your menU!' to ground m e a t I , steaks, chops and meat slices. Larger cuts are "company'' meals or for times when y o u want sandwiches. There is another way to take advantage of larger meat cuts with no le£¥>vers. ~vide a larger cut int6 two or three smaller ones before you coot li. A two-' to thrff.pound chuck roast, for instance, can be cut into a pot roas t, stew meat and' swiss st.eak. It doesn't t ake lots of skill • • , only a sharp knife a n d an eye for judging one-third of a roast. Freeze the extra meat. No freezer? Most meats will keep 11p to a week if you store them ·to the coldest part of the refrigerator. Come to think or it, leftover cooked m eat isn't all that uninteresting. There are ways and ways to make it seem "fresh that day". Here is one. PORK PACIFIC fi to a stripe cooked po r k ( 'k inch wide) 2 tablespoons butter 4 to 6 green pepper strips ( 'k inch wide) ' li cup diagonally sli<;ed celery 1 lklunce can pineapple chunks or tidbits 1 cup liquid (pineapple juice, plus water) I chicken bouillon cube l tablespoon minced onion (dried type, il you choose) 1;:? teaspoon tarragon t tablespoon cornstarch I 4-oUnce can pimiento, drained Sprinkle pork wiG1 salt and brown quickly in butter. Add green pepper and celery and cook two minutes longer, stir- ring constantly. Add pineapple chunks, liquid, bouillon cube, onion and tarragon. Bring to boil, reduce heal, cover and simmer for four minutes. Blend cornstarch with two tablespoons cold water and slir, all at once, into port mixture. Cook and stir until thickened. Add pi- miento and serve -with rice or noodles. Two generous servings. . Sweeten ,. Popeye s Favorite Spinach seasoned UU. way is so much better than plain! SPINACH ANGLAISE I large bag (!Jl ounces) fr .. h apinach 3 tablespoons buUer 11 t>aspoon nit t teaspoon sugar Remove tough stem ends from 1 p In a c b leaves; thoroughly w3Sh 11>inach in cold water; turn into A large saucepol. Over moderate he.at, turning with a long-handled fork, brielly coolr apinach ~ water clincinl to Ute ves until Wilted but still t .,.... Turn Jnto a colander to clrlln; with I kitchen llCisson cut the leaves coarsely. Put the bUtler into the cltan dry pot and let otand over low hat unUl it lut1)s golden brown; mi1 In spinach, then Wl and augar. Serve 1t once. Pt{akes I servings. _, LARGE EGGS := ..... 45' UTIALUGE 51 ' Gu.DIAADOL --· ' MAYfRESH LAllG£ WDE AA._ DOZ. · NIB LETS CORN V AOJUM PACX 12-0L CANS ............... . QUAKER OATS OOIC>•_....,_. _ _ .18or.27' MAYFRESH SALTINE CRACKERS .. ... "''· 19' MAYFRESH TOMATO SOUP . . . IO OZ, CM< 1 O' BUTIERNUT COFFEE ...:... . ........... . . .......... , l-l8. CAN 69< ---m@lliir Dtfiea.ttssm---. CHEDDAR 89¢ CHEESE .. ";;!" . . .. i!IJ.9JJ .. Q.1!!1!l'lt __ 49cJ f!LP?Ec!.'!Wl ~.:.':.., 3~ $1 FHSH HEN TURKEYS U.5.D.A. GI.ADE A SELECTED, PLUMP, MfA TY 3 U.S.D.A. QIOIC( STANDING RIB ROAST ALL Ill ROAS TS tNClllDrD NONI PRICED HIGHIR MATZOS ~t:~."'~'' $2°' · ECiCi MA nos · 59< · l'IU\NISClf£WITZ ll<>L -----·-······-···•··-- !~~~!!~l~~--······ 49' !~~fw~ -~;r~ ]iS 1 ~!~L.!!1~!!~r-98' ~.~~~nzYf~~~--$J 41 SUN SWEET KOSHER PRUNE JUICE ..,.~"'""_:___ 49' '-----------------./,. HOFFMAN SMOKED PICNICS EASTIRN PORK WITH 4 ,, SWEfTSMOUCURE lb . FARMFllSH FRYER PARTS LEGS, TH1Glt5 OR l!!fAST M.EX lmTMIM.ntEWftlla.tf'Bll""' . 4 lA"t!s 1t PORK 59c RIB END 59c RIB ... 39c ~~~'~'~l~~-" ~,~,,C_H..~P~--• ~!,~.~~,ft = . ' MtlSOlll IRAllD lfOtsEIADISH IWN Ol IKt -4.Qt. '" l.Ql. 2t" OSCAI MIYEI FUllSMt.#1:# .llDS,OO'fOUlt'IWMEl""'°"'ECOlPON Y ..... otCAl llMI M.L llDT 01 aL l'EEF IOLOGWI __ "'" "'°· M' I•'----------'------_,, WAFER THIN PORK CHOPS --····-···-o.98' SEAFOOD SPEOAL . i~~~~----·· 79~ ~··i·l.WI~ Van de Kamps · • BONUS STAMP SPEQALS! 100 !e!t!!!'!'!.t~~':!. ~.!!'..!'..!~5 ----"· 45' PORK LOIN ROAST 6"' IC94fHO __________ .. '7 - !!~!!.!!~f!!D R_OA5!_ ~$119 !!"~.!5.,!~HUCll ROAST ... 98' !1.!!,T OF THE FRYERS " 59' r--~ Liquar ---- 10YALOCCAS10NsTRA1GHT KENTUCKY BOURBON ~3.99 I SMOKED PORK CHOPS '""'""' ---... 89' LOIN PORK CHOPS ""'"'"-_ ... ar PENN . SMOKED SAUSAGE-.---"· ii' PORK·LINK SAUSAGE~~..,..'"' __ 41'1 PORK TENDERLOIN,...,~•""' ---,..11 • SLAB BACON "'"'""'--··-·--·---,. 53' WILSON CORN KING BACON ~<'°----... 65' WILSON CANADIAN BACON MJN<m« --"· 11• JONESLINKSAUSAGE 1u.""'"'-99' OSCAR MAYER SLICED BACON ""·"G. 79' OSCAR MAYER PORK LINK SAUSAGE-... 19' FIUET OF PERCH ~. ,. 79' FILLET OF TRU COO·-----•· 79' FILLET Of SOCE ___ .. ____ ,, ______ ., 98' lAKE SMUTS .'.______ •. 49' PACIFIC llAUBUT SIDK ___ '\!tli' -" 79'. SM!RDFISH STEAK ____ '~JI"_ ... 98' --ma.J1faii-Fruits" Y19d.G.fttts----- BANANA$ GOLDll llPI -----""'""'lb. ASPARAGUS ... -:...~ ____ .. 39' CUCUMBERS =.=~--·--· 2t 29' ~!~-~ 19' !}.,f!t._.4l$1 ADVERTISED PRICES EFFEmVE 7 FULL DAYS THURS •• MAIOl 27 thni WED •• APllL 2 MAYFAIR MARKn -175 WT 17lH STUn, COSTA MESA 2Qt W. 1-" ltn.t, l •nta AM '"2 WHhftlMtw, o.r4tn ...... ' SPE~LS " Til1n • .s.. .. ..._ 27.30 . ' ' Dllrisi Cllster ' Coffee Calles ..... • , 3gc } ; Braa Muffins.,,.•• 33', . ' .. Mtlllres, hUIM. '""· """'"' .. . . " Pta11ut llttlf 25'' I Cookies .... -...... .. llfJ\WHWfllHY1\lf\Jf · PLAY BALLS ~.a 69'·, .. ..._ ______ ,,-, ' • w.~r;r----·--------------------I I ' I I I I \/ • S• DAil. Y 1'11.0T ' Land of j uni< Eaters Best S·elli~g Author Deplores Nation's Poor Eating ·Habits By JOHNA BLINN She loves 1ood salad& and COKnac. M.}' desserts .tways LEG OF UM.a ROSBMAR"i .roastlJI& fl&l. desired. Serves I. fi'iU to on~lncb depth wilh Si le1$poop uh LAS VEGAS _ "We're a vegetablH. she saJd. "I make are very fut but flavorful." 4 pound bont<fi rolled Its lflW't meat thtrmometer in ARnCllOJU:S A LA salted boilin& water. Squeeze freshly JtClllftd pepper l'l naUon d jUnk eatm becaUlt a luy lemon sauce for One of her belt effortl com-of lamb · fleshiest part ol tht meat. MANNES ltinon into bolling water. taste Jl!Dk food ii mm produced artlcbokes that I'm !Ute blnes pitted apricota, vanilla 'IS cut lemon :toast in prtheated 300 degree 4 luge '1tlchokes Cover, w'imm<1 r ~1 ~~;') If' teupCIOP paprlkl ··n ,.,_ -·-~. It's •---rato-eve...,,._. '--"s. In aome handful !rub chop_, tor F oven about • hours (or --" cl lie (or un eavt1 .,.... e ..... , · In top ot' d~·b'" ~•1er, -•·· w..-....,..,, .... , ~.... •1--IY,.,.. be '"· ice cream and coenac, "blend· dried) r-'" · .., s .. ,... ove gar Add m0tt waler u needed. "" .11111 ... .,..,. 1 !aard to find good food ways, I like it Iler uwin 11 filn fOltM8tY until meat t b e r m om e t e r salt. 1'1ttt beaten eag yolks with 1our nleu you 10 Into the middle Hollandaise. because J t 's ed we _ in a t 1amaj\g," salt, fre!hly ground pepper registers 145 degrees F. for half cut lemon Turn artichokes upside down · cream, lemon Juice; 11lt; peJ>- lf the country," author Mlrya Ughttr." and semifrozen to serve. "It Trim off otra fat, but ltave rare). Cut off stalks, cut into base to dry. Serve hot or.cold with per pc! paptj.ka. Cook over Munes Mid, refltding Ob lhe "I'm an awful dessert comes out ™Una like a trap-fell (outer DlaMtnt) intlct. Allow roast to firm up a enough. to remove 3 large fau Hollandabe. StrvtS 4• slnuriertng water \DlW yolks natloa'• food bablta. , maker," she said. Men are pe," she said. "U l hid lhe Rub out!lde with lemon. few mlnutea before ca"iJ'lg. 1-yus ol tough outer leaves. Jl'AUX BOU.ANDAISE begin to tMcUn. IUrrinl con- "Otberwlle. piua pie, lousy inclined to go for rich sweeta. time., I suppme l'd Uy Sprinkle rosemary ltnerou.lly 1be inside meat should be Rinse well io remove sand. 3 en yolks staaUy. Do not boll. Remove hambufatrl, greasy fried stuff Women are mort interest.ed something as elaborate 15 a oVer the enllre 1 u r f a c e . pink--tn appearance. GamiSh -Trim bases with sharp knife . 1 cup sour crtam £rom water. ·Serve. Milts and that terrible white mush in fruit. Often I get ice cream mousse. "but it would be an Seaaon well with salt and peJ>-with panley and sliced lemon. Stand artichokes in bottom of scant 3 tablespoons lemon. ab9U' 1 cup. they cttl bread and soft drinks and add creme de cacao or immense effort." per. Place roast on raCk in Serve with mint sauce if saucepan (rubbed with garlic). juice · ccJ 1,.,, .,....,..,, -. is the buis of the public diet."1----------------------------------------'--'-----=--'--.:....--------'-----'--- '"lbe young of this natioo tll<e In too much of this junk. Pbia'• an abomination and bad for the stomach; too many fats cause bad eom- plntON; anything you can name is better to drink than most soft drinks. '"l'be kids are loaded down with too much sugar which is a taste ruiner. You can't savor anything on top ol. a cola. Most teenagers eat thil way becalllt they've never luted good ngu!ar meals at home," she said, peering through her dark gl...., by the hotel pool. BAD FOOD RABl'!ll 1be lady who is famed for speaking bhmtly said, ''I like .to speak out and t take responsibility tor what I say whether it's going to be clob- bered at pra~." Bad food habits in this nation, where tbe highest standard ol livln( in the world prevails. is not limited t o tht young, she stressed. "Vegetables are cooked to death and we have overcooked meat. First class restaurants are hard to come by. It'• tenibly important to eat sensibly, perticuJarly w h e n yoo're tired and on the go. When I travel, I stick to eggs and bacon, which, after all, are pretty hard to ruin." "'Good food turns me on," she: said, a! if inspired by the blinking lights from the strip. "I enjoy working with it." To her, food is a being with an Identity of ii.II own. "I have a small shack where 1 cook." she said. "But let's make it very clear. in no way do I think of myself as a llOW'met. I do simple thinga at the shack which is my weekend retreat five months of the year." Marya, whose book "They" wu published this year by Random House, lives in Manhattan and summers on 1-hland. "I need time l.O coOtemplate, a chance to tab ' deep breath and to walk on lhe beach," she 1aid. MUSIC TO COOK BY '!l love to cook to music, cla.sSlcal mUBic." She hastened to add, "l love rock, too, but to cook to rock is not sahity. l l'1 too frighte nine. too e:a:eiting." She likes pure ingredients and prefers uncompllcated dishes like a leg of lamb made with lemon and f r e s h n:itemary. "I have an herb garden in the country and grow things like c h i v t s , parsley and tarragon. I'm going to add mint thls sum- mer." Marya is admittedly a plagiarist in the kitchen. "I tai.t ideas from here and there. I'm not a very good housekeeper, but I try to have many Ingredients on hand. Should I want to do anything grand, I riffle through Julia Child's cookbook ; too often there's no time. but she does have some simple things, too. 61When I have guests, 1 do the production ahead of time. 1 like to have drinks with people and do all that mincing and chopping ahead. Once my guests .are there, it's only a matter of shoving the dish lnto the oven or do.Ing the tut rites, like coot.Ing a vegetable or to!sing a salad," she said. "J have a passion for really good hamburger. I get the best quality of top lean round, and add the yokes of egg, gnited onion mixed with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper. The e1g makes tM meat sloppy, but it mull not be too 110lld. And make the hamburgtn largt. not like small pellets." EXPERIMENTS Shd likti to uperlment and make ne\9 things with what ·, around the house. "I mak1 val lnlnala or W:al piccata. I coot whit I f~ Uke. eating at the moment I do things .tth fish, but l have 1 horror o1 .,..,, bony r~11." Spruce Up 8pr1l*k -Cheddar -... the lop ol moot vry • , 7 able and yo1.1 'H bl aprudnc ff up with '"'" IOO'I· netlt utra flavor and an el· tra opoclll roldcn lop. '•ido -~ Lonpl .. lei.,T-..il ..... 0...- C.,.i..li..111-. CRANB y JUla =:r.-: __ .. ss· PINEAPPLE JUIU :::'.':'~:---.-2 7' DEL MONTE CORN ~~.-.....• 23' GREEN BEANS =~~·~~-'.:'24• B&M BAKED BEANS .~.~ ........... 39' ASPARAGUS SPEARS ::~::.: ..... 49' I • l THRO lOW EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICIN& LUCKY TAKES THE PUZZLE OUT OF YOUR FOOD BUDGET ••• WE PUll IT All TOGETHER WITH LOW, LOW EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRJONG ... TOP QUALITY "BONDED" MEATS, FAMOUS GROCERIES, FRESH PllODUa ... GREAnR SAVINGS 365 DAYS A YEAR ON MOST EVERYTHING YOU EXPECT . FROM A SUPERMARKET, AND MUCH MORE, AT LUCKY! £~~i~~.~~~~,~I.45~. ~~~~~.~~.!.~.~-~--45~ I~~~!~!M.~~~~~~ ...... 29.~ J.BONE STEAK $1 ~? . JAILS llMOYID, LUClY IONDED ................ . RIB STEAK 8911.. llNDll ... JUKT ~.!.~-~~.QA~I .......... 7 9·~ SIRLOIN STEAK ..... .::::. .... 98.:.. CROSS RIB ....... "::\\" ...... 83.:. CHUCK ROAST ..... '~~· .... 49~. ' : ---d-1 ' . . CUCUMBER SLICES :::.."/:. __ 37' LUCKY SHORTENING -~---67' POMPEIAN OUYE Oll.---··-81 ' WESSON Oll -"'--.. -....... 75' WISHBONE DRESSING:.'~~-36' SEVEN SEAS DRESSING ::'.'.':~42' BEST Fooos =::---·-·-.58' -•ffoioo •:),,"' ... -·-DJ •-.~.:...-1" FAOAl TISSUE :-=~~ ............ 27' TISSUE =~~-·-··-·26' scon VIVA Towns ,, • .,_33• Our LOW Evc:r)day Price ! MONTEREY JACK & MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE lUCIY lllND,CHUNK, IANDOM -79~ SLICID LUNCH MIATS .. u ... 31 c LaQ, IM>I ..... ru ,911 ... lf'kt(.•c & err..... ... . ~~~~ ~!:' !!~~.~~~~-·-~··· ,... 8 c LONGHORN CHEISI 5 9< Miu wi-i., ..,. .. _." CW4ior , .. , •• rq. ~~!t<!!'.,~~E~~ .. ~.~.~~2~1._ ,~,. 64 c ···~&rt~-.... DmRGENT LUX LIQUID 72-0UNCE BOTILE ORCHID'S NAPlllNS -.... ·---55' ~. _ .., o WHITE lllNG "D'' =:-:: .............. 68' -=-= • TIDE DmRGENT -~············-··.79' ."'-~~~~..,.....__, BOLD DETERGENT-·-----··-7., 'llllllfllli .__....:.. • Our LOW &r)day Price~ COOKED WHEAT =~-.. -41' ALBACORE .,..MARSHMALLOWS ......... 21 ' 1.,.....,AWll LUCKY SLICED BACON HALIBUT.:=';;. 89.:.. -· FRESH PERCH Ill!! 79•. FIUET If COD ....., 73.:.. FIUET If SQLI-.79.:.. HALIBUT'':i':\1" 58 .:.. 58< HEN TURKEYS •••• ;.<:o: .... 39,>. SAUSAGE. • • :~~=::t:~ .. 29' ~~,?!·J!~~~~llelt,MLl ......... 47C ~~~~!.~-·--···-··-···--·$449 !!e}i~~~~~1~!! ........... 92c ~2~"!'!!~.~~~~.~~!.~=: .... $J 13 ~~~s .~~-~~.~~.~~-............. ~ .. ,., 39c 111111~Van de Kamps•• AN OUTSTANDING VARIID OF FRESH BAKERY GOODS (AT MST wen STOIU. llJ.111111W111Tf111J llJ111111Wllll ~· ...... 4fkt~-.... DEL MONTE FRESH WHOLE DILL PICKLES 26-0UNCE JAR 47° PORTERHOUSE •••• ,:;r., ••• ;'1~ GROUND ROUND ..... '.l:' ••• 79:.. CUT-UP FRYERS ..... ~ ... .35:.. BONELESS HAM ••• :::.:.": •• 'lt• . .. .. , . SUNSHINE CRACKIRS ::::;.. 33' VANIUA WAftRS:::'/"., 36' FIRESIDE coo111rr.-...=;::.-37• HARVEST DAY BREAD -. ... ---33' ----twllfl.-t.u...ai . . -•-, ~'- IEEF suas:::...~-:::. '1" ·FRUIT PIES ::: .. ~,:·'· 33• JENO'S PIZZA ROUS ~-.-.... ..59• if'~"j~~:..--34. BIRDs'ff COcil.-wlflP ..,...:..:._47• KERNS STRAWBERRIES ir:.:":"-27' ROAST TURKEY =~-'3" !N.!VJ~ STICKS-..... 36' CHIU & BEANS ~:"' · 26' ···~fktt.-­ ROSARITA REFRIED BEANS 29-0UNCE CAN 27° OH BOY SANDWICHES=-79• BREAD DOUGH =t':l..":' 60' HALIBUT FILLET ~.":::'._ .•...••. 'l" PERCH FILLET ~.~~----··----··-··59• BIRDS m AWAKE M, .... _ ___J 5• VEGETABLES ,..,..__ · 21• ·-Pfs 'l.U, cnun, DWrll • lW shmMI· BIRDS m VEGnAILES .... -31• ~i:.~~:t"'~~IJJ(l.~·--l&PWl-. BIRDS m POTATOEs ... ,....:_27• ...,._ .. C11111Unr PRINCEUA YAMS .~•a ·-·-·--33' LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT 'M""··· _J 9•· tta.• ...... ~fkt!-....... 'q HEINZ TOMATO GEISHA TUNA · · INSffNf'Nll'flAMENT ........... 83' '''' MrPllMllJ ~I, VAllJ.A, (llOCOlAll MAil) SPAGHnTI ::rJ~.~N~~~--73c ·'.:.2-· L~VI DISCOIJrJT PRICES ON HEAL14 AND BEAUlY AID S KETCHUP 20·0UNCE BOTILE 3:1.c T TOES :~~~~ ............................... 18< LIBBY'S TOMATO JUla ... ,~ 35' DEL MONTE PEAS ....... . ....... 22' STAR KIST TUNA ::-:;"' .. . ... 44' BEIF snw :.:::.~ ...................... 61' LllBY'S Oflll ~:: .................... 36' PICKLE STICKS=~~···--.42' ... LINDSAY OlMS!".'::::"'.~35' CALIF. GI OLIVES ::~·~-.... .34' 7-0UNCECAN IVORY SNOW ~''::--·-·-·-··79' OXYDOl DETERGENT -· -........ 79' CHIER DETERGENT-·--···---19' DREn DETERGENT -•.••---·-..79' IVORY DETERGENT ~ ... -•........ 58' GLASS CLEANER =-~ .............. 49' SELF ,OUSH WAX :::~.-•............ 89' SIMONIZE WAX =:.... . ...... 91' 8 ~~,:';~~·:::..~~~ .......... ., 63' ?,"!!!!,!~Y!~S .. 19< ~'l!~)!.A_!_!!!.I~.-:.~ . .$4 H ~.s!~!:~~~··---· $42' t I 1 POST TOASTEM'S ::::-:~·-· .. -45' OGARITTIS =-=-~~~ .... N ....... N_Ns2'" SOUR CREAM ~,_lf~~--.29c BEAUTIFUL EASTER FLOWERS • LILIES • TULIPS • MUMS • ORCHID CORSAGES S.., llttky ftr flwl1I t ••llty Fl•wtn •f l•w lv""*r PrktL BANANAS c:~u~~A 10( LI . c .. ,,.., A•eric•'• fiMtt t Mllty ........ , -Oeltlt111 lljllt -l•t•llfff fw S.lff1 •' ee • llMrltllllll IMltlc. SILK 'N SATIN HAND & IODY LOTION A ._. ... W,leKMtt.t_.. ........... *' .... ~-... ...ti• ,., ....... """'ttc. -..etettr ...... tift wMll •IN •• 111 dhr ... l•tkto. .. ,. ... i;-o .. 76' l•ttl• BRECK BASIC POTATOES , PACQUIN'S 1 OPOUllD5 ·5c ,..Wl DIYSIONCllMI tusms CIUO 'I -·---· 76 U.S.Jt0.1 IAQ \. /J =. -:::,-':::;'"._:: C GIADI • ~""°'_._ ............. ..._,,, .. ·-• . ---···~-~ -....... , .. -. -.... t ... -------___ .._ _______ . " .. ------- NEW DRY BAN ANTl.PllSPIRANT DIODOIANT ..... -"' ..... , .... , ,,.,.,. .,.. .ti .,. .,,; .. , ,..,..,., ...... kt ... .,. .. 11.., ,...-y, ..._ Wil1 Mt .. ,. H ~ 9-f Ala. .:;::::.. 91 c SCORE HAIR DkESSING ::;~!;:~~~~'.~~'. ............ 68c MICRIN MOUTHWASH OndA•tl..,ti<l,l ............. lco •• , •••••••• COVER GIRi. MAKEUP =::::_~:::~:~ ....... -..... $)41 NOXZEMA INSTANT SHAVE ·---· 99• , , __ ta... ........... -.~ ......... . I ·-......... ~ .. .............. ' • \ ; .... ·-----._. .. ,~-....... -,~ ................ ,..,. ........ _._ ..... __________ ... ____________________ ~~ · Wtdnnday, lk rl :\ :::1 01\JLY PILOT SJ ~~~~~-----=~ - I I I' I I I I I I U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE I u.s.D,A. GltADIO CH01a LEAN TENDER I · LIAN, MIA TY IHF CHUCK ! STEAK : I e : RIB STEAK c U.S.D.A . GRADED CHOICE LEAN MEATY BEEF SHORT RIBS ( I I I I I I I I .. I U.S.D.A.GRADEDOIOICE I CENTER CUT I I I I I I I I . I RIB ROAST c I lb . I I lb I • I I . lb. I lb. ' IONB.ISS ROAST 98( SHOULDER CLOD .... LI. IONB.ESS 88( WHITE FRONTS LOW ADVE'<TlSEDEVERYlJA Y HF.FF PR/Cf~~ BONELESS ROUND STEAKS .. 'si.01 SIRLOIN STEAKS imtcUTJ ,._·s1.21 SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS -• s1 .21 SWISS STEAKS ···--···-------------.. 88' U.S.D.A.GRADEAFRYER 58( LEGS AND THIGHS .......... LI. • STEWING BEEF......... ' LB. U.S.D.A. CHOICE STEAK $148 CUBE STEAKS ..... s1.21 PLATE BOIL -----------·-----------------"-24' R(IUND STEAKS 1101"1!-_,.aa• BONELESS CHUCK ROASTS ...... __ ._88' RUMP ROASTS iao•Elll ------t.88' FRESH GROUND BEEF------•.48' U.S.D.A.GRADEAMEATY 58( FRYER BREASTS ................ 11. PORTERHOUSE .-... -ts. BONELESS CHUCK STEAKS _____ ._88'-FRESH GROUND CHUCK ______ Ll.68' CUT FRYER$. __ .. u.31c BEST OFTHEFRYER _ .. u.51' SLAB BACON IYTHI PIECE 49L~ WHITE FRONT'S tow AlJVEll'/'f.~f;o t:Vt:ll YOA y POii/\ l'll/[f,'S HSOMFFMAONKEDllPICCIACIDNT{IDl•t:.38' . • COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS --------•.68' CENTER CUT RIB PORK CHOPS _______ ._98' RPllOENRD K CHOPS 58< LOIN END PORK ROASTS _ •. 68' ....... ,., PORK BUTT ROASTS __ •.58' MEATY PORK BUTT 68( CENTER SMOKED PORK CHOPS _ .. 98' . STEAKS ·--~----.. PORK SHOULDER ROASTS ___ ._45• 1v1111·,.: fHnrvT"S, (JW F:V,..'H YU.f y Sf.',4 f'OOI) PR It~"-"" FILLET OF PERCH~;.~ ........ 79' FILLET OF TRU COD ........................................ •-79' FILLET OF SOLE ----· ......... ---------·-._ 98' LA KE SMELTS ........... --------------------._ 49' WHITE FRONT'S LOW EVERY-DAY DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS VALUABLE COUPONS ll ·1i .. oz.CANSELSEWHH1101s1 j I: ff LIMIT I COUPON "' . 39c I ,i '""'I CC>U-HR 14 s 1 :;!f I AOUll CUSTOMll I .~ . ADUL1'CUSTOMll I ~· I ~ orR~ GOOD~·· 27 I .~ OfF(I 0000 MAI. 27 • 1 1-~· I IE' •••• APRll 2 I 111;:: "''" _ANL 2 -' ~I ~~~]~~~~' __ J ~~~\~ __ J LJF/ !<:A /'t.'-.'f,_\ Ll.89( MEDIUM AGED CHmE CHEDDAR :;.;i;• OL' VIRGINIA 10-0Z. ASSl'o. 45 LUNCH MEATS ........... c ciiiPPED riiirs _ 3~$1 ALEX4PIRIAG 4 $1 BEEF TAMALES :-lls ., DEL MONTE-ELSEWHERE 35, . lDl 29( PEACHES ............. --.~~~- FRMURCOCKTAIL'~~s 25' DEL MONTI ELSEWHlll 17 c 21 ( SWEET PEAS·-.. -~!~. DEL MONTE, JOJ CAN-ElSEWHIRE 23· ( CREAM CORN ... ~.~~ ...... DB.MONTE-ELSIWHIRE17c 23( GREEN BEANS .. ~.~-·· TRIES WEIT JUICE 46 OZ. ELSEWHEIE43( GRAPEFRUIT ...... ~.~-·-·· SUNSWllT, FUll QT.-ELSEWHERE S 9cJI 7 PRUNE JUICE ................. .. ' PirtiAPPLsiwiu11ci _ 29' WELCH'S, 24-0Z.-ELSEWHERE J9c 36 GRAPE JUICE .................. c MArONNAISE-ElSEWHERE61< 57 BEST FOODS ... -............ ' PETER PANT All CAN-ELSEWHER E 75 PINK SALMON .... ~.~.:.. ' KELLOGG'S, 12-0Z.-ELSEWHIRE J 1c28( CORN FLAKES ..... :.: ..... GENHALMILLS, 10%-0Z.-35 CHEERIOS ..... ~~~E~~E-•~.... c CARNATIONINSTANT6-PK.-70 8REAKFAST ~~.~-~j~~--~ ' SCHIUINGS 4-0Z. _ ELSEWHERE 3"' BLACK PEPPER ... 4.~~ 7- MISS OURI BRANO HORSERADISH ,_..,z.19' 1-tL29' OSCAR MAYER All MEAT flANKS ................. : ..... 69 OIL MONTE, 14-0Z.-ELSlWHIRI 2511 ( CATSUP .... -.......................... . KIAns. QT.-ELSEWHERE S9c 54' MIRACLE WHIP ......... ARDEN PINTS-ELSEWHERE 5 Sc 4"' SOUR CREAM .... -........ 7- OSCll MAYER BOLOIMA "\~~ll"' · ,,,.LPlc.69' ~- IEICH NUT STRAINED-ELSEWHERE 11 < 8( BABY FOOD .......................... .. ua;v·s. 12-0Z.-ILSEWHIRE 69c 5"' CORNED BEEF ............... 7-ARDIN. V. PINT-ELSEWHERE 2Sc 22( YOGURT ............................. .. 1·1/117f\ fl)(!/).-. GERIR'S-ELSIWHIRE Uc 1 0( BABY FOOD ................. .. AIDU FUVOI FIDH-'h GIL. 6Ac ICE CREAM .. --~~"I~:....... 7 : .~~~TERN UT COFFEE, lll-lll£WHU!ll• ..... -65' CH1cuN OF THI SIA, V.-ILSIWHIRE2ftc CHUNK TUNA .. -.~.~...... 7- ARDEN INST ANT, 6-PK,.-ILSEWHERE4ftc BREAKFAST ...... ~.~'......... 7 - ARDEN COTTAGE CHEESE ""' ----·-· 29' SCHI Jl/< .,,. LLINGS _.,_ """ "' .. ,_ ........... ,._25' SWAIRO•'IAllTD.ElSEWHt•E CHIC 46 . o·::-: T V OINNERS 63< 1u1kfY ( ;1"1,ITE .(;Iii /I/\ I Uf .. '11/'Ut11 > f \/I I!-.'<;//' 11111-.' .... ADVERTISED PRICES IFFICTIVI !HUR. MAR .27 'THRU WED. APRIL 2 . . ·-~~~~~~~~ , 2' SARA LEE FieozeN El~Hflf l'h· EXCEJ'T 6t CAKES AND !:~:::~ '"ST"'f!i Cll'EAM CH!lS( BEm UKER MUT Pl ES 1<>t '""'· '"""'· "" I 5c BRIDQEFOID WHITE IREAD ·""'' 49' . GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES U.S. NO. 1 RUSSETS 10 4n~ POTATOES . c~~o 17 SWEET JUICY 3 6ftc D'ANJOU PEARS ......... _ ~ ..,-::~m::::~~·~u:,~·~1 3 f. 39c ClllllWI llTI llTI~ lllCI 1-11. 0 11m IUOlllll 1111 llTTll -1111. R INICl-llUllll lHL aioccou0 ___ 1L 1 t THIN SKINNED 1 • JUICY LEMONS .11. 7-. • -~---~------·----~------~-- I, QoQO QCiJoo 0 . . () .... _ ..... -.,..·~-. . /.•'T.?:.~fl':.-... ,,,, . SUPERMARKET HOURSONL~ ANAHEIM 2232 HARBOR ILVD . MOH , TNRU SAT •• 10:00 A.M;,\• t :JO,.M. SUND.Al -10:00 A.M. t9 l iJI P.M. COSTA MESA HISTOl AND PAULARINO MON. TMl\IJltOAY. 11·)0 A.M.wt:JOJ.M. SAfUMAf, t :lO A.M. t• t : )0 ,,M. IU•DAT -lf:tt A.M. te 6111 P.M • . j • '· I I f ' I I \ , • ; !II DAILY. ,ILOT Cabbage'~ • , Ari~t~~at· ., Plenti/ol , ~.~··~t ' • ol tllo alllllp ~· Ill!• l'-.t -" ID I!'!'> raFntl. ' -of 1111 lllJll)lf ...... • ,_ lhe· ·~ "-mabflY ~a and ICllotany ....,_ 1ifll. I Tbe eool·--·of .. .., Am 11 -:..,...1.it., . l Ml/ltd to:,.....m, caulllloftr i{' tllat is topi In .,.. and o ..... ; I ~al. Be1id41 tbe• ·~tblr 1 : other factan lllUl'e food Mappers .of. the bell pCll8lli!e :: product. 'lbooe CfW111 white heads of c3ullflow• fa the markets were tiny plants 128 day1 qo. Thty were carefully selected and hand-plao!ed for maturiJ\1 and marte~ now. Even tbe structure of the plant aids in producins top 'I. u • 11 t y caulllJower~ The brol• lfttll ~eaves Of the plant ezleocl up and ovor · •' the "Dower head," prottcthsa: it """' 81111 • • • otiienrlle It would be yeDowish.. rather than creamy white. ''Selected . harvesting" de8cr1bes the cut- tirig cl. caullfiower.f«,markel Nothlnc . but ,the bell Is taken. ll<mbtn of harvesting crews DlUll be •ble to tell . at. a glaoc<, ll . Ille produCt . is the rll!>I 1lae ·and qullll!y for market Th1I developed skill lll one 1ood reason why caullllower prlctS stay In JIM with bud1eta. ~ • • • . Sboold ,...i qullllty ·heads .... .be left In the Oeld. co6ll wooli! lncrule. And, ll poor qullllty WU harvefled. costs w;ould iacnase with sorttni · time, later. From the field; cauliflower ps lo the paclllns shecl. Tbere It Is ·wiubtcl. trimmed, ptcked in cartons and"'faCuum .. <:OOled.· Much of tt " iets a plastic overwrap "for ap- , ptarance • n d prot.ct!OI\. nose kw )eaves left on the cauUnower ll't a1So for ap- , .pearance and for ptotecUon in shipping. The vacuum' cooJ. ::idi asnm: YOlf cl. caullflower 'that Is jllll u !ml In . the matket aa when it comes frol'J\ the field. CauJJIJower is Poctecl In cartoos for lhlpplns accordlns lo .... There ... u. 11 " ,.., pet cu1cia. The,i,.pr the number In the Wtoo, the mnalla' the me. ,. y Oii buy by alsa -but pro- bably. ludJ• the liead to bt small, medium or large. Tbf ip1all beads 1flD we!sh • ··~er a bft!M~ and will serve 3 or 4 ~e:··'.IJ'ht medium lite, 'whJCh · 19 the moot popular, wel&hs 1 ~ to 1 ~~ pound& and , will aerve i . .., 6. The . 1.,,...: heads; we!gblng 2 poimds' "' more, -wfll serve aS \rtlany u 10 peaple. Cauliflower is really quite a versatile 'Veletable. Raw; it ls an interesting flavor and texture addition to ireen aalr . ads and rtllsh trays. Cauli- flower ls good with your fa· vorlt. dip too. Cooked, it can be served ~aJ~~ ofoo;:~ ~~ ~ even drop coaked "flowers" intO pld:le vinegar or juice from "hot'' peppets. Let them stand a day or two and serve u appttizm or on the. relish tray. Muffins Make .Hit The flavor of tlle8e muffins ·c:emplements the main cour••'- BANAN.l OATMEAL MUFF!NI 1 cup &ifted flour. 'h cup SUll? 2 taspoons bokln( powder ~ .._ boldag ""'• ~ teaspoon ult ~ cup rolled oats, quick· · ""*ins or rqular · Va cup finely c hopped nutmeat. I •U ~cup milt I tableepoons 88lad (not · olive) oil ... ~C11Pftl!masbod0anana Into a medium-bowl st~ "1pther the flow', -• bok· tni powder, ""'' and Nll; lllr In oota and nuts. In • small bowl btst eu .u,bll1; add milt and beat lo combine; lllr In oil and -...: add lo dry b> credienta : lllr only untU they ... -J'Jll .,.ued madium..U. -cup1 " f\Jll. Bin In pt tltlltied 05-dt,,_ ovtn un- UJ a cUt 1e11cr -In .,.,..,. _.. out clean· - about JS minuet:•· lent at .....MakttU. ' • ; " i " 1 ' " -· .-· . -. " . Alpha Beta's· Man in Blue says: Better Pttd•c• 1t 01scoUHT PRICES RED RIPE • FLAVORFUL • LARGE SIZE TOMATOES $ Mr ANO UWIED WITH JUICE YAIEICIA 8 LBS. $100 ORUiES FOR LBS. FOR . I - • ''Al Alpha .Beta ·you get help CRISI' • ~AROEJf fMSH LARGE SrzI CUOUIBERS or JO' BELL PEPPERS " A SALAD FAVORITE LARBE $ 00 AYOCADOS6~ 1 THICK·MEATED ladlltm111n SQUASH 7:. • like the '01A. OlSCOU Hl S l1 lPY OAl SOME AVt1A IET& rtOllES PISCOIJfrlf CHAllC.E l'RIC[ 16' THESE PROOUCE PRICES E'FFECTM THURSDAY tti rough WEONESDAY, MAROi 27 ftmJugh APRIL ! . . .. . • 'OI AL 01SCOUNTS EVlR~ OAY loNE AIJ'ffA KTA ITOllQ OllCOUNt ~Qf l'ltCE BEACH TOWELS PRIN'Tfl) TERRY I lACOUARD soVE3~~:s 1 .. IOME~60$"2u CKARQE 1.49 CHAKGE :1.49 59' Pii'!i:L'sH'A'M;O'D 115 $111 COMPLETE HOME PEIU.IAM!NT $ Liii Special P1rmanent1 • 134 . JIEGULJJI OR MINT @ txTll:A. UJIGE TUBE • INCL. 7c orr Crnt Toothpaste 83' 621 -lrghl'h.rcl11i:dor1nt 1" $1 21 TCTA\ 01·.cou~TS E~lRr C14Y SOM£ AL'HA 10 ~ STORES OISCOUllT OHM10E NICE ) SUPER STAINU:SS STEfl. EDGEl Giiiette Techmatic AD~USTABLE 79 RAZOR )DI C BAND ------ lNCLUD!:5 lie Off J!::i PRELL . FAM~T S!Zt Ttlllt $)06 C!;> COllCEllTRATEI" FAMil.Y SIZ£ TUBE INCL. Joe orr SOME STORES CHARGE SJ.SS • HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO s11a tARGC SIZE TUBE: GLEEM TOOTHPASTE . ~SHEAFf'DI. Pltl'RACTAllU: II _:.:.. ~BALLPOINT PEii 111 871 ~. , INCLUDES SC" OFF 47c SOME STORES CHARGE 65.:: § ii&ss£ii"&i1LL"'sP'R'Af I" $1 lt ~ PACt:: OF ~ • STAlNU:S5 WILKllSOll BLADES 79' 651 CANNON MILLS • NEW FASHION SHADES ...-.9.-,,, VD.OUR FINISH ....., BATH TOWELS .:',::;.. 1 " $141 SA VE Be WITH THIS COUPON ONE ONLY PILLSBURY 5 44c FLOUR ~ OUR Pll!Ct "1THOUT COUPON .. SOME ST011£S CHARGE Ilk On. Cot.iPOll Per row1., • Adult. Oalr COll'Olt -, .. IN. 2 . I __ _L_ SCOPE Mouthwash 24 OUNCE BOmE $) 49 W ME STORfS CHARGE Sl.59 -~------------------- H OUNCEBOmE LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC KILLS GERMS ON CONTACT SOME STORF.5 CHARGE SI.IS 92c COSTA MESA-241 E. 17th St. HUNTINGTON BEACH-9045 Adams HUNTINGTON BEACH-18681 N. M.ln St • FOUNTAIN VALLEY-1930 Warn•r ' LAGUNA-30822 S. Coan Hnray ., STORE HOURS: MONDAY through fRIE>AY 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. SATlffiDAY and SUNt>AY 10:00 A.~. '° 7:00 P.M. IOlAl DISCO UNTS EVERY DAY IOMl All'llil UTA ll'OMJ DllCOOll'T QMK[ .,.ICE ~ MA.Tom.-ftt • !Kil. JAR Wit! ~LO CAL llAYDlllWSE Uc ,,.. . .. ~ """'11CE !Aft .Ill. ~ CHB SIIHlwicl S1r11!1 $1c °"'. ~ l ·OZ. llOTTLE • ITWAll -~KRAFT DRESSllll 3lc .,... IUMBU: ll:E • MO. I TAU. CAN PINK SALMON lie }9f ' ..... Di1o09i MILXMAN • Mak-•1 12 Oum1. ll ll INSTANT MIL.I( 1.n l~li\A'it~OFW°E GRU<D~lc 'J31 2-L.8. CAN 1.'I \i.u ~ IOZ J!-RCOFF'tt ~ YUIAN INSTANT 1.2411 H I Mmw•ll MDI.I••• l.J.b. Ce11a ~Ol:u~r[ or El•ctric JJC 69' 2-LB. CAN fl~ .. ti... 1.U SI.it 3-L.8. CAN lh111ul<lf 2.0.S SI.• M"'""•ll Hoi11e • 10.C.. Jar ll II INSTANT CDFFU · UI ~CHASE & SANBORN • 1.u. &&• ~com~ Re1111ar lie · MUtlTS • 6-0VNCE CAN TOMATO PASTE Ile 161 12-0Z. CAN • 3 rt.AV0f!5 HI~ FRUIT DRINKS llc 11 I 20·0VNCt JAR • APPLE • RASPBERRY 01 STRAWBEMT MOITS FRUIT IRE.US 37e 36• P!NT BOTTLE • BLUE LABEi. DA11l 31 • KARO SIRUP 35c • PINT BCrn..E • ft.cl Label Cl-39c-UC" APPLtTiME •~CM' APPLE SAUCE i~~)f.w"",; ~ ¥u'fi "' ~ CHUNK" WHITE TUNA. • ~. SOUO WKITt TUNA •I• • ~ nttNf!X &Oln'JOUE • 2-lloll Ped: ~ IO[ET TISSUE 21c 261 n?ENEX llOVTIQUt • Glcmt l\oll 33 ,AP!R TowtlS 35c I Jle 341 eox or l!.ll • AS.SOlm:D COLOM NORTHERN FACIAL TISSUE 20c 11' PACK or 6ll • ASSOR'TtD COl.OftS GALA FAMILI NAPKINS 14e 12• PACI: or l6Q • ASSORTED fio' II• ~..oz. aom.x • TNet.. 1~ arr TREND CL!AR DEl!lllilllT .45< 321 15.!fJ.-OZ.. CAR • :J. V AJtlET'ID YEl'S DOS FOOD 111c .. @ •11.-0t. CAK • U.. & 9'••· « ""'"t' """" 14' CALO CAT FOOU He ~·1exor 2• ~ IOTil ~Wf'oRll mGnc 81' SIX P~ • IS.OZ. BOTTUS 891 PEPSI r:ou "o otP05rr 11c OOTTL£ 11..0tnfct BOTTLE 3~ SOME llTORU awiot»• GIANT SIZE INCLUl>lli 7c OFP SOME STORES CHARGE 2S• )Jc ------------------ 1a.oz PAcx.>.GtS CAKE MIXES ALL V ARIE.'TJES EXCIJ>T' ANGE!. FOOD OR LEMON CHD'POM SOME STORES CHARGE 39, 35' 2 QUART DOWNY FABRIC sonENER INCLUDES ISc OFF SOME STORES CHARGE $I .Sil GIANT SIZE PACKAGE BOLD DETERGENT INCLUDES Uk OJ P SOME STORES CHARGE I I• 1lp when you need -ii wh~tever your shoppipg problem ... plus .• · •. ~ J • ~e $14.81* in this ad:' . ICTo\ """ ""' 51 p -- t r y c ER I IT "' ' 'Total Savinis fi11Jre is Computed "' Sinfl1 Unij Purthlm. The liflKI W..W II M"" Hi&her ff Mot & Pradel Savir.zs W... lncl!Xled. GIANT SIZE THRILL LIQUID DERRGENT JN CW DES JO-OUNCE BONUS SOME STORES CHARGr 69c 58' TOTAL DISCOUNT S EVERY DAY FAlllLY FAVORITES Fall NEW lrttUl'l l'IJDI RECIPE THIS WEEX "TURKEY ON A SPIT" SOME l ll'MAl£1A =DI~~ MORTON'S • FROZEN • 21).0Z. PX:O. MACARONI • CHEESE 4J• 39c EN TREE • ilosaillra'DiN•ERs 49c 441 IM'lf A'Tl'iiN"1'CE''M1LK 39c 35' sL'icE'o' STRAWliEliil£$~' 29' l.AllGr SJZf. LAVA BAR SOAP 18c 171 ------------------· (;1 ,l,l'T SIZE PACKAG!: FLUFFY ALL DETERGENT 81c 79' . ----------------· GIANT SIZE PACKAGE. INCL. \Se arr COLD WATER ALL 64, DETERGENT Blc ------------------· REGUt.All l lit •WHITE Oii PIN( DOVE BAR SOAP 19c 181 ------------------llATK SIZE • COl\AI., GREEN Oft WlilTI! LIFEBUOY 20c 191 BAR SOAP ALPHA BETA 1nmn nm BEEf • U.S. GOVERNJ.llNJ INSPECTED BEEF BONUESS BLADE Cl.IT BONELESS FULL CUT SHORT FAMILY CHUCK 7·BONE ROUND RIBS STEAK STEAK ROAST STEAK 43r. . 99r. 59r. 95r. 99r. ALPHA BETA lutcnrs l'llaE FRESH ECONQ.PAK 3 LBS. or OVER CElTlfllSll • flOl£N l.\.t. PACKA&I. • EAllUJI QUALITY 5 8' I LENTEN snctALS I~ FRIED ,. 55t Pt••Jo#lf SLICED BACON FRESH FR.LET OF ~SOLE OI. 12 OUNCE MW'f 69' IOCKFISH """'"" • """' McCOY BEEF BACOfl GROUND BEEF :t:i,v · 79r. @::~a 1r 1111 m'f L°1NK"!AuS.sE°'':!:!;,.,, 29' THESE MEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY lhrourti WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27..IPRIL 2 28 OUNCE BOTTLE IO!Ar OISCOU "l lS l~lln C~r SOM! AlnlA IETA STOIU OISCOIJNT CllMGl ~IC£ YOUR CHOICE • LIGHT OR DARK LUDENS • 12 OZ. PACKAGE CELLAS • 8 OZ. PACKAGE ~OCOLAR COVERED · ~ CHERRIES STOC<S LIMITED 44'. SOM£ STORES CHA11GE :19c ·----------~----- IUIAl Ol~(OU ~IS lVlflY OAY JOME AlJ'IU. IETA STOllEI lll3COUNT tllAKl r!llCC J..Ol1NCE PACV.O!S • SUCED • llEEf •HAW• ccmNED 8lEf' • PAm.t.MI • DIJll: TU11ttr ~ LEO'S SAllOWICI MEATS lie j WHm: TIJ!D'f "' CHlCX?N 4111 ·1111111 1m • l9c U , VALUE WISCONSIN MU CNEDOAll CHEESE 79f. t-OUHCZ PACQOll HI l'llHH..,~11 Cme Ci11111 4Tc .,., PILUilll1RY • 11.1 OZ, n111E 3l' CINNAMON ROLLS lie • rLEISCHMANNS • J-LI. rua ...... 42' SOFT MAllRA!INE - llAm S!zt •PIN[ OR AQUA PHASE 111 IA! SOAP llc 221 LEAN AND FLAVORFUL FRESH GROUID ROUID JOl~l OISCOll Nlt; f~!.RV DAY w: lii'iir 'w1ifERs 1ac 63' WtEHE:Awoanz COUPONll AVAIU.Jt.11 AJAX LIQUID ·----------------STRlllf.D 11 c 11 c WlTll AMMONIA INCLUDES I4c OFF SOME STORES CHARGE 73c ------------ JUMBO SIZE PACKAGE DASH DETERGENT INCLUDES 30c OFF ~~~s s1a1 CHARG E S2.19 ·---------------- 22 OUNCE BOTTU: J:ING SIZE • INCLUDES 2Sc Oft FAB DmRGENT SOME STORES CHARGE lf.37 ~ 99c ~ ~UllOR 16c. 151 Ile 11' ---------------Pi~~ter':"Mlud luts 89c 79' --------------- INCLUDES 13c OFF , ________ , ___ _ !ONG SIZE PACKAGE TIDE DERRGENT INCLUDES 25c OFF SOME STORES CHARGE Sl.37 Vil UQUID DETERGENT SOMS STORES CHARGE 59o 1iWoi HUNTS • .. CAR 141 ao;o;;; POii l llAll$ Ill @ rouifl sf'uci"' • 181 K\lllTO • "" ~~~ ~ 22' STElllO JOMATllU •A ~ 11EW PITATDU 11c 181 ----~--J __ _ -----·- 14 OUNCE CAN COMET CLEANSE I SOME STORES CHARGE lk: INCLUDI:S 2' OFF BJ.TH lilzt • ~ QOLOlll LUX IAR SIJAP 1Bc 15' ------ SAVE 41c WITH THIS OOUPON ONE ONLY MAK!KlllWITl 5-LIS. $188 MATZOS ~~~.-- ONE OQ$JPOtf pp·tANl.f • ADU'LTI Olt: C-IOOl-APl.1 SAV£ WITH ALrHA IETA'S 12,17' TOTAi. DISCtum Savt even ll10fe wittl Ooublt DiscounlS T1ley mean ntr1 "'~II IOI you. -PGlliblo llr lllldll. purchom with tho cost reductions ponod on to JOU. Looi 10< them throuehOllt tho 1t0<L 'Mil'(~·-·· ~f Jt .::, • • • ) . :• i I I , ., ... .-.. ----..• -'• *"'"' • , ,·....,· • , .-..-' • -,--;, _,.-0 -,-•• -.... -., ·~ --_-.. -,;'; ..... .j;' -._ ~ ,+ ~ .. • 1 , • /' •"" .• T µ,, .f ,i .,,tJ\ '!.'<i'1 ~p J't .... ~ f!'.!),j ,...,.c _fSf.1.4,C ,4 1\ ,'\'4,VO:#" •,41 ii K if' 4 W;c JW,e ::W(WWS¥i ;;q;z:p • F I _, • • H D.lllY l'ILOl Wtd-, Miid! 26, 1969 ' ; • Smart shoppers save money m!J! -Thurs. thru Sun. On All Purchases BLUE CHIP STAMPS (IXCIPT ALCOHOL, FWID DAIRY .PRODUcrs & TOBACCO) _. FROZEN NORTHERN HALIBllT STEAKS TO BAKE OR BROIL 79~ . '"'' '" 69C OCUN NICH fl LL.ITS ••• , ••• , •••••••••••• , , • , •••• lb. c LB. '"'' '" 98C 79 DOYll SOLi FILLl1S •••••••••••••••••••..••••••••. lb. RIB OR LOIN · C ~:;~,'~;IMP .............................. .':'~ 1.29 CENTER CUT CHOPS............... lb FAMILY PACK 89C RIVERSIDE-CALIFORNIA GRO)VN WAFER THIN CHOPS lb GRADE ""A 11 HEN LEAN SHOULDER ............. c OVEN READY . MEAT DEPART~IENT FROZEN FOODS PORK 31/, TO 4 LBS. LOIN END 59C PORK ROAST... 1~ FRESHLY GROUND BULK PORK Bun ROAST SAUSAGE 39fb ' . 12-14 LBS. oCARNATION-l ·l~Pk,. 69C MOS.FOIDAY's-rn.lb.Pk9. 191 ROAS'I IOLI flLLlTI • •,.,, • ·, • • • • • • ·,. lllADID SHllMP •• , , •• , , •••••• CARNATION -24·ti. Pk9. 89C: -MRS. FRIDAY'S -7·ciz. P~9. 89C: PISH STICKS ............ "..... 1.9 .P. SHllMP ................. . LB. ~;~N~!I~:::.'.~-~~·.:~~: .•.•••• 39C: ;f~K~1s: ••..•.•••... a 1.~;~1. 89C. RU,ERT -··OI. ,k,. 69c: HONEYSUCKLE -21·01. Pkg. 149: BONELESS SHOULD R c c 0 ST 69' PlllD HALllUT w1s.-• • • • • • • • • SLICED ruun .,,~,., . . . . . .. . . • E Pl NI R A • • • • a I ' . JANE ANDERSON-CORN Q t '::lJ tit Si ~ ~-LANGENDORF "KREAM KRUST" WHITE OR WHEAT TORTILLAS .. 2 i,~G,'; 25C uai 0 ar lrelc'l.erJ SLICED BREAD ........ u!,:!::· 25• SUPERIOR-ALL BEEF APPLE SAUCE TAMALES ... 5 ··0 '-45c S&F-1-LI. JAR PEANUT BUnER . .. .. . . . 39• GIANT PKG. COLD POWER BORDEN'S-3-LB.-AMERICAN CHEESE LOAF ... s2 29 WILNO KOSHER PRODUCTS SALAMI CHUB KNACKWURST -FRANKS s 00 ' N0.303 TINS FOR DETERGENT ... ... . . . . . . .. .. . . . 59• PLASTIC ~' GALLON IRIS BLEACH . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 25· All GRINDS YUBAN COFFEE YOUR CHOICE 12.oz. 95~ No. 21/a TINS CALIFORNIA 5 TOMATOES ••• TINS '1 ! TOMATO 12 TINS '1 FOR : SAUCE • • • FOR • 1·LB. TIN 69c Gver/,.eJh :J.rozen VEGETABLES CUT CORN, PEAS, GREEN BEANS, PEAS & CARROTS s 00 FAMILY SID 20·0Z:. IAGS KlRMIN'S -BEEF, CHICKEN. TURKEY ; STAUFFER'S -49< VALUE MEAT PIES l MACARONI & CHEESE • 6 I OZ. llt100 : , SPINACH SCUFFLE. 39 C \ • GS ~ • NOODLES ROMANOFF, PK • : POTATOES AU GRATIN ti BIRDS EYE-FROZEN CONCENTRATE, MAKES I '11 QUARTS AWAKE : 0 .:::• 3 ~1~~· •100 FOR PASSOVER MANISCHEWITZ: BERRY WINES FIFTHS MOTHER'S -2-LB. JAR GEFILTE FISH s 19 MANISCHEWlTl-5-LI. PKG. $249 MATZOS ...... . ST .. ITS-S·LI ... G. s219 MATZOS ...... . ''J/ Jt j Jn SeaJon ... !Jt '.1 !Jn Jhri/ti11ia1•l " EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON STATE RED DELICIOUS APPLES s 00 LBS. PACKED BY CAL-FRUIT -U.S. NO. I • TOPS IN VITAMINS • SPANISH ONIONS : CRISP CARROTS • 3 1~6 ~'C i 3 '·"· 25c I AGS LOCAL GROWN-FIRST OF THE SEASON 3 '1 STRAWBERRIES ~~K~~: ' . ' PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS ., THRU SUNDAY, MAR. 27, 28, 29, 30 ' 2701 HARBOR BLVD., CO$TA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST. GAR~~N cGROVE e 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTO'N BEACH 1308 W. EDINGER, SANT A ANA ·-\ -------------------......____ ---...__._ .... --~~~--~----.. -··~r-•.,......~~~~~--------.... ._...,.,..._..,._.,.,...._._ ............ ..,...._._.__....._,....,..,. .... ...,.._....,...,_._..,. MANHATTAN • AL LIEEF 12.0Z. PACKAGE 49( RING BOLOGNA ..... 12-0z. MANHATTAN All BEEF 12-0Z. PA.CKAGl 4gc KNACKWURST ..... . 12 oz. MOllllEll'S All MEAT 39c WJENERS ...... . ..... 12oz. OSCAR MAY!R • All MEAT 43c SLICED BOLOGNA .. '•-0z OSCAltMAYEll All MEAT 53c SLICED BOLOGNA .... "oz. OSC.t.ll:MAYER SI.ICED 8-0Z. 59c SUMMER SAUSAGE ........... . TAll.E BRANO 1-ll. l"A CKAGE 45c SLICED BACON ................. " ' 1~s~1 ?:Z:,... RIES 59' 1iiaA'!,!.~! .. CH NER_ ... s ___ .. 39' MoRtON DIN -· 39' _...... 3\' siRi.01" llP -.,, 39' ~CA'118ROlS 1111>1r1L -.-10.oL 3\t iOl.o~r;r CHICKEN ,.01 ''"""' CREAM 98' ( U.S.D.4. CHOICJ 01 STA.TR lltOS. IUf 98• CUBE STEAK .................... lB. U.S.D.A.CHOICIOISTATElllOS.UEF 98' SIRLOIN TIPsnAK .. . . ts. Wtdrtndar, Mardi 26, 1%9 DAIL V 'llOT 55 TURKEY: HEN or TOM: U.S.D.A. GRADE A RANOI OR OPOCO IRAND 37~8. ROUND . STEAK U.S.D.A. OIOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF BONE79c IN . LB. BONELESS .. _., ______ u . 89< ! ilQOs £YE PEAS io-Ol 3\C P\ES~vNJ!~\~~1 ..... ···-· C ... !>!> Ul IONS \0 OI O'<'S 49 PEAS/ON ...... 31 c 10t<"~ DOGS ·-···· . 1101 u.s.o ..... CHoia0tsT.t..ru11os.11EF 53• ~·~"'os'"E':.'t-PE"'::'s "0 ' K.~,~~°" cH , 59' ROUND BONE ROAST .. '"· ''" · 1 " ··· 791: '""" or PER ·• ······· 1 1 RUM,PROAST -··· ... u . 7 9' ciiiic""iiOAST . u41' IWlm ..... IUMCOOICIDllUOYTOIAT s3 9 8 CHUCK STEAK iM.s.olDMhSHR\MP i ot COD $' •OHlllSS•IEFSHOlA.DR 83' GOUR CH"' HO'"'" 6 ROLLED ROAST ·············· lB. cotM"""'S·~"· . 8-LES 11-0Z . VEGET A ""'•"' ··· $' u.1.D.A.CHO•aORITATEl,.os.om 4 9' CANNED HAM ........ !. U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF SP .. iii.iles s~:tL .• La.59' ftlSfl.Y IUOO-OlllCIOUS-nNOR 4 9 BEEF LIVER .................................... -LB. ' .. s ... 5 .. SHORT RIBS OF BEEF ...... l8. MiA t PIE TV••............. .. ' ' 39' TINDIHIAN IONIUll 83 6SC pj[st:u1.~c1•1c~•·~v __ .. e• .. 39C' BEEF STEW .......................... LB. C $QlEf1LlEl'S · 111 eo,.ovti •S~O~!IO 11.oL HllSH LIAN-GlOUHDHOUltLY 4 5 49~8. c"~""'IOI" 1.oi 59c DINNERS -----·-··· S\7~ GROUND BEEF c FISH Sll~~~. ... l 49' 'loiislER lAILS ,,'°' ............... lB. MftticHEESE .---i oz 39c •1tt~,[~1 •lu1•u~v•c"'~ ,1 .. 39c ~= ttUf.'!~n-1'1•1" SJ\AA PIES siMPtr Y"'°"' • CHtESECAKE lll -IC. • SOAP SWE£THEA•T ... U,]H 8AR~ •9c . SCOOPY CRAZY CUPS .... . g~, 311' MOZZARELLA ~~~" .•-01 49' .. a .. 89' CINN. ROLLS ~·b~~~ACW: ............ 1 l.7-0L 37' COUAGE CHEESE 81t'\\:"'.'.. . ..... n .• 31' liliii~ SWISS CHEESE l::ac::ll'.'. ........ .,,, 35' SKIPPY DOG FOOD '" .... ""' '1" VANISH ~:tf ClEANER ......... , ..... ' .... l6·0l. 43' PLASTIC WR AP ""c..' ... .. . . .... "'"'. 19' CHUNK TUNA'"'"'"'"""" 31' l\GH1'-HA\f (AN .. , -EJ\, .SMUCKERS SYRUP :fiii" n-0L 47' 'DRESS. ING ""'"'''"'w 3" !TAllJ\N . ... . ...... 8-0Z 11· CREAM STYLE CORN g:'!;J; ······ "OL 25' NIB LETS CORN g:;~~ .................. "-0' 2:1' WHOLE KERNEL CORN g:'!~~ H-00 25' AQUA NET HAIR ~~~65c GLEEM TOOTHPASTE !A~Gf D!•I P~G •... 46' &•tcr•ro SJ 69 HAIR SET MIST &~A•O!O ttOl.O -1'-0l .• M 00 PUll OtAl 98 FAMILY SHA p CON<'.fNf'llAlf ... , ....... llY ! BODY DEODORANT \i&j~11 ...... ___ • 2-01 99' COPE HEADACHE TABS --·-----·"" 8~ FIZRIN SELlZER . ·--·· ,.,85' BAYER JOO ASPIRINS -•oo• 79' MICRIN MOUTHWASH ....... ,,-0, 14' BABY FOOD '°IRS ft,,JAIS Stlll•I ASSOITU AJAX LIQUID CLEANiR GIANT DIA&. PICG. 11~A. BUTTER -NUT COFFEE 1.'10lltfD UN 59c 67c ENDUST ' 83' o~a DINNER NAPKINS li>'rn\.:., _ "c 29' KLEENEX TOWELS ~::'~~"····· .. " 3:1' ROLL TISSUE ~~g_,. ................ :-z~ 29' FACIAL TISSUE :lJf.tg... .. ,;,:;., 27' SARAN WRAP .. c .................... >On.37' WHISTLE ~~~~~~-~-~~----~ 512' b~. 63' WINOEX AEROSOL ..... . .. ,,-0i 57' LIQUID TREND """'c ......... n<>L 3:1' ~'.':.':.:s.m. .... .69:. ENCHILAOASAUCE ?ill&~q. .19' KAVA INSTANT COFFEE ........ a-0z. '1.59 MARIANI PRUNEsi::~ ................. , ... 47' WHEAT HEARTS "GG . .. .. lWL 47' PROTEIN PLUS •cc . . ........ "oz 4:1' UBAN COFFEE ......... H I. 7:1' rn. 11.45 '~~~!!.!• 3 5 1 "'SWOlllO 1..01 .• ~ -l ·OL MOREHOUSE MJSTARO •..•. ,.,,, 31< CHUNK TUNAW.:\'.'.~ __ ,,.-0,45' SCOOTER PIES momo ............. "-0' 4:1' QUAKER OATS ~~~~~--'8-0Z. 30' <l-OZ. 35' KEN-L RATION ~~:l.-........... 2 ... OL 31' MALTED MILK IOOO!N"S ···--··--1'-0L 64' •• ,.,y SU'6HINI 3 5• CRACKIRS ---,--•·'!· DlLICIOUS APPllS ., .. u fAHC"IOH llD 2\ 39 w.-.SHIHGT '"" o• CiRAPlfRlllT wt<ITI , 2"' ........ "".,' 3• ., DISllTSWI GIANT PACKAGE COLD POWER DETERGENT .. ___ ............ _ MIA T FLAVOR CHICKEN OR LIVER FRISKIES DOG FOOD ....................... .. KERN 'S TOMATO SAUCE 8-0Z. TAL~ $ CANS CANS Dili~OUNCE -$ 191 LY SOL SPRAY _ ... -.... : ..... . HALF-HILL LIGHT CHUNK TUNA NO. 1/2 CAN -.............. . FISH-CHICKJN OR LIVER FLAVORS FRISKIES CAT FOOD ....................... . Oii-PEELED WHOLE TOM-AT OE S ................ -. DEAL PACKAGE DASH . JUMBOSIZE $ DETERGENT ............................. . $ CANS TAL~ CANS 30~ CANS ~\~~ENr85e ~F.! 1°7 ,.,,,.,4-0llNCI~ 26 ,_,,,........... 11.5 VIENNA SAUSAGE__ ' ROAST BDF .-:,.":., ,., • SAL~ PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-FULL DAYS. THURS. thru WEDS., MARCH 27-APR. 2 SAVE! BLUE CHIP STAMPS IOOllEfOIT.-.•01 Ut TllT&ll"fcalt -u!> ••I. 25< •••37< llll __ 101 lk M0.111ZECAll 1<lh lllll&UltO 1c1 Ht 110,l'/li llZCUM -u U. or 11 O'" ~WIST LlfllCOLM, ANAHllM •t IDlfll••ll AYI ,. MUJtTIMeTON llACM ~ WIST •llOAOWAY, ANAHllM tan ...... AVINUI , WH1n1111 11• HIWl'OIT IOUlFtAIO, COJTA M•IA lM •MT COi.LiNS OUMOI 1'1 Wl!IT 1'1'1 ITllllT. CO.TA M•SA IHI WIST lnll ITJlll:+, IAMTo\ ANA SL.GREEN BEANS m:.~. 1001 25' FRENCH GREEN BEANSg:~""' 27' lfl1: WllTMINSTlll ILYO .. Wl!I T•lHIT•ll »II IDllfOl!ll ITlllT, IAMTA ANA -CHU'MAlt AVINUI, •AIDlfll OlOYI • . -~-~---~-------~-~-~-----------------------~----------------- I I • Ll It DAILY PILOT Wednesday, March 26, 1%~ SUNSHINE 3 $1 VANILLA WAFERS .~.~. '°' 0 NIBLEJS CORN · iN' 1Uma ~ua . 1 ~·•L ,.,~ 29' MPC Frozen Orange Juice BlEND ~ 61or 51 FOREMOST -ht 9uallty 79' Gracie AA BUftER , .•. c..rt .. STOKELY'S GATORADE 1-9uart 35' " PEPSI COLA SCOT ' TOW·ELS OCEAN SPRAY e REGULAR •• ~..,....__ ·BIG · ROLL Cranberry Juice ·COCKTAIL 48-oz. Bottle GLORI ETTA MJB COFFEE DETERGENT STEWED TOMATOES #303 cans LB. CAN LIQUOR DEPT. 89 DASH 79 Jumbo Size Regular $2.19 TREESWEET ANCIENT . AGE SCOTTIES GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46 oz. cans 6 Years Old Kentucky Slraighl $1 o 98 BOURBON · WHISKEY . 1;, Gal. Regular $12.98 GRAND SCOT Calypso Facial Tissue 200-Counl Boxes VALUABLE COUPON Imported Scotch Whisky $4~1~t. SCHILLING GARLIC SALT NABISCO FIG NEWTONS 3''!0 OL 4'$1 Jar O • BUTTERNUT ~·~COFFEE FRESH PRODUCE ltEADY TO EAT RIPE FUERTE Avocados CRISP, JUICY PIPPIN · APPLES EXTRA FANCY LARGE . NAVEL ORANGES LONG GREEN CUCUMBERS . MOINING FRESH CELLO l'KG. ~$ s 1 LB. CAN SILVER PESOS !:':~~:.:' TEQUILA $4~1?qt. Joy Liquid Detergent 22 •••• 59C Thrill Liquid Deter.gent 9•· 59c CASCADE AUTOMATIC ·~:HWASHERS G;~:· 65C ROUBELOF $ 3?ul~t. VODKA u.s .D.~E~HOICEBARGAIN BASKET BETIER BEEF GR:~T~:~ ~~~~TRY ~ --------=---~----------------~-----'-....... ~----.--.... __,..-_.. ... , ---------------· -------------------~ -----,_ ~~ C U.S.D.A. Choh:e c T-BONE STEAKS $ 25 lb ea IAi-M WESTERN STYLE -8 ... pk9. 29t PORK LINKS SKINLESS .. TRI-I ( BACON l·lb. Pk9. 49' 59~ Eastern Grain Fed BAR·M WESTERN SlYLE BULK 59' Sliced Bologna M~• •b IAR·M WESTERN STYLE CoHo Salami ~:., 59~ U.S.D.A. Grade "A" FRYING CHICKEN PARTS Le9s, Thi9hs, Meaty Breasts c PRICES ~fFECTIVE: Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday March 27, 28, 29, 30 Prices subject to .stock on hand. \.. WE GIVE BLUE CHIP lb OSCAR MAYER -All Meal or All IHI 59' STAMPS Sliced Bologna !! ~~~~~~A WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS 191h and Placenli1 710 W. Chapman ___ ...Ji.__.--·-------·-·~·-·-~-·-~ ..................... __ .. _ .... _ ...... ..__.__ ... ____ -·-__ Lk·sa·· -a--.......,,-~--__ _, -I - - ·1 I~ - 1¢ • - ! p 11 n J l - ' " . .. -- ~11.C ,· Huntington Beach -15511 So. Edwards , l.ag9H leacll -700 So. Coast Hwy. U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE . ·. CENTER CUT Choie1 o.&on• Swiss Steak .... "· S9c Franks •moo• •11 SSc Mnt _. ....... lb. Bologna ••m• .. ""' S9c Slk•d ..... lb. Dressing ~=~··. ~~~~: .. 49c D • • ••. , 39 ress1 ng "" ... •~.. c lob'• Faur Varierie1 Dressings ..... •~·· 3 i 1. lord•n'• Proce11ed Amerkan lrand Lunch Meats ....... 29c Amer Sikes ...... S9c S .. , • ..... 39 .. am1 su<ed ..... 3 -01.. c BiSCUitS lord•n'1 _119 Ttn 5 a 1. ll•a/1-nulk .... Sala • ..... 89 m I Chub ...... l-01. c Albtrtton'• Catch Weight Swiss Cheese ..... 98c -~. Save s121 Ot,s. Harvey's !i SCOTCH ••• 5.77 ~ A'doot Ago Cho'°"' ''"" ~ Bourbon .,. , ... 1098 Champagne s.h l79 \ . $ Albel'tton'• Kentvdiy Gib.an'• lerry "-~ · Bourbon . 01. 499 Wines ...... s.h 79c ~-'i.';I • _, [l 71 Puitrl• lfitan Almaden Movntain Whll• ._. Don Q Rum .,h 499 Chablis ...... s.h 127 • Fovlltaln Vallty-16042 Matnoll• c lb • ALBERTSON'S GRADE 'A' 20 to 22 LBS. AVERAGE TOMS - Ch k R t chok• c.,,., 79C UC oas Cut/BoneleH ......•. lb. Ground Beef ••m;1, •o<k ....... 1b. 45C , Ground Chuck .... h , l••n ... 1b. 69C L L b Fro:r:•n New Zealand 69C eg 0 am Holl °' Whole ........ lb. l b Ch ''°"" Now Zealand 89C am ops 1 .... 1o;n .......... lb. F L Drums and Thlgh1 59C ryer egs Jo;ned ................. lb. Beef Steaks :~~~nd~ " .. ' a•d ..... lb. 89C H T k Alben>••'• Goodo A 39,. en Ur eys 12 lo 14 Pounds .... lb. .. Delite Bacon Hoffm•• ........... 1b. 49C KING SIZE 46-0Z. HI C FRUIT ' TIDE DRINKS DETERGENT 99c 29c Chiff 200'• Fadel TIHue . 4 j1 on or 2 Pak lath Ti11U• . . . . . . . . . . . . "' Cucumber Slices ~1!~;.· ... 1s-o~. 25C Orchid Napkins u ... Auo••d ... 28C 1Joutfe 1Jeaf Produce S,,ecia~ f l'ltdntsdq, Mart~ 26, 1969 DAILY PILOT, ,1$1, Huntington Beoch -8911 Adami •· CofC!llG del Mar-3049 c-t Hwy •. 0 P h Hool and Eel 69C Cean ere Cooked IHoh .•..•.. lb. Western Oysters ...... 10.0 •• 1o. 89~, AA LARGE QUARTS -KRAFT JANEt LEE MIRACLE EGGS WHIP sodoz. 52c ... ABC C k• ·. . ·4511 ... 00 1es ,,.,,;,. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . - k• . ~ ABC Coo 1es G•oham c ••• ,h ........ 45C A. BC C k' . . .f ~ 00 1es o<lth.~m c~1,.. ..... !: .. :.45C C " I LIBBY'S GREEN GIANT . . 2 ..,, Von d• Komp, I-oz. l ir<h f'f9 w/8,.wn S1.1eor, 10.01. BANANAS FRUIT Cocktail NIBLETS of W/K Corn ~ HALIBUT • • • • • 68c CARROTS • . • • • 28c Soufflt Stouffers Spinach 36c Stouffon Mat/Chnae (ASSEROLE • . • . 36c Birds fy• w/Creom Sauce, 10-o:r:. PEAS •.••••• 28c Birds Eye w/Onklns, 10.oi. PEAS ••••••• 28c Stouff•r1 au Grat in Bird• f y1, 10-o:r:. • POTATOES •.•• 36c PEAS & POTATOES 28c FANCY GOLDEN RIPE HANDS 'l ' • J \ ~ I ' ) \ I I I }: • ' •• { I I •• • L ' .. ;.. r Camotlon lmltcitian, Vt11ol. ICE MILK ••••• 33c ' Stouff1n au Grvtin BROCCOLI • • . . 36c Swift1 6 Pack Confoctlon DRUMSTICKS • • • 59c Stoufhn l o1T1anoff NOODLES . • . . • 36c /rejh -al Storej 'Wth a n Jn-Store Baber'! Onf'J ' CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 00 Angel Food Cakes ~:;~:d 2 i 1 Sesame Bread 1.fb. 1 .. 1 ... 3 i 1 c lb~ TANGERINES swm ·19• JUICY (i. KiNNOW • ' CREST LAVORIS Tooth Paste Mouth Wash •••. 1.05 •amlly Sl1.• TuM 68 ( 1 """' 88( 8ottl1 1/3 Mori PANTY HOSE ~~:;'.k $138 22c · 5: '1 ~ 303 12-or. · · ~ --~---·· ------ CARNATION CHUNK TUNA 28c W• ~2 .. 1. THRILL. ............. 58c ANAHEIM Horltor ot Orafl .. Whlttlor llvd. al lrookhunl ----------·- DEL MONTE TOMATO . CATSUP ANAHEIM Sy com•,.. ot fotf 20c 14-oz. I SUENA PARK 7Jlt , Ohiln1itthtrpe .,, Ill , :U -~ A. ~ _l _____ ~ J ________ _..;;~-· ---~--. ---·--"--------------"" " -" ----.. ,I ' \' • - ' M DAILY PllDT Touch of Spice For a young man who was a cooking school dropout and a washout as British Army chef, television gastronaut Graham Kerr is a waUoping success. The J4..year-<lld gastronome is rapidJy becoming a household word in several American cities where his show "Galloping Gourmet" is delighting house- wives and amateur cooks. Kerr, married and the father of three, adds a bit of wine while preparing a succulent dJsh on a recent show. In Kennedy's Kitchen New Bool< Cool<ed Up NEW YORK (AP) -If cooking had been considered a· decent profess ion for a loung women of a nice fam- ily to enter into in Germany, Annemarie Huste wouldn't have had to go to school to learn to sell shoes. But then, as the attractive blonde gourinet" chef says, "I'd have nothing to fall back on." Not that it Jooks as if Anne- marie needs a cushion. The former chef to the households of Billy Rose and the then Jacqueline Kennedy has be- come a celebrity in her own right-what with the publica· tion of her b o o k, "Anne- marie's Personal Cook Book." Now, back in her hometown of Ulm, Gennany, her mother and three brothers are de- lighted with the success lhe fonner black sheep has made of her chosen profession - cooking. But this wasn '1 al- ways the case. "I loved to eat and I loved to cook. So when I was a young girl, I went to my mother and said I wanted lo be a cook," Annemarie ex- plains. "She was horrified. A girl from a family of moderate wealth -my mother owned several furshops -just didn't become a cook. That was for the working-class girl. My mother said I had to learn a decent profession." So Annemarie went to a spe- cial shoe salesman 's school. In Germany women are the shoe salesmen and any salesperson ls expected to attend school and know his product inside and out before he earns a dc- gnoe. After earning a degree, she was finally permitted to try her band at cooking. "I learn- ed by being thrown into it," she notes. "I started as a cook in the household of the local newspaper owner and whatever I learned, I learned by doing." A year later, knowing only four words of English, Anne- marie came to the United States to do general house- work, including cook.inf for a Greek shipping family m Glen Cove, N.Y. "I wanted to see the States and find out ab<lrt American cooking for myself," says the 25-year-old Annemarie. "In Europe they say that to be a good cook in America, one ooly needs to know bow to work a e&n-<1peoer." 'nlil ihe soon A!alb:ed was not the truth. "In addition to prepartog the traditional Eu- ropean or Continental dishes I wM upected to barbecue"- • tut which ahe soon mat-tered. At the Jame time ~ marie startetl keeping track ot btt favorite recipes -in JftPII&tion for writing her awn cookbook. After routine aettled In "and liDce I always wanted to get -·-and do belier, I went back to the employment ~ wblcli first placed me. ~ llld that Billy Rose needed a·cbef but 'Yoo're loo young.' I persuaded lhtm to let me try 10< tllt job. "J had never heard of Billy Rose but when I mentioned the forthcoming interview lo my girl friend she got all ~x­ cited. I went' to the library and read up on him. I got my hair done and dressed up. "Then I went to his home. I was waiting in the library when this eccentrically dress- ed man came out, ar.d said, 'You don 't look like a gour- met chef.' "I persuaded him to try my cooking for two days. After the first dinner, he flipped. 1 had read up on what he liked aild made all his delicacies. Shortly thereafter he asked me to take charge of his entire household ." After his death, the same agency recommended her as chef to the household of Jackie Kennedy. Two years late r her dismissal made newspaper headlines. She explains it thus: "Mrs. Kennedy knew I \\'as writing a cookbook; but it's differe nt for her to kn ow and for the whole world to know. The In- formation leaked out to a lo- cal newspaper and that was it." Beyond that she is re- luctant to discuss anything dealing with that period of employment -"I try to ke ep the private life of whomever I work for .'' Annemarie definitely be- lieves in spoiling a man. "It's the only way to have a man- w o m a n relationship." But first the man has to spoil her. "On a date he has to take you out for awhile-7 to 10 times-before you make din- ner for him. Then make din- ner only once or twice at the most. If you're trying to land him, that should be enough. Otherwise, forget him." For that intimate dinner for two, she advocates original· ing a dish incorporating all his favorite foods and naming it after him-"Chicken a la Maurice.·• "It's 1he greatest thing for a man's ego." Tuna Dish For Cheese TUNA CHEESE PUDDING 1 can (7 ounces) tuna, drain· ed and flaked 12 cup finely chopped celery l!z cup finely chopped onion 2 cups soft bread cubes (4 slices, crusts removed) I cup milk 3 eggs, lightly beaten 1,1. pound shredded Fontina, 11.alian Sharp or Kasseri cheese 1,i, cup sliced almonds'. Mix together all ingredients except almonds ; turn into a a hallow buttered I ~-q li a r I baking dish. Refrigerate at least I hour. Scatter almonds over top. Bake in preheated 350- degree oven to a custard·like con sis t e nc y -30 to 45 mlnutea. The center "''ill be allghtly soft but will set after being removed from O\'en. Makes 4 to 6 set\'lngs. FOOP GIANT . ;RICES ARE RIGHT ON TRADITIONAL FOODS STREIT'S MATZOS 5·1b. '179 box SAVE 70• WITH COUPON LIMIT ONE BOX LIMIT ONE COUPON Pflt CUSTOMER Valid Thurs. thru Sun., Mor<~ 27·30, 1969 , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• L ... ' O ~-~ 0 O O MANISC HEWITZ BORSCHT 3 Q,art •1 Jars MANISCHEWITZ (ROKEACH NO. 2V2 CAN) GEFILTE FISH q~ort 99c ,o. COMPLETE SELECTION OF PASSOVER FOODS AT SAVINGS WITH TH E PURCHASE OF A 4-PIECE PLACE SETTING! e KN IFE • FORK •TEASPOO N •SOUP SPOON SAVI 6lc WITH COUPON AND FOOD PURCHASE OF $2.00 OR MORE liftlil O"e S..tting Pe• Coupo"-0"' Coupon Pe• Cul!o.,,..,. VoHd Tll11n.11!,u S''"" Mo1. 27-JO, 11le9 .• " . .•.............. ·----. -------SAVf 89c-ll!G. $1.78 Pastry Server & Gravy Ladle b°'' 99c '"' SAVE l1<-REG. 90c Plain & Pierced Table Spoons """ 59c '"' SAVf lie-RfG. 90c Butter Knife & Sugar Shells ~:; 59c 4 ·~ 59c SAYf 69<-,llEG. Sl.21 Four Teaspoons aoMILISS U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF STEAK FAAAIER JOHN SLICED BACON TOP SIRLOIN GENUINE SPRING fROZEN RIB LAMB CHOPS GfNUINE SPRING SN.All fROZEN ~~: 65~ 89,1 $1· 2~ . I~ ~·1~~ LOIN LAMB CHOPS REAL McCOY-SllCEO BEEF BACON McCOY'S ROLL BEEF SAUSAGE ,, .•. :~i P~ll· 1~7 • l-lb.591 ~ NEW GLOBE A-1 "' DUTCH NOODLES ':;;'· 29c ·'" .J , DAD'S OLD FA SHIONED ., ROOT BEER 4 "····89c btls. \... NO DEPOSIT ~ FRESH KIST-GRAPE, ORANGE, PINEAPPlE/GRAPEFRUIT Fruit Drinks ,~~~" FRESH KIST-HALVES OR SLICES, YELLOW Cling Peaches GOLDEN G:RAIN . , , • Pin•ca. Beans 2 GREEN TREE Luncheon Meat PET FAVORITE Tabby Cat Food FOOD GIANT ALL PURPOSE (INCL. 10c Off) Giant Detergent ro!t "'·-· .. · "···39.· _c <ao ·~·- 5 giaot4"C pkg. ~ •..:"» . DELICATESSEN . FROZEN FOODS OL' VIRGINIA TE NDER N' JUICY FRANKS c 4 '°'· $1 pkg•. NALlf't'S AU lff, XLNT TAMALES sA'i:ilA i°';~"aoLoGii i 49c LEO'S CH IPPE'D MEATS ASSORTED fl·a•.pkgl 35c MEXICAN ASSORTED ROSARITA DINNERS U.RRY'S W/CHEESE & CHIVES BAKED POTATOE WITH 85Q SAUCE OR GRAVY, SUCEO LARRY'S BEEF KERN 'S SllCEO STRAWBERRIES ..... c pkg.~ ,, .......... pkg.~ ,.,..,.~""' c pkg. -' 4 .. ~41 pi.g-. "'"'1 ' 8!ROS fYE -(t-.1. SSc) 3·1 • COOL .WHIP TOPPING'~:;.· "' . ' ' I G•EEM GIANT .ASSORTED 3 ••t s1 Mixed Vegetables "'~, . STOUFFER'S KOLD Kl$1\ • l'OlATO AU GRAflM • 81tOCCOtl AU CRATIN • SPINACH SOUfflf •MACARONI & (HffSf e NOOOlfS J0MAN0ff HE AT-IN-PKG. (6:0 Z;) CHI LI & BEANS 27c, P RIC ES EFFECTIVE TH URS. TH RU SUN., MARCH 27, 28, 29, 30, 1969 .... 45c pkg. SI RLOlN Tl PS 45c I Sweet & Sour Chicken $s~ Beef Strogonoff ~:j 1 COFFEE-ALL GRINDS fl HILLS BROS . 1 ·lb ...••.••.•.•.•.... 69c 2·1b. •·•••·••••·•·· $1.37 3·1b •••............ $1 ,99 INSTANT 10-oz. ior ..... $1 19 PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES WITH BUTTER FLAVOR, reg. pkg. 37c Pillsbury White, Angel or Sour Cream Fudge Coke Mix ~ 57c MAZOLA MARGARINE, I ·lb. pkg ............................... 37c HUNT"S TOMATO SAUCE, 8-oz. con ....•....•......•..•. 3 for 35c Hunf's Tomolo w/Onion or Tomato Bits . a.oz. con ... 2 for 31 c DOLE PINK PINEAPPLE/GRAPEFRUIT DRINK. 46·oz. con .... 37c DOLE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE. no. l can ........ . ....... 2 for 39c PIZZA MIX APP IAN WAY DOLf CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, no. 2 can ...................... , DOLE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, no. 21'> con •••••.••... ~ ... : ... . !;TAR OLIVE OIL, 8-0' b<I. ...........................• : .. ; ... 1 Gold Medal Kitchen Tested Flour, 25-lb. l>og<HllSc~~-·-' MAHATMA LONG GRAl~Rl E, 3·1b. pkg. ·•··········.i•·"" MAHATMA LONG GRA R . . bog ................. , GEISHA WHITE MEAT T : Y.con ............ ,..,,.. ., 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson St., Jlarbor Sho pping Center, Costa Mesa ' ... & .._ .... .& ..................................................... ~--------"''--... "'-~~~---'~=-=-~-....kt_~-~·~-----_____ _.! __ _, . " ''· ~ . ' •• • I . I '~ -- l' . --..--·-...---. --~~,·~·)~~~·~·-~~~.-. ......... ~ ................................................. ~ .... '!""9 ................................................. ~~""'!' .. ~!'1111!~~ ·" •' . .. . ' . • .•. .. fRilH IAITIRN:GRAIN flD PO'RK CHOPS 69.~. BEICH·NUT STRAINED BABY FOOD 12 reg. •1 I••• I PRllH IAlftRN GRAIN PED PORK SPARERIBS cou•t•~ C . 59 S1~1.::;..I -lb. flfSH flllETS RED SNAPPER BlfADfD PERCH fllLl.IT CEIJlol'IESH flOllN FISH CAKES CElTl-flESH PIOZEH SCOOllNQ (INCL 7c Off) A.IAX CLEANSER CHICKEN 01 MUSHIOOM-10Y2-0l, CANS Magic Chef Soups '~'." 19c 2 ;31c ..... ,,c QUICt:: TO PR!PAIE MINUTE RICE pkg. 10.~!lfc l VAllOtfS Vet's Dog Poocl MAGIC CHEf PICkLfS-IEGUlAl Ol KOSHI• DILLS 1fRESH KllT, CATSUP 12•0L WITH 1oc SAVl9' lltl, COUPON LIMIT ONE eonLE LIMIT ONE COUPON Pfl CUSTOMER Volid r:,urs, thru Sun., Morch 27·30, 1969 4 8,0 ,. •1 SAVI 40' ' WITH pkgs. COUPON LIMIT 4 PKGS. 1oc sAv11s· la1'90 WITH sil<o •••COUPON LIMIT ONE REGULAR OR LEMON PLEDGE FU/:~.\,RE ·~ 6 59C SAVl30• 7•01<, WITH 111<0 COUPON LIMIT ONE CAN llMtT ONE COUPON PEl CUSTOMEl Volid Thurs. !hrv Sun., Mon:h 27-30, 1969 LIQUOR SPECIALS • 6-YEARS·OLD 86 PROOF E.G. BOOZ STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON ALEX THOMPSON B·YEARS OlD IMPORTED SCOTCH WHISKY SAVE ANCIENT AGE $10,98 .,.iii•• RUBY RED, LARGE, JUICY, SWEET 10~ .. '2" STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON olf·gol reg. $12.98 GRAPEFRUIT SAVE SMIRNOFF "•· $1049 , ..... ,, ', ,. VODKA-80 PROOF $11 .6.5 hc:ilf_gal ' -10~. ... , ... TEA BAGS TENDERLEAF pkg. 57c ol 48 - PREMIUM BAKING RUSSET U.S. 10~ ... SAVE POTATOES NO. I 64• SAVE •• 7. NECTAR SWEET HAWAIIAN 10~. PINEAPPLE SAVE ti S1 LINDSAY MEDIUM PITIED RIPE OLIVES, no. 300 con ....... 49c LINDSAY SPICY PIITED GREEN OLIVES, no. 211 can ...... 4Jc SUNSWEET EXTRA LARGE PRUNES, 2-lb. pkg. ................ 87c SUNSWEET PIITED PRUNES, 12-0L oko ...................... 47c Green Giont Whole or Sliced Mushrooms, 2V2-oz. jar 3 for $1 GREEN GIANT MEXICORN, I ·OL con .......................... 29c GREEN GIANT.WHITE SHOWPEG CORN.12-0L con ......... 31 c •• SALAD OR COOKING WESSON OIL 3B·ot blL 75c ANTIQUE 1;;•;, $10'5 STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON half gal SUNNYBROOK "• $199 STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON SI l ,78 half gol HARVEY'S .. ''"' $698 $577 SCOTCH fu ll q uort , 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wiison St., Harbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa ' l ' ' l u:._. _________ ..., ____________ _,,. .. _.~----J.._ __ .a. ~ • ' .J • .... ......_,__.___ --.. .......___ ' . • Chocolate, Pineapp}e Blend Interestingly Here'• a spanklng.new much syrup 11 pontble - cheese cake wlth an in· Uili will be about iin cup.1. teresUng combination of In a medluin m!l.ln1 bowl flavors -chocolate a n d beat egp unW thickened and pineapple. lemon color; gradually beat These are teamed wllh in sugar until thlck aDd Ivory cream cheqe, eggs and sugar color. and lhe cake bas a substantial Without waahl.ng beaitr. 1n erabam cracker base. · 1 small bowl ,beat tog•r The dessert is easy to put .tbe cheese, ••nllla and aalt together. Then to finish things unUI soft aDd Oufiy; belt into off, sweetened sour cream is egg mlxture in small portions; spread over the baked cake continue to beat unW amooth. and It is given a long rest Beat in chocolate. Fold '.1 In lhe refrigerator -so it drained pineapple. Spoon mli:- will be firm -before serving. ture over the Graham Cl'lcker One Up: only a_ small ·Base. amount ~ ~late lS used, Bake in ~ted »o- so expect mild ~lor and degree ove.n for to minutes. flavor from It. Remove from oven. Spread PINEAPPLE CHOCOLATE with Sour Cream Topping. ~ CHEESE CAKE Cool. Refrigerate I to I boura 1 can ( 1 pound, 4 ounces) or O'Vernight before servlng: crushed pineapple U garnish ls uaed, just 4 lar&:e eggs before serving place drained t cup suga1· pineapple tidbit.I and mint 3 packag!!s (each a ounces} sprigs around edge of cake. cream cheese Makes 11 servlnp. l tablespoon vanilla GRAllAltt CRACKER BASE ¥.a teaspoon salt Melt 1/J cup butter and. 1 square (1 ounce) unsweet-off heat, mix with l'iii cupa ened chOC1'.llate, melted graham cracker crumbl and Graham Cracker Base 3 tablespoons sugar. Prus Sour Cream Topping over bottom ol t-lnch spring Pineapple tidbits and mint form pan . sprigs for gamlsh, ll de- sired SOUR CREAM TOPPING Turn pineapple into a Mix togelher I \it cup1 com- atralner to drain; with a mercial sour cream and 2 wooden spoon, press out aa tablespoons suaar. /)L,.''"';'... "" ( ! NIWIST SPRIN• IHADll PANTY HOSE Smoll, ModluM, Lo ... WOMEN'S fASHIONAaLI STRAW PURSES Asaortolll ltylo• . a..icolon · 1$199 -· . PAAS EASTEI EH PvN Poot! Celor KJt ~=====-~ o~: •• ~~c CiLEEM SECRET TOOTH PASTE $1.0S FAMILY SIZI TUBE SPllAT DIODORANT New AnH-Penplrant 3-0Z, CAN $-1.09 SIU AQUA NET HAIR SPRAT • t.gvlcW • Un1eented • Hard*Hefd 2 13·•.$1-..... I , --------·--· -----~-. -.-.~.~~---• .. •-•~·-r,...,.>•~O~i•-0"'"F~¥ .... OWO'"O--WO_W ___ ,...,, ....... "'~"-*if,..,,., ... ,,.,, ... , .. ,, ...... f~O"'"'C'"''"' .. 0,,_0_<•<•>-0,_,0_0_l,_<_o,,ce~o~>~0'">•• .. -•-•-~-·~~F ---- 60 DAILY PILOT Wtdntsd11, Mirth 26, 196? Never Sl<ir:np Whi le Serving Shrirnp. AMERICA'S FAVORITE SEAFOOO TEMPT.S APPETITES Home News and Views Good Records Show Net Gain By OOJtCYl'HV \VENCK O••~H Coulltr "''"" A•vlMt Do you have the feeling that your family is nol gelling ahead financially -that you are just marking time. or even sl ipping backwards from on e year to the next ? If so, "'hat you need to rlo is figure out ho~ much your family would be worth if you would "cash ouL" And income tax paying> time is a good lime to do ·th1s when you've organized your family's financia l rcconJs for the pasl year. What you arc worth is the diffl!rence between what you own antl .,,,.hat you owe - your net wocth in other v.·ords. And if you figure your net worth every so often - once a year for example - and con1parc your resu lts with previous year~, you 1vill know whether or not you're getting ahead financially. Begin by making a list of everything you own a n d everything you owe. • ,. - Jn 1hC' y.•bat you own colun1n include: ( l I Ca.<:h on hand and In saving or checking accounts and any other tash such as unc:.shcd checks. (2) The total cash value of your life lnsurance policies. The ca sh value is what you could get if you cashed the policy in today. It is not the same as the face value of the policy. unless the policy is fully pai d for. !itany policies have a cash value table j ANOTHER VERSION OF CHICKEN Sauce for Simmering. . . o f lmgue goodness of I h c peasanta and kings allkc, is ctiicken. And you, as hostess. probably unmatched In !he get a break l.Oo, a helping multitud e of ways you t:aJl han~ in the kitchen in the nrm of canned gravy . No nero Chicken, the food prepare it. to spend time conclX'ting lhe Wben you aerve it w1lh a sauce when perfection is as temptlng u.uce you hav e a near as the can ol chickrn dish lb a t 1 a company-good. gravy. And best part of all. Nat Orne you 're entertaining, it's ready to use. J ust open try this recipe for Oucken tht can and poor. AflDdarfn. Arrange the ch!cken breasl5 It ftalures chkken brea~~ 1fmmertd in 1 sumptuous Muce ol &Jiced onion, man. darln oranges and velvety amooth canned chicken gravy. Your Ille&~ wlll be fm. pr<U<d with ~ mell ... ·th<- over a bed ol rict mixed with crunchy c h o p p e d cashews. Then pas.~ around plenty or the piquant sauce. CllJCK!N MANDARIN WITH IUCE 2 "'hole chicken bream <111 pounds), splil 2 1ablcspoons butter or n1argarine . I ran 1 10~ ounces) chicken gravy . '~cu p sliced onion 1, cu p niandarin orange slices 2 cups cooked rlct 1• cup chopped ci shews In ski llet. brown chicken In butler. Add gravy and onion. Covr.r : cook O\'er low ht:.at 30 mlnules. Stir now and then. Add orange, Uncover; cook until gravy is of desi red con- sistency. Meanwhilf, com bine rirc 11 nfl nuts. Serve with chicken. ~takes 4 servings. ' prin ted on them. If not. you can ca ll your agent or \\"Tile the company for this in- rormation. Tern1 Insurance policies have no cash value. (J) Cash value of any an· nuities or pension plan which you are participating in. (4) The market value or your horne -what you could get for it if you sold it today lbe realistic!) -and any othe r real estate you own. (5) The realistic \\'Orth of your automoblle{s) if you "·ould sell it. 16) The present market value of your stocks. bonds and govt.rnment s a v i n g s bonds. (7 ) Any money owed you. (8) The n1arket value or o t her important valuables such as works of art, jewelry, furs , etc. Most people don't bother lo include furniture, clothes and perso nal belong- ings since the.ir· market va lue is hard to est ima te and usually not very great. In the wbal you o~·e column include: ( 1) Tot al ba lance due on all installment loans. (2) Uopaid bills. (J) Past due taxes, rent. interest. (4) Amount borrowed on life insurance. (5) Balance owed on home mortgage or ot her property that is mortgaged. C6) Anything else that you .... we. \Vhen your list ls completed . add up everyt hing you O\Vn and everything you owe and subtract what you owe from wha t you own (or vice ver sa · r you owe more than you '.l\\·n), Ti1is is your net worth . \'ou may be pleasantly surpris ed to see th at you are 1\•orth a lot more than you .realized when you take in to account the equity in your home and auto, cash value Specialty Shop Open Looking for Charlotte molds, coquille shells, zabaglione or quiche pans? Perhaps it's ~g coddlers. cla1n shucke rs, I a rd Ing needles, lemon 7.esters or pa rsley mincers that you need. These gourmet c o o Ii I n g tools, plus nambe pans, fon- due equipment, cutlery. cook- ing utensi ls and bakeware may be found in the new Cook 'n Shor department \vh.ich hat Just been introduced by Penncj''s, Fashioo Island. Other finds for the hon1c chef arc all-around a n d lipc<'iali1.ed cookbook!, cookin1 at'.<'essories and 1piceJ. America'• favorite sealooc!, .shrtmp, ii ol course Amedca'a I av or I le bel<n-41nnor ap. pellitr. . It may have had lta before-- dinner lalmchlni .. • lhrlmp cocktail, but today lhrlmp 1a far lrom. reatrl~ to belll( served ln a cocktail aauce. The lntemaUonal Shrimp Council suueata at an hon d'oeuvre, ·hot shrimp marinated In u. unusual blend of lemon juice, sherry, cloves, garlic and oil, enhanc;:ed by the addition of almonda. No matter bow you serve it, this shellfish ls always well receiv- ed. • COCKTAIL-TIME MARINATED SHRIMP 2 pounds shrlinp, fresh or frozen, or 1 ~) back or pack.age frozen peeled and deveined shrimp 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons sherry •,• teaspoon (rOUnd cloves ~ teaspoon sail I clove garlic 2;, cup .salad oil i,.z cup blanched, halved almpnds · l tablespoon butter o r margarine Clean shrimp, lt necessary. II shrimp are frozen, let thaw on paper towellng to absorb the moisture. Mix lemon juice, l tablespoon or the sheny, cloves, salt, garlic and oil. Pour over shrimp and let stand in refrigerator for at least I hour. Jn a large skillet, melt but· ter. Add almonds and cook until lightly browned. Drain shrimp. reserving marinade. Add shrimp to skillet and cook until pink and firm (about 7 to 10 minutes). Transfer shrimp and al· monds to charing dish. Pour marinade into skillet, bring to a boll and add remaining l tablespoon of sherry. Pour over shrimp in chafing dish. Serve hot as a cocktail-time snack •. Makes Jd to 48 ap- petizers. or Loss of life insurance, pension plans, etc. And even though your sav- ings accoun t ha s not been gro\\'ing. you may find lhat your net worth is increasing gradually as you bu ild more equity In these other forms of savings. And if, on the other hand, you find you actually owe more than you own, and have a minus value net \VOrth , this is a warning that fin ancial trouble loom11 unless you revise some of your spending habits. QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED Q. I sometimes use the can· ned liquid diet food, \vhich seems to be main ly milk, for lunch. Se veral cans \Vhich I bought some time ago have been full of lumps. Does this mean they're spoiled? A. No, lumpy canned milk products are not spoiled. these lum,.s are the milk solids tha t have settled out during storage. Shaking the can well before it is opened may help to disperse them. Also, you can prevent the lumps from forming in th ese diet foods and in evaporated milk by turning the cans once a month or so dur ing long storage. Q. I'in O'lf a weight" control diet and have been tak ing a mi:cture of 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons vinegar, a little wa ter and just a pinch of baking soda (lo make it fizzy) about three times a day. Is this harmful? A. \Vhelher it's harmful or not would depend on your tolerance for sodium, since baking soda Is high in sodlum. Jf you're on a low sodium or low salt diet or have pr<>- ble1ns with water retention. then the baking soda could be harmful. The honey and vinegar won't hurt you, but they certainly v>'on't help you lose weight From 2 tablespoons of honey you'd get I~ calories, so thls 11,·ould be a total of about 400 caJorles for the day. You can't afford all these empty (no food value ) calories on a weight control diet. Q. \Ve like brusselr sprouts, but I never seem to be able to cook them so that they're the right degree of doneness. Either the stem is un· dercooked: -or if I manage to get the stems tend er, I.hen I.he outer leaves ar~vercook­ ed. Any sugge.stiona''? A .. Jf you make deep cross· cuts in the stem end or tht brussels tproutsJ the stem will become tender sooner so that the leaves wlll not be so overcooked and discolored . • Pie . March 27 thru March 30 .. ~ww·~k~~~$32• Coldbrook-SO Proof Fifth 9 Light Rum s34 Sl El o-80 Proof Fifth Brandy ... $379 fidelis-80 Proof Winner's Cup Distilled so Proof Vodka Dry Bourbon f\flll G• Winner's Cup In London Ory I) Proof rill~ , Whiskey Winner's Cup Strai&hl ~ Proof Winner's Cup Blended 80 Prool h WIM&r'S Cup Scotc ~~~~~ flftl flftl $3'' $32' 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South La9una 1 • I i ' --~-'-'"'~~~...,__ • ~J ~ ~~ • i • • • " " • ~••-·~·~·~·-••._..-.,.c,....,•~•""'a-·""'fl""""'-"""'°'~""""--'''-'• . " I -- 1 ' . --------:----· -· --~· .... +:-• -· • ...,.--:-=-:, _,_ ... , '"'' ...... , .. s-01110'!"2"1£1!C110 .. a-•s -'!2'1"1¥1'10 p; .., • ., .... -.. a•s-.•e •• &: !IJ!ilD•A-'• z-•:•&11112 ---! --i USDA CHOICE I ' Drlstan Tabs !:.'lloo .'l't. 99' Ult ri -loilGQo-llls ,...,_ AAt • ne -r .. sout..--76." erest Toothpaste:=-2l:: 7'1 A11ua Net Spray :tr.= '!:'" 4f ...... _ Froz• ·Dinners . L&cll'le Collage· Cheese t.. ~ If Rtt*-a.i... ,.., stJW • a.,. en Dairy & Delicatessen GUARANTEE If aver a punhase of Safeway Meot la~s to please for any reason what- soever, just :ell us. We wiH refund your money prompi~, courteously. There's no netd 111 rlftn :he mlGf. Edwards Coffee ~'~"' 5 t c Robust Coffees 1·"- 111 Wtdl"'4.,, "'""' I&, 196t DAILY PILOT Cl I Cul• ~w:.lls Table salt Wltllr.t r .,...._C. ..._ ...... _ .! ........ , • • ' NOW ON SALE! HAWTNOIHhm/1i1&i1lttiCOOKWAIE ~-~ 2-Qr.~:;;:.·;~;E PAN . ~% _ . ........ -s4•• ""''""' DIL'Y · '""" ;,,._-.... ./..,f • 1Uin IHllttnt Qrun ~-,. • tlhflwalilr Ull STOCK IJP ON THESE BIC BIJYS! C B UaMl lWlow oors · eer ~~.~~~ Flash Cubes ~­ Aiax·(leanser ~t 3 :.~ 99' 2 '!: 25c •. 24 Mon1rch 81y Pl111, Sa. Laguna 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach Santa Ana Freew1y al la Paz, Mission Viejo F1lrvlew Ave & Wilson SI. ,. I I ' -l 1 ___ •__L_ f . ' ' . --·----.-...... -.. ...,...,----------~-----...-------... --~ -·--... .. . . -.. • • El Rancho goes all . out t•. bring Super~Shopper this s~nsa.tio al; •. Only El Rancho could bring Super-Shoppers this huge selection of the world's .great cht;eses! ... !. . '• •• . . •' o#.. 1 { ' I ;\ .. 16 VARIETIES 1~ l~'? . ~";i\~ ~ ":OJ!!\,,!"'frlt 4Rancho! and see for yourself that there rel '"is a difference at El Ran~o -variety, Oregon's finest •.•• with the tfich of authority! For rarebit, melted cheese, or table use. By the-piece as 11.•ell as value. FREE RECIPES! ••• and sampling, too ••• from the Denmark Cheese 4s'n.! Get Mo t. J k. 69C acquainted with the classics ••• and take advantage of the special prices.b'zy Port n er y a c CREAMY l ' . Salo~ Saint Paulin, Bric Tilsit and of course, Camembert! Join thoiranlis of • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 1111 ..: the connoisseurs who know ••• and enjoy the finest • cheese I iil · !<. ~ J.feets the requirements of so Jl.&D.V: recipes that call for mild -yet flavorful cheese! •.• By.the piece Brady Steak ............ ~1~b~ ••• from the select end of aged, U.S.D.A. choice top sirloin. Great for barbecuing! F · · . r . Breasts ............ 59e Legs and Thighs ...... 49e Sweet 'te meat from California fryers! Fresh! Rich dark meat .. chunky legs from finer chicken.sf fry . r Wings ............... 29~ Chicken Livers ......... ,sr • ty ••• because the fryers are bigger! So &ood •• ; Because they're fresh at El Rancho! r Grocer To go with Cheese! • tt1es Purina Dog Food ..... 4 fors1 Pabst Beer ....... ~~.~~~ ........ s1 1s · All meat •••. Beef, Liver or Chicken! •.. 14 oz. cans The famous Blue Ribbon , \.ctn. or·& 12 oz. 'ca'ns . -S . Bl h . 99c It. · 1· S · w· · s13s nowy eac .............. :.... a 1an w1ss 1ne ~ .... . lfade for delicate fabrics ••• big 40 ounce size! Vin Rose, Chianti or Rhineskeller •••. l/2 zal. Breakfast Ideas for Super Shoppers! Orange Juice ............ .. ...... 4 rm 89' Canadian Bacon ................ ~1.29 l8. Sankiat of· frozen from California frujt .• 6 oz. cans Rose's ••• great breakfast treat! By the piece! Panc•e Mix ............................ 39' Brown 'n' Serve ..... ~~~~~ ...... 65' P,illlbu.ry'a ••• 2 lb . pkg .••• and you save 12c Four delicious new varieties ••. 8 oz. pkg. Maple Syrup ............................. 69' Kellogg's Coin flakes ......... 4 ~, '1 hn m&P.le ••• McDonald'• ••• 12 01. btle. AlWlYA a winning favorite ! 12 oz. pkp. fresh fggs .......... ~.~.:~~ ......... 49' Diet Breakfast ........................... 49' Producod locally especially for El Rancho! Doz. Low in calories ••• high in satisfaction I •· 11 • ) The famous "Phi)adelphia" cream cheese! Ideal for can.apes, sand\~dches, spreads ... 8 oz.fkgs. " . ·~·· ·o . • h 8.1 FLORA DANICA an1s ue .................. . Robust flavor that atanP., up SO well ••• for salads, and for deesert, tool ••• 4 oz. '"redg Port Salut ...... ~~'. ...... sr Cheese Sprea -........ 69' Ambassador ••• from Denmark ••. .so· appetizing! Woody's ••• Sharp or Porl \Vi ' •• 12 oz. cup ' St. Paulin ..... '.:~ .. ~~[ ..... 59e Natural Swis~ .... 3 FD« s1 ,, AnotJrer of the taste treats from Denmark. Duke From Utah's Cache Valley ••. sli ••• 5 oz. pkgs. C . b t 5'A-0Z. 59e amem er .. ~'.~.M~.~ ... Cracker Barre : ....... 9SC Sheer delight from Denmark ••• Rasmus . Prices in effect Thurs. through Sun. Ma.rclr 17, '28, 19, 30~Na aalea to .dealers I Ask the manager about our c~rivenlent Charge Account Service HUNTl~GTON HARBOUR: Warn er Ave. & Al gonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd.· 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently /Qcated stores in Arcadia. Pas~dena and South Pasadena , " ' ~· . :1 > • t ' ' " ' ·---• -··-~.......-------~~---~---.... --~-.,.----..... • ' 'r • ... • • •I ... C. ; ... , .. . .. ~N' YOU SEUJ OUTSTANDING NEW . .,. . f ~CARSP~ou J~·IN . A .~0'!. Of .G~AT NE: :m-v.s '.l '¥-'E A . flMl'\8TIES' . ' ' . . . .... ' ' ' ;;, . . " 4I\.£) .tl:l,l. t· · ~. · ·\!1 U-J • . ~-: ,. ! t .. • -· • .. • ~ ! .. .• . . ·, '" .. '. .. ( .· •h. ; • • ' ·:.- "' l •• '" • r .....__ • ~ , I .... ,. ., ..... ~ ,, , .,, I t'.,-·' '!-jj '=:""A~.>. "' 1.r't 4t1• j) / . -~ } ~~ : ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . ,1 ' ) •. , .• 1 , I , 1•• • ,. ''#.• , ... > .. , . ' • ~-~. .i.;.' l!:,j' ,/ ... (,·!.' ..... ..:I .. I : I ~ ..... -· .. -~LVD. ,..-·· • ' •• , .. , ,,,. ,.1 1,;,..\ .... -Aitoi,.~ . j \;t . ' Bill l•ylor. has !Hien wit~ J~hnson & ·Son ~for .. • long~time.i He h•s te~en 1n bt•t•lly t~~1!1_rid1 ol used'.'1rs 'on t.h~.greet linC~l~s en1~ ~j~c;ifYs. !F ~:.. .:.t~ ••r..iAe~i·n i is.'<•Q ~~~~.,.~h,.~111 ,1t.,. \<. for res&le, ii not, the car 1rwholeseNd to a•usecf car detiler. If Bill Taylor has • used· car on-the JOHNSON : AND -:soN :. ..... s· JUST .·".: :,._ -;. RELEASED FOR . SALE .A NUMBER -~ COUGAR EXECUTIVE • :• ' lot 1.t Johnson &·Son,_ you c•n rest esaured it is a good one! ' CARS. THESE CARS HAVE L-OW MILEAGE AND HAVE : ' RECEIVED THE BEST OF SERVICE DURING THE SH.ORT PERIOD OF TIME THEY KAV-E·8ElN DRIVEN. vou ·ciN sAvl·suasTAN· . TIALLY ON THESE . CARS • II . ' . . . . ~ ' '1E4L ON ANY OF THE. 69' .. ....:.. 0 l'R)W I ~ Sexony .J""•llow exterior with!gold inttfior, automafic tra91mi1- sion , ra io end heater, air conditioning, full powtr, 1tatrin9, brakes, 6 way.seat, tHt ·sttaring•wh•el. ,lSVZ 040).•lffutifully mainta in'•d· '$31"95 ..... .• 1966 ;CONTINE!ilTAL C.OUPE Loc~l .-on• owner .~th '(!nly 12,000 •••~ inile1, finished in !btau-tif~I l 9&9 ,Butnt'" 0 1-•nge .. Batttr hurry on 'thi1 onti. And it'1 fully e'quipp.d with all th• finest .factory options. Lie;, SRW46l • . $3195 ' ' 1966 MERCURY S-55 SPORT CO.UPE J S~•~nr_ J'llC?'IV-finish wrth bUc\:et ' se~ts, ,~hite Hnd•n . .rpof. · Equrpr.• -with A.T., R&H , P.S., P.B., P-"'f1nd., P-seet, sports conso e, etc. 26,000 original milts. Looks iincl driv•• like; n~w. SVY 828 $2195 l967 coNTl"'E ·AL · • · , ~,.,, 1m:t.tER . .. c9LotiY 'PARK : . 4 cloor 1eden. B•eutifuLpowcler blue finr.li with derlr: bhi• .le'e. Station "w•gon. Attractive m9"1'U'm yilh,\:, ·With Si ddle colo( ther inttrior. Luxury equipped with automatic tran1_mi11ion, interior. Fully factory equipptd plus lu9g•9• rack, dual act ion radio, heattr, factory air, power 1ta•rir'ig, pow•r• brakes, 6-tail, li!•t•, .ra~io heeter,~f~S.,. P.B., factory air, •tc_. Priced for way'.pow•r ••at, on• own•r ce~~y·m11i!1ft•iri•d. Lie. TEY 961 .' quiclc 11•le. 1Xf. 743~ . , 1 . · :· · $3n·Si~ :: · ' " · '" .'",$2'595''' -c·' •1r " ·~ · 1967 DllUXE RANCHERO Beautiful powder, blu• fini1h with metchin9 inf•rio.r. Fully f•ctory equipped including euto~ tr•ns., radio, ht•fai-, tin~tcl 911111 •tc, Low .mile1, maintaintcl' H~,hew. Q 31.155 . $1.95 "t 1967 FORD G~iE 500 l door Hardtop. Attractive Seher• &et~ exterior with two. tone m1tchin9 interior. Auto• tren1 .• R&H, P.S.,. P.8.,' Driven · only 21 ,000 milts by original owner, look encl drives like new. UZF 415 $1995 ~. ' ... ' 1965 PON.TIAC CAT~A~4 DOOR ' : .. I 967 COUGAR XR7 COUPE Cardinal rad with ,pac~~nt .leether,bucket se•t. Auto. tr,•n~., R&H, ~.S., P.8., -.facfOri•ir 'condition. 6.S ~ter engine. ;One , • i111">"tt!J 9~"··U~ 2'9;5 > . •· "?'.'/'\'~ ·'f, .dJ ~· 219$ ·~ .. / l ._, ' .. {,.(f' '_,., .... !'!. ' 1-,63 ·CONTI~NT~L 4 DOOR ~ED~to( f, Gold mi.st fini1h • with blon~· le1th,r interiof-. Auto. trans., f R&H, P.S.,rP.B., f~ctoryf•ir. ~ever btfofe advertised t his l~w. ~ GKZ 7-15 ' . $'1·09'5 '• .. .1964 CONTINENTAL Automaitic, R&:H, P.S., P.I. leautilJ,il 'dirohti yellow with 9old _______ _. _________ ~-•. ·interior. Very cltan. Well car•cl for, NON,11 Silvtr-'.mi't finish with .f,lu1h '2 fona" m:ltching i~teriO~~·A.f., R&H, •P.S., P.B., P-1t1t, .,P.windows ,f•ctory air. A real valu• for this quality cir. IOZ 617 1967 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOl' l imefrost exterior with black landau roof encl bucket :1eat1. A.T., R&H, P.S., Very clean and .low miles. Carefully lmein- tained •. TFA 844 ' $2395 1967 MERCURY CYCLONE GT t · l door hardtop. l ight equ• finish with b_lack· bucket se~ia. An ori9inal beauty with only 25,000 carefully driven miles,\A.T., P&H , P.S., P.B. Chrom• wide ;wheels and tires. ]90 GT •ll9in1. Here's raal p"erformance. UVV 917 I $1095 1965 PONTIAC LeMANS 2·DR. HARDTOP Cardinal red fini1h with black bucket 1eet1. Radio, h•'•t•r, 3 1pe1cl tran1mi11ion. A hot performer. 30,000 actual mil•s. PIX 157 $1105 1961 DATSUN P,ICK UP White with red vinyl interior, 4 1p1•d.frlrllnimi11ion, htater, •tc. Driven only 14,000 miles. l ike, In new condition. Y/IK ~02 ,, '. . $1695 .' . . . . . ~ . . ~ • •'· < t ' I' t . ' t t l •1 • .. USED CAR. DEPT" 540·5635 ' . $1695 . 1967 FORD ' LT~· 2 DOOR HARD'l'OP Jam•ica yellow finish with black inttrior & L•ndau rodf. A.T., R&H , P.S., P.B., f1 ctory air. Bliy >of the year. 00'814 · · s:l9t5 . 1964 -CHRYSLEi NEWPORT 4 DOOR • A~tomatic-,tran11rtf 11ion, R'&H, P .s.,. P .B., f ec;t~~y •ir. condition- ing. Royal bfua wth contra1ting inferior. MGF 615 '$995 ,. '"' . ,, ' +· " ~ t " ·:: ~ ~ .. -~'f@l@:·u:~w· ,-;.© @1M¥ ~~.1~ ~-,y IA\ ~ ' .. '~:: ~IA\ [Rf~ m D [1\al ~ 'ffii'©lllf [RJ YI ; a © @:rul@~fA\;~ \ ~-.-~~~..-~~~~ ..... ~...-~~~~~~~~--~...;.-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-..~~-_,.T.~.-· ~--.~~~-T,-.~.~.~.-,, 2626 :'.Ji~JllOR . •OfJLEV ARD, C~_S'l'.A .~Ef~ ., .. _, .. 't" • ' " t &.;.~~~~~~-----t-:-.---~---+-~-'----~~--~---~-~~~~~~.;...~ ......... -~~~.,..;;,_. ...... ..,..~--~-~~-~~~-.~ . ' ~ ' 'J ' . l ' . • '" • ... • 'I f . ' ' ''.lo • .. :t ·- '•llft; " "'r' .. .,.,. p • '"\ r •. ' • ... r --. _____ ___._ ----. ·-.... '. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE __ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE.$ FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE • General 1000 General 1000 Gener1I General 1000 Gon1r1I 1000Gontrol 1000 Gtnerel 1000 . " YOU HAVE ONLY 12 Deys to Take Adve nla9e of Our b :Y., 0/0 Interest Rete on the beautiful new homes of Rencho La Cueste on Brookhurst at At lanta in Huntington Beach • Our Lend er Must Increase his Interest Rates on Ap ri l 7, 1969 ' • All that is necessary to assure yourself of this low interest is your selection of one of our 3 or 4 bedroon1, 2 or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story homes and make your initial deposit of $500. Call 968-2929 or 968-1 338 any day from 10 to dusk. 1=ss=,x=a10=,;;.;. Builders Allention R·2 zoning. Possibility ol varL ance Jor 16 units. Full priet> $27,500 N1wport II Victoria 646-8811 BEST EASTSIOE ml sq ft. 3 BR. familY room with fireplace, beautiful elec- lric kitchen with dishwash- -•ERNIE-.. CLEVELAND Unbelievable But Der Go De Judge HE SAID LOWER Til.AT PRICE, and they dW, Back Bay NewPort ijeach, Fonna.l dining room, family room. 2% baths, S bedrooms, 2200 sq ft, Jenced, heated &: fil. tered pool, COVl'red patio that ls jw;t perfect fur out· door intertalning. Court or- der sale, $49,500. CUSTOM HOME SALES MANAGER A licensed real estate broker with a success- ful record of past accomplishments, to sell large, expensive. custom designed & custom built homes on·our lots in San Juan Capistra- no; then to build a sales team for other proj- ects in Orange & San Diego Counties. Am- bitious aggressive person -on the way up. Commissions only -annual earnings of $30,000 & up . Gener et Send resume to P. 0. Box 338 Sen Juen Ce pistreno. 92675. 1000 General 1000 KINGS & QUEENS VIEW! Lease With Option Lcvely upgraded 3 BR Condo w!tti powder rm, wet bar, and many other 'extra.$ for fine living. Bcsl BluUs View. lm1nediate occupancy ................. , .. S325 rno. Walter lla;i.iw ~ Coldwell, Sanker & Co. :ntl E , C.Nil 141thwa, H•WPW'I • .-. CalltomY Kl f-lUI ff!-JGOO WOULD YOU BELIEVE A 21 x 30 Rumpus H.oon1 with a Giant fireplace & Bnr I.hat seats 8 • A 4' bedroom + family room, 2500 sq. feet n.l'. 1otaled, A T:i' x 200' lot, A 20' x 40' work shop for S-29,!)50 . You Can! 546-2313 &I& TI TI THE P.EAL ESTATERS .~. Generel 1000 Gtnlral 1000 --~----143 Broadway 181 Eves. 642-11453 646-4579 True Eastaide Costa Mesa home witt added 600 sq, ft. pan- ·john macnab .Anyway you figure i! thel'" can all fit rnsily in(j· lhe largest !(!NG· StiED ri1ASTER BED- ROOM you have ever seen! Here's a 4 bdrn1 2 ba.th home that is so J1'Il\1ACULATE ~'ou'll v.·onder that it is e\•cn SY.I years old. Beauti- fully landscaped r 0 r minimum upkeep & it's on one of the best COR- NER LOTS. The lovely condition & many added features n1ake it 11 hon1e you MUST SEE. Only S3C60 do1vn payrncnt re- quired at a ne1v RE- DUCED PRICE of Sl'.H P.l.T. 1 ::. For a limited time ... SPACIOUSNESS eled tam. nt\, with rock BAYCREST You run'\ bca1 this monthly payni'"nl on 1ny lovely 3 ber!rn1hon1e. C 11 r ~c Ii ng throur,hout is just like nev;. Pool sill' back y a r d ,v/covered pa!io. Kitchen is all built-ins inc luding relrigcrator. Assume my 6'Ji, G.J. Loan. Fl1ll price $21,450. Phone 913;1,-7~ ! .. : . • .·- A 3 Bedroom Home FOR ONL\' $9,995 BUILT ON YOUR LAND FEATURING: • 1080 sq. ft. • Double garage e Ali lath aM plastrr e Hardwood cabinets • Pullman hath e SpacioUs \Vardrobes CALL 537.0310 •Ji, most Orange County ttnd , other approved areas. STANCO Builders Inc. OPEN 7 Days 10666 Westminsler Ave. Garden Grove Balanced Power Homes Eastside Fixer Upper 3 BR 2 bath, qu , ~IWi"! street. Asking, mt'i' -are easy. QUEEN S41}.ll Open eves) IN EXCLUSIVE U P P E R BAY. Planning and conskl- l'ration was given when building this FOUR BEO.. ROOM, fam ily room,·dirting room, breakfast rodm CIJS- tom hon1e. The kitchen is all electric including dishwash- f'r. E..\:TRA LARGE htAS. TER BEDHOOM v.·ith pr\. vafl' bath and three sets or 1vardrobes. The family room is extra large and makes an ideal J.iO?t1'E FOR A POOL MOM& POP Retire to Palm Springs & operate thls 7 Unit Motel whUe you enjoy the pool and climate. Sell or exchange .$59,000 equity for Newport area property. $9'1.500 total Rrice. tq ' -.. -· '•-'--' REAL i>lY ~ 20'lS W. Balboa Blvd .. N.B, 675-6000 fireplace, exp81Jded master Spacious 4 ~m, 3 ~th bath with custom .tixtures, home, c~tra. large tamil,y added room off garage al-room. 3 fireplace!, glau en- ready pl1Jmbt'd for bath, ilclosed patio overlooking a p!Us 3 large bedrooms and ~well landscaped g a rd e n. 2 baths on a 135 ft. deep I Many c~tom features, .Own. lot. All it needs ill paint ~er will finance at 7% mter- but at $23,500 ~ better ~en. Only $46,500. ·~'i;-" .. ·!,\'" '}~· :.Shown by appt only ' .. (714) 642 ... 235 ORANGE COUNTY'S '901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 \ Newport Beach LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. ~94 on this 2 story beauty. Th~ immaclJlate 4 BR & den. home lea.tw-eA: sunken liv~ ing room, comer fireplaCet, sAL£SPEOPLE NEEDED cpts/drps, oversized 2 cat .. 1,...,.~~"'!::':"::'.C':"'"" I garage, professional land·~ FEE SIMPLE ,;caping & muoh, ,mu c more. Call now for informa. Ocean vil'w from Jiving room. lion. dining room, kitchen and N. E. Costa Mesa $35,750 master bedroom. 4 bed-S30.500. May \\'l' shO\\' rooms, 3 baths, den, guest you throu:;h? • 3 L.1rgc bdrms. l!fl. baths, apt., 2 double garages. Large ~ COATS h .. rdwootl Ooors. large kit ch· pool and patio v.·ith BBQ. rri & Sl'rvice porch area. Greenhouse and rose gar· & Double garage. Big yard den. Located on t'vo Jots. The WALLACE \i'l!h shade & fruit trees. TABLE and entertainment 1 .... ,..,....,,..,..,..,,.,..,, of friends. Large garage )'OU OIVl' it to yout'Sf!U to in. v.·ith electric door opener. wstigate our 4 diUerentloiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOi,_iOiiOiiOi;j A!J of this can be yours on trade-in programs. {Explain house needs redeeoraling. REAL TORS S2~.!l5fl. Asking $97,500. -546-4141--\IVells-McCardle, Rltrs. this spacious 1/3 ACRE on to caller) cul-de-sac street for only 1. Direct Trade $52,500 . Financing is no 2. Warranty Trad(' problem _ CALL NOW! 3. 4'7u Loan 4. Speed Sale LARGEST 293 E . 17th St. ~94 Pete Barrell Really Presents R-3 lot with comfortable 2 BR home, close to 17th Strttt shopping Center. Largl' fenced yard, alley in rear. 1605 \Vestcliff Dr. Two bedroom triplexes I ""'""""""""'""'""""'""I Jean Smith, {Open Evenings) 1810 Nc11,por1 Blvd., C.1\1. that owner mmt""" quick· SPANISH VILLA , R-ltor "'-m" "''"· '"·068< ly. 111.a baths each _ carpe°ts 1 sw ---Reminiscent o! early Cal' EASTSIDE '!"""•zs •& drapes -garages. North fomia hacienda, this pie-646-3255 OUPLEX 4 BEDRM -$23,750 '.Co!ta Mesa location. PRICE ' I . ·.~,9SO EACH, Call for par-turesque 2 sto:"Y h~me has a; $500 DOWN! ·2 Bedrooms each. Charin of Desi~nct.! for an aeu1·e a1n1. ~"""·~MY-<~..,. ,;-v • ~·.pool,l On Utls 4 bedroom 2 bath open bcim ceilings -101v ly. 2 bnlll~. ~-orni~l dining brick bar-b-q, 4 large bed-1 iJy ho Cl i . upkeep and sparkling clean. roo1n. Sparkltng hke n:c''"'· rooma, formal dining nn. ~ J mt ~· ,_::,seA~~ e,vet"'h $28 500 Convcnlent !o rvcl'yth111g. . ~US 1nuvuU<0C\l. o e • · ~ 20 ,_,,,t:::~liGla~~~· " '"" r. .:.l.'•"''•• -., .. ,,P.:~.>"Vr.~!7?.~:'~· 'I 'Wttli ilrii>ll!O. 'lil;;ni<d'1"i long!!" 1:?' ~r~ooth ·,;· si~rn3"'"".'"'""~!f A LL 2955 Ha<bor imported Phihppme mahog-eludes principal and interest. ~"""!-"~uiilla, :. JI"~·!~·~*~~ NE\VPORT BEAOI 11$3 Baker, C.M. any wood work, all on two WE SELL A HOME UPLEX large R-2 lots. See this one EVERY 31 MINUTES · • Heritage Real late. $124.50 .6:10N'TH Eves. 646-1000 1 BR DUPLEX today. • Including eve,ng? 3 bed. '_ • room, 2 bath. 1, ing room, • . all built-in d kitchen, : . prestige Joca TARBELL ', 84(>.0604 ZONED C-2 for bus. Good Eastside 2 BR home, needs 1-edcc. Only $18,950 -$2000 dn handlrs. l,<ingaard Real Estate f.11 2·2'l22 Clean older units with dou- ble detached garage on 50x 140' tot. Assume existing $13,400 -6'i~ loan -no loan lee. Only ~ 642-5200 Mesa Verde ~~~~~~ I Immediate posse.uion _ a ;;;; lovely Mesa Verde Country Club Estates home in top condition with 4 BRs & both dining & family room. A great neighborhood & a great buy at $4.1,950. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST ach &· Shopping ~nt Value . $34.950 e Williamson Walker & Lee 1 ~=~:;;::-;;;.. It's Different ~ Roallm· 2043 \Veslcliff Dr. 646-7711 Open Eves. Horses! Horses! GT"~ l'.:vcs. 673-156'1 Attractive 1 BR Baycrest !llllll!!!'ilii'!!!!illllllllll!!llllllJ!lll!'I home \vith formal dining _ $. ~--~ -1 '. '• 1000General 1000 ,......~~~~~~~~- $18,750 COOL POOL 293 E. 17th St. ~94 room & large family room. ExP.;rienced RE .,. r ••••••••• ,, RE INVITED ••• Jnunaculate 2 story pool home, 4 la.l'ge bdrms, & huge game room. Perfect floor plan for family v.•ith teenagers. Top value, only $40.950. 6!1% INTEREST SALESPEOPLE NEEDED 10°/o DOWN Big 66x200 with cozy 2 bed- room ho1ne and 2 car gar- age, Completely fenced for corral, Only $23,:iOO. Great terms. O\vner moving Eas1. \\/ants t,lesman quick sale. A Id & F d EX . COhlh!JSSION rno reu Rltr. 9730 E\'rs. s.1s..o120 I 1969 I Realtors 646-n;;;, " ·: RE · REATLONAL : Real Estate Sales ~)l?~sQ\ ~re~· 'J\~ .1111, 546-5990 ' ---- CDM-COTTAfl' NO LOAN FEE-OPEN EVES 'TIL 9 30 YEARS 546-2313 . 646-TITI 4 bedroom5, 2~ baths, 2487 sq ft of Jivink area, n1aster suite you've dreamed about: 30' long & has it's own fire- place, huge clo!lets & dreu.. 388 E. 17th St, CM .):; KEN"EDY --~· --4 BEDROO MS Only $2.000 dn. OPPOJlTUNITY KNOCKS for you to 011·n th is 21~ ba1h well located ranch s tyle home, carJ'>CI, drapes, built. in range/oven, dishwasht>r. !l!ight rent or lease opllon. A UNIQUE OFFERING - $26,500. OCEAN VIEW Custot~ uilt. All thr ltL'\tll'Y lcatu . 2 ba1hs. Buil1-in kitch Elec1rie garage doo•,J1('r, Jr Estate I • . AND I ', VE ICLE SHOW ALSO -RENTALS 2 BR home w/inc wllt needs .: . I I Acti'" Sal". Good Swnm" 2 BEDROOM '°, me TLC.1hlWatkin!,~'soo"""" I Winter Rental OfJice. Per-$148 per month total includ· o every ng. ..,.,, · :: 1.----"'!--------------. sonnel may engage in Sales ing taxes, $1700 dOlvn. Bal· terms. ing area. New carpets & YOU OWE IT TO YOUR· drapes. Landscaped, Over-SELF TO I.NVESl'IGATE sized dble garage. $39,SOCf. OUR 4 D I F F E R E N T Rltr. 646-3928 or 545-3483 TRADE IN PROGR.MlS. f,!;roU , 5-10-172'1 TARB' LL 2955 Harbor 3, B I G D A y S I exclusively or Rentals or a;iced power, gas FA heat By appt only ··. I " both. E,t/24 '"· 22 Y" & w.i.,boato•. elect. built· CORBIN-MARTIN .. I FRIOAf -SATURDAY -SUNDAY I same location. i1. range & oven, garbage REAL TORS *LAC HEN MYER CUSTOM BUILT-1-1.ARR':t' A. BOGGS Realty 962-6637 --CORNE R LOT-- DE~UXE DUPLEX Ne\v 3 ~BR Units Peninsula adjac:e.tt to ()('('an & Bay $51.~,"'7% financing. Balboa, Real Estate Co. 700 E,,tiaJ1>,,,, p· .. rl., Halboa #RCH 28-29 -30 Francis Horvath, Rltr. disposal, w/w cpts / drps. 3036 E. Coast Hwy, CdM ,. I ~ I 3410 '"r· Balboa Blvd., NB dbl. garage with boat door, 67>1662 4 bedrooms, fan1~ly .roo~. ORANGE COUNTY'S •\ at I (TI4l 675-1972 fenced & landscaped. Unusually soft design 1~ this LARGEST 4 BR i:;:. ba1hs, ,::as huill-in ranRc & o\'en. Fr·on1. 1vrll ligh!t"d kitchen. Largt> liv- ing roon1, fi1tpla{'r. Bi~ bedrooms, carpet~. drapes. Fenced, landscaped, S26:iO do\vn . \\'alk to schools ,i;, shopping . UN·•' IVERSITY I 411.20/0 LOAN-lflJ\ijij!ljf;1j11QQJI -,-a~!~~-~!L~':'dn. ~~::~~~l;,pl'~~r~; 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 i'~ 8\62-4471 T":"T 546-IT 10 acres -$1995 -$400 dn. Like to Entertain? O~' DSMOBILE I $21,950 $l9,450--:-3B EOR-M-:--10 acres -$2450 -S500 dn. keepj S 'th Call to see this ·\ :i BR, bll·in~. '"orncr lot. FAMI Ly ROOM 20 acres -Sltnl -$200 dn. ean ml ' 675-5200 I Rl!r. 642-9730 Eves. 548-0720 80 acres -$7950 -$1000 dn. Realtor 3 BR, plus 3 Ba, t'Ozy dining/ I • K""NEDY 2 pllllman baths, fireplace, 80 acres -$2800 -Find it 400 E. 17th Costa ?-Jesa family rm. 2 !rplcs + play 2850 H ~BOR BLVO., COSTA MESA I i;n dc"'m kltoheo, lwtrou.. "A• littl• "'$'l5 mo." 64~3255 rm. Eod"'<Xl pool .,~..,..., ft huilt-in range and oven. HARRY A. BOGGS Pl rd $52 500 I $25,500---:-4 BEDRM-. Room for boat or camper . Realty 962-6637 PRESTIG-E-NEWPORT ay Wya lk. · · Help jt)s Celebrate Our Addition 1134 1 5 BEDROOM a er Realty Of •"c NO DOWN GI , n10. paymen . 4 BE ORM •• $28,500 ,,. .. omplete Line Of • • . I TARBELL 842-6691 GMC T~CKS & HOLIDAY CAMPERS 2 baths. isolated li11lng room Exquisite 2 story. 2 baths, Exclusivt> .hon1e a.rt;a. 2~7 $20;950-:-$-110-MONt H· )' . ·' l 673-4140 THEfEST FOR CASr ll'an \~s modr! ho1nc now a,·aila~e 4 bchi11 3 ba fam. room. ~l. J.1:42 San!irtl?O. ROY, J, Ward Co. (8aycrest Offk1>1 18.J.:! samiar:o Dr. 6'16·15.'"il -4-B~RM. -$23,750 ____ _.~,----..---------\\·Hh fi replace. Enclosed cov-HOt.iE -R-2 lo!. Excel push buttoii built-in kitch-baths, .f~m1l~ room, 1.solated Paymen!s by assuming 5~ % For Lease ': I I ert'd patio, all l'lectric built-\Vt•sl-.ide . 3 BR 2~ ba, room en, dishwasher. Fam i I y r_ear .ltving room, brick pa-loan. Electric built·ins. High FR-=~·. See All The New I in kitchen. dark room in gar-for 4 or S units. 54S-1623 room, fireplace, 24 ft. mast-!Jo v.'ith gas BBQ. 540.l720 ceml'nt ,block '1ence. Large 4 Bdrm 2 bath Pool l!oml' OCE loNT-Lcase-\l·loP: 2 baths, full dining room, car- pell.'fl.,," •Apple Pl('" tonrli- !io11 inll e a.rirl 111'1 ~Hl-1720 TAR LL 2955 Ha<bor I miijS Vacation And Rgl'. 540-1720 I eves. er bedroom on lower level. TARBELL 2955 Harbor patiO·. 'Sprinklers. Excellent $22j/mo. 011 lease lion l BR ...!-fan1• rm. Pepsi & Hot Oogi Camping Equipment I TARBELL 2955 Harbor THE QUICKER YOU CALL. 54(1.1720 CHARGE yoor want ad now. location. 540.J'rl{l DAVIDSON Realty $&1.~ 83.1-2087 O\.vner . .. -,_ -•••• - -• -• -.. SOCK ITTO 'EM! THE QUIIBER YOU SELL TARBELL 2955 H1rbor Dial &42-Sbi8 for RESULTS TARBELL 2955 Harbor 540-5460 Eves. 5-18-S.'iS~ \\'hite eJiephants! Dime-a-line : .General -,--IOOOGeneral 1000 --General 1000Generel 1000Gener1I 1000 Ge•n=,=,=.1:=====,=000==--'G=e=n=e=r.=l=====,=oo:O:o"G°'e;n;e..i,;':;:·1=====10=00! .. , .. , ' 1 .• . " 7682 Edlnqer POOL TIME· Taki' ad11[1n\agr vr 1\'lnter. Here's a gorgeous 3 Bedroom home, 2 Baths. J1uge party bn\·k ynrd \vith beautiful Blul' Haven Pool. \\'h11t a place ror only S22.750. Bdtevt' it: · CREDIT A PROBLEM? -IUY LIKE RENT? • Sl\arp 3 bc>droun1 JUJd. AlmOlit brand nev.• ankle dt'E'P carpctin~. Beautitul drape11. 111odern kitchl.'n \\1 th rt-friJ,!'eratorl Doubll' Garagt'! White Br1r k Firepla<:('! S500 Down. Paymt•nt ~ 1(1 flt your budireL $22.900 fuU 11r!ce. C1 NO 00\VN. 3100 Jkposit r1·ft1ndl'd. home-on our ~u11rant~· ~011• plnn. $19,500 FULL PRICE Newl)'v.·t'ds? l'lann111::: ~·our ruture i!I s1mplt' In this cute 4 y('flr. oJd Ranchero. 3 Bedrooms offer~ rrXHll for family growth ~lu!! 2 bllths. Brick hreola!'e. F.lectrlc buUt l:ns. Dsh11'1\"h"r~ Cl\rpl.'ts &-Otapt>s. No cash do~'TI GI 11 Sl65 includes 1\11. FHA S'900 Do\\ n. No Closing Costa. MESA VERDE LUXURY -4 BEDROOM RANCHERO Thll heavy ~h:1k1· rool !l-Jn·av.·lir~ home offers spaclous bedrooins and :l luxuri- ous bath plus r1r:E::>Sl:\G ROOM. Luxury cerprb 11.dom the gracious UvlnR room and l..AR\.i': FA.i\lfLY R00?>1' v.•lth cozy USED BRICK F1REPLACE. Dad u.10 love l~ flr'l\:iry r.r OK' :o;N'luded dl'n and ~1om will spprt'Ciate the roomy · ranch s iZE'd kltchl'n Ln1·f'l.v 0"' n11\Jntf'nllnct> Jandscapint:: ~urround~ it.<t 6'\'f'<'pln~ drf\-eway in •Cmn1 .,.,,, '"1 I.!" in\'ltlng 1M1tlo. Excellent flnanclni; at ONLY $3,600 Down. 1 2043 Westcliff Dr. et Irvine Orn Evenings NEW IN WUTCLIPFll! A truly charming homl', loaded "'ith extras. A large bright living room with beamed cei.lings and massive used brick fireplace. Nice family room looks out to lovely enclosed petlo. Bright tunny kitchen complete with oversize service room. Huge ~!! Extra large Jot for privacy. A home ~rlth lots of charm and \\·armlh. Our l?xclusive. Only $41,500. Submit your smaller home on our g\laran· tl.'e sale plan. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX -10% DOWN °'-''ner will finance this charming duplex -NO LOAN FEES!!! Buy the easy ""'Y· SOUTH of thl' Highway. 2 bedrooms each. Heavy shake roof. Carpets & drape.s. A grt>at buy?? Only $42,500. By appointment only! Submlt your J11ma.lleT' proj)l'rty on our guarantee ae.le plan. 4 IEDlOOMS PLUS POOL In an excellent atta close to shopping and !ichools. ExC'f'llent floor plan \vlth t.tuter bedroom auite on opposite side of house, from other bedrooms. Huge beautiful Anthony POOL heated and filtert'd ~·ith lot or dl'ekinl:'. Lai'i<e co\'erM and enclosed patio. Rumpus roon1 adjacent lo pool. \Valk to llhoppinit Ottholic school. elementary, Junior and High schools. Priced 11.t SJ4.950. Submit your sm11.lll'r home on our guaritntl'f' 1111Je plan, IATCREST AREA Exceptional family home nestled among tov.·pring shade tref'!I and ~autiful ~hrubs. A thick l!heke roof adds e.lrgance and charm lo this spacious home ""Ith huR"e back yard in a 1)11..l'k·like atmosphe"'. ~bedrooms, Quee.n siwd bAth.~. and terrific all electric built-in kitdwn. See I $43,000, Submit your small· M" homt> on our IUl-l'Mt"4? MM plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES .~---------'O"ec;•::•'-E;;.•:..;en:;;l;;;n9s 'tll 9 P.M. SPANISH LUXURY -6% YA LOAN This gracious SPANISH TILE ROOF, 4 Brdroom, 2 l~ath homt• i~ lot'a1ed 011 qu!C't cul-de-sac lot NE~~ THE BEACH in bo.·autiful arl'A. 'fh,.. t~trf\1lly dl'COratcd BEAM CEILING ilvmg room hosts massive flnor to t'('ilinjl' ar1•hcd SPAi'l lSH FIREPLACE and plush v.:arm nlyon r.ar1Jets. You'll lo\'t' the Jar~1· F.\~llLY ROOi\I off the Sl!'P ':IP F0Ri\1AL DINING roon1 I\ 1th ben11tiful JSLANO KITCHEN ,,·\th lndirttt hghting and electric built ins. A.-.s11n1(' this n1nst AITRAcnVE $26,000 VA IOfln 1vth Total p&)'ml.'nts of 0?\LY $215 per n1on1h SH·H·H·H·H·H·H·H WE FOUND A SLEEPER! A.'Sume this 5"% VA loan at ONLY $1~1 P•'r monlh \\ilh Lll\V f>O\\'N PA\'- P.iENT! 3 Spl\C'ious BEDROOt.1S. 2 Pullmon Baths, nt•n.r Ill'\\· t'81'Jl('lini: roornv BUlLT IN KITCHEN! All this on quit't street uf TC)\\.Ef11NG Sl1A.OE,TREES near schools and 2 blocks to ~hopping. STOP - searciting any further. 1:his beauty r:nust h:i1·1· l)f'cl\ ll 1nnd<'l. 3 QUl'Cll Size Bed- rooms. l ·1' Bath. Built 1n Bar, Anllf1111'1j r:'ll11nr1~. (<)\'t'n•d p;dio in !'('ar yard. Completely fcnc:Pd. S21 ,000 FULL PRICF:. GI No n1ont'Y d1)1\ n. TAKE OVER 51/• GI LOAN without Qualifyln.,: for thl11 BIG :l flEDHO('l:\T. 2 H:tth homr. CARPETS AND OHAf'ES! Roomy kltcht'n find dinin~ 1\'i lh ln:Hls nr cupb1.ll11'ds l\nd nUU~T INS on q11Jtt 11trt't.'t or TO\VERJ.NG SHAnE: THEES lik(' bl\ck hon1f', Gracious hack y11.rd llvinl:' "1th full grov.·n FRUIT TRf:tS. $1:\li JX'r m11nth Pl'>'S all. • ......... __________ -.l .... _,. -. I --------- . l , ______ 1 -·-·--· ------~---------~--·-···-2 -----. - ' ·-----~---~--... ..,...,. . ,HOUSES proR.SALI HOUSES l"OR SALE • HOUSIS l'OR IALI HOUSIS FOR. SALE RENTALS RENTALS Wedntlill1, llll'C-26, lM • * DAILY ~ILOT Q RENTALS RENTALS REAL ISTlTI Coat·-11oci No rt Baach 1•-...rt--1200 Caplllrano lloach 1725 H-Unfvml<had Aph. ,urnlshad Aph. Unlvrt1fllltNI Aptt. Unfvrnlshod General EASTSIDE Capistrano Beach N_,t lloach 3200 o...,al . __ 44:.;.0-.;;00 O-r1I 5000 lalbea 5300 1-'"'por1y 6000 CUL DE SAC Dme by 321 Also, Newport Hellfil• '::;',-:::,, ":...;. ":::.! s..,,:;. .. ' .!'!\.~.~ 11oaut11ulll'-, ..... Outstanding Val .. ly 0-r $J4,000 = :."; d,.v,:;_ ·~: :':".;: "..!:;. ": 1'00m. 2 bath motJ.y deco!'-mat ~ c1oee lo ahoppine 1r M&-1550 oted, m.soo . °"""' .1!I Lovely corner 3 bedroom bome, large laal, ,,.....,, Nlctl> -1--------..u FHA "' VA. 2 bolhs, dining room, livlllg .,,.,. wilh at.. • """".._ 123.950 """""' ' BR lOOO". .. OPEN EVES. "l1L 9 tracU•• fireplace, hisb carpelbl( through-South Coast Raalty ='~~':s. ~,fr:"· !141>%ll.I .... nn ou~ drapes. BeauUlul treeo and plantings. 493-1346 Call owner !or appointment lo llff. ti!HTALS 1 ,:> THE REAL '"'-ESTATlRS 548 • 1444, 646 • 1711 Houoal Fumllhod Gener1J 2000 . . . SWIM FOR HEAL TH Newport Beach 1200 HunH ...... laach 1400 lllkl: 3 BR. lll ba, pool: Andplayinthilpool3Bdnn., 1 _________ trlCd yd, w/w; chlldttn & homeon~lde,E.zfinan.. VIEW ANYONE? UP ~~~MM, petlOK.Bkr.534-6980 clng, .5%. % Joan. $26.950. A beaut.ttul Yitw dur1llg the R. E. Salelmen or Women-Rent als to Share 2005 (!)~ di.)', brealbt:aldtW at niebL openlni• now. Dcper. or -~ Our .xclusive! '*''" new 11cen .... TnLinlrc ,,... FREE RENT Westcllff 3230 $1~2 Br, beam ce.Ulncs, blb'9, w/w crpts, htd poot AdUltJ, M peU. ~2514 UnlYOrslty Pari< I 3237 NEW JULLIARD S BR, fam rm, POOL & rte , area. S325 mo on ~ue. • 644-0735 • Corona del Mar 32.50 r: ~~ 1 r:ram. Confidential Clll Mr. Sl.ah 1,pt with convalucent Nev NB P:.~ ~l:. 1 ~f (!'1\u !ffl £stat!J Roly First PIGnetr ::= ~~~ s: _ --5871.. 2 BR borne, extra wide lot. F 0 -' + p I 842-4421 """"'=-=-=--=~~ tn>lc. tonn>J dinlnn, dbl our D9Uroom 00 3 BR Watedrol'lt No. 62 YOUNG Worldne Girl or Stu· 0ver1oou be&utt.tw a.ta e..iboa eaws. , s 11 • o o o. YAWi • ft!WS dent '° share 2 Bdrm. CdM ~~=~:it· Mulaesa Country Cub. Imm.a-Prefer trade for aa-eage I Ull'I Apt. f?O Mo. 644-4049 Aft. c le coMition &: priced tor or will comidtt other. ~ 6 PM 2 BR. duplu; redec W/\Y Immediate sale at anJy $23,· Tm Auume §1/J0/0 WANTED Girl 21 .,... or ave.r Cflits, drpl. range. rel., Ip!, 750.FHA!VAormayassume'I"'======== Loa ~·w pr., patio. Adults, no pets. 5%. % loan • $175 month to-Newport Heights 1210 n to ~ nice .f bdrm beach Lit. $2lil. 673-4989 tal. CALL ~ll5J. (open L&rge 4 bedroom in ftf)' de-. apt. 133-1234 e.'<t 397. or ;::=:=:=:=:==== eves.) Heritage Real Estate e SAVE lNTERESl' e sirable aha. 673-8224 Mdtends or eves. Balbo.I No Down To Vets 3 BR, 2 BA. New crpts, HAFFDAL REAL TY ROOMMA'i'E 1ervice, male 3300 Qual·ru 0 I 2 BR hd ..... drps, blbts, 1400 sq. ft. 8740 Wlf'Mr, F.V. MJ..44(15 or female. Efficient & i....,. up ex. " wu Detch dbl gar w/ elec quallfied. 835-2100 fl!5, frplces, FA heat, bit-in opener; alley access. ·BY Laguna Buch 1705 BUSINESS woman over 25 k:ilch., garage! bet_wn units., owner. Prine onyl. M2-6767 l;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;:I ro share !,....,,..., apt. at So. ~ 1ncd yard. Quiet atrttt. aft 4 .,....... • ., $23,500. This woo't lut. can11======== THE OLD Bay Cl"•· N.B. 642-8835 3 BR, 3 BA, lJl: liv rm. tam mifdin rm, trplc: 2 stry. 2 car gar. Yearly lease • Refs only. Afl 7 POI. OR ~? Huntington Beach 3400 Sl'ngle GRACIOUS Adult lJvUW. Denn fl Boy view. Spadoul VENDOME 2 Bil. 2 BA., walk In e 21 lllTS Y c&oetta. btautlf\a.l carpets I: hit lls1ed . .Altr.ctlft, ..U Oung IMMACULATE APl'Si -Pool. Boal ollPO maintained bids. -. IMMED. OCCUPANCY ir ttllanll. &I~ 1nJ HAY pool, Spoclouo l ADULT A: FAMILY pu1tinc:. m-m1 ... bdnn. (700 IQ, tt.) I: 2 bdm. Adults SECTIONS AVAILABLE unit., "5 cloledr......_ bl~ Cl.,. to Shopplnsr, Park Huntington leach 5-400 In ••-s yn. old A • Spacioul 3 Br'1, 2 & Jocal:frrt.I m • prime Anaheim Luxury single, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, furnished and unlur- nlshed, with complete privacy and landscap- ed country club at· mosphere including $750,000 worth of recreational facilities designed and operat- ed just !or sing le people. GARDEN GROVE 13100 Chapman Aw. (4 Bllcs, w. Santa Ana Fwy.) (TI4) 636-3(8() NEWPORT BEACH Irvine and 16th SL cn4> 645-0550 Furnished P.IOOels Open Daily Immediate Occupancy South B•y Club Ap•rtments • 2 Bedroom.. EXCLUSIVE area. Priotd al f.b .ched~ ~ Swim Pool. Put/,,..,. ed """" Income ol $44,000 A • Frpl, lndlv/b>dly lae'll ON-THE·IEACH the .... ..u """"' ol ..... 1145 An•hlllm Ave. A tor nnt tncru.n;, COSfA MESA 6U-2824 2 & 3 hclroom pis. SPRING REAL TY CO. l.AIJ;ury llvlnl to pleue the Investments 540-9517 $135; 2 BR., 1% ba. 1tudlo. Patio, w/w, built-Ins. -~ Costa MeN ORllANS APTS. 3 BR STUDIO POOL ADULTS ONLY 5100 1741 Tustin Av•nue off 17th SlrMI Cost• Mesa 642-4641 G'!Olt dlsc:rlmlnatlnc· Ncnir ava.llable at lhe Huntingt11n 2 TRl-PIEXES l bJock from ocean in SW.. Pacifi1c @ .. t Beach. 10 "" now ... 2 bdrm. Only $42,000 each. HARBOUR RL TY 7ll 0cun Ave., H.B 847-8595 <714> 536-l48'l * NEW FOUR·PLEX * 1 & 2 BDRM • 2 be.th. Span. Near Beach, Hunttrwtoa lab style, shag CI"PI'&, prv ==e.=a=cb.='!65=".900=. ="=7-3957==1 entr Ir prv fundecks. Adult living, nr beaches from $l40. Busineu PropertY 6050 $190. ~~ 1982'1 BrookhUI"lt (just N. of Adams.) TI4/962-2981 CHEZ ORO APARnfENTS 8234 Atlanta Professional Medic1l Building no"::! TAKE TRADES" Balboa Covel 1215 GRAY MARE 1:.:°~: =o~m~ad~ Bob Olson, Rltr. 546-5580 BAYFRONT with boat slip ''SHE AIN'T WHAT SIIE Furn own bdrm. 536-1986 FREE RENTAL 800~ ======:: HARBOR GREENS New 1·2 Bedrooms • Pay ~ electric only 536-3927 or 536-2771 Pool-Washers-Dryers Private Garages g 330C sq ft, 4 Suites Oil choice comer in desirable &nea. Immediate OCCUp&J'IC)' $M,000 -excellent term• Will exchana-e. TIIE FOX t'OMPANY 2863E.Coas:t Hwy,~ BY O\VNER 3 bdr, l~ ba, large 4 BR, 2 BA, $56,001 USED TO BE" and neither huge yard, XJnt cond. $1500 UXIO dn. 529-8100, 378--0891 is Uus unique eon.temp. mod-lido Isle 2351 DROP IN & BROWSE Cotta MIH 4100 3 Bedroom. 1 Bath. Nice car-.:.:.:;.;:..;.::.;;::_ __ _::..:::: 673-9495 or '42-696.9 dn T.O. G.r. 6%% F.P. em styled home, srrrING $19,900 Eves &: wkends Westcliff 1230 ON TOP OF A KNOLL, ov. EXECUTIVE HOME 642-1211 ER.LOOKING TIIE SEA. De. with office/studio, 3 BR, 3 REPUBLIC Home, 8 mos SPARKLES: A: shines ip.side tailed exterior ot reaawn BA, Gardener incl. Lease. old 2 sto 4 BR. 3 B• &-out. Llv:m& rm &: dining wood plank, stucco. Jow turn $650, unJ'W'n $550. pets & Drapes, Double Gar- age. Water paid. $175 mo. First and last plus a Deposit. Walker & Lee ' ry, ~ rm; seMCe porch, elec sweeping rooflines &: exten. 673-8780 tam rm, retreat rm.-3 Car bltns. Oean crpts & drps live use of glass. I========= 7682 Edinger garage: $41,SOO. By owner. thru out this 3 BR 2 Ba Summer Rent1l1 2910 842MS5 or 540-5l~ 540-4!!05 M~. J'loL lndscpd &: Well deaicned 3 BDRM. floor Open Eves. S BR, 3 BA, 9 rm 2 atory maint wf children's play plan, aerviced by 2 BATHS: IDYI.J...WIW • 2 _Br, new 3 BR 2 baths, bit-Ins, dil>l!I. home + pool & guest house. yn;1 &: pet area. Heavy FEATURES SUNKEN UV. f~. house wf view. Near AU fenced & close to shop- $39,999. $10,000 dn. &4&-2544, shake-roof completes this RM. with open beam ceU. village. Summer rental $250 ping center S 1 7 S I mo • 548-8333 charming home. By Owner 1.ngs, AND WAL LS OF mo-Yearly $175 mo. Tif: !162-4391 aft S PM REDUCED for qulclr: --'e'. $42,950. 642-1598 WORMWOOD PANELLING, CTh-10'19 eves. 3 BR. 2 BA •· ·•-__, • crp ..... , ... .,s, 4 Br.; usume 4%% G.L MASSIVE SI'ONE FIRE-RENTALS block fence. Sak> mo. loan. Doyle Co. SCS-1168, Corona del Mar 1250 PLACE FROM FLOOR TO HouMI Unfurnished Call aJt' p.ni., ~734 Mrs. Jordan. 675-lS'Tl Eves. CEILING, W/W CARPETS 3 BDRM, bl~lns, wall to ASSUME Low FHA, 3 BR. Owner Will Finance (SOil..ED) & custom draper. General 3000 an •· d 2 ba••· le CDRNER WALL OF -''1 crp ... , rps, u..,, Pan. den & fam. $26,500. Ocean Blvd., CdM. Reduced s. FREE RENTAL BOOK !ncd yard. $215. 962--0748 Own ill tak 2 d GLASS AFFORDS AN EX· I=="=='===== $72.50 TO $105; 1 & 2 BR. BACl-IELOR • UNFURN. very nice trailers. Adults from $1 QQ Laguna Beach 5705 j '!'l'!'ll!'!'ll!'!'ll!'!'ll!'!'l!l'!'l!l~~1 only! 133 E. 16th CM. B · R t I 6060 642-1265 Al.SO AVAILABLE 100 CLIFF DRIVE usiness en • BEAt.rrlFUU.Y FURN 1 -2 &: 3 BDRM. LUXURY FURN/UNFURN I ;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;:;J Imm cl , 2 B pool Heated Pools, Child Care Year),y Lease. 1 Ir 2 Bdnna. 1-fUNTINGTON BEAOI ac, ean. r, ,.. __ ,. Adj. ~ Adults, no pets $1SO. 2272 \..Cl.I r. · to ...... .,plzll -11teps to Slue Ir Sbopm l\1aple. 540-5566, 642-4807 No peta allowed Ocean.view from every Apt 2700 Peterson Way, at Har-from flr::n --nn t 1 BR. Furn Apt. mtns, WfW boJ' & Adams, Costa Mesa. -m."Ur9 ... ease crpts, gar. Adults, $125. 546-0370 646--0108 I 'l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!iil!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12 BR. duplex; new cpts., I 1 drps, paint; 1 blk. to bcb. • Nassau Palma • 214 Fairview st. (1) 532--528.1 I & 2 BR.· Pool NEWLY DECORATED 177 E. 22nd St. ,., ... ""•" l;ie:i""Ci'C,-..==----~ 2 Br. w/carport-$100 E 2 BEDROOM apt with pool, Di!p .. water pd •• nr schls R GaAL ES1TATE children OJ{. oo pets. 226S 2194 "D" Placentia Ave. nera _ _;_;_.:.;._ __ _ Canyon Dr. 540-4084 • 636-4120 • Rental1 Wanted l BR. Util. pd. Pool. No 2 BR unrum, refrig, bit-In 5990 GOLD KEY SUITES Executive & S.l•-1 Offices * A1r-cond Ir utila * C:U,..to & ..... * ReoepUon Rm. * Oeaning & maint. Telephone Answering (i: Secretarlal Service avail Town & Country Shopping Center er w e n . to $75,000 • $20,00'.> down, on CELLENT OCEAN VIEW. Drop In & Browse 540-4.722 this rusdc charmft' w/spee- ADULT Section CONDO, 3 tacular View. Bright&: cb~ry modemlstic Wa Iker & Lee Br., 2 Ba. Crpts, drps, elec Orange CO.t11t Property ~=n.~ 1~ni:ALI.~ gar door. owner. 54!}...3594 332 Marguerite 673-8560 BRIO<S &: looks down to children or pets. Will show stove, carpets, d r a p e 11 , RETIBED executive, im· - L_a"'g_un_a_Ba_a_ch ___ 3_7_0_S l=';:til:3=PM:=. =.....,,,===== redec: no pets, $130 mo. mac. ref's., will mind your 568 WU.son, CM. 545-0760 beach Mme or apt. while 18582 Beach Blvd. (at Ellia) Huntington Bcb 962-6607 STORES ALSO FIRESIDE DINING SEC VIEW HOMESITE TION. 2790 J-larbor Blvd. at Adams 545-9491 Open ti! 9 P?.f Panoramic View NEW 3 BR • Home, 2 ba, w/w carpets, bit-ins, stove dSJ)lll. fi75.343.4. 830-2825 Balboa 4300 CLEAN Bachelor Apts. AJI util incl $75 up 315 E. Balboa Blvd. you are away. Keep ship NEW 2 BR, 1 BA, crpl:I, shape. Box 4226 Irvine, drps, all bltns incl dshwr, Calif 92664 aep patio, sep gar. $155. 1',REE DESK SPACE Avail April L 64U257 WANTED 4 BR furn Mme, House for sale Ml Governor, C.M. * 548-4079 * Irvine Terrace I========= Cose-up view of bay an:! Mesa V1rde 1110 peean, excellent t~. FREE RENTAL BOOK Thia bett@r built home, about Drop in & Brown · 10 yn. old, " va""'t A ..... Walk & L L19un1 Niguel 3707 MONARCH BAY AREA ADULT C'OMMUNITY 3 BR, den, 2 BA home, bit-ins, trplc, heated pool $250 mo. 10 to S, 496-1243 BALBOA 61l-9MS Huntington Be•ch 4400 prefer beach area. tern-vicinity of Baker a n d l BR Duplex, cpts/drps, porary thru June or Sept. Bristol (C.M.) in return for East.side. All utll, pd . 213/ 291-9802. or write '500 taking mes~ and ac- $115/mo on lease. Perron Chasar Pl, L.A. 90M3 cepting deliveries . BY OWNER", beaut .C bdrm, H I P inch• & As$2l.1!50 lge. fam. rm, fonnal dWng a in soc. rm, 3 ha, crpts, drps &: 3900 E. Coat Hwy. 675-4392 .... BADLY NEGLECTED. er ee IT'S IN NEED OF PAINT, YARDWORK .l GOOD GEN-2190 Harbor Blvd. at Adams ER.AL C..EAN UP, No ma. 545-9491 2 Bdrm. 2 Bath Carpts. Drapes, built·lns. Best location, 1 block to S Pts shopping, theaters, etc. Rlty. 642-lm I ;--n;i;';i.-'7.:~C:.:.7~ Notary • Income Tax -Ins. I BDRM Unturn Apt In etc. 2 BR. crpts, drps, bltns, Beach area for empl-~ •· •· Ad··"· $135 .,.,., """" ... ,.~ Call Bill RobinAon (Eves.) w.\\'11•· w ... , • ,,..ir,-.. lady up to $11 O I mo, 546-4478 eves. 642-0086 intercom, t!:lec gar door , opener. Elec sprinklers. All 433 Morning Canyon elec. kit. Reduced Sl.500. CdM p You own the land! 60 jor repain appear oece... Open Eves, 4 BR., 2 Ba., cpts. ' drps, bltns, dishwshr.; chUdren, pets OK. $225. (1) 838-6J8.4 eve. turnlshed or unfurnisDed 2 BR. studio, wd. Cpts. Drps, from $130. c.alJ. o w n e r blt-ins, 984 El Cl.m.ino. $140. =""o'-;=-:c=c---~ I 1200 FT shop, warebouR, YOUNG UCI couple need alley truck entrance SUS sary, It's offered at the &ive. $85; 2 BR. duplex, w/w, Call 675-6846 xll5 FL R-2 View Jot, 3 BR away price oI fenced yd., garage. Child $31,950 O.K. Broktt ~ 642-2835 lo• lnlonnaHon. 962-0050 house or apt until June 15 w/ uW. 646-2544, 548-8333 or yearly. Lesa than $80 -----&: .fam nn $49,500. Shown $2'l5; 5 BR.., 2 ba., fenced yd., w/w, drps. Children &: peta OK. 534-6980 Bk:r. QUIET & BEAUTIFUL 2 BR. apt Pool: <pt> .. ""'"' mo. 67J...8f76 500 Sq ft Garage type bidg College Park 1115 by appt. Delancy Real Estate rn.3770 FULL PRICE Duplexes Unfum. 3975 2 BDRM, crpts, drps, blt-ins, fenced back yard. Children fine. 2192 American Ave, CM. Adults only; 2 Br., ulU. paid. 31.3$~'!.,th Pl., CM.L'.,,.. YOUNG Workina: Girl or Stu. Pool, 847-2125 1-...:.-=..:M=0::•:::1h.:::...::~=""=-dent to Iba.re 2 Bdrm. CdM 1767& Cameron, Hunt. Bch. 3 BDRM, 2 ba house, crpta, Apt $10 Mo. 6"-4049 Att. fol' rent on East 17th St CM 220 pwr already pi- a:talled ready for plumber, electrician or s I m i I a r business 54&-5040 BOUGHT NEW HOME A REAL STEAL! Want out! 3 Br. 1%. ha.I:======== FOR THE AMBITIOUS! MISSION REAL TY 985 So. Coast Hwy., Laguna Phone {714) 494-0731 $225; s Ba, 2 ba., fenced yd., w/w, drps. Children & pet! OK. 534-6980 Bkr. drps. pvt patio, gang!'. 15 PM Fan1 rm, rpl, new w/w cpts, lido Isle 13S1 drps: Jovey patio & ganlen.1.;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;:; Assume S%% IBA. Top shape. $24,900. 0 w n er $175; 3 BR., fenced yd. Gar., Lagun• Be•c.h 4705 1 _673-3600;:..;:=·..:Sc:.175.:.c::Mc:o::. ___ e LANDLORDS e $22S ~fONTH yr. Charming 2 BDROOM apt with pool, FREE RENTAL SERVICE Office Rant•f 6070 54<>-"'6 3 Br & Bath Home 2 bdrm No. Side, adults. children O.K., no petl. 2265 -=,;;B"'ro"k:0"=7.,.._:::=:...,.-~---n Dr ... ·~· , LAGUNA BEACH Newell Assoc. 494-6594 ' --=v=vc..:.::·..:-c.:..='---* UNFURN il BR or 2 •- w/w, bllns, children & pets RENTALS OK. SM.-6980 Bkr. Apts. Furnished on Via Waziers • one of Lido's very nicest streets. 4 BR redec. 26' !iv nn, w/w Asking $59,000 cpts/drps, frplc, dbl car, LIDO REALTY, INC. ~dCo~S: 646-2309 Agt. 34GJ Via Udo 673-8830 l90 llk nl "' A n BR •• ,Air Condltlonad ' $219.50; 4 BR. 2 ba., patio, Costa Mesa -4100 A'ITRACTIVE, Clean 1 Br, . u , upsta ' va ·' h.~ wf pr in CdM. ON FORE5"/ AVEliUE frpl. Children w elcome near Beach & town, near '4/1. Mature only. 122 xrly, Reta. 675-5414 Detk a:pacn available . l:n Broker 534-6980 HOLIDAY PLAZA new. $145 lease. 494-2882 Magnolia St. "494-4695 2-4 MOS beg. April lS, Lido DeWf!llt offtcti bufldl.nc at 2 BR unfurnished duplex, DELUXE, spacious l·Bdrm. 2 BR, newly dee, drps, w/w Isle. (Remodeling L td o prillle location ID downtown Newport Bffch 1200 You Will like This lj~~=====~~ l\fost compact home, sr1sr I["' -@I lot. 2 Bdrm., frplc. sunny new carpe~ & drapes, Furn. apt. $ll5 Plus util RENTALS cpts, blt-ins, adultJ. $145. home) 673-1395 or 521~6 Lapna Beach. Air cond:l- enclosed yard. $140. 548--0501 Heated pool. Ample park.in& _A:..:i;P.:;fl::._U::;;nf:.:u::r.:;n:;:l•;;;hod=-_'42-_2550...c.'c.'_v_.,::cS46-6716____ tianed. carpeted, blumul ~~.-.-~"Juz, kit. Lse clear, good financ· Y"'·-----' ing. $42.500, "'alk to beach. The Worst looking ,cc:."='•:...:.M:.:oas= .. -=--_;3:.:1.;.:00 __ N_';,.,_ .. _"::_m_"_o;,._N::'~-"'-•_"_ General 5000 u~~~:~~ Rooms for Rent 5995 ~=eT•~ ,. S'I'li1JIO, Pvt. ent &: bath: ~ _..._ Villa Pomona Apts RENT $125 month. 646--0446 pool k .rarest ATe., rear I.,~ to 2 BR. gar, patio, crpa, drps. 2 BR 1 d ,_, cl kit. priv.; , Bae Bay M~ puldna Iota. •$50 ,., R. C. GREER, Realty Place in Town t ....,, .,._,__.cal C.OSta ?w1esa'1 newest & most 3 Rooms Fu•nt'lu•o ap . ownsuurs, ean. Student f wom an ._,;;; .11 ove. reu-ig. ••ut'I set-r.... d L'tl 1......,,1_ or-per month tor space. Delk we acraped the bottol. of the ~· F~ ad~, 1 blk. to ~u:,":i' W:::. Z:;u1~n0~: $20 • $25 • $30 mo. 155i.~ cZ'~er'.15~'i8" ,.......,.,===--~--and chairs anflable for"SS . me 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 .!i')M-,,rUJ c?~ ¥ ~~~ ,$_,.,{, -BEACH HIDEWAY Spacious 3 bedroon1, 2 bath, with open beamed C1!ilings, builtins, located steps irom the ocean • $27,500 CllSCI Huntington Beach 1400 -. baJTel to come up with lhls c ps, · 780 no pets. 1760 Pomona A~.. FULL OPTION TO BUY CDLl.EGE or working rirl Busineu boors annrertna: ·-. The ho.... h., long EASTSIDE 3 Br., fncd yard, · aila Niwport Beach 5200 live on Bal Isl. Klt, rttrea· service avall£b1e for SlO. ~ ....... Just south or 18th St. (Refrigerators Av ble) tlonal rm incl. $55. Mo & All tllltin paid UM\rt been neglected, needs paint. child OK, no pet&. $140. '$125'=-,LR=G~~,~B-,-cl~-No deposit o.a.c. 67, m• te'~ ing badly, redecorating In-540-0289 · · ·• ean, Townhouse 3 bdr, 2~ ha, up ..r-...,.., ""'t"-""'e. SHARP , .. and quiet. Beaut. furn. H.F.R.C. w/w ,. • ..._Is, dra-1, '-le, p•r ••n-rm, good 1~ DAILY PD.OT , 3 BR 3 Ba bit · d' I swe out. Lots of jW!k W-L I d • F ' R I ~I"' I"' .... .., ~,~ """' -ro•-·-·-' ' ·ll1S, llll-in and around the house. _1,N;;;;;•w;;;;po;;rt;;;lle;;.;.•;.;c;;h;;:;;;;3;;2;;0~0 I ""r ryer, gar. ntature urn1ture enta I fenced patio. eJec blt-lns, 2 congenial home, klt. prtv. ~ ~· A • .c.1,v.1:1 ii~1.::~0~~750lrpdlc_:~ntai~, But, if you're a fixer upper adull~D S17 W. 19th C.M. 548-3481 car gar, pool. $275 642-1219 $55. L.\G~A-BEACJJ • ~ "" ~ b ' _, "~ Wallace, C.M. 1~• W. Lncln, An"-77'2800 673 -.,. ·~ alt 3 3() -sume loan. ug -you ve 1<1t a 1te ... ! B / B ===~~=:..c:::..c_ """ 11111 ~ GOLD Medallion 2 BR, 2 ;,::~:::::~':::::=-====' ~~~..,.;.;..:.=~~-I PRIVATE Sleeping r m BA d bit nc1 • * Modem Offi~e POOL •us~ -·-la-» • '•"· "''· "'· • · ~· S ll TOWNHOUSE w/bath, just ""•inted, •1:11. 0 u:A>.L ........... t' ..... G t H 5991 3 BR. ' ba horn. n __ ,1 You' get KITCJ-IEN with .... ~ gar. 4230 Hilaria Way. $185 _..:u ... •_• __ o_m_aa ___ ...;.;..; s.,.· le or aulte1. Air mrJd. ~~ lo Ul k ba s tit • -1 3 hd per mo. See Mgr 21 31 Elden town. The DAn.Y PILOT •--2 loving ' "-and ,,;.;t, '""o;n ng e coW1ters, anac r, p ~ve nru. ;: batlul ""'· ( 13) 981-7039 GUEsr HOME M itionlng, parldng, -·-~-· .... ., '" -dt·• ··•-bit 1 • n -··•1 " Ave. OWcr person prefer-Cl.Msifl.ed aection. SaYCI en or -. ...... UUJ>ILI cash to loans, $23,950. ::suw.....,n:-r, • n range .,. ........... e i a rage, carpe ' 2 BR 2 bath Deluxe Cort-women. Meals served tami-service, central Joca.Hon.. EASY TO BUY oven, carbage dlspou.I etc. drape:;, Fireplace, el e c, I=""'=·=======" money, time I: effort. Looll dominium $250/mo unJ'urn c. Robert Nattress RetJtor BREAKFAsr NOOK and built-ins, ADULTS ONLY . . ·"""-'--'-! '-------1.,. furn. , .. ~ :'~'.;'~'';''::,· ;:543-"992=:===== I 230 E. 17th .street , 4 BR condo, crpts, drps, blt-FAMILY ·~•/ General 4000 -1~~::.:.:'":c:=:....:::.:::....:~:..:..:=•::_ -Ira, re.frig, wW & dryr. RM with hard ' .• '. ' •.•...• "' .,,....., month. IS Y01IR AD IN CLASSI-l BR upper unit of duplex Misc, Rent•ls 5999 Costa Mesa 642-lGS FHA $"" mo '•cl•. all tile floort for easy living, lo.trs. Fay tt•o: 1-BEDROOM, I ~1 "lb S ~'Id k 11'" ;;;.;=...;.;;=='---"'C:..:. I NEWPORT CMC ~ ..,., "' lJVING ru.t fully carpeted la & 8 h .,..... w iv; f1ED? Someone will be -.,., t • .._,u o . ,... ......... ~•"LR $17,500 HURRY! with fireplace and formal y eac ytU'd. Available now! looking for It. Dial 642•5678 -=mo=·='="=·_;Bloc;:,;·:64&-=2=4.0,14== GARAGE for rent Eut aide, Offices auitable Sor Cqm- WOODWARO dining area. MASTER BED-Realty, Inc. "5;;:~B~ro~k~"~534-li~;"°;,-;;;;;t l~"'~'~""~ic~k.:_!:dtl~ci~"'~t-"~'"'~ts. S:r:J J>l!f' *moW.2657 * merclal, Medical, Dental 8843 Adams, Huntington Bch. ROOM with wall ot mirrors, 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221 $130; l·BDRP.t, lower; pool: Newport Hgts. 5210 I========= Air-cond., crpta, elnrakll( 96U343 •-··'-and h 66-""""' =-"•0 ,,_.,. redecor., w/w, u t 11 i Ii es THE QtnCKER YOU ,.._..,, ;.;..-'c...,;..;...:....;.._....;,......; rnDM $70 • 1 ~~~~~'""'"""l''!"'• I "'~-'"" nn tJi:e mas-.. \AN ""'""1· ..---2 BDRM pool -•c •-el-lncama Prope-6000 •n -OR ~ ""' 1; ter bath. 'IWO CHil..DREN's:l~-:-~--~~-~-.""!~!"!~~~1pa;,r~· ~-~!i34-<i~~980~B~rol<~ ... ~=~~Tl~IE~Q~tn~CKER~~~Y~ou~m~~t ' ' ..... -"""" • •• .,._.............. .. • .,.. ...... LOOKING for a good bQy 1· bar-b-q, no child or pets. ho -· •••• rms pi"' utra bath, and an Gan1ral 2000 ~-I UH< pd. s110 Mo. ....,,,, SeU or Trade PROFESSIONAL Bid&. "" on a me. ~·,. Ul.lll! 3 roonu fully carpeted. Home vwnera 2000Gener1I 2000 to 26000 1q ft New bfdc. Bdn. All ~edric kit. with L.. ··~L--:----0 t t d. lO!I ....... Drift ·~ ~-""'"" and WO-East Bluff 5242 u s an Ing .......... ID ,..,.. ....... Nnrport Boda. Calif. nsa built·lns. Ref. ca r Pe t e d sutpU&able VIEW. Value in Large parldnc area. Pete /.. ""I. ~t ~ =-"'"'" of $33,500 • TRY Clfi'.l'O ,&\.,. '.-h-'C ~.:::.· • NEW DELUXE. Investment Bam!tt R..tty 350 E. l7tb . ,.... pa • Pl'8lf: paneled and S28,COJ ln u is condition for lJ\!::) J.."QU ~)., (!J J..J(/" V 3 Br. 2"' ba. apt, for leue St:, CM 642-43S3 1 DNoHClver, SOffho1r•,,s :~~~~ ~ :: the steal or your life! SoEtir a Simple SCftlmblrd Word Puzrle /01 a Chuckle lnl:I. spae, mstr. 1\1.ite, din Mutual Savin91 A: VA loan. monthly pymll. ·-33 rm .• dbl ....... ""'°· Properly Loan Bldg., CdM •• 3100 sq. ft. ot luxury, All S1M. P.LT. Full price only LOS PADRES OR:.orrol'IQ9 J.tt.rs of tt,. door opener avail, Pool It 35().300 tt av..n now'' custom con!tructed 4 bed· Ul,450. 96:f...7689 four scrambled wordt b.-rec. area. Nr. Calhollc -i ~ ......... -:--:: -1!.... I "·· and 1 ·-=-==-==~===-I REAL TY '·--· ...... ,-h •. -hool • Co""'"" Large lti'a,t"•'c corner, .,,.,.....,,v Eves.~ rooms, am....,. room or-IQW tQ fo"" fO!Jr tlmp!. word1. ""'' ... • "" • ,.,._ 125':d00' ( + 15• alley), with mol dining room. lmmedl. LARGE ADDED 127 So. O>ut 11.,. IHA I dot Mar High. 2 good otllce bWldlnp on OFFICES ato po''"''°" wtth 10% FAMIL y ROOM 1-no. S.acll L KE C • ONLY l280 • major..,...,_ Ne" the"'"' Single o• ••'"· parklnl, cti> down -Mklng ST.l,500. J !!!!!!!!!!![!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I t I I~ I I I 837-Bn AmJgoe W111, N.B. of the fl\bolout O. C. Civic tnl, cor Joe Ont,_ »e. OPEN l""VES. 'TIL 9 PLUS 4 bdrrns, 2~S baths, BOY -IT'S BIG • • . --. SPLIT-LEVEL -luxury .view Center A boom1 .... financial loo-500 aq ft. 548-fiT13. ~ 540-2313 646-nn 1poUetsly ne1t l clean, A 2 hd 2 v~ =rn~ home this 1tuup is hard to Fabulous home, •lyled In I . 'u •• '."" .. ~· .. ..!~BM. dtstrtcf. Great traffic now ............... Cl(k.-e W/ !~~· \O THE REAL '(' ESTATERS -- find A-It's pr1ct>d rtaht to D:K> aq tt Uv. Uta, 4 BR . - -oUJ build I hold f mnthly rent 1806 Nwpt New OrlellJll motU. apptox IVE TA L Ava auoo: soon. ~ A expoaure Jor high rile l n c orn e Tu co. ~· 0~a~'~es Realty A f&m rm. 3 ba, din/rm, I I f JJ Cof'1)M d•I Mar S2JO ~ app~~n. ~ Blvd. Of. 64i-7301 : Unique kitch, R~ le o , · iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $2SO.OOO 300 c. Ft Offl ' 147-1266 Ev11. 536-7124 b .,_, . ...,. ' ce, fRVlNE TERRACE ... 1~ "'·""' -""' I F E L . I SUBMIT TERMS OR O.ta ...... 646-2130 ' cious l BR. 2 BA home. GLEN MAR 4 BDRM ~ Dn pmt l&alon Rlty. I A ~--: EXCHANGES All bltns., elec gar do!r. cul~~ Schls, lhop I· 49t-f'lll J• I ·I I ~•ws item: '111 Russian ~ tJ, RICK ALDERETTE Industrial Prop. 6dlo Abundant storage; frplc. Dream kit; au. bar, m,.:, $35,COJ DUPLEX, 2 and l • . . • . tels there' TV I <tt4l !WT"469 - Lrt covered p1tlo . ~lanai, carefree BR, view, ju.gt mnodeled, r--~-----1y' 0 set n every e 1• uu1y5 ll'lDUSTRIAL Bld&. *· Flourishing l'08e fl er den ' ._, -......,. ""'"''• · C.O.ta Mea. SU.le buildina "' •-yard fruit trees. -pvt. ~•• ., .... .,.. ~ -~ I W E Ka' E S I room, on • ir -you." ON TEN Aat&CJ ,... w 100~ • e cu P I • d, ~ framed by larp she.de ~o:f"~1n~ Sbu'it'::_ LUXURY V'8w home, bu l I I I' I' I O ~lilnloto ,"' ..... ~~ 1~! ~~rl~:.= ahowlrc 12%9' spendable tenants. N.B. lD1\ .. ~,!:,.!32·001 by O_::n!!; ........ ~.500 by Owner. 962-3743 an. Almost no down. Must . . . . • • ..., Ilg '" .... "-"" ~-Tennis -Contnt'l Bktlt. put-alter all Uptnlel includlng ~~:'~ ~ tt. ~ Q'M-\16<• .... ~ Rll this week. 646-2598 '1'0ll ct..•lop frcm mp No. 3 btlow. tine a:reen.. 5" vacancy, 5" merve * BAY VlE\V FH lot 85' JI'. 195' w/ pl&ns. $34,900. Owner 54S-72C9, 54M2t7 3 BR 2 bath, newly ttdeeor- POOL HOME ~Una N1, .. 1 1707 e ~~1~msJ~~£FERS I' r ,, r I' r I' I ~.s::~:-,;,~ :!., rna~me~t. o~ct~,; with 15~ down. ~~~:m:en~!lh r:c: e (ill~~ LEmRS lO I I I I I I I r ~. BSen'2~ N~~ f~~TY co~~ lnduetrlal Rafttal '°'° e NEW M • l Bldr .. !~000 sq ' near Airpart. Afr cond ofca. $900 ma. r r o • • • ..... 224< OtITSTANDING Vlt""' In the a!ed, ~ S23.'15o. Bluffs~ Br. 3 Ba. by owner .... R. 0 . SLATES; Rttr. $4nl dn. &44-anB 147.Jm &vu. 5J6..7UO hills, quiet C\11 de UC. 4 .a-. ,_ BR. ' ... Bloc. •7'-4070 scRAM-Lm ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8200 ..,,,~ d .... 11,..1, .. uo. THE QmCKER •ou cw.. &lb lta.R $1'5. m-6224 11(£ QUIOCER YOU SELL SOCK IT 1'I 'Dt! • ' ( • l I IW'!""-r:'I"""""""'"'"'"""""'""''"".,..""'.,.._~~.·~--·-""-""" ..-----~ ·• -"" -7 --... -... -.-.-~~ -· ---.. ~·--·~----------.. -·-- I r I I I· I I IUSINISS IM FINANCIAL HRVICI OtRICTORY 1p;;;;;;;==-=-=-;;;;:;== Wh>ddy1 Wint? Whoddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOP NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rate 5 Lin11 -5 times -5 bucks •utES -40 tol\\J'T INClUOE 1-w...i -MW to 1no0t. '-Wh.i ,.., •tnt "" 1r-. a.-voo11 -•Mier •HN:s•. 4-J ~,., d 1dwrttsln• i-HOlHING FOJI SAi.i! -llAOfS ONlV I PHONE 642-5678 To Place Your Trader's P1radlM Ad TRADE: 11· 'l'nlUer. !lt'H· contained Tra'>"I Trailer. P'OJt: Boat It Motor. * -* Ca.bana mob'" honlt on !hr water, boa! slip av11U. Trade for 2 bdrm conrlomin. ium, H.B., CJ\f., Tusti11 area. fm-519-:J 1966 . 36' T-.,.-;,-,-,-l"d:u~ hvin screw, n) brid,gl', aa tittru. SlD.<XXl cq for apar1 - mf'nts or Janel. ITI.fl ~9&- ~· 2 Industrial bldg~. 011 Pla- eenlia, C.M. Tradr S!l:J,(00 Eqf,y. for prop. phi.~ ea.~h. Price $150,000. 548-1~>12 illVE: Apls. TO's. !urn, 1'V'1, ads, c11tf'rtaiun1t>11t. JOl,I name ii: \ViU !rJd<' for °(&ried goodli. SCl'\'ll't'~. Mr. Allen 12131 BH. :!-9()19. E:iberlla1 tub ,(, showc/' mfg bus. All equip. 111olt!s &· tqiprovllis. Trade $40,00"1 valt.le for vac1:111t piupty or 1'.D. (2131 !'"192-5194. ~----· SJ700 f'QUity J lk.•rlroo111s. ~ bjllh San Qemcnte hOnlP. ·lost" in. Subn1il all offe.rs 1111 dear 11uld or lots. Bk!". li'l5.4070, -4M-3949 QuplOX So. Lag. 2 b\ks It) ocean, xlnl \oc. Trade sh.ooo cqttllY ror clear lot or land. Submit all oilers. ~-67'".l-'1070, 494-394~ 17 t't. fiber glass oulboanl and big whttl tilt traill'r. \\'ill tradl' for land5eapiJli. PHONE 6'14-4687 17 ~'t. outboard for station wagon or auro of tqUal va}. UC Phooo 644-46S'/ SPEC"r ACULAR. H 0 m (' f.!ammolh Lake1 w/Units lo rllminalr fine! concern. For 155.000 eQ. Or. Co. or ? Sa.lisbury Rily . 673-6900 S.'i '.Mi Dirose] Aux Sloop HIG7. 7 ~Rll~. \\'heel stcer- u1g. f'iber-lcak r on s t . Tt~..idc snialler boa1 . car or l't'R! C~lOtl". 6'fj.2838. I louse lull ol modern furn\. tut·r. wi ll trade for anti. fJllC'~. ~2-2071). Luxury-G.>'diesel powered yacht, plus $125,000 mort- gage Oil i.:omplete reaort in f.1an1molh Lake. Trade for rt>ol estat!'. 646-25!ll. I !AVE:""° Double bed, spring, rnalt1'f'Ss & frame or Herm- 1'5 portablf' typl'11Titer, both ln gool'I Cilnd. \\'ANT: Stereo uni 1[ equal value. 54-'!923 f ilJ<>rglas Uohman 10 sail- bo;1t. Trade for good gas puwe['('(I paint l"Ompressor 11ntl acceMOric~. Chester Salisbury 67".rti900 Half • Century old genera.I sto~. Cosla ?ttesa, w/money niak1ng sideline, Trade for home, voca11\ land or sub- n1i1. &lfi.1675 owner. I lave 5 bedroom Balboa Peninsula home, $79,500. \Yant 3 bedroom, price $30- s.Ja.OOO. Ne11.'port Beach Realty, 675-1642- Money Wini.ti '"° A!Jpll1n .. "°""'" R. !, Wini.ti 6240 1'1m t510 WANT MO~EY Wanlt4 . El· WASHER. ,__Re-'-penenc:ed,a11re 11lve, .... ,.... .,...., boneat., hard workln& am· Xlnt-cuann~ • • r vi c • , 2 • I quality unitl North £ut bltk>ul woman tor unique Reu n.tff. -4.UJ Cort& Meta to $15,000. Call betr tavun hi &•ch area. labyslttlnt '550 I-lopper ot 111we, De l.ancy Reply &:ix\ M lll4. llaJly I :::::!:::.:.:.:;oo_ __ .:;.;;.; Rtal Ella.le. Pilot. BABYSITl'ER. 613.J710 ANNOUNCEMINT$ rented yud. Mffh Incl°""· ~USINEH .... Ind NOTICI$ Wed< ""' only. Vl<inll> FINANCIAL Hlllada>' & Bbbop 81., s.A. Found <f,... A•l 6400 ,_ l3H612 ATI'ENTION (Part or Full Time) E:<cellent Income for few Lost 6401 hr~. 1~·eekly work (days 1--------- or rove&.). Refilling and LOST green 6' y e 11 ow collccUng money from parakeet in Vic. 2 0 0 Coin Operated Dispen· Poltl!ettia, CdM. Answers ~er~ in Costa .fiff'sa and to Pete or Momma's Pretty ~urrounding are a. No selling. (Handle& name Boy. He '\'ill repeat his •d· brand candy & snacks.) dress. Rewl.l'd. 547-3431, S1650 total cash required. 633--4:)16 F"or m ore information LOS--T-, -Blk--.-,~;i-,.-,-,~,-m-•I• and detail!, 1end name, dog, vie Kendrick Circle I: addreM and phone num· S p , 1 n g d a I c St, HB. ber to: "ROUTE DEPARTMENT'' Schnauzer hair cut. name P. Q. Box 3846 "\Vrondy" on collar. Liberal BUILD, Remodel, Repair Brick, block, co ncret e , crpntry, no job too small. LicContr. ~ 6590 A-1 Carpentry Any si1e jab Expert Work Reliable! Gordon Churches 8•7-6745 Contemporary Munlington il&rbour ho1nc. J nn. lam rm, 2 ba. {$10,000 eq, I Tni.de: for 811.y<:rest or Bhdfs, 673-3502 far details. :ITUnit medical bldg sm Palk, 24 unit apt S.A., Back bay. home. all or part for clear Jol1i or acrcagr . Agl. 615-6252 or 673--0SZt * Anaheim, California 92803 reward. 842-6'/fO 1.*i!!!!!!!!l!!!~*~!!!!!llJ!!!*i!!!!llJ!!!'!!~*~i:!!~~!!!!!!!!llJ!!!!!li.* TERR T FI C opportunity, LOST; Brown Doberman J~ small !-Oin operated car Pincher. has choke chain R,EAL ESTATE lfEAL ESTATE ''"as h. Q\vncr musl qujt, 1:. nca collar. l"abies tag, Gener•I Gener1I n1akc offer. Localed at 19th 1 floppy ear. ViC" l\:laple 1: Nc\1-por!, C.!.i. 968-17:>.1 Ave., Cl\1. 548-1211:: 6200 lnclustri•I R•nt•I 6090 Acre•si-_ _.c; ____ _ roR leue Laguna Niguel, Del Norte County CARPENTRY J\.flNOR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small. cabinet in pr- -ages & o t h e r cabinets. 545-8175. U no an11wer leave rrug at 646-2372. 1{. O. And""'n off San Dlroi:o Fwy at Crown Nrar fabulous Klamath River Valley, new commercial & in heart of Ille Rerl1~·ood Na. Industrial units. Delta Elec-tional Park. Ca!l G I e n tric. Days -831-1400. Eves Thompson CTI4 J 532-2538 Or- af1 :, P:\l . __ -~ $100 REWARD -2 fluily Fiberglas Tub Mfg Co Penlan kittens/ 1-cttam, All equip. molds & approvab 1-grey. No questions asked. nee tor mg/ ot tubs & 1how. 897-9102 ers for bldg & trailer ind.1111. 'M'~ALE=~-~s~;..,-,--ian-H·usky. blk MA.STER carpenter, $4 per (213\ 592-5194 & wht. Vie Pinehunt I: hour. RemodelinE • Rep&ira. ....... .,~ '-=-=499-4=='"=· =====-I ange, Calif. or writro Harold I' Del Po.11e, Box 35, Klamath. 6100 Lot.1 Calif. 95548 ~====- LIQUOR License Orange Warner. ~lB. Rew a rd I C.ounly & quality fixtures 847-7671 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS for complete restaurant. KE'=EP="s-A~KE=--,7;,-,-.,-ar-k"m-g-I CABINETS. Arly size job. Newell As9oc. 494-6594 lot. Kerm Rin1a vicinity, 25 vr.i. exper. 548-6713 TOP LOCATION 4 commercial acres, hub of Hontington Beach. Zoned C--4, 1 mile from San Diego Fr.vy on Beach Blvd. Prlt> ec'. to Aell. Resort Property 6205 FOR RENT Furn ~lammoth ~to u n I a i n Condominiwn sleeps 8. 6T>4130 Mount. & Dtsert 6210 HARBOUR RL TY 847-S:i95 5 /\. Nr. HC!mcL Hidea\.\'RY v~ -210' or Ocean & 3 i.. ,()()()' el . \Vtr, game $5500. l'i~ Ji"hls. $29,500 including SJ.'°• On. 63.1-7Tl0 8-10 A.M. plans, 9,000 sq. J1. pad. 2417 at,'1 l!a'.rllor Vic\\ Dr. CdM. ~~==:=--==== .... .,,, ~-------• VlE\\r of ocean. L'Orl'lCr bluff. possible 6 sty. medical or apts. \Vill build lo luil. 5J&-3j,5.i R-4 'Loi. Co!ta life!Sa . ZofK'd S5 linits. Owner/Broker, MS-6761 3 /IDJ. lots; room Ior ll uni.bi. Jl1 E. 21st St., Costa 1'Ie1a.. CN·nt>:r t94-5072 Eve. Exch1nge1. R. E. 6230 \\'ILL Tradr SLl0.000 in Trust Deed.~ and/or $175.000 in complctrd largt ocean \'itw lots 1n Laguna Beach for Orange County apartmtnl.5 or clear Je\•cl land. Bmker 497-12l0 R. E. Wanted 6240 \VI-I 0 LESA.LE Distributor Reward! Mt S.178t needs funds for larger in-- vcntory. W\U pay high in. Person•lt 6405 tettst rateir. ~7015. l:..;:._o;;.:;;:.::. ___ _;.= VENDING Route & equip, FREE other interests require im- med sale~ 64>0510 or BOATING 96>-1'3' ''°"· A.k foe Tod Money to Lo•n 6320 PRIVATE party \Viii loan $1500 up on R. E. equity or buy TDs. Call my agent Anytim• Pn. 543-8311 ·--·--Retl E1t.rit1 Lo•ns 6340 COURSE BY Coast Guard Auxiliary ~tarts Thur1. 7:30 PM II.larch 27 Col'una de\ !\tar High School 2101 t:ast Blufl Orivt' HOME LOANS LICENSED ?.IONEY AVAILABLE Spiritual Readings, advice cau f on today's on an matten, 108 s. El for ls'o/ 2nd TDs. Camino Real San Oemente. Serving Or County for 492-9136. io Al\1-10 P!\f 20 ~·r,a~ SPECIAL $2 READING Sattler ?ltortiaa:e Co. Inc. -Attractive Expert 336 E. 17th St.,, • YOUNG WOf.tAN 64?·21TI .145-061.l _. .1 t h U Cement, Concrete 6600 CEMENT Work, no job too small, reasonable. F re e e1lim. H. Stufilck.. 543-8615 Custom L•nd1capint BEST IN ('()NCRETE • 646-1234 • * CONCRETE \\'Ork, bonded &. lie. Concrete sawtna:. PhilliPK Cement. 548--6380 e CUSTOM PATIOS e concrete aawin& Ii: removal State· Lie. e 842-1010 Contr•ctors '620 Q lJ A L I T Y remodelina, custom design se1vice. Rd1 on rc.oq. 1'"'rank ~f. Bardf!n Co111tr Co., 1-639-1466 aft 4 pn1 Add itions * Remodellna: Fred 1-1. Get-lvick. U c. 673-0041 .. 5'1~2170 HARBOR Blvd property or Acr••99 6200 bldg for retail lirro activity. 1 i~iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii 1_ .... _1252 __ ~-~~ fl $' PLACE your v.•a.nt ad whrotf' Apartment 1te "'"" .,,, 1ookln• -oAJLT ' 3 l/8 BCl't'S P....4 PILOT clauified 6'2-5678 Eves. 67J.7S65 642-U57 "ancer w1 I eac you a latest steps. Call Ardell C1rpet Cle•ning 6625 PROFESSIONAL Rua-I • Sell!Ctive Sifl&!es * Upholstery Cleaning. Top Dial 642-5618 for RESULTS 213: 591--4538 1-10 Pl\I they att 1ookinc -DAn..! Pllm clul.HI~! &C!·SS'71 Companlollllhip, Sincerity quality, guaranteed relUl.ts. lkat'.h Blvd. near Garden Grovr Frr<'ll."ilY ready !or d<'velop1nf'nt or S ~mall unit! MW renled !Or gOOd holding valur Mount. & o ... rt 6210 Mount & Desert 6210 t ntroductiom Confidential Allen'• ?ilaintenance • (25-56) 6f2-96W $-10 PM 646-406.l or e\'es 642-3526 I,.. • • r: • • • • • • • • I REDUCE Safe, 1imple i'iUt Carpe.t & Uphol Cleanlna; YOU RE INVITED • • • I w;th GoBo5' tablot• oruy II It'•"°"' nghl .•.. 98c. Craw for d's RX rt'1 "DUNN-WELL"! $1:.!:5,000 . tcrn111 11vailablr Call . Jim Cobh Re•: tiT.l.. 1864 II RECRE1A96T910NAL lll ;;;c;';,m.~';'iiiL~~~· :,;;:;i;;~,M;:'-;,'~,;;;;;' ... :.;;;,, .1""' ~;,;;,;;E•l~lmo~t";,;,;· ·;,;,;· ,...._;;:;;;;;: I New 1n llJ"('a? Jotn the SWlJ1& C•rptt L•ylng & I to tun &: pleuurt' Rep•lr 6626 I • 635-9291 • 1-----"-'-'-;;._;;= AND--r ".RFTl'S C/ll'lons. wools. I c SHO WIG & MAKE·UP "°"''""·) Vinyl, and TQ. I VEHI LE w : ~~: "°''"""' "1·~ g;~;~~ ::'i.:'°~ II I ~:0~~~11 ::;:°': ~~~Ft.oons I 3 I I G DA y s P.O. Bo'1"3 Co•la M•U.. 642-1403 -,...,,., NORTH OF FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY I LADYw•"1u;d,w .. 1coota I MARCH 21-29 _ 30 r.Jesa to ~~ashion Wand. ESCONDIDO I "..,"" "" • ''" 'h':l;;'.";,,.~,,i:i':O::U ... ~'~~; ': UNIVE.tRSIJY 1 • OM~~:Los.-t.... pl.'Vltied In AYOCadO!I at I hold for •PPL-ec~lion An.,. Announcements 6410 ~ :;:~~ :;~·:;;::,!';': I OLDSMOBILE I GRAND OPENING on balanofo . For niol'f' 1nfor. I Fri. f\la.rch 28th, ntw loca· mauon. ple1t.~ l'l'lll K \''· I lion, ZONTA ~lART. 1885 ~-·--~b-Ect.lloff & Anoe., Inc. 1 , 2850 HAR BOR BL VD. COSTA MESA 1!11 w. ChN;m1:1n .\\(' e I Cemet•ry Lott 6411 Ora,._e, Calif. I Help Ut Celebr•t• Our Addition I 'JiVO cemetrry \ols a 1 5Cl-2CJ . E\'K-v.knri, ~1it.~ Of A Complet• LIM Of . . . Harbot Rest. Prime loc. IJUl''TJU ... •N '" '''" i' GMC TRUCKS .. HOLIDAY CAMPERS I = =~ """'iii"'. -......... '""' h""" • FREE'. I *All The N"' r ·.-ouR """'""' "''·' " I V•c•lictn And Harbor Rc~t 1-femorl&! Park • . ftnd pea1 btt~l in Vi Pepsi 1 Hot Dogs Camping Equipment f in Rlut prucc 1eetion. Call 411·, Oa..uli6 ..... I ~ ••••••••••• ·-.c.Ll_..,.,,_:c;;;;· ----- .. _j __ _ Dr•ftln1 Service 6637 Deirian-Drattin&. electro mech, layout, Mtailirc. PC l~t. tape up, 1tc or 1mall. Ken Sr. 675-1191 Electrlc.•I 6640 ~~-----~-, E LE CI'RJCIAN Liceru.ed, bonted. Small jobs l>lainf. " ttpair. 548-SJJ3 Furniture R .. toring A R1flnl1Mng 6675 WILLlAMS Ct.NG. Sl:RV. Your furn can be new 11pint Clnit &'. rep1ilrlna. 642-&1'4 DON'T fl"-U a•IJ', 1e1 CNidl: CUb tell' • .,,.. • n.ib' Pllof •ant M l "2·567' Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Oultor 3. l1by Cri~ 4. Electric S1w 5. C1mer• '; Weiher 7. Outbolrd Motor I. Stereo Set 9. Couch 10. Cl•rlnet 11 . Refrigerator 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing Miichln• 14. Surfbe•rd 15. M.chtne Tools 16, Di1hw1sh1r 17. Puppy 18. C•bin Cruiser 19. Golf Cart 20. l•romet.r 21 . St•mp Colledlon 22. Dln1tt1 Set 23. Play Pin 24. Bowling 1•11 25. W1t1r Skis 26, Frffter 27. Suitc•M 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31. Bar Stool.1 32. Encyclof*ll• 33. V•cuum C:le•ner 34. Troplc•I Fi1h 35. Hot Rod Equlpm't 36. Fil• Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 38. St•rling Silver 39. Vlctori1n Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41 . Sllde Projector 42. L•wn Mowar 43. Pool T•ble 44. Tires 45. Pi•no 46. Fur Colt 47. Dr•pea 48. lin•ns 49. Hort• SO. Airplane 51. Org•n 52. Exercycl1t 53. R•r• Books 54 . Ski Boots SS. High Chair 56. Coln1 57. El•ctrlc Train 51. Kitten 59. C:l•11ic Auto t-0. CoffH T•ble 61. Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Sit 6S. Worl<bencn 66. Diamond Watch 67. Go-Kart 68. Ironer 69. C•mp1n9 Tr•ll•r 70. Antique Furnltur• 71 . Tape Recerder 72. S•ilboat 73. Sports C•r 7 4. M•ttr .. 1, Box Spps 75. lnbo1rd Speedboat 1~. Shot,.un 77. S1ddl1 71. Dirt G.!me 79. Punching 819 80. B•bv Carri•g• 81. Drums 82. Rlfl1 83. D11k 84. SCUBA Gear These or any ather extra thin9s around the hause may be tumed into cash with a DA IL Y PI L 0 T WA NT· AD so • • • Don't 'Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD) DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In On The Action T Oday! · = ------....... .----------~---~--~---- -·· -1Yf8 .. 1<11" -26, 1969 DAILY PIUIT ..r i--""""'"'-"""""'"'"'""'=""'="""""'=.-:'<s•1118.VJCI DIUCTOllY SIRVlCI DIRICTORY [~ & llMPLOYMINT JOllS a IMPLOVMENT JOBS I IMPLOYMIONI .KlllS. iMPLO'.l'MaNt JOtl> .. •M~LUT_,.,. O.,.,.nln1 66IO =:::"1ln9 JM Wonted, Mon 7000 Holp W"'loll. Mon 7200 Holp W•ntod, Mon 7200 Helo Wonted, Holp Wonlod : TAKATA l'I ntln9 6850. Vt1:r V>:r att. l<hL Ilda Dept. M.,-. WOIMft • • 7400 WomM 7400 No Matter ~at It Is ' YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 CHARGE IT! ~' JAPANESE IMISERT PAJllTING lllt A E xt pt -JOb now, n time MONTGOMEl!YWARD *CARPENTERS • IWllll'liU'. m-GllM bet M HAS AH IMMEDIATE =-~ ~:... ~...:::: PM OPENING FOR * ELECTRICIANS all -.......,. oeedL n.. eot. Oil! Jim W..... DRAPERY * CABINET SETTERS AU.EN BROS m-1111 JU Want .. , Udy 7ll20 DEPT. MANAGER ~ "0 Must be experienced in salcl GAKDENERS STUD...,,-,J., n ~ does )'OCJl ~t .. ~_PBX. Ottk O! inf.de to meuure and With mobilo homo ~ wortdnc their way tbna col· h:>me look nm do• n t -v-...-a.&n:a f'U.11 time reldy ll*ie drt.1'triel Vlt't Excellmt benttlts. Sep. ~. llqlmed. 893-4438 Free at on ext. employn:Mnt. Any ho u r a Exod&etlt comPMY ~neflts. ' REAS! M6-dl3 RESIDENTIAL palntlne I: atta l Pll. 548-0291 before lncl•...11.... rofit ahari-APPLY IN PERSON ~ ~ft--u~ --.... P ·•· EXPER. GARD'""''"'""' paper ...... ., •• Good W!Jrir, • inKQI lnlurance, tttittment Mid.age JapaneM Rellable. Reuonable prloe. 1-837-8146 CONVALESCENT A I de , and many olhert. Mon to Sat m.f105 INT. le: EXT. Palntlnc· All CJOm1U11on ar h.akpr., avail. APPLY 111{ PERSON EXPlORER JAPANESE Gardtner, com· RUOn rates. Fl"le'e ell llc'd long or •hort t •rm • PERSONNFJL OFFICE plete yard """''"· ,... ~Ina. Call Cbarlle. 5'8-0di HOMEMAKERS. 547-<681 I~ P.M. MONDAY . FR!OAY MOJORHOME (ORP, uttmatea. 5«>-1332 DAY Woric Wanted, own MONTGOMERY WARD RELIABLE: Minute can. Pl•stering, R1p.1ir 61IO trana. $16. [)e.y, Npt. Bch., 77T1 EDINGER JITG. BCH. 3021 Newport Blvd. """""" monlbl,y Avail. ow. 1136-<19'1 EX utfv •1931 Mor/evt1 e PAT'S Plutftin&'. All DAILY Houlework wantf!d ec e Costa Me•• CLEAtMJP speclallit1 Mow· 1ypm. "" oattmate. Oil! ""'· HB. -..-. """ Sales Career Ina'. ~. odd joba. ll&bt 540-Q25 5.1&-QOl before 6 p.m. Starting galaey plUs com· DESIGNER movq:. Reul 548-'955 PlumWng 6l90 rnialon. Ftnt year ehn· • JAPANESE GARDENING -Domoatl• Help 7035 .... of m.ooo.p1.,. -•bl• fleclro-Mechanic1I SeJvice Oeaoop, ~ Goorp Allen Byland Aiency 2 year training program by q , 5Jl.7U3f aft 'l p.m. Stan ~ Pays Fee century old national com· Exp'd designer w/ coUtge JOHNSON'S GardeDlnc Serv. 10f.8 !;.18th, SA M7..Q395 pany. Bu.sineu or 1 a 1 e 5 level educatiob ir, mechaJU,. F\bnt equip. expm yard background helpM. No trav. cal enginttriJla. Recent lay. care! Reas! !JC.2035.. ~~i:;___~ t.1 .-l\fana&1!ment opportu.. out It de1i,a:n work on dra.ft. & ~ ... .,...~..,,._._, nltie1. I board required Familiar CUt &: F.dp Lawn JV !'.ut Apllcy 603703 TED ALEXANDER ~ military ~ifica.tiona. Mabiteraanoe. Licensed A --~·7900 . Radar exp prelerm! but oot ~~10 aft 4 Help Wlntedr Men 7200 n L"'I ..... oppor1uruty essential. LAWN SF.RVICE BoL employer M/F RADIATRONICS Dlv of Mow-vacuum U * DRIVERS * Whlttak" Co'!'. u 8-5646 aner 6 PM ITT J•BSCO 18842 Teuer Ave. YARD Cleanup. Tree -.. ~ No Experience NewportBeach. 833-2100 1 n• Plumbers, Inc. BeIVice, new I awn•. Necessary! B b rprlnlden, rototill. 646--S843 OUAUTY Must bavo clea>. Camorn;, * us oys AL'S Gardenia& s er v Ice MECHANICAL drivl•• """""· Apply * Cook Lawn maintenance, raroen-YELLOW CAB CO. Ing & dean ups. 646-"629 PWMBlfG DRAFTSMAN 186 E. 16th St. EXPER GARDENER C.OSta Mesa Mid.a.ge Japarwe Reliable. On Mon • Sat 832--07U5 e JAPANE.SE GARDENER Maintenance &: Cleanup Call "3-2572 General Services 6612 J1panen G•rd1ner Exper, compl yard service! Free estimate. 548-1958. Commerclel/ Re1ldentl1I 278 Budin.ii Costa Mew 548-7502 nUMBING REPAIR JAPANESE Gardener, exp, No job too small reliable. Maintenar.ce. Reas e 642-JJ.28 • mo. rate1. 89'J...3n9 PWMBING 24 hr !e:N. HAULING. Cleanup garage:s, Work iuar. Ile, Ins, remod, odd jobs etc. Free est. Jim repair, rooter serv. 5.n-1566 548-5325, anytime l-=========IR1model, Repair, 6940 H•ullng 0730 --~-----·!ROOM ADD IT I 0 N ~ Yard/garage clea.n up. Re-remodeling. Attra c t Ive move trees, ivy, dirt. Trac-prices. Free estimates. Call tor, back hoe, rrading, 962-546--0846 ?>.farine, chemical. and in- duatrial pwnps. Experi- ence in cloee toletallO!, dralline and dimemion- irw cut.lnp e11ential. Shop experience desired. • EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER !Male or Female) 1485 Dale Way, Co!ta P.fesa Phone: (nfl ~1 JANITOR EXPERIENCED Excellent EmployH 8onoftt1 *BUSBOYS* OVER AGE 18 Experienced only. F\.llI time Apply in pel"50n aft. 3 p.m. FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANTS 3801 E. Coast Hwy. Apply 1n pel'llon COCO'S REUBEN'S lSSS W. Adams Costa Me•• Corona del ~far (No phone 0015) HELP WANTED CAREER LOT MAN EX-OPPORTUNITY! PERIENCED lor Johnson J . ._.. fast st -""'C & Soll!l used can; l94.l OUI wul.yS e a•vw1u Jfarbor Blvd., C.M'. Ex-profession-~utual Fund aaln cellent v.'Orking conditions. No expene.nce necesu.ry. Awly in Person We train· full or part time Thurs . Fri • Sat. Mutual Fund Advlsor1, 9.s Inc. LOOKING FOR y AC HT Npt B. lfi03 Westcllff 642-6422 SKIPPER. GOOD JOB FOR S.A. 1212 N. Broadway RIGHT MAN . MUST BE 547-8331 CAPABL.E, MATUR E, e PLASTIC FABRICATORS RELIABLE lr. S 0 B E R . with mechanical aptitude, SUGGEST SEND reliable. Also. MACllINE BACKGROUND, RESUME SHOP TRAINEE & REFERENCES TO BOX Browning Manufacturing lit: 409 DAil..Y Pil.DT. 1919 Placentia, C.1.1. PAYROLL ACCOUNTANT NewponBeW> Expe:rie.oced pt1'IOD needed to bandJe pe.yroU tor 400. MUlt be qualined in ALL Phalei of pa.yroli and able to opmite under pressure. Pftofer IQmeorle who bu had complete re1pon1ibWty for a major pa,yro(J, Excel· Jent company benellts. Sue. ceuM 1pplleant will be ac- curate in fliures, dllettel, •nd very pleasant ln deallng with ot~. Send resume and 111lary requirements lo 1be Daily Pilot Box # t.1'...502. T ,1" ' I Xi Lt% 1'~NDE1'~ • ,_, A_, 000 ~..,_ °'· . """-' ..... "'-t-0.-.t!J• C-; A ..... !ltoM J464111 Secy, no clock watcher $525 Jr. Sec, finance ••.•... , S450 Exe<: Sec, Orange ...... $600 Secy Engineering •• , • • • $540 Secy MarketinJ" .•...• , . $500 sec/Reep Constr bkgrd $475 One-Girl Ott, no 1hthd •• $450 Office Credit Mgr •.•••• $600 Jr. Secy C.Onstruction , , .$450 Secty Trainee .......... $375 Above position!! are all lee paid or reimbursed by com. pany. Aleo tee positions. Pleue call for appt 546-2ll8 PART TIME WOMEN 11AM·2 PM P.JACDONALD'S, the Jarg. est Carry-Out Restaurant Chain, otfl't'I an excellent opportunity for neat, alert women to work at MacDon- ald's of Harbor, Costa P.tesa. MONDAY thru FRI- DAY ll .Uf • 2 PM. This pennanment year around employment in clean, plea- sant surroundings, w I t h meals A uniform ftlnilibed. Cont.11ct Mr. -P.lcOanahan or Mr. Din!Us at MACDONALD'S OF HARBOR 3141 HARBOR, Of SUPERVISOR WILL TRAIN e WAlllfSS Good Opportunity MUlt hive IOCXI awruaoce * APPLY 1N PERSON * Snack Shop No. 1 2305 E. Coa1t Hwy. Corona dtl M•r, C•I. PART Time COCKTAll.. and FOOD W AJ'T'RESS needed at ALLEY ""'-"'" 2106 \V. Oceanfront, Newport Beach <Across lron1 ~ & Dory Flet:U GffiL Wit h bookkeeping and secretarial l>flckground, for lull lime "''ork in rumiture store, Newport Beach. Some. sales t"xperienoe desb'C!d. Call 642·21'.M. 1-Cutter Tralnet: 1-Searmtrns, Exp'd. Apply in Per90n Johansen & Cht11tef\M'n 898 W. 16th St N.8. Comer of Monrovia & 16th. lTUUSEKEEPER \V ANTEO. Hunt. Harbor. Ref In e (I, m11.ture lady pref'd. All mod' : conv"s., lite work. Own transp. nee. 5 day wk. lln & 88.l discu11sed at Int. Call 846--1267 9 am • 1 pm ~ • WAITRESSES. Will trairi., ' full or pArt time. Must be •. 18, atlnl.ctive with bubbling personality. TIIE ZOO 23« East Corui:t Hwy at ': McArthur. CdM , ~ RN full time 11 to 1: 30 ; medical-surgical, :xlnt work-! ing coOO. Contact Dirttt : ot Nunes, Costa Me.a. ~ 1.lemorial Hospital. 00... GIRL to care for 2 boyS ~ ~ alt sch!, my home 2: 45-5: 30.. ~ must have own car. Vic , , E. 19th &. Raymond . • 6Q..1381 days, 6-46-8346 eves ; STRONG, healthy penon to . : help care for elderly lady , 1 nltet. Liw in or out. 1 83'1....s25.5 : : ' Beauty Coun11lor1 ' '. ~ COSMEfICS. Xlnt earninp. ~ flex. hrs, no eanvus. 675-•t 5195. DRAPERY WORK ROOM '' Immed openings for drapery work, all phues. 540-6464. Beach Drapery Service. .. ms I-======== SA VE l\IONEY -before you Roofing 6950 ~e....,~ to the dump. Call A Roofer not • lalesman. ~ eves. Leaks stopped, all type HAm.JNG, General, Top., rooting. New or ttrair work trim, remove tree1 &: guar. 536--8444 hedges. Bil John 642-4030 __ APPLY Personnel Office Third Floor e INSTRUl.TORS -Fulll-~==540-=11~7~1~. ·= or/and part time. Neat ar> HAND POLISHER pearanoe. Mu.t be able: to R.ecen'. experience in 1mall ~t and deal with the builders hardw~. Minimum age 30. GrowirJ& orranhation will train to op. erate &: supervise-interest. in,; aales system tn.t record keeping, Dr1ving required, car 'illowance, Must be per. aonable, attractive I: alert Filing experience essential. Rapid advancement PIT HO!lles.s-Secy. New· homes, min agt' 28. mar-"· --Sowlns 6960 HoUMCIHnlng 67351:.:="'----...::.= I The Bra1dway ried. Must work wknds. Ph. 960-3454 • WOMAN need.I lll!win& ~irk. n.c>oR clea.ninc • poliahing Lite alteratiolll &: mendinp, aped.al.lsta. Home ii: in· bem1 ~ clothes made. dustrial. , FR E E est. 846-2405 Swedilb M a I n t e n an c e 1-"C:.C=-~~~~- NEWPORT BEACH 47 Courfa of FHhlon FASHION ISLAND N-rl 8ooch public, iood flgutt. Apply KIWKSET in person, Holiday Health 516 E . Sanla Ana St. Spa, %JlO Harbor Blvd., Anaheim C.M. An F.qual Oppty Employe:r SALESLADY: Mmt · hav , • exp. in better dreuea, suits ; &: coats. Sa.l &: comm. di! J: work. oond's, 613-2900 Servlce. 675-0951 • °'==tiom: CARPETS, Windows, nn. * ~ * etc. Residen. or Cornc'l. Alt ti _ ~2 .... Xlnt work Reul Refs. •r• on.--~ 548-4ll1 Neat, accuni.te, 20 yra. exp. R&C>PONSIBLE preparation 8 HUNTINGTON BEACH It filing of all tneome tax TREE SERVlCE retwm by Ctrtifie:d Public Expert, Reu! 846--0779 Accountant. Available to • zerve the needs oJ C!orpora· Television, Rtp•lr 6915 tlons, small bualneas en-RAINBOW TV Co No Set- terprlaes and indlviduab:. vice Charge' ExPert work, :rour complete u.lll:factlon color, blk &: 0wht or stere:oa. 11 guaranteed. 546-3720 a.nytime! CORPORATE Upholatory 6990 IMPROVEMENT COUNSELORS • 642-993'1 • * LOOK * H. K. C 1 a r ~ Accta: Serv. r-....... Co Income tu nal 15 yrs, aervlng ......... 05" • busineu, yo~ "f::! or oJ~~ BIG SAVINGS 20 yrs. exp. Joe flnn. CUSTOM 612-6183 or 64>-0742 '""' UPHOLSTERY An F.quo.t Opporluni'> Employer ASSEMBlfRS Mechanically Inclined, good eyesl1ht. Both day & n.ite openlna:•. Will train. Mu.t be neat &: depe:ndable, MASTER SPECIALTIES 1640 Monrovl• Co1t1 M11a '42·2427 DRAFTSMAN", experienced in mob!Se home park design. Top wqe for rifht pmion. Architectural cUioe, N.B. Call 548--8818 day1, SECURITY OFFICERS PBX Ana. Sttv. Woma.n ov. 25. Fll!X. hn. Exp'd. pref'd. SERVICE Station 1.fgr. DESPERATELY need Apply: Ruth Ormsby, Shera. Trainee for cut--n.le lndep. outside s a I e 1 me n. ad-ton Beach Inn, 21.lU 0ce:an station. Must be: bondable ministratf;e tralneel, ac-AVl'., Hunt. Bch. 9 A.M .• DENTAL uaistant ove:r 25. neat appearance, age ~-65. oountant!. draftmnen, 1tock JO 30 AM •• Steady job with chanc:e for clerM, and machinis~. A~ 271'h. · · uiW'I. March Oral surgery. Must taJce and Call """""' A ply AM Jy read X-rays. 54S.7T19 promotion, P on • ply Merchants Personnel. (No Phone can. Please) Sav-Mor Station, 6:aJ Ocean 645-2770 agency Wa.nted: CHAIR SIDE Ave., H.B. Call!. FASTIDIOUS DENTAL ASSISTANT USED CAR Accountants SEAMSTRESS Ph. 548-5580 LOT ATTENDANT Credit MaMgera Sought by young progressive MAID over 30, permanent Admlnistr1tive Trne11 sallmaker in N. B. area. part • time, 6 d•vtt I week. Must have experience. Excel. CALL BOB, MS-1796 Top wage1 paid for speed "">I~ lent company benetit1 and ARGUS AGENCl!S '= accuracy. Previous ex-Sl.75 hr· 494--8521 working conditions. Apply! in 11169 C Newport Blvd., C.M. perlence pj.efeM"ed, Apply PART time waltrmi, H.B. peraon lo Dean Lewis m-Rick Tay I 0 r, Coast Exper. for Dinner Houae:. port!:, 1966 tfarbot, C.M. Concrete Fortman, Catamaran Sallz. 811 w. (21J\ 4:1J...4318 btm 11-5 AROIITECTURAL Workln& •• needed by CUlllom 17th St., C.M. 6C5-0'J60 Daily f'floi W1t111 Arte! 1 Draftsman exp'd to work bu i 1 d e r for d.iversl!led li"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii._._ _______ ..,, on latae apt projecl'I It Orange County work. For custom homes. Gared N. appt. call 497-1665 betwn Smith, Architect, Newport 5 • 'l p.m. only 8'och. 642-7155 EXPERIENCED GAR· TOOL & DIE MAKER DENER to run mowing KIWKSET crew, Orang• County 516 E. Santa Ana St. are•. 644-2937/549·1611 An""'im SAIL BOAT An Equal Oppty Employer ..., SALESMAN e Tho Tu Advi10ra AND DRAP!S Year rowld ofc. 328 No. Our other services include: N I I * Carpet 1Mtallatton SERVICE ST AT I 0 N Young, aggreuive. Fibe?'ilu SALESMAN. 25 Ye~ or sail boats • in Newport. Full time. $1.75 per hr. Ap-older. Full time, swing Write Box M 4C8 Dally Pilot. pl,y: 230 E. l'lth, Costa Me IL shift. See Clyde, 2 5 9 O>f-====="°"""'=-~""=""'~-'°'~•.;.P,_PI_. ~-=·I Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa CONSTRUCTION SUPT. wpt B vd, N .B. Reu * Carpe:t &: RUg Cleaning Call 66-0400 for appt. Your u.ta!Jaction i# PART lime d\Jhwuher, The ~~~-==~=~ 1lor Aplll &: Houses, N.B. PUNCH PRESS OPR. area. Give experience & Walter H. Fa.hrenholz P .A. our DIDlt Important &het RiQer Re1taurant, No. 16 KIWKSET starting salary; reply Daily Fashion lid.and, N.B. 516 E, Santa Ana St. Pilot Box M-316 ~= ..1'~~:., Reva's Upholstery LIDO CAR WASH, 481 E. Anaheim 17th, f'.osta Mesa. A&e 18. An Equal o 1 Employer A~TROTEK CORP. MACK lfARRJS Tax Strv. ~· Balboa =m 9th yr., 3l11 Roo5evelt, Apply 1n person. PP Y . Operungs; Lathe: mill J..D. SAILMAKER. Exp. desired. Top pay. A·l machinist only. NORTH SAil.S 913 Elec-1267 Logan Av, C.M. C.M. Appoinbnts, 540-29'11 CZ Y KO S K I ' S Cw:tom TRAINEE • Dralllman for INCOME Tun prepared Upholstery. E •1 rope: an architect'• office, Newport your borne long form com-C r a J t 1 m an 1 b J p. 100'ft Beach. 548"'522 btned, m., ~ =~vd~~:-1131 .!:." s!:r•:.~·~:t Jronint 6755 DON'T ctw tt away, p1 61J.2tZIO Ql.dct cash for It with • t .. e..cn ao..t time B'-IRONING wanted 15c: each. Daily Pilot want Adi ~ RleetlDll f!'m1 ~ tM Xtra for deliv. 548-5104 or 842-587! DAILY PILOT a,_,,,., S48-468S Dta1 64U811 tor RDULTS ll!dkm NOW! IRONING A ~ Pick ..... "'"""" * """" * Londacopl"I 6810 LANDSCAPERS ATTENTION I need landlcaping. and wUl trade a 17 tt outboard with bJc whffl trailer tor your •noice1. Lei» get together befol\. )"OUl' busy seaaon. Phone644-4617 Peor Min's 'riend CUSTOM LANDSCAPING * M6.l234 * Mo_..,, lridt 6830 PRICE I QUALITY CUSTOM l.AHOSCAPING • 618-12U • ~Seal Beach (213) • Cook DRAFTSMAN, Part ti e Di1hwa1h1r /Busboy me, SURF I: <'IRWIN must know housing Ir: 5930 Pacilic Coast Hwy., NB apartment.I. n4: ~ IT'S A rU:'VELATION me DONtrr Maker, man 18-25; many b&rptna JOU ftnd Lo 12 'Midnight to 8 A.M. st.65 CUallied Ma. Qeck thtm To 1tart. Winche:ll'1 Donut Shop 25.1 E. 17th, C.M. now! YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A • DAILY PILOT * WANT AD For FHt Service & Expert Anisl•nco DIAL 642-5678 • • . .. .. DIRECT . _. . ' / l f ! I ( I 1 ( I \ I .. .--'T--~----~-~----------·---------· ---~ .. -·/..-Ull.~ · ............ ._.. ... ~ . ---·--------~ -~ ------~ ..... ---------------.... ------.. ~ ... -iJillia~Y-NT JOI•• EMl'l.O IUD> lo l!MPLOYMINT JOIS lo EMPLOYMIN1' MIRCHAl(J)ISI FOii MEICHANDlll POI I Mlll(ltANDISl\FOR SALE AND TRADJ SALi AND TUDI· SAtE AHD TIIADE r.IERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE I MEkCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Hol!-W•"" •, Howl!'::.:..-7400 Holl' Wontod Jabo Mon, Wam. 7500 l'umlturo IOOOFurnlturw IOOO • ' '. 1-~ W.-~-~~;.__1~400~ 1------· -o-w-7400 • ,._ a. Ortono 1130 Ml-II•-·~ KlllTTED FABRICS : Ulll llD au... -MISS EXK A&eKY STO<KMBI ' ~ ~, : .·!sh .~.\' 4 11 lllf ilu .. I t . SPRING 11 J utt . Spa ... * AUCllOll * "'FOR SALE •--o.._ .-~ ~-eo-r FM Pold r 'W 61111r Our ..,___ • •w "'"' •· I • MIU TIRIDOF A LONG .---'~ ''""' .JA llU Meditenallean • bumN FR IDAY·MARCH 28 ·~nu\ilnt11. ampe• ~? EARN TODAY FOR L•1&l """"'> .... to $150 • • .:tt~ -'..~ 7 30 p M. tnds Sat. Ooly 8 o.m. ID 2 -u•~ E T & ,....._ ~ .. ....,. 't -•--ht u. 1·~·-J1 p.ns.......,.'5Unowatu......, ! , ,. .....,..,_, __ "-taM .... Onlpnt t....... Grq ii attw ogs ~~ • .:,:/Pv. R·-• ••• , o :':::. '6.....,.9 Show~nu -;:_•':;..... -at'o but they are ~. REPOSSE$ED k BANK. ,.,:m. ~ ~r. ~ now~ for OW' new d~ SUMMER Tripi .,.,..,....., ...... ,. • · .~ •••••• _.., PHARMACIST' room -m..-dltty, cJlllb' I: araf.Ct\1. we RUPTCT FURNITURE: 'f'IR.EWWU :-·~ sa le , .wio. omc. ope,n.lns appn:IX· Gtrl Frid.ay, nee • •••• • $500 J At Terrlfk ...,.I s,.d.t ..._....... movtd tbtm .n ht.ct to our BeautilUI Bedroc»n il l.Jvlnl: WalJIJt. Eu ca l>' ii! 1.1 •. 4/'lS/'69 ln Hunt Jn1ton we have temporary a. sec/Export ltpllt) ··to s:iOO 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's th.air oWJocatico•~.ewrY· rom sell occ chaltl buf. Apl'icot, $41.50 COTd, S2S~ ~GI\ .E:dirwer at Beach slanmtnb avtJtable tor PayroU •·••••••••••••·• $4'75 NE EDED FOR 01' love seat 5 Pc Octagon dart oak din set tb1rw at FDl£ SA.LE PRIC k:ll, c~niu.a. co11~e ta· crd. SUmmer prices J\lly Blvd.. Just oU the San Di-secretaries (also lE"itall Se-ciy/P\lrch (spUO • ••• $-450 w/,blac.t or avocado framed cb&iI'ri 8 Pc BR ES! So. U ?.OU dlc 1t1:11.t "Old bka, lamps, picturet. mil'-A Auaust, $38.50 cnt. Dl!L ep 'F'fr/, Tht98 pollUom typists, NCR and hand Seert'tary ............ to M25 ANOTHER "~ ..a~.J.. mlrr 'nme ~ F r'' ron, vacuw.n eleanen, """-• stack'd he. 11) 68S--0846 wm ~ • ahort ~r boOkkttpe.n.. Jr. Sc4:t;>r (Jplll) •.•• to .J4DO set. lMlt Mr. & Mrs. u.a~r, lg or, 2 ••0 • _.. ~ o1 ..... -.. 1-.. •-1-one COME IN THlS WEEL' P.T. Gen! orc ...... $2.25hr J,ff RlfTY commodes, decorative headboard in Spanish ~· ! .. "1 ~:•,m, .~ at table. TV's, .~~1 wlot.,,dflw. 11""6·-................. _.....,, ,.. Applicant Pa"'* FH oak design with matching boz springs, ma~ .,.r;,_.. .,.,. won ..-ni. en:, naple ...,, ea C*.P-mootb in OW' Loi ~ We'll tell you about our ,. tress & '"ame. WARD'S.BALD. SI'UDJ01 tams chair, mattresses. Like .. oUk:a, ~ora the move. Fn!e Cook Book offer too! Dental R«'Pl • .••• : •• lo $500 DRUG STORE u 1801 Newpon CM. 1f2..M8f new _ regUlatlon plOl table, <¥ $350 • Must sell $50 Silver fox Jackel TrsnsportatiOll will be p~ Keypunch •. ; ......... to $500 It.ms Sold lndlv1du1lty ' a~s. Eye level gaa sfo\'t, , ---"'=-=•'.,",."•'°'"''-''--i Yldtd. Escrow om,,,.,, .... 1<>$500 Shop Around -loforo yo~ buy,.. USI • New "-5 • ""'"""''°"· wllhen, dey·'· GIBSON J-50 lmmoclloto Oponl"I• In ' tho followlns ..... I • S<ciy/Recpr ........ to S!IOO OPENING SOON VALUE $1095.95 -FUL~ PRICE $529.95 WURLttZER A-BRADBURY '"&lo" or ml""""""°"'' 'It' •rt;,,,,. Exoc S<ciy ........ 1415 up ot'!omt101 lawH$-1.66por-k AD ltyles & .,,,_ Ill COME BROWSE AROUND -----~ SecreW> .......... to 1475 '16141 H•rbor Blvd. Use Our S!«e Charge Plan or Bank Flnanr.::f. Amerlcan ma<lo 88 ..,;· del WINOY'.S AlltTllW NCR Open1.tor •··••· 10 S450 Fountain Vall ey No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Values de w-beneh &: tuned. Price .iart.. U\IJVn with Hardshell case, $320 new, $200 or otter Eric, 675-5100 alter 6 PM. RIVIERA Sofa-bed. Good m ndition $35. Fi r e place s.creen $15. 642-5207 Anaheim 1784 W. Lincoln Girl Fri/Ins ·······• lo 1425 Santa Ana Ph. 54G-0325 Acct&' Oerir: ............ $403 IMMEDIATE illg at $4.99. ~IAI Newport Blvd. STATISTICAL DATA Costa l\,fesa :noo Harbor Asst Social Worker •... $400 OPENINGS . • • • • • Wurlitzer Organs Behind Tony'1 Bldg. Mat'ls. General OUice ...... to $.115 e NEW e Col!ta Mesa * 646-8686 USED Hoxp. equip. Bed & mattf.ess, wheel chair, com- mode on wheels. 6Th-1819 llX17 AVOCADO nylon rug An Equal Opportunity Receptionist ............ $300 • u .. -. 0,~ --•--11,.,;.. OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 EmplOyer ..._,_ t nc;n Good working condlUons. ....... <,) .,.,.,-"~ -.. I 'l:i:=il'l:::l'l:::EE=:;E==: D:perie.noed or traloee ln fire, tnd/er casuallY staU.. 8cal -· ,,,....,. ..... tutu lnilut data ln our vp. erationl 'unit Detail figure worii: involwd. POU CY SERVICE NCR OPERATOR NEWPORT BEACH Need experienced NCR oper. alor who can type 55 wpm. Is a whiz at spelling and can use a JO key adding ma· chine. Position involves heavy machine bookkeeping Prefer al leut one year ol in posting joumaJ entries to fire, casualty or multiple the general Jedger. Some line rating: experience, Plea-formal training in account.. aant phone pmionalily es-ing would be most helpluJ. sentlal, Excellent opportun-Excellent company benefits. !!Jr for advancement ~:iea11e caU 644-3258, bef\\·een 9.ll am and betv.·een 2-3 pm only. POLICY TYPING Experienced or trainee, mul· tiple line policy typilit. tiO+ .ccun.tely Oft the electric. The ideal position for !Ome- one wbo likes to type. KEY PUNCH ctreer OJ>l'mr.: for operators with at least one year ex· perience on Alpha I.: Neu- meric IBM equlp'ml Day ahilt. ' Ekenenl froe benefits. Per- ~anent, steady work. Our P!>licy is promotion from within. Your future is rleter- niined entirely by )'OU. New inodern office, friendl.Y, pleasant atmosphe~. For Details and App't. Call Collect PERSONNEL 12131 384·1213 UNIGARD INSURANCE GROUP BE THE FIRST McOONALDS ii h I r i n g COUNTER Women to work Montlay thru Friday 11 &m· 2 pm. Unifonns furnished, free meals. . APPLY IN PERSON McDONALD'S 6561 F.dlnger i Huntington Beacti HUNTINGTON VALLEY CONVALESCENT HOSP. NEEDS • Full Time HOUSEKEEPER gl82 Newman Ave .. H.B. 842-55.11 HOSTESS/BKKPR { combin•tion) • APPLY IN PERSON • REUBBI l LEE EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. Coost Hwy Corona del Mar 673-9240 Equal opportunity employer MAJOR CALIFORNIA BANK Sttks steno/typist for trust dept. :t.tust take dictation, assist officer, enjoy cuslomer contact. Pennanent c a r e e r op- portunity tor q u a Ii r i e d person. Sa I a r y com· mensurate wilh ability and experience. Contact R. C. Al"'""'" Nev.,,orl Center Branch Security Pacific Nal'L Bank 560 Newport Center Dv. Newport Beach GERMAN LADY We are kloking for a mature lady who can apeak .and type Ge r ma n fluently. Should have some office ex· perience and a pleasant way with our customers. Full lime job. Call Mr. PfahlE"r or :t.trs. Schmitt at TRANS GLOBE Tr-vel Bureau. ~-* Sale51tidy tor store at Fashlon Island needed full time saleslarly, 40 h o u r week Monday through Friday, Please co~ tact MR. S'TEM. 644-0981 Karls Toys SO Fashion Island Radio-Telephone Dispatch Girl fftust know local area. Ap- ply in person YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. C.OSta Mesa Sharp Carffr Gals Sectys, Clerk Typists, Cal Frid:iya, Recpta, Bkkprs, RNs & LVNa. Both fee & tee 151 E. Coast Highway paid job.If. Top co's! Call ' Newport Beach Dorb, 548-7796 DOMESTIC HELP ARGUS AGENCIES An' kinds! 1-lousekeepers. 1869 C Newport Blvd .. C.M. C.ooka, Maida 1; Companions, Reel Estete Sal•• Relettncea req. Fee &: Fee Men & Women Paid Jobs. Call Afias Abby, Expanding again. Office # ._7796 4 o!X'ningt available for ARGUS AGENCIES licensed men &: v.'Omen. ln- 181t C Newport B.tvd., C.M. stant income I: I.raining. P.1r e SUPERVISION I: Gardner. Sp r In r Realty, ' SALES WORK e 54()..4824 FQll time. Must have neat Work N•ar Hom• appearancr, able lo df:al • .'•ccoun~lc:lq wiah people. Apply ;, .. , • SecrelArial -• Re«ptioo ••a.u...., ............ o _,.. good pay, many other bene· styles &: finishes. ~ 11 fits. • 1 · : • •• ' Btart at 410 \Y. Coast Highway Nev.'J)Ort Beach 646-3939 PART TIME ' APPLY Thursday & Friday Morch 27 & 28 9AMto4PM $595 1~~~~~~~~~'!!!l!!!~· ~~~~~·~1 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC eooo Beach Music Center W1iat Knot Shappe H•ndicraft & Art NEW CONCEPT OPENDiG March 28th OPEN FRIDAY'S Z.5 With p&d, like new, $75 .,,.,.,., Misc. Wanted 8610 Furniture IOOO Furnlturw ·------· Minimum a&e 28 +, Desir- able for young mother with school aged children. Four hours daily, five days a v.·eek. Mon. Fri., 9 to l PM. Will train for interesting sales promolion system thni record keeping. Filinc exper. ience, good hand writing, no typing. $1.75 hr to start, ad· vance. within 45 days. pogj. lions in 1-luntington Beach. APPLY: Rulh bmuiby, Sher- a ton Beach Inn, 21.ll2 Ocean Ave., Huntington Beach, 9 AJ.t to 10:30 M.I, Thursday, Mardi 27th. INO PHONE CALL PLEASE) Secretary $500 For gal who enjoys working with creative young people. Good sh &: typing skill!. Many oo. benefits. % lee paid, % reimbursed. Acctg Clerk $433 Will train intelligent gal, good at figures who enjoys work· ing wilh people. Numerous fee & fee paid jobs in Beach Area, & So, Santa Ana. I 'GAYNOR PerlOnnel Agency 2'Ei E. 17th Street Santa Ana 542-72M e INJECTION MOLDING e OPERATORS OR TRAINEE.S o.,,, Apply in Pl'l'SOn; 850 \Yest 18th St., C.M. THR,FTY DRUG STORE 16141 H•rbor Blvd. Fountain Valley An Equal Opportunity Employer SAWPEOPU PART TU.tE, DAYS, FOR SPRING PROMOTIOJ'l Apply Personnel Office, Jn:! floor, 2 to 4 p.m. ?i.fonday thru Friday The Broadway 47 Courts of Fashion F ~ION ISLAND Newport Beach An F.qual Opportunity Employer A NEW YOU?' Try it on for size: 11. business of your own. in your own com· munity, an yoor own time, for an income of your own. And thE' beauty and glamour of AVON cos- metics. Ready'!' P h o n e 540-'itMl or 546-SJ41 17 Pc. Ki119 Size Bedraom Large 9 drawer dre!Sel', mlr· ror, 2 bedslde stands, king size headboard, trame, quill· ~ mattress. sheets, blank· eta, etc. ChoiCl' of Spanish or Modern Sb'le All For $249 No down • Pmts, only $9 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 f.at9-6 Sun.ll.6 SPANISH Returned from Mcxlel Homes on .sale at less than wholesale! Croup includes beautiful 9 6 ' ' quilled IK!fa. & Jove seat. J Spanish ' 6a.k decorator tables, swag or table lamps, wall placque, king, queen, or full size bedroom suite complete incl box springs, mattress, linens & boudoir lamps, Spanjsh oak 6 pc dining set priced elsewhere at apprOx. ;1195.00 ALL FOR ONLY $399. $20 down, $4.!19 per -.eek / out of state credit OK. W i I I separate flit qujck 'sale. 20th C-entuJY. Furniture, 9 7 7 2 Garden Grov'e B I v d • , Garden Grow Daily 10-9, Sal ~. SUn J2..5 Come in or call <n4) 5.lJ..-5240 Toachers 20 PC. "MADRID" Substitute Teachers LIVE in Housekeeper, full "'e are interviewing appU. 3 Room Group time; motherless home, NB cants during Easter vaca· FROM MODEL HOMES area. 2· teenatel'!!. Own 'lion for a 6 lo 8 wetk sum-Includes: Quilted · sol& &: rmrrv. ~ before 9 mer assignment. Must have chail' _ 2 end tables Ii: col· am or all 7 pm. California Teaching credent· fE!<'! table_ 2 tampa -dresa- EXPER. Saleslady, f ull ials, For appointment Call er~mirror -beadboard ­ time, over 40, for ready E. T, MCEiroy, .10 AM lo quilted baX spring &: matt- to wear. Apply: The Show· . 5 PM. 892-3031 ress - 5 pc. dining room; OU, 22 Fashion Island, N.B. SADDLEBACK Inn, Laguna table & 4 hi·back cha.in. B. Beach now hiring general CCMPARE AT $749.95 · Cocktail Waitresies hotel and restaurant person-$399 FELICIANO'$ DE'I. Call.1 ~ appoi!ltment. No down-Pmts orily $16 mo Taking Ppplicailtitis 494-9436 . WELX'S WAREHOUSE. Daily 2 -SPM /6'15.iisoo EXP. Laro"''"' ""'"'"'" Paying & Receiving Teller. Prev. banking exp. desired. Apply at Security Pacific National Bank, Laguna NI· guel Br. 495-4501 or trainee. Salary + comm; qualified leads. }<' r i n g e 600 W. 4th St, Santa Ana bcrnifita. Call 546--0846 Open Daily S.9 MATURE couple to manage Sat 9.6 Sun ll-6 apts in the Costa itesa QU~. Kng Size bed w/ area. 32 units, Chilrlren ac-quilted mattress. co m p , ceptable. 635--4481 Never used $98; worth $250. Cutter, Experienced 847-0406 T\YO children, 31 mos and 10 mo11 need care, ll hr days, 5 days/v.·k. Older child ~ companion. Immediate Opening Furniture ;eturned rrom dis-~ eves. Beach Drapery Seivlce pl<cy studios., model homes, 900 \\' 17th Street decorator1 cancellation. DESPERATELY need PBX, ~ ffiesi'.. · 54().6464 Spanish & MeditemLMan etc cleck typ•t. Jc. Seo., RD FURNITURE ReCE"p, & Jr. Bookkee~r. Please apply Merchants Agencies, Men & 1144 Newport Blvd., CM Personnel. 64>2770 agency. Wom•n 7550 every night til 9 BAKERY SALES GIRL 1----------1 Wed., Sat, & Si.In 'ti! 6 Appl y Mr. n ;o"'"''°' ... ,,.,. .. , u .. ..,..i · • l5.IO -2~0~P"'c~'°M~O=D~E"'R~N Trotter's Bakery PBX Recep ·' ' '·' • · '· ."$400 • "' r ... ,,. "'"'"' a."" """•""" u .. pd) ...... $600 3 ROOM GROUP Clerk Typist (fee pd\. •. $350 1n 1 · WOMEN to polish & mask sales Outside •••... $7SOO++ c udes: F1oral so!a &: chair fiberglaa molds. Apply \Y. k •-1 I"= • walr.at · tables • lamps • Order Des .,... es •.•• , .. ,,,,.., I ~-lth il D. Schock Co., 3502 s. wa-ho"•omoo .,500 compete ~.....,m w qu t '" .. .. .... ,.,.,. A.. 5 dln Greenville, San1a Ana. ~oM cu mattrrsa -pc. ette, Test Tech .•••••••.•••• ""°"" All TELEPHONE •·· . Al F J b etc. for .•. Service. Exp'd, :i~:e~~ Merch:ntseePe;~~nel $277 · Grace Lane, C.M.· 540-2002 · 2043 Westclifl DrivE" No down •. Pmts, only $10 mo. ltlATURE Babyiiitter aftE"r C64°';"'m' 017~ f.t:1~': WElJ('S WAREHOUSE Apn1 l!it. my home, J boys. ,,. ,,.,,........., T.V. living• room furniture, Factory Sales le Service SAT le SUN'S 10.5 Dinette 'RI and bar stools, Daily 12 noori ··tn 9, Sat g.s· Daily Easter Week • be d r o o m furniture and 1140f Beach mvd., (Hwy 39) Aris & crafts done by area mlscellarleous Items. All lY. mi. So. San Diego Fwy. residents. Interested in sell· reasonably priced. 384-A E. Huntington !}each 347-8538 in& your handiwork on cor1- l6th PL Costa Mesa PIANO • O~GAN stgnment ?' Wri!e "What BEAUT. Medt BR se!, 7' BARGAIN H\/NTERSI Knot Shoppe," 26'l'l Newport d ~• 11 hdbd -l •'r Blvd., N.B. 92660. rn """'• q , .. t' Cn:i Orange Count)i's largest & mir/w nite stnds, lit new . stock ot new &: .. __ .. ...-.. CHESI' ol d r a w e r s, '~ price, FREE aeces. Pianos Ir Organs· bookcase headboard set 64>-llll Spinet Pianos from • • $388 Smoker BBQ, misc lamps, DINE'ITE Table & 4 chain Baldwin Organ • • • • • • • • $388 ~ly Amer lamp &: table, $20. White w/formica top. Chickering Piano • · • • •• $745 for window, Color TV ante~ 54()..1820 Conn Caprice Organ na, &mall elec water heater -Sa'te ................... $400 tor trlr or ca mper. G•rage S•lit 8022 all Wurlitzer &: C.Onn floor Magazine rack. Girls Bike samples greatly reduced! misc Items of tools & furn, GARAGE Sale: 9 x U Ax· Low bank terms 764. W. 20th St., Costa M,....,. minster rug, 30" x JO'' oc-No down payinent ?"" tagan lflimlr, portable TV. Goukl Musk Comruiny Bm.DS of Paradise * * * AM FM •'-b nl r-Healthy bloomina w e 11 -rawu com . reco 2045 N. Main, Santa Ana . .., player &. radio. New size So. of Frttway 547-0081 established 2 plants lo a 14 doubjf knjl skirts. 144" ()peJ.' Mon " Fri eo;es 'til· t 5 gal. co ntainer. OnJy a drapes, toys, ptwi misc. Sunday 12 lo 5 few left at this price o1 items. 536--4.155. 2 O 6 O 2 HAMM.ONO s•·•-Y onJy $5.00 for 2 plants. Call Goshav.•k Lane pa cit j c · , • lClliWay '}' after 6 P.P.f. or all day ' maha • De\v &: used planOs Saturday and Sunday. 1212 Sands. ot all makes. Best buys Jn So 0 ---S Sa A , r..u:o:. t., nta na. CAMPING equip, b a b y So. Cali1. right here; · · '-" bik t 3 WHEEL band saw jointer, equip, twm .,.,...a, es e c. SCID4I0T MlJ'SIC CQ., l 6 · h H W .. Th Call paner me oover Tues., .. un. ·1907 N. Main, I h i · 536--0269 Santa Ana upr g t, mm proJector, screen s p l icer, light GIRL'S train'g bike $15. WANTED: Pianos &: Organs. y;heelbarro\\'. 15 g a I . baby" clothes. Odds 'n ends. Cash paid a q u a r i um , complete, 252 Esther St., CM. 64>1534 * 636-362o * tropical & olitdoor fish ·&: HOUSEHOLD goods, 18' boat PIANO TUNING &. Repair turtles. 847-8277 w/ motor&: trlr. '57 Chevy. Expert, reasonable! 1 ·0-REXE ___ L-_Oe-,-..,.-.,-;0-,-.,,.-,-10 549-1651, Wed thru Sal Albert AarnellS 675--6967 drawer Mr & Mn w/4 Appllancos 1100 R•dlo · 8200 -~~~-i ·-.,...---~~~~ A,\'.~,. ~··. ~lb~: SCRAM-LETS =.,~~~m.!wd;,p~; ANSWERS Dunlap's 1815 N e w po r f , Costa Mesa. ~1188 Hackle -Valet -Fable - WASHERS&. DRYERS Skewer -WATOIES Severa.I from Model Homes News item: "In Russian mirror, xlnt cond. nso. Walnut. Corvair 4 lug rims &. tires 141 $10 ea. Girl's English 26" coaster brake bike, good cond. $al. Child'& rocking chr, $3, 431 Colton St, N.B. 54s.-0504 KIRBY Vacuum cleaner; new 1969 model, dinette set. contour chair. Sacrifice! Ptv prty. 8Z1-4464 WE PAY MORE CASH For any near new or used furnltlire, appliances, color- ed TV's, stereos, pianos, or. gans, stoves, refrigeratoni, bedroom sets, dining room sets, office fW'Jliture. 1 piece or houseful. Day, night or Sunday. 636-3620 WANTED WE" need quality {no junk please). Furniture, color TV's. stereos, appliances, toots and ollicc equipment. TOP CASH JN 30 P.Jinutes! 5.11-1212 * 893-0Xi5 $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ AP PLIANCES Color TV'1-Pieno'1-Sler10'1 I Pi1c1 or Hou11 Full CASH JN 10 MINUTES • 541-4531 • WANTED: Boat trailer to pu!l 14 ft . Aluminum boat. Must be reasonable. 540-""3 NE\VLYWEDS With empty house in DESPERATE need of end tablE"s & colfee tables. Free to Us. 638--0535 WANTED TO BUY: 1969 S PROOF SETS, $9. * 675-5258 * FREEZER needed in 3 to 4 weeks. (preferably Frlgi. daire) 833-2935 (Irvine) Dunlap's, 1815 Newport hotels there's a TV set in C.Osta Mesa. SCS-7788 every room, only ii WATCH- CAS relrigeratar, $25. Gas/,ES=.yo'=u=.'=' ====== stove, $25. Both a:ood coDd. T I • 1 --8205 LADIES ,.1;ia;,,, dramooo FREE TO YOU 1.4 carats almost new wh.ite 642-8285 -·-·-·-"-°"------ PINK Admiral refrigerator, OOWR TV's • GE 1: RCA 15 cu tt $50. cau after-• Tracie in'll & repossession 5 'PM 962-9528 " · ( • Choose from 9 models, e DLX Holpoint ,U. ~·. fully guaranteed ~ prfced re1rig freezer belov.· like right for quick s a I e , new ~c! 67J...4735 ' Dunlap's, 1815 Newport, • Costa Afesa. 548-TISS KENMORE Auto. washer, =:-:=cc-=~=-,,.--,­lnte modE-t, :dnl cond. $35. RCA C.olo~ 21" C.Onsole In S47-8ll5 good rond1Uon $125. 673--8807 Antiqun 1110 Hi-Fi & Stereo ~210 gold mountin,g. Sac. $900. 'FREE Fertilizer. 1-1 o t' s e Phone 673-8811 variety · 1746 Orchard Dr, CARPETS, Vinyls, Tiles, lat- est atylE"a and ·colon. Com- mereial & Residential, Exi pert installation. off Santa Ana Ave., Santa Ana Heij:hts, Between 4 t:. 6 pm only 4/1 GJ::!B,MAN Short 1-1 a i r 642-1403 540.7262 Pointer, female 4~2 yrs Q_U_A_L-.-K-,,-S~ao--bod--w"1 1 wants a good home with quilted mattress. co m p . running area. 5 4 8 -5 7 4 8 • NevE-r used $98; v.'Orth $::JO. Paper!! 3/28 .847--0400 LABRADOR RETRIEVER, 9-X-15_0_F_F_·_W_h_ite-lwe"1--,-,1-oo" female, 20 mo. old, all rug & pad SSO: matching black, very good disposilion, hall n1nner $10. Xlnt cond. licensed for N.B. -Call 54S.Ol98 673-1829 J/28 8th ANNUAL ANTIQUE STEREO 1969 Solid state SHOW and SALE deluxe coMOle stereo, 4 UPHOLSTERING . (Europ-J Yr old min. Schnauzer, 'Y.W.C.A. Santa Ana spd changer. Left. on Jay ean craftsmen) Free est.. AKC reg; Champion lineage, 14ll fl. Broadway a~. Pay oH remainJ.rw baJ. del, pickup, 215 Main, HB excitable, needs quie t home Milrch 771 28, 12 noon. lD pm. a~ o1 $76.00 or lenn&. Bernard's Uphol. 536-M!Xi without s m a 11 children. March 29, 1.2 noon-9 pm. Credit Dept 535-7289 ROSE carpel ·" pad l2xl8 830-2542 3/28 "GOOD DEALERS -GOOD $50. Alum screen door The (2} BLK poodle pupp'ie:s 4 SHO\Y..COOD CAUSE." Cameres & Equip. 8300 78 $15. Good cone!. 4~2447 4 mos. old • l male • 1 v AST Stock Amer. & Eur STUDENT In le.rested 1 n female -To good homes tum & clocb. L a rr y Photo Dirk Room equip-GE Rcfrige'rator $50. where pe_rson will bl' home MO"'"'" Antlnues, 24:28 mont. ·~ ~·1 Baby crib $10, Car seal all day, 646-Ta32 3127 ·e~ "'i ":1<1-iM't $8. E:.:cellent 893·1492 Newport Blvd., C.M. ADORABLE, white Pomera· AN'f'IQUE&Decorators Sportin9Goods 8500 •FIRE & Burglar Alann nian. llfalc dog, 2\'I yrs.; SystE"ms· installed as )ow as Items, a complete houseful -prefer home In The Blulfs. No dlrs. 545--7798 * POOL TABLE "' AC s99. Call 642-34!!0 644-1606 J/28 ----·-CESSORIES. $200. 5 PC DRUM set $75, Prov. FEMALE 1 yr old German Sewing Machines 1120 Eves fi.tl..5057 love seat SSO, 3 pc sectl Shepherd. Frtt 10 good '68 SINGER>· a real beauty! DAILY Pu.pr WANT ADS $85, Desk $2(1. 673-4256 home, hsbrn, shots. Ulves Only $37.85 or $3.75 week. BRING 'ft&WLTSI White elephants! Dime-a·llne children. 49-~57 3128 Does everything bat talk. EASTER Bunnies and ~m. 5~6· Sporting Gc.od1 1500 Sporting Goods 85~ cagr. Blk/Wt c:ocker-Poo, Own trans. 548-0832 MANICURIST • Nev.'J)Ort Beach. MR. RON'S t.'tcn'.s Hair Styling. 54S.-9174 Job.-Men, Wom. 7500 J QXl ·W. 41.b St., Santa Ana 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 f£'n1alr. 2 mos. old. neWport . °"'' o"" 9 -9 Mu•lc·~ 1125 YOU'RE INVITED • • • ••'-'"' "" I Sal 9 • G Slln. 11 • ti G H•..._ I I FREE clothing for large size Personne uitor ......,uorf•rs 1969 NAUGAHYDE S w Ive I • NEW and USED • I I woman. Range from size agency rocke rk $50 8" 38 lo 44. Also men'B shirts, feathers • Teachers Holidoy HNlth Sp• • 'fypl&J& 2300 Harbot BIYd., C.M. SuJMrior Agency Tut Educallol1al. Dlvi.sion ot EstUllshed l!H6 P;::•:hT-:~P~:;:~·· o~~:: :: : .~~i!J§ 11 RECREAAN!IONAL 11 ~~~~:;:;;~"'~ and the applicant stool &: ulil tbl, small appli-'"'" e NEW and USED e yrs olrl. Nreds big yard. IJJ Davor Dr., N.B. """"'· other Jtem•. 2!162-B. LUDWIG ROGERS, ASTRO I VEHICLE SHOW Call 962-2564 3/'Il EXPERIENCED \8ST J~arbor Bl, Costa Mesa Man.hall F.ie1d1 .tiu interes- HOUSEKEEPER cau !int w.nc ting6weeksawnmerUllign- CDAY SHIFTJ ment1. $500 KUaranteed in. PARK LIDO Mothers S.ck to Work con1e with opportunity to • • Qxwa1ncenl JI01piW Home School Cooperative earn up to $2500 for full sum· 5C:WCD Colla A-Iesa Srrvlcea. EduC4t1ona1' Div. mer. For interview wrlle _ of Manhall Freld1. Church "'· J. SendvOA, Pel'90nnt>I • sc hool or Scoutlllg ManagE"r,FEEC~E.l7th T.a.phone Rtaptlon Backa'n>und helplUJ $5. per St., SUfte 212, Santa Ana. Work. (,all II AM to 1nl~iew II: 1.1 a r . Call MACHINE OPERATORS 1 P.M. 540-29)1 83'H»19 1,, • ~c"A~N~y=o~u~ou-~AL=1r-F~Y=1 ,.,..,,.. "'""'· Oril1 p,,,., S£CRE'TARY to VP Mfg. Nm:! 2 Jadlet tar special I Mills, Packaging 4 Ship. Mat be lll':lt llal'ler, mp v.'Ork. 12 Jfours 'Nt!ekly, $60 ping Oerk, c x per i ~ n c e paca ot fut l'l"O'lftfc eleo-per wk. cau Mta. Nellon belptul. Apply 1>1?1. s-t PJ\t. tronk:1 rU'm. Min. l yn: at 641-3560 betwfito 2 and 4 ARMALITE eqi • .\ ahol1band. 50-atll tor penional Interview. 118 E. 16th, C.M. SHIRT Prener wanted TEAOIER. Nttds catt for RN (or LVNI, part-time. ~· pre.em.d or wW 12 mo baby I • 3 Wttkly, Orderly er aide full Ume. btl U nee.wary. Lido my home. Rtf&. ~ &lnlite Convalescent llOOtal 'Cftncn, 1'771 Newport BIY. _lfln~_C_P,.;111.;._~=~-~ SiJpe.rioC', N.B. CMa ~. 5CM014 ~ WaHttss OPERATOR with tollawfna PRACl'ICAL mrae h ~ldt'r­ ~ Wy Fri. eve to Sun ew:., wkly. &T3.a961 aft I PM. GIRL f.or' Avanl Garde IUmt. 0..IM ·X a.6TI7 VIKING SMORGASBORD OR Space available lrenl) 16 £. 1!th St., C.M. ask I• Costa M~sa &auty For Mr. Andenoro 54S--004 Salon. 540 •..8934 Tue .. Fri. WAn'RESS Wanted at Cof· BLUEPRINT SHOP requlru fee, Do.nu!, Sandwich Shop. blutollne trimmt!'t' operator. 5CM836 54o.9'J73 642-3870 549-2743 Pe; Trecp , CM.M. ~ ~:~~~i! n:;"an~ I 11 3sia!.~~~ m~!~!~ n: School .. lnstruction 7600 c. ap... 1nr: at $99.50. Pedala, hi-bats .---------------.... Wk:s. a I d' Housebroken. ----"---3 ROOM GROUP ..,. ,.., .. .-.. AU om.u 1 3 BIG DA y S I ,....." ""' The Newpor1 lnclttdes: Uvlnr room tel • part&, accuaoriel A: cymbals PUPPrF...s School of Business labJ., 1 .._.. In 1tock. I FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY I Larae, niostly blocl<, 7 ·-•k• -amps • ,_.room EVERYnllNC Di MUSIC •o .. <; set • quilted mattreu • ma· • MARCH 21-29 -30 oJd. 549-1891 after 6 • '""''~A=;,. ""' ... .,. ... m ... ,,, • · • Beach Music Center I I •·"'· '"" e Dictating equipment $449 I It I RECENT bllck issues ot •Modern oltlee procedutts No down . ?mis. only $lS mo, F~ctory Sales A Servi~ UNIVERSITY TIME, N1'.;\Y REPUBLIC. e Brush G Shorthond WELX'S W llally 12 noon 'til 9, Sat "°I I Coll 54<>-zm ofln 5 pm.4/1 • Penor!~ =lopment AREHOUSE 17404 Beach mw .. (Hwy 39) FREE Bamboo clwnp or (Ask ab<mt our -1at otter I ll mL So. Sao Dlefo Fwy. I OLDSMOBILE I ''""'· ll' loll . You d;g or which includes fl'ft typins 60C W. 4th St.. Santa Ana Hw~on Btaah 847-3S36 cut. !>4S--005 inlfruclion 1 Open Dally 9 • 9 NEW Fender M u s t a n g I I ,;, "l5 J Sat. 9 . 6 Sun. ll • 6 Guilar I Cll9e. $lSO. or bm PURE While pet Mlts. Bring -~ I case. 540-7'629 Jrrr LIKE N•w s.t....,.ug bod ol!tt. 96).47'19 2150 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA I L 1 r E T 1 Af E G I t t • · divan s 1 2 5 . OwNtuired GIBSON J..SO ' I Bk\mOO '-m.:tt Bamboo. typewrltlnr. Ch 11 d r «' n, ~ bl!H} &: avocado gm with HaJd5bdl ca... • I You dlg. !'J48.-65m 3121 fl'l\ndchildI"t"n. er )'Ollnltlf! Chair 1; lrg melch'g ot· $320 $200 otkr He lp Us Celebr•t• Our Ad dition K<'nmotc washing machine. Ind Iv Id u a I I y tutored toman n75 S4A-65S7 ....... A ~60 .r:.' PM I Of A Compfetti LIM Of . . . I Nt'l:.'da ~pa.Ir. fM-6(2) lm °'"'°'' 10 1.....,,. 1yp;..,1----· ----~~ GMC TRUC. KS & HOLIDAY CAMPERS school. 173 Dtl Mar. CM, Pl.A.CC )'007 .,.,. ao wtwn W\Jrllt1rr Bung. Piano I I 1'\VIN silt' lk'd f!T'C, HW)- 548--2859 beautiful tMt, $JXl.. or tington Be:teh, 847-9817 3/28 co=1~NG=.~T~o~Eumpe~-.,,~b~--,,I tht1 .,.. looklnc -DA.Il.Y be.t nfff!r. ~. I FREE' s.. All Th• New I WOOD for your Firepl11.cit. Brush up }'OW' F'ttnch PILOT dul!.6td &C·ris?I CELLO for Ale, NII shie, e Vecetlon ~d All CUI Up. 842-7269 3/28 Cnt1\'t'M1<1tjon ln m.y cl.aail. Lyon I HNb-: Xlnl tone.' Peptl I t-!of Ooo•" Camping Eq uipment I SERVEL Gu 12' R~fris. Gd. 642.Q60 6C2·~ $%!0. ~ ·.. • • -.. • • • • • • • • • • wortdrw: oond. G73-436fi ' I I I ; 1 E ' L c " I c !' I • • 1 I ' II s N ' f • I 1 ' 1 c I N -• ' s I! 0 " 1 ' • 4 FREE BOATING COURSE BY Coast Guard Auxiliary starts Thurs. 7:30 PM M-27 Corona del Mar High School 2101 East Bluff Drive ' 18' BAY BOAT Like nQ •••••••••• try $1495 COL 29 ........ $9950 Inboard .......... , • Loaded! e PACIFIC YACHT SALESe 3446 Via Oporto, Newport 24 Hour Phone •• 673-1570 "1,1 Mi No. ot G.G. Fwy." at the Sign ot The Friendly Tiger Coming CUSTOM DLX K 41 Kit-New Moon-Fleetwood 17 FT. Pertonner. blander -~N~ew~and=~U~""~­ Deluxe model (all fiber--TRAILER w/ cabana. on.rly glass) outboard. Comm tum. Reaaonably priced. snap down cover. Blc wheel loW rent. Good loe. Must tilt trailer. $700 or beat off· see to appreciate. 2912 Sp er. Phone 644-4687 after 'I' pm 16. w. Cout Hwy, NB. WANTED: Boat trailer to pull 14 ft. Aluminum boat .Mo,:;;bl;:l•;H~o~m;;'";:;;;;;;;;92;;f00 Must be reasonable. • 545-l083 1964 29' OW.m DC Fly-. Fully eqlllp, new palnt. 50 hrs on overhaul Make of!e. 642-9088 aft e pm. 16' Glass boat a . tandem trlr, $600. 14' boat • trlr, mo. 646-'5!4. 543-8333 s.111 ..... 9010 ' • DAll.'f Pl.111' .. TRlNlllOl(TATION 1 FINESt SELECTION -OF PREVIOUSLY OWNED 1 '66-'67-'68' CABILLAcs : IN SO. CALIFORNl~t'. 4 DOOR -2 DOOR " • • • El Dorados • Calais ' • Coupe de Villes • Sedan de Villes • PRICED FROM $34951 Some Carry New Car 5 Year or 50,000 Mlle Warr•nty · .. ALLEN . OLDSMOBILE • CADILLA~ 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH 494-1084 • 547-3103 ------------- ·l ! ' ' I . • ' .. .. ' mlo : Credit pmblem? See U1 i:Jr ifllltant delivery, low prices. euy terms, We dedde Ob }'OUr credit. can or come fD today. ' . ' . •• \ \ l I 1 · • • •. , ·' .< ~­.. ' •• ·- -• .. · -. , ·:· .. ~ • • .. •. . • • • • • • -.• ' ------~ ---- !!~!!:==..:.._TRANS~~~-!!!ln'!!~A~T10N TIANSl'Oln'A TION TllANSl'Oln'ATION TltANS..oirTATION Tlt&NSl'OltT Al 1UN rlAHIPORWION --C.1'1 • • .,__CADILLAC for NINETEEN· SIXTY-N·INE- J JvlJISTERJ_JJEa 11{0Jvl THE JvlJISTER. CRllF13MEN ON DISPUY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! ------OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES ·TO SELEO FROM ------ 1968 .COUPE DE VILLE • $3999 ~t.113 $4999 Beautiful Chestnut brown exterior wi'Ui aandlewood vinyl top and matchinr aandlewood leather Interior. Has all the power lncludln.1 pow« 1tttrfn&:, powtt brakes, pdWer windowt, power 1eab, factory air condlt1onlna:, AM·Jl'M radio, power door locks, etc. You must tee thla one. (VRX846) , 1961 EL DORADO .Beautiful flremllt roeewood brown with brown padded top and saddle letther L'lterior. Power steerln&. powtt dllc brak!I, power windows. poWer llMt. Votue bra. stereo AM-FM rad-io, rear windoW detonet, pawer door locks' plus much. much more. Must lfff. (XSR 304J SALE PRICED 1963 THUNDEUIRD Lovely coral exterior with white landau top and matclline coral vinyl interior. Fully equipped with power 1teertn1, power br&ku, power windows, powtt seat, radJo and beater automatic transmlsllon plus white aide ;;if lUru. A very wtll kept car. (10Z570) . SALi $999 PllCI 1967 CADILLAC Thil lovely Sedan DeVUJe baa all popular power autsts lncludin1 power 1teerln&:, power brakn JJOW<r windows • ..,,..... -•and Cad- Ulac'a famoUJ factory air condltkml.n1. This beautltul automobile bu been. Vf!l"f camuDy drtvcn and shows only the tlna:t Of care by lb pnviow: owner. ("'5) SAU $3777 PllCI 1964 CADILLAC Coupe Dt Ville. Silver blue exterior with matehln&: cloth and IMther Interior. Hu pow. er •teertnc. power l:r&kel • powtt windows. power seat, whi'9 side ~ ttrn. MUlt Mll now. (SRP 359) SALi $1333 PllCI 1965 RIVIERA This one ta bard to bellnelnonly 36,000 mile one owner beauty ftn!lhed Royal mJdnilht blue exterior with black custom lnterfor. Fully equipped with power 1tffr1ne, power brakes, paWer 11:a ti, power wtndowl, factory &lr conditionb:li. power antenna, Ult •teerine whed, radio and heater, Afety HnUnal SALE PRICED 1966 CADILLAC Sedan DtVWe that ii ablolutely 1oreeoua. Ftniahed ln S1*J\ilh SUvu with matchini cloth and leatlier interior, fully power ac- ttntt4 with power steerin&-brakel·wndOWI· 1eat1-door lockl, AM-FM r&dlo. auto. cruile cqntrol, premium wtute 1lde wall t.1ru Uld t£ctory al; coll[llltlonlng. (RGN29'1) SAU $2999 PllCI 1966 THUNDERllRD The tport;y 2 door hardtop ls _tµby equipped. with power 1teer1n1t ~er ~ powtt wlndOW1, power 1ut ahd Ford'• famOUI fac. tory air conditiontn1. A b-.utitul satin 1llver exterior with black vinyl interior. Must be sttn and dr:lven to t'ully appredatel (RTU· 339) SAll $1999 PllCI 1967 OLDSMOllLE The CU.tom Delta 4 Door bardtop tlnilh.d. lrt a mttaWc blue extt:rlor with blaclc vhl,Jl root and blue interior. J'UlJ,y equipped wtth power atttrlnlo Po'ftr brakes power wt.ndowl, u tro teal, factory air conditioning plut many otber lwi:ury ttaturta. ShOWI meticulow: care by Dttviwl OWMt. (TYY .7") SAU $2777 PllCI LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL. Pl lVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY IE SURE TO CHECK OUR PRICES IEFORE YOU IUY · ~NYWHIREI THESE CADWCS ARE All SPECIALLY PRICED NOW FOR THIS SALE ONLY SEE US TODAY! • 1961 CADH.LAC 4 Door Hardtop. Flni&htd in 11trlkin1 turquoi&e with matcbin& clolb and leather interior. Automatic transmiallon radio and heater, powet 1teerin1, power brakn power windowl, power atal, factory air conditionina. Only ~.000 miles. Must see. CSVG267J SALi $777 PllCI 1965 CADILLAC Tb• po~ DeVUle model finllhed in lovely \\1th black vin.Jl top and bla.ck leather tmor. Hu P<JWft' 1teerln1, power brakes_ power windows. tilt 1tftrln1 wheel, AM·FM radio llnd factory air condl· tlonlna:. This is a beeut1ful automobile that ii priced for a quick ale. (NQX514) SALi $2333 l'llCI 1966 PONTIAC GTO A very 1DOrtY hardtop that h tinllhed In silver with black all-vtnYI bucket seat in· terior. Fully loaded l.ncludln1 Bia Vf engine, trt~power 4 speed tranuniuion, power steer· in1, power brak~J radio and beater, Factory alr condiUontna. i:ou won't want to min thil one. (SAA.494) ' SAU $1999 PllCI 1966 OLDS TORONADO Hardtop Deluxt. Emerald lf'ffn atmor with stten cloth interior. Full power lncludlna: power stt:erlng, power bra1r:ea, power win- dows, Wt atffrinc wheel. factory air co~ tionfnl. I.ow mllee1e and absolut.ly pp. OUI throu&hout (SVX120) SALE PRICED 1967 CHRYSLER The I>OPUlar Newport series. Gold exterior with blBck vinyl top and black all vinyl lyt- tericr. Automatic tranamtuion power 1teeJ'o lnK, power brakes, power window•. factory air condlUonln1, radio and heater, white aide wall Ura:. 'Ibis automobile ii ablolutely a:or· 1eoua inside and out (~29) SAU $2777 PllCI 1965 THUNDEUIRD Sh.lmmerlna: satin 1Uver with matcbin1 vinYl buc.ket 1eat interior. 1\dly eqUfpped w:l~w· er steering, PQW6 brakes, power power seats, factory air conditlonlni a wb!te aide wall tirft:. <PDP 490) SALi $1333 PllCI 1967 EL DORADO Fb>bhod In pbantOm .,... wltb IP""' cloth and leather interior. Fully equipped with pow- er llffrinl, power dile brakes, power 1eat, poWer windows, Wt and telescopic steerina: wheel, wonderb&r radio tactory &tr condition- ing plua maey more Cadillac optional feature&. <VXll 168) SALi $4888 PllCI 1966 OLDSMOllLE Starftre. l'ln1lbed in metallic turquoise wtth white vinyl bucket aeat interior. Hu auto- mat1c truwnlalion, power 1lttrln1. power brakn, powtr windows, power Ht.ti, factory air conditioning, tilt 1teerlng wheel. power antenna. "'1re whff'l covers, radio and. healer, and only 31,000 miles. A truly flawless auto- mobile. (SIU572) SALE PRICED ----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN.,.---------- • SALE PklCES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, APRIL I, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE SAW & SllYICI CINTH • WI ALSO SlOCK AU: Oll•INAL FACTORY 19UIPMINT TilU. 539':.. Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS INCLUDIN• MOUNTINWALANCIH & UCISI TAI 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 • FRfE PICKUP All> DfUYERY u ... C1r1 '900 Ulld Cara 9900 Uted Cars 9'llCI U,... C.n 9'llCI Utod C1rs Ullld C1n 9900 1-------- IUICK CADILLAC CHRYSLER CORVAIR DODGE FORD MUSTANG PONTIAC '64 CORVAm Spydor, 4 apd. 'A l'onl XL "!8 MUSTANG, 289, air, dlJc, 'OS OLDS, "2. 4 .,.i. Yellow ''5 PONTIAC GTO turbo charged, 1ello w "51DODGE2 Dr. hdtp. Gilixle Htirtlt., auto, ptd w/vtnyl top. 7500 w/ bile int Must tell • Slcy blue ext, white top v_. w/blck lnt Xlnt cond. flOO. R&H. n blt •rw. $250. White extmor, plUlh fur. f.lllea. $2800. &e-1161 days, bKt ofter. 1 ownr, 5'M:571 dlr, pwr ateerlJ'le, b~el ge...ag *.29b qa1lt bQdiet 1tab, tact drlr. 644-0392 evu. aft 4. .eats, ExC'flknt conct Own. COMIT •a GrHnbrier l<Jlllf1ler, 102 ======== atr. S50 CUh de1a, will flbc MU=ST=s."n"'·=a"Marto:-,....,-,-,d<mo.-·1 '64 Oldl 91, HI' cpe, full ec:1 b)' little 'ole lady in San "61 Comet, air, nblt flll. bp, 4 lpd. difttrent. Muat FALCON prvt puty, Pymnts S29.86. NEW '68 Mll&tans GT. Na PM, air, ru tire1, xlnt aernente. $50 Caah dell or XlD cond. $.115 lff! $850 815-let LB ATB '798, Call Ken 4!K-reuonable ofter ttru.ed. cond. $UCO. ft315-1Ul take foreign car. Can finr C & u & •o 174 Darrellt st., C.M. 5ta..2m '6.l'""""'M"'o~NU,=-. -.... -..,Whl= .. -1 '13 t~~ v..a. .~i:!..: . 9773 or ~ Mr. Noonan, dlr, 534-1200 'S5 • 'ST OLDS, both in prvt:K """ ..... lB NRC 21:1, can lllllftAft lnUtxt. Radk>. au ......... Pl. ou ...... _ '66 FORD Fabiane Squire ,65 M~ v..a, fair com. Package: deal b' en 9773 or 5'6-0634 BUICK -'63, ,., pb, --------CONTININTAL * ....,.. ·* CORI. 8U-6?40, 96>-ml 9 puo ......, • V~ • aufo. aulo, air, $1.195. llOG. 54W2ll aft 10 Aid. ·ss Bonnoville, "'""' <0nd. arlc owner. Xlnt cond. $195. '67 Camara SS 350 1113.=..,co=Rv"'AIR="'M'"..,..-"'eo.p.=" •a STIQ(: FalC!Oll sm. P/1 A tan pb:. ~~ ~ new tires• bralw:. Prlv. ,13-,.., an.r ! PM. m<rl'2 • apd. chmo -bi&._ '69 CONTlllENTAL 4 -"""· wry clou, N""' dutch A water pump. ..... 54!Ml!33 pm. PLYMOUTH party. * 113-7311 '61 BUICK CONVERT .~";"-~ dlr. Druid""'•,..,. ~ .. II!! nma-U.$400 . ......,. 181"'Bool<l l!Z........i TAKE ovor""""""" I&< OLDSMO.llLE -------GRANO Prix '&<. ele c XLNT'IHAPE. ie, ======== month with to.GOO muc• w -mo, 1961 Ford c.artina. s 1M7 PLYMOUTH wlndwa, wata, alum. whl1, 113-739! CHEVROLET ~:.-U"s.~, S.M~ "'.:: CORVETTE PORD moo old. Equily $250 . llllYERSITY BELVIDERE II PIS, Pib. alr-<ond, till 'tl5 BUICK RJviera. O..tom. Johnson a Son Llncolno l ---------''5 FORD COUNTRY -50-GG e 4 door StaiHon Wll'Oft str"a: whl. Sl.O'J;. 6'l3-M80 !::"c,.1 .. ~ r..t air, WHm 'II a.v 1-Ja Pwr M=iry. ,.....,. ''2 CORVETTE SEDAN MERCURY SALES & SERVICE : ~=~'°" _....... s •. 8, punched 348 •fl CX>NTL '81 Blk ' dr, hdtp. Black beauty! Mutt .. to Sta war. dlr, V...t. pwr .~ ________ , OlD'UIWDIC • Vinyl interior CADILLAC iloucn A trl·pwr "' up. N"' "' cu ho nblt •nr. Lo ••proclate. Local car. lit! lnr. ,,_..,,t eondlUon. lit! 'G MERCURY MARQUIS M'IVl'lll' • -., ttu - Family cxpumon ""~ mi. All pwr. RIH, Spd C I CUh dela. dlr, or wtD tUt CMh dell or take stnall fol'-Haw you ever t-t of 2850 Harbor Blvd. e White 11~ til"M ';;;;-;:;:;::-;:;,:-;:;;:;;:-=:I !-~·.!:h!!t.!122S~~-~··~-~.!:·~·~ ..... te1ts, air. Nft d"-' .,.. t'ortlcn c&r in tndeo. can -· _ .. ..,,. __ ................. ..... 1'68 CAD Sedan o.vw. ICIO .. ,, Y&I .. .... .............. ...,. ..... ieutna? Call Hal SaJXkn a.ta M-Z.536 mlle1 • : 'M QIEVY Impala SS Convt., Ex cond. $1800. 134 W, WU-Ken after 10. IB QOB m. Month. LB UEV '8(. call at J~n &: Son ~ M0-9MO um can &l).ISl1 Excellent Condition Actual Ml. °"'tnut tnn. d:tt blue{Wtlt top, 327-Vl. IOfl, C.M. 4N-9T7J or ~. Ken, 545-004 4K-S'l'13. $11 beiae top: real trn. lthr. auto P/.,,/b. All new or* '&< COR·~~ •--·-"·II or .Mercury, 2626 Harbor Blvd ... 67 OLDS. lUX\11'1 ltdan. Ml 75 lnter Tllt -I ... a..-.. · -~ 4 Dr blk.· Ml pwr •~•,.,. .. ,>P>U.._ 'U FORD Galu;y 500; 3IO ca.ta Mesa. Qt the -, ~--~. 0 -· lt&t, See: at the · ' a .. , ..--..""oJ tires Ertru. Make offerl · ' '' cond. N1w ............. , clo•..a. -1-...... .,., ----seat, radio. i&l'll Finn. m.sDf "54'75T new tlru A brb, 1thr. int. ....... .,..., q .. pwr. 1trftr. I: ltrQ, 1 .. _....,t factl on I~ VS AM/l'M liereo, Landau DAILY PILOT Orlr o.nrr Mf.o.1a or •Mab otter MS-.2113 JMWrt, muffltr. rq ~ ta. air<ond, Rl:H, auta. tnJ'la. blQrlrw. Meantime, think top. $2IDl. m..-. aftlr g S30 Wat Bay St., C.Y. • 11 ~ Dr. XhU 'Bl! t'ONT. O>nvttt., lthr, air, tertor. Unu.ua! map. $DJJ. Xblt 2nd car. Priced $lSO about this: Brand new Mar-pm or wftndl. ICMJ21, en m Now'S THE bod>Jmt. ... ...... ..... ...,., boaut ,..... _m-n=="==-=-:= """' m ... Book. i-0wner. qub. '"" pick "" color. • 7 OLDS $200 ,,,,..... Mako ...... lalnod. $2905. ~ ... COR\iitTE; ,.now, S27 c~m 54&-52<5 An. • u wUI ... _. • "" C\1. ho. s PON11AC RAMBLER NEW '19 Ram bler. Full aiie compact, $2043, • • • .... ...;.,;; I fll"• ,..» '42-602.1 TIME FOR m-6«6 'UCONTINENTAL 4dr, full enatne, 4 spd, 13,CO> q l:'Sf=-"'ro"'rtD=.-,~..,.--~Sta"""Uon'" enaln~. automat i c 147«12 llN) '63 QlEVY im,e.la S.S 2 powott, air. IMMAC. SllDO. mUta. "500, 5tHTl'I Wt.ton. LlKE NEW! tnanmdukln, factt'.I')' atr, '6T OLDS. "2; air, auto., daat. new brUel ~ tittt, OU509 after ~ Call s.3S«IIJ poftr !tftrtrw, P"wtl' dilC pwr. 1'1Nr. 1-brb: new ';-AMBASSADOil V-1; pwr. briai. il •IHT., Rl:H; '19 llctna.$100.S<Me "" nRElllRD. """ ... ... ======= qUICK CASH 1HIOUGH A DAll,.Y PILOT WANT AD • axcet """'-$lllO. Mi-am --COUGAR • "GTX" ... •1oc • ......, ='"..::!'°;.i:'= ttna. 12315. "'"m' '"· •11 dliVY -.. aoo<t CORVAIR -... ,.,.....,., -_, ... , ......,. am1 r.ot. DAl!.Y PIWr ., ..... ADS CORI. MIS. Qoll Min"' ot '61 COUGAR °""· 918-IMI ................ and hooded Dlal - &4USU, -I Jlltl 51<FIJJI '61 MONZA IOO ....... ' Uma wt"' black paddod .. II YOU~ AO IN a.AISI• heed ll&tts. All tilts ... llJ5 rl"8 ---1111- '51 a..v ltatlon ........ ,pe..i. °"' °"" ·-1.-.i and.,, c:ondltlolllnr. m:t>t -wlll .... -21 rnoot!o -· Aalr .... ---...... Xlnt <Ond. "50 • .....,nnr .... n 15. -r•. --· -..... Dlal 142-,.,. -booklet, phoo1o DAILY PILOI: a-...i -.... )IO -IG-TOllO lor qufck. t!l!d ... ,...,... --NOWl a U t II trua, $1195. dlr. m-5551 or 5.14-2284 T·llRD '15 4 DR. 'hmpest V ... R/H, .6S T·Blrd. Afr.eon4. air, alltO, t>ts. Xlnt colld. XLNT COND. $14:15 lllOO. MMDI Prv party. - '65 GTO OonY .. auto. Pts. 1959 T-emo Convert, rona }•fB. ltft'eO ,,il Cl«llft, l l(OOd, $150. ApplJ Newsiort owner, Mtt olrft'. ~ I Harbor P..fot~I. N.B. No. 11 . . . . .· ·. .· ·. ·. :• : ' ., :• .. ·-.... , ...... ~ ............... . Wtdfttsdly, Mirth 26, 1%9 ORANG,E COUNTY'S VOLUME FORD DEALER OFFERS FABULOUS MONTH END NEW 1969, FORD$.~ •• ' 4 Or. (;u1to"' .500. 'f.'I, C(WiM, pwr ''•••, •i• co11d, 1txf m°.~lcfklti ,rid 11101•. tJ53Ftllt l9 LfO Cnlry Squ!f• 4 Or. W19on. 429-¥8, Cruiso, pwr ;l11r, win. dow1 1rid t1il 91t•. Air cond tnd more. 9J76N 129601. Gataxi• 500 2 O• HT. 42t-V-I, Crul10, pWI" •I• tnd diic•, eir cond., r•dio and mo••. 9JSISll2l75 • Gel•~i• 500 2 Dr HT. <12f-V·B. Crui10, P'Cl,r. fte.e~, di1c1 and wnd•, •ir <:on~ •nd more. tJ744-2 I I 72 6 G1!•xi . 500 2 Dr HT, 3tO·V-8, Crui10,{pwr sl11r, r1dr vi11yl tr;m •nd mot•. t J584-1149 1l lllCOUNT PIOM WINDOW 11TIClll $ 665 $ 724 NEW 1969 MUSTANGS C.111.,1rt. 111.V.1, pwr tp, crui10, Hd Tp. v .1, pwr 1f11r, 1ir cond, cond, ind "'ort. 9R01441025 Hd Tp. v.1, pwr iletr, •ir cond, ti. 1hifl, 4 ply w/w, tint 91111 111d more. tROIFl255]4 Hd Tp. v.1, Cr..,i10, vinyl roof, co111ol1, pwr/lir i nd di1c brks, r•dlo, •ir cond, •nd 1110••· tROIF· 1201/15 ' DISCOUNT fltOM WINDOW STICKllt Hd Tp. v.1, Crui10, pwr d1•r. •Ir $ 514 cond, r•dio, 1ph •pp. 9ro11p, hood 1coop, •nd mor•. 9ROIF· 122964 Hd Tp, \I .I, Cr11iJO, pwr/1tr I brk•, r•dio, Yinyl roof, 1pt1 •pp. 9roup 011d mor•. 9ROlfl20t54 Hd Tp. v.t, Crui10, pwr/1l••r and di1c brk1, Yiny l roof, r1dio •nd "'or1. Stk. 9RO IFl2f844 I NEW 1969 FAIRLANES 500 1 Or Hd Tp. lll·VI, Cr11ho, pwr/1fNr •nd di,ct. radio, eir cond, a'l1 trim 111d "'or•. tKJlH· 129679 2 Dr. Sp!. Roof, 421·Cobr•, 4- ipd. it• .. pwr. •'••• l di1c1, 1ir cond., t•dio, wide 0'1111 l lflor•. 9K46Rl40421. 500 Spl1 roof. V-8, cruho, •ir cond, pwt, 1f••r, r1d!o, dlr !rim ind mot•, tKl 5F15l9l2 500 2 Or Hd Tp. V-1, Cr11i10, 1ir I $ cond, r1dio, pwr ti!••, dlr !rim ind mor•. tKl5fl5Sl47 1 Torino 4 Or. v.1, Crui10, pow•r 1l••r., 1ir <:ond, 1cc•nl ,trip11, dlx 9rill ind 1nor1. tK41F16 l0l8 500 4 Door Sl1 w9n. VI, Crui10, pwr/1t••r •nd t1il91lo, •ir cond, radio, •nd 111or•. t K37F1 6l035 DISCOUNT flt OM WINDOW sr1c•rt 508 C..,1toM\ 500 R:11ch w911. -429.V-8, Cr11i10'< pwr sl1•r •nd di1c1. 1ir cond, f•.9 •• t ri4 m9r•, tJJ2N I 06- 501 Hd Tp. V-1, Crui10, pwr/dr •nd di1c brk1, Yi11yl roof, r•dio, 4 ply w/w •nd mor•. 9FOIR!l8426 Torino GT 2 Dr S,h Roof. V-1, $ 518 Cr11i10, kry 1111p•n1io11, lld 1coop, •i• cond, pwr 11••• and mor•. 9K42Fl•JOJt ---------------~-Hd Tp. 351-V-8, Crlllio, con1ole, wida w/w, pwr/1l11r •nd di1c brk1, radio, air cond. •nd mor•, 7ROIM1lt425 1011 l ·Or S,t, Roof, V-8, Cruil<>, LTD 2 ~·':tJiJ'· ~9-V·I, Cr~i1~, P'f' 1f1t\-•nd djt1a, 1lr cond, r•dio, a11~:),or,j·9J,2N I 0,.497 Crui10, pwr lle1r, 1ir cond, ••dio, $ 7-2--5 Spt ,.,f. l51 ·VI. Two I"' po l•!, $ 549 i o;-1,iittlVI f.'it•· c,.;.,. co"1ol•, tlr <11t1141 Cl'\lillto ~wr/. tompot 111,~i111lt~· ,.../.tr & 'l.c:r•ll• ltrk11 1114 "''''· tlOIM• ilttl\ 1ir t:t~d 111( tlltft· 'IK<46R· $ 507 •nd more. 9JS8Yl011500 ...... ; fl~fl4 .. ltf'llt, , '· ... ~' LTD 2 o, HT, <29.v.1. c,.;.,, : ~,-., •: Mf 1-. V•l1.G"llt, w/Wt w/;11,t 440· I 0. Mt, f~ y,~ e',,;.,, ,;, $ 488 pwr ll•1r •nd d 11c1, •ir cofUI, • ,. • •ll ' · .J ' 'I "P - r•dio, •••• 1pkrs •nd '"J.rti 'lJ'I' 1' i~ lt~tr, ft4!-1 ''"' ~11 t f Mll41 ·-~l1t1•f .,. J i1c1, r•d, 621( 1-47019 • :. ...... ;~_,_. ':· ".t; ···~"'' ·~~ "'~''' ,,, ,;1.,,,., J. • ' 4 , flitil MM·1114 "'"' 'Kl OF' 76511 -~ '• . DS '·AT ' · " f7 . MORE MUSTANGS l ••-'--3.,..,l,...M;.,,OJ.,,.,~,E=-F::--:A-:-:IR,.,..LA-c-NcccE=s-108 CLE DlSCOUNTS! ' I . . eLIARANCE DISCOUNTS! ci.iil"ANCE DISCOUNTS! ON NEW 1969 MODELS NEW 196.9 T-BIRDS 2 Dr Hd Tp, 429-Vt, f11ll pwr, AM/FM ••d, •fr co11d, Cr11ite, tilt 1f•tr, 111d "'ore, tJllN140· ... 4 Dr L•11dau 429.VI, f11ll pwr, AM /FM r•d, •ir cond, Crwi10, vlnyl roof •11d mo••· 9J17Hl40· '" 2 Dr L1 nd1u 421/.VI, full pwr, AM /FM rid, •ir co11d, Crui10, Yl11yl roof, t ilt 1+.1r, •11d lflort. 9J14Nt40t•9 2 Or L•nd111 429·¥1, full pow•r, AM /FM 11d, 1ir cond, Cr11i10, Yi11yl roof, i nd mo••. 9Jl4NIJ9. I II 4 Dr L1nd•u 42t.VI, '1111 power, AM/FM rid, 1ir cond, Cru!10, vlnyl roof, t ilt 1t•er, ind mor•. 9Jl7N f 14969 2 Dr L•ndau 429-V I, full pow•r, AM /fM rid, 1ir co11d, Crul10, vinyl roof, tilt 1!1••, i nd mor•. 9Jl4Nll9812 2 Dr L1nd•11 42t-VI , full pow•r, Crui10, air cond, AM/FM rad, Yi11yl roof i nd mo••· 9Jl4Nllt. ,.. 2 Or Hd lp, 429-VI, Crui10, fu h pwr, 1ir cond, r1d io/d111I 1pkn, tin! 91111, •nd mo••· 9J8lN109- 01S. 2 Dr. L1nd1u. 429.VI , Cr11i10, f11 I, pwr, •ir cond, vinyl roof, r1dio1 du1I 1pk1r1, incl mor•. 9Jl4N· 1511 It. DISCOUNT PION WINDOW STIC:ICll 13 MORE THUNDERBIRDS CLEARANCE DISCOUNTED! NEW 1968 SHELBYS &T JIO Cen'ltrf, c 0 .. r. v.1 CuilM, pwr. d11r l dlu:t, r•4ie, .)ildr h1rt1111 I "''''· 170lJ- 20ltll 6T 100 KR Co11v1rt Cobra V-1 Crul10, o!r co11d, pwr, 1t••t •nd dl1ct, 1hldr h•rn111, r•d l lflOr•. ITDJR2 I 0256 GT ,500 KR Conv1rt Cobr1 VI, pwr. 1t11r •nd di1c1, r1dio, tilt. pop 1f••r, 1hldr h1ri•••1 & mor•. ITOJR211920 6T 100 Conw1 rt Cobr1 V-1. pwr. 1t.•r l di1c1, Crui10, r1dio, 1hldr har11111, tilt-pop 1l•er & more. ITOlSl494l8 . I DISCOUNT ••OM WINDOW STICOI NEW 1969 ·TRUCKS l DllCOUNT _ .. WINDOW ... ,, STIC•ll f2sli I l 1 Styl• P.U. 160, v.1, ~. 628 Air •nd oil 91u9•1, Crui10, ••I. ~ cool (r11d . 2450 r11r 1prin9' •nd mori, f21YRD27l t FIOl Ill Styli P.U, 360, V·l, l Cruito, air cond, •ir •11d oil q111· 911, pwr 1te1r, r•dio i nd lllGr•. FIO'fliJtll6--· - , ._.._ • F15 r Cha11!1 c.b 1to, v. 1, Crui10, pwr di1c1, 11d, 1200 r••• 1prin91. ll11ic c•mp•r 1p•c, cu1! c1b and mor•. Fl 5HREl9424 F250 Ill Styli P.U. 360, V ·I, Cud C•b, Crui10, SS 1mp1 111, 2450 re11 iprin91, b11ic c1mp•r 1p•c". F25HRDl 5010 FIOO Ill Styli P.U. 160, V-1, Cr11i10, R1n9•r pkg., ,,d, 1ir I oil 91u911, 1ir cond. •nd mo••· FIOYRED5421 ~ 730 $ 859 70 MORE TRUCKS CLEARANCE DISCOUNTS! ,, ALL --llMAINING NEW 1961. INGLISH FORDS $99 OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE! MUSTA-NG SALE 18 lo choo1• from. "6" l "I" cylinc!1ri· <I 1p•Gd1, 1ufom1/ic. Som1 with pow1r 1l1•r· in9 ind 1ir conditioning. 11/65 thru lt68 mod•l1, <:onverliblG1, coup•1 ind 2 + 2 f11I· b1 <:k1. EXAMPLES 1965 MUSTANG HARDTOP Fully -lpped. lWX$Jt5.J 2011> clown o~ trtd•. $895 fULL $31 PEI JO PRICE MONTHS 1967 MUSTANG HARDTOP 11-1, •u1o. R&H, P.S., llttory air ccnd. (UJlll51) Blue 800k price Sl45 20,. c!Own or !r•de. $1695 f ULL $47 rn 3' ~, J~IC:E , . MONTHS ' '' . ··---- ., '68 MU~T ANG Vt/~iom.t!c, PS, ..,:;;J,fl,l,ty, l ow milP1. fXSWOOJI ~--or Trade, Hl 95 FULL $59 rER 36 «6 PRICE MONTHS ) 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 ''·'· ~lo. R&H (VIJOOI) true Boole price 11365 Xl'llo doWll• Gt trade. $895 ::t~. $32 ,K JO Monllls TAX REFUND DUE? WHY WAIT? BUY NOW -PAY LATER EASY FINANCING A.YAU.AILE 1966 CHRYSLER 4-D- "'•WPD'' ~din, fully 1qulp1*1, fult powar, ($YV7D1) 81w 8oo4t prier 11930 '°"" down or !ride $1495 FULL $54 ru JO Pal CE Mo11th1 1963 PONTIAC HARDTOP $21 '68 FORD 4 DOOR VB Per 24 Mo11tks C11111:trn, 3911 •"II .. eu!OmltlC, black w1whlh lop. !lJJ1l 11'91ll 111.,. lllOO; prkr lllU. '°°'" d<>wn or t•~cle. $1395 ::t~. $39 ~': .. ~! '67 TOYOTA CORONA o.1u,e I Or. Fld<>ry .qulpM<!. prier 11115. 20'!1. down or lr1dr, ($UYll$J Blllf Dool! $1195 :~~. $43 1961, FORD Y·B Pat" lO MG11th1 4 (Jr, 1u10, pow1r 1i.trl"9, r1dlo " h11!1r. Ifni. I IJSJ1Ut13) Slue Book orlc1 Ul50 I'll' dew" or '"*· $1795 FULL $49 '" l6 PRICE Montlls TWO ACRES OF USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROMI. ,. C12>Wae)tlt,,l.I1ZJ '62 thru '67 Mt~i lj, f1!1~14ttfltry S•d1n1· Country Squirl1·Ch,Ytlt • ~fl 1% lo c~oo1• from, 6 cylinder l 8 tY"lll ., .... m• with full powe• 111d f1 clory •ir. EXAMPLES '64 CHRYSLER NEW .YORKER Wigen, ' P"H. F;icrorv air. flrll pcwtr. (LICK~) lO'llo daW~ or 1r1ae. $1395 ~~~~. $49 ,K JO Mo11th1 '64 MERCURY WAGON • plH. Fully ~UfllP'd, air cond. Colony P•rk POW•• 111b, window;;, elc. IJZY1J!l Blllt 11000: prier 115'0 20'" d<>wn o• 1r1dt. $895 FULL PllCf $33 '" JO Months '62 FORD WAGON 11·1 (OUnlry St'dan. Fully e<iulpPelJ (FW52t9) Tl• .. Lie. c!Own or rradt. $12 '" 24 Molttfl1 1'67 FORD Y-8 I dr .• .t.u10. II .. M, 11111'1 e<!lllllllfd, {IE119. # 7JSUl2n ""' '"" ""L-"1\illl" "' """ ii:j< s 119::. ;iil· · s.,o·· ~·'A $43 '64 BUICK SKYLARK H.T. 2 Or. VI, •u!O .. PS, R&H. prk• tllOD. 20'!\. down or lrad1. $995 :~,';. (IOZOJ6) 111111 8ool( $34 '"JO Mo11tllJ '65 FORD SEDAN "6" 'cyl., auto., R&H. (5'5Jll l*N21. 11111 Book prkl SIQIS. 2011> dawn or tr1de. $795 ;~,<;. $28 :.: .. ~ THUNDERBIRD SALE '64 MERCURY COMET,' • Dr. ••1", I Ull!,, 111.H, (05$11)2) fU119 II .. p!'kt Mtl, XI~. down or trtcl1. "!' $695 ::~. $2f ~...: '62 CHEVROLET PIC~P II> ton lqUIPC*I. GoOd tDt'ICl!llon. (GU9;to'lto doWll ~'$695:.~~~ $29~ I ~: USED CAR SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 48 HOURS UNLESS PREVIOUSLY SOLD -All PAYMENTS FIGURED ON APPROVED CREDIT PLUS TAX AND LICENSE. " : . ,• . J ' \ HAVE A CAREFREE TRIP! You 90 where you want, stay where yo u want without schedules or reservations wh•n you rent 1 Robins D•luxe Pickup C•mper or Condor Motor Home. Call for reason- able rates ... RESERVE EARLY! , ' I LEASING YOUR NEXT CAR? Seve on a ny popular make through our Ford Authorized Lttsin9 System. Our lease experts will 1n1yt• your parti- cul•r needs without obli91tion. Com• in or call today. · /1. cif: 81/2 acres of the most moderri Ford sales and service 'facilities on the West Coast ,j~\Jl 1~ I Th d t ,/-'1/ ~ RIYERSIDE fWY 11.1 · eo ore 20E>O Harbor Robins F 0 rd SERVING SINCE 1921 ~ ...-mr lillMOl ._, .. MT MM.ll IY Costa M·esa ®642~0010 8 A M TC Q p M M (·~J~A' FR~· y . '•TURD•' 8 A~ :u ' 'M PARIS 6. SERVICE HOURS PARIS ONLY S,od•y,IU •m to 6p m 7 AM T0qf MMON[JA Y •7 AM TOoP M IUbDAYff<T DA\ BA M IOcP M ,ATU,i••i f • _, • '' , . I I l • l l I ! I I :'• I . , I> A OPEN ONDAY ·Tll~U FRIDAY 7g;Jo~kt'fl\to"6:00, 1'P.M. • .• ' .. 'SALES ,DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:00 A.M. to '9'.:lO P.M. EVERY DAY -• i -- - \ I , \ . . . . _ .. .. FIREBl ·R.D! • DRIVE OUT TODAY IN THE GREATEST AMERICAN FAMILY I ' t ' •' SPORTSCAR OF THEM All , , • FIREBIRDI THIS BEAUTIFUL CAROUSEL RED AUTOMOBILE IS EQUIPPED WITH SPECIAL PAINT, B·70x14 RED LINE TIRES, DELUXE WHEEL COVERS, DELUXE STEERING WHEEL, WHEEL OPENING MOULDINGS, CUSTOM METAL TRIM PLATES. 223379L601492. STICKER PRICE $3093.38. SPECIAL! WIDE-TRACK SPORT COUPE ·~pert c!!~!!pa~n?!~gol~l~~~~o~a!, push· $2763 ;"9tton radio, head rests, seat belts, decor group, recessed wind· :fiield wipers, ·deluxe wheel discs, deluxe steering wheel, etc. ,233279Z600924. .'85 '·MERCEDES ~220 S. '4,..Dr •• Autd'rn1tic, power steering, r1dio, heeter, WSW. ISBM9591 '66 VALl·ANT V-200 4 Or. passenger wagon. VS , auto. P.S., R&H, WSW, 22,874 miles. ITBX 376 ) '66 BONNEVILLE '"'~ dr. H.T, Hydramatic, P.S., radio, heater, WSW, factory air. I SBW 296 I '67 LE MANS Sport 'coupe. VS, hydramatic, P.S., radio, heater, wh ite walls. ITUP 1861 '68 PLYMOUTH Sport Satallite 2 Or. H.T. VS, 4 speed, radio, heater, red lin e tires. IPISOAl · FULL PRICE FULL PRICE FULL Pi::ce FULL PRICE FULL PRICE .. . '65' Volkswage n Rad io, heater, 4 speed. INPMOBO I '66 CHEVROLET Malibu 2 Or. H.T. VS, auto., P.S., radio, heater, WSW, buc- ket seats, !SVY 94S) '65 CHEV ROLET M a I i b u S.S. VS, automatic, power steering, radio, heeter, wsw, 35,4 75 miles. ! NQX793) '65 CHEVROLET I 2 Or. VS , automatic, R&H, W,SW, '32,6S4 miles. !NQTS43) ' '64 CADILLAC Fle etwood Special. VS , auto- matic, power steering, radio, heater, WSW, factory air. 1Pll681 ' • ·looks like. six • $12n FULL PRICE $19n FULL PRICE •''$1877 . FUl;L PRIG£ $1477 I FULL PRICE $1677 FULL PRICE s BRAND NEW 1969 GRAND PRIX Beautiful Limelight• 9reen exterior with m1tchin9 green .interior. Fully equip~d with turbo-hydramatic tr•nimisslo", power steering, power disc brakes, pushbutton radio, deluxe seat be-Its, tinted· glass, G78 x14 white side wall ' tires, 400 C.l.D. engine, hidden windshield radio antenna, etc. 276- S79P221753. . In Stcick And Ready For Dellv• TAKE DELIVERY TODAY ON THIS OR ANY ONE OF OVER FIFTY . BRAND NEW RREBlli,(>S IN STOCK!. '68 TOYOTA 2 Dr. hardtop. 'Standard trans., radio, heater. (WVX543) '66 BONNEVILLE 4 Or. 9 pass wag. Hydramati~, P.S., R&H, P.8.,\P-winds, WSW,, fa ctory e ir. ISVE 74.7) '64 GR-AND ~a1x VS, hydramati~. Pow:er 'steer- ing, rad(o, keafer., white side wall tires. IOPHl6Gl '68 .LE MANS' . . 2 Dr. H.T. VS, hydramatic, power steering, R&H, white walls, factory a ir. IVRH614 1 '67 COUGAR 2 Door hardtop. VS, automatic, power steering, radio, heeter, WSW tires, mag wheels. ITRT 7271 FULL PRICE . " Each And Every "Carver-Care Car" Carries Our 100°/o Warranty On Mechanical Parts. . i An Sales Prices Effectlff tt... ~. Maich 27, 1969 ALL PRICES INDICATED ARE, OF COURSE, PLUS LIC. & TAX ' G ' t ·---