HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-29 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesae··. - ...t . . SAlURDAY, MA RCH , 29, "'" VOl.. q, NO. 7'o 4 IKr'°"S. ,...,... --' .. . ·-' .. • • -• -• Heading Dome 'Suzie' Ends Heart Convalesence By TOl\f BARLEY Of lftt D•llY" !'llol 511ff "Suzie's going home." That's the spoken and unspoken thought in Childrens Hospital corridors this weekend -the last weekend in the Orange facility for Orange County's most famous heart patient. Little Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong will be taken Tuesday to the home of an unidentified hospital volunteer. She will .s pend two weeks there before boarding a Saigon-bound Pan American jet on April 14. And waiting for her in the South Viet- namese capital will be Le Thi Lan, the unhappy mother who was forced to leave the two-year-old tot a few weeks ago and return to her army officer husband and Infant son. · Delighted Childrens Hospital surgeons Friday pronounced "Suzie" -the name by which ~he is known to the hospital st.arr -as fully recovert!d from heart surgery. And the infection of her open wolJ(ld which delayed her recovery from the open heart operation bas now · com· pletely subsided. Arrangement! have been made for Suzie to receive periodil! checkups in her own country. But surgeons here foresee no problems provided the Child's parent.s carry out tbe carefully· worded instructions that the bappt little girl will carry~ith her. Her discharg! ends a four-month stay 1n the hos_PitaJ. Tbe ·dtsperately JU child Wal' brooght lo Orange County WI November as a result of arrangements made by Lt.. Douglas Henning, a Navy officer who .p>tted her conditJon while examining Vietnamese children at the Da Nang base . His wife, Linda, is a ChUdren1 Hospital nurse who has been as&igned to dally care of Suzie since her arrival here. And Mrs. Henning tipecls that her bu,. band will be at Saigon airport with Sllf.ie's family to welcome home the child who seemed hardly able to make the long flight to the United States four months ago. Many Childrens Hospital nurses and staff think April l was an ideal day to set the discharge ol. the little girl who has become their loved am devoted mascol "A lot of us girls are going 'to look vuy foolWl on Tuesday," a superv1lor said Friday; "We'te trailfed to bOld back the tears bUt I dm't tblRt .wi'll succted when we see that lweet · Uitle Suzie leave us." Pereira May Consider Joint Use of El Toro -. -·-,._, .. __ _ ,. -..... • , -- -- ·-• Stubblefield s "f • I' 'Justifiable' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of "'9 DlllJ Plltf lt1tr La)' and life can be uncompromising. · One can challenge the first and forfeit the: seci>nd. ' , Stephen stuJ>blelield did, two weeks ago tonlghL . Justifiable homlcide, was the verdict Friday, as Oru;g. County District Al· torney C..:il A. Hicks partially coocluded a Prvbe into the Costa Mesa poUce slaying of a boy burglary suspecl "Stubby" Stu\Jbteneld, If, of 10112 Kline Drive, Sanla Ana Helgbll, evidenUy led two lives in wee.ts leading up to the Saturday night he was fatally wound- ed. In one, be was a quiet 1eboolboy with a bright, curious mind. But the Stubblefield youth had been increasingly involved with drugs and he had a blueprint for burglary in hia pocket when he died. REPEATS GUIDE Repeating the operational guidelines mentioned earlier by ,Costa Mesa Police Chief Roger Neth, Hicks saJd in a prepared' statement Friday that the kilJ. ing was regrettabk! but !till jllstified. Law enforcement and the basic philosophy that juvenile o f f e n d e r s deserve a degree of sympathy and a &eCOlld chance. simply reach a point of no.retum .tomewbere. Stubby ·stubblefjeld reache<J' that point ·~Y liefore midnight If clayi ago, l'UlllUlll UJniogh a, l!elVice, lla~on 1'111 yards from a Costa Mesa camera shop bruk·ln of ;ic<omp~,lllll, He was a frlgbteneCI, 'kid with one .!1& caliber buDet 'bole alr .. dy In his lee . when a leCond pblioonan'.t bullet trashed into his ~' fataUy wounding him. · The California Penal Code spells oul the dellniUon of justitiable homicide by police officers in a specific section listed by Hicks in his statement Fridi.y. IGNORE!> CO~~ "One neCessarlly committed In ar- ny JACK BROBACK runway ~iguraUon can eHecUvely add re11Ung perspns ,charged with felony JOO 01 IM CN111Y ,.1•1 s"" eff.icien!Jy ~ copunerc:lal air opera· whoftre fieeinc froln jmtict," the .ectlon An -lntelllive-look -a~ ~ble -joint --. • • --. ~· rphn,.,_.....:.~.....:. _ _:._~-- use of the Et''!'Oro .Marln<O Corps Ail' ~ llel«mJne, '1n_cooperai:l90 'wllh th8 · 'l'llt-,·boy tisno<ed five commandl ·lo Slltion by miJltar't 8nd <orruit<rcW fedt!Jh\~·~&ui>o:"'~ ¥! before .Sgt. Bob BallJn&er • an<: "'-• • , iolotc • lo ·I~ i(ltb nopocl Je patrolmen Rlcbird Jolmlon and Geor1e aircraft may ho .uooerlaken in ~ air tnlflc,-olt;c " • , Wll!oP fired at. the fl&utt, dttmd In 11 of the coqnty~ Master Plan cl Ni . ..,. Prepuo 0 ICJ!emallc 1a,..n of u-· 'lilai •and dilhlng 'lhrtlGgh the dark Transportation. act1y wllll the· e<Uljf wMd • ~ • loel!anyl • • 1 · The county Air Transport Ptanninr in • JtiDI -~ aDll 11ow the :,.,.. cqnot detmnlne wbooe Ibo! Group will r'e<ommend Slch •'study <)'Ile!!) -Id~ Jdlkd l!im. • to the Board ol Sopa:vllon Tuesday. ' -Analyte 'Ud justify . the ....,tf', , .'s.iu~ldlold bad.bten•i)ivolvecj Jo SQJne If lhe recommendation is accerted, need for joint ase under a .lhcJrt term l(fl'lpl!S as a pupil at Bayview School, the investlgallon into the future o air contract of 11 ye.an. whtte •.Princlpat Garland Wetttl -uid transportation in Orange County will -Conduct a COit and reven~ survsy.. :tba-btY. WorteH IXl .a band~e-1>14que mo,·e forward for the first time in The study group a1Jo l"flCOnUTle.nds that.. · ol anllquea wood, a graduation gUt ltW i;cveral monlhs. in the event joint aae of ~ Toro it on We~'• petk. ~ . Tbe ! fJtm of !l_illiam Periera .Ind fouod qot feuiblt, tbalPtr:ltn prepare 111 ap[l'eclatea1liat," Said the educator, ~;;,,.h1'*1,«>11;1ct<df l;'lla» l'J'ia.~t-.~11( O{lllp,llounlJ• ·,r~.,. 'other kldi might lmve given nft!IO;' ,l(CYel'al,inonll1i"atd, wi>WIL; ·~\-~, ~~Jllll!lt. U.., us 1 bri>ken window for 1 going-away bHslil!d f!i'Ph'ast·lftO! ,.,,. ·.~·-MPJ.·ud.WU..' how praenl'and lbiJ•telllu1 ...... lhlng about -°'\lerliiine •If!'' pre5en! El T(\to they ·"ould iii f~~· • ' 1 •, I > him." ' • -' or .. ·-· ....... .,;.,. ' ----ACROSS THE NAT~ON -:-_.Capital io lag at ~alf.itaff · Greek Orthodox . . Church Would Welcom e Jackie BOSToN ·(UPI)·-The PIJmate of the Greet · Orthodox Church of North and South America said Friday Mrs: Jac- queline Onassis wouJd be welcome in his church if she should decide to join it. Archbishop JakoVos also told a news canf~rence the Vatican could decide "momenta.rUy" on her status within the ·OathOllc Olurcb. · ·, "J"t Ille ls deprived or the sacran1ents of her ,own chUrch $e may becom.e a member of our ch1lreh," he said. She would...be~come" ~the~Greek Orth· odox Cbl/'ch• he added. -:--•"- MR. BEA~ Wt>N:T · . . . :A.NSW,ER PHONE . ' BALTIMORE. Md. CAP) -Ballirnor< Z.C,• director Arihur Wai.on said Friday Ltf switchboard has been .getting an 111· crtaJl'!(;Qwnber of calJs l•tclv for 1uc;h_ rt*tdentl as "Mr. Bear-;" ·'~t. t.oi:• and "Mr. Uon." Wllllon said he's not going to take .any c:hanca Tue.sday -April Fools day. The zoo11 phone llnu :will be clOled down that diy. • . " • • o .u .rnm . : .. '· - 'WASIJINGTOK>(UP!l -Fq<·t!le·li/lrd Ump in tl;Ll~d~ade, lhe nation m9U1'D,ed today one of !ta Jll:"ldenta. Dwl&lit'DaVld Eisenbower1 ite beloved arid' gallant lead- er in ·war and peace. ' · The remains of the 34th .President were laken I<> Belblehem aiape1 of the Wash- ingtm NaUonal Cathedral at 8 a.m. PST, 4larilnr • -funeral ~ through Wednesday ~"'Ebelhower win 1>e laid to rest a.t hiJ boyboOd -home in Kan.Sas' sprawling ptaiM. The tired heart «. tbe<7a.year~ld gen. era! of the 'Army finally gav•'ot& al 8:25 County Lawyers . Totd Reds Plot Campus Violence "Dedicated, disciplined . COmmunls"t agitators form the hard' core of the student riots: that disrupt .our campw:es today," Los Angeles County Distfict N~ torney Evelle J . Younger told a-meeting ot Orange County lawyers Friday. "There are only' a few of them ," Younger quickly added, '1Just three or four real bad guys who couldn't(; fire to a waste basket on their n. But they are .proteulooal agltaton, ly trained hoodlums wbo know bot to get the absolute m~mwn from Uaijtt- ing students." '· .. Ybur)ier described the 11tvast ~11.1• of tod~'s students I! Mnoble of ;peture. pure of heart but faulty of j~ent. ''. ''Tli'ey' are." he told tthe ~ty Bar Association In Santa Ana,' a higb- minded, volatile group who fall easy prey to the prolesslonal troubie' maker! who ~feast on their inexl>Cl'.~ncc and youthfu l zeal." --:---"t.,.., ......... -... -., ;-r,..';. - -- ..; .. . ' .• ,More Elsellhower . ' Coverage.. Page a . . I I • " ! • J~ .. . . • . •. man, his immediate prect........, al1if Lyndm, B. Johnaon, the Senate ltadei of the opposition during moot of bia . .r, mlnislralioo, as lhe lll!tion" only .mvJ., Ing forinet chief ex-I 0n sunday Eiseribower'S iema1nsJS, 1 be moved by healse to' a 'point at l Street and Coi;istitutlQll , Avenue, w , view of the sotith porll(o-of the Wbl~ Hous~ •. wher.e lie · reswed from 1~ ~ 1961. ·There tlte ·cas~e:}'lll be fa~ on a. ho~awn ~a1s1Nl' :for .th~' .furi'1'8' corJeg<.at .s\MdaJ'\l sf#, to the Capfl?lf The body will 1l1e·.in i.&te' in the v~IQ ed rotunda of the. capitol· \mill Monilaj morning, A joint guanl o( honor will stand. a . death _ watch. Yresld.J!lt •Ni.Jot will lead the nation Sunday...a!temooo ~ offering a eWou to the .man he served as vice preslden( for eight yean. As al the.-.! loday, the pub~ will• be ,pennlt~w m, past the cioe<ll cast<el conlallllng the ¥1. ~ ~' ""'! lhe)' alfecUonate!Ju••M to . u · ~ -<luring the dart do1J>ol World War ii , as 'well as the piadid days>af the ,·soJ i • , .. ; I, ! , t .. ' Ol'ange Cow 1 W~adier DELAl:'S .COSTLY ... -r-~ . -·a. r !'. .,J,, • I Ana rt!uCb b!"lJOll>l'e"Serttdent u~rest More ofttitltt •..amti~f'~Ha!Y ,.._ c~n be dir~l[ attri~µted. y~ger ,s.iµd, sunshine UfrO\lgh the weektmd ·· lo the_ "4on: eall in ihf police j\ist With high ol l!!,!111 the beach~ I yet" attitude or many teaetlers and ad-~nd 'a low-oi~."'i. , . ~ mlnJstraton. " ~ ·· _J __ _.ll.NU.Ql&..:..,..n • • • .,,,., ••• looncrlrliiir1ltutrnpmeoce-.... ...,,,., . ..__.,.._ __ .,. that 1be -time to call tn !!le . blue PQfle B todau u f1lll of .J«ol unlformt is right at thi beglmUnc" ~Of ntuis, photoc: _and Jtatun1 - the riot," Yoonitt salf.' '"l'lleir .,.. pllAI the pop1'lor People Sc""' ·attJtuiles tilwfll'dl pote1dlMJ ·--col~mn. · oo lho cunpus lmve o(ll!I inllam..i 111' • T~eodore /noilo'tfll•1M trvth riol to-'lhe.poinl that M .. almost.brJ111111 'about .,.millg ~I cootrol. 1o • ht CGlll &!'~ aauidal" • "'(OWlget pointed tO",;..o,t; 11cbaft'e ih ---tn Fomilw Wnlclv. • 'profteaJooal-altKudel'IOI many teacbero e Stqri of T~e Q\l<n ofl(l I Of• as compared to the.. teachers di his 1mfUng on the ou&ddi of TV 1youtli and rtcenl 1\fll!e1 -"many of \VEEK ,;,,,,,,., ·~· .......... '· ,\herri lboughUess'' ~by ~\ors._'', tlliir 1 Oir"hh,,. ltiiji earitti-1 ' 1 · "'l'ho'se strikes hte'Jll!t whlt 'tbe pr0. , • 1d, Q/Ur "OllJV<"9lt""! !ldaon.1 fessional agitator 11 looking for ." , ·Younger 111M. "He tlmel his dtmOMtra. ::' ~ U ~ ; I • Uon to cotnclde With the •teac~· ~ ., J.. ~ ,, ~ '" u 1 walkout and It ~ rich d!Yklendl' for E ' 11f: !: ~ 1 :t_ t.• (Bee CAMPUll, 'Page II r 2 MILY PILOT s S . . . f T.. . •git ~ o .i .~ ~. 1u1e· . ---/ .. -.. in :iNewpor SAIGON (AP) -U.S. and .government foreves fought 10 battles across ·South Vietnam -one the cloest to Saigoft since 1 the Viet Cong launched their .-. of. tensive -and three AmerkaD alra2ft were shot down, milltary spokesmen said today. ( The fighting left 251 ·Vi<!! Cong ad noitering the outskirts of Salgoo Friday 1o1o'hen Viet Cong gunners opened up with machine gwu. They dbwned lhe observa· tion craft. which was later salvaged, and then tpt the gunship as it swooped to help. The gunship was de.troyed and a crewman was killed. ... __ North Vietnamese dead at a coM-of leV• en Americans and 10 SOutb Vietilaniese killed and 74 Amerieallll aod 30 goveni- ·F«ce B57 twin~ntd bomber, hlt by grouftd f\fe Thursdaj near the coastal city of QUI Nbon. The crewmen were ~ uniQjured. The plane was the 3:i!Lst find:w:i:ng aircraft Jost over South V1etnam.-'!be other two were helicopters. whoae loo! sparked a 21>-bour !ll<light ooly .. als. niiles -ol Saigon, the cl06UI fighling to lhe capital in the !lve- week~1d offensive. Spotemneo said an observali<Jo hell· copter..fnll1l the U.S. 1.t ln!aoiry Divis· ioo. blcktd up by-. gunstip-were recon- Infantrymen of the 1st Divilion, pa· trolling tbe same area, Sought oot the enemy and clashed with about 30 Viet Cong soldiers. They r<pOrted tilling 10 at a cost of one American ~. .. • mmt.soJdiers wounded. . _., ' ,. I •, .. I. .. J· I· J· • Oo0 i' lhe downed'1llrcrafl was u Air In, tlie .. Sw.im at tJae .Y In lhe c.ntral highlandl eerly lhlJ ' ' . • The best thing around a pool is. a young&ter who ca n swim, says the Oll!Jlge Ccest YMCA, which is offer· :' ing a learn to swim Easter Week program for ; . y0W1gotera 7 to 13 years of age. Warming up for program, which slarts Monday, are (from left) Craig Starr, Mark Hodson, Laurel Travers and Steven Provence. For complete details, call the Y at 642-9990. f;atholic Service .. Set for Mesa GI Killed in Combat Arrests at Valley State Not Needed, Court Rules CalboUc f\ineTli Tites have been LOS ANGELES CAP) -Three San Fer· ·~hedaled for a Costa Mesa Gt 'tilled nando Valley State College student!, con- 1n viebi'am combat, _set_ for Mond81 _ victed of failing to disperse from a Jan. and -~ in St. Joachim's Church,. CostiiTw: ----·---------.. _ - Anny Spec. 4 Stephen Lucia, 19, of Time for Kids 3011 Harding Ave., is survived by bbl .. pannis, Mr c. and l\lra., Al Lucia, . t... T T k Pl 111a11n and-·-· . . . . o a e unge Rosary will be Monday at 1 p.m., . . and Requ!em Mass wm be Tue.sday at ; Recreationll .swimmlng wil1 be ;ot:fercd t a.~~ With F'ather ThOiriu J. Nevin 'by the Huntington Beaclt Parks and offiCJatmc. Int.ennent wiU follow ln Good· 'Recreation Department at several cit y Shephenf Cemetery, Hulltll)llon Beacll. .·. · pools beginning today. --------"------.· Pools -at· Marii'ia'. High Schoor ·an d DAILY PILOT ~·leftlt;· t4•,.t ........... . ~ ..... ~ · .. ,., .... ,..., 'CMt•M•M ' ~ CAUPOINIA Th-•• Ktt"il 1:.itor n.,..,, A. M11r111hi~• ~"lti"I E•I._. P1uf.~iu111 .......... 111 .. , .,_ -· c.t• ~~all Wt1ll1'1' Slr"t HrwM>rt lntft : tl11 fful l •'bf• l11111rHrllf "-"""" ktcl11 11" ,.,.,, .. _ Hilt!!.,..... IU<ti: '°' ~ '" ... --• • Golden West College will be.' open to the public, from 12 :30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The city :pc)al, located at 16th Slrf'tl and Palm~ AVenue, will be 'Optn during the same hours Saturday and from March 31 to.April 5. The ciiy pool will . .also be open each Mondiy and Wednesday evening: from 1:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for family swim-ming .. · · Adm.iasioo is SO cent& adull.'I and 25 ceati for children. ·'Oakland. Seven' Found Innocent OAKLAND. (UPI) -An eight· man, !Our-woman jury friday nigtt found tl1e "Oakland Seven," a group of Bay Area ;-etJWif1HC!~ htd-becof:ne---.-cause celebre amona the radical lc!t, lnnocen~ ol. cmoplr1cy charges. ~· MVen were charged wlth (omen- . Ung UM masslve demonstraUons and en- suing riots lhal took place at the Oak· Jand armed forces induction centu dur- ing the "Stop the Draft" week protests of October 1967. Speclflcally the defendants w er e . t~'!'ied. ~@I j:he 1<\tnY of coosplrlng to have 'Othtrl' commtt acu ot trespassing and obstructing: poUct, both mlsdemean- on. tr COnvicted; etch would have re· ceived a · marimum · sentence « three years lo jail 1nd a fine of 1$,11118. 9 campus rally, have been granted ne\Y trtala by Muolclpal Court Judge Erich Auerbach. The jurisl ruled Friday that Incom- plete Instruci.lons were given jurors try· ing Joseph A. 11.aclel, 19, of Sepulveda, and Harr-la Dellre, 21 , and Kendal R. Oku, 18, both ol Lo6 Angeles. Auerbach said there was oo nttd to arresl 286 persons at the cltimonstration. ApprChendlng a few leaders \o.'ould have induced the rest to leave, he said. The Judge. ·o.:ho previouslv acquittcrt eight students on the same charge. s;ild he would disqualif.v himself frorn all fu- ture proceedings. So far there ha\'e been Sfi acquittals and four corP~lc(ions. The order lo disperse folJoWed a decree by the actlng president r:I the college. ~!mar Oviatt, th at the campus "'as in a state of emergency. Some judges .have held the decrtt vio. lated f~om of assem bly. Others have ruled students should ha\•e Obeyed .police, ~ardless of the validity of Oviatt's order. Anti-Wa r Rally At SF State No -Prob le m at All SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A small anU- war rally on the San Francisco State Col· Jege campus caused hardly a stir Friday as th& «)flee embattled Institution com- pleted its first week sfnct the end d a •~ montb student !trike. Fewer than 100 students gathered for the meeting then quieUy moved into an auditorium with admtnlstration permls· t!:lon after being asked to d1sperte Crom the commons area. The peactful fffling pervaded the office of acting President SJ. Hayakawa. "lt's a wondtrful feeling," he com· mented. ''There's a real relid from 1train.'1 t morning, North Vietnamese troops as. sauJted a night bivouac ol a 4th Infantry Division unit uoder cover of a *round mortar barrage. ~uarters said sev· eral North Vietnamese broke tJ::roU&b an outer perimeter of the c~p MS mU&s northeast ol i;ai&oo, . huri!IMI . satdlel charges at the dflfendera. At daybreak the attackers were r~' ed with the help' ol helicopter 1U11ahlpo. U.S. casualties were two ktDed and ZS . wounded. EoelJl1 cuualllts ....,. not . known. 5 Narcotics S11spects Held; 6 More S9ught Officers from three Oranlo Coul· po- lice agencies and agenta from the state Bureau of NarcOtics iri Santa Ana began a roundup of 11 narcotics suspects· Friday night. Five persons were arTested in Laguna Beach '~ early this morning police were eeii'ching for six niore suspects Damed m Warrants. ~ , DAILY PILOT ""'-' by Jollll Vllfen:I CITY AIDE MAXINE MCALPINE TESTS THE WATER Whet Goe1 on Htr•? Why, It's An Art Show, of Cou rie Officers from Laguna Beach, NewPorf. B dl y w d Btach, a Tustin detective, and state nar· ra ey, orty, ar cotk:s agents took part in Friday night's amsts. Jailed were Betty Jean Creamer, S6, Apt 2, 2969 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, charged with sale of dangerous drugs and conspiracy to sell dangerous drugs: Christopher A-licbael Yeomens, 21 , 2613 Victoria Drive, Laguna Beach, two counts sale of dangerous drugs and two ~s of sale of piarijuana; ~pb Dia· mood, 22, 119(, Victory Walk, L•l!Jlll• Bea.ch, two counts of.sale of ·dangerous «tritp; George "ktbur Bushaw", '201 of Detroit, lt!Jch., arrested a\ 1195 Victory Walk and charged with posse&!ton of ·, marijoan8., and· Golleen ·'Erin· ;Mclfugh, 20, 1198 Victory Walk, Laguna · S.acll, who faces a charge of p<>meDon ·marl· juana. A Laguna Beach police spokesman !aid the arrests culminated a month and ball's undercover investigation. Thirty ounces of marijuana, warth abot.t ~ on the illicit market, and a number ol. marijuana plants were found at Creamer's apartment, aceording to police. Officers said about 25 marijuana cigarettes and a quanitity o( LSD were seized at 1195 Victory Walk where Dia· mond, Bushaw and McHugh 'vere .:irrest· ed. Judge Rej ects Snit Against A1ts Festival The suit by Laguna Beach arllst Charles Beauvais against the Festival of Arts has not shown that the Festival violated any of its own rules. These are the findings <lf Superior Court Judge Claude M. Owens who thus far nol found adequate reason to let I.he suit becQme a trial. The court's findings were sent !:~· letter tQ ~loses A. Berman. attornE.y for Beau vais, and Richard Mudge, Festival attorney. Judge Owens allowed Bermun IS additional days to amend his suit -for the second time. Jf lhis is not done. the matter ends, aet:ording to Mudge. Beauvais had camplalned" that be was discriminated a.gain.st &S a Festival u. hibltor, that his booth was behind • trtt and ·that h1i picture Wa! ar'bltrarlly left out fll the souvenir program. La guna A1tist's Funeral Slated A funeral service for longtime Laguna Beach artist Florence E. Sh~pp will be helcl·Mooday-at Forest Lawn, Glen- dale, following death Thuisday du"e lo a length;): Illness. Miss Shupp, IO, of S La Senda, T\lree Arch Bay, succumbed at South Coast Cotnmuntty HospitaL South Laguna. Rite3 !or the Slanlotd Uilvinity graduate who atudled palntfui ·1n New York and bad ,.veral AR Colony elhlbits will be at 11 a.m. in the Week Kirk 0' the Heather Church, Forut Lawn. She was a desetndant. ol naUonaJly prominent texWe and investment banking families, but Is survived only by her brother Kenneth, ol· ChArlotle; North Carolina. 1-2-3 in Mayor's Race ~OS ANGEi.ES (Al') -A new poll s!pws City :Q>u.ncilman Thomas Bradley substantially .leading 13 other. candldates ~~e r~ID!yor. ~_. -~-::: ~ - :i-.. po~~·•~lon'.>tltlon". KNXT 'by Ahe ..Yield Research Corp., and distributed Fridav. shows Bradley receiv· ini"31 per Cerlt~~t tlle ;:ote coTnpafed to· 21 per cent forl'fayor Sam Y"Orty: 14-J"!r · cent for television ne\\'SC<lsler Baxt~r Ward and IO per cent for Rep. Alphonzo Bel4 R-Calif. . TI!f primary Js nut Tue$day •. Tbere Fro11• Page l CAMPUS .•• him. What the public gets then i& the picture of striking teachers and parading students." But it \o.'ould be a mistake, the district attorney \\'arned, to '.'look on all or even many of our students as Com- munists or Communist-oriented. You can bet that 490 out of 500 you see in a campus riot will become good citit.ens whose ma.in concern wilt be to raise a fa1nily and buy a home," he said. \Varn ing lhat he ha<l no so!utiofl.i to offer. Younger urged the universal adop- tion of a "new attitude." He said, "It is not enough to talk of equality. We must together completely eliminate discrimination and prejudice and thus take a giant stride towards solution ol t.he inunense problems Liat lace us today. "Talk is cheap and it isn't enough. You can·t be a little bit free. Remi?mbcr that the man who's won his freedom alt l "'ants l.O be able to climb a little ... bit higher and he should, God blw him, be able to do exactly that.'' At the same time, Younger said, "lilat same man must be made lo understand lh&t there mlllt be no breaking of laws. no .resorting to yjolence l.O abtain ·.vhat may not yet have come his way." Four Sentenced To Hard Labor For SF Mutin y FT LE\VIS, 'Vash. (AP) -Sentences ranging from nine month! to 8ix years at hard labor were meted out Friday to four young California soldiers con· victed d mutiny. Pvt. Ricky Dodd, 21. Hayward WHS ~ed to &ix years. PVt. Harold Swanson, 191 San Leandro, r&OOv~ a three-year eentence; Pvt. Willlain Hayes, 21, Healdtburg, two y..,..; and Pvt. Ed· ward Y0&t. 23, Elmira, nine months. All we.re reduced to the lowest grade and must forfeit all pay and allowances. Dodd, Hayti and Swamon are to be given dishonorable d11eharges. Yost is to be given a bad conduct discharge. The four were convicted of mutiny Thuntday for taking part in 1 sit down demonstrat.lon in San Francisco last Oct. 14. Four others of the· 27 sokiien charged as a result of the demoostraUon were coovicted utUer and reeelvfd aentences t'lllging fl<xn lour year1 to 11 yem. Ont 15 yw tent.ebce wu· subsequently re- duced W two yurs. ' will be a runoff May 27 between the top two unless one candidate gets a majority ln the primary. -: Of a cross aectlon !,OW V@r, .. 11 per cent..,"U)li'-no dlolce .,....ii'til4r.they would vote fot one of 10 other candldites the poll said. -' Braiflif, i.'Negro, raii tliini in life same poll-February: He's· picked up support from 23 per cent of the white community and enjoys support from 71 per cent ~! Negr~. the poll said. U undecided voters were distributed propcrtionately among the candidates the poll said, Bradley would get 39 per ~ent. Yorty 28 per cent, Ward 19 per cent and Bell 13 per cent. others would get l per cent, the poll said. Ward to Continue As LA Candidate Despite 'Slurs' LOS ANGELES IAP) -Baxter Ward says he's not withdrawing from the mayor's race after alt The former television newscaster had said he might withdra1v to protect his wife from slurs against her late father, Jack "The Enforcer'' Whalen , killed in a gangland shooting in 1959. He accust'd J\.fayor Sam Yorty, running for reelec· lion, of planting those slurs. Yorty denied it, accusing Ward of making a play for voters' sympathies. Ward in turn said Yorty was a liar. City Councilman Tom Bradley, an- other of 14 contenders In Tuesday's pri· mary, called Friday for a "cease fire" between Yorty and Ward. "ft is 1 disservice to the voters that !wo c~ndidates for mayor have engaged in . this petty personal bicRring, '' he said. Vietnamese P easants - U 11cove1· l\Iass Grave li VE. Vietnam (UPI ) -Hundreds (If peasants Friday dug up a grislv remind- er of the 1968 Tet offensive -the bodie! of 67 relaU,,es executed with hands Lied behind their backs. The victims, decomposed beyond rec- ognition, "'ert discovered in trenches running through an uninhabited expanse of sandy flat lands 10 miles east ol ·Hue. Province officials said hundreds more may be burled in the mass grave . Saddleback Signups Sla ted Next Week ReglstTation for the spring quarter at Saddieback College, Mission Viejo, will be held Tueoday and Wedneoday from I p.m. to 9 p.m. Clessts w111 begin on Thursday. For course in-. ronnation and registration details. call 49S--45J'1. 49S-4&38 or 831·9700. _________________________ _.:.. __________ ------ - - • • W .eekend . E-Dl·llON ltalb' Paper voi:. 62, NO. 76, 4 SECTIONS, 70 PAGES SATURDAY, ~ARcH 29. ·,9~9 .. · . ' TEN CENTS Hicks Tells Why Killing ~ustiflahle 8J AllTllUR R. VINSEL Of .. ll9IJf' ........... La• and life can be mJCOmpromi&ina'. One can cballence the first and forfeit the second. : stephen stubbleOeld did, two weeks ago l<miCht. JusUfiable homicide was the verdict Friday, u Pranre County District At- torney Cecil A. Hieb partially concluded a probe into the COiia Mesa police •iayinl of a boy lior&lu'Y IUl)l<cl. "Stubby" Stubblefleld, lt. ol 1011! Klllle Drlve,,$lnla Anti BolPU. evldeoUy Jed two Uvu in weeU leldfDI up to the S.turoay nilbt be -IMlllY wound- ed. In one, be wa a qalel achoolboy wltb a brigbl, curloul mind. BUI the Slabblefleld )'«ltb had been lncttalltigly inwlv<d wltb drugs and be had a blueprint for burglary in bis pocbl when bo died. · llEPBATll GUIDE Ropeallng the operaUonal guldellnu mentioned earlier by Costa Mesa Police Chief Roger Neth, Hicil 'said in a p~ statement Friday tbat the kl!~ ing was regrettable but still jtl!tified. Law enforcement and the basic philosophy that juvenile o f f e n d e r s deserve a degree of sympathy and a second chance simply reach a point of no return somewhere. Stubby Stubblefield reached that point shortly before midnight 14 days ago, nntning through a service station 270 yards from a Costa Mesa camera shop break-in of accomplished skill. He was a frlgbtened tid wilh one .31 calibet bullet bole already in bia leg when a aecond: polioonan's bullet crashed into bia cbe!t, fatally wounding him. The California Penal Code spells out the delinJUoe of jusijliable bomlcide •Y police )ifllcm la • IPO!'!Dr ~'111¥ by .Hjcil lo bla ot•lhiVnl 1'1:1dii7. •'Oho ...,......Uy committed In ar-· restina persons charged witb felony and w~o ate fleeiq from justice," tht section explains. The boy iilKlf'td five commands to halt before Sgt. Bob Ballinger and patrolmen Richard Johnson and George Wilson fired at the figure, dressed in black and dashing through the dark 200 feet away. Tests cannot determine whose shot killed blm. Stubblefield had been involved in some scrapes as a pupil at 'Bayview School, where Principal Garland Wetzel said the boy worked on a handmade plaque of antiqued wood, a graduatioo gift still on Wetzel's desk. County Lawyers Told Reds Plot Campus Violence ''Dedicated, disciplined Communist agitators fcrm the bard core of the student riots that diarupt our campuses today," Los Angeles Cottnty District At· tomey Evelle J. Younger told a meeting of Orange Couety lawyers Friday, ''There are only a few of them," Younger quickly added, 0 just th.rte or four real bad guys who couldn't set fire to a waste buket on their own . Bot they are professional agilakn, high· Jy trained hoodlums who know bow to get the absolute ·maximum from unwltt· ing students." Younger described lhe "vast majorit.y .. or today's students as "noble of nature. pure of heart but faulty of judgment.•· "They are," he told the Orange County Bar Association in Santa Ana, "a high· minded, volat.ile group who fall easy prey to the professional trouble maker!'! who feasl on lbeir inei:perience and youthfttl ... 1... . DELAYS COS'l1.Y And much of our present student unrest can be dlret<ly attributed, Younger Aid, Id the "don~ call in the police JU!! yet'' attitude ct. many ttacben and ad- mhmtraton. '"'l'bey've fouod fl'Ogl bitter aperience that. tbe but time to call in the blue unilonn1 IJ l'iibt at the beginning ol the riot." Younger aaid. '"lbelr own aWtudu towardl potential diaturba~ on the campus have often inflamed the riol to the point that it'• almost beyond control." Younger pointed to the "chanae in professional atutude" or many teacher• ~s compared to the teachers or hi~ youth and rect:ot strikea -"many of them thougbtJesa" -by fducatora. "Those st'rikes are just wbat the pro ressional agitator is looking for," Youngu said. "He limes his demOOltr• tloa to coincide wKb the ttachen' IYalkout and ft pays rlcb dlfldends far (SQ CAMPUS, Part II i .,._. SUZIE CELEBRATES HER SECOND BIRTHDAY Tiny Vi1tnam1s1 Heart Patient Hlading Home Heading Home 'Suzie' Ends Heart Convalescence By TOM BARLEY Of rtll DI/Ir '011t St•ff "Suzie's 11oing home." 'l'ba~ ~ ~op 1114. '!"'po~ tbottglil ·lo lllliltlrens !liiopital corridors Ibis w~ -the lalt weebod In the Orange facility JOr Orange County's most farriOU5 heart patiinl Little Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong will be taken Tuesday to the home of an unidentified hospital volunteer. She will spend two weeks there before boarding a Saigon-bound Pan American jet on April II. And waiting for her in the South Viet· namese capital will be Le Thi Lan, the unhappy mothtt who was forced to ]eave tbe two-year~ld tot a few weeks ago and return to her army officer hwband and infant son. Delighted Childrens Hospital surgeom Friday pronounced "Suzie" -the name by which she is known to the hospital staff -as fully recovered from heart surgery. And the infection of her open wot.ind which delayed her recovery from the open heart operation has now com- pletely subsided. Arrangements have been made for Suzie to receive periodic checkups in her own country. But surgeons here foresee no problems provided the chikl's parents carry out the carefully worded instructions that the bappy litUe r!rl will ~l!l'Y'l!illt bor, , , , • · " Her dilcbirie en& 1 four-montb atay in the hospital The clesw•t<IJ ill cblld was brought to Orang~ County laot November u a restdt of mTangementl made by Lt. llouglu Henning, a Navy officer who spotted her condiUon while eramining Vietnamese children. at the Da Nang base. His wile, Linda, is a Chlldrens Hospital nurse who has been assigned to daily care of SuZie since her arrival here. And Mrs. Henning expects that her hus- band will be at. Saigon airport with Suiie's famil.)' to welcome borne the child who seemed bardJy able to make the long fliaht to lbe United States four months ago. Many Childrens Ho!pital nurses and staff think April 1 was an ideal day to set the discharge of the little girl who has become their loved and devoted mascot. "A lot oC us girls are going to look very foolish on Tuesday," a supervisor said Friday. "We're trained to hold back lhe tears but I don't think we'll succeed when we see that sweet little Suzie leave us." Thngtime Oil Foe Rallies Citizens, Solons to Battle By JAC\( CHAPPELL OI ,_ Dlllb "Mit llltft Anxious Laguna Beach citittns, city councilmen and other anti-offshore oil people are mapping pJan.5 today ror what may become an all-out battle against tide- lands oil drilling. General chairmaD of the new gtoup is •long-time. offshore oil foe VicUJr C. An· drews of Emerald Bay, who years ago formed the Coast.al Oil Protective. League, known as COPL. Now Andre1rs hu taken up the. a.nti- oil battle ny again with a new organiu· Ooin .. yd UllllOtlled. Finl salvos in the new fight were. fired '11lllnday at ~ Laguna meetiJI& attended by 11....-.! lead<n, Including Assembly· moo Robert Badham (JI.Newport Beacbl. Stat. &eoatcr John G. Scbmlti (11-TuotinJ and Uguna City Manager James D. Wheaton. 'GOD HELP US' ''God help us tf we don't act now.'' An- drews &old the group. "California will never again have the opportunity to straighten thls thing out." Principal purpoees of the new groop will be to attempt to unify cithtn OIJPO'l· tioo to offshore drillin1. promote protec· Uve legislation and batt'le tpee:Jal oil com- P81l1 afk>waocel and government oil sub- sidies. Tbe group asetUfd si1 oil bills recently ~ into the Callfor.p -Lep laturt, and found an ~e for pro- tectton of the Orlll(e Cout. 11"'1 emnioed the make.up of the sute t Lands Ommi.ssm re.spoosible for the conlrol of ofl.-.e drilling in state tide- lands, and alleged that the commiseion staff is nothing more than an extension of the oil industry. Damage caused by the Santa Barbara oil leak was assessed. The same th init could happen along the. Orange Coast should drilling be permitted in offshore wat.ers from the Santa Ana River to the ~1e1ican border, the leaden asserted . The potefi.ial for far greater distance i~ in Santa Barbara too, they said, should the area be Involved in a major earth- quake. Andrews charged that the public b be- ing lulled to sleep by . claims that the oil at Santa Barbara bu beeo otopped. He aaJd that "explaratorJ" ftlls for which permits were ooce granUd ror oil San Clemente and N""I"'! Seach were nolhq mor!lhin otr we11s1that the companie.t lbcy Aid w~ld CAP:li qll "!ere lound. . ' . EXPLORATION mT llm'y Grimsley. former oilman and now a leader bl the anti.OJI movement also voiced eohc:crn about the explora· loty drlllings. "When !lie oil companies find oil down here oh. will be like wavina; raw rne1t in front of a &Wving Uon. Let'• not Jd the i;ee the mea.t," Grimsley suagNted. "The Lands Commluion hat tok1 -.1 us that ll will hold public hearing oo 1ucb permlla, but nbtblng roqultts II lo 4o so," City Man88"' Wbeaton 111d. He haa rtetlvfd no noUficatJon ol MY penctin1 public i-tng, be sald. ·' . County Study Urg~ .. ' Joint To.ro Airport ·use ·Gets N·ew Pu·sh By JAmt llROBACK Of .... DllMJ , .... Sl~rt An inten.llve look at possible joint use of the El Taro Marine Corps Air Station by mllitary and commercial aircraft may be undert&.ktn in Phase II of the county's Master Plan of Air 1)'ansportaUnn. The COUJllJ. Air Tranaport Planning Group will NCOmmend such a study to the Boan! ·o1 Supervilors Tueaday. ll the recoaunmlatlan IJ accepted, the inv .. llpl{an into the lubn of air transportatloo ln Oraqe County will move forward· (or the ftrst Ume in several montha. Courts, City, County Offices Close for Ike AU Orange C<ltnty rovenunet!l olfi.,.. and couN wlll be clooed Monday in moumtng for f<rmet President Eisenhower. Tbe -•• tum by COUDly of· fida!J lollolrla(r 1be d«:J.atloa of Mon- day u "a day fl. moarnlnc:" bJ Prelldent Ni.J:on. The Preoid<lll «dend that all flags oo federal -be !!on al llall ~·~ ,· -Qifimu 'lllllam lllrt- tein -tlle. lollowlllg telecrtm-to Mn. Ei-wor .. blllolf ii Ille c11bena Ii ~ CemlJ: . -• "ll ls with diep re.,.i Illa! .. leomed of the paaing of a great president, statesman, mlUtary ieeda' and beloved husband and father. CIU-of Orange Coonty e.preio their deepe!I sympathy and mourn with you yo1r great 106!." In Orange County, all cues schedu1ed for the court calendar Monday will come. up in6tead on Tuaday, court aides stressed. In keeplnt with Govem<r Reagan's request that dty oificers close on Mon- day in memory of the late ""81den4 city balls of Newport Beach, Costa M.,a, Huntington Beacb and Laguna Beacb will be cl~ for all but emergency servifeS. Fount:ain Valley'• city hall will be open. -The city libl' ary wlD be closed. The Newport-Mesa Unified School District will be closed on Monday, as will Orange Coast College. Across the nation, major stock ex- changes and some corporatioos will be closed Monday. Postmaster General Winton M. Blount announced in Washington that all post offices will be closed and there would be no rtgular delivery servict. All government offices and banks will be closed. '!be Supreme Court plaMed to convene Monday 90lely to adjourn out of respect l<r -· C.Olumbit. University in New York, of l'hich Ei2lenhow« wu once president, canctlled Monday dasla:. Many public ochoola will be clooed Mooday al part of the Easter holiday' but IODle re- maioing open plan to bold memorial 8'<Vices far the late (nSident. Baseball Commissioner Bowle Kubn in New York issued instructioos that no Monday games begin "until at. least one hour after the. funeral serv'ict'S have been COflCluded." Greek Orthodox Church Would Welcome Jackie BOSTON (1.iPl) -The Primate of the Greek Ortbodo1 O!urcb ol North and South America aaid-Frjday-Mn. Jac- queline OnaPis would be welcome ln his .ch\lrcb If obe sboold decldt" lo Join IL Mclibl.hop lakoveo a1'o told • new• can£trrnce the Vatican could decide ··~tarll1" . on ' "" llltUJ wltlil/1 the ,Catholic OrurCh. • "U &he IJ deprived ol the .. cramenll ot hfr1 own piureh ahe may become a metbber of our church," he llJd. She wou!4 ~ ">!eleome" In the Greek Ortb-odof. Cburcb, be added. Aides lo Pope Ptul VI "are very coo-icet'ne<\" about. the sltuallon It> Wbich the 1..,.., Mrs. John F. ~ ap. parenUy violated. c b.n r ch laltla in merrytng a di-man, the _.,.... bop said. • • The firm of William Periera and Associates, which comp!~ . Phue l of the study several months ~ago, wou1d be asked in. Ph2se U to: -Determine if the pr•nt El Toro runway configuration can efftcUvely and efficienUy support commerciaJ air opera- tions. -Determine, in cooperaUoo.with the Federal Aviation AthninlJtraUon, whether joint me is teuible with respect to air traffic control -Prtpare a tocbemallc laynul of ... actly Whal the COWl(J would roqueat tn a jolnl use propoeal and bow the sYstem would wort. -Analyu. and juslliy the county's need for joint use Wlder a abort term con tract of IS years. -Conduct a cosl and revenue aurvey. The study groop also rec0mn.-Iha~ in the evfJ'lt joint use of 1;I To~ ls round not feasible, that Periera prepare a detalled master plan of Orange County, Airport ouUlnlng service limits, ~ provements necessary and te.llinc bow they woWd be fln1mid ln addition, the ceau!tinl firm would be uted, under tli! rocommmlallon. to ldenlily tlpflClllc lite lotatlnao i.. general avlaUoo and alrParl< fad- arraeged In priority, for aoqullll!m md devel~ment _ 1 Eisenhower Body, Rest,s . . In National Cathedral WASHINGTON (UPI) -For the lhlrd time m this dectde,_tbe nation mourned today -of llJ pr<oddmts, Dwiabl David -· Ila beloved and gallant lead-er in war and peace. _ The mnainl of the Sith Preeldeot were tal:en lo BeWdlem Qlapel 'of the Wuh- inlt<n Natloool Cathedral al I a.m. PST, 9lartlnr • --lutlnl 1brough Wedneeday wl>en Eloenbolffr w1l1 be laid lo rett at bia boyhood home ht Kamas' 'Jft!i::~ .. ~·~ ..r Ii Ille er;.;~ P.,411 r; P.fD. PST P'rldlf, alter,& !':1..c:~ of = t:.~1:# ti: t et 11111:: I tenn. He bad J;ten Ii> Walter Jleed Army Medital Center since May. His wile Mamie and their soo Joma were nearby when the end came. E!Jenhower's deatb left llany S. Tru- More Eheuo111er Coverage, Page 3 man, his immediate predecellor and Lyndon B. JohnlOtl, lt>e Senate A.der of the oppoeJtion during most of. bis ad· rnlnistrati-00, as the nation'• only turviv· ing Conner chief executives. On Swlday Eilenhower's remains will be moved by hearse to a polnf: at 16th Street and Constitution A venue, within view of the south portico of the White House, where -he resided from 1953 to 196J. There the casket will be fastened on a horse-drawn caisson for lhe funeral cortege at standard step to the Capitol •. The body will lit in st.ate In lbe vault~ ed rotunda of the Capitol until Monday morning. A joint guard al honor will aland a death watch. President Nixon wilt lead the nation Sunday afternoon in offering a eulogy to the man he served as vice president for eight years. As at the cathedral today, the pubUe. will be permitted to file put the closed casket containing the, body of tlie man they affectionately ·referred to as· "Ike'" -<luring the dark clays ol World War II as well u the placld day& of the '50a:. The nation last inoomod a president In October 1964 when Herbert C. HOover died, and Jl montm. earlier when John F. Kennedy, the. young maq to whom Eisenhower, tbe . oldest man ever to serve as chie! executive. had passed the torch, was shot. President Nl1on detlare.d Monday a national day of mourning and ordered flags at half.staff ~ 30 days. The funeral service will be held In the National Cathedral Moodsy after· noon. .. Full-time St.a# Souglit by LAFC The county's Local Al.mcY Formation c:oouru.sioo (LAFCJ, wlitch rules en all city imezalion ..ci-. Frldtly' •ked •U coonty munlclpalillel to IUppori a plan1 Qi "'111111e the · lll""Pfl• ~ff and place il und<r luU LA)".!; autborlty. , ~ Chairman Jari)n T, •. Workman, Vilhi ParJr mayor, said1he conu:nfssii-.i'r workload hu become too heavy for one eftC\ltlve officer to hlodle. Richard Turner is now the LAFC't only employe. Workman pointed out thl'lf. Ille County Planning Deplrlmstt bas Urat caU an Turner's aemcet. He ukt fuJl.&>e I.AFC llalf penoonel are need- ed •'to uodertate llodlM CID the LAFC'I .... IniUat!V• ... at ll!e reqllOll of ~"' pllcaM tiUes llld diltrictlJ' ACROSS THE NATIOH 'capitol flig;•f Half..1talf Teener. Arrested . . For Church Fire LOS ANGELES (AP) -A If.year.old California Yoult Authority camp ·- pee was char1ed with •IJOO Frtclay after· fi1'l destroy!d• a •100,000 churdJ io-Ger- dena. It waa the founb dKlrch fire in the are.a since WI s.tUniay. Police said the · youth ,,.. ll"l'iated alter the firol It . the r!r>f Christian Chw'Ch Thursday. • . Orange Weadaer 'More of the s8me: Hazy st1111bine lhrouch Ille weekend wtUt high of eo ·on the beach., and a low of:55i. .1 . . ' 'INSIDE . TODAY 1 e POQ• 8 W4¥ U foll of local new, phek>I-aM fcatvru. e Theodore lf"\Oin teU. the trvth Wut 1111triNQ homtl-'IDIW r ootll a "~l scandaL" -In FamUu WH~l_v. , • e Star1 of The (/~ro o!ld I arl! imUlng °" tlac o•llld< of TV WEEK lod4¥,. ,.,.,. lhot<g~ t/l<lr 1hoto has 'b<n "'11COl- ed a/tlT o1'lu half•• lfGlon. 2 a.llLV PlioT 5 ' Kooky · Art Sig~· of." . ( ' ll'i1nes •· .ID ·Newport , • . Bf 3llONB ll. C01£1N11 · Oj .. °""° Plllrt lltfl Motorists had better ata,y out ol lhi' corrldon of Newporl Beach Clly Hall There are traffic signs an over the ...... ~'°''<' 1q!'. '· IJ>. -f blL lip ...... , '.Dlmp No -tftdbbllb Hert ., W1111, a viJ!t<r to cftr hall mlPI l\'tU IJ>qulro, la going oo? Ille lll't.ld4&r. BJ the ••ler cool«, Ibo Jlp iN!I!: "No IJ!vle&." And' 1 111t·up tho lint, U..'1 a ..,_II' oJP ' -"1th amnva pointing bOth way>. CllJ Traffic ~ -'Jaffe also &erVed u ~ -"We htlped wt th a Dttlt bit of lhe whimHy ," ho cxplaim, wltb a crooked &mile. l(,illWn'• lalelll.ln -art field are alao on dlsplay. Rings and thin&•, made from WU. Alto on exhibit at City Hall is welded oculoture by ex-city employe Ed C.Uill. l pl&CI. "No Parting," "Tow-Away 1.one,» "Stop," •1Yleld," "No Left Tum," "No Right Turn" and otber no-no slgna are posted not only In tbe hallways. but iD Yarious city department offices. ll's an art lhow. tbat'a what. _ ,'111• ko0k1"1, ~yer ._,iec1 by the aty Arls Commi'liM.; c o m m I t l e e Chairman Barbara Stibler admits. "It's a kind of ~l pop art show.'' she aays .. "Some of the atgns. )'ou'IJ notice, aren>t:very aertous." Al&o. clty simi shop ~peryisor Geor,c Mllllkfn. ,... • just for the e'lhlblt - ... ige:pared and hu on display a "Step'' slgn, but in p&ychedelic colors, instead of the familiar fire-engine red. The "illegitimate" signs are a product of the cooperation ~t,een MUllidn'a graphic artl!ls and lhe AN Committee. "We have 38 hangings •lto&etber, .. saya Mrs. stabler. "lbe idea mainly was to come up with a moothly &bow that is really communlty-oriented. and fun, too. 'I'berf II a lot ol craphlcs wort th1l J001 Into -&lJnl. People doa' ... ~ i,e l!OW elltn.jve 11 ll. 0-,. (M1lliklJ>) ii VtfY talented, 7CJU know," Bu! the algna an the big show. "Some ol the allly ones," says Mrs. stabler, "are for 11ale. They were done, after all, on the workers' own time." The exhibK wtll laat tbrOtlgb April. And be sure to park out front. luide City Hall, yoU could get a tkket. :10 ·Battles Raging • Ill Vietnam SAIGON (AP) -U.S. and govemment fon:vea looght 10 baWes ..,,... South V--one the cJoeot to Saii'Jll sinCI Ille Viet CUii) launched their llpring of. tensive -and three Amerk'an aircraft were shot down, military spokesmen said today. 'lbe fiihting Jell 251 Viet Colli and North V1etnamese dead at a cost of RV· en Americans and 10 South Vlttnamese killed Ind 74 AmericaM and 30 govt.rn· ment IOldiera wounded. One of Che downed aircraft was an Air • Fm« B.17 twin..,,Cined bomber, hit by pound fire Thursday near the coastal city ol Qui Nhon. The crewmen were -reacued uninjured. !Jile plane wu the 35lst filed-wing aircraft Jost over South Vietnam. The other two were helicopters, whose loss sparked a 21h:-hour ftrefight mly six mlleJ northessl of Saigon, the closeat fighting to the capital in tbe fi \'e· week~Id offensive. Spokesmen said an observation heli· copter from the U.S. 1st Infantry Divis· ion backed up by a gunship were re<"on- nolterlnc the outskirts of Saigon Friday when Viet Cong gunners opened up wlth maclllDe. guru;. They downed the oblerva· tion craft, which was later salvaged, and then hlt the gunship as it swooped to help. The gunship was destroyed and a crewman was killed. Infantrymen of the tst Dlvbiion, pa· trolling the same area, sought out the enemy and clashed with about 30 Viet Coog .soldiers. They reported kill ing IO at a cost of one American wounded. ln the central highlands early this In 'tlae Swim at the Y The best lhlng around a pool lo a youngster who can swlm, 1ays the Orange Coe1t YMCA, which is offer· Ing a learn to 1wim Easter w .. k program for youngsters 7 to 13 years of age. Warming up for program, which starts Monday, are (from left) Craig Starr, Mark Hodson, Laurel Travers and Steven Provence. For complete details, call the Y at 642-9990. Catholic Service Set for Mesa GI Kil'led in Combat Cathollc funeral rites bave been ocheduled for a Costa Mesa Gl killed In Vietnam combat, 15et for Monday and TUeed.y in St. Joachim's Church, COBta Aftsa. Anny Spec. 4 Stephen Lucia, 19, of 3015 Harding Ave., Ls survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Lucia, two liiaters and one brother. Rosary will be Monday at 7 p.m., and Requiem Mass will be Tuesday at 9 a.m., wtth Father Thomu J. Nevin olfldating. Interment wtll follow In Good 5bepberd Cemetery, Huntington Beach. DAILY PILOT N...,.,. ~ H11tt11 ... • IHCS. L ..... IMdl P••llf-'• 'flfltf C11t1 Me11 CA\.lfOlNIA. (llll;A MGC (0 ... ST ,.Ul\.ISMING C.Ob'••Nl" ~'"''t N. W114 ,.,,$! ..... ,,.,, l'ulll;- Til1111•• IC•••il e•• Tll1111tt A. M1•11~itic Met11~ 1:1aer P111I Nl1111 ·~ffll'll ... Oll"ftlfl" ..._ C."' ,,_I i;., Wtil lt'I" ...... ''""""' lfedl: '"' ""tt' a.b• 1ev1nn ..._ hKl'l1 'n ,_1 ,.,_ ~IM kldi; »t ilh Sll"rtl o,l.1'-'f ,.!LOT. Wlti. """fdl It t-bJ"'I '"" ,.......,...,"' II •llbililhM 4a11Y •2~-I ~ ... fft _.,,19: Ml!'°"' W t. .. _ ltldl. ~ kedl, Cot.II IOltH• -lllOllw'I kKll .W ,_,.,,, v111rv, 11tont wllf\ • .,.._.,._. ......... O''"" c ... , P'lllll"111to1 c-""''"'°" .,..,." ''' 11 nn W••• It~ t~.. Nf--1 ... ~. ,,. UI "'fM .... a1rttt, (O\tt Mru. T1I f 'W 17141 '41-4111 a.11'91 Mnfthl"' MJ0 167t ~\tl'I\, I.... °'*"" C"Nit l"W .. ~ .... ~· Nt -'""°"· ·-w•rt l ....... ~ rNntf" ... ..wrllM"""" llt,.!11 _, .. ·~ ···"*" -lei - • , .. ti a.'Pl'llM -·· ~ ci.u .,.,," .. 1ot1 •' ~~-• tt..-:i. .,,,. C .... Mtw. "llNll'fM, 1"""'r11tlltol •• wrltr tt.n l'IWllfllJtlyf 11'1' ""'' n JI -•~1y' ftlll1l•ry ....... tiOMo ""' "'"""'''· Arrests at Valley State Not Neede(J, Court Rules LOS ANGELES (AP) -Three San Fer· nando Valley St.ate Collt'gt!i students, con- victed of failing to displ!!rse from a Jan. Tim e for Kids To Take Plunge Recreational sWimming will be o!fert'd by the Huntington Beach Parks and Recreation Department .at severi:i.l city pools beginning today. Pools at Marina }ligh School and Golden West College \\'ill ht open to the public Crom 12:30 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. The city pool, located at 16th Strttt and Palm Avenue, will be open during lhe same hours Saturday and from I\-tarcb 31 to April 5. The clty pooJ will also be open each Monday and Wednesday e\'ening from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for family swim· ming. Admission i!1 50 cents adul!s and 2;; cents for children. 'Oaklatid Seven' Found .Jnnocent OAKLAND lUPl) -An eigh~-man, ,..,......,,.. Jury Frlday night found the .. Oaklaod Stven," a group ol By Area a.ra.lwar leaders who had become a cause celehre among the radical left, innocent ol conspiracy charg ... The seven were charged with !omen· ting the massive demonstratiON and en· suing riots that took place at I.he Oak- Jand anned forces induct.ion center dur- ing the ''Stop the Draft" week prote.at.s of October I 967. Specifically, the dcfeMart.1 w e r e charged wiUI the felony of coospiring to have others commit acts of trespassing and obstructing police, both misdemean-- on:. If convScted, each would have re- cei ved 1 mulm\lln sentence oC three years ln jail and a fine of $5.000. I l 9 campus rally, have been granted new trials by Municipal Court Judge Erich Auerbach. The jurist ruled Friday that inCOTn· plete instructions \\'ere given jurors try· ing J oseph A. Maciel, 19, of Sepulveda, ;ind Harris Dellre, 21. and Kendal R. Oku, 18, both of Los Angeles. Auerbach said there was no need tll a1Tcst 286 persons at \he demoni;tration. Apprehending a few leaders would have · induced the rest to leave, he said. The judge, who previously acquille<I eigh' Mudents on the same charge. said he v.·ould disqualify himself from all fu- ture proceedings. So far there havl' been 55 ac quitt11ls and four conviction~. The order to disperse rollo~·ed a dl'crcc by the acting president of the collep:<', ~!mar Oviatt. thal the campus wa s in a stale or emerJ;en-cy. So1nc judges have hclrl the rlc<"rCt' vio· l(l!t rl freedom or a~~embly. Othl'r~ ha 1·c ruled st ud('nfs should have o~vcd police, r('irardlcss or the valldity of Oviatt's order. ·'· ., Anti-War Rally At SF State No Prob'le m at All SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A amall anti· war rally on the San Franoilco State Col· Jcgc campus caused hardly a sUr Friday as the once embattled instltuUon com· pleted ks fir11t week rlnce the end cl a •~t month studtnt strike . Fewer than 100 students a:•the.red for the mt'l!ting then quietly movtd Into an auditorium with ad1ninistratlon perm!~· ~ion 11ft.er being asktd to dlsperte frQn1 the. commons area . The peaceful fej!ling pervaded the offlct of ~Ung President S.1. Hay11ka•·a . "It's a wondl!Tful feeling." he com· mented . "There's • real rrllef from strain ." morning, North Vletnomue troops ... saulted a nigh! bivouac ol a Ith lnlaotry Division. Wlit under. cover of a ~ morlar barrace. Headquarittl aald aev· eral Ncrth Vietnamese broke tbrougtl an °""" perimeter of lhe camp 215 miles northeast of Saigon, hurUng satcbel charges at the defeoders. At daybreak the attackers were fl!!JNIJ. eel with the help of helicopter gunships. U.S. casualties were two killed Md '5 wounded. Enemy casualUes were not known. 5 Narcotics Suspects Held; 6 More Sought Off!CerS from three °'"""' Coul po-illce agencies and agenta from tbe State Bureau ol. Narcotics In Santa Ana began a roundup of 11 narcotics suspecU Friday night. Five persons ·were arrested in Laguna Beach and early this morning police were searching for 91.x more suspects named in warrants. Officers rrom Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, a Tustin detective, and st.ate nar· cotics agents took part in Friday nigh~'s arrests. . Jailed were Betty Jean Creamer, :>6, Apt. 2, 2969 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, cbarged wijh sale or dangerous drugs and consplricy to sell dangerous drugs; Christopher loflchael Yeomens, 21, 2613 Victoria Drive, Laguna Beach, two counts sale of dangerous drugs and two count! of saJe of. marijuana; Ralph Dia- mond, 22, 1195 Victory Walk, Laguna Beach, two counts m aale of. dangerous drup; George Arthur Bushaw, 20, of n.tn>l!, Mich., -amsted at U95 Victory Wi.Ji: end charged with "~ori of marijuana, and Colleen Erin McHugh, 20, Il98 Victory Walk, Leguna Beach, who facl!lll a charge of possession marl· juana. A Laguna Beach police spokesman said the arrests culminated a month and half1s undercover investigation. Thirty ounctS of marljuana, worth about $300 on the illicit markl!!t, and a number of marijuana plants were found at Creamer's apartment, according to police. Officers said about 25 marijuana cigaretles and a quanit.ity of LSD were seized at 1195 Victory Walk where Dia- mond, Bushaw and !\fcHugh were :irrcst- ed. Judge Rejects Suit Agait1sl Arts I<' estiYa l The sui t b.v Laguna Beach ar tif t Charles Beauvais against the Festival or Art.'> ha s not shown thaL the festiv al vi olated any or its o\.\o·n rules . These arc the findings of Superior Court Judge Claude M. 0\'lens who thus far not found adequate reason to let U1e suit become a trial. The courrs findi ngs \\'ere sent I:) letter to l\1oses A. Berman, attorney for Beauvais, and Rlchard Mudge. Festi\'al anorney. Judge Owens allowed Bern11:1n 15 additional days to amend hi~ sui t -for the second lin1e. If this is not done , the matter ends, according to ~fudge. Beauvais had romplained that he was discriminated against as a. Festival ex- hibitor, that his booth was behind a tree and that his picture '"·as arbitrarily left out of the souvenir program. Laguna Artist's Funeral Slated A funeral service for longtime Laguna Beach artllt Florence E. Shupp wtU be held Monday at Forest Lawn, Glen- daJe, following death Thursday due lo a lengthy illness. Mi.sl Shupp, 60, of s La Scnda, Three Arch Bay, succumbtd 11t South Coast Community llospital, South Laguna. Rites for I.he Stanford University graduate who studied painting in New York and had ae\'eral Art Colony exhibits \vt U be al 11 o.m. In the Week Kirk o· the Heather Church, Forest Lawn. She was 1 desctndanl of neUonaUy promlne.nt texUle and invutment banking families, but Is survived only by her brother Kf!nneth, of Charlotte, North Carolina. (' OAIL y PILOT PllO!t llr Jof111 ValltrU CITY AIDE MAXINE MCALPINE TESTS THE WATER Whet Goes on Here? Why, It's An Art Show, of Course Bradley, Yorty, Ward 1-2-3 in Mayor's Race LOS ANGELEi (APJ -A new PQll shows City Councilma n Thoma s Bradley subftantia.lly le.ading 13 other candidates in the r/Ce for mayor. The poll, compiled for tel1!\•isioo station ~'J' b.y the Jat:ld Research Corp., and distrlbuted Friday. shows Bradley receiv· l"I 31 per cent of the vote compared to 21 per ctnt for 1tfayor Sam Yorty, 14 per cent for television lle\\"!Caster Baxter Ward and 10 per C('nt for Rep. Alphonzo Bell, R.calif. The primary ls next Tuesday. There From Page 1 CAMPUS .•• him. What the public gels then is th e picture of striking teachers and parading sttident.s." But it would be a mistake, ~ district attorney warned, to ''look on all or even n1any of our sludl!!Jlts as Com- 1nunis.ts or Communist-oriented. You can bet that 490 out of 000 you see in a ca1npus riot .,...ill become good citi7.ens whose main concern "'ill be to raise a hnnily and buy a home," be said. \Vaming that he had no solution.i lo offer. Youni;:er urged the universal adop- tio•1 or a ''11e\V altitude." He said. "It is not enough lo talk of equa lity. We must together co1nplelely eliininatr discrimination and prejuriice and thus lake a giant stride towards solution of \hr immense probll!ms t~at face us today. "Talk is cheap and H isn"l enough. \'oO. can't be a litUe bit free . Remember that the man who's v.·on his freedom al• 1 v•ant.s lo be abll!! to climb a little bit higher and he should, God bless him, be able to do exactly that." At the same Ume, Youneer said, "t.ilat same man must be made to understand that there must be no breaking of laws, no resorting to violence to obtain ·.vhat may not yet have come his way." Four Sentenced To Hard Labor F 01· SF Mutiny FT LE\\'IS, Wash. (AP) -Sentences ranging from nine months to !ix years at hard labor were ml!!tfd out Friday to four young Calif<rnia soldien con· victed of mutiny. Pvt. RJcky Dodd, 21, Hayward was !eilten<t!il to -,11 ,..,... Pvt. Harold Swamon, 19, San Leandro, rectiv@d a three-ye.ar sentence; Pvt. William Ho.yes, 22, Healdsburg, two ytars; and Pvt. Ed- ward Yost, 2.S, Elmira, nine months. All were reduced to the lowest gr11rdi and must forlflt aU 'Pay ind a)low11nces. Dodd, Hayea and Swanm art to be given dishonorable dlJCharges. Yost Is to be a:tven 1 bad conduct dilcharce. The four were convicted of mutiny Thund.ay for taking part in a sit down demoolltrat1on in San Francisco last Oct. 14. Four othS'I o( the 27 soldiers charged ,,. a result ol the demonstration were convicted tarllfr and fft'tfved aentencts ranctftl from four yean to 11 yMn. Ona 15 year aentence was subsequently rc- ductd to lwo years. I ( will be a runoff .May 27 between the. top t·wo unless one candidate gets a majority in the primary. Of a cross aect.loh 1,097 voters, ii per cent expressed no choice or sakf they would vote fer me of IO otber candidates the poll said. ' Bradley, a Negro, ran third in the same poll February. He'• picked up support from 23 per cent of the white community and enjoys support from 71 per cent of Negroes, the poll said. Jf undecided voters were diWibuted Propcrtionalely among the candidates the poll said, Bradley would get 39 per ~nt, Yorty 28 per cent, Ward I9 per cent and Bell I3 per cent. others would get 1 per cent, the poll said. * * * Ward to Continue As LA Candidate Despite 'Slurs' LOS ANGELES (AP) -Baxter Ward says he's not withdrawing from the mayor"s race after all. The former television newscaster had said he might withdraw to protect his wife from sluis against her late father Jack "The Enforcer" Whalen, killed i~ a gangland shooting in 1959. He accuUd Mayor Sam Yorty, running for reelec- tion, of plauUng those shn. Yorty denied it, accusing Ward of making a play for voters' sympathies Ward in turn sa.id Yorty was a liar • City Councilman Tom Bradley,' an- other of 1• cont~nders in Tuesday's pri- mary, called f'riday for a "cease fire" between Yorty and \Vard . "It is a disservice to the volers that ~wo c~ndidatcs for mayor have engaged in Uus petty personal bickering " he ~aid. ' Vietnamese Peasants Uncover l\fass Grave HUE, Vietnam (UPI ) -Hundreds .(I( peasants Friday dug up a grisly remind- er of the 1968 Tet offensJve -the bodja of 67 relatives executed with hands tied behind their backs . ~ victims, decomposed beyond rec· ogn1t1on, were dl.scovered in trmcbes running through an uninhabltf!d o:panse of sandy fiat lands 10 miles l!!ast of Hue. Province officials said hundreds morf! may br buried in the mags grave. Saddlehack Signups Slated Next Week Registration for the spring quarter at Saddlf!back College, ~Union Vitjo will be held Tueoday and Wedneada; from S p.m. to 9 p.m. Classes will begin on Thursdiy. For course in· form•Uon and registrAtion de.tails. call 49$-4537, 49;).4638 or 837-9700. .. • $1tdld11:1llarth 2'1. 1969 Ike a 'Great Fri.end~ and Great Man'lllliiiiim~ :Nixon President L~ads Nation ·i~ Mourning WASfllNGTON (UPI) -Dwight D. Eisenhower will be the 20th of the na· lion's honored dead and the eigbt U.$. President to lie in state in the vaulted rotunda" cl the Capitol. His casket will Test on a velvet covered catafalque which served as the Wer tor Abraham l.Jncoln in 1865. In the century since then, the rotunda , I '• • .:. •,'I''."•+ ' ' • I -.. bas 'been the · local point ol" natlpnal moumJDg for stattsmen and military heroes, including the ..-n IOldletl of World .war I, W911d. War u and Korea. · The ~ ceremonial oc:cUl.on ~beneath the Capitol dome was when former Presl· dent Herbert H. Hoover lay in state there from Oct. 23 through Oct.· 25, .. U ... T ...... , EISENHOWER CONVERSES WITH TWO OTHER PRE$1DEl'jTf With Herbert Hoover in 1959; With Franklin D. Roosevelt In 1943 Mamie Stayed Close By ·Throughout Long Illness WASHINGTO~ (AP) -Mam it: Eisenhower, 72, a true soldier, stayed close by the bedside of her husband, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, through the months of his last illness. "A constant source or support and encouragement both to the general and others present." the doctors said of her. Mrs. Eisenhower has lived at Walter Reed Army Hospital since the general was brought there last May, occupying a room in the same suite with hlrn. She was there at bis death. Once she remarked, when Eisenhower had one of his bad days, she didn't take her clothes off for 30 hours. She went out occasionally, recently to a fashion show at the Walter Reed Officer's Club, when she recalled that her engagement was announced 53 years ago on St. Patrick's Day. "So you see, if we can do it. you can do it too," she told the young married women there. Mamie Geneva Doud of Den ver, Colo., then 19. and 2nd Lt. Dwig~t D. Eisenhower, then 25, were married July 1. 1916. With him, she lived the life of an Anny wife, then of a college president and then of the President of the United St.ates. Not until Eisenhower left the White House, in 1961, 45 years after their marriage, did they move to a home of their own. Their home was a big remodeled white farmhouse at the edge of the Civil War battlefield near Gettysburg, Pa. She spoke proudly and happily af "cur home." II she missed it during the long days at the hospital, she didn't complain. She always said her first jab was "looking after Ike." The Rev. Edward L. R. Elson, pastor of the church were Eisenhower worship- ped when he was President, called on the family at the hospital after the death Friday. Asked if Mrs. Eisenhower was doing all right in the ordeal at sorrow, Dr. Elson nodded and said, "She has· been a great source of strength, a strong person in every way, a great CbriStian." 1914. Eisenhower wu amc:ing the moum· .... Saddened aod red-eyed, Pre&Jdent Nix· on Friday visited the hospital where Ei~wer. died and 581d his sreatnm c~ from an unwavering sense bf duty and a dedication to doing what he thought ' was right. Nixon, who served as vice president to Eisenhawer for eight yean, officially noUlied Congr"" ol the death and pro- claimed Monday a national day of m~ for the 78-year-old general. Nixon was told af the general's death at Ult White House and was en roote to Walter Reed Army Hospital. when the public anoouncement was made. The President dispatched a twQ- paragraph message oiliclally notifying the Congress and mourning the death as the loss af "a great leader, a great . friend ;ind a great man." At Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Nixon spent a half hour with the Eisenhower family, including his awn daughter, Julie, the wlfe of the farmer president's onJ.y grandson, David. David and Julie bad cut sbart a visit· to Florida to be at Eisenhawer's bedside. Nixon le(t the hospital with reddened eyes .and his Jaw flnn!y set. The first lady was by his side, alang with his eldest daughter, Tricia. Bath women walked with heads bowed. David and Julie remained at the hospital. The presidentiaJ motarcade made its way through the streets of Washington, slowed by lunch·bour crowds in the 'doWntown area. Even before he arrived back at the White House, the flags oo federal buildings had been lowered to hall slafl. In addition to proclaiming the naUonal day af moorning, Nixon ardered U.S. flags at half staff an all government buildings and installaUMS fOr the next 30 days in honor of Eisenhower. In his public statement, the President said Eisenhawer "held a unique place in America's history and in its heart and in the hearts of people the world over.'' Nixon said it was necessary to reach back two centuries, to the first president, George Washington, to find another American who was "a citizen, first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen." "Dwight Eisenhawer wu selfless," said Nlxoo. "Be was devoted to the oon:unon caUlt ol humanity, .to bis belov· ed country, and to his family and friend•. H~ was both a great IJl&n and a good man. To milllcma the . world o~r he Wa& a symbol of decency and hope. '.'As President I salute him for his services as a saldier, statesman and peacemaker. As the one wha was privileged to JerVe for eight years as his vice president, I pay tribute to him as an inspiring leader and a great teacher. As a person who is proud to have been his friend and who has happily seen our families united , I join with my fellow Americans in mourning his death and in offering my condolences." Nixon al!O issued a presidential pro- clamation to the nation in which he said the late pesident's "life will shape the future as it shaped our time." '4As long as free men cherish their freedom, Dwight Eisenhower will stand with them, as he stood during war and peace; strong, confident and courageous. Even in death he has left us a great spitit that will never die." Nixon called upon the American people to abserve the national day of mourning • Monday by assembling in their places of worship to pay homage ta Eisenhower. U.N. Pays Tribute UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -The blue and white flag al the United Nations: was lowered to haU staff early Friday afternoon in tribute to the late Dwight D. Eisenhow~. The flags ol the 126 membet states whidl normally fly in !root of the U.N. headquvten were remaved , leaving the U.N. banner u the only standard displayed. Friends, Foes Laud Ike ; Botli Great, Small Grieve at General's Death LONDON (AP) -Camrades-in·arms as well as leaders of naticns Wh06C forces rought under him and against him extolled Dwight D. £jsenhower Fri· day as a man who guided the liberation ot Europe in World War II 'and helped calm a jittery postwar world. .. I am very distressed," said Field Marshall Loni Montgomery, the Brllish groUncJ c:ommander under Ike in the war. "I want to be Wt alone now." lie and Ike bad their dillerences during the w«r. Officials in Paris said President Charles de Gaulle, leader of £rte French forces serving under the wpreme allied commander, plans to ny to WMhington for the" fimeral . De Gaulle messaged condolences to President Nixan saying: "For me, I see disappear with much sadness a dear comp.anion In arms and a lrJend." He told Mn. Eisenhower : " ..• l will keep forever the memory or he who wo 1 great soldier, an eminent statesman, a sincere friend of France and for whom 1 had a deep affection." For the great and small,.. the passing -0( Eisenhower summoned up memories of the gteat events af peace and war in the l!Ktl's and SO's. One way ar another, Eisenhower was involved in mast of them. M'IW who did not know Elsenhqwer personally mourned him u a friend. Because of his warm personality and the role be played, be lapped the wtlls of emotion &i ftw figures :of hlatory have. Anolher among the figure wbo , SI.id they would attend the funeral wu Lord Afountbatten, supreme allied ·com- mander in Southeast Asia during the war. Moscow Radio's regular 10 p.m. newSCMt carried the first word to the Saviet people of Eisenhower's death. This was also a one-sentence item without comment. lt was read 20 minutes after the irtarl ol the hall-hour program. Pruident lleinrlcb Luebke ol West Omnany sent 1 message to President Nlmn, assuring him that Eisenhower's name will never be forgotten In We.rt Germony. Chanctllor Kurt Georg Klesinger said: "We honor the memory af this great American who after Workl War II w-01k· ed unUrlngly for uleguanllng peac. and freedom in the world and who, In the pursuit of these great aims, pron\ated a close 8lld trustful cooperation between our two peoples. We ahaU p-e.serve thiJ lrlendabip and cooperaUon in hll spirit." In a message to Nixon President Gluoeppe Sarqat of Italy uld, "The Ill.Dan pteple, 1n part.leular, who are bound to the Amtrk:an P'Ol'I• by '° many ties of blood and civilization, remember with emotion the figure of the great soldier and great citizen." U.N. Secrttary-Oeneral U 1bant paid this tribute ln New York : "He was a atrong "and practical sup- porter of the United Nations, where he is remembered especially for h1a initiative In promoting International cooperation In the pe1ceful uses of atomic energy." Delegatta to the hUoo U.l'I. Se<urily Council llood for a minute of siltnce In tribute to Eisenhower. 11le council was tn session on the Mideast sltuallon. ,.. ~ . ' ' UPIT..._... EISENHOWER BROTHERS AWAIT RESULTS OF VOTING DURING GOP'S 1952 CONVENTION IN CHICAGO From Loft: Milton, Earl,' Dwight/ Arthor·ancl· Edgar ' ' I • • Here's Schedule Of Eise:rihower Funeral PeriOd WASHINGTON (AP) -This Is tbO day.by-day program of hooors to bit paid · former President Dwigtit · D. Eisenhower: SATURDAY a .. m. -l!ocJy arrives al· ll<lhleberil Chapel, Williliigtoa NalionaJ .Calfiedral, •:.1rom.priv ie:Mier&r11o...,-Wllli-....., «-~esi\ii't of gi,,,.,.a1s·ijiil ~1a.:· . -Al!tr a lirle! ~ lot the-:family, · honor guard and ""1<rary dvl1laa pallbearers, the body will lie in npoM ,.,.. 21 boon. SUNDA)' 8 a.m. -Casket will be carried fl'Onl the chapel and pliicecf in a bearte:' cortege will move to 16th Stred and ConsUtution Menue, in sight of the Wb.iU. House, where casket will be Placed an a caisson. 1 8:20 a.m. -The funeral procession will move doWn Constitlltion Avenue to Capitol, for ceremony, musical honors and 21·gun''siiute-. ·. Illllde the Capitol rotuoda: a tlllDgJ' will be dellve<ed, a prealdenllal wreatho ,.ut .be plfced at the caWl Ud tht ......_ ID Ile 111 " ..... ~· --•• """""w -,.,,... ---~--· ,...,.. 10·~ .... J:. 1M-p;ibl!C1rill be jiijllnllleol to file througlr the rotqnda past tht cailet. ueT y,...,.::. : .... MONDAY~ • . • • 7:30 a.m: -'Public Yrelrini eriilr. FAMILY PORTRAITS -Here are two portraits of the Eisenhower family, made 26 years apart. Each member is in the same position in both pictures. Top photo was made around 1900 when the former president was 10, and the lower photo was taken in 1916 when he was about 36 and 1 mejor. From left, beck row: Gen. Eisenhower and brothers Edgar, Earl, Arthur aii.d Roy; frorit row: father David, brother Milton, and mother Ida. · Bradley Last of 5-Star Generals 10 a.m. -Casket w:Ul be carried to the hearse for return to Washington National Cathedral. 10:30 a.m. -Arrival ceremony at cathedral's North Transept, followed b1 Episcopal· funeral service In cathedral attended by 2,107 persons admitted b7 ticket. 11 a.m. -Casket placed in he:artt for trip to Union St.aU-Ol'I. _ 1: 40 p.m. -Train leaves tor Kansas, curylng the bod)" and members of the WASHINGTON (UPI) -Wilh the death d former President Dwight D. Eisenhower Friday, Omar N. Bradley became the sole surviving General of the Army ar the five men who have held that rank. Bradley, 76, .is board chairman o[ the Bulova Wat.ch Co. and resides in Beverly Hills. He stepped d-0w11 as chairman af the joint chiefs of staff in 1963, .Qut bei.{lg a five-!tar general -he won the promotion three yea!'I earlier -he technically is considered still on active duty, but' wittiaut a.,-sign- Eisenhower famils . · TIJESDAY 9 p.m., approximately -AJTival In Abilene, Kans. WEDNESDAY Burial, at an hour not yet announced, at the Eisenhower Ubrary, "bllene". menl. . otlier thing. No man can worlt 1b: days a Help me stamp out scruff ians, lopsiders & (yech!) dangleseats week, and also one evening a week. I am one 1tore that, for. the convenienee of my wife, tai:or, and other employeety .. doee not 1tay open after dinnet. any evening of the week. That elimhialff.loptidon. '(3) Some ~.are .fitted 6adly when ·t11,;y hoy. the 1uit. Other men ch•np ii.lie. That You'll not find these three u he goes, until the garment i1 is, they 101«1 weigbt, or pin word1 in Web11er's. You'll find completed. The shape is put in wel1Jbt. the official definitioDJ only in it for keep1. U, for esamph§, you are not Bidwell'1. A scruflian is only a ICl'Uf· able to pronoance the follow· -Scru//ian: one whote 1uit fian if he doe1 not have my Ing words. ''Pleue don't pue never again looks u nice 11 it label next io his heart. the potatoes,'' and yon have did in the 1tore mirror. (2) A d..,.nl tailor 11 hard been buying your aalta ••- -Lop1Ukr: one whoMI 1uit to find any more. TJie-. really· where, you may iu!:Te. • prob- "·as altered by a carpenter, good ones are almogt extiOct. lem in the avoirdupoi1 dept. -Dangleteat: one whose ~linC is a really good one. That's where J·1ck Bidwell lroueers don't quile 11~y up to The beet in all Orange Couoly. comeA to your l"elCUe. Don't full mast po1lllot1. He holds a needle with more uk your cleaner to take up Unlike • certain bread coin· 1humh and lorefinl{tt' finesse eewing. If you're now wider, rany, I build &trong bodies than my most experiencedc~ .. or narrower, Pll:,alter yoar nit. three way1. tomer1 hold a marlini slaft. · to fit, for a nomlaal charfe, DO (l) l ..U hand ta ii o rod How come my~tiilor it ~ 111."tter wh"! I OU ~I it._ ·mlt1. Most 1ui11 are ' 1titcbed terthanthooeeloewbere! Wei!, llyou're a ~t &Gm like pajamas, Oat, on a &ewiu& I p•y more money. Aly eonJ.. (name of 1tore)o:or (name of mac!tlne, Then they're praoed retiton and the employmeut 9ton), or e•Oll {ljiit.(~ of into human shape at the fie--agencieehaven'tyetdiKGve,.,. store), I'll undangle yOa. tory.Alttreverycl01U1lng.they that be 1peab only Porto• 'Why,tm I to helptal? Be. l!O right hack to tbeir·origjna.1 gu-, He W... me. And one capae rm a oicepy, wh1 elte?. Oal non-shape. The cleaner haa to pre11 the alt.a"' hack In, but he can never pru1 it uactJy the 118rrte any two times. ~ly hand tailored 1ult1 are 11ewn in the form of lhe male tono hr 1 1ehnelder (tailor to roa) whop..._; th•n ttllcb· .., thM p.-., then ttitcbea, • 1 • " Jack Bidwell . 3%7 Via Lido ll Nowpo<t Bhd,, In Newport 8-t. next lo Rlcltard't Markot md The Lido Theai.r. Plenly o! Imo parking In the rear, Phone 6734510. Copyri9bt 1969, Jack Bidwell. r -.~ ... --. Luther Kini. Jr. -One Year Later." 11'nle Gladness and the 5adnea ol the F'inl Palm Sun\lfl" ia . the llUe o1· the sermo1i'ill l} a.m. 'afl'IUlola -\lalliy ~ Cll1iiu, M20 Ta1bert Ave., by the Rev. Stanley P. Allen. !tfuslc by the Chapel Chair,. .will be ''Temple Bells.,;""' .-... , The S ov t be rn Califomia College Accents, ~ti. wW be giving • •pedal gospel musical at tbe Giid Tld!Dp Aaemblr o1 God, 15th and Monrovia Sb'eels, Newport Beach at 7 p.m. 5uod.a7. ' Mesa Post. ' ' ~ .. The Rev. Donald I . ~Ycln· nes wW conduct • the. final ,,.,... ............... • 0 d • ...mc. o1 Ilia lnlerim l!lioiJtry • French friel: wtD. be, 'liven to at the Presbyt«1an 'ChLU"ch ever)'COt attfndl"41 SW\day ol the Covenant, 285q Fairyiew school at the Cotta Mesa Rd., Costa Mesa, Sund~. • I! r.......,. a...., 113. ' His message titlod . ·'nie ~ Av~. as part ol its ·King Triumphant,'' will· ·be ·~ f« ~",idoliil. A ·beard at 9,30 a.l)l. band JlUppe& wiif be given to A farewell party honoring the ~ occupying the lucky the Rev. Macinnes will be ... t duriDg the,5Ulldoy school held at 7 p.m. M<>. il'1n L. boor at t:f5 a.m. Paster of Dolan, a member of the board the~ is the Rev. Wesley ol deacons, will make ' a ~-,. • EW PASTO~P­ f'. ·Rev. 81'Uce KuHtl W. Murrin. pre$en1ation to the Q).inister Presbyterian Chu r ·c b 1n on behall ol the <hutch Comptoo. 'Ibis Sunday at the Mtsa Verde United Me tk o d I 1 t a..rd, 1701 Baker Stteel, c.mta Mesa, at the 9 a.m. and 10:JJ a.m. services the Rev. Joseph Mc5hane will preach on the topic': "'Palrh Sunday, Then and Now." - m<mbership. During Ilia past«at. In The new pastor of the Compton, St. Johns grew fr<>m church w1ll be the Rev. Bruce 125 members to a current A., Kurrle who will conduct mombership ol 1500, In · the his first service at the Maundy same perloi:f: the ~Subday Thursday evening coounanioo school grew from 150 to 1000. service. The .ReY.. Kmle SUC<..'eeds "l'o Calvary," an Eastertide the fOWlding pastor of cantata by E\'erett 1'1.Ccomb, O:>venant Chur'1!, the -hv. y,·tJJ , be ·presented by the 'Va.rreu G. studer who led chancel choir at 1he 7:30 p.m. the Congregation fOr' more servl~. · than eight years. Last August -_A ~~ng ~:~ricam . . ' ' ' ' -' ' 'f ~ 't •."'I\ •• t : , _ By LOU!ll CASSEl.S "Mt be..l l'!l...a..t, In !hf st, U~I ~·I~ Wrfftr ~ff' l ' 'typicif >Anfet4Can l:-:tL .A (¥Jner wardtf WJ.S testi-On the contrary. AmtticaM .,{yio( '"""" ~ ~ ~jl l e .!a-,11&n llk<n -pride ·Jn ·being a •<>'eoUplolS , •boul ~ r u t • I compual-t. people,. rradlly :.'9rt*' ,.Jn.( l l.c t..e.d uw:in arOWlHd to a J)'lilpathetic. and .pril!>~ in .-~• penital-, gtnerous,rbpome . . ti,rles ....... ··~·· ~ •'I,lture.atlU 'are a om-e . The senators weFe ·shocked. Americana Jite that. 1c.1nere . Th<Y, W91!'1erecl how ;l)lch cOn· W"f'O~r chanlable en\&'prts<s dkJonl could ~ in a s.u.P-would be Mell harder· up· for pcJfiedly J!umana..IW)ciety. \V}iy money and · manpower than hadn't public opin1oo forctd they, 'r.e •. , , . , reforms~ Bul <l{IYOOe wi1h ey8$ to '"THE PUBIJC . ares not see and ears to hear. must care'. about .the men it send&· haye noticpl ~t compassiQn to pri8cm," replied Thomas o. :-a gtnulne, ~.in a.ad Murton; lOrmer..•A i:.k 1 n 1 as concer_n for the troubles of penitiirtiary , ~tendent. .. others -is n6 JQOger a con- .. "l'be pW>Uc' .does not care -splcuous feature of. the na- ·wbetber ·or oottpriJQOers are tiooal mood. beaten; explolt.d ·or aubjected · "8'' MURTOI{ sai<j. ''Ibo to 1nhumai.1 . coodition11. ftle publicl,' ,DOt on1f doesa'l care publiC "dOtr 1lOt want pr9on aboul prison reform, ii doesn 'L reform because it actually even want to know there is doeJ not warit to know what a need far i.L , goes on in ptjlcmr'' . 'This disposition to ~/e, • ;:;, Ttoipk . Belli 11111'14 . • f OroJe C.0.ly will Cllllduct Ill regular sabbath evening aemc. 00 Friday -evening, April (. at 1:15 p.m. at the Co mm.unity Congregationa1 Church on Katella and Bloom- field avenues in Los Alamitos. 1be services will be.conduct~ by Rabbi Bernard B • Goldsmith in conjundion with Cantor ijarry NeWmalL DurJnC lhia serv1ce;:,11a1>bl Goldsmith will give h i s sermori on the subject "l\1811in Atthe~'~:tiour. ''~ tlie am.tlaf "lllinh to Sunday school in .MarCKit cam- paig11 willJ!io-11.Qic{' • '!be Flnt Ualled Metllodht Cllllra of Coota Mw, Go West. 19th 5t. will bold two service! on Palm Sunday at 9:30 a.nd lt a.m. with the Rev. Richard J. Du n I a p preaching at both scrvi~s. There will be an organ recital at 2 p.m. with Jay Colyar and Trvlne Kimber guest recita1isls~ An art ahow will be offered Jrom 1 -to I p.m. in ·the lellonblp hall with showings of painting from local pro- The y~. people of the Hundn(lon~~lley B a p t I & t cbtid, 911t~ter Ave., will be i~ ch~.i.C the evenin£ service on . y. • · Auatber filbire of the Sun- cla{~venlill aervke will be Prior to joining t h e the Rev. Studer accepted a Presbyterian Churtb of the post with a church in• Hawaii. COvtnaot the Rev. Kurrie 1be'Rev: Macinnes bas"ter"Ved ~rved for 22 years as pastor the Costa M$ congregation • •In ht-bilef, bitter st.ate-.-tune out, shut off unpliaSant ment.. ex-werdert'.".Murton put . ~l!l.cbl ~mi: to_ be quite ·his ·fin&er on what may _•be widespread. It may be··one · 1'merica'a. moot · ba$: m0<a1 .' i.~11r '-·.u.iiugh cir!al!>IY not , problem.. ~ · • ..• ., the ~1y-one -in tile hOstilJty . ....._ The topic f~8'1qr ,!liseoe Schramm's Pl!Dt~b n d ay 'Jlee PUQIT, Pll(e 5) ~ St. Johns U n J t e d since then. '~ ~CEtowar d ttw:a;d·_'ihe ~;•.~~ch the. sulltrln( 'of Others bas • . lll<;e A~ATllV, .Piie 5) ORANGE COAST ~ CHURCH DI~·RE .CT .O .. R'.Y -. ' ' . '·' . ' . LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE?. '" FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH tt.. 1..~1 Fairview Rd. ·At Fair· Dr.,..Cntl' Mosa 9 A.M.-ChU<ch School .. ·-·· IO A.M.-Worshlp 1 1 · D•-S1nl1hl1; D1p1• .... Stl4r..... , I -.. -.,_ 14Molt . , HARBOR TllNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 12JI .... St.• ......... C.... .... ctY* C..k. llltert• Pnfw Sanday School 9,45 a.m. Momlng Wonblp 11,00 a.m. Baptiat Training Union 6 p.m. Evenlq aervtce 7 p.m. Wedneaday Bible Study & Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENC~ CHURCHES -'IWtCl\ll ·~ THI llOTMR CHUIClf'~ . THI PlllJl-CilUICff Ofl CHIUS'r, ICllNTIST !,M IOSTON. MASIACHUSITTI "REALITY" Subject of Lesso,,...:oMarch 30 Co1t1 Mt11 -First Churdl of Christ, Sclenll1t 2111 .... , .. Dr .. c ........ ~ Sclle1I f :tl A.M. c-.. S.tl• 11 ........ THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. I ~ I ST •• JAMES, l20t n. Lido, N .. pert ~Ill 'I' .S. .. ey Serriut-1:JO, t :OO, 11 :00 v I I T'"4cry 10:]0 -n. • ., ... ay 1:00 , .... Holy l1cMrbt .. lffall11t ~ , .,. · I ~ bctof, 1'e ..... JoM ... .....,. lh ...... ,... ..... DnW c,...' Phon0< 675'.42 10 ' ' I · '1 ST, MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS i! Pacific View Dr. at A1arguerite, Corona del Mar 1 Sundays: ·e,oo. 9:30 -Child Care at 9,30 11 Holy Days as announced 11 le<tor, Tiie In • .101111 1..,..n DcMs -Jl'ho11e 644·046] I I ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. ' Newport Htrbor -I · Lutheran Church of the Moster 2!l<MI Pacll1c View·Dr. Lutheran 'Church 2501 Oliff Dr. Il 1\.4293 n. ........... la, .... ...... -: .............. .. • ;, ,.,..,I.... .. ..... s-ti:9~:·.i ... .-........ ,....., lclMlil ··-·· ,, .. ,,, ..... ....... llrYkll .... 111 ... ll•• ··-~ t ;f• NUJ"W')', care. avallable ..at au aervi~ WELCOME I · COllON.'> DEL MAii <\ ~-.. .•. ' I ·OR. ·Wlt LIAM R.· llLLER • · ... f'hohe ; OR :s;5022• ;i . • : : ·. • • • I 1'4.5 ~M.-f4flllty Wlf'thip •.. f ;45 AM-S!.111411 Ck.nU · Sch.o ol .. ' I 11 :00 A.M.-fo1tive Wdi, I NMefyPtn .... CHllST LUTHERAN CHURCH Mlasourt Synod RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH -.. •-211t -•-o.. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9,30 Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced Yk•, TM ltn • .lohl W. D01W1lcbo1 -PiloH 541-1326 160 Vlctorla s t .. Cott. MIA Lothlr V. Tornow, Pastor 541-1404 611 HAMILTON, COit.A MISA EPISCOPAL Wlf'l/!I .. S.l"'lle.t1 l:IS a n A.M. ,....., ICllMl1 t:JI A.M. R'"· l ob Sch.,.•lt1kopf I Huntington le1ch-Flr1t Church of Chr11t, Scientist SuH•y Scho•I , ••••• , t :45 Tr•l11h19 U11le111. , ••• , , ••• 1:00 111 0... . M • W -t.i. &.11!111 Worilu, •••••••• 7:00 a.rdi & ....., Scll11I t:lO & 11:00 AMt &laiie C'"'I' f : .. A.M. . CHllmA,N IUMINTAIY SCHOOL 14NHI omu19 o,._.. •••• 11 ;00 w .. ~--1 S.·' 7•00 •-.n..... .... 111 --.. . snoll !If "'''' • • • • • --.. _...... ,I I' ST. WILFRID'S EPISC.OPAL CHURCH ·~ ~~.AJ.!-1!' : . Lagu~"::,;;,~·~~~Ch~~~clo~~al I " =IJlfiiiisirt~AJilt lft CHIJlttf-~ :::-I : -:.. -... ... ~a• ll tiii;c; I Ills SL ti Cllattl Lt"' -..l•t µd .. f lVt .,... lftllll'llllttll a.1~ CMnn.11 . . ' • 1'11 ..... ..ltrrll!I C, CllfY, Pilfl# -............ 114 ....... ,, .... 2212 L L PAUS•IM1 8-~ ._,. ~-~ I SANTA ANA HQ...,.. / · · Newport Beacfti~ F1rn Church of Christ, Sclenll•t ltnmAT KHOOL ......... ' ........... ; •.•...••• "'"'!"\" t!e A.M. JJQ YS. IJff .; MOl:MtMe WOUHIP ~· ............. .l, ....... ,...J..1,0 • 11 A.M. =. ... ~~~:7 •YllJU ... WOl:Ntll" ,.. ...-: ••• "1f'~ .... · ............ 1 P.M. ;i. ...t.. ~"'* & ..., t :11 I 11:01 · Sul\d.ay Sen1ce• · •: · 1111 Ull "°"' , .. ..,.. .-. ,,. A.M. '"' .. "" Strwlll'& a..u ,. . 1111 "~ ... -. ''""' -1:• f'.M. l!~·~lt 11:11 AM. Mlml~I W.,.._ Y-~ H•rwry ,,,.. ..,...,.. MIDWll• l lRYK:a W Cl •••. _ •. ,...,.,.~ Jitl P.M. , ,.. J, IM:!Ci.'J .,"9 LJ4e wwa-.. ~ ... .. \ f'O (--l4l-X71 -~ ~ .._. -... :. • t~""'""'""""'""'""'""""'~~;.,,""';;-;,,,,;;-;,,, ... .,,,..,,.,;,'.g Newport Bekff;.Secobt hurch of Chr ist, Scientist I FIRST CHRISTIAN : ~,:.~...::: :0~.~;" ... "::. "" ·1~-::====::=:=:=.::==:=~~~~·~···~·-~"--~·'. 1 First Assembly of God Church w. i,i;,,, !, :t;< .' . . . · . · BA·H· A'IS·. · • 146 E. 22nd SI., Costa Mesa 548-3761 . UtjlTA.RIJ\N RIST IAPTIST CHUICH CHURCH -............ L.,... Hwy. M. C. Cronic, Putor ' UNIVERSALIST PROCLAIM Ri v Nid.:110.n, Minili1r 11of Youth , CHURCH Boho' U1 (fah ., ........ ,...., Victoria & Placentia Ave . · I Co•ta M.,a I All are cordially Invited to attend the church •ervlces SCHEDULE Of SERYICES 125• Victoria St., Cotta M ... • 17411 ...... n.. l l"-'k.M ltliffltl Jo-•. rtercy M•- I and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms CW C... "'"WM AT AU SllY1CIS S11td1r-c1ilfr"ll:ll Sc.lloel •••••• , •••• , •.....••.••• •:lP 0.111. hi141r WIN"llllp •••••••••• 10:50 0 .111. & 7;00 p ... 6464652 SYr.d•YJ. . lO:JO A.ht. "Thi Pre.,.i11J On1" 548-1215 or M9-J005 fffllf'9ill , .... , an DIM ....._ h •9'os HM9n Ywlll Mlflls1lr S1111d1y Scho1I •••• : , t :l l A.M I MOM'll111 Wonlli, , • 11 :00 AM rr..,.r 5,,...1.. • • • • 6:JO PU l v•llint Won hip •• , , 7:00 ."."' l'lll"llFY A\'allllWI 11 ti S....- 147-4844 • l•rfy w..-... ·····-····· •=• '·"'-..... Sd!MI .•...•.•.•..• 11• ,..., I Merlll .. W1r$lllt> •••••••• 111tf ...... , y""' Of"911" ••••. ·••••• ••• .• ' '·"" 1· v~ery··care .. PrOVid;d 541-4111 14MJ41 l ' 1 -:nrt,:o,~ D;1.; wi';I 1 Fl~ CHRISTIAN,., -~WPOIU UNITY J>. ! CHURCH :;: --~_.._ .. CAUJCH ,, . i :.· .-:: '"'" """"'"'" . . ':"' ·-. ~~ . 15th" l lr\'i111, N1wpert l11ch (~ ClllHlll ll1111dln9t 1;45 A.M. S1111J1y Sd1eol l"~:~~.A-t.f. D1v0Ko111! S•~k• OFFlQ;: MW. C..st H'9h'1111y, N.&. 1 Phllnt: .,.._,111 ii ............. _.. ...... " ' .... ----· l CHURCH OF..ll ELIGLOUS SCIENCE I -·--· Mt"*-' Clltf'dl If Ulllttf a.tea ....... S<MtKa. L.91 .t.l9'ln SUND.U" $f'll:VICI!' • , 0:TI AM ~r.r"';"• .--. Alben II~, lt.S.t.F. j Ol:lf'flmt CMAf'lt. · Ore ... CM1t YMCA. 2llll VnlWall)' OI'. ;GO AHEAb! SLEEP IN. SUNDAY MOlNING! CHURCH OF CHRIST 287 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MESA llTWllN HAllOI utl PAllYllW SUNDAY MORNING l ll LE STU DY •••••.••••••••• , 9:41 AM SUNDAY MORNING WORSHI'' I: COMMUNIO N •• 10;41 AM SUNDAY EVENING WO RSHIP ••• ,,,.,••••······. 6:00 P.M. WEDICISD'.Al' t'fUltNCJ l lltl STUDY •••••••• , ••• , 1;10 PM NUUEIY CAii Pll:OYIDED D1 ... 0 . M•;thw .~ -· D. S. H.m Mill~-;-,: . _:;. 7 '--c:J.t'I Ml11htor -Pliont: !.4f.57ff Day or Nigh t Church Choir -Sh1ril PtYl1111, Oir1clor YIMhirt Wile•• -N1rwry A""4a11t STATI UCENSID Pltl0SCHOOL-Paul Wiiiia'"" Director f'tto•: '45·2l 2l a 11~~~~~~~:1 HARBOR REFORM ffMPLE meeting .it St. J1me1 Episcop•I Church 3209 Via lido, N1wport Beach , SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCliuv~"'L--... IUlll l llN l l!INOW ·l!OR INfOltMATlqN1 CALL •1$-)40 i BIB LE CHURCH ' 'GLAD TIDINGS<: 1.."+-""~.c,., 0 . ASSEMBLY OF GOD : .) ·Q ~· ~(' 15th !--Monrov;•, Newport Beach . : 1 ~ S (t/1 l loc• Wa t •f H"' HOlflltoll 641-6120 '' 546·7166 1 ... '° r"-........ 1111, .... i.r -~·m Mlllfr, MlllKI J C)l!'Khr~ tmphlsizfng -t :45 A.M.-S•""-r Sctteo1 ~ • The f'Lvl of God "' 10.50 A.M.-"W"f M••v Clwhtio• Ate Pn11traiJlfJHI -1 I Tbe Penon of Ovllt .. --I FffH""I., 1114 T\• Ahlror Fr1M""'Sod'1 Th<'P-ol the Holy Spirit + ,-r... + ' Wo<d" ' I Sundly School' AM ""-1 J \~ J 1'.il S.r11101 •v Pa tor ~ Mcm;qw oiW.rp ' •Id 10;.)IJ AM ~s 1:00 P.M.-S.C.C. ·~ts . '. :-~·1tt1Serv1w7 PM :r_.,. 1...._ 1 A Sp.cl.r Ch.,.s Mnkel1 • 1 A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1lbo. l1lt n'cl COMMUNITY METl10DIST CHUICR I I.I Ag1t~ _67S-Ot50 1:15 lnform•I Wor1hip .,!)D 'fil1ditioilil Weuhi p I 1Sii11d•y• Schiel :J - F1iS¥'U~ITED MnHOOIST CHURCH 19 th St 0 I l-41rbor 11.,.d. Worihip I Churcll School t :JO I 11 AM 541.7127 Coit• M•MI N•rth MESA VERDE MnHODIST CHURCH M11• V1rd• &; lt~1r St. . 549-2119 ' Worihl.o I Churth School. t :OO I IO:lO AM ·. H11ntl'/'Ogfon l11d•1-'.Hortli . ·CC)MMUNrTY 'M!TMODlST CHURCH 6662 Htil A"•·· .142--4461 Wor1hip I Ch11.rc~ Sclieol t I IO !lO AM . - IP"lin.,-E1rt Iliff · UNIVERSITY MElHODIST CHUICH Wot1hi11. :, .1:30 AM IJJ-12)1 "'411ti•9 t1mpor1rll y 111 St. M1 rk Pr•1byl1ri•11 Church E11tbh1ff Dr. l J1mber11 Rel. l191111• l11ch ' .. LAGUNA HACH METHODIST CHUICH 21612 W1,l1y Or iii . • So. l 1911n1 Wo11hip t :JO I 11 AM Ch11rch Sc~ool 9;10 AM 49,.JOtl TllvlW•Y l fbl• 5tudi A' , '\i , Mo11. 7;30 P.M.-Cott119' Pt..,. Meetl11,.......Coll 646·l160-I and 'r~ 7 l'M • t.,/'fl';MA'I ... \.\. ' lM"I, 7:10 .P.M.-C_. A. s.r.ic-Lorrr MoJ.le, Leoct" ~ Hll~lingfoll ltich • Nurwry dwina MrYka Wt'd. 1:JO P.M.-lob ..... t._W!MJ 1~ wt..., ~ FIRST UNITED Ntwpert l111ch A fun Yoa'lh l'l6gram C._lr 511195 It Mni.Sillllfy Sort1c9 • , • CHRIST CHUllCH IY THE SEA cm. ol 011n1••ndllld. s~ I COMMUNITY . ·I '''!" Mui:,,, ,,.,.-.y ..,, '·"' · '. 1 MnHOD1$T CHURCH , Cost.1Maa 172 1 17th St ..... Sl8"-l5l7 1400 w. l ill:iei ll"d. ri. .....r. 9'i J:io AftlnteM Stms. .t CALVARY CHAPEL .............. ·-H. L 1-ua ""'· I CONGREGATIONAL HARBOR ~SSEMBLY OF Goo' : . ::,-;.:~· ·~·~:~ : .. ~·. '. ~i w~·M• t''~.'.~:. "'"' 11~==.=-==c..,..==.,===llll 611 HE~~OTROP~ I v. L HEITW?c':. ~o"t'ilson. Costa Mes~AIL GlNTIY. \F=c='~"'=''='='=''=':!!' ~·~·'~·~·~··~·===·~-=':!!·:!!a~ro=''~'=~:!!.M=.=~ 1 .~,e~.~~:~.u~.~~'!~.~~'' ! .a!.'"::~~.:;"A.... ,...,,,. •••• ., ..... ~·· ... '' ""'' 1 • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES NEWl!ORT HARBOR LUTHIRAN CHURCH -.. ciiit'btfw. ......... .... ...... "" ..... a...1111 .. u-... """" .... ,......, ... ...,... ..... ~IC. cm..,., CllfHI Ill .. ,, "•"···~' ·~ CWdl .... ,.. ,.. '" _. .... .,_ '"'"' fll ---.... f MU7U. .646-9512 ' .1 . . !J/a~~ ·. {jri41ia~ • . . • OP ldWPOn IUCM-IDlwlr'· J_ ......... ...,_.,, H...-· 111111••1 ScllMI 421 ~ 1M Jt,. C... ..... Church School i;;;. '9145 AM. Wonhip -10:45 A.M.m -c:..-Phono: 67S-3HS lilin;ster: Dr. ri. W. MtElroy • ST. MAnHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IMi1towrl s.,,..41 w1,d:ipl11J ti th• UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOO L • S•*llllllft et M1tth•wi 11 U•l.,.nlty Pu~ WOUHIP: 10:JI A.M. 1t ... H. Nl•r11111111, Pi .tor IJJ.JJll A4u1:~·n;e!t1h1S~!1~ •• -1 °'· ......... ,.,..."· M•._ •: 45 ..... -~~= ::,~-.... .of the CoastOI Areas I MM Wrtrt sm.1. o.c.1. r 1 :Oo A.lile. 67:J..4000 AN NUA\. C RADLE ROLL DAY Ch 1um PATI. v1N1n11 • , 1 0~10-A.M.-·n . 11...:1"" _. ._,.1111111111. . .. rist Church Presbyterian ' I ., ... ,, ..... ~.. " -20112 M99 ... 1 .. I,._, ..... , H ........... S.r9IOll bt Pot.tor .. · Rn. All• o . s......., lltt«l•-flntlt 6:00 P.M. -Ye•tll knk1. S 11f Wlnfll t JO ... · S.venth·Day Adventist Churches . 7:00 P.M. -''TIM! C-.1fiD011" ' '' p: ; Clmd SftMl1•10:4S A.M. S.-.. r.ter :. ' Oftkl 311 Jnl St ......... t~f40 ._ -._ -COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL • . Church of th•· Covenant --. J 7\ A•~ Stnet ........ 11 1 ,.,..MfMlt -'°"""911r• -.. .........,. -IClllllill c-! . 2110 ~ ~~ M ... _ '... J•h;h::~::~~.~~~,f,, ~~2 :: ;:: .. ::::: 111: ====~===~;;::::::;=:::::::=:::::::::::=::=~.~-=:i1I s • .., ~~;"~''c~~,..~s:;:;; ~~1e.111::''M..c ... , .....,. ....., .... "" •11 .._ L ,,.,.., '"'M . I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH : St. Andrew's Pre!byterlon Ch'"h ....... W...., •• 11 :00 AW Phe1111 -4t2-JtJ6 t040 t.ib«t Aft. fT1rNrt. & 111_,11,flll, FOUNTAIN YAWT 600 St.,....._. 1.li, N..,_,. .._. ...,_ ............ 7:11 ... = ~· :'.· 1:: :: _ UN 11-'1El> SERVICE • 5Y11d1y Schoel t !'lG-WORSHlP • 10:10 CH AILIS HEll l lT DIEIENf llLD, PASTOR l""""""'""'"""""'""'""'""'""""'""""""'""'""'""'""'""'s; ':I WorJiip a Youlh Group• • 6:10 ~.... w.,.,,. a.re• Sc.ttti.1: .. t 1JO a 11 AM I 1 Nuriery pre•id1cl 11 i n 11r1ic11 '46-1'147 • - A c'"""•1"' 0 ""'*' -,., • ....,. .,.. """'"' ~-St. Mark Presbyt~rimr. tliiirch a TEMPLE SHA·RON Al.a... ....................... 9Jl 1Mf Sb'M OI SAIUTM ntMJNa SllYICU NIDA'l.Mt'l :l l l ..M. ' .. ......,......,_ ......... ,. ..•.. ..... Wt , ....... ~ °""' -._ "*' ~ ... . . Trlnity , UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH I 1416 Solltll .... SftN AM WORSHIP ANO E.S.P. SudO'f .hH&aita -7:.JO •""- • fl2-GAS2 . 54J·6230 We l1li•"• In l t1rn•l l il1 •nd Pr•"• Ill I c.,..., J 1111bo'" a 1-mi1wH ort .. \,c~ .. .._ I Jo-6roill9fll Slr\, ,..,_ • wentt1, a cti .. rc• SclllHl-.!:..I o di '44·1141 ."" c Community PresbyteL n .,~hurch 411 "'-"' ..... { .. 2"41.'it.f." ~ .... DALLI.I TUINE•. PASTOI W..,... Cll•rtll Sc.h•l-t:30 AM W"'*',.__11 AM 4t4-7111 ___ .., -·· ... .- PULPIT AND PEW • • • . (C-Un?f :mm r...,. U .... ' . lllo' vlftinr "" 11rc1ee rrcm lhe Narramore Chriattan FoundaUon where Pa 1 t o r Jamu Herlncta ""8 Josi ~~ pytar'l}lralofc The adledule tt lltn'lcea tt U.. HW>Uqtoo.V.U.y Baptbl Cbureb .la SUndoy scbool· al 9 .~a.m .. mo¢nc Wfl?hJp at 11' youth hour al s "p.m., e g wrc:nhip4t I f)itri.iMllll michiHJli prOyU °*llnc' ... w~~Y ,a 1'P.m. _" Ceotral Baptb~ Clllttd, 7681 Warner Ave., Hu n·t.i n 1 t O·JI. Bea~h will hold w o r s ~ i p services at 11 a.m. and ? lf.lll'."llomlay:--·'lboJ11a1 Ray will preach at both Services .on "Is California J;loomed?'' I Sunday school will be held 1:45 ·•~m. &Qd npraery ~ for infants is provide!1 at both 1'or/hiP ~· _ · -~ -,.. I The PaJm Sunday topic ,gt I/It Rev. Dr. Henry Gerhard 'till be "The._ Triumphant (fhrill." Dr. Gerhard, Jllinister ol thl> J,quna Beach Cllurc-., ~ s.-.. JllOQ l'.aguna Canyoo Road, will .speak at t a.m. and 11 a.in. JQ!li.. church a11cl'lhe : hi8h ~bool .group meet during the t o'clock service. ' Palm Sunday ·at .Newport· Harbor Latlttraa Q:urcb, 2501 ~IU! :i>r;ve, NeWport Beach PUtot J8D)es,.. Blain has Cho&e:n as hia sermon title fi>r both ·the 1:30 and 11 a.m. I worship service "Evecy Knee Should Bow'' based on Philip.- ~iaM 2:5-11. The sacrament at boJ¥" communion is offered after ·the 11 a.m. Hrvlce. I Members will be receiVed dur· I Ing the 11 a.m. service. A : congregational meeting has I be;;?. cllloil !or7 p.m. to 1au 1 caii!'; of buslDess pertalnlng to • the building program. I I The First UDltect MeUtodi5t Cburcb, 2'121 '11th St., Hllft- tington Beach, will hear their two choirs, under the direction of Harold Bouley, present a special Palm Sunday program of music. The youth choir and the sanctuary choir will sing at both services, 9:30 and 11 a.m. The Rev. G. RU!Sel1 Shaw, pastor, will be preaching on the question, "Who Is'This?" , A coffee hour· will be t>etd I between aervicea. 1. I . This Sunday at Commuity ' Ptfelhodist Cburcla, 662 Heil Ave., HunUngton Beach, the Rev. Roger G. Betsworth will be preaching at both the 9 and 10:30· services. The title of his sennon is "Here Is Your King." At 7 p.m. the film, "These Four Coty Walls," will be shown. This fllm portrays the struggle of the church in social concerns. Sunday church school and the adult discussion group will meet at 9 a.m. at ilenrrectton IAtlteru C la• r c • , .. 981Z Hamilton Avenue, Huntington Beach, SUnday. Palm Sunday festi v al worship begins at 10:30 a.m. and will include tht reception of ne.w members and bap- tisms. The Rev. Arthur R. Tingley, pastor, will speak on " • .\ Strange Procession to Re- jection." Communion will be celebrated at both the I and 9:30 a.m. services Sunday at St. Mlehael and All Ana:els EpitcOPal Qarcll, 3233 P .cific View Drive, Ccrona del Mar. The 9:30 a.m. service will Include the blessill& of palms and a ~ioo. 1be Rev. John Rbgers l'>avil Will ilve the ~on at bot~ sernces..._ On Palm Sunday at St. Andrew's Pre1•yterla.a Cburcll, 600 St. Andrew's ll<>ad, Newport Beach, Dr. · Charle6 IL Dlerenlleld, post<f, will preach part v. "I Believe He II . . • At God'1 Rilhl Hand," in his ~nten .series •Ditklecl .... Wardl' M4I -l.Ive By."' WorSl>i ..me., ari held at I, t:~ and 11 a.m. Youth choirs will aJng II all lhr<e aervltee. ' \ • ' .!-.- Pa.slor lltnry E. J .... wW IPOlk Gil the IUb]ect "Food ll1d Idols" II the t aad.IO:• a.m. 16V1c<s Sllllday at C.. tral -~ 23nl 8treet and Orqe Avenue, Costa ...... ~ '; · -4.t . the· 7 tti.m. 1 terrice the -wtJI. tell "'Why f Am a Cindldate for the School Board." 1be Rev. Ken McMillan will prelicl> h!J Palm Suoday stnict""'Clft ''The Fork in the ROad" at the Finl Ualt.ed Melllod!N a.udl d F9W11aiD CAPO. SPEAKER Dr. lruce Mor1•n Church Aide Valley, · 111115 Bu 1 i ·a rd. Se(vices will ~ at 9:30 and 11 .. m. ·Jfew member• will be rec«ved i. at both llC!l'Vioes, "1d the aacrameal " bapllam SI t . T lks ..u1be1ie1d.: • .. a es a Mesa Ac:tor ' .-- "Good Friday -I p.m." Is ti.t M:nnom ~'for Palm Sllll· Uy·it Hllrilor,-011r11 t ta a Cllurdl,. (Dbclpi.,• qi t'luiS!) meeting at 11arper Elemen- tary School, 4U E, lath St., Costa· ¥esa. Church school meets at ·t:~ . a.in. with ......ilip al 10:15. 'Dr. D. W. McElroy is ·the minister. Dr. Bruce L. Morgan , ex-On TV Sunday ecutive secretary of the Kam Tong of Costa Mesa, Northeasteril Gaspel Crusade, known f<r bis character roles St. Johnsbury, Vermont, will in telev1sioo series and motioo be the speaker at the C4ast pictures, appears Sunday on Bible Church services at "The Kathryn Kuhlman and Marco Forster Junior High Her Guests" half· ho u r School, San Juan Capistrano, television fl'Oi'l'alll . aired al Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and 8.30 a.m. on KCOP, Channel Wednesday. 13. Dr. Morgan has become in· The pulpit. radio and The Rev. James Helbert, creasingly known for his Bible television personality w i 11 who has spent 20 years of expositions and Jecture3 on discus,, Tong's career and his his life on the Jvory Coast, Christian Living. He is also recent decision to project an West.Africa, will be speaking a student of Bible Prophecy. interest in spiritual matters. at Calvary Baptht Ctlurcll -------------------- tills Sunday •. lt will be the conclusion of the "Month of Missions" held during March . 'J'he Rev. Helbert will speak at both aervitts, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Calvary Baptist is located M 1281 Garfield Ave., HIDltington Beach. Evangelist Bill Jessup will speak Sunday at tile 10: 15 a.m.. ~e-Easter r e v i v a I 9en'icts at Ftnt Cbrl1tlaa Churcll of Laguna Beach at Legion and GleMeyre. Soloist and song leader \Vill be Harold Clark of· First Christian Church of Long Beach. Pastor Melvin Taylor will cOD.iider the . question "Why Are We Alive?" 'at Sunday's 10 a.m. servicfl of th e Fairview BapUst Cbarclt, 2525 Fairview Ave., Costa Mesa. 'llte bleaslng of palms and a solemn procession will be Ille hlgblipts of U.. 9:30 a.m. family service at BL -Johl tM Dlvlae Ephcopll Church, 2<K3 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, Sunday. c.ommunion will be observed at the 7:30 a.m. worship hour, and Sunday school will be conducted at 1:30. Dr. James Catanzaro of Golden West College will be the guest speaker at a potluck supper Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. His topic will be .. The Genera- tion Gap." Philip G. J\1unay will preach "Let's Go to Town!" A one-act play will be pe1f0tmed at the Ualtarian Ualvenallst Sunday service, 10:30 a.m. The church meets at 1259 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. "The Magnetic Chri6t," a sermon . by Dr. P. G. Neumann, will be presented et the 11 a.m. service for First BapU1t Church, 301 Magoolia. Costa ~1esa. Evtn· ing worship, 7 o'clock, will feature a-sermon entitled "The Co.st of a Conquest." also delivered by Pastor Neumann. 10 :30 a.m. Dr. Peter Carr, professor 0 r comparative English lit er ature at California State Loog Beach, will lead t:be discussion which will be held at American Legion Hall, Legion a n d Cata1ina streets, La g u n a Beach. "Approach to Life" will be the sermon subject Sunday of the Rev. Albert Burke, minister of the Fellow1bip Churcb of Rellitou1 Science I of Newport Beach meeting at Griffith Chapel. 2300 Universi- ty Drive at 11 a.m. Jn observance of Palm Sun- day. Flr1t Christian Cburcb of Costa Mesa, 79'l Victoria Ushering in Holy Week, :St., Will be decxrated with Cllrt1t Ladle:ru Church. 760 palm fronds. The minister, the Victoria St., Costa Mesa, will Rev. James E. Piercy, will hold services at 1:15 and 11 preach the sermon, "When a.m. with the sermon, "Vic-Christ Comes to Our Town" tory in Christ." during both the 8:30 and 10:40 a.m. worship 1ervices. p 1 ymau~ eongregatlout During the Vesper boor, the Churell ol Newport Harbor, minister will speak on the 3262 Broad St., Newport subject, "In the Shadow of Beach, will hold services at the Cross." Other Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday. The Rev. services of the church are Norman L. Brown will preach Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. "The Cross, An Amazing and youth groups which meet Parad<>x." at $:30 and 6 p.m. New members will also be received and communion will At the Palm Sunday mom· be offered. ing services, the pastor of the Flnt Baptist Church of Pa.Im Sunday worship will Huntingtoa Beach, the Rev. be held at 3:45 and 11 a.m. WillisJ.Loar,willbebringing with Dr. William R. Eller his message "When Jesus The Rev. J ames G. Kirk delivering a message based Comes ta Our Town," to both will deliver the concluding on Zachariah 9:9-12, "Behold services: 9:30 a.m. at Peeks sel'llKD of the current series Thy King." at Latheran Chapel, 7101 Bolsa , "A Better Wey" at Sunday's Churcll of the P.ta!'lter, 2900 Westmin&ter and 11 1.m. at 10 a.m. service at SL Mark Pacfic View Drive, Corona del the Huntington Beach Chapel, Prethyteriu Chu re II , • l\1ar. 6th and Orange streets. Eastbluff Drive and Jamboree Palm Sunday evening Road, Newport Beach. His "Trouble on Campus" will services will be a special topic will be "The Elasticity be discussed at the Unitarian-candlelight meditaUon service of Support." The children's Unlversallst Fellow!'lhlp e f at 7 p.m. at the downtown choir will sing, infant baptism Laguna Beach this Sunday at chapel. will be observed and com·--=--------'-----'-------- municant members will be welcomed. The family Lenten service will be held at 6:30 p.m. Douglas Land from the Center for Studies of the Person, La Jolla, will speak on "Renewal in Persons." The congregation cf Cburtb of tile Crossroed1 will bear Pa'Stor Vincellt Gottuso Jr. speak on "Triumphal Entry" at Sunday's 11 a.m. worship hour. They will meet in the Chapel, 3500 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Co!n!•uudty Coqreptloaal Cburcl&, 811 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar will hold worship service and church school,:at 10 a.m. Sunday. Dr. I See By Today's Want Ads: THAT trS Dltil A lll DAY 111 STOP BURNING MIDNIGHT OIL ON YOUR ' INCOME TAX Thi• year-git _.rt1 Don't bvna the Mld1tigl.t .;1, wottying with taa fit• ur ... Why Mt t.t ILOCIC figu,. ,...,, ,...m qvklt· ly, dependably oncl lft.o .... ,. ,.., ·ef ...w .... .,..... .tint Drop i•·todorl r=."11$ AID nATr m A"'9rlca'• Larsnt Tix hrvid with Ovit 3000 OHien CORONA dol MAR, 2415 E. Co11t Hwy .. 675-03'2 COSTA MESA, 117S Harbor lllvd., 642-6940 HO APPOINTMENT NEClSSAltY SEE THE STARS L.t fh• ... ,. ,.1 •• , ••• Sor•"Y o ... ff, .......... ••tl4'• fot•· •••t "tr•l ... r•, wrlt.1 tl!1 4all)' h•t•K•P• c•lllfllA ftaf.,r.i ii th• DAILY PILOT. are suffering from compassion fatigue . Some, ln tbe argot of our time, just don't give a damn what happens to tqe other guy. Rejecting the moat fun- damental moral teachlng of Christianity and Judaism, they refuse to be their brother's keeper. 'Ibey do not believe, or at least do not take serioos- King4om Hall Rite Slated • Celebrates New _ Locatiqn .. 420 E ... ·17th -.......... ' ,11 646·7706 FREE D~awing To Be Held April Sth -Winner Need Not Be Pr.111nt ' WIN A BIKE • I DURING OUR OPENING CELEBRATION WEEK MAR. 31 ·APR. Sth 1 3 BIKES TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE!! " SCHWINN Free Free STING RAY Boy11 or Girl's Model Balsa COFFEE 1 Men's 3-Sp~ed G&:IDER -AIRPLANES 1 Ladies' 3-Speed AND BALLOONS COME IN DONUTS • REGISTER For The NOW YISITOU WAl[E AT SD SCHWINN -. BE SURE TO-SEE-:-7. ' THE Autocoa1t TERMITE!. A RUGGED OFF-THE-ROAD ALL WOOD VEHICLE! • "911t ........ • 1••1,111 .. 1111 ,.._ I I' SI 1'-• 111• R•J ...,. ........... ,...... '"''f"tA• llf .... ~ ............. ....... • ................. ri41 .. 41• .... A • • KIT PRICE 5185~ FREE DEMONSTRATIONS.,. Mar. 31st.; I le 3 l'<m., Ap<ll 2nd., I le 3 p.m., ond S•t., April S, IO_!o !1 ')"!!).: I I j -·-. . . • I -. . . . ... .. C-01l~ilent -Page • ~ ' ··---_, I • • • " . ' ' . -· - I I n•Jor Eartftquaha ' ·-llU ........ . U.S. Cout and Qeocktic ·S11n:141 ·--Clll11.1, Cllll'tll ,.... ts,GOO Ml.I 11\Nr, '1lkla ... .o.- Cfllil.. Cfllllll •• .. •••• 100 ... J-lt-!'li1t• ........ • ·-·-..... ,,. DoK. ,, ... Olklt. lttlltll ......... ,..., On 5th Anniversary of Al.as~t;it.Disaster, Americans Wonder ,,. ......... . ttMt41H.n •• l!ZJ a.t. I ... J.....i. f ... ,. ••.• ,. .• t4.- 1nt Dtc. JI ., Cllll'll.. It-.......... 10.0CI ! I I .. lmM17M •• l 1"1 Jt111,. •• "' t•J-.M ... '"' Hw ••..• ..., ""-II .• '•rtwe!, Ll111M ••• )0,000 CM11t. Sflt"tl • ••. .• &)t00t c.ud1!"' sl!t!oM-.1 ••.• I0,000 1i.1~, c.t.lll• ···• .,,,, "°'CICIO 11U 0¢'.•U ••• tllllle, <•1<1.1111 ........ ..,_ ,,.. ,._, ... .,...,) ... ,......, ........ 4llAOO 11SI ~ I ••• "-rNt.i, LIWon ....... ..000 1JU_.,,..' "' .......... C,!•_if19 •.••..•• S0,000 lt'U """'JI' .. IMla. OU.n1 ,,,.,.,,, 6C,oot ttW Jt"' tt , .. Cll!M. (11111111 ...... ,. .10,r.DO ,,,. D«. f1 "T11rlt'I', ll!r~lnc: ......... :n,coo ,, .. ~' )F . • l •fflll'fl Turlln ••••••• ,,.,, ,, .. o.c. " .. J..,..,. .__ ••.•.. .• t,cot "• ,_"' .. J~ f ullwl .......... J,111 U4111 -'111· J . •• IClllldW, l'ttlc:lt ........ &.OOI IUI Aue. \j ,, lllila. AUllft ,,,, ,,,,, J,)00 USJ Mtr. II .. N9rfll .. 1i.t11 1wrllty • 1.HO An Earthquake Overdue? ... '"1.'tl!i..t.. ••. (.~"II!<. _QyJ?! • ' 50.000 I~ S-1. f.lt Hlrthtm Alfffl1 ...... 1,MJ lfSl J1Jttt 111-1' ,,..,.,..,, Af9lltnlll111 1.00I lffl J111Y t ... Ner1fltfn ,,.,. •.••..• , LiOt • 1111 Dti1;;. t•,, Lt,$. N•• Mt>drld, H#j. 111, Jll!MI I.... l/llllt,. Clltdl , .. . l.$a ltn s.t. J ... A1J1 MJrw, •llHll H,000 IU1 OK.~ ., Ollt.r ~I• ........ 1.200 '"'Dec. .. . . J•11. 'dllto ..... '"' DI<:. u .. w .. 1tr11 lr•11 .. •••••••• 2.806 .... ""'· It-IS ••rv •rid E .... ..,,. 21.IOO IHG f ell. 2' . Ml~ All••llr ...... u .cao 1.lnh'f '' •• ._. __ i., cellnlOI• • 16.00I IHf Mlf n.a swm."' CP11i. ....... , J,>Oll 111M ,_ "D .. ,..,..., SM· w1,,. ..... n,ooo 11Q s..t. 1 ... N#f1'1we1ter~ tn~ .,., 11,p llfl.J.,..,l .. INla, A-I.sci lff.i J111, :M .•• Y_la,,lt, JkWi. ,., J,ltllll t• ~-II .• Ctllt., SI~ l're11ct1cm • d2 1 ... Mir. 't1 ., AlttlW '"'"""""'"'' Ill ''°' °Allf. H . • CPlll•, Vl~•r•llO ..... 1,MO nu MM."., C.-itr1! Cl'lli. .... ..... Cl not o.c:. 21 "'"" MIUIM .... .. .. 2s.oao t'HI Ai.it. 19 . • £•1m~ Tllrlltf ..... ., t..H4 . ' IH1 J!tf It i.'.' Nortlltm YtMJutla .. n. • lt11 JIJI, 11 .. lltlY, A~llCI ........ ~JI .. : •• -:r . '.. ... . -~·-('.lJ9CMUhi"1J,,.Bae Cities 'l..L ....... ~-ove the :~People Jnto· Small Towns By RICHARD L. WORSNOP Edl~rtal !Iatan:~ ll<porta Owles Darwin, after upttlenclng a aevere earth tremor in Chile in I.W, summed up the feelings of everyone Who bu ~ lived through a major e.uthcjuake. • "A bad earthquake," Darwin wrote In hls diary, l•at onct destroys our oldest IWOciations; tbe earth, the very emblem of solidity, bu moved beneath our feet like a th1n cnut Over a fluid; -one second of time bu created in the mind a atrange idea of insecurity, which hours of reflecUon would not ha ve produced." Ancient peoples attributed earthquakes to wrathful gods. AristoUe theorized that earthquakes were caused by winds whlch became imprisoned in underground caverns and shook the earth in trying to escape. Whatever the explanation - and none is universally accepted - earthquakes are among the most com· mon, the most destructive, and the most terrifying of natural disa!ters. lly LOUIS CASSELS Stalor Editor United Pra1 la&ern..Uonal STIU.. SCIENTIFIC knowledge about there. This has been difficult In the ~arthquakes is limited. A 1965 inqulry pa.st, but Pfogress is being made. Thirt: into the Aluka e~~quake of March One thing that's wrong with America Is maldi!trlbuUon of people. Too many people are crowded into bi& cities, where they breathe polluted air, pay high priets for everything they buy, fray their nerves in a daily battle with traffic congestion, and generally set in each o_lher's way. Too few people live In small towns and open countryside, where air Is clean, pris:u are more reasonable, traffic is li«ht and neighbors are friendly. , The. imbalance is strikingly demonstrated by a single statistic: Nearly 70 puetnt of the American people now live in metropolitan areas eomprlalna: only 1 percent of the nation 's states now have development aaenci 27, 1964, notf:d: that The study of earth-- seeking to 1t\ract new industries i · '.t ~~tes ~ ~tffeds !&:bot completely non-metropolitan areas. Thtlr succeaa amenable to laboratory test and ex· is reflected In t.bor P,Partment ~ -.. ~~~" because "progress toward showing that \!Mi mzi:nlier of new joM ·~e comp let~ knowledge .• .is _dependent in rural and small town America ii upon the occurrente of maJor earth- growlng at a rate of 4 percent a year quakes." -; -twice as fut as durina the 1960s The Alaska earthquake itself has been and considerably higher than the current s_ubJected to intensive study for the past growth rate for cities. five years. Damage from that temblor Southern states have been 10 vi,orous wu experienced in an area of around about attracting new industrle& that they 50,~ square miles and tremors were have already reversed their population felt in an area of about one milllon flow. In the 1950s, they suffered 1 heavy square mlles .. ouUlow. In the 1910a, more people have The Alaska quake was so devasl.aling moved into the South than have moved that the White House asked the National out. Research Council, an affiliate of the Some of tbe farm states of the 1ttidwest National Academy of Sciences, to conduct and West, however, are still ahowlng an uhawtive study of the disaster and lotll laud. substanUal )Olltll. Among the hardest its consequences. In the first of a pro· -" ·bit in the lteOI bave been North and jected eijht volumes, the council describ- THE GREAT EXODUS.. was prompted .. South Daiata, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, ed how a mountain situated between ln put by a technol~glcaJ revolutldt\ · Mlnnuota, f.1ontanJ. Idaho and New Anchorq:e and ·Yaldez tplit apart. The in agriculture which put 3 million farms Mexico. resultant debris spread into a "flying aut of busjnw and fi million famiers .. Sen.., ·J~ .Pearaon CR-Kans.) and carpet" of rock fragments, more than tut of work. 30 other lawmakers have introduced a a mile wide and two miles !Ong, tbnt It also was stimulated by tel evision, · bill iD Congress to provide ta:i incenUvU landed on Sherman Glacier. naUonal~tlon magazines and other for industry to locate new plants Jn · • mus media which brought the age-old non-metropolitan areas. . A REPQRT by the U.S. Environmental lure of city lights right into the living The federal government h11os made Science Services Administration noted fOO!!l' of town and country America. more non-urban bowing Joans tn the that the Alaska quake had caused a Still another factor was the pro-past three years than it did in all audden rise of one and one-half feet IUeratlon of automobiles, whlch made the 16 previous years that the Joan in the Mississippi River, causing docked It euy for farmers tnd townlolk to program wu in existence. It also has vessels to break from their moorings. ~ lo:cal ~erchants: and. do their spent billions to help smaller com· 'J'he report stated also that 13l persons lboppmg In cities 25 or SO miles away. munilies build water and sewer ayitems had died and $7SO mlllion worht of Deprived of lh_eir. traditional patronage, schools and hospitals. F~al Joans and damage had been done to property in the business ~1str1cts of countless sma_ll private capital have financ:M lwndreds Alaska and along the Pacific Coast. towns have withered and died. And this of new shopping centers and service The Alaska earthquake would have In tum has reduced employment op-industries. caused more Jleaths and more damage portuniUes and brought further presr;ure if it had occurred in a more populous on young people to move away to the THE BRIGHTEST hope for population area, such as California. A major quake dty to find jobs. dispersal, howeYer, 1eems to lie In the is inevitable in the nalion's most populous The movement from country to city .. new towns" concept extensively applied state, but no one kno\\'S wben ii will -which social scientisU; refrr to as In Britain since World War II, and strike. .. urbaniz.ation" -is still going on.. But now being demonstrated in American California, like Alaska, is situated on Sta rate has slowed so dramatically lioce pilot proj ects such u Reston, Va., and the so-called "Ring of Fire," or circum· 1960 that some concerned ®4ervers ~ Columbia , Md. Pactlic temblor zone. The Golden State rluding ronner Agriculture 1Secretary' Of._ A "new town" is just what the name is interlaced with hundreds of faults Ville L. Freeman, believe it i!'possfbte to :tmpUes: a brand new community, plan--great rractures that fonn lines .o( revene the direction of· pOfiw.auon floWt ·ned and C<lllstructed from acratch. ILs weakness in lhe masses or rock. at · and start people moving out of thtt "'Plan provides "for · achoots, duftbea. the earth's 1urfact. when the rock overcrowded cities before lbeir problems parks and rtcreation areu .withln elly masses on tither side of a fault shift become entlrt:ly unmanageable. walk.int Clilt'ance of each nti1hborhood, past e.nch other, an earthquake results. and set.a aside convenient Jocatlona for '.J'llE SLOWDOWN la partly at.. stores, Office buildings and Ught In• tributable lo the tact that the agricultural dustriea. It usually enviilons a populaUon rtvoluUon has about run ~ts cour5e, a~ of about 100,000 people, which many the fann economy sbows SJgns of stablllz. pla)mers re.gard , as the ideal 1lu: for mr. . . a community to provide an •needed 84.lt it may aho reflect • lfOWUll strv:icu and sUll be pleasantly un- fedlnc among city-dwelling Americans cro~ed. that it's safer, more convenient and · "Riveralna the Ude of populaUon now mare pleasant to live in a small town would bene{jt those who chooae to rtmain • the open countryalde. in ciUes no lea than thole wbo move Two years ago, a Gallup Poll indicated back to the other n perunt of Amerka. "8t 49 pertent of the American people Many of. the ur1ent problems now Wwld prefer ~o Uve In small towns besetting urban areu are dlrecUy at. or on farms If jobs were available. tributable to the heavy waves of im- A llm.llar poll Jut 1prm, .&bowed K. migration from the c:ountryalde which prtent yearning for the simpler lile-~a'e namped thtlr 1ebook, overcrowd· f" _lotm and country. ed their cheaper resklenU1! area1, ex· n 1«.m.11 Jikel1 _that the percentage and multiplied their weUare budaets. will continue to rise if cities conUnue ti> be affllcted with riots, a rising in· ddence. 4 -crime, and ever-worsening traffic snarll. "'lbe desire for counlry living I!' already the~," Freeman says. "What remJil1a is to make this opUon available lo those who want It . . . to offer an alternative to prisontra of the urban sfllUo and Il1t megalopollL" Mirror Reflects W orUl' s Warts ... THE DO~UNANT FAULT in Californ ia Is lhe San Andreas, whi ch extends fron1 Point Arena (110 miles north of San Francisco) to the Gulf of Californla. Two of the greatest earthquakes in Calllomla hl.!tory, lho<e of 1851 (in lhe south) and 1906 (in the north). were caused by movement of the San Andreas Faull The fabled 1906 quake is noted chitfly for the destruction of San Franciaco. But most of the damage done to lhe c:lty was caused, not by the temblor jtself, but by fire. Numerous motion pictures Mive fostered the erroneous idea that an earthquake creates crtat fissurts In the ground that close after iwallowtng up screaming people and animals. This almost never happens. An e.trthquate of the magnitude of that of 1908 cou:ld OClCUt In Califomia tomorrow -or not until a century from tomorrow. So111e Californians, or former CaUfomtana, .,re nevtU'theless convinced that it will be thla year. The Rev. Donald Abemathy persuaded his Los Angeles congregation to leave for Atl&nta after he "saw a vision that Principal Earthquake Belts ··Nuclear Power for Farms Could Turn Deserts , W asteln.nds Into Production Nuclear power could prove to be a savior, not de.stroyer, in the troubled 1rortd. • , Scientists and engineers have learned how to harness nuclear energy for agricultural use in areas of the world where million today are undernourished and economically deprived. Man now has the technology to ust nuclear energy to run "agro.industrial" complens. Dr. Frank T. Bingham knows just how clOR to. beini a reality such complues are. A professor of soil "\ 5Cience ·al the Un"iverslty of California, Riverside. he ~tly completed an asslgnmtnt as a CQnSultant at the Oak Ridge Nationa l Laboratory in Tennessee -birthplace of the atomic bomb. TODAY, NUCLEAR energy agro-in· dustrial complex projects are being plan· ned at Oak Ridge. Dr. Bingham served with a team of agricultural scientists as an ad visor on crop and soil aspects of such a complex under study f<r the 11.lddle East. "Recent developments in the scaling of nuclear reactors plus breakthroughs in breeding new, high-yield varieties of wheat, com and rice have made such projectJi feasible,'! Dr. Bingham said. "The nuc lear · energy agro-industrial complex beilli planned for the JI.fiddle East is truly ah ambitious program. and Lime working on it -1re aware of its many implicatklns." Re emphasized that it is not intended to be a give-away program. There has to be a good chance of the money being paid back, according to Dr. Bingham. THE IDEA of using nuclpar power for agricultural purposes st.en1s fO:fll the concept of: 11,toms for peace. Money for the currt Oak Ridge agro-industrial C6mplex program was authoriz.ed in 1967 in response to a U.S. Senate resolution. The concept under study involve. using a nuclear reactor plant for dual plU'J>O!es: (l} to convert sea water to fresh water for irrigating crops in a coe.stal area and (%) to. geoera!e power to make the fertilizers required by the crops and to mergize various other In- dustries. Such a cOmp~ 'fO\lld. r~uire 100,000 people for ;u ~·~ a'W production, according to Dr. Binghain. Crop yields couJd help to elevate the nutrition. of thousands in tihe area served by the complex. "Recent developinents in ~ scaling of nuclear react<n,"' Dr. Blnaham' pointed out, "have made them com- petitive in many areaa with conventional power sources. "Used !or water desalinizatioo, they can convert vast quantities of. salt water to fresh water for about $50 per acre--foot. \Vhile the rost is high, agriculture is currenUy being conducted wiUI expensive \\'Ster in parts of Southtm Califcniia. Hlgh-priced crops are cultivated.'' THE UCR SOIL tcientist suggested that nucular reactor power plants will develop into a multibillion-dollar industry within the next ~ yean, accounting f<r a substantial share ol. the power used . The Oak Ridge group Us ~ Peru, Australia, the W.:iddle East, Mexico and Puerto ruco as potential sites for nuclear reator agro-industrial complexes. Dr. Bingham said that Puerto Rico, suffering from an acute power and water shortage, has a commWion working with tbe Oak Ridge people on Utis problem. Such a nuclear reactor plant woukl. add substantially to Puerto ruco's economk: growth. Turning to I.he Oak Ridge group's Middle EOll project, he --of its site requirements far a nuclear energy agro.lnduatrial cunplu: an lr1d, frost.free area with suitable ·IOll for irrigated agriculture and with water and power deficiencies. "IDEAILY."' Dr. Bingham adde4, 400\t coaml ...,. and' adlacenl . ..,,..... tor lhe eofi1plex · WO!,lkl• fW themsiNets to irrlgated-'ignCU!ture.''Alsci ·thdi 1'uot be a mce populitkin ~ in the site area for m.a1hnuril: bendft. · "From a practical standpoint, the com- plex site has to be in an aru where the economy· is stable. , . "When en,, loolu ·at -all )hi r• quirements, the plaulible sit.el in u,. Middle East boll down lo lho SIMl Peninsula or the western COlst Of tht Unllld Arab R<publi<.'' Although the United States CUlTfl\tl1 doesn't have diplomatic rel.aticm with the UAR, the Oak Rid1e ll"OUP WU asked lo e<t<r the coomry I« Ka otudy. It received an excellent recepUon, ac- coniing to Dr. Bingham. "The need !or an agro-industrial C001ple.t is there," he said. ''PerhaJ>I one day we can put such a program into Dperation tn tilt UAR." • The Oat· Rhilf< IJl"UP coocl-· lhat th~'s a .shortage of aloriet and ~ teins in the average mlll'• diet ill tht UAR. "Even if the UAR expends &o il.'f limit of cultivated land and ·avaUai. water, it will have a ahortq:e of whell. corn and most. oil crops and u ucea: of cott<11 and rice by 1915," aatd ~. Bingham. Closer lo home, Dr. Bingham lftdletAd that Mexico and the U.S. will get Coi'thn' on a nuclear energy agro-indUatnaf eorft-o plex, probably looated In norlhlnll MtI· ico. 1-----------Our /tlan In San Francisco -----------. Thanks B1 UERB CAEN a Lot! I MEANWHILE: Willi•m Dally bad a friend who di~ and waa cremated at Colma, with lnurnment ICbeduled for an Eastern city, so he phoned the other day to ask if the ashes Y.'ere ready. Voide: "Are lhey to rot Bill: •Jsay, wh~ did you 1tt rour on-the-job traintn1 -at a Doggle Diner ?'' (Gr.owl) •' . Secret Loven" and tbt' )•0t1m- Gone" ... El&a Kraus of Botblty coins a v.·crd for the international tancuage of vk>lenct: "Dnpvanto'' UC.BERXELEV, lhe ICbool ol hard j knoclu : Al, Dr. Jeue Sawyer con- cluded h!a laat lecture ot Ille - at l inguistics 1~ in DwineUt Hall, the enllre class burst into tears. "My &oodness." said the Professor, tak:tn aback, "You've never shown any emt> lion before." Then Hi bur1l Pinto ttars and announcf!d lb cbo"ked tones: CITY DWELLERS cani ttlum lo Ille ~land unless they can find jobl From a tP,ttch b11 \Vcs Gallagl1er, gtner.U mo,lager o/ tht A1iocialtd Press. _The Jook o! Il1t jou[Jl.lllJt la lo hold a mirror btfore our soclety to show WI.TU 1 1ia.nt. earthQuake will. deall'Qy Caillomla ., (In 1989) and swallow the entln state SAN FRANCISCO -The Bay Brkl1e tolltakf!rs -some of them -do 11y "Thank you" and evtn .. Ua\'f a nice d1y!" .So &ay -their commuUng defenders, l'itlng l n r~sponse to our Item about Frtd Anderson's You 're Welcome Club (these are s.r. execs who say "You're wekome" as they h11nd over their quertera, hoping thereby to 1et a "Thank you") ... Of course, the Bay Bridge tollhouse cookies have 1 good reuon to be grumpier than the bi& leaguers on the Cate Bridge. They g'1 substantially lw pay. AND MD..UE llOWIE hu one for our Carrying Things Too Far Dept. (llawaUan dlvlskm): the "Kane" and ''Wablne" restroom label& at the Chevron Island aervice "'ttalions. Oh brudda ... "Let us disperse:• You see, pro- nounced "U.C.," tear tu ued '" campus that day had worked ttlltf into the venUlaUona l)'lttm. 11Thty mlased the action," observes Huaf\ satuni.y, March 29, 1969 '!be Commtnl Page ol Ibo Dall,y Pilot aeeks to lnfonn and 11imulat1 rndm1 by pre1en11Dg a ••rl•ty of com- mentary on~cs of lnter-ert and Ii · canoe from · • Informed o ervers • n d spotemion. ~rt N. WM4 Publlohor I • · up into the ocun. 11 ___,_ and all . 'Ille wot!d today la mootly •aru: A LEADING lelamoloJl\St. Dr. Cllarlu Vletnom. aodal rio<Jns, otudent -F. Rlcbltr " the Caillom!a ImUlule , :'Y:'is = cttla, urban O'illa. • • of. Techoolol.Y, uld on Mareb t that As the probl~s have mulllplltd ao Pf'dlctionl al that Itri were "cleirly have tM mnn1 of communkatinl l'ltft. ~-" All &be aame, Richter h~s Ntwapapers, ltleyifon, radio ~ 111'1'!-I~ an lnlonnal onlor ~ Calllomia zlnos jam tllae Ji'd>lems lnlo 'ao ._. U.ROl>ablll11., .'.: ,L __ • ready irritated public comcitnce Ind u. , Tbe bub of Rk:trtc'i cilctllloons - bearer ol uncomfortable news la never which do not constlfut.e 1 prtdlcllon loved. -la lhal major urlhqliata orl&ln•te The mor< emotional lhe Ume, Iho • ~ lho San Anc1reP Fault ap. ,,...i.r lhe rise lo lhe l lllCU UPoll tho proidmal<IJ OllCI every 100 jean. By prtu, or the om media In 1eneraL .A. thil ·nckooln&, • repe:litkm Gt tbe 18S7 olher mulm flOYmiln& public ttatlloQ aouthem California earlhquakt ·already fs that attacks upon the news mtdJ1 wUl 11 'a decide overdue, 1'hllt a IUC!Ctl!Or r1,. In dlrtcl p<OpOnloo lo lht ln-111 lo tho 111111 nortbem Calllomla qunl<t of public fMlration ln mtttfn1 t Ir.• ml&ht not OCCUt until 40 )'urt from problems of the day. now. I A&K YOU, Ls Dr. Cupid Pqe a ire.at name for a Berkeley psythlatri.st! Not only that, Or. Cupid is about to publish a boot called "GtmeJ Mothers Play" -another blut at man'• best friend -in coJ.. laboratlon with Norman Singer, the noted S.F. pornographer whose pom is published by Olympia Prts.s. . MORE AND l\10RE m:&aw-aat.s, ban and clubs are belng booJlht h<n ttnd In Sausalito by corporations kiok· Ing for tax lossea. Laments Nell Oa\'IJ: of the no name bar: "How c:ln I make money comptUnc witb people who WANT ID lose money? It imi't fair!" \ DISSIDENT aiudenta at quiet ok1 Woodside High ..,. 1 didn 't know tbty had any etther -are .plotUna a "Nude-ln" but th principal, du:%11> tn1 the pr090Hd e\'tnl as "moral bankruptcy," ls prtpared to repel the repellent.. OUR READEllS, BLESS'iJ: B. L. Jonca Is I.he um, but not the last, to point out that the rortune cookie we liked -"An honest G9d ii, tt\e noblest work of man" -wu written by old Bob lnger«>JI, not by an URIW1& genius in the cootlf: factory'• crtaUve writing departmtol. • . V I TI I n \a_ .Stover's tntry In our Shortest Pob)1 contest Is titled 11C"rdln1I Rule for • Bodden, "bul not the cure." · CAENFETrl: 1!111 Brlnlon.'. Pros. of lhe Callromla c:uppen; lb lo L.A. 10 w-hLs twn ~lay lht Soviet soccer thamps. Atttnr.,,S., he invited UM: So\r}eD lo' till hotel LO least on a ton ot caYllr aqd bucketa of Iced Vodka _: cm)1 to b1ve • send out for what tbrq REALLY wanted : hol dop llld Soold\ •.. E4 Richard, lhe Renaulldtalor, b bo)- ting David's Dellc11dM11 now U\at lhe Jewish Communllf lloi.tlooo Council has recommended a ~ of French -productl, "such ai /Jr Ftanct and Renault C#I." CHECKING - •UP• A Man Must Feel -t {)~~·~.:Hair , Sh'Op, •1 I.. M. IOYD 10'. FILE m Ille custom ,ti ~. CIUr Love and War ,... ad.Ill Ille u-y of the ~ poet Cito. Ht WU ' .. cynic, Cato WU. He 111ouiJ>t tJre old alt WI! put iJXo com- 7llOI\ p:ldke by IUSPicl"" · llu-wbo wanted to find Oii! ii their -llld bten nlppln,f Ille """· ' ' ' JUt. 'QVDt llEllE to Identify Mrt. O. J. P. BelmOat. All Ille -obow• about hlr II Ille •• lie llllffrlfl(te wbo became famou1 ~· -in•-hlohlr-.... l:i-.... ald, "Call en· ,-my fritncls, and ahe will help )'OU ... CUl'IOMlll I I II VICE' •'WJIO ~ Llberact?" A. Wh> elle but UbtrlCe hlJnlelf? Iii tl'lt arly day1 .tie . •nt to booldnr aa:enta all Ol'>r !ht COWltr)' I pl>ht pool<anl WiUt lhe mta11e: ,"Have r,ou h e a r d or Libence? ' Finally, the Last 1'~er in Las Vtgas bit, andJle was cm hil way. Taltnt eomu fint, .no dowbt. But alter Uta~ lhe name of lhe aamo 11 . .,..aiotloo. locldeotll· .Ty, ~-...... trick lri.P ..._ bo ."'8ktt bapU .. bis ... '' .... . ..... .~ ·-\" ~ Your qusti&n.! an4 c&m- mtnts are w~tcomtd and will be w •d iohttlVff' po,. .rible in "Chackmg Up.'' Address maU to· L. M', Boud, in cote of tM OAILY . PILOT, Bo: 117S, Jl'riopOTI Bt4Ch, Coli/.; 9'188 Heart Attacks Aided ' \ By Stress of Driving? m:w YPRK (AP) -Scito-daylight hours •hilt dlivln( tista reportH today that the their own cars; they wet6 ltrtll of d r i v f n i an irutrueted ta drive In thtlr automobile may contrlbiite to urual m&Mer with rtlard to , loltl hnrl altaakl amani speed and traffic COlldltlons. drlvtrs with a history of cor· No attempta were madt in onary heart cllseue. thue inlttal tests to drive They said the slrU$ was under particularly hl.W'doul shown by t a k i n c elec-condltiom or in areas of e1· trocltdioiflms of patients in tremtly heavy traffic.'' the act of drtvbtt. 'IM electrocardiosrams - "Tiit mapitude rA. thil pro-charts cl the eltctrlcal ac- blem," they uld, "la indicated tlvity of the heart -wtre by the Jarie number of tvl'r recorded on a maptlc tape jetts with eorotiary disease recorder built for the ea· in the drtvinf population." periment. Dr. Samuel Belltt of tht Amona: tl"ie normal conttol Phlla4eiphll Gtnertl Hospital lfOllp, tile report 1tld, UttN told the IMUal nJ.eetin&: of were no liJNflcant cbqe. ~i American Collt~ of in the heart&' activity. Cudlolo17 be and auoClltes But thm were str1kifla 1 studied 15 men, •ltd 25 to c h a n g es in the elec. SI, with no evidence of heart trocardloarams of 11 of the distut, and M .men and two 88 coronary drivers -a women, aaed 31 to 72, with statittica1ly signlficant tS.7 a coronary heart disea~ percent. bi>tory. "The r<latiaoship of ouch ''Tht dtivinl test usually changes to the occurrence of lutld l 'ii hours," Dr. Bellet accldenta on the hithw•Y• Nparl6d. ,"All 'oubJee!I mortt. lurUttr ;tudy," Df· pttl~ Ute test .nha Ille ' Ballet said. THI HALICRllT CLUI . '. J1w ttffn aerw tHluN In· tM: north stction Of. C.0.t.a M-.. .an4 dh:tfn'4 tor famlly tun, offers a '"'-"1 Of Ult" 1t mlntmal ec11l wetc.,.... MW ,,.......,. & ...,..,. et tht ".-,.,. a.1 Frff l•rth• f•"'".,.._-•11cli• M1t• ' ' J'"''' •r11•h•11 ftMlly-H111t1111k11 •••oh IC.tny H1f'IHvt f1111llr-M111 4tl Mar Al•••"''' H1•tv•k f1,..U.,-.l•11•h• M•11 1'11 P11k1rll f1111U~111ch1 Mt1• f:f w1r4 P1 rlrtr f.:111ily-ltr H1 tr.tr N1h111 Q111ck111k1i11lt f1111ily--C1ll•t• P1rk Htttlt1 9t111lii11 f1,,.!1y-H1lt1rttf Mt111 .. Leltk.t11111ll f1111 11.,-a111••• "'''' l ift T1yfer f1111l+f-H1rlttr &t1t.t lilrs. .llt1c Siollll -14f· 12U .......... -at, 1'" ---1 .. . Bo~cof! ~ ........ Aires: Your Inquiries -Are -Amwe1'~ SUNDAY MA~CH 30 ly SYllNl!Y OMAM YOUR OWN BUSINESS You're hivited . ' . to an open house ch'8)pagne party , just for single people. At Garden Grove and Newport Beach. Tumorrow, 3-7 p.m. StXITH MY el.UB IS ~ ti!' 71fe !'EM/ ~5 ~ /11415fe IWl.lr Yd(/ SE& JI' 7J/I! ~ IVIJRQ,f Pff.S IS U'Mr JIJU66T. //#lefll/fK ~ ~ S'Alf!E, I /JR 2 . .S~Ma!&. 7711!. ~: ~ ~.e:iw. IWffY ~-p;ie:e fi.~ OUJR 1'I ~oe. ~s. ~. /3(.f.l ~S.·l~~tle'WNO'-hMit'. MQll$ MP HDl?f4':S .ftJ1I /2Pf!J5, ~ U'/71f Mt!llAS,. ., lliWNl't -.ACX lniM llt lim 1Ull5trtce (Tl•)..,..,,. Mlll:'MYIM"' DtlOO J =-rn• ,,~,.. •, If you're sinale and over 21, we'd like you to aet a fltsthand look At an apartment/resort built just for •lngle adulll. TbcSouth Bay Oub Apartm.,,;ts. O Stop by and take a look at our linaJe, one and two bedroom model apartments. Furnished anti unfurnished. Pro- fwioJllllydecoratet!. lleasonably priced. 0 At the same time, check out theClrH!te RC- reaticleal facilitlcs. Sip champaillt. And DINI all kinds of intuatio11intle peopW. 0 lf you live in Ganim Grove or Newport 8eacl!, there's a South Bay Ollb ~r you that'• hCYiDa ID open ht>111e party. 0 Come u you are. Sinilc and crvez 21. · South Bay Club Apart111ents • '"tlMA.frl ~ MAalNA on.a1Y LONG •IA<lf \110.'WIU Rn.llLA. Woodilft.n at Mhbtnk (llUl'lmtr Jt 6tl 647, AlltntSc AVtft!Jf: ~°' SO\IOI Wtll~lafld A\'f:. (ltl),.I·-\'I• Mtrin• 1tAdmlral1y Way (211) •ll·tlO • (11 1) !llMlll YAN N\1'fj WJST LOI ANOILll MOUMlAtJrf'VISW/f,P. MY AQ.4 ' ,......,... 1)4,.~nWay J6)f5epaf"'41 tow.Yard' $!! Mldfltllfld loo• ~otOO AUi AVtflllt (213)911·1010 ' (21J) 3tt-'1t< (415) ,.,..,,,, ' (%11) ll<Mll!I • l • • • CMaDSMOkO'Va UJOOQ_A_ <114)~1t ~ .. W0.""9tw I J ~ •r:::t;ot "•ID~1NftlC.. . ., . c • • "' .,, .. " .. ; " ' ~ I • • llol> Turner o! UtUe Rock, Ark. s .@Ot a man l? le~ a shot in the. ,H<l interrupt his le1~ure..moments. olice answered a disturbance call e Snack Shack .. in the east pert f town and discovered t,4at a bul· et •fttnn a .25-callber pjstol bad , .. bou'nced .off' Turner's tlead, ju1t reatibg the skin, Turner'told offi. ' er~ h~ would seek . medical tr'eat- ment if the wound ''keepS: on hurt· · "· and theo continued 'drinking, hi! beer. . ~ '. .. .• ' A store in Nort1iwest Lotidon ;._ selUng,o delicacy labeled "real Ko"'°°roo-tcn soup.,. Smaller le&- tttl 011 tht can in/orni the pur- chaser "Product of Denmark." • A draft board in Kendallville nd. bas ~jas~ified an ei_g4t·yeii, •. y as too old to serve in the nned forces. The second grader's f»,.llber,. Mrs. John E. Bloomflold iaf -Rome City, Ind ., said, 11They'll li_ust have to wait 10 years until fRobert finishes high school." Mrs. ~loomfield said the classification ~ay have been intended for the ~y's uncle w~ has the same r m•. • t. .. Mice, cats, even elephants are welcome at an upcoming pet show at La Mesa, but dogs are excluded. OfficiaJs at th e La Mesa Recrea· Son Center said dogs were banned because they fight among them· ..selves and chase cat contestant:; up l_reei;. I • There are n1any ways to cool ojf in balffiy weather, but thil ca~r by trainer Jim Richard! 4t San Die09's Sea ivorld nzwt top them all. _,J~ frolics in a pool with two 3,700-pourid killer wholes. As he gets a whale of a ride on Sllamu, Kilroy (background) doeS' a back }tip and iurns pool into frothy mess. • A circuit court judge has forbid .. den an auction by the Milwaukee .county Sheriff of JnOre than 1, 700 girlie magazines and sexy paper· back books. The publications were seized by the sheriff's office more than a year ago to. satisfy • credJ.. tors' claims against two book· stores. By Jaw. the sheriff was re-- 9.'Jired to sell them at public auc-- tion. Judge Maurice M. Spracker said the sherif!1s Qffi~e yshould ·hot be used in the furtberST1-Ce ot ~o ·circuJation and distribution· of this m8terial." Newport Couple Named in Income Transfer Lawsuit A Newport Beach couple has been named in a Superior Court suit wbieh aetls more than $1 million in damage.s , ~ng from an alleged illegal transfer d Income. Listed with George C. Sullivan of Los ~-An«ld as defendants are~ Charles H. and rurtan Dorcbrster, 339 Cherry Tree LaOe. They are Mmed in Ult: action by SUllhu'a wife, Elalne T. Sullivan. Mrs. Sullivan clalm.1 lhat htt husband tranll"""' lo Ille Dorcbesltn "without her \n:ttten consent" 1109.138.19 during the .Jl"r!od Jan. I, 11165 lo April I, 11168. She cte&crlbes that income as having beat derived [rom tbfJ manufacture and ule of the U.S. Army's M·16 rifle. Mr'· Sullivan 118.la lo ber action that Ille ~.,., more income lhot >hould have bt<n protected u community ,..,,. pertJ may abo bav• been illegally tro~ by her hu•blnd. Sh<_ ••ks Iha~ 0.. SuperloJ Court oppoint • ff<lllni: to tab over =. $Ulllv~· Af. !alro pmdhir a -,.i1oo DI her adJa , ""•• • • • ' Meet tlur Pea ' . -· Ageless 'TU,k Now an By ARTHUR R. \'JNSEL and I made .,hat l though! wu. a ' Of ... ..., pMlf ...., ridlcukNI oner tor thl.s (lf)e " eJ·~ I eoyenac· .~ .-...i • ~--tho· "'1l·knowg Ciani ot -sU..e~ 1lofC!!, : ,rai;t' gets ltretome b) the flld•qf a'!l-r ~..Ms :o. ~· ·1>e1ch anol -~' Porter's day, but you can atw.,_-1 open lo Stay ln shape_ a book and a .,_or midi on television "We .were ·&•li]i 1o Soulh America as an anUdote. · • ·lh ... · "·• the . The world of literature bowevtr is Wl """' money, '"'h, we. ~ver aot re, • ' and anyway, there's no place like the larger than the lown of HoUywood, but ...,.. old u s A " added ... ~--B<lmetimes the latter wtns OUt •"""" • • •• u11::1 •man w.N<l't' Suddenly, a big, bearcJed Bedouin faUler emigrated from Armenia's Black pursuing Bob Hope and Bmg Cro"sbf Seo coast. across the sandy Sahara Desert with "We've been 'around the w or I d a lar'e sword -trailed by a horde brochure-wise," ~ bi& petlte wife of screaming, sound stage heathens _ 06ris, who llvu with Turk uPJt,aira over looks familiar. the bar, now lbat their IOI! and daugtrte. He is, to Soulhlanders from Portu~'se have left l,be · couple's Laguna Beach Bend to ~amonga. home. I' "I wa.s on TV Saturday? Beautiful, "My dad said I'd appreciale .America J get paid again rtom 'residuals,~ he mQr.e as I got oldft)" s,yi ~ rMsed · 1 said later, ,'· ln..Los Angeles' Boylt !Jeltlhls· dlsfr!ct, Ageless Turk Vartertman. chiracter~ Wflft .be WU a f~oUs foOtJ>au player actor. restaurat.eur, philotophtt; is a ambitious for a·pro1·ball career.-·• bearded Mt. Everest of a man kno\vn "All my life I trained to be an AH· for his mayhem on the screen and his American and I was pofe-vaulting 11 studied mildness off. . , feet with Jhe old, bamboo poles when "Like Joey Bisbop says: 1'ry a little I ''iPeil ?.'•~.".he 8'14, i'PY: ( kindness, folks, that's my philosophy," often shattered and the girls iii the the brawny bar owner uplained. stand! really screamed." .MT. EVEREST OF A MAN Turk ·of Turks' He looks like Ernest. Hemingway "Old Joe Vartereslan ••. "he reminisc· through a magnifying glass and soon ed, about his father "I guess you'd he is opening Turk's Old Man and the call him a nibbi.sh man, but he had Sea, a Dana Point seafood r~taurant his own bwiiness." · . 35 New Artists named for the late author's classic novel. The famous story, of Lana 'I'urMr's "Everything in there is custom made soda fountain discovery by a film ex· by man or nature. Stull I pick up ecuUve is only myth, but Turk, a 5(M).. on the beach or find scrounging around pound load weightlifter with a 55-inch metal yards," he explains, en thused chest won hJs 1M9 debut after being about his new bistro at 24462 Del Prado. spotted as movie material. Selected for To many people, however, there is "Mostly I'm the muscle.man or heavy," one Turk's and ooe Turk's only, a ·15321 expl:¥ned the former Mr. Los Angeles Pacific Coast Highway, Sunset Beach, titllst, adding that he did about 20 shows where the hamburgers are as big and in 1967, among them "I Spy," "Lost exotic as the spectrum of customers. in Space," "The Virginian," and Danny F t • aJ Sh Goldfish swim under the aquarium Thomas show special appearances. es IV ow bar 1 rather erratieallyr00 one recent He was also featured in a later-scrap- • day,r-after ',iOm~ '~illed a Brandy ped pilot show titled "King's Pirates,'' Thirty-five new artisti have be:n Aleiand'r wlilch trickled through a crack playing Bos'un Flowers, a sadistic tattoo . . between the glass plates.• artist wl}O decorates his vleUms' flesh selected to·e>bifil ·at:the i:..""'' J!e;a•h .. i ~bo!°'Je •¥11 ~ii; oP<'. 11:a11' and . ;Wl\h a l>ullwhlp. Festival of .A'rt.S rdnning this·~ ltonf a pfioio galliry ot professionat wrestling His movie credits include "The Ten July 11 through Aug. 24, at tbe festival greats and near-greats adorns an&ther, Comma ndm ents'' and he was grounds, 650 Laguna Can$on "' Rda'dJ " whµ~ tt; iooQl is dOminatect b1 ~ krot'5--photographed. in a Playboy mag~e Laguna. Beach " que, 'ilre-slze bust of an old wrestler-hot· layout, carrying actress Ann Margret s The ne ariists · · 142 rtists ho ror ij.lm star: The Swec:fish A.Qgel. , psy~eJi,ejllY painted body over one . ' w l~'" a ;w . °'10' ~*'" !ntrix!Uoe!I lo the :SU.eel : ,Jru1e •ho\loaer. . exhibited Jast year a.net will be on hie Beach spa described the aecor as South One of the most hazardous jobs In grounds again this year. Th' new artists Seas Baroque with touches of early the world of Hollywood morality, is the were selected by a seven-member jury Ca,uliflower Ear, but he can~L wait to :ote of. the bad guy and-<1r villai.n who which selected them from lU ar~ go back. • , ~ j ' is sub1ect to larg' doses of instant who applied for permission to tXhibit~ ''This-place just ha~~ to happen," law and order. . . New artists are: Carl Christian Ab!,, said Turk during an intervie\V at the . Turk has shuffled off th.~s mortal coil Susan Arnt.son, Aram Bassenian. Charles 13-year-old haven for c~staways, where in make-believe many times on ~he Beauvais James Bonner Bennett Brad-just one C<1neession has been made to screen, but he faee,d the real thing bury J~ith Anne chappell Frank the presumed existence of a flatland once, boardless and battered by a sudden. c~ Alec -Cft~James ~mings realm east of the San Diego Freeway. heavy series ~f freak waves off the DetW ·A · FrVj' '~rt Gentry Brue~ Hillbilly music i.s taboo on the jukebox, San Onofre surf mg beach. HasS~ J~ .. ,and; ' but a c.enuine aign s+inf: bpJ_ Jta,nch ::1;n ~ver forget it." .. ilOn HU! Zandr Kn tsoo bb 3 Miles, hanp from t1ie ceiling, &mated I m m trouble, l lold Ibis guy and ee, a u • A . Y by an aerospace engineer almost caught I asked hfm to Jet me l)ang onto hi s K~s, Lennart LanJon, Sally A. Leshe, by LBJ himseH while borrowing it. board." said tbe 240-pounder, who felt T~a Nagel, P~ter P~u~ Ott, Rob~t "I had just sold a place in Laguna at that point like six-feet, three-and-a-half Pe~l!"· Arthur Risler.,, William Sehustr1n, · inches of lead. · David Sheppard, Robeft Shields, Rlchard The ideal wave, however, is of life Soderman, Ann Spurgeon, Mary Strom, $l A !J -bl_ B and death importance. and; . . VQUU. l,e Ut "All Of a sudden he yelled' 'Let go, J ennifer Tartagalia, Don Tredway, Gus let go here comes a big one • and Vellebi, Frederick Wardy, Jim Warren I don•'t know why, as much ii:ouble and Barbara Woodruff. It's Not Needed as I was in, but I did," Turk continued. Scores for the Festival judging March "Then he saw I was in real trouble 15 . rilnged from 50 to nine ponts, out l and he rode: me in tandem, alt.bough of a possible 7'l point.. Richard Brooks, For Cookie if t he was just a little buy," he added. grounds chairman said 16 artists ~ived "I don't know who he was, but God a score of 40 or above, while 43 received Darrilyn Oliver has a dollar and no Bless him." 36 or above. place official to spend it. Turk retired once from film roles Judges in the selection of the new The We Care cookielift org~izer has and the gruelling Laguna Beaeh-to- artists were Frank Interlandi, t'harla announced that she has a $! check Hollywood C<lmmuUng, but returned 10 llgner. Ann Von, Jack Dudley, George made out for April rental of vacant years later, after a v.aliant, but too-ex- Be_au ~fann. Dill Hall and William Motta. Costa Mesa City Hall space, as urged pensive· effort to create a showpiece Lu Murpbine, Neal Butcher, and Philip by municipal critic Ted c. Bologh. nightspot out of a trouble.some Long Freeman were alternates. "I have the token bond," Mrs. Oli\·er Beach property. New artists were admjtted subject to s · d Lady Luck in the tonn of a ship's verification of their places of .residence. ~.B.ut I ha ken both •A City ... carved figurehead )Vill adorn the new · ve spo "' '"" Dana Point restaurant, however, along They must have been area ' reskients torney· Roy JW1e and ·to Mayor Pinkley for' a.;ie year prior to the .begtrihlng and they say the space was granted with the Navy destroyer anchor chain of the Festival this year. free of charne," she explained. room-divider and two huge aquarlurru: . • "Look at '"·," •· said, rummanlng .Two Costa Mesa Men Found Dead; . Suicide Blamed ~.~ta Alesa men were found dead 1'1ihday, appareol:Auicide victilJ}s in O<Pi'•te lncldenta, polkneported today. 11lt victims were Walter Jt Garvin, '11, o( 1971 Newport Boulevard and Ralph K. d9l'k, 54, ct 2115 Plactfltia Ave. Botb~were found by their w1ve3, Gervin wa« found at the f.amily home by .hb wife, Agnes. about I p.m. Thurs- day when aht returned from a short doWtrloWn shopping trip. She told police her husband bad been despondent over a heart conditioo. Clark'• body 1''8S found in his car when bis wife went looking for him after he failed to pick her up at work on schedule. She told police he had been depressed <lver fa.ilurt to find a Job. Aiwfill~te C:Ourt Slated in County Orange County Superviaon h a v ~ endorsed a bill now in the state Leatslature to 1 et up a three-jud&e ap. pell.ate court in ~nae eo.u,cy. Altomey Robert S. 8arnu, "'"""°"' ting an Orange County Bar AssociaUon coounitltt, said t h e Fourth Appellai.. DINlct now had two branches. one In San Bemardioo Md on' In San Oltgo. ffe sald a survey showed the need for a pennaMnl court in Orange: County. Bamu 1aid the new court C'OUld be houstd In the new 1tounly courthouse unln I proposed NIO•bulldlna In Sama Ana II eon>lnlcted. ' "Tiley won't accept it," she added. "'11:1 "'" a· Bologh declared last \\'eek that even among relics of a venture in the import· a good cause using city hall is a bad export bus.ioess, a wonderful ware.house deal _ when only strleUy municipal of the e.xotte which makes Turk's operations belong there _ and demanded upstairs look like Turk's downstairs, only to see some fee charged. nine times more. He said $1 would be enough saUsfae-One might \o\'ooder about describing tion, but city officials :.... who have long the place as much as the man, but been the subject ot Bologh criticism one must consider that a Turk's -don't seem likely to guarantee him establishment is an artistic extension even one buck's satisfaction. of a P'rsonallty of IJnique individuality. Alrs. Oliver, ot 30'1'1 Yukon Ave., Costa "Here she is," be said proudly, holding Mesa, said efforts 00 au ot.htt fronts up the graceful ferniniqe form. · II the f kl k "She symbolizes Lady Luck," be con-are going we 'on eve o coo e-pae -tinued. "but doem't she look more like ing and malling almoet daily throughout a Martha?" · April. I A donation by the Veter&ns of Foreign Wars has hiked the ' postage lund to $216.22, but a minim'um of 60 cases of cookies at -$3 each for Air Mail post.age are yet to be sent. The cookies will be mailed. in two and three-powxl cans, at 25 and SO cenu post.age each, she explained, with a S3 basic fee. Volunteers will be working io fourth floor office space al city ha11, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekly1 but the work \\'ill be: cut off at noon on Good Friday. Mrs. Oliver suggested that people donaUng candy, pre-.swetlened Kool-Aid and chewing gum to be aent along in the cookielift parcels get them to bead· quarters as early as poss1ble nnt week. Crash Program For Silt Okayed ' . . A cruh "pr<>gram • to _,, 11,0llll cubJc yards 'Of ailt out of l'fewpO;\ Danes watenvays has bttn approved by the Orange County Board GI Supervboro. Bids will be called Aprll 'I, with only to days notice, rather thin the usual 30, to repair the d1m11e done .bJ the January and February ltormJ. The Harbor Department estimated the cost at $11,000 and uraed that the job be speeded to clear the waletl for vaca· ~Uon Ult. Judge Gardner Gets Assignment I ri San Berdoo Superior Court Judge Robert Gardn'r of Corona del Mar has ~n named lo serve as a justice on the Fourth District Court of Appeal in San Bemardlno for a three-month period starting May 1. Chief .JusUoe Roger J. Traynor of '(he California Supreme Court appointed the veteran jurist to the higher bench for the relief period. Hit temporary absenCe from the criminal calendar dlviilbn wm be filled by an as yet .....,nod m.mblr of Orang. County's 21·Judge pone!. Judge Gardner has eerved on several occa,tjOM as prtsidini judge of the coun- ty court. A recogniud naUonaJ •uUiorlty on Crlmlnal law, he has written on that topic and juvtnllt law and family problems ror many publlea~. The former member of United States Navy l:nttlllgence is also a member 'of the National College of State Trial Judges. Matrled. ht ll\'es with bis wlfe, Kathryn and younger daughter. Patrida, at DO Evening Canyon Rold. Judge Gmlner wa rectnUy bonortd as Newport's "MIR Of the Year.'' \ ·---------------~--------------- TURK AND FRIENO STAY IN SHAPE AT ~UNSET BEACH Ageless Varteresian Mi xes Mayhem and Mildness Trio Charged _Hearings Set April 3 In Huntington Holdup Preliminary h'aring · !Or' three· nlen charged with the armed robbery of th e F~ Fair Market in Huntington Beach has been set for 9 a.m., April 3, in West Orange County Municipal Court. James Robert McDaniel, 20, of Mid- way City ; John Le-On Cushenberry, 21, of Santa Ana , and Robert Paul Drum- mond, an El Toro Marine, all pleaded innocent when arraigned Friday in Muni- cipal Court. Bail \\'as set at $25,000 each. The three men, all sporling "\\'olf" tattoos on their left arm, are currently in custody at Or- ange County Jail in Santa Ana. Huntington Beach detectives charged the trio \vith the $350 gunpoint robbery of the Food Fair Market, Beach Boule· \'ard and Edinger Avenue, last Tuesday night. McDaniel and Cushenberry wer' ap.. prehended by police in an open field be- Police Hold Pair On Drug, Hit-run 01arges in Crasl1 A Costa Mesa man and his passenger w:ere arrested oo drug into'.deaµop and hit-run charges Thursday night alter their ear was involved in two traffic accidents in Newport Beach. Pursuit and arrest of the pair involved police from Costa Mesa and Newport. Charles Goings, 22. of 313 17th St., Costa Mesa, was the driver ari-ested, Newport police said. He faces charges of drh~ng under the ·influence uf dangerous drugs and hit-run driving. Jtis passenger, a male juvenile fron1 Romoland. was arrested on suspicion of being intoxicated in public. The crashes oceurred when Goings ~·as ,driving southbound on Newport Boulevard and struck a car driven by James R. Bird, 20, of Corona. who was traveling north . Costa '-1esa police officers Robert Goode and Roberi Lennart. en ~le to Newport on another case, said they sa1v the G@lngs car cross into oncoming traf- fje and hit the other vehicle. They gave chase after Goings failed to stop. Newport Officer \\'illiam Jessee jo\ocd the pursuit, whlcli ended at Newport Boulevard and 30th Stret>l ~·hen Going'$ car hit a light pole. ; , There \\'ere no injuries in the era.shes. The first collislon caused extcnsivr damage to Bird 's brand ne\\' car. Bird, who returned rrom Army scrvlL'C in Vietnam recentb, only had U1c car a .rew days before .1tb.e i~~Uce said. • '., ... . hind 'the Huntington Center (dllowihg the market robbery. Drummond was picked up later in Garden Grove. Detectives [rom Costa Mesa, NeWJ>Clrt Beach, \Yestminster, Anaheim and Santa Ana talked to the suspects WedoesdaJ in connection with 16 other armed robberies throu ghout Orange County. No other charges have as yet been brought againse the men. Big Variety of Easter Events A waits HB IGds Arts and crafts, egg hunts and hat parades are among the Eastrr event.! to be sponsored by the Huntington Beach Parks and Recreation Department at 2l different Jocalions Monday through April 3. Easler egg hunts and hat parade~ are schedu led for children aged 2-7 at 10:30 a.m. April 3 at Circle View Park, 6221 f.looker St.: i\1.eadow View Park, 5702 Clark Drive; Spring View Park, 1~2 1'ruday Lane; Wardlow Park, 9191 .Pioneer St.: Westmont Park. 8251 -ff1il Ave. and at the City Gym 16th Street and Palhl Avenue. ' f Walt Disney's fea ture film "&> DE;r To My Heart" will be shown at tU parks during the week. An admissjbo price. of 15 cents will be charged. ~ Arts and crafts classes also will e taught between 10 a.m. and 3 p. at all parks. Parents can pick up a compltte schedule of acti\'ities from the Recrea- tion and Parks Department, Jith ar\d Orange Street, Huntington Beach. 13 Arrested· On Pot Charges • 'tl'tirteen youths were BLTested y Newport Beach Police Thiinday nidlt on marijuana charges aft~ tiley raldld a party at the Arches Motel. ,. *- PoU ce s~id U\cy ·booktd seven adu ~ and rive juve:nifes on ao assortm t of charges includinR possl sslori or maft. junno and being in a place where n1a 1 .. juana was being used. Officers rcceiv'1:1 tll6 report of 3 pa in progress at :ibout 10 p.m. Thurl!d When lhcy arrived at the motel. N. NCY.'J>Ofl Blvd., they said they £ou the door open and the party in f swj"" ~o"lll.<.<!:l>Or~•"''r,Jlll/n 11n out-nl.town youth orRanizaUon. DAILT 11\91 I) No . Home Slowdo wn e(· S~efi · Over· Interest Rate :Boost The ,President ot t h-e C<ijlilorola lleal f • \ a t,e Associa"'1~ fottaees nO irh· mediate slowdown in home sale,s becau.se of higher in· terest rates. • Emmette T. GateY.'ood Jr, ot,Lost GatOll, in Los Angeles "l\h some i.;oo 'Real.S, their sllesmen aftd .JUestl, for a n\eeting of ihe CREA board of -directors at the Ambaseador Hotel, said in an interview: "When a.man see3 a house he wants and can • .r. , t· " l~e care of the ~wn _pa~;i g{~lost I~ lhe ~vur111J ~c;/lrue inl~t_!st4a"f on il]lJ'UlJk I,~~ thal' lQe ii!~Uul .. Jiile I.le anY,t!UJlg bo"'~ on ~i-e<Ut .. ~ ma' ~t""c.mmercl.1 banks rnent !'I: doe$O'I Wlirry•abouf, I\'{"(' ' " ', ( they l>uY:'.'.!J i ' llieclured. ~ ') /!. ' \(!;: '4Jplic ... color TX ~1~ ·~'t .... ld slo•l.bulldln1 i~t tales. \ "> t ·o, r,., 1Gate ... ·ood '~observ'1 ~h~t Thel lep1ation aoes In ef· · •. , 4 . mlture ' carrles ,auch t ~-·. bt..aafdltml&bt "People havHo-.fta~ hOU s-1. people are cred!t "Titlnded. feet Julf·t -and Tequires'1.h11t ~ ~lcwoo<t · belloves~ .au 0 h -.~ asbnAble" terest rate," , ~ ·. · ~that the Nix- ing," he commented, "and "That's the rea10n for the · handllng fees aO<i o the r decIBrations wlll make the said. _' . o , da.Ja "making there 's a sborta&e, so when truth-in-lending blll just pass. charges on installment e<111-seven lo eight p e r c e n t Aakeli i[ he thoo1ht t.M : rnoves J .to OUt)J inflation and a. h._ see~ falrlf.. priced, ed by .the Congress," be sald, tracts be. includ~ in ~m-; morlgages, .1·~ ..com. .. ~id · e rate ffo~ If~ sue~ interest rates the t'Onctm i( inte~l fate.!{· "tO,\ ,th~ 'pubU6 k.OO;N ·.the puling inler~:,on ~ •. J'*1'' mon, see~ ';'!m .. ). ~i'.:~~Jty,~~ , , 71h •ptrctnt ~ ~~· ,. . , • c lmeJln1t14ll •nd Ex$>1rlence: , Thlt~ wflat wl dffer for. )'OUt enjoymept in Rancho la Cuesta hbmes-tlie res1Jll of combJnin11. over slxtY ve.rs of qua!lty home bullctlng with the lines! avallt1ble Staff C?f rtsearcti ar;ialysts and dMlgners. "' •' ' ;s: ' " ·¥·' .. ... i· II Rancho l ive under smogless, ocean-breezed ~.kies at Rancho la Cuesta. Here are large lots roomy enough for a boat or trailer. Here is the seaside living your family has wanted. (Walk or bicycle to Huntington Beach State Park less than a mile away.) And here are the very newest in features fo r your convenienct and living pleasure ..• building techniques 'and craftsman· c.hip acquired during six decades are evi - dent in these solidly constructed 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Here you will find huge s!ructurat beams, wood roofs and. concrete drives, while hand finished hardwood cab- inets and ball-bea rin·g drawer glides are indicative of the attention pa id to detail in these one and two story homes you'll be nroud to own . Huntington Beach's finest residences! At Rancho la Cue"sta! $24,99500 to $33,7-9500 VA and Conventiontl Terms tA "' "' t .. .. ADAM$ AVE. D ii\ Milla to I: San Diogo < ili ,_, " An.ANT~ AV!. , .. " " GRAND OPENING! SECOND . UNIT! THI~ SUNDAY; MARCH ·30, ~· ' 'I· .. LA PALMA 4 Bedrobms • 2 Baihs • Large F•mily ·~09"1· • Alf' , Electric Patio Kitchin ·e Miuion by·; the ·sea ·-~-,' • • I • . ' , ' '., ' t + ' '.' '·, • . .. .. • ' . I!. " ' . /I ,/ .YO:UR .. LAST CHAICE ·,. FOt~1l :- =. ' . ' . ' . ,. . . ',,, • '5' . . .. ;,~(',,,.,. <'1·~· ... h•"'··~·· . . ,• ··· .. ,O':_.,,. .. , .... ~ • 1 ,. •' ., ,,,, ••• , 11 ~ ~-~-. .... % . I . LO . AVAl~ABLE UNTIL APRIL 7, ~69 ~E~SIDE LJ,VI~f AT · INLAND ' PRICES I " . • • " • ··"FRONT' . ·' •• .. ... ! 't .• ' . .. , · .. H 1 I I .- .. ' r ' ' ' ... '" :-TI l ·r • • Ir; -.>I '· " ' ;._ '· .. ' • 1 '. .. •• Tile Roof • Concrete Ori•• • Wood . I ' , 4 l I Burning Firtpoeco • Rough · H11vy B11ms -$30,595: \ ' LJ I .OP ·' I I l ! -... ,. • I• l.lllY rtlOf I • l • . , -. • ,, . \ I ,-.-~ v "·?.i ... ·. ' ' ' • .. . ., . :~.-19,.tM '( H "DAILY'P!LOT • ' l • I 1 • • ' ' I ' ' ' , l ' I ' ' • • I I I ' • ' I I ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' • l • • I ! l ' ' ' ' I ' I ! ' I • f t I I: " t ,. ~ r 1: ~ ' " t 1· • • • l ' I I ·• • .. • ' ., :1 I • ' ! , •I . . .. ' . " '"' -' 1'' '' '" ..... • " ! . ' . ' • . • ' I/ I ' CLASSIFIED ADS WITH A·; - ' '• j NEW-L .OW-RA TE ' . . ., , .. 3 ... L.1.NES l TIMES 51: .. 00 ~-_, -,....,__... ~-- .. ANY ITEM . . ' If t· $ OR ... .~j,.· . ' . . ., LESS I.:~ i, ·: . • • . . .. . . . .. . , , e EACH ITEM ~MU!T., IE PRICED e · . . • Ne Item Ovor $50' • No Corilmorcl•I ~lrm,. e. , . . . . e No Copy ChtftfM e Ne Altbrf"tl1tion1 . e_ .. _ , . . ; l ' la '. CALL .. . ' ' . 642-S~ll ..,..,_, ... , ~ ~Ji/-• _ 1 ••• ASK FOR YOUR .-,,,.'.: , . DAILY PILOT AD-VISOR ~ND YOU MAY CHARGS ·lt! ., . ·' '' I • -• -' da111'sr V.oi~e· } Yolic~ P~~Via • ,Vses Real Dispatcher , B1VERNON~ , ~~OL!. YWOOD !UPO -The ..tlJ voi~ FraeklM oYec U>,. ~1.JCe1 r1dit, ... ~, A:defn·ll,' Onfi •Adam-a.· a man with a '.gun on ~ pr~ 'of ~1·Jlquor. stOrt Jn the 12000 bl0£k on Ven,tur,a BouJ~vafd\' ;'Qi< fuzz ill ~car ;\4'11>-!f,"1<• off ,w)/JI al-lcream· mi{ and Iii<, ·pr! In lhe · dbpatcber'1 otflce Will be 'in the '.dark unlil lh'e.Dmcers caU biek. . ''·· ·S)Jaaron Claridge ie I.he \'Oice heard ,on the NBC TV show "Adam·l2." She also happens to be a rtal. df'Spatcber tor the Lo.! a sbotguri. A.11ge\es Police Department in Shaaron Is a pretty redhead the San Fernando , Valle~. If wbo takes her 4 p.m. to mid· the voice sound.a profeasionalJy detac~ed and unemotional, night shift al the dispatcher s that's , telling It like It. j8, o(fl~ a e r i o u s I y . She Charlie. Sbaaron's b e e 0 moonHghla on the television lf.ispatchlng cops to lilt·•~ show earlier in the day. 1e'ara,t 5 h, aS5ignments for , nine M an employe or lhe LAPD , she earns $3.30 an hour. The She's also married to NBC people pay her $112 an moicitcycle pollt'em<lfl Frank hour. Ollridge. Fortunately, h. e . "J try to be as ciuthentic 'fOrkl in a 4.lffere.i\t dlvlsJon · as poai;ible when J'm reading and. :;haarorl hasn 't undergone my lines," she said between t~ horror Ql 'seniling)ler.hus-jobs. "Jf the script doesn 't ~ -G11t afte~a. ••c with ring true, then r ch::inge it. ~ ~ . I "O~_: _:: is heard on the series. Naturally, J'c.I Uke to be seen, too. What glrl wouldn't? But 90 (If U hasn't even been discussed." According to Sbaaron the call she likes least to send out over the police band ls: "Officer needs help." "I repeat lhe location of • lhe officer -who is usually surrounded or beilll shot at -•nd then alert all ~ to go to his aid. It's the most dangerous call ol alt. "My work at the polit-e de partmen t b tense becaL¥e you never know what horrible i;ituatton the offiei!rs are going lo find waiting for them." 'S1ua U Town' Movie S1a ted NEW YORK (AP) -Film r ights to "A Small Town in Gennany," a new novel by John LeCarre, have been ac- quired by Avco Embassf Plc· lures of Canada for filming to begin this )'t!ar on locations in Europe. A previous novel by Le- Carre, "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold," has been made into a movie and anoUi- er, "The Looking Glass Wa r," I Brother Act Michael Lorenz (left) moves in \v ilh big brother Andrew ~lawkes in this early scene fron1 "Come Blow Your Horn," now enjoying an extended run ~t the Long Beach Community Playhouse. The Neil Simon co1nedy closes next weekend. ~ Jl [ItUDJo)!t is shooting now. ------------------- "°" LC:Wr a...1t. Ill. Vl SECOND SMASH WEEK A MlLYlll flU.ll fl.II "Buona Sera, ~·n TECHIK:Ol.OR' Un1ttd lll'fl11s l•I ~!".'-'!'! ~::!» .. , ... Loll•ltrttlff SMiier WlnNr-"1111 Slivers * "•s 5.ceH Attntdt•11 H[W,OltT l[ACH • OR.3·1350 The F1mlly Show -i;i ~ Also Conti nuous Show Set, Sun, Mo n, Tu11. From 2 P.M. Wl1TDISMIY ...... ,, A co-.uMllA JllCt'lml °' [!] T"~1'111~fll II~· ~C' STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Oran1e County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From .Fas.hlon Island . Newport Beach 'Fa11iily Man ' Coni edy Next at Lo1ig Beach The reversal or husband and wife roles provides the subject for the next production of the Long Beach Community Players, Benjamin Zavin and Cosby Off April 4th Comedian Bill Cos b.v. who begin~ his Easter W e e k engagement at Melodytand Tuesday night, has canceled his Good Friday performance in personal homage to the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Persons already ho Id i n g tickru for the April 4 performance. the anniversary of the civil r:ghl': leader's death, may exchange them for another of the seven re- maining Cosby 'appearances: Tuesday through Thursday at 8:30 p.m., at 7 and 10 Saturday and at 5 and 8:30 p.m. Easter Sunday. QUEENIE ... Carl Leo's "The fa m i I y Man." Ralph ruchmoncl. winner of 'the DAILY PILOT 'S D i stinguished Perfonnanca award as best actor of 1968 in Orange County, and Ann Leverett slar as lhe couple \\'ho switch UlCir a.5.5lgnments . .John Williams is directing. Others in the large Long Beach caEl are Beatrice Bozeman. Craig 8 rand a u , Gregory Brown, G i I be r t a Causey, John Eagle, Lillian Hyka, Ben John:JOn, ~1iriam Kaiser. Ray Patterson. Geri Lee Reischl. Bette Robinson and Kathy Warner. The comedy will open April 11 for si:1: weekends, play ing Fridays .and Saturdays at :he Community Playhouse, ~l E. Anaheim St.. Long Beach. Benefit performances wiU be given Thursdays at 7:45 p.m . The current Long Beach play, "Come Blow Your Horn," has been exlended through April 5. By Phil lnterlondi "Hold it-<.hat'g a company motlo--not mine!" '"•"' SOUTH COAST FCOCl'allN:•A C!~lll ox P'LAZA THEATRE CilRPORAllDN San Di910 Freeway al Bristol • 546·2712 MATINEE MONDAY & TUESDAY ONL Y BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 12:45 SHOW TIME : 1:00 P.M. -PLUS- "THE MAGIC VOYAGE OF SINBAD" In Color STARTS WEDNESDAY Wilt Disney "Smith" & "The Inc redible Jo•Jrn'"'' ' ------------------------------------.. ___ _ • .4••·W deq· 1 I ~ · 'l { I I . -'. ; . , ·Mom's Actio rt";. i· ' - Out '·of . Orden ~ ' ~ ' ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm so mad rlliht rlow if l had,•,gun,(.thln.k ·l'd •h®I my lllOther She slam- ~· lell!J>hone receivi:,i: Qll, th!! giwxiest i~Y in , 1 beard her say, "~irllyn ~al 1alktd qo, the plipne eno~gh f?~ one evening. C~ ber tomori</w, ' 1 had JUSI firu slwd talking for quite,,awlAle !<> rny girlfriend. ll•l had known . ; ..> o' Na!(' was going to <eall ' ~ me I'd Mve been off a TMs reader ~veg I,• rnilH Iot-eooner. from yout i. ' ... N"!'i I'm lo hwnJliated I nEAR .. ~. • ,\,__.._ __ don't thl.nk,_ 1 'tflll ever be ""' n.i,l, ~~ able to Ioo1C Nate ift the face, Please tell me -wl\at to' Vo ~.Ana, say somethlng about our 14-yp_~t-eld to D\Qthers who act rude and daughter. She can talk, ml ti. <inbarraa lhelr daughl<rs. -phOfle all day and aD lllcbL Yesterday aftemQiion ~tried # WENDY to call me five times '"- DE;AR WENDY: Y o II r 1ny place ol. business aid · mother sbptld have allowed couldn't get me. I lost a good yoa *-'*"'-call and sltp-account because of ii. peel you. a note afttr fiye That nutty kid bas lied up minutes. For the future. our phone singing songs. however, I suggest that all playing records and reciting t e e n a g e r s "''ho have poems. One nighl she and her &elepbonlds (which includes idiot boyfriend .spent nearl y just about all teenagers) sil an hour just listening to each down with their parents and other breathe. decide bo.,,, mucb Ume shoulc.I My wife says this is all bt allotted lo phone con· right. I say it is crazy. What versations, also bow ninny do you say~ We'll abide by ' ~ I By BOB_ THOAlAS 1 cre:ied t~ co~~~}\urch, Biblical epics like "Kins nf HOL.LYWOOl> (AP) _ ~ .l~ unJversal llpilUage,I b.ut Kings.!' Hellvea. as a Squalter Years ago, ht waa,+lu. resident ~;. ,.. "'' • .. ,.. .. ..,., wbere ~be tended goals and t••t ~~wao nev-realiz on land ln tbe nearby hills, ~Irle, a turtoolty IOI' "F°'1 , 1t liq ruin<d chickens. 'tb6r!f8 to stare at and 08;UYes more '1tmMe thall ~iiis. The ln tUs last years, Peter the ; ~e their hea.ds over. movlel mow l!Olhhi-but war, Hermit spent lesi lime stroll· But'When Pei& ~ Hermit crline • ai;xt sex. ~Foliywood ing th~ Boulev~d. He seen1ed died, la.st week at the age never gave anything t o 8PP3lled by the 5eu!(y young ~ ot 90, tlie eveDt was scar~y_ 8Jll!..~Y. All the moviemakers hedoµists w~ crowded the 1.., IK>t:iced. Pecullar chara L do -w-1o6~7peo..,Ple. W~ll. 'sidew~Y··iste1er spenL more ~r ~.Mlf' ¥ lhi alld ~ of his lime high ~ become so profbae oa~ 'tO ~.~Y. '":ti~s~.1 :fi in his beloved ttills, where l[~llywood ~evard that !ew or t!tf:m"!" _i he contemplated the follies ol paid atteqhon to the spindly Hollywood and ol mankind. legged rodger with the nowing P~Eb BY La9t;iFriday he!l'WJS once beard. Peter's bitternes.s may have agahl '1·1 o d ~in I down 1 -For ~ SO years, Peter stemmfd from the fact that Holly\\•ood • &ultvard as he ' Howard -that was his nal the movies llad passed him had done thousands of days 1 nJme -plodded up and down by. In his early years in before~ He ('1Jllaptied on lhe the Boulevard ignoring the Hollywood he had earned a sidewalk and died o[ a taunts of Philistines. Unlike fair living is an .atmos~re • cerebral hemorrhage at the 11.Qe younger bearded types actor in fibhs, especially ' county hospital. , wbo now frequent the area, ________ ;__;_ __ ..:.___:___ ____ _ !et.er was imrriac~te. He , wore freshly. laundered white ' duck pants and 'a while T- shirt, sometimes a white robe. Often.Jie. Cai'ried~ staff, and he.-~Umee"used it to Whack the ba~kslde!-Of,)vomen shoppers as they strolled""by . .To the astonished women be calls will be permitted. Once your decision . that formula Is established there 1bould be no more troubt. P .S. The follo\\·lng let· ter is not from your lather. -IRATE FATHER " DAILY PILOT Sl•ff PIW'9 then delivered a lecture on Popping tlie "'1ies t i oti , n · >!lie ~·re~ or ~~ 111 •• , DEAR FATHER: Tb e ans\\·er is found in the advice to the letter above. I hope your \\'hole family reads It. . . . . J>ody with girdle!.' . Paul Gracey asks \ alercC' lfO\\. to be his V.'lfe as "l\1othcr" Pat Harp bearos As a lad I bad often seen 1n. approval in ltu -; scene from ''The Remir~~lc !\Ir. Pennypacker." The' Gay Peter the Hermit on his daily Nmelies con1ed y ends a ,,,·o·wl'ekenJ run tnn1g ht a t the Costa Ji1esa Civic proii'IS. f had only <lne en-UC Irvine Concert Slate Listed PEAR ANN LANDERS o I keep hearing that the boys in Vietnam are lonesome and Playhouse on lhc Orange Couhty-Fai?Jl'OOnds.. \ counter with him: five years ago when I sought him out "''ant to receive letters. The L 0 f f R l l N · ::~~'1;m~·tb:ani:i~1;:;~·;i;; · i e o ei,, y· Qt So Bad for an interview! Jt was not• easy to do, for ·Peter resi sted') t the noosense or ~ so-ealledl1' ' Civllited world, ai\d tkat in!' eluded publicily. of every American to do as ""' much for our boys in uniform ~ ' The Sunday E v en in g as· possible. J. Jiy VERNON SCOTT hi.s uW in a1rJrt m{nls. One O:Q:ert series at UC Irvine rr the boys want mail why 00 , l in New-Yol'k held hl s An· ·n . hr h A I don't they write back? My HOLL YW D I u_ 1 I) ...... w1 continue t oug pri girlf_.end wrote 10 t~-Gls cbarlcs Nelson Hcilly, the 10inette. erry !Tony) Award with the f<lllowing programs: 11 .,.., k • · · April l3-Violinist Mary (she got theµ-na}neir from .. n~v~us "wrec 1·ea.1 t>slale • for his tole Is Bud Ji'ro1111l Speaker and pianist A 11 e n a cousin staUoned in Da Nang)· rtia~ ?,f The Gho~t, a~d r-.1r~. in ''HoW1 U: Su.ccccd ~1 Greenberg performing w<Jrks and she never 'got an ansWer · M;ui r, doubtless acquired his: Dusiiiess \Yithl)Ut n· ea l'lo/ by Bach, Brahms and Bartok. l .have ~ril~n ·to thtee .dif: th~trlcal twitches as an usher Tryjng.:t• · April 20-The Baroque ferent guys and the one ln for the F.d Su!Hvan show. He also brOught along h~ Ensemble, with Jo a n n a Hue wrote back and said 'he 11 co uldn't have been his ru~ni~ure,.. qiany ~f~lhe1 p.jecC's Bramel Young, recorder ; likes to receive mail but he experience as a member-of woOden antiques collected <Jn Lenore Coral, baroque flute : isn't very good at writing and the chorus with the Con-the East st ' eoe .,. , Teressa Bramel Adams. cello, not lo expect any replies. . necticut Opera Company. , '·t'm becOming a hotnt! William Holmes. harpsichord. Do you believe a girl should ReiUy is a happy bachelor. person," Reilly says. "l'ni per f"<l rm in g works by keep <ln writing to a fellow Ecstatic bachelor. relating to a house for the ~~~:r~ n • Bach and even if ~e .doesn'~ answer -When he came Wesl l-0 Siar first time. Everytime I hung 1000 BEAUTIFUL ~ ~ . ! ' • as a patriotic gesture, I mean. in tnt NBC-TV aeries he a ... ,.;ni; .. .,. in '"my New York April Z?-ConstaOC1!. Lain g. ,..... .... '6 piani~. in her senior recital, -EMPTY BOX tfught Ult lirst house he ever apartment l knew it we;; on perf<rmaing Bach. Chopin, DEAR 'EMP'l1: SomeUmes· owned. He describes it as optioo..,..Tbe city was.Joo~last Beethoven, Scar\otti and mail goes astray -so dop'l beh1g a typical modern rahch for me ~1 rgean people.hapg· Ginast.era. judge the OOys too banbly. place, adding: ·"It's, no l ing·on fenders trjing to crass All concerts are open to Give each GI 1 second cbance. · beach>; or Catilqrnia·y ." che str~~.~· ... •• _,, \ .. 1 the public free of admission If after two letters you receive , lj~ ;oought the Seven>roOm l,!1 some \respects Rti\{y · isl change. Concert time is 8 p.m. no reply, save your stamps, hOme becaus.e "it ·looks li~e as '.fUS&}' a~.Blaymor{ Gr~gg, in 178 Fine Arts Building. Toots. a· house." .. the dingaling be plays oh' fil e ---------------------Reilly iS super'-conscious.of series. lie has a small bousesJ having lived. most or shepherd, Rose, for \•:horn he AGELESS cares a great ~eal. He is a clQSe friend of Hope Fina)ly a meeting was ar.'t,r anged UJ his one-room home . , L:ingc,"WhOrstars if'l thc :ser1e"s:. on Ivar! Avenue, a Short I :ind not lnfrequcnUy lfil'le.s at 1 iiistanCe &tm 'the .,,roaring , her home. She is ~married Lo ~ Jiol1Yvfoodl're;ewaf . movie producer ,Alan Pakµla~f,1 • ''I{ 1 a· eleR~. he sna d •. ~e!lly sel~oPt ha~ ~l;esj>ut ':'i~wtieii~~ ~quir~ Of .. bJs :e. , I 1:in l. C"&:t~t~ni on bctng 8 And indeed, with pink ~face hf.cllml" ~ac~l_or_. One of t~e . •ana p"atrlatchal White h<iir daysi 'lie 1s at pains to exple1n, · and beard ~ ntighrhave been he ·ma,y ma'rry bu{ at the 6.'; or· 1~. He admitted to m.oment .Is loo bu~y to ;c:o h a v in g been b<>rn ln wire hunting. Limerick. sailing the seven "J am a Capricorn,'' he seas 8i ·a young man and j says. "We ate late bloomers, studying the religions of the but we finish last" world -"They'n all 'stepping \ ..... "Run, Appaloo1a, RUn". . CotttlH•lfl • stot .. S1111., Mo1., Tws., 1 p,M, stones." ., . '°' He claimed to have come to . Hollywood becauR d Its promise. But be • w . .u 90011 .f.disillusiooed by what be. found . ~ "l never call tt. Hollywood." he railed, "I ca1J·1t Follywoocll flJ'be movies could b a v e STICK-ON LABELS -----Nomlna1ed IOr .... ,..,_. _ ............ 7 AcademyAwards 1~~~~11 lndudinc: -~----·- $1.00 to• lncl•fflf May be used on envelope s as return address la bels. Also very handy os identification labels for marking personal items such as book s, record s, photos. etc. Labels stick .. on glass and may be used for marking hom e canned food ,items. All labels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed paper .and pa cked in reu~eble megic 1 seaf top container. Mrs. Christin. Brown '69 Po1t Ro.d Coit• M.w, C•lif. 9211211 r - -- ------- -- ---1 I f ill in fllit r.•11po", d ip ind lft1il wiffo St.00 lo: Pilot rn~tl119, Llb•I Di• .• lo'f '175, I! I N•wpMt l•1ck, C.lif. '2••1 I. I I I -···············-··································J··· I I .. ... ......................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . . . .. . . .. I I I I, ·····················-·······························-·· I BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR BEST ACTRESS 1'eter O'T oole + Kathari ne Hepburn '1DKPtl t.lEVIMt" -AHAVCO°"""'U P€rER 'lft.b 1'AnfARIN€ O'TOOLE I +!""'~ HEPBURN • •w.mtfPCll 1H€ LION IN WINTER:;., .. ..:::.,,. ,.11\'CO DIJ..UllY -• RESERVED SEATS NOW AT BOX Df(ICE PJ 81 Mlltt "~ INlX Off IC[ I 1oc\tto "" .... 1t :S.O. CtlllOfiii' M!lfl< Ce~ '11So11111 Sl. 'Ol"EN D~llf 12 All Mflurf 11c,r1 Aao•<I" ~ Attt CM 213.U).UH HOON TO I PM et 111·ln .. lll2 lw fQllt llHfQI ltlUlill OflKt MUliM. EXCLUSJYl: DllAN!;£ COUNTY R£SEllY£D. SEAT U&AGEMENT . .!Ow s Cf NTURY 21 P~ ll1Nr"t11tlont c,11 1n ... tca. Ttcl1y 11 11• & till ,.in, Tome..,... 1t l;ll • t :H a l:lO '·'"· l lllll.CUUJ• .w..u.._ .n1.1M1 ALSO AT UA 4·STAll THEAT LOS ANGD.IS ~= Fiix~~!'z~H~:.~~ CORPORUIJ!t San Ditto Freeway at lrlstof • 546-2711 SATU RDAY MATIN EE-. ' Sox Office Open. ll:OO-Show Time Starts 12 :45 I 11 tur• to vu your Zip Code )11'~/i'ofll'ljj I I L =1111-soilils --_, WITH EACH ORDER . Of LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE FRIE SET Of 'ACKAGE MAILING LABELS. To c8r~ P•'1URE • ffio GWYNHE·YYOHNE DECARLO·Al.lEWIS BUTCH PAllllC K ~DEBBIE WATSON -~ TERRY· THOMAS· HERMIONE GINGOLD All S••ls 50 Cents I "' WlllMI' If J .l.U"'"1 A-.. ... 1 J1mn Gar11er COLOll. "GlANb HIX" C111 T .. t •k• ltt MldltY H11'9/l•'f COl.011. "PIT OF HOll Ol" ~~ "TEllOl CllATUlES FIOM THI 51A'fl'" • Tilla ,...rttn II lllf fw K•I iJIM1t:::j I ..,. ..... ._ .. _ ,,,,,,.. Otilt»li COLOR "ANGIL IN MY POCKET" Jollll !Ntrne COi.Oii "HILUl•HTllS" . --' ..... !IM·UU "W" •ATID '-•1 ... ._, 1.1¥11 Prully In I d,tt'lnQ l)f'fll f1tll "CHAllO" LIJ'J'd llllllffl COi.Oii "'THI DAl tN• 6AMI~ POSITIVELY ENOS TUESDAY -.-... .. - P)ua FRANK SINATRA l\AQUEL WELCH DAN BLOCKER . '"LADY IN CEMENf'l ' Really, D arliuy Lynn fl a rris feigns detached bore<.1.0111 as !,al '.'.loran expounds enthusiastically in this scf!n(• fr o1n !he Lido Isle Players' "Affairs of State." which c!o~es a five-qay run tonight at gie Lidp Isle r 1u~s.::..._ OSCAR NOMINEE e BEST PICTURE e BEST DI RECTOR rAR6~t 'T f'ICTlMr.s I"'><••·, •llllni•.• -· :FRANco :ZEFFIRELLI ROMEO e'jULIET Noordinnry - l~•tol")· .... ' J I • I l " ' I I , I •.fj "tfili .. ) • " ' ' . ' i ~ t . ': Hlllt'tbeot,·ltoh nd!,u1s,' •: • . .) · aml nloomo back lo anolller • 1:\\ ' II<~ """1llM llt. Uncle \ , 1 ~:-n~ ... ,,.\ .... , ..... ,,~:· 1 I ...,..... iD')>iu ~di art ' • "' • l'ltlni .. 141 lo ll!a1 tricks ' ' • ' ----r • on your· """"" me '1"1'11?. .. • . ' ? nut ~ ~ · wbenj·r .APr':JI· .~ .• ·•. •·. i ~:t:V!"'~i.o!"'" ~ . "".i., ..... .,. ...... rooi'i 'Day itaM\Jr iSt "&:!; ~..i.·· \•,,#'•• ,..ce . \ Well, Me ol the =ton . , W111i'"Mll~ . . did, .•. ·-.• ,,, •• and 1ot an e anaUon which lfOll'll fllld Ofl pl(• today. 1. t ' ~OL ll'SU\. ""1, Ill i,t\" ~ " oufl.J/111 week, 'boy1 mi jlth; . . . r '. l ). because nobody bothored to ..£... t ,.nd i> Ill)' rtddlel or joktl, ['\ · -fr I.At'• see if we .ean't '1Ake f j 7'f"' up'" it '!111'< .... ,.llh!' ..... r Jlemtmlfr,4 Mti a"e .IWI five more ptrformances of the · • · play "Hall Put Lite In Wonderland," pruentec1 by ~ ;. • \ . l • ' ' I ,_ • 1 U. QJl14ren'• 1lllattr. Guild,, · I ·a1 . a.Aa • M111 lllail ldloor··,..:.._.:.i ______________________ ""ll today and tomorrow. U you •• haven't 11en it yet, thert'I * ii •. llJlf pltnl)'. -· .• ' .. • PRIZE WINNER· * You've 'Jlt®"bly " ,aeAtd · · This wok's contest winner i1 Charmaine Enfllsh 11\.> wl!ll, our .fl'I·: conteat -lhtm• 498 E. ieth St. Costa Mesa ' ' for ·ntlt 1'!eet: 11 ~ Elsttr, · , ~ . wltldt . .......,.._, ·lflNay,. : · · • ·· , ltJIJ child under 12 can enter Uncle Ltn'a An CO~test. Here's all 7ou Lol'e:.llofe .-, "'~ "·.c10: (1) Di'•w -plelllni on ~iece ol plaiD, white paptr 112 Inches wide and dr11.lrilf ---' · •• • '• incllta <leep.. U11 black ~and rilalce llll .. 'blaa (2) Do not <Opy or trace ~c :. : IWllt.· -• .. "'·'picmN,,11t:murt.111t '1f1111' own.~t., ~) Put your name, a1e l1l4 id.clttss " -·--·herald-. "db back ot 'uawbif. Mail it lo Uilcle,1,tn'o Art Cobtest. 80~.ueo. DAILY eot bf -. '" .' -.-P.ILOTt ~Jim. Wtnnu 'll'U1 receive !Ce11i>id~ hall ·dollar. , 1rtoJb1a t1wr the: bnptm ' , .. " .. -.. . • . . _ . liJb"(if ._I•;•' !•,' -' ., ~ , ·"' _,,. - ........ • ... -. "! ........ flmll:,thtouJhout ~> ~ ::=. Al::i'. :5-. ~; •,·111;• .~ ·~ ~·· UiHaM, ' ' • ,. . • 'lll>NOllA,11.1 ~ .... And Qll the ·fields on. every ,,..,, lo tllJa -··Ori-, hod, . . . . I''' • • "(' .. • ... 1'ttllel>oet the ·;lamllr and • it<-. ' . . vut.:mmatn.-.' . -~ 1 -. -~e Echenique, $, ~ And even on the apeedin1 -'Mua.;. Shlll• ltrttne.Y., •, • tra•-. • .<;osta Mt11; Pao1£llolflmte, 6JID • • • • 10 Corona 411 ,-..Jlaj;_· lOSh The harvest moon ls 1bi111111 pja;I t ~· · '.'.•·~· •. bri,pt, "· . ty, t ~ ...... .:'..::~ _,. ·Alld • .,,. °""Ill 'It nlns Jonu, 5, N ._,, llMI loldpt. . . , .. . , !lla.-.i J-, It; N~ .....JMt11 ...,..., :a._.., ·•tK11 Beach. APRIL POOL'S DA y' . 611 .Ai>lll Fool's Dai . . l'.Opfe say lhlnp in a, tusina w They 11y th~•. !II<• JOU're,we ~ Y~~ 10fll<1~!'.Wn ~ 1\1,ey've This day Is 1Ull 0£ i•,.klf and lun, . .. Eeryone does it ff'll11 6 to 101; . .,,. . . . •;;~pa, "lomi""d Did Olll the fun a~d '1tver 1tt.mad ; , ",Ev1111 b .. Y.• l!riau pla~· jokes · , d~o me, •my· •it\er, brelh.tr•and my folks; . So·wllmt Aprili lint arrtvea; ·take care . ·, And· ro outslcle Jf you· dare. ·: •· '! .. , ...... !. ..... , --'"" ... t.I,,... .... u • .,. v ........ l twit ,....,.., ... Wlfllll .. ...,, Ill ... ...,,.. ... ....... Mtll ...., .... ., ~ ·• ....... .., ... , .. , '-" ....... Cdf, Crossword • ' . ' • ---~· .......... . •! ..... ~ .... ,,, ... .. 1111, c.Ni ... -· PIR~I . ~-J.t') .... J~t JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH .... -..... , ..... llllS CALLS FOR A CELl!Bl\ATIONL I TH INK I'll KNOCK OVER THE BANK! I > •• :i-l .... ' ~ -. -~ .. • _ •• ~~·~ 1, •. ., ' • I . ' .. ' -f I I .. ' ·" ., , ' ' . ly ;Al !Sliiltk . ·: ' •' ' I • - '· • -. • ., ' •• • • · ly · Gn Arrlolil • ''· ,. ~ --· ' " -. I Mii '' r' ,-. ' ,. "'t... ~ • - ' .... ___________________________________ .. ---· ------- . Warriors Stun Lakers, " io1 .. 1·01 MW-phy Nabs Nation.al Ind; NiekJaps Cut . ' ' '. t• '· ! f .',( I Milwaukee to Sign · Alcind~r L06 ANGELES (AP) -IAw Alclndor Hid Friday he hu ~· a '' · ~plus CC?Dtract wl · wau- the pllcb,,bocked by .the le-. Some Sporll -Clllp Clpola leuned <·--.,J!'t havo W noaiJu.INt ~ had Hid tllat Lew would have made Tlitod'1 tlltl -bad made a'Vil'" !!91. :r·-lllb with Ln bUt 111 Ille l• ..... an automallc -· bol .....,,.nt-llllCu' a-11 Mani'".""* .... -llftnod. JI ... Ml'' TbUI lbe blddinl war Is· aPPonolly .., .. Jolm --11\11 apola qroed to 'bt •· Pr'.lt join UI, lie """*' IO U. ll1ICU. of lbe Nallonal B ball Al malloii, apparently endb>i ?' of 111e over. Pouibly r<albh!c lbe loll of Al-wllll 1111111 1rtdoy 1o mob the ,_ bock "' hll WWII." cindor would llurl t11e ABA -•117, ment 'Mwrwlllll; 11:r1cbm; lioWmr', a&.· Asked lf'the ,...U,. of· lbt:eldlr, • --· biddln ' ~·~·-· --IW ... ~y. Alelndor, the tllr..tlme UCLA All AJn<rkan, loJd The Auoc!IJl<d Press prior to Ille San Franc1'co-Los Angeles Western DI.vii.Ion playoff 1 a m e here that he would siln a contract next weet. lelille ofllclall filed ID anllll'llOI IUlt nled lbal Lft bad ...... j4 l!n\I-~ IQA ~b'nl 1o 4o P'ri4oy 1CCUJ1nc lbe NBA of ~ 'M ... wlllle, the AIA fOlloHl'.:&lclnd«, l ffh bJo, dollo1 -''1llll'1 ins the sport by lllln( ~......, uklnf r.r lllOlbu dwlce 1o mate 1 nlcs bot It. wun1 Ille prime -dtr- to ellminate com~ 11MI tuft was final otter. · · · •Um:." ftled In U.S. Dbtrict eoUrt In Siii Fran-At an afler-nildni&ht meet1q la a Leo 11 he ldokiq l'"'ud to plaJ'nl la clsco. ... .. , .~ ......... ,,. Angeles ~ ABA affl('l•J~. ~. 1.1,w , the NU! . Aldndor told both the . ABA llld 1M '' and hls llther · tllty were. ..,...i ·lo "I'll have lo be," bt Hid. Ht -!tad ~1Milwaulfee made the most. solid and , molt ,ftUOftlble ott,r; all thJnas con- 1ldered," 1aJd the '7-4oof:-l~ center.· Alclndor wu eiped«t to 1isn a mul- tipl6-year «>0tract !or moi. than '1 Nll:A that he would nol 1et llito 'a' bi<!; offe< 'll!Jri 'an 'lll10Unl tblt, dCo.aid be lmew !'iilhJar doOt 11\1 ·-; 1111 dln1 ltar,-boll'~ioer. a!Ni .uked lliil inoil-· Mllnti.'t' bf'"'• buw ,_ .. 'I>''· Jut pla<t'Mm la the ~DM11on ey oilers )le, made la aelled enve)lpr :' 1dvlstt :~~· . '' ' • " . _ol the "'A."wtlh a 2'.SS'record !Illa pet on a .,.._.tiot ~-• .. 1~· • · , , "I have dover d•llt on a ,hl(l>er 'lane aeuoe. • ' , mltlki-t. • ·w.i· ni .. ·l!ucts·~ ~oiler · , .wlth 11nv -lt," E11cUl>n aid, but. Tlcbtllcllly, the h:u >ba...n~ 1ot day, Ntw ·~· e>day. A •he continued )o ~•ii y ~ l!td" _!hi rlfll~ ,lo ,IAw ~. :t:l!'X-"'1 a pip The Otdiing American Ba:k~» mation w bopldVW>d ~-lmd Ille Nft'Vcrt NeLs, ~ lft's home town, were appaNllUy. m1klq advisct' fC( a tbe Mil)' · 1 ·made an •lftt.mint, verbil cir irltten. Of 1 coin WfUi Ptw;iJnli to teri the dtaft oiler wu1 f~ ''. derably mor< !hon · Erlcbon llid tllat ii Lew Nld he had rl1ht. 1o him luf March It. 'Ille NllA $1 million\".~ hl .. !r than the ABA agreed to tenfis, "then that's what he draft ls April 7 and the Bueti tfafe·ift: offer. .. ~; ·~ means because he· Js a · man of hia .., ~ • .,..., w11l draft Aldndcr. :·~ . ( ' " . . . . . . : , ......... ~( Jim Ryun (lelt) and his Kanias teammates will visit Westw004l loday for a dual track m~.with Wayne Collett and hil UCLA Bruhu. R~ appears as tho silver medalist from the 1,500 meter event at Jut suni-.. ' Reichardt 1Craeks0 ~ I , I , ·, ' .._ I • ~ l PALM SPRINGS -Rick Roicfll!dt' th MIMiMla Tw111 • 1-1 dMblllM tluhed I home nm Id! tine ""'1es -Hll Yldlry lftl' tflo Lei ~ Frlcta7 la Jeadinc Ille Clllfomla Aopls-Ded&a• rrtdQ>; • ' 1o an a.1 rout of Ille 11111 Dl<F Pldr<> 'llot 1'dl, onmmlli I M iloff" in•---.. ...-·---....... ·-.-tiiu"* oat al."""" ... "': ., : . 9'wnP1 alammed a tbrtiHun bomtr cff PROVO, Utah -Iowa ,State, lldv1r1c- Podrt -JolmJ Poh.i In the llV• Inc IOVtn wr11tllt1 ill1o tlle l1'tjdq llilbt -111<1 "'111ed'"""' -,... in Mllllflnlls, !IJol< • IOlld llid la !!'JJ'IC.U Ille ei-. ~ 1-!Gr-I ~ rl!J. Wr11tllq ClwnplONhips ~~·- al JU ~I aver.,. lo .Ill." homl S1llt llld Oklahoma ~ '°"" llW Voa, al Nawport -. blddinl beets.< I• on Angel oulfleld berth, drove la two low1 SI.lie heel s I pobltl lollowill( Alllli t1111L q11111U·llMI lNllches Frklll' of-, 1\o _Allf'lll holl s.ttll'I Pllotl at ti m0r< than -~ Mlcblpn Pllm ~ ce Slturd&y. Son D!qo Stile. !ow1 bad Ill. Ddtnd'nl champion -I or_., pine SUnday ond .tlltlt the Okilhoma 81a1o '!M tied I« fourth Anpll l>rnl: camp. with Oklllloma llld °"""' siw. ~ ttl' ...... ...... ttl' ~~ ' ,._._. ~ 1!L -....., ...... 3M , MONTREAL -M11trell, pl..-wllll .,. ••• lilt ......... '"" .. left • ~ ...... ; ........... -,... 11114 hoet la till llalll ...., ... pve slblHq el bvlts 1o ,.. ... Ill !In> I • mer's Olympics and th~ world record ho ~r for the 880 llld mile. Colllll, • _..tional IO!lhanon, has •·belt 46.1 IW llM qurttr mu•: Tbe mett .wt1at1:1r.. .. · . ., .. . our Hits nor, a1jor 1e..,.. ........ Pae April II. , , .. . •. fte •q11FW. B:lpll ~ ldl.W ...... __ ........ ·= .. 11.1-1 ~. lolllAw ' __ .,_... .. ti!' ... Nfllelal ,...,.. ..... llN J!'rltiy tllo ··-• .,. ,.._ ti. .. -..... --~ ... -........ "' ............... ~ -~. llt*tefSell .... wtrklll .. .,_,,"'1 Put. • ...... ,ttl' ,..... llLOOMING'IOll, Ind. -Doll ""1W> lit of lndlaa tied ... -r«Wd ,.. the llJll.7 ... -Fridlf in quaJllilnl Cllll]llltlkio al 11>1 -N.UO.. II C<1JtC111o htmminl IOd llMllt ~ .. 1111 ,lime WM ._, ......i.. mlldll!l1 the-•"7Kon-of!<iufll. smM-lnltl7. . ~·" Celties" Stage : Great Rally ., NLY PILtT ' ,, Halos Ai-en' Prof.tlna .. 1--e ' From Switch ' • .. I I . I I . . ·~ l I • • • DAILV l'ILOT !far Hurler Li Guns.Down Saint$,. 9-1 ' ' Area ·sw; · s '''!\-4;'1'-, -,-... ~\aecOrd 4 Vi~f ori~s ' ' I ' N"""1 J!arbor Hlab'> S!ete Sdli>tlu cumed down Santa Ana, •1, cm 11 /oqr. hllttt to lllfhlllht Friday's suns« Learue ~.,...ia. Other pmes showed an a.s N.:..nn, win 9Ve-Santa ADI Valley, Westmiosta ~ ... te w-. ).), and Aoabeim blank· .. ~-..... Schotler ltlUck out etcbt SainU Friday lo chalk up bis fCllrlh vldoey d. the year and leCOl'.ld in SUnaflt appearancfis. Newport ~ quicl:IJ • .,..;q in 1he fmit when Howard stroble doc.lbltd borne Jef! Mal!noff. Wh>t provod to be the will' .png, 'l"I PT,i•..t in the ~ "'!'• li:lkel tldiioli tinaJed • ~ 'Jl6b. Cuiry tripled him home. Ken Alurillo was the winning pitcher tor Marina, The v100tf.arted ott-w11h some firew<t1' lid , M d Bllejdy Moeo. He horn~ Cll !'&It pitch 'of the game. Dave Campbell added an· other Vike home nm to the fifth iJlnin&, M<Plrlney a!oggod a 1oog bOll>e 1'Wdt.iiaflr If .,. ~\lm!Jlig Wiotem but tliat wis the oOl y <ifense the IJms could muate:r. Huntington B<oc1! slarted out behind the eight-ball against Apabelm and fin· isbed that way. The t'Alonists scored tine um.. in the first inning and the OilerS, with just three hil6 hr tbe 1ame. got llO"'here. .'ff:~···* w...-. .. ,,_ ' .. ' ~[M Ill r II rlli f'. MC,f;w, 'd l I I I I"...,.; rt t I I I l I l G 1 ••• J ••• Medi., i, l I t I Madl. lb J . WO.. lb I I I I Dnr1..,fhl, c: Clnd!Wlllw, 311 I I I I WllMll. lb Hl....,C 1111 Ht-.w ~~rt1011 ~ef M. ~ rt 1 t t 1 Hvtil,.. :Ill Ml!Mi ...... ! • • • ....., ... if ~11.,111111 .11 ,(ID(,, J I I I l I I 0 2 I I a • J I I I I I I I ..... fl,. ? ••• ..... • 1 ••• T.w. Ml41 H\M!ltftt1M aMdl !fl at r It rw M<:Quewn, 111 l I I f Murptw, 2tl l o I o aer..11 1111 lt\M.d , ••• $r-H l lOI ll'f'der, c l ••• WP!itri.ld. !Ill 7 I 1 I E1rlev. rf t I 1 ...... .klli.t, • 1 ••• fylef", I'll I I I 0 T1t1• 141JI Tt111' » •• ' .. 0 -I • 1 I -I 4 I lllfla, •' Smltll, " Slerlfllt. Ill .... " •••••.< Tllotll, cf , ..... ,. _,,." ltllllltlM, • .. , ...... 2 • ' • l I I I l I t C J I l I J I I I l I 1 I ' .. . ) .. . 1 ••• '4 • ' , ..... ., ..... • • f •• llOiillllfii"" llldl ! ... 1-1 ~t.· ' ... ~ ... ,. ...... •' IMflil& Cll •• f It .... aow.n. •• . J t 2 ' tffal,:llt J l ll \\111,c Jiii :nue.H 1 1 20 :urr1n, d I 1 I :1m1>tlell, 2tl ' 1 I 1 f'ltnlllll, lb 2 I 0 0 ..,...,.,Miii. ,11 1 I 1 0 llitllt,Pr 1000 kllllh. lt • ' 0 ' SHINll.rl 2 I ID Klqretttr, ' 7 I l I 'iWrltlo., 2 110 T.._ *111Jt -s.ltMI¥ ..... ""'""' H.,119r Ct) ....... , Meljl'df, lb StTIA>le, 2b LHrr, Ill w ....... rf Fkmlt'll, JI H1ftley, • Curo-, ti HOl'""-cf Sd!lfflr; • '''""" .. 1 1 2 I I I I • 0 1 ' 4 • 2 • 4 I 1 I • 2 2 • .C I I D 1 l , J 1 I I • 1 I I 0 *J• tlJ' . . *·· s1ilt1 An•',,,..., IH .;. ,· ..... GroY, ''' ;.i_ I I I 1 IAllG.. 3ll ' f I t. Mc:Cully, d I 2 I Chtetiroutll, If' l I I MCCuH1y, c I I 1 Gltw.cn, 2b • 1 I W.rl,lb 211 Miiii!. lit I I i 81rM&, d 1 I I Sei'o'1no. rf ' 1 l w111i. , 1 t 1 Gou.. • l • I 1ouldln, 111 e 1 1 Ttllll U J 11 ' .. 1" t1i1 ..,_. IJ l l2t"11 ..... II 1 itlltll AM 111 .. ' 511>111v9dl, d • Wyndl;. ' l O.....c1n, tll 1 l!v-. 2b l wm~'"'· ~H 1 L-ll'cl, lb I ""-..,, .. kllln1, 11 ... 1 WoodtlMIJ, 311 2 it.rrlHn, c 1 I--· th I Ttllll t• .... I ' • • 1 • • • 1 • • • ·~ .. ... ,. ' .. t -t IJ I ·-· ' ' SPEEDY MUSTANG -Dave Whitaker of C..ta M ... High School 1et a s<hoo! record in the :ZOO. yard ~vldual medley Friday with a 2:10.5 clock· ing to lead Mustangs to a 74-21 non-league victory over Laguna Beach, Outscored 33·5 Crestview ·Baseballers Take Wallopings .. A! -()nqo-Ooul -pnp -. bOll -'"""tlioW l1al'f Fridey alter-.... ~'9-wcue adlon. Mbiioo Viejo -bl.mked, M, by El Modena <11 tbt loser's cHuncwxl, Orange handed invadiog San ~ a, lJ.2 Joos and Le-Beach dlopped I l!'3 veirdi<:I to hoot Tuatin. , Leg11111 alarUd things olf Uk• K was going to be the beginU>c d. ...,.uiing aood !0< the ~ with 1-lelodd.I llome run in the flnt inntng. ~ However, Tustin jumped .into .,_e lead quickly and woo with ease to give the Arti3ts their fourth straight Crestview League -San 'Clemente also scored tint m Lhe inl.tiat frame but was dropped for lhe count quickly. After Bruce Jooes drov. in a San C1"nellte tally In the UJll>d' 11111 d. tile Czec~ Defeat SOviet Icemen • STOCKH<UI (AP) -A -....i Czechoolovakllin lelm upoet !be loviel· . Union 4..1 ad YlltuaUy <D!e<1 JllMlla's lil:·yar retcn Ii world amateur .hockey chlm ..... Fr*y light. 'Jbe triumph pn the C1ochs II points ml mo•od them bOo unclilplMd _.. sioo d. !lrot-pl.C. In the lll"""1 \<Urn· menl Rualii hll· H po!nti. Eocb hu an. · ,...,. lt!llili'*lg, c-.11111 ··--~ tbe Sovi<a .,..., ~1 botb.,m Sanday. i ' first inning, the host Panthers came back with three runs in the bottom o! the tint and &eVl!D m<re blc cne& in the second lllma to seal the verdld. Tile JO. lfropeed the Tri'°'!' ~I with Misslcil',:,Yiejo into a five-wq tie for second ~ -, a;ae pmi beldnd league i<adinc TuiJ!ll ..i FClOlllill. • Misslcm Viejo·. neWr threatened the Vanguafda a ' the ' invading El Modena club chalked up seven runs in the first lhree irrings for the easy "1n· ~ DlablO& of Mission Viejo failed lo get 1 runner to third base. '•t~ll) lle'f't1 . ., CorMr, I! Clr11CMI. Ill' """1'er, c -·· o. C1r1-.. a IOIOl'ldtl, lb ••rttev, lll ¥aM.....ii1, cf """!,.· rl ... , " • • • ' .. ' I ' . ' . l ,J 1 > I I > I ' o I > ' I I • • • Mlal9it ¥~11 Ill .. ......... d Cl!,_, lb Gwdntr, 1f G,.v, 1...i ttaz..., U1 LH1119', 211 ..... ,. II-ford. •1 Mllrlnl, d Mtr9dltll. cf Mlsf..._,, ' ' • ' ' • ' • ' ' • , ... -·· :ts • n T ... 11~ _,,_ " .. CW-llJI 11-,u Nlllll, liri ktlf"l4er, If Cllll1.. cf, 0 Winn, rf, P Sll..00, lll Sanford. c F,..I, lb A.ult. '' rt 1111 r llrtll l 1 l • I I 0 I I 1 I I 4 1 2 1 • J 4 1 , J l t I > > • I I t 4 I I J ' .. .. .., .... ,. t ...... 4 1111~(21 .. I' It,.. o,,~erc t 1 t NIClr9lft,. a, ' :t I I lllltdlMo .. .J • 0 T-.-.rlc ·11 Jontl, • ) • 1 oi..,..,,., " l • • Lllmbardl, c1 1 • 0 Kolfl1, n I I o atnl1ml~, !If I I D o-1111-.a1 o o &cll'll. 111 :t •• Wrlellt, C I t I Ttttll 1111 1• ,. Tllalt ,. 1 1 sc.r.. ........ tuc.....-.. ... _ • • • 111 ...... J. »l_,-11MI LENT MAY GET C,AL STATE JOB . . . , Bue Swimme~ In Wins Over GWC, Tigers RIVERSIDE -FrOOICyler P 1 u I Hogba _, two e.-to opart ~11111 Cod Collqe'1 lwim, team to a plfr ci 'Eutmi COnfermot vk:ttcke ovu rival Golden WOii Colle(< ml hool Rlvel'lidt City Colle(e Frida;. The Plrata downed Goide!1Ws,13-31, and blasted Rlvenlde, 17-12. Tl>e Ru.91len also ripped the Ttten, 71-15. Hugiie< .......r bis viclorit! in the 100 and 200 free, events. He covered the 100-yll'd dilt:ance in 52.C after an earlier 1:54.7 triumph in the 200. Only other double wi:noer in the meet was Golden West's Kris Swenson, who won 1he :ZOO Individual medley in 1:12.5 and the :zoo blc-e In l :lo.3 . Eatli~ Triplea 4n Ji'iel,d Events ' Mite Wlflon ocorod I big vld«y fur the Pirolel witli a will fn tge 200 bul- terily. His limed. l :lU WM H -di belttt than bis previous all-time best for the event. Pirate Spikers Rip Tigers; 92-53 Orin&• Coast Collqe'• trock ml fi. ekl team romped to 1 0-63 Eutm Con- ferencre d'lleJ meet vk!tory ewer River· t6dt Fridly al'terDooa oo the Plnte oval. Tbe mlllin d. vlc:t«y could haw beel1 men onHldtd, but Plr>te eoodt Jim Mcihnln al1ow<d mony of his 1t11!etes to comp!te in evtnts outaide ol their normol spedo!U... top performance of the day were tumed tn by Oranae Coast'• Dive Eadie and Nnnldt01 ~ Aldrid.., eaclo of wbom woo three events. Eadie uncor· ked bis btlt javelin effort of the year . 16M for ooe first and 1lao won the shot put (IH) and the discu• (1464). Ald- ridge took the 100 in lD-flal, the. ~80 hls:h hurdles 1n 15'.2; ;and the ktennedlal(' sticks ln 5'.S. ........ ~' ''" 11111 ............ • «O llellT -It fi....~, f:otlt -TSl!lt· a ,.I. " -\· f,1:" tikC . tit Otclt" (OCtl ..._ Ht~· ""m !_fl : Jo:.!i=j' t~ Mfl't. IOCCJ 1 t\1 ~.,_ !flJ.1 ~~ ~f!~l?i 'tiec) :.1-... it"'-l "l '· T'-•~ !6&1 -~"~i ... ,~ 111 llH -I. M lrld!te Ill) J. l"lmlnlv (OCCl l . Hinson /OCCI. Timi: 15.l. UH': i0c't10~,tjfll f~~fl.S. tit Etl· U -I. Min'°" i"'ole1 rl)iW ~f'fl l :). I re-will' Cll). DIA~=: -'°t"'·Eldle (OCCI L C1rm1ck IOCCI t He~woocl 1•). Dltl•nce: UM. \00 -00 -I. Alclrld91 !Ill 2. Sl'll•l1r iOCCI l. Tyler 111 \. Timi: 10.0. .. -, ,..._., (fl ) l. Fullh1r1 COCC) 1. Allert lfl l Time: ?:ll0.1 4olO l~tffmed!11K -1. Aldrld,e !Ill L ~11m1r1, (0CC) J, khm!tl COCCI T!mt: 5'.). ~ -OfL1ur1 (II.) 2. Slll•llY IOCCJ '· lllltr c I. Tl : _,1.~lbh 2,, 111nd (OCCI l, Manni• c°'t' !1el1M: 1"'-. ~ .. -·.1. 'tht1!1Mlf!I 111)':'2. Iii:!,. IO«J. ;. r ) Tltnt: t • .e. J1-l!2. a11nd>c6'lc1 J.. H-<otc>. 01,. 1~1~ A'.11i -I, Dr•ntf C.0.st. Timi: l:tt.•. _.,,_ Cttd (QI CIU ...... W• 0..... Ctielt fl1) fW. ........ ....._w.tlf") CNI ........ tOI Mtclltii' rtllY -1. Or.• C-t 2. Gtldtt1 Wu! Tlt'M: •:M.I, 2lt FrH -I. H11tllts IOCCJ 2. $mttll tGWI ].. C'~ n1..,111m (OCC) (. J.cht lbll'*' !GWCl Tkne: 1:5'.J. JI F,... -I. Thoi¥1P>l'll \OC<\ t. Hll IGWI 3. -..... Mn IGWI 4. • J011111ton :O<:C Tlrntl: 2l.7. :tOO ,,,._ mlllln -1 5__,,. fGW) J. A.ll'ffiltot iffi~ l. PIKcot coc:tJ 4. llMllltt (OWi Titn1: D""lnll -I. "~"' IGWI J. C-. (lttl ,..,,._: n.1. 211 l'IY -1. Wlllall IOCCI 2. IC. J°"""*""I IOCCl J, T•mtl' (GWI 111 fwrlfl. T lmt: 1:1t.6. lot PtN -1. H11t"-COCCI t, HIM !OWC) S, :tmllfl (GWC) •• Lvthtf tOCG. Tim.: sa.•. IDO a.ck-1. twe-fGWCI 2. Aflllfi.trt IO«l 1. Pita (OCCI 4. llhftndl CR !. Timi: t :10.). J.t!! ,,.. -1 C'un11tr11Mm (OCCJ l. ~ 1~9. l. Sdlt!Mtutt (GW). 4. Htrrit (It). mt: ~.~'?&re) i· 1.1~)~l~tcl:h.7.'""" (GWI t . 4011 F,_ ~ -1. Ofl,,.. CIMt t. GI*" W-.1. Ttmt: l :tO.I, • 1651 l"rtt. • • I. lltrrll !Ill I. Hl#lft IOC'CJ ). ltMOn IOCCI NII follr1'1. Tlmt: 20:13.J. Swoosh!: Loseth, Snyder Fan 50 Men f 1 1\111 '•I I ,\ 1· n. ........,. ...-yw burd In ~ ... l"rtdly ---·t .... , I-I iWy -,_ It .... the IDUlld d b111blJJ beta :r~~-~ the oil' JI U...., 1mrlar 1ame called cl ct-. fol-.,....... -out • 0.-*' And not 10 bl ,.,......, :.c.a.,,.,a.. Snyder ...... Ill . .. . ' It -1111 Ille (fU1<A pitchlna diltl lo IM Wory d. ~-Cou1 .,,. ' ' r snp buebe.D-61 strikeooll ln 1 single , ..... Both pllcloen bad nHl!ttm '""" In· lo the lltll lnnlaC Doc s,,,.rer sfngl<d !or C-. dtl Mii' in lltlt frame ll1Cf Eltancfa'1 Bob Comuke singled In his blJI d. lhe ~· In -~ 1tt1 lrvlne Lel(Ut -,....,. ...... In Vllley --.i Cooll M... 4-1. 'Ille s..-· o.,. Clarlllon .IOOI< d!irl< d. F~llln V1~ 117'• IU«t with t11r.. hits. - ll'.ollncll nurlY ""' the atrlteoot bi~ tit in u.. 11th. l'..ooeth ... 1t..i, llolt ...,. ond and went to thlrd on 1 throwing er· ror but wu stranded. Corooa del Mir's John Palmer .. , . ..,,. '""""· . Wiftl, tt NllbrlQll, Cf II, Sftv•r. • Q. SftHtt, c 'Nt ... 311 ,_,. ~.,.+I." ........ ;,,....,.."' ...... I t I I s ••• ' 0 •• ' I •• 4 t I I ' I •• • • I • ' •• I 1 • I • 1 •• 0 ,. I 1 • C1Nnl ltl Mir (11"11;11 ht..i. Cfl .. , """ J I • • ) I I I 4 ••• • • • 0 • I I o ' • I I •••• l 0 •• 1 • • • , • I • M I I t • .......... .............. •• • • • • ... chod second base tltr<e t!mts and Don Snyd<r (OI lhlt far ance. ,._ .... .,..., 141 c.tf• ,..,_ CIJ t...,...l, d 11. .. ,,., Jto _ .. c,. ....... rt O!ffll, If T1,...,, I lorlt. 111 ft'lltllMl'I. ' Htll, .. D1vlt. ' •rllrlll .air11r111 :tt le l!ftln,c J i ii 4 I 1 I .. """" et l I I I 4 1 11 ,,.,..._,,, 1•1• 'Ill Cllr'c.11 llet '. 1 ' A ....... I\,. '. 1 1 llllT-.&2111 ' I I I Fl fTIH, 1111 I I I I , ••• ~·....,.,It 1111 • I • I "'-·If •••• l t I t Plliclfr. NI I I I t S~lrnrtl', !f.rl t 0 • t Qul""*'"T, J J • I t Miii It I I • • Ttl•" " f f l Ttiti. 1t I ~ 1 ~.,.,,...... ,,, " ~hlll•lll \ltll9J ID ftl ._. 4 I Ctt" M-• Ill ~1 ' I ' --' . ~ • 1.1· Orate Oollt.~--nim karnt Wtre hlaiey --.i Fridof ~ will! 1IOot ·¥.rinO llllh sdiool1Po<inl1he uea Ylltb '.. fmin.,ive_ 11~ v!O\o<Y, over Kennedy. ' I ' \ ·. ,. .. : ~It I Hwrt.ln,toa Buda edled ia an easy -romp -invodfn( -and Fouotelll V<llly pullod out 1· 4M7 win at~ Grove. 'Oilier "-!eecue -..... Costa M,.. tQN CMe d. fnVldfn( Lel\llll Beadi bf I 74-n'lally. • . Dao Lil>Poldl opin led Mlri!la wi<b -sChoo! -lllO! ~.~ ..... r,li;~~~ ~~l i;:i~ • KinnedY waa no di louc!o f« tve V~es. having dispoeed ol poweriul Sun· ny Hillls last week. Fountain Valley's thriller came down to the final evtii where Bob Wurster an- chol'td the winn1n( @ yard relay ·.v(c- tory .. nit Bll'Olll. eked out the win by t.Z seconds .ru. pin( into the llnal 100 yards deed even with the Arpaat!. Ken Pattmon illd the Huntington Beach vidorJ rib wins tn ~ 100 fly (1 ,00,S) and 100 breast (1 :11.0.). Artist•· Ma• ··-(1111 M .. 1141 1111 l ..... lllKll 2011 M*lllY fl.Ny -I. C.11 M-(Whiltker, Q'l rl.,,, Hill. 11.imtnJ. TlfM: l:M.1. :ii:. Fr--1. Mllllllll CCM) t, WMt (la) 3. H1rtwla CM). Tlmt: 1:$6.1. 50 Fr-1. Tit bl!W_-llOllM~ ((M) tl!ll A.IWoed (Lil a, Helm (ll l. Tl-: 2"-I. JOI l"'Mctvll MWi.y-1. Wllltaktr' {CM) 2. C¥~ ,_ (CM) :a. C-rM Ill!. (Sd!IOI r~I Tlft\e: 2:10.S. ()lv.,._1. It ... (CM) 2. Z1i.Mil (CM) 1. Jl,.fllll CL•. hll'lll: ... ..U. Jot l"ty-1. lltM (CM) 2. Mllllllll ((M) 1. W1WI., lid! ICMI. n-i 1:00.1. lot F..-1. It., ICM) I. ~Mtall (La) 3. Y•~ OW1t11 ILi. Jln\11 Sll.f. 100 IKl-f. ~tttc... (CM) 2, · Wirt (lal 3. ,,._. !CM>. Tlmtl 1:01 .1 • «it fr_..1. GtmrllOll (CM) 2. W1r1 ILI J '· W•ldttldl (CMJ. Tlmt: 4:D.S. 100 1,..t-1. O'arlen (CM) t, 1.,....., IC,.) l. WW CLal. Tlll'lt: 1:11.r. •• '• ' ·I «II Frtt lltlll' -I, C:.lt '-*" (lti¥, ·•tJ1n111. .._II, lllt'l\ll'i41). Tlmt: Ht 111'111· • j Pirates Face ' i ,_,. ..._ (Q, 1..l..l .,,_.. C.... ('I •r•IJI! . •r lll'M ltMMI, If 6 1 1 t JllllllM,: ffi .. 1 4 I I I ll••· c ' I • f \ ....... • 2 ••• Avtrllt, a S l S 1 lMdl. • ' I I I ....... rl I .1 1 • 'Mlltflll', cl' ' l l I ,_,cf •'1 •11 .......... ,.. l111 Blnl"f', 11 • t I I IC ............ If l I 1 I ·~,a .. 1 •1 I Jltvl. 111 St t I 11-111. 111 t t •• t, . Pml-. C 6 1 t I ~' t .•J' 1 ~ .......... t 1 1' "'-• ,S .. J. I ......-1,. J t I I • • .. ,. Smlwt, rf 3 • 1 • .,.. Crlw,,':·1•11 II .... tll I I I I "'",.., . . ... •• • f ,4 TM • 6141, ... ..,......r.. 'I ~ ........ O ...... CMW ' .. 1tlllllll ..... ' 1 ............... ' Tennis Results ,_ 'L C•&t• ·'f • .._.~ .. MMlo ... ~·'l.'J f' .,..;;; ((; •,,., O'tl11U, F lllmor1, Gllnlf. Tlmt: 2!U.t. 200 Fr-1. McA.n-y ICM) 2, llMI (CM) l . Wlf lff (CM). Time; 2:04.1. SO Fr-I, Glln1 (CM) 2. W1lll!r1 ICM) J, $tlmon lc:;J· ,~\~~~J1t~"(-I. •N•:tr· m~ '"r.;' . ,.,,. .... "''""l ,, "t:' . \ ! §>' Fl,_J._tf:,I .. ttMJ 2. 1 ull CM). Tlmt: .0. 1"9 Ft-I, M~An1111y (CM) l. a111 jCM) ). ••eliln•r (LI ). Tlmt: 5'.t. SO Itek-I. L1onlng CCMI J. ~fftnln (Lii I M1rr0<> (LI, Trnw: lJ..L .; .,.t ).1.: JO l•Hll-1, 0'1'11111 ~C I. G!l:t ltl l . Tomchlt <Lil. tJmec Sf.I. .. .1i ~ 200 F,.,,. ll1!1y..;l.I. Otrli "'--{Gll\I, Ulld, · rvn. WUif!). Tlmt: l :tt..L Fl'0 Ar9ott•t1ts ¥A•llTY hUlllll~ ¥atltY (ctl 1•11 ....... ""' 7oe. ,,..ldllY llllav.-1,..,.!"-rdtfl Grw.. Tlmti 1:.n.1. ~ F.fH -\, Solt Ir") 2. Colton CGG) J. 1a..11n (OG). lmt: 2:~ iie5' rtt'\. Ti.\:..: ?!.\. lFV) 2. Wtllf!I CGGI 3. Wwr· 20I llMl!v~....t N.-c!lt, -1\ C... IGG'I 1. Nllell (FV) 3. L!POT '{VJ. Tim•: 2: l .0. of.~!,1'111 G7oJe lm1n1rm111 (FYI t. Gtrdtri Grw. S. tl:::F\i;rj,~ )ltlc.t U~\ll l. llldtt IGCU l. LM (FVI, 100 F .... -,,1 W11mtt (FV) J, C..llGfl IGa) 3. NMll IFVJ. Tr"',e' .2. . ,,\., ·~ -I. Rldlrt CGG) I. SoH p<VI S. o..-11 I ~·1lrw '.'... 11'~e!iton !GG) 2. ~ IFVl I. ftlca (FV . T!me: 4:a .O< 1 Brtart -1. Ide (GGl 2. C1en CGCl t. Ctrnll [F\I. Tl111•·,1·liQ5,I, >IOI! Fr11 t 1)' -I. Follflft!ll Vtl\W 0 .. tf't, Wur· tlw, Sall, D1wl1). Tlmt: l.4'.•. ,1••• ·. ,,.._,111111 Vtller 1111 14iT'GinlM.,.... 2IO Medin lie!~ -1 r<ountlln Vt ftfY (Htl'tlln) L•mmtrt, Wtlll, ldl). t 1m1: 2:12 .... 200 Frte -1) nwm1~ IGGl 2. Llltlllofln !GG) 3. Oorrlfllfvel CG • j lme: !if'·" SO Free -, E ch !f"v 1. Rowe CGGl l. .. VII IG'a· T!mt': 2'.0, 1 lndiv;"~•I 1.\odlel -1. C~rter !t:G> 2. H9t"°'1 IF\' l. Ltmmen1, !F_V . Time: l:ll5.!. I · Fty ..-11 .C1rter (GG) 1. Wtll!I tFUJ l. ~ Ad1mt IFV), ffntl 1:0..0..' 100 Frtt -1. 8owm1n /GGI 2. l llCll;er (GGl t. Eldl II~, Time: St,6. lOD II -I. Rant CCGl 2. Hert.on IFVJ l, S!tJI .. kw> CFV . Tl..,.: l:OI .•. 4111 Fret -1. Lllllelcl'ln CGGJ 2. C11ey {FV) S, W1!ls 'FY!. Time: •:2$.). c~~,,1!~i~rlm~~lf.s.cFvl 2. L1mmer1 (F¥1 l. ..... Free Reier.-1, G•......, Grow. Tlmt: l :J2.J. Cl•S Pevntaa. ¥•• CJJI (J.() o.. ...... ,..,. 20I MtclleV lltlly -1. Fllml•ln ¥t tllY 111\fflf', J'hl~ "'_,Cw,.~-' if'""" "''-,~1 ... Ii.on I Gl 2. llumunt11 IGGI s. G•ll•"""' '""•\ , : 2: JO Frft -..,_,._lllhltr .. (GGl J, Currlt (1'¥1 S. $""''" (GOJ, I~; 25.•. . 1'0 ll'ldlvlctu.l -in -1. Pttkh tGO) 2. GrwwY IFVI 1. Nol~ (FYI. TlMe: l :Cll.J. • ... ~,,~I. wn.. IGGJ l. Nolt IF¥l l, l.lmberl 11"' Fl'H :_ ,, •.•. Dlhltrtn IGG) l. Sfl!Mll 1c;;cn t. llit~~ (G U· Tim.: J1.7., •" ·~'Vi:o-.,1 .. ~ IGG l. llobtrflofl !GGl 1. """ c .• ttne. 22:.J. • lrN.JI -1. P..tclnt CGG) 2. Grvnctr lfVl J. l'hllbfn (FVl. Tlnlt: :M f. • -Fl'lt R.itY-1. Gil'*" CrtVI. Tl-: 1:4'.!. . ¥AltllTY HNtl"ltll IMdl I'll 051 Al'tftll 200 Medle~ ll111Y -l. Hll'fllln.ton lttdl. (c:sl\111111 re«rdl Ttme: 1 :SO.t~ 2ta FrH -I. Gor In CAI 2. Bry1n (HI) 3, V•n~t~ "°" (A), Tlrntl· 2·10. , SO Fr~ -I. kii Sdletr fHBI 1. Edctf IH•J S. 111......,. fAJ . Tlmt: 23..6. • ~llO lndlvlclual Mt<lltii' -I. Norrlt IHI) 2, Gos-(A I 11'1'\' {~). Timi 2:~ I. '~-. ~. Colll!'f' !HI\ t. Fenn1" (H l l l . J , Coker Hiii. Points: Sl.15. F~~ ti>. 'ti~~ \:":.~':'°" IHI) 2. Gordin (Al t, 1~ Ffl:; -d H1rv1v 1"'1 2. kl>Hr IHI) 3. EOclY '~~·1.W:.. i:3L1nr.1 Norr11 1Ht J 2. aev11 tAI 1. GUI (A). Tlmt(· l :IMl.I. o101 f"r1t -. Rklt l ry1n IHI ) 2. ¥1nU1lloll (Al 1. l.lmbtrl IHlll. Tlmt: ''"J. 100 l r11" -1. IC•" l1rt1rson {HI) 2. DulltN (HI) ). l1rroi1 fAl. 11m1: 1:11.0 . 400 Free Rel•Y -I. Arllllt . TllN: 3:JO.l. ... , ' lotwllllllltlll IMft t .. 1 Ul ~ 200 MedllY lttllY -I. Hvntlnetan letell. 'Timi: t:~l.F~ ~ 1. Olltbt IHll l. W"-IW (Al l, Md-;:nltf"~ ~ ~JJA7·fH11 t. Kint CHI} 1 ,11<.k IH1tl· 1n.i'Wiii~r"-Med11r -1. Kr11r1n1 CMll 2. Mid· llton IHI) 1 H-(Ill) Tlmt: 1:11.1 . 100 Fir -1. K.-1111 ) 110 ~ .,. INl'C. Tlme: 1:17.•. ( 100 F~ -. .e.Hllff (Hllj 2. Ourktt Clill,J S. w~iy.~,~ ''.~11 1tt4.ri "• -+f .ior{tflll'C, Tlmt: ltWJ, ' ' · o10D Prlt -~Kt,,. IHI) 2. l ltdt ~Hll l. 11"111111' f~~ ~~~~,5.:_ i~ MlcktllCll'I (Hll no 1«6'111.,. tti1n. Tfrnlll 1 :21.5. , ...,,i • ,,.( •Fr,M b~Y ...; 1, · .1t'f"tor\,li~ "tJll)t; '\" • .,J. ·' ~ C'lrl!f (t't ~:· .,. Mu•llntll!I •NC~ CUJ I"' Ari-'• 200 M-.lltv Rtl•v -1. ""'"' no"1n le.ell. Tlmp 2:61.0. JOO Frte -11 ~H IHI > 2. llGYl!kHl .. Hll•1. ,..IC fHll !.-.: J · 2 .i.. ,. rotf.'H"lt~~' Hui~ '~~I 2" ~+rt fHI~\. fled.· , .. lr1v)du.I Mtctltv -1. I . Kint CH•). l. Mllhlo "'' (A l.. F~1n (Al. Tlmt: 1 :Gt.Ji SO F y -;-!... trr1r1 lllll J. Wn IH•l l. Jle11e.i f.(}. Tlmt. ""· 1i1 Fr-t -. Hlll CHI ) 2. lle1r Jdmo fHaJ '· F• ft! .. !}'19= r·'· , kwll •w. Tiniit·'~'£' IHll 2. J, k l,,. (Ill } '· IC• JO jf.'!!<i_ 1. ~i.hl!nl IA.I 2. I. Kint !Ha) I. .......... l TllM· JU.. tao Frtt 1ltw -1. Hunllntkltl aatdl. Time: 1: l'lkes0 Irlsllo ¥1ntry Ml#IM U11 Ull K--r 20f MldltJI RM'l'-1. «...,....,, Timi: 1:"-1. 1111 F,__I. Ll9pollllt !Ml t.. I r..., (Kl 1 l!:i.lllW !Kl. ikltaol 1'9Conll Tlnll: 1:•.I. ~ F,_I. M<>C'~ !Ml 2. Hiegll CK) ~ l rk1 (IC), Tlmt: 21.J. 20t lfldlll ..... I M9cll.-,....t .•. C'lllflt UC! l. o.i.a. ..,, /Ml. l, 0. Chin!) tll:l. Tllnl: Mt llftW, 'Dlvlllt-1. A.Yef'YI (Ml I. ICI"' {Ml J, Wiiien {110. Polnft; .n.o. • 100 P'IV-1. i:~1n1 IMI t. EU:. .. l K) 3. T11k-ftf",. (ICI. Tlmt:S1.7: Hit ,,_,, ClonllcbOit IMI l Hlfttt (kl 't. ll1mr !Ml. Tlmt: 50.S. . llO a~I. O.vld1en !Ml I. Joftni.lfl !M) .t., lrlce OU. T.,._: l:M.t. 400 F-.1.Llfpl!4t (Ml 2. fl , Chtnt (IC) • lvtlt IMI. Ti-: •:•.t. 100 arHtt-1 .. I,_ (K) 2. £._ CM) J. •ul.n IM I. Tlfne: 1:NJ. ... Fl'M llally-1. Mtrin.. (Sd!HI r1C91'11) T~; 1:2t.S. . \ . ·-' ,,..., .. (JJI U11 It....., 21DO M~ 11111.,._1, IC.,,ntcty. Th .. : 1111.1. ' Ii.:. ~Kl, ~~f;~ IM) 2. Jo'f'Q CM) l. Hf" SI ,,._,, JKlllll (Ml t, ·~ (I() J. '"""' CMl. TllN!. -.& . . . . f IOI '*"vld111I Mtcllly-1. 11...,. (MJ ' 1t1H1w1Y (Ml J. l.-UO. Tlmt: 1:11,J. IOI 11~1. J~ tMl 2. St"*"'-(JU ,. ltlMll'" (Ml. Tlnll: l:ot.I. , lit p,_i, Mtrrlmt~ (M) l. "-Ill .... (ltl S. _,.,.. 4MI. llr'nt• 1:01.2 • ... .,.._,. ~ CM) '· ~ no l. ICI~ •M flC1. Tlriw: 1:11.l . • F,._l, .HrCt IMI l DI~ (I() J, Mee ... Mi (M). Tll'N: •:it.&. 1• .,.__I. $1-llen (Kl t. a.-(I() S. Hll!llwtof (Ml. T1"1r. 1:11J. '!' ,i'91 11 ... r--1. Mllr1nL Tlmt:4:11.1 c.. Mlttill In) 10 IC...., M 11\llllty fltll,._1, Merlllt. Tlmt: ,, ..... • F,_I, Mtlfbr IMI I. SU'll Utl I . OUM CM), I~ ~I Tlfnt: l:M.J. ID ,,..._I, ~t!!ll fMI 2. F ... ,..,..,.,. IMI &. fl .... (M). TIM: 2'.l. t• ~u.I Mtclloly-1. lhlot.I•• fM) S. fl•llo rrirv, CMI l. 5mttll UO. TlrM:l:tL.t • Pl'f-1, KlnO IMJ I, JOhmOn tMl ) .... Ill (Ml> Titrit• U.I, , tit ,,.._,, M1H11y tMI J. JlrlMt 1,1111) &. V1l- tl11t 'llO. Tlmt: f1.t. (Kl. TbM1 AO. • .,...._,, Slllot.t'• CMI t. """-fMI I. CHtl lMI. 11ft\11: U.2. .. Pret llllljo,-1. MtrlM , 11""1 l1it,), I .. , '-~.~lfIA\\ qq\"DPBI DAILY ti.to· FAVORED-' ·Doprln~s-SUI. tD-7 , --,-~~JcbLo't -- . '·-~i .t.rnm. ~-:i. ~ -~ clll die. ternoon at Montclair Hl1h CIF buUtball team wUh Bob School In the Upland lnvtla-Sherwin. a HI aeolor wll9 llonal _,..1th quallfkrs In • ~~nl·' per -·t;~~r~t1 J:~J::J _ Eagles' conllngeo~ quali-Verbum Del HJal> dom!mted lying !or the li!lala at t tbe llallng with three !Int-. In the.JOO a1111 ¥.O'""•lyle1. team berJlll l~l))> _ploycr cOmJ>itlnl io -•an\e meet.: of the y~ Ke!l!i .~l!f~, .. , . are R Ive ri Ide Poly, ~t!Jtt , ,o.vm;ed ',b _ Montclatr. Arcadia, Alta _game Wljlli ... --~h ~ SP. me' IA.L Loma, Chino, La PIJ<nle, BlacUhlro (jualtir) ana 'Ray s; PRICES M~no Valley a1111 N91ale1. Lew _ (aopbomore) were · ------·-·--avert11J!i ·17.0 -a1111 Ji.I .per ----------~ flme. ' '_••~,I ".\ I' .. ~ Dragsters Will Race · Ai-OCIR -~> ' ,.,.T._ .. __ '•1tt1t111r,., ,..,...,,. °"' •""'-m. MWt . ' i i"~, T-:Qty ,. C,_., ";jJi"'" a.,_.~ ....... \IM!um Dal ~"' c."'~ s""""'". ic.ttflio ·· · • · fl:u-sco. '91'1 Utt. c.-. Jolltll, 'r9fl'IP'l·C'ltY •• , L...,.11, Vertium Ott s.Mlll T•M L•crbe, K•fotli. . L•ub9dMI', bJ!lil C:1t~i . s°"'", Hirt Forty ol ,the Southland~s ~m1fh, .._.. faitest t ...... fue1· and fanny cars· 111111-. YucQ "''~ -r. WltnltwPI, Wli't.mft _, .. ,.w Jt~ M 'H . ·;.·w Jt. ..... ''· .. " ... 7 S(. ' J.ll Sr. &.I Sr. ..., '-! .Sr. M ·so. "1 Sr . 6,J Sr," .. 1 Sr. '-2 Sr. +1 Sr. ...... Jr. will be l1rkd up at the. startinc Jllt,.1, s.m~ CJ'i:,t line at Orange eo.,mty Jnterp~ · :t,~~,... ~,;,. , -. tiooaJ R a ce w a f 1•o nJ g ht ,1..,1tr. •"'-D'"° ;·r !~.~;. S-11 Ir. fqr tt)..e conclusiO!I' •. of tht ' . ,. track's $11,000 all-pro cham· •WT ... •.. · ' piomhip Rriei.' ' . . .. '., ,. ~II,. ........ ~ " +'f. J~ limin. =:=~· ~;.;, ::: fr.: Pre ary races Dec. 29 '""ii.ii. At~ .. , .. , .lk". and Feb. -t ihaft tut '<lftr '°"""'"• .... ,_.,. '"'. 1r~ 50 cars from the otigµ:lal field . CllcrfU, Lu"*-" 64 'Sr. E'""' ol ''--,,.. ' . . 1t1c1cM11, .... .,1"', ~ · ar. ~ "~ -.... rerna:uung . o,.v•s. Jt_.,,_. ...., Sr. drivm haye ass ured . ~=-~~ ,. .. ~ t : ~tves Clf bertM J n t o n i f h ( ' s finals through outstanding perfomwl<!<o In pr<furifuary races. The other 32 will engare 'in compttiUoo · for t1it other berths. · .. ;~:~'t"'~nei: ~ ·;Staild;n'ttS ; · divilion 'IS inlet record hoJdtr · ,; ·' . · •: · • ~ . Tom McEwen of Long Bu:th, ~ The others are Steve Carbone n11t1T LU"'Jt L' T·· •• of .f.oe ... ~ngelts, -~. -:!!::" ~-~·i ~ tematiomilii dwnp j o·h e Arwf'Mllm ' · ' , 1 •· "' Mulligan of Cardeii GrOVe ahd .. t'::°'.Z.:'~'::f.t , . ~ ; ~ ~"' · LetTY Dixon <ll · N o rt h Wntm!Nttr 1 J • '"'' 11 ood S.ni. M 1 1 J I t"' Ho yw . . H11r1tt111ton 11Kt1 • 4 • J'b· Don Schwnacher of Park •AiDAY°' 1c6ll1 · Ridge, Ill., makes his Jail . ~~!"= ~='~':":nt!'.:! ~ west coast appearance u one M1rln1 •· s.1n1 ....,.. V1tlfY s1 of the front four in the fuMy wattrn l. W111rn1111t1t 1 car M .. se of the ev,....ino 's ca1sTV1aw LU.eu• .! I"---'9 -1· 'W L ._ •• ra~. · Fto111111 ' 1 -~~ 'b -Iron Tul'll11 l 1 -v1.11gS w o are ln .s g Ml111c11 v11i. :r 1 1 posltjon f.or ~ fuilny car tltle s.n Clfll'l..,Te 1 2 1 are Dick SiJ'oon,ian of Whittier, · ~~=n• . t' • • •· ~.~ f · national record hol®r .Dave . v11f<t h rk , 1 :r 1 -n~ of • --·~ ~--u· . l•~llllll l••dt •• , , ~ ~111111111, ~HI.I' e . , P•IOA"f'I ICOfth Allen cd Riv~de. ·Ray ¥1.et . , ~~ .. ~.~ .. ! . 1. of Garilen G~e en:cf p~., · , :r111ttn n, ~i ,.. !'J \.. Ong~ o!-Ld1( ~· ,. , · , ;:./ .. f toflllH 1, Vllll l"ert 4 ' • • • 4AaDI# &HV• 1.9MU• . • • .. . .• . ..... ..,.-ir.-; .•. H;e •• : l"'t..-! 1· ~~n... ·''1 :f'f~"~.,.~~~~;a ~):•}1. t·';"'" ,. 'Ulll'J.S eumo ·' .,.,_ .,..,...,,,, ·'"' ""-:> • Sanll"° '' L'. ~~•2:·•1•J{• . ... ~~-, .. r , ...,'.1•l ~•clflca 1J l l¥. RIMllo At111\1M . "fl :t ·1~ ;,,., ' Wins Ho~ors s.""'::~~:o-r:~~ Gtrdtll Gl'l!Yt J, ~tcffkl 1 L1 Qu1nt•.4 Jtandlo,o\1¥llfOl I Eric Chris\ensoo, as eX· · oiud1 LIMUI. ·., . ' pected, was named mOst w i. · •• . valuable player at s an ~:::.~~"" .~ ~ ·,- Clemente High School's annullil =~~ac11t ~ i ·; winter 1ports awfU'ds banque t SoftcH'I 1 1 2 Thursday night. ~ Aml-1 J J \1111ftcl1 l 'l . J . CbriJtensen shared the cap-llf'.M · • • • , lain spot wiilt Sal Lombardi , l'AIDAT1 °d •• .. for the varsity ba.$tetball · ~!'~17'~.c.\;;:•a,4 team. El Dorffo li l •·Mlefl.I ' • . $ollOl'I .. •n. J: . WHITE. PASTEL .: · lHORt ·SWYE ,....\• .. .. .. -' DRW SHIRTS UTTlf BOYS COTTOll SUITS . 3~36 GIRLS' DIAPER SETS & DRESSES 1.96 Sun. Only lleg. 2.86 C!trus CofOred poJyHt~ . aets "Md la.er P 1 a s t i c .. g.~ -~ 9.µ,1~ ...... ·;• Ba1ketba.JJ Varsity --Mvl':, Eric. •a1awaY ~ui . L, \.t .._ .' . '. . . 9 9·4· Chrtsteruen; Co· Captifns! · ~=:'" · '· ' ' · ~ :· : ~ '.Reg. ·JZ.81' · Christensen and Sal .LOm·. • :sav.11111 ' 1 -•• • • · , , . . • · b'ardi ; Most lmpf'oved:·•Qavid ·•}:;?wto" · ; ~ : ~ l 1,;i·' k.f :,. • · ; ' : · Peter .. _ . . .. . . ,.....,. P1rt ~· ' , • '..n.,.,., . ,v,,.,.t ~ .~n~erfully mexpenaiYe way"1o d~orate your Junior vmity ' ...... · ~IVP:. ,. "· ~ 11111o&T'I KO•••''·• , . li9~ ,or o~cel,?1oose',f~ from ~a vanety:ot suf>.. C\'aig Anderson· c 1 pt 1 t n ':,~ ; • K1Mldy,., eu-,~ 1 , , jec~.~ ,24 Xl8 or .22 xl8 sizes. Each bas its own . R "~-M ' ~ · · ·, .s.v·-~'"""'"l'.!1111• hi nasome 11rame ., ... • i...-. ason. 4 • · • ·Loww11 i....-.. 1111111Ji-1 1 • lwiii!li!i.,:llliioiillii'm••n••m•;,.••••-Bee -MVP : ·flill 1yir; '• ' IJtVllf~ LI Atui . . r Captain: Ayer. . ,. ·. • ·w 11. ·T ••, 'Ml tnGllt , Sl•-Cee ·-MVP: Pele Seller&; .. L..,. ~ • 1\ 1 • 1 Capla·1n· Seller• GorON •el Mir 2 t 1 ! • -· Etl1ncl1 12 1 2 Wre1dfng ·~ · . Founhil" v.u.., . ' 1 : •~ eo.YMIM 'l't'S Varsity -.MY:-Don Kap-. ;,...,. u- penheUer; Mo.st lnsplr•UonaJ: ceront .,, ,,.,. o. w 111c.1a • m.• RI-ck And,,....... · Foir;nlllt\ Vfllfr., cwtt ,,....., .... """" l:Nrt l.Miit rl!Mlt t " -• ... EXECUTIVE. AIRCRAFT V~~UES "ATTRACTIVE FINANCE OR lEASj " With Two Efltlnu ''6 C....411,Ui......_7 ............... ' 161 M,H $tt,tll .,, c.... Jll'M. ..... c.-.' ......... 217 MPH Sri· .... .,, c..... JJJ ny....,, ''"",., ... """" .. lff MPH"S42,... . , .,. .. '69 C... 411A rt.-"-1. tM U......,_la..Mlllf · -214 MP1q 111,J1t , E"'cut1¥0 ~n9le E01lne .,, c...~·4 .. .,.., ....... 2K llPH"SJUfl-•.a c.-111.,... ......... ,., ... .,.,.. •• : 176 MPH U "'lf •• • .. . ,. c..-a,1-...hf ........... M....-; • ~-• 171 MPH I J7J1H "II CW W fif ~..:rfnd ·rt. M91. . ' 147 MPM.-SIZ. , •• -. , . , -. CALL OR WltlTE JO_HN IAKI R . ,, , .... Phone 714-67~ or·W'1hl lox 273 Corone de) ~r. Colllomll • • ' ' ·FAST DRAW .; • • •• 4 • •• • • Dl"'1°1°l in1 Adt ~,,,.. tfi• f1tfttf ~'''"'' 111 tlie w1rt, C.lf' · 142-1671 1111 h•f th11t1 •t•lru~· y1vr ••" 1l1ck. '' ' ~ , • FOR HAIR BEAUTY " . JRfAT YOURSW TO A "TONI" PERM. Our '~;.,. 1.58 . '1.14 ;. Siciadav Otiltr • ll~lar '1'on1• ii lhf' "Ad· · vanee Look Pttm" thet gfves your halt body and bdl.irlc;e for the great look 'of today's Dew ·balntyJes. -' i I " , . ,... . .. Sunday Only iPwAt' PRKEll · : . . . . SJRfJCH NYLONS FOR TALL GllS Our _Reg. 64c 42c Charge it Nn more nylon problem.11! 'Tall Girl" sheer seam- less in a vatlet:y of eoldrl., nude heel Gne alzoe Lita t' 9·12. ·~.\ ' I (_ ' ), . . DISH CLOTHS, TOWELS Our Reg. 97c -Bundle 68c. " Bmuile • . Bundle of 4 jacquar~ terry cloth kitchen cloUts ~~ or 2 towels. Choose rooster or tea and coffee _ l patterns.· ~.~. =·== llTTlf PURSES AT A UTTlE PRIU Sunda11 Only/ 23c · • Our ft~. 66c · • • • 'ffandy viny!t'.!oin pu~.Ja ~old and silver are an Jdeal taster gift! Can Contiert For Girl• BRIGHT R·ED C 20" · BICYC:LE ·.1 Our ftf!fJ. U .88 :21 ~88 • Sunda y O"ly A real beauty! He'll be thrilled wllh hi> very own bicycle wit~ po&(tlve action coaster brake, white side- wall ~s, handlebar streamers. fi ' -.WJ.Y PILOT J~ ,~f!~lce -~ c~:~~·_,; WOf.iEM'S _ bA(Nt';t. tRiMMED'. ROBES, ' .. :-.,.,, . . . --244 'I~ •. . ~ !" '. .· · Sunlfdit o"IY ._ ' 65 %. polyester/35% cotton ro"1i wilh" llbral emlirOidery trim, Peter > f • • I r• Pan O<: tailored .wllars. Colors; S- M-L-xt.:~L. -, ' ' EASTER i;ASHION FLING Our Reg. 4.94-5.86 ~"'°dav Onlfl 2.88 ' Btylu and. saving! aplenty! Dress ihoes in lusi; · v~ rous ·vinyl; 1pateh~ :-whitt, black,. Colors ~: . .W~Come:1ee! · , ~ . , ,, ' . ' .-..... ' .. ,. . .. AN~CO MOVIECHROME FILM t:~::·~:7 •. '.. 1 ~54 I '1 '' t 1li"" Quall y standard 8 MM , Dayligh t Type II film. ,Jives b;iW(llltl,y; cleJr col0<ed movies. Proce&1ing included. 108 -PolarOld Film .'_ .. : : ...... ; ;·: ....... ; ...... f.67 ~1;~.:ooak ,f°dai~! ·.;,r·iil,'z·p. ;·. ·(· 1 · .... 1't ' . ; St~K· UP NOW! -. ' ' 9" PAPER. PLAT~ Qur Beg. 8'c: 53c Sunday Otllv • Siron" ha~"'!l< whltt _plotOil in paCkagel 'IO '100-l'Ht)"'re 1 1Pfdally io t>ur...hcrw. •• r. '. use them throUJ"h spring, swnmer. ... , . ·~ • 'wµTBEN~' ~UTO~~TIC I . , •· ' \ ' . ' ' ''' .1 , '' PE~.pµTQR:'' • • .... ,,, SU NDAY ONl.YI -" 5f44 · Aluminum.· ~111 -~~L Mllr.i1' '• 9 cups. • .. •· . " ·· .... ~ '\'. ' . ',, .. .. - • • • \ I j ~~------------,,_.,-_,.,.,,..,.,..,,.....,..........,........, ________________ . ' • JI D.lll.V l'lltf U!lG.IL llOl'IC;B U(W. NOTIC& ~~ ....... ' P.-..--•l CS•TIPKAnl °' 9Ull•UI lfOTICI O' IAIJ '·l»tl • l'OTlCI .. OJ~ ~ .ClltTJlllUTI ot' SUIMml 'tqtT.toVI ll&AMI In ~!IOI; -1ll llM ---ol CflTl,ICAT• 0111 AllA•DOlllMIWT MMb k ,..,._ .,,,_ tM11 .. .. ICTITtoUI ...... Tiie "'*"""*' .. Cfttll'J tl'll'll 11N IN Clllbfttl u.iJttrm ~''I ((°'f 0, 11CTITtoln MAMI llll'fWWllll ...._.,. ....... ~ 1M Ulll.,,,__. .... ~ "" 11 CMOuClinl • ...,_ .i .. M-' "*'-a.IM M #If _.Id lftl"tM ,. ll'!f UHD~lti!GHID ... MrWf' lkNllT Yf, ~ le. ... W, It, ~ I ~ If ltll W. C.-tl¥d., 11.!lte tt. c.-Mft.11 C11HW11i.. whldl tw OOH MA•'rlH ....01'1'10 ND C'trtlf'y tlltl eff«TI" Mini'! t, IHt, :''.=: ~-~~•=-1o1t=: ~..,...n<tt:r':.~~Y--= mRA';';o~u/~it' .~.,:::: ~~ ·;~ ..:,.·',.~1:'.n:: ~111!,.fflllnr!: ::,..•!:"tN=ll~ tf ~ __. • lttdultN llrWJ AS50CIATIS. INC., .... -., M .. ftl'l'ft *1 MN fltlft II ~ Ill IM llllKrllltei .,_ M llOtla ht 1,,. bltft '"'IWIUtll! AND ADDING MACHtHf .. Bl T-..... Ctlf fl II T.-.. .. ...,._. .. trlt tel'"""' ..,_ froilloWlflt ...,._, ....... -Ill fl.Ill ti-tll -'Ill t1-ll .. ¥Cle.Im IN! Ml!CHAHIQ TllAlHINO C!HTE• ltt .... .. C.~ -ti! .. U1f1 .... Mthe Ill fllll lllf •lfw "' rtlNeMil Wiii 11Kft " NlldlMot an II fttlOlll'I~ .....,_. .,.,. ltlMI !tit tlnw ~llt4 11:» SOf.1111 ....... nolla ·-· Mtfll'""' -" 0.-., lM. .... PYM 1W JI • .. llowl! rAIU. AllTMU• U.ltllN. ... UMt ill awl! ~ fet ,...._..i ., IMfl Q!Httllt.. ~ 111.!1"'-w• ~ ,. wnw,..., '""" .... """ .. ,. (. OONA@ I . COM\,ey, 1HI .wa-1. ""'"· .... llM$, C.lltitrftil. • tttwln9 ~ .tlol .. """*' •'-~ ol ..... lol!OWllll ~ .,_ COMflANY. 'a.ti MMI, caalfonl.._ l'ATlllCK .IOH.IS HAttMTTY. at'I IMt ""--"""' bt IWllll &f .,..,tic -111 llULL .,,,. 11K1t fll "'kltrlc' .. ,,. Mt..... ..,. .... ....,,.. wlN .. :co.M MIRlt .. "" ~ Pt.. Ute; MIN. ca1--. ~ •• ~w.Nov'S AUCTION IAllH .... to(~ -. ... 11: \ ..,..... 1W 1•,.l&l"W, ~. ~ OOffM.D E;.COMLIV OIAALD JOli"H DIVlAto .Utt ,.,M ................. ,lfY*N, Cit¥"' t:ne.t~ ALl!ltT It. IEltNAltD, 1t1• .... JAMIS L.. ~IUtnT ... 11'1111..wu.t STA'TI Oft, -lll"OllHIA l MINWt Dr .. c.it_.v..a. (tlltlfflll. Mtu. """"' " on-. ,.... .. 0...lldfut Orlw. llfl ~rt. Ctllflltnla. .._ lfltll lllf "!lfly :.=s..e· tw COUNTY °' OAAHql ) • O.,_ ~ 1t.1M c.w.r-. • .._ tit! dlY ti "'1'll, DllM Mwdl 10, !Ht. ti! -~ -' Mk IMI 1111 Oii M9ri:fi• lJ. *'• ..... tM. f fll'I Ml'*"""* IMf tt J•JI ... dlM:t P.M. ALB~ll:T II:. IEltNAltD •'"'*--~ """"'. '9ml ,...,., PlllMc iii .,., fW Ullll I,_, it."1dl ........ MW.,. n.. ~ lb! It , 111'191 HICI'.,_. ITATI! OI" CALl~N1A I ......... ~t -....1~ ffiH41nril 'OONA.LO I'• , ~ JoMfll Dr4f'I I/If !!'If .,...rf¥ It bf ttlf• COUHTY OF otlANGI I • Drl .... :Mtrdll411,._ CONLfV..._=.l .. mt .. Mll'lt,.,.JTATl-Ofl ~ll'OllNIA. I , l4'f .... ..__ ...... A .... Dw Oii Mtrcfl M. l• ...,..,... 111t. • TOltll:OCf;NTll!lt,'" ...... _tll!M .. -..... Within COUNTY or o.v.>tGI. l .. fll T. A. lllMMll Sl.U.ff Noltn' Pllb!Jc, Ill Ind for .. " (GU""' • • P"1rlHltl1-111111 .._ • .-cutt1 Oii Mtr<I! U. !Hf, INfcw ""' • m ._ A. Gtr-snu tfld 111-. ...._.1,., -rwe ALIEltl 9Y1 l"NIS'T W, MAHN, INC. :':,~4t_ SIAL) ,....,..,. PW.le 1111 Mil tw MN •111., O.,_ tJ Ctl1'I ~. C.Y~i. Mtrdl R, l!ltHAAO k11C1W11 lo mt N M lw: lr-t W, H#WI: l"rMldlnt """*b' 111'1",_ Ettl N1tM.lr Ut'Mfl, llO, IM .,. lfll .. .._ ....... -It wtr.crlbef IV: w . .If.. COM#AHV, :::;,. ~r=-l"ttrtdl ,,_ Hafn!tr, """'" ........ w1,.,r1 AUCTION JAIN " ... wlltllll 1111"""-'· Mid tc11 ........ •, IMit.11 Mi"'t:l~.. "'l"rlnd.11 Offret I• t:: °""""".....,_,. .. -ti M ltlf ,__ l"ul:IUlhH Ortnee CM•I 01lb' l'llot, .. trf llW ... , Ill P<tCUMd ""'Wl'lt. Y: R~ fl CW (tunjy · "' ....,,... """'" 1r1 1'llllcrltlltl fll fN Wlltllft M!rdl :U. tf. tfff Y?·ff Wl1-mY Miid Inf -1, ..... =-'°'orw. DlllY = Mw~1ffklo ••• rr.:. 4 !:':'~~ ldt-'~ .. I!"" •• (Ofll'ICl~~ftSiA~!--... """"" :n, lffl .t f A..,.. t, tm IOFFKttL sEALI LEGAL N011CE "°''"' '11u1ttic>Oltror"l• l'ubl._ Ct.... Cotti Dt\11 Piiot, IM. ,._16 C-1'1' I Li:QAL,-NoTICE Mlltdt t1, tt." 111111 """~s. lHt .,.... ~~':..l~llfvmll N1t14 ALUM J. ORl•N••IO ' Prtllc:t .. 1 Otnct In C•ltTll<l'"A,.. o• c~•M•l'TIO# 'OR At1wMJ ~ LEGAL NO'nCB Oll:AHGE COUNTY 'rltANSA.CTION 011 IUllN•IS UHDlll OM Wllllll" ...... . NOTlt:I TO ClllDITOllS M' Commluton E~ilr" ,.IC'TITIOUS NAMI! LM AM .... C1 ...... l1, "'11 IUPlltol COUlT Oft THI 11.afn .... II. Jt71 TME UNOERSIO.NED CORPORATION IJ*OC ITATI oP CAUf'OfltllA llOlt Cl111Tll'1UTI W I USIHUI P~lhld &--1 C6"f Dllb<' Piiot, dol!I Mrtb¥" <MtllV, IMI 11 •I cG.'\dUCTllll Pultlllhtd Or1,..1 COllit DI~ flllot, , / 'f!ll COUNTY Of' OltAN91 ,.tcTITtOUI "-lMI M..tdl 1.L n. tt tlld A.Ji,.! .L "" ,._.. • bu~ locnM tt· ., l111m>rl• Mlrcll IS. 12. 2t Ind A.Jif'll .L INt Jal:J""9 • tit. ~ "T1W ...,,ltu..i .,._ urllfY 111 11 '""'°" COit. MM.ll C11Honiill llndlr ' -,,, 1• OENNIS • •CON RAO~ 1 "1tl,.. 11 •7J llrdl •• LEGAL N~ h >fldlllflll firm nlffll el D.l".I. Ind LEGAL NOTICE N_altl, 0-..... _ Srr..t. &ultrt "C", H.-t 9-m. lhtl ....... r!lt'r h --.I of ""1---,,,.,,-,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,...,000-__ f IS HlllllY -il=N t. Wit t'.lllfornl1, lllldfl> 1'lt :Cllllelll firm "'"" ,,._ • l-m1li • lo11twlnl 1UDn, whoae -.r!llCllll ffO'rlCI! IMVITllM llDI ~ ti .tllt 1lltvt .,_ ~-If CM.l,.OANIA'THO OUGWlltlD COM-' Clll:TllllCA'TI Oii IUllNISS ' •lie.I of 111.!•I-II I• folloWI. l<(OTICE 1 HERf&V GIVi:H ""' lfltt •II ...,...,._ Mwlhi ii; !mt NII~ IUlTANTS Ind #!1t•Mld flml It C1111t-.-'"ICTIJIOUI N.l.MI Ol'nMAN, P'VU.NT .. S'TAll:NES, lllt 80lnl !, SUPlf'tf'llors 9f Ottl\ft ?!!:. .W ~ f.ftl ,_,,,,.. ,. file ..... d t!1t1 fwllowlrlf ..,_, wflole TM llMITlltftH dD ctrilf\' IMY I N INC., J001 lrilwtrliM' $1tffl, (Olll COlllll'I" •111 rKtlVI Riied ltkb 1f1 t1'11 ~ Whtl fllii ........... ~ lro ....,,. lft ·M l 11111 11tm ti \.~ -..wfll(lftlt I llullfM1' ti 117 Pie.ceritlt, M:f$1, C11l'°'11/t,. 7111 dl'I' ,of ""II i t 2·M P.M.. t 'docl lfM .~ ot Tll'it "ctllrl ef tl'W' ..-W 11 ti flllV.W.: • N-1 ltWI. C.lllorlllt, ""*'" !tie WITNESS lt'I ...,.,, tl'lll lflh d•, ol tor tlll tallowlNI -ii;· ' ~ _.., 9'/"-"-.r-.nt "*"-Wl'tl\ .:111111 W. 111/111, :iom Ettlf L.eM. Heim-firm Ut'Yle .. CV l 0 Mlrdl. Ifft. "\ Ortd91M of n.oio cul:lk Ylnh of l+.t ~" ~ to tM \11\o' HIH'I"""'°" ltadl, Ce!lfarnl.. ' l'AllotOL.OOY ASSOCIATES •lld 11111 aild (Co'"11i. Sfflt ,.,1tertil illd d-flllll "" ad!t cent ......... 11 ...... C. lrod91•1, c/t C1trtd Mlrdl 11, !Ht. /Jtlll 111.\_cwiiMnd ~ 1111 tollfwhi,..,._, O!T;TMAN, PYLANT I. beic11et.' or 11 .,_,, 111 1111 llam. ............... kldtll • Adllt_, Attornen Rolllri w. l lUt>h wflott ~ '" f\jll •""' 1>1f(.H llf STA"NE~. INC. 0.1lv111ttd ••. If \.IW, S ~ Ctn19t'" Drl'l"t, STA'TE 01' CALIFORNIA I ' ~Cl In ti ftllV<tl' HQIMf I', S11mtr, Jr,. PROJECT Ulf IUW. 134, Hr.I \ltldl. (tllftrllll, COUHTY' OF lOt AHGl!LES ) tt l"ll1r H. "11fuin, M.O .. 1~ Kl,....,._ Pl"ftld.nl OR EDGING I> whldl fl tN .. Min-ff .... Oii Mll'dl 17, lNt. before -, 1 t.:olfry .... Cln:ll, Tusllll. C.Jllornlt ; l'tul Wlflllm Oetlm1n, $Kret1ry REPAIR STORM DA.MAGI 1 llllllt1'1'9rltd Iii . •.1JM'I'" · l'f'f•llllfll l"vltllt; 1ft • ..., fol' Mid Slllt, "l'IOlllR\O FllllM""' M.D.. 14"1 Hv111t11-t. STATE OF CALll"ORN1A 1 whkll W«11; ti loCllMI et: lltl .... Miii• .. ~· ~'· wltlllll _,.. ,~11111 w. 11111111 known II Twtln. C..llfomlll Lllryd Sltv..-n'lfllo COUNTY 0,. Oll:ANGt I II .. _, a-,. .... •Ill m~ •u-'l IM flrtt (~bllc10on mt ,. 111 l!lt PfrtCH\ wt-111m1 M:D'., 101! 1'1rmlftftoll. T w •I I 11 , Ori ltlt1 1ttn d~ of Mlrd'I, A.O. , Newl'Off BtllCh ..,,.. .. __ ..... _ ... ~ ti fllla notl(ai. ", ~~ ' II lllblet~ to Ille Wlttl!n lnilnll'l'llllf (1111«1111. , 1Nf, ti.fore mt Jo1Hiin E. OtVll I Or111;e Covnl'I' Olllf'Omlt \ ·1 ~ • ••• , .... ,," ... ~I . .,...,, Mll'dl "~""'· ... l«Mwltdiltd 1'11 UICU!td !tie Mrnt. 0.ltll•Mlrctl ,,. lfft. Nol•l'Y Pultllc In •nd kl!' Nld (Ounfy All Of Sl!d wort,..;, 11"11toer1t11. lllCtl>I ' ll -c.. AOl'lt C...9"1191ftlltl fOl'FICIAl SU.LI ...... H. 1"111""" M.D. 11111 Stm, rt1ld!111 thl'l'llll, duly CO'n' llldl m1fer!1l1 I I •re to bt furnlthed . "'''.e'p.ong• p Dl.o,"tll.., 1 !,. fSU' ·-. ,'°. • -,· Adrftfll ..... lrllt ff Ille Wiii M«JIJC!lllon f,t~I fltlll.ttn, M.D. ml111oned 11111 IWn, PtnMllb' No-red by 1111 County, ahtll b11 "'"''""' 111 U• •• ,. ~,II'-~ '"II ti tllt ........ MINOf *-dint MofWY.Pltbltc.Ctllfomlt '-• SlJV'tflTlfllo M,D. HMiif' I'. St1~, Jr. kllOWll Ill "'9 KCIOl'dlllCe '<111111 •11111, SHC!fluti.. t llll ' Ill'__.,, ..... A • ........_ ,,....1 Offl(lt 111 , ST Alf Of CAllFORH1A I IO be ... l"rlaldtonl el !ht C:Ol1'0"tlloll twm ff COllfttcl tv be tXIC\ff9'f 1tY S~' AL Id bile ' 1 , \ • ~·It ~ l.o("ArlvelH C-IY COUNTY 01" OllANGE I • 11111 GKllftd flrt wlll'll11 l~trurn..-1 on lht llK~ful bidder. '" now .,. lilt ·we o hin·g;>0st in Char1ottesvil t ,' Va., is no longer avi.ilablif 'the -~ e...... """" My c.rrwn1tt1on E•Pll"ft o.. M•rdl 1t, lNt, .,. "''· • 1MM11 °'.,.. -.or111on ttiet•111 111"'9d, 111 ""' Otf1~ e1 1111 cau111Y c1tr1r. o er elf .this pony ·~ses the uPcfate Parking meter fo'r a place to hitch.his~· ....... ._. c.llflfnlta. :=en. '"' =.11~u~~!': ... •'1.z·:111'"'::: :o,.:~-1)1":: ... ::. :~ •. ll'ltt suc11 =~ c11r1c °' 1111 Bottd of After all. Jl W8S, ~ry . .C)Ose to the Saddle SbOp. Tbe'"JV\DY WSS OVenMtiriued but did A"'""" -........ lt.wtli MICHAIL I MONTeoMl•Y AnwMr M.D.. 1"1ul F,._f\, M,O., L!t\'11 Ill Wllllelt Wh..-eof, I "9v• hlrwunlo PJ1111, tpeclflutloll1 1"11 allltr ccmlr1ct n., receive a tic.k''et. r ¥ ·r--;. PllllQll'ltd er-c .. tt D•llY Piie!. u. 1tut11 ..;1., '""' • SJ1Y1~11. M.o.. ,,_ i. ""' 1o bf"' '"' tw11c1 ,,.. tfflud ""' tfflc11r ctocumtftt '°""'' wu• 11e •w•lllb1t '°' vi. M...cl'l 2' lflf Al>rll .L 11..,lf, IMt ~ Sllltto Ulf ' lfll Hndtll whG&e llllTlll .,. 9'.lblletlbld aetl IM d1r 11\d YMr In ltlb ctrffflc.l!I 111111'1\lnt!IOl'I wllnoul do.I'" tlld r;i»lff --::;----:~.,..-------..,.-----------,.-:--------------J---7;;:;-:;-::;:'.::;;:;----Jw A ....... blffWllle MU II !ht wllllln l11Strum«1I 11111 tckmw~ ,,_. •boYI wrlti.n. may be iecurtd •' I'-orr1c1 "' tnt '· · • · LEGAL NOTICE Publllhec! Ori'"" (off! Olll1 l"llGt ed ltlf'I ll,IWled Ille Hmtl. fOFFICl.111.. SEALI Otl11111 Coulltr Htrbor Olatrld . lMI ., ... ·• Mlrcn 72. 2t ,,. Aprll ~ u 1Nt 1st.If (OFfl(IAl SEAL) Jolftrf\ E. D1vl1 !l~11dt Drive. NewPDrl 111<:11. C.tlfarnla, • · --,~---,.;:;;;;;;------·J=:'.::::C::'..;:~,:::::,:·c:,:c· :::~·~~.::.::: llttf R. Rothrock Not•ry l'ubT!c-C.lllornl1 11P01n dePOs!t cl T..,.nty.F!w 0o111r1 ' Wh D 1 ',P-lUlll LEG Not1rv Pub!lc·C1ll!ornl1 Pr!nclo•I Offlct In (125.00) ~ .et, 'Nlllch d-lt 11 , ", ~ • .t , · ' 0 • d Th ~ ClltTl,.ICATI: 011 I UllNllS AL NOTICE PrinelPll Office In Clr•n1e Counl'I auirintH !!Iii 1111 •1•"5 tlld apoeclfla-1 el.I ,IC'Tl'TIOUf HAMl!" Or11111 (O\lntf' Ml' Cam mlulol'I Explrt1 llol'll Wiii be retumed 11"1 9DOd COfldlllcll • 'TM und'"llf*[ dcfl certlf¥ lie 's IAR·M1t M\' Commluio!I EXP!rlS June 21, lt7' Jo the H1~r Entll'tffr l'IOI llltr "'9!1 ._ .... ~duct1n1 t liu11MU ti l:MO 1.ctlf: NOTICll! TO Cltlt:OITO•S AIN"ll JG, 1'11 Pl.~111/ltd Ot111tt c .. st Dt!ll' f'ltol, fen (10) d1y1 11~ lt1d1 on ttw: project ,I"'" f• Avt., Cotlt MfM, C1llliirnl1, \4ncttr '.tllf IUlll!RIOR COUAT 011 TMI PubMili..:t Otlntl C!lfll 011"' l'!IOt, ,...,.,.,. 22, 2f end l\Pr'll I, 12, lNt 551""9 l!IYG bet11 Q9tMd, Ind II U11ti. It \ • , nctl110UI llrm "f~ ol ENC001ilt P_R~ tTATS 01' CAL'.j,ORNIA FOi: M1rdl tt, 2t 11111 April S, U, lH' 55<1.ft lorltltur1 II Ille dr1wlng1 1nd IPICIHCI · T7 ,•' :.\1 R k c ·· 'I. \! ~. OUC'T• COMPANY Incl 11111 111d fllfn THI COUNTY 011 ORAHG• LEGAL N011CE llonl 1rt not so returned w1ttlln 11!4 ~.a cou. ver oc . af vin,gs u nexplii, ._ined :~w::-.. ·,.,:::...-~.-.~w'.·, ... • ::...,,.:i-~ ~"mr :;"ti:R==~~19t:~~-tl\t LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI TO CREDITORS ::~~!;·n*• ·~~ffi~~ f -, _ "' credlW. of-the tbov9 llllMd dKOldeftt l ""1f •UfllltlOlt,JO~~.,: .. ilHI ITATf ""Ill bld1 1rt due. Tht delollt 1hlll AN~_t B.C. (UPI) ings made f>Y~· a 'Jneiept "These ' onit ·were }W"ett}' ::,':=:-~ •. ~i:~i. ~ :' .:~ -:=:,,111,w~ ~::. :•1;:r~ : ~:,:~~~~': c~':i~ Pq~ TNI :uir.;,:'" oiu.~o• =la bt°' ~'":r1 ~ ';.,~...=!'::. i~bja, hfJJle of peoptei'' • ~ old,~:_~ ~~~~ba bly 0119d M·~~"~ l~ .... tit :::.-~~l:t .... 111t'*:::"et-:"':~ ~~~~~ ... ~1'0~:~~T.. Ett.te "' R.~TH KATHLEEN :!i~ ·::~'liue:1..:ri:i:.11Du: =r~::: e~ stsquat(h. the -·~s: I! jli#t,:a*t ;wb:~t sevc.a~ .. ...._ ... •or ym -STAT•i OI" CAl.,ll'OflN/A,, ) tnlllled tour!, or hi Ptntnl W\tm, with STAT• 0, CAlll'OIHIA MELRO$E, •llo ktloWft •• RUTH K. •l•M 11\d 1PKlflc1tlon1 " -•• • ~ J anybody baa been able t to altbou.... an-'-'y ~-~ .. OltAHGI' COUNfY: l II Ille MC:IPlr/' WIUdllf1. hi "" -'Al 117' H. 4Mfllllll ..........,., .MELltOse. ,,.. --•• RUTH -Ible tit ... •udt dKllllMI II ml-di. ogopogo mon.ter and the hen.. 6'' JUUU, WDU_ llJ °" M9rd> 21. IM, blfort ,.,,, • dtnltnH •I"" office .. h« tlhllntl'S, Alltfttl-. C•llfwwill MELROSE, l lso kllCWll I t SALLY No llld wm bt te«'lltd """" • " establish," said Thom burg, to set an exact date Oil them HotlfY Pultllc lft t lld for it ld !ltfl, 1"'1>, l1Jth I. L1r..,._ Sulfl '°T<40f, SUMMOHI MELROSE, Otctlted. mnlftdor wtoo II not lktnHll' lft le< bllrn stone, can well be called , ) M a....i 8 ' c ... N~ 11..., NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVEN fl "" COl"dill(t •1111 tht llw 111\dtr lht pro-who WiS commissioned by the i6 StickJng thell neck OUt." ::-': i:"f:r':. r:11•.:nf'~· w"n:~ A=~ Hurti'r:.hlnu ,.ld~':'tf\7'l2Ct~::!':!!: l"AClrrtC FINANCE LOANS. I crtdllorl d !tie •"-lllmMI dtctdRnf wl1I-of Dlwl1/on HI, Ch1pfer t, of the province of the unex-Associated Canadian Trave l· Thornburg said _ ol u •• 111'"' !• iubicr1btd to 1111 within 1 ... 1'21M7, .n1cn 11 1n. PllC• 'e1 'Alil11 C1llforn11 eor-111ot>. Pl•lnlltt "'· ""'' 111 .. r..,.., htvlnt clirmi 1911"'1 lhl lu1rneu 1nd P1ofH:llcn1 CodtP '' I ... _ un:: 11""'11111 ..... tdlnoWlldted ht el<ICU!rd el the u,.,.,.rsl1ned '" Ill mt~rl ::.·WAYNE Oll:ENNElt, DOROTKV Dll:EN· ::::....11ldllhdtc;:1111 .,. requ~ '° II~ lhl Stitt cf C1!1fornl1. pla ined. eNl to gathe r some of the \\'eird carvings appears to be !hi Sft'Yle. fll"'"' !(I tile ... ,.,. cf ·~"' dl'C~1 ..,I HEit, DOES ONE TO TEN. bolll .... tilt ~fl-ol rn:~~ry of Ille '"bov PllVAILIHG WAGES' No mystery is more puzzl- ing. however, than Va ncouvl'r Island's peUoglyphs , <tr rock carvings •• which 1 h.:ive com- pletely bafned arc heologists from .,iCfO$S Norlh. America foi:,>'~· .... P e t r o " 1 y p h s and make U>llldll Still wtfh!n four ll'IOlll!lt 1f!er 11-.e 11r.i 1111c ' clulllve, Ol'feflll•nll. « c 1 e l ldders ire he1eby 11otlfltd "'~' ,., that of the ~ ....... and ~ .. lbfy . • , ... '-· ,. •u .. THE .... ,-OF THI! STATE DF tnlllled court • ., lo pres!flt Ihm., wllh OUtll>lnl ID D""'I•'·--... ~--··-,,_ I I. f f t "'!"1 _,..,....... MlfY • HtllfY ""' D "'I llCI •«. ·" !he MCHH fY "°"ch~ to ~ un ~ "' _,_ "" •v repr(){ uc ions or u u re the date can be established Not1ry l'ubllc . c1n11,,"11 01rR Mlrd! 11. l,.. CALIFORNIA to 1111 •-mtd c111-11• l911ed 111 e/ HU•wiT:i: HURWITZ of the Li llo<" Code of 111e st1fl ct r Pr!ncll'll Ollla In Doris T Lor.nil dtnlJ: , _ .ri ' ' C11Ttornl1, Ille llo1rd of Su1>erv1-. of re ercnc e. by plotting the position of the o..11111 county E>:tcutrix 0, !ht 111,rn °' You .,... hertlrt dlrectM nr Ille ANO REMl!ll:, 430 :r2'ld S!rttt. Ntwpart Or1ng1 CounlY hat ''(trt•ln..:r 111d "\Ve don't know how old s•ars, If the carv•'ng ,.. ac-Mr ccmmru 1ort Ex1Trt1 1111 1bove i ime.1 d · 1 wnh rne clerk of lhll caurt • wrHIM l •1cll. Ctlltornli, ~l. whkh Is 1111 •d011led the 11rev1lllllf ra~ cf l'lourlt •• Nov. 2._ 1t12 •usH, •USH, & URSl!/11 t'U<:t~ p•e1dl111 ln resPOnse Jo lh~ com11lal11I Oll(I t i 1Mn.lnes1 ol Ille underslt nell w11 n tor etcll crall, werkrn1n or I hey a r e. what they Signify, Curate. l"ublllh..:I Ori.-e Co.isl 01lty PllOt, Sy,ite 417-4.. of !ht 1iio-n111Wd 1t1)frtlfl "ltd Jn 111 m11ten Ptrt1lnl119 lo ll>e ttl~!e mKhtnle nffGed lo tXWJ!f The conlr1ct •ho car ed th wh M•r"<h 22. :n ind ~II s. It, \tff l'Ht Mtrct11'Y 11w.,,.. &111 .. 1tt 111 tn• 1boY....,•med court. In Ille cf Slid ffcMl•nt, wttn!11 tour monlhl aw1rlled lo the suan sflll bidder. Slid \\ v e m or ere To date the only facts that nu 1111,...,. AwnU., i bov .. 111111eo1 Ktlon, brOIJglll 11111111 11ter ~ flr1t Mllu tlon cf 11111 Miiie•. ,r1111Ult\t hourlY w11n ire 1111cM<I these people went af-h LEG•• NOTICE Hu1111~~'"" ,. • .,.~. Clllfwllll tUolt v"" In Hild court, wlttil" TEN 111.,.. O.ted',Mirdl IJ, !Ht _..... Mrtto CA.o11t1ndl• "A"l 11\d 1r1 mid• rd " sa!.'d Th b as been established ii they ,.... Tth 1n•1 M>Un 1tter 1111 nrvltt "" vou of fhlf <1W1rd H. Fl ... " • 01rt hereof. terwa S, orb urg. are "definitely pre-Indian." AlterMYI fw l a11Cutria sbmmonl; ff 1t rved W(lhln ltl1 1bllvt-EXKll!or I UNll'ORM OVIRTIME IATl!S1 "Jt'S a Cbmplete Mystery! ,.,.,. l"ublllfted Or11111 Cotlt Ditty Pf1ot, n1mtd cau11fy. or wlthlll TM IRTY Rn ~ the~l fll I Wlltr1 t l!!llle lhlff 11 WOft<ecl, •11~t liven .authorities from the S~.ian Institution ·i n W'!iJungt<ip. "·D.C., w ~"• b <i!w i ljl;:r;lf , says Phil Thornbtrg, a Victoria sculptor who has;._ an '!!t:'"Y "Being earved in sandstone., ~ AJUlQ7ED Clllll•tCAw·:: 1us:1•U• Mtrdl tt. 2' tlld """''" lt. lM u,.., ~~-~~-::~:; ~ ':: ~lemi: HUltWIT,L •Mu1tw7ti'C:Nd:-::Mll ~,·~ ~'; ~:1'r=i1~~«P! , .it's vir:t~J~le·to say "m. thl!"white men fiiit TM -!.~ =: ..., •r• LF.GAL .. -NonCB r~':1t1 ~~~· .'!,": :::..= := c..,.,.., ftUl ~~ldltt;r'':r'":.J"' ::..*~':: what a~ 'lm'y'att. ~ arrlv:;,in llllSO the West ~111 • llulrt11 .. ~' 111CM1 AH!N Of" dim'"' ~ndMI lft 1111 cem,i.rllf !"-.' en'' mfllll wor11 It AC1ulr..:r hi nctn ot tJiiht _.... • A'lt., H1J1111"'lwl INcl" Cllllorn11, lnlllM' HOTICI 'TO CltlbtTOltl ff a.rts1n9 u"'" tOntttct. 0~ wlll -b' " ... lhelltlr Ill hlul'I Oii 1ny -di}' or fl" were ~.l!t.11:'1.1 Wert Coast ~ ah'eady In-!hi tlctltloln firm 1'11"'9 of PAV4''' SUl"IRIOll: COUR'T 0' TM• .. Ill• a.ort '°' ,,,,... Allef dlmi!Mlld P,'lllttlthld OrtnH' .. c..f Diiiy l"!lct. hand., .. IUdl wort: ·~·II Ill Plld for no· more than 500 te . ...~, . ,.-...... _. Jn IEWING IEll: 1rMI llllt 111d firm .. tTATI 01' CAlfPO«NIA'l'OR ·~ tomPlllnt, Mird>.1~ :U.·,•· l lld Awns.,.., 4tMt ,, -•nd --11911 time. !tit bs1fe Cua..... VIC ....,. ....... ~ .t Int ftlltwllll "'80ll!-whine THI COUNTY 011 OllA. ... I you m1y 1ttk the tdvla Of 111 r11t of w-. while I 've found some that their .,.. ~ey showed -1n 11111 llld 1>lleft'" ,..IMllCI Ne. "'"'" ~ .,. 111, n111t.,. c...-ctN w1111 LEGAL Jilal1CE Thit '"" fo!lowlnt d•n ,,.. reC01nlnd on ~e carviilp. ..... ANl:mm-PEOPLE · .. ere buried ·-~· m""' than h ~ • ! '" .. fol"'": . Est""-4·"' G~ ThDnw Dltll'L tn• -111nt -n.11 ,....,_ ··-•• 11o•ldrfs: ' WNl:I .._~., t em ~ wu ~ 9(.eJB • IOllERt D. WILtoff, ltlA., ·~· Ote•1ad. I i!l_,,..lhould be CU\tUi wl]l\ln "tti'.: •Ai·IW Every S!llldlY 111 IM yur, lllCtPt 8 foot of topsoil. '' and eniJaintd_ .they w~n! 1}tft Of,, Jlun!lrit!Oll 11.qi_ C.lllorflll. • , NMlc\: , ~ HEll:EllJY ~tVEN te f Jlmll 1t11od 111 llllt ~ 1fll' NOTICI TO ClllDITOlll t i o,lllerwlse Ptov!d..:t htrtln, New Ytar•1 -r 1 • PAUi.A WILSON. IOOJl Ed'l't Dr,. !flt c~tdllWt"' the"'°""' n1m..:t ~enl llt•r.Wr!lltn Plt.-lfnt fll• 1 blm'lltnl I UP!ltt!HI: COURT 0 .. THI! ITA'TI 01w, 0Ker1tfon DtY. lmteiiendtne:t Div, 1,oet YEARS OLD . ,... by an ant:lent cltttizatlon and Hlll'llllltfloll •••di, c1nt1ml•. • 11'1•1 I ll HflOM h•v•n• cllllf'lll 11>1ln1I ~ Olftd JUIY 24, '"' • 011 C&LlllORNIA Llbor Dir. V"e••~'s 01w. T~•"ktglvl..., were the hub of. creation .. De'-1 Mll'Ch 11, lNf the 11ld de(ld111I Ill! '""'Ad lo flit !SEAi.i l'Olt THI COUNTY o, Oll:ANGI 011 .,. ChrlllmA1 01v. II 1nw of He said in a recent in- terview that aft.er a long in· 0 Now this wasn't the kind vestigation experts from the of topsoil that w~~ld haVe famed American research in-1 _ ~~ ~er. them, he con- !tltutiOn ·concluded only that ' ti.nued. :• Thi& was formed the petroglyphs werl! "carv-there, placing the age of these carvinjs around 5,000 to 7 ,000 years old -which is really ancient for this country." At another site, 'Ibornburg found a petroglyph that bad a ,bole worn comp)etely through It by drippirit wa~r:. whlle at 'llll anolhel a)~ he discovered a carving that had crumbled • a .massive tree grew through. ., Tit~~e~ still available foday·,-· Disneyland Box Office. .. · Disneglortd's ~,: ~­• ' ' . . ~ ''"'/! ._ STAARllW ,. , '; TiE CllSSlCS IV• JGrSlltl .,llAllt 111 wans m11 ST. nm• HNI •WIWE.illTCIEU • tNE '"""° Olll£MT~• • ""PA.~ £f'tJOV '1JNUMfTED US£ OF All DISNEYLAND ADVENTURES , AHO AnRACTIONS (ucept thoodn1 pUef"let) " • ROIERt 0. WILSON !he-m, .wttn 1111 _ .. .., ......m. .... In Rebert It. 1tfn Ni. A-41211 Ille tbllvt hol!lll,1 should l•ll on Sund1v. AltbOU.... }nf•--+.,tion of l"AULA WILSON 11>t ofllc1 ~ lhe clerlt of the ibove Clerk EJ111t of MAll:ION l"OSTElt L.AUTEll:, Ille Mcnd1w ICl'llawilltl lhlll lllf COllllde red 6" ~ ....... -• • STA'TI OF CALIFORNIA l "l'll[lled court. or !O PfKPnl """'· with Iv J1111 lllnH011 O!t H !ed. I lesl•t hoHlllY. WDrt; on 1udl dAY the carvings has mystified COUNfY 01' Oll:ANGE l SS me llKeulry Voucl'IH1, .. thl Undtl'llDllld Depuf'I ci.n: NOTICE IS HE"EIY GIVfN '° "" 111111 be ~•ld for .. Ill• Sundn I nd lb t d Ori Merch 11, lfft, btlcr1 mt. I 11 tn. office ct Mr Altornen Cowir1 PAltlJ ANO PAlll credlto11 of lht t bov• n1rntd dectdent holldtt cvertlme r11t ol ll'le cr1tt 111· more an one n O e N9i.ry Publ1C Ill tnd for 11ld Sl1te, 1nll Covert 401 North lrllld klr~lrd ftn WJffhlA ltullYI... !hit t tl Ptr&Olll Mwlnt Clllml lo•lnlt val\otd. No work 1h1!1 be reoulred on archeolofltt, Tbomburg said • ..,..,..111 lllHl•ed ROIEIT 0. WILSON SUIM Number .cu, Oltlld1le. Ctlll1>r11l1: .. _.,.. Hll'•· C•"rtr1l1 "'' ul4 dl<9Hrtl •rt 1"Ulred to f119 L•bclr Daw exceol In (IM of utr1me "J m--14" think some Of mill PAULA WlLSOM, kllown Ill me wh ld'I 11 the Pllce of bus!'*' of The Tth Cflll f1Mal tntm; w!Tf\ lhl ntcns1ry llOIKhlrL I" UfVtllCY ~ 111-tllll "'°"rt¥ II lft ' ,,...,,_., ti M ... "f10N wtlolt "•""' •rt IN'ldtnltned 111 1tt rTMlltt1 pertilnlt!I AlltrMY'I tw PilllfttNr lht offk9 rt/I !hi cltrll rt/I lhl 1boYe !mmTMnl dt119tr. them were uaed in fertility IUtltcflltld .. tri. wltht11 lnJtrvm1n1 11\d 10 1111 r.ti te ot H id dlc..:r.,,t. within Publlalllll Ott.-1 Cots! o.11y 1111at tllllllld court, or trt lf'llvnl ""'"· .... rin II 1hnll be malld1lorY 11P011 !tit C011-·1e _.111.,6 1dulowl..:rt..:t tl>ew 1x1C11ttd the ume. tour """""" llltr 1111 flrtf l'Ybllc•lloft Mlrdi'l&. n. 2t t nll Aprll J, Ifft 50l-'f tht MCll51tr/' ¥0ll(htr1, fl 1111 .,,._ lr1ctor to whom llw! Conlr1d II 1wer11ed n Sor som~,....... (OFl'ICIAl SEALI af 11'111 llOfkt dtt"ll1ned If ll\rl ofllao rt/I his 1ftomwi, Ind Ulilon •nt lllbconlr•dor U'l!Ckr l!lm ,...,._a_ "'~· 1• be WIU!1m J. Lvncn D llld M 'h n 1'6f LEGAL NO'J1C£ PAIKEI, SEELY 11111 WILLIAMS. 111 IO fl ¥ llOI les• than !ht IPf'<:lll..t Juae ~ seem w an folollry Pubhe-C1Hlorl'l\1 1 L •1c r) ltfl..-North Mel11 ltrltf, Suitt toe, Slnto t1!t1 In Ille e,ecu!lc" Of setd ((llllr1d. orienW back---' to them " l'rllll":t.11 ~ 111 E 811 "'•rt :. .... w••• , _ A111, c.llfoml• n101, wtilch 11 ""' Pl•« The 1ucceuful ltldd-t!r wlll be rMuffT!f ll'v:"'":' ' Ol"IMI (fUfttf' llCU xv. .,,. .,...,. cf btnlneu ot !hi undtrsl1111d In 111 lo lur11!lll I llllllful pel'fonnlnc1 llond he continued-, polllting (O what Ml' Commlu• EJQtlres ... ....-... " "°!:_~w Mmed d«td.nl CI R'rllllCATI: Oii •UtlNl:ll m~n.l'I llrllllll"f to 1111' Hii ie ol Ill 111 trnou"t """'I lo l1fl¥ per atlt Id h bee · JulY )1, lNt .........--. _......,..,, ,.ICTITIOUI MAM• 1114 ~I wOPIM tout monlllt lfler fSO'Jl,I of lht CD11lr1d price, ttld t COU ~ve n a c arvmg l'ubl!thld ~-· C!lfit 0•111 l"llot, ::n!'':" •rllllrl ~11wn "TJlt unc111111tned dD anll'Y fhl'f •rt Ille 11,.1 ttUbnC.i1on" "'11 nollci. l.lbor •fld m11u 111 borMI In ..., '"'°""' or a Chinese dragon known Mtrd! lJ, 12. 1t 11\d Alrll s. 1Nt 50Mt Olend .. -, ........ tolldudl"f I bullMD II ftll Dovll' D1led Mlrdl IL lfft. e<llll1 10 llllY per c~I {50%) el lhf' • • • • I • "'• Ortw. H--1 811ch, C11lternl1, unchlr Rod • L ter contr1cl price. which bond •"'•II prcwk11 ln Indtanile;lf:Dd as a "Stsutl." LEGAL ,N9'nCE. I~ )ll-417' ltll) 14H1'1 !ht flctl!lout firm 111m1 "' oca PRO-Adm"i~r.1ritorlU Iha! If lllt J>tl'.$0" or hi• !Ubconlr1cfors "M ~ '1a 'th t t)>d· _ ,,•,,.r l"•tcvlrill PEllTIES, 1 .. rflltf's.11\p lrMI 11111 H!d ol tt.. Ertoll ti ltll 1111 ta 1>1w 1111; 1nv m1ler1111 (t•«PI Y Lueory . , I QC • \41 firm 11 --td of JM tollowlnt per-eons. ibovt lllmtd dt<!<lenl 'IK~ melerllff~ t s t re f~r11!th«I b¥" .-.nle whoeVer . they are P-ttftf l"Yblllhtd Otllltrl (0111 01lty Pllol, whose llllnQ In lull •nd •IKes ol l'ARICER. llllY AHO WILLIAM' ll>e Or1noe Counl'I H,tbor Ol11Tlc!J. ,....v.. • . . . CI RTll'ICATI 0,. I UUHllS Mite>! 22. 2t •nd Altl'U s. n. INt ~' 111sklence .,.. IS tallowu .. ""'""" Mii• .'""' prcw!1lo"s, pn:verid er o,.rotner ....... 11tt, came ac ross the Bermg Strait '1cT1T1oua HAM• lt•ll• N. ourye1. 11, Ml 1t1.tc11r• llillff • or tum .... ~ 1", ""°"' for, or 1tiout ho ti alte th · ' and l ht 111'111t11l1Md doe• ctrllfY lh• 1! LEGAL N011CE Pt1ct, ,.11llerton. C1lltornl1r' Rcl>trl s11111 A.;• C•l"~r1111 nm me ....iorm111ce ol the wort: ect1tr1clecl S r Y r e ice age eondudln1 t ltut!MU It l",0.'"l ott loat, s. 1 1rnei., 2"2 ltv11\or1· Orlvtl Ttli 1n4i' 54, ... , to tw done, er tcr 111r worlc or 11bD~ slop~ herl!," T hornburg ol· llftll A!ll. (1111. '17U, ll!lllt!' !tit fie-SUlllRIOlt C'OURT OI' THI STATI NtWPOrl 8HCh, C1llfomll1 Emnl J, """"'" fll' A ... lnlrtrlMr tl>erron rtll •nY kind, or for 1mounl1 f 1 rtlloul firm 11111'11 rt/I ROllEJl.T·AUSTIN OI' CAl.l,.OINlA kh19, Jr., .UOI F1lrllthll Ortw, Co ,utlllsf\ed Ori~ Coast D•llY l'llol, llue ul\der Ille Unfmplo'fme"I ln1ur1111:1 er • . ,ASSOCIATES ,IP'ltl lfltl Nld firm 11 l'Olt 'THI COUNTY Oii OllAffOI Itel Mir, C.lltorrlla1 Olllnls I . Mfrdl 1.L 22, :n Ind Airll J. 1Mt !iC14-ff Act with resPed lo •udl wort or "Ob J I th ' t... ~ of !tie '(ollawllll ""'"I ""'°'' ..._ A-4UM Ct,.,..flr, 1M VII Quit•, Nl'#POrl 111tor, the! the surel'I or 111rtlltt wtn v ous y ey 1'.'ere 1n::re """" '" full ... lofl(t el rts!dlnc• NOTIC! 011 MIARrM• 011 l'l"TtTION 811d't, Ctlllornl11 '· JOIDll l(erontdy, LEGAL N011CE Pl' fw Nmt, Ill •n •mount nol a.Clfdr ... ror quite awhile because no 11 •• Rllolwt: • • • ,. 11011: '•oaATi 011 Will ANo ,..,1 n1 s. o.--.r strttt, or1nw1, th• .um 11!e("111eo1 111 t1>t borld. 1n.t ' ble ol N,t lln 1. .,. .. , L•n•n''rl!STAMIHTAllY C1Utornl•1 Sltw1rt l.. Jo1>111on, 111• •llO, In (.ISi I U!I II ltrGU9hl UPClll one goes to the trou 110 M. LO:I A-lei SI.. E1flt1 "' MAUOE JEMISON COLE w. L11 P1lm•• OrlYI, F11llerl(lft, P•:12tU lh• bond. I rtllOlllb!e t!h>rnlY'• IH carving a ritual if they in-Or1ngt, C•llfflfllll l llO kMw'll II MA.UDE I COLE. i.: Ctllforftl1. Cl ll:Tl,H:ATa: 011 •USIH!SI IO ... ll~td ltv !hi Cour11 ••kl bond• D1t..:t Mlorf;ti 21 , lNt knawtl ti MAUDE I Jl!MISON t ie Dlted Mlrdl 11. 1Nt. ,ICTITtOUS l'lll:M NAME lo bt 1ecured from e iwrtlY cotnPI"' tetxied to move on. NlftCY L. Oett Illa Mowll •• MAUDE I JEMISON S1-'W1rl L Jol>'llOll Ti'lt llf'lden'9111d dots Clf"llflr ht II Htltl1dory to !ht ll<lfnl "' SuPl!rvl_, "M ybe ~-· ~r. "" STATI! °' CA.Lll'OllHIA,, 1nd MMJDE llA.IEL JEMlsCN 0 El"Mlt J. Scfltt, Jr, C011111udl119 I Mlri:tlllll I"" Siles ol Or1111t (G<lfl!'I. The ConlT"tetor Wiii a llK::K rvvl' e otlAH()I! COUNTY 1 19 !!Id ' ICel .. LISllt N. Ou,YH, ti Rt1r-l111Vt bll1fneu (Is In llldJ¥1du1I) I lla bt reciulrtd to furnl1h • ctrtifk1tt sun Worshippers they could Oii Mlttl'I fl, \H,, btfort ln9, t NoTICI ti HElll!:IY GIVEN Thi! Dlllnl1 E. C1"""11t •I '11 Uth Street, Nt'NPDrt 8tlch, tn1t he t1rrlts com1-1tlon lrnur1nc1 h been " ' ho M a..I NotlfY Publlc )ft fM for 1tld S1tft, V-.ne flol1e llrown hll !!ltd h l J, Jm tPh ktMedV C1llfom!1. uncttr 1111 fktlll""' firm n1mt C1Wlr lllll hll emplo\lefi llPOll th41 wort:. ave n&"'\'.el w OVi=u _,... ......... ... NlllCY t.. Ot1e I "'\!Ion for robl!ot I ert II ltobert s. Ill'"" of OYNACON .,.. th1t ••Id firm rs to be don~ Undrr !tit ccntr1d '#hie~ south ml({ later became the k-.. tn1 fl -.,. ""'--wn.u for lhill!K9 d 'LltltB ~~t!~ St111 rtll Ctlllor11!1, Or•l'lf• C..111'1'¥: CDmPClllld of 1114 flllllWll!I 'enon. wl>Me m•t be enter..:! Into be'-him tnd · ., 't -"d 111"" b l\lltl(rlllld ,. thl "'"'Ill In-ti Pllflltntr rtl'lf'ena to whlal 11 0.. Mlrch II. lNt, before mt, • ...,..,. In fuK •lld i i.a of resldel'Kt lht Or1111t COllfll'I" H1rbor Olltrld Jal' Aztecs or r11ayans, I ... vw '"""''"' •nd fCAndollfj..W IM u:tc111tc1 '"'" !Or turltier ••rllCllllrs ,,. tnlJI Notary PllbHc 1" 11\d tor uld s11i., 11 11 ro11ow1, •wit: 111t c0111lnlcllon o1 11111 work. have t....en that long ago the""''· !hi time 11111 •l1a " ~tine !ht -"" •llJ"':•rtd L"llt N, O\lrYtl. JAY GREGO ICMll:EDD EI . ,,. 3cClh HON·OISCRIMINATION: , ,.,.._ • , 1 COflld_. *!) ~lt'Yle l\rlf btlri 1.i for Airll 11 lNt II, ltobfft S. 811"111'1. !melt J. Sch"' Slr11t, He\llPOrl IHdl,-C•llforn!1. In Ille P1rlorm1n« ol 1M ter"'' 'At.any rate, r.]ght now Jt S MtfV k . H:tnrY it t ·ll 1 m 11'1 !flt courlr~m of Jr., Dennis a .. Cft1111ltr, J. J""lh 011..:r M1rch •· Ifft cf thl1 Contrtct, conlr1dor 111r1et 11111 bod • •'> Nollry Pt1Dllc -Ctll lcr"!• oe..1rlmem · No l flf ••Id court it ICtnned\' ,,. Sttw1rt L. Jon"iOn -nown J1y Grtat Schredde~ "~ will 11<1! en111e I" nor ,etm!I wch any Y 8 gutSS. . Printl1111 Offlm 11'1 100 Wt1! E19hih $!THI, In !ht 'Clly ta mt 11 be the ""'°"I """'-111mes C:OUNTV OF LOS ANGEL ES l Iii s~bcontr1ctofl It h~ m1r 1molow from Or11111' Cou111'1' of Stnl• Alli Cillfornll ire ""*"lbecl hi ttw: within lnll111menr $TATE OF CALll'ORNIA I f"f,ltll'lt I" dlsulmllllllDl'I I" empllyrMnl Hou~e Travel Okays Pay MY Commluloil l!Xp!res Dtltd Mlrdt fl, Ifft · irMI tdt-lldted !Mr t >:tcllttd l'le On Marci! •· !Nt, Mtore ml!, 1 rtll Perit>M beuuse of !hi r1c1. coior, Nov. 24, ltn w E ST JOM" 11me Nolllry Pubnc !ft 1nd tor aeld Counl'I n11!on11 wlgln or 1nctstrv, Of" relt.1911 l'~~llth..:t Or111tt CM51 D1lf¥' jllltet, c0unt, Clerk (OFitCIAJ.. SEAL! l "d Sith!. Ptr:1on111'1 IP,t•red JAT ol sudl Pe""""-Vlol11l011 d ltll1 provklell Mtrch n. 2' t nd APl'"ll J. 12, lt"f N1·ff ElllRI, LOIWI, I AllANCil!lll. ANO M•A•l"ll'I M. Lovie GREGG SCHllEOOER -MWll to me m1v resull 11'1 fhe lmlGllllon d Ptfllll'" l-----~--,.,..,.,,,..,,0---I MYEIS NOllN Publlc-Clllftltflll lo ltt !flt Ptf"IOll wilost•!llme 11 1ublcrllt-reltrrld to I~ L•bor Coclt SKllllll 1735. LEGAL NOTICE IMI WMkllN Orlw PrfllCl••I Offln In td • , IO the within tn,lrijm1nt. lfld The Con!Ttctor th1ll u" Olli\' 1111' '~---,,---,:-7:::-::0----I "--' 1..U. C1llrtrl'lll nut Or1nn Ctunl'I tclr.nawltdg'-"" to mt ltl.i he txtailed m1nulfc!ured m•ltrl1tl •~ 111 ''" .-IM-.... , .. 1171 1.i, 1114) MS-IUI My c-mlt11cw! Eu!rtt Ille N me. U"!h!d Sllle Ind enlY mlllVIKM"td 'Tl TO c•nl'TOltl At"'""" ..., l"etln-~ 21 11n Wl""'3 my hind 1'1d 1t1!. ,.,.i.r11tlt ma"'11•clllrtd lft fftl u1111N H:ll ~~lit TllAMSPllt l'Vbll.n.d °'''"" COit! 01'1Y Piiot, DlHtVU.. c .\11t.,IHTIR a I All:NIS (OFFl(lAL SEAL) St1ln, 11iblt1nll1lb' 111 tnom mtflrlllt \\1ASHINQTON (UPI) Mtrcn 11. 2.._ tt Ifft SM-ft Allltrwtrl • ' Oontld M~rdllson P!Wuc..:t In !hi Ullllld Sltlft. "' ' tlla. fltl""' U.C.C.l ' ·o ... 1 Nottr"I' Publlc-Crlltcrn!1 "9rlormin« ot !hi """""'· Thi 1111r1 The House NJ passed and Notla 11 "'"" ~ven hi ': C!"~l"I LEGAL , NOTICE :"'"'1 ~ C.1lfllf1lll f'UQ Prlnclp11 Offln 1~ of SuPfl'"VllOrJ rtstr't'ft fht '"ht hi ... ·-· b'U ' " Jollll TIIPrnll -• ,-• I Tcrf cn•I 14H411 lM Allttln C-1'1' A!tcl tftY., •ti bkll sent to "'"= ,;;JIQ ... te a I to """ YIM!I. (dbt•Wuntlne ... lwl ,...... --l"Wltlltltd Or-COis! D ,... Plllll Mw c-1111on Ex'I"" 011M Mff"ch 26. 1Nt. · •~ d••.n,. .__ -1 .... I Tr111"'-9. Wllllf '-~ NIWPORT...-U Ultt,.IU 1 •~ • J""' 12, 1t7' !SEAL) raise WJIC -v uaVoe.1 uptn9e:S ,, I ... Miiin at...,, H""'1111'9n hllCfl, SCHOOL. OISTllC'T Ml>rdl 2t tt .. A.Jirll s. ll, lHt SSHt llMO• '· IN•lkll IY Oll:DEll: °" 'TKE for federal employer in the Ctlltornl1, Ceu"t¥ .. °""'1• ..... ., """"' llrlttlllt I* '11 ..... ""' °""" IOARO 01' SUPEIVISORS Unit_, Sta'-~ ,,, ,_ -Ct lltornlt , ltlll • llllllr tr•ntflf II •bout HO'TICI: ,. HERl!IY OIVlN ..,., J,.IGAL NOTICE ~ HUii. Clllfilnll&, "'"' 01' ORANGE COUNTY. cu \Cll UVlU w -· fo bl m•d• ,_ TOWEii: MANUl'AC· t11t llol ... of EdUUl'IDn t/f 1111 HIWJIOrl-Tl4. fJIJ) J7>"1J CALIFOINIA F I TUR1NO COMl"ANV, IMC .. I C111fw?!lt "'-Unlfltl khool 01"11ct " Orll'ltl tUlllR'61t CoURl ~ T... ~oc w. e. ST JOH" 0 r government emp oyes ~'""' TrlMflrM. whoM """'~ O:lulll)', C.llrtmll. •Ill rtetlw 1111ed ITATI 0,. CAl.ll'OlllMIA 110111. l"vbQshld Or11111 Co11t Df(tf' Piiot, COIH'lfY (!Ira .,,,. ••.il'lclt allowed to oompute their own ..,,.... .. ""' St. AwlDn IMll., Win. ""' ... Mt 2:• P.M. ..... 14111 TH• COUNTY Oii °"""' ~rcl'I u. n. 2' Ind .... ru !. lHt .,,.., Clerk" "" Bolrd of SUPt1"'11Ml'I • lnoltll, C-1'1' of lol A""'lll, 11119 .., ti Alr(I, lM 11 Jiit rtll'llct el tuMMo•t d Or1nt1 Ceul'lfy, C11110rnll expenses, lfl"Stead of using the of c1111wn11. ttl!ll ktlocl Dltlrid. 11c1!9d ,, 1w c-,......... M4tU LEGAL NOTICE 1, M•bel t. CM1t1a, Oellll'I' flat rate the meas ure raises T~• ',..pefl'I' to"' IT"•i'llftr'ld .. loclttd l'llctllll• AYtnue, Cclfll MtU. Cl!l,.,.,1t . ,.Vlll:NA J. FISHE"· l'lllnlllf Vs. Al"PINOllC "A'" ' Ill IUlt Mein Strnt, MY"!!'*""' Intl\. 11 wl\ICll llme Nld ~ w!ll 119 itubllC"' All:,TIIUll W. P:ISHE.:, Otll!!dint '"llOJICT UM the mA'limum pct' day e~pense Ctuft!Y ti Or1n11, Stilt el Ctllfoml1, Cllfllld 1nd rtlld IW": lll!:O'lE OF TME STAtE OF l'-121'11 Dll:EOOIMO f l30 t "' Sllf -"" (1 dflcrlbfd 111 •--1 Ml1M .... _" AV -TV e ..ullmen' CALIFORNIA " 1hl •bo'lf Jl,lll'lfld °""'' Cl!!Rlll'"l(J.TI: 01' •USOU!SS ltlPAllt STORM o"""'o• r om 0 ,,..... u : Alt •!Oct: Ill """· flllllll'lll, H UI.. A!I ltldl -le bt 111 l(conf.•11(."1 dint• l'"ICTITIOUI •AME A1 mll'll l l'ld food wltt of ltlll l'ho111 111111'1 Conell!....... 1 .. ttlldloN. , ft d Yeti 1,1 f1trtibtt lllrtdld le "" 1 Tl'ltl ~ndtnltllld do ~rtll'I lhl'r t rt: NEWl'OltT OUNIS f"jl,RI( 1 I e.5GO~ ............ i10,flflOI S...lY bullnll& ·-II Hunt!ntlell SPtclllc~ wllktl .,.. -on fill wrttttn oleldlllt •• ,.,_.. "' lllt -.ductlfl:ti I llullntsi II lSUI E. ""'"""'' to !ht IWO'll•IDM al kdlflft Pl'lofo 511,...ty tnd lac1le4 ti 1Ult ~I~ m t111 olb tf lr.e Purd'1111ft1 AH-llf ceftU!ll!llf of 1f11 ibllw Mme.I l llJ"tlff Edin-. 5.lnll An1, C1!1'°'"if, '210S, 17111 ef Ill!! LfllOf' Co6e II 1111 It.,_ ,_ _____________ ,,,,..,, Hunlfntloll\ ... en. Cau111Y of ol llN sehOtl Okll1d, 1151' l"ltctnl!t ....-111 ""' ci.rt: ol "" tbowe ll'lllllld und!r "'! llcll!I0111 firm lllrlll rtll A• rtll C•tlfamll. !ht llotnl "' ~VIMU LEGAL NOTICE Or111ff, SllM t/f Cl lltorftll. Aw.,_, COlll Meu. Cilltomlt , OllMf In l!\tl 1~ tflllt!td ICll°" ltll!Yt hl QUAHAUTICS •nd lll1! N ld firm 11 o1 Or1nce Ceulll'I 1111 11Certt111111 1"' llNll l'llZE: llll·fol ..... Tiit lttllk fftlllfW w!N bt COii"""''"''" S:idl lllddtr ITlllll IUltmlr 1 ltN d-rt kt!MI .,.,., -In llld COll'"t, wfltl!n TEN comp09..:r ol lht lollowl111 ""°"'' ~ .OOPi.d lllt prwv•lll"9 w11Jt! rtlll fll' l---,-0-,-,-,-,.-,-.. -0-,-,-0-,-,-.-1--1on tt tlttr !hi "" dl'I' Ill M1rdl, Ill tn. ""111 tf 1 cn"lftcl ., allllltr't 6'YI lfter ltlt !lln'la "" YOU of 11111 1111Ms In hilt 11\d •l1ce1 ol rn lffrlct itch crflfl, workmln _. mtd'lllllC ":tr' StATI 0. ~llOllNU. POlll 1Ht, II I:• P.H.. " Util ."""' Cl'ltdi ... I bid MM ·-' It "" ~ " ......... wttnlft """ •bow, •rt ,, lollowt: .. ••tc11fl 1'111• ccnl!'td. Tfll pttW "' l'HI COUNTY Of' OltAflel CifrWllY, 17'# '-cfl .iYd., ~ -C1nf (I'll.I ff f1tt ,,_. ff/ 1114 ~ -1¥. er wltnlll TillRfY dl~I ll:AVMONO F, FOllES. 1S11 nitn "d11ttTr1lMd '''ti l'ollDMl "" ..... ltlCfllt c-tr 4 -..., .... .t bW, ..... "1'Plt " lflt .,_. ol ,_....,... .............. Merl_.1 Ct., N"""-1 . l11cft, Cltt1lflcttillt MOTIC• Oii' MU.lllJM OI" NTITIOM Clilltllnlll, .. -!tit Hcw ... 91Mt• UtlflM ldloel Olttrld. Y•. -....,. llOIH'l4of tfllt unltn C•:1m1~jS~ltAZIElt ln-P ._ •f'IM!h't J•~lll#f ,.Oii: PtlOaATI OP WIU. All• .... " t1r •• ~ tll A h'""""tna hlld "''" INI rMVlred YtU to fllt e Wl'llttn ,._1,.. 1lfHl111 W ' u 1 l -.lt Ftrffllf'I 90.U Mr haUf lflDl'W LITflll Tlll'AM•llTAltY ,,. M lllflt -~ •ddrlllN ... • .... dllcftt1"" " "" Dlttrkt, In .. ,.. 1>1111'11111 Wiii flkl ludtmtnl "i ~·~·111& ,.,.,, C1Mtornl1. n10t. hl"'91 .. Id clf .. lllCI~ hf1111 .r OEITllUOI MAJll"Ell 11¥' tfll """"'"'" fW tt.• "'-Yllfl .. it-' ff fllliur. trf tlll'lr lrlllt _,, "", _,, « Nll'll-dlrn11>dld a,, Ill.I c rf Me!'°ltll:l!LL. '°97 Vlllty _,. whldl Ill MM.,. MYIJtS, ~. • 1111 IUt, tnl: S-Oll'tll'td. lflw llr'llCllOIH 9f !tit dllcl ... ~lllf!I II lritlM -tontrK!, " o I ' Ctllfllrnllt "'77. -lbftlly. HO TICE " Ml!ttEff e1vlM TMt M~t M9rdl .. lfllt, wll ... ftrltlttd. ., "' ftM "' • ... wt• ll'flY • "" ~ ..,. Ill\' °''" ll:~r::o::o ':-~Olt.tlS lAYenneft It.wt F~ M,,.,.. 1111 flied l\tl'ttfl TOWI• MAHUf'ACT\lll NO lliaritl, lM M -thlf"OI' *1 M 1111111' """ mntndlll 11'1 lfll ~i.lrtl, FRANCl9 I iillAllEll: Wofdl !Mii ...... I """°"' "" ·= .. ...~ .... COMPANY INC. I l9tftltrfd ..... kMol Ollll'kt .. ~ Yw ""'r --1111 i fvic. " Ill IVAN 0 sAIRELL ISIMm ... E1tctrkl ::-pr:.~= al~ ~-'.!..~ 1¥! If.WI! ;.. Olfllntlld ~"'Oc.tll' IMY ~.w hll flM. "" ;:.:,J:.nt-or "':O':r ~ = .fTAT! OF c A1.1tro1tNIA 1 ........ u ... ,... .._ _ ... fW ""'""'" .. 111w..,., ..... ltllt IY: T. J, °'"""" • H rlod " ~ IUI don •"" t'llWlll'f •hlutd bt mtlt~1'tcl wetiii11 ... COU('lt Y OF ORANGE I " Otdl.mtlt U.54,.... = !I'll ll"" end ,lfCit d hH...... Ille Tr....i-JM dei. ttt fo.r tht ..-riiitf ""'""' flllW llrnU •ltltd lri lllk ..,_,1 .,.. Oii M••tfl ll. 1..,, 'ltfoA t11t. 1 L1\'ft l'"trtmlft l!.•7' ltl ..,,.,.. "'" """' Mt flW Atrn II. ,,.., l"tfblilllfjl °"""' CM• °''"' "'"'· Tiii ....... f/11 E4Utl""' " ""' """"''" llllr>t I •ltftfl ~lffdlnt " !I'll _ .. "" "911ry Pllbflc In •lld for llld Slttt, Wlllc!WlllNI u ..m "' nciwr 11 ~-'ilt\.. M 1111 ~ tt Mtf(ll tf, INf ..... MIN Urtlf!N SdlM Oltlrlct -0..... ,..0. JI. ,... . Pllr-ll"( I Plltlre.l llAYMQ!CD I', IS"'7r Wlfttll 1111" Orfd,.I OtN,:,...... JiO. ~ f/11 .. i. -1. II .. r1tlll 19 ff)Kf lnY ti' Ill bltll, fSIEAl.I ' ~ORIEi. Flt.AHCIS I. FIA.llflt, IVAN Flrtmtn., Olltr "·".., = * Wftl (1~ .,... 1fl 1111 arr tnd ,., _ .. ,.. ...+ ""' lllwft1 w. E, IT .KIHN. Cltrt • U.llll:ELL kMWll !(I m• to ... ~ as.at l"lr ol $tfot1 N11, Ci~"'· bid, f~ I'll wtl..., llt'l't ll'lfarrMUIY or l w F'fnll J. l •s.ll1r ~.:~I "'1~ "1'";" 1" Mtt rlbH OtckllHd It.Ill .,.,..It 111C'hor Dttld Mtrdl lt'lf CO"PACT lr,...~l•rlly l!I t n' 11111 rte1h...i. Dt1>11!r Cler~ td ltlewwt~,;u,~ ~" •lid ld:no'<llledt· 1urw 11f111tt d~l!Oll 9f Dtcll• 'ff.' rr "°""' M 01tlld M•rch" 1Ht. --.... McCtrtlJI co ..... ~ml, "'•"'' U.02 -hllVf' °"""" ~ 111. DAILY "lOf .. 11. Y•M NEWPOal <MllA UNll'll!:D M~ Hldl••WW a ~ l'FICIAL SEAL) In tdOtlltfl ta lht •bit'l't· ""Cl"lfl(ltl' :=::.:-.::r.:t"-111.,. _ ii .... ., • .,. -f Y"Y SC. ~-0~' ,...,_,. ~:--·,-,_. ltll't SIJ ~·i:i.1~:"'11trn11 lfllM 1 .... lde !tie tcllll'U'I"": --~ ......,......... -l'rmt!Plt °""' • •••llfl •"" W1l11~ ,... • ...,, Ctm'""1lllila.~ ftm /'1y 11i1ot '(1 '"c•11111111i11Jt, tl11• l w Dlrftlly "''""" fl'"L 014) •mi Ptlltlol l'n ..... ,.,. _. T.it 1n41 ,...... •llY .tit., •••• ,.,.r ,, • ., th• l"vrdlt•lftl """' ...,.......,. ,.. ... ttltlH :.·'rom'mo:::.!,. l!••I VKtllon ... x ,,., """ Allw.., flf ........ '-d-lli» '"'~ Dr1-COi .. Ct 1t¥ 1"1161 A'"', '''' re. • ,. •• < 0.1"' Pllllt p~ .,,..... C..t Dlllr l"JIDI, .... °""'' C.1rL ~'"""" °"""" c.m Daflr Plltf, MfP'dl lj, tt. 2' '"' AIHI .. tt' l"ultll1'*1 0 c 11Pu11n1htd Of-"""' t. II'•~ ,,, SI. •nd Mrlf L Ifft ..,... M1P'dl ... Md ""'' .. ,,. ...., .,, ...... Mfy l. Ifft ..,..; N.'"11 u. tt. ;.w:. ,.;r S, ~:' i::i~ ~·;,di .. r· ,,: 21. JI ...... "'~· I '" '" ... ·~ "' •• '" ... •• '" .... .C• ,,, ~·. "' " "" • 0• '" '" " "· '" " " t u• T'vo Indian · Fighters Left \VASHI NGTON (AP) -'f\,,o aged Indian Hghter.s are llsted a1nong lhe na tion·s 26,656,000 liurviving military veterans. J\1ore than hal f of the veterans -14,660,000-sc rved du ring \Vorld War II, ac- cord ing to the summary re- leased by the V e t eran s Adm inis tration. . Average age .of all the veterans is 44.2 years. Survivors of the l!Xi.000 U.S. military men v.•ho fought ·in the Indian wars are identified as Reginald A. BraQley, -101. •· of Grass Valley, Cjilif., and " Fredrak W. Fraske. st, cir Chicagb: There arc 7,000 veterans of the Spanish-Americ an \\'ar on . the VA books v:ilh an ave rage age of 89.9 years. OEA1'H NOTICES GRAllAJ\f (l•od .I.. Gralum. "g~ I~. ltf 11~1 G••· t'~noltf l•""· GarMn Grove. 011~ ol Ocain, N.artn 11. ~wr\llYfd b'f wife, Flor- ente: :.on, Clal/O A. Jr.; dau9h!tr, Doro- 111, Duncan; lt\ree broth•r1, Rllfy, CMr· "'' 1nd Wa lle< Gr1ham; ll•tfr, ElhYI l ~on•; !Ive grtndchlldreti lfw:I two ll'"H I· IV•"dthilortn. Strvlttt, MONll Y, 2 PM. Smllht Cl'o•P!!I. l<1!ermf'nl, WtslmlMllt M~<Tu)rill Park. Dtretltd bv $mllhl Mor· {ulfY, LUCIA Z~·J>~tn L.;t\a, Agt 1', JGU H~rdf,.,, .(o•t• Mei.a. Survl•ICI by paren11, Mr. 1,,ct .• II••. A! Lll(la; lwo •l11trs; Incl -brotl>-, Pr, Rotary, Mond1Y, tvtnil\ll, 1 PM. ReQulem M~•· T1>11d1y, t AM. bcll'o Ill ~I Jo.'ldlims C1lhOllc Church, Vfi!ll Frr Tho~ J. ~vin o11ltl11in;. lnl••-~1. 'GDl'd Slltolle•d C•m.i.rv. DlrK!..S b'I' Bell llro.edway Mcrtuary, Ccu ll Mtt1. sll\JPP F1,,..t'IC.! Elia Wlh Sl\upP. s "· l .. !Mw:lt , 'rhree Arch Bay.' Dal• ot dtt !h, Mirth 21. $urvlvld by brroff>er, .,;..,Miii A. 1ihupc. Sfrvltfl will tie htld Mondt y, 1\ ... .,,,, Fo"'' l•wn WM l(lrk d '"' Htt lh· ''· lnturnenl, F.,."1 l t wn. Sr..ffsr Lt · IJIJ"' But h Mcr1u1nr • .,._lUS, DlrK.lon . BALTZ l\10RTUARIES Corona de.I l\tar OR J.N50 Costa l\1r'• a.u i-z.tU BELL. BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa l\fcsa u 8-3133 DILDAY BROTHERS lluntlagton Ville; Mortaaey 17111 Bead kl••· llunUngtoD Beach 1u.m1 I' ACIFIC VIEW ~tE~IOIUAL PARK t.:cmet.ery • Monuary Cb a gel 3$00 PaclOc \'lew Drive i\:c\\'porl Beach, CaWornia &f'-2708 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL. FUN'ERA1. IJOP.IE 1IOI Bolsa Ave. 'Vt'estminster tN-JW SllEFFER •JORTUARY Lwguna Beaeb f94-1$3S San C1emente 4tt-ft00 S,\tl'rtl't l\tORTUARY '27 Pilaln SL flu.ndogton Bt1te._ LE Milt IVESTCLIFF MORTUARY U1 E. lilh St, Costa &fUI - "Fur" Bunnie or Chick '"' \I \, . . --·· FOAM FIUED Plush 'Miny adorable Bimnies in K-.... · tartedpositid!ls. -'· : 'IU ~I•! fJsl!J 1 98 < -tolbr:I."' . . • • ' . . TROPIC-CAI. -"''"'"" kp . · s~1es 1or ... 1-. WI!~ ISSOfted pastel dJJ. , If lrrises. ADUlT s1m : 111 I.II 7gc: . 111. l.ll •11· l·•· 1.591.39 Plastic Egg w/SIASS "'Fiii '1 T~rlll" :... Urge egg 57c witf\8 srnall colorllll eg11 pack- ed i11S1de, pl~ gr1SS. Plastic EGGS "'fill •• Drill'" -Pak of ' 43c· 1 tggS in brlHilllt coloB. ttlve f111 filling W~ :Easter "goOOies:·.. ' . . . c-lila:, rl'l'l' ; :~., J liJlllj, ~ ltllQ4'J I : • • r .. Peacock EGGS Wf:;,.~ "'""'Iii* 43 • ""· indMdl~~ ...,,,., ''I c , ., «liJM f.rsltr, loil. IV..f!-111 .. • . ... l I I • 1 .; . I ·~ . ., • • •' : ' •• '" '.~fl ; i' ' "Jill ' lliril EGGS . • y • ·~ • ,r . "II""'!" . : . T Old!r"""' 12·gc· " . ia litiliiU IM, s~gl{ $hell t ' 'caatell:, 14 !'·· , Pl. Siu . . ;.. . ' ' . .... ,.,.,, -29, l'M DAILY I'll.OT JI , $I .. . Coast Area· ., • I ~ Reynolds Wrap ~UMINUM FOIL 2i88c SPIAY "Pledge" FIMTUllE POU$H Clt1nAl11 . .... ,.," lt•ll 14 "· 9,9c HOlLYW~ .. ' ''S111i·11nlta" SMO£ P11USI for 111 while 1holl -tN 3gc labf1! Scuff resisllat, ollou'I -'~ 11oo.-... 471411. ' • s . ' "Cobbler" Apron ....,.,,,_ .... tllil "'"" Too ""' "'" 1 98 kb w~ tie 1ro1111CI ~. • ·1.4~ .• ,IONllE IEll S.M.t. n . • ut1u· Slipperettas / .-1 -'""'"""""""· ~ ... ·~·· .. ,_ O>l· 1 89 m ~at lfe llf!W for Sprint. "· . ·"Fresh 'n Clean'' · Coffee Pot Claanr 11· Jlelp to mau your r.ottettr*r ~ ~Mi MW, SO )'Ollr c:offH brNS 25 , rich 1Jld dehciatrs~ · C ~.,~'. l~'9!t PHk1 ~ ! ._t..:: \' \, .... ·I... • 1o«rwcio0 Candy Bars •'"'Dir · ., .......... . •Ml~ Slteh • ' ·Super 'Shower '. 15< Si1t. .. . .. ' \. , . '. . . . . . . ' . , 2rm 1 •• ·~~ 1-=1 ....... ., .. A.ftlle MW •IJ ti Clefll lfl G'fef , • , •n YoUJ bltll th sudsiellbolllleboll JOU'rt mr •ad. 2.50' ' S'rom:' OPlil 9AM11 lD Pl-7 llATS AB ,. HUNTINGTON BEACH ADAMS & ll!OOKHUU! ' ,. >. ! \ j HUNTINGTON BEACH SPlllNODALI & IDINGllt . NEWPORT BEACH 1020 lltVINI •IN WISTCLlff PLAZA • •i t i \ I l r. .... -.... ----~-----""°"----.... -· ... •~-~"~<'>n<·• .·~--,-..,.,.,-, l"'fTi·"f'""ff..,,"'1tt,.., T,j,'7-,=..,,,..,.,,..,,-,'l'f,"!'"'"lir"-:--,...,.. ... \/"'llr-.-:-"'"""'~~lonr-JE Ii I·¢. 11 "Yt 11.....---I'" ---•· ~ ,-·--•· ' ----.,. ,-• I l 1, r ,• • ..-:.i .. .... - t • .,.; -... ~ . • $..-. ' " ' ' . .... ' .. • I _,., \i '/ "'-rtf~ ' ;' ~--.:•·-, ... ;-;. ·~M!",u .:· .. ·. ~!t ... · ;~ori~.';x .t ... i.~.·t1 il t~ 1~.-.1~l~2i~.~'~f .~~,,,. NEwPolt.:.:oNL v1 · . ,~·~~ . -.. ,..,. '. ~-" -fuff'umsi:" a\~hese low ~ .. .niev-r, )tfor:~ .. Jl~V~r,tised by . , .. . • • . . ., • . •• . prices -. .,1 all ·r~duced from regular stock, 11. 'fl ' \ ~. ,_ :/ ' "-. \' " . . ~-., ' .. 1~ np,,,i'f)~c1al purchases • _. . ·quantiti's and ·sizer limited ••• ·no mail, 1phone, c.o.d. orders . ' COATS AND SUITS , YOUN.G CALIFORNIA SHOl' INfAt'.iTS" SHOP , ' ·' 11~ I I . .. l COA ~ AJ:lD''SUIT C(Pl.UNC~ \ °'I' f· --?f<''\1'1 ~ .; J ~ :: ,._,, ... JJ) O.J:f "* ; . ~ ... r.'\o•••. II .. , Reg. Coats ind suits from our regular selection. Some leathi, cOatS ·and jackets. Limited quantities. . . . .. LADIES' SPORTSWEAR CLEARANCE 1'/3 Off .Take advantage of these outst1nding volues! I , • ~~~·~ of. sor.d "£~ 11ovtl!y ~kirts, a~~ jd l':ro~s. reg. l '0.00-) 9;Qcj ·. I ' . ·. , : Woo~·anif 1CrY,lic cardigans ind pu:lover sweaters , redu~d;· 32 to 38, reg. 6.0().16.00 .'..._ .. : ...... ~.99 :<t . •" . ~t Famous mak9r dretses· in infant and to.ddler sizes, ' • • t Choos._ from o .variety of· prints end solids. Many ~ . ~ ' -' . Pre-teen ·sportswear"" clearan'tf! Pants, vtops; s\irtS hand-smocked styk!s i,n . periNnent press fabrics, " ~; •' I·' • ' "'~ •"7 ~·'" ' ' reg: ...................... " ................. 3.99 ·or vestsJ_n aft the newesfflibrl91; 6 to 14,.reg. 8.QO:. 17 .00 ····----~---·-·-·····-.... }: ........................................ 1 /l off Pre-teen dresses in. pastel acrylics and cottons; 6 lo 14, reg. 13.00-20:00 ................................. 1/3 off Junior petite dre•ses in pis,Al',rcottoiis and acryli~s: 3 to 13, reg. 13.00-28.00 .......... ~ ...................... I /3 Q.ff l ~ •• . • Dreifl_)Jltf"W• clearan.ce includes Cotton · velVet, ·· rayon c:repe,andl)the~ dressy fabrics in pants;·skirts ' " . ' . . ,.:, Toddler boys' and girls' medium w'eight sweii'ters. Solid colors; some wilh embroidered design. Limited -~uantities, reg . 4.00-5.00 ................. 1.99~ 2.99, 3.99 STORE FOR GIRLS Girls' dresses. in m•ny styles; Choose from pastels.- brights, •n~1 .. col~r;, Some ot -of...4:ind ; 4 ·tt, 12; STORE FOR BOYS ' FAMOUS MAKE PANTS • 2.99 , ' . I ,/ .Reg, Excellent selection of s}yles and color~. Most are StaPrest for easy ~care. 8 to Ill 027"-30" wai•I. ,, \, , .:-.. TABLE LINEN$ ·\ Great values on scotchguetrded t1b)e r~nn,rs and p:ace mats . Available in multi-cqf_t:. ~pr!~t~. on oat- meal linen; reg. 1.25-5.00 values '._,: ...... '~ '!17-3.27 ,. . .\ '~ • " ' "" -iit1" ' • • ,~ • v,.;· '.~~~J: Save now on our terrific selecti~· 'if s'tf~ place . "\ ,,,._ ~--~-l'!!!l!P..... ··-····--'-· .. ··•······ ·····'·· .. ~.~?. !. 1.99 . . ,,, and ~M1~5 '10 , reg,,15.•0.30.00 .............. '.•;'.Y.99 \1 'f; ••• • reg. 6.00-ts.oo ....................... r····-·-···· 3.49-8.99 ' ,•\. mats in oval stylings. Choose ~s~ deep tones; completely wipeab\e; reg. l,l)9 • .J.4/3.00 'fJ.~~orlment of. )ightweight· wo~I skirts in ftiostly solid colors, reg. 15.00-30.00 .......... . -···..-·······-··········· ....... -......... _ 9.99-17.99 Jackets, -pants, co -ordinated separates, novelty dresses in a great variety of sizes and co(ors , reg. 15.00-80.00 .. . ........ .... .. I /3 off BRIDAL SAl,ON New briil1l somples, reg. 120.00· I 7b.OO, reduced ,• lo ' ..... : ...... ~ 82.00,.106.00 . Bri I veils, reg-. 28.oQ-120.00 ... ~ .......• 15.00-54.00 ,~, , ' .. " ~ :I:;. • • . . ~ ' . DRESS SHOP Mi~i' drosies in styles and fabrics to I•~• you into surr/iner;cre<j. 26.00-10.00 ............................ 17.99-29.99 (' ,, ACCESSORIES : .. COTTON SHIFTS REDUCED . ,4.99 ,I I• f\eg. 13.00. Choose from 1 large foup of · assorted styles in shift dresses ind ·pant shifts. A~.w11lr1ble, lots 'of prints ind " , stripes; 8 to 16. • CARDIGAN .SWEATERS ,. ' 1 ... ' • 7.99 . '· T '' ~ f '" Washab • rayon ·crepe shifts in peasant and skirt styles, Posto~ and dark colors; 5 to 13, reg. 20.00· 26.00 ................................................. 12.99-16.99 Rayon crepe pants and skirts in dark colors and pastels, reg. F4.00-26.00 ........•.................... 7.99-16.99 . Acrylic vested pant 'suits in hot pink, lime green or gold; s,•to ll, reg,,27:00 . ····-·······'·········"···: 19.~ . ,, "'' 0.11 •1"\. :Ii. <t •"°!'"° I ~. ' I l-1.).,'i"..r'~, ' . • ·,'· 5 . JI : r, JUNlo'R ·DRESS ·GlEARANCE ~ ' . . . \· . '6 .. 99 Re'g!"l7.00-28.00. Groat savings on both· junior and. petit~ dresses in many styles and fabrics. Hurry in whne selections are most complete! FOUNbATIONS Strapless bandeau bra, decollete-cut nylon lace cups are fiber-filled. Jonquil yellow, reg. 6.50 ........ 3.25 COSMETICS "Little Pa!'' ~~els.ore hand-painted' iriimil figures fill*d with fro-grant wchets. Each wi!h golden bang, er, 're9. r.so ;:. ..... _ ....... -.~--L. ........... ~. 1.oO \ .. . -' ' .... , .,. -,. ' .. • f1 it: ),,'I.' 1 ~ ~ ' ·' ' ' I' \ ~ '.:I ~.' Do~raliv1 s1~~!,i liox.\I 'l'!O and' t~t to a.\b~'l; reg'; 2.00 ........... .!:'.;......... . ......... I.. .. :'...... 1.00 :,1. \ . '. '. •• '. t .. ,, • ~~ . ~~ . . M1lio:up set e~min1tel touch-ups! ·;tust ~prey diler· youf.mekMip· in th• mornin91 reg. i.oo .... : i.SQ ~·· · ~ ~ ... J ri • \ · Do.;l;le-face stind m~rror, hos inttal frome end beso, • • • rea •. ·1 ~ 95 .-··-·-·-·---· ........ .t.~------,....""--·...J-. 1.00' • ~ ~ ' . ' . ·-. ' " . ' ,i._~ • ...,, "' ' . • I ~ t 0. , t I . Double . face hand mirror in two si1es-. reg.· 1.50· .. . ' ' ' . -' . ' , :t A '~ .. 1 ., Wool, cotton corduroy and~ qur~d nylon . coats and jackets in various''iweeds, solids and prints. Not all sizes; some one-of·a-kind ; 4 to 12i reg. 5.00· 28.00 ............................................................................... 3.49-14.99 Machine washable quilted robe•. Select from nylon or cotton quilts, in s o I id s or prints; reg. 7 .00- 12.00 ....... ............... . ................................... 3.99. 6.99 LITILE SHAVER SHOP . ' . •,1 • ~ ' ·Famous make ·splinter pants'. are no-iron Fortrel~ polyester and cotton. Set· in back pockets won't rip out; 4 t~ 7, reg . 4.50 ........................................ 2.59 Solid color perma -press paiamas in the popular - :ong sleeve, lon9·feg styling. No-iron Dacron®.poly- ester and cotton ; 4 lo 7, reg , 4.00 ....................... 1.99 • Short sleeve mock turtleneck knit shirts in assorted stripes and solids. Washable cotton; 4 to 7, reg. 3.00 ........................................................ "'-········ .. ·······-' 1.49 ' ' STORE FOR BOYS COTTON KNIT TOfS ' . .49 . , Reg. ·4.00. ~1ndsome lops •!• ~ompliloly ,;, ash•ble.,ong S.nf9r~ol!· Sizi; to 'lit 8 to 20. .... 1J •• .... -· ' •, ., .. . ' " " ' . ' . ' . . . ' . i TERRY.'WRAP ' f:QR THE :YOUNG MAN . ~· . ;. I :49 ' ' 1.95 .. ~·-... ~ ... '.}\, ~ ~--·-.. ., ...... _ _. .... 1:-i~ ••. ,., . \ . ' Rog. 4:9,6, :,Just lite. d18:1! Sa~Jorizod fini•h and wes able for easy-care ..fearing. One < • -· ... ·~ .. -' ·' ... • Juvtno Creme Facial tight•~• and fi1ms th• skin, \.-•ite lo lit 8 to 20. rt9. 2.00-3 .00 ...... ___ ........ ____ ... _.~l/2 off. • ' -• . CEMTER • fl FASHION ISi.AND • 644-2200 • MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 ~ ' ---· -- . " ' ,, )/.. ' '. ' ~ ~i ., \ .. .. ·~~ .. . STORE FOR MEN " , VINYL JACKETS WITH THE LOOK OF LEATHER 14.99 Reg. ~0,00-32.50. These virgin vinyl coals look and feel like good , exP,ensive leather and with.land almo•I anything. 100 "/. col· ton,{lni~.~; available in two styles . ,. - MENS' SWEATER '(ESTS 1/2 Off , •j ' .. ·,, Reg. 13 .00-15.00. Choose from a great group of colors and styles, includi'nlJ. some famous maker labels. All of fine , rich ':wools in pUllovers only. , . .. ' ' • ( MENS' MOCK TURTLE KNIT SHIRTS 2.99 " Reg. I 0.00. Save on the•e 00% Orlon® acrylic fa•hion knits. Smoot hi-bulk fabri · c;ation 'in solidS or solids wf:.h smarf trim. ~ic~ co:ors; S, M, l, XL l .' , • • j , ' \.£.YARSITY SHOP SAVINGS FROM OUR VARSITY SHOP Long sleeve ~ress shirts in button down col- lar styling. Assorted sizes and colofs, reg. 7.50 ..... _. ·-.......... _____ ' 4.99 . , Ties in assorted colors, reg. 3.50 _ .fiq ' .... • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 ,I ' . ---·--.---. --. ·---------~--·-----------~---------~-~--....... ~--------....... -..... -------.. \ • f ' ~ROAbRU"IER . HEADQUARTERS . .. · 1'69 ~O~, .. UN~Ett,1i 'l)Q0~1:t:::;a -' ·Don'•·1·:e&r.·nw. At Lee White's " \FOlt' ORANGE . COUNTY a.17 s7 flllly !ldwy 9qU!ppM •1111 VI .,.,g(ne. ffMI .. ,..r T rvl'"3' ~ . TOTAL TOTAL -.. ,.~~..,"'· """ .. ~,....,,nm-·· NO p ·A!ViMEN'*S > , t : . DOWM MONTHLY Md!.1111-llOht.! .nouldtf' -~ .. M.111f1c1 'tfdti.rs. · ' J.l 'I' I ,' ~ ; PAYMENT , PAYMENT Dlllllcllo mlrrw, H,l-9trlOrm.1nc1 u.~ lhatt, 'IPfcl•I · * NO ·IAUOON PAYMINTS ROlldrUllMI' l1111Janlt, l!Mvy duty lrMl,lo rMr ~IOn, ,1·,· IJ''. I ti'L'"'..,.. .... ,..J-·= =• •-·-~ .... '.· _1. ·9. i '9" ' ~ * MO SIDI LOAIO' . . -.. ........ ...,VIC'!wtv llNll-. j\llfp'-__-....... e.w.• 1oW * 'NO rtCIUP PAYlillNTS ml1eqe, IYIBCl70 ,. Y.t. 7Wvt ,._, C'Wl'9CttY. *"""""" to~.,.,,...""""· •nd if; '"'' monll'lt, "'"''· Wlllillil9...;, liJ.\t .iwi u;,.1,.,. CNrges .,. •llPR'Wll cndlt fDr only fortY-eltrht montr.. frtot -penny moA ' _; ' • . ' YOIUME SIWNG MEANS . YOµJM_E SAYING$ $23 * $23 DN. MO. '65 Po1l 8rand Prix $1011 $36 * $36 ........... Mttr ~ p...,,.. DN MO • 11rt1tn. w11i.-111. PG0-1st. PULL PIKE · · MO. '67 Plym. FlllJ ID S1 J77 $46 * $46 4 doir fr:":· Y4 ..,,., ... ~ ...... DH ,., llW llf, la(tory •Ir. AIM 1M. FUU PIKE· • MO, s1577 $53 * $53 DN. MO • ................ ..._ ...... '-2 V.W. '88 TOYOTA .......... 4 ..... .. ,.It :IJ4.. '$'An'.""'ll '1 · Pnce $16 * $16 ON. MO. Ill v.w. ' _.,, FMl• .......... l.UIC tnl $877 .~! $29 * $2t DN. MO. '63 POllTIAC lm SIM'dllrf f-Dr VI -"" flK. ilr ....... ~ ••. Pi, i&.H. IP1,._ "'" s577· fu!I . ''". $1t * $19 DN. MO. ' '85 v.w. 4-.etd, ...... llef)fl". llGU 171. $777 $26 * $26 DN. MO. '83 Pl.YJIOUTH FutY J *· M.T; llltdio. tiHi.t", •111'9~ -t!Mr. (l!YC-MJ 547~ ~::~ $16 * $16 . DH. MO. '83 IMPALA ~: ::·1· -c, $6'"7'· vlr.7hfuH • ~ Pi-ice $23 * $23 DH. MO. '64 v.w. V•rltnl 1500 W•oon 4 19ffd, he11tr. OSU t71. $877 ,':, $29 " $29 Dn. Mo. Dtr1 •.T. I• fl!n ~· °Allt .. ' 11:-.:!HI, ....W, 'fJT Mi. $477 :~1l. $16 * $16 DH. MO. '84 CHEV. -lit:,J-1. t Dr. tt:r. v_. 11:1. ~XK Ill. II _.. & __.., $777 fu!I 'nee $26 * $26 DN. MO. ANT ·UllD Cla WITN GOlD SEAL ' ' , "" 100°/o GUARANTEE I '65 CIMOLET ~&Ti $23 CMY•llt M1llbu 50H. \I ... AT -ll·H ...... DN.· 1 MO. P. Str., NOZ m. FUU: P.llCI .. All'M ........ "" •a ....... ....... ot ....... -......~. flllliilll • • . -· .. I I -o I • •o •• t -" ' •• -..-• -' • ,._.,_,.. ,-• .. -.... .. ·-·'... "~ ... ... . .. ' •" ' '.,. ,.. ' -I ' I HOUSH POlt SALi HOUllS POil SA}! '.Mausn ·,o. IALI HOUll,I POil SALi . HOUSIS POR SALi l40UAS .l'OR SALi HOUlll l'Olt SALi HOUllS l'Oll SAi.i HOUSll PDll IALI qef;;lt 'i , ii!._.,. ::*• -·• t.0-or • ••1 :•~""'~'"~'~·:;;;:;;o;;:;:!'~ooo~~~°"~·~'"~' iiiiiiiii~·~1oao~r;~ .. ~.,.~·"'~iiiiiiiii~1ooo~i~·;-;•:;a•ii;;·iiiiiiiii.1;•~·;·~-~11~-o1~-iiiiiiiiiiii1~11t;;,1 •11 .,. "9wp0tt "'.""" ~fti:IJ.i. AS i:ATDB 'ti: -· ,. .. ._ 2 O'PICIS: ·.:.1oo .. - t tNIW1'9111':'. •-· , ~ •?Jt• . i; r· 0\.: . " HAlill(llflLVb .' ' . •• A '4 "~" I 54t,JS1~ _:; :., 1 • ~· ~ I . .UV· °""'"I WEIK • --Cltan, ,1118l 4 Mdroom, 2 batlt on·lal'Je land- sc~ lol .New electric n111e extra cabi- ne\J In briJht cb"ry ldtcben. Coyored pa.tlo. $23,llM -'-No down VA or $1*>0 aown FHA. .. . MESA DIL MAit 5 •BIDltOOMS The cleanest, neaten home in this top area. All Ille kitchen with electric bullt·inl. Room tor boat or trtiller. Looking ior 23QiJ sq. ll. thal,l)>•rkles! -Thls is it! . ' IT'S LOVIL Y ON LIDO ISLE Especill!f' ,when IM p~lce Js ·a modemate S't,llOO abd lncludu a ~ ft. Jot ond 3 bed· room, 2 bath With dellJlhlflil walled patio. NtWl'ORT HllOHTS -l'OOL ...:. $21,950 3 lledroom on ·1 comer lot with 2 car far· 1ge plus worub6p. 16':131' pool with dreu-in~ room lo bath. Equipped kitcbi1nMfh'new D < 00'...t. )IOUSE. IJltdol .doUlna ..... ~ bdnu. 11' batioo, -)jj(!i, •Ip, Nor p&tto, dbl. , .. ,...,. \ I .•. • pr."Prioo<ttt ONLY ~.Olll " ~ ; • Good '1'tn1d,, ! 1 . . IAYSHOllES • ~UCEI> ll,lllO l<r qultl< ..,., On• "-!'Dr· • .... \ bdrm. 4 baUw, blt•lft'• .. PRICED ·NOW It S5f,,$t0. ANJA , , I bdmt. 2 bi.th."'..,.._ re. 1 / frlr. incl. vacant • Exqillent I llnanci'1I • 13S#)O. ' .. ILl,IFFS UNIVIR$1JY PARK BEST LQCATION • °"''" I Bay VIEW boMomln.lum, 3 bdrm. 21i ........... ,..,., attracUYely dtcon.ted, dbl, car pr, Excelltnt VALUE - Owner tranolerred. WW 1acrilice 5 bedroom 21> bath ntra-•barp homo-with nearly 2300 sq. ft. for '36,llOO ". Irvine Vl.11010 Vert ne1t 3 bedQ>om 2 BJ\h home. El~. Bl~ lltl.11ttp1a<e.u1.m Ctron• del JMr ;e Bedroom l'lorpt. Hdw4 fJoora. Pl,.US bachelor unJL Roorn for ad4'nL • ""1t..IM, 7llQ • $49,000. C.011a dtl Mar HOME.A INOO!l{E • 2 bclm>. Mme + turn. 1 bdrm. pr. apt. We ldtcliena 4 bl.tbl • OHLY S3T,MO~ "C'' fHOMAS ,, i ~rv ... Jtrr•Ot J\EALTOR · View ' ot .o1f course 4 2'M \V. Cout Hwy ~ Un1 .. r111y l'ork presents IXCll'TIDNAL VALUE 11 S btlhn 2 bath !tome on lovely Estelle 1,lne. 1 • 'J'lle,eptrr, IPf~ living lo ft!llllY r0.111 ont!Oou tree shaded ylnl. · Kltcben cablnell lo countera 1ai-, : · ' Be the flr•t to IN this NIW LIST- ING at $38,750. l'RICE RIDUCTION Drastic '"°° drop in price makes this the best a bdrm buy in Westcliff. A very light lo brigbt home wl!ll family jOO!Jl, Uvtng room & maatV bedroom over. looking loyely pool & cf;!•· $49,950 . 1DOO Noltlntlhem Sun I :30-5 iAYCREST llAUTY ElciUn1 4 bdrm AND den AND family room AND dining room. Sparklln1 pool with torr!fic entertaining or play ~f' 1Jl¥hly landscaped. lrnm•cu· 'lltii, ,! "' \ 1907 Holiday Open Sun 1.J · -· FINER .HOMES ' ' DDVllt SHOlllS -Larae -~ bf4r.oom, 4 balll home willl malJllflcent ylew, ovii' 3000 ~i:eae;.!":! ~ee~1-~. ~~~~~~-.~.1~ ::.at OPEN SAT lo SUN lltl S111t1a10 Drive . _....._ __ ;...• .... _ . . WllTCLIPP: -Immaculate 3 bedroom home, with tllninc room. Nowly pihtted. mov•in condition. Heated and f!ltored .poel, ~wlonalJy landacaplll. .......... fft,llOO for appointment ' lltVINE TEllllACI -flontomponty 4'bed- room home with rilalJllllctnl view ol bay; ,jetty and ocun. Lar1• llvln1 room 111d il!J\-llif room. 'Lived Ill only I nlOalhs. .......................... ' ......... $M,llOO DOVllt SHORIS IAYPltONT '--Beautiful s bedroom with pier and floit. Larft' bay• side terrace, hond1ome exterior, formatt!ll\-. ing room, awiny breakfast room ·with vlow. Larie Master bedroom with walk Ill' cloa~t. . ' ...................•............• 142,llOO Shown by.appollltment only. -• re!rleontor. and ' diihwuhor. Oorpet. 1nd ; j j dropes included. · · i ..... ~;;~~·:~~~·,~·o:·~::~;:..~~:·· .. ~ 4 bedroorna 2' 'batb Elec. kitchen. 11replace. flOOO ' 1pent lb UPi'ad· lnl'· Price onlY $36,950. ~ + huge deft.. N ..-"'· h E ,,,.., ,,..,~., dining mi. EtUng area , ..,e., • ...,~ .. .,~., .,"...,,.•.,•·~-··­in KJtch. Pool ~ yard. I' 1.ow • 1 ....... 14 $tll.SOO 1.ulkl Your Own ~ l'M AWfULL Y LONISOMI I My front l!oor shall be open wide lo extend' a warm welcome to a family lhlt will love my JJnm•culate 4 bdrm, dining room lo fabulous ldich- en. Be moved in & setued by Easter. 1706 Hl9hl1nd Opon Sat/Sun 1-5 NIWPOltT.BIACH -DeJltht!ul 4 bedroom, ;:.:ixt:,~J!~Y ~'.'.': .F~.~ ~rm~ OPEN SAT lo SUN 2131 Tustin Ave. 1 Big, bil f11nlly room with pool toble (It's in· . 1 cludedl and room to spore for aofa. coffee table '&ntf TV, and a !iroploce, 4 btdnloms, near country club. Ooly '3,llM down ond $268 · C0tono· dot Mor Exceptionally sharp du~ pJex.: 2 BedrOorna each unit. Both on lf'OUnd noor. lttel. 2 Cir Gar. Easy walk to shopping. Lido Jalo In laycntt Sparkllna 3 bedroom We o!!or "°" a 11!!"1' IQI In plu.s canvft'tlble 4en-the mMt dell:fraute•afti. ot WESTCLIPP -,Lari• U·1haped 4 bodroom home, S,,. baths. Nylon •h•I carpe\11.>g tbrougboul, intercom, heated and filtered I ' ' ' per month. · • . DIL Woll llAUTY One of H~. peacb'a most convenient arias. 3 b~i. famil y .-com,. 2 baths. Now shag c~ets, electric. builW!ls . with dl1bwa1her. $28;9!0. . ' . . . 546-2313 -646·7171 OPIN ALL DAY SUNDAY .. A 1 m 0 i t new carpet. Ne-rt Btach. Build a 2 draPe• and awnlnp. ".- Showa Hke new. $64,~ ttol)' and your WW' w1l1 bl mqnlficent If you pre:ftr -R I the ..., ,.,,,blinc d•olin. lay & Bea•~ .!~ ty, l~c!. ~~~"':'~~ , • 2407 E c ' ,. -.... ..,,, . ,..,,.. A pool -unllmlted ... "91 "1'sli!Way l'OOln for oQtd.or entertaln- CorollCI' dtl Miir. 6 75.3000 1n• wJU deliaqt ,,.., /amllY and lflendl. Come Join t>e • 0 I 1-$80M and '91)M, homes tn, i:O::°'::"::e:;r1::.l ____ ._;l;:OOO:: 1 ·~ono~·~r~aiijiiijjiiiiiiiiii-iiiil thll 11\0lf. qUlet' and prstoUI I llOO location. PrlcOd ·at ju It TRIPLEX B/I 125,seo. ""·-OfFICI OPIN Sat. A Sun. PETE BARRETI REALTY 1605 Weslcllff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 . .. -----·---------------·- -----------·------- ··"";-O.noral 1000 Oenorol ..._ ______ _ ~k, silii ............. i2st-Ji~li=·~ iohn macnob ltlAL TY COMPANY 901 oew;..~Sulte 120 ----~·----'"------I : ---. ---. . IUY or LEASE0 0"10N INTI RESTING OPEN HOUSES WE SELL A HOME Thll, bldroo .... two baths OPEN HOUSE lo,;-;;:r;o;';;;;;;;;;;;;;l;ll0;;10· .. r•I EVIRY 31 MINUTIS and oundeclt PLUS tw<>two I• W lk & L bldroom """'·All unito.,. SAT" SUN 1-S OPEN HOUSIS 3 F 'ly I 1100 . i THE ~.EAL i ESTATERS this lovely curtom pool, home with view or the hW1. Larp llvina: room, family room, 3 bedrooms, 2% baths, built-~ refriprator and ftee:zei', oven and ranee. Beautiful trtt1 and ahl'ubl in 1 ow maintenance yard. $57,950 •• SAT/SUN 1 • 5 P.M. . ----- --· -·· ..... I Oonorol o~ ·su~.AY. 1·5 Cotiwtlllelltly . l.Ocated . . n CoroM dtl Mar AR home, flrtplace, family size .kitchen, plUI a Mly fum1lhed 1 BR apartment. Try $45tlO do'l'IZt. 70I Acacla. * • * * CdM MOST Ooner~.1 , , , •. . 1000 S.IEOROOMS sv.01 L-· The pe\'fect LARGE FAM- ILY HOMF; comple~,eYtn to ELECTRIC GARA.GE DOOR! Lovoly c&rpo(a. k drapn! Kitchen bW.lt ins &: DISHWASHER! Spacious llving room with mulive STONE FIREPLACE. ld•&J.. Jy located J'lfJl' MAJOR SHOPPING CENTER & Harbor Ylew Hjl ' BAYCREsr, &auliltll drapes and ay ' :S BR I: Family. Country ahq, carpeUna 1n . this French style: $t2lXJ dn. llahtlul l bedroom lUI TRADl.WINDS* home. Mirrored clotet: ~ ta 'tMi· bed~s. 1landaca IV£RSITY PARK: ed. 1prinklen front and reai.! 2 BR, 2 BA, squeeky cleilll! JEAN SMITH, lt:Hltor I Walled prl~tf' patio, SU,500 <00 Eut 17th, Coata M•,. * 4355 SATINWOOD * .... ""' OCWI VIEW HOME YOUR HO~tE JNVITED IN EXCHANGE Schools on quiet trH·lined Sc!nlc Sa.n Clemente, Build. street. Auume this attrac-era Cloaeout. Minutes from tive $24,500 GI Jo&n at $200 Blach, 1~ down 6~1J"'a int HAL PINCHIM per month including tax••· 30 Yl'I· No loan !H1. 4 BRtl ADMIUD HOME lllBlvd. view home. Own-WE SELL A HOME with muter aulte, 2~ baths, .r wW ttna.nce on llbtn.I EVERY 31 MINUTES 24811111 ft, 2 llreplaeea, car.. AND ASSOCIATES 3900 E. Cooat Hwy. "";"-"'.;® * * Walker & Lee :::"~.: .. ~~:.:·: them thi1 weeklnd. Coron• dtl Mar Coll 675-4392 onytlmo a er ee """"'"'· .. ,. '°""" "" 908 Cllestnut "'· THIS WIEKIND + 11111 oom htat. ftreplKcel, ru ·buQt-ln E bluff' 2043 Wellclltt Dr. appUancn and private pa-alt • , 646-m.1 Optn Evel. &... Shown by appointment 5 bedroom bOlnt on tarp J1Sl (.Untry Clull Dr. onJ;y Prloed to ien at lot Many extrtJ vacant and Immediate poueuion. Et-CHARMING !l2.ioo. avaJJabl• *" ,.;., .... ., oe-ciUnr • + 1am11y """" + cupancy. Absenltt Owntt dinine room. "C.Ountry Cub OLD mA TE SIX DEEP ..................... $1.1,000 !:<bot .. " home, M ... Venlo. on 1~ acru -.,noni E\•e, phone 543-a66 ,II 2970 J1v• R•H tall 914 tma wilh Huie .\ lrnpi-.sstve Olloni.al lnoath-qcean >iew PROFIT PRODUCING umu OPll!i :DAILY 1nth 4 bdnm, !amlly room. ,_ pool •·.1~ lanai on 1'. aCJ'9 within walldn& p ~ room; OWntr facin& ~· ,. ____ of ~-YMCA l·S ,M .. bird aviarJ' • arape atbor .u...,,.,.,,. u .... new er out ot 1tate. Arry s bedrooms, f.1Ai· baths on . tJEWPORT U PP ER lofbM Penn. :tea.:sonable oUtr considtrtd! 1ervanll quarft:n plus BAYm! ho~• ,,! ... ~:,0th-~ : 135.:4 I. / -:. llH MiYi Clrclt cueat ho~ roo """"' = "'' .... -· Brand ntw l.latin& in Uleu. s car ian.ae vate J*Uos. play yard and Oceanfront Vtrde Country Qub Custom definitely one cf a kind attached l&r'aP• PLUS TRI· f btdtoom.!I I: family room, area. Spvkllrc pool, "·el M-D,i Mar Quite dlfrerent ii thia quality wtll maintained home. Ex~ terlor Ir: lneerim' qpoint.. menfl .peal!: or comfort, eue A: dJIDl1)r. 1"-baths, atall lhowtr, lovt4' illand ki"""'1 wjlll all bllW, """' "" H/W lloo;w. ~ ,..,,,, room for ' boat 'Cll' ~tn.Uer. Priced att $tJ,t:iO ., Clll to: ......... 'SMC I ' \I I \\ 11 I I I ..,.,. t \I ' ' I I{ \' •I ' ' $144,500 PLEX, all bOt'dered by lawns many txtru, electrlc built. bar • erea.t home tor entet· ca!J Kent Kinelley and ~e tttes. Whatthla ins, luah carpetinr, wet tar, tlintnr. 1093 Baker, CM. · N6-5"tl Res: S40-38J.2 joy!! -.oa arou mon Y two fireplacn, one In mut.. 2121 President Plac• I !!!!l!-11!:!.'!"!'!"'9•'""•1 income and tax sheller too!! er bl!droom , ••..•.• $9S',500 Sis $18.600 GI loan to take $21, .. Your opportunity for MAXI· Eve, phone 54M965 over. $157/mo, lndude1 all. 3 SR, 1%. bath, needl carpet MUM LEVERAGE with a h · ID ~· $6,000 Jnllial Investment; lay & INC Owner aoint ..,~........ I: palntlnl. Eltctlic built-in will ~1 • R lty I Makt ofter! range A ~ iartM.re d\s. owner ,,.. p unanoe • •• nc ,,.,_ Value Packtd at only $58,500. 901 Dover Dr.,' NB &ane 221 ~ ~·SUO posal, FA heat, do\l_, l&r· the ~ HIJRRY' ... ~"""" (.._~..._. ap. paHo llab, fenced I: We have _,_ • _ .• --. OL~~ltY land,..,..,_ VA lflO m..._ ---=-=---=-=--- RENTALS mo Harbor Bl~. at A4aJna MODEL: m Dlt..., Juan =======: 1 AYAILAILE '45..9111 Rllr. Pb. --lwo For The Money 0,W,i, lum;,hid ,...,,_ Opan tit 9 PM ' * LACHl!HMYlll !H(()M£ JAX ,1zw"':: 11"'i~:"i:::::':"I ~'m 1• II Four ledrow • W'9tfll' FAMILY ; $17,250 lul 1 BR aputmflrt wl1h ·aAYSHORES ar iUJY 1~. JU5 mo. ~ East Anaheim ~ 2 Bl\ """''· wl!Un>toh-5 Bedroom• REFUNDER ed, ~nt location i.t Come &ee ,this larse 4 BR 3 i 1A VERICK LANE S. ol bath separate dinine niam, $210 aftCI S225 mo. No chlld-patio' boat yard. OnJ,y Llncoln, 0tiuxe 2 1tory, Deluxe Fourplex ren or pep. S5S,OOO Jarst date entry, Iormal Uv. LTVE-IN the cus'°m 3 BR 2 Ing room wUh fireplace, + 2612 Vlst• Drive, NB Jack and Jill bedroom 1ulte, bath fireplace home with , private covered patio. Open Sunday 1-S. lautldey room, 2~• bath1. RENT tht other 3 units & bulltin 'kitchtnMFO. OVERAB2200LE Ir. take allowable deprecia.. SQ IT OF CO RT \ion & ~pense1 to defer LMNG. F.H.A. or V.A. fin-vour high incon\e taxes. II.EASE OPTION. CU.le An- •thony Pool Home . Palntin& tsn Pl'Oll'ffl. lmm~iate oc- •• r--·--·--· ' P E. 1:::11:=1 0 N ' •./, ........ , .. ,,. 1791 Ortnre. C.0.ta Mesa * 642·1771 Anytime * JC\U)lncy. $ll0/monl'hly '"'1th FAU.BROOK are a : 2 ~option to hi)' @ Sl2,500, house&, barn, l\lest oottqe f ~f,,.:,:,·SllO &: pr. Fa¢nl" strum: ·~ ~ l~!iiI _l'.s._""':...'.ciu_a.c°'-·~-'-"'. =-~--·-<•! SlCK IT TO 'EM! ancing or owner will carry, I' Appt. only. Harry A. Bott• Realty 962-6631 MESA YERDE • I. a tamily, fireplace a bullt-irui, excellent location. AUumt bla' ~\4 iro intertsi la.n. Alklnc n5. 750. CALL GLEN Q t1 E EN 540-1151 Herit&ie Real E1tate 568,500 Newport •• Victoria 646-1111 Jll LW l4Mlll Eveninp Call • e7UU6 Extra ah a r p duplex. Id.ell for an invt1tor or owner OCC\lpant. Thtse 2 BR unlta ani aeparat- ed by garqea Jor se· Huntingten Beach eluded llvlJll. Large 4 BedrMm• -$16,000 fenced ya.rd. HURRY! ~IARIE L"ANE. This it a Thia new IIJtlna v.'On't "Pride of ov.·nership" home 1ut lo~ for on I Y near Goldenwe1t Collqe. S26,500. Conttrnporvy fireplace in • COATS livtna room with a atone & wall backdrop. WALLACI Harry A. 8ot1• RIAL TORS Realty 9621637 -546-4141-(0,.n E-ln •I OPEN DAILY I 316 Rilr( --------8albe• Island $124.50 A MONTH Charming 3 BR home Jove. Indudint everyt11;ini! J bed-J.y patio, ~ry clese io bay room, 2 bath, dinlJw: room, am sandy beach Salbbury all built-in dream kltchen, Realty 673-6900. • presliie loc:atio11, TARBILL 146-DAILYP!LOTWANTADS! 2 story 4 bdnn family home \\•Ith coey dtn. sunny breakfast nook lr spacious livin&: l dinln& room. All on a larre lot near pvt Ir: 1ehool. Don't mill• aeeinr thllJ. $39,$0 · 1r •.. 1\,1,', .1 . 546 599C DUPLEX Move Into th1a larle 1am11y $115 Me. 1'011.AH . iltOme today. OoM to ...... Au-511o% ' Pini. tchoclta and churcbn. TUSTIN AREA N. ai MCTad. ·"!'his one \\'On't Jut!!! $1'5 dtn . .C ledrooma .J •thl. per month includes taxH luxury carpet1nr owr hard- and inlW'Uletl ! ! ONLY wood floon. lluUtin eltctric S600 DOWN!! kitchen. Jowly outdoor pa. . WE SELL A HOME rto wtth barboque. stu.INc !VlltY 31 MINUTIS BELOW nlA APPUISAL Walker & Lee ::~~rry "-... ~...,1 2043 Westcliff Dr. 116-7111 °"" Evn. OPEii SAT /SUll 5 BEDRM. • "l'OOL" N•ar lkacb l Shopp... MISA VIRDE 2612 Redlands Adult oeeup*I 3 *1t bOMe. Estate tiled lot. ' . -Excellent Value • $34,950 E;:tqulllte ex«Utlvt hodie. Oeort• Wllllamten SHI baths, Formal dlnint Realtor room. wie pool, loldl of l.Ws. 171-15&4 Mckin&", Juab tropical J,and. ---------ICa.Plne. all electric built. Nttld a ~y in kJtchtn. 5f0.1'720 11Dc1 i1 withe -ao11 TAltllLL 2955 H•rloer DAVIDSON lttol!y 5"-5t60 £\It&. Wf.1(18 OCZAHl1WHT Laue w/op.. Uon S BR + · fi.m. rm. $&1,000. --·-. 10000. ...... 1 1000Gtneral 10000onoral ·- • • ~llJC~t~c;uftem ., Tiwde For East lluff S.cul1lt11ll Close To Oc,an ' $19,000 ' 4 + Family llltl. • OPEN HOUSU 1-5 $23,950 N•r •••rythllMJ Unlwenlty Ntrl! lttt '"'::.... s>/4 °/o i...n ·1 Wow ,_ 4 bedrooml +' I flmllY !"""'-2 balhL BUILT INS• - OPIN SAT. A SUN. 1907 SANTIA•O OPIN SA TUlDAT 2to0 CATALPA OPIN HOUSE HM MONROVIA COIT,\ MISA • Stt.1111 Low down J)l1mfnt. Trul1 thla home ls in tm· matvlate c:ondiUOft. Fan- tastic Uvtnr room with rn&Nivt used brick fttt.. pi,.ce, plush v...U to wall cari>oll • h l I h cdlinf. Drum tdlchtn. with llullto J111 ane 11iunt·ln rtft1aer- ator. ftmlly or dln1n& TOOm wtlh 11\dlfll IJul doors open to exotic l•JllU<IPld ~· AIUdOlll oWMt. Bttttt caU loda)tl B<!!-0303 ' Te • 4 115 'llDRMS. + FAMILY llM. Prime Mua l>el !iler ~·· J'onnal entry. Lorie llvln1 room wltli flreplaee. Bii kitchen with bull~lns Ir diibwubor. Great family room wttb sliding elus doora, 4 family bedrooms. Jm. maculate condition. Fantastic ttrms. Dlol 645-0303 ()yerlookJ"' Sanely leach hntastk! valut. OWNER Wlt.L FINANCE AT 7~ FOR 30 YEARS. NO LOAN l'EtS! nzer -nttdl work but can be a decoraton deJtaht. ldetl tor arU1t or 2nd home. Only $311,950. C.11 tone-~ '45·0303 ·~ 28 OFFICIS e CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST 2299 HARBOR BOULEVARD . I Te I ------.......--~·-..-------·--~-------------- -- r I ; I ,. I. YOU HAVE ONLY t '" · I 0 Days to T eke Adv antage ' of 'O'ur 6% "/0 Interest Rate on the beautiful new homes or .. ,. Rancho La Cuesta on Brop~bursl ,at 11lant~ on Hqnlington Beach .~·-1\••>' ,j ' 16th Ii Tostln -Cotto Mou ADULTS Moat homes are bUllt with ollly, clJiklren in mJnd. We tisve five homes des1gned tor th& <'OJDforts ail<I' fun of il1lu!ts. lleauli!ul tO look at,. room for'bnbbles, private oflii:t.,llj!parate dining rm, guest room with ,batli. :S car ga. rgge, Walking distance to chU:rches, Westcliff iihopping, and restkurants. · " I llT'S ' ..... .. • . THE SOLD " THAT ''"• " ' \ ) " .COUNTS! ·:,( <?,ur le'naer .Must 1ncreaS'e" hii' ... ,. l.nte~est,~9t~s pn , April 7., 1969 . ' . ~ ' Aft that ts necessary to as.sure yoursell of · ~ · ,tliis. IQ.w interest is your selection of one of 1 • ,i•Our 3:or 4 bedroom. 2 or 3 bath., ,J or 2 story . F.OR A WISE BUY Co!esworthy & Co. 7" with 211% down -71/J% with 10% Dn. P~~;~7$"30.~~01~ ... s~3:9so .Y' CHIC, CK ,.•· 15l)· I .,11;.xclusl'le At.nl : · ~ , ~ "' . p. a:: ~a':n·~iA ~lcD'oo .,,,~t·~ lt.17.,lj :~~o~,U+1t: ... • ... 1 ... o_P_v..,.A_L_u ... 1s_·_1 °'~.;;.'H;;..;;;.E _W~EE~K.;;.!-J ·. -11;: .... ~fW I ' '. • l T'.~' Phi .$40.JllJ l'r.. t A. Call MM wr.4 , • -. . "i."''~· • S H H·" A Sliiopor 4 BR Coll .... .Pork l homes and make your iriitial deposit Of. $500. Coll f61·2929 or· 90io133* ony ·,i,y from 10 to du1k. _ ----- 't '. Nel9hborhood so hurry o'n aowH &: io. 10-!. 0o;.n , l -t tfils fi ,BJt A:.famll)' room spect ttils spotless 3,h + Grtat famJly J!::-.. -on cul. ! \ 51· borne in Newport ... ·--r,; \ • ' ~~~~ witb the .. 11orkshop, $22,95(1. Sparkl-de-sac "street Pride or ( .:.·. iJip:iind . 2~ ing bright "kltcherf1 witti ownership·\~;\ 1potle~ ' tiaQa. ,or.er 2400 sq tt. of clever_ wallpaper. • tots condition tht'Uout., 2 baths, l living space. A kitchen of wood paneD~ in Jiving stall · ' vinr I :~P1!~t:,~th~11:;:1r~: room. (i~ oew w/w car-~~1s~LL,DJ ·I•~ bit.in oven &: range ~ bea11-peling • drapes · 30' (.'()V· k w tpea. tiful tiled tops & spla,gh • erl"d f.rqn:t porch .or patio La.rt . Ut-in dii>hwasher • extra large • ~ly JOcmi·tropical Jand. kitcl bed- M"rvi~ room with loads of.. soaping wilh fruit bearing. l))Qn . 1 . ~ts • closet space. Traffic fffi' trees • 0\\-iie-r' Will ·•ll Terrific "1.lu.m..inum cover. !iVlrii room with fireplace "'" !: sliding door to Jttl' pa. FHA or No d.PY•n VA . 00. Pf.!J9 &: beautifUJ ~ Gentrol · 1000 Gonor~I • · 1000 • -• - -• -• -•• ;:;.;=~----"::.: ' -'New In · OveMOIU;;..' ~ ( 1· , Gttnerol 1000 Gttnor1i 1000 .. ., I o,ilorot 1000 Gonerol • 1000 ITS [,::;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;; Westcllff!!!!!! Sandy Beach . . THE WISE INC~~.,ELEXUN . . OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 A lruly ehanning home, F"''""' voloe. OWNER LOOK' LOOK' .a.swz-446 E ither St. loaded with extras. A large \VILL FINANCE AT 7% . EXECUTIVE . • • 3 • 21 btdroooJ units yearly YOU DESERVE bri&:l\t livifli" room with FOR 30 :YEARS. NO LOAµ Buys LOW INTEREST . . . . nel of Ji284.oo. Low vacan6' beaml"d ceilings and mas-FEES! Fi~er-needs \\'ork ! 'and PAYMENTS ·lluild1ng s.ites.tn· . CactQl"'f·Full price $37,500. Ti!~ s~C:e;iT :ai:s:~c~ s\ve .~ brick, lireplace. but can be a deqorators ·oe- ;, •""'"""' this 6% VA Loan , Ncwpot1-Bali}oa, Cl -R3'' _. _ · "" Nice family toofn' looks out J;aht. Jdea1 for ..... ;~1 0• '·"" ' ~"'"""• .z Easy terms.· 514 ¥1e loan, -1-.... 1.. · .. "" !"t'-• '"I 'j whip "'f.i;tllttit tennJ & save U ayailable, some with vic,w.. DUPLEX lo" 'wv....,. enclosed patio. home. oiily·S39".95b. Call. to 513~'00 in interest. .Ai.Mosr A'tl within one block of · z • 2 bedroom units, no down $26,951), Bright sunny kitchen uom-see .-645-0303 • }''orest ~. OPEN EYES ------·-------~ --·. --' tio ""ith tirepit, SeptLrate ,.again prll"e $22.!60. e4 rear yard. OnJy.Rf.5® fonnal dining room. 11.fa. . 546-5440 • Call now, it won.'~ lalSt. • turt'! mabicured lawn \\ith 1 54&-5MO "t ~. 4 Bedhioms. 3 Baths, ocean ~r bay, ) 10 ve:ts or minimum down 'l!E) pte"te with overshe sen.rice Olson tnC .. rutr. ~l'HEORAL CEILINGS! FHA. S34.750 _J • .,,, room, Huge bedrooms!!!! ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!I Deep pil~ carpets & custom Call Hazel Jones with ~ ~.latget,lot fbr,...prlvacy. drapes? FORMAL DINING Louis w. Briggs,·, 6 YEARS OLD 1: 1· A L T r A ho1'le with Jots of charm ft; f, (Osfl Mesa AREA! Wann FAMILY Realtor g units with room for 4 more Near NB Post Ole. ~241-4 and. wirm.th; Our exclusi~. ~M! Lavish all electric 714 E. Balboa Blvd. • a real money maker, .,..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""" Only $41,500. submit your 3 "large bdnns, 1%. baths, kitahen with WADS OF Balboa " 23.'53% return. 4 BEDRM •• $21,500 smaller hl;ime on our guar· h::.rchvood !loors, large 1.-itch- CUPBOARDS! Ptime neigh. 4lTJ.8llO or eves. ~ Exquisite 2 story. 2 baths, i.ntee sale plan. en & service porch area. borhood NEAR THE WE SELL A HOME Double garage. Bi: yard BEA.CH! $229 'pet month push button built-in kitch-EVERY ·31 t MINUTES \vilh shade' & fruit mes. pays all. , ~m~~:::::;,· 2f r~. ~~~[. W I k & l s'.?2,950. .• WE SEL r A HOME · 1 Land • Land • Land' ORANGE ·COUNTY'S " .. , ....... on .... ., ''"'-a er ee W1ll1-McC•rdl1, Rltro. l IY.ERY 31 MINUTES '. . . LARGEST 5!0-1720 _., 1810 N•wport Blvd., C.M. sprinklers. Pr I cad at An Addr••• of $53,950 • Assume 5% % in. " surance loan. Call MW' tor Distinctien Welch Yavr Wifol : showing. 546-5440 Hard to Find In Newport Beach . solid . Her eyes will lflbt. ·uP ·3 BR home • ban:l~ wht!n idle .sees thil bn.na floors, 2, ~th<\ •. ,_love~ ~w.,built-in .l<l}c~ with spacious living room has all hew forDilca top &. fireplace, w/w carpet8, 1: spla:Vi • AND new. ~tur-. drapes • step-u.~r kitchen , al_ ~ood cabinets .... Home : Uf lk' . 9 " L ' \I ACRE -R·2 ......... $27,~ 293 E. 17tf; St. 646-4494 TARBElL 2955 H.trbor 646-rill.,.,, Westcli.U(}peDr.:£v 548-7729 Eves, Gff.0684 ) .,.a ~r ar ee ~ ~~~: :;:~ :: &~ ,:1c:c===-====~-.;;=====;:, == :::;_ f, ~==~;:;·~:;;"::o· ~~~~~~~~·ii • 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams FOR ORANGE COUNTIES Gene"rst ' '!~:General /; 1000General. 1000 ~n•ral . i> 1 1ooO Few 3 BR + family rpon1 ,homes left in Mesa Verde at such a low price or $25,950. This neat as a pin, ne\vly painted ~ ls todays top value. 1~ baths \\'ith .!ltall shower, SPft.Clotls living rpom,)Vith fiteplace·.,_ w/w cpJ.J Ir dra~ -built-iii kitchen with ~ dlshw1sher &: '·t service-porch .\ fenced has ~ ~leteJ.y re- YIU'd plug covered patio_ painted in 6 'ottt. •Hu 3 Lo\v pricf' at $28,500. f' 0 o d sized bedrooms ~91 BEsr B~YS CALL : ==~=:::;;::l:;e::::::::::S;:::::;:::::~==~~~~~~~=~I ' Opee '9 .~M i·~ f; Newpo't a -M (4 B d & F ·1 " ., 2400 •-. tt. PRESTIGE NE\" • e room 1m1 y or ...... ENG!.ANo 2 ·,.torY: H~ ., .. ~, ·~ J' ,, .... au.r•ar. 16831 Harkness Circle, Huntingw"-Har- liying rm. Formal dining 1#11 •fl• bour 842-01« , . (Sun 'til Dusk). rm. Sep. fam rm. 4 BR, Victori• 2008 Balearic Drive, Costa Mesa ~1:':.i. 'ii""..:::. ~he;; 646-1111 . THIS WEEKEND ~932 (Sat & Sun) · ,finan« ..... 7205fo'""PL 2065 Fla mingo Dr., (Mesa Verde) CM · General · Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: Lido 4 BR Pier .& ~lip . '4 BR._3J? bath near new Spanish on 2 lQts •• .. \Valled patio w/lge pool. Slip for 50' lloa1'1 . '(:µsto~ quality tHiuout ....... '. $149,500. JjH! Clarkson • . ' I Lido lsli .. ":;~ ' · qJEfl. HOUSE SUN l·S ' : • '?" · t 10l'Vie Havre ~ :'Sl'BRts, -4 b8ib &Fam Rm w/wet bar. Din. 'rm, lrge patio, swim pool. Custom design- '· ed & decorated. Great for lrge family. 50' street to street lot .... Sll7.500 Waterfront -Slip & Pier Exceptionally attractive 3 bedroom. 2 bath custom home \Vith 1 bedroom da rling a- partment. Lovely So. patio with water vie\v ................................. $82,500 .Mary Lou h1arion .. Modern O~eanfront Duplex Located on best beach. 3 BR, 2 BA + 2 BR. with built-ins and fireplaces. Gooil winter income. Booked full for summer \ ... ''.' ''' ... ' ................. · .. $717,500 Walter Iiaase Carefree Beach Livin9 OWn your own apt. No strings. No yard work to worry about. Enjoy yourself. 2 BR's -2 baths. Ocean & Jetty vie'''· Slips' available . . . . . . . . . ..... $66",500 Mrs. Raulston · Cameo Shores Best Buy Perfectly immaculate. charming home with cany.on.. and: ocean view. At $62,SOlf .. this has to be the· best buy in Cameo Shores. Walter Haase Harbor View Hills .. 'Poolside living with fremendou1 view! Im- maculate· home w/2 master size bedrOOIJl3 · ·&: 40' Jiving ·room • owner leaving area , ~ •, •.,, •• ,,,.,., ,r~ .~:I.• ..... ,, .$48,500 .Mrs. Harvey . :. -• Ocean & Bay Yiew5 Sparkling ouUook from homes &. bullding pads· both fee and1leasehold. · ............... '. .......... From ~2.500 . i Mrs. Harvey • View! Leqse With Option Love!~ upgraded 3 B)\ condo with p0wder rm, wet bar and man)' other extras for fine living. Best Bluffs view. Immediate occupancy .. : .•................ $:\Z5,U)Q- Walter Haase Do Drop In -Sunday 1-6 BaycNst • 1601" Antigu• Way· Mediterranerul 6 bedroom cfeiuxe, ' '4~i batbs,.formal..dining, lge !amily rJll 3,1!. 1 firpls, game rm;-. 31& Cat' gar~ge. Fee )w 1 Mary Lou Mo.rjqi', · COLDWELL, IANKER & CO. 2200 1: COAST HIGHWAY \ Kl 9-3351 NEWPORT BEACH . . 9CM, t•h IMMy llftNc,.... ""' ........... "".. ~905 (Fri thru Sun 12-6) r•• 1• llM• """"'·AH tM 1.ctm.111 llltM .. ,.w 1101 White Sails Way, Corona del Mar .,. lleKrfM4 '" ...... 4etwill lty -..m11.., ...... <l-'A2716 (0 H whlf• I• ... ., •• DAILY PILOT WANT ADS., • .,.,.. UTZ-pen· ouse) '"wl•t .,.. ..,_._. ,... .... .., t• ,.11,.,.. •rtd 9161 CraWford Circle, (Glen Mar) HB '• lht ·uc• ,.,.,_.i•• i. tllh c•h11111 .. ,. Frltl•Y· 962-3748 · (Open Dail() 1354 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Peninsula (2 Bedroom) tHa.2000 Eves: 548-6966 (Daily 1-5) 546 El Modena (Newport Heights) NB * 1817 Glenwood Lane, IBaycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sun only) 642·5200 (Sun 1·5 901 Chestnut Place (Eastbluff) NB '* 1842 Santiago Dr. !Dover Shores) NB 675-4130 (Sat & Sun 1·5) . 641>-1550 (Daily 10-5) 31)9;,'iigpal NB . 1706;Highl'!Jld. (Harbour Hihglands) NB, , 1\15-iOQO , • (Sun Onl y) ,, ~Oil . C. • 1.<(Sal & SU 1-~)", . 7~~.>ia,,fiidM • 1 , •..• ,.,5.un .... l.•) i\".1907.Holiday.(11aycrestJ NB ij1~ , • 64:...s200 .. rs"ua 1~Y ''· ' '11· Br & Fomily Rm or Don) 2138 Tustin Ave., NB • 1• 115 Via Orvieto, Lido Isle 642-8235 · (Sat .& Sun) 673-8830 (Sun 1-5) 8142 Snowbird Drive, HB 12 B, & Guest Ap" 531>-9626 (Sat & Sun 10-6) '1 363 Vista Baya. NB **320 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 675-4130 !Sat & sun 1·5) 673--0305, 675-3243 (S at & Sun) 23cll Irvine (Back Bay). Newport Beach (3 Bedroom) .54().1720 <Daily 1·5) 8422 Gilford Circle, HB 322 CabriUo, Costa Mesa 968-2242 (Sat & Sun 11-3) 548-0588 (Sat & Sun 1·5 ) 1601 Bonnie Doane, (Irvine 1'errJ Cd~1 * 2215 Irvine Ave. (cor. Heather) NB 642·6472 Eves: 673-3468 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 11-4) 1014 llantiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB• 2006 Holiday Rd. (Baycrest) NB ~ (Sat & Sun) 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 511 Avenida (;9mpana, NB *1908 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB 675-6000 · · (Sal Only) 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * 446 Esther st., Costa Mest.11•? * 1817 Commodore (Baycrest) NII 646-2414 . (Saf •·sun 1·5l 548-4141 • (Sun 1:s) * 1518 Sylvia, Newport"'lleach *429 Isabella Ter. (Corona Highlands) 646-0555 ; 646-1050 (Sun 1·5) CdM, 646-3255 (Sat &•Bun 1.5) * 2620 Cliff Dr., Newpor\ Beach 1227 Highland, NB 541>-2313 (Sun 1·5) 675-4130 13 B d & F ·1 D '-' 9082 Regatta, HB • room amt Y or 9 "1 642-1771 (Sat & Sun J-5) 1125 Essex Lane, Newport Beach 2622 Vista· Dr fBayshore) NB 642-1598 !Sat & Sun l2·5l 642-1771 ISun 1-5) 2034 Baltra Place (Mesa Verde) CM 1408 Dover Drive, NB 546-0353 (Sat & Sun ll·5l 641>-7711 I Sat & Sun 1-5) :K fOOO Nottingham f\Vestclill) NB 2715 \Vav8cresl!, (Broadmoor) CdM 642-5200 (Sun 1:30-5) 641>-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-51 2043 Calvert Ave., (Mesa V.erde) C"1 1375 Gala~y (Dover Shore) NB · 541>-3081 . (Daily) t;41>-7171 , (Sun 1·51 1374 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 18835 Tabor Dr. (Turtle Rock Broadm'r) :iJ4~~eton (College Pa;k\ .~:l & Sun\. Irvin~, 833-2948 (Sat & Sun ~-51, 646-1!811 (Sat & Sun .1-5) IS Bedroom) 431 Lenwood, Costa Mesa 90ll Chestnut.Pl.; (Eastbluff) NB • , , 5404'120 " • (Sun 1·5) 645-2000 Eves: 548-6966 (Sat &~,,J';SW 8'212 Lambert, Huntington Beach· 2652 Basswood,, (East Bluff) NB "· · · 842-$11 ' (Sun 1·5) 642-9190 (Sun -1-5:30) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 6412 Bellihger. HB 54().1720 ,, y' (Sun 1·5) ~.. ..... isun 1·5) ••3301'Admifiut Dr .. (HUntg Harb) HB• 186l5"tos riores (• v) HB 1714) 772-9530 (Sat Sun 12-5:30) ' .842-'44S$ • . (Sun 1·5) 2522 ·23rd St., (Cnr Tustin/23rd) NB 1067 ~ltldot IMO'\a. de! Mar) CM 641>-9143 (Sat & Sun ·1·5). • • 641>-~ (S un 1-5) .~5~gua (Dover-Shores) N~Sun:~~s),c . ~ (5 iodr"l'm,( Fomily ~r Donj 1363 Galaxy Dr .. (Dover Shores) NB * 2118 Wlndwara lane (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sat 1-5) "'642-2~ · -.. (Sat & Sun 12-41 * 2527 Andover Pl. (College Park) CM * 108 Via Havre, Lido Island 642-1771 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 675-2000 · (Sun 1·5) 1929 Tustin, Costa Mesa 1103 Corona Lljne (Mesa deJ Mar) CM 540-1720 (~un· l-5) ~7111 . (Sat & suq 1·5) 279 Brebtwood Place, Costa Mesa 16 'Bedroom & Fomily or 'Den) 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-.1) 1601 'A~t. · 2821 Sening (Mesa Verde). Costa Mes• n •Way (Bayc;rut) NB • 67~ . . '(Su• 1-6) 546-23!3 14 Bedroom) (Sun. l.Sl . DUPLEXlS FOR SALE , 1947 Pelican Place, CM , *1\107 .Edgewater St., Newport Beach 54tl-l703 (Sat & Sun ll>-4 ) 879-2200 (Sun 1·5) 25281 Yacht Drive, Dana Point 1429 IV. Bai-Ave., Newport Beach · 4~5857 (Sat & Sun all day) 67S.7410 (Sat & Sun 11-5) 101 Linda Isle Dr. CLinda Isle) NB CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE (Sun u~ 1714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 13 B d ) 303& Garfield, Costa Mesa e room 548-1168: 67~1977 (Open sun) 140 Lexington. C..ta Mesa 30265 Grand Vista (Laguna Niguel) LB 642-1771 67$-4070 • (Sun 1-51 (Sun 1·5) ., ... *Im l!fgbland Dr. (\VestclifI) li{B_ 642-1235· (Sun 1-5) • * .. ...,, ........ ,,,~ ..... ... 54G-5440 • iaa'c1s ·of closets • ·PLUS ~ ' . . Preftrred l"xtra, ·beaW ·~&t room. Residenti.tl Area i.,.. v.·atei;. heater, Sprinklers front. · Excellent location ~ar all J1Chools. .,~-§,f40 You 'vi.II like this excel· Jent large 3 BR ~plus ~ location. on a ~t SIJT.et., Priced }o)t'•to ~ at $22,800 • EZ terms. t • ; S46-Sf40 Swntheart Speci..r a family room • In Mesa Vacant 1794 sq ft home 2 , atory 4 bdrm• le. famUy Verde. Ne.a r ahcpping Spanish Haciend• roon;i, completely repaini-schools. l1'uuctjo~ Door LoYel.Y 3 BRi ~1 Jlr.p ed interior, rich l\Ylon w/w plan with .1% baths . large raqiily room home in.c.qs. carpets &: drape11, terrae-)ij.rlng room with fireplace, ta Mesa, Walk to an. cd kitchen. \vith built-in • d · Cf.l'pets rape,, au elet· m_.__,D l ,hopp;-. ·?>. electric eve--level range _........,, ~ .. & doublt' oven, dlshwa..sh. tric built-in kitc~n.,Fenc-t~tive tile entry, 21: Jfv- t'r. Hu:;ie master bdrm ed yard, well 1$ndsc~ped. Ing room with firePJ4ce, with own bath with white Bu.Y IMl YA or FHA t.~ . •Olltstanding kitchen · with pullman top A oval baain. • at on!y ~.950. MG-5440 ·-built-in oven le. ra'""e &: •. Kimstock seamless show. ('r. Extra large wmrob& , . , Dt)V, quality carpet, &~ 'l:loselt.''BUy on nOld&Wn Owner Priced ' drapes, ·1* bath 3tall • VA term1 or 10% dowh. Eastridie Jt,1tJite1 2'story ·-·-· ' ~.... f'I Price S30,750. pun .. 1! Con~. i BDR., ~Ttc~~ j"J~ tic. 5-CIJ.5440 Den l Fam. Rm. &: ' ' 1 ' ' ~ftnl"'IL' 001 ·L1l..L_ • 1 ... Steps to The Oce.tn f £·~ • "' ViUlll:i , .. mar- Fl'ench No rm an ~ j ~ \ ble pull mans. E~osed :Htory only 4% yrs, front patio ~ o u r t ya r d "young". 2300 sq. ft. of Dbl. door Wrrauo entry, quality. Large living room open ceilingH, stone ' frpl. with marble fireplace & extra large family toom; hearth: 15. fl separate 1,.-era{l'lic tile ki tc h en dining room. Del u x" w/raised ash cabinet•. all kitchen wttt, all built ins elect r I c t1u i l 1-in s. I: brkfst. area. 4 spaciou11 Tremendous entertaining. bdmi.s. J baths, scad! of Rear yd, heatOO pool. closets. W/W carpetin5:. Mr./~1rs. drellsl ng rooms, drapes. Owner says sell aardcn ligbt.s!!! Priced to NOW -$48,950 -Xlnt. i!ell at only $37 ,500. SEE lenns! 546-5441J F'OR SURE!! !W&-0440 ~-....- Charm!nt 3 .,JWIL , • •·avWy ~m 1h0me. tn Mbi Del 'Mar. "ideilloca.-"' tion near all 11cho0ls • Md · ::t't John's Parish. Has ; w/w cpt. 1 yr. old -.' Built-in oven and range • DIW too. 2 .baths - 1e r vice porch· - !JPrinklers. PRICED • ON-'. LY $26,950 10 %,· down 546-M40 , INCOME P.TIES CONDOMINIUMS ·: ~ ....... ~.--I t.. -, R~llof F,;,,,, T•'I"\ /,I< '(,(r ,;\· E•~.,fh. Poin ... ;:· ' Good 'write off hen -Two triPlexe11 of Yatd work and pa.In ting. It s, all 'i . done for you. -See this 3 BR -i-, In Newport Heights -Ideal'location. dlnina;'room hOim with 2 b!'U,, stall Garages. No Va'dl.ncy hero. Ne ar show-er. BeauUful alnie1t-~ 'wl"! shopping and 11cnool -Owner re-~hag· carpets btlilt-in oven It range,. · · p · 00• 000 h 19N.. • dishwasher -lovely pool and re-i tiring -ri~e """' eac · '' ,. <·featlon haJI included. Make livinr do\vn. HURRY . )546-5440 d t>l\Sy. :Only Sl9,980. call for parti. , .1·ula.nt. • 546-5440 4 ·2BedroomTriplexes ' T 'th ·a··'..h · . . Steps o • e•c · o" ner de~peratc 10 seU thcae well . Q . ~· · ,. 1 N a lh• -an· . ... . ~ we easy iv ng. e r .... c . locato'd lr1plcxes-North QP,~a 1•1e~il' . , ~· Newport Beach's finest loca- location nrar freeways &1l,111W~ /,'fitio~ BR -lorced air heat.or 2% cr.nters -Each unU has l % bath~. · b~h!; \'l-• lovely• ba~":Jn kitchen - ·arpels aM drapes garagc5• Priced dishwasher -:tr hv1ng room with , 1• .. , • • • fireplace, "' /W carpets -patio -11 SJ..1.950 "8t."h. Sl.tbr'r11t your offe:1 . open but to pool -Priced at $29,SOO.' , ..546-s.440 ,call now. 546-5440 Cheapee Dujtle:it This \\'ell maintained, 2 BR duplex is a fine income value. Be"autlfully'l&nd· •caped, Owner's unit hu '1.fl covered ' . · patio. Separate 1~1es. Hi&h rents possible. Only $26.SOO. EZ terms. 546-5440 · Hello Fun & Lei1urel , Healtfi and exercise equlpm~t. In pool and recreation hall -. shrube, trees arid f111Wers -'td .:: ttriot' -maint.tint!d and pafhting t. taken catt ol tbr-')'ou. Come cllt t0>< day and Stt lhll 2 BR unit ;::o..with l % bAths -Spaclou1 Jiving room -only $f?2,7~ t-:-i io% down. 548-3MO , OPEN:~ SUNDAY j2:3Q • ~: i· P.M. I I 1!30,An ll• 1.,•no;WotttJiff 1~ Irvine Ave., Nowport Booch Newport a.~ch 1''\ne 3 bdrm lh' choice lociltion 2 Truly modern, Jar1e bedrooms, 2~ baths. flrepfaci, w/w carpets and bath home. 1JRS alJ the rich appoint• drapes. Prlc@ $28,500 -EZ terms. ments needed to make liYlnlt "com,..,•... .l. • .J.>n 1 !ortablc: Built-in all electric Kitchen, 135 Presidio! Met• 0.1 Miir ' aeparat@ formal dining room, expen• Unusual 3 bdrm A tam!zy f'QOtn home •lve '"\V/w carpets &: drapeii, 2 firf'• near all 11chocib. l Bullt· ln \ lt1tchen. places. Ex~llent financ}ng. can •s· lovely ct.blneta, form t c a tor-and 1ume large S~?O .loan to costs, (Take 1plash. Oubtanding yard -hu cov. Santiago Dr. to F.ttelle LIL tum So. ered patio. ~ $27,900. BU)' GI. to Anita Ln..) FffA. * WE'RE GROWING Excellent opportunity · for. salu personnel (expe{ltn<ecL or not) to join "old-line" Company -Imm~di~te employme~t. ComP.l•le train- . Ing pro(fam (clas<i6om apd OJI; t~e . job), Pro.fir Sbullig llpout 1.fedical Insurance!! · ' ,, ' PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN ~-"· .c •• ' 1093 _IAKER STREET, COSTA MESA ' .• ~ r •• -.-.. ·' L G • tl " • ... , .. • .,. Housiu ircnt mt.. , 1:101is•111011~ .. i-:;:H:OU::•::•~•.:..'0:::11~u=L!!•.....:"::::ou=••:.:s:.:11;..:0::::11..:5A:::L:..:•:...·_1 . ..._ , ._,:·,.-~-:.~'--'-"!'~'""", :!:),,;,.,;;.. -· --;:-l~=~~~iiiii~--~li!i~ -~noral "• :· .. ulc11IOOW.11 ' lt!IJI !!'!!!!! llwll 1m~r1 IMcll 1200 ""°~ Aft Ope11 :1~ •••• ~: ·-.Ill·.-~ .I ---j I '0'°1·N-L DIRs.Ei;T~~~64 "-56.71 ~.·. J.·· !'~ ... .' ·*:~·~~L .~.~u,--*· R~AL ~TATE S~LESt,i~N oD:.;.i:,,~·vA ... " .. ~Y~eow:.:$~~.= " '<f ' ' • '-~ -.• J ' • • Olltltei11"'li19 , ' ,'l!i,~--·. ''"....1iicei) ' F~trl!Mltlf; /lU\fo~ bO!Jle• devd~. Ollt • ..,, • h~ " ......,,~,... sales ital'! ilr. ~'· ag1resstve ~ will 1 • · • 1 ESTMINS'TER Ir NORTH COUNTY, 01_.L f~E 540-1220 Cllltom built 5 bdrm VnUJuai.4 bdrm, split· paid.• uu~ .i>l'(!flt sharlll( p!an.' several Lo9eiy corner S bedroom bomt, !orge anai, . , .. , . -•·'' Baycrest home 1nchoice 1levtl·view bomt with de· large'iMw"deYelownents opening In Orange 2 baths, dlnln& room , li ving room 'With at.. Hunll"fletl ... .,, S;I0-1220 YI•"".""","!' ......... ' : loctlfO!I.-Y•~'I' love IL llgbtful 'l?"Ol '& patio. and San Dli8o eo...u .. tlbls year. Out-lr•ell•e f!reptsc:e, luah carpetln( through- H • R I . .., • ,_,., ~\.· '·,, Vaolllll 'llOW.• > ,,.>-standing op~tlta f 0 r advancement out, dra)ieo .. Bt alitllul ir. .. and plalf1ln gs. = . . ours-egu ah ons-v~egfl~-91 . ~I ' , "S lcii'ri" bue~ on perfotmance. Immediate oopenhic Call owner for appointment to ,.e. •O~I' """~.f.11 JM~'' """' ,,,.,, •" '"'' , .. "''" ,.,.,,.lat•JY !""• f.ci; (:......i.. ' Lo el 4 t.m B . t' if you aro good enough. ' • 541 • 1444, 646 • 1711 ........... """" ... THE DAI LY PI LOT··"~ 1J•llhtt1 for .m;" in•,. t~ v . ' 1~ ._,...I N · ... 2. y :lb f __ ay;resf! Mau resume ~to· ..... ~ .. 'E. 'Ma,ddoc"•· < tM ..-e., _.llMhrie .tht •tlv•i'tlMm.ltl .,-rtf;t'ly ....,,_,.. er:y nea •uome n tW" 1uvwe-'Wl • ~m..~· o ~ • ..., • • """' • " P.art.Hel&1J!s, Good yill'd. pcl!ll area. LAr••. 11/11\9 Drawer BA,' Jrvlne, Calif. ~· ' ------·-----· ------ OLIHW rott C.OP'r AND KILL&i l:ll'f'.M~ ftt ~ ,i,iiltllc•tle",.r ~pt ~~ice nel1hb<frbood . wifh BBQ~&. wet bar. ' -Cost• MIA ' Weollt"41 11•~ ~"' Mond•Y MOtlona wMn itiil~f'I..,. It•=•"·"· 7fl~'1. · _ • 1!'~, ii • .,...... . £ ' Gener.I 1000 I 0.Mral · 1000 ' 1100 Nowport Be4c~ 1200 B:tlc-Pllce · • u MUIT HAVC KI LL NUM .... , ........... •.• ,. --.. ••lo•~ JER~Y; l'lt~UD ·.~ ARNOi.D .. $2 ,!GO -.! llR IM ..,... ..... ....,ako • f'MOt"d itf lfri e ltfll "WVft'IMr ''"'" ~ .., yur .. ftk1r U ' , ',(, -~·.a.• ,,. . ~' .. ~ . vEx' I ~ ' . ......... ..., .. ..,., .. u. ' • ~ • · • ~-• .... W.h. y _Worrv?, · Mec~_vev · · 7.~~~$21J)(l..:'."tird":i .. ....,. •fttirt ta ••• 11111., ctrNct • neW ·~ t~at''.hli i."" •N t Nf. twt we ~~ 1 ·~ . -~·· .L 1.7,m.~ • • C.Ji4.~'• . J. , • ·~ -... · ai:;:-~. bltna. 2 BA. Xlnt Reduction OWNER MUST SEL.LI 2500 !Q •. tt. of Uvln& wape. 4 Bdnn, 3 bath, fa,n room· Paved e•tra, parkinz for trailer. boat or camper. J.o~ comer lot. Room for pool. Walk to schools or &hoppln1. NO\V 0 N L Y $4'.500 -Be•t value in , f'l9t9uarwf'lt.iUtl• • ut1tU th9ad h1t •P":'• 1n \h• .,.,.... •. ,, ' • .. ' , .. A • 7755'.#'; Small 00..·n ~pt NO\V Thii btautilul oa~~e: p1'1!sti&e IOI: 1 -~ Kllly-for thiA 3 mopthl qo-,-1 e.xecu. Pacesetter with S brooke arade achl E ot IM&•4 •Llfllfl All .... «ricth• euh '" •dYlrtee 'Y .,Un ., 1t ant • .,.. .t .ur ......... '_ l -t1Ye 4 BR N batfi house :In bedrootm,-2 be,~ Ind ~ Harbar, lf. of Bater, Prine . NO llh9tte •Ntrt. -0 ... 1a1 TURn.E ROC'K near UO . ed .f~ rm, Olympic med onJ..y, Ull '!ionelleld. Own.. • DAILY PILOT nHr"t .. th'I r l1ht t• ol•lf). •ilri, c•""' ., m .... •n)' ~i'Ye~ I. .. .r--Will le.ue option or li4lllJ on SWUllllJlJll P'l91 •. Ucbted with er. 53f..2'l'60 tlMtttant. and H oft•ntt It• ... t-! and NIUJatltna w tth•lo't prllf NtloL , « ,, t . , SPAt,\1,5"4 VILLA.' contract. • w•~r.Jall, ~ h f Go-P'our Beciroom +·Pool Mall Add,...: lo• 1111, NtW11'1 rt INch, ca tit. 3 H-& POOL 1Rerql}tllcept ·of 'el(rty Cali-. $41 , 950 :e.~~ :i:er!e: OvertooS beau1itul Colta · , ~ , tomJa.· blc~. tbil pi<> la a wet bar &Ad many ex-M!": Country Oub. lmma- Thil beauutulzy l~scaped 'tUtt-iue 2 ·stOry liome hai • New,..., w... :U.00 sq 1t. a "1.950. eulate condition & priced for home on corner ,lot ~atutts ~~tilul 'eWlrriqtin,r .poo( ~.-:t ' lduned.llle' aale at only fl!,- .. doubl:e , fireplace, outdoor brick bll.r-b-q. 4 Iarse bed-at 150. ~Aor ~assume BBQ, IOlar Mj led pool. ex· fP9PlS1 rorina1 din~ 'rm. Victerfa 514 % k>aJt • $115 montb to-: ~ i,,.r.~~~t&rn!. llum ~ ~ a ~ Uy10c fm. $ ta1. CALL' 540-1151 (optn • this ~ ,on·t w1. · with nreplace ~nted .!>)'. w..1111 ·o~.. ~~~r.· s:TY. ' e\U.) Heritq:e Rea,1 Estate ' $30 'J.SO import<!! P~ine mahog· " s \i OWNER e utttr::1e o couNTEli1 ~,.. 1ocit•d •• t•ll•M1 Daily Pilot Cl1 u ified '.: CLASSIFIED l"DEX cnffhaven : 601 St. James Pl OponS11 & Suri 1·5 or by Appl. 1.tr, Robinson Davis Realty 642·7000 N•Wl"Ollt M'mteHTt tt" .~-.U., 1 ' , any Woodl work, all on l\Yu ' 293 E. 17th St. '46-44M :f Br. Jae tam rm, dbl tf:plc . ... lllWPOaT IMIMl•t -d«Jj,.,., 11lrlAu = Ope_., Thur .... ~ru SUit •. \ JAi.tae ·R-2,Jots, see Ibis o~' FEE •SIMPLE . Beau!. landscaped, shake 'OPEN HOUSE •:= w1nc:1,,,, ... 111NC.... ¥H 2527 Andover ·Pl. CM . t~ : · ' ' · CANARY .v -eLLOW roof. area of nnr homes, ' U.IHYaUtn' t'At lC ttJ1 l'\.tOa -I --.. -. Dee . 1rvm ·-COTTAG M ch ~S ~Ji:~~ MA• :: =~=:$£,iil~~1~ .. ,. ' 1···1~1·1·~ ·;-: d~vie~. kttd;proo.:t lirirht and shlnt !uude _ ~.::~" \\'estcliff. ~~"~-.rE s':.v 43;. :; ~~ •:~ot ., ~ S :s=r·::~:_ls EE i' • f Ji£ 1, ! ORANGE COUNTY'S ~~~~ 3 =.den~ r:t , i'~ ~~~ ~e~e: F;!~~ 3t>o';;; ! ;neap~{ 6Jt~~:fR~L 1tM ~ ISLAND GS eusa "" .-1---LARGEST apt., 2 double pniee:. La.rte patio area. Cl03e to shop. $28,500. Trd Su. Ca I I f , A choice Duplex on RI zone. :: H~NTldTOfl •UtH ,.... •••n fttVM• ,",",, * '42--1771 Anytime * 293 E . 17th St • ........,,. pool and patio with BBQ. Pin&: ixnter &: schools. 64&-JT';J(J Bayfront _beach. \Vonderful 1111 ~UJfTAI• ¥AU.SY Ult •u• SHOP • ~ Gttenhouse and rose pr-127 ~ ===-~~=~~~ nat llAL llACH ..,. HIALTN a.ua1 me den. 1.ocllted.on two Iott. The ~ ~Br. 1% ka. Ootitd summer .. & winter rental. ins :;:::.~u~ :: =~=~AtoN• :: WA·IJ WE'VE \«ft JHE ' houM! needs redecoralln&. ~ In patio, ntw paint. $4,~ 107 Ed93watit St., NB ~= U.•N• e11:ov• 'Ill umr1to1t nc:oaaT1N• tf# · JUI · Aak1ng $97,500. '" drr, take owr CJ loan $158 OPEN 1·5 1MI WSSTMlltlf•a 'Ill llt(. lAX '1M ~ .I I aJL "" -M . 0 •aJ MJDW,l'f crtT "" ..-.-0.-111.,, ..._ ..... ,,. BEST'~" WJ Jean Smith, mo l>'Ys .,.._,.,,,,o G1-een ans10n fi'I: 1;y ~ SANTA .... .. lllOftlff . PIS Just loll& eoougb to tee this 5 BR 3 BA 9 ' Fullerton 819-2200 ·-••NT ... •• -~ R It "'11 E t ~--H , ' , rm story ,...,...,...,...,...,..,,.....,Pl n• -A ,..,,,. 4'11 lflSll;LAT.-e f1M unuaual 3 BR custontlzm:t H, . 01 .n as o...ou1· wy".. '----+pool • ~.,-bo"-. •:"Ill TUSTt• 4'* IMUllAJfCI il71' · ' ' ., d j M ~ '74' nuut<1 • •-"~ ....,.. -• · courAL. ,, .. iNvintunN .. ...enr... .,., .. boiJnt •• Upper Bay.,Jocatlon M9viJli. tq '*"'. olllce. 50011, ~ corona e at"• u•....., "$39,B99 •. SW,OOO dn. 646-2M4, OPEN House ·· Li crnr lot; LAIUIU ••AC• 4711 IANITOllV,L ' . ,,,. on .~et sf{'e:et. Vacant fi ttom I.van Wells View !>opie' 5484333 splt Iv!, 1 blk Back Bay •. ,W-~u:t.:;"'.,; :: ~~1::'•1., a. ., !: 'ft~ for Y~· particu1af , on San,l),a&o in Doyer.Shott&.'. ·Stave _your doucJh$ M&r 29 .; 30th 1 ~ S REDUCED ror quick sale! 2 dbl gar &: wrk shp area; '"" :::;.t.'::~-•1• LOCl'SMfTM , _,..'family, Neat,--dffll l one-· Available now, 4 bdr.m· l r Full price w 1bll 3 bedriD,. · ..IJ..'1.. lned ~Td w/ rm for boat ;:: 1CCHIDOJl!"'KHll --' :: =::va ·~~.. · :: ;ot:•-kintt.------·· ; ~th, ,ram.Uy i;oom 1 ·P,9ot 2 iiatli h~ioe "ts' m,ooo 100 160.~loariit.-Doone ~oa~.: 0:~.~":s-iT~: ~:,:~1r .. ~mBr. ·~.~a~~ , .. 1.ENTALS >.• . . :t-• , ',~!!!!-IN9'P1-,.. .. • 111 ,_t5t I · $lf1-fOO · " ~~~~.:...carpers~ dr.P. cated o'U Baker . in Co.st& ·"": -~· ..::'• A1rs. Jordan. 675-1971 Eves. ..--A~ u Iv . h-..1 ,AT,O. ..... .... . t&, n::u"P"•tot. included. !\lesa, l'Jell' Catholic c:hUrch. 1rv·1~ Terrace . conv. lo make 2 Br" Wood 1411 I.. n rn11 -PtlCIT091Al'MT • ,uin Newport Open daiJ>' • ,184'1 Santbq:o No down to vets. At. this ,_. HOME w/ifl(.'Ome, $25,500 ns " 1rplc. 252'l 23rd St., 1• •••• ~-L_~ NM f>Ulfl:a1n. t'.tn. lltHlr '* Ori • ' · 'd ~1, h -E 3 BR, ~ bath, pool and View. 0.,.n Sat/Sun. l.S by owner NB, Crnr Tustin & Zlnf. 1Jll COSTA --· ., .. ~LIJMllH• • '"' It Vfi. pnce :you ""' er urry. X· .--· , ... MIM v1aD1 1111 ~~ etltOOMIN• ,,.. Roy J . Ward Co. elusively ivlth · Lo1v lca:se a nd excell ent 138 Santa Isabel 675-4859 646:--91'1:: :: ===~ :::t.:'n !:. ~L s11tv1c1 ''11 \lictoria lBaycrest Olficel tennR. Price cul to $41.900. -----I •""iiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,..iil un •IWl"OIT'"°".. •m :•1:::1~:1•• ::: iw Santiago Dr. 646-15.JO CURt DOSH, Reallor Mtu d11 ·Mar 11os OCEANFRONT 1111. w•JTCLll'I' Jue ll00fllt1a .,,. ~11 HIDEAWAY '"' UNIV919fTY P.\11: "" MD"' ......... Ilk ,,,. 3 BR, 2 BA cul-de-sac st. ua IACIC 11.\Y 11• • ..., WOULD Cut" :l bedroom holl\(' stress-NII IAIT ILllP'P Utt llaMOD•llN• • ··~All '"' 1730 W. C.OUt Hi&hway ~.500. Open House Sal &: 2 . 1Qll eo110•• 011. MA• •• ::='~ IUTCHINJ := ORANGE COUNTY'S 542-6472 EVES. 673-3468 Sun. :nee San Lucas, 54>I740 ed for nd unil. '"' ,.,... "" ,,.,.. '"' ·Rent While You YOU BELIEVE LARGEST UJ<Cl • 151,950 ... IAY ltU.l'IOI A9f llWI ... MACHIN• ••l'Al•S '"' A 21 30 o .. -o -.,h ----z -x ... _ v rd PROPERTIES WEST 1tlt LICO..._. ml .... B :'< .....,.,pus n.uum \VI 293 E. 17th St, '46-44M ------• moirla e e 1110 ,. MVNTl!tn'OM ••ACM .... :~~~I~~-...... l k. :~ uy a Giant fireplace & Bar that CDM. con AGE 1:::::::::....;:.::.::::: ___ !,!!! 1028 Bayside Dr, 675-4l30 ;: ::=:11s~~~T . = " .. ,• .. Ml!!..!.':'"'°'" ~~ $225.00 ..... mo. aeats 8 • A 4 bedroom + BAYCREST LOT 2 BR home w/inc unit ~ OPEN FOR INSPECTION '"' ••AL alACM ,... TILL ~ a Ml"'• ,,,1 .............. , ;~ lea-· r-,·,,,, and falhily room, 2500 tq, feel . some TLC. Walking distance 2IM3 Calvert Ave., 0 1 -Large View Lot?-1n• l.Otle au.ell • n•I t•1tv1C• ,,. ""'""'" "' • all totaled. A 75' x 200' Jot, Large lot on quiet street. to eve-"'hinco ..... 500 • Squeaky clean 3 & lam rm. Rooin for tennis court, pool, lPll OllU•I COU!fT'I' Mii =·M*. ....... .... '"' wants to sell, n".nt or leatt tV'U ·-·-2 to y ,,,., -.... ..,.,, N wi .... ' ., • boat • ·-il + • ~, 1nl OAllD"lM ••DV'I $flt T'lllY ..,. nntkm, 4 bedrms. 2 bath&. A 20' x 40' work shop lor 1 ...._ s l'Y. ou own terms. e Y paln 1ns1 e ""out. u<> er new ""' - 1111 W1:STMt1t9T11t Ult ... . ms ,-r '·' $29,~. You c.a.n! the land. $28.500 -l'ilake · By appt oruy Owner/Brier, 546-3081 eves. room 3 bath· 646-441• = ~~~_:~"c"rn • •~ = JOll & EMPLOYMEN:'f ·faniil y .i;oom. 2 9-1~ ho~ 54&-Zlll 646-nn offer. _.,,... . .L . ms ,sANTA ANA ,.......,, _ .,. IOe·wMtflo. Ma·'' , • j·ln ~i!lt Cps~ :MtP are~ TH.E1 ~ :e:sr4TERS R:9y J . WarfJ Co. CORBIN~MARTIN ~ lVSllSIDtl . .COl):.'!Il_ 1: Tll,STIN 1 ~ ~ 1·~ ~Ol W.UftO. ..... --eaunr •!p~ept. 4Vi ¥c (Bo>·t:rest Ottiec l REALTORS TOl•_..--.d , COASTAL • '*'°"wMT•D,' "'-I -f ·' ,r 1 o·-uoAN ... ,, DDM1i.1uf11 1n1 u.•trxA atACM .. . '* """ 1 WOMIN n. · 2 Q · 1842 Santiago Dr.'~· 646-1500 3036 E'. Coaat-Hwy, CdM ll1lta lint Estatt X"lS P'Olt UL• ~ 111' 1,AGUM •10ua1;: '''! mt ~ISTl( MaU' '' rijs 1· , · · Oh.nge Olive Rd. Orange .AaTM't!JI .,,. Mll ., 11• Ulf CLIMINT'I m e A•lt*IK .. ' .. :,, Nt . .., 6JJ.f"2·•''• '1 Office 637-393() ENT.Al$ . 's•• .IUA• <A,tn•ANO . ms .... , WANTID."'" 1Jlf oR~ftE COUNTY'S . $21,9$0'. DELUXE DUPLEX -Bi ycreat-a.r,.in Ideal ramilY-homll: 4 BR. le den, plus !am. rm. plus 3 Ba. 5~% loan. Owner tram. S42,9()(). Prine. only. 1612 Irvine. ·642-1231 DANA POl"1' · , . , .,. AMMC,.t. •-'* ~ :: BR. blt-iru:,:cot11i!r lol. p • ( '-'1 ·• ,-1c CUSTOM HOME* ' ~ Fumltfted .... REAL ESTATE, =~:~::':ow:•. •:;: LARGEST Rltr. 611·9130 Eve~.~ Nc1'lv 3 'BR1 '\J~ Pe,ninsBula rime ommertla By owner, Large 4 bdrm, DTALS TO SMlll -Gentr•I AGa•c1u.-. •"""'" HM 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 • Ka!NEDY ac aceut 0 vo..~an ay (convert. denJ, :!If ba, A MhA 1111 TlllPLIX. ~ ... SCKDOU • IJISTIUCTIOM ,... -----"' 559,$0. 7% financing. Comer 19th ' Pomona, c.r.t. ·-· t f .. v ~ SA DIL MU •1• tD•DOMt•tUM ftH '°' ,..,AltATIDfl -ONLY $1650 DOWN Ba lboa Reol Estate Co. ........,;..,, 5 rom w.esa e.ue VllDF tlll llllfTALS WA•TID · IHI TMIATl:ICAL. . ,.. 3 BR ,~, bath · I . nexl to 18 story Oldg. Fivt eoU count'. l'ilany custom •• ,..,.. 1111 tOOMI ,Olt ••NT ms M!RCHANDISE FOlt '' :s.' c ecinc ''°• V:A. LOAN--~40 stores ful ly leased at $1006/ bit-ins, priced beknv mar-OUTSTANDING View tn the BluUs 3 Br. 3 Ba. by ownu. S4200 dn. 644-0778 ~ :::i.M = :J. ~~A~~ •• tOUltTs ::; SALE AND TRADE ranFA g~ ~ ~ven, d11hwasher, 3 bedroo m. Wal) to wall car. 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa mo. Potential unJlmited. et Large lot -room for IWP091' SllOtlU me ou•n MOMIS '"' PUallfTVU -• · car 1araae. car-petlna' throughout, Covered $110,000 F/P • 29% down l pool, Call owner ~5459. Yl'10llh tttj MISC. lllJfTALI '"' OPPICI llUl.NITUt• .,. petl"d. patio. All electric kitchen ™''ll('r will carry 151 TO. BY OW'NER ~ 90¥t:• ..... ., tm 1ttCOM1 P••••n "" oni1e1 .. ,n,Ml:•T •11 Full Price $16,500 Like to Entertain? Genco Rlty Co. , 64l-4422 • ui::aut 4 bdrm, B1ycrest 1223 ITCU"" 2tJll IUSINIU P•OP'UTY ... STOile leUIPMINT lfl1 Y.1th built-in refrigerator. Gall to ~ this lft. lam. nn, lonnal dining l--"--------1 •rva:UITY 'Altc JU1 ,,_.,Liil 'AllkS "" CAPI, llltTAU•Hn' •1• Lots more extru and your YOU .t to U t \n. 5 BEDROOM •1 1tlt 1u11N1H ••lfTAL .... u.• IOUIPM•trT •H ERNIE 675-5200 owe 1 Your&e 0 nn, 3 ba, crpts, drps &. k MY n• Ot'PICI ll•ln'Al. ..,, NOUSIHOLD .... IOlt full monthly payment Is only V"'St~te our • diiferent lntera:irn, elee gar door 31 ~ BATHS -POOL ....,.. na ••ourn1AL PaD,llTY "" uuo• s&L'I' IOU ,...LEVELAND $134. F.P. only $21,450. Sub-3 BR. plus 3 Ba. cozy dintna:/ trade.111 proer.ams. . °"'"''· El-•P~""'•n. All Baycrest, I\'an \VellR built, ¥rMI Tlaun t'l4S COMMtllCt.\l. ... P'Ull•mni• AUCT10ll IW ¥ . do family nn. 2 lrplcs + play ""-....... .. ... -· UM PIDUSRIAL alltTAL ''" APP'LIAIKIS ,,.. mtt wn payment. Private ~ elec. kit. Reduced $1500. Del Pl!O entry, lg-e liv nn Al.IOA UM LOTS •1• AoN'i'taun 111t "••ftor Part)'. 962·7689 rm. EnclOHd pool .eparate Cl.II 675-6846 w/1rplc, formal din rm . y ISL.ANDI mt UNCMIS. ,, .. saWIMe MACHINIS . 11M Play yard. $52,&Xl. -"'""~;;,::,.,...____ ' lg k . IMISLI \ ,1 m 1 (rTaUIOllf\'IS ·J~11 MUS~L.•tTaVMl"1' I'" 1•• a· d ..... 111 BIG VALUE Walker Realty 0 • GE COUNTY'S REPUBLIC Home, l 1!01"-', an\ rm, e Jtche n I.MA ISL""9 \ 1ns ACllUG• • ltft Pl.IJtOI I OllUJtl 1• "" roa w•y -;rv F lg 8 S s-\•o/•.able area, util rm, 2 m•eTM MAC• 14• L.AKI •UIMOltl .. ... UOIO .,.. •ves '42-MSS I.I.I. 1.•19 or a e, room,y, 5 R, ~-------4 bdrm, 21 ha, xlnt cond. t d & WTAMI VM.UT tt11 lllKlllT PltONITY •* Tll.t.Yll lOlll •" '"' • ~ ba home. Grt!1t area for . LARGl;ST SS?.IOJ. By owner. · 1947 car 1arage, cus om rps ~ ~=: = :,u::~;.::0r::r. :: ~=~ ~:::::i'•. = PRESTIGE ctilld. High school ifi \valking DELUXE DUPLEX 2fS E·. 17th St. '46-4494 Pa.liC411 Pia~. c . p,1 . crpt.s. Owner. 642-26S8 ,... UUNTY '* MOUNTA t• a o•s••T ,,... cAM•us.a 11uttMtKT nlll • .-NEWPORT distanar. !', blk'tD Pil,Y j:Jark. Peninsula .-.kdj/Ocean & $l9,.,0 _ • BED.RM-. c'*-;;..,1;;7,;:03'=~' ~=~~-Wtilcllff A'IJIA "" tVaDIYISIO• LAND WI MOllY IWPLI•&, . . MllO s Bl!DR ~.r ~-~tbl• .... -~-, B ·-h!toct ............ ,._., ... • .::; STMllDTla 1111 ••AL t:S1'ATa iftllYIC .•,,.fl• 1Po1tn11e eooo• as• . . OOM s-~ \ll1 F '""' ay IU '-..... -... ...... FAMlLY ROOM BY OWNER: 4 BR, 1% BA., AY ·cm IN lt.L I X<MAlff• -•INOCllUIS. "°"' w• s:o.. .. lusiw home area 21.i Call 'M!U'Y"Graham, 3 BR units. "'~~ bl.. Blt.tn family frpJc Cho' loc SPARKLES & shines: W ide A AM Ml19lf'tl .. It. •· WA'"9D ,,. MllCIU.MIDU& •• ~ . · . · · 642·9190 range & Oven, dishwuher, 2 pulhnan bathJ, fireplace1 . · · ice a· & u · A&. "" BUSINESS ind Mtte. WMl'T•D M11 b&tMJ. Wnily norn, isolated Far•I Walker, Realtor ou-peted. SUndeck. Excel-dream kitchen lu.trous tiorl. Walk to schls. Owner . out. \'Ing rm " dining vu ••AC• ,,. FINAN~IAL MACHIMltT. 1"-rear living room; brick pa-built-in ,......,.. 'and --" .. tnns. Assume 5\l. 'lo FHA. m1: scrvi~ porch. elec U:-.:-~L "",,,. .,. " ~MM,.• = tio with' gal! BBQ. 540-1720 . 4 BEDRM -$2',750-len1 investment for home" .~ .. -u•".. $26950 * 541)..lnO bltns. O ean crpts & drps "'°"' ~11-'"Ha "" •,•.•,•,•,m,,, °'w.''2.."",.""'11s ..,'* .. ,.·,,.:a-.. _.TlllAU _. .. T'RBELL 2955 Harbor • income. 7% tlnaneinr avail. RoOm for boat or camptt. • thru out this 3 BR 2 Ba llT'UllO 1..C'ii mt INV.STM•NT .... ~,_ 4311 SVfan'" ..... .,,. "" [)(<signed for an actiVt: farul· $59,950. S134 mo. payment. BY' Owntr, 4 bedroom plus home. Prol. lndscpd &: .IV11t1-:::"cou-r.: IMV•STMIM1' WANT•D ,,,, PEi'S and t.IVESTOCK WNED C-2 for bus. Good IY. 2 baths. Formal dining Balboa R••I Eatate Co. TARBELL 142-6691 den. 3 ha. approx 2300 sq main!. wl children'1 play ACAttefl •• "'1· .. 1 2'M MO••T TO l.0111 :m.. PITS. MNl•AL ... Eastslde 2 BR home. nl't'ds room. SparldiJW . U~e ne\\'. JGSephine \Vebb, Realtor ft. S38,800. Owner will taM • ....1 &: ..... t area. ""vy COMDOMIMWM 7t1t ~g~~L~~S" C•TS Int 1redec. Onl y $111,950 -~ Convenic'nt lo l!lverytbing. BAYFRONT back 2Dd. 2008 Balearic Dr, ,,.... ,.... ' ,.,...,L,uaa. •11 COLU.TlllAL LOA•t =· DO*tMOA$1• = dn handles. K\ngaard Rt:al 54Q..l720 700 E. Ba1~ ~~~"Balboa XLNTBALi:t<>A ISLAND C.M. 546-0932 shhake-!'001 ,__t.1lmpBletes ...... ~i~ ENTA S •-•A~~!;,•!".!:!!'ll-• ~ •-•-• .. Eatate ,.11 2-2232 TARBELL 2955 Harbor 1 ,,,..,...,.,.·~...,...,...,...,..., View/sandy beach.I,,,===~~-~-c anntng ,uume. Y ....... cl' ·-"' ·--'" ....... Buut. mod 4 BRJden home REPUBLIC Home, ll mos $42,9JO. 642-1598 ....,._ Unfumiahtcl MOJtaY WANT11!D ' '* CALIFORNIA LIVING DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Cl-lARGE your v.·1nt ad now. Dial S42-S618 lor RESULT8 k lovely apt. Don't mm old, 2 stocy, 4 BR, 3 BA, I =========~ I ••IW. ... ANNOUNCEMENTS "ut.111111 . .,,, t'"'· • a*.-.. 1 _,.,, .ram nn. rttreat rm. 3 Car Eotlbluff 1242 A MISA SIM d NOTICES IWIMMtlCe f'OOl.S "°' I~ '-J'&&VO• y •vl""•' s.f D•L MAil >111 •n 'ATtoa · nu Ge~eral 1000 G•n•r•I 1000Gan•r•I 1000 are hard ta flnd! Sal isbury 1arage. 141.900. By owner. SA naN Jl11 l'OIJMO .,,.. Aft) t•• .\WMINM lttt • ·~ '" --D•aJh•, 67" ~ StG-4900 ff PAii: 1111 LOST ... , VN!ATIOMt ltv n..-V ~ ===~~~-~~ E AS TB l..UFF Con- dom iniums. 2 $.ide by side. 2200 sq. ft. ea. 3 BR & den, 2 BR & den. Eztra deluxe condition w/ choice Joca lion Ilk view. S.'ll,000 & $67,000. ~wn by amit. Mark Lei. Rlt:r . ·~=ti m1 ::::.~~M'l'wn = TRANSPORTATION "$25,SOO. 4 BEDRM. a>RNER lot, ~101')', 4 BR, .. ,..,. SllCN!Ss = ~~.',' ... ' ,, ~..,n =JnY•ttm -::! NO DOWN GI • 2~ BA. den, din rm . Wed Y&MOlU Jftf rw $~\\oil~ !&£!} I . · pool p(ay. yd, nr Cn,_• ...... Jn7 PAID Ol lTUAllY "11 pOW'lfl CIU•lllt ttff s· 2 baths i8o &ted Jiving room . -~ •• • ,UMl•At. DllllCtOts MM dllo.-&KI IDAn M1f -• 'Club, ma~ extras. Avail = ..... = ,LO•llTI All .... , Tl:All••s ' ... ' ' with fireplace, Encld!Je(I COV· 'July $411 500 Ownr ~ vi••.,., = ,•.••-D DP T,•.,.••u ..,"",, --,' ,. .... '!!!"",, .. -• "-" Sol t Si ,_ S •ttd UT.-.1 n...-el'\"d patio, all electric built. t.::;:.~~· ~·,;:.::::.;.:::::::'.'... '"" : V a. mpw-cnlmg :nu-n.·c-_lt jOT&ChuckJe inldtchen,darkmomin1ar-* BlG POOL -4 Br, by .. .,, .. CIMIT••Y LOT'S ..,. MM•• IOUIP, '"' .... :54()..1120 owne r. Ml,500. By park. Y•I TftUCt .. CIMnlllY <aYJO'TS ~· '°,..••, ~'o'°o'v·--.. ll lllll ..,._ o• ~ 6 b._. -· boo' t •-c.M. lnvHtment Co. ~m t *VIEW HOME * Lusk 4 BR, 2~ BA. family rm. OWNER. 644-2338 .. l. MU -CalMATDlll•I ... ... tommge m• xnsrn ,_ TARBELL tm Harbor IC .. O'I!& ..,. kids. MIMOll,IAl. PAii:& ... '°"' INTALS ..,. word1 b.tow to ,,,. ·6 56-5335 = AUCTIOltt _, 90AT CMAllTI• ... 1 lirnpltl wordL Print .&.n .. af HOME -Rr2 lot., ExceJ ;;::,=.::,.=,_.,~,.-== = ~\!r 191tVJC• ~ -= l:lr"::f:~·.. . = eodi tn ill IN af.... Westakl1. S BR 214 ba. room DIRTY 4 BR, 2 B>. $22.tlOO ..... .. .. ~ .. "'°" ... ~?. ~ = I I 6:lr 4 GI' 5 . wUfs. St9-1623 '" GI loan. $3,IOJ dn. Will -~=L~~A,,.., = UttCU" "" H I MD 0 S · . eves. help finance. Consider be = ..... , • ...... ,.. .., ~ W~ ;:: ,1;,-;IF'Tl..;;..;;I '-in1,...,.-I , ~ option. 0wnr1Aat 831-6341 ,..,. SERVICE· DIRICT9'1Y' _., "'' . _ . • • CMll Mosa 1100 ASS\fME U)w FHA. 3 Jll\, IRVINE TERRACE Ml ACCOUNT'llM ... t Q ftU Pan. den Ir tarn. ;26,~. U ed < ~ IMt A•sw••t•• •••vie• • ft. ~ua1 tt• I N Down To y I ~-.... ........ YoU ne a bedroom .... "''L.,,Ht't: t l t'AIG. .,."' • ..,. MttUI .... -_.,_ nn WOTNAN I o e S v..1"'r v.·w ..... ., 2 nd . horn "· 2 ant A""A111•• ft M01" Tca..s '* L,...:.,;:.,;:.,:.;:.:;:.:..:.~~-1 ' \: Quality Duplex. 2 BR., hd"''d _OfM;;.;:1'127"'°'""'""'°~~-I c. v.·t' ,,.\-r beauties Jttt .....,.HALT, o" .,. ~IC00'9•1 lllt 'i I I I j I n-,_1 )'A be 1 bit · ;-:a in Irvine Terrace-that ~ Sfl• AUTO •• , .. ,., ... AUff Sllll\'tcl S . l'A•n •••r f'"'.'g·•._.t'ees, • ' ·In ATTR. J Br. 2 Ba. " tam. priced rieht. One with view. U» AUTO. SN! 1.n... T•a.' 111. •Mt AUTD 'J'toU a 1tVffl, Mt , kitcb., l ata.(e5 betwn uniU., rm. $25,900, A.uurne 5•,. r,; -. wt·•~ul Call •-"•b"- -U.IY1rTTt•• ... nlAlll .. TaAVIL tel lg !nod y-~ Qui l t t "'"' u"" -..... -J • aoAT MAINT•••HCI'. '5U ntAILI U. """" "" I .. ,.,, " ! !'ff· 6 O\\'f'll!l' will takr 2nd 3)46 Realty 673-6900. *' eatelto ~""· f'lt-tSM nuars tS• HA WT EI I $23,500. Th.ii "-'OJft la.st. Call New York Ave 546--U?O .... IUtlHISt •••vee.b &#! ,, •• ,. U lt • now ms 1uU1•• ..,,. CAMP••• mt j I j I' I .:l TAKE TRADES" " BR. 2 BA By owner, 5'~'ir Corona '·I Mar me CATilll... •11' (A#ll,lll •tN'f'AU 'ft) loan il n • 9()() I -ve )2$0 ,,. uat1tWTMA.,.. .,. IM#ll 1UN1•s . 1111 Bob Ot9on. Jµtr Mfi·s.580 ava · ....,, · ...... CIW' -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j .. CARl'...,..t.. _,,. IMPOlll:TIO 1.nO& .... . lot. Avut Au1. S46-03S:J • "" ....... -. -_, ... , H10 1·0Yl'AV I A -o t ked hor fl(ll· $21600 --... HARBOR VU.'V lllLl.S CHILD CA••·........ "" MTitUIS. CLASSICS ••n L;,,r,;;..:...:;:.:;..;...'~~-1 .--'-_ •'-·-. Noah,_, ' COMTL\CTIS' \ ... llACll CAllt. ltOOI ~ r I I I I I hll'-nuw ,...... Cell .. e Perle 111S with • view, tor Mle by <M"1' ~ ,,. . ~ .. ,..... ..-n HU J ii time on the ark. As there ownrer. 4 ~ 2~1 : :W.~' ;!•""~ := :"ca~llTI• : ' ':!;·~===~=~=~-~·~-woa no ru ponee from th. BOUGHT NEW HOME Bath. li'rinc room. dlnin;: "" .,.,..,,,,... •• , _. ...,.. U .\tni• ..,,_ r clau m. prcx:n.precf: "Do )'OU POOL + 3 Bdrm + Ftm rm. Want out! 3 Br. 1~ bti. room, ~para.le I au n dr y ,.. DIW'TIM tSR'ICll ..,, ...-CAIH "" p. N 5 O G supPoa he did lo f SJ.30/mo 111¥1111 ·5"~ lat. Faul rm. f»I. new w/w C'Pta. room • pool m. >vd tu.tty lrvlne Terrie• 1245 ' • lngr . a Io fiah. ROO\VN PAYMENT S5!IOO dlw: Jovey-~tio I: &;vdtn. land.:.·ptid. M!l.950. Phone "'Whatr answered one aix· end R•atty '45-2340 """me 5S 'l l1lA. Top ~me Id -..1., BY OWNER 3 bctr, 11,i ba, ~· .,...,. 0 w n er llOl Whl'f Sl;i1s Wa,7 CdM ·~.,...-----.--. ~ • ,,jfh c nly --:-?" huae yard, Xlnt c:ond. $1500 ~· j:i::;c;;:i-!ii-1·mz=z::::::I bDPIW 0 Camole• '"'° ''"'''J.-JS,, do T.O. G.L l \1 '11 F.P.llNo!!;?~!!rt~llN~cls!!__!l~:ltl!! '1ifPofn.:tt~ Cd M HAYE JOU LOOKED FOR ' .. THE HIDD~ '.DOLLARS, lN. YOUR HQM' '-ATE~r? .,___-_ ____: =-_-. __ --·-=_._-_-=-:_~~-.:___-~;;;~ ---- by fHlino., tti. millil!O wOf"dl ua,900 r:wa • wnma F1<!'° you dmlao ff'Olll traD No, 3 below. 50-Ult S BR . Wa1trfr'Dnt No. 92 One ot the thrtt fine1t hon> • -"" ......., .--. ..,_ el! in th8 heart or Cdl!f. Steps DUPU:X or lrlplex W&nttd. !Wboa. Co\'••· $ 6 0 . 0 0 0 . 10 Oce11.n. 4 BR. 4" ba. S3»30.000. Some fix.up OK. Pn:Ur tniM tor acreap $119.noo. fBy 11ppr 1 Pti•. porty. 64).4U. .. ""' ""'"""' other. ,.. Delancy Roa l l alm 2 SPARKLING """ 2 BR ~mt.:.;;.~==--=-~~ U £. Oout 1"'7. 001 hbmet, fDcd ...C~. bJU\I.. • BAY VJEW Fee lot I>' m.3710 111 A llS.W. WU-• •lW w/ --1~~!'!'!!!!'!!!'f!!!'!fl!!!!""!l!l"I S20,SOO. 10~ cln. 548-86C Ov.11tr !)d..7>0, Ma-.qo7 DAILY PIWT WA.Jn ADS! HOUSISl'ORSALI! HOUSIS,l'Of!.SALI· HOUSIJ.f'ORSA~!i HOUSIJl'~SALE llNTAUc •• .,,,,_, lllNTALS llNtALS Mt:NrAU RE AU c....,. Ml ,I/tor I~ Hointl ....... '-II 1<400 Hunt!""°" llelch, 140!!' 1705 N0'1;:° tr.di'"'; 4"'" ,.,,,._ 4"'*' Uftfurnl--"""" Ullfurn-~ Unfvrn5-. 1;;~'~N~E~E~D~4f~AX~;;,i~1~1~;;;;;~;.~ .. ~-;,~Jll;;;,;;;1 , AM A FRl.NDLY" ;s4y SS'S '''SFSFS ~··MMe ,. 4100 O..rat 5000 ~ ~" 5200 Huntl~)etch S400 SMEL'TIR?. rtUltmn:,KOME wm."ITT~:....~E-.1/1, .J ~ 1~21 ~ .... ~ VENDOME . OBR~b!'t"'°i...,. , • ..,BO.u.r.'ii.tb.- Bulld -apl 00 lhb Jt.2 01\UIH5 """ , ToW,N~!I, I· ,,, ....... ' .,...,.. --"1 •Lido 814 .. ol>fo. thq crorr. ,.. kit. n.nr -ia;.,.. ,..,,,., New do<o pile ""' Spilt Level 3 bdnna. • baJhl or ftlll --· -. Ari.II . "°"· '190. OouP1e ,. eoll' • ""' lund<cb. Ad 0wntranx1out,uldiw ON THE W&'ltf ' :::.°.:'!,,:.: ..=\,!;'1 Doub1, ....... .;....."' :m:ruii~lf.~ IMMACULATEAPTS! =.~.ioiEwNo .r-c·"'t.acwtt.mn '32,500 spar~. Hua Patio a nd dra~·Jnr.ptaee, •l•e. T~, !"alri1iw Rd.~ DqdED. Ol'XUPANCY NB. ' Q , 1tO. Kai P.lnchln I. Alaoc. J'ANTASl'ICi~" ... 30)'!' Huce Yard. Double .Garage. m'!!iie'm 1 bullt-bla. ADULTS ONLY•• C.M l Nock So. of Orafwe ADULT A FAMJLY .r e1~m¥ 3900 E. Omt Hwy. 615.C.192 loan available. Mqaif.. Mod-'"'tA .. -n __ ,I'll-" ..._.__ ........... ~···· ~moatb. l'.o...~1' ........ e_ SECI'IONS AVAILABLE GOLD MEDAUJON 3 BR, --_ icently d....-at.a . ...,... _ .. ~ "E uu -.......... --. F1>' ~ ~ ... ci... to ~"'8. Pork 2 ea Cpts, or-. Bl""' • Chonnol R"f low< n 'w honey co~ GI "° down al $%1.000, Sul> .,..... "" ~la & leacli • Spadou, 3 Br'' 2 Ba FlrOPI. fOd. pi'. ~. 4233 191!12 BroOkhunl (Ju<t N. ol ltyouwantto ateala2BR or w/w carpeting, new ntlt )'OIJl'deposlt MON.ARCftBAT-Ainam-r-IY $25 Wk. Up e 2-~ Dana Rd. N.B. (213) AdamJ'.) n419Q.298J. wall WE SELL A HOME ··1ec. ol i;arty caiilornia a.. llNMy, ll'C. • SMJo A Badl apta. •&Wu P<Jol, Put/ 981 11139 !ie~t,pe~~:= 111 40.~T ~'::: EVERY JI MINUTES :i,., creatinc a warm a: 901 nowr'Dr.,' NB sw~m e Ind Utils 4 PhOne IUV, e Frpl. lt>d:h'~';, N'~. Island" Dlx. upper Laguna 1Ncf1 st a~~~m.-~. t::';.~~~it'. Walker & lee =~7:"locy~~:OOO --£:~££~TV:;: 00~'~'"'~ ::,.'i't!.ier·.~ .. ':"';:; u::,.~~~ 1% ba. large view lot, avail modern all electric kitcb. 1ti82 F.dinatr ed gall~, .,,c}9ul open W11tcllff 3230 • refrig. Pier, allp. Adults No '.IulyL $12,'50. 5'MJ °""-on with .. wbronte'l<itcl> 842M!ll or 540-51<0 bn.modllvlnerm. 1arSo cJln. * DUPLEX * ciiot·'' u '... ..ta.J3ZJM,,MS-31'5 Y-!Aue. l t. 2 ~ ... Corona H~ C en carpetln&, formal din-Open Eves. Ing rm, 4 bedrma (hap $lss..2 Br, be&m ttlltrcl. I ,,_. ,5100 T 3 lldr Sltpt to ~ , Ji Slla(ll 96>-25071Drappt all ""'rm with oxqualte LARG" ADDED mutor sulle), ... w/FP, -"' .......... btd pool.Nlee area, l •bdml, ,wo. lllllCllK ~~~~ ~-..... A .. 7Ul cOLDENiioo cryatal chandelier, huge l-, · hH.ttd pool. $119,000. Adultt. no peta. "'-zt.f 2 . Bdnn. $1fiO. 6£8T7f or "9UMUU ~ patio, dee; bit.till. 2 tr..· SlSG mo • -.. · 2 BR. Joi lt-2, 55Xll8 $5000 ~:m.: &"~.,: FAMIL y ROOM MGUEL ~CE,. Pool u..1 ..... 11¥ P•rk i2D 548-21<;9. . lnTs car ..... pool. $115 612-12!9 2 - cub. Owner cany lzt. '1%.. view ot the bay, 1'ull PLUS 4 bdrml, 21,S baths. le view, beaUlJ a: privacy. 2 BR 1" ba. M'I • OOLD Medalliqn :I BR, 2 ctt!R. dqp&ex; oew cpb. 213, 866-6038 r1 188 ,..u.ss1y neat A ci.u. A Wei! -4 b.ann, 3 NEW JULLIARD ' " n , prtv. >d: BA. cpts, drpo blbn, ...i. • palnt. ·1 b1k. lo 2 NICE Muses on dbl lot. P c>;.n '~i/Sat/Sun home this gharp ii bard to bath home, 1epa.rate diJWW S,BB.; fam•n1, (!OOL 6 ,ne )~~~ ~1 ~ ~. . ' pr. 4230 snaria Way. $185 ~~ n~~: ~r~wy; ~,500.' 6 73-4 169 Noon 'til 5:30 :!, :n~. priced right to :'& ~•J.tcben· tovelY area. !325-~ utcnslla. dishes, linens sm, 3 8~ ,STUDIO ~-~ l1i9 BA. ,tn ' 2 BR. so. ~lRECI'IONS: Pacific Coast Paul Jonu Realty ' TurMr Alaocl1t,ia 3 BDRM. fam rm," ns ba, ~~r. Harbor Bllo'd.' POOL ~u}tl Ollly, no pets, Sl9G Lido 1111 1351 UJo l1IC111d Bayfront Home & Boat Z.s:tory, 3 be1droom, 3600 sq. ft. 40' lot, PLUS. 52' diesel tra,wlcr, aU teak,, con:wJ.ete elecbonics. G.o o d famil,y yacht. .AU free alld dear. Term• Dexihle, H o m e $250,000 • b o at, $150,CNXl. Princlpals only, Shown by appointment. Clairt Vin Horn REALTOR 54&-9349 .. :S,00 ~!1io ':; ~ 147·1266 Eves. 536-7124 682 .No. Cout Blvd. PXSi ter·mo •• ., ll!a.le • · . mo. ·5C&-6'St5 • ' ~:S~idP~. H.B. (TI4) 772-9430 Laguna Beach (114) 4&4-ll71 * 833-01.M * DELUXEHOLIDA :.~~1 ft.a-. ADULTS ONLY REAL EST Mortgage Servidng A=. Huntington • IP'~ ·~m. ' Newport Hp. 5210 . ATE H•rbour 1405 ~una. Ni1N1 1707 Coron• dtl Mer 3250 ~~ apoolpt •. i:.1:1~.i?it.!1~ 1741 Tuttln Avtnue SPACIOUS 2. &droom atp., Gener1I GLEN MA-R -~-~ off 17th 5trMt ::-"'."":"""',.-----t SALE·BY OWNER LOVELY home with apac. 2 BR home, extra wide lot, No children. No peta Cosio .. __ 0 ,.2 ,,.1 just re'n""o vat ed. Only Rent1ll W1m.d 5 3 BR I%. bath, $19,500 with frp1 formal 1965 Po CM '"" --min from aho ------..:;..._;;.:.::1 $1950 down.· GU buUt·in , '.@Al.ISl'ERRED. view, atop eentle .rolling c,. din/nn, dbl mona, utes ·~--... !'' area 1 BDRM u·•-A 2 Story 4 BR, 3 BA CoIOnial. bills, qUiet cUl;, de -.c. f gar, .pa.tio, lndry lll"I!&. $275. MOD. l·Br., attr. fUrn.; walk It Newport nAlvur. $155. u•w-u pt in. range , oven. di$1lwaaber, 3 car 1ar. Near sciioola. BR, 2 ba. Bkr,' l15-4mo Scenic Propertie1 6T5-S726 lo Harbor Shop'g. Center. HARBOR ca.u Mrs. Dom, Sat .l SUn, Beach area for emplo)'\!d !,~~a~~~~~ra= shop'g I: trailsportation. U:iw SPACIOUS 3 8R plua family 2 BR. duplex; redec W/W $ll0. No pebl, no children. 6'1Ws96 . " ~p to .S 11 OIm 0 • ocapod. do"'· """"'-~Ii ~APl!J600 oq. crpta, drps, -··rd., Ip!, ......,.,, ~. ~ l2iO ~REENS 2 BDRM, pool, "1>le ~ elec TWO STORY tfiB31 Harkness Circle. ft. Fllllo prioe..$27)000. Place gar., patio. Adults, no pets. Maple St. U ,tJar.b.q, no chlld or pet.. e LANDLORDS e 5 BR 2 bath, built·ill range 846-0l.44 Realty ~ Lse. $210. 873-4989 $135 MO. dlx. mobll home Util pd, $110 Mo. 548-7325 FREE 'RENTAL SER ' & '·-ll"-.,_ hid pool dJ"· BACHELOR • UNFURN, Broker 5.14'982 w1::,.;~~ k!tcl:n!= Fount1in Volley 1410 ·Dono Point 1730 lolbM ·}. '., . 3JOO Nom';;.~"."4 .Sea'°"";~ ftOm $100.. 1 .. 1 Bluff 5241 GRANDMOTllERd"lr< lly room combination, car-4 BR. 2 BA. large fam rm. 25281 YACHT Dr, by owner. 3 ~..._3···BA.· Ire liV . rrii, Efst. 2359 N'pt. Btr •. MMm ' ALSO AVAILABLE e NEW DELUXE e roorn or Ille: apt. hi', pets, $1300 down, Move fast! kit compl with. btt·ins &: 3 BR, · conv den, l" BA, tam rm/din nn, frplc; 2 flt Bacbelm1 R,tfria, }*>t . 1 -2 A 3 BDRM. 3 Br. 2'i9 ba, apt. for lease', : on Peninsula. 6'f5..29!H 1 ' d~hwasher, c r p t I d r p s ~% FHA. $26, 750. 496-5857 stry. 2 car gar. Yearly lease plate util pt Woman only. Heated Poola, Child ~ Incl. spac. matr. suite, din ANTED: AroijlQ May 3 1 i@l_J lflJWtl! thruout. Fully sprinklered RENTALS -Refs only, Aft 7 pm. OR 6'2-5046 Center, Adj. to Sboppi.p&-rm. &: dbl. 1prage, auto. unfurni.shed 4 bdrm I. de T!!i''lllflr' &: landscpd, circ patio in Hous" Furnished H!ll7 2-1 BR furn. apts. Avail No pet& allawed , i. , door opener ,aVail. Pool & 3 00. house. 673-4f53. 9-5 .... OPEN SlJN 1-5 rear. Aft 5, ~. $27,950. April I. $12:5 month. 2100 Peterson Way, at Hlr-~ area. Nr. :<:athollc' DOUBLE Garage, CdM, f 115 Via Orvitto 1705 Gtneril 2000 Huntington lt•ch 3400 646-4039 bor & Ad~~'-Mesa. Church &: school I. Corona stm·agc. To S20 mo. Priva First time on market. Cus-Assume 5% % 61 I ·L·a~g~uiiniioiiS..iiiiiiichiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $160· 2 BR d 1 1 d FOR RENT 1 BR., uttl pd. Pool. No del Mar High. party. 67>2351 tom2BR,2 ba,famrm II , up~.e~ ,, T .-childrenorpets .•• e ONLYflSO • 1rUNFURN~BR •or2 home. Light 9.nd' airy'_ ex. on this 2 story 4 BR beauty, yd., w/w-, 1garap. Children lW ~~~. ownhoUSe -l80l Whittier SL 64"222 •2 Ney'LY DECORATED e ·~.m., ~gos W93, N.B. BR bse w/ 'pr in tra sharp! $51,500 shows like a model home & • OK, Broker 534-6980 asucr, .... ,.er, retrigerator, BR. w/r.uqe -dilposal SPLIT-LEVEL. luxury view Yrly. Refs, 675-5414 LIDO REAL TY, INC. in excellent area near the ___ ~ built·in rs.nae & oven, car-QUIET deluxe 2 BR. lmmac. • 1ardenu -water paJd _ 2 bdnn, 2 ba;i lease. 3400 Via Lido 673-8830 beach. A bargain at Rentals t.t:.shire . 2005 pets &: drapes. PJ:ivate par-Adults only. No pe.ts. ~ 2194 Placentia Apt D $105 Available soon.·~. Rooms for Rent ' 5 l'll=:i=:i=:ill!=:i=:i:==:: I $35 750 , ty. 81143 Continental, H.B. month. 1974 Wallace. 1571 Orange Apt s mo , Ii t EXEC. will share waterfront fl62.6IW6 5e Bernard Apt B $105 (:9,.,..-;I MtiJ' 5250, ~I J DJE « wOrlcimc ' A Surprl11 Aw•il1 You 9082 REGATIA -· w/2 bad>elon, wni. FREE RENTAL BOOK Nr rt -h 4200 212' Pla"nlla Apt B . Sll5 ' II!< on e.i Ji!. Kl~~ Cheerlul 2 Bd. on 35'. Has Open Sot./Sun. 1..S ' Box~· !rvino, Cal, !12"6<: DROP IN & BROWSE -• ' ' • -• , tlimoI rm ind. $55. Mo . lovo)y South Patio. Beam-('UTE If A incl. "'"· w lk SINGLE Young Adults Lux-1 BR. opt./..,,., blt-m., • -"P 61'h1613 '' ed ceilirtgll in LR. Raised PERRON REALTY AJ STABLE Youna: work inc a er & Lee ury garden apts with coun-~ .stove, pvt P&Uo. tJ,..~ SLEEPING ~-for m fplc. End of Island, $41,500 642· 1 n1 \\'Oman to aha.re luxury try culb atmosphere and IWimming pool, laundry prvt. home & entry; ' firm. I "'"'l'"l'!~!'l'!~~!!'!""" BUG'S W Back Bay Condo.; $100 mo. 7682 Ed~r complete privacy. SOUTH tacll. Mature adllJts. 'No mo only $40. 1543 Oni.nnr. R. C. GREER, Realty I AM ANXIOUSI 64U656 842-4455 or MD-5140 BAY CLUB APTS. Inine petl. $115/mo. 546-8081 ON TEN ACRES CM ~·---71 335.5 Via Lido ~ 9300 n..... E ft& -'-• .,,,,.. Just take a look at my 3 bed. That's the best way to des· GIRL to share duplex in ... .,..n ves. at 16th (';;'4~~ui.. }fODERN 2 Br. with alaas 1 &: !! BR. Furn A Unfum EMP. Men; aep. entry, qui!fl room home &: you won't be crlbe this home. It's situat. N'pt. Beach: $67 Monthly IDEAL 1or the amaller fami· walled liv. rm., beamed Frplcs I priv. patio11Pools. $55 Mo. or weeklyO $70 Ma; CHARM! Cheerful and immaculate 3 BR, 3% ba, 2 Frplcs. Din/ rm plus fam rm. Lovely st/St 2-story home • $59,500. WALKER REALTY Call Mrs:. Nash 675-2676 BIG FAMILY t,tOME Move by SUmmer. 5 Bd., !am. rm, 5 BA, Din; wrk rm, 1>oat or Srd ca.e.space. 50' earner, w/rm for pool. $100,000. R. C. GREER, Realty 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 80' BAYFRONT. Finest heh &: Joe on Lido. Will sell 40' or 80', 3-6 units. Ideal for HOME & INCOME. Drive by W Via Lido Nord. then call 673--0305 o r 675-3243 BY OWNER 2 Br, I ba, frplc, bltns, plyrm & ba. Best Lido bey $44,500. n41""""23 45' LOT $47,500 $7500 down, 3 BR, I~ Ba, bltins, expandable 675-2643 Balbo• lsl1nd 1355 ISLAND SPARKLER! 3 BR, 2 BA duplex A Buy at $71,000 CANNON REALTY 30.ll E. Coast HW)' Oil. 675-3581 able to pus it up. Carpet-ed in one of '··e most de-613-7444 After$ PM ly. 3 Br. w/den, cpts, drps, ceilings, & very ~ patiO. Tennis -Contnt'l Bkfst. put· w/ kitchen. 5@-6986 , ing throughout is jU&t like sirable areas of Lagima, a ROOMMATE aervice. male bltns, dshwhr. P 0-0 L. lilboi 4300 $145. On E. 16th St. See t1tW green. • new. Nice large back yard. few blocks to the beach, and or female. Etlic~nt & Gardener flll'fl. Walk to Mgr. at llt E. 20th, C.M.. 9IX) Sta Lane, CdM ~ Guest Hornes 59' Kitchen is all 'built-ins in--on a large, firxe. tree-stud· qualWed. 835-noo schools. ~1 CLEAN Bachelor Apts. 2 BR unfurn, refrir. blt-in <MacArthur nr. Coast Hwyl eluding refrigerator. Many ded loL BUSINESS woman over 23 3 BR 2 baths, blt-ins, drpl. All util incl S75 up stove, carpets, d r a Pe 8 , PRIVATE Room in li~ extras and best of an you to share lllXUl'Y apt. at So. A_ll fenced &: close to 8~ 315 E. Balboa Blvd. redec; no pets, $l30 mo. OPEN Sat., 1-4; SUn. 2-5. =:e for e I d er I y assume my 6% V.A. loan. The master IUite ls on one Bay Club N.B 642..ms ping center $.l 151 m 0 • BALBOA 673-9945 ~ wnson; CM. 545-0760 ~1Ai Poill8ettia, CdM. 1-Br. tory lady or gentlernei\ Your tu1J monthly payment side ol this apacious home, • • 962-:4391 llft 5 PM _priv, yd. Adults only, no 548-52'l5 . "' is $134. P.I.T.I. F.P. is with dreaing room, private LADY to share home w/l 3 . FQR Rent Spacious 2 ~!'M ptU. (ll ~ • -;:r=::::==C:=:::3 ~.«50, ~t -_dow~ Pri-bath• and Jarge view bed· or more employed ladies. BDRM, hlt-inll, wall to Lido 111• 4351 apt. W /prtvate yard, cloae ' Mrsc R t I ~ Partyi 98\-"ftia§ :t_ romis. Family rooht with Fum own bdrm. 536-1986 wall crpts, drps, 2 baths, to· tchool., Crpta I. t-4rpl, .. lbN 5306 • tn I I 4-BDRM, 2...1*,h°._.,i:....,;1.. servit:IC" bar ' tram builtin -fncd yard. $215. 962-0'148 WATERFRONT Apt, wee'\1Y• $130 .. fi26...li046 Strangm&n ' • . , .DESIRE Cl!:.l'B&e or -~~ Jli~;,•-,a!-CostoMolO 2100 31Jl,l\jli\l<n.~n-~0"":·can·M4-1'611 CLEAN~ Ittr. l llil= (ll\ACIOUS 'Adult IJvlntt:l iP&co appij,;/'Z)'.biil• ~s:.~ 1!!~ driftw<>od. with pure vinyl ~~··,, , , 1 ~~~•!....• ec'l 'Porch.'.' POOl..i Ref. $250. H_._L_@CU~~. 1few cpts, drps: ' JJl~ OOean I. Bay view. Sp&ciOu'.i, ~ P[d• ni; St~~ double garaft, all new •_....1.aad:facea.oWIWilJo ·~~·~"'~ Lse.540-., 1 ..-••""'"l!!!i!·:~ 'C!llr"J)Cll1. No pets; ii!ful .2, BR. 2 BA.,,,walk ~1 1'~,-·, " -" 1 drapes. ~-,...: ... ljO,· 'tenied, .h111:e pri_vate patios. . Rtftnt ill' adlr;,. l Blk TOWNHOUSE I Br Blbll 2 ., 2 e~'"'"' 9,-. ~ dOletJ, beautifld cupeta &i SI'ORAGE ean.trcnt .,.. ... •1 · .,, , shops, $180. Sf.4....4780 • • -rm. -.m· draperies. Pool. Boat .Upt 1 blk to shopping center, 1 .====~====I RIO, Wt1br/dryer. Pool k Carpts. Drq>es, b\Jilt-illl. 2 BR, crpta, drps, .bJtna. lot tenarita: Subten'anean mo. 6'6--6840 aft 6 pm eves, I blk to beach club, & walk-Home is CUilom built using Newport IHch 2200 tennis, wtr pd, $ll0. 673-lTI.5 Best location. 1 blocll: to 5 dswbr. Adl1lta, $135. 546-1285 -n..i.1 .... ~ Sat all day. ZS Costa Mea ing distance to ocean. C.al1 beam trhd post conatro.ction Pb! ahoppln&, theaters, etc. evet. _ .... ,.. St, CM :o53tl-::_::0026:::....,,.-.,-,----I =1= ~:1;~~ SUMMER RENTAL Fount•in V1llty . 3410 =~· orCall ~~ 1 Ad!::· ;:.e·~: lilbo1 l1t1nd 5355 1-nco-::mo==P::ro=pt=rty===:I $2400 Total Down =:in:.o!:1n i!:1~ =er re*:m.:: =3bl::·c~erie=~~n.Le~;. 642-28.?ilorlnformation. Apt.C.,CM.544-861l tElBR.kl~121 morur!?: :·RIAL ESTATE .. AMume 691. VA Loin tor the Far East soon. You taken. Avail. April 20; 839-1665 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL 2 BR. studio, unl. Cpta. Drpa, A~~I Ma~~~. Call { U:i Generil ' Lovely 4 BR, 2 bath, park-can live in this cute bug's PROPERTIES WEST Adults only: 2 Br., util. paid. blt·in.s. 984 El Camino. $140. pm 673-56ll . SeU or Trade .'~ like atmosphere. :: =etof~ -:ic:39'500 :1028~~S.,,.~ldo~~D~r.~~67>4!!!~w~rL=·~1pu;n·~Bt;,;•·~h~;;,;37~0_sl r;:is ~2:n, Hwit. Bch. 962-5050 .. HAFFDAL REAL TY ~ Ponoromic View 23~";,:Pi':°;!~.cp ... , drp~ Huntington Bt••h 5400 Qutslanding:;, 8740 Wamer, FV -842--4405 494-1833 L1csun1 8t1ch 2705 NEW 3 BR -Home, 2 ha, G -..1-G ""10 $125 Month. 642-3499 ,., 4 Bedroom Home LOS PADRES . -w/w """"" bit-ins •tpv• .,_n row -EXCLUSIVE lnVeStmen·t • PLUSH-Vu-3 BR • lux. turn. dspsl, ~ 831).2U:; 2 BDROOM apt with pool, :· Spar!ding GI .. Mar 2 batb. REAL TY disbw bar IDrmal dining SINGLE Yorwg Adults Lux· children O.K., no pet>. 2265 ON•THE·IEACH , fireplace, carpets and d~ 627 So. Coast Hwy. . * . btk. Pat beach. util Lqun.t Niguel 3707 ury garden apta with coun-Canyon Dr. 540-4084 Prop· erty" 1~ es. Will FHA or GI no down. Lacuna Beach pd. $350 •. 499-ru4 . try club atmolpl\tte .arxl 2 BR newly dee drpa, w/W 2 & 3 Bedroom Apt1. $24,950. MONARCH BAY AREA :'A~le~J:"~~ q>tl: bll-tns, ~dulta. ll'7. Laxuey llvin!J 10 ·plaue fol: 1Mge strategic , cornJ,' 84~~· SLA~!: :r~ WEED IT Summer Rent1l1 2910 ~~~en~~!!;, Chapman Ave., Garden &,tlr-2550, eves 546-6115 ::.J!::n~tlne· f5'x200'ood ~'!; 15' ... ~!2._wiol GLEN MAR 4 BDRM on AND REAP IDYLLWILD -2 Br, n ew blt·lnll, frpic, heated pool Grove <n•> &&f.3030 ~~ lhl Huntington mak.~~Ne:'~bem cul-de-sac. Schls, shop'&'· HERE'S A REAL BUY FOR furn. house w/ view. Near $250 mo. 10 to 5, 496-1243 L leHh 4705 $125 month. 646-0446 ot the fabdlous o .. c. Clvif: Dream kit: CU!. bar, drps, THE AMBITIOUS. Imposing village. SWnmer rental $250 4 BR., 2 Ba., cpts, drpe, agunl Center &: booming financial covered lanai, carefree 2.story architecture, detail-~~i;,~ly $175 mo. 714: bltru. dishmhr.; children, DELUXE N. end bachelor, 2 BR apt, down!tain, clean. p lfi lf0 district, Great traffic yard; fruit trees, roses, ed exterior ol wood, Palos eves. pet1 OK. $225. (1) 828-M84 2nd fir, pvt entr, deck, ~i'A ~~i:rm.~re IC IC A exposure for high me sprklrs, giant work bench. Verdes stone, stucco, gabl-NPT Bch new 3 BR, 2% eve. Ocean vw, 1 blk bch, shop-' ottiee building, or hold for New exL paint. Shutters. ed rooflines with exposed BA · nicely fum, hid pool. ping, $140 mo. 494-9982 2 BDRM apt unfum 998 El 71l Ocean AW! .. H.B assured appreclatlon. Pr! $26,500 by Owner. 962-3748 beams." 6-1!1 to 9-1 Oex. Season·Mo. Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 RENTALS .Camino Dr, C.M. (714) 536.14'1 $2.50.000. $23 500 * 3 BR on cul-de-sac. Cl'pts, Sprawling 5 BDRM. FLOOR. 6#-1063 · * 546-0451 * SUBP.1IT TERMS'OR ' t drps, bltns, trplc, walnut PLAN, features rear liv. rm. RENTALS 2 BDRM, crpts, drps, b.lt·ins, Apts. Unfurnished SPLIT-Level 2 Br.. bltns CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS EXCHANGES GI no down or FHA. 4 BR. panl'g, patio. Cash to loan with WOOD PANELLED Hotisa Unfurnished ~need ~ck:: Cbilrn Generil $000 cpts, drpa, Child OK, ·,.; ~. 8234· Atlanta RICK ALDERE.TTE Huntington Be1ch 1400 2 l ll ba /d Jg 6% FHA. $23,500 Owner. WAU., MAS..."TVE u SE D ne. ncan ve, pets 2885 Mendom M5-M2l ew 1-2 Bedl'Ollma -Pay~ (714) 547~ u • cpU rps, e C M ' electri nly kiloh. with food "'n'"· En-l .:.968-::;c,:2'14~2 ,.-"""-,.-= BRICK FIREPLACE FROM Gootr•I 3000 · RENT Villa Fino Apt> 3 BR · ' 0 'INCOME UNITS' FLOOR TO CEILING, liv. --RENTALS . . r.36-3927 nr 536-m! . ' closed front patio-with dee· * 50'x200' lot w/ older rm. leads to spacious open FREE RENTAL BOOK Apts. Furnlthed l Rooms Furnlturt Unf.87~~~~n:'':'~e 1$}SJ Pool-Wuben-Dryers Triplex , 08~~~~~R REALTYi , _"°""'..;E::•:.:~:.t.:;o~;..;s:.:un:.:·;.:53&-c:. :..':.':.66'--staircase, LEADS PA s T Drop In & Browse $20 • $25 • $30 mo. ' P' • Private Gara,ges Q 3 -2 bedroom units yearty'. M?-8531 Eve, 5J6.'llll0 1• WALL OF GLASS 15 FT. w lk & L ~ner1I 4000 FU1L OPTION TO BUY Ntwport a..ch 5200 2 ·BDRM, 2 BATH. New net or S42M.OO Low vacanq J'i'-S-Bee.ch boQle UDM. Bit JUGH, TO 2ND STORY W/ a er ee ps; . t·BR trip]~ w/w. {Refrigerators Available) ca'rpets, drapes. Bllna. 1 !actor. Full price $37,500. · P;:,.ct.:::!!t~d oTiti ~~';'~~ ~~~.RMS. & ~ 2790 Harbor mvd. at Adams CJ06e in. Available now No H._.F Ril Co.a.c. 2a!~~t~~ '~~es~ ~bf~K. Sal. 847.:J852 or 2 -2 bed!:ip=i~s. no <town ........ ---1-"'l'C'.\11 ,.._ pl 1-• mod ···'fche 545-9491 Broker 534-6980 • • • • cm I .... MU366 PILOT claMifled "2-5671 Jief......,., .....,m en) em JU n Open'Eve1. Furniture Rtntils _ ease.,.... BRAND NEW 2 &; 3 BR to Yetll or minimum dowtJ 1:;;;:;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 hal BILT·IN RANGE 4 (Ottl Mau 4100 J BR, 2 BA. crpta. drpl, from $150/mo. Cpta1drps, l'HA. $34,750. Ii OVEN,DISHWSHR.,GARB. $135; 2 BR. l \i ba . 517 W, 19tb C.M. MS-3481 b1lns. Adults, no peta. $185 dishwasher. Nr Beach. 'Yt1rs Old DISP. ETC. Ceramic tne townhouae mtn ranee &: Ylll• Pomon• Apts ' ~·w. Lncln,\Anhm 174-2800 mo. 673-2370, MS-2813 8'7-3957 8 unit.I with room tor 4 m PATRONS ARE URGED TO REPORT ANY DIME· A· LINE IRREGULARmEs THEY FIND IN PRICING OR MERCHANDISING TO THE DAILY PILOT WARNING'!! . Advertising not conforming to o<r Dime· A-Lin• .. 9u11tion1 may ·be in violatiott of both City and St1to Board of Equoliution codo1I counters I. exte!Wve uae ol oven, W/W, chlldren OK. a.ti •'s nen•t It moe1 SJ.25; l·BR. +pin; w/w, -a real fnoney maker 1\a:rdWood cabinets. Thia bet-Bkr. SM--6980 apta now renttnc. drapes. Family welcome JWLY PJlDl' WAHr ~' 'lm: QUICXER YOU CUL, 23.53% rttum. ' ter built home, JS IN NEED $140; 2 BR,. pr., q . Furn I: ~ Adult. oa1.y. Broker ~ BRING R!:sUL'J'SI THE QUJCKJ:R, YOU &ELL OF LANDSCAPING, AND yd. Children 4 no pell. 176(1 Pomona Av.., A LJ'M'LE PAINT HERE I: Broker 534-'980 • ' just IOl1th ot Uth :St. THERE. 'With • little lmq:~ lnation • elbow ....... """ 1125, 2 BR. ........ Gar. * ·GARAGE APT. * will have a l'leal lhowptaee. wlw, drpa., stoVe. Avail. • - Ottered at now. Broker 5M-e9!iO , 'Fum1abed 1 bedroom In heart $31,950 FULL PRICE MISSION y;,;. .. w 2 Br. of <loo1A ~ 1 wwklng $2000 DN. PYMT. 11;1 Ba .. bltns, drps; S200 &aWt, Prefer matyre per- SEE TODAY! Month. 837-1747 llin. SSS. Mo. GONE TOMORRO\V! 27• E. lBtb St., C.A-1. MISSION REAL TY Cosio MIM •. 2100 PRIVATE Sk<oplng rm -· So ~-~ H i ...... Wlbeti.I Just ... 61nted. -. ..., • "'-'Ill<• wy., "-6"Nll FOR lease 4 BR ~-A '!." .-.. -Phone (n4) 4~ ,...,11"'· per mo. SH Mer 2131 Elden "!!!I!!!!~!!!!!".!"'~~""'"' I $240/per month l8t &: 1ut Ave. Older penon prefer-• BOY rr c month. CALL RAY GAULT red -s m 540-115' (open 'eve•) 1-lerl-• • Fabulous t:ioibe, ~led In tap Rell Eatlte IJARGE;·dan 1 BR. 2 BA, New Orittans motiL &PPfO'C pool; util pd.. matur. adulta 2200 Ill tt liv. art•, • ~R VERY dean 3 BR 2 bath only. No JMlt&. $12S.. 2115 a ""' rm. I ... din/rm. M... Doi Mu, ..... Jot. Placentta Ave. - 'Unique kltch, 1t. 4 0, $225/month. Alt. S4&-c:ltl BEAU'J'lJ'Ul.LY 1'URN - prb/-J37,900 -13795 2 BR ""'°' cluplu. Ina! ,,.. Immoo, c1nnJ 2 Br pool Dn -MIHlon Rl'1. Gar. Cilld OK. $100. 1136 Adulta, no .... l1!i 2212 C94-0?31. Wallace A~~ 5CS--2407 Maple. 540-S!il$, MUIO'I ' BR 2 BA, near ne•, suilk· 'en Jlvinc room. oce•n "'"'· Top Of world. Xlnt tin under U.,"'M. 497·1&12' 135.000 DUPLEX. 2 and I aa, view, juat remodded, rvt. rid Jcltehens! 4N-1'10 ,. ORANGE CQUNTY'S' LARGEST . m E. 17th St. 64' HM S NF;\V UNITS now bel~ 1const. Ea one w/tuU 'Bay vkw. 74j Domineo or: N.B. (just behind CdM·HS) Sale, by owner-btdr. 645-~ *NEW FOUR·PLEX Near Beach, 1-lurrtington Beach. $65.900', 8~ l E-SIDE lnC unltt 1S'7,000. Mo I Joe $1.ll. Trd S. c::.i ... I i..mm.r, bl<r. -• !'===============:::'.!. DAlLT PILOr WAin' ADS 9RlNC llDtlL 'I'S! '-iiDmM~LY .. Pl.LOmT ............. ""'"""i!iiii;;;;•'~MM<ll~~29~,1~~'1'~' ... ~~~~~~~~..,.-...... ": • RIAL ESTATI REAL ESTATE O..Ulll •:l 'is:-. ANNOUNCEMENTS ! I ..w1 1NOTlCU .lf" I t I: ( ! • ' ! ' I ~ j' • I I. I " 1 · ,, • i ,. '. I ' l' I ' " ,. [. • "'' ). ·--~--,.. ', ~ \' f ' I • •f,.'t~ ,$ ' A . . '~ J ... ' '} }.. -t..t .i:J'Y(., .1 .. . •···· . ' ; . ' Ar;e Y 9~:.~~~~~i-~g •;.Cash . -. Slip Th~~u9fi ~'lodr·lin9'1°~; ::·:: .. . "' '.;i , ...... ~.,~r: ft' . • l r,.•-'·. f See. If_. ~ o~ .HllcYe . Any· ·· · ~. J~!~~ Jhing~ A .. ' . . ~-:-DAILY , .... R.ILOt -· ... -.. WJ\NT~AD Will Sell Fast! . I. Sto.. 29. llicycla . 2. Guitar 30. T-lhlr 3. !11"7 Crib 31. llar Shllla 4. 'El4ctric Saw ;i2. Encycl...iia. 57. Elactrlc Train 51. Kilton . st. Claalc Aute 60. COffoe T1bl1 .. "'. 1 MohlrC'(cl• ' . " • 5. C1~'1 , , :Ja, Y;&;,Claanar . '"..t"J .., W.&..haio ;.i· : · 34.°'1" . l"Fl•1·~~·~ ... ~--;:."''-' .... _ .. ,'. . " 'll'. 'M'o1~ c ii"""° 1. mlmtf•'!'i ., ~ .. ~,,,· -..:.JW_RflL' 62. 'Acconllon 1 ~ IJ o~ '63. Skl1 . • • ' y ....... , • k •• , r • • .. \ .. 1. ·s~ · . : ,, , ... i .. wn. ......... '· w ' . . ' . •37. Golf ~lubs : \ll '' ICi. ,(:11:1net :fl'. ·st.rt1hg Sllnr 11. Rlfrigorator ~. Vlctorlon Mirror 12. Pickup Truck . .. .. 40,'81droom Set 13. S.Wlnt Machin• 41. 51140 Proj-r 14. Surfllolnl · 42. ·Lawn Mower IS. Machine Tool1 43. Pool Table 16. Dlthw11hor «. Tim 17; PllPt'Y 4S. PIOftO 11. Cabin CruiMr 46. · Fur Coll If. Golf. Cart 47. DraP.1 20. llromet9r . 41. Liner. 21. St11np Collactlon 49. •Hone .. '. ~2. f>!.nette. s.. .,.~~:~ .~.',~'.~A1rpt1n• 23. 1'.l~Y-Pen. , 1; ;}!, Or@~ 24. •-• 11•11 · 52. Eurcycla 25. W11tr Sid. ·• .;;.r53,:tiire lookt • 26. Fra'nar · 54. Slri Bi"" 27. Suitcase 21. Clock :55. H;gh c;li1lr. · s6. Coins -6.( TV s.t il~l'H I 4IC Wort<l"Jlc~·: ~r : · 66. Dl1moo4 .. W•ich , 67. G .. Ktrrt 61. Ironer 69. Camping Trailer 70. Antique Furniture 71. T1po R ... nlor 72. S1llbo1t 73. Sporlt Car 74. Mottrou, lox Spp 75. lnloo1rd Spoadboll 76. Shotvvn n ;$1ddla ' .. 7,l~L~rt Gtme .. ~·,I ••.• ·' -79. Punch"'9 ~-..; ,. .. io.:Blhy Cini ... i.t.1 [)rums •J II~ ... ; ... ~\1 12. Riff• ' l • I 'I. 13. Oak 14. SCUBA Gen :' .. ·l L These or any other ema things arouncl the houn may q •· ·~r ... be t1lnled into cash wltll a " . \ . ,• . DAIL~ ~IS.:'OT WANT·A ·D · . . ,., \-· ~ l ·so. .. ' • r --•·· • i ' "'· . • 'l: 40" Don't Just Sit Tl1er:e! " " DIAL' DIRICI ·' lYOU.R CREDIT ·IS GOOD) . • " DAILY 'PILOT .WANT. ADS· • , I w1L1 w.011 .. fOR · ·vou1 ' . Get In _On The Action Today! . . . " . ' ' -~; , OkSC I .9fLWf.$$1SOA ; f8D DESK . SPACE • M Ac;R!:S -119$, per acre vidn!ty al Baier a n d $1.9Q) down "° ·& sno. Boas :r~t=nt= ror RHll;)r. ~1 • ~. _ ~ """-· • ·-~-"-""' 6205 Not&J7 • 1-Tu • 1"'-. • .,.,,....,_,... • etc. • R . hm .Mi.inmoth c.J1-Bill 1-. a:v..i Mouti1al1;Qondomlnlum ..........,., _,(,\ 'l .. _ . .iee11a: 1.:l'lflli30 ,.. • •• ID)JT.. ............. .. . It /REE OAll~G ·coURSE "" .il4JJ.._ .iii;...,. $12'i Exe""!"• !I'. 623!1 w/ ut1L M&-ZH. MS-&331 WILL • 1 iUo,O.:., ~ Tn.lat IJ-==========:J D«di~i ... '$17'.IXXI In Offleo a.nt1I "'70 .,,;.pMt.d, !atco'_., "!!' ;, LAOQHA IQCH , tot• ., Lea!uia Beach 10r Whtd<IY• Want? Wlllddy1 Gott SPtCIA\. Cl;ASSIFICATION FOR HAT\lllAL,IOR/'I SWAPf'fiRS • -~· ·c.Mlli.M.I ' o,a,,.. Oo!IOI!. ~ O!P!rihlal ,.. ....... ·-•1·DN l'ORDl'I AVENUE . \OI' ~ ~~~~ . on.all·matten. 1C8 S. El o.-lll*B avallaltle tn .s.«·12).0 J 1, l!hz ·Calnino Real, San Cement•· S~l1I Rahl • . 5 liftll -:S. ti,...~ 5 ·lluckt ~VI.IS -"'1J MUST t!WCi.'.U~ Mftlt etae. hdldill • 49:2-$136, 10 AM·lO PM t-Wri.t \'OU MYe JO trlelf, ~ ..,_ ~ Ill It' .... • a-Tou.-,.._.. .,.,,,., ....,... ._. n,...., HVll'.111.in._ -toeotlaa lo -.,..:,; R. E. Wanted 6240 .SPECUL S2 READING t-H01H1NG FOii SAL! -Tltll.011 OM~'l'I 1-·Baocll. Air eom1> liAiiiilii !BM..,__., ., Attractive II.pert PHONE 642·5671 tlaaod. ~. lioolltlflll bldg U M.Ji.\l<"'\cttvtty. YOUNG WOMAN To PIAc• Your Trader's P•rldlM M pqc1td putldoUll. T w o ~1252 dancer will teach you all •ftw: '"'**'*" GD latest at:epg. Catt Ardell Cabana mol" borne on the FiCnlt """'·rear ·Jadl .tO BUSINESS 1rwt 213: 591-4531" ·i-10 PM waler, boat al.Ip avail. , --loll. p FINANCIAL * 8'laeti,. -* ~!or 2 bdnn condomtn. par -Ill w ~ Deak luo. ~nnlet 6300 Oom.,.,,,,_p. Stnomty :;. ~ C.M.. Tu<tin UJ4, -·•..n.i.r..1or is. . tntniduc<lonl Coollde•tlal I :;;;::-~=="""",,....,.,.-a.-· -. --WANT~Dll (25..16) ...,..,. 5-10 PM 1!6li • !6' TroJin sodan. eerrict aY&ilrJlli tor. $10. p -·" · twtn' ~w,' "fty bridge, all' All t:Ltflltitl -t.1 _. a.rt « """' Time REDUCE Sale, slmPle I: fut .__ 11 .. ......, 1 ~-• itllfllhoae. : , --· Reliable pa;tJ' to l'tltol?k and with GoBese tab1eta only :.;;· or "'°i:nde:' (~4~700: • DAILY· P'iti>T colk!ct_!f'Oney.~colnop-98c. Crawfo.rtd 'a RX 3t02 222 FOR!m' .lvnruE erated dlsperlaiera ~ C:O.ta PbarmacY. Cotilla Mua . LACUNA v111.1.ru . ?.IN& and •ui;i:tiunding &reL COTnn-.. -•-~ 2 Indllltrial bldg1. on Pia~ , . .....,.-:-· To ~W· m111t be ~ ... ..-~ ........ : ·· lOnily'!' cenlia, CM. Trade $9S,COl ' liable, ambitious, able to de-New'ln.UttT Join tbie: •WI.nc Eqt)', for prop. plus Cash. * Modern Offices vote 2 !<!-8 brL wotk.,,...t<-.. ""' ··~-= . Prlce $150,111). Shlale~ or .auitu. Air condo 1Y ~ hive .~ to;tal~ cu.lll • 1 • . , ~ l-'.2· •cretarial to mveaf.~J".~ pr1'9Qrial inter. CllSTO ... M tBlldnl~.:_ £ cover HAVE: Apts, TD's, furn:, ..me.·,,,,,_,. • , __ ..,__ .view i.Q, . • •• Mesa: "Send UPfJ, · ..mi:-. -lowest TV' · .. _ · •~-• nt -~ -~· dd n ·"-ble ~1735 If, au., en~."-....,nme ; C. Robert N•~ Realtor nam", a reas and ~ P cu avlUI& • T..... )IOI.I name tt~ Will trade tar .iZ!o:'.F;J~t number lo: A1£QHOLICS ~OWi varle4 .JOOdi. services. a:.ta· Meja 642-148S "ROUTE DEPA(lTMENT'' Phone 542-7217 a/ write t0 Mr. MJe!l (2µ) BR. 2-~ . NEWPOR" .qyic CENTER >.mt/P· ~ ~ · P.O. Box 1223 Coda .Mesa. Fibcrilu tub & shower OWcu n.itable :lor Com-un: ·"-<Ullornia 92803. e OMNIPHILOS e muda!, M~cal. Dental. Flbt'vl•1:Tu.b Mft Co 00-9676 =ai...All = m;~~ Air-qnl.~1.tlevator All equip. molda A approvala vallll! for vicant propty or 35c SQ. FT. nee for rpc.f of tub11 A ahow-Anneuneements 6410 T.D. (nl) s.92-Sl94. 541-5032 pR ,675-2464 ers for bJdf I trailer indwt. 1--------'-"-' PROFESSiiiNlo!l 'm•·. soo 1213)· ""5194 S.turday Nlghh In 11100 ""''"' 3 """""'"" 2 .._ bl.th San Clemente home. to ~ aq ft New bldg. BEAtrrY SALON. LAGUNA Aprll, t p.m. "' 12 clOI! in. Submit all oilers on del}lntd " to )'OUl'• needs. 2 yn: oid, 6 uni.ts Wholesome fun 1or adults of clear land or lots. Bkr. Lar&e puidnz attL Pete $1500 ca.ah + Inventory all agea! Sinr i. lon1, dance 8'15-40't.. «-390 8uTett Realty S50 E. 17th Take CM!r. payments . derrlok., free kt.Ion$. (April ~~-'-=-~-~~~ St., CM ~. 49f..991'2 ~ ~ 494-8619 5tJt.~19 Dlscotheqlle I Ball-Duplax so. Lag. 2 bl ks ro -~·-al •• ......_, & HA.IR.'. 5' t.YLISTS. room>. (April >Ith, Squ""' ..,...,, xlnt •toe. Trad• nw.v--..... ._ . & Round} Ftu.lta 1 $11,IQ) ectuif)' lor clear lot LNn Bldg., CdM .-ATllH-TION juice ter, ~clcl:Admi~~~ or la"nd.-Sii.limit all oilers. .:. '3SO«l>1ft .vll"1 ~ Appointml!llt Barber !hop :lor $2. Coat& Meaa Women's ·Bkt. 6~ 484-3949 ' ~ · ·~ei: CM.Jtl3 ale. Call· aft;. 7 ~ 175-1114 Cub, '1o w: 11th. For into ·P>nt.emporary fi:untlngton OFTICi': 1842 A Newport VENOmG• Route &: eqirlp, 64i.2290 .Harbour home, l BR, lam BIVd. ::lda{ 1rAo ~. other in.tere,ta require 1m· HOMEWORK payt! . Send nn. 2 ·,ba • .($10,COO eq.) income tax ()?' employment med sale! 645-0510 or self . aadrtllsed envelope to Trade: for Ba,ycrest <>r agency, 50-0588 962-1936 eves, Ask f()l' Ted P.O. Box 781. ~ BluUs, 673-35a.2 Sor details. SHARE ottke w/ e s l . WANTED: ott-u.Je liquor In come Tax co. Reas. licen&e, Orange County. Cemetery Lota 11 unit medical bldg Buena 641.1 Parle, 2-4 unit apt S.A., Back mnthly rent. 1806 Nwpt Call: 64.2-8139 Blvd, CM. ~1301 30D Sq. Ft, Office Coda Mesa. 646--213) Industrial Prop. • ATI'R. beauty .a.Ion • Priced for quick ule at $1750. 962-7232 (Gloria) • BEAUTY SHOP * Newport, top loc 1: ise. LEASE wi th option to1------·---·-- purchase 1 (() mJ aq. tt.1--..,,.------ ha;)> home, all or part for n vo cemetery lots a t dear lolll or acreage • Agt. Harbor Re51. Prime loc. f15.Q52 or 673-(1823. Leavinr area. Sa.crlflce. I::::..:::::.:::..:=..:=-- 64Z--3521 FOUR cemetery Iota et Harbor Rest 1t1"em<lrlaJ Park in Blue Spruce section. call 10 Acre-Orange Gl'We near Laguna Beach. WANT: Aptl or Ranch. Bkr 494-1330 -u S-307S I,,---=-~~ Have vacant lla\\'llilan land, dr:\ctn• otbcts dt:Corate to Monef to Loan 6320 ...it finit a.ta >rua toca-Travel 6435 variOul six• & values. Want home, uni.ts or sub.-tioft. FlX'met' basj M.D.'~ PRIVATE party will loan offict. 1851 PUi A~.' ·ean $1500 op -bn R.E. equifJt or .,,... ltl!al~Eata"1'9;''464in 1>uy TDll c..Jt m,y.~, • , .... ..,Vu · · · · · Anytime Ph. 54~1 lndustrl•I -•I -RHI &1t1to Loon1 6340 FGR loue ._,,. Niguel. HOME LOANS oU San DlelQ Fwy at Crown ?itONE'l AVAlliABLE ya.Uey, new -cornmercla.l & Call tor details on today's lndualrial unita. Delta Elcc-rates for lat le lDd TDs. trlc. Daya -831-1400. Eves Serving ~ County for -4!$-4l98. 20 years· • NEW ~ • 1 Blda:., 10,000 Sattler 1.tortgage Co. Inc. sq ' ~ar Airport. Air cond 336 E. 17th St. ofe1. $900 mo.. &" r o s • . W-2ln ~ 644-2244 Eves. 673-7865 &U-ll57 M e .. mil Call llelldridm, Bf'Dk. ex1co, ... 1f Ur ~·.ew ·. ;: . . , · ,. . r , Sll.51».~·Whiitier view . Or. Jtmes Maflhllf. former h:mt.~t.BR-a ~ 2200"91( college president A ft!cent Jt: :?1ade for~ .. or D re.dOOlt of Mexico ;.. con. 00..t ol equal nlue. ductln& a 16 ti.a)' -·!;av· &M-1349 ing LA by jet April 21 for 44.3 acres In San Diego city Puerto V.narta A Guadala· limits. Top growth area. jara. By air conditioned bus Excb.an&:e. for-inctJme, land, to Patzcuaro, Guana,Jual<l. or '!'!'? Agent 675-4044 or san 1'.lJatiel de Allende, 5 &U-1559 days. in Mexico Cit)', CU~r.1-------­ navaca, Taxto I: AcapuJco. Dobennan Pinschera, su· Returning Western jet to LA perb quality, trade for hlay 6. Deluxt Hotels. $595. weldinz" set, runs or what. lo" '100 Mo W ~• "SO Call Dr. Marshall, 837.filSO han-you. ll·-------"--i-"'_,Y __ •_•-.....; _ _;_"-"' or Lquna Hills Trave.ll -=--~==--­ C2 VACANT 40x10 by owner, MONEY Want e C: , Ex· f837;;_:~:.:7111::;·~-----Wllllng to trade • 1964 $11.!XXI. Can pt var-duplex. perte~. a. r .e r~ 1 a Ive, SERVICE DIRECTORY Pontiac GTO convertible <:omer 21st Ir Co • 1 t honest;" hard wo_rkmg am· . far houae trailer in good Hlj:hway, Sunset Be a c b blU.:.U.. ..fumah ior umque Appli11;1ee Repaln ahape. (211' ·241-1921 · beer tavem tn Beach area. · • ... Parts ,6510 Call 675-1(84 a VIEW, 0:. ocean. co~r Reply _BoX .M -... DJ.1ly \VASHER 1: Dryer ~pair. bfuff, · poulb1e' 6 It Y · Pilot. Xlnt-parantaed • ._ .. v i c.e mejSicll or apts. \Vill 'bulld ' · Reaa n 'tes. 847...ans to ouil. 53S-35l6 ANNOUNCEMENTS O!OlcE lot ori s.n\t:go o.., and NOTICES labyoltting 6550 ~~ = you own the Found (f.rn Adsl 6400 ;::;;;:!.:;:;B;:;AB;:;Y-"S-mE--R.....:= ] ADJ. lolll; room for 11 FOUND Siame.te. cat: vii!. units. 33l E. 21st St., Costa Mesa del Mar area, C.OSta Meaa. Owner 494-5072 Eve. 11esa. 546-9850 Fenced yard. Meals included. Week days only. Vicinity Hailad8.Y & Bishop ~t., S.A. Phone 836-'672 \VILL babysit in my house, $3 day, wHkdaya or V.'ffk- FOUND turtle, 21st A: lrvlne 6200 Avenue, N.B. Please iden- tJJy ... ....,,. ' .. . etldL Security, food .. toys 550 ACRES 1---'-'"-~. -----1 incl. &hlnd. .Alpha . Bet&. Hllve aaraae, 3100 sq. ft. Harbor Blvd. Colita Mesa. Lease value $600 mo. Want San Fernando Income. Hen. drickll, Broll.er, 6~6591 Bllllding 64 unit apt. com· plex in Ot'9.11ie Cnty. Trade $175,000 equity Ior Jge. wa- terfront home. t.ocatt'd at Coquille, ~on. Lost '401 Loui&e ,499-3941 645-1111 16 Acre1 tubdlvlded into 1/3 · "NANNY," babysit in my ae lots le ll acru ready for LOST' ITffll le '! e 11 o. w home .. 1 .. * * '17 Ft. fiber 11&.u ou.tbo&nl &nd big .wbeef' tilt tranu. Will tr.ae far IandtaPtrll. PHONE -17 Ft! outboard tar-statl9n waa:on or auto ot equal v» ue. PholJe S4M6B7 ' SS 36 Dleacl Aux Sloop 1967, 7. 1a-1l1, ~I 1tffr- i11g. Fd>er-leak c o l\J t . Trade amaller boat. car or real tstate. 615-2838 .. 1 .LuxwY.65':.dle,sel PQW.ertd yacht,' pla ·s125,000. mort· gage Oil tomplete l90r1: In' Mamrriirth Lake. 'Fride 1011 real utate: 646-'.25.<jB:--~-• · HAVE : Dollble beet, 1prlna:. mattress &: frame or Henn· es PQrta.ble typewriter, fl9dot lr: gOOd ciond. WANT: Sterio unit. 11 equal vafue. 548-!923 Fiberglas Lehrnari 10 ..U. boat, Trade for rood ru powered paint compressor and fc:cessories. Q)!!:ster Salisbury fll.6"900 Half • Century old gtneral §tore, Coeta· Mesa, w/n'ioney makirig 1Kltllne. T~, for home, vacant land ot 1ub- mJI, 646-16'F.i own!(. ' Ha.ve 5 bedroom Balboa PeninsuU. home, $19,500. Want 3-bedroOm, prioe 130- lSS;COO; Newport Bea~ Realty, 675-1642. Mesa Verde 4 bedroom pllll den, approx 2300 1q ft. . \Vant smaller home or Con. do. in Mesa Verde. slG.0032 75x100' lot at Lake Isabella, will trade equ.it)' for lat• model plck-'up truck or st&. tion wagor. 548-5278 alter 3 PM $60,000. eq'uity In Comm. frontage, "Yucca Valley, tradr W inci:lme property· ~r 544-3666 eYH. Box ,. .61 ... TUsfuJ Calll. ' . .. '* to 20 Acre1 . .roch situ •dloiftitv RandJ) C..W'• ril!w ·dty,: trad!1 OK Te- macula M4-3666 evu. Baa "'. TUst!n. Sportsman ' Paradiae Bua. Prop, 5 Bld~, oil U.S. 4166. Cortez, Cole. Free & cir.· AL. ways rented. Trade equity house, tot, eel. 0.C. 860 W. 19th. C.M., 646-4349 House full ol modem turni. ture, will trade tor anti. qu"s. 548-l07C HA VE potential tr&1kr park site, 7 acres, In Norco, \VAijT income. unl.t. . See Pereyda Re"1 tstate '99-l990 or ~ •. Beaut. ~ 1' clt:ar reai- .de11 t1aJ. • yieW lot, all utl1, Tustin A or lit TD <UJ.toll v.·U I • trade fol: Sport:Cll;hinr boat. 675-3243 <>r 673-0J(X5 }lave. CUJI. 3 BR 3 Btth J-lome in Rancho Mirage w/ Ptx)i $39,500; Eqty. $26,500 iVllht ~lm!Ji.r hOme lhhl area Bkr. l\f r. l_rwin 646-9661 }!ealey 6 cyl motor, com. plele w/. twJn carts: ien .• & dists. Front le ~•r axles, di'!!. · 'Vill trade f<>r Scu tt. equip. tank,· rq, &. \Vet aull. ...... ,. * * mobile home1 • area ln di.re patdtt:t in Vte. 2 P 0 Har~r v..·~....,v:io:~· ~: ··--------·-----·--· nttd of 100 homes now FHA Poimettta.• CdM. AnA-en 6'5--lfn flA'-e itwn approval with to Pele oi: 14on_una's ~ttJi ===--~-­ tttinor ~rvationl . P'tlinl Bo)'. He Will-~peat his ~d-TODDLER ~. play mate, price: schedule b"Om $7l,5m _ dregs, Rew.rd. 547-3431, fenctd yard, week days on- $77,500 • 2 of lal"l[ell plywood 1 -633-15-51~6------· 1 ~ 19th &: • Newport. p!anls in Jli'W localed here ANYONE Knowing t b e · y,•\ttl an n u a I p..yrnn of whl!!re1bouts of a ·sg Chtvy. BABYSITrING my home. $20,@,00J. Beaut artl, 18 Bel-Air, Uc~ j'io. .J1TI63, Prefer undff 4, C.M. lnL mt t:rorn ocean ol Coos Bay. p!tue call, owner 548-~ · 642-M«I Abundance ol wild pin! ' ~s billfold, vie On.nit BABYSITrING In my home. fiahlnr · ttt'ml avail. Owner & w. Coast Hwy, NB. Good Junchn i: napa. llllVIC& DIRECTORY 5ERVICk DIRECtORY c,rponhlrlnt 6590 Child c.,. 6'10 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINETS. ""' .a. job. 25 m . ·nper". MMm CHILD care, ro,y home, Mdl. Verde vea. Rt~ l .. tes. Fncd pl8y &l"la. 51)...9439 QUAUTY Repairs • Altera. Uons -New const. by hour _c_on_tr_•~~'-"-•--·-66_20_1 or Contract, 646-3442 -~ Cement, C991crete 6600 had 1troke I: must ft!tin. Rt:ward. 6Tl-21.JG Ext c, -* stS--2\11 * For addltkmal Wo call: Pat.· · BXBvsrr One or t w 0 rnlENT ~erk. no job too CHILT ROllNITT 'G'~R-E_Y_shorl~-baked--P-,-,..,.-n children to are 7, my home ~. reuonallle. Free Q U ALITY ttmodelint, cumxn dellan service. Rm on ttq. Frank J.f. Barden O>Mtr Co., l.&lS-1466 alt <pm Rt:.U.nJR 660128 cat. Ea 1 t bluff area. full or part lime. 548--f327 ea:Um. H. Stunick. 548-8615 JW.\'11.fd. Nttds Medication. \VILL babysit eves. tt pn Custom Landscaping . ----~ Add!tklns * Remodelin& Fftd H. GE-wick, Ltc. 61Hl)tl * 549-2170 NORTH OF ,_613-0063_______ hour. own tr&nlp. NB/CM B~ '!'...<;:~ ESCONDIDO .. wsr 1aqe·,.i .o1 k<y• l/il . ..:"';;;;'·:;Cal:t:,64&-""3=:;=== """"""~~..,..:,,-C t Cl I 6625 Vicinity' Of ~na l 19tb, ;;;.,; I PA'rtOS, 'd r Ive ways, _1_,rpo __ H_•_nt--.. __ Approx. 44 Ac.u, n:iUtna: c..M. Reward. 5'S-0203 lrld4 MatOnry, etc. 1klewalk5. ~· estimate. hnll; MautitUI ..ttinc: cu LOST: BJ.a& J.tin Poodle, _______ .,..;61;:.;60c;1 _Ca"'=-U~545-<=~239~~=-- IA. pW:lttd 1n Awcadol tK male. Ari$ to "Tar". Vic BUll.D, Rtmodtl. Jtepa.lr e CUSTOM P~TIOS • hold for apptte.ladM., AJllto ..:'.V. Reward,!.~1090 o>oawte aawifc I. remow.l •-·-_,, __ ii 11&"'-+m m Brick. block, co n er• t e • __ T ,_ . • .,.101 -_.. -. ~ BOSTON ~ l.HJc iWiii, crpntry, no jOb too amal1. --te ......., _.. 0 lK Down w1tll tnttmt ~ tan hUness, ~ ans to 1Jc Omtr. s.Ga4S e msT IN OONCRETE! Oii -·For ..... -.. ~ .. -~ .• -~ '======== ·-,_ ~· -· -·'· mation, p~ .. on K. w. ~ . ~ _... -... y au..: ,...., • g-.... Stnil1 with -L.OSr -CaL nd col· C.~l"I '5fO R .... S.... -· 60-m4 EclcMlf & At-., lao. Jar, Sa!' ,..., °'-"' * CXX<alEl'E _., - llll w. OoQmaa.A... ....._ ,.. ...... -CAllPINTlY A lie. Ooocn,. ........ °'"'*'• ~ KEEPSAKE ...... -MINOR Ul'Am& No Job P!illllpa -- PROfESSJONAL Rue A Upholaruy Qeanlnc. Top QUal.ity, l\lal'9ll~ raalb. Al!etl. .. ~ 64MOS3 or." eVll 6U-35Z Car,o! • tJpOol a..rilatl If ;t'1 doQe right. ••• Jr. "OUNN•WELL"! Fret Elttrm.tn ..... , ~ 5'1~ ~ 5Jl.SJTl lot Kenn Rima vicinity. Too Small Cllbinel ln ·p.r-~!,.,!!11 .. -!!!!!!!!!l""'!PI Reward! Ml ~lttl qe1 .l o t b • r cabinets. Chlltl c.... ___ M_lo,.1 C'.RPETS ,.,._ -i., -.... ) \!lltyla and ~ ~. Ut@al tb'lt1 lnd colors. Commtrdal and Ruldtntial Expen ~•don. BLANKINSlllP FLOOR! OON"l' stw ft ••1.1. It'! -------- 0\Sld CUh .., • wlU. • '•''°"'" 6405 =.. Piiot .... •di i:..:..:w"1G=&c..MA--K-E-.u"p= """'_._, 1'1nlf It wftb a want •dt a.ASSES • 183 C·Btllt ~mft.lcl Ml-&487 231) E. Warner, Senta AN. 545-lliS. U no Ull'\l'ft' leaw me at ~ IL o. AnOOrmn DIAL dtnei 142"'11, Owto ,-a.i,_ .. _ ... Ultfll to u,e ,... ms·1 llcomod Day Ciro for 1ovr. e~~I ~ 1choolen 3 to 6 yn. Cood food, ....... progn.m, qe. etlve dramatics, l'llon.P'ri. \\'k. ends ey IJTaniemeriL Inapec:Uon tmrl:ttd. ~ 642-14113 540-1'11 \\o'hile elephant&! Dlme-Utftr ' ... -· - SlllVICI DIRECTOllY SIRVlCI DIUCTOllY IOIS & IMPlOVMINT ; .. 1W.,,'.,_ 2'i, lM -DAir. rlUIT IOIS & IMPl.OYMl!n JOIS & IMPl.OYMllfT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT IOIS & IMPl.OY " JOU a kMl'\.O•M•Hl .IOU & ~y fumltu,. 1tooi.r1nw IMMltc1plnw 6110 ~ W•......_ -7200 & llllinl.Wnw 6675 UNDsc;Al'ERS DRAl'T!NO Holp W-. -7'2GO Help Wo-. -nG0 Holp Wo-Holfo W-1WiP W-Holp Won!M w.,.,. 7400 w...... 7• . We, ttA ' 7AOO W9'Mt'1 7 Qlioo Q.NG. stftv. ATIIHTION SflllOR four turn cu be DtW &pin! I need~ aod wiD * SHIPPING AND STOREROOM * Ab&e )WJlll man b-a.uilt "' .... _. -.. .... mate'.$1 tontl'ol • fil'.lt ITT JAISCO I STENO-SECIOlll . - GROUP INSURANCE CLEll Qor6-MUl&I --a IT ft .-..! wftb l\llllnfMlll• bl& --kr ;..,, -·-Gonlonl1.1t MIO ,........_ I.di set ""'°"' llhllt. -""'"'" wUb ocelk.W .,_... oon-DISNEYLAND . • ANTHONY'S = ~ ""'7 ~ Ga,..n Service . '"''"" Ttie bes{. eo1ta no more! Prone ••• Plant ••• Prepare Monthly Maintenance Exp. Horticuituriat LAWN SERVJCE Mow~vacuum LI s.5646 after 6 PAI YARD Cleanup. 1'rM service, new I aw n s , sprinklers, rototilL 646-5848 EXPER Japanese Gardener P.tonthly service. re as . s:n--0705 or 5411-7867 AL'S Gudenin& Ser v Ice Lawn maintenance, garden. tng & clean ups. 646-3629 EXPER GAKDENER Mid-ap Japann:e Reliable. Mon -Sat 832-0TOS Mloonry, lridc_•UO PRICE l QUALITY CUstOM LANDSCAPING • 6f6..J.%M • Plastering, Rtp.1ir 6880 e PAT'S Plutmnr. All types. Frtt estimate. Call - PLUMBING REPAIR No job too small • 64>J128 • PLUMBING 1 24 1 hr aerv. .W~ ruar. lie. bf remod, ze~. "°ta aerv. D.11·7166 PLUMBING SERVICE REASONABLE R..(\.T~ .. se &l>-l!M2 You ,Dould have troni• I to 10 yeen proteasioall eJCperl. ence lncluditw" deslP ot sheet metal and molded plas- tic Parts u well u printed tirCi&il. ~ for the com. merdll computu ,ind111JrY. Good ......... 9&l&t> ....... "'1o'!I ....... lncl•><llow u .... """!Ion ...... Ont yur ol emplayment. EVE, INTERVIEWS MAY BE AJU\ANGED V1ri111. o.!1 , Maclll8's A VARIAN SUBSIDJAJ\Y 2722 Michel..., Drln IAdj . Or•"llO Co. Airport) Irvine, C•llf. '16'4 An equal opportunity employer M·F Night Cu1todi1n1 Houn 10 PM to 6 AM 1.fonday thru Thu.f11day 3 Pl\t to midnight Friday $447-$543. OPENINGS AT earu Orange Coast Colleee ""' . Golden \Vest Colleee APPLY • ORANGE COAST JR. COLLEGE DIST. 2701 Fairview Road ea.ta Me•. 83'"61ilR· dltlorw ud J fr lnse beodlll ~ trofit ~ IN~ -.DING ·--A-~~~ ·~ , INJECTION MOLDER EXPEDITER . Orang, County .,.,,..,.__ er needs ~ve YoWll man as Uped.Uer. E);cel- lent be~fifl and (l'OWtb JD-- tentlal. Apply At: 1300 E; Norm1ndy Pl. S1nt1 An• C1 Block north of McFadden, ~' block West of Gn.od) CHIEF Prt~ fnelneer • ·Mmlllcal · ar.,. County poeldoo of larp \ 'intemationaJ COl'o pondcn IM desl:;:n Uld ~rnent ;A small flWd b&ndlln& pumps and aystems. U&ed and ma. rine, industrial and saru. tary application&. Requ1res 3 to 5 years en- ctneel'ill& e.xperltn:a, ml -~-q "-mtchau:Mc.l, 1~.anical or --.w-q. buwlili'ce ol plutks IUld -...,, belptul. AN EQUAL OPPORT\JNtl'lt EMPLOYER 1485 Dale Way, O.ta 11eta Califomla 9'JQ& DUE TO WAllSIOll ~ ANO INCRWBI, BUStHESS, Nabtn Cadllloc is now taJrinc applications for EXPERIENCED G.M. P~INTER See Mr. -OSUck Donnell . Typing llO p!UI, Sbartlllnd • p!UI. Alilo to work Sal ~ Swi.. -a dq·woet. DISNEYLAND _ Call MQllday 'thru Frid1y 'lt .. m. to 4 p.m. .. . • IO'MACKll A..,,.,..le typing, able to process and poy a/"'!X'•· Call ¥'onday lhru Friday 10 a.m. to f p.m. ( . (71') lllMW, Ext. 678 • • An oqu.Uiopportunlty· employor • ED MACKIE I (71f) 53$M58, Eil. 678 • I • An equal oppoflunlty employer . 7M0 CLEll TYPIST Hol, W1- i...;.:.=;.;;....---'7-'4GO""' w-1e Nett oPlltATOR N._TBEACH I , DISNEYLAND .,. Need~ NCR oper- TYJ* 50 plus. Buly otfice erperience, atG<· -... trPe 55 wpm. able to wort Saturdaya. ii a wtm at apeJUrw and ca.n Wle • 10 hy addin&' ma. Call Monday thru Friday 10 a.m. ....,.. -Poattlon """""" to 4 p.m. be&vy madllne boo!Wepln& in potttn,: jouma1 l!fltrles to ID MACKll the "'"'"" '"""· Some (71f) ~ E•t. 678 , formal h"al!tlnr In accounc • • r J i ~ 1'0uld be most he1pfuL .'>n equal oppcirlwjlty employor -nt ....,...., ben<lllL 1-::::::;:::;=;:::::=::::==:-===::::====== I ~ ca:ll 644-3258, between I : t-11 am and between 2-3 pm H1lp W1n!M """' Win.... OlllJ, • w~ __ . __ 1_.,_ wi,..., ~ !!! ' .~ UNIGARD NI~~ • WAITRESS INSURANCE GROUI' .HOUSEKEEPER, ' ix,':~ LONG INSPECTRE~ AND Uo!Pril in.urance Group Is MAIDS now b.1rlng tor our new di· viiion ,omce open1ns. ln Aoril. Ii """-Be&c~ on Edinger at BMdl Blvd., just oU ti>e San D .... Fwy, ""' .. posltions ·will . Jmml!diale opl!Dillp. Elc• P&ndlnc stall for en- Jaraed hold. Cl.ll or llff Mimi l'ln&· • I Good Opportunity MUlt ~ve pod appl!atanee *' ~y· m P$ROON * J .. '1 ··, S~ Sliop No. 1 2* l .'c.nt'Hwy. ~~l tr,C1I, PART TIME WOM• II AM·l PM !llAql<)NALD'S, !be • > est . Cany..OUt Restau;r#: awn. oUen; an eic.ctDlit opponunity fOI' ntat, & t women to work at MacD ald's of Harbor, C.C Mesa. MONDAY thru 1 DAY 11 AM • 2 PM. T JI perrnanment year aroi l!mployment ln clean, pl , "' aant sunoundinp, w I I meals 4 unllorm ' Contact Mr. M~' ra or Mr. D~ua at MACDONALD'S 0 HARBOR 3141 HARBOR, CM *TRIMMING and INSPECTION * Trimming of small phi parts. Permanent posl ~ on first lhift.. Excel !it v..'OJ'kin&' condlUo111 and r- inre belll!tits. Will train. CALIFURNIA JNJECJ10N MOL.DIN( 200 BriuJ AwmMP Costa Mesa, Calif. -e JAPANESE GARDENER Maintenance &: Cleanup Call 543-2512 R'imadel, RieJNir, 6'40 ROOM ADDITIO N • CAREER .. "'"""''"""· A tt r" 11.. OPPORTUNITY! prices. Free estimates, Call Join todays futm srowtnc ACCOUNTANT Growina compaey. needs chic! accountant to assume re- 190nsibility ,for division fin. anci&l rttordi. Supetvision of small accounting depart. ment. Knowledge ot aovern- ment contract acoounl:ltw es. sential. Degree in· Account- ina: or Business Ir 5 years uperie.nce, Excellent •W'l- 111& salary. PleUI! und rf:+ sume & aalary miWrements to Box M-620 The Daily Pilot. PARTS PICKUP a · ' DELIVERY MAN See Mr. Monie Dona.hue CAR ATTENDANT See Mr. &b Rcplski i"""1 -~ appraxlmate!y .... ipootfl•"' our Loe Angeles o(tice, bt- fore the move. Transport&. tlon will be provided. THE ' NEWPORTER ' INN 1107 Jamboree &..d Newport Beach 6#1700 EX!llRllNCID TEMPoRARY office b , ' !:st to 5, m typl necl!SW')'. $425. per General S.rvfcet 6612 CLllSllZ: H AULI NG, Painting hseclng, odd jobs. You name it. "'e do lt! 642-3398 "·=6--0846======= profession-Mutual Fund sales ._ No ~ence nl!C'l!SllU')'-Excellent trinp benefits, beautiful ultra modern lacl1- itil!1, finest pay P.].an, Immediate Openings In the following areas 0 EiC.ROW 0 SECR'1'AR·Y Please call for A p &IS-0970 ' ~H OUSEKEEPE Japanese Gardener Exper, compl yard service! ·Free estimate. 548-7958. JAPANESE Gardener, exp, Roofing 6950 A· 'ROottt• mt a W@sman. Leaks stopped, all type roofing.~ew or rera.ll'.wark ,gll.at. ~ . reliable. Maintenar.ce. Beu Sewing · 6960 mo. rates. 892-3219 1---"------...; HAULING. Cleanup aaragrs. , • Dressmaldpg-Alterations odd joba etc. Ftte est Jim CUstotn Desi.gm 548-5.125, anytime ':;;;=,,*,,.-.,.,..=-*..,,..___, ~G, light alteration& j: -mending. Hems & ciothes 'm&M.Rfti. .... 2"'5' .. 6730 Yard/ aan.a:e clun up. Re- move t:rets, ivy. dirt. Trac- tor, back hoe, va,dirlg. 96l- 1745 e SA VE MONEY • before Alterations-642-51CS Neat, a~.~JP. yn. exP,o TrN S.rift ~, ~ 6t80 you ta~ It to the dump. ESTATE Maint Tree SerY Call 642-5666 eves. ~ &: ~ free LIGHT hauling and trtt I ="';l;;;~:;=-:!'=1"' m-=';=;2!183=' == remova1, re a 5 0 nab1 e T~ieYltion, Rep81r 6flS 545-54!1() 1-....... .,_~.,...""""-~ JUULING, General, Top., RAINaow 'IV 0,, 'No Ser- lrim, remove trees &: yl~ ~! ~t;t._ \\'.Ork. hedges. Big John 642-4030 L"Olor, blk &: wh1 or 1tereoJ1. t'6-3720 -! Housecl••nint 6735 .;:::======= FLOO==R-'cl'-e-.,,-,-,=,-.-.. -1-Wtln-. g Upholstery specialists. Home & in- duatrial. F REE est. Swedish 1-l alntenance Service. 675--0951 CARPETS. Windows, fln:, etc. R,niden. or Come'!. Xlnt v.uk Reas! Rd!:. S48-4ll1 WOJ\IAN \\"ants housework 1 day a \\"eek, steady. Call 640-2388 \VILLIAMS a.NG. SERV. C&rpet5-furn-<:0mpl hse. ADd Apt dni· 642-8164 CZY KOSK I 'S CUstom ~Upholstery. E •1 rope a" J:ra f t sman sh i p.100,... ;J'inanclng. 642-14M, Jltt t-lewport Blvd., C.M. · JOBS & EMPLOYMENT .lob W1ntld, L1dy 7020 1 HA VE FUN • Wu.t. , , TRAVEL Capable PracticaJ n li. r 11 e . Local ref,rences. No smoke or drink. Live·in or can *° from "pad" to nurse, ,l.Jn@ncumbered. Co Jlanionship with the light We train • full or part ttme Mutu1I fund AcM..,., Inc. Npt 8. 1603 Westcliff 6G6422 S.A. W N. Broadwa1 .. ,...,., --~COST ACC:OUl!ITANT Imm«! ... """'. 0..,... "' Accowrtinr or BU!ineU Ad· minlstration vt/ AccountUW: minor. 3 YTI expe.r. in rnfJ'. costs. Call 1or appt. or aeDd resume; . l'LASMADYNE J838 Sq. Main, S.A. , 545-nn Ext. ~ ~ opportunity employer 1 AM lo 3:30 PM Ca.II Personnel Dept.' btwn 8:30 & 5:00 pm Mon lhru Fri. 527.n44 Stanton Community HOsiiff1I e INSTRUl.TORS -1'lll or/and part time. Neat ap- pecuce, llmt be •bit lo n:wet and deal with tbe P<J11!1e. 'aOod llpre. Apply la --Haith Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd., .C.l!I. • . YOUNG& LANE TIRE CD. Hu openinp f~ manqe- rr..ent tralnees. Top waaes: paid vaca tlons, ff"l!e major medical plap. Join • ro aH'ead with Ila. Apply in Pl!r- 50ri l88 ~11th st., SUitl: l.C, Coe:ta Mesa. BUSBOYS D•y• & Night• APPl Y IN PERSON REUBBI E. I.IE 151 E. Cust Highway Newport Beach SECURITY GUARD Exclusiw, residl!ntiaJ com- :murdO' .in th•· Newport Bea.ell arei: Must b.vl! pre. vlous: Ul»rieACe. The posi- tion will entail mostly nJaht work. $400. to atart, unifonns provided. Please ' lend briel resume or Jetter tv Box M !'i09, Tht n.µy Pilot. e· PLASTIC FABRICATORS 'vlth mechanleal aptitude, reliabl~. Bro..vnine Manuf&cturine 1919 Placentia, C-?'· Sftr.1171.. ARGUS AGENCIES Accountants CNdil Mono90rs Aclmlnlltratll/9 Tr'nff1 ~ BOB, 548-7796 186'9 C Newport Blvd., C.M. COOK-FRY Young man, exp. who desitta position with future. For in- terview aee :r.tr. &hierhold at "l\Ir Steak" 2 2 6 1 Fairview, C.M. ARCHITECI1JRAL Noben Cadllloc 2600 Harbor Blvd. COllta Mesa • POLICY SERVICE ~pt, Mgr. ....._ MONTGOMERY WARD r n::fcr at leut one year ot HAS AN Jl!Mi:DIAT)!: fltt, c~ly ~r multiple OPENING FOR Jin@ ratinc eX]>l!nence: Plea. DRAPERY unt. phone personality err DEPT u a' .ent1al. Excellent opportun. , """'NAGER tty for advancem@nt. Must be exp4!!!rienced in sales POLICY o• made to . measure and ready made draperin, Excelll!nt c.ompaay bl!nefits. lnd•dln& ''"'" obarinr, TYPING croup Insurance, Ntlrement Experienced or trainee, mul- and many 'Othel'I, tiple line policy typlllt. 60+ APPLY IN PERSON accurately on the electric. PERSONNEL OFFICE Thi! ideal ~ltion for some. 1-3 P.M. MONDAY -FRIDAY onl! who like1 to type. MONTGOMIRY WARD 'l7TT EDINGER HTG. BCH. MAJOR ~ UNITED CALlfORNIA du/wk, some older CALrFORNJA BANK BANK. care, own transportat ~ 11ttks stl!no/typlst for trust _ Emerald Bay, La&"una I , , d@pt. Must take dictation, 3141 E. CHtt.Hwy ~'94--009co-o-::-'-,,-,.,--.,,-,,:-;; aui::lt o l f I c e r , eajoy Corona del Mar RN tun time 11 to 7 c a's t om e r cont a et. ml!dlcal-3UJ'llcal, xlnt "WCJ Pmnantnt c ar e 9if tip. 67J.t240 inc cond. Contact Dim: portunlt)' for qua ll tt e d of N~ Coata M ' person. Sa l a r y com-Equal opportunity l!lftP)o)'er \femorial)Hospltal. IG- mhtsurate with ability and STROAG, Maltby Pl!l'IOD 6-perience. Contact R. C. .._ ...... 1p care for elderly • Atherton FASrIDrous 1 -0 NeYt'J)Ort Center Branch S~ . nUes. _ Llw In or , Security Pacific Nat'l. Bank Sou&ht by )'Ollll&: ~1 .:117:.;-5255;=,::..,.-;;===:-f' I 530 Newport Center Dv, q!Jmakcr in N, B. U... •ti~lffuly CounHlorl Newport &:ach Top wqea paid for speed CX>SMETICS. XJnt eamlri I: accuracy. Prefioua ~ 91x. hrs no canvus. t per:lnicet pttferret._ Apflit. llt5 ' or IE THE FIR.ST RJck Tay I or, Cout. ,i::;c;·--.,c-;;..,===:tt I Catamaran Salls. n1 w .. ~ Cocktail W1itre1H1 17th st., c .M. 6<5-tl260 • . , FELICIANO'$ AlcDONALDS is h I r I n I COUNTER Women to work Re•I Est1te S•le1 ~ , Monday thru Friday 11 am· Men &. Women , Taklfte rpp]lcatiol'l.!J Dall,y 2 • ~PM/~ 2 pm. Uniforms fumlshed, t:<..-.. ...iinr . Offi a · tree meall!I ..,,..,........ q8.ll1, ce tr MANAGEMENT Excelll!nt free benefi!JI. Per. APPLY.IN PERSON ' 4 openlnp available far Ms Men, Wom. 75 TRAINEE mll.l'll!nt, steady work. Our M DONALD'S llcensed rne:n It women. JD. WE DON'T WANT YOU policy Ls promotion from c 1tant income &: training. lifr,' tinte:ss YoU can train for six within. Your tuiur. is deter-H!61~1nt~h ~~o~r. Sp rl nc Red,QI. •. '~. UNUSUAL months factory l!lponsored mined entirely by you. New ~ . . Prucram. and be able to live modl!m ottk:e, fril!ndly, MEDICAL TRANSCRIBER Work· Ne1r Home .. on S512. per month durbta' pl@asant atmospbl!tt. Minimum one year ex-• .\ccountina/Bkkps: ·' • OppOrtUOl'ly the trainina: Pl!riod. Also you petVnce required. Above • 5eeretarial mUlt be able to start work averqe u.lary. Call Mn. • Jteceptio11 ~ immediately. Call trainlnl For Ol!tiils and App't MJlkr betwwa: 1:30 •·bi: e Typists director tor Pl!l'IOnal inter· PE~8N~L • 5 p,m., Mon-Frt. 52't·T744 SUperJer At•ncr view. STANTON COMMUNITY Eatabllahed 1Stl CAlL MDN: 543.9219 ( 21 J) 384· 1.21 J mo Ka~:':'.iv°':"stan!on 115'1 ~.:-!'~IM-* DRIVERS *: UNIGARD U~--N .,_ DOMESTIC Hill' -·-• llock le "ork 0 .... peritnc• INSURANCE GROUI' All kind•! """"-Home School Cooperatlv. Necessary! DRAPERY WORK ROOM C.OOks, Maid!.& CornparUona, ~M"''·hal!F.du~tional Div. tif t h Referencu req l'ee 1: Fte w an Fi~ch. Church ':19. ave cleaii California Immed openings an phuet • .Paid Jobi!. eaU Miss Abby, •cho ol or Sco u tinr dnving record. Apply Pd holidays &: Ut 1 yr ;>48 1'196 Back&round helpful $5. per YELLOW CAB CO. pd vac. + "'boo's, ~ ARGUS AGENCIES lotervl<w &•ar.' Call 186Cos~ l~~· _&_•_oh_Dr_a~pe-"'~---· -· -I 1!69 C Newport m\td., C.1.f. . ~ ' TYPIST~ CAREER OPPORTUNITY Telephone Reception Ste BeH;y Bf'\do at Salacy $393-$471 · The Independent Order Fore1tes have opl!ned new office in OraJwe zy __ ,,,_ or woman 25-59. CoDen neceuary. Should have pe:rience in meetlnl pu.bl DJrnllled life time poai Earning comml!nCftl iately, Should be in ex of $250 'veekly. Telephone between 9 AM 1 PM Mon. tht'\1 Fri. 9 12 Noon saturdays Jor polntment. Income Tix 6740 RESPONSIBLE preparation .t: IDing of all Income tax returna by Certified Public Accountant. Available to serve the needs of Corpora· Uons, 1mall buslrll!SS en- tft'Priaet and I lndlviduall. Your complete satisfaction ls ru.ara.nteed. touch. 642-8828. Box 2261. SERVICE Station M 1 r •. NB • Trainee for cut-rate fnd~ 'f.tXPERIENCED PBX. Clerk station. Must be bondabl:e t typist desires full time neat appearance, *I'! 21-85. tmploymenL Any h 0 u r 1 Steady job with chance tor &ner 1 PM. 5'&8--0291 bekft promotion. Apply AK only, 12 ' 88.v-.Mor Station, • Ocan do;F.SS -Companion j mAilv.IO.,i;' H;;;.;;;B.;;;Cal..,.l;;;t.,..;;;;;;;m; DraJtsman exp'd to \\'Ork or. large a"tit projects & cuAtom homes. Cared N. Smith, Architect, Newport Beach. 842-'71$,, llBLE'SALES Mott Mautitul llible: ever. $49.95. To p cmnm!Won S17.C:O. No~ credit check. ·5fS.013'1, Mr: Fontadt GX!n!: ~actrn,C.: co. W~r~-.~~·~:: t. m• f) i:~:wir::n~f ~ ~ rrt beneub. Aae 2'"30 , W C.-X6c tm'a. f1pe 40 WPM. ~ppJy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Collep .ie,_ .... ....,, • A..,J<)' tor C...... Giiie to-4/14/~ City of s .. I Newport Bc:h, South 49H Co.ta Mesa, Nortb 534-1 m others nl!ed •v-..i.Y. Box ~T Priuer wanted '10 W. <but Hwy,. t_l. •• Jlnch. 213/01-2521' P..f'15, Dally Pilot Exper. prefare:d or wDl By 9fPOftrt. tk-39!9 JiiBHi1 i£ii \\needed, 3 *SPAR ASSEMBLERS train U: necelW;'. Udo •ldJCd)aae. MJ'1bome, 7:30 * BENCH WELDERS Cle~ 1776 Neowport Blv. ' to 5':30 WMk tlliya:, $35 wk. Engineering Clerk CORPORATE ThWROVEMENT COUNSELORS • SU.9931 . ~~tally =~ SALESMEN ehild experienced. Avallable M111t be steady, reliable. • BUSBOY Stalmm ,,.,1 • ahunlown. Costa M•aa . ......,, Rodlo-Telephane 675-6446 or &1>-9610, wk- • (Day Shift) Experiooce ,,.., Owo •mall • WAITRESSES. Will train, Df-cL Gld •""'orev•inp. attul. BALIOA BAY CLUB hand tool~. Call 546-1437 full or pa.rt lime. Must bl ~· n , ~~ n m.-and Must be sood typist. Will 'luit!d dUtiH in e . . departml!nt, incluclinc atlna blueprint machiDI!, inc. @tc. Su~r. 536-M85 full mile only. Apply to pel"llOh, ask for Tea. ·~· w bet. S.11 AM, Mon.Fri. 18, attract!~ ,nth bubblfiia M• Jmow local ~· ,Ap. _ _; ---. 11 hr .wu , Coast Hwy,, N.8. penonaHty. ntE zoo 2344 ,.... .,_,,. ........ '48-2211 Ext. 166 NEW. modern Shell .station F.ut Coast Hwy a t pl~~._Jl(;W CAI CO. ~ 5_~ya/~ .. ~1:,ern. H. K. c I a r "': Aceta Scrv. Income tax, penona.I or ~neu, your home or ot'c. 2' yn. exp. kx: firm. 64U183 or &&5-0742 @ve1 CX>NVALESCENT Aide, GRANT'S SURPLUS STORE EXPERIENCED G~R-needs attendant; time . .1: McArthur. OOf DIE. ·~·St. -~ ~.-. --. oompanion ~ hUpt .. •Vail 1750 Newport Blvd.,· CM bl& or •hclrt t e J' m , DENER......, · hall O'llft' 40 bra. plus com-==~~·'='==~~ uw ,., e The Tax Advisan Year round ofc. S28 No, Nwpt Blvd, N.B. ~u! Call 64$-0WO for appt. Walter H. Fahrenhob: P.A. Income Tax Service 642-6204 or 545-1398 l!Ve &IACK HARRIS Tax Serv. 9th yr., lU7 RooL9fivelt, CAf. Appo.intmt.t. 5f0..29'11 l!OMEMAKF<llS. S<uat 17-AC. nune, compan. or iile'M>rk. Avail '17 PM Fri ""1J>l-.$UJI,- 7035 Chinl!se live-inl. O:ittrlul Pennanent. ~·~ r Far Eut Ag9i:f ~· ~ Geo~ Allen Byland Agtncy Employer. Pays Fee 106-8 E. 16th, SA 5'7..(139;} INCOME Tuff .......... Holp Wlftild, Mon 7_200 your Mme:. ~ form com- b!nod, ,,., ....,.,. DRAmMAN - e ~ME TAX e Jnd•ll'lal.... tilt-up ~. pi:ef. Done UI )air borne •J6'11 .at. cond, 8a1uJ $Sand... ~, ...... 111-aD~ I I '711 PAiT tMw .-. ...... TN '°" ~ . i •!Ua!W Rel .... !lo. 11 IRONING IN MY fiom! .fUbi"'-.11'.& REASONABLE • LP ...... 11...-ir CALL,.._·• --~--Ironinc wan«d. f.,;' • t 113.9 ... ' ""'a "'°"',:...d :,, AStR!llliFCORP. 54S-S10C or M .·'> Optllilqla; Lathe mill l-D. Land9<1pln~_.61'!! -=.c.!;:,'t',,:'.'"1 °""'· Poor Man 's ,,lend LIDO CAR WASH, 481 E. CUSJ'OM 1.ANDSCAPlNG l 'tih, Costa 1-tesa. Age ll. • 646-1734 tr Apply in pmoo. LO'l'MAN, EXPERIENCED, Jor JohMan A Sons Ueed Cara 1941 Harbor Bvd., a.ta Ma.. bOl!Ol!nt work- ini conditions. Apply In penon Thurs, Fri, Sat. 9 to 5 PM. •• run me'WIJtl ml.a. Expe:r. Jube 6 aaJn PART Time COCKTAD.. and Costa M'eaa GIRL ta care kif' clllldnn crew, Or.... Ceunty req, FOOD WAITRESS needed Sharp c1...., G•ll In fD1'\home, 2 to S• PM. ..... '44-m7/$4f.1611 990 E. Coos!""'· N.B. at AILEY w= -· Oat< ,,....., Gal Ull51 ........ 'Cl@.,'u ... 0 C,.i. * LANDSCAPE WORKERS 210G Frid-Recpb. Bkkpn. -Beach 962-25a! • e DlthwnMr /IUlboy * CEMENT FlNISHER Bea!." ~:b,,~~ RNs A LVN1. Boeh ~ a: M DENTAL . ~tant, chair SURF A SIRLOIN * BRJQC M:AS:>N. 5f5-2535 6 ~-· Floe!) paid jObe. Top co al CaD ilde in Ne: .. --:.. Beach S9:IO Pacttf O:>ut H NB .....,.~ Doris. !48-1795 ' _ "'-~. c wy., SERV Sta Attndnta, all ahitta 1-0ztter Trainee ARGUS •AINC'lll. aft&. XR9 .expu. dtsired. Sl1co Swttch 1139 Biker St. Coat• Mesa 549.3041 OONSI'RUCTJON SUPT. open. Sa.I~~· Tom 1 c:. ...... tre "C' .... 'd "' "'""' To apply, Pb. OR~ fZUSTODIAN •WORK. Sleadv ...__ ""ts u ••. -N B ""-~ OR. ,. ~'t', -,..._..... . .... .._.,, . • I ·• c ~ m~ CJiL ltE~-crdt . .. ,_ ot' cl'"n .. · _: w.-0ir 4 ·~ • • Apply ill Pttlon ,,-j.""\ • '1 An equal opportWlity men m.pa_, ..... uw vi-area. Give op<rle:nce A I ' Joban.en 1; 'Christensen • SfJPERVISION a 9 rleftced :;..~" " employer tice bdildlria '& bank tn their ai&rting saJarj: reply o.uy SALES WORK t . )el.lure how'I. Write: name, Pil Help W•~f'd 898 W. 16th St. N,B. h tl<l40&i ot Box M-316 W 7400 Corner of Monrovia I: l6th. F\d1 Umc. Muat ave hl!at PART .,.... n---•... . . and phone num~ to Box 0/B E c "*' app@~ able to dtal uu1e EN&l.IUUQ 111 Nee re··L·rs T--her 1.1-G'.JB Dally Pilot. M HAN IC, l!Jl.. WANI'ED: Re a po n 1!1 1 b I e w1tll peopl~ Apply' In ...... Mr. c.csta Meaa. ADI • ~ perienced. Perm job. Move: * llOSTESS * Nla:hta. Neat wonwt altta, lite hskp'1. · ,..... ' * su..am * BUSBOY ':o beaut Lab krowhead! •PPl!arbw:. no expl!'rie:nce 5 day wk. 1· :io.-11·30 Cl.Jost son. ~ Educational Division ' ~. Yourc man to cau Collect nf: 331-2501 nee. Apply att.r !5:~ pm days} Vie downt~~ Hi~ Holiday H11lth S,. HOU~ER wl .~ Manhall F1elcU hu lntl!nl wed: part timl! in family AMBULANCE DRIVER EL Pi:8CADOll£ RESJ'AU-Bch-M&-2911 2300 Ha.1:tior Blvd., c.M. Ina abilities. !5 ..._. -"'!·tine I Wffb summer UliC re1t1t1r1-.1. See Mr. _""".._..__.., ........... u .. RANT, 40l E. lNll St., EXPERIENCID ... -S3'0mo.*..-'*' ' : llQ> ............ I Sddertlold at "Mr Stffk'' ....... _._ ....... ...., Prr ~ ~·.-·~ m t 2117 ,_.,....,C..JaM.,. Ue'd. Tap,.. -IDr n,ht Qoota-bomn, ....... "a..,....,, HOUSl"'ll!lllt ~lllr~-... ~th~=ti;.., i'XP. Sale1man w\th IDQ..O:latactJ!lob.ICl....(131 TRAINEES -Spcatawww ried.MWllwwll:'1'bd&.Ph. ID:AY SRIJT) *-O..trw,.·-..m:i • l'or lnte:rrinr wd -don., .,._ ~ Su•lce 10cto1y, Xblt. -· tJ6S..M54 PARK LIOQ jj=== lrttl Hi-Pm,... In-Mia ..;...1" •don ..... ~·a ·---ol MWloe _,,. Y: --~ i"'9ftll e" ~~ -mr umE.111 ----t!ol.-Gl1G.,llln:h --Mil fdaao ~-..-11 _-....,.....~ :"' ..,,"'!.. =· ~": CK. ~B., 1 bDL E. .. o.c. :.-".;!.. w ....... o': HOUSD<m>Ell, cu1d ~:.;., ... ~ ... _Is~ s.n; Ano. -appt. call Mr. Allen DRA1TSIWI, Part -· """'-_. .. -care. U--.... MA'nl!IE ' --· llys (213) ~ m... tmw -A ATl'l!OjDANT ... •Jdm11 la· GIRL J'rlday l1P< It -o. -· """111· . I"'""" .. f" °""'Ptlonal job o-l CONCRETE ~ nc: 496-.1111 di 1'1'1. •Yt to Sun ..... dlv.,,.t!leel .... , ..... .,j -z· !Mo J::.l n.,. See our M-ad Flni.h•r & Farm S1tt1r I F.ntft'Jll1ai.nr"')'OWll man. v.1Jy, '7Wl61, ~ "385'i • depe~t on QJIJ'l--. llill. I ifriEL ro&kl. iii tne, !! ~ ::U •-APEX ., \ ........ ..___ ,. -1·30 $'l BABYSJ'JTER vie Harpet wuu.. 6U-()l5l "''euant Stm'OU.u.-tffn.q:e .... • Employmtnt A&ency For CUilom home builder. -·;t:ir.'iG-1686 · School for 10 yr old boy .,. * fM-m87 )'CMl1'ftr adult to .U blkinla. l873 HtrbOr Blvd =· 49't·l66!5 betw G-1 pm stMI·rtUrtd ma.n for 1~ 642-3297. ana-~:30. 1 E':~:· .. :C.mfl: ~~ PART time w&itml, H.B. liS-lT35 <% block Soutb of. iith> • .. 1nr: Ire. Apt. -LANDSCAPE lead man .....,, ...... Apply.,, t<. """"· ... Dinner "-· •GENERAL O,FICE* ~ M-- Dial ""671 !or R""ut:rn Newport&ach.494-1'6a 6#2931~1<81 HarlxrBML.SantaAna. (213j43MlllbtwnU..S HILi'. _,.., SOCKrf1"'EMI I I · 1 I I I • ' I l' 1!\ ijt ' I • . ,...;-.. ; - ' . . ' ' . . ,• • "'''! ., t ; ' I ,; 'aw' ..... , •• '1 . . ' • . ,.. f , . ..,_~ .\ t ' . ) ' 'I I -~ ' . .. ~ t._._ .. ' .. .. I ,; • . • . I . ' " . '' ~ ' • ' . I ' • . ' ' \ ' ' . • . . ' . ' ' ' ' II ' • WITH • .1 .: • ·. . ·: . c ,I.:. "' ...... ...._1_ ....... . 1, ... : •• '.lf':1-n·e-·\Jj }•:t 1 . . . .. ' .. Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of 'the BIG · action today! Dial Direct: ·642-5678 Just say: ''CHARGE IT!" ' ' (North County, 540-1220, toU frff I . ' ; OI.\ •\ • fl •"' I ' • ~ ' . ' . . ' .,, :. ' ' • • . . .. ' . . ' '*' ;·1 *.. ' . ~ f '· I l, • • . i ,. ' ' IT'S EASY TO PINCH -PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS .. . .. ~1.1 ,1.·• •••• i~~ 1··· PENNY -PIN.CHER . ' WANT ADS NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES ' 2 TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e 0 NO ITEM OVlll $50 0 NO COMMIRCIAL PlllMS 0 0 NO COPY' CHANG&S 0 NO AlllllVIATIONS 0 I . I ' . ' .. ., ;· ., ' ' • I . ' . ' ' "I . Let PILOT .PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ' ' ' . I • . . ... . " . , . ' :1 I I ' I .. I ' • ' I • I •I I I ' • ' I ' ' ---------------~----··~"<'"'f"'>>CCO"e"0"4"'1'1r"'t "• '• :::W.J )4jj.4,·4 !"Y 1,¥,f >.'~fl [-" ,1. 4 ..... -·----~~~··~-.~·~·~·~·5~<~.~FJl~,-.~··•~r--••~•~r-> ~-~+,. _.,_._., ,......,.. __ ~-~-.--T ,.__,. "' •---.---•~· ,._ f •~ ,.. • .,. -~~~ -,.~ ·-• ' • • • ••••• ••••• • • • • • • 4' ' ••• ;. ' ' ' ' . ' .. " . ' . ' ,• I I I ' MlllCHAHDISE l'Oll MEltCHANDISI l'Olt I.ALI AND Tit.ADI SALi AND Tit.ADE ,....,,..,,. IOOOllumlfU'9 IOOO ME•CHANDISI l'Olt SALi AND Tit.ADI - SIW,._,, -29, 1"'9 MlltCHANOISI f()lt MlllCHANDISI ,011 MlllCHANDISI FOii FREE TO YOU TIAN POllT I.ALI AND Tit.AM SALi AND Tit.ADI I.ALI AND Tit.ADI ---·--·· a.te I Yechts 9000 ~!!-. 1110 lfl.l'I A ..... -Ull Ml ... 111-MOO LOVA.Bl.E 216 .... m-1;;;;;;;;;_;;:,;;;;;;;;=.;~ M>JIG. dlnlnC flll, '1'> sa. AHNVAL Ala'fQIJJ: Bl'ERIXl --stale l'llmD\ f•..;llf-:!,. ~.--d.•J DAVID L. Fil.ASEi! Ve"'1Pt11Uot...,,IUI0.8tll SHOIV"""SAU: --·-· , -llUI -~ ~,,~'::'~ .. ~ .. ::"".' l!O' Dl-1 eutt.r, lff c&bln, dt&n'I dee rpp, 'IDfa. • Y.WC..A. Slnta An& 1pcl ~ Ltfl 01 :t.. ~~--r :;{ :J,1.& --: ~ eon.tttuctlon, Fut ' DAILY •ILDT ft POllTATIOti S.llboalo 9010 -----~ LIDO 14 'ULL RACll TWO SUITS SAILS! Trailer! Cover! $129$ N!WPORT 20 SLOOP! Sletpt 3! Ltad krel! :::'m~ lrad"""""'1J. Mpc~~~iOJm. ·~= ll'll'°"'7:o!m~~E, Mll• F8!.."1f.:!,»G?· ~: .. ~;;o:·;;.oi!:'o~ 3 PC~~ ... ~ ac.rc• 29, 1J tD Wim-o.dh ~-, SaL Onb' I a.m. to 2 n.w:. ~'.IT• n' H•:•· ,.,11 lt> Nd. 120 water. leutht MlnUf1cturer'1 ~ ', ~UC mot a I e "GOOD ·D~ ... GOOD p.m. 929 Baktr, Cotta M-. variety ~-Ordlar4! ~ =:·· ·· ........... $22,ZOO '6f Show--m Samplu coct....:• table ~ kitehe SHOW..COOD~VJg."" I ~ r;, 1 oU srt~ Aw., SI* 21, 3 aailll, botr le ·-,_ · c.-. f . _ P00 -'"' • · Am . -· E ndlo ""1-A• T-~-1---,.,,,._~---V/on ~··-1 ~ . ~v•at••t•• ' • -_....,.. • ~ -.uJU Ull" ~ • .r.. " ~ '\• ' 6 pm arlly 1 Ul 4~~· .. <U1 SUp @ St.~ prr ft, avail SaUaway SJ,350 MO\-e now! JOHN GRANATH m.3570 8' Wood carved arm dJvao, le. man 's chair CLUB HP• f::;• cus1 rua;: t~a ~ l.•:f. r J S'I'T.JDJNl',. Interested , 1 n ':htiMt, M'l~ cord,'. $25~ 1---.., ~ • ma •1• I l 5 P b ..,, -•' ·~·-2tJI !'bolo.=-·· • =r.,··: ~--~~ ... ~ lWIDY1:1> ..... ~ r .... -, 11 ..... ,,, ....... 121,000 Ol' ove ••• c ~·tagon dark oak d1'n set ,,, ....... t .......,,. -c "''1.SI""'• ·n.uuzn ..,..,WlllO",. --uy .t.___ -vor--~ ~ ·-· ~ -" 81·~ cu '. lo."-·n, -.%~.Del. n&wn. Ill-·• old. J'rff. -,<lpo,~nl..-.! l!0,500 w/black or avocado framed ch·'-·, 8 Pc BR SlOO. 1981 Ma11le, rear. Sat ('Ot.\._., ".,..· ..... • menL , t ......... -""~ <#._. .aA· Cal •·· a.u·a ~ :--~-u T l'S' rt. ' atack'd tree., 681-0M& to Jood honti!-•2'M.r.,-,. . J lill r&L"'f ... • $35.~ Ht. ~· Mr. " Airs, t1re .... lg mlrro 2 ~sun 10'4.>' \ i ·20 ~ !0% 0 ·-· . . • Sil Fo (2) SMAIL ..... (() Mo. ·~l~ OnJd!lt'""' XL.NT COND, s:QI, PRIVATE PARTY commodes, de«>raUve headboud 1n Spa~b cu R v ilil. 's" t •••ii ~ ::r,i:t °"" ;,fJ: Sfle!llnt -~' uoo Yer i Jidlel .., MJn. Co<ku 1 -•L sut.,. °!'"'to._N•wport oak dealgn with matcbina box aprintt•, mat-bide-a-~ .. be111st8ottu. • c.M. ~ ~ ... ,..ti_·--· --.. · '• &G-4986 411 * ., .. t,6 Ews. • 962.-0635 * tress &-frame. ... * ._.,.. * , . i ~uK.f;.auA&Df:I, Mon only to Cod. .,...., M't.llt _,, •'VI WINDMILL 16' paint &: Now OPEN ' ........... ....__,,_ If pnt ·•1-'•• --•, o"•'' ' !'!:',.,,;,.'--a= -COCKER t.!nier ~ mo.-. old, p . ,·Tb , , .' j ' ..in•• .. _,_ .... .-.... _,.: • .__.. u-... lttmt,~14 tialwlclually MOVING! Tables.. lampt, tor'• • ou;--1 t ~.~ . u ......... ...... .. • V'M"VUClllil ........ _ ·-WU&fl ""'"' -~ ...... -..... ......... Shop Arevnd ...:; lelft ~ buy .,r.· OSI .. , ~· A much milcdl. llELEN'S AN'nQUFS U2I ~JS~~-.~ from. = :~· ~ ~ ]1~6!~ee~ boom, all fltttnp, ftnelt VALUI flotS.fS-FUl..~J _PRICE 'SU.95 '·1311•°"' St.; NB M&-UI• -BIYd, ''°" J, at WARDY SUrfboard, ""' .,.w, Misc. W1nt,.i 1610 PART Poodl• poppi.~ 6 wa. ~.115.'-·~ '~ :::-=.·~ $2SO. or .,.ter;man~.-~;;i.wwMk: GO!\liEOti"'Kina: Bit' aeL 1 u....™•D•co·r-.1or1 .. ~ o-tt-·, ~-. -t --- -16812 Rou Ln. HB 411"'"" •~-OurStor ~·Pl ~· · ' C6&1 !9!0:'2.,.. qo, ...U _,.,,...~ -·~ ·--~ ·-WE p•';<f MOllE l'""' .,,_.lfber1lau FLYING Dutclunan. Jr. 13'. No Fancy Flont ' ll:JT OnaUty V u• In.side · No din. !MS>--'1798 • -¥.'t&Ded. Call B-UOS 4 \Mcri'th sail for l&ta~Schock M nee. A real "'•0 at • • '" ' "11 Whli. oval •inlnl tabla, - -• ti'! orBontFlnlildn1 M~OT>-lb!f · •-··•-•"~-1165.18'......,, CA"SH SlAMESEkltt•..,hn>ken•·-~ ~.damm Equlptfordayllll!nrto t; chain. SflJ,,ff best~· QtJEE?'f~&rft\C.b a l r, Ml1c•R1neeut • -l600 ' ~ ~White petratJ. Br1i1t Sal!ol~ '·J .S900 __ . "~'·~2'51~----~ " , -mabopny l carved. S195r . : -• • cqe. 540-::1629 3/J1 ~29''0wt111DCiGlhridie. lS' O'DAY Cty Cab, compl cnt) ~or ~1533 F'or any ~ new or used BAMBOO Ii: BlAck BuiboO.: i~ equlp, new ~nt, 50 aailti", trlr, mtr. Uee ptv S.wl~ Mich106C.,..1120 Fcnl!lon ~nck 1um11=, .-.-. ""'~ You •ia. ll4M.ltJ3 am :"":n"t~~ oil.,. ~ :;:" .;;...,thi• a1e1 '61 SINGER_ a ruJ·btauk>i TREMENDOUS fteducllOflll ed TV's. itereos, piu:ioa, or.. ~~ wubfnc machlnt · · v on all PazitJ. P&nt iults '-p ns, 1tovea. l"thipn.tors. Needs repair tM"42l l!2i BOSTON Whaliri"-U,' w/ trlr, 1966 TARTAN. 27'" sloop, Only S37J5 or $3.'B Wftk. bedroom 1thl dinin& mom • oJohnlon 33h'11 x?nt cond. 2 Inbd. Aux. SlffPI 5. l'Ulb' Doe• e..-ythinc 'but talk. HOlteu-outfits. Cu s t o m •ii. ottice rW-ntture. 1 piece TWIN l1ze bed ht. Hu. )'rl old. $1250. LI 1-5561 equipped. 5'JS.23315 ~I . • ; ~:;:rr~~n~~ ~or bou.tul. Dq,. a!&ht or tinatoo Beach, MT·981T 1128 ll' Glua nit • tandem 1015 a IMl'LOYMfNT -..... s..-, I022 Furniture IOOO Jobt Min, Wom. 7500 ·---=:.: ZO PC. "MADRID" G.f.J(AGE Sale:, 9 x. 12 Ax- ml.pter rue~ 30" x l'l'' oc- t&illl ~. portable TV. AM-FM ~pomb. rteord player • radio. New 1ize 14 double knit lk1rtll, 144" drapes, toys, plus mlsc. it,n11. 53&--0.55. l 0 6 0 2 Goshawk Lane, Pac If i c:: Muolcalln&I. · , 11~ al.1~ar HeecleUarttn ---NEW """ USED • Fender • Vm: •'standel • GIBSON e MARTIN e Wll.OON e YAMAHA Drum HeHquarten e NEW and USED e *· 5C8-388l * Sunday. ••, WOOD lot )'pl.Ir Flrtplact~ trtr. S«X). 14.' boat 1: vtr, ~ 638 3&U All 011 Up. SU-T28!! 1,. $lSO • ...-, "'4333 , , • LU DUTCH Rabb!t, ~ 1 t!.~' 1.« GLASSED Bolt, tilt LIDO 14, l'll!W cowr, trailer, 2 suits of aaill, (1 new). Wlsker pole. $950. ~19C2 Sh=...,.s.llJnr Din&h> SELL FAMOUS KNAPP SHOES * Your own business tull or 1,art-tlme * Liberal on the spot commiu:ions * No deposit or investment * Flu bo'nua anci insurance plan * rree actual sample! CONTACT \VALLY ERVIN Knipp Shoe~ Inc. of C1:ifor ni1 6fD1 E. n.oTll.LA S?REET EAST LOS ANGELES, CAUFORNIA 90022 hfACHINE OPERA TORS Jor Tri.car Lathe, Drill Press l Milli, Packailng '= Ship.. piJl&Clerk. e x p ~1ience belprul. Applf bet. M PM. ARJ.lALITE W E. 16th, C.M. Cutter, Experi.,cecl Immediate Ope1lna' Beach Drapery Strvic:e 900 W. 17th Strtel Costa Mesa 540-6464 I FULL I. PART TIME. I Apply TASTE FREEZE . 2"6 Bristol, CM EXP. Land1eape alesmen or trainee. Salary + comm; qualified leads. }'r i n 1 • benefits. Call 5'6--0MG OPERA TOR with i>llowln& OR Space availablt (rMt) tn Costa M~sa Beauty Salon. 540•-8934 Tu .. Fri. ! EXPERT Manw:cript typist. ttc:bnical emphasis. Full time. Dynarnetrix. tt. P. O. Box 494, Dana Po\it 1JNCOME tax help needed to 4/15. Pay depenh on experlenoe. 642-2221 BLUEPRINT SHOP nquira blutline trimmer operator. .... 373 Put Time DeaJc Qrk Apply in person Gl8 W. Coart Hwy, N.8. _,.,...c1 ... Min a . w-7550 BookkttPtt (tee ner> '. $550 PBX Rtttp • • .. • • • • • •. • $400 Crtdlt Clerk ••••••••• -• $489 Typi.t, vry prttty • • • .. • $400 Sales Outside .... $7100++ Order De1k Sales .•. " • S550 Warehouseman ••••••• • $500 Test Tech, ......... -• SSOO Alto Fee Jobs ()pen 9 to 12:30 Se.ttrday Mtrch1ntl Perstnnel """"" 2043 Weltdltt Dll~ Comer 17th I: Inine "5m0-- ll!WpOl . • personnel agency Pm.11tonel S.r•k• for th• empley1r •nd the applicant Im O.v•r Dr .. N.11. '42-Jm 541-2741 Sthool•IMtructl•n 7600 The Nowpott School of llualtW11 3 Room Group Ji'ROM MODEL HOMES Includes: Quilted sofa A: chair -l elKI tables I.: rot- t~ table -2 lamps -dttu- er -mirror -headboard - quilted box 1pring A: matt· r.u -5 pc. dinin& room ; table &. 4 hi-hick chairs. SaNb. SAT ~ SUN: 2 Sm refri&:. S25 &: $65, 12' 1lus boat $95. Anllque Jove eat $55, studio rouche1 SlS, $20 I.: $30, a nrw cover $15. Anti· que blanket c:he:sl Sli. c21 9 x 12 hooked rurs. sto ea. Dbl HolJ.Y"'OOd bed $20. PATIO SALE. La' u n a w A N T ~ . ol.d 540-1319 --.'.Ill 'til.Uer. '1125• Payment! or Beac:h, "-~t I Sun, l(;.ti:· ':\ft D SE.'RVEL Gu 12' Refril:. ·Gd. '~e fo(-outbrd. 548-3750 An\lqUt~ ~·s WI n d Io .. ·._ 1 worktnt cond. ~ \ 1 Ni'V/ a. USED P.farine cha.lr,l :DgQcan Phyfe style' ,w,e need quality ~no junk SEVEN PUPPIES Med ICIOd auWIJ• It dlscouflt! table ~{~1 ·chaln $75, an-t ~~). Furnl~...1:..~~-1-~_r homes.~ ewt. r~ ath ~}NB m&lll Uque ~-acurtle, andlro111. · , 1. stereos. 1~ - candt.labra, &ntiqu' Enzl~ and office iqulprnent. BLACK male rabbit, free W S.ldttett ~ 90l0 \\'all clock \V/mahor ca&ei: '1VP CASH IN 30 Mlnuteal you. 548-<llSl 3131· • .t 'i ..:,:. __ ..;.= 1nl110&" desk, walnut tv.ii. t. 531·1212 • 89'3-4555 ~~ 20, 3 me ne"" Bow "" • 67~2336 • Columbl1 5.5 Metre F/G, A-t , priced r!a;ht! n4: ?'9'J.4341, 213: 'f98.<l22I USED SABOTS $2fi.S. NEW SABOTS $295. 2£112 W. Coa1t Hwy, MS«J.O COMPARE AT $749.9.) $l99 Li'""' TV, 125. 494-7691 IRVINE TERRACE No dowi;-Pmts only Sl6 mo. 1727 Galatea FRI-SAT WDWIG, ROGERS. ASTRO Lat1e selection with new 4 pc. llf:IS and cymbals 11ta11- lng at $99.50. Pedal!i. hi-hats and sets repaittd. All small parts:, 1cce1aorie1 I:. cymbals tn ,1ock. bed•. 1''6 S. Cout ::..,., TWE~ BUY $PETS Ind LIVESTOCK_ pttlpll, ,llf•l!iii<~ chn>m• ~na Beach , Cati ll20 W~S, ~'. 11 t e I, OIEST of d r awe r 1, $ FURNITURE $ . eab1Qj ~\es. fit&!i'..lt ralley. b:lokcai;c headboard set. APl'LIANCES BL\IE 1' Seal Point Kittens. ~P81W· 4, • ~l~ or SABOT -Fully equtp w/ 2 xlnt motoni, Uc'd. l15G. 64«0913 WELK s w ARfHOUSE . Gla<1W ... , "'""'''""'· ... · · · tiques, elec blanket, GE ro- EVERYTIJlNG I~ r-.ruSIC Be•ch Music Cenler Smoker BBQ, misc lamps, ..,,, , , 8 week, hoWJe broken. $)0: • • ,,. •• •. • Early Amer lamp 1:. table c.1.r '.' 1--Pl1 "• '"":;Sf•r•e'• each. 963-1877 ' ' 1 yr lo wind Co I P1•c• or Heu1• Full to ·' ~· · .' r ow, lor TV anten-CASH IN lO MINUltS m . ' ~ -~ulp CAL ~1 owner. TOP SHAPE! Fluly e q u t p . Spotlea. Full race. M5-25X 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana lliserle, vacuum cleanen. na, amall elec waler heater a r . . ~ uu f°'/~"14 ,_ .. ,7 tor "" °' "mp", .,, 541-4531 e · .~':=l!•;,;~~: ~Y Power Crvl11ra 9020 Open Daily S.9 Many misc. items. AL L F1t.clocy Sa.lei I Service Daily 12 noon 'tll 9, Sat 9.5 17404 Bucb mvd., (Hwy 39) l~-i mJ. So. Sa.n DleJO Fwy. Rw1tiqton Beach MT-IJc -GlliSON-J:SO - 1t!qulne rack. GlrlJ Bllm · ALASKAN P.tah.mutes, for ... ""'A-_ n. ~,. ¥ Sat 9-6 · SUn 11-6 ;B~AR;;;,;G:;.AIN~S.°==-,-,= SPANISH Returned from REASONABLY~· TV, Model )!ome• on' aale 1 at Uvin& J'QOffi furniture, di.net· leS1 Ut8n wbole.,&let GrQUp te set i and bar. •tools. Includes beautiful H • • bedroom ftlrniture a n d quilt!d sofa It love seat. m I s c e 11 a n e o u s ltema 3 Spani&h oak decorator \nylime Sat. or Sun. f.1arch IP.bles, swag or table lamp:s, 29th le 30th. 384-A E. 16th wall placque, king, queen, Place, Costa 1'1es1:1. ml.IC Items of tools A: turn. ~Y'i\'EDS. With empty •how or brfflilnz. AKC\.::::;:;.•..:::;.::,,R·f'_:.:i;.l!o=•;._ 24.' GLASTRON. 3 yn. oW; 754 W 2Jth St Com ?.t ~ in D~ERATE ne!d rerlstcred h a1thy Blad< O'[)q; ~.~9i,~. eo&t S!I.~: SIS rad». ii& ,vith Hanlshell case, $3ZO ilew, $200 or oUer. Eric, 6~516'} after 6 PM · ·• esa Of ' end tables l coffer · · ' e ' 'Oemo · .. • 10> .,,.;l!Jii'•· poles, bait tank, 235 HP BIRD,_, of Pandile **ti ,tablt5. Frte "to Ua. 638--0Sll ~nd \\~~.te4~_:~na: ' ' S75 HOUJU."t;i~ Mere. cruller; sacriftce Healll1y bloominc w e It WANTED· \Vhl!e canopy DO * RH<;,~ ;f.!;1, ' • 1 , $3, 71!0. ~1161 established 2 plants to &, twin ~~. 546-7817 after 6 BERl-fAN Pup!! , AKC, 9 Fun Zone ~ '. . . I ~$3000 24 ft C&b Cniiler 'perf 5 ral. container. O!lW a kd all wks, Rancho Dobe s cham-SACRIFICE' 2) ~ , · · ' few left at this pr,~ of· !~";:~:ff aya, day Sat. pion etock show qual. $85. Beil oUe; ovK .: $SO O : 1~' 11}; !fi0~ btJ~ or full size bedroom suite *GARAGE SALE * complete incl box sprlnp, Df:c91JJ.or ilf'm.J. housewares. mattress, linens & boodoir 11ur ! 1:. 10 designer dresses, lampe, Spani.&h oak 6 pc pant suits, 1uits, etc., It dlnin& set priced e!Rwhert ··-• ••-•-'---•--'- only $5.00 for 2 plants. Call · 962-1436 642--57:>9 or 642-26231,i.?, · 1.ea 1909/ Pl•nos & Org•ns 1130 att'r 6 P.P.1. 01· all day USED· CARNEIGE 3 faucet AKC SILKY PUPPY --Hui_ d. Many Xtru. 675- -__ .--,, Saturday and SUnday. 1212 alnk, 6'xl8", Only 1 1,ft· male· frlalcy SABOT,,_,~ .:.511::,c:.15::.1::.5=~-=~~ PIANO l ORGAN So. Ross St., Santa Ana. a48-7926 Eve1 or Sun. I:. rornicaJ:' Just 'm time * 675'-28n 1t jL ~~1 1952 TROJAN, CIC. Twin BARGAIN HUNTERS I * AUCTION * ·-· f., Eu"r. T•nnt. 54<-4951 PLACE ,_ ...... .,_ ICftW, Excell•nt cood. ~-eo.,,,~·, •·-t Mlchlnery, etc. , 1700 AJ'C bl k L b d tbeJ are ~ -D~T $7000. $1500 down, take over • '"·-IIl,lllCI_ 600 ............... I.I ... ,.., at ~rnx. • ... 1'5.00 A4-T~ce. C.dM. Sat. 4 Sun. FOR: ONLY $399: flO down, .., .... ,... 'I ........ U you will sell or buy ---· ' ac a r a or PD.O'l' damiftedl ~ pa)1iWltl ~ atock of new A: u.t aiwi Windy a try (WHEEL Ferzer10n Tractor Retriever pup1, bred to I''··=~=·...:::.:;::.. __ $4.99· per .. eek ~· out of &tale' credit oK! W 1 IJ sepatate for quick salt. 2Hli Centiry Furnitu?it. 9 '? 7 2~ Gan(ln Grove Ji I v d _ • Gardtn Grove Dility 10..9,' Sat f0-6, Sun 12-5 Come in or_c.u cn4),iai.6?40 , " ZO PC. MODERN 3 ROOM~llJ Includes: flonJ.'~ · -walr.ut tables • • complete bedroom with quilt. ed mattrea: • 5 pc, d,tnettr, etc. All for ••.. $277 No down -PmU, On1y $10 mo. wnx·s WAREHOUSE 600 \V( 4th St.. Santa Ana Open DaU.Y 9 • 9 Sat.9.6 S'Wt.ll-1 Fumiture returned from dis- play ttudios, model homes, d~ton cancellation. Spanlah &. M~lt,rranean etc RD FURNITURE 1144 !11wport Blvd., CM fv'ry night til 9 Witt., Sat.&. Sun 'lil 6 QUAU' Kn&: Size ~ wt quiltei! mattrtss, co m p . N'ver uaed S98: worth $250. "'-Oi>' -17 •Pc. KirtCJ Si1e ·Bedroom Larxe41 drawer drtsser, mir- ror, 2 bedside stands, Irina size headboard, frame, 4Qflt· e<' mattreu. 1hfft!I, blalik- ets. e~. Choice of Spanish er P.fodem Style Ail For $249 No down • Pmtl. only S9 ma. WELl'S WAREHOUSE 600 yf. 4th St., si\nta Alf Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat.9 .6 SUn.11 .I COMPLETE Bedroom set; walnut, modern. 6 pcs. m.A Royal Palm.Dr., C.P.l. SACRlFlCE! 2 M c Gu i re Split Rttd chain. custom uphobtt.red, like ~MW S7S each. 6'73-4!22 Pianos I Orranl A··-~-~'--•io with soil leveler. A-1 cond. hunt. •!M-5153 da, 496-458:2 ~inet Pia.nos from •• Sl83 w~d7 ~.,,.,~ := em. new rubber on rear. $700. alt' COUCH, TV's, '60 Renault, ca,r radios &. ·MISC. items. ~·Ev•rtr"" Pl., CM •· '54D361 tll 10 p.m. Baldwin Organ •••••••• S38S '" y I udion arn 545-5490 l·,-K-.C-B_EA_G_LES_',_trai_.-... -for- Olickerlnr Plano • •• .. • $745 Behind Tony's Bldr. Mal'I hunllnr. Be1t ll,ld champ. OUR FA MOUS Conn Caprl« Orp.n 20l5\I N-n, CM -'FREE TO YOU '""'· 145 A Up. !162-8745 ~ w~~~·1:·~:i;,·n!:' CARPETS. Vlnyle, TUet, lat. ' ' . Al<C Reg. Poodl,1. Toy'1 It DIME-A t lNES eat 1t)'les and colorJ. Com-DARLING, friendly black 1'1inl'a. $50 up. Toy Stud Ser. ~ple•.1£•14 ttg~! n..w. , •. a..W.Otltl ~ ,.al)d .tan ~ be.,., • 547-38al or 547-9591 Low 8.nk tetn'l.!I pert iJUtallaUo -. d a c h 1 h u n d combination --------AD AGE SAlf No down payment 6'2-1400. • 5«).*2: Looks like dachshund. -471 BRITTANY SPANJE1.S-Rec; NEW Never used unboUnd UE Dururat. cCllt • ~·T 1 G.~~~.f!~_n_y POOL TABLE ;~if. •:aitJt Magnolia C.M. 411 6 v.•ks old. Xlnt huntlni 6Ji:6 ' Iha&" rua: I tell $12.50 with S a.•-.•.. __.,_. •s "llks .ana :.Z."..J::l.... ' dog1. &Th-3570 or &G-2764 oranre area ........., __ ... _, ~-• ;.;,-·-.-.--,-r So. ot Fre!way 517,Dlll 1ize for den or~...--...=;' AM FEP.tALE. approx. 1 yr. old, $25. Artlat euel ts. VW ........ """""' -.i- Fumtturr, Jamps, pictures, 0 M I: Fri , . 1 construcUon w/ bell tetum black w/ a blt of brown, * FOR Sale: or trade * iuaare rack. u8'd once $12. ·bar ltooll $ 'J. clothina: It ti))'!. 706 Aleppo pen on eves W + rack, cu'• & balls. $275. housebrok,n; small l wry ?.tin. R!d hfale Dacbslnlnd """-·•ar card table ex-ter $2. Sttam ftn Sunday 12 lo 5 962-3843 oil 5 •~w St., .Newport Beach. 644-057~ 1............................ 6'6-3613 friendly dof. Needs a loving p.m. tender, putect ~ncUtion, 1 bean cooker $2. * 'GARAGE SAL i * I J flRE SAi E I I MUSf sell all t)'P.e1 theater home. 536-2091 4/1 M J N I AT U R E ma I e 1eatl 8, $5. Childrtn • che•t ~Y um1num Ouiltmu u;; equip, apeakere, Jighlll. etc, GERMAN Short Ha i r Dachshund at stud. 96:J.-3M3 of drawen $5. 546--3531 b'8~, ; ft hi&h with color indUll, ntrlr-freeier. Much Pointer, female 4% yrs aft. 5 p.m. BABY Bathinette $10 GE w . ~ 'cost S29.95. i 5 · mare. 187 State College \\-ants a rood home with SKYE Terrien, AKC champ own router $15 Vibrator ,96>-,,·=·=.,.,..-:-,..,,,..-.= Blvd, Orana;e, 12-6 runn1n1 area. S 4 8 -s 7 4 8 . aiml. Rare, calm. nutty. $5 ,.Jakeup rnln'or $5. 1594 MorQ)\OLA Portable TV 15 OINETI'E, Hutch, Dressers, Papers 3/28 Show qua!. pets. Sf9..2$47 Santa Ana, rear. Sat-5WI lncll'. ~. KenmDft wuhtt Chests, Delk, 8' Sota. Obie 3 Yr old min. Schnauzer, LABRADOR PUPS, AKC, FOR.MICA Dlnttt,, 6 chairs ~.1~~. = ~: &: Twin beds, Washer, Cot-AKC rer. Olampion lineare, black, pat family dop 6 $25. 2 foam mat~ ex· TV .'!~rma .... ,.$3. Kitcbtn Hou811 full of furnishinp, • canned food, di.shes, etc. for Our aarreo.._ n e ., itote slle. Sat Ii: Sun I to 6, 281 bumed! Tht piano& &: ol'- Santa Isabelle, C.M. 548..4464 rana auffered no water dam-ap, but ~Y are amokey, GARAGE SALE clircy, dus!)' .i &eratchy, We Boys .i (iris clothes. toys. mowd them all back to our etc. Sat. 315 So. Flower,, old location & marked every· S.A. Phone su.5711 thin&'. at FIRE SALE PRIC. ANTIQUE KiU&, china, COP-ES! So, lt YoU dli that "Old per & brua, miscl ltem1, 11me ~ FI a v or", Sa.t 6 Strn oal,y1 515 D Vic-come I: ret 'em, and at tori&, C.M. ·.• price• ):Oil won't believe. * *' J"RI & SAT, cotne WARD'S"BALDWIN srtJDIO I.: baryaln. 3090 Molo Kai 1801 Newport, C.M. MU484 PL C.M. ......,,,_ • ~ SAT .. .J/19, , ,, ;, rn y1a • New 'Plano1 • Ravenna, L1do Isle, NB. twiilRl.IT:<ER A BRADBURY C.Ome lf:t', barplns pl<n! All 11:)'le1 Ir tinlsMs, all GARAGE Sale, variou s household itma, misc. 764 W. 20th, Costa MeS"a American made, 81 note, del W·bench &: tuned. Price 1tart. 1nr •t 1499. Wurlllltr Or9ans e NE\V e Applll'!~ 11~ ManJ other makes. ?lfany .tDMIRAL Side b)' ilde s~le.s k finilhes. Price• Re{rig. 25 cu ft with ice ,,start at mak.r. Model homo displa,y. • $595 Save pXI. Don't misa thil! EVERYTIIING IN .._1USIC Dunlap's 1!15 N e w po rt, • .eo.1a M-. 51 .. ,,., • .. Be1eh Music Cenler MAfi'AG Wuhtt l °"""· ' uke ·new. $195 pair. Sat. ....-. FIJ.'!)OIY t>&Jea • Service &:. Sun •.. ll-4. 1arage 133 4?th pan~. ta noon 'tU 9, Sat 9-5 St.. NB CaD e\·ts. (213} 1740«, ·Beach mvd., (Hwy 39} . qT--4909 lY. m'L So. Su Dtq:o Fwy. PHILCO .Automalic: Detroat Hunttn.ion, Beach 847-8536 Retrlgtrator w/ cross top twmtOND • steJnway '""" $gj. sm Governor. or. maha -ner1 &: uae<I p&nos 548-7665 of all makes. Best bQ.ys In So. Calli. richt heft. GI! Portable. deluxe dl1hwasher. rins' dispenser, full dryirlit cycle. S 7 S • SCIL\UDT t.IUSIC CO., 1.9111 N. Main, fee & end tables & Lamps. excitable. needs quiet home htrnt,re. $15 each. 962--5731 c:ellent condition each $15. u~Rfy cart $5. Twin btad- 642-STIO without • m a 11 childr.n. AKC Toy' Poodle poppy 54S-2037 ..:z ... S5 b~ White e:n.- -01 BSON J..SO s»Z42 3128 white. male, wry nnall, ' PATIO C1a1n P> Ch.tit _ .. ~lnl· '6. 1'hrow with Hardshell case, ~2: BLK poodle ·P,UPPie1 , 4 $75. • * ~ $20. .Ulm ~ pads. Gra"' l'Oa;1 $1 a J'UI, Wall minor $320 new, S200 or oUer 4 mos. old -1 male .... l GERMAN SHEPHERD $3.DO Afttiqdie1: Brau lamps 5'7" x 3'4", ;:;. 541-3317. Eric, 6'15-ll60 after 6 PM. female · To good horn's Pupa $25 each. 645-26?0 $22.SO. Walnut chair $25. Oil 169 Ma(flOlla, C.M. KIRBY Vacuum cleaner·, where penon will be bome pelnJ.,.?I. Mrrtm T HP ••I ~· B"· -all day ~7532 31."' ~ WAl'09 FOB -~ e ... ne ew. ....., new 1969 model. dinette set, , · 'i ·"' "V 'T tOPINING S~ 4Tl'RllCI'IVE Good worklnl exten1lon forU $15. Wtt JUit contour chair. Sacrifice! 1' YEAR old Blue Merlf _c "¥'!'· .w .. la.fiqbauR Fri&id&ift $8. Hip boots $1S. Snare Prv prtY., 827-4464 ~·,Isch Corrie who needa $25-call any day Wl 2 drum $20. HI-hat eymt.la UPHOlSrEIUNG • (Eun>-t Iara• Yud. lovl"I ""' H.,._ !laO ~-"5. 545-9682 pean c:rafllmen) Free eat., walk every d a Y • UAR T ER mmiES: ~ION Chamber and AN-TI~Q~U~E-L~._--,-, -dllna,-· I dtt, pickup, 215 ?.Jain, HB Houstbroken. 84&-0'28T 3/29 l~Wlihe fi.ce' w/ wbt. "1ckl ' mprtulon head fi* JoveJ,y white with Pd Bernard'• UphoJ, SJo.6405 GERZ..f. Shep. rerta. female, Sl50. 1-Bucklldn markifla Yamaha 80 Pl tor both. flllpe border. CUpa &nd REFRIGERAT0RS25, 2 yn. old; aho. 2 moa. $1SO. Appaloosa Stallion. othtt parta $2. each. aacuere $$each. Luncheon cradle $5. 6" ceiltna: fan old puppy, male, an black. na; very cood •IDck $650. M&-:J069 plat'a $2 each. Cle1.m and $6. 16-1473 4/1 897-7350 WASHER$$. Popcorn popper suaar $8. Sliver tea'J)Ot anct * 546-90'l0 * A D 0 R A 8 L E Cocker/Poo HORSES. YNG, REG,, ; )': S5 Baby 1troller $3. Car cream pltch'r .lD. Cute Vlo- QUAL. Knr Site bed .,1 $lxed pups, 6 wkll. hlale Ara~ ,rot 1 rained seat $2. TenniA n.cket $9. otrian iron doubl'btd 12), quilted mattreu, c 0 mp. le Fen\ale, Need rd. home1. wno.I al side 1:; mod qtr' Hair dryer 19. Coucla $9. 1906 Gorham aUver plate 9$-2827 '3131 mare and 2 hOrH C\lltom .-.....n fUet $5. StorQe flatweAr, ~ ~-;v~Rd $98; .. wth sz;o. L 0 v ABLE • ·i'·U r r 1 • tt1r w/dlx ~k. 642-1148 ;:bwt S15. 'IV ,.;JS• Patio "S". 6 place Rltinp $10. NEED Som...,. to tW ..., Gtt/,.,.p. f)ltlm"" pop, 10 C:ORRAL$ FOR RENT ~ Q.. ~lab~ BHullful po<ktt watd> Jl5. wkl. old Needs ad· borne -' ,6• _ * ~· $9. ~q _ and Victorian kwtiieat, needl Pym t 1 . He a Ith Sp a ~ ~-tl:-framt1 $5. reupholsfttina $25. Anftque Membenhlp 1 Yr. Lefl. ! fencd yd. 13&-449'J 3128 '.NS""• I letSrrl SS. " bu"--bucldel ..... ~ ·~•••• r .,hlte Potn<"'· :fltf> r~JAT Nv,:. ,....-. -·CM "'°°"" ·-~ J'IV"'U..... ftWV~ --..,,,, Sc--$1. Double patchwork e f1RE . .a: Burslar Alann nlan. Male dog, 2~ yn.; Boata & Yachts 9000 1T' TV, v."Odtl ..,., Three quill top, new $5. 1910 System• tnst.lltd ., low u pttfer home in Tht Bluffs. -8" trailer ,...heels with bubl, Kodak $2. IAra:e Mahopft1 $99. Call ,60-3490 644-1606 8/28 FREE .?,_wit~ ~H•1""'• ·,~· no~ dining table, Queen Anne FEMALE J yr old CAnn&n ·un: -• lep. 2 extra leaves S20!" USED He1p. equip. Bed .I: Shepherd. Free lo p>d Seascape paintin& S 5 • Custom pad1 for table S15. ~treo':'w=~.~j81c;m-bome, hlbrn, lhota. Lovae BOATING =.!·~~.~:~at. Whlte mArble pedestal dUldrtn. 494-0457 31211 clprette tabla S5-Old pine ?.~:~i:w~~::~~ le:~ BLACK male dachlhund. s cou RSE . ~;;~~ rood plctlm SZ. ~;;~ •• c~~ate!tL v.= ,...,. .....,, ,......., monthl to ~home. Hu _ _.. ._,,-~ f-I It. ""· .,,....._.. all 1hota, ~. Loves BY BIKE tar Alt. G ' 's 24", ., .. u "'""" rvu ... -12>07 AVOCADO rcyk>n NC ehildn-n. ~ 3131 C-oait Guard Auxiliary $7. ~1632 allding door, nctdl wubial $3,000. BF.0-ISTEIN 7 ft with pad, like new, $75 1 ..:=::.=:..,::;:...:=---=~ ... -,.,., Sltl. Man's heavy Sold ruby Saota Ano WASHERS t. DRYERS parlor Grand. 2'33 W. OOS.l4S7 EASl'ER Bunnies and 1m. •larta Thut1. 7:30 PM 2 1\11TED b&dt c ....... ._. ring $16. Re.mlnston Rolleo- 20 Pc. Maple Several from Model Homes Ct.mdan Pl. Santa Ana. cqe. Blk/Wt O>cker-Poo. March 27 ~9705 trk $5. Remington 3000 3 ROOM ~oup Dunlap's, 1815 Newport S4i>-42S7 l~~GTO~ -=-p~ne female, l mot. o Id -Corona de! Mar Hirh School FORMICA c:ovtr-.d cablMt E 1 e c tronlc conk:ordlea . • , Co,ta Ma11. SfS-nU i S4~mo ~ 646-73~ 31?8 2101 East muU Drive ~·top sm :.t 43 Y!· $20. n.Ef., hardly uRd PJ, lnclucfts: LlvinJ m set · ll cu fT , 1•ppan WANTO~i:;ida:Orpps. roWEk l ~, '9>. l7'' PEMALE li Cttat Dane, 1r IAY BOAT '4, Tlfe~S16 x '!:;,,tn&Sik type J wattr boy lJ wlt tables • lampt -bfdroom retrlgeratoT. no dtlroating, '* 836-36ZI ~ German 'siwpherd, l\S Like new ...... , ... II')' Ste& S2/Gil( ._, 14:'13. 116 . uaed ~ hn .$20. FEATURES: set -quilted mattresa: -ma. bronie. Lift new. $Th. * Portablt TV. Dnntt I yn old. Ntedl bi& yard. COL 29 . _, • , .•• $n50 x 14. ft Im.peey nidl 6'' Kelsey Haye• tralltr bralct • Elact11c t;yptwriten pJe ~ room. All for . . . 6Th-5881 PIANO 'IUNING .I: Repair mim>r $7. 642-6666 Call 9C-2584 3127 Inboard •••••••.•••• Loeded! to 15'. Fr111dalre •uhtt control $15. Be•utlf'al c1rl'• • Dlc:tatlnr _... $449 '7.~~~~-=---"""rt. ......... ., 2 AQUARIUMS, 5 110 pllo• P\ll'PIES •PACITIC YAOIT wne ns. 540,ll'll aoft """ Gi.n plald double • Modftn olfke proctdUl"!I AMANA Uprtrht f'rttier Albert Aatne9 m-6961 all acccuorie-1 + etand 4 '·-mostly bla.ck. 7 Wffla U46 vi.. Oporto Ntwp(lft SURFBOARD &l1d trailer breuted O)l.f, new. •be 10. e BNlh Q Crta Sb«thaJW:t No down. Pm!&. onb S18 mo. S195: xlnt condiliool 2 Ke)lboud 0rian ft1h. $25. &36--9551 ";id~~· ~1191 alter I 24 Hour Phone ,'. 673-1510 $25. '75-2338 $10. 451 C&mbri<f&e Orm, ~k:':.\ =!... wnx·s WAREHOUSE =' E~..!, """"· $300. Xlnt! DRAPES "' ...... aold .... p.m. 3171 ComJrc cusroM DLX K '1 VMD ....... --.i.~ ;:iq.~M~ilio~ .. ::.-";•f).,1-:;'c:'t~,~~~~~ ... ~· ....,1 .... , _ _._,._ •-. -•-la! I __ , _ _. 9'll.: E\'H, or 8Un. 536.1766 wtave, Ulltd 1 tnOi o.t FREE to ......t home, am zr Cent....., Jtavtn. r.-.. plectl) 115 MCb. 8 1...,. "'"'<' ~-u~ v r•• "" tj'. jib SL, Saola Anl • • N"'. -· -s.11 •-_., v•~ ""' 'Dill ..U.. lo-'1 1nltruc.t1an.I A. OpttJ o..a,.1.. . . 14'7~115 1-------,m. 5 $300 S2;25.&44-;fd , •'' blk female pup(!)'.·~ Marine V8-170 HP jltlt iel stand $4. IItnd~· ~--ue 646-015' ~-• i.t ,,..., ,ll • t.· 1' CUT ~. bOttom _,.,. !•_lo_v_ltlen WIW °""' . """'\ J\ylol>, 2 monlh• old. 61U!Ol , 1129 °"'Jiltul<d. 2 bvnkl. btad drytr$2. l.lli".d M:otd ~ ,,..· ,.. lo-IL !'Inn -; _ r' --'---• sand belp, ll'8'' ..-1.T' '50. RECENT badlll~Of bfll• fall1c &: pump. Fv1 :~ ~IOod YOJ'"'* 1~ t• ,,.... . Bevtled mtz..- LlFETt ME Gttt , ~1·fine _,,.p1e BR 1 !~frH-ttfriJ.Colt$395, OOLORTV'1·CEA8CJ. Rub~tpadSlS.541-6322 TtME NEW~1 d•cran bMn. A1klhl ... blo'.M6E'a:'1.aD '°"' -$S Woodm b'pnoritq. Ch ild·ra ~ •""tdtllt $27$ '*3\plt'~ wl ·idl $115, m-:mt •Trade la'• Ii t-.s.iouesalon CtJn()M '8Wnll " ~,._ Call ~2279 a-"*.f pm.411 St.do. Corilkler ,trade OIT (nld) ••• , la box : ft ~tll herdw"" """""'°""n. or ,.,.,.u ~ 9ed. 'l'rilw"• ma\· OOMBll<ATIO!< w" h u 1 • o-.tmn 9. rnod>la. ,,.., fut .:.m:.. 1o..tt /i'rf'~ftt';;jf-';;,;;~1-bclll llM4M Ill ill. aa C4>ltr Newport -".;.;. r ..,. SL 1 JI d i y Id u a 11 '1 l\J !4i&-M37 ar,.t. Good dmdltlon. $50 fl:IJ¥. iuarantted • '9tSctd prbl &vaftiW... ~735 100 rr. ipltt nil redwood I PM. All d"1 Sal A. &al· BM.ch I • ..-.._ • ~~-Onpe1 11 Odlcoat 10 W•111 twl1t: AM~-wtlltt t crblillotttt. IC-3l90 ~t ror qu!dt ••I•'• a&ainfd fienct. 1'0U dfi. haul If.,... ~ ;.:;::;u;..,...,... . :/'::: ..,.1 -... rt 4*:'1} O. Tim. l!l5 ~: 111 °" ""· °" ..,.;;,~1 meldlh\C' llC1l'l'OfNT Ruflat'nlOr, too 11Wla•'• ~ ,.........., 11" 8°" fll>a. ,.. -S.L =1 am °'~ ·;;;,;;1i;.1i~ ~ • .,., • ....... • .,,.... no. 11.., ,._ -2159 g I 1.,e Cft\'dtimu, xlnl frentr, ID(ld: tondi6on. $50. 'ML& Mest.. $Q..'J'l81 , N~ tfciw. ttiO Puf'I white~ rats aJw) ootbovd 0.-. llll'lt. r ~ Ollld'1 ~ OOfNGTo_tllb,.ort · ···~ -51f).,1511 21" COLOR.TV, s ~old, =~~ .... =mi=-·~-Brirc--31!1 ...,""'"' .... ,:a,._ ~131.';"!Whlilor ·$3..,.,.:.rralld-: = r Bluth up )'OUl' n..nch sbtoNf.lt, tCiAii brown ' =ro=R=='= ... '°'L"E,.-·.....,xt"•"•-..,.....,nd Packm!• Bell. Worits IO(ld, ¥.'IGS. ran., Ylfchta. an hlW -~~--~-=;·11~•' traGer. m or betC ea-~VI jJnbr Sl5 . Roptf ntW l x 2, Sf. t .. Omwn&UOn tn ~ clasl. ~~S5(1. Refrir Kelvlnator, U ett ft, S7S.. 1133 ~Aft., C.M. fom\ Jhop, All colon S&.50 FREE ~mboo dump ot ft'. Phone UM68T &ttw T)ti IM,.. $25. Pluttr muk lett~hahdtd aoU dubs ta ~cu •"''DISl-,OR-, __ _:*c..::~::..:c::.":..::.*--c»prertone. $50. 67l-2483 RCA 20" portable color TV, • S50-~ \\'. !Gth. &t2-o1;a cane1, 30 tail. You di& CIC' usm Sabol. t..tr11 IQOd and flrttrlne colltcUon $25. iet. 1 ICJ\l&rt wflllt asplw,lt MiiCMn 1-1989 model w/remote cont. ----0-ARAG-E-SALE-euL MA--430l ~. Nttdlns new lcctio.nf &by f\ll'Tlll\m! $10. 51• ahlf'l!IP $4. "~ 1\uttn Aw. SALE AND TlltAOE Dial 642-56il for RESULTS OllJl1 PUGt Want Adi! I I 1tAnd ~. 96W03\ Sat, SUn, eYH. &c8-0012 <11ARliE )'OUf want ad now. A line. 113-Cl.53 Nard11ua. CdM. 173"414' Sat-Sun. lolf 1\latin) ' t I I I I • . "i ae = • " • 0 • , JOUl.CONYENllNT OFFICES Here's How You Can Use Ow Famous Dim•· A •U-' . TO SERVE YOU ! • e NIWl'OIT llACH 2211 -.., .... ~ COSTA 11115A --·-·---· JlO w.., lo)', e HUNTl ... TON HACH -·-· JOf RM s ..... ·~ LA•.!l!IA RACH, 1U ....... A•- • .......... flt ... 11 ......... --.. .,.. of _. 4 c09Y•1nt offlcn.. • N• CMIOIOfdal ............ • ~ lt1m mnt bt prlcitd wJtll 10 Item over $25. ' C...t" ........... ,. lltl-· • • .. ' Jt LARGE garment baa" $2.5(1. TOOLS: St•P drill iJ,251 Saw 24'' BOY'S'.bµ(e SS .... boy'1 ASSORTED. Toala ~.50 THERMADOR eltcttic bWJt• NEW p~ .ltl1l.P'. f.lr, NORGE Rehigeratru-$25 CLOTHES for ule size 3 Rug lhampooer $2. Twin $2. Plier$~~-w_ )1.:.0. bib SU. 21" Schvdnn: bike Gu nwp $9. Clothes line 1Jw aittomade do~ oma._ , tulc, mahop.Qy, also aolkl Chron1e dinette et $25. :r~f4:St~!:es ~ ,headboard $3.~. Ba by Screwdriver. lOc to 'T;ie. '3\: &ti cat luggqo can1er boldm, new in cement s,2,50 and cooJiiop Oopperil)nt US, lumber 6Dd pltx.ialau 1tlc Single bed 1pting _$10 3alS Sfi. Capirs Sl _ $2.. SUi , \.\'fJker ~ S Jl I r o a ir a p h Plun1b bob $2, \VOOd chisel *13:1 11...atJre roUu crl•, lfkt. each. Dinette. f " thain "ns. each unit. FOiding rt)ll aw"1 • $2. Fl~ cloth, mats, 0n?KOn ~ve. ~ ~ 10 SlO. Formala •lie u ti If If ~ • )t Kd\mCX'e .automatic washer, uetllent rondltloil $25. f'ien- de:r 5kirts for ll Ford, lll!W $10 pair. All kinds of u~ washer and ~'er parts $? -$10. ~ru~trlc rnotor.ii for w~ •. all good condition no ta~'· 1841-8115 .. Jl.~. Check PfOlcclor I~ • $1.50. Lufkcn U' :ruJ.e 11.!JO. new~. Barrel ch&lr, &ood 01.sht• l()o..$2. .Recotdl, 'lB'• bed, coll· sprin; bull plQ roofing Jc .lb. Electric . ., $lO. Shoes $1 •11d $2. Punts' Pm:z:1e: ~ !'iOc: Battertts Ilifken !IO: Nie fl. ~nt c o n d i t I o n $10. 3Q26 CoUeci9"'• c~ clalllc innerspring matb'Ha $25. motors Sl • ST. Small table MAHOGANY Work table 30 Coral 81 I $5.95. Rubbt:r lkln diving Wl'llllChe1 $2. Channel 1JockJ Kllb'hl'ob Lane, C.M. , and jaiz 50e each. Like new ' ~ aa"W S15. Che1t ot drawen x 72" steel foldilig 1e&s SL 307 ' bag U. 50 amp b:itt.ery 75c: Open end I: bClll ~ 67J..6581. 417 llst, Newport .._ l5e • ~-Violin $15. Cement SU.50. 548-6888 TV ~'Orkll gond fl.O. GlrlS charger, M'ed1 n!ellller SS. wrenches !!Oc to-$},&Q. ka~ Bu.ch G.E. vacuum nG. Stroller mlxtt $25. Motor '25-Work PAIR Blorde step eOO table1 sdrwinn Bib SL 2.1 •• ~ n1ers 50e to SJ,• i~itt 2 DR.EXEr. chow tables, WALL PaMlllfll 3& x {I Sl.5Q with wiDdbreaker $'7. Infant bench $4 .• Sandpaptt col· $20, 54S-G8S8 Speakers: with vol~ con. ?.lA YT AG \\'ririger I y p e v1a&hing Tnachlne w I t h pun1p, good condtllon $10. 5-13-1lSS eaugett 50c. Pipe taPJ 40c pecan, like new ~ each. ~ach. Love seat J l 5 1eedlnr "it.ble bath I n et leet.lon 5c ~t. M~s DISPLAY Cupboard tor cupt trola $4 each. 22• small to $1.50. Ant;:hOr driver Table Jamt>s, aqua ceramic Cablntts $'1.50 kl $10. Baby combination $25. B I• 1e11 lOC. Bamboo shades 10e -or other knlck-knacla 3 x cerrunic tiles, grout and ~ ' Sl.25. Punch.es' OOc to ~ bait, IUre new SllJ ea,eh. pen..bed $4. Kitchen tatile 11weepmaster S2. al.I very $1 ~%17T or 64S--06l8. 216 4 ft, SUdlng glw doors, 17. Ladies dresses s!Jes t ..S ,. • ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ • -· • ' , ~ < ' < • ~ BO"t'S ~" bike $15. Portable tyztew;rtter $25. Boy's indOOT 11cate1, .sit.I: of~f. $8. Girl's siz.e S. $8. Luggage rack and ~r $10. Decorator t.'Otb, 12 x 36 x 1, 60c each.. 89H162 NE\V Pirelli tires 325 x 1~ SU. 21 " tront ,.,·bcf!I with tire $a), Honda Yihttl with tire $2$'. P.fatchless 650cc trnnsmiuiw $25. Different motorcy~lel gas tanks 75c eP.ch. ;Matchl ess mo I o r parts. ' 1~ $1 to $25. \Ybeels. forks, lire.oi, frame n to $25. 546--0269 Saturday eveninJ' after 7 PM 6 ORA WER storage chest 49" long. 17¥.i" dttp, 29" high $15. ijard\fOOd rattan rolfcc table $8. ~ Sa\urdaY mon1ing. ' S\VIVl:L pedestal bases far dinelte H t 1'4 chairs and table) $j each. Towel pole, new $2. New Lady Sunbeam shaver $6.50. 54G-2!W7 ; SUfl, rrut1''S Bot:i:Lny 000, size 40 $15. Silverware 8 place setting1 With chest , $20 • Stern v.'ater goblets 3Sc each. Cannister set $1.50. Desk SIO. Clock $4. CUshlo'ris 25c. Dlsbes lOc • Sl. 540-9Q'18 SAT only 3090 f\.1olokai, C.M. T"·in bed $1~. \\'alnut crtb S2:1. Baby i1en1s 50c • $5. Marl" df'sk S2J. Ski boots, size 7 $10. Ar~ and photo equipment SI • $5. • ;. " • ' , .. ; • ... " CHIH U AH U A pup a (pedigTtt\ 6 ,,·eeks nld, just right for Easter $2{1 each. 642-2391 FORMICA tDp dinette table 42'0 $15. Cha.in $5 each: World Book Encyclopedia Cyclo-Tcachf'r $20. Boy's sport coat, sizco 1B ,. ~· 10 s~ bike, ,as is2. Clari ~ talkie, $191-~.,. • "~\\'eJI I movie .camera $.25. .Ard'll!rr, set S2 .. ~2 !)'JI; " GE portable dishw.ubeJ" _$25. 4 drawt>r steel file cabinet no. M&-MJT L.C. S~IITH typewrlter $25. Tmver ty~writer $20. 2 cabinel"I SlO each, metal ·and v:ood, 11\1 good con- dition. M8-4816 ;.. KING snakes. '41,J' $6. l' - ..-$2. 549-liBO GOOD orthopedic niattteu " S25. Bed spring $5. Cute A kttdw1ette set $14. TV's .., good condition $20. Campln& heaters Sl5. \Vig cabinet a.nd styling: stand $15. 462 E. _. lith SL C.M. 9-5 CHE.5T , of dra~·ers v.·hite formica top 125. Ski boots .. Molotor size 9-S'.1 $25. Two bolsters, foam green <:OVer 1 5· iong l' high S7.50 eaclt. • Salad b o \V I large fruit shaped Ha\Vaiian r.tonkey Pod "'CN)(I $12. lt'e crushl'r hand opt>ratrd S4. 1-.;1cclric corfee grinder fl. r J~jgh Tahitian mahoga;1y wood \\•ilh carved in mask $12. 2 Klee prints 2 x 3 Parson and wile .ST for both. Satur· day only. 1933 \Va!lace Apt. I. C.?.1. 642-2932 ANTIQUE Ice cream chairs ;. new, gold orion seats. priml? painted. ready to paint any • color $12 each. Saturday on- ' ly. 193'.I \Yn!laee, Apt. l Costa fllc.sa. M2-2!132 ' BUNK bed frames $fj, 54!l-0869 ROUND t.11.blc, maple $2S. 6 matching chair.ii $9.50 each. four piece bti~ sec- • lional $25 each. 9 :< 12 beige • carpet s:m. All good co11· , dltion 54>-2'240 1• PIANO bt'nc:h Sl4, Nr'" ; : mOvte scm!TI $12. Antiqoo German clock. bras.s \Yith , l;lass dome 122. Movil." pro. : • jedor $25. 642~ GtRL·s St.J.ngray bike $20. Dishes lOc -S2. t\i('(' :suils. , dn:Mca, blouses, lo p 1 , capritt, sltt 9-14, 51'1<: • S2. Je"·~lry 50c • SZ. New ma.terial ~ yard. Shoes, haU.. pwvs (J()c • S2. Sa.L UM pm onb'. lllO N11.tlonal Aw.OI 42 lNOI round i:;\&SJ top rallall table S20. Green na.uphydt: Swl\•el barttl t:bi.irl $1! for pair. C41M.'O turqµola padded ,li&r tilools l1&I fir ptlr. Red MUl•hydc COUCllS2G-.....,,. I . ~- HOLLY\VOOD 'Wet $a:J. 3 ape«! bike $2S. Refrigerator ·$25. Table and chairs $2(1, 16 monogramn1ed glasses CGLF) $5. Jron $5. I-Ugh chair $5. M~TJd LIKE new glass lop table, white $25. Chain f.) ell.ch Storage shelf cabinet $25. 615--IS6> l\>TODEL airplanes for sale 50c • $2.50. Some 049 and 020, mfn\.stunt Rlngmas!C:r, Wizard, Trainer. 842-2342 R EFR IGERATOR with lree:zer $25, St1?Ve $25, Cor. f~ table SS. 2 end table• $5 e.ach. Adding machine $25. Double boxsprln1e and mattress $20. Desk $25. Chair $.5. Formica table, 2 chairs · $15. 2460 Orange, C.l\f. 543r8014 'J'\VO 3 speed bikes; Ladies 26" Etij:lish $2.\ Girt'& 24·• Schwinn $18. Both wUh baske.1$. 646-~ SPORT coats, CUITCnt style, men'•'llble 38 S20. ~ke ne1v youth '1fie 14--16, $12. Slacks, 26 l~iwala:\-ia 833-2819 LARG,E a piece green sec- tion.al, '44 itJCtl rowld cof!re table, each iten1 S 2 5 • 5'19--1379 ChlSels 50c' ID Sl. Magnetic. Elfetric flriplace lop SlS. $C: Oval dln1nc fl. ~pea ~i~tion. 536-4696 E. 20th, C.M. new $25. ,.. M&:3145 t ~ levels n. JO" Rigid pipe ~ ~ de a k, ~. 67J..658l. '17 _ 31.lt, tli&'.h ...m,.,.t ju v;ttnche:i; Jl,25 to· i:Jl 12" matching nlghlltand and ~.-rt &each. \JPRPI:E vacuum c;leuer $7. 9' x 10'6'" RUG $5. 9 x OOUBLE Spo ts. .,.. • .,. ........ ....-u•v ,,.,.. .,~ pipe """""' 11. oventutfed chair ready lo · _. Ba•'---wuti~buin with 12 .,,., $3. Coleman floor modltion Sl5. SU-6888 uuuPla,;_~~ ,~ocker .,,. .-,.... b e r e tinlsh1ed an'd 1960FQt1RGoarFordaedln .... _... ·-"""" caulking gun 75c, Come.a· ,..up~•-tered 15 •a ch. S25. Sl.rle ~ boy;• suit $5. stand .$5. Jk.el type lawn ~ce $5. 4' ~ 5' shelf UCHT Weight. mahogany upholstery $lT, niC)\1e "'5 Jong hoist s,20, Grea&e &WI ·~ , JnOWJr UI. ~ mower cabinet $4. Baby a car stat dry bar tortnwa top $15. Fouioposter single beef ""'° 25c. Jlatchet Sl.25, Ga" s 83J....«JG1 Huntirigton Be,ach 847..s&lT needs valve job SIO. Dreaser $1. tankTollet l2-~-tMdo-· se!_~ 543-6888 s:prtng $20. Hobbymr. t;ip. range top SlO. Bookcase bed I----------19'' PmLCO maple<aRIOI with -nlin'or $'l. · Speaken no · c.c c 1c u ·;, C 0 Mp LET E Vo I um e 642-3150. . .. tran1e $8. Soft spring and HAIR dryer $4.50. Record (110wxl ok.ne&'. picture) SlO 50c aria' '$1. "Isll Orange pan $1 Elecb1c deep !ry . mattress Sts. Lamps J:j.50. pla)'t!r $4.50. Jlgmaster reel 27" x 24" ~ oil pain. ~ • • ll M~ 14" x 26" fl 50 Encyclopedia w i t h dic- End table ss. Blond coHtt $5. Double box sprlnga and i;.... fl, Midv.'Ut AM·FM I Min-or 28" x 28" si:so: tlonary, used $1S. 548-6888 SNOW fues; .on t t m.~ Sis H 11 .. __, ....... ...'6 2 FOAM Pil~ like new ,,.,, ...... rvv""V .• """"' Pu••. 'JoUier 6;IXl/6:50xl3, like new. $_l table SS. Life cushions SOc: mattress . o~w.....,.......,... tonaol $15. Salliog ahip,J!l.ec-$2 673-Q02 ~" ... V\.. .... u-vv ,.-" Beach umbrella ~2. inoat frame $2.50. Bod tables $2 ... trlc clock $6. GE table tadio each. cockapoo, father registered each. 494-3859 \\ind shield $2XJ, • Running ea,ti. W'1ft~ headboard $3. $5, Standard Underwood APT me GE relrlgen.tcr BICYCLES $5 to $20, in-miniature poodle $10 each. Aif/Fflt Radio no cabiDE lights ST.50. Cleata S2. La"mpf $1.00.: TV stand $2. typewriter (aoocf condition) $25. Apt sb:e stove $15. Two eluding 24" to 26" 3 speed 842.-6430 $25. 4-Speaken; wired fol Specdo meter $5. 5 gallon ,Jteavy duty · cai:top tacks $~. s piece end;eorner-oof 9x12 Soop rugs. brown ST.50 anc: StinFay UrUcycle SS. \VALNtrr Crib $lO. lteni· stereo SlO. 1-f:iscellaneou: gaa can $3. ·'Ski vt"st ss. $9. Trailer tow m1rron, new le~ tables $12. Pa.it car seat each. Bedroom set $25~ Box Large wagon SS. Pedal car 1 .1 S2S King speakers Sl • S 1 0 . Sk: line and harness $4. $11. 12 volt to 125 VQJt con-belts $2. 9• fiberilau spin springs and mattttsa: S20. $2.50. Tricycle $ 2 , 5 O , ;::on 1~~ e~ake · 1 u r w es~~use retrige~~~. Coleman Janterr. $5. ·Quick· verier $2'.l. Boat 11eats $1.50. rods-Penn 26 reeJs (Ught Dinette set $25 . .f94...5308 541)-284.7 bedspread $25. 54&-9850. 1141 S25. O Ket!re & . 1.1e1 · silver steerJJ'G SlO. Fishing Ni w 'totlet seat $2. Kitchen heavy) $14 • $16. 19" Zenith FIRE extinguisher, 5 gallon LADIES ~ish Bike with Salvador SL, 1.1esa Del r.tal ~It~~ ~n~g .,."',"" .. !12Sl0. rod'. -1, --" 1ac'·'o '-'-11cale $1.50. Husock trailer (-.. ~ ok -doubt• ,,-,,,,_, $10 Va-•um cle--r no •--•· t 125 •-llh p bl """" '"'" "' u~ to S15~'"Pots "';d ~ 5;; potty $7. Foot locker $3. s5...,8~ x 8' PY sha; ... ~g Melat ~ $15. ~ rail: D<Ull.e · .ui:n orta e LADIES Clothing. size 9--10. $3. •Portable salon style ha~ to $3. Salt and _pepper 25e. Jlideaway bed $6.50. Man's S2. 6' spin rods and ttels adjustable $10. Girl's blcy· Radio $2. 646-3680 Dresses, sweaters, skir ts, dryer $10. Metal oUlce desk Condiment l'ICt $1.75. Iron sull, size 42 L, $7. i..,.oies $5. Bar cabinet (mahogany) cle, 20'', SlO. Water skis NEW Parelli Tires 325x19 capris, 50c-Sl0. Shoci;, size 5-0tn,,·t"r S25. 1900 .. Ramble: skillets Sl to s2' .. Cannister shoes, size 8, pink $2. $4. Silvertone Hi"Fi radio-ST. Snow ski and pole s7. $15. 21" Front Wkeel v;ith 8. All excellent condition. rlldio $10. Philippin1 sets 50c 10 $2.50. p in k F it:hl'ng rod $1.50. f'ishing phOno (table model) $12 Refrigerator Sl and $25. tire ;20. 19" Honda wheel l2Q6 Nottinglw.rn R 1~ ., mahogany bookcase, larg4 silwel chair $5. A, u 1 0 a:ear 3Sc • $1. Sat and Sun 548-9832 Pocketbooks 20c. Crutches with Tire $25. J\1atchless Newport Beach C\VeslchflJ S2a. sunbcilm iron $3. Van.i· altcrnalor SW~ Silwrware lQ.4, 1987 Maple Ave. C.M. ?i-1EDITERRANEAN dining $6. 4 foot round mirror SlO. 650cc TransmWion $25. Dlf· 646-7519. Sat and sun 9-3 ty dretiSCr SZI. G o 14 .,__ lo ~. Sni.--....... -v"ilh ~ar. Stim·Mater Deluxe cycle ferent motorcycle gas tanks UPHOLSTERED Captain's nau~hydc couch S 2 0 · .... """' 1• '"~ .-... table .$25. Chain to match ""'-h M t h1 t 10 h -~-· SI. "lo•·•r ,.... e:icerclser SlO.Lav,.nmower, ,...., eac · a c esa moor cluiir 13. ?ifetal cleat J'.1atching chairs $ eac · ... ..,....,, • ".._ ·-..--........ .,._ nd 6 ,.,_. ST.50 each. New twin beds ,.,,,.. 1948--56 U t 125 u ran,gcment1 3Qc ..._lo , ;2.50. DlNi:.1 1.i:.. """t a -cn • .irs $2S H . lam S5 needs :repair $.5. Bo;ir spring ,.... .s . · 0 · baseball shoes, 8-~10 S2 Hi-chair $5. Car seat """'.' Pictures 25C to , i 1 . 2 5. Sl5. Chevy, 4 barre I ' anging P and mattress S20. 645-0077. Wheels, fork!!, tires !tames each. Old Smith and Corona Desk with light and pencil .., • carburetor ~IO;. Lawn chairs Lamps S7.50 each. Posture-886 c I $1 to $25 546-0269 · 15 T"l · h r Sl5 5 well con-Frames 35c tn 'f"'· Drums .,., pedic bed S25. TV trays Towne St. .r. . · · typewriter . 1 e nippers s arpene · $15. \Vest Bcnrl 9af!ee pot J';! a11rl ~3. ?<;I] P~.\ frame 50c each. 764 w. 20th SLLAR •GE wrought iron bird LlGHT Bl'O\vn Wnod.en Table SJ. Incompleter set ol strucled metal frame cruu:s $2. Gam~s 50c1 'J'oaster $1"~'~,ine~~ ~~~ ~ '"C-·~"~·=~==~~~~ cap S:S. Hanging larii\ls ~ .,!. Chalra Nice! $25. orange Maj o ~~ckaSG dl1o-1 15Colleach.10Pbl",'h 13mo";a !5k $2.50. Tea}reltle ~. ~taptc -...., ..,.._ ...., $20. Standing wrought iron ......-1.uu nerv.·are, open s""" a . ee · cba.ir SIS. Auto ham antenna convertible top $5. Chaits 6" STEPLADDER S 3 , 5 0 . I • .,,, El G I . GREEN O\lal Braid-' Rug Electric hair clippers $3 vacuum $'!. 2 TVs $10 - 11.SO-• ... Lam"" $1-S. Green Traverse rod s $3 amp ....,. reoo Clllll' ""' ea"h. Roti~.,,, .. ie. motor and 120. 5' \Valnut TV cabinet SS to $15. CB Auto an.tenna <P"' ,.y Sl2 Bak--•-~ 13 Book 6 x 9 $25. Double Bed, ' -· Ghost game J2. White picket Oscillating lawn sprinkler · """"' JU<,; -• slreiver SS. Rose beige 's:m. Good TV tubes. $1. ~nl~ s~~i';;e!k>~o rori! fence S4 for all. Paper back $2.SO. Show and tell $5, : sel~. Slt~1~1:~d$5~ ~~:. headboard S.l O' carpet, -1 ' x 12' $3. Kenmore 892-~7E. 15432 Duke Circle, boo'-·• '10 Pl<>vboy'a 2!'>c Girl"s 26" bike $10. Men 's I d mp $10 flB DINETTE set S25. 2 beds, skates size 71 ~ $25. King "' " • ......, ' eo. Unfinished frames $1.50 was K!r, nee s Pll · ·~~~-~=--,,.--,= Sol $15 COJfce table new overalls, size 42 S4 pair. "" CROSS Bow Quiver 3 broad · h · I 11 oo 11• .-1·$20, l·SlO. Large chesl Rnd hcd spreads S5. La\\'fl edger · a · ' .. S2.50. Statues: David $8. Tire c a1ns or · ., POLE 11n1p S3. Dinette table Coleman ice chest S 2 . Texaco dacron uniforms, 36 point hunting am:iws, SO 550 14 t 100 14) t.s Chevy night 11tand S25. Plalfo.nn Sl. Purses 35c to Sl. Large Apollo on pedestal A_.~ 54 1~ t U x · o · · and ch~irs $25. CoUee tab!" rucker S25. Pole Ja111p s.·1. Glassware. 5c to S2.40. An!i· &lf>..«iG.1 and 38 S4 lf'L Ladies rink l20 Ra~-I • ., B I'-15 y ..... ..., ..,.., est ne cost wa,gnn Sl'li parts Sl-S20. 15. Ccffec table and end roller skates, like new, size · o;nae .,.... u "' · $45 take S25. Hair dryer '4"2326. -~ F Orange Other lamps S5 • SID. l\·Iir-QUC. paint kit $.1. Sea shells 4 BARSTOOLS, s pan I s h BW.lft ... htet $6. St Fraoc:is -""""' tables SlO. Modem couch I Ch · 2 7 'l. $6.50. 764 \V. nh. CM <t> • $4. Danforth 10 lb. anchor Ave c ri1 .. R k f tors I. au-,i S • S:i. $1. Dish V•anner 5 c · i;tylr, ivood and leather $25 $4. Flowers 25c. Pictures cost $20 take SlO. Fish gafi ·• · · . $25. Clshlon for .,..c o Set of glllSS dishes ST.50. Traverse rods $2. Set car each. 548-9507 Newpo r t Sl2. Alod clock 75c. Tapestry 5• long $J. 673-6702 · LARGE size dresses.. capr1s couch 1.SlO. Excellent con· Reasonable. 261 7 Elljcn, r at'ks $2.50. &•t \\·heels Shoi-es SCRAM-LETS pictures Sl5. Wall plaques Sl • $5. Bnl\vn vJ\g S15. dition. i3"12-7895 C,M. $1 .;,Q. A~hlrnys 40c to 75c. Sl. $4. Rustle wood shelves TABLE, 4 chairs, sewing 645-1519 1..AGUNf\. Beach. Sat and I h de -,-.... "'",,·I'"' ANTIQUES· Cut g I as s "" machine SlO each. G.E. . GmL clothing, sizes 8-12. ..anip s a . ..:. '-"'1 ' '"" ' ANSWERS and wall decor $5 • $...,. washer $25. Vacuum 115. BREEDER Lo_vebirds S20 Sun. 10 to 6: Jeweler'• buff Skirts, blou"ses, jumpen, ex-machine atlach1n<!nts 25c to pi1cher $Zi Cut berry bowl Display tables S4 -SlO. 745-To.aster, '-n, "'·aflle iron. pair. Large bird cages S~O with vacuum motor $25. oellent condition 10c·p .. U. 75c. \Vet suit size smaH S12· Cut sma1l dlsh with . B James SL C.M. 548-191.f mixer 13 uu e•A"' 4 ...._, __ Sl5 each. Cardnals $5. Oak c\airs $10 each. Anti- Co'X:te .N"""" Dre"' SlO. $7.50. Track shoes, size 9, legs $3. Cut vase 13", Sl2. l\1odish-\Vanton -Wreath : _... ril.J.T b . Outcloer' lght. H-" .ft.. ~;i:, .• ~.· An.I. $2. Sou p tureen ~-Goll Light pUrple crystal bell $5. -v,pory -Sponge -Pow. MO\VER. grass cat c her' draperies 50c a pair, Bed 642-3263 lq~el~ 'l"Andl.... ~~ n o:: d lllJ _, ~~ 1 ~=~;µ.i. ¥ clubs 50c. La\\'n rakes 15c \Villo1v doll cradle on der -TWO WORMS edger, shovels all for $25. lan1p 50c. Plar.ts 10c-50c. TYP EWRITER. re b u i It, ,,-""· uul'I!! .,...__ ....,. 8Y ... ter,.,,, _.. , 1 •. pedc•tol ••. Hat rack wl\h A --~-, ,,•-• •-r .,_. Dinette set $10. 549-0839 1'.·-tom --•· -d -1>1 ...... liko ""' 125 Cedar lchest $25. Pair an-to Sl '15 Books 5c ~ 50c <P"' ic-.;uo:: "~ uc ...,,.,.._ ,....., """"" . . .... e · never u...,.,, · tique ...... oil lam-c-to; O/~f ~C.~~ il~x •· ,:, 2:"Ji~ l'Frj<I.,·_.;. ·P~. "'\\!~· '~ Ji"','.,: por~lain ltill'I $6. Black grade class how Noah spent after-6 PM SlO. SmaU stand $1.50. 590 54&-n&5 • each. ki'fu;ue ~do&: ~ .,:--.;; ~ ...J.Qi\11\ ir.f;"~. ~f1 gtr.J· ind ~ught iron hla time.on the ark. As there SATURDAY only, LI g ht Knowell.Plrr,C.M. couOi .$2). Maple end table niarlile cast!· ris:'set of tn :;r~; · !-~~~ii! .. 'bri~ Ht1ntf1ilt · -~ach. !able, JS.., x 31 $8. Lady waf no respoMe from the broWn $150 buman hair wt,g TO A S TER, Toastina.ster, $10 .. Eloclric heater: $lli. tool! $l.5. Llg°httng f!xtutts 2 B!Kf.S $5, erlger $2. Chcs1 S2.50. Wonderhorsc sm11ll S2.50. Babybcrl SlO. Net playpen SG.50. Lawn mo1ve r $5-Ba!hinelle $2. El<!clric train S3 skis .11.1ld bnols $7.SO Easy chair vlnal $3.fiO Clo!he!i Jc to :t"te. !162-'ll<lj, 22031 Catalina Circle. HB BOWLING ball $4. 14'' ea. Axel speaker in walnut cabinet $15. Antique trunks $8. Cu.t glas5 vase JS, Lamps S4 . 842-5692 GIRL'S 24" 3 speed bike, excellent. $20.' 84l)..,0098 P.1AID'S cart S25. Electric moton; $3 and SS. Colfce tables $3 each. Bar·&Q on \\'heels $5. Aqun\1um 20 1;:11..ilori St-}. ·'A~um 5 gn.Uon ss. ~ubi'r1hin\· l\i?allon $2."'· .. aGl' boy's''bU<t no. \V~e 'hDW~ deslr ;a. 897-7350 BEAJ.f Bo!ilea $j MCh.' Oialn !Ink ~Cncc $00 roll, pott for san1c SI each. 220 wiring .Sl5. 50 f~t l " F lex $15. \Vooclen barrel ~4. fo"Jlinl! cabinet ("·ood) $8. Lamps Sl.50 and $3. Aceortliun doors S5 a se!. 8!17-7350 BR1GGS & SI.ration 2'4 H -4 cyclt! epglnc like new $25. of 1ruck style bucket li(':Jts S5 ea.ch. 17622 Fores!, H.B. 847-6983 ITEr.tS in irood eo nd Hion. moving 1"00n. n1u.~t ~"ll. Ch·al braid n1~ s;i. Pink lhro\\' rul'.!S $l • Jo1, Avocado bath carpel f•' x ·e· $:!. 4' x fi' oli\<! rhro\v 1'lli,: S2. Balh rn~s oli\·c '2 for $2. Lid cov€l'5 2.3c each. Tanke t st'lli 50c t>ach. Blue 2' x 3' rug $1. Twin spread $J. Full spread S1. crib Sl'l. Crib !!ipttar1 ll. Sheet~ all ~lzea 2Sc • 50c. 'I'nss pll lows !"iOc·. Cu1·tnin11 · rira.rt• 50c • SJ, Carpet .S\\ctrier SI. V•<.'llUlll $2. Set JllChuar: S2. Ahmlinum <.'001.."'.\'AM 2Sc • 50c, r.1 a y ptn $1. ro<,;k· lfl(I honic S~. 8BQ SI . O olb<>s · 1nta11t to adult ~ • $1. Ph1.que11 $1 each. T~i ~ • $1. 91i1 Aloi,,_ or fQ.-1882 OVERSTUFFED ch 11. fr , nctda 11lip covf'r Sl5. Lamp table $6. Fl r escr er n fh-epfOOl fh1u 11~.f" x 34" S29. Child £ ~ p. Bird <-ages S2. Old cbtst ol <1r11wtt1 with mlm:!r $25. DropleaJ 11i1>ple tt.bkl 'JS. &ube. dM!tl ou1n1 ·S2!a. S e a r s k t d I phoOQCrllph J)!'rlect wUh l"l"O:lt'dfl $101 C:hlld"a bookl,~ &J'bie IO)'B IOI· • SI. \\'ood ahutfl'.rK t t "1trh. Old mirror $3. fl4~n'• ~ui~ '5,, Round Tnllplc colltl! h1hlr $8 ~10 Snvittl', Cd~I. .,.._,.,,,,, CLUB i:ht11r SIS. :! pk.:&; ~· Uonill $20 earh, -l.''t-lve.I ptUny,·~ iL at$-Bil-1 I -. 53$.lt525. Nearest . m n i n doll $1. 1 new inside door cla.!is she prompted: ''Do you and st4nd $15. Sun and heat automatically towers brtad Crib-and mattress $10. Port-is-s2'5. Steel f j r ep r 0 0 f ct'USS stre<'ts Beaeh and 30'', s4 .~. Sil\·er fox jacket, suppose he did a lot of fish· lamp Sl5. Ladies blouses. and Nrns on current, 3 a-crib $8. Potty chair Sl. cabinet $20. Antique Vic- Allantn. like new S25. 54()..3118 ing?" pants. dresse!'!, roats, :i;lze slice, perfect $10. Manicure Carriage JS. Stroller S2. 1.836 torian paper weight elock BEAUTlf''UL E:.isler bunnies CANA RIE.5. Hens llPd sing. "\Vhat?" anS\\·ered one six· lG-l2, lOc • n . Books lOc. set. battery operated, new Irvine, NB. &*-3419 . $25. Schwinn Pixie bike $15. 7~. 5o1~:;j ers, in1ported red crested ~~~~~!':'With only 'IWO ~~~n~u~~!n~.clt:~~'~ ti.50 .. Camera, plastic call:, COf>'FEF. table 12x36 glass Tricy<* $5. Old drlll press birds S5-S25. 67J-2445 earn-_ 1dge load, new S2.25. lop and •h•lf $8. RCA s20. HtnCI massa .... vibrator PHILCO 1ab!e r:uiiu IJ. l<en. IO)'' le l Oc Ga•n"' ~ Lad 8 ll •· P O ODl.ES-f>"e ma l es • · '" """' ies shoe_ s AA, Portable TV $25. GE IG" S5. Er<:tric motors $2-$5. n1orc h11i1• drycl' Si 41 Ili·Fi Ch<"-·lal; n•alron S:!a. 4 BAR slools SlO each. Kit· Puzzles 25c. DoU clothes 50c blouses, skirts 75c-$3. 501 Portable TV SlO. fl!otorola Misc. tables SS-$25. Oak records 2'"" ench. S!rp tablr "v ~· chen<"tte •."I 15. Chromo 1~ Lugg••e 17 Bei<>e A ·d Lo · th 111onlh old P"PPY S25. AKC • .,.... ..... · .... veni a l'l!tlZO in e 19" Portable 'IV S20. Elec-chest •f drav.-ers )25, La.the $3. Pair of 111rn·~ black o·,. chafing dishes s:: each. nauaghyde chair and ot-Bluffs. 644--04 21 ,_1, fioor poli>"-c SS. 2 125_ 21 .. solid brus lamp fords. worn DrK't', size JO papers S25 each. 642-0026, Baseball milts SI each. loman $10. 4n J\lagnolla, u ,_ '"" $5. 1\1otoro1 a Vibrasonk 675-2443 Binoculan Sl5. Tw I n C r.1 COUCH Sl5. Chairs $5. Remington eloctric 1'87.0r.i S25. Qassv.'llre, Pewt er , speaker, co1nplcte, l'!: ~'t''U' BEAlITIFUL Easter bun· spreads S3 each. Towel sets · · Vacuum $3. Sall wate1· $1 $3. Round No-r.·lnr coppef brass items $2--$25. old, 12 vol L~ s:m. LI S-0'.)t;J SI 7· h BUFFET S2J. Little glJ·J"a f i s h In &' o u t f i t S 1 2 . d ine tte table $7, \Vool rug 1936 3. Coast llwy, Lag nics, pure \\•hitc "'itli black · ~ aec · Blu<! Doral clothes, l.ike ne.v.', baby to Rt'irlgerator $7. TV trays with pad 7X7 S12. Electric Bch OLD tashio~ ..... atc·•nt•< eru-sandcyes $2-$2.50.P ick b e d s pre ad , king S20. I 4 IOc s· H t I 1 l '~=-:--.,.-.,-.,.-:--~-,= '"''"' .. 11ze. . • o. o pae fl. New lamp shades S2.50. alarm clocks Sl -s,.i;TABLt And • Cha'"> •~ ('."nk 3 d>•"'"" •" • I II now, will hold for Easter. Dresses and formals S2 15 'l il bo ., M · ... .. ...,_ · .. .._ •"-' co JC~ • "a x -· ov1e Electric r a :z or a Sl.50. Dishmaster sink faucet S22. 5'1S-7litl press SlO. C I e o p a t r a ' a Also adults fl.50 67~2ofof5 $l5. MetaJ chair $2.50. 321 e<litor SlO. Polaroid copier Furniture 5(1c.-ll5. Clothes 2 Record players 45 RPM . couch, scroll !ypc f lS. Pl..AYP EN SS. \Valke.r SI. Coral, Balboa Island SlO. Enlarger $10. Stack a JOc to SJ. Washin1 machine S1 _ SS. 3 Bathroom scales RECWI~G Chall' $25. An~ 548-3158 or 673--!1713 J ump seat $2. Car bed $2. HONDA, motorcycle parts St drum chemical tanks, one moton $5 each. l809 Sl. $6. Sunbeam hair dryer qu~ tadJO, Record plafer CLEAN GE relrir.t-,,.~,-.,~12'~-. \\'onder horse S4. Bath tub -S:Q. Dishwasher, needs 15 gallon, $10. One 7Jh SS. Placentia. Saturday and ST. 25 .. SboY.-er door $6. 2 S25. f.oleman stove~· Pole Ladies 13 lb. blue bowling 7X. Sterilizer v.·il11 bottle:i; pum p $5. Double kitchen Antique chair S5. 16mm Sunday. ~2565 F ireplace screens $5 $6. lamp $6. 548-4032 ball. b:ig :in~ .\ihoes $lj. SJ.50, Books galore, all sink SS. Dt-ep fc;·er $1 Size movie camera $25. Fan $5. 2 BLOND end tables S3 each. 3910 Channel Pl. 6T'..-1603 IRVINE TERRACE Man·5 JG lb. bo\\·ling ball kind~. Linv books, se1s 8 boy's rink skates $5. Blue F ile case n .:JO. 8 car PlaUorm rocker, good COii· EXCELLENT toaster·broiler 1727 ~tea SAT ONLY ·•:rx:t slltil''I $10, Rag bw. 1;,c-$10. \Von1en's clothes couch and chair $5 bo th, ~tainless 'hangers $1 each. dilion $20. TV and table S2.50. lron firepluce grate ElectrJ( blankets, S 4., 5 O; Doublr tx-tl S5. s1ecl bed end shurs 25c-S1. Record Trur1dle beds $20. Twin mat-While gas s!ove SlO. Stud S20. 1954 Federal, c.r.r. Sl.50. Avocado green place ,-a~uun_ cleaners, $15; GE ·tranu• s:\. !:iturdy blond efld alllunlli Z5c. S.l:r.8lj7. ::013 tress and box spring S.i gun 25c. Butane lank S15. mats, ne\\', pr in 1 napkins :0111158"'\r, ~25; household tnbies and eorree table $7. Garfield, Ci\! 36 cup percola tor S:?. Boy's Pain! pump gun and roller WALNUT H!gh chair $12.:iO. $2.SO. Pol~ and pans 25<'. items. SOe-_S5 • U. :rlnd, C.1\1. 5·1S-030'.l ELECTRIC fl1otors '• liP, clothing 2X • $3. :mt $8. 1'1imeograph S7. Key \Valnut pl ay p en SlO. bric-brae, picture tram<?!!. lo 613-1032 -· 1 · la Fcrnht"ath Lane, C. ?>t , hole sa\\' 50c. Caulking gun Ba.ssinelte and pad S5. Orr NE.iV h\ln box spring $'\Ii. 1/6 !LP $5 eac 1. B111oc\I rs ~5-4iO? SI.SO. Cement tro\\·els 75c, seat (for bucket sea ts) S7 SJ. Knives and forks 10c. REFRiliERATOR 12 cu ft, Plaid lwir• •--•-p-·"• •·•. 8 x 30 \\'ith cnsc $25, Argus 2009 K<'n-Rd 12 10 2 v·•~ rood sh•pe •hel•-s uo.'U~ ,,,_...., ..., \Vnll paper roller 50c. Bathinette Sll. Baby walker .,-·• ,_ ~ • ... Green double t:x-dspread S2. Le-:; can1cra $25. :>48-:-:i619 CLEAl'llNG cloSf'ts. New Socke\i; 50c. Un iv e r s at' s,:;, Bamboo drapea and PM Sunday in door, whi te $25. 673-6703 Record 8 I b ll nis 50c. ~LOT Car tl'ack. complete: ~~~~1~~ts.noorfit~lish;r 0 :t \\'rench $2. Levl'I S 1 • valanees, assorted sizes, all WALNUT bookcase S 7 . LADIES Odd shoes left foot Toasters ~I and $2. Pocket sccnc1·y, lighting, ear, con-Photography tank& S 1 . for S25. A I um in um J\1aple twin bai comrlcle 4 to 5, right foot 6ini, casual, ";"'k1• 10<1. S ~in I ~ s ~ trol L"Onsolc. 2 Test tra~~: ;:cuu~~Y:a-;;;'aifl~~~~ }!olden Sl. Print roll diers Christmas btt SS. 2 bar $22. Blnnde titblc $1. Utility and dI'tsS 13 to $10 962-6887 s ee ware c · .,.. il Plet'e. &in1dc lane, PD\\'rr pac..,. $2. Curtains, all """"""' Sl stools $5. Push lawn moYoer table $2. Rolla\\'a_y bed S15. BROWN tw-~ --~ Pink and blue cushions Included . S23. 548-5619 shir1s, SOc. New size 8 shoes &........ 13 S t h bl la nd I Le th """" UAa.."" 11 50 n-.. I S2. \\"Orn only 2 times. -$5. 880 "1· 19th C.M. . pans 1a e mp a Lan.,-e mirror _o. _a r.r Black vinyl lounge chair. ' · "'"'""Ol'd Payer-radio 6' SURFBOARD w it h 642-4558 shade S25. 3124 Yukon Ave., coffee table $la. Skis ~. n-.•• ~-,1 baok ,•-•· IS combin»lion i•ifh new nee-Jackets, 11'001. size 12, $1 7 kl ow.,,_ "'-''" .. ,,.. ... di · ren1ovabl<! !in systen1 S20. each. Girl's sk.irf.5, sweaters 21 .. ADMIRAL TV Su""r 200 Cos.la Mesa. 540--0 07 Tobo~an $12. Brea ast set to 510 each Double in. e $1. 'i,p.rd of S l 0 R, n•,. ,, ab I, ''''' foe ,.. $18 TV $1-RadiO-rt'L'Orrl ' N • ~ d I M " .. 50c • $2. Ladies suis, table model, good pioture SCHWINN Stlnaray bike, ex· · 0· . nc~prtlg mattress ST. Crib 11.n:,iisus, ""l"Pna e ar. ,,,,11-··•"• •1. •o 15. 100 I Sl2 Cop""r nius1c ~ "-· I ""'u "' dresses, woo\ s Ir a i g h t $2'i. Old 01ovie pro1'ector eellent condition, new paint P ayer · •·-matlrw _.~. Girl's let ""1'011 y, • Tl1•• ,,, .. , •<<d b•··k ,,.,, ~-13 Books 3 for Z-ic ' u_ .._ skirts. excellent condition $1 16n1m S:.10. Bea uliful old job Sl9. ~fin! bike engine, ......., · , · :<kale~ size lO SS. Roller CHEVY 6 lruck engine, com· •·•~. "'2 ~-0 p · t r; Gamr~ cl1~hcs .,.,, ..., .........,.. • Sj. New silver evenin& c11mN.1 pin $25. i tatching does not "l'Ork, can be fi.i:ed ic Ul'l"~ ~-'"' ' !'ink hie skates $5. Like pie{~ SZ'.i. Chevy V;a 28.1 =n~AN7'~T~A7lM~C~h~iw~---,,71,-at,-f~or '°l jacket Sln. Formal "'hile ~racelet SIO. Old chest easy $5. Baseball mitt, lair lOc. Clothing 25c. Dolls, new football ba.'ICbaD 1hoes ~.~.~ pw.lr,SI), Chevy 283 Easler Sl.50. Al:"O baby crepe $5. Evening lop, silver <l1·a\\'Cl'S SS. 1939 shorl'\\'11\'e condition SJ. Ba.wball bat, lo)'~. j('i,'('tJ-:.', Sa.le slart~ S5 pair, &Y's J piece auit llilr-.r..e niani old '1·ith ~ be.r· ducks ~\.:ii. Ha11Uron1e Ban· S.1. Jackel coats S2. $4. 21 r1.1dici, J'.1aple cabiTW'I and never be<on used P . Kid's Sunday. !l28 HC<llnndll A\"<:. sitl! U SJO. Squarw dance rel l:llrbllretor s25. Chevy tam rooslt!l'!I S.i arl(f Drake jl'l~PI Bulova, exetllenl con. drawer, beautiful to n e, toy cheiil, awrage condition NB drcsSl:S Si. 962-&WS block 28.1, ilf'Crl:i; Cll.f)S· SlO. fllvllnrds: $5. 2612 E. file~ dilion ladll's watch $15. could a ntique beautifu l S23. SJ. Exl'rcisc kit, great for Bl'NK bed.!! s.nd matlI'CSSl'S AU.AN Ednionds Sharkskin Ci'9nkshait J&. ~&-6842 Or. Ba<!k Bay ru-ea Co~t(l1nc je\\>elry, n r 1v A1\I and Fl\1 good rudlo all agi.-s, a. &teal at S3. ~25 Mch. Tu•in llollY\.\'~ ~hQcs, 11~ 13A tlke new BLACK and gold chellt• $25 DUCKS. Baby r.tallard! or curle1'S, purses 50c -SI . S6, 3 roUa\.\·ay beds S15. 2 pocket knn'C5 large rx bed S:z:i. Student dt'Sk S2.I. s25. "'•t S5.'i G.i::. cannis1er each. Lamp $2.5(1. \Vhi1c White Pekln S1.50 to s2.50 S.lt·Sun 12·5. 64G-6Z!G f> llln~ cabillt't S·I. \Vhite each. James Bood road raCt"! S-dt'll\\.?r ches; $2{1. 2 n1aple vncuun cleaner wilt\ntr&s ~ho\\·cr and window cw-lain f'al'h. Full gt'O\\'!l Drakes SAT only. Old dishes, ~ laundry tub $.'i. 20361 I.Ange set, everythh11t \\"Orks in-end tables Sl.5 each. Round SIS. lll gallon aquarium llt't $3. 511~288 s;i. ll~·ns c. Bantan chicks antique 50c • $"1, Shoes, 1iizc Dr. S.A, Heights. 5~0-5589 eludes 2 can and rack. drop lt"af eti£rf't' !Able $2:'i. ST. 21. low chain SlO OAK llbrt'ry labl" S5. T Sl.50. Rc;-autitul rooi:;1en a11d 5 and 6. 25c pair, Low WHITE l<!athcrt'ltt' head· scenery and signs $12· Call P11 ir lam~ $1 5. Vacuum r,36-70§6 · La1vson sole JJO tlan). dri1kt l\1aUards $j. 26\i S.E. sno1v boof:r; Sl Pl.Ir, Ping boord t\\·in bNts. clean S2fi Gnrv at 548-fill30. J1arbor And A.ttaclunents $ 1 a· ;c,..--;;===,,-,==-~~1 at 19th A.rel! 64~186 G' REl"RIGERATOFt $25. Silvcrtunr Spmii&h guitnr 1'1t•:sit llr, Bttr.k Bay area pong Pi ddles, net, balls n. C'ach. Four 8.85-15 Uniroyal ~.))..769t Sl&, Ph11? conrr de* $2. l\IOVING, Must sell 2-M" Paperback books 1 O c n l11 ll h:a $10 ~ch. 'One 56 VW L and R lenders \VA!'lllNG nu1ch1°" 11·ork11 f;,=;--,:=,-=-,--.,= Apt sb:e rctrli;rrator SlO. lx'(!s S25 each. Dinette set Sv.-eaters 50c. toe skatl!s $2. i;hf 1 Gt'nnan mad<! bicycle SS each. 67 V\V rear deck prrfcct szo. Table TV and GO~LIXAN_ Finches $2 5 St-11t'le 1•'ft"l'1")rle S20. Otttt!O 36"' 'i' '4S" Liible, leaf, 4 1224 lk.Uast, C.P.1. 20·· v.·hfels, hAnd anti fool lid S'lO. 58 V\V seats $5 stand, \\Ol"kll pt'rf('(.'t Sz:l. ~"'~'~"~· ~5'&-=-'~"~'c--o--~I bela"'"'(' lxi.by s<'Ale S:1. rnolt·llin~ thalrs SlG. Sofa TOYS 5c • zx. Marvt!I bl'!Ures $.!. \\'estlnghotl!IC each. 1825 Placentia, CM. Double bed txix sprlnga and POOD 4(, Male g months El~tric Gf; 12" \Ii.II ck11:k $2j, CAll bclore 3 rr.t musta.ne $2. Table lamp $7. r>urtable electric roa.srror 548-Gf2 mattl't'S!I Sl5. T1\ln iron hed houselroken, movina" muat SlO. liov.'ll"" ~II 11nd ca~ ~IO-l71ii Rockilll chair S2. Se'll>"ing oven, tutkry she JS. r.1~ ~ BEU. and ~ti w Ith "·P r Ing 11 • S 2. 1lnd htrn«! $3), 536-1862 $10. Alrplal>e' f'FlgillC 1'"o'i' ;;-;;;o;;c-=;:--;;;;;---.c=-macbil'I!! cabinet SIO. f\111 naug11.hydc COUdl and rocktt Brontt ~" 111 Line Wattr J\fiscellatlN)\.111 tables S 1 TWO 3'" round t bl wlth -1088, MW Sll.!liO. TOl'flf-'(IO Sl.EEP Soi11 $?>. 'J'raller s1: .. ~rator gtoi>f, 11,ht ~1n1p And Motor 81" ·-·•Id Md\ Girl•' 16" bike with ,,,_ brown •oor' ":-~h •9 • • 1 S13""' hitch 1:111d mirror Mil 112 5l:u-nitlln:ll and box II 1 u .. , "'"""" ,A_ 1 nd _._ .... :u ~...,, • •~·"·· ~"R nr, ncv.· ·"·'· IJ>rtnr $20. 6 chairs S2 x urt'. 'll>'ll m o u n t ed• not use sbe, Coat $75. uur.e tea a ., ... sy u,V rloth& $7 l"ach S s~ Torpt'l.lu 0.7 kit fS 21 new each. Elrctric motor SS. SS. Bathinette $3. Barbecue. av:)cf]do s:;,. 1562 Ptgasus 6T.h564>1 $6. Girls' 24'_' bike $6._ Div11.n boy'll 2S" 'sKYWAY b~ $'.ll. ('J"i\llur pri<-e S40. N«!w W00tl rilane and bumper SOc. b.ock 50c. Old lamp ~~:..1~nta Ana llciahts. PORTABLE Zenith Reeord $.\, l:>ouble sink $2. $15-M90 1193-3.1l4 alrplaM PrDl'S 5c • S1. 0Jx jll~ $l each. Ml-8863 or SS. Old ,..aktr $20, O I d '"""" lllU MUTE lghl W. with -'America n Eagk' kit )CAS 543-4891 . Pla)-tt, Exre.Oent Olodition · up p RIN~ Surfbot.rd n dts """'ine (~·l $3. OWk boArd ~N"'EW...--~=-=•·--=-,,.,-,.-,,,--cbtt-n tapestry $10. ArlUI C.J GlRl..'S Stingray bl1n-S15. S25. Evenirp. 613-ftll bmch $25. 3 year~ N<qe and iocks $9.85. le ne... -• .....,--., camera U>. K II I t t I n i: Boy's 26" 3 5peed blkt:i Sl!I. e.e.:trtc nngt $l1. Royal .. .4 ., 1 d 5' r· ~-Pull do\.\'11 l.ilrht 1wtlnttd. Sevtn drawr:rs Sl9. m&ehlno t l5. Dishes Hcklt(f 2 Nond alf'JI e.nd tabll'I ~ R.CXlcrNC Chair $25. Blue porlable tflM'lwri ler S 2 5 . s!" .n er 'll!a • Acme eo111 fbclUJ'I?, srnbcr $5. 21.23 An-645-1452 CM fllnk bY ~teUox $150 ~t. each. Gas retrigrni.tor SlS. rug 9xl2 1'7.50. Sll ppe.r chair Vcti·fAX copy nuichlne S2..';. 85c !Yllt'n pt~ 30c ~!vt, ,.,..,.,port .':"",,h· ~~ !~~tln, -_~,~,-•• -o7in-c71o~tl~~~•~ll,..,-tn-,l20"'. G.E . baby pbt~ S 2 . llt'~dboard And nl11;ht •tond JT.50. '19W882 Fold!~ 1vlll'l"lr.halr S 1 O, ;,f~~ Vo7rsei:,~~~I:~: •• "' <.><: • • ~ow Baby lmda $10. 673--5345 or l louse'ftret 5c • 25c. Cur· 110. II foot divan $25. 4 TIRES. ltA.Uan, ltl)Olt lnlad, ~1an 1 suit. llport COftl JS...IO l& iatd IS I'~ $8 !5 SO~·A $2(1. Roll.'"'11.Y ~ m 6!.l-5921 t3..IM OOc • 7'<'. \Vtddlni:; Matchlnit rh81r SID. "ralnut 165 SR lS. $5 each if.M...ll660 ~ • $5. Ladies ~s 8M . 1 " ~ • • bl nd • -"·" :-;=:-,_.,,-,_,.--c-,,-,,. -k'·1 n J I • t -• t .,_ l3 E~"-SI. ~--, '"!' l1 . ••. '".h· I J\odak 111.e 116 $3118 '-9.~" ta i:. 1 " o;nwn RfVtERA Cot-brd, s!n;le s u """ '"'t l'Y ;ic s "fl """ a._ · ... ,.., "' 2 -30 GAU.ON Wl!lttt ...,~ ..,.,: .., 2 J\ndllk Brownlri :l()c f'!Acb. S10. F'IWf t11blf"I and cofftit i\·ith CO\'!!!' S19. Dir lnbln;, • tOc, Jc\\·~ bn>: SJ. reL'l.'i' <"OUCh. 3 pm $%i, healen Sl5 And U), Sofa T•TK' rccordtr _., ~!Uni(\)' 2l T.D.C :t.ln1m slit!( trays tat:k JJO. 2 111,.nr~ ~ Cl1u lw>:iyY S~ i·acli. Grand l.iidl~ drn1 y.·atch .SS. Ol~tM:s 50c St. roo Hudson, btd SlO. Old tank SS. 10--l tx-con1m-llc:_nu. M.'ar :'.(le rt.ch. l!> new tlbrrcla.ss ,.JklJnct i.h<i•ttt.docn fW' lub l<.'tfllrl~ f'h;iirs $7 tai·h. Rug fl62..<Cltl. ZKX31 Catalina Cir. C.t.I. !'~ or :r.-JO--O!lli Complete boMca!IPt' douWt ~ Oc.'t':in. CtTJ\f 11rn.·ifli !rays ~ each St:1o. 641>-i!lill nnd pad, 9 x 12. S12. OR JIB BATil Tub, lav1Ullry, loli;;l l>"d SlS. 'Tv."O wheel l.r&il~r GE 9 -spttd ml!nna~1,.r, :I Crns<i N!:ter 11nd illet.n :Zl" TV tn.hli? mudcl. U'Drks :t-(i.·)~I. IJT r.. ~.1,1, F:n.tt Nf>:\V Kenmore e I I' c t r I c v.·ltti v.·ater tank pj Jor nil J25. R e d wo od patiO 11talnl~ ~If'!"! blarlf'~ 11nd $1.:1(), ~\l')'t'f'll ''lf'W1"naltier ~<t!ll Sl!i. &14--0MS 1 of N~'POl'f Blvrl. sw-ttper S25. 5'43-00tG 2~'20 '\'estmlnat"r A\T... O f f\1miture Mt $15. Sl6--1956 brrui $Zl. -494-JS.i! 7;N;·, ~1!19.1 ' • -• ·~ ~ .. ll """" ~ ·I ', ""'" Jmail ' II" ' I J-8 "" • I 1bine I fo neo ~ 1 0 . .... l!'I' .. ;:· ~ $10. $2 • ~ ha' """ nbl• )Mg Vani· ; o -1 ,2 0 . each. I $4. """" ,, .. ,. ham • 15. a nk no . binet II. [rcle, table table •"" woh i< of .... ""' bull $25. Mti· ights $15. ... 115 loCk. , .. ..... .. , Vio- :lock $15. ..... •tor 1-$5. °"" '"" •mp "· ·S25. Lag 125. "'" iO ; GE ""' !I. '"" ,., root ""· ... ;ch. ~ir- 1.'i in- X:ib '"' "" .ik~ .. , ruit '"' ldn •w "" ... .. , flO. 2 5 lhs Liil :ks ... Ml lie "' "' 95 98 h. ,. .. "' " ... I ;, ..--.. ( -.--= .- BLUEWATER CHARTERS U-~vt sail or power boatl. Harbor cruises/sport fish. Daily • Weekly * 646-9000 CAL M .for CHARTER $25 day. $150 wk. * 846-2957 * loat Storoge 9041 BOAT SfORAGE Ct"power up to 20' Fenc- ed )'ard. Newport Bayfr(,nt. Monthly rates include .•• Use of hoist Launching Call Anthony's 839-2281 1 lo1t1 W1ntld 9050 SKI-boat, all glass. 15' to 16'. 65-75 HP., outboard. 5<6-6958 Afrer1ft 9100 1, l.96f CESSNA no. 285 HP. . ~tract gear, dual mark '' twelve 360 chanrll!I, 90 chan- nel.,AOF • Other IFR eqpmt. 1 • Aircralt always hangared. Xlnt cond. Must sacrifice, btst .oner. Contact. Paula Balley, 60-9900 or 548-UlO lSl67 CESSNA 150. Nav<0m. 300. One own@r. Xlnt cond • Make offer. Paala Balley, 642-9900 or 548-8220 Mobile Homes 9200 Bay Harbor Mobile Home Salts 16'-20'.22'-24' A: 34 wides Casa Loma. Roll-Away· car. ibbee • Homette • Fashion Manor • Kit • Bay Harbor • Sahara . Celebrity. Sheraton Manor. Parks available In aD attas Bay Harbor Mobile Homo. Show 1425 Baker St. ¥,, block Eut of Harbor Blvd. on Baker Costa'.Mesa (TI4) 540-9'70 **CLOSEOUT** '68 &. '69 Mobile Homes in adult park at the beach. J-'' ~ .. or unlurn, move right in. 15 )Ir financln&. 71462 Pacilic Coast llwy, H.B. Space # 26. 536-8500 or 536-2131. TRAILER w I cabana, furn or unf, Reasonably priced. Good loc. Must Sf!e to a~ -prwciate. 2911 Sp 18. W. Coast Hwy, NB. 10x46 wf attached cab&na, beach location. Xlnt. mnd. $3500. 53&-1614 Mini Blkn 9275 FLEA, mini·blke, 5 HP, %. midatt Continental engine J shaft, First $100 cub. takes. 6'S-5I IT '30G '68 HONDA 125 Ser. S350. 2600 mUes. Ca1151Unl 9510 . MILITARY Jtep -Chev v..a. Corvair Bucket Seats, 23 p1 gu tank, Slirrey top, new ll0Qxl5 tires, many mort eidru. On front cover Feb. I 1 s u e "4-wbeelet" Mapzlne. See al Me.a Union Station Cor. Falrvlew & Newport mvd. ~2380 '6T HODAKA. all the sood racin& equipment. S 5 0 0 • 54&-&116 C•mpo-'rs ____ ,_52_0 305cc HONf5A 1967 1968 FORD F-250 w i t h Lot&& clnme $350. camper. " ton piclrup Ntw tap. &f&..Z10 E q u l pp e d wtth VB, 1968 HOPAKA. lOOcic, ltrictly automatic, radio, btattt. fac- dirt model, ............. tnry .... •• bed. - ICT-1'29 Dealer. 18135 Beach Blvd. =1983=:..llO_ND~A-llO,....,OC~-Hunt. Beach. MIH)H2 I Ciood cond. $195 • bnt * PAM-TOPS. all ate el q.1b orttr. s+trlta &hells. Sain A mt~. Slt9 BULT ACX» Metlue, x Int llP-BuJ factory dtnet. liDO oond., nwt1...,.._ $I01 So. H,_, S.A. -'ll BSA 40.-ViclOr, cltaJ'I pxl ahapt. 2'JOO milts. $S!IO.. m.m &!Oo: TRIUMPH °""""1'. chromed, $515. Xhll C6ftd, Rtte.nt o/h. &46.-Tl34 HONDA 1961.Jjj, xlrlt em!. WO. « bfft crrer. Mutt ..U'7wlt....i • .....m C.mpor R:;:;••:.;l:::.•1:;:;•_9:.;5:.;22;:: COAOf • TR.An.ER R&NTALS lt'1 none too early to make re11trv1tlona tor Sprtna: Hot. ldaysl WEEK·El'ID OR WEEKLY 5*4l91 SOCK IT TO '!:Ml Imported Aul• -' 9600 lmportod Autos CHICK IYERSON, INC. "ON COAST HWY.'' NEWPORT BEACH Pine1t Seledlon Of Outstanding Used VW't On Gold Coast flln11t S.l•ction Of Concoune Condlllon Uoocl P-heO .,, """"1601 Stitt 1''1 YW In S1itt Cp111. AM.ehrt•ly Iii•• n•w. E.trjll ih.irp. Cel1r 111• Y.h (W'YW11&1 l1W'. IPFXf4fl '" ,...... 911 t4ttt 4 1p1ed tt•11tll'llttl•111 12 ·t1 ch•ete fNM) (SL.A 121t CHICK IVER$0.N, INC. VOLKSWAGIN 445 E. COAST HIGHWAY '" ..,...,. Dri"' NIWPOIT IMCH 673-0900 4 1/2% ' 1;11k f111.1uf11! ..... 11.1t1.1 e11 M111t •pprewt .t creflt. NEE-FREE I.ls Vws V~lfllln I DAYS I 2-NIOHTS FOR TWO "• Pur<-h••• Nee: •••• .,. 15300 ... ""'· Weslntlnster 194-1322 OPEN 7 DAYS TOR fRIEIDLY FIAT DIAIER * * * * * A IMMfOIAl! DB.IYERY A • FIAT TRADl-INS • s1499 'II tKl '799 111N ... _ lftQll l'llCI '61 IM ' .. ,_ s1399 'II ¥0'.lt ..,.. ..... $699 ' ' '11 "" ·= su;; "FOR A Ail• DUL• HEii FllEDUNDEt HJI eAIDlll HOw &"'-e.a. *Cu 1plete Ferelfl C.. SeMce *' POOLE'S FINE USED CA RS . ·'61 OLDS • • Cutlt ... 111t•. ,,._ IWfHlll jjtrll ·. • • $895. Ill ,········..! I JAGUAR· ... : llADOOAmis ~ Comploto s.r., ,s.,.11 ·Ice ••d Putt Dop•rt"'l.. ment for JA6UARS. " '" l1to r..1tt., • • '''' J .... , rµ.., ~ ···~~~~ . ) ~ ~ : 234 E.. f 7111 ST. · • ,148·7741- • _,, •• f ' • • . "OPINi " • 7 DA~ p • ,AllD 1 IYllllllH • . I ' . I · r-""."'"-:----=----~~----~--..--..--------... --.... ..------------~~--....... .....,....-."T""""O''-•-~-........ ~,~.-........... ~ ,. " . • JOHNSON & SON'S . MON111-ENQ, . WEEK-END SPRING SAI,E! -·-~ ri, J • 4 • •; 4• / • f • r ' ..., .... ... • .. .... ------------------..... • 1969 COUGAR Cl'E. 2 DR H.T. ( . ...... , i '. ONLT $315t-69 ,l ~ .. .. '111 lltltt·•rr •• 11-with -.l1tf tltft, ,._,''"'·ft;. !. ~ hix1 covers •114 r1cl1 .. A ltra!HI lleW c• .H1. 4110. ;. \' ;;;;;;;=;~' ·.·:.\,, f . •• ~ l969 MONTEREY 4 DR. SEDAN nANJ NIW _. o/AY $J,23.69 ' -f.41 tlnl"~M~ury , ..... with StO 2V VI, front, t••r '"'"' ·~~· ·lfilft, pow.r dlls ~·••• I 1t••r. ll1tlie, tftit.-1 tl'NI •8' wh1•I ''"''''No. 2216 • ~ -JHIS--IS OUR RIST SPRING SALE! JHESE READY·TO·GO CARS WIU. 'I~ OFRRED A!f THESE l'RICES THRU . . MONDAY, MARCH 3l1t. . . ' MONTEGO MX 2~Dr. HARDTOP COUGAR 2·Dr. HARDTOP MARQUIS CONVERTIBLE In stock light blue, select shift, white walls, AM r1dio, ~inf· 9le11. Brend n.w. No. 3111 · -· 'In fn edi!Jm blue m•t1Jfic with white walls, pow•r tfffrin9, . brake11 r1idio arict deluxe coYers. lr1nd new, No. 4355. · • . , Le11 then ) I 00 mil•s. White top over iv y 9reen. Loeded with •ll'•rythin9, No. 2 I 74. Origin•I sticker $5509.30. . ONLY '297877 • ' •. ONLY '323~' ONLY $469900 MONTERH 2·Dr. HARDTOP In light .•qua. A sports specii1I mets, select shift, power l:irekes ~ COUGAR 2·Dr. HARDTOP MONTEGO MX l·Pass. WAGON In limi 9r~1n with ,,feet sliiff, pOwer 1f•eriri9 ·and brlltil ari"d deluxe w+teel cover1 .. A brand new car. No, 4371. · , , This low mi1e1ge car is loaded! No. 3073. end steeri:teJ, eir condition, radio and tinted glass. Brand new. No. 2247. '375200 ONLY '321092 WAS 4547.JO NO.W '389000 ONLY 1968 MERCURY CYCLONE C~GAR 2·Dr. HARDTOP • \ tn ltme rAn *ith .,.feet "SfiiU, white wells, pow•r steerint, heed rests.-·wheel .'-OYen. Brand new, No. 4352. MONTEREY 4•Dr. HARDTOP . ' . ' -. '. 390 v.1, front r11r milts, select 1hift, white walls, power brakes .... and sf••ring, air condition, radio, tint glass, d•luxe .COYers. &T festb.ck, Ermine white ext.,ior with burgundy interior, •~to. trans., redio, hee ~er, power st•ering and brakes, f•c,c111•· a ir cond., comfort waaYa bucket s .. h, femot.11 190 cu. in._,.,. , with performance hencflirtt l~cke9e. lrend new wide oYel tire1. TI.is cer he1 only ll,000 mi et.-e Johntoft l Son cer neyer pre- viou•ly •old. Lie. WXF124. ~112068 . Brand n•w. No. 2241. q; ,. · "" · '"3. ·18· 870 · · · .. ONLY . ' . . ONLY ·$380498 wAs $4010.u Save .. NOW zno.oo Ill ot $I .. ... ' • • ' mtf6t l ' BRAND NEW '69 AMX ,,, , ,.., 4 •· ••ny r.ct. ,..,,., · \.ae"''2999""'"' • Onler ~ '. i <tf' ·I ; BRAND N!W ~61 JAVELIN • .. :':,,,"1:·· ...... ..... $2386 I BRAND NEW '69 RAMBLER .... •••. ••h • $2043 'IJI H.r. Ordw tffoy. . . BRAND NEW '69 REBEL . ::;j~ Cw '-LUJ. r;.. , ~•• $2~~( 6., , IRAND ,...w ,.., AMM•-DOR '. ''· ""' ........... $.,286 l r1. ........ rrw. S1ICIJIO 11 . ' us~ CARS-SELECT YOUR t.tONTHLY l'AYMENT '66 DODGE ~.·. ':: ~:" .,, $52 .::: , ......... .,..,. ,..,... s....-. a....... ,. '66 FORD......,-·,,_$66"' UC • ..._ aPUJ7 -· , ... ,,... r,_., , • ..,.. SNetWJ '66 AMBASSADOR $52 :: ftt J *· H,T,. Y.t. ....... ,....,, rwr. SIMrlllf _, i .. f LIC. .... IMUU. . : '67 OPE' ·-· • _. $45 "" · lir · LIC. H .. UOl tlJ ""' .,~·0MiicuRv· :-..:.= 14, :: 4 ••. H.r .. Y ............ , .... P.S., n . Air c-4. : ·'fit!~~~ .. ~:: ...... $64:: LIC. Ne. 111311 . '64 RAMB~ER = ...... $599 ............ ·•-•la Ii ,..,."' • 1 165 CLASSIC "tc. """" $44 :'. 4 ................ ...__, , .... hilt. ... ..... ! _ M_.t.NT cmtn MAID I tfOlfU . ... , ........ , .............. .....,. ... ; TH.,_ N-. .. .,..,_, .._. ...... . . -. .. RED HOLIDAY CAIPET AMlltc:AN lllOl'Oll _ sn~: Siles & Senice • I -TOU• OPIN 7 ... , ' CAa AMI lnWI .... , POI YOUI CONYINllNCI ! f Ht a...; JtSll Mesa, 6•2-6023 • ALL PRICES 'PLUS LICENSE & TAX -' . 26~~ HARBOR BOULEVARD,. COSTA 1'\ESA ' . UMCIC1rs 9900UIOd C1rs . 9600 Sport C1rs 9610 Antlqueo. Cl1Ulcs 96~ Autos W1nted 9700 Autos Winted '60 Lancia Flamina GT 1 •ag Forll ll'ille, 2 rear doors $699 complete wttb &lass, 1 hood When You Think FIAT allght]y heat. 1 bell housing Think with rear end. 1 '40 Ford hood deluxe I 1 arU1e de. HE RB FRIEDLANDER luxe. Set or back teat. for 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. v.W. Bus. Photle 536-8W H.B. Ask far Bill. BUSIEST ~ ~ --'-""---'--- town. '"-DAILY Pll..O'I -~~~---- Oaamfted 8eCtim. Saft mcoey, lime • eflcrt. i.oo) 'Diw!IJ ( 9900 Autos W1ntecf 9700 WE BUY ANY USED CAR. TOP DOLLAR. G.M. WE PAY .•• CASH for used can I: trucks just call us for tree ft>timale. GROTH CHEYROlfT Ask for Sales Manqer 18211 Beach Blvd. Huntington Bncb Kl s.3331 Will Buy WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor mvd. BUICK '62 SKYLARK, BLUE. H;T to NE\V \V/W, WW Ml., R/H, AIR. EXCEL. COND. $700. 675-3862 CADILLAC _..:Coeta=;..M;.;•;.;,.;o.,;54;;;&-;;1200=-1 '62 Cad. Coupo de VIiie Auto Leasing 9810 Full power. Fact. air .• Af'. tic white • Lo miles. GffB. 696. •!WEIT• $1095 JOHNSON & SON or buy it ....... . Toar Vollcnrqm er Pcncbe which is best for you? Lincoln--Mercury 1941 Harbor mm. "2·7tri0 , MO.TORS A ~ ~ ~ PU! for For Inf~~~:';"' oa11, JOHNSON & SON The Greatest New . Cars Attract The Greatest Trad es I 2011 -~ Blw. .. .. 673:mo SOUTH COAST ·~·M'\'."~.~~~:.;.:: C.M. 642-9336 --------CAR LEASING beige top; real bm. lthr. BUSIESI' marketplace In Ousifi!d tredior1. S 1 •• mone1 time Ir effmt. Loni! town. ni. DA.ll.Y Pnm ~ c::m~ 300 W. Coasl Hwy, Nev.1>0rt inter. Tilt wheel, air, 6-way TOP I BUYER *AUTO lEASIN6 * ;;',"1gt •. o';~~ .::;::, Finn . 1"6 CONTINENTAL S•ii:ony yellow •xt•rler with t•IJ 111· t.rior, 1wt.1111tlc freM111i1tl•Ao r•clio e"'4 hett.r, 1ir eollditle11l111, f11U ,. .... er, 1t11ri11" ._,, ... , 6 ,.,.,, 111t, tUt 1t1eri11t wheel. I SVZ 0401 . l1111tlf11ll, 1111int..i1114. $3195 J 1966 CONTINENTAL CPE. local one ewt'ltt with only l2,000 1t1y 11tlle1, f111ld1ed 111 be1utff11I I t6t l11Tnf ~01191. h tter h11rry Oii #.i1 one. AnJ if't fully 91tulpfM1d with all the f in11t fect.ry eptiOM. Uc. SRW 46l $3195 1966 MERCURY 5-.IS S~RT COUl'E. Sia.., y1llow ft11!1h • wltti lluck.t M•h, whit. 1111.!111 ,.,f. Eq1lp,.4 ..,;tt. A..T .. R&H. P.s .. P.I., P·wifMI., p,,.,,f, •1t•rh c11111f1, 1k. 16,0H eri1l111I "'II'" Lo.Iii 1MI clri"' lllr1 -· SVY 121 $2195 HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY THAT OUR GREAT NEW MARK 1111, CONTINENTALS, MEll.C. UAYS AND COUGARS HAVE A TIUCTED. 1967 MUSTANG 2 Door h11-chop. U111.fro1t ••t•ri•r with lll•c.k 1•"111 roof •rtd lluc.lr•I 111h, A.T .. RIH, r.s. V1ry c.11111 •!Id l1w 111il11. Car1fully IJltlntalnlHI. TFA 144 $2395 1967 CONTINENTAL 4 door 11d111. l11utrtul powtlar blu• fir1hh with cl•r• bh11 l11tJ11r i11t1rior. Lulrury 1tiuipp•cl with 1ulom1tic tr'"'· llil11io11, rtdlo, h11!1r, f1ctory air, pow1r 1l11rl"9, pow1r 11,1.11, 6-way pow1r •••I, '"' OWll'1' c1f'1fully M•ill'- l1i111tl. Lie. TEY 9•1 $3995 1967 MERCURY c.1"" ••rt s+.t; .. w,,,"" Attr•c· ff.,1 1111Mi1i11J1 ,,11,.., ... 1tti 1-'tll1 1.11., i11l1rior, hlly f11.Nry 1q1i1l1tp'4 1tln hrtt•fl rack. 4111 1ctlo11 t1il '''" r.di., h11Nt-, 1'.S., P.L, f1&t.ry 1lr, ate.. l'rlc-' for q1lc.lr 1111, TXT 74J $2595 JOb.DSOD•SOD lllllLI •mlEllTiL. •mm• llHGllY ..... .. ....-..... -.-.-.. ........ 8ll..L MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. ./ All. MAKES C~ILL:AC 8 p a s ll e n g e r H. Beach. Pb. 841-8555 ./ COMPETETIVE PRICES L1mous1ne_. au.to, ele~ wli>-Mw!!I ========-!========'I Cort Fox Aut L i dows, racho, a.ir conditioned .9900 ~Md Cars . 9900 m w.-~ ~~ng !pruout.. N~ cand. $1485. · ~~~;;:.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;~~l I Newport Beach 642-8440 Can flha.nct.. M2·2591 '64 CADILLAC C.oupe de GROTH CHEVROLET MONTH-END USED CAR SALE '67 IMPALA S.S. $1999 V-8. powerglide, p-steerlng. UJB771 -9000 YALU• usao CA1' - 1'64 IMPALA 4 -$999 V-8, power Elide. pwr. steer., air, sparkllni' bfue in color. UJC 489. -eooo VAt.U• vseo CA• - 'M IMPAl.A S.S. • $1199 V-8, powerglide p-slttrlng, spark- ling maroon. <YrW 858. -GOOD VALU• us•D CA• - ltH TltllNDIRlllD $1699 Full power, fact. air. Beautiful black. TES 557. -GOOD VALU• US•D CAJI - 'H FOID WACiON $1799 9 paH. Ccy. Squlro. v .. , auto .. p-stee.r. ($ZC 296). -9000 VALU• usaD CAlil - 'M PONTIAC •.T.O. $549 V-8, 4 speed. W AK 326. -~ VALUS us•• CAii - '6J CHIV. r.u. 'i Ton Fleeukse. 6 cyL, 1tiek N23311 -eooo VALUa us•o CA•- $599 1'66 IMPALA 4 -tha~oop '899 V-8, powqll~e. pwr. ateer!' faietorY &lr, n*5 aome enmne wor1t. um 141 -ciOcf'D YALV• usae CAP' GROTH CHEVROLET 1n11 lle1eh Blvd.-Hunt. Beach (Hwy. '9) 545 llU ~n 7 Dayl 'Tll f P.M.-7-4139 Used C1r1 9906 Ville power, air, 46,000 ml. ----Excellent condition. $1950. TRANSPORTATION =645-="~" --~• '68 CAD C.oupe de Ville. Xlnt CAR SAlE cond. All wht. ftlll pwr, vnyl top. '" a1r. MJ •tr·a. A~f-Fhf. 60-18(2 ~It problem! See m for •59 CAD 2 door hard top, U1Stant de~, low prices, all poWtt, runa good, $300. eagy terms, We decide on or belt cUer Call after :;:r credit Call or ame ill 5 PM. 543-0752' ~· ,540..4392 '65 COUPE de Ville. All pwr, BLUE' CHIP alr-<0nd. R/H, w/l/w. AUTO SALES Xlnt '°""· 64>-9544 2145 Harbor, Costa M@sll '61 CAD. Cpl'! De Ville; full WE PAY CASH FOR pwr& ... ~ YOUR CAR, PAID FOR OR NOTI '59 COUPE de Ville, new -....:...:.:.:_~~=-=--/ trans; tire• A-bait. G.M. • M-0171 * DAD'S '52 Cad. Very clean, MOTOR~ xlnt motor. Hu everyttllnc. 2014 Harbor Blvd. $225. 5f0..5589 Costa 1'1esa 642.$336 /========/ Tran!~11 'l::tliun c;1rs l'.rom CAMARO $49 to $1'99 We cm')' our own contracts '68 CAMARO, low mile, SIS. ( -==== ... ==== loaded! GolrV in lel'V.; .. assume pyts. 53&-M96 BUICK CHEVROLET ---.. ---1 ''3 Buck Rivler• Fact. equlpt. • New '619 col-ONE owner, 19'1 Olev or • Dark IVJ pttn. TYz. Impala 4 dr Hard top. 245. Beautiful condition Inside A: $1195 out. Excellent molar A: JOHNSON & Sow automatic trans. New lifts, "' batt..Y • bnkr•. Radlo A Linoolh-Mercury heater. '650. "2-2342 aJttt !&oil Harbor Blvd. 642-7tri0 5: :tJ wkdy1 1967 RIVIERA. all J)OWt!f, OON="°"r"'JUST""'=WISH="n-...,-,.. 6 n.y seat. AM/FM stereo, Wna to IUmlah J'Olll' home electro cruise, air cood A •••• find great bu)il la t. tte..m. $2995. 543-8474 d.,.., Ouslfted Mio ' L _ ------·---~--~--------------------·----~-~~~~---""' ~~ ' ' ' . •' .... ·•4.t :r 1968 EL. PORADO . Beautiful firemist 1·ose\\'ood 'brown .with bro"11 padded top and saddle leather interior. Pci'Y:e1· steering; µo~'er disc brakes, po\1:er \l:indows, po\\·er seat, Vogue ,t,yres, ster:eo Al!f-'1rt: rad- lo, rear v. indow 'de(oe~r pov•er door loclts• plus mucll, much·,inore. Must see. (XSR JMI SALE . PRICED f963 THUNDERBIRD . ' Lovely coral exterior'"wfth white landau top and matching coral yWJ interior. f u I J y equipped \Vith power at'eering, power brakes, power Windowi, power 8t'&I; radio and heater. automalic transmission plus white side wall ltil'es. A very well kept car. floz:i701 SALE $.99 PRICf 1967 ~ADILLAC This lovely Sedari DeVille bas all popular pov.·er assists including power steering, po'>'"·Pr brakes pol\'Cr windcnvs, power seat and Cad- illac's famous factory air condltloning. This beautiful automobile has befn very carefully driven and shows only lht finest of care by its previous owner. (4''45) - SALE $3777 PRICE- 1964 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. Silver blue exteriOT' "'i th matching cloth and leather interior. Has po"'- er steC"ring, po1ver brakes. power 1-1indo11"s. pov.er SC'at. 1\·hite side wall tires. 1.1ust 1eU no\\'. (Slijl, 359J __ ... -. --· SAl E $1333 PRICE , 1965 RIVIERA Beautiful Cameo Ivory exterior "''ith blue cuslom vinyl interior. Has po\\'er stttring, po\\'er brakes, power \\'indov.•s, po\\·er seats, sport w1'eels and w h i t e s J d e wall tire.. <REMUISI SAU $1888 PRICE -1966 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille that ~ absro!ptely 1org~us. Finished in Spanb;h Silver "''Ith matching cloth and. leather interior, fully ,power ac- cented: With power st'eerlng-brakes·wndoWl-seabl-door locks, AM-FM rad.I<>, auto. cruhe control, premium white 'ttide· Ml.l .. .tiJw>. and. factory atr conditioning. frlGNmJ SALE $2999 PRICE . ! 1966 THUNDER.BIRD The sporty 2 doot' hardtop it fully equiPPed ' with po"'·er sttthna:, poy;er brakes, power window1, po1ver 1eat and Ford's famous fac- tory air condltionlna. A beauUful l!i&tin silver exterior with black vinyl interior. r.twt be.~ Seen and driven to fully appreciate! <RTU"': 339} SALE $ I 999 PRICE 1967 OLDSMOBltE- • .. ' ':. ,l ' .. . . . ~~ ~ f~ '3 . COUPE DE VILLE ' """'-] -Bt4titUul C~tnqt btown eiterior with sandlewood vinyl -t ...., -S 'W'" toP. ,'i\i}d lna\¢.Un.s: sandlewood leathet interior. Has all the 1'Cfwer lndudlng po1-1·er steerin&", power brakes. power • ,;j • • LAllGESJ __ SELECTION '· (), I.AT! MoD!L. P'REVIOUSLY OWNED ' C~DJl1'AC .5' .· ~ •. '~N" ORANGE~·.:.· COUNTY . ' BE SURE TO CHECK OUR PRIC!,5 BEFORE YOU BUY . ANYWHERE ! 't1ft99 · ---· wlndowa,-power ·seals; faetory-air oondiUening, AM-FM _,. ~ ~, i.:ad.io. power door Jocks, etc. You q\uat aee this one . • , ,. (4.V.ftl.':8'6) ' '" • .. ~ -. .,.. . 1967 CHRYSLER 1961 CADILLAC ··4 Door Hardtop. Finished in 1triklng luntUQl.Je • _The popular Newport aeries. Gold elfter10f!J with ·matching cloth and leather inb!.,or. f )\llth.. black vinyl top and black all vinyl in•l Automatic transmission rad.lo and heater, 1 terlor. Automatic, transmlsalon power steer. power steering, pmver brakes powtt windowt, iJJ&:, p6wer brakes, power windows, factory J>Oli"~ seat, factory air OGl!dltionlna~·...oruy. .aJr~condJJJoJl!ll&._r~o-* heate.r...,,l"hlte side ~ 65;000 miles. ?i1ust see. (SVG2&7 J 4 wall Uret:. This automci6Hi-lij'bi01u£~ 1or h "1 ... • 1eoi.s Jns de and,oul CUP~) l ·• .-,5ALE $777 PRICl, 1 ~ ,. -SAL1$2777 ,P~l~I 1965 CADILLAC , ,• 1965 THUNDERSIR~ t The popular &~n pevUle model finiShed ~. ' ~lml'nerine u.tfu illvtr *1th hiatchlnc vinyl lovely burgund.Y \\'lth. black \llnyl top ~ ( l(lck(Q11eat interior. Fully equ.Jpped with pow ... ble.ck leather li!,tenor. ~aa pov.·er ateerhff,' ·· t!r steerini power brakH pou·er window,. po\\·er brakes, pow~r w1ndoy,.., Wt ste~rln power seais, factory air' concUtioninc and '. ~4i',M.ftdi.._Ull.i&cl&ory f }r..., ._ ·whftt-tk!t!' Wlll"titts ·!PDP .ti&,....._.~~ .. tloninc. Thia is a beautiful automobile that · priced for a quick sale. (l\'QX6141 .• SALi $133~ PRICE SAW· $~~~3 PRICI , ''1967, EL D"ORADO 1966 PONTIAC GTO 1 A verY sporty hardtop that k finWied In silver \vlth black .au vinyl bucket seat In. terlor. Fully loaded lncludin1 Big VS engine, b·i,power 4 s)lttd transmission, power 1tffr- ih1, 'PQ\\·er brakes, ndio and heater. Factory air conditioning. You won't want to miss this one. 'cSAA4941 • SALi $19,9 PRICf . Finlitnid In phantom green with green cloth and liather fote'r\Or. Fully equi,pped with p0w4 er 1teertnc power disc brakaj power 1eat. powef win<lows, tilt and telescopic i;teerlnc wheel. wondetbar radio factory air condltion4 Ing plus many more Cadillac optional features. CVXH 168) SALE $4888 PRICE ••AA ~~ 1966 OLDSMOBILE -THESE CADIUACS ARE ALL SPECIALLY PRICED _ -NOW The custom Delta 4·~hal'dtd'J)·tmlllzea-trr ·"" ·-- a metallic blue exterior with. black vinyl root FO ~,Jl;llS, ~~L'E rffiNhI / SEE US TODA Y1 ~ ·· -_lli.6 : ol.Ds ioltc>kADo. Hardtop DeJWtf!, Emerald ~reen. ext•rlor with iJ'ftn clottl Interior. Full ~r Including power steering, power brakes, power wln- doWl'I, tilt steering wheel, factory air condi- tioninc. Low milea~e and absolutely rorae· Starfire. Finished In metallic turquoise with .)l>it\lt4J vlJ!Yl ,l?ucket seat interler. Has auto- matlc-tranimlasfon, poWer steerlnc, powe r brakes, power windows, power seats, factory air condltloning, tilt 1teerin1 wheel, power llJ\tennR, wire wheel CGvtrs, radio and heater, &J'ld only 31.000 miles. A truly flawless auto-- moblle. fSlU672J and blue interior. Fully equipped with power steering, power brakes, power 1-11indows, astro seat. ractory air conditioning plus many other luxury reatures. Show111 meticulous care by p~ou• owner. fTYX.144) .• • .. ..,.. _ _, SALi $2777 ~Rl~E . .. 0 '------· ·----' O'ff l!Jrou&h£~~ J~W"OJ .. _ .~ .. . '!ALE ' PRICED .. . SALE PRICED • --T-----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN·-----------'--- SAU PRICES EFF EC TIVE THROU GH TUESD,._Y, APRIL . I, 19H 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURQAY and SUNDAY VISIT OUR COMl'LETE VOGUE-TYRE SALES & SUYICI CINTU ••• .. .. . ~ ~-. WI ALSO STOCK 'AU Oll•INAL ,. PACTO~Y 19UIPMINT TllU. . - , s39•:_.h , ! . I I NC~UDIN• MOUNTIN5-IALANCINCI & IXClll rAr • FRfE PICKUP ANO DEUVERY . . .. . -.. ry Authorized Cadillac De9ler Serving The Orange Coa1t Ha~r ArMI ' < ' "'. .... . ~ . ...,,. ' l 2600 Harbor ·Biyd:.,·_Costa Mesa NA ·BE·· ·R-S· . . . -. -· '. 540~9100 . . • . "_J • ~ -------:=c==c=..,_..,.._.;.:.;;~1-1.i;;;ied=.;:.C.::.n;;_ ___ .....;.o I UM.I c~ra . 9900 u..J Corl 9900 I ~----..--1 CHEVROLET 'CONTINENTAL ,, PORQ . , MIRCUR1' -,.,.ot:bSMOllLI 1 01,0SMOBli.!._: lt,AMBlEI :;;a:;EV. 9 "'"· """'"· '6.1 • o,. blk.; tuU ..... . ••• 8 cnuGAR -.-.. -.. -0-RD ·c ... ··"'RY-' .. MERC }'A'i<QUl.S ""11 '.'! 't'G M "' SIO. Dix •• '·~. l./C.1 --.-'-;-!-------1 fact. air, new -~/tift1, rMFW titt1 a: brkl, tthr. mt. "T.: -. If ""'"' Hll or lease my 3ax> mile ' :., • • IS, ~.,., paint. tift,, aeat · • • dean: xlnt, S560. 981--162'i Mplf ~u ~2173 ~t!i:,edwtlhandb~t:1' ~~~~ft'~~-· SIDAN rtec fear. Sandy Sanden. i,,..._.OTO•S fttwet!·, 6Uj1flQ IA:12 noon. ' •· . S ~ .... """"""""' ... It& '"&f· dlr, V'°", pwr steer-~5630 Dlr. • /' ~rn " ~ -•e MOTOR $ 55 CHo/Y. ""°" cood. l>lO "'6 CONT. Omwrt., '""·-an-. moo. r•. StotU l42-0581. '"' ~-u•nt -~·11on. ·~ = "IO Old< < o.. RAK auta. •oN., AC '!I IWlllLEll St.,.,,.,.~ G.M. "&l.,. """IINO. V3. 4 .,:---' or best offer. ~T CMv' taipe, pv.T.: beaut. main-'"'""'"~ """"""' -'6Z MERuull!' ~bmna~f . ' 'Ii'" lllA u ~ '-""' .,..""" •Mi lTll Ewt.. 96'l-71ll6 1 Ca:~b els or take 1Dl&U 1or-. • · ' PS, P~1P-wtndmn, P·seats. ....:... Uno 'auto, .con. I eyl. M H, cw;tom wheel. r.1ac auto trans. -. 540-tamed. "995. 673-8189 ei,&n , Fine pr.1 prtJ', $39 dr, au", heatw. ftdil;l'PS. SltB tlUi,'.,.ttkend only. 2 yr. G M (GGYm) 2 )'l'. 24,GDD ml. wheelJ. (RJ8696) 2 yr. 2llnl '56 OIBV Wagon, 283 ena:. '63 CONTINENTAL iC dr, full DdDi>-E · M LB UEV 484_ Call Orig ownE'r. $500. C73-S270 24,(D) mt warra1111. QGXtU ~. Alt. this week· mi. w~ $1495. lhill :S. cam, nu tires, complete power,' alt, IMMAC. SUOO· ,w • 1 Ken, St~ or 49f:8Tl1 '6'9 MERC. Mont. 2 door bant. ~' Hai~~.., , C.M. • • ..! •1 W.afibo. W• carry A own v.·eekend only. 'We C&lT1 om-tu."11!, auto. $275. 5M-5011 Ol-95C8 alter 5 , I g D 0 D GE c·u atom ·-· ro· ;;;:: l"! .. 1 .. _:. £N<., """' top. Air. le~. $llO pr. mo. · 6C'U338 • ,. MOTOftS -eoatr.ds. Ole· 1 ' own contradl oa.c. .,. nu ........., ;>UV; -~ Dir · · ·~ " -' · Of ' ' · ·6'1 BONNEVJIJ.E 4 Dr. fL T, "1f' Klrbor CM 2014 llarbo~ C.M. CHRYSLER ·~co:o.~~f. ~~ ·==·" ~~ atr~:W :::.~;:e:~.,~ = M" ,i.T. ANG . . -~ Or:' ~.1:~ ~ ... pow. ~~·au~~· ~· CpMJ-1 ~,.,....==-=,._~'--· ~~~~~-~--l•g CliRYSLER. 4 dr S..4-J,sac.SJaXl.644-0471 Xlnt 2nd car. Prl~ ~ • U~ ,,, ~ 1tttf1rw, power brakea, ,,.):ryr, • m.warran. ~ JlM.tBLER Wa 1on , '68 El Camino ' CO-RV-AIR-"' "' Book 1-0wnor ·aio. h .., ~.. . v . II"· tllJo .......... ""'· ....... a!r cond, -... best hardtop,. one owntr, full • DARt ·n. 2 dr HIT, nu ~11:.r ... .., U,.';. •••• ,·. 4 -· ,65 Mutt•"' Cpt. · raclean. rrJe:,....,, · ne • trJ ',We c11fyy ., bwn corittactf .ult. ~91.1 , • 900() miles, ab{. 32'7 V8, steer-po\\-'CJ', air c?nd. Blue book -wide~ O'\'al titeS', tTvy duty .,..,. .....,........., "-' V-8 R.oH . I roof .. • l_, ~c i11g, br11kcs, Vll\YI toor. $1450. Will~8;"crifi'!,;;;for '62 ~·l"V•fr. 700 Cpe. &usp., Riff.,· ""rn1t. pty. Eve,,s. '85 GALX. !IOO . t or.! hdtp, ~~~p't. cl.-... t;Z milts' IQ. HUS$079N5 & SON' 4. Harbor . C.M. 'Your Volvo, llond»., MG dlr' qui.ck sale . .....,..,.., 61J..••u 4 •"'1d trans, radio & neat· exeept -.e e s. 642-11 390 V_,; k. T.~· tun pWr: ~ _NRZO'Te. --~ • •1 · 1" , ,,. , ~.f336 '11. It.AMBLER '"'"C ••to m Convert auto, PIS. MW top, 'WY. ownei;. O.Her" ~ Herb Friedlpnder ... CHRYSLm Cr~wn "··Rw>f•tro<w. ·~--"67 DODGE Dart (81 '., AM/FM, ah'. •$1150 . $14,5 .~ .. Uncoln-~l•n:UI')', '6$ I' IAC ~o 131'0"' Blw <H, "'' °""" ' ... ,..,. c.n oJt ' . $495 •• ...,,,., .. .,. Xlnt ...... 5<H.l27 JOHNSON.& •ON "" H.,..,.,. Blw. IC-~ !-bl"' ""' whlti • v-t. 2 .,,.:'~. c.c. ~-!\.-Ollo· """' i>r ·OR 5-0llT JOHNSON & SON 11""" Call -"" ... )'ORD 0ou"'"' Sed, .,,. . " · · '67 'OLDS. '1u~•..1 ..... ··" • .,.. _,1.,•-btod!et T;BIRD ' . 893-M .. SJT-6824. ~t'&. • U'ncoln.Jiercwy '58 OOtiGE 2 fii. bd!P:. v.·ap. R&H.· h.ct1alr, power . LinoolD-Mttcuey. ' • pwf, tacti-1h-7t"1 .,.,.;:·.;.1 · ~IJ~ ~nt'~. 'gyn.. -,+'-------·I ,,, Che I &e ·5i OlRYSLER mech. mint au Harbor' Wvd. I0-7mo R.\H, .i.btf. e.na:.1 $2!IO. strt. ;while "/blue Int. Xhtt l!Ml tlarbor alvcl. &12-TmO AM/~ stttid. Uhdat by HUit 'ole lady ID Ian T~D\D '68 Land.au, 12 dr. I Supe~~.~ _ ~~-i .. ~ .!J:!j~ ~ '8.1 Cftenbrier t.owni!;, 1112 •· -6'l-29tU. • ,~ -· coJ?4 '1900. ~ v .MUST1 ~n '69 Marie: I demo. top. t.flOi 137..fl680 after f a.miate, !SO Cuh dell or at ~ \lieyl ~plw, I ...., ' 4\ l ..._ _._ ---4 pd. ~ M •ee ""RD FiJrlan1, 1111111-~ 68 Mu.stAng OT-. No ~ or~nds. tut ilntitt car; Cu •Unc AM ridio. .._. IYL 281!:: ~~~ ·~ 1~v.:r : . ~ ~1 SS:0 m-l~{'Cnt. . ~ . . ~RD 9 ~ wqon • W .C~ ·~uonable orrer retuR<t. ,65 OLDS; 44%. 4. ipd. Vdlo'f prvt pny. UI NRC a, ean-P'l¥I' ant, tlJJ:ted 11-. pvt , I whlt,':;',iiack'b.i.rior, o1S: CONfridNT~L .11 llOl<ZA. 4 ..,i. Wlllto . · P/1 l tan sai.: '"l4.!-~ 'M,. Noo.,.,,. dk. 524-llOO • w/ blk ... ·lluat aaD • Kon 49<-lm ,.. -Pili>'· 54&-1861 I! 69l. tnllleat.r-. ._ roll!> ·T--GT -~liJ?; . ; "8M"'1ahf6<yb l!Ml.U..lmr.~ '14 GTO Coav, ounlire ml •T-llll'd, -: $1Clfl. * ~ * lu~, i!t·•••r•t,' _.,,._, '14 litil\li,,., .... u~ ;.:,; · ~II. CN!ao.mattc '!'°'? . oft ---• ,.. " · ,.1..ttt1r toP a litt. 4. apd , :ti.NT OOND. -' !I · • 4"41 ·-. ''•t• -""""'...,.. -~ ,"M·.oLD! •·Comr. !l/H, •lldl. ""'"""°"' '"· ....., __ --! JOHNSON &'SON .•_ ,ro~1 AL 1163 OlRvA!P. "'°"'" 0>upa ,m-a;i , • • "''"'° • butn;m; 11ua1 ... · ., ...... P/I. "Cooa condo llpO. ,iam, orta -· m-IOM 1• T-illlD eom.t, """ •l Llncoln-M•-Y · -1.-l :.:::.. "::, ~-@;;~El! 'Ill!. full hl•f, 5!M29I m°" ..U,• '• OLDSMOSILE ~!f-1"9 GIW!l> Jill#. ffe~ l')Od, ,.--""""*' l 1>11 Karboc m..i. SG-!11!Q •• • ·Ir • • •-·-·= '.,.,,-..1!':. ~.~!rtl. iiiij JrORD Golule. Good '" 01<11 lit. HT .... ruu 11u1 64dll till. _.. -Ka~Y.f!.~ j . I -0 ' COltV N&_.,....11 JI< , ; .,.,q motor , --llllVHIUTY ,, P!fr.· oJr .,.,.,_, xint au. -PrY 111. 11 T ....... Good 1 ' WHI1'E "5'Qoovl...,,.r.Pwr 1• ''" r CHIC ''>lfu!iD,·lpuaS!adotl or11'de~ ·•""1 ·-·~· <Otli·~W-1131 Bod. tll.11Ul29 s a B. -"' "'" W-LIKI: NEW! SA ~ES &. SE;ICf ' ' -•·~ ""'"' A ~ •I ... CX>m'L ''1 Bil( 4 dr, hdlP· '61 CORVEITE, >!llow, ."'1l 631-00!.1 1~>.. FORD" Y{AOOJ< 1 f :. _ 1\1 llSMQ. , -, OL1lJ!! :~,·J•l 6111-, ....,, "ll GTO Pert oood.,,-pv , .... ..-... »•mUy '11\>•Mion "'""' Nt-.. l!O cu In rtl!lt q . t.o •rwint.· 4 ~ ,.OOll °"I 1 .;;µ ~""' GOOD 1115. .!IW alr, Su:ro: l(lht cond. or1a ""' atmo II~ ~ top ,,._....,, "'1•. 11tl329"Ulln.-!Ml-%m 'ml . .All pwr. RIK. Sfd C I . ml1irL "'°"' 54&"'1"11 ] PCl<'T ,J"' ti ,ow ... ,p "-6*"'411 •• .....,,, 64<-11193 ' , pqo.1'¥1 pty; -• 1---_...;.·--·I l!lli5 Jf.1PALA SS, 39G hp, "''YAMls, air. New dual 90'a. 6.'i ,CORV. Conv. 327, auto, Q'Ulck Clih tor I\ ,'11,i\b. • '50 'ORD 2 Dr. VI Good m<l 1-1~~ 1i8 GTO C.Onv., auto, Pl~ '65 TtMPUT; air, a,uto., 1111 p.•r, auto. prlvt1ll! party. Ex cond. S1600. 134 W. Wil· A~f/F~I. Immac. co rid . DtUy Pilot Want Mii running ~ordc~. $!00 tlrm. Costa Meaa · 'J7 OLDS $200 .. /8, stereo npt. Cleafl, 1 pWr. 1tttr. I. ~ ~t !i3l-7fi36 llO'\ C.M. New tQp. lZ»5. 862--0737 ~ I )~ Rel trens. t.ff-MM·. .. 5fo.9No u~ can ~ Mt-9'll (1Jl.5) • ·~'· be1t offtt. 833-2139 cond. suoo. lf7-T2sn ' . • ' 1 . ' - l. 1 • . ~. ,, .. ; . . . . ............... , '" • . ,-····~· t ... , .. ,,, ,,,,..._-. ,,, ··--··-a· a· .. 1ja· ·. -,D· '·':·a"·· ·<y. s· i ... ' ~ • ' ' • I:. -1-~ "' • ' . . , -. ·' !~~ I . ' .. -. -;. -~~f4Y-.·IA.fJl}l~AY -SUNDAY .·~-· •, "· ... '/'. .<.~: .... ' . MAllt~H::~t· 29 ·-30 1 • . .'!·. " . :i'' ~. 't ft ••. '. • • ·' '•\ ,; ... -1-' 'f .· Ct?MP..,TE RECREA1ION_ .. ·, t .J ' • 1;· ' ' ~;,O!'f Dl~l>:Y ..A: .. • • ' 1969 AIRSTREAM TRAILERS ..... ' • . ... ~. '''!. ........ '"'~'"' "" i ;.~ ',;. "' :~,,~ .Ti~ .. s41.1s . ·,., ,;,. , . :f:io ~ ... ~ SANTA'ANA I ; • "'" ·'. .__ ' '•10• ~ • ~--~COMPlrn UNE OF 1969 BOATS • , i.,(I.~ I 01Wi.n11 • ., j ' EASY TO TOWI !AST 10 ~AIKI EAST TO St! UPI EAST TO OWNI -' >it._. · . t-: ' MIU BOAT & MARINE • 1591 NEWPORT ILVD. COST MESA • : ..... ~~~~~ ~~!°~~.~ (~~~~" : • SUNDIAL CAMPIR INC. • COLEMAN CAMPING TRAILERS ••••••••••••• r:i;, i • G '\I I n;i:n .... ~, ·' ,. }~_ .. \l;'f"'!' • ......... •• 'Vi; "J~l l f 'T • -196J, OLDSMOBILE .~·: Station W ci9ons Vist..C"!!~ i Cotllsi Stati• W · . .,.,, 30 te choo11 ~1 jtt:l~g 6 puffftgtr '& t p1uen91r WljOflL , ''t !-I; TAKE YOUR PICK t . •• BOY SCOUT TRoOP 320 · , .. , ·~ Of NEWPORT IEACH "CAMP OUT" tmtf. HOSTING •• YOUR VISIT WITH US .. - .... REE 6 ~)TLE CARTON Qr '1Pf PSI-COLA TO $1795 . . IE SURI lo .. ,. of.the exdfillt ""' 196' ' Col..,.n C1onpln1 Tro~ -de"'"'4' wllh tht toon,... in,Mcll .. ~·."" ·, ( . ste 'All of tlit Models Hero or 11 Gronrs - COSTA MESA . . ~ ' . OPEN EVE.N'INGS AND SOf4'6AYS 1969 TRlJCKS 1.arf1 saltetion of '69 G.M.C. Hiner .. Vans & Va Ton, JA Ton I 1 Tttt 'Kk· ups. • .'· ' 1969 GMC CAMPER P.U.s for your ••c1tlo1t ttt our large stltction of C1"'91rl & complete C1mp1r Acce11orle1. by HOLIDAY CAMPERS ., ' / > .1L.. •. , " ~ • ' ' "' 1 ·' " ' ... ' " .. • " I~' ,.. ' l:; I '\ " • EXECUTIVE DEMONSTRATOR ' • CAR SALE!• . '89 OLDS Cutlass Wagon '4515 ··· '69 OLDS 01111111 . '1" Mllll!Mf c..,.,·.'/lf, .,it., U,lf.1 ft·~ l".I~ fie.fwy air ..,..,, tl"* •lliL (~ · l . -. -·· - r \ -! I I I t • ... .,. .... ·~ LIKE TO TRADE? LOOI ,AT 'THE'· " . READST.AIT 'i. l -,, . WE·-.&IVE YOU $.t WJ ARl -.;'ORANGE . .,, ¢QUNTY'S #1 , .,, LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER. THERE M~ BE . A. REASON. , ... ' ~ ; "' ' . ' • I • I • , . ' . $1711 ·i:f s11as $1188 $1"' ,, • ------~-----~- NEW 1969 COUGAR ~ llAID!!"' •" 390 V·I enOtne,.~1uto. tr1n1., f1c"9f'i .. 11r cond., IJfick ·Yinyl roof, white side Wills, compettion handling ~ae, power dilc brekes, powtr 1t11riftg, redlo, r11r spuker1, tlnttcl al1st Decor g~, deluxe belts, front shoulder belts, rt- moti mirror -9R ISSOl 155. .•1 NEW 1969 MARAUDER 2-DOOI HARDTOP " Auto. tr1ns., f1ctol'y eir eond., vinyl roof, ~r disc br1kes, power steering, r1dlo, h11t1r, rt1r se1t spulttr, tinttcl glass, integral windji ie1d wipers. wtlHI covers, whltt side wells. Mereudtl' sports 1*kl9• with fender skirts, r~a mirror, !ports stripe. 9Z60X.563~ll. :~, 'l •• • . . ~EW 1969, MONTEREY ;' ... .• · · :.CUSTOM W~GON .r . : .. '. \. ' ' . > .,t . • .. HANDICAP ~-- ..,_ ~ ~ OFF OF WINdCSw STICKER l!~o 1 • 151uwHAi WE "·J . ST .Allf. "TO .:LAL") I ' ·>J ,. " ~ ~ANDltAP~~ . .'•f\l.000 (IFF OF .Wll\IDOW ·lSTICK•R . ', ' ~ , ' ' I I~ ~Hl.,­ St ~~t : TO · ".0 • • •. ~.-2',1969 I ' . , • ,,s .•• - " ' ' ,, ' S' ', : :'.~' ·J·· •·' ~ , -'·-': ' .. ~ ' . . lF8.mily _R1eekJy · MA ICtt 30, 1969 e . DAI LY Pl LGJ'r . I ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MARC H 29, 1969 A BANKER'S ADVICE TEAcli .YouR CJtild HoWTo HANdlE MONE)' ~· 1 1 ~ t AN OSCAR WINNER? • PETER· O'Toole- MAN of M~NY IRisli Moods ..€> A NATIONAL D.~SGAACE TliE T Rurlt Abour OuRNuRSiNG '. HOMES J ~ SCIENCE FUN Psycl-toloqisTs , Tes1YouR SENSE OfHu.MOR · ~ EASTER RECIPES . WoN<IERfuiWA¥S Wi1J.i HAM ' i . 1 • J I I ·Ask Them· Yourself FOR J.411ES J. ROFLEY, cl!U/, U.S. Secrer SeTflice DtHU llte Gooer11111e111 r• bllhur.e • ,,_,.aOA ,.,.. i... .. ,fl,.. io.. ~ ,.. ... ~,, llCC'epe.l • ~r/ell not.1--r. r., Be"'7aa Jf Old. • No, but the Secret Sernce does •t- tempt to educate the public so that peo- ple mi&ht be better a.ble to distinguish counterfeit from genuine currency. FOR PATRICK CA.RR, pro/euional toy reviewer FJ.ol ~N do )'OU UM '° ...,~ toys ""' '° you frolft ... ,.,,/acl&U"en1 -Mr•. Doroalaeo RlwHM•, )'......, .4.rilr. • All toye are evaluated in two area.it- each containing 10 criteria. The firat area contain• au.ch criteria aa durability, aafe for continued mage, cooatant adult euperTI.sion nol required, and continu.in1 or adaptable play values. The second a.JU covers 10 posaihle abilitiea or 11kille ~ plaything oflere, euch aa imaginati.e or creative etimu.li. Toys evaluated in the af&rmative to the 10 required criteria and in at least one of the others receive my emblem of approval FOR CL41RE BLOOM, 1JCtrus Recenlly I reotl IMI yot1r M•6""r u enrolW iA • "l,eff." FIMIJ ;. o ly*1 Row Joe• il 4i#er /ro• • pal>Ue .claool.1--Dorollay S..W..a., Br~a., 1t1 ..... • Lyc6e is French for a ecbool that pre- pares students for a univenity. Since my husband Rod Steiger and I work all over the world and take Anna with us, we had to find a group of &ebools that bad the ..me curriculum all oveJ' the world. That's. our lyoee. FOR EDDIE ST ANKY, Jomm ... ~'· CAico10 Jflaiu So~ Fiio u IAe peaae.1 ~Y­ er you MN e"er eeen1 __,,aid McComb, J' enl- nor, N. J. 'l'Roaers Hornsby was the greatest. FOB.. DON ..4.DAMS of .. Cet S'""'t" Tlae credU.. on yo•r •lwno U.1 • BiU S1af ord •• a ''108er." Flull u a 1•/· /erf--Kallay Mul/ord, Lo• Yer .. , Nn. • A 1afler worb the lights. Without him, fl you'd nnu aee me. FOR STATE REP. JOHN D. ROCKE. FEUER, IJ' of Jf. Y "· Ant you IM f9T'•I mMJllRber of llt.e Roeb/eB.r /•.sly '° .. "'9 .. • De91oentl1 F'~y tllll yoa -MOM du. fheino111-Breftl s1ao1,,,., ,4..,..,.., F. JI•. • Yes. To me, the Democrats always have been more ready to show an inat.inct of adventure, a desire to try to do eome· thing about the guy who ia down and out. Their way isn't always the most efficient or practical, but at leut they're trying. FOR DORIS D.41' Mod MJOMe:w hole /reclc,. ~.. Do you Wee fun~ '1ae•1-Da111111 Pollalc, EIU.beda, N.J. • I sure do! I feel they give me a healthy, natural, outdoor look. That's why I always ask my make-up man to let my freckles show. fOR IF" ATREN KNEBLE&.4MP, pm· · itlent,Churcla iU Dou111uace track \ Are lk",. on Ilona ~n­ i.lainf in Ila. money in .. ......_ .,.,. K.ellluelcy Derby rood l/lm./ore11erP-Mn. Milce 8op/Ut6er, Biaon, S.D. • Money for all uncasbed tickets is kept at Oiurcbill Downs for two yean, then turned over to the state. A ticket pre. aented after two years must be verified by the track, then is cashed by the state. Tickets are "good forever." FOR FLIP FILSON, cometlitm FJ.o1 P your real rtame1 Do Y°" 1111rlle oU your own ... eerl.IP~n. E. M. Bandr••rJ, Couru:ll Blu#•, IOtl#I • My real last name is Wilaoo and my real fintt name is Oerow. Don't ask me where that came from. At present, I write all my own material, but for an upcom- ing tv special I'll hire 10 writers, since the special is alao a pilot for a aeries. FOR HELEN ROSE, /ruhion espert Do you llaW llae tqaare- loed •Me •• ,.~. .ill be "o•I" .oare1 I/ .o, ..,Aerel -E. L. Berrinflore, t-Httnd.boro, Miu. e Yea, I do think they will for two rea- sons: first, styles just naturally keep changing; second, I think. a more femin- ine look. is coming back. and square·toed shoes don't fit in with this look. ........ •_.a 1-..,_a .-U-t Y--........... --.. .... -·pt .. _ ,,... ........... .,.._,... ........ , 9-.1 ......... '"'--* - . ... .... .. .la ,..._ Y-W, l'..&b 'Weeki>', 6'1 ,_...._ A ..... New Y .... N.Y. IMU. Ye _.. .......... •• 11._,, ... IS wla ....... f• _. w _.. WHAT~ WOR-LD! Busman's Holiday The dally routine of a long-distance bus driver ls more than just coping with traffic. One Grey- hound driver, for example, was asked by a Moslem passenger to stop a mo- menf to he could exit and ptay at the proper lime. The other passengers "'e put to a vote and agreed. And, too, Vester Honeycutt of Dearborn, Mich., hod to change a blowout. He asked his good-natured riders to write notes to his wife explaining his delay. They all did, each adding, ''We hope you will accept this excuse and have kept his supper warm.'' She did. Chums Patrick O 'Neal's ("Castle Keep'') traveling companion-a sus- ped word these days with movie ston -is none other than his father. The elder O'Neal all but disowned Patrick when the youth left the family business Patriclc CY Neal in Ocala, Fla., to punue ading. "Then the laroel war exploded," says Patrick, "and a group of artist-frlend1 wanted to help. I went to Israel with them os a photographer. When I phoned my father to soy good-bye, I Jeomed he was planning to go, too-although he'd never been out of the U.S. before. Now we travel the world together." Caribbean Expo Twelve islands of the British West Indies are opening o fair (April 5-May 31) In Grenoda. It's largely to promote the region'1 ptod- Meet l!'9 in Grenada ucts from sculpture to mango custard but, unlike some fairs, it's going to have an original ideo in the fun area -a pirate land for kids with ships, buccaneen, and even buried gold. Move O\'er kidsJ Oodles of BottlH Do you get the feeling we're losing the battle against the bottt.-dlscarded ones, that is. Will parks ond beoches soon be a blanket of "empties''? Litterbug signs don't seem to help; neither do "Keep Amer- ica Clean" campaigns. Ah, but salva- tion may be on the way from Europe in the form of paper-plastic bottles which disintegrate In two years without a trace. There are still a few bugs-not the least of which is that two-year crumple. The world discords 1 SO billion bottles and cons a year: we've llmpfy got to disintegrate them fastetl One Way to Count Didi Anstett, the reigning Miss U.S.A., from Kirkland, Wash., comes from a family of nine children. "My father is an engi- neer," she soys, ''and he's always inventing gimmicks. For instance, we have o big yard and a hill behind the house. He worked out an elaborate sprinkler system to keep it wa- tered. It runs all the time, even in cold weather I Dkli Ansfetf to keep the pipes from frening. In the house, he's got the scheme projected on the wall. It lights up to show what's on; you know, like Sprinkler No. 4. My little sister learned to count that way." Family~ ThNe••lf•rMll;a,._ Mareh.30,1911 LIOHA9 I. DAYIDOW p,.~ loeaT RTZ•ION S~I./ MOllfOll fllANK ~ .IACK IYAH 11-.1 .. l&MIM WALTa c. Dlll'tNS s .... to.. c....,,_, MAIM N. TltNQUI Arc zx,..rl« W. 'AOI ntOMPSON A4~ Dir.no.. MBHM DI NOff '-' B..U- IOllPtl R. IMZRM.IO E...,,. A4..m.i .. II•_,_., A-'-U ........ : ....... Mil••••-. ~ L SPAID W..un. A4HrlN'_, 11•-..r-~~:1:9.~~~1 A4...,....,.. 0/1'-: M1 '-5A-. ..._ Y... S4'~ 01/ift.: M1 &.... ....... ..,_, 1ml; •1 N.. Mw.i.-~ Q ... 11; 1-m 0-.,._'Ye.ti. N. T. 11112 ..................... 4lm1 1t1t ... '-· •--..et. "4n1 1121 .._,., atv4., L .. .._.... @ 1Mf, fAMllT WIBl.Y, IMC. ...... 11t ........... ._.._..... All,...._,,., OVER 52 SEPARATE PARTS - COMPLETE WITH COMMAND CAPSULE ••• LUNAR MODULE ••• MOON BASE ••• AND 3 SPACE· SUITED ASTRONAUTS I n IGHT NOY mail the coupon below with just I\. ONE DIME. Immediately you'll receive all the precision compoocots you need to build America's new APOLLO MOONSHIP ... right in your own home! It'• fascinating to assemble this giant rodr.ct- po1ttted space craft (the rca.l one is 32 feet tall and wciPs 4S tons!) ... and educational too! No tools needed. }use your own two band.s- and you're oo your way ro the greatest space advencurc of the ccorury! With this authentic-scale Revell Apollo Model-plus the lntroduaory "Man-in-Spac.c" Science Kit -you'll fed like an Astronaut! You'll be able to dcsc.ribe to your friends and family exactly how the Apollo Moon Mission worb ... what maoeuvcn Astronauts will per· form ... what dangen they'll faa ... whtt ex- periments they plan before the historic moon landing. Wlty You Get All Tltis for Only 10' This generous offer is made to introduce you to the Science Program, which each month treats you and your family ro an exciting "guided tour" of a different branch of modem Science. radio engineers, geologists, a.rcba.eologisu, and many othcn. Every scicncc-advcoture Scicoc:c Album in- cludes a big, richly-illustrated guidebook that covers one 6eld of science ... abo perforated sheets of full-a>lor pboroprints with gum.med backs for mountin& in the album. And this pro- gram fascinatcs you with intcttstins things to DO! Your Entire fa'!'ily Will leneflt Think what these adventures will mean to your family-especially your children-bow it will stimulate their intett:St in science .•• help them prepare for life in the Space Ase ... perhaps even lead them ro rcwardins scicoti6c careers. Mail Coupon Wiflt Only 10' One IDOClth a chemist shows you a new glass- likc material for rocket noses ... or you watch an astronomer locate a new planet by mathe- matics! On other "Trips" your guides will be To acquaint you with this cxcitins Prog.ra.m we will send you. for only 10,, the auchcntic sale ll-ncll APOllO MOON MODEL, ~ gcther with your MAN IN SPACE Scieoce Album. We'll at.o send you the current Scieoce Album, for which you will be billed only $1 plus shipping and handling. If you do not wish to continue in the Program. wri1e us and re- turn the current Science Album within 10 days to cane.cl. Otherwise, you will uujyc a new Science Album every month. at only $1.00 csch plus shippins and haodlin&-Mail coupon now with only lOt to: SCIENCE PROGRAM, Garden City, New York. l1 HO. COUPON BRINGS YOU All THIS-FOR ONLY 10¢. with a short trial membership in the Science Program S.. the COMtnlction of ftle Apollo -Mhip pl-by piece. Diacowr exactly how our tf1rH ostro-utt will tpeed to ftle -· apend "8 houn In ·~ oftd return h-to -rth. ASCENT STAGE. Tb4t main •pec91tlp .- Jancle on UM --kt 'ftoats' h1 ortllt ,..ttlle utronauta aplore tJM eu~ Ttle ~t Stas• ...m retan U.. cttorme _. their lvoar laboratory Into U.. waltl .. ortllt of tJM AJ)Ollo. f'H• OOJIP£1lf'• Klf' SHOWN ON f'H• llOON. Tbe -t G• dU.. 48 Ma1"I of uploradon that -.. 1'N -known: tM -eaata eon.et dau. -t..pers.. tan, snvttr. -unleadosaa. PLUS "MAN IN SPACE" SCIENCE ICIT ........... ~ ......... .... ...... ,,.,... ................. . • .....,., ftdl ................ ., ''Kall .. .....,._.....,..._,. .. , '· ........................ • ...... Clllut, ... fldl ............ ., ..................... ---------------------- PRDn' • ... _____ (~"~.-.. ~nan-=-ftAPl-=~u~)------ au ...... ZliP --- u ....... pa.-& I ...... ...,. ___________ -="=-== (Oii• .... la OollUillimW UA.A. eaJJ) 65-SC40 • .._....., appu..taam .....-to acn•IAIMe llf Uae ......,_ I I :1 Quit sleep? • sleeping .. 'fl::e Sominex • Relieves simple nervous tension to bring soun~ restful sleep. • Contains no barbiturates, no narcotics. • Not habit forming. • No "morning after" drugged feeling. • Hundreds of sleep inducing granules in every Sominex capsule. • No prescription needed. ONE CAPSULE EQUALS A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. How to Teach Your Child About Money Has the ea sy dollar made toda y's youth financially irresponsible? If it has, there's trouble aheqd unless corrected By ROGER D. KNIGHT, Jr. Chairman of Denver U.S. National lank Chairman of the foundotlOfl for full Service lank. "KIDS TODAY don't know the meaning of money. Why, when I was your age, I had to work hard for every penny and gave most of it to my folks." Sounds familiar? This lecture on financial responsibility is being re- peated by parents to teen-agers across the country, in homes both modest and luxurious. One of the most un- comfortable evidences of the genera- tion gap is the difference in attitude toward money in those parents who grew up during the Depression or pre-World War II years and the teens of today's affluent society. But speeches should be replaced by practical guidelines on sound money management. Here are six helpful ways to teach about money: 1. Allowance: How Much, How Soon?As soon as your child under- stands what money is for, he should have an allowance to spend as he chooses. And remember that at an early age, 10 pennies seem more· grand than a dime. Allowance also should be an edu- cational tool. If the child spends it all on what you consider bad judg. ment, such as candy and comic books, remember he is learning something -when the money's gone. it's gone. As your child grows older, the al- lowaoce should grow bigger. A 12- or 13-ye.ar-old, for example, has a sense of financial foresight-if the wise parent has helped it along. Al- lowance now should cover a good deal of the teen's daily expenses-the amount being as much as he shows responsibility in handling. (This will be a lifetime lesson-living within one's means.) Ideally, allowance could cover transportation to school, lunches, and school supplies-plus enough ex· tra to budget for pleasure and sav- _. Pt:m1il11 WeeklJf, Mo.rd 80, 11161 ing. Parents might compare notes around the neighborhood to deter- mine a "reasonable amount." Other factors to consider are your family income, financial obligations of the home and other children, whether the youngster has income f roin part-time jobs, and whether he is saving for further education . Emotional money bang-ups can be formed during these pre-teen years depending on how much you have helped your child's ability to handle money. Compulsive savers, for in- stance, live in fear of the future. In an inflationary economy, your child should be taught that it's al- most impossible to save up enough to cover all possible major disasters -and not really necessary. Saving, ideally, should be for something- but not hoarding. Compulsive spenders, on the other hand, believe that material things will change him or his life. Here, parents must examine their own at- titudes and try not to imbue money with any characteristics other than as a medium of exchange. 2. Saving, Spending, Credit The 13-year-old child is familiar with the jdea-if not the habi~f saving. To make it meaningful to him, he should have his own savings account, learn to read a bankbook, and get in the habit of regular saving. By the time he's thinking of a major purchase such as a car or helping to finance his education, he probably will want to work after school and add to his savings account .. Buying the first car provides an opportunity for the adolescent to learn about adult financial arrange- ments and the fact that big-budget items are seldom saved for totally. Why not let him accompany Dad to the bank to arrange a car loan? He will see the importance of a good reputation for financial reapon- sibility. He will see that the weU- managed f amity budget allows for repaying the Joan and also tor saving for college, vacations, investing, and that taking out a bank loan doesn't neceasar ily mean the borrower is in desperate straits. 3. Leaming to lecome a Good Shopper The wise parents will not criticize too much if their daughter "wastes" all her baby-sitting income on the latest fashion fad or records. Leaming money management isn't a matter of keeping parents satisiied with each expenditure. A girl who wHJ be in charge of her own house- hold budget some· day needs time to learn by trial and error. A practical lesson is to hand her a $10 bill and a shopping list-and let her do the marketing by herself. She'll learn the value of money fast when she sees how little $10 buys. 4. Keeping Records One of the quickest ways to learn sound money management is learning to keep rec- ords of income and expenditure. A marvelou's, grown-up present for the responsible high schooler would be a checking account of his own. When clothing allowance is deposited and purchases paid for by check, the idea of budgeting will soon become clear. 5. WhoM Money Is It? It is es- timated that two-fifths or the quar- rels between adolescents and their parents involve earned money in these areas in particular: are parents justified in appropriating all or some df the earnings of minor children (they have a legal right, but do they have a moral one 1) ; should parents demand that children save at least part of all that is earned? While each individual family will have its own approaches and answers. the current general practice seems to be for young people to spend their own earnings with some guidance !rom parents. The child who has demonstrated his responsibility usu- ally gets even more freedom. Even (Contmued on. page 14) · IEID. CMIY-1.11£ TAll.ETS FOi ... Del1ti.a. Chewlble fnltt fllwrs la mllkolon. 250Tlblet1 .... $7.49 ... I/a lll'ice •3.75 ------------------------------------------~ IDB. VllP IDB. (YEIY HIGH POTENCY) SPECIAL ~INTENANCE VITAllllSI FOlllllA US MINERALS) MlllEIAlS The ftfY best vn.ill llld "'ifterM i.surmce R~for vibmift Md Iron for teenqera ICtJw ldlllts Md t011ic ill CIPIUlea ••tts. .... cm.a. tor•tts. llOC.,.lea .... $12.98 llO~les .... $ .59 225=1es ..... 98 ... ., .... ... ., ..... ... ., ..... $1.49 S4M •3.49 2,000 more prizes! MESSOI CAllY-lm (WITH VITAMIN D) VITAM•C Adietlry ...,alfllellt Dellclon,~ or..,.fllWfed • 1Uppfyi111 Cllciunl, =1phm• 100 in· 100'• Rea.$ .29 it.lift D. ..... 250 ':f: 100'• Rq.$ .98 .... 1.32 A 5 550 610 llclESSOll llclESSOll VIT ... C VITAlllll A TAIUJS ...a 100 ':f· 100'• Rte.$ .29eldl ... 2 ... •1.21 Vlt.IR A. Ill edequlte _,..1y,11.-t.111 for ... heettll . 2501: 100'• 2SOOOU.l.tta .... 49eecll 100'• .... $2.59 .. 2 ... '2.41 ...1.73 50011: 50'• 50 000 USP ..tta ..... 49ucll 100'• .... $4.98 ._2,..s2..41 .... uz ---h;~;~5;;.;;---1 P.O. Box 641, Rosemount.Mlnnesotl 55068. I I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~-. NAME I I ~~~~~ADO--=RE=ss~~~~~-1 I I •-~~~~~~~~~~~~I CITY I I ~~~~~~~~~~=-~· STATE ZIP I ----____ ...;._ ______ _ Nursing homes can be plea.sant such. a1 a.t New Y<>rk'1 Iaa.bella Geria.tm Center. A NEW JERSEY couple re- cently had to face one of life's most• agonizing deci- sions-what to do with the old folks. Rather than commit the husband's aging parents to one of America's nearly 30,000 "nursing homes" (the grandfather, an invalid, was con- fined to a wheel chair) , they chose to build an extra room on their home. They did it out of love but also self-interest. The daughter-in-law feels it wiU benefit their six children to see older people properly cared for, as well as help make their grandpar- enta' declining years truly golden. The arrangement's next biggest .8 is financial--and not just be- cause the Maqsons (as we shall call them) did as much of the work as they could themselves. While con- struction, utilities, decoration, and f umiehing took an outlay of more than $8,000 ($4,000 of it on a five- year loan from the bank), the re- sulting improvement in the young people's residence represented rough- ly MJ/ the cost of a Bingle yea.r for the elderly couple (about $15,000) in a better-type nursing home. Ob- viouely, the old couple's Social Se-• curity couldn't cover that sum. Not every family with the same problem has a home to expand in like that or can assume the added finan- cial burden while struggling in an era of rising costs. Often there is sheer physical inability to cope with the needs of an aged person that call for professional skills, or there are psychological obstacles which would preclude such a step. The only an- swer then is a nursing home--witb its continuing financial strain. Some 19 million Americans are now 65 or older, with six million of them past 75. Yet only about 800,000. four percent, with women outnum- bering men nearly two to one--live in institutions, mainly "nursing homes" of one kind. or another. The main reason more elderly peo- ple who require nursing care are not in "nursing homes" is that they or their families cannot afford the minimum $450 to the more usual $800-and-up a month per individual charged by better nursing homes (those with the resources to treat venerable guests like human beings). Religious and fraternal homes (eight percent of the national total) and those operated by the Government (five percent) do a comparably good The Truth Whot do w& do.. w:Uh aging...pment&l-More By J.t\MES C. G. CONNIFF job, but together they have only 30 percent of the nation's nursing-home bed capacity and are hard to get·into. More than 13,500 state-licensed, profit-making nursing homes (87 percent of the total), with some 600,- 000 beda, account for this mushroom- ing industry's $2 billion annual gross. A measure of how profitable nursing homes can be u. an 4nvestment is the way the stock of one national chain rose 300 percent in six months. Then, too, even licensed nursin' homes have a built-in buff er against failure. Sen. Frank E. Moes of Utah at a recent Senate subcommittee hear- ing on the aging, noted that while two--thirds of a certain state's nurs- ing homes were in violation of the law, they were granted an endless number of "grace" periods to make corrections. The reuon being that if the homes were cl06ed for viola- tions, where would the old people go? Former President Johnson esti- mated that the American taxpayer also contributed some $1.2 billion to the homes as a Medicare-guaranteed subsidy via patients on welfare--and Guides for Nuning Homes If you ore ·intMeeted in learning mo-re obo1d ant1 nureing home, emd for any of tke f ollowi11.g valuable bookleu: • "What to Look for in'\o Nurtting Home'' (OP 61 ), Order Depa.rtmftt.t, AmericoK Medical Auociation, 585 North Dearborn Stred, Chicago, Ill. 60610 (lfJ¢). • "The Availability and Fina7«:ing of Nurtling Home Care"-Blu• Crou A•- •ociation, 99 Pork A vmu.e, New York, N. Y. 10017 •"Private Nv:reing Home. fTh~r Roi• in th• Care of the A11ed)"~11 Og<Um Greet~. Pvblic Affair• Pamphlet No. 1!98, Public Alf air• Pampkl•t•, 881 Park Avmue South, NftAl Yo-rk, N. Y . 10016 (!l5t). • "Nurring H<mi• Fact Book"-Amfn'i- can Nvreing Home AHociation, 101!5 Cmntecticvt A11mue, N. W., WoehiKg- wn, D. C. t0086. • "A Guide few Nvra1ng Home Admin- ietrator•''-U. S. Public Health Service, 900<> Rockville Pike, Betl&nda, Md. toou. 90 percent of nursing homes accept such patients! Despite their flaws, better-grade nursing homes at least try to ease the shock of sudden transition from a lifetime's familiar surroundings and memories to a potentially alien environment. 1'11ey do this with scientifically worked-out color 'Sehemes in bed- rooms and therapy wings, taste! ul and varied plantings in foyers and r~reation areas, well-ch68en paint- ings that are replaced from time to time in rooms and.hallways, menus painstakingly designed to appeal to the jaded appetite and vanishing taste buds of the aged-and even cocktail hours. They offer ready access to pleasant outdoor vistas, stress daily exercise, and gently urge those who are not bedridden to be up and about and well-groomed, and, if possible, to go on theater and shopping trips. Above all, they provide individual- ized medical and personal care to show, each day, how much the homes' well-trained staff members-and their Volunteer Service Corps and Teen Volunteer Corps Assistants- really. care. But what about the homes that don't try? Informed people rightly refuse to do business with these mar- ginal firetraps. "Homes" of this stamp not only do not retain the services of a reg- istered nurse but pay substandard hourly wages to personnel with little or no training. If you're lucky, that means local motherly types supple- menting a family income, who at least care about patients as people. If you're unlucky, it could mean s~istic drifters unemployable else- where, who couldn't care less. This profit-hungry "anteroom to the mortuary" kind of establishment bas been found by both Federal and state investigators to spend less than a dolla.r a day per patient on food. They serve such unappetizing, non· nourishing starch and ftller-type foods as rice, bread, oatmeal-for people whose age-dimmed appetites need imaginative menus and whose Family Weekly/ March 30, 1969 About Nursing Homes and more families are facing this question-and learning the answer is cruel both to young and old weakened bodies crave nutrition. The American Nursing Home A&- sociation points out that almost half the patients iq nursing homes "need assist.ance in walking, and one in four reportedly cannot walk at all." Yet subst.andard nursing homes don't bother to mount the more arduous (and more expensive) regimen of regular exercise and recreation that helps restore health and prolong life for the aged patient. They actually make more money by keeping a guest immobilized because Medicare pays a premium for bedridden patients. In the lonv, lonely hours when no ene from the family can be there to prevent it, the unscrupulous op- . era tor of such homes has been known to employ "break-the-spirit" psycho- logical measures to control helpless old folks. Fear of having the buzzer quietly put out of reach at bedtime. for instance, is one technique used to make aging patients toe the line. The elderly may not even tell their chilr1 ren about such t.actics, fearing worse reprisals. Another cruelty i8 the free use of tranquilizers and narcotics to keep restless patients fuzzy-minded, and hence, more "forgetful" than ever. Nothing could be more ironic than the indiscriminate administration of such drugs in this type of institution, known to bill for Meded medications which the patients never get. By 1970, new Federal regulations will require much higher standards of all types of "homes" that receive Medicare funds-nursing, extended care, convalescent, and intermediate care (beyond room and board but below skilled nursing-home level). These st.andards will cover such key areas as the services of a trained di- etician (auppoaedly mandatory even now), tighter control of drugs and medications, and more conecientious keeping of patients' medical records. There will also be more rigid in- sistence on f\re safety and other anti- accident meaaures, such as skidproof floors, handrails in corridors, and handgrips and emergency buzzers in bathrooms. Through proximity to 3 hospit.al as well as by other means (a physician on duty or on call), there will be greater emphasis on the availability of medical aid in an emergency. Unfortunately, the one thing there &a Family Service or the local health department. It is not unethical for a practicing physician to have an intereat in a nursing home, incidentally, but that What to Look for in Choosing a Nursing Home -Do most of the patients Mem reasonably happy? (Tollt to 10meJ -Does the doff ... m copoble ond friendly with the potMf\ts of\d personally content? tA£k cawolly how long those you meet ho:.oe been there1 low turnover rote con be o good 1i9n.) -Are medical chart. available for in..,.Oion ond lcept up to date? -Are t+ie profesalonol cNdential1 of the home and its staff on dlsploy'? (If not, be sure to cnlt to '" both.> -Do oll rooms operi on o hollwoy without di1turbi119 othen? -Does each bed and bothroom have o buuer system that works? -la the home odor.free? -A.re hallways wide (eight feet minimum), uncluttered, and tecurely hondroiled on both sides? -A.re rooms cheerful and big enough (rule of t+iumb: minimum 85 square feet per bed), with good lightirig ond adequate dC>Mt space? -Is there o homelike community room with ch.erful decor ond foclllties 1uch as o large tv that worb? A well-t>fanned rec~tlon program? -b the home well-located for the patient's own lnterem (country, •uburbon, near or for ffom shop•. transport)? -What arrangements ore there for phy•icol therapy, medication•, dental core-and what records are lcept of treatment rendered? -What does doily or monthly charge cover? What witl be emo? Have all finondal understandings In writing. -What b the home's ~ky fOf Medicare patient.? Get It In writing, then ... that your relative hos a room lilce the one you are Invited to lnJpect. -Is the food appetiling, nutrilionallv balanced, varied Cask to ... o w"k'• menus), in wftident quantity? How do they handle special diets? Ask to ... the kltchen- of\d then drop in unannounced at lunchtime and aslc to 10mple the meal.> -Is there a sprinkler system? le sure to Me It on ceilings throughout the home. Check the fire-deportment certlf1cation that it works. will Mt be is some added means of enforcing this wholesome regulatory effort to upgrade all nursing-home facilities throughout the nation-that tuk falls to the already overworked state agencies. Probably no one in a given com- munity is likely to know more about the varying qualifications of nursing homes there than your family doctor, so his guidance is the first you should seek if the problem arises. He alone is qualified to determine whether en- tering a nursing home is the right move. Those lacking a family doctor may turn for help to such agenciea does not necessarily involve him as a physician beyond the ordinary con- cern any owner<itizen should have for its proper administration by the resident etaft'. What it does do is give him access to inside knowledge about such a home and that can be helpful to him in directing patients in need ol ad- vice. Some nursing homes diacreetly exploit a doctor's referral of patients and advertise themselves as "physi- cian-approved." Anyone who would choo~ a nurs- ing home on the strength of such an advertisement, without carefully inspecting the premises and talking everything out at length, is asking for trouble. So is the person who en- ten into any lum~eum "life.con- tract" agreement with a nursing home. Making the home the bene- ficiary of a patient's estate in return for care "as long as he lives" is,. a risky business, obviously, and should never be undertaken without the ap- proval of an experienced attorney. Not everything a nursing home does that looks unkind is actually so. The young couple who built the one-room addition on their home, for e.xample, were appalled to lea.rn, at the nursing homes they visited, that the elderly parents might, or migf\t not, be allowed to room together. They were shocked to think that a husband and wife could be thus cal- lously separated after 56 years. But now they know, from experi- ence, that the nursing homes often do this wisely because a wife will do little things !or an ailing husband that he should be made to do for himself in the interests of his own rehabilitation. When Grandma's away on a visit, they themselves force Grandpa to take over in little ways. It is doing him a lot of good. Crip- pled a.a he is, he can make his bed. Some thln91 should be remedied, ol course, and it is up to lawmakers, not nursing homes, to take action. Our tax laws, for inst.ance, permit whoever pays the freight on a nurs- ing-home patient to deduct 100 per- cent of the cost if the patient is bedridden, but only 40 percent if he is able to get around. One of the surest ways to m&ke a sick person sicker and kill an el- derly ailing patient who does :not have to be in bed, is to keep rum there, but this tragic proviso encour- ages us to do so. Until some semblance of sanity re- asserts itself in human affairs, clip and take with you the accompanying list of things to question when you shop for a nursing hom&-or, it what you find discourages you for eco- nomic or other reasons, see your friendly banker about a construction loan for your house. • " --~_,..,,_...i.,, ___________ ._,. __ _ -·-------- -Presenting the !COLUMBIA READ-AND-HEAR LIBRARY I ~~r 7 to IO.year-olds .~ Now! Your child's eyes and ears ... •'fl :. .. ~?-.~i ·~ :::::~~ .. .. ::-::;·~ ·::· ~::-::·:-_: .. -.-.·-· can learn together! · Complete Library of 5•REC0RDS and 5 STORYBOOKS FREE to enjoy for 10 days .•• end yours to keep alwa1• tor the special low price of only $14.95! AESOP'S FABLES-40 of the fabulous tales of Aesop, adapted bJ poet Louis Untermeyer and illustrated bJ Alice and Martin Provenaon. Marshall lzen 1inp and namtn the fables on the companion 12"' LP. PINOCCHIO-The ap-old masterpiece of the little wood- en. puppet wtto yearns to be a liYlnc boJ, adapted bJ Michael 0. Abrams and illustrated by David Gantz. Mr. Abrams is the narrator on the accompanJinc 12" LP. OLIVER TWIST-Charin Dickens' poicnant and excitin& story of a braft orphan boy was adapted bJ J. K. Ross for this handsome edition desi&ned and illustrated by Shirley Kaplan. The 12" LP companion record i1 nar· rated by John Allen, with musical direction bJ James Tim mens. SIX MAGICAL FOLK TALES-Wonderful stories of mack from au over the wortcl, adapted and illustrated by Rob- ert Sarpnt. TIM accompanyinc 12" LP is narrated by Mr. Sarcent, with muaicaJ direction by James Temmena. THE ELEPHANT'S CHILD-TIM oricinal, bllored Kiplinc story, deli&fttfulty mu1trated bJ Don Madden. TIM com- panion 12" LP is narrat.d bJ Norman Rose, with musical diNCtion bJ James TilntneM. Invite the world's grea~ •) •. storytellers into your ·. home for 10 days ... and watch your child fall in love with reading ... T HE NEW Columbia Read-and-Hear Library brings to life as never before the world's fav- orite stories and folk tales-and ifs all yours to share with your child for I 0 days as our guests! This marvelous collection contains five of the great books of children's literature in beautifully designed and colorfully illustrated editions, plus five 12" LP records on which skilled storytellers bring these wonderful tales to life with the help of exciting sound effects and enchanting music. ·Following the printed words as the narrator reads the stories aloud is a wonderful way for your child to grow more confident of his reading ability -and increase hts reading skills. Best of a.JI, this delightful introduction to the world's favorite sto- ries can help your child develop a lasting enthusi~ asm for reading good books! Get the complete Library now for l 0-day free trial. Then you and your child must be thrilled with it, or return it and pay nothing. If you keep it, it is yours through this special offer for only $14.95. ~All records can be played on stereo M monaural systems. ---------------------a.au I Cohlmbia OWdren'• l.J"bnry P.O. Box 96, Terre Bauce, 1ftdiana 47808 uttJe sisters •nd bf'othen pt In on the tun, too! ,._ I I I J I I J I I I I I I I I I , ...... -.. ~~--------------------~ ~'~-----------"-"---=--~......;....:.------~ a, .... 7Jp --- BXTllA ftDGIFT1 Q a-l:._.,_.,.~.cllor ..., °'*"' l'or $14.95 .. tun..,....._ We'll 1Wp 1!U"t ............. asvaram~--1tllidoml OIFT. S.. IMQ trill awh ... _..., Z9il _____________ ......, ------------~-----------....J -~---------------~--------------------------------------- : PATTERNS Knit Buffs Say- ~ Cable It! 7293 I tJ By ROSALYN ABREVAYA T he motion currently before the fashion establishment is cable it-a knit ward- robe, that is ! We do it here, deftly utilizing the easy- to-knit cable stitch as a beautiful design motif rather than in an over-all pattern. Using the cable discriminately, we've designed three interchangeable outfits-a stunning suit, a body-tapering s heath (from which you can also make a shell top), and a jaunty cape. You can knit all these at home, and breeze into spring with a collection of new outfits, by simply ordering from the cou- pon below. • 7163 ---------------------------------------- SPECIAL BARGAIN Off ER-Send S 1.00 for all THREE patterns (value $1 .50) S.nd to: FAMILY WEEKLY NEEDlKRAFT PATTERNS lox 122, Old Chelaea Station, New York, MY 10011 SiHI 10, 12, 14, 16 (8111t 32..38) indud.d In each pattern check ler .. in Offow-All 3 pott•rn1 .Sl.00 D 7293-Dr•n and Shell . . . . . . . ..SO D 74o-Cope in two lengttn. . . . ..SO D 7161-Two-P*-~it .•• • • · · · ..SO D Add 25¢ for fir1t-clan moil and 1peciol handling. S.nd ca1h, ched, or money order. NAMI:.----------------- STllEET ______________ _ CITY--------------- STAft:.---------~'"----- le 111,. la u .. your •ip PLEASE PRINT _______________________________________ J 1''4Jmil11 Wuk/11, March 80, 11111 t It's sti 11 -the -SAME Catholic Church I It may not seem so, with all What's happening in the the cha.ages made in recent Church roday is not a .revolu- years. rion, but another milestone in Changes, for example, in the evolution and maturing of • the language, music and ccre-Christianity to meet the ever- mooiaJs of the Mass! In some changing spiritual needs of regulations and devotions! In mankind. We call it "1bc certain institutional strut· Christian Pilgrimage" and turf"S! In the role of the wty we've just published a pocket· ... the garh of religious... siu pamphlet under that tide the emphasis on social con-which we are sure you •ill terns ... the new communion find highly interesting and with other Christian church enlightening. It's free-and bodies. we invite your request for a Christians of our time, of copy. course, have never witnessed This easy-to-read pamphlet changes in the Church which gives you a graphic picture of seem so revolutionary. And Christianity in its often-turbu- some may wonder if the winds lent evolution through eight and waves of renewal and re-critical ages in its histortt · · form that sweep against "the the Age of Witness to Oinst, rock of Peter" may not have Age of Mmionaries, Age of changed the very nature of Reformers, Age of Teachers, the ancient Church. Age of Critics, Age o f Cath- olic Defenders, Age of Ra- Actually, however ... in its tionalism, and the stiU un- doctrines and the essentials of finished era of Liberalism. the Faith ... the Church has We're sure you will enjoy not changed at all. It is still reading "The Christian Pil- the custodian of the full de-grimage" and you arc wel- posit of Christian truth · · · come to a copy free without still the divinely-instituted obligation. Write today -ask channel of sacramental grace for Pamphlet FM-29. We'll ... still the same Catholic send it prompdy ... nobody Church! will call on you. -----FREE-Mail Coupon Today/------, ''-" -"' ,,.. 'ree ,__,_, M#lffefl "1lM Clwldiort ,;1.,.._..... 1 1 PM-29 I Na Add res-------------------------Clty. __________ State. ____ ..._z1.,.p __ _ KlllGHTS oF coLumaus R E .LI G I 0 U S I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N B U R E A U • H71 SOUTH QRAND, ST. LOUIS, MO. 13111 • I I I I I I I I I I ______________________________ J FALSE TEETH That Loo1e11 Need Not Embarrass Don't Uve J.n fe&r of fala teetb 1ooem1ns, wobbllns or dropptna Juat at the wrons tlme. ~more eecurttJ and more com.fort, Juat IPrtDkk a 11 ui. PA8TSSTH OD"'Your plate-. PA.81B&IB bol.da faJae teeth Alma', Malla estl111-1er. 1'o put)', .-w taste. &IP' check "denture brMth01 Den\urea t.bat ftt are _.,tl&I to health. 8" rour denu.t "CU1arlf. <kt PAS I &&'l B at all cSruc ooun~. - -------_ __:_:::::::.. I f f f I, FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK MELANIE DE PROFI' Food Editor 8 Today•• ham ia a eo11venienee Item ranJdng high ln ib appeal lo home- m.aken for pro~id!Qg nriety at all meale. Hams are an.liable bone·~ eemJ. boneleu and boaeleu, whole, half or u pleeee, u f ally cooked or eook-be- f ore-eaUn1 type•. The venatlllty of ham u apparent ia these lnleresting ree- ipa, e1pedally appropriate daring the Euter aeaaon. Flavor-Gla7.ed Baked Ham Ham (see chart for bakias Ila• la foil) Fluor Bluda (aee reeipea) CIOTa •' SaDCN (Me ncipee) 1. Arrange a large sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil in a shallow large roasting pan and place the ham in center. 2. Pour one-half the amount of one of the Flavor Blends described be- low over ham and brush it in. Bring foil up, covering ham loo•el~. Bake according to timetable for ham in al\ftllinum foil. 3.. About SO min.· before baking is finished, open and turn back foil. Spoon out melted fat i remove rind (skin), if any. Score ham in dia- mond pattern. 4. Stud with cloves. Pour remainin.1 Flavor Blend over. Insert meat ther- mometer and continue baking with foil open, basting with drippings, until browned. 5.. Slip an aluminum-foil frill on bone end of ham after transferring ham to serving platter. Accompany with the fruit or wine sauce. Flat101' Blenda for Foil-Baked Whole Ham I OJ'!lnge : Co.mbine one-half of a 6-oz. can f roan orange Julee con- centrate, 1 cup brown supr, ~ cup bottled steak aauce. I Pineapple: Combine % cup plM- apple Julee with 1 cup brown supr. Decorate ham with pineapple slices. I Sherry or Madeira: Pour 1 cup of the wine over ham before baking. :ro brown and glue, sprinkle lightly with brown sugar and baste with additiona.I cup of wine. Sa11ea to Accompany Ham ./ Oranp : Blend remaining concen- tt'ate with 1 cup fruit juice or waler. /Pineapple: Use 1 cup unsweetened pine.apple juice. I Wine: Uee 1 cup water. Stlr 1n any one of the abOve liquids, blendins with the juices and driP- pinp 1n pan. To thicken, add a mix- ture of cornstarch and liquid (about 1 tablespoon per cup of liquid). Bring to boiling, stirring constantly, and cook 1 to 2 min. Ham •n' Onion Turnovers 1 tableepoam batter Ol' •arp.rl.e Yi cap laet1 e1Mtppe4 -- 1 eup IDely claopped eooked Ila• 1 tableapooa sweet pielde reliall 1 tableepoo11 prepared •utant 1 pkg. (8 oa.) refricented cneeeat rol1- l en yolk, aUclattJ heat.ell S..U.e m earawa7 aeeda L Heat butter or margarine in a small skillet; add onion and cook until onion is soft and golden, about 6 min., stirring occasionaJJy. 2. Blend onion, ham, pickle relish, and mustard together. 3.. Open pkg. of rolls and separate dough into triangles. Spoon ham mixt1,1re equally ton to f 01.1r of the tri- angles. Spread to within % in. ot the edges. Top with remaining tri- angleti and seal edge.s with a fork. Place on a baking sheet. . 4. Brush tops lightly with egg yolk and top with seeds. 5. Bake at 376°F . about 13 min. or until golden brown. Serve immedi- ately. 4 lef"ViRgl Ham Steak Oriental % e11p dlili aaaee % eup MJ aaaee % cap li19-t cona •1"1P % cap le•o• Jake Cooked .. oked Ila• alitt., 1 i-. tlakk (aboat l ~ Iba.) 1 rreea pepper, Medtd ud cut into 1-ln. Maun8 1 hoau, alietd clia1oaall7 iato t-ba. piecea 1. Mix tiret four in&'redients togeth- er in a bowl. 2. Place ham slice in a shallow bak- ing dish and pour soy mixture over it. Allow to stand at room tempera- ture about 1 hr., spooning the sauce over ham occaafonally. 3. Top bam slice with a-reen pepper squares and spoon tbe sauce evenly over all. t. Heat in a S26°F. oven about 26 min., basting OCC&8ionally. Add ba- nana chunka and baste again. Bake 6 min. longer. 5. Remove ham from dish and c4t into serving-ejzed portions. Serve topped with green pepper, banana, and aa1,1ce. 4 aertli7lge Note: If desired. cut cooked ham in 21h-in. strips; allow to stand in soy mixture 1 hr. Tu.rn into a large skil- let with green pepper; heat thor- oughly. Mix in banana; cook until slightly soft. Serve with eaft'ron· eeuoned rice. Roast Buff et Ham with Apricot Glaze 8 os. clried apricot., cat ia pieeea l !4 eaps apple cider I tableapoou llslat browa aapr y, teupooa sroand ciaaa•o• ~ teupooa rroud alJQiff % teupooa croaa4 clone Canned laam (about I U...). aliced a.added 1. Pour cider over apricots in a bowl; cover tightly and refrigerate overnight. 2. Purff apricot mixture in an elec- tric blender or force through a food mill. Stir in a mixture of the brown sugar and spices. 3. Remove excess ~lled substance from the ham. Set ham in a shallow / roasting pan and spread generou~ ly with the apricot mixture. 4. Heat in a S26°F. oven about 1 hr. 16 min. or length of time recom- mended by the packer. 5. Transfer ham to a serving plat- ter. Cut and carefully re.move cord. Decorate top, if desired. Surround ham with watercress or parsley. 6. Heat remaining eaace and serve as an accompaniment to the ham. Abot&t 8 aervi•gB Note: Ham and eauce may be re- frigerated after baking and served cold with a bot vegetable medley. Individual Ham Loaves· t lb. cooked ha-. poWJld 1 lb. pork aaaaace aeat 1 cap raiaba bru Idea 1 e11, ali«lltl1 beatee ~ capailk 2 tablespoou elaopped •ion 2 tablnpoona ehopped paraley Dark eora 1yrap J. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl ; mix lightly with a fork until blended. Divide into six portions and shape into individual loaves. 2. Place in a shallow baking pan in a 360°F. oven 26 to SO min. Brush with the com syrup during baking. 6 •em11u• Timetable for Baking Ham in Aluminum Foil (0116'& Temperature 860° F.) Weirht A.J:proximate II eat Pouda otal Time Thermoaeter Hoara Te•peratare Fully Ceekff Ba111& Whole, 1Vith bOtN 8-lt 8 U0°F. Half, with bOM -'-d 1% 180°F . Whole, pa.rli4ll11 boned 7-11 8 130°F. Half, partia.ll'JI bcmed .Tlh-5% l'h 130°F. Whol~. roUed, no bOM 6-10 !lf.i-!% 180°F . Half, rolled, tao bOM :1-5 1-1* 130°F. Canned Hams 3-6 1 180°F . 6-10 11h-.t%. 180°F . Cook-&for.-Eating Hams W~ole, toit1' botte 8-1! "~-~ 160°F. HaJf, wit1' bOM -4·6 1 %-.2 180°F . For Ea.ater BrM11C1', future baked ham ciccompa•ied b11 chilled fruit juU:u, lllli.... hot biscuit1, GBparcgtu apear•, ond atul/ed egg•. ~ , ; I i. l Gir/S I A Fabulous Figure The 6 Second Woy! It is almost like a miracle. You can actually lose flab around stomach, thighs, waist, hips, neck, face and not move out of your seat. Unbe- li ev ab I e? New scientific tests show that you get faster and better results from Isometrics, the new method of exercise. An· other astounding fact about Isometrics is that you do each exercise only 6 seconds a day. No special equipment is required, or trips to gyms, playing fields, swimming pools or bowling alleys and you can concentrate on any part of the body that you are interested in controlling. DESIGNm IY EXPERTS The seFies of-exercises in Isometrics -The Static Way to Physical Fitness were prepared under the supervision of Victor F. Obeck, Pro- fessor of . Physical Education and Director, Division of Athletics, New York University and Isadore Rossman, M.D., Medical Director, De- partment of Home Care and Extended Serv- ices, Montefiore Hospital, New York. HOW· TO-PHOTOGRAPHS Every page is fully Illustrated wltfl photo- graphs showing exactly how to perform the Isometrics and how to get the best and fa.stest results. A MUST FOR DIETERS You will still need Isometrics even if you have decided to reduce solely by dieting. Because when the fat is gone there will remain layers and layers of loose, flabby, unattractive skin that had been stretched out by the fat Miracle Iso- metrics tightens and restores the firmness to the skin and eliminates the undesired flabbiness. Isometrics does it in only 6 seconds a day. Convince yourself. Mail the coupon and try Iso- metrics for 10 days. Unless you get the desired results, return the book and you will receive 1 full refund of the purchase price. EXCnl.EHT FOR WAIST • HIPS • TUMMY • BUST • DOUBLE CHIN • ARMS • LEGS • THIGHS • BACK • NECK • FACE • CALVES • HANDS • BUTTOCKS MAIL THE NO-RISK COUPON TRY 10 DAYS FREE BOND BOOK CO. Dept. A•21512 43 West 61st Street New York, New York 10023 ----~ I enclose $1 .70 plus 30¢ for handling and postage. Please send the book Isometrics - The Static Woy to Physical Fitness. Unless I am fully satisfied I may return in 10 days and get a full refund of the purchase price. Name _____________________________ _ Address ___________ _ ____ State Zip Code __ SCIENCE ASKS: How Good Is Your Sense of Humor? I F YOU'RE an average American, the odds are that you pride yourself on your sense of humor. Well, science has been studying what makes people laugh and why -so here's y-0ur chance to match wits with the peychology experts. Answer each of the following ques- tions true or false. 1. Men have a better sense of humor than women. 2. People who are the easiest to make laugh have the best sense of humor. 3. Creativity accompanies a well-developed sense of humor. 4. i>eople who pref er humor based on aggression, derision, or threat are apt to be meek, mild, and unassuming. 5. People who prefer wild, far- out humor tend to be wild and far-out themselves. 6. People who pref er a mild, unaggressive brand of humor tend to be mild and unaggressive, too. 7. People who prefer humor based on sex are likely to have strong personality conflicts. 8. Most people find risque jokes funniest. 9. Most people have a well-de- veloped sense of humor. 10. It is dangerous to joke about your fears. ANSWERS 1. False. Studtes at Wesleyan University have shown that women have a better appreciation of hu- mor in general, a more discrimi- nating sense of humor, and are better judges of what is funny. 2. False. Psychological studies show that the man who appears to be the easiest to amuse is not apt to have an especially keen sense of humor. He is, in fact, trying to conceal that deficiency. 3. True. Air Force sponsor ed studies reveal that people who are witty-whose sense of humor is 12 Fomil11 WHk/11, March 30, U69 keen and s harp-score much higher on creativity tests! 4. False. Psychological studies at Ohio State University have shown that people who prefer ag- gressive, deris ive humor tend to be strong-minded, outgoing, and self-assertive. S. False. The same study showed that people who preferred wild humor tended to be the most dis- criminating in their tastes, able to make delicate and subtle dis- tinctions, and bad a highly de- veloped sense of awareness. 6. True. University investiga- tors found that the people who pref erred mild humor did tend to have mild and unaggressive per- sonalities. Tests showed them to be easy to get along with and some- times inclined to let people t.ake advantage of them. 7. False. Studies showed that persons who pref erred sexually oriented humor were practical- mioded and down to earth, socially well-adjusted, with a capacity for making friends eas ily. 8. True. University of Illinois studies have shown that shock plays an important role in humor response for the majority of peo- ple. And since risqu~ jokes have the biggest shock element, the racy story is likely to have the great- est impact. 9. False. Studies at leading uni- versities show t hat most people overrate their sense of humor. In one survey, foe. instance, reactions of hundreds of students were tested on selected jokes. Though none of the jokes waa the least bit complicated, no one got the point of all of them. 10. False. Psychologists agree that if you can find a way to laugh at your fears and phobias, you're on your way to coping with them. Whatever your fears are, they aren't likely to get you down if you can laugh at them. -JOHN E. GIBSON Ham 'n Yams glued with Karo• are per- fect every time-and all it takes is seconds. Here's how. One-half hour before baking time is up pour enough Karo (right from the bottle) to cover your ham ... baste with additional Karo ... and you've got a perfect golden-glazed ham. Do the same with cooked yams for a delightful festive touch to go with your ham. No Drip~._.. Oller-if -lite the~ usual, beautiful 11 x I 5 inc:ll ~-billet walnut and maple carviq board with no-drip P?. poove in our picture, it can be youn. JOit mad S3.JO, any Karo label and your name and addral to Karo, Box 311, Brooklyn. N.Y. 11202. Allow 3"" wceb for deliftry. Offer expires Dec., 1'69. .------MAR. 10-DAY NO RISK COUPON - -- - -.. I I I I I I TELCO, Oept.10S7, 3710 E . 10th Court, Hialeah, Fla. 33013 rt•aM n111t Inter-Com s.ts cfMcMd b91oW. I UncMf" stand ttlat If I'm not compl.t .. y Nlld9d. I ma1 NAM mum Items within lO days for a full ,..f\lnd. ---------- EndoHd is cti.dl or m.o. for $ ____ . M)OtlteSI,__ ______ _ _S.ts of Inter-Com s.t1 @ $9.M (Add IS. post.) an ________ _ . I I I I I I I 0 s-d C.O.O. I endoM ll 900Cfwill ~ llnd wlfl pay PMtman $t.M bal-plus atl po6tal dla,..._ ITAft :np __ _ I L----~------~-----------~ #OW-FOR KAHRS OF FAMILY-WUl<L Y Aritazilig 2-WaY Talk&Listen In Your Home~In Your Office Steps, Time, Work! Now enjoy instant electronic communi· cation in home and office at an amazing break·throulh price. Talk and listen BOTH WAYS between kitchen, nursery, workshop, patio, prap. It even an· swers the front door for you . And it's a baby sitter that never fails. This newest all-transistor INTER· COM is so sensitive it picks up sound as far . away as 8 feet, reproduces It loud and clear. Talk back without stop· ping your work. Here is a TRUE 2·WAY SYSTEM. Persons at EACH speaker can call the other at any time. Even when the set Isn't turned on for taU<ingl Serves you 24 hours a day faithfully. This all-transistor electronic accom- plishment has dynamic 2~" speakers enclosed in 3" x4" handsome pearl grey plastic cabinets. Hang .them on the wall or stand them anywhere in tiny space. SAVE MONEY No costly rentals. leases or pay- ments. Operates on an ordinary little g v. batt..-y that lasts up to 5 month.5 in normal use. Uses only as much power as a flashliaht and only while you are actually talking. This will be the handiest step-saver in your home or office. Provides instant voice contact for every averag~ need. Place the speakers anywhere from 6 to 66 feet apart. High fidelity performance remains same. It's ready to go to work the moment you open the carton. No installation. Nothlna to assemble, nothing to screw together or solder. No diagram to fol- low. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO BUY -you cannot spend another cent. TRY ff 10 DAYS FREE TRY IT 10 DAYS WITHOUT RISK. We stand squarely behind this jet·age Inter-Com. Try it for 10 days. You must be absolutely delighted or you may re- turn it for refund. But be sure to order TODAY. Our first shipment will 10 fast at this re- markable price and we aren't promised more for several months. Send just $9.98 plus 85¢ post. JUNl~R1R~SURE CHEST Let's Dniw • Bird 811 Ann Dat>idow A pretty tulip (Sign of spring) Becomes a robin On the wing. Riddle Me Tiiis What happens to the money you spend? (See Answer Box ) Minus One From a ftve-letter word for an excited about, take away the ft.rat Jetter and ret a large plaatic ring that you twirl around your waist. (See Amwer Box) Plus One To a three-letter word for a single thing, add a ftret letter and get nothing. (See Auwer Box) Hlcte-a .. Nam• Hidden in this sentence is a word that means we feel safe: They were tin.ding that these cures, recommended so highly, were not cures at all. (See AMWer 8 0%) Answer Box: ·auou-auo :auo 81\fd ·a.m:>ag :a111VN·•-aprff ·dooq-dooqA\ :auo mUJw ·1al{:>od s,as1a aaoamos 010! sao.B ll : 8J'LL aw a1PP!H Teaching Children About Money (Continued from pt1ge 4) in lower income brackets, most parents try not to appropriate the entire earnings of a minor child, although they encourage him to take increasing responsibility for more of his own needs, if not those of the household. One young adult, for instance, still carries bitter memories of the way bis self-made, wealthy father made him "pay" ohe-third to <?ne- half of every purchase for plea- sure, whether a bicycle or a desk for his bedroom-with the philos- ophy that he would "appreciate'' it more. Later the bicycle was sold, and the small desk was turned into a telephone stand-with none of the child's "investment" ever re- turned to him. 6. MoMy Talks When the fam- ily is in a serious financial bind, parents would be wise to talk it over calmly with their teen-agers. If theTe are heavy expenses such as a new home, a setback in em- ployment, or an expensive illness, explaining why money will be tight for a while is likely to provide a feeling of the security of family solidarity and trust. It is a valuable experience for youngsters to observe that adults have to make choices, such as giv- ing up a new winter coat because major dentistry is required or va- cation at home in order to pay for a new furnace. They'll learn that a financial setback is not the end of the world. In fact, today's children are the brightest ever, and your own child may come up with va1uable ideas on revamping a budget that the older generation has not even considered. The Arperican teen-ager is afflu- ent. many have after-school jobs, others risinit allowancea. But all that money becomes so much waste paper unless the youth learns to use it wisely. • Other Ways to Help Your Child Grow Up Want to Mlp 11our child Uv.lop good Aabiu that will •8"7e Aim tJt.rOt1.111&.- 01et adult lif e--lialliu ccmcenti-.g care of cl-OtAu, 1'11~, speakmg, mora.la, man.Mr•? Su M1D eMV it t.. i1t ciU6- JX1.fle book, "Parenti A•k," ~ed b11 Guell lnatitvte chil.d rpeci,alUu. Snd 15.16 plu 85¢ 1Aipping to F. W . Boob, Dept. A61, Boz 101, <h'o.tt.d Cn.trt:ll Sto.titm, New York, N .Y. 10011. Look at those thighs! I wonder now how I had the courage to wear shorts at 195 pounds. ( Advertiliemeot) At 121 pounds, I'm able to fit into clothes, chairs and bathtubs-with no squeeu. I barely fit into nly bathtub, until I lost 74 pounds By Jean llunter-as told to Ruth L. McCarthy I 'm not kidding. I was a tub trying to fit fast, lunch and dinner, day after day, until I into a tub. 195 pounds! When I think of lost enough pounds to be accepted. it now, it's a wonder our trailer wasn't Soon after boot camp, however, I began to flooded dally. gain again. But I had a whole year before my You see, my fcµnily and I live in a mobile next physical, so I didn't care. home in Marietta, Georgia. And you can't Fortunately, I married and left the Navy imagine what a squeeze that can be unless before the problem presented itself. But my you've been fat and tried to move around a poor husband! He got me on the slim side, compact trailer. Especially when your bus-but wound up with quite an armful. Partiru- band weighs over 200 pounds }\imself. Each ·. larly after our two lovely daughters were time we tried to pass, one of us had to back born. They're just a year apart, and believe up, or step aside. . me, there was a lot· of fat in between. My My weight problem was nothing new to clothes looked like battleship covers. And my me. I was twelve pounds at birth, and by the stockings were the biggest I could buy. You time I'd reached eighth grade, I'd eaten my-see, my thighs were tremendous. And just self up to 180 pounds. Mashed potatoes, fried walking caused such chafing, I continually chicken, candy, cake, pies-I loved them all. had blisters on the inside of my legs. I'll never forget going to a swim party At 195 pounds, I not only was.ashamed of.. when I was in high school. One of the boys myself, but ashamed for my husband. But yelled, "Hey. Jeannie, you look like an ele-what was I to do? phant in a mouse suit." I wanted to die. The radio gave me the answer. I had heard After graduation, I took up practieal-nurs-Ar!_hur Godfrey talking about a reducing- ing. While in training the doctors all went to plan candy made to help you curb your appe- work on me to reduce. They even prescribed reduCing pills, but these only set me on my BeforeandAfterMeuurements ear. I was a nervous wreck most of the time. And as soon as I'd lose fifteen pounds, I'd weaken and eat double what I did before. Was my life dull! No dates.'~ shape. No fun. Only food. I fin~ decided to join the Navy and see the world. But it was easier said than done. The f~ was I was too fat. I needed to lose at least 40.pounds. I'd tried all sorts of diets, liquids, pills and willpower. What-was I to-try next? A crazy crash diet of baloney and dry~ laa&his fw: a.-5 Height Weight Bust Waist Hips ~ Before S'S" 195 lbs. 38" 34" 48" 20" After 5'5" 121 lbs. 33" 261h" 36'' It tite. It was called Ayds and it contained vita- mins and minerals. No harmful drugs. Some- how it sounded right for me, especially when he said eating Ayds was like eating candy be- fore meals. It spoiled your appetite. Next time I went to the drugstore, I bought a box of the chewy vanilla caramel Ayds. Later, I tried both the fudgy chocolate mint kind and the plain chocolate fudge type. Well, I started taking one or two Ayds * directed, with a hot drink, three times a day. And it really helped me to eat less. Why, I was able to cut out most of the bread I used to stuff on. And I even passed up desserts without feeling sorry for myself: I followed the Ayds Plan one whole winter. Ten pounds came off. Twenty. Thirty. Each month, I took my dresses in more and more, until seam met seam. \ IJ\'>the spring, when f began hanging out my wash, without a coat on, my neighbors hardly knew me. By then, I had lost close to -~ 60pounds. My sister, who'd always been much slim- mer than I, now was the heavier one. In fact, when she asked me to be her matron of honor at her wedding, Mother had to cut her gown bigger and mine smaller. When I'd finally reached the weight I wanted, I'd not only lost 74 pounds of ugly fat, but also the blisters on my legs. And that was the most wonderful feeling of all. Recently, I tried on a pair of my big, old shorts. And.it's no baloney whenlsay. thanks te.$1ae4p&Pbart...,.M•alft •fttey• d:- mywaist. 4.15. ••••• S.47 5.15 ..•••• U7 8.15. ••••• 4.47 UIS...... 5.47 Harwet Gold • • Manners for Moderns Dear Amy and Dear Abbr. Dear Ann and Dear Joyce 8., Who daily puhU.b gabby New 90d.al rep.rtee, I hope that aomeone era.he. Through 900ft now with a scoop-- Of fiablng falee eyelaabea Correetly from one'• eoup. -Luy Billlpp QUIPS AND QUOTES A couple was traveling acr068 the coun- try looking for a pleasant, inexpensive place to spend their retirement years. They came upon a small community in the moun- tains and stopped to talk to the owner of a gas station. "The air seems very invig- orating here," they commented for an opener. "That's right.'' the proprietor agreed. "The air here i& sometbin' magic. Why, when I came here, I didn't have the strength to get out of bed, and I couldn't even feed myself. I didn't have any teeth. No hair, either. I just cried all the time." .. You certainly look the picture of health now. When was that?" "Oh, I reckon about 40 years ago-when I was a baby." -Steph.a1n.~ v01l Esse If 1 looked like my pa.ssport photo, T wouldn't be a.ble to ma.ke the trip. -Gertrude Pierson A teen-age girl received a $50 check as a birthday gift from her doting grandfa- ther. Her father immediately advised her to put it into a eavinga account. "It will draw inten?St this way," he counseled her. "Yes, Daddy," replied the girl. "But if I use it to buy some new clothes, jµst think of all the interest I'll draw." -Henn Albright ~b~ [Io ~@ When the children follow in your f oot- atepa, 11ou're a.pt to be h.orrified b11 whtwf thetlve betn. -Franklin P. J<>M1 For one of her first dinners, a young bride 8erved a clove-8tudded baked ham with the ends cut off. When her husband asked the reason for the cut ends, she ex- plained, "Well, that's the way Mot.her al- ways did it." The next time his mother-in-law came over, he inquired about the cut ends, and she said, "Why? Because that's the way nlJI mother always did it." When Grandma arrived for dinner one S unday, 8he, too, was asked whether 8he sliced the ends off th.e ham. "Certainly," she said, ''that's the only way I could get it in the pan." -John Shotwell A man ea.n do two thin,g3 to improve /tia lot: m4ke a. pile of mone}l-<lnd apend it °" law" maintenance. -La.ne Olinghouae Dishwa ... lns Solo Whatever the latest •ttraction ia, The IUda are gone in a wink. I don •1 know jmt where the action ia, But it'e not at our kitchen sink! --Geor1;. Starl>udc Galbrailla "Have you a apot that's lmoum to God alone, where we can build a. little nHt, 3omew~e o'ltt in. the Wed. a.nd let the real of the toorld go b11?" l7 ' MEN WANTE D NOW TO TRAIN AS ClAJMS ADJUSTERS Three' recent l.A.S. Graduates found l)ew careers In the exciting. challenging and well paying field of Insurance Claim Adjustlna. JOHN f'. TltOlllM, of Torrln&ton. Connect icut. enlisted In 1"-U.S Almy In 1957 ,nc1 H • Sl•ff Ser,.ant in 1966 he •ttencled Otfieer Candld•le School. While stationed at Ft. Bliss, Texu, Capt. John Tromb.1 bepn his I.A.I. T,.inin& and upon the expl,.Uon of his term S>f military service, John accepted a position H a cl•ims adJuster with the U.S. Fidelity and Gu.r•nty lnsu'9nce Com1>9ny 1n C.lifornia. I In aolte of a very busy work schedule, "CURT" COLLtNI of Detrott, Michipn. 400k time out to wri~ to I.A.I. expteSSin& his •ppreciatlon tot his tr•ln1n1 and the job placement auista~ Which ,.suited in an interestina. chalten1in1 and -II payina job with "Triple A." Shortly 1tter Nni1hin1 hilh school In Indian•. LOWILL D. WtLION enlisted In lhe U.S. Air Force. Seven yeus later he deClded lo return lo c1vih•n life and bepn his l.A.S. tr11inin1. thanks to "Project Tr•nsitlon." Attar completin& the proaram, he mccepled • po$ition as claim adjusler with Employers Mutual Insurance Company. "In addition to interestln1 work It a very a1tracl 1ve u lary, I drive a new compmny ar •nd receive ,,.. life and health in$Utance." lnsur•nc• adjusters and ln11est11alors •re ti.Idly nMded due to tht tre· mendous increase of claims resultin1 from automobile KCldenls, fires, buraterin, riots, storms and industri•I .ecidents. Over 50 million dollars wonh of cl•ims paid each day. Tot> money can be urned In this HC1tin1. fut movin1 field, full or part t1me.-W0tk at your present .lob •nd tr•in al home, than attend resident tralnin1 for two -ks It MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA or I.AS VEGAS, NEVADA. Excellent emptoyment Hllstance. For details without oolipt1on, fill out coupon and ">•ii tOday. VA APPROVED FOR VETERANS UNDER NEW GI BILL r-----------------------------1 INSURANCE ADJUSTERS SCHOOLS oept. rw I 1872 N.W. 7th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33125 I ADDflC~.S-------------------- I I I c~ I I STATE ZIP I I PHONE GI BILL INFORMATION? I : ACCREDITED MEMBER NATIONAL HOME STUOY COUNCIL I ~-----------------------------~ Sleep Away Hemorrhoid Itch If the itch and bum of hemorrhoids make life miserable, try this little trick. Get some Cuticura Ointment and apply just before going to bed. Cuticura's emol- lient medication soothes Irrita- tion, quiets itching, even aids heal Ing. Wake up feel Ing wonderful I Cutiet.lra Medicated Ointment. Avail- able at a 11 drug l•m0llllllll~lll"' counters. L~T~ If you want to ~PSMOKING -----=~---- WOIUDSMOST V AU.JULE PAINTING! Oooe called La <Hac:ioMa-1 modlla ,.,... (OI' IL S.. It m 1111 Ila~ eokln. WINSLOW llOMl!'Jl MASTFJltPDCBI Oae of me wodd'• mc>M appealiaa ,.._.._.of dllldrea at l'la1· Y 11rs! 100 Of fte World's Most Beautiful Art Masterpieces All 100 Yours As Exquisite Full.Color Large 15" Reproductions! Under 6¢ ESKll! Imagine! too of the most beautiful paintinp ence u you pz.e at one remarkable art of all time ... the greatest masterpieces of treasure after the other. 1V vicwen all over Rembrandt. Van Gogh, Renoir, Rubens and the country have watched in amazement u 96 more of the p-eatest painters who c,yer famous stars have shown these exquisite ~ lived ... all reproduced for you as superb productioos on '.IV. Now you can have all large 15-incb reproductions in authentic true l 00 to ~asure for a lifetime in our amazing life color. It's almost impossible to describe bound portfolio. the impact of sheer beauty you will experi- Assembled Widl Approval of FlllllOas Masemns Aa Uaprecedeated Aclde•emetlC! AS SEEN ON TELEVISION F•moua atan have abown these full color reproduc- tiom on TV proarams.. Hcr9- is your chance to own "1'he World's Most Beautiful Art C.Ollectionl" Almost $200,000.00 went into putting this assemblage of beauty togctbcr. The Louvre, The National Gallery, The Metropolitan Musewn of Art, The Corcoran Gallery ... great museums all over the world, even behind the Iron Curtain, all cooperated in giving their special permission so we c;ould brin1 the portfolio to you. Aa Art Edacadon For You F...Uyt As your family and children IO through the portfolio they will see art ~urea from today back to the I 500's. Tbcy'U see the very best •.. the cream of over 400 years and tens of thousands of paintinp. lbey•n view the great triumphs of the moderns, the French School, the lmprdsiooists, the great maaten! From Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci to Picasso and Dali, it's all here. And every masierpiece comes witb a bril- liantly written at.ory of artist and painting so that the artist, his life and his work come to I~ for the viewer. Lootin1 through the portfolio becomes a thrilling. meaningful experience for young and old. lbnc Tiie World's Most BeautHul PaiatiDp la Yoar Home! Yea! From the JOO World's Most Beautiful Paintinp you must find many you will want to use to decorate your home. Imagine! Now you can decorate with Renoir, Cezanne, Winslow Homer, Sir Joshua Reynolds and 96 other art immortals. You receive the world's most fabulously beautiful land- scapcs, ftorals, portraits, still lites, seascapes, childrm, nudes. Read the list of titles on the right. Never before has there been such an assemblage of great paintings ... each one usable u a separate fulk:olor print of ex- cepeional beauty and color. r --Mail Tb.is Amazing Trial Coupon Today! --1 I 'Ille HOMESTEAD, Dept. GA-18' I P.O. Box 1340, Homestacl 814 Awazi .. Trial O.r You can't possibly appreciate &he beauty and JCOPC of this fabulous collection of, 100 art m~erpieces by lookin1 at the few tiny, black and white pictures on th11 pagc. Neither can word.a describe them. Let us tend all 100 to you to enjoy in your home for a full week entirely at our risk. I Nulavllle, Tea. 372'1 Pleue send my 100 of the WOU.D'S MOST BEAUTIFUL I PAINTINGS each 12• x IS"' on your am:u:in& trial offer. 1 I ~nclose the special low price of SS.95 complete. If these 100 pictures arc not the most beautiful full-color reproductions of I the world's &reat art that I have ever seen ... without a single I unknown artist ... then you will rdund my money immedi~. I .Eacloled is$ ... . ... ................... (Pkue Print) I I Nanle ········· .. '" ................................................................... ,. .......... . I I Addres1 ......................................................................................... . I C"7 .. ....... ...... .. . .. . . . . ... Stato .................... Zip ...................... .. I O SA VK! •aaAL OFFU1 Order cwo •b of 100 Great Art I Trcasuten for ooly $10.90. You aa~$1. bcra Kt ma.tes •.,-eat lift. I I Ol~l.USO I L---------------------~ PRINTS TIDS SIZE WORTH $1 EACH IN STO~ Get AJI IM For Leis n... 6' Eadl! You would expect to pay $1 or~ $2 for ~ prints this size in stores. Through special permission from museums all over the world we bring you all I 00 in oo.e remarkable bound portfolio. The price? All JOO are yours for only $5.95. Truly this is.one of the createst opportunities ever offered. Your entire family gets an art educatioo and you11 certainly want to hang some of thcte fabulously beau- tiful art treuures in your home. Send for your portfolio today and examine an JOO for a full week. You must &4ree that thCle are the most beautiM reproductions you have ever seen or you wdl have seen them entirely free. Mer WU1 Not Be Repeated This SeMOll We urae you to send for your portfolio today. SupPJies are now limited. We cannot reprint for 3 months. We will not repeat this advertisement this ICUOD in Family Weekly. Mail the no riat coupan today. 1HE P.UUWUS W11J8TLER MASTERPIECE! Now lwlp ln tile LouYre. A 'Grand Tour' Of The World's Great Galle.ries ..... Belo" An 55 Of n.e 1HF....,..P+4' I' 1.e1a h ... llowke De Ylalblck A ...... 18 ......... II-*» UlrllJo ........ &er .... Reowl DM/7 c,.., "-wHll .. A-4«> MHl1U..I .......... FrtMU. lllltt o_. ...... o-.-•Uo•a .......... H-i MtllU# Pnele D'tJ• F-. Hmrl De Totllo--Z..tnc ....... De"-rl l'lltnBo-4 ""'-...... M..,. Ct1uoll ..... a...Ata....... C,_.11.0tNt v_.,..__. 0""'11 R'"°" Girt""' w ..... c.. l'Jnn A1111Uk R'""" ~., ...... Hori RotulHu n.n. Edo~M-1 n.c.o. ..... B4•D.1G6 '111elWGlaT .... ,,_, CnJDUW ....,.. of ... Wwc...e. W""'-Robbuo1t LAl,Ji 111ee>J*rCllMI GI e6c-ala Joltll Sllrpr S•I'"' ............ WbuiowHMMr :,:.ia..AnWa I-a Abboll McN,111 W/Wrlv L" C11MaAPlft·~ Al/rwl Slsky ...... K-lllMll» K,olltlt n.c....._- o-..1iuwu 1'11eCMAt ...... After111e-GIU"1tW Cowrb«t --~ .... Cwn.r 4 ,..,,. ............... HIHll>ft"-Jn ~0....,,1 a 1111 TINotlon G-*-11 Ilene F11il' 1197 -E11~ DdllOobr ".,......~~ ~ ..... Jo,,,_~ Tiie ,..,. a.a.I Fl'Md#O Go,a .... .., T"lto-G~ NllllllWlldl IUMlw-41 .__.....,.L ...... .... Ma ....... ... De ...... IV y '""""" Tiie lMtar Jolt-aY,,_ a-1111, ..... ., ....... """'°"" y -l>'fc* ....... I PNUBf/IU VlewefT ..... El Gnco '"--'"* ... l'N• f::'&;. Dlllitik .,..11.ldN,_,.lo rn,t.sa..c. AlbndilD- Mem ~ D. Ybtd Tiie aocQ M...,._ Jflbwt~I T....e• ..... Wortlllqto1t WllUlrff,_ . ................ H-.DaMJn 0. 1'lle ,.... ... '7AtDIMI 1--B•IU• C-'& Coro1 S..•-lo•plt II.. w. hntW ~ .. ...... ( ...... ) JtM:Ob 1-"n Yo11 RllUdoll -------- Gnco ''"""' ENTERTAINMENT The.T hree Loves of Peter O 'Toole By PEER J. OPPENHEIMER WHEN Peter O'Toole finished "The Lion in Winter" last year, many movie insiders were convinced he would win an Acad- emy Award nomination. So the first thing he did was cancel all interviews. This was unusual behavior for a sure- shot Oscar candidate since one would ex- pect Peter to seek publicity actively. But Peter has been stung twice before, win- ning nominations for "Lawrence of Ara- bia" and "Becket," only to lose out on Os- car night. In both cases, he may have been the victim of an overly ambitious publicity campaign. And as a result, Peter has de- veloped a contempt for reporters. Being publicity-shy has given Peter an erroneous public image--he appears to be (and, on the set, actually is) a sarcastic, short-tempered star. But the real O'Toole is a friendly family man. In fact, he can be a downright senti- mentalist, especially when you get him talking about his favorite subjects, his three great loves: Ireland (he was born in Connemara 85 years ago), his wife and children, and his father. Although he rarely appears in public with his wife, according to a mutual friend, Peter has an ideal marriage (to Welsh actress Sian Phillips). "He knows Sian is there whenever he needs her, and that's given him the only real security he bas. It is a well-adjuated union." Peter's concern for his family is evi- dent in many ways. He has a fatherly pride in his two daughtus, Kate and Pat, but there is more than just that. When Peter was starring in the stage version of "Becket" in London some years ago, for example, Sian was giving birth to Pat in Dublin. After every performance, Peter ould fty to Dublin to be at ~ wife's aide or the night. Next morning, he'd fty back to London. Asked why he ~idn't .bring his "fe to London~ have the baby, Peter napped, "Because I was born there, and want my children born there.'' Peter credits much of what he is today o his father. ''We never had very much, Peter starred with 1968 Oacarwi7'nn-Kat~ Mine Hepb1'rn i" "TluJ Li<m in Winter." sometimes not even enough to eat. It it came to that, starving, I mean, he was willing to steal to feed us. I learned a lot about tenacity from him.'' Peter also inherited two other things from bJs fathe~a fine Irish temper and sound judgment. The temper ha.s earned him a broken nose, broken ribs, and a few sessions in jail. And the judgment has stood him in good stead. "He taught me about horses and racing conditions." Peter is an adept handicapper. Although he makes $760,0-00 a picture no\\f, Peter doesn't rely on an agent for his roles. He reads every single script him- self, then makes his own decision. "1 was raised with the philosophy that my life was my own," Peter says. "And that I shouldn't have to rely on anyone else, al- though I must admit that, whenever I needed him, my father always helped out, even when he couldn't afford it." Peter became an actor by a rather de- vioua route. At one time or another, dur- ing bis early years, he held such jobs as newspaper office boy, union demonstrator, ditch digger, and seaman, and in one year had 14 dift'erent addresses including a houseboat which "sank during a party" and a park bench. A two-year scholarship to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts changed every- thing for Peter, who is today considered one of the world's finest actors. Yet with all he bas going for him, he appears to be a troubled, unfulfilled individual. Judging from a statement be made years ago, I'd say security is the answer, se- curity over and above that provided by bis wife and children. When be was nomi- nated for an Oacar for "Lawrence of Ara- bia" in 1962, for instance, Peter imme- diately took a part in a mediocre play. "The reaaotlin• wu simple,'' Peter re- calls. "If 'LawTence' 6opped, l would be employed. If it was a success, I'd still be working. Either way, I win. You hear about being ruined by succeaa. Well, more people have been ruined by failure. I pro- tected myself.'' This year, Peter baa no play to keep him "gainfully employed.'' But this year, somehow, I don't think he needs one. • Famil11 W••kl11, March 10, 1111 1t And Promptly Stop Itching, Relieve PaJn In lloet Cases. Science has found a medication with the ability, in most cases -to stop burning itch, pain and actually shrink hemorrhoids. In case after case doctors proved, while gently relieving pain and itching, actual reduc- tion (shrinkage) took place. The answer is Preparati<m H,.-there is no other formula like it for hemorrhoids. Prepa- ration H also soothes inflamed, irritated tissues and helps pre- vent further in!ection. In oint- ment or s uppository form. nouhlc with J?lat.a that alip or caue IOft 'ny Briaum Pfasti-Uner. its platn 1nqly, without powder, pute or cusb· ions. Gna tiaht, luting 6t. YOU CAN U T AWYTHl ... I Simply lay JOft strip of Plasd·LiMr oa uoublaome uppct or lowu. Bitit and it molds perfectly. l!uy to me. Tutclesa, odorlesa, lwmJeu CO placa. MODCJ·t.dt gu&raDllee. .At all I cou.oten. Wun Y 11 On11r By Mail From F•ilY Weekly •.• Pltast allow up lo four -its for cltllvtf)'. Tiit Ids lf't pl-.1 bf rtpll\.lblt COl'llll'ftlft. Tiit lltfM Ind copy lrt ehtdltd for rtll· 1bH1tr 11y F1111ity Wttlllr, loo. II ,... ... .,,, -"lion llloul 111111 .,.,, jun ""IU: S..Vla Dt11at\l!Mfll, Famllr Wftl!IJ, 641 l.tllllf\,Oll ·-· Ntw Yorll, N.Y. 10022. ChDd Won't Pay Attention? If Your Dentures Are0ver2 Years Old ••• Dentwea-e.pecially older den· turee-are harder to clean and keep clean than natural teeth. And becauae they are 16 timea eo/Ur. they are euier to dam- qe and acrat.ch. That•a why eo many dentiatl 1ug1eat eoolcU., denturee clMD in K.Lal:NJTS uu1tead of hanb bruahinf with abraaive paatee ol' powders. With Kl.uNJTS you can now clean yoW' precioua denture. lilte fine jewelt'Y-deu them thoroqhly bat •f ely. Because ita easy-to-uae for· mula combina 3 different ltain· removing actiom-( 1) detergent; (2) oxidiser; and (3) eolvent- .ki.sSNJTS aoaka even dinfi•t denturee clean 3 way• at oMe. What'• more, KUSN1T8 ia U..tantly-octivaled the moment rou put it in water. It aurs• into every denture crevice. It penetrates toucheat tobacco ataina ... helpe eoak away film. ~difference it makea-ewn in the di°'ieat denture-will aurpri9e iou. Try it . Get JCl.umn· to· day at all druc count.en. Help• ,.s1or. denhlrei' original whiteneul WOMEll Omtl HAYE .._lDDU lftlTATION Common Kidney Or' Bladder ln'l&a--Uona affect twice a many women u men. oftftl c.auall\I t~ ancf nervouaneM itom fhquent. burntn•. lt.cl\lng urlnaUon. SeCondarUy, you ""'7 lOM aleep and llave HeacSacMs. Backachea and feel older, tired, de-preaed. Jn auch cues. CYSTEX uau- ally brtnp relulng comfort by Cl.ll'l>-ln& cenna In acid urlM. and eull\I pain. Get.CYSTEX at drunt•U todU. I I ~ l l t ., "* ,,.,,, "'--. Ii•••~~ . Thrill to lbe .,,lendor of Sow-erina abrut., blOOt\\l:Dc baol!Ms, J0".1lfOU,I ilUdft planl .. IPft(&Niar lftft, \'\Me ... KU a U~ bedce to an.. 11p Uld protttt )'Ollt ~'rd ud ~ . . . all at tbe I~ niet 1..,.ciuhle. T~ ... mail -!)Oil lcw thia ama.mi. barpin olftt. With tbe H )'oQ aft FREE ol ntra ~ fn•· ca&ilias )'OUI' cnSw ftU'(y. ,._ cet n pluta, -6-.t pluti .. 9'ocll ..• all f cw o.ty 12.tl ... M. Uwa 10.. eadl ! GIANT ASSORTMENT SELLS FOR $15.JIAT OUR INDIVIDUAL PRICES Aa lllUI .... ,,. Ii.tie? u~ but &.rue. w. adnniee ud •H lbie -~u .. aitodr, aU .,..W '° lwiclio.,. I« linills out, indMdualb' at U.. pri°" lilMd cin the naht and ~ IMm ii a sood nl• a& \hw pritft. Yet~ t"il entire 3S ~ ~meat ... ....... to~• a.-..e ~ Into a inc GARDEN OP &OEN that powa --.Wut. -....allllbk ,._, aher ,...., ... all for onlJr a .oa. ... .,,,.,, EYE6IEEllS·Mc ~.=~•391 ,.. . .. , ••. ,., •.••. c-.......... ., • ,..,.., ftrietia u s-.. I .. I,_,. .W ............ "~ l'9Wll f,_ ... or ---.s•tt...,.Wl•IUdl•.....,. .... ,.tw. ....... '" ........... YOO 011'1' ALL II S\'SSGREBNS--1 COLORADO 81.US 8PROClll (,.._ ....... lJ L\STBRN UD CSDA.U (1......,_ ~I rrlTZSRIUNIPBRa i8JW QI••• ). I AtRRICAN ,\A-ll A• (n..Ja 0.-.tllllil), I DWARF MUGBO PIND <""-Mllllio II.-.>, I AUSTRIAN P1ND ~N~ . ... ..... -.-·-111-fouJMtaUoa ptaAU.S. ~ ........... llll ...._ II •::-for llll'blc ...... .., .............. M, I MICllllAI IULI COMPANY only $2'1 Dept. SR-1461 , GllAND RAPIDS, MICH. 49502 Oii NtCI IF OMIHU IUAIAfElY 1-TUUP Tl£[ (Uftd111bl). Tel .......... wtlll .......... 1owertea ... %W1CMS. ............................ S lM 2-aosE or~ (HiMlan s,,..,_-.. s.1s tt ** ct=-JI, =·r== ;*;·r•*iiWiiii•~· u• fllt ..... Gnolful........ .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 1-SWt:ET MOCK OIA~J,~ Cotowtlls) Ht to 10,.... ..,. .. ...... mMtlllta..., ... ot11119Mos· zo ::-,i;.=' =-r::.•: ::s;idei· ... iliiiik iiat' Miib.. .B ,.., clilllte). lilws ~. 11 C:.:· .... ........ ..... JO Z-1£0 OS1£1 DOG~ ~r:-' 5'a-e) Wllieil ... tllwen. on,. tw..-.•• •....., ._........ .. 1-«UTZ1A (DMril Vlriltill) 5-1 ft. .,... F1owefl .. wMlt ot ·-=~=~)'*i'hi;rMt' .. '' 1.00 1-»:m-==·=~=:;-::.~z.. • .anc.tM ii fli .. Dttoll WNp ... ~.,..,..Writs. .51 •-::1:..~:.=:-~-==-~~~:~.~~~ .~. ~.. • 1-WMITt SPtl[A (s,nt Ylrillia) [wty ... .....-.vlrittils .. 1-ttOMEYSUCKU VIM {lollictn ......... ...._.). SWllt ...... ... ....., dltllta to ...... a.. 1n11-.,.., ............ ······································ .. l~NK SPll[A (P'illlt fJtwwillc Vlrietin) 4-f fl ... llltd IS e CIDlltmt r.:: ............. P'illlt ...,, .. dtltt.n.. . . . . . .15 2z~~_L~~~·~·l·2·f~~'.~ .. lJI l MO~lJ'(L'..... Tlbricl Vlrittin) Vllllf'CMll l~-r.:t = t::.:=>=··tl 'lioi,~'et'. .1! 1-t:': :C:"s:t=)r.:C1N·•iiil."iftiii'e0· iiO ;c •• L--~..-ebowt.silwry ...... Wow .............. 1M 0 1--itYMAMGlA P.G. (lt)*l11p1 ,_...... ~ C... tt ,.. Ill*"',.,. fOr ....... -..... ., ......... ......... cw ............... _.., ,i.1t .... ,.,,... .... ftt ~., DfMliM °'*·.................. uo Na .. ...alA-MOM UI NM¥9UAU.Y ••••••••••••• lii:ii All n ,.,_,. Yowa ,_ 4Nlly $2.9• flBI ~r!"=••u'":';, -=-..:..= COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH FOUNT A.JN VALLEY WEEK OF MARCH 29 • APRIL 4 THE QUEEN AND I CBS--Tl;lursdays--7:30 PM Carl Ballantine, Larry Storch, Billy De Wolfe IRVINI 1ME IWLY DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 18255 IEACH ILYD., HUNTINGTON IEACH IRANP NIW 1969 TORINO GT SPOll'IS ROOF IAND NIW 1Hf $2588 S~aTS ROOF $"DOWN SIO.HH IU. PIUI T .. • Lic:.n.e On llJ!Pf. Nnk credit l11Cludel ell !Nflllfectvren stendercf ecwlelment Save $144 on Galaxle Pop Option Sale ,.. w l!NOINE.. I eoDY ~OULD1Nos AIR COHDITl()HINO WSW TljltH TINHD GI.ASS WHl!EL COVl!RS ~Ll!ATl!D VINYL TRIM DeLUXI! IT•ERIHG WHEEL llAND NIW 1''9 $2298 MUSTANG* HAROTOfl '"DOWN S71.fl...-M Mel. PIUl Tax • LlcenM On 8"1"· MM «9dlt klcllldee ... mMVfec1UNn ••endM lll'JlllllWll ale e WHEEL COVEllS e DUAL RACING MIRltORS lrancl New 1969 F-ZSO $2388 WITH THI PUICHASI Of ANY IL DOIADO CAMPll llAND NIW 1t61Y1 S·2088 ,lus Tu • LlctnM CORTINA* GT. 2 OOOR SH DOWN ........... On eppr. b.ank credit llAND NIW 1Ht $2288 '99 IOWN '80':.0. FAIRLANE* 2 DOOR HARDTOP $"DOWN SfO.tl H Me. Plus Te•• LlclnM On -..r. Defllc credit lncludll ell IMflW•ctvren ttenderd 11111fpme111 Save $101 on Falrlane Pot><>Pflon Sale • VINYL ROOf' • Duel llac:lfle Mirrors • CARPUS • Oe1uae ~ Cewrt e TAPE STRl~E • WSW TIRll llAND NIW 1Ht ALCON* $2088 2 DOOR SEDAN $"DOWN $64.41,. .... Plus Tu • LlaloM On....,. beflk credit lncludel ell menutecturen lletdercf ..,lelment Save $52 on Falcon Pot><>Pflon S.le e TUTONI! PAINT e COLOR ICIYl!D WHl!EU e TAPI STRIPE 'WHEl!L COVERS e BRIGHT ~LDINGS CARPETS •u~~'~IW THUNDERBIRD* $3988 HARDTOP' S" DOWN $12'.0I HM•. Plus Tex • Lie.-On eppr. beftk credit • c.1.0. N , crvi..o.Matlc, power ,._11111 • ...,... disc brMI•, power wnllletlOn system, eutometlc t»r1tlng br•h relMae, tlectrlc clock. AM rrdlo, flight bend! '"" wllll erm rests • tront herd retrelrtta, •II vlnyl trim a. Mtd-lfto. fvlly cerpeted, courtesy llgllta, glove llOX, tn#lk. lenl-tton. map a. turn aleMll. remote control mirror, bOdy fully tnsulllted a. _,,., coeled, low profllt tlr ... HIW 1Ht $2788* f:1111 Price + t .. • Lie. $"DOWN $IS.ts Me. On eppr. benk credit ..---------------· FORD i L__ --__J '99 .. TOTAL IE9UllED DOWN PAYMENT ON ANY NEW CAR OI NEW TRUCK ON APPIOYID CllDIT ' Al Wilson Ford 5 YEAR Olt 50,000 MILE WARRANTY FROM FORD JUST 2 MILES SOU1H OF THE SAN DIEGO ~RWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 . HUNTINGTON BEACH SALIS DIPr. ....... 10 , ... 7 0.,. el d I: « I t SllYICI OPIN Tees. tin M .. I•·•· .. 5 , .•• ... :1., I•·•· .. t P·•· 592-$511 6 6 7 DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY r.i 0 f~ N I N c; 6:00 II S.nrbe S..lltltt (C) 6:30 II QdrUIJ (C) D uucau. Elcbttt <C> fJ Tlldlinr Taaes m Edueetlonal f11tur11 fl) T tdullcal Corner Mr. Wishbone and Bllly BartY. Tht proaram fea1ures sames, cartoons and full-lensth films. maoio (C) (i1J (I) Harc1tn'1 Happenl•a (C) 10 :00 R Altdy Q riff lttl · ~ CD m '"10"''"' <t> Larry Blyden welcomes Milt Kamen, Jack Cassidy and Or, Joyce Brothers, wtlO discuss the inner personalities of 7:00 f) DEIUT CBS Mornlna News (C) Sammy Davis Jr.. Juliet Pl"OW$e, The network's first daily one-hour Rot>trt Goulet, Jane Wyman and news broadcast has Joseph Bentl 'd Caesar. as anchorman, The proaram features @ Sunny TodfY (C) daily reports. and extended news-10:30 9 (I) °'" v1n l>Y't Sllow make~ Interviews by John Hart In fU@ a;, Hollywood Squ•a Washmaton and comments on the ( Peter Marshall hosts. man~ers, mores and morals of the Robin Hood; Ro1 Ro11rs Tues.-Amencan people by Hughes Rudd. ri. ' CBS News correspondents around the world report on major news 11:00 I ti9J 00 Lem of Utt (C) stories. . ta 00 m Jeeparct, (C) 0 9 00 a;, Tht Todar Show (C) Tiit Qalloplnr liourmtt (C) Huah Downs hosts. Graham Kerr hosts. I Eltrclse Witlt Gloria (C) m Romper Room (C) Mr. Wlsllbont (C) 11:15 B News (C) Ooua Dudley. ftlil tlle cat (C) Commodity Ret>Ort 11:25 119 Ci) CBS Ntw1 (C) Oou&llS Edwards. 7:15 fl) Stodl fhrlltt 7:30 fJ The Mominr Show (C) Ed Nel· 11:30 I.I t8J 00 Search for Tomorrow (~) son hosts 0 9 @ m Ert Gu111 (C) Bill -I · Cullen hosts. ~• Rtl flou• Futures (C) fJ Th Anniversary liaN (C) Al m Tht f1hrtsblnes (C) Hamel hosts. m Cumby (C) B r .. ,Po (C) Bob Dornan, Roy 8:00 119 Ci) captain Kanraroo (C) Elwell host. With Bob Keeshan. m World Advtnturt, (C) Mon., I Abbott & Costello cartoon1 (C) Wed., Fri.; Travtf Witlt Don and Ml&flty Mouse (C) Btttma, (C) Tues., Thurs. Rodlet Robin Hood (C) 8:15 (i1J {})Video Direst (C) AFTERNOON 8:25 IJ Community Bulletin Board (C) 12:00 11 Bolfliqut (C) Steve Dunne and 1:30 I Cartoons (C) Whitney Blake co-host. . Pop.,. cartoons (C) B ~ @ m Hiddtn faces (C) Qumby (C) CamM>ns (C); ftature (C) Wed. {}) Webstlf Webfoot (C) only. "Freedom's Strugg1e." (R) 9·00 II The Lucy Show (C) I ~(I) tl> lewltchecl . 0 Q) 00 m PREMIERE It Tt•ts Off Ne: t~ '1aidtftt Two (C) Vin Scully hosts the new cU~nlllttter SMw (C) game show that asks members of the studio audience to second.guess 12:30 II ~~ As tht WOfld Tums (C) the judgment of three celebrity mar· D Qj 6 m Dip of Our Uwts ried couples. Participating members (C) Mac onald Carey stars. of the audience receive $100 for IJ stln~ar ~) each correct guess. fJ (jJ) fl) Funn1 You Should II Lnvt It to Btntr Asll (C) oyd Thaxton hosts. • Movie: See Daytime Movie.s. m Movlt: See Daytime Movies. Jackie Joseph is hostess. Dlalina for Dollars (C) B Dtct Tracy Cartoons (C) Ttehnieal Comer fP @(l)Jadt LI Linne Eltrcl:Ms l2:S5 0 Oil (I) Q) Clllld""'' Doctor ~Rocky and His friends (C) <C>. Tuesday-Thursday. Lendon H. ~Cl) Anet, Griffith, Ann Cutcher, Smith, M.O. Fri . 1:00119 fl) Lon Is a Maft1 Spttn- dor.c!Thln&i 9:30 I ~ (j) Bevtrtr Hlllbillla I @ @ . The Doct.rs (C) . QJ 00 a;, Concentntion (C) Ed .._ .. I "Ill McMahon takes over es host on the uvv 1 • 1 show, and Bob Clauton resumes his (jj) (}) Q) Dream House (C) '' Ci•mocllty and Stock Rtport position as announcer. O Movie: See Daytime MoviQ. l :lO I g Cl) Tiit Cll6di11 lictd (C) Johnny Grant hosts. • @ m Anotlaer Wor1d (C) B Movie: See Daytime Movies. IUltr Knows lest m I lflc1At I Junior Jamborff (C) (i1J (I) Q) l.t's Ma•t • Dt1I An Easter vacation happenlna for ( ) Monty Hall hos1s. younasters with hosts Sheriff John, m That Show (C) 2:00. ft fE :;1.. si;:'t ~' (Cl Jroa Yom Kennedy swrnrs tht show Into lts seventh ytar on HBC u Patricia Crowl'1 and Barry Sullivan 1uest. .Cr. Sullivan WIS I rutst on the premiere of the show in 1963.. Tht show will have a new Ht and a new look. B lovt Tilat lob; CGMlftl ArHIMI th World. (~Wed. fJ (J7J (I) Ntwfywed ,... (C) Bob Eubanks sts. t!) McMe: Ste Daytime Movies. 2:30" ~ ~ Ttlt Edrt of Nlpt (C) · @ 6 m Tht Matdl c ... (C) Gent Ray urn hosts. O Qk1 Tait (C) With Vlraini• Graham. fJ (i1J Ci) a> Datlna aame (C) Jim Lange hosts. 2:45 B Newt (C) Ted Meyers. • P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. way _.atrol 3:001 The Lin•letttr 5'ow (C) (]) Q) atntral Hnpltll (C) • le: See Daytime Movies. Tom Frandsen hosts. m ftl11 die cat (C)'; Zoorama, (C) Mon. only. I ~ Matlntt: Don Rodewald. Dlallnr fOf Dollars Movie atinet: Don Wiison. 3:30 II Ludy Pair (C) Geoff Edwards hosts. 0 Mlllt Dou(lu (C); Yorty Politi· Cit, (C) Mon. only. I Divorce Court (C) (i1J @ CE One Life To live (C) My Favorite Martlen Hobo Ktlly (C) 4:00 II Yorty rolltlcal, (C) Mon.; Mr. Ed, Tues.-Thurs.; Movie: See Dar· time Movies. Friday only. I Ozzie and Harritt Ci1l (3) Q) Dalt Shadows (C) flit 1ilntston11 (C) 4:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Mister Roberts (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. 8t0rre Putnam """ (C) Bom's 111 Top Sllow (C) ~ m Mlllt Do1trJe1 (C) Mey'1 Pizza Party • own Tait (C) 5:001 KNIC Newtervke (C) KTlA News (C) • Tht Qroowy Dow (C) Dodprs laltball (C) Tuesday. Pre-season rame with Vin Scully and Jerry Oouett e1llln1 the action hetween the Dodgers and the Hous· ton Astros. I Tht Acld11111 Fa11lly W Jt11111111 ThollWOn Show (C) The Lucy Show lt1Un 5:25 B Yorty Polltlcll (C) Monday oni,. 5:301~~~':5£~: Frt~ 11lls Dtr 19&1 (C:) N....,.. (C) SATURDAY MARCH 29 I V F N I N (, All stations reserve the rls.trt to chance procram· mlnc without advance no. tlce. 1:00 fl nt 111 Ntw1 (C) (60) M o oo m 1tt111a.,.anlllilf CC> ~)Crud Ole Dpr, (C) (30) Tht ~ .. r Brothen, The Wilson Broth· tra, Little Jimmy Dickens and Miry T9for ire featured. fJ .... Cltr (C) (30) Sam Rlddle hosts. I Th Invaders (C) (60) 1:30 KNIC NtwttrYke (C) (30) M~!ocly Randi (C) (60) Eddie Dun auesls. I 1tOMJ Qrier (C) (30) I lovt Lucy (30) Playfn1 U.t Gull• (30) ''Notes on the Third Strtna." Frederick Nold introduces rhythm and counllna. and Illustrates pt1ctlce pltce' for students. (R) I Heft Co1111 Ult Stars (C) Sim farm (C) 7:00 ~Cl) CIS £vtnlng NIWI (C) ( ) Roeer Mudd. B KNIC SUMJ (C) (30) Bob Wriaht. fJ Tiit AnnivtnaJJ 8•mt (C) (30) Al Hamel hosts. 0 Dtlth Valley DQI (C) (30) '\Chicken Bill." A low-down silver prospector sw1ps • salted mine for $1500. Chicken Bill Lovell, t down- and-out coyote, owns the only claim left that blocks Horace Tabor's ro•d to his rich "Little Plttsburah" mine. Already In hock to Tabor for $600, Lovell determines lo wheedle more dust out of lhe ti&ht mar· nate. After he sells the salted mine, Chicken Biii leaves for p1rts un- known, and the aeemlnilr duped Tabor finds In Bill's mine one ot the richest mother lodes ever dis- covered. m Prtmltrt Nl(ht (C) (60) "The love Bug." The aala West Coast premiere of Walt Disney Studios latest production. starrin& Mlchtle Lee. Dean Jones, and Buddy Hac- kett, will be colorcast and hosted ~ Gery Owens and Paul Winchell. w WODdtrs of the World (C) (30) "Ber11n Wall Adventure." Hal Linker and family explore the Communist aide of Berlin and visit Russian War Memorl1ls there, then travel to free Btrfln. fJ!) NET Jownal (60) "Di1ry of a student Revolution." (R) fl) Ell1o111tlto 7:301J 18 Cl) Jadlt Gltnon (C) (60) Jack Benny, Robert Goulet. Jack Haley Sr .. and Alan Kina blend com. ect,, aona and nostelaia on tonl&ht's pro1ram. D 0 CI) m Ade111-lZ (C) (30) ''fell Him He Pushed a little Too Hard." Nelrhbora ar1uln1 blttertr over PGSMUlon of 1 jolnt:y-owntd boat brin& Malloy Ind Reed to their homes on three occasiona. Jemes Callahan, Dick Saraent. Joan staley and Christine West 1ueat. (Continued) ( Vin Scully, Dodger baseball announcer, is battina 1,000 u be pr6- pares to host NBC's new daytime game show "It Takes Two .. (weekdays at 9 AM). The pretty lady in the photo with Vin is Karyn Dee Zwolinski. The program calls upon members of the studio audience to aecond- guess the judgment of three married couples, each c:oosistint of a celeb- rity and his or her spouse. The couples are asked to give their opiniooa concerning' a wide variety Qf situations. Then members of the audienc:e must guess which couple's answers are closest to the truth .• Vin bas .,ways bad a feeling for sbow busioeM. "I've always felt the drama and emotion of the moment," be says, "and I gue• that's a slight form of theatrics. I like people and I like games." He is also uaed to working without a script, having been the Dodger basebaU announcer for 20 years. "I have always wanted to find out more about myself, about what I can do," says Vin, who views the new~t facet of his career as a chance to explore. "I'm still feeling my way along in life. I'm anxious to see what happens." Helen Hayes, Robert Crane, Lillian Gish, Fred Gwynne and Sue Lyon star in the two-hour ABC adaptation of "Arsenic and Old Lace" on ABC, Wednesday at 9 PM. Also starring is Bob Dishy with special guest star Jack Gilford and, making a special appearance, is David Wayne in the role of "Teddy" Roosevelt. Billy De Wolfe plays Mr. Witherspoon. "Arsenic and Old Lace" is the laugh-provoking tale of a New York television critic and his girl friend who find out that bis adored aunts have been bringing "peace and tranquility" to any gentleman in the neighborhood unfortunate enough to move in with them-by slipping arsenic into his glass of elderberry wine. They have already given a proper "Christian" burial to eleven such "unfortunates" in the basement of their Brooklyn home. Their nephew's problem is to break the ladies of their "very bad habit" and to keep them out of jail. Says producer/writer Luther Davis: "In the television adaptation of this classical farce I have tried to bring together a star-studded cast and retain the many strengths of the play while making the references topical to today instead of 1941." SATURDAY (ConUnued) eD C.W.• (C) (60) Stanley K.auff. 1J ALAN LADD encounters m'nn ,lntemews Ola• C.r11slt, au· * VERONICA LAKE! BLACK thor of "Poets on Street Corneri." MARKET activities and The unusual book Is 1n antholoo of RuS11an poema with [natlah ROMANCE IN SAIGON! adaptations and profiles of their I) Mo'lie: "S1ipn" (lntrlaue) '48 authors. Rudln1 from the WOl'k are -Alan Ladd. Veronica Lake. Carolyn Coates and Doualas W•l· D !fn (1) a» Tiit Datin1 Ii••• son. (l} (30) Marc Copaae picks a date I~ Tap1ti1S for his dad. 9:30 9 Ci) f'ttticMt l•KtiH (C) O Millien $ Movie: (C) "law ti ( ) Steve preparu a bid f0t a UM IAwte#" (western) '64-Dale • aovemment crop·dustina contrad Robertaon, Yvonne De Carlo, William without seeldn1 Uncle Joe's "help" Bendix. · and ~hat litads to dissotvln1 their l!J World of Wo•tn (C) (30) "In partnership -and also brinas to Old Dublin City." Bill Burrud and r Hootervllle an old Army rival Wil· his lovely 1uest. Bmear c.tntwell, "'\ llam "by·the·book" Bleke. (R) visit historic Dublin on the beautl fJ @ (]) ti!) Hollywoed hllc:e ru1 Emerald Isle. Cf) (60) Sid Caesar and lmoaen• @E Los Caudilloa Coca host. Edie Adams. Gene Bay· a·OO 0 Qj (6) m Qet S..art (C) f30) los, Budd~ Rich, Brendan Hanlon, • "The Not-So·Great Escape." Con· G!adys Kmaht and The Pips and clusion Max and The Chief are Nina Loaatsheva 1uest. contln~ally thwarted by an inform-I News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. er in their efforts to escape from TIM Sfent•H Fa•ily (C) (30) a KAOS prison camp. The Chief ' lM Ciuclilles_ devises a plan to fool the stool lO:OO Qt Ci) Minna (C) (60) Rob· piaeon, and Max unintentionally ert Reed, co-star of fl?e Oefend~rs bunales the execution of the plan series. auests as ~ ~hce de.tecttYt · KAOS · ' with whom Mannix 11 wor1una to ~e~~1;! t guarding the wrona find the reasons behind the death D @ (]) ·m The Newlywed GlllM of Peter Martin, youngest mem~er (l} (30) Bob Eubanks hosts, or an old and respected family. m Movie: "Viva Zap1t1!" (adven-1J TTht. Defenders (60) ture) '52-Marlon Brando Anthony B wihpt Zone (30) · ' m News (C) (30) Quinn. Jean Peters. 1!J £snut Tubbs (C) (30) IE Yorty Political (C) (30) . . Ell) NET PtarlloUM (90) "Cathy, ED looll . 811t (C) (30) Alaistair Come Home." Jeremy Sandford's ~ooke discusses ~Is,, ne~ book dramatized documentary about a 'Talk About. Amenca. with host youna British family cauaht In a Robert Cromie. (R) streak ol bad luck in their desper· @E Noelle de Esbeno ate struggle for decent hous:na in 8:30 tJ. Qt) (j) My Thlff Sons 5c~ (30) an overcrowded society. Carol White. Ernie attempts to remake htS 1maae Ray Brooks Emmet Hennessy Adri· altu little Maraaret Crookshank enne Frame and Wally Patch star. refuses to give him a second look.I c Propelled by his unrequited love, . Bo• de MWco Ernie takes elaborate steps. to m~ke 10:30 T.H.E. Cit (C) (30) his pretty classmate notice him, • Whars Mr Line? (C) (30) Wally including a radical new hairstyle. Bruner hosts. 0 ~ @ m The Gho«"'l!lr Mrs. m Maurlca Woodruff Predicts (C) Muir (C) (30) "The Music Makers." (&I) The Captain's efforts to read a ro· I Kitty Wtlla (C) (30) mantic poem to Mrs. Muir are frus -. Hollywood and UM Shn trated by a young musician who is 11:00 0 0 m a) News (C) at Gull Cottage waitin1 out a storm. Movie: "Five Graves to Cairo" (Rescheduledl (intriaue) '43-Anne Buter, Akim O @(I) m Th• Lawrence Wtlll Tamlroff. Show (C) (60) fJ Movie: (C) "Nilltt and Day" IE Budl Owena (C) (30) (musical) '46--Cary Grant. m Creative Person (C) (30) "John I Reverend Frtd Jord1n (C) Burton." One of the world's fore· 11:15 Fabulous 52 Movie: (C) ''TIM ~s! artist~ i~ glasswor1< Is visited I Story" (drama) '59 -James tn his studio rn Santa Barbara. The Stewart Vera Miles Nick Adams. ~venty·year·old artis.an dispen':95 Murray' Hamilton. Ba0sed on Pulitzer his contemporary philosophy while Prize-Winner Don Whitehead's book. creating works of art throuah glass· the story blends the adventure and blowin1. (R) drama of events In FBI records with m Al•lflH Adams a warm account of an aaent's per· 9:00 tJ ~ Ci) Hopn's Heroes (C) (30) sonal life. Col. Klink prepares for a secret O Saturday Movie: .. Pofiralt of 1 fliaht to Araentina to escape the Mobster" (drama} '61 -Vic Mor· deadly wrath of a German General, row, leS:ie Parrish, Peter Breck. A unaware that he is really playin1 film bioar1phy depict.in1 the d11· the key part in one of Hoaan's matic rise and fall of Dutch Schultz, espionaae ~rs. (R) the top mobster in the Prohibition 0 ta 00 m NIC Satuidar Mov-era. and of the woman In his life. it: (C) "Ride to Han1111an'1 Tree" 11:301 m Tonl&fit Sllow (C) (westem) '67 -Jack Lord, James lnslpt (C} Farentino, Don Galloway, Melodie P•llllc Strvice/AIHflctn Wnt Johnson. An outlaw mana1es to 15 pass himself off as a respectable • Tutro Fa•lllar rancher when he is not operatin1 12:00 n s. ... t s.tlp as the masJled and costumed "Black 12:15 Movie: "Mrs. MIU" (adventure) Bandit" who robs Wells Fareo ' ick Powell, Evelyn Keyes stages. 12:30 B Mo'lit: "Tiit Lut Mile" (drama) l!J Bill Anderson (C) (30) '5§-Mickey Rooney, Don Barry. "THE FBI STORY" James Stewart Vera Miles THE FABULOUS 52! In color. cssa •• ....., WANTED SOYS and GIRLS AGES 3 to 19 TO AUDITION FOR TV e COMMERCIALS anti Movie Preaentation N-.4 Hellyw.-4 T.._. C..,.. ...., ............... ,...... ..... .... pel"l•Mllty ... C99 .... tllrMtt.e. FOR FREE ON CAMEftA AUDITION IN YOUR AREA CALL NOW 547-6251 JIMMY LLOYD Femo1u Actor, Producer, D!r•c· for off•rin9 opportvnity to ltich end young •dulh to be r•pr•· auted in the TV & FILM IN- DUSTRY. LLOYD HAS DIS- COVERED ALMOST 500 KIDS WHO HAVE APPEARED IN MOVIES I T.V. MANY OF OUlt LUCKY KIDS EARN OVER $100.00 PER DAY. P.R. CO. MAKES. PROFESSIONAL CON· TACTS FOR YOU IN HOLLY· WOOD. TAKE I PRODUCTION$ H71 SUNSET ILVD. HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. SUNDAY MARCH 30 AU stations reserve the ri1ht to chance proeram- mlnc without advance no- tice. ':1s m n. Cliristoplltn 1:30 GI "' II.bit Auwtra 5:55 fJ 81" Ua 1'1t Day I News (C) 1:00 Ir .. and JenJ <C> Sullday Funnlet (C) 7:30 I Act•-· (C) kmM Tabtnltci. CMlr (C) S.!NlaJ Si»rytl.. (C) (}) Oney and Qotllttl (C) 7;45 Q) T1lt Cllrlstoptitr1 (C) l.'00 R 9 (() Pauovtr Sptc:ial (C> •'fhe Elflt Stirred." A contempo- rary oratorio by Ezra Laderman and Cl1lr Roskln, about the exodus from pt. • @?:)TIM Chi'..,._. (C) CatMdral of Tomorrow (C) Qlllllllff Astronaut Cartoons (C) Woncltta•1 (C) ~ (1) Allen Revival Hour (C) Ced la die Answer (C) lcultural Rt110rt (C) li71 Cl) ED n.. It.Un <C> 1:30 I 'rtfilt • iiivlt: ''OtltJost In Malaya" (•d· venture) '52 -Claudette Colbert, Jack Hawkins. I Katt.rye K.ulllaan (C) Elctleta KMEX (C) Tiit AnlWef (C) 9:00 I Camtfl Tllrtt (C) ' My flWOfit.t Stnnon (C) Or. Duane Day, Arst Conrreaatlonal '"4C: DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. MARCH 29, l~9 I 0 ... 1 11.e..ta (C) 1:30 I c. • ..,...t (C) fa:tll fOf THIJ (C) Vob tf CalVttJ (C) .te Sill Hbtoria 2:00 9 (() hct tllt Nltioft (C) Wt.e._t. MwttrtJn (C) Ptm Cettftrtn~ (C) 10·30 9.~ @D frontier& tf filth Rolltr DdJ (C) . • ( ) ''CriJiS and Challen&t: Economic (I) S1111d., Matlntt: "Pnnee Power." flnal proaram In 1erles on Valiant." the National Cooncll of Churches' I m Town Hall MMtift& (C) reso!ution on "Revolution or Rt· tr C&aarto Mandamlt111» construction?" Del Shields is host. • MtlY Srifflli (C) fJ @ m G> DbcowtfJ CC> "Th• 2:25 B ,.,.. <C> ''The Si>0n1e tl"shermen." A croup of 2:30 II lnaidtr/~utsldtt (C) special fishermen are spotllahted Black Man on Campus," as em Owen and V1~11n1a Gl~n 0 .. SOUNDS OF TODAY"-A ~~;·~n~: t~:ric:i, !~n~!!ico~v7:!: * Music Show-ON CAMPUS era observe life in a coastal village and ao to sea with fishermen as they gamer their treasure or fatth for Todly (C) i n res. 11:00 m Alt and tt11 llblt (C) A visit to the National Gallery of Art in Washinrton. O.C., enebles viewers to see how the areal masters pre· sented religious and Biblical themes In master palntinis. Aline Saarinen is 1uide. 11 Home'luyers' llulde (C) fJ @ rn m NBA l11ketball (C) Finals. m Movie: (C) "Mastlf of tilt World" (sci·fl) '61-Vincent Price, Henry Hull: I Churdl In tilt Home (C) Ci) First Baptist Qurth 11:30 C"rftn Leavea (C) "Oescanso Gardens." A study of Oescanso Gardens in La Canada, long noted for its acres of stunnina camellias. its historical rose aarden and its fine collection of iris. Also fea- tured is the Festival of Garden LJjht. 6 Movie: "Contr1b1t1d S1>1in" (ad· venture) '58 -Richard Greene, Anouk Aimee. m Sund1y Matinee AF T FRN OO N O On C1111pua (C) "Sounds of Today." Two musical eroups from the University of Redlands perform for a coffeehouse full of students, then Bob Wriaht discussu music at the University of Redlands with Professor James Joraenson. O Movie: ''The Glory Brtpdt" (adventure) '53 -Victor Mature, Richard Egan . fJ Million $ Movie: "furies" (west· em) 'SO-Barbara Stanwyck, Wen· de'I Corey. '~Abbott a. Costello Future .s. Navr film 3:00 Peace Corps Film (C) "An Act o Friendship." O Movie: (C) "Desert Patrol" (ad· venture) '61-Richard Attenborouah, Michael Craia. Cavalcade of Boolls (C) (i) face Ule Netion (C) tilsian O'Tool• !Outer U111its 3:15 Ana•ls Wrap·UP (C) Church of Lo~f Beath, euests. 12:00 0 Dlalof'IU in Art (C) "Sueo Ser· ~ of D11COVtry (C) lsawa, Painter." 3:30 II~ (j) New Yort Pflilharmonic Yount People's Concert (C) "Bach Transmoarified." Leopold Stokowskl, one of the great musical figures of this century, makes a rare appear· ance on networi!. television when he guest conducts the New York Phi(- harmonic in one selection of an all· Bach proaram on the second of this season's Young People's Concerts with Leonard Bernstein. Cl) m l.ifta (C) I Qane Autry ntrJ Miiiie (C) lnttllifent Parent Ci) lat"'1n Kalhlu11 (C) 00 F11ture (C) ''The Beat Goes Cl) Toa1 and Jerry (C) on." • lmpctos MaiQlu m Cina en Su Cua • New Testa•nt 111d Man 12:30 II Ciera and tilt News (C) 9:30 II ColMf'Ations Witt. • Psydlla· O News Conference (C) trist (C) "Communications." Host ..a E · T 1 •p d • Dr. Stainbrook ob"rvu: "We be· ~ . xpanston eam. a res lieve so much of what we see * m FIRST MEETING simply because so much of what with Calif. ANGELS! we Me is what we believe." 0 m TIM Elenlal Upt (C) ''The Tender Grass" is a new production of the drama written by the late Morton Wishenirad, presented in observance of the Festival of Pass- over. 1J Movie: (C) "China's Utttt Dev· ill" (drama) '4!'>-Paul Kelly, Hany Carey. I 00 m al IUnf Konr (C) 6 Oral Roberti (C) Aqua111an (C) 'bl ti Norte 10:001J ~ (() NHL Hockey (C) Mont- real Canadiens vs. Boston Bruins at Boston. 0 Youtti and Pollet (C) ''The March of Crime." Allen Ludden moderates. fJ (jJ) (1) al Bulhrillllle (C) O Movir. "lad Men of Tombstone" (western) '49 -Barry Sullivan, Broderick Crawford. I Ancels Warm.up (C) TV Worship of the West (C) 00 Feature (C) ''Tell It Uke It Is." ~ (j) M11tar'1 Qolf (C) 1:00 II Steps to Learnin& (C) 0 fil @ m National Alrlklts ttoH Tournament (C) Coverare of the final round of a new contest for professional rolfer$. live from the Country Club of Miami. · 1J An1tl1 Baseball (C) California Anaels vs. the San Diego Padres. Dick Enberf and Don Wells call the action. D (jJ) @ G) Dirtctioft1 (C) "The Roal Ingredient." A repeat of the Passover opera composed by David Amram with libretto by Arnold Weinstein. I Charlie Ctaan Theatre Combat Revival Fires (C) (j) Wrntlln& (C) I Tales of the Golden West Have Gun, Will Travel RID Review (R) The Dakotas lnsifht (C) 4:00 0 @ (I) al Tht American Sportt- man (C) 'I Man From UNCLE (C) Bronco 00 The Wortd We Live In (C) • Jesus con la Cruz a Cuestas 4:30 II Nftsmallars (C) 0 MAYOR SAM YORTY * SPECIAL REPORT! @ I Drum of Jeannie (C) M1steroprs' Nei(tlborhood (R) (j) Polka Paraclt (C) I Yorty Political (C) News (C) Musica J Palabras Mcltever and the Colonel 5:00 I News (C) Clete Roberts. , @ (i) m Meet the Prass (C) Tiie lllty StJte (C) Movie: (C) "There's No Busl- nea Ulla Show lusinus'' (musical) '54-Ethel Merman, Donald O'Con· nor, Marilyn Monroe. fJ SllippJ the Busl! Kanraroo (C) "Man From Space." Matt Hammond risks his life to rescue a downed jet pilot, danalin( from his para· chute lines. m The Lucy Hour ___ 1!!!!!!!11 ...... ._~--------------~ 9) HolMStNd (C) (fi) Sntn Art.a T"'ltrt: ''The Invincible Gladiator." l =:: .. cn:) Torot Run for four Litt (C) 5:30 ~ Ci) All*'-"r Htur (C) @@ m fr1n~ M~ .. (C) Polka hr• (C) f Troop (C) Mctt.le'a Navy Willla11t T_.I : Tiit ett, Mnera (C) (A) • Titt Rat htrol (C) fVfNING 6:00 I) ~ Ci) Tht Zlst Ctttt11ry (C) (30) "Art for Tomorrow." The pro aram shows the effect of technoloay on the art of today and tomorrow. a ID@ m G.E. Collep Bowl © (30~ 0 I IVc1AL I Palm Buell P1rty- I (C) (30) Don Webster hosts a melodic special that includes a quick demonstration of the new nerve·shatterer, the Aqua·Kite. Guests Include Bobby Goldsboro. Jay and The Americans. The HIP· penings, The Rooftop Sin11ers. Sue Thompson. I Pay Cards (C) (30) The lnvaden (C) (60) lntern1tional Pt.yhoaM Black Perspective (30) (R) Man From UNQ.£ (C) 6:30 tJ R•lpb Story (C) (30) 0 @ @ m Wild llinedom (C) (30) "Bayou Backwaters." Martin Perkins and naturalist Jim fowler journey by flat-bottom boat into the unchartered, moss-covered si· lance of the Louisiana bayou coun· try. (R) 0 John Cary (C) (90) Vic Damone, Buddy Greco, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Boots Randolph, Marty Ingels, Joe Simon and Sandi and Salli guest. 11 Spy (C) (60) Hazel (C) (30) Marquee 22 The French Chef (30) (j) Skippy (C) 7:00 tJ fjj (j) l.wlt (C) (30) Lassie's friend, Neeka, learns a hard lesson in responsibility when a foolish act explodes into near tragedy and threatens the life of Cloudy, the youn_L Indian boy's horse. 0 QJ @ e;, Huck Finn (C) (30) "The little People." Following a shipwreck. Huck is captured by lilliputians and Tom and Becky are take!!Jlrisoners by giants. (R) 0 (11J rn m land of the emits (Cl (60) "Sabotage." Steve. Dan and Mark learn that Bolgar, the fanatical security chief, is cam· paiening to turn the giants against the Earthlings. Robert Colbert euests as Bolaar with John M1r1ey as Zartlin. m Trutll or Consequences (C) (30) II) Passport to Travel (C) (30) "The Rhine Valley." Hal Sawyer cruises for five days on a deluxe river steamer from Rotterdam. Hol· land thru Germany to the foothills of the Alps at Basie, Switzerland. Ell) Sptc:ulation (60) (R) @I) Ale&rias 7:30 tJ 9 (j) CenUe ltn (C) (30) Marti and his buddy Willie come across a baby elephant and try to keep the 1nlmal from its cruel eJ!) O.Vld StmllllCI (C) (2 hf) "Tht owners. Now Sound of RC)Cl(, Soul and Blua" D QJ m w.n oa.., (C) (60) futures ltac!ln& recordine sta11 df,. ''The leaend of \he Boy and the cus.sln1 their music. dru11 and the ugle." Dramatization ol an ancient gener1tion 1ap. "Bob Dolphin on Hopi leeend about 1n Indian boy Make-Up," which Is the last sea· (Stanford Lomakem-> who defied ment of the show, leaturei, Mr tribal tradition by freeina 1n ea1le Dolphin expltlninr his wayi of m1ll- th1t was raised for ceremonial aac· ine women look beautiful. riflct . (R) 10:00 R Qi Cl) Miuloft: l•poajble (C) 0 Mlllloft $ Movit: (C) "To C.tch (60) Guest Joan Colllni as a seduc· anltr (mystery) '56--{;rec:e Ktlly, !Ive double agent, end~n1ers a vital Cary Grant. IMF project when Jim Phelps falls m Mttv Crlffln (C) (90) in love with her. m TU Qlalltqbaa S.1 (C) (30) D ID Ci) m Pr11dHtltl'. 0. 'Tu Catch the Wind." Bill Burrud Staie (C) (60) "lhe Choice." Mtl· travels to Sydnty, A.ustrtlla for the vyn Douglas. Georat Grl1nrd, Celia i ney-to·Hob1rt yacht race. .lohnson and Frank Lanrella star in lie Pktttre Henry Oenker's ori&lnal drama con· ' Loa C.udlllol cernine tha problems of morality 1:00 I) a (I) Ed Slllllvan (C) (60) and conscience arisine lrom heart Steve Lawrence, Eydie Gorme end t11nspl1nt operations. Color film The Lennon Slstel'1 ruest. footaee of actual heart transplant operations by Dr. Denton A. Cooley 0 ROLLER GAMES-live! (C) of Baylor University Medical School, * T-BIRDS vs DETROIT Houston. Texas, are used In the • program. 0 Roller Qa..s (C) (2 hr) Dick 1J m Newa (C) (30) Lane calls the action between the L.A. T-Birds and the Detroit Devils. D MAYOR SAM YORTY D FORD MOTOR COMPANY * SPECIAL REPORT! * presents THE FBI I YortJ Politlcal <C> (30) Llbor Rtport (C) (30) D U1l rn m The fBI (C) (60) • Cu1tro EvH Para un Adallt "Momen~ of Truth." When lnspec· 10:308 Succesa Story (C) (30) tor Erskine detects 1 linll. between • Sherlock HollWH Mystery Tlltt· ~ reputable loan company and an tre (90) "The Adventures of Sher- 1l)egal loan shark operation, he IS· lock Holmes." Holmes enters a s11ns Agent Colby to. the under· case when a plot to steel the co.ver role of a bad risk loan •P· Crown Jewels is covered by at· ph~nt. Marlyn .Mason e~ests as tempted mu:der ot 1 youne lady. Juhe Shanks, Micha~I Whitney as Basil Rathbone, Ida Lupino, Nifel Wally Shank~ and Richard/ Carlson Bruce star. IS Hal DeWitt. m Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) aJ '!.•n~rhut (C) (30) '1ah1ti's m Wild Adwlflltnt (C) (30) "Jun. lure. Bill • Burrud explores the gle Justice." Bill Burrud's cameras South Seas island. witch as e native African miner fl> The Fidler f111~!l1 . plunders and hides precious raw EE P8L (C) (90) ~ You Think a diamonds from the. mine In which Job Is the An_swer7 A report on he works. His escape across the att~mpts br private in~ustry In De· Namib Desert 1s followed until he tro1t to hire and tram hard-core is caueht. judaed and executed by unemployed. a hunary lion. @!) CarroUMI MtJkane 11:0010 News (C) 1:30 B @ @ .. m TIM M~i-trs-in-Llw Cathedral ot TolltOrrow (C) (Cj . (30).. Show Business Is No The blprtU (C) Business. Don Rickles suffers em· @ ~ C1J Ntws (C) barraSS1T1ent when Eve and Kaye vie for lhe role of the girl in his 11:15 D (fi) (]) m News (C) act. &> Mevle: UCaupt" (drama) '49 m The stl Show (C) (30) -James Mason, Barbara Bel Geddes. fl) The World TollMKrw (C) 11:30 fJ Movlt: (C) ''Jubal" (western) 9:00 tJ Q!J (j) Smotlltra lrothtrs (C) '56--{llenn Ford. Rod Steiger. (60) Joan Baez, Jackie Mason. The 8 Lohman 6 Ba~ley (C) Committee. John Hartford. Nino Movie: (C) "lullabJe of Broad- TemPo and April Stevens 1uest. way" (musical) '51 -Doris Day, Q ~ @ e;, Bonaftl.I (C) (60) Gene Nelson. ''The Running Man." Candy and QI (j) lnal&llt (C) Little Joe try to protect a witness lZ:OO 8 World Tont0rrow (C) to a murder from the r~enae of • Wllll•• F. Buctlty Dow (C) a powerf_ul land baron. Will Geer. "The Colleee In Crisis." Profeuors Robert Pine and Larry Casey 1u~t. Alfred Conrad (City Collea• of New D @ (]) a> ABC SY~IJ Movte: York), Alan Grossman (Brandeis) (C) "Stlant" (~estern) 53 -Alan and Jetfrey Hart (Dartmouth) 1uest Ladd. Van Heflin, Jean Arthur, Jack · Palance, Brandon de Wilde. The 12:3011 FNblre (C) "Freedom's Strua· classic tale of the homesteader ver· Ble." Rabbi Glasner of the Con11re· sus the cattleman. (R) aatlon Mishkan Yichaskel narrates m Premiere Ni&trt (C) (60) ''The the story of the Passover. love Bua." (R) m Ntbd City I News/HtlHltt.cl (C) 12:45 aJ Clntu S11nc1-: "Dark Waters." Peter Cuna -• Do•inp Htrdtz 1:00 Q Nein (C) 9:30 I """ (C) (30) Larry Burrell. 1~15 fJ Movlt: "Tl1t Cfookect Sky" My Mok, Ult Car (C) (30) (mystery) '57-Wayne Morris. Karin SUnclay looll/Manion FOIUM Booth. MONDAY MARCH 31 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "The Stratton Stofy" (drama) '49-James Stewart, June Allyson. 9:30 D "Kitty" (comedy) '45-Paufette Goddard, Ray Miffand • O "Stown1y" (comedy) '36 - Shirley Temple. Robert Youn&. Alice Faye. Kirk Douglas Kim Novak m 21h-HOUR JR. JAMBOREE * Movies, Cartoons, Games Movie Today: Jungle Book Stran~rs m Junior Jamboree: "Jungle Book." 12:30 m "Mr. Ace" (drama) '46-Georae When e Raft. "force of Evil" (drama) '48-Meet John Garfield. 2:00 m "Jun&f• P1trol" (adventure) '48 In Color on -Kristine Miller, Arthur Franz. 3:00 O "Anae1 Biby" (drama) '61 -Tiie Sil O'Clock Movie. George Hamilton. Mercedes Mc· Monday, Part I. Cambridge. A 4:3011 "Cluny Brown" (comedy) ,46-Tuesday, Part II. \U Charles Boyer, Jennifer Jones, Peter1------------- Lawford. ~ Ci) El) m @ Newa (C) EVENING 6:00 II The 811 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) D HYPNOTIST HAS * Holiday! ALLEN asks ADDITIONAL AID!' D Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Pro· lessor Irwin Corey, Pat Collins, Fifi D'O,.,_y, Jay Samo and Stark Naked and The Car Thieves guest. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "Str1n· I'" When We Meet'' Part I (dra· ma) '60-Kirll Douglas, Kim Novak, Barbara Rush. fJ I Spy (C) (60) m Pay Cards (C) (30) Art James hosts. ~ lat"'an (C) (30) l3) MlfV Griffin (C) fiat's New? (30) "Fort Ticon- dero1a." Tony Safetan relives the history of the famous fort on Lake Champlain in New York. He sings $0np of the American Revolution. O> Mujern Sin Amor @ llPLM News (C) 6:30 M MBC Newservlce (C) (55) I love Lucy (30) Yo,11• to the Bottom of tbe S..~) (60) ~ HuntJty·Brinkfey (C) fii) utu,-. (C) (30) "The Spell of Brittany." A film showing the rugged land and people living on the west· em tip of France. Highlight is the celebration of 11 "Pardon"-a reli· gious fete. Pqe8 7:00 II CBS Evenine News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. O Whars My Une? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. Soupy Sales, Bert Convy and Phyllis Newman guest. · m Password (C) (30) Carol Burnett and Roger Smith guest. ti) @ Monday Movie (C) "Lover, Come Back." Doris Day, Rocle Hud· son star. fii) Linea Abierta (30) ~(!)family Affair (C) m Cesar's World (C) a> Trvtb or Consaquencea (C) 7:25 O Yorty Political (C) 7:30ll ~(j)Gunamoke (C) (60) Marshal Dillon has a lo~g, hard ride back to Dodge Citr with a prisoner whose gang pursues them doggedly but appears to be outwit· ted and outdistanced by the marshal -until he stops to rescue and In· dian girl on the trail. Victor French and Pat Thompson guest. (R) 0 m I Dream of Jeannie (C) (30) "Blac~·Mail Order Bride." A worn· an and two children move in on Tony and accuse him of desertion, Jeannie decides to divorce herself from her seemingly deceitful master. Barbara Bostock guests. D Yorty Politlc.11 (C) 0 @ Ci) a> The Avtnrtra (C) (60) No storyline available at press time. 0 Million $ Movie: "How Qreen Wu My Valley" (drama) '41-Wal· ter Pidgeon. Maureen O'Hara. fit[ OAILY PILOT, TV WEEI<. MARCH 29, 1969 I Trutll or CoftHquenea (C) (30) '"" ....... (60) Candoft de la Raz.a (30) E C...rtl Manda11tltnto 1:00 0 m Rowan & Martin uuall·ln (C) (60) Reverend Billy Gr1ham makes a surprise visit as Arte John-son and Ruth Buzzi portray the old man and Cladys on tho park bench -but this time the skit has a sur· prise endlna. pf Delta and tbt rural section of Alabama, where many black& llve 1t • near starvation level; ind flofida, where the Unlveralty of Florida has beaun 1 pre,netal strv· ice. ~ (j) Man Fro11 UNCt.£ (C) 0) u l rvjA llaldltl 9:30 fJ F1•ly Affair (C) (30) French is the target of poison pen letters accusing him of btinr Involved In a scandal with a Young &ir1 In En1· e COW PAL.ACE set for land. When Uncle Bill tries to traa down the letter writer, French shocks * NBA PLAYOFFS! Cluy by telflnr her the accusations WARRIORS vs. LAKERS ue true and refusas to expfaln 0 NIA Wettttn DMslon Pfa,olfs further. ~ (2 hr) Chick Heam caffs the fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyen. action aa the Los Angeles Lakers iE Revistl Mullcal meet the San FrancilCO Warriors. 10:00 II ®l (f) Carol Burnett (C) (60) m r:rcl~ (30) Ronnie Sciiell and Vlkkl Carr guest. m Cbar1es Ives' SJlll• I u km Wr~up (C) pflonr No. (60) The American @ CI) Q) TIN lit V1lliy (C) Symphony Orchestra, with maestro ( ) "The Other Face of Justice." Leopold Stokowski conducting, per· While Harry Bodine. former sheriff forms a crilic1fly acclaimed work of Stockton, Is stayinr with the by one of America's loremost com· Barkleys, ranchers In the valley art pos,rs. The program was taped et hit by a series of outlaw raids. a special midnight session alter the James Gregory and John Crawford premiere performance of the work guest. at Camerie Hall in 1965. I Yorty Political (C) (30) @!) Comic:os y Canclones News (C) (60) Public Slrvice (C) (30) 8:30 11 ~ Cl) Here's Lucy (C) (30) : The Great War (30) "Mental Jack Benny and Jackie Gleason Conflict." The time Is late 1917. guest as Lucy and h~r rar:nlly an· Tonight's program is a study of swer an ad ~or lodainas 1n P~lm political, religious and economic Springs and find themselves paying fatigue in the warring nations. Sir working guests In Benny's home. (R) Michael Redgrave narrates. 0 Ci1J (I) m Peyton Place (C) BJ Mariana (30) Norman helps Or. Rossi con-10:15 g News (C) (30) trol his anger; Susan needles Fred; Eli asks Maggie to marry him; Jen· 10:30 0 Movie: "Mildred Pierce" (dra· niter tries to make a deal with ma) '45-Joan Crawford, Zachary Betty regarding the Peyton money. Scott. m Merv Gtiffin (C) (90) IE News (C) (30) Ell) Innovations (30) "uamining Q) 8e1t the Odds (C) (30) Johnny Ideas." Or. Brenneman and guests Gilbert hosts. look al the research institute-how €D TY Mualcal Ossart it operates, the approaches in test- ing ideas and '""11eting items. and 9:00 R MaJbtny RFD (C) (30) Sam the manner in which the institute ~ys a Cyrano·ffke role w~en. ,he di.spenses information and technolo· wntes a letter for Goober 1nv1ting Millie to the harvest ball. (R) Si, Centa Sln Histofia 0 ta (i) m NBC Monday Movie: • M .... CC) ''Fil like Sweden" (comedy) '65 11.00 ~ 0 8m ma> News (C) -Bob Hope, Tuesday Weld, Dina l11rs Club (C) Rod. Ser1ing wef· Merrill. Frankie Avalon, Jeremy comes guests Betty. White, Kathleen Slate. Wealthy widower Bob Hol· Nol~n. Dick Gautier and Allred comb decides to take his daughter Shernwold. JoJo to Stockholm on business in ID Movie: "Jennifer" (mystery) '53 an attempt to break up her ro· -Howard Duff. Ida Lupino. ma nee with jobless Kenny Klinger. @Ci) Ii)@~ (j) News (C) In Sweden, JoJo falls f~r Erik Cul-ll:l5 -Alfred Hitdu:od son and Bob becomes interested in - Karin Grandstedl until Erik's be· 11:30 II Movie: ''Saturd1fs Hero" (dra· havior prompts Bob to bring Kenny ma) '51-John Derek. Donna Reed. over to win back JoJo. (R) 0 ~@ m Tonipt Show (C) o Ci1J ~ m The outcuts cc> o @ rn m 10ey Biillop cc> (60) '1 e Town That Wouldn't." m Donald O'Connor Sltow (C) Ruth Roman guests as Jade, a saloon woman, one of the few resi· 11:45 D Movie: (C) "In Love and War" dents of a small town who have (drama) '58 -Robert Wagner, not fled under threat of a raid by Jeffrey Hunter. Mark Fenner's gang. Earl and Jemal 12·15,,.,. Movie· "Untamed Youth" (d . are offered $500 to help protect the • -, • ra . remaining citizens. Pippa Scott also ma) 57-Mamle Van Doren, Lon guests. Nelson. I!) Run for Your l ife (C) (60) 12.:30 OJ Adion Theatre: "Man of Con· flict." ID Blad Journal (C) (60) The monthly magazine reviews the strug· 1:00 0 Speakina frttfy (C) David Lill· ale for civil rights in the southern enthal guests. United States. The reports span 0 News (C) such areas as politics, economics, health and welfare, youth and edu· cation, and culture. Among the sectors examined are the Misslssip· 1:15 II Movie: "Bil Jldl" (drama) '49 -Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main. O community Bulletin loant (C) ~ For mornin listlncs, p TIME PRO for your c the day's ti0f1s reset change pre out advanc DAYTll 9:00 0 "Tiie l Rory Cafho 9:30 11 ''Lidia Willlam Po· 0 (C) "A edy) '59- ina. m 2lh-HOI * Movies, Movie 1 m Junior 12:10 m "Th• , James Ste1 (comedy) • ~ID ''Air St Richard De 3:000"For H '50-Cliftor 4:30 fJ (C) ''S '53-Rober Linda Darn -6:00 6 The Bf Dunphy. Om Hu• 0 "LOUSY * Presentc By GEO 11 steve George Bur Sommers a OSix O'C • en Wiien f '60-Kirk [ hara Rush. 01 Spy mDodcen LA Oodge1 I Batman Mer ~•t's Paul Rever the remark through drc sic. €f)Mulem @ llPlM I 6:30 0 KNBC I G)Yoyace Sea ~) (6 QJ 6 Hut EID tlldin1 "Reading Vt Alena Gas1 grade readi Nubling dE parents car QilCIJ m 7:0011 CBS E Walter Cron lion return: TUESDAY APRIL 1 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "The Looters'' (drama) '55 - Rory Calhoun, Julie Adams. 9:301J "Lldles' Mi n" (drama) '31- Willlam Powell, Carole Lombard. D (C) "Alias JUM J1mu" (com· ~) '59-Bob Hope, Rhonda Flem· '"'· m 21h·HOUR JR.JAMBOREE * Movies, Cartoons, Games Movie Today: Gunga Din m Junior J1111boret: "Gunga Din." 12;30 m ''The Jldpot" (comedy) 'SG- James Stewart. ''The Great Millt" (comedy) '44--Stuart Erwin. 2:00 "1 "Air Strike" (adventure) '55- Richard Denning, Don Hauerty. 3:00 0 "for Huven's S1llt '' (comedy) 'SO-Clifton Webb, Joan Blondell. 4:30 6 (C) ''Second Chane." (drama) '53-Robert Mitchum, Jack Palance, Linda Darnell. EVENING 6:00 IJ Tbe Big News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) U "LOUSY AWARD" * Presented to ALLEN By GEORGE BURNS! 0 st9ve Allen Show (C) (90) George Burns, Lalo Schitrrin, Joanie Sommers guest. Q Six O'Clodl Movie: (C) "Str1111· •era When We Meet" Part II (drama) '6~irk Douglas, Kim Novak, Bar- bara Rush. 0 I Spy (C) (60) m Dodprs Blseblll (C) (cont'd.) LA Dodgers vs. Houston Astros. I Bltman (C) (30) (]) Merv Griffin (C) Wll1fs New? (30) "Americana- Paul Revere." Tony Saletan traces the remarkable life of Paul Revere through dramatized scenes and mu- sic. m Mujeres Sin Amor al KPlM News (C) 6:30 0 KNBC Ntwservice (C) (60) m Voy1ge to the Bottom of tht Sff ~) (60) 6 Huntley·Brinllley (C) ~ Nding With Your Child (30) "Reading With Your Eight-Year-Old." Alena Gasper shows some third· grade reading techniques, and Lois Nubling demonstrates how grand· parents can enjoi_ teaching read ing. ~oo mmwNen (C) 7:00 6 CBS Evenin& News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. KNXT presents elec· tion returns via an electronic cra wl. Coveraae contlnues untU the 10:00 thlnp with auns than with an .,. PM "*1•1 report. cument. sues. VanouS' candldatea art abo I Wlllt' M u ? (C) lnttNlewed. ~I tC) (30) a MARTIN SOUND UmN ... (C) (60) ~ frHdl a.et (30) Julia Child * BRIDGES GAP! Also fJ @ CI) ED ftars Utt <C> (60) ipu~s "Paella al Americalne." LITTLE, VINTON! In.. Ntw Stullcl (C) (30) (f) T1le Cloocl CIUJ'I (C) B Sllowcue S (C) (60) Tony Mar· (j) 50 Mlolltll (C) iiiinds fn th• Sun (C) tlil Is f&atured as host, with guests ' Mariana Trutll or Con11qutt1cas (C) Bobby Vlnlotl. Rich Little and Mary 10;30 I News (C) (30) 7:30 ~ 9 (j) lancer (C) (60) Scott Lou Collins. • R•P• NflWS C...ftrtaet (30) discovers that Death Valley pos· II) Run tor YoUJ Lift (C) (60) 8tatt Sin HlseDrta sasses more perils than those of ~ NET Festival (C) (60) "Mozart 11 :00 I 0 D m 411111 ft\ N (C) heat and wild animals when he P11no Conctrto No. 24." A repeat MrtdHl~liiU ... stumbles Into an outlaw's camp performance of a KCET production Lia c while surveying mining property. featurin& pianist Andre Watts and M~~~IN ( ) M....... _. St. Patty McCormack guests as Pearl conductor Zubin Mehta at the Los • ut , ... v.r •• the wife of Luke Sickles, the wanted Ani tceles Philharmonic. Shown is the T~:~:{.' (comedy) 58 -Tt,,Y· man. Johnnie Whitaker plays Andy· fnorm'nasnecef.ehearsals and lln1I per-lilil IT'I ~ fTlllMil Cl) NIWI (C) Jack, the outlaw's nephew. \UJ uu .., ~!IOI U fl) 00 m JtnJ Lewis (C) (60) 51) Cllldo Awrtll1ntt 11:30 IJ Movie: "Meet Dinny Wlllon,. Leslle Uggams, The Osmond Broth· 9:30119 (j) Doris Day (C) (30) (mystery) '52 -Frank Sinatr1, ers and Harold J. stone guest. Doris, in an attempt to prevent the Shell_!l Winters. a Lost in Space (C) (60) The pro-possible arrest of two elderly lady R u 00 m Tonl&tit Sllow (C) gram will be Interrupted fo r a two-moonshiners, finds herself the ob· Movie: UX'rt Husblnds Ntcl9- minute election report at 8:00 PM. ject of a Treasury Dept. investiga.11 -~(com~. ) '42-Ray Miiiand. 0 @ 00 al Mod Squad (C) (60) lion. _iRescheduled) \I.LI@ Q.) Joey Bishop (C) "~ptain Greer, Call Surgery." Pete, O @@EE NYPD (C) (30) "L • ""' (C) Linc and JulJe take undercover jobs Is for Love and Lln:eny." Lt. Mike Don1ld O'Connor Shew (C) in a hospital to block a narcotics H_aines discovers that a friend of 12:00 O Movie: "Cntlt of Ult Llvtftl robbery. Greer feels the series of his stole an expensive pendant. DNd" (horror) '64 _ Christopher ~rua robberies. apparently ins e D Million $ Movie: (C) "Low 11 L 1obs •. can ~e halted at the ne lkany Splendolff Thing" (drama) ee. . hospital ~1th the Squad's !\al . '55-Willlam Holden, Jennifer Jones. 12:30 ID Action Tbt1tr1: "Dan1trous Whil~ looking for possible trouble m Hoy Journey." spots the three discover head nurse l 00 O Q Delores Sutton has been badly 10:00 6 kNXT EJtdion Specill (C) (60) : • News (C) roughed up but refuses to discuss Bill Ames and Ruth Ashton Taylor IJ Community Bulletin Board (C) it with anyone. Kim Hamilton a ~rve as reporters for this live spe· m from the Inside Out (C) series reaular on General Hospital cial from the Los Angeles City 1:15 IJ Movie: "Tbne TbrH" (drama) guests. ' Council chamber. They report on the '36-Merle Oberon, Joel McCru. 0 Colpte Tb11tre: (C) "funny f?ur key races-Mayor, City Coun· f1ce" (comedy) '57-Fred Astaire, c1I •. Congress, and Board of Edu· 1:30 m n Sunllt Strip Audrey Hepburn cation-as well as other races in 2:30 m All-Night Show: "Slave Ship" I Perty M110~ (60) the Primary and various ballot is· and "Go, Man, Go." Cancion de la Rua (30) El Cuarto Mandamlento 8:00 Ell) World Press (C) (60) m Discotheque a-4io-Co 8:15 m Dodprs Scocebo1rd (C) Jerry Dotraett and Vin Scully recap the game. 1:30 6 ®) (j) Red Sllelton (C) (60) Jack Jones guests. IJ @ 00 m Juli1 (C) (30) "Gone With the Draft" Julia's babysitter Carol is upset and bolts out of the apartment after receiving a phone ~II. Alison Mills guests as the sitter. 1J The Jimmie Rod1ers Show (C) (30) Jimmie has as his guest Buddy De Franco. Q @@(D It T1lles 1 Thief (C) (60) "The Family." Alexander Mun- dy is assigned to find out why billionaire recluse John B. Cannon Is selling his Middle East oil be· hind the Iron Curtain. Geraldine Brooks, Cyril Delevanti and Carla Borelli guest. m Merv Griffin (C) (90) II) Beat the Odds (C) (30) 9:00 U @ 00 f irst Tuesday (C) (2 hr) The Duke of Edinburgh airs his views on student demonstrations· the hannful effect rock music has on the hearing of our nation's t~enagers is dealt .,ith; a report Is given on Or. Billy James Hargis, who conducts "anti·Communist'' package tours; and Rancho La Puer· to, a "fat farm" in Mexico, is toured. Also on the program Is a study of the flourishing state of c~ime an.d . viole~ce . in the Philip· pines. Fihp1nos hve 1n a permissive society that would rather ~ttle Roy Bulla's Stevens TY 1953 New,.n Blvd., Costa IMsa ALL MAllS-COLOI 01 ILAC.I & WHm !iii I ,._. 548-3494 1. ~ CLOSE -Up .... . ,c- LARRY STORCH'S LUCKY STAR . . Larry Storch, who pla~ Duffy on the CBS The Queen and I series. Thursday. 7 :30 PM, is not only a lucky star, but has one he can call his own. His name is Tony Curtis. It all started back in 1945 during the Recent Unpleasantness- World War II. Storch enlisted in the Navy at 17. little realizing then that he'd end up on another ship many years later-the S. S. Amsterdam Queen fl ying the flag of CBS. Curtis was known in those days as Bernard Schwartz.. The startlingly handsome young sailor. like Storch, was assigned to a submarine tender. Storch used to entertain his fellow servicemen and the two became fast friends after meeting on Guam. We now do a fast montage to the early post-war period. Storch is riding high as an entertainer at the Copacabana night club in Manhattan. Enter old pal Bernie Schwartz who isn't doing much of aoytbjng. Larry put Tony to work for a while running for sandwiches and the like. They broke up when Larry went on the road. Storch's last words to Schwartz were: "If you ever need anything, just yelJ." We do another fast montage wherein leaves are falling off the trees, calendar pages are flying and it's about three years later. It's cold in Cleveland where Larry's working in a nightclub. It's a Wednesday afternoon and he is watching a movie and there is his old friend, Bernie Schwartz getting off a horse. Only his name is now Tony C urtis and he's a big movie star. "l kept saying to myself," Larry recalls .. " 'Bernie is Tony.' I also noti ced that he's oo the covers of all the fan magazines ... Larry had done a Broadway show called "Who Was That Lady?", playing a comic Russian. When he heard that Tony Cunis was starring in the movie he found out his address, wired him in Hol- lywood asking if he could get the same part in the movie. Curtis fired off a wire: "Orab your toothbrush and get out here. I'll take care of the rest." And he did. After "Who Was That Lady?", Storch did a lot of movies in- cluding five more with Curtis. They included: "Forty Pounds of Trouble," "Wild and Wonderful," "Sex and the Single Girl," "Cap- tain Newman, M.D." and "The Great Race." Storch. recentl y star~ed in .F ~roop for two seasons on television and received an Emmy nommatton for his "Corporal Agarn" char- acter. He has been married since 1961 to the former Norma Booth, onetime swimming champion. Their home is hidden away high in the Hollywood hills amid such rustic surroundin~ that deer and raccoons play in their backyard. Their domestic pets arc four cats. Larry's hobbies range from playing the saxophone to scuba diving and both be and bis wife are jazz music fans. Since his original ambition was to play major league baseball, he makes every effort to attend ball games and numbers many .sports personalities among his friends. Storch cl Tofry Curtis in a scene from the movie "40 Pounds of Troub'k." hp 10 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 29, 1969 WEDNESDAY APRIL 2 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. 6AYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "Tiit Great Slou1 Uprisin(' (adventure) '53 -Jeff Chandler, Faith Domergue. 9:30 0 "Miss Tatlodl's Miiiions" (com· edy) '48 -Robert Stack, Wanda Hendrix. 0 (C) "Scott of tht Antarctic" (drama) '43--John Mills, Derek Bond. m 21/z·HOUR JR.JAMBOREE * Movies, Cartoons, Games Movie Today: Elephant Boy m Junior JamborH: "Elephant Boy." 12:30 m "Island Reswt" (comedy) '52 -Glynis Johns. "Hudllnt Hunters" (adventure) '55-Rod Cameron. 2:00 Q) "Dracnet" (mystery) '47-Hen· ry Wilcoxon, Mary Brian. 3:00 0 (C) "Bluer Than life" (dra- ma) '5&-James Mason, Barbara Rush. 4:30 6 (C) "At Gunpoint" (western) '55 -Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Malone. EVENING 6:00 1J The Big News (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. Rm Huntley·Brinklty (C) (30) Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Stella Stevens. John Byner, George Jessel and The Sunshine Company guest. fl Stx 0'~ Movie: (C) "It's a B11llnl World" (teen comedy) '66-- Deborah Walley, Tommy Kirk. Bob Pickett. 11 Spy (C) (60) Pay Cards (C) (30) Batman (C) (30) Merv Griffin (C) ~It's New? (30) "Americana- Shaker Village." Tony Saletan visits with an early American religious eroup, and talks with one of the 18 Shaker ladies still living. II) Mujeres Sin Amor al lfll.M News (C) 6:30 I KHBC Newservice (C) (55) I Love Lucy (30) Voyaee t. the Bottom of the Sta ~) (60) 9 00 Huntley-Brinkley (C) fE Let's Talk About Teens (30) "A Clergyman Looks at the Scene." Marion Marshall and Rt. Rev. C. Edward Crowther, of the Center for the Study of Democratic I nstitu· tions, discuss the teenager and the Establishment institutions. 9 Ci) @!) m al News (C) 7:00 I) l:'ls Eweninf ,.... (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Mllt'1 My Line? (C) (30) ,asswonl (C) (30) 00 You Asked fOt It fil) The Plraptive Parent (30) "Children's Play." A panel of four mothers take part in a discussion with City Schools teacher Betty Smith about the selection of equip· ment and toys tor children's play. I (8) Bevet1y Hillbillies (C) Wanderlust (C) Truth or Consequences (C) 7:30 tJ Glen Ca•pbell (C) (60) Guests Include Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, comedian Alp Wilson and The Voeues, the recording group whose recent hit platter, "Tum Around, look at Me," is the same song with which Glen Campbell, in 1961, scored his first big success on wax. D @ 00 m Tiit Virginian (C) (90) "Fox, Hound and the Widow McCloud." Victor Jory, his wife Innes and Troy Donahue euest In a drama about an escaped con· vict's flight from a bounty hunter. Luke, a fugitive and one-time cell- mate of Trampas-who was held on a trumped charge and later cleared-roakes his way to Shiloh just steps ahead of bounty hunter Braclten. 0 Win With tile St.ars (C) (30) Robert Clary and Helen O'Connell guest. 0 Ci7J mm Jacquu Contuu Speer.I (C) (60) ''The Unexpected Voyage of Pepito and Cristobal." A photographic study of two Cape fur seal pups taken aboard the scien· tific vessel Calypso to see If the hunter could develop frfendly rell· tions with the hunted. (R) fJ Millioft $ Movlt: (C) ''Ca&Hllty Jane" (musical) '53-Dorfs Day, Howard Keel. I 169 ~) ur In ty P· y. ts s, 1e ;e d. :h l, IC. ~) w 'e n l· r. I· d tr h 1r I) II u d A Ir I• • ,. 'I '· I Truth or Consequtnc:es (C) (30) 10:00119 (j) Hn1H flw.O (C) (60) hrrJ Muon (60) McGarrett, head of Hawaii's state Clndon dt It Rau (30) police unit, investlrates the kid· CJ) l t st of HolfJwoed napping of a millionaire's son. Guest El Cuarto M1nd1•l•te Sal Mineo plays Bobby Georre. a a·oo rock and roll singer who decides • his singlnr car.er needs a pub-0 NBA PLAYOFFS! licity boost so he plots a phony * Continue! LAKERS VS. kidnapplnr stunt with two of his WARRIORS! 4th Game! ~en~ (lj The Outsider CC> (60) I l.M.tn War"'·Up (C) "Periwinkle Blue." David Ross Is Hau l (C) (30) retained by an alarmed husband NEW SEASON Sptc:tnim (30) "A who suspects his wife of plottlna Cry for Help." Series host David his death. A series of unexplained Prowitt starts the new season with accidents convince Arthur Endby a visit to the Suicide Prevention (Douglas Dick) that his wife April Center In Los Angeles. Prowitt in· (Lois Nettleton), whose former hus· terviews the staff of the center, band died mysteriously, is trying to which received more than 7,000 do him in. calls for help last year. ~ Labrs Wrap-Up (C) ~ Mitfcoln Musical M1rsll1ll Dillon (30) 8~ NBA Western Division Playoffs News (C) (60) ( ) (1 hr 55 min) Chick Heam TIM New Sound (C) (30) calls the action between the l akers liuten Tar (30) and the Warriors. Marl1n1 8:30 fJ The Good G111s (C) (30) A pile 10:15 0 News (C) (30) of 3,000 loaves of bread is just EJl) feature (C) "Colorado's Mys· one of many complications when tery Mesa." A look at Colorado's Rufus Butterworth talks Bert Gram· colorful and unusual land forma-us into trying to Impress one of lions. his diner customer~ who is a suc· l0:30 0 Movie: "House on 92nd Stlett" cessful "!Usie publisher (guest Wll· (mystery) '4>-lloyd Nolan. Leo llam Daniels). (R) G Carroll 0 @ (]) &J The Kinf fl111ily (C) fD News . (C) (30) (30) The Kina Sisters open the Ell) Museu111 Open House (30) "The ~ow wit~ "Hold Me Tight." Th.e Vocabulary of Art." Host Ruuell Kina Cousms offer a tune from their Connor discusses the meaning of new album, "Walk on By," and some commonly overworked and Marilyn and Kenl duet "I Believe in under-defined art terms. Y " OU. m Gente Sin Histori1 I Merv Griffin (C) (90) 11• 001 _ 0 ~ a'\ 1:1!\ News (C) Beit tllt Odds (C) (30) • ~ ~ 1:4:1 w Book Be.t (C) (30) Author liar~ .et~~ (C) ,. Marya Mannes joins host Robert Movie. Hundred-How Hunt Cromie to discuss her novel. "They," (mystery) '3>-Anthony Steel, Jack a IJook about a group of people Warner. banished by an America run by the @ (]) fiJ 009 Ci) News very young. 11:15 0 Alfred Hitchcodl &) Sonrls11 11:30 1160 Minutes (C) The world of 9:00 II Beverly Hillbillies (C) (30) No .the heroin addict-from a 21-year· information available at press time. old girl who supports her five-year 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Mike Douglas, Lena Horne, T o&;e Fields 0 tll Ci) a;) Kr.tt Music Hall (q (ro) "Ladles Night." Mike Doug- las is host to Lena Horne, Totie 1 Fields, Jeannie C. Riley, and lady jock~ Barbara Jo Rubin. habit by prostitution and thievery to two 31f2-week-old babies who inherited their "habit" from their addict mother-is expllred. In an· other segment, H. l. Hunt, a man so rich he says he'd "st1rv1 to death'' if his income were enly $1,000.000 a week, talks about his fortune, the qualities that help make money, death, taxes and poll· tics. I Qj@ m Tooi&llt Show (C) [1) @ a) Joer Bisllop (C) Donald O'Connor Sltow (C) 0 UlJ (3) G) ABC Wtdntlday Movie: (Cf "At1tnic and Old uu" (classic) '69-Helen Hayes, Robert Crane. Lillian Gish, Fred Gwynne, Sue Lyan, Bob Dlshy, Billy De Wolfe, Jack Gilford. A new and contempo· 11:45 O Movie: "Practically YHn" rary television adaptation of the (comedy) '#-{;laudette Colbert, classic comedy-drama. A New York Fred MacMurray. television critic and his girlfriend , ., find that his adored and aginr 12:15 fJ Movie: 'Stetf Junite (drama) aunts have been bringinr "peace '56-f>erry Lopez, Beverty Ger1and. and tranquility" to any gentleman 12:3011 Movie: (C) "Tllt Jlfbl1" (ad· in the neighborhood unfortunate venture) '67-Vincent Price, Diane enough to move In with them-Iverson. merely by adding arsenic to his m Action Th11tre: "Escape by glass of eldert>erry wine. Night." I Run tor Your Lift (C) (60) 1• 001 O News (C) News In Pt~ (C) (GO) • Com unit.. Bullttin Board (C) Sytvl1 J Ennq111 m ,., 9:30 II ~ Ci) Srttn Aerts (C) (30) From tht Inside Out (C) In a discussion of reincarnation Eb 1:30 m n SunMt Strip tells Oliver and Lisa Douglas ht would like to be a dog In his sec· ond life. Later, when Eb becomes lost in a storm. Lisa fears the worst and starts searchinr for stray doas fJ Nns (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 2:00 II Movie: "Tllt Ttlldtr YM"*" (dr1· ma) '4S-Joe E. Brown, Josephine Hutchinson. 2:30 m All-Nipt Sllow: "The Ivory Hunter" and "Apache Ambush." 1ntroduc1na Thi HaalhkR ··aoonla-Blka" ... The 111-saason Trall Ind snow Bike , ~~ \ THE BIGGEST . WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION Power from t+to 09;110 ia tr011sforrocl by chei11 to thi1 11 • I .SO +..bolou flottotlo11·typo ti,.. Tho re&ult h hi9h stobility encl rolftorltoblo tnctio111 under olmost uy 111rfoco co111- clltio11, S11op 011 tllo optional 1ltl acconoty incl tho bih h rHcly to r1111 O¥tr 111rf ancl wtt ttncl, u well •s 111ow. T\o colftbinatio11 of .... GT-II'• 5 HI' Oii• t illO, 2·spoocl .,.,.,. min lo11 011cl 9~nt rH r tire 9in It romarkoblo troctlo11, •"'°" up et.op hlllt 011cl paff11. lclHI for h1111ton, fishormo11, or just ploin fun. No noocl to put tho GT·ll a woy for tho winter . , . jlltt MOUllt tho optional Slti Accouory. iiriapt on in 1oconcl1 wltflout Ill· in9 tools. Uto It for wlntor hw11t. W.9, fl1hin9, towi119 1ltior. °"' tobo99011ort. FREE Send for Ovr Huge Ca.f•log If'• "°" fo Yow f« tho Mllht. HEATHKIT® 11.IClllOlllC C:lllTI•- .-... :.~ .. t f 1 ;-.. I I I '' -·-- To ru ch HHthltlt Electronic Center tolre Horbor llvd. to .. II AH. .... 011 loll • few 1hort block• •• n o h at ltlf or take S.11•• Ano FrHwoy to Harhor 11.,,fl .. H.rbor llvtil. to l•ll, • few th.,t blocltt encl yo11'r• hero SALIS & PAITS HlATHIUT 776·9410 JJO IAST IALL, ANAHllM SHYIC• 776-t4U ..... 11 THURSDAY APRIL 3 For morning and afternoon llstlnl$. please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES f V f N I ~J C 6:00 fJ TIM Bir Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntlt,·Brlnkley (C) (30) 0 RICH LITTLE, DAHL * Offer LAUGHS and BEAUTY on ALLEN SHOW! 0 Stew Allen saiow (C) (90) Al- lene Dahl, Letta Mbulu, Frenkle Valli, Harold Grunewald iUlst. D Six O'Clocl Movie: (C) .. Raw Eifa-" (adventure) '56-~ory Cal· houn, Yvonne De Cano. 0 I 591 (C) (60) m Pay Cards (C) (30) Art James hosts. 9:00 0 "City Acron Ult River" (dra· I'*'" (C) (30) ma) '49--Stephen McNally, Thelma ~·1-v Crfffia (C) Ritter. · t'a Nnl (30) "Americana 9:30 0 "Rhydim on the River" (musi · ~auaua ~ron Works." Tony Seletan cal) '40-Bina Crosby, Mary Martin. vtslts a 17th·eentury Industrial won· 0 ''T11cher of the Miracle" (dra· der and sings songs from that era. ma) '62 -Aldo Fabrizi, Eduardo m Multm Sin Alltor Nerol1. a) KPUf News (C) m 21h-HOUR JR JAMBOREE 6:30 R kNB.C Newservice (C) (60) * Mov!es, Cart~n~. Games ·• l§ ~o~ ~t::o~m of t11e Movie Today: Kmg Kong Sta j!:) (60) m Junior Janiboret: "Kinr Konr." 9 (j) HunUtJ·l rinkley (C) 12:30 m '19reat ~tlons" (classic) Ell) Mort tor Your MonlJ (30) ''The '34-ffenry Hull, Jane Wyatt. Teen Ma~et." Two teena.ge mar1<et 2:00 m .. DHdllest Sin" (mystery) '56-experts discuss the buy1~( habits Sid Ch I. ... of the under-25 rroup, which makes ney •P '"· ""drey Dalton. up almost hatr of the United States' 3:00 0 (C) "StOfJ of Wiil Ao11rs" (dra· population ma) '52-Will Ro2ers Jr .. Jane Wy· 9 Ci) elm EE News (C) min 7:00 6 CIS Evtnlnf Newt (C) (30) 4:30 fJ (C) "Nlfff Stu l Anythin& Walter Cronkite. S1111ll" (comedy) '59-James Cl&· fJ What's My Lint? (C) (30) Wally ney, Sh1r1ey Jones. Bruner hosts. "We had so many mont hly installments to pay on our car, color TV, apph· ances. and other bills that I got behind in the payments on our home. and was afraid we'd lose 1t. "Then my wife went to the hospital, and more e11pensu plled up. I was so worried J couldn't sleep, but thank goodness I told my troubles to our Church Minister. HOMEOWNERS - BORROW $500 to $10,000 OR MORE -BY PHONE! hyments H low H $6.61 monthly•! No ~yments for 6 months! UNION'S PAYMENTS ARE AS LOW OR LOWER THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY IN CALIFORNIA. Only $6.61 per month• on each $500 borrowed includes both principal and interest - repays your loan in full! Cash In 2' houf"I, on request. with good title . . . whether your home is paid for or not. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 29. 1969 m Pasaword (C) (30) Allen Ludden ~ Brice and Miguel Castro. hosts . U @ Cl) a> ltwltched (C) (30) ~ (6) Hlah and Wiid (C) "Daddy Does His Thina'." Sam's ~ Playlnr the .~uitar (3~) "Mu$ic war1ock falher changes Darrin Into in Two Parts. Frederick Noad a mule. Maurice Evans gunta. teaches students how to read and I MlfV &riffin (C) (90) perform music with two voices, hit the Odds (C) (30) played simultaneously. He adds a • Mualca y Estrtlln (C) new ~ote on the third string to the 9:00 Qt (i) CBS llluridl, Mowir. exercises. "'Seven Days in Maf' (adventure) I Ci1 McHale'a Nny '64-Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Trilt Adventure (C) Fredric March, Ava Gardner, Ed· Trutll or Consequences (C) mon O'Brien, Martin Balsam. This 7:30 B ~ m The Quttn and I (C) Rod Ser1ing Seteenplay from lhe (30) Duffy set.s up a shuffleboard widely heralded book by Fletcher match between Nelson and Kowal· Knebel and Charles W. Bailey tells slli, planning to give the winnings the startling tale of an allempted to a young bride who needs the military coup by lhe Chairman of money for a trousseau. Miyoshi the Joint Chiefs of Staff who plans Umeki guests. lo take over the country when the 0 Q) @ a;, Daniel Boone (C) President signs a nuclear treaty (60) "A Man Before His Time." with the Soviet Union. An orphan boy avengM the death 0 (f7) (3)(E Wh1t'1 It All About. of his thieving father by arranging Wor1df (C) (60) Ricardo Montalban an "accident'' for the man respon -guests. slble. Ronny Howard and Warren I Run for Your Life (C) (60) Vanders guest. • El Mundo Esta Loco I Lost In ~ace (C) (55) 9:30 · Ii) @ m Drainet (C) (30) @Cl) W Tiie Flying Nun (C) "Juvenile-DR-35." Sgt. Friday and ( 0) "Cousins by the Dozens." Car-Officer Gannon search for the moth· los Ramirez's poor relations move er of a four-day-old baby found In on him as a result of a com· in a trash can. munications gap. In a hurry to meet I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. his girlfriend, Carlos doesn't listen : Washlnaton in Review (C) (30) when Siste1 Bertrille sugests a way 10:00 · fi) 00 m Dean Martin (C) he can help his relatives living on (60) Dean's guests are Michael a nearby island. Thinking he has Landon, Dom Deluise, The Kids agre~d. the nun invites his lazy Next Door. Bobbi Martin, Stu Gil· cousins to move into his house in liam and Will Jordan. San Tanco. Im Hews (C) (60) fJ Millton $ Movie: (C) "East of Suspense Theatre (C) (60) Edtn" (drama) 'SS-James Dean, • Marihal Dillon (30) Julie Harris, Raymond Massey. The New Sound (C) {30) I Trutll or Consequences (C) (JO) 1 CV The Killy Style (C) PefTY Mason (60) : Thutre Beat (30) Hal Marien· Candon de II Rau (30) thal looks at some scenes from El Cuarto Mandamiento "The Boys in the Band" by Mort 8:00 6 ~ Ci) Jon1than Winten (C) Crowley: (60) John Davidson, Phil Whitehawk I M1n1n1 and Alice Ghostley guest, Dick · Passport to Trml (C) Curtis. Cliff Arquette and The Es· 10:30 • Movie: "A Tree 6row1 in Broot· tabllshment are also featured, lyn" (drama) '45-0orothy McGuire, 0 @ CI)® lllat fiir1 (C) (30) Joan Blondell. ''The Hf.Jack and the Mighty." Be· Q) Homestead/News (C) fore doing an airline commercial, @ CV Feature (C) ''The Sky Be· Ann has to make a flight as an low Me-The Crowd Above.'' actin1 stewardess aboard a Miami· ED If You Were Presidtflt (C) (30) bound plane. Ann's father is wot· "Would You Discard NATO?" Rich· ried about the possibility of a hi· ard Goodwin. Robert Bowie, Roger jacll. and Ann notice.s, after takeoff. Fisher and Lyman Kirkpatrick dis· that one pa~naer has a gun. (R) cuss the issue. m Hazel (C) (30) I I litflte Sin Historil Eii) NET "'8Pciae (90) A repeal 11:00 ' 0 elm al Ntw1 (C) performance of two plays by Thom· I Alfred Hltchcodl ton Wilder about the failure of liars Club (C) generations to communicate. "In· Movie: "Mad at the Wor1d" fancy" stirs fred Gwynne. Eileen I (drama) 'SS-Frank Lovejoy, Keefe Brennan and Hendra and Ullett. Brasselle. "Childhood" 1s about three children I i1 ~ 00 News (C) who ima21ne that their parents have 11:20 I News (C) died and decide to celebrate tflej11:30 · 6 m Tonipt Show (C) event. Julie Herrod. Audrey Price 1 Movie: (C} "Cou,..p tf llacl and Michael Kearney star. Beauty" (drama) '57-John Craw· "He advised me to call Union Your understanding loan coun· Home Loans-and right on the selor can approve your loan phone they arranged a $3,500 on the phone, and arrange for loan that paid off all our bills you to make no payments for and saved our home -with 6 months. So call Union DAY cash left over!" OR NIGHT and get out of debtr Mr. L M K G.rden Grove "L01n matures In 10 ye.,,. Sllorter 1 I fllidano! (C) ford. Diane Brewster. 1:25 Wtnderlul World of Sport (C) I @ (]) Q) Joey Bisllop (C) 1:30 Q) a;, lnNlside (C) (60) Donald O'Connor Show (C) "A Matter of Love and Death." Eve 11:50 Movie: "Blowina Wild" (adven· • •• fon1tr term '°'"' •~•lltlllt. In GARDEN GROVE call Mr. Miles .. 539-2122 In LOS ANGELES ca ll Mr. Ralston .. _ . . DU 5-4141 ma.squerades as a brunette when ture) '53-{;ary Cooper, Barbara Chief Ironside and his staff set Stanwyck. out to trap a criminal abortionist. 12:15 fJ Movie: "Elc.tpe Fro11 Salron" The death of a beautiful rirl, fol· (drama)-Jean Chevrier. lowlni illegal surrery, causes police 12:30 Q) Action Theatre: "Mission In to seek a common element in a Morocco." number of unsolved deaths from 1:0010 Newa (C) the same uuse Connie Kresld and Comniunlty Bull.tin Board (C) Bettye Ackerman guest. From tht Inside Out (C) 0 lo~1n1 (C) (60) Tom Harmon l :lO fJ Movie: "Escape Fro• Red "1ld" and Mickey Davies and nn15ide for (western) '5S-8rian Oonievy a bantamweight bout between Len· m 77 Sun11t Strip . ..... 12 969 10) n's mto it: ·e) JS. :d- i is he lef lls ed of ns he rty rt. 1n 0) ~d h· Id )) :) el js I· ,. 11 rt I· !, I• I· r • ! ' I 1 AL'S APPLIANCE Sales & Service Washers-Dryers-Refrlgera tors .. Dishwasherr. Servi~ Specialists! 1 "9 0raft9e, Coete M ... 642"'575 Home Appliance Service & Repair. Also Heating & Air Conditioning. 24 hour service. LEE HUFF 5151 E~ln .. r, Huntington INch 142-7237 ., 147~1 FOSTER'S APPLIANCE REPA~ .,\11 makes, all models. Work guaranteed! See Rusty 17115 lrookhurat fountain Valley Hl-1 D4 546-2'08 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642·5678, ext. 325 VET'S BONDED PAINTING Free estimates, licensed, Insured. Small jobs welcome. '42-0427 Interior · Exterior Any size job. Excellent work. References. Free estimates. caJI JIM & COMPANY '42-4669 646-3749 INTERIOR PAINTING Apts. or houses by job or room Low off season rates. • Quality work! 192~ anytime Painting, papering. 16 years ln Harbor area. Licensed and Bonded. References furnished. HAROLD C. WATSON 22l7Avelon St., Coeh M ... 642·235' YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR RE·MODELe REDECORATE alks pool decks, floors, patios Any.size job, work guaranteed Reasonable I Servin~ Harbor Area '42-1514 CONCRETE SPECIALTIES Replace asphalt with concrete -driveways1 patios, sidewalks Custom wor!l,. Laguna, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo areas. 4K-3704 All types concrete work for the home. Patios, driveways, pool decks. sawing, etc. Licensed · Bonded Exoert work. Reasonable. PHILLIPS CEMENT 541-6380 Concrete Specialist-all tpy~. Pool decks and custom. Work guaranteed 30 years experience • ·call JOHN 541-1124 CAL'S PLUMBING Plumbing Repa.h' No job too small '42-3121 DEAN PLUMBING SERVICE 24 hours. All problems. Worlt guaranteed. Licensee\ -Insured 713 W. Flo~ Circle, Santa An• 531-75'6 anytime IUD HALDERMAN PLUMBING 24 hour service. Beach area. Llcensed bonded. Expert work. 20 years in Oran~e County . Discount prices! . 6754124 Quell~ 14'1 Plumltlnw .. Ct~l/R~llal IN' Plumbers, I~. 271 Bucknell Costa M ... $41.-7502 S tudents working their w~ th.ru college. Experienced, Licen.c;ed, REAS! 646-4203 Gardening, lawn renovation. Complete garden maintenance! Reasonable! JOE CORRAL 1H02 Salmon Lane Huntlntiton INch M2-47'4 DICK'S GARDENING Reliable yard care. home and commercial. Also cleanup. 1"4 Arnol~ Ave., C•t• M ... '42-0473 Cleanup Specialist-mowing, edging odd jobs and light movln~. Reasonable. cell DICK 541-6955 :2014 federal Ave., Coste M ... WOODY CONSTRUCTION Company of Fountain Valley Licensed contractor. Build. remodel, repair. Brick, block. concrete carpentry. No Job too small. t62-6M5 A-1 CARPENTRY Any size job. Expert work. Reliable! GORDON CHURCHES 147-6745 Repairs-Alterations-Cabinets Any size job 25 years experience. Work guaranteed. call BOB HEISEY 541-6713 Remodeling • Additions tine work. Lie. and Ins. LOS PADRES CONSTR. CO . (Lice~ed Contractors) 627 ~. C::oeat Hlghw•y Laguna 1 .. ch 4'7-1"5 or 4M-4151 nn. House Cleantng Quality Work Call Ua! IROOKS CLIANINO SIRV. 11 ti Clay St., New,...t INch '42-2112 anytime CRYSTAL JANITORIAL & WINDOW CLIANINO Complete Janitorial service. Business, residen tial and construction cleanup. Free estimate. 541-1727 DISCOUNT CLEANING SERVICE Carpet, upholstery specialists. Work guaranteed Fast Service! call S3t-1456 MESA CLEANING SI RVICI Complete cleaning, carpets, tloors, etc. Residentlal- Commercial. Special rates for apt. cleaning. 8 ye.an In area. Many references. Call Dick 5"-4111 AL'S AP,LIANCE T.V. Sales &: Service Expert., reasonable repair in your home! 15H Orante. Coete M ... '42-6575 MILLS TILEVISION Laguna Beach to San Clement Complete service and renalr. Warranty station for RCA. South Coast Area l4135 Coast Hwy., D.tne Point 496-1744 4H-U10 ROY IULLA'S STEVENS T.V. Quality work for 16 years. Home or shop service All makes-Color or B&:W 1953 N .. port llvi:t., Coate M ... 541-.l4M BAYVIEW T.V. Complete Color and Black & White service 20054 S•nt• Ana Ave. Sant• An• 546-UU P•I• 13 D APRIL 4 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All 1ta· t ions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 ~nee Upon a Time" (romedy) "4-=-Janet Blair, Cary Grant. 9:30 ll ''Skytart" (drama) '41 -Ray Milland, Claudette Colbert. 0 (C) "A Man Called Peter'' (dra- ma) '55 -Richard Todd, Richard Burton. m 21h ·HOURJR.JAMBOREE * Movies, Cartoons, Games Movie Today: Drums m Junior Jamborn: "Drums." 12:30 m "One last fling" (comedy) '49 -Alexis Smith. "The Red St.Ilion" (adventure) '47-Robert Paige. 2:00 m ''Security Risk" (mystery) '54 -John Ireland, Dorothy Malone. 3:00 0 (C) "Tht Miracle of Our lady oTFatlma'' (drama) '52 -Gilbert Roland, Sherry Jackson. -4:00 tJ (C) "The Mlrtde" (drama) '59 -Carroll Baker, Roger Moore. Wal· ter Slezak. EVEN IN G Peter Sellers the 111ouse that ROARED Friday in Color on The Six O'Clock Movie. ~ 6:00 tJ The Bir Newa (C) (60) Jerry ------------i Dunphy. D m Huntlty·Brinkley (C) (30) U stive AJleft Show (C) (90) Joi Lanslna. Jim Backus. The Righteous Brothers and Margie Day guest, while Ada Alagretti makes jewelry from unusual materials. 0 Six O'aGdl Movie: (C) ''Tht Mouse That Roared" (comedy) '59 -Peter Sellers, Jean Seberg. 11 Spy (C) (60) Pq Carda (C) (30) Batman (C) (30) (3) Merv Griffin (C) What's New? (30) "Americana -Longfellow." Tony Saletan visits Longfellow's home in Cambridge, Massathusetts, and other places described in the American poet's wor1is. I Muteru Sin Amor KPlM Newt (C) l:JO KNBC ""'service (C) (60) I love Lucy (30) Yoyaa-to the Bottoin of the Sea ~) (60) Qj 6 Huntley·Brinklty (C) EID rcua! (30) "I Loved John Ringling." John Kelly, a Ringllna legal counsel, talks about the areat circus magnate as the camera visits Ringling's birthplace and his villa In Florida. 7:t0 tjl is ~.!n~ ::: ~~ (30) r.'tter Cninkite. 8 w.ll'I My Une? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. tD Pmwonl (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. fD @ ~inema Showcase (C) ''Bal· tie at Apache Pass." John Lund and Jeff Chandler star. iI[J Wondtfful Wor1d of Children (30) "Getting Ready for the Big Step." Mrs. Emma Jiminez ends the series with some guidelines to help prepare children for formal activi- ties in elementary school. I 00 Maybeny RfD (C) American Wut (C) Truth or Consequtncea (C) 7:30 R ~ (j) Tiie Wild, Wild Welt (Cj (60) James Weat and Artemus Gordon suspect that the appearance of a repertory company near the site of several stage holdups is more than coincidence. West's well- laid scheme to trap the holdup gana runs into a hitch, however, when beautiful Averi Trent becomes a passenger en tht stage West has rifled t.o Jure the robbers Into the open. Lana Wood guesb. (RMChed- uled from March 7) D m Hlgtl Chaparral (C) (60) "For the Love of Cartos." Victoria reopens Tucson's only school ancl befriends a troubled Mexican boy, but Is kidnapped by the boy's father. 8 EASTER STORY told with * PAINTINGS of FAMOUS AMERICAN ARTIST! U Enter Sptcial (C) (30) "We~ You There on That Easter Long Aao?" I\ film profect that was many TiiE ~ILY PILDT, TV WEEK, MARCH 29, 1969 years tn the makln1 feat.ures the 9:30 0 (i1) CI) CE) Tiie &una of WIQ paintings of American artist, Eyvlnd Sonnett (C) (30) "Chapter and Earle. urte WIS responsible for the Verse." Henry Jones auests as I original palntlnrs. the photography, Bible-quoting bounty hunter out to film edlti!lg and cutting of this un· take James "dead or aliVe." (R) usu. a~rtrayal of the first Easter. O News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Iii (l1J (J) aJ Tiiis la Tom Jones a;) festival en Madrid (?) (60) Jo Anne Worley, Judy Came, Millicent Martin and Anita 10:00 ~ @ @ m Star ~~H (C) (60) Hanis i uest. Spectre of the Gun... As punish· O Miiiion $ Movie: "The Bella of me~t for vfolatl~g a no trespass-sc.· Marfa" (drama) '46 _ Bing ln.t wamln1 '" space, Captain Croaby, ln&rid Bergman. Kirk. Mr. S~ck and O~. McCoy find I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) t~em~lves in the middle of , the Perrr Muon (60) h1stonc 1881 gunfight at the OK Clncitn dt II Raza (30) Corral. (R) El C111rto •ndamlento U m News (C) (60) 8:00 I The Westerners (30) u @ 00 m Judd for the 0.. Haztl (C) (30) tense (C) (60) "Punishments Cruel : Rainbow Quest (60) Pete See-and Unusual." Judd defends a for· ger's guests are Roscoe Holcomb mer alcoholic on a felony charge and Jean Redpath. Pete and Roscoe before a Judge with a drinking interchange banjo and guitar for problem. Jessica Tandy an.d James seven American folk songs. Jean Daly guest. (R) sings several songs from Scotland. O Marshal Dillon (30) @m lucecita (C) m The New Sound (C) (30) 8:30 tJ ~. 00 Comer Pyle (t) (30) mJ R&O Review (60) "Teleoperators Gome.r 1s ordered by Sgt. Carter to -Extensions of Man." Dr. Albert get rid of a rabbit he has rescued Hibbs and two guests demonstrate from a. forest fire, but Go!fler makes some of the types of remote-control the .mistake of giving him to Col. mechanlcaJ..arm\ !'it~ closed-circuit Grays young nephew, Danny. TV transmission, and explain the 0 fU@ m Name of the &ame jobs they do in dangerous places (e}. (60) "Witness." Gangster Ernie -.. Mariana · Con (Jack Carter) agrees to testi· ~ , ty in court that he saw Mafia 10:30 0 Movie: "Marty" (drama) '55- leader Victor Foss (Victor Jory) Ernest Borg-nine, Betsy Blair. commit murder, but a Mafia as-m News (C) (30) sass!n leaves. Dan Farrel without a;) Gente Sin Hlstoria a witness. With the help of pub· lisher Glenn Howard, Peggy Max· 11:00 tJ 0 0 a;) m CE) News (C) well and Crime Magazine researcher 0 Alfred Hitchcock Bea Decker (Ruth Roman), Farrell m Liars Club (C) sets out to locate the only other . , • . witness Jean Thorndyke (Joan m Movie: (C) 'Ton1gtlf1 the N1gt1r Hackett). (R) (comedy) 55-0avid Niven, Yvonne U Across the Seven Sees (C) (30) De Carlo. "A Twilight in Two Cities." @ 00@ 00 ~ 00 News (C) u @ 00 m &eneratlon Slap (C) m I SPEC:IAl I Martin Luther King (30) Dennis ~holey hosts. Mttnorlal (C) James Baldwin, Allen I Merv &rlffm (C) (90) Ginsburg, Robert Penn Warren and But the Odds (C) (30) Ralph Ellison read poetry and prose Noches Tapatiu in tribute to Dr. King. Films and 9:00 R ~(I) CBS Friday Movie: (C) paintings highlight the readings. •'fhe Sin&Jng Nun'' (musical) '66 Presented by the New York Museum -Debbie Reynolds, Ricardo Mon-of Modern Art and the Southern talban, Agnes Moorehead, Greer Christian Leadership Conference. Garson, Chad Everett, Ed Sullivan. 11:30 tJ Movie: (C) "The Steel Cliw" The ~eart-warming story of e youn.g (adventure) '~eorge Montgom· Belgian nun who comes to Saman· ery tan House to help the poor. While · there, she is persuaded to record 0 @ 00 m Tonight Show (C) an album of the delightful songs 0 Movie: (C) ''Shepherd of Ult she composed and finds she must Hilla" (drama) '41-John Wayne, choose between a muslcal career Betty Field. and the convent. (R) U @CV (El Joey Bishop (C) U SMOTHERS SMASHES m Donald O'Connor Show (C) * SOIREEI ADAMS ADDS 11:35 ~Cl) Frida, Show ACTION! JOAN BAEZ BUZZES! DON'T MISS! 12:15 0 Movie: "No TrHs in th• Str"t'' (drama) '58.-Sylvia Syms, Herbert 0 "~ After On (C) (60) Lom. Tommy Smothers. Don Adams, Lar· • m . ry Hankin, Joan Baez, The Avant 12.30 Action TI'eatre: "Blue, White Garde, David Hemmings and Gayle and Perfect. Hunnicutt guest. 1:00 OU News (C) 0 @ (V aJ ltfa Make a Deal 0 Movie: "federal Man" (mys- (C) (30) Monty Hall hosts. tery) 'SO-William Henry Pamela m Run for Your lift (C) (60) Blake · . ' EID Speculation (60) ''The Sexplol· · talion Syndrome." Los Angeles m from the Inside Out (C) Times entertainment editor Chartes 1:15 II Movie: "Tht Salon Charm" (ro- Cttamplln joins Dr. Keith Berwick mance) '48--Susan Hayward, Robert end 1uthor Henry Sutton ("The Montgomery. Voyeur" and "The Exhibitionist") . . for a discussion on sex in the novel 1.30 0 m n Sun1tt Strip and other communications media. 2:30 m All·Nigtlt Show: "Station West" a;) E.stelares Madero and "The Great Lie." 9 n d I :0 I) I· S· n d 1e K t- el r· :e I tS "S rt :e >I it 1e s. ,, ·n d ;e d s. 11 ·n l · !!, ,, rt :e ;. la >-rt ,. MORNING I Sultlnas l&ran Teltro • 10:00 ' (j) TIM Aldlle Show (C) • Feature @ 0) Ml'Mf to U.. Cea· 12:30 9 ~ny Qaelt (C) ter Ille Eartlt (C) @ al Happealn1 (C) Q Movie: (C) "Dallas" (western) EvaM· Kl Report (C) 'SO-Gary Cooper, Ruth Roman. Bltlt Ribbon n.tn: "Golden EE Plttem fOf Uvtn1 Gloves Story." &ri) Lu Estr.U.s J Usted 1:00 ! fa (I) Moby Didi (C) 10:15 O Movie: "Buy Mt Tlltt Town" • Doiibll Fettwe: ''The Three 7:00 Mr. Wilhbont (C) (comedy) '41-Lloyd Nolan. usketeers" and "Port of New 7:25 &lvt Us Tllii Day (C) 10:3011 ; B1t•111/Supen11n (C) York." 7:30 Sunri .. Semester (C) . 6 m Underdoa (C) D Movie: (C) "Away All Botts" Campus Profile 1 0) Ftntaltic Four (C) (drama) 'SS-Jeff Chandler. Makin& the Most of Maturity iblt Answers fJ @ @ Sports Sptdal (C) 7:45 Sacred Hart (C) • Cintlindia Greensboro Open Golf. 1:00 I ~ &o.Co Goptlers (C) 11:00 D ta @m Storyt>off Squares m Movit,: "TIM Man lttwten" (Id· 6 a;, Super 6 (C) (Cj Host Peter Marshall welcomes venture) 54-James MalOn. m Casper (C) Colonel Hogan (Bob Crane), Mr. I Marlana bott & Costello Cartoons (C) Magoo (Jim Backus). Charley Weav· • • Arllled Forces Hla'll&Ms (C) Tales of Wells Fareo er (Cliff Arquette), The Mid Hatter 1.30 ~(I) llle lone Ranttr (C) Saturd.ty Tlteatre: "Man-Eater of (Henry Gibson), Queen Isabella • Ste tie. ~ (C) the Kumaon," "Voodoo Island." (Nanette Fabray) Christopher Co· · MlfY Griffin (C) 8:30 6 9 Ci) Bup Bunny/R~ Run-lumbus (Wally Cox), Red Riding 2:00 T1lt New Sodlty (C) "Is the n• HOur (C) Hood (Abby Dalton), Hansel and Nuclear Prollferatlon Treaty In t~ 19 @ ~Top Cat (C) Gretel (Paul Winchell and Tessie Best lnt~rest of ~he United states?', campus Dtpst Mahoney) and Annie Oakley (Rose IJ Movtt: (C) Mtn Wltll Wlnp' £rn (]) a) Sulllvtr (C) Mari~. ' (drama) '38-Fred MacMurray. MOvle: (C) ''Th• Boy ind th• D 1 CI) m Store• of the Jun-e Marshal Dillon Pirates" (adventure) '60--tharles le ( m Coronet TllNtre: "The Iron Herbert. Susan Gordon. fg Award Tlltttre: "Alimony." Sheriff." I =I~ IOIEX (C) 11:301!~ The Herculoids (C) 2:30 I ;1~ ~~ Golf Classic (C) 9:00 fD @ m Alntstones (C) • 6 a;, Untamtd World (C) • B1ttlt Cry Movie: "Bad11t1n'1 Sold" (west· (!) Amerlan Bandstlnd • Queat for Adventure (C) ern) '51-Johnny Carpenter. ~~=.~&~"Jesse James" (west-3:00 . Publlc StrY!ct JC) "Make No @ (3) a) Spider Man (C) ern) •39 _Tyrone Power Mistake Abo~t !t. An Internal Jack la unne (C) • Revenue Service film. SATURDAY APRIL 5 • Esbldio de Pedro V1r111 Muferes Sin A11or Slpbrush Thettre I Colle&• T tnnls (C) 9:30 I~ Wacly Races (C) Sliver Wlnp (C) • 6 a;, Banana Splits (C) 12:0019 (j) Shamn! (C) 3:30 Tlle Elrlf Show: ''Without Ru- a) fantastic Voyaee(C) · Future ervltions" (romance) '46-Claudette AM Theatre: "Cyclotrode X" and Movie: ''The Mad Doctor" (hor· Colbert, John Wayne. "The Ni1ht the World Exploded." ror) '41 -Basil Rathbone. D @ (]) m Pro lowltf's Tour ID Celof lHltre (C) "Fresh From Paris.." ID Mwtmro lft Ce6er (C) 4:0011rM4 Prix 5 (C) W Trallt (C) • ~ of ,,.,. ... (C) 4:30 D SANTA ANITA RACE OF * THE WEEK-$125,000 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO D s.ta Alllta RMI (C) The San Juan Capistrano is an il\Yltatlons ,$12~~ ... (C) o.ttr Ul9b Acaet .. ActiN (C) 5:00 "'P a.cl ... (C) Qa i, 1owtm1 (C) aurtf AIC"a Wide World I Tltt MoMJlftlbra (C) Zoerau (C) lnnov•.tl! (R) Flltllel tr lronc. 5:30 IJ Ralpll Story (C) (R) D IT'S ACADEMIC-Exciting, * fast-paced High School quiz show. Tonight: Roll· ing Hills, James Monroe and Mira Costa compete. D Ifs Acadelalc (C) Rolllni Hiiis, James Monroe ind Mira Costa high schools compete. 1J Celebrity lllll1rda (C) D AIJ.Alntrlan Coll• Show (C) Dean Martin, Glenn rord and Lee Grant Judge the finals. _ I M111 Fro111 UNCLE (C) Mcffalt's Navy News In PlnptctM (C) (R) TV !PORT! HllJH!llJHT! • • • • • • • • • • NEW EXCLUSIVE SUNDAY, MARCH 30 10:00 AM 1J GI (I) NHL Hockey (C) Montreal Canedlens vs. Boston Bruins at SOston. 11:00 I !(f) NBA BnketMll (C) Finals. l :00 filitlon.I Ahtl.,.. Golf Tournament (C) Coverage of fl Ml rou of the $200,000 tournament for pros. live from the Country Club of Miami's west course, a par 72. 6.927-yard IMOUt-U Ancel• Baseball (C) Calif. Angels vs. S.O. Padres. MONDAY, MARCH 31 8:00 II NBA Western Dtvfslon Playoffs (C) LA. Lakers vs. San f"ianclsco Warriors. TUESDAY, APRIL l 5:00 m Ood1ers Bneblll (C) LA. Dodgers vs. Houston Astros In pre-season game. Vin Scully end Jerry Doggett call the action . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 8.1>5 II NBA Western Dlvl9k»n f'tfyoffs (C). LA. Lakers vs. S.F • Warriors. Chick Heam reports. THURSDAY, APRIL a 8:30 8 Boxh1C (C) Tom Harmon and Mickey Davies .,. rln&alde. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 1:00 B Sports Spedal (C) The tenth annual Greensboro Open Golf 10umament. with a $160,000 purse, provides the rugged Sedreld Country Club turf for top golf pros. 2:30 I Cl) CBS Goff Clnaic (C) Quarter-finals match. 3:00 ~· Tennlt (C) USC vs. UCLA at the LA. Tennis Club • 3:30 @ Cl) Pro Bowtera' Tour (C) Th• $100,000 Firestone Tour· Mment of Champion&. Lex ISartwr hostt. 4:30 B lanta Anita Rac9 CC) Th• $125.000 1nvttatlorwl San Juan Ciplstrano clnslc. llmrted to four-year-olds and up, at t •A ml . 5:00 I; ~ ABC• Wide World of Sports (C) &:00 71541 Wloe-Outl (C) Bill Bum.id films surf action on the a waves in Australia, Hawaii, South Africa, the Caribbean and the West Cont. RACK-EM-MATI~ -fits all ball return tables-Automatically racks balls foster-SOves wear & tear on bed doth • Only $22.50. You won't betlfte It tfl you ... ltl • MUMIWIQ[ . ;:::.• : SHS • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • ..... 15 . ''BEST BUY'' 5 Piece Stereo System -Save $69''1 FISHER -AR-4X's -GARRARD EMPIRE e F·ISHER 160· T ,.._ ,," .,, ..,lckt ... 40 .... FM·Stereo lec.lftr. Femres Ml· u.clrultry •d FW4 lff.ct tr"M'1?0rs. Stereo INCH a.tolMllicalty ...,cllet t• PM .,. MOH. T•....,O·Metk hl•I-. aelects '"' f..,lte FM at8ffo• et "-p•lll of o IMlttH. hicl•dot COM omd wolnt pafftt. Sella ..,_...,, fw S1".95 •Empire IS" S t e r • o urtrldge Seri" 808 mekea your recorch come elin! • Garrard Mk II New 1969 model of this femous eutometic turnteble with deluH welnut end ebony bese. S~•AKER FEATUR· ING AR't ..AMOUS ACOUSTIC SUS~UISION DESIGN ALL 5 PIECES for ONLY 531946 ! 15 0 N Y of the W E E K ! s ·-, : , "-°" r:·. • I . .· ::J 50 EASY TERMS THE SONY SOLID STATE 250-A FOUR TRACK STEREO TAPE DECK RECORDER Connect the 250-A to your present stereo system and tape music directly off the air . . . make greatly im- proved copies of your favorite records . . . accumulate an incomparable stereo tape library. Neatly mounted in its walnut finish base, the Sony 250-A is a most beautiful compliment to your sound system. WE DISCOUNT ALL RECORD·s & TAPES! 8-TRACK CAR TAPES • STEREO TArES • R-·R PRE-RECORDED 4 TRACKS atlantic 111usic 445 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa factory direct prices! OPEN NITES & SUNDAYS sundays '12-5 safurdays 9-6 da ily 12-9 p.m. closed wednesdays