HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa, • ~ , 'fl ll'HURSOAY );mltNdON, ::..l'Rn: J,.:1969. VOL a.~ •4 ACJ-. e NUt . . , .. .. ,. . .-' • ) ' :;; .... *···* .• Christ Teen.s to Fl.ee · A. · 11· I ·G· · It', · .. ~a -·: : · :1¥en. •,V I '1, • .,l '• .-/ •' • 1 ~1. ·•, I., 1; J, , /(· t'.-,y . "\' ·~,_ ., ,., 1 it\ r.i • ,,1 "';I •J.ll..':!\I' I .... ,4.. l"«'' >, ' ' •' ,... '"< ' - ' •· f ._j /,'WI \ t':':L• ! •,,' .. _,1 • , , . . . ' ,; ,,.. ' . ' • '\ I . . tong Be~ch ' Okay By JEROME F. COttlNS Of ... Dlllr l'lttt Stiff la a decision that could influence ~id Orange County Atrpo,I jOt operations, a -California Public UUllties Commission ex.amlner today iecom· mended that two airlines be allowed to serve Long Beach delplt< dtilen pro- teols abou( noise. One <t the .airlines .. Air California, headquartered at comity airport. Examiner Wllllani N. ·Foley '?eC<lll> mmc!ed to the PUC that Air Cal be permiu.d to Oy between Long Beach Municipal Airport and San J ... , San Diego and Oakland, He al8o llrgec1. that Pacific Soathwest Airlines be certified for service between Long Beach and Oakland-San FranciJco. Ril recommendations, which need com. miss.ion action, came 1n "the face Cf objectlOM from the Long Beach Jet Control Association, a large homeownersl group, and the Long Beach City Council. Both agencie1 complained about the in- creased noise that would result from the added jet flights. The Lon'g Beach counci1, whlch originally · supported -·the -applications, recently asked the PUC to rtject them. But e:s:&mi.ner Foley told the PUC the addiUonal service would alleviate serious air -and ground congestion at .Lo,s Angeles International Airport. He said the homeowners' search for quiet is a pri'late interest while better transpori.ation·is in the public interest. Therefore, the service "wW benefit • 26,000 Hippies Routed-by Police In Patm Springs PALM SPR!N(jS (UPI) -A motley army of 20,000 hippies and JJppies who have 'harassed this nopnally .tranquil desert resort began .drifting awl)' todlY as reinforced [lO!fc!e gainod the upper' hand. ' The wu.tber a:ave an assllt to 200 offlceni from IUr1'00lldlog communlil<s who had joined in a mutual ald pod with the Sklan Palm Sprlnp force: Light rain began falling lhortly Iller mJdrtlahl and WU accompanied by lrtsk -that kt<ked up ..-and .clded to the dlsc:omforl ol the helm>genous army. 'Ille fain luted for two houri and 1pparet1Uy dllnpelied tbe endmsJum for the unwuhed lnter~ Helicoptert Oew periodlcllly, O'ffi} tbe ossorted bands of stOOenta.-.1 ~ on, warning them to Jea+e or be forced out. ..... :r-~~ Al dawf'I •a~ 1 ·wm on thO DlicHcitiiil ' e['llllt llololed ad ·eaa6s1Ve lpt..' Stlme cirked ajps '(See PAllM IPR!NGS, P .. e I) the pubfte lntmst''lo llUdo ... men! tliat · 11 outwelabs lhe j>iivate ·pniper1y inter..U <t landowners near Loog Beach 'Airport,"'be Aid. 'lbe ·recommendatlom carry two lm- pli<atiom -both unhappy for jel noise foea -for Orange Coonty Atrpo,t: -If the PUC ac«pll tbe argument !hat publlcVansplatlon,needl OVeJTide bomeownen' noiH complaint&, a prece- d<iii will --eotal>llobed. 'Ille deitnlcUm to ptopa Ly vama broulbt -by _.,,, jet filch!& could no lcm&er be" med · 11 jultlflcallon for denying added intra..iate -· 1t· (See ADI .CAL, Pap I). Mesa Gem Tlieft Suspect EscaP.es, Captured LatF ....... _..ttw·~-------'•--------~--'---~------·· ... -. . ' • " • -.. , -- t' .• , " ]'6 ••• , I \ . ' ' ' .. ' '-"'" -"~ ..... .. . ~'. . ;, ., " nt,k~ D oomsdayj ' . • . ·-• • ' • - .. .. -. .. -..: '..OM. Y 1'1\.0T • l'rea " . "!iat!ARRISTS I a .. ., ,..,.. ....... rt ' . ") ' Ne~ I "• I .. . - . ' '""' ~ 1 ..... -. ~.1-n"~~­llml\·str'llhlabead'. llo_stqod'til ollll In ii whlla buckllln ..W~ ~ " -;, bonnet,.s11ng on bis iray braldl. ' Next to him. a ~GOWl. with red. ~ one! ·~ -Jteadbandl a wmi. thin lllue oallli m.5s · iibigf ~, 7 'Cliief~ . ' U.S. Viet . -t Deaths Top Korea .Toll wllh p!DkJIQlllm. • . . Her mucaraecl eyes were as live • · . -to iifttie Ol' icua killed u the cblef'1 wm placid. She look • 1iiMe." .,,,..,. ls. •· f01'IM1'• ..,,.. · flt iCtioo !If itl!!!'jati'lmd'-months around, one! sudclenJy maaes of childrtli 'hr lit tli W01hmgt/nr'hst 114/f: Sh• • · -. . were ·~?! ~ for ~~· 111!11 ii cvrrmtl• a •t4ff writer f• the ol .fl&bUnl -ln Vletnmn. This u 11 more Wllr'..-4 ~lfilill-~. 'DAILY PIUfI"!_Co1ro M"a o/fi<:•. than the 33,819-Amerlcan combol deaths ...1 during lhe three-year Korean war. r ~ ·Ai· least 2SJ youtlu have been. llJTf:Sled slnce lhe vanguard ol vac:alioneii .bit town Friday. Moot,,.... booloed for liqUor vlolat&oos, on charg'5 of drugJIOR1911Km or:lDdecent exposW'e. ,,,..._ P .. e J l'rollt Pqe J From P,..e J In only three other wars have American baUlefield deathll been Jllgher than Vietnam -292,131 in World War D; 1411,414 Union troops one! 7',1114 Conlederalel lil the avu war : and llt,113 In World War I. 0lj>!ice Chief Robert Whit~· called the CHRIST TEE~S · l\lFSA . JAIIBRE;\KER NA.BBED •• • ·AIR cAL ... in~dtrs ''a new breed," differtm ftrrorn • •'GodWss" education ln -ICbooll. • • the+ college and high school ltuderlts 1'wlr mlaloo bu been to .. Y• the 'f.-ho usually descend on the town Wring youth -the hippies, drq addlcll one! .• ""'"". ju.ot plain loot ~ • . ' : ti poll~ lieutenant put It more · : For .. the put y.-i-, tbty bl~e Wen ,'!'flrufttly ''They're dirty 0 he uJd: based at the 1'Llaht Houle" club m 4;T.hey'~ smelly. You c~ see them Main Street in Huntington Beach, and ..,.,_ C<ll'Qi.ng and you can smell Ulem ~ming." led by Pastor Dave ~g. who began -'":.•'fie still have the school kids," said his pr~aehing to youth in Miami. ~ ca:Pt. Dale Thompson, "bu~ ~e also Their ~:W ho~e in Tu~~ "f"l abo "1iave been confronted wtth hippies, ~Po · ~ -called . The L1aftt House. .J:t • bued : ·pits and ~hatever , . , with k>ng hair, ln an old ·chun:b M 2561 Menor ;Strev ,.,.ants, dlrly cloths, bore fte~ -.11s Ave. '<ind· .Jmapsacks. They numbor In the • "About 40 ol our mmnben ut !:-•Ing : 2QAio figure.'' . hS'e b' ~ Tuclan mialon1 11y1 • •. ant youth, uked ,.ey be Cllllle oeerri-Miguel Abooil IQ T-. lor Cbrill molu- ··.;.i.lo....,. u~ the feellnp ft man1. "It's ~onaries are llnady-ln Timm.. .• ...:. ll' aL There are f,100yY chlcb · ·HualliJiloo·Beadl _,1 be loll llltlrely. ~ "'"'IB."' 1 .. ' without ~ ¥About o.w ol' our :>rocl< <OO~ond frulcy groo]!I. members w1il llay•ben unW lull before •'J'lRM BUT FAIR" the bitter end,'' said Miguel ~::-~ Many of the arrests came af_ler ta~ HEDONISTIC SOCI!:I'Y ting bottle throwing confrontations w.ith Accor'ding to the youthful Christian potk.-e, wbo annQU~ a "firm, but fair" policy In dealing with what Uiey called revolutionaries, California is 1 modem the "hard core, rowdy, holligan· element" day parable to ancient Sodom and Gomorrah, just a hedonistic ~lety re"Spansible for the lrJ>uble. languishing in sin. But there were serious incidents. "The Lord told ua earthquakes, fire, \Vednesday night a gang ()( yout.M took . titles gone -laid desolate -Wt have oter 'a gas station and began bret.kln& to CSepatt qulck!J,'' erplainl Mlgue1. ~ws and wrecking equlptnent. Police 11A Jot of our boys have had vlliona," ·r··amvlng on the scene . ~ 1:net by he adds, "and April earthquakes have !·.{wo ·. rUle shots fired from tnside the been predicted by many great prophets/' ~ ~tit1on. Two bystanders were wo,md~. "We feel the Lord will do something,'' ':' Oiie, Richard Bradford, 17, 0~ Venice, _ says Miguel "Maybe it won't be earth- . wu·~wn to Ri verside ln senol1! coi: .quakes, but' we have to do what' I.be ditloh . with a bullet lodged near his ,Lord ub WI." :'heart. Leiia Maw, 20, Palm . City ,... In Tualoa, lbe T<e!ll !0r Chtial claim ~~~ for a grazing \fOUnd. Th t ~ they have been drawing 200 kids. per ._ '""VIOtl:S wen 'roUSt.ed by tear gas. . night to their meetinp and have even .. rw~ not ~~tely apparent 1'ho fired . iipoken in llOIJle of the acbools. th<' . .p.caliber rifle. '.f'liey : dooi f .. t l6ey 'Me deoerllng i~ Clli.fornla m· Jll time ot. clal ~. ,,,,. ~ • • · ' .!'We.'ve given the warn.inf tDllUlh." ;·_:u.· ·. e· roin Sus~. ted .. YI Miguel: '"!be res1 of lbe country ~ r r--•)lu to have it too." , • '·' ·•JI there wu 1oinl lo be anything ~In Youth's Death 1e1~ ... ..-i.av•. pennanenl group .in Huntlqton Beach," be aay1. '''' · Miguel ·hlmlell pl~, lo bead, for -~nt Tests Needea :i~~~:i:r=.bope ·: llffo'in bi' tht; suspected cause of death 1'>r a· young Balboa J1land music shop ~ whose body waa· found tn his :.-;tor.e one month ago, tbe Orange County Jcor'Oner's ofnce said today. : But it may· take several more days ·:before ll"boratory analyses are completed 'ft.a conflnn the tentative findinj;, cor· :Oner's spokesmen !!laid. i' The vicUm, Kevin R i c h t e r .:.f'orderbrugen, 21, died on March 5. .:Evidence near the body indicated :Fordergrugen had injected heroin, police ')aid . Only a few days before he had 'been released from a hospital alter treat- ')nent for an oveniose (If the narcoUc. ~ "Heroin b the suspected agent," a ldeputy coroner said triday. "Ftnnly, !~tablishing it, thouih, invol'ies a pro- ~onged laboratory procedure. It could ~:take eevei'al more days yet.·~ ,.. Less than a week before t"orde:rbl'\llM ~:died, 23-ye&Mld Jamea , Williams, who ·:·nved near Newport Pier, took a fatal ~ cverdose or the narcotic, accordinl to Z"itn e..sses. • •.~~~~...,-~~~~~~~. " l ). l ' .. ' l • { ' DAI LY PILOT . .... ,.rt IMcll ................ . .... .. a..cl ......... ....., Cost•~ . CAUH>aNIA OllANG l COAST l"UILliMING (QMPNfT' RoNrt N. Weed Prttldenl end Pllbllther J1clt R. Curley 1l11m1• Ke1wil Editor Tho"''' A. Murphi11e ,.,,.11•11111 l!dll11r o .... Cc.11 Mtu1 1)0 Wnl 9•y Slf'MI N...,ort 9MOI: '"' Wa l e.lbn aeui.vm lAWfll llHCJI: fl2 '°""' A~ Hlirlti111t111 .. Kflt JDf 1111 Intl NOT. ACCEPTED Wltb fire and brinutone preaching the ' Berg" falttlly wu not easily accepted . In Mlanil. In the put. They came west and eslabl~hed HunUnglon Beach u the home of the Teena for Christ. Now their youthful followers are ahil- ting their ba!e to Tucsoo, leaving _California on the brink of diauter. An elderly woman who heard them speak Wedoesday at a YMCA program suggested they pack their bap and-leave overnight -so they don't get caught in the destruction. And that pretty well awna: up their acceptance here -very liWe. But they claim they don't mlDd the tcorn, "Because Jesus wu a lltUe w1erd ln his time too." From Pllfre J ·AJ,IOTO ••. bablllty of a bJg rocker In the immediate fvtllfe, no one can be pos!Uve It won't happen. Says the U.S. Geological Survey In nearby Menlo Park: ''The plain fact . is \hat a major earthquake will probably occur in one of the eartl}quake prone areas of ·Calllomla. But w1lether It will occur this rDooth or nert or not unUI 10 or 20 yean ls aomethlng we simply cannot predict. 0 But if the federaJ government was relildanl to ptedlcl doomsday, nol '° a hOlt ol self .. tyled. ietn one! prophels. ·"God >s gol1lg '.lo . pwllsh California for Its stns,• iald cne SoUthern Calllomia minister u 'be .led bis COO(l'efallon oul of the st.ti..·· Oilier griMifis fled to the stale of Waihlnrlon and frOUPI of hippies look up ·emhquolte and nooc1 watch in the !l<M;ky Mountains nelf Denver. "A reW yean: "agb/i ezplalrtJ Dr. · Charles, Richter, the ' famed earthquake · n:pert. "In 19&5 to be uact, We received • .. spupous·eertbquake predictions ror: Jan. 17, f'•b. 4, March 17, Aprll I, A:prll '. t8, au of May, May IO and for Uie lmptrlal Valley 10111eUme in June 0< 'July, But tt was 1 normal year -Done came true." • -Ac{iiallr., octenllall poinl o u l , 1 Clllfontia\1 Mvtral major fauJL lintt l\J"-been ollpplng for u 1oO( u too • m11Uon years. Becauae of the movemtnt al \lie San Andttu faull, Loi Anreles ' 11 Dkrall7 movtnr tow~ San Frandtco al the rate of one to two lncbel a ytar. In al leut nne tt1p<el, tilt predlcUons of earthquake durl111 April art accurate. Selenllltl llY some 200 to !Oil trtmon are recordtd every month In the San Francllco ma 1lnne. N°"' ls !lf:<llil •"?!isb to~~!l!!'l' man. · r alerud li1 ~ jail -"b. &aid be ,.,. llle ·llnal -\al Dllbors'• jallbmlc aDd Wltd>tci lo ... wllld1 WIY be -.,. -punc:becl .u., .... pe alarm. . . ln ... '4aloll &aid " ·the cbuce-lii-a- lbousand. -from the eleclrollic1lly -controlled jaU faclllty at 99 ·Fair Drive occurred less lhaa lwo hours after Duborg one! bis girl had been delivered there. · ARRll'l'BD IN LA •· Detectlvt Jacbon an d Ofllce1' Dick Bersch, ln cbarge of the warrant detail, had picUd up lluborg and Debra taus, 17, tn Lot Angeles, where they were .._ J'rlday 'll'ilh IVXJO in rlnp. Eich ww:·aamed tn a warram earryin1 182,llGO ln>ball, is suspects in tbe theR of-flf10D0 in diamond rings from Jewell by Joo<pb, 3333, S. Bristol St., lut Thursday. Officer Ted Curry bad already taken Miss CU.. lo Orange County Jail, when Coota Mesa Jail O!Dcer T'"" Lazar had to leave the sis-foot. 190-pound Duborg in .the locked booking cage momentarily. 'lbt · ·modem jail, whlch· · is aJ>" proztmalely two ,yurs old, ls oulfilted with elttndve electronic controls ror open1D1 cell and merlor dobrt and Is ai.. rorely left untended. Officer Lazar said in a report on the jalibreak that he had to escort a prisoner who had posted bail on a minor arrest to 11* front desk, where be wruld be rtleased by Patrolman Har- ry eamr. DCAPIL~LARM Suddeniy, a about came from the rear jail ai<a one! lbe eteape alarm belan clanging. . "Lieu-" yelled 11'111\f N I c k bellnart: ~·1·a.]ll'llollee eocaplnr." . DelnWI: -.told lnftlllplon 'be .... Dubcq l'IQlrmllll. ldl ~ fnme u...pct11o -me ... -and • did not bow -be had struck and llui1Md t!lo · jaJler or :wba4 so be · watched'mornenWily. • Anolber trustJ, Jerry Lauer, said be wu )ult walldnl lo Uie extmor l•ll door from outside when 11 bunl open one! a man ran pUI, orderilll hlQ\ lo leave the door open. Detective Jack.eon ran out the front of the pollce facWly building al the e1eape alarm and Officer Norm Kntch ran from the rear, u Duborf fied easter- ly ~ the Civic Center porklng lol. SITl'ING IN CAR McCCter, a Callfomla State Collep · Loq Beach. ttudent wu slttlng in· hil car walling lo ao Into a municipal coorl claa for lrsfflc offenden when Dubor1 rushed up. "I pt up after be jerked me <NI -"~ one! __..... -and Sited loudly what be WU dolnl," McCsrter ' Cainhodia Forays By Green Berets ·Revealed by U.S. SAIGON (UPI) -The United Slates for the put year bas been sending U.S. Green &!ret teams into nel1bboring · Cambodia to scout Cornmuniat troop movements there, mllilary sourct! uid today .. ~ Camliodla bu proclalmeil Ill n<ulrallly in the Vietnam War but the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese have sel up bt&Se camps there because it is free from American bombinl or ground attacks. The ......., said Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia bu given tac.It approval for the American forays so long. as they are done ~etly and do no1 put him In a poolllon ol com· promlsir)I Camb9dian eovereignty. Green Bertt.s lead small teams or mountain tribesmen into .. Cainbodla on nllssloriil speCi8.Uy a p pr o v e d by Washington, They chart the locations of Communlol troops and do nol fight unless they have to, the military •~ said . . The .U..looure followed by a week • report .. rrom U.S. ihllltary authorities lhat the~ American Vletnm command hu unt Preaklent NixQn for pmnl11lon lo. bomb !ht Communlsl campe J111l .-U!" Clmbodlan border. Advisor to Nasser, William Roger.s Meet WASHINGTON (UPI) -Secretary ol State WlWam P. Ropn met for &O mlnlltea today. witb Dr. Mahmoud Fant, chlt r foreign afiair("adfiltr to Prutdent Abdel Osmal Nauer ol EIJYpL ll wu !ht lint' hlpleytl conlacl lletwttn .. \ii< i.,.., lial!Onl 1r.c. lul Novtmber.· · told police, ll)'ln1 be then· jerked open• .' COllIJtalrporl. the rlghl -al which lime. lbe suspect · • -Cal """1d be in a stroacer accelerated . backwm. , pool IO . ...,.. fllghl room for Oranje He stalled the '1"· . Coonty -en bound for the Paclllc "What an you dolng?" dentan@d Nartb.wett. , Detective Jacbon, arriving u McCarter At a Civil Aeronautics Board hearinr hung onto the door. last week AJr Cal officials said if "~e's steali~g my car," McCarter weather a~ wind condiUons limit use replied, at which time Jackson turned of County Airport rUnways some his gun on Ouborg and ordered him passengen would be tral:W'erreci by bus out, .but he refused to do .so and the to Long Beach Airport.. de1~ve called for his partner, ~aIL:" -With Air Cal operattn1, dlfecuy out · I wm pretty shaken \IP myaelf, ol. U:iat Bac:IJ tbe Orq County McCarler said today, "and,, lbe man --id presumably e fly from wu in extreme paruc birmell. there to the San FrancilC» Bay Area .llOOllll AGAIN one! then on Ill the Pacific NorlhwesL Palnllman Nonn Kulch arrived on PUC eumlner Foley did not ..r ... the ecene as a crowd of. other traffic to 1.the Oranae ~'air transportation ocbool enroUees crowded around one! lllue in hll lepott. · . . . -i 1Jubor1 back;-lo~Jall; ,. ifls -----ed-,. be was re-booked on addiUooal·cbarges. jeetioo of a Long Beach route application "You can't blame me for trying," from Pacific Air Transport, a paper Duborg reportedly said as . the group organization. - of people ga,lhere.d. .. . . . . Commissiontn may , adopt, reject or Officer Kutch wd Duboi'g told him modify Foley's recommendations. Long hi}_ had to escAJ?t in order to .clear Beach jet noise roes have until April filiilse,lf of the diamond heist .charges, 22 to file e.1cepUons to the proposed claiming aomeone had' framed him. order ' Duborg and Miss Cazes were arretted · In Loi Angeles last' Friday, repOrtedly on a Up, and lnvetUgaton tbere aaid the ~pie had\been bopping from motel to motel 'Jn the piist week. Detectives lQday planned to ~how mug shots of the pair to Juel D' Angelo, a clerk on duty in the South Coast Plaza Shop looted of up to 84 rlngs worth 114,000 lasl Tburlday. The jewelry clei:k said a striking blonde In black rwulet one! lulhet'. mlnkkltt enleted lbe I)«< one! uked lo -eome 1Uver ale knive.,. during wbJch Ume her male companion wandered out. The loa wp dlscovtred lal<r ill the doy. . -: Police at Berkeley Gone Fron1 Ca1npus BERKELEY (UPI) -The University of California campus 1s free from poUct but Chancellor Roger W. ~ym says they can be called back immediately il peaceful conditions end. Heyns said Wednaday that tllit of- ficers, a campus fiXtm1! since a vtoleftce· marred student strike started Jan. zi. left because OI ·the "paclfisl altitude" at the school recenUy. U.S. beadquarterr also repolUd lhal 1,5113 Americw were wounded in actioo Jut week, raillng the total number of American wounded Jn the war to 210,139. 'lbe totfl American cuualUes in VJet- nam -M4.J10 --are fut approachlng .those of World War I, when 53,513 Americans were killed in acUon and 204,002 wounded, or a total ol 2S7,515. If the ·present casualty rate continues, the U.S. tilled and wounded in Vietnam will lllD'pU8 total American cuualties in World War f by early June altbou1h the total number ol. dead will ~ con- alderably less lhaa lbe )918 lolal. $Ot1J U.S. casuahiea in Vietnam long ago aceeded the Korean war t.otal of 136,lli ldlled one! wounded. FIRE ... beds in conference rooms on the ground floor. "People reacted naturally" said Mrs. Sherwood. uThey first thought' of their chikiren, then their inoney. One womaa said she had left her denturea upstairs." "The first hour waa quJte a ·scene with dozen!! .of guests dressed only in night clothing.!.' she reported. "One girl was wrapped only in a bath towel." - She said two children had been left alone in a room while their parents Visited in Los Angeles, but they were awakened and rescued. About IO customers were in the 11th floor cocktail lounge when the alarm was sounded. They left behind 'the.Ir drinks and their tabs, reported' bar manager Bob Stoddard. al {jarrell; the light touch • 1Upattem, t~e hrighftouch in color-· • Crea Una a Jtiood· ot e~ eJegance tn a room can be a dlflicult~ratina probJem. Klll'll1t.an mak'5 tt easy with Admoreeu, Imported wool broadloom. The quaUb' comtt euy to Admoreau too. from' Karutan's patented Kara-loc looms. Sheln-d)'eln& produCft; colon that are fuhton-Ptt.fecL We~ prou4 to prewit Ad'motffU ln 16 color combinatiODI and I I "" $11.95 ...... H.J.GARRETT fURNfllJRE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS • ••• " 11 I \ I ' I, ' I • I ll "' . I I I I I 1. ,. ' ------:: . . . ------- / ' ·1'~·:s:atington Beaeh EDl'TIO'N -,.,,,. ---- ' I ' I . ·!Y. "'· St.eka t I I ,, voe. 62,. NO. 10, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE. ,C.OU~·CAijFORNl~: ' TEN CENTS ' . Christ Teens Flee HuBtington, Fear.Jloomsday ·· . ' ' ~ By TEllRY COVIUE Of .. Dellf' ,..... ..... The militant T..,,. for Chrilt group, not<d .fr.r plckeUng ldtools and hassling organi1.ed religion, is planning to nee Huntington Beach !or fur or the d..WC. tion of California. Leaders of the teen organization assert that prediclkn from the Lord indicate California, as a Jaod ol sin, will be destroyed, perliopo by the !ftdicled 11'"1 tarihqllfke of AJ""il i;, .. * * * ,QUtJ,ke Dari : Party; Time lnBayArea SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Mayor Joseph Alioto's anti-earthquake party ~ cOmeii' you are. Bring your own water wings. Thus the young followers or Jesus are packing their bags and preparing to nee the !late. They are going to Tucson, Ariz. \\thi.le the milµ.ant t.een leapers are suggesting disaster, those wtto have predicted such an earthquake come from ra:Dks ol lhe~vi$ionaries. 1bey have failed to draw suppqrt from geologiats or earth- qulk• ezpert.<. (See story,,Page 19). , In fact, one Hunt/npJri Beach geoioii&t ' . declared that the oc!d! agaiMt svcb a major quake· are 500 to 1. Experts to the contrary, the t.en group still anticipates doomsday. "We'd be gone by oow,"' declared Miguel Ward of the Teens group, "except. that several of our followers are sUll in court in Costa Mesa." The court date, wbJcb has delayed the teens from fleeing doomsday, stems from an incident Feb. 17 when · 17 o( the mililant. Christians .picketed Maude .- B. DaviJ Intmnedlalc l5cbool and Coala :V.esa High IScbool ln Colla 11-. 'Ibey were al'Telted GD chartes of refusal to di3pene, wlDful and mallci.ous obstructloo ol a public -and willful and unlawful disturbance <i a school. Results of tbe~ance in Harbor District Munitjpal l'.Ouit Widnetdly are not yet known, bot advenil)' II the byword ol lbB teens. They've been in court before and don't miDd it "in the name of Jesu1." Fire Thelr fame lor ~ acboola and. eburcbes liu apreoc! fr"'8 ~ Beach lo Lacuna -and Inland lo Santa Ana. Teens for Christ hive been volatile opponents or Orpniaed re1lcloo and ''Godless" educaUon in the ICboob.. . Thelr -Jiu beeo to ...... lbB youth -lbB hlpplel, drug addlcb and just plain lost ~uls. , For ·the past yeer, they have. been hued at the "Llgbl. Houe" ~b on Main stnet ·1n Hunt!ftgtm Beacb, 1111 led by Pastor Da,. Berg, ·who blpn his preaching to yooth in· Miami. Their new home in Tucson will aim be, called "The Light House." It'1, bued in an old cburcti at 2561 Menor Strw Ave. "About 40 or our members are leavtnc here for the TUcson mis:sion." uys Miguel. About 30 Teens for CbNt nwobr tionaries are already bued in TaclDn. (See ClllllST TUNS. Pip I) Hits Hotel· • 200 Flee Blaze at Disneyland By JACJt HOBACK or "" ...., ""' ,,.., More than 200 pe.ta were routed from their rooms In tilt Dlll1eyland HoW T....,,Wednead&y night by a 1tre·wblcb "1>ke out from apoiilaneOus cornhualon In a -1111~ .. the 10th floor the Liken baaRUiall pme. Tben 1moke started comlni Into tho room . and we coulcl01· ~vt lit tho baUwa7." the first · floor this momfnl.'' lhe reported. She said she and aeftl'ti ICCft other guests slept Pt. haatlly arranpd beds in conference rooms on tba P'O'Df . floor. . "People reacted naturally" aid Mn.. 'Ibe San Francisco mayor -tried ol listening to rumors the Golden State Is about to crack like a stale brownie and drop into the sea -has decided on a giant public celebration to dispel the gloom. ' <i Ibo ll-tlory bulldlJic. Two .lkemen and aeveral auesto were lrtjtted. lor 1moke lnhalatlon but no one WU IOrioully Injured In the . 10 p.m. blaze, llre olfldals nported. Altlloacb· tlle blaio in lbt aulte WU cootrillled -• mlllirta, much ciam&ge WU dme to lbt tlnlctme 0by llllOke and water, 0....,. t.ported. No eltimi.te on· total damap wu available · thll mOmlni. Sherwood. "They !Int thougl>I of their children, then their money. One woman. aald she had left her deotures upllaln." On April J! -the S3rd anniversary of the quake and fire that nearly leveled lbe city -coffee will be served Crom army field kitchens in downtown Union Square. . A fllllib' of low who oocupled the room ne~ to tbe burning. lllite were trapped for . 30 mlnuta on a narrow balcon1 before !imneD ....:ued them with ladders. · . Joeepb Levin of !fouston, Texu, oatd he, bil ,wife and two d1upten: ~ driven to thi leds• by heavy ....u. A 11-year-old Lakewood ,.ath, Ernest Lower, who wu villtbq: friend8 ln the bWJdlng, llOUllded the Initial alarm when be found the IOtl\ floor ballway filled with "lllllOte. He I~ callod the . fire deputmellt and th the ·ald of . lrtenda ltnockod oa doon wamln1 the aunts. ' ' · , · Evi!yn Sherwood, a member ol fl'o DAILY PILOI' ni't!I ilaff.who·wa •-' tloninl Ill lbB bole~ WU - 0ol· '1liJ "The lint hour was qulte a """"" with dozens of guests dressed only in night clothina," she reported. "Orie. &id wu Wrapped only in a bath towel." She aald two children had been )1e11 alonie In a room while the.lr parenll vlilted In Los Angeles, but they were awakened and rescued. · "We'll play Caruso records," says Alioto. "Maybe I'll even arrange for a special showing of the movie, 'San Fraociseo,' and join in a chorus or two witb Jeanette MacDonald u abe otancls thin In the ruins oii>gtng away." ' '°"" TY ..,C wept olf. and ·I pt il-i." llio ~ a1c1. ·1,,n.,,,.... ~-.-.· ... :1 . •-;w,.. lo . at111 • irlPP!!'C ilo!l1I 'W About 80 customers were In the lttli Qocr cocklall loilnge when· the alam>. wu· -They left behind tJMlr:: drlna and their labs, reported bar' ........ Bob Slllddard. Only portially hidden by Alioto'• levity, howtver1 .ii .the me\ some Callfornian& ~ actually await.in&~ a catlcb'IJpie temblor which Ibey iliinl< will strike sometime durlni April. Others are mere- ly nervous. Dozens or letters have flooded Into the St.ate Disaster Office in Sacramento. Many are Crom out-of·stale resldmts worried about friends and relatives. "A tremendOWI number of them are being addressed to Governor Rupn personally wanUng to tnow what he's going to do about it," says Charles Sam.9on ol the -olllce. Herb Caen, columnist ror the San Fran-- cisco Chronicle, claims Doubleday books asked him to write a sequel to "Baghdad by the-Bay" titled "Baghdad Ip Ure. Bay." And Howard Hughes, IO the wags have i~ will own lbB best aurling beach on & Pacific coast after California drops off and wava lap at the Las Vegas strip. Actually, neither California Officials nor earthquake &dentists are in a "pod· tJon to deny absolute1y a quake will &trike. <>rhat'1 the catch. For while it may be lllogtcal to. .assume Ibo pro- bability or a big rocker in the immediate ruture, no one can be positive it won't happen. Says the U.S. Geological survey .in (Se< ALIOTO, Page I) Mesa Gem Theft Suspect Escapes, Captured Later 87 ARTllUP. R. VINSEL Of Ille D•ltf Plllt Sl9tf Squirming through a small cage - dow and punching electronic control but· tons at random, a •11,000 gem theft auspect made Costa Mesa's f Ir st jailbreak Wednesday, but the taJ1e or freedom quickly turned. bitter. . . FIREMEN MOP \fp AFTER .DISNEYLAND .HOTEL FIRE· .Vacatlonera Fo<UCI to Evacuate 11.story Hoitolry Three minutes of olitskfe could easily cost Laurence R. DUborg, 21, an ur>employed public relations man from - Ontario, Canada, 30 years in prilon, w I t b two other felony charges lod&ed earlier against him. He wu booked on suspicion of kid- . napping, escape, grand theft of an auto a.nd a hokt order wu pi.ced on blm for imm ·on authorities, "bl I e he dy charged with bur1laey and lloleo propjty. wu dargged from a ~ m ed car ii> !root ..i. Coata Mesa C Hall about 7:11 p.m., altu deliberating a full minute at gunpoint on h!s wlseit coµrse of acUOn. ~ Detective Cari JacklDn htld Duborf with bis .31 caliber service motve-, joined aecondl later·by·Detectlve Charles Duvall, alter the suspect ltallod wbat be planned to ""' u a. getaway car. Motori.t Oftn J. McCarter Jr., 13, o( 7l12 Fenwiy Drive,•Westmlnsler, t.okl f Jacbon that Duborg yanked open lbB ij; and roughly draqed him Dllt · hair for re!usi111 to pvo him · • Californi1'1 ao<alled lJttle . (Se< JAJLBR&U, Paa< II CHILDREN BED• DOWN IN HALLS OF HOTEL ANNEX Fire PrevklH AdclM Dl-yl_. Advanture Peace Talks Slow Down PARIS (AP) -The .. V1etnlm peace •'w11 a UUJe 1tsa v:lt.uperatlve than usual, talkl today boged down In a welter bu! the ~ttltude or the -aide prtclud· iii. accuaatlolll lacludJlll a Viet C.., tel any Jll'O(ltesS." charge that ..,,.n. or progress ..... Tho ..,,,......uve or the vi.t Coric'• "cunnl111 tnacbeey'' on the part or Pm!· Notional !Jberatlon Front, Tran Buu I de1ll Nixon'• admlnlstratlon. . ·Klem, told the 11th !ulHc:ale USllon A U.S. apokesman aald the mffllng (See TAUB,. P"tf I) ,t 1 ' • • ! ' _., .. , .•elps T,~ : '; , \ I \I , • r 1 , , fl / : To Air Cal 20,000 Hippjes Routed In Long Beach By Palm Springs Police By JERm!E r. CoLIJNS Of ............ ,,.., In a decW<m that could !nlluence PALM SPRINGS (UP!) -A motley esc>lated Orall(e. County Airport jet army or I0,000 hippies and ylppl .. who oJ>'raUons, a Cal~«nla Public UWlilea have harUoecl thlll oonnally lranqull Commlslkm euminer today reoom-desert real bqan drlfflnl away today mended that t""· airlines be .allowed u reinforced pollf'!_ploed lbB uP.ptr ~~':'.:..~-·~ detp!te dliml ..... hand. ' . . ' ~ ~· ~ The. -p .... ,umt, to :iao One of the airlines II Air California, of!icen from ll1lmlUDdlni ooillniwi!Ua headquartered ·at county ilrport. -had joined In a mutual aid paet Examiner WWiam N. Foley recom· with the 55'man Palin Sprlnp force. mended . lo the PUC thll Air Cal be !Jghl rain bepn falling ahortly alter permitted to llJ ~een i.nr Beacb mldnlght and w"' ""'°"'ponied by brisk Munldpa] Airport and· San Jooe, San wbtdi ·tbiil ·llcl<ed up· ~ and Diego and OUland. added lo the -ort· of · ·the He also urged that Paclfic. Southwest h<terogeoout army. The rain luted !or Air-be ca111ied•lor.-between two houn.and apparently dampened the Lon1 Beach' and OUJand.San Frmcilco. ent.hlllll.asm for the unwuhed interlopers. His recommendat'9nt, which need COil!· Hellcoptm flew pertod!cal1y over tha mtulon action, came in the· face· of assorted band.I of students and hana:erF objections from". tM ·Long Beach Jet on, warning thtm to leave or' be forced COnU.l A:!sOcllitloi>, ii Jar-biJmeownerS' •-out. . . group, and the Long Beach City Council. At dawn, 1tnnlin1 hltcbhiker• were -agencies -plained about the m. on the roed leadinc out or thlll taollted creued noise that would mull from ad m:luttve apa. Some carried aJgna the added jet flight.. indicattoi .lbBlr d~tlon. They in. The Long ll<acb coundl, which chided New yo rt, Teus, Oklahoma, or!glna\ly 1Uppot1ad tbe appllcatlo111, Arkanou· and ~-lvaola u well u recently uked tha PUC te rejeCt them. caWomla dtla. . But ewnlner Foley told tha PUC Police aid tho weather and their the -tlooal aervlce would alleviale strong lhow ol !otte It an umu1J rally oerloua air and INUnd congeotlon al In a partr: Wednelday nlcbt "tended lo Los Angeles lnternatlooal Airport. dJ!courage them." He Aid the homlownerl'' search for Some of . the vlslto(I lhcn~·td up at . quiet 11 a private !nterelt 1'lllle )lotter police beadquarten to file cmnplaloll transportation ii.In the publ!clntemt. of wballhe)' aid wu pollCo bruiallty. Tberelore, the aemce ''Wm bene!il Gnlupl ol colorflly.garbecl )'Olltho aet the pabttc tnt<mt to , IUcb a. extent 1y ...., oquue roo1 that It oulwelPo lbB Jrlvate property . :f ;:"'P (;'.;: 00..,. holed up in =· °{,. ~ near Lolll Beacb nw;'Tallqulll ciny..,, where the movie The ;eeommend.tlonl carry two frn. ••1..ost HorilA>n" "" ~ plicationl~ both unhoppy for jet noise They jommed the mU> -~ Palm roes-for Orange County Airport: CanyoD BouleYard, and taunted -U the PUC ..,..ptl the argument policemen patrolJnl lbB fmcy spedalty that public lrans]>ortatlon beecls ovmtde i!hops and department llom that line homeownera' noise ""°plalntl, a prece-the aldewa!U. dent wlil hav< boon establisbed, Tbe At leut ill8 JllUlbs ha" been armted (See AIR C.IL, ·"" I) -the yanguanl or Yacatlonen hll • • I ' ' •" • • I I , Bal .. Bttst~ . Bi~~ • • trlmc aodd9\I and traffic Cilltlom .. .wn. rt!Cdrdl show. . ' Tll1la far' no -Injury 'acddenll ha .. oocumd hero atnce ·Euter Week bepn. The auh total to data la 41. Liii -~ total al t11t· ..... time w•44: . r Tral!ic citatlont ... ....iaer,blY las to -·--. ,_, -111 -neolved c:1tedom. Tb!I _., total to date lo m. town Frtclay. Moat~"• booked lor llqmr ;tolaUons, on charges of drul pc11 1 bl OI indecent erposure. Polic6 Chief Robert White called the invaders "a new breed," different tram the <x11lege and high achoo! .- who uaually descend oa the town during Easter. One police lieutenant put tt more bluntly. "TheJ're dirty," he oalcl. ·; "They're amelly. You cin ·Re tMfil · · coming and you can smell them coming." "We atUI have the tcbool tidl," aaid (See PALM •SPRINGS, Paa< I) Would-he Chefs Invited to fJass Pn.pective culinary arti!ll are invited to join a l1x week long cooking class beglnnlng at the Huntington Beach Boyl Club Wedneaday. . •. 1be classes wilt be taught by members of the Junior Women'a Club of Hun- tington Beach who are spomorlng the program. Further infonnaUon about the program is avaUable from the Boys Club at 5.16-9415. Those interested in donating kitchen utensils to be used in the clasRs may contact the same number. Weatller That storm last ni1ht wu jul\ a fluke, the weatherman insists. • painting to clearing skies today . and warmer ~ther (about OG to 72 de_.)f .... Frlcla7. . INSWE TOQ-'Y WhO'd tv<r t111111 tllot °""'G• Covncti taipa~rr• U>01lld k llcri- toot In picking up lhrir ~ ,.. ba"ttt corned thr ough the J>lll- -of Proporiliotl 1A1 Tliq art. See Pao• zo . 'Qllfenila • ...... • a.IMll #.ca """"' • c:-tct ,. ....... ,.... • ~ ........... .. ..... ........ " .,.. ea..,. •" • .._... II •ntllll ....... ---= ......... 1S.ll ==-· ..: :: ,..,..... = '"" c.ltl ' ,........ .. ....... 14,..,...... • AM~ tl ....._. 4 --........... • • I t r -J iwl.Y l'ILOT H New -'Chief~ ' __ _., .... . ~· . -, ' -'\ ~. _., ....... . ___ _m~t !nd ~n eyes tbat 'alralght ahead. Ile stood tall and still ln 1 white buckUJn . suit, a war -l<ltlng .. bla -braid&. Nelli to· him, a woman, with dJtd red bolt and • beaded beadbald, tn a. '"'"'· thin blue aatln llttss frlngect with pink aequirui. Her mascaraed eyes wtre as lively as the dtlers were placid. ~ looked around, ind IUddenly .....,. al cbllclree were besieging her fur autographs. The dllef coatlnued to atare straight ahtad, ' •'" . I fotf..... . l ukecl hir ..,. they bad come. ~ , "To aee NixO.:• Ibo replled. "I think he's a wonderful man. He . ahouJCl,,.helP the poor by lowerinc the ta1es. •• Her · eyes sparkled. ' Did ahe vole for NI.Jon! ••• "No,"· she said. ;•we aren't allowed to .YOte." ' ~;::'pt =~~ir":=·m~ -iJll empbaticallr. "Up, up with peo:. plc .•. " Janitt Btrniat1 i.t a former mem· btr of ·tM WG1hington Poit 1ta/f. She is currentlv a staff wrUtr in Jht DAllY PILOT'1 Costa MeMJ. office. U .. S. Viet -, Deaths ToP.. rea T-ll -. SAIGON (AP) ...., A t0w ·al. Sl2 Americam were tilled. iD .act.ion In Viet- nam la.st week, an i:ncruse of ti percent ovtr the week befor'J', and tbe U.S. CbmllJand confirmed today that 'the VJd. nam war is 'MiW the fourth • costliest In -can biatory. -- 1be toll announced for last week raised to 33,641 the umber of Americam killed in action in e:tpt yean and three months of fighting in . Vietnam. This is 11 more than the 33,129 American combat dtlths durin& tbe three-year Korean war. Froaa P .. e 1 ~ only . three other wars have American battlefield deaths· been higher than Vietnam -292,131 in World War II; 140,414:. Union troops and 74,524 Confederates in the Civil War; and 5'~13 in World War_ I. PALM SPRINGS ,. . -. MESA JAILBREAl{ER NABBED •• ALIOTO .... Santa Barbara .-~unty to Appeal f{)n Oil Drilling .-. i:.os ANGELES (AP) -Slnta Bar- -hara County planned today to ...ic a ~al Injunction agalrot resumplian al ~~llbore mt drilllg -and .... mmty of. ·~ftCiat-said he wouJd appeal to the l'nli-;,dent. _, ''Once again. President Niron I! o u r -Clin]y hope to preevnt drilllng," County ~pet'Yisor George Cly4e said Wednes- ·~liy ·after Secretary of Interior Walt.er J. ~11ickd 1ulhorhed mumed drilling. _ Suporvtson cnz.cteit county """'"'1 .: GeQrge P. Kading to seek an lnfunctJon !'.against the resumption In U.S. Dl!bict Court in Los Angeles. Kading said the -·-~it would try to atop all drilling penna- ,,.,,uy. -· : Clyde !aid he would appeal to,ll!• P,... !denl by telegram to halt the dri11ing af. ~o ~;Tori'o1":=::~io~"°on ~: j>ffohore i....s. Capt Dale Tbom-. "but ... alao have been cooll'iliileil With blppla, ylp- plea and whatever ••• with long hair, beardl, dh1y clothl, bare f..t, bedrolls and knapsacks. They number in the J0,000 figure... • One youth, aa~ why he came, seem- ed to sum up lhe·feellnga of many. "It's where it's aL There are lfOOVY chick!, rock concerts and freat1 groups.•• Many ol the arrests came after taun- ting, bottle throwing confrootations with p>liee, wbo announced a "firm but fair"' po!ic)' in dealing with what they called the "bard core, rowdy, holllgan element'' respooaible far the trouble. · But there were serious Incidents. Wedoeoci., Dijht _a 1anc ~ youtbl took ovtl'. a 1u atatkll and bqan brullni -and'.....a:kln( equipment. Police ar.lving .. tltl ---met by tWo rlfl6· -'llrad flllm -th• -Two byitabden, .... wounded. One, Rlcbml Bradford, 17, of Venice, wu Down to Riverside ln aerklUI con-- dltioo -with a build lod&ed near bif heart. Lena Maw, 20, Palm City wu tlelled 1 or a sruloi wound. Th• in- vaderi were rouated by tear gaa. It wu not immediately apparent who fired thl .2kaliber rifle. ·One girl wu raped. Many caaes of bui-Oed and cu t feet we re treated at Ilelert HOlpltal In Palm Sprlnp. Spokesmen said some. of the ~ed feot came from walldni on hot coals while under the lnO"'°"' al LSD. Police 1klrmilhed Wednesday' nl&hl with 8btJ.rt 8,000 hippies when groups ti tlleui tried to c:nah Iha 1ate of a iOcit conCeri a(AnPf sta<!lum, sj>rlng training site of· the California Angels basebi.11 team. 1. !nllde, en ordetll'""""' al alnlt 110,00 llitenecl'tO'the ·OOunift"cjf -~ lllch as Caniied -Heal and Black Politi. Oubide; abM 100 poll<e olflcen du<ted flybii ao11 dnnk bottlia a"1 -eaos . At least five eersons were arrested. . TALKS ... that there baa been "no p~ at all" alnce the talks btgan. He. was challenged by the Unlted States .. _ Ambassador Lawrence Walsh, al)tak\na: . for the Unlted Statet In the aboenco Lindbergh Lew. a kidnap conrictloo In which the victim is ·inJ~ can br1n& th11: dl!ath penalty. "Hey, take me to the hospital, hurry," McCarter quoted Dubor& as saying when he dashed up to the 1911' vehicle, seem· ingly in a frtmied panJl:. ' Police were already in pursuit on foot, alerted by a jail trultee w h o said he saw the fin 1 I &eeonds of Duborg 's jailbreak and watched to ~ which way he would go, then punched the escape alarm. ' Investigators said the chance-in-a. thowi:and break fnm the electronically Controlled jell facility at 99 Fair Drive occurred le!s lhan two hours after Duborg amLbla girLbad peen delivered there. ARREnED IN LA Detectlve JaCuon an d Officer Dick Berscl), In char&• of the warrant dojail, had picked up Duborg and Debia Cazes, 21, tn Los Ange1es, where the)' were arr.sted Friday with $7,000 in r1Ji1s. Each was named in a warrant c.arry1ng $C,li00 In bal~ as rupects In the 'theft of '14,000 fn diamond rings from Jewels · by Joseph, 3333, S. Bristol St., last Thursday. Officer Ted Curry bad already taken Miss Ca:res to Orange County Jail, when Costa Mesa Jail Officer Tom 1.Jw' had to leave the six.foot, 190-pound IXlborg . in t~ locked booking cage momentarily. The modern jail, whJch is . ap. proximately two years old, .i! outfitted with extenstVe electroruc control! for oj>enlng cell and exterior · doon and is a1'o rarely Ioli imtenc!Od. . , Officer Lazar said in_ a report on· the jallbr,cll that be -bad to es<ort a pijsoner who', had ,posted ball on a mmor irrtst to the ~t dtsk, wbere he would be rt!easect .bY Patrolman 1lar·' ry Carter. · ' · ~APE ALARM Suddenly, a shout came from the rear jail area and the. escape alarm began clanging. "Lieutenant," yelled 'trusty N. i ck Delmark, "thece·a a prisoner escaping." Delmark later told investigators he saw Duborg squirming his large frame through the booking cage window and did not. know whether he had struck ahlf stunned the jailer or what, so he Watched momentarily. : Kading said the !=OO?llY cont@nds t b e !iplll fl'tlm a Union Oil Co. site In January 9.nd February caused irreparable dam· ~ge to beaclle.S and parb. Gambler's Special Lead Fails to Check ~-1 of Ambassador Henry Cabot l.Axl.", to'd - newsmen after the four-hour and 26- mlnute meeting there was no treachery, ••cunilliig or otherwise," involved in u.'s. ·Another trusty, Jerry Lauer, said he was jUll walking to the exterior jail . door from oobide when it burst open and a man ran past, ordering hlm to leave the doot ope"n. Detective Jacnort r-tin out the front . of the polict: facility building at the escape alarm and OUk:er Norm Kutch ran from the rear, as Duborg,fied easter· ty tbroug~ the. Civic Ceriler P"kinl lot. HAWTHORNE, Nev. (AP) -A hopeful five-man aearqh pafty checked out a it.range ice fonnatlon at t~ 11,000.foot level on Boundary Peak Wednesday, but f ound no tract of a OC3 airliner with 3a aboard mls!lng since Feb. ·ia. ,. ; The formation. sighted from the air pn the snow-coven!d pealt ·in tht ·White ~fountains, turned out to be a spring-feel block or ice, said Lt. Col. James Helm 9f the Civil-Air Patrol. DAI LY PILUT ' OltANGI COUT PVILISHINO COM,.AHY Rob.rt H. W..4 ~ ................ J1ck R. Curl.Y Vb ,.,....., ....,, G.-1' """"9tW Th•1t1::,.!•••ll Th•"''' A. MWTphi11• MllM9'119 Edllw Albert W. let11 Willi1M R••tl A..:141'9 H1111tl._..,.. hldl Edllor City t:GIW H11 ... '-dl()fflg 109 Ith Strief M1ilin9 Alltlr.111 P.O. 1111 790, 92641 .,__ N..,...., ludl: 1211 Wtit ..... e.tlt'lllrt Colfl #llM I 1:11 W..t ..., '""'' l.11111'11 a....r nr 11..., .. _ ) --· statements. . "I believe that, looking at l t cumulaUvely, there is progresa of sorts," be said. In Washingtoe, S.C..tary of ' Del.,,,. Melvin R. Laird said in an interview that private talkl on Vietnam lre going f""llfd and there · 1s "IOme slge of progress.". .Laird d1d Dot make clear, however, whether he was referring to preliminary contacts or 1Ubstant.ive secrd discussions oD a pe~ settlement. 1 The statemenu :by the Unlted States. Sflulh Vietnam, the front and North Vietnam left the two ·sides as tightly deadlocked u ever on the crucial ques. lion of troop withdrawals. The UJl!ted States pretaed again for a mulua! i>ulkal of allied and North VI-troops. North Vle!nam and the front nltented demands for a U.S. withdrawal. ' Walth dtvolec! moot al hll 1tatement to cbargea thlt 'North Vltmam WIS vlolatln& the ......tpity of Looi and Cambodia by ualnl them for transporta· tion-.. ud,operattnc buea to attack SoothV-. North ~!a resntentaUve, Xuan Thuy. denied the c:baria. ' . A· U.S~lpokeflDID••·IJOUJll-thls,-aaid: "Until We f~ op · t!U-.rul19; I don't see how . we can qailke any proarua here/'- ·Mcearter, a cati.fbrnla State College U>ng Beach. student wu lilting in his car w:aitiog to lo into a mmllclpal court clasl for traffic offend.era when Duborg .-..bed op. "I got up after be jerked me out -. xared add nervous -and uked · loudly what he wu ·doing," McCarter1 told police, saytng he then jerked open the right door at wbicb time the SW!pecl Library to Show 'Adventure' Film "The Gmt Adventure."' a film made by the -Swedish photographer Arno Suck9dorff, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the HuntingtOa Beach ~brary, 525 Main St. The film tells the story of a 10-year-old boy and his brother in the rucue and concealment o( an otter. It featurN the cbanging.JeaSODS.and the wild manb creatures on a remote Swedish farm. The stiawing is free and open to the public. ,f~ _. .. e 1 AIR CAL FLIGHTS OKAYED • ... . ' destnlctlOn lo proport:r values lnught al 1At!C Buc)I, the QrJOP County about by thundert111 jet nlghi. coold PB'>'lll•rs -.oujd ptt.SUmably fly from no loncer' be uted as jusUfication for there to tbt S&n Francisco Bay Area del\Vlnl added intra-elate service at and then on to Ille ·Pa<lflo Norlbwal. cowity airport. PUC hamlllfi' Foley dld not reler -Air cat would be In 1 ltrongtr to the Orange CounfY air transportation poJlt!on to wur< night room for Orange Issue In bla report. • • C"°'1(y paJIOlllm botind for the Pac:lflc HI.I 1't<»1111Dtndatlona lncltlded ·..,, Northw.,L -[ J<cuon al a Lone Beach l'!lllla application Al a Civlf Aeronautics Board hearlnl from Padllo Air Tranaport. a paper !NI wm, Air Cal alflclall lald u organization. WN1ber and wind coodltJona Umll uae Commla&loners mq adopt. rtjed or of Coun11 Airport runw&71, llOl1)• modify Foley's l!CGlllJl\Mdatlonl. Long ~would be translamd II)'. !>u . ee,cb Je! .11!>~.fOll baye 1111111 April "' Uiac Beach Airport. .. .. d -to -!Jlt-uczj>tlons lo the propooed m Air cai opm11ng ·c11nct11 out MStr. • · • -· • ac:<elerated backward, He ltalled the ear. "Whal are you doing?" demanded Detective Jackson, arriving u McCarter hung onto the dqor. "He'• stealini: my car," McCarter replied, at which time Jackson turned his gun on Dubor& and ordered blm out, but he refused 10 · do ao and the detective clllecl for his partner, Duvall. "I wu pretty Jbaien up· myseU," McCarter Wd today, "and the man wu in extreme panic himlelf.'! llOOXED AGAIN Patrolman Norm Kutch arrived on the sctoe u a crowd of other traffic school enrollees crowded around and -Dubcq back _to jail, .. _ .. _ he .... ~keel .. add!Uooal charg .. .- . "You can't blame me. for 'tifmg,• Dubor& reportedly · said aa the group al people gathered. Officer IWtcb lald Duborg told blm he bad to acape in order to clear himlell of the diamond bWt charges, clalrnlnl aomeone bad framed blm. Duborg· and M111 Cazes were arrested In Los Angelea -lut · Friday, reportedly on a tip, and lnveitigators there said the couple had been hopping from motel - to motel in the put week. DetectJves today planned to show mug shota .al the pair to Juel Ir Angelo. • clerk on duty In the South Cout Ptua Shoe loOted of ~P tO M rings worth $14,000 lut Thursday. The jeftlry clerk aaid a striking blonde In black llWUlel' and leather minl..t!rt entered the stare and. uked to ·see 30IDe lilver cake lmlve:s. dllrinc which time her male a>mpanlon wandered out. 1bl Jou ~•~dileovetil liter in the . day.: -. · nearby Menlo Put: '"Ibe pla!n fact Is that a major earthquake will probabiy ~ in one of the earthquake prone areas of CalilorniL But whether it will occur th1J month O!' nut or not until 10 or 20 years is IOmething we &imply cannot predict.'' But if the-.federal pvernment was reluctant to, -predict doomsday, not so • hoot ol adf'llyled -. and prophets. "God is aoinl to pwtiab California for its sins," said one Southtm California minllter u t>e Jed hi& cmire11tion out of the state. Qjber groups fled to the state of Wlllhlllltoa and·-al hippies took up ~ and flood wat<b in the Rocq Mountains our Denver. "A few yean qo,'' upl•lm Dr. Cbarlea Rlcbter. the famed earthquake espert, "In lllf to be euct, we received apurloua earthquake pred!ctlona for Jan. 17, Feb. 4, March 17, Aprll I, April 18, all of May, May JO and for the Imperial Valley IOJnetime in June or July. But It . wu a normal year - none came true." Actually, scientists point ou t , CalUomla'1 several major fault lines have been· slipping for u long as 100 mllllor1 years. Because of the movement of the San Andreu fault , Loa Angeles is· literally movtnc toward San Francbco at the rate of one to two incbea a year. . Ili at least. one re.apec:t, the Jftdictions of earthquake.during April are accurate. Sclentlstl( aay some 200 to 300 tremors are recoidtid e:very ~~ ii) UJe San Fraociaco area alone.· Nooe is strong elJ!IUlh to i, felt by man. • . ,. U.S. headquarters abo reported thal 1,593 Americans were wounded in action last weei.. raising the total number of American wounded iri the war to 210,1311. The total American casualties in Viet~ nam -2'4:,280 -are fut approaching those of World War I, wtien $3,513 Americans were killed in action and 204:.002 wounded, or a total of 257 ,515. lf the pre~t casualty rate continues. the U.S. killed and wounded in Vietnun will surpass total, American casuaJties in World War I by early June although the total number of dead will be con- siderably Jess than the 1911 total. Total U.S. casualties in Vietnam long ago eicetded the Korean war total of 136,914 killed and wounded. School Use GrouP. To Meet April 10 The Citizens Advl!OI'}' Committee an Maximum Use of School Facilities of the Huntington Beach Union High School District \\'ill meet April 10 at I p.m. in the district boardroom, 1902 17th St. • The committee has been dtvidecl into several subcommittees, each k>oking into a particuJar area of school use such as recreation, class scheduling and others. . The Rev. Roger Bett.sworth I 1 chairman of the committee, tak!n1 over after the r...Jgeation ol Robert [)lngwall who is making a bid for a se:at-on the high school '°"""'"" boanl. . Other officers are Mrs. Bartletta Su ter and Mrs. Carolyn Mitchell, both of - allo art ICbool board candidatt8. al .JJ. J. -•' the light touch . ' mpattern, /'.... ·.the brighl touch r -incolor- lil·wool lwoadloom from "tr.Cina •-mood ol euy elepnce-in a room cu be a diffiC'l.ll.t decon.Unr problem. Kuutan rMku Jt easy witb Admorsu, Imported wool bro&dJoom. The qUllit.y Camel..., to Adniotteu too, from Karutan;• ........ Kara-I« Joomo. SN' l:twlD& prodacel cokn that an ,....~l W•areproud"toprnent A*Dcnau In 115 color-eornblmtk:ft: UJd at ...,$11.9$ ...... H.J.GARREJT fURNlllJRE I ,ROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DES16NW • , • ' 1115 HARIOR tlVO. COSTA MESA. CALIF. 64..0275 64..0276 I ~ I ! I , 11 I I I I I I ~ I ,. ' I' I I I I i I I I 1 I • ThurldaJ, ~ ,, 1969 DAILY PJlO'I/ g • · QoOiiftg 1111fh • ·Fw Clf Sou t ~rn Section ., ' . . . ' Turkey Hunting Bonus Arnold Palmer CKIP SHbT CAll'S FOR FIRM WRISTS For a ertsp chfp shot, Jceep the wrhh fil!l\:th,...ahout the st10ke ~1 ... ra11 ... ): 1 · .Ar~~· s pikerS. on Ho:rior RoU : " . 1 pntfersw..PirG tho shot 1r1h• boll issitti!lgupwell in th.grass, beew .. If you pinch the shot it might tab ·on too much bockspin ondfinishshortofthehole. How .. ever .. you must P:inch the.boll if lt1sresting dow"n fowin the gross. -~and 1-• ii..eh- hlgh , oChoots· are ropreoented in the' iatest release by the CIF plfice 9' the, top track and fiekl efforts for the Southern Section. 1 .................. _ --~j ~C~V•Utv,· ,· '•.t !:H,4 3:st.t 3:H.t l :llO J:JU ~:H.1 ...... -Calilornla'• 11189 wild turkey •locking program, boosted by an unexpected bonan:a of :m wild turkeys from Texu, got off to a good start wlth the release of ~ bin!s. 'Ille Department of Fish and Game reported today that the Tens Paris and Wildlife Department furnished 23 9 wild.trapped Rio G r an ii e turkeys. California and Texas have been exchanging birds ln recent years, but the large number was unexpected. The DFG will ship Tex.as wild pheasants, I n d i a n chuli:an and mountain quail later f.liis year to · complete the exchange. Texas sent 222 hens and 17 toms, a little short of male birds. so DF,G biOiogists lrap- l!ed more. wild birds in San Diego and San Luis Obispo counties, taking a tot.al of 3& toms and 21 hens. The 53 toms and Z43 hens were released in 19 ilreas in 14 California counties. Nine counties were st.ocked for ~ first lime ~with wild-trapped b~ and me balance receiv· ed a "booster" where birds had been planted previously. Adverse weather prevailed throughout ·. the s to c II: l n g period, but the bin!s evidently weathered the stonns. Subie. quent checks or the release areas have shown turkeys to be in good condition and ap- parently adapting to their new homes. The state held its first wild turkey hunt last year. CoUnties receiving plants of wild-trapped turkeys for the first time were: Los Angeles, Madera, Tulare, Calaveras, El Dorado, Butte, G I e n n Tehama, and Santa Clara. ' Some of these areas had received plants of game farm b!J'ds in ~e past, but no wild birds: 1bose geUing booster plantings were: San Diego Kern, Yuba. Colusa, and Shasta counlies. Regardless of the·m~hod you U'8 to move the ball out of the grcm .. however, you will achieve best -r.su lts if you c:hipwith fi'nnwrists o'nd a ccelerate theclubheod th>ough the boll, •• Cl lNf Hot.rt. Hrd, ....... Bigger, More Bonito For Coastal Ang lers Newport Beach's sport fishing Janclirlgs repcri cooslal bonito fishing is on the up- swing. "A )o( of them have moved irio tbe area lately," reports Phil Tozier of Davey'a L«ker. "~ water is cl~ and warming and there 's a Jot. UCI Faces Tough Tests UCl's tennis forces, sporting an impressive 13-1 record, go after big game ~week. Coach Myron · McNamara's forces ~ Arizona State today at 2 p.m. On' Friday, UCI takes on Cal . Western at noon and the University of New Mexico at 2:30 p.m, in a doubleheader attraction. ol squid in the water. Con· dW.ms are good right oow fer a run of bigger fish." One _Davey's Angler, Pat Medelez «. Hawaiian Gardens, boated a 20-pound halibut last Sunday. Tozier also reports suc- cessful barracuda, bass and rock cod fisl>ing. Davey's has four trips a day -a 5 a.m. surface fishing boat, 6 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. half-day boats and an all-day rock cod boat at 7 a.m. Art's Landing sends out a rock cod boa1. at 3 a.m. on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. Its surface fishing boat departs at 3 a.m. daily and the half-day trips leave at 6 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Mackerel fishing has been productive, according t o George Newcomb o( ·Art's Lending. Pirate Shell Swamps Troy . ..-· The · saturday ~ foe i 1 Colorado. Starting time is 10 a.m. _'.!We've been getting quite a few maekere1," ·Newcomb said . "If the warm weather stays with us the fishing will really pick up soon." Orange Coast College• s freshman crew swamped the University of S o u t h e r n California's frosh s h e 11 Wednesday morning in a mini- regatta held in the North Lido Channel. The Pirates covered the 2000-meter distance in 6:51 19 seconds and more than four boal. l<ngttis ahead or the Tro- jans. . . It was the second straight victory for the Pirates' frosh · shell. 'J1le Anteaters' 13th victory arrived Tuesday when Irvine knocked off UC S a n t a B11rt>ara, 5~-31k. vet fWil flYll uc S.nl• alftNlr• 8ry1111 (UCS8l l~~5 O'Ntlll .U. 6-J, •• lewis (UCSI) ~. Na!-'-4. "1l~11ncl .IUCll def1 Gtok~llberci 1·5. 71>.vtn·U.ICO clri. Edd¥·'"3, 6-1 Dlik1law (UCIJ *f, SnVdtr ~ U. '1wtt.tt 1ucsW..,~ w1 ... •1, w O'N•!ll ._nd NadW!lld (UCll, clef. llt.J•.n and Groll9tlbll'.!• 1-S. 1·5 1 do> ~ tnd--.,.,ri-tUCI , lswi1 •l'ld hrffltt, .. 1, M WIM lllld P•v•n (UCll will wllll Altl'M Ind Edd\I, 1-6. U Swimf est Set i Newport Beach Tennis Club will host the Class A, 8 and C Zone Four Southern Pacific Association of the AAU International Sw~ ming championships Satur· day, according to Larry Dellota, swim director, Shoes are something ')QI pu~ on in the • ll10l'D1Dg Don't take 1hoea for a1mdedo Don't think that •atioes .,.. lhOes''-there are more than 500 different shoe styles, not to men• tion leathers and colors. There'• • tight ehoe tor '1V8rf occasion. And Florshelm makes It. Aonhelm makes hundreds o1 atYtes. Try on a few.paJr.s ol roally new-You'll on]oY hav· Ing -a gt801 c11olce. It wortca. FLORSHEIM now lookll)'Z!lhOel. Laguqa's Dave Hustwlck, with hi~ 1:56.5 in 1'e Beac)l Cities Meet bas the sixth be!it half-mile In the CIF while •• Estancia bas two repr~ 1 • '°' latives on the honor roll. • Ge ~&1\i ruch Wood's 19.4 m the-1ao t.=E:r81t::C1.: low hurdles is good _for winm.~ILI" sev-th J • the s•ft-.r:-a.. ~r .... E11Ulltor ..... p ace m w..JW.1J-~v;D:;.~r•nc• while mate Dave Loufek broke • Min:· 1· H•• into Ho. .. discus ranii,..c with sm..d, nt• P11111 """' ' ..._. ICM..,. A ... htll!t a 152-6 effort, also a &eventh ~~~~;eta place mark . ~"~~" "''It" , •• i"~= ~A>M01GN MllaOLIS 11111ord, c::;tMl•I '" e<" Mottlu Glb$0rl. LI ewaod t .6 -'Mui~ J1~ Ctn=ll 9,6 ~ C ... Aleunder, !Of! '·j • .,., v •• Sl)faul, El t. la..-I• Anl •• Y Jtld\trd$, Pllmfnle f.1 ~\~•Ir Whitt, S.nl1 Anl "' Mt'Mtl l,._B11dwl11 P1r11; ~~fm~t:r_,,, ;J ~~b;: .. t• Anl m 1c-1 s~~~~ ~ Wll!t, S.11t• AN 11.1 C• f\1remon1 \IC01'1!. Hirt J,1.! W•r R; lll'lt .. n. Sllftf'IY Hiiis ~•net~R!IYl1 OU; .. H•r s, Mvlr ~Im,, ll~ler ,,,, °"'1" P•r.tr11w MUllDLl"S G~~ 1n 'e"::!rdll'IO g~ McALl1!.,~!•lr ~onr .. ~ g:g ·kf':x~"PJ.,. J~n-":;'ii';i .1rr .... , 22.1 f::1111, R~f!'O"', • v ... Hoow, ltlr ,_ 22.1 '"'-• .... tt • ..... ,,,..,. ,... fiurllL *'' "'"' iimt. W't!lttlflr 17;1,. ~it=!: ·~ Mllllkn 4 .f Dooliilhon, Camo!Oll !:!!::%: .. v.1;.!:"8:r ~~ 0.¥1L S&nll ,t, ... KNUnq, Morttlrlll51de .,:_ T,_..,._ Yerbu"' Del l~~-~iil '9.• , · ~ aauY H---. nl• Moniu .,~·f Cetttennhll Hlf'ldenon, I 1lr .., 'F011t1nt ·.FULL 4•PLY · 1:11 1: ·' I' " ,w.• l,w.o ir.1 nu i:w.r:,· ... •. .o l' :! : ·' •: .. •:•.f ;;lr.:1 ... " 1 t: . t : . t: .• ., .5 f; ·' ,_ (tfl'-"411 w ..... C.l•l'lllo S:lt.• J:lt.I J:n.• l :D.t Marina Ace Places 2nd ... .. .. •• .... .. .. ... ... .. '"°"S VAULT Slfllth. $oulfil T«t911Ct ~·""'',,.,... ~V•ltndl Glil9ticll. 1111-._. 1'¥rot. llowllM ~·~=-Wuhlntftlll. C..,,.;IM N~ll'/', Mir• Ql:JI• t;).11 $Mnp'°"• Li "-llr• n.11~ " LfwrtM"e, FOlll•flll 2J..f OIKUS ... ' ..... .. .. ~ "" ..,.,. ...... , .. ' , ... .... , .. , ... , .. ... , .. ... , .. 234\6 L•iui.tltl, C.llloml• 1,._I !?"!"" Stm., C•llfon'll• 11+• •~ MorllllOIMIY• GllM 17.M ' 2'-J Mc0onavtti. MGl!te Ybt• JM-) Marina Hl g h School swbn· ??'!.... .. 11, c.111omi. '*'' ,....,,. Gordo!\. IEI MOdtft9 1.S.1 mer Don Lippoldt was the 2J.ll LOllfek. t:,1.nc:11 1524 SMOT ,PUT Dkk-. Glllbfone. lSH second place futisher Wetmes. l1ur1-lall.......S • 61·11 F11tHtt•,"" Marcos 151·2 1'.2 Cl.lnnl111llltni S.ttll l'fbtr• •\.JV. Wheeler, S.ntl-1,,..10\t u.1 day In Sil>ta Monica City .P>l·l-.i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;i;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9'; U.J II il1 Jege's annual swimming pen-GOLFER'S APlllL SPECIAL 1::: tathlon competition. twl.. ._ ......,. ,.., hlf ,_ ,.. ~ -.. .. j~f Swimming in five events, New _, _. ,.,.., • .,, ....._ ,,._., 1H Lippoldt "'°red 456 polrits. 'Ille SALi ON STAITD sm l:! winner, Chip Furniss of Foot· ~ MEN'S Reg. $64.00 .............. SALE $47.SO 1'·' hill, had 4'.l. 'l'Wo other Marina WOM EJlf'S Reg. $64.00 •.•..... SALE 47.50 l::T entrants, Keith Donaldson and YOUlH Reg. $3 8.00 ........••.... SALE 2t.t5 if:j Steve McConnaughey, placed ,,_..., i.!.":' .:"..: ::!:.. ef..,. Set l:;, placed ninth and 14th. hR ~·1 It : class e.ee swimmer clay FOUNTAIN VAUEY GOLP RANGE If.' • lt., Evans finished fourth in his a.> a.• division. Coom ·to Chev-r-r-ron Island for a piping-hot tir.;r-r-e sale! •• on these Illas While Strine &riP·Sare nres 1 .-~~~~~--,~~~~~~-...~~~~~~~~· These sizes fit most Fords, Chevrolets, Buicks, Dodges, Plymouttis, Mercurys, Oldsmobi les; Pontiacs, Volkswagens, - SIZES 8UYONETIRE AT THIS PRICE" GET SECOND TIRE FOR THIS PRICE• 700.13 $23.50 $11 .75 ' -Ramblers. Atlas Grip-Safe tires are-now on sale through f-~~-=-~-1-~~~~--1f-.~--=-.:.:;.:~___j , ........... ..,..,1995••2991 .. .....,..,..s38.95 WI CARIT 11111 TO ,, WIDTHS UTO m 1131 NEWPORT BlYD., COSTA MW April 12. You don't have to put any money down. And y6u can take up to 12 months to pay. So come to Chevron Island, we're under the. Standard sign. And you 'll drive home a real bargain. 560-15 23.50 11.75 ns.14 25.so 12.75 825-14 29.50 14.75 Ask about the savings on all other Grip-Safe sizilsJ •suggested Selling Price. Plus Tax. · AT PAR TICIPATI NG CHEVRON DEALERS • STANDARD STATIONS • STANDARD OIL COMPANY_ OF_ CALIFOR.NIA \· -- I ' ' ----------~-----------·-------~---- . . . ...... ' . . . -.. " .... ·-···· .... ----· ···---~--......... )t D.111.Y P!lOT • • ' • --_.-..,__ "-~ ... • H, MLY I'll.OT JI 'fliurs(lay's Closing Prices-Complete· New Yorli .. '\ -------~----------------~-------------------------------------- • ' " ~ ... . ~ . " I -' • -........ ~-- ' Always Satisf aetion ·Guar~~teed or Your Mon~· B':fc~ • . ' . . . ::!sears SILENT GUARD SEALANT 40-MONTH GUARANTEE TREAD LIFE GUARANTEE Caannteed Again1t1 All failurn. of the rire resulting from normal road hazards or defects io flllteria.I or •orkmmsbip.. J 'or How Lone: for the life of the original . tread. ' . What Sean Will Do: Repair nail punctUtts •t 'no chlf8C. Jn the a.sc of fai lure, in exchange lot •he titt, ttplace it at oo charge., if Wlwe occurs durin& first 20 months. If tire fsils afttt lhis per· iod. replace it. ch&QPng onlJ the proportion o( c:urttnt rqulu selllns price plus federal Ettise TREAD WEAR.OUT GUARANTEE Cuaranteed. A1aimt: Trnd wear~ For How Loni: <40 ·ipOntbs. Whal Sean Will Do: In achaage for the rirl", replace it., charging cutttnt regular selling price plus Fcdcnl &cisc Ta: lCJs the followiDgallow• ance: Sil..,. Goard Scallnt•30% \ ' ' Silent Guard Sealant ~:: 40 Month Guarantee Buy ·1st .Tire at Regular Trade-In Price of •37 6.S0.13 'Illbtl ... Wbi-.11 Pim Fed. Eu. Tq; And201dTino At 50% .Off, •• Get2nd Tire for only ••• ·Automatically Seals Nail Punctures! SIZE .... .... "" F.LT • ......, ...... ... ~, ...... ..... ...,T_ ... r~ .... TUBELESS WHJTEWALLS • 5 laminated layers of special rubbers fomt "aafety barrier" ••• help prevent air loss 650xi3 37.00 •'l3Sxl4 40.00 775>14 42.00- 825x14 45.00 855xI4 48.00 885xl4. 51.00 815xl5 45.00 845x15 48.00 88Sxl5 Sl.00 900xl5 54.00 915d5 54.00 18.50 18.50 20.00 20.00 a1.oo 21.00 22.50 22.50 24.00 24.00 25.50 25.50 22.50 22.50 24.00 24.00 ·25.50 25.50 27.00 27.00 27.00 21.00 1.92 2.39 %.58 2.13 2.95 3.15 2.77 2.94 . 3.79. 3.21 3.3i • Guaranteed by Sears from Coa st to Coast to wear a full 40 months We put JOO nails inco a Sears self.sealing tire, then drove it 100 miles ••• and didn't lose a breath or air! Isn't this rhe kind of protection you'd like tc> have fpr the tires Oil your car? The full 4-ply nylon ~ord body gives yo11 superior protection agaimt impact damage. New with dual whitewall stripes: Hurry to Sears and save' 24-Month Guaranteed ID-WAY Special • Fnll 4.ply Nylon tire.,, the J>eJ<o I 1 8 feel lire for low mileage driving 8 'e Guaranteed by Sean lo wear Cot,; 6;95xl4 Plmll.96 • full 24 month• 'l Tubeless F.E.T.W lJlackwall OldTUo .. SIZE T~· f.l.T. ALtsrATE PDM!nJer Tire Ga.arantee ' 'T•belt:t1 Bl1ckw1l1 Tube.Jew WhheW.11 T .... Uf•W-C-•'-itl .._._, All foi~ T.....i 'W'.....o.t C,.- ""'" JS.95 I. ill ,. 13: ·18.9$ 1.7' -mwn .. -ln"l!f.--"••r•••-• .1.,.i .. u T .... 69Sxl4 11.88· I..,.., b9SJ114 "16.95 1:96 , =.i ":=:~~om•• -;";;:-,. l.ofll:• n. ..-fl 73Sxl4 15.95 2.07 73Sxl4 18.95 F .._.~ fw .. r61 .t _.. opKifitd. <07 ..r~ . 1'b-IS. ... 11'i110.&i_.... 775x14 17.95 '20 77Sxl4 20.05 ... ..._. •• .,_...,.....,. ror it.. "re. 1"1'1-o.. no,.;• 125:.:14 !I0.95 ,,. 82Sxl4 23.95 z.36 ~ ................ c.. ..... ...,. -'" otllUre;"""' ··::t•--..r.•~ plot ,....,. ~.Ta._ ... ""'" 14.95 1.76 ass..1• ..... 2.51 ........ c-.+s.tJ~ iou...q; ~ ..---~. ,._..~ ~ 13SxlS 1~95 ~ .. SOO.lS 11.tS J.76 ............ Em.T.-• 11io 24 .,. 775idS 17.95 Ul 11SdS __ ....... ~1 .. )9 ~ ..... Ul '• • Ta: that upn:tetus nud uJed. .~ . , All 4 Wbeela Only •Chrysler tiroducts haviag 6 wheel cyJioders 110d cat1 with disc brakes slightly higher. Any nectW}f'addirional puts aod labor anilablc 1t S..... low, Jow price. Standard Mufflers INSTALLED Fiu aM FollowittK Cari: • '62 to '67 Chevy IJ, Cbevelle • '61 to '66 Dodge, Valiant,. '62 to '6S Docf&e, PIJmourh • 'M) to '63 Falcon, Comet,. '60 to '65 Ford • '61 to '64 Pontiac e '6110 'M Men:ury Don't gamble your life with a leaky mufller, •• the deadly, odorless gas from a worn-<l1i1 mulller is-eyen more dangerous during the winter when you drive with your windows closed. Come to Scars for a FREE muffler iruPcction. Sears Has MnfCTers for You1· Car! NO MONEY: DOWN on Sean Easy Payment Plan r -1·a9aa--• Model ' ' 5772 tlr;rular 1 199.95 ' . . • Do••t auffer thia ••mm.et, be prepared with thia line aalo a nit • Thermom.t automatically maintain• the tempentan: yoa uleet • Thn:e..,ecl aiMloW conirol and two '"""7 •dJustable lou•en for perfect dnft.tiee air circabtion ' • B1n.i-ehrn....,.l11ed front -1 .. S... an additional t20 on Rer;a.l1r $S0 inatAll• tion. During lhit Sale only 130 with lhio Coopon. ; . I I , • 1 ! I ., • I, ' I " ' ,, ' " '· ' r • -EDITION YOI:. 62, NO. 80, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES 'ORANGE COUNTY, ·CALIFORNIA I ' THURSDAY, APRR. J, )969 JEN~, . ' ' 1' . I Teens Flee ' Huntington, Fe~rPoomsday; • By TElll\Y COVILLE ................... The milltut T-!Gr Cllrllt sroup, .-for plclletlni ochools and Nullng organized· rolig1'"1, is pimmlq lo flee ~ Beoch for foor fl the deolnlc- lioll ol Calilornla. Leaden ol 1he teen orgonlullon wert that pNdktions from· the Left Indicate Califtrnia, IS a land d.. lin., will be dMIJoyed, perbaps by Ille prodided .,..1 eartllquake ol April ll. * * * Quake Day Party Time lnBayAr~a SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Mayor Joseph Alioto's antl-eartbquate puty is co"iiie'""'"as you are. Bring Yooi: own water wings. The San . FrancillOO --tried "' listening lo l'.lllllOf8 1he Golden Slate is about to crack lite a stale brownie and drop into tbe ... -bu decided on a ·giant public celebration lo dbpel the gloom. On April ,11 -tbe Uni annivenary of tbe quake and fire that nearly leveled the ciiY -collee will be &erVed from anny field kitcbem in downtown Unlon i;quare. "We'll plly C8ruso .records." uys :Alioto. 0 Maybe: I'll even arrange for a apeda1 ai-ing ol the mo•le, 'Sao Francilco, • and join in a chorus or two with Janette MacDoaaJd as she staoda Uwte in the ruins alnalnc away/' Only parUaily hidden by Alioto'• Jevlly, however, is the fact aome CalJlornian& are actually awaitinc a cat.clylmlc t.mblor' which Ibey think will llriU aometlm< durillC April. Olben .,. DJ!'"" ly oervaus. -"' letters -i-Into the State Disaller Office In Sao-. Many are from out-of...tatl rllldlak wocried about frlenda and re- " A tremendous number ol. them are being -to a.--Reqan peraolially wantine lo -WIW be'• going lo do .about I~" 1111" Charles S-aflledlsuterolllce. J11rb Caen, roJnmnhlt for the Sm Fran- ci!CO Chroolcle, cJaiml Doabloday booU asked bim lo write a aeqoeJ lo "Jlagbdact by the Bay" titled "Bagbdod In the Bay." And Howard HQ&bel, IO the Wiii have it, will own the belt llllflln( beocb Oil the Pacific cout after Calil«nla drops off and ..... lap al the Lu Vegu strip. Actually, Deither callfcrnla . omdals nor earthquate aclentista are ID a p:lli-- tion to deny abeolutely , a quake will strike. 'lb.at'• the ca1ch. For while it may be Illogical lo .....,,. the pro- bability of a blg rocker in the lmmMl•te future, no one can be positive ll won't happen. ~ Says the U.S. Geological Survey In (See AUOTO, Pa1< I) Mesa Gem Theft Suspect Escapes, Captured Later By ARTllUR L VINSEL Of .. D* ... ...., Squirming throulh a 'tmall cqe win- dow and punching eJectrooJc cc.itrol but- lonl at random, a 117,000 l'ID theft 1uspect made Costa Mesa's f\rst jailbreak Wedoeaday, bllt the lute of freedom quickly turned bitter. 'I'hree minutes of oulskie could easily cost Laurence R. Duborg, rT, an unemployed public relalionl man from Ontario, Canada. 30 yean: in prilon, w I t h two other felogy charlel lodged earlier againsl]lim.... He was booked Oil -1Clon ol kid· napping, escape, lfand the.ft of an auto and a bold order was placed on hlm fot immlgraUon autboriUes, w h t I e be wn already char&ed With bur(lary and receiving stolep propjty. Duborg wu dargged from a eom- mandeered car in front of. Colla Mesa CJty Hall about 7:13 p.m., after deliberotlng a lull minute al gunpolnl on bis wisest coune of action. Detective Carl· Jacklon held Duborg • with hls .31 caliber RrYke fivolftr, joined aecondl later by Dttectlve Charles Duvall, after tbe IUlpecl lllalJed wtlal he planned to use u a lf!taWIY ar. . Motorist Oru J. McClrler Jr., 13, of 7112 Fenway Drlvt, Westmlnlttt, \old Jacklon that Duborg yanked open the car -and roughly dragged him out by the hair '"' rtfullnC lo .,.. him a rkle. • uUnder California'• !M)oCIUed LlWe (See JAILBREAK, Pal' I) I -· Th111 the ""'"' lollonn of J .... .,. packing their ..... and. preparing lo .flee the ..... They are ·going to Tucson, Ariz. While the militant teen leaders are suggesting d!Sast«: thole who have prtdicted such an earthquake come from raoks !i the~-Tl1eJ bave failed to dfaw suppcrt from geolOgiats O!' eartJl. quake expena. (See story,_Page·ll). In f~ ..,. Huntfogtm Beach geologist declared that the oddl against auch a major quake are 500 \o 1. Expert.a to the cootrary, the teen group ,.st.Ill anUclpateS doomsday. "We'd be gone by now,·• declared Miguel Ward of the Ttens group, "e.1cepl that several of our followers an sUJL in court tn Costa Mesa." The coort dat., wbich has deta)·«f the teens from fleeing doomsday. stems from an incident Feb. 17 When 17 o{ the militant ChristiW picketed Maude • FJit:Eft\EN' MoP UP AFTER DISNEYLAND HOTEL FIRE V•c1tloner1 Forc4cf to Ev1culte ti-Story Hostelry CHILDREN IED DOWl!I IN HALLS OF HOTEL ANNEX Fire P""'ldes Adilod Dlonoylond Advonturo Peace .Talks Slow Down PAIIJS (AP) ·-'Ille ,vtdzlam peace Wb today boged down In a welter al -...Uooa Including 1 Viet Con( charge that ...,.na Ii. --· "cunnlnc treachery" on lhe pert of Pra;. dent Nllon'1 admlnlstratlon • A U.S. apokeaman uid the meelinf - • • "wu·ilittle'less vttuperalivt than mua1. bllt the altitude of the other aide preclud· ed any progress." The representative of the V.tet COOg's N1tJonal Liberation Front, Tran Bi.Ju xie,n, told the J 1th fUll...cale. 1easion (set TALKS, Paga. I) ,• B. Davis 1ntermed1ate School and Costa M"8 High School In Colla Mesa. They were arrested oo charges of. refUJal to cllisperse, willfUI and malicl.oos obstruction of. a public street and wlWul and unlawful disturbance ol a school. Results of their appearance in Harbor District Municipal Court Wednesday are not • yet known, but adversity ii the byword of tbe teens. They 've been in court belore licnd don't miDd it "in the name of Jeaus." Fire Their fame fllr plckelln( llCboola and churcbes bas spread from Hunthurton Beach lo Lquna Bead!, and ~ to Santa Ana. Teena ·for Christ have been volaWe opponents of orpniled • nlJilon and "Godless'' education In the scbooll. Their -baa -In .... the youth -the hipplel, drug addl~ and ju.st ploln loel aoul!. For the put year, Ibey l/l!t been based at the "Light Houle', -club on -- Main Slrttl In HunUngton Bead!. and led by Pastor Dav" Ber1, wbo begu bis preachin& to youth in Miami. · Their new home In TuC90rt ~ at.o be called ''The Light Hooae." In. based in an old church at 251& Menor streY Ave. .. About 40 of our memben are leavlnt here for the Tucton mission,." 11)'1 Mlguol. About 30 Tee111 for Chrlsl.nvolll' Uonaries are already based ln TOcsaa. (See CllR1SI' TEENS, Pop I) Hits Hotel ' . 200 Flee Blaze at Disneyland By JACK BROBACK Of ni. o.11r l'lllt '''" More than 200 guests were routed from tbelr roo1111 In the Dlaneyland Hotel Towtr Wedne3day night by a fire which broke out from spontaneous combuslon in a three-room su.Jte on tbe JOlh floor Ii.' lbe 11..tory building. Two firemen and itveral .'guests were treated for smoke inhali.llon but no one wu seriously injured in the 10 p.m. blaze, 'fire officials reported. A family of four who occupied the room next to the burning BUite were trapped for 30 minutu on a narrow bal~ny be£ore firemen rescued them with ladders. Joseph Levin of Houston, Texas, said he, bis wife and two daughters were driven to the ledge by heavy smoke. '"Jbe TV set went off and l got mad," tbe vbitor aald. "1 was watching. : PUC. Give~ Nod t. -~ .-1.1~r:\1il#.t\~' t-t.;)')oit , : To Air Cal In Long Beach By JEROME 1'. COIJJNS Of .. o.tlr l'l• lleff In a decision that could influence escalated Orange County Airport jet . operations, a Caillornia Public Utilities Commission examiner today recom. mended that two airlines be allowed \o 1erve Long Beach despite citizen pro- tests about noise. One of the airlines is Air CalilornJa, headquartered at county airport. Examiner William N. Foley reeom· mended to the PUC that Air Cal be permitted to fly between Long Beach Municipal Airport and San J99f:, San Diego and Oakland. He also urged th1t Pacific Southwest Airlines be cert.tned for service between Long Beach and Oakland-San Francisco:. His reconunendaUom. which need com· mission action, came in the face of objections from Ute Long Beach Jet Control Association, a 1arge homeowners' group, and the Long Beach City Council. Both agencies complained about tbe tn.. creased noise that wou1d result from the added jet filghl!I . The Long Beach council, whJcb originally supported the applications, recenUy asked the PUC to reject them. But examiner Foley told the PUC tbe ajfditional service would alleviate serious air and ground congestioa at Los Angeles International Airport. He said the homeowners' search for quiet la a private interest while better transportation Is in the public interesl Therefore, the 'service "will benefit the public Intend to such an extent that it oUtwelghs the private property Int.rests al landownen near Lot>g Beacb Airport," be llld. The recommendatlont carry two lm- pllcatlonl -both unhappy for jet nolae foes-for Orang• County Airport: -If the PUC accepts the argument _ that public trans!)Ol'tation ne:etts override homeowners' nolae compJainl!, a prece· dent will have been established, The (set AIR CAL, Pqe I) I.he Laken buketball 1ame. Then smoke started coming in\o the room and we couldn't leave by the hallway." Altbougb the blaze In tht suite was controlled within 40 minutes, Diuch damage wu done to the structure by smoke and water, firemeil reported. No estimate on total damage wu ava.l.lable thJs morning. A 17·year-okl Lakewood youth. Ernest Lower, who wu vlalting friends in the building, llOUllded the lnluaJ olarm wben he found the loth floor hallway 111Ied wilh' smoke. He iin.medialely called the llrt department and wilh the aid of friends knoclled on doon warning the gueats. ' Evelyn Sherwood, a member of. the DAILY Pllm news sWf who was v~ tionlng at the hotel, wu ooe of the guesta routed. · "Water is sUll dripping down into, the-first floor this mcrn!n&,'' lhe reported . She sald she and several acare other guests slept in hastlly arranged beds in conference rooms on the ground floor. · "People reacted naturally" ald Mn. Sberwood. "They first thougbt al their children, then their money. One woman said she had left her dentures upstaln." "The flrst hour was quite a ICenti with dozens of guests dressed only in night clothing," ahe reported . "One clrl w~ wrapped only in a bath toweL" She said two chlldrea bad been left alooe in a room while their parenta visited in Los Angeles, but they were awakened and rescued. About llO customers were in the 11th Door cocktail k>unge when the ~ WIS llOllJuled. They left bebind tlieJt drlnb and their tabs, reported bU manager Bob Sf4ddard. ..... -~.le! T~. I ~ .~:#~ • 1;);°"1 .. •.'q1l'-tf'1i l(''-'••'J! • . 20,0'0VHippies . Routed By Palm Springs Police PALM SPRINGS (UPI) -A motley anny or 20,000 hippies and yipples who have barasHd this normally tranciuU desert rucrt began drifting away tiidar as relnforced police gained the upper hand. , The weather gave an milt to 209 officer• from surroundlng conununltles who had joined in a mutual aid pad with the SS.man Palm Springs force. Light rain began falling shortly after mldniSht and Was accompanied by brisk Winds that ticked up aandltonna and added to the discomfort of t b e hete!'Ogenoua anny. The rain luted for two hours and apparenUy dampened the enthusiasm for the unwubed interlopers. Hellcopten flew periodically over the assorted band! of student.I and hangers-. on, warning them to leave or be forctd oul. At dawn, straggling hitchhikers were on the road leading out of lhls isolated ad el'clusive spa. Some carried signs indlcaUng their destinallon. They tn.. eluded New Y o rt, Texas, Oklahoma. Arkansas and Pennsylvania 11 well u Callfdrnia cities. Follce said the~ weather and their strong show of 'force at an unruly rally In I park Wedneoday nlgbt "U!nded lo discourage them ... Some of the visitors showed up at police headquarters to flle cOmplalnls Ii. what Ibey said was police bruallty. Groups of colorIDy-garbed youths set up cam, on nearly every square fool of lawn In town. Othen holed up In nearby Tabqultz canyon, where the movie ''Lo!t Horizon" WM filmed., Tbey Jammed the main llreet, Palm Canyon BoWevard, and t a u n t e d pollcomen potrollng the fancy apeclllty ahops and cle~ent-~es that lino the sidewalls. · At ieut 280 youths have been arrested linct lbe vanl\W"d of vacationer• bit town Friday. M°'I were booked !or liquor violations, on charges of drug ~ or indecent exposure. Police O!lef Robert Wblte Cllled Ille invaders "a new brttd," different from the <.'Ollege and high school stadentl who usually descend on the town clurlni Easter. One police lleuten1nt put It inore bluntly. · "They're dirty," be aald;: .. They're smelly. You can see --tbeni· coming and you can amen them coming.'! "We still have the acbool kids," laid (See PALM SPRINGS, P'I' I) Would-be Chefs Invited to Class Prospective culinary artislll are tnvl~ to join a six week long cooking clau beginning at the HunUnglon Beacb l!oya ClubWednelday. The classes will be taught by members of the Jwllor Women's Club of mm. Unit.on Beach wbo are sponsoring the program. Further information about the program Is available from the Boys Club at 536-9415. Those Int.vested Jn donaUng kitchen Utensils to be used In the ciassu may contact the same number. Weadter Bal Busts Bise That otorm 1ut night was jtlll a nuke, the weatherman inslatl. Pointing to clearing akle1 today and warmer we1ther (about ff lo 7l! degree1) for Frldq. INSmE TODAY Narcotics Arrests Top '68 Totnl Juvenile and adult arrats: for narcouca vlolatlonl In Newport Jleacb . durlq EISier .Week lhua fer have a1reody top: pec!'Jal')'ql"1 loll\ljlrthe entire liolid«y perlod, police nporled today. . Last year'• Easter lotl1 fer arnsta ol nateotlca ~ totaled ll. To dlta, this year • penon1 hay. been lmlfed' · on nattOtlcl charges. . ' M;it of the arrests involve marijuana ,,......ion, . • While narcoUa 1rre1ll are up, ltlious . . .. .. . . . trllflc accident and lralllc cltatiooa are dowo,-abow. 'J'bua ,flt. DO il<rloul lnJury ·-' have occurred bere llnce Ellfer Week began. The crash lotl1 lo 111ta· la 4$. Lal year's total al the 1111M time WU 44. - Tralllc cltalloos are comlderably ... , lo date lhan •last yoor, wllell IM drlven received clllUona. Thia year'• total to date la 552 • . . . . ·~ . -... -,,,_ ...... ..__.._ -.. --- -· • , • ' ~-J DAll.Y '1LOT ' H . ,...._ r.,e J CJlll:IST T.EENS Santa Barbara County to Appeal .~PD Oil Drilling ... 'Los ANGELES (AP) -Santa Bar- ' tiira Cowl!)' planned today to ...i: · a Mral lnjlmc;tlon aplnst l'<IUll1ptlon ol cilfshore oil drlllig -and one county ol- -"'f"rcial said be wouJd appeal to the Pl'tlt- : .llenl. ! •. !'Once again, Presldent Nixon i_t. l'I u r :.:.nnty. hope to inevnt drlllirig, '' County -Supervisor George Clyde said Wednes- "-iay after Secretary ol lnterlor Walter J, t llickel autborlud .......,eel drilling. ' 'Supervlson dlttded coanty "'"""'I ··George P. Kading to teek an Injunction again.rt the nsumpOon in U.S. Di5trtct ·'eoort in Los Angeles. Kading said the • 11uil would try to stop all drillinl perm&· nentiy. . _Clyde said he would appeal to the p,... l&nt .by telegram to halt the drilling af. fer }ticiel gave permission two days· &go for resumption or operations on five dfshore leases. Kading said the county contends th e ipUI from 'a Union Oil Co. site ln January 9nd February caused irreparable a&m· ~ge to beaches and parks. -i- Crunhler's Special • Lead Fails to Check . • HAWTHORNE, Nev. (AP) - A hopeful fj \•e-man search party checked out a etrange lee formation at the 11,000-foot ).eve! on Boundary Peak Wednesday, but .found no trace of a DC3 alrllntr with f:t aboard missing since Feb. 18. • The fonnalion, sighted from the air i. n the snow-covered peak ln the White fountaW, turned out to be a !Jlrinl-fed lock of Ice, said Lt. Col. James Helm tr the Civil Air Patrol. ' DAILY PILOT OAANGE COAJl' PUBLl$HINO COMl"ANY l.Mrt N. 'Wee~ ........ , .,., l"Vblllfllf Jeck R. Cwrl:T \llcl ,,.ktmt ... Gtntf' Mlil'lll.., Th-•· KeeYil Efllot n.1m11 A. Mwrphlne ""'-'111 Edllor Alll1rt W. l1tn WJllli"' a114 ,\.noc:i.11 HUllll111'911 hMl'I Ellllor Clly Editor H1JlttltfM ..... ortlee JDt ltlii Street Mailillg~Ad.dr:e1u r.o. 1011 no, t2641 --Newport IHdll 12'11 W.t 11"'9 leulWWI C.'9 ~= .. Well k\' ''"" ~ llaldt1 m Ftnlt A~ ' , --------_...------ New .. , ' • ·'Chief'· - obllvtoua to the din. . , ~ Aid that her -WU Lm:par, : •. Q : T : ·Which 11 Blackf'oot Indian fOr "Prineell, '• . and that abe and her holbud, the cbld, i;i;:;;~.: =.. t Ut'~,'r.t~ .:..-: . ff~'\ P•t• ,) ' ' . lnc\fh¥. .JllO\lth, and brown eJ•• thG. stared,ltr'aislii ahead. He atood tall and ltUl iD. a white b.lckM'a . suit, a war _ ,_,. on hll sra:r braid>. .Nest . to· ~. I 'woman, wltb dyed - red hair Ud a -headband, In a -., tbln blue satin dreu !ringed with pink-""· Her mucaraed eyes were as lively u 1be chiefs were placid. She lobked around, lliil tuddenly maseea of children were belleClnl ner for autographs. The chief _ ..... to otare llral&hl ahead, forJour~ ~ ~ I uMd ber W!w they had come. "TO see N-. • Ille repl\ed. ''I lhlnk he'• a wooderful IDID. He Malet ftelp 1be poor by low<rlni lho i.-" lier eyes sparkled. · Did the vote for Nlxon? u.Ntt," 1be uid. "We ~·t alloW'ld to vote." ,· ,,r ' And -~AT-, tho ie...,... kepi llJlclng, their anns mov7 Ing empllaticallJ, "Up, up wllh peo- ple .•. " ~Janict Btrm41l. ts 11 /Of'f'4ff' mem- ber o(lh• W .. hfttQton PNI 1toff. Sh< is cu,..,.entJr 11 1'1J# wrikr m the DAILY PILOT'1 C111to J(csa offiu.. U.S. Viet Deatns Toe . H.orea foll WGO!I (AP) -A total ·ol iu -wero killed In ~ lo Vie~ nun last week, an increase of 11 percent oyer the weet before, and tbe U.S. ConunlOd amfirJned today Iha! the V'Hll· nam war b now. tbl fcJuttb· 1c6stllMt In An>orlcaD llillory .. The toll ~ f0< Iut week rai>ed to 31,141 the number GI Americana tilled in action· ID eistrt JW"I and ~ months ol fighting 'In Vtelnam. T!lls ts 12 more than tho 31,lllt Am1rlc111 cambet deatm during the tllr<e-year,Koroan -war. ""'"' r.,e J FrO... p .. ,, J Jn only three ~ wan: have .American bettldleld dealhl been hllber than Vietnam -~ 291,131 in World War 11; 140,<H Uni«> troopo and 74,W Coolederatea In 1be Clvtl War; aDd 51~13 1D World War L PALM .SPRINGS MESA JAILBREAKER NABBEQ ~. ALIOTO ••. Capt. Dali 11'ampi0n, "but we allO ha\'•·-· """'-with hljiplos,. yip. pies and whatever ... with long halr, heanls, dirty clothl, hare fee~ bedrolls and knapoacts, 'l1ley number In the 10,000 figure... .. • One youth, -why be c-. --eel tO sum up 1be feollqi ol many. "It's . where it'• al There are aroovy cbkb, rock concerts. and freaky fllOOJll." Many of the arrests came after taun- ting, holtle throwing ooofrontatlom with police, who annouooed a "firm bat fair" pOlley in deilln& with wllal they called ~ "hard core, rowdy, bolllpn element" respooslbl< ~ 1be trouble. But there were· serious incidents. Wedo<Oday night a PD1 GI ;roulhl toi>k over a 1u llatlm and btpn tireakln& wtndows-and·wnoklnl equipment. Police &r.'ivln( OD 1be -were met by two rill< lhoU --lnalde 1be ltadQn. Two byllaDderl .... --One, IUebard Bradford, lf, of Venlet, w'aa flown lo JU-in -.... dltloo with a bullel 1oc1p1· ,_ hll heart. Lena Maw, tel, Palm ctty WU tnated for a ll'uinl -Tho In-vaders wero ...-bJ tear ps. It wu nol --~ apparmt who fired 1be .D-callbtr rlflo, . One rtrl WM raped.. MUQ' cues o1 burned and c 1rt feet were treated at Dolerl Hoopltal In Palm Sprlnp. Spokesmen said llOllte GI the burned feat came from waJtln& an hol coals while under the mn-o1 um. Police ilklnnllhed Wednelday night with about 1,000 hippies -groupo of them tried to cruh the 1ate of a rock ooncerl at Angel Stadium, oprlng training sile of the California Angels halohall team. lllllde, ao onlerly crowd of about 1111,00 listmed to the IOlllldl GI ~h as Camied Heal and Black "Pearl Outside, about 1111 police ollloen ducked llylng aoft drink hottlos and beer cw. 'At leutftve ~w.-amstod. ........ r.,e J TALKS ••• that tbere h11 been "no progresa at all" alnce the t&lkl began. He was c:halleJllled by the United Slatet. Ambassador Lawrence Walsh, opeaking for the United States in the ablence of Ambapador Henry Cabot Lodp, tol<f newsmen alter the four-hour and JO... minute meeting there wu no treachery, "cunning or otherwile:," involved in U.S. statements. "I believe that, looking at i t cumulaUvely, there is progress of sorts," he said. In Wuhlngton, Secrotary of Delenoe Melvin R. Laird Aki in an Interview that private talkl on Vlttnam are going fonrud and there is "tome sign ol pl'Oll'lll• I I Lal!,I did not ~ake cl~, however, whether he wu referrlnj to preliminary contactl or aubttantlve MCret clilcu$slons on a peace aeW.emenL. The alatolMU bJ the United States, Solllh VlelJ)am, the front and North Vietnam lefl the two aldp u UghUy deadlocked as ever on the crucial que .. Uon ol lloop withdrawals. The United States praoed again for a mutual pull-out ol allied and North Vletnameso trwpo. North Vietnam and the front retterated demandl for a U.S. withdraw at Wallll d<volod moot ol his 1taternent to char&U that North Vietnam wu YiolaliJlll the aovmlinl1 ol 1-and c.mbodla by USinl -kr tramporla-Uon ....., and operatlnc bales to atteck South Vl-.O. North Vletnam!t repraentaUve, Xuan Thuy' denied the chailM· . A U.S. apokeoman, ftOllJlll fhlo, lald: 0 UnW we foeu1 on tbll nalltJ I don't tee how. we can .man _artJ iroerea here." Lindbergh Law, a kidnap eonvlctloo In which the vlcttm ta Injured CID bring. ~ death penalty. "Hey, take me to the boflpital, hurry," Mc:Carter quoted Dubor1 u AYlnc when he duhed up to the 1111. veblcle, H:em- lngly in • -panic:. PoUce -e aireacJy In pursuit on foot, alerted bJ' a jail -w h o said he saw the f I n a I second.I of Duborg's jailbreak and watched to see which way he would go, then punched the escape alarm. Investleators uJd the chance-in-a· thouaand break from the electronically controlled jail facility at t9 Fair Drive occurred Jess than two hours after Duborg and hll 1lrl had been delivered there. ARRESTED IN LA n.tective JICbon a n d Officer Dick Bfnch, In charp GI tho warrant dotall, had plcled up Dtihar1 and Dob<a Cuea, 17, 1n Loe Nicolea, where they were arru\ed Frfd'1 with 17,000 In rlnp. Each wu named 1n a wanant carrying '81.500 In hall, .. llUlpOC!s hi the theft of 114,000 In dlamolld rlnp from J'1'fla by Joseph, 3333, S. Briltol SL; Jut Tburaday. Officer Ted Curry had already taken Mlaa Cues to Oranfe Cowlly Jal~ wllen c<ieta Mesa Jail Oflfcer Tom LaW had to leave the 1lx·foot, 191).pound Duborg In the locked booking cage momentarl\y. The modern jail, which ta ap. proximately two years old, ta outlltted wlUt extensive elec:tronlc controls for openiq cell and mertoe doOl'I and ta also rarely left untended. Officer Laur said in a report on the jailbreak' that he bad to acort a prisoner who hid posted ball on a minor arrest to the front cleat, where he would )le ~ Patrolman Har· ry Cazier. ESCAPE AI.ABM Suddenly, a shout came from tbt rear jail area and tile eocape alMm begao clanging. "U.Utonant," . yelled trusty N I c k Delmart, "there's a prtaoner escaping." Del~art told lnvestl&atora be saw equlnning hll larp frame through e booking cage window and did ~ tnow whether he had struck and itiinoed the jailer or what, IO he watched momentarily. Another trusty, J«t"! Lauer, lald he wu just walktng to the exterior Jail tloor from outside when tt burst open and a man ran past, ordering him lo leave the door open. Detective Jacklon ran out the front of the police facility buUdinc at the escape alarm and Officer Norm Kutch ran from the rear, 11 Duborg fled eaater-- ly through the OYic Center parking lot. McCarter, a CallfonUa Stale College Long Beach, student wu altting In hi.I car wallln& to go Into a munidpal court: t!lus for trafDc offenden when Duborg rushed up. "I got up after he jerked me out -scared and nervous -and asked loudl1 what he wa.s doing," McCarter told police, oaylnf he lhe• jerked open the right -at whlch Ume the 11111pect Library\ to Sho'v 'Adventqre' Film ''The Great Adventure," ~ film made by the Swedish pliotocrapher Ame Suckldorfl, wlll be lhown at 7,1a p.m. Friday at tbe JlllntlnCl<f> Beach Library, 515 Maln SL ' The film tells the lltory ol a 10-year-<>ld boy and his brother In the rucue and coocealment ~ ·an otter. It features the changing oeuqn1 and the wild manh creatW"el on a mnote Swedilh farm. · Tho-•howlnc ta free and.open. to the public:. .EreM r-.e J AIR CAL FLIGHTS OKAYED ••• v destructloo lo -\)' Talues broulht about by . lhundertng jet fllghta coold m looctr be UM! as jU1Uncation for deoylnf •added lnlrHtate -ll coonti airport. -Air C.I would be In a stronger 1 , poollloil to .....,.. flllhl ,..m for Orange Coun\y -l>olmd ~ lho Paclflc N-. · At a CMI Aeronautlct Board hwln1 1u1 ,-. Air ea1 ollldala aald u 11Ullllr aod wind coodltlonJ llmlt use GI ~ Airport ninw.,., .... ~ would be traoaferred by bua to Loni -Airport. W1tb Air Cal oparatlns dlHctl1 oul ' of Lon& Beach, the Orange Counly passengers would presumably fly from there to lhe San .Francisco Bay Area and then on to the Pacific Northwest. PUC examiner Foley dJd not refer to Ute Oranp County air transportation iJlue ln hil report. • - Hta ncommendatlone lncllldod ~ jectJoa ol a Lone Beach route application. fru!I Pacific Alr Transport, a paper organlutlon. Commlllllooen may adop~ reject or modify Folty'1 recommtndaUona.. Long Beach jet notao fou haft until April D to ruo uceptlont to tl>o prvpooed -... ~i acceleratod backward. He atallld the car. "What are you doing?" demanded Detective Jackson, arriving as McCarter hung Onto the door. 11111•1 lltea1ing my car,11 , Mc:Carter repllod, at whlch Ume J acbon turned hll .... .. Duborg and Ordeied him out, but be T<luaed to Clo so and the ctet.ctlve called for hiJ partner. Duvall. 0 J WU pretly Bhtk~D Up myself,'' McCarte:r aakl today, ••and the man WU in· utreme panic himlell."1 BOOUD AGAIN Patrolman Norm Kulch arrived on. the 1eene a a crowd of other traffic xhool enrollees crowded around and eacortod Duborg back to Ja14 where be wu re-booked on additional charges. ."You can't blame me for trying,'' Duborg r<portedly Aid u the fl?OOP ol people gathered. Officer Kgtch lald Duborg told him be had to. ~ape in order to clear him.self of the diamond heilt charges, clalmln( IODltOlle had framed him. Dubor& and Mill Cazes were arruted In Loe Angela lut Friday, reportedly on a tip, and lnvertlgators \here said the couple had been hopplnc from motel to molel In the put week. Detectivt1 \Oday planned to show mug ahola GI the pair to Juel D' Angelo, a clerk' on duty In the South Coast Plua Shop looted ol up to 14 rlnp worth 114,000 lut Thunday. The J<welry clerk Aid a striking blonde ln black neater and leather mini-1ltlrt entered the store and asked to see some ailver cake knives, during which tlme her male companion wandered oul The ba wu diacovered later In the day. nearby Menlo Park: "'ll!e plain fad ta that a maj0r urthquake will probably occur In one of the earthquake prone areas of California. But whether it will ocCur thil month or nelt or not unW 10 or Ill yean ta oomelhlnl we limply cannot predict." But if the federal eovernment wu reluctant to jndlct doomlday, not so a hoot ol sell-atylid teen and pr<ll!lleta. "God ta roiDI to punloh California for its ains," Aid one Southern California minlltu· u be led bil ccmgre1atlcio out ol the otate. Otbtr IJ'OUPI fied lo the state ol Wuhlngton and groups ol hippies took up earthquake and flood watch in the Rocky M'ountainl near Denver: .. A few_ ye.an ago," expla1ns Dr. Charla Richter, tbe famed earthquake expert, ''In 111&5 to be euct, we received apuriOUI earthquake predl~ for Jan. 17, Feb. 4, March 17, April 11 April 11, all of May. May SI and for the Imperial Valley sometime in June or JuJy. But it wu a normal year - none came true. 0 Actually, sclentlJ!a point o u t , California'• teVeTaJ major fault lines have been llipptnc for u long u 100 million yeail. Because of. the movement or the San Andreu fault, Loi AnJ:ele1 is literally movtn, toward San FranciJCO at tbe rate of one to two Inches a year. In at least one respect, the predictions ol earthquake during April are ac<urate. Sclml!N say 101ne JIXI to JOO 1remor1 are recon!ed every month In 1be San Franciaco area alone. None is strong enough to be felt tiy man. U.S. headquarters also ftportod that , 1,593 Americans were wouoded in action last week, raising the total number of American wounded in the war to 210,639. The total American casualties in Viet· narq. "';"' 2'1.2*t -are fast approaching thole of World War I, when ~.513 Americans were tilled in action and 204,002 wounded, or a total of 2$7 ,515. If the prt!~t casualty rate continues. the U.S. killed and wounded in Vietnam will IUrplS8 total American casualties · in World War I by early June although the total number of dead will be con. .siderably less than the 1918 tot.al. Total U.S. casualties in Vietnam long ago 1ezceeded the Korean war total of 136,914 killed and wouoded. School Use GrouP. To Meet April 10 The CiUzens Advisory Committee on Maximum Use of School Facilities Gf the Huntington Beach Union High School District will meet April 10 al I p.m. . in tft district boardroom, t• 17th St. The committee hu been divided into several subcommittees, each looking into a particular area of school use such as recreation, class scheduling and others. The Rev. Roger Bettsworth Is chairman of the committee, taking over after the resignation of Robert Dingwall who ls mating a bid for a seat on the high llCllool governing board. . Other officers 1te Mrs. Bartlett& Suter and Mrs. Carolyn Mitchell, both of whom i.lso ~ school board candidates. al /?' ' '::Jarrell 6 --· the light touch ~pattern, · the brigbi touch in color- O.tina a mood of May 'tl~aance In a _....room..can..ka_dittlcult deoon.tint problem. Karutan makes tt Ml1 with Admot'ftu, lrnporW wool broadloom. 'The quality C!OllMI -.q to Adrncnl.u too, from Karuta1fs patented kan·loc looml. she~ producu colon thll are fuMoft.perfect. We are proud f1) prnent Admorau tn 16 color combination1 and at ..., $11.95,.. ... H.J.GAR.R.ETT fURNlllJRE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNUS • .-\ 2215 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. '4~271 '46-027• '. 1 > t • • ~ 11 d d • • • • r r • 3 .t n ,f ~- g 3 d " ' 2 • ' • g ' .. • ' f I ) , t I • r 1 • r l I • • ' • • , . .. Laguna ~Be.eh . . Teday's Flaal • EQI TI ON YOC. 42, NO. 80, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAE*s OllAN6E COUNTY, CAl lF<>RNtA: ~ TH URSOA Y, AP~llj 3, '1969 ,, Palm Springs 'Evicts' 20,000 Hippi~ Guests " • PALM SPRINGS (UPI) -A motley army cf 2a,OOO hippies and yippies wl» have har-tbis nonnally tranquil desert resort began drifting away today as reinforced -pollct gained the upper hand. The weather gave an assl.st to 200 officers from surrounding communtUe.s who had joined in a mutual aid pact with the SS-man Palm Springs force. Llgh_t,_ rain began falling .•hortlJ after mldnl"°t and """ accompanied by brlR winds that klcl<Od up ..........,. and added . to Ille dllc:amfarl ol th·• heJeroteoous army. The nJn laled (or two hours and appattnlly' dampened Iha enlhusiasm for the unwubed tDter)opera. Hellcopt<n flew periodlcaJl7 °"' tha ·-bands ol lludeoll and han.{<r': on, """'"" UMm to ~a" or be .foiced oul At dawn. atraggllnf hltdlhlken were on the road leadlq. oat ol Ut!s llolated .ad exclu&lve spa. Some caqted .i,os lndlcatlna their desuMuon . They' In- cluded New Yo r k. Tens, Oklahoma. Arkansas and PenMYIVania u well as ~aillornia dUes. . PoUce. ~ the wea~ and their Itron& show of force at an unruly rally in a pork Wedneldly nlght "tellded to discourage them." Some of tbe vlsitc:ra .showed up at police headqUll'ten to file complaints ol what they said was police bru(ality. , Groupe el eolor0ly11arbed )'OUtbs set e s ree ' Salt Creek Okayed Niguel Gets Development Approval Laguna Niguel C-Orporation was given ~ green light by Orange Caunty plan- ning comm.issionen: Wedneeday to pro- ceed with development of 100 acres between Monarch Bay and Dini PoinL to all reaidatll ol Lquna Niguel estimated at ID evmtuaJ. I0,000 popula- tion. ' . up camp on ntarly every square foot of lawn in town. others , holed up in nearby Tahquitz canyon, where the movie .. Lost Rori.ion" was Olmed. They jammed the· m~ln street, Palm Canyon Boulevard, aod t au n t e d policem<'1 palroling the fancy specialty sbop1 and departioent stores that· line the 11idewaiks. At least 2*I youths have been arrested since the vanguard of vacationers hit town Friday. Most wett: booked for liquor 0 vlolaUons, on charges of drug pouess.Soo or ind~t exposurt. · Police ChJef Robert White called tbe invaders·"• new breed," dilfetent from the colle2e and high school students who usually descend on the town during Easter. · One police Jlei.itenant put It more bluntly. ''They're dirty," be said. "They're smelly. You can tee them conllng and you can smell them coming!' "We l5Ull have the scftoo1 kldl," sa1d Capl Dale Thompson, '1but w8 alao have been confronted with hippies, yip- , pies ·and whatevtt •.• with k>ng bait, beards, dirty cloths, bare feet, bedrolls and knapsacks. They number ln ~ 20 000 figure.:• &:,; youth, .asked why he came, _,,. ed to awn up theieelings Ii llWl.Y· "II'• where it's al There are groovy cbicts. rock concerU and freaky groupa." . Many of lhe arrests camt after taun- (See PALM SPRINGS, hp 1). ' Detention Feared for Long Period MainJand China authorities today freed 13 persons held in custod:Y for sh: weeka and .two or their thrff yachts captured off Macao, but are still detaln1ng a Laguna Beach businessman and his vessel. 1be area includes the rtiucb<lebated comty abandonmenl SaH cnet Rood. Prior to the planners action, Superior Judge Claude °""" Tllunday lilted a restraining order obtained · by. a!Wney William Wil<men ol LSguna Beocll wblch had temporarily prevented planners from hearing the tract map ~- ~ puking will be Pnlvlded for 700 can and the development will include an ~It hotel and comrDercial facilltieo aurmundln( the· hllbore take, 'Ftr1111d aailL , Tiit~.~ .u1 the -·would ~ ~ilie1J<io_.-!s. Sjmeon Baldwin, 56, or 1359 Cliff Drivi.: and also ll companion on the Fj!b. I( . vo~qe lroli! Hoog J\Ong to Macao, tl' .main in custody for what was relerrtd to as further interrogation. Mn. Helen Keeley, f<rmer Grand Jury member and Laguna Beach coun- cilwoman, was Lhe only objector to the development at 'Iburaday'1 meeting. She cited the Master Plan ol Shoreline Development, adopted by the state in 1941, which mentioned acquisition of the beach in the contested area f« public use. Laguna Vote~s Generous In Support fo"t =School,s As the campaign for a Laguna Beach Unified School District 51-<ellt ldtool tax override nears the April 15 election. a look al the dl.strlcl'a put tr.ct NCOl'd shows that voters have approved thrff of four bond and override measures put before them. The first override was held 12 years ago. Voter s approved a 63-eent bike for a five-year period. Money provided lncreu.ed facilities for the then rapidly growing district. Jn May of the following year, Lagunans killed a $2.5 million bond issue designed to buv land to build a new high school out by ·El Morro Elementary School, north of town . In 1961, however. a bond issue of just less than $2 million was approved by 87 percent of thme who voted. The money built a new high school 1)'111, • Councilmen Send mu<lc and bomemakhtl l'Ollllll llld auto and wood lllop flcfUtia. · In -addition, four cl-and • kinderprfeo ...,. built at El M"'"" and lilts for the dlatrlcl idmhtlslrallon elfice on ei.-Street and Top of the World Scbool were boa 1 b I . CIUlttlOllll alao ...,. boll! al AlllO Elementary ldtoot A 11.S mlllloa -lisue ht 11116 ·pro- vided fUndl for the buildlnl ol Thunlon 'and Top Ii the World ldtooil, the dlllrlct admlllilltaUve offlce and bus bar!ll. Bond lalUel' bave -med to build lacilltles and buy achool land, whlle Override money ii med far the oper• llonal .._ ol tha dlllrict ouch u aalartes. Money that would be Pnlvlded by the 111_..i oveTride II earmarked for ad· dltlollll library -., lo paJnl El MiJm> achool. -fumlturt, Olllllcol In- -and high achool lildtllillam - A!1omeJ 'li'llCciU!l did ·not ati<nd tbe ·bearing.· Last ~ay, Judge Owens gave him 15 dqs to come up with new....,._ IO -.his IJihl qail>sl tbe C011Jor•'a d<Vel-enl. llopuly °"""1 Ooalllel Tcm Conroy, after. telUnc plllmen that abandonment of Salt Creek Rold wa. legal in th! oplmcn·ol his olfice, added wryly, "The opponenta now have left a radiator cap under which to build a car, it they can." County Planners OK Irvine Plan For ,Recreation Br JACll:. BROBACK .................. Development ltlldellne3 for 7,448 acr<S of Irvine raoch property, suaranteelng pro~ of public and }X"ivat.e reerea- tkml facllltlea for an eventual population of more 'than 131,000, were adopted Wednesday by Orange County Planning CommllS!on. A aludy by the planning Ila!! of the area, which 11 roughly bounded by th e San Diego and Santa Ana freeways on the south and north and Sand Canyon Road and Iha Santa AM MM!ne Corps Air Facility on the wt Inc! wut, was tn1Uated • beqiuse there are now eight pendh1I: IQrling requests In the area. II bad not been prevlOU1ly master planned by the county. 'lbe aru will eventually see: the con- atruction ol tt,JIO dwellinp on 1,181 acres HI aside for ...sldeoces plW1 131 -for -deV<lopmenl. A -I popalalloo ol 11,111 requlrlnl (See JRVINE, hp I) Ul"I C ........... RELEASED BY REDS '-Christine Von Sydow, 15, her mother, Joan Von Sydoy;, Timothy Budge and Jocelyn .Budge (from left) climb hill from Hong Koog dock following their release by Communist Chinese. Two Americans, including a Lagunan, are still being held. , Family Denies Passport Flinging Story of Reds By JAµ( CHAPPEU. Of .. Dlllr 1'11M lt.tf Frer.lng of detained Americans cap. lured &ll weeks ago by Communist China today was described as an encouraglng sign that Lagunan Simeon Baldwin and another American might soon be releas- ed. De Forrest Baldwin, the imprisoned man's brotht!r, said that he has been Jn c.oostant conac:t wltht he U.S . .§late Department and lhat the 1<1vernment agency wanted to "play it cool" with the Baldwin case and not blow it up into an · "incldt!nl" However, the younger brother, a San Marino resident., said he viewed the release of 13 Americans and two of the three captured 1lacb1s aa the most faYOrable lip y~ Qoesllooed about reporia that Sim<on threw his American passport overboard as Chine~ were boarding his vessel, De Forrest said there had been no ()fficlal mention of that. ''There are so many damn wild rumors going around, you don't know what to believe," the lA>s Angeles accountant said. Simeon Baldwln, 56, director oi his Hoiig Kong airplane parta company, and Bessie Hope Donald, 41, of Brlst9l, Va., are now the only Amerlcam detained byt he ~. Filt'een pmoM were taken and three pleasure yachts seized Feb. JI by Communist gunboets. No reuon, nor aCknowledgement of the act has ever ~ issued by ·the Red iovernmenL The U.S. Sale Depart. ment bas· beeo workln( ~ough lbe Hong Kong government fn 1Uemptin1 to gain release of the Americans. Canyon . .\nnex For LAFC Oka y , Opera Gets Part of Cash Simeon ~dwln wu described as an adventurous, out-gotn, aalllng enthusiast by his wife Marjorie. The Baldwin craft, 1 40-foo yawl called Morasm was a copy buill In Hong Kong ol 1 highly auccessrul ·Bermuda race yacht called Proposed annexation of 446 acres to Laguna Beactnnavtd forward a ~ Wednesday night when c o u n c i I m e n unanimoWJly seot the matter to the Coun- ty LocaJ Agency Formatk>n Commlss~1 (LAFCJ. Given LAFC appwal, lhe uninblbited omeutlon ol property along toguna Caltyo• Road would come bock lo the council !or further """"1entlon and publlc beamgl. Jn a JOmewhat unmc.al situation, the matter bad come to counc:ilmen without a planning cornmilldoo n:trJ11111tendation.. Oimmllllonen wen> unable lo ruch a m1J.nly position on the ~ wh1cll WU oppooed by part ol the llrfolnd property cnrnen and favored by 04bm. · Vice Mayor J ... ph O'Sullivan said he was disappointed ht !he poottion ol the plamthtg commission. He aald he fell 11....,11y that the coayon should be pan of Laguna Beach since II allocled the clly and the,clty alltcted the canyoa. O'Sullivan suggested • joint meetins with planning commisalonen to di""" phikleophy. ' Laguna Coun~il-Gives _$3,000 ·But Not $5,~ By RICllAllD P. NAU. ..... ..., ""' ...... -I.aa-&aclt comdlm .. deftled ll.000 ~ for the Lyric Opera "-1ailon ol ~ Coumy w-, nlibl but Ihm CllDpr,;,,laed an cl, ht a f.I apllt, allondlS,IOO. Oilier -alarprlaM landed -municipal -' for the comhtc 7ear -turmo1L Tlla -pacllqa will -lo f lt,ltlt. Opera, wbicll had -:iri by many lo ,. to the black ftnandL bJ -ttoc-wllll----appea~ WU crllldzed cfurinl tile--for ~ lo ~ the muatcat ''Sowld rt Muaic". II WU aloo -that the sroup, formeri7 called F..Uval Ill Opera, bad become an Oranp CowdJ or1antzatlon In name a1thoolb llWI Ji<Odq..n.red ht!.aguna8-b. . Councilman lUcbard Goldbarl lead Iha oppooltion lo opera flnlds and VOied apinsl the IS,000 comprom11e "'"""d by MayGl'Glem Vedder. Goldber1 aald the original pratlJe, of grand opwa ill t..aw-Be«lt WU a line ldeo. "I feel the departure Into the naJlli Ill 1"1< op<n, '""" or iesS ltlUlic'1 ~. 11 ao..-, not of Ci' ltat import to the cHy aad II a ....... lilelod!lillDd neater,.. he said. ' ()qMIDrnan Roy Helm ac-1 tbal the m-...,,Jd add nolhlq-1aJ. Vice Mayor Joaepb O'Sullivan and Qmndl!N!l QlarU... Boyd puabed for the IJ,000 llljlPOtt. O'Sullivan aald the lllQllcal WU aeJected Cll the basil Ii a "'""1· He aald the opera «rolJP ls llll<mpUna to .become mora Auoclally lndepeadenl a n d bad brought m u c h favorable publlclly to the city. Mayor Vtdder WU the IWing vote, helplq defeat '5,000, but auuestlng the ~flcwf. .'Jbe mayor •recaJltd 1hat the opua 1JOUP -lved 110,000 one year, 17,IOO r Ute· next two years and $5,000 last time around. He sald the people -are not sujiporling It and said, "I !Ind it ls no long"• 1-_. _..,, it Is an 0nqe·Coa1117opwaoomj!uy,• He said •ttr In peopje ill the com- m..uty are lllvolvtd aa O!>J>Oled to lbe ,...,.....~to~ . Tbe peckago approved by Ille r:ooncil lor the cmUng fiacal year_ wu . ~a Beocll Art ~atton. 14,IOO: Civic . Balle~ 14,500; chamber music: ... lely, 11,00I; ......... , . -· 11,000: 1.a,,_. Play1t1, IZ,llll; opera, IS.000; and ac11oo1 o1 an and •tp.11.000. Thi al>OcattOna ~ 1oCreaieo for two group.. Balltt was up from s:f,llOO 1nd the art llChool WIS up from IS.IOO l'Bnled for the current liJCal yeer. 8111 Salyer, Playhouse treasurer, u lid If the IZ,000 not given opera could be prorated among other ""'ps. CouJt. cllmen thoupt not. -------------'----~----'---'-------- the Finestaire. . Slmlon-wu..a~ut.bug" about _eleC· • tronic stuff, Mra. Baldwln said. The Moruum was well outfitted with radio, and other' electroolc devices, 1he \ aald. She bellevea .that ml&1>t !>< one realOll for the detention or her huiblnd. • Mn. BlldWin branded -'reports !hit her boabancl' toaed hll passport overboard u erroneoua. 1'Tbtre would be no reason for· him to do that. l don't believe that at all," ahe aald. Mn. Baldwin ltad Uved ht lfootl K4ng unW 1111. Site returned to Laguna Beach then to provide for the education ol their three chlldttn, "°"' Kone llcllo!1' (See PAl!BPORT, P ... I) NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe llA>ct market closed with another lou today. Tridlng wu slow near the end. (See 'quotatloljl, Pages llO-JI). • The Dow Jones lndllllflal average at 1:30 p.rn. wu off UI pqlnll 11 111.06. 1-led pins by about IOO laaues. • One ol thaao freed <oday, Cltriatlan Voh Sy., aald he fears it 1fill be a matter of tome time before BGtwin . and Bessie H. Donald, of Br!llol. Va. are released by Lhe Communist rqime. Hector II. Ro,., ol Hong Koog. oald BalQ'win -already In a difficult poeWon When gunboats stopped their veue.11 an a Chinese New Year 's Sunday voyqe -compounded his own difficulties. He said the Hong Kona: aircraft part& company owner, threw his paas;port ln&o the sea and tried to ·rude the fact thit he was an AmefiCan citiun, &l'OOlfdg further .Chinese suspicion. FOOLISH RVSE . Ross called Baldwin's act a foolish ruse and said the Chinese llolatod him and Miss Donald from the rest of the group for m()l'e intensive questioninC after learning of hi.! naUonallty. "In the first two dat!, Baldwin, whod yacht was registered'" in Hong Koog; did not tell or this American cltizenabjp, but later we talked to him and agreed there was no hope for an lmmedlate settlement ," said Ross, spokesman for the 13 freed boaters. "He admitted his nationality and open· ed up his difficulty." The.group including Americana Carol P. Zl.nky, 10, of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Mrs. Von Sydo\v, ' whose two daughters, 15 and 12, clalm both American and Swedish citizenship, aaid they were well-treated. ' Ross and Von Sydow said they both signed statements admlliln& intrusion in- to China's territorial waters, but no one among the Royal •long Kong Yacht Club group was charged as 11py. IDDE PAcr Adding to tho difllcu!Ues ol belna an American in Chinese hands and teytag to hide the fact, Baldwin's yawl, UJe 45-foot Morasum, carried eltenaive (Set BALDWIN, Pagel) I Orange Weatlter That llorm !all night wu jual a fluke, the weatherman tnailta, pointing to clearing &ties today and warmer weather (about es I<> 72 degrea) for Friday. INSIDE TOD&Y · w~·d rvtr O*'''' 'hot Oran~ · Co••tv 14:paver1 would be Jlul. ta'ftt f1' pK:king Mp thdf fa: , .. botts tarnt:d through tM ~ lafl• of ProporilUm IA1 T1ltJ ore. See Paae 10. --..._ ------=::::•us:wl Pl,.. C"'9 ... _ -----' • • ~ ... M " .. .. • .. .... • ... .. • -. -.. M .......... . ,. ............ ... OP-.. o.t'I' .. . . ,..,.. .... . ...... """ lMi ·-... ·-..... ,...,. -.. -.. -. --.. ' .1 ! • DAll.Y PILOT t Laguna's Tree .. ~'Not for State A tree by any other nmne appomiUy Is not the samt to state officlala. * ,.,... Pep J PASSPORT ... Lloyd Milne told Lquna Beach COUil· cilm"1 Wedn...tay night that state of. ficials have oo lar turned dawo · the IO OOly. to ihe junlOr hlch ICl>ool kvel, -•:.official city tree !or a parkway project. abe n:1~1m had iqlntalned lAlw> , . The city tree I! euc:alyptm citredora. ·Beach home m,.,. 1... l\CrL a Ba)d~ Milne, chairman . of . tbe c h a m, b e r · ltvel with her IOft. ' ~ · beautification comnU~· held out _hope t. '1hat the state mipt yet capltulal<. ti.~-~HelboJ-~~~= Evergreen pear treei have also been -.. h ... -discussed at the parleys, he Aid. lo< a.!llmu, hul thal he had a _... of plaM and -mjabJe to. .. ·, Milne'• group 10Ught di)' llacldng on N°" .thal bor ehlJilre1 .,. an nearly ,_the project ll>a_t would iDltiaJly put trees . -·-ldlool. Jin, Baldwin -aaid ll!Ong Soutlr' Cout l!lPYaY between Ibo bad ~-.ai rdurDin( to . Hoeg · .LqUna Avenue 11111 Lqtoe Streets. ,._ • ,Jrnntually, aaid M1lne, there would he ........ . . · .-• .._ both Nanh 11111 South Coast lier--~ l!<ach, Mrs. . • -....... Baldwin· -. bal lie Wll nqulnd to , : l!lgbways wherever julUlled by a !Moot stay in the Orient to manage the com· • ~mdewalL pony • • , Milne said the management of Hotel "I -went back thil Ume, but • Laguna hu agreed to Pl1 loc ball the my !amUy talked me out or it. or • '«lOI of trees along !ta frontage. coune, I can' do anything ewer !here. - : Coondlmen lauded and endoraed the so I tl>oughl I'd just be!W stay put : beautillcall<n project. and,.. wh&t happens." . . ~New .'Chief'· Voters Told • ~ ob1:-..iii:~ ..... wuLuq>ar _Sad Fact,s I lrllleh ta Blad<!oot lndlan !or "~ J · • . e.::..~41in )•: t-=;; 800 II#'-~ •· 0 : -. .. For -Sch"'1fs [-~~-~~ . • · .. ''To aee Nlson,'' lbe .-.liatl ''I think ' -,, ') , '''JO) . ..,. ', '" •. -he' --•~-• ''n""""" ~.u-,_,,_ r--•·•--u ••~School ~M••• .,_, -I j •• ' • C.Jf'1r~, ·" I a Wll1UUl'Crllll man. e et--·....... . ·........--nl.llQ,I UIAUAI~ _.,._ lootlllall ...... ao4 ~ ...... ,_.lliit-~l>l'-Jo~l!>e-~" fu< • Cllarlea-Kamey 11y1 he wW lot .the tlaredlliaJabt ... Re stood tall and ''l''" -kled-. fiau= speak !or hint in pleadlng IOI' .-· -• • Did abe vote for Nu:on! pauage· of.~t school tu increase J sWl ht.. a, white buctUJa lllit. a war • • "No ., she aa1d "We ano't aUowed A il 15 ' . --;1 ..., ~ , " • pr . ~.C.'f!-""'-ri braklil.... l to vote.,--, • · • 'Ille r"""" be means are lhooe that . )leJL.14o ilmi a. -; \wtlli , df<d Alld -Cao"llutlao · veaue, the -Capistrano trailing 21 -tcbool red ~ i••t ".,,..,...i. beJiil>anif, 111 t .. ~ loept ahwlll .............. v. ·~-. ' ta ••• ~ ~--· ; a Wf!m. tblr1 'bbe....utl.,. dress f~ · Ing empbaticdJ "''Up up with peo. il~\.11 m J: ratc anu a..-_mg v.uY with Pint' seqqim.i _ • , • pie.,." • •· • (~. And ol those lour, h_e points out, Her mUclraed eyes wue as lively t1ttte have approved tai: ma"tases not u. tbe ·cbld's. ~ el.tci<& Sbe .ioo¥4 Janice· B,ennan U a fcmnu mem. yel in ·effect that will put tberp. higher ._, ...r iudilaiJy ~ or.d>lldron brr of th< Waihillgt... Pad 114}1-Sht than Capistrano Unified . ...,.,~lier for 4"to1ropbi. The is ' .,.,. .. uv . • staff toritu m th• Th. district'• 14.12 per 1190 ol assessed thief ·-'""" to llliro 'strallbl •ibiad. DAILY PILOT'1 Calla lftaa of/kt. valuation school tax ra1' thus Is bl&het -·, • only than rich neighbor lA8w>I Beach'• • ' t-1' • $%.91. (Laguna voters also will vote on Marine Seriomly Huri'~·-~~ PAL';; 8;9itl~cs :~r.:.~E-~.f;.'~ . 14.62, about. the CO!"fty-wide averqe, according to Kenney's figures. I L A W k ting. hotUe throwfna; --with High School-La n aguna • uto, ~ec =~:· ~~e~ ~;:.l\""the~t~t::; H~yl~~~~~is th:t fa_ilurc Flood Corwol Plan ~isputed Laguna B<ldl coomdlmen -Wedi\esday couldni qree wllh county'-to make the "hard..,._, rowdy,,bo"••• ~1-nt" ed "-·! ~ .......... w.~ "'~¥ of t.Jte,override wou1d impair uca-.. • responsible for the trot.ible. • opportunities !or ~,·1dren. 17, of 2SO Momtngsid! Drive, was '-'' reported injured, however, he hlld c.f. But there were ser~ Incidents. "We have gained great momentum Ileen he would seek tratment from Wednelday niaht •··gang al youths took to uwade and improve the tmtruct.lonal his own doctor. ~ . cw.,· ."ndo-• paandsta~~ ~g~p~g offerings that will be Sost if i;najor cut· 'It>e 12:50 Lm. accident .clccurred '<'1len ws w. ~'6 eqwp OU<.:e backs are required." he writes in a the c• driven by McGrath first struck ii-:iving on the . scene were m'et by news.letter. the parked van in the 500 block of two 'rifle shots fired froni inside the "School coslS. ~yen though most Broadway and was followed by lhe se-station. Two bystanders were wounded. districts are sharply cutting back pro· cond car driven by Wilson, poliCe said. One, Ri~ Bradford, 17, of Venice, grams that many parenLs reel should was flown "tO Riverside. in S"Jious COil· be offered, are rising along with all di ti on with a bWlet lodged · near bis other cost&:. heart. Lena Maw, 20, Palm City WI! ''Your Board or Trustees has been treated for a grating •wnd. T h e in-foreed to mak9 heavy cutbacks to the Laguna Hills GI vadeq .were rousted by tear gas. It 'educational program this yeal. Even Wins Bronze Stai:-~w ... not immediatt11 •ppare•t·who r~ed with these rediict1ons. next year'• '"'°' . . .. · the .22-eallber ·rlfle. jected income will be in.sufficient ttJ The Bronze Star m'.'¥ ~ __ awarded to Sgt Mark A. Rohlffs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill L. RohUfs , of 473 Calle Cadil!, Laguna Hills, by the U.S. Army for Vietnam action. Rohlffs was pre~ted the nledal for merl.torloua service In oprraUons against · the el't"...my. RohlH.s, 22, had been wounded shortly after going to Vietnam 15 months ago .• One. ~rl was, raped. Manf caaes of ·•void1 further reducti-Ons of senkes to bi!i:md and cit feet w~.-e ·lro*d al dlildftn. . . Desert Hospital in ralm Sjring.s. ''The school distr~t is also facing Spokesmen said some of the burned unusually heavy growth in the immediate feat came from walking on hot coals future," Kenney said , "growth that eJ:· while under the influence of LSD. ceeds-that eJPerienced in the past two P.olice skirmlabect Wedne.sdty night years:" with about 1,000 hippies when groups He ! a I d t.ax re.fonn is being argued of them tried to crash the gate of at the staie level to shift some of a rock concert.at Angel Stadium, spring the burden from the homeowners but training site of tbt' California An&els such relorm i5 certain to take a number baseball ttam. · of years. flood repairs bJ a temporary ta'l hike, Ins.ide, an orderly crowd of about 120,00 llVO<ing lml<l!d a bcxld lalue: J,. listened to the SClUDCb of groups such NQW -out of the suvlee, Rohlffs plans to continue his college education. • V.ayoc Glenn Vedder said he "" Financier Loses uid as Canned' Heat and Black Pearl. conc«ned about the pay..,.you-co ap-Outside, about 200 police officers ducked proach-to ftood ccDral. He said he NEWARK. N.J. (UPI) -Palm Beich, flying soft drink bottles and beer: cans. Advisor William to Nasser, Rogers Meet hoped neceuary flood cmtrol facilities Fla .,. socialite' . aQd finantj~ Wllllam Al least five per10IJI were arreitecf_ wou1d "be prottctmc pliiople 25 tq 50 . WU:eroan, paralyzed from .the 'faist Tb.is laiurioUs reSort; favor It e WASHINGTON (lJPI) -SecretarJ of yeen hiliiiiY· · · '' : •· · · · · . down by a buDet . !Ired into him hy •p!aygrOufid of'nlllliolia&es, idM>w baslness State'wuu.m P.· ROgers -for 50 · He Wd be"· favered a bond issue. ·his htlress wife in 1N7, gambled on celebrities and, m occasion, presidents, minutes today with Dr. Mahmoud Fawti, Tll'O county a_ttemptl: to Piii f1ood con· a new life and IGSt, it was di.sc10sed ha! a penn8nent ,population of. about chief fdrt~ affairs advber to President tro1 bcxld lsluel, ·botore the 1169 Ooods, today. · ' · 21,oo01lurlD( the winter sea.on. Ah<lel lramBI Nasstt of Egypt. were dtlea!ed.by ~._,., 1----,--~~~----~·'--"'· -~· "''-~· •· --------.,,,....-----~-- Vice 1'.,... Jaaepll• O'Salliml agreed 11111 the_, _____ llk:ent tax . l6e for lne ,_. and ,S cents !or tine more -aeemed. • stopgap m_.. . Vedder said the major portion would go to· rep&ir « the Santa Ana River channel "We need aome things down here: too,'' be said. ~en lmtructed Vedder to hold out for a bond issue at the nut League of C!Ues meeting. al JJ. J. 11l'>:Jil:llz:;J:=!O""""""' .. ,... .......... ,.,..,,,,, ........ r::m"""'illll!::m .• !l'l'...,;;;'""'"""'""'"""""":::mz:c:ci:ID!::?'JC~ ' \ . '/ .. LAGUNA TEEN CORNER By TOM GORMAN RAVE YOU put m a llr<et dance ; lately? ' lt's an interesting challence that the ~ local youth councU has' ·1tt1cked owr : a hall dozen limes. The latest cne, : held Tuesday nigh~ proved to be one ·, of the m05t ·sucteSSful, yet ooe of. f:bt ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ' ·, DAILY PILOT Olt.AN't;E COAST l"UILISHIHG COMPANY RH-t "· w • .4 ,.,......., .... ,....,.,_. J•ck .. c .. r1., \11(9 ..,..,..., ... 0.-il """""" 1"111•• ic .... n ·-Thtmt• A. Mw,phi11• Mm-1119 Edllflt ki•h•rtl '· N•ll """"' 81ldl • CltY ldlW I __ ...... 212 F.r••t ,. .... -+ _Mtilint ;y4,..., P~O...a..~'''* fl611- i OtW~ . I ' • • • most hecllc. The problem started a month ,ago, when a street dance was scheduled dur· in& Ole ram •. Point number one : never achedule' astn•t"danc< during the rainy seaaon. . . n!e ·youth coundl bad to cancel it, becaOM tie ctt, 1WIS a b.lt worried · about ba.tnc ~ stmt uaed after a ..... of boavy duwiapoun. So the April 1 date wu set. Point number two: never bold a dance on April Fool'• Doy. The ezdtement started early ta the ewolng, when Doua Smltn atarioc( to put the ba!Tacedes oo his truck. TOJlll am·-~ the bandstands w ..... , ... they bad i-lelt Doug lilot louod out that a group from San ~le, who also held a atreet dance'' ~tfte same night, helped u.a-lva to Ille rllUI without telling · the youth coundl. Doog and Roh Kron-man finally ~ed ' the group down, and bNUll>t-bacl two ol the four sedlons or the ttqt. Jlall or stage tsni too fOOd, bUl . the • CGOncil had to leave oorneUllDI.~ the Sim Cltmenl< gn>up. Sinca.u.nc~ two bands (Fr<edom and wild trlrtl. two. handstands ,..,. needed •. So Glal ,Kawaratanl ·hunied -to the Randio ~ llidlnl Stables to bon))W ,!heir liq w_agon. Thero were DO U.,.. 01 tlli fi:alltr, wjlldt ~e thlnp interuling oo Cout Highway. By the time. the two band.stands were set up, the dance got underway, SS min'Utes late. Oh well , that's show biz. · And what's a show without spotlights, or in this c~. electricity for ampilfien? The ·man who cc:Suldn't afford ·to · blow a fu.se In lhl1 departmtnt. was Mr. Carl Xian. For the wilpteenth time he sup- plied the power. Mr.· Klus bu been most cooperative. · The dance. finally be11n, band.stands, power and a11. The gate recelptli were pretty good, Wblcil WU upected. In :iact, people on the. outside were so anxl®s to get lnslCle .they broke through the· bonicades about 10 o'clock. But· during the hour and a bait before· that 780 people paid to gei tn. Hundreds streamtd lhrough aftt:r the barricades collapsed, malting this the largest strtet dance to date.. · The affair ended about midnight. That's when the work began. Youth coUncil members spent another 90 minutes SWetP\ng the street. clear of debris. • - The slrttl wu clear b)' 2 a.m. And by noon the next day, traffic was back to normal -bumper to bumper. Ah, Laguna: .,,,~ else can ltreeta have so much fun? Fr.Ht PHe J IRVINE RANCH PLAN • • • ' - . 21 t\llllaol&rJ IChool.I, and sevtn junior · lllghl "'4 lour hlch llChooll In lore<ast. The county, In coope.Tatlon with • clotdupe.., builders and lenders "will punua 'U. opportunity for bVlovatlon and uperimeataUon IO u t.o offer a lull ,_ of~ price&," Plonning Direc- tor , .... act ..... llld. Tbe area la now larg1ly developed ' to dlnll and row aop1 and b bounded on Lhe east by the rtet:nlly granted llvine c:.mpany 1grlcultural ,pr...,., plans. Not Included In the plu art heavy commercial artU such as rtgk>nal ahop. ping ctnlm or tndustrtal uses. 1'Time did not permit this type ol inveaU,alloo.'' laid Dlcbsoe pruniling a fur1ber study within one year. The plan provides that developer& lhal1 offer public and private recreallonal facilities and open rptCe: wbtrt densities ~ i.t · d•elllnlJ \lnlta -per '""'· ~ ,, ~ROFESSIONAl INTERIOR DESIGNERS \ . ' ' - the light toucla in pattern; ·the bright toudl in color- Creatlna a mood of e~ elepnce in a rt>OrYl-can·be a clllficUlt dieexititliia problmi.- Karaat.an.makes i\ euy with A.dmoreau;- 1rnported v.'OOl broedloom. The quallt;y comes -.sy toAdrnortt.u tao. fr\'.111'! Karutan'a pt.tented Kare·lot looml. s...._....,.,_ .......... .,. fuhk:JD..perleet. We U"e proud to~· .AdmGnM ln 16 color combimtionl ..Sat .... $11.95,.. ... / °'"" -1'lllrl. • ""· -- 22 IS HARIOR IL VD. COSTA MESA, CAllf. 644-0276 "46-017' \ I ' f I • • (LI OAJl Y Pilaf; : -uoieI Blaze Routs ~200 - .Guest.1F~10th Floor Fire at Disney.land .. .um_.ua i -"-.. -... ... ·---..-.... - ---.. Ibo DllDeylaod -,... .......,. nlPI by • !ft wliicJi -oat -.....,i---... u.-..... •"!be 10th floor " the 11-olory ....... . Two -.... --· ............ -lor-lnhllollonbulooono wu oorlCQl)y lnjund In the 10 PJll. blaze, 1;,. olllcia!! nported. A IOO>lly ol 1-..... occupied Ille roam -lo the 111mJni lllllte were trapped far a mlNJtrt OD a narrow bolcony . beln Jltwww reecued them with ladden. ; Jooepb Levin d. -. Texu, said he, Ida wife and two dauahters wero dri-lo Ille lelJlo by beayy - "Tho 'fV 11!1 -olf ood I rot . . • mM," tlie Y)!dljr Did. "I wu wolching the Labn bMk!'haD ._. ,,.,, ...... YOUNG BROTHER ANO SISTER VISIT CRYPT OF SU.IN CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER Fridoy Wiii M•rk First Aftnlvorury of Dr. Mortin Luther Kl .... 1 DMlh .1 ltarted eomlnc' Into the' room and We _, ..... by the bafhray." -. King ·Memorial· Rites Set Santa Ana Black Congress Plans Ceremony Fri.day The Black Congrus of Santa AM will hold a memorial ceremony Frid8y on the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther Kin(. The program, ICbedWed for 1 p.m. al Ille El SIJvador -Center, World Back to 'Normal' .. .. But NotMrs. Eisenhower By MERRIMAN SMITH UPI Wlllte Home~ ABILENE, Kan . -Minuia after Ibey . laid Dwight D. Eisftlbower to rest in the ltoey dilJ>ity ol hi5 "place " medila· tion.," prairie disc jockeys were back playinj !Op forti" ood Abilene Police ...... broldcasting helpful hints .. malOrllls on bow IO gel c..t d. lown. Down in the railroad yards. an emo- lionlfly_deplel<d. widow at .dlaconoolote .... -_.,ejving. · This was Ille brUtal part ol moumlng for Mamie Eiscmhowfr -when the emo- Policeman Dies After Shooting Self Accidentally , . Oil-duly Ganlen Grove pblice d.ficer, ' Wllliim C. Guard was killed lote Wedne!- dly afternoon when a mvice revolftf he was cleoninf occlclenlally dJsclwied, hitting him in Ille chat, Santa AM police reported. 1be ao:ident OCCUJTed in the offictr's bame at ZIOI N. Bristol st., Santa AM. Police Wei Gu>rd's wife, Kathleen,. 21. who i.. espectlng her lint child, wu seated in the· living room near her husband when the weapon Uharg- ed.. . Mn. Guard, a registered nurse, ad- ministered first aid but the officer was pronounced dead on the scene.' Garden · Grove police said Guard. 22, wu the ... of Ll Clyde Guard of Ille eypres. Police · Departent. He joined the force last Nov. II. -tional courage faded and -ahe was left _to Ille stark afllrmath -while !lie rest of the Rid went oo aftfr having been ltllled for a ff!'W moments for a man President, Nixon called an '"authentic hero." - Police laid .about 100,000 people came hl!O Abilene, a town " 1,000 populatilll, fer the E1lenboW«-burial JrOCfS!ion through Ille .. _ district, """' rail ~ y-10 the qulet1y majostlc E"-.r Cenler ....... ~ """"" COIJUDlnder-ln-chief WU buried. ll'Jil!onl ol other -could ... the.aervices''*""'·~-edl'\le spec- tators. Ev<ry pllue of Eileol\OW«'I last pt.bly journey was carried .by radio ood televisilla. Only ... par1 of the service was screened off.from any public view -the actual burial in a mercifully brief service inside the tiny chapel. Mrs. Eisenhower held John for support as she ll'alked back to her limOWiine. The party sped back to the train, return-- eel sonu!: time later for a ftnal goodbye to Ike, tben the diesel Jocomotives began IO cbu& 1enlly ood the train pulled out. • SeYeral hundred per30DS watched .tbe departure ind • they were cafllmC out re9plC1ful -.0.. -_.... ... the rear ploifann d. her car o1 the end· ol the lrlln. By thb lime, ..,. -IO have repined rnucll d. ...,. . ' ............ . The croft could hear ..... ~!liq ·~-~all." ' A block ... ay at Ille' otilkmrmrlrded city cafe, a wary waitrm brulbed Ille hair from ""' .,.. ood ~ghed. "I must have RrVed several hundred customen today," she said. A Kansas Jtate trooper. spooning hi1 coffee at the counter, looked up al Ille girl. "So?:.' be aid.. '"That man aerved several hundred million." 1as W. Ith SL, Santa Ana, will feature · highUgbts of the a1a1n civil rights leader's file. Ellewhere In Oranie Cowlly, llO official ceremonies baV!i been announced. -UCLA bu planned a tnemlll'ial service In' Ille morning ood IJlOlhU will be beld in Uw evening in the Shrine Auditorium. II WU April 4, t• that Kin( stood at a Lorraine Motel balcony in Memphis, .Tenn. A bullet 'Whined from the direction of the setting sun and took his life . ~emorial. mvicu to honor King are planned Friday by school, church, civK: and civil rights groups acrms much cl the nation. The predominantly black city or Washington, D.C. is embroiled in· a dispute over what public gesture should mark the day. Black activists urged a city holiday with all hnsinesae1 closed, but most will remain open. The Mayor bu proclaitDed Friday • "day or memoriam." · In Cleveland, a combined com- memoratkm aervice wu bdd Wednesday I« Kin&. ood Sen. -F. Kamedy, al!io the victim cl an a••nin'a bullet. In Memphis, up let 11,008 people Ile ezpected IO march ~I bigb _, IO ihe motel ood lheo IO clly hall where King's successor as bead cl 5 -Siiil&m Chris- tian Leadership Conference, the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, will speak. New York's Mayor Lindsay announced that five men · who have been active in civil rights groups will officiaJly represent the city at Uie aervict in Memphis. He caUed King "a symbol of triwnph and hope." Nixon Chooses 4 Ambassadors KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP )-Pml· -Nbm ..__ today his cboic .. fur 1...-lmporlant mnbuudonhlpa, in-. cludhw the dlipokhq ol former Ropubllcu Sen. Kenneth B. Keeu., of New Y«t let India. In .addition to tagging Keating to replace . Chester Bowles in New Delhi, Nixon will nominate career diplomat William Leonhart as ambassador to Yugoslavia, former Republican Gov. Val Peterson of Nebraska · ·.as envoy to Finland. and New H' a m p s h I r e busi!Jw:man Robert C. Hill to replace former Mayor Robert F. Wagner of New Yort as ambuudor to Spain. Teens for Christ "Flee • Huntingtpn Group Fears Quake, Heads for Arizona By TERRY COVILLE -d. a .pullllC llreel ood willful ''The Lord lold us earfllqu.Ues, fir<, Of ... DlilY '"*' s..ft and unlawful d.iaturbance'ol. a ICbool. cities aone: -laid desolate -we have 1be militant Teens for Christ group, Results of tbetr appearance In Harbor to depart quickly," explain,, Miguel. noted for picketing xhools and hassling District Municipal Court Wedneldiy are "A lot or our bt>ys hive ~visions," cqafliled religion, Is planning to fieo not yeL known, but adversity is the Huntington Beach for fef.1 of the ~ byword of the teens. be ad&, "and April earthquakes have tion of CalifonUa·. • They've been in.court before and don'{ been predicted by many great prophets." Lellders of the teen organiialion assert mind It ''in the name ol Jesus .. , "We feel the Lord will do somelhing. ,,. that predictions from the Lord indicate Their fame for picketing schools and says Miguel, "ti.1aybc it won 't be earth· California, as a land ol sin, ~·ill be churches has spread from Huntington k ... h 1 do h t the destroyed, perhaps by the.predicted great Beach to Laguna Beach and inland to qua es. uut ~e ave o w a eartbqu&ke d. Apdl I~ Santa AM Loni uu us. Thus the youna: followera of Jesus. Teens f~ Qrisl have been volatile In Tucson.. the Teens for Christ claim are pa<tinc their bqs_...S ~---~cn_ood_they havJ> ~ clr'!!!!I 200 tidl per lo nee Ille' lllle'. They are .,.., lo ·-·-!Ion In the IChoolL nJibt IO iliOir me<llnii iiiirha,. even . . 'lbelr -has been lo .... the ipObn In """' " Ille ......... r=.~ .-.tho -a•~ •-L-•-jcMb -the ._, dnl( -ood ,,,,, doai feef they Ire delerlinC "-~--~ .. jolt plola loll oOoils. -Caflfemla In Ila lime of ........ -. =• diwler, thJee wbo llave Far tbe ,.... ,_., · they haft been •1wne pea tbe ~ ber't enauah, 11 -1aai .. mtllquallll-.!ftijjj baliil-ol the "Lllbl Houle" club., '-YI lllguel. ''The rat of Ille country rmballhe-Tbeyhlmflilod Mein -In -~ Beacll, olll bM In hove K loo." IO draw IUppcirt from ........... «earth-led by Pallor llne Berg, who bqoo "II there WU JIOina lo be onythlog quole apsta. (See llarJ, Pqe II). bis~ lo )Olllll ln Miaml. left. we would ..... a permanent poop In i.ct, ..,. Homtlnpla-., polOllJt Tbdr new bome In Tuaon will at.. bl H .......... Beac11," lie says. declored thol lhe -aplnsl llldl a bo colled"Tlle LIPI -"11'1 based Miguel llim9eU· plans IO l1eod for major quake are 5GO to 1. Jn an old cburcb __ at 2561 Menor Strev Miami, where the Tetrll for ctui!l hope Experts lo the controry, the teen group Ave. lo launcll another successful mwloo. 1lill anticipates doomsday. "About 40UOf our ~tiers are Jeayfng With fire aod brimstone preaching the "We'd be gooe by now,.. declared ~ for the. 1\x:soa missloo." say1 Berg family was not eully accepted Miguel Ward d. the T..,,. group, "ezcepl Miguel. About IO T..,. for Clvill revolu-In M1411li in Ille past. They c:sme wut that several of our followers •re still Uonaries are already bued in Tucaan. arx:I establilbed Huntington Beach as In court in COsta Mesa.'.' Huntington Beach won't be left entlttly the borne of the Teem for Crlat. The court date,. which has delayed without IUid&nce. 0 About five of our Now their youlbful followen are 1hif· the teens trom Oeesng doomaday, st.ems memben will stay here until just before Uni their bue to Tucson leivina: from an ~:..t:" 17 when II ol lbe bl1ler end " -lillpel. c.Bfcnla on Ille brlnl d. dJoui.r. Ille mlllllnt · picketed Maude ~ io Ille J001bfu1 ~ An tldor)J ......, """ helnl them B. DaYil lrUrmediMe SdxJol and Colla revolutionariel, Clllllnia M a modn ..,eat Wd r -a& a YMCA JftllPaDI X•lliPSchoollnCGsloMesa. dq ponblt to --., ad .......... lllefpocfrtholrbopoodlea .. 'l1leJ ,... """'1ed on cbarra of Gomorrob, just o hedonlllJc society .,., mpt -., Ibey doa, cot <IUlbl ref-' lo cli8pene, wIIHul ood malicious llJll1l)slllna In sin. In the deltruclron. \ ' • • Allllou&b Ille blue In Ille suite ..... aiati.ued · !lilbln ft minutes, much d.unap .... -.. Ille --by smote and. water t firemen reported. No estimate oil total damage was avfllable thb morning. A 17-year-old Lakewood youth, Ernest Lowe!-, Who WU vlsilin& friends in the building, llOllllded Ille initlal alarm when be found Ille IOth Door hallwsy , filled with smoke. He immecllately called the fire department ood with-Ille old of friends tnocked oo doon warning Ille ....... Evelyn Sherwood, a member d. Ille DAILY PD.DT newt staff who Wll Vaca· lio!llnl al Ille hole~ was ooe of the ...... routed. -"Water is still 41ipping down into Ille firs! lloor this mcrnlng," &lie -~nported. She aaid she and several score other guests slept in hastily arranged beds in conference rooms on the ground floor. "People reacted nalurally" said Mn. FIREMEN MOP UP AFTER DISNEYLAND HOTEL FIRE V•c•fioMrt ForcMI to EvKwihl IJ.$tory·Ho1t1lry • Sherwood. "They first thilOght of their children, then their money. One woman said she had left beT denturu upstain." ''The first' hour WU quite a acent!: with domla of gueatl dreMed only ln rilgbt clolhin&,'' &lie reported. ''One girl was wrapped only in a bath towel.•• She sa1d two children had been lefl alone in a room while their parents vilited in 'Los Angeles, but they were awakened and res:ued. • About 60 c~&t.omers were in the lllh floor cocktail lounge when the alarm was sounded. They left behind · their drinb and · their tabs, reported bar manager Bob Stoddard. Four GOP Senators, Bla8t ABM Plan Solon Proposes 5-county Agency _LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Southern WASIIlNGTON (UPI) -California legWator wants to create a F 0 u r five-county regional agency to take over Re)Mlbllcoo .......,, charged today the suriace and air transportation In a 10- Nixon administration'• cue for an an--million-population area. llballlslic ,\ABMl system ~ ''.full of gap-Alaemblymao Peter F Sch.tbarum of mg boles. Covina said Wednesday he'll introdu~ Sena. Charles E. Goodell, N. Y.,; a bill Monday to reorganize and give Marlow W. Coot, Ky.; William B. Saxbe, taxing power to the Southern California Ohio, and Mark 0. HaUiekl, Ore., asked Rapid Transit District -whjch now in a joint statement: "Wit: the ABM consists entirely of buses. be a new Edsel of the air like the The agency, with an JI-member board, XB-70? .•• ts it going to be another would plan, develop and nm public dinosaur obsolete before it is built? Will transportation in Los Angeles, Orange, it COit us billions without adding l.o Ventura counties aod parts of Riverside the nation's securtty? We rear it wlll.11 and San·Bemardino counties. "The bill would leave lt up to the agency l.o determine regional transporta- tio!l requirements -i;urface, air, ·bur, rail, minibuses:, jilney1, -whatever 'will gel the job dooe," fie said. The. new agency would assume opera· lion of municipal airporta by 1972 and would draw up a tran&portaUon ma:;ter plan, he told ~ new& conference. Schabarum, a member of the As&emblJ Transportation Commiuee: oppo&ed ,the Rapid Transit District's $2.5-billion bond '1roposal to build a transit system., 1be proposal was rejected by voter• last November. 237 E. 17 ST. -MESA CENTll COSTA MESA ( .. The .-test chicb will step Jovel7mBpriq'1newm'1Meta~ ' r,_ ... x.q~ colleellaa I 'lbo .... ll;Jle la '!lllnpintarlDt,blott laolfti-tent. 'Dlo- battoneol tae (di .. '··~-.--... ftlte. 'lbo-ooft toe bo"1 doll llllap ID bladt II' while IUl!re patent. Han dbl.. to match. Only at Karra. ' . .. \ I ................ 11* ... ....., I ' ~ . . ~ ltoblrt -loy ruuured ~.W Portly En11Wunen that al- tblqh fat people die earlier, ' e llved 1, lot better." Morley bi1 comment after tho Of. ealtb EcooomlC! in London that people 10 pound• E gbt run a greater bealtb · · those who smoke a peck ':J!larettesaday. •' . • ~ Mtrcilrlo, 18, of Regio ~a, Italy learned to bis. dls- rijllf ,that altbougb SWIH painter 91!" lrunderer pref era landscapes, ~ can also do Jood portraits. lllunderer gave police a sketch .of tlh man he said robbed him of aev• ei'iiJ thousand lire on a lonely llliiicb. Police used it to identify :M'ercurio. r ... . ,, Pat Nugent'• Back Ho1ne .My.steTJI i1 thl! pa.saword i" both the dJ.iapptan1nce and recovtrt1 of $15,· 000 Pica.uo painting. "The Head of a l1Mracn and of o Muakateer" WCI Tt• ttined to Boston'1 Directer of M~ ~dm of Fine Arti PUT'll T. Rathbone ~a m113tmoui man in a taxi. I t had bm stol<n last April 28 from Logan 1'lmzational Airport m routt [Tom ~ to the Boitqn muuum. Former Pruide11t Lynd0n Johnson, carrying grand- dauS11ter Lucinda, beams his approval while bis son-m-law Pat Nugent (center) exchanges glances with his wife-Luci. Nugent was met by nearly the entire Johruon and Nugent families when he return-- ed to Austin, Tex., from a tour of Vietnam with the Air Force -and had no comment about a future political career. " . .;,,e midd!Hged crowd that runs SC Francisco ran into tbe problem ~:the generation gap when they announced plans to sell and event .. ullly demolish tb e Kong Chow Temple. Five prote:stors picketed irl':.h.opes of saving the historic building. They were headed by Mrs. Ch•rlotte Ching, who is 97. • The Iowa. Senate Judiciary ~ Committee pqssed o bill which 1 would aUoto ;Udge! to sentence littv'bugs to "a Jobor of litter· gatlnring, including, but Mt limited to, the litter connected with the particular violation.., • Salt Lake County bas been en1ag- ed in a mammoth dredging and cleaning operation o! tbe Jordan JUver this spring. Sherill's deputies earlier this week were called to re- move a junked automobile discov- ered in the river. A check .showed the wrecked car was dumped there by three leaders of the clean-up campaign. .,. • A check of maternity wards in about five months could lead Boise, ldaho police to a thief. Officers re-- ported that a woman about four months pregnant and her male companion in gold pants-robbed a maternity fashion shop cf $200 from the cash register and another cus- tomer's purse. Police put out an alarm for a pregnant woman "wearing a maternity dress wlth three bo\YS across the back, possi- bly freckle faced, and about fi vc- foot-t\\'O." • Edwa rd Shackleford of Florence, Ala., '"·as accidenUy shot by an- other turkey hunter but was not seriously injured. Authorities said Shackleford was giving a turkey call when a nearby hunter mistook him for tbe real thlni • German Measles Vaccine Brings Preventinn Near .f W ASlUNGTON (UPI) - A vaccine against Gennan measles (rubella), a di sease that sometimes causes pregnant women to /ave abnonnal birth!, may be availabl for use next month. Health Secretary Robert H. Finch to- day issued proposed re (u I at ions establishing standards for the vaccine's production. "Thi! means lhet We arc one slep closer to the prevention o! a disease that has caused an untold number ·of tragic births," he said. Thirty days after publicaUon of the regulation in the federal regiater, they will become fmaJ, and llcttWq could follow immediately, a spokemna:n for the National Institute of Hu.1th (NUf) division <JI Biologica: Standards uid. Czechs Warned Russ Army Ready To Stop Protests PRAGUE {UPI) -The Soviet Union has informed Ciecboslovakia that Soviet troops will auppress any future anti· Russian demonstrations but will not be used during the present crisis if the nation remains calm, infonned IOltt'Ces said today. Government sources said the wamlnJ: or a return to military force came ln a stiff Soviet protest note delivered Wednesday. Soviet C om m u n I s t Party leader Leonid l. Brezhnev promised in a telephone call W e d n e s d a y to Czechoslovak Party chi ef Ale1ander Dub- cek that the Red army would not be ca.Ued out in the current crls1s "as long as nothing new happen:s," party sources said. The IOUl'ttS said some of Ult 21 members of the Czechoslovak Party Presidium demanded at an emercency meeting Tueoday that ~bcek realgn, bul the IDl)ority aupporlod blm. The vaccine wou1d b! available Im· mediately upon licenaing, although in lim.ited quantities at firsL Initial dlstribu· tlon is expected through pediatricians. Recommendation for use of the vaccine will be detennined by the National Com- municable Di.ease Center at Atlanta. In Philadelphia. Thomas M. Rauch, president of Smith Kline & French Laboratories, announced today that the !inn's Belgian subsidiary had received the world's first license for a vaccine against measles. Swilzerland granted the license to Recherche at lndustrie Therapeutiques (RIT), Rauch said. He said the llctnae authorized use nf a vaccine deVeloped from the live "cendehfll" virus strain, which was grown by RIT in primary rabbit kidney cell cultures. - It is expected that the vaccine will be in general use in Switierland Withln a month. Manhattan Bomb Plot Thwarted NEW YORK (UPI) -Police have foiled an elaborate Black Panther plot to set off bombs in five midtown Manhat- tan stores l.oday and to carry oat a number of other "coordinated at'b: of \'Wlnct" aimed at destroying the "power structure" of the white community. Dist. Atty. Frank S. Hogan. announcing detail! ol the pklt Wednesday , said 21 persona including two women have been indicted. Twelve were BM"ested Wed· nesday, two already were in jaH in Newark, N.J., facing robbery charges, and the other seven were still at large. Hogan said bombs were to be set off today in J\.1acy's, Bloomingdale's, E.J. Korvette, Alexander's and Abercrombie & Fitch in areas of the huge department stores where paints, dry goods and other flammable mat.rtala are otond. The bombl would have gone oil at Ille height cl the Eula' lbopplnJ CfUlh. Rain From Coast to Coast Presidio Mercur y Soars to iVa~io1ial High of 98 Callforttla T em1H'f'at 11re• c..cai Cllltr lt1" ... --.... ,.. "',. ...... #It -· tokt. WIPldl ...,...,,.n:acchrtr, 11 .. n tnoi.. Ttrfn'c 11114t. " tt "' Ytl""*"' ,.,,.....1\1,._ , t 11 f e II ff'llOI I Mtll el U .. I lew I/fl U . I/to te/11111 "'-•""" -... ,, ,, ~. Tllll 'Weltr ttrolafflfllN .... 9 .. ·-S•n, Moen. Tide• TMUlllOAY l4ar!lf ""' ... , J:M '"'· Ot '-'II 111111 • t: u •·"'· ).1 ,lllDAY !"Int ...., .......... ~. l :M '•"' f,6 v.s. s ... _,,, ftrtdllitt l...., _. lft llt •NI wldelr ttt tltred cc"'" !tie c.untry lodcy. Tits rwlloil'c hltll WH,,...M11 WI) " 11 1'""9.ldle. T•o. ,.._ owrlll't~• tow WCc ll'lre. 1"°"9 cl ~. \'I, , ... ._ ,.., llth! tcl11 w c1r1111e ,.,,,th et 1 ttu4 fr'9'1t •>""""'"" from OklelloMI 1'11 lltt onflll-Atlcl'f"I: 1•1~ ll'tlrc Wllft • few 111rin*l~1 over !M "'''"''" ll:Qd.lft, ~•ltH'ed .,...,, of kl? "'''" "'' Dllll"ll te ltlc A..,..IKl'lll"I· Albu-- 1.l\dlorfM Alillnl• 1111rt..,1i.111 !ll!lll'l•rtk llol..et .... Clllc1tt1 , Clni;l" .... 11 et.Yeltnd """"' ... ..,,_ .... , l!urt1c1 J'erf Wd ·--·-· ...... . K-City .... _ l• ""Ill" -·-Mln-.oi" .,_ o ...... N-Ycwt' Hor1'1> l'ltfltl Oltlll'ld °""" "''ft It-ti•·· "~!t..i@io1t11 ""~'· "''"""""" l'ortl•"" "•·;~ c·1v 'l•d 111111 ·-5«••-~lo Niii~ llW ftr.c. ~ " •• j l • " • " ·" " --t: " " a " ·" " ~ " ~ " ,,. .. ·" " " ·"' ·" ... "' l ' :n . " 79 "' ,,, .. " " .. . " .. " . " '' J,I .M " n ~ ,. .. " " '' .. - " " ... If ,, " " •I "" I! " -.. '' •1 JI 11 " S' .n " " .I' d .eP ·" )} •I 19 .el ~ " • CLOSED EASRR SUNDAY Big Four Begin . ' Talks on Mideast ' I UNITED NATll>fll (UPI) -;!'he Bil Fout poftrl bt(an lbelr lonl"walted ' lllb cm lbe l4lddle Eul today la the 1111'11 Avenue apartment . o! Frtneh Ami>••....,. , Armand Beran!. Three • polleemon alood outtlde lo enforce the oeCrec)' they hnpooed. -AmNuadon cl the United Slates, Brl· Wn, lllO Sovtel Unloo and France met al Berard'• raldence lhts mcrnt111 lo begin the lalb France propooed laat Jammy, the raulta of wblch 1.arael • already bu rejected In principle In ad- vance. Policemen barred newsmen but a police aeraeant volunteered to take meaqea inalde. '!be q...Uons brought only the reply thal ll!formalion officers In the building . "don't. want to be bothered" lalking to repcrlen. · '!be secrecy was eo great that the time of the meeting waa not known unW French Foreign Minister Michel Debre announced in Paris Wednesday they. were starting today in New York . U.S. spokesmen would :say only they piight sJart beftre the v.--eekend. Lord Caradon, tbe British ambassador. "9'as the flr:st to arrive. accoinpanfed by his deputy, Sit Leslie Glass, and two aides. U.S. Am~ador Charles W. Yost came nut, accompanied by Deputy Ambassador \Villiam 8. Buffum and ad- visers Michael Newlin and F r e d Vreeland. Soviet Ambassador Jacob A. Malik was the last to arrive \fllh a party cl four, one o! them ; believed lo h hts interprmr. 1bere were rtporia: the •rnNllldol:I woold have an aftmlccn -u nil but they kept Ibis -.t u well. In related developmenta, I 1 r a ell Foreign Minimr Abba EblJI met W..S. nesday la Jerusalem with U.N. peoco I envoy Gunnar Jming, and Iaraeli government sources indicated t b e 1 prelered the Jarring approach lo that of the Big Four. King Hussein of Jordan met in Paris with President. Charles De Gaulle befon hi.! Dlgbl lo Wuhington and lalb with Pmldenl Nison. Nixon ~eet On Nation's Needs KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) -Prat .. dent Nixon today summoned Ulp advisers from Washington for a meeting Friday to .!let priorities on his domestic program. The Florida White House said Nii:on 'l'ould meet Friday with Health and \Velfare Secretary Robert Finch, Urban Affairs Adviser Daniel P. Monyniha.n and ~obert Burns. his counselor. They will chart administration strategy to meet the problems of crime, welfare. model cities and the whole range o{ ··compelling need.!i that face the nation,•• a White House spokesman said. -1'1nl llltft ...... ., •• ,,. lt:U c m, lt ""*"" """ ............ ' l :JI "·"'· 'J ...... """ ........... f :4' ''"'' ,,. A "'1111 WHfhif ,,.... wllf(h movH I,, -Cel!f9mlc W l111 lltt nltlll 11•i.Hd N ltwfr,_ !MY1"'9 Wllll'( ckJfl ... 1111 .""_.,_ 1111 !tie (ool tlllt. 5t LOUii 5tllrw1 $1!1 l•"" ('lfy ~" Dlt'W SI~ ,,..nc11~ ''"'-... ,,, .. , ..... •• 41 to . " ,,,. " .112 ~ It ,,, COSTA MESA, 1681 NEWPORT BLVD., AT 16TH . GARDEN GROVE -12372 GARDEN GROVE ILVD . E .,. -... ..... Jilf '·"'· ''" •:oo •·"'· ... ._ J:# c,m, $111 •iu I .It\. LHI .. ,..... •lrll o. r .n ,.,, ' N r. It .-,.,, '' MtJ I Clt1r tl!le cite CWll'lll tN c:tM••I "111111, !tie WllMr Mid-! 1111!1 tit• N'°"""1! ct win I~ 11'11 9Ml!llff"trll AlltlllM: ctclll Inf I ""' ~ Gull . • -·M ,_, W.11'11"'~ " I A! " ·"' .. " ,al " ·" . ., " -· , . I I I · 1 I . ----• • • Ne,.Port liarlpor • EDITION ' 0-... , TodaY• l'l••I · :: N.Y •. Stoeks . • ' voe. 62. NO. 80, 4 SECTIONS. 42 PAGES ~ ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA' ' . • Palm. Springs 'Evicts' 20,000 Hippie Guests • • • • . ' . . l· ' PALM SPRINGS (UPI) -A motley army of 20,000 hippim and yipPies wt,o hav~ harassed this l!OJ'JDally tranquil desert resort began ·c1rUting· away todJy as reinforced police gained the upper hand. The weather gave an assist to 300 officers from surrounding CommuniUes who had, joined ill· • mutull aid pact ,J:lth 1be S}man Palm Springs force. , Ught rain began flllin( abortly af\er midnilhl and w .. accompanied by br\11< winda that ldcted up llDdalonns and 'added lo 1be cllaoomfort of I h e he!F<>g..,..,. ._. The rain· lutt<I for two hours and 8ppartqijy dam~ lbe enthusiasm for the itnwaahed interlopers. Hellcopttrs flew periodlcalJy ·over the assorted bandl of studeltts JJKl'hanger&- on, waritlng them to leave ,OJ"' be forced out. At dawn, ~Ung hitc}ihikef! were , on the rood ltading'l>UI ol-lhilr ioolated ad txelualve IPL Scme -~ alps lndicaµng their destination. They In~ eluded New Y or k, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Pennsylvania as well as Cailfomia cities. Police said the weather and their strong show of force at an unruly rally in a park Wednesday night "tended to discourage them." · Some of the visitors showed up at police headquarters to file C-Omplaiats or ,what they said was police brutality. Groups of colorfily.garbed ·yoµths set DAILY PILOT lllft ....... DOING THIN.GS PEOPLE DO DURING EASTER VACATION ON THE BEACH IN NEWPORT Su. Gile,. 17, of Tustin, •ncl hb Dietrich, lt, of Santa An•, Share Popsicle Meanwhile" ii. ,'·Newpot:t •• Along ·the Beack, ~~Madcap Walk on the Mild Side • DAILY PILOT .......... GO FLY A KITE Mark Jul1gey, 6 Plans Part,, IJy JOHN V ALTERI.( Of ._ tt.llr 1'1191 Steff It's invigorating to look out on the dusty looldng and and smell the C1W1C<S and aunces <i mntan oil, its aroma hov· ering with <be ... haze along the surf· line. Md amoni the m,ooo or so hasldng, running and dOling sunbathers, often Iba! UM1 little feeling of madMos pcllJI up In sperb. Easlel' Week ....,. lo possess this charisma more than any other time of year In Newpm Beach. -. of the funey lltlle menlsfestalioos of EulA!r rnadnesa go like this: -&nacl: In the mlddJe of Weclrie!day's record 85,000 IOUls packed on the warm sand Ihm wu ea empty drcle,-0h ••• perhaps 30 feet In cllameter. ll's perim- -wu a fence of driftwood twigs stuck plcbt-<tyle In 1he sand. lo .the c:eotB, lmpol«! oo a larger tlick stood a paper )lCIZ with neat lettering Oii all four sida. II reac!:"lleHrved!" ·And nobody dared enter. Nol a ICIUL -'lh drunken driver who hit three cars on Santi Ana A venue and. after reeelvlng the lllandard oiler of his choice of aobfl.ety tests from a patient police offer, ~. "(){fisher, _J recline to take any tesbt.'l -The pair of orphaned seal pups-one a boy, the other ~ &1'1--who have been showing up regUlai'ly 'Gii the beach near llf"!!Uard bea<lquarten and giving the kids .....thing different lo pel and feed. Boy staJ, however, isn't as frtendJy as the girl sea!'is. Animal control officers _had to relocate him, but not before he gave them some trouble, After taking him to a bayside point, the dog catchers got another call about the pup. He was shuttling acroSs Newport Boulevard on his way ·to a date with his girl back at Newport Pier. Ah, spring. -Then there is the sign. a standard during holiday periods, "hovering over the CIStf register at a liquor store near Newport pier which reads "If you are still -fort'unate to look young, have your ID ready.'' -The bikini-clad girl who.first saw the DAU.. Y Pll..OT reporter on the beach at Newport taking pletures. Later in the same day their paths crossed in Balboa while he photographed the Fun 1.one. 'l1te la.st encounter was at' police headquar· ten in the late afternoon when the Start1ed coed saw the reporter emerge from an office. Startled, She looked at a friend and said. "I knew it , , , he's a~·" Thia last one might be a put on. More than likely it isn't, but its effect is mellowing to that crew of men who get the worst of the holiday period-the police. A boxboy from a local market ap- peared at police headquan:ers Wednes-. day afternoon with an anonymous gift, be said, from,..a grateful woman. Officers ~autiously opened the bo:ic. They foand inside a freshly baked cake bedecked with balloons and bright fniotlng. Gift , •. snack •• , bribe. Oh, well, it's Easter. 1 "Have a slice, lieutenant?'' SF Mayor Sooffs at Quake AN l>RANClst'O (UPI) -Mayor Joseph Alioto's anti-earthquake party is come as you are. Bring your own water wings. The San Francisco mayor -tired ol lisltnlng lo rumors the Goldm Stalo ts about to crack like 1 stale brownie and drop 'jnto the sea -has decided on a giant' public celebration to dispel the gloom. On April lJ -the 63rd anniversary Cl[ the quake and file that ne'1'1y leveled the city -coffee will be served from army fleld kltchens in downtown Union Square. "We'U play Caruso records.'' H.J1 Alioto. "Maybe · 1'11 even arrange for a special showing or the movie, •san Franclsco.' and join in a chorus or lwo with Jeanette MacDonald as Ille stands there in the ruiJll singing away.I\ triiy pertla!ly hidden by Aliofu'1 levity, llo>ll"'-Is the fact soma Celifornians an actually awaiting a cataclysmic tomlilor which they think wlll strike • somelliiitiliiiiii xpnr.l)lbers are mere- ly nervous. Doztnl Cl[ lelten have flooded lnlo the Stale Diaamr OffJce In Sacramento. Mapy an from oul<>l-ttate raldent.s worried about bitnda and relaUvu. "A tremendous number of Lbem are Rtlalod Stery, Pa .. J being llddmoed to Gcmrnor Reac•n penonall1 wanlinJ lo know what he'• golnf lo do about JI," 111• Charles Sanuon al the -alllct. Rerb Caen, columniit for the San Fra~ ' clloo Olrohlclt, dallnl Doubleday books all«! him lo write a IOquel lo "Bqbdad by /the 'Bay" Ulleil "lltghdad lo the Bay." And Howard HlJl)la, ao·the. wop have II, will CIW1I the belt surfing beach "" the Padffc CCIOll aftu Califcrnia drops off and waves lap al the Las Vegu llrip. . Actually, neither Callfomla ollicials nor earthquake ICientiltl are in a posi4 lion to deny abeolutely a quake Will • strike: Thal'• the catch . Forwhue lt may be illogical to assume lhe pro- bability of a big rocker in the immediate future, no one can be positive it won't happen. Says the U.S. Geological Survey in nearby Meolo Park: "The plilln fact Is !bat a majcr earthquake will probably occur In ooe of the earthquake prone areas of C&llfomla. But whet.her l1 will ,, occur thiJ month or nut or not until 10 or 20 years is aomcthlng we simply cannot predict. .. But if the rederal govemment was ,.luctanl lo predict doomaday, not so a boll ol s•U .. tyled aeera llM prophet.. "God iJ going lo punish Ca!Uornla for Ila: sins/' aaJd one Southern cautonila ' minister as he led bis COR.gn:ptlon out of the &late. Other groups lled lo the &lale of Washington and)roups of hippies took up earthquake and flood 'witch jn the Rocky Mountains near Denver. ' ' -------·----------~-~-~-~---- • up camp on nearly tvery square foot violations, on clmfe:I of drug' poaemon of lawn in town. Others holed up in or Indecent exposure. , Capl Dal~ Thompson, i•but we all6~ have been con.fronted with hippies, }'IP.; pies and w~atever ••. wJth long, hair1: ·beards, dirty cloths, bare feet; ~u;; and knapsacks. Tbey t1umber in the : 20,000 figure.'' : nearby 'l)hquiti canyon, where the movie Police Chief Robert White called the •·Lost Horizon" was-filmed. Invaders "a new breed." different frcm They jammed the main street,. Palm the college and high school atudet)ts Canyon Boulevard, and t au n t e d ~·ho usually descend on the town durlii& policemen patroling the fancy specialty Easter. shops and departrQent stores that line One police lieutenant put it more One youth, med why he came, _,,.; ed to sum up the feellnp of many. "lt11; where it's at. There are groovy chlcU;~ the sidewalks. -"bluntly, '"nley're dirty," ,he aaid, At least 280 youths have been arrested "They're smell)i:. You can tee ·them since the vanguard ·of Vlle&lioners hit coming and you-can smell them com.in:&·" town Friday. Most were booked for liquor "We still bavt the sChool .tldl,"-iaid roct concerts and treaky lfOUPI. '' ___ ; .. . Jet Noise Ignored : County Airport lmpact~eeninRulingi By JEROME F. COLLINS Of ... CMllb' ... Stefl' In a decls.ion, that could influence escalated Orange· County Airport jet op@f'atlons, a Cailtornia Public UtlllUes Commission examiner today recom- mended that· two airlines be allowed to serve Long Beach despite citizen pr!> tests abou~ noise. • One of the airlines is A1r California, headquartered at County Airport. Examiner William N. Foley recom· mended to thir. PUC that Air Cal be permitted to fly between Long Beach Municipal Airport and SB.n Jose, San . Diego aOO Oakland. He also urged that Pacific Southwest Airlines be certilied for service between Long Beach and· Oakland.San Franciloo. His recommendaUOQ, which.need com· mission action, came in the face of objections from the Long Beach Jet ControLAsloclaUon, a large bomeownera• gr<iup, and the Loqg Beach ·qi, CounclL Both ;i.&erlciel Cooiplained atiout the ln', ~ ,"!19' '1!>41 'would ttol!lf '"""' th• adcled jet Bights. . Tbe ,l.aag Beoch CO)lllCll, Which origlnallf supported the • appli<111jons, recently uked the. Pl!C lo.,.jec! them. Bui Wminel Foley told the PUC the add!Uonal service would . alleviate serious· air and ground conlestion at Los Angeles lntema'tlonaJ AlrpOrt. Police Intensify Efforts to Find Owner of Hashish Newport Beach police, working closely with state and federal law enforcement agencies, today intensified efforts to track down ownership of a $500,000 cache of hashish found in the bottOm of the lower bay. The hashish -a total of 139 pounds -will be turned over today or Friday to the state Bureau of Narcotics for destruction. "We'll get rid of it either today or to- morrow," said Newport Police Capt. Lou Heeres, chief of detectiveS. "Meanwhile, it ~ain under lock and key here. Amen.· A large trunk that had C-Ontained the contraband already has been shipped to Sacramento. The state Bureau of Criminal Idenitficalion and Investigation will subject the tpJnk to lab ana1y1is to see if its origin can be detennined. Heeres explained. The chest of hashish was snagged by a Huntington Be.ach man fishing off the M Street public pier in Balboa late Tuesday, Heeres said the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerou1 Drugs ii also working on the case. ''They might be able to help us flnd out where the 'hash' came from. We suspect it's from somewhere in the Mideast, maybe Turkey or Lebanon." The bay area where the hashish was rOund has been scoured by Newport Beach lifeguard Bill Mills, Heeres not'ed. "Th~r~ was nothina t_lse lbere," he said. Nobody, meanwblle, ~y the poUce station to claim the hashish. Heeres doesn1t consider it likely that anyone will County Approves • Harbor Projects Two projects In Newport ff'1'bnr have been approved by the Board ol Supervisors. A -!or tile repair <I Harbor Di<lticl aocklng facmu.. darnac<d Jn the r:ecent storms w1s awarded Wed· netday to TraUtftln Brot. for '31701 the low of two bida· • A Second job was ·•warded to Shellmiker, Inc. to drqe tJie ahoil area In' the north chanoeJ of Balboa Island which wu fllled'durlne the heavy rains.,Malirnum C08t is to be '21500. He Said the bomeoWnera• eemh for q~ js a private interest whUe ·-beUer transporlaUOn Is In ~public lnteml Therefore, the ..nice "wlll beQeflt the public lntereil lo such 81\ extent that lt oulwelebs the pr!vata· proper!¥ interests of landowners near Long Beach Airport," he said. . The recommendaUona carry two hn· pllcations -both unhappy for jet noise foes -for Orange County Airport: -If the PUC acCepts the argument that public trans!>OrtaUon Qeedl ~. -homeownet&' noise complalntl,-a ~ denl will have been ...ta!>[hbid.· 'lbO, deslrucil0n lo p!'operly valujll ~ about by-thundering jet flllhll· <OUld no longer · be wied al ll'/: !00 deny ing added lntra·sla ierVlce al county airport. . -Air Cal would be In a Itron~ position to assur•! flight room for Orange. (See AIR CAL, Pap I) : First Mesa J·ailbreaker I C1!1ptf!'.~~d ·in Parking Lot · !If ··~pill.II, 11., Vnam;i.. ', -.: · ll<leoll" c.I 1acklon b,eld Dubot& ti•"'"'""""' with Oli .:t~~wvb ~; squlnidDJ tJuoup' ,: iibiII .q.. -joined -. -_,, Clarlel dow and p.o...ing eleca.nlc --1 lllltr Duvall. .uer a.; . . lllalled what 'lonl at 'r""'1om, a '17,000 .lf!m jbefl beplanne4.lo'l!':'-"t;'HYClt• Mpe<l made Co8la M ... '1 f l't1 I · ~ ~ '..A :.i;• :13, jailbreak Widne8day, but the tam of .of nu r-ay,Dr!fi:"W , !old , __ ,_ "'".• 1dy •·-·J bi"-. Jaclllon tjlal Dutbrg ·yeobd -the ~ .... ..,.. ~·-·~ cai door and roughly, c1rafpd blm out Three mlnuls oul<lde could easily by the hair for refuaing lo (J:ve blm cost Laurence R. Duborg, rr. In a ride. ... unemployed public Hl8Uons man 'from UJ)der California's so-called LI~ Lindbergh Law, a kidnap convldion in Ontario, Canada, 30 years in prison; which th~ Injured can brine with two other felooy charges !¢fed lhe d<ath penalty. · earlier agalnst him. "Hey, take me to the hospital. barryi.~ He was booked on suspldon or kid4 McCarter quoted Ouborg u aaJIDI When napping, escape, grind theit of an auto he dashed up to the 1968 vehlcJe, ~ · ln;Iy In a frenzied panic. and . a hold order wu placed on him Police were already In -11 on fool, for immJgratlon authoritiee:, w b 11 e be alerted by a jail trustee " b' o Nid he wa• already charged with burglary and saw the f I n a I seconds ol DubarJ'• receiving stolen propjty. jailbreak and watched to see whidl way Duborg wu dargged from a conr :fai:uld go1 thtJt punched tbt escape mandeered car in front of ·Costa Mela lnVHUg1tor1 said the chance-in+ City Hall about 7'13 p.m.. aftu lhoosimd break frorrl the electronically dellberlUng a full minute at aunpoint controlled jaij fac;illty at t9 Fair Drive on hl1 wisest courae of acilon. occurred , less than two hours · after Mabel Lorenz, Ex-Vice Mayor 's Wife, Succumbs Mrs. Mabel R. Lortnz, wife of former Newport Beach vice mayor Hans J. Lorenz, died at her Shorecllf£a home Wednesday .after ~ .llJness . of MVeral month&. She was 80. Mn.. Lorenz was tong a leader In Amerlcon Flekl Service acllvlUes. Hu family said the foreign student exchange program of the AFS Corona d•l Mar ·chapter was "her favorltychari~." She and her husband, owner of the H. J, Lorenz Co .. a pipeline diJ!rlbulor firm, toot -up residency In Newport in- 1946. Lorenz served Iii yeari'on the Newport City Council, from 1951 to 1964. He was vice mayor from 19&2 to 19M. The couple recently oQll!:rved their isth Weddlnf411nlV...,Y~ ' Born in Glendale, Mn. Lortm worked quJeUy iin community proJecta, such .. AFS, while h<r huJband served the city in variOUI, official capaciUes. For years he has been a member of the city's Tecbnlcal Oil Advlaory Commll!Oe, and has been a maJQr advilor oo cilY waler problem.t. Mn. Lortnz ooly ncenUy ,.lamed home frolll • &Jay In a .tal. Other organlzalioN lo wblch Ille beloopl Included the Inlne Coul Cowi, Uy Club. • . • In ' addlllon to her 00.band, of, the home -. 1116 sbortcllft. . ftoiil, Corona dtJ ,Mir, Mrt. Lar.tDJ ta uvhed '1Y two olalers. Mn. Henry J. 1- ol Palo Allo, and Mn. Jack Blain of La HU1I. . • 1 • =te family servi<a are beln1 .ar- r1nged. The famlb' --tllat -who wla~ lo make memorial con"1buU... may do 1<> lo the A-lean Field ~. Corona del Mer chaplor. r Dubi>rg and his girl had bffn dellvertil there. Detecjive Jackson a n d Officer DI~ Bersch, in charge of the warrant detail, ha<! picked up Duborg and Debra cua, 3'1, in Los Angeles, where they wer.e amosted Friday wilh 17,000 In rinp. . , EC!:ch waa nll;IDed m a warrant carrylnJ' 182.500 In hail, as suspect. In the theft of $14,000 in diamond rings from Jewels by Joseph, 3333, S. BriJlol SL, lift Thursday. Offlcer Ted c'urry had· already taken Miss Cazes to Orange County Jail, whtn Co3ta Mesa Jail Offlcer Tom Lazar had lo liave the · Iii-foot, Ito-pound Dubcq In l'>e lock«! booking cage momentai!IJ. The modem · jail, wbich is ap- proximately two _ year~ ~Id, is outfitled with extensive electronlc controll for (See JAILBREAK, Pap I) Orange .• That storm lait night wu jud ! a fluke, the 'f(eatherman lnslltl, pointing lo during tklea today and warmer weather (at;out es lo 72 degreei) for Friday. INSD.E TODAY Who'd 1Ver QUt11 that Onsnot Countv lo%povtr• would IH MP-' lont In picking up thrir Im: ,.. bout tan'l•d throuoh 1 tM pu.- 1Gge •I Pr"1t<>si«on IAf TMJ . or1:~·se1 Poot IO. 1 , ·-~..1 -· " ·-_ .. • .... ~ --• Cr••••r• .. ............. .. --" --" -• --• ....,., .... • --.... ·~...,...... ... • -.... ·-· .... ............. ... .... • -" ·t:T"...,.. " -. " -J· -..1 .. , • ---• ----~-------- ·. ' ~; ""'11 '· 1169 ' ' ;s~lt ·-c.r~:¢li~::rra¢t Approved > , ... ~ -. . ·:~ ~ . '' ~guna Niguel ~orp. Geu Go Ahead ·for Development i ~'f41cuel ~ ~wu iiYa · ... !'i.tnbUW. PlamWac Director For•t to all residenb cl Lapna Niguel I~ ljght -lly Or-Colllty plui. ...... ... --Ille lMl bllllpr1nt called estimated at an eventual !O,llOO popula- --W<ldneomy to tft-,. (Gr alato acquWuim <Ii !be two miles tioo. _ lflth development ol. 100 acres tot'~ not purchue by county. Beach parking will be provided for ~-Monarch Bay BJx1 Dana Point. ffe,noted that many such plaM had' 700 cars and the development will Includ e ': 'nie ·area .includes the much-debated tlevir materialized 'because oC lack of an oceanfr()Jlt hotel ai1d commercial ' 'ty.aNnckinment Salt Cl'eek Road. 'Junds. . facilities surrounding the inshore lake, ·;~lo \lie plaimera action, Superler ', Mr.. .Jleeloy . aJoo cited the aban· Ferneld iaicf. ··-~ Owena Tbunday llf!ed;a ~<Ii~ Ch<!k 'lload which was The eiecutive said the area would • · · · onle< obtained by aUomey -Pl<\ed lo(ardl. •· 1161 by the Board be developed largely lo apartments. Wilcoxen of Laguna Beach which d Supervieors. · ~ Attorney Wilcoxen did not au.end the 'temporarily irevenied pl.anon fnm .,..iAaiome;J . AJa .. ~., -/eprnenting hearing. Last Thursday, Judg~ Owens ·" t.bt:tractmapmatter. ~Nlpel,.oowitered'tbltthe vaca-gave him 15 days to come up with ;.Waclklen Kffley, former Grlllll J.., t1on·~11p ~ct'illl". u upheld new' evidence lo support hJa·natit against ber 'and ' Laguna lleoch ...0. ·bJ· ~ Coiu'I ijid.~'t .. not subject the corporaUon'1 de"felopm"1L '>. · ·' • waa the Clllly objector lo the lo IJtibllili belar; ~:J!Paen. . ~ij:wy ~ Tom Conroy, • develop:neot at 'Ibundly'1 m't'tn& .. LalQDa Ntpet Vb' P--r e 1 I d.e.n t after plannen tblt. abaadmrnen\ §!>< cltodJlle.~ li'lan ol ~ ltnolllloa Jernald <JDll!Jlod p!Jna for the ol Salt C-lc !toad W• Jecll in tho Dev~ adop!ed · by tbe llfte In 1--. "Sealate Village" cunmunlty. oplnioa ol hla olfoce, added wryly, "The 19'1. wbich mentJoned acquJsfllon ol the ~ said the use ol the beoch ancf oppooen\a now have left a rlldlatot1 cap .< Y>each In the COIMlted areo for public planned """'lion faclllUN Including a under . wbich to build a car. If they ~-~ aalt nter late would be open can." ~..:•.-. Front P .. e l AIR CAL ••• County paiseiig.,.. houncf!or the Pacllic . ': l'jnrlhweat. ' 4 Challengers Come Out ·Swinging at School Panel • . Bal Busts Rise ' • Narcotic& Arre8t.s Top ;68 Total traffic accid.Ot 1nd traffic citaU..-lft ....... --· Tim I* .. --""'"' dd~·ta have ...,...,... \ore siJlce -· Weet began. Tile cralfl total to date ii 45. i..a r-'• total at the · _,limo 'wll fl. ·: . ' Traffic citations are Conliderably 1e!S to dite tban lq_t )'W', when IM drivers tteeived citations. Tllis year'• tola1 to cWe is 552. • , Planners AdOpt Setup , For Irvine Recreati.On F ...... P .. e 1' JAILBREAK .: .. By JACK BROllACK Of ... Dll,lr .......... Devdopmenl guidellnes· for 7,tfe acra of tmne ranCh . propirtr, euaranteeinc 0_; •• cell 11111 exterior doors .ii(s 11 provlsioa ol pubUc 11111 prlvlle recfta-,...._ tlooal facWU. for an eventual population allO ranly Jell um.nded. of more than lll,000, """ ~ ~ lair said In a ttporl . on =.~ Or.Ill(• ~ty P~ the Jailbreak that . be'·hlld f4. escort A atudy by~lhe p~ lllllf -Ot the a prboner who had posted bail on a area, which la roughly bounded by 1 h • mlnor arrest to the front de.sk, where San Dle,o and Santa Ana freewa)'I on he would be releued by Patrolman Har· .the south . and ncr\11 and Sand Canyon ry carter. !load and the·~· .Ana M,arine Corp1 ac:APE ALARM Air Facility-On the i•t anc! west, Wu S ddenl ·".: initiated bec.'1llt there are. now eight • u y, a iuJVUt came from the rear . pending zon!l;JC requeits .ln the ·ma. jail arta and the. ucape. alarm began . IL had. nol b&ii pre'viously· master clan&iJi(. planned . by . the county. "Lieutenant," yelled ~...... N i c k .. _.J The area will eventually see the con-· De:lmark, ''iba'e'• t priaoner es<;,aping." Delmart latar told ln-"'•at<n be strucUoo of 41,llll dwtillnp on e,zas ·-acre1 le!, '\'Ide for residences plus 118 e~ruaged." Buldes parlcs and .... b<lla,·the atudy calla for ... estenilon of . bildnf and riding tralil 11111 utilllatioo Of 1U pooalbl1 space lncludlng rallroad 11111 utlllty easemeo\a. Tlie ltudy r_.u every Inch ol publicly owned lalidl "be examlPed for their recreaU... ii1d open •pacO po- tenUll," b)cluc\!ng federal military buts "before thebi dlaposal." SaQ.ta Barbara ' Comity to Appeal On Oil Drilling saw Jluborl squlrmln(. hli lar .. frame acru ~~ development. thnlqh the booking cqi window and A student.~l!on ol.18,818 requiring LOS ANGELEs (AP) -Santa Bar- did not tnew whether he had atruclc 21 elementary acboola, 11111 ,. ... junior bara C<unty planned today to seek a and 1tunned the jill<r or wha~ jio he hllha l'!'f !oar .h!P· acboola In fw;ec:ast. federaHoJunctlan agaln!I mumpt!Gn !JI wal<hed momentarily. • the counlY, In -~lllOJ · with ollsbcn oil drlllig '-1nd one·county Of. Another truaty, Jerry Uiuer, lild he developers,,~ .llnd olenden "wlll 11<111 said he wOUld appeal to ihe Pnif. wu jun wallclng In Uie •#<rior jlil punue the -'""1t1 for tnnov1Uon and dent. · door from out!ljde when ft ban1 open uperhne!MtJon ., u tq offer a full "Once qaln. President Nilon ls o u r and a man ran put, ordering him.to l'llll(e<if~pl'lcu,"PlannlngD!rec-only hope to pnevnt drilling," County leave the door open. tor Forest' D!d:aion aatd. ~ Supervilor George Clyde said Wednes· DetecUve Jackson ran out the front The area '~ '~W largely developed day after Secretary of Interior Wa1ter J. of the police facility building at the to cltrua lncf.ro,.-crops and ls boPnded Hickel authorized resumed drilling. escape alarm and Officer Norm Kutch op the eur by the recently. granted Supervison directed county counsel .rib from the. rur, as Duborl fled easter· Irvine Company a&rlculturaJ· preserve · ~rae P. Kadlng to · seek an injunction ly . throuJh the Qvlc Center patlcing Not Included In 'the plan are helvy aplnat the resumption In U.S. Olltrlct lot. . · commercial areu IUd1 as reatonaJ shop. Court in Los Angeles. Kading 11ld the McCarter, a CaWornia SI.Ile College pin& centers· or induicrial -uaes. "Time suit would try to stop all drilling penna-Lona: Beach, student was sitting in hi! did not penn1t this tYPe of inve:rtigation," nently. . car waiting to go, into a municipal court plans. Clyde said he would appeal to the Pre!. clau for traffic oUenders when Duborg said Dickason promilina a further atudy tdeDl b1.ttlegram to bait the drilling af. rushed up. within one year. tu Hickel 1ave permission two dayll -:r~· 'At·a Civil Aeronlut!c& B6ard bearin'g '."'last . -k·, Afr Cal · olfldala said H ~~eatner and wind conditions llmit USe By 'J'llOMAll FOR'l1JNE "I got up aft.er he jerked me out 'I'he'J>lan provides that detetapers shall agQ for resumption of operations on five have been expoged to. moUla' aft.er -scared and _nervous -and asked offer public· and private rtereational offshore leases. mother,., he Hid "that few few are loudly what be was doing," McCarter facilities 11wf !>~ space :where demitiei Kading said tHe county conltndl t be a:auaned wttJI the~~-'lldl told police, saying he then jerked open uceed,.. ~:5. dweJPna .. unita per .acre. •PW ll'Gm a UDion Oil Co. site-in JIDUary ls an IndlcinieTit of:l!Mi· lldr·<if vision . · lhi rlgl>t door al whlch-Ume the suspect · ll<ve10l!ftl"'1t' <if. ~ell .lak .. ,· .•arlh and Febru&r1 caused Irreparable dam. -r of COunty · A1rpoit .• nm;way1, aome or ... o.11r PIM •!afl <'j)usengen would he' lrailsferrtd by bus Four ~ came cul · IWinging ~~ """' 1!ucb Airport. .. whll• u..e is( ;'"" incuJ11&eiit1 lllJ'ed '-"'.' With Air Cal °'"'ratlnl dltectq out.. away ll'l)\ll a rather unuaull Newport· . of tong'• Beach, Ufe ·GrmiP Coullty . Mesa .Kboof clllldldat" l°F' ,W~. and coocem oC the achool ~." accelerated backw~ · cootoUrfng· aDd other niceties "Will be age to beaches and parks. The ~r Aid, "J!\apent .M hour.!--~--~,..........,~-------~·--·--·~'--''~·~---' .. ,.-. .;.;,.., ~1-.-.-"'""~-.....,.+-­ with .lht prellm~ bud&et the other ~~the"'=~:'= ,~ _.... .Mrf: MorY · '-;~Uie,. ~to the Paclllc Ncrthwut. Mlrlin, the · RIV. Henry Joqts al"i :.,;pt arid' & s11I11,00t 1rom fl r~ U1ce . to tale ·· that $11111,lllIO 11111 hire aome rtadlng teachers." ;:"';" PUC qamtner Foley did noi refer. Gordon Morrow mllde lb< m<iot of their · to the Oran .. County air trwportatlon opponent.' abence, wiruilnJ applaulO by M~ (1 former are• teacher) Wd the Newport-Mesa achool, Jystem is third in the county 'in eipendlture per pupil but ill reading test ICO'f'es have stayed the wne at the first grade level and slipped lhe last year at secoM and thlnl lfllde. _issue in bll ri:porl oppos1na 1t1. educaUon, f av or J n g ~ lfll -Uonl lnduded ... --· !"-'"'·-... -·-1 -· l j' loo " ~·-·-• te "··"-OCCIOIOlllY· -er • ....,... ~ ~~ -, ect w a. °""'""' rou 1pp~1 JDU\lltritkln · ~ from Pac;ific Transport, a pepcr .,,;· • lncld. d•"'-tncum•-~-• t orpmiza.t.ion. -1 1 iu~ co e:nct or ......... ~1~ i CoilmD\aliOntl'I mty adopt, rtjkt or Dooallf Straas, Mn. Ellubeth LlUX .ancf He called for a busineu analyst firm to study school district operaUons "to see if we are getting the most ou\ ot our tax doll&r." ~modify-Foley'~ recommetld~ Loo& !Joyd Blanpled Jr. declined lnVllaUona "i Beach jet noise foes h~ve . until April to appear. ' ~ 22 ·-\o file e1cepllont to the propo&td It wu a onHldtd affair wt\h; ques- ~ order· tl.oners from a nnall audiflnC'I of 20 ~ keepln& inc:wnbent Roderick Mac)IUl!an Morrow abo sugested year-around ·quarterlJ -of tbe llChools with one quarter' opllcm\, llnd,,oald he woold like to aee a ltlff di.adplinary stand taken onnatOollcl. j Gambler's Special ' ~Lead Fails to Check :. HAWTHORNE, Nev. (AP) -A hopeful ~ five-man llW'Cb ·party checked out a ~ mange lee formation at the 11,000.fool '!level on Boundary Puk Wednesday, but found no trace ol a llC3 airliner with 3ti aboard mlsiing 1inc4 Feb. 11. \ The forination, lfablM !roll) the air \ on the snow-covered pull: .tn 1hl Whitt ) MounWM, turned out to be • lptll1(Jed ! bloclc or ic<, said Lt. Cfol. James llelm l of the C'lvll'Alr Patn>L ! l ' ' i ' OAIIV PllOI . . \ . OltANO• COAIT ru1l11tt1MG UlltUWtY · l•Mrt N. Wff4 Je•k a. cm., Vice 1'1"~ 9NI Gtl'M8I ,,,_...., Tli•111•'• Ke•vil """' l COMlallUy on the dalmalve. Mrs. William Jooes, pmldenl of the opooaorln(· Harbor Fonim, Injected benelf helvUy Into the plc;ture by aslcinc c&ndkla.lel to l))lak on •UGh couerv1Uve shlbbol~ u lllderll aid, ecoooaey and 5eJ: educa.Uoo. ~ She asked candidates to give their political standa llthnugh the office of llchilol bolld member Is suppooedly !IOll- nartl>*h. .Thie: wu one topic of dl&e111slon. \fllmlW 1(wbo I.I rwintnc agllll!I Bl.In- pied) said: ' '.'I'm ill favor ot replnlna )'our rl&ht to vole on a local tu ctWnc. which, whether you know it or not, you bave '!Oii illect!V.·tn 1171." · • S-•a..tlld Pali! M..,.y (oppotlng MacMJlllan): "So far financing has been on the -·The ulea tu CJUll!t .to_be Mr1. Martin -(abe opposes Strauss} remarked: - "I'm In favOr o(··.more above-board communication. between the boaid and ·the people they repratnl I favor a board that will act as a public watchdog. We hive a Uberal admlnlatraUon, a liberal &ehool board and a liberal newapaper." Heroin Suspected In Youth's Death But Tests Needed ln...upted. It II allared by eveeyoae Hlloln II tlie ···-.. c:auae Of dea" in tbl rnammnJty." owo.,.......,.. UI M __ ,1,., __ •• ~,, __ state "J·tes Of ,i ·)'O:ml. Balboa·Illand l'!•ak lhop ............. ..,. •-~~ owtior wi-body Wll foond In hia ·IO ~ cl,..,, apendlturu but pm oton one month ago1 the Or1nge County ua on 11. -1 Of our money. I .Cotonei:'• ol!lce ..ia·t ....... think la clollr to being fair." But It may 'take . ~I more days The Rev. Mr> J6".. (,..king to un1eat helort 11\bo(atoey anaJ)i1u are completed Mn. Lilly) said be wants one of the to conlinn the tentative findlna. cor-- hlcb ICbooil \o· Ile .c:mVened to 1 voca· oner's spoktsmen said. · Uonal ICbooL . The vlctlm. Kevin R I c h t e r "If we doO •tretn . -for a job Fonlerl!l"ul~. II, died on March i. , the rldWa 1n1ptnc to oonw tn and Evidence· rtear the body Indicated take over thele --.1an " ho aald. Ford.....,.l(ell had injected heroin, police .. -NB·Air1 C.dcllditii"Jo ' -.. 11d.-Oq1J. a few d•Y• belm he haa lfe erl-!bi dlltrtct~ 'ttadlnc pro. been rtl~ fn>m a hospital alter trea~ ~1 • , . · _ . · . , ment for an overdose Of tht narcoll('. . ~ , .. ~r'. ff' .~ no. expenm ;, I ~~f;o~:e saS:~e:,.·~;;,,,~ ., : . · establishing it, though, involves a pro- · Labor Leader Blasta ~'~,~~thy Tax Evaders' "\l'A811INGTON (UPI) -Walter P. Raotbor1 prealdent ol lhi Ul\ltad Auto 1>W ...... Union, told eo.,... today It . II )'abooluloly lndelenolble and In· . lllnbie" kr the wMltby lo ... pe • -wllllt f<IWll men are <b'lna In . Vlotilam. 'Ille labor -told the H..,.. WIYI . ed -Oommlttet that Concmi lhoold quietly plq the major tu rloopllolol olld help low IOCGlllt people aa the p'lorllJ lteml In Ila tas reform pfalll. ' ·lon&ed laber'llely procedllre. It could 'take 1everal ptare days yet" Leu than l w'ttk befori Forderbrugen died, »-relr-old James WWl11111, wbo Jived 1'ear ·Newport Pier, took a fatal overdose of \he namJUc, acc<ll'dinc to wltneue1. Advl11or to Nasser, William. Rogers Meet WASHINGTON (UPI), -Sacrttary nr Slate William P. Ro(en met IO< IO mlnut'" today with.Dr. Mahmoud F1111I, chief lortl&n attain ad•lier to Pre1ldeot Abdd Gom1l !11-vl EcYJ>I. -'- • • ,AOFISSIQ.NAL ll<jTEAIOA DESIQNUS al JI. !J .. the light totich in .~l\tern, ·.the bright toaeh -in color- Creatinr a mood of easy tlecance in a • room can 1:11 a dlftkult decora~ eroblem. Kan.tu md"es Jt '*'>'With A*nont.u Im-wool ......, __ '""'.wt!> . CChS..., to~ too. from Xl(utan'1 - patODw ~-Joe JO.ma. ~ _ ......... , ... ~tect. w.'" pnNd., ~· Adinolnu lii 16 color ~tbll and at ... ,$11.95 ...... - , 2211 HAAIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF, 64'-0271 64'-0176 • J -·~ • • . r l I l } ( Cos.ta· Mesa o> . • To4ay'• PllUll ~.Y. Steeb :; r VOt:. .,, NO. 80, -4 SECTIONS, 42. ~AGES ORANGE cOUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURsOAY, Al'RI~ 3, )969 . . . . ' . . . . . New Mesa Jail. Cracked · ·l Gem Theft Suspect Escapes , But Only for Minutes By ARTllUR R. VINSEL ot .. °""' Pl• .... Squirming through a small cage win· dow Ind J1W1cb1ni electronic control but· tons at random, a •t7 1000 gem the[t auspect made Costa Mesa's f Ir 1 t jailbreak Wednesday, but the lute ol fmdcm quickly turned bitter. Three mlnuts oublde could easily cost Laurence R. Duborg, 27, an unemployed public relations man from Ontario, Canada, 30 y~ In prison, . . .4.lioto Scoffs At Quake, Plans Party RELEASED BY REDS -Christine Von Sydow, 15, her mo!her, J0an Von Svdow, T!m!>thy Budge ancl ·Jocelyn Budge (from ldt) climb hill from iloilg Kong dock following their release by ·eommumst Chinese Two Ameficans, including a Lagunan, are still being belf. . SAN FRANCISCO (UPI! -Mayor Jooeph Alioto'• an~Ulke party is come u you are. Bring yoar own water winp. 13 Red Chin~ Captives The San Francisco mayor -tir.d of Hstenlng to rmnora the Golden State is about l.o crack like a -stale brownie and clrop Into the sea -has dedded on a giant public _celebration tO dilpel Freed, But NotLagunan the gloom. . On.April II -the 63rd annlverury of the qUlke Ind ~ that nearly leveled the city -coffee will be oerved from army field kltcbens In downtown Unloo Square. ~falnland China authorities today freed 13 persons held in custody for six weeks and two of their three yachts captured off Macao, but are still detaining a halU!li. Beach busioeasmao and bis Ve5.'el. ' Simeon Baldwin, 56, of 1359 Cli!f Drive. and also a companion on the FeO. Ii voyage from Hona: Kon; to Maco, n main in custody for what was · referred to as further tnterrogatton. _ On of those !reed today, Christian Von Sydow, said he fears It will be a matter ol some time before Baldwin and Bessie H. Donald, l'.lf BrislDl, Va., are released by the Connnunist regime. H'ector H. Ross, of Hong Kong, said Baldwin -already in a difficult position when gunboats stopped their vessels Oil a Chinese New Year's SUn~y voyage -compounded his own difficulties. He said lhe Hong Kong aircraft parts company owner threw bis passport Jnto the sea and tried to hlde the fact that he was an American citizen, arousing further ChJnese 1111picion. · Ross called Baldwin's act a foolish :-use and said the Chinese isolated him and Miss Doruild from the ·l<St ol the group for more intensive questioning after learning of his nationality. "In the first two days, Baldwin, wbo:$e yacht was registered in Hong Kong, did not tell ol this American citlzen5hi.p, but later we talked {o him and agreed there was no hope for an 'immediat!! i:;ettlement," said Ross, spokesman for the 13 freed boaters. "He admitted his nationality and open- ~ up his dUficulty." The group including Americans tarol P. Zinky, 10, of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Mrs. Von Sydow , whose two daughters, 15 and. IZ,_ • claim ho~ American and Swed1!h citizenship, said lhey were well·beatcd. RoM and Von Sydow said they both 11igned statement! admitting lnlrustoo in- to China's territorial waters, but no Cambodia Forays one among the Royal Hong Kohg Yacht aub group was charged u a apy. Adding to the dilliculUes ol behia an Americao ·tn Chinese hlodJ. Jn<! lrYilll to bidt the fact. MMii's yaw~ ·tht 45-foot · Morasmn, carried exteQaive •galional equU>ment and electronlu 1ear. · ' . 1'llis oullitling w.:. Vied ftlr trlJISOo ceanic yacht r-. -sald, but the Chinese would cloubUeSI thorolJlbly check its potentlal use aS USS Putblo-type spy eqaj.pment. Von Sydow, tali.Ing to new1men i11 Hong Kong, said be anci his family were questioned a lot but nev~ mistreated by lhelr cap\orl Jn<! ducr!J>. ed them u kind iaDd polite. The non-Cblnese members of the po;ty were detained fir1t in a hotel. Ulen in an old, olllcial bullding on Heung Chiu laland, leVID mile& north of Macao, arisfbg ~ day at 7:30 a.m., with free -ume until noon. He said Blldwln and MIA Donald were kePI _.-ilt· a-nllf, but o1tA!n joined them 11 meall and for cllats during the 4'-dly period of coolin<m<lll BaldWin's wife Jn<! lamll1 In Lquna Beacb ruely see him. due It the pms o1 his Far East business, Jn<! hid beard nothing since the three y1chtl were seiud. Mesa Carpenter, Visitor Arrested On Heroin Charge "We'll play Canuo records,'' says Alioto. '4Maybe I'll even arrana:e for 1 special sbowlnf ol the movie, 'San Fr.oo.::Gi' __ and ~ ~-a chonis or two with Jeililetle MacDonald 'u !he· stands there in Ute ruins singing away." · Only portWly itldd<D by Alioto's levlty, however. ii the fact some Californians are Ktuallf. ·awaiting. a calacly1mlc temblor wlllcb Ibey lbink will sbiu aometime cturtng April Others are mere- ly nervous. · Dozens of letters have flooded into the State Disaster Oflice in Sacramento. Many are from out-of-state residents worried about friends and relatives • .' uA treniendoul number of them are itolotacl Shlry, P1i-.3 beiDc ocldrmeif to Governor Reqan penoniJ1)' nntinl to lmow whit he's golq In do 1bolrt I~" 1ay1 Qwles .Samoon of !be dlsaiter olflce. Herb c.en, columnilt for the San Fran- ciaco -.. clalml Doubleday books asked him to writ. a sequel to "Blgbdad by the Bay" titled "Baghdad in the Bay." And Howard Hughes, so the wags hive I~ will own the best surfing beach on the Pacific cout after California drops off and waves lap at the Las Vqas strip. Actuaµy, neither California officials nor earthquake scientists are in a posi- tion to deny absolutely a quake will strike. That'1 the catch. For while it may be illogical to assume , the pro- bability of a big rocker in the ·immediate future, no one can be positive it won't hlppen. Saya the U.S. Geologic"1 Survey in ne;u'by Menlo Part: "The plain fact ii thal a major earthquake will prohlbiy occur In one ol the earthquake prone A Costa M~ carpenter and his vis~ area of California._ But whether It will were arrested and in estlmated $150 occur thla ~ or oat or · not \DlUl wcrib of heroin confiacated WedneldaJ lit or 20 years is 10mething we simply Clnnot -..iL.t " by plainclothes detecl!ves. .. -· Llorance w. Lucas, 25, of • Vlclor11 But tt the fedenl · govermnent was s ...i Lee Olerry 34 ol l2tl2 -... -to pn!dicl dool!lldly' not .. l, '•-~ed --o.i a bost ol sell-llyled aeon Ind propbell. St., Santa Ana, "~ -00 _,... on "God ii going to punleh California ~tpocsessioo ol hmlln Jn<! I hypodmntc for its •linl," laid ..,. Sootbern California B )' Green Berets Sgt. Jatk Calnon ...i Detective Norm mlniller .. be led his congre1ition out ·Kutch visited the Lucas apartment at ol the state. Other groups fled-to the U S l : IS p.m., and were lnvtt.ed in by Mr•.. state of Washington and groups of hippies R led by took up earthquake and flood watch evea , , Jenny Lucas, lnvesti11ator1 said. in the Rocky Mountains near .Denver. ~ Cbeckillr aroUnd, · Sgt. Calnon and "A few years ago," explains Dr. SAIGON (UPI) -The United State.~ Kutch said they found five bt.lloons con-Charles Richter, the famed earthquake ror the past year has been sending U.S. lainlng the addictive white pawder, plus expert. "ln.19'5 to be exact, we received Green Beret teams into neighboring seven so-called dime bags, lUUe paper ipurioos earthquake predictions for Jan. Cambodia to scout . -Communist ~P-heroin conlalftel:• COltln& Slit each. --17, --Feb. -4;-March 11-,Apri] 1, April movements there, m1Utary sources said A kJt UMllt 4o ldmlnllter heroin was 16, all of May,. May J> ,and for the today. . found hidden in .1 box of cereal In Imperial Vallty sometime in June or Cambodia has proclaimed it! neutraULr the 1tik:hen, aecordi,na to the vice and July. But it wu 1 normal year - lrl the Vietnam War but the Viet COO& intellipnCe tl'llt ofOCen. none came true." and North Vletnameae have set up btsc campe there beclUle it ii · fret from Anlerkm bomblnlJ or l"""D'l 1tllcks. The ......., said Prince Norodom Sllwlouk ol Cambodia has IJlveo tacit ~vii for the American fOtlYI '° i..., u they are done ...,.u, end iJo not put him in I position of OOID- promJslnt: Clmbodian sovereignty. Green Btretl ~ mnaU teams ol mount.In tribesmen into Clmbodl1 on tnialoos apeclaliy a p p r o v e d by W3Shiftilon. They cbart the loc~ of Communist troops and do not fight W1less they have to, the mllltary 50W"Ct:S laid. The · dtJclosure followed by • wetk a report from U.S. military 1ulhorities that the Amutan V1eLnam command has uied Pre1idtnt Nixon ror permialon to bomb the Communist camps ju.~t across U>e cambodlan border. Bal Busts Rise Narc otics Arrests To p '68 .To tal Ja...U.•ud ldull lln'Olll far lll1<0llCI vi-Ill Newport B<lch duriac Euler Weelt thW f1r hlft ~ top. ped lut ytar'1 tiµI lot the entire bOUdl1 porlod, poll<e ~ todaY- Lall yeor'• Ellttt toll! f« ams!I of narcollcl luspocts ~ U. To dlle thil year 2S pel'IODI hi•• been arrated on narcoUct chara:a. -M..i ol the llTals !nvvlvo tn1rijuana possession. While narcctics arrests m up, lerious l1'lfllc ICddent end trlfllc cilatlonJ ... do1J11,recm!ldlow. Tim fir no -b\1111'1 accidents have occurred bore since Eu1tt Wttk be1an. The crll!I totll to d11e 11 15. Last year's lotll al tho wne Ume ....... Traffic cit.llions are COMidet1b1y 1~ss to date than 1ut year, when 904 drivers rectlved clt.atJons. Thia year's total to d1le ii 1161. \Y i t h two other felony cbar;es. lodged earlier agalnst h1m. • He was booked on suspicion of kid- napping, escape, grand theft of an auto and a hold order wu placed on him for immigration authorities, w b t I e he wa., already charged with burglary and tecelvlng otolen propjty. Duborg wu dargged from a com- mandeered car in front of Costa Mesa City Hall atiout 7:13 p.m., after deliberating a full minute at gunpoint on his wileSt courte of acUoft. Detective Cul 11Cboo held lluborl with hll .• caliber liirnict revolvef, joined lleCOlldl ilter by lliledlft Qwlea Duvall, aft.r the SUlpecl llllled whit be planned to use u a ptaw17 car. · Motorist Oren J. Mce.rtor Jr., 21, of 7112 Fenway Drive. Westmlnlter. toid Jackson that. ·Dul>Ol'I ylllked opm the car door Jn<! roojJhly dniied him out by the hl!r fO< re11111ng 1o 11 .. • him 1 ride. Air· Cal Give·n Long Be·ach Ok~y. By JEROME F. COLLINS · . Of tlleDllllJ PI•...., • In a decision that could ·influence escalated Orange County Airport jet operations, a California Public UtlllUes Commission examiner today recom· mended that two airlines . be allowed to serve Long Beach despite citizen ~ tests at>c>m noise. One of the airlines is Air California, headquartered at County Airport. Examiner WWlam N. Foley recom· mended to the PUC that Air Cal' be ~ to fly between Lone BOlcb Municipal Airport Jn<! San Jose, San Diego and Oakland. He alJo ur1ed that Pacific ,Southwest Airlines be C<rlilied for servlc;>ll l>cttieeo LoaJ Belcb .... Oaltllnd.s.t\ --l!ll~ons,whlclf m. ml.sakm action, came In the face of obj<c\loill tnm the Lone Beach JJt C.OOtrol Asltdatioa, a lq• bomeownen' gr6up,.ud tbe tong Bucb City CooncU. Both qencles compllined ailllul the in- creaaed DOise that would ~lt from the added jet lllgbts. The Long Deach council, which originally 1upporteci the applicaUOM, recently asked the PUC to rej~. But eumlner Foley told ti>6 PUC the ldd!Uciul -would 'illevl&te ser!OUI ltr Ind cn>Dnd ~ II Los Angeles lntematlonll Alrporl. He aald the homeownen' tell'Ch for quiet ii 1 priv1te lllterui 'llblle better tranaportaU"' ii In tho publlc Interest. Thei-efore, the ten1ce "will benefit the public lnlereal · to IUcb an extent that ·it outwelchl the priv11t pr-t1 lnlerall·ol landownen .... Lone Beach Airport." be Aid. The recommend&Uons carry two tm- pllcatlonl -both anhlPP1 fiw jet noia foes -f0< Or1nge County· Alrp)r\: -U tho PUC !IC<OpQ the -nt thal ·J"'Wk~ ·~ ~'noiie a ~ . .dtnl will hive been Mi+It....,, 11>1 datnlctloato~·U.broul!it •bout ..,. llumdlrlnC jet iillbtl .""""' no lonpr be Vied u jlllllllcltlGt fir deoyinc lldded lntr1-ollle oervlce 1t coanty llrport. -Ati C.l woaJd be In I strotl(er poJition lo 111Ur< IU&ht room for Orlllp (See Alli CAL, Pip I ) Mesa Witness to Hawaii Murder Appears in Court A Costa Mesa youth present wben a buddy was shot to death durlnc a martjuana«·murder robbery In Hawaii one month ago wu due to appear jn federal court In San DlejJo today. Steve L. Cbula, It, whose address wu listed as 1131 El Camino Drive, is charged with juvenile delinquency and jumping bail on a previously scheduled pretrial hearing. · The U.S. AUomey's office in San Diego said the charges stem from an incident involving smuggling of a corlliderable amount of marijuana in frOm Mexico, while be wu a juvenile lut year. 20,000 Hippi.es Routed by Police In Palm Springs PALM SPRINGS (UPI) :... A motley army of 20,000 hippies Jn<! ylppies who have haruaed thla nonnaDy tranquil desert resort began drlfUng away today as reinforced police pined th~ upper hJnd. 'The weather p.ve an asslsl to 200 officers from surrounding communlUes w~ had joined ln-a...mlllual-aicl.pa.cl _ with the SS.mail Palm Springs force. ' Ligtit rain began falling shortly after midnight ...i "" accompenied by brisk wind• that Jdcbd up undstormJ and added to the clilcomlart ol t h • llet."'!lenous onny. The rain lasted for two houri and 1ppmntl;y dampened tho enillullum for !be unwulled Interlopers. The youtb WU UTested by customJ agents at tbe Saa Ylldro bordft ltaUOn. Cbull, 1100 ol well-lmowo crlmlnll 11- tomey Geo<p Cbull, ii • principal wllnw In the bborre Mon:h 4 murder of WUlilm Pond, 11, ol 211 Aiberl Pllce, Costa Mesa. Honolulu police have reported no con· crete progrm tn solving the cue in which Pond was executed by a ~ between the eyes at a rmUc cottN,e 1t Sunset Beoch on the llllnd ol 011\u. Chula, Teddy Rogers, 11, Newport Beach, ~ I third youth W.,0 prelOOI when three lllwlitan belcbboys broke In demanding 1 quonUIJ ol marljU1J11 they believed to be In the houae. The munler •I-laid the trto fled with the contrlband dtQI •nd 1bolrt l7ilo after fatally woundb>c Pond to show they meant bualn<M. A apoftsman for the U.S. Attorney's Office In San Die10 Aid Wectnadly thal Olull'I hurq todl)' WM I -rnau.r Jn<! no lllrlllnl clevelopaioots """ expected. . Club's fllller.'1 Jaw, firm 11 oumnUy handling the ... ofDr. Tlmotlr)' Lury, his wife Jn<! IOl1, cliarged 1ut Dec. 26 with _.ton ol LSD, marljuua and hlahish In LlglDll -· • Supervisors Pay .Triliute to Ries-- • TuelldaT'• meet1111 ol the OranlO Coun- ty Qolnl ol ~ WU o.!jeumod In 1-ol t11o Ille ~ 'Ma. City Treuurer w.c ... CJ .. Net.. ' Under Calilorni.1'1 OC>Cllled LIU1e Lindbergh t.a:w, a kldna1p coDvlcUact 1n whlcb the victim ii lnJurod Clll b!lllC tll'! death penalty. "Hey, take me to the bospttal, hlJrry," McCarter qQole.d Duborg as saylq wbm he dulled up lo the 1968 vthlcle, ,._.. ingly ip a lre!Wed panic. Police y.•ere• already lri punult Oft foot. , alerted by a jail tnutee w h o Aki ht saw the f I n a I -seconds of Dubtq'a (See JAILBREAK, Pip I) Schoo l Board Challengers . Assail Foes - fly TROlllAI F(lllTUNI: Of ............ F'""' cbaflenpn ·como .out lwillgtn&. whlle three of f,... lncumbenll stayed. away from a rather unusual Newport;. Mesa school candidates forum Wedne9- day. Hard·nmnln1. conienders Mn. M1r7 Martin, the Rev. Hepry Jonea . and Gordon Morrow made the moet of their· opponents' absence, wiMlng applaqee by opposing sex education •. l•'{ort nc economy and crlUcizing the lcbool "" mlrmtratlon. . By coincidence or design tnc:umbenta Donli<I str ... , Mn. Eli,.betb f.UJy llMI Lloyd Blanpied Jr. declined lnvllallom to" appear. ' . ' ·n·.wu •·-.idlll •afflir with._. ~ rr.,. , a lllNIU ~. of » keeping incllmbent Roderick MKMillilo ....,.,ltaD11J Qll .tbe:dlfemive. Mn. Willllril Jones; Jiresklent el lbe ::(l!..,~u.~= Cllldldates lo ipUk on sucb 111tbbo1eths " federal lid, -ud RX ,education. • y She uked candidates to cive thdr poliUcsl s!lnds although the olllce ol ll1tOo1 board mlimber Is supp:IMldJ;J DOD-- partisan. . . . Tuu: waa one topic ol. di.acuuiaft. . • Morrow (who iJ running agalnlt BJaD. pied)' laid: • "I:m In favor or re1ainJnn1.r r1&lit to voi. on 1 local lax ce lrlllcb. whethlt you know ll or not, 1"" hive Jost effective In 1m." Suigested Paul MUie)' <"l'P'lblc MacMillian): . . ·:Bo far financlni his been .., lbe homeowner. The siles lax ou&fil lo be investigated. It is shared bJ n..,oaie, in the communJty." "M1cMllltan laid, "The ltafe - SO per'cent ol our espendlluru but pm UI only' It percent of --· I think 00-50 ii closer to being fair.'' The R~v. Mt. Jones (aee1tlng lo·Ullllat ~{rs:. Lilly} said he wants one rJ. the high acho61s to be converted to a nica- tional school "ll We .don't train them f'f' a job the radicals .,. going to come In mid tate·over t.bele non-scholars/' be uJd. NB A1U Clndldates Jo He crlticlied !be dilbicl's reldlni JltO' gram. "11 bas been my erperleoce • I hive been . expooed to motber att.r mother," be aaJd, "that frw; few are satisfied with .the re.tdlqg J>l'OlflD!. TIU Ii u fudlctment ol ~ lack ol ratoR Ind ........ of the !clipOI bolnl." The pastor said "l spent Ill i-- witll lbe prelimin~ budgOt the other night ...i cut li00,000 from IL I'd lib (See CllMltdllel, PIP I) Orange lfN~l' Thal ltorm list night wu Juat 1 fluke, the we1thennaa lnllltl. pointing to clearing 1t1e1 today • ind warmer weather (about 1$ to 7.1 <lesree1) for Friday, INSm E TODAY Hellcopten flew perlodlclll1 om tho worled -of ltad-ud bl!tF': on, wlrlllq tbem·lo lerle <i be IORtd cul Al d1wn, 11nQ11nc hltdllliRrl were on the nlOd leldinc oat of thlf llolll<d ad -11111ve IPL Some Cll'tlld llpl lndlCIUnl , their destlnltldi!. T"°1 11>- cluded New Yo r,11, Tms, OllUoma, ArllaD111 ...i · Pen0'1J•anli u wen .S · Oalllornil cltl.,, Supervisor Alton E. AD!n -ed tho bibole lo Mr. Illa ,Who po.m awQ tut ....... ..., durktC ..... 9 I _..,. for a mart coniUdoD.: 1' ' Mr. JUa. a ntind blnl:er, W11 -" of the 11!>1 -""" -"' Colla M ... II -...Utloo nar1j' If -.... Ill beld the pc"1tJan unli llil clooilli. . Police said 'the weather and · 1thtlr 1 stronc &bow QI force 11 .,, unruly .n"1 In I puk Wedntlld., ~lsht "tended to ~ra.a:e them.'' Some of lhe •lsltors showed + up at Police headquarters to Cile complaints ol whit they said was police bMallly. • 1 Stodc /If-lea. ' .... NEW YOllJt (AP) -'J'lie lloct mUwt clooed 1'fth lllOther •lo!* l!>dq. 'l'ni\tff· WU l iow ..... the and. (~ quollllqjll, P1ges l).3f). 1 '!'be Dow Jones lndustrlll IYtr~ 11 t :llO p.m. WU olf 1.1' points II fll,OI. LolMI led ,. by about 1111 IOl)IOI. ~ \ llolll.V fU1' ' . " • • c C.ri*-. $.ay~ ,! ..... ~· '·- ~: ,.·. '.:. ... '2; · Froa Pqe l ::.CANDIDATES ••• ~-lake thlt s100,ooo and hire IO!De :nadinl teacher•." - . :~ -Mon'oif (•former area lucber) llid ~ N .... M ... acbool q<llem la lhlrd ' :In tl>e cC1!i>IJ In expendltur. 'per J>Upll ·}at It& reading lest .acoru hav. stay'ed ;lhe same ·at the first grade level and .j,lipped the lut year at 8'cond and ,lhfril grade. : He called for a business analyst finn to study ICbool cUstrlct operatJons 0 to eee if we are getting the most out 11f cur tax dollar." . Morrow a:Iao suggested year-around gUll'lttly uae of tile i!Ohools with one quarter optiooal, and said be would like lo aee a still diaclplinary stand taken .9n narcotic!s. , ·· .~ Mn. Martin -(~ opposes Strauss} .hlnarked: . -:~ "I'm in r,vor of . nKlfe i.bove·board ;i,ommunlcallon bel....,n tile. board and . )lhe people-. they-represent. I favor a ~ IM.l.wlD act as a public watcll!of. ·We have· a liberal admlrilatraUOfi a liberal ildiool board and a liberal .iiewspaper .. " . · DAl lY PllOI OAAHH COAST 'Pll.'.ltttl!rM 'COMl'ANY ' . . ltoWJH.W°" ......... Miii~ J•,k l. e.rt • ., Vi<* "'-*"":'llf ~ MIM"r . Th•m'M K•t'f'il --TMm•• A. M11rphi11e Ml1\191nt Etltor Ceste ..... Offk• 110 Wett ley Strt1t Mtili119 Allll4Nt•: P.O. It• 1$60, 9262' -- .. Ba•eWI .Boo•ters Senior .ind jynI0:r chamb,ers Of com!ll,erce are _or· ganizing-~.eo.ta Mesa•!'llgbt·Apm22'at Dodg· ;er.Stadium arid ,JlJCk Hamihett, May/it Alvlif PiiiJ<.: Iey, Bob Shipley and Cbic Clarke (from left) are ,prglng bas.eball fansto ttl!"' but for. Ute event Tick· els .are. on sale at )'inJc'.s Drugs,· chaplbet office and at !;lank of Ainui£:1l .branch on t9tll. Streel. A *5'tid:et·IJicludes seat.far Giant-Dodger g~e and r'oinid trip bus ride. · · • " ' " . ' . '·. ' ' .. From i>.,e.-1 . ,, MESA JAILBREAKER NABBED • • ' . . ' jailbreak and watched to see ·which way "What are you doing?" demanded be would go, then punched the escape Detective Jackson, arriving a~ McCarter al~ • .'... .. .' .. __ · · . _ .. -'-. h.ung ~n:to the !1~· _ _ . - lpvll!tfptors said the chance-in-a-"He's stealing my car,"· McCarter t~ 1break from the eleclronic.ii.lly replied, at which time Jackson turned controlled jail facility at 99 Fair DtiY.f!'., ~his gun .on Duborg and ordered him occurred less than two hours _ 'after . out, but he refused to do so and the Dubprg and bis girl had been 4dw~ed , , ct~tective called for his partMr, Duvall. there. · ~ ~ '1f ~iw'as pretty shaken up myseU," . Detective Jackson and orncer1:Dlck · Mcci.'rter said today, "and the man Bersch, in charge of the warrant (et.ail, was·in extreme panic himself.'' - had picked up Duborg and Debra t!,ze&, BOOKED.A~, . 27, Jn Los Angeles, where they were Patrolman Norm Kutch arrived 011 arrested Friday with $7,000 Jn rings. the sc'ene ·as a crowd or other traffic Each was named tn a warrant carrying school enroUees Crq.w4ed around and $63,SOO In hall, aa suspects In lbe tllelt eseorted Duborg .ba<;k,,to jall :where ()f $14,000 in diamond ring.; from Jewels he was re-bookeO on .ad'dfUonpl cb8.tges. by Joseph, 3333, S. Bristol '&t., lf\st "YOt/,' ,can't. ~l~rrie,'me"lOI' tryjng,'' Thunday. Dub9rg repartedty · s'ald'' as the group Officer Ted Curry had already ,t.ke~, ol'~ple ntliered. . Miss Caze.s .to Oran~e County Jail; when . ·ort1~;. 'KntCh. said Duborg tqld him ~ ~esa Jail Officer Tom La.~ had · ht had to escape ·in Order to clear !O lM."'·-tJle sLx-~90t, .l~u,nd ·~~i ~ himself of .the ~amond beiSt charges, m L'ie lo<ked·""'!ii!\i. cage mdinelltardy. claimjnl someopo ~ad framed him. ~-.mo.dept. .Jpil,. · whjch is ap. Dup:org and Miss Cazes were arrested _llfO:clil/alili'',tWQ ,~~"?fd,'.iS .outf~led in LOs Angeles ',last F_'tlday, repOrtedly with extens1v'-1 ~1c .CQntrols for on a tip, and Investigators ttiei'e said opening: cell. 111<1~ ~~or: '1~~; -and' is , the coup!~ }ijld been hopping friJm motel also•rarely'1eft untended.. . to motel m the ,past week ... ;Officer Luar .taid .. in ·a report on Detectives today plapned to •how .mug the jailbrelk> thilt ''be llad to escort shots of the ~tr to Juel· D'Angelo, a clerk on duty 1n the South Coast Plaza a prisoner who had posted bail on a Shop looted of up to M rings worth mincir amat to the front desk, where $14,000 last Thursday. he would:~ rtleued by Patrolman Har· The jewe~ clerk said a a.triking blonde rt Carter. ' . Jn b~t ~ter and., Jealher nµtll ·skirt DCAPE ALARM entered the store <1,nd asked o see Suddenly, a 1;hout came from the rear some-4i1ytr ca~e knives, duri hich · jaU arta and the escape alarm began tim~ her male companion wandered--Oµt. tjanglng. · '· ', · The loss was discovered ·later in the "'Lieuten~11;t," ,.~~!!~ .ti:usty ~ i ~.k day. , ' Oelmark, ' there s. a prlS?fler ~scap1ng. Detectives are also probing the Delmark I:ater to~ 1n~est1gators he possibility . that Duborg and , Miss Cazes saw_ '?tborl: ~~,mg Jtls la_rge . frame iµay have been involved 1n a $1,300 lhrOuth m, .'bQQkml,-eag~ "."lndoW _ ~d diamOnd:watch theft by identical method did not kriow 'W~eiher , tie_ had stru~k March Jl at another. shop. and stun .. ·lhe J&iler or what. .. so . lie . J '•r JC Hum.ph · -d· -wetched·mmntiltarily. • -, . ~wrr , _. · ne~ sat a ~1r · --.-r-._ • • ~--'*t'i M•-ftUing..JhLsarne-desar.iption-came-1nto· -A~~erry Lau!r, ~on~ l:)ls store at 1823 Newport Blvd., and was jll&t ;~· I• the, exter10r Jail ·'-. l d'~·acted I k' ...,., fioiJt n di\de whtn~t'. -st ope.n ""' P' ~" a wpman c er 1 at-~· mh ':".~ ..... c>t t· • }dm to tentt>n whU'e the man browsed around. ~ ,\•~..-d flll ,,..,, 0 ' " .'~ : ·"Yeah, th~ gal Ued up tile saleslady ~.,. ""' nor • ..,. · · " • ,, · · and ,,. r~ tiles fin " Iii •-•·· 1 De!eetiv.e JKtion Tan · out' the ·tront ~JU • e . e qua. Y· WlM.:m:.11 :lif 'IJlt ·P.Qu1:e facility bUildlrl& al· the, 8"'?"-later, Humpbr1ea said today. ......,, ilanU and Ofllcet Norm Kutch ' ' . , m hem ....... u Duborg Oed eQler-p' ' •• """'•••··tile ctvtc Center.-oarldng olic~ ·.at Berltele_·y ~"l-':""'T,v, I -~- " '' : . . . . •, ' Salt Creek . :Police lntenslfy Efforts to Find al JJ. J. -- ' .. : AIR .CA~'· .. County passengers bound for the Pacilic Nortbw'est. ~ · Al • Civil Aeron~ca !loud Milrlnl last weet, Air cat ollic!a!a llid if weather and wind conditions limit use of County Airport runways, some passengers would be transferred by bus to Loog Beach Airport. With Air C.I operating direcUy out of Leng Beach, the Orange County passengers woulct pre.sumably fly from there to the San Francisco Bay Area IDd the~ on to the Pacific Northwest. PUC euminer Foley did not refer to I.be ·Orange County air tran3p0rtation issue In his report. His recommenda tions . i11cluded re- jection of I.· Loog Beach route application from Pacific Air Transport, a paper organization. C4mmialionen may adopt, reject or modify Foley's .......unendatlons. Long Beach jet noise lne:1 havt until April 22 to Ille ezceptlons to 'the Pl npuoed order . the light touch in pattern, the brigbl to.h -incolor- 1111-'lllHll brMdloom from crutin1 a mood ot NS)' elepnoe ill a . roorn _.be a diffk:u.lt d!eoratins problem. -XU..tu.lllU.Cl.il.-wllb-..-U. impar\ed wool 0btodloom. The quality c°'*....,.\o ~u too, from Karutan's pl_... Kara·loc loc:IMI. ~ ~ produc8 colon U.t an fuhion.pe'l'fect. We .,.. proud to Jlft9Rt Altlnan&u tn 16 color eolftbinatklftl and '' ';, $11.95,. ... l ~ a c.tllnrn1a s1a1e eouege Gone · From C~mpus ~ . ttudenl, ,Was altdng In ht& ut ~ to go Into a municipal court BERK,ELEY (UPf) -· 1'be Unlvenity _.,.. tralllc olltnden whtn Duborg ol CalUornla campus Is free from police """'8d up. 1 ,but Olancellor Roger w. Reyna says ,~1... Ft up aft.er be jerked me oul they can be called back imrnedlately -_...i and nervous -and aaked U peacelul conditions encl. · H.J.GARRflT fURNfJURE- IOadl)' what hi •• doing," Mc:Carter Hcyna laid Wedneaday thlt the of-• • tiid police, aaylng he then jer~ed open ficers, a campus D•ture •Ince a vlolonce-. ' '. J'RbFUSIONAL 22 IS HARBOR IL VO. COSTA MESA, CALIF, .. 6:0211 M6·027' . =::-ri:::.~d~ lime tile suspect r.rir~c:~~l :~~.~~ll: :im • .:.: '' INTiRI~ DESIGNERS He staOed the car. . . at the 1~l .r1etr')'Y· .-: ·· ···· '----'-------=--------'------------------1 ' I ( ' '· • •• l I Net Assets ~. A'°' J, IM-• (S) 1 Teens: God Not Paeifist Rebel Gr«>~~, Explaiw Creed at Huntington Lu114!heon ' I1r ftUY oom.uJi tba prllot oaJd -CID -11111 Ward ril\:W Ille -If ..iotr. ,.J •., - - -· cban:b ml a Docblund w-up "We'le lo 1 ~ .-y -W-,1~ . "'U God ._, 11 'fot America. ffe11 1bt OllllilW alM."' • he ,,,..,,.. ''I CJOUldn't nm .... • "*"to-·-... Gommtok., TtudlNJI ~-tbl lllpple prt>, ~~wtlballllllotr1Ctlo1- lj)Oloo." - -81111 -... hair and ...... _,, 117 tbl YGU1ll • 1bfl .-· ,... one Of llVlral CbrllU-11 part of -...lcaUq with "Rm>latlon -llol pleuo," ... \ jiltr.-UIOd 117 tbne met11ben of the 7aA "lllpol'a board lll a .,,.,. Wlrd. "!h'ft tr)'IDa lo reach ~ ·: ...pr~o~'::f/£,·1atOr11iw-, -atlodw1tbthe-,"heuJcJ. -~,...,,,-.the .. -to mlafoo· to --· at "W•'ft Cryloi to ...i; tbl I JIOO-. of vloleniio ml botred -.", 1 1 tba • . leic!t mcl-;;-~tial p1e of -IOClllf w1to -tbelt TJtroaahout t1te ~ tlrll lo. Ill a.~ --way," be said, : a YMCA spoooored am · ._ , .a>-'soflocal-' "Wo'ft ltyinl lo --Into Wectnead1y, the ,..... tor C~rht .''God ~ llol 1 _,... He" ls a ,.v.,. way to deal with c1f11Ci, -llnltl<!rfl1 repnsentativ" ~ cJilnp • ml' ~ ~...£: and-m)'Jballlwltl!GOd,'·'said total~ofJ-andtblllihlt. l\1111<.. said Jollil ,,_,,.u, ... ~Id Dour 'l'oei1l't' --. --of· the-The . theory of evoJulfon. • cbor\!lt. buaineN -of tbl,....,. for Cllrist, contn>venlll -. • mlnistel, and -" conl<lnpltJ • baled ID Htmtlqtlll BeMh. •~r soc!-.•· Wtrl crltlcfied' '-tba -Wltb --)OUD( Teena The popqlar imro-• "Do ,..., .... "' ., for Cbrflt loJ1owwl haft 1leeo tn<llli tblnglor ,[,''!.u allo challq!ld by·tbe ..._. for Chrllt apokamen. ' local ·~ -•-• ,,,_ -~Y• The. imwer, they said, Jlea fn .. dai) .... JtcW I<> uve ·,..... · w-·-, "U you ,..re God, and 10D !lad :rour the WIJS of the world and tik<"•hitl ::: : u:.i:.=:=. in educa-~ ~ =~:=-:r:~ •;:;,me:;:; 'I:..~ -- "OUr objecu.e 11 not to rehabilitate 'own thing' u tba blPllloo UJ! I -1d be viewed, and what tt wu !tr' oi lllpples and drq addlcll to -them want my --11'*11 dewtod against, Tmdwell quoted ICr!pture. '.'111 back tn&o IOClet):," Aid Tread~U. ''Our to me.'" their frUlts 1' aball tnaw tbam. '' 1911 • the -u tbat ol-JOIUI with' ' . • . ' illi 11 Dllclpl<I, to bujld· )'OUlll paople . 7i'f~:7=~ World Back w. 'Normiil', Uon," added ~· W.atd, 21, now I , • mllaloniry for the lfOUP tn Tucoon, B N M E 0 h · · ~we'rebe1ngectucatedautofourbe1ie1 Ut . Ot . TS. tsen OWeT tn God," he charaed. 1'1'bil nation ia burning cloWn at the r9oll -of edueation. Without God you're dead." By MElllllMAN IMl'i'R Though Huntington Beach High School's Oilers woond up ranked secom in Orange County and seventh in CJF in basketball in the season just fine ished, the Sunset League champs apperenUy felt tbey got a season of good "officiating" .from DAILY PILOT Sports Editor Glenn Wbite. They bad an artist draw up a big, 20 by 36-lnch award (shown above) and presented it to Wbite at the school's winter sports award banquet. Team members them· selves were responsible for the award and a similar one for their coach, Elmer Combs. Ward, who said he 11 a !«mer .ctru1 "1dlt and a ronner Catholic, told the aUd.ienCe the only ei:citement he ever fodftd 1n or1anlzed religion was "when UPI Wlllto B-~ ABILENE, Kon. -MJnuta .iter they laid Dwight D. -to· -in lhe etooy dignity of bia ''place of - -"--"-.A. tion,.. prairie di!c jockeys wtre bock w w H playing top forties and Abilene police ..,... broadc_,1 helplul hints to Ille rear plol!orm of ber car at h end of tl)e train. By this time, ... 1eemed ~ have regained inuc:h of bet compooure. . The crowd cwld bear her ea1llJll "goodbye -pdbye ell." A block away at the ltitJ.ovaaOMlli city cafe.. a We1JY Wllitrw' brwllii4 Solon · Proposes 5-copnty Agency For Transport LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Southern California legislator wants to create a five-County regional aPnCf to take over surface and air transportation in a 10. million·population area. · Aloemblyman Peter F. Scliabarum of Covina said Wednesday he'll introduce a bill Morxlay to reorganize and give taxing power to the Southern California Rapid Transit District. -which DOW consists entirely of buses. The agency, with an IS.member board,· would plan, develop and nm public transportatioo tn Loi Angeles, Orange, Ventura counties and pvts of Riverside and s.. BmlarcfiJJo couuties. . _,. ''The bill wou1d leave it up to the agency to determine rerioMI lm>lporta,. tion requirements -surface, air, bus, rail, mi.nibuJes, jitneys, wh•tever . will get tbe job done," he s.Ud. 'Ibe new agency would assume opera- tion of municipal alrportl by 11?2 and would draw up a traflJpm'taUon master plan~ be told a news ~erence. . Scllabarum0a member of the Asoembly Transportation Committee, opposed the Rapid Transit Distrld'1 $2.~billico bond propoeal to build • tramit l)'llem. The proposal was rejected by voters last November. Policeman Dies Af te:r Shooting Self A«;cidentally Qff-:duty Garden Grove police officer William C. Guard was killed late Wedne5- day afternoon when a service revolver he was cleaning accidentally discharaed. httUng him i!'l the chest, Santa Ana police reported. The accident occurred in the officer's home at 2801 N. Bristol St., Santa Ana. Police said Guard's wife, Kathleen, 21, w~is eipecting her first child, was ae• ln the livinc room near her husband when the weapon diacbarg. ed. Mn. Guard, a registered nurse, acJ.. ministered first aid but the officer was pronounced dead on the scene. Garden Grove 1>91ice said GlW'd, 22, was the son of LL Clyde Guard of the Cypress Police Departelll He joined the force last NO"f. 11. the bait from her llOd ....... . ey9 --Planners Adopt Setup For Irvine Recreation YMCA Sponsors l"ilotorbtlon11owto,.tautof1mm; Down tn the -y-........ · · ·timally depleted widow sat di!consolate Program About ..i,,:,m;: :-=:~of moom1ng for Mamie --when the emo-V ariOUS Topics ~U:. ~r :=.:i ~ ~ : -of the -Id went .. """' l\&vtnr A ,.r1ea· of prog11111 apotlighttnr In-be<n lltllled for a r..,, .......U !or "I must have ..-ved ln'eral buildrl<.,. med.t cmtornen today," ft Mid.--- A ~ state -· 1J>0011in1 liltt coffee at die counter, looted up lit .Jbe.l)irl.--·'5o1·; be Rid. 1"Ibat man aerYld aeveraJ buadred. mDltm.'' By JACK BROBACK Of .. _,,, Ptlit 1t1ff ·Developme~ pidellna for 7,446 acres of IrvfDe rancb pro~, guaranteeing provision of public anCI private recrea- tional lacllities for an eventual population ' 'Real' Ju(Jge 5et For Seal Beach Beauty Contest -·Kuoicfpal . Courl Judp Calvin P. SCbmidt of Colla Mesa hu been named as '"'' of etpt to aeleet Mia Seal Beach <I. ltel dUriog the 7 p.m. eveot · APrll 17 1t North Amerlcln Rockwell auditcrium in SeaJ·Beach. Schmidt, formerb' the Fountain Valley City attorney, -• ""4 Jn the municipal • courts 1n ·c.o.ta Mesa. Others on the panel of judlJ'll .are ) Terri Barn• .of Fountain Volley, Mn. Leland FOiier, dir<ctor of tbe Mia La Palma beauty pageant, and Mornette Peek, desn of judges for the Mia California World beeuty j>egesnt, and Seymour a-, publicityman. -of cenmoofea is Jlld Rourke. The ev"1t 11 Nre!) by tbe Seal Belch Olilnber of eomm..... Suan Nall II the cumnt Miu Seal Beacfl. Rosalia Fierro Services Held Funeral servJcea were held Wednelday for Mrs. Roulia G. ,Fierro, a resident « Fpuntain Valley for U years. Mrs. Fierro died at her home Monday. She WU 81. Survivcn include five brothera, Pedro Grajeda of Melioo, MOiies Grajeda of Santa Ana, JeiUI • Grtjeda cl Canoga Park,·and C. ct Grajedl and Ed Grajeda, OOtb. <I. Vlaalla; five daughters, M."'!I. Vk:torta Neves, Mra. Ellen Kauffman and Don Fierra of Fountain Valley, Mn. Helen er-of S..ta Ana Ind ·Mn. Molly Haney of Co1ta Mesa. Other aurvivcn include three BOnS. Raymond and Arthur of Fountain Valley and Phillfp of Huntington Beach; II 1r.aadc:blldren, and 13 great l!"IJ><)clllldn. . dlvlduals and. lssu• in HuntingM>n Beach a man Presldert Nixon called an of more than 131,000, were adopted b under way, aponaored by~the YMCA. "authentic hero." · Wednesday by Orange County Planning The noon luncheon PfOll'IDll at th e \ Police laid about 100,000 people came Commission. Villa Sweden, 5D Maln St., will be held Wo Abilene, a town of l,000 populaUcm, · each Wednesday in April. . for the Eisenhower burial proctssion A study )>Y tbe planning staff of the Yesterday's prorram festured .apobs-lhmJih the buslneos dlstrict, from rail Town-Country In Orange Sold . area, whlCb U roqgh]y bounded by th e men for the controversial Teens r o r freight yards to the quietly majntlc s&n Diego and Santa Ana Creeways on Christ. Ebenhower Center where the f0f81er SaJe of the poeb Town and Cc!untrJ tbe SGUth and north and Sand Canyon Other programs icheduled tnc.lude: commander·ln-chlef wu buried. shopping ttnter on Main Stnet in Road and the Santa Ana Marine ,_ April t -Aiiee Medina. coordinator of M!IHons of othtr Amtriesna could oee Orange, ju.st soutb of tba Garden "ll"""' ........ .,~ the Huntlnltan Community Center, U:· the services better hn immediate IP'C'" Freeway, to United States Invdtmezlt: Air Facility on. the eut a.rK! west, was plalnlng the poverty program btre. taton. Every phue rl. Ebenhower's la!t Fund of Nassau, ~. wu ., Initiated because there are now eight April 11 -William Wren, asalstant to earthly joorney was carried tiy radio llOUDCed Wednesday. pending r.ootng requests in the area. the vice pruident of the Hunttnrton mxl television. Only one !*"I of the · Fred Fogarty of American P!oplrl1ea Beach Compony, outllninlthe eompony's -wa ........i ofl Inn "'f public ' II had not boon previoully muter muter plan. _ vi..-_ tbe ldual burial in a mtrdfully M..._ent of Miami, Florida, ~ planned by the county. AprU D-Detective Sgt. Robert Rine-brief oervJce·Jnlide tbe tiny chapel. for the buyer, said the price wu "tn The area Will ev-.ny ... the con-hart of the Huntinltoa -·~ De-Mn. -held Johe for lllPPOrl .. _ of II mlllloo ... sen ... WU -ard· slruction _.91_ 16~ dwelliop .., 1,111 partmmt w!ll -juvenJlto problam as a waited bock to.-linw•<ine. B. LawSOD. t aside •--•• and how cJtJzms can help. · The porty llPed boct to the trllfn, mum-:11>< pun:IJUaJ', r.,..ar1y uld • • -..rid ..,,.. ,. M ,_...,.. plus 111 April !JO_ QiaplalJ\ MacolMh, of Fair· eel some time 1-for a flMI pdbye wide .real estate mutual fund lnwiltmelll acres fOf' commercial development. view Sllte ·Hoapttal,. will apeU: on fam-to rte, then the dlelel Iocomot1ft1 ,began finn operating In 50 counb1es. The·~ A student population of 11,111 requiring ily problems in West Oronp Count7 and to cflug 1ently and the lraln pulled perty oold consists of lU acres wblcb 28 efementary schools, and 1even jun'lor what m.,tes them unique. oot house 75 bus:~. '· highs and four high schooti In forecut. For more infonnatlon on the YMCA Sevwa1 hundred pencm watched the Lawaon owns 42 acre. nearby· Which The <."OUllty, in cooperaUon wllh sertes call Dolph Grolock, encutlve cfi. departure· ond u Ibey were calling out , he seys be oow planl to develop to developers, builders and .lepden "will pursue the opportunity for tnnovalion and experimentation IO u to offer a full range of housing prices," Planning Direc· tor Forest Dlclwon Aid. The area is ·-largely developed to citrus and row cropo and II bowlded on the eut by tbe recenUy sronted Irvine Compony "8ricultural preserve P!ail•. Not Included in the plan are heavy commercial areas such u regional shop-- pine centers or imurtr:lal mea. "Time did not permit tbil type of investigation," I said Dickason promising a further stud7 within one year. The plan provides that developers shall offer public :.and . private recruUonal facilities and open spate where denslliei . exceed 3.5 dwelling unlt.s per a~. DeveioJm!"1t .of artlllcal lakes, eartb contcurlng and other niceties "wi ll be encoruaged. n Besides parks and greenbells, the study cans for an extension of hiking and riding trails and utilization of all poulble apace including railroad and utllity easements. . The study recommends every Inch of publicly. owned 1111<11 "be examined for their ....:reatioi\ and open "*" po-teenUal,.. includtng federal mllllary hues 4'befort their dlsJq,al. "~ The ltudy opecifles tbat neJlhborhood e<nten lbould be designed u I 1 r u JJO!'lble u "focal points" bT Joat;,,g teen clubs, cburdtes, tbetters ind libraries near by. l-;:;nctor:;:,=138-==7920==·=================reei=p=iectf==~==farew=::el1a:;;,M:;:am:l:e:•ppear:::=ed:.on:=:=tnc:lude:=:•:~:g:h:rile:=structure:::::::'::::'.:::::;- .iw""""*-.,erirMJL "' 237 E. 17 ST. -MESA CINTlll COSTA MliSA Salt . Cre~k ., ~ract Approved 1h<-teatchlcbwllhtep · lowb' In Sprilll'• ..,....! "lteell" from-1.adJ Carrie Laguna NiguirCorp.-Gets Go Ahead for ·Development - · Laguna Ni,ueJ Carpontion was liven the """ llP>l b7 Oronge Coun11 pJoD. ru,. commisslooen w-.y to pro- ceed wlill develo!imellt of 1111 acres between MOllll"Ch Ilo7 mxl Dam Point. The area -the 11111CMelllled coonty lbliiclounieoJ Salt er.et Rood. Prier to tbe pladMn action, Superior Judg< Cllude 0..-'11llnU:1 lilted • ...training order -b7 ......, W111i1m Wllcoxen of Laguna -w11icb had temporuily pr-.cJ plawn Iran heariDI the trod --· Mn. Helen Keele1. fonnor Grand J1r1 member and Lagunl Beocb coan- cihroman, was h only objec_t.or to the deve.'°PmCnt at 'Jburlday'1 meeting. She cited the M'*< Plan of Shor<line Developn>Mt, <)dopted by the state . in 1111, wlilch !llldJoDed acquisition of lbt beacfl Jn tbe -•ea !or public use. lo relJutal, Planoillc Dir<ctor Forest Die--tbe 1111 blueprint called for llate acci.-of the two miles of ..,....i.oot. aat pal"Chue b7 coun11. He iloied tblt -IUCh pllna hid ....... -..... of lact of --Mn. Keelq allo cited the aban· W of Soll Cn<I< Rood wruch wu CCllll!lieted.lllrdi .. 1111 by tbe Board GfSUi&tiML -..., Ala llo!pe, repreaenllng 1-Nipel, -eel lhll lhe ·-till 11'-'lojp nn ID order, u upheld by the court ml Ibey Wtft not IUbjeet to Wglilon before the plamOn. l.quna Nilutl Vice Pre 11 dent Knowlton Fol'nald outltncJ pl1111 !or the l(IG.acr'e ''Sealate VHlage" cmtmunlty. He IOid the UM of the belch Ind plonnecl -..UO. !-includtn1 a 35-acrt salt waler llll:e would be open II to all realdel>ts of Laguna Niguel t.atimited at 111 eventual 80,000 popula- tion. -partiq will be provided !or 7'0 1Jn and tbe developmd will include an oceanftoat hotel am ccmmercial lacfll1iea IUITOODdiog tbe iNhore lake, Fermld said .• The executive u.id the area would be de10loped largely to aportments. Atlorney Wllcms did not -the -.,,. Lut 'lburwcJ.v, Judre Owens ,.,. bim 15 dlfS to ...,.. up with -..-lo ~ ... IJchl qalmt tbe corporatioo'1 developmenl fleplty County Counoel Tom C<mor, alter telling piann<l"S that -t of Salt Cre<t Rood W• lepl In the opinkJn of his ollk<, lldded wrylJ', "The opponenta .DO!f hJ'le left a radiator cl > mder whkh to build a car, 1f they can." -eelledleal'l'bo-llllt-in~ aaUn pink or blae, blad: luallo patent 'I1le IQliare- buttoned toe faehloo in 11.UDJ &1'11. bane or ....... 'lllt_loft .. bal>Jdoll llnp Ill_,,,, ""1te lutn palellt Jltnchp tomatdl.Onll'atKarl'a. 499/899 ' • ,I ' • -. • I I . . ; • ...( ~ ..... Dt"' ..... ....,, AcfW Rol>ort Morley reassured fel!m!'. JIOrtlY Englishmen that al-~ fat pe0ple die earlier, lived a Jot better." Morley his comment after the Of. n Oalth Economics in London tbit people 10 pounds gilt run a greater health rilli;.fiiii those wht> smoke a pack ~tesaday. 1,:<,-• - ?iolO Mercurio, 18, · of Reggio ~rfa. Italy learned to bis dis- nljy ·!hat although Swiss painter ~o Brund.erer prefers landscapes.: bi can also do ~ood portraits. Biunderer gave police a sketch of $ man bti said robbed him of sev· "' thousand lire on a lonely • Police wed It to identify rcuno. • ~ . ')l11stt111 is the pasnoord in both the dif:a,ppt"artui_ce and recovery of $15,· o® /'iro3so painting. "The Head of a Wjman and of a Muskateer" waa re- tttMd to ·soaton~, DirectOT of Mu.- J11(\im of Fine Art& Perru T. Rathbtme bta myateriow mon in a taxi. It had b-atolm la8t April 28 from Logan Nternotional Airport en route from Pdfb. to the 803ton mu.seum. ~ ·• '· II'be middl&-aged erowd that runs s~ FranciscoTan into the problem ·*the generation _gap when theY 3l1h<>tmced plans to sell and event· ulllly demolish the Kong Chow T~ple. Five protestors picketed in ~hopes of saving the historic building. They were beaded by Mrs. Cherlott• Chang, who is 'ifl. • The Iowa Senate Judiciary Commlttet: pa11ed a biU which would allow judge1 to atnknet: Utt~rbuga to "11 labor of littt:r· aatht:ring, including. but not limitt:d to, tht: litter connected with the particular violation." • Salt Lake County bas been engag- ed in a mammdth dredging and cleaning operation of the Jordan River Ibis spring. Sheriff's deputies earlier this week. were called to r"' move a junked automobile discov- ered in the river. A check showed the wrecked car was dumped there by three leaders of the clean-up campaign. • A check of maternity wards in about five months could lead Boise, Idaho police to a thief. Officers re- ported that a woman about four months pregnant ~d her male companion in gold pants robbed a maternity fashion shop of $200 from the cash register and another cus· tomer's purse. Police put out an alarm for a pregnant woman "wearing a maternity dress with three bows across the back, possi· bly freckle faced, and about live- foot-two." • Edward Shackl.tonl of Florence, Ala., was accidenUy shot by an· other turkey hunter but was not seriously injured. Authorities said Shackleford was giving a turkey call when a nearby bunter mistook him for the real tbing. . .. . . . Pat Nugent's Baek Home Former President Lyndon Johnson, carrying grand· dauahter Lucinda, beams his approval while bis son·ln-law Pat ·Nugent (center) exchanges glen<:es with his wife Luci. Nugent was met by nearly the entire Johnson and Nugent families when he return· ed ·to Aw tin, Tex., from a tour of Vietnam with the Air Force -and had no comment about a future political career. · Cerman Measles Vaccine Brings Prevention Near WASHINGTON (UPI) A vaccine against German measles (rubella). a disease that 10metimes causes pregnant women to have abnormal birth3, may be available for use next month. . Health Secretary Robert H. Finch to- day issued, prOposed reg u lat Ions ~bllilhing standards for the vaccine's product.Ion. ''Thill means that we are one step closer to the prevention o! a disease that bas caused an untold number of tragic births," he said. Thirty days after publication of the regulation in the federal register, they will become final, and Ucenslng could follow immediately, a spokesman for the National Institute of Health (NIH) divia.ioo ol. Biologics Standards said. Czechs Warned Russ Army Ready To Stop Protests PRAGUE (UPJ) -The Soviet Union has inf;ormed Czecboslovalda that Soviet troops will suppress any future anti· Russian demonstrations but will not be used during the present crisis if the nation remains calm , informed sources said today. Government sources said the warning <lf a return to military force came in a stiff Soviet protest note delivered Wednesday. Soviet Com 'mun is t Party leader Leonid 1. Brezhnev promised in a telephone call Wed ne 1 day to Czecho51ovak Party chief Alexander Du~ eek that the Red army would not be called out in lhe current crisis "as Jong as nothing new happens," party sources aaid. The sources said some of the 21 members d the Czechoslovak Party Presidium demanded at an emergency meeting Tuesday that Dubc<k resign, but the majority supported him. The vaccine would be available im· mediately upon licensing, although in limited quantities at fi.r!lt. IniUal distribu- tion is expected through pediatricians. Recommendation for use of the vaccine will be determined by the National Com- municable Disease Center at AUanta. Jn Philadelphia1 Thomas M. Rauch, president of Smith Kline & French Laboratori~, announc~ today that the firm's Bel&lan subsidiary had received the world'f first license for a vaccine against m~les. · Switzerland granted the license to Reeherche at lndustrie Therapeutiques (RIT), Rauch said. He said the license auUtorized use of a Vaccine developed from the Jive "cendehill" virus attain, which was grown by RIT in primary rabbit kidney cell cultures. It is e~ that the vaccine wiU be In general use in Switzerland within a month. Manhattan Bomb Plot Thwarted NEW YORK (UPI) -Police have foiled an elaborate Black Panther plot to set off bombs in five midtown Manhat. tan store11 today and to carry out a number of other "coordinated acts of violence" aimed at destroying the "power structure" of the white community. • Dist. Atty. Frank S. Hogan, announcing details of the plot Wednesday, said 21 persons including two women have been indicted. Twelve were arrested Wed· nesday, two already were in jail in Newark, N.J., facing robbery charges, and the other seven were still at large. ~Hogan said bombs were to be set off today in Macy's, Bloomingdale's, E.J. Korvette, Alexander's and Abercrombie & Fitch in areas ol the huge department st.ores where paints, dry goods and other flammable materials are stored. The bombs would have gone oU at the height of the Elfster shopping c:ruah. , • . ·;B~g Four Begin -. Talks on Mideast ullll'iD NATIONS (UPI) -Tbe Bi& ~~-ft:~":...", them believed to be '""' -....... lholr ...,....,_ • -' , , l fAlb .., U. lllddlo Eul ~ in the There "'l"' reports the ambuudan · · '' wooldhavean~-11...U Pitt' """"' --'" Fl"'1Cb 1'11 they kept thll -as-well . . • AmbMrnh ArtUDd Berard. Tbret . : ,in rellted dev~pment.I, 11rae1 l . 1 ~ llood -to eel'""° "the Finiln y1n1mc, Al>l>&..Elllll..met. Wed-. ~ llioJ ipiFooo<I. • · ~ ia·3~em with U.N. -~..._..,.... ol the United stai.s, Bri-envoy • Gunnar Jarring, and Israeli lain, tbi llo9lel Ullloo 81111 Fr .... 11111 pvernmeot llOlllCOS mdlcated I h e y · II Beruoj'1 r-thll' ...r.m. ·(o , pnlend the Jarring approach to that bOcln Ibo lllb France propooec!• Jut l ol _tbe Big Four. January, the !aUltl ol. which mMl Kin( Huueln of Jordan met in PariJ ~ ha rejectOd -in princtple in Iii-• with Preaident Charles De Gaulle befm11 vahce. • · hil fligbl to Wuhington and talb with .POncemen barred newlmen but a President Ni.J.on. police .serll'eanl volunleend to Ilk• meaqea lnllde. The quesUons brought only the reply that lnformallon officers lJI tbe boikHnc "don't want to be botbered" talking to reporlen. The secrecy wai ao erut that the time of the meeting ... not kriown unUI Fm>ch Foreign Minister Michel Debre. announced in Pllria Wednellday . they were atarllng today in New York. U.S. apolr:umt.Jt would aay only they might start before the -end. Lord CaradOn. the BritiJh ambuaador, wu the first to arrive, accompanied by his deputy, Sir Leslie Glass, and two aide~. U.S. Ambassador Charles w. Yost came nut, accompanied by Deputy Ambassador William B. Bufium and ad- visen Michael Newlin and Fred .Vreelml. Soviet Ambassador Jacob A. Malik wu the last to arrive with a party Nixon Sets Meet On Nation's Needs KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) -Prea~ dent Nixon today lllllllni>ned top advist:rJ from Washington for a meeting Friday to set priorlties on his domestic program. 11ie Florida White House said NiJpn would meet Friday with HeatUl and \\1elfare Secretary Robert Finch, Urban Affairs Adviser Daniel P. l\ionynihan and Dr. Robert Burns, his counselor. They will chart administration strategy to meet the problems of. crime, welfare. model cities and the whole range <>f "compelling needs that face the nation,'' a White House spokesman said. Rain From Coast to Coast ll.S. S11mm•f'JI Jtrec1p1111loo'I _, lltht 1<111 wldt lr Ktl~red -c:~ 111t1 covntrr tlNlly. T._,. w;-i\g'" tlfft or drlu11 rerltl ot • COOi front •~ltndlng from Olll•horN to !tit l'flld-An1n11c: •r.m. T,,.,,, -. • feW vnn•oes Oftf' t11t northtrn Roc~ltl. -I' Tetaperct11res ,l,!bv41U'lf'Olue " .... .._ "'"· n .. ,t,fldlon" .. " ""'"'• .. n S.k"lel!f " " ... llltn11rt:k " " ··~ " ~ ·~ .... " " .H Clllato n ~ ClnciMttl ~ .. " ci.ve-i.nO" ... " -~ --·-~ Del Mo!nt1 .. .. " ...... • " l!.ul'lll• " " .n l'orl Worth • " ·-~ " .. " H!i.,,,. " " H~~IV " ~ Hou1toft ~ .. ie11'1M1 City ll " l•• ...... , " " l• ,1,nftfts " ... •• Ml1ml " n M11w.uk• ,. " M lllllfllPOlll .. ~ --· .. .. "'""" YO!il; " HOf'ltl l'ltll't n • 0.klllld ,. " ·" """'' " " l't lO P.flllle1 d ~ ·" 1'!11~111 4 _,, " " l"ltt$burvtl " " ·" P..-Htrllll ~ " •• lt111icl Clt't' " 4 Rfd llluff " ~ ·" ·~ .. " ''""""" .. ~ ·" -if. Lou!1 • " Salin•~ ~ " -~ Sell l.1~~ C!IY " n Se~ Ditto u " ,., 511n l"l'lftC!l(O .. • ·" S..,hl S.r.Nr1 .. ~ ·" S.tlll 4 ~ .. --.. n """"' M " Wt ill!111ton " -• .._ CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY COSTA MESA, 111 NEWPORT BLVD., AT 16TH GARDEN GROVE -12372 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. 'I . I . ' ! ' (_ ., Phil .. .,. ....... ~-3 . Soviet Mystery Fleet Heads Back to Europe rapjd Soviet naval buildup In the Mediterranean. Defense sources said that -~. 51 Killed ·lo Polish Air Crash Coal Miners High Wire Wedding Tickets to the Dobrjtch and Swedish NaUonal Circ~s served double .duty Wed· nesday as tiolders not only saw the show but also alt~ded the wedding ol Mus Connie Fullertoll antl. Steve McPeak. Tbe couple's bigh wire act included• •· marriage ceremony, during the aflerDOOI\ dww Wl\!Cb took place 40 feet in the air with the brjde t>9rched on Ute groom's shouI4erS while be walked the wire. The cireua Is playing in Los Angeles. She Wows "Em Again LONDON (UPI) -The Soviet Union'• mystery fleet of warahips steamed back towards Europe today afla- maneuvera in the North Atlan- tic. British defeme IOUJ'ces rep<rted a Russian naval buildup in the Mediterranean. :::00':"1 1 ~=-~=..:: Still Sought Wall Street Lament: 'F rancin~ We Waited' fleet nearly back to the '!2f ltrength during the aftmnath BARROTERRAN. M':aco NEW YORK (AP) _ Fran-b)limess machine operat.or Within moments after &he of the six-day Middle Eut (UPI) -Recoveyol~ t. cine GotUried the busty whose measurementa are 4.1-stepped out of lhe subway De.tense Ministry sources said thl Russian neet of eight. submarines Ind 12 surface waisbips and support vessels was about 300 miles west of Scotland's Orkney Islands and heading east. war in 1967. tled new waves JXU.'ODOU3 • ed b hun The ,10tifCO! said the Soviet Pl and ponlble CIY...,. to-Brool<lyn rtrl who wowed Wall 2$-37. ahe was surround Y · fleet in lbt Midltlrrran11n now in •1.~1-learch f bodies Str t last summer still has Since summer she ha! ~~ dred! of men. Traffic stopped numben more than 40 V'elllll, day w.-.i ~ • ee • alternate routes Lo get to wor~ in the street inclu..i;.... aubmarines a 0 d in Moico's w<l"lt m 1 n e her old drawin& power. She and avoided gatheting crowd! S"o de"•htedly answered -. dlsuttt tried a oprtorthne stroll In Bu 1 that he " -. surf~ ships, compared ~th Expioika, cave-ins :md a bright red swi;ater. The t or •asurance_ s · questions, -thook handt and an estiml.ted so. veuels du:rinl d...u, Pl rumbled through result -an instant traUic retains her: magnetic powers, kissed one man who told her• ne task force sailed into the North AUantic from the northern Soviet port o f Murmansk a week ago, the largest Russian fleet to enter into the AUantic since World War II. the AraJ>.lJraeli Wll'. ."'the AltGI Homos .Coll Mines jam. Francine took the old route "Francine, I waited every day The de!.... olllclala said M~ . Fr . Is K• -k . I th" k I .. Russia bu asked 'I'UrbJ' ·fer , -11 evenmc. ancme an --wee 1gain or ts wee . or you ••. NATO offidals exprased belief at first the fleet wu headed for the Far Eut in • show of force as a result of the Sino-Soviet frontier dJspute. But the neet -shadowed by N A To reconnaWance plalltJI -turned back Wedn ... day after conducting ~en off Iceland. BrHlab defense olllcials said tt Wu anclell' whether tbe fleet Wiii ciormected With the permi.s&ion to move a cru1ser and three destroyen lnlo the Mediterranean 1"1111 ·tho Blaclc Sea tbriiulh the Boapl1orul Straita thil woekand lo join two Soviet dellroyerl end a submarine -lnlo 0 o Meditenenean ~tile 11111<.route Jul --Defense aourca aJd mlJIY of the. Soviet Ylllltll iare trawlers briltling with ~ Ironic oquipment lo ~ watdi oo the U.S. 1111 1'lool, whldi -ollidaJa oald .... still flt auperlcr ... --~the-­force. Doctor AdmitS Time With Sirhan Limited LOS ANGELES (AP) -A psychiatrist who t e s t i I i e d Stman Bishara Sirhan isn't too meotally lll to bear 1ap:pibllity for k i l Ii n g &berl F. Kemedy Jw con- ceded that he might lhlnk dif- fermtly if he had more Ume to uamfne the ~year~ld Jordanian. Bui, Dr. Seymour Pollack d«lared Wedneoday, l WU a psychiatlilt on the del- lide who cut lhort the otud)' ol Slliwl before the lrlal bq:&n. I Pollack, a wi-c>lled b)' the otate. hid Aid Slrilln •• mentally lll ·and emolloDlll.v dllturbed, but not lo tile ... tent that he could eec1pe lqal blame for the New Ycrk senator'• death. "You didn' lijxl (llJ<)>ollc Tank Critic symptol!llT" uked chill defense attcney Gr a n t Cooper. Pollack, who had Told to Halt tdeatified psyclKm as a ma- jor mental illness, said no. "I said I spalt about 25 'P bli . ' hours with Sirhm," be .ldded. U City "lf I ...... 250 boon -10 times that amount -J might WASmNGTON (AP) -A find more de!ini1e indication coocr,....n who charred the o1 Jll)dm. I hello.. u Army with a "billion-dollar much time u pollible lbaald _ .. lo developing a new he opeo1. I'm not that much lllllc bu been onlerod to stop satislled with the !D hours." talking publicly about the mat-lb early February, al1er a tor-meeting with chief del- Rep. L. Mendel Riv'rs (0-psydriatrist Bemlrd Diamond S.C.). con!inned ordering Rep. and olhe< poychologists and Samuel -(D-N.Y.), to psycbiatmls, Pollack b Id atop al.vine interviews or irnJ· written the diltrtet attameJ tue news releues about · the th1t more d et 111 e d U· Sheridan tank. aminalioo W<lllicl pr 0 b I b ( 7 ruvers took tM action m .reveal m<re ... ol • of psycbolis. . his polRt.iWl u chairman "N"" 6'.:.a ... ~__. ll Cll ·~ 11oo.w Armed -· ·---·~ ·~a1 1-":.. life • • ... tbt OmnmlU... Stratton btads I ~ -•---~-'ttee, under Riven' delenJe-.., bopn. ~vuu1u "Yet." juriJdJction, invmti.1ating I.he Sheridan program. " •.• NOif doa't you llllnk -. Survey $hows Supp0rt~ • a l • ~· For .Extendi~g Surtax :. NEW YORK (UPI) -Afore AnMrlcllW favor conUruatlon of tha 10 pe-t lnconto tu • IUl'Charrej for aoot.ber year than -IL accorcJJnr 1o o ourvey. by Sbulllnger " Co. The IUfVey, In ,whlch 1,$71 'ArnFfcans were contacted, 'afioired 41 flarcent qreed with Prelldent Nixon's proponl to , -.. ·tha 111itu and lt.4 ~t WIDted lo•end IL The other 11.l •pertonfhad Mop- ·• lnloo.,. . Old World Mediterranean Spanilh FurnUure . OVER $100,000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE l'ROM OKOIATOlll CANCILLATIOH aMI · &ltU&NI PIOM MOOIL HOMU ' ALL llAND NIW DICOUTOll DllAM HOUll ON DllPLAY !fems as follows: Gorgeous I ft. custom quilted_ sofa with separate loose pillow• w1_th ' heafy oak trim decor and matcblng chair, . . 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag · lamps in wrought iron, an I piece king size master bedroom sulle in pecan panelled Mediterranean style with lop quality !! yr. warranty king size mattress a. bo• springs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. Whole HOUMfull·wu "'IUIM tll .... :i:r0:~~-~-~~------$698.00 ' Any PIKo C:.. lo ........... -JOiy Temtt A........a. -Newa.tn to c.llf, Cro<llt A-od lnoiia4laloly I Furnitare I...;..~ At Harbor Blvd. .- ,. " 1844 Newport llvtl. Costa Mesa Giiiy' Ewwy nlfht 'Ill 9 -Wa4,. Sot. & s.,,. 'Ill ... ;.-c ·;. ( -·- ·--L •. .. .• ' " -.. .· -I ; .... . .: .. • .. • "I told him to .,._,_ saying that in ti.gtd: el .t 111 I I -• circum•-you I.I! OJI I d -~ uriless -ill h-i-d-have asktdfor more tJme eomethlng worthwhile to say,'~ to find out?" Riven l8id 1n an lnter\'lew. 1be st 0 ck y ))SJC'hiitrilt "He WM ltllin& lo lhe..poiilt leaned fonnrd in the "- --No other ns- where he was turning out a ~R ... I bout t ·~ chair, bit •olce .. = ... oewa re eue a i ev~, "Af. t b 1 t meetin& Dr. Dil· day," said RJvers. mood uprerred a great deaJ "I'm not try!ni to put I -tnl Hd ca anything," II.id Rivers. of. 1111~ IOCI 1 It "I'm ~ly concerned about =1~ .. ;~ ~ the e of our troops ln led me to believe •--. -" ;.\;;,., . _, ---It wai St~ t D '' in-11 he ~ lc:rJ&er' want.cl me fftlll•llM lhal lod to reluse !:,~"I Id hlnl "'1 Ill a pnviomiy clanlfled docu--========:J menl Oil Iha ,,.,. Sheridan r t.lftk. Stratlon catted the lank 1 "billion dollar b o o , ' ' 'beclme: It ii too no'sy and Jea•es I Jw&I e.xhlust traJI II to bl ftl!lll'ly Ultlea U I _recon- Mllancl vehScle; uats tm. proper ammunition: hu a FAVORITES H•t1•11•I ••• l•c:•I Nl4ffo. 1hlll' poll1 ,,...,. th• DAILY PILOT c•ni.1 '''"' ef tit. "'''' ,.,.,., "'''"'"' •"" f••ttff• ewelf1•r. h '"" 11 .. ,,,,., 11 th1 U11th4 Sttt11. such a capacity for enjoyment. Show you what"" D*IL Say you're in a Chevrolet Kinpwood Walk-In w.,..,. when 111ddenly the road btcn1• notl!lng btlt chuckholfJI and rut... . Only you can't tell it's rough. You-, tbeKinpwoodt!Oataalong oir' computeNelecW Coil sprinp !bat . llllOOthemi tbemean eat road. It takea a rnich~ rough trail to bother you. 'That 1 true of our other ""'°""' too. ~the Concoura WllOJI. 11'1 our second site, but there'• notOmpltmiH on room. Put down the back oeat and you've got up lo~ cubic feet of cargo, apace. : Maybe you're a bit more <eriOUAabout tho fleat outdoom. So....,. .. That' a why we olfer the Chevy Sportvan. To a camper, this one'• like clear ski• and no D101quiloe1I. Adda ~per convmion unit and take alol)g beds, •toveand the kitchen sink. But we're not done yet; there'• alao the Suburban, the toucli ro-anY'1'heietruck thatdoublteaaacar. So l>eloro you heed out lo IM the . U.S.A., better stop by your Cbevnii.t dealer'o. Hia SpomoRecreittii!DDept.ilo right up your alley, , • . -, • • • . .. I• >ee.ky fut! tank and atveral ':========·I olbtr)l<"b)em1. -.__~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, • . , L._J_~~~~~~~~~~-1.·~·-··~~-'-''--.L_~~~~~'~~~ • • 'I . I " ~ •• ' I D~'t PIL!f . E~~1'1AL •.A~_!] . ' The' Airport Urgency ' An air o! urgency aboul moving on Orange County's ·airport problem appeared this week. , • 11:1 ~b time, for the prolilem won't go[aw~y. II 1teadily oi:sens -and will become much ~o cn~cal ·If tbe Ci Aeronautics Boan! (CAB) grants applica· liOllS to e nd service to the Pacific Northwes · MariDel ,......... niako Ille bal6 lncompaUble wllh corrunerclal alt tralllc. Bui lbla II tbe upected POlllloo and Is oot neceuarlly tile Jut won!. That woufd come from the Def-Departmmt, preoumably onJ,y aftef· muscl~OeliD&' llld arm-twisUD( led by tbe Clllfonlla · delegation In eonveu. 'nle CAB's decision will nol be based. on noise and Oir pollution. The board does; however, Pl')' attention to resolutions from public bodies, so ii'• possible Ural ~­ pressed opposition from the county Board o! Supem- sors and Ille N,ewporl Beacb City Council -could ~ ill' fJ.uenUal. Offsetting this to some dwee, however, u the desire for Pacific Northwest service ·expressed by the · The wt foni'e II rilht, however, In recommencllllg • a study by Wllllam L. Pftelra and\Assoclltes 1ocmec1· on El Toro UDlil II II dellnl1ely .,tabllshed !bet joint use of tbe mllltaif facility would or woU!d not be feuibie for wball!ver neson -pbyllcal, national defeme, cO.t ' ' Costa .Mesa City Council. '. No doubt all public bodies would lavor sucb service were.II not.tor the lqcation"Qf, the ailpll.rt and its phy· or ~cal. · • · CoDsid~ the growing urgeacy of Ille problem, aod Ille vital need of the people and buslneas· of Ille county for mod~m ~.aervlce, the supervisors and tbe!r agen!J can't move too fast Iowan! bolh lnttrim and Bi.cal limit.abs , , , , The lloarcH>I Supe1'V\50fs a~polnted a,.special la>k force to atwly the j,ssue Jasl Qctober. Kno1'Jl· as the long,.erm ,ticm. , ' J• • •• 1 Master Plan of Air Transportation Group, it is com· posed ol four county officials with presumed coqipe- New Ways ·to Fight Cr.imti . In addition to bearing calls to acUoo on tbe ~ri pi'oblem, the Board of Supervisors bas recelted."° ~ port on enotber urgent problem -crime. . · ' • • The Orange County Criminal Jwtice·'.coancn, af(er two.JltOl!th• or study, bu urged application.for federal :, ••• l· . • tence in this !ield. .. . • ... .. Last Tuesday the group recommended·to the1Super· visors that the board approve an· intensive ,1tucf)"' of the : · feasibility of using El Toro Marine Corps Air Station as a temporary (15 year). solution pencll!lg loc;iti~:and building of a regional airport. . ' , • ' And so the compass. ~eedle ·bas once more J>bipted to El Toro and the possibility of 1omt ·Manne-cottuner- cial airlines use. . funcling ;(under the federal Omnibus Crime <;qDtrol an.d ·Safe ~·Act of 1968) of 11 priority pro)~ · · · The rec4mmendation is an attempt to.g I v.e .• com- tempora'ry · lnswer to .contemporary crtme ,p,roblem.s. Examples :· diagnostic center for diagnasis '!Pd ·treat· IJ!~OLol. dren . with emotional disturbances ... COm-. puterization. of ·Iaw enforcement records to save time and money while . improving efficiency. Radio relay : . .. ... ' It isn't clear why the task force failed to acknov!l- edge a letter from El Toi:,o's Cblnmanding officer, of- fering to send an officer to sit in on airport meetings. Neither is it clear· why the ·group did not give the Marine Corps an opportunity to examine and comment " ·using ultra · gh frequency cbannels. Helicopter use. TV 11.. Surveillanc of high crime areas. ' AB the ounty urbanizes, and as crime becomes m<>rtt _$ophi ·cated, the crime fighters must also be- come more ~histicated; on its proposals.. . . , Ignoring the Marines is puzzling. They, after all, own the airfield; Military ·requir~ments ·rnay, as the Canada's Chip-On-Sho.ulder Forefg· J Poli-• · , IJ -u ' • ! • ~ :.Our Stuh~.orn Neighbors • • . ' ¥HINGTON -Prime Minisl<r Tru· , .. mitment, it seems. But apparently there · is no legel i-equirement which makes any difference to Canada on drafting young msn into lhe American army. Mor1!9ver. the Canadians who . come to demi has a facile low·key manner of ex· plaiDlng away the things which bug the American public about Canada's chip-On- ~er foreign policy, But there is evktmtly oothing to do. about it but love to 8 degree that it does not like and and.l:berisb OW: good friends to the north Prime Minister Trudeau perhaps cannot ln tjiltt of. ~ ,atubboru ~ • ;-tie blam~ior comparing the lot ol Can· the U.S. to enlist in the American army probably equal the number of Americans "·ho escape to Canada to dodge the draft. I · Wt do not aJ:Jet Canada·stnce-"' aH:: ·edianS to the man who must sleep with reedf, a:s Presid~ .. Nixon says,.have a an ele~t. ,Occasionally, however, the VERY ~HILOSOPWC. Very much , full plate, and it LS no wonder that the man stirs around enough to interrupt the like Gene McCarthy or Adlai Stevenson CaNdla?S _are ~i:newha~ concerned over elephant's sleep. in a refJellive mood. ~c mmiles 'fhich may explod e Canada is safe because lhe United But It is also very maddening to those D~ Uleir beads. . . . 'states bas niat;'le 'this cootinent as Sare who would wish that Caf!ada could fmd Bil w~ the prl]Oe. mvuster tells us as it possiblf can t>e made. If the rest it m. her heart to stop .loadlna the ele. DMlll policy toward the rest of the Am· of this hemisphere remains tranquil in ptrant wilh whom she must aleep. 1 mcu there Js a creepins sense of won· a revolutlooaey world Jt ,will not be be-Poor Canada; ahe don not nutle ~t about wbe~e the stalwart de. caus~:Camida made "it sO. How sweet It" · warrit ~ snug like .Poland and ~ f.S.U of the Mi pie Leaf have been all ; ts when we get soine constructive help in 0SloV8ki4 in the eacircllng arms of °"" years. this respect. But then, ol course, tire Mother Ruma, bul has to put up with ,... Canadians do like to trade with Cuba, ·the restless stirrings of that damned !BE CANADIANS are discovering and send wheat to China and if we can elephant. central and South America. They might just keep communications open perhaps Still , Canada Js a gbod neighbor and ewq join the Organization of American the world will improve. certainly a fine customer and we are Stabs if they thought they could make . also ~¥ada's best. customer. Prime i' cmtribuUon. · i AS FOR np;.reeo~Uon of ~ .C~a "' Minister'¥ Trudeau made it plain to us And, of course, they continue to trade a~ the n~~gruUon , of N~tiona.l~st that for)all our decency toward Canada, with Cuba ln JIOIHtrateglc materials, not 1 ~· .which ~ C:anada s policy, this, In cOntrlst to other nations in the shad· necessarily approving of Fidel Castro. toe;>. IS Just me~mg the 1!11' shape of ow ol JHlother super power, Canada is a Prime Minister Trudeau ls a master of lhmgs ~ k~pmg_ corru:nurucaUon open. sepaiate'-country with special problems the modern lingo. If we can just have Maybe 1t wdl ~lte. China 20 Yt!ars. tQ and special world relation.Wps. enaugh "communication," enough "di· agree to be recogmzed, anyway . Prime , alape" perhaps all this trouble Jn the Minister Trudeau's urbanity is not ex-SO ARE WE. One of our special prob- Wettern Hemispllere will go away. ceeded by Gene M'cCarlhy's. lems is that Russian missiles have clear Canada. unfortunately for her in some Prime Minister:Trudeau is urbane and sailing Qver the Arctic Circle and the l'fll1)eds, is located on the same continent pennisslve about the American dralt vast dePth of Canada. OUr vital national and next door to the world's greatest dodgers in Canada. Canada is against interest' demands that those missiles be supir power whfch is earnestly preoc. the Vietnam war .,.yway and the draft stopped as far away from their intended cu~ with protectin1t ltself and with dodgers1 aren't making any trouble. A targets •s possible. This places a heavy preventing a· very volatile part of the dillerence can be found, however, be burdeo on cherished Canadlan·American grpt land mass from going up In revo tWeen a draft dodger and a deserter. relath:lblhips and probably Is a penalty luqGnary names. Canada Is much more selective about Canada wtll have to p a y for her o w n • • : ··~-""'=-" ~ deserters. Deserters .have Amer1cfn.ereated Immunity to nuclear 7lllS INVOLVD C.11J1ada in our policy made some kind of a contractual com attac~ ~ Can't Lick the Arithmetic Japan 'has a gnu national product growth rate ol about 12 percent annually. M the same tJme, Japan's population ~ ii negligible, hence tfle Japanese Jeaj! the world in per capita inaease fl-. • welt Germany is secood among the to convey its tenns to the masses of larfe natiom, and the United· &ab .,..theiT people who thought it was a is ,Jlol fsr down the list, though its . Th0 All' failed to de I GNP growth is but 5.1 percenl giveaway. e 1ance ve op fa· '.1961 under Pres.id~ Kennedy 's momentum, but part of the fault resled tu'lfhg, ~ LaUn American nalio111 ana on the North Americans, because they tbrt~ States devi.!led a pact called initially evaded a vital factor for success ' A BRILLIANT e«>oomiot Is nol needed lo perctive that if' X country had 10 IJlillion 'PoJ>uiaUon in 1961, and now has 14 millfn, any reasonable economic and technical aid Can barely keep abreast of the increased food consumptJon alone. Quite as important is literacy, which dependf on education.Jn !Ill, 3.4 ml- children were enrolled in inadequate scbootsland now there are 3' million. But selioot ...,_on has oot kept pace, and today Z1 mllUon childreu of schOol age are not enrolled. AUllftct for ProgrtM, in which the latter, -the rate of population gro\\1h .,,-P.'anl.s and k>a.M, w><fertook to help throughoot Latin America. LATIN A!'.IERICA Is only one part tne.Jimaller rep,.iblics, whi~ were in The United States advucat $9.2 billion or the 'problem. It involves India on It's All Right To Spell It 'Supena' · To the Editor , Please tell Mi's. Stanley Gottlieb (Mailbor liar. '21) she should have check· ed btr dlctkmiy before criticizing Mr. Valtena. ' According to the American College Diction Ir! ('"lbe m05t authoritative desk dlctionuy ever published") page 1206 -supena is pro~. It has been bsecffu tbe leg Pr£ssi0n for many years i.nd: ha.& become more widely used by the layman in more recent years. MAXINE ASSUMS 'Sure Is· Helpl1d' To the Edltor: In a letter on Marth 26, Mr11. Stan1ey Gottlieb recommends that you get Mr. John Va1tena. a dictionary. This remark brought to mind our new two-volume World Book Dictionary which contain! over 200,000 entries and includes a section on copy editing and proof- reading. Now,11\-al'rl'iMTUMy either, but It sure is helpful. JOANNE FRAAS C:ontrolling Science To the Editor: Very few would describe many of UR newer scientific developments 1ucb as heart transplants, voyages to the moon, and atomic poWer as being less than mir- aculous. But as Gordon Taylor in '1The Biological Time Bomb" bu espllined, some of our developmeota and man, of tllose to C'Ol'lle in to the fll• can. be problems for society to control. I , feel that science has developed and will·ccm- tinue to develop futer than society, and It b imperative that the !0Clet1 . mtJS\' speed up in its adi,."'""l!nt to sc!P~,..~ ~ - science mU!t slow don. MEDICINE, for example, has spared man an unmeasurable amount of mis· ~ and in .. doing lw locreued the average life span great\y, 1b1s increase has brought the population p r o b I e m which may prove to be more disastrous to mankind than all of thi disease which medicine has cured. Industry has made life more comfortable but it swallows our natural resources, pollutes the air, and poisons our rivers. tunrfo betp themselves economically. in Joans to Latin America, and technlcal a massh1e scale, and an developing coun- ' and indirect aid raised the over-all in· tries which have ~ high ~!literacy ~ate IN mE . ~E we will be. able ~o RICAN poUUcians vestment in "progress" to $I3 billion loo.al pereent, which militates agatnst develop b1ological warfart wtuch will ~• but__ntaey faHed But there-wu little--Pn>gres& ·311d-_birth cont.roll,~~ wiij>Jood__pr.o-_ make the_!_tomic bomb seem..harmltss. ~-fhe answer WM ~pie arithmetic.' Over dudion dericltncy. All the alliances ever ~---Welivlll Mv.e computers w~lch surpass ; • eight years the GNP COOJbined growth devlsed cannot lick the artUmetic. the hw_nan intellect. We might be able to manipulate the brain to control moods. has ~ about 4.5 percent aMua~ly. lran!!er memories, make mtn agtres-~~ it wu uneven. Venezuela, rich sive. and increase intelligence cbemi- 1n oil. has had far more growth than cally Brnlil, wttb a mismanaged economy plus Dear · ~ may bri 1 complete chlftft a d~ In lhe coffee market. ' to man himself. So111 perhaps we should IN ANY CASE, two-thirds or the GNP ·Gloomy be m"" cautious about the secrets average growtb was canceled by an extremely high population growth ol 3 p!!'l'l"Mt. '111f"J?ft GNP growth was thus I.I porcent, and in m>ny ol the poorer countries lht per capita gain in wealth was...,,, In Ill re«llt """'" to Congress, tire Ageocy for JMernatlonAI Developmtnt aa)d the original ten-year eo-ls ol the AIUanc:e. 19&1-71, have bten "unrealisijc and UMualMblf'. '1 Jt sug~!ls an et· ttnSion Ja II years, though warning II will 11CC0111plish ~ unlesl. some ol ~co0nliits all to wort Oii their posNl•· UOn )>ri>blem- • Gus: Your poison pen poliUcal re- marks .bout our good Congre&5- man Jimmy Utt prompts me to orfer In analogy. And It also continually amaus me how any. one can continue to read the Daily .. Pile It" and ill ill gar. bage and sU U pay ror It! -R. II. M. ""'~,..,... ............. .. -...;. ~ ........... .... ____ ....., ... Dlltr,.. that science will unveil. I THINK WE should begin m a k I n g cardul appratsall ol the type ol ,... ...n:h Iha( is now laklni place and the con.<e<JUe!ICff Which it might yield in the future. Perhaps in this way we can either prevtnt those developments which can be ll'Kll't hannful than benenclal, or JWl)lre our,IOcltty to be ready for them. ROii CRAIG ' ' I Writing Is Not ' . ' What It Seems -' --.. One of the secret resentments held by professional wrlten .is that, while nobody can become a musician without patient years of iractice, and nobody , can enter medicine or the Jaw without a long period of at\tdy, anybody who owns a typewriter feels· qualified ·to ... set composed .colWllm of the most relentlw up shop a.s a "writer.11 What detonated thiJ uncharitable banality that m;a.de even her admirers thought was ·an item in the paper! wince much of the time. recently that Ladybird Jo!woo is con-Indeed. much as I liked her character, templating autbnrslllp. She may, it is and much as I disliked the venomous said, contribute ie&ul¥ly to a national exhalations of Westbrooi Pegler, one magazine, or pen W memoirs in 8'rial. of..his great colwnn&f ..masterpieces was ~ fonn. I urge' her to rtcCm, i'der lhia rA.m ,. ,a narody,(lf Mn~ BoO.velt'J '~My· Day" ·: step. • . , ':r-"-'-' in"ilbJch\)/e l>dfect1y"c8"ght the ' tone and pitch and cadence of her literary composltiona. She was , alas, the Florence ·Foster Jenkins of · t h e tfpewriter. ' · · "WRITING JS NOT what it seems to be. It is difficult and painluJ labor, · involving hard thought and the skillful ~ of professional tOols that must be sharpened throU,fh years 0 f l!P-MY PBCJPOGRAPBER friends tell me prentlceshi p. Many persons with tqoit ' the same 'sad · story: anybodf · wit.Ii the nllnds, and warm . feelings, ana even purchaSe price or a goOd f0reign camera scholarship of a sort, titrn out to be imagines lhat he or she ls a wretched writers. "pboto~pher." even though this craft Ptfrs. Johnson should consider the case Js at least as difficult and complex of her eminent .predecessor, Eleanor U good Writing. But because it calls Roosevelt, who, despite her many detrac-fen' no previous formal training -llke tors, was a lovely 'Woman with a keen _mastering the notes on a piano -people interest in the world around her, and ·erroneously believe that some. native a background whiCh Ladybird falls cop-: ' unschooled talent wip lift ·them to the siderably short of. Yet Mrs. Roosevt.lt peak. • consistently tumed "out oneor the wOht The widely·known "an,>gance" of the : columns ever k D ow n to AmeriCaO artist is Franciscan modesty compared : joumallsm. ~ .~ with the unconscious am>ganet of the 1 BY NO MEANS a foot in her pers0n81 and social dealing! -indee(f, • itOtiie qualified White H<IU.!e observeri 'thotlght she had more gray matter than her ··husband -Mn. Roosevelt nevertheless . layman, who would never·· dreain of J trying to build a house without 110me architectural training, but wlto 1~ down . . to compose a sonnet or an ·esaay with no more technical preparation than a hog has for performing a pirouette.. Uses· of Federal Tax~s The average federal laJ: burdtn per family in 1969 (esUmated tot8l"·tu re- ceipts divided by the number of.·families, including single perDi units) ~ to $2,834. Distributing thiJ tu buri:len per family Jn proportion to ~ in the budget preSeoted in ·January, we fihd that the average family's tix',lliui'- den is being usect ·as follows: · ·· • · Tax..._ Per .P'lmlli TOTAL 11,114 Natiooa.l Defense .............. -·.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • • . • • • • • 1,250 International Affairs and 'F'toatire . ~-...•..•..... ·-· ............ ,_,, .. • . . .. • • " II Spacti Researcb·and Tecl:inolblY• ...............•.......••••.•.......•••••• r IS Agriculture and Agticultural Relources ...•. , .•.•. ~......... . . . • . • • • • • • • • If Natural Resources ...•.•••. : ..................•........• ,.................. 29 Commerce and Transportation ........... , .......... , ......•...... , ... ·••• J!t Community Developin!nt' ani:I 'HoUsing ••.•.....•.•...••••••.•••.......•• , a6 Education .......•.. : •.••. : .. ~ .. ;............................................ 111 Health and Welfare . , .....• , :~ ...... , •.• , .•............. · '····· •..•• .•••• 7§of• Veterans Benet.ill and Services .......................................... lit Interest and all 'other .... : .. :.;,,, .. ,_ .. : ............................... 2111 •Includes Social Insuranee.-' --~. Quotes Gov. Rea1u -"Perhapt the most 1 . valuab1e result or all educaUoo ii tht ability to make 1ouneU do !be Jl>lnc you have to do, whfn 'ft ought. iO • bt done, whether you like itl or nOt." • Ferman Moore; 11, WlllU IClllll dropoat booottd "1 .LA ldlool ...... for yoatlo wwt. -"Tbe .-besutllul thing in the world " to reel for your people. I can't be pirt Of any - tionary fotct, on'1 part of aome:thlng • building." Dr. J ... pll J~ II, procllclq llol.ltntd pllJdcllla -''A doctor's life today 11 so f...,, 91> rurious; I a:ptnd most ol mr Im Ume trying to keep up." •• __ --Tu ':oudatloll,·&c. ' ·--"'''"-' . ' . ' Dear Gf!!Orge: : . · Pef!'laps you CM,ii>elp me. t ,.., ltoppeJ foe "'""in& an illtgal left tum and my drtver's licenH: : .... . ... Jda!'.d. Tbe nervy PolJce olllcu loond I hid netJeded to 1"11 oeveral part;ng · UcUU. He RUlde such a fusa I boct.d owr his motorcycle, and lllY problem Is tblo: Can I sue the ~! IRATE TAXPAYER Dear Tfl'PAY'r: W!>Y don't you wail unW you JIO to traffic coort and ... the Judge, tool It will give you lo<s more nice ltgal papera to read and I have an idea you're l'OiDI to need Iola ol thtnp to kill time. ' ' • " .. ' j 1 1 ! t • ' ' l I ' • I . • ' ' . I ! I . • " • . • 1 • • ' .. . j ! l ' t • • • • . j t . • I . • ; . . . t • I I • • • 1 EconOmy ·Surges LiK!e Spririg FlOOd•-and n;t;M to ·af;;k'' _i ---~-I • -. WASl!INGTO~ tUPl) -II the ~ -lllilJll al a4dlng II ollhon a u.nd, etpeclalJy durlnll ·the compo ,. .. mlllokeo oo bgw Oklon. "Loot, nwwf..,.,llli and lorll J ~ .-llllC .. • 'lbe Miloa'1 OCOOOl1U' la 111'1-who fooled 119 ~ bJ ~ to thejr lnvmlorieol month an.. Cbrlltmu when fut the floodtllle wu nJDillnl. Ill loct, Cbarleller bu II'°" pr"4uctlal are iltlU mi>vlngup, by ~ llJd 1111...- lnll lib• llJlrlnll flood ln 1plte bu.Ylnll u ~ as ever la dolplte the contlnued rbe ol merdlancllae lnventori .. 'are c.mm.,..· As 1 ls I a• t jecled from the mrt lbal lhe retall Ales are i>iekln& up IMlll .m na 1ofo a If# of all the aoU-lnflation dams reeeot-iDoutb& dOlplte °' 1a--· 1e..i.. . belng chanfed over Seentuj W 1111 am H.' GNP 'trill pNbab\)' bit '915 lhelr levels llJd buliJlea:I lD-blod •Wben Ibo lnllalloo ,... and WlllbqS the. aovemmeol drl(., "'I Illa: ~ Dou lhla mean bualneasmen It iboliJd be . no aurJirlle . · Chartener bu n .kept'hll• blllloo v-. an a lllg growth <diet Into tDe 111t • llllllaa thmn ln 111 path. ;~:_'a(_ l4lir 111 .. ·w!ll tlll'I dropplnc: then, that ..... -quit-. post u dllel clepartmmt• . ·u lbe GNP reacbell -Hem," a.an-r !old Unlled . -- Itll now nwly nlnemootlw endlt. and they dooi lflOt to be tioaoC111bowlul'lbeecG1101111 eeooomllt u.r..p . two Ill-bU1lm, we will be !Dd 'trith Pl...,~-, ~will l'llllJ put tt1 1t 11nce the Jo bDI p.o Ill-ftll -""1 ' ... and for <allgbt wlth much 111oct on la actuall)' golJI( llJd -· mlnlllrallaoa P • l mar 11 y · -dlllleultleo," Oho lllid "Tb<oe are oot trends that the .....,. ol -bu mlnl.tralloa .,t tbe tooll from eoooumer .-,_ lbnalem baml? Js lhla ~lint sian the ao........t's aoll'lnllaUon · beca111e be bu beta f!llft, 1t bll lut al!leill pnas om-yoo lum around over 1 ...a crop prices," ..,. ee<IOOlllist Coograa II uld K -.. luol die ........ -. tDe -le -down! .......... are ...... eo<Mlgb, . ICCUrole ln bll pndlctl'll"'o ., ...... lo IW8iber. or two," be added. . uplalaed'. I most -· hl&brr taw on Wo AQtMr: li6tt;,•a:, Some eeonomista llO. ~ optn to even more aplrlted ' than~ coll~ . 1, ~ nettber OkUD or hll aac--. • ball of the 11!:1 month ':We can It.ill cut ~ irt- bullnm and -1 lo-· 'l1le -.ill Ille of !lie .1• ·.,!;:'1c1othen polo to the delia!<. . . . ~ predlcled u f"'I' ._, Paul w. ~"' -.i porlocl -111-namo ra!O !rim -than \ comeo , Ollliiii of ..... -,.i1 bet1' ... liualnessmtn §10 if lcantly, the ooe back u October lhal tDe GNP 1 Yft· ICbowledlell pobllcly and no 11owdon 1n iilJ>I, 4 per<entlto irqulld S poreent .!.th=· i:t~ l~·-il--:, "= t;~ -::..::::..-~.::. ,J..,llla~~ .~~,!; :11l: e:~y pr~-:' ·=-°"bely~~ ~~ ~ ~ =t~~ ~ ~ebeit ":"=::t ;! -·"' eoo1 .o11 lnllalinn b> to rue1i a neord .• l>illloo new equipment to .-pro-Ibo om.... team ol advuen Pr<olclent J-·· last and that p1w to _.1e lions are i!luppearma. dolhla 'tritbwtc:lampqdow• ;;;; . spending mart bi MarCb a.pond 1o-ductJoo. 'lbey. l\IO iiOl!d lhal; 11 one m; hall said au Ilona chalrmao ol the eouncll · ol1! !cir' thlt bldclen undertow Jn Ibo. ftP1 to curb Pl:iee too bard, er ....., 1 rill , 1 '::! ~ needed 11!1~ a, ,..rr,..,_.Tbla w month· does Ml•m!)!! • that b11 ..Ueques ln bolh eeooom1e ·advllen, ¥lhur 11 .. llinllld bedrallod in oburey. . rl!<s, the odmllll11taUon'1 el· in•jo!lletow." ·, : brln1 productloii 1lltk inlo la !a!ls-!ban moii,pw.illi ' ' . ' . ' .. line wltb._ 4tmaM and pri6! want ~ ~ lif ap.nd ~ · 1 ~ : ' ,. • : t. ~ ·· 1 · ~ ....... i Now~a.·Job ol baJtiDI ~ ~ 1bore are• -·~ ... btllatloo flood 11111 ebaiel!al 1be tbiuiiu! II ~ .... It into •.Im dl1nq1t1'•-""nclnl'lntn."'9:-. I.· bu beeo p_.r on it •N'IXOll .--m[lll -· ~ I, ad m.inlltrollon -.ii* mew .~-.It ftal1 I ' who art1 lieginning to wonder on the ,Niloo ~lratloq whether llief and t b • 1 r to make ..m. Mrd tu and D e m o c raUc predecessors spending policy choices - I r underutimated the dangers choices that could b 8 ,.. 9 Involved.. polltl<ol "._,.__.. t Tb e new 1 y arr i t ,e d -Late last weetl n.-iyj ecooomllll are now adn¥Ulnl Seentary David II. Ktimedy that current high taJM and saJd be was ' ' 1 r a n t I y government spendlai restrlc-dlsturbed" 1:Jy' a aovemment tions probably wUl haVe to survey showing bu~ , he malntainod lol1&tr than expect to boolt their epeocllog originally i n't Ind e d . on new plants apd equipment Sources ,'trilbln the Federal by lU·pen:ent thlt year; 1 leserv• · ~d' ol Gov""?" This increue 111 l1l"'l' _!ban &:ly studkii already are .being three times tbe S.9 percent o ,mpleticl · oo bow much 1 plint and equipment growth harder It dare. -the rllle of 1161 and 7. Umes the , nuilod~":Jly of ~t agd. inO'eaae,of the Year before. : cash a e for lverything ~ From Detroit c.me· word from · b 4t m e b u 11 d i n g to · tblt the top three alltO ma.ten manufaeturulg, -projecled they wlli boolt And .., ,._ of ending equlpmenl speridlng by 11 the 10 perailt 11>cnme-surtu bill1!>n-ln-1•. Tbll wookl be or eaalng fthe ·clamps on a 30, percent adfaDce over government spending 11t.arting 1911 capital 1nvesbnents. in the new fiscal year in July But while Kennedy was have now been .abandoned. ad-Warning that '"the coUective ministration oU1c:ials concede. fears of. the na.Uon's investors Most Ni.lap ,~c ad-may. help to bep inOatiQp visers appear WUlqig,_to share . growing," the C om m er {e the blame with t b e i r Department ias\led another predecessors for ~ading report w,hlch points up the the sigrui of the lnflalionary dilllculty an economist has in . surge which began to worry evaluating inflationary trends. the government a full year '.J'he report showed tlllt ' and a half ago. busintmnen in Jimmy had 1be culprit in this drama stopped th e i r tbrie-month Join Cctlfomia Thrift's· GIANT 63 if you want more of that . ' JOLLY GREEN! Invest 11J e,; 2aa. ... Ulll ,_ lite bt . Ill 12-lllDOlll !al pli4 lntalmettl l1irift Certifales. Or 511% Oii hsslloN kcllllllls ' 11 llJ1-i. ,_ ..... .... ~-" itwinediately ........ . Join the ~s who .,. rnD¥in1 '1 their tunds tD C.l-Thrift. Cal or atop In. We'U lfd1 answer your qU11tiorts and teN ~ how ft can b'Mtsfs )'IOtll' pr-.nl: funds by phone or in1M ~ut bother to )'OU. ' FotJOV1-...st'sl9ke .... ,.. ......... -· .............. 171 L1'M It .. C.... .... '46-IMI c.1-..~ .... '•••'• ,, Mme• wltt. off1111 h1 prl•cljltl title• thr11111h1¥t Ctlif1nti1, IHMIGb .l.MOICAlt INOUITMAL IMaM 4NOQATJM CAUPOttNIA MMQATMNll W l9'DUnmw. &.eM i;DllMfm • :' 2666 UR.OR BL-SG~1080 ·· COSTA MisA · ,~ • l· I '~:rWuoaYS 9to9 .. ' SATURDAY . 9 lo 5:30 . SUIDAY 10 to 5100 ~ 20" llOTARY ~}!~!,~~~" •11ti11e. , · 0 fi111•r-tip e11gi1111 c:Oll'ffol 011 ht 1ullt . O Elt cfrot1tt tic lttkff t 11•111tl lif1fi1N fi11ith; . PVC SPRINKLER PIPE 0 l!:Ne11t proof, will fief tutt It rot. 0 S1mi0 rigid,111y to work with. 0 So it t liot co111frichlr. '!J" ........ -3• n. ,,. ............. 4• n. 25 FOOT GARDEN HOSE 0 Co11v111ie11t Vi "125 f11t l1n9th. 0 Nylon r1i11forc1d for lo1191r w11r. 0 litlt C.Ollpfill'JI \"ofh e1Mf1, fthtrt'• I hell If 19c.~ 1MI t10, 110 11fr• a.,, • .1 G. E. MRCURY LIGHT SWITCH -0 Quiel r1pl•cn1011f for tfti prt11r.1 dtck1r. 0 fih .. t .. n4tf4 1ii1 1..~ - • ' I . 0 l1·i~ry,.witfi 11101111ti111 tt.fowi. • /79~ ROMO Wiii ' 0 Hee.., iuty b111c1 wire. O Uctl flf 111 i11teri1r witillf. 0 A thMkillf v1l111 111 2 ti .... 144 .. -...... 4• n .. 1 .. 112.._ __ s• n. { -. -,,. • • 1' HI YA-. ' . . . BIG BOY ·' .. 0 •• tr•tt fl t vor, ' .. '"'"''· 0 111•111•· •• ,..11 ....... h 1 to 1v1r,t y et tt.1 • r1111rli1f. 1 '47' D ftti l~t1ll1' fer pr1f1tti1111I tpri11li r 1y1t1111. ' ·D Pep 11 for 111or1 c1v1r•11 whu to111 tur11H 11. 0 fit fl ~ for ttfcfy wh111 wtflf t11r off. IR a • " '''"'P" ,,,,, ~I Ill l fltrl'l1I, • 0 .p, llHI for •••Y "'' i111. 1J Ho 11 11p t. 100 f11t of ••· Q F.r tll Ult:1111 It rlll!IHIJ 0 Holtf1 1nl tf111ple1 ,. .. Jt1clo. a H•• •·• '" ''"' •• a1.,. \ • llG IOY 24 INCH; MOToalZID IU~M • ~" ' 88 CAPI ,COD F O . Rnil:ile' wl:ilt1 wtr. ... !to ~flt f:o lh1,. .. 1 ...... f] Or 1111 fo r '-4Mi., •tf .. y011111 trH "-lii~I '1Jttf u, .. , 0 Attr~Cti ..... "' .,...fw1 .. ,.ff,. 99'rx1t' SAW HORSI l~S D F•r ce,,~ or kM1 ,,tu.nt.rl111 work. 0 M1li. 1 1t11rtly "l11t ,111f ''· plch1c ftiiol1. 0 c •• '"''"rt • ,,., ef up to 1,000 IN. Pit. FIW '°°'' WOODIN STEMADDIR . . . - <--:--1---. " ' .. 0 Ui11l"4o1n 1r-111t1f.or ,,1..fr..f., reptiti119. , 0 H11Miy 111h1t thiif;l.-Jtf,; feltf1 for Co111p1ct 1tor191, 0 Wo11't ,.,;;,II to tli1 "'0011, l1111t it'1 • 1t1p i11 tho ri1ht tfi,.cti1• ,. ' . GUDDIN LAftX HOUSE l'AINT D l.!etl for w1otf, ~ct. thlcco, co...,..._ 1,J prilflM 111ot1l, • ~ a 51., ........ 8114Wlfl ifteriy with ........ .. ... ,,.....ff11t a Setitfectt.t ... rt llf...1 If ,..II, ... ..,.tie.~ IJ1tt ~i"I 111 tti. well Y•• tf1t1't like.• • ....., •lcl41111t 1 SlltfKI MClf1t it.I ._ tc...11.--------'---------'---'----"---· ~ -. .. l l • • ' • ' ·CHECKING Smear,.Fight Hinted • UP • LA Mayor's Race Won't Be Lofty· One . . Whe1·e the Lonely LOs ANGELES (AP) - 'Sam Yorty and Thom 11 Bradley have l1paJed voterJ not to upect a lofty, .-.c1 campatgn 'for mayor. to be an iuue, Bradley Aid, "Only IO far . u the mayor makes: It a amear tacUc. 11 "I'm llOI IGi"I lo mah raclam an illul/' Yorty aakl. "bul I do state N a .fact ran a nc11t.~ campalcn c e 01~s esi1de ~~•y'~::,:~~~ Ba ~ I R Alter flnllhlng J& pen:tnta&e the two-term mayor told newsmen : uy hlven't let loose YOl'ly toii! • news cm- fertnee that Bradley had wag- ed a racist cpnpalgn by a~ pealing for Negro votes on the bam that he ls a Negro. Negre volerl and It t!l«:tJve." Negroes make about 15 -I of. tbe million voters. * * * * * By L. M. BOYD MaC<lll, Ga., aaks. Don't know, on him ye\. When they find "WHAT COUNTRY has ihe maybe she ou.aht to try the : a=~ .. ~-~ :·t,..~°!_~ most s tver t fema l e old anny tecfuiique. In an vw .. ,. _. .... ebcrtage!" inquires a cllent . ancient ~~u.al ol ~vice to paip Yorty bad rarety men-today's ~™on. i, -J• P·"" · '!EMO noocomnusstoned olf1cers, the tioned hb 13 opponents. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -=• Bradl~y Adds Backers ·-' ~an .. · • \nTIY ooce "°"est~ an two Yorty aod Brt¥1Jey lljd they A retired Negre policem.an ~Befnre batlTueadlbeay's~.. c1' lo __... 'llfWlpl-! -qu·-~ ~ If IWO _.... lo dobate ~ Woldl J001:1111 to n.._ u•--~ '!'" ·-•. ·-~ aaeldat lo -~ llam H. ll, 1""1-:Y,. r..i · ~~ wotll .~!'-1• °':~~-•'f.""'1-......__ P"" Yorty today plcWd llJI the ~~-~W,:!*_!.~ ~tel,.. can l>O fiDtd -·~-a\ u,''"'·-...,. -•--~ -'·cl Loo A•t•ha' -·u -~­tbett for misspelling a name :,~tside onthee ;~de.e lt~as Bradley, the city's ftrst Negre largest newspaper and~ llonver, tM UlrCIO. itMlf • • TO WIDCJI ha th • ·-c\ty cooncllman, 293,853 votes lions of backing from org··•-nMlde.JIO -_.i, .,. 'did • • ,,_ . . s e the army's COIMntioo Jat QUP tbe Jr. .. _ _._ but more bones m 1_t.s nect. t~e such combatants, en.gag fn lo Yorty'1 llS,33f-4Jpercenl. ed labor. ._. .... ....,... lt'fVll m~. or the giraffe, that s th.ls eye-to-eye ~. c~ to 26 percent. Yorty and City CouncilrD&n 11~ ctflcials predict((! that a ti!':. sland the strain of ~e:r • so Bradley dttW nearly equal Thomas Bradley emerged u au endorsement of Brtdley · ·1 bl b k 'nt '-h'· '".Pport in most area_s o_r the ·the two top vote gett-.i.. 'fouJd be fortbcomlnc. GO EAST: Concernin". the 1nev1 a Y rea t o iaug ...,r. t H h ...... "' •1..s...nso Bell 11 ........ u~-c1 ~-e scored eavdy m aJJ. , a field or li candidates tn .,........ ' • ·-....~i whereabouts ()( 1 0 n e 1 > CAN'T GO ALONG with thiJ; white areu that Y «?? i y Tuesday's municipal election, COr'llNISllllll eliminated in the bachek>rs, a young lady in-out.dated survey-laker who backers had •....,._.ted the primiry, Wldnetday uted hil La··1·ng Mi h ··-I am cum~_. -....-z... The Los Angeles T;-"" • c ·• wr1""""· states: "The majority o! UQJI. to dominate ......._, tupportera to vote for Brld1ey not .interested in Wyoming just American men prefer At a l · • which backed Yorty four y611'1 and off'ered to camPti&n u; beca~seed the ratio of un-beefsteak. brunettes, a nd Wednesdn:: ~~.':ue; r :=li::a:ig:o~, =·~n~dor~sed~=B;;;•;;•;;dle;;y~;;to:.=::hla;;~bellall~;,· =======.I mam men is high. Ratio baseball." Beefsteak and Yorty's accuutionl that ~U smatio. There still aren'l brunettes maybe: :But most t 1 I enough men in Wyoming to me11 now prefer football over ~~t ed a campaip ccp: . give a girl a chanc~ What baseball by somewhat, and d 1 00 from a I • ~d 1 want to know is wh!te T evtjoper while the mund) ' • . • Don 't be • Dumb Bunny • , • Eg9he11d1 ,,ed BOOKS! fte.BookstaU JJJ 1. 111t11t .. c ... w ... u1"'"'11 go to find the most lonely that is as it should be • :. was con• J d tr In I ~ bachelors in the least space?" IN TIHS MATTER of weight. developer's i.oning propoaL. All righl, our Love and War the Uwrance statistics show Asked H he apected · man can handle llMlt one. Go woqlen put it on more quickly·~ .. ~~~~~~~~·~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~;;;:;~ to the east side in lttanhattan, and take it off more slowly. he says. There, in an area But the s~cs do not ex- four blocks wide and 60 blocks plain why. and the medicos long between 30th and 90th say they don't know , either. live about 250.000 bachelors. many if not most of whom TIIE SUICIDE DA \'S: flfoo- are known to be lonely. day is that day of the week whee the suicide centers get CUS'OOMER SERVICE : Q. the most Calls. And that day "WHEN iS the coldest time of the year -when they get of day, normally -before the most.. ls January I. or after the sunrise?" A+::fl "Why?" inquires the statisti· after •.• Q. "lt1Y SON cian who recorded the foregt>- ME be went to a three-foot ing facts. Liquor, I think, party. What's th at?" A. An moSuy. Ansf pills. Or rather oddball shebang currently said the aflenba:th of same. As to be popular in the college E. E. Strange.of Waco, Tex., crowd. Bedsheets are sewn said, "Aaything that makes together and attached to a you high will make you low." room's walls three feet abovP He also said~ ''Anything that the Door. The entire party fills. you up will fill you out," lalt• place -·Ille NW liut' Utot ,beliinp .In ·- . , • Q. "I SD A S item. STORY repcril there have been t,000 gang murders in Chicago since 1919. How many or these cues have been set· tied with conviction?" A. 13. ARMISTICE: How 1o make a pair of adolescents stop fighUng with ei.ch othtt that is what a mother in Your question! and com- 1nents are welcomed and wilt be used whereve1' possible in "Chtcking Up." Address mail to L. M. BOtld. in care of DAILY PILOT, Bo< 1875, Neuiporl Bea.ch, Calif., 92661. LA Sc1wol Bond Loss V ps Pressure on State SACRAMENTO (AP I - ' With the resounding defeal of new school bonds by Lo!<i Angeles voters. lhe pressure increases for legislatorg to provide more st ate aid to education. Al; one assemblyman ('Onl· ment&, "the voe.en are saying. 'Let's leave it up lo the legislature.' " The legislature, in turn . i,; pressed by Gov. Reagan and by its own elect.ion promises to bokl the line on new tue1. On Tuesday, Los Angeles voters rejected measures to raise $400 million far city schools over the oe1.t four years. Supt. Jack E. Crowther says cutbacks will b e necessary as a result of the defeat. Los Angeles voters have re· jected proposed school tax in· Oil Tlireat To Sea Lions SAN FRANCISCO (AP t - Oil from an offshore drilling rig is threatening the lives of thousands of elephant 0 9eals and sea lions on a remote island ln Santa Barbara Ch.an· ne1, th e San Francisco Chh>nl· cle said today. The Chronic le said large -amounts or oll have · collected on San Migu el Island, 1 l.~ acre rock 60 miles west. of . Omml. creases in 1959, 1962 and 1966. And similar measures have met defeat in other Calllomia cities. Proposed legislati v e remedies center oo redislribu· lion or school m o n e y statewide, with some fonn of sLatewide property tax for schools propo sed by Democrats and Republicans. One remedy already in ef- fecl. . wouW. permit achool districtS after 1971 to :raise taxes withOOt a vote. But a strong attempl is being made this year to repeal 1:1e measure. Specific proposf)s ror new school .aid include aome $105.5 million in extra fund s 1n Regan's 196!}.70 budget. some $300 million proposed by the State EducatiOO Department, $400 million in aid sought by the California Te ache r s A ss ociati on and other rneasures based on statewide ...... Recipient Di.e~ TORRANCE ( u p I I - Richard Charles N e w e 11 , Southern California 's fir s t heart transplant patient. died Wednesd ay night of pneumonia. Newell, 58, a grocer from Oxnard,__was e.rullnitted_ ljt llarbor General Hospital sur. Cerlng: from a seriou s lung infection Wednesday af- ternoon, YOUR OWN BUSINESS Earning Potent ial Unlimiled We ofter fin1ncial assislance • OH! ... THA"rS ME! S' A II GROOVY. -I S4A IS FOR $AVIN' ~WINGERS. If you don't object b saving ~rom $3 and with th1t kind of selection, 10ur to $12 on the groovj!st shoes 1n town , shoe has to be in stock S & A Is the place ti do it. ': · . We can·fit both )'o~ personality and your purse becauSt we've got ump· teen thousa nd lades high fashion shoes in sizes 4 toll!, MM to·B .· .. SAllTA llOlllCA NOATH HOUIWOOll lDOOWlllllftlW. 1512UMIC...,..IW 1!1!1UllA l.INCAST!I 2ZIO Ent ... Snot 1'01 W. L•lltlSt• lw. 1 Come as you are. Our fancy fixtures and plush carpets ant just to make us look like the swanky stores that seH the very sama shoes ••. at higtier prices. 333 E. lnH ST. COSTA MESA ll!STCHEST!I blS S. Sepulveda 81¥4. SHElllAN OAKS CAllOGA rm 14145 Vtflhtr1 ~-U9JT1,.11p C.,.. IW. SHOP DAILY 9:30 · 9:00 SHOP SUNDAYS 10-5 • 11.olte t•11tl1 odorlo11 C11111tlilllo1 111 yo11t homo. 5'"•" l"•••I· -Ill. C.111,•I• lr1i,.in9 p•o9rorn, Wo11't lnlorf1ro with P''''"' 9'Cc11,olio11. SINO THIS AD POI fllf llOCHUll- UnlYersal Chinchilla lrHders ,,. ·-............ , ......... e.llr. ~ fft41 t7f..1HJ • t.lem ln4J IH41'1 MAIL THIS AD We've Pulled . . . I The • .. ·STOPS I ANAl-tEIM ~SAVINGS NOW ANNOUNCES THE HIGHEST RATE OF INT,EREST ON INSURED SAVINGS Ear_n intere5t daily at Anaheim SavingS. Save today, withdraw tomorrow or 1~ 20 d•.YI or 80 days or anytime. No loss of interest"Tno minimum holding period required. On all bonus accounts wllich .., .. 1n lhrH years you earn 5.38% at our current rate when interest accumu"'91 annually. Current annual ratl of 5% actually earns 5.13% when interest acc\lfftll6 !ates for a yaar. At Anahe im 5avinas YGU earn the hlpst in-in tho nation; and are lnaured up to $15,000 by the Fedenl Slvinas and Loan Insurance Corparation. 0 OUR THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: •Anaheim eere1. •Huntinaton Beach YOUR FUNDS· AT ANAHEIM SAVINGS : e Eam nation 's highest interest rat• eEarn frOm day in to d6y out •Insured by the Fedenl Savinp and loa n Insurance Corporation •Earn from the lit if received by loth of a")!imonth and remain to qmrters end • se:uled by "8 ye1rs of sound experience 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO MOVE YOUR ACCOUNT: ewe handle 111 transfer detsils e.Just drop us a line ot call-It's easy •Sow by moil-we pay posts&• both ways ANAHEIM SAVINGS .. ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION l tt vs, l1t ns/tr yow account. wt hfntl11 lff ftt1if1. " :· =· . ' " ~ .- .· ~ • ·. :: .• • 1.11~~ ......... °'"AllEIM tit w. u.ic..i,, ...... ,, flfilS.tS3J l~EA ~'110 S. er.1 II~. .JA .... 1t I HUNTINGTOll l tAC•t :: ..1, ...... t.e._. ~ llNCL JUI ( • I All CON'llt(llNT ,,,, .. , .... AT A\L I LOCAT'°911 . ' .: . . •I I r ~_,_-~l~~~:=j~~=====:;:;;::;;::-=--:...::;;:;_-==:!..:....:....=====================~==~=--=-:~.'!·=-_i.,,,_-_,.. __ ~~·~ -.· .· I For The Record Fire Calls ....... ittdl 1:,. '·"'· MG11111r. 11,. '"'""*"'IM. on,,. •!Id '"" ':lt '""'" ll'luf'lllf 1111, .. I Surtt ... A:05 1.m., 1trvclll,_ tlrw, IPD GoiM11 W•I, A#!. a6 J;:!...'::" Cir, 1lr1, a...-11unt •1111 ......... C:lt ..,_., Mtnlllll.,., lfl lfl lltl, 61 A ....... t..:» ''"'" "*lie ••Ill, 12111 $""' •1111 •Mlfk to11t Hltllwn W•-l:I:• •-""· Molwl•~· ,,.. t1r1, nu tm ~-11;1J t .11'1., IMClll -111, 1302 Mlfl.. -~· \:d 11.m., lrlll"' flrt, Jol'ln-ld-e 'll·Jli p.rn., IMOllQl 1111, 1"561 Tlldlfl .._ ..... 11l0 1.m. Tllewlt.,., Ut fl .... U.I Ci..,_ ,.,.r1 SI .. dtmtte 11.JDt. c .. ,. Meta I 11 1.m. Mortdl.,., tllM 1!1rm. lm B '"''" "· . 1.n p.m •• flrw lmr911Ntl-. • .101 Vk- "'" 4:1' p.m .. -hdcrwll. P1ullriflll •nd N.-t Fr-IY 5:4' t .m., fllM llllfrm, Newport 1nd 11'h Street •·51 11.m .. 11tM 1l1rm. Newport 11111 Ulh StrHI ~1 11.m •• rnc;111. l:i.M W1bon • tf:a ....... Cir "''· SllM Lllltlll". w • .,. J:OI 1.m. Tuncl1v. "'"lie' Htltlor 1nd Sin Olt9o l'reew1' Divorces CMrvl J. H1~ 111 J1mH P1ut HIYWOtlfl Carol Je1n SC:hert V1 lto!oter l'"' """"' Orl1lln1 ""'llc Ht<tlsl YI Clllfon:I Johll Ht rtll;I Mutwllo Jflllft YI l•...,er E. ,_ TI'lomel Ltland Ellls n B.ttv lM Elli• JuM C. Mlln9 111 John N, MllM ""'rl1n J. H..-dlf'l9 YI Gelle LDUll H1n:l!11R Helen E. Pucbtt YI H-rd D. Puck.ti M1rltl1 Sln'ftl Allen n Fr11Kb Ewl!M 11.llefl, Jr, DorothY Ml"' Mt:Ctln YI Edwlln:I LM McCtln Dl111 C. Cun"'I' n O.W.., V. C11rrv Sl!«ll1' M . McCormick n Gen~rv It.. """'m"" Ellftn L. MeDoMld "' Cllarles ll. Mt°°"lkl L1wrtne1 Sil""".,. ws Vert Sc>r!nntr Jart 14. Flynt .... Mllcll'M N. F!vnt SI/Ian Gall MIMlnt V1 Rollert Benton Manni"' Julia L1ur1 HuetJo;.cMr Vt lt.ollert Wllll1m Hutbtc:I!«• Erm1 Ire"' Htrvrr \ft E1rlt Edw1rd 1-Mrvtv Vl'9lnl1 ll. Deluaclllkl ¥1 Fred M. Dtl<JMl!lo An" M. Fkimln1 vs Ncrm1n L Fle- mln1 Iner •-Ftl~ YI Gl'Ol"llt JoMPh Fellle• Ott Anne S.nlos. YI Plllli. lt.1v mond """' l'l:cberl Fr1.,k!ln Ntborl VJ Pt!rltlf Loulll! Ntbort J.,.epll R. Slmmon1 vs llutry J . Sim--~'" Mtrlt. Sim"°" n l1wr1t1Ct W~ SI,,,_ r,1..,,, E. Wllfr\llck V1 Jottao ll, W"'llK11 MllrY • Elllefl Howln:I WI OaMNI F rtrlkllll Howtrd Judy Ann ll1!n vs Homfl" II., lla!n INTlfllLOCUTOll.Y orc11ee s J1>1n Lenore AloHl'I n C1rml1M c. Alou1rl SylYl1 G1U F.,..,llr n P1111 Leroy "owler • l{rnnetll I. Wi111!!rbur11 ys ur. J ___ =l---•-'<l W!n!erbl.rrn - Nt'ri Tllorn11 Hirt .,s Mllry Mlrc1lle "'" C1rolfto Win~ n FrMl<'ldt A. Wlnltr llllndle F11mlM C-lltl. VI W!lfrtll Jl:OllMY c-tmlltl K11•ol ,..,. aurtvri vs llldlard Arfllur 9urton M••lorle Cerol Browne VI S~1rt Colern1n fll'OWf't sr.!•I.., ""n Wll(ox vs conn 11.ov WlltllX 111rba•• Lou Cr1!T!tr .,, J1rnes ~Id , ...... r Unda KrY Pherloa YI Jact D. Pher!"" M11rv An" .Faulkner vs 11.obtrt Y11t "IUlll:MI' Th~"' II:. Oviedo ¥1' Fr111t; Anll\Ony ""'"" Ka"'" Mellndl GrlY n ~ry Etlwtnl Gr1v (h11rlfone t 1111lse H1w1 VI V1t \I. HtWI JtfM'S l , <rilo;Jdwln YI NI/In' J. ·-· A.fldy Mlil]NI Vlo. (1"'1 Nlft Mlln1JM c .. 1rvdl Wlltrltde Giimore w Elmer Hor'fllol Gilmore, Jr. Gll0,...11 101rli.ll ltbo .,, Wlllllm lfeltlo , ... Clill'OI A. II.UPP vs ll«n1rd lf!Gll ·-M11r1e11 N. llvrnn "' Ooon11d L !Iv'""" Jr. SuHn M. Covnls vs E!wll 0. Cwnh. ''· T••nd• MM w1111...... VI Norrn1n LH Whl!lkt• l11•Pnt (. G~ VI K-111 J. ··~ "IMAL DlCll.11.11.S Ja Ann Ct"!lle vs llt•lllbt l . C1s!lllD J1mn llDYll IC!lbury n JOllnne Atnn K!lb!Jry Noel Dean L•nd YI ll1rblr1 Jten """ E"1el C. S,.,.Mrts .,, H1rbert T. St"'hens James A. L.-11 .,. Arlen. Jac-tlne Lt•11 c 11uc:r11 011'"' vs EdWllnl L 011.,. lllll'h H. E<111twl VI ANlllllr Equt .... 1 Of1nt e. K-VI J1mr, S. ICntf' Witter N. 1( .. 111 'II P1trkt• M. ICleln M1,.., Htllln FrtM!ari n Cherltl car .. 111 """""" Joanne M1rle Erlck\011 .,, llobo!rt Nell Erlck..,,, 5tle~ W1t.rburv VI s I I.~ I " w1~rv S1tvll Jte11 ,,.lledll "' ,,_.,, F. Melocdll E1!11"'1't'I IC .... "' Gt.nn I!. k\Ml4! llettv J. II.Ill "" EdWtlrll Jatlll lteet ,.,, ..... ,... ,.,.. WOlld ... ""'°""' ......, w ... JudY ~ Y!lo 11.llbtrt M. Jol'IMon ~" 0v1,. sr.11Wt-.,. Chervl o.. ...... Nilf'IM (arotyn Smllfl vs ,,..,.,,,. It . ..... 'UMM•WTI lllY!Nftll M. V-hft, Jr. "" l tllk No-. .,,_,.. ,_frNllrf) Patrk11 llulM 11.ohln "' AltrW ~ """"' l•-lrnlnll 0 1111 M. Adelt' "' C••I II., M 1lr ·-· N!aolt JNll Deft'l'-1 "" W11lllla a.ritlftllll o.m ...... z. (-"'*"fl lfl'S BE fR!BIDLY U JOU have new mllbban or know of anyone movlDI to cur area. pleUe tlD UI go that Ml may I extend a trle~ ~ and l'lelp them to become .cqualnted in thdr MW tun'OUllltinp. Huntington lea Visitor ,.,_, Costa Mesa YJsltor ,., ....... , So. Coast Visitor 49<MJS7' lllrkr Visitor 494-9161 .. TO HOLD YOU . . • NEWPORT U FASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT IEACH Telel>hon• 644·2185 ihp MonJ.ay thru ~idey 10:00 e.tn. to 9:10 P""· Selurdey 10:00 e.m. to 6:00 p.tn. • ·- _) TENDERLY 1'1<•""1. """ 3, 1969 DELICATE PALES ABLOOM WITH LACE Utterly enchanting ..• the Remembrance collection by W a rnti r's;Trlender--pastels--lavishe·d--wi t lrei:ru lace. A. Nylon tricot gown with fiberfill bra top. 32-38, blue yellow, IZ.00. B. Nylon tricot slip, short, 32-38; average, 34-38. Blue, white, pink, 7.00. Not sh own : matching b~ief, 4-7, Z.50. C . Contour bandeau, 32-38 B-C. Blue, white, pink, 4.00; Lightweight a verage leg pantie, S-M-L, 8.00. Not shown: lightweight brief, 7.00. Lingerie, 24, 63 ; Foundations, 19 • Cotnt in end mee+ the Wamtr's stylist on Fricfe y, April 4 •nd SetwJey, April S in our Newport stor .. ANAHEIM HUNTINGTON BEAC!H , HUNTINGTON IEACH e 1n1 EDINGER AVENUE · T .1.,._. 192.Jlll Shop Moruf.ay fhru S.aturcfey 444 NORTH EUCLID e ANAHEIM SHOPPIN$ CENTQ Tolophono lls.1121 . Shop Mondoy thN Soturdoy I b:OO a.m. to 9:10 p.m • 10:00 .,.,. to 9:lO 'p.m. • • • • - I .I \ I '. ' ' Ull'f !'!I.OT ·QC J1ax Rebates Go Begging SANTA ANA -Witi\ all the 00.liq .hem! aMUally about hl&h property taxes •. who woulcl bavt tboqht: 1 -That almolt hall ol the 532,111 Onuice C<>Jnly iro- perty OWJl<rl ellglble 1... tu 1'ttiiteo under l'ropoollioo 1-A .-pp&reatly have tlD'ft«I their backs on' the windfall! ' patr ownen to a... up blfore the 'AJlril 15 deadltiie for Ille flO rebate •• ,, 11111 property tau and a $150 ersnptlon on 1111 tae&. · The action came after the Two 'Weeks' Set county a11e11or told ei.tpervilors he fears a lul- minute rueh that could 1wairip fils offlce slaff. wW remain 011tD 5aturday, AprU 12. And, lbe auessor promlles, any perllOO in line at hla Santa Ana om.,, al 5 P-l!I-. April 15 will be pro- <aled. -net county Assessor l Andrew •. J. RiDlhaw \ must r-i to the tactics of M,adjson A venue iD ordtt to allvince property owners to sign UP f0t the benefits? By Superv.isors In February, Hi:n.sblw said, hla offlce malled oul 532,151 forma to property owners eligible for the 1961 rebate aJ\d 1• O.eQlption. So far, only 274,115 have been return- ed. I The property tu relief ,..,, SANTA ANA -Orange made p:mible t bro u I h Cowtly Board ol Silpervlsors passage Wt Nevember of have ~ .tefOhitiool '~ Propogltioo 1-A in statewide clabninl two D8ti<mal weeb. • .,..,1w i-. He bu asked slleriff's deputies to be ori band to handle •the expected crowds and ~ aaolgned members of his ~nl rial! to aug- ment· hia ~I Proposition l'A sta!I. ''Tbert is no provision :n the Jaw to extend the time •liulilt*'. laid HI n Iha w. ')lbetel<lre. thooe who do not meet th, ~ine stand to office has until May JS lo get the forms to the ~te contro ll er's olfil.'e ln Sacramento. That officv. will send checks to property owners certlf.ied by Hinshaw•s olfice. Checks are expected to go into the mail in June. Ahvags Glad to Help Ed Meador of Los Angeles Rams figures girls as pretty ,as Marsha Roberts. f\tiss Orange County Press Club, can be forgiven for confusing baseball ;and football . Meador is one ol celebritie~ who will loin press ~lub ~eril 12 for... Sixth .'Jmual Headliner's Banquet hononng county s outstanding citizens·. Rese~a~ tions for event can still be made by calling Ted James, 835-1234, or.Art Leavitt, 541-7378. County Given Study Of BuiltJ,ing Hazards George B. Cleveland, who presented the r~ it can For The Record SANT A ANA -A pilot pro- ject ootlinin( In layman's terms geologic hazards to con - stnictioo Jn urban are.as,,.was unveiled before the Board of Supervisors Wednesday by the state Departmen t of Cool!lervatim. be med by plamen. builders --------••! and others who may not have The :ttudy area in the pilot proj<d is to Ille vieinily o( San Clemente in both Orange and San Diego counties. Similar projects by t h e departmed'9 Division 0 r Mines aod Geology are un- derway in several urban areas of the' state, inch.Kling work by four geologists jn the critical Los ·Angeles County aree. ravaged by re c ent landslid<5. Aceording to geolog -ist DEATH NOTICES REGAN Witllem J . 1111 ... 11. 251 •tnd St., ,.,.,._ POl1 a-dl. Diie at 069111, ADtll 1. !urvtved by wl111, ,,..ry; tlw dlll- d~, °""111 It'""' S.n Dlftot P1h"lck. Kelltl, ,,..rt 1fld Twrl A• NII. ell f//f H-1 lleedtl Nl""enls. Mr. lfl4 Mn. l'"tlOCl1 jltffell, PIU· !kne, llld 1ll1tr, """· R~ Ll9c;ftti. ROMI"/'. I PM, Monllly, Mlril 1. Aecwhrn Miu. TUHCll,, April I, 10 AM. bGfh -' st. JOKl'lltnl C.hllc Ch.rl'UI. '"'~· Good $hephirnl Ce<MterY. Olr«ied by a.1tt Morfwrv, 1741 541Per1or, Cati Mew. PHILLIPS Helllll s. Phllllps. "°' AH'4' st., L•· tll!W 8Mdl, O.le of ct..111, APrll 2, Sun+ted by l'lulblnd, Rt0«t1 '°"'' John .... J1met1 dlUlltlltn, Denittw 8.-1nd ,,.. .... S-111 ti~ 'ilfl lld- • dll~ ind thrl'I _1 .. rwnddllldren; slslWt. t.a~lne HttwY u.d Luclllt: Allell. Sm,•lcef;, Sllturdly, 2 PM. SM1· -.. ~ BNd'I ~ry. lnle•· ' · ......t, Mllrme A~. Directed bv Sh9tter Lieu,,. fi9.ffdl Mort\llr'f. KENNEDY tralr4ng in geology. <::!early indicated on an ac· companying map, he noted. "are areas in which further detailed studies should be made before planning or ap- proving proposed major coo· st.ruction." Titled..... "Natural S Io pt Stabilit'y as Related t o C'.eology, San Clemerite Area ." the report is designetl "to give a broad pit'ture of slope stability or the degree of susceptibility lo landsliding." ~artment ol Conservation Depuiy Director Jolin Mayfield Jr., who introduced Cleveland. said several study projects now underway an'! cooperative ventures w i t h local govenunents. T' h e division personnel do the ma~ ping and interpretation and part of the cost is paid by local government "which is the direct beneficiary or the work." "It Js expected that most f~ projects of this kind will be coopen.tive venturas," W.ayfield said. Although the plap and study point out areas in danger of landslide action tbis should not inhibit building . in the area. Cleveland said. "It points tn problems that can be solved by engineers.'' Meetings l'HUllSOA'r Divorces ~!HAL OIECltEl!S Dorlt Gile Gll>Mln YI M1.-.I" 0 . """' 'TP1elm1 G. Gree11.-. vs H111HI Gr~ G_.,.11 Mii CIPMI YI Jlllln KeMll~ ..... Arlvl It. FD11le YI C. \liMWll FD11le Je9rwt ~. Feetlln YI o..n. .. Fr1ncl1 Feet\1n Mlr11rel Miiier VI FO<!!SI A. Miiie!' Ge-r1ld Lf'I Me911 VI Pllrlcll Ann Mee II Well, that's juS what's hap- pening. April %1-26 was declared ,,,_,_"' County SuperviJors Wed· nesdaf ~ liinshaw, to spend $1,000 , on newspaper advertil«nerU urctng pr~ Public Schooll Week at the Himhaw aald he already has r!quest of county Muonic taken steps to mett lhe an- Lodges and April JO.JI was , ticipated deluge of lasL-minute declared Secretariea Week, applicants. · I~ theit benefits under the ~km." and April 13, Seclelaries Dey. For one ti\iq, his office Himhaw a.plained that his If we .paid any higher interest we'd be breaking thelaw. . We start out by paying the highe~t interest rate a savings & loan is allowed to pay. Then we do other things to make sure you'll earn interest 100% of the time. And even more. Here's how it works. Put money in anytime you please. Take money out whenever you feel like it. And you'll get paid for every single day from putting in to taking out. · On top of this, you can take us for 10 days extra interest every month even before we see the color of your money. Just put it in by the 10th. And you'll get interest from the 1st. (The catch : yoti. have to leave it in till quarter's end.) In short, we give you every chance to get more money for your money. Don't pass us up. Because that would really be a crime. I HUNnN N~~~NGS HUIITJNGTON PARK fMainOffice} 2650ZoeAvenut .583-1!541 BELL/MAYWOOD 6250 Atlantic Avenut !5!11-61!51 STUDIO CITY U-4.51 Ventura Blvd. 766-43!5!1 SOUTH GATE 4240Twttdy Blvd. !564-1.5!51 ' \\l lLSHIRE/ HIGHLAND 4925 Wilshitt Bh'd. 93&-3741 .5% C\Oll9\\ 1M1111I rtlc. 51'% NIT1!:lll •nnual ,.i.ld. ~11. ).yt1r Donu• aa:ountl. Sped.al ltolll't 5,1ur~y. Apnl .5: 9 t m t9 J pm. • COSTA MESA 3310 Bristol Strttt ( .. aoss from South COilStPlau} !54.0-7591 Amy o . l(enntd'f', Ml Mlr91rl11 Dr., 1.aOU111 9Nch ...... "' dllld April ?. 5un'lwd by 11ftff, Hllfil-Adkln1, e1 Pi......., s.rvk:es .....,1.., ~ SMiier L-lftdl Mortu1rv. Earl L. DIVltllfl, J r. YI RIVI Mlf: Irvine Park"~· .. ~·~·~~~~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ SHAVER J'"* Slllwer. 52'1 Siie~ Drive. "-' llledl. SurYIWd bv wlte, st>lr1t'U dtlldr.n. \ll\llen, P'nvv L..., 1nd Mldlnl1 matt'ler, """· Gr.a A. Slll11WI 1llt..., J11lle StutdeYlnl. Gr•vf- slfa ~ tad1y, Thu1'161v. 2 PM, Wellfmlntlff Memorl•I P111l, wl"' R,11, G. Jtuu.tl Shew llffki.11 .... Sml"'I ~ry, DlrltC10rl. RICHARDSON Mn. llllfl lllkMinban. A.e 7); d19" o# 11119tll. Aprll I. Survlwd by 1'1111.bAnd, Ruel-~ldlardtGlll 11111. Aud Ill~ s«t Jr~ bofll Gt c.11 Mal; c!Wtlller, Vlvi.n... Want, H1......,.,.,.J two twoif>. .,n. $,..,. ..,,.,,111, Teus: Ede•• Mlortln. A"'°" Gf•ncll, C.llf.I s!1t.r. JeQll\ll'llN "'-"• Felton, C.lif., •nd 1lx ,,_nddllldrtn. Grtlle!llde teNkfl, - Frlditv • ...,.,u 4. It-Hiiis Mlui.oleum, \lw'ltlitlM', wlttl ll•v. RI"'" k owllle d ,.,. O!Urd'I of tt11 Open" Door o# LOI ~ otfldl!I..,. IE11torn011,.1ot 11 ttOle Hll'-,,..usateum. Wflhe Mort"' ...,., s.ri11 crvr, Dtrector'l. BALTZ MOR11JARIES Cenna def Mar.OR J.9450 Costa Mes• MI um BEU. BROADWAY MOR1'JARY 111 Broadway, C.Sta Mesa u 1-JW DILDAY BROTHERS Haallnpo Valley MorllWJ 1'111 Beaa Blvd. HuUqloo Beach ac-m1 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Will Reopen For Easter COWAN HEIGHTS -Irvine Park, closed since heavy flooding Feb. 26 destroyed Sanitary facilities and waler lines, will reopen at 6 a.m. Easter SWlday, Park' Direc- tor Kenneth Sampson an- nounced today. Sampson said temporary sanitary facilities have been installed and water service repaired. Tuesday the coont y Board of Supervisors turned down a proposa1 by the Carpenter and Serrano Irrigat i o n districts and the lrvine Co. that the park remfiln cW~d until restoratioo ol a boondary fence on the north perimeter. Kids' Pony Sho\v Slated COME TO THE Harbor enter Spring ·Fling! CARNIVAL and RIDES on Our PARKING LOT! --Ctmttuy-e MGrl1111fJ - Cllapel SANTA ANA -The D~ Oi~ 8i:ielati00 Wiii' epoo:sor a pony p I a y d a y starting at 10 a .m. April 12 at Shady Canyon Ranch. llM91 Peters Canyon Roed. NOW-fHRU EASTER SUNDAY! * I • * ! FR-EE • 3511 Pacific View Drive Newport Be1telt. califoraia '4+t'lll PEEK FA~ULY COWNJAL FUNERAJ. HOME 7111 BolP Ave. Wf:11ml•lier l9WS25 SHEFFER MORTUARY ......... -4tl-153S ... Cl<mute 41%-<lot 6lll'l1l't MORTUARY 117 llala 111. -....11eac11 lZMUI WE!iTCIJfT.MORTUA8Y tlil & 11111 SI., Colla -~ - All children with ponies, club members or not, are welcome to attend. Each show -, will be fifty cet'.is, with a trophy to fin.i place winners. and rib- bons to other wimers. ---II -- l 40 STORES TO SER~E YOU I Co-Sponsored by COST A MESA JCs BRING THE KIDS AND WHOLE FAMILY ANO JOI N THE FUN • • • GET DISCOUNT TICKETS IN HARBOR CENTER StORES DISCOUNT TICKETS ARE GOOD FOR b RIDES 'FOR $1 .00. ASK FOR TICKETS IN HARBOR CENTER STORES ' ' l - ' l ' • Thursdaj, Aprll 3, 1%9 DAILY l'ILOT Jl C:outy Eyes Solution _1 a T ... ' ... oot : . -- ·'.One, -faxict:ib for Airport?. . • • Police Help Suspect Find Way SANTA ANA -A burglary sua~t who offl~ alle1e entered I drul store tbrouib a·rool vent and then couldn't find hll way out Wedneaday was captured by Santa Ana police.· . Officen who were attrac\ed to the tctne by an alarm bell IAid William M. Damron, 21, of 1421 W. McFadden Ave., Santa Ana, aot into Bob'• 0w1 Rezall Drugs at 1121· S. Bristol St. b1 reinoving a vent cover on an air conclitionlng unit on the roor. , Police surrounded t h e building and called manager Richard W. Ronstadt of 3090 Trinity Drive, Costa Mesa. Kidnaper Of .Family Sentenced SANTA ANA -A .Chlcqo • min who iddnaped the Beal lleach !imlly ol. I market owner In a real life 4 venion of "'Ibe Desperate Houri" • been aentenced to five )'Uri to lU• In lltato prison. SUperlor Court Judge -Gaidner -senlenctd Thomu Chester Perry, 35, when the c!efendant pleaded guilty to first degree burglary. Ad- diUonal chargea ol. llldllap and celllpiracy to commit robbery were dl.amissed. ..,_ Perry's plan to carry out a robbery of a Long Beach market by holding I h·e trianager'1 famUy u bo1taaes backfired when J a m e 1 Bender, 1100 Catalina Ave., seat Beach, tripped I h e burglar alarm Jn his store. • '. ! " • ' •' I ' Now,save•33 to'48~ on all Mullen a Bl&iltt · tt10 _tt15 ' '125 .... . And when she's rel;ldy for a Ronstadt opened the door. After a long seaf.ch, · police nid they found Damron hiding under a pile of debris in the attic. The area in which he wu located was sealed off from where he had entered the building by a steel beim. Bender bad been taken to the store by two of three men who IJ'lbbed him as he returned home from the market. Perry remained behind with the Bernier family and .,,.. arrested by two Seal Beach patrolmen sent to the home by Bender. Perry's companions, who fled when Bender activated the alarm, have not been trac- ed by police. Outthey go, the entire s19Ck of $110 to $125 su1ts·canyrng the Mullen & Bluett label. Most 8111 diamond . . . famous brands you know: all the atylel you admire. one or two button forward fashion models as well as three·biJtt6n natural $2~0 ' 1 E,RMS AVAILABLE . UP.TO ONE YEAR ~ • HARBOR SHOPPJNC HUNTIN~TON CENTER . CENTj;R !!EACH & EDINGER 2300 HARBOR BLVD. HUNTINGTON llACH COSTA MESA 545-9415 "2.UOI Opon Mon., Thurs., Fri, Till t p.m. Otfictrs recovered $128 they claim the suspect had taken from the· cash register. Damron had injured his ankle In the fall from the ceiling to the fioor and wu taken fo Orange CountY, Medics! Center for treatment and then booked In Orange C91mty jail. OCC Club Plans Party shoulder models with VllllS. Even, two pants eultl 8111 Included In this spectacilfar ORANGE -Members of . sale llV&nt. 5elect ....,._ the Orange Coaat College ""'" Veteran•' Club witt spend year. 'round welghla In Good Friday with the children WOOi worsted and IJlkenecf at Sitton·Home here. stlloa· Home boules children worsted fabrloa. Sollds !J~rtMeet <fn .Anaheim lrotn brt>ken homeo, and and patlema to phain , runa~. . The Vet. Club It occ everyman ... twllls, "aaopled" the home as one stripes, checks and plaids. ANAHEIM -The Orange.. ~ of its projects." During the t , County ffeart Association will year it puts on Christmas MIRACLE MfL! • DOWNTOWN • GLENDA:I-!· • PA~ENA • SANTA MONICA·• NWB1 condud its 14th annual Sym-parties for the children, lakeJ CANOGA PARK' • LAKEWOOD..• COSTA. MESA' • SANTA BARBARA • MONTCLAIR . H rt ~--be lfOOJll to the beach and stages •------------------------• Jl!"lnnlnum onl 3'.8311 u=ueA ril. Halloween parUes. _gi r • . a.m. p ----'--------'--------------------------18th at the Charter HOUJe Hotelb~e. .. ............................................................ .. 'lbe one-day symposium's theme is coronary artery disease and will feature three physician s as guest speakers. They are Dr. George Chi'istakis, associate dean of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, University of New York: Dr. Daoald C. llarrilOn, chief of the c1rdlolo1y dlvialon, Stanford Unlvenlty School of Medicine, and Dr . F. Muon Sooes, head of the Department of Cardiovucular D~ and the Cardi1c Laboratory, Cleveland Clinic, · Cleveland, Ohio. For a complete pfogrtin and retiJtratlon fonnt, con- tact the Oranie Coont1 Heart As s qclatlon Program· Departmen~ .1ou w. Ith St., Sant.· Ana; 11703, or telephone ~7.31JOJ. . MULLEN c\ BLUETT GROD:INS Fa mo ··HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE BUYS I Water Reuters REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20 Gel. $42.88 30 Gal. $44.88 40 Gil. $49.88 SO Gal. $64.88 INSTALLATION AYAILAILf 'Tlllt ""'lllY 9Vflrt11tffd flfM llMll wai.r Plffltl' II ""'1PC*I WOii Wfto!Y ,..,..,. ta '"11lred • ., ltw. Wt M~ fo!ll!le 4lr'( lflo a'-llfti.i •••lltblt. If Yfll Wltll.. Ml - -1 1r1111111ttlO!I 111rtt lnclUOtd, C1!1 "' trllOll -lnal1H rllll •Y· AIM ~· till1ll1llo!I l¥tll1D ... Atl Wk dl!lll ., l!WllW pl\llT\btn. GARa-AGE · "DISPOSALS IN°SINK0 ERA TOR. MODIL NO..... • -s319s 11•. Sit.ti '\ QUI PllCI , •••••••••.•..•• M ... JJ)-1 Tr. &wiilllw MODIL SH · $4688 .... "'·" OUI P'llCI ••..••.....•.•• , M ... 115-J Yr •• ,.,_... MODIL NO. 11, $5495 II•. S7t.tl OUI NICI .,, ,, ,, , •..••••. M ... 17-1 Tr.•-• ... INSTALL.ATION AVAl·LABLE ·l . . Come in and discover our new- . famous brand and save -money, to bootL ' ' · · Look for en ennounclment soon, that one of America'1 flne1t n.,,,,.. '" men'o lllOM has joined Mullen & Bluett'a (ooon to be Grodl~aj l1111lly or pr.tlge brMdo. Whllt our "Change of N1111e Sale" contlnuie, end by opeo!t! arrangom.nt wl1h Ihle oelebnled maker, you can buy mq al thM!llliperl> 27.1141047.SO all-now at opeclal Introductory ult prices I Al\d ,.member, theN are Juat-arrived, laotoiy.f,..h 1hoos In nneit Spring ond summer aty!OI lnolllding dreuy, oau1l, ollp-on and populer buckle modell. Piii )'11111-'1 In our ah-today, You'll love the change. ,-. Tlko "I' ro-ft-"" ro pqwfflt toUf Mu/lftl I ll/rJtllotGl'Odl., _,,r, BankAmort..rd or Al-°""9 ~ MllltACLI MILE • DOWNTOWN • Gt.ENOALE • SANTA MON ICA • ANAHllM CANDIA PARK • ·LAKIWOOD • COITA ME SA ,MONTCLAIR • SANTA IARIARA l ___ L \ I ' ' I • j I !1 ' ' , r " I • IWLY I'll.OT T~. April 10, 196• , • --l ·--~· -.WHllE ·FROIT · . ·' KAl.f surs·ii ~Ion · · T ·tfi or Sltil n at ··2· ;:4$5 d embfoidotY triml ~lie a•.,.....,,. SiH• ....,\1, ~~, lorg• and X larl•· . . 8.KAMJ sBl(llOM usmt KANDIAGS ' . 97 ::~4 100% oxford nylon· men's zip iaciits 11 and soft leather y;~I paten calon ta _, grains. tie•. ......irobo· yOu<•""•P"llll '. BIG . ·t111 ·1e ... _ •IS.91 v.,., sljpc ill ....,., blue, green, yellow. Sc!m• with diagonal, "' hariJontal chest otripesl s.M-l-Xl ~en's no-iro·n sport shirts and knits :cotmpare 2'7 cst$4 Striped or solid hi-crews or mock turtles! Button-down or re-gular in plaids, solids. S-M·L-XL MEN'S NO-IRON IVY SLACKS P~uff.d in 6 gr.at inole _,_,..$ 4 atlonl Wold si1e1 29 to -'2 . ., •·•• Men's whicstitch leat er loafers ~~as' Hand stitched with toaMI trim, cushion linlng. Block antiqUe grain. 6~12. Men's wingtip leather brogues NOWS" , ONLY c.amlartable classics have cu- 1hloMd-inMr10lii &. fi"ls. lllac:I<, brown, 6~-1 2. Boys' pvc•-soled oxfords & slipons JOlr 3" ookt Scuff-mist 'f'inyf wirh "WflOI f-..... , llladt. ·~· .,.,, ........... PAMTY KOSt.:.0. OWi "LINDA ltl" BRAND NOW,58 oML1' . h er nylon l.ongweof1n9, ' e L h pantynol•· stretch me• • S- Moonbeom and Sun1ptc•· 1 M-L-Xl 1ize1. Stock up now GOES TO -All LENGTHS TO PUT 7-14 GIRLS IN WESTERN PANTS! • <: . ' Bell-laottom le.ans, ·•estern.· knee· hi's and ''wesf' ·tamaicai! • ' CASCADE WIG\JTS 100°/o human hair uxuiiolS. 3 "· 12' 7 wiglrtin40shaOOS. ee-:;'1t J -'r.- Sturdy cotton denim with 1"e 55 trim leon lit and fly-front styl-. ings girls love! Authentic west-· em details like belt loops, · slash pockm, seam point rivets . Bell and potches . Great swinger 'Botto• colon! Jeans 97 IKllH-lli's, iamaicas IN THE SWIM! our splashy group of Helenta~ FUlll smtD HUMAN HAIRWIGS 51'1 DL wig._C~ "d1 2897 -stretch-nylon bathlnt suits for girls · Wildly pretty prints, checks, 1pc.and2 pc. otylos ••• bikinis\ 2 97 3 97 ~·~ V••e\Y o :~-~· YlilJ l<ad '";i$ii ' .. ~ ElElASHES .... -..... -••. ........ - stripes, solid colon with snappy ..I trims, Everyone a smooth "sea· ••• worthy'' fit. Hot pink, blue, mint, . 4 6a maize, novy. um lo tire1 7 to 14 t•tnl'•re et 4.tlte .. ,, -3.97 and 4.97 WJAlft11:11 ltoys' zeph weight ·nylon zip iackets L..-. ··2 •-tiw Q,lonl Ad-' futtabl• cvf&. self cof. . lcw.Greattatlorin9crnd NOW fit. 5;nt S-M-L . ONLY ·C•mpa,. at 2.9& Boys' hi-crew neck cotton knit shirts llauHtriped gr.ot co10f1.1 He1nm.d bo1- I01M, \uffs. Madtine W'Cllhcrble.Size16.l6. .Cam ,!$3 re at 1.79 each loys' NO-IRON SHIRTS. ,,,_ .,,;..,, 'Sp..od <oliM, 122 Wh.lt., mint, blue, maize. 6-18 •• ... .... BOYS' ,::. JEANS, SLACKS Fa'!bacli: and i¥y ,ty\es.1 fa-2,, \'Ofite wtalll' colors. 6-18 COMPARE AT 3.98 Jr. Boys' No-Iron Pants Zip-fl1 front,, coffon poly-2 I $3 'lfffer, holf elastic back, • , Mothine wosh 'n dry. 4.7, r "MUNCHKIN'' SWEATSHlm for Girls' Sizes 2 TO 14 "Mul'ICtlltia• prilttsl fvn MJY" 1 s ingsl Jau1 celors in long 0 or thort slff'led GOttott. Sl1es %•4, 3·6X, 7·1'. COMP' • All.ft CHARGE IT ·•••t•••w• •..-rlf••run •Ufltl-IUD 3088 BRISTOL AVE. • JUST OFF NEWPORT AVE. * STORE HOURS * DAILY 12 TD t SATURDAY 10 TO t SUNDAY 11 TO 6 BmmN SAN DIEGO FRWY. AND BAUR ST. ' ' ' ·. ; . .. T • i ' •' '. ... L Socie·ty Opens St·udio Doors When Orange County Dental Society . Women'• Auxiliary members say "Saturday Night 'at the Movies,'' they do not mean a boiney evening be-- fore the television. To the contrary, they have something a bit more glamorous in mind for their·annual benefit Saturday, Aprtl 19. · lt will begin at 6:31 p.m. when ·members and gums board bu•es at Fashion Square, Santa Ana which will take them to Universal Studios. Awaiting them will be a·builet dinner, dancing and other entertain- ment in addition to a special sneak preview of a new movie. . ' . ~ Mrs. Dale E. Rallison, general chalnnau, is assisted by the Mmes. Jolm L. Croal, reservaUons; Richard Gubler, mailing; 0. Lind Jones, re- freshments, and ~Jwyler C. Joyner, a Newport Beach resident, who de. signed the invitatioM.' · : Prior to the benefit, members are planning· a meeting in the Santa Ana home of Dr. am Mn. George Georgieff of Santa Ana at 7:30 p.m. next Wednesday. 1 • In 8ddition to plans for an upcoming convent;.ion to take place May 5 in the International Hotel, l.<>6 An'jeles, members will elect officers and see !" preview of the puppet show being given to Orange County school cbtldren. i I Participeting in the ihow will be the Mnies. Paul W .. J~son Robert M. Hauck, Jamee E. McEienney and Ronald Dillman. The pup~, made by auxiliary members appear In an original skit promoting dental health. I Guests will include Mrs. C. Bayless Conley of Los "Alamitos ·president of the Women's Au~ary to Southern California S~te Dental ASsociation, and Mrs. Wolfe R. de Lyre of Long Beacb, conyent!On chairman. MOVI E FANS -Preparing to settle down for a m~vie, .Mrs. Thomas Ray Davies (center) and Mrs. Doon R. Bravender (right) secure popcorn from Mn. faul Jones. A different type of night at the movies ts anticipated bY the Women's A,UlliJipry n;ienih~rs ·to Orange County Dental Society when they part the cwµins ~-their annual benefit Saturday,.Aprtl 19. Supporters Previewing Per/~; ma nee Easler auon magic of Wagner'• p,.Jude and Good Friday Spell from "Panifal" created by the musical wizardry ol John Scott Trotter awaits Orange County Philharmonic Society members and gueata next Wednesday. Participants assembling at 10:30 a.m. In Irvine Coast Country Club also will hear reviews of Mozart's Concerto No. 2S in C Maj or, K. 503 and Bartoli:'• Concerto for Orchestra, obtaining a taste cl the performance by Los Angele1 Philharmonic Orchestra which awaita them Sunday, April 13, in Orange Coast College's auditorium. Trotter began bis career wiUt the Hal Kemp Orchestra where he created the . ' famous staccato style of the band and cQDtrlbute<l such arrangements as'"Gotta Date With an Angel" and "Heart of Stone." In 1936, as arranger of the music for the film, "Pennies From Heaven," he began an association with Bing Crosby that lasted more than » y~. He directed the star's radio programs and supplied accompaniment for several hun- dred of his records including "Pennies From Heaven," "SwiDging on a Star'' and "White Christmas." Trotter allo was ,musical directOr and "Uncle Jobn" tor George Gobel's ~vision show, and last s e a 1 o n musically directed television 11peclall in- cl'9dlng Jobn Steinbeck's "Travels With Cliarley,'' "The Fabulous Funnill,'' "'lbe FabUJous Sborta," "Tbe Grut Pmnpkin." .. ~oa're in Love, O:alrUe Brown'• and ''Be's Your Doc, OW'lie Brown," to name a few. IN THE CARDS -LettJng l006e the gypsy in her aool, Mrs. E. Morgan Quinn looks In the cards to predict a succeooful evening when Orange County Plli1harmon1c Society presents the Los Angele• Phtlharmonic Orchestra Sunday; April 13. Society members will preview the perform· ance next Wednesday. Lawrence Foster Con.ducts 1 ·1. Philharmenic .So:c·iet~ Has Sixth Offerin.g . ' . . Orange County Phtlhannonic Soc(eiy w.ill ,part the :curtaln,ori the sixth concert in its current series of seven when Los Angeles Phil~~opic Orchestra performs in Orange Coast-College!s ·auditopum· at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Aprll 13. · . , Conductor will be Lewren<:e Foster who has returnejl .from conduct- ing In Europe with the new t!Ue of permanent guest ci>nducto~ of the-i\oyal Philharmonic Orchestra of London. He will ieplace Antal Dorati, :who had to return to Sweden, as guest conductor. Alfred Brendel, one 'of the world's great pianists, will appear as soloist. The program will Include Wagner's Prelude and Good Friday Spell from "Parsifal," Mozart's Concerto No. 25 in C Major, K. 5931 featuring Brendel at the piano and Bartok's Concertp for Orchestra. Lawrence has chosen the Bartok work, which brought him much acclaim during bis re- cent European appearances. Tickets, at $4, are on sale at the Orange County Philhannonlc of~ flee, 201 w. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, 646-Mll. Student tickets are $1.75. Foster, Southern Cal..i!ornia's rapidly rising young musician, was·bom tn Los Angeles 28 years ago. He waS assistant conductor of Los Angeles Philharmonic beginning" in the fall of 1965. During the past several years, his guest engagements abroad have incffided concerts with the London Philharmonic, the English Chamber Orchestra in Festival Hall, the Melos Ensemble, the Concerts Colonne Orchestra of Paris and the Stuttgart Opera. Foster ma4e his .conducting debut with the: Young Musicians' Foun- dation Debut Orchestra in 1960, and subsequenUy was its conductor and musical director for fpur years. He, was associate conductQr of the San Francisco Ballet for three years · and condu~ted. many guest appearances of Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev. 'In the summer of 1966 he re- ceived the Koussevitsky Memorial Conducting Prize and the Eleaoor R. Crane Memorial Prize at Tanglewood'• Berkshire Festival in Massa· chusetts. Brendel,' born 38'years agn in Wiesenberg, Austria, Is a pianist ol international acclaim and the foremost interpreter of Beethoven, Mozart. Bl'ahms' and Liszt. A.resident of Vienna, he also is ~a composer, world traveler,. poet and artist. Since 1960 be has appeared. annually in the Salz- 'burg Festival and also is an annual soloist with the Berlin and London Phil· harmonic orchestras. For the past three years he bu conducted master ~iaosts for young pianists ai the'Vienna FesUval. --• --- 'StYle ShoW'.Must Be Stowed When . Tots Sto _p· DEAR ANN: E"'l' ineml>er of our family reads your column .reU&iously and bu profit.cl from your advice. But """ and then )'OU "' all the deep m:l and cause trouble. Like that letter fn>m Ned whole wile Pew surpriles him at the door every evening in a bltlnl, a ,...through blouse. or maybe topi.... After my buSband read that letter he said, "How come YOU never think ol anythlna like that?" Ned didni menUoo chlldrea, oo oi>- vlously they have nooe. But moot typical !amlUea DO have ltldl and I'd like to know how In thundtr a dectnt mother ein do a nightly strip act with 1maD fry nmnlnC !om<! YOClt advlet II 111111 !Ops le< day~ay ANN LANDERS livinf, Ann, but pleue, don't give any more space to a dumb-dumb like Ned. STILL DRESSED AT'$ J' .M,. DEAR STILL DR&'lllED: Y"'re tip~ ru iu. 11 1u1ia -a G-otrtas. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Thank )'OU for pcinttn1 the lelter i..... tbe woman wbe wu bored 111111 lill<nlng to ·rat friends talk ·-their 1tarvlll"1 dlell, That lf:Utr gave me the Jmpetus to write a letter l'Ye composed in my . ' ll mind at least 25 llmis. The subject: "A Few Homey Hints on How to Keep Friends Jl'orever." (1) Don't dl3cu.u your physical ailment& with social acquaintances. Thty are oot tnterestfld in your headaches, backaches, nervous gpe:Us or the details j)f your recent IUl'gery. (1) Don't tell another woman how wonderrul her husband ls. And no matter •ow wonderrul he II, don 't take hlm aside and tell him your troubles. It f, .. ,.._ ~ win Inevitably get back to his wife that you cried on his shoulder and that will fix you with her. (3) Don't run down yoar husband. Such talk will not generate aympathy. Jt wUl make you look like a sniveling, disloyal, backbiting wlte. (4, Don't allow anolher woman to bum rap her hwband In your presence. Change the subject. Most marrlagea fluc- tuate between good and not so good. The wile who tells you what a skunk her husband ii will be IOrr}' when lhe feels more kindly toward him and she'll then avoid you like the plague!. Friends are treasures. If you keep your frlendsh1ps In good rtpa.lr they will be Ulere wbtn you need them. -1 VALUE MmE ' DEAR VALUE1 Yoa •rt a wise wt,111. I'd Uke roa for a frWDd. 11i1Db for Partag. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm an WIWed mother wbo would like to wring your neck. For the 20th time you ran l l<Uer expr'8Blni' yoor ro<Un opinion that It Is best to .ive an out-of-wedlock child up for adoptlon. For the· 20th· Ume my mother hAoded me. your ®]umn. My chlld'a father couldn't marry me (he .... married) but pn>mlled to poy support. Well, he turned out to be a .Uar and I've hid a rough Ume. But what am I auppOeed to do now! Drown the kid or give him •w•y ll~I • dog! -NO FAN OF YOURS DW NO FAN: Al thl1 poln~. you : love \Im aid Dillie tloe · ~' poollllle bome· .ror him. Bat 8t u.e' Ume if« made tbe dtd1loo lo keep tlle c:lltld YJU "'°'1ld lave reailled, tllet a ..... "" coo,Jd be a liar. WJbe -Bride's Gulde," Ann Landen' booklet, answers aome of lhe most fre- quenUy asked questions about weckllnp. To receive your ~PY of this ~ prehenstve guide, wn~ to Ann Landen, in care of this newspaper, encQ:lng a btg, self-addressed, stamped envelogt and 3S cents in eoln. .. Ann Landen will be glad to help you with your prob1'ma. Seild ~ to her tn care of the DAILY P~j enclostilg a .. u.addresaed, atalritim envelope. ' - . I I ' I , OAllY PILOT -· A0tU '· 1969 Easter Bunny Has Some Help This Year Horoscope S.agittarius: Keep Conference Private FRIDAY APRIL 4 -al< on l4eu. ,Imporllftt lo tue -· C!Mci ,_,.,, lbstrucllmlsaoddlnclloat. BJ SYDNEY OMAllR Better !qr IOcl>l aclirily lbu ''11>e w!Je DWI -II hll ~ niQUlrllll -lo dutlnr ·•· • AMll<ll1 _polnta; LDM (Sept. zi.oct. II): the way. · · , BrtU throug)i rod tape. Ac- ARIES (Mar. 11-Apr. 11): tion occurs which proves of J>ome° emential financlal mat.. finondal benellL ScoRPIO in- ters are ob.9cured. Know Wt dlvidual could pr o v e ln- and ,..k cooperation -stnnnenlal. Leoro rules belor< mat<, partner, legal llOUl'Ct. you brook U-. Be lludloul. Wbat you think you ,.. may Obtain added -edp. not be there for long. Be con-SCORPIO (Oct. IS-Nov. ti): servative with cash. Associlticm todly with LIBRA TAURUS (Apr. 20-MIJ IO): -m of m-1 benellt. • Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines • To help fill requirement. on both wed· ciqll and engagement stories, fon:ns are avail· able Jn all of Ille DA!l;Y PILOT offices. • rurth•r q.O.Uona will be answered by Social Notes staff membe~ a\ 1142-4321 or 494-9466. To avoid dlJappolntmen~ prospecUve brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Soci•ty Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcements it is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy p i c I u r e. be submitted early. If the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart. oDly the wedding pbolo will be ac- cepted. Accent on actlon. · which im--Cycle hlch-you can auc- proves image. Be aware ~ cusfuIJy take t n t t t a t I v e public relations. Be sure you Message nceived COIKabll _: are aeeuratoly quoted. Show fonnallob you have beelt aeek-L...----------.;_ ______ _. key people that you have a ing. · following. Do plenty of l1at<n-ilAGmAllllJS (Nov. ii. JJl(G.~CM·a 21..J .. -->· Dec. 11): S.Clustoo may be ...._..~. y --. DN"2 l 5 'ry, Steer cm ol Some who served your needs spotll&hl. 1'11va1e confu1111Ce oow request aid. Adhtre lo sbouldbekeptlhatway.Don'I golden rule. .\].ao take care open door to Jrar~ K•y of your OWD be.alth. Av(jd U· is to be d.1lc:rwt. ceas. Throw off a burden which Is oot rightly,..,, awn. CAPRICOllN (Dec. 22..Jan. CANCER (June 21..July II): It): Accul Oii frleods. bopta. You want to speculate. You wishea. But you must mate . feel lucky. You throw a dinner conceSllon t'o, pradicality. • party. You buy specW gift Asking !tr too much could for child. It is that kind of l~ve yoo empty handed. day. You can be vibfant ~ th.ti and act ac-. because the almoopbm b c<rdlnlly. ·romantic. · AQUAIUllll (Jin. »Feb. Ellen June Cazel Bridal to Join Rank~ Ellen Caul and Frederick B. Goodwin Jr., both of Newport Beach, will ei:chango nupUal vows June 7 in Christ Church by the Sta. Tiie Ea.Ur Bunny this year bas decided to help make Easter Sunday a happy day for children in Oniige County Medical Center by delivering beau· tifully decora!M peek-a·boo eggs to eacb one .. To help him with the project he enlisted members of the Sweet Arts Club, who will put the finishing touches on the fancy eggs. Club members admir· ing the treats are (left to right) the Mmes. Bur. dette Jamison, Peter Tatum and· Clarence William· SOD. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): set.. 18): -on advancement, Ue . down. Time foc ea· fulfl1lment of amhlll<m. One periment.a-tion is completed. in authority belp1 JOU Id yoar Concentrate on building HJCU?e way. Ellmlnate mkldle man. future. Accent on property, Go to the 1op. 'lbUe Us rOom i n v es tment opportunities. f<r yw, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): P11CE1 (Feb. l•Mln:hlO): Stres! on ability · to c:cn-Tum dreams bU realities. News of the forthcoming event has been revtaled by the bride-to-be'• parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Caul of Whittier. Miss Cazel, a graduate of California High School, Whittier, attends a beauty college and is a steWardess. Her flance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fiederick B. Goodwin of Newport Beach, attended Newport Harbor High School.. and now is majoring in pollce science at · Orange Coast College. Calendar Crowded llow Green Are Y o u r Dollan? is the provocaUve question lo be JIOled and lll1SWered by Bob Hoskins when be addr..,.. Orange Cout Qapter, Parents Wit.bout Partners. • The group will convene at t p.m. t<morrow in ib e I"'~ Newport Beach A.m er l can Legi!n Hall. Jbnm ill a member of the ·Pennsylvania Securities Co., Orlnge. Other acUvitia on , the group's calendar include an Euler ea hunt nm Saturday and a family plclllc, Easter Sunday In Pn:nllce Park. San-ta ADi. . The Tee Tattler ([fllot'I Nett: A tolumn af WWMn'I ,_ ..,It -n will IPPNr ucll " wM 111 !'he DAILY l'ILOT. Tc AP«T _.... for tM ......,,, PltlM m1ll "*11 ID 1'.0. ~ 15'0. COlll Mt11. TM'( mull tie r1e1lvWO Dy Mcnell~. ••vot1 COAST µ011s DAY, MOST l'AllS -Clln A, IN Mm& t:dw11l1 Newll-1111. 11; T.W. Wll1lli., Ui c;r"t Llfllr. •°' Gr1v, 1s: ci.u I , tt1t Mmts. •c. Kllllffl, 1•1 H •• l.. COW!ft. lJ; •kl'llnl l'lt9w, \Ji Cll• C, tr. ~ .• _,, l'oolt, J11 Gould, 0 1 Myr61'1 SMw1f'CI, 1J1 Cll11 0 , lht-Mmn. Earl Gu1tto;.-., llldtlnl NM1an, 1•1 I'. (, Mr,tt, Tom Hl!ldcf'Mll. J-ph Mc<:ormldl, 12. IA"CHO SAN JOAeUIJt SllT IALL OP l'AllTNl•S -T1't Mmea, kWIMtlt WllltY, Gonloll Im""· "'' l•1n Stur111& 11\d E. I'. ,..._. .. J .•. lllk-. 11111 "· w. I'~. Wlll'll" T'*9M1 Incl P'lllllio ,,_,... t:rvl• HQlll •nd wirn1m _ ... Demonstration Afiowerarran1emenl demonstration will be pruented by Robert T . Scbroeder of Harbor Floral, Huntington Beach for the Balboa Yacht Club's LadJes Luncheon. The eYent will take place 1n the clubhouse Thursday, April 10 THINK CITY PANTS ---...... I I Caring Is Sha ri ng With Others WasCinsTon and Lo-La-Tanda Camp Fire Girls will be visiting the Stanley Convalescent Hospital tomor· row, to share flowers and smiles in addition to cookies, candy, fruit and tray favors. Looking for- . ward to their vi sit are (left to right) Vicki Reese, (l.IM ITED Of'FER) NOW ... you can enjoy all lhe economy, con· venience and pleasure of soft, filtered water at a roal budget price ... It's the best rental purchase plan we have ever offered. let us make arrangements for installation in your home. CALL NOW AND SAY- ~"M£Y cu&&IGA# AWf/" ( ..... ~Ji) 534·2233 From HatlDS\O• Be•cl I Lare• Be•ch-ZE 1.f9JI From So. On.ngt Co1st-li9Z.i:ll:I 1911 S. Ma nchester, Anaheim, Callf. 92802 The Daily Pilot Covers Best In The West Boating • • • Rebecca Davis, Dixie Roberson and Kim Smith. The girls also will entertain patients with songs learned under the direction of their leaders, Mrs. George Kropp and Mrs. Clayton Wuill. SEW FABRICS FROM SINGER ANO SAVEi F •rtCJ Fling Coordinatn. Lightweight and aelf·lined in inter· esting combinations for Euler. 92% tex tured acetate, 8% nylon with 1oOo/o acetate tricot backi ng. 54" wid e. Reg. $3.98 yd. Singer• Twist Coordin•t•s.. Wool look checks and solids ta co- ordin1 le, Various fiber contents. ~.., wide. Reg. $2.98 yd. Sport Set Gabri.,., Smart diagonal weave for easuol clothes. 60% Kodel polyester, SO°!. AVRIL rayon, 45"wide. Reg.$1.98 yd. Now $3~ 1171mi .,.j,,1-1wlut SI NCER,.,..,r SINGER For addreu 01 1tor• ne1r•1t you,••• whit• PIQe• of phon• book uMl•r SING EK COMPANY. I UI JtA l'Allk lllO Ol'I Tiit Miii f A •IJ.11 l wna Pt rk C1t11tf' IANTA AHA Cowl'tlOW!I ., w. -"' ''· Kl I.Jr.cl ' . OA•Olllf GllOV• COSTA MILA AMAMllM IU Jt. LNl'I JU.llM "" 0!111,.,..ft l)IO HArtior 8 1\ld. !l0-41110 1(1 .. 11'5 Orl"9t (Ol,Mly l'llr• H1111ot CIM!...-Alllfllll'l'I Cll'ltw C'OSTA MIU. l 1lua1 " SunflO....,, """" SC\lltt (NII 1'1111 MUJtTlftOTOM llACM lfltlfll' 11 IM<frl "'·1041 Hllftflrlt!Oll Ctl'I"' Enlarie -Trove! u· nee_,. BeUer to ftnJah thin to begin pn>joct. Some delay lndic:atod due to com- 11111Dl<lll<m ml>up. Take phllooopllkal vi. ... --ELLEN CAZEL " Stitch Date Sears • Retie e \'oar Plaee ill Clua New c11 .... .,. scare Aprll 1 •••• 54N333 I laars.Coda life•• In Se1Ula Ce .. & Plaa Sears -_ ... Marita Orr in1tl'lletor Sears.Coda Mese s.., Mon•ay Im Satmay t:3o A. M. 11 t.io r .11. - I • Famine Attracted First Easter · ·Bun·ny By PATRICIA McCORMACK NEW YORK (UPI) -In cue the children ask, the Easter bunny fint made the IOOle during a famine in Germany Jean ago. A peasanl WO!)lfJI put eggs In a nest -· WbeD the ~ found them, a bun- ny bcM>ed away. The boys imd girls put two and .two fogeilier, Blartlng the rumor that rabbits bring Easter goodres. Eggs got lnlo the act cen- turies before. Al\cienta• said -gills from the hen.< stood for the .new life returning to nature in spring. ~ in lhat time before µ.. ,oclelllilic era liked tbe idea of ea• for another reason. 'Ibey bel;ievec:I . the' earth had llal<hed from. a g1an1 egg. In the name. ()( ' Easter 1 Amerietn 'ch!ldrel roll egp, bunt for eggs, dye '"' and. bave lie.n Mi>n to get oick from eating too many. · But' all that '1 tame ccrn- pared to Easter happeninJs for cbiJdren in some other Jandl!. Firepower and flow~er combine to make Ea.5ter eve exciting for boys' ·and girls in Florence. A cart loaded HURRY • • • ONLY 3 MORE DAYS TO STEP-INTO EASTER SHOES ••• GET IN STEP FOR EASTE1l PAUDE ' wllh firocrackenl and poeJu' doo' return 'unUl Eaot..-. On Y°""' ~ In I b e puJJe up to the cathedral door. the way back, they drop off Netberllnds -be the craf. 'l'h<ll, aJooc a wire from the eggs. . tieBt ol all wbtu k comes altar to the .cart. a md.al . Young people hi Romania to ·gathtrlo& Easter Coodiel dove' speeds afong with. a li&ht catty lighted· carxiles home This week ~fore i!:Jstel\ aii for the fireworks~ fuse. from church ~ ev~. At • ...,eet, they collecf· flP doer Then it ru&he3: baCk to the home they. 1aze uu DUtTors to door , starting point. , Peoi>Ie . think by . thb candl. and . trY • it'1 a good omen i! the "dove" t9 see~ f1ttw'e. majtes it, to Lbe altar again In Ficland, · Demwk and bef0re the fireworks i;o off., Norway aome . children trim · Be}ls. r~ tha.n bunnies bi.rCh branches with gay paper are "'ppooed to bring · Easter · sliearn"" and "beet" adults eggs in Belgium anti France. until they get hot cl'06S buns Historians say the legend. or decorated eggs. stems fiom the fact that in·· Some 00.ertng goes on in • ~Y places, ·fn ~ lands the Ukraine·. Eggshells are people believe ,bells go oil to tossed into streams to .!how · Rome on Good Frida~ and the dead it is Easter. H~ Auxiliary American Legion Amlli11y of Huntington . B>aCh meet> In the American Leodon· Hall .at 1:30 ,p.m. the Hist 1bursday el '""" m<JOUI. On the lblrd Tbund'Y membtts •may call Mn. Arne J....., •2711, for location. TINY TOTS DRESS SHOES EASTER HANDBAGS --------:: :: ··~ -i --:: ---------=-z. -;;...-:::;... -. " -. - for ~oJ® 296 • SIZES 4 TO 8 Many little rlraps, pumps ·and oxfords to choo1• ' , from. Their little feet. will b• smartly shoed for E•1t1'r ' CHD.DREN'S DRUSY SHOES · /01 ~uJ® They Witt wear eur 1hoe1 prouclfy !hi• 1prin9 end Ml the Eelfer parade. Hundreds of ~ltyl11 to clt00$e from. SIZES 81/• TO 3 296 • New Spring altd EadH colon, styles ind 1net1ri1l1. Mix w· 111atch +. yow 1hH1. DAILY PILOT Jf Fi re fighters Wives . Funds Following Ft:Jn Dll EMIL LMNlfC, Po.llo!rlot ...... _ .. tM Q,etii .. •f "'' .tflu Marlnen Park wu a bappy diaoa today when\ the Ladles Auxiliary ol the Newport Bea_d> Fire Deportment olai· ed Ill Ealler <II bunt and pk:nic. Proceeda from the O'/Mt will 10 to U.. Orqe County Burn Unit. A check · will be ' preemted to Mn. Lo.I Harris, volu.n\eer service chairman for Ille Or-County Medical Ctot.r, acctrdJnc to Mfl • Rldlanl A..Ellennan and Mn. Jl'ranlt ~ chalnnen. ).,.,. merchanla -led ..-.. The auxiliary &atben every third Wednesday ol the mooth at I p.m. in members' homes. Further WormaUon about the may be oblained by g Mrs. Thomas ey, presiden~ at 543-~ CM Overeeters' Overuteri An on y m 011 s gl&her eYf!l"/ Wedneaday at For the Practice of FOOT .• DISOROERS Of Adulh end CliiW.... TOWN AND COUNTlY CINTllt ••541 heeS. ... le.,.enf Hulltillfh.._ .... Off/CE HOUlSi Mo11. tflt11 S•f •• ti AM-6 PM Set •• 10 AM·2 PM 912·111.J I p.m. Ill Bear Strool llchool,I!========== ColltaM~ STORE HOURS MONDAY ntRU SATURDAY. 9 A.M. UN11L 9 P .M. SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TIU. 7 P.M. CLOSED IASTEI SUNDAY WOMEN'S HOSE Our sheer stoclcin9s will show off your l•t• in the E•-'•t-P•• racle. Choo1e from veriaty of sh1de1, '' -= ---;;: :: ::; ~ 5 ~ s .. ---.::::! .:::::::: --.......... ... """"' LmLE HEEL EASTER SHOES Newest styles, colors and hHls for Eert•r and IUfl'I• in• weir. StyJ11 shown 1r• iiut thrff el t&• many 1tyle1 for your ch00tlng. '":":":.~: :: :.:... . • mN'S -----... --::: --$...,. ;.; ~ :2 ... .. ;:~~SANDAU This clessy NW senclal is mt1d1 ••pecielly for 1111 in Italy. Stylish, stvrdy httle huls. Just rigltt for Et1ster Mel ,throvgh the sum· mer weer. 5aJ • WOMEN'S IMPORTED SANDAU Note t+i• new rtyle tt..I et11 this spe.cially 1tyl•d saftdal fro"' lt1ly. Showy ai.d com· fortabl. for day of Rite.time wearing. • 691 • New 1tyl•1 end c:olo" i11 th••• flats for "'T••ns". Wair now, for Ealt•r 1nd th~9h SU,,. ..... ~oJ® FLATS 2~ NEW "UP-FRONT"~~ LITTLE HEELS ~ ...... 3~6 i Thi1 loY1ly t~oe ii a real :::::: •·••h getter Ht "Up-:::: front" 1tylin9. P•tt.I ;::::; pink or ice blue. .::=::::: Wear for Eas+er ::::::::; and thN the -::::::::::: 1ummff. ~ MEN'S CASUALS and DRESS SHOES MEN'S MEN'S FINE IMPORTED BRITISH BROGUES Hands_!;fl'loe ~g1.111 with doubl. l•atfter....aol• end c.ompl•tely It 1 t ft er linecl. Made IR Engl111d. HandtOMe l•c• • x f o r d witt. moc:ce•i• tM tfyltn9. Just right fet wter witl. bater outfit. ... -.... ~·---.: HUNTINGTON BEACH 5898 EDINGER at SPRINGDALE 847-9125 WEIKDAYS 9 A.M. untR 9 P.M. ' • A comfortable 9ood looking casual suede 1ttoe. U9M. 6 ~1 J ·--w-•i-ght 10111. Some with cushion insoles. Select fan, ttey1 ft9•tt or brown. • WO AYAILuu IN SUP-ONS HUNTINGTON BEACH 10051 ADAMS at BROOKHURST I Next to Sav-on Dl'UfJ l 962-9178 "- • SUNDAYS 10 A.M. lintll 7-P.M • • • • • • I ·. r r '· .. I • - JI Oolll.Y Pll.OT SUSIE'S AMERICANA SEPARATES -Cotton prints in shirts and pants cloo1inale this fabric story. Bandana prints are d~gned in cowgirl tie collar. shorts and voile sland-up neckline blouse. Duck pents with matching double pockete<I vest and a dock pantstlrt compliment the llhiit&. Acceating the oolfits are scarves, buckled belts. beads and long socks. Prices range from fl to $12. VICTOIRE 'S BOLD PRINJS -The model (at left) ween a brown and white swirl print crinkle amel dress w~th narrow bare bodice showing the should· en, while the other mannequin models a jersey frock of polka dots end cbeck• patched on to a cocoa brown background. The Little Mermaid Preimttd Thttr$,. Frl.1 Sat., A.pt'. 3·4-5 b11 Mitchell Marionettes Th1 Mitch1U M•rio111tt1 pupp•I ••o_!l_p refur"• f• .. •li9ht ih fri1n41 •t Hu11ti119to11 C•"'''· "Th• Littl1 M1rt111il" 11 •11 1llcl1rw•t1r f,.,.,,,.., b•1M ••the ttory by H1111 Otritti•11 And1r1011. All ••cilillf ftl• of ffi, Hunflnglon Center w1iN •-' ••M1rful WMNI •f th, IMtt-of tho .--•"' of wfl•t h•p,.111 to Ar•Mll1, th• b11utiful "''''"'' .. wh•11 1h• •••• #11 u9l'f S11 Wikh to t r111t h•t wi1h. -I U..W. W,. n.r..' M. .. 11 •1·1•4•7:JI w ... 11·l·Z·J•4 ~ .. 1itd l•utltt., f., yoy119 •"" •'' •lik•I Fri• •41t1bti•1t -i11 th• .:, e•itJIH•~M M•ll { l•1ch 1l4intlf11 n. s.,, or.,. ,.,...,, -- • Fad facts: -~ Rings Popular '11 Return to Womanhoocl 1 Models Dress·ed ·Femininely 'Ille lad '"" wWinr ·-rings Is more fasbionable than ever. One mater e.,.M" the lilbl. airy _,wcrk loot with rln&I ol fine flllll<e. ,.,... oel'wlth coknd ......_ · lly.IEAN COX .... ..., ........ "You've cot IO be able to kll lhe boys !run lhe s!rb ... Soundl lift~ a hu>- hlnd de c I are a righteously when bil wife poinll out IOl!le avaole Jorde prb she ad- mir<s. Certaialy It _, -lite -.,. ,...d apect lo bear !run • malt -· ....,_, wbo -days ...... qullo -.. making a wamaa mare like • ,rtWJ ·and vice vera. Bui, --lhan 50 • memben and friends of the LIWJ'!l'S Whrtl of 0 r I D 3: = ~u:i:. atlhow lobmelltl-1Aid. The IJ)el.ker was Wllliam 'l'ravilla, -of many H~ femme fatalel and dMlper far Diahann Carroll's wardrobe on "Julia" · AfterseeingTravllla's styles, most oblervers bad to -.... lllall -what he waa lalliac ahoul. Tbe Travilla w..... looka like a woman, but not jllll any WC11Dan. Sha 11111 a Twlf-ri or a l'!lyDls lllllet. She'• a soft, graceful, Incredibly feminine creature who wouldn't dream of trading boots, buge watches o r Young Designers Defy Staid Rules in Fashion Th~re·s no denyinc it. .. the young have got the jump on the fashion scene. 1bey have taken all the tired, staid rules out of fashion and put some fun into dressing. They have achieved a I o o k of fantasy incorporating all the cl&68ics. Three Young International Designers, Mary Quant of Lon- don, Victoire of Paris and Susie of New York, have com- bined fun and fashion in their 1969 summu collection. It is a blend of switchable separ· ates pant.suits, jumpsuits and dresses each wearing the &tamp of the designer. Susie's bandana p r i n l e d voile and wbtt.e cotton duck separates are so typical. They are American, young and softly feminine. 1n this group a bandana print voile shlrt with scarf tie neckline iJ put together with white cotton duck flared pants and short double-pocketed vest. Each can be switched with a short· sleeved shlrt, a front tucked padskirt, bandana printed shorts or a cottoo knit T-shirt complete with shirt collar and three-buttm 'opening. When it comes to dresses. the young designen have gone soft. Mary Quant has paled hers and chosen clingy fabrics . of jersey and crepe. One is a Grecian styled paDtdrtss with wrapped bodice and set· in waistband. Another has the waistline dropped to the hips where a belt sits on the bias swing skirt. This lilac crepe dress is N.:ary's version of the sailor dress with white banded V-neckline and king streamer tie. Victoire hat prjnled hers in bold brown and white. 1bere'1 an abstract printed crinkle Arne! dress that flares from a small bodice baring the shoulders and p a rt of th e back. Another st.-ong print 1.5 a swirly polb dot and check patch brown and 'i''hite on cocoa jeriey. This dreas has tong tight .sleeves that end in a fiw:ry of ruffles as does the hem.lint and neckline. Both Mary Quant and Susie included baby dresses in their swnmer collections. Susie's are cotton ginlblm check in either clear navy or red and gaily c o 1 or e d embrouJered yokes. Mary's have a turn-of- the century influence with heirloom lace trim, short over- puffed sleeves and waistlines tied and 188hed in the back. Ont is in pink oi:ford, the other in white eyelet over pale blue. ~ Young International Designers for Penney's have designed a summer collection that'• full of fun and youth in switchable separates, sleek jumpsuits and fantuy dresses. Museum Tour The Newport Harbor Art Museum will be the meet.ins place Wednesday , April 9, for the An Interest Group of UCl Town and Gown at 10 a.m. A guided tour will show memben the current exhibit. The Movie Show, a panorama of the seven stages of Hollywood lilmmaking from silent movies to cinemascope. Half Sizes \ I Who's tha woman in that 9ood- lookin9 poly- ester knit? It could bti you If you've 1hop- p9d Elli Nor'• -ehooH from plenty. from $16.00 ' , . \ .. . Effa. ' Nor'sHALF·SIZE SHOP I 1805 Newport Blwd., Cosl1 Mesa '"V1 W.clt Mt1t1 .t llril Stt.f'• Houra: f:Jll to 5:311, Frkf•y to 9:00 Ari. U4 01 •a""" Maill, ,_._, .. , • -iiiiii ~ • "klckJ" fulllooa lot elq:ance. the wever to be lllwin& skirt. She doem1 en. lo look "itt>out bdn( ahocldn1. 'l1le eocktall pajama lets 'Ihey feature delicious doma ol enamel with ribbono of rhine.tones winding round them. Large nubby rings, snakes, tutu:red f l o w e r s , fl a 1 e rs r.ln~ed 1n color 1 rinp patrl~ enamellea in red, white and blue . are all part of the Trlfarl "iiog round-up." M..lr:e an Iocli&D, overaown Allee Sklrts. never were more than included a j1eket ol black in Wonderland, Jem Harlow about an inch above tbe knee beny crtpe. wrapped to the or Hell's Ancels' re~. Her and jewelry, save one side wllb lilver r:blnt.!tones ~1yle 1imply ii to look necklace and one or two bead-' over.craceful bllct pants, and btautiful. · band!, wu out. s u t t s lho a pleated erepe jacket with AlthouP, he n e v er em-were mlasing from the col-soft mori.QI pmta.. "lf women. mm& wur PIDtJ. let them phulud the word "lady'' dur-lectioo, however his coat-be feminine," TravUla u:- ing his after.luncheon showing dresses could go the same plalned. in the Newporter Inn, it's oJ>. p}Jets, and more fashionably. I====== vious TravUla bu great Fans cl. "Julia" which rupecl for the tUm and all * ;ravilla Aid ls about "a very it conveys. • ~ r.-Jir:b mne•• recogWed both "An Utuaion of see-throilih a white pleated. dinner dress ahouldn't ever be more than which was embroidertd with an illusion," be told his au· la~ and wrapped at the waist dlence. I . Indeed, t b e see-through with a WJe, pert7 b ue aatm pns he lbowed in pleated bow and another go w n , ~ chiffon, cbantilly lace straight 04\-of S c a r 1 e t t nd other m 1 s t er i o u ; I y O'U..'1 ck8et. witla a bodice ,_.,. fabrics, alway• •P· ol embroider<d oill; 0<gaody peared over flesh-toned cover· over African trown covering, .i,ngs, m~king it pouible for huae puffed sleeves and I full COMPLIMENT 1YOUI EASTER FINERY witli fa•la .... f~ SANDY'S .• Ul.,.tt• e P•lr•ff• • L• .. Y M•rl-• Q' ... ., .. D·6DO'S ~T1ao1mNG? 2-SPEED WASHER WITH "AUTOMATIC SOAK CYCLE •Safe for all your washables! Dial "Normal" for regular or ''Gentle" for delicates wash! • More washday ease! Automatic soak loosens dirt & grime for the wash cy .. cle! •'Gentle Deep Action Agitator moves up & down, clothes plunge down where cleaning's best. MATCHING FRIGIDAIRE DRYER • Fabric Safety! 11Regular .. Durable Press" setting. • "Delicate" for fragile fabrics. • Signal t~lls you when Clothes are dry! BUY THE $)43ss PAIR ~:~~ "RAPIDRY -1000" WASHER-WITH 3 SPIN SPEEDS • "Rapidry • 1000" spin gets out more waler for lighter, drier wash! • "Normal" and "Gentle" speeds, plus "Durable Press" for no-iron things! • "Full" or "Small" load settings save \Yater & S! • t\utomatic Soak (~ycle loosens . deep down dirt & grime ~ MATtHING FRIGIDAIRE DRYER • Fabric Safety! "Regular • Durable Press" setting! ,. • Delicate" for fragile fabrics. • Signal tells you when clothes are dry! .BUY THE -PAIR $)88~~ TERMS-- FRIGIDAIRE DEPBIDABIUTY • BACKED BY S YW NATIONWIDE WARRANTY! WAIHla! I Y••t ••rr1My f•r ,,,,;, •f •11¥ d1f1ct, plu1 4 Y••r Prot1clio11 Pl111 lp1ril o"ly) for fvr11hhi119 r1pl1c•ll'l•nt f•r '"Y .. ,fttti•• ptrl ;,. th1 c:oll'lpltl• lr 1111'"i11i•11, .. riw1 ll'lolor •r ••t•r pump. DITlli ) . ' ' I .,.., w•"•"*' f•r ,.,.;, ef .,..,. ... r,~•. itlrn 4 Y••t Pr•t••ti•11 "•11 ''•rh .,.1.,.1 f.r fw,.l1hl11i ,..,1 .. ,,. '"•"t fef •llT .. •fHti .. ,..,. of !ht ... ;., l'flltll'I, co111itti11t •f .. '"'" th•ft ... ,u.,, k•ri119, ,.11..,. I '"•• 111•tw. DEPENDABILITY & SERVICE SINCE 1947 • 411 E. SEVENTEENTH ST. COSTA MESA Dilly ,_,I Sit .... e Closed Sundly .... , ... • "1 ~· ... ~t ... .. •• ""' !lid gs, •• :i ,, .. Ing • MRS. CHARLES A. BODN('R ·Ill Costa Mesa Home Chosen Jan Singer Becomes Mrs. Charles Bodnar Jan Raye-Singer became the bride of Charles Andre Bod- nar IIi during a nuptial mau in St. Joachim's Catholic Church. Parents of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Singer of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Charle! A. Bodnar of San Juan Capistrano. Escorted to the a1tar by her father, the bride wore a satin gown with lace ap- pllques. Her train flowed gracefully from the ohoulden, and her headdress wu • matching lace mantilla. She carried roses and 1tepbanotia on a white prayer book. Attending as matron ·or honor wu Mrs. T o m Sweetland, who wore a gold chiffon gown and carried a cascade of b r o n 1 e cym- bidiums. In P.flcock blue gowm and carrying daisy nosegays were Miss Barbara Cornelius and Miss Mauretn Omeste, bridesmaids. Serving u beat man wu Richard B'odnar, the brJdegroom's brother, while ushen were Ray Singer, the bride's brother and Pab1ck Sweetland. A reception followed in the home of the· bride's parents. Assisting were Mrs. Ora Slnger, the bride's grandmother; Mrs. Hadley Hatc:h ond Mils Helen Balley, her aunts, and clrculaUng the guest book WU Mrs. Georp Hill. . . The bride, a student at California State College at Fullerton, also studied at Corona de! Mar l!Jgb School and Orange Coast College. Her husband, al.lo a student at the same college, ls a graduate of Mater Del High School and •«ended ooc. They are residing In Cosio Meao. Summer Date Selected For Nuptial Ceremony KATHLEEN DAVIS Engaged Mr. and l\!rs, Charles V. Davis of Newport Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Sharon Davis to Roy Arthur Manuet, son of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Manuel of Downey. They plan to marry July 12 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Olureh. ~rm Davis, a teacher in Fountain Valley, Is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School, Southern Methodist University, Dallas and now is studying at California State College at Long Beach. She is a Delta Gamma. Her liance Is an alumnus of Warren High School where he was student body president. He majored in zoology and cellular biology at t b e University of California, Sanla Barbara where he graduated and affiliated with SlllJll Alpha Epsilon. Play Aids Education Members d the American As&oclation of Uni ve r a It y \Vomen art selling tickets to "Battfoot in the Park," and benefiting from the sale will be continuing education for WOOIOll. Mrs. Jaycees Huntington Beach Mr s . Jaycees meet the second Moo· day of the month at 8 p.m. Locaticn information may be received by calling Mrs. Mkhael Brooks, 5.16-70%1. The play will be pnsenled Friday, Apr!! 11, In the Hun- tington Beach Playhou!O. The goorme! group Is planning refreslun'"'-', and addiUonal information « tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. C.S. l.oosmof~ ticket chainnan, at W-2048. Education of women is ooe of the foonding principles of AAUW, and to r<a<h their goal, each branch sponsors a speciaJ armual project to col- lect fwids for the Fellow:ltdp Profi!am. ONLY (12) DAYS UNTIL HAVE YOUR INCOME TAX COMPUTERIZED 24 HOUl INTllYllW lll'flC~TOUI HOMl-OUI OHICI CALL: 675-5994 CHAl~ES IASED ON YOUI NODS atlas flnanclal c-'tants 3355 VIA LIDO • SUITE 304 • NEWPORT Bl!ACH --.~WHITE .·.FRONT WEST BEND 2~ QT. TRIGGER Kmi.E -stainless steel teakettle with copper clad bottoni, tri11er spout, and wtiistles when water boi.ls. 1597 --~ S.lonalvlt dryer wfth oodthatel• vates to users' heigh~ IO'fllll to cover unit 11 Ud. #307. 19!.7.r ... EKCO CUI COOKWAIE WITH TEFLOIP UllH Smooth porcelain finish pots and pans in gold or avocado. DuPont Teflon® lining never needs scour· Ing. Stay cool handles. 497 6'7 2 It C1ft11• 1r Cnmt Jncep11 frf P'11 397 OUI LOW JllSCDUNf PllCE Win IEllD SEIYING OVEN Heals rolls, other 1;.ds, keeps them hot for serling. Aluminum b1Sket. #53438. Win IEND SElllft •OtllR Large aluminum broiler ID! fish, chops, sleaks. PRESTO 4 QT, Pressure Cooker Safety gauge, speedy cooking! #PCC4. COMP. AT . 8'7 ' 14.9S FEDDAL •swrrt• or "' .............. .. snorrovt JUICES ••• 6Jc •Old r1s•i111I ••••••••• 77c SAYE! FIRST QUALITY STEEL CABINRS First qualitYsheetsteelcatiinetSlhat flt hand-. somely in so many areas fol home, office, shop.· Baked on enamel finish, durable plastic tops, VF~ 32 IAL. PLASTIC TRASK CAii Unbreakable, rustproof, lock ond cover. """"""' 3•1 SPECIAL lOWPRIC! chrome plated handles. Ma&nWc latches: ~-ill . Y:::~oc~!~:ET I 4aa COMPARE AT 19.95 '"""""" 38 88 .... ..., 141 llb:lhM~ 20J1&dl" Ctaf, 1t •.tS . C•• It TUI ~.~:: 3saa :s.=-r 24al c •• ,.n,tJS c..,,11...- l::J..~ 34•• cw.11-a-•~-~-~-- 6 PC. STAlllUSI snEL STIAK SET Stay·sll1rp bl1dts, r,rastic: 1nd p1kbwood band as. $) """'1. A111t J, 1969 DAll.V 1'!1.at J7 I .. , FAMILY SIZE 12.IW: REFRIGERATOR • Space saving 28 Inch wide unit • Top freezer chest llolds 56 lbs. Chiller dr-11o14s 15~ lbs.• Two'gllde- out Interior ahelvu • 2 door shelves plus •J& keeper · • Full width crisper • Automatic .Interior l1ghtln& • Dura Las~ Construi:tlon. 15997 • OUl'lOW DIS.COllNT.PllCE , ' ', /, I• • .... ' \• ·' ' •' ' .... ~" "R pARlS & LABOR , la, 1 YI ARRAMl"I Oii RlfRIGERt>lORS .4:i1>11GES . FREEl[RS . ~ w1>1llERI . OR~ERI i;1111w1>SllERS .~ I• ' ' ' ' MAGIC CHEF 30 Inch DELUXl_GAS RANGE 1 • fxtra bl1 oven with window In door • Full width 1llde>0ut b"'"" with porcelain finish tray • Olen ttmp. con- trol has"keep warm'' set· tlng•Electrlc clock and timer G.E. FAMILY SIZE Heavy Duty WASHER. • Dial conlltl tor· any b1ll fabric or wash load • Splnl ktivltof9 for 3 !OM washing ICtlon •Spray rinso flushes • out all a..d~ aoll • ' Heavy duty motDI -hn unbel111t:1 con-trol ' , • • ,1 ' ' I I I • I • Opening ·Night Araitecl Dinner Not 1 Mystery ' First Nl8hltts of Laguna Wiiliam H. Bnlgere' and Dr. COmmunlly Players w 111 and Mn." Zllcbary 0 Malaby, plher in .-the Tow er s Hosts.IJld -w1U be restaurant f<W a dJoner party jolnod al tbe bead . table by marl:ln& tbe opeolng night G«>llery Riker, .L. a 1 u n a performance ol the mystery Players prealdem, · and Mn. "Wait Until Dark," Wed-'RJ.ker; Col. ,and Mrs. Wllllam nesday, April 9. Roley 8lld Mr. and Mn. A llOC1-i hour al I p.m. G<ttge Burcliby. • will .be lollowOd by dinner al llelervat!cm may be ob- . 1:46, accordlng·to Mn. George lalned by <alllDa the Thompsoo and ·.Mn. Clare de restauraot GM5H,. by nooo Bus, dinner c:l\Olrmco. .nut Monday. Membfn llao Mr. and Mn. George Cun· are aWd to CCllllrm llcRI lll"IJ>lm will boot the aflalr reoerv-at Ibo ·t.quna wilh col>oltl Col. 8lld Mn ... Pla,i.ou.e box Cllfke, ~I. .the r.HAIBi fA~TORY .. ~~._,..... . l ,:/ --Ilea! : I ', DEAN: CROUCH . BEST EASTER CHAPEAUX -Newport'-Harbor Senior Citizens greeted 'Easter with a hat parade and awarded prizes· br the best bonnets and ensembles. Mrs. Gladys Engelbrecht (left) a prizewinner, compares bonnets with l\fri· James Sawyer, wbo took first place for her complete outfit. A mµs!cal. p~ com- pleted the afternoon. • · · · ~F.:~I ~ ___ '°_,_t4_s_-_1_1_i_1"'_.,...._t · . . U6 L -..... St. -.c:..t. M- Unusual Bonnets Paraded . An early Easter Parade was eojoyed by Newport Harbor Senior Oitizens featuring un- lllUal Easter -and old-,..., ..... -. _, Musical selections were pre- sented by a chorus of. lt mem- ben~ by Mn. Kay Hanks. with :t:"lment provided by . Mn. Floreoce MacGinitie and pian- ist Mrs. Gertrode Knorp. The program was coordinated. by Mn. Asron D. Christensoo. ReceiviDg prizes given out for the most spec(acular bon- nets aod costumes Were Mrs. James Sawyer, first, for her <amplete emeoible, and Mn. Gertrude Mattox, IOCOOd, for . bee hit, wh1cb was decorated · as a Maypole with small cblck· em hMlln.r tlle rihbOns. ' ---llltlclpated by the --group Jn. elude a M,atery Trip m Wed- "'8day, April t, for memben only. and a trip Wednesday, April IO, lo Universal Studios. A !cur-day ucunlon In May to y-and Sequoia also is ... the Cllendar. Anyf1t¥e wtsblng lnlormatloo on any ol tbe evmts or the gnKJp may Clll Jahn stoff, gadmool chair. !J'AD. IG"2llL Artist Draws Before League Mila Eibell Von Zell, ' well known &Jti!t of l!lt89Capei\'llR! partnitl, will g 1 v e a dm.-ralidl. in oil painting fer l..agtma Bead!: Branch, Na- tional League of American Pen Women next Monday. 'Ille .-ng, to begin at lG a.m., will take place ln the Rmlnllirati~ building of Laguna Beach Ulitfled School Dislric:I. 'Ille artist WOil first prize !n a natioo.wide contest for ~ pxtrait!,. in 1956 and the gold mecftl award t n Cllifornia Art Club'• recent allow. Book Group 'Ille Book Diocuslion Group ol Newport Beach Frl<nds of the 'Library galhe!' the last WedMl!!Jy 'ol the lll<llllh In lUrlDm IJllrarY al 10 a.m. , CUSTOM FLUSH MOUNTED CURTAIN SCREENS GAS IAlllCUES GAILOGI WAl.L llKOll . BUY TODAY FOR A HEAVENLY DEAL ••• & TOVATT'S are having. a 00~· ---... ·~ ' ... , ' Badget-priced GasDrpr wttb Permanent Press care Loaded·wlth moner •1na COIMlnl.-Jl)U getcn)Jwlth gaaappn-i~dryerhaa epoclal cool-down.,.. for Pannanenl,,,.. f8bllcl, faat . drytng·ayslarrf, Tumble·f'nllo9 control, large 1ft8111lrool drum andaxtr.largeUntec:reen. ChQlce olwh1111, edged copper or edged-® at no extra . ~ chluga, GllD!IW-L'IHml · "Siipreme" 6aS Dry1r with ND-Iran Permanent Pl m i Gare .euitomdrl(ll'ewry,ld8dl~ "5-tilmperaturegaadiywlealur8aa unique CUiiom Dry aysl9m, Tumbll Pre11• control, flexible timed diylng, drying rack, large-elze drum l!Dd special cooklown care for Permanent Presa labrtcs. Choice of white, edged copper or edged avocado at 119 extra cha111e. e.Dryor llodol l.1NI01 Mlitchl111 Walher Medel LTA~71M . Abo •.• Springdale TOVATT'S 401 MAIN SIR-. En and Edinger DOWNTOWN 892-446J Huntington Beach ' The Book With More Interest Our Gold Passbook Savings Account pays you 5o/o annUal·interest. Safely end steadily, with First Natlonal's personal service of 63 years' -standing. Here's how it works ••• To open a Gold Passbook Savings Account. make en initial deposit as low as $500, Additional deposits of $100 or more can be made et any time. It's that easy. Whet we do is pay you 5o/o interest on all your funds -to deposited for 90 days or more. We can mall you a cashier's check, credit your checking account, or compound the interest quarterly,,, as you wish. It's that easy and profitable. And your deposita are-federally insured up to $15,000. .. • ' . The First National Bank of Orange CounlY MmlllbatthaPluallldowntawnO,.,,,. llnllclilllloot: "'-·'Tustin It Collina; Chapmm·ProtpOct Shoppiag Cale Colla M-: M ... Verde DriYI at Adam.Ave. ' -~1171hSLatTutiaAft. Mw•F.D.LC. ' , " ' . . • • -· ... . , ... , ~- T...,,, Aptll J, 1969 ~AILY ~ILOT Jf: Nerv~s .Gett~jig _Jumpy ·at Quake · D_oomsday Predic~ioii \ . . ~ • ; loOS AJIGELES ·(o\P) --LosAqelllClvillld.we lliued lwo Jona re'-9 In forecaat 1mmlnel1I dlsuter 814. ol Calilomia," bu sravltatlonalfOr<elmayhave vlalooarlu -art nol"sup-"A""""""chlr~lallc~ Ap\Jlot.U p@!•"c .. ~, .Coardlo-1 'Yllllam frlllk ·lea than. -· ·-a ,at-·bu jumped In three weeks become a bul;teller In Los toucbedolllbedllutrouaJuly parted by scientific evidence moot ol -cl!Hpredlclloal ~j;"~.~~prllb ;P)'a _beJ bu ~vod..,;. ."l"ptli\llo·pqtpubllclem from IOlb In 7111 \'1"ce oo Angeleillooatoeet. 11, 1161, eartbqaUe In and are frllhtenlng many islbeldtathata.~t!*' Ille . ..-, a Nnh-than l,JllD, ~· calls ad to rtot. · . , radio ltallon IOIJ 1 com-The boot ·pie~ ·December Calilomia'a K«n C o a a t y," Calilomlln! aeedletsly." ol Calllorali wlll lpilt otr lllf' quake wt11 ·•1ov.1>1.1 Call-IGll_lltlen •earli' llarch . ~.liJ<vm ·'!"'"!rrs of .the ·pUat101folrelallr.ecordlllea. u Ille month o1 calasttophe, 'l'hatmapllude7.7quaband 'lllat re1we quoted Dr. allde IDt<> Ille -..·'1'1111 II lomlo IDIO !lie ~· ; req!lesllo& .pampbieta CID what F~ ol llio Aacl<nt -Several ....u· religious but for llOIDe ...,.. Ai!'11 Is lls llle.-b cost II llvt1 Chaiiea r. Rldlter, elev.loper clearly ridlctlloal." . . S.-a1y·,11111:~ 11·: lo clo'ln cy, .,,... Urtbqaau. _ Mli>d, a P!'l'c;hlc · cult that aiid bfpple ll"UPI have aa-Ille -1ar cbolce ot rumors. and $111 JDllllqo damqe. ol the Richter llCaie for Several~ ha••- ridlculoua ,Md· that .mu., lbe . -·A "1'!k...,.. for Los c:lllms.to ,be ·l,IIlll •ymold, llOUDCed their Intention to TheonlyAprlldate ·whlcb Ballber.,,artalao~ deocril>IDll earl~quae ed that aillialII ll ba!MIQ-daager .a(~ major~· 1Angelea clll' "~ aay ·-edjlf,•t Cilj< Ball March ..move lo other lltale5. Two c<111Ceivably mlibt have IODle ..i illal the ,.. and -maplludea u uylq that In up alone ·• l'Ul·dadc1 tliil · ez!Jta, .0 q11e can ~ WhlD cblldrl!n . ')lave1 be<;ome lijl It .la .!I~ , rObes and rellgioul> ll"UPI left 1 o r scleatllic basis . Ir April 16. lllllf up once ...., fl days 11116· ''we rectlved l!pllrioua runs 'north and ~'-.all Uw!llllajlpell. ·.'' · 'd1sturbedbyYlde1pread 'clerlcal ._cqllfn ,..king .a Misaourl and T....,... ~ On that dale the IUD and andlherellnowayolpredlc-eartl!quab predicllolll for Calllornla ,called the ~ .N ... lbe!Ooa, _...,. are"cet-fUD)ora that """1 teaebetl qlv~. permll . that would a blppie tribe reportedly mov-mooa will be llned up, esertlng 11111 -or wbse lbll tidal Jan. 17, feb. 4, ·Marcb 17,. · Andrul raui~ and lbat ~ tiogjump\er'clayliy'41tY,. biV<" tllen .tlnJe,• out,.lrool allow 'llle!n U,. help reatore edloNewMulco. a sravilatlonal puli ·tbal will , r.rtemaytrlqtrlhellreaael April I, April 11, all ol May majorearlhqualcell ........ Hue are ...., ,lymploms -to'rev(ew d~.!'f pro. Ille dty ifter u earthquake • -Pu-report a make · the eerlh"t Cflllt bulge lhal load to eulhqaUes. andoOmetlme la June..-July. . New 1Wdl¥ l•d lcatt•, 'lndicat!i'1; !lie ajlread o'f 'cellure.s for their classes. ·they aa1d they~-.. bOllama la magazine articles a foot or more.In Jllelr direo-· Another Caltech· nleue, Bat' U wu a aonpal year bcnrevei, lb& the ·11n111 • Calllorm. 'a newest alUtd< ol--Calllornla InstJtute . oi -A calypao -ca!led lll!d boob dealq · wfflI fie-lino. JaooIOd Marcb t, llld "Wild -i>olie .came true." been alplflc .. 11 .rO!llved 1ir. urtbqUike Jitters: · T e ch n ology 1e1Smologiita "Day aft.er Day~ w b Jc h UcmJ fore ca at 1 .ol a Last March 7 Dr. c. Hewitt ~ of d 11a1 tr o u 1 Another C 11 t e c b earthquatel Deir tbe =..; calaclyam. One of them, "The . DII, Ca lte c b geopl>yalciJt, ·~ea -lsou•d.bY aell· oeismoloe\11. Dr. James II. 11111, !Kl lll!d 1111, , • NOWOVD e ure . . at America's l,.argest · I • Welcome l nl< '{ou" OP£ o our ·'i"" st. \(::::t'r.~hr. N HOU es r--....__J "-'IJJri/ 1 S ..• all offi~C ~:::;II • for your savings ••. There Is No Piao• Like Home..AssetII are hondredt of millions above ail others. Home paya milllona ll10ll In lntamt -- 11 the highell rate ollOIOd 1nywhere on insured aovingo. You n pold your in-t to tho day of whhdrew1l no matter when you opon your ec:oounts. Homo is Old Dopondlble, ..el'( ec:count ufll and ovaITabl• when neodod for -SO yo111. Every aavings benolit ptui tho protKtion of ""*id• -llrgoot.-.1111' thil whit you want for youtllV!ngsl lA MIRADA 11128 E ROSICfans Ave. East of la Mirada Blvd. ,.. 521-1310 .. GAlllEN GROVE 11922lBrookhurst Sl at Chapman 530-5680 SANTA AMA 1300 North Main St. atWashin(tonAve. 547-9611 AMAllElll 211 East Lincoln Avo. Opposita City 111n 53$-2883 IUDIA PAIK 8010 8"clI Blld.llLll'lltla ~ )Wa ... 1f6J.,_..,.,. I ,,,.., ...... Member: RDDAL~ncan LMn lra111a ~· 11_.-AL_l-. __ Lui 1Jo11 ol lhe Late Great !slued a r-1 uylng, ''The!e proclalJlied oracles aad dber Bnme, uld In Ille release: aald • ITAUAll CYPRm J Stately shrub far ' i1ccent planting in rows if you like. F11t growing - large, h u 1 k y plants. R19. 1.60. I 91lhln alaa - Eastor Diiinert1ble Center Pieces Carefully & Artistically Arranged • give fine:Jl in Ga:Jler Pf~nl:J /rom ~ PLANTS BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED IN EASTER COLORS * EASTER LILIES *AZALEAS * HYDR,4.NGEAS --*-ORCHIDS *CORSAGES * GLOXINIA Prlce4 fr- $2.98 -$29 • .50 ••• ARE VERY • PROMPT iiil'!!! ~ PERSONA~ AITENTION GIVEN TO EACH ORDER Container Roses 'All the favorites. Well started bushes reedy to bloom. 2.50 to 4.50 OLIVE STOP DON'T DELAY! Rici your y1rcl of un· wanted olives. Easy, convenient. I oz. e nough for 10 91li. of 1pr1y. BEDDING PlANT SPfCIAl FUCHSIAS For delightful color in the suummer shade garden. Vigorous plants • Priced From !inni11 ••. plant 11rly for the. finest sum. tr11r bloom •nd ~fun · groYah •. lh•y like plenty of sun. Will 9row J' t•ll. All Colors s119 Reg. 79c doz. 3 doz. . - HOURS: MON. THRU SAT. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M., SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO I P.M. Special Pri~os Good tliru Soturd.y, Apr~ 5 • CLOSED EASTER SUNOA Y "9'uir.ty anll S...lco Sloco 1946" 2841 Harbor' Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 541125 • • • I 1 I J I '· . . • llAll.V PILOT Thursdlf. Aprff J, 1969 Beach Man Graduate :~·At Academy of CHP Gayle W. Wood, Jr. of HWl-:iln,ton ll<ach was iraduated !tom the C&lllornla Hl&J!way Petrol Academ)' March IO and ltu been wiilJled to patrol lhl Sonia ADI 1te1. Wood ii a graduate of Glen- dale Hl&h Scllool and studied poUce Unee 'a Glendale Colltge and at Orange Cout Colltge, CoatJ Mesa. He ·was prtl)dent of the academy's : lfldt11t!J11 class. . •• .. He wu a motorcycle officer for the Hunllnpln ll<ach Police lleplttmen\ for the past ei&J!l yeen, unW he jaio- ed the llJgl!way Patrol. 111.e academy courte utends over 16 weeks and lncludes about 70 aubject artu, 1UCh 11 vdllcle code, enforeement Jl'l'cholog)' and tactics, court procedures, We 1 a v I n r , unarmed defe!llO and hl"1 speed driving. I See by Today's Want Ads • -Bcrpln: Throe bedroom blJlf:t'oat bucb home with ptfvate btacb. .~~~~J.,,;:.~~ in Bayshore Parr, It .... hold, $13,500. • Moneys.aver: Learn frffz- er cooking and buying method$, and save $$$. This tr-ener is chest type, a.rxl holds 6lrl lbs. Jn ex- cellent condition, $125. e Back Y a r d · Yummiea: U)fsa neat thinp for sale here, (JWJlerl moving: double bed, spriJws & frame, $25; kitchen ac- cessories, glass and cook- ware, Clothes, size 10..12, tasbion acces.sories, ahoe1, and everythina: in excel- lent condition. • Singer Swinger:' Singer aewing machinr, junior console model. $35. Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See it $1/CE t921 WHITE FRONT · • CllAl8I IT * • IA"UMEl!C1111 • Wffrrt FRONT •lUITUCllollll CIDllCMll ' PROMOTED G1yl1 ~· Wood Jr. Air Cal Gets New Aide Air California h a s an- nounced the appointment o( Norris! Webb as its staff at· tomey. Webb, who worked in ar~as of alrllne law and general cor- porate law for AJaska Airlines, will be responsible to Air California president Carl A. Benscoter and will handle in· ternal legal matters. A gra~ate of the UnlvmJty of Washington School of law, Webb 11 a member of the Washington State Bor "-la· tion and is licensed to pracUce before the Washington State Supreme Court. .. ---. ·-- Is It Mothballs_ for ·New Jersey? r . SAIGON '(AP) -T)!'e mJibQt ,N-"' Jtf1e1,. t_h e wotld 'I ooly actiYO batllelbJp, left the Vlllnlm war Monclay and headed home altor bavillg poundtd tile _, _ 11,000 Falrlu, Va.. -not lhlck Nd -11t ~ -· d the imllem '!'be balUlllhlp'1 l ,!00-nlln hie ll>Jp ltu -Ute Lvt alllld lroopl ID-Vltloun. llvHIJlljl d Nortll Vletlwn crtw kit thJI r-d: of Vielnlm howtver. H• told ''The 11.rlnel 111 l'ID man Ila -·e1iller. Five tllouMnd , 11-Joch &hells • reporter: "ll the wor 11· ellecllvt don horo (Ii .,p. 'Ille blWelhlp-reqed alcog lllld more thin 13,000 liv•lnch no1 Olw, wo lhould be back port d '-Lia-ID the Gull of TGOkln, llrla& at liMmcll llred and more tha• -October." lhl llriMnl JlfOY-of North V1etume1e coutall>a~ 1,IOll enemy bunlten ond Crltlcl claim die· N 1 w SouUt Vietnam). 'llM)' IQ' I teritl acl.flll>Pb ~ below milltlr)t ltJ1Jclur• destroyed Jmey ltu...., jllltilltd the 11ve 11111 -• a,,• the JIU! Plrillel ..W J-or dllDl(ed. In lhofr blge!I 131.S Jllillioo req1llred 1 o Th•· -~ .Ii> placlil all d !o'o& V1etuam day, olf the ceotral coul the recooditloo tile v-or the dllltrlal -p1a· •11 _, altllmitl. .,.....,. lmoU<CI out 171 fl mllllcn 1 mootll 1111 COiia --by lballl 11111 Ute Nril v1.-o11ore bat-""'"Y ~ and 32 l'OUDdl of. lhllls at a coat of M mllllan." The 11,000.ton cray-1iu11«1 batlle w.,.. ulltd for Lang Beadl, c.ut., !« rentth1r1 and fleet .enrclles Iller ' •I• moollll "' lhl ·llrlnf line. -~ .. = ~ ~: ~~'t ~ ~ ':: = ~ ::.u.111e~:;: =· d:i11;1, ~ =·: Pres!<!ODI lo)'lldoo B. Jobmoa i"~J::-==· ::bad=balltd==ell~ lbom;;:;·;in;;;;the;;;::G::ull:::d:::Tl>l:=kl;;;•·;; ..... secoadar)' .... ;;o;;;:;e;:1.J1=loei<Jol=· :::':::. ;:_:--on Ille bamblll( llld lbtllillg Al the N"" JerHy nooed her way Imo open 1t111 the nuclear-powered aircraft car- rier Enl«pr1ee, blqtll llattop anoat, toot ~ statioa oft the s.utllv...._,-, .. ~ pillltl oo lllr of Norlil VieO>am romovtd the few tlrlell luc:raUYO tnouP. to warrant the Je r 1 e 1 1 pt<Sence. Bal 1b1 11i11 WI a IUq 1m,,_-rill 1111, Gl'a wbo heard Ille -ll>elll.""" her II-Inch IUDI. ~ overhead. ".t....;ai-.. M • " .c&.I ....... 1 m . ovmg for the BEST MOYE of YOUR LIFE Call: ---·.· Fate "Ill Ille ~ Jersey, ,,..... d World War !!, and the -w.i-. mnained uncertain. She is acbeduJed to return to Vietnam next fall for anotbe!' six mooths of ac(.ioo, but many Navy men doubt that she'll be back. 'lbe Jersey's skipper, CapL J. Edward Snyder Jr ., "Like a freight train --by," was the ifuut IDIQJ used. One l>.arine bllltalloa commander said his men'1 morale went up when ~ knew ... Bil Momma" WU fir.. ing support. Snyder llid the Jersey coukl be ullliled either ag- 494-:1025 GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD! -- it's finallyheppeoed to Newpoi1 Seech (and to the workf)-a aenuine, honest·to-soodness BUG-A- BAl..001 Nobody's ever had one before but, It was bound to happen, and lveraon thought of it! lverson's Hpad" is his brand new Votkswagen building which la the largest and moet beautiful in the United States. Conceived with an ertiatic flair. it hQ(llr>s the ';9ry latest In s.vlce and di8gnoetic equipment, and is a perfect ahowceoe for dis- playing the latest changu in the Vollcs-1 line (that is, if you can spot the chit._). A FREE BUG! During the world"s first BUG-A·BALOO, Iverson' Wiii llMt """'Ya sperkf nc ,_ 1 969 Volkswagen (otherwise known •• ''Tha B1111"). All you have to do is pay us a visrt. tt you'ye newr been to e BUG·A·BALOO, noW la your -1tJnity to be among the first! At the BUG-A-BAl..00, you'M see the latest-in Volkswagens and Por8ches, within a layout the likes of wNch you've never Men before! BUG·A·BALOO refreshments await those that CARE to see aomethlng different! Now's the time to put a NBull'' in your house! --- C +Iii E. COAST HIGHWAY ~ ·--NEWPORT BEACH 0 ~ n • h • d 1 ~ • 1 z r 1 Arabs Start Early J Two Jordanian boys, trained as junior Fatah ( Ashbal) coritmandos, are shown at their camp near Ammaa, Jordan recently. Boys like these are ia- sued machine guns and live ammunition and are sent on raids into Is raeli territory. Junior Fatah boys appeared recently in a show near Kuwait in an attempt to raise funds for Fatah coffers. On-job Career Class Wins OCC Approval By THOMAS FORTUNE Of 11111 O.llY Pli.t Sl1ff A plan to tie classroom work In with on-the-job ·career i,raining Is approved b y Orange Coast Ji.inior College _District trustees and now will go to Washington. D.C., for funding . The proposed federally-fund- ed project would provide a counseling-employment center in the local district and one in the San Mateo Junior College District in northern California. The project is designed lo explor~ a 11 arrangements between college programs and the world of work. It is not Britain Has Troubles With Island designed merely to find part. time jobs for student:!, but rather jobs as 1 part of their sludies. Students studying architec- ture, for example, might be placed on a part-time buis with a local finn to gain prac. tical experience at the 1ame lime they are studying theoretical problems in clu&. 3-YEAR TRIAL Requested federal funding ls $443,000 for a three-year tria1 by the two junior ctillege districts. The Orange Cout District share would b e $201,000. The funding is sought under provision for try out of es:- emplary programs to be copied or adapted by other junior college districts. Initial operations would pro- vide counseling, job develop. ment and work experience placement for hundl'eas of students at the. five junior colleges In the two districts, Including Orange c.o.st. and LONOON (AP) -The Golden West. rulers of an old naval forl The program would be six miles off the English coast designed flexible • enough to has started issuing his own meet the needs of different passports. study courses and students. Paddy Roy Bales, 50, a The student might allemately former army major who mov· work for a semester and 10 f!d his family onto the aban-to school for a semester, work doned steel and concrete parl·lime while a t t e n d i n I island fort in 1966 and now classes, work full·time and at-. calls himself the "Prince of tend classes in the eveninc Sealand," said he had printed or work out a variation of 200 passports as "a step these approved by directors toward es tablishin g a of the project. sovereign state." INDUSTRIES He said he has issued about The Windjammer 1tore at a doze n or the crimson, gold ocx:; was developed with the lettered documents • ' t o help of area businessmen to various people who have train students-in the buaineu helped me , including some and merchandising fie 1 d s • ltateless people." · Many of the students in that A British court agreed in program work in area depart· October that Bates and his ment stores under training fortress in the North Sea off programs. Harw ich were outside the The college a1so has many jurisdiction of British law. Wlique vocational progrlm! Bates said he would shoot which work closely with allied ::tt an yone who tried to violate industries, such as petroleum his sovereignty. technology and air frame and The Foreign Olfice had no power. comment on the appe arance In addition, the college nu nt the new Sealand passports. been a center ror programs 'Bates retains a Br i t ish under the Manpower Deve.lop- passport, which allows him ment Training Act to train to come ashore. minority and diaadvantapd The island ruler said people groups in fields such a.s have stopped laughing at him gardening, service s~t at I on since the court decision and work and custodian 1Y0rk. "nobody has called me a nut Dr. Norman E. Watson, tor six months.'. superintendent of the district, Two West Germans came said the new program could to Britain in ~mber to se.rve a dual purpoee. become citizens of t h e "Students would be provided offshore £ortress. producUve employment under 'The next move for ln-competitive ccmdiUons in a dependence, said Bates, would r e a I i s t i c environment," be to issue his own coins \Vatson said, "and industry and establish a Sealand baiif -wo uld tie TSSilied a hiibiy -but so far he has no plans motivated, re 1pons Jb1 e to set up embassies abroad. employe on a regular buis." ST. JOHN THE DIVINE EPISCOPAL Good frldoy -10:00 fomily S.rvlco 12:oo.3:00 -''Tt.. L11I Words" 7:30 p.m. -Stations of the Cross EASTER DAY 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 11 :OD a.m. 3:00 p.m. -Decorating of Floral Crot1 DAILY PILOT :11 Has Viet Chief Opened ·poor to Peace? • , PlllL Mnl!OM ",.,_...,.,..,...I In Salp, Prtoldoot Nl'IY'ft ~:8r ~=~·:~.':Te prwoldldlol polOce to nine a 1 ij r p rt 1 e •nrwmcemr.nt: . "We are ruc1J to Uve Jli,vate tali. wilb the N.L.P'., II they like!' Allhouib inlU.Uy ~ by tbe c:ommunilts u a "craf· ty trick," 1bleu's invitation to the National Llberailon ,._ rivalled In Importance President Johnson 's an.. - nouncement of a year 110 lbal he WU calllnc 0 putJal ball to the bomblntr ol lbe -lt 11ve official recopltion to a lie! which qlben loOI ... bad accepted -lbal ... -political oolutlon<OU!d be acbleved In .Soulb -wblch cl1d DOI . tab Into IO- counl the ..,., larp -' ol the popilollon Wlllcli IYlll- polblJod with the Vlei Coq and tts political ann, tho N.L.F. Then 'lbieu asked a question ' ' NlWl ,\NM Yll\ In e!lect, 'lbleu p~ ~ np the \I- -Ida llllo two...-.. • pion .... '"ond bJ the o1 b1q11o11 and wppllod lilt United Slala. Tiie \)ntled ... -· Statei and North v1e1u ..... "Now 1"U m-r oak, w!1a1 could oqotlato Djlltual troop tlnd ol polltlcol ..., • ...,, wllbdrawols wbllc, In private "Well, wo could let them lalb. the Soulb - portlc!pole In eloollom, they ~--lbelr ..... pollljcal --·lbe-ud ----pollllcll JIU" ,,,.. •PIJOO'ed .. bo two IJ, and tbon ........... •loo--!or 'lbleu'• ........ llclll. ,_ are the pealble -UIC< lrml \Iii previous way1 to IOlve the Vietnam JIOllilon lbat he w o u Id pnlblem... -...,ilale anb wilb Korth Vletnazn, ' .One WU U.S. -- Anolbor -'lbleu'• ... -..-lnllllown poUUcaf atreqth. Ec<vm>O:ally, South Viet- nam at.-bad .....vered lrml the Communilt Tet blow ol ·~~1:' which did some .. wwlb ol illmqo to South Vletnam'I twwli IT er and lac:toria. Food prlc:eo ..... ~ Clown and ..... rice llralm wen especled to add lll0,000 toot to the ....,,. try'• , ........ • I Move Y••r account to Merc11ry Savings.,.. • Take advantage of Mercury's "SUPER MAX" - a -type of account combin- '."'in one "package• an ac:cumul.tiwe panbook ~and a hicb-7ielcllnl bonus account to assure you the best illtWest • IAS1ll . SUNIUSI .SEIYICI ~ .... --. fOUNTAIN VALLIY DltlYE~N THU.TU ......... , .... ·-· i :W A.M.. -AprR "" ........ ., Tlllllt'f -Cll-llltt C•Ph .. M Aw.. WWI F I ....... .,... .. """· ,... • . AUTOMATICALLY! • ' ' • M••c•17 S•••n llldll't ....... _ ••k ... Fanlls ricelwell lay Aprll 18111 IP•' .. ely ll•••IT·u .• They already knew that Mercury Sllrings pays lnlerMI, compounded daily, ftoM dill• recet.ecl ID cllle ol wlllaawll ..., - Men:QTY'~ +81!i!f• provided them tile eam from Aprll lst ... .. ·- advafttage of ... ry legal feature av11llable. And now's the time, during Iha ,..... .,,_,..,. pa1od, to atM yow "SUPER MAX" account at Mercury S.vl119L You can for_,.'shopplng" for lnlerwt rat• when you· save at Mercury. 36- month Bon"" Accounts, 5.25%, -a- •ble In eYen S1 ,000 denoinlo•a& You lllrwly "'-•bolt M8"""1 S11o•1111• many ext,. MrVICff ••• frM lamlnadon Of your valuable wallet documenll,. lhe ~ porUllly ID 911 dOwll and ....,. wltr n u a you're 118111:ti!t; bull!.-II Mam,. (Ill Hunllnglon Bw:h),,,... .... clepcllll bl.- for .... ,. wtth minimum balance, ttlll friendly cup of coflw, and olhar i....... Now, II our Hlftingloll B11r:!I om-, M added aerttce-we'r• ope11 EVERY SATURDAY, 10 LA ID 4 p.a. tor ,_. corw.tl ...... .- • ....u:-an-...... , ...... fdul .. .-.0,. ., ........ Matillt ..... NII•...,.,.... J rrta• ........ MERCURY SAVINGS and loan association -Olllco: •I• Knott A .... -l'lr1c • On K-, ,_ ~ E1• 1•he-MemirJ s..inp Sol idi~ Huntinalon 8-lo • Aaw trom t-..ion ~ llfG\JIAll HOURS: 9 o.m. to ' p.m., Mon .. Thurs.; 9 a.m. lo 6 p.m., Fridlr At Huntinstoo 8-h: OPEN EVERY SATURDAY, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. /\t Buono Parle: OPEN SATURDAY, APRIL 5 (only), 10 1.m. lo 2 PA .. ·\ • • -1 I ·. .• • • I • . ' ' • • / • . ft. DAILY I'll.OT I Th...,aJ, ~I S, 1969 Architect's Last Masterpiece The new hall of ~Justice-wing of the Marin County . Civic Center in San Rafael will soon be opened for · occupancy. 'The long, low-slung addition is .shown at left. The center was designed by Jegendary architect . Frank Lloyd Wright. The $11,787,717 wing has been ST. JAMES EPISCOPAl CHURCH J209 YI• Uda, N•wpcirt leocll GOOD FRIDAY. SERVICES 7:JO AM -Holy Evchmi<lt 1J.J PM -Tredirlo.al Tiirw Ho•r Sen-ice 7:JO PM -St.tioM of Tiie Cfff5 l :IS • 11 PM -CREATIVE LITURGY SPECIAL LIGHT EFFECTS Coordl•otM witti Stereopho•ic Mnic l"tlle 6'fMt Art of tile Pouloo fJoio All Ages. Th• '•bile 11 C1nli.lly l11~itld. Ceme 'WtllR y..,, (Ill -Illy Al LOfll Ai YM Cift. SERVICES 12 NOON -3:00 P.M. GOOD FRIDAY THE FIRST UNITED METHOOIST CHURCH 2721 'Seventeenth St. Huntington Beach, California Local United Methodist Ministers Participating declared structurally complete after -two years in building. The wing completes a building that has been accorded universal praise in architectural · circles since·its inception a decage ago. Oil Pollution ·said lee Age Forerunner Pollution ol the ocean by petroleuni may be a con- tributing fador to the lower- ing of the earth's temperature abd could even bring on another ice age, according to a noted geophysicist. Dr. Gordon J. F. MacDon- ald, vice-d!3ncellor research and graduate affairs at UC Santa Barbara, sald.1n a re- cent public. ledu.re· that stead- 11y increasing oil filmJ on the ocean's surface contribute lo alteration of the rate of transfer of thennal energy betwee n the oceans and at- j \ • VCI · t~t;S Calendar of Activities ' . Doctor Says · He Predicts · Baby's Sex LOS ANGELES (UPI)-The sez ol. 1 baby can be predict- ed as early as sil: months before birth with 100 percent accuracy under improved la~ oratory procedures, a medical researcher reports. Dr. Robert B. Solves of the University ol Southern Califor- nia saJd he correctly predicied the sez of 64 unborn babies at Los Angeles County-USC Med· ical Center, Solves used a six hour test in which cells trom the fluid surrounding the fet113 in the womb were examined. A mi· croscopic dot on the nucleus of a cell indicated lhe child would be female. Solves, an imtructor in ~ steirics and gynecology, said accurate prenatal aex deter· mination is important in treat- ing se1.-llnked di9emes such as hemOJ)hllla, which occurs only in males. If accurate detennination of the sex of the fetll3 is made, treatment for apedftc set· linked diseases could be ad· ministered an~ baby. Bradbury Talk Slated Ray Bradbury, the science fiction writer, will speak al 7:30 p.m. April 17 in Estancia' High School 's LlttJe '!beater. Hb speech, spoosored by the Friends of the lJbrary of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, is open to the pablic. Bradbury is the author of more than 200 storl~ In- cluding ''The M 1 r t I a n Chronicles," "The Illustrated Man," and "Fahrenheit 451." A dinner In tbe. caleluta, which ls optional, will begin at • p.m. Tickets for lhe din· ner are $2. '15. For reservations and tn· formaUon, call 173-JUO or M&· 5274 • I The colorful sound or Orange County Music . ' RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach • Big °'P"fl1,...,. kw'inc • Prrdbsap Silvennue B 'ot • Au14"!!1tic 14988 Big capacity for narrow space! onJy 2ft' wlde ... needs no door deanmce al side. FaD.wldlh &e...r 'holds up to 641bL CldJler Tn7holdsup"'19 lbs.Iaea!Iormeats,m- d cb, eoft drinb. DW Defrost eomenimce. J!ehijrw partial refrigaalion pmledina while 'clehlllllilco nace,........ ..... ~ biD. Holds 9/ID ""· 'Dial Defrost Jr us ... 1t. WE}· ouo , OWN FINANCING • OUR OWN SERVICING DO • OUR OWN INSTALLING NO MONEY DOWN e 36 MONTHS TO PAY APPUANCE ANO TV ~AW AND SERVICE 1815 NEWPORT BLVD. • COSTA MESA • 54'17788 1 ' I ~ . ' • • • ' -. • • .. ' l __ _ T • • •· ' ;; ' \ J { , ' • • . • . \ • • . • :· ' \ '• ~ ~ • Two African Colleges . Open to UCl.St~n~ ' . \JC lnlae -... ell&l· \11 lo abady 1t '"" Afrloln UatnnJUu l>tll"''"C nut fill . Too lll>lwnitY o( Ghlnl 1t ~ Gllaiia, ind Untnnlty College, Nait<lbl, Kenya, will be open ~o a total of 20 llludenll !rom thl! nine UC ~~pues under a UC Edue111<i! Abroad J><Ol?llll. SEE THRQOGH I MAYBE A LITTLE! Wlllctlff .. laUI H...,.,,... I~• 641-*4 644-1,.,.... Dr. WIDlllD R. Allnu, J!l'Oll"ll\I -· .... .. new atudY cent.ers tre aimed at acqd&lntfn& A m t t I c a 1 students with Ah1cln Cllbn, the problam ol ....,.me alltes, and •Ith tbe fUbn Jeadeq: ol mo d tl"a, ID. dependent AfrlcL The no program is the ruutt ol several yean ol pl•mimc. bt &aid ' . . 'l1le two new eentaa ..ut. be added to other UC F.duci-~ lion Abroad "centers.in Franef, Germany, Hong Koag, llrul, ltaly, JapM. Leh.non, Mti- lco, ·Sweden, SpilJ>, Ind tlle · United Kingdom and 1rdlnd. At the AfrJcan centers, UC students wW live iD re&idlnce halls !JilJ> Afrlcu .i-ta •nd share' p>elll lo the -. commons. In Legoo-Accra, ~ied · graduate • student.I ·may live in chalets in a com- munity of African students studying in related fields. English is ' tbt language of instruction at both African campuses, oot the naLlve langu ages ol Twi in Ghana and Swahili lo. Kenya will be taught for cultural purpo.w.1. THE NEW P..OLAROID COLOR PACK II INTRODUCTORY . Of PER . ~26 95 COME AND $0 THI ALL NIW POLAROID UNI I BAKER'S WUTCLIFF CAMERAS I 548-4935 WESTCUFF PLAZA I GOSSARD ARTEMIS KEEPS AMERICA BEAUTIFUL { h eh1ganr 'M1'f to stip into something comfor1abl'.e ••• and be beollfiNI loo. It's 'Veta's · rrmim ""AllL ____ ,_ ..... ._.,.a a shimmer-touched peignoir se~ from our Satin Accent ~-In duol-loyerod nyloq '!'<"I wllh lu"1oul occentJ of lriocelole ond polyester so!in. In P~ TIM, Green Mint, Blue & Whit•. PHONE 642-1197 ' • • DAILV PILOT p Know Strawl.==Il=ePY=N=EW=.:::;; Painting. TOPS & BOTTOMS ... Whit II otrn palnllq! Go to tbt lllrtnln l.ib<ary Ind liPd out. Tiie llbrlry, will be IJle ...... o1 IJll Newport Boldl Poru llloirtqjiiil decorlUve lrll clUI, • -ol 10 ..... btolmlnl April I , t0t a -fee ol $15, you, too1 Clft 1earD encautic, solid ol>- joctl, _...,, •nil bow· to -lorpd )Detal ""'®f<, lli'I, Doana ~ will be IJle -· Reglltrattoo ii beia( .... dllcted II .Mlrlners J.Jbra,ry on Dover.-l)~ive, from U p.m. ·---............. ....... TRAGIC FACES -President Richard Nuon, John Eisenhower and Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower are seated . behind the casket containing the body of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower during ceremonies at the E~enhower ll"I T .......... Library Wednesday. The former President was bur~ ied in a chapel on the library grounds in this town he called borne. Ma111ie~s Tragi~ Days Ended Ike's Widow May Go to Belgium With Son ABU.ENE, Kan. (UPI -door. Mrs. Eisenhower dJd her Grief and strain of a five-day best but about all she could funeral · alrn08t got the best do was brush their handJ. of Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower Mrs. Eisenhower then said Wednesday, but. she bit her her goodbyes to Preaident lip, tightened ·her pip on her Nlzon and bis family in iler ton John's arm and won the car. Nl1on sat in the seat fight -a 10ldier's wile to beSide her for awhile. He was the' end. followed by his wife Pat who M she left the tiny chapel stayt;d a few minutes and In which Dwlgtit D a v i d came out with tears gllltening Eisenhower was buried, she in her brown eyes. had been crying. Her lep · Then Tricia Nixon, who had were a little wobbly and her stood on the sidewalk with son John 111pporled her. hands clasped, got into the wife directly back to lhe Calif., Community C hurch . funeral train to )eave later praised the widow as well as the man in the coHln. in the day !or Washington. "I wouJd speAt to a com- The train was scheduled to panion soldier, Mrs. Mamie arrive in Washington at about Doud Eisenhower," M 111 er 8 a.m. Friday wi th ~e said. "She graciously shared Eisenhower family and a few her husband with the world, friends. but she uniquely belongs to Mrs. Eisenhower's ptam in hjm:She displays uniquely her Washington wue not im-loyalty and devotion· to him mediately announced but she in hef'weddi,ng vow1. w11 first expected to visit "And in a day when wedding her husband's brother, Dr. vows are often taken lightly, Mjlton S. Ei.senhow,er, in Mrs. Elstnhower stands as a Walter Reed hospital. He wu symbol of the beauty and Aleu fasblons tbls dramatic culotte from cotton ottoman in a brilliant sun print. , ·. s!us 8 • 14. •• $26. dick vernon 's 1porl1we1r WESTCLIFF PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it to You' • In her free hand she clutch-car ,with Mrs. Eisenhower. ed the American flag, fokted When the younger woman left, in a triangle, that had covered the car pulled away. her husband'• coffin. A car The chape1 carillon was waited for her 50 feet way, playing, "The Old Rugged but she-had to observe the Cross." Mrs. Eisenhower's amenities before she could black-gloved hands Jay in her take {efu&e in it. ~ap on the folded flag from taken ill Monday. hollnul of marria~." -···· ....... .. Friends said she and herlj"i;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiii;i~:ii;;;;;;;;m;;;m;;;m;;;;;;;;;:ii .. .• The immedilite thin& wu · her husband's casket. to thank the two mibi.sters The car took M r s . wbo atood beaide the cblpel Eisenhower, John IDd John's son John and family plan to leave in the ''relatiftly near future"· for a recuperative vl~t to B"""ls, Btljl\lm. Mrs. Eisenhow'er's day Wed- neadaY began on the' funertl train. When the Ni xona -the Pteaident, his wife Pat and their daqbter Tricia -.,. rived by helicopter frOm an aittleld 1t Salina, Kan ., she wa1 'waJUns: beside the train 'I J.~ ) COllLIR'S llNCH NOW OPEN IN WESTCLIFF PWA Heart Fall8"e UClSurgeons Make Use of Heart Pump to sreet them. With grltf.lined !ae<, lhe stood bealde John EiJerlbcnt'er and Wltehed ~ ~ busblnd'I casket cer emonlou 1l y SAVE & 00-.IT-YOURSliLF WITH LEATHIR Smooth & Suede ••• Make Your Own e J1<ket e COit e Skirt e V11t LOTS OF COLORS I car to a hearse. transferl'e\I from a hegop ,.4~ Surgeons at UC Jmne have succeafully e m p I o y e d a mechanical pump to bypass the left aide of a woman's heart in a cue ol. acute heart failure, accOrdiDI to a report made thiJ w,.t to· a meeting of the American Aaociation for 'lboraclc Surpry in San FrancilcO. The pluUc pump la similar to other well-known desip, but employs the bu.rt valves of anim.ala and • special graphite COi~ to avoid P* blems of bioOd clottbtg which have plagued artif1cl&l heart researd>en. It also moy be inwted Ind connected lo IJle hiart dwn· ber without opening the pa- tient's chest, according to the report given to Dr. John Co~ nolly, professor and chainnan of surgery at the UCI CoJleJl'.e of Medicine, with Dt. Aklo Wabbayubl, postcndu•I< research surgeon, and Dr. wtmam Dietrick, a atcond JWresldenl Dr. Connolly reported IJle DiW 1pparatua ls ve1our lined IDd Bimillr lo other com· mooly nployed pumps, bot il bU foor unique upecll: -it _.. heart v1lves from pip for tll hro valves; -the tulllq wblcb-. 111e,..... .. 1o -t11e ,._ ls cooteij 'llftb I opecill pJll!te .. 1ut1on tlllt -.. cJot. ling; -the --pump.,..,~ Inc cu ... ~ lo the poUeiit'1 . b111t hoal !Jlthoul the ""' ol compllClled, eom-puterlled mlChlnory; -and1 the device can be connected to the b e a r t A3 the funeral proceiaion -•--th. the slowly proceodtd throolh a uuuuber wi out opening cold wind to the Ei.senhower • I patient'• chest. ubrory, crow<11 '""'' u.. 4 CONVENIENT SnOPS Dr. Connolly said the •P-sldewalkl 'pushed IJ> toward e 3401 E, COAST HWY. paratua bis been used In dogs her car. Coro na del Mar-67 3~640 to like over the work of the IDghway pttrolmen riding heart for 30 hours with no motorcycle.. along the curbs e 3433 VIA LIDO evidence of clotUng. m.ished the crowd back. One Nawport 8eec"-673-lb20 All of the pump appiratua patrolman bellowed to the e 74 FASHION ISLAND is disposable, except for the crowd -"get back, and I New port Bei c~ M-t-2551 solenoid valve and switch mean it." system, and ill CO!t is negllgl· In the cblpel, ahe Ind John e 11 DB IRVINE AVE, hie. stood at the head of the , W•stcliff Plaie Dr. Connolly reported that caaket, while the Rev. Dean Nawport B•ech-541-4053 the new pump was used on1 -;;iMJll;iiiierii;;;ofii;;;th~, •;;.;P~a;hnii;,;Desert~~· :iiiiii:iii;i;~i;ii:ii:iiiii a human for the first Ume11 on March 20. The patient is a U.ye.ar.old woman with an aneurysm of the thoracic aorta. Her left heart was bypassed for one hour without lhe uae of the 8!\tlcoqulant heparin. "'Jbe patient's coune has been hlnilll IDd without evidence of postoperative bleeding or blood destrocUon UIUally oeen with this type of. surgery,'' he aald. Jumbo Planes Slated in 1970 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pan -.. Airways jumbo jots wllL begin-serving lnteru· tJonal Airport late this year or early 1970, the airline says . Spokeomen l8ld IJle 331- pusenger Boeing 7471 -lint of 33 Pan Am ordered 1t about l20 million eacll -'lrill fly Loi Angel ... llawaJI Ind Los Angtltl-NIW YO f t · London-llamlaq "'"'· JuSTYOUR STYlE California , R•·•tyle now with the new round toe end n•w heels. Com plete Shot . Lu9919e tnd H1ndti19 Repair. . .•. .• '• • .. • •· . " •. . • . • .. " .. ,. .· • •, •, .. •' • .. .. .. " ~ • .. .. .. . •, • - • . • • 'VVJ t onier'I PAST · PAST 1-Day Semc• Ort 'it CLEANERS .. Draperies AND LAUNDERERS Sleeptag Blas lhdspreatls COBBBRS • 'U/h .;.. ~~oppill<J ..!JiJ .A leaf Pfea6uN' • . ='~ asc In Westcllff Plaltl 11,. &nine N1"1*' S..cli'. 0,.. Dolly: I ...._., ,..._, lot.1 1 -6 ' I \ } . • llchlkets and Rutt . .. \ 1052 IRVINE -WESTCLIFF PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH • • , 5-48.8684 ·-. • • I \ ·: . '· '• '· i. .. • ' < t- l\ ' • •• , f · f , . • l. ;; •• • •• ~ ,. • ·: •! ·l • 1 • . . • l > " ' Sf-DAll.Y,l'llOT .. ' . ., t" .. ~ i • . • • t . '{" ,. '. -•• <, ,; -~ ~' '-,:' . : .. ~ ~ .. ~ .... ..... .. '~'\. .. ' "-'•\o"i. • ~ ' . .,. .. ~ i -#:·_ . • . . • "!t:~l '·: .. ' • ' -~. "\ l· '' ,· , r , ... ' r •· ~ • ~· 4 ,; : ·~· ,;; . ~! J -... •· . ' . • ,#, • ., • ... . •] -. ' '• I " ... • • l • • ,• • " . .. . • . " Thunday, April l , 1969 . ~.-_,, ... .. .. ' . ,,,. '*'' •. -· . : . LIVE BUNN.I ES .. ON OUR MALL WITH FREE . ' . --.,. . -- M w , CHOCOLATE FOIL WRAPPED •• .... • I ' , 1.-...;.;... .... _. . . EGG.~-1· ' . r; SATURDAY ' 10 A.M. to 5 P.M, I I ~ .. -------- • ·" • , f I ~:: \' ~ Af ITS · FINEST!.' . . . . ... • ..0.~EN,Tl-llllRSOAY &·MONDAY' eV6NIN.GS . . ~i·~.r.·· .'.··· ~' ·•' " '\I ~ .. ..;·,. --. t .. ·!· . ,. ' / " ' ' ' ' '· . I ... •,l'< ' • I ,'t., , . , ' . I • • ' ' • • '· ., • . . r . . . -"i· .... . ' ·•. I ~ . ' .. , . ' ' ' : ~ . , '. • ' '1 • ·: ' '. ' ...• ' .. •• " ' .. ••• -· ' . ( ~ . ·,l ... _,"ti;: ' .. ' . . _ .. ' -.... ~, ... • .. . • .. . " • . ! .. ~ ' ..... i " " • . . ' : . , ' • • .. ~· .. I ' 'PAINT . i'HINNER ._.,.. • '" )'dur own mltal contllner 4 ~ !f1R . ' ··.·. . ~ t I ~· ~ ' • ' ' I . . • ' I • ~ j !Angels, • Dodgers Collide Tonigh! at . . •• DAILY PILOT • A ·I LA, Loses. Dr.yid~le .With Injury _,- . · . . '; . BEVERLY HILLS (AP) -'llltbiddlnl . , 11111 aro "1oO rudl....wy' 'and l!'.11114 w 1 r for the Hl"lloll o1 Ila.A'• J.n· bo -1rJ ta 111 1 UW. idOre ol -· i... "'¥•1h' ........ -Ibo ' •a rnai-• 111 !ncHtated lbal •lrlllJ . 7400l-l\I centot alcnJDI a -• ' -.... 1r1e1 aod _....., ~'ll · .' wou1d be Ibo "*" ol bla -· ._,.. bla llfle of plaf. · Lln'7 COltallo, llllwaubo'I 'flril.year ·. Wiiii --t etdled oo bla lac<, coldl, ~ be would ploy the WIDl<d a polle<l.AklacJ« lufolnplled a docl> pni, "al Ibo low poll, to laD ad•Ulqe • mtDt WldlmdQ" , that would make hlm of bll: ClllDtl uw. But. hl'I a team " a mlntonaltt and, ~ a part ' owner in !hO Niuooa! 11111<e1b;\l A.uoc:la· player llDd I tlllnlc variety Jl.ll!lparlant. ·.1100 uplllllotieam. "So we'll 111t .bim on .UM! blp pool, Tetm1 of (bi C..tract Wirt DOI dllcloo-1.W poet and lr1 ta c:rt1ta -plck·llld- ed by Joba'. lrlcboll, the Bucb' vice roll lituUoDI." . 'prealdent and pneral manacer, who •aid Lew ·111c1 be -baPP7 !bat now "Tblll cadract ii very fair." "I can play tbt pme tbl Wr/ it WU • I , -' 1:J1U'1 Dod&li"AJllll Hri11. Tha rivalry opens I t 11 lht Bl& A 1114 con<ludti FridaY' and Sal· · unlay 'ntpl at Dodier stadium: Voos e1ptels lo startln lht outflald.' , ' -..:-• : J . • ' ..... ,,..,,-t' r--I;Jiers E,ven Series, 103-88 <! • ., ' :{J_·: ~~o~ters Drop SF .l• . . l, i; •• • ,, ' ' •r ! . ' . .~ SAN FRANCISCO (,u') .._ "WltlD .~ be!°"' i<,112 in Ille Cow PalaOo, the 1ood shooters are dropping th.in Ill,'" Lakers had yawned lbolr way to a aaid NaU!''J'IUmond, 1111•1 bad." ~ . •., IOMt victory and kDoHld ihl NaUonal Tbe Los Angeles Lakers' ...... shooters BUl<llbell Auocla~ Wiiia!!> Dl~!9n a"""' pl~yoU lel'iel at two pmu elcll. were dn>ppinC them in all nl&ht wed· The LI.ken, ooct two lll'MI down, neaday, while the San FrancllCO War· now havt· a ' decided ldvan&ap. Two riors' good shooters -right alone with of the oext three pmu, If tbrte are their not so good ones -were mlllinc . needed, will be played 1D Loi ADI•*· everylhlllg In 1ight. the nu\ cllie "" for lbert rridl1 nllbl· By the Ume the buzzer mercifully Tbt Warrion hit Oil a J)ltWlc J0.7· called an end to the debacle, played percent of t!>elr -· whlli the Lakin All's Well in San Diego, Chargers Sign Hadl SAN DIIGO (UPI) -San D1110 Cblr1en quarterback John Hldl, who hid played aut hil opUon to become a free ~ent, wu back in the Amerlah Football Loque club's fold, havlnf slp-«I' a on oentract. · -_.. -- Hadl nfllaed 1o •ian the 1tandard op- 11aa clause contl'lct Ill 11• and · Wiiier pro lootball rtfU]ltlolll -• free ~ But the former Kan 1 a a qlllrterback llnallr reached temte wit~ the Charprl Wednelday. Neither 11de would dilcloee details ol Ille _...,,t, Hadl bad aaked f<ir a lbm-year-ttact ca1l1lli for mor11 lhan '50,000 a yelr pl\ll a ISQ,Oll loan for ln•--.·"lb< dall.llld John Ire~ wilh the~-and •• tltlltC el!< ii behind "llid Cbll'C• olld' pral Gillman. "Wt .-now cm itJb I" llin<' jollied lhl ~ five 11111 qo, illl -.. ........ winning _ ... Ha led the lelp In~ -yards gained and paaa1iii Ind CGmp1elloN In 19111. N6totlallooa . bt\ween Hldl and ciub preeldenl Gene Klein hid .r11ohed the nom..WU.C llql. "86!1 no Joe, N1mttht'1 KJlln waa _quo\li!l.M. aa~· aboUt hi• quartvback · durlllg ..,.U.llonl. - Had!. Hlorled In tom; "I moY no! be a J,. Namath, but lie'1 "°" "' Sonny WerbUn." Werbllo u pnoldtnl of the New York Jell wu nparted to baYl 11.,,..i Namath for a lltlO,llGI .. U I niolda. Tbe cltlll -ol rat: WU the nhoal ol JClolD to VI In lo the dll!lllld far Ille .... Tbe club .-wualoltobayeOim- ..hl c In the football -· no! the· liii!Nir'- Bot .., -nalU... ildt -Id .., boJw lhAI---.. . llltll -bo bad -I free ~~-.:-.A-= apMenr.an, bow•••, llld Ill 61 aot btlloYI lladl wauld baYI -I, free agent unW May I. hid a more respectab)e a .a lnirk. . Ae<u1llf only the· !Int ·411 Jninut" o( the aecond quarier were ntceuary. i'he W arttor1 could ~ve~1Jven up afler that. The Laker1 1COred tbe O,lt lS poinLt In lhat period, runnln& up a 41·11 lead before the Warriors broke the Ice. Not unW the end did the Warriors belin to catch up, and only when both benche1 were ~pt}'. "You've aot to lbow lhetn who'• boss early,'' lald Laktr l\lard Jobt>t\y Egao. "Tbort'I a lot Of l"Ycboiogy Ill the r1nt quarter. u you 1e1 o1r 1o a · 1oot1 •tart abootina and reboundlnc, it can 10 a long way." Welt led both teams in acorina w.ilh ':Mi polnta, while rookie Frttz w'Uliam1 , topped the Warrior! with ooly lS. ..... """ Cllmllllln .... Wo• Erld!Mn """" lilwlllM "' .... ""' ... _ '-Ille! ho -Ille ~·· oriclDaDT lllGulbl to be .. lll&Yad," rol'!ll' Milwaukee "becaUM . their otfw .wu rln& to the numerom stall sames he mote stable IJld more hacr1Uv1 "•'than faced at UCLA. · one by Ille Amlriean BuWalball Auocla· Aldndor uplalnod that in · dacldlnl llon. '. • on the NBA ovar the New Yark Nell Aiked II Lew alao -1Yed lfock Ill o! the ABA, be WIDted to make Jlllalla: the cootract, -'laid, "I baH ' tiOlll "simple and dlrec:t. There Wei)! no _..,t to• about lbal" _ · no .. altd bldl. · Tb• tJP1ii1 ...,.1e11 lhll .. two weea "W• juat met wllb the NBA one day after Lew w · IOd UCLA to a blllGry· and the ABA the neXt." He lald a making third .ttilcbt nitlooal colltgllle reportad 11.15 m!lllGn ~ llli ABA ·· Lew Alclndor UUe. HI did it with · whit bll ~ WU DIYtl' oftlciallJ madf, ~ " ~---------- coach John Woodin ea1Wd "a. ... "We uld tblre would be one neiotiao- unaelllab attitude." WID tllal lllJle o1 tion and.,. aaked lioth luguet to mdlt• play cblni•! '. their bell-· . "I have a few-Ideal ol. JD1 own about "Al It wu, tbllr offer (the ABA'•l playln1 Ill the iroe," llld ~· did not ccmpare wtlh tbe ofter I IOI "I'm 1oing to wort out on my own from the MuJwaakee Bucb. All th.ii th.11 summtr -before I 10 to camp. other talk bu bell just talt.11 1've 1ot a few thin,;1 to work on, thin&s The BucU now must 10 1llNUCh U.. I haven't tried before." -formallty of aetudy dr.rtlnl tbi man • He lald '°"" .o! tbe centers In the they baYI aJnady 11.,,..i. 'IM llflltttmd le&i!U• ute moves toward the buke< of the NBA draft lti ICbeduled ~· • .. Sport. In Brief Boes, GWC L~ Openers In Tourn~y . LONG. BEACH ~ Orange Coast and Golden ·West Colleges had hitting pro- blems Wednesday and were both bounced into thll monilng's consolation bracket ol the Clsey Stengel Baseball touma- l!l<!ll. orange Coast ·w., tripped by Los Anaeles City College, 2-1 , in 10 iMings despite some fine pitching by Gary Dwikelbercer while Golden West wu blAnkecf, 7~, by San Diego Meas. Retirement· Ends Fast; Maggard to Coach Cal? The Pirates were scheduled to Lake on Rio Hondo this morning at Lo111 who hid a allvtr medal at MulcO City Beach City College while the Rustlers lut Octobv. played Long Beach at Blair Field. Both ATLANTA -Doon Clendenon, alW one of the ~ retlrtmentl in baaeball hlo!ofy, lo returJtinl to the dia- mond becauae, bl 11y11 °1 feel I o w • Jt to the l&mL" 1be 'Montttal EJ:pos, in a prep~ otatement, announced W-y nl&bl. that Clendtnon hu 1iped a tw~year contract. • BERKELEY -Olympic ollol ,.uer \ DIVt Mysard leeka Ua ... laolde can- didate al Ille Ualnntty el Callfwala'• b11cnrldt ad lleld -. ne SU 1'rucbee ........ r~ In ltl We edlU.. W ... 11'-J M Mlf· lard ......... • 11u191 ··--··· clrdtm1tuw Ml .,,,mtmm wlD M made offtclal ..... " A ICMol IP""'U Ille! eoly tlial a 11111 -.. 1111 -·-.... ,..babty _, be ....... far 1evutl wetU. 1'1&· ..W M •111s 1 etbledc MNdlr Pal 1rMWw aalllly tsoervlqa~-- MaQlld, a ...... al W .,_ Ca_l!f_,, placed llf1ll la ,• ...--.. ... -... Olympie GallMt Ii -Clly . .. ST LOlllS -Tbe SL Loull FOOlball Cardinals announced Wldnelday thl slanlnl of five !ree a.pnta Including a member of the U.S. Olympic TtllD ' ~ 0I7mpl111. 11 Georp Woodl, a eames started at 10:30. ll'ed-ol llautltorn llllnoll UD1venf4'. Dunkelberger, who pitched an eighl·hll· fi"oodl, a MCIOW tnch 277-pound. pard · ter aa:alnst Los Anj;eles, lost it in the 1'ftllPld, 61 not play colllp football ' 10th cm an error which 1llowed the but Wu a member ti SIU'• track team. winnlna run to score. .,,., ., .., Dm'lktlberstr evened the score In the HCODd wheli be singled in Rand y Brawn. BraWn reached base on a .walk and moved lnto acoring position on· an error, LONDON - A 1H mlU1ol ,in Jo ealarp Wembla)-llMllm, Eoglud'1 No. 1 10Ceer ee.tlr, Wll ........ Wed· Mlday. TM _,.., wMlll ewa1 Wembley. 1alcl II Jlfua le lloild a IGt-bedroom _....,. A .,..-5; OW tlii "°ject ""'1cl IM _,.... lo IWI 7-· ........ -Ilia ...... "' Eqla .. •1 ......,. .. Ilia ll..W Cop la -na--1•.-. .. HOIJl'ION. -Tbe Loo Anpltl lloclren -... .... In the lllth innllll to lnllr ·a H llo and want on Jo dlf..t lie Hos0m Altroa, JN; 1n aft •""llllllall -Wedmedl1 nilbL . ... llAN DISOO -lu !liege lw - -u Ilia 11111 ti Ilia Nri ad Olalra1 -w ... 'cit -......... ~·---·-­_,fly tllldall el Ilia U.1. -,. ..... AJ •• d.... . Golden West, meanwhile was able to colllct. jUlt four hill agaln1t Mesa. The RU1Uere only had tWo runnets on base once in the game and never threatened t.o ICOl"I!. ~Oflltl C...I tll lll At+"'" UI , ••rfll rM ••rfll~ Jtf'lll.1111,u 40 JO Puntrd,711 4110 lAiKfl, 211 ! 0 I t 1~1, XI l I 1 I l'a11l,lb 401 1 C!"Oll,11 41 10 llllft'• II' ~ I I I J•mK, II J I 1 D "•Im«, c • I I I H~Pw..,, c 5 D I 1 !rn'lloa . a It I . ~;Cl 3 l 1 t • ..,,,..,,, cf 1 ~ 11 I I. Clllflf; rt s o 1 o .C~'rt • I t ·1 :fwNM11tt, lb 5 o 1 1 ou,......,., "• • t 'l M1111t, • • • 1 , T.... M I t \ •. Tltllt 4t J I J ...... ..,,....,. r • . '"' r ~ • ~CMM l11·••t-1 , l ~ .. · J00•••-2 . J SH ... M!f JJI .:.......... ~Wnl itl . .... •''" kwtr, J I I P1..l.orl, '' t I 1 )~lff.tl ' •• 8-,1, 1. 0 :r110.a , 4 I I "Inn.rt J t 1 ~_Iii ! J 2 IUcll11'8tan, lb 4 1 t lleldvldl, If • 2 • M1rt;, tel l 1 'O llCElft'f, " 4 I D C-11 n J I I $dlry, 211 4 I 2 ~Int: c J I I T~. c J I I lht&Wll, lb J t o •nttlft, I • I c "•vn1tr, • l • I H-trldM, 1~ 1 i ·I WO!llb, IJ I I I Eldtr, l h 1 I I .,.... U 1 11 Te.Q, !I J I ' Kings, Seals Square Off .T!lnight A U.I. -wlll -Hahl A,.a ..................... ". · lwfotl I l'thl ........ ,,. ..... C'.' d 1M ~II al .. Ill~ - .... ., ....... wtl ... .. _ _. __ ... .... a.ii D~ *'-•• T•lllt t I I I °'"""Wu• uo om on-1 11 1 OOOOOOOQD......41 4 1 RACING TRAINER HIRSCH SUCCUMBS OAKLAllD (UPI) -Roolle GUJ n ·...,.. more like. 1e•1awl pro ..,._ Ed Joyal .... labls-~ram<butll­ htl 111111!1 ~ qulckll flDll In ..,., -ow.time w-..; nialll -....... Loe Anpilt Xllp a•! .. lied -Odland In lhl N1tlaDal ._ = ~~ Wastern Dl ytolon !nine lll'Ped la .... garbaie pl ,, -... 1111 alra piriOd that iRtdPI 1111 Klnp te' I ~. M, trlampb ovtt the -i. ii the bett>of. aeYen -which ,_ lonilht 1l tbl Qtldef Oollltant-Arm. Tbe tmlllr thl ...... , ..... marUd o.. rv ~ .. .,., C••••el Ii I p;-. ~u, who --.! ee-1ot11 In 11 ·-alter ~racallad from Iha inlnatl, uftd the !«the ltlllp. Ha -lted Ill a ftrtt two IOlll aD!I thee ban!y mllled mUlll( Ibo .-.I -Wlih a , bat trick • whin he __ ....... _ net. -• "I -V«J --·I -'that' flril -·" hi uld. Q'l>14.li1'a goala Wiied • 1-f Oakland ad{ ...... Ill tbe llnl pei1od IDd I be n :deadlocked the-. at H 111 the-. It WU It 11111 ~t lltat Joyal, Loi Angelel' top """'t loot< ..... Wllh lhl Seala &bold, a.a 11 the llllnl -· Ibo lt-r-Nld cont. ....Nd hrlct Within I lp&I! o! 1:41 to put Loo Angtlts , ahe1d tor the flnt Ume. : However; Gtne Ubrlaco itllJed for OakllDd wllh 1:11· lei\ In lhe 1ame ta send the conlelt Into o•erllme. Tilt K1llc1 were l.,.ed to wh Wayne r L~l'--~~~~----'---~~-- Ru~ed&< for ,..war .,.U. JtfT7 Doo- Jardlnll ID the ....... porlod -the latter ...,_ " .: -loft -Tht -ti Ille lljoarJ WU DOI Im-~ il11i11Llatl1 Mweuea. . · .. ~ ............ , lt. flNllllt .. IW I I• ....... 1 --. ~.p:=.::"t° ...... - ~-=:JJ&"''­ ~~~w.;::, r.l':ll_~= 'N•tll'MI~ ~ * z•sn•lf • annnt II Malet 1111•-. . ..., ,.., ~ lllVDllDE • ,,,., ta1lt about lht -.. _., ....,... rn llUebaD, IDd the Sootiiiafn Calllomll ' II lat la the Rlnnldo· Natlooal ~-·-Tounwnenl, ... tall ,......,, . TrQy ~ out -.... In the ftnt ,lnalnc md nnt on \o tcrepe out· • 7.f Ylclor)' w-, over MillilalpPL UCLA -It lnnlnp to beet boll UC lllnnlde 10.7, .rl!d Brllltain Young beet Mlulatppi M but ti!.. !Oii W to Indiana. . v l ,, ---____________ __L ____ _ . NIW HYDE PARK, N.Y, (AP) - MR llindl, llDled boree rliclofl -Wtto. devaloped UU.. KentllCkY Deley . winners, died ol a heart attack Thunder • al Long lslaiid Jewlall Hotpltal. He -.. . Rancb and ridden by John L .. Ratr, won the feature race at . Aquedqd Wldneodly paying lf.20 for fa. Hir'!h wu admitted to the hospital only 1111 Thund~ay. '" Hlnch's thret Derby wlnner1 were Bokl Venture in J.938, Asuult in ltt\ and. Mlddl'IJ'OW!d In lllO. ( I t ~ -----.L.-'=.L- I !Jlol*7, A,rtt '· 1'6t . -s~rawny A~e ,Belies on· D e ter1·11ination \ BY EARL GUSTKEY Of ... Deltt f'tllt ...., When the currenL tract sea.son began, Laguna Beach Hlih school track coach Jack Lytllgoe wu bopo- .:: lul hll scrawny middle dl.staoce runner, Dave Hustwlclc, could run a 1:5$ half mile. It was a reasonable expectaUon~ Alter all, HuStwick made it to the cur Bee 660 finals last year and had a bell time of 1:23.7. ' He seemed to be on schedule 1n the first lew meets this season. AM'"he was coas.istent. In five 880'1, hia times ranged between two minutes fiat' and 2:01.0. 'Illen, at the Beach CiUes lpvlta· U0111l meet Saturday at Newport Harl>or lliJ!l. Hllllwlck crulled home in I:M.s-llii alsth fut.est t l me yet -..led In die CD' thll -And 10 there bu been a revision of Hustwlck's aoals. "I'm sure now he can do 1:5".l and J thlnk be CID get down 1o 1 : 114," Lythgoe comments. Hustwl ck, who I• so lean that Lyth-- goe lrulsts he take m~lve quanU· Ues ol vlatmtns each d>y, hu loll just one race thil seasoo--to !:I Modenl's Dave White. Since both are jun)Qn, it b a rivalry thilt wlU en· dure another year. """ "'" -" ·-....... PENCIL-THIN WHIZ '--Laguna Beach High's David Hustwick crosses the finish line with a nifty 1:56.5 for the 880 and has his ·1' sights set on a CJF gold medal in the Bee 660. ~ )<'our HB Errors '!be fivHOOWJPt, ~ lall a ltretcll Giel lo Wbl1o Ji ·Ille Cl'llt- vlew Leo ... -· t:•.J 1o l :OU. lt WIS m tbll lllDI meilt il..t Lflh&l>e lwned --al ttio -rival cr.t\'low 1-11 C<lOches have for mlddlo -man. When the milt nlu -..... LYlhJoe oblerved ill tht El M-c:Oocli, Peto Parbr, bod blJd hll. No. 2 q\W'ler m11ar out of oil -•=Pl the milt rtlaJ, Al It Wll, Ille, ..,led El Modena runner olppod . Hustwick by a ban lhr tnchoo. Lythgoe Nyl U UUJtwlcl: can h> cn!Ue his spoed, biJ llma wtll·drop Irish Bflls Rip Lions For Title A booming triple oil the bat ol Danny Parma with ·the bues lolded In · the · filth 1nnlng hiJhll&hted a six-nm oulboall for Kennedy ID&h School Wednead1y afternoon and the Irish went on to post a 7-l victory over Westminster's LiOM ror the champi~p of the fifth 1Mual Santa Ana Elks Baseball tournament at Santa Ana College. The acoring binge by Kennedy in the fifth frame broke up a l·l pitcher's duel. Pitcher Phil McCartney, who hid retired nine in a row from the middle ol the second through the first out In the filth, for Westminster fell vktim to wildness, allowing three walb and a fly-ball single to ICOrt the flrat nm or the inning. • That made it 2-l and coach Frank Munoz called on pitchef Ed Bane to quell the fire. However, the 10 innings ud 20 strikeouts that Bane ch a 1 k e d up in victories over Katella and Anaheim Tues- day had taken il3 toll. Parma ripped a 3-2 pitch for the triple to right to clear the bues, George Jones followed with a lin&le lhrouth the box and Monte Hlltll capped It with another base hit to break the came wide open. .Westminster made a resemblance of a rally in the lop ol the liJrth, JCOrinc twice and loading the buu on an error and four walb before ace Art Sancbei: of Kennedy put down the throat with a called third strike in relief. Westminster opened 11P with 1 tally in the first inning on two lln&let and two walb, ·the latter forcing in the run. Wnhnl•t.r (J) IC...., {11 ••rlll'ltl •rllrM H1)'1'1Q, Jb l 1 0 0 Ahftll, It' J l t I Blldl;l1nd, rf 0 t 0 1 Ollfftl, rf 3 I I I MC'Ocnlld. rf • • • • a.11111•. " • 2 2 1 W, MC:Crtrw, If S 0 1 I laMMr, .. I 1 I I P''. MtC,.,.,,., rf 4 t 1 t P'1rina. If 4 I I J W1!11'r.c )IOlJ-c 2111 Midi, I• 3 I I t H11rst. 1• 3 I I I Otdr1ck, ft J t t I k lftl, 211 I I I I •-.cH ,,,,.......,_,,,,,, H-n, '' 2 1 2 I Affl'll, ~ I I I I 8udll11'1d. rf ••• 1 Lewi•. tf ·• ••• •.W. I I I I I Meml:lrllt , itll 1 0 0 I J. S.nd'lel.. ,ii I I 1 I M. UndllL ,ii I I I I Tui.11 2' J 4 i To1111 11 1 1 ' Sc.rt •r l1111ln11 Wn!ml111t1r ktnntdl' ••• 100 Ollt o-i • .'I 100 OKI 7.-7 1 I Diablos Blast Carlsbad, 7 -3, For SD Title Oil City Bombed, 13-2, Mhsion Viejo High School, in ils first ever varsity baseball tournament, cake- walked to the title with an easy 7.:J victory over Carlsbad High Wednesday afternoon at Mira Costa College. The Oiablos, who had blanked lhe opposition in the first two games o( the tourney, iced thl! North San Diego County' Civic tournament championship with four runs in the .1 h i r d inning to break out to a 5-0 lead . Tom Berce was the winning pitcher, going the distance and allowing five hlt.s and one walk. His five Innings <1f scoreless pitching extended the shutout mark to 19 innings before Carlsbad tallied a siq:le tally in lhe sixth and two more in the final frame .• The decisive third inning wm started by Bercp, who walked . Rudy Holmes and Doug Citro followed wl.th &Ingles to load the bises. Tom Gardner, who was three-for-four for the day, singled home two, Mlke G~y sent the third run home with a sacrifice ny and Hugh Leather· singled home the fourth tally. Steve Haza.n's double in lhe filth inning was the only extra hue hit for coach Harry Hilke's forces. Miu ... Vltlt f1) OfbUI !JI . '""" "°'""' .. cf 1 1 • 1 P'\l'Mflltl. Jll Clln. lb J J I I aef'9. 111 G.lnlMr, If 4 2 l J ..... r1(111r. ~ Grw,c IO I I O..w. n .. '""" l I I I M«tdUl'I, ( I I I 0 v ... ,, II' H11111, i. 4 I I I hl19n. rf ' L .. ftm, 2' I I t I Alrftidl, 1 J • , • I I I I J I I I J I I I l I I I l I I I l I I J J • 0 • r;- 1 D9vl .. 211 1 I I I WOOOS.r~, C H111Mford, .. J I I 0 llr•IM, Cl ~.r1 2001 .. N.,.,,11 1 011 lwtl•I J 101 h1t11t 21 1 .1 t Tor1I• k9"1 .. , l1111l11t• ••• 104111 .... ,, ,, O(IO OC1 )-J 1 t \_ In Hawthorne T ourney Huntington Beach H.ilh S c h o o 1 ' s baseball team was priming itself for more Sunset League action today after being knocked out o£ the Hi,\!thorne Hilih School tournament Wednesdly. The Oilers fell victim to eight Ingle- wood hits lnd four of their o w n errors and were bombed In the semifinal game, 13-2. ·The defeat di'opped Hunllngtoo Beach's record to S-9-2 on the seaaon. The Oilers used five pitchers against lrVine May Swi•ch CIF Grid Status For '69 Playoffs A proposal will be presented to the CIF Southern Sectlon executive council to switch the Irvine and Sierra league11 for competition Jn the C1F football play- offs whlch would put the JfVlbe League In AMA cl..,llicati-Oll thll foll The erecuUVe council will act oo the nieuure in jts May J meeUng lhe DAlL Y Ptwr teamed todoy. The Sierra League consists of CoVina, South HUis, W Puente, Edgewood, Los A1toa and Glendora. The Irvine clrcWt Is compooed ol 0ra!lge Cout aru lchqoll Corooo del Mar. COlta Mesa, Eltanda and Fountain Valley along wtth Maplia and Loar1 from Anallelm. Loare Is defending MA CIF champion. stat111 of the two leagues ii in queatlon only In football., with both 1..,.., COl>- tmulng their present •talus In other sport11. hard-hitting Inglewood but couldn't atem the flood . The Sentinels, conildend one of the CIF's stronger ouUlLI, 'Won an earlier came in the tournament by a 13-1 score. The Oilers were never in it. Inglewood scored three times in the first iruUng, twice In the second and five times in the third for l(}.Z lead after three frames. Surprlalngly, Huntington outhit ita con- queror IM, but all of. them were sing:Je.s. Pat Murphy, Chris B<rg and BUI Shubin each rapped two singles. Inglewood's Bob Winchelte:r slammed a three-run home run in lhe ab1h innin& with two men on bue. Hil teammate, John Pratt, singled in the firat, second and third Innings to account for three runs. Huntin,ton's four errora openld lbe gates for four Sentinel runs. Murphy was one of the five Oiler hurlers. He came on In the ninth after playing 9ICOnd bast. Next outing for Huntin£lon Btach wtll be Tueaday afternoon at 3:15 when the Oilers travel to Santa Ana Valley. Hun- tington'• starting pitcher will probably be Tom Joliet. ,,..,.._. 11U Mtlntill,... ...U l'I .. rllrtif • ,.,.. ~.• 4 111 ~., •• ,,, knlCll'I. t 2 J I I Mvfllfty, • • I 2 ii Gl11._, 1• 4 1 I I "'9, M • t 1 t ,_,_.,,If S ISJl...,,..,lf l l•t ~t ....... d•llt~lltr.( •111 ce._.,.., rt ' 1 I • Wl!lt.llellf. • • • 1 1 ltlttr. • t ' • ..,..,. 11 ' • ' • M'/WI, •• 1 1 I I ll'llllNll. ct I I I I Wll•lfl• • J I I ' HN-fll. 11 I t t I -Wf!ICtlltttr, »I t I I t.t ,.,..,.... • I I I I 111.iz.11 ,, •• . ....... ,. 1 ••• C1WW.!1, 1& I I 1 I T.t111 ttl3 I' TOlall l l Ill t '"'' "' '"'""'' 1ntlfW90f H~"tlntlol! le4dl ' .. aumt-u 1 • M Olll ~ 1 II 4 COldl thiDb be Us a mi chance to become a C1F cNmplon, Thi CIF record II l:IO.I, beld by Uuntin&1oa'1 WlllWnl. . "Wo'ro oellia& a pal ol l :IO for Dave. I'm SUN be can run that fut a net," LY:tbaoe 11.)'1. U•atwick II the ll6COl1d of a tal· entad b<other track tandem that bu oetfonoed 1t Lquao. Older brothor ~ollo ... for =iiit)I. Santa ""' Oollott llld. -11nlvonti,. It -llkalJ\d>at -llultwlck wUl bt a aaaford athlete. 'nW11 "' -tO .. 1o ool1eft alld be'• otn1pM S-L He Ill u a~1al UM'Jl'Omon de-- t.m>lulloa. ' L)'throe -1111 i:rocm-ol a ,_ 1aJt April la wblch a 1"11 rallYinl tl!Cllt liJ' lfml. wick brooihl LquM beck -ctrlain dofUt 1o a ~ 'tlctor1· "He WU I Cee 1llt 1f!U't. but W .... J'llllllinl b1m lo Ille •111'!111 -lie WU bumpod .. wbllt 1111 - In third -al Ille Illar( al Illa llaal' lap alld .. -down. "lk--oil up llld .., the time be pl -... bit Ital be wU la Jut ~ lie ....... Illa rt1111f' Ille 'Q1, M loarlli plooi ad "' won the mil( llJ~ \ "It WU .... ol Illa ,...,... 1' anoes I've ever IMll. 1 Part of Secret NBA Deal,? Wili Lew Be T r aded to NY? You hlvt to 1u1pe ct there are focton ...-t In Ln Alclndor'• 111(.Uatlono with the NBA: and ABA which the prm II not yet privy to. Two weeks aco. this comer had erave -that. the NBA COllld o1p Alcln- dor --which "'" ariJ1ully cnatad llPGO reodinf Ar<h MacPball's column In Ille Dally Calllomlon ol El Cajon. 4filacPhail brought up the Alclndor quesUon in an inltrvlew with Walt lluzard, now playln( for the NBA'• Atlanta Howu. "!Aw knows th.at ht CID do a lot toward insurinr the jobs of a lot af black ABA playnt," Hauard II.id in MacPbail's column. 0 Take Connie Hawkins of the ?.tin- neeota team, for lnltance," Hanard con- tinued. "He may be the best buketball player in the world. When Lew was a kid he ldolllod llawklnl. U the ABA folded, Ccmnle would be out ol a job." And so it was of ireat interest lo learn two weekendl a10 that A1cindor CHAPMAN DOWNS UCSB IN TOURNEY Holl Chapman Colle .. , along with Wyomlnr. Now Mnlco and Cal State (Fullertoa) oc:orod OJllDinl day victories In the Or.... CowllJ-Invitational baseball toomamont Wednesday at LI Palma Part la ANbetm, Chapman and Wyomiq scond their vlclorlel at the -of the Unlveratty of California at Slnta Barbara, t-1 and $-4, while Fulllrloa and New Mnlc:o ...,. -"'Inc Gromblinf, 1-i and "3. had spent a ball hour In prlvote with Hlwklnl In Louisville, alter UCLA bod won the NCAA champlonahlp. Alclndor, two teammatea and ABA conuniulooer Georae Mlkan toot irl an ABA game that --and quotes attributed 1o Lew oiler the I""" ln- dlcoled he didn't thln1c the ~ WU such a blllh 1eque oiler all. Then, la.&t Friday, he told the A!Soclated Prts.s he would sl1J1 with Milwaukee of the NBA. Ho'I' aurprisint it is that he tumed down what the EARL GUSTKEY *··············· ABA said was far more money and the chance to play in his home town, New York. Could it be that Lew'• lilftlnl with MUwaukee means there is an agr8tmerit .afool that be would then be traded to the Krucks! Such a deal would cer-talnlY heneltt the Bucks -they wouldn1 be Wbed 1o Alclodor'I salary and 000111 and the players they could &et from New York might make them a contender. Alclndor, of course, might become bl&· .1er than even Joe Namath ln New York. , Another view has lt that Alclndor decided 1o 10 NBA only alter be bad been usured that the ABA would aurvtve without him. HoptfUlly, . tbi& is true. Basketball would lllffer U the ABA expired beca~ it would be a Joni time before another new league appeared to tty ancl lnlk. ln1o the pro baHelball plctlue. There are 1 f NBA fn1Cbl•1 That me1111 that ot the very moll, II roolde• will break Into Ille NBA In a elven yeor. And U you mow aoythlll( at all abool bub\bell, you mow time are plenty more p11yen than tbal wbo Jbpuld have the opportunity 1o play proleooloool ba!ketball. It's euy to laup at the writhinc ABA, just as it wu 1o ridicule UM! struallnl Americln Football IAlp in the eorly llie(J's. B•t lhould, the ABA go under, jts deoth woWd be met ber• with deep rearet * * * SWIMMING DEPT. -·1'en ue .. eoeetete plw la die ·won. ..,, for a a.meter 1wlmmlq ,..i la ., Newport.C•ta Mesa area -ll'• atrict11 ta Ille llWq lllff. -dla4 .. Newper&.Mtsa....,. -.rt1e.1•eu Dr. , WlWam. Coul•pam. ''nle~ II IO mODey ii tlae district I• ti," i.e uy1. "Alld 6lre IN a let ,r Jrtltlem1 te be ar&t -.-e• u nere 1e bol1d tL All ti Ml' acllooll U.e IJllH problems." * * * PROSPECI' DEPT. -The two hottest high school buketball praopeet.oJ In the United Stalel are Allen Hornyalt (l-ll ol Bellaire, Ohio, and Tom Payne (7-t) ol Loullville, Ky. UCLA hu 1 lhDI ot botb. Hornyak, who averqed 41 points J>el' game Jut aeuon, hu \lillted UCLA and Big Ta ·-11y they ~ that'• where be'• buded. # .. Payne allo ts lnlenoted but -milfit not bovo Ille pdel. lianlyak -. · . ~er(ea Your Sh'OJ(.e ••• You'U be 1111 ii.-..ci'I DIW'"Swiaf'Away Pro Golf" practice unit riabt la Marioen• lobby. Se• M..O ....... "°'S 1'9 Pro Line ol aotr equl-t in Marintn" Pio l•ck Nlcklf1111 : ot 1011 tlp. /r•• ior evtryono atteodlnf. -rA,,. .,... •.. otortiar Marcil 24th. Come ill.,... an4 aet all thl iltt:aUJ. ~rir1e1rs Sovings e tll N ewportBeachw'*liJ! 11 JJ<mt, 111•>'41-4000, °"" n.u,,,,oo ... ~:00po.ftWaJI. Iii .. ..,. I • \ I • ' -• • - • -------- ~ I I ' 1' I I J ' • • Mll.YfUT ,Tuniag lJ:p · 1or AdOption Tournament 'These four Newport Beach temlis players are preparing for the thfrd onual junior tournament held by the Adopllon Guild of aoulhem Orange C"'!'!V· From left: Bo Presley, 12; Pam Reno, 14; Charle Glazier, 14, and Murray Wilson, 12. 'lbe toornament begins May 3 and concludes May 11 and benefits the Holy Family Adoption Service. }!:ntries,.avaiJabJe;;at.local tennis dubs, must be For Third Place Blanwn Blanks Colony Nine, 3-0 submitted by April 21. ' ·~ Hunting Accidents Diminish In MSA.C Relay,s • Olympic Champ Beamon to Vie Huol.ing accidents killed 16 perscm and injured 98 in Andy Blanton blanked stole secood and came hon;ie califocni.a last year, the Bouncing·.Bob BeatDon , bytakingthediscustitle. Anaheim IUgh Sdlool, S-0, on on Mike Fleming's single. credited With the greatest The ML San Antonio meet three singles W e d a e 1 d a y Fleming Chm stole second' and Department of Fi::il and Game will '· Beamon 's first ma1· or N ed the I t -~-• tod s~gle performance in the uc m<nlng to give ewport . troU atross Pae on rel"'''~ ay. competition since his fabulous Harbor High third place in Gary Foster's safety. The total ol 114 accidents history of track~~ field when performance at Mexico City. the Santa Ana Elks baseball 1be Tars' third run came wa.s slightly below the 1967 he, won .the Olympic Games He was entered in several tournament. . in the seventh inning when total of 119 accidents; in· Jong jump at Mexico City, indoor meets but suffered a Nooe« the hits off Blanton -Blanton and Bob CUrry bashed eluding 20 fatalities. has, entered the' Mt. San leg injury· and decided to take W--•<1, but ........ ""ely back.to-back doubles. r d -·.., -N rt ·cb·-And~ "We're pleased that the Antonio Relays, a long rest. A armer stu ent eoot.lr ewJ>O COi Y ....._.in · at U. of Texas, El Paso, Smith planned to use him for .~, r0 -.1"1 total number Of ~!ties and The lanky .~imon leaped Beamon now represents the only two innings. ~1:.'~~b ~ : i : Ult accident rate decreased," an incredible 2g:.21k to win Houston Strid~rs. "I didn't plan to \IH Blantpn ~v. 11 J 1 · 1 e said Hilton Bergstrom, DFG the Olympic gold medal last U '.ls the, whole way. I was goll!g t'.~~·:/ i g 3: October, obliteraUng 'the Before Beamon got 0 i• to change pitcben every two ~1':i..c11 l ; t ' hilnter safety -training officer. former world.record ol -27 ft.. unbelievable jump, the world innings, .but he looted 8.0 good 1=r.or:.~1 1 8. y f t'But once again, every single 4~1-in. record was held joinUy by l 1·ust left him in," Smith s1~:1m a J ~ J ~ accident could have been the .U.S.'s Ralph Boston and ··". This year's Mt San Antonio Russia's r .. 0 Ter.OVanesyao at fkUU A11t11t1m 01 avoided if hunters had follow-spike carnival, starting its se· '"-6 Blanton o u t pl t ch e d Auli. ,, •" ~ r 0 1\ "! ed the IO basic rules of cond decade , will be held April 'J:1 ft, 4:% in. . · -. Anaheim's previously unbeal· Riker, H l S ~ g firearms safety." 25-26-27, with more than 3,000· So, as. tr8G:k bugs like to en '"'· Ballan"•e, who enter-"",.,'.1'!1!· lb 1 o o o ~ ... : ' ts · Ir th 'joke', there . atUl hisn:'t; been "~ .....,. R ~ .,. 2 0 I 0 With an estimated 755,000 pcu ..,c1pan rangmg om e 1 1 j · ed ·the game 'with three Munoi, c • o o J ·' I lo OJ · G a 28· t. ong ump. stralgbt shutouts to his credit. '~~·~· o 1 I o g hunters afield, the rate of ac-prep eve ymp1c atnes The story behind BeamOn's. 'Ille Tar burler never was in f~lr'1t.7b f g ! I cidents per 10,000 licensed gold m_edal winners. feat is that it almost didn't eerious trouble. Only two ~~·· ~ I g a : h~ was 1.51~ compared .Previously anno~~. Olym-happen. On the previous day Colony runners got as far as 101111 ts a_J' a with 1.58 a y,ear ago and 3.1 . pie Games,champ1onS include in the trials Bob had two leCOOd base. sc.., bY IMlllft in 1954, the year the hunter decathti>n~king Bill Toomey fouls before making the quail· Newport aupplied Blaoton Newl>Orl me oao ~ "r ~ safety training program was and Al Oerter, who became lying distance on his final with 8 two-run cushion in the•-==""=""'=m=== .. ="'=..,='='==starl==ed=.========hisl=·=ory='•=ool=y=lo=ur=·tbn=e=w=iM=e=r=tr=i=al=. ======= top of the second when Bob u· Leavy was safe on an error, Oceanside Stifles LB ln3-0Win VISTA -Laguna Beach High Sdlool dropped a :l-0 decision to Oceanside Wed-nesday afternoon at Vista )llgh School in th< tbird-pla<e decider at the N<rth San Diego County Civic baseball toornamenl. The .ArtiU were shut down on four bits as ·the winnen made the most <i five hill to score once in the t h 1.r d,. fourth ·and siith innings 10 nail the victory. . Laguna Beach threatened in the flna1 frame when it loaded the bases • an error, Dave 1'cDmmell'1 ~-single and a catcher's interference play with Mark Siielove at bat. ·uoWever, Oceanside killed the rally with a good play on a bot grounder to end the·-- '"--..a tll --d OMl'IJ,tchlrilta.. -· tc..i.r.ir MdlJD a•lli 2ib --·" -·· -=:;::.. - ~···~ .to r """ J G I I l • 0 0 l t 0 D J I I t l o J a l 0 t D l ••• ~f 0 0 0 1 t I D 1 t I D ,, •• 0 ._...(,,. It...-,,, ·-· ·-d -· _ .. ·-· -·· ~ -· T ... i. ' .. , '"" l 0 I D l 0 0 D 3 • , 1 J I 1 t l 1 • 1 t I D f t I I I , ... 1 ••• J ' l • • J J J SC..",,..._. " • l '""8 htcll --·-· 4 ' eic.n.klt •1 11_! II :"" J J t • f 1 L • ... " • May t~e glory of t~e Resurrection bring to you and your family peace, joy and blessing. We wish you a most happy .and holy Easter! • ' -----------"- JOHN HART LYNN HART HARTS SPORTING GOODS COSTA MESA ,. , ~~ymour (Can Run .51-Flat ·1n' Hurdles, Predicts Noon . . ,. ' Whfn Goldm_'lfiot-cou.ce·· Jim ljeymow' ripped around UCLA'•· Tarlln ,ff .. ~ and . covered the 440 yard iDtermedllle b\lrdla • In SU llOCOlldl Wt Salurdly aftmloan, tho ·leDI IUrpttsOd people In Westwood were Seyinour and bil coach Tom Noon. . , S.,-'• goar this ...,.. iJ In break s; · aeconda l.n the new' jwUor college m:nt which requires the speed <i a sprinfu ·and tbO !'Bil· lty of a mOU)ltoln aoaL 1 "1 1 wouldn't be surprised U he """" 11· ~,,says NOCX!, who bas ,... bil 11ar i.u,i- le!f ake a dram~tie improv~t in ~ f races over the quarter.mile distanci . ' 1 5eymour, a lanky 160-~ who standS 8-1, ~an 55.1 his first tune out and then shaved his ti.me with suocessiVe 51.1 and 54. 7 ellorts before uncorkiiig 'the 12.7 ar UCLA. The 440 intOrmed!ates wen. lldded lo U>t lA******"""***** JOEL SCHW.A..RZ it****""**""*'"** ... and a Jot mon during the 'rall·wilm ~·· a part «·the RusUera' crou COIJll!ry'1elJ!I, He WU· the No. 7 man on <Q:ild~ Wist'• crou country squad and Ncoo aa1d that didn't com< naturally but was the product ol liard wort. * * * . •· • IAMOND NOO'ES -1'e' Easlml C111.- e1tte buebill raCtJ. loob Hh. u ~ ...piay " "" ..... 1 tpukelhlll ~ ..ry 11111 ·-ft'1 ML So Aatoale Collei< 1'!atoad • l'alltttoa dGbic "" ,..,..,, act. 1'e M,..Ua on !Mila EC ·play -- a 3in-game lead over eecoad-piw:e · Chnil. . 1'ey. ........ led lllf.11 llrlipt ~ 11:ace ~ Coast bocked 'dtem·tfl, U, ii tk-EC-L Tbe Moudet' 11-pme win streak, t.dde .. lolly;u --..., a ....,..,i .. eerrt"' coi. lep'1 tlil team 1wopl lo 41 otra!ph•lu ud "" -"~P· In clialldnc •P lloe tM """11, Cerrllol llecame die lint. eOllesl- ate bueball team to go undefeated ii a ....... RECRUITING NOTE.5 -Herb Llvsey of Orange eoet and Dick Stricklin of Golden West would like nothing better than landing Mlke·Contreras and Roy Miller to build their list of junior college events in eauiornia at~ basketball team around. However, the two ter a few year& ci. competition at 33o yArds. ... junior colleges may get a stiff challenge ·for Tbei'e's no accepttid.JC record ror the dis-the services of the Huntington Beach High .lance but GeoU Vanderstock who f1nisbed stars from Cal State (Long Beach). _ fourth in the MexicO City Ol~pics, ran 50.l 49et head coach Jerry Tartanian was the in 1966 while a student at Mi. 5an Antonio guest speaker at the Oil~'. recent banquet College. and bead coaches usually avo1d·the·numerous Seymour's 52.7 is ~e second fastest record-prep J;>anquets unless they're, seriously inter-o ed by a jaycee runner and he !bou1d go ested in a prospect. faster. "A lot of sprinters could get away with running the 330s, but the 440 takes someone who works out hard," Noon said. "Seymour is more suited to the longer race 'since he's big and strong. He's st1U growing and should improve as a hurdler each ·,ear, "I don't have any doubt that he can de- velop into a world class hurdler, bi fact some people might consider him in that class now." Noon says the MO hurdles is the most de. manding race exCept for the distances. "To run them, you must have the speed of a sprinter, rbe al>le to burdJe and have the stamina of a half-mile?." Se}'mour's skill isn 't just a matter of sim- ple natural ability. Noon says Seymour prob. ably runs five miles a.day during track~ ,..,.,,,,. @)~~§ ~§111lm · 12 JOIJS IN ONE 01 e INSTALL Nl!W •» LINl~S Ofll AU 4 WH1iELI (11 e ARC GlllND AND PIT ALL SHOIS Pl • RE,AClt fllONT WHl.S:L •IAA!NeS DI e CHICK ALL Ao.IUITlllS AMO ""'' Ill • CLEAN IHTUtl lllAKI AISIMILY Ct) e (LIAN MID LUii UOC: P'LATll · roor NOO'ES -Orange C-ft Yonity ucl JV crews were decked oat la .., orup- 1trlped socb lrom Auotralla lul Siiti,iday wbea they opened tbelr ltn teUOG. The socks were a gift frem former OCC rower RJcll Galllud. wlao wa on R ud R don under after ttfvln& an army bHcl la Vietnam. Galllard .wu a member al dte Pf.. nta• 1111 fl"Ollt crew wblcll wea tile Wat Cout CbamploJUillp. MoRE FOOT NOTES -Fountain Valley'• Brace GtueU, wbo makes a llvtn& kfcldlg elira polata ud fltld 1oall for the IM An- pies. Rams, wW be seen Jn a televklo:a com. merdal IOOll. Naturally, it'1 a spot for a Poe ~· Tbe ad, by die way wu llttx M • , Cetta, Meu apartment ltoue, .t la a lladlo. Ill e CKl!Clt ALL RITUllN S,ltlNOS UJ • CHl!CI( ALL WMll!L CYLINDl!ltl (111 e ILllD ALL LIHll AND ADD f\.UID (111 e flllll! ADJUSTMIHT fCll. Lll"I 01" LINO .. I UI e CHl!CIC MASTIEll CYLIHDU (11) • llOAD THT CAil HO DOWN PAYMINT e MANY JllllONTMI TO PAY PREMIUM BRAKE RBJNE 45,000 $299~ MILE IOUARANTU . - . . lmY""Ult UWMC-•AIT'f.W-CIWHr c.s .... "''"" "" ........ .,...... . • L... ~,,, ·=-• ................ ... . Ml.l•.T 'd.......... ":.-I INSTALLATION INCLUDED ' '. RATCO Ufelime lllfflln ( • I ' ' ' ' ; • • • - • , , • • • • • • • • • • :Turkey • • • • • • rJ6~1ftJ Wit,_. Arn Id Palmer -. ' CHIP SHOT CAW FOl 'flRM WRISTS =~Bonus .' • fora eriip chip !hot, keep tho wrflll flM th""'ihaut the llrolt• C-. lllystn1tl.,,.), ' I JllOferl!'eopinp thoshotifth• calilornla's 1969 wild tumy .stocking prograin, tioo..led by •• an ...,.peeled bonaiua' ol ·239 ; wild turkeys froin r ..... ggl .off to .• _ good start !'itb the ·'releue-ol Jill binls. \ ··1 · The Department ofFUl!>-ind1 · Game report..i today. tbeMhe Texas !(arks 78nd Wildlife Department furnJsbed 13 9 wUd-trapped Rio G r a n d e turkeys. catifoniia and Tens have been excluinging birds in .recent years, bu~ the lilrge· number waa unupected. ,k~'fi<;.;L.I ball luittiruvpwell in th0p1'"1, because 1f·you pinch the\shot it might~· on tC'io mudi backspin· andllnithlliortofth,hole, How- eWr, ycu 1rnusf pfneh the.ball if lt~restlnp doWn low.in the 9""'· \ ·;" ' ~ ; The DFG will shi~ Texas ·wild pbeasanbl, l n d 1 an • cbukars and mountain quail later this year to complete the exchange. Texas sent-'222 hens and 17 toms, a litUe short of male birds, so DFG biologists trap- pEid more wild birds in San Diego and San Luis Obisj>o counties, taking-a total of 36 Repordlmoltho .... thodyou""' to move the ball cut of thi.;nm, however, -you will achieve; best results if)'C!J chipwith finnwrists arid accelerate the cl~ through tho ball. &01NtW.n.~.ftlt.-. tomsapd2lbens. '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' The 53 toms and Z43 hens were released 1n 19 areas 'in lt California counties. Nine 1 counties Were stocked for the flt'St time with wild-trapped birds, aJKI the balance receiv- ed a "booster" where birds had been planted previously. Bigg.er , More Bonito For Coastal Anglers • Adverse weather prevailed throughout the s t o c k i n g period, but tbe birds evidenUy weathered .the storms. Subse.- Ruent checks of the release areas have shown turkeys to be in good condition and ap- parently adapting to their new· homes. The state held its first wild turkey hunt last year. Counties receiving plants of wild-trapped turkeys for the first time ·were: Los Angeles Madera, Tulare; Calaveras, Ei Dorado, Butte, GI e n n Tehama, and Santa Clara. ' Some of these areas bad received plants of game farm birds in the past, but· no wild birds. Those getting booster plantings were: San ' Diego Kern, Yuba, Colusa, and Shaata counties. Pirate Shell Swamps '.l;'roy Newpmt Beach's eport fulling lenclirlgs report coastal bonito flsblng ls OD the up- swing. "A ki d. them have mOved no the area lately," reports Phil Tozier of Davey's l.clcker. "'lbe weter ii cleeri:nc aod W1U'IIllqi aod there's a let UCI Faces Tough Te.sts ~Cl's tenWs forces, sporting an impressive 13-1 record, 10 after big game 1his week. Coecb .M)1l'on. MCNamara's-fOrces· hoMed Arboria State today .at · 2 p.~ On Frida'y, UC! 'takes on Cal Western at nooo · and ,tJ:,e University of 'New Mexico at.2:30. p.m. in a doubleheader attraction. The SattinlaJ . roe i s Colorado. Starting time is 10 a.m. of squid in the water. C<&- ditims are good right now f<r a J'll1 of. bigge-fish ." ~ One Davey's Angler, Pat Medeiez ci Hawaiian Gardens, boated a 2!)-poond halibut last Sunday. Tmier aJao reports suc- ces&ful berracuda, bass and rock cod fishing. Davey's has four trips a day -a 5 a.m. surface fishing boat, 6 a.n1. and 12:15 p.m. half.day boW and an ail-day rock cod boat at 1 a.m. Art's ,Landjng sends out a rock cod boot at 3 a.m. on Sabrday, Smday, Monday and Wednesday. Its surface fl'1ling boat departs at 3 a.m. daily and the baH-<lay trips leave at~ 6· a.m. ahd U:lS P·lll· · Mac~erel !lobing has been productive, according t o George New,comb ·o1 Art's Landing. "We.'ve been getting quite a few mackenl," Newcomb said. "I! the. wann weather alays rib us the fishing will really pick up SOOl:l." ' Orange Coast Col.I e g e 1 s ~~n cr~w !Wimped the Uruversity 'Gf · : S o U t h er n Ca.Urornia's frosh ' she 11 Wednesday morning in a mini-ella held in utl (ml f~) UC a.... ..... rll reg tile NOl1tl. Lido ary1n 1ucs~l':t'e-Ne1J1·~1-4. '"" Swimf est Set Chamiel. . ..,. . ' '' ' The Pirates covered the L•r;i• 1ucs•1 . .,_,., ,. ....... ,"4 . Newport Beach Tennis Club will host the Class A,. Band C Zooe Four Southern P.acific Association of the AAU International Swim- ming championsbipa: Satur- day; -according to Larry Dellota) swim director. 20()0. '1f.:~nd IUCI) dtf. ~,7.s, mete!" distaiJce in 6;51 19 11.iveri IUCO tf.r. EIH'f W, '"' . seconds and more than four Dllkl•ow .1uc11· 9". SIJrdtf '""' 4-lr. boat lengths aheMI ol the -•• . ' . jans. ·~rttett (U~tl...!1!1.:. WI~, f:T .... ~lt was· the second straight O'N•~~~a11 "H.CM'n-J.s. 'Y.Jll· *'· v""-for the Plra'-' '-·"' . ~.iow 1nc1·~-tuco °''· ...,...,.:1 \ICll u~ LM!s .,a tlrtlftt, .. ,, N ~u WIM ••• P1v1n. IOCll wilt wllb ~-..! ~ _ Altr:N Incl ' ddy, W. '-I • . - l , ' Shoes are something )'OU put on in the • mornmg . Don't talc•·- for g1•111d. Don't lhlnl< 11111-- lli'O --ore more thin liOO dlfftNnt 1hoe 1tyln, not to men- tion leathfis Ind coloro. T11e19'1 • right -for _, occ:ulon. And --11.Flo_m_ -ol llyleL TJY on I few palrw o1 Niiiy--You'll an)oy hlv- lng -'a-' dlolce. H- FLORSHEIM "'"' lool llJ!llI!- --..... •1995• 12995 "'-........... $31.ts ----WI CA.HY 11111 TO 11 WllJTMS 2A TO DI • 1831 NEWPORT Bl yP., COSTA MW • ( _, , . . For.· CIF Southern; Section~ • I • • DAll.Y PllOT b ... '· ...... J """' ... .. , I -.... SH ' ,,., ' ...... I~' , .. ' , , .. \, ... ~~. ::: ....... ... ' 1.:.. . , .. ' Coomto .Ch-ev-r-r-ron Island. . ' for a piping-hot FULL ,4·PLY . tir-r-r-e sale! •• On these Illa& Wbile SlriPI &rlP·SBll TirlS . . ' ' ' These sizes flt most Fords,. Chevrolets; Buicks, Dodges, Plymouths, Mercurys, Oidsmobiles, Pontlacs, Volkswagens, Ramblers. Atlas Grip-Safe tires are now on. sale tbrough April 12. You don't have to put any money down. And you can take up to 12 months to pay. • • So come to Chevron Island, we're under the Slandard sign. ~IZES 700-13 560-15 775-14 BllY·ONE TIRE GET SECOND TIRE · Al'. THIS PRICE* FOR THIS PRICE0 . " .. $23.50 $11 .75 23.50 11 .75 25.50 12.75 And you'll drive home a real bargain. · •. Ask aboutth·e· savings '9n ~II other Gril)"Safe sizes.' •suggested Selling Price. Plus Tax. . . . . ----- AT PARTICIPATING .. , ... · · ... · · · CHEVRON a·EALERS ·· STANDARD STATIOIS • STANDARD OIL.COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA - , L _ •• ' • • I \ • • I I I J = 30 D.111.Y PllOT· LEG,(!, NOTICE .. ). . .....,. . $ JJIXlAL NOl'ICS SOCK IT TO 'EM LEGALS By SYLVIA PORTER Would_ )'<Ill like tt ll llquld _....,, deter&ent came In two -only -plnta ond QIWU -so tllil )'<lll could far men eutly oomplre pica ol one bnnd ..,.,,. all)tber? Or If Instant col!e<i, like ....,,iar col!ee, came In Gilly a couple ol different slue? OR II' IOda pop came in pirU and quaris only -just as the J*kage lizes of milk and cream have long been llandardized? . Ill. obori, would )'<Ill file H If all foods """' pack.lfed In Juot a few olandard slzu or amount.a -u are flour and augor, Ice cream, b\IUer and margarine, d..,_ and whitkey, chewiJ!& gum and ult? Since paasqe of the Fair P act aglnt a. Labeling Act ol I8e6, you IW'e}y have notSced importar4 changes en food labell. For lnatan<e, the net weig'tt or volume of most food pn>ducta now appean pro- mlnedly Oii the front label; m ea nlngless . exaggerations such as HgJant" quarta and "jumbo" gallons are disap- pearing. And when a food package says ''four servings" it now aTso tells you OOw many ounces per serving. EVEN MORE importantly, food manufacturers a n d packagers are making stabs at voluntary reduction tl the number of package sizes. PHARMACY TOPICS •r TlllRY GUNT, fl .Ph. Dr. Alan Kekwick ot the university or London has discovered bow a starving man can exist on the tat stored in his body-by pro- ducing a tat mobUization substance (FM S) w h ic h heJps the body convert t he fat to ener;y. Experimen· tors want to l)'Jlthesize the FMS tor use by people who want to reduce. • • • Thorn apple, root.stock of Illy ot the valley, leaf blade ot rbubarb, black Jocust bark and lffds, oleander branches, ·and b teed in g h e a r t are all poisonous when taken internally. • • • U population growth '"'ere to continue at the present rate, in 3500 years all avail- able matter would have be:en converted into people, accordln& to Dr. I. Good of Oxfonl. • • • The flrlt Siamese t w i n s were'nt Siamese at all but Chinese who •were born in St a m, they were known u the Chinese twins! • • • For modem service \vith old·fuhloned courtesy, bring your ~lp!Cins to: PAIK LIDO 'HARMAC::Y 111 HOlpltal RHcl Nl'Wllll't 1 .. ch '42·15IO The one thing no other. Life insurance company can offer I L your family ••• Is a Mass Mutual Agent Tito Spotlltllt h "" WAYNE D. HOPPIE for hit l••d•tthlp In •~•rt ph1ie of out A9•1tty •Cfi•ilr Thomas L Tho rkelson , C.L.U . Monage r NIWPOar PINANc!t.L PLAZA Stlto JOO -159 Newport C-D~ .. Ntwport 11-io, ~lcr fol. 17141 644-4242 MA••ACHU8CTTS MUTUA~· LIP'S IN•U AANClt COM,.ANY \ ... ,..GnU.6. Mll"4CNU!lms • °""'"'"° lt lt I I • • 0 ) - ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' i l \ I t I ! • • Wednesday's ·Closing Prices-Complete New i , L \ •• ______ ___. __ .. ·•, :-1 '· !"' York Stock Exchange . List American · Stoek • I ' I OA!lf Pll.OT • •• ,. \ . . ~ ,. " ,. -• Alway.$ Sa.tisfacti~n Guarant-eed .,or f ou~ ¥:0 ·-,iw..-Bac.k ' ' • • . ' .-. . ,u • • 1; /.i;J"~ \• .1; J.1 .,~., .· ' I I \ : ' I -., • . ' ~ ·~ ·Silent Guard ·Sealant ' \ • '?• 1····-' :!li;-.4 0 Month Guarantee fr• "· • O!'i -. ' " ' ' . ' ;~;: ~~y 1st Tire ~t Regular ·~· ·• , ·:;:' :Trade-Ip. Price of '3 7 ~ .. . . ~ ' . 6.S0.13 TnbdessWbi.....U Plus Fed. Exe. Tax: · And20ldT'""• ' :At 50% Off ... Get 2nd Tire for only ••• :Automatically Seals Nail Punctures! . ' . $~E ...... .... ... . . Tr.de.IRrn. "" .......... f ... P..t.T, ..... ....... ....,,... .... , TUBELESS WHI'I:EWAJ..LS • 5 laknnaled layers of special ruhhets form "safety barrier" ••• help prevent air los1 6Soxi3 :· ,. 37.00 735il4 '40.00 ' .L235x14 1 • • ~1 :42.00 .• 8Z5xl4. '45.00 8SSxl4 48.00 885xl4 51.00 • 815xl5 45.00 845x1S 48.00 885xl5 51.00 900xlS 54.00 915x!S '54.00 18.SO 18.SQ 20.00 20.00 21.00 21.00 22.SO ' 22.50 24.oo. 24.00 . 25.so· 25.50 ' 22.50 22.SO 24.00 24.00 25.SO 25.SO 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 1.92 2.39 2.58 2.'13 2.95 '3.1 5 2.77 2.94 3.79 3.21 3.31 •Guaranteed by $ears from Coa st to Coast to wear a fu1L40 months . J'~ G. .. We put 100 nails into a Sears self-sealing tire, cbet1 drove it 100 miles ••• and didn't lose a breath or air! Isn't this the kind of protection you'd like m bave for the tires on your car?The full 4-ply oyloD cprd body gives you superior protection egainsc impact damage. New with dual whitewall stripes. H~ t<> Sean and save! 24-Month Guarf}nteed ill-WAY Special •Fnll4-plyNylontire ••• 1hep••· I IBB feet tire for low mileage driving " .• Gnar'\'lleeiJ by' Sean to.:wear .f~r. 6.95xl 4 Pl••IL .. :. a full2,•montli• , .; ~ · '· . :'I;ub~ess F.E.T .... .'· . ;: Blackwall Old'l\ft ..... ' SILENT GUARD SEALANT 40-MONTH GUARANTEE TREAD UFE GUARANTEE Guranteed. APin11: All failures of the tire iesulting from normal rOld bamds or dcfcca iD mmri&l Clf workmanship. For Bow Loni: For the life of the original ·"""-What Sean Will 0.1-Jltpair mil punaure1 at 'no charge. In the 0. of f~urc. ii! cschaose for d:ie tire, replace it ar no charge. if ,W.lure ocaus , duriq first 20 months. Jf tire Jails titer this per~ · iod, replace ir, chargilJ8 only the propoctioo. oE current ttgUlar K"lling price plus Federal EJ:cise . Ta tlw.reprcxuu: ~ llsed. TREAD WEAR.Our GUARANTEE Gu.arattteed Acid.mu Tread W1NJUt. SIZE 7r::• ~.u. sizk_~.;::_' ,. ... i . ,, . . For Bow Loqt 40 mOoths. What Sean Will Doi Io ochange for the t irr1 rqilace it, charging cu.rrmt rtgular aelling price plus Fcdenl EWJC Tu less the following aUow- 111K:c: Silent Goard klhnt-309& All 4 Wlieeh Only 2 ·9sa .lllAnaericao •ttd Votru. -·Con • •Chrysler Products haviag 6 wheel cylinders and cars with disc brakes.slightly higher. Any ncceuary additional parts and labor naibbi< 11 Scan low, low price. Standard Mufflers INSTALLED ' 9~~ Fit• lhe Fol~ Ctu1: , • '62 to '67 Chevy JI, CbeTelJe • •61 to '66 Dodge, V1li1nt. '62 to '6S Do~ Plymouth • '60 to '63 Falcon, Comet. '60 to '65 Ford • '61 to '64 Pontiac • '61 to 'M Men;ury Don't gamble your life with a leaky muffler ••• the deadly, odotlcss gas from a worn-out muffier is even more dan,gerous during the winter whco you drive with your windows closed. Come to Scars for a FREE muffler inspection. Sears Hrui Mufflers for Your Car! NO MONEY DOWN on Sean Easy Payment Plan . . . ~ ' 1·69~~ Rri,,.lnr '199.95 • Oon•t s·uffer thi11ummer, ~ pn:p~d with this fine 1uto unit • Tbermoist1t 1uiom1tic11Jy Jn1im1in1 the tempenture you aeleet • Thn:e.peed 1ir..flow control and two 4-w.s adjuatable louven for perfect draft.free 1ir circulation • Handsome chrome-plated front panel -<T- C.Ol ... Saye an additional l20 on Re~l1r $50 intt1ll .. lion. During: thia Sale ohlr S30 with 1hi1 Coupon. • " ....... a.. ..... -..... """-... ' --~ ... ~.-:,:,-:,:-~-----------------------._ __________________ .. , -, aMOMf'Q).JfU .._tiatf9'.f.Cllll N»'#fMlU ~A~tu«lll ~-tnP ,. I ::::::!::6:. .. $7,, ~~·'!'!'.Q.f.oNlt «'lllMC•ODANlllmt POMOHA8>2-ll .. MAM1ft,"-!~ lolH!AlilelfCADIU7'11 """"'°"""'·""'"' I • .o; ~ ....-roo• .. I CIUHOI '37-l10ll UHTl AWA 1C1 1_,271 110W1t'04Sf11..1.ZA uo.l3SI 'lllWOMf l'l .. 1,11 i .UJ\IN.'660'11 . . MUW000011421 -· ~MJ1..i:r1\oaf.ut 1 .._. ~J«l)..1,1 1 ___ I '-----------------------~---------------------' "SatilfadioRGu•CdtlclwYowMone,lock" -.,...-,... sa..,1 ....... w;;;._.i. Sofwdl.r NDA.M. ...... ,.M. I ' ...__._.......__~~~----...._\' ----~~-~-----~---l ______ ----·---~\ _ __ --'----1-j ---' I I I . I I ' i: ' I I I I ' . . • \ ·-··-· ' • "Once _t lacwry; · knows h ·r.ight aga Granted, to vels of mechariiC: continuing trainins prog · anics of the authorized new I ,,,.,.,.,, Aprll ,,, 1'169 . ' as- ed below are more than caeable 0 ~-~· ' our I car O needs 1 routine preventive enance qr . major ·repair work, the autli~ ' these engines. Using the. most modern au motive testing af!d repair equipmenf, their se~~ orizdd new car l:lealers listed here are anx-. ATLAS CHRYSLER•PLYMOUTH 2929 H1rbor Blwd., Costa M•••• 546-ltJ.4 • UNIYiRSITY OLDSMOllLE · 2150 .H11ber .llvd., Corio M111, 540-9640 . THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbot ll~d., Co1t1 M111, 642-001'0 • COlill'tl,ELL CHEVROLET 2121 Hor\~ llvd~ Co1t1 Mo11, 546-1200 DWf,iLiWIS '. IM'ORTS 1966 Horbor'llvd., Cot11 Mri1, ~6-tlOJ ... ' . MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Herbor l lvd., Coste Mesa, '40-9100 .. I • ... ' .. L ~ ious to offer tlleir~ quality service. POOLE IUICK ZIMMERMAN DATSUN 2l4 E. 17th St., Co•I• Moi1, 541-11U • 2145 Harbor llvd., C~1t1 M,ett!1 ~6410 . . DOT DATSU.N . JOHNSON I $ON UNCOLN·M~CURY 2626 Harhor lfw4., 'C.1t1 M1s11 M0.5(1JO . ; . . . ' ' 111)5 Beach Blvd., Huntln9ton'l '11oh, 540-04-tl • llLL MAXEY TOJOTA • RAY VINis CHRYSLEll.PL YMOUTH 4201 Wiiiow, Lon9' BHch, 54l-U6l . ; 11811 IHch l!vl., Hunltn1t1n 1.._ch, 147-1555 . NEWPORT IMPORTS CHICK IVERSON VOLKSWAGEN llOO W. C..11 Hwy.,.Newport loocho'M2·9405 445 E. Co11t Hwy., N1wport. 811ch, ~73-0900 -. GROTH CHEYROLET , ·DUNTON FORD 11211 loech ... 4',.Hlfftjl..,..11¥.h, Cl .t4Jll _ .••• ;...: •. · ,. ' ' 224b'S. 1in 'st.; Soni• Ano, 146-7070 • • ' ..... t • '' ~ _). ___ .]_. ,, ,·i~' ·l::l,"1\1'•f ,·. ... ,~' l ''" ~ . ' . " IELMOlll: ~TOH ,_,: .. ;• ' ' I :,.:. ... I;· ;J •• SPORTSCU. c;El(JIR. INC. 1 SJOO hoch llvd., Wo""'lnttor, 19l-lJ22 1 • ' 2UJ Horb°' ll•d., Cosio l.4011, ~91 I r ,. • ' L_ . · , • DAILY "LIT .F j • ' • • -• ... • ' • . . • ' ' • . . . ' . . . . .. -• . . ' ... .. . , . l j .. r I I f 1 • ~l>ISCOVERY -Kirk Dou glas, above, dbcovers 111•1 . .. : Burt Lancaster is pl~ to take over Uit. lovttn-. : inent' as chairman ol the Joint Cbiefl 41 lfatt\' too ~1~ 'night on Channel 2 at 9 p.m ., in the :rnoUan ·p1ciurt .:"Seven Days in May." Others in cast ·U. Pndttlc ~ !\1arch, Ava Gardner and Martin .Ba1"1ft; TELEVISION VIEWS Heroic Ship's Story Aired By TERRENCE O'PLAHERTY l'{o ship in the whole \1 our 171 years ol naval history ever took a worse beating in battle than th• USS Franklin -and survived. Twenty-four )'tlfl ago this month two bombs from a Japanese Kami• kaze pilot, flying too low for radar detectioD, ~td %24 men and wounded 265 -almost half of the sll!p'I eornpany. In moments she was a floating inferno put somehow the ship managed to come home and iler crew became the most decorated in the hls19ry Of lvarfare at sea. ~ " . . . . · SUNl>AY EVENING tbe NB~n~~al Projeou :Oepartrnent will recreate the F . 's story in a }>lazing documentary titled "The Ship That Wouldn't Die." I spent an aftepioon ·here ·at NBC with the show's producer4irector, Robert Garthwaite, who 101d me: . .~ "Just by chance the survival of the Franklin is :the most completely filmed incident in the Pacific '.J'&r. A Navy photograP.hic crew whieh included some of the gteatest civilian C~eramen in the film business -had been assigned to the ship a few days before she -was hit to record the performance of ·''Nny Tim' -which bad no relation to tile current ent.ertairler, I hasten to expl~ It was a new rocket _ 'vh1ch was-attached to-the wirigs of.-fighter planes. .. ' "AbSING~E Japanese bomber sneaked under a clou.d ank and provided the cameras with a per-· lormance they hadn't ·dreaml)d ul by dropping two . 500-pound bombs -one of which fell into an ele- : Vator shaft. The planes aboard were gassed-up and : armed for a strike. Thousailds ul the 3-loot-long 'Tiny Tims' exploded like a string of firecrackers." .. • . I. ' : Garthwaite had little troublt J.ounding up surp : v:ivors because they still keep in touch. They all conp sider March 19, 1945, to be their second birthday -.a day they were reborn after certain death. Gene Kelly, a fonner sailor, narrates. MuCh of the back- ground information is from a recent article on the Franklin in American Heritage magazine. AFTER A 40-l>AY VOYAGE -Ulithi to Pearl .lfarbor to P anama to New York -the Franklin : began repairs which were still unfinished when the . 'var ended. Today she is rusting up-river at Mill Dam Creek, Vi rgi nia. As a final note of irony, she \viii soo n be broken up for scrap metal -some of :~vhich is destined for Japan. -. :· • • ~ It is an appropriate time to do this show because never before.have our young people challenged the wisdom of v.·ar so forcefully or succes&fully. The story of the Franklin is not a pro-war story. I doubt if anyone who fought on the Franklin or who sees this extraordinary documentary could ever advocate \var. It is a story of heroism and the comradeship \vhich causes men to risk their lives to save others. THE STORY of the Franklin and its war has little relation to the questionable conflict in Vietnam except in terms of futility and heartbreak, but it roay explain to "those under 30" what happened to ;another generation of young Americans -just their ·Clf!:e and just as unhappy at the prospect of war - -:.when their country was attacked from the outside.~ :ro anyone with any sensitivity it is certain to re- ~ffirm a feeling of national pride. (Ceprrlghl Chronltte P1,1bllsll1ng Co. lNtl •• Den11is the /ffennee • ' f l J l -. -, - ·---... ' TUMILEWllDS MUTI AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH MA'-L!li fil.1,~oN (..f<.Til/lef 10 P.\-1 ON }lvMAIJ RELll710fif -ANO 50 MOor OF us SP!!NO ouic· U\11!5 SfARCHINl>.FOR OUR 1Dl!H!l1Y. IT I!> VEfl.Y IMPOICl'ANT TO KNOW WHO AND WHAT we AJtE, .. . . . J _..._....._ ________ ,:.___ --~""-~-- 1, "el'old Le Den ly Tom K. Ry•n I HIS HEART I I ALWA'll TllE DEAR BOV WOULP RM lll\V j By Al Smith By' Gus Arriola By MeU i I I I j .... - .• """ -(C) l:Jll D me Rs111 lief (C) (iO) ti I "" ..., (IO) QI-ton.-Mn. ... (C) (ll) . ..... "',_..., (30) ~ lffll ... rbl.. Two.._,. 1111rid aptrb 4bcd: ... liu;lfll h.oib of tlM Ufld•·25 .,.00,. titlith msllu up •lllWlll 'hid fl U.. United Slltes -- 1"" .... --(C) (30) filttf Cn>Mftt. ' a..._ If Mft1 (Cl (30) Wally iNljii"iitb. 9'!0 II ID 00 II! -(C) (10I ••Jwtnllr-011·35." s,t. Frldft' ttl Officer Ga11na11 surth for tht llitlh- er of 1 four·dq-old blbJ founl d.~ •. 4'0) Allen ludden i11 1 Irish tin. llliif, • 0-.!Cl (30) Tod ....... 1 .. -. (30) ""'"" • 11!1 .......... " -(C) (lGJ F'*'iek NDlld llow It rettl ind ~ tw "'''" 1....,BD@Bl.., """. tc! ilJ. Ht adds 1 (SO} Dtln's fU'$b 1rt lldktlttl .... -.. -Wnl a:trlli& to the Lindon, Dom Otluls1. Thi 1Clf1 ......... Not Dorir. ,Bobbi lld1rtin. stu Cil· .. . ~ li•m ft WiR Jonlan. flw -· (C) • • -(C) (IO) ,. ....... h+ ,, ••••• (C) ............... CC) (9') • -· -(30) " • "' ""' -(C) !'ft) • T1lutt llllt (ld) Hal ...... t111I IOcilit 1t •l!lt Si!lf!M f1tfll 'Thi 80)'S 11'1 1111 Bind" by MOit Crowley. .., lldlrint IDP-!IT...r (C) D QI (t) llll ".W -(Cl (lb) "A Man Before His. T1111t." ~ Ofllllan boy nenicn th• 1111111!1 ff ~ia ttiitvint flttltf bJ "":i"I 10:30 0 Merit: "I T"' ;,... II IMl· t11 _•liftide11t'" fs ~ Nfl • '11!" (dr11111) '45-0Drvthy llc&!lk .. siblt. Ronny Kfwl~ '°' Wtrr' Joa• Blondlll. Vlfillln 111~ GI Ht..l•/I• (Cl •i... • -(C) (>6) llilll TM --(C) (IOI ~~~ ___ """ "" ~) •Would You Olarcl IUl'.O?" llldl· ~ lliD' ,,.. '" 1rd Gooilwin, RoMrt Mtrit, llpr uslnt ~ t11t Dolt111." Cat· Fisher Ind L)'lllall Kirbttricl lf!s-Rtmlftz'i PoOt nlltlOftt move 111 "' hirn 1s • mwtt ti 1 '°"'. .. cuss the ~·· [ icltl6nl pp. In 1 i1U"1 to llllt!I 8a CG Sil tBdl!'tl alrfl'rilnd, Cartos dom1 Hattn II Silt« Btrtrillt SUaf'Sb I Wlf .--0 U -m - --ill Cln help his retatl¥ts llvln1 on 11ow Uil !Kl '"' 1 ne1rby island. Thlnkil'I( lit h•! II Alfm1 Hftdact: •llMllll. tht nu1 ilwlt• his I.Jr, m Lin Cilll (CJ coanlM ti ll'IO¥t 11111 til house in S.n T1nce. • Cl Millill $ MIN: (C) "East If a." (drll'lll) '55-Jeln• Dean, Julie Katrll, Rtymolllf Mmey. m"""'"""~"'­«nim•> 'sr-fr1nk LonjGJ', Klett Bra.wile. m -,_ ~ .. """" <CJ 18 Tnlll w c a11111• <C> (30) 11:20 II a {I)._ (C) m ""' •-<!Ol , ·-··-(301 D !ft (j) 111 n.t I~ (C) (30) "fli~l.Jtd; and tht Mi&hty." Be· fDrl 4olnc 111 1irllnl com1111rtl1I, Ann ~·• to mtkl 1 flltht 1s 1n 1%:15 CJ...,..: "&apt F• ._. 1cti111 strw1rdlll iboard a Mi1mi· {drtmt}-Jeen CMnier. bound pllnt. Ann's ftJll• It wor· rill •Mlit tht ..-rblHtJ If I hi· )ael, 11111 Ann notict1. attv lllltott. 12:30 m ~ Tkltrt: "Missilll II thlt 0nt Jlllllllll' hn 1 p . (R) Moroceo .. m-<Cl<'°> 11otimME MOVIES f:OO 11: .... I ..... (CMtlfy) • It llalr, CtlJ' Gnnt. t :lO 11 "llJ!oot" ·(dromol ·u -"' liiiitM, at.-itl ODibtlt. · CJ CO • 1111 Will hW' (lfr•· "'') ·15 -lic:Mrf T* ··- 0 C...•itJ ..... ~ CC) mr ... "' ,_ 0ar IQ l :JO IJ Wt: ~ fH ... IMl" , .. Im) 'S&-llril• Donltvr. mn_,..., m Jtftilr llMtnr. ''Drums.. iz,» m -""11"" <-> ,., ----............ (td'vtfttllN) '47--Ri:leert hlt!'-1 2.1111111......, .... (~llY) ~'54 -Joh11 lrt111d, DorottrJ M11o11.: . '' ' 2.ill &:J(t)""' -~ .. Wi " fatilM" (dr11111) 'SZ -6llilrt "1111nd, Shtt1J llcUoll. t 4:Dl IJ (C) "11lt lllndt• (lf,.ma)l'U -canon a.ur, .... Moon, 111- lol S""" e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS 0111Uty Printing •1d D1,1111d1~l1 S11"1'ic• fer MON th111 • Q111tf1r 1f • C.11h1ry. 2111 WIST IALIOA IL'9 • wnnon IUCM ' I • .2 SC IJg•t Opera Cest ·Overcomes Probkms With Fine 'South Pacific' B,-TOM 'ITl'1JI ..... "'rt• .... "IOUTM ,ACl,IC" ... _)CllJ lly llod9tni ...., ... fl'lmtr- stelll, ·~ "" JOhll ~. rnu-alal tlt....ctw e-C...r, ~ noilft'I' W L't'flns Morrlt. tKtmlal llllNdor Clltl' a.Dr. cmll.lmn ~y ~ Mermen. ,,_ -P"etty lrcdlrick. ._.... llw .. Seultl Coett lleht Qloer1· APOC:letklll .._ "'"" "'""""" ....... ., ., .. hn c~ '\l1111 so.o.i Tr1i. eeoi.r. THI CAST Neille '"tfbulfl ........... Mery Sulllven Emili. De 1M<o11111 .••••. Dennls Dollllmer ll. J-'I Calli. ..•.•• llobert ... ,,. ...... Lllhr 111111, ............ Tony lrendt lloadf Mary ............... Wlnnll ll•• llet ....••....•....•. Gl'ICe IEtdtlberrlto c_..111 l r-.dtltt ......... Cllortc: F1r .. 11 C .... Her1tlson .•.•••••..•• Mike Flood ~ ................. .JOI o.I llOIM ,.,.,,.. ............ _ •. ll•l'lllll" ... ,..,.., ll. IUD ~ .............. 1111 G,_ ROTUND RIOT Tony·. Brandt • Hal all"!> I> hardly ob- jectionable, but the bl<ln<l•• really should have remained backstage. And the lact of a spolligbt -even one as crude u that Uled in SCLOA'a "Oklah<rna0 -ia another ma- jor dellcieocy. "DAME" BEST Musically, the llhow is ade- quate, if unimaciJ>ative, with the "Nothing l.Jke a Damr.'1 number about the best of the bunch. But whoever planted the huge harp between the ltage and the left side of the audience should be forcf'd to sit behind it through all five performances. 'Sun' Group Due Sunday At Knott's New Films Serve As Video Pilots Cy JEllRY BUCK Ti"7 ¢ an """"'""° and N c:rllical ruction to a new -EW YORK (AP) -Tbe before It Is oomml"., fo movie as 1 -11"' !a an idea ·~ Illa! bu ..:;;; I~ a terles productioo . w0<kout"' television lately. More Important, lhe <Gil GI SUch new "'°"' aa ABC'• a pilot can vtrtually be written • "MN'C\IS Welby, M.D.," NBC's off. The cost of 1 ball~ "'lb•• cam. Btooloo" aod _pilot bu -climbed lo two '°""""°' ., the uir...porl '"13oo,ooo and an hour pilot 1o 11lold Oacs" were lhown as as macb at '600,0IXt. movies. CBS' ' ' M e di c a I A ~ movie aerviAC ~" will be seen u 1 as a pilot runs to about $1 movie called "UMC" 00 April million, but most of that ean 17•. be recovered from the ed- TW t'OOCep(. has advantages vertislng revenues of two 1or ~ the viewer and the showings before lhe series The "California_ Sun, .. five networks. begins. In addlUon, the movie !IOUna:, performers fr o m From an audience sand-can be distributed to theaters Orange County, will make point, the viewers see a new overseas. ·their. third appearance at movie and• aet a sneak The movie filmed u a pilot Knott'& Berry .Farm's Festival preview ol. a new aeries. • runs the rlat of cu:ning out of Sounds talent comptliUOn The advantages to the all something lesl than • Sunday at 1,30 p.m. ·-;;;-=="="'=·==-==·=hie=. =mo=""'=·,:•="""'=·="'=· ==== To the accompaniment orr guitars, bass guitar 1 n d drums, the group performs popular and original tunes. "Shakes the audience with _ viollnt energ11 • , . assault.t the sen.se.s.n· lA TURISTA L.A .. Timt.s ...... _. 1 M9f'9 w..in. -'"""· "'"' SM. t:• , ... -THlllO STl!P TH•ATlllE -'66-UU 1121 tl""'911 ll'Wtl .. ~-~ n...dlr, A"'11 J, 1969 SHOW TIMIS- "SMITH"-1Z:JM-7:J~lf:lf "'NCllDllLIE JOUINlr'-J::ZJ;l :ll-t;JI " ·! • • It. .... ..,.tor ......... JOhrt l'*rldl: ...n.d around the ofhen lo c<me up__,,qth a fmitiled pro- duct whiCh, if not outwardly . brilliant, reflects an inner glow of pride and satisfaction manding voice ol Dennils Dalsimer, it is a pri1.t package. Dalsimer as Emile De &Que lends the show a diinified bearin«, though his Frmcb accent is qot: always credible, .and :rows measurably as the show pro. gr..,... Still "South Pacific" scores well because of a dedicated company which performs with obvious delight and sidesteps some cxaspcrating production problems. It b well worth watchinc just to appreciate the pcrserverence ol those onstage. '1bree more performances of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical classic will b e preacnted -at I p.m. instead d.. h tradit.imal 1:30 -in the Triton Center of San Clemente Hlgh School, on Pico Awnue df the ·san Diego Members of the "California SWl'' quintet include vocalist Kathy Esqueda of C-Osta Mesa, guitarists Ron Pezzopane and James Grinstead of Garden Grove, and Doug Anderson rrom Westminster, all under the direction of singer -1~~~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~I drummer Frank· Cota, Garden Grove. . --·· that the show, indeed, did go ()ft. ·~ Balancinc its technt cal deficits is a particularly ..... , cut, performing 11 • ........... pace under John Fenacca'1 directorial whip. Even the muaical numbers have been given a boos,t in l<mpo, with ~ kept lo a mJnimum. TIGHT PRODIJCflON Ualng ..,..i -"' 11C<f>«1 and blue pencilling unimportant bus.inels, Fuzac-- ca ha mounted ID unusually tight productiOO. Moot im- praslve in bis at.aging is tbe use ol the tabJeau which com- pensates in geot:ral for the d<llclenci .. In lighting effects. But the key to the whole show is its Nellie Forbush, and here -with only two weeU of rehearsal -is a glittering gem in t h c penonage of Mary Sullivan. ~.-Sulliv111 deftwn: a spltn- ·< did -. abeUed by an exctlleot V<ic:t, and cm:Te)'I. the eonf a1ed )QDll ...... from Littl• Rock with verve and lincerlty -the footliibtl. Matched with the com- Robert Andersen, fresh from a bout with mmoouclcosis, shawl nary a lrign d.. strain in a fine perf<rmance all Lieutenant Cable. Anotbu 1'1< rePlacement, Wimie R a e , portrays the island barrldan Bloody Mary with joyous gu_sto. CREATIVE COMIC But it is Tony Brandt, .a rotund riot as Sea.bee Luthtr Billis, who mJJy brina> the San Clemente howe down .around the ears. B r a n d t utilhes bis creative comJe gift to the fullest, especially in the first .ct, tossing off ad lib barbs and setting the pace for the show itself. Brandt hes ·a pair of e:1- cellent foils' in Joe Del Rosso and Randall Harman, while Clark Farrell and Klk• Flood acquit ·therme!.vei well as the island brass. And lf-year-old Grace Etchebmia is a lov11.ble Liat, even if she does show up in slacks. Productionwise, ' ' S o u t h Pacific" bas a ftl(ft' dHficult time llaying aflooL It I> <er· talnly the lint veniao cl the show in this viewer's CI· perience where Nellie'a sham- poo en st.ace was faked, for example. Doubling the ...-... aa Ball Crossword Puzzle ACl'.OSS 1 1'1rt or a whi p ' Righteous 10 lor11 out ~· 14 l'u111lct sour ct l' V1cattd a ch1 lr Iii Top drawee 2 words 47 Spartan 5trf 49 Kind of p1 in ling SO E11clud ln9 bre 111d l1et 52 Subst1n- li%iin g assur111ce 54 Ship's rope 51 Enfold 57 Ar1bia11 garment The FesUval or Sounds is ~•• CDMT *"'•"' ~m 11. held every weekend in the , old Ghost Town Wagon Camp. ' ~ The programs are intended to l,"!!;!2!!:!~!!!!!!!!!!!..!•!.!!!!!!!!!'~11 ~ provide competitive op-MGM~llZlfPflllt.WV-20000,-AM1LvsHowi grOUPJ performing in all fields -PLUS-- of entertainment. / "fANTASTIC YOYA•r Fretway. ••• + • • •••••••••• •• COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. * NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 CONTINUOUS DAILY portunity for individuals and II ~ [ ''ANG ... IHLor"0:j'PO"cur· .:;. ~ I wttll STl!Plll!tl IOYD l!J c:.t..__ ww.-n.rw. .. rt...sat..S.. Students Stage Own -~,, =' IFF-~·,·~·.M.~~11 L'11 GAAJ~lR lA ~'[~~r,"r: "SAM WHISKEY Works at Fullerton • With the constant cry today -will stage both works. from television, motion pie-Director Keith Laing will tum and the theater, "Where present a highly satirical are the new playwrijhts!" the farce , "Temple or th e Cal State Fullerton drama Dioscur ," for the ~fay s department is instituting a session. Written by Denis five-:part series of staged Whitaker, t~s C1lmedy takes readings and I i m i t e d a most unconventional look worksho~type productions of at life in ancient Greece. a group of new plays written Another play by student by CSCF student!. author Douglas Momary will To be presented on Mondays . ~ out the series on May at 1:30 p.m. ln Room 171 ~ u Sherill Senne stlges of. the Music-S~Drama "Almost We." · Building, the project I> under A full ICbedule of drama the direction of Dr. Alvin J. department's pruentationa Keller, associate profesaor of can be obtained by telephoning drama and h l m a e I f a the theater box office, 170- playwrigbL The public is iD-3371. vited to these readings, as,_----------- admiss.ion will be free and discussions with the directors and playwrights will follow the presentation ~ch evming. Opening the llf!ries on Aprfl '1, drama major Bonnie Dill- ingham will direct Douglu Momary's new play, "Fury or a Misty Dawn." This will be foI)owed on April 21 hv John O'Brien's "Dinosaura-.ir' directed by Jon Lang. The presentation on AprJI 28 will coiuist of two new one-act plays, "1.one of Quiet" by Lowell Wendt a n d "Everything that ruses MU!t Converge" by R ob e rt Langhans. An unusual brother PACIFIC ~_J ~ Di"'-J T .... 11-c.i.r '"Swfu futft,. l•W .... " Fred M1cMurr1y-COlor "De Hepp'-st Mllll .. •lre'" -I HUNTINGTON •&,,CH• 8°"7-eM MATINEES ONLY MON. J /11 Fii. 4/4 TUES. 4/1 SAT. 4/5 wn. 4/1 SUN. f /6 TMUL 4/) DOORS OPEN I :00 p,.,_ SHOW STARTS 1'30" SHOW OVER AT 4,30 ~"""""" "'i""!lili tTll/;' HELD OVER FOR THE FAMILY ··------ALSO ~ CONTINUOUS SHOW FRI., SAT., SUN. FROM 2 P.M. -~ i SID'E ~a.JllN : i AS '0011111 ' · I 8 ...;. .. ..,;,.;..,1~rl!il _____ • · . Plut In CQlor "SAlUTE TI> TAtl SHIPS!'. . THEATRE IWllOR ot ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE" S46'3HIZ POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY~ . . "DAZZUN&! Onc.e yoti soo i~ you'll never. again picture , 'Romeo & Juliet' quite the way you did before!" -U~ ~-,_.. hu.oob.maiw -"Roo:o oB'JUUEf • • 17 Dene's compa nion 11 J, Ca rtier's l1nd lng pl•ce •O Do the broad jump 112 Btu mt 1111n lft sl '5 Beaverbrool:, for one 4/l/119 and sister team of drama m• '-Tl '.'' <... ", PAULO ACADEMY NOMINEE CLIFF ROBERTSON •• t• Form al 1114 pr1etse 20 l 1uolt 11 With conftmpt 22 Ge rma n !!ti t 24 Bribe 25 "· -·· to l'.e11tmbff"; Z WOtds 27 Of a geo- logic ptrlod 21 Rickets 3Z Homlcli:lt rtpcrl • 1bbreYi1tlon ,.., ll Utrillo's for(• 34 H/\~r's follower• 36 Ch teky 40 C1111,e out ...... 42 Fr. 'p1rli1· 111entary .. ,, 44 17•7 Montret i ·-' 45 Tree ··11 lr"t--t--t- •1 Muscu lar strength 5 Bri!fit retl 35 Hlldgtpodgt ~~jors=·='=Joe==an=d=M=ar:i§a:Bl~a~nd~, dytstuffs 37 Clt1r from ' Dani sh b ramt 119 Kind of earth 70 Kind of sled 71" On Utt up ind up 7Z Stir In Preseu s 73 Soil slow ly 74 Oel!ghllut plact s 75 Thrt1d: Comb, fom1 OOfN 1 One who is gross and stupid 2 Conmtda- tory Ctlllqut 3 H1111•ed it UP. 4 Ci vii division or loulsia11a tr Quebe c money of 11 ·cook ing 1ccount •P?aratus 7 --Hashana: llJ SacrH Jtwish 41 Rtfust hol!day 4) Raging I 'lllllow floods 9 looktd 1t .tfi; Trut evill y 41 Public 10 Hit with a vthiclt ll lackJ1ck 51 Opposit e 11 Clydtsdile, of bass 12 i ·3ible bulb 53 M~\slng l l Arizon1 , 5~ Mtttlna co111111unlty pl1cts 21 Kill: 2 words 55 111 Ute Zl Hit the ·-· vic inity 211 City on 56 Big ih.t Nile 57 Ch1lltn11e4 21 St1icltudt ill Club 2• l'ro ··--t rt PloYt• 30 S11d ii) Forblddlnt cttverln11 ,4 Nmda )1 Solid e•1111unity , resillent "6o • ... ••irit· streng~ '8 C:.1in r-i: ........ ...,,..-.-• ''BREATHTAKING! SWEEPING AllD-EXCITllG. .. """ - • • ilf' . """ .. lhlitni.mt ----·-............... ... ___ .... ,.... .......... ai.t ru111 liltlllP .......... W•ll 01..-, ,,_,. !Q,.COlOll-G1enn Forti •1 "SMITH'" -... -' M7..1H1 l'AMILT "UNI , . lfi COlOll-ff•t1ri. W- "W .... S~ ,..,,.. COl Oll-l11Clli. 11n 111 '"YHn., MhM AN Oen"' I ._ ....... _. I siw.~1t '"IULLl11" 'hll ill COl.Olt ''VP THI MAC •tMOU" --·-- THI l'OIGNAl'r(T, INCREDllLE STOIY OF A MAN WHOSE TWO WOJW>$ COWD!I ··cHA~LY' CUFF ROBERTSON Cl.AIRt BLOOM ALSO OSUI WllNR-MllU HlllS "INTERLUDE" TWs ........ '" wlll ... ...., ................... rlweo ti-. Aili ........ ._ .IAMll •AIJllR-...IOAN KACDn-WAL111 •twe -.ALSO PUTI---M = ENDS TUES. lllllK DllUIUll 1'11111 IDIClnl IUWl!JICll c)lf l.lnmV ll/IWTll /111' -. r--a-l-1--)llot-~-lli-.MinK_!.$_~= ~·. ~'ITIC .'• . • »JtAilCl.·MllGQ:Ml'Jt· ..... ~ CD!!] • " Allio In Technicolor ~. "S1lute To Tell Ships" •. CooUnuous Dally 'UJUDT' SPICIAL P.T.A. IATVIMY MAnN ...... lltH f.M. "I WIS IM A IAL&oor .u ._ .... .. • I. t • • • ! I ' ... ·' ' ..................... "b=*====~====-==='--------------~ • • I 8 IM.YPILlf ~· THE BEST :·: ..... ,, ,.,, . ..,.... .. , .......... It ... ef ..... ,, •• , N •• ~ ... D'A.tv1'.i'JT~· • • \ VPIT ...... ' 1eemecl ~ m the Los Angel81 lkytine. Build- ing in beck Cd Ille rig Is the Music Center and to tile left of 1he p[iolo can be 1een the tower of the City Hall. " Anti•s111oking New San Diego Drives Stresses Fact, Not Fancy 117 ROllEllT M. JllJBNB1T SAN DIEGO (AP) -An anti-campaiin which J&rlll!I fldl father than fW'I la livinl San Diego amotera new reason! for kick~ lnll the clill'etle habit. -by a •t million federal srant. the 0...yar ........, II deslpd to fmd out why people llDIOke and whit· an be dcme to make them stop, It's Ibo concmied with preventing youth from lattq up clpretles. The ~ pilot program fmpilas!Rs the hehavtocal "-'8 ol amoting. "1Ve'Ve tried negative om- d!UonJnc. the • .....,. approach, without 8111 l"flll sucteSS," uid Oiarles Allhafer, project ~ for Sm o-t-i-n c ""8eart!JSanl>ieto. llEAll SllllllON "Peopla don' lib to be told to quit. You <ID 811 I phone hoolh with the peopla who will come to bear a bitter hellnlllnc RUion on clpn~ t.s. N°" we II'<~ to appeal ta their inteWcence, •• he added. The ~ la that if 1111o1<en· can be helped to understand the reasons for their depeod ....... -· they have a better chance LEGAL NOTICE ol beinl able to quit. "I'/• -that -will find Ulta belia'ricnl -more rl. an lntelleeut1I challenge than the old • tell tham the ...._ fact.>' technique," aJd Altbafer. · Filca1 qent for the pro-mer lndlcated that 31 perm!! gram la !be San Diego Coonty ol them 111110ked, campu.d Medical Society, and other lo lhe national average of 42 health • Ce n.c 1e1 also percent, Althafer said. participal<o. Anotbet llll'V•Y of 2i 0 .. AGENCIES WOB . pe:nona made in January llA _ showed that 21 percent had The --II lied In wllh what PIYcbololll!I call the pbonomelloa ol rlat-laklq blbarior, or man's tandlocy to do thlnlll. -he mows are 1Wmfu1 to hlmseU. "We try to lhow smokers why they pertlat ln Ulta risky habit and Ulta helpo them to brtat It," Althlfer llid. The Americu Cancer SOclt; stopped 1111oking. A aimilar ty, the American H e • r t random sample tu.en na- A 1 I o c 1 ~ t 1 o n end the tfonally revealed that Gnly 10 Tu~ and He 1 l t ~ percent had stopped amoking. As.wcilticm. all wor~ the Inti-other factors include a J:moking m~ge mto lhelr reduction in the per capita reguler campaips. . consumption of clgan:ttes in Activi~ of the van~ California between 19$7 and groups range fnm e:lhlb1ts 1161. Part of this drop niay and taJb at IChoola to in-be due to an incrtaae in tht KEY TO APPIWACB dlvldual and ll'OllP ...-Jing tu on cigatttl.s durin( thi8 Key to the beliavlaral ap. ......,. with peno111 who period Althaler aaid. proach ii a amoten: selfp want to quit smotiq. A uni-' testinC tit which asb a que new coune oo dprette NO DETERMINATION number ol queation.! 00 such smotin& and health bu been He emphuiied that no -~ ii desire to cbanJ:e, approved for the San Diego definite detennination can be -toward the effects ol junior eolleg... made on the ,...... ol the mnoklnl ~ the r--1-The San Diep prolflm, on• project untD tt ends In lt71. ~ --VO • or two In u. natJon, ii tied "We'll make • com· omolj'll In with the NatiGnal Clear-prehenalve ourvey then to • The """' m Ulta qula b lnlhoose on Smoklq and d•lmnlne U cigarotte con- interpnted hJ the-"·.,.. Health ol the U.S. Public sumptlon has dropped. If it mg put 1 of the ~~:_i , __ , Health Service. The other pro-has, we'll find out which !'our vo1Wlteer CUlllllU5&00S jed is Jn Syracuse, N.Y. methods worked the best and reinlorce the efforts of the hopefully use them program. Groupe duling with SOME EFFEt"I' ellewh•re " he said youth, adults, heaJth pro-Thtre is evidence that the "We're 'out to aa~e lives " ftllionala and the mm med.ii Joell campaip 11 having aome Althafer laid, poh!Unc to '1 carry out comm.unity-wide ac-. effect. desk sign which ttads· livltles aimed at reducinl A IUrYtY o1 5,300 San Di•&• "The flJl1!ly that ·smokes clprelte 111e. ci\y employes made 1ut aum· together cn>W topther." Sert. M usk.ie Travels Paying Off for 1972 WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Edmund S. Muskie's wide- ranging polttlcal 1r1 .. 1s have paid olf will! I hllnud of lpeakin& invltalkllll and aides aay "he hu to be Mtn •r- lou&ly" u poll!ble 1'12 Jl"'• ldenllal <IDdldll<o. . By the end of. April, an aide tald, the Maine Democrat who wu his party's 1911 vice pres- idential nominee, will have made IO speoches In :rl states this year, an 1veraae of. ane • ...,. two days. H• has a1loo modi speeches In Japan, Brltolo ood Canoda and is tolldly -into June. Musklt~bis travels _, he b .... ald!r1ll$ trylnc lllo ...... kkncy -,..... from -· "At 1eut," one Muskie aide said, "Democratic ludtn In TT states knO'lll' there ts an allernaUve for 1'12 il he de-cides to run.,, By .-, his efforts -Waaldnstoo. the 1tna· I« is lollo!rlna the routa dial led John F. KenneclJ and Rid!ud M. Nlftn to Jl"'lden· Ual nominations in lteO and Illa. thrOUCb April 21 bicludel two collap campllft<, Brown and v.-u1; t .. o Jeff.....,. Jacbon Democntic dinners In Boise, Idaho, and Salt Laite (ltyj ID 0rqon dinner to help poy oil the campaign debt d defeated senatorial candfdlte Jt o b e r t Duncan; piua two ocher ~" in Oeveland and two m Houston, Tuu. ENJOYED CHANCE Muskie bu -he enjoyed h!a -to do Dllloaal tam· palgnlnc In 11161 .... !hot his pr.eot effortl are a naturaJ reoult ol this. "lie had to do this," the aide said, "un1ea he wanted lo ,. hack lo Jori bein( a tenatcr from Maine." While Mu:H:le has been on the l!llmp, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, regarded as the Democ:rlts' No. 1 potential im candldlte, has tieen busy ltomlng the nipes .. his party's Senate whip. Keonedy II about to ftt1D11 to the banque( cin:uil after -moo!Mcoollnement to tho s..ai., but -deny any lnt81tion to ...,,pe1e with M"'1de. n.ooo GROWS "If he wve trylnl to C<Jm· The flood ol ~ il!Vlta· pote wllh Muskie "' !hat ----aald. ''bU .... -ho wwld do • lot -IJ lnr:nMlmc'' In l'O' _..," Aid I KaonoclJ aide --lo--a .-111e-. day, , Anolber -tlal candidate If-had ~ to at... for the 1171 Democnt1c ncm- hil = --tnatloo, fornw VloePraaldenl the ~I -re-llllblrtH.llum!>llnty, allOhas -thb -. But die -top! hil -w ... the poll>-aald ..... pa. lo looep at ii, lJc la -monthl. Into ,,.. ........ thara'• .. l!\lillPIH7, dofoatad iao( fail lltlle fll'll •in C...,-." far Iha ~7. haupobn Afllt _a~ In Naw • ......i dllM In oppcilttlon Yort, Cllcaro and Safllbary, to Iha m--intstration's Md., this -t. he plw to mlallo def-system. And tlb 1 W'lfk off to bt wttb hll hll tc?ecfult nut month in- lamlJy, nsum1nr IJlftChes c1udll ...,,. purely poUUcal nen w-, at a dinner a-. in Cloveland In honor of 1bo Ht hol said he intcncla to 1;111•1 Negro .,_, Ca r I stay active In n1uonal party Stobt. affail'I il1 order lo roalore n.. rm ol his sch<dult unl13' .....,. the Democr1u. Intelligence Tests Made With_ Rats LOS ANGELES -Unbom r1t.s 'Whose number -Is artlflcf1lly limited h 1 v e significantly more brain cells at birth. E>:perimenu by Dr. St<opllen 1.amenhof ind Edith Van Marthens of the U C LA 1'fedical SchooJ hive suggested UliJ. The research wu sup. ported by the 'N1ttonat Institutes ol Health and the Amert~111. Cancer Society. The uterus ol ~I rats WU altered llll'p:ally IO that they give birth to only half the number in the normal Utter, and presumably the nutrient supply to the litter WU substantially incftased. Offspring of t h • ... perimentll rats were found to have slptlficanUy larft7 amounts of brain DNA than monnat. • reflection of the number of brain c e 111 (neurons) 1t birth. Tb e number of neurons becomu fixed at birth, thou,i. the num- ber of aupportive c e 11 a (neurogli1) may Iner e 11 e 1fter birth. Jncreued numbera of brain ce11s were riot found in natunlly occurrtn1 small ltt- tm, only tn the artiflcially Umited ones. One in- terpft!atloo ol this la that IOIDt natural procea may 11 m I t pmuital nourishment according to litter sll.e. Thia process WU c:hanied tn the turalc11ly alte:IW rats. Previous upertments hlft lndlc•ted that rutrtcUoo (If proteins In the diet o1 !be mothtr before and during pregnaney mulled In • decrease in the number of bratn cells ol offllJlinr. Thua prenallll nourilhmeT\t appears to play an Important role In evtnlual i.ntelll,tnee a n d hellavlor of ollsprlnf. I • NOW! NEW! PILOT PENNY PINCHER • CIXSSIFIED. ~DS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES s1.oo • ANY ITEM $ ·OR LESS e IACH lnM MUST II PRICID e .... ·-°""' $111 .... c-rdal ,._ • e No Copy Ch.._ e No AW....1-e START MAKING MONEY NOW! CALL 641'-5678 ASK FOR YOUR DAILY PILOT AD-VISOR ~ND YOU MAY CHARGE IT! / ' • f!OUllS '01t SALi HOUSIS ,Olt SALE HOUSIS P'Oll SALi -1iH.:.:OU=l=IS:..l':.;Olt::;z.;SA::;.;.:~:;::l_.;;HOU=S:.:l;.::S:;:',::O.:.:lt:;:SA=Ll=--1"0USES FOR SAl:I HOUSIS l'Olt SALi ~I 10000.-11 1000. o.n.rat 1000 0-..I !!! Oononl , 1000 Ceo1t MIN 11o0 Na•;..t•~.l~""-~~~~1~=;;?;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ .. ~---~iiii I :.,~ 1-. ...... c.:S. $Q2DUC019D.5ro0. · ·cl~ :.i:..'.'"".;:.. ~ . Assume 5%% GI-: 6 31.. ocrc0 Pel'Cbld cm "'"· lof " !far. n J 1 fl I. I I) l IJIJ • Trade For ·. · 1 . ::-..._ ~; .!""~' ., ..., 2 "'°"' um ., •• /'4 "" 11111s. V1oW a1 _,,, ff..)uccola 6 ~gl~h Villar_· Aaytlil., -· ..,;,,.. U11e a model ....,.; < ~c.:'':;.!i.~ ;_) "'ecutlve-.Douhlo-POQL.sa.i,m :Yamnn. Waatdlff · 1no· In_,"'" near 5 o.;;o~ 1.ii"; A:;.,q. of Our 6* •;. Interest Rate on the buutlful new bomet of Rancho Le Cueste on llrookhunt at Atlanta In Hunllnlton llt1ch • Park 11>e ,.11o and rear . 1Mh&Tuotln-CootoMaao ,....,,. JOR!<AL DINlllG SU111>po,.,..a.5l11'1ot. . . -. ......... ,, >ard. "9,!llO. ADULTS ....._ SUNKEll ll.UC -..... "-lty "4J.2Mo IPARl!LD Ii --$35,750 Most bomH ... bullt with Cllll1 d>Ddml Ill .... -al -'"t ... L lJvtll( rm • -o.-Shoraa . mind. Wt have live homu dtllped for 1ht ::...,.. ~bed. Mo.a y..; 1111 ::... ~"'!: .::~ :: · PlltROH RIAL TY • Extr-IMry comforts and tun of adulll. Ba.auutul to look ,.... -powder room and * CUSTOM HOMI * tin ""' ... , BR 2 Ba · 60-lm 1100 ... 11. .. ......,,, All..,. .at, room fXlr hobbltl, prhrato olllct, Hl'"flla lioMAN BATIL Owner wt11 a, .,._ -, bdrm, ......._ Prof. lndsqlcl • ••••• -"'"""'"':!'~ tllnlng' rm, guest room with bath, s .... ,.. """' ... HOME. STOCK!, 1-.' doli), 2% ... ...... .. , chlldml'• .... UNTilD ~ ~!MC!lltll)Olltlo-r age, waltlng d1stance to ~urcb.tl, Wfftcliff PLANE, BOAT, ??!, Huny ama .. ltom ~Verde )'rd A Dtt am. Bt&vy Df90f'l:e ..... quick Aon': 10" dowll Aak-shopping, and restaurants. Call 645-mCD. pat C!OCIM. Many custom ~ c:om~tn thil here. Yoa can be a ;;,,;;;.il ""' $1l 500 ..... oil -1% with 20% down -71'1% with 10% Dn. roREST E. OLSON INC. bit-Ins,. -bolow "'"" --· By """" -u ,.. bol!y. ' bedrooalf Our Lender Mud Increase his ' · "· no2nda-nopoints-1tyn.,i..-""'Huborlllvd .• c.11. bl. Laroe IOt ·"""'tor $12.llO.IO-WI 2 baa.; lamlly room. 1 . Interest Rates on April 7, 1969 va.,... sw::! 2 .... !'riced frotll $30,950 to $33;950 ,Business II Home fu':/;8-..;::, 1• lalloluff 1242 =121~.LS>ILD. ~ Lorr ··-......,;.In,..... E""lva""'Altnt Jew!,,"=., ... -led E AITBLUJ'r • Col> BURlt·WHITE, Rltr,; • 1n .:.;;~~ ......, p. a. palmer Incorporated s21 995 den: •P· dlnlnr ..... Quiet _ •• ...,, 2 llde .,, llde. 2lllf _ ro ..... NB:.. -•ble-$!0.llO. ~VIA LIDO ' 1trttL Yd. IUlly lncd. & ,..,, °" tt. ea. s BR Ii 67~ Evaa '42· AU that ;., nec.,.uy to usure yourself of ~~ . _,, Laxite. • Bedroom, 1 Bath boautllull:r """"""· 8 , d•~ 2 BR • -"""' i .;.,;..-. ................ H t!l1I low Interest is your selection of one Of Call the ''Good Ovya'' Tract Ph: J40.51Q From C..A. C•ll MA s.IN4 home on Brookhunt mr-owner. $36,950. 545-4025 deluxe condtUon w/ choke our 3 or 4-bedroom, 2 or 3 bath, 1or2 story rounded by commerc~. • 2:W So. Capella.Court lool.doo a: view. 151.000 • homos and DJa_ke your Initial dopoalt Of $l!OO. "'-7171 • 546-Uli ..._ OJRNER Jot, ~. • BR . 161,500. -. by -See tllll ...,. ...,. ~ ... ----·" A. • I 1000 ·~ 21' BA. .... din .... ll!cd -· .... Rltr. .......... Call 968-2929 or 968-1331 any day General 1000 -Mra at pool play,._,.. Cntry Cub, c.M. ,,,,,.,,,,,.., Co. 518-Tlll almoot """.,.,..., from 10 ... to.-ftsk. l~~~~;;;;:;;;~~l~iij~ij~iiiijiijiiiitl out, covered ~tlo, lots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ·•· I' OC"'t,.N VIEW VI-many extm. A..U July dol Ma 1151 ....... Ii pool with 111t.r:a Pele 111-11 R•.u.. .... $111,500. 0wnr 56<519 . c...... • . -.. -~""" .... -i <OMMERCIAL ZONED PRICED ro SEi.L AT ONLY :$17 ...... Two --and NchtJor unit lftltlltb' ~ 11111 ........ Lo<o• :l!d just • few *Pl from :Hl:WPORT BLVD. ~ euf]y · eonwmd to numerous'mnall --. ....... $2,500wlll --+';.-;""::;~::;' • Lot uuhow you tbll I '- I * * * * I BtnLT TO mP ' 'OWNER BUILDER mu 1 t '-'·" -HJ IA ....i.m.. 0.--. ....,, -11 BY OWNllR, f -plm ~. --Glor nil -------~ 1 • ...:...:..Y;.,iiur~-_o:s.c----1-.-.· I,. .. ., .. p,....,ts -----den.' ba. appro• 2300,. c ..... doi'Mar ;;;;;,., i N · · .,..-built aoo! IL 1!1.1100. OwneT will lili Moat Admlr.ocl Home MUTUAL REAL TY .;. INCOME U IT'S Is Showl119 LIDO CORNER beautllull:r ........... back """· """' Balerio "" OoeuBIW. -home. aw. oc.uu · • TRIPLEX -1a the ....i to ci. ,..,,._111 coodltion. , wto. tarao pool aoo1 • DELUXE DUPLEX c.>1. 116-0m . • wtll !!nance 00 llbaral • S • 2 bednlom unlll l'Uli1 .ICriba tbll Newport Bead! bdrml, dlnlng 3 -1l"'•a1110d yud -l BR Un!ll Pen!muJa REPllBLIC ,.,_ a ...... ~000. $23,511 ··•· net or $GM.OO. lmi" vac&ney' aecuttvn txne:. 4 bed-car sanae. Wp ~ 3 bedrooml U.ST b&Jbl adjaetilt to ~ I: Bay eld, 2 atory, 4 BR., l ~ . ~ factor. Full price $37,500. rooms, d.Uq room. S batt.. patio with maximum IP&dDul fam.U.1--roam. ·$59,!liO. 7~ ftnanc~. . WQ-nn, retreat rm. 1 Car CI no down or ntA. f BL DUPLEX 2 • 2 bedroom units, no down to wts or miaimum clOwn FHA. 131, 1'° I YEARS OLD a unltl with room tor 4 more • • rt-1 money maker, 23.53% retum. ORANGE CDUNTY'S LARGEST 2tJ E. 17th St. "6-41M i.a,.. ..,.... tot, mo "I· p"·--. , ·-e !ol wiO. --)blboa Ra,!.Eatate·Co;· ---u. _ _ .....,.. 2 IUll ba. cpbl-. lb ft. ot liWic u... Immacu-..... ...., ....... cheufu1 ldtcMn ·'tfAit;i ~ --•-ldtdt.. with food cenfl!r, J!i. late ln and oat. Y,_~t-and ~ . VIEW LOT l C::,.~ '100 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa ASSUME Lew FHA. 3 BR. 332 ~te~ ~ cloeitd boot patio with d9e. rftdy far your ... pee _..,,_ 67USSI orator lights. Pr1c< roduo<d to 151.500. !:\~'~:!: Call Jim Cobb 6% V.A. LOAN ~den wi: ~ ';"~".:': BRASHEAR ,!l_E~~ ~ "F« A }'lt.e ~" Price reduced '9 $11,!iOO. bl. m.l.IM spe~~~~~ = 54IM1'22 . 2716 Windover, CdM 80&11 ~"'-_,,. • Colesworlly & Co. 1 '1115 Weltclltt Dr. patio. An electric -Cal'--• Patti 111S Rani .. !Ind....-,..;:: 101f. IN THE SWIM ' M2-TTIT OPEN EVES. NEWPORT BEAOI with built-In re-tor. •.• ~ 1ewl I BR, lam m. Tenlllc, pool " patio PL1* Lots more extras and YoUr 3 BR. 1"-ba., tam. nn. In& new ii: clnn! Mt.950 3 BR. 2 ha, lp&cious bcm4-0NL y $1'50 DOWN full mdnthly ..,.,,, •• , la.... Ftp~ new W/W ......... , DaL••cor Raal Eotat• $20,900 l BR lll ball>I. -~ 642·5200 $134. F.P, "'"' $n.IOO. sub. -.... • ---E. °'""Hwy~ QDl WOODWARD Rltr. J'Ulltl 1: OWi\ di.hwuhlr, mlt down payment. Private AMume R" FHA. ;op rr:M7'70 J 1M! Adams, Hunttncton Bel. Flo Mat.~ car prqe, car-Party. 962-76119 lbQe. Pt.m owaer · £IS.33C llDW .n what wu to bt hla .INaJME FOR UFE on wide !88" lo4 Ideally localed. - ' delwit new ~ btdl"OOm:o Jtwo and one half batp: bom-u. Each bomt with .eparate ~oversized two car pra.p. I•_._._ ....... _. ... , I l rn;ERE'S MORE! "''F°:;u Pr'" ,16,500 . VIEW! -illiiiiiiiiii~~ll!l'f=EEJAAl5~1$SiliiDiiE!--p~cz:s~ HOM:P Lease With Option Carona .. Mar Need cub • Lowly 2 bed· Nowport -11llO R4. Ownlr. Mf..1010 POOL ~ --ERNIE -... 1Lavely .--s BR O>ndo D•plex. 1 o•/o """" home. Reduced to VlfNI ....... -2 BR •. -with powder mq ..wt bCU', $l7y500. Levd lot R-2 zoned. 5 KEYS TO INCOME borne, 411 llviflC rm, .l&: 3_BR 2 bath, newly~ CLEVELAND and ~-~-1 r Do.-1111 JEAN SMITH ,. -··i.·~--..,.,,., ated. l'rlce 123.750. • many ou.:r ~ .. -o ' Eacb un1oclm a dUfertnt mu r ...... uw.-.-R. D. SLATES, Rltr.· ........ ltor fine n.trc. Belt 8111111 Own or wtll 11nance tbll 1 _ _.._ door. _. i. a -"" a1 _ ... Ju.t 1ong ..,111b "' ... ""' ~ view. Immediate .,,,......., chumlnr duplu. NO LOAN ........ r ..,.Ot Let ., ""'" ,... ..., llalboa Ponlnaula 1300 8ft.SS1I .,,,.._ ..,.Wfi,.., unuaual ' Bit C111tomhed 143 Brooclway 645-41111 ••• ·•••••••·•••••••• $325 mo. FEES!!!! Buy the ..., 400 E. 11°' St., C.M. ....., ...._ a-$1 400 TOTAL DO home· u.,.., s., location EvH. 611-1453 MM57' Wallor Haue ...,..llOUTHa!""Hlchwl.Y· --.;.., !he 10lh ,_, LOVE NEST ~ · · on quiet strett. Vacant 6: 2 bedrooml each. Heavy ,.._,.., •n 500. u! ohako ...._ Cupe" A d"I> baa~ v~ -· ldtal IPOI tor honeymoQOUa; • Aaoume 6% GI L .. n i. =· ~.,t"" ~.: BALBOA POINT ....... "· A .,..1 buy!lt !!I 0n1y DUPLEX BURR WHITE, Rltr. cu" and qolet. 3 bednoom. •BR Best !ocallon '" OCEANFRONT atatelJt-3 bd-$4.2.500. By appointment Near Beach 1; SbopplDc 2llO'l Newport mvd., N.S. l\i bl.tb dollbouae near end SPANISH STYLE al a kind. nn, l baO.. 2 otory home. onlyll!I SUbmlt,.... omall-E><oellent v.iue . ~llO 67~ EvH 67J.Gl5t .. porun.u!a polDl Owner HAl'l'DAL REAL TY. $32,500 Comer lo~ LonJy -(IWw.U, 11Akr & (e. "" __ ..., cn our ~-~, GHr90 Wiiiiamsen .-, $Sl!.250. n10 ·w FV ·~-NawpGrt witb'nlco •lew of S.,. -L--,..";.i.,;;... ·--· Reoltor POOL & TENNIS? BURRWHITE,Rltr. .,...,., · • - $69,500. You'll""'•""'' ""Ir."--=-WE SELL A HOMI ~ Ews. m.L!lf , ...,,_ 2IOl Newport Blw .• N.B. oPE!I Houle 1 to' """°!"I' WAIT I cw. FOR OETAl!.'I! I YACANT & WAITING at 1111 EVERY Jl MINUTES ';"": ..... ~,., view of 675-4630 EvH 5414513 . ::::-: .:::!i ~ ewm""' ,,..& 3 BR•... vtc1ar1• Walker &·Lee 4Yiz0Yco LOAN -s... -· .Muter~· 211 aa~ lcloled 22• """""'"'°"' wiO. R E A L T y 6% Loan ':':~ 1 '=~·~;'..!::"'k!:O 646-1111 = w. Balboa Blw., NJ!. ~:.::;:, ~:.":: 20f3 w .. tcllll Dr. $21,950 . rp,,i.i!;! £siaaj Llolo lilt 1H1 :;;... ..,...!!. \""'..: i; ""'"'·""-CU1tom lined d"I> 1 'Ii!!!!! .... ~"'!!!~!!!! .. >( 67~ lnlce bdrml + lamJly room 146-Tlll Opeo Ewl. 3 BR, blt-inl, oomar lot. -115 Via Orvleto """-~ !.l ~· /.'18-...,Uty w/w c&rpeto, I' 6 boll .. all • a 6~ GI Joan Rltr. 642.9130 f;'1H. lWl.JmO Flnt tJmo on nwtet. 0... ApttL !lood ..,,_ Only l",650 • m,ooo N. l (Osll Me•• .... )'Oii can take ..... .... . "OW6E p 11111 • lfllllm\y SCOOP II -2 BR, 2 ... -nn 2 LG •. loll M Nr 5 .... VA or FHA tinandnc. CaPe Cod with ovenbied..... .. DO lncreue! Onl)' $157/mo. ,, -nmnw The -5 unit apartment horn•. Ucht and airy • ex-unlt.-inedkal. $19,900 ... qe. 5 BRa, muter IUite Includes tun a: lmu:rance. tn. Wlpl $51,50) ~ Box • !tt?t 1' \l I.\\ 1111 1 :Q'°• \H\ \11 \\ .· ' f' f \ I I \ ' •' ~Baar, C.!<. 9 BR+ RUMPUS '· $22,950 llharp Oriental styled home With dinin&' room complete •With built-In table I; china o.bbw( BWit-ln ranee a: r= oven, mA terms, ~·. w7rc! : · REAL TORS . 54M141- ,I (Opan Evonlftll) --=-----= .. wllh w.u. of w.Mrobo. 3 Jarp bdrml. lll ball>I. LJatlnr II $22,SliO but ,,_, l Btdroom. 2 BaO.. c-t(&iiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-• I .., the entire penlnlula. LIDO REAL TY, INC. ""1a Moo! Hawall • Larp Uvinc room with slate hl.rdwood floon. larre kitcb-amiowi to'° to 0reton 80 borne for that fam.U.y with BAYFRONT + SLIP !!'•l50of lt-Wworthlll tra'de...,.forl>';~ • ...,. v•· Lido --·• I: brick fireplace, formal en t: eeMce parch arff., nWut us that otter! b>at or trailer to-be•~· Move-in mndttion. Nm or -., w-~ .. "'-Fevnt1ln V1Uey 14"1 separate ~ room. fam. Blc yard Plll!I double detached pr. unt. 3 BR 2 ha, tite kit )le, dUltrlal, Exclusive with Uy room, tile entry, ceramic !:,ble ~e. fN.t trees. SALESPEOPLE NEEDED age. Jot, ex-cl area, $62,CllO 'Clear, N...,.... ~:h RHlty ---=-=-,·---- tile kitchen. patio. $22,900. ~--$26,995 L/C av&ll. Submit ! ! .~R; .1111 Wolla-Mc:Cardlo, ltltn. ---!305\,; :1,,REER· ."'~ ---- -l!1tl Newport Blvd., C.M. GE REALTY Na.,.,. .... rm EWo. ""'68f --·-'' >tCX> Sq .. ft. P~GE NEW PRIDE 0, '"'" .. -....... !!!!'!""!!I!!! ENClLAND 2 .. ...,,. Huao m 3Srd St. .. Peninlula. % DUPLEX • $43,000 PraotlfO Properties 60 choice no, ~t tt. convtru.nl 1-•tor)', 3 b!nn 3 ha. between bay terr. and pvt ........ P/S. "'5.000. R. C. GREER. Reolty mt Via Lklo .,._ OWNERSHIP! • Rent While TOii Victor!• living rm. Formal-dlnlna b1k llom .,.,.... '"•bed. ,,,,.,, DOWN! ... ,-a nn.. Sep. fam mi. 4 ·BR, rooms, 2 baths, Small Padol. IO' BAYFRONT. Finest bch .,. .,..,. 7 -2 BR born• w/lnc unit Meda Buy ...... 11 3 ba. Reduced $4000 to For tnfonnation call owner. ii: 1oc on Lido. Will Id!. Texas sized bedrooml, over-mme TLC. WalktrW dlltance •J1 ~ ....__·gt w/ help m.1Vl6 """' nv1ng """'· Lowly to .,.__ $3!,500 • $225.00 per 11111. ~.,;;;:~;.,•PPL I•-... · ............ :; orHgi..;;, u& unlri:cci~ m.r yard, Hiah block fence. tmm. Owner 11 leavinl atate, and BEDRM + COZY CAPE COD Drlve by 320 Via Udo Nord, 540-17'0 By appt only want. to -U. rent « leue 3 ' Shelterinl' trttt, cool patio TARBELL 2'15 Harloor CORBIN-MARTIN ...... 'bednno. 2 ball>I. "1ohn macnab FAMILY RM.!!.!:~ and pond; 3BR. 1am.2tire. ~call ~ ., family room, 2 atocy home 2 baths. Inviting ........ _. places. boat/tn.ller room • , ' Like to Entertain? .,..L ERECAL.,TOHRS c..au. 1n beat O»ta Mesa area. OVER SHORES Gleaming built-in ·ranp,.,! .................. $4,000 Dn. BY OWNER 2 Bf.'· t baba., Call to -tbll -• M W'f, -Call '"" appointment D o .. n. Farnlly room. ~ Hal Plncliln & Aa-fl1>lc. bltm, P1Ynn A • BR. 2 BA. -lam di. kit carrQll with bl\.inl ... dllbwalber, c r p t I d rA -J'uJly • -· '"" -··"! ~;Art 5, ~ 12'1.,. Saal loKh 14"1 Ml!ADOW HOM! 4 iii $27,IOO. FHA " VA. 14 home with blr yard I: patil, bU all the bullt.lna; a: J.ap- family room. There are j baths, ~tinr, drapti', ""-· ............... 11 you want quality ii:-VIila call' at once. ·:;; .. 67$.5200 675-1"2 BAYF.RONT """''""· S.•t Udo buy l",500. OPTION, cute AJ>. !DR.Plu.lBa. ....... illnffic/ -BnutlfuJ •--w!O. TARBELL M2Mtl 3900 E. Cout Hwy ~ ttt/- Pool Home. Palntizw ta.mUy nn. 2 trplcr + play OPEN DAILY P• and ftoll.t. tarp bl)>-BARGAIN-HUNTERS-1 BR Watnfront No. a ,.======== prostt ... Immediate oc-nn. Enc.bed pool apante ORANGE COUNTY'S aide ttrrace, handaomt n:-BUILDERS Balboa Coves. 11o ,oo o. 81lbol l1l1ncl 1355 I =~;,,;~;;==*3~1 \~. $190/monthly with pi., yard, $S2,500. 316 Ru~ LARGEST tenor, fOnna1 ~ room, East-side Joe -R2 lot 60 Prefer trade tor acnap ISLAND SPARKLER! ... h 1.._ k>tion to bqy @ $22,500. Welker RHfty 81lbM l1l1nd 2ft E. 17th St. ,., 4tM IW'ln1' brnkfut room wUh :a: 13S w/2 BR 1 bath home. or will conaidtr other. -. 3 BR, 2 ba duplex. '=!fU!'I c ~ '~, Ml-UM 1 .................... ,.. OilrnWw 3 BR home, Jove. view.L&rnMutftobedroom Room for another unit 7111 A Buy at 1n,ooo • EXCLUSIVE • -~' r ......... HOME -M lot. ExCll l,y patio, wry clote to bQ for "'----'-e wlUI walk ln w.,t .. JlG,500 won't la.st at $18,000. BAYFRONT 3 Br. Beach CANON REALTY Oannine Redwood Coitlli. ... -••GE •;;:-u W-. S BR 21' ba,...,. -~-~-• •·"·~-~-n• Simm by appotntmem 6nl7. THE REAL ESTATERS _,. "-·• H l1>J5e1 ~• i ~ "5,.. and _...., -°"""" ... ,,-5 bdrm 3"'-hath cuttom built iu .. 2313 64&-'?ln hcluse; prlv. b tac b; .w,)'I E . .....,.... wy and Stpan.te Ren..., Dj!:llt' ' Mmll far 4 or 5 units. 50-taS R..atJ m-eaoo. home .,rlu. nume:rout out---Bay1hor. Park leUtbold. . walk to beach and -..: J•!!!!l!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!~e~,,..~· ======-~!!!!!!!!!!!!~:!!!!!!!!!J-,.a-. °"'"" ~I~ ~ 4 BEORM. • $11.stO '1l.500 • .-.7l91 Huntlntttn ~,1400 .0o.,...11U2bdrml,1 ~. ~noral 1000 o.-al 1000Gwral 1000· 11ayore11 !oca-Pbooe 1or 1111 N=rT .. W le ELEGANT · 2 STORY * BAY VIEW ""' iOi 15• I AM ANXIOUS! :'!'.':i ,::::_ ";.!'.:. ::! ,.. ---" app)intmt:nt to ll!e, I ••iii-lifijiiiiiil•~ll Baths. Push button built· lf 195• w/ plan&. $34,900. J'mt take a look at my 3 bed-"1.tb M-..J:;: n,;~:i owt i\ Arnold & fmld Builders Ooseouls =.'~ :;'.;: Owner ~~· ~--· room home • you .,..., bo dbl ;,:.';, n.uc ....,;, 381 E. l'l'th St., CM 'n:iom »wtr level. 540.1720 MOBILE ~"'•• ._ • •"'"" able to pall tt ap. Carpet-bdrm. kitchen aJ>d i.~ { S@\\~lA-"-C!jiQ.• ""'1""' ... ,,,. 1-' DN 6'•~· INT T BELL -55 H bo on the Pe111"'1da. .llUllO. 1ng -.i>out lo Just like ldeal !21:--ndecora""" J.i 0 .,. · -"',. • AR ., •r ' 675-JltJll or m.mt -· Nico 1arp back_.l'.,.S. . Jl2,1l00:..... j -YOU owe tt to~ to tn. ScenlcSanaa.net, mlnulti BY OWNER. 3 bedroom Con-Kilchen la all-built-ln1 tn. MARSHALL i: ROPP :· j ·l I • ' ' ' ' Solv• 1 Slmpla Scrambled WordPuulcforaCh11Cklt ,..Illa,. ..., , -from beach. 1 6 • BR 21' OOminlwn 1n quiet Hun-Nawert Hvts-1210 eluding ttlrlcerator. Many 211 Ocean A,.., 494-ltm- tr.cSe.ln batb homes. Ul.11» to $31,.. tinrfon Bay Townhouse No extru an4 .. t of all you ..iiioiiiiii"'"iiii"'"aiiml IHANNE I .' r I I ID O l 0 F I .Young wlfo to iriOndo "All . I I I r r .. vo1 to do to Wfpo """·...,. tented look off my huiband'• -------. foee I• to hand him a --ITOWL-AU loflerdlnnor.• +-~ i.;...;,.~.-or..,..-.-1 O Complo!o !ho """10 .-4 ' I I' I' I ,.. ~t:t! :=.. t.."'"l .:!: • r~w.~--lfD r I' r r r 1· I' 1· r 1 I I I I .I I lwl I I .......... ==;;.~~ST °""""' ,..ro work • or LOTS WITH A VIEW "''""" l!!Y <% V.A •. loan. Cute H • lluf'1 Eao4 MODEL: 511 l:llt s.n han .mainttnance. $ll,950 962-6SID Two Iott with lllr and ocean YOW' Ml monthly P9)'m9Dt I BR 2 ba cualom homt, • Rib'. Ph. -l<f.3tlg alt 6. vtow. Worth 111,000 -h. i. $134. P.l.T.J. r.P ... lo bllcl to bch. Sep. m ... -r:. 7 r r · -:... »-- DRANGI COUNTY'S ..u '"CHENMYER BALBOA 1SLAND DUPLEX .,,,, .-lt,<XIJ ,.. ... m.eo. SUbmlt -· Pl> """· bl'"'-Jr. pri• patlC . LARGEST Jl{WI\ J BR, l"ii ha plwi 1 BR·~ have th.la Ja.rp 1'ou.~ that vatt Party, 1(12..71119 'view bdnns. Bt~:::~ m 1. 17_th St. "' ltM $13,511 ·ment. $57,000, ..... work and paint. • BR WOW'. const. Cptd • ..,,. u . Pynmld Ex-+ .,,... -· l ... 2 kllc.. $39.500. " • PRISTIOE NEWPORT Stl-9569 Ev<• 5IO-ISl9 ...._..,...,..I can. Total Loe Pod,.. Rlty 5BEORM.$4900DOWN 28EDROOMHOUSE,double BEST BUY-Muoi~· prlce"3,000.0wnor-• BR 3 baO. 2'.iort home. -:zmcm:m; Exc!Ulhie .,.., 3 ball>I. fu>. -JI.II tot, ..... to.JZth < UNIT AP!". ~ lllW oti.r. .,.,.. .. A .................. Ii Uv street lhopplns out, protH!ionalty larldlCI~ Uy ..,,,... '""'"" ttar . L Vlllort. It ltw · 1~ BR. ~2 BR. Bir lot n\ "'· WoJkl\W ~ to the Enc. '°""""'' 15• no11oj1 q room. Br1ck patio wttb Mn,.._ , •• 400 w 00vt. La Habra., 9!.,, 1-da. Jll"J, 1m tlllOn CfN,. .aaiws adobe/tile ~ ""p1•· BBQ •• ~,-built-In .... -OPEN. (213) ...,,.,.:::: -~&K It a.....,..i ......... r.r laJI ... 3 I.a; din .... Bl -..-. -·~ SllCllll .. VIia 4 BEDRM •• $23,7. ' • a .. l ' ' ...... ool1 $21,!le. OI • -.. """'· cpll/-°" TARBILL 2?55 Harllor a.ual.t. -·-·Qin. lha'l> • clw!. 2 ..... Full Nflr NB"""' Ole. "*'"' ntA-. """· chumlng. -• THE ll!ST l'OR LAST -wltl! -.... dining""""· Carpeted. "Ap. I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!: I MUTUAL REAL TY MISSION REALTY - Inn Wtll.I model --· -. 2 BR 1\0 ba, dlnilll pie Pie" condition. 50).\12$• fll -rt s~ 1_ IC-lm , Ill So. 0>ut Hwy, tai-anlloble I bdrm S ba !om. -.. 121,llO TARBELL 2'$5 Harllor •~· ,_ • .., 1 -u 2 ~ yt -pool ··~ s.n•·-DAVIDSON ..... .._ . ---lamlly OCEAN VllW •• ·-··· · --.-.,..,,, -EASTER Sl'ICIAL nn. $2:>,000. Complete Ray J. Ward Ct. -Ew1. MW151 c..ta -. 1100 ..,in!der .,..t.,,,; °""""" PRIVATE BIACH . ™2=-ll<oatcoil..l!ISO Sll,ili iiWiiEit BAILING OUT, smatt hoUle,.. _al R4 double ..,..., all -2P,,211L()penboom,~ VA 1!....-~•--$1:11AMONTH Brlng,.,...pa1n1..-.22000· 1ot •• p1ua ~ ""l 1'ul1 4rQta. taqo,,.U,.-ataoa. Qoalot,... ............... ,. Gt.,._ oJood -"-"'°""you In.'-·--$21,lSO. 11.000. dn. 1 bllt to """""" -· ~ !D.!llt. -...... Ewr)'ODt qualltlu J • $950 Oll.rmbw ldtcbtn. OMJotit1 loan • no loan fee•. 3 btd-Realtor. • 1 hlk to beach club. A wait-Sbt1wn by qpt, ~ down. 4 bedroorna. CUL paHo ovt1'.loob the poOI alz.. rooms, 2 bl.thl • exetUent tU.20%2 l~tltll'ICt to oetan. Call $35.l:KKI DUPLEX. 2 Ulll 1 • 5'0J.l.5l (optn ..,..) Herl.tap ed )'¥t, a.ru. CA.LL MO-WI (open Netd a G&rbtur•nclet S3M626 BR. vkw, "9l n11110t .... i.-:s~c~RA~M-~LETS~~A~NS~Wll~~s~•N~c~ ... ~·~s~Sl!!Fl~C~A~11~0~N~9~;~o~"_-~~Ellaa~-~-_-_-_-~--TAR:•_L:_ M6M .. _ .... 1 ""'/!*·""'1_-,,,., ...... ~r ad! Dial -... ll!:SU1; pvt.wlldld-.. 1 __ --·--~-----_L·-~ f • I -• ~-· ~ -,. : ' ' ' I ' f ~ " • ;, " !~ ,. ., ~. . • ' . . ! !·· .. • " • I • • • • : ' ' ,. •• • • . . . i . • • • ! • ' I. , . I I • 1: • • < 1 ~ • ' ' ' •• ' ·-I• :• ., • • • MILYllUT T1llMw, .... 1, --------------------.~-----"l l HOUSIS l'OltlALI UNTAU _ ' AU Are ·vou Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any ' Of These Things A . . . DAILY . PILOT . . . ~WANT-AD .. .. I. s- 2. Oolltar 3. IUy Crl~ 4. Eloctric Sew s. c-o 6.Woohor 7. Outlooonl Motor e. s-s.t '· C-" I 0. ClorlnOt 11. •"'1 .. rotor 12. Pldiu; Truell ' 13. s...i,.. Mochlne 14. siirft.Nnl .. IS. M.hlno Tools 16.-- 17. Puppy 11. C.Wn Crvi10r It. Golf Cort 20. llNtMter 21. St-Colloction 22. Dlnotto s.t u . Ploy ..... 24. -""' loll 25. Wot.,. Skis 26.F- 27. Svltc- 21. Cleek Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. T-ltw 31 .... -.. 32. Encyclopodio 33. VKWrn CINntr 34. TNplcol Fish 35. Hot llod Equlpm't 36. File Coblnot 37. Golf c1vi.. 31. Sr...llng Sllwor 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41. Slide Projoctor 42. Lown-., 43. Pool Tlblo 44. Tires 45. Plono 46. fuf Coif 47. Dro"" 41. Linens 49. Hone SO. Airplane 51 . o,.... 52. Exercycle 53 ...... Boob 54. Ski -' 55. High Choir 56. Coins 57. Eloctrlc Troln 51.K- 59. C'-lc Avt. 60. Ceffoo Tule 61. Motorcycle 62. Acconllon 63. Skis 64. TV W 65. w • .........,, 66. Dlomond Wotch 67. a.Kort 61.1 ..... r 691 c..npl"I Troll.,. 70. Antique Fvrnltvro 71. Tope R-rdor 72. Sollboot 73. Sport. Cor 74.-.lnSpp 75. lnboonlS,..._ 76. Shotgun n . Saddle 71. Dort G- 79. Punching 1"11 ID. lilly Corri• II . D"""" 12. Rl"o 13. Doak 14. SCUBA Goar These or any otlier extra things arouad the. house -, be tvriled Into cosh wllti a DAILY P.ILOT WANT-AD so ... Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 <YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD) DAILY PltOT WAIT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU!~ Git In On ·The Action Today! • I ...... 1117 fll 'J II U.r.111•1• Afls. P•l'ftWtMI gs u WANT ~ different? 3 """" -3 BR ~ den. lf.1117 Park Ave., SUmet Beach. Bo9.t dock aim avail. c-.. .... Mor iC2SO NOW'S THE ·== ~u .. TIME FOi .. --4100 ' C a.EAN Bachelor ..... QUI K CASH ~~Ill~=. . BALBOA f73.;99C5 THROUGH A HUntl,.,... -4400 DAILY PILOT QUI ET & BEAUTIFUL Ad11lb linl:r: 2 Br, atll. pPI. WANT AD ~="':untBdL IS 'fOUR AD IN a.ASS!· 642-5871 = .:· .. ·::.. ~ _______ .....__ I • l .. llllTAU -· ...... u ............. H""""""" INch 5400 ID Ocean Ave., H..I _ (n-4> 536-1487 llHTAU .._.. Utofuffl1h1f 5995 Offl,. Ronlal '4170 ..:...--'-'.;..;I LAGUNA BEACH Air Condltlonocl ON FORES'/ AVENUE DeU: spacet avaflalile bl newest cifiee buildllla •1 prime location 111 downtown Laauna --#Jr coal> -. .......... -pe.nelt!d partitioldn&. T w o mtrancts: Froatap • Forett AYe., ftll' 1t• to MW>Clpal -Iota. 100 per D'.HXltb lor s,.ce. Deelr; and ctWn anll&bl• !er SS. Bame• boan UMrtl1aa teniee avan.bte for $10. All lltilitl• paXt a:ctlll lel<phone, DAil..Y PilDl' Zl2 FOR!m AVlllUE LAGUNA BEAQI - -------------------------------------------------~~·. -·~~--~·-~~--. ~ • -. Tilwldlr, Ajlrl J, IM lllltY UAL mA1' ...... RIVICI DllllCTOllY IUVICl-OlllC10IY JOU & IMPLOY ION & u<P a -It 1 Guolonlne M ...,_., R.1r;-.;; Help WOlllell. -noo ~ W--nllOIWp w--. -,_ 0 ANTMONY'S ROOI( ADDITIO N It -'-~--' DQG. ... blab • -OFFICE RINTAL -.,lloblydlowl•b· S300 Sq. Ft. ..... bulldlac· -...... y.-(ll<nf) AD or part. ~t.Ne far c:aUu A fin. collar. Vic. -"'ti. deotlJ. ,.,,.....,,, a.... llcNally School. o..... s.n.• ..-. A••······· ~ ..,.. .WE AIE -: 646-lNt ..-..... -.... Call • • • • ' ,,,. -°'*"' """"' -INJECTION MOLDING Pnre ••• PIUI .......... ooll "50 SET-UP, OPERATION SELECTIVE Moolbl)' Ila-R .. AND SUPERVISION . . . , ' . ucbl-law; etc. Top lo-60-1892 'cation. "FOUND==,--,G"'..,=-=.-whl=te Exp. l!onlcuJIWiit A ,,_. ml a ,.,._.,_ OF TitlRD SHIFT. e JAPJ.l<ESE· GAIU>DIER I.Wm lloppod. all -• • • THE FOX mMPANY PenlaD kitten. approx. 5 f'B.9115 ot. MU969 moa old. .ric. Westclitt, ~ 1: aeu..ip roonr.:. New or nraJr won Call 54$.'512 .,..... -RESIN MIXER TRAINEE -I s.r..i-~Sowl"! 6960 Da)I oh!'t ,Ptt!er YCteran, J-•Ga-·--._ ................ . NEWPORT CVJC CENTfR N~wPQrt Btach. Call omc.. ....... tor Qom. 64&-IM!I ' .,.,.,.., -DootoL JNJU="'am=,....,c,.,.=,...~,..L-..... = Whaddva Want? Whaddv• Go.tt. l'Jq>er, cmnpl ,...i _, . a.-D"i1!'9{ ~:.,,~ ~~J: F'ree ·estimate, 5&-1151. * M&-6MS-* q 'Teclmklan -. • .,,.., ..... .., eaL Wean n.. collar. Vic. SPICIA'l CLA$SIFICATl0N FOR 3!ie PER SQ. rr. Vi.ta dot a.., Ibo ·-NATURA.L llOllN.SWAPPERS u. II ·-SEWING, lii!lt allira!f<P /t • • • n-U ';! 1 -mcndlnr. lkml-It , doCMa ' ' 5U-MD OR -•··--. -Special Rate OFfICE 1842 A Newport MALE Medha size. crey a S Lfw -S tlw -S bucb Blvd-Ideal Ir tnlurance, beip...., doc. Red col.-•UL.Ill -AO · MUST tMCl.UDtf Income tax er nnploymtnt Jar • no -Vic 30th "'""""' .,.. ..,.. • trMt. ........, yoe .., 1111 1'ldll. GENERAL kAULING ' made. Reu. "'-24115. SILK SCREEN & CLEANUP 1 PATrERNS made., •<i••>. OPERATOR $10 per -ad. Free prqe: Bikinia to Ball~ bun ~, 1ndmtr1al.-crftD cleamp fOl':table lli!ma. $10. 838-tll.2; 131-0l'?O' ~ prilltq: open.tionl. volume •---~VOU9: ...... .,,,., • ...,... .,._, IMt" ~ __ ,,. A: Ntwp<rl. 6'l5-..f363 ~HING F.Olt" •ALI -Ta>.DEJ Cltill,.YI SHARE -,.,, UJ. FEl\IALE Tri-colored ..... . • -· PHONE 642-5671 . Call TOil 531.J15T ~teratlon-.5MS -· -be In -ol-lllitl. 1T Ft. fibor g1uo <MJtboe:d GENERAL HAULING Nra """""'"' 211 yrs. '* • • • Income Tu eo. REia. vie Udo lllf Sat 3129 To Ptp Your TrMer'1 ParMIM M --lJlll Nwpl ·~-. Bhd, CM. 60-T.in call. ldenllty. ··~ 1966 • l6" Trojan - am big-wheel Ult trantr. & CLEANUP Will Ind• 1M l•od-.... TrM Sarnce 6'IO PRODUCTION PHONE llD per lood. ..... _. TRAINEES llUl Sq II, ·-· ..... Lost 6401 """ ....... .,, .......... b:a.tion, air coad. ~ atru. $10',(0J eq for apart.. rA~ .-.. dNnup for uable item&. ESTATE Matnt Tree Snv .,........... ' ..._ Call TOM 5.tl..J'liT Removal ' trimmlrgs. frm 1 ; on dQ' ahitt HAVE ~·~ ~ -1 • on night lhitt ...... >le oq IL MMlCl REWARD! ments er land. <n<> '96- suttcue, betftu L.A. A1r-,_-._~-~-~-- 1no1 ... 1r1a1 P..... -port A Newport Bead!. 00 n-tub & ... .., Ml mrner, l6th a: Putnana. f.aoes 3 atrttt, 140'xl«r. For sale, will ba1ld (It trade for Lacuna or C&pbrtrano ·OU. >lex•ilh-. white wttb zipper top, tnL: mtg bus. All eqatp, molds a: t:ia.la ll K. B. Pleue call appnwalJ, Trade $40,txXI 642.,'Uff value for vacant propty or ' ~ ~. Yard/ ..... c clean QP. ... "'-..........,, ld-:l993 • • • mattress & frame~H~ move trees, tvy, dirt. ~l=========I es ·portable typewnter, both tor back hoe -·"-""" Televltion Re-Ir 6915 p• 'NT 1 .aaoROR 1!J. good cond. WANI': Stefto -45 ' ........ ,.. _.. ' r-~ :. - LOsr: Ladies cardigan T.D. ?213> 592-Sl!M. sweater; white, cable--type Building 6t unit apt. oom· knit orion, bu coUar. a: p2ex in Orarwe Cnty. Trade Bl'OlldWB,)' label. W 111 ap-$115,00J equity for Jae. wa. preclate return: pleue call terlroot home. uni\ '1 equal value. 513-1923 •• RAINBOW TV Clo. No Ser-POI vENERAL ·=-.,-,-~-=--..,.,.,.,...,= HAULING, General, Top., v1-~--•. ~~ worl<. MAINTENANCE 'Beaut. free & clear ~ trim .....-....... to., ~· dential _ View lot. all ulil, ' remove trtta A-color, blk A-wbt or 1tm!O& Tustin It Ol' llt TD ($23,<0>) hed&eL Big John 6t2-4030 546-3'120 anyt:i!M! will trade for Sportfiahiqr • SAVE MONEY • before i..t. Vibert, Raaltor --C-rclal 60l5 642-3589 aft. 5:00 P.M. 66-llll .,,,.,. ~ce6':J.-Ol<l; ,.., take II to ttle dump. Uphol&tery 6990 Healey 6 cyl motor, ~ Call ~ eYH. CZ Y K 0 SK l ' S Custom I"'-="----'-----LOST Vic E. 19th st., C.M. HAVE potent!&! trailer park F01L Leue ~ acre of M-1 2 HU!ldel, female (tan J: aite, 7 acres. in Norco, property with amall office. white), male (grey • WANr income unit. Com;pJetttr fenced willl 2 white). u found pel&se call Lee Pereyda Real Eat.ate plete w/ twin carte, gen. A: HouseclNnl"I' 67SS Uphohtery, E •tr Cl pea n distr. Front J: rear axles. Cr a J t •man • b Ip. 100" lalp gates. 5tS-OM Jett Arms at 6C346f 499-1990 or 494-5488 dn. Will trade for Scuba FLOOR ~ -poliahiqi: F~ ~1'54. 1131 equip, tank. reg. & wet suil apedalistl. Home A in-Newport Blvd., c.M. 846-0430 ' duslrial. FR E E "'-1085 & EMPLOYMENT I-•·~ l R~ l 6090 LIGHT Brow1t1sb red female Deluxe 41..beOroom 2 bath na_ .. ,a ,....,a dog. Answen to ''Dinah", borne in <laremont. Ex· FOR a. Lqqm MaueI. vie Lona: Beach Marin.a, change for Oran&e Olunty ott Saa DSeao ""1 at Qown needs pills daily, reward. property or TD. Fortin r.o.. Valley, new ocmmerd&f "-Call 431-1892 or 968-2608 MZ..5000 · 1ndtlltrlal m:d:ta. Delta Eleo-ALASKAN ~te. White, ·a.ta ~ Eutside borne. Irie. DQs ... lll.-1400. E\>ea tan brown femal~ OW Room for 2 more. Ex- -499-4198. beach. Red flea col Name cha.ore for M·l qr home ·m SOI SQ. FT. BLDG. Kia. Reward tm-2456 N~ or East San Diego. E. lTlh St., Oooia ...... 2lll LOSr. COCKATIEL. I Fortin Clo. 642-5<XXI 80 Act~ a1morE and walnut grove. Excellent &beltu. For beach area property. Fortin Co. 170l·A Westclltt Dr .. NB 642-5000 ?rites.a Verde 4 bedroom plua den, approx 2300 sq tt. Want smaller home or Con- do. in l\feaa Verde .. .....,, Swediab .Y: a Int en an ce1-------- Servl<e. 615-0951 Jolo Wanted, Lady 7020 CARPETS, Wlndan, tin, etc. Resk\en. or c.omc·L PRAcn~ None, aood Xlnt wm1r: Reaa! Reh. cook. driw~retX:Q 518-<lll . WOMAN wants ~ l RN-WllL BABYSIT MY day a week, atea.dy. Call HOME. ANYTIME. E. CM. 64>-23811 _ .... "='JSJD="-==~=~- SER PRACTICAL NURSE Dec. ~. ReadY for telL M~ Verde Aft&. '56 Cad. 2 dr. sedan -runs! ant. $15 Month. $tl).5(H{I REW ARD ~ Trade for tandem or 3 whl. LOST: Black Min Poodle, bicycle, furniture, applianc· WILLIAMS Ct.NG. V, OR COMPANION. REFS. '68 Fiat 124 Blue Station Your furn Can be new again! • 546-4234 • WagOn. LUg rack like new. J ~Clng~;&:.",...irtng~~~·0,:64U164~~~1======== Take 15' Travel Trailer Wil.LIAMS Cl.NG. SERV. Job Wanted Lota 6100 male. Ans to "Tar''. Vic es, or submit. 1---------1 "!!'.V. Reward! 962-1090 Owner &i6-1675 e VIEW of ocun, corra .., part. °""",."'""'"mpl """· Mon & Women ·7030 644-2374 1 =~And:;;;,~ ... ~"""~~·~&G&M~·~=-IR.Es;;;:;;--:;;;;1,;--:i;;:;-;;, btuff, po11lble g Lem' Htg Center Mall, la· Laguna Be a ch. Small, medical or aptli. _..__, .,..""'-' dies white gold diamond sharp, commercW bldg. to IRlil 5JS.3S5rS wristwatch. Rew. 536-2714 I,.ow dOwn payment or T .D. 17 Ft. outboard for eta&n I· RESPON couple de 1 ire wagon or auto of equal vaJ. Income Tu 6740 bakpg situation for IJllDUllf:1' 1:::::::=:;;;;,;:z:, ===; LOSl' Grey cockatiel with In e.xcbange. AcrMgO r ~ !Op knot rl" long, v.ey Bia. 494-1330 ? tame. N.B. area. 642-SllO 2 IMuat.. bldp. .on P1at.<en. '°WORTH OF 196> BASEBAIL Bluebook tia CM. Tnde $35000 eqty ESCONDIDO vio. Ooota ..:~Reward ~.';;;i"' + ;. Value ue. 'Phone 644-46i'l RESPONSIBLE prepuatiM months. WU! ma I nC a l n ~Lo"vo"ly;c--=c:rt~ho°"me--..,-,.th"° 1 J:J.il!ng of all income tu borM, yard • pet&. Both 6 acres at 29 Palms. Take retUn. by O!l1ifled Puhl)c working, can pay small mobile home near coast as Accountant Available io amt. Xlnt refs~ct Mr. dov.'11. . &erYe the needs ol Corpora-A.. Z. Toelkel, @9.1331 or 494-4746 tiona, smaJl business ell-U-1 7035 --------1-'""' ---lc~p Appru. " Aoes., roru. 548-1542 •m-~~~· ,.~-can Per•-al1 6405 1~~~-~-~-uu.i.; ...,........... .....06• ----·-----~·-1Beaut. view, Laguna home 10.9% Retum on · $715,000 Your complete aal:WactimJ Orlnrte live-Ina. Cheftful clear lsd. indust. Dyer Rd, is teed. 111'!! ptantm in Avocado& or LICENSED 4 Br. 3 Ba., haa all; plus = ~ ~ ss:;: Spiritual R,..ctlnp, ad.ic. $125,00J 1st mol1pge; .will S.A. For M·l ......__e O:i ... , EUUaD Permanent. D:periienced .., ..... "'I'. ..,,. CQRPORATE Far Eut ... _....... 6G.a703 can add $500,COJ eq. A Cev).. JMPROVEMENT ..., .... _,, . dence • R. MeClolp m-6044 CDUNSELORS George Allen Bylmt AgerJcy 10,_ DDwn.. with b:IBest only on all matten, lei S. D ~e fur real estate or aub. on b&luoe. Fir more tntor-Camino Real, San Clemente. nut. 64&-2598; 646-7010 mation, pleue call K.. W. 492-9136. 10 All-10 PM Have 5 bedroom Balboa. Small with SPECIAL 12 l\EADING P<ninsula home, $19,500. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. DIVORCED .eparafed. ·w\d. Want 3 bedroom. price SJC.. WI w. Q.apman Ave. owed or ~arried. Sub. 135,CKXI. Newport Beach S & S 36' Diesel Aux aloop, 1967, 7 Sails., fiber/tRk con. $tr\lction. Trade % intenst or all for local prop., hse construction or P/U, 61> 2838 • 60-9931 • i::~ r:r M'l":ss TAX Relum Spedal $15.J.======== Form 1040 • 51J, ,... homo Help Wanted, -7200 or our office. 23 years a ·.:.:;;.<....c.-=-"----'-'-- tu consultant and . never lb.t Mf&. a dalm !or ....,_ ERICSON Orup. Calli. scribe to the O.C, Sng1es Realty, &Ts.1642. 5(1"'21, EveHrim<Lo 5l8-597I Gazette, $4.75. 300 PlaOH to * *' eo, peraonat ads. articles.. * * * * disallowed. 24 bo11r Serv YACHTS ~tarappl San Dioto Preeway Acreage Future )OeatiOn o1 '1544 Park Ave., Ganlen G,... SERVICE DIRECTORY -----------SERVICE DIRECTORY Attractive Export S.hvtlltlnt 6550 6620 YpuNG WOMAN I--=<.,.-...:..----• . dancer wlll'teilcb JOU an licensed Day Care -------- late$l sfePs. Call "Ardell My home for pre-sCbooi.en. ADDI1!0NS-REPAIRS l Contracton Okl.cadillac Dealership RQJ F.ata~ pan::el available. · One to five acres on san · Dieto Frenra)' between Crown Valley overpass and Ranobo Viejo •• ....,., .... come. Contact St&n Allen betwee.D. 9 and 5 at 213: 591-cilS 1·10 PM 3 to 6 Yean. Planned pro. REMODELING $10 OFF initiation fee w/thb iram. Fenced yard. Inspec. Designing & . Planning tion invited 54()..5098 Kitchens-Baths, etc. .,.._ or WILL Trade $150,Cat in 'I'Nlt Deeds and/or $115,CKXI in mmpletM W'le ocean view Jots in Laguna Buch for Ora.Die County apartments or clear kveJ. laDd.. Broker '9l·l21D t1USINESS and FINANCIAL ad! Exper, the pleuum: • Lic'd &: Bonded. Free est. of a priv. club. $10 mo. BABYSITflNG, My borne, A & B OONSTRUCTION agL dues. Corona del Mra. Fnl Valley; Med. yd.; ll22 Paularino, CM. Tennis Club at Jamaica Inn loving care, hot wals. * 545-t9il * Hold. 673-ml 962-2816 CA way of lilt) • QMNJPHD.,OS .• CA way or life} 2 to 10 pm &C-9676 "NANNY," babysit in my borne, weekly or brQr. Vic. Harbor It Victoria. CM. 6'&-1'73 ADD-A-Room. apt, units, cust homes. tv.ll story specialist, tree I a yo u t , design. 3J Yn in the business. Pacific Co a• t OOUPLES, singles; kmely'! MATURE Woman wt 11 Blds. 675-TI.91. Weekdays, New in area! Join the swing babysit Fri, Sat A Sun from Sat A Sun at your service to fun A: pleasure 6 pm. Own tram. $LSO per Addtions * Remodeling e 635:-9291 e hr ~1D94 Fred IL Genrick, Lie. BAJA Ir: Mexico narratedi========= m.roct * 5(9.2170 trav.d slide Jb)wa. Enter-Bride, Mltonry, etc. taining, infonnative, reu. 6560 C1rpet Cleaning 6625 But.-O,portunltiel 6300 54&-9856 ....;.=o~~===-IBUil.D, Remod•I, Repair . ~.-1 I. u~• "·--'-WIG & MAKE..\JP Brick, block, concrete, ...... t'<' ........ ~ .. rr AC'<O"'l:'C' tti:. --n ll tr1 done right •• , HAVE B • 1 qmtractor's llceMe. Woo.Id like financla1 partner or RME p o I • w/rfcbt iputy. 853-Center St/ Apt 11. Cotta Mesa ~...., - -erpntry, no job too awau. lt'• "DUNN·WElJ.."! c.Be.Ile Comnttica: S(l.S$87 Llc Contr. 96U9t5 .,.__ ..,._.. __ ,.. ••• ~·· 230 E. Warner, Santa Ana "'"'"' LOil-Uiia • • • ~ BEAUTY SALON' -LAGUNA 2 yn old, Ci unUs $1500 cub + hzvenmry Take av« payments CM-9972 • EWI f!H.8619 * Seiodlw SU>gJes * lvll.-Samca 6562 Carpet L1yln1 & ==·~:i TYPING• IBM >:Mo., Tedi. Repair 6626 C25-55l 642-9676 S..10 PM reports. th!sil: etc. Pickup c·.RPE:I'S (nylons. wools. ""'""'=~~~~~1 " delivl!r. 544-#14 REDUCE Safe, aim.pie A: tut pioba:ten,) Viayb and TO. W.ANTD>: otr...i.e liquor -· era-Oowr!y, Call' 64U1l9 wilh GoBeoe tab!oll °""' Carpouteri,. 6590 es. Latest •l>les and coolon. 98c. C r a w f o r d • • RX Commerdal am Resilkntial. Pharmacy, Costa Mesa Expm tnatallatlon. ALCOHOLlCS .._.,,,... CARPENTRY BLANKINSHIP JUlORS Ftdie so.mt Cll' wrti. lo MINOR REPAIRS. No Job IG-l«D 540-'lXZ P.O. Dn. ll23 a.ta Mesa. Too Small. Cab!mt in Pl'-o.~--f.. 6'IO • .ATI'lt. beauty l&lon • I========'= I qel • o tb•r cablneta.1 __ ~--~----Announcem1nts 6410 5611'15. tf na amwer k.aw TAKATA Prioed tor quldc .... al $17'0. ........... (Gl<N) Real Estate LHnl 6340 HOMEWORK pt,11! Send ~ 64W312. R. o. J'APANESE NURSERY r.id. Mo"•"" "'11 .......... --to 546.al2I. Completa........,. ,,. ..... r ...... e P.O. -m. °""" REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS ~ == tor C-Inc. SERVICE DlltECTOltT CABINEr.I, AD!/ "'8 Job. ALLEN BROS 3.18 E. 11lh St., a.ta Mesa D-.. 1 25 yn. exper. 5C8-61U GARDENERS SI'UDENTS -<>ronp en11 ,_,,.... """'~':: ...,...n 6510 QuilitY -. A>trn. -lhelt ....,. "'"' ..i. sc.nn ~ • lion& -New con1L b)' hour iege. ~ lk:rmed. Eno_ '73-1165 ..... 1157 WASHER It .,,,.. -· ce Oonlrsct. --REAS! 646-Gll AHNOUMCIMINTS "1nteoannteeda~rvic• Cement C.Crete 6600 AL'S GardeDhlg Service 1M NOTICES ~ n.tea. &n-ms ' Lawn main~. ea.rdes> •~• 6400 SUPREME RdrJpntiaa A # PA.Tia!. d r Ive way 1, ~A: dean upl. &16--3629.. -(FrM -Applfance -· AR tor -Ftff ntlmata. JAPANJ:SE Gudooor, ...,.. FOUND y D a n I Lab. Tom.. ~1363. 5CT1&91 Ctil 515-623& plete ,.aid ~ fne ~. vi<. Bull Boy, ....... ,~.. l550 e CWl"OI< PATIOS e .......... MG-1332 Newport Bnch. Call I: .,.,,,, cmcn:te awing• ttmoYll RDJABJ.E: Minute Ciflt: klentt(r '*-'11411 TODDLER. cart, pi., mate, State Uc. e SU..1010 Low-rate morrtbl;y Avail. ~ Hound. hart by fll!lllC!d ,.a.rd. welt ~ (lb. e 8E!I' IN <X>NalEl'EI H§..tsn Mor/nu car. V1co FalrWw It--IY. Vic Ut11-1< ~ MJY -~ .-,,,.,:-<LDN-OP Sjjidlllll! ..... ll<Ornnldc bl, Ol. Call 6CUSll Rea. So• --· ..... ~ odd ,..,., llcb• M&-1&61 _.,. LDS Woman...,.,_ ... * CONau:r& wodr. --· Rall SM955 ~ Bllldc' puppy. Vk home. Very sd w/eb&drn. a lie. O:JDcftte a-nw. lOHN9lN'S Gardetll.ac serv. llamili:Ja I: Budmrd, nun.. Good ftC tac. r e f • , PhilllJl9 em.mt 548-63110 nnrst equip, upnt Jard fuWtan aMdl. Call -..wTI Euclid/Slater FV 56-1'71 CEMfNT Work, no job too care! Rea! 9C1-20l5. WJ:UTE a black. .potted BABYSITTING trQ' bomt.. snail. rtuonable.. F re e CUt a Edi" Lan lhagy dof. V~· ~ Ii: Pftfer andcr° 4. CM. &ft&. ntim. IL StllDick. 5G-86U Malnttnanci, lJctonled f111more, CJI. --64MllCll/&l>2!10 aft. FOUWD. Ladia' watch BABTSri'fiNG hi mJ bcml. Cen~ritcton 6620 LAWN SF.RVICE """"'"' of 21st SL It Good tu"""" l ..... expert QUALITY remoddlrw, _....,,, ~CM. 60-SJ ct.ft, ~! ~ cutom dntp"te~. Reh: U 3.s6li after I PM TAN coca, a t!OO 1IQlllO'. vie CHILD c:st, D11 home, Mea oo nq, Frallk t.l. 8N'dtn EXPER J'&plll)l":W Oerd9er NB Pcm. Call m..3570 lat Vffdt Ila. ltNa tlta, a..tt Co., l.Q9.1486 alt Monthly aiervk:e. I e a 1. infra; • b1cd' ~ .,.... c pm I m.qroo fl' 541)..78$7 " L • e The Tax AdviMn * Boat Carpen~ Year round ofc: 3211' No. * Hardware Men Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reu! * Fiberglu LaminakQ Call &G&tOO tar appt. * Wood &haper Men ===-,,,===;;--:-, I• Marine Engine Men w~ FT~=~ *Boat Painters ,. MU3M or 545-1398 eve MACK HARRIS Tu Sen. 9th )T., m7 Roo&evtlt. CM. Appointmts, 5tG-297l e INCOME TAX e * D1ytlmo lluo'-'r Done In ,... borne * Night DbhwHhor $5 ADI!_ up. 639-3;00 APPLY IN PERSON RfUB8( E. lff 6755 Ironing "-'--''-------1 151 E. Coa" Highway IRONING IN MY HOME Newport llaach REASONABLE CAIL 5"'239 COST ACCOUNTANT L1ndsc1p1,. 6110 lmmod oponing. °""" In Aceountlng or Buslnesa AcJ. LANDSCAPE RS -tion w/ Ac:counling ATTENTION minor. 3,... ....... In mtg. I need landacaptng. amt wm costs. can for appt. or .end trade a l'l ft outboard witb resume bi< whttl lraller for your PLASMADYNE tervlce:I. Lets get fosethe.r 3839 So. Main, S.A. "''°" ;.... """' _.... 545-7171 Ext. 3S4 Phone......., F.quataoporton!<y.em_, Paporit1ntlnt ftMeU' ll TKHS ~·lnting_~ ___ 61SO_ -- ~~-----1 PWllBING REPAIR No jOb ........ ·-· .ADO .A room -R«no*1 BOB'S lllG llOY 3S4 &. '"" St.. Q>ola- lox loy -cabinets -block wall SERV. ST.A. ATr. ~time fences. ·Free e 1 t I m a t ~ 1 ewntnaL Ow:r It • E. ...._, )TUI ~ca.ta - ,..._ .. Mr. Horsley, Personnel 147-3531 CAMllRO MFG. CO 7IOI Clay Hunt""'°" laach ITT JABSCO Project Engineer - Mechlnicll Orange Oowr<y .,1. of larp intemational cor- poration lor design &lid dewlopment of small ___ .... myatam. Used in ma· tine, in::luatrial and aanl- tary applications. R.eqll1res 3 to 5 yean ~ gineerine experience, and • ptder dep'tt emphaldz.. -q mechan1cal, electro- mecbank:al, chemkal or phyak:a diactpline. Work· "" .......... of plullai and moti:n very bdpM. AN EQUAL OPPOR111NITY EMPLOYER M A F l._, Dale Way, Costa Mna Calllomia 92626 545-8251 Dishwasher Gr1vay1rd thlft Mu" be owr 21 APPLY IN PERSON DBINY'S RlsTAURANJ 3170 Horbor Blvd. Cost1 Mesa CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Crowin& company needs chld accowitant to assume re- sponsibllity for dfvialon· ~ aoc"1.....,,.. -of small accountine depart- ment. Kmwledp or cowm. ment contract accounting es. sentil.l.. Degree ln Account-m, or Bustnm: • 5 years rxperlence. Excellent start. Ing salary. '1eue send re- aume A aala.ry requjremmta to Bax M.QO The Daily Pilot CAREER. OPPORTUNrTY! And -diWI yotl .... ... We upoae all pbues of OW' bullne11 lo a man before he slartl. We . also look d .. ply-Into-Ille man't back· ground to be rue be ls up lo our ll4Ddmll. We oiler,- SECUllTY • . ' We are a natlonW!ae. nlllllr.·bi -, since 1899 without a sbaWon or a layoff. • Company benefils blcblde •gull'IDW. ular1 . ' with bonll! opportun!lltt; group !>o<Pltal &> life insurance. Profit slwlog ~Omellt and vacations with pay. OPPOITUN11Y • We are .a division of a ~ IUO<Oafui and diversified worldwide coipiirallon with ever growing needs for personpel it all levell. CHALLENl.E 'Ve are a sales organization, .where you are paid on your own ability and lnltlatlve. We are interested in the man 'tiWl aooc.t employ. rnent records, between 23-45~ married, able , '· to furnish good references. ~ble to pool re-:: • fundable casb bond. For oonlld~ntlal Inter· view- Coll n...U30, nk for Mr. Syt_..r ·Help w•-. --noo · Halp WOlllell. - HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH IS GROWIJG We have poeltlons avallab~.for TOOl All> DI MAKERS wl.lh pluUcs lnjection mold~· . . AUTU4A1K SCREW MACHIE OPWTORS with abillty to .do set-upa on Swltf automa- tic. Openinp on lint and 5f:C'Ond &hift. ElfCTRO PlATIRS wi th a minimum of one ye~s cadmiWJ) pU.t. Ing experience. . ' MAllODIAllCr' MKHAlllCS B with at least 2 year's recent experience In the maintenance and · repair ot tranafer mold preuea. H you possea the netta- 1uy Qualllications and are interested ln Joinin2' an outstanding e 1 e ct ron1ic components manuf.actur- ing organimtion that pro- vides excellent working cOndJtions a.nd good bene-- flta, apply in person for immediate consideration .. , HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH SCIO Superior Avenue Nowport Bead>, Calif. * SllJPPlNG AMO Bl'OREROOM * Able J11U1W man 1o .. ..,,,. .... ...,.,.... ma~ control on "'111..Pmnanmlposl witb GO!llerrt waddnl ditl.m · -.rxt all fr i 111 ,,.,..,. indadlnl prof! ~CwroRNIA INn:tTION MOLDING 2» Bria1 Avenue ' Oleta Mesa, Calif. • lnine Ind. Tract - * IUSIOYS *: ' OVER AGE 11 ~ Experienced Ollb'. FUil tbi _ ............. Fll(E CROWNS RESTAURANTS 3801 E. Clout Hwy, <llnilil. dd MU' (No--J YOUNG & LANE . , Tll!E CO. - HU ~ for mar 1b _........_Top ...... pUt-.-.-~ medical plan. .Join" .. ahead wHb us. .AllPb' In a.in IA r.. l'llt st., ante ' eo....-0. • .,.!·'!;:iM:;':;:Y:;., -====:::::::::::;:;===11=""='1 •;;•;:;a.rt::·:;'"';·jRl;';fli:J & IM~LOYl+llNTJOIS-& !~lOYMINT JOU & !Ml'LOYMIN\' .IOU & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMl'l.OYMINT JOU & IMN.OYMINTJOIS & Dll'LOYMINT No Matter What It 11 • '• YOU CAN ·' SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 CHARGI ITJ H•I• w.-. -nGOHelo W-. 7200 Holp'Wonlff Hol• W-''"' Mon, Wom. 7500 ~~ M,n. w ..... 7'°" ..:!!-1~ ·w-. 1400 ~.-1400 · .· 'ME'' NII c:em.tery property? ? ·''Ml'' t•lk Meut prMtMCI funer•I trutt1? ? How deos onY-INm Momorlol Coun11llnt START by calling rclr-'1.n Interview 644-0212 UNIBARD AC(OUllTlll6 QQJ * 11WR * P C DESIGNlRS Ideal Oran1e County location. Tbere are ten top level openln11 fqr top perfoqner•, ramJ. lier with multi-layer P C boards, wljh mlcro- loglc components. Prtfer minimum of lour years experie~ce. DARRELL WARD MOS •• IC DESIGNERS Pacific View Memorial Park Help W1"'94. Mon 7200 Help Wonted, -noO MANAGER OF COST ACCOUNTING TO EXPAJISIOll AND INCRWB>, Glen di le Feder1I ~vings llW Ntwport Blvd. Able to do a complete MOS layout from Ioele diagrams within a newly organized MOS -IC activity. Sa!'!!?:' commenaurate with experi- ence and ability. Plenty ·of cf.'rtunlty for growtli and advancement. U .• cltlun1hlp required. COit• Mn11 . l'OUCY Send resume to Phil Cluunberlln or call Doug Harril; (714) 833-oeoo Ext. 2654 Ex_ ............ lletup and Dl&N&e the Colt .lecountlllc Dt~t of LEAR JET'S new Static Power DMalon In Santa Ana. I SERVICE Prefer at leut one )'tar ot ~. ~ty er multiple line ratine ui>erlenoe. PSea.. sant phone JJft"IOnallt;y n- aentlal. Excellent opporhm. lty fDr advancement. "'lLLINS RADIO CO • You will med a deartt ln acww:ith& ftve yurs exper. ence in colt accountlna with a manufacturer, a worldlw knowledge of 1tand. ard and job cost aecouzitinc and two yean ot supervisory ....... ..,.. BUSINESS, * ESCROW CLERK Opporlunlty 1..u.bie 1n our llM MT /ST · N ....... ,,.... ..... "" • TYl'IST 1'700 JAMl!OREE ROAD NEWPORT BEACH Naben CadDlac la now~ appllcatlo111 for i-nonable. mature. well-Ewninp llhitt. Exptrlence -lndtvldual, .. work d..u.d • • Ari equal opportunity employer , EXPERIENCED, "fl.lb the public and aid in ' ~ ot ftlal estate ... DPLY loanl. Knowledp ·of Jo a n ~ Jo"' Mon, Wom. 7500 . G.M. P.AINTER See Mr. Chuck Donnell PARTS PICKUP & DELIVERY MAN See Mr. Monie Donahue l'OLICY TYl'ING . ....._ .... ,--. ,.,... 50 wpm. Excellent world.ftl condition. and fringe be~ MARSHAU Help Wanted w-• 7400 , _______ , Excellent lllary, benefits and opportunity lor advance- ment. cau. <n•> 5C7.m im. mediately to arrange an m.. Wview. Exp.rlenced or trainff, mW. up1e nn. po11cy wilt. 60+ accurately on the electrk!.. 'I1le ideal position for 90Qle- one who likes to type. --------DEPT SJ'ORF. CAR ATTENDANT See Mr. Bob "-1'ld ftb. Pleue call M•. Rua COMMUNICATIONS Litch for appointment. TEMPORARY THE EMPLOYMENT BROADWAY 673-1500 lllR JU INDUSTRIES Excdltnt frtnp benetita, bN.utlful ultra modern fad1. ltlu, llnelt pay -Naben Cadillac Glendale Federal Savings 2333 E. Coost Hwy. URGBfTlY llflDB> •• HUNTINGTON IEACH Excellent ttte benef.ltl. Per- manent, atwty work. Our policy ls promotion from within. Your future b deter- mined entlrdy by )'OU. New modem office, tritnclly, pleasant atmosphere. e Clerks NEEDS • Typists EXTRA 2600 Harbor ..... lllll S. Rttchoy St. Coda Mesa EXPLORER MOTORHOME CORP. Nowpol't Booch An Equal 0pportuiil1y Employer * GIRi. FRIDAY * • Repro Ty_plsts ON CALL • Secretanes . Sant• An• * Equal opportunity employer NIGHT For aucceuful Real Eatate Broktt ln s.nta Ana anea. • Keypunchen SALES NEEDS For DetailJ and App't. Call Collect PERSONNEL PEOPLE Prefer )'OWle ambitious 1irl Work when I. wher• ~ to usume ,responal· you wantl * CARPENTERS * ELECTRICIANS * CABIN"1' SETTERS * CARPENTERS & *MILL MEN 12131 384-1213 UNI GARD HOUSEKEEPER, INSPECTRESS AND MAIDS bWty I: perfonn ~t .._ u well u menW dutlel. Must be pleasant, wry well rroomed. le have excellent telephone voice. 5 hours p daily to &tart, but will tn. creue to tuD time u abll. FOil M SPR·ING With mobile home experl· ence. Excellent bendlta. Second ahltt, 3:30 to l AM plus overtime. Excell. fringe benelitJJ, We illl, pa.ld boll· dayt, etc. INSURANCE GROUP Work Near Horne Immediale -· Ex• pa.ndinr 1tatt for eD-SERVI(£ PRoMOTIONS APPLY 1N PERSON EXPLORER MOTORllOMf CORP. ' 3021 Newport Blvd. Colt• Mesa, C1llf IMMEDlATE OPENINGS FOR PRODUCTION WORKERS Mechanical u:p. holpfvl lndlntrlal a., l'l'Odueb 18765 Fiber Glau Rd. H-n Be&ch, call!, EXECUTIVE SALES CAREER Startlnr "'""' + """"""" lion. nr.t )"!I.I' eun1np of $12,0'.n. + poalhle. two year tn.tnt.., pracram -by cen- tury old 2:11.tloNJ. company. Bualnr&1 or aale1 back. sround btlptuL No tra ve:J. ~ment opporllUUUea. RonaldGillmanqer. "7-Tbl Eq\mJ. opportunily employer TltAINEE Y~ man atart with ware- botlll ddlvery a: aorne dil- play. No previous uperl. ence necetll.l'Y. Must haw clean drivel'I llcertlf!. Pr"eo fer mWtary lel'Viee compleL ed. Apply tn penon, irn Newport Bivd., Coste Meaa. Man to work as APPLY IN PERSON 3021 Newport Blvd. Coste 'Mes•, Calif. Agencies, Women 7300 SECRETARY· RECEl'110NIST Iarred hote:I. Call or aee Ml.ml Kini· tty Procreue•. Send resume to Box M 1158, Dolly Pilot. THE RECEl'TIONIST, NEWPORTER INN CLERK TYl'IST Must be yoq and penon. ~ accttrate 50 wpm able, to m@et public. Some 1101 Jamboree Road typins, rood Wephone voice typq. 5 day Wftk, M . New Newport Beach I: ability to mttt the publle. air oond. otftces and eqUip-6"-lTOO Phone tM interview appolnt. ment. Lob o1 tnm-esttna ---==---1 ment acttvltt" See or C&ll Staa ClfRK Mr. Honley, 8'7-3531 DBl'IJlDn . Muhlta. CAMBRO MFG. 00. 445 E. 171h St. Costa Mesa, Calif. 642-7521 lnt•rvlawlng Mon. thnr F '1. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Equal opportunity employer- PART TIME WOMEN II AM·2 PM e .I ""1 a.,, Hn .. llch. p !SOM• Naben CadiHac CASHIER. HOSTESS MACDONALD'S, the 1.,.. ag&flcy 2600 Harbor Blvd. OPPORTUlllTY N1!8.t appearing, 13 to to. No e1t Cany.Out Restaurant Costa Meaa experience heCHAl'y. Apply awn, oilers an excellent Secty • •• •• ••••• S500 EPF• 540-9100 in penon. opportunity for neat, alert Type 60, ah 80 Top pharmacy~ clerk In women to work at MacDo~ Girt Fri .......... 1315 CRF RECEl'.TIONIST, .,.my I. photocrapby d'PI. BOB'S BIG BOY aid'• ot l!Mbor, Coota Type SO+,""°" w/ figUtts CLERK'"'tYl'IST Will tnln. Must be pmnan. 154 E 17th SL Me,., MONDAY thnl FRI· Rectp ••••••.•.••• $350 APF ent. Neatneu, I: mannen I: a.~· Mesa DA y 11 AM .. 2 PM. Thil Light, accurate typing Requitts accurate SO wpm llncerlty with people, im-1.,=....,;;;:=°=.::::-:--=-I permanment year around Catering Girl Fri • $650 EPF typlnc, iood telephone voice portant. LoCatect ~Balboa BAq< Otriee Jt\llW, 5 doc-employment in clean, plea- lleavy phone work, typing, &: ability to mH:t the pulllic. area. All replln confident. ton; mwt have exper, CBC aant aurroundinp, w I th banquet &n'allgt!ments, Phone for interview apJ)Olnt.. laJ. Write detail& to Box p. ditterentiala a mu • t . meals &: willo_rm fUrnished. Exec Secty ··•••· $625 EPF ment. 412o Dally Pilot. X·Ra)'I helpful. lnvcper. Contact Mr. McClanahan Typing so+. sh 12o+ Mr. Honley, 847~ DENTAL Ottlce SECTY'Y pleue do not apply. Pleue or Mr. Dlnlua at Girl Fri .•• , , ..... $375 CRF CAMBRO MFG. 00. (Tua tin) .. 25 to 35 )Tl. call: $.11-3.2a5 Aft. 4 PM Secretary , • , ••••• $400 EPF 7601 Cay, Hnts Bch. old. SecrtW1&1 akilll are No 1h, 2 girl o.Uice a m u 1 t, Comprehenalve Gen'l Ottlce • , ..... , $347.67 ~ Betty Bruce at knowledp o1 the dental eD-T1l1phono Rocoptlon Wo•k. Coll 10 AM to I P.M. 540-2034 ;s fee paid m ~ vtronment It patl@nt need! Varied houn, work with • are req'd, Mlnimum exper. alrp].anes, mwit be youna: td xec dQire 5 '==~~~=~= &: attractive. 1.. .. .-v for Career Girlt ol l )TL: _,'PS· FULL CH AR GE BOOK-~-"~ EPF A6~·-.r or more. Must mttl: .. tut.-KEEPER Thru •-·-"·' -~· Seely ...... -"" W ~---H~ N B tto -"th •~-~ eue ~~ Secretary •.•..•.• $450 CRF ......, · '-UQ< ~.... ' • r'll ... , ,..,..,._..... ' statements. Multlpal cor-- • EPF, employe pa.ys fee BJ •ppoinl ~ finnneu a: po!M. Top poration. Xlnt. salary A MACDONALD'S OF HARBOR 31'1 HARBOR, CM EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY • M'F, •ppllc..nt pys fee * ~ * aalaty potential ta rl&ht benefits. Call en•) 837-2020 •OU", co. reimbllnle! fee ., •• •r..n. permn; all othmi M«I not ExL 267 for •ppotnbnent UNITED CALIFORNIA ... VER DRIVE •PP'>· Call' 714' ~ BANK N.J DO for children or adulta, In LADY To do houaekttpln& NEWPORT BEACH home or hospital. F\ll1 Or A supervise 8 yr old girl, 642-3870 """ tlm•. doyo, .... or * Waitresses Noon ., '· Mon """ Fri. DOMESTIC HELP weekends. Apply: Own tram, Lido I 11 e. All kinda! Hou.sekeepen. HOMEMAKERS 6'13-4956 afttt 2 3141 E. Coo1t Hwy Corona del Mar i7J.9240 Cooks. Maidt I: Companiorui, 1638 E. 17th St. S.A. Apply In person DltA.Pl:RY WORK ROOM Referencei req, Fee & Fee • .\ccounting/Bkkpc Imm~ openinp alt phuei. Equal opportunity employer Pald Jobi. Call Miu Abby, • Seaeta.rial REUBEN'S Pd holldaya &:: dt 1 yr. !M-7798 •Reception pd vac, + co hen's. 5'G-6f64 ARGUS AGENCIES e Typbto Beach 0no,,..,, Stl'Yie<. U69 C Newport Blvd., C.M. Superior Agency COCO'S e w A IT RESS : Good e SUPERVISION a: Established 1946 • pmionallty, • t t r • ct 1 v e RN DIRECTOR OF NURSES SALES WORK e 1.857 Harbor Bl, Costa Mt11. JJSS W. Adams 21-25. Full time, top aaluy, * ATIENOANT * Full time. Mlllt bave neat C&.l! first Ml-nn Costa Mesa lJl Palu.no'1, Huntlncton fte?'MtlonU I: maintenance appe.arance, able to deal FULL tlme, experienced Rb-Harbor. 846-MS Convaleacent lbpll.al, Newport. Considerable retpOl'laibWty, authority u earned. Benefits tx· cellent with unllmlted po. tent1al ta • truly capable professional. with people. Apply ln pel" iot escrow derk. COUNTER GIRL.S, par t Some club "' hotel -· son. * * * * BE JHE FIRST time. FROSTEE FREEZE, ence he)ptul. C&ll ~2211 Holiday HHlth Spa Part time, experienced aav-899 w. 19th Colla Meaa, ext. 160. 2300 Harbor lµvd., C.'M. ings l lo&n teller, 1.fd>ONALDS b: b tr l n I Ca.lif. Apply ln penion bet Sherp CerHr Gals P.O. Box 100, San Clem COUNTER Women to work 2-f PM. • LABORERS Ste .... Otrlc Typhto, Gal SAWYER Hom• n •• d. ""'"""' thnl Friday 11 -::.:,PH;;,;;O~NE;:-so=u-;;c"r"'to'°'RS;;;--54M030 Urrentb' Needed! J'dd&y'I. Rtcpta_ Bkkpra, mature women Io r 2 pm. UnUonm tuml&bed, no nperiencti neceuary. Temporary Employment RN1 A LVNa. Both fee & fee housekeeping A practical tre. meala. Full A part ttme apply I-------- INTERIM paid jot., Top co'a! Call nuntna. 64&-6116 APPLY JN PEROON ln penon. Holiday1 Health Penonnel Strike Doris, 548;1196 DENTAL Aulatant, cha.Ir M~~'S Sp. 2300 Harbor, C.M. 445E.l'l'ttl,CM ga..1523 ARGUSAGENCIES aide, ln N"'POl't Beach Huntlna1onBech WANTEDExpe rlenced 18611 C Newport Blvd., C.M. area. X·R&, exper. d~lred. • f1abine rod home wrappers. nJLt. TIME SERV STA TYPIST.a.ERK To •pply. P.b: OR 3-Ufi6 GROCERY CHECKER . Gilt 1: Glft1, :nn Valley men. Ex pert e n c e d ln Salary $393-$4i7I INTERIOR Decorator with Stable, middle ~ woman. Road, C.M. 5C8-6C13 tuDeup. bnket • aalu, Top val u 1 .. h hl aal le .. 1•• Full Hme, amall friendly•l..:.:;==;;,.=:;:::..;:,:=,:,:::c.,.,.,= wages, Insurance, bonus Reep. equ1 ent ol .~ Sc es aper nee. Apt'V H. market no eve• Apply 3347 Janlton, W"Omen needed plan a paid vaQ.tlon. Apply diploma, recent exp or J, Garrett Fumlture, 2215 E · i:. Ew:nin& work tn Newport Nightim• Cocktail W aitross Apply In penon REUBEN E. UE 604 So. Cout Hwy., u..iw. trn'1. type 40 WPM. Apply Harbor mvd, C.M, 646-0275 _:_Coast Hwy., d M. Beach .:re •. Apply «19 N. Bemch by •nt/69 City o1 ~al SALF.S iiri wanted, over 25 SARAH OOVENTR.Y bu Harbor Blvd., Santa Ane. 151 E. Cust Hlghwey INSTRUCI'ORS Full a part Beach. 213/Ul-25.27 yrs. No nights, tor toy 1tore, =:":es~or Pl!'!::. WOMAN, Attractlw. <l>unter N•wport Beech 'ttmeNeata~.Mu.t TRAINEES -Sportswear call 545-'lD.12 uk JOI' Mr. 1' help. ~ 2l or over, ~ be able to rn.eet • Mal factory. Xlnt. opportunJty, Pollock. no invm, no dellvertM. or to 48 hn: wk The Doryman HAIR Styliat Qflted, hlgb with pUblic. Apply in penon H'nowledge: ot &ewina essen-GIRL Flida.y, type 5 O, Int call 540--061t . 2100 W. ~ll~ NB ' atyle 1pedalial, but )' Holldq Health Spa, 2300 Hal. App\y ~ G .. Birch diyeraitied position, Wary LYN NURSE1 Nl9ht1 GIRL Frid billq' t;ypin!r Ne.wpilrt Shop, fo1lowlni Harbor, C.M. St., N.B,. 1 blk. E. ol O.C. depends on experten~. Mn. APPLY lN PERSON lt. bkkptrw':;'ana. ~. eatl J>ftferttd but not 11K'f!818J')'. * SPAR ASSEMBLERS airport Willis, ~l Lal\fna Beach Nursing between 1 I: t, T\let, thru CUI MS-00 9 A.M, TO 8 P.M. AvallabWty Apply Permnnel Dept. 3RD FLOOR INTERVIEW HRS. 2-4 P.M. 1.10NDAY thru SATURDAY 777 EDINGER HUNTINGTON BEAO:t An Equal Opporlunlly Employer UNUSUAL Opportunity The Independent Order of Forestel'll have opened a new oU1QOJ In Oranle emm. "'· -lntelllpnt .,.,, or woman 25-59. ())llese not heceuary, Should have ex. perlence in meeuna public. Dlgnilied 1lte time poaltlon. Earning commencet inuned.. lat~l.Y. Should be in exceu · oJ'. $250 weekly. Telephone between 9 AM • 1 PM Mon. thru .Fri. 9 AM • U Noon Sl.turdaya Jor ap. pointment. Newport Bch, South '9'2-3700 Costa Mesa. North ~17UJ. Engineering Clerk MIUl be irooci typlat. Will do ·var!~ dutle1 11'1 enrtnffrinl department, includlnr oper- attna: blueprint ma.chine, ·m. Inc. etc. Slaco Switch 1139 Bo kor St. Costa Mesa 549-3041 An ~al opportunity employer • Cooks •Hostesses Apply In person REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Adoms Costa Mesa ANCIENT MARNR HIRINC • Host••••• * BENClf WELDERS HSKPR/Cook, Ne'NpOrt $350. Experl~ motel m.id. Hom•. 4f4.I075 Friday, 540-S990 ;_DENT;;c,,;;AL::;...:C:AuC::;,b:;:tan:::~;-:;dll;:;:lr Stainlea 1teel 1: aluminum. IUkpr/Cook, Newport '300. Full time. Costa Mea. W~ Full time A DENTAL Aal.ltant, chair side in G.P. ottice. 19 to DAY SHTFTS ONLY Elqlaience nee:. Own amall Dayworlcer, Laauna. $2.25 hr Call 6'U--3670 part time. Be.lle:my'1 Coffee ikle, in Newport Buch :Jl..¥n. Send resume to 9659 hand tools. c.it st&-1437 Employer P1.YS ftt. Ci«qe Shop, 1400 W. O:iut HIWI;)', area. X·Ray exper. det.lnd. La Mon, Fountain V~ey •PPtY tn pel"IOn llG-ll • Ma lnttnance Help bet. 9-U AM, MoD-Ftl Allen B)'land Aatney llli-B BARMAIDS. ntahta. No Ne-Beach ..._ 1., Ph OR 66 )607 \V · Cit HIPwa,y E. I.th.•• ••7,......,, coatume1. 548--9291 .. _., .iu•pp..,, : ~11 7500 N-Beach P j "' •• Ion ~ ~ -WAITRESS, Put ttm. Jo... Mon, Wom. --~ .. '"'-~J!IOI -INSTIIUCTRESSES, Full A --sµ .BREEZE HOUSEKEEPER, Cb 11 d 7'::0.:::-e:==.,-~I OpportimiUei lor: pmrt time Neat eppe&ra11Ce BARMAID, Age 21 to 90, DAYS OVE~ CAU. care. Llyto..ln, must ~ THE Nnr Oliwr'• Rout Cutter, Experienced AsMmltly Carpfflterl Mu!t be · able to me-et & full time. Apply The Flam• children. Doctor'• Jamlly. Bffl .,.,w be hlr1ng .,"f'll lmmt!dlate Openlna LUHRS BOAT CO. deal with public. Apply in Room 1880 Monrovia, CM AfOTEL. troot deak, exper 147--8!!01 IJ'OOl'ned f\lll A part time Beach Drapery Service 149 W. Uth St.. CM penon flollday Health Spa, SALESGIRL Mtr. ~· 20 Prtt, PBX, NCR, t)'plna, RELli!F COOK btlp. AP~ 2 ~~ c;:1.i{· Costa~ w. lith s~ ..... · EXPER. Brealdut cook; no 2300 Harbor, C.M. . to 40 epply The Knlt-w1t, part time. 49f.852l !:xpentnctd 2l14 W • .....,,..an " · ;.;;;;o.;;;;o'c;"==,,..;c~.::.:;::i lundQs. Apply: ())looiU w~ Youna lacty ta Sout1' Coe.It Pluai ~2SU EXPERIENCED • 641.aKt EXP. Lalldecllprt ...ittmen EXPERT ll.1a.nuacrtpt l;yplat, JCtchm lU W. 19th. C.M. w"Ork daytime I< 1\'f!ek-ends WANTED NUt1e17 School WAtTRESSES LIVE-IN t"Om puion. non-or tra1i-.Salary of;' comm: ~echnlcal emphula, Fllll BUSBOYS Wanted; l.pply In it family Restaurant. Con-Teacher. 8 hour day, ** 54U38.1 ** tamoke:rordrtnkt.r. P1euanl qualified leada. )' rlna• Ume. Oynametrlx, Inc. P. pt1'Ul to: 801 Baltic. Blv, taet Mr. Schterhold, Mr * LI l-37TJ * EXPEJL &ntal rtttpUonil:t. sumnmdtncs. 96)...522~ benefits. Cal.f 546-41U6 _ • O. Box 494., Dana Point Ba.lbot, 9 Toll A.M. Stelk, 2267 Fairview Rd, MANICURIST wanttd for ScJtd resume to Box ?>t-473, INCOME tax be.Ip l'lffded Part Time Dtsk omt BLlJEPRJNT SHOP requ1rt 1 Fbr9l1 Repairman C.M. bury shop. G 0 od op. DI.Uy PUot to 4/15.. Pay depends on Appl.y In penon blutline ll"lmm~ operator. Schod( ~ Nwpt ~ DAD..Y PD.OT WAAJ ADS! eportunll;yl * m.3385 + Wlllte Df'J)huta1' expe~.-IG-2221 ""'8 W. Cout Hwy. N.B. 54().$.)73 _L ---'• L....__---..:. '---"--} -· -· --·. -I _I _) _~· . 11\lllCMANDlll tJOl MlllCHANDISI l'Qlt IALI AND TUDI IALI AND TllADI F"""lu,. llOOOFumllu,. llOOO $39'1 I'll-$59.H One of Our M1ny -ins! MEDlllltRANEAN SPANISH New Showtoom Samples WIU"~Any Pl1co lndlvlduolly 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man'• chair or love seat 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w / black or avoc1do framed chalrsi 8 pc BR ,.1, 9-d Mr. lo Mrs. droner, lg nurror, 2 com· rnOd .. , decorative heodbolrd ln Spanish oak d .. lgn with matching box springs, m1ttress & frame. ONLY $529.95 ($1095.95 Value! Tltv'*1, AJl'ii :;, i... -JiUT 41 ':lf~H::g'l::ialt M~~~~\~~,~~: •. M::~~~iDJS~~ FREE TO YOU n.ANSl'OllTATIONfFTrriiiiis~ftT'AT'filOOiNN!'iFiliAJll'Ol11'lllOlir=j ~~~~~=~I02~2~1·M~llCI~·;;··;-~· ;..~ ... ~~llO~M~ll="'~ .. ~·i·~·~··:.iiii~-ii NEED ..,,,...:. w1ih ...... I" $111 .... ls 9010 ,l'lollll• H- 9200 Clmpll'I 9520 • 1 Gor~ Solo their horn• a heart lor Cba OPEN HOUSE l!UNt!N'ION• Beath on O>ot 1961 FORD F-%!0 'w It• Cha, laYeblo S·l<atd faun Hlah...,, tacl"i coll Csmpel' !1 ton _ 1 WE'l\E MOVING, (baek * AUCTIONS *' Cha.Llvr\Y.aoodecmponlnn flll*SAT•IUN _,., 3 BR, bull~lztl. Eqnl;ped with \1, ' yanl oal•). Double bod, ~ tor ldultl., -· t/2 CORONADO l'di1cm>'"'· car port " au-tie, ndlo. ltoetn; ~ ,.,..., " ,_. "s. APRIL 3rd & 4th PUPPY: F.mut, hall Dex<· y ACHTS -pgJJo. ltOOO. moo ""' air. ,a· hid. -. Kitchen .cces. etus &: 5e, h&lf Poodle, QPf'Oll'. ' down. wW carry balance. t>Wcr. 11135 Beach .Blvd • .,.,.._,., Lots ol ...,,, •. , THURSD ay & FRI DAY """ old. ur..e ehlldnn. °" dlspliy "11-!3111 or -Hum. BNd>. - clotbea. me. 10 .12. " need.I .. SoOd home. andlnthcwatfrfordemo axil)' TRLfL 2 Br. Alum. '!I at£V. 9!li Van Camp. I Evuythlna In xW cond. 7•30 p M 14&-7297 413 YACHTS llOYALE, awnillp. a!Nond.; clean. ft·•, ••·, smoo. Good Ladlt1 ~ ilrn ·~ &: • • • ~ Oote 1ng n.au ~ 111. Fuhlon acca, jo .. lry. /' UNCLAIMED STOllAGi PROM : B~UT. AJCNC .~e-~~ 2912 w !!I_~· u~~ -oo ~I :, sp""'~· °""'· l3JO. Clil I-ii p.m. etc. Fri A sat. 646-8354 OU .,,.. .. p. 1 Yt. .... ............ z.... . ......... t • .._ .... I,)' .. ~ • • • 613-91105 OllANOE Cl NTY VAN & STOllAC.E Good watchdoS A bwscblld. N•-Be""' * """'10 C.M. *;:;;P:;:Ml;;,·TO=PS"'."°'"'all;;-:•:otc:ec:e;ll 1 GARAOE SALE Wardrobes, cartons, caah Nglster, desks, 539-0Gl ~ LIDO 1.f 'FULL RACEI-MOBlLE Home 24x43, 2 ahllll. 'Sale• 6 ren~. $1'9 ~ ~~ :alp~ c~the~; Bedroom sets, divans, chairs, pictures., coffee CHARMING Mutt. temalf, 6 TWO SUITS SAILS! bdnna, 1% baths, awnlnga:, up. Buy Jactory dlnct. 1010 ~ S.A. Phone 5G-5nl ta1lJ.e1, RCA color TV, matt.rtsses, new Baby mo1. bu uc. .t lhOtl. Trailtrl Covet! l1295 aklrtin&:. 962-0042, ~ So. Harbor, s.A. :l lumlture, record players, Webcor tape r&o Bmlblk. lovable. Call arm .,., ~ BIKES. !!'J'.."~~-~ carders, Kimball spinet ·plano, ey•lovel «;•• 3 PM. 962-<0'11 4/S NIWPOllT 20 SLOOP! '64, 1000 2 e.. In qu1e1, c-r.Rontll1 9522 • Womenl/a .... cw~. miac lo tool el . cir _ ... ,, -..1. "...... ---··r-,-hahold ltema. AU wetk !MS s ve, power mowers, 1, ectr1e s, KITTENS, Your cbotct.. JD Selpl 11 LN.d Utl! -..wt .-,.a . ..,,,..., i: indicators, gauges, electronic Umer, torque weeb old. m-3.Kl -41S Sl.1p@ $1.!!0 per tt. avail ~ alter 5 PM CX>AOl -TRAILER. :- Arnold Ave., C.M. 548-9526 wrench, refrigerators, stoves, washers, dry-PETS aM LfViSTOCK Sa.llaW11 $3,ISO Mow llO'f'! 8x38' FURN l bdrm tr.Utt, RINTALS :t GARAGE Sale, var io u • ers & MUCH MORE! ! '-"-'-"'-'"-'""'=.._...._..,JQHN 01\ANATH 61).3S"l'O good klca.Uon. M&-l.104 a1ttr It'• none too evty to mallll ;;: household items, m!ac. COME BROWSE AROUND Peta, Gttneral llOO o·~ Mariner C/B & on weck~ay1 rettrvatlonl for Spri.nc Jtol. ; 764 W. 20th. Costa Mesa I D . De Sa '*""" lda,yil -W N Y'S • AUCTION RHESUS MONKEY mo . . • . . . "" -~ MobUo Home, "'lru· WEEK-END OR WEEKLY f Appl'.-1100 -·• d -HOURLY RENTALS c:or lot adult pk. 518 So • .,,_ 0 51L lll&lt, 3 ytan 01 , .,._ * RHODES lt'I * M6--0291 2 1 Ya: Newp0rt Blvd. • 5'9-3631 * Fun Zone BOl.t Co. Balboa 1,,,Sulll=•,.a-:"·,.•-·•,.·-"..,"-..,"".,,.."'°",. z======== I ' COMBINATION washer/dry. er. Good condition, S50 or btlt otter. ~· B•hlnd Tony's Bldg. Mat'ls ========:~!,~~~~~~::;;,~ NEAR Stach. Adult Park. Dune 8u91IH 9525 ~ Cost• Mesa * 646 161• Cats ll20 KITE S.Uboat No. :m 1: 8 x 42 + IO'x30' room. $2750. • OPENOAILYtto4 --'-"'------"""-'dolly, M8--1153E11eorwknd1 MEYERS Manx, ntW ·.~.· BLUE • Seal Point Kittens. EXCELLENT OONDrrION eng~top. 11ide curtatns, rtpl. • .WHIRLPOOL Auto. washer; a 'ft'ffk. house broken. $3> m..-4362.after tPM Mini l lkn 9275 cost $ZllO. Make otttr late model. Xltlt mnd. $60, each. 963-J.m l(JTE No. StO, l yr old A M&--9507 1' Guaranteed. 847-8115 Pianos & Organs 1130 Mlacelllneout l600 trlr tn LUc MINIBIKE Erlgine with V\V o•n.rr BUGGY : "O'ViNG"b&ii;iiii;;<iC<iie.il----_::._ ___ 1---------r'\::: 1125 I: ex 1' ' new. clutch. Brias 4: Stratton v••"" l MOVING b&rp.ln, txcdltnt OlESr or d r a we ts. ~ S900. Broe& 67l-2tD Tuu-Sao-Uice $500. .., 1tove S 4 O. Refrigm.tor, THE BEST DEALS booke.ue headboard aet. ALASKAN Malamutes, for Sat 1·5 PM. ~u:: ~2342 Excellent coD-* 673-t281 * ... works well $30. 673-f625 On Plano1 & Organs Smoker BBQ, m1s:: lamps, &how or bttfdln&, AKC CAL 20, b&rCa1n for quick HALF Cab over HIDEAWAY J HOTPOJNTReftlgerator Are Always At ' Early Amtr la.mp I: table reatstered, healthy, Blick II.le, lnclUde outboa rd. Motorcycl11 9100 Camper.Almo1tnew$650. l or TERMS as low at $4.66 WMk iood condition, $.15. for window, Color TV anten. le White coloring • • $15 $2450. 21J....M.9...f1U days, 548-:DX> u .. our afore chart• pl•n or bank financing • S40-S54l • WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO na, small tlec water heater and up. 49'--3513 2l3-U2-6618 tve1. '6& YAMAHA 100 CC, it200 BEAR.CAT Dunt bug-.. Approved Furniture ~ I.MANA Upri&htFreezer 1801 Newport. C.M. &U-8484 for trlr or camper. BASENJI Pup, AKC 18' O'DAY Cty Cat, compJ &rambler. Over $600 In-gy, Xlnt cond. Sacrifice t $195; xlnt condition! HAMMOND • ._..Ai--·· v.. M&iulne rack. Girls Bikt barldeu: malt, $50. ~ E. ...ns, trlr, mtr. use prv vested, aa.crlftce for $375. $950 642-1369 (No Fancy ~'6nl -BUT Quali ty Vil-Inside) 2159 Horllor Blvd., Coet1 Me11 541°9660 Opon 9.f Dilly-Sunday 11-5 540-3642 maha • new ;"~"Ypiatm ml&c Ite ms of toola &::: furn. Ocean Front. Ba 1 boa . dock FREE wf ttda aalel 494-1854 ~ME=~=~,~----·vw=,-, -:xln:;:-,1 ' F ··' ~-S35 'lS4 W. Zlth St., Costa Mua 673-8535 .. ....., ownr ~ '68 HOND' 125 Ser, t or -..• gu '"'""'"• · or all makes. Best buya: 1D .,..._. "' cond., top, hitch. many U· excellent condition, 36'". So. caUf. n,ht l'lere. AU. '''ool Axrninsler na&. LOVABLE, rare, white Pek· CAL z. ~. f'ltll racing gear, $150. 2600 miles.. tru. ~-540-36fl Eve * 548-3000 * SClIMIDT MUSIC CX>.. 9 x 12 like new $24 wlth insnt1t. AKC, nHds love boat bath. many extru. Call sc..51ll FREEZER, 11X1 lb. chest 1907 N. Main. pad. Z2l Fairway Dr, CM $50. Rtacb' for ~ Ra.ct. BULTACO Metiue, x 1 n t Imported Autcl 9600 • type, SUS. xlnt cond. Elec. Santa Ana SEWING machine, Singer, S4G-M49 EVes &tS-2259 cond., many extru. $6QJ LEY 1tove $40. 673-7260 WANTED: Pianos i: 0rpna. junior conaole modtl $35. AJ<C Female D1chshlll'ld CAL :15-1 owner. Top 496-5638 AUSTIN HEA Hil•tA l.Mt'~UllftMhl·1 COLDSPOTR.t~ratot Casbpatd 673-7919. Cd!.1:. Need• pxl home, lovea SHAPE! P1uly equip. '67 BSA 441-Vlcl!JZ', dean 1---------Furniture 1000 Clean. Excellent condiUon, * 636-3620 * MEXICAN Goat akin table children, houaebrolten $35. Spotleu. Full race. 646-2524 aood shape. 2700 miles. $550. .'64 Austin Healey Jobi IMtt, Worn. 7500 --------$35. Gaa heater $25. 548-9614 Gulbranaen Console Plano and 4 chain. Embossed col-6~2022 aft 6 PM Lloo 14 No. 2217 All aa-615--2%19 Fully f 1 e Io r Y equipped. s:;~Hom':~ w:O:i KENMORE Automatic AS NEW or.$45.675-6159 AKC black Labrador cenorle1 I: Schock tnillu 651).CC TRIUMPH Chopper, C0XD392) $795 12 Yean aame location-same owners e SAW e W··"·r Xlnt "·nd • 135 499-3814 after 5 &: wk-ends 8 LARGt PALM TREES Retriever pups, ~ to included. SUOO. 642-3TI3 chromed, -. Xlnt cond. less than wbolnale! Group .... "" · ......, ., · 49t-Sl53 495-4582 ..,,,, Bill Jones, 8.J. Sportscar Ctr. ·' lncludes beautiful 9 6 , • Guarantted. 847.WS PIANO TUNING &: Repair $25 EaS:~ou dJ&. hunt. da. Columllla 5,5 Metre Recent o/h. 63-7834 2833 Harbor BlW. Whnltaale I.Ja:htlne Fixture !howrobm. Sales experience nee. Salary plus comm. quilted aofa Ir Jave l@at, A ti Expert, rtuonable! aft 6 F /G, A·l, priced riahl! '67 J-IONDA 305 Scrambler Costa Mtsa l 3 Spaniah oak decorator n qvn 8110 Albert Aamtu 615-6967 PIANO $50. Sewing machine, FOUR a:rnall brted puppies '114: 792-00, 213: '799-0228 llOO lni exlnt c:ond. Best Open Ews. &: SUn. 540-f.f91 tables. .wq: or table lamps. 20 to 50% 00. European • -antique $50. Painting $10. for sal~ ~ * 1966 TARTAN, 27' sloop, offer 968-2731 '60 A.H., rblt eng., f • 547"'311 • wall placque, kine. queen. lmporta:. See lat: once upe>n Sporting Goods 1500 Drapes SlO. 536-ll6! Inbd. Aux. Sleep1 5. ·f\llly KALWASAKI 120, 1S68, only Radio, htater, xlnt c:ond. .10 or full &lze bedroom mrlte A Time, 2428 Newport Blvd, -WALNUT Co.ffee table model 2 ~ Shellie P'1PI (Toy equlpped. 675-2336 9X1 mi Xlnt cond. $815 642-tmi l complete 1ncl box aprings, C.M. S4rHXl72 SURFBOARD Hobie, 9 •• $30. stereo $100. l!I" Zenith Port. Collie) 9 weeka old, AKC ShoregotNialllng Dinghy 645-1435 .::;===·=====I A I u. & mattre11, linens a: boudoir QUEEN Anne armchair ' }"or 90/125 pounden. 1V, xlnt cond $75. 6rrr2766 Rtglater. f15 ea. 962-dS3 $185 '6.S Hodaka 100, dirt. Mach. (' DATSUN I . .. nc .. , '"9ft lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc _ .. _ •-d 110"' * 644-2932 * REFRIGERATOR, S50 PUREBRED Cocker Spaniel * 67>-2336 * porfect. bum-carrier & , _,...._______ ~ WOfl"Mn 7550 dining 1et priced eltewhere llla.1AJgany .,. carvt · ...,,,. ad to Easter ..... ~ 1 -I---------• $ll9li 00 AU. <TI4) 7J)..379(I or ~153.1 Dinette set, $40. Tricyde pupplti, re y r ' LIDO 14 s A IL BO AT txtru. inc. $450. ~98.50 ~ •' ~· '69 DATSUN '.tj ~r (fee ntt;) •• $SSO ~:= $389. $JJ down. Vut atock Amer/Eur turn & Mlscell1neou1 8600 $5. Bicycle $10. 675-316& $35 each. 646-8610 w/traller. No. 2'l14 Cd. '66 DUCA'ITI, 1&I cc, street ~ iildan, 96 bp, overhead PBX Recep •••••••••••• >$400 $4.9e per illeek / out of clocks. Larry Morgan Anti-LAWN Mower &::: edger, coat r-.~C Beagle, l.Pl$t5.mo1. cond. $1100. Ph. &U-7844 bike, $275. or tradt. 968-25.511 qiDl' erc1, dlr, 4 apd, radio, :! Cl'edlt ~rk ............ $489 state cndlt OK. Wt 11 qutea, 2428 Nwpt. Bld., C.M. BDWS of Paradise * * * $218, ulf:d 3 tim~, sell for s:.-=· SA.Bo'r, All equipm.tnt tX· ~. wsw tires, loac;l@d! :~ Typist, vr:y pretty •••.•• S4(XI separate for quick Ale. 3>th Healthy blooming we 11 $150. ~7144 cept rudder. Need! v.-ork Auto S.rvlcu 2flOO milts, under factoey .• Acct. Dea. (rtim fee) to $111Xl Century Fumitun. 9 '! 1 2 S•wl!!_I M1chlna 1120 e11ab~ 2. plants to a ~URFBOARD 8' 2", PIM lie AKC Toy Poodle . puppits. $50. f'l'3..-0086 & Par11 9400 Qnanty. Bal $1715. Tab 1 Draft.amen •••••••••• to $866 Garden Grove BI v d., · .. • 5 gal. container. Only a Fanlaltic. X!nt cond. f15, 1-blk mile $60. l:hX:Olate S,ZS cuh dell or older car. :., .sa.JeS TrDe •••••••••••• S650 Gardtn Grove Dally 10-9 ZIG Zag Sewing itachines; fe_w left at IJtls.....prlce ot 5J6...38)6 female $75·. 847-1087,\ Power CrulHra · 9020 lfiOO VW engine. Aluminum L.B. YNW~7. Call after 10. ·' Admin ................ $65() Sat lo-6., , SUn ll-5 c.omi"i do everyting withoul at· only $5.00 for 2 plants. Call EASTER Sult Boy'•, 14 or COCKER Spaniel 7 wkll $35. body for Dune buggy. 49t-9'nl. i Also Fee Jobs In or call <n4) 530-5l40 --taclunents. Bankrupt stock. after 6 P .M. or all day 16 alirn. Coat Sll & slacks Gennan Shep~ 6 wka $4500 33' Callie q-uiatr, 548-ml . ''4 Datsun Pickup '! Open 9 to 12:30 Saturday I Brand new 1969 models. Saturday and Sunday. 1212 $3 Llk 833-28l.9 $20. Both femalt. M7-9525 1947. Good condition. SS '80 CHEV. pe.ru, Al~n-ii' Spd, dlr, radio, red pal.nl _, ~rchlnti Personnel 20 Pc:. Map • Portables $40, Console1 $60. So. Rola St., Santa Ana. · e new. , radio, Fathometer, all dltloni"" unit cheap .. _ $50 1 ~ t H It I •·" SSO AKC .Reg. Poodlta. Toys & e q u I pm ' n t 11 0 h p ... . • pracUcally new ... -..&. ;i Agency 3 ROOM GROUP Terma. ...., ~ guaran ee. ELEC. Wu.her &-dryu. d1ri-osp ~ -· • Mlnl 1. $50 up. Toy Stud Sar. G-•m·•-, •• ,... 2. 8 . 536-2051 Cash deb, or take small .... 20U WHtclill Drive 499-3828 anytime for home Inn nn set w/ehina. eablne• Bed pan1 $2 each. 54&-066 ·-v 11.iUllO .. 8 Includ ..• U·"--m set •.i-• J " J A ·~ " --547-3851 or 5f7-9591 .,~7 '2'l9 9•25 lorelKJI car In trade. L. . .., ...c>;irner 11th&: Irvine bl . ,_:._ .. ,. ............ _:_ -.. ~ · · aency Dual twin hfe.dboard, dble WHEELCHAIR ,,.. -. Trailer, Tr1vel ~ VE?. 521. Call Ken, 494-9773 ~. •••277 ,,.., ~"" ta es ~ ...... ps -~ ....... m bed 8 d SKYE Ttrrlera. AKC ~hi.mp 24' G" -oN, 3 -. old·, or ••• _., ~ _,... 9 -_,._ set • quilted mattreu -ma-Mu1lc1'1 In·~. 1125 ' rawer m a ho g New cond. 548-S7B1 ........, t"' J• g RO ~ All •• dreaser, 4 drawer dreuer, aired. Rare, calm, Duffy. oosl $9,750; SIS radio, jlc lS' DI: REEL Scl\lol•lnstructlon 7600 pie dloh>o$room.449 .,, ''' z.n;th oolor 1V, Sin&er Mlec. Wonted 1610 Show qual. pet.. M>-2Ml poles, bolt tank, 235 HP VERY CLEAN Gultlt' H.-lquarten sewing mach., Electro 1ink -·• --WATCH POa Mtrc. end.er; 11.crlfice 4 burner itove, oven & brlr. R. EGISTEll NOW No, __ • Pmta ...... ~·mo. e NEW and USED e ce""'· 839-4866 WE PAY MORE 'TIS OPENING SOON ., 790 M&-1161 Dbl .tnk. •lee WH. elec ·~· CLASSE ST 1Nwn "''Y ._. Fender • Vox • standel "'' · retrt1 • tee box comb. Nr "~"NEXT wi.:K!ART WElJ('S WAREHOUSE •GIBSON • MARTIN KNITTED FABRICS CASH 0 !3000,24 ft Cab, Cndaer. porl new tires -spare T & W. Exeellent fina.ncle.J. rewards e wn.soN e YAMAHA HorMs IU cond 135 HP aray marine ~ reaJ buy at $888.SS. +personal&: profeaalonal 600 W. 4th St .. Santa Ana Drum HeMlqui1rt•r1 ....,FOlt SALE QUARTER HOMES: eng,'lla radio. l bunkll I 1960 Inter.'Travelall, utiafaction can be Youn in Open Daily 9 • 9 • NEW and USED • Remnants samplts &: Mill For &ny near new or Uled 1-Wlilte ~ w/ wht IOCkl head. Many xtru. 615-1909/ wtill experienced, $390; 'jlllt a few wtekl. Mk about Sal 9 • 6 8un. ll. 6 LUDWIG, R?GER:S· ASTRO ends Sat.' Only 8 a.m. to t turn\~, appliances, colOfl< $150. 1-BuckaJdn marldna: "7•1515 * 545--5694 * our proven IUettsa prorram MAPLE CoUee tablt, chest Lua• aelection W1th new 4 p.m. m Baker Costa Mua; ed 'IV'a, s:tereo1, pianos, or-$150. ,4.ppaloosa Stallion, 50' MOORING, Ba Ibo a 20' 1966 Holiday, fully sell for career women. of drawen &: lamps, pc. sets and cymbals start· -' ll.Jll, stows, rttrlgerator.. reg; very eood stock $650. Peninsula & 20' inboard contained, llps 6. Loaded! NONA HOFFMAN Complele dining rm aet lng e.t $99.50 .. Pedals. hi-hall Silver fox Jacket bedroom aetl, dining room 897-7350 cab In Cnilser. $2200. 642--4424 aft 5:~ Newport Schoel $800., 3 upholit'd chairl-1 and sets repaired. All small 1tla, olf.ice furniture. 1 piece 644--0672 1967 AI.JO 17' Travel Trlr, of Bu1ine1s anUque, prden tools "-partl.ln _. __ ,~cceuories &: cymbl.ll Cost ~ • Mlllt sell "WI ...... h-·-lul. D••, ·'·bt -Livestock 1840 - -., __ .. small ~ · t •Wl,:li., ..,.. ""' v..... -v '"'6 ""' Boilt Maintenance 9033 compl 1elt conw~, Xlnt &33 Dover Drive m · 1 em•· EVERYTIIING JN 1.IUSIC ~ even1J111 Sunday. Ancu• Steer cond. 893-8608 eve1 64M153 642-3810 545-2201/1112 Canon St., GIBSON J-50 636-3620 MAJl!NE EJectrlcian fot Lu· ET IM E G ;rt. C.M. Beach Music Cenler with HaMMell """'· Rea::;,::~~ hire. C.mplete -... or Trucks 9500 typewrlttnr. Ch 11 d re n, LOVELY i· quilted fforal $320 new, $200 or oUer rewlrlng of boats. Inatru· irandchlldren, or yourteU! sofa, nevtr uAed S 115' F11.ctory Sales .5: Service Eric, 6~160 after 6 PM. w A N T E D TRANSPORTATION ment installation. No job 1918 FOR.D RANatERO roo. Ind t v t du a 11 y tu~ matehirll: love seal $15, Daily 12 noon 't.il 9, Sat 9-5 •--f• & Yichlt 9000 too large or 1mall 842-1510 Maroon with black interior. Chilcoat 10 Jeuora typ1n1 5.17-8032 174M Stach Blvd., (H'N)' 39) CARPETS. Vlnyl1, Tilt•, lat. uve Exp'd Ski 1'~actory air conditioning, ~~173 Del Mar, CM, 17 Pc. King _Si1e ~~1~~·::!1~r.:s :!n:~e~~.:n°:tc:: ~fea:~~1Z-e.<~o1u:! SCR·AM·LETS I: boat maint~time. =~r~=4~·ii~: · Bedroom --------pert lmtanatlon. • TV's, sterm1, appliances, * 548-3561 * Hunt Beach. 540--0442 GbtNc To Europe thia year? GIBSON J-50 642-1403 540-7262 tools and office equipment. ANSWERS 1982 CHEVROLET F1eetlklo Btu.ab up ywr Frehcb Large 9 drawer dreuer, mir-with Hardahell cue, POOL TABLE _ 4-'x7', -i-ht TOP CASH IN 30 Minute•! BOit Slip Moorlnt 9036 ConWrw.tion in my clua. ror, 2 btd&lde atatida, k1.... S3ro new, S200 or oUer. ,_ ... 531-1712 * 89J.('655 "' ton pickup truck. 8' bed. FERRARI -------~ : Ferrari's ~ f L&r&:e selecUon of new l :- U!()d to choose from. Or-: ange Counties onl,y factory r authOriicd dealer. f_ J?rlupo11 jl111por1 ~-. ~ • t I Authortied !ofG Dealer '.lo 3100 W, Coast Hwy. i Ne1''JIOrl Stach t 642-9405 540-1164 ~ FERRARI • • Ne:wport Imports Ltd. Qr.. '• ance C.ounty'1 only authot-: lzed dealer. 1 SALES -SERVICE • PARTS 't llOO W. Cout Hwy. : New--onrt Beach ,. 642-9405 540-1764 ,, Autho:rfied l\fG Dealer ~ ... -· "'• Erl 5= 516'1 at 6 PM sue for den or garage; A.th U"'"'•--·He••• _ ,,ood _ BOAT Dnck limited to 18'. automaUc tra111mlaalon, VI 111t.rV-.i aize headboard, frame, quilt. c, ,,.. ter -ns'-·ctlo" •·/ ~·1 -turn $ WE BUY $ ""-·-~ t Y -~ N b' •=~=~~=~~=~· t L•--'· ....., uu .. UIU ... 0 ,11,w _DISH TOWEL $1.50 per I. eiu-1Y. ear efl&lne, radio, heater, ig "'• MERCHANDISE FOR -' mattreas, 1beet:a, ~ FENDER 12 string elec. + rack, cuea & balls. 1m. N rt t·' ~ K= bber 1995 Deal ·-~ FIAT t1fu nd Younc wile to friend: "All ewpo .. e. vr.....,,,.,., ru · · er . .i.oo.w I SALE AND TRADE ell, e~lct of Spanish guitar; beau I co · &!&-3613 $ FURNITURE $ !'ve 101 to do to wipe that WANfED Beach mvd. Hunt. Beach. " p ltv IOOO ot Modem Style $l95. 646-530'l JACUZZI \Vhlrlpool bath A PPLIANCES contented look oil my hu&-Slip on Blc Bay for 54()...()442 166 Flat 850 Spider -t ,'!!!! ,.. All Fer $249 P l & 0 1130 $150, J-lrdrck maple cradle Color TV'.-''•"0'1-St.r10'1 band'• face b to hand him 30' cnd1er. 64.2:0428 '65 FORD ~ T, 352 vs, Motor recently overhauled. a JO PC. ''MADRID'' lnot 'lant $20. BR ael; mir/dbl dnr, I Pi•'• or Howt• fwll a DISH TOWEL after din-&tick, Cua:. cab, $1300 Needs body work, (000399) " No down -Pmtli. only S9 mo. • New Pianos e chst or drwrs. butternut CASH IN Jo MINUTES ner." Boat S.ntlcet 9037 * 549--0938 • $995 ri !o~°!C:ELGH':~ WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE WURLl'l'LER&BRADBURY ~i59 xlnt "'""· ISO . • 541-4531 • 11' BAY BOAT Orlnfl Coll! Mulno '65 CHEVYVan, R/H . ....<ti BWJ=·~~~Cir. ~ Includes: Quilted aofa It All itylti &: Uniabes, all KIRBY V Q WANTED: White canopy Llke new,,.••••··• try $14Z Complete :Aarlne S~f'\l'lce• aome bndy work. $850. Costa ~1esa = 600 W. 4th St., s.nta. Ana American made, 88 note, del · acuum uner, hri beds. "'•"7817 all 6 COL 29 $9950 -. Ex ..1 .. --.... u ;.b * 64>1335 * chair -2 end tablet It cot-n....0 ~n. 9 • 9 W·~nch • •• ~.no..:-........ 1969 model, never used. n _. er • • • • • • • · , v1: pet~ .... ~. ~... Open Evea. &: Sun. 54().4491 .i ..,~ ...,-.,. ..., •WJ<:U ,..-,...., ...... pm "''!'tk:da,ys all Aau Sat. Inboard Lba.dtd ~ ... 1u •• Marine Pe J FORD Falcon plckup, 1962. I leottable -2temi:w-dreu-SaL9-6 SUn.11.6 i ...... , .. ., Mower&:desk,prtva.tepar-. . ' '-'J •PACIJ'I"c"y"•'a"IT''" .... .,. .. 9 ... _.....,. raoruie. N int tln! •-brak ~67Fiat850 er-minw -headboard,-... ll a .,.. · ty, sacrilice. 827-4464 or SUn. ~ • Haul out.I ...U ~ po'Ao'tr ew pa ., s • es. qull·~ ~ ,...i.... .__ _.... FUrniture returned trom da.. W-"-er Organs 3446 Via Opnrto, N"'!'Ort • 24 Hr Em~-ncy service 6 cyl. $38S. 673-0632 Futback C.OUpe. Full tactory ~ -.i UIM • ._ .. .,_,,_ play 1tudlo1. model home1, •••••• UPHOl.SI'ERING -(Euro-Swips 8790 24 Hour Phone·· 673-1570 ir 615-2400 * equipped. <VDZ530) 8 ttn -5 pc, dining room; decorators cancellation. • NEW • pean craftamen) Free e81., Coming CU,SZ\JM DLX K C 14., Ban1de Drive, Newport J"pt 9510 $1295 ,, table & 4 hi-bade chairs. Spanl1h&Mediterra.neanete A!any other mak'ea. ~1&.ny dtl, .pickup, 215 Maln, HB WILL Mobil 17 FT. Ptrfonner. Islandtr 615-2460or615-2641 BlllJones,B.J.Spor:t.scarCtr.: COMPARE AT 1149.95 RD PURNlfURE styloa & futbbes. Prtcea Bemard'a Upbol. """400 porlobl Deloxe model (all Oho~ . 1967 BRONCO 2833 Harbor lllvd. f $399 itartat QUAL. Knr Size bed w/ working .. or $60. &Ian) outboml. Orstom lolt.Yecht ~WHEEL DRIVE C'oata Mesa -4 , N'o down--Pmta: only Ut mo. 1144 Newpert BM:I., CM $595 quilted mattttu, comp. 675-5159 bl!:fo~ 5 P~f. lflllP down cowr. Bia wbtt.I Cha~ 9039 Hardtop. Red with white ttip, Open Eves.&: SUn. 54Q..4491 : WEI.I'S WARBIOIJSE every nJ&bt W 9 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC N.wr uled $98; worth $251). Wt tra.ller. $700 or bett off. · Radio, htater, rear aea:t, '62 Flat w/Extra P1rt1 : eoo w. 4th St., Santa Ana Op.a Dally ~• Wcd.,Sal&Sun 'til& Belch Musi'c Ce'nter Ml--0406 FREE TO YOU er.Pbone-aller7pmBLUEWATER m,.RTERS 6.eylSharpJMAKEOITER. 548-0188evea&wlcnda. ~ 20 PC. MODERN • VACUUMS • II Partnenhlp 1n 35; Aided U·Orlve sall or ... .., boabt. 8'lMlll8. Can ho"'" al The • sat. M Sun 11-' 0 U Sal Se 110 up. Repaln & port&. 9 GERMAN Shepbmt pup-Y I tiy bit I Harbor cntbtn/aport !lob. DAILY PILOl' -lot ISUSU '. 3 l OM GRO P ~ctoey ei &: rvlce .,_ P~ to rood homn. Avail aw' rectn ~ ' comp Dally -Wffldy • MS-9000 be~'!'tn 4 pm and 1 pm. ~· Daily 12 noon 'tn 9, Sat 9-5 n.r:a90nable, Coe.at Vacuum, equipped. C.Onsidtr trtdt,1-="'====-==== ' 8 PC bedroom 1et. twin 1izt wroucht iron, no mar topa mo. MS-2111 Inclu4el: l1onl IOI&• chlit 17404. Bt•ch Blvd., CHwy 39) 333 E.17th, C.M. 642-1S80 ~g3 Friday A: Saturday. eqUal value, 642-3192 AJrcrfft 9100 1956 CJS '65 l1u1u Dle1tl ~ ~:ie: :n·w11:':u~ l Y. mJ. So. S..n Diego Fwy. DRAPFS $48: arm chain 1964 29• Owtns DC Ftybridge. 285 hp Chevy V-8 4 Door Sedan. Loaded, and ltunttngton Beach 847..Q $28 each: tlettrlc mower c;1RLY Black "Poo-«hua'', Fully equjp, new pUnt, 5019'3 LUSCOMBE 8.£:. all ALL NEW 54-8584 o~ 10,631 ml~s. lNPAll8) ; QUAL. Kile Slm bf!d w/ ~ ~tt•.: ~pc. dlnette, PIANO & ORGAN ~;~Iii $20. Top ahape 5ei:~· ~~~ ~~~i&h~ ~?_!~!'*,uJ. M&Jceottn. ~l,~ly...,.e!eel35.; IOOd "-m--95"'2"0 BlllJ 8$"5 ~ qlllltcd .,. .. -... comp. $277 BARC.AIN HUNTERS! ~·,~ "'" ~ 413 &l~u• pm. ~ -· ~ -r='" ""°'• .J.Spor~carctr.' ~ wd'$9&; worth $250. No down-Pml1, only SlOmo. °::: !i°:Z'~ ~eat ~:i:c ne!izt$85~u:;;: hu~h ~~ F~~:id~~p/~, 1:i~' ::. 'ca!:tr, ~~ f!Jlnt LHIOftl 9150 CAMPER Ope ~::::v:IM491 i KrJ'O{EN Table 6' chain, -WBl'S Wll£HOUSE Pianos '-Orpns 54" long $100, misc. ~2571 W l i man rd , c 1 Im : windshield. Xlnl cond. USO. PVT Pilot ('()Uf"lf', XI hn S1le1 -Rtnt1l1 n · · iii $30. a· dia mou1c cod:tail Sp\net P1anos from •• $389 NEED Someone to ta:kt over 392--09'79 413 962-4159 dual. 20 hrs IOlo, ~ ft.uthOthed Dealer '6' l1uzu Dles•I \ tbl $40. 961-Uffi 000 W. 4th St., Se.llta Ana Baldwin Orran • ••••••• 1318 Pym t 1. Ht: a Ith S JI a 23' CABIN cruiler, Oft"J· IChool. O:imp1n! 6(2..1.U) Eldorado • Four Dlx. 4 Door sedan. Ahiolute. ifO\T'iNG Stil1n& bJuleful of Qftn Daib' 9. t Ol1cke:ring Pia.nn •·•••• $145 Membl'rshlp 1 Yr. Utt. ~SH N=:'"~ale~~ Radio, bait tank, tu.Uy e<fWD --· Wlndi _ Scotlman l.Y lO&dfd. (0RD461} fumlttn:. Abo •59 Dodgr. Sat 9. 8 su:n. 11 -8 Conn Ca:llrloe ~ 5f&..61M ~~ Jovtn' 5tM033 413 on tn.lltr. $320). 5'5-1141 Mollll• Hem11 9200 30,000 Jo'ffl n! camper $695 Call I.ft 4:30 ~ MEDlTERRANEAN Sot •. Save .••••• , ••••••• ··:•. $400 DESK 9 dra..wr $20 EllK'-day1, B-3090 f!'Ves. • ~ Bill Jotit1, B.J. SportsearC'tr. Gold quilted with 6 tePlf'lte: all Wurllber &: Conn flool' trol~ l'f.'ffptr sio.' Good BEA\mPUL kltttns with 6 BOSTON Whaltt 13' WI trlr, lay H1rl:Mtr Th-.clore 233.l Ha!Wr Blvd. .t MOVING! Tabla, lampa, film. A: much -mllcell. culh-Elaht ti. long with aamplH '""tiy ...iuccdl boya clothes 14 238 R<lM ""'' 320 Fullmnn A,.., JohnlOn l3bp x!Jtt oond,..J . -llo Ho,... SllH ltOllNS FORD Costs Me1& - ahtphml cuttn. $70. Must Cow bank letffif Line, C.M. ' Newport Beach. 6Q.;.378T 4=4 yn old, '1250.' u Mii51 11'40'.fl'~' • 34-wide1 C>Pen Evn. A: Sun. 5fM49l See to appredatt. 54lo-2Ul8 No down payment NtED gd. hme. for 1oY.--1)Ure , CUa I.Gtna -JtolhAw~ -car. 2lliO Harbor Blvd. EXCEP'l'JON41LY nne ms-aft 6 PM Gould Mu~lc Company ~~~~HT:vtc_.~ brd. 1m. tan tem. Boxer ~ 1!':.!r. ~nlla ""' 15 lbbn • Homtl'M • Fuhion c.mta &-1~aa &Q.0010 JAGUAR pi. BR IUl.te $275 complete SACRJnO:i 2 Mc G u I re »IS N. Mall!, Santa Ana Pwr . $5 642-5668 pup 3 MOI. cld. 847..§11 MU529 aft 5 M&D3l' -J0t • BaJ n.rbor • fi --------- w/Clnopy btd. gpr!na A; Spilt Reed chain, eua:tom So. o! FrereftJ SC1-0681 mowtr,llli: ' WHITE I: black: hqu d Slbl.ra-C*br11;J.Sblralon '8' "-T. ChtY. P. • 1987 JAGUAR XKE 2 pha mattrt& ~11. ..~ ... ~. ·~ ..., ,-Open Mon A Fri eves 'tll t ROYAL Elec. typnrrittr, s OI 14' GLASSED Boat, tilt Manet. w/'61-10~ Trawl QIJeeo. 2. Aueornltic, AM-FJI --'&.. 'f«• o.venport, 3 c:u$hlonl, e:;:-~ '" SUnde.>" 12 to 5 $85. 10 kt}' addlrc rnacltine, :=:;1 ~~~Free~ tniln". $125. Payments or Pub a~ bl .n anu Boot, air mnd. Extra tanks. air condltionU& ~-;;: natur.1 ILntn color. Pfl'ftct MUST Sell btautilul Walnut $75. Both xlnt cond. ~2882 · tr.& lat outbnl. ~ .. , Herbw ne:w bra.kt• $2TIX>. 963--2265 wtfth. Beaulltu; ~ """"· m ms Anlbelm s~ HOU11hol4 -8020 Grond Plano. Xlnt rond .• FIRE A BW'lllar Alarm Tl)P SOIL NEill • USED -_, .. Homo .,,_ WANTED Chuals mount exterior "'"' black .. ,...,., CM. ~ ~ Syatenui lnat&lled u low u _ l.AtWa Duch al1'11 supplltt at dllC!OUntf > 1Cl5 8aJcft St. truck A: camper. 14' or OYft', Muat aee to believe. only (§ YOUR. AD n. o.J.SSI· $99. CaU &U-3490 MOWN l\abbfb:, I Wb. cld 304 2Sth St. NB fi7s413t 1" block l'.ut of Harbor Blvd. late model, pay ca 1 b . 1.300 mllta. Det.ler. 11m1 nEDT ~e "111 be DRAPES 30' lf'H'D &old open All. 8 PM 548-a'iD 413 l•' BOAT, expand ab t e on Blb.r 6'5-Wl, 642-0709 ~ ... Blvd. }l~t. Beadl. 2301 ea,. s~. NB ~ MUS? Sell rn1ple b t d 11!:1 SJ>. roU away SIS. brt1Jdul '" 111. rriJl)dalr'c $30. '28 fttdlan41 "''"'* NB. LEAVJNO A rea I All ff!)Ull!ldd tu rnl 1bIna:1. hosttrff rtfrla, d e I k , "1f!en-«be bed. etc. 644412 ' looldnc for ti. Dia& ao..5871 ll."tave, uted t mo. Cost FIR EW o o D , u n cat, trailer. m. 1946 Wellace, ~Mesa <714) MO-!M7Q Nltd • wroenwtana:Je? _,...._.. for qWc:k, .p!dlnl ruulla. ~sen $225. 644-1908 rtd"'OOd· •k. ea-uo 4/S Apt 4, 64&-MTO SOCK IT to 'EM! nnd ft "'°' I wan:t .. , DAILY PILOT WANT ADS'! : • ' -· .. I - • flGO nAllSl'ORTATION ~Sl'ORTATION TMNSPORTATION TRANSl'ORTATION ~ f.im;;;ipo;;;;;rt;;oddAA:;; .... ;;;~~·1~:.:.:..::2::. __ ...::,:· :::::111Aul9:;;;:-LL!::,:i.1:!'1;--:. ottiii10 Ulod eon -Ueod:Can 99oo Uud Cars - CHICI MID. llC. •• c:... ~:.:."' •• vbucSWAGEN LEAH • llliNT CHIYIOLET FORD MUSTMftj- ALL )'Ol'ULAR ''5 Che•..iot lm polo '64 VW Ull MAK ES'-eom.rt. RAH, 1uto, PS. 1M7 l'onl Lt<I, Coupo 'IS MUSTANG 289; xlnt -· • Spd. Mil, pwr. lteer., Ip • bamtl cub. OFFERS THESE OUTSTANDING SPECIALS BUGS & GHIAS J llr, • opt, dlr, xlnl eood. PORO CPBU233) , Aulomad<: ...,,.., focto<)''air, Honey Ctta.m ex~rlot, plu.l:h THE AUTHORIZID $~ power stee~. power brak. ..man;ion lnt. f15 caab dell.• • L.Uffia BillJ_pnet, B.1. Spol'Ucl.rCtr. '" ndlo. btater, v:lJ1ll1 top, take pymnta of. $38.8& mo.• ' e SYSTEM 2833 Harbot &vtl. ~ daU. attracUve Ja. '67 MUSTANG 6 eyl HT -" . ~G~~Keo.--· FABULOHS GetOwComptlitlveRaWs O»taM• =~·:-~::~= atlck,fln~S1595 , • " • Tb11d1N Open Ewl. '&n. ~ No dealeft pleut, (TXT81•) ~xln~u:·. : • . E . ROllNS FORD CONTINDrrAI.--.. VE""" rROM ·~T~"i::~.";;., ·:=-: .... s399 .. s1a99 '66 2.lJS, AM/}~M. a11to • • trani, low miles. New paint $3150. 644-'.U or 492-illl t.tERCED~ 'Gl, 2'.ll, .. dr aedan. $1150. &lJ.4936 or .,,..... MG ""' Sales., Service. Parts Immediate Delivery, All Model.a '61 Ponclte Co•,. S17ff e Por1ehe1 Sptci•lly Prlc•d tYPT 6001 ''I Dll. t ,_ I• $Ziff Li•• n•W. vrs 576 ''2 Ponclltie s.,., SZttt R.1uH•r body. (fXZ 1151 ''7 P•rtelMi t12 S4tff g i p••d tf•ni. FM r•dio, chrorn• wh•th, •tc. VOY- 565 "61 P.-M t1 t S'4tt Sporfol'Jl•li• t.ttn~'!llul~1', r.ctory .1, c•MllfflHlillf• FM ••dto. D•lllo. N•w•r b•tn r•ti•t.rt;d.. I No. 6f \Z e Buses & C•mpert 'M YW a. ...... S14ft Su11 roof. R1tll•. IKDltltl '6S YW ... ,' .. •·. S1 6tt t P•ntng•r INQL971J .,. YW la ... , .. l17ff (ti9i11• o"•rhtltd In our •Ir.o p IOSL0471 CHICK IVERSON, INC. VOLKSWAGEN 67l-0900-54f.3031 tlnenlal radials &: header&.• OP L • 2090 Harbor Blvd,. KELLY BLUE BOOK~ 61>-llSO .After S:lS fM ~tust sell, $ll00. 962--1460 • • O>lta ~ 60-0010 1"3 Contltwtt•I JOHNSON I. SON : VW Camper 1$9. 3,000 ml. • 4 0-Sotlon LINt'OLN -ME:RC!lfil' OLDSMOBILE .~~.·:::: ,. T'S : -~~~-~·=, ~~~~ J~?!:: '6; ~~~T~a Top co n d , E u r o p e • • For lnlonna&a call: low. GKZ ~-. , from ~ ,3 lpd. dll' an A real luxury' automobile, ~fuat .ell. &16-2238 • a &t&nrl $1095 original , ~t & interior. equlpt, w/ VI, automatic aft6 PM • ARE • SOUTH ~OAST JOHNJ;ON " SON Runs llke a .,., ISO· °"" PS, PB. pwr; wtndo"' ond '66 FASr back, blue with . . a SOO W ..... ~~R-LE:SING ~~~ ~,: ~~ Callpymn~ .. ~~8!,_, ~~ ~=i. ~;J P>0 White interior, muat &ell Utla • .....,..... , ewport Ph. _ ~ ~ ...... ., """"'"~ - ~ '65 FORD COUNTRY JOHNSON & SON J1rluµort 311Jtj.Jllll5 ~ lmMI• -'' • ,, ~ .......... 11095. •• HERE .·*AUTO !WING* -.6-3...:U.;;:N_C,,:.;.:.:A=. O~NT~.1 . .......,.. $14.95 vw Bug '64, good eonditlon. • .I! . ., AIL MAKES 4 Dr. Sedan SEDAN unc:oJn.M..c..,, Iriterior clean, F.ng. xlnl • • ' ~MPEl'.Fl'JVE PRJCF.S Sta 911&, dlr, v.a, pWr steer-1941 Harbor mw 6«2-1tri0 M"" "" '""'· ""8359 • YOU WON'T • Cort Fox Auto Loulng ~."'.'";;.:,;~ '!"i.pe": Ing, Exc.Uent condition, ISO '63 OLDS ai . G 1907 Herbor Blvd., Cost• MnA '6' VW Sunroof, tow ml.• IELmvE • JD! W'. Cout Hl&bw"' """"· RGU848. O..h ..,.Fine.,. take •mall fut. Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autoo 9600 $1!00. Vory good eond. Newpon Bead! 64U4<() $1395 "'" ""· """pny.139 4 Dr Holiday 536-9810 ""'''"k""" • YOUR EYES. •11;=======~~ -th. lB UEV 484. Call • COME •.,_u_,..._c_._,. ___ 9900..:.::,: JOHNSON & SON Ken. .......,. 0, <»-97'13. vs, auto, PS, PB, R.H. Very 3100 W. C.out Hwy., N.B. M2-9-t05 MD-1764 Authoriz.ed MG Deale:r MGB PORSCHE PORSCHE 1962 Cab. 1600 Super \\'/Michelin X tires. Asking $ml. 673-8265 '66 MGB Roadster Radio, .... .,,_ ....... IRES. SUBARU 819) --- Bill Jo ... J\6~~rucu Ctr SUBARU 2833 Harbor Blvd. eo.ta M... Relail Division Open Eves. & Sun. 540-4491 '64 MGB. hard top i.: soft 1000 W. Coas t High wa y top, wood str wheel. Xlnt Newport Beach cood. nus. Dewey 548--7441 645-0050 * 540--2733 MORRIS 1959 . 4 DR Morris Minor. ·Good "'transportation, good .cone!. fi4G..8434, 548-8302 "s~RAN==o~N7o-w-,,'69"'°"~su~baru-. Leaving town -_take OVt'I' pymnts. (60 mi gal) 545-4166 SUNBEAM OPEL '67 SunbHm A.row ,___ Sedan, Full factor)' equip. •· menL (UKU090l '66 OPEL $1095 Slation wagon. xlnt cond, 4 Bill Jonea, B.J. Sport&car Ctr. ·spd, dlr, radio, heater. Sea 2833 li:arbor ruvd. blue exterior, All oriflnal Costa Mesa 'interior, $75 Cash dela. Will Open Ew1. A: Sun. 540--4491 pnc prvt p.1y. LB SWG ill '66 Sunblam .. :....=='°='="'="==='9<9773="-Convertible. Real Sharp one. • (XTH67J) PORSCHE ' $13'5 J.ij;;::;::;;:;;;:;;;::;;:;;;;;;; Bill Jo,,.._ B.J. Sporucar Ctr. 2833 Harbor Blvd. '68 Porsche 911 ~rtomatic, Dunlap SP tires. l!Urgundy. black: int. •• $5895 Costa Me~ Open Eves. It Sun. 540-4491 "' Pnn;che 912 •••••••• 13995 TOYOTA :68 Por&che SU T, 2 to cboc5e lrom .................. $5895 1--- :;: ;~'ti. .• 1nt..-. ;69 TOYOTA ,., ·r&f;f"M(iy0ti$1 -FROM $1770 (;amen Grove Bvd. at Beach {ll. 89'1-5$1 534-2284 OPEN SUNDAY · Porsche-20 to Choose .. J1rluport Jl1uporr~, 3100 W. C.OS.st Hwy. Newport Beach 64z.94oo 541)..1764 · Authoriz.ed 1'1G Dea ler "~1968 Porsche 91 2 Cpe. autilul dark silver grey, •gpecial factory finish w/ 1CWltorn black Interior, 5 speed transmission, radio, -heater, Meticuloua care is -'fbown and driven only 16COI ·m.11es. PRICED TO SELL. Johnson & Son LINCOLN -P.1ERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd., C.1'1. Ph. -540-5635 L•rt• Selection I mmedl1te Delivery SEE U~ TODAYI I ullmiA IHPORTS OYOTAaVOLYO TOYOTA HEAflQtlARTERS ELMORE 15300 Beadl mw .• WltDmltr Phone 894-3322 BILL MAXEY IT!OJYIQITIAl 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. S..ch 147-8555 3 mi N. oI Coast Hwy. Oil Reh '61 TOYOPET, good mech. cond., clean. Best oiler 516-14!6 '61 PORSCHE, new 1750cc TRIUMPH engine, new tires & crpts, -------- Ml/FM radio, stereo tape derlc, sun 'root, wh i te, 67>-7728 64 PORSCHE C. Immaculate in & out! Blk int Rims, w/o, exhaust, rack, cust pe.int....dj.sc brks. &: cxtl'as! 64U762 '64 PORSCHE, C hr o m e .. ·heels, AM/FM. Forest G~n. New engine, $2900 67>-1297 PLACE )'QOZ" wan& ad where 11><7 .,. - -01111.Y Pnm dudk!dl &t2-5618. '65 Td umph MKll Convertible. F u 11 tactOry equipped. (WI0113) $995 Bill Jones. B.J. Sportscar Ctr. 2833 llarbor Blvd. Costa ~fesa Open Eves. &: Sun. 541H491 '65 TR 4A Rdstr. dlr, 4 speed, wire wheels, Jet black ext. new top, high rubber all around. Xlnt cond. $75 cash dela or trade. LB RIV 291. Call Ken. 494--9T13 or~ TRIUMPH '65 TR4A Roadster Radio, beater. INPM669)' $1495 Bill Jones, B.J. Sportscar Ctr. 2833 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Open Eves. &. Sun. 54!M491 '61 TR·l 1750 ......,, HARB UR VOLKSWAGEN, INC. Authorized Sales and Service 18711 Beach Blvd. 8424435 MONTH END SALE '65 V.W. IUli Guaranteed, ready to 10! Lie No, PJR351 $1295 '6S DATSUN 4 Dr. Sedan. 12,000 miles. Economy SpeclaL Uc. No. PEV536 $895 '64 DODli! DART Wagon. 6 cyL, pl1tttr., auto., air. EXtra. extra clean. Lie. No. OPK916 $1195 '64 IAMILH American hardtop, 6 cyL, auto., R&H, bucket seats. lie. No. RBT377 $995 '64 v.w. 1500 Sedan. Guaranteed I: extra sharp. Uc. SlE461 $1195 'H TOYOTA crown Wagon. R&JJ, 1tick, economy, plus room.. Stk. P199 i -Llncoln-!fercury '63 Ford G•l•xle 500 ~~ &lid ready to eo. ITJ- • • _ _!UIC __ K ___ 11911 mu·b•" Btvd. 642-!mO !WI, auta., PS,-" eond. $695 '65 VW, white, IW'I root. must • .... """"" !750, ...... good • corit. 642-9168 '6' DEhUXE VW 7 Pl" • IN • 1966 .Bukk Wildcat 067 t'ONTINEN7AL 2 DR. 5595 JOHNSON & SON bu111. i.1;000 ml. Prv prty. • • 4 Door , H.T. Auto trans., factory air, BW J~n:!· a~;,_~at Ctr. $1995. * 847-6363 power ileerinf, power brak--HaruUr Blvd. Lincoln-Men:wy ,58 VW Bug, runs like • • Silver mlst finish with black ei, ~r windows, JXl"'tt Costa Mesa 1.941 Harbor Blvd. &e-7mo crazy! $300, Call PM • TODAY! • !!1~~Pequ!S PPP<dB' .. ~th A.T., teats, radb, beater, w-+w, Open Eves.&: 5un. 540-4491 __ c;*c."":.:.:.::.'433=;.;* __ • • ;;;~··0~=-8! vinY1 top, tinted &lass. detll!rt '67 YAIRLANE 500;. xlnt '66 VW, sun roof, low milea, • a out and priced for fast sale, beige finish with black Ian-cond. good cond. $1075. Call after a • . . • SMC 60'1. $1?95. dau roof, black interior. Try 1-0WNER 5 pmo 545-1500 a a ,SAVE $570 FROM 779 $2995, s«J.56:15 Dir. Mfr.2174 llllYWIJY SALES & SERVICE OLDSMOallf e '67 VW, xlnt cond, low . IRA.ND NEW • KELLY BLUE BOOK '66 C:ONTINENTAL 2 door '68 FORD Tor ino GT miles $1500. Call 531-6313 • '69 IUICK JOHNSON & SON hard top. Luxury equipped fV:tback: aJ.r.cond.. auto., 2850 Harboi Blvd. $ a LINOOLN _ MERCURY with full power including dual speakers. S h a r p · Costa Mesa VOLVO • 2444 • 26l6 l!ubor st,.,., c.M. air conditioning, Jeathu Jn. ~"",;;;..;:""==..· ----""""" Uoed can 546al1 ---------la 4U279%6113At a Ph. -S4IJ...5633 terior, FM radio with stereo '61 ·Sta. Wq. CnL Sq. '65 OLDS, ~ f spd. Yellow • 1 -tape deck. Beaut I ru l Fty/u all VOLVO • .. ........ ._, • '63 .BUICK Bonnuda yellow with btaek • pwr, .,.. ..... , blk tnt. """ .... titts, k>-mlg, m..s563 best otter. 1 ownr, MS-9527 NEW PIBOO & • • Rlv'--a l"the' tnterlo,, P995.1===~=~--===- D• I ...-Phone 675-4448 aJt 4. New 164 on ••P 1yl • •VB, auto, PS, PB, R-H. New -,,~====-....-: LINCOLN ''"64~oL"o"'s""'98:-, -a-,uto"'.~bkt,.,....,.,~-.1 L dk · color '66 CONTINENTAL f DR. tmi4• • a . lvy _ that makes it Jamacia yellow ,,;-•~'-..nth ,66 LIN,...... console, FP, ·air, r/h, nu • '6' MllCUIY a out.standln(. TYZ245 ....... .....,.., -· .... vLN Continental, tires, xlnt cond. ;1195. • Colo11y .P•rlc ••1on.. F\111 . .$1295 Ivory cold leather, AT, AM· fi pwr, a.Ir, 2 dr white, 536-1131 I (.T. FM radio, Htr tempe· rature i-.,, ciDnd Flrat HO:M -.,.-=~=--,-,--,.,,cl U1P(JITS -~;;)~r, •tfory •Ir.' · i JOHNSON & SON control 'Ail' conditioned, PS. ~ MS..Ma -· 'Sf SSS, Dix, f dr, A/C, OYOT_A.VOLVO • $2591 a Llncoln-Mercury PB, PW, 6 way power IY-t ===='=====I PIS, new pa.int, tirea. seat 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 • • 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-?mO SSL 149 $2575 Dlr. 540-5635 MERCURY co~ers. 642-1073 SA-12 noon. SA VE $705 FROM '62 OLDS Starlire. Bue .sts. Antlqu .. , Claulcs 9615. '64 IUICK • '68 SPORTS wagon. Luxury KEILY BLUE BOOK 1'67 Mercury all dlx xtrs. Best over $400. · -•El•cfr• corivt. f11H pow•r,a cream/4 ~· All pwr, '63 CONTINENTAL .f dr, MJ Cyclone GT 536-1148 1 '36Fordgrllle,2 reardoan f•cfory •ir. fOWY 707) R/H, fac air. 1 owner, .:.•-.... ,,.._. =========I eomp!ete wttb ata.~ 1 hood • $1.195 • JS,000 °"'ml. Aoking 13.750. "°""· -· u~c. 11100. 2 doo' ban!fot>. i.lgbt , ... allghby beat, 1 bell hoUsing • • Thi! car is beautiful & near 494-9500 after 5 finish with black bucket with fear end. 1 '40 Ford • new. Must aee to appn!C! '68 LINCOLN, loaded, lo ml, 11eats. An original beauty hood deluxe 4 1 grille de-a '66 OlDSMOllLI tll M&-0659 . :xlnt concl. $200. under aB. with only 25,000 carefully lux~. Set ol. back eeats for •Lu•!lrv s.c1~11. F11ll pow•r. '67 BUICK Skylark 2 Dr _644-_'859 __ aft_6_--'--driven mile1. A.T., R&H, V.W. Bus. Phone 5.36-8411 af•tlory •ir. !SUP 5111 ~ hdtop. Air 'cond., vinyl top;. '67-LOCAL. l~wner. superb P.S,, P.B., Olrome wkle H.B.AskforBllL !I $2295 a bea.ut. cond. B es t cond.newtitts,bluew/blk wheelsa.ndtirel,l5llGTel\. ·· vinyl top $3500 64&-7709 gine, Here's real pedorman- Aut. W1nted 9700 • ' reUOnable oUer. 8CU281 ,,.. ce, UVV 131. '-'-""'"------• ''5 OLilSMOllLI • '62 SKYLARK, BLUE, H.T., ·-t'ONT, lull pwr, !ao. air. $21'5 WE PAY • • • •• door H.T. F•ctorr •ir,. NEW W!W. LOW Ml., Flnt $850. steals il 613-231l JOHNSON &: SON PLYMOUTH --·-----67 Valiant 2 dt' H.T. 6 cyl. Auto. Radio. $1100 * 548.2549 PONTIAC '63 PONnAc Grand Prix ••11to, IMOY 1461 $700. 615-3862 2628 Harbor mvd .• C.M. V8, auto., fact. ,air, pwr. CASH ,.... .~ .. ;., • ........ Ml. AIR, EXCEL. t'OND. CORVAIR L!Nt'OLN -MERCURY • $1595 •lll67 RIVIERA, all power, Pb.-541>l6.15 wlodows,llS,PB,Sbarpm•· for used. CU'I I; truclm tust call us b tree ntlmate. GROlH OIEYROIET • • 6 way aeat, AM/FM stereo, '62 MONZA 4 Spd. E:hnne CLl8 tllt .. MERO roon exterior w/ full white •-"65 IUICI • electro crut.t, air com I. •hlr:. &ood.Call .tires; make 1"' Mercury $..55 int. A beauty. lIM581 beater. $iSB5. 543-34" Ou.,,, ' .....a;; $11,95 eEl•tf1• coup•. full ,_.,,•!"==='====== '64 CDRVAIR Mon:ia SpittCpe •'"''"' '"· • CADILLAC AutomaOo, Ml. 1 .,,,,.,, """°"" yellow finish wlth JOHNSON A.SON Alk rn.-s.i .. ....._ • $1895 •1--------deon $650. 962-JOl2 buoket oeat&, white Jand•u LineoJn.Mer=y 18211 Beach mvd. '58 CADILLAC, S ~ root. ~ with A.T., l!Ml Harbor BlVd. 60-1000 " .... __ Buch • Limouolne <I couG•R R&T, P .S., P.B., P·wtnd., P-... '6-· 'U IWCI. • • auto, ec wll>-~ ""' , ..... a conaole, et•. ·'6& Pnntlac Cpo. , -KI 9-3331 a dowa, tadk>I, a Ir con-__ .,:...;;_;;...:c.;;_;;_;__ .., '"' '" "'"-~~ ,,. $1495 --~,.------1.~llcit•f 4 door. F•tt.rva dHioned thruout. Nice~ 26,000 oti;inal miles, Lookl <14fl, auto,, PS. (VTP915) '67 GHIA WE PAY CASH •"· •uto., pow•r 1l••rln1 •• dltloft. Can ftnance S896 .,. COUGAR and drlVH like new. SVY823. $1695 Yellow with black lntttior. e R&H. 1$VX 016 ) • Dlr. ?{VI. 2S2. &0-zal. ' 1Jme witb biactr padded top. $219$ Bill Jones. B.J. Sportlcar Cir. ~~ .,;,s• many tx1'u. ·fOR YOIJR CAR • $2595 • '67 t'OUPE de Ville, Very Loaded ond air eondttlon"". LIN~HNLN~N,!,~!-y 2833 c!~e:vd. . $1695 • tow mil $2800. r•. Stott. w.1581, ~ '~vn ''6 TEM ES • eage, show room Evn. 9fi2.71Yi& 2626 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Open Eves, .l Sun. S40M91 '66 V W 1u~ 0 N • P T fresh. Private p a r t y . ,=.=.=:..:.::::.:.,... __ _ ' • w C N ELL :is ""° mil" 1 o e · -...-P;;•c-· ----=;=:;;--I * '57 PONTIAC, ~ work Guaranteed. Show e Cuttom t P•· RlH, •11to.,• Sacrifice. 821-4464 ' ' wn r, arr, -"""" condJUon. Lie. UJD ttgs, CHEVROLET p s f JI· Poly tirees, new brakes, '67 Mercury Colony car. $15. $1395 •· .. , ,;;~~77;1r con tio11·• '59 CAD .2 door hard top, yellow w/blk vinyl top, Pirie St•tlon W•non 540-5156 aft 6:30 pm. 2828 Harbor BJvd. '111· -a all power, runs rood, $300. $2450. 5t6.:m"6 between 9 • '6J Y.W . CAMPER Cbsta Mesa 546-l200 a $1595 • or best otter. Call after & 5 Rllyal maroon metalic fin. '51 PONTIAC with awning well equipped. W'll Buy a 5 p .M. 548-975.2 =-=-------lnsh w/matchlng interior. Xlnt C'Ol'ld. $100. Uc. UKRM9. This Week-I • '61 COUGAR, &ir~nd RAH Fully faciory '"'--'"~ in-* 543-2360 * $1 a 166 CAPl.ICI "66 Cad Conv. $2995 ' ' ci·~'-~-·~a·• 595 I L"ke il vinyl top; lo ml, full pwr. ........,. auto trarui., • H, '60 BONNEVILLE. A-1 trans "66 DATSUN WAGON Your Volknralft • Poncbe acp •. Pow•r ••••rin9, f1tt. 1 new, Lo m· es. $500 Dn, 0 .A.C, Pr. pty. pov.-er steering, PB, dual car. PIS, P/B, air--cond. 4 11peed. radio a: heater, • top dol1an. Paid ( a•ir. •ulom•tic. !SI M 371 l • Loaded! 613--0083 ='=n=-8811==' =646-=5731='=""=·== I tail gate. Trftded by original $275. * 545-35n w/w, rack on top. Cutle. or':. can ~ or • $2295 • '59 COUPE de Ville, new owner. Lie TRH893 ·==~~~~-~~I Lk. N~ ·~im 673-1190 • trans. '!:":.!.i";,t\.!380. DESOTO LIN~~SON ~~~y ·~:....,~ c:x~~::. :i;; ~ IMPORTS WANTED a '67 llVJERA a '62 CAD, !leetwood, P /B. •59 DsSOTO 2626 Harbor Blvd., C.M. tra.nrs \l.Tnty. $2800 642-2163 Orange Cotmtiet aC•wp•. full p•w•r, f•ctorv• PIS, air. $795. or trade. Good condltkln. for $125. Ph. -~ 1960 PONTIAC Wagon. Good TOP $ BUYER •ir. lTQV 1991 • * 968-:1558 * 18011 Wharton, Huntlngto.o ,65 U---p -'-la cond. Air cond. Elect. 'Win- BILL MAXEY TOYOTA • $3495 • ======== Be"h 84l-2345 .....,,., Grtl ne dow• & ,..,, isoo. 543-2IOO lll881B<ao1>e1v•. • CAMARO ======= 4 Dr. ~;T. 'Mte Mao,,2•,hdtp,·auw, H Beach. Pb Ml~ a DODGE vs to Iran t pwr steer. XLNT COND. HARBOUR . . '62 CHEVROLET •11-------__ .=..;:..:..=:.._-' au • '·· •""· 1 eer., Reu. 83()-0794 VOLKSWAGEN, INC. New Cars 9800 .Plck·l!P. Pluf!ibiDi or.·sa CAMARO, automatic, •gg DODGE Custom ~v.:~L~ ~~ S:i =========I Authorl:i:-.. 1 ;;;;;;::;::;::;;:;;;:;;~1 •electrical("!~1 ) • loaded, Xlnt con d It ion, RAMBLER "" nwVi.J Sportsman. Van, camper matchlnl interior. PBG543 1871f~,~·~1~.~;_.,35 ORANGE COUNTY'S ~ $1195 $2200. Call 847"7441 '"" «(Ulpped, Incl. air. new $1395 . 'Sl VW Mero Bus, chnn whls. $500, ask for Gordon 536-3892 or 835-1744 ·~ VW Bus, newly reblt 1500. \Vood inL, nu tires. Xlnt running cond.. 545-9655 '65 VW: 37,<o:I Ml. Oirome whls, exhaiat, ndlo. $1005 Private party, 61J...711J1J VOLUME ENGLISH • • '67 CAMARO. Tak< """ l5l00. Ao. $311Xl. 6'<-0477 FORD DEALER • ,66 PONTIAC ~~?·.!'!!'.!'t """'· Pvt. ·oo Dodge v~. 9 -JOHNSON & SON COMPLETE • • -'~=~;·=~====== luu n.ck. $300. s-40-0649 Lincoln.Mercury SALES .. SERVICE 1 St•rehi1f 4 .Joor. F•t. •ir,a wagon. auto, r a: h, pa, 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7t!i0 PARTS CENTER .;~~·~:·;; ••• ,, ..... ;,,.. CHEVROLET FORD '64 MERC. MONT. NEW• USED • $1795 :· -.. -CHEV-.-lm-. -pa1a-2-o,,, -------2 Dr. H.T. ThHdore • cuatom hdtp. Alr-co n d 19'7 Ford Gal1xia 500 V-3, auto, rs, PB, air. Er. ROBINS FORD • '63 OLDS • vlnyt top; like n<W;' bW I -Hanllop. Attn<;ti,. mine whlt..w/belg, tnt A 2060 Harbor Blvd • Cufl•s-, •Y"°f p.a. IWFH_. reuonable otter. 842-2774. Sahara beige eXterior with wry nice cu. IOXl.67 l'or Daily Pilot Want Ada. Corta Me1a sU.ooto a Iii) • '57 4-DR. H-Top 8 CyL Auto. ~tone matching interior. $995 =,;B~RJN~G;.=~:;""~1 =!.!!!~~~!'!'!!!~~1 · $895 • 2-0wno' V/Good Com!. ~~ ":~p;.;.~ JOHNSON & SON NEW 'ED Rambler, Full ~ compact. $2CM3. '~RAMB. Amer. Wag. 2 dr, good running cond. Olia owner. ~ er be&t otter. 54ll"96i lmpertecf AutOI 9600 I rfr9d Autoe: 9600 • ... 76'000 orig. ml. &1$-MM original owntt, Looks and Unooln-Men:ury ··------------•m_po_rt_oc11iA;;"''°" ____ l;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;;"""';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i•••••••• .. ·:..i~ ~. x1nt"""'"'" dri ... ilk•$i.H uZF "5. 1911 _ ruw. .... 1m0 11 am~ . JAGUAR • * ..,,., ... * JOHNSON & SON '63 MERCURY '61 RAMBLER Cuat o m Convert a,uto, PIS. new top. lady owner. Offer. ~m CHICK IVERSON, INC. "ON COAST HWY." NEWPORT BEACH Finest S.lectlon Of Ouht1ndlng Uood VW'1 On The Gold CoHI Finest Seled ion Of Concourw Condlllon Uood P•""'- .,, ...... 16H lnttl'll YW.. Stiff -C,.. AINolin,ly-lilt. 11••• btr• 1h • ..,:-eoler iMY•f· IWVW-2111 ltw. l PFX94fl .,, ,.flt ... ,,, $41" <C ,,.... tr•11unit1io11 l:t to thoo•• freft'll CHICK IVERSON, INC. VOLKS WAG!N 445 E. COAST HIGHWAY 1 ......... 1 11.llWPO•T 114CH 673-0900 • • • • • '61 OIEV. 1mpa1a, , c1r. LJNt'OLN -MERCURY Colony Parli • llfADOUARnRS • •tick. $1SO Or ... t oUu 2626 Harl>or mvd., C.M. WAGON • 9 PASS. STUDlBAKER ELMORE MOTOU 15JOO aACN ILVD. WISTlllllS1ll lff.JJJ2 4 1/2% 15300 Belch Blvd. Westminster 194-3322 OPEN 7 DAYS j • · • ,548-Q.12 Ph. -5fO.S635 Co I I S I S V-8. auto, PS, PB, R-ff. a mp • • • •• • •rv·· '65 CHEV, Bel Air, 4 dr, '66 FORD Qean tns\de I: out, and driv-tce e nd Partt Dep·1tt-PIS. P/8, air, xlnt trans. es like new. JYU'ru. •men! 1., JAGUA RS. • 11095. 966-2S58 Country Squire $ 95 a S.t n., bcitl!HJ • '59 Chevy wqon, auto. 10 PASS. WAGON · 8 a '''' J•t••r lH•Y I V-8. Beautiful! $29'3. V-8, auto, PS. PB, R-H. and JOHNSON & SON ) 1 After •: 30 wk<b• 6t2-8164 Fact. AJr. Better hWT)' for Llncol~~l'CW'Y ••••••• ; '66 CAPRICE • °'· hdtp. ~;' • it': waaon tim.. 1911 Harl>or Bl.... 642-7(!;0 Fin< cond. Quick ale, 11875 • $209 • • Or ofter. 6G&59 5 • 23-' E. 17111 ST •• 'S9 CHEV.1100. "',,... ofttt. JOHNSON & SON a _ · a Private PIJ"I)' IC-1125 UncoJn.'Mercuz:)t • 541·7765 • NOW'S THE oo n.-ruw. 6Q.7m0 • OPEN • 1M7 Ford Lt<I 2 0- • I • nME FOR Hord1op • 1 DAYS Jame.le1 Ytllo't' finish with • AND • "'UICI CAS biaok tnh!"°" A Land'u IVENIN•S • 'I' H rool, A. T .. lWl. P.S., P.B., MUSTANG 19'7 Muat•"t 2 Diif'l'lariltop Llmetn.t exterior with black landau root and bucket ~tL A.T., RAil. P.S., very clean &nd }ow mlkl. Carefully mainta.ined. TF A M(. Fact air cond. $2J'5 GOOD TransportaUon Sludebaker Lark V-8, '11. = 817""'7 T·BIRD '65 T·BIRD Beaut. Turk. blue, Loaded with full PQWer and fact, a.Ir. Excep&nally cleaJ'I. Try to match this price, NBE395 ll.9~5 --1 JOHNSON & SON Uncoln-Me:rcwy 1941 liarbor Blvd. 642-miO 1959 T~mn O>nwrt, nuw -. $1SO. Appl,y N-Harbor Motel. N.&.. No. U 111 • THROUGH A ~"'i1f.'· """°' ... '""· !!J~BUICK $1n 5 John..., & Son J.tNO:>LN -MERCURY m& Harbor Wvd .. C.M. 1'11.-- JOHNSON 6 JI!)!< '"'MPEST LINt'Ol.N -MERCURY 1---'" ----1 , ... , lUICo' co~"'~ COSTA MESA • • • _J DAILYa PILOT WANT AD 2626 Hartibr Blvd., C.M. '65 TEMP&ST: ah-, auto., Ph, -~ pwr. Alffi', I; IJrb. Xlnt THE QU!cmt YOU CW. I rn."""'=·-;lll;:::;:"'::· "=1-,;"'°""'......,,. mE QUJCZER !OU SELL White elepbantl! DlmN..rtne ( I • r I