HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-31 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' • ·-. . • ; • . Costa Mesa Co·uple ·Helf!;· . ' ·-.. .._ . . - _40 Sex Filnt Heels· Seised ·MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH .J I, :1969 VOL. 61. MO. 71, I llCTK>fllS, U ,A.IS • .a s 0 e -Mass Marijuana Net 20 Laguna Raids Arrests ... • •• • • 1 , • : ' l 1 ' ' UPr'T ........ PRESIDENT PLACES WREATH -AT. EISEf'IHOWER 'BIER Oufslde. the C•pitol, A. Six-Block Line .of• MourMrs ' . . ,. r , ' Farewell to Eisenhower: ' 'Good, Gentle, Kind Man By LOUIS CASSE!S WASllINGTON !UPI) -It wai lhe day fOr saying ' farewell to the "good and genUe and kind man" called Ike. The ! u n e r a I of Dwight David Eisenhower, most universally liked Ametican president of this century, was in teeping with his own wish 1cfr" a simple• religiouJ service expressing con. fident faith in the everlasting tnercy of God. The ritual caned for no · eulogy, no mlllary pageantry, no worldly pomp. But • the congregation assembled in Wubingtcm National Cathedral bore witness to Eisenhower's Ulusttious place ln blstory as the gtoeral Wbo led the aWei to victory in World War II and as the peace-loving president who telUeCI the Korean confHct, to do right and to do well .•. a man of deep faith who believed in God and trusted ·tn his will .•. a man who truly loved his country and for whom words like freedom and democracy were not cllches but living truths .•• "ffe. m.ade Americans proud 'of thtlir president; proOO of their country, proud of. themselves." Mrs. Eisenhower,. whose public ordeal will continue through the burial at Abilene, Kan., Wedn~, wu esc(lrted through the funeral riteJ by her \son John -NiJ:on'1 newly .. ppointed U.S. ambassador to Belgium -and other members of the family. . At one Point, u Nh:on ·referred to Eisenhower• as one of hiJtory's few aulhentic' heroes, John looked down (See FVNDAL, Pqc I) ])~g~!. 'Jdint~: (18 Inches) Seized in Bust The logistics of weekend drugs arrests and seizures in Lag\qll!l Beach were !onnidable, As dawn broke Modiay, police had netted 20 different ~ ·far varying charges and claimed they seized more than 13 pounds of lllarijuana valued at $8,000 in one raid alone. The big marijuana Jiaul included what may have been the w:_orid's biggest mari4 juana "bomber". LllUD'l Beach police at least bad never seen anything like it. The king-sized roach, burned at one end, was approximately 1& inches long and four inches ·in diameter at its thickest point. Wrapped .in a newspaper, Jt w.u part ol the 13 pounds police said they seized at 436 Canyon Acres Drive. Amsted at that address were John Danny Mathews, 21; James Justice Legg Jr., 22: Stephen Robert Hili, 20: and WiWam Edward Marshall, l&, all of the canyon Acres Drive address. The !our were arrested by Sgt. Norm Babcock and Officer Neil Purcell about midnight Sunday. _ . - pl~~::~:: ~:tu':: after Mathews assertedly phoned police and asked to talk with detectives. He said oft1cen moved in after overbearing Mathew• plloning friends about the mari4 juana "and other goodies". Three other men were arrested at a sepai-ate location as part of the same investlgadon, McMurray said, after police slopped their car. The three, a18o booked on surpiclon of marlju.ol>a .,....moo with lnlent to sell, were ~ as Rodney Pat (See DRliG RAIDS, Pqe I) -· J1 I f I._.,] ' ' ' .. • Efee~nles ·~nfu"Y' ·--·· · • I I , I.· · .. '-Mesa Couple,..'."" Mesan Held on Sex Rap Held in S81e Linked In S"lain Youth Of Sex Movies By ARmUR R. VINSEL Of tlle DAHr Pli.t Sl1ff An electrorllcs wiza'rd quesUoned in the Costa Mesa police slaying of a 14-- year>()ld boy bbrglar is in jail •today, charged with receiving stolen property and morals offenses against adolescent boys. · The suspect was arrested on the vice charges Thursday when be showed up at Heinz Kaiser Intennedlate School near his home while police , were present, detectives disclosed-today. Stephen D. Sampson, 26, of 237'9 Santa Ana Ave .. was taken into custody by Sgt. George Lorton and Detective Gerry Thompson on suspicion of molesting a J2-year-0ld boy. The electronics plant shop supervisor had been quleUy arrested earller,.durlng a probe of the March 15 shooting death of Stephen Stubblefield, 14, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heights. . Detective Capt. Ed ·Glasgow siiid sfunps0n was Jn posses.sion of a slide project.or stolen from the Orange Countf Fairgrounds last June d u r in g a psychedelic light show event. SHM WlDLE FLEEING He said Investigators at this point believe Stubblefield, whose fatal w~ ding by poU'e as he ned a Costa Mesa camera store burglary was ruled justifiable homicide on I y Friday, was the fairgrounds burglar. Capt. Glasiow said Sampson -idollied by youngalerl due tb bls electrical and mechanJcal knowliiage -was out on bail awaiting hls April 3 prtlimJnary bearing on the stolen property charge. Reconll at Harbor Dlltrlct Judicial Court showed today that a $381000 ball figure was refused follow1ng Saml*Jfl'I implication in child molest a n d perversion, with arraignment due Tues- day. He is held at Orange County Jail, pending disposiUon of the case, or agree- ment by the court to allow his release on bail if he can post the Iar1e bond. . Capt. Glasgow said today that at leut two Heinz Kal5er Intermediate School students' stories, one 12 and the other 13, led to Sampson's latest arrest. Mrs. Helen Ellis, rnother of the 11laln · boy burglar, told newsmen after; Stephen was killed by a bullet through the chest, that she believed her son had an ad,Lllt accomplice in the fatal burglary. LATEST ASPECT A C01ta Mesa couple face a court appearance Tuesday, following their ar· rest alter allegedly agreeln& to ..U an ' . undercover lawman 40 spicy movJe reelJ fa< II,200, police disclosed today. Dougl" A. ~ayne, 39, ·and hlJ wffe Marcia, 37, of 228 Knox Place; were bociked on SUSpicion of sale of obsctne films · and released on theJr own recognizance, promising to appear ~ schedule. Police Sgt. Jack Calnon, of the vice and intelligence detail said the Paynes were amsted in their borne afier $350, the agreed price ot JO reeb, chanpd bands. . . Patiolman Norm Kutch was waltJna outside and entertd at a signal frotn the unidentified District Attorney's ln- vesUgator, who had been introduced to . the Paynes by a go-between, police u1d. Investigators said 10 reelll of fibn were confiscated and a total · of ft JOG in official fonds te1rleved1 frem the fleor , of,.tpe Payae··home-after the arrats•. Tliursday. . , , Capt. Gl8.!gow today dlsc;ounted the · possibility _U)at Sampson mt~ have ~n , the alleged mystety accomPJlce believed to have ned Corrigan'• Cameru 500 · Sgt.. Ca1qon nid the alleged deal called ' , ' r for a late.r dell'very of It more reela: W. 19th-St., Jea~ng Stub~lefleld to ~ 1 of! g J11m nim, a~Uy .~ five fate. . ' reels each 8?DOl}g eJght diffe'teaftrues "Of course we can't release any\hin~ The'·alle@:ed.ly -obScent.fllms ~Ced about hla .statements in~ ~ .casu, Included these vague and, ~v Capt. Glasgow pointed out, explaining tiUes ;. ''Candf • Bar•< "Bair ~ that Utls aspect m~ -be .developed in . "Twisled ''•~7A:2o 11 · .. ~11 and "otberi furure court' atclon., , ... J • ' • Af"6• • "It iluii'rt to be an 1n1erest1ng fr!~.· · he commented. . Orange Coan Prtsidents, prime ministers and kings came to join President Nl:ron, former Pmfdenl L,,-B. Johm<m and other U.S. lead~rs . In~ payl~4·11Mf., ~· to - Elaerihowe.r, ·who did f'.tida1 at .the age of 78. ~fnco.paJ>'k: Qf .Haw!.-; .. ~ .. 1 ·r • I -· . . , . '. -... _ ~ . •---,- Frlerlds aild associates of the Stub- blE!Cield youth were que!tioned in de.R.lh after the Heinz Kaiser school ninth grader was shot and 1tlDed fleelni tbe j •• :. •. -• . ~ • ' • • llllf>r' beinl borne to the Episcopal catheiiral !or the hall4lour Protes\ant fUnei'll service, Eisenhower'• body. had rtpaied in state for nearly 2f hours in the rotunda of the U.S. C.pltol. ., ·Presideµt . E·ulogizes Ike GOOD, GENTLE MAN By MERRIMAN SMITH at Walter Reed Hospital) that wu whal °Ibtft, last SundQ aflttn00n, President UPI W'9le 8leM Reperter he talked aboul He was puizled by Nixon euloglled him u 1 "good and WASIUN(iTON -Al Prald«ll Nll<on the hatred he bad ."'!"' In oor llmu, gentle and kind man" who bated no • aald In hil i!iov1o( euloa 111 lhe hushed Nd he said the thlll( the -Id needs one and wu hated ~ no one. (See Capitol rotunda SUnday 1af\.em0on, 1eime ·rtbt today is undentmdinc and an lull Int of Pmldenl'• rtmaru, Pap o1 Qw1abt l>. Elttpilto•<r'a laal lhoughta obllllJ to ,.. the other .,.,_., polnl 19). .,... ol mnedla for the 111111 divilion{ ,.i vn and oot to h!te him because "He·personified the best In America," of our time. ,bl dlsagreel. 11aid Nixon, who wved under Eiaenbowtt ht a vokt that crecked occulonally _!''Ibat wu Dwight Eisenhower." as v1C< president from t9l3 to '11111.' with · Olootion, •NI.on aald of the man ~ Perhapo NlJon rellec1"d the opltlt ol .. It was th! character of the man, not whom be 1tned !or el&ht )'earl u the tbousand9 who lined .majeltically what he odid bl.it wbat he wu, lhal vice Jft!ldtnt: broad Constitution Avenue to watch ln so captured the trust and aftectlon of "H• wu genuloely puuJed by• frtnq 11ilence, a few in tears, u a black. hi1 own people and the people of the and by hate becaUle he wu incapable hone-drawn cat s s on c a r r I e d world. . • of It himself. He could never quite Ufto Eisenhower's body from Wublngton Na4 ••Ht was a -product of America's toil derttand tt in othtn. tional Clthedral to lie in state through and of Jta idtala1 driven by a compulsk>n •unit last time I saw him (last week lhe nigh{ in the cavernous rotunda. l' --------~~~.L.-----~--..... .: :--,__ · .. , ___ _ French President Charles de Gaulle made l115 appearance Sunday and saluted his old commandfr. A ~pie knelt in prayer. Vtaltlng lludenta lhuflled ln the line outside, and shivered in the unsusooable cold._ Tbe mighty of the world and A..,erlcau of every ~ ·P.Bid lribute throogh the nlghl and cS<r to E!,.nhower at his nag-draped casket. There was no official esUmale on the number of villtor1 fUing somberly throt.l&h the hush of the bJ1toric room, but reporter• mltde a rough. guep that during the flrlt 15 houri._ there had hetn (See EULOGY, .rqo I) can,iera shop bUlllar)'. , Whoever broke in by dfilllng Md s_.w4 • in• a roofto~ ·enUv and '""~•!ll I . "lm , I t ·a.y .ei!r:1oii!li'iiill4rM · •"!!~• '·~~ . ·"'~'"Iii ' <~' . th .l, pr CIY"-• .,. ' -· ' < .. • • • • • • ' ;/. bur ,teclJl!q! .,,,,, ,; 'l.'""'··j · : Y Slubbt'efleld W:u aeen110 ·~ ' up u;e,·,rope 'and n..i a""'"1'adjllenl . rooftl>!"·leaplng to the ground'and·'"ak· Ing th~ ' I ·dtOIAA·of hls-llfeyPte ,....,.o ""''ce' •lhe "'"* arfivo.!. •· r · · I ~ µB ·.. . ' ™ y..-~""" e~·""'11· . lif~ with a complex. per10Dallty in wblfb right and wrong were -Jnterrirtned ac-. cording to hlJ mother and frl<nds -· ignored five commands \o halt u he ran. The black-clad, 1Jovf:4wearln1 yoolh made lt more than 200 yards c1mln1 a sketcbtd blueprint of the burglaJ'J' site ln hJI pocket, beforo ont, ~ two amoili nine pollco bullell •lll!Cil' him. '·-~--' !l:ll .~ .<)oody. l>Ut ~'3Cla,y . lwith· ~~ WnJJ'tature alterJ· . . d-·.,;·IM;"IU!f .a.ftriu.s to lake . ... '°"""'""'"t"--'"tbil ~ • ' :-t'I-~~ .~ ~Y'....-: Coas1( I ,., .. 1 '" . .• • ' " ' ' INSm E TODAY t .;-L.t'k ~· Gt,OTUf1 Wcuhir&gton, ' Qioioh1"D.' 00eMbwr JOO.I ''fir1t ln . ~r, , Ji~~ . f• 1 Pfaae mt(J , .fir1t _ ln .i>tt'l heartl'·of his ' covntry-· mflt..., Prtiident Nl.mn'1 t1'loW is given m full on Page JI. .. • ,,.,, • .. • • .. " " .. • J IMl.Y I'll.OT S -.,, -JI, 1"9 . Tri-county Group · Studies SA Riv;er Pollution al the dt7'• -.it wtl! nmlhl - J LJtnlnated far at least two months. Count)' healtb olllcen have «dered a IWbmnloi bu Inn Ibo r!vtt jetty eut In Newport Pitt untll Ibo poUutloo cttmm1+. Allo quarantined are nt.n all _......, Stale Beacb Pitt - al the Jtlt1. The -flow -boll! raw and un-tod -II beb!g dumped Into the river at the nit cl. KWDe 50 rn1lllOn ~ dilly by nlnt agencies, incfudln( the dtla al COiton, San Bernardino, Jladl•ZM!s, Ontario and Chino. • 'Ille city al Riverside alJo contributed 9 m1lllon pDom daily until • sewer trunk line, smashed by floodwalen, was Bal .. Wf'ek a Busf. Where Di.d AU the S~nts Go?. I)' J0BN VALTl:Q.I. I ' .. -..--.......... BaJWlllt ... btJmm. The once traditional bacchanale which In yun pell hit the Newport 1'each area each Euler week vacaUon la no men, lf this weekend wu any Indication. Despite heavy beach attendance and crowded waterways, the thousands of noisy, celebrating ltodents must have gone ebewbere again this year. Newport police, who are on their tradi· tional lland-by alert for the holiday period, described the rdaUv•ly quiet weekend u a death lllP far Bal Week. eurr,... amm, which In pell years totaled in the hundreds, numbered less than a dozen this weekend. Lut year nearly to were recorded. 'ITlflc et&"" ... I adf J ..... daw1l tblil Rl'Al1 lllD. wllll' I bllll GI 11 -a • 11 -Illa \1IO<!q ~od. No niAJ« lnjurlelw•rt ~{>orlei!. Pollution on parta of .Newport'• beaches did Ml MID to deter beach vlslton, however. Lifeguards reported about 65,000 penons on the beaches during the two days. Only a few routine rescues were reported. Whett: have all the n:velen: gone? Police .say the desert and snowy moun-1 tain areu are the "in" plact:S this year. The Colorado River's vast upanse of unpatrolled waterfront aru. ii particularly attracUve to the students, police aay. u Bal w .. t b indeed dead, Newport residents will have to wait sit: more days before the' obituary can be written. 21 Easte~:Week Revelers ~ailed on Narco Charges . Abed 37,000 IUDWonblp<n numod to Huntinlton Beach's waterfront oa the first weekend ol Easter vacation -and 21 of them wOlUld up in city jail on nareotica dw'ges. Vince Moordlouse, director or the city Harbors and ll<oches Departmmt, lald the weekend crowd showed a slight in- crease Uris year -th.mks to better El.st.r Week wuther. . Sgt. Robert RJnebart, lluntlncton Beach detective, aaid the nareotlcs ar- rest& for Euter vacatioo lhowed a large increase over Jut year. Huntlngtoo police arrested IC adults l.nd seven juvenllea on 1uspicloa, or pD''Wion of. narcotica:. Rlnehlrt uid molt ol the arrests were for marijuana Ind the majority wtre made on the beach. No large ''party"- 81Teds were made, be added. On normal weekends HlBltinglnn Beacli averages abcKJt five to tl&ht narcotlCI -· Police ._ :Ml wapect<d nll<Ollcs men and large qm.ntit1t:s of marijuana in what they labeled a 0 bui1dup" for the Ealler vacaliat flood d beachcatr1. Coptaln Harold Mays aaid other than the large number of narcoUcs anest.t, the polke deper1meot badn~ y.t run Into any opecial problems ao Euter Wffk opens up. "Tn1lllc and parking art alway1 pr .. blems during a vacation," l&kl 11.iys, .. but nothin1 we aren't prepered for." Extra patrol!; art in duty It the city beach and the police helicopter, H.B. Eye, makes occaaiooal pasees over the area, II.id Mays. Moo..tiouJe reported city lilegull"l!s made 47 retCUes of individuals and five boat racuee, but no leTlous milhapa. He credited late winter condltiona with keeptnc the belch. crowd.II below lllIMler proportjorw. "A lot d. tbe youngllter1 on v11eltion can still go skilnc in the • DAILY PILOT ....,... ................ .... ------~· .... QIW!tO. CO.VT l'UtlllMIHG COW>AJCY 11•"'9 M. W..4 ,.,........ ............ Jtt\ L c.1., va..,.-.. ... ._ .. ~­ n.-., hnU ·-n. ..... A. Mwrtllbte _, ... P•1tl Nlu11t "tl:t."' -c....-., ..... a.r ..... """"'" lttMllt nu '*'"' .. ._.. .,_....,. L•.,,..._,.:tn~•- "-'•'• IMdl; -..... • mountaJm: and enjoy dher winter . aportl," said Moorehouse. Al for beach buardl dming this vaca- tic:n, Moorehouse 'fJ"amed tblt winter condftkms Still prevail, making the ocean floor choppy, rather than firm u in the summer. "A lot al people are juot plain out of condition when. they first come to the beach, .. be added. , Asked whether or mt the beach crowds Will increaae chain& the w e e k , Moorehouse said, "You ju.st can't predict ~ Che kidJ wW go." .Three Lose Lives In Weekend Road Crashes in County; Thne peraom IOll their lives In Oringe County trallla accldenll Sundly al· ternoon and early tbll morning. '!be dead are: Rolemary Monno, 19, of 313 w. Valen- cia Drive, Fullerton. A 27"")'ear-old U.S. Navy man whose name is bdng withheld pending 'notlflca- JHI Couty Thlllc 1111 " Dnlll Toll 31 tion ol neJt of tin. He WIS 1taUoned an the USS Benn1J1i1on In Long Buch. John Sontallln, 42, al 10041 Bony Ave., Anaheim. Miu Moreno and the Navy man were killed about 2 1.m. today when the car which abe wu driving struck a parked moving van in the 800 block of S. Harbor Boulevard, Fullerton. Both we.re dead on arrival 1t Anaheim Memorial Horpltal. 1be sailor wu a pusengtr in bet car. Santellan wu tilltd ln . a two car cralh at Beach Boulevard and Chapman Avenue in Stan!oo late S\{nday afternoon. H• died or Internal lnjur!" al lbe Orange County llftd!<al Ceot1r. F""' Page I DRUG RAID .•. f -· 2S al 1321 W~ St., Costa M•; Ronald Vic Salaltan, IO of Bnd· !Jut1; and Mlchtel 1tena McMullen, 20, al Mil JOllUIO St., Calla Meu. McMurny sold petnJ!men found a ltllo pectap (U poundJ) In tho glove com· par1IDelJI al the tuspecta' car which -otopped In tho 400 block al NOl'lb ~ llllbw•Y Sunday nllht· l'l>llce otopped Ibo lrla, McMurrsy sald, olltt Ibey wert ...., leaving lhe C&J\YOll A<:ts Drive nialdence. Battleship New Jersey To Leave Viet Tuesday SAIGON (UPI) -The baWeahip N,... Jmey llnbhed It. lllMTIOlllb Vltlnlm duty tod•y by ban\ban!ln1 Cammunlll tarcell IOUlb of lhe dernllitarited ...... The &hip, whidl leavb Tuu:l~ for he llnlled Stal<I, II baaed In 1"n& l!escb. The New Jertey, the world's only l('o tlve: baltle1blp. wu recMftmlnlontd Jut year 1t a cost of QI mllUon and bu bluttd the Nort.b vteln•rntse cout with htt Jf.lnch guns. They can Jtrlke tar1et1 23 miles 1w1y • r<eenUy ttpelrod. Heallb aulbarlU,. traeed the ..,.._ of the addllkml .... Dow alter check- ing the rjver water'• coliform CWDL Bmnan, .. -.. -board hx:luclta reprnmtatlon from tbt COUDUel d()ranp,San DtrnardlnaandlUvtnide, admUtod at an ~ _.,IUM ~ In Sacramenlo Tbunday that the . f!Ver needed bJ&her contamlnaljon ltandan!I. He ezpla!ned that the rulOn It doH not have lbtm now II that the river bu nat yd -dalPled a rec:ruUonal lllet. He aald It b likely U..t the Wiler Quality Control Boan! would soon make such • designation. •t !"'1 the board will MJt - commeMUrate with recreational UJt." he aald. The April 13 bearing In Newport .......... bly would he aimed II devdop- lnr teotimolly juJtlfyJn& Ibo - Once lower colilClml --ara established, u-agendeo would be prdtibited from dUD>pioc -.;. Into the river il the effluent n!let the nter'1 tolUonn count above tbe new level. 'Ille r.v1sec1 -could ,_ the agenci,. to build new lraatmenl plants. Newport Councilman Pllll J. Gruber ,,.......i for the wale!' quality adJan u SOOD U possible, He uplained that whal bad been tboltgbt In be a temporary problem -the Jllvmkle .... line _break -baa become a long-term one. "We're now laced with lbe 1pplllln& pc:aspect of an open sewer line borderiQg our dty bouodaries," he said. Newport City -~ George Da .,. polnled out that 40 peroent al Ncwporl'1 OC01D beachlront II lll>oted by the quarantine. "The beach ii now marred ·by lZO aigns and --1ni the quarantine. It II petrolled ca>1tantly by city lil•g\lalda, bolb .., vthlcle and by boat equipped wltb pil>l!e addr<N -· to t .. p people out d the water," be said. "Even the offshore w1te:r aii area 11 no loqa' suitable for UM. .. I! the contamlnltian cuitlnuel !hrOU&'h the summer, he uUmatfJd a Jou in beach rtntals al at l...t P rnllllon. "Tbe Mdttlonll re\'l:DUI lolt t ct rtllauranll, llllinl staU-, lllblq tacl!le lbopl, Milnl abopl, cloUllni ""'-may be beyond calculltloo." lit 1&id a summer quarantine would meu u miUlo• to I million ~ vllHcn would have to So tlawbttt, .. ..,....vatiq lb• problam al - overbardtPed beacbll.'' '"!be flCOOOmic impact on tbe city ot New-Port Beach, while not reckoned in detail, would be undoubtedly uvere." From Page 1 EULOGY •• ~ mort than 20,00J vlliton. Perhaps the most distinctive thine 1bout the crowd was the many YOWll people -young couples holdln& their children aloft for a flrst.ferlOR view of a historic moment; a IUl'pl'ilin11J large number oI young men and women of student age ; girls In mod ponchoa, and boys whose long hair Eisenhower found hard to understand. 'lbere were no p:olell tJim, no out• cries or dl!J)lays -just blOck a.nu block oI grave-faced people looking at a sad, yet stirring ritual of farewell to a national hero many of the younger people knew only from their hiatory, bookJ. For Ni100, the emotionally d{alning afternoon was only the beginnin&. TQ&y there was a meeting with De Gaulle,· then the highly ceremonial hmeral services during the afternoon. POINT SERVICES The U.S. Military Academy at West Point today a<heduled opecial IOI'\'!..., in remembrance of the man wbo toot hiJ nm oath to serve hb country there 1n the IUDUDtr of 1915. DAILY .-1LOT "'919 .,_ llldft ... .., ACTOR STEWART (CENTER!, LT. GOV. REINECKE (RIGHT! SALUTE AS COLORS POSTED In Anaheim, A Fiv•Star Tribute to the Late Dwight David EJHnhower Then Wednesday, alter E1lenbower II burled in Abilene, Kan., a heavy cannon at the Point will fire the union salute, 50 comecutive shots, one every five seconds to stand for each atate in the union. After seeing Eisenhower'• remains and the family off to K11111U aboard the f\meral train, there will be a 7 p.m. reception by Nixon Ind bia wife at the White House for a bolt o( fonlgn d.lgnltarie!!I assembled here fer the rita. Orange County Pays Tribu'te To Eisenhower More than 5,600 per.IODS attended an Orange County tribute 'to O.ight David E~wer 1t the Anaheim Convention Center Sund1y afternoon. 1be memorial program was organized by the Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge, Pa., which Eisenhower founded along with Dr. Kenneth D. Wells who attended Sunday's ceremonies. Tributes by Hollwood personalities Jimmy Stewart, Don De:Fore, Pat O'Brien, Rosallnd Russell, Greer Garson and Art Linkletter where included in the hour-Ion& memorial. Said Jimmy Durante: "We all loved Ike. He wu my friend. He wu your friend. He wu everybody's friend. We sure mls1 him." Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke said : "We con- alder General Eisenhower our favorite sOn, 1 son just lost, 1 aon long to be remembered." Performances by local bands and choral groups and 1n all-Rl'Vlce color guard carrying the flags ol the 50 stiles saluted the late President. Major Ben Wilson, the Anny's most decorated soldier in the Korean War and the first serviceman to receive a Medal of Honor from Eisenhower during his presidency, l"as introduced to the audience. Repttsenling the military wert Lt. Gen. J. J. Carlton, commander, 15th Air Force, Macrh Field; Maj. Gen. William G. Thrash, command~r. Marine Corps Air StaUon, El Toro; Rear Adm. Henry G. Bird, commander, Navy Mine FOl"Cf:s, Pacific; Brig. Gen. 'Ibomas K. Tumaa:e, adjutant a:eneral, callfomia Na- tional Guard, and three chaplains,. Cot Ray Matthe.tOD, 1Sth Air Force; Lt. Col. James Fiser, Fort MacArt,hur1 and Navy Lt. Mu Dunlcs, LOiii Beach. * * * Here's Schedule Of Ike Funeral WASHINGTON (AP) -This Is l'the day-by-day program of honors to be paid fonnu Prttldent Dwight D. Eisenhower: The body lies in stile in the Capilol rotunda. l p.m. -CUket will Ix carried to the hear1e far return to Wuhiniton National Cathedral. I :30 -Arrival etrtmOny 1t cathtdr1l'1 NOl'lb 'I>a""pl, followed by Episcopal funertl atrvlce In cathedral attt:nded by 1,107 persons. 1 p.m. -Caaktl placed ln lltarse for trip to Union Station. 3 p.m. -Approximate Umt traln deplrll Union Station foe Ablitne, Kan. ~., t p.m. -Approlimate arrival of train In Abtltne. Wtdffl4q t :SI a.m. -Cuktt ls moved from train to hearH. 7:50 a.m. -Funeral serviets on steps of Eisenhower library. From Page I FUNERAL ... solicitously at his mother, who called her husband her whole life. He found her Jett band, tucked under bis right elbow, and patted it twice. But 11he took no heed, continuing to at.are' straight ahead at the casket. Not since lhe 11183 funeral al John Kennedy had so many world leaders as sembled in Washington. Among them were Gen. Charles de Gaulle, president or France; Admiral Lord Louis r-.tountbatten, representing B r i t a i n ' s Queen Eliiabeth; Marshal Vasily I. Chuikov of the Soviet Union; King Baudouin of Belgium; Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; Shah Reza Pahlavi or Iran; Prime Mlnister John Grey Gorton of Australia; President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines; Chancellor Kurt Georg Kieslnger of West Germany, former Prime Minister NobUIUke Kishi of Japan and Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada. A special train waited at Washington's union Station to carry the flag-draped casket to Abilene, where the late Presi- dent will be buried Wednesday in the chapel ol the Eisenhower Ubrary and Museum, a short dl!tance from the farm house where be spent his boyhood. Homage to Eisenhower began Satur- day. An estimated 80,000 persons filed by as Eisenhower lay in repose at the great golhie cathedral whleh overlooks Washington from the pinnacle of the. city's blgben h!D. DespJte bleak and windy weather, and occasional early morning flUITiis or snow, the mourners kept aiming, Ill lbrough Salurday nigbt and SUDdaY. morning. At 3:30 p.m. Sunday, the casket was borne on a creaking army caisson the 16 blocks to the capitol It was followed. by a nervoUJ riderless black bone with reversed boots in the stirrups -tradi- tional symbol of a fallen warrior !!lince the day of Genghis Khan. 'Ibe cortege moved up Connitution A venue to the candenced throb of muffled drums. It wu followed by members of the family, national leaders and troops represenUng all of the armed forces. Thousands of Washington area res.idents, their ra.nk.1 reinforced by Palm Sunday tourists, lined the avenue to watch ita passage in respectful silence. Although generally fair weather had been forecast, the sun did not brt!ak: through the overcast until the horse. drawn caisson arrived at the capitol. Cannons: boomed a 21-gun salute. An honor guard of eight servicemen gently removed the casket and carried it up the long flight of ateps to the high-vaulted rotunda directly beneath the Capitol dome. It was placed on a black velvet catafalque first used in 186$ as a bier for Abraham Uncoln. Following the fonnal rites at which Ni1on delivered hia eulogy, the rotunda was opened to the public. A nine-car, three-engine train will car- ry Elunbower an hla last journey, TRAIN ROUTE The Chuapeak• I< Ohio train leavea Wuhingtoo'a union station at s p.m. PST today to cony the body al the nation'a 311b presiden~ hla family and friends across country to the Jtanau plains. The train wu to arrive In Abilene. Kan ., Tueaday night at 1bout 10 o'ckd. At the lamlly's rtqUUI, tbe route WU not dlaclaoed olOcialiy. The C&O, however, said the funeral train would use its tracks u far as Clnclnn1U, Ohio, and Baltlmare t. Ohio tracks t. Aurora, Ind. CUes along this route include Bellevue, Dayton, Newport, and Covington, Ky.; Addyston and Sayer Park, Oblo, and Lawrencebur1, Ind. • Municipal Court Sought in Beacli · Location of municipal courts In Hm< tington Beach's propoaed new civic center ls suuested in 1 resolution to be presented to the Board of Supervboni Tuesday. The city !!ltites that H is willinf to enter into a joint powers agretmtJlt to finance construction of the courts. Huntington Beach lost the three municipal courts it did hay.it when the West Orange County Judicial Dlltrlcl court facillties were completed in Westminster last year. ..... ~-.. , ..... -·~ .. ·.,, .· ', ... · ' . . ... ,. ··' -.•,,. ' . {) OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired • diamonds and precious stones remounted •pearls restrung , WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AL( TYPES OF JEWELRY . . .. . ···KIBK -·. HAUOI SMorl'IN• HUNT1N•TON Clftlli CllfTU llACH 6 IDlllMI 2l00 HAllOI ILYD. HUNTIN•TOH llACH · COSTA MBA 141-MQ ffJ.1101 ••• ' • #' " ." • -• • • - -• •• OP" M ..... Tllurs., frl, T1I t ...... ftlB!il&llA&iWFEUM& t•LlllblRlCil • I I I 1 I I • I I I -· -uu-.~gto~~~aeh ~ EDITI O N l ' - Yoar Bemetewn Dally Paper YOC. 62, NO. 77, l SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA JEN CENTS '1 U.S. Bids -Ike Farewell -. World Le~r~ Gather to Pay J!inal Tributes tJPIT ...... PRESIDENT PLACES WREATH AT EISENHOWER BIER Outsidt the Capitol, A Slx·Bl~k Line of Mourners President in Eulogy: Ike 'Incapable of Hate ' By MEllRIMAN SMITH UPI White Houe Reporter WASHINGTON -AJ; Pnsideli! Nixon •aid ~v"""'~..jn,'!"' IRlllllld Capitol' roiiDlii SU!ldlly ~;.:,;,. of Dwight D. EiRn!Jower'1 Jail lhDughu \\-'ere of n:medies for the anirY divisiooa of our Ume. Tn a voice that cracked octasionally with emotion, Nixon said of the man whom he served for eight yeara: as vice president: "He wu genuinely puzz]ed by frenzy and by hate because he Wu incapab1e of it himself. He could never quite un- derstand it in others. "Tbe last time I saw him (last week at Walter Reed Hospital) that was what he talked about. He was puziled by the hatred he hail seen in our times, and he said the thing the world needs most today is understanding and an ability to set the other penom's point of view and not to bate him because he disagrees. "That was Dwight Eisenhower." Perhaps Nixon reflected the spirit of the thousands who lined majestically broad Constitution Avenue to watch in silence, a few in tears, as a black, hCJrse.drawn caisson carried Eisenhower's body from Washington Na- tional Cathedral to lie in state through the night in the cavernous rotunda . French President Charles de Gaulle made bis appearance Sunday and saluted bis old commander. A couple knelt in prayer. Vi91Ung students shuffled iD the line outside, and shivered in the unseasonable cold. The mighty of the W(lrld and Americana: ol every station paid tribute through the night and day to Eisenhower at bis flag-Oraped casket. large number of young men and women of student ag'e; girls In mod ponchos, and boys whose long hair .E~er ·{"\'ll!i ~Jo;~~~·~"' " ' There Wert no 'prote.st , no· out• criU "rir dispJaY, --jUI! block after • blook ol ;rav<tfac.id people looking at a sad, y,et stJrrir!g . ritual of farewell to a national hero many of the younger. people knew only from their bistocy, ·books. For Nil.an, the emotionally draining altemoon was only the beginning. Today_ there . was a meeUng with De Gaulle, then the highly-ceremonial funeral services dtD'ing the aitenioon. -' POINT SERVICES The U.S. Military Academy at West Point today scheduled special services in remembrance of the man Who took his fitst oath to serve bis country there .in the suminer ci. 1915. Then Wednesday, after Eisenhower is burled in Abilene, Kan., a heavy cinhon at the Point will fire" the union salute, 50 consecuUVe shots, one . every five seconds to sland for each state in the union. After seeing Eisenhower's remains and the family off to Kansas aboard the funeial train, there will be a 7 p.m. reception by Nixon and his wife at the White House for a host <lf foreign dignitaries assembled here for the rites. A nine-car, lhree-engine train will car· ry Eisenhower on bis last journey. TRAIN ROL"l'E The Chesapeake & Ohio train leaves Washington's union station at 3 p.m. PST today to carry the body of the nation's 34th president, his family and frlenda acrou country to the Kansas plains. The train was to arrive In Abilene, <See.EULOGY, Pare Z) By LOUIS CASSW WASHINGTON (UPli -It was !he ijay for 1aylng farewell to the "good and genUe and kind man" called lle. The f u n e r a I of Dwight David Eisenhower, most universally liked American president ol Ulla century, was in keeping with his <lwn wish for a simple religious service expressing C<ln- fldent faith in the everlasting mercy of God. The ritual called for no eulogy, no Orange County Pays Tribute To Eisenhower More than 5,400 persons attended an Orange County tribute to Dwight David Eisenhower at the Anahelm Conventioa Center Sunday afternoon. The memorial program was organized by the Freedorrui Foundation of Valley Forge, Pa.1 wbJch Eisenhower found!d along with Dr. Kenneth D. Wells who attended Sunday's ctremon1es. Tributes by Hollwood personalities Jimmy Stewart, Don DeFort, Pat O'Brien, Rosalind Russell, Grei!r Garson and Art 1.Jnkletter where included in the hour-long memorial. Said Jimmy Durante : ~·we all loved Ike. He was my -friend. He was your friend . He was everybody's friend. Wa sure miss him." Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke sald: "We con- 1dder General Elseohower our faV<>rite SOD, '. • SOD just ~t. ' a, SOil $oil& to be remeqjbired.'' . . ' Perlormanca bf loc>l band! IOd choral groups and an all-service-CCJlor guard carryln( lhe flag1 ol !he IO .Utes saluted the lite PresldenL Major Ben Wilson, the Army's most C:Jecorated soldier in the KMe'an War and the fint serviceman to receive a Medal of Honor from El9enhower during his presidency, 1l'as Introduced to the audience. Representing the military were Lt. Gen. J. J: Carlton, commander, 15th Air Force, Macrb Field; Maj. Gen •. William G. '!'brash, commander, Marh_J,~ C.Orps Air Station, El Toro; Rear Adm. Henry G. Bli'd, commander, Navy Mine FOl"ttS, Paclllc; Brig. Gen. Thomas K. Turnage, adjutant general, California Na· Uonal Guard, and three chaplains, Col. Ray Mattheson, 15th Air Force; Lt. Col. James Fiser, Fort MacArthur, and Navy Lt. Max Dunks, Long Beach. Czechs Celebrate Win, Moh Soviet Barracks PRAGUE (UPI) -Soviet occupation t.rocips fired submachineguns int<l the air to drive off demonstrators who smashed 160 windows in their barracks in celebration of a Czechoslovak hockey victory over the Soviets, a regional neW&"paper said today. The newspaper Svoboda (Freedom) said demonstrat.i<ms broke out in Mlada Boleslav, 35 miles northeast of Prague, Friday night after the Czechoslovaks had beaten the Soviets for the second time in Stockb<llm. ' ' mllltiry ,.,...ry, ncr llorldly -P· Bnt · ihe . .....,..~u.oo . ..,...bled Jn WashlnglnO' ~ Cathedral bore · wttpess to Et.....,..'1 Wusbious place in 'lllstory u ·.IM"·-il who led the allies io victory In· World War II IOd as'lhe peace-loving jftlideot who .. wed UJe K<lrean confiict. J>:r<lldenu, prime mlnllhn IOd kings came to join President Nixon, former President Lyndc>n B. Johnson and <lther U.S. leaders In paying la.st respects to Easter Rev elers . Eilenbower, who died FrldlJ al the age of 11. Beforo being borne to !be. Epllc:opal cathedral for the ball-hour Protesta!}t funeral wvlce, Eisenhower'• hoey bad repooed In otate I<>< nw)J M. houn In !he rolunda of !he U.S. Capllol. '11>ert, last Sunday aflemoon, l'relldent Nixon eu1<11lzed him..!-' a •1good and genUe and kind · man" who hated no one and we hated by no <lDe. (See Beach Busts · 21 .On Narco Raps By TERRY COVILLE 01 tM D.lllJ' ,lltl Steff About 37,000 sunworstupers swarmed to Huntington Beach's waterfront on the first weekend of Easter vacation -and 21 of them wouild up in city jail on narcotics charges. Vince Moorehouse, director o{ the city Harbors and Beaches Department, said the weekend crowd sh<>wed a slight in- crease this year -thanks to better Easter Week weather. Sgt. Robert Rinehart, Huntington Beach detecUve, said the narcotics ar· rests for East.er vacation !h(>wed a large jncrease over laat year. ·1 HUllllngtov. police aITested 1 H adulta and _... ju;"""9 0. upk:ina. or J>O'MS"ion o! ..-Jes. R!ni!iin lald inClll ol lhe am.ts weie for marijuana and the majority were made on the beach. No ltirge "party" anests were made, he added. On normal weekends Huntbigton Beach: averages aboul five to eight narcotft' arrests. Police arrested 20 suspected narcotics users and large quantities of marijuana in what. they labeled a "buildup" for the Easter vacaUoo fiood of beacbgoers. Captain Harold Mays said <lther than the large number <lf narooUcs arrests, the police department hadn't yet run into any special problems u Easter .Week opens up. •'Traffic and parking are always pro- blems during a vacation,'' taid Mays, ''but nothing we aren't prepared for." Extra patrols · are in duty at the citY. beach 8ftd . the . police helicopter, H.B. Eye, makes 9C(Uional paues over the :-~~~;e~' clty l~~ 'made 41 _..., ofindlvldolafk ud ·a.,. bolt re&cUt.S, but D<I serious mlahl~ ' He credited late winter condltionl w1111 keeping Uae bea<;h crowds below 1ummer. proportiODS-"A l<>t ol the youngsters on vacation can ltill go skiing in the mountainl and eojoy other winter sports/' said Moorehouse. Tri-county Agency Seeks SA River Sewage Answer '~1 JEROME F. COWNS , Of tM Oll!r Plllt lltft 1 trr.C.Unty ag"'cy charged with main· talillng the water quality ol !he Santa Ana River will conduct a bearing !n Newport., Beach April 23 to comider long- range solutions to the river's sewage pollution problems. Richard A. Berman, executive <lfficer of !he Santa Ana River wai.r Quality Conlrol .Bqard, announced the bearing date and place Friday. The session will be held at Newport City Hall. Newport officials requested the hearing after learning ·that as a rdnlt of the river's pollution, waters along 2"2 miles of the city's beachfront will remain corr laminated for at least two months. County health <lfflcera have ordered a swlmmlng ban from the river jetty east to Newport Pier until the pollution diminishes. Also quarantined are waters · <lff Huntington State Beach Park west of the jetty. The sewage now -both raw amt untreated -is belng dumped lnto tht riVer at the rate of some 50 million gallons daily by nine agencies, including the cities of Colton, San Bernardino, Redlands, Ontario and Chino. The city <lf Riverside also contributed 9 million gallons daily until a sewer trunk line, smashed by floodwaters, was recently repalreci. Health authorities traced lhe sources Clf the additional sewage flow after che<:k· Jng the river water's colifonn coont. There was no official estimate on the number of visitors filing 10mberly through the · bush of the b15toric room, but reporters made a rouch guess that during the fint 15 hours, thel'<· had been rnore than 201000 visitors. Perha111 !he most dlstlndtve thing about the crowd was. the JDa{IY )'OO!IC people -yoong <;<>11ples holding -!heir chUdrtn aloft for a first-person view of a hlatoric moment; a surprisiilgly Students :•Grade~ Teachers Berman, whose seven·mmlber board Includes representation from the counties (){Orange, San Bernardino and Rtvtr&ide, admitl'ed at an A&sembly comqUttee hearing in Sacramento Thursday that the river needed higher contaminalion standards. He explained that the reason It does not have them l1()W ii that the river bas not yet been , designated a recreational ISlel. * * * . GWC Faculty W el.comes Ev tiluation, Doubts Objectivity By p!OMAS FORTUNE M K E Of .. hlJf' ,lllt lttff 800C ep' t yes Stbdin&I at Golden west College are · belni liven a ehll1<e to grade t h e 1 r Fixea on Casket ... ~ lhe -caml"' Vel<!rans ~lub ' • student.a are · Pooling their opinions of . WASHINGTON (AP ) -Mamie Doud !he kind of job lnstruclon are doing, EiJe.fthower'1 eyes· oew.r left the flag-aod'1dll ~t·them together in a booklet shrvudtd Clitet: ot the husband whose -•sort 0( teachen' report caret Wt !houghta and words were for her. Adminl.U:llon at the junior coU.ge Twice she oeemed to fliht back tears. In illmllnlloo Beach AJ' they wek<>me Amid !he .,..t ....nblage o1 world !he -1np11 tnto faculty evaluatl00, ud natioMI -In~ Capitol....... but ..... --will be properly da, lhe fonner'Jft5fdeo! 1 wife o1 nearl7 lmputlal ud objtdl'fe. li3 yean wu calm IOd compoood. . "l!'e'te \ ft!tblg boo'91 eV>luaU.... ·And,'° * remalD«I during Pres~ -ti are not.~ facetl<>u1 ln·any Nlxoo 1 II rrunute t\lloa, through t1 _.;;: " 8 a 71 Vem " u....t-• 1JU1ear-old ~ Praldtnr s rteltaUon ~htr bUband'• ... ...,, • .....,."!..a.':'"'., 11111 woMS-,, "l'Ve aliia'ys l!>Veil m:r-Veteram O.~ ~ ~-la llao wlfe. I've always loved my chlldrm. ltDdent body prePtmt. , rve alwoys loved my grandehildreh. I But Golden West llllUuctor _ratinp liave always lo~ my country." will nqt be N cokl u A, B, C, D ·Dwight D. EIJenbower. Nuon uld, and F grades. llpoke these 'll'Ol'ds to lio wlfe fua1 before "We do hope to gtl a Utile 11tlrlcal," ht died 11111 Friday. said Rodjje. "ll'll be a oelling point 'W he a the. eUloa w a 1 ovtr, ?t!n. for one tbfnl. AM lf the evaluaUona E-tr rdoned to . aoclulloa IOd , '"' a Utile f1111J1Y k might take the prtvole pi<I. edp oll 11-doel feel hurt." • i -i Hodge said the teacher rating booklet will sell for "about 50 cents, depending Ort our cosla." Shawl said the ratings are •'bound to have aome bearin1 on bow we would view a probationary teac~. They're bound to color aur decisions in that we'll take a closer I o.o t at the ones Dr. William F. Shawl, Golden Wed dean <lf instruction, said he wel~ student fnput but hopes they evalu.ite the rlibt thini -How mucb did they students MiY are bad." learn? But· Shawl said be is wa!Ung to 1tt 4'1 cautioned them not to zero in on how carelully the evaluation .Ls done, personality and make It a popularity how valid he thinks It is, so he1ll kuow contest/' he &aid. "Studenll might learn what wt.ighl to &ive it in his dellbera- even though they don't like the ~ lions. structc>r.'' "They must 1et a good umplinj af Hodge said be dlffen from Shawl on students," he sa>d. and t! they do "it that_polnt. , • • • :-<wJH •' _a-1tli&' JOb'1ana1yxhlg 'aH"ttie "I myoeU feel !hot In f'l<T to ).i!al!Y' ! • . ' · >!;7 , , . · , get ~1 •1 "--•"-"Cl.iss a ~-' ~ . .~ct'. ~e Veterana ~ 1Rres ha ff to have oometli!n1 lhel-.'WRh •, C>OIY: ,,..._'ll o<tl~ mcmb!o..., CODCede1 !he students. No matter b o w ' If will ~ a 'larga-l&'k, · tnowltdge&bJe he Is, ll ht..dountt have ., lie said ,nelO!i« he nor any. club a rapport with the cllll I( 1'!'0't be ~Iller hot a CfUdge. against any io- u good.'' • jfiuctbr. . Instructon ire being ratea on 1ucb : , ;1.As fa~ ,II. I'm concerned the teachers Items u coune objeellves, org~~ 11fve had .at thls acbool have been l"'•t:• Vlrtatioo ol lucblng tecblllquo, ' ~Aid. · · • --I , or homework a9'igned. cradl~ Wllij ·~ .J!le:>ll!iti°"I Vtterans. Club-unftmio~ !Qan"' to help the ltudelllj'fiJlll,,(~ .,1ljo .pn>Jeel i>qlh ~'u a HtV!oe : to tbe atlmale-ol lbe loltnlotor. ' lflldentl.and to !be Instructors. He sald It Is likely Ulat the Water Quality Control Board would soon make such a deilgnatlon. "t feel the board will set standards rommensurate with recreational use," he said. The April 23 hearing In Newport presumably would be aimed at devtlo~ Ing testimony juoutylng the actloo. Once lower coliform count 1tlndard! are establi&bed, upstream agenclel would be Ji('Ghibll«I from dumping 1twage into the river ft the effluent ra!Jes Uie water's CCJllform count above the new level. Tb& revlaed standards could IO<Ce !be ageacies to build new lreatment pianll. Newport Cooncllman Paul J. Gruber pmsod for !he w1i.r .quality llClloD taa llOOft ,,, poalble. He. explained that · whatbSd beerilboo«lll ·to lie a temporarjl •problem ·-die Rl-e ;, ..... ,!In~ · bn!ak -'-bu boeome a-l<illg·lonn ooe- .. We're now faced WU.h-the 111ppalllnJ. prospect,Qf an open sewer Une bordering our' city boundarla," 1lle aald: . Newport City Harbor Coordinator , G<orgt Dow,. pointed out that 40 pel<ut of Newpori'1 Pf"ll beacblmn la illecl<d bylheq~. . "The ,beach-II, ~w .marred •by UO · algns and bo1Tlcade1 .announdt>1 tho (See SEWAGE, Pap I) lull tett of President's remark!, Pag1 19). • "He personified the best in Amerlca,,. sakl Nixon, who served under Eisenhower. as vice president from 1953 to 1961. "lt waa the character of the man, not what he did but what be . was, that so captured the trust and affectJon of bis own pe<>ple and the people of the World ... "He was a product of Amerlca'a aoll (See FUNERAL, Page Z) 11 on Board Boat Rescued After Crash Eleven persons were rescued from ~ ......._ sinking cabin cruiser by emergency; ~ crewt Saturday afternoon after it collided with a buoy just outside ol 5eal BeodL Two rescue boats, dispatched by th& Orange ~Y H.-Department and the Huntington Beach City Lifeguards were able to brlng all the vlcthns aboard before the craft went .down. 'I1lere were no injuries. Rescue crews were alerted to the ac-- Cldent at 4:to p.m. when a '1M1yday .. dooesa signal from !he damqed craft was monitored by the Jlart>or Depart- ment In Newport Belch. · When Harbor Department olllclals ar· rived at the scene Uie "Storm Mair.er ¥" ~·4 a /arge ~le PJ""!>ed Into !ta ff.foot hull with water up to the --·· PWn.,bic proved ·lo ._ ... lflective. --· - ' The boa\ latet -In Anaheim Bay Ille" glancing oil the pier. Although !he owuer el !he boot, IS-year <lid Dr. Charles Heller, <ll tUBl Bokro St., Huntingtoo Beach, was aboard at the tirite ()f tlie accident, be WU not piloting !he yacbt. The craft wa.s oper~ by Donald 'A. Jones, ~. ol 18979 Edgewater Lane, Huntington Beach. 'The disabled boat was later towed from Che chamel to the nearby U.S. Naval Ammunilion Depot where .salvage <lPet' atiom are now bein& conducted. Hessians Blamed For Disturbance - Unit. from the Huntington Beacli Police Department were deployed at 12:30 a.m, Sunday night to assist Country Sherilrs ofllcers in cootalnlng a disturbance In Sunset Beach which police blamed on 17 members « the Hessim motorcycle club. Details ol the Incident have not been released by Sheriff's headqua.rterl in Santa Ana since no official report was yet available. A check with the patrol division, however, rev'81ed that the disturbance .was of a minor nature. l'rustees Slfite Mee t T r u s t e e !I of Westmlitster School District meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at !he adminl.slraUoo 'building, H 12 I Cedarwood Ave., Wettmlrwter. A1end:a- jtems include a ~ <lf tbe dls!rict's family Hie educatloo prygram • Weadter · tt11 be <loo<l7. bot tlry,"l'ueadq with no m1'9f 1e:mperlture 1lltta- t1001 u tht • 1 ecnilnun 'to take a lll!ml·•a<:'atloft -tho orange eoa.t. INSIDB TODAY L f k • GtM,. W01hlngto11. ·Dwtght·o. Efl...iaowrr,,,.,·"/int '" wor, Jir•~\ '" !'face mid JJrtt in11/!•e he~rl<tof.hlo C01l(ltry-I mm.,. Pre~i Nixon"• eu?ow .ti oit1t11 fll full .,. !log< 19. ...... .. ·-• C•llMI• • -H ,_ ,, .. ·---.. _ .. .. --· • ·-.. --" '--• ......... ,,.1, ·--• -"'" ........ , ... .. -• ·-• -.. :ii ,1·~111 .. ·-• " -·-.. ' :1 CAll.V PILOT H Mesa Couple . _ Held in Sale Of · Movies A Costa )1esa couple face • court _.... '!Utsday, followlnc their ar· real lf't.er allegedly agtee.lna to st11 an unducover lawman to spicy movie retll for 11,200, police disclosed today. Doualu A. Payne, 39, and hi! wife Mardi, 11, of 211 Km>: Place, wt"' booktd °" ""1Jlcioo ol Ale of - fllma and ~releued on the1r own recognlzaoct, · lng to appear on achedule. Police Sgt. J k calnon, of the vice and lnlelligeoce detail jold the Payne• were amstecf In thtlr home ott.r $SM, the agreed ·price of 10 reell, changed handa. Patrolm~ Norm Kutch w11 walUnc CJUt.side and entered at a al.pal from the unld<ntlfled District Attorney'• fn. \'estq;ator, wbo bad been introduced to the P=a gc>l>elween, police aald. Jnv..U Aid 10 reele of film were t.d and, a l<>tal of ll,200 tn..6fficlal funda rttrleved from the noor of the Payne home aft.r the arrem Thursday. Sgl calnon said the allegtd deal calltd for a later delivery of 30 more ruls of I mm f 11 m, apparently l<>tallng five rtt.11 each amont tight dlfferent Utles. The allegedly obscene filml confiscaltd included tbtae vague and not.,.v~ tiUea: "Candy Bar," "Hair Btulh." "Twisted," "A·20.'' "Dog," and cthcrt. From P .. e I SEWAGE ••• quarantine. It Is patrolled com!lllUy by city llfeguardl, both by vehicle and by boat equipped wllh public address s)'lle!N. lo keep people out of the water," be aald. ••Evtn the oUabore water DJ ma 1s no tonier lllitable for ute. '' Jf the contamlnaUon cmtinuea through the IWJUllU, he t!Umated a loss In beach rentals of at least $2 · mllllon. "The additional revenue Iott t o rt.Staurantl, Olllng 1tatior111, fiahl.ng tackle lhopo, surfing lhopo, clothing llom DllY. be beyood ca.JcuJalion." He Aid a aummer quarantine wou1d mean l.~ mlllloo to l mllllon beach vllltora would have to 10 ellewhere. ••agnvatbtg the problem of olher overburdened beaches.'' "'lbe OCGllOl1llc Impact on the cl\)' of Nt'fPCri Beach. wblle not reckoned Jn dttaU. would bt~ av ere." Briti.sli Flags Fly Half Staff . ' For Ei.senhower \ LONDON · (AP) ~ Qo-. EllZlbetli ll bad to step in today to IOrt out a muddle abwt flyjnr London'• fla11 al hall llaff lo mart the doth of fonntr President Dwight D. Eilenhower. Flags on many 49vemment bulkliois I ;were Jowered at her command. Al the da7 began, moot of the Union Jacki in Whiteba.11, London's ltrtet of govrrnment offices, were flytnc full 8'aff lo mart the blrlhday ol tbe Duke of Gloucester, the queen's uncle. 'n1b WIS done under a Nnding order Lrom the ¥iniltry of Public Bulldinp. By midday, the Ion! chamberlaln'1 ot:nce which mana1e1 the queen's houlebold, waa on the telephone to CUIT.o.- dians d. a:overmneot bui1clinp ordering them lo hall staff their nap. They ..... Wld the queen wanted lt that way. In th e city of London, flap on banks tlarted the day at half ltaff. "We decided to Ignore prolocel Ind lake "" own line," aaid a spokesman for Mansloft Houae, the lord may«'• residence. Eltenhcrwer was given tbe Freedom of the City in l~. '· I P'\11~' 1•1101 OUHa CQAft PU .. lllMIN• <CIMllAllT a.Mrt H WM4 ,,. ..... "" ,,,...._ ·. f '••• •· c.,r.., ........................... n ........ "' ·-n...i ... A. M111tMIN ~ ltllit Alffrt w. ..... wnn ........ , -..... ..,,.IN!efla..ti. Q"r ••ttw " tr1r• 'as• om. I" ... Sfrttt ..... , .-...... ... 1.0 •... '''· ti••• --~,, .. , ... , ..... _....,. .... , .... ,..., .... , ...... ~ .. , ...... _ o.FFfCER SAM -"N. Jack Dilday (left) ol Dilday Funeral Directors discuss~· flip chart for Seal Beach police-pupil program wlth s,~ Sam D Amico (center) and Seal Beach Police Chief Lee Case. Vi!· ual aids donated by Dilday ate used in educational program for chil· dren in primary grades. iSeaJ Beaeh Program 'Officer Sam' Helps Kids · Understand Police Role Seal Beach pollc.emm are bringing _the law to the cla1aroom in a aeriea of programs designed to Improve com- 1 munication between men in uniform and school children. Tl\e coloring books art tor use ln the claNroom 11 an ald lo the police· pupil program and are 1Upplemented by a large f!lp chart. Both teach the children about aafety rule1 and good clUzienahlp at .school, at home and on · For about three years no elemtntary the playa:round. school studenta in the Seal Beach area Included in the colotina: book are have bad a new teacher in Ule classroom admoriition1 u "always be polite and -"Officer Sam." play fairly" and "atay away from · Officer Sam 1oes tc Ute various schools dangtrous places" and facts about the and using lllUJtrated vllual a id a , police.man and hi.I work. imlfanns, polite can, gives a carefully-Seal Beach police are a1lo involved worded talk a:eared to the chlldrena• In an aMual bicycle aafety and Uttnalng level of onderstandin&-( program, a motoreycle ufety course, In addlUon. the youriP1en are pro-' clasaes in drug educf~, pedeatrlan vlded with a free co\orlng' book lo help 1afe walking program al pllMl:!ng an remember dilcuaslon polnta and an Of~ j officer on school campuse1 on the ngular ncer Sam~...-award to ban& ln each basis to annrer qutltHils about law elulroom. 1 4 enforcement. Huntington Girl Captures 'Future Secretary' Crown · N~y Johnson, 19-year old Huntingb:ln Btacb. colleae tophomore, baa won the liUe of "M1sa Future Secretary of California." The honor was bestowed on her by the Ca1Uorn1a dJvisk>n of tile National Secretaries AlsoclaUon who chose Miss Johnson over 20 other conte!tanta. She wW now be able to go on to International competJtlon In M I am I Beach, Florida, and a chance to vie lor a $2,000 ca!b 1cbolarlh1p. Miu Johnaon began 1tudyln1 for a legal secret.trial carttr at Golden West Collea:e in 1951 afler graduatln& from M1rina High School. She ii a member of the colle1e's honor society and baa consl1tently made the Dean's Lilt for 1choluUc achieve· ment. From P.,e 1 EULOGY ... Kan., Tueaday nipl al about 10 o'clock. At \he family's request. the route wu not dlsclooecf officially. ~ e&O, however, aa1d the funeral train would• UH ill tracks u far as ClncinnaU, Ohio, and Ba\Umore & Oh.lo tracks to Aurora, Ind. CJUu alone this route Include Belltvue, Dayton, Newport, and C.vlnclon, Ky.; Addylllon and Sayer Park, Olilo, and L&imncebllr1. Ind. $5,000 'Suite' Cell Prepared To House Sirhan SACllAMSNTO (UPI) -A $5,000 three-ctll tufto ii belnl prepared II the Vacavfile Modfcal FacWly lo boule Slrbsn B. Sirhan new on trial In the 1laylng of Sen. Robort r . Ktnntdy. CorTectloMl aulhorlty 1 p o k e a m a n Phllir Guthrie Aid today the tulle! btl\lll abou a wnk aco. would inc udt a kl~ room-balhroom arta, a bedroom, and a Uvl111 room wlth a leltv!JJoo .... Gulhrlt llld Ille oulte would bt com-Pot<d of lbrte 1eparale celil whlcb would bt coimtcltd. 111 11ld the comcuon11 authority planlled lo Ilk the leiilslalura for opeclal pmniulon lo hold Sirhan at Vacaville tven If he 11 condtmntd to de1th by the court tn hl1 Lot Anaele1 trial. State law requires condemned m•l• pfisontra to be held at Dl:ath Row In San Quentin Stale Pellon. I TAPPED FOil STATE TITLE GWC11 Nancy Jehnaon Here's Schedule Of Ike Funeral WASHINGTON (AP) -'Ibis 11 tho day·by-dsy program of honon to bt paid former Presldeol Dwlshl D • Eisenhower: The body lies In stale In the Capitol rnbmda. '---- 1 p.m. -Culfet will be carried to the ht1r1e for return to Wublncton Nallonal C.thtdral, 1 :30 -Anival ctrtmony at c1UttdraJ'1 North Tnllllp4 followtd by Epl1copsl funeral 1ervlce in cathedral aUended by l ,107 porl<)nl. 2 p.m. -Casket pl1ctd In hearse for trip to Union StaUon. , S p.m. -Apprortmatt time train departl Union St1Uon for Abilene, K.Jn. 1'1esday t p.m. -Appro1imate arrival of lraln In Abll ..... \Vtdnwlay '1:15 a,m. -CUket 11 moved from train to htant. 1,!IO a.m1 -F'Un<ral sm1cea oo 1lep• of Elstnbcm·er library. • I/ d Birihday ,for. David I ' ~s Death Especially Personal to Grandson ( WAlllllONt (IJPI).. ~ ....... '11111 .... " Jill •' I " ..... IQ'wt a• D tllllltld 1111 t1lt b!rthdaY, • quentJy allMt !IJmiitll4lli&t o1 White ...., p ' I We •1ovtd grandfather. Houae official Utt dtllgbt.d the Amer1- Tbe yoW;g man't birthday was filltd people during the llllOI. I w!lh c llC!neia u be aueudod hla David'• f .. Ung for hl.s grandf1ther wu srlJl!fl•lher'• funeral and then boarded deep and the many houri they 1pont a special lraln canylng Gen. Dwight together had lbelr elfecl The young D. Eise:nhower•1· body to . AbU~, ~., man's infectioua irln1 polMl and artabUlly when lt will be buried WedneJday. are ~ rem!nllQUl.t of .b 11 The naUon'1 ku W"5 empecially irandtatbtr. persooal for David, who became a na-Hil ll'antli>aroclo were lhrllled .In • llonal figure during Ill• gnndlather's December when David and -t years in th6 White HouM. Niron'1 dlu&btu, Julle, 'ftl'9 married . The sight of an ~ating man enjoying and the former Presldtlll wu· .,....i Former Sergeant ReCalls Ike Reunited Him, Mother. A ntired chef from Calta Mesa, lWneelf Wfferln& from a heart CCIDdJUon, hu 1o1 t a trtend in G • n. Dwight D. -· But Henry Fontaaneres will have aomethlog to remember -a picture showing blm chaWng wtth the lormer President. ; 'lenOnal mesaage from the general is ·bed beneath it. F-who hu cooked for ocores of national • _.J internetional figures, is in Long Be a ch Veteran's Hospital recoverina: frmi a 1t:rlOU1 heart attack. He met Elaenbower twJce. 'lbe lint encoonter took place In France during World War JI when Fontagneres was an Army sergeant. 1be aergeant, who wu born in Franct, waa speaking to a aenlor olficer about not having seen bis mother since be left for America twenty year's before. '!be senior olfice< l5SUrtd FolUgnues that !heir ..;.,Id be • -for him to visit hi• mother. He naled the promise by artangJng a meeting with General Eilenhower, wbo penonally uw lo ii that Fontaperts and hil mother were reunited. A ft e r the war, tbe cbtil related he .... head ol ihe -at lhe -BlacDlone Hotel In Ch!cqo, m, where hil """"" meeting with the !ale general tool< place. M a reminder of the oc:cukln General El!aibower gr«led lhe cbef in wrtllng and prailed ·Fonta1nere1 for "rememberin1 my likin& f<r baked potatoes ••• " FOlrtajpleftl, 81, and his brother, Pier- re, Uve at 3021 Royce Lane, Costa Mesa. Their ·borne hu a opeciaJ 1pol nn the wan IOI' a momenco 'of a '1wmanttarian • • • the moot -·· mort capable man we have ~er known." Bal Week a Bost Where Did All the Students Go? By JOHN VALTERZA ot "" °''" r 11tt 11.n Bal Week ••• ho bum. 'lbe once tradlUonal bacchanaJe which In yeara past hit the Ntwport !leach area each Eaater week vacation is no more, if lhia weekend wu any lndlcaUon. Delplle heavy beach allendance Ind crowded waluways, tbe thouland.s of noisy, ctlebratlnJ rtudenta mult have 1one elsewhere qain this Jiil'. Newport Police, who are on their tradi- Uonal 1land·by alert for the holiday period. deacribed the relatively quiet weekend u a death gasp tor Bal Week. Curfew arresta. which in put year& totaled In the hundreds, numbered less than a do:r.m this weekend: Last year nearly 40 were recorded. Traffic cltaUom and accidents were down this weekend alao, 1'ith a total of 11 traffic cralhea over tbt two-day peribd. No major injuriH were reported. . Pollution on pana ol Newport's btacbea Nixon Sets Separate Vietnam Policy Talks WASHINGTON (AP) -Pmldenl Nil· on arranged separate Vietnam policy talb today with peace ntaotiator Henry Cabot Lodge and Ambaustfor Ellaworlh Bunker. Presa secretary Ronald L. Ziegler and Bunker, envoy to South Vietnam, and G<n. Andrew Goodput.r, deputy military commander there, were stein& NitOn flrlt. Durlng the afternoon, he 1aid, Lod~e will confer wllh the chief e>· ecuUve. did not seem to deter beach visitors, ho"•ever. Lifeguards reported about 65,000 person,, on the beaches durlftg: the two days. Only a few rouUne rescues were reported, Where have all tbe revelers gone? Police aay Ow desert and l1lOW)' rnoun- ta.in areas are the 11in'' places thl8 year. The Colorado River'• vut apanse of unpatrolled waterfront area i.s particularly altractive to the students, police uy. u Bal Week Is Indeed dead, Ntwport residents will have to wait ail: m«e days before the obituary can be written. Wreck Damages .Tl'affic Light A power pole and a traffic 1icbt were damagtd In Seal Beacb late Sunday n1tht ln two traffic acddentl. Buralar alanns rang and the llahts went out In d-Seal Beach lhorlly aJttr 11 : 12 a.m. when a car driven by JOlleph A. Rydock, 47, of 124 Santa Ana St., Lone Beach, smashed into an Edison Company pole at the tntenecUOn of Mar Vista Street and Pacific Coast Hlghway. Rydock WU taken to Long Beach Com· munl.ty Hotpital and later trantlerred to Harbor H01pltal in Torrance. He was releued to a private phyaiclan this morn· . Ing. The other accident occurred at 2::35 a.m. at the intersection of Bay Boulevard and Beverly N.anor Drive wbtn a car driven by E. C. Bauer, Jr., ot Seal Beach rammed a traffic sianal Bautr "" nol lnjund, pollco said. 1(1111 C1::1."'"" ........ -ynwt' behldd Nilllll 'I Ill(). cusful ~II campaign . David and b1a 'Wife both will graduate 1n lrnt. He alteods Amherst Colle1e and abt a:oes to Smith Colle1e. 'Mtey llve In Norlhanlplon, Mau., -midway between the two campuses -in a '95-a· month apartment David hopes to go oa to llw tcbool. He ahlina all ltudent p r o l t 1 t movemenll on the campus. H e per}onJfle• the ~.U.toad phlloloph1 ol his gra':J~ and the con.vtllUOOaJlgn of Ills f 11:pr. • • f'f'OM P .. e I FUNERAL .•• and of ill idul!, driven by a compulsion to do riiht bd to do well. • .a man of deep failh Who believed In Gnd Ind trusted in bil will. • .a man wbo truly loved his country and foe whom word' like freedom and democracy wm not cllchel but living lrulh>. • • "He made Americans proud of their pralden4 proud of their country, proud ol t.bemlelvta ... Mn. Eilenhower, whose public ordeal will conUnue through the burial at AblleDe, Kan., Wedneaday, was e!COl'tetf through the f'Uneral rites by her son John -Nixon's newly-appointed U.S. ambusatfor lo Belgium -Ind olhe' members of the family. At one point. as Nii:on referred to Eisenhower u or.e of history's few authentic heroes, John looked down ..Ucltously al h~ mother, who calltd her husband her wbole JUe. He found her left bind, tucked under his right elbow, and patted it twice. But she took no heed, conlinui;g to slare 'traight ahead at tht casket. No( since the 1963 funeral of John Kennedy bad so many world leaders assembled in Washington. Among them were Gen. Charles de Gaulle, pre.$idenl of Franct; Admiral Lord Lou i ~ Mountbatten, repre.senUng B r i t a i n ' s Qu~en Elizabeth; 1ifarshal Vasily L Chuikov of the Soviet Union; King Baudouin of Belgium; Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; Shah Reza Pahlavt of Iran; Prime 'Minister John Grey Gorton of Australia ; President Ferdinand '.Pifarcos of the Philippines; Chancello1 . Kurt Georg K1e1lng:er of West Germany1 former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi of Japan and Prime Minister Pierr~ Elliott Trudeau of Canada. A special train waited at Washington'' union Station to carry the nag-draped cuket to Abilene, where the late Pru! deol will be buritd Wecfn<oday in thl chape.I of the Eisenhower Library am Muaeum. a short di.stance from the fam house where bt spent his boyhood. Homage to Eisenhower began Satu:r day. An estimated 60,000 persons file4 by as Eisenhower lay in repolle at thl great 1othic cathedral which overloo~ wuliington from the pinnacle of th• city'• highest hill. Despite blu.k and windy weather, anC occasional early morning fiurriea o snow, the mourners kept coming, al through Saturday night and Sundal morning. . At 3:30 p.m. Sunday, the casket wa borne on a creaking army calsaon thl 11 blocka to the capitol. It waa follow~ by a nervow riderless black horse wltl reversed boots In the stirrups -tradJ tional symbol of a fallen warrior sino the day of Genghis Khan. The cortege movtd up ConstitutiOI Avenue to the candencecl throb of muffle! drums. It was followed by membec of the family, naUonal leaders and troop representing all of the armed forcea Thousands of Washington area resldent.:i thelr ranks: reinforced by Palm Sunda• tourists, lined the avenue to watch iii passage in reapectful ,nence. Allhough generally .fair weather hai been forecast, tbe sun did not breal through the overcast until the horse drawn caia.son arrived at the capitol . ,.. . . . ' . . . . . . . ' . ' ·, ' ' . . ' . . . -·1 OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA n '.AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized •nd rep•ired e di•monds and precious stones remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN a MANUFACTURE ·Au: rms OF JEWElRY HAUOa wm.°'""• 2lot HAlllOa aYD. COITA MllA MJ.'411 ( • I HUMTIN•TON C1N ID . llACll & DINGQ HUMTIN•TON llACH tn.llOI \ I I 11 I \ • • ' .. r. Fountain ·valley- • ' . ' ED l.T I dNI ' vor'. ~2. NO'. 77, 3 SEcTION$, 32 PAGES • • " ORANGE COUNTY,' CA!.IFORNI~ \ I • ·' • • ., ' Yomo Bom~!-1rll Dally Paper 1 ' ' MqNDAY, MAAq-1 3(, )969 JCN CENT$ Bids 'Ike FareWe·II. , . Wo rld Leaders G~ther to Pay J\.im;il Tributes ' Dy LOUIS CASSEU WASHINGTON (UPI) -It was the day ·for · saying farewell to the "good and genile and· kind' man" called Jke. .The f u n e r a I of Dwight David Eisenhower, most universally liked American president of Ulili century, was in Iteeping with his own wish for a simple religious service e1pressing con- fident faith in the everlasting mercy of God. The ritual called for no eulogy, no Orange County Pays Tribute To Eisenhower mllltarY ~by, 110 worldly ,pomp. But the COllgregaUon . .....,bled In Washington Nation&!. Cathedral bore witness ~ EisenhoW'tr's illuatrlo~;:P.lace in history as the general who tea the allies to victory in World War II and as the peace.loving president who 1etUed the Ko'teaa conflict. 1 J>r<aldenta, prime mlnJJters llld kings came to join President Nb:on, former President Lyndon B. John!on and other U .s. leaders in paying last reapects to Easter Revelers ' " El!enhower, who died Fr...,. at • the age of 78. ,. Before bOlng borne to tho f;pu.opal cathedral for the hall.OOW-Protutant funeraI service, Eilenbower's body l!ad reposed In state fOl' near~ 21 houri ln the rolwlda o! tho U.S. Capjol. '!1lere, last Sunday afle!!\oo'li Prtalclent Nixon eulogized him as a !'good and genUe and kind man" who! hated no one and was hated by no one. (SN Beach Busts 21 On Narco 4 --• ' • , "-Wl'T...,.._ PRE.SIDENT PLACES WREATH AT EISENHOWER BIER t1ore than 5,400 persons attended an Orange County tribute to Dwight David Eisenhower at the Anaheim Convention Center Sunday afternoon. Raps · Out1kl• tht Capitol, A Six·Bl~k Line of Mourners The memorial program was organized by Lhe Freedom! Foundation of Valley Forge. Pa., which Eisenhower founded along with Dr. Kenneth D. Wells who attended Sunday's ct:remonies. By TERRY COVILLE Of Ille 0.llY Pli.t t11U users and large quantities of marijuana in what they labeled a ''buildup" for the: Easter vacaUon flood of beachgoers. President in Eulogy: Tributes by Hollwood personalities Jimmy Stewart, Don DeFore, Pat O'Brien, Rosalind Russell , Greer Garson and Art Linkletter where included in the hour·long memorial. About 37 ,000 sunwordtipers swarmed to Hwitington Beach's waterfront on the first weekend of Easter vacation -and 21 of them wound up in city jail on narcotics charges. Captaln Harold Maya said other than the large number of narcotics arrests, the police department hadn't yet run into any special probleru as Easter Week apens up. Ike 'Incapable of Hate' Said Jimmy Durante: '.'We all loved lke. He was my friend . He was your friend. }le was eVerybody's friend. We Vince Moorehouse, director of the city Harbors and Beaches Department. saJd the weekend crowd showed a slight in- crease this year '-thankl ·to better Easter Week weather. · "Traffic and parking are always pro- blems during a vacation," said Y.ays, · ''but nothing we aren't prepared for." By MF;l\RIMAN SMITH UPI Wlalte House Reporter W.iSHINGTO~ -"8 .~P,t N'aon . d . JJis . u!o.&Y . the """*' ... .. 'll'.2 ... ~ll'g ~ ... l 1<..•· "''" Cap.iwi: rorunoa Sunday miemoon~ l50IDe Of Dwight D. Eisenhowor'Fl~gbtl were pl tem..Ues for the angry dlvlSlcm if out time. . ' In • voice that cracked occasionally tilth, ~on. Nixon sa1d ()( Ote matt Wbor\ti -he served for eight years as vice .president: "He was genuinely puzzled by frenzy and by bate because he was' incapa~le of it himSelf. He· could never quite ,un- derstand # in others. ''The last time I saw hlm (last week at Walter Reed Hospital) that was whit he lalked :about. He was puzzled by the hatred he had seen in oµr times. and 'be said the thing the -world, needs most today is understanding and an ability to see the other persons's point et view and not to bate him becat11e lie disagrees. "That Was Dwight Eisenhowtr." Perhaps Nixon reflected the spirit of the tbous8nds who lined majestically liroad Constitlltion Avenue to watch in silence, a few in tears, as a black, horst-drawn caisson carried Eist:l\hower's body from Washington Na-tional Cathedral to lie in state through &be night in the cavernous rotunda. French President Charles de Gaulle n)ade his appearance Sunday and saluted his old commander. A couple knelt in prayer. Vi.Siting students. shuffled in the tine outmde, and shivered in the unseasonable cold. The mighty of the world and 'Americans of every station paid tribute through the night and day to Eberlhower at his nag-draped casket. There was no officiaJ estimate on the number of visitors filing Somberly. UU.OOgh the· hush of the hisf.oric room, but reporters made a rough guess that ddring the first 15 hours, there had been more than 20,000 visitors. 'Perhaps the most dlstlnctlve thing ai,out the crowd was the m81ly yoW'g piople -young cOuples holding their ctilldren aloft for a first-person view of' a hiatoric moment; a surprlsiilgly * * * ' . i,amie Kep t:Eyes . . Fixed1· on Casket large number of young men and women ar sbJdent age; girls In m(xr ponchos, ·and ·boys w:ho.se long hair · .Elsenbower _ ...... ,,..,_ ' . " . . , .. '7"'~. ,' ' 'Jbert were no protest · sighs, no out-criea'.,..,.. displays -just''bloCk after . bloek af gfave-taced people looking at a sad,. yet stirring .ritual of farewell to a nationil hero many of the younger peqple' knew only from their history books. For Nixon, the emationally draining afternoon was only the beg(nning, Today there Wu a meeting with De Gaulle. then _the highly ceremonial funeral serviceB during the afternoon. . . . POINT SERVICES Tlie U.S. Military Academy at West . Point · today • scheduled special services in r=embranCe of the man who took his fint. oath to ser.ve his country there · in the nminer af 19,15. The.n Wednesday, after Eisenhower is buried in A~e-p.e. K~ .. a. b~avy cannon at the Point will fire the union salute, 50 consecuUVe shots, one every five seconds to stand· for each state in the union. ~- After seeing Eisenhower's remains and the family o!f to Kansas aboard the funeral train, there will be a 7 p.m. reception by Nixon and his wile at the White Hoo.tie for a host of foreign dignitaries assembled here for the rites. A nine-car, three-engine train will car- ry Eisenhower on ·bis last journey. TilAJN ROUTE The Chesapeake & Ohio train leaves Washington's union station at 3 p.m. PST today· to carry the body ol the nation's 34th president, his famJly and friends across country to the Kansas P.lains. The train was to arrive in Abilene, (See.EULOGY, P1ge %) sure miss him," · Lt. Gov, Ed Reinecke said: "We con- sider General Eisenhower our favorite lion, a son just lost, a son Ione to be ttmembered." P¢ormances by local bands and choraf groups and an all-service color guard carrying the flags of the 50 states saluted the late President. Major Ben Wilson, the Anny's most decorated soldier in the Kore3n War and the first serviceman to receive a Medal of Honor fram Eisenhower during his presidency• \llas introduced · to the audience. Representing the military were Lt. Gen. J. J. Carlton, commander, 15th Air Force, Macrh Field; Maj. Gen. William G. Thrash, commander, Marine Corps ,Air Station, El Toro; Rear Adm • Henry G. Bird, commander, Navy Mine Forces, Pacific; Brig. Gen. Thomas K. Turnage, adjutant general, Calliornia Na- tional Guard, and three chaplains, Col. Ray Matthesan, 15th Air Force ; Lt. Col. James Fiser, Fort MacArthur, and Navy Lt. Max Dunks, Loni Beach. Czechs Celebrate Win, Mob Soviet Barracks PRAGUE (UPI) -Soviet occupation troops fired submachlneguns Into the alt to drive off demonstrators who smashed 160 windows in their barracks in celebratl<>n of a Gzechoslavak hockey victory aver the Soviets, a regional newspaper said today. The newspaper Svaboda (Freedom) said demonstrations broke aut in Mlada Boleslav, 35 miles northeast of Prague, 'Friday night after the Czechoslovaks had beaten the Soviets foc the second time in Stockholm. Sgt. RObert . Rinehart,. Hlintinaton Beach detective, liald the. narc~ ar- rests for Euter vacation tbQwed a lafge increase -0ver la.t xear. . ; . HWllln&IOll·. J!Oli« -114 adults ........... ·l"""l.Jeo ... niplcloo of possession of .narcOtics. l\inebart saicfmoe\ of tho arreata were for marijuana ind ·the majority were made on the beach. No llrg~ "party'" arrests were made, he added.-, On n«mal weekends Huntington Beach averages about..' five to eight narcoUcs arrests. Palice arrested 20 suspected narcotics ' Eltra Pl'trol& -~ in duty ,at the city beach IDd .the .pollce belkoplu, H.B. Eye, makes ~asional passes over the .......... . . '• Sarea,.~·-~-· . · ~ · ·~f I Moortbollae reporttd· city· ·m.gdards made 47-mcues of -~-""4 !Ive boat"""'"· but no ltrioul·mbhol>L He cr..Ulad late Winter condlU.U with keeping the beacll crowds below IWllll\t r proportians. "A k>t of the youngslers on vacation can still go skiing lil the mountains and enjoy other Winter sports," said Moorehouse. Tri-county Agency Seeks SA River Sewage Answ.er By JEROME F. "°"LINS Of .... DlllY '"'' ..... A tri~ty agency charged with m~in­ talning the water quality of the Santa Ana River will conduct a hearing in Newport Beach April 23 to comlder long· iange aolutions to the river'• aewage polhlt.ion problelll!i. Richard ~. Berman, e1ecuUve officer of the Santa Ana River Water Quality Control Board, announced the hearing date and place Friday. The session will be held at Newport City Hall. Newport officials requested the hearing after learning that as a result of the river's pollution, waters along 21h miles of the city's beachfront will remain con· taminated for at least two months. County health 0~1 have omrecJ a swlmmtng ban from the river jetty east to Newport Pier unW the pollution. diminiShes. Also quarantined are watm off Huntington State Beach Park west of the Jetty. Tb:e sewage now -both raw and untreated -Js being dumped into the riv·er at the rate af some 50 million gaUoru11 dally by nine agencies, tncJUding the cities of Colton, San Bernardino, Redlands, Ontario and Chino. The city of Riverside also contributed 9 million gallons dally unW a sewer trunk line, smashed by floodwaters, was recently repaireti. . Health authorities traced lhe sources of the additional sewage now after check· ing the river water's coliform count. Students 'Grade'· Teachers Berman, whose seven-member board Includes representation from the countiea of Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside, admitlad· at an Aaembly comm!""° hearing in Sacramento Thuraday that the river need~ higher contamination atandardL He explained· that the reuon it does not bave them now is that the river has DOI yet been deJllJllted GWC Facul ty Welcom es Ev aluatwn, Doubts Objectivity a recreational asset. He said It is lilrely that the Water Quality Control Board would eoon make such a de.algnatioo. . THO .... FORTUNE Hod ·d th t h 1· bookJ t Shawl said the rati ...... are "bound "1 feel the board will set · standarda »1 l•J.IMl' • ge sai e eac .er ra ing e .. <&> ccmunensurate with recreational use," he °' .. Dt>l., '""' stiff will sell for "about 50 cents, depending to have soine bearing on bow we wouJCI said. • Stude~ at Goldtn West College are on our costs." view a probationary teacher. They're The April 23 hearing In Newpcrt being given a chanCe to grade t be it Dr. Willbim F. Shawl, Golden We~! bound to color our decisions in lhlj;t prerumably would be aimed at develop. teachers. dean of instruction. said he welcomes 10· g tesUm~• J··~'lying the ac"-. • we'll lake a cloeer 1 o o t at the ones ' .._ "'"' ~1 ThroUgb the camiw -Veterans Club aLudent input but hopes they evaluate Once lower coliform count standardl students are pooling their opinions pt the right thing -How much did they students say are bad." are established, upa'ream agencies would WASHINGTON (AP) -Mamie Doud the kind of job instructora are doing, learn! But Shawl uld lie is walUng to see be prohibited from dwnplllg oewage' Jnio EiJenbower's eyes neru left the Dag~ and Wl.U put' tlltm together in a booklet "t cautioned them not to tero In on how carelully the evaluatiOn ls done, the river if the effluent railes the water's shroudtd .cuket cl the husband wbo$e -aa1ofteachera'reportcard. personality and make it a ipopularity how valid be tbinkl it is, 90 he'll know collformcountabovetbenewlevtl. . tut ~gbts and words .were for her. A~ at the junior college contest," be said. "Student.!! might leam what weight to give it in his deliber,. The reviled standardJ could force the Twice she seemed to fight back tears. in H.uflcton Beach say they welcome even though they don't like the in-tJons. agencies to build new tmtmeni ptents. ,\mid .1¥:~ sreat .-,~age of. world the dudenl Jnput Into taculty evahlatton, .. structor." , "They must get t good sampling of NewP.Jrt C.OUncilman Paul J. Gruber IDd national leaden In~ C.p!tol rotu.,. . brrl line deUbll-will be )ll'OJl'fly Hodge aald be C!U!en from Shawl on students," he aald, and H they do "it pressed for the nter quality.· action da, tne f°"!'6prtlldent1 wire of near)J lrnpartlil and objective. that point will be a big job ~lyling all t b·e a11 soon as po$slb1e. He · eiplalntd &bit 53)'<arswu(l!nillltd«lblpooecl. I ~·"We're •1elll0g 'banal evalu-"l my,.11 feelldlilt lb order to reallr. evaluaUOl]i.'' , , , . • ,whatjuldbeen~to,be ,1 .~ory And80"1e--durtngPreaJdenl ~-~nof.,&eJnj.f~ln'lllJ .c.et.,more 00t o(a cl.Isa I I~' lfodge; who ;&i<(the VijqaDJ .l:lub ,prt>bltm -lbe lllvtrolde Y-lino =.:.~ miDrlte6;:'1dlY;,.,. ~!lit> • · -:,i;~~ ~'~.r..Jd~ ""' liave lo 'have JIOl1U!thln~ Ula) pitli , only. ~as 13 ac\i•e member<; conced'8 br.,k' ~ haa·b;come,1 lon1·lerln ·..,., , · cirds' ~ii-'! "I'Y · tJW ' l<ivOd'ln!t, • ,~·•·II ilil> tho ttudents. No '"81\tr• ••.ii" . it wOrbe a large task., , , , ·, "We'i. -IICled with the ,1ppall1nc ~w l've' al,;iy, 10:~ ::; c!d~ llpdy 1ftlldeo!. •'"'--. bowledgeabl6 bf .Js1)1 Ii< d""'!l"t h1v4 He. ·aaJd nel!l>er he nor · fny cloh Pf<l'pecl of an open ..,.., Un.,bonlertrtc l'vt alwayi loVtd my ilr!llldchlldren. 1 111!1-~ Weel IOIU'UCIDr ,......, a rapport with AM cl.., It wcro't he lhem~ haJ a grudge.~¥lnil 1111 m. our clty bou0d8(iea," lit oald. • • have always lo~ my country..'' ~will" not be • coid u A,, II, C, D as good." • ii • ~ , iitrucftr, • . ·.~ '" ~ ' . Newportf Cuy Harbor P:>«dinetor Dwight D. ,Eisenhower, Nixon said, IDd F ll'ldes. lnstruclorl ..., &olilg ~ ~such 1" "A(f•r u i;m concerned the,t•acbers George Qawea pOlnled'dut th3t tt....-•t spoke tbeoe woril• to bis wile Just before "We Ito !lope 16 get • little' aotfrlcal.'' liem1 u _,...,~jedlvea,iorg.. ' on, i I've ~iCI 11 tlili !dlool lia~• ~ grul," of Ni!Wpor('1 0C01D hea-ft a!!oc\ed be died last Friday. said Hodge. "lt'U be a 1tlling point variation of teaChlilC'lechn~~ nl • ·be lajd. ,, ' · · · • bY the qlllrlntlne. ' . ·• ·. >v h an the eulogy w as over, Mn. for one thing •. And K the evaluaUon1 of homework ~( ~iq1 Ill!-'. "~ ~Id. the Velf~ ,!)iub ~k · 'The· ~: b now lllflftd 11)4· llO EJ-!I' rtlumtd to aeclualan ;nd .,. 1 litUo funny It mf(!)lt take the i1Jineu to help~ =U!I ~ ; tll< J>f.9Je<I IJOCh :o.r ~ .m1et, '!<! 111o ·: "'!" Ind INQi'tt-. ~, ~ prlvotepie!. edpolflt-dot1feclhort." estJmataolUll:k& ·" .tr.~Jl.l!l!!!W'~,1 • , , .t~~AG,E,P.l)'. ' .. full 'te"xt of President's nmarks, Pait 19). "He persorilfied the best In k..'"\elica," said Nixon, who served under Ebenbower as vice· president from 1953 to 1111. "It was the character of the man, noC what he did but what be was. that so captured the trust and iffectioo of his awn people and the· people of the world.,, "He wa1 a product of America's 10il (See FUNERAL, P1ge %) 11 on Board Boat Rescued 'After Crash Eleven nersons were rescued lmn a sinking cabin en.User by eine.rgency crews Saturday afternoon after tt collided -a buoy jolt outside of Seal Beach. · Two rescue boats, dispatched by the Orange County Harbor Department and the Huntington Beach City Lifeguards were able to bring all the victims aboard before the craft went down. There were no injuries. Rescue crews were alerted to the ac- cident at 4:40 p.m. when a "Mayday'' distress slgnai fram the damaged craft wu monitored by the Harbor Depart. ment in Newport Beach. ' When Harbor Department officials-&r• rived at the scene the "Storm Maker n" 1l2d a large bole , pwlched 1niq lja 37-foot bull . with water up ~ \he gunwalu. PumJ>lDI proved to be U.. e!fecllff. The boat Jatet-oank In Analitlm Bay af!A!r glancing ol! 'the pier. Although the owner of the boat, J3.year old Dr. Char ... Heller, of 11881 B.olero St., Huntington Beach, was aboard at the time of the accident, he was not piloting the yacht. The cralt was operated ~Y Donald A. Jooee:, 501 of 18979 Edgewater Lane. Huntington Beach. The disabled boat was later towed from the chamel to the nearby U.S. Naval Ammunition Depot where salvage operatioos are now being conducted. Hessians . Blamed For Disturbance Units from the Huntington Beacti Police Department were deployed at· ll:30 a.m. Sunday night to auist CountrY. Sheriff's officers in containing ii disturbance in Sunset Beach which police blamed on 17 members of the Hessian motorcycle club. Details of the incident have not betn released by Sherill's headquarters in Santa Ana since no official report was yet available. A check with the patrol division, however, revealed that the disturbance was of a minor nature: Trustees Slate Mee t Tr u s t e e ! or Westminster School Distz:ict meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the administration· building, 1 4 I z 1 Cedarwood Ave., Weltml.nster. Agenda items include a discussion of the district's family life education program. Coan It'll• be cloudy, but dry, T\leodiy with no JD1jcr ~-alter•· Uons u the ll1P cOOUnuea to take a 9etnl·VIClUOll f.roml the Orange Coast. INSm'fl TODAY I L f k e Ccoroc Wat'1_inoton. Dlllghl I>. Eiunlrowe<..., "/int I tn tom', ttnt 'in ptact and fittt ,in!/!! h••ru 9J.~i,l •. R11111J•'l1' """· r.h;ia...'i'N;z.,.r, .....,,,, ll'alvMi' iii 'ltllf!Oi(' Pco• 'iii' •• -.. _ ... • ,,..,_,. • -.. c-'I'll --.. c-.. __ • ·-" ,,,.... '"""" .. °"" ....... ' -·-,,.,, -·-• -.... . ............ .. -• ·-• -• ~ ... .. ::.-:· .... • .. .. • f CAIL V 'ILOT H Mesa Couple Held in Sale Of 'Sex .Movies ' A Costa hfesa couple f1ce a court appearance 'l\Jetday, following: their ar· l'ell afttr .Utgedly agrttlng lo "ll an undercover lawman 40 spicy movie reell !0< 11,lllO, pollce dl!cl<><ed loday. Dou&lu A.. Payne, 39. and hls wile )i.farcla, S7, of 2Z1 Knox Platt, wtre booked on aapicioa of u1e ol oblctae filml aod ·reJeutd ¢1 their own rec:ogniiance, promi!ing to appear on ecbedule. Police Sgt. Jack Calnon, ol lli8 vie,! and intelligence detail t&id the Paynes ~Ve arrested in tbelr home after p&O, the agreed price of 10 reels, changed handl. Patrolman Norm Kutch wu waJtlng outside and entered at a 1lpal from the unldenlified Dblrkt Attorney's lo- vuUgatot, wbo bad been introduced to the Payna by 1 go-between, police uld. lnvestlgaton said 10 reels of film were confiscated and a total of •1,200 in official funds retrieved from the floor of the Payne home after the arreala Thursday. Sgt Calnon said the .Ueged deol called for a later delivtl')' of SO more tetls cf g IMl I 11 m, apporenUy k>tllln( five reels each among ~J.Cbt different UUu. The allegedly obscene fibnl confiscated included these vague and no~vaaue t\Ut1: "Candy Bar," ·"Hair Bruah,'' "Twl.sted," "A·20," "Dog," and others. f'rot11 P .. e 1 SEWAGE ... quorontlne. II 11 potrofled conatanUy by city life111arda, both by vehicle aod by boat equipped with public addreu systems, &o kttp people out of the water," he u.id. "Even the offshore water •kl area is no longer suitable for uae." U the contamination continues throqh the summer, be esUmated a Jou in beacb rentals ol at leaat ~ million. 1'1be additional revenue lost t o restauron1', fJlllq otatlons, fllhfng tackle •hcpl, llWilng thopo, clcthillg 11ona· may, be beyond calculation." He Aid a summer quarantine would mean 1.5 mllllon to 2 mOOon beacb vl11tor1 would have to go elsewhere, "'auravatln1 the problem of other overburdened beaches. 11 "Tbt economic impact on the city ol Newport B<ach, wblle net reckoned lo detail, would be <DdoubtocUY oeven. • Britisk Flags Fly Half Staff For Eisenhower LONDON (AP) -· Queen Ellzabetli II bod lo llep ill today to 10rt out a muddle about fl)'ina: Londoo'a fl111 at holl otafl to niark the death ol fonner President Dwight D. Elaenhower. Flag.s on many government bu1Jd1nts I were Jowertd at her command. Al the day be(on, mcot ol the Union 'Jacks in Whitehall, Lomon'a st!"fft of government c:tnces, were flylng full ata.ft to mark the birthday ol the Dub ol Gk>ucQter, tht queen's unc~. Thia was done under a standing order from ihe 1'Jniltry ol Public Buildfnp. By midday, the lord chamberlain'• office which manage• the queen'• houaebold, was oo the telephone to custtr diana « government bulldinp ordering th<m lo ha~ stall their flap. They wtro told the queen wanted it tbat way. In t h e city ol Loodoo, fl111 on banb otarud the d1y II ball otafl. "We decided lo ti-protocol aod take our own line." said a spokesman fer Mana!on H ..... , the lord maya<'I nofdcnct, Elae:nnowtt was given the Freed.am of the City in l!HS. l!/\1 1l 1•11n1 ' ---- ... OFFICER SAM ...,. N. Jack Dilday (left) of Dilday Funeral Directors diJcusses flip c)lart for Seal Beach polic .. pupil program with SJL Sam D'Amico (center) and Seal Beach Police Chief Lee Case. Vis- ual aids donated by Dilday are used in educational program for chil- dren in primary grades. ;Seal Beach Program 'Officer Sam' Helps Kids Understand · Police Role seaJ Beach policemen are bringing The coloring boob are for use In the law to the clalBl'OOltl In • wies the clauroom u an ald to the pollce- of pro&rams designed to Improve com-pupil proa:ram and are supplemented munleation between men in uniform and by a large flip chart. Both teach the children about safety rules and good school cblldrtn. cltizenship at Khoo!, at home and on For about three years no elementary tbe playlf'Olllld. school student! in the Seal Belch arta InclUded 1n the coloring book are have bad a new teacher in the clauroom admoo.iUona u "always be poUte and -"Officer Sam." play fairly" ·and "stay away from Officer Sam goes tc the various schools danttrow places" and fads about the ~nd ualng lll1.11trated visual a I d 1 , policeman and bia work. uniforms, police car11 ctve1 a carefully-Seal Boch Police are alto Involved worded talk 1eared to the childrw~ In. an &Mual bl'?)'cle safety and Ucenalng level of undtratandlq. (_.program, a motorcycle 1a!e:ty course, In addition. the ~ are pro-classes In drug. edue1~;. pedntrian vkied wlUt a free cOlortna book lo help aafe walklng program Ind pliclng an . remember .diacuasion point.! and an Of4 officer on acbool campuaea on the regular . fieer Sim award to ban& in each basis to an.swer quaflons about law clulroom. 1 ~ enforcement. Huntington Girl Captures 'Future Secretary' ·Crown ' Nancy Johnson, lt-year old Huntington Btacb college sophomore, hu won tbe tiUe of "Mlaa Future Secretary of Caillornia." The honor was bestowed on her by the California division of the National Secretaries AsaoclaUon who chose Mlaa Jobnlon over 20 other canteatanll. She will now bt able to So on to int.emaUonal compeUUon in M 11 m I Beach, Florida, and a chance to vie for a ~.ooo cash scbclarablp. Miss Johnlon began 1tudyir.1 for a le1al aecreWial career at Golden Wut College in 1967 after gradustlnl from Marina High School. She is a member of the college's honor society and bu con1l1tenUy made the Dean's Ust for ac.holuUc achleve- ment. From Page • l EULOGY ••. Kan., Tuelday nllbt at about 10 o'cloct. At lhe family'• requt1t, the route waa 'not dl1<I01od offldally. , The C60, however, aald the tunetal train wOu1d uae Its trackt aa far as Clnctm>1U, Ohio, aod Bolllmore I< Ohio tracb to Aurora, Ind. C1Uet alone this rwto lllclude Bellevue, Dayton, Newport, aod eovtnatoo. Ky.; Addy&loo and Slyer Pork, Ohio, and Llwruceburl, lad. $5,000 'Suite' Cell Prepared To House Sirhan SACJIAldENTO (UPI) -A ~.000 thrff.cell Nila fl being l"porod •• the V1l'lvtlle Modica! Fodllty lo house Slrl>an B. S~han now on trial In the olaylng of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Cotnctlonal authority 1 p o k • 1 m a n Philip Guthrie uld toclo¥ the suite, be111n about a weet qo, would include a kltchtn-dlnin1 room-bathroom ma, a bedroom, and a livln&: room with a televlalon 1et. (lulhrl• uld the sulto 1lould be com· DOlld ol thrtt 1eparate celll wbieb would be connecled. He 11ld the cnrracUonal outbority pllMed lo oak the l•&l&flturo lo< •P•<l•l P'fml15icn lo bold Saban at Vacaville evrn If he 11 condemned lo death by the court In hl1 Los Angel" trlaJ. Sta~ law requirU condemntd male flrisontl'I to be held at Dtalb Row in San Quentin State Pdaon. l ---------'---- TAPPED FOR STATE TITLE GWC'• Nancy Jlhn1on Here's Schedule Of Ike Funeral WASHINGTON (AP) -Th~ I! the day·by-day proaram of honor• to be paid former PruldenL Dw11ht D. Eisenhower: The beefy Ilea in slole in the C1pllol rot undo. I p.m. -Cukel will be corried to the hearae: fer rtturn to WalhlnJton Nalih C.thedraL I :30 -Arrival ceremony at cathedral's North Tra11Hpt, followed by EpllCOpaf funeral aervlce in cathedral aUtnded by %,107 J>"IOOI. % p.m. -Cuktt pl1ced lo heom for trip 10 Union Sta.Uon. ' S p.m. -Approtlmate Um• train depart! Unloa StaUon for Abilene, Kan. ,....u, t p.m. -Approl.imate arr1Yt1 of train In Abllrne. Wedn,.doy 1:'5 a.m. -Casket la movtd rn:m train to hearse. 7:50 a.m. -P'untra1 aervtca on 1tepa of Elstnho~·er library. I --.. ad Birth4.ay. for. David( lice's Death Especially Personal to Grandson. i.::::iCll..n:~i:::=-=~:...~: w:. ~=:.. ~ =·~ ....., ........,. '*:"'loved grondf1t11er. Houae nrnc1a1 ~· ~ the ArnerieaO ~~.t:l":1:~~·=~ill grodual• 'Ille young ...., • bfrtbdoy was fillod people during tlie 1960s. I jn mo. He atttJtds Amberst C.Ue&• with oadneao u be attendod bl5 Dovld '• feeHng for bis groni!l1ther woo Ind ahe sou lo Smith Ccllege. They Jtaodlatber'1 f"'1',.J and then boorded deep and the ml!IY hour& they epent live lo Northampton, Ma,.., -midwoy a 1peclal lraln carrying Gen. Dw11ht together had thell' effect. The yOWlg between the two campuus -in a $9$-a· D. Eisenhower'• body to Abilene, Kan., man'11nfectious artn, potie and affability rnonlh apartment. David hope3 to go where it will be burled Wednesday. are ltr!mll1 rtmlnlwnt of b I 1 <Mi to law ICbooL The nation'• 1oea wu especially grandfather. He abUDI &1l student pro t e 1 t personal for David, who became a na· H1a &randpinn1': wtre . thrilltd in. movemetU on the campu1. JI e lional figure durtn1 tu• grandfalber's December when David and Pr9Jdent Per 1on1 f I e 1 the mkld)e.of.th&road years in tbe White Hollie. NllCll'I daui!Ur, Jullt, were married phjJolOphy of hi.I srandfather IDd th e . The aigbt ol an adoring man enjoying ind the fcrmu Pruldenl wu prllOd C..vWlciiialflm ol bis l1tber·h>law. F S R call f',... P .. e 1 ormer erge~t e , s. : F)JJNERAL · ..• . • ~ -1' ... • Ik R • d Him M. · b' ' llld 1' iii idt.J., cirtven by 1 ccmpolllcn e eun1te ot er "' do tight ailclJo dil well ••• I man • ' . ' of dtep iaith wbil belleYpl lo .<!<>cl . Ind A retired chef from C..ta Mesa, himself IUffertng from a htart cond.IUon, has I o a t a friend in G e n. Dwight D. Eisenhower. But Henry Fontagneres will have something to remember -a picture showing him chatting with the former President. l "leraonal message from the general is ·hed beneath it. Fonlegn< who baa cooted !or_., of national ._.J intt.rnational 'ficurff, ii in Loni Be a ch Veteran's Hospital recovering from a 1erioua heart attack. He roet Eisenhower twice. The first encoui'iter took place In France during World War II when Fontagneru was an Army sergeant. 'I1le sergeant, who wu bom in France. was speaking to a ~ olfictr about not having seen hi1 ~mother since he Jett for America twenty year'• before. 'Ibe senior officer assured Foataperea lhat their would be a dwJce fer him lo vfoft his mother. He 1ealod tbe promfle by amqing a meeting with General Etteohower, who peraonally saw to It that Footaaneres and hit mother were reunited. Aft er the war. the chelf related be w.. held ol the kltcbtM al the famed Blockllone Hotel In Cblcaco, Ill., -.,, his IOCOnd meeting with 0tbe late l<JIUal -place. AJ a reminder of the occulon General Elsenbcwer greded the cbef in wrltlnc and prliMld Fonta1nere1 for "remembering my liking for baked potatoes , , ," I FODtaperel, 19, and bi8 brother, Pier- re:, live at 3022: Royce Lane, Costa: Meaa. 'Ibeir Mme bu a special spot m the wall for a momento ol a ''bumanitarian • . • the mM -·· !DOii capable man we have ever known." Bal Wee~ a Bust Where Did All the Students Go?. By JOHN VALTEllZA Of "" Ollly 'll•t lttff Bal Week ••• ho bum. The once trad!Uonal bacdlanale which In year! past hit the Newport Beach area eac!l Easter week vacaUon is no more, U this weekend wu any indlcaUon. Despite heavy beach atltndance and crowded w1terway1, the tbouaaodl or noisy, celebratlng students muat have gone elaewhere 1galn tbta yw. Newport police, who are OD their tradf. lional stand-by alert !or the billlday period, described the relaUvely quiet .weekend u a death g11p for Bal Week. Curfew arrests, whicb in paat years totaled in the hundreda, numbered leu than a dozen thi1 weekend. Last year nearly §() were recorded. Tra!flc citaUoos and accident.a: were down this weekend alao, wlth a total of 18 traffic aashtl over the two-day period. No major lnjurl:u were reported. PolluUon oo ports of Newport'• beacbea Nixon Sets Separate Vietnam Policy Talks WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre~clent Nix· on arranged separate Vietnam policy talks today with peace ne10Uator Henry Cabot Lodge and Ambusador Ellawortb Bunker. Preswecr•tary Ronald L. Ziegler aod Bunker-7 envoy to South Vietnam, and Gen. Andrew Goodpaster, deputy military commander there, were seeing Nixon first. During the afternoon, he aaid, Lodge will confer with the chief ex· ecutive. did not seem to drter btach visitors, however. Ufeguarda reported about 65,000 persona on the beaches durtnr the two days. Only a few rooUne rescues were reported. Where have all the revelers KOOe? Police say th• desert and snowy moun- tain areas are the "in" placu lhil yur. The Colorado River's vut. expanse of unpatrolled waterfl'Ollt area .la partlcularly attractive to the ltudenta, pc>llce 11y. If Bal W,.k ls Indeed deod, Newport residents will have to wait Ill more days before the obituary can be written. Wreck Damages .Traf fie Light A )lOWer pole and a tralllc Bght were damaged in Seal Beach late Sunday nfsht tn two traffic accidenta. Burglll:f alarms rang and the lighta went out In -. Seal Boach lhorlly after 11:12 a.m. when a car driven by Joseph A. Rydock, 47, cf 124 Sonia Ana St., Long Beach. sma!hed into an Edlson Company pole at the interaecUon of Mar Vista Street and Paciflc Cout llfghway. Rydock was taken to Long Beach Com· munl.ty HospltaJ and later tranaferred to Harbor Hoepltal in Torrance. He was releued to a private physician this morn· ing. The other accident occurred at 2:35 a.m. at the lntersection of Bay Boulevard and Beverly Manor Drive when a car driven by E. C. Bauer, Jr., of Seal ~ch rammed a traffic sia:nal Bauer wao not lnjurod, poUce sllld. j_ • ..,_ .. • ) I.<--UI I ; lo>. -·1 u-w11CU m ...... .-JU. , .a man Wuu ..,.., 1. loved bis counlry and for wbilm words like freedom· and democracy were not cllCbes but u.!ng truth•. • ·• 0 He made Americana proud of their prtlfden~ proud ol their C()Wjlty, proud of themaelves.". · Mrs. Eilenhower, whose public ordeal will coollnue through the burial at Abilene, Kan., We®eaday, WU eacOrted tbroush the funeral rites by her son John -Nixon's newly-1ppolnted U.S. ambusador to Belgium -and other members of the family. . At one point, aa Nixon referred lQ Eilenbower as · or.e of history's few, authentic heroe.s, John k>oked down !Ollcftoualy 1t his mother, who colled her bwband her wbole life. He found ber Jell band, tucked tznder his right elbnw, aod potted It twice. But she took DO heed, conllnuing to stare straight ahead at the casket. No( atnce the 1"'1 funeral of John Kennedy had so many world leaders assembled in Washington. Among them were Gen. Charles de Gaulle, pres.ident of France; Admiral Lord Lo u 1 s Mountbatten, represenUng B r I ta i n ' 9 Queen Elizabeth; Marsllal Vasily 1. Chuikov of the Soviet Union; King Baudouin of Belgium: Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; Shah Rua Pahlavi of Iran; Prime Minister John GrtJ Gorton of Awtralis ; President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines; Chancellot Kurt Georg Kleslnger of West GermBflrr former Prhne Minister Nobwuke f 1snr cl Japan and Prime Minister P1err4 Elliott Trudeau of Canada. A special train waited at Washlngton'1 ttnion StaUon to carry the flag-drape.! cuket to Abilene, where the late Pre.st dent will be buried Wednesday tn UV chapel of the Ellf!nbower IJbrary ant Museum, a abort dlst.ance frorr:. the fani bou&e where be spent bis boyhood. Homage to Eisenhower began Saturr day. An estimated &0,000 persons fllei by aa Eisenhower lay in repol!le at tht great gothlc cathedral which overlook: Waablngton from the pinnacle of thl dly's highest bill. De3pite bleak and windy weather, aiM occuional early morning flurries o snow, the mourners tept coming, al through Saturday night and SWldaJ mcming. At S:30 p.m. Sunday, the casket wai borne on a creaking army ca.Lsson fu 11 blocks to the capitol. It was follow~ by a nervow riderless black horse wiU reversed boota in the !Urrups -tradJ tional symbol of a fallen warrior sinci the day of Genghis Khan. 1be cortege moved up Constltutiai Avenue to the candenced throb of mulflel drum!. It wu followed by memben ot the famlly, national leaders and troop re:presenUn1 all ol the armed forces Thousand• of Washington area resident.a their ranks reinforced by Palm Sundir tourists, lined the avenue to watch i~ pusage in re1pectful silence. Although generally fair weather h81 beat forecut, the sun did not breaJ throqh lhe overcast until the honc drawn caiason arrived at the capttd •.. -. .I,-. : • . . • " .' • ,· ' ' Repair • Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA "' AUTHORIZED FACTORY. SERVICE !il COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired • diamonds end precious ston11 r1mount1d e p11rl1 r11trung WE CUSTOM OESISN " MANUFACTURE '"U: mes OF JEWELRY HAUOll SH°"'"• CINTU JJOI HAI-&YD. COSTA llUA 1141 t411 ' .. ' • HUlmHTON "'CIN....,IU,. llACll I DIHD HUlmN•TON llACll ltWIOI , I I I • 1 I I I I I I t I I I , I • ·-• • • . ' -~g~na .. uea~• --. ~oi:. .~2. NO. n, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PA~ES . -' ORANGE COUNTY, 'CALIFORNIA • -• --• !I • • ? ' • Y•11r Bo•eMwa ·natJ'y Pal-er ,TEN CENTS . l • ' ' ~~· Going Back Home to Friends Ut Abilene ' By R .. D. QlJJGG 1 • UPI Sea.lor !'Alter ' ABILENE, Kan. -'l1le. ,....Id passed by Juel beyond lhe north ml of lowJ\- 'l'btno, ao Interstate lllgbway '10 lhe cm and trucks ' l)urTy .ionc wffll ~ urgent bun, llotlid for far pJacts, like Deever Ind Topeka and Kansas City. Here, insJde'tia. tecure wrapping~of surroundmc lliopes of brown K&>tas. earth and -~ paldles of . wiotu Wheat, lies effl')'body'a hometown. '"Ibey reel cloee to Ike," me man · When· the man from Abilene, DwfJhL said of the people here. "He wu always D. Etseohower, com.es finally bomt Tuts-~ prnud to be from Abilene." :;r4'11e~ i: 'ID<1111 frleods "It'• a feeling lhat be m117 meant .P'lml ·1he. wagon Wbeel . Cl!•. down JI,• Mid Mayor Deltm B. Hadd,-''wben by, Ibo ~j depot, W~ the funeral be wai lo cOme back and 10J II WU lrlil! '!!II nach ,Jawney's end,. lo lhe beiog·bome again" , • cdnete0'"'.9n .tbe .'bin, Where !Iii father "I Sol the ahoct" my life one mcinlrig Datid and his mother Ida are buried, when he wu Presidert and I wu IOJn& lhe tOwn D:e roamed as a boy ii still . lo .'wort about I o'clock and -. be uolqueq,hil. . -wu all alaoe watfni down bJ the corner ' ' ot o1 Cedar_ and 5em>d stnet Juot looking . •. thingl." ' . ' .. ' ' . ~ J Zelce Storer came out lr<m Sunday lel'V!ces at lhe Finl l'NsbyW!ao Cburcll and remembered: ''There WU a IJlOI -~ ,Old Callahan's Confecttaoery, lhe plaoe II goo e now, that we used tb all ·'Ike'• corner." In .his early mll1tary days when . he would return borne, tbit!1 Wtitre . he'd ~ lit and visit with ' Callahan_-and Paul Royer and' bis other cronlel.'" .1 · • ' 'you 'c!riv1 · tnlb thll lolm of.' 1:. . Wtween· ·~fub!OMd whtte ~fram·e · bouiel with bi& yuds. They, llPe'lbe roam drag, Buckeye Avtnue before· tl -lhe -.... .• -..JA.-d one. m .theie boulu,. • womu. :.en hie!' w11 · to cburdl ttmtl'n ... ; ID'1· ·molber: " ' l. "Whm the news first cmne durln& the ·war ihat be w11 · setUnt the.five-stir genenl ·rank, my AUDt··Emml 1uted !fn. Eioellllower--lbe fbou&hl about ' a1 s e I lhat. She repHed: 'Ob,, 11'1 all rllbl ~ ·just 10 long U be'I· rood 'lo illo boy1. 'Ibat's just bow abe wu." ." Al the. c:orner of Buckeye ml Sevath Street lllere Is anolher church, an old one -white frame wilh 1 ateeply peoted rool of bare wood · sb1J111er ud a "r.d brick cbinmey perehed oil top at the front. Ila sign says: "Brtthi'en ·tn Cbrilt Church." Tbe lesend beneath lhal rudl: ISee.AlllLENE, P ... JJ Burroughs at Viejo 13 Pounds Seized in Firm Eirst for New Industrial Park One Haul First n~ of a flrm ·to locate in MllsioD-V.iejo'a new industrial part was annoanctd today. ' ~ Corporation today said ·it will coom:uct· a i1&-nµliion, 3,000-square foot facwfY in\Mluliill: VJejO.for.engineer· 11111 and DIEl"'aduriog higlHpe<d dl!t, !iJe ~-~'for ilte<io ~ EieclronM!·CompUter System!.' · · Plant ~' on a 5,1-acre site at LemOo AveDue and JerOnimo ·Road ' ac:quired from Mission Viejo ComJ>lllY, is llCheduled to begin in lllay wilh com- pletion slated in mld·fall It is exPected to be lully -aUonal by .early neJt year. More ·than 1,400 professional, olllce, .aN! dJrect.labor personnel will be emp~J~ lhe .plant ·within. lhe nen two to Orio~'~ ,.i.i. A!J ·with IU"rougJ.is .Westlake Village la¢ily, wliicll lcniatly Cl{>elled Jul Oclober near Thousand Oats and alao produces dllk me memory unlta, many Of lhe production openliorla w!1I be performed lo cJeao roomt lo wblch air is cleansed Of particl., which mllbl damaae magnetic systems • Manu!acture ol s u c h unJta chieny in- volves band assembly operations con- ducted in an environment tree of dust., (See BUllROUGBS, Pqe %) ' · The Josi1t!c1 o/ weeteod drugs arr•lb and ~ Jn Laguna Beach Wlh lonil!dihie. Al · dawn broke Mco!ay, police bad ~ IO dllferenl -.,.., VIJ)'in( C\llrl'I 111>4 clllmed the)' ooDed -• -JJ poundl Of marijualia . valued Ill l(ooi bi one raid alone. Tbe•bic-nlarljuaoa baid'!ncluded wl>al may have hem lhe world'• ~.inan. j-.. _. ... 1.a...,. Beach, police ' •l iltasl,bad ............. ~ ~ .,,, ~t~ti;~~' ' Opetls Quietly; .•-... • . '., 1 ,l·1 ' •, ' lb. ldng~lzod roach, buJ1l<!I at - .. WU •pt00Ximl4'111 ll"~IJong Ud four locbel II) ~ " Ill ~polo!. 'Wrapf)ed ill a ..W~ 11 · wai part If the It pauoda • WIT ..... -~ PRESIDENT PLACES WREATH AT.EISENHOWER .BIER '\ • , Outside the C•pitol, A Six-Block Li:M of Mourners J .. Farewell to .Eisenlwwer: ' GOod, Gentle, Kind Man • _v• By LOlJIB C,USEl.'i W ASl!INGTOllf · (UPI) -It '"' the d01,tlor N)'loc -lo the "good ancl.paUe and ttnd man .. called Ike. TM funer a l ol Dwight David Elaoqhower, moot unlvenally · liked AnMl!<ao ,,...-1 Of lhil centucy, wu in leteplng with his own wlsb for a· simple rdlgioul BUrice upressing con- fi<lalt fa!lh II tile -laltioB mercy Of Gbd. . ' nit titual called · for no eulogy, DO mrui.r. _..,iry, no worldly , pomp. But · -the congrqatioft assembled tn W~ Natlonll Cathedral bore wl~ to Eisenhower'• Wustrloua place In ll!llor1 .. lhe ·pnera! who led the alli:el to Ylct«y In Wprld War JI and as the ~vlnl president who .. tiled the ~ ..... cmlllct. -•la. prime minlJlors and tings came. to join J>tuident NiJ:on, formei:.· PMldlml Lyndon B. Johntoo and olher U,S. leadtn In payl111 last respects to Eisenhower, who died Frlday' at the age or 78. Before being borne lo lhe Epilcopal cathedral for the half-hour Protestant funeral service, Eisenhower's body had ~posed in state: for ·nearly 24 hours in lhe rotunda of lhe U.S. Capitol There, last Sunday alteinoon, President Nixon eulogized hlni u a "rood and genUe and> tind D'Llll" wbo baled no one and Wll · bated by' no one. (See lull tut o/ Pmideot'• remarb, Pap It). . "Be pmon1lled Ille belt in Amer1<:1,• Aid Nlaa, who .....t under Eilellbower .. mo ,...._ 1r<m ll5S 1o 1111. "It -tile cbarlder Of the man, not wbat be did but whit be was, Iha! so captured the Wit and alleclloo II hll own,paople and lhe people Of the world. • • . ''He WU I product ol America'• IOll ISee FUNEllAL, Ptl' II • In Laguna Beach Except for a lone motorcycle Incident a:nd· heavy beachfroot crowd.1, Laguna Beach enjoyed one of the most quiet first wee.kends of Easter W:etk vacation in recent years, police reported today. There were vacation crowd! on the Art Colony beaches, but most of the visitors were orderly. IJfeguard Lt. John Cunningham estimated 3G,OOO ·sunlovers were on city beaches each day Saturday and Sunday. Or?e incident Sunday afternoon was reported by CUnningham. An unidentified person rode a bigb·powertd motorcycle onto the crowded Main Beach, roared around, and then rode oU before authoritlu cQ!.ll( act. "He's lucky he didn't hit anyone," Cunningham said. Laguna Lifeguards hauled two people from the light surf. Water temperature ofr Laguna b 58 degrees. San Clemente Llfeguards said that about %7,000 people visited south county beaches there over the entire weekend. The made 33 minor rescues, Lt. Hank Barnes said. Dance in Street, Film on Surfing Set After Dark A -t dance and surf film pr..,.nled by loca1 teais will te.p Easter Week happenings rolllng alter dart lo Laguna Beach. The danct, sponsored by the South Orange County Youth Council of the YMCA. will be held on Lagun1'1 Foreat Avenue Tuesday. Two bands, Freedom and Wild Fire, will play from I p.m. lo mldnigbl Admission IJ 75 cents. Past dllDCe! have drawn as many u 1,000 loca1 and visiting teens. In order to keep the noise level down, ampllfiers will be directld seaward, away from ruldenUaJ areas. "The Gius watl," 'a color surfing fihn, will be presented Saturday evening at the Laguoa Beach High School auditorium. Tk:tets far the I p.m. show- ing will <OSI Ii for ldulll 1od II.SO for students. Proceed• from the rum win go towards the high 1ebool'1 juolor ... nfor prom. ·, · I · : Mn.T•Pn.na..t~· ' ' ' I 1 ' I t 'J • \ ' LT. ROBERT McM)l,RAY PONDERS :OIJT!IZED 'ROACH Thia PJp0 ol Poace:·can:t lle.Swopt.Undor.-tho R"I · ,.: ... 'T $80,~,.-..0J.fJet Laguna 'Computerizecf · I • • • ' ' • Fo~ View of Big,·PiCtur:e By RICJ4RD P. NALL Of ,,,_ Dll11 ""' II.rt Laguna Bea'ch Us being computerized. The art . colony physlogomy· is being . reduced to bank! of data in an effort to create · the big picture, a (erietal plan. Councilmen and planners ·Jut. Wednes- day heard a · four·ata1e· praenllUon on the progress of the MO.~ general plan study being conducted by D,niel. Mann, Johnsoo alJ(I Me!ldenhall, (DMJM). ft fnclUded a report Oii land Ule and ""°puter mapiris; • lndMdual • llludies nearing compldlon that wf11 be lhe buia . 10< plaMlns; an upcoming cltben a~ tkude survey: a geoJocic repqrt;, ll'd , hint. Ill a lew prdlmioary plannlng coo-. clusioos. l'lrs. Judy Frank Aid ... era1 fn. ' cfepeodenl studies w!1I be eompleled in the Deif. month or IO, "MOit of the . Lagunans Hurt In 2 Accidents A Lall""• Beach boy and a Laguna man were Injured in .separate weekend traffic mishaps, poUct aakl today. Dimitri Radoyct, t, Of 102t Gavlota St.. was treated at South Coast Com- munity Hospital and releaed. Police 1a!d the youth darted into the palh of 1 car driven by tea-Wiilllm B. Thomas, SS, Coronado, 1t the fn. t.neetloo o/ SOulh Coul lllillnray and Anita Street Suod01 evening. • In •• ·-Slll!hlOY _, .. reports are neCetsai-y to : begin ~ to· dO oi.ir actual Ptabntng-,''· .. ·aaid. · • · ' A land u a e study concerns a general ln,..tory Of lhe use, J<lllln, efficiency analJllJ, arial}'lil and lnvenl«y of. coU.- ly, cKy and l!Cbool laclllU". • RAN~·~IJDJID It wm· include • regional cia1)'1il in- cludtn( ~ In~ 1,od .Moulloll ~hos, Dana Pohil and ·~ .._ alleclliig • Laguna. It w!1I uily.. lhe tmd and c:eodH!on· Of botillnc ill' Laguoo -· aH public ulfl!t!es and IJlve· ._, ld'st«lcil · uo!Y* Of the town. ' A dilfertnl lludy "'11 ·be IO -· ' ao'1yll1 on trade ' ml nmllllllo(. 1. t>«limlnary . IMlylil ....,. . Iha I Laguna war • not ll:eepinc p a c • eqonomlcally cauoed lpir1lad ·na-Ja . bu&.-circles. A tralflc and cjmllatlon llady ·llt lo include .. invenlory of -' ml highway, parkln(, clielllatlat> and, I h • oc:lgln and deollnltlon Of -' .. Mrs. Frank Aid DllJK II •Ulilt( Lquoa Beach u a protDlype I« develop. ' lni ellJclenl eomputu teclriquea for' ~ plam!lng. Sbe •kl lhlll tlllla botlt- 111( ts a "*1ch project u well·u a );eneflt lo Ille city. KNOW ALL LAND . By ewnl!le Ille 111d lhe -putu w!1I know evrr paree1 of land, ill uae and ....,,, and lhe number Of porl:io1 IJlOCU. All bulldlnC permilJ lot nine yean ha.. beea codod lllld taped • ' have dita OD populatlOn patlmll, nolgbbcrbood ,quallly 'and ~ ) types, ..,,. I , •• Michael.,,_ ·IC-',21' 'ol Hi5 •P~ Congress. ~d.io ·: , ~~.::f4" ;;,:,.~~-~, W ASHINGTOH ~.\t~dho •; 'fM..inE ,... "!.'! ltt1i.il ti Iii. bospita1 ..,_. aaa-l'Of'• rolls w!1I be locloded In'-~ d1U; w!1I be 1117 c<nM. ' ' She )lto);cled .., a ""'°" cunputer printed ... l'I and esJllalned lhe. Some ""the ln!lll'lllltfon iOdlldod : • and the Senate mef'briefJ,y lod1y and, and rele~i"'i!Uc...111d ·lhe I un, alter ,.verll eulogies, adjourned out Of Saturd&J.~del!\ cfl:<urred on North resped 10< Dwlghl D. Elteobowtt whoso Coul 1t'll!"IY 'ln the EnieraJl! Ba1 body lay lo state lo lhe Capitol Rotunda. .,.l, • · • t ;.· 1 • l I -Many billaide dwtllen rate ecn-• ·-:o1 titopriJni :iow.1 ~ , .. a ctr tliey bead for' Fllliiow lsllod Jn ' (See PUNNING, Paci %1 aald !bfy -II. '11 CaJl10ll Aaa Dflve. I ' ' ~.II fllal adilrou were Jolm llonny,M11heW1, ,21;:Jim.. J'll!i<" Leg JI., 22 ; SteJ>i!On Roliert Hill. ll; and WllUM\ Edw&rd llmbaD; i,; an cl lhe_Canyon Acres Drive ac!drW- The four were arrestOcl'by ~~ Norm Babcoct 'and OflJcer N<I!' ~ about mlclnfghl .&mday. · l,A. Ro¥ M<;Murray -111!! the; O/flcers plat«! lhe re!lldence under lllltVdlJaix;e ~t4:r Mathews assertedly. ~ ponce aOd asked to talk wtth delectivea. 11e aaid1officers moved in after ovtrbearlnl Mathew• pilonins friends abwl ·lhe mati: Juana ."and other goodies''.... _ niree ~ men were arrested Jt a teP.ll'a.te locaUon aa part of ·the 111119 Jnveitiption, ·McMurray taict alter po~· stopped their car. ) · Tiie -· , ~ booJ<ed !"' lllilPl<fon Of mariju"" pooaesslon wilh Intent lo ..U, weie !denlllled as Rodney .f,al . Ro81ef';·l3·of UM ,Wuhiogtm Sl, Colla M"fl; ~Vic Sollldan, 20,ol B~ burY; 'and, Michael Reno McMWlen,· JP, Of 581 J0anne St., Coeta Mesa. McJv.urray tald p!Krolmeo found 1 kilo · packlBO (I.I pounds) In tlie glove <Om; partmenl, Of lhe suspects' car which w&1 stopped in lhe 400 block of Ne.Ill Cout llfglnray SUnday night. · · · Poltce .-topped lhe trio, McMunay aid; • after &My were seen leaving 'tbe Clll)'m Acres Drive residence. Police Mid comptalots would be -'1t' apinll all of lhe ll,llPecta Tueoday. McMurrat 'aald the.-. .. Included ldlo pactell of ~"plpe1, wood clprell and dpftl",,.......: Police arrest.pd •. 17~Y.ear-oSd girl stu-. dent from Puad<na ·l!Wicfay evening on au1pldon Of ~ Of mu1ju1Da w!lh ' <Seti NAllCO llAIDI; P.f&' II I It'll be cload!'. bol dr,, 'lllelday with no major L.,,,.....iun .,...._ UODI 11 the -(•'IDI• to tan 1 ¥mi:vacatlon fiom the Oraiw11 Coast. INSIDE TOD.4.Y 1· I ' • • •~-OA!i.~·-v_m_o_r~~~~L~~~"~"~·...,.~~n._1_ ... ,..., 1 LIS.,. :~~n~e,·l1i 'Fr~n~y ~· · 1Ua1e· llY l\IZlllll)IAN SMl11l :Jliald• ._..,i: H-.')u Jl\!llltd' _; bla oM ....:........1 Ii ~ mil ~ of a hl'tlot10 -l; a sllr(lriJloll1 Pcilnl iod1y IChedultd special ~ Ull)l'llle8-8-lar . -....... ____ .....,, ...,., V1lllllil ~· ••. '" j lallii -~ii---·-ii ,, .... "'··-........ •AllllllQllll-AI P111H• ' lli illtllt .... ·~ ..... 11!1>. ~ • 11111 ,,la 1!1t al•-1ap; 1121' la-~ ..... lt~lllt_...,.W,. l Ilk! In bla movJnil tulcb In lhe/ -1ao1v 11 1M ;'f 'ii 11f11 lso · •1• I . , " I, allii "1o -Joq hair ~In Jhe oummertl II. Ctpllol rotunda Sundoy anm-t, IOme ahlllty lo '• tllo -pw I m'a ,.i.n ,,. ~ . of h -W ,..i ' -~ lo -.fu.l. Then Wednesdi,Y, aftu EiJenhcwer 11 of D!olJhl D. -.00Wer'1 lut lhouplS of view and ""\ lo bale bin> becallle Amtrlcw ol every staUon paid tribute '?'bent were DO protat llanl. no oul· burled in Abilene, K111., a hetY)f ~ were ol nmecllu for the aJ'lll')' dlvlaions he disagrtta. throuib the night and day to E:lsenhowtr crtea or dl•ptiyl -jwt blcick aRtr at lbe Point will fire the union Wutt, of our time. "That wu Dwt&ht Elsenhow!r... at bis flag-dt•ped c:an.t. block cf grave:facrd people lookfne at SO <.."OtlaeCUUve shots, one every Ove ' In a volct that cracked occuionally Perhapa Nilan rtllected I.ht aplrlt ct . There wu no odlclal estimate on the a· sad, yet stirring ritual of fartwell seconds to ataod to: each state in the with emotion, N.l.i:on aid ol tbt man the tbouu.nda r who lloed m1jerttcally numbtr ol vtaltcn fll1nl eomberly to a national hero Dlll'I)' t4 tbe ')'OUOBer union. whom be aerved Sor ellhl yean u broad <lo111Ulut!M Avlnue lo walch In uv.up the blllll ej the blltorlc room, people knew "1'7 from their hlltoty After lffln1Elleolbower'sremains41\d vlco -1de•l: silenco, ~ few In lolrt, u a b~k. bul ~ made a roup ...... that boou. the famll)' oil lo Kwas aboard the ''Ila wu 1t11ulneb 5lllllled by "-l>oJ'le.<lmrn ca I s 1 on ea r r I• d durln1 lhe llnt 11 boun, t1*e bad bltn For Nllon, the e!llOUOOll'1 dralnlnl funeral tralD, thent will be a 7 p.m. and by hate· because he was Incapable Eiaenhoftr11 body from Wbhlnpin N.. men than I0,000 vlllton. afternoon wu only the beglrth!ng. Tod1y reception by Nixon and bf1 wife at ol it himself. He could llf:VU quite un-liooal C.tbedral to lie in stile through Perhapt tbe molt dlstlnctlve thing there wu a meeting wllh De Gaulle, the Wblle House for a bolt of foreign dustand It in others. the night in the eavernoua rotunda. about the crowd WU the many young lhen the highly ceremonial funeral dignitaries assembled be.rt f0t tbt rites. "The lut Ume I •w him (lut •veelt French Prtlldenl Qwkl do Gaulle people -fOUlll coup!" boldln& their aervicca durln1 Jbe afJcmoon. A nlne<:ar, lhreo-qlne train will ctr• al Walter lllJed ilolpldal) that 1!U what made bll-ance Sunday ud lalul4d ~ a1o11 fer a nm--view Tbc U.S. Mllllarj Academ,y at West ry Eiaenbower Cll bll IUI jourllty. I'~ P .. e I GIANT NARCOTICS RAID IN LAGUNA; •• Intent to sell and possession of. dangUOUJ drup. Officers said the girl was 1n a car In the 3200 block of Alta Laguna Avenue. Jn her pm'R, McMUrTay said, were 11 marijuana clj:arell, a bag of loose marl· juana, a half ounce of huhlsh, 20 dex- amyl Clpsu1ea. 10 darvon capsules, a pipe and tight unidentified tablets. She was released to ·her parents pen- dJng a Jumille court bearlng. An El Toro Marine idenUUed u Jerry Frederick Griffin, 21, was arrested along with a Laguna Bea.ch 17-yeir-old boy Sunday night at the foot of Cleo Street beacb. • LI. McMurray llld Griffin was booked for both polHSSlon of marijuana and furnishing marijuana to a minor which carries a 19 year to life sentence. A compla"int will be 100ght Toe!day, f&id McMWTay. The youth WU nkued Students Spend Eruiter Week On Baja Project 1 _ School work ls no doUbt tM raithnt thing from the mlnds of moat students ~ during Easter Week. Not ao, however, ' for 21 San Clemente High School' atudentl who have embarked on a net4on1 ; marine research expedition to the wildl of Baja CalUomia. '11le atudent.s, with parents and ln- slrudora will make their headquarters al Bahia de San Louil Gonzaga. about 400 m.Hes south of the border. They will akin dJve , to study marine animal and plant life in Jt.a own element.. Studenll' allo wlQ · collect shell1, ind bottle U!1UIUll fish u apecfi!l,ens f~ the hl&h school's marine museum. "Around the a r e a of Gonzaga Bay, we will see giant sea base, Corbina, Yellow ran 'I'\Jna, and giant sea turtlu," said Philip Grignon, trip organizer and diatrlct aclence department director. In prtparatlon for the trek, the boys and girl.a attend a week-lon1 series of lectures on the history of. the area, tile geological past, th< plenl and animal life that could be expected to be seen and the water chemist.ry of the Gull of CalUomla. Parenti were involved in the planning of Jbe lcbool spooaorcd !rip and IOVeraJ have gone alOIJ&. Easter Vacation Arrives as Lamb If the Euter Bunny plans to park his hutch while delivering eggs ~t Laguna Beach homes on Apr.111, Easter Sunday, he'd better have a pocket full of coins with which to feed the city parking me- ters. to bla panmll' CUltody pudlnc Juvenile court aci1oo. McMWTay aald offlcera watched the Marlne tm0ke • marijuana . clgaret and pass It to the youth who also took a drag. He 1ald the Marine also had about a hall ounce of wine-soak· ed marijuana mi his penqn. Five Laguna Beach teenagers were pickff up Friday. aflornoon on Crescent Bay Point on 1tJ11>lclon of marijuana posseMion. They were ,two boys and three girll rariging i'1 ages from 15 to 17. One ci1aret was se.ized, McMurray said. 'The quintet was in a car. They were rtleased to parents pending juvenile court action. A 17-yeor-<>Jd La Cmc:tnla boy WU picked up c:m Cleo Street beach Sunday afternoon 1for marijuna poueulon. He WU ~eued to his parent. pending a juftnile court appearanllt. Pctfce 1ald the YOUllplor bad a ll!1lll bq of marl- ju1111 and a rolled marij1llftl cl(mL Five narcotJco IUlpcctl mealed Fri· day b)' state and local agenla are scheduled for Bl'Taignment Tuelday at Laguna Beach Municipal Court. Statt narcotlca agents allege that over a month-long invatigaUon undercover offlcen boushl LSD worth 13,oqo on the stnet, and a larp q11111tlty ol mari- juana believed to be of VJetnamese orlaln. Al!o eeveral ll!lall marijuana plants were potted in a paUo, 11ent1 asaJd. Arrested were: Betty Jean Creamer, 3', of Apl 2, 2969 S. Coast Highway ; Laguna Beach; Chri!Wpber l\llchael Yeomem, Jl, of 2tll Vicl«ia Drlve, Lquna B<acb; Ralph Diamond, 21, ol 111$ Victory Walk, Laguna Buell; Gecqe Arthur Buahaw, 20, arnsted at 1111 Victory Wall:, Laguna Beacb; and Collaen Erin McHucb, :IO, anealed. al !Iii Victory Walk, Laguna Beach. Front P.,e I PLANNING COMPUTER. • • Newport Beacb er ~ llilol'lliic areal fartfter away. -Laguna Beach houMholda have lnnn 114 to 21-3 vehicles. -Elevatiooa range from elshl !eel lo 800 feel -Top ol the World and Irvine Cove havo •Jbe h I g h e1 l percentage of ~en. -Tbe northerly nachos of the city contain more older persons. -'nle bllll have more •Inile lamil)' ilwelllnp. -Thert are more ~aons per household In hlllalde dwelling and more :!IDl!l~ -More hlllalde dwellero own their own homes. COLORED SLIDES Abrum Khrulhli:ov, who Is heading the DMJM study, showed colored slides cf Laguna and other cltlu -polntlpg out acblevement and problem artu. He '?eceived applauae when be showed pictures of utility poles marring the skyline and II.id they should be Wl- derground. Khrushkov showed Walklkl'1 waltwlyl to the beach bordered by lush tropical plants. "This Laguna could do," he said. He said the city needs very much tG create more access to the ocean. Mentioning high rise, be said the town should keep openings between such developmenta -"vistas to tbfl ocean." Ht1 5P0ke of problem& of hiah rile ln the hills destroying the skylinL The plaMers commented that Laguna's hillside residential development might bavc better protected the etyllne had it been clutter development. their tract maps 'llitli thorough 1eoloatc survey1. In another preaenlaUtn, City Planner :AI Aulr!' lafd the tarp! date for mallln& a comprehensive attttude aurvey to l,otl area residents is April f , More than 10 percent of these, tel, wW be h1&h llChool lludentl. Dr. F. Bench Lel&bton. pol.pt, lald bla lluily II about IO porcent complolad. He 1ald tt 11 fortunale that lhe dlllJ of Loguna Beach an not Db Pacllle Pall· aades, not compond of loll lldlmenta. Palisades dwellm, be aaid, 11are really practicing brh1km1111hlp." The recent storma, whether of the IO year or IO yur magnitude, he lald, callled onlj> ••m mllll allk .. tlOlll Jbe belch. sroNE BEDllOCK He llld Laguna with bedrock nf 11nd atone and old marinfl formatlon1 was 11ot like the bad altuatlon at Pilot Verdes peninsula or San Cl!mente, rock forma4 Uons with clay layen between.. Over 13 acres of Laguna Beach - toward Abalone Point -are volcanic. This is the town'• toughest, moet resis· tant area gcologic!1JY. Dr. Leighton, who is preparing a geologic atabllty maps, said Laruna has had lltue eroaion since the 1880& and said the cliffs have retreated very little in 100 years. He ahowed slide.s caused by improper construction cuts and aald, "when man disrupts thfl landlcape, he m1y generate problems by removing support, problems that do not show up for five or 10 years." RETIRED CHEF FONTAGNERES WON'T FOROl!T IKI A Humanitarian With • Fondne11 for lak..t Pot1toe1 Former Sergeant R~calls '1)- Ike Reunite'd Him, Motlle:r A retired chef from Cost.a Mesa, himself suffering from a heart condition, has I o s t a friend in G e n. Dwight D. Eisenhower. But Henry Fontagneres will have som~hing to remember -a picture showing him chatting with the former President. A pertpnal mesuge from the general is attached beneath it. Fontagneres, who has cooked for scores of national and international figures, i.!J in Long Be a ch Veteran'• HO!Pltal recovering from a serious heart attack. He met Eisenhower twice. 'l11t first encounter took place in France during World War 11 when Fontagneres was an Army sergeant. The sergeant, who wu born Jn France, wa• ~ to a aenior olfictr about not havbi 1etn JU mother lince he lef't for America twenty year'a before. The aenlor officer aMUred F-es lhal their woold be a cm..,. lw him to vlsll bl• mother. He 1ealed Jbe prom11e by arranglnr a meeting With General Elltllbower, who pcnonally 11w lo It that POl>lqneres and hi.a mother were rewlited. A f t e r the wlr, the chetf related he was head of tbe kitchenl at the famed Blackstone Hotel in Chlcqo, m., where hiJ second meeting with the late 1eneral took place. GEOLOGIC SURVEYS From Page 1 As a reminder of the occulon General Eisenhower tretted the chef in writlng and pralted Fontasneres for "remembering Ill)' llldng for baked potatoes ••• " Khruskbov aaid the planners rn1y reconunend that developers accomp1n1. EISENHOWER FUNERAL. •• chapel of the Eisenhower Library and Museum, a short distance from the farm house where he spent his boyhood. Fontagneres, S9, and hla brother, Pier- re, live at 3023 Royce Lane, Coata MesL Their home bu a iptclll spot on the wall for a momento of a ''humanitarian • . • Jbe mOll ~. mosl capable man we have ever known." ••• JD' Tbe Cbu1Peate &t Ohio train leaves ' ,,,. ds'o -......... j;i;.. "rfr todly .. ...,/?be ~ ol Ille nation'• Stth "):nltaent, hh family and friends acrou country to the Kama.s ...... . . ' ,~~ ' . Tbc train was lo arriff In Abilene, Ken,, Tuiodl)' nigh! at about 10 o'clOok. At the famlb''• request, the route .YflS bot dllcloled ollklally. 'l)e ClcOl bowever,,llJd £he funeral train would -Its Iracb al far u C1nclMaU, Ohlo, and Baltlmore ·I: ·Ofl!o trttckJ to .Aurora, !rid. Cities alt)ng thls route include Bellevue, Diyton, Newport, and Covington, K,y.; AddJtsloo and Sayer Part, Oi>lo, Ud Lawrencebur1, Ind. '* .J . l'r011t P-.e I ABILENE ••• "To Do Rlsht H<11><rs God. To Sin Is to D1apiJe Hlm." Up 15 wtndinr Woodert !lairs. from the front vestibule to the li ttle room w it h one stained glass window and a wood ceiling just under the atUc, John Dayholf, short, chunky, with a grey frin«e cl. hair, wu parKlng when he reKhed It. "Dwight WM a year and two months older than me," he said. "Well, it look5 jlJSt about the same. He and I and about 12 other boys and girls were in the same Sunday school clau here. '"Ibat wH during the years when we were 10 to 13. 'Mlat window i! the same and these wooden chairl'I look the same, and that stove by the nue over there. We can't stay long becawie a du:& will be here any minute. "You told me he is supposed to have carved hia initials in a bench here, D.D.E., and the'y've got It out to th~ museum now. I don 't know about that. but if he did, and his dad had found it out, he'd really have got pulled up." After three days o{ stale funeral Dwight Eisenhower will come here, and Wednesday night he will lie finally in a vault beneath a med~ation chapel built of the ~ky limestone quarried in western Kanus -the man who left here to become Eisenhower ol North Africa, Nonnandy, WHhiogton and the world. From Pqe J _ BURROUGHS • • smoke, and noise conditions, Burrough.5 •<Plained. The AU!tin Company was selected tn enginttr and supervise construction of the plant. Project planner from tta: Los Anrelea nlfice will be the firm ol Charles J. Rathaim. Pbillp J. Reilly, president of Mission Viejo Company, which 11old the site to Burroughs, 11a1d : "We are delighted with the caliber and plans of Mlulon Viejo lndustrlal Park'• tint tenant. The indll!try will dramatically accelerate the already phenomenal. growth of. Misalon Viejo, whlcb Jn three years baa grown to almost 91000 resident... Now many of our residents wW be able to work right in our community •vlnf commuting," Reilly added. "nie 450-acre Mission VJejo Indu.rtrlat Park ia in the northwestern comer ol the 11,000 acre "new town." Eat of Jeronimo Road and llOUth of Mission Viejo'1 northern border, the lite Is on an elevated mesa. Tbc pllllll 'llill be bulll of tradllional materials including adobe-finlah concrete block, to blend wllb Jhe ulsllng public bulldlnp of Mlaaion Viejo. "The plant site will be beauUfully landscaped, with an entry rivaling Mission Viejo's own well-known La Pa~ Road entrance," Reilly said. Worldwlfe, Burroughs employs more than 45,000 people with ff manufacturing and englneerlnl pllnta and 585 branch sales offices in 122 countries. City meters will be back in operation on Sundays beginnlni: Easter Sunday, ac.. cording to city orllclals. The meters had been inoperative on Sundays since Oct. l, 1968. Met.en now will be in operaUon aevtn seven days a week from t a.m .tq I p.m. Leary 'Drops In' Clemente Court For Drug Case and of ita ideals, driven by a compul!lon to do right and to do well. • .a man or deep fajth who believed in God and ·tnuted in his wllL •• a man who truly loved his country and for whom words like freedom and democracy were not cllcbea bul Uvln( truths. •• FDWll~IAllZ-1 718N'llE•••••••r11, •••••m••r111•1•a••~· nr.1 1~ l'tllll CJAAHOI COMT P'UM.MMINO ~NY lMert H. W•ttl ,......,...,..,....., .i..> L .,,,,..., . ¥0 ,,.._.,, .. O-t1 ...... Tti..•t iMvll ..... TkMet A. M•rphk11 _ ...... a1c1ltr4 r. N1U Pellt Nlt1111 ......... ---,....,.llllM C.IY ..... Dir•• ---J21 ,_,. ,.,.,,_ lrilalht M•rti1t1 ,.o. ••• '''· 92•11 ---oCMll Mftt1 -W"I • .., Strwtt .....,. ...a: m1 ""'' ..... ...,...,_ ...... , ... IMdl: ...... .. Dr. Timothy Leary, ori&in•loe of tho phrase, "tune in, tum on, drvp oot," will drop In San Clementfl Municipal Court Tuetdoy for a prellmlnary btarlng on ha.shi&b, martjuana and LSD chqea • Leary, bla wife Rosemary, and aon John were arralined on the char1e1 Jan. 27. The acc:usaUons stem from arrtst.s Dtt. 26 in Laguna Beach when the thrM Learya were plcted up by Offlctr Nell Purcell. Police allege that one pound of marl· Juana, some LSD and hashish were alts- cd: Of!lcer Purcell arrtlted th< Lcer;-1 . as the famiJy '• atlrtlon wagon w11 parktd In the 200 block of Woodland Drive late lhal nl.lhl Leary, 48. a former Harvard psychology professor who, h1:1 bee:n nil· ed the hlah priest of lht flll'<hdellc movement. hu bffn oo a lecture tour acrou Jbe United Slalu. Choir to Perform ' 'Service of Darkness' 1"e "S..vl<e of Darlmw" b)' Dale Wood will be performed b)' the choir of Nelahborllood Conar<g1Uoo1I Church, 340 St. Ann's Drive, Laguna Buch, at 8 p.m. Thursd1y. The choir will be d~ectcd by J.P. Colyar, dean or the Oran&e County chapter ol Ille American Guild of Org1tn!st.a and music professor at Orange Coa!l College. "He made Americans proud ol the ir presldcn~ proud of their COWllr)', proud of themJelvt1." Mrs. Elaenhower, whose public ordeal will continue throuJh the burial at Abilene, Kan., Wednud1y, was escorted through the funeral ritea by her son John -NlJon's newly-appointed U.S. ambauador to Belrtum -and other members of the family. At one point, as Nill'on referred to El1enhower as or.e of history's few authentic heroes. John looked down so11cltoualy at his mother, who c11led her husband her whole life. He faund her Jett hand, tucked under hi• tiaht el.bow, and patted lt twi ce. But She took no heed, continuing to st.are straight ahead at the cukel No( alnce the 1963 funeral of John Kennedy had '° many world lt1den .....,bled in Wublngton. Among them were Gen. Cbl,rles de Gaullt, prtaldent of France; Admiral Lord Lou I a Pifountbatten, rtpreSenUng B r l t a I n ' s Queen Ellubeth; Mmbal VuUy I. Chulkov of Jhe Sovltt Union ; King Baudouin of BtlJlum; Prince Btmhanl of the Netherland.I; Shah Reza Pahlavi or Iran ; Prime Minister John Grey Gorton of Auslralla: P?uldent Fer<llnand MattOI ol the Phllippin<!I ; Chancellor Kurt Gaorg Kleslnpr of Wht Gmn111y, fonnt.t Prime Mlnbter Nobulukt Klahl ot Japan and Prime Mlnilttr Plerre Elliott Trudeau of Clnada. A apecl1l train waittd at Wuhlnrton'a union StaUon to carry the 01g~raptd c&skct to Abilene, where the late Prtsl· denl "111 be hurled WedlltJday in Uio • :line , Wale~ & Jewe"" Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA:'~ 'AUTHORIZED FACTORY. SERVICE Ii} COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repoired • . e diemond1 end precious stonts remounted e petrls restrung WE CUST DESIGN & MANUFACTURE ALC TYPES OF JEWELRY EJ \, HAllOl SHOfPIN• ClllTH UDO llAllOl M.YD. COSlA llQA 141-9411 o,. .... "'""-..,_ Tll ' ,..,, ' ' I llVllTlll•TON ClllTlt llACH • IDl- HUNT1N•TON llACH .,., .. , ; , .... '. ,, ~·· ,•._(• ... I --. ~ . _... . '· ' . . (..••' ' ....... ... ' ••• I 'j • ii I I , I • • • -DAILY .. ILOT PM"' lJ •1c11.1'11 IC ...... ACTOR. STEWART (CENTER), LT. GOV. REINECKE CRIG.H l SALUTE AS COLORS •POSTElr •In An1htlm, A Flv...StAr -Tr~bvN to the Late· Dwi9 t David Eisenhower ,. · ' 5,400 Countians Attend. Tribute w Eisenhower More than 5,400 persons attended an Orange County lribute to Dwlgbt David _Eisenhower at the Anaheim ConvenUon Center Sunday afternoon. The memorial program wu organized by the Freedoms FoundaUon of Valley Forge, .Pa., which Eisenhower founded aJong with Dr, Kenneth D. Wells who attended Sunday'! ceremonies. Tributes by Hollwood personalities Jimmy Stewart Don DeFore, Pat O'Brien, Rosalind Russell, Greer Ganon and Ari Linkletter wbere il!cluded in the hour-long memorial Said Jimmy Durante: ''We all loved Ike. He was my friend. He was your friend. He was everybody's friend. We 1ure miss him." LL Gov. F.d Reinecke said : "We con- sider General Eisenhower our favorite son, a 'son just lost, a son long to be remembered." Performance> by local band> and choral groups and an· all-service color guard carrying the flags of the 50 state3 saluted the late President. Major Ben Wilson, the Army's most decorated soldier in the Korean War and the first serviceman to receive a Medal of Honor from Eisenhower during his presidency, l"lS introduced to the audience. Representing the military were Lt. Gen. J. J. Carlton, commander, 15th Air Foret, Macrb Field; Maj. Gen. William G. Thrash, commander. Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro; Rear A~. Henry 'G. Bird, commander, Navy Mine Forces, Pacific; Brig. Ce.n. Thomas K. Turnage, adjulant general, California Na• tional Guard, and three cbapla!M, Col. Ray Mattheson, 15th Air Foret; Lt. Col. Jamts Fiser, Fon MacArthur, and Navy Lt. Mu Dunk!, Long Beach. Here's Schedule Of Ike Funeral WASHINGTON (AP) -This i.> the day-by-day program of honors to be paid fonner President Dwight D. Eisenhower : The body lies in state in the Capitol rotunda. t p.m. -Casket will be carried to the hearse for return to Washington National Cathedral. t :30-Arriva1 ceremony at cathedral's North Transept, followed by Episcopal tnneral service in cathedral attended tty 2,107 persons. ~1 2 p.m. -Casket placed in hearse tor trip to Union Station. ""f3 p.m. -Approximate time train ~eparts Union Station f/Jr Abilene, Kan. . Tuesday t p.m. -Approximate arrival of train ln. Abilene. Wednetday -1:55 a.m. -Casket i!J moved from 'train1lo hearse. .• 1.7:50 a.m. -Funeral services on 1teps " Ei!enhower library. .. ... ~ llAILY rlLO~ ~Plllll PAYS TRIBUTE TO IKE · Actor Jimmy Stewert Three 1.-0se Lives In Weekend Road Crashes in Count y Three persons lost their lives in Orange County traffic accident! Sunday af- ternoon and early this morning. The dead are : Rosemary Moreno, 19, of 313 W. Valen- cia Drive, Fullerton. A 27..year-old U.S. Navy man whose name is being withheld pending notifica- 11161 IS County Traffic Dealh Toll JMS 36 lion of next of kin. He was stationed on the USS Bennington in Long Beach. John Santallan, 42, of 10942 Berry Ave., Anaheim. Miss Moreno and the Navy man were killed about 2 a.m. today when the car which she was driving struck a parked moving van in the 800 block of S. Harbor Boulevard, Fullerton. Both were dead on arrival at Anaheim Memorial HospitaJ. The sailor was a passenger in her car. Santellan was killed in a two car crash at Beach Boulevard and Chapman Avenue in Stanton late Sunday afternoon. He died of internal injuries at the Orange Coonly Medical Center. Ike's Grandson . Saddened on 21st Birthday WASIDNGTON (UPI )-Dwight David Eisenhower, II marked his 21st birthday today mourning his beloved grandfather. The young man's bbihday was filled with sadness as he attended' his grandfather's funeral and theD. ·boarded a special train carrying Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's body to Abilene, Kan ., where it will be buried Wednesday. The nation's loss was especially personal for David, who became a na- tional figure during his grandfather'• years in the White House. The sight of an adoring man enjoying the antics of his grandson in the fre- quently austere surroundings of White House official life delighted the American ·people during the 1950s. David's feeling for his grandfather was deep and the many hours they spe?it together had their effect. The young man's infectiow: grin, poise and affability are strongly remini~nt of h i s grandfather. His grandparents were thrilled In " ~December when David and President Nlxon'-s daughter, JUlle, were married and the former Pr'5ident was proud <J. his grandsoll when he helped rally young Americans behind Nixon's suc-- ceufuJ presidential campaign. David and his wife both will graduate In 1970. He attends Amherst College and she l{otS to Smith College. They live in Northampton, Mass., -midway between the two campuses -in a $9&-a· morith apartmenL David hopes to go· on to law achoo!. He shuns all student prote s t movements on the campus. H e pe r son i f j e s the middle-of-the-road philosophy of bis grandfather and the conventionalism of his father-in-law. Hessians Blamed For Disturbance Units from the Huntington Beach Police Department were deployed at 12:30 a.m. Sunday night to assist Country Sheriff's officers in containing a 'disturbance in Sun9et Beach which police blamed on 17 members of' the Hessian motorcycle club. Details of the lncldent have not been released by Sheriff's headquarters in Santa Ana since no official report was yet available. A check with the patrol division, however, revealed that ihe disturbance wu of a minor nature. State Farmlnsurance Hikes California Rates SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -One of California's bigge.!t auto insurers will raise its rates by air aYerage of a.4 percent on Tuesday. State Farm Mutual, which has 1,253,000 policebolders in the Nte, blamed in. flation and increased claims for the hikes, which will vary in amount ac· cording to locaHon, age, and· coverage. · Beatie, Wife Plead Guilty Harr isons Pay $1,200 Fine for Marij uana Po ssession WALTON-ON·THAMES, England (AP) -·BeaUe Gtor,ge Harrison and his Wife Patti stood hand in hand tn court today and pleaded guilty to having Marijuana in their suburban home. They wen fined • 250 pounds -MOO -each. Tbe :IS-year.Old pop guitarist paid the ~lines. left the court and told newsmen : ••we hape the police wut now leave the BeaUes alone." Harrison was .the second BeaUe con- victed on drug cbatges. John Lennon was found guilty last Nov. 28 ot having eoough marijuana to make 40 cigarettes In hill LOOdon apartment aad was fined 150 pounds, or 13110. The prosecutor said the potlce found the drug in a box in the living room and • ward-in the bedroom. They al!o found a pipe c:ootaining traces of marijua,na, 1 cigarette roller bearing marijuana traces and four grains of the drug in 11.n. Harrison's purse. West said Mrs. Harrison was alone and phoned her hu1band. He at fir.st said the house contained only preacripUon CLI DAll.Y l'l\AT , ~ Se,wage Answer Sought d By IEROME I'. COWNS Of ... Dallr .......... ,. A lrl-counly agency charged wllh main- taining the water quality of the Santa Ana River-will conduct a bearlna in Newport ,Btach·April 13 to conalder Jong. range IOluUons to the river'& aew~e pollullon problems. Richard A. Berman, exeeuUve~ officer O! the Sillla Ana Riv<r water Quality Control Board, announced the bearing date aad pllu:e Friday. . The session, will be held at Newport City Hall. ,.\ Newport officials requested the hearing after learning that u a result of the river's pollution, waten along %1,i: miles of the city's beacbtront will remain coo. taminated tor at least two months. County health officers have ordered a swimming ban from the river jetty east to Newport Pier wUll the pollution diminishes. Also quaranlin!'<f are waters of the jelly. Tbe aewage now -both raw and untr.oted -II, lleinc dW11ped into the river ·at the rate of tom! IO mUllon gaiJo!UI dally by nine ll!llCiea. Including the cities of COiton, San Bernard.lno, Redlancb, Ontario and Chino. 'lhe city· of Rlverslde also eontn'buted 9 million gallons daily until 1 1twer trunt line, smashed by lloodwaten, wis rtcenUy repalreQ. Health authorities traced tbt IOUrCel of the additional sewage flow after check· ing the river water's coliform count. Berman, whose aeun-memPer board includes reyresentation from tht counUes ol Orange, San Bmardino and lllvmlde, admitted a! an Aaotmbly eommlttee bearing in .Sacramento Thuradaj !hot the river nffded higher contamination stamjards. He explained that the reason it does not have them now la ·that tbe river baa not yet been design&~ a rec:naUonal Ulet. He N\d It la Ilke1y lhal Ibo IWata Qua!Jty ¢oolrol llolrd would 110011 mike ouch 1 ck.i,nauoo. · ~ "• leel the boanI wiU oet ltludarda oomtne111urate wi1h recreaUooal ...,:• he, aalcl. I The April 13 bearlni ln ·llewpmt pr-mably would be alJl>ojl cl .._.,,. ing testimony ju81lfying tlle actloa. 0nce lower colltorm coUnt ltlndardl are established, upstream -ienclel ~ be prohibited from dwnping .... ap Ili1o the river if the effluent rabes the water'1 coliform count above the new level. '!'be revl!ed atandarda could force the agencies to build new treatment plants. Newport Councilman Paul J, Gntber · pressed for the wa,ter quality ~ ao "°"" as poMible. He uplalned lhol what bad been thought to be 1 lemporl?J: problem -the Riyendde aewer line break -has become a Jong-term one. I off Huniington State Beach Park west All Penney StoNI Open E'-r Ntht Moacloy Through Sal...., Easter is tti8 the time for eggs and Penneystshoesl ~ ...-.,_,with. gored strop far porlod .fit. .. bblc ... wHlo lo go wllh .. --..,nv dot!-. lngirfssl-. 599 Our ivlllo trimmed pallnl -· squarWcoff "' tho too, tho _, ... -tt... ·Wlito ... bladt 1o·moldi her ...-clothes. GW!'s ._ 5.99 Handtomo bosic black -too Cll• lord with a -brogue look.~ scvfl -loatho< ._., Ptntrod ou1101e and hoot. Boy's slzot, 6.99 _,,n-,......._ ........ . T ... cutaut and ... .,, of tho '-'I Bladt er ""11o·far _..., .. girl's 6.99 G"'in IOothor ~p ch. oxfords on our'-Pentnd ovtsoC.. 8roguo #o~.ln blodt ... -0.-... tiko Dad ... in boy's th& 1.'99 Stvnly ...,i .............. . --nv11p...i ........... .. oubOlo witt. ................ ..... loy'tU.. 199 Prosecutor Michael We,,t Ulld the court lhat r.\!ict with clop ...rched the Har- rison a·· i7S,<KKI home March 12 and found about 670 grains of marijuana, enough for'lboUI Ull clgartttes. In the Beatles' authorized biography, Lennon said the whole group bad .taken marijuana, and in an interview two yen ago Lennon and Harrison admitted toking LSD u an ex:peMment. But 11.nce Ult millionaire pop "1ul1cians .1. t u d I e d medlt.a.Uon in India, there hat been llt.tle talk · of drugs, and Lennon said 'he had given tbctn up. drugs, but tile poUce made a search and Mn. llaniaon coop;erated with .them. Ir-------------------------~-------------~ Wben 11Mrl""1 gel back to the house, COSTA MESA HU NTI NGTO N BEACH NEWPORT BEACH_ the pollee were in the Uvtng room, walchinc te!<vilrion arid playing Bta!le (Harbor Shopping Center) (Huntington Center) (Fuhion Island) records on tr.. phonograph. ·, " I ' . - .. ..L. _______________ -------------------- ' ~---.-----• -...__ -~ •-L • - -.- ~. M"'h '1, 1969 Saigon Still Ready for Secret Talks Cong Re~sse·ssing _Spring ·Drive I • Heavy Losses, Allied A~tions· Force Reds to,R.'e~onsid£r •: SAIGON (AP) -Heavy loa.ses and allied blocking actions are forcing the Ylet Cong command to reassess plaM for Jt.s five-week-old spring offeru:lve, u.s mllltary analysts aaitt today. • . • , • .. .a-.. ............. ..., PA.RlS (UPI) -SOUth Vlelnamete ne- eotiator1 said toct.y they were 1Ull iea· dy to open secret talks witb the V i e t cOOg to try to end the Vietnam war des- Jlite outspoken Communist denimclatioo of such at offer lut week. OUk:ers said the Viet Colli and Nnrth Vietnamese had Jost more tban 1,000 men during March in the 3rd Corpe: area .U.tchlng from . the Cambodia border !Moogh Saigon to the Sooth China Sea. 'l11a ~. as ,head of the mar· ! rla10 Uctnu bureau of the Los · Angeles eounly clerk's olfice, has affixed her li~nature to thousand~ · ot. llW'riage licenses. She retired . nld!ly ,ofter 17 years with the com· tnlJlt -"I would perfer to have ' iuued only one license to a couple . ~ lifetime. But some come back time and again." • Fcctor11 worker Joe Wright, 49, ha! found a novel way to boon Britain.'1 ezpor' produc· 1ion. -a "toor.fc..in." Wright eon- vinct4 his friends to bring bed! and inst.alt them in the cafeteria of the floor·cleani"ng machine /adorl/ ai Orpington where they are employed so they 0011 work 1hifU "right around the clock" owr the weekend to fulfill a ~· cial nuh order. I • Visiting judges said the prison grapevine has given Shrewsbury ·jail, England, a four-star rating in t.he ''cons good food guide." The prison's warden, Lt. Col.. Ronald Shebltear• said, "We have an ex- ceptionally good cook ~ a prison otficer -who uses his imagina- tion.'" An allied sourCes said the South Viet.. namue dele11tlon did not cONllder Ole denunciation a "rejecUon." A Viet Cong neroUator had assailed the proposal as a "crafty trlct. '' French diplom1t3 saw the nl!w Saigon declaration of readiness to enter iiecret talks as "a IOl't of re.newaJ" of President Nguyen Van Theiu's offer for such talks. Thieu .had ·1a1d the posslbility cf t h e talks wa! "a light at thf end of the tun· nel." Some Sooth Vietnamese officials are fearful that Saia:oo-guenilla talks would lead to a coa]ltloa government including the Viet Cong. In Washington, Defense Secretaa Mel· \'in R. Laird said Sunday bt wwll "cer· tainly accept" a coalition 1ovemment in Saigon '1if it wa! elected in a free elec· tion." Laird's remarks were in a copyright interview in the maguine U.S. News and \Vorld Report. South Vietnamese Vice PresJaent Ngu· yen Cao Ky said Sunday ht: would fly to Paris alter attending the tuneral of form· er President Dwight D. Ellenbower, giv- ing hopes secret talks mi&ht begin soon. He has been in Saigon the put month. Ky ha.s been coordinator of Saigon'.s del· egation in Paris. Israel Rejects Big Four Talks On Middle East •1 UaJted Press lntenatielal TsrMJ Rid it \\'as ready today to -.-~ PNiCe wWi the Arabs ~ gnly with the ' Arabs. It rejected any outside l.zterfwence, including big four talks acbeduled tb.ls weet to discuss the Middle East ctilis. Kipling, one of three baby tigers at the Phoenix Zoo animal nursery .attml to be enjoying his semi-month- lg bubble bath, Ht liked it so much in ftJl!t, it took t'!Do atttftdanb to get Jt.im out. • ."1. clerical mi.Make which result- ed in thank you cards being mailed to several persons who did not sign his nomination papers bas b e e n rectilied by Circuit Covrt Judge Cl•lr VM1, a candidate for the W~ Supreme Court. "Dear Sir," Voss wrote. "I have your note proteoting my thank y<iu card, Ac· cept my apologies for thanking you. Sincerely, Clair Voss." • The state Department of Cor- rection'1 spring drama .sea.ton opentd this week at the Marv· land Correctional Imtitutt at Haoerstown. Imnott1 presented a production '0/ "Stalag 11,. -a drama set in 11 prisoner of war camp. • .\. large letter:ed sign on the :i:ide n[ a sign coln.pany in Boynton Beach, Fla., proclaim.s: "Th• air- lines have Casbopbobia." 'Ibe IsraeU cabinet issued a staten1ent SurMiay nicht saying only direct talk~ between the CCXlCem6d parUes "'ould establish a true pea;ce in the Middle East. "Israel is nO( and wiJJ · not become the object of powu politics or intrapower pol.ilia and will not accept any recom- mendation whictt is in cc:nflict with her vital interests, her rights and her so::r.uri- ty," the statement said. It added that Israel '·opposes any seulement and any procedure which i.~ not agreed upon by the governmenl.s concerned." Britain, Anguilla Reach Agreement THE VALLEY, ADIUilla (UP!) -Bri· tain and Anguilla reached agreement today on an interim .triendlhlp and eooperaUon plan under wblch the N:bel Caribbean lsland will be under direct wthority of a resident British com- missioner. AnguUlans appeared satisfied with the agreement wblch usured Ulem they will not have to ao back into the St. Kitls- Nevis--Anguffia federation from which they seceded In 118'1. The aireement was signed by Lord Caradon, chief British U.N. represen- t.at.ivt. ror Britain, and acting Presiden~ Ra~ Webster and Anguilla's six re- maininJ councilmen. The ana.lyats said U'f enemy during the fir1t two wee.kB of April probably would limit his acUon to rocket and mortar attacks wblle he reauesses his plarui and gets replacements and sup- plies. But one officer ::said that more than 1,000 Viet Cong main force troops poised to the aouth and IOUthwest of Saigon "could make a daah for the city for 2 Held, 8 _ Freed in Gun Fight, Murder DETROIT (Ar) -Two members of the black separatist Republic of New Africa \\'ere held today in connection with a gun battle at a Detroit church which left a white policeman dead. another wounded and five Negroe.! in- jured. Detectives investigating the fatal shooting of the policeman, Michael Czapski, 22, wanted to jail 10 person!! or the 135 arrested at the scene of lbeshootout .. But Negro Judge George Crockett of Recorder 's Court ruled Sunday that i>oliee had illegally made nitrate test.. of the IUSpeCLs' hands to determine 'vhether they had iecently fired \\'eapoM, The judge said the poli~ had failed · to advise the men first of their right 10 call lawyers, and he ordered their release. Crockett cited William L. Cahalan, Wayne County prosecu tor , for contempt of court for trying tc keep one of the men in custody. Czapski'• partner, Richa rd E. Worobec, ..radioed police _ headquarters shorUy before miclnight Saturday that they were about to make a check on about a dozen Negroes with rifles an~ carbine.! they bad 1een outside a church in a Negro distrlct. "Thef'r?. shooting "'a\ us, Lhey're shooting at us. We need help," "'as his next radio message. When about SO police reinforcements began arriving, they found Czapski dead with seven wounds in the head and chest. Worobec had crawled into the scout car, pushed the accelerator down with his hand to get the bullet-riddled vehicle out of the line of fire and gasped his call for help. Wilson Reports On Nigerian War ADDIS ABABA, Ethioi:)la (UP!I - British Prime Minister Harold \Vilson new here t.ooight from Lagos, Nigeria, and ,sa;d the civil war there was first · a Mgerian and second an African problem. As W119oo issued an arrival statement in Addis Ababa, Nigerian leader ~n. Yelrubu Gowan is!Ued one of his O?t'n in Lago.!i saying federal planes "'ould continue to bomb mllitary targets in Biafra. He has denied ·widespread reports civilian targets were deliberately bomb- ed. While in Lagos \\'ilson offer~ to talk wlth BW'ran leader Col . Odumegwu Ojukwu 10mewhere in Africa. He said in Addis Ababa mediation should be handled by the Organization for African Urrity of v.ilich Emperor Ha ile Selassie is the bead. -7 at Grand Forks, N.D. Record Lows Set From ,... .,,,, !(NI c-.... tflrwtn..f .... ...,..1.. wlltt htlf euMfllftt .., nit -hltr "' ""' • .,. ~ ... "'" -f'el1y, It IO 11 l\tllll'!l. Tedl'1"t llltfl. u ..... Y"twdeY'I ....... lul'ft r I !I e I f .,_elllllldMll •1-fl/ •. f,.. 11!\f ,..._,..f\lfl --· 17 " p. ti. ..... "" """'"'"'" -... ,..... Sun, /tlo-. Tiiie• MONOAT TUllDA't' l·M '·"'·.I •;ti •·"'· •.• ,lfll '"' 119' ........ , '""'' 111'11 ... •. 1:11 • "'· •.• S4<tfllll ... •• ••••••••··• 11• '·"" •• , ,..,.. 111"" I:• '·"'· I I ._ ltlMs •:M '·"'· It" •!Jf •·"'· tM 1t• J:4' 1.111. kt1f:l41,m, .... Ult •• ""' '"'"" .. "''"'' I A.r. t ,,_.,, N "-' t4 Wisconsin to Indiana Meil fl/ !ti. ntlJon tnloYM 1141"""· ''"llnt -"*' lflllef llut *9loM., "'-Mktwftf "'111 "'" • Mtllll Cfllfl e..cllKM b • ler'9t "*'f'lf et Arctic. ,r •. Jlw;.,f ltwt -e rfUI'-if> ..,.,,., cltleJ "' WlK-ltl, MklfltMI&. tew;• .... llldle,,., tilt 116lloi,'1 lowell ....... -llUfl ttill1, w;e1 l'l'll""t ........, ... ...... 1t l:ftlld Flrtt. N.D .. 11111 Ale.Ii· .i'llllrll, Mlrffl. 11 Wll two°""'" Wlowo ref'll II 51. (lowd, NllM ., ..... -be- ... 11 M~U•. P'r«.l.it.1i.,i .,., .urt~now 1lu• rtfl M,_I 1'1'19 0""9f ll-Oos, ........ ,. lft ""' l>Kltk: ~ '"" or111" 111 T-. ~11 C111tor!111 ,.,, lnOll!• SllM'f Wl1lt -..n 1r"' Ille ""'...,'• l\elrMI, P't"91 s.t'lfltt "''J ft ..,,,.., tf'lf TIMlrtMI N Temperature& , ... _ ·-.. l\lnl:I IKtnllelcl l lllMl'dl ••• ••m ,,,_ Cl Ml-ff , __ ....... ..... _ ..... ·-"" -"'",_ ·-Hot111lu!u Hou•'"" IC•"'"' c;11 L•• \1~11 l111 ·-~ M1emr 111!'9(1> Mllw•ultfe NlfMMl'Ollt --N N,.. Yert ,...,., •.i.ne OlkleM ...... P'elm S•r- 1'110 llflillel "'111!_1,... .. ,._!• P'lttsburtl> l"oMltM Jl1Pltl (ity Jl..i l lllff ·-~,.-,.. II. Louis ~llM• Sell l 8't CH, left DT- S.n l'r11"1Choto a.1111 11rt11r• klltft , ......... T"""""' Wlll>lflt10I" "1!111 l ... l"rK. " . .11 11 N u :J4 .GI I ! ., 'I I, 11 14 Sl " . ... ]J u ;tt 71 Gt u " '~ u " JI I• .SI ~ ., " " " " . " .. . " JS '' ,, jt " . ,, ,, " " IJ .I ,. I? . " •• . " . " • • " " " " " ~ " u . " •t '' " " " p " " • • " . " " . " . " u • " . = :: ·" ·" " 1' 01 publkll)' ~-" Enemy octlool slopped up In Saip> over the weekend. In Jf houri, tnemy JllllMlS fired rockell Into tho cit1 10< the 111'11 Ume In two •eeks, ·bombed • police ltatlon and ... -pool ofllce ml .. t oil • e!a,_.e mine 100 yards from the nal!am! pollce be» quarters. Twenty-three perlODI were wOlllldtd In tho tm.risl actloao, but the rocteta fell hannleuly in or near the Saison river. Military spokmnen reported that allied forcea ldlltd 512 Vlei COO( and North Vietnamese in mote than a doJeO fights dul'IM the weekend. US Jooaes ftf• put al 42 men killed ml 151 wOllllded. while JJl South V-were reported kW«! ind 111 wOunded. The u.s. C'Ammand repofted ·aw All Penney Stores Opeti Every Night Monc!ay Through Saturday ' A. California living is a bra shift! A. Marveleutly fluicl A·line bro shift of Amel• friaa. tot. in Mcious bh.'9 w lime prints. MisHs sit• 8.1 6. I . Perky cotton pique A-line bro shift in tnowywhita or butl.,. yellDw wtU occanluote your positive! Sint l ·l6 . ~· CorclMI c~tten bra,.shiff1 in colarfvt prints, in an A· tine ri'Of's ..,erwtfle and flottwing. Juntor sit91 .S..13. COSTA MESA HUNTIN'GTON BEACH !Harbor Shopp;n9 Conltr) !Huntington C.ntorl I NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) ' ' ' I ' I I I ' I ' ' • • • f --• • EDITION ltally P a per voi:. ~2. NO. 77, 3 ~S~IONS, 32 ~~G~S . TEN CENTS • I . .. I'•• • • •• Ike G~i#g' '.Q~ck. Home to·· Friends . r • Ill Ahilen.e. . . BJ'R. D •• Ql!IGG UPI SWw Editor • ABILENE,' Kall. ;_ 'Ille world passed by just beyood th~ north 1 end cf town. The~,· on lnt.ratale Wghway_ ':to , the ~ 'and lrucb ? bwry al<>og with .. 11r1mt bun,. bciund ·for, far ~ like · Denv..-and .Topeka and Kanw Cilf. Here. ~ •· aectue wr~ of surropndlng_ sJopes ol bro!n ~ <arth -and DtW ll"eD ~ ol Jlinler "'Ibey feel close to Ike," one man said of the people here. ••ae wu alwa11 .w proud to be lrom Ablleoe." "It's a feeling that be ttally meant ft," said Mlyor Delton B. Hadel, 0 wben ~ used to come back and aay tt wu being home again. "l got lhe shock ol mi: lilt ooe mornlll( when be was President and I wu 1oin& . tn wort about a o'clock and there be was au "alone waking down by the corner of cedar and Seem! Stnel just lootlq at thJnp." 7.ete Storer came out from. Sunday s.rnca al the Finl PmbyW'tan Chun:h and remembered: · "Tbt .. WU a spot Inside lhe Old C.llab,an'1 ConfecUooery, the place is Ione now, that we med to call 'Ike's coraer." In bis. early military days wben he would return home, that's where be'd sit and -will! Callahan and Paul Hoyer and his other cronla." • that. She replied: 'Oh, tt'1 all rlr!lt -.Just to. Jong u be'• ,..ct to !he boJS. 1bat's just bow abe wu ... At tbe corner ol Bud.eye and· Seventh Slr<tl lherels anoll!U churdi,'111 old one -white frame with a ateeply peaked roof of. bare wood 'sl:llniles and 'a red brick cllinutey perched · on top al lhe Iron~ Its sign says: ... Brethren in. Christ Church." Tbe legend beneath that reads: (See ABILENE, Pai• I) ·u.s. Bids Ike Farewell World Leaders Gather to Pay Final_ Tributes By LOUIS CASSEl.3 WASHINGTON (IJPI) --It ,,.. lhe Clay for saying farewell &o the . '*tood and gentle and kind man" called ne. 'lbe fu n er a 1 ol Dwight David Ebenhower, most' unlvenally liked American president of llill centary, wu in keeping with bis own wish for .a . simple religious service expressing c:on-- fident fallh in the everlasting mercy of aO<L Morals Arrest Linked to 'Boy Slain hv Police • B7 ARTllUK 'R. VINSEi. •• · ,,... ~ .., Diii~ r · ·+1 .• An •lectronlcl Whioi'd ~ 'In Ille Colla Jlesa •polico lllayllg of I 1 .. yw-old boy boqlar' II In Jail today, ~ell -nctlv!na lfblei>-itofMirty The rtlllal <ailed for no elllo&Y, no military paaoonby, nd -Idly -p. But the congregation assembled in Wuhlngtoo Natillllal Cathedral bore w1111 ... to Ebenhowor'• illustrious place In· l!lat0r7 u lho ,,.neta) wbo Jed tho allies fo •kt«Y in Wcrld •War II and as the peace-loving prealdent who settled tbe Korean conOlcL Pruldenta, prime' mlltlstera and ltlnp came to join Prt!ident Nixon, former President Lyndon B. Johnson and other U.S. leaders Ill paying laat respects to Ellenhower, wbo died Frtday al lht age of 11. · · Belon be!ni borne to the Episcopal cathedral for the ball-hour Protestant fUnera1 arvice, tlJtnbowtr'I ~ bad rel"'ed tn stale for aearly SI houri in the rotunda ol lhe U.S. Capitol. Tbere, Jut Sunday afternoon, Pmldent N~on ·eulogized him as ·a •·11ood and genUe and kind man11 who hated no one and waa bated by no ooe. (See lull ten of l'n!Sldent's nmarb, P• 19). "He personllJed the best tn ~ • sa1d Ni.Ion, who aened under Ellerlbowet as vice president from ltu to 1191. "ft was the character of the man, not what be did bu1 whal he wu,. that so captured the trust and all~ o1 his own people and the people ol tho world .•• ·"He was a product or Amerlca'a .IOil· (See FUNERAL, Pop.!!_ Bal Week a Bust Desert Crash Kills Dentist Wliere _ Did .All the Students _Go? - By JORN V ALTg)IZA Of "" 0,11'1 ........ .. Bal w .. t ... m hum. 'The ...;. 1r>c11t1.0afba~• ~ · I~ YWJ f:!: 1111. lho lj•!P<ri ~ , ·:.'!\.,.lhii'l:!f4<Y ~ -~ l!J!!:_r::.;r,,,, •• 1.fl'!'..•. =~~~ u.;•u:· 1one tilewben iiafn thio•year, dOwn thlJ weekend •, with a total , ·All H t· · ol II lralflq cr11ba ..... lhe two-<laY en I . . IDD p<rlod. No major bijurla wm reported. 'Pollutlon onporta oi Newport'l beaCbeo Newport Beach delltiil Dr. l,llen It Ii.~~~~-~.:.=.~~ii: ~~~·::-.;.=-~ 1feinlly,....wi lllm'ia'tbo -. -ped wn 'llef>!md. . lllllClthed. . Whm hove 10 Ille rivelero .-i -Tbe California mghway p. tr o I President in Edl(Jgy: I I anti• mot*11 olfenst1 against ado'-nt boy a. The auspect was arrested on the vice charces Thursday when be showed up at Heinz Kaiser Intermediate School near his home while police were present, detectives disclosed today. Newpart pollce, who are on their tratfi.. tional 1tand-by aim 111r lhe bollda,\' period, de!ICl'ibed the rtiaUvtly quiet weekend as a death gasp for Bal Week. Pollet aay th. des.rt and mowy moun-r<pat1ed that Dr. Linn, 2671 llayshore tain •reu are the "in'' pte.cea: thil Drive was eastbound m Intent.ate I year. The Colorado R!ver'a vast opanse ' · of · unpatrolled waterfront area la near OcoUllo when the accident occurred. particularly. attracUve to the students, Of!lcers !aid the dentist wall showing Ike 'Incapable o.f Hate' Stephen D. Sampson, 25, of 2379 Santa Ana Ave., was taken into custody by S_gt.. George Lorton and Detective Gerry 'Thompson on suspicion of molesting a JJ..year~ld boy. Curfew arrest.I, which in ptst years totaled Jn the hundreds, numbered Jess than a doitn this weekend. Wt year nearly 40 were recorded. Traffic cJtaUons and accidents were police say. the car's location on a map to his . If Bal Week Is Indeed dead, Newport son when the car went out of control residents will. have to wait six more and flipped. days before the obituary can be written. Riding with the 41-year-old ~t.\St In the car were his wife, Patrf~a. 35, I , By ME.R1UMAN SMITH UPI Wklte HOUie Reporter 1 WASHINGTON -As.President NiJ911' said in bis moving eulogy in the bu~ Capitol rotunda Sunday afternoon, some, of Dwl&bl D. Ei3enllower's WI thougbb were of remedies for the anlrY divisiodl. of our time. • In a voice that cracked occasionally 111ith emotion, Ni.Jon 1ald of the man whofn he served for tight yeara as vice president: Mes a Rounds Trp Dozen Suspects In Narco R aids ' A dozen suspected narcot.lcs'offenders were arrested by Costa Mesa police · in a four-hour period. over the weekend, during traffic violation stops and an aparbne~ visit, u Easter Week vacation began. Officer James Farmer arrested three boys 15 to 19 and three girls 15 to 17 early SundaJ on Newport Boulevard at Bay Street, when he stopped to check ~·by tbeir1van was weaving. About one dozen red capsules were ta.ten from· the van and a packet of -JO marijuana cigarettes retrieved after o n e t>yeir-old g I r I threw it itver a fence into the bOulevard center divlaer. Police visiting an apartment right across tbe1 atreet a few hours earlier to make a'W&ITIDl arrest charging sale of mariJUl.M booked a second suspect when ori'icers allege coolraband w a s found at the residence. aiarles . Smith, 20, ol 2072 !lewport Blvd., was booked oo lhe warrant and a lrl•nd, Philip YOll!li, 20, ol 3005 Garflekl Avi .. Coeta Ma&. arrated m lhe allegodly oblonod vlolaUon. Several otller youths evidently not con- nocted ylth lhe cue _.. pruenl wb<n Sgl. Bob Balllnpl' and olllcm Ron Palmer and Norm Kutch anived. Tbr .. ,olber juveniles f(orD l\<Wport Beach, two ls'.)'Ml'<>kll and me•l7-yur. Gld, were mated about the ume lime on 'Harbor BouJevard near Princeton Drive Saturday. OO"teer Frank Jordan said the driver handed OYer a plastic bag of what a~ peared to be marijuana after the patrolman asked pmniulon to. aearch the vehlcle tor contraband. ·' ' '· • ·l ' "He wU. genuinezy ooul..i by fttnzy and by liate ~UJe-~e J as incapable Of j t himself .. Re could n;ver quite un- * * * * * . * and children Nancy, 14, Kirk, 10, Lois, 12, and Douglas, 22 months. d~~ lt•Ul others. . ) "The 1asl time I saw him (last week al )!'alter ·~ !iowltal)tt WU wbsl he ,tal.l!od jabouL Ht.., . puaaJed by · the hatred be bad 8etR our tatnes, aoo be sai4 the 'l'lni the world iieeds most today. iJ ~ and an ability to 8'e the other ""90N'1 point1 of vlew .-and not to hale him be<a.,.. The electronics plant shop supervisor had been qtUeUy arrested earlier, during a probe of the Mardi 15 shooting death ol Stephen Stubblefield, i4, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Hetghta. Students Start 'Bal w· eek' CHP o!ricers said the rest of the family suffered "only very minor in- juries." No one was hospltalli.ed.• he disagrees. ' "That was Dwight Eiaenhowtr." Perhaps ;Npon reflected the 1piril of J& e thousand~. who lined .naajertically O~~ ConsUtutioR Avenue to y.ratch· In ence, · a few in tearl", .u a black, hti-~awn ·ca.ts101n, .. c•rried Eisenhower's body from Wathingtqn Na· tiMal-Cathedral to·lie in -sfa!e through the night in the cavernous nJ!unda. Fl;ench PNldenl Char!~ de Gaulle made his appearance Sunday ... and saluted his oJd commander. A couple knelt in prayer. VlsilliJB sludf/lls sb~Q<d in the line . ootalde, and sblvei'fd in tj1t unseaaioable told. · • · · Tbe • mlgbfy of the ' orld and American9 of evfrf staUon i>aJd tribute tlwoogb·lhe night-day to~er at his flag-<lraped caskot. I There.,. .. no offlda1 ..utnm on lhe number . of vlsiton fllh1(> r somberly (kt EULOGY, P•• .J) * * fi. Ike's Brothel\ Enters H~~iiaJ · WASHINGTON (AP) ;_ .41·~, gathered at Washington N at I on a l ~al lo< lhe lim<ral ol Gen. Dwight David E!Jrenbower · tod11, tM •former president'• younger brot!MI', MMton. ..... sent to a booi>ital • A military ombol111<t ljltd Dr. Delective Capt. 'Ed ' Glasgow' · said Sampson was in pc.sses:slon of a slide projector stolen from the Orqe County Fairgl"9unds Wt June du r in C a psychedelic light show event. SHOT WHILE FLEEING He said tnvesligators at this point believe Stubblefiekl, whose fatal woun· ding by police as he fled a Costa Mesa camera store burglary was ruled justifiable homicide on I y ~riday, wa s the fairgrounds burglar. Capt. Glasgow said Sampson -idolized by youngsters due to his electrical and mechanical kno\\'ledge -was out on ball awaiting his April S preliminary hearing on the stolen property charge. Records at Harbor District JudiclaJ Court showed today that a $36,000 ball figure was refused following Sampson's hnpllcation in child molest and perversion, with arraignment due Tue.a.- day. Re Is held at Orange Couniy Jail, pending dis~iUon of the cue, or agree. ment by the court to allow his release on ball if be can post tlle large bond. Capt. GIQlgOW !aid today that at leut two Belni Kaiaer Intermediate School stlld.entl' stories, one 11 and the other 13, led to Sampson's latest arrest. Mn. Helen Ellis, mother of the slain boy burglar, told newsmen after Stephen wu killed by a bullel through the cheat, that she believed her son had an adult (kt SEX RAP, Pai• I) By Cleaning Beach Debris Easter vacation week began with rolled-up shirt sleeves and a lot of stoop-. Jng and hauling for 80 volWlteer Harbor Area youths who Worked at cleaning up Newport's debris-strewn beaches. Working three and one-hall hours. Saturday morning, the· students hand. cleaned beach coves and strands where piers made them lnaccesalble to beach- cleaning machinery. They saved the i::ily of Newport Beach StAIO to $600 in labor wages, estlrnated Wade Beyeler, assistant general services director. He noted there were more girls than boys. · "Those lfrls are 1ood workers," he School Candidates To Talk Wednesday Cand}dates for the Newport-Mesa Unlflod School Dlstrlct board will fae< the public again al 1 Wednesday morning candidate'• forum. Sponsored by Harbor Fonnn, · can-- dldata will speak and an8W"el' quesUons at lO 'a.m. in Ialand Hollie al Fashion 13Jand ahopplng ·cent.r, NewporUleoch. said. "Most of It lA handwork IO strength doesn't count as much. as energy ao4 sUck"~it-ness." Last month a larger turnout or 450 volWlteer students saved the city an estimated $2,000 on a Saturday morning. More youth! might have worked Satur4 day except for a week postponement due to e1:pected rain and the start of Easter vacaUon. Volunteers were from Corona del Mar, Newport Harbor, Costa Mesa ." E!lancla anetcN Hy high schools, Ensign and Te fnkl fntennedlate schools. worked at cleaning beaches at Little Cordna, Pirate's Cove, Chlna Cove, the west end of Balboa Island, and between loth and 19th ttreets oo the bay aide o{ the Balboa Peninsula. The youths packed debris Int:> gunny sack.I and then canied lhetn to street ends where c'Jty crews hauled them away. Eighteen city employes worked with them, supervising and driving lhe trucu. "l wu geaUy lmpreued the first time. And 1 Wll equally !mprtmd this lime. that we. have such a great bunch Of kids In the community," said Kenneth Lewis, lnfonnatlon servlei!I director ror Newpoli-M"'8 Unified School Dllltrk:L Laguna Drug Raps Jail 20 ~ -· .. to Walter Ila Army =' •!Mn Gen. ~ c11o11 Po~ Confiscate 18-inch Marijuana Cigarette There wa no !mmldl!le' lnillcatl!>I) . Dr; l!llenboftr'• COllllltlon wu ·-The logistlca ol w..nnd dnll• armt.s at !tart had nmr .,,. ~ liu WUUim Edward M>rallail, ·I!. ill of J"!.~tc.lheu:~, =. beiE , &¥.-.oelzures In Laguna Buch wert It. , 'the C.nyne 'Acrea Drtve ~--._..., ...._~~ 'Ille ldni411ed roach, burned. al pae ' The four ''!ire amalod bj Sgt. Norm inst -.,,, aald Dr. ; ' .., .. .....,,, · end, wu oPIJl'O'lmat<oly 11 ~!Ong Babco<k ,and Oflk:<r Nen Purcell obOut "feh WOOIJ Md dllly" 11, 1181.,.olted As dawn brokt Monday, palJce had and four lndl• Jn dlaineler at Its !llldnl1hl Sunclsl, with other lllmilJ D*Jben to pn>eted n<tiod 20 clill""" )ltrlOOS 10< vUJ!nf thlckeot point. Wrapped In o.newspapcr7 Lt. Robert McMurray said lhe olllcers to lhe calhedral. • cbatgts and claimed tbiy.,.lled more it w11 part ol the U poul\dl pali<i pl""'1 the ,.llfdenc• under silrvclilan<:e The rormcr prosWenl GI.Johna Hopkins than u pound.t o( marijuana vallltd aid lhey ltlud at 411 ·~ ~" af\er. Ma~ws assoz:tedly phontd P>Ue< uruveratty toot a ~ ldv~ to enter at '8,000 In omi rakf alone. ' ~ : • · aQd asked. to talk wWJ detediv,s. He • boopllal, , H1pr»o said. becioljle ho Tbe big marijuana haul fnclud<d •'l't 1 , Armted a( tbal add,.... ,Jl!'R ~elm u\4 off~ra moved~ 'aflor ovtrlltar!ng wu esbo!llled alter the around'lh<><loct may hive been tbe ""'Id's l>lgell mall-J>ono1 Matl!en-, SI; ~ ..... JiiitM,~ ~· P!!Olilna A1<Ml1aboirt ~ "1"'~ mrtlon1 ol the -.it lr)'ln& cfi)i1. Juana "bombet:" •. 14M · poltce .Jr:, 'tz; Slell1!"n Robert Rll?<~i :~ 1 •• ·. ~;~"iftOO llillll6, Plf~ I). ·,-.i~'i·J ,• ~·.Pl ) •. 1: ·,;. \° ••• ,. i .. • ~. I • ' The Harbor area dentist bad offices at 400 Newport Center Drive. · The accident occurred a mile east of Ocotillo, a small town in the Imperial Valley. The crash was reported at about 4 p.m. Saturday. Dr. Linn was dead on arrival at El Centro Community Hospital. Funeral arrangements an!l pending at Pacific View Memorial Part. ' Ike to Be Buried In Eisenhower J acket ABILENE, Kan. (UPI) -Gen. Dwllhl D. Esienhower wlll be burled tn hia World War tr uniform , including the famed "Eisenhower jacket," according to inlormallon offlCU'S for the 5th Ann7 here. Although Eisenhower wu one cl. the most deeorated m~ry men in U.S, 1 history, his uniform will have only three medals, the Anny distinguished Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the Nary Dlstingulsbed Service Modal and lhe Legion of Merit. Orange Weadler lt'U be clooc!y, blll-dry, -Tunday with ~ m:aJOr ten)perat~ alter~ UOOll u the sun continues to tab a .seml-vacaUon frofD the Oranat Coast. INSIDE TODAY I i ., DAllV P!\OT •• H ,.,.._.P.,e J . . DRUG MID. • • ....,. "and other goodies•. 1brte ot.htr men were arrtSted at \ I ~le localiw .. part al the IUIO • csvMu. f1!21t11•v · Aid,, 11ar ........... -· The tOree, all<> booked oo suspicion II ma;iju,.. _.ton wllh lnlent lo oel~ w.r.; ldmlllled u Rodo<y Pal l!oeoer, IS of !Sii Wuhtrlgton SL, OOote 11 ... ; Rmald Vic SOJaklan, IO of Brad- bury; and Michael Reno McMullen, 20, II 590 Joanne SI., Costa M.... · Mcloturray llid potrolme• 1""'4 ,a klfo pacap (U poundl) ill Iha clove c:om- partme,11 of lho -i.· car which wu· stopped In' the tOo block of NortJj Coa.t Highway Sunday nJght. Police stopped Utt trio, McMurrtY uiid, alt.tr they were ~ lea.via& the Canyon Aq• Qrlve ruldence. Police uld complainla W\lllld J>e oougbt . agalntl •ll of the •uspecla Tuetdif. McMurray oaid Iha aeimres Included kilo ~•la ol marijuana, pipes, wood clgarel> and ci&aret papero. PoUce .-.tee! a 170year-old girl, stu- i:lenl from Pasadena SwKtay evenirig on ltllpicion of possession ol marijuana with intent to sen and possewon of dangt.rous drugs. Officers Said the girl was In a car in the 3200 block of Alta Laguna Avenue. In her purse, Mc?\.furray said, were It marijuana ciJtaret.s, a bag of loose mari· juana, a half ounce of ha:sbisb, 20 du· amyl capsules, 10 darvon capsules. a pipe and eight unidenWied tablets. She was released to her parents pen- ding a juvenile court hearing. An El Toro Marine identilied as Jerry Frederick Griffin, 21, was arrested along with a Laguna Beach 17·year-old boy Sunday night at the foot of Cleo Slreet beach. ·.> Lt. McMu1Tay said Grillin was booked for both po.sseMion of marijuana and furnishing marijuana to a minor which carries a 10 year to llfe sentence. A complaint Will be llOU&hl Tuetday, RETIRED CHEF, FDNTAGNERES WON'T FORGET IKE A Hum1nit1ri1n With • Fondn111 for B1ktd Pot1toe1 Former,:Sergeant Recalls . D{e Reunited Him, Mother. • Mid McMurray. The youth WU relta.!ed to bis parent>' custody peoding juvenile court actloo. MeMurray said officers watched the Marine mnoke a marijuana clgaret and ~s j;t .to the youth who also took a drag. He said the Marine also had about a half·ounce of wirie-soak· A retired chef from Costa Me1a, that their would ·be a chahce for him ed marijuana on his person. himself suffering from a heart condltl6n , to visit his mother. Five Laguna Beach teenagers were has 1 ·0 s t a friend in G e n. Dwight D. He setled the promise by arranging picked up Friday afternoon on Crescent Eisenhower. a meeting with General Eisenhower, who Bay Point on suspicion .. of marijuana But Henry Fontagoeres will have personall y saw to it that Fonlagner~s possession. They were two baY• and something to remember _ .-a picture and his mot.her were reunited. three girls ranging in ages from 15 · showing him cbattlhg with the former After the war, the chef related he to 17. President. A personal me115age from the was head of the kitchens at the famed One cigaret was seized. 1'fCMurtay general ·is attached beneath it. Blackstone Hotel in Chicago, Ill., where said. The quintet was in a car. They Fontqneres~ who bu cooked for ~res hiisetOnd riieeUrlg with the late general were released to parents peiidlng juvenile ' ot national and international figures, ill' took place. court acUon. in Loog. Be a ch Veteran's Hospital As a reminder of~ _occasion General A 17·year-old La Crescenta boy was r~eriilg from· a serious heart attack. Ei senhower areeted the chef in writi~g picked up on Cleo Street beach Sunday He met 'Eisenhower twice. The first and praised Font 11 n ere s for afternoon for marijuana possession. He encounter toot .place ·in France during "remembering my lil:1Di for baked wu released to his parents pending world. War u when Fontagneres was an potatoes , •• " a juv••n• c:ourl appearance. Police uld •-y w••••' . ·· F~·-ru, It, and w. -•,c,er• e yo a trn ag o m • The sergeant, Who wu DCri" tn France. re, live a acm RoYc. Lllft;,f~... esa. th ...,,..::::; had an b 1 art NU• -..... ·1 '. "'°' ··-..r--~ ..,. "'= juana a·rolled marijuana clgaret. . wu speakin1 to a aeniOl" cfflcer about Their home bu a apec:Jal Spot' on the Five liatcot1c1 IUSpectl arrested Fri-.+ Mt .having. aet11 his mother since be . ,w~I f" a.mpnlfPto ol a .. 0h~anitarlan day by at.ale ~d_ local agents ar~ ,. Jeft(or Amtflca twenty year's befal"f. . • , • the ~ ~e1'lf.lnd2tll, most ecbeduled for arraf&mnent Tuesday at The senior officer asaw"td F~res 'c!pabfe'm&n we'have ever l'boWD;tt Laguna Beach Municipal Court. · ' State narcotics agents allege that over a month-long invQUgation • undercover officers bou,ht LSD worth $3,000 on the street, and a large quanUty of mari· ju8Jla believed to be of VJelnamese origin. Also several ·.small marijuana plants were potted in a patio, agents ssaid. Arr~ were: Betty Jean Creamer, 38, of ·Apt. 2, ~ S. Coast Highway; Laguna Beach ; Chriatopher Michael Yeomens, 21, of 2613 Victoria Drlve, Laguna Beach; Ralph Diamond, 22, of 119$ Victory Walll:, Laguna Beach; George Arthur Bushaw, 20, arrested at 1195 Victory Walk, Laguna Beach ; and C',olleen Erin McHugh, 20, arrested a' 1195 Victory Walk, Laguna Beach. RU68 Fleet Moves ;I'oward Irish Coast LONDON (UPI) -Russia's large naval task force has moved farlher into the North AUanUc, keeping up the myslery of ib destination, defense of· ficials said today. The SOviet FloUlltl of submarines, missile carrying cruisers and destroyers and many supply ships which left Murmansk last week for an undeclared desUnation wall &00 miles off the West lrlJh Coast today. - L .. DAILY PI LOI OAANO& COAST PUllllHINO CCMl"ANY A•krt N. Wee4 ..,..... ...... "-*'• Je(• It' Curl•Y Vic-~-I •fttl 0-1r Ml,...., ) T"'~'' Ktevi~ ••lift l\•11111 A. M111,phi11t ""-Ille l!dlW J.,._ .F. t!.llhia fa111I Nin•~ ,,.._, ~" AMrtltl,,. °" ...., Olrte'W ...,...._.Office Jlli .W..t .~J\M ... ,.,.,,, ..... / ..... ,Mt P.O. 9""1171, tJUI ' ·--c:.la Wt aa w.t ..., ""*' t.-a.tit m 'wn' .., .. ,..,. .................. : .. .tilt lfrfft Frein Poge J EISENHOWER FUNERAL. • • and'of lta ideal.!, driven by i compulsion to do rJght and to do well. •. a man of deep faith who believed In God and trusted in his will ••. a man who· truly loved lilil country and for whom words Jike freedom and dtmocracy were not clichu but living truths .•• "He made Americans proud of their president, ~ud of their country, proud of themselvu." Mrs. Eisenhower, whose public ordeal will c<intinue through the burial at Ab ilene, Kan., Wednesday, was escorted through the funeral rites · by het son John -Nlion's newly·JIPPointed U.S. ambassador l.Q Belgium -and other members of the family. At one point, as Nixon referred to Eisenhower as orie of history's few authentic heroes, John looked down solicitowly at his mother, who called her husband her whole life. He found her lelt hand, tucked under hl8 right elbow, and patted it twlce. But slfe took no heed, continuing to stare straight ahead at the cuket. Not since . the 11113 funeral :or John Kennedy had so many world leaders assembled in Wa.shlnprl. Among them were Gen. Charles de Gaulle. prC!ldent of France; Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, ttpresenting Br l ta i n's Queen · Elitabetbi Marahal · Vuily I. Chuikov of the Soviet UnJon ; ~ing Baudouin or Be)ijum; Prince Bernhard ot the Netherl&l)d4 : Shah Re1a Pahlavi of Iran: Prime •MJnJtler John Grey Harbor View Due Phone Rate Cut Homeowntn In the new HarbOr V!tW lfomes area or Newport Beacll v.'111 receive a reduction, in their monthly ttltphone bill about Junt 1, according to Streeter KJng, local mana1tr for Pacific: Ttltphone. The 91)1).bome subdivision now under conslrUctlon by Iha Domld L. Bren Com· pany, Ue1 out.tide the basic rate arta for lht Newport community. Rtsldents pay a mlleage fee based on their dist.Ince from the base rite boundary. In most cues, the addiUonal char&e is fronl II lo IZ monlhly. , Kina 1lkl Pacific Ttlephone hall ap- plied to lht 1lale Publk UWIUu Com· minion for an ellal31on of lhe b1aa rate area and be anticlpatu that the 1;1ppUcaUon will be approved about June L I Gorton of Australia; President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines; ·Chancellor Kurt Georg Kieslngef of West Germany. former Prime Minister Nob~uke Kish i of Japan and Prime Minitter Pierre Elliott Trudeau of canada. A special train wafted al Wathillgton's union Statton to carry the flag-draped casket to Abilene, where the late Presi· dent will be buried Wedne,,day in the chapel of the Eisenhower Library and Mllseum, a short dlltance frmr. the farm boute where he spent bis boyhood. From Page 1 SEX RAP ••• accomplice In the fatal b\D'llary. Capt. Glaagow today diacounted the possibility that Sampeon ml1ht have been I.ht alleged mystery aecompllce believed to have fled Corrigan'• Cameru, 530 w. 19th St., leaving Stubblefield to his fate. "Of courae we can't releaae anything about his statements in 'these cues,'' Capt. Glasgow pointed ou~ · eiplalnlng that this aspect must be ~eveloptd in furure court atcion. "It ought , to be an lntet'5ling trial." he commented. Frltnds and associates of the ·Stu~ blefield youth we111 questioned in depth after the Htln1 Kaiser school ninth grader wa1 shot -and killed fleeing the camera shop burglary: Whoever broke in by drWing and saw· Ing a rooftop entry and installing ropes for easy exit and haullnC out loot was thoroughly practiced in sophisticated burglary leehnlquu. Youn1 StubblefleJd waa teen to shlMy up the rope and fled across adjace.nt rooftops, leaping to the ground and mak· ing the final choice of his lifeume when police and the owner arrived. The youngster -who evldenUy laced IUe With a complex penonallty In which rtaht and wrong were iti.ttrtwlntd 1¢o cording to hls mother and friends - Ignored five commands to halt as he ran. The black-clad, &love-wearing youth made it more than 200 yards carryln1 a sketched blueprlnt of the burglary site In his pocket, before one. then '"":O among nine police bullets struck blm. 1111 clothing and shots carried along evidence In the form of rope fragments, tar and rooHng material bJta which plac- ed him at lhe sctne of lhe break-in. Oran1e County Dlltrlct Attomty Cecil A. Hicks said In hl.9 jWIUIJable homicide report lsaued Friday lhat It I a billlsUcally impoSllblt to delermlne who imong th.rte policemen fired the fatal shol. I ~· t V ·~!A " , .. \ 0Jiuf Firlh Firs't .lot' N~ I~ttia1 ·Park . : Flnt ,..,., d a firm lo· locate la Octobtr ... , Tbollllnd OW and .alao p~enal howlh of Mission Vle)o: Miaaton Vlejo'a nt'if indualrial park wu produces~di.sk rue memory unita, ~Y wbi~ in~ years has grown to almost announced today. of the ,prod~: QptraUons wi be ~·:wtt~~e:J!-·or our residents wUI M BWTOIJil\s ~~Uon today aal6 II perfonned. Jn deu roomJ in wblchtoll' able to 7~ right Jn olll' <O[lllllunlly will ttmlruct a 111-mllllcn, S,000-aquare ii <\u"'l!!· of 1 porllcles w!jlcli' mfibL tavlog COlllJllUUng," Rellly idded. .. fool faclllly in lollulon Viejo !or en,uieer-dllJ1lAl•~.'!'•lema. f . . .11>• ~· Mission· Vl,Jo Industrial ing and manuf~cturing Web-speed di.sit Manuf~e ot s u c h unlb chiefly .in· . Pant ia bu the northwestern comer of Volv •• band .... mbly o-•atlons Ole 11,oc11i,"acre· "new town." East of file mtmory devices for use in Burrough "'"' ducted in an mvironment {rte of d Jeronimo iR.oed and south of Mission Electronic Computer· Systems. smoke, and nolee~cOndlticns, Jj Vl!jo's northern border, the site is on P~t cooatructlon.. on a IS-acre Jlte explained.. an eJevatfd mesa. · nt Le!1lOQ Avenue aqd Jeronimo lload The Austin Company wu ,.1ected ·The plant will be built of traditionll . acquired lrom Mllalon. Viejo Company, . englneer ·am 1NP1fV1ae conatructloa · materllf.includillfl adobe-flnllh concreta la acbecluled to bt.1\11 in May With com-lhe plant. Project planner from Ila bloc)<, ·~ ~lend 'wJlh the uiJUng public pletlon allied In mid-rail. An(elea oifl<e will be Iha firm of Chari bull~ o1 Mlaloo Viejo. 'I la eipecled to be fully operaUonal J. Rath.am. . "The) plant alle will be beauUJully by early neit y~r. • PbjllP J. Reilly, pnaldent of Mlulort landic~. with ao eotry rlvalinf M'" than 1,400 J>rol,..lonal,' offtco, ~ 'CpmJ>llll', wbleh !<!!d the' lilt to', Mlai"I' Vlejo's own well-lcnown La Pu and direcl:labor penorinel' wm be urroughs, .. 1~: • Road totrance," Rel)ly said. emplOyed at the plant within: the nut e ai-e ·dtitighted with the caliber ' Wc:rkrwide, Burrduahs ftnplQYS mer. two to three yearr, Burrou&hi said. plans Clf Miasion Viejo· Industrial ' than '5,000 people witfi,ff manufacturing As. with Bu~rougha W.esUake Village Pa 's first tenant. The industry will and engineering plants and 5ts branch facility, which formally bpened last dram 'cally •ccelerate the already sales offices in 122 countries. - From Pflfle 1 ABILENE ... "To Do Right Honors God. To Sin is to Delpi.st Him." Up 15 winding wooderi st.airs from the front vesUbule to the little room w i t h one atalned 1lass window and a wood ceilini jual under the attic, John Dayhoff, lhort, chunky, With a l"Y frinle of hair, WU pantina When be reached It. · ''Dwight wae: a year and two mooths older than me," he •aid. ''Well, lt looks juat about the same. He and I and about 12 other boys and girls were in the same Sunday schoOI class here. "That was during the years when V.'e were 10 to 13. That window is the same and these wooden chairs look the same, and that stove by the nue over there. We can•t stay long because a class will be here any minute. "You told me be is supposed to have carved his initials: in a bendl hue, D.D.E., alld they've got it out to the museum now. I don't know about that, bul il be dld, and bia dad had found it out, he'd really have got pulled up." After three days of sta~ funeral Dwight Ellenbower will come here, and Wednesday nllht be will De finally in a vault ·beneath a meditlUon ch.tptl bullt ol the chalky lime..,.. quarried iQ weetern KIJ'llU -. the man who left bfre lo become EIMnltolrer of Nortl) Africa, 'N<rmandy, Waalllniton Mjl)hl! world. · · · Orange Couple Die in Accident A couple from Oran&e was killed Sun· day night whtn their car collided head-on with a pickup truck ~ht milu south of lhe deter! communlly of Salton City. Reynaldo Moralet, 7D, and his wife Tranqulllin1, 57, were killed Instantly when the soulhboond ~k driven by Mrs. Ruth Gibbs, 37, Cf'Olsed the center line. Mrs. Gibbs, of Cardiff-by-the Sea, WIS taken to Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Brawley with serious chest .injuries. Truman Won't Attend WASHINGTON (AP) -Harry S. Truman, one of the two surviving former Presldtnts of the UNled States, will not be able to aUend the funeral today of Gen Dwl&ht D. Eisenhower, the Eisenhower family reporltd. Mesa.· Steps f~utwusly ' TOtfQ;rd Bicyt!le Trqils COiia M ... ha& tabn a -ll<p foward implemen&i a blcycle lraila oystom. Coundlll1en VO cl.acted lo lpelXI ·'81111 . j • ! Ff'fiwt Pf'9e 1 EUL(}f;Y ••• through lhe hiish of ·the historic room, but reporters• Inf.de a roup iueu thit dtir1ng lhe ~. 15 hours, there had been mote than 20:000 vlsl(ors. . •. Perhaps tbe most diltinctive thing abOut the crowd was the many young people -yllimg coupl" holdln1 their children aloft for a ~ vljw of a hiltoric m~ment; 1 aurprialnjly larse number of young·meri,,and'wof#n of student qe; gftlt in mOd ~. and boys • IOOC hair · er found bard 'undmtand. ' 'Jliere1 ','10 ....... tlll\I, no OUI· <;rl4J . ...ilJllllJ~ , r blOCt . rt aced people loo · at a sad, 1'1-.· . •rltUal . of f . U ~i:a~1Tfrt .,~ 1 . tory boos. . For Nixon~ the emotionally draining afternoon was only the beginning. Today there '\\'as a : mteUng with De Gaulle, then the highly ~monial funeral services during the afternoon . The U.S. Military Academy at West Point today scheduled special services in remembrance of the man who took his first oath to serve his country there in the summer of 1915. Then Wednesday, .after Eis~ower ~s buried in Abilene, Kan., a heavj cannon at the Point will fire the union salute, SO consecutive shots, one every ftve seconds to stand for each stilte in &he union. After seeing Eisenhower's remains and the fa.mJly off to Kansas aboard the funeral train, there will be 1 7 p.m. reception by · Nlson and his wife . at the White House for a host of foreign dignitaries ashemb!ed here for the rites. A nine-car, three-en1lne train will car· ry Eisenhower on his last journey, The Chesapeake &: OhJo train 1 leaves Washiniton's union station at 3 p.m. PST today to carry the · body of the naUon's 34th pttaidcmt, bia family and friends across country to the Kenau plaln1. to -.hllsli ·bil:eways aloo( M-Verde ar.a-la. 'Ille 1neilllborhoo<I proj<cl conlruls oharply Wllh el!<irll In Niwport Beach for a city-wide .y,tem, Including a trail down Newport's five-mile o c e an beadilront. · Cost.a Y.esa councilman Williain L. St. Clair uplained hill cily's tlmldlty this way: "We're not sure the trails are going to work, so we don't want to spend a lot ·of money. " St. Clair said if the trails are fOWKI acceptable in Mesa Verde, they Would probably be" extended to other neighborhoods. Costa Meaa'a $600 ezpenditure will be spent on signs marking the trail! alon& exl.ltln1 streets in Mesa Verde. Councilman Georse A. Tucker went atq wllh. the expenditure, but aua1-.i it was' "'redundant" to tpend the money inumucti1aa bic1Cln are ilready allowed on the meets. · ' . Newport Soldier Presented DSC PQSthumously 11!e Distinguished Service Cross was awarded poBthumously to Spec. 4. Mlchael R. Mangan of Newport Beach in recent rit.es at Ft. McArthur, San Pedro. ~neral Omar Bradley made the preaentation to the soldier's mother, Mrs. Jean Manpn of Cost& Mesa. The award, one of several the 23-year· old soldier.earned while aervint in Viet· nam, was presented for "extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations in conflict with hostile forces, at the ultimate cost of his life, Aug. 21, 1968." Young M~ngan was a 1963 graduate of Newport Harbor High School and attended Arizona State University before entering the servlct. He is survived by his mother, father. Robert Mangan of Newi>ort Beach. and two sisters, Mrs. John Cu rci and Susan Mang~, both of N~wport Beach. • . .I • • • • ' • • ' • • • • • \ : • t ·, , ' • • • !) OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA 1'f AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE !i) COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized and repaired • diamonds and prec:lou1 stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: mES OF JEWELRY [=] HAllOI SHOPPINIJ CINTD 2100 HAllOI ILVD. COSTA NISA 141-9485 • HUHTINIJTON CINm llACH 6 IDINIHI HUNTINIJTOM lllACH 1'1·H01 '. ' . . . . . ' . . . ( ' ' ···, ;,. ' . ' . . I , \ • '· .( WHO WILL WEAR THE CROWN? -The selection of King Neptune is a closely guarded secret and the revealing of who bas been chosen for the honor will not take place until the night of the ball given in the kingls honor. Waiting to seat the new sovereign. and to present him with. his crown and m~tle are (left lo right) Mrs. William Fisher, Mrs. Paul Garman and Mrs. Wayne Subcasky. llA ANDIRSON, £dlter ................ ,...,. " --- King .. Negt\JJ~:e -"'f -": Preparing for the grand entrance of King Neptune. who is scheduled to emerge from. his sea kihgdom at 10 p.m. Friday, April 11, to make·his formal annual appearance at a ball given in his honor, are members of Ne)Vport Harbor Spastic League. Ball festivities, of course, will get under way long before that hour, for numerous private cocktail parties \viii start shortly after sundown and theii merrymakers u.'ill arrive at the Balbpa Bay Club for an 8:30 p.m. gourmet dinner. The party setting will be transformed into a replica of the king's realm. SEA Kl"GOOM RECREATED Suspended from the ceiling will be blue and green balloons which will float above tables, giving the ef· feet of underwater magic, and centering each table will· be arrangements of ships anchors of shimmering blues . and greens held high with ropes of gold. Each anchor 'vill be cushioned on a sea of flowers, consisting of car· nations, baby's breath and birds ot paradise. Appropriately, the centerpiece will be created by one of the ball's beneficiaries, the .youn~ adults of the teen program at the United Cerebral Palsy AsSocia- tion of Orange Cpunty, under the direction of Mrs. Hil- degard Bartell and Mrs. Ruth Kotlar. . Ronnie Brown and his orchestra, who will play for dancing, will roll the drums and play the fanfare which will temporarily cease all merriment. As a bush comes over the crowd, the sound of trumpets will sig- nal the time for the coronation of the 1969 King Nep- tune. The selection is kept a closely guarded secret until that mome.pt. The gentleman chosen for this honor is an outstand- ing county citizen who gives untiringly in bis own field of endeavor. Those elevated' to wear his crown and mantle in years past include Jay S. Stoddard, 0. W. Richard. Dr. Tom W. Robinson, John B. Kilroy, Judge Robert \V. Gardner. LeRoy Bartholomew. former Senator John A . Murdy Jr .. Dr. Anthony N. Toto, Dr. Theodore G. Schoppe. J . Hobart Batson and an husbands of league members. The ball each year brings patronesses. in many patrons and PATRONS, PATRONESSES Contributors for 1969 are Sen. Murdy, WiUard.S~im­ son Voit, the Drs. and Mmes. Arnold 0 . Beckman, Rich• ant A~ Kredel, M. F. Lorenz, Ilansel Benv~nuti, H.":'H., Cox and John Farrer, Miss Ann Kulik and the· Mmes. Charles R. Croul, 'John R. Davies, Estelle Dolinski, Eth· el 1Ge_ohegan, Kenneth C . .Kingsley , Dana Lathiim , ,Anit.8. Lee ·Macl.laster, William 0. )\luff. Edwin w. Mun>hy, J. Howland · Paddock, George Peirsot; John Bidwell, Bert .. B. Brewer and Helen Cauthers. "'Ot.nei-s . ate the Mmes. Robert Guggenheim, E. Clyde Harvey, Wilbur Burr Jadden, Williams Kilroy, Roy E .. Klotz, Roland w. Lindhurst, Paul A. Paliner, .Richll'~~·JoS.ph H. Riggs, Archibald c. ·Macleish, Geo~e _E. Silv.er, Ruth Sparling, C)!arles S. Thomas, Clara NI'arx Thurner, John S. Wbijten, Hadd Ring, Rachel Williams. W. E. Woodruff, ·Maurice C. Spar!· ing "Glen Stillwell, Lillian Thatcher, William A. Thompson and Edward \Vedekind. · More are the Messrs. and Mmes. Bewley Allen, Stuart Kane Babcock, Moody Besancon, W. Max Bins- ,.,,anger, Robert Burns, J. Paul Campbell, Joseph Car- ver, Bertrum C. Cofiev Jr., Paul Connally, John G. Gustafson, John D. Heikes, Walter Jansen, John KiJJe-- fer, Robert W. Lee. Robert Meserve, Arthur G. Andre- sen, Robert S. Bardin, 0. H. Calhoun, Harold G. Cart· wright, Robert Commagere, Walter W. Cruttenden .Jr. and J. W. De Brun. Also donating are the Messrs. and Mmes. Harry Johnson, Luis R. Lazo, Johnny Mercer, William S. Mes- senger, Frank A. Murphy, Paul M. Rogers, William C. Sangster, Dona1d A. Strauss. Donald K. Washburn, Crawford E. Westering, Arthu·r B. Witlis, Arthur San· born, Robert Sattler. Roland F. Vallely, Robert C. Vor- da1e and Charles S. \Vheeler. Ball chairman is Mrs. \Vayne Subcasky. and serv· ing on the committee are the Mmes. Robert D. Wood- ward, William P. Thomas. William Wilson. Robert Den~ nis. Philip M. Coholan and Edward Fretz. Mrs. William Fisher is president. -ALL WRAPPED UP -Tying up the lqose ends for Mano Cor;i A,mor Auxill·: ary's firs!' annual ben!'fit, Fantasy Billl are (left to right) Mrs. Thomas R .. · • Egan and Mrs. Frank W. Carr. The &ala,· entiUed Carousel of Color, will be presented ,in the Newj>o~r.lan May 3. Fantasy Ball • Carousel of Color 'Adopted' as Theme Joining the merry-go-ro\.ind 'Of charity benefits is the newly formed Mano Con Amor Auxiliaty, Children's Home Society. The first ways and meiJinS proje~t. to raise funds for the lar- gest privately supported adopUon agency, is a Fantasy Ball whith \Vill be presented May 3. . Carousel ol Color is an appropriate theme, for the gala wfil be given in the Carousel Room of the Newporter Inn. Festivities will begin with a 7 p.m. social hour, followed by m. , ing and dantjng t~·the music of Bernie Perry's orchestra. Entertain- ing during cocktails will be guitarist Joy Ney. ... Numerou~ pfizes are being collected, according to Mrt. Walter Taulbee and Mi"s. A'lva Wilt, co-chairmen. "The Dancers," a marble etching )>y Jlodri'ey Winfield and a three.day, tw~night stay for two in Las Ve~lls are two of the enticing prizes to be awarded. The auxiliary is comprised of members living in the areas Df Universit~ Park, Irane and UCI. • • • Mother-in-law Doesn't Goof . by Always Staying Aloof ·~ DEAR ANN LANDERS: J ames and I have been married for seven months. His mother bugs me. Sbe will not come to our apartment unJess she has a formal Invitation. She never telephones unless 1he has an earth-abating message. Yesterday I blew my cool. I let her know her aloofntSS is not normal and I resent it. She said , as if she was reading out of a book, "When a couple gets married they ar-e a fam ily. The in-laws, both hers and his, should assume a guest status if they wish to slay on good terms." In my opinion this Is crazy. I'd love to have my mother-in-Jaw pop in unex· pectedbt and telephone me just to chaL I • ANN I.ANDERS What do you think abrut her weird ··code." -DOWN-TO.EARTH BRIDE ' DEAR BRIDE: I tlltnk you've 1ot a 1mart niotbeNJt.law ud hlgll class worries. Coant )'Olf blet1111(1, Petunia. DEAR ANN: 1 never thought I'd be writing. I'm a lady PhD, but don 't get the ide.a I'm brillianL I'm not. My family managed to keep me in IChool until I waa 25 years old. Arter 2Z years or marriage I'm ready to confess I'm a flop as a wife and no howling success as a mother. My husband always has been an excellent provider bul beyond that be has contributed nothing to his family. I've· tried, without success. to preserve the illusion that Father is bead of the family. I fooled no one. Our older boy 1s currently dod&inl the. draft in Europe. Our eldest d_aughter married a nonman just likg her· father. She lived with htt husband for all of two weeks and now is 1t home tryiM to mend htt life. • My question: should I leave my bu&: band before our ,.malnln& three )lldi, are completely wrecked? Or ~ I stay and tell them their lather la a passive weakling and Mother bas developed emoUonal tnUICla lib 1 lady wrestler -and th.at most of their troubles steM' from tbls? Please help me. -CAJ;IFORNIA PULP DEAR CALIFOllNIA• y,. --~tell your cblldru ay~g. U UM1 an I yem of 11e er elder, tkJ alnldy laiow. l\f)' 1dvice b t.e aet 10me COWIH:linC for dlose kids. AM yoa ctOld ue NDte therapy .J"'ll'Hlf· Leavins JOU' lm1band ....,,. '°'" • fNltau· 11 -1d eoly 111141 &t dllle 1• ... Uve, wlllQ are -enble. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My girl's high school and mine art bitter enemies on the ba!ketboll court. Soon lb< two teams will \ med !or the city . championship. U I sit on her aide I will have to keep· my mouth abut or be the only one In the bleachers yelling for my team. She says she won't go to the game wilh me unless she can sit .on Ker school'1"slde and root for her te~ What's the soluUon ? -HIS OR HERS DEAit BIS: TH 1tlalloa 11 to meet ofter tie pme. Yoo'll -llave 1 be\tef time U yao 11t wl!k ,_ ic.o. I pola lllld -lot,_........ . Give in or lole him ••• when a IU1 gives you this line, loot oot! For tips oo how Io hand!~ the supener salesman, check AM Landers. ·11ead her booklet, "Necking and Pelting --I Are 111' Limits?" Send your r<quest to ·Ane Landers in care of this newspapel\ enclosing 50 cents ln coin Ar>d. a k1aft stamped, sell-addressed envelope. .,. • Ann Landers wW be clad to hel~ you with your problems. Seod lhenl to her In cm o! the DAILY PILO'li ~loaini ' • ..u-. slampeG envelope, ... •• I • ' ~· .. ' ............. ~·. . . .. . ' .. Br JUDY HURST Oftllle Deir,.. .... Join in. Go llOD. 'Punkd! MOD lllzxll for the Mattb ol DlmM. Tiiey want rou to help flcbt qalml birth d•fects. Every othor DllDute a baby IJ born in lhe Unllad Statet with a defect lll'ioual enouC to disable, diaflsurt: or ldll -a total ol. i,100 Ctetective babies are born iuch Yet.r In Orange County and l&0,000 in the United Statet. • ' The problem of birth delecta is one in whicb YCIWll people u future partntl and potenilal medical resevchers have a very special ltlle. Orange Coul Colle1e . District 21 of Caltfornla Association ci Secondary Scbool Admllliatratcn and lhe Orang• County Cbapler of lhe National F~..tNlm -March of Dimes ~ Ille third annuil student leadership oooferenc< oa birth defects. HELPING EACH OTHER ..-Mn. Frank R. Uaedom of Newport Beach drives Joey Good , 4, of Costa Mesa to ,the Rehabilitation Center for Crippled Children and Adults of Orange County each week for s~eech therapy. His reward! A better 1ife ahead through better speech and improved self·expres1i9n. Her re-- ward? The sati sfaction of helping others. INVITED GUESTS Guest speaker• were Dr. Charles J. Epctein, auociate professor of pedjat.rlcl ac the University of C.llforn1a, San Francisco MecHcal Center and director of the birth defectJ . .. •. .. · ·i. •• Volunteers Needed Magic on Bill Sunshine GrQUp, s e c o n d • ~· grade Blue Birds from Peter· ~ son and Perry schools will .•· present a magic show and :i:: demomtrate their magical •.• powers in the home of their •" leader, Mn. Hal Perrin of ··~ . ·.. Huntington Beach, next Wed- ·• ~y at 3 p.m. ··! An evenin• show will be of· .. ·~ ... fered at 7 for partnts. ~·. Sweet Adelines .. l:f'arborlltes Chapter, Sweet •· AdellDes convenee: every Mon-~-day at I p.m:-for meetings t ln c.Ilege P1rt Scbool, Costa Mesa. Mn. Pat Partin, 540- , "' 0870 wW arurwer questions 3. regard.lng the cbor1J group. -: HB TOPS oo·. ,. TOPS 00'1. ot Hunt.iDgton "!. .Beach meet every Tbundly at 9:30 a.m. ln the Community ·~: Methodist Oiordl, Hunlinltoa ..,. Belch. Mn . Howmt Simon ,: at -.1111 will annrtt ques.. "' _, regardllll membel'lhlp. :i: ·~ -· um I ,_...AILIS .. IOHANICI ~ ... a:;•4 ••11•M .. __ ... • 842-2169 ~ -· - -· Aid 'Given soft, flattering end sheer VOILE PRINTS fabulous designs, great new colors to 90 anywhere, every- where, all spring and summer "SUNRAY" celen1s1 polyester and cotton §TITI~ • Matchmade Solids • Flock Voile Prints • Satin Stripe Prinls don•t miss this fabulous •election of tpring 44"/45" wide BONDED voiles ACRYLIC KNITS e•'Y care, +he lush . . . .98c $1.49 yd. $1.79 yd . guar. washable new knit' that pick •nd 90 everywhere ercellent tpring color selections VALUES TO $3.98 YARD 58" to 60" width• acettte tricot lining HONEll PLAZA SOUTH COAST PLAZA HUNTINGTON CENTlll t 7+h .. lll:ISTOL ~NTA AHA .. , .•... COSTA MfSA IRISTOL •+ SAN Dll,.O FWY. l-41-1116 EDINGlA •t IEACH HUNTINGTON IEACM ••7-101) . .. ' . . .. .. ' ' • + • . . mintol da!'ller. V e 1 t e d 1 y tbouu.ndl ol babies were in- DOCtnl victims of g<netl<: delecta. Today we aee progreSI. Tomorrow we may set the llnal triumph. M'edicel Group for Easte · FASHION PERMANENT only $15 complete HAIR FROSTING ··········-···-········.14.88 We specialize in the care of fo1hion wigs USE YOUR PENNEY CHARGE CARD- NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Or•ntl'f•lr C1n11r lnll llow, 111-44 HUHTIHCTON IE-'CH ,.1,1nttll910n (lf\~r 2n0 noor, m-nn Nl!W'<lltT llA(tl Fnllion l•l•flll Ind floor, '44-2l11 ROBINSON'S AND MADEMOISELLE Sportswear Psych-Out April 1969 Analyze the whole drea my s ports wear s cheme in the pages of' f..Aademol sell P. Then, head f'OF"' Rc:blnson's and see the super" summer s portswear in alt Its ultra-reallty. Each piece designed to psych-out the real you, •• w<>N- colored newjeans and s ee-through tops .,. s hiny shirts and Betty Grable shorts ••• cardigans that go to g reat lengths ••• polos by the kilo., Everything to give your summer wardrobe s uper-soul . S e e o..'r Sportswear Psych-OJt, on the~Upper Level in Newpart, Tues ~y, April 1 to Saturday, Apr"il 5 , ROBINSON'S NEV\roRT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 • ' • • .. -. ·-• ' - • ·~osia Mes. • ' l • Yoar'Be•e Mw.i • Dati'y Paper ' 1'0C. 62, NO. 71, 3 SECTION$, 31 PA~ES O~NGE cquNT:f. CALIFORNIA: JEN. CENTS .· Ike· .Goil).g Back Home t~··_Friends in Abilene . BJ B.• D. QUIGG VPISeaiGrlldllM ABll.ENE, Kan. -The world passed by jwit beyond the north end cl toWn. ' Tbert, on Intent.ate. Highway 70 the car1 and truc.u hun:y alone iwilh an urgent : bun, bound for far ~· like Denver and, Topeka and Kansaa City; , Herer inside a leCW'e wrapping ol surroundlng .slopes of ~brown KIDS;IS earth and new ireen patches of winter ! I' .. wheat, llel ever)body'a hometown. '"l'MY feel close to lte," one man When the man from Abilene.· Dwight said of the people ·here.· "He was always D. Eiunbower, comes finally home Tuos-so proud to be from Abilene." day nll)>t, he •WW' be ·amooi lrleods · cu tho4,igb be ntler left. '"It's a feeling that be really meant : From the Wagon-Wheel Clfe down it," said Mayor Delton B. Hadel, "when by the lreliht dtpol, wbere"lhe funeral.. he uoed to •C<)me back and "7 It was train will reachJ. jourqey's ·eiwf, to the being home 'agaln. .,.mete;y <¥! the , hill, wl)ere his father . "I got the -• ol my Ufe one morning David and hia mother Ida az:e-buried, when he wu Preddent and I wu going the ~ ..-IH rouned .,, a boy, is still to work about I o'clock and there he wUqutly his. :was all alone waking down by the corner of c.dlr aJld Secmd Streotjuol•~ at Utlnp." • lolte 'St«tr came out min Sunday· servloel at u. Finl PmbyterWI Cblll<b andreaiem-: ''Th<re wu 'a' l)iot Inside the old callL•n's Confeclk>nery, ·the plaee ts go n e now, that we ·used• to call 'Ike's corner." In bis early military daya .when he would return home, that's where he'd 'sit and visit With Cll\lhan and P. aul Royer and his other cronla." . You drive Jnto th1I .town · of. 1,000 between old-fashioned 'white frame. housea with big ya/ds. Tbey line the main · drag, ·Buckeye AvenUe· before ·it bc:omea the buslnw 8edioo. In front of one of these houses , a woman on her way to chUrch rtmembered lte'a mother: 1 • ' ·~Whet\ the news . first came d~ the war tfia(bt wu getting tllo\fir .. star general rant, my Aunt Emma uked lV.rs. ElsenboWer what she tboUgbt about that. Sbe replied: 'Oh, It's ~ rlihl -ju.rt ao long 11 he's &ood lo 'lht boys. That's just' how she wu.," . . At the corner of Buckeye .nd'Snetli Street there is another cbur¢1, an oJd one -white frame with a steeply peaked roof of bare wOod shingles and a red brick chlmney perched on top at the lront. · Its sign says:. ''llrtthttn In ~ Omrch." The legend beneath that ;;d;' (See ABILENE, P ... I) '• '· Mesan Arrested· on Morals, Stolen-Property Raps '.:.. . -' ~· ,' . ~' : ;; . . '' "RliTIRE~ CHEF f'ONTAGllERES WON'T l'ORGIT IKE .• , A Hum1nlt1ll1n With 1·fondMA for lokod.l'ot11M1 Former. Sergeant Recalls Ike Reunited Him., Mother A retired . che( • from CoBla, ~1esa, bimself suffering from a heart cmdition, has l o s t a friend in G e n. Dwight D. Eiserlhower .' ~ But Henry Fonlagneres will · have something ·to remember -a picture l>ilowlng him chatting with the former President A personal messag& from the general is attac;hed beneath jt. Fontagne~es. who has cooked for scores of national and international figures, is in Long B1acb Veterao'• Hospital recovering from a serious heart attack. He met Eisenhower twice. The first encounter tOok pJa:ce in ~~ during World War ll when Fontagneres was an Army sergeanl The &ergUDt, who was barn in France, was ape.aldng to a senior officer about not having seen bis mother since he · left fat America twenty year's before. 1be senior officer assurid Jl'oataineres that their "'ould be· a . chance for him to. viait his 'mother. · . He aealed ~ pfomliie by arranging a meeting with General Eisenhower, who person!l.lly saw to Jt that Fontagneres and hJa mother were rewllted. After tbe war, the chef related he WU bead of the kllchena al the-fam<d Blackstone lnl4el in Cblcago, Ill., ·where his s~nd me;eting w1th the late general toOk ,place. As.a reminder of the occasion Gtntral E~wer IJl«l<d the chef In writing and ' praised Fontagner ea for "re;liembering my liking for baked pot,.tou; •.• " Fontagnem, 89, and his brother, Pier· tt;1ive 11 :llm Royce Lane, Costa Mesa. 'nseir home ' Jiu a Special spot on the wall for a mQmtnto of a "humanitarian • ! . the most underitandin&, most cipab~e man wc!,have ever known." Mesa Police ~ound Vp Dozen Nar.co Suspects ' A dozen suSpected narqitics olfendert fence lntothe boulevard center divider. were amsl<d by · tlosta Mesa polko Police· vlJltJnc ·II .aportmoot-right'. in a four·bour period .. over th'1 weekend, acrosa the street a few hovs_ earlier to .m~e a warrant arrUt cbarJtn1 ·sale durinJ traffie.-viola"9n stops .and an df marljulnar booied 'a ,.ecood.11.11pect apartrrir.nt visit, as Easter Week vacation when officers alleae contraband w a·a began. , found at the residence. Olflc<r James Fanner arrested three €liar}.;. Snlilh,.':ioi,-Ot ·20'11 Newport boys IS to II and three g~ls IS to Blvd., WU -on the 1'lmlll and 11 early Sunday on Newport Boulevard a friend, PbWp l'tunc. IO, o( m • at Bay Stree~ wbm M lll"!'Ped to check Garlleld Ave.,-~ MOia, arttlted ... why tlleir van WU -.q, ~. the•~....,. +id Ylolatloe. About one dozen ttil capeulea were S..er&I -)'ODtlll ~ not ...,. ·-, ~with Ille ._ "'" ..-i when taken1 from the' van ua-t -packet ol Bob Batliqer aod. o1ncen Ron JO marijuana cigarettes retrieved after aod lform JCotch arrived. o n e JS.year-old 'I r 1 thn!.,. .1~ over a Gtblr' .jlmnllel fnlat Newport I> I two .. ,........ and C)ne J7-yetr• oldi ..... maw •bout u.e llme tlmt Congress AdJ'ourns on :-.-...i near Prtaceton ~ Slturdly. - WASHINGTON (1'J') -The House ind tlae Senate met briefly today and, after tevttal euloales. adjourned out of rupect for Owight D. Eilenhower wbose body Jay in ltatein the Capitol RotUnda . OfOCOI' l'raol; Jordan llld the driver handed over 1 plllllc big ol what ap- peartil to be marijuana alt.r -the Pl~."!' ~-permil&ion to.awch the """"'' for contnblnd. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of ltlt Dtltr Plllt ~lfr An electroniCs wlzaril ,questioned in the Cost.a Mesa police slaying of a 14- year-old boy' burglar is tn jail today, charged +rtth receiving stolell property and morals offenses •1ainst adolescr.nt boyL The suspect was arrested on the vice chargts Thursday when he showed up at Heiro: Kaiser lntermedlate School near his home while police were present, Nation Says Farewell to Eisenhower . •1tovm c&•a W ASllINGTON (UPO . -II WU u.i day for 1111111 llrOftil Ii> the "..W ~ bfiUe aod kind m.111" called Ike. 'l'ht I u n e r a l al Dwight Dovld Elaenhower, most univeraallt liked American president of th1I century, wu in keeping with· bis own wish for a · simple religious servJce expressing ~ fident faith in the everlasting mercy of God. The ritual called for no eulogy, no milltary paguntry, no worldlr pomp. But' the congregailon assembled in Washington National Cathedral bore w,itn~ to Eisenhower's illustrious plac'e in histof)' as the general who led .the allies to victory in World War II u<t as the peace--k>vinc pruident wbo aetUed the Korean coollict. · Presidents, prime minllters and kings came to join President Nixon, former President Lyndon B. J ohmon and other U.S. leaders in paying lut respecta to ELsenhow~r, who died Friday at the age of 78. ll<lore being borne bl the Eplocopal cathedral for the half·hour Protestant fiineral service, Eisenhower's bod)' Md reposed in state for nearly 24 houn in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol. There, la11t Sunday afternoon, President Nixon eulogized hlm as a "good and gentle and kind man" who hated no one and waa hated by no one. (See full text of President's remarks: Pa1e Ii). - "He personified the best in Amertci," said Nixon, who aerved under Eisenhower as Ylce llftSldenl from 111&1 ·to 1111. ''It wu the character of the man, not what he d.Jd but what he •u, that "' captured the trust and affection ol !Ji' own people and the people of the world ••• 1 "He wu a product of America '• aoil (See FIJNEIUl,, .... !) * * *' lk~'B;other :Ente~Hospital 'WASHING TON (AP) -As hundreds gatheM! at Washington N a t I o n 1 1 · <lathedral foe the funeral ol Gen. Dwight DAvid Eilenhower 1oday, the former ~dent'• yoonger brother, Milton waa sent bl a tmpltal. A military om~e sped Dr, Ei>enhower, 18, to Wa!Ccr ll<ed ArmJ Hospital where Gen.. Ei>enhower died Friday. • There wu no immediate indication · Dr. Eisenhower's cond!Uon wu aerloua or that the funeral would be postponed. James C. Hagerty, former White Houle preu secrtt.ary, aid Dr.· Eisenhower, "felt woozy and diny" as he waited with othe< family memben to proceed to the cathedral. • The fonner prnklent.ol Johns lloplllnl univenlty took 1 doctor'• advice to eht.tr • hospital, ~·gerty lllid, ........ ho WU exbaUStM aftu the~­exertions of the ttm!I trylnl d1,11. detecUm qil<losed lpdly. , Stephen·D •. SamlJ!O!J, 21, ol IS'll Sanla An• 'A~e.,.c'(IU' ~en intb 'ctisl<!dY" llf Sgt. ~:LortOn and DetecUve Gerry Thompeoe. on suspicion of molesUng • U..year"ilid boy. The electronic• plant ahop super-vi.lot . had.~ quietly arrested earlier, durJng a probe of the March 15 shooting death of Stephen Stubblefield, 14, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Alla Heighta. Detecti\'e Capt.. Ed Glasgow aald., ' .. SamfllOll' fr'u' !n pc.eieA!oii d a allde projector-,iolen from the' Orange ~ty Fablgrounds . l11t June · du ring a psychedelic light show event. · He said lnYuUgators at this point bdleve Stubblefield, wlme. fatal woun. dinj by police as he fTed a Cosla Meta· camera atore burglary wu ruled justifiablei homicide only Friday, was the fairgrounds burglar. ' capt. Glaagow said Samp!OD -idolized by younpten due to hll electrical and mecbanlcal knowledge -wu out on ball awalUng his April I prtlJmlnu)'. hearing on the st;olen property ~ge~ Records at Harbor District Judicial Court showed . today that a 111,000 ball figure w a a refused following Sam~'• implication in · chlld molest an 4 perversion, with arraignment due rue .. day. · He Is held at Orange County Jail, pending disposition of the case, or agree- (See SEX RAP, Pa1e I) Mesa Couple Held in Sale Of Sex; Mpvres A Coll• Me11 couple f_, • court _., .... Tde!day, following .their ar- l'Oll,irier aliqedly ipe1ng It .&ell lft und~er lawman to spicy movie reelll for $1,200, polk:e disclosed today. Dooglas A. Payne, 39, and hll wile Marela, 37, of 221 Knox Piace, •ere booked on SW1picion o[ aaJe of obactne fUms, . and reJe~ on thelr . own recognizance, promi.sing to 1ppear on Xhedule. Police· Sgt. Jack Calnon, of the vioe and intelligence detail said lhe Paynes Were 'arrested in their home · aft'er t.150, the airffd price of 10 reels, clianged hands.' Patrolman Norm Kutch was waiting outside and entered at a aignal lrom the unidentUled I)istrid Attorney'• in- vesUgator, who had been introduced to "' the Pa)rnes by a go.between, police said . President .in Eulogy: ' 'ke 'Incapable ·of Hate' ' By MERltlMAN &Mm! UPI ftfte B-Reporter ~ prayer. Visiting atudents shuffled in the " WASHINGTON -AJ Prosident Nixon said i1 hla movln1 eµJoty In the hwibed Capitol rotunda Swiday .,_, IOltle of D+rtghl D. EiJlenhower!1 wt thought& were of renieCHts for the angry dlviUona of our Ume. . Jn a voice that cracked occaalon81ly with emotion, Nixon· laid of the man . whom ·be served· for ellltt· yeara u line outside, and shivered in the uhseaaon'able cold. 'l)ie mtglity of the world and Ainericans of. every· station paid' tribute through the nlP,t and day lo Ellenbower at his flag-draped Ca!kel. ' There . was no official ••le .on the number of viSltors' fillni som~lY. through the hUJh of the historic room, bUt reporten made a rough guess that vi~ president: . 'durlni the lint lS'hours, there had'betn Ht . .,., genuinely flllZJled .by lnn'1 more than !O 000 vlshors: and ·bi bite . b!!c~ he. 'fU Incapable · 'Perhaps th. mOll clistjiictiv~ thine ·of It hlmseU. He Could never qµlte Ill'" . about tha crowd 'wu the '"!"11 JOl¥'g derillnd .It in othen. p!opie -yowii· couplea bOldln( lheJr ''The last Ume I aaw him (last week children ·81oft fot a firD.pfnoft .vfew at Wall.et"Ret~ Hospi\al) tbit,w:u. WJ\lt • of a historic moment; a surprlslntJy he ta:ked . about.. He wai puzzled by large number of young men and women th!! h•tttil ht had seen In our lime>, ol otudent. age; ~II In mod f>OllChol, and be lllid u.· th)ng the ·-needs1 and boy1 wi.. l""I ~ -mOll todl,)' _ii .unilmlandlng anil_ 11!1 found lianl bl uocientanct. > ability to see the other penons'a point There were no ~st aJ.gns, no out· of view and not to hale him because cries ~r dispfaY•. -'jUJI bll>ck, all« he diugrees. • blOclt' ol 'IJ'IVHI"" people -._.al .''That wU. Dwight Eilellhower ." a lad, yil stirring ritual ol f1rtwell Porha!*·)fl•on "'llected the spirit ol to '• nit1011al"hero'many of Ille :,ounge'r the thousands who tined llll)utlcaUy people knew onl3 from their hlllor7 broad COOSU!UUoft Avenue to watch 1-n b6okl. - ailenct, a few 1n tun, as a black, For Nixon, the emoUonally Graining Mre.dratirn ea I 1 1 on c a r r I e d atlernoon wu only the beglnnin1. 'l'odaJ Elserihowtr's body from Washington Na. thcte was 1 meettnc with n. G.une, tloriil Catbedrol to lie In 1la1'1 lhrollih then the hl1hly certmonlal fUneral the night.in !!le cavehlOllS rotunda. -d1D"ln1 the alte..-i. . Fr<neh President CharleJ dt Gaulll The U.S. M!Ulary Academy al Wttt made bis ai>Mal'iJce" SUhc!I,)' and saluted Polnf todaJ IChedUied -1al suvlc .. hl1 Oki cunutlander. A .CllllPll knelt In r (Set !ULOOf, PIP !) ' .I Investigators said 10 reels of film were conn.seated and a total of t1·,ioo in officiaJ funds retrieved from the floor of the Payne home after the arresla 'Ihursday. .Sgt. Calnon said the alleged deal colled for a later delivery or 30 more neis ol a mm f 11 m, apparentl:vt<itallng fiVe reels each among eight different titles. The allegedly oliscene films conllscat<d included these vague and noi.~vague titles: "Candy Bar," 0 Hair Brush," "Twisted," "A·20," "DoJ," and others. School Candidates To Talk Wednesday Candidates for the Newport.Mesa Unified School Dlstrlct bolnl wlll lace the wbllC again at a Wedn...,.y mornin& candidate's forum .. Sponaored by Harbor Forum, can- didates will speak and answer questions at JO a.m. in Island Houae at Fashion !~and lbopplng center, Newport ll<ach. Orange Weadler ' • Jt'll 'be cloody, but dry, T\!lldll! w.ith no major temptrature alter,. lions U ·the sun CU'IUnua .to ta~ a seml·vacaUon from the Oranp Coast.' INSIDE TOD.t.Y Li k 1: Geofgt Wahfnoton, Dwight' D. Eisenhmotr IDOi "'/frat fl\ war, fir•t itl pcact and ' /int In the he•rll o/ his ..,.,.iry, mtn." Preridtnt Ni:zon's 1ulo0w II al••• In f11U o• Paa• II. -.. -• Ct'"'°"'lolo • -• ·-••• N1f!Mat """' .. _ .. " ..,.., c~ • -.. ·--.. ............ • ..... _ ,,.,, -·-• -..... ~·--i H ·-• ·-• -• -II ·-• ---" -·-.. I \ • , I ' Bal Week.a ··ttn•(' Whe~e Did AU ile S~nt.1 ~? · Burro-Uglis a rVie,- ... ~~,, •w!lh .•~ tl,11 ..--lllo ~ parl&C."' • il!Jur*, ........ 111t- l'Ollalloo"' pol'tl al Niwport'a-"" did not ...... lo d<ltr l/tacb vlalton, bowtver. IJlecuardl reported. about II.GOO perlOOI on the heacbet durlnl the two daYJ. Only a few routine rexues werete~ Where have ID the n~m gone! PO!lce 11y tho deaert and !O!J"l' moun- tain areu are the "in" pi.ct• th1I year. 1be Qokndo R!ver-11 vut ~ of unpatro!Jed ' Wlitrf'°"t &rel Is partleularly attracUve to the studeota, police lly. ' u Bal Weak ts Indeed dead, Newport rtllldtntl win have to wait sit more <Ill'• helore the ollltuaey can be written. Fir~· Fi~st ·lor ·New ·1~'dustrial P~~k ' Ffnl .. ;, 'ct a f/rrn lo locate In Mialklo VleJ0'1 ne:w-lndUltrial park was announced today. Burroull>s corporation !Oday tai<I It WIU canalillcl a llf.mllllp1, 110tlkquare loot IUlll!Y In~ Vltjo !or e..- lng and manulacturlnf hl~peM d~'k file memory devices for wie In Burrouab Eleclronlc COmputtr Syltem.. October near Thousand Otkt' aQd ·.J; priJC!uce• dltk rue memory wlllt, """' ot the production ~peratJOl'IS w:Ji perfonned ID clw rooms Ja whlcb It cleamed of pvtlcles wlolch · -.. _...1c ·II)'~ . • . Manufacture of s u c b uiilts cblefly in- vplves hand assembly opr:ratkmi ton-- ducted in an environment free of pust, smoke, and noUe coodWcm, B~ e.iplalned. ,.. r ' ' ' PhinemmaJ ~ 1' Miilalon . VlijO. wblcll In-,.... bal crown to a1m011 t,ilOO ruldentl. Now many ct our rosidents wlll "" ob~ lo wort rtaht in _11ur ~ aa.ini .commulbi&.'' llaQb,. ad!fld. ' 1'10 llkcre Minion Viejo lndultdal Put is In the norihwestern c!orner of the 11,IXIO acre "aew town." East of Jtf9nlmG Road and toutb of M.ls&ion Viejo'a northern ~; the site is on an elevated · mm. · The plan! wW he ~ullt of tradilional ,..tttlals inFJu~ i<lobo-flnbh concrete bl~. lo' blend l\'lth the •"'"'•• public * * * * * * ROSARY SET TQNIOl!T Students Start 'Bal Week': .R· Vlotnam VIT•''"' Luc~• h- Plant CQnJ~, on a P.,.cre alt.e at Lemon Avenue apd Jeronimo -acquired from MlUlon Viejo Company, u acbidwed to helin ln May with com- pletinn'tlaltd In mJd.lall. It la ~ltd lo be fully operalloul by euly ~ell ylar. , Tht Au!tin Company WU 1elecled In englnttt and 111pervlat COl1ltructlon ol the planL Project planner from Jta Loa Angelet olllce'will bt tbe'llrm of Cbarltt J. ltatbaam. . . Philip J, R<!lly, pr,aldenl of -Viejo Company, wbich •IO!d d>t! 1lte lo liulldihp Of Mission VJejo . .._., 1 "The plant alte will he heaulililTiy landscaped. with lit eiitry rlvallnl Mlulon Vlejo'1 OWn«IJeil.W.Wll La Pu !load _,.. lttllly aid. JlurToufhl, laid: • · . • · osarYi o~g t BYi Cleanmg Beach Debris For Mesa GI; Mon !bu. 1,400 pro!N&innal, olllce, and dlnet-labo< ~ wtll be employed at the plant wllhln the neJI two lo three yem, Burroull>s -· As with Burroughs Westl•ke Villa&t facility, which formally opened Wt "Wo ere dellgblnd with the callher and plans of Mission Viejo Induatrlal · Park's first tenant. The industry will dramaUcaUy accelerate Ule already World1!Jde, BllJTOU&bs emp~ more than 45,00I people with 44 maiiu/acturlng and eJlllneerlnl plants and 615 branch •Ilea otnce,, in m countries . Eutet vacation week bepn with rolltd .. p ohlrt 1leevea and * lot of ltoop. ing and hauling for l!O volunteer Harbor Area youths who worked at cleaning up Newport's debris-1trewn beaches. WorkJn& three and on .. baif hours Satunlay mornlnf, the 1tudenll Jwxl. cleaned beach ..... and llrlndl .. -piers made them inacceulble to btacb- oleanlng machinery. 'Ibey aaved the city of Newport Beacli $llO lo '800 In labor ....... - Wide lleyeler, lllllW!t general """'1cM dlrector. He POied there were more llrla !bu boyt. . "Thole girls are good workers," be aid. "Moot of It ii handw<rt 10 ltrength ";.,' From Pqe l ABILENE ... "To Do !light H-.i God. To Sin ls to Despi8e Him." Up 15 winding wooden alairs from the front veatibule to the littJe room • i t h one stained glass window and a· wood-..W.,-Jaat uooer the 'attic, John DayhOU, "1ort, chunky, with a rrey fril>p of h.tJr, WU pcntJng When he reaebt<l.i~ "Dwtaid: was a year and two months cider than me, .. he a&id. ''WeJJ, It Joot:J" juet about the ume. He Ind I Ind · about 12 other bo11 Ind llrla were In tbe same Sunday lclx>ol clw here. ~-n. wu during · the years when we were 10 lo 13. That window I• the ume and theee wooden chairs look the 11me, and tbat stove by the flue over there. We can't ttly long becau1e a clan will ~ bert w D\lnute. ; "You told me he Js suppoaed to have carved hi! lnltW• in a bench her<, D.D.E., and they've aot It out In the mueeum now. I don't know about thit, but if he did, and hi! dad hid found it out, he'd reall)1 bave aot pulled up." Aft.Ir three daya of state funeral Dw!lht El.oenhower will come here, •nd Wedntllday ni&ht he will Ue finally in a vault beneath a meditat.km chapel built of the chalky lime!looe quarried in wMem Kansu -the man wha left here ta becOme Eiaenhower ot North Al11e1, Normaody, Wuhlnctoo and the W<rld. Groups Won't Meet Normally the occasion for a joint Colla Mtaa City Council and Planning Corn- m.i!sion st1.1dy meeting, the fifth Monday of the Month, will be boys' niaht' out for the 10 local officlal1 and city staff. ) No meeting wW he held tonlghL Oflll~ l'llUl OltAMI cdiUT P'UILhMINO cOM,AH't' ..._,,1 N. W11I ,,_ldt!lt Ml 1'""'1Wir J1clr l . C11rl1y VI#~ .... Q.eMfll M9N- 'f'llMllt k11•if .... n •••• ,.,,, Mv,,1111 ... MIMllN 1.ite. P1wl HltM11 Mrilllhf\c 01ttct. ---sao Wm a.y Stt•fl "'411111-P.O • ._ 1 .. 0, n•U -- I doean't count u much as fnergy and ttict-to-lt--." Last month a larger turnou~; of 450 volunteer students saved the city an estimated h .000 on a Saturday morning. More youths might have worked Satur· d1y .except for a week pootponement due to t.Jpecled rain and the start ot Easter vacation. Volunteers were from Corona del Mar, Newport Herber, C<iota Maa, Ellallcla Ind McNall)1 htih llChool•, E11aJin Ind TtWlnkle Intermediate IChoo!I. 'Ibey worked at cleaning btacbe1 at Litlle COrona, Plrate'1 COve, China Cove, the weat end of Balboa Island, and between 10th and 19th streets on the hly side of the Balboa Penlnaula. The youlhs packed debrJ1 into gunny sacks and then carrfed them to 1trtet ends where city crews hauled them away. Eighteen cJty employta: worked wlth Ulem, auperviaing and drivina the trucks. "I WU gruUy imprelled the fir1L Ume. And I WU equally impreuecl 11111 '1111' that we IM!ve IUCb a inat buoah ol tJda In tbe ~.· iaJ<! x-1..ewla; lnl<rmaU.. 1trvlelt dJreclor for N~ Unified School Dlatrlct. " p,_.pqel SE! 0:ftM> i ~.., . 2nd Wounded Catholic rites for a Costa Mesa Gt killed in Vietnam combat will be observ· ed tonight, wblle a second local soldier jµat deeorated for heroism lies in serious condition, ho!lpilalized with war wounds. Rosary is at 1 p.m. in SL Joachim's Church, Costa Mesa, for Spec. 4 Stephen w. Lucia, 19, IOl1 or Mr. and Mrs. Allttd Lucia, of 3011 Hardin( W1y, with requiem mus there at t Lm. Tur.lday. Spec. 4 Lucia had been In . Vietnam vilth the Firll InlantrY Dlvlalon only 51h month!! when he wu: reported mils~ ing in acUoo, a deslgnaUon confirmed as killed In combat 13 days Jater. Pattnta of Spec. ' Clyde Gillam Jr., 19, learned only the day after the story of their son's Silver Star medal appeared in the Dl\.lL Y PILOT last Wednesday that he bad been crlUcally' wOllllded. Tht 1117 C<iota Meta High School craclu•te ti In oeriOU1 condition at a boopltal In Long Blob, accordlnf In word HCOIV>d by Mr. tnd Mra. Clyde Glllam, 313 !Ith Place, C<iota Mtu. The -1n11n1ry lnac:hiDqumier 11111tre<1 mulUpla woundl wheO he lfOppod on a hind mnadH1aed •booby trap, a<· cor<!Jnr -lo tho Del-~t telecram. "' ><'ii Fron• P .. e 1 EISENHOWER FUNERAL 1• • • and of its idea1s, driven by a compulsion to do right and to do wen. • .a man of deep faith who believed in God and truJted in hll wilL •• a man who truly loved bls country and for whom words like freedom and dtm0etacy were nOt · cliches but livinJ truth.I ••• "He made Amerlcanl prnud of their pl'W<len~ proud ol their counlry, proud of thtmaelvea." Mr•. Eisenhower, wbooe public ordtll wW continue throup the burial at Abilene, Kan., Wednesday, WU escorted throUJb the !Un<ral rilta by bee ion John -Nixon's newly-appointed U.S. ambassador to Belgium -and other members of the family. At one poln~ as Nixon referred lo Eisenhower as or,e of hlstOry's rew authentic heroes, John looked down solicitously at his mother, who called her husband her whole life. Ke found her left hand, tucked under hil rlght elbow, ·and patted it twice. :But the took no heed, continuing to stare straight EULOGY. • • ah~d at the cutet. Nol 11Dce the Illa funeral ·ct John Kennedy· bfid ... ao many world leaders aaiemblod lit' w aalJlnlton. AlllOl1I lbom were 1Gen. Chari" de Gaulle, prtlidtnt of France; Admiral Lord Lou I 1 Mountbatt.en. representing Br 1 ta l n 1 1 Queen E!Jubeth; Manba1 VU!ly L Chullov of lbe Soviet Union; K1J11 Baudouin of~; Prince Bcablrd of the Nttllerlanda; Shal> Rd.a Pal\lavl of Iran; Prime Mlnllter John.. Gny Gorton of Aultralta; Prealdtnt Feriilnand Mll?COI of tht PhWpplnN; Cbancallor Kurt Georf Klaln1er of West ~. former Prime Mlnllttr Nobulute llfllli of Japan and Prime Mlnlater Pierre Elliott Trudeau of CanadL A tpedal train walttd at Wubln&lon'• union Slation to carry the flaf-draped Calket lo Ablllne. Where the late Prfal• dent wtlt be burled Wedneeda1 In the chapel Cl( tbe E!Rnhowtr Library Ind MURUDI, a Ibo<! dlllance floln the farm houae where he 1peat hla boybood. • Girl Returns . • ·$1,000, Leaves $80 of oivn A ~ Mesa girl who -.·t believe In llnderHetptr1 II oOOrl flO of her own money todaJ' • 1 lfter ID irOnlc weekend lncldenL • JW' Scott; 17, of 2190 COiiege Ave .. WU out Saturday mpt when ohe lpotted and rtlrteved a woman'• pune !yin& In the ii>iddJe of Fairview !load at Bater Street. · · Tht bandbaf helOllJ.ed to Mri. Jean Smtth, 11H El Clnilno Drive, C.OSta Meu, who had aet Jt on top of her CIT while loldlng tp'OCtr!ea at I near!>) market. , Tba pune eontalried ~ In bills and eully-cubable money orders tot.allng $1,000,. I templinc find for a Corona de! Mar lllib School leDior savlnf her money for a June trtp lo Hawtti. Miii Scott turned the property In at COiia Meu Police Department about 7:30 p.m., then wu given a $10 reward !horiJ1 lherealter when the aiWowJ Mr•. Smilh claimed H, recordl lhow. Tbe notLficaUon came Tbunday, one rnlh!. l>f•'lllt'>lemt. to allotr hla releue · •<141 ~"'·ri>rY telllnl,!lf ·Jl>.e.~er·• ""ea·balUl•llO..,,,po11t11e1atpbclld. · ··.•ward tor 1~. pmariaJ bravery, JI. Glul4!" aald toda1 that at leut ~-tnd dtdl<atloll lo duly fn remtmbrance of tbe man wbo took hi! flnl oath lo serve bia eountry there In the l1JllllltC ol JJJJ. Then Wednelday, alter Elaenbower Is burled In Abqene, Kan., a heavy cannon at the Point will fire the union lalutt, 50 consecutlve shots, one every ft.Ve secondl to sta.Dd for each atate 1n the union. • ..., ........... .....w-.. lhi fllllllj Ill Jo x-u-aboaid ... -.i·~ p...,w111 ... ,~.;+i. receptim by Nixon alld 'hla -'wlle.,at the White House for a host of forelfn dignitaries wembled here for the ritea. QnJl' two hours lattr, the teeriqer wbo wt1t enter' OrlOfe COut COiiege In the fall to, train u an airlln• ·~. at<>i>Pld to .mate • call lii>m a Newpon Boulovard tettpbont booth. Perhaps It was the nearly lull moon which produced lemale lorretfulnoss ov!r the weekend, but MlU Scott returned Jn a few moment.I, hoping her own missing wallet would 8till be there. two l!Oint Xalaer lntermedlall School In lllt 1Ac1 Of bOall1e a<tlon.' •tudatl' llorlea, one 12 and the other 12, Jed to 8&mpeon'a late1t IJTQt. lll'I. llalfn El!il, !bother of the •lain boy burslsr, told ntWllTlt!I alter Stephen WU ldllad by a buliel throuib the chell. that lhe heUevld her ' oon .had an adult ae<:ompllce In the fatal bur1!ar7. C1pt. Glu1ow today dlicounltd the · pnulbillty that Simpton mliht ba ... - the allapd lilysttry acoompllco beUevtd to hl\l'e fled Corrlcan'• c.meraa, &30 W. !Ith &t., leavi., Stubblefield lo hi! fate. "Of course we can't releue anything about hll 1tattments in thete cue1," Capt. Glaagow polntld out, uplalniOf th1t thla uplcl mllll he dtvalopod In turure court atcJon. "It oqht lo bt ID lnltresllnf trial," hecommontad. Frltndl and alloclate1 ol tho Stub- blef!ala .youth ,...,.. questioned in depth after the Heinl Kaller IChool ninth Vader WU shot and killed fleo!nf the camera shop bura:Jary. Whoever broke in by drill ing and SAW· Jng a rooftop entry and in11talling ropts Jar easy el.it and hauling out loot was thoroughly practiced in sophisticated burglary techniques. Young Stubblefield was seen to ahlnny up the rope and fled across adjacent rooftops, leaping to the iround and mak· ing the final cholce of his lifetime when police and the owner arrived. The yOUfliller -who evJdenUy faced life with a oomple1 pe:raonallty tn whlch rill!t and wrona were intertwined ac- .cot41ng to b.i$ mother and friends - lgMred five commands to half '5 he ran . The black-clad, giove-wtarlna youth made it· mote than 219 yards c&rl')'ing a sketched blueprint. of the bura:lary site 1n hil f et. be!Ore one, then tWo among · police bulleta struck tum .His clothin~ nd shots cmied along evidence ln the form al rope !r&.Jllltnt!I, tar and ri>ollnf mattrlal bll.s wl\Jch plac- ed him at Ult sctne, of the bruk·in. 'Ofaqo County 'lltrtrlct Attorn•Y C.Cil 'J. Hieb lalii In his JusUllable homicide HPOll· lalued Friday that It I s bal!1111ca1l7 tmpoUlble lo determine who amon& 'lllrte poll..man fired the fatal olloL Orange Couple Die in Accident A coqplt from Oranae w11 kill4d Sun-- day Dilht whto their car collidtd head-on wltlt a pickup truck eight milts south of·(he dutrt oommunlty of Salton City. Reynaldo Moralu, 70 and his wife Trtnqulllln1, 61, weno killed lnotanUy . when the 1011thbound truck driven by f.ira. Ruth OJbbl, 37, croutd the cuter ltnt~ Mn. Glbbl, of Card!U·by·the Su, WU taken to Pionetr Memorial Hosplt.al in Brawley with Rl'IOUJ chest injuritl. Btirglar Enters Country Oub, Takes $600 Loot A nine-car, three-engioe train will car· ry Eisenhower on hJs last journey. The Chesapeake & Ohio train leaves Washington'!! union station at 3 p.m. PST lod1y lo carry the body of the Mes a's Flowers nauon·• 14th president, hla 1am11y and friend.a across cwotry to I.be Kan!a.s pltln•. . eceive Kan., Tue!day night at about 10 o'clock. R . Bouquet The train was to amve Jn Abilene, A burllac 1rmed with a pry tool At the lamily'1 request, the route was So far, nothing has been heard about the billlold and the $80 in part.-tlme work pay and the reward for returnin1 $1.000 ft had cootslned. "We're ju!lt hoping someone will read this and follow her example " sald the gtrl'a: mother, Mrs. June Scott'. forced hla w1y Into the.,Mtu Verde The clty of COsta Men today HCO!nd not dlsclooed officially. COUntry 'C!Ub and atole 'llOO in tools a bouquet for lta flower•, Mayor Alvin The C&O, however, said the funeral Ireland J\fohilizes and equipment. Sunday, Coate Meaa L. Pinkley baa announced happily. train would use its tracks as far as police tald today. A nofe by Newport l!elch Ebtll Garden Cincinnati, Ohlo, and BalUmore & Ohio S • I p Ii Frank w. Weaver, emp'toye of the Club apokesman Mra. Ray N!ellen, 11,.. trleka lo Aurora, Ind. ClUea along this pec1a 0 • ce Force club at 3100 Clubbouae Boad, told ln· ed by 30 member1, praiau orance and route Include Be:llevue, Dayton, Newport, v..U111nr1 the Intruder pried a main· gold blossom! along Newport Boulevard and COvlngton, Ky.; Addyston and Sayec BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPI) - tenance abed door enouah to slip inside in the do'f/ntown area. Part, Ohio, ind Lawrencebw"g, Ind. The government tonight mobilized 1 000 and 1et the a.uorttd hand and power "We have noticed and admired them," members of Jt11 special ppllce fofce . tool1. Mrs. Nielsen wrote, nying the colorful a Mm.J•milltary organlzatian. to 'Prevent A burslar allO broke lnlo a puked dlaplay is just right for the Golden Truman W Qll'l Attend further outbreaks ol ertremi!t violenca car owntd by Btlln D. Wtcklich, of State's current 200th anniversary and such as the blowin1 up Sunday of a 2333 Rut1ers Drive, Cotta Mesa, taking Orange County's ~ blrthday. WASHINGTON (AP) -Harry S. suburban power atailon. 24 1tereo tapes worth fleet, while the "This is a very unusual," 1aid Mayor Truman, one of the two surviving former The apectal police known as "B victim altended a movie at South Coast Pinkley, 00 t think we ou1ht ta <ffve Pr Id of nl Specials" were aet up during the An1l1r Pl S d . ht •• es ent& the U led States, will Irish War of more thJn 50 years ago. aza atur ay n1g · Joe Jont11' Parks Department and the not be able to attend the funeraJ today They have borne the brunt of ertnmhit Apartment renter William N. Newnell, Cotlta Mesa BtauUflcaUon Committee a of Gen Dwight D. Elsenhower, the attacb by the ouUawed Irish Republican of 719 W. Wilson St., told police • Utile pat on Ult back.'' E·lsenhower fam.lly reported. Army since then. burglsr pried the door of hla homo 1---'-----------==:.:..:::.:..:::::::.:..::::.:.:.:.:..:: ____ :.:..::::::...=::..:::::.... _____ _ overnight Sunday and took $10S in loot, including a ladies' watch and cash. Crash Victim, 4, Fights for Life A COsta Mesa boy almoot iall!ly In· jured when atruck by a car lut Thursday is lilted in improved, but IUD 11erious condiUon today at H01g Memorial l!o!pltal. Mlc~el L. Bell Jr., 4, of 1845 Anaheim Ave., 1Uff~ head lnjurita, ptu11 cut& and bruJ1e1 when hit when he darted from behind a parked car on Center Strttt and into the path of another. Motorlat Joachim Balklnd, '2. of 1112 Kahulut Drive, Huntington Buch, was not clltd. Weather Again Smiles on Ike WASHINGTON (AP) -Only moments before the caWon rolled up to the st.eps of the Cef>jtol, l6werlng clouds in lht w•t parted and aunshine Oooded the acene like 1 btnedictlon. "Ike always did hive wtathtr luck," said a ntan who m~y have been there on June I, ltf.t whtn htavlni stu calmed enough to allow hlstory'e mlghtiest anny -Ike'• army -to pour ashore on U'4 Normandy beaches end belin the end ol World War IL Before tho oun broke through Sunday. cold rtln had been lallln1. Tht nap at hall-.talf snapped in the cutting wind. • f2 OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA ~1 AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE ~ COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings 1i11d ·and repaired • diamonds and precious otonu remounted • pe1rl1 reotrvng WE CUSTOM DESIGN I MANUFACTURE AlC mes OF. JEWELRY HAllOI SHO,,IN• CINTll llOO HAQol II.YD. COSTA llllSA Ml-MH HUNTIN•TON CINTll WCll & IDIN•ll NUNTIN•TON MACH m.JHI ' ' , ' • " . • ' ' r ... ' . . • ' \ I • . . TIGH1 LITTLE ISLAND -Small, offbeat ~ munity of. Sunset Beach bounded by sea, Pacific Coast Highway and two municipalities finds itself in middle of annexation squeeze. County bas order-- ed Huntington Beach to consolidate Its efforts to block corridor to Bolsa Proprerties (Annex No. 5) with proposal to annex Sunset Beach. Meanwhile,.. Seal Beach waits and watches. Sunset has some other problems, too. BY WILLIAM REED Reeds ••• In the Wind Dr. Ralph Bauer, who certainly must be rated as a leading candi· date for election to the governing board of Huntington Beach Union High School District also serves as a trustee of Ocean View SChool Dis· trict. Already raised is the issue of whether a person should serve on two school boards. A can~date, Rod Cruse, has raised the issue in the Westminster School District. Dr. Bauer said last week he be-- lieves the question is not whether a man should serve on two school boards or not, but rather, who is the best man to care for the prob- lems of the high school district. * He argued that his serving on both an elementary and a high school board would help ·in com· munication and subject matter ar· ticulation between the districts. The only problem with the posi· tion of Dr. Bauer is that for years Trustee Raymond Schmitt has ser· ved on both the Westminster and the higb school board and now J.1attbew \Veyuker does the same thing. In spite 01 all this articulation, Utere has been considerable com· plaint and certainly serious jssues in the high school district. Dr. Bauer is a talented man and the community is fortu nate to have him guiding one of the school dis· tricts. * Still, there are those who wonder whether the thinking and talent of one man actually offsets the bene. iit from the abilities and thinking of two men, each serving just one school district. With the present system those who serve on two school boards have a vote ln each and cons~ quently two votes on educational problems in this area. The voters, of course, must d~ cide this on Apn1 15 in the case of both Dr. Bauer and Schmitt. It is e question which requires some careful thought if a decision of benefit to the scht>ol district is to be reached. * 1 The issue also affects Weyuker who is running for a seat on th e \Vestminster elementary board. It ts a definite issue and one which should spark some debate among candidates and questJnni; by the ,·oters. Huntington Schools .Tell Meeting Dates Ntw mttting dates for the month of April have been announced by tnmees of the Huntington Beach Ctty School ll181rict. Trust... will meet in the dl5trlct of. fices, 718 111h Sl, al 7:30 p.m. April 15 and l9. Seal ]leach Eyes Sunset • • If Huntington Try Fails By TERRY COVILLE DI "'9 Dellr ''lfl Staff • An annexation battle lhis summer may be the fight that puts tiny Sunset Beach on a par with the Caribbean island of Anguilla in the category of mice that roared. And if Huntington Beach fails In its annexation bid, Seal _Beach may, try lo step into the breach and annex a rebellious litle community that would really prefer to do things for itself. 'Ibe 1,000 non-conformist residents of this ocean front community already have left acars on those wbo would tamper with their independence. There have been at least four battles during the past year. Most are still boiling. CAllRY SCARS Giants of the oil industry, neigliborlng cities and county departments •ll carry ..,.,. from tangling with the 450 "°""" built on JOO .square acres (counting the stand) between Seal Beach and Hunting- ton Beach. One asset of Sunset Beach is ill prox- imity to the potentially rich Bol!a Chica Corporation fand5 to the aouth. If Swmt Beach is annexed to Huntington Beach, the door lo the Bolsa lands will be &hut for Seal Beech. Sunset llseU seems to have more prob- lems than assets. Some midents say annei:Mlon is the only way to save lt. Others 11ay it'11 the ooly way to ruin It. No matter what happens to the small colony, at least four problems will n!ma.in. First is ''The Honey Pot," a colorful, ·but not descriptive, title applied to the Sumet Beach sewage treatment plant by nearby residenb of the Huntington Harbour aection of Huntington Beach. Richard HarNon, superintendent of "The Honey Po(," says Harbour resi- dents bought homes built in a swamp, "and everyt:lme they smeU the swamp they blame the plant." But Harbour llomeownen relt strong tl'IOUgh about tbe odor they claim comes from the sewage plant to attempt to secure a court injunction against the plant'• operation. No deeiaion has been rendered to date. If Huntington Beach annexes the area the city will probably eliminate the Sumel Slllitsllon Dis1rict, and therein lies the first argument agalmt ao- nexaUoo. "Our taxes will immediately rise,'1 says Harrison. "We'll pay double for services we already have." Harrison and other residents boast of the fact the.lr district has held the same tu rate for ttn yean and they wonder if a little more service is worth the rise in COl!ll. orr ahore oil drilling is a second pro- blem SWU1et residents are flgbtlng. They may have a friend in Huntington Beach. John Costello, administrative a.sslstart in Huntington Beach, said the city is "absolutely opposed to any extension of oil drllling in nearby tidelands." Paul Bradley and Mn. Virginia Strain art two Slln.9el residents leading the batUe to keep the area clear of any oil inleresta. RAISED RUCKUS Bradley Tai.led I ructu,, lbout. thtte weeks qo wnui he and 10me otbtr beachfront dwellen discovered a geological aurvey ship making oU BOUn- dinp ofl their coast. Jnvestigatioa revealed the dUp wu l<!tlnc the au for' the Mobile OU Com- P1ny wblch holcb llcleland rilJit. off -A third coolllcl lnvolv .. development of the beach fnlnl and the old PICUlc Electric ripit.ot.way l'lll1nin( between North and South Pllclflc Aveaun. Ortilnalty, Carlton Bullden of Beverly llllla nni.ct lo bU1ld 7l two and thrtt •Jory •parim<nla .. the ~. but the counly pl•nnin& commiaa1oa turned them down Iller vfi°""" Oppoolllon by Sunset realdenta:. "No one w1nt1 aowded three •lorJ buildings there,• 1ay1 HllTiaon. Now the county Harbor Di.strict has four propoiials for i. parting kit to aerve the beach area. FOUR DESIGNS But three of the four parking designs call for paved loll! on the beach itseU and Sunset rebel s are up in arms about that. A fourth design calling for parking on the Pacific Electric right-of-way ap- parently meets Sunset approval and might also block apartment construction. Huntington Beach has also indicated a willingness to construct parking on the right-of·way and might be able to accomplish it through an already existing parking d1strid. Robert E. Russell, Orange County ad- ministrative analyst, said the Harbor District'• parking proposals won't come before the Board of Supervisors until late April "and it could be two years before they are acted on." "And lf Huntington Beach annexes the area," said Russell, "and wants to install parking, we certainly won't stand in their way." 'l1lt last problem revolves around a batUe over property rights betwffn the Huntington Harbour Corporation and resident! along Bayview Drive, known as the island. PIPPING FENCF.S On February 11 workme.n from____Qle. Huntington Harbour Corporation began ripping apart fencts they claimed were on the corporatlonl property. Bayview Drive residents vocally and physically opposed their action!. Residents complained a few months ago when the Harbour Corporation closed oU this area calling ft a "drainage ditch." Residents say it 11 a waterway." Now tbe developers ol Huntiniton Harbour claim the fences encroach on its property. The matter la pending in Orange County Superior Court wbert both aides have brought .Wt. The Island is called "the Back Alley," by Huntington Harbour reaidenll, AYJ Harrison. He adds, "lt'1 r o t ti n g bulkheads rtpresent a costly problem I wouldn't think tax payen in Huntington Beach would want to assume." Do s.-Beach homeowner• really want anotbOr city lo l&Mlle lll)'thin1? ''That's a $'99 quesUon," says Mr1. Strain. LEADING FORCES Mrs. Strain and Bradley are le.ad.Ing the forcn who favor 1Me:ralion to Han- linglon Beach. "It's impo..tble lo speak for othtrs, and I don't know at the moment if annexation will paas or not," says Mrs. Strain. • She and Bradley both feel Sunset has the best chance of mainlalnlng Ila in- tegrity u a community through an- nexation to Huntington Beach. Rarrl&on i.1 opnosed to any annexation. "I'm cert.ain annaatlon will flunk," he flatly predictl. "People Uve here because they want to get away from the pusb-. push of the city." lt wu Harrlsoo wbo present«! a petl~ lion signed by .everal residents asking Seal Beach to begin 1Mexalion pro- cedures on &wet. Seal Beach then fort- ed Hunlinglon Beach lo COMOUdale two aone11tloo propoull and ,.quest the .,.tire conummlty in one lump. "llunllngton Beacb will keep Jlll'hinc 1ll ontfl "' have to mHt a decWon," ·ota!M IWTt8oo, "and I th1n1t ~ tt comu lo thsl, the people will 10 for SW Beach. lt'1 obviout we: would hive men 111 In 1 city of 25,000 than In one 0 100,000." A d1te nas not beta aet for the aft!o ntnUon election. rtnt a petition re- quealinf lllllOlltloo llfJled by 25 ptrcent of the ,.,~-\'Olm In -Beach mull be preaen1'd lo HunllngJon Beach. ' ;s1 JPL Discovers WhyM~er7 Malfunctioned All Penney Stores Open EVery Night Monday Through Saturdq Easter is the the time for eggs and Penneys shoesl Pntty patent pump wilh a goNd •trap fer porlod fit. In blade ... wN!o to go with .. hw -""'"11"""'- ln girf'a-. 5.99 - OUr ivfflo trimmocl patont """"'' -ocHll al the ""'· tho _, .... libl ..... ·Wl1ife « blade to - h.r P°''*' doJhos. Gltl'a-. 599 .......... Nik Mode tnoC toe a. lard""".-~ .... s.-1\. saM I I ·=· ...... ..,.,. Pnncf ............... ...,, ...... 699 n-_..._ .. _.liortoo T ••• cutout en! ..... al tho hooll Bladt or"""'° for wndlllity lo glrl'1 sixes. Grain leather wing4ip drm o><lcrda °" our famous Ponlnd ou1lolo. !n>gue styf'ong .. black « -0... him l;b Dad ... In boy'•.... 1.99 6.99 S!Urtlygoo.tloob..,a .. _ -wing tip .-id tao laat.1 .... ...... """ -........ lolod.. ...,, ...... 1.99. COSTA MESA (Herb« Shopping Center) HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion l.J1.d) (Huntington C1nt11t) I I ' J 1 ' " •• 4 DAR.Y mor Saigon Still Ready for ·Secret Talks Cong R 'assessi:Qg Spring Drive· Hea~y Losse3, Allied Action ~ Force Reds ' to Reconsider ~-.. °" ........ .,., Ello Moody, as bead of the mar- rl&&• lictDSe bunau of the Los An.leles county clerk's office. hes a!llited her signature to lbousaD<b of marriage licenses. She retired Friday after 17 years with the com- ment -"I would perfer to have issued only one license to a couple per lifetime. But some come back time and again.'' • Factory worker Joe Wright, 49, h4s found a novel wau to boost Britain's c%J)Ort produc- tion -o "work-in." Wright ron- tri#Ced hi! friend.! ta bring beds and install tlum in the cafeteria of the floor-cleaning machine factOTJI ot Orpington where tht!I are empl011ed so they can work shifts "Tight around the clock" ovtr the wtekend to fulfill a spe· cial rush order. • Visiting judges said the prison grapevine has given Shrewsbury Jail, England, a four-star rating in lhe "coos good food guide." The prison's warden, Lt. Col. Ron•ld Shebbure said, ''We have an U• ceptionally good cook - a pruon officer - who uses his imagi na- tion." Kipling. Ont' of three babJI tigers nt the Phoenix Zoo animal nursery 11eem.$ to be enjoying hi.! semi-month~ 111 bubblt bath. He liked it so mucll in fact, it took two attendants to get him out. • ."\. clerical mistake which result- ed in thank you cards bein g mailed to several persons who did not sign his nomination papers has b e e n rectilied by Circuit Court Judg• Cl•ir Voss, a candidate for the Wiscomin Supreme Court. "Dear Sir," Voss wrote. u1 have your note protesting my thank yoo card. Ac- cept my apologies for thanking you. Sincerely, Clair Voss." • The 1tate Department of COT· r•ction's IJ)Ting drama sea.ton opened thi3 week at the Marv- land Con-tctionat lmti~tt at Hagerstown. Inmates presented a production of "Slalag 11" -a drama set in o prisoner of to0r camp, • ,>\. large lettered. 1ign on the side nl. a sign company in Boynton Beach, Fla .• proclaims: "Tbe air- lines have Castrophobia. •• PARIS (UPI) -South Vld.wnm ne- gotiators aaid today Uley wtre sell! re•· dy to ot><n lllC1'el tolb '!Ith the V i e t Coos to try to end the Vietnam war de!· p;tA autlpoUn Communist denundation « IUdl af olltr lut werk. An lltied 10UtCeS uld the South Vi<t- namese delq:ation did not consider the denunciation a "rejectiOll." A Viet Cong negotiator had assailed the proposal u a "crafty tTick." French diplomau saw the new Saigon declaration of Teadlneu to enteT secTet talb u ••a sort of Tenewll" of PTeslde.nt NJUytn Van 111eiu's offer for such talks. Thieu hod said the possibility of t h e talks was "a light af the end of the tun- nel." Some South Vietnamese officials are fearful that Saigon-guerrilla talb would lead to a coantion governmfJ\t including the Viet Cong. In Washington, Defense Secret.ary ~fel· vii\ R. Laird said Sunday he would "cer· tainly accept" a coalition 1overnment in Saigon "if ii was elected in • free elec- tion." Laird's remarks were in a copyright interview in lhe magazine U.S. News and World Report. South Vietnamese Vice President Ngu- yen Cao Ky said Sunday he would fly to PariJ after attending tht funeral of form· er President Dwight D. Eilenboftr, giv· ing hopes secret talks might begin soon. He has been in Saigon the riast month. Ky has been coordinator of Saigon's del- egation In Parla. Israel Rejects Big Four Tall{s On Middle East By u.tted Pn11 lnterudoul Israel sald it waJ ready today to talk peace with the Arabs and only with Che Artibs. It rejected any outside iMerference, includin( big four talks scbeduled thi! week to cfulcuss ttle Middle East crisi3. 1be hraeU cabinet issued a statement Sunday night 11,)'ing <Illy-direct talk!> between the concerned parties would establish a true peace in the Middle Easl. ;'Israel i.s no( and will not become the object of power politics or intrapower politics and will not accept any recom· mendation which iJ in conflict with her vta.I interests, her rights and her securi· ty.'' the statement said. It added that Israel "opposes an.v settlement and any procedure which i~ nol agreed upon by the aovernments concerned." Britain, Anguilla Reach Agreement THE VALLEY, AnlUilla (UPI) -Bri- tain .00 Anguilla reached qreement today on an interim friendship and cooperation plan under which the rebel Caribbean Ioland will be under direct authority of a resident Brith1h com· mi!!ioner. Anguillana aripeared satisfied with the agreement which usured tblm they will not have to go back into the SL Kitts· Nevis-Anguilla federation from which they seceded in 1967 . The agreement v.·as signed by Lord Caradon, chief British U.N. represen· Latlvt, for Britain, and acting President Ronald Webster and Anguilla's six re· maining councilmen. SAIGON (AP) -Hu')' -. ml allled blocldni -.,. ~ tho Viel Cong command to .. ._ piano for Ua five-weet-old aprtnc Offensive, U.S military ... lyata alld lodo)i. Ofllcer1 llld tho Vlei Coog Uld North Vietnamue had 1oat more thin 11000 men durlllJ Muth In tho ~ Corps .... ltretdllng bun the Combodla boroer llvoo(h SoJaon to tho South Qllno Sea. . Tbe analyata said tho enerey-darinc the firll two weeu of April Jftbobly would limit his l<llon to rocket ml mortar attacka while he reauultl" hia plam and getl repl.cm\entl and JUP- plie.s. ~ But one off1cer said that more than 1,000 Viet Cone main force troopa poi<ed to tho IOUth and IOllthwOSI ol Salion "could make a dash for the city for I 2 Held, 8 Freed in Gun Fight, Murder DETROIT (A!') -Two members ot the black separatist Republic of New Africa we.re held today in connectioo with a gun battle at a Detroit church v.·hlch left a white 1l9liceman dead, another wounded and five Negroes in· 'jured. DetectiYes inYestigating the fatal shooting of the policeman, Michael Czapski, 2%, wanted to jail 10 persons of the 135 arre.sted al the scene of the shootout. But Negro Judge Georse Crockett of RtcOTder'a Court ruled Sunday that police had Illegally made nitrate test3 of the suspect!' hands to determ.ine wh.ether they had recently fiTed wea-po11$. The judge said the police had failed to advise the men first of their right to call lawyers. and he ordered their release. Crockett cited \Villiam L. Cah~ Wayne County prosecutor , for contempt of court for trying to keep one of the men in cwtody. Cupski'1 partner, Richard E. \Vorobee, radioed police headquarters shortly before mldnlght Saturday that they v.•ere about to make a check on about a doun Nqroe1 with rifles aJK' carbines they had seen out3idt a church in a Negro district. "They'r'° shooting al ua; they're shooting at us.· We need help," \\'as hi.s next radio message. When about SO -police Teinforcements began arrivinl, they found Cupati dead with 1even wounds in the head and chest. Worobec had crawled into the iiCOUt car, pished the accelerator down with hla hand to get the bullet-riddled vehicle out ci the line of fire and gasped his call for hell). Wilson Reports On Nigerian War ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia .(UP! I - 'British Prime Minister Harold Wilson flew here tonight from Lai os, Nigeria, and laid the civil war there was first a Nlferian and second an African problem. Al Wlllon issued an arrival statement in Addi.! Ababa, Ni&erian leader G-tn. Yakubu Gowan issued one of hill own in Lag0..1 saying federal planes would continue to bomb military targets in Biafra. He has denied wKM!tpread ttportJ civilian targets were deliberately bomb- ed. While in Lagos Wilson offered to talk with Biilfran leader Col. Odumepu Ojutwu aomewhere in Africa. He said in Addis Ababa mediation should be handled by the Organlzation for African Uruty o( which Emperor Haile Selassie is the bead. -7 at Grand Forks, N.D. Record Lows Set From Wiscomin to lndi.ana ' c .... , .. I<• ,,.. ,_ (IOud\ 11'1,,.....11 ... 1 tllt IMnllM wl'll'I "'"' WIWfll"' .... fM -lncltr fl ttw dlr. WIMt -"'" -"""· .. to •• ~MIL ,.,..,., Mtfl. ..... Tf\W .. ¥'1 ~1111~1 r •II• t • ,,.,., I ~llfl f1' U .. I llw fl #. I,.. lllld '-"'.,,,. ,_ -" .. ,,. ni. *fltitr tm.tr•tu .. -..... -. Sun, Moon. Thie• MOMDAl' lecAlllf w-, ... ··"'· 0.1 SKClflll lllth •:fl ,,m. •.I l'lrol low "'"' 1'1111'1 _ .. _, .. fUISOAY l;M l ,l'n, IJ ....... t ·t11 ..... so ......... t:tl ...... t.1 .••..•. , I:»"'"'· 1,1 M.-ltlMt ':'' • ""· ''" •:)t ..... Mfl •IMf, ):U •·"' ktt t 1U '""· ··-I.Ml 0. NIW l'lrtl 0. Ur. J ""''· t .._., M !>•r-tf V.S. Su•n••r1 M•I o1 !!It 11111111 "''°"" w11nf, -~"' -thtr ..... ., tM.lt llfCMllt .. "" Ml4'Wttt ,tltl felt 1 itlllftt ct.Ill •..illCH .... • 111M "*'"° al Ardlc. 1lr. lit-f litwl _,.. ~ot .. lfl IM,.., (tll.. f/I Wlt( .... 111,. M l...-ta, 1- tM l110l1111. Tl'le lllller1'1 lowotst .. ,,._ 11«1rur1 ,_., -"''""' •-.,... 1"-11 Or1M l"Ql'll1. N.D~ •nd Alp- 1/lllrll, MIM. II -· l'W9 4""-t ...,. "'9 '1 SI. (ICM, Mllltl., fl\lil -tit-- ,.......,,.. -• tore--...,.._ rltl .,_. !tit Ol'W l.fl!M. ~ 11'1 "" "'•dfk "'""'-' 11'111 ... 1u11 111 Ttnt. ~ (.1llf0f11!1 •• , ""'ti' ""'""" wl• ....,, ''~' """ 111fMll•• lleltftl, 1t11fll S.rll!f• •11 " 1;1,.., .... n-.1'11'111 " Tempera&uru ·-....... M ....... ••klf'Sllelf •1-tdl .... ..... .,,_ Cll'IEl-'1 c-... ..... ......... ..... , ,,_ '"" -·-· -~ H-tvlu HoudM K•m1t Citr l •t v ... , l 111A-ll!os MIM'll htd Ml~ .. Ml-lit ......... "'"" Y.-t; Ner1'I •it.tie --"'1"' ''""""' "'" lttlllef ,..,_. '""*"'' ''""'"' ,..,,l1M "'""<tty "" af\lfl' ·---· $1. i.. ...... $41111111 s.11 UQ Cit, ......... s." lllrt lllt•-S.ft!• •• ,..,. ...... .... _ , ...... , WMll!ntl"" I """ "'" P'l'IC. n • .. " • II •1 . " JI Jl lt , • :t II lJ 11 " n .. ,, 16 1, 1t '~ .. " J? •• " " ... " .. . " " " 11 JI " .. ,, ., .. .. lS .1 " . . .. . " .. " . ,, ~ . " " ,, ,, " ~ 31 IS 10 f \ " 11 n " I• n • • " . " " " . • • .. " .... " . • n •• •1 " . • " " " "' "' " publlclly _ .. "'-1 .-,. -up In sailon over the weekeocl. ID-24 hours, enemy -fired rocket. Into the cily for the nm time in nto weeks. bombed a pollee station ml a aoyernment post olll<e and oet off a i:loymore mine IOI yards from tho notlooal police bead· quamn. Twenty-three pel'IOllO were wounded la the terrorist actions, but tho ""1ell ftll barinleuly in or near tho Sll1on river. Mllttary l))Oktamen reported that allied forcu tlUtd 582 Viet Cong and Norch Vletnamae in more than a doi.en fi&hts durlna the weekend. US loues were p.rt 11 42 men killed and 158 wounded. while JO-South Vietnamese wert reported killed and !JS Wounded. The U.S. Command reported about ll) atlacb by ndets tr - overnlgbl on alllecl batet IDd \owm. Including • l~und -borr• followed by an ln!antry assault on 1 nlgitt CaJl!P of U.~. 4th Infantry ~vision troops. · The groond a...wt louchOd. off • mpt.. long batlle 26 mllu weat of Kootwn, In the Central Hliblands OW' the Cam- bodian border. Twenty.five North Viet· oamese soldiers and sis U.S. troops were reported killed and 71 Americans wounded. At least hall of the enemy dead were credited to massive American fin:power, including bomber11, bellcoJl!er gunaltiJlll, artillery, the coctrovenial Dew Sberldan tankll ahd ar:mored personnel carriers. Three American helicopten, a Sheridan tank and an armored penonnel carrier ...,. ropon.ct loot In the weetenl f'lbtlnl· Three of the bell<opter c:rewmet were ill1ed llld five were wounded. J total ol. 2,481 American helicopters haYi been reported lo.st in the war. With the Viet Cong's spring offensiY'I Jn it. mth week, most of the fi&htlfll still wU occurring in the cambodia1 border anas northwest of Saigon, b the coutal lowlands '°"th of Da Nanj and just below the demilitariled zooe. At least 1&6 enemy were killed fJ Uiree day-long battles Sunday in Ta} Ninh Province at a cost of 11 U.S and one Sooth Vietnamese soldier killet and 56i a11ied troops wounded. U.S. force accounted for Ill North Vietnamese deai Jn the biggest fight, SO miles northwes of tbe capital, but !oat a 16-ton Shuidai tank and an armored personnel carrier. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday A. Californip living is a bra shift! A. Mervelewly fluid A·line bra lhift of Am.l•trioc•· tat• in IUICious bW. °'" lim. printL Misns sizes 8· 16. I . Perlcyaatten piqu• A-line bro shift in anowy wtiit• or bvtt.,. y.llow will ace«1tvat. your positive! Si.zu 8-16. C. CefdN Clltten bra shiftt in colorfvl prints, in Of'I A· IW. that's wnatiJ. ond flatttoring. Junior sites 5. JJ. "--ENN£Y HARGE ACCOUNT T1XIAY1 - COSTA MESA HU NTINGTON BEACH IHorbor Shoppin9 Center) (Huntington Cenlor) ., I •• I '. NEWPOR T BEACH IFuhion lsl•nd) • Br?dley ' Pays OWn Homage W ASllJJ'(GTON (UPI) Gray ud er«! In the chiD s pr hf wind, Omar H. Bradley ...... al of t!le "'"'" • lifted hil hand In a quaY<ring salute. . Before him Inched the fiag. draped cuket al Dwight Df.!id Eisenhower - clasamate, comrade and five- afu general. 'lbe · moment of tribute, snatched by television c:ameru In !)le silence of the cer~y outside the National Catbedril Sunday, was a gpedal· kind al homage from the man ' who 1s now the na· Uon's only surviving five-star lenef'.al. In the quiet oi his qusrlel1I at Ft. Myer, Va., urIJer tn the ~end, Bradley, now 7', rec:alle( ~ ma1) be ..... to ~Ii> hOIP J,ury: Ill{ ~ 1heard him cuss out tn.Jtiody, He was a very easy man to (et along with, althoogh be .... very strict and aeveni tf: the occaslon warramed It. "He was emtnenUy suited to be an allied commander. It's not euy aometfmes, and you may recall that one of our senior-commanders after World War I said that 'God pray that 1n any future war we don't have allies.' Of course we don't feel that way now. The more allies you have the stronger you are. "But Ike was wonderful In that h1 got everybody to work together. Every once in a while Monty (British Field Marshal Montgomery) would &Ort of kick over-the trac:es. Ike would call him on it, and be· would immediately come to heel and go ahead and '· . . u,..,........ A ~Ll>LER'S SA UTE -French President Charles de Gaulle, wearillg, bis uniform u the marshal o! France ialutes bis fallen wartime COll1rad8"· In arms, Gen. Ei"""1ower, as his b;;!y lies in state in the Capitol rotunda. De Galtle also made a brief call on Mrs. Eisenhower Sunday and today ·!net with President Nixon at lhe•Wbite House. Home~ T t)wnqFills Up For Burial Tributes ABIIBNE, Kan. (AP) - Dwight 0 . Eisenhower's home town, already bursting at the seams with visitors, expects 50,000 to 100,000 persons to flock in ·Wednesday for 1lis burial. The municipal election of city co~ionera, a school board and a hospital board goes on as scheduled Tuesday because the law requires it. but two polling places have been prMmpted for use by the Anny, and newscasters. The nwly 8,000 residents of this one-time tenninal on the Chisholm cattle trail are getUng accustomed to the telev!Slon. cameramen who stop them on the streets for interviews. Boyhood friends of Eisenhower have recited their recollections so often Uiey could almost do it in their sleep. "But we don't mind," said Henry J. Madden, a realtor and accountant who has turn- ed his downlown office Into an emergency housing center for the ceremony. ' "lt'1 a Midwestern attitude. We open our doors to people and want to help them." Mamie's Tears Com At Eulogy WASlllNGTON (UPI) bit her lip, figbUng d back the tun .. e pailbearerl carrying r husband's flag-draped et marched lo the cen the Capitol rotundL ' A few mtmdM u President Nb:on eul the man abe married years ago, Mamie E r ap- peared to falter she reached for lier John's do what Ike wanted him to ---------The 225 hotel and motel rooms ln Abilene filled up quickly with official guests, military personnel and newsmen. ·Most rooms in nearby Junction City and Salina also are taken. do. He had a little more trou· ble with Montgomery than anybody else. But he was remarkable at getting these people to work together." Those words were for "Ike," the military man with whom Bradley entered West Point Jn 1911. But he also spoke of Eisenhower the polltician : .. I said to Ike, (in J.948)" 'llte, you've got to make up your mind and announce whether you are a candidate, because a lot of people, [ find, bl New York, are quitting their jobs to start working for you.' Pakistani Ruler Now President KARACIU, Pakistan (UPI ) -Gen. Yahya Khan, who has ruled Pakistan since last Tuesday as administrator of martial Jaw, assumed the title of president today. The. an- nouncement was coupled with a new crackdown on corrupt aovernment officials. A statement Issued by the ministry or Information in Rawalpindi and broalcast by Rawalpindi radio to the nation 11aid it was necessary for Yahya to assume the title of president to perform certain funcUollll ur.der Pakistani and International Jaw . instan;ce, only lhe presl- petent to execute nsiblllties in na- Uonal d international af. fairs, such as ratification or es, appointment of en- voys and matters of in- ternational agreement,,, the lnfonnatlon ministry said. "Jn order to satisfy these various requirements it is l1ece<Sal')' that the c h 1 e f martial law administrator, who Is lo function ... the bead of state and government in Pakistan until a new eon- stlbition Is framed by the elected representa~ves of tbe people, should also llMUlne the office or head of state u: preeident," It saJd. Yahya, 52, became J'\ller of the .-Y lut ,,,_,when President Mohammad I Ayub Khan ~ In the lace of mounting d.laorden, vlillenee and neat anarchy. Yahya Im- mediately lmpooed martial law ud ciea'eed dea~ for Ylolaton of pobllc crd<r' Yahya allo 1broptea tha COllSlllUtion and dlsoolvel the •ssembllel, blit In hq fint meuage to the natJon the following day said his 1 aoJe aim wu to crute: proper1coo- dltlool In the -llitlon '° thlt free"and fair dec:ttons. presumably restoring civbian govemmen~ could he heli. I IKE TO REST IN GI COFFIN WAfiHINGTON (AP) - Gen. Dwig)lt D. Eisenhower will be buried ln the same $80 etee~ coffin furnished for any · ~tdief buried by the Army. An Army spokesman said the only difference is that the silver-gray casket ~as a '115 inner glass seal. Eisenhower, once the commander-in4ief, requested the s t a n d a r d military coffin which was draped by a government·lssue American, flag. Members of the Abilene Business an d Professional Women's Club l(>hm\eered to staff Madden's office and baq.. die requests for hou.sinl by official gue!ts and rej>orten. So far there bas ·been no trouble finding space I n private. home!. Most residenU not only refuse to accept pay- ment but often throw in a hearty breakfast: Several peo- ple C!illed in to say they speak a foreign language and would be happy to belp guide foreign gue.sts and act as translators. ' &Ii& .98'm am+w•t•= •• .,_. __ ,, DAILY I'll.Of S e Undone,, . • · -, · . ~ig Q~akes b Halt UsedtoRebuild,R~k It8ly, • , ' . 1GQJ4f_ll) -It waa damage bomdredl of u-anda brlcfies have been repolred. y ud f<lrnMI' «ii U.S. bombo had dUle alnce "Som< of their major B. Johnlcn the bombln1 campaign started bridges even have two aux- be wu on Aug. 4, 1914. Wary rpana in cue the maln of Nor111 Prelld<nt Joluuioa'1 decfant. ooe Is dnipped by 1 reswnp- ~ ... lut March 31 put Nor1b tioa of bombing," o a e ,_ 11111 all Vletnun'a heartland oil 11m11L "-ican oource said. Moro unW Dldon'1 Later, on Nov. 1, all the bo~ than 400 truekl mo Ve! . ,Wll off blrdment ol the COmmunist IOUtbward dally with war .sup- .S. bomherl WU n8tJon 9lopped In a U.S. effort pllea for the battlelleld. ' ce1'bratioa for lo gel peace talu going. Bui \lJe hatt In the bombing' pi)ots. 'they never U.S. analyats with 8C<.'fJll baa created a lackadaJstc~· go back to the to lnt.llillence reporta and atUtude In the . North VJet. Uhl · oerlal photos today deocrlhe namese man cm the street, them (the Norih Yid· the Communist nation u cun-accordinf to tntelllgeoc:e I month and the Oak pletoly rebuilt blit suffering """"""' and the llaoof reg1mo ao thick we caa wp.lk from social and ecooomic ~ doesn't like it. one rA them akl. · blenui, un.e people up there are Will have all of their North Vietnam's antlaircrat! getting a 'What the hell, !tie ar;id bridgm ftDd by systems are better then evt.r war ii over' attitude," one .. before, these analysts sald, U.S. analyst said. "It is wu right. North Vf<t. and an Im-alrfiekh, hecomq a real problem for y bu _,. all lie ralln>ads, port,, hlghwa,.. and them." Middle East By Uotted PftM laternltiGeal Sharp earthquakes hij lhl Middle East and Italy today. Tall building! rocked In both Caira ud Toi Aviv and hun- dreds DI penoos Bed Into the •treell In paotc or headed for 1lrrald shelters. At leaat n1ne perso111 were reported hurt in Egypt, five of them ln Cairo when the.Ir horn< collapsed "!' them. The interior ministry aaid SCOl'elll of h11me1 and a mosque crumbled in otlltr parts of the country. The Hetwan Sei.sm11loglcal Institute ln Calio said the Egyptian quake centered tn the Sinai Desert east of the Gull of Sun and bad an in-- temity of 7 on the Richter Scale. -~~~~~~~~~~~~- All -Penney Stores o,_n.Every Night Monday Through Saturday • • Dress your little folks for · Easter in Penneys ·finest! Uttle l>oy's I--dooWt latll short pants Mh tharl .... w.. --.io.c.1o --· ond •• ,_.t Goe.. frc. an nu 1 ~ PIR•tl of color cc:wobinatlol'• in lint 1-3t nny g;rr, ..... --""" w1n ........ laak m.. wgor and lpim aM •••)1tlilig Neel No ironing for Mo. IMaf'll G good ... ' ' ·-· asiaeted IOIQ.. tba '/,..11/2J Dress .,~y . up ,~qr. Ee1ste1;!. COSTA MESA (Horbor Shopping C.nlor) • Diaper sets for little boy and little girl cherubs! Thanlc ........... little g;rll ... ond ~too;~"'-tl>ey',.dt ad up "' ... "' -salt -poi,..w diaper .... ! C-"-prwttyaoknond -· "' -boyll,.te. .. ~ fvffy , ...... i;rt atylss. Size&''/,..1'/s. 2.98 ~ Rttl1 I~ acryl;c lcnit • diaper ..... '"'•odi .. iy-..ideoed, wiQ delight you1and baby, tool s.z" 'h.1v~ 3.50 Handsomely styled acrylic knit boy's creeper sell n,;, onanly little ... " romlni ..... "' °""' gall shim, wloldl, "' _..., ..... , botl.r Ood'" anr Sizes 1/1 llwovgh 2. 3198 HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Huntington Contor) (Fashion Island) _( ' -. , .• 4 ~v P!i.or 11"""1, Mlll<h n, lM Saigon Still Ready for ·Secret Talks Cong ReasseSsi:qg Spring Drive Heavy Loss~, Allied A ctions For ce Reds to Reconsider •' ~ ,tll .. D11r Pa.t Sfllffl Ella Moody, as head of the mar· riqe license bureau of the Los All,lelts county clerk's office, bu an!xed her oi!l""ture to thousand• ol marriage licenses. She retired Friday after 17 years with the com· meot -"I would perfer to have i11ued only one license to a coupJe per lifetime. But some come back time and again." • Factory worktr Jot Wright, 49, has found a novet wau to bood Britain'• l'%PO'i produc- tion -a "work-in." Wright cun· vinctd hi.I friend$ to bring bed.9 and install them in th( cafeteria of the floor-cleanfng machine factory at Orpington where th.ey are employed so they can work shifts "right around the clock" over tht wetktttd to fulfill a spe· ci4Z ru.th ordtr. • Visiting judges said the prison grapevine has given Shrewsbury jail, England,· a four-star rating in the "cons good food guide." The prison's warden, Lt. Col. Ron11ld ShebbNr• said, ''We have an ei:· ceptionally good cook - a prison officer who uses his imagina· ti. .. on. • Kipling, one of three ba ti tigers nt the Phoenix Zoo animal nurs«rv .,eem& to be enjotfing his :iemi-month,. lu bubble bath. He liked it so muc1' in fact, it took two attendant.~ to gtt him out. • A clerical mistiake which result- ed in thank you cards being mailed to several persons who did not sign _ his nomination papers has b e e n rectlfted by Circuit Court Judge Cl11ir Voss. a candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. ''Dear Sir," Voss wrote. "I have your note protesting my thank you card. Ac· cept my apologies for thanking you. Sincereiy, Clair Voss." • The 1tate Departmnit of Cor· r•ction'1 ipring drama sea,,on opened thi& week at the Ma711- land Correctional lmrituu at Hagersto1D'fl.1nmates presented a: production of "Stalag 17" -a. drama set in a prisoner of war camp. • A large lettered sign on the side ft( a sign company in Boynton Beach, Fla .• proclaims: "The air· lines have Castropbobia." PARIS (UPI) -Soulb Vielbm,.. ne- gotiators said tod~ they were stlll rea- dy to open secret talb with the V i e t Cong to try to end th< Vietnam war des- pite oubpoken Communi3l denunciation ol such at oflu lut -k. An allied sources said the South Viet- names'e delegaHon did not consider the denunciation a "rejection.'" A Viet Cong negotiator had assailed the propossl as a "crafty trlck." French diplom1ts saw the new Saigon declaration of readiness to enter secret talks as "a aort of renewaJ" of Pretldent Nguyen Van 'nleiu's ofter for such talks. Thieu had said the possibility of th e talks was "a light at the end o( the tun- nel." Some South Vietnamese officials: are fearful that Salgon-guurilla talb would read to a coalition govenunent including the Viet Cong. In Washington, Defense Secretary Mel· \'in R. Laird said SUnday he would "cer- tainly accept" a coalition government in Saigon "if it was elected in 1 fN!f: elea. ti on." Laird's remark! were in a copyright interview in the magazine U.S. News and World Report. South Vietnamese Vice President Ngu· yen Cao Ky said Sunday be would fly to Paris after attending the funeral of fonn· er President Dwight D. Eisenhower, giv· ing hopes secret talks might begin soon. He has been in Saigon the past month. Ky has been coordinator of Saigon 's del- egation in Paris. Israel Rejects Big Four Talks On Middle East By Ualted Pre11 late rudeul Israel said it 1'as ready today to talk peace with the Arabs and only · With the ArM>s. It rejected any outside UMrference, including big (our talks 9Cheduled d:WI week to discuss the Middle Eaot crlsi>. 'Ibe Israeli cabinet issued a statement Sunday '"9111 aayinf Ollly dtred !alk' between the concerned parties would establish a true peace in the Mldd\e East. "Israel is not and will not become the object of power politics or intrapower wlltics and will not accept any recom· mendalion which is in conflict with her vUl irterests, her rights and her ser.uri- ty," the statement said. It added that lsraeJ "opposes any settlement and any procedure which is not agreed upon by the governme.nt.s coocerned.'" Britain, Anguilla Reach Agreement THE VALLEY, ADIUilla (UPI) -Bri- tain and Anguilla ruched qreem.ent today on an interim friendship and cooperation plan under which the rebel Clribbean Island will be under direct authority of a resident Briti1h com- missioner. Anguill.ana appeared uliafied with the agreement which auured them they will not have to go back into the St. Kitts- Nevis-Anguilla federation from 111·hich they seceded in 1967. nie agreement wa.s signed by Lord caradon, chief British U.N. represen- tative, for Britain, and acting President Ronald Webster and Anguilla's 1iz Te· maining councilmen. SAIGON (AP) -U..vy Iooseo and allied blocklni -... for<lnc th< Viel Cong command to _,. plans (or Jb five-week-old aprtQc Offensive, U.S mllilary &mllysta said Ioda)1. Olfl<tr1 said th< Vitt Cong and North Vlemame.. hid loll more lhU 1,000 mtn durlni March In th< !rd CorJlll area str.Iching from th< Clllllbodla bonier through Saigon to th< 5outll a.Ina Sea. • The analyJta said th< enemy during lhe IJrll two .... u ol April """"bly would limit his actloo to rocket and mortar attacks while he re111111e1 his plans and geta replacements and aup- pl~s. But one of.ficer said that more than 1,000 Viet Cona: main force troops poi9ed to th< ooulh and IOUlbwtsl ol Slicon "couJd make a dash for the city for' 2 Held , 8 Freed in Gun Fight, Murder DETROIT (A!") -Two members of the black separatist Republic or New Africa were held today in connection with a gun battle at a Detroit church which left a white policeman dead. another woonded and five Negroes Jn• · jured. Detecti ves investigating the fatal shooting of the policeman, Michael Czapski, 21, wanted to jail IO persons or the 135 arruted at the scene ol the shootout. But Negro Judge Georse Crockett of Recorder's Court ruled Sunday that police had Illegally made nitrate tests of the suspects' hands to determine whether they had recently fired weapons. The judge said the police had failed to advise the men first o( their right to call lawyers. and he ordered their release. Crockett cited William L. Cahalan, Wayne County prosecutor, for contempt of court for trying to keep one of the men Jn custody. Czapgk1'1 partner, Richard E. Worobee, radioed police headquarters shortly before midnight Saturday that they v.'ere about to make a check on about a dozen Negroes with rifles ant' carbines they had 1een outside a church in a Negro district. "They'rl" shooting al us; the y're shooting at us. We need help," v.·as his next radio message. When about 50 police reinforcements began arrivinc, they found Cupaki dead with 1even wpunds in the head and chest. Worobec had crawled into the liCOUt car, i..ished the accelerator down with his hand to get the bullet-riddled vehicle out U the line of fire and gasped his call for help. Wilson Reports On Nigerian War ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia ,(UPI) - British Prime Minister Harold Wilson flew here tanlght from Lagos, Nigeria, and aid the civil W• there was first a Nlgtrian and second an African problem. Al Wlllon issued an arrival statement tn Addia: Ababa, Nigerian leader Gtn. Yakubu Gowan issued one of his own in Lagos saying federal planes would continue to bomb military targets in Biafr11. He has denied wide.pread reports civilian targets were dtliberately bomb- ed. While in Lap Wilson offered to talk with Biefran leader Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu somewhere in Africa. He said in Addis Ababa mediation should be handled by the Organiution for African Unity of which Emperor Haile Selassie is the head. -7 at Grand Forks, N.D. a> Record Lows Se t From Wisconsin to Indiana s ......... r. ,...Oii ot tlla MllOll et1lov .. t1111nr, .iftlNnt -Iller lodlV but Mdl9fts el' tM Mlft9it rm ftlt • blltnf dllll 1f'IOfwetd II-, 1 i.r .. _,... " ArerJc. •Ir. • _... """' --_ ... Ill _, Clfl@t fl Wttc..111, M~, I"""' -11111111111. The 1'11114111'• """' ~ _,,...,. 1'11111• -rn1111" •-11.- 1r-11 Or1,.,. f'C1111t. H,O .. 1nd A'-•· 1110r~, MIM. 11 wtt ""--*"""' Mlow ' f!wt .t St, Clwif, Mlftft ., ... -Ill>- -,_ 1t Ml~ll. ,,_ ... 1191_ -· t(al'(--,,.,,.. ""_......,.o_.u-.~ Ill Ito.-'"-tlfk '"'111-1 Ind ... IU .. '" lP:l t. Sev'NWl"lo Ctllt'ol'~ll _., _,., ~ •I'll ,..,.,, ••en tne 1111tt.oi'I lleftetl, l"tlm S.,lfltt Wit " IUllHl' Ind TIM"MI ft ,..,_.. ........ """"" lall9"flelf l l11ntre1t ••• ..... "'-CIM'""'11 '"'"""' .,_ :=r.ri- """ "" -·--"4-lulv ...... 1(, ..... (lty l i t VMIS l• """'" ·--Ml-Ml-Iii' _.._ HIWY~ """"' lflth ....... =-~ "•" -·-,.,.. ...... It ,_,, ·-"' hrtl•l'llll Jl.11fllll ,,.., "" $1ufr ... he,. __ SI. Lo.Ill .S..llflt• 11111 Yll• c~ ... -.. 11~·­....... 9-l'tlolf t '""' , ... _ Tl•'""' W•il'llMIM I lt'9tl L"' P'rM. n :II " ·°' ,, :M ,11 I I ii 10 U Tr 11 n JI 71 :1 ,, lJ 11 2' :n 01 .. ,, " " '9 H •• 11 tt " . " ~ ,, " " .. " " " " ., ,. " u n ., .. .. ,. ,, " . II ,. " " .. " " " •• " " ., ,. .. ~ " n . " ., Jl " " " . ,. J1 " . " " " . •• .. " . ~ ,, . ,,, .. ft ·'' .. " " 1f fl publlclly ....,_._ .. ~ -stopped up ln Salj:011 over tbe wee.tend. ID 14 houri. enemy 1unoen tiredtrockeb into the city for the f1rlt time ln tW'O weeks, bombed a police station •nd a government post olUce and tet oH a c).lymore mine IOI yardl frllm th< natiooa( police head· quarters. Tweoty...uiret pemns Wefe WOWlded In the t.tTorllt acltons, buL the roq:e:ta fell barmlurly in or near the Sal&oo river. MWtary .sppkuinen reported that allled forces killed 582 Viet Cong and North Vletnameae Jn mott than a dozen fights dw1nl the weekend. US l~ were put a1 42 men lcll1ed and 151 wounded. while JO·South Vietnamese were reported killed and 116 Wounded. The U.S. Command repoi'ted about 20 attacks by rockets er mortars overnl&ht on allied hues and toJ'lll. lncludJng • ~round mortar -... followed by aa infantry wault on a night camp of U.S. 4th Infantry Div!J!lm troops. The ground wauU touchOd off a nf&bt- long baW. 2' milel west of Koolum, in the Central Hilbland.s near th< cam-&dian border. Twenty-five North Viet~ namese soldii!n and six U.S. troo!)I were reported killed and n Americans wounded. At least half of tbe enemy dead were credited to massive American firepower, including bombers, htlicopter gunships, artiUery, the controveraiaJ new Sheridan lallkl a:nd armoted personnel carriers. Three American helicopters, a Sheridan tank and an armored perlOMel carrier • were reported lost In tbe weekenl n,i.11ng. nu.. ol th< helicopter crewm" Wtre killed and fiye were wounded, A total of 2,.Sl American helit'Opten havt been rep>rted lost in the war. With· the Viet Cong's apring ottensivt Jn it.s sixth week, most of the figbti~ still wa.s occurring in the Cambodiru border areas northwest of Sat&on, b the coutal lowlands south of Da Nanf and just below the demilitarlzed zone. At least 166 enemy were tilled II three day-long battles Sunday in Ta] Ninh Province at a cost of II U.S and one South Vietnamese soldier killei and 56 allied troops wounded. U.S. force accounted for 111 North Vietnamese de11 in the biggest fight, 50 miles northwe1 of the capital, but lost a IS-ton Sherid11 tank and an armored personnel cani~r. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday A. Calif orn~~ living is a bra shift! 4 . Marveleuely fluid A-li ne bra lhift of Am.I• trioce- tate in lu&ciOUI blu. «lime printL MiSMJ •iz.s S..16. I . Perley cotten pique A-llne bro shift in snowy white or buttw yellow will occentvale your potitivel Siz:es 8·16. C. ,CerGM cetten bra ihiffl in colorful prints, in on A- tiM that't wncrtile ond Aattiiring. Junior lites $0 13. • .---. 'mN'RI AR E ACCDUNT ..........,, • ' COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH (lrlerbor Shopping Cont .. ) {Huntington Centor) • c. .............. • NEWPORT BEACH {Fuhion Island) • , .... _ Bradley -, Pays Own HQinage WASllJl(GTON (UPI) - Gray and erect In tho chlD I p r t II I' wind, Omar N. Bradley, general of the army, .. lilted bil band in a quavutni salute. Before him inched the Dag. draped casket al Dwigbl D'!1d Eisenhower - classmate, comrade and five- atar ge~al. The moment of tribute, .. snatched by television cameru in the silence of the ceremony outside the National Cathedril Sunday. was • special kind of homage from the man· wbo is 0 DC>W the na· Uon's only :surviving fiVHtar general. In lho quiet of bis quarlml at Fl Myer, Va., earlier In the '\ffeiead, Bradley, now 71, recalled-·ll'I ma1) be came lo lo"" lo JieJl> lJucy: "I ' noytl' board him cuss ~ . out lllj'tiWy, He was a very oaay man lo get aloog with, allhougb be was very lrtrlct and severe U the occaa.lon w arramed It. "He was eminently suited to be an allied commander. Jt's not easy sometimes, and you may recall that one cf our senior· commanders after World War I said that 'God pray that in any future war we don't have allies.' Of course we don't feel that way now. The more allies you have the stronger you are. "But Ike Wlll!I wonderful tn that he got everybody to work together, Every once in a while Monty (British Field Marshal Montgomery) would sOrt of kick over the traces. Ike would call him on it, and he. would immediately come to heel and go ahead and Home TQwn Fills Up For Burial Tribuoos ABIT;ENE, Kan. (AP) - nw18"t o. Eisenhower• home town, already bursting al tho seams with visitors, expects 50,000 to 100,000 persons lo flock in Wednesday for bis burial. The municipal election of city ~ionen, a school board and • hospital board goes on as scheduled Tuesday because the law requires it, but two polling places have been pre<mpled. for use by the Anny. and newscasters. The ne{U'ly 8,000 residents of this one-time tenninal on tht Chisholm cattle trail are getUng accustomed to the televl!lon cameramen who stop them on the street! for interviews. Boyhood friel)ds of., Eisenhower have recited their recollections so often Uiey could almost do it in their sleep. "But we doo't mind," said Henry J. Madden, a rea1k>r and accountant who has turn- ed his downtown office into an emergency housing center for the ceremony. "lt'a a Midwestern attitude. We open our doors to people and want to help them." ----~-_......_,_ ... ----·-·--·~------------ t. DA11.Y 1'11.119 $ Da•age U~~ae .. _. 1 , Big Q~akes B mb Halt VsedtoRe buildR~k Ifiily, I ' . r • • • Middle East ' . '(llpl) _. II w11 ctamage bao!\1'"l'I al~ · o today and (oniMr' "ol U.S. bomtil had demo libce Lyndon B. J-the bombing campaign lllarj<d had jUlt announoed be Wll OD Aug. 4, 1964. alopflOJ_tba lfomblni ol North l'Mldenl Johnson's doclara-vi.a.u,•t.-Um. last Mareh 3t put Norlll , 111a ~ lilol ,all ' Viel!lam'• hearllsnd oil llmitl. liul tip C!>mm-l!"llon'• Later, oo Nov. I, all the boon-~ ,.m-no .-ofl bfrdmenl ol the Communist I l!mlla lo U.S. bomllln wu notion slopped In a U.S. effort ca-1or ~,,...., t<r 1o g<£ pooco talu going. , Amoljcan plloti". '11ie1 oev..,. U.S. analyaia with acc... 1 ·-IO gn bact lo Ibo lo lnlelllgenco reports and ' libi! ol llanol · aerial photos today detcribe " "Gtre lbom (Ibo N-Viel-the "Communist nation u com. ...,...) a month aDcl Ibo fiak . pJete\y rebuilt bul suffering wtlJ be 00 lblct WO COD Wjlll; from aocial and eoonomic pro- .. it," one' of them eald. 'bltms. " ''illey Will hove all ol tbolr North Vietnam'• antiaircraU ·' w..i. and brldgeo ll:ad by IY'tems are better lben ever • then,· too." · before, these analysts said, Ho -rig!L North Vlei· mid aD tmporlanl airfields, -lodl,y bao .-·all lie rallroods, ports, bighwaya and -bridles have bo"1 repoti,d. "Some of tbdr m a j o r br1dgea even have two au:r:- Ulsry spans in ,... the main -Is dropped by a ""1111l!" tkn of bombing," 0 II t Amelie.an IOU1'oe said. More than 400 trecb move IOUthwanl ditlly with war iup- pllea for' tho battlefield. Bui the bak In the bombing ha1 created a llckadalsical' atUlude In the North VJet. nameae man on the street, aceordina to brtelligence reports, and lhe Hanoi regime dotsn 't lite it. "The people up there are ge!Ung a 'Whal the hell, the war is over' aWtude," one U.S. analyst said. "It la becoming a n!lll problem for them." lly Ualtecl I'.-Inlerlllu.ul S!iarp1 earthquake• bll tha Middle Eaal and Italy today, Tall buildings rocked In bolb Cairo aod Tel Aviv and hun- dreds 41 ~ Oed into lhe streets In panic or beaded for maid shelters. At Jeast rU,oe person1 were reported hurt ln Egypt, five ol them in Cairo when their home collap<eil ~ them. The Interior mlnlstry said scores of homes and a m01qUe crumbled Jn other parts ot the country. 1be Helwan Seismological Institute In Cab'o said lho Egyptian quake centered in the Sina! Desert east of the Gulf of Sun and had an in- tensity of 7 on the Richter Scale. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -" All .Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday"Through Saturday Mamie's Tears Come At Eulogy WASHINGTON !UPI) -She bil ber lip, figbllng lo hold back lbe ~ ii 11-0 pallbearen tirrylna b i r bu.band's flag-draped cukel marebed, lo lho e<nlir ,qr tho Capitol rolw!da:'" I , A few mbJUtM: later, U Preslcienl Nixon euloglRd the man Ibo awrled 51 ytaJ'I ago, Mamie -... •P' peared lo filter and ahe reached lot lier "" John'• arm. . • .... • • \ . I ' • • l · I .i 'J do what Ike wanted him to ---------The 225 hotel and motel rooms in Abilene filled up quickly with official guests, mililary personnel and newsmen. Most rooms in nearby JuncUon City and Salina also ""' taken. · Finally, die w.pt·openly - unable to ~t!fY longer do. He had a little more trou- ble with Montgomery than anybody else. But he was remarkable at getting these people to work together." Those word! were for "Ike,'' the military man with whom Bradley entered West Point in 1911. But he also spoke of Eisenhower the politician: "I said lo Ike, (in ~948) 'Ike, you've got to make up your mind and announce whether you are a candidate, because a lot of people, I find, tn New York, are quitting the.Ir jobs to start working for you.' Pakistani Rul er Now President KARACHI, Pakistan (UPI) -Gen. Yahya Khan, who has ru1ed Pakistan since last Tuesday as adminimtator o[ marUal law, assumed the title of president today. The an. nouncement was coupled with a new crackdown on corrupt 1ovenunent officials. A statement Jssued by the ministry of Information in Rawalpindi and broalcast by Rawalpindi radio to the nation said it was necessary for Yahya lo assume the title of president to perform certain funcUons under Pakistini and fntemationaJ law. For instaf\Ce, only the presl- ifent Is competent to execute certain repsonsibilities in na- tional and inlemationa1 af. fairs, such as rat4ication <lf treaties, appointme\t of en- voys and matters of in· ternaUonal agreement!, the Information ministry said. "'In ord~ to satisfy these various requirements it is necessary that the ch i e f martial law admlnlstrator, who Is lo funclion .. the head of state and government in Pakistan until a new con- -Is framed by tho elected representaijves of the people, should also assume the office of bead of state as president," tt said. Yahya, 51, became nJier of lbe CIJUllb7 Jul Tuoslay wben Prealdenl Mohammad Ayub Kban Mliiled ln Ibo faoe of m011Dlln( dbonlen, viOlence and near anarchy. Yah)11 Jm. mediately tmpooed nmtial law and decfted deati for vlolaton al public mler. Yabya also abrogated the c:onslitutioo and dmolvej 'the assemblies., but tn his 1 fint meuage to the nation the following day said his 1 aole aim WU to crute Pf'OPU1COO- dtllooo In the chaotic Miion so that free ind fair elections, preaumably restoring civhiAn 1 governmen~ could be belj. IKE TO REST IN GI COFFIN WASHINGTON (AP) - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower will be buried In the same l80 i!l(!e~ "'!ffirl furnished for any · solditt buried by tbe Army. An Army spokesman said the only diHerfl!nce is that the silver-gray ,casket has a $115 inner glass seal. Eisenhower, once the commander-in-chief, requested the standard military coffin which was draped by a government-issue American· flag. • Members of the Abilene Busineas a n d Professional Women's Club wlunteered to :itaH Madden.'1 office and han- dle requests for hollslnir by official guelrta and reporters. So far there has ·been no trouble fincfing space I n private. homes. Most. reai.dentl not on1y refuse to accept pay· ment but often throw in I hearty breakfast.· S.ver'a! peo- ple c~Iled in to say they aped a foreign language and would be happy lo belp guide forelp guests and act u tcanslaton:. when Nlxoa the lalrt -ti km Eisenhower ever .pike: " "I-Ve alway1 leYed ,my wife; !'Ve ahr~ lovtcl m y cblldnm; r .. l!wlll Jov.d ID1 11mdcldlcln/I; ind , ... ahrl1I ]i;'f·" Bui the .,,, -· clad eallrolJ , lil'a!t," - llnued lo -· -of other ...... Pml- denl referred rjmberly lo bb old boa u "d al tho Jlanls of our time.• 1 Ne arbJ ,~er • J ohn Eilenhower't wife, Barbira, s1arJnr lrtralglll ahead, and the former pr e1l d ent'11 grudcblldren, wh<lm be loved so well. ShopOt hO,me! CAILCOUICT (714} s2a 65n -·--.............. .. • ... '%7 2 ..... _ .. cuno• ·~y :aiau1 :a:;:JCA 9 ••• ' ..•..... , ... am¥ a zu a ' ' -·a"---;¥; cr:=~•:r,•:• .. = .. · I ca ........ ...-...... .. 'ft I Ml ,_ _____ .. ......... _,,," ...... ~ ..._~.._ ....... ,... .... ...... ................... -. ..... __ ..._ ............. _ ---·--~~ ..... .. _..,,, ....... ~-· ''t 1.98~ ,' 2.98\'D. . ' ...,.,..., ,........,. ••a I ... TUI .... -·~"'- ,,., ........ •• I ----~Cl•• ' i Dress your little folks for Easter in Penneys ·.finest! Uttle ...,..1 ___ l..it....., pants tuib tla1I -hiRI -_.. wdcaolilo • E-, and ol ,_t Choa. Jn. GI 1:111 W\J&lil of colorGMibillCltiol• in lizin 1.3f Tiny girl's ---thal ..in ...ice her look lib IUgCS' and .... -••• ttfWig Neel No Woning f« Mc. .... o good a1 I . t-ill-Uted IO&kit.. m. Y>l 1/J • Diaper sets fo r little boy and little girl cherubs! lliank ......... ... little g;rls ... and boys,-.,poc;cilly ..i.. lhoy'rw di!• od "" ..... al -""' °"'""'° ~ ~-·a-.-..... prol!ycolon and -·Iii ...,__ boy otylos or ~ ... ... , . • """'..,_ .,~., 1"· •-f •lJlUW• .,.. I .. ,_ -I~ f2o 2.98 Comfoitable &ttlo 100% aaylic lcnit diapw Mt.. athocti-..Jy embroidend, wiQ delight you and baby, tool Sizes 1/t..11/~· 3.50 Handsomely styled acrylic knit boy's creeper sell This~ little .... rwminiiconl Of°""' golf ihlm. "'1Kll. al ...... _., balher Dod Of alll Size• 'It llwwoh 2. 3.98 COSTA MESA (Horbor Shopping . C.ntor) HUN TINGTON BEAC H NEWPO RT BEACH (Huntington C.ntor) (Fashion Island) • • ' I D1'RY PILOT . EDITOfllAL PAGE I l Ike-Great Americ·an To417 LI a national day of mourninf for a ,...at American' Dwl&bl David Elllllhower, MUI President of tile Vnllad Slates, ltoder ot AWed lorcu In the defaat ctNul~. Nalther mWtalUt nor dtm8'0~· GOllOtal Elltn- ·par wu a man o1 _. and a • ...,.po11Uclan"-yrt .Ohnwd In the ways <I PGllUc• both wllhin the Army and later on \he aati«>al •lace. . Hll We story II a cla•dc in the belt American tradl· tk>a. Born IDlo hamble circumltlDCU, he early learned verities wblcb rave blm great 1treng\h ot cbar~r. · He -polllle1 reluctantly, firmly believinl that no protUllonal military man should be Involved in tht perillu ::r· Bill be WU persuaded finally, and !1'.A:'e naU ·htro, became \he Wiifylng fo~e tht needed at the Ume. PrelldODt Elslllhower eorly set hie!! goe1J for hlm- 1ell-..nd be more than reached than. ill1 Uf-• of devotion ID ~bllc service wtil 1erve u ln.spiratlon for young Amencans for generaUons ID come. Paying the Storm Bill llain1 In January-February, followed by \ho haavlttl lloodinl in Southern and Central Calilornla ID all years, have_procluced not only highway and road damage but a pc>:UUcal imbroglio as well. On \he bads of incomplete figures, 1tatowld1 dam- age is about '80 mlllioD-<>r it could be mucb moro. A move II afoot in \he Legislature to me:.-. stata gasoline taxes I rin~a allon for six monlhl to raise 450 mUUm fl"' road • Thia would raise e state tu from 7 cmts to I et11ts a pUon. Add the went federal tax and tht total would climb flom 11 lo 12 cents a 1a1Jon. The gu tu, Ult• tu..._ on Ucen11d bevera1u and :fobocco, bu Jong been a. patsy for, leel1laUve fUDd. nllln1. In more than a few lnatances 'lcrotl tht nation, state lee!Jla!UN• ban abultd motort.sts by dlve.rtlnl their 1a1o11De tue1 to purpoie., far removed fl'clln bllli' way building and mahitenanct. . Here ID California the jlreaent lltuaUon II different, however. A flood dlauter baa brought havoc alreody, and more may be In 1tore In the week1 aheed when Ille ncord-breeking snow pile-up In the motjDlelna beglna to milt. Gov. Ronald Rea1an dOltll'\ want to d(ll a 1•1·\u increase bill into law. He made a 'jno new ~ pledfe'', In hit UH slat&<>f·tll••lata meaaage. !Jlat" plMJe wat made before the winter storms, but 6e'1 lhy on \he •ubject. A11emblyman Interests are allO agalnllt it, claiming there'• it ''80 mllllon balance In the state gu.tu lllnd which could be used, at least in part, to repolr flood damage. That's at the state level. Here in Orange County, the flood control di.rtrict wants the Legislature to Increase the county tax rate by 10 cent.a for the nut three years to ftnance repairs to the Santa Ana' lU.ver. So, at both state and county levels, debate over the funding of poot.storm repairs ls spirited-and at the moment not a lltUe c:onluJlng to participants and on-looten aUlte. Governor Reagan wants to play a waiting t;.e, and apparenUy so do Im rtant elements in \he .. lature, to see what the ~al repair bill looks Uke er the ApPil-May flood threat is history. In any case, buyers of gasoline and payers of flood control district taxes may as well brace themselves. The cost of flood damage repair will have to be met in due course, and they're elected. The Evil of Quoting Out Of Context Dear Gloomy Gm: Congress to Expose Teachers of Crime Against Whites "'1--.. Ula! !Ut Uncoln quot-......... lot "' lotion from -. ·-"' -... qalcl; to ~ out lbll LIDcoln did -"'aimillr .,unwntw"' CID ftdoul CICo ..-m, llDd 11111 tbe fallo qooll WU reaDJ. ··CiiiUl*•"•"' of 1111 w... But this Is pndooly u. ml 11 tulnC -aul ol caatnt llDd mUlnl a symMUc fabric au1 al lndMdUll atrandl. Llnooln Aid may thlnp .. maey oubjectl, and uniea we lludy the -...., "' hil wrlllen and lpOhn -· In u. IUIJ _...,i.n "' hil time, we .,. dolrll him an injllltke llDd vlolllinl biltoricl1 truth. Al AN llAIY UAMPLE, I WI rlcht thil minutl -• -"' LlneOln NJlnp tllal would bJCbl1 --him to the Commlmllt= and mu. him out to be a fulj. rldlcal, sllnply 111 )lnoriJI( .. he said Oii tbe oilier lido "' the quellitli: "ne. capitallltl pneraDy a c t bannonloalll'. llDd in -to IJeece the _. ... (9-h, Jl1lnaU Lqillalln, JBDUUJ, 1117.) "Any poople anyw-llelnt lncUnod 11111 bavlnc tht power, hi" tbe right ta rile up llDd -all the ulstin& pvemmell~ and form 1 -""' tllal 111ita them blttar. '11111 II 1 moot vlluahle, o most ACnd rtpl." (Speecb, HOUH al n.iir-toU,., I .. ). ''IF BY TIDC !IBllB I-al nmnbtrl a roajortty llhould ckprlvo • mlnarlty "' .,,, cluri, wrilleD -- Whit contlnu.Uy ..,.,.. me Is how onyono can nad ~ thlnp c.oir-man J1m" B. UU uys and 11111 vote for him! -M.M.P'. ""' ..... "'""" ............... -·1nrr1J n-. fl "" "' ••••'· .., ............ ......, ............ • rigbll, it mlah~ in • monl point "' vtcw. jUltify nvolu.Uon -ctrtalnly would U such a right were a vtlal one." (Finl lnouaural Addrels, Mll<h 4, 1•1.) "Thi.I country, wtlh ita lnltitutlon!, belonp in tbe P""1'1< who Inhibit IL Whenever they lhlill "°" wury of tbe emttn1 pemmtnt, they can uercln lbelr c:onstiluUonol right al ome-g I~ or their revoiutionuy right to dllmember cc overthrow IL" (Ibid.) "LAIOll IS PIUOll to and independent of cspital. Capital II ooly the I r u I t of labor, and could never have elilted 11 labo< hid not llnt nilled. Labo< b the superior fl. capital, and m a n deserva much the h1cber comkttraUon." (M_,. to~ llOc. t l•t.l ·1-the trtals and -"' -11nc men, and I blve alw01I left fw them. I -lbll in -enry cua al llt:rtkB, tbe men blft • jult came for -piolot. • (To dllqalklll ,,.,. the MllChinllts' and Blacillmiths' Union, 1111.) . "Whenever then II • caoflk:t betw.. , human rllbll and Pi oper\y rip.ts, lwmln ri&h'" muat pnvail." (C..lfUl!onol ll«m!, quolecl, Ml1 12, 1114.) I can ,ive you 11113' Llnooln you want _,r.labor, ~pilal, pro-Nerro, anti· Nep'O -If ooly you let me 1tI1 ct perts from the wbolt. Tort ls Privare Injury 'flhlt Is • "tori,. • lep1 .. jury? Mllll3' -11111 be --"Y ...... « lhl)' ...,. bi c:rlmet, tu lhl)' do not ohr01' -loJurief •-wtiidl )'OU as a ftcUm CID We~ A wt 11 a privote lnjurJ 11111 not a ''crtme. '' wWcb " a public Clfttme. -the 1m11 act CID be bolb • tmt aDd • c:rlmt. 'nltil, if tomeOOe l*a: )"OU. JiOlil may be able to reoovtt cMI --to""' ~y In. dvil coa1i ail . the d.llbiet attamq CID lry blm la a -court fw I "public -• nil In .. !Int -he ...,, haft lo pay )'OU ,.. the harm he did, la 1ba -he may have to pay a llae ar F '-jail TO WIN A !OltT -in court, you --11111 --burt ,.. in <lONClllNED D19'c.-'nod: "" .. , ... not .... -- .. ...., adlllr ·-· 11111 for ·--.... ·--mall • I do I ban lo do wlli w' 021• _...... ... tolutlol I .... 100M way. Somet.imtl tbe law MR•• t11io. Suppooe you an 1111t1J armt<d llDd biJd for several hcun. You 11111 not have been UDC(IDftartabW, Jet in wch casea the courb oftal award dam-becaUll the 11,. nlutt humon liberty hist>Jy. °" the -hand, -,.. step on your neighbor'• piopaty. Teclmlc1lly you may have ~ the tort. tA. _,...; and -111 be 1s .. uuec1 lo damaps rwpnlllla al the actuol harm )'OU did. Jllll .. lodllllcally, .... -mlchl ........ him • trifio - one dollar at -. But W bl can prove )'OU lnmplod his --bu1hea .. polpoll and bruiaed his prila fUdlllal, 1bat Is oomethlll( e1ee. He ua ,_., -niut « a111 o111« actual.._.,. ,... did. WILL THE IA ll' man ""' ,., "'-"' fw whll -.... .i.. -! Qlito -· Tab automobile tun. If you ltnd ,.., car in Bill Smith and he bill --. BW It llabie fw the damlll' -an:l ID are JOU. The injUnd part)' .,., .... )'OU botll and ,..,,,,., damq•. u """ pn>l;dion b ,.., imunnct, a. )'OU -bl! .... kodinc ytNI Cir tllal ""' ... -u b bonwer ba a11 •ddeul? Nou; CoJifOl'!llto loloren Off<r thb column 10 1101i mar lc':'O" about our '°""· Militant Blacks in Poverty Program WASlllNGTON -Evidence b now be· Ill( c4l«:ted slowing that milltant black radltl were l:nowingly brought inlo the povorty p!'GlraJll Gii the polenUy ab.rurd theory thlt they would tame and take over the wild )ncmcfl•ria in the streets. lnltod, the -in ..... dtia uJed their ...it1om in indodrinlte Negro yauth fn hatnd al whitey and of Arner· lcm!: IOdft7 u a whole while they extorted monq from chY governments by threall al anon and lnlurrection. Whoa this "bole lllory b brought out in c:ooir-lonal ilmltlptions later on, the publlc wUl -WJdentand the delpatr whlcb leMa some poverty offi- dtlt fo think we are moving into a -"' W1lrMDlng -tatloos hardly ~ from racial war. The ·-wtli show that in ..... localltlts poverty program offietnJ en~ thurialtica11y took on gang leaders, rad· 1cal adiYista, and hard-core militants supportln1 Black Panther ideas of a "shi:iot-out" with the whites. SOME CITY OFFICIALS have been wllllnl ac<ompiicel in trying in huy olf Gr'. "rtlonn" troublesome characttr.s omCIALll CITE ewnples al te ... racial slt'uations ~ed df because mili- tants were pa.rt ol "the utabllshment'' but it ls equally true that Negro youth is being upooed to the kind of iesden who prattle In lour-leltu words of black with I~ funds Gii the tl-i' that nvoiutloo. Financing that kind of educa· these ~ the types who could l]l<U lion csnnot be C<lll8idered within the the lanpage and -reach the hearts ol intent of Congress and ii an enorted Negro youth. Lui week the bigpst l10l' price !or coollng oll the climate in the cotica dealer ever convicted in Washing-ghettoes. ton wu ~ 1n for parole violation to 'Jbere ts immense confuaion on tliil upjaln hi!W1 he could operate • new point. Bringing the mill!ants b)ro the ~ q>o4or car while ....U., u • poverty Jl'Oll'ID1 bu not 1lemmed the man_,-..;n:u In -oL the poverty erratlc emotlonlllam al the revoiutioa- Jll'Clll'lll1I. ' \ . ari8. To the oaotrary, u ii Is ftpotind lUCll ~ ....,. lo hive been in the ''One Year Later" nport al the the motlvatlni "-J bellind bringing Urban CoolitiGll, '"!be indleaton seem the mlljtanlll mto the poverty programs. lo ha,. moved lowaN militancy In the But tb<no 111 ~ evidence that wben .,..t year ••. the mood al the blacb, programs .,. fUllded In mpome to wherever it 11<.'!dl precisely in the threals or vto•e the black power ad-apectrum between rrulltaney and IUbnljs; voca'(es rtrenctlttn their hold oa Negro · slon. is not moving in the direction of youth at the . u;peme of Negro modfr. patience." 1tes. 'I1ie extreinistl can aneer at the Within the poverty organhation Half moderltea ancl lay, ''moderation only there are those who believe that K the got you 1t1tl at lllJICh counters but black black racists m not judpd for the pawer hu IClred mllllona d. dollars out subversive threet they are we will reap of whiuy." a wblrwlnd of local black revoiullool. IT SHOULD GO without A)'ill( that no answer can be found in ab&bdoolnc a dtdic:oted dfort for the impro•-ol !He and apportunlty lhrou!lhaul the black communJUes. 'l'bele progr1m1 will inev-itably be upended. But H Is DO ieu com- pelling that poverty pr<liTllDI not be used in cooler status and leadership positions .. the wild °""' who tuch Negro cblldren that any crime a1aln.st while Americans can be justllled by the inju.nices of the past, Black rocta! militancy is a serious and grwlng problem. It Is underminill( !be <ons\nlctl .. black and whit• lelderlhip wblcb hll broulht the black cammunl- ~.. ,. far alq tbe mad al thtlr ~-in C..greu wUl be coocemed with findin& aul -deeply tbe philoaophy of bringing the militants Into the po...-ty prOfll'am ~ innalned in the top Washlll(too offictals. ''niey will be called upon to· show that , they are not making their own dismal contrfbu.. Uon to the chitf conclusion of the Urban eo.Htion that one year after the Kerner ~ "We are a year closer to being two IOC.'ieties, black and white. lncrtu- ingly _,.1e llDd scorc.i, 1 ... equal." 'Erector-set Boys~ vs. Humanists It Is biyond dllpute that lludents (ex- ceptin& thole who are in tbe leamlag racket for the loot) do not like what they are beinl taagbt, or how Ibey are being tallibt IL ' To uoderrtaDd the ferment on the eampus, u It Is comiag to be called, we must keep in mind thlt the.re are two main kinds of young mtn in untv.enities, and that they are at war with each olher, and that this war is central to our schooling trouble. Thue two cluses may roupiy but t&fely be classified u the erector-at boy1 and the humanllta. The erector-set boya are the enctnttr· lnl ltudent&, the pblrma-;lsts, the bullneaa boys, the laboratory teclmlchma, the physical ed. boy1, the qronomilll. TRESll: BOYS Lill IChool They .. 1dom nbei against anythlll(. There la a sllnple '""°" for all this. Th<y are lll1nC IChool to aet them _up finan- cially for life. They art ltlad.ytnc, not usuallT from any love al lumin(, but fa< the buck. The humanists don't like tbtlt lads, ..,. do they like what they an doing to1he schoola. The humanilll lllll billeve ln thlt cnat c:urmit of Wettem culture that wu born In Greece and Rome, and flooded down to us in IUCb glory throuCh tht -· The humsnbta inlbl It Is tbc prime bulineu al hilbir lumin( to pmerve and lnnlmit this cullun throuJh 1tudentl lib themlelves. TIDC Dll"FICULTY, upedal!y in the 1arJW l""1luUons of leamlll( (and espaclal11 the larger 11a..._-aled oneJ ) b that the voice of the hamanisl b not much beard ln these pl1ees. Whell It ii heard, it la not In the nUool1 dJloourlt of the d1y1 of ErumUI llDd Abelard, bul in the llridtnt accenls "' pnilal. In CU' IOdtty, flll'td .., it ii to technoloo. tt .. tfie erector..ut boy1 who pict up an the marblu. u Ibey Quotes E. C. Ranr ... II 1'o A-.i. Aar • 1, !tit -''Tbl time -not be far dlttant when the country will realize, in the ltpt al a oofd l"Y 'momin1 all<r,' that tt bu Juat -on another cttdiwpiurglna spree.• l lurn to ran certain kinds ol computers, they can pt ten grand and up the day alter they receive their diploma. • Th< humanists don\ llke th Is , naturally, MORE, TREY DON'T like what the ertttor-Ht boys .,. dolnc to the campu.s. Th<y f«l the univeraily (and nuiybe the universe) Is becomini ..,. huce com- puter. They feel, and they have 1ood reuon !or this 1«1111(, that the -.m.t lrldl· lion l5 •t u em, *Mt &he coOe .. ot the pment II larplJ a ~ ldlool, and wm be wholly such In a matter of years. 1be admlnistrator1, of courae, ue caught between these two forct.a. Ute Burldu'1 au, they have been placed midway between. a bundle ti. bay and a pool of water. 1bey are now, however, villbly on the ~de of the erector'ffl boys. They have sokt out to the 1overnment, and what tbe 1ovmunent wull la not scholars but technlci1n1 to me ln tbe space pl'Oll'am, tbe weapons prosruns, etc. etc. THE SCHOOL'! ARE In a htlhly neuroilc condiUon, la tbat they art faced with a coofi.lct that cannot be ruolved within their own penooolity. I think tbe conflict will be raotved, but not llOOQ. It w:lD. be resolved DOC in favor cl The Great Tradition, but in favor of the Trade School tradJtlon. Until that irreaoluUon ia cleared up. we must expect continued turmoil on our larger campuses. 'I'his turmoil will derive from the humanists, who billeve they ""' ftplln( a great battle, and who ARE fill!Uni a great battle. Violence will come from these advocates of a broad culture. because violence and protest are the only weapons they have at band. Talk and persuasion have rotten them nowhere, becaU!e the world hu moved away from them. Meantime, the 'erector-Rt boy1 wUl continue to be straight, and if poulbl• l!traight A, students. They will waUi; about with nice CheJhire cat amJlu, IDd nary a "°l'l'Y about Plato, bec&uN they know the world b already thelra. Comritunist China ls in Disarray After :Ill years al Comm1mbt rul•, Red Clilna JI in dlwTay t axonnng to 1 University ·of Sou.them californla authority on that country. "Torn by Internal dl1smslm1 and f!leakened bJ a breakdown of order and dlsclpllne, Communlat China seems to hive Iott the clynamiun al Ila firtl decade," aald Dr. Tbeodon H. E. Chen, dlrtct<>r al the Eut Allan Studi" Center at use. ·Mao Tse-tung and his followen are trying in put the broken pi-togtthtr, Dr. Chen uid, but he wondered If Ibey can succeed. "They may be able to do 101M tem- paruy palcl1•ork by compn>mllos and m1not c:once.Jliom," tbt USC prolwor nld in bll lecture on "What Nezt In China ?" 81/f LOCAi.mi Is "" !he rile and It may.be dillicult lo ntlWI the Cl!ll!ral aut.hc:r°lty that made 1ehl.vtments ol tbe firtl decade poOllble, he polnled aul. "There b alto danaer that the military may become powerful enough to control the party and tbe 1ovtrnment. If Mio and Maoism wln, the hardllne dopnatlltl will domln111te dome1Uc and foretgn policy. •·tr Mao dies, pr1gmatJe-mlndtd bu· rtauc:rau ma, have a chance to reassert " authority and order, or thole Mao con. demns u nMalonlatl may wort out IOme form ol. nconclUaUon with the Soviet Union. Thi rile of a more pr.o- tical leadenhlp may brtnC about a more conclllaloo:y lamp polley, hut u kin.I u the Maolsll "'-' ln p0..er they wlll probably caoUnue to be bellllmnt and am>gant In dealing with other CCKmbiea." COMMUNl!I' ClllNA ,_ in a hip P<ak al llablllty, powot, Jftllip, and popularity in 1151, the ml "' the flnl ov .. yeor plan, the USC pnilflSO< Aid. "Achievement.I tn qrk:ulture, lndultrr, cms!ructlon, and educatioool ..,..- attracttd work! attenUoo aad won tbe praise of visitors. "The second decide be&an with a severe economic ct1sls, brought about by hasty a.nd ill·advlsed measures at collectlviuUon and awavatf!d b y 111tural dlaa11ters and the withdrawal of Sovitl w lstance. JiTffEN CAl\tE the llO-Cll~ Gn 1t Proletarian CUitural RevoluUon wlllch dtltroyed mucb of tbe positive achlevemenu ol earlier years and shook !he regime to its very foundation. "A nzthl"' power 1lru8(le sapped the strength al the Commun!Jt Party and disrupted the lunctlolllng a1 111e rovem- ment. EconomJc advance wu arrestfd:' 1Cbool1 and untveraltle1 wue shut down and bloody riota raged '"""" the na-tion." --W- Moodl\Y\ 1'darcb SI, I.let . rht tdltorill -•I l1lf Defir l'!lot ... ti. i. ,,.,_ """ - llloW ttodm br ~ 11111 .. ...,.,Pf"i oplntotu ad ..... .... tor)' .. lopta 01 -cm<1 nom-. br .,,_,,,, • forum for 1111 npt..,loo of our rtotkrl' opmiOftl, mwf br presnt:mo ~ dlwn• ..,.. poinll of lnforfllfd _, .. ,. cmd ,,,._ "" ...,.., 01 ... dor. Robert N. Weed, PubU1htt QUEINI! ly Phil lllterfcmdl CHECKING •UP• She· Stabbed Her. Mother to Death Birds Quit Dover Cliffs LONDON (AP)~ The Swhs have come up with a coo- traceptive for pigeons. and embattled Brlton1 demanded simllar ltept to decimate the swarm of aeagulla clrclln1 over the white cliffs of Dover. The city father• of Geneva introductd a g r a I It im- pregnated with a b r o w n subst.nce aimed at pnvenUnc ovulation in female pt,eom who have been re~ at an alarming rate. The Swiss plan ta 1Ca1Wr the grain araund p I C e 0 D hauntl and attimpt hi PftV151t bird !oven from providing any other food. Geneva's pigeon population hu reached JO.GOO and with females averaglnc Iii young each year, the prOIJllCll are frigbtenlq. Britons wbo rhapsodized 20 yean •IO about "blueblrdl over the white cliff• of Dover," complain that abritk- ing aeaaulh: now b1unt the clUfa and hive even beglln ntJ!lnr In tho town. - Now-we have two better ways at United States National Bank In which you eam more money. In Just 90 dayi, your money earns a big 5%. Or tt wlll eam ·S.127% If maintained for one year.' • SAYINGS BOND PASSBOOK ACCOUNT-Accounts of $500 minimum, on depcelt 90 days or longer, can now earn 5% (5.127% If maintained a fUll yell). Add to your account anytime In amounts of $100 or more. All SaYingo Bond Paaebook Account• are Insured Ip $15,000. lnteraat Is paid quari.rfy by check or credited to your accoun~ • Tiii! CERTIFICATES OF Dl!POllT-Certmcatas pay 5% (5.127% an- nuaily with lntaraat computed dally). Minimum Is $500 and need to be hold only 90 days In onler to earn 5%. On·Certlllcates of $100,000 or more we currenUy pay at the legal maximum rata that rangea up to 6V. % when fUnda are held for ailc months or more. l • IWt.Y fltt.Oli 7 . Balti111ore~s ·~u1~k~ Fading: • la place Gt thll porUaa of Tl>e Block Ille dly will llWl\I .... pallce ~ ruture pl1111 for tho otllft blocb en Tl>e Block coll for • ......, . J!OI"* bulldina. • • new campua • for tbe O:lch;o munlty con.,. " Bil-· and --larmlJlc ,.ii of a ll'-' maD runnlllC from City Hall 1o tho lwl>or. WelcMM MW ......... & ..,.,.. .... tM ..... ,., Ch-'t Fr-4 l•rftie f•111il.-lt1Mh• MM1 Jtll'lt• Crv•k.11 f11t1il.,......Hu1tth1ft111 lttch Kerry H.,..t ... , ftll'lily-M11a 4t1 M.1r Al1-.:1"41r Ht11ryclt f11ni1v--ll.11lCll1 M11• M9' r1cltril f1lflll~a11ch1 Mt11 Eilw1N Pnl1r' f1111il\--l1r H11".r N1 l1111 Qv11ket1litu.l1 f1lflilv-Cell .. , Park Her114 lle11kh1 f1Mll.,......H1lecrtd HtMll ltlth llu11ell f1111!~a11cht Mttl ~t1 T 1yl1r fe111ll.,.......1rb1r E1t1t11 , ..... MW H1Jecnlt Chtlt f11ftlU11 wlll en)eyf • ·I ocra1 of trlYOt• plcalc """ ....... -·• ..... _ .......... e1-..ipeo1o • Clilhhm'• lllftttt • Life·--· •1-.. -•SwlMt- What about your tamlly! Now, you 1UJ btconw! one of the cristnal 300 tamlltts to own thil kcUtty. Why not Oil.I for a tour? ·--ll All Penney StorH Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday , AL~S~!!!JI• \ L I ' -·A. lit and llttfo tlrf1 3 pl ... 1hift Mh . ' Juniors get In the swim with acrylic hlpstenl A. ........ w,..... """"" .... ......... ~ .............. «,., ... .. wlldly \lle11d1rfvl ,rfntt • pro'<'Oalth? uloklt. Mb ..... .S.13. $11 I . M•tchln1 ,.nn•Mntly plHIM C:eYeMlpl thait )'OV"w '°' .. ... .. ~~ompl1t. yvur bMch .......... Alt tt. pmtW way Mlog4nobfe ••• ,,w w ~ oaylk ........ L COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON 1 BEACH (H1rbor Shopping Center} (Huntington Center} I l a-... _....,_ .... 1wi..2,._ .......... .... _, .. .Wh la 100% --~-7.14'6 L All this .... Wklilio fer Mriouo avnnlnal i.thw_hw __ . ,.,..... "' ............... ·-hw--lwl-• ~ .... wx'311 ... ~M. A. Cetch the IUlf in - outhentlc Mf (•mol ,.,,., ..... ,.... .......... .._, ___ ""' i-..ur .• I ..,,._, ..,.. ... ti MWtUl.l 2.983.98 .. ..,.. ..,... """' .. -,...... ___ ,, ,.., .. , ............ 1 .. , ..... , ......... ... ......... ., "' 11 /alltelt .. .. 1 .. , ..... •••d• ... ---1.98 5.98 ..,.. - NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion lsl•ncl) ' • •• ' • . . . . I ' I 1 , , l ~f._DAIL;_.:;~Y~r~a~OT~~~~~~~-M°"'~q~,_M_""".;..:.:::11,.::..;:1~96'::.. , ·~f.GOP Fight'cllAFFITt ~ byt.r)-1 LJ;t May~r's .Race Decided Tuesday . I ~· . . ' ~i Over Job •• , ;;-.s~apes Up ' ; ; SACl\AMENTO (AP~­•Seo. Geora• Deutmej~ JI. -~ Bead>). wbn od : Gov. 1t. e * c a a ' s anti-crkne 'lfil!J, II now l'fadY lo ... t ;1111 party'• nomlnatioo for al· :1omey general. At l<ut one othtt Capitol ·~ b"··· be ···-" " • ,nepu UQU1 aays may aau :··:.•:.: .. -::,.::·: ..... •:,·· .. ~... ;;:. •• Dier the.·--'-·-race·:·~.· ........ ::.-: .. :.·.· .... ·.···:·:.,,: .. -, "'""' .t-......... T ::a.a•·.\·,• ........... ,. .. ,, .. ,,..,, .•. , ... . ;next ytar-Spencer wunams, · • .._......,. .... ·Regan's human resources : ...... tary and chief weUare «ide. ; And the disbict attorney of •4'8 Angeles County, Evelle :.r. 'Younger, a Republican. i!' ~idered a strong possibility lo become a candidate. • · It all shapes up as a lively jntraparty scrap for a job that ~ been a stepping stone to the governorship in the past 'I'he incumbent, D e mo c r a t Thomas C. Lynch, says be will run for another term. "For the past three weeb, I have been consulting numerous Republican leaders and others seeking advice and support for my candidacy for ·attorney general," s a i d Deuk:mejian. .:So far, said the 40-year-old legislator, "the results h a v e ticen highJy satisfactory.'' "I've talked to official party leaders, volunteer g r o u p leaders and the people who 'bave been active in fund rais- <lng," he said. He estimated ill' woold ...t $500,000 for the ~race. ,_. : ... FBI Arrests Man Wanted In Murders BOSroN CAP) - A Los Angeles apartment h o u s e manager wu free on $100,000 bail today after being arrested in the gunshot deaths of a woman tenant and a visitor March 20. Antonie Rene Poissant, 40, was arrested Saturday by the FBI in 'a Boston hotel. A preliminary bearing was set for April 11. Poissant was charged in a Los Angeles police warrant with murdering Ge n e v a Whaley, 30, and Eduardo Martinez. SS, and wounding of Mrs. Whaley's husband Raymond, 37, Staie!' :California Split Renewed ... ';.SACRAMENTO '(AP) -A ~te eeoetor renewed today au drive to aocompli$b what l!ie leg;.lature set nut . to do Ull y..,. ago -split ~omia lnto two states. -.'.l'he idea has won approval ~ice since the Senate was r.,,ppnrtiooed in 1965, but the ~latiM both times met a aiick demise in an Assembly mmmittee. ::J!epublican Sen. Richard J. Dolwig al Alberton 8IUIOOllCtd II( will rHntroduce legislation te cut California in half at ~Tehachapi MOU n ta ins 'lllilell lawmakers return April 1.:.lrom their current Easter vacation. • ,,. ~· -~- ~: She's in ,Jove. ~.· .. ,.. ..... llere's what wou1d be re- , quired to form a 51st state from what is now the nation's m~ populous and third largest stat" ..:..Both houses of t h e legislature must pass a bill. -The legislature also mnst adopt a constitutional amend· ment by a two-thirds vote of each hou!le , and the people must rabi.fy it. -Once voters approvt>d the Idea, one simple majority, the legislature then woold have to pllj8 a joint resolution ask· ing Congress to approve the division. -Congress would have to go along. ' LOS ANGELES CAP) - • M°" than ball the 1.6 million registered voters go to the polls Tuesday to vote for a mayor. decide a variety of propositions and fill a vacant congressional seat. The mayor's race ls believed led by Repub.Ilcan Congrusman Alpbonzo Bell, City Councilman Th o m a s ; Boy Oaims He Murdered Three Girls SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A 17-year-old Colorado youth has confessed to th re e murders. The trouble ls, police can't find any bodies. Joseph A. Lovato, who is being held in the Santa Clara County Jail in San Jose, claims to have mW"dered three girls here over a five. month period. Police have dug for hours at the spots he mentions, but have found nothing. Officets are hesitant to dismiss the whole story, sincf: they say Lovato also has con- fessed to some robbedes in which the details check out. He is being held on charges of carrying a concealed we.apon. § No wondf!r.; lt's1CaJifomia .Thrift's giant 6%.\ ! ~ Mcwef*llrllt&tct_.6%~-........ M«ait'lillrhe-iddot•~ ~ ~ r.tes ilt the staW How aoo.t '/f#l Stil --. • ,,_,. J*ICMl? 11-J'O'l'w eat tllOney '-'• thlt'SMtPQlllilll•l:91oatd.·9alimlll ..... •JoilltMttM ......... ~ :r: "'* ...... -•.CIHllrift-.cl 1llltdt. ,,,,....,. ~ ... ;:, llMST B'f lHE 20llt--o£AA!t 1!QI THE 1st .... •lZ..-WpilMI 'IMflC.M · 1 Or-·our ;: ha 1 -5%%•,,.QDlAc ...... lllp-_... ;:: Wll s • ......... ,, tat:r • d1naML . ~= Ctl c.Hlwtft.. .... be....., .... "* ......... ow,.... ')i .... •eo,::at&:'rOIA. How• C89·'*P bMelit )l'Olil-)l'OW...,. ...... ~:· ..,ca...._. .. ..,. d1Mihdn11ert1i1.,._,......_,, ;;; .. -""-.., ~-CALIFORNIA 1 ~.: • .. • '°'-,OW-He I r"3i -*1! l .• ·170 E. 17th St., Cott• M•t• 646°5045 ... • • Now celebr•tirit • d•c•d• of ••rvlc• :; with offlc11 iri priric.ipel citi• . .•. ,.,.,,,,,, c,1;1,.,;,. ~ ,• • .. " • ' ._ ' .. .-•, ·. ' ' ' .. .. ' .. ~ • , .. '• .• , ' ~ • , • • .£)I c:!J '--..: ...... .W:rtW. Mlllllll ASSOCM.hOI & ~"'°'* A$90CIAU09 W flDll~ t• Cl:lmf'MIU . . '" b _ \ . No Quake Foresee-n I I See by Today's Want Ads e Enthroned:' And enthrall· eel, when ahe sees this ex- quisite Queen Ann arm- chir. Mahogany with beau- tiful carving, all antique of ex~pt:ional beauty, $195. e 2 for L .A double keyboard organ, in excellent condt. tidn, youn for $300! e Inexperiebetd ! Tbh time, 'it counts. , .a boy needed for silk screen printing, a permanent job, all1 no ex.. perlence needed. e HawaU Calls: A true pa.r- adi!e for the wise tradtt ••• this party bu vacant tand in the beautiful is- landa, all ..... and vat. ues. Will trade 1ot borne, units or whatever. , • your chance to play under the Jl8bna. Aloha! I All Penney Stares Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday: CAMERK BUYS! - Color in an instant with Polaroid Color ·Pack 111 . ,• 26.95 .,.., • little • $5 .... _.... • Electric eye-eloctn>nlc shut!e..-!lie . expoovra aulDllllllically oven for flash. • Snap an flashcubes. wind it up & lab four flash pidum in a raw. • Tam colar as .,.11 as blade and wltiho • picluNl-color in 60 ll<Ollds, B & W .. 15. • Mabt.314 x 414 picllrw ttlat deftlop oubide!Mml*U. U89YOUA EN NEY CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAY I I . > · Complete photo finishing service availlble at all Penney's camera depadmenfl No"°"" "'1"""" ••. --JI r-Para:• Pin NEW PO RT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (Foshion lsloncl) (Huntington C..nler) • _ I ( For The Record Divorces OllilO•C•I P'U..•D ow.-JMfl ""' .,. o.e.... Marlh1 ... S"""'"'9 cwr ........ ,...,r L.., CW..11 MW...,_ .,........, ...... w D• P'ltW. AMle NMll'lot '-w .H,_ MIVWI,. .... Ml~ Fra-Pet.,_ YI Lt•I• t"llV-.. "·m· Jl.IM Sld.lllr "' JKll; •1nd1M Sletder • St""'' Y. GIWll'I .,. llllctl11d A. Glenn, "· 1"1tr1 E, Wllll-W lltldl1rd F Wlijl.ms . ~'°" Lff NtfU "* lie....., MkNel ·-G1U JtoblMM "' De•lcl A.leulld!!r ll:oMn-Olt~ 0 1111 n E~ ltlcMrll Dilts Jlmll Cll'tt.I ci-.,. YI V11tri11 El91M ·-Sfl.aron Filth ltlce .,.. J1c:tcle Junlcll" 1111<• SUMll I. Pith ... J1me, I. Plfb Sllll'Oft L.. ltft n MICPl.911 A., Loft Oll M II, 0.rdfMf' yt J1c~ l . G1r,,11tr c-1·-L. """' .,. Eddie .. Keith Wlllltm c;o,,... Slllloll "' M.rlty11 -·-Jlolllttll H. .....,.,_ "' Clifford ilt. ·--0.lo,,. &I""" 111 J-T, Kl""" l 1rllar1 J , Olle YI J1m11 T. Cole DIJli.o L, Alltft" 10-W. Al"'" V1'911tl1 N1wm1n "' Jlllwl Newm111 K1lhleen Shum11tr "' J~eo>I> ,., Shum11tr · Mesan Gets Six to Life In .Holdup Grove Votes on Tax • • $15 Million Bond Issue Al.so ··on Ballot BJ RUDI NIIDZIEL&ll t.oo," he continued. "., -~· ' "\\'.e have to ui for fl.35 Voters in the G -Grove becau.se of our rtlaUve lack Unified School will go of asstS&e4 wealth," he said. to tbe pol!J JUDe 1 to decide "As of lhis moment) we are the r.1e of• 11.35 lu incrWe spending 1113 per Jllll>Jl ,.., and a $15 millloo bond blued. tban tbe ttaae average. The School ofllclols IOY the od-11.35 tu incttase will nlse dltiona1 funds will be needed $68 of that and we'l'fl looking meet u.owlng eqrollment 1.o the slate for the Qt.her demands ind to . Improve •too." educatioDal Pf'Oll'lm! which The bond money would 'be were cut back last y~. used to prepare for projected District trustees v o t e d enrollment increases during unanimously to ca11 the bond the next few years. election and ta1 override dur· According to f I g u r e s ing their regular meeting last presanted by Dr. Morse, the week, . Garden Grove district will The June election will be have to make room for 900 figure, accordJna to school of· Ocials. Scbooll affected by lhe. la1 override and bond elecUon In Fountaln Valley and Westminster are Northcutt, . James Monrot, Loa Ami&os High, Ethon Allen, Lo Quinta ' HJgh, McGarvln Intermediate, John ManhaU, Leo Carrillo, PO$t and Mendenhall High. UCI Cen ter Sta1·t Due the first school ta1 override elementary students, 4 ,,2 o o IRVINE-Work soon will . SANTA ANA _ A Costa election he.Id io the dtstrlct junior high school students, begin on a $4$,000 rtcreaUon l\.tesa man awaiting trial on lince ?day, 196:t A $4{1 million 675 special education students center lo serve married 1 armed rtlbbery charges has bond and state loan issue was and 300 continuation high students on the UC Irvine pleaded guilty in superior passed in October, 1965. schbol studenUI: during the campus. Court. "!he assumption on the tax next five years. The center, to be located override is that we have to The new tax rate would in lhe Verano ·Piacf complex ,. ' lMfS~WOl\I .. • MUM or ..... D. Abell .... llttlPh o. Abell Tasl!Jko W11sl1 n Jon111 K. W1l1>i. ''· Juted~_: _ _. RJobe<l DoG "Mdlnde r have lhe average amount of raise the existing rate from of 350 married student sen IK.'l:U erry n a a Y • money as similar sized school 2.M per $100 assessed valua· apartments, will contain a ----------------------,- 22, of 566 Hamilton Ave. to di·stri·c•· m' the state," .. 1·d · ., 89 · 1 ·~ --" . ••· 1 . f . "' ,,.. tion to .-i· per $100. oung!=. mee .... g room, ~1&11 G Q C / SJX monu~ to I e llll· Dr. Alton Morse, assistant State assistance will kitchen and patio. It will be reat range oast s Prisonment in state prison. His superintendent for business . determine in large part what «1mpleted by early swnmer. The :nledged comf thpaTin.ionTin the $IOOk 1 "And this means that v.·e additional permi&sive rates ·The center will be paid for No. 1 ·Paper.I 0 up 0 e c oc mar e • have to pay average salaries will"'be tacted·OO to the buic from student fies. 1913 Pomona Ave.. Costa1----'-'---"--'-C::.:.C:.-'==-==o...=::...::c.::::...:=c:...=.:::::.=::=:::..:F'---------_:'·c_ _____ _: ________ _ Mesa. is listed as Charles Dee. BRUSH E1rle J. l •11Jll, Jr. Dl!e "' """"· Mlrcn "· RH1dotnt "' HlllCA'll orr .. ,, lllt ktor Like. Survl~ by w11,, Fr111d11 lll1111h~r, C1ro1 Allon, S1nt1 AMl.. Two lODI •. R-!111 .E., Colli Met1, I ncl Keith R. Brush, Sin letMrdl"<!: moltMI'", Mrs. hmt G. Brutl'I, Bit Betr; Incl lhrte 1r1nclchllclr1<1. ~ ...... Ice will bt held Thurodn" 1 ,.M, 1,., "Klfll; View Cl'llNI wllh Rtv. Eric H. A~ offkltlll'lfl. lnttrme-nt, P•· clffc View ~111 Ptrk. Dlre(fM bl' Pacific: Vltw Mor11Hrv. NICHOLAS Mini-Nictoor1J. 7701 O..t1rl<1 Or .• H1111tlnv10n le.di. Survl'l9d ..... fWO '°""' l urto" H, 1rld Wllll1m H. Nlch· °"'" dtuthter, Elfr1 Mulllno-; IOlir trtfldd!Udren 1rld four 1r1at~r1nd­dll~. Servkes, TllH<llv, 18 A.M. P'eek Ftmlfy Colonltl Funer1t Honw. PRICE Atlcl1 M. Price, 14111 S11<IMd1le St. w.,tmlnsler. SUrvlvrd by husio.nd, Oltrlet; i.on, Mld!HI Ctmpbtll; Cllut!lltr, Al'IM Sclot'ld, ell H11,.,llnt1I011 IH<h: mother, ""'I Brook" '"d 10 t1Wndc:tilld-. S~rvl(n will bl! hi!ld 1t Grttll)', Colortdo. Loc1I 1rr1"°"" ..._,, bf Petli: F.,Yllll' Co!Onlll Fiio "'"'' Horne. Bl1rl'ON Js11oi! A. lllfloft. 4"117J H1ttoor l htd., Cot11 Mn.I. Survllltd by Dan.Id 1111· !Oii, Mr.. Grin! Fuller, M is1 LIXY ltG'l>Q: 11'111 Mrs. Jal!,., Gowdy, 'l'1X1I .... 11'1d "''" ,,.-lldcfllldrtn.. S"ervlces, ~=~· F1:i~ W=l•f';_~: F1mllv ~ 1110" wl1hlnt to 11Mk1 -i11 CM!rlbullom, , ... _ c- trlblll1 to n.. Ctricer Fufld or Chi!. d,..,,. Ho1Plt1I. Dll'Kftd by Wtslclilf CN,oel Morfl/try, ~Ml. HUDSON Mid Hudson. A9'! tO, ol 411 1•111 ST., Hullfllllllon lltKI!. D11t of "e1111. Mirth 19. Survlvrd bl' wife, Heir"; twt di...,,~,.. 511M11 llennelt 11M1 lrendol HudlOlll four brolhtfl, John, City, Sid 1IMI L0\111 HudlOlll thrH 1llftn, ll:llllY l11rte11, P11rl Ttllll~ro 11M1 ..vin. MtF1!111 1r111dchllclr~, a.. nloe i nd Chris at.nnen. S..Vlcn, T.- dlY, 1 PM, Stnllhs Ctl1111'1. l"IH'n'ltl>t, r°-!mlntter M-191 P1rll. OlrKie. llltl~ry. Villa Park Dam Project Start Asked VILLA PARK -Outrighl acquisition of 177.SI acres of Irvine Ranch land and an op- tion on 114 additional acres has been recommended to county supervisors for crea- tion of Villa Park Dam Regional Park. Total cost of the park is estimated by Stanley Krau se, director of Real Property Services, at $1,557,056. The first iocfement, which woold be paid for immediately under his recommendation, would cost $1,036,391. "lTre addlti4ia} 114 acres wbiCh·woblil De purchased by Dec. 31, 1971, would cost That listing will be revised, the prosecution has stated, to Nicholas Wayne Pickett. 21, same address, the true name of the man who will go on trial Thursday . Malady and a man identified as Pickett were arrested last Dec. II shortly after the market holdup. Police said they had in their possession dumdum ammunition "capable of blowing a victim apart." SANTA ANA -''Clocks and Calendars," lhe current public show being presented in the S a nta Ana College planetarium. will run through April 11, with shows scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesdays and 7:30 p.m. Fridays. The program traces how man has used the sun, moon and stars to tell time and to develop calendars. Admission is frtt, b u t reservatioQS are necessary. They may be made by caUing the Office of P>mmunity Services, 547-9561, ~1ten$n 253. 1520,675. The survey or the property, ;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;J which adjoim the present Irvine Park on the northeast, notes that very little of the land could be used for residen- tial purposes. The proposal will be presented to the 1uperviaors Tuesday. LOCAL No 1tll1r n1w1p1p1r tell1 yo• _,,, 1v1ty cf•y, ••o irt wh•f'• 901 ... 9 on in tltt · 9 ro1tor ONn91 Co11f tlu•n tl11 DAILY PILOT, WANT INTEJlEST ON YOUR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOU CA,N'T on IT BOT Wn'll PAW'IC'I swnca 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yo• cu 1111 ai.nt •• •11 lly •fi•I 1 llt 1111 ••DIJ in ,... ..... • &Jt .. 1 lat -ii""' l'lcillc 51 ....... Am111t •ti :Mitc•·11 a1111 •ck l!"d fartll • Dften •you like. Became . •••l'J' dollar 1ua1 !!!!f. ••r It I• la J'OUr Paolllc Aceo1111t- • ,, •• for last •edq. K .~..., 11 ...... .tActn I 1111•1• My .. 1/4" lif. f tlllillll 11 *• ;ar .... tlUIXl k ... •111111 ntll. lnilll 11 JHr HClllll It ... N(I tll4 tlra f,.. th lat ti 111y _ ........ ~ . .,, ... , .... •· ' I ' ·@) • GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON~S NEW PAD! It's finally happened to /'iewport Beach (and to the wofld)-ll genuine, honest-to·goodness BUG,.A· 8 / ~00! Nobody's ever had one before bu~. it was bound to happen, and Iverson thought of it! lverson's "pad"' is hi&-brand new Volkswagen 'building which is th! largest and most beautiful in the United Stetes. Conceived w ith an artistic flBir . it houses the very latest in ser,vice and diagnostic eQuipment, and is a perfect showcase for dis· playing the la~est changes in the Volkswagen line (that is. if you cen spot the changes). .- A FREE BUG! During the world's first BUG·A ·BALOO, Iverson w ill give awey a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is p ay us a visit. tf you've never been to 111 BUG·A·BALOO, now is your opportunity to be among the first! At the BUG·A·BALOO, you'il see the latest in Volkswagens end Porsches. within • 1111yout the likes of which you've never seen before! BUG·A ;BAL!j)O refreshments Bwait those that CARE to see somettling d ifferen 1 Now"s the time to put a ·"Bug" in ycx1r house! I • , l ! I I • ,:fountf Won't Budge . ' ·i ~=~ ~~~~~~-~1~~-~~~ .. Of ... Ol9r ,.. ... 11att June 30 and they would lllae Winton and Wllicoz a Ion& ty'1 conlribuUoo. to avt.UOn. : .CAPJSTRANO -Count)' of-to have a Iona.term lease. term lease, a fair rtntaJ. on The rent for the balance f:klala are stand.inc firm in u.-r e 1lstin1 law. the property would be $4,000 of the property, about ooe aicottationl with opera ton ol howevet. they can't have a per year. according t o acre, would be bued on what t¥e Capistrano. Airport who long term lease unless the 1bomu, wl\o adds that the an --could 1aln from want a redlactioa in the county buys the property from airport operators re:fuae to pay tie-down retals or about $225 ».mount charged them for u-the Flood Conlrol Diatrict, that price. a month. irfi 5.75 acres of county Flood which is forbidden to enter 'lbomu has asked county WintOQ. and Willem turned f,ontrol District property as long-term arrangements. Real Property Services Dlttc--Uiit offer down. The:y aay they part of the airport's runway. County Administrallve Of-tor stan!ey Krause to work cannot afford to pay more ·ne property comprises the Hoer Robert E. Thomas sa11 out some arrangement to keep tban $1,000 a year, . west half o1 · the airport's the 5.75 acres is worth $17,000 the airport in bu.!lness. Kra111e'1. latest propqllJ ls · runway. Airport operators and that the Flood Control In trying to reach an l(!'ee-that the en~ ,.airport .pro. Bruce Winton and Julian Distrid, by law, can't sell menl, Krause came up with _perty be cembln'd 1 for Wlllcoi turrtntly pay $540 per it for I~. a proposlUon that the runway purposes: of .tncOlne, ,... the year for use of the land. But U the county purchase! the be ellmlnated from the nooc1 county gettinc 17 perm ot • • WHllfR WHITES! • • • • . • • • • . • • .. • ,. ,• • •• ,. " '• --.. ·. . -. '• .· r •• . ., FAMOUS NAME! SAVf 10'!-- • ::New Tide XK . . . .. ............... 89' -. :;Now ••. with enzyme action! •• , king size, 26c o!Cl ~liquid W oolite .. .. ................... '1.19 ::}~or all delicate fabric.!!,,. save 20c, •. 16-oz. ;Gory Rug Cleaner ..... : ........ ". .. ~1.39 :.New! Liquid cleaner. amaiilll' power! •• , 27-oz. -· '.:Wizard Deodorizer ................... 49' :·Ri4-the air of unpleaaant odon! •• , save tOc! •' • • BLEACHES BEST! : TOP QUALITY! ~ GET A COUPll! - • • • • • • • • • • • Johnson's Pledge ...................... 6r Furniture 1leamsl Regul&r or lemon .•• 1·oz. Johnson's Klear ......................... 89' Floor wax that never yeUows ! Save 20c ••• 27-oz. Yanish Bowl Cleaner ............... 39' Liquid •.• to work faster, better! ... 16-ounce Bathroom Cleaner .................... 69' The euy way to clean that room! ••• 17 ·oz. aize • · . For early in the week menus! . ~:F h R bb·t 79c : res a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,. :.1'int rrained, mild flavored white meat! Prepare just as y_ou would chickenl M&kei a inat stew ! ;Beef Tongue ................... 49~ ':Tor variety in your menu, aerve tongue ... delicious, nutritious ... and a meal that ot!en real economy! :;ox Tails ........... ~~~.' ......... 49~ .• \\'hen did you IMt serve oxtail soup~ '"" ·: Delicatessen Value! ;~b' s Dressings ::Your choice .•• Blue Chee8t :;or Roquefort ••• robust flavor, 10 smooth and ~creamy ! 8--0unce jar '• 49' ::I :: " Prict1 i" effect AfO'lf,., Tuu. a·n.d W<d., Jl4r, 81, April 1 .t t . .. , " • -. , r :i , ,. ·l '• , ,. No 1ak1 to ~I Sweetbreads ...... ~~~-'-···· 69~ Broil them ... or uutee, breaded J Fresher Produce! Tomatoes Firm, y,t ripe .•• solid. for picture pretty 1licea in ~lads or sandwiches ! Com- pare the price ... and quality I 15~ \ .... . . . . . . . ~ . .• :::~ ... t-. .. ·.~·:• t'I .................... ""' .... the IDW ln<ome. The figure would be 11tt at $1,000 a year, or on a percentage of the rm. CountySchoolName Changed SANTA \\!IA -'!be Orup anms wllhln lbe county ml chani• will be sen\ to the Cowlty ScboolJ Oflice ooon providing tedmlcal servtcts, county Board o1 Supermor.. will carry the more formal Peter>oo uJd. but II does nol requtr. their title, "Orange County :otpart..•-;;;;;Not;;lflc;;;•;;;;doo;;;;;;ol;;;;;;the;;;;;;name;;;;;;;;;;;'PP;;'";;;;'al;;;;;;ID;;;;beoome;;;;;;;;;;ell;;;;octt;;;;_ ;;;;;;"' ment of Education." I• '!'be change ol ..,.., ef. fective July 1, was ordered by lbe °'"""' County Board of Educalioo. County School Supt. Robert Petenoa, who propooed lbe chan&e earlier In lbe DIOlllh, said the new name will be more descriptive of actual functi.., performed by his of- fice. Wilh local achoo! districts embracing almost every child in the county, the cwnty schools office supervises onJy a few special schools. It'a chief functlon is . one of coordinating education pr~ YES MAM We do have the lc;irgest stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP IJ 11.U. Nri ef ....,_, S. .. I 426 SOUTH MAIN ORANGE Celebrates New Location .420 E. 17th 646-7706 - FREE Drawing To Bo Htld April 5th -Winner Nted -Not Bo PrtMnt WIN A BIKE DURING OUR OPENING CELEBRATION WEEK MAR. 31 ·APR. 5th 3 BIKES TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE!! SCHWINN Free Free STING RAY Boy's or Girl's Model Balsa COFFEE 1 Men's 3-Speed GLIDER AIRPLANES 1 ladies' 3-Speed AND BALLOONS COME IN DONUTS REGISTER , FOJ The NOW YISITOU WHILE AT SEA SCHWINN -BE SURE TO SEE ••• THE Autocoast TERMITE! A RUGGED OFF-THE..f!OAD ALL WOOD VlHICLEI • frMt • ... I ftllfl• • 'rf'li.., ...... '9{°&.a-e ,_. •r••••• .... A~...,, ..... -·-..... ·--KIT PRICE FREE DEMONSTRATIONS •• , M•r. 31st., 1 to 3 p.m., April 2nd,. 1 to 3 p.m., •nd S•I., April 5, 10 to 12 ,,_, \ I • • ' • . • ' •' • • ' • • -·~--c---:~...,...,,......,....,,,..,""!"'.,..., ......... .,...~.,...~5~-~------•a•-~-•a•_,,..,..l!lll!,....,llll!!lll!!ll•.c ... ,.. .................... 2 .. 212212212212 ... ~ ---... -.MUM S-..!')\ Chinatown Object of SF Study SAN FllANC18CO CAP) - An lz><leplll 11udy ol I he -1,000 to 1 ,000 Cblneie newcomer1 arrl'Yin1 each YW In Ban ,.._ • ll°'id'J, Mlttb Jl, 1"9 DAILY PILOT Jt~ I WU announcod by the Bay ................... ,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.. .. ,..,.. ... ,..,..,..,..,....:::. ...... ... Area Soclal PlannJni Council. .': The influx, caused mostly I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.;.' by r..unltlng ol fllllllies since immJgratlon lawa w e r e liberallr.ed last year, bu caus- ed "a sudden and dramatic problem ol crisis p('OpOrtion.s that bu .. ug111 the Sin Ftan- c.i.sco community unprepared," said chairman N o r m a n Collver. Anguilla Funny But Not to Labor Party By PIUL NEWSOM fl•l'lltl Ntwt A1111Y1! sacrifice their own economies and thus went their separate In the British House of Com. ways toward independence. mons a Conservative membe r First to fail was a proposed .1m1e, and with sardonic federation of islands including humor demanded ot Foreign Jamaica on the north and Secretary Michael Stewart, Trinidad to the south. Jamaica "will you congratulate the pulled out first, quickly follow· prime minister for at last tak· ed by Trinidad. ing on someone his own sire?" FEDERATION FAIU It was a question reflective Britain then tried 3 federa-of the mood cf many another Briton but for the Labor lion in v•hich Barbados would government -Of Prime Minister be the largest i s I a n d , Harold Wilson it was no Barbados, too, opted out. laughing matter. That left a string of island~ For a nation trying to divest for which Britain tried variou! itself of empire, plagued by groupings, retaining foreign a division of opinion over Bri-affairs and defense in Lon- tain's role in the Nigerian civil don's hands but with home war and with the questton rule. These \rere c a 11 e d of Rhodesian independence associated states. · igtilJ unsolved after three One of these was St. Kitta- year!, the British troop Jan-Nevis, Anguilla. admini!lered ding on tiny Anguilla island from St. Kitts, 70 miles away. in the Caribbean promised to The Anguillans accused the create more problems than St. Kitts administration of it solved. tyrannf and with ignoring Anguilla's economic needs. In OPPOSITE EFFECT 1961 they declared their in- The landing ol some 500 dependence. paratroops and policemen on De!pite1 British efforts to the 35-square-mile i s I a n d restore o1d friendships, the seemed likely to have an ef. Anguillana hafe demonstrated feet oppo.!ite from Stewart's they mudt prefei Jo go their claim that Britain had acted own 'Nai, 'even t'ibough that in the interests « Caribbean way •may de in Jimbo. And stability. odier restless islands ar.e Among problems : rising juvenile dellquency -once unheard ol -and ~,. barrien. "With muy ol -lm- rnigrantl •Ulh11 in and around Cltlnatown tn San Franclsco -a community which alreody bu a popula- tion denalty -only to Manhattan, New Yori: -th1I sudden infill.I calls for m. te111ive s oc i a I planning,"" Coliver said. There bu beei:J a "virtual vacuum" of such plannin1, be said. The study is scheduled to be completed late this year and will focus on problems facing newcomers in San Francisco "but will eltend beyond San FtanclJco to the enen& neceuary to ruolve those problems:• CoHver said. • Problems arising from the new influx are most acute amoog young people, said Coliver, as indicated by rising rates of juvenile delinquency Once virtually unheard of .among Chinese. The children of newly ar- rived immigrants o.ftm know no English, som'11mes speak a dialect not wkfely used in Chinatown, and in cases where· their perentll mull wcri: are simply at 1e:a in an alltD Am<rlcan IOcloty. New imm1grad.I often can- not find jobl, IOmelimel alJo due to Ianguose dllllcultla. The council AJI It dbcerns a need fir «ientatioa and educatlooal pnllr&mS both befono and alttr lnunllrallon to JftP&le newcomn lor the life fldnc them. _,,,,. COllllCil'• lludy will be und,orlaken l!Y a _.,lttee, ball Chlooil md bllf """' tlJe reol ft, the comJlllllllly, --el will llo .... nouncedlat.r. The black residents oC Bri· threatening to follow suit. tain's dependencies an dl~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I former dependencies in the l~ Caribbean were quick to charge the action proved a two-faced policy -that Bri· ta.in would use force against blacks but not against the whites ol breakaway Rhodesia . The Anguillan affair W9.! a teapot illustration or problems that have plagued the British for 20 years in the Caribbean. The problems stem from the fact that many ol the islands are small, thinly populated, pocr and without the resources to support themselves. Larger .i.!lands, such as Trinidad, J a m a I c a and Barbadol were unwilling to YOUR OWN BUSINESS Earning Polenllll . Unlimited We offer financial assisl1nce Re i'• 91ntl1 oclorle11 Cltin•hlllet i11 Y••r •-•· Smtll T11nrt. ment. Co'"pete .treir1ing protrtfll, WeA't Tnterf.,• wltli ,,.•Miit o'c11p1tion. SEND THIS AD .01 NII llOCHUll- Universal Chlnchllla IN1ders 1120 .................. ; c.lf. C.11: (714} 170.1061 « ~ C714l ut..J161 WAIL THll Al "W estcliff Shoes Does It Again" FREE!! WIN OUR CUSTOM "DRAG FORK" BICYCLE!! I 1052 IRVINE -WESTCLIFF PLAZA, NEWPORT BEACH •• , 541 HM / ,/ / • onthemoney you can't afford to risk! 1119 natlon'e llta88tfederal.peys ~ everyday•from the day your savings are ..-lved tQ th9 day they're withdrawn, and compounds your earnings dally at thl htghest rate avallable anywhere on insured passbook savings. There's no minimum lime period required. · PLUS ... tund• received on or before the 10th of any month will earn clMdlnde from the 1 It when on deposit at the end of the quaner. Now, more tllln tlVer, the money you can't afford to risk belongs at the lllllon's illl'gelt tld•ral I 5.253 Bonus Account: (AYllllallle. 111 mulllpi. o1 s1000). Emne Ya" 11o11111 w11 ,...111owe llliullr pallbooli rm when 11e1c1 3 yean. 5.13~Pas1bookAccounts.13"m:mualJ111don1..mMfpuabook -.mta wllln 1ll llYl11111 end dlridlnd• rerneln a y11r, U IJll &% current •1&..S 1'111 II imliiWned end -.pac11111d dally for• JNr. Califor.!!_i!!,~~~!.§avings NATION'S LARGFSr FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE: 600 N. EUCLID AVE.• ~2222 COSTA llS!SA OFFICl!:2700 HARBOR BL:VD, • 548-2300 ORANGE OFFICE: 3110W. CHAPMAN AVE.• 83•3033 .-Olflot: 6610Wllohlte11"'1. Loo~ I ' Mo1111*tr. ..... 9'•m,aeo...,,.ur•·••etCheRdnla.'lflpat..twiidCotJddttt.. • ,.,,...,,_ .. , ..,ftf tt. U..9-'GC!la••••-~• IM- • I .• ••' t ' ' ' . - ~! DAILY PILOT Sen. Kennedy Back on--Banquet _°, WASlllNGTON (All) -Ed· lnlillU.. ol Sen. Haward Cln· ...,.1ry lo ,.. or l>e ll!l8'>t • llurlll_41 f 5od Ill • 11.e w J ,supporters an alJo urglna He Jpa b<on Joined In l ht s M K -'-~· non and tht Missouri appear. want to trY for the praidel)C')' Yoil-Democ:riUc dinner f6.-~Y to spuk out on Vlet.-.stanoe! by Musk.It, the Dtm~ : ward · ennedy II ~1 to ance was --by s.n. lo 1m alter bll looloC ""'lor ~ Ill tile -t orrlllo iilnl 'bl! oChoi lordp policy crallc vice tr .. ldentlal nomJ. · ttttn ta tbe banquet ~t Stuart 5Yminl1GG-Bolh .,.. tbeKviot idol' .:::' tut: Y'''" -llel1l>en Smljli\ · ....... nee Jut year. ·alter • tbree;moolhl confine-candlda\8 for!e«lectioo -ennocly, ~""" hla <leCUOll a paimlo! ~le lot'""' ~Rti be llu been crlt> In the Senate, Kennedy has 0 IJlUt to Senate chores. B u t year with cannon. tn ,.,UC. over Loa&. made lt clear be ~ of tbal state .next year. cal (JI, Preslcknt Mxoo's do-been on the job daily. ·.hb aid!. deny any Intention to ular facing· a difficult fight. ..ouJd tllck to the Senate. He H......,, •hla lldes r<pnl cll!an-lo deploy the Saleguord He voted on all of il roll l)d..l.JJU.J1.JL "Preport for ....) "~ .... ~_. _.. t1't future ••• School of Business Todor,. s~ AJIC SHORTHAN D e S•et•t•tlfil e M•ific11I ln1ur•11ce e look~''''"' e D•11t•I A1tbfin1 a When Mllsl<le deci~ !\ o t ~ a plamled~ to that ., ~Oil ·• fomlly ma~ anUmisslle ddenae systsn, calls In the nearly lllree comp<te with tbe lar· ung ~-" •· "ussell B Ja-• aiJd llmlled .to .• ~aDd Ille......, bad care-the Jut of tbe v •• _._ broth-onths Col1 has been • :.j,olilicti.nS ol Ednumd MUJk· to ~enge .-x:n. ~· • r:_.. at dinnM's '° nav Off tu _,_1r1w1 · from accept-ers bu refra~~ 1111bJic m..,slon. uei:ered tto b 11~ 111 W. Sth Phone Long, ((),La.), for tbe whip ~ ··...,·"·= ~ S•nl• Ana 543-1753 or 543-1721 :.1e, another J)Ot.enUal candi.date1_JPOll;~· ;lie~g1~v;e~as;;a.~n~aaon~~hls;__;~~-~~ ddebt=~ol~bb~)as:t.Jln&;_;;-~~-lolm~~·lWllk::ill~ln='IUa:·:· ~-~;ot~oo.;:Nl:""":~·1~ell:orta:t:o~na~me~on~a~U~se~ven~~q:uorum:J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : for tht 1m ptt!idenlial ·oomi· interest in speaking about the brother. "ROOert. Uons unUJ now. end the war. cans in that period. nation. > While the Massachusetts rDemoerat hu concentrated on 'being his party's Senate whip, • Muskie made more than 50 , speeches so far thi! year iii what he admits is an effort to lay the groundwork for a pos- :illlle bid for the Democratir nomination. Some Kennedy allies around the country reportedly f e e I tltat the Massachusetts senator should resume political speech- maki.ng to counter the favor- able impact of Muskie's a)'.r pe~rances. But the senator aides deny this is the reason for the decision. '·Ir he \\-'ere trying to com- pete \11ilh 1\1usk.ie on that score. he would do a lot more .'' a Kennedy spokesman said. Kennedy plans lo soeak Ap- ril 8 at Detroit's Economic Club en route to three days of hearings and field trips by his lndian education subcommit- tee in Alaska. He addresses a Democratic dinner April 25 in Las Vegas. Ne\•ada. and the following night speaks to a Jefferson- Jackson Day dinner at Spring- field, Mo. Kennedy plans to address the Atlantic Bar Association Mav 9, following this with a sottch P.lay 10 at a ~rnocra- tic dinner in Louisville, K11 Aii:il'S said there is a possibil- ity further politic;il spe«:hes mav be scheduled. Bllt his spokesman insisted "no special reason" for lifting the self-imposed ban on polit- ical speec:hes he imposed ear- lier in the year. "It's simply that his col- leagues are asking him to do these things and he is accept- ine:." the spokesman added. The Nevada speech is at the 'God' Cut From Arm y Lectm·es WASHING TON f AP) -The Aitny has ordered chaplains to eliminate all reference to God and re11gious philosophy in lectures aimed at ~tilling moral responsibility in its sol- diers. :An Army spokesman con- firmed the new policy Thurs· day aft'er word of it had reach- 00 some members of Con- ~. angering many of them . . The new policy was prompt- ed by a romplaint last year f to m the American Civil Uberties Union that the lec- tUres -intended to instill a sense of rriora l responsibility In soldiers-v.'ere being used as. religious indoctrination. ·The ACLU now is asking tlie Air Force and Navy to take similar steps. :'J1ie ACLU objected to nu- ' merous passages in charac- ter-guidance training man· uils. including one that told member s of the Women's Army Corps they should do their jobs well "not for re- ward ... but simply because it: is obviously the will of God." STATES PlULOSOPll\' The forward to character Jnlidance manuals. in use by the Army for . many years. S4tt·es the program is based on the philosophy of Amer- lcin freedom v.•hich "regards man as a creature of God." "As such, every soldier is responsible and accountable f{)·his Creator for the way he wi-forms his civic and mili- t~ry duty, for the maintaining o(jiis ~·n and his nation's honor. and for the quality of service he renders to his coUntry as a soldier," the manual states. "I cannot remotely under- stand what anyone finds of- fensive in this concept," said Ref>. William C , Bray, (R· Ind.) "The I e rm Creator meins many things to man~· peQPle, and all but a very tiny ll(jnority, no matter what their /aktl, do acknowledge a 'Cre- atci'' in some form." Bfay said he has asked the ArplY to explain the reason- ing behind Its decision. . BASIC OBJECTIVE i.n Army spokesman said the bilSk objectiv~ of the pt'\)gram remain unchanged. Me sald the main con.'ticlera- UoQ in ordering the change was a toldier's constltutional fiPtt ol frffdom of religion. •' .. ' , • • •· ' In . this age ofha1f~f)!nt, economy cars;iS there a place, for a 3,000~pound,.5'.-passenger sedan that] can deliver up to 30 .miles per gallon.? Many p•ople still tainli l~•Y have only two choices when it comes to buying a new car. They can lay out a littlt money for a littlt car that uses littlt fuel Or they cm spmd a big hunli ormoney for a big hunk of car that ;vv-ill drive th'm from gas station to gas station in style. Marvelous mavericli The motor car at right presents an I:hgenious third choice. Mercedes-Benz sells 15 Clefi- antly unconventional gaso line- powered models in th, U.S.-plus this, e:asily the most unconventional of all. Jt is the legendary Diesel. This marvelous maverick i5 built for people who want an economy car, but who simply refuse to venture onto today's highways in a feather- .weight, cramped machine. If you. RTe willing to makt " sizabfe initial outlay for the safety an d comfort of a big,. 3000-pound sedan, the Mercedes-Benz 220 Diesel will re- ward yo11 with f11el costs that match the flimsiest little half-pint on the road. What's more, the Diesel will eliminale many of your usual repair bills-and is likely to be s'rving you faithfu11y when m ost of today's slttk new" dreamboats." have been chopp'd up for scrap! Cuts fuel bills in half The Diesel works its incredible !uel economy in two ways. First, of course, it uses lowly f:fiesel fuel, sold at the thousands of service stations across the country where diesel trucks fill up. The price of this fuel varies from state to state. In almost all states it is lower than regular gasoline. In some slat's it costs only half as much. Second, th' Diesel sip:3 its fuel at a miserly rate. In fact, the engine bums every drop so efficiently that exhaust is virtually smoke-int. A sur~ prise to many. If you've bttn resigned to get· ting 12, 15, 13 mil's a gallon from standard sedans, brace yourself: The Diesel easily delivers over twenty·five miles to the gallon-and, on trips, when you get ful1 benefit of diesel fuel's price advantage ovu gas- oline, you CU\ average 30, 40, tvtn 50 miles for tht cost of a gallon of reguUul Many repair costs vanish The engine of the Mercedes- Benz 220 Diesel is such a gem of sim- plicity that it mtrely dispenses with • The amaz.ing 220 Diesel. On trips( it actually gets UP. to SO miles for the cost of a g11.llon of. rt!ular gas I. many parts tli'at normally end up coSt- ing you money. It has no spark plugs. No points. No condensers. Not even a c.trburetor to repair or replace. It goes and goes and goes Best of all, this 4-cylinder i:iieJd injection engine is designed to give you uncommonly reliable service- for Y'ars. Not on1y are there ttlatively few parts to go amiss, but the parts that are present have 'bt!en engine'r'd to have characteristic Merc,de:s-Beru: stamina. There's a rugged overtiead cam- shaft-and a (roe-bearing crankshaft. Twelve of the 16 piston rings att coated with expensive molybdenum, an 'xotic ..,sp•ce: age" metal that won't melt be- low 4,712 degrees! Mtrcedes·Beru: does not war- rant the Dies,) to last for 10 or 20 years. Any ca(s life depends on bow hard it is driven and how carefully it if maln· tained. But a lifetime measured ln dec- ades is no pipe dreaift, either. Of the 700,000 Diesels ii Ila, built since 1936, Merctdes-Bem csti· mates that fully 80 percent nre still l1111n1ning nlong. First, a Mercedes-Benz The engine makes the Diesel an economy car. Bui its real value lies not so much in the things that make it differenl from every other Mercedes- Benz as in the things that make it the sarne. Like every Mercedes-Benz, the Diesel is welded into being, not bolted. After 50,000 miles or so, you may be- gin to wonder if it will ever rattle. When the welding stops, the body is dunked in primer, bak,d, spray-painted, hand-sanded, sprayed again, then l1and-sprayed. Even the insides of the hubcaps are coated. To- t.i.l paint and primer rust protection: over (4 pounds. Uke ~ery Mercedes-Benz, the Diesel br:istles with sophisticat,d, ultra-performance features that are simply unavailable on. domestic sedans -at any pric,. • All-independent suspension, th"e same typt used on racing cars for maximum roadholding and minimum lurcli, wallow and sway. ... Tnut, recirculating-ball-type steering. You're in full control; no sloppy "play" in the wheel. It is fun to thread a Diesel lprough the corkscriw; turns of a mountain road. ... Beefy 4-wheel disc brakes- tlle same type employed on 200-mph Grand Prix cars for sahr, more au- t11oritativr stops. The pinnacle of safety The Diesel's almost uncanny evasive ability is its best defense against blundering motorists. How- ever, if the worst hlppms, the car is designed to shield you. Naturally it Jl'ttls all the U.S . .safety regulations. But Mercedes-Benz safety goes beyond the Jetter of these laws . The entire passenger compart- mmt is built as a sturdy "safety zone." Doors are designed to stay shut on .... impact. The front and ~ar of the car are engineered to crumple Jn a crash al a controtltd rRtl, absorbing shock and reducing the threat of serious injury. The sobtt verdict of Cnr and Dri'Ocr maguine: Of .i.ll the world's motor cars, tli:e currenl MerceC!es-Bena lin' "represents the pr,sent pinnacle in safe car engineering." A matter of pride l ike every Mercedes-Benz, the Diesel is conceived and assembled by craftsmen who take intense pride in producing a machine its owner can be proud of. SliJ1 inside and flex your l:iack. This is no marshmallow seat. It sup- ports you, mile after mile. It should: if was contoured with help from ortho-. pedic physicians. Check the rear shelf. Carpetei:L Run your finger along the finish of the car. No "orange peel" texture. N udge: the door shut. Ka-chunk. Many cars are designed to win a dmira ti on for their owners. Mercedes- Benz cars are designed to win admira- tion from their owners. Quite a distinction. 24·page brochure· If you'd like more /acts on the $4,780• Diesel-plus details of six other 1969 Mercedes-Benz gasoline:-' powered motor cars-mai1 th' coupon for a full-color brochu~. Even better, drop by the show-· room and arrange to test a Mercedes- Benz. See what it feels like to drive &1 defiantly unconv,ntional car. Other models to mull over: 250 Sedan-an unflappable road car with superb handling and braking, $5,299•. 280 SE Sedan-th' most road--1 worthy car you can buy in the luxury class, fuel-injection engine, $6,577•. 280SL Roadster-a sports car for grown-ups, combines soul-stirring perfonnance with comfort, $6,885•. 600 Grand Mercedes-the uJ- timate motor car, $23,759•. ............................ ' : M'rc'd''·Beru of North @ • Amulu., Inc. : Jim Siemon!\ Imports Inc. : 120 \Vest \Varner Av£'nue • Santa Ana, Callf. 92707 ' PJ,as' ''"d me a 24-page, full-color brochur' on lhf'. ntw gtntralion of motor u.n from Mtrctd,1-Btnz. HAM:l ADO II US CITY n .i.n ZIP • • • • . . ........................... . C:Coryrl1J\t t9'I•, P.1•rtfft .. flom "'Notti\ A1111rlca, 1nc. Jim Slemons Impo rts , Inc. i2ow.wamer'A:venue,Sant.>An1,California92101Phone :7I4-S46-4II4 ' I ' • 6ClOJ JODEAN HASTINGS, 642..4321 Mllllln, Mardi I!, '"' a ..... II Valley Club Roster Grows Growing almost as fast as the city itsell is the list of Fountain Valley organizations. So, it is only natural that a .Women's Division should be formed to assist the active Chamber of Commerce. During the first meeting .of the new group, chamber president Charles ·Dtxon Jr. explained the purpose and needs of such an organ· ization, and members from neighboring Huntington Beach Women's Division were on hand to detail what they have accomplished and what they plan to undertake. Representatives were Mrs. Jake Ste- wart, president; Mrs. Edward J. Casey, vice president, and Mrs. Charles Bauer, beautification chairman.._ Elected to lead the division through its organizational year are l\1rs. William Pulford, president; Mrs. Larry Riley, secretary, and Mrs. Edwin D. Booth, public relations chairman. Selected to draw up bylaws were the ~1mes. Joe Campbell, chairman, Richard Gillum, Lorin Lammers, William Hayes and Booth. They will present the bylaws and a nominating committee will be elected at the next meeting, scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 8, in the Security Pacific National Banlt. After bylaws are approved, the nominating committee will then propose a slate to complete the board. All women interested in the future accomplishments of the city are invited to join the group. Further information is available by calling-either the president at 847-4049 or Dixon at 962-4411 . Next on the agenda will be an open house and luncheon, hosted by Fountain Valley Mobile E states. Date and time are April 23 at 10 a.m. Already in the throes of helping the city, the Women's Division voted to undertake the sponsorship of the second Halloween Barbe.- cue in October. This will be an annual project of the newly formed group. PLANS MAPPED ~~i~g Mrs. WllliBm. Pulford (left), first president of the W 's Di\'ls1on, Fowrtllln Valley Cham)>er of Commerce,. in· ~!¥,~~P,jans and •purposes for the group are representatives of neighboring Huntington Beach Women's Divis- ion (left to right ) Mrs. Charles Bauer, beautification chairman, and Mrs. Jake Stewart, president. HOPES BLOSSOM-Members of the choir of the Community United Methodist Church In Huntington Beach hope their new fund for new choir robes will grow as fast as flowers in spring. To help the moner grow they have planned their· annual pancake breakfast for Memorial Day morning, with the flowers being arranged by the Mmes. Cliff Knudson, Joel Towler and Fred Sendra (left to right) to decorate the tables. Breakfast r,Ava.ilabfe , For Song ' . A dellcloqs bt:,akfast can be ' had .. 11exd>l'l!'oil,\l Day for a· song -.H theodlolt of the pomc ' mWUty unlted·l.f-e l b 0 d Jt.t •. Churth. in. HlllllinglOn ll<acli , c•n be perauaded, to sing while it '(f'OfU°. Choir members will ,be busy cooking and !etvirlg •the 'an- nual pancake breakfast to ; raise money for ne'T c b. o I ? , ' robes, special. music Mid wOOd ~ for·construction of riurs. ' From 1:30 to 11 a.m .. , on I breakfast day, dwrch aOd community members are bt- vlted ~o come for ham, orange juice, coffee and "all the pan- cakes you can eat" at a "song" of a price, $1 for ad- ult.I, 75 cent! for children 7 to 12 and 25 cents for children un- . der 6. Spring fiowers will decorate each table and may be pur- chased after the breakfast, ac- ' cordJng to members of the decoration committee, M r s • Joel Towler, Mrs. Fred Sen- dra and MIS! Cindy Laird. Others wisting with t h e annual event are Sendra and Mrs. Cliff Knudson, equipment and supplies, and Mrs. Fred Lee and Mrs. Joe Fisher, publicity. 'l'ht teno~ and basses will cook the vittles and the sopra- nO!I and altos will serve a n d clean up, according to M r s . David Quilling. Fashion Forecast Rosy Mesa Verde Country Club, Costa Mesa has been selected as the setting .for the third · annual dessert fashion show to be presented April 22 by the Sisterhood. of Temple Hillel. Forecasting that .. Everything's Comin' Up Roses " are mem-- bers of the committee (left to right), the Mmes. Mathias Plotkin, Melvin Lewin and Herbert Porath. Tickets, al $3, may be reserved by calling Mrs. Porath al 847-1093. · Mother-in-law Doesn't Goof by Always Staying Aloof • DEAR ANN LANDERS : James and I have been married ror seven months. His mother bugs me. She will not come to our apartment unless ahe has a formal invitation. She never telephones unless she has an earth-shaking message. Yesterday I blew my cool. I Jet her know her aloofness is not ~rmal and I resenl il. She said, a! ii she was reading out of a boot, "When a couple gelll married they are a family. 1be tn-laws, both hers and his. should assume a guest status if they wish to stay on good terms." In my opinion this is crazy. I'd love lo have my mother-in-law pop in iinex· pecledly and telephone me~ just lo chat. ANN LANDERS What do you lhink about ~ weird "code." -DOWN·TO-EARTll BRIDE DEAR BRIDE: 1 tblnk yoa've rot a 1mart. motllu-lD-law ind hip cl1ss worritl. Coant )'our bleslhlp, Petun.IL DEAR ANN : I never thoiJght I'd be wrltJng. I'm a lady PhD, but don "t get 'the Idea I'm brilliant. I'm not. My family managed , to keep me in achool until I "as ZS years old. Alter 22 years d marriage I"m ready to conleY t'm a flop as a wife and no howling succeas u a mother. My husband a1ways has been an excellent provider but beyond that he has coot.rlbuted nothing to his family. I've tried. without success, to preserve the: illusion that Father ii head of the family. I fooled no one. Our older boy is currently dodging ~the rfr11rt in Europe. OUr eldest daughter mi. . ied a non man just like her father . She lived with her bwband for all ot two wee.kl and now ill al home trying to mend her life. My question: should I leave my hus- band before our rmwlnlng three kid! are completely wrecked! Or lhou1d I stay and tell them their father is a paulve weakllng and Mother bu developed emoUonal qia1e1et like a lady wrestler -and that IDOlt oL. their trouble. stem from UU.? Pleaae help me. -CALIFORNIA PULP DEAR CAW'ORNIA: You llltdJI~ ttll yoar cblldrn anything. If dtey art I yean of ace .. elder, &bey 1lready know. l\ty 1dvltt Is to &et some COW11dlq for tllote kids. And 1oa CtUJd ue Mme therapy yoaneU. Luvill.1 you •••band woold IOl•e 10 problam. I& naJd ooly add k UtOM 101f .... live, wldcll are -... .... DEAR ANN·LANDERS: M1 girl's hlgh ICbool and mine are bluer entmies on the buketl>all coort. Soon the two teams, wtD meet for tile clly champlOlllbip. If I alt on her aide I wW have to keep my mooth ahut or be tlle only ooe in the bleacben 1•lllng for my team. She uyi she won't ao to the ·game 'With me unlys she can alt on her echoo1'1 aide and root for her team. What's the IOluUon! -HIS OR HERS DEAR HJS: The 1ol1tlon ll to mtel after the 1ame. Yoa'U boUt P,.it 1 betcer time II )'OI II& wit.II )'Ollr ICHol pall ud root for yoar own tum. Give in or be him ... when a fUY givts you this line, look out! For liP-' oo how to handle the supenex salesman, check Ann Landen. 8'1d her bootlel, "Necking and Petllng -What Aro tho Li.milt?" Send your rtqueSt to Amt Landers in care of thia oewap1per, enclosing 50 cents in coin and a Jon1, stamped, aelf·addressed envelope. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to htr In care of the DAlL Y PIL<?'!r enclosing 111 aelf-addrused, sllmpea enveLope. ·• ·. . .. .. '• . . • M*'1, Mltdl ,l, 1169 HELPING EACH OTHER -Mr.;. Frank R. Usedom of Newport Beach drives J oey Good, '4, of Costa Mesa to the Rehabilitation Center for Crippled Children and Adults or Orange County each week for speech therapy. His reward? A better life ahead through better speech and improved self-expression. Her re- 'vard ? The satisfaction of helping others. Volunteers Needed Have Some Free Time? Find Someone to Help Aid Given In Institute Expla.ined soft, flatterin9 and sheer Magic on Bill VOILE PRINTS fabulous designs, great new colors to go anywhere, every- where, all spring ind summer ' • "SUNRAY" celenese polyester ind cotton §TITI~ • Malchmade Solids • Flock Voile Prints • Salin Stripe Prints . . . .98c $1.49 yd. $1. 79 yd. .• Sunshine Group, s e c o n grade Blue Birds from Peter· son ;wd Perry schools v.•ill •• presehl a magic show and •• demonstrate t h e i r magical don't miss 'this fabulous selection of spring voiles «"/-15" wide BONDED 9uar. washable .. . . r .. . . -.. ·. ' , --' •. , , .• • ' • . . powers in the home of their leader. 1'.trs . Hal Perrin of Huntington Beach, next' \lled- nesday at 3 p.m . An evening show wiU be of- fered at 7 for parents. Sweet Adelines Harborllles Chapter, Sweet Adelines convenes every Mon- day at B p.m. for meetings In College Park School, Costa 1'.fesa. Mrs. Pal Partin, 540- 0870 will answer questions regarding the choral group. HB TOPS OO's TOPS OO's or HunUngton Beach meet ev'ry Thurtday •t 9:30 a.m. in the Community Metbodi!t Church, Hunllngtoa Beach. 1'.frs. Howard Simon at 961-1711 will answtr quu- tionJ regard ing membership . NDH FlUITS .. nonAILIS fOIGANICI -·-,,.. ....... 11 842-2169 ACRYLIC KNITS easy care, ihe lu-sh new knits that pack and 90 everywhere txce:lent spring color selections VALUES TO $3.98 YARD 58" lo 60" widths acetate tricot lining I 1, ,\ t • I ! • HONER PLAZA I 1th •I lllSTOL SANTA ANA 14)·1111 SOUTH COAST PLAZA HUNTINGTON. CINTIR COSTA MlSA IRlSTOL ef SAN DllGO FWY. 145·1 It• 1 lDINQIJI et llACH HUNTINGTON IEACH '''·10!) • for Easter. .. • FASHION PERMANENT f'ULL••TOlf OrlllPfalr Ceftttr 2nd,.., 171.QO HUNTINITaJI •UCN Huntll!Pll c.,.,., 2nd floor, 87771 ROBINSON'S AND EM OISE Sportswear Psych-Out April 1969 lllWl'Ottf IU.CN ........ llltM w """"· ~Jiii Analyze the whol11 dreamy s portswear scheme in the pages or Mademotsell ~. Then, head ror Robinson's and see the s uper s ummer"' s portswear ln all its ult .... -ree.11~. Each plece deslgned to psyctj-out the real yw ••• wrm- colored newjeens and see-thl"OUgh tops ••. shiny s hirts end Betty Gl"8ble shorts •• ,cal"<flgans that go to .great lengths , .. polos by the kilo. Everything to give ywr ~er wardrobe super-soul, See our Sportswear Psych-Out, on the Upper L:evel In Newport, Tuesday, Aprll 1 to Saturday, Aprll 5, ROBINSONS NEVVFDRT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 . . . • ,.-~--·------ ' . DIJi.Y I'll.OT 15 Lutheran Ceremony Belinda Baker Marries Honeymooning In Mexico before est.abllshlng lhelr fir.st home ln West Hollywood are newtp·ed Mr. and M r s , ROllald IJ. Trocke Jr. The Rev. James Blain directed lhe vow etchange in Newport Harbor Lu l he r an Church ror the daughter oI Mrs. Doyle E .. Smith of Costa Mesa and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronad H. Trocke of Carmichael. Tbe former Belinda Joyce Baker was given in marriage by her stepfather, and she wore an A-line gown of satin, trimmed with lace and seed pearls which also outlined her chapel length train. A lace and crystal cluster held her illusion. veil, and forming her bouquet v.-ere \\'bite roses. stephanotis and orchids. Empire pink gowns with white lace trim and bouquets al red roses v.•ere selected for her entourage. Serving as maid of honor was Linda O'Brien; bridesmaids were S h i rle y Baker, the bride's sister, Marilyn h1ontroy and Susan Trocke, the bridegroom's sister. and junior bridesmaids were Patricia Smith and Wan- da Kay Smith, Kilty Aphia Smith carried the bride's train, and flower girls were Vanessa Lynn and Evalina Diane Smith. Attending a~ best man was Gordon Roy Jensen of San Diego, while ushe{S were Ronald L. Leonard o f Cannichael, Robert E. Whitney of South Gate and Karl Koppe of Los Angeles. Welton Lewton was the soloist. Assisting at the reception in the Newport Beach Ebe\I Clubhouse were Mr. and r-.1rs. Marlen Jenkin:; of Co~ta 11esa. MRS. RONALD TROCKE JR. Former Belinda Baker 1fr. and Mrs. ?-.1el Ericksons of Huntington Beach end Mr. and h-1rs. Lewton of Hun- tington Beach. Special g u e s t s .attending \li'ere Mrs. Martha Phillips of Des ?o.toines, the b r i d e ' s grandmother ; Mr. and Mrs. Marion LaBrush of Phoenix, her aunt and uncle, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jaynes of Fre- mont, her cousins. The bride is a graduate of Costa Mesa High School,. while her husband is an alumnus of La Sierra High School, Cannichael. He a t t e n d e d American River J u n I o r College and served with the U.S. Marine Corp:! in Vietnam. Horoscope Winter Retreat Planned Leo: Reward, Promotion Due TUESDAY APRIL 1 · LONDON (UPI) -Prlocesa MarJu<I and Lord Snowdon .,. thlnkln1 ol bulldinl a vacaUoa retrtat In the Carib-•!' SYDNEY OMARR bean to 1et a brtU from '"!be wlle man controls bll. the Brlllsh winier. t:;Aley • • • AM>lol)' points They already own the land the way." -a plot "° M...Uque. a tiny AlUEI (March II-April It): laland in the Wlnd!tard cbalo. Elpand ccnlacta. Accent 00 wblcb WU liven to the public r<latioos. Excollenl fOC' pclnceaa by an old fri<nd and fonner elCOl't u a weddinc partnenhlpt, maniqe. Tie up ._ ends. Hive expert cbect 11lft nine .)'W'I aao. contractual details. Yoo c a n Last month, Margaret In-save money in this manner. spected the land and ll.tened to local advk:e on buUdlnl TAURUS (April :IG-May 20): when she took a Caribbean Work conditions improve - bolld so do employment~ ay. portunld". You 1aln needed L«d Snowdon wu busy .. cooperaUon. working on a televis i on documentary about anlmala when his royal wife new out to be the bouselfll"I ol bis uncle, former stage dtalper OUver Mf:llf:I, It, who alwaya entertainl with winter parties at bis adopted bome in Barbados. Frm:n Barbador, Princtu Muprot Ailed over to Muall- que with the Wand'• owners, Lady Anne and lbe Hon •• ,Colin Tennanl Tennant WU a leadinc member of the famo111 Morprat aet In 1-be!Cll'e tbeJr mpectlve merrlqes, , Tennant married th6 daugbler ol the Earl ol Leicester. The laod .., MUllJ- que WU bis gift to the . prtnc.ss on be!' weddin( lour years later. Both Margartt and,Snowden are fond of Caribbean life, parUcularly tho llri!mnlni and water akilnc· GEMINI (May II.June 20): Your love nature la activated. Chl]d..., coold play paramount role. Streu bumony at home. Don't risk eecurlty f o r "thrill. '1 Right move depends upon your degree of matwity. CANCER (JUD< 21.July 12): Review property values. What you own «MJld be worth more th:L, yOu Imagine. One who talks behind your b a c t rece!ve1 reprimand. Build on IOlld bee. Go after fact,,1 dilcard rumors. I.BO .(July 23-Aug. 12): Sb<rt journey Is favored. Develop ldeu. Solidify plllllS. A 11 um e t e • p ooalbllity. Reward, promotion Is Jn. dicated. Creative endeavor mffta with lllCCUI. Proceed With confidence. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ol behind the scenes. Special honor could be m<led out by clUb, organlzatloo. SAGmABIUS (Nov. 22-llec. 21): Reach beyond apJlll"nl llmltalloos. Friends, hopes an<! wlsbes .,. emJilaslted. Sense of timing Is sharpened. Y"' can be at right place at right time. CAl'BICORN (Dec. 12.Jan. It): Pmllge, standing lo community ii .. the rise. Those· in 9uthority favor your ldeu. Push ahead on bustoes., career plam. Don't dele1ate dltiel. AQUARlllll (Jan. ZO.Feb. II): Good lunar aspect loday coincides with favor ab I e results from writing, publishing. Your views are received wt th enthusiasm. Keep communicaUon 1 l n es open. You're due for news from afar. PISCES (Feb. It.March 20): One close to you could have financial windfall. Be happy, not envious. Accent on what was hidden. You get additional fact.1. They prove beneficial. Know this and be: confident. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY social 11 f e Im. proves ; so do opportunities for self-expression. You are Inventive, original. B u t you must learn to control tendency to be domineering, GENERAL TENDENCIES: Lunar position favorable for ll!hlng. To Otcltr Svllrlay om1rr't ~ boolllef, TP!t Tnilll Abor.rt Allroloov, 1tflll Sii etnh hi Om1rr Bontlet Thi! DAILY l"ILOT, t u 32AO. Gr;;;.cl Cfflt••I Sf1tton. New vwic. N.Y. 10917. Couple Wed • Laguna Beach Flnlsb ralher than lllJU.le P'°" ject. Hold ffilll Ugbt on budctl Fln•nclal indications "" lmnble. But doo't try too much too ooon. M..,.ge cryNkJur by lolllgbl Nuts 'n Nibbles Attending meetinp <Vfrf Friday at 10 a.m. a r e members of Fountain Valley Frost your hair and di11cover a ·new~you! 15.00 Reg. 25.00. Includes frosting and loner, Illa! a glamorous way to enhance the natural beauly of your ha Ir! Hurry in--0ffer Is for a limited time! Shampoo and set additional. Beauty Studio,' • LIBl\A (Sept. B-Od. 22) Nuts to Nibbles TOPS Club. sleeves. lfer full elbow length cousin of the bride. cetved ~BS ln Eq:lllb trom ,C,Cle blJh; your lnfluence 'Ibe women have selected the .-,...-4i!l e c: illusion veiling was caught to 11frs. Fred Wirth of Escon-California state Po!ytecbclc spreads. You get what you Recreation Center in Hun· llanieur~s . Pedicures, facials, electroly$1S a white crepe rosette head· dido, aunt of the bride, was Colle-, San t.uil 1'16w1--'"''"~ need. Messqe bearing 11ood. tington Beach for th e l r piece and she carried white the soloist. will ~ her ~ .;;_ news due to arrive by early meeting place. Mn. Tom ....,.., c...-•l '•*"kin Isl,. • '*2200 • ' Baskets of yellow and white gladioli adorned the altar of St. Catherine's C a t h o I i c Church in Laguna Beach. when Kathleen Gibson end Dennis McGuire exchanged wedd ing pledges and rings be- fore the Rev. Patrick Calla- nan. and yell-Ow daisies. During the rectption Mrs. ing credential IDd MA. In Ena'· evening. Take initiative. Be Spine at 197-'IBM will answer 'llori.,l111•s..,F1L 10:00 \In 9:30 00.-Dl)'ll lo:aD !!' 5'-39 The daughter of the Phillip Eric Carlson of N e w p 0 r t llsh in Jane. Her bU!band Is a independent in thought, action. ~q~-~·ons~~a~bout~!:.the~gr~ou~p:_, _'..::==============·==' ===~ A. Gibsons of Laguna Beach Beach circulated the guest senior ardtltectun.I student at SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): h asked her cousin. Miss Steph-book. Following, the newly-, Cal Poly. Take time to ttllect; don'l T e Great Orange Coast's ant De Fina of Reseda to be weds departed for a hooey ,. The 1-• -• The noon nuptial mass was followed by a reception for 150 guests in the Laguna Beach""Women's Club. An or- cbestrfl perfonned after th e newlyweds were congratulated by special guests, Mrs. Minnie De Fina ol Esciindido and Mr. and 111rs. Bert Gibson cl Geneva, Ohio, the bride's grandparents. maid of horlor. She wore a full · • ccuple wlD t.sde In San ~ fW must m-• im- length yellow crepe ensemble moon m Sanla Barbara. Luis Obllpo Iller their -'" m<dlalo dec!Jdon. Much ol No. 1 Paper! with a short white veil held to ·~Tho~~-~~Mr~s.~M~cG~mtt~·~re-~~di~·n~(~trlp.~~~~~~~~~wba~t~700~~-~~il~ta~bo~~care~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a yellow crepe headpiece. The honor attendant carried whit'e daisies in her bouquet. Miss Libbie Toscano Of Temple City was bridesmaid in a full length lime green dress and carried white daisies. The former r-.liss Gibson, given in marriage by her father, selected a whi te full length crepe gown bound in wide ivory French lace with stand·UP collar a n d short The son of the V. L. Mc· Guires of La Canada sele<:ted Bruce McGuire, his brother, to stand as best man. Usher· ing guests to their pews were Barry 111cGuire, another brother and Mark Rodgers, i NO MONEY DOWN "' 10,~':1~"'"' CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE AHD SHOP AT HOME S!ll:VICI ovr ,n1..,11tnilly lr•lned d«or1Mr w111 dmo to rovr !Wm• "' effl<i •• , l1y .,. eY..ilnt , •. wllll lh1 "11HI nll!Sliell Hlfdlot, <If 4llr1pery or urpel umplft. Nt otlllt•IJG11, ., CHl'M. FROM YOUR AREA CAU 548-8242 01 l40·66S1 BEAUTI PLEAT DRAPERY & CARPET aAL• ENTllE STOCK OF FAIULOUS DIAPEIY f.All:ICS IEDUCtD TO 20% TO 40% Wiiy Sett!. '" Ordh1ory Dropftiff7 Add coklrfl.ll E•clte.._t IC Y1>1.1r Room ()to<:CH' ••• Will! Sold N"'° ldffll •I'd OaignJ! • l'rtl!Cll """' .. ., T .. l •c-l • s .... . ""--e V•ltMl'I e Avllr•lllR CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES ... ~ S4.f5 yimf NOW ONLY A llllVIOlll COll«lkwo or """" 411o1llty dKOrlllor '•l>rlcl ll'l(lllOlng 'Klllrs of ,.111, Of h19'1 1ryi. boucles, '°"'""· $1~~. y< •• ,_,. •nd dllmei.l1ct ••• •lt ••'-pr!C*I. DRIVERY IN 7 DAYS "'''"''-MC:--. '"'•I• "' .. ...,. --w.111,,..., '"""" Y"' 1.utw, ,.,.,.. .ttl<lffll H!"fkt. ,. .. r ... 1M1111 ,. .... Mr t•lhloM"lf 1rv11..,, tll• tlnnt ~•"'-"re. ..,,.,.... .. ,. ... " .. " '"' llltt•1i.11M. OUI WOll.MANSHI' IS SU,lll HAIDWAll ' IODS cur TO OIDll EAUTIPLEn DRAPERY & CARPET CALL FOi Fllll ESTIMATE 548 8242 SHOP•Al ... OMI SUYICI • NO MONEY DOWN •• TO. --TO • ., . ~. come to the Kiku Tea House and learn about the ritual of the bath Como to tho T •• House end loorn the lore of Orient el treditions thet trensform mere bathing into a ritual. Come experience Kiku, the fabulous Faberge fragrance in a col· loction of both forms, presented to you in yellow locquered richness. We invite you to come end spend e happy moment in our Tee House, et Mey Co Coste Mesa. Mondey, Morch 31 through S.turdey, April 5. •· ofter.b oth cologne 5.00 b. both powder in • yenow globe • 5.00 A 'r reosuro Chest of Kilu Both Mogic ond Fob.ergo Beouty Makers is yours es e complimentary gift with a purchase of 5.00 or more from the Kilu .Collection, moy co cosmetics :ioo :tv«i A Y 00 iMy co IOlltli coet plaa, tan dleto fwy at brlstOI, costo ~: 546-9321 lat 10 amto9;:3~0~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;r;;iiiiii~:;,;;;;~ ,, MRS. C. D. BRIDGES Exchanges Vows Squares 7129 Go out Into the <piing IUIWrlne In this femlnlne jacket -pretty in white or pastel&. crocheted lace bas the c:rfsp loot fashion Joves. Join easy- to-memorize 4·lnch squares of 1tring into jacket. Pattern 7129' •iw 32-:14: ~ Incl. FIFl'Y CENTS (colM) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for first.class mallinf and special handling; otherwise third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Seod to Alice Brooks, the DAI- LY PILOT, Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N. Y. 10011. Print Name, Addms. Zip, Patten Nambtr. Giant, new 1MI Needlecraft Catalog -over 200 designs to choose, I free patterns printed in.side. Send SO cents now. NEW! "SO INSTANT GIFTS'' -fabulous fashions, toys, decorator accessories. Makt: tt today, give it tomor- row! Ideal for all occulcms. 50 cents. "11 Jiffy Rup" to tnit, crochet, weave, sew, hook. fiO cents. Book of U Prtze Afghan,. 50 c e n t 1 . Bargain! Quilt Book I baa 18 beautiful pat~ern.s. 50 cents. MnHm Quilt Boot I -pa~ terns far 12 mperb quilt!. SO carts. Book 3. "Qu!lll lo< Today'• Uvlng:." 15 pattema:. 50 cents. I Re bekah Lodge Triple Lint Club d. Mesa llebekab Lodi• hll meeUng1 the lour1h !lfondey al I p.m. • Chapel Ceremony Establish · I in Arcata Newlyweds First Home 1 bome In Arcata after bend, abo an alumnus of _,,,......,, In the San lfBllll. attendl H u m b o I d t Diego a1'M are newlyweds Mr. State College, Arcata. and Mn. C1anoce D. Bridges,--------- who O>thanged wedding vows llOd rings In Chapel ol !he Belli, Anaheim. 'lbe bride, the f o r m e r Oi<ryt Klng, Ill !he daug""" ri Mr. and Mn. J.B: King Jr. ri Hunllnlt<m Beecil and tbe bridegroom 11 the ooo ri llfn. Katherine Bridg.a al Seal Beech ml the late Mr. Wllllam Bridgea. For the earl,J afternoon ceremony, the new ltlrs. Bridges selected a p i n k sletvdeas dress with rolled collar and matching lace cost. "Her 8houlder length veil was caught to a matching crepe headpi<ce fashioned ri lheee rosebuds, and she carried an arrangement of white cam&- tions and pink rosebuds. 'The bride's sister, Mrs. Mike lfughes of Huntington Beach attended her as matron of honor, wearing an empire gown of violet colored crepe and carrying a bouquet -0r violet carnations. The bridegroom's brother, Max: Bridges -0f Seal Beach, served as best man and guests were escorted to their seats by Mike Webster and V.S. Cook. Following the ceremony the newJyWeds received t h e I r guest! in the chapel's recep- tion ball and cut a four-tiered cake surrounded by pink carnations. The new Mrs. Bridges is a graduate -0f Huntiiigton Beach High School. Her bus-- Toastmistresses Surlside Clubhouse in Hun· tiilgton Beecil Is the meeting place ~ members o{ Las Olas Toastmistress Club of Huntington Beach on the R· cood and fourth Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. ( Beauty SHEIL A CARTER Engaged Costa Mesons Will Marry During July The betrothal o£ Sheila Carter to I.any Laidler was disclosed during an inform al dinner In the home of Ule' bride-elect. 11!1.!s Carter, daughter of ?tfrs. Freda Carter a n d Lawson Carter, both ol Costa Mesa, ill a graduate of Newport Harbor Hlgh School. Her £lance, 60ll of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Laidler of Costa Mesa, is an alumnus of Costa Me.ea liigb School. Both plan to attend Baptiat Bible C.Ollege in September. The betrothed have selected July 12 for their wedding in the Fir.st Baptist Church, Co!i.a Me6a. . ' Weddings, Troths Pilot's . Deadlines To help IUJ 'equiremenla on both ~ ding and ~ngagemenl 1torl~1 lonn1 are avall· able in all nf the DAILY PILOT ofllces. Further questions will be answered by SodAI Notes staff members al 84~321 or 494-D488. To avoid disappointment. proapectl•t· brides are reminded to have their wedd!n& stories with ,black and white glossy pho~ graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depott- ment prior-to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcements tt ta suggested that Ibo story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy p 1 c t u re, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are sh: weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted. - Garners Select Home In Huntington Beach . t . "! r:r . . ~ ·-\ Women Boost Wig Business JJ DON BAaT0.10 JAXAllTA (UPI) -Tho 1ftlDlll of Java. Inclooetsl1'1 ll10ll populoua ltland, -r their hair ruchlnf to their -Tboy believe that loo& hair -to their femlnfno cbanm, -their hair llrama down their -~ "' Ill tied In the 'trad!Uonal kande (ID aR- ful -). But .... fatblCllJt ml budpt probfemt at -.... cautfnl more and men wtmm to lole: lbe!r 1.., locb. Bunny Has Area Date illlnd beautleo WMrlnl coJ. .mil -ml jet blacl< hair cucadlnc from their aboulden IDiy d!lappear ... ctpl for tbe travel !olden. N.,. llYlea In drea and balr a«ounl !or oome ol the lool. Bllt the main reuon Java ~~~-~ hair fer wto bu become a 1ucrau .. i.w-. Lone. blade, silky b a I r brlnp 11 much u 110 per lril- agr&ml (Upoun4s) on !he apot ...-In Jakarta. '!be demand for hair 1s so sreat that robbers armed with ldaaon have cut treue. from ....... In poc:Ud ...... "' walklnc aloog crowded Jabr· ta-. Java'• expon:s of human hair to Hong Kong average $500,000 per month. ranting 1lldonesil first In the market Word bu leUod out that after Commun!.rt China. the Eut« Bunny ,,W be tn Older women ree1at the Ttf"Vlllt 1'11119 BARBRA MACHADO August D.1te Betrothal News Told At Party Home In Huntington Beach following a Carmel honeymoon are Michael Sae Garner -0f Huntington Beach and his bride, the former Ruth Ann Gric us who were married in Garden Grove Community Church. Costa 11..eea en Saturday, April trend. "I would fed naked if FrieOOs and relatives af a, to dlltribute brightly~ I cut my hair,"• woman with Barbra Ann Machad<> ol Foun- and Easter eggs to children several teenage daughters lain Valley and Ml ch a e I ol the Halecr<st Club In the said. William Kelly ol Balboa Island 'nmathy Gamer aerved his part C'N. ol. the cluhhouee. But the daughtm take a learned al dieir engagement brother as be6t man, and Beside bunt1ni fa' egp, differeM view. "Hair will aJ.. during a party In the home ushers wen Jfrl'Y J.cbon ot the more than 100 children ways grow bact," llid one of the bride-elect'• parents, HLBJtmgtoa Beach IDd Jim apected wUl enjoy garnet and young woman. "And with the Mr. and Mrs. Lee Machado Parents of the bridal COU· ple are Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Grirus o{ Anaheim and Mr. and Mrs. ·:ri.telvin R. Garner al. Huntington Beach. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride wore a white organza and lace gown and a cyrstal crown which held her lace trimmed veil. ln a defp rose dress was Sandi Jackson of Anaheim, maid -Of honor, while pastel pink gowns were selected for the bridesmaids, Doima Mae Gricus, the brdde'a sister and Kathy Egan of Cypress and the junior bridesmaid, Judy Garner, the bridegroom's sister. Flower girls were Carey and Kim Aroo. S~~--~ ~ relrelbmenu. hadalrpl-they 11have now-ol Foonlain VaUey. i.cven ~ w. >wJ .-eu Mrs. Jcim CWn ls pllnning a ys, you can ways wear Mbs Machado is 1 graduate was the ring bearer. the pony and allliltlog her the trad!Uooa! hair -il you ri Bolsa Grande High Schoo~ During tbe receptiOn f« 300 ace the Mmes. E u I e n e have to.'' Garden Grove and 1s attending ~-"' ~~~!' 1 •o1· Paplbam, G<raJd Poardl llOd Orange Coast O>llege where ----. ~~...,..an Jobn Comoll. she la a member ri Epsiloo Anahdm cin:ulated the guest NB Auxiliary book. A private nceptioo (]!lldreo In the club will Delta. followed at the home ot. the emjoy rwllnm!ng du r 1 n g 1be Ladles' AUJ.iliary or Her fiance, son of Mr. and bride's parentt. Euter vacation weet in the Newpm Beach Fire Depart-Mrs. William Kelly o f The bride will graduat.e in club'• two heated po o 1 s • ment gathers the t b j r d Anaheim, i!!1 a graduate of June lmn Magnolla Hlgh Ille~ will be oo duty Wedoeoday ol eech moolh at Anaheim High School and School, Anaheim, and her bUJ.. fnm 11 a.m. to I p.m. daily. I p.m. in various locations. Fullerton Junlor College. bMd ii a graduat.e al Marina Families mterelted Jn the ImcnnaUon regarding location The couple plan to marry Hlgb School. Hun tin Ito n club lll01 contad Ille pnai-may be obtained by U.iephon· Aug. 13, in St. Barbara '• Beach. He now Ill oerving In -. Dove Ldgblm, 145-'llOe. Ing Mn. T.C. Dilley, 14M635. C.tbolic Oiurch, Santa Ana. !he U.S. Muine Corpo. ,---------------"--------'--- Waist ·Watchers TOPS Waist Watcher1 assemble every Thunday at 7 p.m. in Cir<!• View School, · HW!llngton Beoch. I ~::-Hs-~i:;s EYE-CATCHING CURLS- ,,,.y 1>e ca11..i tor oddltlOGal EYE-HOLDING COLORS-INSTANTLY WITH ~. I DOING YOUR . THING? "W• do too. And moll of our "°l.np' Sttm to ehel htl: you folb in ket TOUR thing going • U.t'I what v.-e do bee:L 'Stop by, bear." The KNIT WIT Pho11.- 141·2112 SOUTH COAST PLAZA a..ww Mall Att-on fr•lfl Woolworth'• lrl1t_. •f tlta Sa11 Dl•to frwy, COSTA MESA Let our stylist's deft fingers shape your new coif -then just flow thla wonder- working rinse onto your hair: • • colon Instantly-and lhampoos out when you wish! • need& no peroxide, no alter-rtruiei • colon to cover gray, to tone bleached balr, to refresh faded hair! Ntwoort lludl, Collf. illJ ....._. 11¥C. _ ......... ....... '11-1'11 Art11I-. Collf. ~J'C:.t ""'• .... _. Cotto Mota, Collf, 171 I . l1"1 lfrMt """1•1r c..ntw --Orano« Calif. =.w~ RO~X \ Cotto M.11, Call!. UOO Hlrbclt" lllVll, K-M•rl Pltl.t --S1nt1 An1, C1llf~ IM W•ll'!ll111.I• ,_ "'"' li'llft 1<11.,. • RINSE 75¢ '225 :~ui ::;~~'--~-·-- Monday tin Tinnday f ... ~., 5 p.m. ---·-$2.501 Fri., Sat., s ••. --.. ···-· $3.00 Cost• Me.11, Calif. ,. w ,.,~ )lfHf ..... ...... fount•ln V1lioy, Calif. l mt M1t!'Oll1 v1111,. '"'"" "'-tu-al fountol n Volley, Collf. W.I E.t!-•I hdi. Yltlf)' ~191'" _.,_ ~~--~-~~~~~~~·-........ ~. ,, .J':-°4~~-.--.-,-;--i-;,.~.-;-~.,,.~,-:-~:-:'"'!"~'·'"='"::-~~.'"'!".~-~-~-~-~-~ZSZS'~.~.!"'l".~~~-~l~f"'!"~~,.,.!"!'"ll)l~)llfll'lm!f~LS ........ lllll"'lllll'i!•l!ll!.•l~i ..... !J.Slili&ISl!IJISIJll .. !li!li!IZlll!IZlllll!ll!llll .............. I I I t . -Monday, Mardi: ,l, 1969 DAILY PILOT J'7 .. ( . Sharon Nicolson Now s·ride I of Dr. Bainbridge Hawaiian Honeymoon ... • • • Tustin Home Chosen Dr, Eiden W. Balnbrldp of Fountalo Valley c I a Im e d Sharon Ann tll<ollon u 1111 bride during olngle ring rllel pttformed by Ibo Rev. Dr. Raymond Beckerlng In the Garden Grove Community Chapel in the Sky. The bride, daughter of Mrs. Eleanor Nicolson of Anahelm, was given lD marriage by her grandfather, Richard Wllkim. She woni a gown of chanUlly lace with chapel train. A crown of lace and seed pearls he1d her illusion veil, and abe carried white carnations centered with orchidJ. Mn. Wes Kangu of Santa Ana, matron of honor, wwe a turquoise with white lace gown and carried matcblng carnaUons. The bridegroom a s k e d Carter Walters of Yorba Linda to be his best man, wblle usher duties were assumed by Chester G, Herzberger and David Homme, both o f Fullerton. Candlelighter was Dwight Bainbridge, t h e bridegroom's son, and soloist was Mrs. Jay Tesch of Fullerton. Special g u e s t s attending from Klnpley, Iowa were parentJ of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bain- bridge. Following a Hawaiian honeymoon the newlyweds will reside in Fountain Valley. Kathleen Rolfe Recites Pled~es • Arrangements of spring nowers decorated the altar of St. James Episcopal Church, Newport Beach when Katbleen Ann Rolfe became the bride of Jon P. Roberts. The Rev. Jobn P. Ashley II performed the double ring rites !or the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ro~ and the aon of Mr1. Jane Roberts, all of Newport Beach and Clay Roberta of Los Angele•. Oiv'en in marriage by her father, the bride spoke her vows In a goWn of English net wtth ~elgian lace. Her cathedral length veil and was caught to a headpiece of matching lace, and forming her spray were white carnations and baby's breath. Attending her sister as maid of honor was Patricia Rolfe who wore an American beauty red dress with a wblte organza pinafore .. In similar gowns, featuring pink pinafores, were the bridesmaids, Mrs. Christopher Drover of Fullerton, Miss Judy Jones of Los Angeles, Miss Marianne Warwick and Miss Katherine Jacobs, Costa Mesa and Mrs. Jerry Kauulic, Newa port Beach. All carried baskets with pink carnations. Serving as J.test man was David Haight, while ushers Were Drover, Randall Rolfe, the bride's brother, Arthur France, her cousin, Michael Crouch of Garden Grove and Joseph Brozick of Westminster. David Lane was the ring bearer. Soloist was Miss Susan Henderson. A reception followed in the garden at the home of the bride's paroits where 150 well-wishers were asked to sign the register by-Pamela France, the bride's cousin. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rush of England, the bride's great-aunt 'and uncle, Col. Arthur C. Rush of Wash· ington, D.C., her uncle, and Miss Valerie Roberts of North Hol· lywood, the bridegroom's sister. After honeymooning in Hawaii, the bridal couple will establish their first borne in Tustip. The bride, a 1965 Childrens Home Society debutante, is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and Orange Coast College. She now is attending California State College at Fu!· ... .._,.... lerton. Her husband is a graduate of Costa Mesa High School MRS. JON P. ROBERTS and OCC and is a senior at CSCF. Former K•thletn Rolfe The bride i.! a ,graduate of Fullerton Junior College, at· tended Chapman College and now is studying at California State College at Fullerton. Her husband is a ,graduate of the College of Vet-:rlnarian Medicine , Iowa State University. Til'Yll .. PMlt MRS. ELDEN W. BAINBRIDGE ·-------------------!P-••.r Hawaiian Honeymoon MRS. WILLIAM V. SHRYOCK EJCch1ngt1 Vfl'lts, Rings Shryocks In Puerto Honeymoon Vallerto Honeymooning In Puerto Sharen Lynne: Brown of Studio Vallerta are William Victor Cily, maid of honor. Shrynck of Corona del Mar In identical gowns and car· and hi.a bride the former rying identical bouquets were Susan Diann AJbln of Newport the bridesmaids, Miss Jill Beach who ei:changtd vows Woodworth of Santa Paula, and rings before the Rev. M1ls Penelope Proud, LI David Crump Jn St. James Habra and Mrs. Bruce B. Epl.&copal Church. Albin of San Franclsco, the Parents of the bridal ~le bride's '1.ster·in-Iaw. are USN Capt. (ret.) and rs. Attending as best man was George Waugh Albin of Los Patrick McCoy of N---' Altos and Mrs. He 1 en ............ l>JRocher of Inglewood and Beach, and guestl were seated the late Mr. Charles Richard by Albert Odenath of Corona Shryock. del Mar, Dr. Jame! Luchl, Given In marriage by her Loi An&eles and Bruce Albin. father, the bride wore a floor Soloist was Jon Vorlaek. length gown of alencon lace Circulating the guest book over wbUe fame, !aah!oned during the receptlon In tbe with a wedding rinl collar, Balboa Bay Club wu Mia ~arter length 1leeve1 Sandra Anne Shyroct, the and train. brldegrnom's lister. A starbu.rst headpiece af The nnrlywedJ will rulde alencon lace, sprinkled "1th In Corona de! Mtr. aeed pearll, caught her aUk The bride rectlved her BS illusion veil. and forming her ln physical education at UCLA cascade were b u t t e r f I y and now teaches at Laguni orchids, lilies of the valley Beach High School. During her and baby's breath. junior )'tu' she studied in ll• In. a )'tllow crepe emplre ly. fown and carrying white daisy 1 Her husband earned a BA • pampons, yellow roees and In eronomlcs at Clllfoma baby'a breath wa' MI s s State COllese at Long Beach. Couple Linked In Utah Rites Traveling to Moroni, Utah to exchange wedding pledges and rings were Judith Ann Draper of Newport Beach and Ronald R. Rodriguez of Compton. Bishop Boyd Nelson directed the ceremony in the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter-day Saints. Parents of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Draper of Moroni and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodriquez of Compton. The bride, escorted to lhe altar by her fa!lier, wor~ a chantilly lace gown, featuring ruffled lace on the bodice, collar and sletves. Her bell· shaped skirt swept into a chapel length train, a n d matching lace fonned her peta1-Ml8.ped headpiece which caught her tiered veil. Orchids and yellow r06es comprised her bouquet. Attending as matron of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. Shirl Black of Salt Lake City, and maid of honor was Miss La.Ree Christensen of Newport Beach. Bridesmaids were Miss Stella Rodriguez, sister of the bridegroom, Mrs. Allan Wanamaker and Mrs. Gene Moste1er. Each wore a princess style floor length gown of JJme green dotted !Wis.s w i t h matcblng beadpi<cea and car- ried one long-stemmed yellow 0 rose. Jemill'er Bla;:k, t be bride's niece wort a mlnlature replica ol the attendanta' gowm and carried a ba.sket ol yellow roses · for her role as flower girl. Attending as best man was Jack Stanfill of Logan, Utah, while usher duties w e re assumed by Scott Draper of Moroni, the bride's brother, and Black. Organist was the bride's grandmother, Mn. Blaine R. Draper of MoronJ. MusJc during the reception in the church was provided by Mr. and Mrs. Shennan Christ ens en and J ay Christensen oC M o r o n i . Circulating the guert book was Miss DrAnn Jennings of Newport Beach, and cutting the cake was Mn. WJchael Carlstoo of Mt. Pleasant. Special guestl Wert Mr. and Mrs. Robert L e e s of Lakewood, the bride's aunt and uncle and Y.r. and Mn. James T. Ferrell of Hwt- tlngton Beach. Following a honeymoon at Lake Tahoe and San Francisco the newlyweds will reslde in Huntington Beach. Both the bride a n d bridegroom are graduatea ol. Utah state University. The bride teaches second grade at Mariners School, Newport Beach. MRS. WINSTON HOOSE Afternoon Ceremony ------------ ----~· -- MRS. RONALD R. RODRIGUEZ Huntington Bt•ch Home Nuptial Rites In Westwood Read Church Wedding vows were ex· Jean Pfeifer, aister of the changed before the attar of bride and maid of honor, and lhe W e 1 t w o o d CommunJty the attendants, the Misses Methodist Church by Tracy Barbara Hoose , sister of the Ann Pfeifer of Santa Monica bridegroom, Lawrene Ni.xon. and Winston Pettus Hoose of a niece of President Richard Westwood in early afternoon M. Nixon, and C h e r y J nuptial rites solemnized by the Swanson. Rev. Dr. Melvin Wheatley. Arthur Fotre8t Stribley Ill The newlyweds selected Las performed the duties af best Vegu for their honeymoon man and guests were escorted desinatlon and will live in to their places by Theodore West Loi Angeles upon their Hoose, brother of the return. bridegroom, Frank Sinatra 111 Parenti of the bridal couple , and Mlchael Hellin&. a 11 are Mr. and Mn. Walter fraternity brothers of the Erneat Pfeifer ct ~ Il«ch bridegroom. aod Mn. Elizabeth Smith A champagne r e c e p t lo n Hooee of Colt.a Mesa and folktwed the ceremony in the Hamed Pettus Hoose of heme of the bridegroom'a Brentwood, father in Brentwood. ror the ctremony, the new The bride attended the Mr1. Hoote appeared in a long University al. Copenhagen and 1own of .eed pearl trimmed ii a graduate <lf WhitUer cx-sama and peau d'ange lace, College, where she was af· deslflled "1th a hi&h ,,.._ !JIJated "1th the Palmer SocJ .. daway collar, long aleevet and ty. She is a former Pan fUD ch1pel train. Her shoukler American Airways boltw and length veil wu caught to a served in Sooth America and pearl-trtmmtd ailk beadpif!Ct, the Caribbean. and her bridal bouquet was Hooee, al!O a gradualt or an trrlftiement of white WC where he waa a member l'<IRI. of the William Penn Society, Wearln1 long mini green attends the Unlvm!ty ct crepe gowns with long sheer Southern Callfomht t a w ~leeves were 1'11ss Saundra School. Corona del Mar Rites Anderson-Barrett Nuptials Solemnized Our Lady Queen of Ange!s Church, Corona del P.1ar, was th!! setting for th.e morning riles uniting in marriage Susan Jane Barrett a n d Robert Morgan Anderson. The double ring ceremony was read by the Rev. Ralph Harvey for the daughter and son of Mrs. Alfred B. Barrett of Alpena, Mich. and the late Mr. Barrett, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Anderson of Newport Beach. Given in marriage by James F. Manion, the bride wore a long empire gown of alaskine, featuring a pearl and crystal.embroidered b o d i c e and an A·llne skirt with gathered fullness in back that fell to a chapel train. Her ailk illusion veil was caught to a double tiered bow of s1lk peau de soie accented with embroidered lace and ~eed pearls, and her bridal bouquet was a cascading at· rangement of white carnations and fem , centered with a white orchid. Mrs. Dennis A. Schultz t1f Wichita, Kan., was her sister's matron of honor a n d bridesmaid was Miss Jackie Dallas of Anaheim, a former college roommate. They wore matching Jong chiffon and venise lace aqua gowns and carried French col· onial bouquets of a q u a elegance carnations and white daisies. Richard L. And~rson af Newport Beach attended Jils brother as best man and ushers were Paul Russell of Seattle and Thomas B . Anderson or Newport Be:ach, another brother. The newlyweds r e c e I v e d their guests, In the home of the brldegroom'a parents, where Mra. Clarence Meharg and Mrs. Manion, friends of the bridal couple, assisted with serving. After honeymooning in Palm Springs and northern California, the new Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will reside in Newport Beach. The bride is 3 graduate or Catholic Central High School in Alpena and Michigan State University. Her husband Is a ,graduate of Newport Harbor High School and attended New Me.1· ico Military Institute and Claremont Men's College. MRS. ROBERT ANDERSON Newport Be•ch Homt -- \ - i I ., --- J• OAJ\.Y PILOT Your Money's Worth Bank Plans New Office In Mesa Beware Advallce fee Deals Soolbm CaB!omla First Nadonal Bani has applied to the comptroller of curttncy for a charter to establish an clfice in Costa Me61 near Fllrview Road and Baker Su..t. TllUI would I>!! In ad- dition to the present Cost.a Mesa <ifice. SCFNB currently a I s o opel'ates offices 1n S A n Clement.e , San Juan Capistrano. Dana Poi n t , Tustin, two offices in Hun· tington. Beach and the Orange County regionll headquarters in Saota Ana. 'Ibe bank also has received comptrouer " the currency approval to alablim offices in Fullerton and in Cypress. Jn addi&n to these Orange County banks, Southern California First N a l i o n a I operaus 35 offices throogl!-Out San Diego Coonty and sil in Los Angeles County. By SYLVIA PORTER AJ a direct result d today's era of tight and Jilstorieally eipensive money, a vicious financial racket is flourishing across the land. If you peed mooey badly and are finding k toogh to get, yoo easily copld become a victim of this gyp. You are e s pecially vulnerable if you are a small ~an who desperately needs mortgage money or new capita], Beware! Tbe name ol this booming fraud is the "advance fee scheme" aod in essence it ls just what its name implies : a scheme in which promotes fraudulently seek fees in ad· vanee from a borrower to help him get a Joan and then neither' deliver-the Joan nor refund the advance fee. AS OF TODAY, the Post Office Department is in- vestigating a record 66 ad· vance fee schemes, more than double the number being pro- bed two years ago. As one •' f. . .Gf _,... --~··········· of the department's mail fraud specialist& put Jt to me, "It's hard to believe I b a t businessmen can believe these advance fee con men but they are so anxious to get the money they d<>n't stop to think about the deel." As a Post Office io6pe<:tor added:-"The nationwide tight money situation is at the heart of the fraud. It is causing normally cau t ious businessmen to b e c o m, e especially open to advance fee promotions." In a clasfilc case which led to the cooviction a while ago of. a Los Angeles "investment" firm, the principaJ was a very active promoter with na· tionwide connections among self-styled "money brokers" and other types of confidence men. The firm had a bogus Dun & Bradstreet report on II.< credit '1anding and hank references supplied by a dishonest b r a n c h bank manager. IN A REPRESENTATIVE case the racketeers asked a businessman s e e k i n g a $100,000 loan to "show his good faith'' with an advance pay. ment of. $5,000; an additional $5,000 was to be paid when the Joan went through. The businessman did not get his cash and be didn't get back his good faith payment either. In another case, the pro- moters demanded a finder's fee of $600 in orde!' to· obtain SHARP If yo11'r• 1 1h1rp tt1d1r, u11 Dim1°A0 Lin1 cl1nHi1d •d1 S1turd1ys. M1•• • b1tt1r cl11I ••• whither you'r1 buying of ~It, DAILY PILOTS f1mo11s 11llln9. ' 1175,000 for a developer GI New ·Ensland property. ID ... change for this fee, the developer was put 1n tflik!h with an "in.!uraooe comifany executive" willing to lend the money at 6% percent plus points, and an advance pay· ment of $1,SOO. HoweVer, it turned out that the insurance c o m p a n y wouldn't make the Joan for under a percent. Th e developer was then led to believe that with an advance payment ol rr ,500, the rate could be cut to 71,l percent. IN THE END, the developer received neither the loan nor a refund ol. advance fees total· ing nearly $10,000. The twiru go· oo and on but basically, I repeat, this is a gyp in which a promoter p-om.ises -without basis for the promise -to deliver a loan in return for en advance payment and then pockets thC fee but fails to a1Tange f o r the Joan. You must be on guard. This is a period in which the credit screws are b e i n g pro- gresQvely tightened with the goal of making it exceedingly hard for you to borrow all the cash you need to build, expand, modernize end, by so doing, to force a slowdown in the ecooomy. The very olr jective of. the credit ~queeze opens the way for unscnipu1us money lenders, Joan sharks, advance fee promoters, etc. YOUR BEST i:rnection is to deal only with reputable lending sourees whose reputa· tion you know or c ~ n thoroughly check. Quest.ion any financing deal in which you must put up cash in advance just to he guided to a loan sour«; be suspiciou.! ol eny loan In· termedfery who makes ex· travagant claims about the arrangements he can make for you at this time of general credit stringency; if you suspect an advance fee racket, immediately contact the Post Office Department's Inspec- tion Servi«. And fwxiamental Qi an, unless you must borrow, don't under today's conditions and don't borrow a penny more than you musl FORD CHALLENGES IMPORTED ECONOMY CAR MARKET WITH MAVERICK John Naughton, Ford Vice President, Stands With Models of 1970 Maverick CAB Okays Financing To Air West SAN FRANCISCO -Th~ Civil Aeronautics B o a r d (CAB) Friday.issued an order approving Interim financirig for Air West in the amount of $4.5 million by Hughes Tool Co. G. Robert HeJU'Y, president of the airline, pointed out that the money made available es a result o( the C"AB action would be used only for "ess~ tial" pt.ll'pOOeS. He said the financing was of vital assistance to the com- pany "but it is not the com· plete solution . to Air West's problems." The CAB action allows Hughes Tool Co. to guarantee up to $4.5 million in loans to Air West to be funded by Bank of America. , • In making t h e an- lta High Gear Maverick Takes On Imports By CARL CARSTENSEN or 11e 0t11r "'"' s .. " CAREFREE, Ariz. -Ford's new Maverick, the much talk· ed ·about "sub-compact," was introduced to newsmen here today. Although the name of this posh desert community is Carefree, it doe sn't express the attitude of Ford officials here for the' showing. They are all business and realize the importance of the impact of the Maverick in today's fickle consumer market that varies from one end of the price sca1e to the other. The Marverick is designed to challenge the imported car market with a $1995 suggested retail price, average gas economy o[ 221h miles per gallon, and a peppy 105 horsepower engine. Called a 1970 model, the sporty tw" door, four passenger sedan. will be introduced at Ford dealerships on April 17, the fifth anniversary of Mustang. 170 c.i.d. engine and manual -transmission and averages over 22 miles per gallon on regular fuel . A number of options are available including a slightly bigger engine and automatic transmission or you can ac- tually get it ''Joad e d.'' However, emphasis has been pace on low cost of ownership and operation. The new Ford seems peppy enough and the sculptured long hood, short deck design gives the car a sporty flair which seems to be "the thing" today. Effective use of interior dimensions produce ample seating, shoulder and leg room. John Naughton , Ford vice-- president and division general manager said, "We think the American industry should be doing a better job of meeting the foreign challenge and Ford is starting now." Hawaii today where they spent a week as guests of Ford Motor Co. Robins won tfie delux trip for "outstanding saleS achievement" at bis dealership during January and February. .,. • • • DODGE UNCAPS A ' NEW "6-PACK" The phrase, "six pagk," was coined for the b everage makers in describing a con. tainer with a half-dozen bot• ties or cans of the well known foamy-headed fluid. But the phrase has now taken to the open ·road with the an- nouncement by Dodge of a new "6-Pack," 440-cubic inch, 390 h.p. engine for1 · Coronet Super Bee two-Cl hardtop and coupe models Jn this instance, the "con-- tainer" is a trio of twG-barrel, in-line carburetors and the Ji.. quid is gasoline. Helps Solve l Biggest FALSE TEETH nouncement the federal agen· cy pointed out the approval was "without prejudice to the full exercise" of the CAB powers in deciding whether to approve ca.le ol A1r West to Hughes Tool Co. Jn size, the Maverick ac- tually takes an independent stand between the sub-com- pact imports and the domestic compacts. With a 103-inch wheelbase and 179.4 inch overall length, Maverick is 19 inches longer than its prin. cipal foreign competitor. As to operating economy, it is equipped with the standard He added, "Small c a r buyers in the U.S. are ex· pected to represent about 20 percent or the total car market by mid·l969 and we'll be there for the customers who want something more than foreign intrigue." The new "6-Pack'' package includes such in-demand-by· the-sporty-car-set items as removable fiberglas hood with four competition-type reten- tion pins, functional hood scoop, black wheels and chrome-plated wheel Jug nuts. ' INTEREST DAY·IN to DAY·OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! , NO SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION CAN BEAT IT! ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIA TION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar, Calif. 92625 teleph9n e: 675-5010 HEADOFflCE 315 E. Colorado BIVd. Plsadena, C.lif. 91109 telephone: 449.2345 ' OTHER BRANCH OfACES COlll'na, Glendale We't Arcadia An examiner's initial recom- mendation on the acquisition proposal i.s expected soon after briefs fn the case are submitted March 31· since the case is being handled in an expedited manner. NEW &OLDEN PASSBOOK Your new Golden Passbook Saving~ Account will draw the highest bank rate of interest available anywhere! How you catt enio1 5.13% interest 011 a Newport National Bank Colden Passbook Account when your savings and all intemt remain a year. This is now possible when our 5% current annual interest nit is com· pounded daily and cri!dited quarterly to your Golden Passbook Account This special IC· count is avallable to individuals. corporations, partne!Ships ind non·profit oreanizationt You'll bo pl"'ed tu lnow that your inle"'t payments are flexible accordin& to your own personal nttds. With t minimum deposit of $500 and subseQutnt deposits of $100 or more, t~ere i! no limlt to the amount you ca11 deposit l~msl sta.U from Ill• dale or depas;\ and conlinues to the dale of. wilh· clrawal tor funds on deposit 90 days or mart. Wo would like to tell you more about this unique 1jbank rate" al interest 7 CONVINIJNT omas RIVING ORANG[ COUNTY ..,.,._ DtfJce C.mpin. at M11Mtw 54o.till • ...,_ ttrM 11,.w. 9\Jftnborlll M~·11'1 c.a.,. hit am. Nlltwl:!Od Ill Colmno!NIMlll 171•2900 • ..., Hiik Olficlt KllllOr 11 Im 111·1290 a.nr Offict _. tt P11Ctr1t141 '42"511 • U...., om. &at Chapman It Mt Colltp t p -4840 ._.,, ... Wllldlfl It OM!' MZ.Jlll ,. * * * DATSUN GROOVES WITH TEEN· AGE FAIR Southern California Datsun dealers are trying to narrow the generation gap by in viting area young people to take a discount trip to the Teen-Age Fair-Pop Expo 69 now being held at the Holl ywood Palladium during Easter va- cation (April 6). Feat u r et d in Datsun's psychedelic sight and Sound display is a custom Datsun and a matching Kawasaki 90 Scrambler motorcycle. They both will be given away. Discount t i c k e t s are available at George Zim- mennan 11atsun in Costa Mesa, Dot Datsun in Hun· tington and Barwick-Hayden Imports, Laguna Beach. * * * COSTA MESA FORD DEALER IS SALES WINNER Theodllre Robins Sr. and Mrs. Robins returned from 'The "6-Pack" cars will be available with four special mod colors -bright green, bright red, bright Orange and burnt yellow. In keeping with normal rac· ing requirements, at least .500 units will be built. There is a 9o/.t..ffich Dana "Sure-Gr ip" axle with a 4.10 ratio. Tires are red wall, G-70 x 15's on six-inch-wide wheels. Two transmissions are offered -an automatic, three-speed Torqueflite and a four·speed manual with a Hurst shifter. The "&-Pack" engine is an offspring of the standard Dodge 440 powerplant and has a host of special features. New higher load valve springs allow higher engine rpm capabi li ty. Low taper camshaft and flat face tappets combine for improved durability. A dual breaker ~tributor is used. '69 Fair Committee Chairmen Appointed Directors of the 1969 Orange County Fair and Exposition have been appointed t o chairmanships of s t a n d i n g committees by fair board president C. J. Marks or Santa Ana. Named to his second term as chairman of the lair's budget and finance committee was Irvin C. Chapman. former Fullerton mayor and city councilman. He begins his 19th year as a member of the Orange County Fair and Ex· position board of directors. 1"1arks names Franklin I. Remer of Newport Beach to again head the lair's legal and personnel committee. Cordon H. Bishop o( Santa Ana was appointed to chair . the committee on agriculture, horticulture, floriculture. and livestock. Bishop, pa$t prt.si· dent of tbe Orange County Farm Bureau , was named to the Fair board for a four -year term by Governor Reagan last April. Attorney Robert L, Hum· preys, or Costa Mesa was renamed to the chairmaMhlp ol the buildings and grounds committee. Humphreys. three year director, is the assistait1 city attorney of Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa's Dr. Norman J. Meyer, physicist and assis- tant director of the Ling- Tempco-Vought Research Center in Anaheim, w a S names to a third term as chairman of the public rela- tions and interim events com· mittee. Past board president Dr. Joseph E. Ribal of Huntingt:on Beach was named to head the committee on horse show and equestrian affairs, Anaheim businessman Burf Williams was appoint e·d chairman or the commercial. community, and educational exhlbits. Williams was ap- pointed to the Fair board by Gov. Reagan last April . Kermit E. (Johnny ) Johnson, who is president Of Johnson Realty C o n-p a n y • Buena Park. will head the committee on Fair program, entertainment. a n d con- cess iom . President Marks will he:ad the executive committee and also \\'ill serve 3$ exoffleio member of all other com- mittees. s .. 1 !;if.cl tlie ing ha l!ld • "' ge on- '°~ ... !lie the an- ' rh, net top on- ·e1, Ii- 1go 'Y· " ith , .. ood ;:id Its. he ial "'· nd "" \00 na JO ·70 ls. ed ed ed · an rd .. , .. 8" m er !ts od er l 1n .. g- h ' " .. •· •• "' td .. rr 'd 11. al n- •Y ) ll • .. " > d d • > ... ------·----... -~----------- ·---·-----:-· -;--;---------~--~~--s---l!llm------•.•t t•ii••••-- • " WAIHIHGl~ (IJl'l)-'fllil "lit of "'"*"" Hblon'$ w...., •I it. Cutt•I rotunci. cllir~ ni. •l•lit ,.,,..,,.,! al ""'-• ""''Id"'' Dwlelll 0.. ~i ...... "-r, •• IMuH by "'-Wllltf "'-: """-EIM'Mo..,, .,..,., 1.U:Wt1tnc1 ... "'*'* Ill Owlf)ll 0.Yld f lH,,,_.,_ 111 °""'tb •llf "',..,,,.,..,, ,,.. -Ml: T W, Mllltf' ...,.,., Ill nair11lne, M.1t eflO i.. •••lnvoot. We _,, Dwltt!I ,.....,,_,., °",,,, tlul .. ,,.. W'lleful .... 1111 ""' WI M ll\tr, 11110o CDllKle\lt Ill !flt Mt "-1 In NYIM tl'llM• N Dwlelll l""1MW1r, • wi.br11a ''"'""*- W'-Wit ttih'*. "' flit ··-kl "''"'''" " tlllr*, l!w\tllrtbty, flf Ille other tlantl f//I ~ d.,._ of Woricl W1r II er1111 .. "'"* "' ""' -uttn °' ,,.., ... Nit •nf .... I Ml ""'"' ltllt ,,,_ fllt ""''-' ""*" t h. Once, """"""' wftllWI lfllefldlM fO .. ... .. , ~' M 1111 ti.« 1N1 LEGAL NOTICE / •-.-n.1M DAllY I'll.OT J9 Pays1 Tribute to Ike ti, n WH !tu, allOl'Tly 11\tf •Yl ... y, It I _, Ill L._llndon .. llllferlc Ill-it ..... -......... .,.. ... "' ... .. • °""'"" 1~. " -... ntv • ..._ Ill """' ,,. HM fl "- b. • OvUC Htll. Tllto trlumllllt111 _...,,... ~r 01 lht All1'11 fl>tt•1 111 EIK-W•I Ol'llcl•llf t i-.... fN• *" DI lht CllY of L"""°". Cfl, fie n1,111i1 M llWIW h' I -· ll>vl Ill COUii! Mt 11119 1 .,.,_, H• C.OUlll d!Mt"" 1ll'tlltly. -... ~ lltfl', llul MV ... HfMl'lllly, 141 Colome. '"'"' "-,..,, of ""-rb, """' Ill ..... I 1111-.alof'I to ""' lltl11 fl ~k:I '"' ... lwdlltl !ht ~ " ... -Id. 111 ~ "'-nt tdll"'"* n..1 !kt. OWltltl II~ Hlf: '1 com. ftwl'I lllf llffrt DI Arrltf"Otl.• ~ llO .,. lltflll'l'f• etllld """ ,.,. ......... Wll.ll Dwltflt l!Mnhow ... ,,.,..,., '9 • """'°"' .......... ef ... _ ... ic. .... "'-llkl Qlon\s ''°"' ........ ,, pf A"'9rla, not lllllY ''""' rtw _,,~ lwl '"""· bl.It '"""' 111 u1rtiv.r hH'1 t4• e:111·mitlllltd wn.t ITllll'-Gf .,.; .,," llOllofd "'-' ""Ir ..,.,,, _., --ttr919. u1ur....o.n, l'lorlftl •nd com. MHloMN. And wllti hit ""'" Q"''' -111101 of P!Nrt, he ~llkd Ille llHI In ........ If 11. I tlllllk, 1 l"'<lel trlllule lo Dwlthl l!!IHl'l~r lt>ll ""'"' •I! of hl1 honofl, dlihPll'!! 111 01 1111 ,,..II llHlll 11111 hit lrlvll'tllr. • .,. l!lld .. ,,. lllVH todlf !lllllk1"9, flrtt, llCl'I of 1111 llMll1 but DI 1111 clle111~1tr. 11 W•t lhe dl1r.ctw tif Ille m1~. llOI wh.i flt did, bvl whet hi W.I l'hlt to Cl"" tunod "" fruit •"'II f1l1t1 11111 ''"°' tlon d hi• ---11111 of , ... _.. OI !tie world. owtthr l!:lwrll'l-.ir l\'IUdlt<d lllMt- 1111111 f\llldlme11111 111 AM1rk:1 Whl<ll 11111V 1 m.,, d fll'l.....,le ltKtt d ml"" trod .-1111 ~Id lllvt b<'olltfll liO 11l- br1nllf 111..... ,... WIJ 1 1nldl,K'I at Amel1<1'1 1011 11111 of !11 kfNll. ctrlvotn bf 1 comPUlllOll to do rlllll 111d ~ ff ...i11 I -II of II-hllh whO ~ !s.v.d 111 God llld IM!td Ill hl1 wlll1 1 -" llilho trvlY IOYld, hit t<1<1111..., •"" fW wllom The word• .. _., ......... 1fld "Dlnloc1rn"' ,..,e Nit cllchfl, bvl ll'Mf "'ffl 1111111<1 1nllfll. r k,_ Mrs. El~ -Id "" mlf me to tlllft Wllh 1'1111 lht l•1I _,,, ... IOOkt lo ""'' (Ill lhe lllf !'Pe 111«1. Ht 11111, "I l!.lve •l'wv. lovffl mv Wiii. I 111119 llwlVI IO'l..:I llW dllldrell. I hi~ 1lw1~1 ~ "W •••ndchllclren, A.NI I 1'11,,. 1lw1v1 lovld '"' country." lllll "tlrll Ow ltM ·-· He Wll 1 111111 who •111 ~111 d hlmHlf. Hl1 .... , OI rel1KI"' frem tl'MI 1111-Pfllll/fH of ofllao OI' «!.,.. mind Wll to do -ltllne t lU !,.. twnlelY • ........,,..,. " 1 lltrte c-i. llor on IM golf courMi er t•tc1111~t -d lllo• 1'11untl110lf l:IH11lltul ••lnllm11 11'11! llt !ltd wlll'I 111(11 mtt1e- 111ou1 Cl l'9, 8Ul r.r9<1 rnort lhlll lhl1, he ,..,,. -m0111lf of M,.,tell IO ~f, '"-11 IC!llf!d' Dwllhl l!!Tttr>- "-t. 81/f ltil llltlfr 1lde d ""'' coin Wll ltl1t llt loved Pf<ll!lf . HI Md !tit '"'" ~· «P<ICI"' 111 brl"' oul !flt btll In -It. He hid lfM lrHt "'""""lsl'I CIDl(lly " lr>- H lrl -It , lo chMr lt>em, lo 1lve tl'le<TI llff. 1 ~btr. for 1x1m111t, !ult 1 ltw rnontl\1 Ito when I 11ktd 111 DI lllt """"°'1"1 ot IM ¢1b!M1 lo ff out 1f'lll c11t on h!,.,. 1!!1ch of thtm ~tumid wlttl ~ 1tw:1· lllmtr1ll011 1f'lll Hkl, "YOll 11:,now, t _, OIJI !Piere lo ~ l'l!m VP 1NI ll'll!ftd I loufld he CMtf'td flle UJ." 1411 '""' ~ of peoplf, ,..., rool'ld Ill 1111 flllh. Ht MCI I oet.. 11111'1 111 9llt .-ccllllll of God ltw:I In tf'lt tUtl'l- 1111 toOllMU of ITllll It I fl'ftlll"' o1 Ood. l llll fw111!1J lowtrll llei)0'9 hid 111> olhll' 11111. In '"' Pollllal word, •lr1H11 ,.Hlanl 119 Wit l'•:il'fA '"" I ll hla Ollfll ,..._ tum '°""rd PtnOl'lll Yt,.,,klt-MM. ~It ofltn dlHtl"Wd .. tlh Dwl°"I I I*"'-'' bvl 1!"""t riobocl1 -llt!Hhltrl. AN! ltll1, I tlllf*, w11 bt(1111e Ill, l ul .,.._... _,. •tMt,... trflll hllt\, .... ~ """"""' " """"' .. _ ... _ Ht •lrr.IY "*'-"'• "'Nett. """ dWl'I ..,.. Wiii! _ .. I """"'*-HIM 1ftw fllltl. w!M11 Miia: fl °"' ..,, ., ... .._. _.. mi.....,-11,.. ~Int _. '"'II"' lllfl'I. "" -w 111 '*II 111 frll>I Wlr •flf ...._ 11111 ~· NJf.11'1'1119 .. """" Ir-. Ill WOUlll Mf, '"I '"' JlllUl>tll .... "'°" fttlf!M." ...,.. -..... -vlfllfy "'llilill ..., ftwlly '"" .... ,.,. lltuuw ... -· ""-'» "' It 11111'1-....... cw., ,.._ -If• ..,....,..., II In ltlltrl. Tiii i...t 111111 I MW fllnt flllt .. , -I ... '111111 ... •llWf. ... .... ~ 111<11 lay tr. 1111,.., ... 11141 -... ..,, ti""'· And "' 11111 !fie llllftt ,... world _... lllCllll todtf b II""" ''*'"""" lllCI I " flblllty to -""" Oltwr ""°"'I l'fll11I ol vi.w 1.-.I Mt hi htt1 111111 blo<.1u11 lie di..,,_, Tllll -Dwftllt l llllMOWlr. And yef, ot fOl/tH, Ill -,,_ fl\lft t ll If 1hat. Ne hid I Illa. ll'tOl"IJ t'llldlftl to ""-., Ill ....... -"" wlltl 111111 """ to ,,,. rwt Of ,... -Id. Ht -• '"""" """' "" ... 111......i. 1-t. -· clitclt~. TIMI tNI .... 111 I lllve 11t1n him """'-OIC'-looi. lt\tt ,,-oDllbty tMdt lhl dll'tlr~ "'"-" -r tt14 MKI Nr Amer1C1 1°'11 Ille -id, Tiii! w11 1l•1v1 lf!'ltft flt -11 111• bftt. No ...,.11tr l'low hnlld lhl •t111~1 '"""· ht "''' 1rw.n ""' CIDOlttl fMft ... lhl l'OOl'l'I. DwltM El..,.,,..,.,,,,r w._ 11111 ,..,.,.., d -...n 1111t11nric l'tlnl. W•r britlel Iii. n.lll'lfl 01 m1ny Miii Into Ille "-11111"'1 111d d 1tae - 11'¥1' ........ MllOl'lll O!' IYl'll lrl'9rlll- tl-I l'llron. •ut u 111t ,_.,.. tl'Mln 1111. iNlr 11me -~. 1111 f'ICll •o wlltl Dwlel'll f lMl'lllO.....,. Al ""' Yfffl 1111Mll, 1111 1!111/tl lrtW! Com~l'lder ol !ht 1!'1191\tlttl 1!1Ndl· 1i-,.., IOIU 1"11r HHmbi.dJ r.ctlWf' of lhtt IWITll'Wllr 91 1tM Olrmtft llTf!IH 111 World War lh Presklelll of Colvm- bf1 U11IYef"llly1 1u.reme comrMNltr d NAT01 :Mll>I Pre110tM of lht Ul'llllll Sl1!t1. lN hor'lcn, !I'll offleft M rl lllfft m tOl.l~ra. e:......, 1n111 1111r lhl A,.,...k.111 -It 1'1111 II In !Mlr -I• bellow, he -• t lven. And, fl1, r. l lWtl'I r1!1lned I H VIM humlllly. Wl1 .... , ... hvmlll!y nOI ol f"r blll of(""'~· Ht ,.1111· Id wlll'I 111t 1 ...... 1 d Iha worlO, 11111 ht kiww lilt '"'' 1r1 1'111m1n. Hll W'lli 1111 hUITtllll~ d 111111 btfort God 1tMI bllf-1111 tl'\f!tl. Hl1 W11 lhl hllfl'llll!Y of • """ IOo lnMf to "' ......... 111. T ... "'11'1Ull d M-ot Wll 11-m'!Olt In h0l1 mllld whll'I ht rtn for the 1r11< l<Ml'ICY. And II """ u~rmltl In ~II 1klll •lld dl'lermln1!1011 !Mt l'IOf 1lnc1 11'11 1930s 1111 lht n.1!1on 1nlOY'ld 10 IOl'll I "'loci GI ffK.e, bolt! 11 f>om9 11\d' toroid, '11 llltl -11'11! btten In ,.,,,. 1nd eon!lnlltd lllrw911 Ill• ..,.... --.. At com....,,., d the m!tlltllll l lllfld ~ -U1ttnbltd I'll .,., tl'MI r19llt rne11 11 Iii. rllht 'lece 11 11'11 r1911t "me. And 11 f"resldtlll once •l•lll. ht we1 !Ill rllfll n11111 1t ltil rlll'll place 11111 ''' ""' rltflt llrM. ... reslO!'lll c11m to 1 dl~ldtd ,,.. !loft. H1 .. ,,. MMrlc:tna 1 MW "'"" ~r• of H!f.rw!IKI. Ii• lnVftNll hll otfl<• Wflh cll1nllv 11111 rl'IPKl 1"" 1r1111. HI "'tell ..._,k:IM 1rOl.ld Ill Ii.It PrHldef'll, pl'Ol/d d lflelr <Oii.,_. trv, Pl"OllCI of IMmill ...... NttJ ti -In Amtrlc.. ....,. Jli1MI Mlftf ltHln ... llNtlll 11111 - IMdld Cllltlldai lfttlr -_,.,,.. V.r, ltw ire ....... """i.t llltlr _; lctunlrlft. Dwfl'tll f'-'*'--- "' .._ l'lw, ... -,,,...." ...... ll<r ,_. -It In ,.,.,.1 Mrtt f/f h ~ lfMll lllV PIMklfnt A1'111'1ci hM _, 11111. HI ""°flll"lld 1111 ..... , Ptllll!ft 'Df ''" --~-"""' lfhw.'-"" ... btUW>d Ill, !lot IOllll 111 tlold fir, "'9H ....,_ br.r llltn M1 CIWft -..~ ..... ,..,,._ Ill 111,,,..11 11111 It kd ""'" hi th&! O\tlld H•ll IHICt'I lh INS, ~ M kl lhln. "Klnll'llfi l lTIOl'lf 111111o\1 b "" °"'""'"" Ill 11Kll ,.,..1111_ ...ii• II Pf'O.l<lmltY, lll'I 11'111 lff. llt111Mr. -Jllould tu,... Ill ltw:ia. lt!11tr 1111-. C.11 lll1nt whi t TOU wlll, I 1'111111 ""-tn11n1lbl.. 1ti11 1rt ,,.. ,...1 "'-tu'" 1t111 rrwe """ •1"'· 10 _......,., frill '""°"' " --...i.. hit -•111\1 .....,,_ the llw, h!1 llbl,,., Ill ... II: '"4 tc' 11 he ·-nt, 141~ 11(1 t111lv 111 1,....11111111 11111 "' ,,., "-" -1lmll1r rlthl1 ti Oll'llf"i. "A L.,,.,., Wltl fltllt I NI H w!!I I ctllHn of Ablllnl. Wh111 ... COflo llcler ....... ll!lllOI. """ ""' ¥111t y of 1111 Tllfmn llr.WI tlowr Iv tt. hn'nl of ll:tl'IUI 11111 lht Pltl~ rtl , ....... s-""" .... C'Wllldtf'ld ''"' ~ U llH llMf ltllt IAlf 1milt1 .......... IMtl -1UI M l!Ollt. l'et lfthl ,._,.. -· Dwltht El""'-r Ms MIU,.~ Comtn1ncltd 1n 1rmv _. ltd • ,,.. florl, AM. wt, fie ,..,,,.llltd ltlrOll\111 fill• rlntl • .,. lh& -Ill'• ,,.., '°' ITllrtll Incl ~ """' '"'"' ""' ftrtt clllnn fll 11'11 M rkl. A1 -Fl\ll'Ytl 11 lhl1, II lt1C11 us GOll ... in lo ICll'ldtr rfle "'"""""' d lrNtlleu. Ow!thl !!Jtlllh-..-1 tr11!n111 dlrl'i'IHI fllll from Ml olrlct. bvt '""" hl1 c111r1c11r. trem 1 unllWt mcn1 lotu tr\lt lnl~ M!llMI bcluncMri., -II 1111 -11111 -~ for PM.trl\l11l1Y tr111~ -It.Nol llaN!dt...... 1 Hl1 Ult ,..,..111111 111 11111 .,,.,. h 1 mcw11 foru Ill ltllt ww1d ,.,.. -'Ill 111111 Ille mltlll fl 11m1 or 1111 -1111 DP 1\11111\1, 11111 """" who ltd 1111 rnmt -rtul 1n'l'llft 11111 t11e -let hit ,..., -· 11111 """ who 1..r "" lftOll PCl-1'111 111tlarl hi Ille WOrlll, ll'lt1 -11111111 "'°' .... 9111tt. • ... kllld """' ""' lt!Ofll fotot Wiii hll '"''"'· ..... I -riff of • ceoitu" to ... \'efV 11111 of 1111 "" OWllM l!'l-'-1llW'Cllld I mor1I 1\llhorl!Y wtlfilaut Mr.1111 Ill Am9rkl. llld' Ille -Id. ANI AIM!°kl 11111 tht world ii better bK11111 If II. n Arid Ml lodtf .,... flfdtt our flftll Hlufl. ti 11 I IOfld HJu!t lo I ITlllt -IV¥1d 1nd ct>erltlltd. II 11 I 1r1!'" 1111 Hive ID I mtn llrlhOl4I wllolt 1xtr ... on:11 .. " 1119 ... I I ~·Nd fO ll'fVICt , II 11 I prefollnlllV ~I NllM "' • 11'1111 It~ llllfl 1119 .... "" t fl'f' 11tnclerll w.11 -of lhl 1l1nl• d aur l'llnl. l!'Ktl If 111 her. wlK Ill.,. I 1111eltt ,,_,., .,, Dwllflt e~. I Wll .. h!m ,_ sl111d11111 "9C1, tll9111thl, -roud Incl '911 1' .,..,.. -M he folllt tM w!fl fll offb IS "" 111rrtv-1ovr111 '""IOlrl' of -.. Ul'lltM Sr.1'1 llf AIMl'k:.I. . Wt Hlult Dwlof'il Oevld l!ltt~ .t11ndl1111 flWn I~ our """*'In• fl/"JI 111 w1r, fin! Ill -· 11'111 ~ lretelOfll 11 Chlrltllld, llf!lt 111 1111 .... ,,. " llh 111io.i. ........ NYC Pushes Drive on Solon Hits Bungling In Cannons Purchase A11to Theft By MICHAEL S. BARRIS folil-111 ............ ,,..rJ Within lr.G milea of New Ywk City, you can tum on a radio and hear this: "Whit do they call a person who doea:n't lock his car?" Answer: 11A pedeatrlan." Or, "George, George! I told you to lock the car." Answer : "Shut up and keep walking." It's not radio comedy. It's a small pirt of the biggest ciltfpalgn against auto theft ever ltrlUa ted in a slngle part of the country. The goal of the experiment ls to cut auto thefts, a large and growing problem attoss the nation but partlcularly in and around New York City. In the city, and adjacent suburban counties 120,000 cars were taken last year. Eight out or IO were unlocked and four of 10 ·had keys in the ignition. ' WASHINGTON (AP) -'l1lo Navy paid three times men to get cannon parts on a rush buis than It already was paying another llUppUer sld - a congressman aays -st1ll got them late. Rep. Fred Roooey, ~Pa., said an investigator fOl' the Government Aceountlng Office called the rush contract "a classical case ol procurement bungling,'' although a GAO report did not find the award Ulegal or made in bed faith." The GAO, In a report demanded by Romey, said the co.st to tupeyers f« the n& job was $194,260, of which '120,000 went ror !peed alone. 1'lte GAO said M coold find no l!vidence that the Navy contacted the lower-<:oot sup- plier to see lf the alrplane pana ""1ld he -quick· ly at the lesser price. DELIVERY LATER The ul timate de 11 very sd!edule for the emergency contract proved to be later than that cl the roottne con- tract at one-third the price, Rooney said. AJ a result ol findings, Rooney said, the GAO has Harbor Kids Will Visit Buenos Aires Students from the Harbor Area will have a chance to soak up the culture and Janguage of Butoos Aires, Ar1enUna, thanks to CADIE of California, Inc., a non-profit lludent exchange program . A group Is belnJ formed to Oy to AraenUna in late July for a month'• 1tay with host families In Bumos Aires. While there, they w 111 participate I n lllRhtseein1 tourt. cultural e,vents, and • lull exchange ot LIUn and American wayw of life. 'Min ii very little expense other than the ak fare, u baot families provlda food ind lodglng. Fifteen ltudenl.J f r o m Buenos Alm vllitt-d °'' Harbor Area lslt February, living with the ram.Illes of American students. There ls stlll spact avallabte for lnteruted students. P'ar lnlonnaUon, contact Woody Lane at 546-6901, or write to Cost& M..,, P.O. lloI 1144 . \ begun an lnvestlgaUon of $6- bfillon wwth of annual emergency procuremeru by the Defense Deportment. GA0'1 investigatim w 1· 11 focus pmiicular att8rt:im on thooe rush orders wltlcft 11>- volve noncompetitJve negoUated contracts •Ith .,.. c1lled !p!Hource producers, the coogfeosman .. Id. Notln!! that GAO did not find the cortWd Ulegal. Rooney mid to · hsve done IO 11wouJd have been a pa.per victory at best and would have served ·no uuful purpoee for the publ.lc good nor the DI· tlooal Interest." CONCLUDED PROBE Roooey said that by the ume GAO had CUtCluded its probe of the emergency contract to York, Pa., D:lvtsson o t American Machine & Foundry Co., for 2,000 breocltblock • locks, the Navy had aocepled delivery and already 11.Ib}@ct.ed many ot tllem to combat service tn Southea!t Ami. "It is enough to 111y the Navy needlessly wuted about $120,000 when it awarded 'the emergency procurement con. tract to York AMF last May," Rooney said. "'Ibla incredible information places this Navy Ilepartm"1t procureme:nt on a par with • ~•)'ltone Oops comedy." 'rtie target of Rooney's crlllclam was an award to York AMF for I.he 2,000 parts to 2lknllllmet« alroralt ctn- none at a unit price of m.u. The <mergency pracurement WIS 1uthorlzed more thin • monlt alt« • routine oupply «>ntnct for the Identical part was awarded to Newbould Tool Co., al50 of York, P1., at • unit price ol 137.n . .-York la not In Rooney '• .,..,. l!'erllcnal district: NO EVllmNCE In IU rtPOrt to the con- lfesmtan, GAO &lid It foond no ev1dence the Navy CU)oo taoted Newbould to determine whether the C'Ol'npeny could deMver the ~ at tts lower price wtlhfn the time requiremtnta or the emerge1 .. ey contnct "1th York AMP. Roooey said the Novy U.. llat«I thtt Y ort AMF wtit the only oapabto praductr o! tbe needed partr. Rooney laid GAO delmnbt- ed thll Newbould ontfd)IM<d I prU~ o! 10 ,,.,..nt on lbs 137.n U!l1t price . "Tt!ertfore," h e sakl, "1' AMF'1 po:odudlon capabiUU.. Wtrt fquaJ l.o thole cl. Newbould, the AMF unJI price of IV!.13 ahotlld hi•• -AMF a )l'Qllt o I op. pmlm1t<ly ltlO ...,..,,i. or Ill -blgJter th I a Newboukf11 prdtt.11 I ' U"IN ...... ri -•••••••••••• • • p1tture: peeks: • ., M9WJll1 • • • • •• Family features II the name al the game th!! wtiek at the IJdo and the M.,., But you don't ftf.lly have to adend in a lam.Hy group. Guys and gals may spend a date night enjoy· Ing Tbe Futastle Voyq:e plus Swtu FAmu7 RobinHo at the Mesa. Or, mom and dad may slip away and bold buttered po~ corn bands while ell,joying the 1Jdo'a twin bill of. Angel ID My Pocket and also Hellflgbt- en. Can yoo beat that, 0 an,gels" and •'hell" appearing side-by- side on the screen l'o entertain! Al John Wayne, star of Hell· flgbten, put Jt so aptly, "this Moncloy, M11<h :11, l 'IM Count•'• Dope Mrs. Sharon Tingley, 29 • year -old mother of two who has received nothing but A grades in two years of English study at Santa Ana Col- lege will represent Or- ange County in tta(e- w)de J u n i o r College Woman of t b e Year competition. is the hottest picture I've been l--------- in." 'nie basis for this exciting drama is found in the reaJ-life adventures or a trio of Tens men who fight oil.well fires. Wayne plays the head Cf this fire-fighting outfit. l lis screen- partners are Bruce Cabot and Edward Faulkner. Katharine Ross a pp e ar 1 m Wayne's daughter who is in love with one of the younger firemen (Jim Hutton). It's a thriller from &tart to finish, wilh plenty of time between fires and he-man adventure to delve into romance and family life. Ailget In My Pocket gives fllm fans an opportunity to see TV star Andy Griffith in the role ol a minister. He plays the part of a churchman who en- ters a parish in a small town that b charged with a biUer feud between two ·tam.mes. World War • On Measles -. Proposed WASIIlNGTON (AP) -A South African doctor suggests establishing a w o r I d w i d e network of "German measles service clinlC!" to help women of child-bearing age -to whom the disease is a poten- tial terror. The idea, Dr. J.H.S. Gear of Johannesburg said, would be to have 11pecial. facilities where such women coold: l. Be' tested to determine whether they ever had the disease and therefore might be immune. About 80 percent of women are immune. 2. Have a pregnancy test U they were found not im- mune. 3. lf not pregnant, ht vac- cinated against measle!, Gennan measles la relaUve-- Jy mild in children and most adults. But if it strikes ii woman in the first six months of pregnancy -especially the first three -her baby may be defective. A woman e<ruld not be given Gennan measles .vaccine dur- ing her pregnancy because it c<1ntairui living, though toned- down virus. 'Ibe church b in bad financial shape because of this feud wherein each family tries to!----·--..,=== stifie the other thus pn!ventlng any advancement of needed pl.am for growth and improve- ment ol propen'y. "Deacon'' Andy otepo In Swtogtng. Only th i n g is. his brother-In-law :<Jerry Van Dyke) tries to aid and abet the minister by rats- lng funds from sales emanating frmi a still, in the basement of the church yet! Look for Jaughs at the Lido while the current session oI Angel Ill Aly Pocket and Hell- flghten shows this evening and tomOITOw night. Mesa movies art side-by-side 00 the big, wide screen with plenty of entertainment for all the family, young and younger. Try Swln Fam ily Robinson plus Fu taJUc Voyage. MESA MATINEES are wy popular with Harbor aru 6C!'eeO devotees. Here 11: 1 real cblDCe to get away from the rat nee fer a rew hours and truly ftlu while "'joying 1 good movie, 1n the middle ol. the -. In the peactful afternoon b:>un. Make a move to the Mesa for movie matinees. FREE PASSES to the Lido or tbe M,.. will be mailed to A. J. lhl'Uh. 3%7 Driftwood Rd .• C.. nm del Mar, R. L. Patterson, • Via Cordova, Lido Isle, JI. M. McColiorn. 3$10 Marcus, Newport Beach and A. P. Fis· dler, ITT Broodway, Costa )faa. Each ol. 1he above will be g\terta o! ''Picture Peeb" to mjoy 1 fine tum at the Lido « t.bt Mesa real soon. We rtn- cerely hope that )'(IUl' very own name b llsttd hen belore too tong. Sat. Mardi 29 Cit Sat. Apdl s. brln11 Mom and Dad to l>rwal:faat with Iha Ea-. ~IDMafO.'I J!eotmn:mL ...... bmkbit. .,...:u be ""'8rtdned 11r- 111ystlcal Ealls 111Clllfcl<ma, l!Naklall II ..-..d al 9:111 IUA. al 8Sc parponcn. for111 *""" can-uu1 exl.201 • • " • - • I • .. ' co • • • '· .. " .. - • • ' . • Catalina love• soft terry summer pants C1Dd ablrts ··- Ten!es ln cotton and· polyester are a wry Important oolt;new W<rf of dres3lrlo amuaL RatherJUe wiapplng·UP In a towel. Escepl they'ie t-Shlit& And short&. And.a strolght leg pcmL Great things like tha!I Irl a buttBICUJ> ye!-1 law •• , just the ri(Jht bright for s=er. S.M-L a. I-shirt. yellow; white, a qua.10.00 b. straight leg pants, e!QSticized waistlxmd. yellow, while, aqua. navy, 11.00 c. tank'top, yellow, aqua, wl?Jte, 7.00 d. stdpe(i ablrt. ye!low/plnl'Jmln!. WlO maymactive8p(utswear 76 meet the cast from .,You're a Good Man CharUt Brown,. Charlie Brown and the Gang from the Ivsr Theater are coming to May Co.I Be our guest as they present scenes from the delightlul family musical that'e all about what's happening with Peanuts. The ltlds will love !ti It's May Co. '1 way ol saying Happy Easter. Fri- da7, April f, Costa Meaa, 3 p.m. may co south coast plaza, san dlego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 a.m. to 9:3P p.m. ' r:= • ;!! •• m; ~ • • " , ' I 1, '· ' " I • '" .. .. _ • ---~~~~-,-~~------------------------.............................. . , " DAILY ,ILOJ JJ . • " iii May Be on· _Beneh :as 'bakers Tr.y Again • • ,_ ·I• ..; • • -· . On Alcindor Signing Tt(nse Countdown Begins for Pros Dodgers ~se Davis With • Arm Fracture " WESr PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Los Ansel,. Dodger ce-.llelder Wilie Davis IUffend a JWrline fracture of bis rllht mn when he wu struck by a pitcher by Atlantl relief hurler Claude Jlaymond, H wu learned Sunday. Dr. John Terry of Vero Beach General Hospital, who examined Davis, said the 21-.year~ld outflekler would be sidelined from three to fo<ir weeb. "'l1lil ii pretty roup oo Willie and lhe club.'' Wd Dodger Manager Walter Alston, here for a final s!lrini game with the Braves. "Be might Jt1lt as well not have come ti> s!lrini training, since he'll have to ~ a1f over apln~ when he'• able ta play. Even then, il'U lal<e blm six weeks to set ready." Raymond hit Davil during the Dodcera' 3-1 vidor1 Saturday night over the Braves. Davis flew to Los Angelff Sunday afternoon with Dodger Executive Vice Praldent Peter O'Malley, wbo carried :way1 of the Injury for club pbyliciln, Dr. Frank lobe, of Daniel rr.eman lloopllal, to lludy. Loo Aolel<I dir<dor of player perooo. Ml Al Camponil ii not plannlq .. put Davis on the disabled list until he gets word on how long recovery ii expected to lal<e. Davis suffered a frlctured ankJe while eliding Into second hue during 1prto1 lnlning against the 1ame Atlanta bravea In lM'/. He was out for 30 days and never fuHy recovered his fonn durinr the regular aeaaon. tO meet Tutlday or Wedneoclay with ~-ErictlOll declined to comment on ·reports his Natlooal Bulcethall Auod .. Um cbJb had ottered Ak:lndcw' a five-yur, 'u mUUoo countar offer from the Amerleao Buketball Asooclatloll. Alclndor had nld during the weekend be planned to llan with Milwaukee, ''and that'• eood enough for me,'' EncUoa laid. The senera1 meoager added be ..... aidered AJclndor "a man ol his woril, and J doubt anybody ebe'• olltr can change h1s mind." Milwaukee will be allowed to mate the No. 1 choice In the April 7 draft. Erickson announced be would be ,ac.. companied to Loi Aogel<I by attorney Gerald Kahn, eeer.iary o1 the Buco' Boen! ol Illnctors, and by accow1tanl Gilbert Palay, a member of the board. The contrad, apotesmen said, had been drawn up primarily WKler the guidance of Milwaukee mll1ionalre Wes Pavaloo, chairman ol the boanl. EricUon, oo the eve of departure for California, said be wu "bosieful the whole deal can be signed and aealed,'" with Alc.indor's repreaentaUves .by Wedneaday. Meanwhile Georee Mltan, who says he algned "for something lib $10," when he entered professional b a 1 t et b a 11, awaited WOl'll today from Aldndor oo an American Butetball AlloclatlcG offer worth ·more than $3.25 mUlkn Mlbn, a f.loot-lt glaot ol the NBA from 1H7 to 11161 and now the ABA commluioner, and Arthur J. Brown, owner of the New York Neb, still hope the 7-1 ~ UCLA AD-American can be convinced to alp with the two-year-<ill;l league. Mlbo nld he met 11111 Friday with Aldndor'a financial adv i 1 er, Sam Gilbert. "When I left Loi Aogel<I Friday night.'' M.lbn sald, "Gilbert told me a lawyer would be in my olfice Monday to go over tht contract we dfered. Doea that mean nqotiationl art closed?'' Mlbn mrealed Imm ol the ABA effer Saturday ll a new1 conference. It includes five percent ol stock in the Neil, ·a $500,QOO bonus, a five-year 11 mllllon c:ootrl<I, ao annuity payment of $82,800 a year for 20 years and 10 percent ol ABA natlonal televilioo c:ootractl tolallq at least !500,000. "We IW1 don't consider the negoU• tions ended," Miku said. ''AD thil can otlH be bl1. AU he bu to do b pick up the phone." Rit!la Florida Tourney Henry Bags Airline Open; Sikes' Ace Nets New Car MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -Bunky Henry bouncM his tow-beaded, 2-year-oJd ton -one tJ. lhrff -OD his knee and talked about what he was going to do with the $40,000 he hal just won. "I am gojn1 to slap it in the bank,"' he uid. Henry 25, IOft of a Valdosta, Ga., banker and formerly · a place-kicking specialist for the Georgia Tech football team, is the latest of succe!slon of darkhor!e winners on the '6 million "'" golf tour. Despite a triple-bogey I on one bole, the boylab-Jooklng l!Ollthemer overtook his bes! pal, Bob Murphy, for the fl•st prize check in the bharre $200,000 Na- tional Airlines O;>en GoV Tournament. IUJ best paycheck P"'viouslY this year wu $322.IO at Pensacola. Ht bad mlued tbt cut in two toumamenta and In 1ll: olhen had finished -... fist and '/Ith. Dan Sikes 9COC'td a bole·ln-<111e °" the 216-yanl !Ith hole l!I the final nxmd of the tournament. IUJ thtee-iroo lhot wen him a new automobile. In 13 tournaments 10 far tbb year, there have been 13 different winners. Jack Nldla111 and BWy Cuper each won one, but the other top cbecll: cubers were largely out&lden. Henry oald last Tuaday Murphy told him he, Murphy, felt ll'"t and thought be woo1d win. "We'll fin1lh 1·2," Bob predicted, "On the putting green, before the final round, I kidded with Muri, aaylng 'I'm going to lick you,' " Henry ezplained. "Bob laughed and aaid, 'Don't fora:et the order ii me me and you two." CHALLENGING FOR LEAD -Mike Solomon (first runner from left). makes his bid to take the lead from fellow Unlver1lty of Kansas 2-milers during Saturday's d,ual meet at UCLA. Solomon, DAILY PILOT,.._ W ._. Wfl"9 who later complained the early pace was too slow, finished fourth. He was a California prep champ while at Westminster High and is now a sophcr more at KU. Ashe Defeated · In Five Sets, Gets 1st Chttk NEW YORK (UPI) -Arthur Ashe, the loser in a brilliant five-set duel with Andres Gimeno in the final of the Mad1son Square Garden Challenge Trophy open tennia: tournament, was also a very big winner. A!he, champion in lhe flrlt U.S. Open at Forest Hills last September, bu refus- ed to join either Gimeno's National Ten. nis League or the other contract pr~ fe!Sional league, world champlon&hlp ten- nis. '1t J1 Ashe's contenUon tlllt he is an independent pro, playing under the umbrella and rules of. the: U.S. Lawn Tennis Association. It was Ashe's firat venture lnto playing for pay, and be walked olf the court with 13,&90.C. Mcre Important WU that he walked oil to the wildly enthullaltlc cheers of t,122 fans who got more than their money's worth in witneuing the classic mat.ch ol Gimenoe' tacUcs against ' Ashe'• power. The 6-1, S.Z, 3-f, s.8, 9-7 battle, that luted just under three boun, proved A.me'• value as 1 gate attraction. It was he who supplied. the drama and the excitement. George MacCall, ln the garden dresalng room with Cimeno after the match, admitted that hiJ National Tennis League would !till Uke to hive Arthur join the tour. "He proved oot the~ tonlpt that he has immense crowd 1ppeal," aakl MacCall, "and I'm more than wllllnc to resume laJks with him, but there are no definite negoUaUon1 in JX'OllUI now." A.she defeated two contract pro- feasionall en toute to the final match. He ousted Ray Moore of Wcrld Cham- pionlhlp Tennil In the ....00 nlllll<f, and Newport Beach'• Roy Emerson of the NTL In the temlflnal. Say Ex•area Aces Kansas Wasn't Ready For Outdoor Spikefest Since the coaching era of Bill Easton, the University of Kansa s has been 1ynonom~ with track and field ex· cellence: -it's sort of been the USC of lhe Big Eight. Therefore, lt reaJly wasn't much of a shock to watch t h e current Jayhawk spike edition maul UCLA, 91-63, Saturday afternoon before 10,000 W e s t w o o d visitors. But it was somewhat of a surprise &o learn from Kansas performers (who WHITE WASH ~ once starred for Orange Coast area schoo!J) lhat th.is team is not yet ready for the outdoor season. Mike Solomon, fonner Westminster High state m11e champion, told this coi. umn that he ran in the snow during workout1 Tuesday Ind added that the Jayhawkl only have one more dual meet on tap Ws season -at Southern Dllnols. "We moatly run In the relay meets,'' Sokimon reveals. "We'll be running in . the Teua Relays in two wetks. You get a chance to win some nlce watches fD thole metta." Solomon. who ran 1 9:00.7 J-mile against UCLA (fourih place ) flgu<es he'll be going on the Kansas 4-mile relay team. The: bright KU sophomore also told that Westmln11ter teammate Bill lnglehart bas yet to get wanned up at the University of Oklahoma. It seems · that Bill came down with the measles. Neil Cate.non, who ran a 47.7 while competing as a Golden West freshman, is now a junior at Kansas and was most disappointed in finishing out of the money Saturday wllh a eplus eUort. "Boy, it's really tough to make the switch from indoor to outdoor," he said. Klfl485 just completed Us indoor cam4 palgn by winning the NCAA chaJn.. pionship. Contin ued Caterson: "The big dif· •erence is the turns. You get lots of them indoors. But ruMlng ouWoora you don 't take the short, choppy .tips - you stride out.. I've only had three days to work out outdoors. "What a way to al.art!," he: added. "I just hope I can get down to wh 1 t J was running at Golden West." Last year Caterson broke 1 bone in his foot and never got into peak form. He also admits he may switch major• from physical educatiOfl to business. UCLA coach Jim Bush, ~fonne:r Newport Shores resident, hopes to renew the contract wilh Kansas despite losing hb last two encounters with the Jaybawks. "We were flat against them . . . we were just dead all week," be commented. "We never seem to do ..well the week after finals, they just take too much out of us." Bush called freshman Reggie Eccles the second best ath1et~ he's ever coached, rating sopOOmore Wayne Collett No. 1 in the department. Eccles ran out of gas Saturday In the: freshman 440 and Paul Williams of the Brubabe.! won the: race: in 49.4. Williams was a star 880 runner 1t Hun. tlngton Beach High. f)fficials Check Fatal Auto Crash 500 Winner • Ill Race With Stork LE MANS, France -Oftidals are lnvest.igatin& the cause of an accldmt which trued 11-lian Racing driver 1'1clean Btancbl Sunday In the ....00 di)' ol pnlCllce for the Le M1111 u.bour auto duolc. ' WitneMel II)' l'Slanchl WU tuled in- tltantly when h11 S-llter Alfi R<lneo rlCfd off the track and uploded when it lilt a telegraph pole and trwformu ataUon. Bianchi , M, who had Uftd In Belgium II.net lH?', WU that country's No. 2 nclng driver. 'l1>e oily, sm!Un1 ftdbead won 1t Le Mini last year with Pedro Bodripz ol llulco Jn I Ford GT40. ATLANTA (AP) -EJ.fmn boy Cale Y arban>ulh won the Atlantl llOO stock car rece Swldl)' then headed back to Soutll Carolina to await lhe birth of his llOC'llld child, with a '21,0l7 checl: to Pl1 for ll "I hope I Ill Ihm In time," 1ald the blond, llocldly built driver who celebrated bis lOth blrtbdly In the AUaJ>. ta ractway aarqe arta Wedneaday. Yarhonluch. a popular favorttl with the crowd tstimattd 11 better than IS,000, dnWe bl1 Itel Mtrcut)' acrou the Clnlab line three -ahead ol clooe friend David Peanon to claim his first victory « the 1ea100. But It wu Pearaon who capture the crowd'• fancy. The U.yeaMld Ford driver elected to otart at the rear ol the 4kar field when he decided to uee a tin compound dlfferent from lbe one on which be quallfifld for the front row. NASCA!\ nil., roqulno thet the car be started on the tlru II u!ed In quail· lying. 1be daredevil Pe:anon, I I W' a y I I charier, thrtacled bis way through the pack at 111eh brtakne<k lpeed tliaf l1e toot the lead within 5$ 11111. From tben on it wu a battle betwetn. these two drlvtr1 and everythinL elle WU Jncldental ~ Peanon actually was Jn the lead with 14 laps to 10, taking over when Yari..ough plu.d lor fuel. But when the sreen flll dropped to end a m·tlp c1ut1on period, Yarborourh ltonned In frtOI again end held oo to the finish. "It waa a sreat ride:,'' 1 a I d Yarborough, w1-11111,000 In wlnnJng1 Wt year set a rtcord· for •tock car drivers. "I never thought I waa in trou. ble, and actually I thougl!t I had a 11p If.ad... • Ptanon, last year'a NASCAR Orand • NaUonal champ, wu critical of race officials. fie said they failed to call- caution slow down periods when large pieces of de:briJ appeared. m the back ltretcb, and when blown engines dropped oU on the COUTM. But he 11ve Yarborough credit for the victory. "The only thing l can uy, really, 11 that I got outran." Yarborough avttagtd l.32.759 milts per hour for the S34 circuits of the: I i,t.mUe tl"aclt. lie led IOI laps, with the only other leaden being Pe:arm, Bobby Isaac and Charlie Glotzbach, -In Dodg ... VarborouBJt, who almost quit radn1 three yean ago, now hu won $290,891 (ID the profe.as1onal 1tocll: car circuit. • -----------------------~~---------------- Jittery LA, Warriors Vie At Oakland • • • .. • • ,•, OAKLAND (UPll -c.n the Loi Angela Lakers be more effective bf heochln( lllper &!ant Wilt Cbamberlalni Thia might be nmninJ through u>o mind of Laker coach Bill Van Brfldp KoUf. He ha11 had two day1 to mlljl the plight or his squad which is down 0.Z to t be San Francisco Warrion Uf their best-of.seven semifina.1 series lo determine tbe Western Divis.ion Utll1t .. The tea.ma battle in the third game tonight at the Coliseum-Arena. They allo !lit play Wednesday at San FranciscQ:a Cow Patlce. c "You m I g ht be surprilled by OJl·r starting lineup in the third game," was all the comment Van Breda KolH offer(d to newsmen alter the Warriors u~t On Tl' Tonf9ht ·: Channel 5, a p.... · -· the Laken 107-101 Friday nlabl ii i1Je Forum. San Fl'ancbco abo auprlstd Loe Angelea 9i-94 in the series opener. Jt'a no secret Van Breda Kolll would like. to see tbe Lakers run more 'On offense.,-He._ bas been feuding through most of the se.aaon with bi& super Qr for Chamberlain's failure to drive to the ballet more often rather than pia1 a slow-down, pass-off game at high post. The Lakers also looked b e t t i r defensively when they pressed deep 1n San Francisco's side of I.be floor wtille Chamberlain rode the bench during U!.e later stages of Friday's game. .~ Thus far, the Warriors' 6-11 center, Nate Thurmond, lw better than equalit.- ed the 7·1 Cl!.amberlain. And San Fran- cisco's. Rudy LaRus.so has blanketed bis fonner teammate, Elgin Baylor of ttle Lakers, in a pair of matchups whJCb have: proved beneficial to lhe WarriorS'. Jerry West of the Lai.era , howevt.r, has been hi1 usua.1 superb best The husillng guard ha1 scored 36 polnta 'io each of the first two games. ... Thus far Thurmond, LaRusso ind guard Jeff Mullins have been carrying the offensive load for the Warriors. ADd when the Lakers double t~ Mullins or LaRusso, then subsUtute Joe EUJ.s or Jim King got bot to keep the Warrtur1 going. : The first two games were played ·'at a slow tempo with Thunnond settini; screens for LaRusso or Mullins. Tbtlr4 mond also kept popping from the ls to 18-foot range in an effort to lure Chamberlain lrom beneath the hoop. ::· _ With Chamberlain benched and t h"t: Lakers running on both end! « th court, coach George Lee ol the Warrl6'1 would l)ave to drastically revise hls pit. terns. Presumably that's what Van Breda Kolll bu In mind. • 'D-ead' Celtics Drub Philly • • PIDLADELPIDA (AP) -U the Booton Cellics are dead, somebody better check the coffin. When the Celtics finished fourth Jn 'the National Baake:tball AssodaUon's Eastern Division this season, exptrta: figured the Boston dynasty had ended. They hurled the Celts. But, the fourth-place CelUcs beat the second-place finishing Philadelpbia 76ers 125-118 Sunday night to take a U lead in their best-of-7 Eastern semifir{al series. The fourth game is Tuesday. • Sam Jones, John Havlicek and Don Nelson applied the stranglehold •·on Philadelphia. , Jones, a 3S-year-old veteran, popped in 28 points, Havelicek cootributed Z7, and Nelson came with a rush in the last period to score 12 of bis ti-point total. ·• Player<0aeh Bill Russell scored nine and picked off 18 rebounds. "Billy Cun- ningham topped the 76er1 with 33 points. The game: was tied 21 Umes bdOre Bailey Howell scored on a lay-up Md dropped in a free throw for a three-polnt play that sent Boston ahead for good , 9>92, in the third period. Baltimore ( 0-3) Hopes Knie~ Will Use Bench BALTIMORE (AP) -New Ycrk'1 lron- mtn Knlckerbockm could win the: N11<o tlonal Butetball AlloclaUon pllyolb U they my clear ol foull and lnjwles, say• Bob Ferry of the Baltimore Bullets. "Their 1tarting five takes a back seat to Mbody," Ferry 1aid Riter the Knicks rallled to btat Baltimore llt-115 Sunday Ind take I 3-0 lead iJ the be:at~.7 Eastern Divtaloll tem1f1nj 1e:1iea. 'l1>e fourth came wW be played l'n New Yori< Wedneaday night. : Ferry, •ho quit as 1 player thl.s !lfa"- to become asals:tanl to Coach Gene Sh~ hasn't conceded the po_,tseuon demi.o of Baltimore'• Eastern DivWon chili· plOOI but he's 11<aUy hnP'es!ed •"1 the Knlcks. _ "They have flvt Jf'Ui open shooters, who hit from anywhere on the coud.. they play a:ood deftn11 and rebound/f Ferry said. "What ebe ls lbtre.t" • ' • . -. • ' f ~ I I I I I • •• ------- ·~ DAJtY PllOT MOlld.,, Mll'Ch '1, IM • Laguna Ace Zips to 1:56.5 880 Double Winners • ;:·LYING HIGH -George Barnett, a double winner for Estancia High .r6 Saturday's Beach Cities meet, sails 21-31h to capture the long jgmp. Barnett alao bagged the high jump, tying the meet standard '.ol &.3*· Estancia shared varsity honors with Marina. -· -- Spikelest· ·Summary JUftleP Hllll 600 -1, ow-... (l(llltr) l :tS.5 1. Scl'IM1e IS.Cl 1:2')5 3. Kt•rM \T.Wlnklt) l::I0.7 L 8111111 TeWllllllt J. C•rHMlr~'"'/· Sllot -l, J Kf.11¥1 *"11"" ~ Htl~ 't.vlO "·J l. 11 ID•v10 31·5 4, Mol'll 1rc1 :)641,.\ s. WMHt! OC1l11rJ u-.. IN.tet '1E'' "'''" -1. ktlnr l:G.t 2. l.Wl,.,..le 1: :L Oavlt 1:4'.• 4. S.,, Cltmt~te. CdM Star Hurt Corona del Mar Hifh School 1ulfered a serlouJ 1etback at the fourth annual Beach Cities lnvltailonal track and flold mfft when John HaramJ1, the Su Kinp premier high jumper, suffered • broken leg while C<lmpeting In his opectalt,y. The Junior will be In tbe hocp\tal for 10 dtya. Two bteab occurred below the knee. He flnilhed sMOOCI in his event in ~ competition at 5-1, but the injury will keep him out of action for the balance of the sthool year. Pinter Pitches Bucs to Title AZUSA -Steve Pinter wasn't enjoying the. kind of spring most pitcher! dream abpUl. Prior to the 25th annual Southern Caillomla JC baseball tournament he had a rather unimpressive 0-3 record ana had given up 30 hits in a like niunber of iruUng~. But things started to fall in place fC#' Pinter Friday when he pitched thrtt 1nriinp of ooe·hit relief ball to win 1\11; flrtt came in the semifinals of the coMQlalion bracket. S1turd1y he came right back to pitch 1 'masterful three-hitter against Rio Hon- do~ to &lvt the Pirates lhe consolation tiltf:, 7·2. ·Those two hurling feats earned Pinttr the honor of being named the most outstanding piciher in the three-day t<1urnament. The Plrates had trouble giving Pinter any batting support agalnat Rio Hondo. but erupted for five runs in the home half of the sixth to brtak open a .acoreless lie. The Pirates scored twice on a pair of walkll and two error• btfon Mike Paul, an all·tournament cholct, sln1led In two more f1lJU. Another pair of errors by the: Roadrunner third-bamnan allow· ed the other runs to ICON!. Randy Br1wn knocked in Or1111e Cout'a flllll two nw in the eighth with • double. lltlt ...... (lJ °' .... c... IJ) tltirll,... MlrJtrM (ra....,f, c:f t t I I Jt11kt11t, u J I • • 11! .. k...,,c ltflLMCll,D 41t1 Ma,...,.,. tttll"a11~111 4111 G ..... lf ttltSalle'f,lf 4111 ... .,.....,.,, Ill 4 t t t l"lll'Mt, c: 4 t t t Rotl\t, Jlo t t t I ....... a 4 t I I N.41,.rlft, ,_ J 1 I t ICI~ rf I I t I Vtrtrll11tl1, 11 J 1 t I Ill~. d I I t I $/l'llfll, • J • • • kl"f, .... 1 ••• , l"lrilff, I" 1 I t I Tottti ii 1 1 1 lo11i. » 7 t 1 sar.-,....., J , Jt a ll!lt ...._. IOI ... ""-1 I I Orltrllit (NJf 000 '°'" 01ll-I I I • winners f« the Eagles. Wood took bolh hurdles race11 tying the meet record for 1tbe 1IO lna with a 19.7 clocking. He woo. both racea handily alter slow "'8rls. Barnett also tied a me« record with a leap ~ ~Jn the high jlnDp. CoqpJed wltll hi> 21.i·~ elforl i.o tbe :long jump he was the Eagles' other dooble winner. Perhap.s the key to the Estancia co- c:han;apionship came in the discus w•e Dave Loufek set a meet rtcard in Ulking the event .with, a. ,15U ta&s, bis besW.ver effort and topi iD the couni,. 1'tarina;s Di" e Lacy won the 100 anc1· 22t as expected, tying the 100 m a r k with a 10.l clocking, just 006'.ing out San Clemtnte•s Rick Gedde!. U e establllbec! a record In the :i2o (curve) wllb a lll.t It wu the relays where Marina ehallted up vaJuable points with a meet standard in the 440 at 43.2 and a valued· founh P!ac. 1n the llnlI ·--the ·m11• Riay -an event Estancli was ' not en!A!red In. • '11l.e champion 440 team ctnsi!ted of Joe and Tony Ventimiglla, Lacy and Jim Gauahan. · 1!'0W1tala · Valloy, ~Ile,, ,nai;E'!IY rnlasing a "'"" ol "tllj! ,tllje by 21'' points, olalmed only uiel winner - Dennis" Maas in the 40 w.lth a 50.G clocking. DAY'S OUTSTANDING PERFORMER -Da ve Hustwick of Laguna Beach accepts the DAILY PILOT trophy as outstanding performer in Satur- day's Beach Cities meet. Hustwick, a junior, out- Jegged the co-favorites to win the 880 in a snappy 1:56.5 -best effort in Orange County this year. Sports In Brief Pirate Cre wmen Lose; Angels' Brunet on S pot Loyola Univeraity's varsity crew led from start to finish and handed Orange Coast College's varsity more than a one-length defeat Saturday morning in the North Udo channel in both school's first race of the season. Loyola clocked the ZOOO.meter course in 6:37 while the Piratea were timed in 1:44. Orange Coast, however. scored vic- toriea in the junior varsity and freshman compeUtion. 11>t Bucs' frosh turned in the swiftest time of the day ""·inning in 6:30. Loyola had a 6:34. In the jayvee race, Orange Coast's sprint in the final 500 meters carried the Pirates to a 7:04 win. Loyola was timed in 7:09. Th" Four ltl'• MDA, Ariz. -George Brunet is called the veteran California Angel pitcher. He begins the 1989 baseball season facing a phalani of four young hurlers with last names beginning with the letter M. Jim McGlothlm, Rudy May, Tom Murphy and Andy Messersmith are being counted on by Manager Bill Rigney to be the Bi& Four of the starting rotation. And May showed hls worth Sunday be belting a bases-loaded home run in the second inning and hurling six innings for a 5-3 victory over the San Diego Padres at Palm Springs. At nearby Hokville, the Seattle Pilots, one of the American League's new t x p a n s i o n teams, took a 2-0 win rrom the Angels' B team. The Angels traveled to Arizona today for a game 1gainlt the Oakland A's. Kl11gs In PlaHOff• Tbe Loi Angeles Kings weren't exactly the odds on favorJte.s for the Stanley Cup today. The Kings firUshed with a 24-42·10 record In their second National Hockey Ltague rtgular se.ason Sunday night with a 3-3 lie against the Stars. ' :P.!innesota North The lie snapped a five-game King losing slring. The fourth-place Kings meet second- place Oakland in the Western Divialon playoffs. The first two games of a best-of- seven series begins at Oakland Wed- nesday and Thursday nights ""'ith the second t\\'O contests scheduled for the Forum here Saturday and Sunday night!. Indiana '.r rlumphs BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -Coach Doc Counsllman of Indiana waited a lone ii.me to win his first National Collegiate Athletic Association swimming cham- pionship. Saturday night his Hoosiers captured a second straight title ; now it's the other coaches' turn to wait. Indiana outdistanced the field wi!h a record 427 points, winning nine events in the three-<!ay meet. Runnerup Southern CaWornia had three firsts and 306 points in the meet that produced 10 U.S. records. Stanford was third with 196. Greg Fint, former CoronR del Mar Hlgb swimmer, v.'as fifth for USC in the J,SOO.meter freestyle Saturday. R1usla Wl11s Till" STOCKHOLM - Russia won the work! amateur hockev 11tte fr"' ttie sevenlb straight year Sunday night, and ti!,, United States tun1b1ed uo,1t of the A group in world championship com. petition. Russia wrapped up the crown •gain by defeating Canada 4-2 in the !inal game. Thal left three Wt1111 tied for the . top spot with 8-2 records, but the Soviet team l!ad the: bes ovetr-all goal spread, 59 to 11. Sweden was 45-19 (or secord and Czechoslovakia 40-20 for third. The United Stales lort to Finland 1-3 and wound up with 10 losses in 10 games. Estancia Cops Swim Crown At Upland Ed CliUord and Dan Hefferan Jed Estancia High School to the cham- pionship in Bee competition at the fifth anooal Upland High School Swimming Invitational Saturday afternoon. Clifford srored double victories In the 200 free (1 :58.0) and the JOO free (S3.3J. His 1:58.0 was a meet record. And, Hefferan won twice, taking the 100 indiv:idual medley in 1:02.7 and the 100 back in l ;03.1. The Eagles netted an <1verall score d llO to noge out Monrovia (51) for the tiUe. Estancia's medley relay team was se-- cond and the quartet of Steve Webster, Randy Blaltennan, Clifford and Jim McFarland swam the m frte relay in 3:45.6 for Utird place to clinch the title. Don Randall was the lone Eagle to swim varsity and finished fourth in the 400 free. Defend!ng CIF champion Arcadia cop- ped vamty honors. Cee competition was won by Y.ontcJatr with 48 followed by Upland's 40 and Estancia with 34. Ward Saunders and Larry Blatterman paced the Eat.ancia Cees with second place fm!shes in the 100. free (55.4) and !O back (29.ll. , Some outstanding times were chalked up by CIF swimmers in the meet 1,,.. eluding a Redlands High medley rt:lay team that went to 200 yards m 1:'3.1 and a 200 Individual m«IJ,y time of 2:03.7 by Bruce Kocsis ol Redlands. Exhibition Baseball ~· ·--SI. Lt1111' S. Pflllatlf!Jlfllll J Ali.fl!• 4 l• Mtfilts 1 Wa1111r191oo1 S, K•nwt Cir, t Oltate. 4. t. M""'-tt 4 ClnclllMll .. Hovs""' 4 MOtltrMI 1. 1.<111 Ario.I• I , t atoll,_,. S. '°I~~ I loslOol .. Otl,_11 S. IJ lnnl"'1 S.OI fr•11Chic' U. Clt"9r.tid II S..ttlt t, CtllfotnlR • ' Calllomlt J. S." Dll190 J C!lltafe, H, I. Oiiki.nd ) N-Y..-k. N., VI. NI• N.., Ytlt. A. II f"orl UtJdtrt1•i.. fie~ r•kol I ) u. irve) -dud ~ l!llle not j or an<! >w:ly . by r- S0.6 ........... _ ........ --. --------·---=~::::::::=~=~~~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ -......... _ .............. _ -·· ·-........ _. __ .......... , ... _.._...._ .. .-.-....... -~ -~ • CAIL Y ,ILOT Sl•ff ....... FANTASTIC CLOCKING -Golden West College's Jim Seymour checks out his fantastic 52.7 clocking for the 440 hurdles in Saturday'.s track meet at UCLA. Coach Tom Noon (right) feels Seymour can improve on the perform- ance. He would have placed second in the varsity dual meet between Kansas and UCLA, which was running with the frosh-Golden West meet. Rangers Zip Past Riverside Two 3-run Homers Give Barons 6-2 Win A pair of three-run homers ignited Fountain Valley High School to a 6-2 non-league The Coast Rangers moved varsity baseball t r i u m p h closer to their fifth Pacific Saturday over visiting Bolsa Soceer .League championship Grande. in six years by slamming After trailing by a single Riverskle. >I, Sunday af-tally for most of the game, Jtoun11in V•ll•Y !61 1brllrbi l I 0 D l 1 I 0 l l I 3 l D I 0 ' 0 0 0 Slllm11l, JD llobff"ts, 'Ill C1rroll. If Sell~. lb ll~. lb ~!. H Diiiie, rf Cl1rluon, rf Wlllc l-. c Tnry, cl H1~son, p V1lbo.t~1 •• 1 I I o } ' 1 0 I 0 I 0 J I I J I 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 I • 0 0 ll ' , ' Bob Wilkenson unloaded with ternoon at the University of a four-bagger with Les Heil California, Riverside. and Duane Diffie on base in And Ranger reserves re-the fifth inning to give the mained unbeaten by clubbing Barons a 3-2 Jlad. Riverside subs, a-1. In lbe si.xt.ll. frame John Car· Tol1ll Ce1r.t. II C1!11ll1n. 11 Fllft9, JD Vldr.r.et", t"f Hlmnvlber1, t"f Wh1!nr, ( Tr1,_,.., rt Dyti1, lb H1I"'"""' l'll cw11.-, p ll•""· ,. alt II rtli ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' .. ' ' . ' . . ' .. ' .. ' ' . • • • n ' ' Coach Brian McCau ...... y'! roll put the frosting on with li'"'"" another three-run h o m e r Rangers uncorked in the last half after a ragged, sputtering cubing in Dan Shimaji and Mlte Roberts. T1J11ls beginning which saw them1---------- claw their way into a 2-J lead at halftime. They never· trailed. But Riverside exploited a defensive miscue to gain a 1-1 tie with 15 minutes re- maining in the first half. Earlier Colin W e s t had put the visitors in tront with his goal. And the Rangers regainer'I the lead 40 minutes into the half when Harry Ogilvie cracked in a l(}.yard to make it 2-1. The victors blasted In three perfectos following in- termission as t.1 c C a u g h c y regrouped his lads and got them on the right track. Steve Johnson, who played the entire game with the reserves. pop- ped in a shot to make il 3-1 with 35 minutes to play. Then Leif \Verncid found Jackie Ogilvie with a sa-yard pass and the latter worked through the shocked defense to put in the goal. \Vest wrap- ped up scoring with his shot in the fin.al 20 minutes. Owen Gorman and Andre Cousin each hit two tallies for coach George Harrison's Ranger reserves. Picking up one goal apiece were Johnson. Alfredo 1t1oran, John Brown and Hugh Galloway. Both teams are idle til April t3. Gauchos FalJ To Palomar SAN MARCOS -Palomar College exploded for si1 runs in the first two innings against visiting Sapdleback College and went on to post an easy 8-1 non-<:<>nference baseball victory Saturday afternoon. The Gauchos were restricted to four Singles in the game and scored their only run in U1e third lMing when Rick Nelson and Don Sweetland walked and Scott Longnecker singled in Nelson. ~dl:!I) M\lbl», ,, ~1'4-. 1'I s-Jand, r-lb L-l!Kktr. cf l!:Hll:. Jb ~''"°"''. Ot-rtrvlhlre, Tio ., '~ • ' ' • ' • ' ' ' . ' . • • ' ' • • ' . ' . • • • • • ~nnetfJ AUT@)CENTER Don't let this happen to your car! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday! Complete Engine Tune-up • (Yolksw119en) (6 cyl.) (8 cyl.) • Y"" get new points, plugs. rotor, oondemer and distributor; expert odjuoto-of com- dweft, timing and carburetor. •,Result$, more driving 'pep', better m\leoge . CAIL Y 'll.Of J: • ·sey~our (52.7) in Hurdles Pro .HockerJ~ .. Standings f WESTWOOD -Jn the scortbook it looked like a wipeoul -Fullerton Junior College 76, UCLA Frosh M, Golden West 49 -but the Rustlers really enjoyed a fine afternoon at UCLA Saturday. Hurdler Jim Seymour won two evenls -one of lhem In a world claSs time -Don Shields won th< high jump and had a neat"--miss practice leap at 7·feet, Rick DeNuccio set a school record in the two-mile (1 :29.4) and the Rustlers' makeshµt mile relay quartet set another record brw.hlnc the bar oU with bis (S,lt.t), ch<ot II M"t. Seymour woo lhe highs lo ......... "'' UCLA 1•0 14.1 and then came back to ...... w.i 0•1 wln lbe 440 lntenn~··--In JMIA-1. "'-11 (Fl I. ••-!Ml .,,,,..._ fUCV.I 1. Hrtllll (PJ 4. Wtltll U.7, tbe second rastest junior tucui. oi.1-: ,,.,. collese elfort ln hi.tory and 11!:1 '0'1. -1. UCLA t. Pu111.-. one of the best for the distance M11t-1. ll4ld: '"' t. O.Hw«lo 1ow1 Ibis And 'I nnl J. 1911...,. (UCLA ~~Tlnlol; year. 1 wa1 r .. Y ' '''"'· his fourth compeUtive race at 120 HH -1. s.v ( c1n. -IF) J. Jotw\MI ( t""" ,.. the distance. aull (Jtl, Tl,.,,.: 14.1. H al --•--• --ll ..._w1m1m1 fUC:LA) t. 1rda CJt! e so &1~&111~ '""'"" m e ). IEttlal IP) '· McMll"°" (GW). relay team to its record with T~~" cuCLAl 2• Hir•I• IGWI a 48.J. leg. '· "" (GW) •• Y\11111\1~ fl'). Time: Shleldl took the hish jump '·~1. V•llOenbll"'I IFJ i. w1~11m1 at 6-8 and then made a prac-CUCLAJ s. a9ttu11 tl'J •. Pr110Cll ti·-J IP of •to bef ...., COW). T.,,..: l :M.l. "" e r 01.-.. .. l~llNl-1, Sl~"10llr fGWI t. Cel'ltM (Pl t. ~ (GW) 4. ....... (,), Ti!llU ti.7. ~rmtfl IUC:LAI t. H.,..-lt !OWi l H_.lrOlll 11•1. AM (OW). Timi: 11.f, ~owtt1 (UCL.Al t. MUM!" fl'") l. Kille (Fl 4 Moot. (UCLAJ. Oi.> ltllel: '1·11. f'll......i...11 '1utLA t. T.,.rlllll !1') 110 thlr• or tourth. l+lltM: IN, HJ-$111eldl iGW) J, Amold ilJCLAI '· Mutletlll,. tGWI 4. Gr1y (l'J. H1leh11 U . DlKu....CIMland (F) l-hdl fUC~l J. Ulam {P) •• Cook IF), OIH1nc1: ISM. TJ--1. HIUMIM" !Fl t. Llft:Ollllll !UCLAI I, l(lnt (Pl 4. Letlltl' CF ), Dlltlll'ICI: .U.lllli. ).Mlle -1. DI Hl>CCllt (GWI t. 1'1\111r IGI. 1. •!IOI 1Fl, 1 Scllfntnk (GW I. Tlml1 9:2'.L Mlle rlle-1, o.ldlll Wit!, J. VCLA. Tlll'll: J:ll.t, •• PIMIW..-... ......... .. ,....,., .... "''"' ... '"' T-t• D<tlrlh '""" SI. LOI.lit "'"'" PhU~llltl!1 LOI """Ill Ml.,...totl l'll!Wluttn w l. T ,..._.,. M * 1• n .1a m • q II .. 1'I JD tit .. ,,. ti"'""'·* l!)llSldl .. ,,, )))lit,. •• M» t77•P¥ w ........ .. 11ll14U11ff1 ,, :M 11 ., 21f :a• Hl$21611Mm J4.UIO!tlN • II .U 15 II I"' Ill '.HI 4$ ,, " llt '° lo&IClfl I. .v.on1 ... 1 J HI'# Yoril •• T•ninlv t Cllk-f , 0.lroll I •lrblllJrtll !, •lllltftlpftll I Ml,_11 l. L• ......... l. tit - All PeMey Stores Open Every Night Monday Through ·Saturday . • l11991d, 7.p1y glm~ b1h led• tl11 h..d I• pl1K1 le 1ul Gow• fridien, Thit; _ ....... ·.,..;...,.-. loft111• -· ,,..o1,. .. 11..,rg .. •• ' A F/x 'SQUIRM' FIGHTER 30 MOS. GUARANTEE WITH 15 MOS. FREE REPLACEMENT! • Polyester cord-fiber glass belted tire 1 ·\ . • Less heat build up for safer, longer wear \ ~ } 1 \~, \'. • Your thoice-redwall or whitewall same low price ,,,:':Re;:·a4.9s 27 .99 N 0 w pl,. 2.24 fed. t1x ind old tire fO!EllOST TIM CUAllANTIE G111ra1te• ,..... nu wt1r1111t [ If your ti1e wears out during the fir~t half of the guarantee period, return 1t with your guarantee certificate and Penneys will replace your tire with • new tire, chargin11 you 50o/. te~l'i than th~ current selling " price including Federal Excise Tax; if your tire wears out during the second half, you pav 25'1~ less than the current sell inr price including Federal Excise Tax. 511araaln 1pl1st tlil•1t If we replace the tire during th!': free· replacement period, there is no charge; if wt replace the tire after the free-replacement period, )'OU PJf SO'l~ Or 25% less than the cmr.-nt selling price of Iha. tire inc:rudin r Fede111! Excise Tax. C11t11111n:ilt Usr Thi s gua111ntee is void where passen-1er tires •re used on trucks. used for business, or driven over 30,000 miles in one year. Neni ..... ,.11r ..... ,..... ·••n.t ,., .. ,,. w•rkM (lltir• 1uw.i1111 P'flfiH ·-·--···:Ml monlfl• •r•t z.r11c1m1nl p1rift ·-··· 1·111111nth1 ~ p1rl1•-············-·--1 .. 23 1111nt111 21"" Mt p1ti•f--·-·····l4-JO 1111nlfl• Size Reg. Price Tax E70.14 (7>5·1') 36.95 2.33 NOW 29.99 plus feel. t1x ind old fj,. Size Reg. Price Tax F70.14 (77S.14) 38.95 2.44 NOW 31.99 ph11 fed. t1x and old tire Size Reg. Price G70.14 (12•-••l 40.95 F7Q.15 (77S.1S) 38.95 G70.15 (•15/12s.•sJ 40:95 Tax 2.59 2.50 2.69 H7Q.15 (•45/15s.ts) 42.95 2.85 NOW 33.99 plw1 f.d. ttJC •nd old tire • Fr• pundure repair for li'9 of trwdl •' • '•-vh. 2.,1, po1, ... ... , .r. ... ;.,-...,.. ... .,h_, ... ,.. ... tidJ 91°""' bio-""' • All Pen.wt' ·• _ _..... AF/X Drag Slicks Great tire 'savings! 800/850-14 Reg. 30.50 NOW 26.50 plvt 1.54 ftd. , ••• nc1 .w ti,. 950.14 Reg. 31.50 NOW 27.50 plvt 1.19 f ... t•x •nd .W lift! 900.15 . Reg. 31.50 NOW 2 7 .50 ''"' 1.72 fed.,..·-.w tft • Meons 'flylng ttortll' for ..-an 1M hotMll fodofy ~ I ,_, • • .. .. . H-. •rf W\1111m1, " Viet.. rf '"""' . 11.IVM, C ' .. ' .. ' ' . Jl I 4 1 NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH "'"' • • Tfllllll ( t(Wf .., l~•lllt• ' .. 001 DOii 000-1 4 • ~111 0111 oow-1 10 1 (Fashion Island) (Huntington Center) ·-. .. .. ... .I I !, I I \ I • ;"FLEETING GLORY -Balboa Yacht Club's Alsuna . II leads Del Ray Yacht Club's Primera arouod .the ,,.first weather mark in Lipton Trophy Challenge Sun-- .. -Blackfin Nabs Re~ord ::In Whitney Series '·Ken De Meuse's 73-foot ketch Blackfin broke her se- cond consecutive elapsed time • record in the Whitney Series -.Saturday when she sliced three hours and 21 minutes _from the 49-mile Stewart ,"1;oPhy race.. . •· ll was Blackfin's second "NHYC Lists 7 Race s ·::for Ttophy "=' Newport Harbor .Yacht Club llas annouuced the seven races that will count toward the .Jim Dickson Perpetual ·Trophy for the Pacific Handicap Rae: jng Fleet. elapsed time win in as n1any outings. Last week she set a new rect>rd in the Tri-Island race. Blackfio finished the 49-rnile Stewart Trophy Race in 6.4440 hours (approximately fi hours 26 minutes ): The previous record of 9 hours and 48 minutes was set by Jack Baillie's 12-meter Newsboy in 1968. ~ohn Jilctntyre•s 72-foot yawl 'Bac;una finished sect>nd behind Blacktin even after taking time ,out. to rescue a man il'f the water off Point Fermin. Just as Baruna rounded Point Ferrniri on the final leg of the ra~. the foredeck crew spotted a man struggling in the \•ater-. Mcintyre ordered sails don9ed and went to the rescue. After the man was hauled on board it was found that he was extremely intoxicatd and violently objected to being day, -j>ut both boats were cut down by San Diego Yacht Club's Halleluj!lh at the next mark. Halle- lujah was· the eventuaJ winner. MOMENT OF GLORY -San Diego Yacht Club's Marty Gleich (right) beams from helm of Halle· lujah after winning Lipton Challenge Trophy for the cllib. It was SDYC 's 18th successful defense of the trophy in 56 years. At left is c rew member Dennis Connor. , The first race will be the $1Up Rock Race May 17-18. Others in the series will be the Huntington Tidelands race. .lune 7; Independence Day -~att.3, July 4-5-ti ; Long ;s4iot & Return, June 14-15 : &Id Coast Race, Aug. 9; Fall Regatta, Sept. 27-28, and the P'all Gold Cup Oct. 25-26. rescued. He said be had fallen -------------------- 1be series will be decided en the best f1ve of the seven Dees. .... n.e Dickson Trophy was «i.iablished in '86-1 as the high- point trophy for NHYC events ror yachts racing under the PHRF handicap rule . It was iP won in 1963 by the yacht Lenero, then owned by Jim Linderman. ~The trophy Is a perpetual Wtiich remains in the custody o1·NHYc. The winner receives a lake-home trophy. This year all entrants who compete in fiye of the seven races will rtceive a participation plaque. ·Long Beach :All-sailboat Show Slated ~lfhe Southern California Marine Association announces i" will sponsor an all--sailboat show to be held in the elegant Sl2,000,000 Long Beach Arena Oct. 24-Nov. 2, 1969. The Long .Beach Sailboat Show will be the only all· sailboat event to be sponsored by a marine trade organlia· tion in the nation this year. 100· SouUiem Ca I j.f or 11 i a Ma,rine Association is a Jll)tl· piofit group devoted to the pr'Dmotion and improvement or boating in the WesL C. J. "Bud" Aronis. SCI>IA pfesident. reports the show will be limited strictly to the 1 dilplay ol sailboats a n d ' sailboat accessories a n d. ' services only. ·:lbe Sailboat Show will be tbie second show on the SCMA calendar, supplementing the annual Los Angeles Boat Sillw. the 14th ed.iUon ol which Wik be held at the Pan·Pacifir •1torlum. Los Angeles, Jan. itl'eb. I, I970. :J;MA's , leaders felt the iiilboat growth in the West • so dramatic to warrant *"" all .. ail shnw In I h e '001000 Southern California J!!:ktL Indicative of the ap-1111 of salllng In the Southland -lac! that the big Marina 41CRey harboi ls now more -:111 pero<nl "IL --. from an unidentif i ed powerboat some 40 minutes earlier. After Baruna crossed the finished line, the unide n- tified man said : "You can let me off here". and tried to jump overboard. The race committee ad- justed' Baruna.'s elapsed time to account for the rescue . Mclotyre and his crew pro. duced living proof ol the ln· cideot. Final results : 0\-'.ERALL -(I) Blacldin; (2) Baruna, John Mcintyre. LBYC : f3) Summerwind. llichard Miene, LA YC. CLASS -A -(I) Blackfin ; 12) Baruna ; (3) Sandpiper. Dean Brown, SBYC. CLASS B -(I) Sum· merwind : (2) Cygn us, Ern ie Chi pm an , LBYC; (3) Escudero, George S t u r i; i s , LAYC. CLASS C -(I) \Vhi1nsey II. Hugh Ro1ters. LAYC; (2) Sundowner, Ed Su n db e r g CYC : (3 ) Damoiselle , Steve 'All's Well' U.S. Yacht Reports In Transpac Race SAN FRANCISCO (AP J - The lone American in the five yacht s ing l e -h a nd e'd transpacific yacht ra c e messaged "all is well" Sunday from a position more than 1,000 miles out in the Pacific. Jerry Car tw ri g h t of Portland Ore., sailed his Scur- fier Il close to th e Coast Guartl 's cutter at Ocean Sta- tion November and asked that his message be relayed to The Associated Press. The Scuf!ler II and the four other yachts, all under 35 feet, sailed out the Golden Ga tr March 15 in the first 6,000 mile transpacific solo race .to Tokyo. A $5,CKXl first prize goes to the winner. In passing the cutter 1,000 miles southwe.st of San Fran- cisco, Cart wright advised that his first inteaded stop is Japan. The cutter a.t Ocean Station November is on com· munications and w e a L h e r o~serving duty. The other skippers and their yachts in the race are Frenchman J ean Yves Terlain in Blue Arpege; Fre nchman Eric Tabarly in Pen Duick V: Belgian Rene Hauwaert in Vent de Suroit, and German Claus Hehner in Mex. O..ky,CYC. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 CLASS D -(I) Win dswift, Carl Tunberg, CYC; (2) Odin, Jim Parks. CYC ; (3) Miltemi, Pearce & Strudevant, P~1YC. fi.tORF (Little Whi t ney N:arineland Race) (J) Aquarius. John Hot 1 day , LBYC: (2) Swiss Navy, Dick Deaver, BYC; (3) Anita, Bill von KleinSmid, NHYC; (4) Sea Chase II. Chet & William Gall, SBYC; (S) Chalupa, Lar· ry Helscher, CBYC. Hill Takes Hydro Title TOPOCK, Ariz. (AP )-Ron Hill. a 24-year~ld school teacher from Garden Grove, Calif., captured the last two races and won the Golden Shores IntemationBT limited championships Sunday for the second straight year. HUI scored 5.912 poinl-s a n d earned top prize of $1,000 In cash and a piece of land on the Colorado Rim valued by develooers. at $4,500, He also won $1.300 In assorted otbtr ca.~ prizes. • -MoA than 12.500 were on hond ttt !9ee Hiii win the l:t~t two race!! ol fh .. rla\' Rnd nul' fnr ahe11lf nf Clllrk Miiloof o' Quincy, ftfass .. in lht: twOoday m""'t. ~11lloof 'lfl\!I !he seen,,,, will' (SM ,,,..i lh irtf \'-'II, fir<1f-da v '"lld"'r n tck 0!'1\''"~""· 17. nr ~.11n Bf>rn.11r<fiM. r "ti( CallPSA. for home deliver~ San Francisco $13.50 We deliver lresll datly. 900 ll1ghls a week co11nect southern and northern Calllomia. More than any other airline. AU jets. Lowe&! air tares. Call your travel agent or PSA tor prompt home deltvery. PSA gives you a lift. ' ' .. • r --• • -• San Diego Reclaims !rQp~y ' I I\. I SDYC Sailors Take Over Custody of Lipton Cup : When Sir 1bomu Upton named his Wesi Coaat trophy the San Diego Lipton Cup bsck in "aQ&bt-aix" a lot of peop1e 1n San ~go !<Jok it strlou.s .. Even after the 8Quthem Callfomi.a Yachtin1 Aasocia· tion took ·over Custody of the ' trophy and the suddep-jleath Tac< it .-.pi"esentl, SDYC Bailon still clung to a ~ prielory attitude. Tiiey decJd. ed the only way to keep t&e ornate chunk fJi silverware in SDYC's trophy c~. WU to go out and win it against all comers. San Diego boat wimln1 It by Soolll--Yacll! Cha• - a 55 Jl!ICOOd mar1in. Richard Dlsraell, Molalo. MDtoshco and hit crew on Loi A• I e I~ 1 Y .. Club GYPIY lurned Jn an outalan-(DNF) -Bob Letlie, Joller ding performance by bavlng -;;;l;;;II;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ to overcome a restart because•• they were over the starting line early. The crew also had to unsnarl a spinnaker wrap , after turn.Ing the s e c o n d w .. tber mart. Despite all her troubles, Gypey at one time pulled to within 3S seconds .of Hallelujah. ~ •AFECC INSUAANCI: ) ' for specie l I GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS I n RENEWED LEASE Sunday San Die10 Yacht Club· renewed its lea&e On the Llptoo tllallqe Trophy for the 18th year -meaning. lhat during the 51 y .. n the trophy bas been aail<d for, SDYC bu won it one third of the lime. Slnce I959 they have won it every year except one when they loet on a protest. trouble fetUng her chute down 1be race committee signall· ed two postponemenll u fog threatened to blanket Ille course. Despite the fog, winds for 'the start were from 12·14 knots. As the fog drifted away midway through the race the wind abated slightly, bu"t came back stron1 for the final beat to weather. , your Femily Auto lnsurenc~ Furthennore, the Sa n Diegans . h.ive accomplllbed the task in virtually ivery kind of sailboat and wllll a Va.:iety of crew combinations. ~undayi SDYC won tt with ·the RedlinHl sloop Hallelujah with owner Martin Gl<lcli at the hehn. • But there were ·times during the feggy, -,.lndy n ee that Gleich .,xt his crew bad their work cut out for the'm. At the atart, for instance, Hallelujlh was far dowD at the leeward end of lbe line, virtually buried by • covey of Cal-40$ . A!SUNA FIRST When the fleet approached the windward mar~ for the first time, Balboa Yacht Club's Alsuna n, with . Mik e Hirsh at the helm, was Indeed the flnt i!ost ....n.f with San- ta Barb8:fa's Argonaut, sailed by ownq.Jbhn Androo, cl06e astern. Hallelujah wu third. · and 1enoa up. Ai the end cl the triangular lap Hallelujah led the second pl ace boal by 40 secoods. The order of rounding was Art Walker's Cal-40 Tetu a, Cabrillo Beach Yacht CJub; SBYC's Argonaut ; Long Beach Yaebt Club's Gypsy, sailed by owner Harry ?loloshco; Bob Le.dle'1 Joker m from l..os Angeles Yacht Club; BYC's AJsuna D; Del Rey Yaclit Clab'a P r 1 m e a ; Sllvergate Yacht Club's Cimarron ; Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Gale, skippered by Harry Nye Jr., and Southwestern Yacht Club's Molaro. A 15 degree windsbift added to Hallelujah's lead and Long Beach Yacht Club's Gypsy had moved up to second place. From there on the race was between Hallelujah with the McCord Wins In Lido-14 ' Bill McCord of Balboa Yacht Club won the Class A divi~on of the Lido-14 Invitational Regatta hosted by BYC Sahlf- day ~ Sunday. Winner in Class B was Robert Hubbs ol Voyagers Yacht Club, and Bruce HumBM of BYC was winner in the junior division. · Here was the order of finilh : Saa Diego Yacht Clab Martin Gleich, Hallelujah. Lolls Beach Yacht Club - Hairy Molosbco, GYJ>Sy. Santa Bwbara Yacht Club -John Andron, Argooaut. Balboa Yacht Club -Mike Hlnb, Alsuna II. Del Rey Yacht C11b - Robert Metzner, Primera. Cabrtllo Jkacb Yacht Clab -Art Walker, Tetua. Silvergate Yacht Club - Jack Green, Cimarron. Newport Harbor Yacht Club -Harry Nye Jr., Gale. Bob Paley and Anociates INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 The three boats fought a boat-for-boat duel on the downwiOO leg to the jibing mark with Hallelujah overhaulini Argonaut a n d rou.n<fing close . on Alsuna's transom. Hallelujah's crew executed a near perfect jibe while the BYC crew bad a foul·up on the foredeck and Hirsh had to bear off. This gave U:e San Diegans a clear weather berth and also allowed about four other boats to climb over Alsun-a II, who was still having The regatta was sponsored . by Lido-14 Fleet No. I of Newport Harbor. FI n a I results: CLASS A -Ditto, Bill lf.cCord, BYC ; (2) Magic, David Ullman, BYC; {3) Hi- Ho, Ed Rodriguez, ABYC; (4) Wood Wind, Harry Wood, ABYC; (5) All's Well , Peter Parker, NHYC. r~~er{e&t Your Strofte ••• Coi11t in 011d swing wi1li the pros-a 10' pull or a 300 yard drive! .A TV camitra will videolape your ~troke. and you'll s.Qe yourself on instant playback. I Golf prw will analyz.c your swing and advise you on your game ••• weekdays 11 :30-J :30 p.m. }'01/fl bit playing in Brunswick's new .. Swing-Away Pro Golf'' practice unit right in Mariner&' lobby. See MacGregor's complete J969 Pro Line of golf equipment i o Marineri' Pro Shop. Jark Nicllaus book of go![ tips /rite for everyone attending. Tlireit Wtitl1 •• -staning March 24th. Come in now and get all the details. Special Guitst: Miss l\.1 arsha Bennett, fonnerly'M.iss Cali- fornia. Soon to be seen on the Women'1 Professional Golf Cin:uil . Toke a Tip Front Tliit Pro1 Dale Andrtason ~facGrtgor A4visory Staff' l.larcb 24th B<>b Bal.:er .Leisure \Vorld Country O ub ).fan:h 15th Gerry Hall &nla Ana Coun try Oub March 261h Don Mollica lrvine Coast Country O u& Man:h 271h Ron .Rei{ Cosla ~fcsa Country Oub March 28th JimmyPowtll Yorba LindaCoontry Club March J l3t Ralph Evan~ lr\•ine Coast Country .Oub April lit Bob Baker Leisure lVor1d Country O ub .April 2nd Garry Douglas Rancho San Joaquin April Jrd Gerry Hall Santa Ana Co unlry Oub April 4th Garry f?oughlS Rancho San Joaqt·i11 .April.71h Ron,. Reif Co~ta ~fe~a Country Club April 8tfi Dave Coffer Mc:~R Verde Coun try Clu b April 91h Pale Andreuon ~tacGrc:gor .Advisory Stalf .April JOlh Marl11ers~ Savings• f& N ewportBeachw .. tcliff •I Do"tr, (714)642-4000, Oren Daily,9;00am-<,OOpm,Frldaya, ti! 6,00 ... r ---.....~ ---- LOOK WHO'S LAUGHIN' -Evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, above, will have a cameo role on "Laugh In" tonight at 8 p.m. on Channel 4. Other highlight. will include Dave Madden as Atlas and Alan Sues essaying the role of )Yilliam Tell. PEANUTS PERKINS /'l.t NAVE 1t)JU41T TJ.L I~ POSfT!VE NE~ ASJ.EEP-T'HEN-- ' . ly Cliarles M. Schulz By Sallllders and Ov•gard • .. '""' ....... •J.J r--':"'-----------::::::::""-111 __ _ TELEVISION VIEWS U.S. Shares In Funeral By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK {AP) -Once again television per- mitted. a nation to share in the farewell ceremonies to ooe of its great men, this time Dwight D. Eisen- hower. ·The coverage by the three networks was smooth and well-organized, reflectjng experience and prac- tice ·obtained recently during other sad occasions. IN THIS CASE, however, the long illness of our 34th president had given the various news depart- ments an opportunity to prepare. Thus when the death was announced, all net\vorks \Yere able, with-· in hours, to present comprehensive program1' tover.: ing President Eisenhower's military and poHtical career. Throughout the weekend, there was scarce4 Jy any evening time when some memoir about the late president or a news story connected with the funeral was not on some channel. Sunday afternoon there was, once again, the solemn and moving military procession that led to the rotunda of the Capitol. The ceremony, that con4 eluded with the eulogy by President Nixon, was most impressive. THE VIEWER 'S attitude was differ.en! from that in the services fo r leaders who had b.een cut down before their time. Fur the pasSing of :Presi- dent EisenhO\ver there was respect, admiration and regret, and it generally seemed a quieter occ3sion. The networks will continue their CoVerage through \Vednesday. Jf NBC's "The Choice" Sunday night resul ts in the donation of a single heart for transplan't; it will ·! have served a noble purpose. The original teleplay by Henry Denker was al4 most a case history in dramatic form. A young police officer received a mortal head injury in an accident. While at a hospital t\vo patients, one a 52-year~ld diplomat and the other a young pianist, both with failing hearts, awaited a donor. IN ONE SCENE, the heart surgeon explained to the shocked and grieving family of the dying po- liceman the importance of giving the heart away -a chance to give someone a new life. It was per- suasive editorializing. The drama was around the surgeon \Vho, be- cause so few hearts are available, v.1as forced to make a decision as to which man \Vould have a chance to survive. It finally was a nonmedical de- cision -he chose the young man. George Grizzard as the surgeon, Melvyn Doug- las and Frank Langella as the patients, turned in excellent, valid performances. JACK BARRY, \Vho di sappeared from network television in the \vake of the quiz show scandals a decade ago, \Vill return April 11 when he replaces Dennis Wholey as host of a fragile mid-season re- placement, the game show "Generation Gap" on ABC. Barry was host and part owner of the once- popular quiz show, "Twenty.one" which figured prominently in the investigation of rigged pro- grams. Dennis the ltlemree . . TAJ(llrffi l(,t,fHEllNE lO UJ~. LUKE LA~GO OS.UALL't' ~66ES.TS TI4AT SHE MOT TlLL HEE MUS6A.NP! CM 1 HELP IT rF I P'ftrff TMf CDfUAW ~A. IEAllTIFUL WOIAAM TO AN OlP Flt!ENP ? 'IOI l'llZ?lE WIU., I'VE. lt.WA't6 JEEN ME ! I'M IE6IV-Ht5! I 'll\ WOT SlllE HE'5 MING 10 WDNPEI IEElil MINE: OlllE TMIN6 WHETHEf 'tOll M HA.VE fN '°"""*-.WE'ii C.ONS.lPER WM ATrlM:T'EP TO THE~ A. FIUENP! WOMEN! ~~~~=-=-=-=-....c~~~~=-·ws~-;;,,~,0.1r"~.-.A-~f"" ... Jl>i:~UTTO Pl<OPOS.AL C/>Pb 1111!' P1:>!"1'-l1l> SIT DoWtl, HAAR'f. I MUST<iETTHIS <i~•1'T!N<4 C/>.~P WRITTEN FOl'1!11' .JUN!' ,~ . ..-..:;, ..... TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF GORDO WW YOU L11L N SECT.5 CHOl<TJ..!Nr SC! MISS PEACH WJllT~, 100.. FOft &&.'SHFUI..' SA'f, U,M ... You l<iJOW. BOYS-HOW "WON'T~ WOULl>YOU lreWWIFll Wl>ITf< IT? R---"'<"''"FOI> I.If~?" MUTT. 'FIRE! GRAB 'THE MOST W ~"'-IMPORTANT "THINGS ANDGETOUT/ I " HE A HOUSE PO(!., ARTHUR ? ~5, IUT ~ FAMILY KEEPS GSTTJNG> UNC>Rlll'OOT· .. By Tom K. Ryan .ly Mel I I I 11 I I 1• I I MONO .\f IWICHl1 : MAYOi! SAM YORTY * Sl'£C1Al Rf PORTI Ii MAYOR SAM YORTY 1 .. 11 a -tel t!O) ,, * SPECIAi. RfPORTI • • ,.._ ~ tel l~.311:.:"'" .,,_ -<•it· D a7)(J)aJTM ....,. fCJ 1111) '4S-1NI ~. Zlcfl117 {R:l) ~o myfil'MI mllMI• •t · (ff) "'fuminl" prut tune. 1_ .. ~ I -• _., a Ml1illl s 111-= .....,. '""' **" ~ ~~ .r-11 lllJ ,....,.. (clra"") '41-Wtl· it l$llrll11, Ute 1pproechn 1111 fllt. ttr Pid1t11n, MlllfMll O'Hlrt. ln1 ""' •1114 1111rUtlllr lt11111, .... m ,,.. • C.1t40 -(C) (JO) th• Manlltf "' wlildt "" IMlltdtt • ,.,, ..... (&0) llli•PIMll lnforlllltlon .... tlt.hftll(. m c..-• 111 •• <30) 0 · ,, •n e..t1 lhH1•·1111 •••• ...._. ''°'am-a -"""'1•11*'••••11111-te1·: ' ce) 1'Q) Rwwtnd 11117 Qr1h1111 GI U.. Ol6 (CJ 11111 ,...._ • m1kn 1 111rprlll visit • Arlt John· tomt1 IOllll lltl:J WMt. ~ IOll' tlNI Jllth Buzzi PQltrlJ tht ot• JtolM. Diel lllltiw .... MlJ4 min ind Glldyl on tM ptit hndl SMllMOll. -.. -but thil time tht skit Im 1 111r· m ,.._,,._. CC> p1iM trtdin1. .: It NIA w ..... Diwi1iM "'1lfb 11:15 8 Mrel ........ ' (°?) (2 l1r) Cllic:k Hum calls tht ti""'* .. ......., (""*'1) 'SJ tct!Gn ts t11t Loa Anplu liken ..........,. Duff, IN LllJlM, ' milt tbe Sa n frtncbcl Wtniors. ; m """ CC> (lO) 11'" ·-......,.. -I"" fD I iil.la.rits kM" .,.. Mt) 'SI-Joh• Dtftl, O.W ..... -~· (IO) Tho ..... , l!l lltlIJllilT--IQ ,, Symphony Ordlutr1, with lllll3trl fJ Qll (J) aJ ....... CC) • LIOPOI• Stoltodl COINludin&. ,.r. ID 11MM1 re--... Cit IOl'IM I ulUcilfr 1a:i.Jrntd wcN\ : •r 1111 ti Alntrlcl'• fonnlolt _. ll:U a MIN: (Q ... Lt. ... ..,. "*"-Tiii PfOlf'llll was bpM If <Tr•ma) '5* · -IWltrt W•flllJ, a -"' 11idnl&M ...ioa ltltf tht Jtffr~ Hunt«. fft111tN ~a If tlM "'°" II Clr'tlM Mii Ill IMS. IZ:IS G ~ ........ rttt11• (drt· e C..... J ~ m1) '51-Mimle ¥111 Dorlll, Leri Helson, .. "" • 41!(1J ..... "" tel (30) Jtck lliiftY end Mddrl GllllOll 12:• Ill ActM1 ni.trt: "MM ft Cttl· ..... LIKY .,.. htr flflllly Ill· llrct. N 1wtr 111 Id fOf loQinp i11 h im Spri"l!I 1Jld find lhtmMJ\'tl "1fnl l:t0 II 5"Miq fttlllJ (CJ D1fW Liii· workln1 1uldl lft llfult• llomt. (R) tntllel aullb. '" ~)tlflo<!1.~:&-0r. = ro~ D""" Ct> trol hit 1n11J; 5uu11 Mldln frM; EH 19ks M111M fl rnttrJ !MM; Jn. nilu trill to 111tkt 1 lllul wiUJ ltttJ rttt!dlnl tht ~ .....,. TUE SD A Y DATTIME MOVIES ••e;""" -(-) '55 -CllllotM. Jiiiie .... Cl.• THIS AD AND tAVI l:tS 8 ....-.......... (lllrtt111) 'It -W1lltc:I lllfY, M"1orit M1lii.. ~ 8 Clla&id" ..... ..., CQ " ._.I Jll MC '"Ullt 1111.,• ,,,.."" -(-.,.:: J11111 """""' ..,.. ..... (_ ... -(la . .. !* ....... , ...... ..,~ --.. -·: . ..... --(~ ._ .......... _, T.V. '7~50 OM TOUl lllllT -CALI. !Offlr .....,.. ... , JI, "'9f) lc:A SALIS A SDYICI DNITH "' Ir,., • • .....,.. lrtlas 6•2·97•2 275 I. 17111 ST~ COSTA MllA J ( I I . . . ' • . . . ~ DAILY I'll.OT Eroii~a for Art's Sake? 'Heironymus Merkin' Actor-Director Defends Film IMl.T DllllEY ...... .,. <1lalile. the InnMo1lle -·-----~ __ , ___ .-,..;;~ POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY Plus FRANK SINATRA RAQUEL WELCH DAN BLOCKER "LADY IN CEMENT" STARTS WEDNESDAY Sin'~ MCOUHN AS ~f>UI 1111' ~ S-Ur rtt111 .. -..sno11r1 • ENDS TUESDAY IDT ACTOR NOMINIE CLIFF ROlllTSON TH E BROTHERHOOD ~-~ . -· STARTS WEDNESDAY QUICK C.h:h lrp q11ickfy en loc1I •••nh. R11d your co111p1ct, compr•h•111i•• hometown •di· fion of the DAILY PILOT. By VERN~ SC01T HOLLYWOOD lbPl) -The rollowln~ bi a ~alid algebraic equation : X equals 1. 'that ls to say, at1 X raUng by the 1ttotion Picture Associa- tion of America means a greal deal of money in the bank for the banned film. But a great deal more Is -~ Also OSCAR NOMINEE e BEST PICTURE e BEST DIRECTOR PARAMOUHT rtCTtJRtS ,....-] .... ~ .... ..- ~ FRAN co lEmRELLI ......... J ROMEO &JULIET . """ No o rdln1117 IMestory .... I • • Bt:ACH BL\I • AT t:LLIS • HUNTINGTON ••ACH • e 47·SeO MATINEES ONLY MON. l /l1 Flt. 4/4 TUES. 4/1 SAT. 4/S WED. 4/2 SUN. 4/6 THUi. 4/l DOORS OPEN 1 :00 p.m. SHOW STARTS 1:30 SHOW OVER AT 4:30 FASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENTER -. • ·················••e• ..... . .. ' . at stake here than money and morality. England's Anthony Newlcy recently o:larre<I in a n d directed a motion picture tit).. ~ "Can Heironymus Merkin Evu Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?" It was X--ed by Ule MPA,\. Names of characters in the picture are too vulgar to be printed Jn a famlly newspaper. Nude scenes and sex scenes BALBOA 673-4041 OP.IN ,,., ,.., .... ... .. 1. ,. ....... .. ...... ' .. & The Mon HS- "'HEAD" STARTS WEDNESDAY ln the picture are men than somtwbat upUclt. At fint blush, the flbn ap. pears to have no redeemlna qualities. But one must ~ it to jlldge fully what Newley has wrought. ?i.t o s t crilic1 have blasted hi5 picture, . but the actor. director is utounded at the hoot!llty I)> e proleaslonal reviewers have demomtrated in appraillng Newley u weU as the film. I The question in where doea "art" begin and "peep show" leave off? "Heirooymua Merkin" ls a ~ lboughl·pr .. •oldo( projecllon of a Iheme au.mpted a tbouand tlm'3 in mon conventkmal movies and f(oi. etntura ln literature. Newley11 approach ls simply a fresh presentation with biiarre innovations to the Buddy Hackett Plans Return story of the pro(Ugate wastrel who, .at age 40, reviews hls life -on film -with his ch.ildren and mother looking on, only to dl.$covu that all o( life is essentially futile. The names of the charac· tera, the double entendre title, the nudJty and sex In the picture aU contribute to the futility a'nd folly of mankind. They are neceaaary adjuncts to the overall play. Thert ls a pervene morality In the movie. Moral: .the IWinglng life doesn't pay off. "The film definitely isn't for chlldren," Newley said. "It wasn't meant to be. It's the story of a bad man who is a great egomaniac. '"r.le movie Jleals In sym- bollsm -life, birth. death and love -the very things I cling to myself. The nudity and love scenes, frankly, are erotica, which is altogether different from seiy. "1 see nothing prurient in the film. I adore and worship women and enjoy showing them on the screen unabashedly. lrKe IJeWl'I "EtiDLESS SUMMER" Comedian Buddy Hackett has been set to return to Ana- heim's Melodyland Theater for two Monday night engage- ment!! in May. "There is a place for sophi!:tlcated erotica on the screen. And there will be more of It coming a1ong because Jt is a part of life and the younger generation will insist on it." IT'S AN EMERGENCY IN SOUTH COAST REPERTORY'S 'LA TURISTA' C,i11t Members {from left) Susan Burns, Squire Fridell, Au stin Kelly, Dwight Ala n TECMICOUIR' lln1t!d ~1'11111 l•l -r=.!"'.:.!'/!!~ tp GJ. lellebrltW• SMIJey Wl~I SUftfl Continuous Show S•t, Sun, Mon, Tues. From 2 P.M. Hackett, who played to near- capacity attendance in his first Melodyland appearance, was offered a one-week engage- ment but his current schedule ooJy permit.s one-nighters May 19 and 26. "Heironymus Merkin'' will make news, controversy and money. It also bas pushed back barriers for audJences who seek symbolic fenta!)'. ""lllAl FiixsouTH COAST CE•R.OI !"LAZA THllATJlllE !DrclAllOft San D6t10 frMWI)' ii Bristol • 546-2712 MATINEE MONDAY & TUESDAY ONLY BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 12:45 SHOW TIME: 1:00 P.M. "THE MAGIC VOYAGE OF SINBAD" In Color STARTS WEDNESDAY Walt Disney ''Smith" & ''Th• Incredible Journey'' Crossword Puzzle ACROSS. l Ftmlnin' garme nt 6 Politician of old 10 Small tuft 14 Viti Cong headq uart!rs l5 Put !dge ori a razor lL Rectangula r · pier 17 Man's na me 18 Manhattan boundary: 2 words 20 Ooubtrul 21 Wlde's partner 22 Not s'cret 23 Particl e 25 English co in: Colloq. 27 S!sl or worst 30 S@cr!I 31 lfarshal 49 Kin g Ar~ur's fosltr broths SD Suptrl1tlve thing: Slang 5.( Taping 51 Sun: Comb. fOl'm 58 Esstfllill oil: Var. 59 T!xan 's nrlghbor: Colloq, LO Show busin!ss character Ill Do cert1in shipyard work L2 Shows 1s a profit LJ Hockey player 1 Jtrm OOf.N I Fall:! 2 Arlzon1 Ind Ian 3.j'31/L9 13 Libttals or 38 Stack'd Dfmotrats pRck of 19 ~ngag ed cards: 1n 1od to 2 words event 40 Rang' 21 In good critter phys Ital 41 Pandt· sh ape monl um 14 Food far 43 Hrroine animals of War 25 Tim' of 1812 periods 44 ·• -dilt Repertory's 'La Turista' Obscure and V nimpressive NLA TURISrA" By TO~f TITUS Of ltl• 01Ur l'llot S!1ff ,\ play bv Sam Sh09ard, dlrtcltd bv Ruu~ll LHlle, Mslg~ ~v SteYe It may take South Coas t Cioldm111, c01tvmn bv Mao9I STamm, R rt I 'I •-1· d Prfterlled bt SouTll Coest Repertory epe ory aw 11 e w JVe own Tllvrsd•Y'I llvovoll s.1vrdav1 un1;1 "La Turista," an experimental APrll 13 ., ~ Third ST<"P r11ea1er, ad venture into t h e a t r i c a I uu NeWPort -?~~d·c,,'=s°-:ta Mesa. mishmash that surpasses the sar.m ..................... Suwn Bums ab s urd is l schoo l o f Ke~t ..................... Squire Fridell Tiit bot ..•• ., ..••••••.•••. OwlgM Alan playwriting a n d enters the oac11>r ................... Av111~ Kellt Tile son ................... Jerrv Comet theater of Ole obscure, if not --------:::-.,-".'. the ridiculous. opening segment. What it Th e r e is, indeed" prci ous purports to accomplish in the Tittle to recommend in this seeond is anyone's guess. Sam Shepard ~·ork which In the ~1exico-based po~tion makes its West C o a s t of the show, an American premiere at the Third Step visitor falls victim to the Theater, mercifully for only unpleasantness ~ggested by a three-week t!ngagement. At the title, the Tijuana tr:its, Its best, it is mildly shocking; so to speak. \Vhile he ls at its v.·orst, it achieves quite oHstage in the bathroo1n, a the opposite of its intended young Mexica n proceeds to effect -it repels, and even entertain his wife in his stead, bores, ralher than involves its with onJy token resistance. aud ience. Enter the local medicos, as Staged In lwo sellings, a primitive a pair as could be hotel in Mexico and another imagined, Yt'ho proceed to put in this country -with the !he poor chap out of 'iis first act following the second misery while the wife !a kes chronologically, "La Turista" up with her new found C'Qm· attempts to lampoon rade -all quite murky with American s' patronizing at-occasional stabs at syn1- titude toward Mexicans in t!ie bolism. Farm Boy Jinuny Dean ~~~~~~ ~:!• ~a~J~~!~i~~:~~s HOLLY\VOOD (UPI) holdings, Dean owns a 7Xlcre J immy Dean, the country singer who is a semi-regul ar farm in Virginia \rhlch he on the "Daniel Boone" series, uses as a vacation spol. lfis says, "basically I'm a West practicality is such that he Texas farmer," but in reality also raises wheat on the fami- he's something of a dude. ly retreat. Dean, 40, and his fami ly \Vhen time doesn't permit Jive in suburban New Jersey him to head for Virginia, Dean from which he oversees his and his family board his 42· budding empire. foot power cruisers, Big Bad !·le has offices in New York John Ill. During the summer City housing Jimmy Dean he lakes the family on a cruise Enterprises, an umbrella cor-up !he Hudson River. Th e first act Is a masterpiece, however, com- pared to the second, which takes an even broader slap at the n1edical profession. This one is set in America, and the problem this time is sft!eil" ing sickness which evolves in- to a sort of ''la turista" of the vocal chords for both doc- tor and patient. Au stin Kelly, the on I y recognizable face on s l .1 t; c from previous S C R pro- ductions, plays the doctor in both segments, getting some emotional mileage out of the second act where he nearly makes the situation credible. Alternating between sleep.. ing and shouting in both acls is Squire Fridell, who fights a losing battle with his ludicrous lines. Susan Burns' rasping voice grates on ttic ea rs during th e first a c t, th ough it becomes a liltlc sub· dued in the second. The only cast member lo rise above the level of his material is Dwight Alan, doubling as the ~texican boy and the doctor's son. Alan takes a firm hold on his first ac t character and continues to maintain a steady pace in a lesser scc<>nd act assign· ment. Guest director Russ r. 11 Lesl ie has staged the pro- duction apparently with an eye toward a jarring of the senses. but has neither the materia l nor talent at his command to accomplish this mission. In fa c t, the show· is SCR"s most unimpressive effort since ''Big Soft Nellie." "La Turis ta" may aplly he sublilled "Is This Trip Necessa r y?'' Jt plays Thursdays thl"Qugh Sundays for two more weekends nt t he Third Step Theater, 1827 Newport lilvd., Costa Mesa. poration which includes citrus --------------------- farms, hog farms. real estate holdings, a meat packing plant, hotels and a music publishing firm . • '2 Air, for on' 33 Ooclrint J!t Le vel 37 Vandyke 38 Sa lmon of B.C. and ) Pr1po11Uon 4 Boot!ry mftch andise 5 Metal 211 Keenly 45 S!nol e strm drsirous of grain 27 Malrrlal 46 Sh1rp to br rugged rid9r Jimmy maintains his coun- try boy accent, but he's more than a malch for the city ~~iiiii~~iij~I lashl ngl!!n 39 .•• Arbor 40 Burns 6 Produce of Prairie and Plain Stairs processed 47 T1x1bl! ll!111 28 Ir, land's 4' Join f1 1mly po!tic togrlher name 51 Utah sk i slickers. • • .1.noN.1.LOENEAALC " 41 Contributor I FoC-xY·~l[TH.~ :: t\~:eot'1Wld ..----. ,._,_ Bohemia s-~r,_,.a1 1rhtol ·5tf.2112 45 Certain 7 Frost 8 Insurance: Abbr. ' Pf'Clgeny 10 Kind of releas' 29 Wildly res ort excitrd 52 Violation 30 County of of law and Ireland order 32 Notew orthy SJ Dull person achi ev,mfflls 55 RI ver to Sea • Dean and his wife, Sue, have been married 18 years and are the parents of Garry, 17; Connie, 14; and Robert. 8. They live in a ranch-style home Jimmy had built JO years ago. Jimmy calls it un- pretentious, but it contains (ive bedrooms, three baths Al-Kirk Dougl11 "A LOVELY WAY TO DIE" :Starts Wed. -Matinees Daily . ~.-~ ~MCC2UEEN -AS WI 1111' &rmlvo Lt. frank ·:· ru1111--sano : cthclr .Mnd d wp. • fabri cs 47 llagician '1 prop 48 Short lime period 11 Collon gin and steam 'n9int 12 Unsym~· th ,tlc J4 Exl!rna l of Az ov covtring 56 lconoscope; 35 Tlme of day Sling J7 Kid ney or 57 Holds for Hma usr 12 13 d a den with television set, pool table and a moose head. Despite his f Io ur Is h i n g business activ!Ues, Dean is a country boy \\'hen it comes to hunting and fishing, his favorite pastimes. He I s particularly fond O( Bljllking big game in Alaska. The 12th largest polar bear ever killed in Alaska was brought down by Jimmy who displays the hlde in the base- ment playruom of his home . He also is fond or shooting birds in various areas of the country. Dean describes thr decor of the hoost u "e3r\y mL'!.h· mash." but the.re is a touch of \\'illiamsburg in ll with many antiques. Domestic anim::ils do not hold the sn1ne inlC'rest for Dean as wildlife. The family has a sillgl(' pct. 11 feline nt'lln· ed D:imn Cat which J immy r h('erfully admits he'd like to ship out of town. Easy Does It 1\nabelle Quigley, a bit \Veak in the knees Crom c~ilnbing ~ix fH~hl~ of stairs, sinks into the nrms o! dnughter f{ila Kisner and son·in·la\v Mike Skinner in th~ co1ncdy ''Barefoot in the Park," on stagr \\'Cckcnds ut the lluntington Beach Playhouse. \ • an a •ID· ich la p his md . .,. in· of OC· I y ~· CO· in me the rly ·. ep- cls hls his n>' ttie ! t, , .. to :tis lll, oy .. ~st :es cc :n· I I ·o- ye :s. al 'd TI. 's :e )C p " ,, •l :7 • • • • • ............. "1'-.... . lilri ........................................... ,HOUSESFORSALE DAILY PILOT Gentrel 1000 General -~~~~~-'-"~.;;;;;;.;.;;;.~~~-'..;.;. WANT ADS Rent While Y C!U Buy $225.0C per mo. OwnC'r Iii leaving 11tat~. and -l•••••••••••••••••••••••••-1 wants h1 t>ell, ~nt or l~a.~e r optJon. ' bednns. 2 baths, HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL E Gtn1r1I 1000 General 1000 Gtntraf ].;;;;;;;::;.;;;;;;:;;;==;;;;;;;. ~~~...:.: f11mlly room, 2 5lory home In best Costa /.1esa area. 1000 call for appointment OPEN DAI LY 2400 Sq. fl) PRESTICE NE\\f ZONED C-2 for bus. Good !::NC.LAND 2 i;tory. lluge Eutside 2 BR home, needs 316 Ruby l!\;ng rm. r orn1at dining redrc. Only S18,950 • saxxt ORANGE COUNTY'S Balboa Island rm. Sep. fain rn1. 4 BR, dn handles. Kir1gaa.rd Real 3 b.'l. Rc'liul'oJ "IOOO to Estate ~n 2-2222 LARGEST Charming 3 BR home, lov(!. $:11.500. Own.a.gt. wt help H-O,IE·;c.:_:::.:R-:.::::2=----ltl 293 E . 17th St. ""'"4494 ly patio, very close to 00.y riuall('(_'. 646-i20.l fo.r appl. • . lot. Excet and sandy beach, Salisbury \V1·stside, 3 BR 214 ba, room ONLY $1650 DOWN Realty 673-6900. ....-N~ a G.art>emta.n&ll"? for 4 or S units. 549--1623 3 BR l'l ba•h• leot I l~~~~~~~~~_d>'m~d~i~I ::;~~th~o~wan~r~od~!=~"~-..,~·=======-' .. ..,. e r c I' ra!lie .t: own., dlah1Ya.sher, Go through your place today. Look for everything FJ. heat, 2 car aarage, car- peted. Full Price $16,500 -•ERNIE&-,. CLEVELAND Rea Ito.. 143 Broa dwa y 64.S.0111 Eves. 642-8453 44MS79 $save your dough$ Full price for this 3 be<lnn. 2 bath home Is $22,000 lo- caled oU Baker in Costa Mesa, nC'ar Catholic church. No dO\l'n to vets. At this pr!~ you'd better hurry. Ex- clusively with ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 93 E. 171h St. 646-4494 OCEAN VIEW HOME Scenic San Ocmente. Build. ers Ooseout. ~tinutes from Beach, 10% down 6'Ai% int. 30 yrs. No Joan tees. 4 BRs with master suite. 2~ bath.R, 2487 sq ft, 2 fireplaces, car- pels &: drapes. From S32,500 to $39,500. You must see them this weekend. f.100EL: 518 East ·San JU&n Rlfr. Ph. 491-9188 646-3928 * LACHENMYER WOULD YOU BELIEVE A 21 x 30 RumpUs Room with a Giant fireplace & Bar that scats 8 -A 4 bedroom + family room, 2500 sq, feet Iha! a11 ''""'•· A ,,. x 200· '°" A 20' x 40' work 1ihop 1or $29,9fJO -You Can! 16th &~Tuslln Coit• Me1a A 1'5 Most homes ' • built with ollly children In mlnd~We h ve five homes designed for the comforts,an fun of adult.. Beautiful lo look a~ .. r lo hobbies, private office, separate dmmg , guest room with bath, 3 car ga~ r age, \Yalking dtstance to churches, Westclilf shopping , and restaurants. 7% with 20% down -71A % with 10% On. no 2nds -no points -2t yrt on blil1nce Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 Exclusive Agent p. a: palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO T.act Ph : 54G-.5113 From L.A. Call MA 5-I034 Here's Your Chance And you better act now! 2 story, 4 bedroom, dining room, plus den. Con!E>r lot in established top resident. ial &Jtt. Out of state owner say~ "sell". , This vacant home v.w'I last. The most for yuur mont'y $37 ,250. "For A Wise Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 642-7777 OPEN EVES. INCOME UNITS TRIPLEX 3 - 2 bedroom units yearly net of $4284.00. Low vacancy factor. Full price $37,500. DUPLEX 2 - 2 bedroom unit!, no down to vets or minimum down FHA. $34,~ 6 YEARS OLD 8 units "·Ith room for 4 mott • a real money maker, 23.53~~ rrtum. $19,980 Beautllul Monticello Townhouse awaits your iru;pection NOW. It's only 4 yel.J"ll old .t.. hu lovely shag carpeting nicely arranged kitchen with all BUILT-INS in. eluding DISH\VASHER. Beautifully f i n I s h e d dark wood cabinets make cooking a real pleasure. This must be the lowest priced 3 BR 2 bath borne in Costa 11esa & 0 N L Y $200> down payment will take it. ~COATS ~WA~C! REALTORS -->-546-41M141- (0pen Eveninp) INCOME TAX REFUNDER Deluu1. Fourplex LIVE-IN the custom 3 BR 2 bath + fireplace home with private c ove r e d patio, RENT the other 3 units .l &: take allowable deprecla. tion & e.xpe nses to defer your high Income taxes. $68,500 isn't needed or enjoyed by your family anymore. Th >16-2313 646-TITI e THE REAL ESTATERS ORANGE COUNTY'S Newport •• Vidorl• $21,600 LARGEST cameras, furniture, sports equipment, a pp ti an c es, oul· '&":~;:~ ... M~:.;::·: 1..,29,.3.,E,.. ,.17,."',.s .. t ... 646-44...,.,.."' range & oven, garbage dis-646-8811 grOWn clothing, toys and other things you find are :~·,!~, ""~~'."':~::~ landscaped, VA $490 move. worth good, hard cash to lo lks wh o need· them ••• but ;n. •'!*MUI' really, they're not worth a thing lo you if they're not :es; ;EL M~R b • d This lovely corner home emg use . """''a family. s """""'m•. beautifully landscaped, 2 When you have your list, just dia l direct 642-5678 and give ii ~;.~7.," :~~'."~; :;',.~';; parking area, Plus many more delu.'l'e features. S.17.250 to lhe experienced Ad Writer who answers. She'll heln JEAN sMr:rH, R .. 11°r I' 400 East 17th, Costa. ?o.lesa you word your ad to gel fastest res ults. The cost! Surprisingly lowf YOUR AD REACHES 68,972 HOMES EACH WEEK - DAIL Y PI LOT WANT ADS - 646-3255 N. E. Costa Mesa 3 large bdrms, 1-% baths, h:.rdwood floors, large kitch- en & service porch area. Double garage. Big yard with sl,lade & fruit trees. $2'l,950. Wells-McCardle, Rltr1. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-7729 Eves. 6«-0684 --6o/o V--:A. LOAN-- Why Worry? Small down payment NO\V for this 3 months new e.xecu- live 4 BR 2~~ bath house in TURTLE ROCK '¥?Br UCJ. Will lease option or sell on contracl. $41,950 Newport It Victoria 646-8811 SPANISH VILLA Reminiscent of early Cali· 3 BR & POOL This beautifully landscaped home on corner lot features _ double fireplace', outdoor BBQ, solar heated pool, ex· tra large bedrooms. HUITY tills one won't las!. $30,750 Open Thurs. thru Sun. 2527 Andover Pl, CM fomia hacienda, this pie-'""""""""""""""""" turesque 2 story home has a l · beautiful sw1mn1ing pool, Executive Home brick bar-b-q, 4 large bed-Mesa Verde roorrui, formal dining nn. and a charming living rm. This beauliful Mesa Verde wi!h fireplace acented by Pacesetter with 3 gorgeous imported Philipp\I'!(' mahog-bedrooms, 2 baths and add. any wood work, all on two ed family nn. Olympic sized large R-2 lob. See this one S\\'ln1mina: pool, Ughted with today. water fall, designed for en. tertalnlr11t. your the chef on tlie a:ils bar-b-q, inside there Is a wet bar and many ex- tras, 2100 sq. ft. tor $4.1,950-ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 171h St. 646-4494 FEE SIMPLE ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 171h SI. 646-4494 -·------ YOU HAVE ONLY 8 ·Days lo Take Advanlag e of Our 6% "/0 Interest Rate on the beautifu l new homes of Rancho La Cuesta • on Brookhu rst at Atlanta in Hun tington Beach • Our Lender Musi Increase his Interest Rates on April 7, I 969 • All that is necessary to assu re yourself or this low interest is your selection of one or our 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 or S bath, l. or 2 story homes and make your initial deposit of $500. Coll 968-2929 or 968-1338 ony d1y from 10 fa du1k. \ .-, THE REAL \__ \. ~STA'fERS ---- WE ARE PROUD TO REPORT luslness Is Terrific 48 TronsactloM In 30 dnys a record hard to beat • , , To sell tut or to buy wiiely , , , CaU the "Goad G•'fl" 646-7171 •5'46·ZJIJ • • Lovely Lido Isle l)('lightfully decorated 3 bedroom on an extra !!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]l 1nrge 40' lot. Al.I electric bit-ins in bright chttry kitchen. Sunny south For thrilllna: vk'w o! all Newport Harbor with its bcauti.lu1 lights and boating activity. See this new listing In Harbor View llills. blodem 3 bedroom home Built aro\111l: a pool with separate !amily room yard need& a UtUe work but an excellent value for this prime location a t $69,500 C'all Kent Klnglsey R11. 54G-1812 HARBOR Corona del Mar Duplex· 10°/o Down!!!! 0 w n e r will finance this charming duplex -NO LOAN FEES!!?! BuY the easy "'8.Y-SOUTll at the ll\ghway_ 2 bedrooms each. Heavy shake roof. Carpelll & drap.. es. A great buy!!!!!! Only $42,500. By appointment only!!!! Submit your small- er property on our guaran- tee sale plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 WestcliH Dr. 646-7711 Open EVf!s. SPACIOUS Republic llome w 11 h spacious master bdrm, impressive vaulted en· try way &: plenty or room for l ivi ng. 4 bdrms, separate family room, covered paUo & everything In tip to p shape, $50,900 ~)l~\5i\\ ~ r ,\.: ')\.: ,1 It,' . 546·5990 5 BEDROOMS· $20,950 Only $750 Down required. lo move Into Ulla large family home. Oose to shopping, schools and churches. Just put on the market, this one won't last. $163 per month includes taxc.s and insur- a nct! t ! ! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 WeslcliU Dr. 646-77ll Open Eves. Relief From Taxes ONLY $16,500 Thl'eC! bedroom, 1% bal.hs, Built-in electric range and oven, dishwasher, fo~ air heat, aHractlve \\'all to wall carpets. ~vo car garage. large lot, located on a quiet cul • d(' • sac street. Owner movifll: to San Diego and wants quick sale. The fin- ancing is all set. All we need Is Sl,650 DOWN. * ,, * * sourn SAHT A ANA 11 at Io. Unusually low priced at $49,500. Bock lay View E!tate s\zp 751'245 lot. 3 Bdrms, 2 baths -2 fireplaces. Country kit- chen with fireplace. 14:'e. master bedroom wtth his and her's bath. Due to health o \Y n e r nttds sme.Jler home. :t.li&ht trade. $55,000 lroadmoor Horbor View Perched on the top of Harbor Hills. View af ocean, bay, cataJJl"IL -6 bedrooms family I: ~ arate dinlng. Park like natio and rear )'ani $59,950. WIU. SELL FHA _ located only two blocks from Har- bor Blvd. Four bedrooms (3 and a den) two bath home with fireplace, F/A heal, built-in kitchen and dining area. N e w carpel!, com. pletely draped, air-condition. ing unit In muter bedroom. HF...ATED AND FILTERED POOL. covered patio, en-Dover Shores closed court yard and de-Extraordinary ta.chcd double ge.rage, Only 3100 sq. fl of lu . $2'l00 down which is lc,,i; All custom col'l.l,tructed than the price of the pool. 4 bedrooms, fe.m!JY room WILL SELL FAST _ ACT and formal dining room. NO\V! ! Immediate p o s a esslon 'l!l!ll~l!l!l!!l!!~!!!:l ll with 10';~ dO\Yn -Ask-r ing $73,500. :f.1akl!t offer. Wntcllff Vacant 3 Bedroom. 2 bath. Large family room in mo\le -in condition. Fnst escrow po15slble - ---'~-----II $40,950. HEY VETERANS! IT'S TAX REFUND TIME AND Chances are yours will make the do~n payment on this 3 Bedrwm, 2 Bath sparkler with NEW PLUSH SHAG CARPETS & Custom Drapes! \Varro FIREPLACE In spncious livin.g room and RANOl SIZE JaTCHEN with built ins, Excellenl lo.. catlan' on quiet stl"l'('t \Yith to\verlng shade tl"l'('s, Best of All ... ONLY $11,500. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Ada.ms 5 Bedrooms Mesadel Mor 2400 sq. ft. Sparkling clean, tile eleetrlc kit· chen -3 luxury baths. Enclosed boat and trail· er space. $37,950. Quiet Ecnhlde 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths In a quiet non-traffic street -<0zy living room wlth brick fireplace, kitchen with All eltttrlc bullt-lns -a dandy buy at $26.- 900 with 10% do\"11. 0 w n e r will consider trade ·for 3 or -6 units. 54.1-949! 4 Id ...... -$23,950 • .,..,..,0.;."'.,".,E.,';;i'ii'·.,..,..,11 Move in tomorrow with OK'd credit. New elec- tric range. Slid.Ing [l;lass Pete Barren Really Presents BAYCREST BARGAIN Immaculate 4 bdnn, family room, fonnal dining room, A great spUt-lcvel home for an s.cUve family, 3 car garn.ge p11nelled &: bcet- cd ror extra hobby fun. Pricc<l realistically 11.t $58,900. ~ 1605 \ViistcUU Dr. NEWPORT BEACH ~ 642-5200 doors to covered patio. $23,950 10% down or try no down VA. Would You l•lln• 21x30 RumpUI r oom with giant fireplace and bar that seals 8-4 bed· rooms + famll( room. 2400 sq. fl in al . 75x200 lot and a 20x4(} work- shop for $29.950 -You oan. Uttle ltncho Ncnt little home. 2 car garage -66x200 com- pletely fenced f o r horses. Only $23,500. Money Makers: Eastsldt Duplex ------ 3 bedroom. \\lali to wall car- peting throughout CoverM patio. All eltttric kitchl"n wilh built-in refrigerator. Lots more extras and your full monthly payment Is only $134. F.P, only $21,450. Sub- mit down payment. Private Party. 962-7639 ,. Ocean view from living room. dining 1room, kitchen and mru;t.ibedroom. 4 bed· room , 3 batht, den. guett apt., ble garages. Large pool and patio with BBQ. Greenhnu!(' and rose gar- den. Located on two lots. The hou~ needs redecorafu1:'.. Asking $97.500. Just listed -lhese 2 - 2 BR, Triplexes In Newport J.lelghbi. No vacancy fac- BAYSHORES ExclWlive residential dL!lrlct, 1hort \\'alk to private beach. Atra.ctlve 2 br home 1n fine condition. Excellent location for enlarging or remodeling, ~·aro &: gates for boat. $44,500. Ncwl,y listed. 2 Bedrooms each. open beam charm • Low up-ket!~Sparkling clean. $28,500. • G1ntr1I 1000 General 1000 General Solve a Simple Sc-ran1bled Word Pu::;;:le for a Chuckle IR y TI D I Dictio nary: A bvsi· . I I j1 I iessmon usually frames lhe ,'-------~first dollar he molces. A girl f HIMSAF I frames her--. 3 ·)l i,.;..:.,,,:.c..:;.,,;.:.:~, ~,rl ~, -l O C'omple11 th. tllucll1 Qvo!~d by !1!1!119 i~ T~e f!'lt.U•n; ...,ordt . · volJ ~•loo hom Jtt'n No. 3 below. IZJ4J' (I ._ --....... _ ,.....,., ...... 1000 I SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 t -------------- Huntington Beach 4 Bedrooms -$16,000 Jl.1AlllE LANE. Th.is ls a "Pride of ownership" home near Guldenwest Coll~. C011len1rorary fireplace in living room with a atone 9.'all backdrop. Harry A. Boggs Really 962"637 LEASE OPTION. cute An. lhony Pool Home. Paintina: in progl'C'ss, Immediate OC· cupa.ncy. Sl90/m911~wilh optiOll to buy @'m;!OO. S4l·SllO fnlM dl'lft'nl ll'lltllt) OLLEGE REALTY •1* Adlnll It Hlttlor,c.M. DUPLEX 1'"ea.r 8e11.ch & Shopping J::xrellent Val~ • $34,950 Georg• Willl1mton Realtor 613-<150 """'· '"·,,,. DAVIDSON Realty NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 \aJi:I!' BRIO, dining room bit-int, Allt'y acceq for bt or trailer, m.soo. IUtr. 2i50 l larbor 10, CM 5''6-Mfi(l Ewa. 548-858-4 Jean Smith, Realtor ....,,,,. YOU owe II to )'Ourself to in. VPstigate our 4 dllfcrent trade-in program!. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 171h SI. 646-4494 4Y2°/o LOAN $21,950 3 BR, blt-lns, oomer lot. Rltr. 6·12·9i30 9.oel. 548-07'20 e KENNEDY ............................ DELUXE DUPLEX Ne"' 3 BR Units Peninsula adJa~11t to Ocean • Bay S59,m 7~ nnanclnl:. Belbo.1 Real &1t1te Co . 673··040 700 E. Balboa Blvd,, Balbon tor here, Ideal location, "1ohn macnab .... , ... awn.. """'"" '" quick sale .• Price $.15,000 WESTCLIFF each • 10% down • great ·tax shelter. Immaculate 3 bedroom ~E~ ~;!·:;~:~ @}- pool. professionally lnnd.. ~-.. - ---- Eastoido 4•PloX 3 Bedrooms each -F.n. c l ose d gara~s -No vacA.ncies.. Comer I o t. Excel l e nt condlUon Uu-oup>o•• -$62,500. raped • _,, •.• , •••• ,. $46,SOO 1003 Baker, C.Pit. 546-5440 Call for appointment I :~~=-~-:~:~~=.;.;.;I :::~~=-Ei-:;::-;--;:ll Home + lacom• It's Different Llko to Entorlaln? Np< H1hlo. Dbt. 2 bed-(714) 642-.1235 001 Dover Drive, Sult.! 120 Newport Beach CDM. COTTAGE 2 BR home w/lnc unit~· some TLC. \V1illdng dl.mnr.e lo everything. 133.500 • ltrml. By appt only CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 303' E. c .. st Hwy, CdM 675-1662 -BREATHTAKING-- OCEAN VIEW! CUSTOM BU il Tl 2 baths, Built • in ldtch:m. Electric rara.ae door open. rr. Jr. f:,ltate sized arounds. PIOo. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbor At•-ctive 4 BR •r:i. ... crest Call to stt this \"Oc)f1l completely re· u.. .-y modeded + l bedroom home with formal dlnlng 675-5100 re n ta 1 -2 garag8. room & large fllmll,y room. 3 BR, plua l Ba, cozy dining/ New drlvewa.yt -Inc. Chi.'ller moving Eut. Wants family rm. 2 trpka + play pol $300 -$29,500 quick sale. rm. Enclosed pool separate Arnold & Freud rr., ''"'· '52,500-Wolkor RHlty 388 E. 17th st., CM ~~~~~~~~!!'11 Realtors 64&7755 ~ THE BEST FOR LAST Ivan WellJ mod~I home now avallabl(' 4 bdnn 3 ba Sam. room, pool. 1842 Santlqo, Roy J. W1rd Co. Cost• M.sa 1100 $21,600 (Bllycre91 Offl~l POOL + 3 B<lnn +Fam nn . 1842 Santiago Dr. &16-1550 $130/mo pay1 .n.51'.% lnf. $22,500 -4 BDRM. DOWN PAYMENT $5900 Most deslrti.ble area, 2 baths, Rand Realty 64$.2340 huge family room. llOlated BY OWNER re..r livit'tJ room, nrerilaet. 3 tlr. I.it fam nn. dbJ fl"p1r. Patin with BBQ. Built _ In et1utt. landscaped, Mn.ke range • own ' dishw.Wr. root. area of fine homH, MQ.17'!) nr H1..~ HI 6 Wettcliff. TARBELL '955 Hubo• ~10.900. &42~ .:::::::=.:=.=:=---- 2 OFFICES: 1700 Howp«t llYd. 646-7171 2790 Harbor lh>d. 546-2313 o,.. ltts. 'tll ' \ ,-::J THE REAL \"\. BSTt\TERS ' . ' ' '· -···------.... . . . . d ~v ru.ar ......,, ,. ... ,., 1'16'1 'i&Bft l'OitULE I HOUSES -OR SALE KOUS l!S FOR SALi! RINTALS a:::-1100 c.,.... .. Mor l ut Hu"tl!'f'"" INdt 1400 HolnOl.!°"".!!....~-UNTALS ,,..... '""'"'* ,. '"' .. llENTALS •tNTAU Ajoh. Uofurftl ..... Aph. Unfurrthhool UAL ESTATll ...... . .. REAL ESTATE Gener1I It. E. Wo"ltd •.YOU Dl!I E RVE NI bDme wttb a pool tor ,11 Mt IWD!Dlr. 3 BR Eaat. LAllGE ADDED Rontah to Sh•,. 2005 _o_.,._,.._-._1 ___ ...;44;;.;DOl...;O c..to -Sloo •·-5* l-.f'ra,_ 6000 ~..,(~~"'.-~.':-FAMILY ltOOM ~~ Y,.~.~rl~~~ 115: 1-BR triplex. w/W. MHllK GRACIOUS Adult· -I ·m:w: UN??S now -llARBOR BMI .,._.,."' '" ---_, tno11 ......... , .,.....-o;; __ , ao. In. Available now VIUUllU Oot&Jt A SU view.~ «at. ~ oae w/fllll Ba,y bide for retail t1"i adh'lty. tl)de. --"',. loan. 2 BR borne, r!.replace, fam. PLUS '4 bdtms, 2% b&lhl, Back Ba,y Coodo.: '100 mo. lnbr 53UMO 2 BR. 2 BA. walk in view. TC5 Dal'a1ft&o Cr. N.B. SJO..W Uy 11zie kitchtn. pl1.11 a f\lll)' l{>Otleab' neat l ckan. A 60-5656 I-=;======== IBJS d!Mta. bel.ul.IM cU;iiN Ir (jut bth1hd e:ntHSI Sale '~ I e, tumlabed t BR apartment. Mme th!1 •lwli ll bard to ClRL to ahano, duplex to c:O.ta Me.a 4100 ltT ' ~ptttn. Pool. ,Boat 10P1 b7 o~. lfi.:1260 IUSINE.SS eMI Try "500 do\\'ft, 706 Acacia. f1nd A. Jt'a priced riaht to N'pt. Beach. S6T :r.1onthly tor tenanta. SUbtunoeul='======== FINANCIAL : ~ .. t l l At TY • CoM M~T * on1~::.·T'.,;, .. RHl!y &13-l<44 Alt"' 5 PM 31'i!~2 ;::::-·,,..';':::,: 3 BR STUDIO porlclnJ. m3tlm --P-'f 6050 luo. °"'""unit!• 6300 ADMIRED HOME 147-1266 Evoa • .136.7124 Costo Moto 2100 "'" ftnt. Ctu ........ pooh. POOL Hu"i t" .. "°" looch MOO .!;!~J"•' BUILD'~" ocean mvd. ~ hOme. Own. Avail APl1! 1. Contact Sale• .......... ......... u ..... er \\'W finance on 11•1'1 I AM ANXIOUS! 2 BR .. ear .. patio. 'fi'o~ otflt~. Monticello D» Sq. rt. Cho\ce corner. :~UIET CORNEii torm~ $'15,0XI. '"" tal<e •look at my 3 ""'-1<ltinr !or aoilts. 1 lllk TownbouaH, Fairview Rd., ADULTS ONLY EXCWSIVE top location. llnmedlato .,;. With S bll bedrooms, family, • • * * room hon1e il you won't be &hops. $180. 5"-4180 C.M., l ·block So. of Oranp ON. TH"l"·&CH cupancy, $94,000 • Excdlent i 11.r'sl!i enclosed lanai. Jm. RENTALS able to pu• it up, C.rpet-=""="===::;== Cout C0Ue1e. 1741 Twtin Av.....,. • Po u. tennt WlU achana'e JD&Clllate Condition in o:ctl· AVAILABLE Ina Uaro1A1houl 111 just like Newport S..ch 2200 l&iiiiiljiiiii;;liiii........ eff 11th StrMt 21·3 wr..m Aptt. 'l'HE. FOX COMPANY lf&rt n:aidentla.1 area. f'l:re. Comfortably f\lmlahed cheer. new. Nice large back yard.1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;; $25 .. Wk. Up Ce1t11 Meta .. 'J..4641 Luxwy llvtrw' to pleut the 6TJ.M95 Gr GU-6969 ~. w a In \l t paneWnc:, tut l BR 11;partment witb Kitchen Is all bul1t·lrul tn. I• • Shadlo • Blcb ,,_;t dllcrtmlnabnc· hatl' , =c roof 4 &ll lhe extru. cludin& refrta,rator. Many SUMMER RENTAL • ._. u•n-•· --~ .. -·. aw&ilahle at luslntu Rental 6060 caraae.; $145 mo. extras and belt or all you Summer and year round """" ....... .r-PU<• ... ff AR IOI ' - $27,500 • F1tA or no TWo 2 BR hoUSH, untuml.8h. usume m.y 6% V.A. loan. rental reservations belrW • Maid Service • TV avail. lhe HUnfJ-'"A nu:E DI»{ SPACE • &wn VA. CALL ·540-1131 ed, convenient Joc;afion at Your full moothl)r payment taken. 237• Nnr ~ 'BU' ''11"' vicinity ot Baker a ad (open ewn) ·lferitace Rt.a.I mo aid S22S mo. No child-ls $134. P.l.T.L F..P. ls PROPERTIES WEST 6 Newport Blvd. St8-9"J"'J5 GREENS Bristol (CM.) in retum for t11t.r NB :Past Ole. 64~14 ' Veodq: PART A: ll'ULL TlME l k CANDY . SNACKS Reliable man Cll' woman with car to collect Ii: fill machinei ma.nu!actured by our own company right here in C.OSta 1.lea NO SELLING! Excep.. tlonally hl1h income. We can furnlah JocaOons, cuidance, including your record IYl- tem and tralnlnc at our lae. totY to ln111tt your succes. lNVESTwmt REAL SAFETY! ~~·Down To V.t. re~n or pet!. !!~~~a!1.~:;vn-Pn-uria 8-yalde Dr. ~ o~1:1°~~Bdnn. BACHELOR . YNFtJRN. PICffiC '1E :1::r :t':::e!. and ao- Qoa!llY Dupju. 2 BR .. bd•< ~~~ STEAL A HOME! Summer llenlols 2910 Furn. apt. 1135 Plus utll. from SlOO NotQry. i.com. Tax. w. ---r ia=· :lclo.~.~ce~•~F~~~t.~~~ a -·~·-Seller la flnn at $19,100 and ......... Bch 3· BR, H~1:1 ~ ~r:: ~ .w;o AVAILABLE 'l1l ~frto.~{r, IU. ~· Bill Roblnsott (Eves.) If fncd yard, itreel. 332 Marguerite, CdM ~~ sell ,,.no, dow.~ .. GL A l 'BA.~ .. -i.....i .. °!:.. htd pool2% 1965 Pomona. CM 1 • 2 It l BDRM. '1"i:"i~5lij~'j'i:;ij~::i~l '~-~~11~====== Sf ART AS LO'V AS $99S UP! Write or phone for interview •t factory. • $211.SOO. Tbb: won't last. Call 67• •rra ~room auty with }Ovdy ..... ~ ........ • VIII p .&..h Heated Poola, Odld Care I l A:: 2 BDRM 2 bath. Spe. llOW. ,._ carpet. I.: drapes. Monthly 6-1' to S..l flex. StuoD-.Mo. 11 omona ~·· Center. Adj. to ShoppiJ.la -bh ~1 .. :. • Offl II I I 6070 ~ ... 1""'• Colta :P.leaa'a newe!ft " most •v e, .. _ crpt c. prv C. llft I .. 1 TAKE TRADES'' paymenta cl $98.00. lnclude11 -:-~ 1 .. _,_,_,_ .i.... No pets allowed entr le prv tundtckl.. Adult EW..., Olaon, Rltr. 5'G-5580 7Dl GOLDENROD all, Myone q\laliliea. HUR. ~-~-----""'"'"""" apt& now .ren ... ,.. 2'700 Peterson Way, at Har-livfnc. nr beachetl from $141). LAGUNA I.EACH ...,,, 2 BR. lot R·Z 5"lClll !5000 RY!. RENTALS Fum & un!unt. Adulb onlY· bor A ....m,, Oosta ""'5a. IJ90. Air Con.lltionod 5' 'BR. 3 BA. 9 nn 2 story wih. Owner c.any lat. 7%. WE SELL A H~E tjown UnfurnisMd no pets. 1760 ·~ A\-e., 5'6-()3'11) ~ ON i'ORES'i AVENUE Jv>me + PGOl Ii: cuothoUlle. 21.3: 866-6038 EVERY 31 MINUTES 0.rieral 3000 just aouth of 18th St. l '!![!!!!!!![!!!!!!!!![!!!!!!~!!l!J!!i!! ~ DNlr: sp1.ce1 ava.ilaW. tn = $10,000 dn. 646-254.t, Lido lale 1351 W lk & L :r.too. l·Br., attr. tum.; walk •NEWLY DF.CORATED • ~ Dl!wamt office buf1dhla at l =f==~-~~~ I;;;;;::;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a · er ee FREE RENTAL BOOK to Hubor Shop'r. Cootor. 2 BR. W/ ....... -19822 Brookhunt (JUll lj.'of prime location .. ---IU:DUCED for quick We! 11 $110. No pets, M Chlldren. • gardener • water paid Adams.) n f/962-2981 Lquna Beach. Air coaH- ... Br.; auume ~~·% G.I. So Much Charm 7682 Edinger • Drop In & Brows• 64W96l; 54~3. ~.2260 21!M Placentia Apt D $105 tlcmed. carpeted, beautiful Mn. 0oy1e. Co. a.ts-1168, Readylorwmmervacation. 842-4455or546-S1<10 Walker & Lee Mapl~St. 15n.orana:eAptB $110 CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS paneled parttuonm1• Tw o $n. Jordan. 675-1977 Eves. 2 bdnn, swmy front patio, '""==O°'pe~n~E~""-'-· ---$135 MO. dJx. mobil home 548 Bernard Apt B $100 8234 Atlanta entrancn~ Frontqe on Ui5ME w/income, $2.1,500 ~"T/ST. klkin& $42,500, Sub. 4 BDR?-.f, 2 ba, large fa.mily 2'190 Harbor Blvd. at Ada.ma comp. turn, htd pool·, adlu 2116 Placentia Apt B $ll5 New 1-2 ~~nus _•pay ~ Form ATe •• rtar h!ads to oP.cn Sat/Sun. 1-S by owner mit reaSonable oH!r. rm , $25,500. Comp I et e ~9491 No pets. 4 Seaaone Mobil · • 63Ml.al • er=u •c only Mln'Jcipa! pe?lclns lots. SSO qa~ta ha?!i · 675-4859 R. C. GREER, Realty sprinkler system. oversized Open Eves, ~t. 2359 N'pt. Blv. 54M332 1 BR, cpt.s/drp!I blt-ln!I PS36-3Sl 27 or 536-21'21'. per month for IJ*o. Desk -3355 Via Lido fi'73.9300 double carap, all new ~ , ' ' oo ·Wuhers-l>ryen and chi.in a•allabl• tor $5. Meta Verde 1110 drapes. large patio, fenced. $135; 2 BR. l~ b a . LARGE, clean 1 BR, 2 BA, oven, iitove, pvt patio, Private Garaa:es-Bustnea houri uswerlnc "oi"· "BA""Y"rno"""m""'. !'!F"1ne"",.""11<"•' I l blk to shopping center, townho~ mm ?aJlie ~ onlpool, util pd .• mature adults :~:~dull~~~ 2 BDJU.!, 2 BAnl. New aetvic.e availi.ble for SlO. 1c' CUSTOM.'HoME * & loc on Lldo. WW acll l blk to beach club, A:: walk· oven, w/w, children OK.· p•!· ntlaNo Apela'.:~._~,;., 2115 peb, $115/mo. 546-9081 carpets, drapes. Bltns. 1 All utilltieti paid except 8'>" owner, larce 4 bdrm, 41>' or 80', 3-6 units. Ideal tng distance to ocean. Call Bk:r. SM-6980 ... ce ve. ~ .......,, child OK. $120. 847-7852 or telephone. (conwert. den). 2». ba, for HOME &. INCO:P.!E. 536-96Wi $140; 2 BR., car., lg. fncd e Nassau Palms e M~~ 2 Br. with class Ml-3302 DAILY PllDI' Acroo at from Mesa Verde Drive by :m Via Lido Nord, E yd. drlldren &. pebl OK. 1 a: 2 BR.· Pool ed iv, nn., l?f'arned Z22 FORESI' AVENUE r.'. coune. Man,y CUilom then call 613--0JO:i 0 r xecutfv• Home P..i..:.U 5J4.-4980 177 E. 2'lnd St. 6U-36G cellin1•. I: very large: patio. BRANO NE\V 2 I: 3 BR l.AGUNA BEACH A home $145. On E. 16th ·St. See from $150/mo, Cpts/drps, 49l-9t66 W. priced below mar-67".>-3243 ol dlstindkln, 2 ~ SIZ; 2 BR. duplex. Gar. 2 BEDR001r.f apt wiUa pool, :r.tcr. at 124 E. m, C.M. diahwuher. Nr B e a c h . T'"-,-,...-""'"--.==-- ket. Lara:e lot -room 1Dr BY OWNER 2 Br, 1 ba, 4 BR, beilutif'UI f!.iyp1$tct:, w/w, drp&., stove. Avail. children O.K. no ,pets. ,2265 347--3951 * Modern Offices ~LCallowner545-5459. frplc, bltm, •plyrm '= ha. l!:X.tru a:alore. Puir am. llOW. Broker S3H980 Canyon Or. 50-4084 2 .BR unfurn, nfri&:, bit-in By OWNER. beau 4 bdrm , ,_,_ b "A~ 300 Price $40 500 stove, carpets, d r a p e 1 , . Sina:h! or suites. Air cond· t . Best .......... uy '"" . R D S LATES Rlt MISSION Viejo new 2 Br. nix;. MO. 1 Br. util pd. red ts $130 L11un11 leach 5705 itioning, parking, .ecretarial Jee. tam. rm. formal dining TI4/675.5023 · • ' r. l r Ba bltns drps· s200 pr' patio. Qulet, clean. 568 e,~llson;: ~t. •560760 mo. -servicl!:, central location. nn. 3 ba, crpts, drps & 847.s5l9 • Ews. 536-l840 M~nth. '83-r-11ti ' Adults. No pets. ~ru ... 100 CLIFF DRIVE C. Robert Nattress Realtor in~ereom, elec car door Huntington le1ch 1400 "l BR turn ,_ A ail FOR Rent Spacious 2 bdnn LUXURY FURN/UNFURN 230 E . 17th Street El ~-"' All Fountain V1lley 1410 c~.· .1..1.~-'" ' ap.... v t \VI · ,_ -~ I opener. ec IJhuuuen. .,., ~ :1100 April l. $12.5 month, •P. pnva ... Ycuu, c ose Yearly Leas!!:. 1 a: 2 Blfnns. Costa Ml!:sa 642-1485 ~te. kit. Reduced $1!i00, WOW! 4 BR, 2 BA. 1arr:e lam nn, ---------646-4039 lo school. Crpts & drps, saps to Sboro • Sbopt NE\VPORT CIVIC CENTER Call Gl>-6846 kit compl with bJt.lna " FOR ll!:ase 4 BR home. 1 BR lil pd p 1 N' $13Q. ~2S-600i S~an Oceanview from ewery ApL Oftlcea suitable for Com· REPUBLIC Home, 8 mos 4 BR 3 hath 2 story h9me, dishwasher, c r pt Id r p 8 SZ4D/per month 1st & last chlld~~n ':,,.pets· 00 • 0 CLEAN &. Attr. 2 Bdrm. from '150 mo up. lh• mercia1, Medical. Dental. okl, 2 story, 4 BR, 3 BA, carpets le drapes through-thruout. Fully sprinklered month. CALL RAY GAUL'.1' 180, 'Vhirtier St 1)46..6222 New cpts, drps: bltns; 491-ZU! Afr..cond., crpts, elevator flun rm, retreat rm. 3 Car out, professionally lanclscap. &: landscpd. circ patio in ~llM {open eves} Hen-• · carport. No pets; adlts : BR. duplex: new cpbl., 35c PER SQ. IT. garage, $il,900. By owner. l!:d. willcing diStance tO the rear. Aft 5. &3$-0854, $27,950. tage Rea} Ei;tate QUIET deluxe 2 BR. lmmac. 548-616.9 drpe, paint. 1 blk. to heh. 541.so32 OR 675-2464 ~905 beach. Posse~ upo1n cn>d-==="'====== VMERY ~anM3 BRh 2 ba1 lht :~: .. ~~~· w~:~· ;y;o 2 BR. crpts, drps, bltns, 214 Fafnrlew ~'1. Daya: Mutual Savings &.- ASSUME Low fllA, J BR. it approval -pnced 01' fast Laguna Beach 1705 esa .....:I ar, ~ o · dswhr. Adults. $135. 5§6-7285 494-8188; evea (1) 532-&!83 Lean 91.a..., CdM Pan. den A fam $26 500 sale at only $29.950, GI or -;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;; $225/month. Agt. 546-tl41 eves. .__ • ' ' FHA t • Newport Belch 4200 1 ~~~------Ui !FURNISHED 2 BR, So. 350-SOO ft avail now !'.':":'122 will taU , 2nd. MUT,rms.U•l RE •tTY Cute as" Bug's Ear 2 BR lower duple.x, fncd yrd, --'--------1 • BR., stove, refrig., gar. Lag. 6'l'S..f070 Eves. 494.3223 .,..,..., k.1m -"' 3 BR 2 ha cu.stom home few Gar. Child. OK. SlOO. 1.936 SINGLE Young Adults Lux· Adults. $100. 240 Awocado, Utilitiea paid. OFFICE 1842 A Newport l20l I oii0ii0ii ... OiiOii0ii0iiOiiiO blM to heh. Sep. m~er \Vall~ Ave. 543-2407 Ul')' garden apts with coun-Apt. C .. CP.I. 544-8612 4Wr2233 aft. 6 P1r.1. Blvd. Ideal for insurance, 1 N~,;;-wport;:;:;;;:;;;Be:;;;och:;;;:;;;:;;;;;; S GJ suite, bltns, lc. priv patios. $195: 4 BR, 2 ba, yard. W/w, try cu.lb atmosphere and 2 BR. studio, unf. Cpts. Drps. income tax or employment 11 Assume %% View bdnns. Beam/post bltns, dJ'ps. Kids ok Great! complete privacy. sounr bit-ins. 984 El Camino. $140. REAL ESTATE agency. S48-0588 236 Cherry TrH L•ne cons!. Cptd &. drpd lhruout Take 4/15 546-1165. BAY CLUB APJ'S. Irvine 962-5050 General t.tore homes Jot the money 011 this 2 stor7 4 BR beauty, $39,500. at 16th Nl!WpOrt Beach. 2 ,.---------SHARE offite w/ est . ¢an can be found anywhere! Miowa like a model home & Los Padres Rlty . 4!M-'833 Ne~rt S.1ch 3200 l ===(=n=•,,1 ='""""'=·=·=== ~~1~~ ~!. cpts . ., drps; Rentala Wanttcl 5990 Incom e Tax co. Reas. S BR, 4 Ba, tam rm plu.s in excellent area near the "!!~!!!!"'""!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----~"" .. 1:·~lh .......... -mnthly rent. 1806 Nwpt Game Rm $54,950 bl!:ach. A bargain at --= BOY -rt"S BIG Corona del Mir 4250 • ......, " u.. ~ 1 BDRM Unfum Apt in IDvd. CM. 642-'l30L Shown by Appt. $35 750 FabuloU! · honie, styled In 1/1 2 BDROO?.I apt v.ith pool, Beach area for employed 300 c-. Ft. Office J ' ~1 TOWNHOUSE 2 SOR tum unr, So of H""'. ._,,..__ o K •-· .....,.,, lady up to 1110 Im ·. '"' Del•ncy Real E state 1 •ew v• eans motif. approx ... -.1 C•lllUi~.u · ··,nope .... '"""' 642-0086 " Costa Mesa. ~2130 ·_... E Coast Jfwv cdM 2200 liq ft Ev. area, 4 BR Split Level 3 bdrms. :. bath! Small pri porch. Call Canyon Dr. 5'G-:4QS4 .-· &nmo-.1" PERRON REALTY & tam nn, l ba, din/rm, Doul:le l"ara1 e carpets, 213431•11$ e"Yel!. 2 BEDROOM • LANDLORDS • '42~1771 Unique kltch, R k 0, drape:;, Fireplace, e I e c, UNF'UltNISHED FREE RENTAL SERVICE ·LIBRARY OR DEN?-I "'""""!!"!'l""."~~""~ garb/d111Pt1!. S37,950 -$.1795 built·ins. ADULTS ONLY •• lilbol 43oo ·$12.5 month. 646.-0446 Broke.r 5Ufi9A:! LEASE with option to +. Back Bay view. Large SY4% GI ,I!~ ,,!ml t. Mission 'Rlty. ••••• •• ••••••••• S265/month. CLEAN Bachl!ilor Apt!. 2 BR aPt, ,down.iitairs, clean. +.:-. -;lJNFURN==="'2""B~R=-o-r""2~lrlf purchase l to 2000 sq. ft. lot. room tor boat 1: trailer Only $4250 down &: assume .........,,,, Mr8, Fay All util incl S75 up Cfllts, drps, bltins. Inquire BR · hse V.'/ car In CdM. doctors' offices decol'.8.te . to Very &st location. 646-4414 $159 payment. no 2nds. 4 BR Income Uno'ts Bay & Beach 315, E. Balboa Blvd. ~A Coriander. 546-5268 Yrly. Ref& 5T>6C14 lltlit .tine Costa Mesa l~a-~ ; 2 bath, cyts/drt!s, all built· R I . BALBOA 6'13-~5 ="========I Hon. Former busy M.D.'11 _. ':'"° , ina heavy shake roof. excel· Handyman Specials ea ty, Inc. 2 BDRM apt unfurn 998 El Roema fer Rent sns office. 1867 Park Ave. Call D~lta Bta!£st.t!] !~~~lion. See this one ~· ;dns 'l;:;ns;;~c~~ ~~~ :2~verDr.,~s~~t:.:S Lido Isle 4351 Camino*D~~i * ' S-L-EEP~-m-G--rm-.-,-,..-man-"':I ~~f::~a~taters, 64&-nn MUTUAL REAL TY Apt. units, needs paint A 2, WATERFRONT ' Apt. \\'eckly, SPLIT-Level 2 Br .• bltru, prvt. home l. l!:ntry; byl========= 842-lfil · cood ceneral cleanup PO. 5 BR, 3 BA; ·• acre. family only. Call 644-U69 cpts, drps. Child OK, no mo only $f0. li43 Onuip, lnduatrial Rental 6090 Industrial Prop. 6080 TRANSICOM CORP. 851 \V. 18th St., C.M • 642-9000 or ~142S WANTED II Part or Full Time. Rl:lie.ble party to restock and collect money from coin ~ erated dispensers in Costa Mesa and sWTOunding area . To qUalify you must be re- liable. ambitious, able to de- vote 2 to 8 bra. work week- ly and have. Sl650 total cash to invest. For personal inter. view in Costa ?-.tesa: Send name, address and phone number to: "ROUTE DEPARTriiENT'' P.O. Box 3S46, Anaheim, Calilomia 92803 BEAUTY SALON • LAGUNA 2 yrs old, 6 un its $1500 ca.sh + inventory Take over payments 494-9972 • Eves 494.8619 VENDING Route &. equip, other intere11111 requirl!: bf!· ml!:d sale! 645-0510 o r 962--1936 eVl!:S, Ask for Ted \V ANTED: off.sale liquor license, Orange County. Call: 642-8139 • ATI'R. beauty salon e Priced for qUick sale at $1750. 962-7232 (Gloria)' Money to Loin 6320 PRIVATE party ll'111 loan $1500 up on R.E. equity or buy TDs. Call my agent Anytime Ph. 54J.1311 Re•I Est1t11 Loans 63•0 , HOME LOANS ~IONEY AVAILABLE Call for detailil: on today's rates for ht A:: 2nd TDa. Serving ~e County tor 20 years Sattler 1.fort1age Co. Inc. 336 E, 17th Sl w-nn 54.>mll Eves. 673-786,j 642-1157 Money Wanted 63SO MONEY ' Wa n t e C:. Ex· perienced, a ~g re :s a Ive·, honest, ha.rd working am- bitious woman for unique bttr tavern in Beach area. Reply Box ?.f 664. Dally Pilot. 3 ' BR Waterfront · No. 62 Balboa Coves. $ 6 0 • 0 0 0 • Prefer trade tor acre:agl!: hn, will consider otbu. se VACANT • TERMS TENTIAL I N C 0 1.f E EX-AbaolutC? s e r I u g i o " I: pets 2885 Mendoza . 545-5t.."l CM CEEDING $10,()(WJ ANNUAL-aorvowi view of hills. $450 Huntln~on leach 4400 Villa Fino Aplll. 3 BR. 1-========~-d ~RS lea; ~~ t~el, ANNndOUNNOCTEIMCEESNTS LY. Price $69.950. mo o~ lease. 646-ilS4 or Unf Children '\'elco1n.• "~ Guest Homes Snl an iego ..... , a . wn II * BAY VIEW Fet lot !5' ll' 195' W/ plans. $34,900. Qwner 5'3-1249, .....,., OUTSTANDING View in the Bluff.a 3 Br, 3 Ba. by owner. '4200 tin . ......,,. watc1111 1230 SPARKLES a; •hinea inside 4 -<IUL Livirlc rm 6 dining rm; service porch, elec liUns. Clean crpts &. drps thru out lhla 3 BR 2 Ba !I'm<-Pn>f. """""" ~ inainL W/ 9tildre:n'1 play trd i1r: pet area. Heavy shake-roof complete• this cbarming home. By Owner "2·""· 64>-1598 Eoatbluff 1242 &ASTBLUF,. Con- cfominlums. 2 1kle. by side. DIO aq. ft. ea. l BR 4 !fen, 2 BR A:: den. Extra .. uxe condition w/ cboiCI!: loeatloa I: vtnv.• SSl.000 • 41'1.SOO. Shown by appt. Mark Ln Rltf. CJrl lnvl!:•tml!:nt Co. sa.nn DAILY PllDl WANT ADS? ' . .. • .. •• -• •• •• .. ~ .. ••• ·- .. ·~ ASSUME 5Y,% LOAN Large 4 bedroom in very de. sin.hie area. HAFFOAL REAL TY 8740 \Varner, F.V. 842-4405 TWO STORY S BR 2 bath, built·in ran1e Ii: oven, large livina: room \Vith fireplace, kitchen I family room combination, carpets, $1300 down. MOVE FAST! ~·-$23,500 Gt no dO\Yn or ntA. 4 BR. 2 full ba., <!pts/drps, Jge kilch. \.\'i.Ua food center. EB- closed front patio with dee· orator lighll!. BRASHEAR REAL TY M7-8Sll 'Eve. SJG.7090 BUSIEST markl!:tplae• tn OaRfied 9l!dioo. s a •• ~ time • etton. LoN town. 1bt DA.D..Y PILOT DOW!!! DAILY Pll.m WANT ADS BRING RESULTS! ?t1ISSIONREALTY 4!M-OTJ1 646-1550 2adrrri.28ath 'I ,.__, ----C...-'iValley, new commercial ilr: -----1 !-==-====::-:== Carpta. Drapes, built·iM. 814 W. Ce.nter Apt. 1 PRIVATE Room In licensed industrial unib. Delta E1ec-Found (frH Ads) 640C 9S5&. Coast, Laguna We•tcliff 3230 Best location. 1 block to 5 home for e Ider I y am-tric. Days -331-1400. Eves •'--Newport Buch 5200 bulatory lady or -nUemen. -499-4198. FOUND Siamese cat, vie. $35.000 DlIPLEX, 2 and 1 $1~2 Br beam ceilings BR. ~ew, just remodeled, bltns, \V/~ crpts, htcl pool'. pvt, wild kitchens! 494-9741 Adull.!I, no ~ts. 642-2514 Pts shopping, u .... aters, etc. 548-5225 a~ ~=~~-=--= 1 l.fesa del Mar aru, Costa. furnished or unfurnished Tov.nhouse 3 bdr. 2~ ·ba, • NE'V :r.1 -1 Bldg., 10,000 1.lesa. ~9850 from SUO. Call ow n,e r w/w caJlll!ils, drapes, lrplc. sq ' near Airport. Air cond ~· • 2835 Jor Wormation. l_ncome Pron._ rty 6000 f .....,, FOUND turtle, 21st & Irvine L1guna NJ9MI 1707 Unlveralty P1rk 3237 vu-fenced patio, elec blt·lns. 2 r-o cs. #IN mo. g r o s s. A QUIET .. BEAUTIFUL 6#-22« venue-, N.B. Please iden· car pr, pool, $275 642-m9 REAL ESTATE tity. 642-4926 Adults only; 2 Br .. util. paid. GOLD Medallion 2 BR, 2 LOVELY home with apac. NEW JULLIARD view, atop ienUe rollin&: 3 B hills, qulet cul de sac. 4 R, fam rm, POOL Ir. rec BR. 2 ha. Bkr. 67>-4010 area. !325 ~~ Je:e· SPACIOUS 3 BR plus family 3 BDRP.I f· 2~ ba room. 2¥.i ba. App 1600 Mq. ;JOO pe; rnoamo~ase ' ft. Full price S27,000. Plaoe · * SJi-0104: * Realty 4!14-9704 Gen1r1I 2000 ~· dal Mor 325o Pool. 841·212; BA. cpl!, dlp!I, bltns, e.ncl. 17676 cameron, Hunl Bch. 1ar. 4230 Hilaria W8¥. $l8a Garden Grove 4610 SINGLE Yonua Adults Lwt· ury garden apts \\1th coun- try club atmosphere and complete privacy. SOtrrH BAY CLUB APTS . 13100 Chapman Ave .. G •rd en Grove ITI4l 636-3030 Jse. (ll3) 981·1039· \VESTCL1FF, 2 BR, l b, BA, adults only, no pets, $190 mo. 548-6515 2 BDRM. 2!.J ha, Westcliff area, patio k pool. $265. on lease. Agt. 642-6366 ---------2 BR home;, extra widl!: lot $160; 2 BR duple.x, fenced frplc fonbal dln/nn dbi yd;· \\'/\.\·; g~age. Children gar, 'paoo, lndry area,' SZ75. OK. Broker ~ Sce.ntc Properties 675-5726 Laguna leach 4705 Rentals to Sh~~oo5 s-=.=,=bo=a=====3=3=00 DELUXE N. end bachelor, 2 BR, 2 BA, crplB, dl'J>!I, bltns. Adults, no !)eiA. $W mo. 673-2370, se.28'?3 N1wport H1t1. 5210 R001.BIATE iierv\ce, male -------.:..:.:.: 2nd fir, pvt enlr. deck, SPACIOUS 2 Bl!:droom atp., 3 BR l .A •-li Ocean V\Y, 1 blk heh, shop-or female. Eltlcient i:. • • "'6 v rm, just renovated . Only qualUied. 835-2100 tam nn/din nn, frplc; 2 plni. $140 mo. 494-9982 minutes from shop'c area sir)'. 2 car gar. Yearly ll!:ase I.: Nev.'J)Ort Harbor. $155. LADY to sha.rl!: homl!: w/l -Reis only. Aft 7 pm. OR RENTALS ~ in:i:~ ·=~~i::·· 1=HO:::::::'::' ======= , ._A_...._..__u_"-"'-·'"-''-"""--, 7~=~=~~""~0o-rn.--s.~t-~-....,~· THE QtnC'KER J'OU CALL, Huntin-on leach 3400 General 5000 2 BDRJ.I, pool. frplc l elec THE QUICXER YOO SELL »' , bar-b-q, no child or pel& • FREE RENTAL BOOK v!NooM! Utll pd. 1110 Mo. S48-!32S WDROIPklN & BROWSE E•st Bluff S242 a er & Le ' e JMlltACULATE APTS! ' L\l1.1ED. OCCUPANCY • NEW DELUXE e 16S2 Edinger atu-ias or 540-5140 Open Eves. 3 BDR1r.I, blt-in1, wall to wa_U crpts, drpt1, 2 baths, fncd yard. S215. 962-m48 3 BR. 2 Ba. den, frpl, acree,.. <d """"-POOL. Ret 1250. IM. ~7652 ADULT Ir. F.UllLY 3 Br. 2" ha. aiit for lease SECTION'S AV AILAB!.F. Incl. spac. mstr. sui~. din Close to Shopping, Park rm. i dbl. garage. auto. • Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba door opener avail Pool & e 2 Bedrooni... rec. area. Nr. Catholic -. SV.im Pool, Put/;reen O\urcb A &ehool ill Corona e Frpl, tndtvllndry tac'h del 1.far H.lgh. 1145 Anoholm Ave. e ONLY l2!0 e C0!>1'A ?olESA 642-~ 837.STI Aln!zog Way, N.B. Ganeral ,_L_o_b ______ 6_100_ lost 64 s.n or Trade . ---'------=:.;:DI C-2 VACANT 40x80 by ov.-ner, 0 t t d • $18,000. Can cet var-duplex. LOST grttn I.: Y e 11 ow u s an Ing Corner llit • c 0 .. t parake<t "' Vio. 20 0 Hla:h\\,'ay. Sµnset Be a ch Poinsetlia, CdM. Answers lnvestm·ent (213\ 243-1921 to Pot• or Momma" Pretty Boy. Ho will repeat h;, ad- • VIE\V of ·ocean, corner dress. Re\vard. 547-3431, Property bltiff,, possible 6 1 t y. 633-4516 medical or aptll. Will build t .1 """ "~'°"' ANYONE Kno\ving the La~ strategic comer, 0 SUI • ""'7"Q.JoN whereabouts of a '56 Chevy. 12S'x200' C+ 15' a]ley). with C.'HOICE lot Cln Santiago Dr., Bel-Ail'. lie. No. J'IT763, 2 rood oUlce bu ildings on N'pt. Beach: you own the p:e11.se call O\vner 548-1349 major street. Near the heart land. 646-8565 ot the. fabuloU!S o. c. Civic 3 ADJ. lots; room tor 11 GREY short hai~ pm;;n C~nter &: booming finandal unlta. 333 E. 21st St., Costa cat. Ea s I b I u ff area. distrlcl. Great traffic flow 1.fesa. Owner <494-5072 Ew. Re\.\•ard. Needs 1.fedication. Ir. exposure for high rlsel .:======== I ;-;673--096.1;..,c-o;:-:;:--c;,,.-"""-o-offl~ building, or hold tor Acreage 6200 LOST: Black 1.tin Poodle assured appreciation. Price 1-;;;;;;;;::;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;; male. Ans 1 lo "Tar". Vi~ J25(),000, ,. ~. v. R.e\vard! 962-1090 SUBMrr TERMS OR NORTH OF "Losr=c;e;cu=nn=o:=,."eai71.=,..:...,.."'~t. EXotANGES 5 ru RICK ALDERETTE E CONDIDO · Sa" '"'" Capatram Area. Re\\'ard. :t93-3232 (n4) 5'17-6469 Ar>pim-. 44 Ac..es, roDing "'1"'N"'c=o~M=E~u-N=1T=s~ I hUb; b<autiful .. '""", an LOST "'• Coot ... Mall. I•· l• plantl!:d Jn Avocados or dies white cold diamond Triplex holH for appreciation. Anx· \\Tlshvatch. Rew. SJG.2114 3 • 2 bedroom units yearly ious seller is asking $59,400. net of S~284.00 Low vacancy 10% Do}Vll with interest only factor. Full priee $37,500. OD balance. For more infor- Duplex mation, pleue call K, \V. 2 • 2 bedroom unitli., no dO\vn Stnall v.i!th to vet1' or minimum down Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. FHA. $34,150. l.818 \V. Chapman Ave . 6 Y ear1 Old Ora.nit-. Callt a unit$ with room for 4 matt 541-2621, Eves-11·knd~ S38-597J • a l'l!:al money maker 80 ACRES $195 per acre Personala i405 l~n• Niguel 3707 RENT 23.33% return. s~· down $50 a mo. Bow c_oron• 4•1 If.or 5250 -·---~--· I ly. ~-· WIG & MAKE-UP CLASSES • $85 C·Belle Cosmetics 5tl·9487 230 E. '\'am!l', San1a Ana * Sl!:lectl\>e Single.1 • Companlonahlp, Sincerity IntroducUons Conftdentlal (~) 6'2-9676 5-JO P1.I REDUCE Sale, 1lmple &: fast with GoBese tablets only 9St. Crawfo rd '• RX Pharmacy, Coi.ta !\lesa t.IONARCH BAY AREA ADULT 001.lMUNJTY 3 BR. den. 2 BA borpe, bH·inl. frple, heated pool S%iO mo . .10 to S. 500 4 BR., 2 Ba.. cpta, drps, bllnll, dishwshr.; thildten. pell OK. 122>. CU 3'!-531C e\'t. Dupl•x .. Unfu rn. 3975 2 BOFU\I, crpts, df'l>!l, blt·lrt!, ft-nctd Mck yard. ChU1h?n ljno. 2192 American Ave. C l\L 3 Rooms Furniture $20 -$25 • $30 mo • FULL OPTION TO BUY lRefrizerato"' Available) No dCPolll o.a.c. H.F.R.C. Furniture Renta ls 517 "'· 19th C.!\f, ~1 1568 W. l.ndn, Anhm 774-2800 $123: l·BR. 4-pl~x; .,,lw, drapes. Family •'eiromtt Broker~ DIAL direcl &e.5671, Cf\a.rJe your ad, then sll back and Ult~n to ~ phone lire:' --~l~;._ ON TEN ACRES 1 &:. 2 BR. Furn !< Unf\rnl •)'pies I prtv. patloa/Poola. Tennis • Cootnt'l BkCst. put· tl"I" irttn. 000 &oa Lane, OBJ 6".26U •~'Ac.Arthur n.r. OJast fh1')') tJONT 11\" 1.1 ••a), re• wick eaM '°' It wt~ • Oa.lb Pilot trat!I Ad! ..,_,.,. R.,.rt Propoity 6205 ORANGE COUNTY'S FOR RENT "'"' Mammoth LARGEST At o u n 1 a In Condominium 29J E. 17th St. '4M4M ~ .... s. iT>-030 *NEW FOUR-Pl IX * • - Near Beach. Jlu.nUllflon Ex:cha..-. ll E. 6230 =Be=""'-· 161>_._ ... _._M_l-39>7 __ 1\VIU. Tn.de $150,IXKI in Trust OON"l li\19' it ••1.7, ctr Deeds -.nd/or $175.000 In qult'k C9'8b for It wtttJ t mmpJcted lat"g'I!: octan view Otlly PUot ...ant Adi Iott. ln La.runii. Beach for 642-5671 Orantc Count)' A.partmenti IT'S Beach b.luse um•. Bi1· (!It RlectlU'I 9\WI Se..! 0.... or clnr ltt\'el land. Brokt'r 491-lllO DAILY Pnm 0 11stnec1 mE QUJCKER YOU CA1L. ~Jnr "" ., THE Qlnoa:R YOU SEU.. COUPLEs. singles; lonely~ New in a.rea? Join the 11-.~ to tun .\ pleasune • GJS..9291 • CUSTOM Blklnla It cover ups. fast ICrVict'. krwttt pricn available, ~1135 Al.cx>HOLJQ; Ano~OUJ Pbone ~ nt1 oa· ""rite ., P,{J. &w 1223 Costa ~Tea. -.-OMNIP H ILOS_•_ 6U-96iG DA.ll.Y PlUYT \~~1 ADS• BRING RESULTS! . ANNOUNCEMENTS enol.N01:1CI$ ' 6405 ·FREE BOATINI ·COURSE , BY Cout Cua.rd Auxiliary atrtt11 Thun. 7:3(1 PM I March 27 C«ona del Mar Hi&:h School 2101 East mutt Drive LICENSED Spiritual Readlnc1, advice on till matters, 1111 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente. 492·9136. 10 AM·lO PM ~S2READING Attradlve Expert YOUNG WO~IAN dancer wU1 teach you all latest steps. Call Ardell 213: 591~ 1·10 PM 6410 --........ * * *· -: ; SIRVICl-OIRICTORY JOllS A IJ,\PlOVMINT ,IOllS A IMl'LOYMllfT : l9S'1.!'! Ta 67«1, "tip W1nlod, Mtn 7200 Htlp W1nfoll, Min 72IJO ""' Whaddya Wont? WhMdy1 Got? SPECIAl CLASSIFICATION. FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS . Spoci1I llllt . • 5 LI"" -5 tlmto -5 buckl ltULIJ -AD MUIT INCLUOe 1-Wllll Vo1i1 lllV. to lr•O.. ~I ,ot1 ...rit Iii .......... Jo.'l'OU!t ..,._ •MIO!' tddl't$&. ...., lliw1 el """11illlf. , ._,,.OTHIHG FOlt lAl!'-TltAO!l ONLYI PHONE 642.$671 To Place Your Trlder'a P11:adlit Ad 1966 • 36' Trojan ~. 17 Ft, fiber &Iaas outboard twin screw, ny bridge, all and bl& wheel tilt traUer. extras. $10,<Q> eq for 1part. Will tradt tot 1and.lcaj)h:w. ment& or laod. (714) 491>. PHONE • 3402.. - ai:sFoNSIBLI: '~ DIW'l'l!IG • muw of all 1-<i>• lu ll:lllllll ....... by c.,tlllod N>llo .Kll."111l At1.'0l.tntut. A'Vl.lll.tn to ,..... tho-. o1 ~ l\lllmUDI ..... omall buslnea ... ·-• .irn:n -and lndMduall. Your complet• aaddactklo 11 iuaranteed. CORPORATE IMPROVEMENT COUNSELORS ·-· lronl"f 6755 IRONING lll MY HOME REASONABLE CALL 56Q39 L1nd.C•J!lng •tlO Poor M.tl'• FrltNI CUSTOM LANDSCAPING We have an irnrnedlale need for Sen.lot PrtfWnen to Jo.In a rapldlf arowin& l;,'OtlUQltt- clal .computer ltlMQfaCtur· ire com,pa.ey, location tn the Izvine lndUltrial tom.Pltx ol. °"""' o.m.,.. I You ~uld have fron1 .a to 10 )'urt proteu1onal txperl. ence lncludln:g des!rn of sheet metal and molded pi. tic parts u well u prlnttd circtQt boards for the com. mere~ computer ind\Jltry. Good •tarting salary t>!Us tx• ceUent bl!nefltt: includlri& 12 ~ vacation durins lint year ot employment. EVE. INTERVIEWS MAY BE ...\JlR.A.lCED U )'OU an ambJUout and i» a1n! to nccml, NaUoN.I Omotm tlal a permanent poe1ilon •YallPle "'"' ... "'!Jeni_..,..,. In t)le ... dusltial Lubl1c:stSon tldd. Siles uper1tnce not· n,Qt• Sir)' u OUl' M.anaprs haw trained new ptl'IOl'.lnll to mm $15,000 and more per year tn eonuntsaSona and cash bonuret. Drtwlnc ac. coo.it &va11U&e "Wbe11 quat. itled. W•. are _esped&lJ;y ln- ttre"94 In ~ who dts1re futln adva.neement. · Good car a must. For p!'f'IOna:I tn. tuvitw write qualWcationl, addreq ~ pl'lone number to E:iTiie Srnlth, Dept, SH-25, P.O. Box 39'J, Da11u, Tau. 1S22L ·~· lllldl'll, 1969 IOIS Ii IMPLOYMtN t JOllS .. J Htlp W1nltd, Mtn 7100 HUGH'ES NEWPORT BEACH ll 'GROWIMG \Ve have potltlons avallabl• tor TOOL AND DI MAKERS with plutics i.nj«:tlon mold experien~. AUTOMATI( SCREW MACHIN£ OPERATORS Help Wlftlod w- STENO-SECRETARY ~ I Typlnf ·eo plus. Shorthand BO ~lus. Able ' ~ to worl< Sat & Sun. -5 day week. • DISNEYLAND . . ' Call Monday thru -Friday·10 0.m, to f'P.m.; ~ED MACKIE (714) 533-44.16, Exl 678 • .. • An equ8!. opportunity. employor .. CLERK TYPIST ·* -~ ....... HOMEWORK pays! Se.nd Fiberglas tub & abower sell addressed enve~ to mfg bus. AU equtp, molds &: :::n n:u:me ~ C V 1rl111 1>111 Dtpt. Mrr. MONTGOMERY WARO HAS AN IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR DRAPERY w:ltb al>ility to do 1et-ups on Swift automa- tic. Openings on tint and sl!COnd shifL DISNEYLAND · Type 50 plus. Busy office experience, able to .work Salurdays. ,. .. P.O. Box 78!, Ora~ . approvals. Trade $40,IXXI es portable lypevoTiWr, both .. ,o LANDSCAPERS •. A;TTENTION · Machhies OEPT. MANAGER Mu.st be upedenc'4 in uJes o! m&de to ~uure and EllCTRO PLATERS " 6418 value for vaeant propty 01 lniOOcfeond. WANT: Stereo I :T:i.i:;O:,.. <:::213:::,,> 592.S!>i:::;,;;:::.· --unit ~equal value. Mi..1911 Call Monday thru Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. TWO cemetery · Iota a t $77tXI equity 3 Bedrooms, 2 FibergLU 1..ehn'wt 10 aan. t .need Ji.ndscapillg, and wm trade a 17 ft outboard with big w~ trailer for yeur servlcea.· LeU set tosttber befOl'\ YoW' busy aea.son. pJIOne 6f4-«i81' . A VARIAN SUBSmIAR.Y read)' made dn.perie1. 2722 Michelson Ori.,. Excellent company benefit.I, with a minlmwn ot, o n e year's cadmium ing experience. · EO MACKIE ~. •I (Adj. Or•nt• Co. 1nc1uc1uw ""'"' -· Harbor. Rest. Prime Joe. bath San Clemente home, boat. Trade for rood cu • ,. u· (714) 5llt4456, Ext 678 Leav!ng area. Sacrifice. close in. Submit all OUen on powuM ptint compressor. 642-3527 clear land or lots. Bkr. and accesaorles. Chester Airport) if'OUP insurance, retirtment 6754()'1C, 494-3949 Salisbury £73.em Irvine, Calif. '2"4' ~~~~N An equal opportunity PERSONNEL OlTICE --"'-'m:::P:::1;;oY0c:':..::Mc:·F:__ 1..3 P .M. MONDAY. FRIDAY Mooonry, Brick 6830 1o.;;.;.;.c:.;.::;_::..;::;::_:..:;:.::_:_ Duplex So. Uig. 2 blkll to Half • Century old seneral ocean, xlnt toe. Trude 6510 $11,000 ..... .it..· tor cleaT lot store, emit.a Mesa, w/money MAINTEllAllCE An equBl opporlUnily employer ; MECHANICS l~H:=:,,=P :=_:w:=:: •• =:=1ot1=:.=:Mtn=:==:=12::oo:;::H:::,,=P:=:W=•=nltd===:;l{ -"""'~" making aideline. Trade for --"'-''"---_;::.:.: or land. Subntit all otters. home, vacant land or 9ub- WASHER & Dryer Repair, Bkr, 675-4070, 494-3949 mit. 646-1675 owner. PRICE .. QUAllTY CUSTOM LANDSCAPING • 646-1234 • Night Cu1todl1rit MONTGOMERY WARO llours lD PM lo 6 AM 7771 EDINCER HTC. BOJ. B ~"!'..!' ___ 1_40Q;.;:..;:r-;! Monday thru ThUl'lday 3 PM to midnight l'rlday * SHIPPING AND . STOREROOM * Xlnt-guaranteed s e r v 1 c e Contemporary Huntington , ·Ra=u="';';";· ,,"_,'-&15="==== Harbour home, 3 BR, tam Have 5 bedroom Balboa witll at least 2 year'1 HEW PLAN.NED roconl '""'"'""' In . .UNIGA.RD • the maintenance and 1 6550 ,.. rm, 2 ba. ($lO,OOD eq.} ~enir.s3wbeda home, $79,500. Trade: for &)'crest or Mt room, price $3(). Paperhanging P1intln1 $4474543· Able yoong man to uallt OPENINGS AT BOTH il1 •hlpplnr, rectlvinr and 6850 r ep a i r ot transfer DIVISION · ' mold P"",. INSURANCE GROUP . 1· Orange Coan Colleie material control on first and llhifl Permanent pos.IUon Bluffs. 673-35CrZ for d~Ua. $35,{XX). Newport Buch B48YSITI'ER Realty, G'lS-1642. ·PAINTING Int & Ext , Fenced vard. Meals included. 11 unit medical bldg Buena l.o""'ll con--•-"' · U you possess tbe neces· EXPANSION IN TIRED OF A LONG . 11 sary qualitlcationa and are ORANGE COUNTY OOMMUTE? ,. ~ interested in joinJng an . Unlgard INurance Groap tl ' G Id with excellent work1nc con-o en West College dltions and all ft in I e W k " Parle, 24 unit apt S.A., Back Mesa Verde 4 bedroom plua ..... u ..... ..,.. pnces. ee days only. Viclnity den, app-· ~-,. ... Fully ins. Satisfaction guar. outatand!ng electronic Pro~1de1 now h1rtng for our new dJ. ·t. components manufa.ctur-O.pt. Openings vision office openfnc ' Halladay & Bishop Sl, S.A.. bay home, all or part for • ....... *""N ,... ........_ -... can Jim w-'"- Phone 836-567l clear Jots or acreage. Agt. Want smaller home or Con. , 6~uQi" '"""""'• APPLY ORANGE COAST JR. COLlEGE DIST. 2701 Fairview Road Costa Mesa. 8US101 · benefit& lncludinc pro f i t .......... """" .... ~ ....,.. ,,....., do, in Mesa Verde. "NANNY," babysit in my u•..........,. or.,.,,....,_,, 546-0932 RESIDENTIAL painting & home, weekly <1r hrty, Vic. pa.per hangina' Good W<lt'k CALIFORNIA lNJtcI'ION MOLDING 200 Brlas Avenue Costa Mesar Calif. hvine Ind. Tract 1ng <1r&anizatlon that p~ MEN ARE NOW BEING April, in Huntingttm Beach. vides excellent workln& INTER.VIEWED IURED on F.dinger al BeaCb·Blvd., , conditions and rood be.ne-AND TRAINED TO FILL . just off the San Diep Fwy, .., fits, apply in person for GOOD POSITIONS WITII Theae positions w1U requin; ·1· Harbor & Vicl<lria,' CM. ,l"O"'A"'c,.re-Orange Grove near 75xl00' lot al La:ke Isabella. Reuona.ble iuice. 1"37-6146 645-1473 y: Beach. WANT: Y.1U trade equity for late 1ro·=0~0-LER------.--P1-.,-m-at-,-'1Aptso Ranch. Bkr 494-1330 model pick-up truck or sta. INT. & EXT. Paintina:. AU ~edlate consideration TOP STARTING PAY. a short tntlnhc period ot ' ...... ..., tion Wa&'of'. seaaon rates. Free e1t. lic'd fenced yard, week days on-I---"-----548-5278 after 3 PM l im. Call OW'lie. S4&-0C05 CAREER -HUGHES $512. mo~ & Up approxlmatoly ... month~ r our r.o. Angdes olllce, !>&: j' tore the move. ~ · ly, Vic 19th & Newport. Have vacant Hawaiian land, ....,;541 varlo"' '''" & valu... $60,000. oquity U. Comm. INTER "' Ext. PAlllTING, OPPORTUNITY! EXPEDmR A• I"' wrill•n _.m•nt tion will be-provided. : ' , W t h frontage, Yucca Valley, ~· SERVICE. 1.ccal U qua!'"-• and 1-• BABYSlTIING my homo. an ome, units or su~ FREE l ... ·-Join·~ ~--~ NEWPORT 1U"" accep"" go trade for Income Pl"!!-rty· es ....,..aw• · ..... ays IARll'•• .. " .. "'' the -·-" '"· k. Prefer under 4, CM. area. mit. Call Hendrick!, Brok. ...:· ~:.,:,.;=:;c:::::..:=.:=.;.--1-•...t ... M•..,•at ..,_ .. --1 on __,.,...,.. uua wee 642-5540 er. 675-6591 Owner 544-3ffi6 eves. Box ~AINTING, Papering' 16 yn I";:; --' ..................... ea Oranre County manufactur. BEACH Both akWM. and un.akilled lmmedl•lt Oflnlntt ,; , i the followfng •r•a• \1 : F 676 Tu!tin Calif. in Harbor area. ·Uc A bond-q ~·ence ntcel!IN.Z')'o er nee&: qgrellive young J sh<luld apply u experience BABYSI'I"I'JNG Io my home. fll,500 equity Whittier view :1% to 20 Acres ·ranch sites 1 =.i_,.,;·Ra:°':=fum:=,,·,,&1>-=""'=== We train· fUD or part Um• man u txpedller. Excel· 500 Superior Avenue i!n't necesaaty, am we are Good lunches & naps. home. 3 !JR & den, 22i:kf lq di . 1 Rancho 1• Mutual Fund Advltor1, lent bend.its and ll'OWth po. Newport Beach. Callt. an equaJ. ~ •. portunlty em• * 54&-2531 * fl Trade for Power or aall. 8 0111 ng Calif's Plastering, R•P1ir 6f80 "'t ' · Inc. , • • tenlial. Equal opporlunlty ployer. · >. " boat.. al val new city, trades OK Te-u..o 8 . !""' w·--"u ·~-WlLL babysit eves. $1 -r equ ue. cul ••.-• qu;.u.u ~ employer-M A·F' Ml.,IMU~ hou•, own """''· NB/;..~,, 644-1349 !!!! Ta 544-3666 eves. Bax e PAT'S 'Pluterinc. AD 8.!A. 1212 N. Bl'Ofidwq .a.-ly •• · ~.. .••• U•On. typo, ......... -... CaD .. ··1-........ At: QUALIFlCA ONS area. Call 646--0683 44,3_acres in San Diego elf)' '"~ 1300 E. Normandy Pl. POLICY SERVICE Brick,. Mlisonry, etc. 6560 limits. Top growth area.. Sportsman ·Paradise BUI'. 54(1....6825 COST Santa Ana • Age 20,.,...,,.I\, •. · .... Exchange lo•'""°"''· land. Prop .• Bldp, on U.S..... ACCOUNTANT (I Block"""" .. McFadden, m JABSCO • HI ochotb1•r ~·.I or '!"! '! .Aj:ent 6754044 or Cortez, Colo. Frei & .ctr. AJ.. Plumbl;...nt._ ___ 6l90;.c..~ lrnme<I openin&. Dearee In 'iii block Wemt ol Grand> equivalent i. ~ at l~t one year ftn;, casualty or mU!Uple · line rating eXperlence. Pl 1 aaM '11hofle . perwonility • ~ 642-1559 ~s rented. Trade eqU!ty PLUMBING REPAIR AccounUna: or Bwiineu Ad-• Orange, County eun.o, Remodel,.. Repair 1 ,Do~bo",",,,..--p~---h,-,..,-,-u-house, }of,~. o.c. 860 W. No job too amall mitti&tration w/ Accountine CHIEF resident =~~~C:·;bo~r.~: perh quality, trade tor 19th, c.M., MM349 .• Mi-3128 • mtnor. 3 yrs exptlf, in mf&. crow~~;~'!.'!~~chlel Project Engineer-• Mechankally 11tnllaJ. Excellent opportun. · 1, lf11or advancement. · 1 • •• 1: Lie Contr. 962-6945 welding set, runs or whli.t--PLUMBING 24 hr aerv. cost!. Call for appt. or send ~tant ;; .......... _. re.. lncllMd have-)'ou. Rouse full of modem furhl. Work i'JU', lie, w_ rem<ld, resume· _ ... ,.., e Able to ltJirt work 546-5889 "'"'· will lnde tor anti. ....... """' ...... Ml-""1 PLASMAOYNE oponalbWI>' tor dlvlllon Ill> Mechanical now l!OUCY TYPING c.,p.ntering 6590 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small. Cabinet in gar- ages & o·t be r cabinets. 54&8175. U no answer leave msr at ~237%. lL o. ........ Carpenftirlng 6590 ques. MS-.2UTC. 3839 So .,_,_ SA anclal record•. SUpervilion Willing to trade • 1964 · ......... · • ol ama1I accounting depart. INTEftVIEWS , 1 Pontiac GTO convertible Remodel. Re,..lr, 6MO Equai5:.;~!ru~· 35!.1__ ment. Knowledge of govern. MON. &: TUES. ~rlenced or trainee, mu!-i for house trailer in rood HAVE poteotlal trailer park ROOM A 0 0 IT 10 N Ir em.,..,,,...,r menteontract accounttrw ._ Orange County position ot Kl 3-9219, ext, 23 pie line poUcy b'Pllt «> ' •bap<. •it., 7 •=• In Nerco, . SURGIW TECHS """"'· Degreo In Accoonl-•--AM I ' Ml' Hill """"tely on tho· electr!c. Call 675-lOM WANT income unit. remodeling. Attract t v e ...... 5 .. intema.tionaJ tor-o · • The Ideal position tor 80nl& 0 __ P yda •-a1 prices. Free estimates. Call lng or Bualneas I: 5 years poratlon !<Ir design and Personnel Department ho "'·· to ~ • FIC leased ind, Dier Rd, """"' ert' °"" Eitate _54=6--0846="'======~ I 7 AM to 3:30 PM experience. Excellent start-development of •mall one w ~• "".,.... ._ S.A. Return app.10.9% on -4.99-1.990 or 4!M-M88 -Call ~raonnel Dept btwn ,ing aaltcy. Please .~ re-fluidbanrilinJpurnpaand *_l_N_T_E_R_N_A_T_l_O---I f FCo.P. $275;000. For M-Orange Beaut. free & clear real--Roofin' 6950 8: 30 & 5: 00 pm Mon thru Tri. aume " salary requlrementJ l)'ltemJ. Uaed and ma· MFG ... OISTRI BNUATILN*o Excellent free btnefl.ts. Per: I: • WiU asswne. A. Clevl. dential • view k>t. all util, -527.7744 to Box M-620 The Dally Pilot rine, industrial and aani· de-R. McL<od. ~ Tustin."' lot TD ($23,000) A ""'"' nol • &aletm&D. Sl111lon Commu ·1y Wy appllcallon•. FIRM =n~i.·"'~::,"-....;. ·.f; ""'' ......... 3100 ... ll will tn.d• '"' Sportliolring Lew atoppod, all ,,... nr BUSBOYS wHhln. Your fllluto " ......... Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa. boat, 675-3243 or 673-0.1(6 rooting. New or repair wcri R~irel!I 3 to 5 years en-EXPANDING TO m~ entftly by you, New ''" 1,o..,.va1uel600mo. want Ha ... eu.t. 3 BR .l Bath guar. ~ Hospi11l Ooyo" Nl•ht, alneerlng., .. rl<"",and ORANGE COUNTY modem office. lriendb: j' San Fernando lnco!m'. Hen. Home in Rancho Mirage 91; Sewl • pre!tt degree emphutz. pleaaant atmoephen, ·: ·: drld<•, Brokor. ""591 Pool 139,500 Eqty. $26,500 '!9 •960 e 111sraucTORS _ Full APPLY IN PERSON ~~~~:;";;'; NOW .HIRING ; : Building 64 unit apt, com-Want similar horru! this &fta e DreMma1dng-Aiten.tiom or/and put time, Neat ... PERMANENT POSITIONS I' I In ~--~d Bkr Mr ._ ... _ 1'A1' .... "" ....... _ n--i-physic• d!Jclpllne. Work· .For I>et.alla and App" p ex ,,."''&"' Cnty. l1a e " . uw•u '""""1UW. , ... 1.111 ....... U'CIMA"" pea.ranee. Must be able to nl:IJBBI E I'm ing knowledge of pluticl AVAILABLE wrm .. REPAIRS, .ALTERATIONS CABINETS. Any size · job. 25 vrs. exper. 548-6713 QUALITY Repairs -Altera. tion1 New const. by hour or Contracl 646-3442 $175,cm equity lcor Jge. wa. Healey 6 cyt motor, com-* 646-6446 * m~t and deal w!th the Ill • ~ and motors very helpful. ORANGE COUNTY PECallRS~NNEL I,•, terlront home. plete w/ twin carbs, ren. &: SEWING, llcbt alkntlona &: PQblic:.~ aood tigu:re. Apply ASSOCIATES Ctmtnl, Concrelt 6600 645-llll dim. Front .o· "'" axle•, mending. Hems & clotha In peroon. ll<>lldo.Y Health 151 E. Coat! Highway All EQUAL OPPORTUNITY WE need mtn to "'"'k In all (213) 384-1213 ' "\'. 17 Fl outboard tor station drs. Will ·trade for Scuba made. Re.u. ~2405 Spa, %IOO Harbor Blvd,, Newport Buch EMPLOYER depts, No expmence neces-" 1. CEMENT WOI'k, no job too wagon or auto ot IPQUl.I val-equip, tank. reg. A wetiult. Afteretiont--642-5145 C.M. ' 111.rY, u we train. UNIGARD . '· amall. reaaonablt. Free ue. Phone 64M687 MG-0430 Neat, accurate, 20 yn. exp. SERVICE Station M gr , 1485 Dale Way, Costa Mesa TOP STARTING PAY > f Htim. IL Stuflick. 548-8615 TnJnee for cut-rate lndep. SECURITY GUARD • ~ 92626 · AUTOMATIC PAY RAJSF.S INSURANCE GROUP'. 'i· Cutlom Londoc1plnt 'J\ * * * * * TrN Strvia 6980 itallon. Mutt bo bondable Exclualve, ftoldentla! com-Sl'ART WORK DRAPERY WORK ROO!I\: 1· BESl' IN CONCRETE neat appe~. aae 21...65. uN IMMEDIATELY Immed ..i~ all e 646-1234 e F.STATE Ma.int Tree Serv Steady job with chance for m ty Jn the Newport FOR INTERVIEW CALL ope .... '6• phues • ., PATIOS, drive w a Y •, G_•r_dt_n_ln..::gc._. ___ 661_0 H1ulln9 1730 &moval A ~· free promotion. Apply AM only, :;;i e8:;'rie~~ !;;!' :i. DUE JO MONDA77Y,,.72TUESD53 AY :: va~':. t!n·~ ~ yr. l: sidewalks. Free estimate. TAKATA Yard/earage clean up~ Re-est; &42-6300, ~ Sav-Mor Station, 62> Ooean tlon will entail moatly night "" Beach Drapery Service, 1 7 Cal! 545-6239 JAPANESE .n~•ERY , ..,A ......... H~.B ... Cal~U·~....... ....... $400. In •fart. unllonnt fXPlUflQH * DRIVERS * I .,u_, move trees, ivy, dirt. Trac-Televltion Repair 6985 1 • AIUI l •CUSTOM PATIOS • 546-0m Complete 1an!•ntnr '°'· back hoe, 111'1"'""· 1162. ~ SALESM!N p""'dod. Pleuo """ brl•f N "-rl Ttltphont R-ptlon .' , concrete awlng & removal service. Headquarters for 8745 RAINBOW TV Co. No Ser-Mllllt be •teady, reliable, ~-°'n..~PllotO Box M ANO 0 ..... pe enc• Work. Call 10 AM to I State Lie. • 842-1010 all your nursery need1. •"'SA=VE..-M"o"NEY="""·"'bo,,,.ION-vtee Qiara:e? Expert work, full time only. Apply in ' £•1111' ua..q t. Necessary! 1 P .M. 540-2034 ' .: • BEST IN CONCRETE! ALLEN BROS you take it to the dump. ~:nobtk~~ or atereoa. person, ask for Tom. ARGUS AGENCIES INfftE.lftl\ MUl!lt have clea.i. Cal1tom1a --:::=:-:::-----IT'i: Any size job, work gllal'. GARDENERS STUDENTS Call 642-5666 eves. • GRANT'S SURPLUS Sl'ORE Account•nts UllAIUlr driving record. Apply SHIRT Preswr wanted Reu. Saw cutting. 642-8514 ~'Orldng their way thru col· IJ.GHT hauling and tree 1750 Newport mvtt., CM Credit Man ... rs YELLOW CAB CO. Exper, preferred or ., *CONCRETE work, bonded ~~cet.. licensed. removal. rea1on a hie lfpholltery 4990 Administrative Tf'ftffl BUSfffW JM E. Utb st. tn.1d It neoeuary, ~ & lie. Concrete sawing. 545--5490 C z y KO SK t • S CUstoot BUSBOY CA.LL BOB, 50-1796 r Costa Meu. Cleanen, 1776 Newport mv. 'J Phillips Cement. 54&-6380 J::.~ G~~r:; ~ HAtn.JNC, General, Top., Upholstery. E ·1 r o Pe an ~~ Y= lnmantamJ; 1889 c Newport Blvd .. C.M. Naben Cadillac Help W1ntM Coata Mesa. 548-4014 ~ Contracton 6620 estimates. 540-1332 trim, remove trees Ir Crattaman•hlp.1001' re11taurant. See Mr. COOK-FRY la: now taking Women 7400 • W~ Will tral09 1'· hedgeL Big J<lhn ~ FlnanClrlg. 642-1&. 1831 Schierbold at "Mr Steak" Youna: ma.n, exp. who de•lres applications for full or part time. ·Must be ' QUALITY remodeling, RELIABLE: Minute care. Newport:Blvd.,C.M. 2267Fairvlew,~Meq. PD1itionwUbtuture.Forfn. EXPERIENCED TR.AlNEES • Sportswear 18,attractlvew!th ·bubblin&·i' eu1tom design service. Reta [.()w-n.te monthly Avail, HOUMClunlng 6735 IOBS A ·EMPLOYMENT N'll".W modem Shell Stallon terview see Mr. 8cblerhold G M p•1NTER factory. Xlnt. op-... it.... penOnallty. 11lE WO 64.5-1931 Mor/eves -~ at "Mr Steak" 2267 • ' "" ..,._,,--"-or,..~'::':-.... ~-Eut Coaat Hwy aj ·. · on req. Frank ?tI. BardenCLEAN ===.IJP=~s~.~ .... """'.,c:--n.ooR cleaning •· pollallltig neet11 attendant; time A F-~· CM See Mr. °'uck DonotU n.i"'"'~"' ...... ... Mc.Arlhur CdM Constr c.o.. 1-639-1466 att in&:. --i~ ..... ';dj;.!!_ li;t apeciaHats. Homt " in. Job W1ntec1, Lady 7020 M:U <1W1' 40 hn .. plut com· ..., .. ,ew, ; · PARTS PICKUP & ttaL Af:iply @! G., Btrch · ' . ' 4" 'pm -·~ d01trial. · FREE eat. HAVE FUl'I. W1LL mw. Eloper. lul>i • oalea • BUSBOY OE LIVERY MAN St.. N.B,. 1 blk, E. ol O.C. PART Time COCKTAIL ·1, Addltlona * Remodelin& movina:· Reu! 54S-6955 Swedish Maintenance TRAVEL ~. (0. ·Shift) See Mr. Monie Donahue airport ~D W~ needed -., Fred IL Gerw!ck. Lie. JOHNSON'S Gan!entng SUV. Service m.-0951 Ca 990 E . Coosl Hwy, N.B. iy C•R ATTEND•NT HSKPR/Cook, llewpoi1 $350. a '" -· WEST ~ * ~m Flne•l eqwp, expert yan1 I,;:,:;,;;;;:,· ;::.:.,;,:;;:::,..---=-pable l'racHcal n "',. • CONCRETE BALBOA ·BAY CLUI ~ ~ &kp•/Cook. Newpoi1 $300. ~• care! Real! SC.XJ35. CARP~ Windows, ttn. Local ftferencts. No smoke l22l w Cout H N~ See Mr Bob Rilcallld 210S W. Oc@a.ntroot, Newport ittc. Rff:lden. or Comc'L or drink. Live-in or can Ffnlther &. Form Setter 54i.22ll 'Ext. i&ti · Excellent 'frltwe behefttJ Daytrorker, LagUna. $2·25 hr Beach (Ac:roal from Pier Co...,Ot Cl .. nlnt 6625 Cut l Ed&e Lawn Xlnt v.oork Reu! Refs. ao from "pa.d" to nurse. For custom home builder. bl!auWul ultra modem facJl.: Employer ~ ie.. Gt<lfle A Dory· f1eet) Maintenance. Lioenad $t8-4l1l U n • n c umber e. d , Co Call 497·1665 betw 5-7 pm * SPAR A$EMBLERS lties ftnfst pay plan AUen Byland .~DC)' lQS.B .....;;.;.,.:,,.;_=~---1 PROFESSIOll~1:_.,:!;_"" TA 54M8<11/~2310 all 4 WOMAN -~ .• - k l panJomh;p with '"" Ugh! only. * BENCH WELDERS Na' L-rs Cadlllac. -. E, 16th. SA 517-<1195 I ~:<°!'11~ Tn.1-Exp'd. UpbOlatery ................... op '""""'wor touch. &t2"8828. eo.x 22Sl. Sta.lnleu stftl I aluminum. UW GIRL ~ bllllnr, t;yplnt, 1 _.ams .. .-u, " quality, guaranteed results. ~~~~~ di)' a week, 11Ud)i. Call NP MAINTENANCE man, tull E:xperlence nee. OWrt aman 260) Harbor· 81\ld. lt. ·~tna 'ana l)bone Call Apply in Persln •• Allen's Maintenance 645--2388 time, perm&nent, 'for prier· hand tool.a. Call MS-1437 Coat& Mesa bef'Mtn '• • • Johanllen • Orbtenan j; 646-tOOl or eve• 642-352& LI 8.s&46 after 6 PM WW..h\MSCl..NC. SERV. OONVALESCENT A i de , almofelwori(.Muatbeable be! 9-llAM,M<ID-F'rt. la: .C, Tuel. thru 898W.16thSlN.B. 1 •. YARD CI ea n u p . Tree C&rpets-fum-compl hse. COtJlt>Plon ot hakpr., avail. m paint &: do repajn, have PART TIME ~. 540-5990 Comet o(. Mon:rOvlA Al.6th. , ~~s&do~~gh<i,~~ service, new u.l~, And Apt clng. 64U164 ~~54~~m. ~:1~?l~·CoastHwy, e Dlth:nc,:.~lusboy TOP STAR~TING PAY 0 81r;r"t, ~~t. =: WANnio:.R,eaponalb!e ;; lt'g "DUNN-WELL"! eprinklen, rototl •L-T""" 67-'A CHAU1TEUR, retired man SURP' A SIRLOIN NEW BRANCH IN O~GE an:ia. X-Re.y expu. desired., . ..wnao 9;1«W. lite biikp I· :: Free Estimates . · • ~ ~~~y Ja=; G~~ m ;..~::;:. __ ..:;_;-:;. Dom11tlc Htt~ft 1035 $250. Cook tor Mexican 5QI PacltSc Out H")'., NB ~~R ~=SlN~ To apply, Ph: OR ~ll66 ~ ~ ~~~ %0: 1: Carpet Laying a 832-0105 or 54()...7887 e The T•t-Mvt..n· ~ llve-Jm. Cheerful Oitlle. Empk>yer pay1 fee. OIB MZ: CU AN re. .eJ. AND DISPLAY WORK. NO HOU~ Ch I ld Bcb .. 53fi...298S 1 j1 l ____ ;:R:;•!:po::l::.r.:66::2::;:6 AL'S Gardening Se r v Ice Year round otc. 323 No. Ptrinanenl Experienced c.iorg, Allen Byla.nd Aa:enc:y pertenc:itd: Pmn job. Maye EXPERIENCE WE TRAIN car.. UYMA, must Jove Prr ~ N " 1..av;n maintenance, prdtn-Nwpt Blvd, N.a. Reul Far Eld Apncy, 64U703 1Q6..B E. 16th, SA 547-0395 ~ beaul Lr.lie Arrowhead! WORK FIVE DAY ~ ctipdrtn. Doctor's t.unlly. home•, min ap ·28. .;: ' c·.RPETS <nylons, ..oo.. polyetten,) Vlnyla and. Til- e&. l,Ateat 1tyle1 and colora. Commerclal and Realde.ntlal. ~ tnatall&tion. Bi.ANKINSIUP FLOORS 642.140) M0-7212 Fumlture Rutorlnt " Roflnlshlnt 6675 W11.UAMS CL>IC. SERV. four f\fm ~ be new apln! Otta I. rtpatrtna. 642-11&4 • - Ina: i clean ups. 646-3629 OUl 845-0400 Jor appL • George Allen Byland A',enc:y A5TROTEK CORP. CaJ1COilect114: 331-250:1 S:30 TO 10:30 P.M. FOR JN. 8f7-3501 rtcd. M'i&t work wknds. Ph. j: EXPER GARDENER Waller H. Fahrtnhoh: P.A. Employtr. Paya Fee: Opt1nina1; lAUMr mill S.1). AMBULANCE DR!VER FORMATION . CAU. MA. RELlll' COOK 9G8-3fi4 847-2561 t Mid.... Ja .... -Reliable. Income Tu· Servtc. 11J6.8 E . .J,lh, SA 547-0395 Top pay. A-1 machiniat Of\b', Experienced-Must ba full7 JAMES, Experimced ., • • ........ •n.y .I\('""" "Lave ; .............. 64U204 or 545-1398 e\'t: 1267 Lotan Av, C.?t'!. lJc'd. Top PQ' for rfcht MONDAY• TUESDAY 60-8044 ~.._.... ; .... '"' •' Mon. Sal "'""105 Con Bob. 831.-n4-.72SI up. In .....,. dtt;,.,. sulll • ~.~J"'AP='All"'E==-"'c~ARD==ENER= MAO< HARR.IS TU Serv. Help Wanted, Men 7200 LIDO CAR WASH, 481 E. man. tact POPULAR tee:Np rlrl a • toeitl. Sal I comm. G4 :· 1-Wntefl&l'IC'e ,i. Cleanup 9tl'I yr .. !l17 Rooiw:velt, • 17th., Cotta Mua. A618 .ll. l:XPERIENCEO Ser v I c • CA!tE£R. OPPORTUNlTY )'OU"C Adult' to telJ b\Jdn.ta. wock. cood'a. rJ:J..m> ' can 5111-zm c.M. Appotntmta; 5'0-29!1 DRAmMAN Apply 1n ........ " .. 'lion•• s ~ 3001~: 11.000 5a1uy + cu ~1T.!S mru. J'rldo.Y, , 1ype so, ========= INCOME Tant prepared Indu.11trlal tilt-up up prti. PF.NS:tONER wtd for uthl o t&uuu, . uo--,Crowin& manufacturing co. ATI'ENDANT Jor elderly Ia-dlv!nlftfd p»Jtton, Si1arJ • GtMrll Servleet 6612 your home, 1tJink fonn ClO¢&' tcff!Al .,.'Orltiiir cohd'. Sal4.ry roaJntuance work. Ca.U C.M. Xlnt benefits. Ace 24-30 d;y l'rl.. t!Ve lo &Jn eve.. depe.m cm cxpede:noe. Mf'J. :: blned, $15. 49'-UZI °"'"· 5().7911 .U.9'1li!. Enwrprlltnc,.,,.... m.n. College ...... ,,._.,,., wl<ly, .,,_, LE &..1(157 WWII, ~ I e INCOME TAX e P"AR""T-'tbM;.;;..;;.dl;:1-b----.~,.,,.~ISERV StAAttndntl,allthlft1 ' part tbnt, t:~l:~ SJ. no othtra need apply. Box I ff01'EL ril&kf tuJJ time. PART time walbus. fl.B. ' °""' In >OU• ,..,,,,. -Raltaun.nl. No. 16 °"'" Sal A comm. -per -· 545-11111 P.(15, Dolly Piiot -pleudt ~ El<.... b' Dlnott -I, !>and up. 638->;00 FOUhlon 1'1Md, N.B. Sharp OR""'° DAILY PILOl'WANT ADii! 'jl>lte ele-1 rn.n..·lln< ~ -* ".. <21J\ '3H!ll btwn IJ.&._ ,• • ) I I .I ·--·-. ·-·-•&•.-··------··--_____ ._ __ . ". ( . . • • • .:D.111.Y l'tlOT M"'4q, M""' >l. 1969 a IMl'LOY JOllS a oMPLOTMENT JOBS & fMPLOYMlNT JOIS & EMll'LOYMIHT JOIS & IMP'__!:.!?.YMENT MllatAHDISI FOi MERCHANDISI FOi MllatANDISI FOi MERCHANDISI POil SALE AND TltADli SALE AND TltADI SALE AND TltADI SALE ANO T~I 7550 Fumltv,. IOllClfumltvre ICIOO ,.._ & Orw•na 1130 Nllsc. W•nted UIO 1:~~~~~,•-~•;iiiii;;;;;~~s•;;~.~~1 ;..;_"'p"'1AHO;...:;._;;,=o"'R'-G-AN-WE PAY MOR E '•f"E;nc~tn.~~w~......,~~1~•~\;Hel~lp~~W~•~n~1!1d;=~~H;e~lp~W~·~n~1oli;=~~ IHofp W•-~. Mon & w-7400 w-7400 w-7400 w-• -'==----lleo u ty cGunselo<s :~ . = GROUP INSURANCE ~"',;, ":.~ Check Here !\ agancy • CLERK Cockf•ll Waltrusu i' Im oomt DRIVE FELICIANO'S .{ NEWPO~EACll DISNEYLAND ~. ·:i:~ -~ You al'I cordlally . Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 l~IM to visit our Accurate typing, able to process and 1"1Jces or make tel• pay claims. 6hone Inquiries ,... •rcJlng our employ. Call Monday lhru Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. irlent opflOrlunltlet. ED MACKIE !i Newport (714> 533-44M, Ext. &18 l An equal opportunity employer \ Beach , i\ Sedy to $520 EPF' ~rina: ti induatrial ...... ..,. .. Sldlt1 must be lr.l>Qd fot an excellent com· ~.:"' '""""' """" :s.c..,tary $SOO CRF :~ wort for & busy P .A, tn ionstruct:lon. ~fust bai..-e 1 1lood gldlJa & appearance. itnowledge ot 10 key and 1 ~ accountina: helpful. t", NCR Bkkpr to $450 t.-APF : !iCR 395 experience re-!fUh'ed ptui: manutactur-1~ti& background. " ~·. Accounts Payable !: Cl .. k $450 EPF :~um· 2 years hea"'?' 11ccounts payable expen· i9)Ce + knowledge of data t~ui.ng helpful. Will ''f'Ul'k in beautuul. offices t""' young poople. ~ocpl. to $320 APF trust have &'OOd telephone · totce and be neat and attracttYe to meet the ·~btle. Only light typU,. ... ......._ ' · Clork Typl1t $400 : APF ')'ype: 60 wpm accurate)y, enjoy \11orkirg with a :Kookle';.. group, :Santa Ana· . HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH KEYPUNCH OPERATOR WJth a ntlnlmum of OM )'Ml"a experience on mM equipment. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior A venue Newport Beach, Calif. Equal opportunity employer - M & F * NIGHT HOUSEKEEPER, INSPECTRESS AND MAIDS · Tmmediate openings, Ex· pa.nding sta1t for en- la.ri:ed hotel Call or see Mimi Kmg. THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road Newport Beach 644-17® ) Orange ii--CAL-IFO_wu_R.N_?_.R_B_AN_K_ Areas seeks steno/typist for trust ' • • .: Seely to $S2S CRF Must have 90 lh. typing 70+. esen:rw, financial or construction experience ['e'Pful :S..:Ntny $4SO CRF ~ a very busy per. jonne]. man. Type 65+' \h 80. An excellent opport. pnity for the right &irl dept MU!t take dictation, assist of fi c er, enjoy cus t omer contact. Penna.nent career op- portunity for q u a li f I e d pe:TIIOn. S a I a r y com· mensurate with ability and experience. Contact R. C. Atherton Nev.'Pl)11 Center Branch Security Pacific Nat1. Bank 550 Newport Center Dv. Newport Beach BE THE ARST ~ S.Cret•ry $47S CRF 'Secretary to busy execu- )ive with a wonderluJ per. 'lonality, Legal experience Jtetpful but not manda. Md>ONALDS is b t r i n C ~· The.ae are beautiful COUNTER Women to work jtff.lca and the workina: Monday thnI Friday 11 am· 'Cf'.lndJtions are excellent. 2 pm. Uniforms furnished, ~ret•ry $450 APF me ~~ys. IN PERSON /Nark for a non.profit or-McDONALD'S 'Pfllmtlon in membership Alvis\on. Should have good 6561 F.cl.inger 'Pot•o.nal appearance and 11 ___ H:;un=ting!o:c. ::,c,•=Be=•~'='=· = ~ MEDICAL TRANSCRIBER J Mlntmum one year ex- ' Recpt $350 APF perience required. Above t..\ very busy office needl average salary. Call Mn:. an attractive Youna: lady Miller between 8:30 a.m. ~th typina: skllls.. A. 5 p.m., Mon-Fri. 527.7744 :· S.Cret•ry lo $500 STANTON COMMUNITY HOSPrrAL : Comptny p1y1 rno Katella Av., Stanton ) 1/2: fff ). ""'""" oportun!ty tor• DOMESTIC HELP mature and understanding All kinds! HOll!lekeepen, ~· Must be excep.-Cooks, Maids ' Companions, tionally service minded References ftq, Fee A Fee ~ Pl?:OPle oriented. Pald. Job&. ea.n Miu Abby, ; Moll Clork to o18-T/9S • ' u1s EPF ARGUS AGENCIES ~• ..-. Blvd CM •-TWIX rnlmeo 1869 C Newport ., . . ~ . . )>tt.m. """"· '"'· Pi... Radio-Telephone efo811t personality a must! l.. Dispatch Girt I ~~t•no to $465 EPF Must know local a.re:a. Ap.- .An exclling position In "d· pJ.y in person ...,rt1s1ngdlYl4~n.MOJ!bo YELLOW CAB CO. ~te typl!!t at fiO 186 E, 16th St. · a eood orpnim' & tarter. Top coriipany 11-~~-°"c.:.:,cta;._M_.,._,,,...,- . fits. Sharp CarHr G1ls .. Serlys, om Typists.. Gal • Repro Typist $560 Frid.,., Recpb. Bkkpn. '. f .. negotl1ble RN11. LVNa. Both fee A tee 'South Santa Ana finn paid jobs. Top co's! Call ~. an experUced lh1 Doris, 5$-7796 · t""'"anjustify, ARGUS AGENCIES T 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. ' ' • • El oro • SUPERVISION .. A SAi..Es WoRK e rea Fun time. Must haY't neat ..: FC Bkkp< to $700 ~ EPF Nuat hlve pront £: cash ....... -............. J)lua ...,... ...,.,.,.""· .&cdlent flnn whe~ you M,wm -" Into the control- ,..,. pooltion. "' ........ •~tns up! " • EPF. •mployw " -fee tt • AP,. •pplJunt appearance, able to deal wl th people. Apply in per-.... Holld•y HHlth Spo 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Moth•r• Back to Work Home School Cooperative Services. F.clucatk)Ml Div. ot MAn.hall Fitlda. Church school or Scoutina: Back&roond htlpfuJ $5. per intervit'W C U a r , Call 8.18-6379 Miss Exec Agency FM P•ld Leral S!dy • • • • • .. • 10 $750 Sedy (neg) •••••••• to S600 Sttty/Recpt (M() •••• $500 ,..,,._ (oplll) •• to """ Payroll Ct.rk ......... , S475 Secty/Putcb (1p\lt) •••• $450 ~tary • , • , • •. .. • to $425 Jr, Sectttacy •••••••• to S400 P.T. Gent Ofe •••••• S2.25hr Applicant Pays FM Exec Seely •.•••.•.•• , • $600 Secretary .•.••••••••••• $500 Dental Rtt:pt • ,, ••••• to S500 Bank Secty ,,,,.,,. $47Sup Secretary ............ to $475 NCR Operator •••••• to $450 Girl Friday .......... to $425 Acctg Clerk ••• , • •• •• • $403 Girl Friday . , •.••..•••• S3.i0 410 \V. CoBSI Highway Newport Bt'!ach 646-3939 PART TIME WOMEN II AM-2 PM 1-!ACDONALD'S, the lBfl· est Carty.Out Restaurant Olain, offers an excellent opportunity IDr neat. alert '1.'<>men to work at MacDon. ald's of fl.arbor, ~ta Mesa. MONDAY thru FRI· DAY 11 AM • 2 PM. This permanment year around employment in clean, plea. 81lllt aurroundlnp., w I t h meals &: unifonn fumlllhed. Contact Mr. McOanahan or Mr. Dinius at MACDONALD'S OF HARBOR 310 HARBOR, CM e WAITRESS Good Opportunity ?I-lust have 1ood ap~aranc.e * APPLY IN PERSON * Snack Shop No. 1 2305 E . Coast Hwy. Coron• del M•r, C1f. EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. CoHt Hwy Corona del Mar 673-9240 Equal opportunity mploytt * TRIM1'UNG and lNSPECI'ION * Trimming of amall plastic part.I, Permanenl positipn on first !!hitt. Excellent working conditions and fr- inge benefits. Will train, CALIFORNIA WJECTION MOLDING 200 Briggs Awnuc Costa Mesa, Calif. ,......., Work Near Home Secy Construction .• S:>-S525 Bkpr, Top co , .•• S<l.25-$450 Acct Pay G.irls , , •. $40()..$450 TyplsU:, Stenorette .••• $400 Secy. fin:uice, legal •• $500 Secy1 (3) variety •••• to $540 NCR Bkpn !2) , ••.•••• S"50 Jr Secy •••••••••••• $45(}.$475 Glli Fri·Bkpg .......... S350 Fee &: employer pakl fee positions SUPERIOR AGENCY 1857 Harbor, CM 642-TIU RECPT TRAINEES Three diHere:nt o~nina1, all will train on PBX, and re- quire some typing. Salaries $.11'1, $390. $425. GAYNOR Personnel Ag•ncy 2.0-,S E. 17th Street Santa Ana 542-7'lM Reil E1t1te S1le1 Men & Women Expanding qaln. OUict # 4 openinp available for licensed men A women. Jn- atant Income A tra.ininc· ~tr Gardner. Sp r I n I R.ea.lty, -• P'YI fM . ~ • CRF, compeny relmbu.-fee TYPIST-OLERK TEMPORARY office help, Salary $3934411 1::1> to 5, no t y p In r Reqs. eqW~t of Hilb Sehl necnu.ry. $4 25. per mo. • UNUSUAL Opportunity The Independent Order of Fon!sters have opened a new office in Orange Cou~ I;)'. Require intelligent man or woman 25-59. Colleg!' not necessary, Should have ex. perlence in meeting public. Dlanified Ji.le time position. Eafn\ne commences immed. lately. Should be in excess of $250 weekly, Telephone between ' 9 AM • 1 PM Mon. thru Fri. 9 Mf - 12 Noon Saturdays for a~ pointment. Newport Bch, South 492-8700 Costa :Pifesa, North 534-1701 Engineering Clerk Must 5e &;ood typist. \Vill do "¥11.tied duties in engineerlna: department. including oper. ating blueprint machine. fil. ing, etc. Staco Switch 1139 Bekar St. Costa Mesa 549-31141 An equal opportunity employer PARTICULAR TYPE MAN t want a man ,mo will take a personal inttteSI: in my business, a man who will work for me as he would for himself. Must be ambitious. l will place this man on a fl 'a.ct1UVJ"wn! Appuow 001.S )'OU meet our ttquire.ments an:i in a position where he can earn more than $1000 a month in Commi..sai.on. Wonderful company ~ tits: retirement, bospitaliza. tion insurance ete, 631-3705 ANCIENT MARINER HJRING e Ho1tess•s e Maintanance Help DAY SHIFTS ONLY 11pply in person (1().4) 2607 w. est Highway Newport Beach feathers • Teachers The Educational Division oJ Marshall Fields has interes- ting 6 weeks swnmer assign- ments. S500 guaranteed iB- come with opportunity to earn up to $2500 tor full sum· mer. For interview write W. J, Sandvos, Personnel Manager, FEEC l!lCli E.17th St, Suite 212, Santa Ana. MACHINE OPERA.TORS '" Tracer Lathe, Drill Press & l\ilills, Packaging &: Shi~ ping Clerk. experience helpful Apply bet. 8-4 PM. ARMAIJTE 118 E. 16th, C.M. (utter, Experienced Immediate Opening Be11ch Drapecy Service 900 W. 17th Street Costa ?>.fesa 540-'464 EXP. · Landscape &alesmen or traintt. Salary + comm: qualified leads. }' r in & e benetib. Call 546-0846 OPERATOR v.·ilh following OR Space awilable (rent) In Costa P.1esa Beauty Salon. 540*-8934 Tues-Fri. EXPERT Manuscript typist, technical emphasis. Full lime. Dynametrix, Inc. P. 0 . Box 494, Dana Point INCOME tax help nttded lo 4/15. Pay depends OD experience. 642-2221 BLUEPRINT SHOP ftqU.lra blueline trimmer open.tor. 541).9373 Part Tirne Desk Oerk Apply in person 6208 W. Coast Hwy, N.B. COUPLE v.·11.nltd Jor mott'I malnt. It makl wOf'k. 2:mi Newport Bl. Costa Mesa. with the Job Kings! FEMALE Janitors $2. hr. 1 da,y A 1 IW!ni• Some backsround. Girl F rid•y $400 Good typln1. bookkeep- ing bacqround. NCR Opor. to $42S T\\•o to three yean ex· perlence. P•yroll $47S Type, larr;e payroll back· ground Jr SKfy to $400 T)'ptng, dlctaphone or shorthand. Sales Clerk to $450 Sharp gal able to dea.I with people. Rocpt/Typbt to $37S Good job for right girl PBX Rocpt to $400 Sharp gal Schedula Clks $2. hr. Real sharp gals, good math I: customer rela· tions bkgrnd Drill Mich Oper. f<om $1.15 Some experience .Gent Offlo $300 Good trainee job F1dory Tr•inee1, many, to $2. hr. MALE Plator $3.SO hr. Precious metal, experl· enced. Siik Scrffn Tr1lnH $2.20 hr. Some background. Shipping & Receiving Clork to $11S wk Several in all ~as Driver, Delivery from $80 wk. Know Orange, L.A. County W1r•hou1e Drlvlt" $160 hr. Job with future Rout• Saltsman $100 wk. l3uild ov.·n territory Spray Palnt•r Train" $1 .75 hr. Good job for unskilled Miii Workers to $4. hr. Experienced Cabin•t AsHmbltr•. from $2.25 hr. Some experience Electronic Assembler• to $2.SO h<. Experienced or trainee Coll Wlndor to $2.50 hr. Experienced Marine Carpenttr to $4. hr. Experienced l1yout Man to $4. hr. Structural Steel Pasteup & Production Artist, 1t1rt $430 Good job for old ad man Order D•1k to $600 T)'ping, kardex helpful Dr1ftsm1n, Meehan. to $600 1\\.'0 ye a rs experience wtlh machinery or two years college. Service R•p to $475 Two years n1anufactur· Ing cxperlf'nce or two years college. Factory Trainees, m1ny to $2.25 hr. Inspector fr $1 .15 hr. 1.tu11t know coppe_r clr· cult boards. General M1lnt fr $2.20 Oa,y A: Swing • dlpk>ma., l'Tetnt l!'tP or f'koue call ror A pp 1 . School I t cti 7600 ..,,.,. type '° WPM. ~ 6'!Hl971I .. no ru on Worli near home! 642•3870 by 1111169 Ci" o( 5'al ;RN::::::;tuD;;....l~imc-~1~1 "'to--...,1'°",30 LIFETIME G II I. Btach. 2131"'1·2527 medlcal-cwylcal, xlnt work-typewriting. Ch I I d r t n, I JJ.MUWll'ln. TWO cti~ n moallanclhr Inc eond.. Contact D~tor ll't.lnd""""""t i•"'·i"'i,,..,,..tu.....:r_; """t'v 10 nm •~ -care. ot Nlttllt"I. Costa Mesa v u a ""'"" • personnel dl.Yt. s da)tl/wk. · 01der Memorial Hoq>ital. ~7734 rucoat 10 ""!llOns typing ' IQDftfl'V child needs o:rm.puion. STRONG, health)' Jltt'On to llChool. 113 ~ Mar, Of. "''"' 494-6661 ews. help caf't' for eldcrl,y lady ,:...._...,~:.,.::~~--,,,,.---.., , ..,._..,..RARY GIRL to care fllr children nltea. Live In Ql' out GOlNG To Europe thia year? n;..,rv N In my home, 2 kt 5 PM. 837-52SS Brush up your f'rtnch DMSIO 19'51 B-Cird•. llW> ~:;;;:.:--:--..,.-..-:;:;c I °'""'""lion In ccy class. INTERJOR Decorator with &42-G160 l~r.-i,.;;,.; ... ct111hle •'Om.ln ti~ton 8'aeh 9f32..%"J07 salea experience. Apply 11. .::.:;:.;:::_~==~=-""'In "" pa>ln& *°ENERAL OFFICE* J. C.mtt rc.,nltun" 2215 MERCHANDISE FOR Ioc:at _..,....,,Jobi. HELP. 646-"41 llarhn' RI"", C.M. """"" SALE AND TRADE ~~;,_~_,,JJI _-=.:::..:..:~~ • • APEX Employment Agency *The "sy w•y (ask us why) 1173 HARBOR BLVD. ( V. block So of 19th) COSTA MESA 541. 3426 • ' ' 7J Spanish ·~ ~$1 CASH .,,,,,.. Medi~ I Spine! Plum -•• $.181 ,.,. ..,, ..., ....... - Bought Monuf•c1v.....-. '69 Showroom Sunpi.s At Ttnffk s..-...1 ~ Dltal ....... 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man'1 chair or love seal 5 Pc Octagon dart oak din set w /black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser. lg mirror, 2 commodes, decorative headboard in Spanish oak design with makhing boi springs, mat- tress & frame. Items Sold Individually Shop Around -Before you buy -USI VALUE $1095.9S-FULL PRICE $S29.95 or tenm 11 low as $4.66 per week Use Our Store Charge Plan or Bank Financ!nJ No .Fancy Front -BUT Qu•lity Vllues Inside . . .. : ••• l Baldwin Qrsu ..•••••• $3118 tumllurt. ~l&Dcn. color- Oilckerlnc Piano •••••. $745 ed TV's, ltel'eol. planoa, °"" Conn Caprice Ora:an pn1, stoves, n:frtitnton. Save •••.•••.•••••..•••• "'°° bedroon1 .ett, dlniJla room all Wurlltztr I Conn Door .eta, otftce turnlture-1 piece sa.mples Eftatly reduced! or houattul. Dey, nlabt M Low bank terms SUnda.y. Gou~d 1::1:~:_!.ny 636-3620 »15 N. Ma.in, Santa Ana s.. ·• .........,. .. ,-W A N T E D Open Mon &: Fri eves 'til 9 I iiiiiO;;;;iiSUndiiiiii"'i.i12i.ii'°ii5'-iiiO• I We need quality (no junk I' pleueJ. Furniture, e o 1 or llFIRfSAUll TV 's, lrtt!reos, appliancH, tools and ot!Jce equipment. Our iorreoi.-n cw store TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes! burned! The pianos It: o.r-l--""'=1:.:·12::1::2....::*_:...,._=-:=~" I gans1ulfettdno ... 1erdam. $ WE BUY $ .... but ...,, .,.. ""°"'" dirty, d"'1y • •cno!chy. W• $ FURNITURE $ mow<! lh<m .u bad< to"" APPLIANCES ol.d location & marked every· thing at FIRE SALE PRIC Color lV'._Pi111o't-Sf•r••'• ES• So if you dig that "Old I Pi•c• or Ho111• Full ~e Smokey F I a v 0 r", CASH IN lO MINUTES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ come• l'I 'em. and at • 541-4531 • prices you won't believe. NEWLYWEDS W'th t;y WARD'S BALDWIN SI'UDJO house in DESP~T;~ 1801 Newport. C.M. 64.2-3484 of end tables & coHee PIANO TUNING &: Repair tables. Free to Us. 638--0535 Furniture 8000 .0-----'- 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FROM MODEL HOMES Includes: Quilted pofa • chair -2 end tables It: tof• fe"' table -2 lamps -dres. et -mirror -headboard. - quilted box spring I matt. ress -S pc. d1ning room: table &t 4 hl·beclc cbairs., COMPARE AT $749.95 $399 No down--PmtJ only US mo. WEIJ('S wmHOUSE Furniture IOOO 3 PC nauga.hyde sectional $50. matching mo 1 a i c cocktail table $25, kitchen table &: chain $40. 968-1375 MOVING! Table!, lamps, furn. & much mhcell. 2301 C1ay St., NB 646-5276 Garage Sale 8022 Expert, reaaonable! WANTED: While canopy Albert Aamess 675-6967 twin beds. 546.-7817 after 6 :=:=,;=:;:=::==c== p.m. weekdays, all da.y Sal Television 8205 or Sun. -""-"~'-----'-' 21'" COLOR TV, 3 yrs old, Machinery, etc. Packard Bell, works good, 8700 $75. U33 Corona Ave .. C.M. 4 WHEEL FergeTI10n Tractor GARAGE Sale: 9 x 12 Ax-_ with soil leveler. A·l cond. minster ...... , 30" x :l>" oc-·-Hi·f i & Stereo 1210 new rubber on n:ar. $700. tagan mirror, portable TV. 56-5490 AM-FM radio comb. record STEREO 1969 Solid state :.::..:.;:::._ ______ I player I: radio. New size deluxe c:onaaie stereo, 4 PETS ind LrvESTOCK 14 double knit lkirtJ, 14"" spd changer. Lett on lay drapes, toys, plus mhc. away. Pay off mna.inin& bal· Cats 1820 600 w. 4th St., Santa Ana ~~ms. k~·P 20.s,~2 anttof$76.00or terms. BLUE•., __ , n-·,n1 Kl"·"' Open Daily s.9 uushaw .....,..,, a c 1 1 c Credit Depl ~7289 ..., .... rv '"" . Sat. 9-6 Sun 11-' Sand!I. J ========='= J 8 week, house brolw1. $20 SPANISH Returned from GARAGE SALE Cameras & Equip. 83001:":=""-:::""=1877=====::1 Model Homes on sale at Boys &: girls clothes, toys, aa•• etc, Sat, 315 So. Flower, STUDENT Interested i n Dogs _ ~ less than wholesale! Group Phnto o-"· Roo ~.. I:::.::!!:~----..::::: S.A. Phone S42-5TI1 cu·K , m --..-~ ALASKAN includes beautiful 9 6 ' ' 1..:=.::..:.=..::..:,c.:.;..:c.__ ment. f96..3241 Malamutes, for quilted IOfa & Jove seat, GARAGE SaJe, v a r Io u. s show or breeding, -AKC 3 Spani&h oak . decorator household items, miAc. S • Good asoO registered, healthy, Black table1, swag or table lamps. 764 W. 20th, ~ta Mesa porting 1 &:. While coloring • • 175 wall placqu.e, Iring, queen, WARDY Surfboard, like new, and up. 492-3573 or lull size bedroom irulte Applt1nces ____ l_l_OO_ used one time, orig. cost AKC SILKY PUPPY complete incl box springs. -$165. $95. 548-8014 Only 1 Jett·, .male·, ••-~· t "-· •· boudoir AMANA Upright Freezer ... .,,...,. ma tttu, ...... ns • & comical·, lust in time I ~-·'-' --• s $195; xlnt condition! ampa:, _ ...... ..,..., pc 54G-3642 M11cellaneou1 8600 for Easter. Tenns. 548-4957 dining set priced elsewbere ·;.:::.:;:;.:;;;::=:.:;:~_..:.:.:: at approx. $1195.00 ALL CHEST ol drawer 1, AKC bl~ La brador FOR ONLY ~'MID. UJ down, Antiques 1110 book he d~-~ t Retriever pups, bred to .....,., case a "'.""'"'.., se hunt. -CM-5153 da. 495-4582 ~.99 per v.eek I out of VASr Stock Amer &: Eur Smoker BBQ, nusc lamps, aft 6 state credit OK. Wiii furn & clocks. Larry Early Amer lamp & tahle'l.C-------- aeparate tor quick We. 20tb Mol'Plf Antiques, 2 ~ 2 8 for window, Color TV anten. AKC BEAGLES: trained for Century Furniture, 9 7 7 2 Blvd CM na., small elec water heater hunting. Best field champ. Bl d Newport .. . • U ---. Garden Grove v ·• for trlr or camper. [ired. $45 &: p . ....,_.,,...., Garden Grove Daily 1G-9, 2X> to 50% OH. European hlagazine rack. Girls Bike AKC Jteg, Poodles. Toy's & Sat 1!1-6, Sun 12-5 Come imports. See at: Once upon misc items of tools & tum. Mini'•. $50 up. Toy Sh.Id Ser. in or call (714) 530-S24C1 A Time, 2428 Newport Blvd, 7&f. W. 20th St., Costa Mesa 547-3851 or 547-$91 .-~ C.M. 645-0072 20 PC. MOD1:RN ANTIQUE&:Decorator 1 BmDS of ~ise ***SKYE Terriers, AKC champ 3 ROOM GROUP items, a complete houseful. Healthy blooming we 11 sired. Rare, calm, fluffy. No di.rs. 545-il98 established 2 planbi to a Show qua.I, pets. 549-2547 Includes: .floral I01a &:. chair S gal. container. Only a • walnut tables • lamps • QUEEN Anne arm eh air , few Jett at this price of AKC Toy Poodle puppy, complete bedroom with quilt. mahogany & carved. $195. only $5.00 for 2 plants. Call white, male.· wry ~ ed mattresa • 5 pc. dinette, (7141 72&-3790 or 126--1533 after 6 P .M. or all day $'15. * S4!'H340 -· -· Saturday and Sunday. 1.212 WATOll FOR. ""All 1o$z77 Sewing MachlnH 8120 Sn."°" st., Santa Ana. 'TIS OPENING SOON ·ss SINGER -a real beauty! * AUCTION * No down. Pmu, only $10 mo. Oruy $37.85 " $.1.75 w .. k. WELJ('S WAREHOUSE °"' ov•rything .,, talk. ll you will ... or .... 52!Hi616 give Windy a try Q U A RT E R HORSES: Ho.-1130 600 w. 4th st .. Satlta Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat9 .6 Sun.11 .6 Furniture returned from dis- play studios. model homes, decorators cancellation, Spanish .t MeditetTalll'An etc RD FURNITURE 1144 N•wport Blvd., CM every· night ti! 9 \Ved., Sat. & SUn 'til 6 QUAL. Kng Size bed w/ quilted mattress, co m p • Never used ;98; worth $250. Sl7-04-06 17 Pc. Kin9 Size Bedroom Large 9 drawer dre!Mr, mtr. ro1·, 2 bedside stands, king size headboard.. frame, quilt· e<' mattress,, sheets, blank· ets, etc, O!oice at Spanish or Modem Style All For $249 Mu&iul Inst. 8125 Guitar Headquarters e NEW and USED e Fender • Vox • Standel e GIBSON e MARTIN e WII.SON e Y AMARA Drum Headquerter1 e NEW and USED e LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASI'RO Large seltttion with new 4 pc. sets and cymbaa start· ing at $99.50. Pedal&, hi·hat& and sets repaired. All amall paru, acceuories A cymbals In 1tock. EVERYTllING IN MUSIC Beach Music Center Fl\ctory Sales & Service . Daily 12 noon 'til 9, SSt S-5 17404 Beach mvd., (Hwy 39) 1~ ml. So. San Diego Fwy . Huntington Beach 847-8536 --GIBSON J-50-- witb Hardshell case, $320 new, $200 or oUer. No down • Pints. only .$9 mo. Erle, 675-516') a.tier 6 PM Wflll'S WAREHOUSE i>1anos, o~•n• 1130 600 \V. 4th St, Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat. 9 • ti Sun. ll •• SACRinCE! 2 McGuire Split Reed chairs. cuslllm upholstered. like new $75 ench. 673-4822 20 Pc. Maple 3 ROOM GROUP Jnc?\Jdes: Livinc room set • tables • lamps • bedroom llllt • quilted mattniu • ma. pie d1nfna room. All for ••• $449 No down . Ptnts. only $1! mo. • New Pianos • \VURl.ITZER &: BRADBURY All •!l'les &t finishes, all Ameriran made, 88 note, del w-Qench A tuned. Price start. lng at $499. Wurllher Organs • NEW e Many other makf:s. Pi.tally styles I: finWles. Prices Slart at $59,5 EVERYTHING lN MUSIC Beach Music Center Auctions Friday 7: 30 p.m. 1-White face wf wht IOclm Windy's Auction Barn $l.SO. 1-Buckskin marldng $150. Appaloosa Stallion, Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat1 reg: wry good stock ;650. 20751A. Newport. CM 646-8686 897_7350 Silver fox Jacket 1==FR=E=E =TO=Y=o=u= Cost $350 • Must sell $501---------1 642-0086 evenings NEED someone with room In CARP~ Vinyls.-Tiles lat. their home & heart for Cha est styles' and colors. Com-Ola, l?vable 3 legged faun mercial & Residential. Ex· Cha. Lively, good companion pert installation. tor adul!!. 836-4493. 4/2 642-1403 54().7262 FREE Fertilizer. Horse POOL TABLE 7, ;~i.. variety -1746 Orchard Or, . • 4'x • r,. ... t oU Santa Ana Ave., Santa size for ~n or garage; Ash Ana Heights,. Behi."een 4 k construction w/ ball return 6 pm on! 4/1 + rack, cues &:. balls. $275. ~o:::..:::::.c'-----"~ I 64&-3613 DARLING, friendly black and tan male beagle. MUST sell all types theater d a c b shun d combination ~ip, spea~ers, lights, etc:, Looks like dachshund. 411 1ndust. relrig.freei:er, ?ifuch l\Iagnolia C.M. 411 more. 187 Stale College' I=='~;,:...·-----"- Blvd, Orange, 12-6 FEMALE, approx. 1 yr. old, DJNE1TE H tch Dre black w/ a bit or brown, Chests, Desk~ 8, 'Sola,~~~ ~sebroken; 11mall & v~ry &:: Twin beds, Washer, Cot-hiend!y dog. Needs a loving ftt & end table! & Lamps, home. 536-2091 4/1 642.-5770 GERM. Shep. regis. female, GIBSON SO 2 }TS. old; also 2 mos. J. old puppy, male. all black. with Hardshell cue. ~1473 4/1 $320 new, $200 or otter Eric 675-5160 after 6 PM A D 0 R A B L E Cockert Poo ' · Mixed pups, 6 wks. Male UPHOl.SI'ERING • {Euro-& Female, Need gd. ho~. ~an c:ratl!:men) Free est., 639--2877 3/31 dPl, pickup, 215 Main, HBl,C:::...:=-----= Bernard 's Uphol. 536-6405 BLAm male dachllhund, 5 ==~o.-~~. '-"~~ months to good home. Hu QU:U--Kng SIU bed w/ all shots, wt1rmed. Love1 quilted mattress, comp . children. 968-4020 3/31 Never used $98; worth $250. 1.==:.:::.-.::::...:::::.__...::.:: 847-lHOG RECENT bftck issues ol ·==~--~~--1 TIME, NEW REPUBLIC. NEED Someone to take over Call 540-2279 after 5 pm.4/1 Pymts. Health Spa Membership 1 Yr. Left. Pure whlte pet rats 546-6185 Bring cage 540!7629 e FIRE &: Burglar Alarm 3131 Syitems Installed aa low u FREE Bamboo clump or F11.~ory Sales l Sentlce $99 Call 642--3400 canes, 30' tall. You dis or On.Uy U noon 'tit 9, Sat 9-5 Ma~e dining table, 3 lcaw1, c"'::::l.:543-4305:::.__=·:.._ ____ I WELK'S WAREHOUSE ~ W. 4th st, Santa. Ana 17404 Beach mvd., Clhvy lS) beautllul $70. Maple hutch SAMOYED ma~ dog. Good ()pf:n Dally 9 • S 1~'-ml. So. San Dlero Fwy. $40. 613-<m2 nature. l'A year old. Ffte sat 9. 6 sun. ll. Ii Ilunf.il:lKton Beach 847-15315 DRAPES 00' green gold open lo good home. 645-2765 4/1 EXCEPTIONAU.V tine ma-HAMMOND· ste!Jnn.y YI'-.,-eave, used 1 mo. Cost (2) SMA1J.. beige 14) Mo. ple BR lllit~ $275 complete maba • new A uaed plano. $l50 Sell $225. Gff.1606 old Mln. Cocker & Buaett . w!CatJoJ>y l)cd, spr1.nz It of •ll mans. Best buys In w·;,;,tw:,:..:..,..==,.::.-'-'uocu:....::.:.1 -nyton....,.--1 ,;64M9.l6,;:;;;;...,.~~=--...::'n; I m11ttrM1. 546-MJ7. So. Calif. richl heft. sand bei&e, U'ti" x 17' 1511. COCKER tttrier 5 moL old, MOVING! Antique whit~ 9 SOIMIDT MUSIC <D.. Rubber i-d $15: 54S-6322 Had llbota, hllbrtm, good dn.>«r chest. 2 matching ~~ ~ CUSTOM Bikinis I; cover-with Irids. 546-6llli 411 bed aide ~ xlnt ups, fut ~. lowest SIAMESE kittens, broken • cond, $275. 67J-.4822 s.1.000. BEOISTEIN 1 rt prices avalltble. 67S-1735 ~. Call 90--13)3 4n SECrlONAL. dark brown I :;:r!en C~.San~ >.! MOS. falls, 'fritletJ. all new PURE White pet rat&. Br\f'€ tangerine, $50. 5CS-428T form &hop. All colon $6.~ mge. 541).7629 3171 * 968-3494 * I ~===-=--...,.-,,---1 .-u-Sim--.c..:;_= __ :..:..._ .. -.,,--. -WANTED: Piano. 4e Orpns. • $50. 8!ll w. 19th. 60-4553 SERVEL Gu u· Re.lrl1. Gd. Imm. n."DAii.Y Pn..DT Qu1h peld SEJUNG out ParllkttU $1.25 world~ cond, 673-4366 Oudfted lfd:kn. SI.ft * 63&3621 * each, al.so Cfl.ge11 rea.a! 17962 SEVEN PUPPIES M«9 rood lllOM)', tlmt A .:tort. i.oot NHd a f'.vbeolttlldeT Cameron St, H.B. home11. 543-3384 ewa. now!!! f'\nd It •Ith I watlt ad! rocJ{ IT TO 'DI! OiARt;E )'OUr W3nf 11d now. I ---------------~-------- Moodq, Miid! st, 196t yUHSl'OlTATION TRANSPORTATION ITllANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TllANS~_RTATION -c.,. 9looJ!l~m~po!!!rttd~~A~ulol~~~~~N~~~~~~~~~~~~~j lhlfl & Yochh 9000 Alrcrlft 9100 Joopo 9510 ,.,.., .... A-MOO lmportod A-HOO -------VOLVO Uood Ctn 9900 Newt.rs --"'-' --------SCRAM-LETS ': ... ~.!.~~ua1215.:!'.; ~~=t-~v-:; PO~HI VOLKSWAGEN 'I i---VO-LV_O __ , CONTINENTAL ANSWERS "'f'~:SO ~~IO than-pl ~~· s....., lop, 'II PORSCHE. ,,.. 1-~ NEW PJlio & . ,. , vu'" un eqpml new t1rtt. many .--. new tfl9I • -tt. N '6' Dl 'la I A'"'ralt .i..,. ..,......_ ......, <xbu. On -_. J.»m,. ndlo ·--,;.. OW I on Ip y ) Conde Dlcllonary,_ A bUaJ. Balla,. MU900 or ""'220 l1lllon St&tlon Oor. l'abWwl -========I 'el CONTINDIT~ 1169 ...... -Dir. Jndid -Vapor -Dirty -Xlnt concl. Ml&lt 11.c:rltke, Feb. I 11 u • .. .....,_•iu" c1KJt. swt rod_ w b I t • . ' • 6t; l • FtJ:l\iah _ m.n. MAN but oUtr. Coatact. Pabla Maprlne. See at Mell f1i..ml .• THE •. 111fUiTSf.llJU n<llltlll\ ullllllt fnmt1 the l9CT CESSNA UO. Nav-com. A Newport Blvd. l<W3IO . SIMCA lint dollar"' ........ A Pl !00. One..--. Xlnt ..... HARBOUR • FABULOUS • 10YOTA-VOLVO : frlmft btl nRS'1' MAN, Malle olttr, Paula BailoJ. C.!!.!l'°rl 9520 '17 S1MCA 2 Or. blip. • • ISE6 Harl>or, CM. 6'6-9303 CON'l"L '61 B11c ' dr, hdlp. FREE ..._or 543mo ~ .. ~~ r: ~ •:dI:~:;: """'"" VOllSWAGEJI, IN(, : OP, L : Antlquos, Clolllcs 96~ :!.':" ,:0 .:.'"~~t~c": MolNI• Hot'MI 9200 E q ¥Ip p e d w1th VS. • Authorlud 8 • 1 '38 J'otd IJ"W•, 2 nar doon W'1 Mata, atr. New dual 9011 . IOATIN I'! lol4t'wl al1acbed -. au<omatic, ~ *"'·,... SUIARU Salts and s.mco aimplete with ..... i hood Ex'°""· 11600. 134 w. wu-a boocb location. XlnL coad '°'> olr. I bad. 13135. lB7ll llffcb 81"11. 8«2-4435 • • .... hU,. b<a~ 1 b<11 "°"""" '°"• C.M. COURSE !Ml ,...1114 ' OW... l8l3S Beach Bl'll. 1969 SUBARU MONTH IND • • wtlh nu ...._ l '40 For<1 1'·63"""<'°'""Dr-.'"'blk=.,-::-lul7.'l""'.pwr=., • HunL Beacb. 5'0-04l2 from $12971 66 MPG • GT'S • bood d•I,... • l &rllla do-new tltu" brl<I. lthr. lnL Mini llkto 9275 *PAM-TOPS. all ••••• ~ IGnlp ou-SALE • • 1-. S.t ol -_.,for Mab-"6-2173 Br ...U.. Salmo A ..,,lalL 11• K_._ K I K-• V.W. BllL Pbooe 5J6.IW ,_ CONTlNENT~' dr IUD Cout Gaud Amdllary FLEA. -· 5 !IP, l4 up. euy fa""'7 c11nct. row """' ·--· 'H V.W. IU• •. H.B. Alk for BID. -power, air. IMJIAC. iuoo. starta Thlll'I, 7:SO n.t: mJd&tt Continental tnaine So. Harbor, S.A. 145 Babr, C.M. seo.etl5 Guaranteed. ready to 101 • Much 27 . J 1baft. Ftrtt :pm cub. Uc No.$P1JR3521 95 • ARE • Autos WantM 9700 Of..s5m after 5 0orontcllUlarHlahScbool ,._ MS-&n C.mpor Ront•lt 9~22 TOYOTA '62 CONT, lull pwr, lac.·~· 2101 JCutBufr ~ • • WE PAY ... First $850. steals ii. 613-23n 11' BAY BOAT -..y.1.. ·, noo co•rn .• 'tRA1Ll!:ll '69 JOYOJ' ·n DATSUN • • CASH Like ?WW ..... ···•• try $14915 'Q HONDA 125 Ser, It's noa. too early to makt -.-... ....... .., ...,....._ --. ~ RENTALS ' II' .!.PEW36-°'..;...~8~;~ • .!"'1<'-No. •. HERE ••· COIV.,R COL 29 • • · · • · ·. $9950 13511. 2010 mllt1. ,...,..lli>ns for --Hol-fMU $1770 1 102 Inboard ............ Loaded! Call M"57ll ~·-!' ••••• llVl'I a995 • i.r UIOd CU'I A trocb""' '6S Grt<nl>Mr .owner, e P•Ctnc YACHT SALES• • ::':.'.:U ~ OR ~y ~ YOU WON'l • call .. for tree.......... hJ>, • ipc1, •tt1....rt. MUii 3446 -v1a _,o Newport or HODAKA. all ... ..,.. ·~-~~ ·~ L•'1• S.loctlon '64 DONI DART • • GROTH OIEVRO'n '"' llSO 615-1 .. 34HourPhone.'.673-1570 ~equipment. $500. _ Immediate D•llvery Wagon._6 cyl., p/1teer., • IEUEYE I "' Comtnr CUSTOM DLX Kc . Dune .Bunin 9S25 SEE US TODAY! I auto., air. Extra. •-• YOUR EYIS. • Ask,.. Salu _.. COIVEI IE Z2' Century Raven. Gray 1968 HODAKA, 100oc, •trieU,. Gt; LtmiA clean..!Llc.lltAMN1o.91lllOP5K916 .•. COME :• 16211 Beach Blw. Marine V8-l70 HP just dirt rnodel, DW\Y utru. SALE or trade dune buggy, Hw:ttlrwton Beach overhauled. 2 bunkii, head, 847-lG!I Burro frame, l500S VW ~· KI s..mi bait tank 1: pump, Fu 11 BULTACO· Metiu!, x Int '69 plates. Good rwmilla: ltfORTS daoron .,.,.,.., A•klnr cond.,many•xtru.l!OO order. $SM.,...-Amancan lwdtop. 8 eyl., • IN • WE PAY WJI 65 CORV. Conv. 321, auto, AM/FM, Imma,c. c o n d • New top. $2295. 963-G737 $1,850. Conaldtr trade on 498-SMS DUNE Bui:KY, giau body, TOYOTA--VOLVO ~UJ.N~IrirMrket IMls. • • mW!er boat -alt '6'1 BSA <C·Vlctor, clean «> hp, """ tnM, new TOYOTA *995 • • FOR "OlJR (AR 6 PM. All day Sat A: Sun aood •hape. 2700 miles. $550. brake&. Many many extras. e, I' 17 IT. Performer. Lllander 67>-2258 5'1-8491 HEADQUARTERS '64 V.W. • TODAYI • CONNELL COUGAR Deluxe model Call fiber-6M-CC 'TRIUMPH Chopper, ?a:YERS Manx VW; xlnt ELMORE 1500 Sedan. Guarantffd I: : ; A AR gW$) outboard. ai.i.m -· $575. Xlnt cond. .cond .. lop, ltlkh. many ·u. extra"'""' IJc. SIE481 • CHEVROLET '68 CvUG snap "°'"' covtt. Big whMI Recent o/h ..... ,1134 lru, $15!15. 54().:JOO E"' $1 19 5 •. • • 2828 Ha:W Blw. Lime with blacl< padded top. tilt trailer. $700 or best ott-vw DUNE BUGGY 15300 Beads mvd., Wlf:llwtf • Collta Meta 546-mo ~.and air cor'ldHionlng. er.Pbone644-4687atter7pm Auto S.rvicu Sacrttlce $.500. Pbooe BN-3322 '66 TOYOTA • IRA.ND NIW • --------1 $2800. 1'. StottJ SC2498l, BOSTON Whal" 13' w/ trlr, & Part1 9400 • ""'281 * BILL MAXEY Crown Wagon. RAH, 1tlck. • '6' IUICK • Wiii Buy Eva. 962."'6 Johnton 33hp. xlnt cond. 2 .conomy, plus room. Stk. $2444 yrs old, mltl. lJ 8-5501 Y1l CU. In. Zl'l8 '"""block, lmportod Auto> 9600 IAI P19!1 • • y..., V-"' Plncbl DODGE '" GLASSED Boat, tilt ~:S"· 700) mlla. Call !T!91YJO!T $1491 • ....,,_, • • ...... -PUl for -------trailer. 1125, Peym•nts or . AUSTIN HEALEY 11U1 BEACH BLVD. '67 •HIA ............. Datlvory ....... ca1nw.. '61 DODGE Cullom trade for outbrd. 548-3'JSO '66 CHEV. ibortblock, 28.1 ,00 A.H bit Hunt, leach 147.as.u Yellow wt.th blaclt lntl'rlor. • • 673· 1190 Sportaman Van. camper NEW Cu. in., all new parU. $100. ., r eJJ.E., Radio and -·"" ..... __ ..,,,I---', Incl. air, new & USED Marino MS-8006 Radio, Mater, xlnt cond. 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy. on Bcb Slk. --··-v ........... • • IMPORTS WANTED ~ .. w vr•'" supplies at di.count! $875 642-6606 ~41\N • • ONn&e Oxmtlts $6200. aac, $3ix). 644-0fTr 30l28thSt.NB6'1>-0131 Tr1i11r,Travol 942S . VOLKSWAGIN $1695 • 'H MDCUU' • TOP I BUYER O::,T .!; ~ :/./i'du~ 18• ROD• R..,._. DATSUN 'U Y,W, IUCi C.lonv P•rk wafoft. Full BDJ.. MAXEY TOYO?J. S.lllloats 9010 ~ GOING to Europe. VW 1981 Guarantffd. Show room •pow1r, factory •ir, r11.111..• 18881 Beach Blvd. • tu1p., R/H, pr:-P~~a. OPEN HOUSE VERY CLEAN '69 DATSUN Xlnt cond. R&H, xo._ 15000 condltlon. IJ~ UJD 419 •st71, • R. Beach. Pb. 147-oxcopt ""'"' '· 4 -.., sl<>VO. ov'" • brlr. Big lOedan, 96 Op ovabead mVlact wur. ll64S. l3la<ll $1395 • $2595 • FORD Fiii * SAT* SUN Dbl oink, doc WR, <loc eng dlr 4 ;... ndJo VIAS -.. couoil Auto LoHlng 9110 CORONADO relrlg • ;co box comb, Nr =..,, ;;... 't1re• ioadedi '67 COUGAR, ...,......,, RAH, ''3 V.W. CAMPO • , • 1--------- YACHTS neAw _'!"b' -t~:! ~ W. 2800 miles undor lactory v1ny1 top; tn mt, lull pwr. :"!~.~ w,:!l,_equt~ •_. 61 ;toL,KSW,AGh IN• • lfASf IJ • '65 GALX. 000 2 n.. blip. re .. 11$ a fOOC0.00. w--·-· 'Bal II""" ...._, __ $500 Dn. 0.A.C. Pr, ...... """""' ... KRcgg, ~~ w~-., • ..,, ,. 10 •II ••t•r.. v. • T .... ·-1n•-Tra·-'•" .... ~ ...... .., ,..., 'iuu: .., $1195 1~ 701) 390 -o;-n.• .; ~ pwr. -~. ~. ~ -·•• .d I old 871-8811' 64&-5731 ,... ••• on di1pl1y 'Well experienced, $390. .,, .. ,_,.,, e 1 tr er car. • • .- 1895 • or buy It ....... • AM/FM, air. $12 5 0. and in the water for dt'mo * 5t5-669t * L.B. YNW~. Call after 10. ,_ VW Sq ,,... _.,, '66 DATSUN WAGON • • • which Is best for you! Ml-6527 YACHTS ROYALE .f94.8'T1l. -· ~ "'" xttu. For lnlormatlon call: ' ~· AIR Stream; stU con. Top c ond . Europ.e -4 Qted.· radio 6-heater, •, • 6"5-21!2 '66 FOR.I) Coulltry Sed, ala INC. !&nod twin beds XLNT FERRARI bound-Must s<ll ..... 2'31 w/w, rock on top. CUtle. 66 OLDSMOllLE "• SOUTH COAST "''" R&H, !Oct alr. power 2911 W. Cout Highway ' ' aft 6 PM Uc. No. RGF683 8L11•ury S.41111. Full pow11r, LEAS atrg, White \t/blue int. X1nt Newport Beach * 645-mlO ~~1$2950-See to apprec! s 1 ·191 •f•c.tory 11ir. !SU P 5121 • CAR ING cond $1!!00. 540-6844 LIDO 14 FULL RACEI F!RRARI '60 VW Sed>n; .... coad. @ • $2295 • 300 W. Cout Hwy, Nowport '66 FORD Falrlano Squire TWO SIJITS SAlLS! 1965 SCOTSMAN 1'', Top Newport lmporll Lid. Or-Now palnl; llOO • • *AUJO lfASING* vt '°' "'""· Exlru. 1685. 1917 .... Cow!ly'1 """ anthor-.... .,.. 9 .... .....,. • • au Trailer! C.Over! $1295 Maple, CM. 545-0032 eve... bed deal... • '61 OLDSMOllLI • P/1 A: tall ptt.. 64>1550 SALES. SER~. PARTS '67 VW SquarebM:k s.dan. e4 .. oor H.T. Foctory olr,a I ALL MAKE! days, 5'5--0633 pm. NEWPORT 20 SLOOP I' Trucks 9500-!100 w. Coast Hwy. Ub new. '"M below blue • powor 1t.orl111 A brako1 •• f/ CXlMPETETIVE PRICES '64 FORD utck-uP Wee new Sleep. 3! Lead kttl! Nnmort Beaeb book. Call~ ••11t., !MOY 146 ) Cort Fox Auto Leasing c:ustom u~. chrome Slip@ $1.50"" rt, avail lllAND NIW Ifft l4Z-9lt& 541J.fl64 • $1595 • 2'4 W. Cout Hlah-w""ll • bump<n1, dual <x· Sail.away $3,850 Mow: now! Authorised MG I>Hltor '65 VW; 37,000 Ml. Chrome HARBOUR • • Newport Beach MJ.l440 he.uaL 5364216 ntUlt ltlL JOHN GRANATH '""'"' l/J Ton Pickup .,.... ........ radio. 11096 WINDMILL 16', paint &: finish work required. Mut. boom, all fittings, fine1t materlala &:: cot11t. $250. or best otter. 543--0861 O'Day Mariner C/B Demo ••.••. Savo $500 HOURLY RENTALS * RHODES 19'a * Fun Zone Boat Co, Balbo« Prtvalo party. 6T.>-7tl99 I ''5 BUICK • Uood Cirs 9900 '18 FORD To-GT JAGUAR 61 Good -VOlKSWAGEll, INC. • """' ,.,,,, ''" ,,_... -!utback: -· ...... 1967 JAGUAR XKE 2 plus 're:UY rebull:--°~ni. $6Mi Authortud • foctory olr. • TRANSPORTATION ~2531 spellul. Sb a r p 2. Automatic, AM-FM radk>, er best otter. 546-.fn!I Sales and Service • $1895 • $425· STARLINER '60· full $9S DN. pltU TAL. oac air conditloning, w Ire '68 VW Sedan, loaded with 187U Beach Blvd. 842-4435 • CAR JAlf p~. Air. 341 Santa l~abeJ, 1 wheels, Beautjflh tangmrte extras, tmmac cond. $1795. ,.66 FASI' back, blue with : '66 IUICK • NB. 646-U46 flt 646-6255 CONNELL exterior with black interior. 646-.7483 or ~458 white illterior must lti1 thil Wlldut 4 rloor. Foctorvw Credit problem.'f' Set QI for -======== CHEVROLET Must see lo believe, Only '67 VW SUnroof J.aw ml. k, aood ' cond $1095 •olr, owto., powor 1toori119.. instant deliwry, low prk:et, MERCURY 8,300 miles. Dealer. 18835 si:;oo. Very ~ cond. ~ ' • •RIH. ISVX 0161 . euy tenna, We decide onf-------- $2195 2828 Harbor C.M.~ ,~•~ch~Bl="11.==lllln=L=Beach==·I i53(1.98IQ~fV~•\ve>sii/wi"k<ondl~;"'· jg;, VW Cam 1969 3,000 ml • $2595 • your cmllt. c.n or oomt fn '69 MERC MARQUIS will SACRIFICE! 20· Slttk &loop. 546-1200 .:: e '61 VW, xlnt ooOO, low per . . '-• today, aeD or leue my 30ll mile Be t o11 $ 5 O O · ' mlles $1500. Call 531-6313 Xlnt cood. Pop up roof I: • S4CM3t2 exec car. Sand)' Sanden. 64~'159 ,~r..;.-:, ' 1968 __ FO_RD_RAN-~Ol-E_R0_511l_. MERCEDES llNZ ~·~ Plloo-Want ""'" ~t lenl 135111 oulL • '6' TIMPl5T .• BLUE CHIP 5IG-<630 Dir. Maroon with blade interior. ~ •CulfOM cpo. RlH, a11to.. AUTO SALES .:.,;:,.,:,,~~~===: Factory air corxllUonina:, P.S., f1c:tory olr coll4ltlon-• '69 MERC. Mont 2 door bard 18' O'DAY Cty Cat:, comp! sails, trlr, mtr. Use prv dock FREE wt this sale! $1395 ownr 592-5800 Columbl• 5.5 Metr• FIG, A-1, prlCl'd right! 714: 792-4341, 213: '79!Ml22B SABOT -Fully equip w/ 2 xlnt moton, Uc'd. $lso. 64l-09l3 9600 •1119, ISTDl771 2145 Harbor, Costa M'na top. Air. leue. $llO pr. mo. ~· "'•"'· ........ Bl12!165. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 • $1595 • WE PAY CASH ,OR 51G-<630 Dir. o.~er. 18835 Beoch w., r' • YOUR CAR, PAID .• -'="""'===== Hunt Beach. 54<>-0442 FOR OR NOTI OLDSMOllLE 1962 OIEVROLET Fltt""1< • ''5 CHIVILLI •. ========II-.:::;:.:,:;:.:;:,:::::._ 1' ton plcku.!'.~~}' "';"..; •s.s. Radio. heater, auto., BUICK ; ••1umrnv automatic U-.UlallllHOIOn, .-o .PS. (RGU440) I ________ , un JUUlll ~'t.:: =~·o.":i':"i~ ILMORI MOTORS • $1595 • '62 SKYLARK, BLUE, H.T. SALIS" SIRVICE Be.ch Blvd. llunL Bea.cb. MERCEDES '61. 221,. 4. dr . . • NEW W/W; LOW MI., SMOBll.£ ... --1 HOO RACH .. VD. WDTMINS111 H4-JJU R/H, • ~ EXCEL. COND OLD CAL 5-1 owner. TOP ~ tedan. $1150. -;J.IQ or 166 PLYMOUTH • ~ . ~""'=~~~="'· -• $100. 815-3862 SHAPE! Fluly equip. CHEVY 11162. lAi TONl========:ll 4'V: ~ 1 4 door. Avtomottc, t1dlo,• 1961--u-n~---.-all---I 2850HartxirBlvd. SpoUea. Full .race. &f6-2524 !1eetalde Pickup, new V8 MG J 'A llootor. ·ITEZ 1121 • G ....... "7'"'!i.n:-1.• ~· Costa Mm •natn< and auto """· $300 1--------11 V • • $1395 • ..: ':ri.., -...-.,:;;; -.., Uoed Can -.i Pow1r CrviMl'I 9020 and take owr payments. • • ~a•-. -... ·-· ,67 0, n• 1,,_,_ ~--, lull $39 79 Pvt Party 536-4155 MG 1011\ fi111ncl111 ovoll1blo 011 ,.., ...... _,,,,,. _._1 ~ --...-~· 24' GLASTRON. 3 yrs. old; · · ' ' Sales, Service, Pub iio11k opproYll of crotllt. • '62 CHIVIOLIT • pwr, fad air, ti ft.1 .eat, d. jl 1965 % Ton GMC. __ ,, £ ,., ,_. I a-"~ cost $9,750; SIS ra K>, I Immediate uaivery, •Pick-up. Plumblna: or CADILLAC 1UU1.r•" sterio, ......... u poles, bait tank, 235 HP V6 PICKUP. All Modell: 11!!.BEE FREE .t:lectrlcal lpe<:l&L • top, $280), 837..a680 &tter 8 Mere. cruiser; sa.crltlce * 673-957'0 * rft. • CK63951l • '6'CAD, Sedan DeVUle; 8650 pm or wkend1. $3,,,.. M&-ll61 "5 FORD 1' T. 352 vs, las Veqas Vacation • $1195 • Actual MI. Ch•11nu1 ....... '65 oLos...,, • .... Y.uow $30X). 24 tt Cab, Cruiser, pert stick. Cws. cab, Sl.300 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS • • beiae top; real brn. Ithr. w/ bUt int. Mutt 1ell - cond, 135 HP gny marine * 5"49-0m * POR TWO • ,66 PONTIAC inttr. nu wheel, air, &-way be1t offn. 1 ownr, 54&-9521 eng, 1/s radio. 2 bunks A: '65 CHEVY Van, R/H, needs • • leat. radio. $5450 Finn. aft 4. head. M•nv xtru, 675-1909/ some OOdy work. $850. ··-w:-0.... Hwv .. NN.il. a· No P11t&h110 N•1•1••f'f .Storchi1f 4 .. oor. Foc .• .'lr,. Orig. Owrier 644-0343 'o'"'LD"'S"""''~;-J:-<:-t °'s•=·-'"'-="' 577-1515 ~ =~~*=66-=1335-=,,,*=,.-, :!MOS· --~ 15300 ... h Bl d ·~~0,111:::;j p atoonnf .• CADIU.AC 8 pa11en1er alr, .mo. Xlnt ~n[.'~~ 30' 1952 TROlAN. CIC. TWln 196.1 OIEVY TRUCK & Aulhol'lnd MG DuJ<r C f ' • $1795 • sin<, auto, o1'c win'. owner. 614-l693 """"· Excellont com. c A M p E R . s H A R p ! Weslmlnslar • • "°"'· . S700J. $1SOO down. take ovtt Sacriftoe SU5l * 673-42!1 thnlout. Nice cor.d, $1 . '57 OL OS $200 paymen!L -DIAL ................ O>arp • MGB 894-3322 • '63 OLDS • Can flnanc<. 842-2591 847"812 tllMIJ ;;;======9030= )":All' ad. tbm tit t.dc d -... -M-C)-B-, ----... --.-IO!t-OPEN 7 DAYS •cutl•11, 111to. p.1. IWFH·• '64 CADILLAC CouP9 de •54 SSS, DIJC, 4 dt, AJC. Speed;=:Skf Boatt: lllten to the flbaDe riq1 top, MIOlt atr wheel. Xlnl •1151 • Ville powtt, air, 46.000 ml. PIS. new paint, tires, seat Tbll nkond ooly, Dial 642""'8 fer RESULTS cond. IW5. n.w.,. 548-74<1 . • $895 • Exoellont condition. llSllO. covm. 612-1073 9A-12 noon. 64>2182 Marine Eq•lp. 903S BOAT Bath: 30' Hull Guard 6 mo old plua one year chem. 541-1D5 ar &0-9Z'U 9037 -a •• ..,. c ... 1 Marino Con'l.plete :A&rlne Service• .,,, Expstiancad, Hlah Quall"' Marina ,..,.,...,.., • Haul outa. ...n I: pawu • 24 lit. Emerrenc:r servb * f1l.$<60 * 847 Ba,okla llrlw, N-m.i. er m.2M1 BWEWATER OL\J\TERS U·Driw ail or JIOWft' boa.ta. Harbor cnatlta/sport 06. Daily • Weekl,y • 6f8.9000 SOCK rr 'J\l 'EMI Finni S.lodlon Of Concov,.. Condition Ulld Ponchn .,, hl'MM IUI Sll"l''I YW.. S119t c,.. Al11ol11toly 11'10 •ow. btr• 1hor,. Color 1t10 yol- IWYW llJI .. t-. l''lf491 .,, "'""" t11: S4Jtt 4 '"'°' tro111mi11io11 II t. dtooto &-I ISlA 7311 CHICK IYERSON, INC. • VOLKSWAOIN 445 '1!, COAST HIGHWAY , .. ..,,,. .... , MIWPOIJ tu.CH 6n.oto0 • '&I ...... tll SMff S11orto111•f1c tr1111111l11lo11, '61 ,..... c.,. S17ff f•tlory oir c:eft4lti•11l111, Spocl•llw-h lco4 IYrT 6001 FM 11.1410. Do1t10, No•or '61 DtL t ... In SUH j boo11 rotl1forff. No. 6911 Ullo •ow. VTS 176 I e IUMI • Campers ... -~ Sltn 'M YW .... '• • • • S14ff R ff '-, fxt Ill) $011 roof. ll.o41o, llCDL919) o• or .,...,. 'ff Wf ... , , , • , SI 6ff e Por1ch11 '67 hfMM tlJ Mtff • ' Po1toftfo' IMQL91JI I 1,..4 tr1111, fM ro41o, 'ff YW ...... , • S11tt c:hro1110 whtol1, ofc. VOV. ln9l110 ..01h1lod In 011r 16l 11lop IOSLM7) CHICK IVEISOll, It VOLKSWAGEN ~I ~-"·'' 1907 H.,bor Blvd., COiia Mn.I • •• • • • RAMILEI I HOLIDAY 1: RAMBLER il IN COSTA MBA AMX .IAVILIN OPNR YOlf A FREE _.....,,,, .. O.a ... c .. fttf'a ,.,..., MIX JAVILIN C [. U I wttll car pur4ue. IJtAND HIW '69 AMX v.1, 4 1,..d. Fully f1ct.,,- o~uippotl. Or41r t.4oy. $2999 IRAHD HIW '68 Javelin 119 0111lno, •moll prl10, IP79969 $2386 IRAND NIW '69 Rambler 1 • •! •• ' I .l ' !! Ii •• •! •• ., ., 11 Full 111:0, 101k 6 t21 H.P. ,: Ordor to41y, (.' $2043 l l•AND NSW I '69 l.W ' Tllo Ptople Cor. 1171212 •. '1 $2436 i I '69 ·r.::ii:::.~ ! Alt c0Mlt1011l111 Y·t.,A1t. tran•. 5110210 ···- $3286 USID CARS I SIL.CJ' YOUll MONTHLY PAYMENT I "66 Doq. 44t STATION WAHM V1t, Auto. tr1n1., ,iwor 1toorl11t A brako1. TRD676 $52,.- '66 Ford COUNTIY 19u1u t po11. v.1, •vto. tro111., powor 1foorl119, RPL 7)7 $66,.·-,. . '66 Amballador ffl J DL HAIDTOP V.f, OMf~. trant., powor t .. orl111 & ltroko1. SMR 262. '52,. .... '67 dp.1 KADIT 4 lnU Cov110. Vl11yl roof, rt .. le 011d hotlor. UOE 912 $45,.- '65 M•rcury MAU.UDll 4-DL H.T, V-1, 111to. tron1., PS, Pl, olr cond. NHN 016 $49,..- '66 Sunbeam Tl•ll v.1, 4 1pd. lo111tlfvl car ln1ido onC out, ARK Jll $64,..-. '64 IAMILER .............. I I I '! ' l • I • l . I • . -' 1 • l . i l i • I , ' 1 • ' l R1ilio, hootOI', outo111off1 ii tro111mi1.1lo11. VHN Jl2 ~ I $599 -I '65 Classic 661 4.oool llllN I' v.1, outo tro ..... '5, fief. olr 10114. VfU IJO $44,.- , I ' ' • i ! I HOLIDAY , w. "s.ntce -1 ..... ..... .... ,_ C.11 ..... . 1Ht fflrMr BIYd COSJA MW 642-6023 ' ' I I • lpW, M.U,J~ 1'69, . . • l . ,· ' • • .. .. .. ' .. • • :'t"' • . I ' ·, • ," , M ' -• 1 . ' ' . . . ' '\" ,.. •. .. ~ Always ·at Sears ••• SatiSfactio,i Guarqnteed or 'YOitr ··MCmcy ... B,ackl ,'." ; ,\..... . .•, :v. ' ',· . :·. .~···~ ,i J ;.~ -. • ·are~~rSaf e tYJ:.D·t?uble~,1 le age ears. .. %- •• 1 '• ... -~: ~· ... ltlt lhKs ...... nu AF W. 'Dre ........ _,, ...... - FllEE a.lrelY._. ...... _ t -. - SAVE '38!· I • Buy ht Tire at Regular Trade-In . Price of $27.9G . ancLGet 2nd Tire for Only ••• ,. '• . ' .~ • Two flbotJ!ui belta ~ -•to tin 1Q"'1a wl 'l'ialo IJld -llnS oat_, .... ._ ·· · · , . .. ....-y . .to . ' . • Tnod lieo, flat.~ ..... , .. .,.icter •llHI ... "'-......... _ ....... greater afet7 ' -' . ·1 • PLUS-tiro'adclod Plios ·ot 117 ... cmd for extra otmtlui and w.rl ·• . ~ ' ' ' . 110% · Stronger tllan 1969 new--Wied tin. SIZE ,~, !-' J-il! .. ,~.: tilTR ....... -n. • 122% Better Tabolioolllodtwollo lllileqe tllan -Wied tires 14% Larger: ' Footprbrt tllu .... Wlod lino ca.u 111• 1 IJM I IUT ,,_ ,,aw., ~·j 1ua u.c1 1 LU 1" • ,.Tlxl&. --J .lUI I IUT I 1.11 1· ........ llli· 1.n• I ~,,.., 1. w · TwbtlOoo Whllenllo ' ...... I -I 11.U·-j'<UAT I ..... I Uk!.• I .... I ..... I ....., I LIT . , ..... 1...,.11-.. 1UT .lw . 1 Sapu Construction !Ileana Y GI!.. Get More· Tire Conventional tin oa. the rirht is diss tom.I b7 bigh .. peed lqUinn and wir· Jle. The fibe>gl .... belted-tire 11171 flat apinJt tho road far ouperior safe17 and traction •• , plus more than dDUble 'the mil.... of new...., non belted tiree. Fiberglall. Belts Means a Big Footprint for Better Mileage 'Th• tiro flberslali• boltl bene1th the -rive you bettor traction and 1tobility, In addition, two nylon cord· plio& give the tire exceptional atrenrth and ~ to impact and puncture ~ .• , which meana lonier life. ,.,w& I!!:: I 11.11 11.iT I .:-. U1zt&jllMj1i.&a lMTj""'. Ilk!& I iUil I -I...., I I.fl ' ' ,,.,..,. I -: ,.,. I ., ... I .... a.u.t&l&&M1-l11.&•IW &11.u I a.ti I 11..u I 11.&T I la ,, ! ' UWll&l.!11-llO.tTILTT ....... 1 ..... 1 .. ..,1....,1 .... I I.ft/ MiilJl&T.111_1...,I ..... · . ' WIDE GUARD GUARANTEE ' Tnod Llf1 Gunntee Clwanzrt1 I A.p'-*-..ll1 fallun9; . ol the tire ~ from ..... road huards or dllecta ha wi.w er ww\nw1~ ..... a... i-a: J'Cll' o. •• 11 --......... WlH De: 1\ctl&ir .. puncb:ll9 at no ~-Ia -ol ~ bl excba:nc• tar tbe · Ure, nplace lt at no ebup. :If talul'e <M:lal1'11 dur1nc tint 20 . mcathL If Ure tan. alter ~ -... -It, ~ """' be p:oporilon d. eurrent l"ep]U Hlllnc pnc. ptu. J'edenl J:xdle TU that rapr_..ta b'Md wd. . ,....... W--0.t Gunntee 0... ... 111 __....r n.d. ...r-oUt. - ... ~ Wc: .. -tb&. Wllat; lw'm. Wiil De= la .. t .... tor tll.e UN, nplace· tt. cbarsmt eurre.t fttul&I' ..ruq prite . pin redenl l:sd9e Tax • tu lol· --·"· NO M.ONEY DOWN Wlien Yoa Biil :Your Al!t.omtjtive Neeck at Searl on Credit --------------------... Be set ,for Tho~ Bot, Smoggy Su.mmer Irays-1\head ••• Drive in Cool Comfort! Air Conditioner Refll]or $199.95 169~:. N'O MONEY DOWN .. s-r. rMJ ~t P1u • OER*.Sheek Ahsorhers EquJ· To or lWter' 'l'-ia • Ne1rCat~ SAVJ:•l 3s9 ...., ... K ·. -.. ' ' ' Fit-CU. ' '