HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• / • r • • • • T.,e.••M. ·e~ _g ·i. .... .11: i · M .. -.. ··.~Dy~f!~·.1 .R _' ·~. . ' .. .. Crusudin ., ·WiJf.\i JDe .·.u· ·aek.· .. ~··11··'.", Ca~::~o · :· ... i ,.,._'1 ":SfilJ. ~ :-0•r.e~,,.: .. _, .~,, .... , • , , 1 • . I ' • · .... • · ,:r•.• •. I '· • • ' l ~~ ·.;1 f It ' j.• . , ,,. J ~ •'• '• t J Jt 't1r1,,', 1 ··•.: .··.J'-•, \ ' ''l ' I 1 \••'1 · '' -i •• ,.; ,.-,., !I ;.,· f! Oil ••• }I I •'" 1,;1'11 t , ' · " I r l ' " -· ' . .. ,._ ~· 1 r--.;-•• ' ---1 -·-+----. . :ew ··'·o ·r ' ~­ ' ' ' .. -.. .. •· .. 4 UCTWn.,• ,...., FRIDA'Y AFTERNOON; APRIL · ,4; '.1969 • • ' . Motley Band _ of Hippies Driven From .Desert Spa . . . . ... . , ~ ••1 l > ~ .... , ,, :1, .. \ , '' .... •i •,. ,·._,,, ' , • t .-J .J I ~ ..r. ~ 1 l 1 • ~ : I <11 • , I • • , ' . " t • -1 • " Mexico ·. Ritdfhl:es •• -· r ' ( ' .. ' . . ... ( For 1Proiests I ' ' ,• ' I ' , .,. "' ' 1 ' • -' .1'.'. . o• 1 .. . , · • , ~ J ! 1 i • , 1 i I - ALI: OF soUT,IJaflN, C~l;'Q\tNIA"s1-1p1NO AWl,Y1 I""-, 'i\¥ SIMw1·How, QUoko.AJonl So~ ~1;,1Uft ~U ·~pllt Siiia • I \ " • .._ ~! -...... ,_ . - . . • • '1 ., f • .I. .. ' I . • • ' 1 ... ' I , L . ' ~·-litf'~_l'llt~~~-·~~~-',__._,..,..,Hif Mideast · Crisis Cuts · Pilgrims ·to Jerusalem-·--.. who 1Upervlses Caliech'1 network of ~1!111 .Nt!Mi HI edat8ern CaiuorDtL He said Seismologists are ~ ways lo predict quakes and ilduci '8zai<ls bot called the doom!day ~'clearly ridlcub\I." one of the most ridiculous · came from the Fellowship of tbe Andent Mind, a telepathic llOciely ctshnini: tii be 1,000 year1 old. Arch-Druid Morloch, 'Zl, sa.Jd be would mate no predictions <Jf Ume or da' the quake would occur, but be quoted an~ Hopi .... P"""*11 "atov1 ·~r ~ ••· be!Off • <tldlfl wafft · He •• ;,a~· 16 .... -~ jod 'Oii -!. ~ 'INI m SaiU . I "T;::i.~~iloOldiillty -J.il'f ~ ..... = . . -liowe.W, lillillijl not on ilie 11C81e enviaiooed IJy IOnle. More than bl quakes a year are record- ed tn the area, none of them notictd by human being~ 7,000 Join Ki118 ~ ROAD HOCH liouNllto UP BY POLICE Iii HUNTfilOfdlf altAcK v...,. Eq-ans "'*t Along for th• Ride • C>fflcat Cltr.C. P•• ~~~~~~=-.:.... ...... Memorial Mareh fu MempbD Frot11 P .. e l ~ D/\llY 11ll'JT liMNft c0MT .-U•LISHIH• ctlMll'ANT k.W.. N. Wu4 ~·~ ...... "'" l t:o.loy Viet~ .............. ~nll """,:,:.:..tti!'" , -.. ....... , ........... ~ .... N'9o(I IHdl: rlJi-Wltt 8'111Ni MiiilnrtHI ~ IHdl: tn Fort1t A...,. Hlll!flnltUI lffdl: • llfl IW9if Dogging Road" -MEMPms, Tenn. <uPil'' -·A meam of marchers choked the narrow atreets of this MissiM.lppi River town today aa an eMimated 7,llOO P'f!OOS stepped off in a memorW fMi'ch II Uil 11- ftlyersary of the ..... , .. ol llf. Beach Pol~ Cortal, PorkerB inlmal lllliW begad .. wftld. ~ Luther Klnf ,,, , .. ~~~~=~ ==~~~ llil oogs Med lfiit "filr flit want lllitchen, many L '8 a ~4l~~!':/ttill~. ~ab~~~.iey 1111.triateh howls of laughter .. the mow proceeded The march roull •owid -· llte through a field of mud, lhe male went miles through the heart of the city, tbe und and tbe f al past the Lorraine M ... I where King to po em e found a was felled bY. ~ snlptr's btillet u he oty wbidl probably Is her home. -J __ , 00 a bal"""', and Oil 16 """ >.. the female stood ba . n """"' ,_,, ~ .. , .... borne incl her .... :t: Hall. .... ft-the~ ' King WU In taWfl lo lead a al1nflar ~ .t;;it.t ' { .. ~. -lo mareb s.11 ,_ ~ that lllNJ Iii ~ dOOJ>t 1lbal _,..,.. Iii ff -=---of strtk!fig ~ wllfiett -Wlifn did nol e1ilm a::··· . . . h¢ .... killed. \'-ii ~ Wflil olf iii trlfti-A few wbitd ...,. 1pflnkled m1o1!f mlolli -It liHfnilll M ~ Witdlld the marcben Mf jlltlff lfddl!I' Ir .. llf froA lltilli drf\le M/lf, notic<ably 1..... A pollct belicopter CdM Woman in Plea hovered overhead ind two police otfietn marched ii fi fiM Ill !ht ...... route nW Abe'lllltfty, blfl ltfl btl1!!t officers cou1d be seen -a far cry from poll ~ t!IMM dem!nirations when mlll)I ollltl!fl Wftt hi .. i.r.nce. On Reduced Charge A iAl!ft'06d man lndictetl lit' Iii& ~ fitfJ'hofduJi of a Corolil lie! Mtt lld!!lln l>y two nialea palllt M d611V~ will be .. tenotli dfti lrillfflll. 161Mwtilf h!a guilt~ jMa Ill a rtdllff<i Mat• ~ Fllili; 41, Md lifl ... llit!lona, ltl, wort -ordered lb ~ before (!ljiei'klf Oitlfl Jlillae W Spe~I Oil May f, dud.a their Couri fe 'fue..lay. r1eo p1HilMf gu1 1111o r:lfi"l • comll).lt ~. tfhi[i JUI ~I be is sUU !ii!Wf, imll l!!tt!H! llMI dJ!t!lltJ· tion antlcipated next mOOth.-- Lee, 40, from her 1'Jml ft 2735 Hatbor View Drive, police cbltged. 11le youth he 11teady been convicted Ud sentenc«I for his role in the NOv. ti, 1991 t!tl1M, I 1:i!tam case involving tbef& 6f several thousand dollars in f~ · IM jewelry. Mrs. Lee told police she was beaten ~u,ring the lnci4t:nt, but was not miou8ly lnjtifii!. '!'lit llil~ ~ l!!!lfill>ed free for abwt fwr moOU. before their fflelt MN! ttn ... · liewjM -fiOlk!e ti Ille Fianos Beach Bombing Prompts .. Resolution in Council Best V:alue f_or Quality Furnlt11r1 Mrs. Flano allegedly drove the getaway car when her bus.band ~ an P.ftidentilied juvtnll~ boy abdWettd Mn. Belle Chaoe and~tbelr-accomplice Into-custtidy'·-aoo on March 19, 1968, they were indicted by the Grand Jury on robbecy, kidnap, l>Urglary and consp~acy COiilU. AVAil.AiL• At THI sAMI lOW ,l!CI IN ANY Oii flllEXll 'S oYlit too PAllUCI l'f!Otll Page l CHRIST TERNS CONVICTED ... • • .... ,'169 • SHILIT ,IA't\IRll! I All Fo&Hea Stotch Guarded • A(ftl c-. IMloll!H I Hlll<I 1IM 1r.1ne- I l1tta hlM!lill ii Pallrlri • lllltllly ~tvttlefl A MtftHils C...,.. lo A!1Y tf Dltft 1 HO P•1e UlielionL Stletfttol ff 12 ChafH ft C-PNlll llef, f1 tHt l • ,. • I ' ' ' I I I • . . . S.unset Rea ch , . : an ~Itron' plan ~ted by Hunt- i.ngf.on )leach, but thus far no election date hss been set. The election.J.ikely will •be .called after both -Beach and Huntington Beach oft1c:l.als· .agree ·Oil the 'Hit of• demands wlik:h ...,_,_ • . -The ·eeteb.Jlshed ~ty· and 1char. adAlr of ·-~ u a unique nsl- dOdlal beach ~ •. ·wlll be :pro. U!do\I In tlit 'HUiiiillltllli ·-' MaSter Plan and Jts, lmp1..,,,;,ltic, polld"': Thi3 • I • J II • \" .-.;, .,. Teens Convicte.d:- ¥ • ' ~ .... . . ·-... ; .. 11-o - ~ .... ~-,,: . Will 8eturn 'If Cal iforn.ia ,' S.till .. Hiit;~~~· • . , I I . • , " BJ .lBTBIJa R. VJN8E[. .. Judp ~·a . un..---·-. U' fir u ...r .. lni 10,~~ .. ~~ ., .. --"'" adj<\urDed ind all jioruoa,-·-· I left Costa MesaJll&b . ' . Trllll .,. -1>u1 irthulatlolll .... 0oe " 111e ave defepdanta, llowlrd 1o 111e other !dlllot'~ ~.. · -- llDM toclil1, ofl.r If r-i !Gr airtsl E. B...ius, 11, vf. Kl~.= Deputy .Pubili: .liefaodit~I ~ W.. mrrictM by lwo JuriU convlcfecl ool1, Cl ' ~ ~ lhe blril'llDo of noi.i1..., chains a ~ COiia liesa !>•""''"· o-'dlal 1o Mia , ~~ ~~ LIQ . wlli Aid lie -·......i '"" .. ~--· pol ...... a tilil I Scboal demOnllrailao IPiml 'Goclill! fn1in Ille ........ tleinoiialr-~· . aaPri tilot pio ·-~;ie,11 i.L > .,. modern IOdelY." "'111e Juri could ..0 we' lien• lllit ·Aued 1boul Ille-~_... l'nloe'cluc\rS rested their o;uea oo bloUlnl Ille '\l'tl." lbe coollnlod, ud • . (lkll CllllllT l lBNI; 1'191'11 • - Matmdy Thunday in Harbor Diatrlct -:-::r- J udlclal Court and firm but gen~ juries. · · • • returned guilty v~lcts. ''Ibey were real nice. They mliled all the Way throqh,'; aald Mldeline Dannelly, 0 ll, one OI nine militant e~ convicted. on all three counts oripJallJ' Jddced. • ' Tiie _,.,. and --ir- -Feb. If M9 -lo retUnr lo caiirl ~I!«...-,,., anil pr<tbMm heorhel_-11 u..,.11 uytblns !orelam . to -I pbruo 'not uoed by the COUfl ....._._ . . . ·--..· ' • • -· • • . • 1 • • • • • , i ·. • • . ·1».11.t Pt • .,., • Tbe Rev~ Dave Berg, and hla flock ROAO HOGS.~OUNDED -Uj"a~· i.it~.,N.HiJNJINGTONSEAC'H : · •. ,' ,;. ·'· hlk'·r.~-&ii.:~ .......... ~,*-?the~ . · {', ~·~•a'Jmf.1~,·· ·, '1'""":11"'·•·'.0ffli'f• '-"lo:"llfir• . 'l•.;w ' .. '.•' ·' • . ~ a: ···.\.:' ~,. . 1i"j'!~ ' ~·~ .~ l!'.-:' . ' ' ' • • . • ,, ' ' ' ' •; ......,r ' ~ ~· · 1 1toried Californll ~lday eartbquak!- H · in. : R d. · ' Th e,J will te""1" their exodus tan-. ·o .. ". • _· · d ,_· · ............. ; .. · Po)!,,.e Herd ..,.aru,_tttheitalew-peopleJudl<d 88 8 U~ •U" =::t:...•:, ...... ,,.-iJ • Beach 'Polill Con:<d Po1Jrers ·. Hippies. Froiri ~~:S!'t;~;;: "W•''" got two ,;.,.,5 .,.;,~; •• ,Joooe pecte1J-..1~.1 1119w·1l"ian.io·un1o,·14• . · A group of nine aell..tyled revolu- here .t 17th. and. H::;e,.:;,;:;;-s'"~...... All -ent.,.,,-. ~-" Ith the "•'bo .... Palm s • tionaril dllclples of Chrllt were coovlctod reporied Hunlin«too, &.r ar.=~ lo ulitil :,. .;;:J ~ ti,;~1 ':w: . · prmg. S . . . . Of tm.;."<p1ra.1< CllJUMI 'by a ,jury li\tllll the radio "'-tcher Thlir!ila• ·*-. 'n. and·~..._ decid~ ....,,_.dlli ·not want In Judge Calvin P. Shcmidt'a.cowtroom. -.-' -.... ~ ·~ ...,.. ~ ..,, , · Rtfusal .to disperse, wU!lul and "l!ow .do you _,, ••·t•, H n ~. • '·" to go ... tha 'Minr · • . ' PAC fl'IC occ ~~· I t ' l. ' .... ,,, • : , . L ··~ •..--~ · ·~...,.-.-· · · PA!M SPRINGS •(UPI) -Str•nling maltcious obstrudtoo of a thonlugblare asked the unbelieving r~dioman. · , Despil< an,eica1' attempt;whicb filled ~ "·•· ·nru1 'and uni ~u1 ··~~---of "Yes, sir, hogs; two of 'em." the all: 'wil,Jl .'~ .and· abouts and lipe;s .of hitc~ers lrfi\ed C!Ut of this auu WI aw1 wai.yilHUl\o"C . -'. WI-ALL OF SOUTH!:RN CALIFORNIA SLIDING •AWAY1 · < ," Sure enough, two bop, a.rust co.hnd bowls -oC·Iaµahter· u the.show proceeded desert winter_ resort today, harried out !tJ::~E .. 1~ ~j~ penal and male in the 200 pound cta:ss .all!f a through a 'field of mud; the' mate went Of their diggings in pictwwque Tabquil.z ...,..... Map ShOwa HOw ·Quok1 Alelit. S.n ·AndrHa Fault .Wiii Sjlllt:Jteter,, ' " . smaller (about 75 pquats) femaI~ ftitnd to the pound and the female found a r ... .:.von "-police. · "I knew lq my mind ~'d say guilty, ' f I a.&-·,,i. -""blY · ~ bom ....,...3 "'7 but I knew in my heart we were sun ' . . . ·oO..ms, .. a .. ·· .·~ ·De~e.· were ma~,g pigs of themselves on tali, lty wbi,,.. .,_, "-; e.,. · -Except !or. a fe.w. h\>ldout. hli!Jng in mnOcent,· ," u1ls ,Donne, Uy said loda•.with tender grus at the ....,.;.lion. ' ·As !lie female stood haughtily In her ctu ., · the II · 1 ,.. ' Two.of the city's fiieiftT'Finiman Gary own home and her male friend looked ca S;c1urp.ps m. canyon P.O ce &ad ~ hint ol .,fota:lvene&s for 10: 'YOmen Glerm and Engineer Denn!a Cito, sticu .;..ny 'ftiiiit! the r<ar Window of the they beUeyod all the moUey bUld of and 'eight . men ·who perllapa lijiew not ·'ma! -~• ~·-• •-~ be hippies and ylppid had departed. what they did. in hand, had the animals llClli of corralled am ~·er ~. =~ gan lo Police vehicles kept a nlghU0ng vlcll A ..conci g'.roup fll ,five ~ In • ', ' '•' : j ! 'j 0 f .,,;Mr • Y, , , ''· . I 0 .• I . I · r .. . . • =.,:~~~"ft:~.' and =r-~~~~·the 0'1"" with 1 llWcblight trained up thecanyori tlie area ,Of Costa Meaa HJch .School NeN!Jy, chlldr<n At 00 boraeboc~ ·Vlalons ol rout l'll'wltli .n the trim-entrance. No vehicles were pennilled ond Maude B. Davil.lntmnedlat. School And ~exico R~ports Tr emor •.• :'.·: . . . wlllclllng lhe ·pm:eedinp; Soop, a lfm '!linP came lo f1nmen as:they·witched entry, wblle protestlng llle,llteral apulsloo of or ao youngsters stood by u the wex· the SPCA truck drift away. The Easter Week surge or an ollmated 1esus ~ coqtempcrary ~tion were By Ualted ~ ~.....,.al .. Disneyland·HoteIFir&Loss $200,.000;· Cause Probed !0,000 vialton, iocl•wting possibly 1,500 coovicted of !'fro CC>llltS. ' Today Is the day IOOthMym uy ----" 1~ 1n ·a · liad ~~"hed · Judge'J.E.T. "Ned" Rutter'•, ...... wu ·~~vmirnl" va era, ~~ -• Callfomla will .c:nct oll.~aJl<I· fllll"lnlo today " about • ooo out:W11111 :30 p.m .. a-"-•·•··.the· -·•It , , w 0 ' • or innocence or the ;;;;d~up, :bile the 1e1. -·and: the first Ve~ came· Incidents during the night wen lirni~ at 8:20 a.m. PST when a medlum:s:lzed to f4 bOoklngs on narcotics 4nd alcohol earthquake wu recorded ·off, Mn1co's violaUom. A 38-ye.ar-old woman was kkl· G. OOD FRID A 'y west roast. naped from poolsi<Je •t \her bot.I by SelsmolocJ,sts ~d the quake centereci two men and taken to the desert where near A:eapu)co' 1,000 rillle! IOUlheut of she ..... raped and-robhid, Police said. CLOSES MARKETS here and measure u on the ..,.......ied Amltl for the week lotaled 199 -Richter llClle. It wu .-g enough penma,. molt ..0 l11ildemeamr charSes Becauoe ol Good Frjday, all lllock lo .a...., dama(e' lf. It had cenlered· Damage in Wednesday n l·1ht'•1· n....-.,.u· limited jo· lhe· fnllt .,.... · but 1·numher •oo·felooyrape, robbe!Y, erd>ing" are clooed today, 'Ille weekly la'1 popJlllfechrea. · · · · ' · ;.fii;"b'.;.. .. · .. ,...., narcotics aiicl alcobol.vJOIAUoni..Fortr· stocu 1UDU111fY, usua!IY cartled 1n AJ!lioqlt.~ earitlquate elpel'll. Diloeyland Hot.I Tower fire hu been . Holel olflclall said ·moot rJ. Ult ten --.ren10iwl·ln'custod1. 4 s.a.day'a -· wtll )le found loday and fllfldala fll Ille. U.S., ~I esthnaled at llOO,OOO ,11y· 11ie :~ · loC!IJl<en.....,,, d1111aledi...a.rJ>e blclt ' A bellcob!er'.nept• .Ver the ca.,.. on P.,.. 1'-LI. '· Sun:OJ ~ the.aiinon,vl a ~Ung' Flrelltpartment · .>-, •in(usewtthin 1·weet. ,· · I <Bee•BiPPmsLEAVE,P1pl~ • quake 'lflldllll,lhe _,l.O lud ·maa~ "We don't know what lllrled Ille blue · · · ' ' ol the' San· ADtlreM 7.litt ·•'"~-· tirto • . . \ the Padflc: aie bid, .,.;;:;;,;i. In ~!i:;Ef€: , ·>1~~ilg· rims Visit Jerusalem ~~~~~;;:;.;; tioo went smoothly. "We pt everyone will come. ,Almolf rNU'f day in April oot of the threalened l'CJCJl1ll wt-hu been llngled Oct/ by aome«>e.' trouble and contrary lo reportl Ille eJto. B , t Mide t C • • R d N b f T • ts . But·lhe .......W. ....,; lo be April trlctty did nol fail,'' said the fire olfldal. U (1S , Jll.Sl.S e UC eS Um e r 0 OUTl.S . 4, t• -today. To lie Wei, at l :IS p.m. PST. The aeers ol.· dooll1 •Y ·that ••The elevaton and lights wm workinc JERUSALEM (UPJ) -Christian -Moslems stood aside to let Catholics spot from which Mohammed is aid Alulta .wu ltruck by ·• 4fUUe that at all.limes. '1 pilgrims retraced the way of the ~ pass in •· procession along the Via to have ucended ink> heaven. measured .1:1 ea .the Ricbter. ICa1e five Heying also~ there Wf!,t ~ lrijuri.es , Jews ,Pf~J!i the~ W~. Wall and QolQrola, and rownet'I of IOUvenir shops E~ ~ationl earlier bm' ytart qo Oll~G;oqcl.FrkllJ. , l . to firemen or · guest,. from smote Jn. MoaleiiiW , ttjnlMi 'In lhe_.!fqlY , ·and' ""'IIl t~aat. • .,.al<:hed from 1 illoftd ~. · th iniiri ,,,.-,_, -~ f~~ .haNv• 1m'e ..,..11oo~1 baist1on Ol:'gl'.:"'~"'iouily n!ported. City'I -•.ladai fll bcilh tlio !lJlild their clO!Jl"1~ . ' ' . 0 , -ume ff I.,.-,.._ ~-~--• ~. , U10 Tiie fore '.in noom 1913; one · · ~'Ud dUlh·cil Jeaaiaitit "•Tho day .,J cold and cloudy clurtog of F.cce N-, where Pllale O:ald •fieholcl <full]oct hu been ,lqilci!Wd "bi ._.... 1'00ID of a IUile OC<Vpied by Mr, ml ml Ille .,.ciid dlJ of the Jewiih Ille l1IOl'!lfrCt iJl!tllle llml broke thnJa&h thil --~'o ' ' • . I 1 reCorda, poelen.ancl 'llumpor ·ailclran. Mn. Carlo A. Davila mt llleir.'two· 'P-. : ' •. 1 'i ,.. I ? 1' Bio llllmcion: · Or1llodol J""' weorinl prayer lhnll C,. ~ ~""!"""'"ll!'!'"llda~ )'OUlll dauihten, .Wtln( from Mlollco ' •The ·.MJddle -· ~ bolrmr. •,llil!lJ• laWll ,-rillton• converled on .,._,.tllnuP,Jho.DI"'"""'" Giiii OI> '~as·, . "' ..a.~1 City. redufed the number rJ. Amerlcm and the old dty, and aeveral -.0 ilfrll I lbel\' IJl1 'lo tho , WoQ!ail~Wall;;> Tl[<I , q,.... 'blleM. oii;l~l!!i.f . 'l11e family was dining in u adjoining European-,WticllloctitoJeruoalem ~ at·1 apecial He~~ ' ~--,fell! 0( ~~~/Wecl-•,.•illJ' ~.laill .~ -~~~ ,· roomwbenllleforestarted. eacli ""'.to ~-~Ille 1wo I"~,. ":°1,.;."""ll!e ·~of Jf:fUUllm I neac!aY' -aiJiil .tho .!ftdltlon. ;p":ti.~~~,~:,._,,,,.,, ' Heaviest damage wu lo !Ile-· Jiliili"tltlie°"'*""--r.lltit w 'lliii ......... •procaalono .. -• thal•llelriW~\1..-_,111 .. tlie , . "'P..;locift.. ~' ,_ occupied by Ille, llaY1I& !llllllY. · 'llllY ....._.. II .. '*'lrOl!i1aileod w!Wn lbopi. p-of thit' led'lo "the'lllbllcal' ' Bill> l't• m· Jok~li>fi • · ·11 Otlllr 1'00l1ll oo the ~ ·-"ind fll the -' di••""' Priday on Ille ''They lold us we would ha .. 1 pd j ~ oul vqy \o ~-llaiJ ~. ·r--· 'the ~Jlloi lnoll6diit fll' . • • t~ !loon o1 the II-story hotel lower VII ~{llo·l!!:! fll·Somw•I that place 1o=.from her<," Aid Sydliey , i!!l!ft Illa CatlJ!llkil ar,t.ed il Lthe . \o ., -It 't I w~~~~:;.ai::= ~~~J;11,.~~J: 1';,of-..~......,1onbepn :A1t!'!Jr~~,~ ::m and#:~ 1 In • minutes after the 1:14 J.m. alarm • as part of Solomon'• .Ttmple. • ai-the Jlnt .ol Ibo II -of tile fqac' llfl<ll , , to ' olh~li:' ,. l ' ~'t:J:.. ~~e. opreadlng ,;~~:-to~.;.,. la :';.J: J""~ ~ ~~'%a,".OC1\i"' PU.le coodenmed I;~~·~· • :~.:c:,_:;;&;;~,~~-~t~~~ ~ Y f'lan"9 ahallered large wi-• ill' --fll tho -fll lio<>-It OYerlooks Ille Moalem com~ ,~lllalo!!,111, , .. :il,1ilt :1 Dr. 'alor!WF.>llid\Wl·•••r-tlt ' lheTlpofthePlrkloonge,direcliJ pie," ... 1 .... ao Arab ..W., Cl!McxmtMorllh~theGolclea e ·~,'oolleWif. be, ,011r-U. the~~;lor_..t~ ovu Ille ,_, where Ille fire started. aouvtnln. of the llocll, the shrine butt! over '11,e ,ol·Cal•"7· , r , mqnltuclt and one of Ibo ,.....-W: • ' ' J. • I• { J • • • .... _ ' ! aeimiologlsls in th•prorkt; 0 ll ~­ upeet. ·-• · ' ' : t '. In'tll5, ht uy1, Caltech head 1ftdle· timus Ot · qUIW .tor nery maaaa.1 rriim · January ·thrOulh J017. "Btit 'tt:..i.. a·. l)Oftn.a~ year," h,e, Say~, '.'oooe. -~:: trqe,".. ' - '"I'bere ls no way •to predict' earth-. quues,u l safa Dr. JiJftea 'N.~ Br\aie,• who aupervlaes .Caltech'•· -<I , · aeJamoerapb staUons in Sou &_b_er•t California: He •ll!ld' ~ .. ~ waya lo pn4ld. qilWI and reduce hUard8 bat caDecl tllf -11 · ...._.~._. "•'"••IY l'ldlcldoul." rp;f;;,p;' '..;-'"'O! 'thii' im,t' ~I pred!cttons came• fmn ,.the, ~ ol. the Ancient Mirl:11 a1t1lr 1rtldcmdltyf4 (See DOOllSQ,l y ,,.... II. I ' . .. ' . • . 'c:e.. I ' • ' I I .· -~--' • .. • lolll.Y '11.0 N F11i!Q, .,,. 4. 1 M - 4 . A .Look ene • .-. , ... ' ... . . .. -. -···· ---..... -- ~ -. . ~-.,·. . . '":'" ..... -.... • • • • ~ '" ."'Jl'•'t • • .. '!"' . ' ·; P ..... P .. e t -· ,.I ;I • • HIPPIES LEA VE RES ORT ••• r,,, Tbul'lday wb1Je ID oflic:er yelled lhrouP locideoll oceurred. a ballllam al lbe hippies below, aome / Moot .<A thO ""-" ltnill<d obe- o{ them nude. diently oqt ef the canyon as the officers "You are trespassing on Jndian Jaruis. wa~ q~ in their "f1lr but firm 'Ibt Indians want you to Jeave.. If you policy. Tbirieeu persons were arrested don\ ~ ,m will be subject lo tr-and •utl>o!ill• ~ no lojlirloL rat:• ' . . . 1Uqalb ~ • --lbe' Aatia Then, "' one 11quatltt put !~ "the C"1lenlO IDdlini and !roolcaJ!y Ir wu polloe did their jhlng and .... did """·" lbe nob!• rechµn, !deallJ.ed by -y _ th.. 250 omcer. armed -, hlppl' ''tribeo, • tU1 lllPPliod lbe basis J1at guns, tear gu, rifles and gaa masks \ for lbe police sweep. F,.... P .. e J .,,ept up the canyon ·on · foot and 1,;,11eb11ck, routing the motley band llilll bad oceupled the .... since last -= up ... tbe °!"'\Wnll~u ..!: CHRIST TEENS .,....i off! walked bllct down, berdinc. I!" oquatlen.belon them., They med tear 111• lo~ ocme yaullll """ tried • lo. roll ,boolden,-. -Ille. poljco ofl!con .but. no. other, ·r U,\:LV VllOI I=., ............... _..... .. ,, ........ ..,, ......... ................. .._.._... ------ I ............. """'-..... ... ....... --.~c..t ....... ..... ~ ,,,.... , ...... -" lrll .... ............... ....,.. ...... _ ...... c.te .... T 'I rn•• MJ.4U1 ,__ , 0 sos C.-&40-1121 a n r ~' •bt:a ...,,..,.n =----. -... , ............ .. .,. ., .. rw. .... .... -----111-:tb " ... ;........--. ' •. !""'""" .... --~-.. ·--*'" ' 1.-~:'*"""'' - ·' -• .. . i ~ : . l • .. • State P oll Shows No Se,eetr1,tt1_ 1,.-T~ Hayakawa T~p Dem Vote Getter Members a( tile YOllDI Americans for Freedom demonstrate agaimt Social Secur!ly on the step& a( the Orange Comity CourthOU&e and bum'tlleir Social Security cardJ as a protest against the ''fraud on young people.': See story, }'age 9. . ,P.-ker,~ Prohle111~ . SAN FllANCISCO (UPI) -A ,privole ~ pQll tuai bf. • -ol rlomo<ftllci leadn ohawl ,Dr. S, I. ~ ....... i-tl''• t.,;p potmtloJ ~·==...~* N(>t Yet But Newport W_ary ,_ lbcJUt 1111 CICI.-& ne+dld.tor • , ' die 1171 -II ...uac in beld II)' -I'. ClOUINI Naeport·llln!od:r i. Ion an the_, naw. 'lbe ,.,._, "'.II the ~-·· °' .. ...-""... • M hlD pubUc: pmhllC -fw money, race, -, -JloMld Reopn Newport J!eaclil>Glli:e llCIOdll1·wlll ut rr """'+.'--Ill -ol cliwe. had a V"'1 alflbl odlo. Ille Demoalltlr dty -·lo lldopl II illW lilllt And tllat, """'dine lo W-..tf. ii Ille Rid. . would ban poJier Pl!-• . loopl>ole. Poker, bridle llld _..., ~s.rii~~= . ~-:.,..._~'ttt uppo"t: ·. -nie~=~~ receiWly would -Son. George llurpl!J rr -t the ltPJatlon J1f11 In cue, ..id .,.. ., UllllU<:<O!IOfu fifort lo open a ~~~~.~~.....!:: -CltyAU«neyTcmWoodruff. ',Poi<er paJace ·"somew1><r• 1n c:mra1 ---· ---" The .baa J""'ld Ibo proMbll ·blP<tue Onmge Quiiy." ., i::.bllao~ ... OO!ldDcled by • pro-~!ii~.: .. ploces lnvolvln( ..:·::.=. -It lo bllppm here, .. fr , I !IJll •.P1"!"+e!!!plm(-. llhqwod ~ Cblef ilany Nelaoo .... ly llaJU'n• -·-~ l<!l'llh ur!l'Od from the Loll ~ police Alloto ol Son 1'1-rr Awilll>lymon ·l!rce, -Ibo nqueit, aa l d J• ._ In • -prlmllrJ.-: w . fer Pfl'DOr, ~ -be had t>Othtilf .. do "11111 ?loo oqaod _, 1111.mg my pro- -Ille ~ bier\ -lhll al ol lhlng -.· ..id "I hive DO ~ why ihe poll WU lbe all«Dey. · "Bui Ibey j..t at!dpllte taken," j>e oajd. "People do -f111z1p. tb<n could be, 1-•• ol ~ . It ...... ...., totaJJy •~Iy ol In our •listinC anil-f111Dllilnc code. . me. and I bllwo DOI rwl the -WOodnilr WU --lbe pro- · Valley Planners To Reconsider . . Plans for School '"! have DOI thought 11bool i'uonl:c paoed <Ode -bl bas drafted fur public ol!lce lllld I can'lolbinlc about wooldaffeclweeklybridge-.playod ··. A <:qjlllitiooal use permit request"1 it becauoe I llJll too basy11Mre."' by local clal>-Be ,..UW. '1t',,U.. <;on!m , Grove Unified School , , , •1 reallJ -no pn1111om. 'll>e lady . ~ii !or -ol an elementary !ridge playm will have DO co111e fur sdiool ln F'c>umalit V.Uey will ht alann." ~ April 16 by p!anolq com- He eiplltne1f ~t the new law is DUSSIOllen:. ' aimed al the "Gud..,..type" <A pot.,. Wednesd1y night Valley planners From P .. e J ANNEX •.. paloce ezcluslvely. Gardenll Ill a lllllall deadlocked Z lo 2 on the req-for Valley APM.~.-~t,lent Q;y In Lot Anlel<I County •1-prm. a IChool lo be built north of Warner . . permitted. cipl1 !nd1lltry ;, ~ cud Avmoe IDd west of Newhope street. -support for the position that Ibero dubs IDd c•slnol. . Cooslderatlon ol the request .... - Co I ll. wW be no permits granted lor, nc< an Y "II ,.., play draw poker in JOllr home i1nued unlil April 16. mp eX tO ·ave octul oll driJiing ol oil..,_ oll off "" in mine, ""' wml have to worry Representatives from the U.S. Marine -~· . about police breatlng dQwn the doon," r-heikoM-f clllty il Sq -'il)ere will be !JO condemnation of Woodruff Mid. ''1)ie law will prtlilibit -~ : ~.. .,;::: Door less Garages deve1~1:1 :=:·-Beach gaml>lillc 1n • public place ooly." becauoe 1t 1a11s within their flight pa~ will be lncreued lo the -level of tern. ·A !llO<mit apartmtnt compleic. "111 the city. Mm" e Rescue Lags and'll>aGt~entsGrovstille~I ottundevelop<dlclals have featon prag"' withoul doers, Fountain -Tho number of no11·bloo11' reiallves ~· ~~ Valley buildlil& olliclais said :today llvinl in 11 single clwolliDl will be irnlted. lndlcllled no larget date for aimpletloaol folloWlng >PP"'val Wodneoday nlaJit by -'Ibo~:. wll provide public puking BARROTERAN, llu!co (UPI) -It the IChooL lbe Planolng Commi"*"' ol the riq~ on street and olleys an SUmet Beach could tue ,_,. worten 1111 ·Ione u Piamlng oflicials noted lhat the ,.. by the builder to P,llmlnate doorS .on Island. · fwr weeb to recovw lll bodies of quest is a "courtesy" actlcm, becaUM the llleady appnivod develo-nt -Special IOOing lor 5mllet Belch a>OI 0-. llil1ed lo a pl expioskla ol a llChool dlstriot's r!gbt ol "emminent PRC~ ~!oa"'!'J"lbutldby bulldlll( ioU will bl imJilem<oted lo ..,. 11111 ·mcntll, the llllllllll'I' ol il>o firm dcmain" liuarllllleelng the fight lo ...,. ~ .. ...,....... ~..--,. cordaoce with the city's muttt ~Ian. iblll '""" the mine aid ladaJ. llnld ecbop1s withoul div perDiialon. prages .withoUt doors In the comp!a )------..:.... __ ....:......:_ _______ -_ ----..:....----,,-.-'"':.,.==::..:::.::....::::2::=::.._ planned for cam11uctioa on Euclid Street north ol Slaltt A venue. PRC ftpresentatives lold plannen that garages without doon weie mucb·. tidier and better kept than those with doors. Plannin1. Director St.m!eY, Mllllfleld concurred, &aying tllel ·1io DOied: "many limes doors were left open on garages revOllllng • :are•i.t mesa than · those gaia(es -doon. . cor..., 1o the .... •Mtmeot dne1op-"""t· will ba.. lndJvidQlll 1octfh for $lrllL ' . ! "'."'-- .Froa P .. e J DOOMSDAY .-~ . . . clalmlw ifbo·fPIO :rem old. · Arcl>Dnil4 Morloch, l'I, aid he ..... Id make · no ·pteillCUons of time or date the qum W!Jlild occur, but he quoted an indent Hopi Indian prophecy, "Heavy rains, oll QPOll" water, liefore the (Udall wave." · . · He •eparently was referring to record winter r•. mi lhe oll sllct· from II ie.skjng !'ell lo , the Santa illlrbar11 -, ... ...... ~~l'Ul pO..u,mt;y that .,.,..~t' , -1rlD have an earth- ljaoh ·tbis-. i,,;, ..... althougb DOI on the llCllie envlsloned by llOIDe. llcn !ha •·quabs a,_ 111'1 niconl- od In the ...... -ol lbem -by bumlln belop. Apollo Ii Astronauts Win Collier Trophy • WASlllNGTON (UPl)-1be three .,. tnmoula wbo clrded the moon in Decem- ber loday -their third -11wud ln two dll1f-lhe coveted Collier Tii..-i .w-l#ie ."-11111oa ~ nor.I ..... tropll, lo Apollo • .....,... Front Bonnan, i._ A. Lovell Jr., and William A. Anden. < -Best Value For Quality Furniture AVAii.MiLE AT~ SAM! LOW PIUCI IN 1'JfT °'DREXEL'S ovn 200 FABRICS OWLY S1 69. SHELBY nATUllES: e All F...._ Sootdl 0-... e Ami C-. lodudlld e Hand TW Siiri... • Lorp S.lodfeft of , ....... Quolltj c:.wrvctioft & ...... c:o...... .. """ of .,,_,.. - F.a.te S1fs1tionl. S1f1dlen ef ~2 Chllr'l te D11a1 ,,_''"·Te $229 8 LAGUNA IEAot MS Nor1fi Coool Hwy • NEWl'OllT llAot 1727 WMldlff Dr.·~ .. ,..., ,. ' ... .... , ,.,, _,. __ .,.._ __ , ... 494-6SSI .. 1 I I J I s y, ,. • e y • ~ " d ~ y • • • r r • • •I ' I ' f I t .. J l -r .. ~-,.,,. -, ...... r h-• 1 ; •, .~•' '"'-·~,.~·~«''" ,; ·.:.tR' tlf-£ ~ 'j 'I• 1• • . 'itOAD ~S"-ROUNl!llf!j.J'~~lfi;iii.'.W.1iT1liGTO!t'IUC!'f•' "'.': ·~. ~r • •.· . • • Young '5qv0tri1ns Ju.st ,.lpnt '°f'·the .R.id~ ~J .. 'Qfficer C.rrtilJ~ers · : . ' · ~ 1 • • -• :B!'~g-~g . tlo~d; '. Po1i~e ue~J · · Beach Police Corral Porkers Hippies .Fr.om "We've got tw~ hogs runliing loose peeled 8mm.I show began to unlo14 here at 17th and Hwrtingtol\ Streets," All went well with the big hog,roundUp Palm S • repoited Huntington ~ch firmen to until' the uperts drm the SP.CA arrived · . · prmgs the radio dispatcher ThUrSday afternoon. and the bop. decided they. dkf not: want ''How do . YQll ~pell that? H-0-<;-s?" to goto the dogs, , . · . asked tlje.uiibelleving r.adioman. , De!piie ~escape ~mpt Which filled ''Yes,sir,·hogs,·twoof'ent.'' ' the ·air, With .squeela .and -shouts and Sure enough, .two hogs, ,a .rust CQ}ored. howls·of 1auw.iter .as the show 'proceeded male· in 'the 200 pot.ind 'class and a througti ·a 1ield of mud/Uie mil.le went limaller. (about1.751 pounts) femal~ friend to tbi pound_: and the female found a were rtlakirig pigs' of th~elves on, tall, sty whic$. probably is ,her home •. tender gra~'at.the intersection.. As the ~female stood haughUly Jn her· Two of the ·city's finest, Fireinan·G.µ-y own home. and her male. fritr¥1 lOQk~ Glet\11 and Engineer Dennis , ca to, ·slicks sadly' from 1 the rear wiJM;fow of, the in band, had.tlit!animals sorl of _ailed animal shelter; truck, f!renmi ,beg_an to when .:a · bevy' -of r ep.o.r,t,e r:s !lnd _discuss_ what ~t happen: if ~ owper ~apliers rushed to the ••:ene. ,.,-----ditl'l1ol·cllim the'~; N~y. dlQdren sat_.on boisebaeli · \llikins-of·roa111·~1g'wtth'all the lrim- watchi!Ig the proceedings; S<Joo, a_doien ll)mp · came to_nr.inen 11 they. wa)died· or so youngsters stood by as the unex· the SPCA truck drive away. Disneyland·HotelFjre .Loss ·_ $200,000; Cause Probed j • --------------~----------------~--~-' .~e· ... e· .. n· ···s ;it ~'. ' ... ' ' ' - •'" • • . . •1 ' l COnVicted · · . ' . ALL 0" SOUTHl!<RN C'AllFORNIA ISLIDtNG-:AWAY1,"'°:"i·· • '.MliP'IMw• --Quiiki Along Sen Andr1118'Flult'Y(lll Spilt s._ .. ' '' ·' . . ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' . 'DO(.-~d,:ai''· Here: . . . . ' ' .. ' ,' ' ) ' ' And Mex~ R~port.s Tremor • . • • • . .. ' ~ ' 1 l I . . . ' • • -. OAll.V PILOT H • • .... "'· ·... • ' ;> ' • • ·' I ....... p ... "J lllPPIFS LEA VE RESQRT •• I I D!A.Y•PLO'T• wllri _.... "·:=t: • _ _., ........ ' 11 ........ .., .... ____ ......... .._. ........... COd9 ~ -.. -......... . ............................... ............. ~c...~ ~......_ ..... ,,_ ..... ... ..... """· .....,.... '-="-.... • ............. c...-.. 1 • '"": t m41 w.cn1 ..... ~ • ,. Ctl ..,,,. Cl ........ , , ..... ,. ~.., Of'Wt c... , ••••• ~.::,,,,,--.,.,, ........ .. ::-: .• , r..::.·==:..'M:: -~-· ... CWll -. ...... ·-=··-., ...... dQ!t ...... ,...... ... :., ff -, ~,.'"':.·4~' ' ' Frot11 P .. e J CHRIST TEENS I ' State Poll Shows < Hayakawa Top Dem Vote Getter No $tt•rit9 tor Tlaem Menlben ol ~ Yawic Ameflclm for Freedom demoDJtrate aplnat Social Securtly .., Ille llepf ot. tile Oranie County CourthcuH llld . bunl tbelr Social Security cardl U 8 pniieit 1galnlt Iba '.'frautl OD Y<JU111 people." See_lloey', Plge t. ' "'".PllAllCllm (UPI) -A prlvJte =-~ bf • group ·or -l!l!c .ahowa Dr. S. I. Poker~ Problem? 111)•••-11 lie. pmj¥'1 fDp potenUal . ·• ' ~~.:.=~-~ ;.1a Not Yet Bui· Newp0rt Wary lllll Moal at COQllll. ~l..t f o r • ' • ' tbe Im' -W votlllf. wm bold 17 JE-.: r. COLLINI • Newport~ Im Ion tallio-• nlitr.Tbe~ir•tbe ·--·· ·----. lbllbln ................ _.,.._ -·-.· ""ff'~ 'llonold'Jleocia· Newport Bwll pollOo ~ wm ulc er _,.;:;;::; =-;--ol.;;;;;;: bod a Vlf7··~ ...... the Democatl dlf -lo adopt a ;In 11111 And tlla~ ...;.dhc lo -41, II lie 111111. . . • ' wooll bm pobr pol-ioopllole. Poker, li1lllo end -·· Tbe rtlvale-~ ...a,..i, the actinl Ntbldf. b11 proposed -i. ap -.. <:tllllidored -Gt aldlL . pr-!lC llaD.l'nnc;looo stale OoDoce pubUc ll"'hllnc -. bot tlio poUee Tile lllome)" nolod ~ l!!!!'w .-ly -__ .._a-.. ~111ll)illy... • .. 1 tbe-' ...... •tloa .._ ..... --lald--W. .. ~· -.. -• SQlo ~ ol P.ubllc ~ -·-~ ~~ ·~ ~-,,........_,. ~ ......._~ A"'llm aty Attamey Tml Woodndf. poker palace "-In -.I -ba,;. ·~-·1 -.............. .,,,.,_ wmld lllo problllll Mal'tl•b or-. Olilmly." . • ' _..., ln pobl!e ~ lnvohlnc . ·~· .... ~ -It .. .._ ...... • ... ,,,. poailucied . by ti ~ bridp and PIDQlllDI•· . be CODclodld - fl rl mi~ poup, lbowed · Amlltlnt Chief Harry llellon, newly · · lilf*wa would aloo beo! M17« J....,it . -~~ from ·~-• -•-•-· •-Allolo'ol saa l'rlnctlco. dr Allem.......,_._ ~"'"" --........ po-•· ~1~ .-. Initialed the ~. ••Id J.• u.nm •,~. Democalic primuy w-. · .. · fer lllr'I'*" ' · ,. '"1111 nee ·squoc1 tm' hamc .. , rro. ~~s:.i. bid nothing to do )>Ion !'Ill> lllll "'" ol lbJoc -·" ujd "] tm. po ldeo ....., the poll ,... the attamey. "But Ibey just antldpat. taten,· " he taid. "Peopl ·.-.. dd· -.......... then could be, boc:ai• <I lo<!P-bol<s -ln«Jr-'-"-• ... -·-"""'-code." It ..... done totally lndepmdmlIJ <I . --....._._ me. ~ I have not read the nsu.lt.s. Woodruff was asked whether the pro- "! have not . thoogbt about running po&ed code amendment he has drafted for publlo olllee and I can't ll>nk about would affeol.weekly bridle~ pl.,.d It because I IID too basy hero." by local club women. lie "'!'lied; "I really oee "' rrobiOm. The lad7 bridge playen will have no cause for alann." From Page 1 Valley Planners To Reconsider Plans for School A -1ltiooal llM permit requeUt \ bi lhti Gordat Grove Unllled School illstrtd for_ <I ID elementary odiool 1!1 .--in Valley will he -April I& by plaonlng com-m-..' ANNEX ... He explained that the new law is aimed at the "GardSl8-type" ol poker Wednesday night Valley planners palace exclusively. Gardena ii a small deadlocked 2 to 2 on the request for Valley Apa~lment . pennutec1. ~~ 1n i!fllllrf~ .. ~ ':1:'.i ~v::'~ ,,:i ~...::;! ;,:arner , -Support for lhe pooltioo thlll there clubs and .culnos. Comfdenl!on ol lhe ~was con- Co l H will be no permits. granted for, nor an Y "If you play draw poker in your home tJnued until April 11 mp eX lO · ftVe actual oil drilling pf oll-sbon> oil off or ln mine, you waa't have to ~ Repr<JeDtallffl,,:,,., the U.S. Marino ~./,!:'!in be no condemnation of :V1::Jtt~~~ t:;" .:/: ~; Corps ~~: MUethe ~ Doorless Garages d•.:•1:i::JJ;!1 ~-_ 1ambUnr 1n • public place oaly." EF" 11 l.D;'di,, 111e1r fll&bt 7- win be increased to the praent 1evel of. A UO<mjl aporliiwit complez will the city. M' R Lag 'lbat area Is tt1111 vlrtua1Jy undnolopecl f ..... e -ea.without doors,·Founlain -The number of non-blood n1at1ves me escue 8 and Gardea Grove school olflclaJs have Vallei'. bnljdJnc ofllclab ealil' today living In a single chrelllnc will be lmlted. lndi<Mod "' llrl« date for oomplellooo! folloWln'g approval Wednesday nlgllt by -The clly wU provide public porlt1111< BAllROTI!llAN. llulco (UPI) -It the IC:booL tbt Pmminc c.oamu.aion ol the. request on street~ and alleys cm ~ Beac6 could take reacue workers u kG&' as Plannlq dfidats tded that the re- by the builder to eliminate doors on Island. four weeks to recover llS bodies of quest la a "courtesy" action, becauM Ibo aludy opprovec1 dev· .... -·t. -Special zoning for Sunset Beach coal mln<n ldlJ8!d ln a (II nplollon <I Ii ochool dlslrld'1 r1l!>t ol "emmlr1ent eamm-. ...,.~ building l.U will be Implemented In ac· i..t mcmth, the ......-. o1 the flml _ .. _.,_,,,. Ibo i:lg!Jt .lo cm- approved • nquest by -~----'th th cit ' ast I ~~ ·~ mine -U .... _ --.....!:..7.'·= ..--"-•-'-PRC Do..ioomeat Corporatlot\ to build 1_c~_-7~~-"-' --•--'Y:..:•_m_:.::;.cer:....:cpc..on:..:. __ -:_o:..:"".:.,._~ __ .....,.-.:... --=:..:· __ c..·=·-:i.· :r....-=:...;;~=:~::..::•....,~,...C:::.:-=:=.;...· -without · doon ln o..; complex . --' planned lot -m Euclid street norlh ol Slater A-. PRC ~·lold P1aa!imi that --doon were nuih tidier and~ kept --with--.. Planning Director· Slanloy Mansfield coocurred, •Jlol IW be noted many times doors were left open Oil garages revulllfl·'•-..l!Oiler -tl1iD thole gar.;.trirllboiil \!odn. · · _('.ar1p1 ·tn.U.nn ~n~ deve~ l1llDI '91 · baff ll>dlvldua1 loctm for .......... . '' Frot11 P .. e l ' DOOMSDAY I •• clabnlnlle;ble,p,;\n,old. ;i_· ~ 11""""1i. 17, said 'I' wollld man n. ·pr<dlclbii o1 11mo or date the qual<e would occur, but be quoted an ancient Hopi lndlan prophecy, "Heavy rains, oil -"•ter, i>Ofore the. (tltlal) wave." ...:. ., He a~enUy was rtferring to record Wlntar i'alnl, ad the · oil slick from '• lealdq "'11.·rln ll>e Santa Barbara Clwmt1. 'I . . .,,~"' .• "°' ieal l:!'bPlty that .... !""~ ~ wm ... eutJ>. quko llill an;<-, howeftr~~· not on tho IOOlo envt.looed .;--. More -• qabl. ,_ ... - eel ln 1111 --ol them ·noticed by-llelap. . ' . Apollo 8 Astronauts Win Collier Trophy WASBmGTON (UPI)-Tbo 1bree ... IJ'ooaDtl who circled the moon In Decom- bet todq .... their. thin! .......... annl In IWo d«)ol-lhe COftled Co1Jter Tiiaa-i -. -•li«I ---'1 tlll iro""1 to Apolle I crewrnen Frank .Borman. J11n11 A. Lo..U Jr, and wuu.m A. Anderl. • Best Value For Quality Furniture U'KlSllll' AVAILABLE.AT THE SAME LOW PRICI! IN~ OP DlllXEL'$ 0Vi1t.21JG l'AllllCS • ONLY '169, SHELBY FIA TUUS: e All Far..la Sootch -dod e Ann C-, 1tidu 1t j e Hanoi Tloal Sprt,. • L•rge S.Jectlan ef Faboi'* • Quollfr c-trvcflan I...._ ,C.iol.4 Ill Any ef Dswfs 2llo . . F-s,_ s111.....,. et 12 a..in ~a-.. ~ ''"· Te '229 • · NIWPOIT lllACH 1727 -·"" Dr. '4t.2050 .--f'llLt Prof 11l1n.l hlf•'lw LAGUNA llAOf o........ us...,,.. c........, AvaJl1.,t1 i.\ID--NllD · .... w\. 'la t ~1 _,. __ .. ..__,_ ... ' ~----~--~--~--' ... 1t d n lily I a In! 1} Uc! IOOI ary be '"'" .,. lot oer ... !no ... ool IOt• Jed IVe oo! re-.. !!It .... . - " I I .. . . : • • ,YOC. U! NO. lf, if SECTlOMSt )J .,MES • • n oid ·· on · , • t : ~SAN FUNCllCO 8-4~~ :_ l ~,.A ~~ ' > -"1/h . ~· .. ~~ ~· .. ..-: .... ,. . ~~ ~ ' . ' P A C l~IC OCl!AN" I l,_ . ..._ ALL OF SOU THt.RN CALIFORNIA SLIDING AWAY ,...-.-.·HaW QUoke Alanf Son Andreel F-Wlll ~It Sf1te U.S.-Eying F . f reemg o ... Job ~rlptlon Council Delays Action· On Recreatio~ Direct-Or Lagunan 18,.ma Beach city ~-have delayed ac:tion on a job. descriptioo 1..- birin& ,the city'.s first Ml-Ume recreati~n -In order to hear what the School l>oard lhinU. ' Councllmen !toy Holm ~ the lllli· 1estion Wednesday. He commented on lilt poaibllity of •• ~ joint powers qreement liir the eo}a;ged recreation _.-.m and sufi<'led a delay. unUI ' counci1meo and school trus~ have confen'td. In ~ businels, the council : -Approved the application ,of the unitarian Universalist Fellowlbip to solicit funds on streets April 5 for the Soutlieru Crhispan Leiderablp Con- ference . -.Authorized a bake sale for , high 1ehool junior class girls On the Boardwalk to raise funds for U};e junior1'6tnlor prom. -Approved application by the Leque of Women Voters to solicit fun¢ s in Union Oil ~' r;nts ,To Raz e Shops For Huge Station ' Laguna. Beach planning commlsslon<rs Mond'1 will con.sider a request from Union Oil Company of California to ex- pand an existing service station at UO to 140 South Coast Highway. The staton would be enlarged onto property that formerly served the Wallah Clark's shop and the old Latin Quarter Restaurant, which burned. A conditional use permit fron the planners ls neces!ary for the expansion aJooc 55 feet of frontage. In qther business, commissioners: Laguna Beach durbtg May. -Allowed the Vei.rana. of Fon!gn Wan Auxiliary to condllcl a rummage sale at the American Leg!an HaU'-April 17 UI 11 tO ralao fuallt far cllaritabie ~ ... ,.,, ~ ..... ' ... ; Adtiiorhed 1 leave of ~ until JUM I for lifeguafd-writer, ~~ Craig ~-. :..ippnrvect a business iw. ~t witb J~ C.· Buin& fer. cllJ-property at U5• S. Cooat illlbwtY lo -as a barber Shop. -Allowed the purchase of nine fiberlia• picolc·tabl .. for Bluobinl and Top or the World Parks at a cost of 11,058. - . -Denied •· .,,500 flood damage claim filed by contractor Charles R. Benton for dari)age to property at a, &lO and 612 llrllfith Way. -Directed the city clerk to uplaln to the pJanninl commiuloo that the 110,000 study on 'feaaibilily of a hotel and conveotion Cf,Der, an titre Main BeaCh would . gu to plannert before .-Jble city llClioa to C\Jdli ad for IUdt. a de'YelOp-menL . ~ --Indicated ·the city will call fdr bids ... trali cn.poa1 wlten the coatract with the --.actor np1m 5ep1. ABSENTEE .BAJ,LOT, 30, 1970. -Directed Councilman Chariton Boyd NOW AVAIL ABLE to lalk.Jrith~ IWtll <lllloopka-a-Atii!entee tiillola are available for her. suggestion thlL the city adopt an voter1 who wish to cut their ballotr ordinance to preserve trees. in the April 1$ Capistrano Unified School -Authorized ububblt cont.rota" for city District trustee and 66-cent override elec· sewage pumping stations for $900 and tion. • vent fans for $7UI. ApplicaUons for absentee ballots may -Awarded a street water improve~nt be secured from the ICbool district office, ·contract for Baja Str.el. to Sully-~er 261211 Victoria Blvd, Capillrano Beach: Co. for its low bid of ao,.99. from Saddlebact O,,llege; or from the -Authorized an appllcalion for federal · Counly~I of Scbooil, ll04 funds lo pay far 30 percent of W.ty West Eilbth Slftet, S..ta Ana. . and cblorinaUoo equipmonl for the . f\m>Jlqtionl_for aboentee balloll musl aew.,. tttatment plant Equipment .O.t be mbmltled no later than· 5 p.m. Tua- i! esUmated at 154,IOO. day, April I. ' -Will take up a reque!lt for a ri&bt an1Ie sign to be ·constructed at Mc.Cc:rmick Mortuary, 1716 Llcuna·Ca-::::7!~ .. u;' ;:U:,. off= Rains Cosi Siiddleback to conduct such a business at the Weiner • • Building, 2075 Laguna Can)"OD Rud. -Will consider renewal of• parklnt ,$BS ,OOO ·0 n s --ite Bids. agreement with Adriatic Restaurant, DO iluch St. Ul provide parkin« at another location. · -Will likely adopt a resolution on off-street parking 'Sla.ndard1 relating to sucta·matter1 as turning angles allowed. -Will consider a sign revfskln for th'e Reef Con.tinentat , 91~ Gl~.e St. • I • • • • ' • . ----... ---.~ • , • . -. -' .Cali fornia' ' ' . -. ' . . . ' . - Cold Comfort • -t -., Cos ts Cut in J~ust O~er:'·Joh~ George P~mam to ·Lead Capo 's Swallows ~ie~tp C e or I e Putnam, a Los Angeles lelevlalo!i --· baa ._, -G~ Y.anllal of the San· Jiian . CaJ118tr-Fiella de 1u Gol<ladrinu P....ie to begin at l p.m. April 19. Usually ocheduled fdr the weekend before tile mlval of . tile' Capistrano swallows on N'.arch 19, the parade and fesUvlUes were delayed for a month becapoe of the heavy llOU1liland rains. Bands, prize ·show hones, ·colorful floats, per8Qfl8lides, ~DI, cowboys and Indians are acheduled io' take pert in the parade. ' • ~ · Prior to the l p.m~~. a llreel ~;:,p~a.:r~ on the cltY'~· !Dain ..; jail : · of the El' -_.._ " . Sm Jtmt .-wtJI '_.-. ~ aie n..ta by ~· Ille .oi11 .Gf eorly CalllonUna. ,_ who don,, 'lilD tie -. Iii "jail.. by . the C!l1 Sltirill, ~ Ulll the,~~Jiidp, John Saturday nlcbt· Ille ' ' M o d j .• 1 k a ' _.. - Marine Chief W 81'11-S Mavri:u r1dir1C club will -· 111 open pl! ~ wtlh ·an )'OU can eat for .tz.50. ' 1 Acllvlllel Sunclly Include a tn11 tide ..... the -Ylejo 1llnch beglnmng with a ""''""'° lftatrut ~ ...... · -·=-r""' c ·--.. at I a.m., 'I'hl ride wi11 Jut lbout 11 x ·11ourt;-~, about 800 tiden hive taken part. .Mrs. Kennedy Rites · Monday -·--- Motley· Band 'Evicted'· ' ' ' ' -(:ea.c I • 'I . I • I I • • . -- • I DAILl PILOT L , On-.Stjc · ·-: ·. W'hiflo:Ws 'i . ...._P .. el DOOMSDAY •. . . .• "1 :j 'l'!llddNI Crlllle J<11t1, IV, a 11-ytar· ·oH Lqunan WU arrsted Wednelday ..a iliqed wtlb ~ ol dnlp . iii! marljalna after police and Lq1ma ,..niw. -to a Woodland Dme t'llldenoe to lsaue a '10 JeUl>.law vlola- ticm Wll'JWJt to eomeme elle. . ·J-, arrested al 117 Woodland Drive, -lirTalped . 'l'!lunilai and -·lo..,...""• jftll11dury court heirtnc , · April IS. J~ allf be wu just irta:rtzc ' at the Woodla••hlw•lllng. . · . Lt. -l\lcllumy Aid that .. '·--tbe -lo i..o. ' . tbo -••ti, the)' _,.. .. odor they I -to be burulng marljuua. I _....., ml that olllon bcJoRd .. -... pipe --hllhllh • . mldUe, ... pipe coalalnlng marijuana ~ two and a hali ..,,... of ,. 'bMhilb. one·half oanee o1 marijuana, • . .... -· llllliju.-loacb and • •• tt11111bor"' mnllkolcnd 'pills. . . ' J""" told OlllCera 'bl .. 11nemployed, U. McMumy aid. • ·,~·~··~1 ' --• • •· • .. ' ~. • • J1ck l. CM.I \'*..,...., ............... TkM11 IM¥ff ··-.... ~'::t'" Ri~ P. Nill .. ......-~ ~ "" ·-'-_._ 222 ~A~. _ M1lllllt ~ P.O ..... '66. t2611 . _.,...... C.-.... 1 ........ ....... ........... ,""* ..... ~ ·"-··· ..... , ...... . • ' Conditions for Sunset· Anne~ .Given Huntington • I . By Wll:U.UI llEED also pn>hlbit .......ma! uses, rest Of .. .,... ""'""' rooms, ar ID)' structures on the beach --1..derl 0 fodl1 le! forth wtlb lhe aceplloo "'lilo-guan! lowers. a -cl -"''-the)' oay mtlll be -'lbe Pacillc Electric Rallroad right ·me1 before ,..._ d the'colorful col· of way will be aCquired by Ute city and '!111 will i:ooslder ~Ucip to the City will be used for wider -and 'land· of Hnnllqtm Belch. . ~~ ~kin'".' for !Jo11i ~la a n d '!be -will be clell•-J4on. ~· vlslfo day to tbe ILmtlnglon -Clty Coun-cil which Ii apeded lo ·consh!er th e m -The ·-.iory belllht limit will be d,,..;,.., 1 council session btm-1 .. g at maintained for alf residential structures --........ , in Sunaet Beach. TWo stories shall be de-4'~·iJ:i ts signed by Paul J. ·Bradley, lined -. two octull stories, not as two · · fJoors of living accommodaUons above a chairman of the Sunset Beach Commun· garage which would be considered as tty Council; Donald Strain,· Chairman of three storif.I. Pacific Avenue Commlllae; David Kin(, -Zoo1ng for all -Iola In Sun- member cl the 1'1c111c .A""""' Cammi!-let lluch lllall allOw a mulmum ol two tee; Mlcbael Grilltlb, member d Ibo flDlily tlDila J'tl' buildlnc lot, pt0vi\led off. Bui.,_, Connuteej Robert Sbell. pre&-street ptmnf nsqu11ementa are met. ldenl ol Ibo --Clamber ol -·'Ibo ............ lltililq fer both -Com-; and Wllllam Draper, tr.. "'Padflc C.. BJPway will be In keep- -cl the CbQ>lier ol emi....... Ing -Ibo -ad flitnlly char· Oranp C<llmly Local ,._ ,..,,,. acter ol --. Duel ... will be tioa (>wmnlwjm (I.AFC) hal tqllll'O'led permltled. . . an --plM pnaenled by,.Hunt--Support lor ·the position that then! '!nljlm .-, 11111 '!bus .fat ·11o ~ Will be no-;.r..11a,,_ 1or', nor• n y '*t0 bU bee111el. · c" '. ~:. • , · •• : :. · .. · Oil • ,, . )>f, olf-i!?"" o!I off The electl<m llUIJ will be callld · ~-a: t;i'""' . 1 • both -11eoc11 and Huntlngtoe Beach . . . · • ob of olllcllls.,... oa the list of demands d .·. ~!"···~.; wblch lncludel · -Pol · t Beach -'lbe established tdenUty and char· will be · 1 ;,o. ' • vet of "itler o1..-Bol!:h. a a'..,.,..,.,..1-Ibo city. r Ol · • ~ ~ """'"1wtll)', wtU be pro-living 11: a llnglO dir"""-"' ·r"'tll: Ucited ... the Huollnltoa Beacb !Wt<r --cl wil·~:.r:: ~-Plan and Us lmplemen!lng policies. This -•~ ty ,.. ... .,. c PB•~•g ldeltlllf ...uJ4 lncllldl malnla\nin( 1 h e on atreel ends and all"l" . ~ Beach name "Simae\ ·Beacb." and include the Island. . • .• , , . •·-J a•-~ p--"In lh t -Special ,,_ la<· &inRt Beach ~ ·~ ..., vuict . • name. building Iota will be implemented in ac- -Tbe natural sand beach will be pre-cordance with the city's master plan. served u a nsidmtlaJ swlmmlng, fish· : . Ing. and l!llfinl ..... with ~ .. ~:;~ ~=':!~ State Poll Shows city waold in perpetuJty • n y parking "" Ibo sand beach. Tlie dly will Hayakawa 'fqp . .. Dem . Vote Getter ,,,.... ...... l HIPPIES .. . Incidents oceurnd. Most of tht cam~ !·straggled obe- "'8nUJ out of tbe canyon:a.s the officers waldled quJ'llY In lbeit "lalr but !inn polieJ'!' 'I'hiri!len persom were arrested and authorities reported no injuries. Tabquitz Canyon Is owned by the Agua Caliente Indians and ironically it was the noble redman, ideallzea by many hippJe ''tribes," that supplied the basis for the police sweep. Prior to the mass evict.ion, the canyon dwellers Jived an Jdyllic life. They lll!l- bathed and. swam in the nude in Tahquitz Creek, danced on boulder tops amid the cactw: and mesquite, drank Wine, smoked pot and ll!tened to transistor radios. But the Easter vacation was not without violence. One girl was raped, and when a gas station owner fired a rifJe at a group cf youthl wbo refuaed lo get off his property, one teen-ager was seriously wounded and two others oullered ptioOr wouncla. ~ion Viejo • • Art Meet Slated '!be -Viejo Al'i A-clllioo, now almost a year old, will 'bold its next -p meeting on April 17 al 7,30 p.m..tn O'Neil Elementary School'! multi> Jilrpooe room. . . Guest lecturer at Ibo meetiq II Jack Taylor, ·who will dem<instrate soft stone aculplure 'tecltnlqueo. 1be aaociation which now has 150 members, has maintained a ~Y series of lecturers, workshops and art ex· blbttiom. '-._/ Present1y workshop& in ceramics, and CU palnttng· are underway. A workshop In jewelry ls· scheduled as is o n e on flow en.· No .Seeur,ittJ . for Them . \. . Membeta of lhe,Y01111g Americans for Freedom demonstrate against Social Security m tile steps of the-Orange County Courthouse and~ bum their Social Security cards as a protest against the "fraud on young people." See story, Page 9. . Poker" Problem? ' Not .Yet But Newport Wary "1 .IERllMB r. ClOUJN8 °' .. '*" .......... Newport Beech police Monday will ask dly councilmen to adopt a law Iba! would ban poker palaces. Nobody has J>!Opooed opening up •uch public gambling spas, but · the police want the legislation just in case, said Assisllnl Clty Allorney Tom WOodrull. The ban """Id also pt0hiblt blgl>Aake gambling In public p18Ce'S involving bridge and panquinge. A:asistant Chief Hany Nelson, newly arrived from Ibo Los Angeleo police hrce, tmtiated the request, a a l d Woodnlfl. "1be vice squad isn't having any pr~ bier: wilb tbia eon o1 lhlnc now," aid Ibo attorney. "But tlley jusl anticipale lbon coWd be, becalllle "' loop-holes In -nbllnC ~code." Wooclrufl was -.ted wbelber the t>n!-~ code amendment he has drafted would llfed ~Y bridge games played by local club women. He replied' •r really ,.. no problem. The lady bridge,player1 will have no cause fdr alann.·~ He aplained that the new law la aimed at the HGarden•type" of poker po1ace e..tnalvely. Gardenl II a EDall dly In Los Angoles Coamy ... -pm. cipal industry il5 clly...,,ctlooed card clubs arxi casinos. "If you play draw poker in your home or in mine, you won't have to '~ about police breaking down the doors, • Woodruff '"id. "The law will prohibit gambling in a public place only." Newport already haS laws on the books that ban public gambling -for money or merchandi&e -at games ci ~ And Uta~ ac:cm11n1 to w-.n, 11 the loopltole. Poter, bridge aqd .,...,,..e are consi~ games Of still. The attorney noled that !her< roctnlly was .an UDSUCCelSful df<rt to open a poker palace 11somewbere in cmtraJ Orange County." "We don~ want It to heppm. bore," be coocluded. Ca to A .. po., ppear In Living Color Capistr~ Beach's OperaUon "Green Thumb" a joint elf.rt by the' Chamber License Suspended of Commerce and Ute Capistrano Beach Garden Club, aWu to de:Corate the com- F S Film A• . mercial areas of ~ communtty with or tag lrDlg living .color. A 1eeond dooatloo o! gtranlums to WASHINGTON (AP) -'!'be operator be used will be made to Ibo Chamber's Hcen>e of ~ Allen Veelcll ol San Beautiflclj!oo Commtttee ln '-" by Ibo Bernardino, Calif. wu otupended for six ,.,... monlbs by Ibo Federal CommunlcaUons Garden Club. Commission Thunday. 'lbe plants will be placed In Ute .Veatch eariltr had pleaded guilty in village, along the ocean front and in M' e Res 1;'18 U.S. Distr1cl Coult to • dW'ge lbat be the Estrella Mall area. Merchanla In ID cue tramm!lled u olllcene "stq film" from the area will lben tend Ute pl .... lbro"ib BAllROl'EllAN. Mexico I) -II KPLM-TV, Palm Sprinp, to community the sununer. -'Roving Kind' Slate8 COncert could take ~e workers as long as antenna systems tn the Coachella Valley: Donations of geraniums slips have been A. four weeks to recover 111 bodies of He,... Hoed llOO by the~ He said made by Clara Fieldman, Heel Brig· SAN FllANCISCO (UPI) -private coll mlnen kllled In a goa explosion be 1hougbt the film wu going ooJy to ham, Ellzabelb Billsteln, Helen MCCary, 0 1be Rorillg Kind." a lf'CIUP ol nln~ rdqm and play<n !tom HllllUqlon -will _., ~lbollc ,...u. l!IOOPI from all over Southem California April 20. 'lbe youngst.rs, all Htmllngton BeiCh and FOW>taln Valley hlib achool 1tudents, will perform folk IOlll ·HlecliODS bqin· ning at 7,111 p.;n. of the S,L ~· ol Assisi. Church. There will be no ad· mission chara:e. . . . Tlie clmrdl II l!>c*I al IOl!l•Mqnoll• St., Huntington BeaCh. ·Camp Program Slated by-YMCA .. ' . .' . \ . . ' Viejo Rehearsing Spring Production MlAlOll VltJo 11111> School'1 opriq I'"'" doction cl(. 'jO.rid a.nd UN" to be ~ Ajll\I II and • at the blP tdloolb-ln-.i. Ctlt members Include Ham n.-n, ,..._Morua., Linda Ee•er1on. llonr!I MUC&, -Ortllol. Joe .....,._, -.., DIYlll, Dt)t ,..-, lollJ Darlt. lllmatd ~ *""-Mrnloo. . -e poll talcen by a groop ol last month, Ute moooger of . the llrm an llHtudlo le! Iller the .iatioa bad Benba Doyle and Genelle Dennla. Ann llemoorallc leaden sbowl Dr. S. t .~tha~t'...!ow~m~the~~mlne~~..,~ld~~tod~ay~.~~~gone~~oll~the~alr~.~~~~~~~~Hall~wlll~~...,~·n~ln~the~p~b~ntl~n~p~.~~ Rlyaka1ra II the pnty'1 lop polaillaJ I· -,-,11 -"JlOrled todly. Tlie poll lbowed Hayakawa aouJd win just abouL'"Y axrtest ICbedtt!ert for the 19'10 elections ii -.g were held now.· 'Ibe exception was the iowJmor'a race. where incumbent Ronald Reagan bad a very slight ed&e.· Ibo Democrats said. . . The . privat., •poll ·.lllowed Ibo a<tlng 'prOiident .,. San Francisco state College ·~ ·-Seo.. George Murphy 1r Slate S,ipa1n1ePdint <i Public IJ18lluo. ·Uoa Mu . J!alferl1._ both incumbent Njiubl!Cilil.-. - The ' sum;, ooaducted by • J>IO" .r.•oaal ...-.mplq ....... showed ~~.-.... b,ai Ma,.. JOlelli> AllotoolSaa,FJaodoooer~ymoo J• \lnnllL i. ,a. l/ODXratic · j>rtmary far~· Aid be had nollitng lo do wtlb .the sampb>c, "I "blve Do .ktea Why the poll was taken"" be aid. "People do tf'lflle. things. ll waa -1olally lndepeoldmtly cl me1 and I ·have-not rtlid the results. ''.I. have nol thought aboot . running for ll'l~!ic office and I can't lblnk aboot it because i am too ivJay here." . Art' Group GiTes Tips ~il Painting -·--"' peidlnp and Ups Oii bQtar and ...... tine -will hiiblicbt 1 melClnc ft" the Nlcuel Art -Al>rlllO. William Palluth, Redlands resldtnt .skllled ln pelntln& nstoraUon1 will use lllO alldes of palntlngs -during the pllt year to illu11t11e bia lecture. Tbe. meeting wiU beP> al I p.m. In th6clle0ir!wn ol Crown Valley School. Pallulb awdled plliltinc and ""1oratton' under Wllllam Yalland cl the Yelland Gall--hu-- -lncludlD( -"' -and -L . --polntlnp from his ..... ... W!JI bt Oii dloplay. ( • Best Value For Quality Furniture . . CCl1ICOCN AVAILABLE AT TKE SAM! LOW PRICE IN AHY Of ~EL'S OVER 200 FABRICS / OlllY '169, SHELBY FIA TURES: e All Falarlco -Guor.W e Ann C-. Incl.-e H.ntl Tied Spri"ll e Larp Solectlon"' ,_ e Qvalltr C:-ni-a Ma,.I. Co....i In,,,,., of Dtao/'1 200 fallrte S1lld ..... Selectlen tlf 12 Chlln te Q 111 f,_. $1'9. To $22t EXQ.USIYI DIAi.RS ~ HINRIDON-Dltlllli.-HUJTAGE to DAYS NO INTIUST -LOllOU TUMS AVAii.Aii.i ON APP1tOY1D CUDtT 1.J.. ~ NIWPOllT llACH- IJV w.tclflilr. ----T 'llL t INTalOU LAGUNA IEACH M5 Norih c-Hwy. ..... ,, ilonal ......... 0.lprt AYall1W. AlD-ffSID (1191 .... ,,.' _.,.. __ ,,..__ .... ,Ml - 4944!$1 ~ ' • ' l \ I ( I \ ' - -- t I • l r 1 l l l I t t I • • ' ' J ' \ I ( ) ' ' • • Hotel Blue~ - ·n&~eSet~· .. I ' . ' : At $,2 00,000 a ' 1 ' , Da"'"" In w~ _g.J.h l ·~ •' • l>ilneylaad_JtOlel ~ tir. ~ bi. Mtimated lt1 .... by ~ ,t''stcb Plre lloplrtmenl > ; •' , •we doni !mow whll .-..... yet," aald ual.slllll Fire CIJlof· .~ I S.,Jna, "but .. Oft sllll lnvlllti&'lills. ~ •• We m cenain it wu not anon." l Hey Inc lllld the lire Ind ,_,e _ .. tion_ walt smoothly. "We .tot eveeyone out of tbe threateMd rooms witbout trouble Ind contral'y lo reports the eiec-• tric:ity did not fail," said tbe fire oUJclaL .. The ek!vaton and ligbta were working at all Umes." Heying alao said there were no injuries lo firemen or cuests from •mob in- balotion u bi<! been ireYloully .._:i...i. The lire orlclnated In ..... j033, ... room ol a suite occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Cirlo A. Davila and their two young daughters, visilinJ: from Muico City. The family was dining ln an adjoining room when the flre started. · Heaviest damage was lo the three rooms occupied" by the Davila family. Other rooms on the etghtb, ninth and tenth floors of the 11-stcry hotel tower were damaged by heat, smoke and water. Heying said the fire was controlled in 40 minutes alter the 9:&4 p.m. alarm .and waa never in danger of spreading beyond the three room suite. ·Fllmes shattered large windows in Ibo Top of. the Park IOUJllle, dlreclly om the room where the fire started. llolmge was limited lo the front port ol the bar. Hotel <ificials said mmt cf the ten to fifteen rooms damaged would be bract in UJe within a week. Char ges Reduced In K i4nap-Heist Of CdM Woman A Lakewood man indictf.d {or tbe kta- nap-boldup of a Corona del Mar woman by two males posing as deliverymen will be sentenced next month, following his guilty plea to a reduced charge. I..auis Fiano, 46, and his wife, Ramona, 30, were ordered to appear before Superior Court Judge William Speirs on May 2, during their c;:ourt date Tuesday. ' Flano pleaded pt tylto co113Piracy to commit robbery, while his wife's case is sUU pending, wiUi Sbme.. final ctJ.sposi- tion anticipated nei:t mouth. Mrs. Fiano allegedly drove the getaway car when her husband and an unideutilied juvenile boy abducted Mrs. Belle Chase Lee, 40, from her home at 2735 Harbor :View Drin:,·police charged. The youth has already been convicted and ~ntenced for his role in the Nov. 2&, 19117 crime, a blz.arre case involving theft of several thousand dollars in furs and jewelry. Mrs. Lee told police she was beaten during the incident, but was not seriously injured. The three suspects remained free for about four months before their arrest one yea~ ago . Newport Beach police took the Fianos and lheir accomplice into custody aod on March 19, 19681 they were indicted by the Grand Jury on robbery, kidnap, burglary Ind conspiracy C011nls. Car Strikes Pol e; Woman, 5'6, D1e8 A La Habra woman was killed Thurs· day night when the car she was driving struck a power pole, the Orange County Coroner's Office reported . Dead is Mrs. MJllictnt Hudson, :is, of 1221 Hendersoii Way. She died of multiple internal injuries at St. Jude Hoopilal, Fullerton. • ,,. • Mii. Y PIUllT ROAD HOGS ROUNDE D UP BY POLICE IN HUNTINGT~N-BIACH ' Yount. Equoatrl1no Juat. Alont for tho Ride 1a Officer Corrals P-ra Dogging Ro~d B each Police Corral Porke rs "We've got two hogs running loose here at 17th and Huntington Streets," reported Huntington Beach firemen to the radio dispatcher Thursday afternoon. "How do you !pdl that? H.().G..S?" asked the unbelieving radioman. I "Yes, air, bop, two of 'em." Sure enough, two hogs, a rust colored ma1e in · the 200 pound class and a smaller (about 7~ pounls} female friend were making pigs of themselves on tall, tender grass at the intersection. \ · Tw.o df the city's finest , Fireman Gary Glenn and Engineer Dennis Cato, slicks in hand, had the animals sort at corralled when a bevy of reporters and photographers rushed to the scene. Nearby, children sat on horseback watching the proceedings. Soon, a dozen or so youngsters st.ood by as the une1- peeled animal show began to unlokl . All weat well with the big hog roundup until the erptl'b-Ofrm the SPCA arrived and the hogs decided they did DOI want lo go lo the clop. Despite an acape attempt which filled Ibo air with aqueela Ind abouts Ind howls ol lauahl« u the show proceeded throuP. a. field of. mud, the male wtnt to the pound and the female found a sty which probably is ·her hon;ie. ~ the ferhale stood haughtily In her own home and her male friend looked sadly from the re.ar ·window of the animal shelter truck, firemen began to discuss what might happen if the owner did not claim the %00-pounder. Visions of roast pig with all the trim- mings caine to firemen as · they watched the SPCA truck drive away. Mideast Cri sis Cuts Flow Of Pilgrim,s to Jerusalem JERUSALEfi.1 (UPI) -Christian ~pilgriml retraced .tho,,W_, of lbe . .;cross, Jews prayed at the Wailing Wall and. Moslems hawked triqket.s in the Holy City's observance today of both the Good Friday Passion and death of Jesus Christ and the second day of the ~ewlah Passover. · The Middle East Crisis, however, reduced the number of American and European tourists who flock .to Jerusalem each year tG observe the two great feasts of the Christian and Hebrew faiths. They numbered in the hundreds instead of the usual thousands Friday on the Via Oolorosa (the Way of Sorrows) that Christ trod on his way to Calvary and at the Wailing Wall, revered b~ Jews as part or Solomon's Temple. "Before the war in 1967, you would not be able to see the stone of the sidewalk because of the crowds of peo- ple," complained an Arab selling souvenirs. Moslems stood aside to let Catholics pass 1n a procession along the Via Dolorosa, and owners of souvenir shops and small restaurants watched from their doorways. The day was cold and cloudy during the morning, but the sun broke through in the afternoon. , Many Israeli visitors converged on the old city, and several American girls studying at a special Hebrew language school on the outakirts of JeruaaJem watched thf solemn processions from within shopa.· 1 "They told us we would have a good place to watch from here," said Sydney Loux of Philadelphia . The Roman Cathloic proceasion begin at the first of the 14 StaUona of the Cross, where Pontius Pilate condeoined Christ to death. It overlooks the Moslem compolmd of Mount Moriah and the Golden Dome ' of the Rock, the shrine built over the spot from which Mohammed Is said to ha ve a~ended into heaven . Episcopal congregations earlier had followed the same path from the Arch cl Ecce Nomo, where Pilate Mld "behold this man." Orthodox Jews wearing prayer lhawls pu!ed lhr"'lh the Damucus Gale on their way to the Wailing Wall The Jewish feast of Passover began Wed- nesday, commemorating the tradition that Hebrews were paued over Jn the plagues of Egypt Iha! led lo lhe Blbllcaf exodus out of slavery to the Holy Land. When the Catholics arrived at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, site ol the last four stations of Christ's agony, foUr Israeli policemen stood aside to let them enter. Nearby were movable barriers put there in January when. Arab women staged a three-day sit·in at !he shrine, believed to be built over lbe . site of Calvacy. 7 ,000 Join King Memorial March In Memphis MEMP~, 'fenn. (UPI) - A strum of marcher& choked the narrow streets of this ~ppi River town today u an e!ltlmoted ·7,000 pel'10llS llepped off in a memOrial mari:h on · the an-- nlvenary of the .......UU.Uon ol Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. . Led by the Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy, successor to Klng as head ol the Soothern Chrl~a,t Leadership, Conference, the ll)•rchers, m&ny in shirtsleeves on a warni, hazy.day, bega'n the tn arch eight abreast shorUy afternoon. The march roqte wound some five miles through the heart of the city, past the Lorraine Motel where King was felled by a sniper's bullet as he stood on a balcony, and on to City Hall. King wu: In \own to lead a· lim.ilar march last year -that one in support of Itri.king IUlitation workers -when he WU killed. Christ Teens Convieted T hey'll Be Back for Senten'cing-l f State's Still Here By ARTHUR R. VIi\SEL 01 tM Dtlft ..... llltf'I Trials are over but tribulatioM con- tinue today, after lt Teens for Christ crusaders were convicted by, two juries or violations during a recent Co!ta Mesa School demonstfation against Gotl.lesa modem society. Prosectuors rested their cuea on Maundy Th~sday in Harbor DiHrict Judicial Court Ind !inn bul , .. u. juries returned pilly vmlicts. "They were ttal nice. 'Ibey smiled all the way through," sakl-Madeline Dorine Uy, It, one of nine militant evangelisb convicted on all three counts originally lodged. • T b e y will reverse their exOOus tem- porarily if the stale whose people judged them Thursday in two s e p a r a t c courtrooms, based on degree of charges lodged, remains intact. "We'll be back to court if California is still here," Miss Donnelly said today. A group of nJne sell-styled revolu- tionary disciples of Christ ·weft convicted ol lhr<e eporale counla by a jury sitting in Judge Calvin P. Scllmldl'a courtnJom. Refusal 14 dlspene, wUllul and malicious obstncUon of a thoroughfare and wiWuJ and unlawful disturbance of a public school were the penal and educational code violaUon.a. out untU 6:30 p.m., delerminina; the guilt or innocence of the second grou.p, WhUe Juda:e Schmklt's three.count court wu adjourned and all parties gone home .. One. of the five defendants, HoWard E. Brosius, 19, or Kittanlng, Pa., was convjcted only of conducting , Ulesal business, according to Miss Connelly, who said be wa!: picked up a haH-m!t\ from the campus demonslritlolt scene. '"Ibe jury C'OUld tee we --:re not blocting the street," abe continued, and 11 far aa refuslnc to leave, 1 dkl leave. I left Costa Meu High School and Oil 14 the other school." • (~) UllYPalf J : '82,800 Red11et~ ~-lood .Datit~.ges~ • Tax Cu t . Slated -· ' .J -Oranae County property owners: who • 1ufftred damage! in the January and 1 Febr\Jary l1ood> will &et a r<dlJct!-On ol about JU,000 this yeer in taxes, County .weoaor And...., J. ll!Nhaw has -tod .. Hhwhl.W ~ that the mlrtM value ol land Ind bulldW!s damliecf wlll be redoced by IU mlllli>n. . ' A ...,..man appr .. l"'trU' from the Aalet1«'s office has tabulated tl,790,500 in market value k>SI to 1,587 prQperties as of Thursday. Deadline for completion ol the reaueament is April It. Based on the $1.5 million estimate. ' the 1oa in ~ v~; 25 percent cl mArket value, will ~ '82$,000 at an averqe tu rate ol ten dollars per one hundred doUan ol 1Me11ed valua- tlon. Ibo full yur loll lo the coonty in t.ues would be ta.om. l'nlpft1y· .....,... Jlllylni ·their 11113$ ' taxes by the April 10 deadline wW get a reba• thfl year etttm&ted11t $311000. The ne~ values will alllo apply to tbe 1969-70 tues. Hinsl)aw order«t the apalsal of Oood· damaee!J areas in anticipati911 of passage of legislation ~ provide relief to property ow-ners who have suffered at least $1,000 damage. Th assesaor is cert.a.in the legislation will pass and he will praent a complete list qt damaged properties to superV'isors alter tt does. II the board •pPfovtt the new valuet, ~tales will be IOwered. A typical eumple cited by Hinshaw on SanUqo Cl'«k, we!lt Of Brl!lol St. In Santa Ana bad a · pz,oei> mirkel value and recttvfd a ·two.thirds value reduction. ne new ni.ttt va.tue win be $9,000 and the m 11~d voilufi $2,225. Previously, the a~1 : value wu 18.000. The . owner will get • tax reduction' from $800 during the CUJ'Ttflt year to a $220 figure In 1969-70. Hinshaw points out that the impact on government tax rfloney will not ·be great but will have a big effect on the individual's pocketbook. The aMeSSOi' noted that the flood s struck hardest in Sllverado and Mocljeska Cu.yons. In SUverado, 734 parcels were damqed, moot ol than with houo<s. Tola! was 133 In Modj<oka Canyoo. Tog~, the two ctnJODll accounted fer 1752,300 In lallll market values and $573,700 bulldtnc values · for a toW of .~ .1~ , • I sli41>Uy over II millJoo. . In Otanie Coast areas, ~ 111MIOl'I' appcalsers hive ~ , ~ -tO dale: Newport lleach, $31,000 land, llOO bolldlnjs: ~ Cl~Dana Poi.I, $!9,000 land, 15,000'bU!Jdl""; .. I : ' UCI to Pattern • • Research School After Valley's· . ' 1tie modular construction of Fountain Valley elementary ,school$ had lnsp1red the Univer~ of California, if.vine, to buUd a research school along the ume pat~ern. ConllrucUon of the facility wUI bealn this ~ptember. The school wW be built on the Irvine campus and will consbt of six modules . arranged in a hexagonal Cashion around ~ central arta. Like -Fountain Valley schools the research lacility will feature a leamlng center,. a creativity Ct"Dter a 11 d penOnaliz.ed Wtruction . In addlti0a1 it will contain a computer center wtilch will 'supply the students with pro-- grammed lnsltucUoo for ·"""'"'" lypel of silbjects. , l-~ .-- Cool ol the JJ<Ojecl, whicl} ls .,.._,,..led.., lo _be -i>leted by Sepit\nber It'll, bu not yet been detennfued. . Irish . Police Storm Catholic Protestors LURGAN, Northern Ireland · (UPI).- Police today clubbed and arrested .pr(). testors who demonstrated for Romln Catholic civil r:ighls de spite a government ban. Townspeople wearing aprons and wort clothes watched as about 150 policemen stormed Into the :m demomtri1«1 - •tared a slldown atiike oo the odco · rl. au area inhabited by Protestant&. The tttnagers and 1ounc adults ar· n.sted Feb. 17 were ordtttd to return to court May 2 for sentence and pr®ation hearings -if there ls anything to return to -a phraH not Wied by tbe court 'l'hunday. • "I knew in my mind they'd aay guilty, but 1 knew In my heart we were lltill Innocent," Miss Donnelly aaid today with a hint ·or forgiveness for JO women and eight men who perhaps knew not what they did. A second group o( five arrested ln the area o1· Colla Mesa High School an<t Maude B. Davia Inlannedlala School while Protesting O>e literal upulslon of Jesus lrom contemporary education were eot1vlcted of two counta. Deputy Public Defender Jam" !-ana rtpresented the hard-line eTangellst.s wbote ranks lnclude aJleged rotmer LSD frtaks, pot smokers and armed robbers, saying that pjcketing per se lJ legal . Asked about the individual members convicted on on1y two counts, Miu Don- nelly turned away from the phone briefly tn revelation provfn8 physical need• -..1\at underlle 'Piritual luUllllnent. mAnSPIBLD'S · fUllEl!TOIC, 225 No. Harbor 11-.d., down!- • -(714) 111·57,20 . ' HUNTINGTON IEACll, 11512 kit Blvd. • Pttono (7l4) Hz-44n The Rev. Daw Ber1. and his llo<k headquarlered at the Golpe! Ugbt Club, 110 Main SI., HunUn(lnn . Buch, plans to leave for Arl7.ona eoon, rearm, tht Sloried Callf..,.la doomaclay eartbquake. JtJ<f.p J.E.T. '(Ned" Rutter's jury was "Scramble tho8t eggs a n d have her put oo some tout," she Aid, adding, "let's Me, 1t WU Jtm Balietterol, Mike BlrbOur, Kim whlt'Hdl-nam• a ad Ralph. whose last naine I clooi I<OOw." TlllMSI ClJITAJHlY! .RIVERSIDE, UC3 M1rbt (nat 14111 Oft MIHtit) • flilint'(714~1'Y STOii! HOUllS: -· • ..... t 'All 111 t Pll / WDK MYl'• IAT. t Ml 111 UO P11 ' .. ' '. • --lam'.191Pll • I ·' • I • ·-f · 11111. 'f PILOT ' . ' 'l'benew barber In the Plua shop in 'Tami>a, Fla. lw lo stand on 1 fpecial plat!onn lo cu\ hair. She ls 18-year-old, 4-loot-9 ior~r• Mc- CluN, who said ahe decided lo be a barber when she was 14. She bad plen\y of practice cuttiJlg the hair of her 11 brothers and two sisters before entering Tampa Barber Col· lege. Barbara said 11be recently achieved. b"er most momentous goal ih the tonsorial profession: Her father, Joe McClure of Odessa, F1a., finally Jet her cut hi• hair. • FriMJ, ~ 4, lM ·Federal Reserire ·· • Shrinks Credit WASHING'OON (UPI) -'Ille Federal l!eMrv• has onllred • drutlc double atllek oo ~ fon:IOI banU to;· * * '* Taxes Cut · • For U.S. Firms \ . Based Abroad· ... KEY 8ISCA YNE, Fii. (UPI) .:. Prti1. d<nt Ninn, decJarlnc It was lime to "atop trutmc . .,mptmm ml llarl treallng ..._ .. lodl.7 onlered • redoo- iloo In the tu en U.S. flnnl opcntl!l1 owneu Jn a move to IOlve the nation.'1 baWice ol -II problem. . . . 1lllp -... lh ........ liod .. ,., _ ..... ..... -action -.......... 1111 •. --af-·•i·-111•1 ID' --·af--~ •la .;=,:t!• drrt d·••HM .-.' ~ ~ .. 'Ii ............. , .... ad·ll .. u -..... '""""'" w£"'"' .,...,.)••:-; •~ boih ,_... JI I -. In 'llle "* 11'2::::; n• 4• -for lllillt.lorpl -. • . :ne actiao bJ u. iillllm'• Clllllfal ·• 1'1nkfP& nehftft..t: Dnd1.eW _. ..ri .. ~ • ltfraU.,. ~ tO • 6hla Ioli illlaHOAry .,.,.. , al ""'"" .lplei..r.-lliid" • ..._ ol lhe 1111 two -·' . A 11...W-by die. board eal1od tbe • • --• Nl:mn aicJ>ed the-.. onler n.lng . the r • t • ol t h e tni.r..i equolllaUon tu: on acquisitions of foreign ltock at 11.25 .percent and the rate.s on ac-- action ... •ftlrtbef .mnt" 8'limt 1IOa-• doo" The -"' llfllid ~ II aimed at dryfN( up tllo -ol -y baJIU will have on hand to """P Into the nalioo's already" m<apln6ed ecooomy. The order .calls on big city banks be- longing to the s)'llem to hike the per· ceata1• cl -cJepoll!I they hold NEGRO YOUTHS ASSIST POLICE BAnLING RIOTS IN CHICAGO Htlp RtlNCI Truck Dl11blecl by• Rempagint Younpters on Clty'a Wt1I Sida Gil'I Scout Coddle troop '°3 gr"t Pre.riMnt Nixon at Homuttad AFB, Fla..Lookl of adoration were apparent BU around -euept Jor litUest 1cout. 3~ viar old Kt'lllf Thornton who seemi puzzled over the fanfare. • ' qimltlons of fore1'J! ci<ht ohllptlons on a llldln( ~· fnim 0.71 percent to 11.25 percenl The new rates reJftltllt a reduction in the annual interest charge cl hall • per<enl . The new rates 10 into effect today. In a lengthy slllt<ment accompanyin& the e:iecutive order Nii:on aald "the problem o1 recalnin& equilihriwn In the U.S. balance ol Pllmenll cunot be """"' with e>JIOlldl<nll that pootpoae the problem to another yw. We lhall stop trutil!i oymptoms ml lllart treating cau1<t, ml we ohall llnd our solutlcm In the frlllDt'""k ol INr !rode and paymeata. •• Nixon uid ~t ''fundamental ecoocmlca" call for the aeaUon of con-. clitml to mllle It . poalhle to re-build the nallon'• trade IUtplul Ind 111 ultimate c1ismantlln1 ol the "ne-k of direct control which may aeem useful in the short run but are self-Oefeating in the long nm." 'Ille President A!<! the U.S. halapce ol paymenta llhowtd a IUrplua last tpr but that the ,IUtplul lncludtd .... um-1ly hlih Ind probebly IDllU>- lainable capital Inflow." in ,_.,. fnim 1111 to 17 .,,._ up "' 15 millloo lo depnoit.s aod from 17 to 171,ii percent above that. Smaller me:m· ber blnb will increUe l'eltl'VfS from 12 to Ulh percent and from 12\.2 to 13 percent· on dePoSits in the same ran1e. The 17\\ percent limit t.s the highest since 1960 and will take elfed on April 17, -Raerve apoknnwn said. The other hall ol the order will ... the 11 llllln F-.I llesene bub lnunedi- ately lncreue lhe dilcounl intenst rate fnim 511 to I ~ on loans made to .....-cla1 bants wanting to meet the i'esen"e r<qUlttment oo depaliJ& Ralllng the -rat< t.s Intended to <liacourage commercial banken from mUlng !OlllS at current inflattooary rates II the loons cut Into thelr depollt reservei "nle • percent nte was lat levied during lhe summer of 1929 before. the atock market crash that began the great depression of the" 1930s. Boosting the reserve -requirl!J1'ent means nearly S,000 national and itate banb In the system will have to set aside as much u ~ million wblch o<h· erwise could have been fed into the economy. Two men abducted a small bird fnim the Lincoln P'ark Zoo In Chi· cego and look it to a nearby apart· ment where, J;IOlice nid, oo1y feath- ers and peanut shells were founcl. Dr. L-E. Fllher, r.oo cllroc:tor;, dOIClibed the mining bird, a tiny toucan, as a pative oi tropical Americ& which is neithar nre nor vainable ''but lw great senttmen-. la! value.'" No queotions will be uted II the, hir!l 11 returned lo the ZOO, laid Flaber. War's Worst Copt~r. y-ash • Nrtp York Police had little trouble tracking down Ramon Qamncmo and charging him with robbing a gas station. TM11 rim- plr /oUCWtd tht' marka on the f'OClcl J.e.ft b11 Caomano's automo. bile, 'tohich -was mi.11ino a tire ma om: wheel. It led them from tM robbed gas !tation dirtctl11 to the apartment house where 1W livtd. Leaves 77Dead., Wonrtded '. • • I I • , 1 " SAIGON (UPl~Twen\yothree South Vte«MJnW end me American were kill· ed and 53 othen in)lred Wedneeday in one of the worst helicopter crashes of the v_,. War, U.S., military spokesmen reported -Y· The Cf8lh WM reported II the .Sil· weekHld Communial ofleneiTt dropped to ill low..t !eye! ol intelllity with 10 mellings c!uriDc the olght. .. flown into the ---u part of a blocking actim .,--VI<!· nam.,. lroopol lnliltrllloi Into ·. SOnth Vietnam from Laos. · Military spokeMnen said tho hilkoptA!r went down 10 miles · ~ i>I the Marines' old Khe Sanh o::mW bast. There were no reports it was lhot down by Communist ground fire aJtlloqh the North Vietnamese in the area are reported to have anti-aircraft gun1. Not far from the cralh site Coday, U.S. !r.arinea beet oil a ground atllack n,; """8P eccurTed In the far northweat comer ol S<ulh V-wben a CHl7 <l>inook liflilll U.S. ooldl<n and ~ V-n.,,ian from ~-ICll-:lll_:i11111_:::m_al! f _CO!!ll>a! ""°"' 1n _ _.t1on. Maine Crag ...,,ed a tree ml PJmnmel<d to earth. :': ~ :.:-1.::.=:i ~ • OkfuakM County Shariff Wlloy Brewer of Okemah, Okla. com- mented, "There seemed to be this fellow sitting on the b e n c b e s ~bout the courthouse at dll· f times. We started an investi- gation on him, but before we could arrest him he arrested us." The man turned out to be a federal ~ent investigating Brewer and his deputy sheriff on charges of con· splracy to violate federal liquor Ian. In i<rms ol dead and woonded - Tl -it WU the COltJiest helicopter Cl'ISh ol Ille war. Mon lllen 30 Marines were killed In a 11mi.lar crash two years ago ln the )I-I C"'1!' s.cw. A craeb on June .25, ltl8 nur &Im Hoa u . mUes ~ fl. Salem killed 12 Americans and 16 Thai troops. Last Od. 4, 24 Americans were killed · wbtn a U.S. Air Force Caribou and /\rmy CH47 chopper collided neor Hue. 01 the 53 injured, loor _.. AmericlM and '9 were Vittl11Cn.t Who bid been the fl&hl • w.r. dawn. ac«<clinC· to military rtport.s itoin the scene. 1n Salp, headquerten reported to overnigbt Com1111milt uhoo into cities and military camps -the fewest ance the nationwide ofm.tve began 41 days qo. But kt WU DO tndicalioo that the drive Wall O'Wlf. "The offensive iJ continuing but we have noted a Bligh( drop in the number of indirect lhellinp during the l..i few di!".'' a opoke&DM I"'. Gta. Creigllton W. Abrams' U.S. COllUiland laid. °""'·•II -.. lhe .......... reported lial>I. Un-1pringlike 11 lJegrea RecortJed ~Millinocket ' .. " .. " .. u • Police, Guard • Move to Quell Chreago Jliots Delegates Demand Direct Talks With U.S. PARIS (UPI ) -Viel Cong ne1oU1tors " " " . • • . " " a .. . .. today demanded direc.t talks with the United States as a condklon to a VSetnam peace agreeinent. 'Ibey discounted sug- ll'Slions the . alli" were already talking privately with the Communlsll. _ I "'""' " .. -·-"" Ufll ,.. .. _,,.,_.. w-. _._.""""'9t- '""· M • 11 a-.. T.,-. 111111. * ..... v • .......,. ....... ,.111,... fl "''" ,,..,.. • ll(fll .,, .. '9 .... d .. '"' lW ....... ""' ......... 1' " 41. ,.... _.., ..,.,....~ Wal • ...,..... • s-. ........ J'Wes ............ ~.~~.lfl.l.t """ -. ... ':" ,.M. ·-· IATUIUMT '"" ................. •:.it.II'\,'·' '"" ~ ............ 11111 .. ,.., .. . ...... ... ..•• . .•.. .•.. ii• ""'" '·' ........ ~ ... lt:'!l•""''·' ·-· .................... , .•.• ti ........... l'W ~ "'"'"""'"··~'r.""""" ... .._, W •·····••••••••••:It-A.Lt '-llf IWP ............. ,.U:tf 11>.nt. U • v.s. s ••• -. " . n a .01 .. " .. .. . " .. • a .. . .. " .. " . " .. .... " . .. " .ti .. . " . "' " .1• " ~ '1 JS .ftl '' :'fl . " " " • • .u " ·" " . • n • • " a a • $7 ., S1 ,. .. , .. ... . .. ., a R '4 ,11 . " ~ ~ A Vlei Coog spok'"mao said his d<lqa- Uon h11 had no direct private c.ruct with eilhor the United SlltM 0< South Vietnam oullide the formal talks In Paris. · • . 11.And we' Mve not been Wormed of any meelinl• bold by the Democratic 'Repuhllc ol <Nonll) Vietnam" witb either the United Stat<o or South Yleinom,'' the opol<esman said. . 'The Viet Cong statement CllM lo respon>e to U.S. Def-Secnlary Melvin R. Laltd's comments 'Thul'lday in Wnhlngtoa that "outside talu are goin1 forward" ngarding Vietnam peace negotia Uons. Lalrd did not A)' who was involved In the talks but his ltatemeot wu talten to lmPll' pr!val! ~ wtr• under way between the Unitad Stllff and eltlw Nocth Vietnam or the Viet eooc. A North Vleloan.-d e I e 1 a ti on spokftm111 refuled to -.n or dony thll "outaJdt t.lb" were mder' WI)'. • • Finch Bears Nixon Note To Widow of Dr. King KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI)· -Prest· dent Nlmt dllpotched Welfare Secretary Robert Finch lo the home ol -· Mortin Luther King Jr. Thunday nig!lt to u- fJl"'SI his "linceml" c:ondol<nca of the eve of the first anniversary of tht asaasaination Ol tJfe civil rights Jeader; the Florida Whit< lloule dilclooed today. White House Press Secrtt:ary Ronad Ziegler said Finch, acting as Nixon's special emissary, called on Mrs: King and handed her a personal letter from the President. Ziegler said Finch spent about 45 minutes with Coretta King and "e1· pressed the President's aincemt con! dolences to her and her familY. They also discussed the projects that will mark Dr. King's memory and projects that will carry on l!ucliel to avoid.pro- * * * Atlanta Mayor Places Wreath On ~g's Grave ATLANTA (IJP!) -Atlanb Mayor Ivan Allen placed a wreath of lilies oo the grave ol. hia good friend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today, stood ailent1y for a mometV and walked away. t.frs. Coretta King, the widow of the murdered tjvil rights leader, and her children were to visit the grave late r in the day. Mrs. King said she would qot participate in any memorial services for her husband, but would spend a quiet day at home after her visit to the grave. AllE!l placecJ a wreath of 50 t whitt .Ea!terJl!IL;jt;Cl!l "\ktarave. A. note al· ilidieil ·to f!Ow.,., read "City Hall, secoixf' floor; CM Mayor's olftee." Allen refuleil to talk with waiting ._._, saying inotead hil! earlier pro- clamaticn u:pressed his feelings. .In a proclamation Thunday, Allen call· ed on all Allantans to honor Kine 's memory and what he stood for. "Atlanta; the naU<n and the world have been a bttter plact in which to live because of Dr. Kin1's belief on non·violence," the proclamation said. blems of violence in tht future," Zl~ added. The press spokesman said P'lnoli diJct1'led with King'• widow he< thoqhto for "• propc-i memorial part for Dr. King in Atlanta "00 several J.nstltutloNI that are being di9CU3Btd to cany Oii Dr. King's efforts for non-violera." While decliniq& to reveal the contezts of Ni10n's letter, the White Houle Nici it was along the lines of his statement Thursday urging that the "sad an- niversary" be a time "for all of us whatever our ract or creed to rededicate ourselves to the principles of jusUce and non-violence." 1 At tbe same time, Ziegler said the chief e1ecuUve was aware of the out- brtak: of violence ·in Chicago Thursday night, but felt local authorities bad the sitnation under control and it wa.rn.nted DO federaJ action. Afl<r stopping oil In AUant.a, Finell flew on to Key Biscayne where he prepared for a top-level meeting today with Nixon aod other key Whit< HOllll ;tides to draft a domestic prouam ·fer the President · · .. The other adnlillbtration adviltra flyinc in to ·join in 'the talkl at Nllon~1 waterfront villa were Danie) p' 0 Moynihan, his urban affair ualllant, and Dr. Arthur Burm, White House counselor. Canadian Troops To Quit Europe ·OTTAWA (UP!)' -Canada will bealn pullin1 iU! NATO troops out ol Well Gtrmany in the near future, but will ooDtinued lo "wort fer' world peace" within the AUantic Alliance. -.z.l'rin)e.Mlnisl<r.l'lerre EllioU~Trudeau made the armouncenfent ol. the "early phueid reduction" ci Canada's Europe.an. based ~orca at a news conference 'J'hun. day. lt followed a nine-month rmew of Canada's fore.ign and defense affairl and days of wrangling in the cabinet. Trudeau emphasized that his covem- ment had rejected any Idea ol taliln& up a "nonaligned or neutral role in world affairs" and might even inert .. its participation withe United States in North American defense. Mamie Back in Capital, .~ . ' Visits W-ith lke~s Brother WASHING'OON (AP) -Mamie El-er -to the ca]iltal' loday from the Abilene. Kan., grave of her husband ml went directly to Waller Reed Army Hospita1 to visit his ailing: brother, Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower. She spent about 25 minutes with the youncer brother or fonner President Dwight D. Eisenhower and tmerged dry- eyed. but smiling less than 1he had when she 1ot off ~e samt private tr1 in that had carried the body of l'!er husband earlier this week '6 burial on the Jtansas plains of hi3 boyhood. 1be she got into 1 black limousine and left. • • LL Ceil. Maurice Shallrabanl, deputy lnlormltlan olllcor ol Ille Military District of Wuhlnllon. told newsmen upon her arrlnl at 'Wasblngtoo'1..Unlon Station •he would mum to Gettysburg. the Pennsylvania farm home that wu tM only home she and tte e\.'t'r owned. Shahrabanl said Mrs. Eisenhower's long-range plans were indefinite. Milt«! EltenhoWtt, one of the two sunlvtng hrothen ol the ronner Presi· dent, wu placed In the hospital's cor· onary Intensive care unit appartntlJ for preclUtionll")' purposes and c;>blervatlon. Tbere has been no public lndl ctlon he -.... a mild cor.G1f1 attack ml ciocton ~ Wednesday his con· ~lloo WU llllilflldary. He wa1 rushed to the holpii.tl, where his brother hid died last Friday, arter - he o..Dplalned Sunday ol feeling cliuy aevelsl houn bel<n the funeral. Ht remained there for further observmtiotl .aod teslll, missillg the WednadaJ burial servb. Ray Gets New Judge, Lawyer . ~ . MEMPHIS, TeM. (AP) -James Eat! Ray has hired his third defense attorney. ml an iuJ11oing, u -Marine jlJd&o hU been nlmed lb pmlde over what prom!• to be -ptic•l<d ,.,.,eedinp In the case.·· .. Ray, lfho pleaded pllly Mal<h 10 to kllliQc Dr. Martin Luther· Xlnr Jr. a :rear ago today and wu sentenced to 99 years, gained certiflcation ThUl'lday for bil new lawyer, Richard C. Ryan of Meinphis. . Ryan'• job will be to try to gel liar the new hearing of the cue be 11)'1 be wanb. Al\d the job or Criminal Court Juclp ArtJtur C. F'aquin Jr., is to rule oa any motlons or ar1umenta .Ryan mlaht pr--. The judge, tul'·lolnc ml will! • ~ -ol humor, WU named Thursday to r<placo Juclp w. -BaUle Jr .. who died Monday ol a tiearl lltact. I - -Mdq, aprn 4, 1969 DAILY-§. -'H i e 1 ... ee • .n -· Filip'itws .Re-~t ~ . Christ Cr.UCilixion .. ~hanees of ~th . I ·F:or Sirhan ~Fade . LOS ANGELES (UPl)-The fiw-GI Sirllla B. Sirhan tlltpo-for ~ JtOlllflcly faded •.1 1tsrt tludows ~·If¥ llfo ....,..UO.'• ILri.-d Puts . I J .'" ' , • God Pack ' . 'In Arin . y \ Many Holding·· Worthless Land RIO DE JANEIRO (UPI) -A .,.,,..,, fer the U.S. Emlluq laid Tbunday ..... i.ooo Americ1n citiRN hold ...nhlell UUH I Jed in Brnil. The 1pokeomlo aald IDOi! ol them had bem delraudtd Into booinl -from U.S. ljloculalh -llDil -lnp ........ -Jo. mtlpU.. b7 Iha Bruillan IVfEIHuent. .J Big . Four Meet . Crackd9wn • Mideast Talks Sta rt Well On Czechs UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -Alpbassadcrs of the Big Four nations today described as "off to a good start" their ta1ll aimed at bringing peace to the Middle East. They meet apinTuaday. The four ambassadors reaf- firmed . their nations•· supP!Ol'i for the 16-monlh effort of Gun- nar V. Jarring, special U.N. Middle East envoy, to get Israel and the Arabs logelher for a peKe aettlemenj:. BY· i:JNDA .. The communique saJd the w Orries u ,S, "New York State Senator John Essex villlge of Stanatead, •' B. F • h I "ho . il ··I of London " I ig ours approac o " • WASHINGTON (UPI) -J. Santucci has !iled a hill in m es e'Tbe NeW-:Y~t Times ---! they .can contribute to a The Nixon administration ts the Senate to aid local com· f March f. - peaceful political aettlement'' watchlng developments I n munltles In the fight against -P:-• in the Middle East was based Czechoslovakia • ' w J t h co~ airplane noise and air poUuUon. * * * 1 on the U.N. Security Council cem,". fearfl!I_ further The ...._. provides lhalLIJUl)ER -'I CAN'T_, reoolullcn ft Nov. :a. 11117 npress1ve Soviet measures bli aolboriU. llhall pay a YOU __ ~j ,THB "1'!"41,Y'I · could damage talks OD tbl pu c ., RUNNING 1 .. 'lbe Uoi&ed Natlcna am- ......,don GI the Untied States, the Soviet Union,,Bri· laln and Fruce confemd twice 'lbiinday. The ambassador• Janing~1-~millkll WI I upended at 1 e a s t tem- porarily. U.N. Se e.r e ta r y G<n....i u 'lllanl -'lllunday Jarrinc bu .1en his CJpnll heodquartm to spend Easter in hJs home J n Stockholm. which outlined terms for set· Middle East and arms reduc-one doDar tn for each _m ".'America b "lhe rdfltll, . llement GI the June HO, 11117 tion. . passenger~ or deparliq It llle .wad4 !O In~ war. The State Department ls OD · • fll&hl ~ an ~ wort,!' and th&CCllt''9 ~ 1be relOlutlon called for limiting itself to saying the under the control fl the autborl-runs tnto millions of ~~ Israeli withdrawal from "ter4 United Slates is watching ty." because of ·fatigue, mmtat· ritorles occtlpied" in the June Czechoslovakia "closely and N&Mau"llerald _Feb. 27, 1969 dlstreu, emoUona1 strain lllil. "straight.away entered into a discuss.ion on matters o( 1ubstance and have started defining areas of agreement," a joint communique said. The stalement also said things were "olf to a good start." "' Diplomatic sources said Jar- ring was unlikely to renew his Middle East J>OSl untH the Big Four reach substantial agreement. war and an end of the state with concern ." Inefficiency, Sen. Mark 0. Jiit., of belligerency by the .Arabs. A m e r I c a 1 ofrlcials * * * field, said yesterday 1 n ~ It affirmed the right of all ac~owledge privately that "Bills sett.inc • $1,000 fine Washington. , countries in the area of "five Soviet repression of popular for excessive jet noise and Speaking at a conference ol in peace within secure and uprisings against R u s 1 I a n placing indusirlal value ~ pro-governlneat, fndultry and CClftle. recognized boundaries," caned occupation troo~ could have perty condemned for airport 81• munity leaders aponllll'ed "1 for freedom .~ naviptlo'n in r~pe!~ions el!:ewhtte in the pansion, have been filed in the the NaUonal Council <ll NCllll International waters such as dJplomalic world. California state as le m b I y . Abetement at the lllJftonr, the su .. Canal and the Gull c • eCho.Iov1k· Communist s_. "niiioe fine legislation Hotel, Hatfield IOli _....,, of Aqaba, and urged a "'just Leader Alexander Dubcek, in Plan to uae It to test in the alone COi~ U.S/ tw"'\"r" ml settlement" Of the problem a radio appeal to the nation courts the quesUon of whether =tedof =. fMf!1 Illy . of a million pa I est t n e Tbursd~y night, called for the federal government,!W pre. HaUield aing)ed:;: ajar -: Widow Breaks Thigh * * * * * * Egypt, Israeli Tanks LONDON (UPI) -Lsdy Spencer-Churchill, widow of Sir Winston Churchill Wiii rushed to a bospttaJ today after a fall at her home. Figh t Over Suez Canal refugees. sreater self~llne · by the empted utl-no1R •ws. cul its· 'et •'-'--~ .__.,"!"" C1eCh populaU.. In an effort ,.. · l -•-• ~ A spokesman for Westminster hospital s a i d Lldy Churchill apparenUy bad broken her thigh. The spokesman said her Condition was "comfortable, but she is slighUy shocked." Lady Churchill is 14 years old. ENJOY HJ.WAD'S MOST UNUSUAL 'BOTEIJ THE SSLUBLINE ~ Spoof II .,. .......... b , ... ...,...., .. ·ai.. -•Jlll"·•lzlwl; ..... lootll lo OMJ flllt, '111111111 11 , OD, for 3 • llzal .. Kmll, · far 2 """ i-. 11111, fw 2 · da)s; Hilo. H-, 1w I dly Mid Kona, H-. "' 2 ...,., far I supeil :i.-k ncation, c:ruln to and from the lsl1ndsa well, 1midst a hippy, carefret ttmo&pher1 of infonMI elepnce oa tM lll'tine. You'n unpack just once, tlleo 11lu anc1ll!ljoJ ,,__ 111111 full· est fares bo1i1 II $840 for lie 20- dly cruisl frn Clllnit parls. Dipalli• 11J II, Slfil, 21, Got. 14.llllal-fwllil.., .. ,. .., .. 11111 ........ · South America and the Galapagos Islands •.. Al Ullllllll Crlila Rfl li111ilJ 0. May 17 -· SS lloollny dlplrts far I 2MIJ' -I lo the excilinc ports ti lllzattlft .... Aclpulco, Mexico; liml, Pwu, Gua- yaquil, Ecuador; llalliol, Cioll Zone; Tabog1 Island, P1nam1; and 1 spe· cl1\ visit to the incredible Galapa· ios Islands. You'n travel in exclu· si¥tly r. .. 1 clnl -,w11il11l>011d sllip. An4 ""'11 hM "'Pl• time to '""' Oldl"" ..... _""" dal tYflb .._ llp;t:llnc.M hldllilO In start 11 $1,llJ. Wl'I "' ...... "" ,.. ... Inion!- eliminate further antf. Avlalioo Dall7-Mareh 11, lllll noise, noisy modem balldilip;~· PO Qui••.:~ . ,. Vie\ Incidents., , . ··~. • *. * ~ rock~...U bands and f_,..; · ~~g prelftlt~tenslon with Its "'.°' -. noise. · F. i · s' • threat o1 • mte...ui<d Soviet "LQNDON, ~a!Clt.1 -1 new St Pelel'Jlburg 'Jlma -ast erv1ce military lntervenuon grows llll o1 J!l'O!IO'Od sites for_ '.!" · Mardi 1, t• of. airport that London neec1s-~&0r ' We ..are ·not alant; but we , WASHINGTON (UPI) -out ~sacklngoftheSoviet~ wanla ~door wuneedtokeepbelnglleanVWrite~'' . . ·. Aeroflot officeo fn Prague last ' · · · 1~•-•-•-•·· The Post Office Is endiag •t.s .. weetellll ind buinlD ol ._....,,.today., ending• five. -• ~M ...... ,_ pClllllllll guar.anteecl same day. delivery Soviet vehlclet I ...,. year. battle by fli", ..-1s ol on expaiwon of Or-County SUVJCe In major doWl)lown The talk• by. Uniled Slates, 1 quiet farmln( atu In Else%. Airport. Call our ollJea for in.. bw:ineu centers. Accelera~d Soviet U . B ital and A 'IOYerruJ1COf ~ ~~formation .. we are open~fna Business Se J e ct io n and ·. France ruot1he ~&ii n East dropped plaf11 co relieve the t-12 every weet·day ••. MM40t, Delivery (ABCD), be,.,.. In situ !lo ~ be ~IJOd Cl'lllh GO· two ·existing lirporls Look for. Jet Nolle ·evUJ! Ila, guaranteed letters !"""11 by ~e ~zecb developmetila. bJ .bulldJnc. 1 third alrpott near TUetJ!ao' and Friday; . · · by .11 a.m. wou.ld be delivered. . -· . . , · by 3 p.m. But, PQ11mU1m reported a .~ecllning lnlerell; and Postmi!tu General Win- ton M. Blount · ll&id that to discontinue ABCD would save $1 million • year. WANT INTEREST ON YOUR 8ANlt CBEC&Di~ ACCOUNT! ' Take a IO-day "Super Cruise'' YOU CAN"l': ~ft n' llUT Wit& PA.CD"IC'S IWITCll 'N IA.YE ACCOUNT '· and stay at Hawaii's most unusual 'hotel' The SS Lurline s5,,_--- All INl111l¥e ~ Spind 10 "'-Mrs ...... emonr tht lllands With the nctu- 1lvef)' first dm lurllnt • your hotel !ft eytrj port. You'll unpttk just once, thew visit Honolulu, Othu, for 3 days; Nawiliwlli, Kluti, for 2 d•Ys; llhli111, Mlul,-for 2 days; Hilo, Hawaii, for 1 .,; W KDM. Hin!/, ~:"ti..,.::::.;:= 1111_ ........ _-. It's up to you. All-inclusive ·fer" be9in at f5ff fr.,,.. los ""t•l•t. For •" 4'.t1il1, jutt contad u1. v ••• •• .r ... u 111111 ., .. ,.., • '°' i.. ii.., 11 ,... rll1dJ11 IHlilll ... I flt .... in,.... Plcific R Pu,••i•lr Aa111l 1ri MllrM'I •11¥ ... •• fortlt • Dftll • 71111 1111. ....... .... ,. ...... ~ ......... , ..,., ft 18 la \ P11P"Pullle~1aat­ n1D IOI' tut•• •ar· "' '• P PntA I ., 111pz I I tJslir • 1fftlfo ............. ,., ..................... . ....... 18 yi.r IMUl It ..... (1 ... iliw frl• dla 111' If.,· •1111 .... n11111• IP( dla I,., • • •• • -CAU RUBAIYAT TOURS '7M140 JOI MARINI A ¥111UI IALIOA ISUND, CALIPOllNIA J ),. • • .. I • j • l I I I~ \ 1 • -• ., • . . • l DAILY PILOT UITOBLll . PAGE I • ··caravan of c ·ood ·Will Orange ~unty optometrists wUI fonn their unique caravan of good wUI again tbls month as they journey 11 strong to Ensenada, Mexico to help children with serious sight problems . Orlglnatec! and led tbls year by Laguna's Dr. Leon A:lelrod, it will be the fourth" such medical escursion !or optometrists who are also mel!lben ·of local !Jons Clubs. Dr. Martin Dales of C,osta Mesa used "un(>elit"ll& able" es the ,.word to describe the need for glasses dis· covered ln the fir&t three years of testing. ''In the first three cli.liics," be said, "a total of 325 needy school children were refracted. and glasses were provided for 175. Twenty-five others were referred for medical treabnent and surgery." The Lions Club optometrists ·pay their own Way and transport their own equipment. Children are screened both as to indigency and seriousness of si&bt problems. The optometrists. limit their treetment to needy young· · sters with less than 50 percent vision. The optometrists are contributini their skill, time and funds to the very best type of peopl~lo-peopie pro- gram. · Computeri~i.ng Laguna ' ' . Laguna Beacb ·is being studied with the Interest that a Martian might generate were he to set a green toe l!pon our shores. From its rocks and rills to its wooded hills, the -. ' " • , . ' . pbysloc~omy of the art colony la being ll*'Obed, _,. • ed, compared, analyzed. ...a ~ ~ . . A f.~mputers .bave begun to wblf. From• their data Olllllls ,Ibey cough up •· muJUtude of ,tidbl(t that lbe obliging machines translat' lotO"ma1>5. I :niere are m&Pf that show wbtre1 lbe moot elderly dwell. '11iere are map1 that show which erea bal resi- dents likely to clJrnb Into their. cars and motor ofi to Fashion Island, bypaHing the lure ol Laguna stores. > '11ie computer will tnow •'IC~ parcel <lf property hr Laguna Beach, its use and zoning. . . The comp~rization i~ a tool of the gener81 Plan study" !hat is to help map the future. A valuable stOdy elemeqt will be circulation of more than 9,000 copies of a questionnaire to area residents -Ute p~ple input. . .The study range~ be~ond the bounds . ot Laguna to proJeet the 1nterrelat1onsh1p with our growing neighbor • · What will be the effect ol Mowton Ranch and ITvine Company planning for development? How will the new payrolls, populace and. satellite CQmmerce generated by the Autonetics Plant at Laguna Niguel and the Bur· roughs Corporation complex at Mission Viejo affect Laguna? Laguna residenlc; had a preview ol coming attrac· / tions last week dt;tring what ~mou~ted to a p19gress re· port on the planning process in which Laguna is invest· ing $60,000. It ha1 been":iSid Laguna is at a crossroads . True but an over-simplification. There are many avenues' priorities and complexities to ponder. ' Let us hope the Cinal plan will guide us through the labyrinth of urbanization that must be facfd . (l) • ' • • King Of The Caribbean&. ·choosing a Career: Wait For Maturit y Dear Gloomy Gu's: Aiding Communism While Attempting to Thwart It . .-/ B7 GEj)RGE R. HOFF,. Pli.D. The process lnvolved in choosing a How come Congressman Utt miss· ed his chance to blame the beach contamination on the ·Commies? Redlands seethes with Reds and lhey let their sewers break as a part of the plot! -L. U. D. T-11 ...._ f'lflKft ,....... ....... Mf _., .................. ,_,.... ,,_.., ........ .._ .............. . Tactic: To the Edllor: Thank you for the revealing articJe on Congressman Ult. Of course it was supposed to reveal to us the conspiracy of Communist subversion in ser. educa- tion and rock music: it would Surprise me if many intelligent readers accept Utis line of specious reBSOQing and un· founded allusions to communism and gWlt·bY-associf!lio~ However. few · could miss the fact that Mr. Utt fmds it reasoiiable. career is Indeed an important aspect to adjust to other people ln order to LIKE THE John Birch Society, J\.ir. of one's life. lt'. rank.a wilh selecting gain a beachhead of personal security, Utt falls into th.e lrap of aiding com· a spoqse, 'or finding a1 fullilling style his career ~oi~ may reflect what o~er1 munism while atteD)pUng to.. thwart it. of life; as one of the most significant ~a.nt for him, inst~d ,ol wR:"-t he believe.s Of course lnfiltratioi has been a useful and ~uenlial choices we make in IS important for him. ·. lactic of the Communists, -indeed ot lifetimes'"" , . Act.ually, CK~r cha.ices sh5U1ld be •• OYf own counter espionage.a@OClts. llut out . ·. . • . f. ~ ... "" deli)led ·~ person reaches ~ha~; r. ttie mare effective tactic bJtttar is the Wbm a car.~ choice IS l1\li:le,. .a. ~ IlJ~f 1hit drielopment, When Is in· spread of mutuaf mfWUsl tllrough ofir person. is dec1d1ng where he be~gs tegrating himself into the social order, citizeos. In, the occupational realm ?f his be:~a:: ad<1>ting a system of values which The Communists perfected this techni· tt I ~~le ·to se~g a~ oc". reffects his unique sell, and is functioning que in so-called "brainwashing" well· ~l ~borboodtbo I dln ~hicht t~· as aft 'independent person relating to known to Korean and Vletnamese POWs. live. And, 6l_DCt u n .•men a others. To effectively "re-orient" people, the ref~ point of. a penon u ~ SE~ Communists turned the prisoner against -bis ·psy~log1cal home, his ba~1c AS A MATI'ER of fact, at this point his buddy by insUlling 'mistrust -fear nature. bi~ m~I. person~ focus paint he probably won 't have to choose, of ·traitors. Once the prisoners could -then his choice of an occupational ~ause he'll know intuitively what he no longer trust their buddies in con- nt.lghborbood" depe~da upon wher~ he wanta to do \Ind where he wants to ver1ation, the ''brainwashing'' could pro- wants to set up emotional housek~mg. go ·occupationally. gress unhindered by logical rebuttal. FURTHERA10RE. the type of career he chooses. the quality of his choice , how apptopriare his choice is to the SELF, and how we11 tie fila into his choeen "neighborhood," an relate closely to his knowledee of himself and hi s maturity level: Unfortunate'fr.. ,our Al'nerican culture encourages young people to make career choices too early in life, before they have bved Joog ~ to•lo\9W. ·who they are as persons. Research In de¥t1op- menta1 psychology haS shown that if the: sell is immature, the career choice will be too; if the stlf is changing, choices also will change ; if the self is unknown, caf'ffr choices will be vague and diffuse. Tjlere is littl~ hope that the idea of waiting unUl maturity lo choose a career will catch on, because We 're not used to thinking this way. But why should a person be saddled with a decision made during the blush of im· maturity? Wben a career is chosen dur· ing Phase I or n, the choice remains static, while the person making it either continues to erow or fixates in his development in order ·to . remain con· ~ \fWl his .-job. In either case, the consequences.-are lnimlcal to deriving real satisfaction from work. P,.ARENTS, ED li CA TORS, an d employirs are the three grOups which could, if they wished, teach young people that it's O.K. to wait unUI Phase III. afler they have struggled throUgli Pfiases WHEN A PERSON is forced to choose 1 ~..i II bef • career l·n Phase I of his devefopment a,"4. ' ore finally settling upon a specific career. -while he is still discovering· who The question, "Who are you," is im· he is and identifying himse.U -unless mensely IJIOtt important anc;I helpful to he is very lucky, 1lis" choice won't flt t-'-'-f "bl I ter hen he •--lid _ ... :~ someope ......,Wig or a compa.., e career I 00. W UN a 80 1"""""'1 thao~"Wliit-dQ~ -L... t" j ~-h b · the --•-of n.... , • YoU ~an to do when .,._ lt'll\l e ID ~•c:uoe 1.n.u1p. )'.OU &fOW up'" During Phase II, when be is ittempting~ ' ~ · .---89 Geerge -..,..--, I Dear G<orge Recently I r~ad a man·ln·the- ltreet survey Whlch showed the man.in·the·street opinion on advice columnlsb was prett)' low and that advice columnists don't serve any real Iunction. Do you agree wllh this IUl'ft-y?. . ' CURIOUS Dear Curious: No and I tblnk-,nlbW.too maay P*J atteaUGG ' ·to survey;s _ tlli mU.~eet:-Wby \,,e, Ulten to ... boob --~ hove enoo&b ...,. lo ill 111 • oo uie. curb out of llle·tnlll<!. • • Jlar<loorwe: ' My boy friend keep& hla bands In hll pochtl whll< danci"f with rM. lJn 't lhll corWdertd bad man· nera! SUE Dear Sue: It would ~ yes boweVe:i:, with •-.new dancei how can 1ou ltll he la d-"'g with you! II he b _-.ty llandina oo the othtr sfde of the room with hll hind• 1n hls pocke.11, ht may be merely Wiiting for you to flnilll dlndn(. • Against, Against SouU. 11111. Va., E.aterprt&e : "It's a strange, strange country we live In. And the more we see and hear o! ou~ fellow human beings, the strlllger Jt gels. Pea- rle seem to take lo the streets and demonstra.te or riot 1(or ,both) for almost every 'ri&bt' tn Ute boot. Somt. take lo the strettJ becauSe they feef that &i.nce. they don't want to work that someone .... should feed them. • !hon there .... tholi'""" ...-aplnll the drill •. thci!e whl> .. oplnil Ibo war In Vlefnam ••• and -wllo 11' aplnst thOoe who are .,....... . Ntplef; Arb., Beraltl , "U you ••. opera6111 a bosiness and were asaesaed enormoua taxes, regulated by politi- cians, and forced to compete with ther1 who were partially finanC'td by government tax motley, Jncludln1 your own. th ' chances are you \YOUld throw up your hands also and close shbp. 4And still the g<Jvernment. and most of -the people, blame the railroads. and we wonder how long It will take them to team the bitter lesson. They say the raIJroads dtlib4!!rately sabotaged the pa1sence.r trains by making them unde1tra.ble, but tbe stern.truth ts the poopio desorltd them and the tuer1 continued to pour on more taxes." IF THERE IS a danger within this country from the Communist world lo· day, it is their exploitation of the misguliled but well~meaning HUA~, JBSs, and UTl's ..... By aD 'means let the FBI C®tinue to search out highly.placed traitori. This . quiet method has proven notably ef£ective. But do not spread fears of infiltraUon of our churches. of mystic Communist hypnosis in mod music, and of JDO('al' degradation through · famllY life education. To remain a strong and free counlry, 11·e must remain united. _ ROBERT C. KAUSEN Rais' In the Bar11 To l~iror:M Your editorial of March 27 ~'hich covered the wolf-crying of Congressman James Utt remindrme of one of m,y late lather'& lt.oties. A farm boy rushei! up to his f{lt.her and stammered, "I jwt seen a hundnd rats in the. barn!" His lather calmly replled;-"Now, son do you ieally know how many 1811 make a hundred? Let's count to a huodred.'' "Well," said the boy, "I knoW there was at least ten rats." His dad put an arm about his. son and.i;aid, "Let's be reasonable, boy. Hold out both bands and count your fingers -ten. Now that's a lot of rats tO sec at once, isn't it? How many rats did you really see?" The boy looked earnestly into his father's eyes and replied, "Well, I know there was one for l seen his tail." \'OUR EDITORIAL deletes, no dou bt for brevily, Mr. tJtt's name dropping - Dr. Esther Schul" of SEICUS wllom he quotes as uying that a good sex edutatioo ttacbtr · "must not bt a mortllsL" Nor' does it quote SEICUS executive d1tector Mrs. Mary Calderone who sfates, aa:Ording lo Mr. Utt, that "Stx educaUon must be thought of as education -not moral Indoctrination." And )'OU left out any mention or lhat fine, rtd·blooded , up-standi ng . a 11 . Americin boy tsadore Rubin who Mp.- pens lo be, according to Mr, Utt. SEICUS treasurer, a Communist. and edllor of the sterling prurh.~nt periodical "Sex· ology." MAYBE MR. UTT went off half cocked on tbeUnlled NaUons·U.S. Army swamp maneuver, but l fetl like giving more ear to Mr. Utt th is trip than t do to you. He fervently cries that the.re ara rat.a in our barn, and your va pid, disciplinary di.lltlbe doesn't lull me to • Spread Mutual Distrust .. \ Letters from rtaden art welcome. Normallv writers 1hould conoev thtir ffU!Ssa.gt in 300 tDOrdt O'f lt11. Tht righi to condtme letter• to fit Jpace or eliminate libel is reserved. Alt lttttr1 m.wt include signature and mailing address, but Mm.es may .be withheld on reqU•it if sufficient .rta· son i.t apparent. · thinking, thaL there ~ .l)t'I ral.s. · Maybe it's Ume WJ ,U ·~,out and have one heJJ of a goOd-ioko•' • >. T. DUNCAN STEWART 'Suri• Truh' To the Editor : I wish to record my utter disgust for yoor March 27 editoilal. It seems strange that a third rate editorial writer has the right to inflict such trash on the unsuspecting readers of th e newspaper. To refresh memories. and lo inform those who have not been in the county that long, Mr. Ult was elected by the people oI Orange County in November of 1968 • ...;,tn this election he received T.1.5 percent ol the popular vote. It Would seem to me that lhis indicates that he ls repreSent.ing the people of his district. I wonder if we can say the same for your newspaper. WILLIAM D. CLARK 'He Prearhed Hatred' To the Editor : I wish to express my appreciat ion to the slate Senate Rules Committee for defeating a resolution to honor ~lartin Luth·er King. It fs gratifying to kno1v that we have some senators who did their homework and investigated King 's activities which certainly exposed the intent of his actions. Wherever King marcheJ he left behind him tensions and crises plus a wider rift between black and white races . HE PREACHED hatred, not loVe. The Bible tells us that "By their fruits, ye shall know them." We are now view- ing his fnii~ which are the tensions and crises on our campuses throughout the nation: It was a sad da y 11•hen our nation gave so much recognition to a man 11·ho v.·as a forer unner of the destructive. 0011·1ing mobs of today. A. L. \VH.ITt:; DUiey'• Marhlne To the Editor: In reference to an article you caJTied a ooupJe weeks ago wile.rt Mayor Daley ol Chicago, in reply . to at1 accusation by Hubert Humphrey, aald· be "did all I could by carrying Northern Illinois, and Cook County." Last year my wife and I were rt~dents of Cook County but we knew we' would be in Los Angeles by the time ol the presldenlial elections. Of course, we wanted absentee ballots so we called the Cook County courthouse for In· structions, They told us to Co to our locnl city hall in JUne and ~gis~r. Then v.Tite a letter to them a few wctks btfore the election requesting our ballDt. We registered - as REPUBLICANS. UPON ARRIVING In thls atea my wife called the Santa Ana courthou5e to double check our in1tructloM. They gave us the additional lnformaUon that we both mUst sign the Jetter. We did exactly as instructed and sent the Jetter a few weeks before the election. \Ve had not received ballots a week before the election so we shat off another letter. To this day we have not received so much as a postcard from the Cook County courthouse. But Daley carried Cook County for Humphrey! STEVE KOONTZ Kiiis Weren't Fooled To the F.ditor: Lately there has been much con- • troversy over the Negro spe~ker, Jim Weal, af\U .~ hitlOry staff (particularly Mt. Tom ~W'lifl!n) at Thursto n ·Intermediate School. I am a student there and I lake a very different side to the malter than most parents are taking. A year-and·a-half ago, when I first entered seventh grade, I hated hi.story. It Was, in my opinion. a dull, useless subject. Mr. Warren introduced me to Thurston's history classes, and ever since I have loved history. It is no longer a boring subjeet. I also am getting the best of grades. but far more im· portant is that I am learning to think for myself. WHAT, YOU ASK, are 1ve learning up there on that hill? The things I have learned at Thurston 1 will probably u&t a11·my life. I have found out what my country's Constitution means and how it applies to our everyday life. \Ve are now finding out about ·uie Bill of Rights, equality and how much equali- ty we have in the United States. I w®'t ever need to know the time and place of the writing of the Constitu· lion, but I will need to know what our Constitution means. In our small group discussions and large group presentations. Mr . Warren. ~ir. Nel· llcman and l\1r. Nev•man try to sho'v us the subjects I mentioned above. The Jim \Vest demonstration was J\.1r. \Var- ren 's way of showing us· another side to the equality issue. I THOUGHT THE Jim West demonstration was good. It didn't upset me. It!:lidn't make me a "Communist." It hasn't started a riot at our school The only people making waves art the parents. (All.bough I do know of ·~ proximately 400 students who are very angry about the distasteful talk going on about Mr. Warren and Thurston!) "Children their age are too immature." and "the school shouldn't contradict what parents leach their children'' are ob- viously stupid statements. We are not three-year-olds! True, there arc a fe 1v protected .. chlldrcn " up there. but some- one's got lo open their eyes. If his eyes aren 't opened soon, and under the proper conditions. they will be in later years and he will get the shock of his life. ALL OF THE kids I talk..! to "" through lhe exaggerations Jim West tried to ltate AS fact. We Wert qulte aware that he did not tell the whole picture r.r the truth about a ,lot of thlngs. I am In support or the Jlm West demonstration, Mr. Warren, the hL~tory staff and everyone else. v.'ho is involved in the making or our grc~t school. Thurstoo. DEBBI E BECK llerol11 Addlrt1 - To the Editor: Many of our youth question the wiMom al Jaws pertaining to the use of narootlcs. They question the right of . liQClety lo deny them the rlght tn Indulge In the I pursuit of what they ainsider pleasure. They point the finger of scorn at the use of alcohol and the pursuit of sexual pleasures and claim that since they are not part of ''the Establishment" that they are being discriminated against. Society shrugs its shoulders and proceeds lo build bigger and better jails: to oope with the drug problem. THE HUE AND CRY about the use of marijuana through heroin is that the children must be protected from drug peddlers at all cost. Thus, society is using police power to try to ' protect individuals from their own folly. Th'lre arc innumerable ways that a foolish individual can har1n his or her o.wn health and the most obvious way ill to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol to excess and over eat. Unless society is prepared to try to force all cititens to act less foolish they have little justification in the bl· forcing o( drug Jaws because individuals should be protected from their own folly, Thus, the only reason to -justify dtug laws is that such laws will protect the viability of society. THERE IS A widespread belle( that marijuana is the first step and heroin is the fina l step in becoming a habitual drug addict. Of course, no one doubL'I the apparent fact that heroin Is the drug that addicts like the best. When a heroin addict is apprehended , society attempts to rehabilitate the addict in state or federal institutions. The resull!I of the federal institutions are miserable because 18 months after release 92 per· cent of all fieroin addicts are again addicted to heroin. The only conclusion that can be reached is that once an individual becomes addicted to heroin he or she will probably remain addicted for life. HOW DOES TlilS conclusion affect society? The first thing ti"1at is apparent is where do the addicts get the money lo support such an expensive pastime. They sell all kind of ·drugs. buy or steal a gun to commit robberies and indulge so--called honest citizens in all types of sexual activities. These en· deavon; are bad enough but the addicts also comprise a very large and permanent group of customers _of ofjani.zed crime. Thus, sltict prohibition of the sale of heroin benefits or&anized crime wbHe forcing foolish human bein&s to live under subhuman conditions. -TR! LOGICAL solution to the heroin addict \\'ould be to provide centers where the addict can gel his or her shot3 free and administered by specially·lrain· ed oompassionatc humans. Perhaps this solution seems to give up on lrying to save heroin addicts. Yet. look how many young and headstrong individual~ v.·ill be saved from dying as a result of an overdose of heroin. • HARRY B. McOONALD, JR. Tht t £orial page of Ult Dail~ Pilot seekJ to tnform and stim- ulate r1adtr1 bt1 prtstnting this ne1a1papcr'• opinions ond com- m1ntarv Oft toJ"cs o/ rntertsl and tignificanct, by rwov1ding a forum for tht ,t.tpreuion ,,, our readtr1' opinlona, and bu prc1ntt:ng the d1Ver11 trltw. pot"" of fnfonned ob1ttWr1 Cftd 1poktl1'Mtl Oft topiCI Of thf doJ. Robert N. Weed , Publisher ,. L • • - ' . . I l -- • • • ... ' . . ' . JIAK.-COX, --• . J''*i' ~· ,,. . .. • ,_ 11 • ' . ' Bal·I· Th·ro~n· . ' . . - • I· By .· Caro.use .I ' ,. ' •' With SCIO lnvltaUIW•nnt; RanCbo Vle'Jo Worµan's Club members are llopinf to attract a large crowd .to'~'!irst benefit for Soulll OOUI CO!!lll!unl y Hospital, a CtrQusel Ball 'Sui>day evening, Aprll 21 .. ' •. I . . . To tal:e place in South· CoiJt• lllaZa,' the •emlformaL. ~,. dance >fill begin with"a 7.J!.m. soCiB!'l)Our as hors d'~ Ile served around the carousel on the first lloor of the mall. ' " ,I • • ' -" •• • ' r ' . , A atroIUng acconllon player wm· lill!/"e guests while they aocta- lize and await an B·p.m. buffet dinner. ._ . , . . . ~ ' In older to make ev.,Yone happy, two ba!>d• will play simultane- ously in different locailons of the mall. Olio will Nrn1!h a rock llOllDd and the other will play music with a big .band tempo. . . •' The hospital ls the , !"•Jpr phila•ttiropy this Y"'!f for · ths clu)I · whlcb·lias qot Y.et celebrated Its !If¢'11111iveriary. Memben became tntereotecftn the;hospltal alter:hearlni ._t. ers Iast(ear, and as a resut( formed· a' Candystripers unit. In adclittcm many o them participated in hospital duties by working as, Pink DALLY PILOT Plltlt • IUclllrf KMllltr ' GOING IN CIRCLES -A Carousel Ball ls Rancho Viejo Woman's Club's . Way to raise funds for South Coast Conupunity Hos(>ital, · and members hope to hire many party-lovers to the gala benefit Sund.ay evening, April. 27. Prepared to dance around the -carousel at South Coast Plaza are (left to rigbt) the Mmes. Robert D. Mar· tin, Michael Cfllig, Alan ·McMillen and Donald North, . -. l Joining the Bandwagon Votes Not -Obiective For N·~w _Camp:a.ign '-. '··' . . . . Laguna B~h ·com~uiuty Colicerts AssOciation's ann~al ·me~r•' shi p drive Will b.e .~ugurat~ with '.Ii l':>runclt for more than 50 board and membership comrruttee members n~t Moilday morning. Mrs.· ·orville Chilton is: in chafie of arrang~ments -for the morale- boOsting affair which ,vtlf.take ·place in.Ben Brown's restaurant -at.11 a.m. During the ;Weeklohg·.drhre1_~qnd3)t,1 Aptjl ·1, to: Safurd;.Y-,; Aprit 'ri/ :x~ the association hopes to sign' u·p 600 music fcins for the 1969-70 season. · · . . . Campaigrl headquarters · Will be .in Adventure Travel. Servi~e , 332 Forest Ave;, and memberships may be obtained from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and ·from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday. · · · VOiunteers a1so are concerned with renewing zpembersbips for resi- dehts who fonnerly enjoyed the community concerts Which haye been pre- sented in Laguna Beach for 23 years: The purpose of the association is to bring fine artists to the area, where music lovers may enjoy 'their performances without traveling many miles. Ample parking always is available in· the parking lot for Laguna Beach. High School's auditorium where the performances take place. Memberships, at $8 for adults and $4 for students through high.school ,' entitle holders to attend community ctncerts in other· areas, on a space available basis, as well as the four presentations in the Art Colony. ' ----------· ------·-· ~ -· Tickets fcir individual Concerts are not sold, and admission ts open only to members. In this _,,_way the-financial stability of the orkanization--ts- assured, and artists are engaged on the basis of memberships sold during the memJ?ership drjve. Ladies. 1 • • • • • The new club, led by Mrs. T"ot!Odore Cooper has raised ,1-,508 for · scholarahJps since its existence. These have gone to 8addlebe.ct Junior College, Mission Viejo High School's PTO and Chapman Col- Jege.'s Campus A:Ooat. · · Charter ofilcers asslstin~ Mrs. Cooper Include vice presidents the Mmes. J-Ohn Cosmos, David Rukstalis and John Black. Others are the Mmes, Alan,McMUlen, pbilanibropy chillrman; Donald North, secretary;· David K.aecb, curator; Norman Fohnnan, treasurer, and Ronald McGowen, publicity. . ' ' ' . ' Mermaids - s'eckoned •. M<rmalda will .bur "°' complblnnents ol • ....... tywide ..inJnar they' hOlted an<1 proaresa ....,..u o • varioUll commun11y· projec:U when they meet In the T.m/s restaurant ntzt Monday. ·"" Mrs. Robert Juyce, Ylce presideot, wiil give tho r'IJOl'IS to the Women's • Dh'llioo . ' Laguna Beach <lwnber ol Commerce • . Prior lo the noon I-. an 11:30 a.m. eoclal hour·la planned, accon!ing to Mn. Pete Fulmer; president. ~ ..... She eaid tho JftlI'llll 1wlll include Beauty Spot •ardl lo thole nmned for. boiullllca- ti on accomplWunelQ, 1 a moothly Mmnalcl ,111ure to keep alive the epirit of cort- tlnuln& CGlllllluplty l!eeU!ific:• tion. , Meanwhile, Mrs. R o be r t Peacoc~, chainnan of ~ an. mia1. Beaulllication Awuda rle-'tllrplaie-Mcift;---l . -~da,,,y,~.: .. -kl"' with -iiivWir " ----::.:-=.:=-lo !he .. Arrangements have _been made -to open next year's series with the renowned Lyric Quartet Sunday, Nov. 2, at 2 p.m. Hodgens and Howard, duo-pianists, and the.Dolmetsch-&hoenfeld Ensemble also will be heard durinf the season. The fourth concert artist will be selected at the conclus- • > ! • • .. , I I Brea·kfast Stc;frts Off Swal/o .ws' . Day Festivities 1-li 1111 laNiiiaa."""""' I bJ ~ 1.-Mohd, Jlrl; I McClella 00., JUrma'ld 1 '-,wtnm..iir.• ion o the drive. ·Further infotrnation tnay be obtained by calling campaign head· quarters, 494-7800 durtn-g the drive, or Col. William H. Roley, m~pershlp Sa.n Juan -Capistran9 Wo~an•s Club membe~s will . get up early before the Swall'ows' Day Fiesta Pa- ·rade Saturday, April 19, for a 6:30 a.m. ~reaklast they are co-sponsoring with the Rotary Club. ·Look· ing forwar~ lo celebrations are (left to 'right) ;th-~ Mrqes. Jerry Sheets, Lucana Isch and Keith Hut- chens. chairman, 494-9651. >f • · A Wo:rd to ·the· Wi'ves .: • • DEAR ANN: I'm a man who would like to aound a word ot. warning lo wives everywhere. Includlng my <iWn. Recerrt statlstlcs Indicate that one _third· of Amtrlca's working force ia female. In my own office there are at le.a.st five attractive women Who are getting to loot better \o me every-day. Because: My wile ii either too tired or she Sill up unW 2 1.m. watching TV and bf lhe Ume abe gets to bed I've given •P hope and lone lo sleep. Or, sbe Jlres a bad:IChe, 1 heabche, an earache. Or she'• gettin1 • cold. Or I am getting a colcl. Or -the children are 1stlll up. or she'• u:pecting a long distance call f.fC!m her mothU. Or, sbe11 mad al me'lor something f~d.last nlghL • ANN LANDERS .i .... ' RecenUy you printed a column 1nd DEAR ANN LANDERS: A rpothtr who ~ that a few wives around the idtntified berliell as "a per30rl of modest country might want to tape it lo their means with five children IO ll$porl11 husband'1 shaving mirrors. May I sue· wrote about her J6-year-okl daughter gtSI tbal tbts column be pinned lo the keeJilJ,c ""1i!ady company .. 1th "a big appropriate pillowa tonight! lat k(d ~ho, ilter raiding t h e -FED UP ON BEING UNDERFED refrigeletor, opened bee Jlll"' •and took DEAR FED: Y•'re •t aioltt., fella. out all tht dimes, which be u.vea." Every 411 I recetw 1 Uldfll of leUien • The money is .the girl11 allowanoe, and just llke. )'t!ln. ftukt few mU111 )'Mt the mother wanled to know what to polat ao weU. I ""'° '' llelJ!O. • do about IL · J .. .. You answered, ••Jt's the g Ir I' 1 allowance to do with as abe pJeues. '' Then you added, mildly, "It ls YOUR responslbtucy, however, lo point .out that the boy Jacks charact.ef"." You mlued the boa~ .jnn: u !be girl had earned lhe money, she 'muld then do .as Ille pleued with ·it. A high school girl'• allowance Is supposed lo be spent, on erpenRS-.~lt also · should teach her to handle money. If slie abuRs the allow...,. It lbould be dlscontln°"'. The real q11e1tioo-la, why <l<\el lhla girl f .. 1 .. il)adequate. ahe ii willing to cater to a moocher? What ii she payln( him for? When the glrl is directed to look into hu Q\VD motives lbe·may dt.oovir . aomo. lilteie!tlh, IJld uoeful , • :: . .::=.., ... .=1 • wtll "" ..-., .. I Art ColoaJ !Gr two dl:rl 11111 -11. ' . ,• ., • • .. l j , I • JI Do\11.Y I'll.OT frldq, Alf{! 4, 1969 . Concert Choir Appearance Anticipated Concert Choir of. Claremont Men's College, Harvey Mudd, Pitzu and Scriiw collegeo will begin the spring lour next Monday with an 8 p.m. per!onnance in the Balboa Bay Club. Chairman of the choir's Orange County appearance is Mrs. Kae A. Ewing, Hate to Cook Course Eases Meal Planning II cooking isn't your bag, the Goldm West College coune on efficient m e a I preparation is. The eiellt-weet course will lal<• ,.... nch 11wnday from 1:111 lo t :!IO p.m. begin- ning April JO and continuing Uvougb May 29. Jl<glstratlon will tah ploce In the ad· ministration building between 8:15 and 9:15 p.m. Monday, A!ril 7. lnltructlng the coune is l4lls Liz Lynch, home - economist for the Southern California Electric L i v i n g Center, Huntington Beach, a giaduate of Mount St. Mary's eou.,., i... Angeles. T b e lect&zre.demomtratJon , will 1oclude inform.Um C«)o cernJnc l:ltdlen appliancel and ut.lllill, T i>I ... nlng and mar · • Easy* prepare will b e de:iand ~~~ al90 wtD pat. In prepar- ing tile rod Ulinc llmHaV• Ing. \ Machines, Hvmans Stage Shared Sharing the platform at the pianlat. She alJo will perform "The .. _"_ .... N-1 ... oat Oranie County Oiamber m "' -•...-• h com-KDJI Ny11eclt and Concert will be u m a a will be accompanied b '/ performen, a tape recorder celesta.and percuaion. and a computer. . The electroolc i>ortloo will ·The program will begin at Include "Plab" for tape 1:30 p.m. nen ,Tuesday In recorder by ADdrus and the Music Hall of California "Decima~ for computer by State College at Fullerton. Gerald Sttan,g. Both com~ who announced tickets are being sold for '2 8.J)d stu· ·dent tickets, $1. Attuned In th~ event are (left to right) Robert Hirsch, Mrs. E. C. Pratt and Mrs. Wil· liam L. Stabler. • UPI.......,. BRIMS FULL -Full brimmed hats that flop are lo]>s-UU. spring accordine lo the collection of Mr. JOiin. 'Easter Parade' Tops Will Flop · Ebells Bill Spo~~sn:ian Of College Melvin E. MJld>ell, dir<clor al collep llld ~ oervlcellor~JualGr eou..e. 10lll . tpeOli before . IAauoa Boach EbtD Club -~llCllday ID ..,..,... -Ari _..., Gallery. r • • . llltchell, ed..-a n d" former MWlll!U. 'aulatli 1116 .111periil~ of the •,.coJlese in in- ten:ommunicailon IDd ~ lllllllity relailc,... He will• relate tbe college's history, accomplishments •nd plans for the rutu:re. • ll<fr~ntl. served .at 7:30 p.m., will be followed bJ a short hu&lness meetini. Mitchell will be lntrodllCed al l :!IO. -- Mrs. Gordon B r o w n , hospitality chairman. will be assisted bf the Mmes Sandy ~ ' Moss, Gonion Forbes, St;aniey i . 11111 and Thomas Moore. Rivierans Put Team On Stage Contest Combines Child re n's Creativity Budding artists Sandra Ra~mussen, Sean Guerin and Tres~ Co~en (left ~o right) are all set for a creative art session as part of the svec1al children • painting contest sponsored by Monarch Bay Merchants Association in Laguna Niguel. Paintings will be on di'!J'lay in the shops in Monarch Bay Plaza and winners will be named at the climal of the community's annual liaster festivl-, Rivjera Club members will ties tomorrow:-- be enlertalned by the musical-----------:----------------:-;--team al Arthur ~ Doily BrtaP al their monthly luncheon meetioc In I h e Balboa Boy Club oat Wedne>- day. Briggs, whole barttme voice bu been beard In Jiabt operas throogboul the coon11Y, .-ill present a wide ranee of songs in the eluaical, popular and humorous spirit. He will ·be · accompanied by his wlfe on the piano. i The 11 :30 a.m. socJal hour 1 will be followed by a 12 :30 luncheon. Mrs. Remi Chabot will preside over a short 4 business meeting which will 1 include the presentation of a slate of officers for 1969-70. I W.embers may ob ta In r eservations by calling Mrs . Harold Deviney, 4M7S2 or Mrs. Harry Pisegna, -494-0501 by 11eit Mooday. Dual Piano Program • On Agenda A dual piano program has been arranged for llie next rneeUng of the Upper Bay Asloclates of the orange cOunly Phllbannonlc Society. Mrs. Frederick R. McBrien will open her Newport Beach home for the event at 10:30 a.m. MoDday, April If. Performen Will be the Mmt11. John' Dean, Ralph Deaver, Ralph Gerard. Ralph Hilmer, Oiristopber J9lchlng, EdW.. Lelben and Robert ~-Mrs •. Robert s. Lellh II program chairman. Horoscope Taurus: Cooperate SATURDAY APRIL 5 By SYDNEY OMARR 11The wise man controls bis destiny . . • Mtrology points the way ." ARIEl (March 21-April 19)o Revie'v facts about paftnership, financial status of one you depend upon. Get at the truth. Shove aside wishlul thinking. You are going to get what you need. Act in authoritative manner. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Protect relationship that is of value. Don't be dissuaded by one of little faith. Public rela· tions improves. Otfiers get better understanding. Cooperate wllh mate, partner. GEMINI {May 21.J'une 20): One you Jove comes closer to your viewpoint Best to forgive and forjeL You can meet interesting people today. Be yourself -avoid extremes. Fine for get.qet.ber with co- worker. CANCER (June 21-July 22)' What you think you want to do may not be practical. Fine to be creative -but you have to face yourself in the morning. Know th.i's and re· main on even keel. Stick to the rules:. Ae<:ent on what means most t.o you. Includes home and family. Today you have op- portunity to build on solid base. Key is determination. You cannot skip .essentials. Act accordingly. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) o You see way out « financial dilemma; Answer ls relativeJy simple. Key is willingness to try something different. Aid ret eived {rom information gained at aodal gathering tonight SCORPIO (Oct. 2J..Nov. 21): Tonight you are e I a t e d becaue of financial news. You get break you've been .!eeking. Celebrate with fa m i I y members. Heal breach. Don 't permit pride to block hap- piness. _ ..., SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Cycle moves up tonight. New contact could prove meaningful. Be where you can meet people. Fine for Deginning.s -project or relaUonship. CAPIUCORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19): Eicellent for dining t, attending theater. Break routine. Relau.tkm is im- portant. Share joyous ex- lifted. You have feeling of greater freedom. S tud y CAPRICORN message. Get out and around ; be with con- genial people. PISCl3 (Feb. 19-March 20): Actent on aspil".1lions. You get solid backing. Opporlunlty ex- ists for greater independenc• of thought, aclioo. Highlight originality. Succtm due if you are inventive. Stick to guns. DR. EMIL LEVENIEC, Podiatrist A11nou11t11 th1 Op1nin9 of hi1 offit1 For tha Practice of FOOT .. DISORDERS Of Adults •nd Chilcl'ran TOWN AND COUNTRY CENTER 11541 l1•th loul1v•rcl HuRfintfo~ l1•ch OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru 5.t , • I 0 AM-6 PM 51f ., 10 AM -2 PM •62-5507 perience. Outlet tan be found.1'::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~ for special .abilities. Ii AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Friend 1 y atmosphere prevails tonigbL A burden is ZIPPY NEW SHIRTS & PANTS -_,, Opening the evening will be posers Ire froln Long Beach. u...e 110f111 by Anfoo Webern. "Solitaire" for Jape recorder By GAY PAULEY Coonllnation h a preaoh· These will be lllllll )'y Miu by another Norwegian, Ame menl al Mr. John, the The meeting ..UI open with a coffee and bOltesses will be the Mmes. Edward Fretz, Richard Schumacher, Johnnie Walker and Almon Lockalley. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)o Greater freedom indicated for tonight. During day attend ID essentials. 1ben )'Oil will feel mere like relaxing later. Ac- cent on reaching Un· derstanding with y o u n g person. vmoo <Aug. !3-5ept. 22): League Plans Second Topic Diana Rankin, aoprano, ac· Nordheim -be the con-NEW YORK (UPI) -The .illner-<lothe d . wh companied by Donald Andnll, eluding numW. .brim Chat flop1 is the brim mt . '" wgner .. o · . that's tops in tbe hats women uses ~e t;erm ·.relaxed to are buying for spring. descnbe his apring best-sellers Luncheon Lures Advantages of Nuning Your Baby and Overcoming Dif. flculties is the s e c o n d discussion In a four-part series E lfl R •t ' · Q•ll • g Giving the big, "relaxed" -: "drooping onJo the face, _ a '-1--I "e-m-'-J-J-'D --brtmr-. trn• g-.ompetitton, -:!--:.chiffoo-drape1-1o 1be Mt and Mrl.Jlllefift V however, are the scarf bats, _:__ _ . Duo Due on lido Isle or Costa Mesa Chapter, La . Le{h~ ~agll._e. ~ Mrs. Jerome Hjell.neu will open her home at 1372 Gar~ ingford Ave., Co5ta Mesa, al JACQUILINE CASALA To Marry casai. ill Newport Beacb ha..; port bl the millinery llCe11e Tliiae chapeaux, some w1!h announced \be engagement of in m:ent 'yean, but this spring brims. ~ly sil: inches wld~ the i"r daughter JatqUeline better than ever before. and with good round crowns Casali. to Jobn ~. ton Faded from the picture are are id~ with ~ ~ ~ts of Mr. and Mrs. John C. the traditional florals, with sweepmg the fenunme fashion Londelius of Lido Isle. few uceptlorw. And gooe too scene, Mr. John said. They They are planning a fall ls the phrase "Easter bon~t'' go well, too, with the smooth, wedding In Our ISdy Of Mount (sorry about ·that, Irving "boy hairdo" which hu Carmel Catholic Olurch. Berlin) from the hat in-replaced wtii't he ca11ed the Mia Casa.la is a graduate dustry's vocabulary. "orthopedic" coifftrrt twisted of Newport Harbor High The bonnet is not a 196!) and combed into an ~lrlcial School and the University o( fashi~n. And"11s-lhe hatmakers fantasy. Santa Clara and presentfY is expla1~, women no longer buy. "The look today Is sort of attending UCLA grad u a fe a hat Just for an Easter Sun-like Marlene Dittrich rid ing school.-.. day, Not, that ls, unless they off into the desert," said Mr. pet fiance also is a a~e celebrit.ies on par ad~. or John. ,raduate ol NHHS Orange girls grabbing for teler1S1on A United Press Jntematlonal Cout CoUqre, and San Diego camera attention Jn Fifth preEaster check o! the State College. At both cobeges A':'enue's fashion spectacle on Millinery ~e ot Amerit·a, he was 8 member of the crew thia Christian holy day.. . plus couture fll'Jlls and volume team and affiliated 'th Instead, women I.hint 1n man u fact u re rs showed . wi tams ol a new hat or hats enormous popularity for brims S1pna Alpha Epsilon at SDSC. for a whole season, and often and tbe bis use ot 8carves in lenn1 of. coordination wlL'l M trim.I for felt w straw Scenes from Broadway show• will be prt.leDted by actress Mala Powers and her partner, Allan Gruener when they entertain Lldo I s 1 e Woman's Club nnt Tuesday in the clubhouse. Usina smartly designed pro- perties, the duo wlll partray classic and modem selections. around the punch b o w 1 • 7 45 xl Tu-~ : p.m. ne ~ay, prepared by Mrs. J a c k The public is invited and Marsh.all and Mrs. Matt Ober, may obtain further in- while Mrs. Guy Miner, welfare fonnaUon fn:m Mn. lL W. chairman, will be on hand Moore at ~. . w.tcllfl' ll'tUa "'..,.,... • w acce~ glfi donations forr--~~~~'.":"---~li~ ... ~ .... ~jl~ll ... ~·~ ... ~~ Juvenile Hall. ADVW:•T1s1Ma11T The luncheon will be served S A L at ' noon at tabla enhanced HOW TO . with springtime decor, creatf.d '11!1111i1i 9'lii' a i'let by Mrs. John D. Davis and MARRY r .uuwr'"a.A'-So commltt~· Reserva tions are being ~fen by M". Ted When preparing for your wed· FIXTURES Hinshaw at .673-5001 and Mrs. ding you need lots of help. Get Harold .Ph11llps, 675-3408. the infonnation necessary in Gruener's "Sir Harry Sims" and 1.1iss Powers as Noel Coward heroines have become increasingly popular with their i m p e r s onations and in· terprttatlons. He presently is seenlnUnlv ..... 1'1moUonpic-TV WEIK Tells ii ture, ••Eoemy Counlry," and "How to Plan Your Wedding" Gulde. Send 15c to coin to P.O. llox 311, HWllinlJlon Beach, Miss Powers, ol the Cyrano L'k If] b de Bergerac producUon rame,\r;;;;;;;;;;l;;;;e ;;;;;;;;;;e;;;;;i~~~~~~~~ serves on the board of direc- Calif. 12648 ' Presidents Honored one specific outfit. or to make the entire hat. tors of the American National Theater and Academy, Clubwomen will mci•llzt ST. JAMES fPISCOP Al ORIRCH -the HAIR FACTORY CUSTOM Piii pmtdenll will ·be llooored when Del~ ll<I• Ep&llon, HllllUl!tim lleacll °"lll<r-of Bela SJctna Phi, ctltbralu lll aacood blt1iiday. ' 'l1le dlnnor meeuaa wlil IUe ,... It 1:11 p.m. 'nletday, A,rll I, In Ule J'our Wlnda --and_, will be Mn. K-Satloo and Mt~ Don SbtllDfl, p a 1 t prtlldenll. A ritual of the 1 ... ,1, EASTER womony will be <O!lducted SUNRISE SERVICE for Mn. lleMll Terwey. Mn . ., .,,. ::'i!al~l"E'~' c~t FOUNTAIN VALLEY So<lih 011<, wtD be guest or DRIVE-IN THEATRE bonot. ,,,........., .. t.tMrt ...... , Members plannlnl to atlend 6:00 A.M. -April Ith lnc1ude the Mmes. Richard Shlnod, Richard Freudenthal, ,,.,, .. ,.., IY Jtt'f1 Cramer, Steve Elda, TllNln IAPTllT CHURCH )I" YI• Liff, N...,.n t..c• GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES 7111 AM -"•" ....... I 11-l ,,. _ ,,........ """""' s.mc. 7:)1 PM -~ ef Tiie Cr41u l 11J·11 PM-CIU.TIQ LtTUIGf INCIAL Ll•HT nFICTI ~Ht9' .... ,,., •• , ••• , ......... ..... Art ef "9 ,...,_ hM AU .... ' . ML DUN I Fomiw OWMr" - LI fl'ltltl Cofffin.. GNtlO•RttS: DEAN CROUCH No"' St11H ... et ••r f'eeter11 lo• A"°INIMINI 645-0311 Tiit """"' 11 <"'-"' ln'lfftcl. (•Mt ""- "" CM -Stir Al U.., Al "" (111. Tfrww1, Randy Bauder, Don "111J1:~=~"'~~,:".:-*" 336 E. Sevtftte"'rt. Sr. -Coste Mete Federlefn and Tom Brannon. ·---------'--------'---------_,.-Jl'..._ ___ ...., ____ ...., __ ...,_.,....._ __ ,I 'NfWPDl"I l..cll ,.._ -------------' • • ' FLUSH MOUNTED CURTAIN SCREENS · . GAi IARllCUIS GAILOGS WALL DfCOR fl/.:)(;d J £.c c 102 TOWN & COUNTIY OIA-, CAUfOllNIA 542.0114 ...... 'fWeJ ... .-."'' .. • I , I ' [ • '. All OF SOUTHl:RN CALIFORNIA SllblNG' AWA~· - . Mop Showa How Quoko Along Son Andmt FO<llt Will Split Stole ·Poker Problem? .. . Not Yet But Newport W (ll'y . . . By JEROME F. COLLINS "I rully see no P<Oblem. The lady ot .. °""''°*' ~ bridge pl.tytrs will have· no cause for Newport Beach police :r.{onday will ask al~." . . · city councilmen to 'adopt a law that He _explained that the ne'!· law i! would ban poker palacea. aim<d at the. "Gani-type" ol pok<r' Nobodf hal Jl'OP099d opening up such J)aJace exclusively •. Gardena ls a small. public . pmbling spu, bot the police city m Los AJWO!l" Coonty wi-. prin- want the lePlatian juat in cue, said cipal industry E city.fllllCtioDed c~rd' ~.u c•-•· and --~~. ' A•iot .. City Atlmley rom w-~·· ~ - 'Ille baa :would aill! inhibit IJiCIHtak• "If ·.Plv draw PDi<eJ: to ·-bOole-pmbling Jn ;ablle plw tn .. IY!n, ... II> 7 •• ' ,.. ... !f''tim ~ w.iy ....... and -.. .. for ~police b--'thi..f'!".-.".' ~ • -,-·;.,..-. . • ..., ...... ~llfiw;.Wlli~ As6i$111 Chief Harry· KOoo, ..W1y. un\lllinc In a pubJ!c p)ate 'ciii!Y. ' . a/rived from the Los AIColeo poilc• . N..,.. alrMdy liM' lftt:OO'jlll bcoa f«ee, !niilated .the . reqiiest, 1 a f d that boll public gambling -fir - Woodruff. er --M .._ o£,c:banco. ''The vi<• 1quad isnt having any pro-And Iha~ aoconling.-to ... -. ii the bler. with this sort of thine now,'' llid loop-bole. Pobr, bridle Ud "pan" the attorney. "But they jll>t ..,ucipate ""'conoiclered -ol>akiil tb<ft could be, because Gf loo!>holes The attornernotod'tbat there rocent!y in nut emting anti-gamblint code." wa1 an unsucceasful ef(ort to open a Woodruff was asked whether the pre>-._.,.poker palace "somewhere in central pooed code amendment be bu drafted <>ranee County." would aHed weekly bridat pme1 played "We don't want it to happen her~.~ by local club....,.._ He roplied: be eoocludtd. ) City Weighs N~ Park Site in ·West N eibport · West Newport, which now !trugg~ along· -jult one neipbar!lood pirk, may 8000 have another one. Parb Commission Qiairman .wa11<r Angels Acquire Lou Johnson ---. ( . ~· . " . . ... ' I ' • PALM SPRINGS (UPI) -. strl(llln& lines cl bilcbblkers trailed ... t cl this d....t Winter m<rl today. borried out cl their dJilinp In piduraque TUquitz conypn by poijce. · . EUOpl !or a few holdouts hiiling In cactus' clunips In thli catiym police tald tl1<y 'believed ·all the ·mo11ey .band fl( hippiu ond ylppJea bad departed. ' Pollo< -kept •. n!plloq YiJIJ 11ith.a ourdJli&bl ~ uptb .. COIJ1111 . . Lease Analyst May Be Hired For Newpor.t ' ' . ' ' l . r: .•• • • -• > • .. -••Re&&e'9if• I ' ' . ' ·tlN Qiifl'S. • . ,,, ··,·Hippies .Move Out •• • . ·I ' ' . _._-;-~ ... -~ --. Ne!»-.,,_ pormlllod tbewuraped·and~;polke.aaJd. Tho Indians want you to~ B 1'il entrJ. ' ' · Amltl for Ibo -lalaJod .. dlll~ leave, yiiu will be lllbjeel Ii'.,. 'llte.E ..... 'll'llt"!'Pcl'l!·Ol!imal<d -. ,_ ••::•,... cbspa .nil-" · ·· 20,000 ~-........... JIO!liD!lr l,500 but.a munber 111.ilpe, rolJJMrJ, Tbon, u me 1qualtd' pil I, ... llCIDCOllllrnii ....... : bad ;.............. oarcotica and ........ mW-"""1· .JIOll»! did u.,tr tblq """"'. ~. today to aboal•...._ • one penim _..Nd ln·cuatody. · More tban ISO. -• ..,. -Incidents·~ lbo·nlcbl ,....,llmll<d A hellcopler ....,.i··-' the conyon · • • · · to 111 ....... 119,~aod .Olci>hol Thuraday.-iq•of!k<r1yellod-.P ·:i;"!:,~ll"-.--.... ~-... violotl<N. A._...,.._.. -kid-a. 1iu1Jbom al 'Ibo '......_, below, -•r -- naped !rem ·pooiJide' at her hotel by cl them -""'!'""" · ~ nmbla Ibo ·llJGlllJ -lllitt two<men'and lalea·to•tbe.-where "Yoo are llwpaa!M.ea•lndiaD landt. (loo BIPPU511, .... •• * * * Hippies ··nue ' In Newport? .~f ,\vinCes ' . ' . . ' .. •. • • I : . GOO . "1:1DID . _ · -~ -.-. -" : , . -. · · · D ·r ·.na· >4¥. ~ --, Chu"4t Delinque~y ~C~e: c!?.!-~s o!~f!t . ' · . • · · • -· e"'""""'"'"es are close<!. """'••. Tbt _..._ C .. iied' . • . S D. --.. -;t! .·-· . • , · • · . . , -• •r 1 -· 1 . ·1 summary, usuiu1 earn.I la ontin " ,_ .. in ·.f!!J!, .. ,~go ~,~·1::~ .. ~illbe ~-l . . ~ ' . . -. ' • ~ ...... t • I~ , ) 1 • I' ... + ~ It 1!1111;1• ,be, a .. "I t •(If. &bl weolblmian'1 • •illft cl' A.,ril -. -"'*· """'*·-...... bold _... ;,;;;;,_ eoi1. • ••.. ~· ' • • ' . . . • ' I I· L • •. ' • • I ' • • • S DAILY 'tt.OT H ' - " . ' ... St.te Poll Shows llayakawa Top Dem Vote Getter . r ,_ ' ' ' =y "'-OT ...... It ........ ' PICA • ........ .., -:'\,':; .... _. ............ 1..-_.. ...... "'" .... .......... ...... ,._... Yaltfto, ......... ... __ .._ __ ---....... ,,_ ..... e;.,.,..~..-.-­... .., ....... ce... tMM. :=• tTI41 MMl21 ,ad ................ ,. ~-.or... C..t ,.,."''• °""""'" .. ... .... • ....... ....... ·= ........ It ....... ...,... .....,...,.,,,... ..... ..... .......................... ..--~--~··· ....... .,...,. "·" ......,., .,, """ ... _.,,,, .......,,, ..... , ...... II.JS MllllNr. • - • I '"' ' I '• Phlnl!'3rs Reject lrvitre · BaysUle Apartment Plan , • From Pqe J I DOOMSDAY ••• · afl by • ISoathorn CaIJl.rola - wllo led 1111 ~ out of the llale. Dr. °"1'1es F. Richler, developer of thie Richter Scale to record earthquake mapltude and one <ii the molt respecled aelmicloglJta In the -Id. ill parttcularly -l In 11115, be 1ay1, Caltech heard predic- tkEI ctl quat. for every ,month from JIDDllJ, through July. "But it WU a normal year," he says, "none ·came true." ''There is no w1y to predict ~ quabl,'' ·1ays Dr. James N. Brune. who supervlles Ca1tech's network of seUmoerapb stations in S o u t h e r n California. HO said leillmologisla arw seeJdnc WO)'I . to pndicl q,,.a. and reduoe lumrda but called the doomsday predlcUoaa "dearty ridiculous... ... Perbal'I -ol the most rldlculous preclldktos came from the Fellow15hip of the Ancient Mind, a telepathic society clalmizl& toz be l,<OJ yean old. Arci>Druld Morloch, 17, said he would make no predictions of time or date the quake would occur, bul hi quoted an ancient Hopi IDdlanpropbecy, "Heavy ..... GjJ -'!Ila', •btfotl the_{tldal) wave." P1anners Slap Slide in Balboa • c No seet1r1c11 . tor '.f11em •I • ... , •. Mlinbers of the Yilang AmerlcanJ for Freedom demonstrate against Social Security cm· !he atepo of the Orange County courthouse and burn.their Social Security c:ardl as a protest against the "fraud on }'OUlll people." See story, Pace I. 'Hot "Lines' for School-S In Mesa OK'd; NB Next~ Placement ol emerJe11CY t.lephooes In front of each Costa -pubHc adlool has -_..ed by -of Newpcrl.-Uolf)ed S<:boal Dlltzkl. But board members have held off a decision on installloc principols' bot lines until t11eym.a belt«-- The -phones plAce a caller In immedlale ccDact wi11i Ooota M-'• Oommumc.tloo Call« to requat pollct, firemen er an ambulance. Other emergency call bo1es already .. spoiled throughout tho city. Evmtullly, IChool board members W«e ~ thtl week by di s tr i c t Supsinlmdent William Cunningham, the city .GI Newport s-h might ti< in lotba~ -N...,mt. poUce, he ml, are con-lldaioc Ille pomilatity ol bavl"I calls ao lo the <!Oota Meas Comnn- C<lller wllh Ille appnlllriato Newport --• ....-dilpoldled by call from llMn, the closest facility regardless of dty lines. 1be city of Costa Mesa will ,paJ for the emergency ttxnes. 1be .::bocll district would be asked to pay fOr bot lines into the pl'inclpals' -"It e1C1.pes me what we would be buying, ti ae.id ecbool tnmtee Dmakf Stra\lis. 1"nle ]X'iocipal cao call row." "We'd be buying time. He -1dn't have to 1oot up the number or dial," said FranJdin. Supt. Cunningllam said -C<lll· sideration is that a burglar alarm l)'l&ml can be added to the emergency phones and a monitor of the school water ~ lem to discover leakage at nl&bt. FNlll P .. e J BUDGET. I. laid afl or russignod to olhtt grad<! they must be notified. So board members are In a real quan. dary. Two on the board, Donald 5D'auu and A iianl slide proposed !or an mpty Sdlm "Bud" Frantlin, mi ~. Balboa lot dldn\ slip put pl.IMl"I com-irritated that an amount !or 111111'1 in- Trustee Selim "Bud'' Frlnklin, a mem- ber of Ille ~ Llaia>u Cum- mltte<, aid ....... Is lblt later - Newport Beodl IN Ila own pol1ct and lire cenler ochools would be tied to misaiooer1 Thunday night. cruses bu not appeond lo ..,_iiy. The COllllJ1iss1oo by a $-l vote recom-L • S ded balanced' prellmlnary budget 'docmnellls m<ndod denial of ID application by 8 Sall ~ceDSe uspeD SO far preoented to them. B«oardino firm to build a IS.lane, 2$-W ASIUNGTON (AP) -The oP<f'lor SlraUSI said oalary ina'e8* will - loot-blp allde on the ~la. Ii--of Rober1 Allen Vealclt of San the dlslrict !800,000 or lro0,000 If the Nineteen oeuby property ........ ·---petitioned the commission to deny Ole Bernardino. Calif. wu ~ fer ail: raise is five percent. and he would appllca, tion trcm Glenn-Hqen Emtr-montm by the Federal ('«nmUDications like to aee some such figure 1n the prllel. Conurilsoloa Tbunclay, bud(et lodger. Nftpott -plaaalDI ...,.. u 1111 ... Tbar.1cla7 ,.,.._... -ofa-~llllllllb!'lbe · The slide was propooed lot a lot bor-Veatch earlier bad pleaded IUllly in Fraoklin noted that salaries make up lnloe Oom-.lor a '"'9de-"""1t dlnd by East Oceon Froot, Wasbingtoo U.S. District Court to a charge that he more than 70 percent ol the operating pnJec:t _. • r--.taled 1DlnlL . Avema and Pabn st:teet. transmitted an obsceoe "stag film" from budget ao no other action 5hould be Tbe firm, -·· II apatad lo ~ and o1aoo1n1 otalf KPLM-TV, Pallll Sprlop, to -munlty tUeo willnll considerini --1 Ille ,.q ."7 -~--qr<ed that the lilde dldii\ cooitttuta a antama syslam lo Ille Coad>ell• Valley, 'hach<rs encuU.. lll!Cldary l!Ua ,......r.,.1 !or Ila ct-. -~ to .iem,ble land ""' and would DOI con-He was fined llOO by the court. Ji. u!d said he he d°""''t want to see educatimal -llOlllllC ai U ..,.... aloog lrlbuto to city plans to pbase oat the he dlought the lllm was (Oin( ooly to progams get locked In before salaries lllPPIES •• I 0 '1,,_ morlm _ .. 1e11,.'pojoct "CIBl•al atmosphere" of the «Diral an iJHtudio set aller the otattoo bad ""' eonaldered. aillaylidt.Drl•e. ' ,_Balboa:::·=-.:aree.=---------'-=.:.olf::..:tbt=-&ll':c'c.· _________________ _ bad·occaplld the aru lllnce l.,i ·-· Pollco mol -nal ... _ u they -up tbt 1\Hnlle -lined ....,_, llid tlleJ bellend the hnd -"'belll'oullad to COllllDerdaJ ~~,~~~ votowat.a. • ... ml -.. down, --Tbe6mm_""""* __ II» -1••-~ -···· ... Ibo -Plamlq 'IheJ ..... ·-pa i.-..... -llej:e1mail -had -•Po )'l"'1lll """ ,_ ... roll•.,...... clow1' : 1"'11 ol· lle"c:lilop. onto ll»'pollce .-,)lot llO -°"'-~ --the Behia locldenll oocwro•lc Oorlo6noo ·and --· ,-·clubs, MOii of the camper1 llraggled obe-overlooks llie marina .,... Cllll'l!l1tly dieDtb'..lllt ol the canyal .. the -l><q.dredpd. . -,..i.u,1 Ii> -''lalr,tiut.llrm . , , po11cy." ·-~·,,.,,._.,_ , ,....... p:.....9 I and au1horitlel r<pOl'lad no lnjQries, - Tlbquits c._ 11 cnrued 'by tbt .... ctUmte-mu-·iad ~ 11 lraa LEASES • , , , the tlOllla .-.. ...... ~by _,. ' ' ' hippie "lrl>el," that IUJlPlltd lhe bull <JI loday'a marbt, the ~ leas_e for the police......,_ . .r-arw ...,.r.tly low. Prior to the~ ovlj:llao, llJe COeyoil John W., lllcMabao, ~of DRA. 'dwoner. Imel an lil!'WO ~ 'l)ioJ ...,. 'aald 1111 · l1no W<Nld neod more tlm• . , batlied and IWa!D bi ibt -Iii Tabqulll to' llildy the .· Beacon Bay !JM 1hao Croek, -«1 ; bo1ild1l" l<lpl amid ·to lludy ' II» Balboa Bay Club oll<r. the ........ ud ~la,; *¥k wllll, 'lbe -· --•zplained In a .~ iiGI ~' llit....i lo .~ !Mier to Hurlbutt, ill that the Beacon radios. ' Bay property ''repiesents a smnewhlt ' more compllcated altuallon In that no '?-.,. tpecllic ~bu been ollered." :n...;d. ·smu·aalin · .,11:..i~~it:~"B.;~ ' ~ & l&fj. ' ee,, g, '-L" ' ' ..oJ. • · · ' '· • · If DltA ·--nc•••h•eicl, tn ene·fonn Ch Admi&.&':.. ..l or anotber1 -.1e111 a:rrancements wtth arge ' 1.1.eU Beacon Bay and Ille Balboa'Bay Club, It ill consld<ml very likely c:ouncllmen A ,_ Newport Beach man ~ will ~them. . . pleaded guilty to chlrl'll !'... am~u.s. ni. llJial~. -· will mt ·• pollldl of~ --w1tblltcll1'1-Newport'acl>artor from Mellco. "'1Uh9 a 'o\e al'h peop1o "° ...ior Weol<J O«dcn 'Pllob, Ill, al IM4 ,.,_cl~ -ol dtJ- lfewport BM., wtll be ""'""* Aptll" i*-'1· Zl II U.S. Dlltrid Ooarl In Loo AnploL A eo<lefeadaDI In tht -. Gllwrt -· 11, of -em., ... ..,. qujttod Wadoeaday by Judp Albort Loe St.pbeoL A llllrd man -lo II» - -i-IUill1 and wUl "' --Ajllil It • He Ii Paul W. Wehrle, IS, ol Anahtlm. Mine Rescue Lags IAIUIOTEllAN, MeJloo (UPl) -lt could take rMCUe worbl1 u Jene u loot ·-"' ....... us -of llllll ....... ldlled In a ... ..,- lut month, Ille --of the llml that """' the mine sald today . Best Value For Quality Furniture ~ AVAILAllLE AT THE SAMI! LOW PRICE IN AMY OI' DUXEL'S OVER 200 fAlllCS -·'169 • ' SHELBY nAlVW: e All Falarla Sooldl -dod e Ana C.-. hlol1•1d e H ... T1od s,n.., e Larp S.-ef Folwta e Q!11Utf ~-& -lo c-rod hi Alff ef _., 200 Pllltk S1l1ctloftl. 111'1.,_ ef 12 ~ t9 Ch1111 FNlll $16'. Te $229 EXCLUSIVE DEALERS POI: H!Nlt!DON-Dlt!XIL-HElllTAGE 90 DAYS NO IHTEllEST-'-LONGO nltMS AVAILABLE ON AJ1P110V1D CIEDIT '?atl.. " NIWPOIT.llAQI 1127 -·" Ill'~ --......... ,,., ""' .......... ...... D•l11•1 A .. n.lole-AID-NSID _,. __ ,, ____ .... -- I I l --·' . • ( ' ! t ' I t ' I I • Chances.ef Death-. ' . I :-For Sirhan Fade ·" Russ Blasts .. Speculation Over Ships MOSCOW (UPI) -The Winnie Widow Brea.ks Thigh BOAT BUFFS Ai1J1e11 lecli:1ky h tfi1 e11fy hill• t!1J11 lioeetl119 edifer .... ki119 .. lllf ...... ,.,., 111 Or11191 C.Vftfy, Hi1 ... cl111!.,1 t;1.,tt•t• ef lte1t- i119 111d y1cMl119 111wt b • tl1lfy fe1tur1 1f tf.1 DAILY PILOT. Bl. Four Meet · .. Mideast Talks Start Well · UNITED NATIONS (UPI) The four ambassadors rear-The communiqde said the -Ambassadors of the Big firmed their nations' support Big Four's approach to "how Four nations today· described for the 16-month effort' of Gun-they can contribute to a as "off to a good start" their nar V. Jarring, spcCial U.N. talks aimed at br.inginc peace Midd)e East envoy, to e:et peacelµI political setUerq~t" to the Middle East. They meet Israel and the Arabs together in tbe.MiddJe East.was based again Tilesday ---1or a-peace .settlement. -on tbt-U.N.-&curHy Council • ~' Qruted 'l!aliooa , am-Jll!Tiq's million W LI mo!utiOll ·of Nov. U, 19f7 bassadors of the U n J t e d suspended at I ea s t tern· which ouUined terms fo.f set- States, the Soviet Union, Bri-porarily. U.N. Secret a r·y · tain and France conferred General U Thant &DQ0unced1 _tlement of, the June 5-10, ,J~ . twice Thursday. ~ '111~y Jlrrinc bu left bis war •. T be· . am b a s s a d o r s • Cyprut hndquarters to~ spend · ·The 'refOlUUorl called for "straightaway entered .into a Easter in hi~ home i n Jsraeli withdrawal from ''ter- diacussi4?0 on matters of Stockholm. ritories occupied" in the June substance and have slatted Diplomatic SOUrces said Jar-war and an end of the atate defining areas of agreement," ring wu unlibly · to renew of belligerency by the Arabs. a joint communique said. 1be hi! Middle Eut Polit unUI the lt affirmed the right of all statement also said trunas Big Four ruch aubstantial countries in the area of "li•e Were "off to a good start." agreement. · tn peace within RCUre and * * * * * * Egypt, Israeli Tanks Fight Over Suez Canal By UnUtd Pres1 International one Israeli helicopter spotting . ,Egyptian and ·Israeli tanks for lsraell arUllery was 1hot and artrllery · batUed across. -down and crallhed In fJames the southern end of tht Suez east of Al Shatt.· .Another .cainat • for: two hours today. Egyptian Coinmunique &aid Egypt rep>rted it shot down Israeli artillery shelled the an Israeli helicopter during towns of Suez and Port Tewfik tht first fight along the water· for 'at least an hour and 27 way in 1~ days, minutes. Tel Ayiv and Cairo blamed There was no word on each other for starting the firing, the first since Egyptian damage to E1Yplian o i 1 President Gamel Abdel Nasser refinery lnstallatiops in Ute said on Sunday night Ns Suez area but Israeli artillery forces w.ere ready to take the has been reported zeroed in tnttlative U>ng the canal on the installations for instant against Israeli forces oc-shelling should the Egyptians cupying the east bank. attack the Israeli fortifications recotnlzed boundaries," called for freedom of navigation in international waters such as the Suez Canal and the Gulf o( Aqaba, and urged a. "Nst settlement" of the problem of a million Palestin·e refugees .. PO Quitting . Fast Servic~ ' WASHINGTON (UPI)· ·- Soviet Navy's commander in:i==== cruef said today his ships were A Cairo communique ·said along the canal. The Pa1t Office ls ending its guaranteed same day delivery service in major doWn:town business centers. Acet:lerated Business Selection and Delivery (ABCD), begun In 1962, guaranteed letters t>O!ted by 11 a.m. would be dellvtred by 3 p.m. Bui poobnaoler!~ reported a declining interest, and Postmaster General W~ ton M. Blount said thal to dilcontinue ABCD would save fl. m!lllon a yeat. === in the North. AUantic on a training cruise, not bound !or a demonstration against tbe Chinese-mainland. Admlral ol the Fleet Sergei Gorshkov 11id "all claims about IOll1< kind of a military demonstration by our Navy on the shores of China m groundless political specula- Oon, a propagandistic canard of the boorgeolse journalists." Gonhkov, In an interview in the j:ovetnment newspaper Izvestia, said, "You must no- tice when units of Western countries fall the RU it arouses rio desire for specul• lion by bourleois ~era, but a routine sailing of Soviet ' -:re Oll-a-trainillg.mUsion dis:. _ thtlr peaee." ThO 1.....,.hlritn lnlmll<w ·In Isvestia appeared to be an llnUIUll display of ~ian \r- ritatdl at Western jpecualtion over Soviet military mOvements. It wa1 headll'ned "Nervousness of the Milin.. fQl'!Oed: On the Speculation of the Western Press on· the Sallinl of Soviet Warships in the Atlantic.'• An editor's note s a I d Weltlrn obeervers had misin- formed pubHc opinion and fan- ned WP. psycholla "in favor o( the aggressive plans · of NATO." Ma~y Hol~ng Worthless Land 1110 DE JANEIRO (UPI) -A tp0lramari for !he. U.S. Embe"1 said 'l'llllnday -3,IOO Ameri<ln cililens hold w.nll!ea tiUts lo W1d In Bmll. ,'!11e opol<HJD1n said -t .. tbelft bad been defrauded lnlo buyl111 tract> lrvm U.S. opeculatin wllote W1d dal· lnp m now under ln- veati,ptlon by the Brazilian pemment. .:\. ' . ' ENJOY HAWAII'S MOST UNUSUAL 'Bat'Bi: THE SSLOBLINE -~-. . S!>ond 10 . .,.,. cnisilt _, .. ·-islllds witll lllt SS lw· line a,.... -VllJ lint elm -io ""',.t 'iilit -· Olho, fer 3 dlJI; ...... ICllili: for 2 dlYS; Ulllioi. lli.i, for 2 ci.,i; Hilo, Jlaioi, for I NJ Md Kolll, Hllllii, for 2 .,.. for I supn 3-k -.cnoiol to ' and fn>nl Ille Islands IS well, llllidst a hippy, cwefree atmosptiert of infonnll elerrit ee the Lurline. You'll unpock just Ol1Ce, Ulen relax lf1ll enjof ,.... _ ID tllt full· . nt. fom betln 1t $M0for11112tJ. dly cnill """ Cllifoail parlL Deplrtw ... ll!J 19, ¥ 22, Ocl It look -for lllis my .., ""' ,,,, lo >ltlt '" tllt l~lllds. South America and the Galapagos · lslandS •. ~ Al Un•ll Cnlst.O,,.,_tty 0. May 17 .._,, SS MOntmy det>arts for I 2'41y-lo Ille t1eitin1 ports et Mwu. Ind Acapulco, Medco; Lilllo, l'lnl, Gol· Jl(IUil,E-;~ClnolZone; Tlboga lsilnd, P11111111; lf1ll I Sfl•- Cial visit to IM .,.._ Goilt!<· 1os lsllllds. Yoo'll b'MI io mlu· sively first class IUX\fY whi~ abolrd ship. And IOl'll lwft ..,.i1 time to enjoy elCll ,..i 11111 1111-spe· cial events -Is imtdlnc. All inclusift fwn stwt II $!~80. wei1;11t 1114 to rm. JOG ..... info/motieo. Take a 10-day "Super Cruise" and stay at Hawaii's ·most unusual 'hotel' The SS Lurline s599· >.JI l11cl11tl'I• ~ lo""' 10 -.,. ...... ..... , the -•itll ........ siw~. fnt -Lllrlino • ""' hotel lo ""1 port. You'n .....,t just once, then Nit Honokllu, Oabu, for 3 dais; Na,.iliwiU, Kluli, for 2 Gays; Llhlinl, Maui, for 2 Uys: Hilo, Hawaff, for 1 *r. ..S KIIii:, Hlnii, , for 2 days. 11111 -,.,. "°" pltnty" tilll to .... --""-llMJ .. .,....,... __ It's up to you. All·inclusive fires b19in •t '599 from Los AngJles. For all, .l1t1ils, just cont1ct us . CALL RUBAIYAT TOURS 17M140 JOI MARINI AVINUE IAUOA' ISLAND; CAUl'OllltA , ' Crackdo.··· ..- On Czechs "' INl.Y-§ W • u s BY · LINDA , ' OffleS ' ' "New York Sl~e Senator /l>im Esit% •illil•' al ~-•• : WASIIlNGTON (UPI) -J. Santucci bas filed I bill In mu.. ·~."N~;.,._ .:.: The Ni.Ion administration is the Senate to aid local com-March " UB watching development& I n munitits in the fight against • .. --. P. • Czechoslovakia ' ' w i th con-airplane noise and air pollution. * * * · · e<rn,". 1.!Jll'IJIL-lur\he_r nie----provides that LOUDER -•I CAN'T-JllWJ~~--< repressive Sov1et measures . ·u ball -ynu ' ·• ; ·nm , mrntft\Y'I could damage talks on tpe public author1 es I . pay • RlJNNmG' ~ • . -r;-··11 ~iddle East and arms reduc-one dotllr tu:,, for each .air "America Is 11the noidlll. lion. passenger arriVllll or departing ptace hi 11ie.w111:1d. tq llvt, "l'lo" The State Department Is on a fllpt from an 81~ work ~· and tM.colt .tt the ... '" .. ~ limiting itseU tG saying the under the cattrol of the author1-runs 'into mU1iOns of dollu1l ll.~ United States is wa~ ty." · because of -fa~ ~ci C~echoslovaki,~ ''closely jllnd Nassau Herald _ Feb. 27, 198 cliltlwl, emotlooal lltraill md· With concern.... lbefflcitncy, sen. Mart o.•Bn-'~ Ame: r l c a 1 officials * * * field, said yesterday t n' ·~ -ledfe privately that "Billi lleilinc a 11,000 line Wllhln&toa. . : Sl>viel repression ol popular (OI' ..-jet-.n0iae 11111 Speaklnl al • canllrence ti' . • UJlrlsinp against Ru11lan placlne indultrial value~ pro-IO•dijii~ i6claltry" ad.cam-. occupation troops could b av • perty condemnecl.for airporl es· JlllDllty !~en .....,_ "1 repercussions elsewhere in the pansion have been filed in the the National ONncll an · N• diplomatic world. eatifontia state a -s 8 e m b 1 y . Abatement at the MayOoww c • echoslovak Communist s_. of nobe fine l<gisllUoo -~ lililleld said -...., . Leader Alexander Dubcek, •plan ~to use it to test in the alone co;st U.S. ~ an ; a radio 1ppeal to the nation courts the queo11on· ol whether esllmated lt<nlllloo OVflr1 dly ' • Th.unday night, called for the federal sovernment has pre--. fll ~ve: DQile. '· ~ ,, .ir'l'ler se!f-dilcip!ine by the mlplCld onlHlotle laws." . lilttield 1mgled <Q '!'" .m1Jor · Czech popQ!aUoo In ... elforl -. .A culprils: jet "!'P~ -1 tG ·eliminlte further anu-AYl&Uon ~Y-March 11, 1919 Mlle, noisy mbdltn· tnlJ4lnir. . ~· ~·t ,lncidenb. • 1 .. ' * * * . '~ ... ~·-11111 '-Y. ·: , .The Jl!C!M!nt tension with its '.• ·• , no11e. • , · · 111reat ol~lh--'';l'..Q!YDO!t ¥•!'.th s .. -I new St Fetet•burc '!'Imel -• military intervention ll'OWI list of proposed sites for an March 1, rt• : out of the sacking of the Soviet allport that LooQon need.s but We are· ,not , alape, but we ;! Aerollol olli<ea In Prque'Lul nobody wanla ~"1 _door was need. to keep being.heard. Wrlle ·i week<!nd -and burnilll'ol-. IDllilul"'ed today, ~g • five· letters .,plalninc .,_ plllillon Soviet vehicles. yw 1>4We by the., fe!idenb ol on npl1llion of ·~. CoualJ The· lain by United Slat.a, 1 qulellarmin( lll'C!!. m Eloe<; Afrport·, Coll .""' ~ for fl>.. 7 Soviet Union, Britain and A government . co~ formaij(Nt, We :are open . tram F- Fruce on !he Middle &isl dropped plans II> .relieni the 11-12 eve111. wpei;,day, ·:~ silualioo could be J_...uiar crush Oil two esilting lirporll 1,oo1: ""' Jet N-neq ~ by. the ~ defflopmenls. by bulldlil& • 1hlrd· Jirporl neor Tuesdl}> aad. l'ridaY, ., . ; WA!ft'. JNTmiEsT · :olf. YOUR BANK. . . • • • ,_ f I I ) • CB8 CKDIG ACCOUNT! '!:Oil ~,Qft IT BUT WITB PACD'I~ SWft'Cll''N.· SA'VE. ACCOUNT R.•• 1-, •• Pu1••"Jlt111 r -•u11••• Mr Iii( 1/ft.,. ............ ,................... . 1111111 la J9U 9'H• If ••1•1'1 ... Hll fn• th 1lt ti~-....... 11111.i .,. ... ,.... ' . . • . . • • ' • ' ' " ' I I .• 1 --• ' I DAD:Y PILOT· EblTOBIAL P~GE I Fairn:e·ss Newport BeaCh munlc11!'1 government Is movlnt swlftly lo caih In on dty-ovhled properties as a way to belp pey for a riew civic center. Some of these properties 1nvolve Jong-term leases, ouch as the land occupMd by the Bl!lboa Bay Clu b and the ·Beacon Bay c.minunlty AJSociation. Revising these leeset so they yield more income lo 1l>e city fs not easily done . · • 1hey involve complex studies and negotiations. Vot- er approval of any extended lease arrangements is also required. So it may be many months before extra revenue is realized. from these sources. -. . . NOt so with other properties the city owns. They are essentially unused and not encumbered by any long-term leases. Moot of the land Just lies there, eeming very liltie, i! anything, for the city. Al Vice Mayor Undsley Parsons' urging, and on the reccmmendation of the city staff, councilmen two weeks ago infomuilly agreed to get that particular sl!ow on the roaa. But in ¥, commendable eagerness to waste no time, they tol<l the staff to prepare a contract wilb one lone. real estate firm, Coldwell Banker & Co., to serve 'as the city's e:rcluaive agent. to ReaI·tors ' It a)lpl9n now that 1ome kind of ..,.. U.Unc will emeri• tram the controveny. We tblDlt the city bu nolJl1n& ta lo&e, and much to gain, by li•lnr more th4n l>ne "lent-the opportunttr to develop propotal• to lease, renl or. sell the municipal acreege. If the real estate people are thrown 1nto competition with each other for the bell de,al for the landowner, how can the city fall lo benefil ! This is; after all, what free enterprise Is all about. 01· course, it may well be that Coldwell Banker, with its constderabJe reso~ces and contacts. will ulti· mately come up with the mos! profitable proposition for the city. But that, too, is the way our system is. supposed to operate. Man-made P1·ohlems . Is it possible that somebody up there doe sn't like Newport Beach? Just consider th~ city's travails in recent months: -Sewage pollutioD along its ocean beach. -Threatened oil pollution. -Increased jet air traffic noise. ~ ------------- • . ' . • • Lilt weet, the Newport 113rbor Board o! Realtors showed up 111 .mas1e in the council chambers to prcr test. 8p9keimep for several' firms made it clear that they w.ere very unhappy aboilt not being C<insldered by the city. · _,. Nevertheless, our answer to the question is a re- 1qunding No. Somebody up there had nothing to do •with these problems. It's man -down here -who is responsible. '}$td,ti!4' 1 ~~--....... ~~~~~~~~~ Councilmen yielded to the objectioos, and held over action on ·the matter pending submission of an alterna· live plan by the realty board. And he is the OJ;!e :who is just going to have to straighten them out. , • -• ll!:ii' King Of The Caribbl!all$ (N) -·chnosing a · Career: Wait Dear Gloomy Gus: Aiding Com1nu1aism While · ilt~empting to -Thwart-It ,., For Maturity ! ' ' ~ j · ~M .ll By GEORGE Jl HOFF,· ~.D. The process tDvolve!d in .~ing a career is indeed an ·bnpon'ant aspect ol oM•i · lif;_ ll·1 r~· w~ selecting a spaase, or ~ · i fulflDing style of life, as one of the most significant and corwequeiitial choices we Q11.ke i!l om'' lifetime&. : I , ) • Wbf!nl a· ciieef 'choiCe ls made, • person is deciding wbert he belongs In lbe. occupatlonal r~hn. of hia belnl!! it's compatable 1to ~ an "oc· cupAtional ntigh&rbaOd" in which to live. And, since the r u n d a m e n t a 1 reference point of a person is the SELF -bis psychological home, his basic nature, bis internal, penooal focus point -then his choice of an "occupational neJibborbood" dependS upon wbere he wants to set up emotional housekeeping. How comt Congressman Utt miss- ed hLs chance to blame ·the beach conlamination • on the · Commies? Redliiids oeethes wttb Reda and they Jet their sewers break u 1 part , ol the plot! -L. U. D. 1to adjust to other people in order to gain a beachhead of personal 'security, hiJ care.er clloice miy reOect whit otbera want for him, instead of whit he belfeves js impor.tant for him. • tuaJli', .~· chokes ohou[d be ~until r • 'penon reacbal PhaM hiS development, when he ls in· tegrating himself into the social order, !dopting a system of values which· +aecta his wllque self, and ls functioning as an independent person relating to others. AS A r.tATTER of fact , at this point he probably won't have to choose, because he'll know intuitively what he wants to de and where ht wants to · go occupationally. PllJl11IERMORE. tbe type ol career he chooses. the qualitJ ol h~ choice. how appropriate his choice is to the SELP, and how well be Mfil! into bl! clmen "neighborhood," au relate closely to his knoV(ledge· of himself · and hi s maturity levei, Unfortunalely, our Ainerican culture encourages young people to make career cbDices too early in life. be.fore •. they haV.' lived long enoogb to know who they I.re as persons. Research in develop-• _, psychology lw shown that . i[ the sell is immature, the career choice will be too ; if the Rlf is changing. cboicts abo wt11 change : if the self is tmknown, career choice.s will be viigue and diffuse. There is little hope that the Idea of waiting until maturity to choose a career will catch on, because We're not used to thinking this way. But why shou\d a petson be saddled with a decision made during the blush of im· tpaturlty~ When a career is cho6en dur· ing Phase. I or JI, the choice remalru1 static, while the person making it either continues to grow or fiJ:ates in his development lfl order to remain con- ll'L\erit. Wtth1 his 'job.• In either case, the consequences are inimical to deriving real satisfaction from work. PARE.Nn, EDUCATORS, and employen are the three groups which could, if they wished, teach young people that it's O.K. to wa it until 'Phase III, aft.er the)Wt.ave struggled through Ph{ses • I and II, before finally settlirig upon a speciftc career. WHEN A PERSON is forced to choose a career in Phue I of hill development -while be is still discovering who he Is and Identifying' himlell -unle&'I he Is very lucky, his choice won't fit later on, when he bn a aolid notion -of1fho he is irrthe .scheme-of things. During Phase II, when be Is allempting ..---B11 Geol'1fe Dear George RecenUy r read a man-in-the- 1treet Survey l\'b1Ch showed the man-jp.(he.streel opinion on advice colwnnilb ., .. pntty low and that advice columnists don't serve. any ru1 function. Do you qree with lltlf ' ' , L turYeY . CURIOUS Dear CUrlous: No, ml I llliDI: "'1lnl1 IOO many pooplo ..,,, ail..... to llllWI DOlllnl lbi ~. Wiiy iboa1d' .. ' liltcD &o tome boob who dolln't ha•e enough sense to fl' -' OD the curb out or tbe inftk! ' "' The question, "Who are you," is im- mensely matt important .and lfe1pful to someone looking for a compatible career than, "What do you want to-do when you gr:ow up ?" Against, Against Soa~ Hill, Va., Enterprise: "It's a strange, strange country we. live in. And I.be more we see and bear of our fellow human beings, the stranger It gets. Peo- rte seem to take Ip the streets and demonstrate or riot (or bolll) for almoot every 'right' In the tiool(. Some take lo the llV'eeta becauae they feel ' that alnce they <loo, want to Wort tbal .......,. elle -feed' them. • • ljloD Ibero are -who ant qaJnst the drafl. . . those who .,. aplnst the war lo Vietnam .•• and thole who are qainst thole who are .against." N•falet, Arh .. Uerahl ' "If you .. , Operated a business and were assessed enormous tnea, regulated by poUti· ~ ciam, and forced to compete with othe.r1 wbo.>were partially nnanced by ......,_ tu money, lncludfnl your own, th ) chances AffJ you would throw .. up your haDdl alao and close shop. And still tbe eovermnent, and mott of the people, blaine the ra.ilroada, and wt wonder bow _longi it-will take \hem to le.am the bitter lesson. They u:t the railroads deliberately sabotaged the passenger trains by making them unde.!lrable. but th• stern truth Is the people dt'urted them and the tai:ers continued to pour on more t11:e.s." j Tactic: To the Editor: Thank you for the revealing article on Congreuman UU. Of course it was supposed to reveal to UJ the conspjracy of Communist subversion in sei: educa- lion and rock music; it would surprise me if many intelligent readers accept this line of specioUJ reasoning and un- founded allusions to communism and guilt-by-association. However, few could miss .the fact that Mr. Utt finds it reasonable. ~ LIXE THE John Birch Society, Mr. UU falls into the trap of aiding Com· -while allempling to thwart it. Of course tnrutratiOn has been a useful tactic of the Communists, indeed of 1 oUr own counter e.spkinage.egencies. But the more effective tactic bY far is .the spread of mutual miatrullt through our citizens. The Communists perfected this techni· que in so-called "brainwashing" well· known to Korean and Vietnamese POWs. To e£fectively "re-orient" people, the Communists ttirned the prisoner against his buddy by Instilling mistrust -fear of traitors. Once the prisoners could no longer trust their buddies in con- venation, the "brainwashing" could ~ gress unhind ered by logical rebuttal. lF mERE IS a danger withln this country rTom the CommWliSt world to- day, it is their exploitation of the misguided but well-meaning HUACs, JBSs, and U'M's. By,aU means let the FBI cOntintie to searcll out highly-placed traitori'.. 'this quiet method has proven notably effectl"lt. Bi.1t do not spread fears of infiltration o[ our churchei;, of myst.ic Communist hypnosis in mod music, and of moral degradation lhfough family Ufe education. To remain a strong and free country, \\'C must remain united. ROBERT C. KAUSEN Rats In the Bar11 To the. Editor: YOW" editorial or March 27 which covered the wolf~ing or Congress man James , U~ rem,inds me of one of my late fatbei s stories. A farm boy rushed up to his father and stammered, "I just seen a hundred rats in the. bam!" His father calmly replied, "Now, SOD do you really knov• how manv rats make a hundred? Let's count to 'a hundred." "\\'ell,'' siid the boy, "I know there vras at least ten rats," Ills dad put an arm about his son and said, "Let's be. reasonable, boy. Hold out both hands and . count your fingers -ten. Now that's a lot of rat! to see at once, isn 't it? How many rafa dkl you really see?" The boy looked earnestly into his father's eyes and replied, "Well, I know there was one for I seen hil tail." YOUR EDITORIAL deletes, no doubt for brevity, Mr: Utt'1 name droppiilg - Dr. Esther Schull.% of SEICUS whom he ·quotes as saying that a good sex education teacber "must not. be a moralist." Nar does it quote SEICUS t:xecutlve director Mrs. Mary Calderonr \vho at.ates, according to Mr. Utt. that "Su educaUon must · be thought of ait education -not moral indoctrination.·• And you leij out any mention of that fine, red-blooded, ui>-standing. a 11 • Amenc.n boy Isadore. Rubin who hap- pens to be, llCt'.Wdinl! to Mr. Utt, SElCUS treuurer I a Communist, 11nd editor or the sterling pnlrient periodical ''5'~· ®':>'.'' ·MAYBE MR. t.n'T went off half cockt'd oa the United NatlOOll·U.S. Army swam p maneuver, but I fttl like giving nlore ear to P.fr. Ult this trlp than I do lo you: H• fervently crit1 that there are rats in our barn. and your \'lp1d, disciplinary di•tribe doesn't lull me to (,. rl •iv l~'.t ti ft .. \:":{,· -..,'!f~Mj !~~r'{_'*', ·~~,~~;\#ff ~1t-. '""'"' . '*;~ ailliiix ·· 'I f,, ~· j~foi~I ~\\-." t; 1 Letkrs from readtrs are welcome. Normally writers should convey thtir message in !00 words or less. T/11 right to condtnse letters to fit space or eliminate libel U ruerved. All lttters must includ1 signalure and mailiftg address, but names may bt withheld on requ1st i/ sufficient rta· son ii apparent. ll)inkir\g that U~re are no rats. Ma)lbe it's . time wt: all go. oul and have one hell ·of ~ e~ loo-!. . . . . T. DUNCAN STEWART 'S11c/• Tr1J1h' To the Editor: I wish to record my utter disgust for your March 27 editorial. It seems slrange that a third rate editorial writer has the right to inflict such trash on the unsuspecting readers or I h e newspaptr. To refresh memories, and to inform those who have not been In the county that long, Mr. Utt was elected by the people of Orange County in · November of 1968. In this election he rectived 72.5 111rcent of the popular vote. It would seem , to me that this indicates that he Is .repfesenting the people of his district: l wonder if ll'e can say the same for your newspaper. WILLIAM D. CLARK lltt'• Sle11tlai11g To the Editor : In reference to the article of March 25, "Rock Music 'Red Plot'?": I agree completely with Representative Utt, and J have formulated a three-point plan for removing rock music as an influence on our young people. I) Representative Utt should submit his evidence to the House and propose 2 bill (which I believe, in the light of his evide~. _is almost ctrtain to pass) including clauses that would: a) Ban the manufacture and sale of rock records; B) SUSPEND certain conslit.utional privileges, thereby allowing police to search without a \\'arrant to confiscate these records and materials;. c) Give local government the power lo close! rock stations and any other Communist-controlled sl.atioD.S, like KFI or K1'1PC. that are gunning for the "oldsters'" and d) Slap 1go\·ernmental control on the type and content of all new music writ· ten. (2) TllE LOCAi. 10vernments should set up jamming stations to prevent the suc':cessful operation of clandestine sta- tions. 3) Proceedings should be started im· mediately to try the artl!ts in the groups. the record company officials. and all olhers associated with the product.ion, promotion. or circulation of lbtse materials for treason. In ooncluslon, I aga1n prt.i9e utl for his moral couraee and stamina, his devo- Quotes" 8. L. Sltt•l<r. llGllla1 Hllh !stat.; -"Thlnj'.s are not yet 80 polarized Iha! \.\'C cannot all live tDgether as brothtrs In inc next de<:ade."I: but those \\'ho hate and bludgeon will .s1.1rely po.~tpone the dey. '' Mutual Distrust llon to ·job and country, and above all for the marvelous job of sleuthing that uncovered this plot to undermine the United States. NAME WITHHELD Age 14 'He P1•e11c/1ed Unlred' To lhe Editor: I wish to express my appreciation to the state Senate Rules Committee fo'r defeating a resolution to honor Martin . Luther King. Jt i.s gratifying to know that we have some senators who did their homework and investigated King's aclivities wJ:licb certainly exposed the inlent of: ~s,"~ns. . ,. Whet.ever.~ marched he lefl behind him tensions and crises plus a wider rift between black and white races. HE PREACHED hatred, not love. The Bible tells us that "By their fruits, ye shall know them." We are now view· ing his fruits y,·hich are the tens.ions and crises on our campuses throughout the nation. It was a sad day when our nation gave so much recognition lo a man who was a foreru nner of !he destructive, howling mobs of tOOay. A. L. WlllTE ~-l~p'• Jll·nchlne 'l'o tlje Editor: ·In 'reference to an article you carried a coupJe weeks ago where ~layor Daley of Chicago, in reply to an accusation by HubE:rt Humphrey, said he "did alt I 'could by carrying Northern Illinois, and Coot' County.'' Last year my wile and J were residents of Cook County but we knew we would be in Im Angeles by the time of the presidential elections. Of course, Wt: wanted absentee ballots so we called the Cook County courtbOuse for in· strucUons. They told us · to go to our local city hall in June and register. Then write a letter to them a few weeks before the election requesting our ballot. We re·gistered -as REPUBLICANS. UPON ARRIVING Iii this area my wife called the Santa Ana courthouse to double check our instructions. They gave 'UJ the additional information that we both must sign the letter. We did exactly as instructed and .sent the letter a few weeks bef()le the election. We had not received ballots a week before the election so we shot off, another letter. To this day we have not received so much as a ~ard from the. Cook County courthouse!. But Daley carried . Cook County for Humphrey! STEVE KOONTZ eo111plrae11:> To the Editor: Concerning your article, "881 Wttk a Bust," by John Valtena (March 31 ), J thought since you edit a fair noh-sided newspaper , your rtaders woukl ap- preciate hearing from the other side lor a change. Your article states that the kids ha\·e ,gone S011)ewllere else this year for Easter Week. Could this be a result of un· necessary hJra~nt of IM vacatiooers by the police ? COULD TIUS BE a "conspiracy'' by the police., city hall and wealthy, dr ab property owntrs of Newport Beaeh to prevent the )Ids from -having • litlle run to break tht monotony of school~ From the othtr side. U\t.se questions could be &nS\\'t:red ")•cs". You can see laws which are normally seldom e.nJorced put to use much more 1tron1::Jy, especially ,I /' In the case or the 14 to 20 age group. Tickets ii.re being handed out for:~irr­ cidentals, such as violations involving bicycles --violations normally taken care of by a simple friendly but effective warning. 110\V !\-JANY ADULTS or you n i; children receive citations for violations of this type? Very few, I'm sure. ''To · serve and to protect" states lhc slogan of one police department. Do you really see this where you live? Is Newport Beach a city you can proudly call home? MICHAEL SPARFJNG Bal Island Be11che• To the Editor: Every year about this time, the benches are removed from Marine Avenue, Balboa Island. These stUrdy wood and concrete supporters · e f humankind grace our main street, where the greater part of the business area is located. The reason for taking them away , as I understand it, is to reduce the congestion on the sidewalks during Easter Week. With this same aim in mind . I suppose, the. laws ·were passed prohibiting the gathering of more than three persons in any one spot on a public street, including sidewalk s and curbs. J OBJECT TO the removal of the benches and I challenge the philosophy behind it. First, I use these benches every day, along with many other Balboa Island residents and merchants. , Second, the cost of re1noving and then replacing Lhe bencbe:J amounts lo ap- proximately $200 of the taxpayers' money. This cost includes hourly wage! of about six city employes, five workman and a foreman. gas and oil and use: of two city trucks, plus spray paint lo mark the locations of the benches. THIRD. 1 BELIEVE that lhe bench removal and thr. laws against more th a11 three people gathering on the sidewalk areiimed exc!U:Sive ly at youh'f peopl& and this I find unjust and repugnant. Cr.owds of adults stand waiting for dinner and drinks (blocking the sidewalb) al the Jolly Roger and the Village IM, eveniog after evening, for hours, during Euler week and throughout the whole summer . It seems obvious to me that Jaw!'I and -bench removal aimed at eliminating congestion are hypocritical and unjust. as they are. applied only to young people and not adults. I come at last lo the inescapiili!C understanding that it ls money, ind the spending of ii. that is the criterion. This J find hypocritical and repugnanl GENE WlERBACH Balboa bland. Ai• 64 --~--Friday, April 4, 1969 fht tdltorial pope o/ the Dai111 Pilot &eeks to inform: qnd stim- ulate reo.dtts bt1 prese11ttng thts nitospopcr't optnf<ms o:nd CD1"l- mtntmy Oft topics 01 rnttrt'31 and rignf~. b11 providt1tg a. 1 '°"'"' for the t%J)reuton t1I our readers' optn fons. and by prtlC'ftfinQ Ute dhltt&t vitl(.lo points of Informed ob.str'tlt rs and rpokesmn on top1c1 ol tht d4r. Robert N. Weed. Publisher • ' • '· • -. >Up. .· iJl. •ing k~n tivc ns IOllS the .IJo ve! idly NG the ·inc rd y ~er ere rea em "'" ing in ;ed "" a Uld lhe 1hy 1y, nd en •p- rs' :c! an '"' int ch '" tk ite •t. er at n, 1g le " •g :t, lo ro d '· . . . . . I I GRINDING OUT THE l'iEWS.-What.mcirp 'appropriate way to .. griJ]d out news <if,a coffee than with if-coffee grinder? Mrs. Rich- atd Hogsett (left) and Mrs. T. Duncan Stewart. are cra~ng out T eos ·to ·Launch '. Membership . Drive : ' I • . ·-. A series of te~~ wilJ.·~r'e~ede ~e :a,nnuat ·, J ·membership drive·,of. Ui~rH~bor Area ·com .... · munity Concert,As~~(!on ·wblch .i~schedul·. ed·for April 21-26 .thls Y,ear. : : · · · · . The teas ate Open ·to itbe pul:>lic_·and are planned .t9 'acqu~t .. th~~e ~~t~nding, ~ith the assoc~tioh 'and ·its ',iilil'P<"F'· Detail.• of ·the · m~mberShip drive 81001 will ]?e ou~ .. Hosting lhe first tea; :Tuesday, Aj>rii··B, will be Mrs.' Joseph Pike, · 1811 Glenwood " bane,. mwport ~Beagh,1~Wb0 'will : prelse~t-.. a.t piano recital dbring the 10 a.m. event; .The. qext d~y two !teas-are· qlepd&!ed. Mrs .. W .. C. Mulbauser, ~1 Mary CirCle, Huntingt~n Beach, will open her home at 10 a.m. 1and the program will inclJ.lde an obQe and flute performance by ~r. abd Mrs. ,Tom Henderson Jr. -~ . At 8:15 p.m. in,the stucµ,o of Ropert Dick, 2533 Greenbrier Lane, Costa Mesa, guests will hear a piano recital by Diclr aoo m~t . the association's Coluµibia artist manage. ment i'epr.esentative, Mrs. Alfred Durfee, who will give a brief talk. • rie'ws 'of the Jicond' ~Ual' 11Fri.endiY11'. Bfidge TOUrnament ·spoii- sored by the Harbpr Guild,. Services for the Blind, loc.,.wbich ~ gins April 14, 1"ith a kick-off c<>!fee. 1 · · • -· ... ' t'. ,· ~, "F i'~f,1 S t.0 rt·y ' . . . ~H .. 61CJs ·w "ater _ .. _ 1---<. \ ' "' .... 1 .. ~ 4 ' .~ ' Want ;ll»hl!ar a bi& fls!> 1loryT ., ,. , • · Hen's one IJei!lg told by members o1 the Harbor Guild, Se:vlcea for the Blind, Inc. · _. · · · . • A blg''.'splasli". ~n Mq..a,.y,: April 1~. ·lo the Jolin . Kllltfer home; Corona de! Mar w.m · ~ l!t• opejllng of "fiablog season" -flablo& for bridge.prize• lo'the 1eC<iii4 anilual "Friendly" Bridge Tolllll8lllelll -Bridge eothllllal!l -will conUnue cUtlog..out for five weet1 for · win- ning scores "and the blueat' catch .ot ~ tJ!e•pr1ze1 to be given at tho' eud , ,ot thp toumament in JUDe. · · "·, · · ) ,. ~ 'Dupng the five cooseC:ullve weeks play~rs 1'fil engage lo one match~ . ,; per week, with "11• namei of pertlcipanr. 1n ilecb· fllJht drawn out of a fiat. '. •Scores will be. seiit 'to the '.~Oh-FISH'ai!".coreteiper, Aclri>. N. J. Frw of Shorecllffs. • _ 1 · • • .'; • ' ' Resultl will i1t po3\ed 'l!romjn~Uy Q\l\alde ~ Frank ~e, a!ld . the . acorekeeper warns that _playen Dot gett1nc·t!Ullr scom ~on wne 1t'l1l ~) . .':®t-of.tho. fryiJig. ~.,illtp -the,flre.'."'-\'.,,,'-"'·"· ;..· ....,,,.., .;....~· ---..---'-'- New gujld m"l)'lilia.will provide~ eompOl!tli>n lo the toumamenl. Indicating that they have decided to 11fls~'' for prtzes are the Messrs. and Mmes. William Gazlay, ,John Lieb, Robert. Underwood, William Roller, William P. Thomas; Earl.Ratley, J. R. Rlchlrdsod, EdgarrB: Witmer and Adm. 8J!d · Mrs.J"r.,ilt.-· ,. . A,lte~ the. fish, have, all.been1 cau~ht,.an ,awanjs cocktail Pl\fly .will be . staged: so the fishermen CilJl tell aboUt 1'.ihe one~t got away," and pnzes will be given. . . ·. · : ; · , . · Mr: and Mrs. Geor~e Weed_oo·wlll ,h6,st tlie .gath.ellng,lo.tlJeir Corona de! Mar home. After part1cip8nts.atrlve.at.5.P.m-they will elijoy muslc by the Ret.J,'ogressive Five Plus Three and ·other patty festivities. But what about that fish story that•s ,being told by1 Harbqr GuilJI memberS? ,-· '· · · ,-~ 1 · • • It-really isn't a fish story· at' all.' . ·' . ; ,, ( • Sate/ l.ite .' ... ~lin'ic:s ~ 1 "., .• :i. • 'Guided' BecaU.. the need to · aid · emotionally dilturbed children ii ·IO; giea~ · 0'JleW 'olcbl' liia ' been eel by 'lbe cir&np Coimiy ailid GUldance-eeOteT wlilCb -'"" Ill lerVicel-.lo•~ en-. tJre <!Omlf:in F•liruf?' !"'· . eun.rtly the cen&i'•ll·em- barklng 0n·p1ans for sa~ clihfcs · throU.pout ; ~~·.Ut.a, anil ·SCC«iJing to llndlnp .ct the • C<ilmly ·B o a r cf ,ct SUpervllon ll hu b e e n det«mlned !!>at· a mlnlm~ of 15 will be needed to.~g results for tbil p r e 11 i n 1 medlest problem: · Although the Slaff al the present IocaUon,_ 171 E. lljb St., c 0 I t • M~.I bas been irxieased, it is not ~Jcielic to care for the needs, ac.. ~I to Mrs. Thom,a1 Yedor, publlclly c14'ector. ' Anyone wishing to attend any of the three teas-may-call M·rs:-ha~ry-~n164&-69961or--- Fundl, of COllflt a r I ~ry .,.~,,,..,-.---t Mrs. KurLKupfennau.;.M2.3186 .. ~" -.,. · - -Two concerts already ha,•e been secured ·· . for the coming se~on~ The. American Con- cert Ballet Company, repre~enting a new d!· 1 1 recilon in t'he dance"me4ium, an(f' the. New .. York Brass Quintet, which· recently triumph- antly toured Europe, will be joined by"two more attractions. • ' • I ' ,,_ SIOHlS,SEl'-' Setting 1Sights , ~n-raiiiug 1I19ro,tpnds for the · Or111ge County ChildrGuidance ·Center for, its -.xpanjion program ---,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;.,,!"i"iiOiiiiiiioiiOiiiiiiilOiiliiiiiiiiiiil~are-membe"·of-Harboi Key..Judge··Logan-Moor., center presi· • • 1 . l· A W-Ord. to l ' ' r. J . • . f DEAi\ Al;Nr l'm;a man "'"" !fllUld • · ••• ililt• to sound ., word .ol. wofithil to 1 -wl-everywhere ~ l!>Y ..... ; t Recem: Slallltlcs indleste that one Ulii\!' lor America'• working force is 1fe:male. Jn my own offtce there an _at least i fivt attractive 1fOID"1 JOho '"' gettln&. j to toot bellei to nit every do)I • .,., • .,., • My wHe II -too liftd, or she • aiLt up vntU J a.m. walchlag !fV and : by the lime she &di to bed I'" given 1up 00po ht gOllO-to sleep. -or, she tJm a blc'Ocht, I blacllebe, .. ~· . Or ..... piling ....... Or I Im ;etling '1 • -· Or -the • -""' sllll up. Or !be'• eipeclillf a loag 0dlltance ' call from her mother. or. she.. mad at me for ;otnotlling t said last iqht • ANN LANDERS _; - ' • • F •< ' dent; beams happll)" after receiving ·tlie latest. contrlbii\ion.frc!m ' Mrs . ·Murray CJ\otln~r. proviS!oqal chairman' and •.Mh1S JOiin • R.' Sparlillg; auxillary'pre!ldent (I~ lo1ight). ' · . . ' ! • ' '. , ' . . . -c1emm1s. l!Y Kl'nr o1 this ;ioor, """'9' ~ ill the ~-will be lt1lVlllh the Loolte--~ -,,_ .. ·' .,...., ct motdillll -. '!1llnb lo tllafll, ~ • tlie Hll'bor Key,~ «qt 'tw ___ .....,.""' _.,. ,the 1"'I ......,, 1• )Jl!lect $1,lll.ll .... i!"I'' .. lrtbut<d brlnglili .Ibo llllry'1 ·to111,lofll,fll, •.• : .·.. , ~ ,, . • , ' • I I I • • • , ...... &,,ii ' "" ,. Ebells Bill .. Spokesro~n · -. ' Of College . ' 4 ;J • MelYtn E. llJ!diou, dirlcl« 1 'If «!11~ li>cl coaununtty \ aervice1 for Saddleblct Juntcr , CoUtc<. will ~ boiere Lquna,Boodl l!bell Club - _, In Lquna Beach Ari .~lllkla Gallery. f Mitcbell. educator a n d former nenman, auiJts tbe superlntencleot-pmldent o I tbe college in il)o tereornmunlolUoo and com- munity r<lati«ls. · He will relate thi college's history, accomplishments and· plarll for the future. Relrellbmenta, served at 7:30 p.m., will be followed ll1 a short buaineu meeting. Mltcbell wlU be introduced at f :30, Mrs. Gordon B r o w n , bosplUUfy ctwnnan, wlU be ~llli!e<! by the Mmes Sapdy 1Mosj, Gordon Forbes, Stanley 'Hill and Thomas Moore. Rivierans Put Team ~Qn Stage . ' Contest Combines Ch//dren's Cre~tivity ( , Budding artists .Sandra Rasmussen, Se,an Guerin and Tresa Co~en (left ~o right) are all set for A· creative ,art sesii.on as part of the sp~1al _children 1 .J!_ai.Dling~est SJ!!!nsored by Monarch Bay, Mer<bants Assoclat1on in Laguna Niguel. Paintings Wililiii ·on iliiPJay llrthe"$hoprin-Monarch Bay Plaza-an~-:- wlnners will be named.at the climu of th! community's annual Easter festiv;· Riviera Club members 'Will ties tomorrow. ~ be enlertalned by the rDuslcal __ =--------------,----------team of Arthur and Dolly ' ~ • Concert Choir Appearance Anticipated . Briggs al their m o n t h 1 y lunch.... ,_, In th e Balboa Bey Club next Wednes- day. • Horoscope Concert Choir of Claremont Men's College, Harvey Mudd, ·Pitzer and Scripps colleges will begin the spring tour nezt Monday with an 8 p.m. performance In the Balboa Bay Club. Chairman of the choir's Orange County appearance is Mrs. Kae A. Ewing, who announced tickets are being sold for $2 and stu- dent tickets, $1. Attuned to the event are (left to right) Robert Hirsch, Mrs. E. C. Pratt and Mrs: Wil- liam L. Stabler. Briggs, whole baritone voice has been heMd In lliht opera• jhrougbout Che COUD!ry, wlU present a wide range of IOllP in tbe clllllcal, popular and hwn<nUJ spjr!L He will be Taurus:/ Cooperate Hate to Cook Course Eases Meal Planning r I , l ~t!o~ed by his wUe on The 11:30 a.m. !OCial hour l will be followed by a 12:30 luncheon. Mn. Remi Chabot will preside over a short business meeting which will l · i include the presentation of a 1 slate fJf officers for 1969-70. iv.embers may obtain SATURDAY APRIL 5 By SYDNEY OMARR "The wise man controls his destiny ... Astrology ,points the way." Accect cm lt'hat meam most to you. Jncludea home and family. Today you have op- portunity to-build on aolid base. Key ill detenn.ination. You cannot skip essentials. Act accordingly. UBRA (Sept 23-0ct 22): lifted. You have feellnf of greater freedom. S tu d y . CAPRJCORN message. Get out and around; be with COO· genial people. PISCF.S (Feb. 19-March 20): Accent on aspirations. You get solid backing, ,Opportunity ei· ists fOl' greater independence of thought, action. Highlight orj.gina1ity. Success due if you are inventive. ~Uck to gtm&. If cooking isn't y()ur bag, the Golden West College course on elficient me a I pceparaticti. is. 'Ibe eipt..week course will !alee plice each 'Jbunday from 6:30 ID 9:30 p.m. beg!•- ning April JO ud canllnulog through May JI. Rqlstrlllon will take place In the od- ininlstration building between 6:15 and 9:t5_p.m. Monday, April 7. -, , Instructing the course fs Mias Liz Lynch, bom,e economist for the Sout.hern California Electric L i v i n g Cent.er, Huntington Beach, a graduate of Mount St. Mary':s Collqe, Loo Angms. 1' be Jedure.demonstratioa will include infonnalion - cemtDg tltdien •ppll-illd ul<nlil&. =· meal plan-nin( and mar e11n&. Ealy* prepare will b e de:iand -~la alao will. · · · flitO-ln prepar· inC the red U1inJ time-flav~ ..... ' ~ reservations by calling Mrs. Harold Deviney, 494-f\752 or Mrs. Harry Pisegna, 494-0501 by next Monday. Dual -Piano Program On Agenda AJlla (March 21-April 19): Review f acts abaut partnership, financial status of one you depend upon. Get at the truth. Shove aside wishful thinking. You are going to get 'What you need. Act in authoritative manner. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Protect relati<>rWlhlp that is of value. Don't be dJssuaded by one cX UUle faith. Public rela- tions improve:i:. Others get better understanding. Cooperate with mate, partner. GEMINI (May 21.Jwie 20): You see way out o{ financial dilemma. AMwer is relatively simple. Key is willingness to try something diflerent. Aid re<:"eived. from information galned at oocial gathering tonight SCORPIO (Oct, 23-Nov. 11): Tonight you are e I a t e d beCause of financial news. You get break you 've betil seeking. Celebrate with fa m i I y members. Heal breach. Don't permit pride to blOck ha~ piness. DR. EMIL LEVENIEC, Podiatrist Announ ce1 the Opening of hi1 office For th1 Pr•ctica of FOOL DISORDERS Of Adults and Childr1n Machines, Humans One you love comes closer -lo your viewp<>int Best to forgive and forget You can A dual piano program has meet interesling people today.· been arranged for the next Be yourself_ avoid utremes. SAG11TARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Cycle moves up tonight. New contact could prove meaningful. Be whert you can meet people. Fine f<r beginninga -project or relationship. TOWN AND COUNTRY CENTER 11541 l eech loulewerd H11~ti11gto11 le1cli Stage Shared BRIMS FULL -Full brimmed hats that flop, are tops this spring acco"1lne to the collection of Mr. John. meeting of the Upper Bay Fine foc iet-toa:ett>et with co-Associates of the Orange k County Philharmonic Society. ~~Cm (June 21.JµIy 2Z): Mrs. Frederick R. McBrlen What you think :yoo want to will open her Newport Beach do may not be pract1c11. Fine home for the event at 10:30 to be creative -but you a:m . .Monday, Aprll lf. have to face )'OUflelf in the CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan, 19): Excellent for dining out, attending theater. Break from routine. Relaxation is im- pcxi.ant. Share joyous: ex· OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Si t,, 10 AM -6 PM S1t •• IOAM.2PM ••2-5507 Sharing Che plaUorm at the .. 11 Oraoge County Ownber COncm will be human performers, a tape recorder and a computer. The program will begin at 8:30 p.m. nest Tuaday tn tbt Music Hall of California Slate College at Fullerton. Opening Che evening wlU be three songs by Anton Webtrn. Tllae will be sung by Miss Diana Rankin, 10prano, ac-- -panied by Donald Andrus, Fall -Rite JACQUELINE CASAi.A To 'MtiTy planllt. Sbe alao wlU perform '"The Moment" by Norweclan coinpooer Knu1 N)'ltedl ud will be accompanied by cel<lta ud pemmien. Tbe <loc:troeic porlloo wUI Include 1'Plllb" for tape recorder by Andrus a n d "Dtdma" for computer by Gerald Strang. Both com· pooer1 are from Long Beach. "Solltalre" for tape recorder by-another Norwectan, Arne N-bn will be the con- cludlni 1111D1ber. • 01f#ng Mr. and -. Jnoeph V. Caala of Newparl Bucb have -Ille ......... en! of their da~, Jacqueline Caala ID Jelln Londellwo. IOll of Mr. and Mn. Jelln c. Londellm of Lido hie. 'l'beJ> "l' plamlnc a fall ~In OUrLldy of Mouilt Carmd Calhellc Church. Miu Cuala 11 a graduate oC Newport Harbor High School and the University of Santa Clara and preaenUy is attendini UCLA Ir a d u a t e tiChool. H~ fiance al9o Is a lflduate <Ji NllHS, Orange Cout CoUtce aod San Diego Stott Collece. At both con,.,,. he wu a member of the crew team and affiliated with SJcma Alpha Epollon al SDSC. 'Easter Parade' Tops Will Flop By GAY PAllLEY Coordlnlllon Is 1 preach- NEW YORK (UPI) -The menl of Mr. John, the brim tl)al flopl Is the brim mllliner-clotbes doalrner who uses the term "reined " to that's tops in the hata wome.o are buying·far~. -deocribe·hlnprl"l'best'iellers Glvlnc the big, "rtlai:ed" -"drooPoc «it.o tbe face, brims a t r on I compeUtlon, wilh chiffon drapes to the flOO(." howev~, are the ICltf bats, part' of the m.ll1inery tcene These chapeaux, IOQ'le with In recent yeon;but lhluprloi brbru nearly m Indies wide and with "--..t --.1 .:.....wna" better than ever'before. a-'lo'W111 ... v Foded from the p1o1ure are are ideal with the p111la sulb Che trldltlonol florall, with IWoeping the feminine fulllon few. exceptiooo. And IGl1• too scene, Mr. John sald. They is the pbnlt "Eater bcmnet" 10 ftl.I, too, witb the smooth, (8Cn"y about 1ttilt. Irving "boy hairdo,'' which has Berlin) from the hat in-replaced what he called the dustry's vocabulary. "orthopeclic" coilfure, twisted The bonnet is not • 196!) and combed rnro an artificial fashion. And as the halmaktts fantasy. explain. women nO longer buy "The look today Is sort of a hat just ror an Easter Sun-like Marlene DieUich riding day. Not, that is, unless they off into the desert," said ~1r. are celebrities on parade or John. girls grabbing for tele\'lsion A United Pres! lnternational camera attenUoo 1n Filth preEaster check of the Avenue's fashimi. ipletacle on Millinery ln9tHute ol America, thi1 Cbriltian holy day. plus couture firms and volume Instead, women think in man u fact u re r s showed tenm of a new hat or hall enormous popularlty for brims for a whole sel800, and often and the big use of scarves in ltrms of coordination w!L'l as trims for felt or straw Perfonners will be the morning, Know this and r~ Mmes. John Dean, Ralph main en eveo keel. suet to Deaver, Ralph Gerard, Ralph the rulM. 'Hilmer, CllrlslDpher Kltcl!ing, LEO (July 23-Aug, 21): Edward Lelllen and Robert Greater fr0o-Indicated for Saunders. Mn. Robert S. · tonlglJI. Durl11i day lltel1d ID Leith Is prolfam chairman. ....nt1a11. Then Y"" will feel 1be meetlng will open with m<re like reladqg later.• Ac- a coffee and hostesles will be cent, on r e a c b 1 n I " Un· the Mmes. Edward Fretz, derstand1nl with you n g Richard Schumacher, Johnnie penon .. Walker and Almen Lockabey. VIRGO (Aug. 23&pt, 21): _Luncheon LUres Duo Due on Lido Isle perience. Outlet can: be found, I~;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~ fix special abilities. Li AQUARIUS (Jan. 20.Feb. ti): Friend I y atmosphere ptt\•ails tonight. A burden i.5 League Second Plans Topic AdvantageS of Nursing Your Baby and Overcoming Dif· ficultiel is the s e..c o n d discussion in a four-part series of Costa Mesa Chapter, La Leche League. ZIPPYrHtW SHIRTS & PANTS Mrs. Jerome Hjeltneaa will open her home at 1372 Gari· ingford Ave., Costa Mua, at Scenes from Broadway around the punch bow 1. 7:45 p,m. next Tuuday. ohowo will be pNHnted by pnopared by Mn. J • c k The public la Invited IJld actress Mala Powen: and her Manball and' Mn. Matt Ober, may obtain further in- partner, Allan Gruener ll'hen while Mra. Guy Miner, welfare rormaUon from Mrs. H. W. they en\ertain Lido I s 1 e chairman, will be on bllld Moore at 545--439. wem"" ,..... "...,....... i- WoQWl'I Club DtJt ~ to 'tccept 11ft donatioDs for1----:.;;;.;;,,.,.;;,;s,.;;1M;i•;;;•;,---111i·~..,~·~-~~~1'1-~'~"' 'In lhe clublioute. Juvenile Hall. Using smartly designed pro--The luncheon will be served 5 A L perties, the ttuo will portray at noon at labks enhanced HOW TO classic and modem lelecUons. with springtime decor, oruled -~ ....-.-.a. .-. Gruener's "Sir Harry Sims" by Mn, John D. Davis and MARRY ~ U!Ulor&.A'-CI and Miss Powers as Noel co!'1mittee. Reservations are FIXTUB.£5 Coward heroines have become beIDg taken by Mrs. Ted When preparing for your wed· increasingly popular with their Hinshaw at .67J.5001 and Mrs . ding .You nee~ lots of help. ~l i m p e r s onaUons and in-(Jlarold PhiU1ps, 67$-3408. the mformat1on ne<:essary 1n terprelatiOM. He presenUy is "H?W to Plan Your Wedding" seen In Universal'• mouon pie-TV WEEK Tells ii Gvide. Send 25c 1n cotn ID P.O. lure. "Enemy Counlty," anct Bo~ 388, Hunllngtoo Beach, 'Miss Powers, of lhe Cyrano l'k lf'll b Calif. 92&lf de Bergerac production fame, I e e serves on the board of dlrtc·•-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~ tors of the American NaUonatl J Presidents Honored one 8):Jeci1Jc outfit. or to make the entire hat. Th~l~~.:~:.Ac~my;..1.u.. the HAIR f ACT ORY ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL OIURCH CUSTOM FLUSH MOUNTED CURT AlN SCREENS GAS IARllCUU ·GAS LOG~ WAU DfCOI · Put praldeoto will be bonond wht.n Della Beta 11:poi1c1t. HunUn,ton Beach °"'14« <Ji Bela Slim• Phi, t.e11••--.. MCOad blrlhday. '111td-mettiJll •llltoke placo al 7:10 p,111, ""-Y• A1o1J 1. In Uit-F011r Wlnda -1111. and .U.ndinJ will , be 'Mrs. Keaneth 8"11411 and Mr~ Don Sbellon. p a s t pmidaila. EASTER c:..;),.~11 will"' be ~.l.,-= SUNRISE SERVICE , for Mfi. Dtmil Terwey. 'Mrs. 9t ,.. Btmard Balley. chapter ad-FOUNTAIN VALLEY vlaor from Xi Eplilon Chi, S..th Gate, will be ...,.1 of DRIVE-IN THEATRE C...W.'"' • ,...,. Aft.I -· Members plinninJ ID attend f :OO·A.M. -April 6lh lnclucle the Mmtt. Rl<h1rd Sberrod, Richard F'r<udenth•I, •-•r Jtrrt Cramer, Steve Elda. TllNITY un11t CNUICH Jiit "• lhlt . ......,,.., .... GOOD FRIDAY SERVICIS 1:JtAM - H-'9fflt 12·J PM -Trlllttt. nw. H••r SwYke 71JI PM -S~M ef em. . ' t :ll • 11 PM -CAUTIYI L"Ul•T l"CIAL LlaHT IPNCTI c..,lfl..-.4 "*" '""•t:••lt. ,...,. a ""•,.... Art 1f ... ,_,,II ,,._ At& Ml. llAN ,.,_ OWfltt - l.I Petllt <ollfllrft, .fr(twflOl'l '"'" announre1: DEAN CROUCH NotD Stfll ... •t 011r Ji'11eC.r1 POI AProlNTMINT 645..0311 T8Wtf, Rlncly Bludtr, Don '""11t:."'=..':"1=.",~1':'1Mttr ll6 f. S•Y1t11te_.. St. -Cost. Mew Federleln ud Tom Brannon. 11 __ ..:_:.:::_ _____ ..!'•-----------------=---l"•_..__,... _______ ,__,... _ _.._.., Tti. hMk b CWN:tty ffll'tltf, C'tr11t WIMll 'r• CH -Sl1r Al Uftt Al ,. .. C•1t, ' . , ' . -. I -I I f I ' I ( • - Hold -'. " " ... . ' PACll'IC oce:AN . I ~ • • I ' I ' • I - • ; Hippies Move O!'t, 'PALM SPRINGS (IJfl) -StraaJJn& eotrailce. NO•vtlllclio•wert ;penllltled' -l!Jtel 'ol "bltc;bhiktn ·trafled. out.,. tblJ "'°1' -' . lfesert winler mon-today,-haniti:fOut~Wiii·M1er r!_n ill:1ft,itf(f of !heir dtQlngs in pictureaque Tlhquilz Cptyoa bY. police. . , ' , I . , . . qp,...._. ALL OF. SOUTHtR.N CALIFORNIA SLIDlf!(O,AWA'fr . • Mop Shews How Quoko ........ Sin Anclro11 Fault Will Spllt Sioto Except . for 1 .few holdoots b\dtng in. cac:tua Clwnps in the Canyon police said · tffey believed au the moUey band of hippies and yippies had departed. 20,lml 'vlaltGn,·•lncludlna· ~ s.lOO ~ lnvaden. Md dbDlnldwd tciday0lo .. l,llllt. lncidmb dmlni the nilbt wn limit<d to 14 _.. ... norootlca onii alcobol violatianl. A SI-year-old "1Xf\Ul wu_W. naped /fml , poolllde at. ber 0botel by .1wa -and liken to ti>< desert -. Faees S · ~harges Costa ·Mesa J ailbreaker •Awaits New C-omp,laints :A ~apadian adver'u5;,.1 ~ ·WhO made , a dram~Uc,"but futile mu .fiom·~ ., Meia'a vi?tual1y·.s&p..p.<i0! ]ail ls' held m ~= oecur11y toc1ar._ ~waiting issuance Gt_tbfte ~ comp~ totall· Ing five charges.· Laurence R. DCl.,.-S1 . rl 1 entario., ~1ada1 (wu taken. ·• C>ruree Cotlnt1' Jin where his glrllrl<nd was aku<ty l<d&ed 'lburiKla,; aller 1helr arr~ on theft charges waa continuecf until Mondly. · He ·and Debra Cazes, %7, were picked · up at 1 Los ·Anctlel ~~·eek -Delectivlf lound fl /Iii» <JI ~· and -jOweJry, poalbly . ,,... 1 Costa Meao !boi> · etght doY• qo. oUborg and the girl WBe dellvertd to c..ta Mesa C"Jty Jan late W~i' aflemOOO, pending inv.u&atldn of the $11,000 rill( theft frbm Jewels by Jooeph. 3333 S.· Bristol St., and alJo a ~ case. . . . . ' . Duborg, however, sqJ!lrmed' tljtOulh & small 'l'lpd<>w in the Iock!j! l>qotlng -ca,e -~Uy ~e;d to p&ss jJrilOOers' property and perSonal effects ·-wbll.e a jail off.leer w.as momentarily .ablent. He then ~ eJectroni<: control buttons antn one automatlcolly ~ & door to tempor.,Y fteedom. · A jail tru.sty witnesa<d !be~· ObSCene Movie -• Police vehicles kept a nightlong vlgfl ~'ith a.searchlight trained up the ·canyon Police Seek Ban on, Poker ' ' ~~~~ti .. : 1'7· .JEIJOME-Fl ~I. I : ' • •• ~ t .Of ... "0ili9 ...... 1· ' ~ IN~ a.ocb·PoflCi, ~ · · wDI i1i1k : city cooncilmen ~ad.opt' a .,,,aw" thlt · wouldDan poker ~ce&. Nobody .!'"' ,.,iPo.ed opening up such pobllc -bl;.t: -ilJ>lio, bdt the police w•t tbt JeajsJ•tkm jUll i:I· case, aaid Ass~ City A~ Tom'Wooohff. '!be t>on woWd'abio prohibit· hli!IHIU• c'!"bllng in . public pl-involving briflP and paDgumgue;.-:.or · "pin," ·for ohon'. •. ' AMittont Chief Harry Nelooo; newly arrived . lr,om . the Los AnceJes Police f<rce, ioitiated the request, · 1 a l·d Woodruff. . · °''The >ice oquld Isn't lllving any pro- 1>1er: 'With tJlil adrt-of, thin«' DOW," Aid the ·-· "But they jast antidpote there could be, becauoe GI loop.boles . in our existing ~-eambUna: code." · , Woodruff WU aoked , whether the pro- J>Olec! code ·~· he Jiu draff<d W<JUld iflecl w~y ljrldfe·pm .. plifed by local club women. He replied : . · "I teally Mt no pro~Jem. 'l1e lady brlda:e players will have no ' au.se for alarm." ' · He eip].ained that the new law ls aimed at· the ~'Gardena-type" t:J.' poker palace exclusively. Gardena 19 a mall city in Los Angeles County whole prln· d!>al induolly Is cily-<anctioned card clubs and cuinos. * -· ~· • • ... .. . ~ ~- • • • .• ·Ends Mesa Marine ' l . • Dies in Viet, .. _ ....... .. ~P~ Cr~,~;:; I -I A Colli ,M151 man who,,wall<ot t.to '"" -. 'W•"' • '· .., ,,.. ,...,.. .. , . ,,.,. • :M11!fl'. ~ ~ office u 1 '1T·~ bo1 23 .Y'"' .._. and jllatdlect.~ ~ ~ Wlrlrilbw·u.(,,,p~ to -. 111 ol!lcer, llli died In YWlllln --~:· ' 1< ·J' •rs.,., omrDIL I ., .... ' ~ Le111i I.'·B)ahke.,.,Jp,"io;il· .. . IJe&>!6 live., wu ldDed ~ -·. blo · fleUcGt>lli< will . lbol dawb ,wblflt ·mi I ~·miaaion at:milM·-1 GI, QI :Nlllli·· . A ' I , ... .uwe ooJy .hav,e a 'ske'f~'ftPflr.l ·or . wblt~h;ippentd," saifli ~ " 1 ·' whole Officer haoblnd becalno ~ anil 11:redWtng ' aircraft pllol' loll Re • !l tbe J(aftllft Wat! ~ I • : v , ·~.JlllWnahjp.-uecuilvo oll)cfr ·ol Huvy lielicopfu' Sqiiadroni HMM 361. =~t;Jt~~. ~rdlnr to. th6 °""Ill" ~,. .MJ;>.:,Jl\allkeflllhip . llld w . ~­~"; 1f,. there were. otJlell' c1wdm, but .Ille Sta Knl1ht 'carrlts 1 i>!l!>l•MI ·~· cbief ;and ' lwa other -Mafinel· were listed on lodl1·'• 4*b roster. . ... One was Pfc. lAa E.· Nlbbelint, • of. Mr. and Mr1. Duane E. NJhbelWr., (See MARINE~ Page I} • · ~ . . . • , 'Ceut. • • •• I , Ft1dif, A1i111 •. 1969 ·' I '~Hearing for Man Linked_ -· _;· T() Slain Youtn Delayed . ' .. ... -;_State Poll Shows ,, ... .. .. . . -.-;CIDUf .......... COMPAN'Y' ,-~N.'~ ---. . . '{J.d ·a. e.rt., . \'fol,,.... ......... ..,.., . . ' ,..n....i11 K•n1' ' ·-™-oA.M .... , .. ·-""" • > ---Ill Wttf a., Stniet Ma,..1t•• ""''.O. .~ ,1m_ 92121 ' .. -.... 11!'-"' ... , ... r..=-: · , sz• .. '='=""-··- - Another Medical Self -help Course Another tn • m1t•d1c _.. of ~ ....tmedlell lllf-l!olp-wtll bllln ' "" w~. Al!rll " --,. Tea Xdatlt. .... 1 ODl&a .... Ot11 KILLID IN VllTNAM Maf. Lorey llonkanahlp -i!INdor .. 11'1 • !Diiier ol 1111 ml dMlh rtpl ,. Rite "CondJicted hJeral•oervlcu will be held P'rtdl1 . . at -,,._,,.,, -· for llln. ~ u. -· 'II, CGolll M-. whirdllcl ll!ddol!IJ 1'lllldq wb11e ....._ .. llltlr "'r-. Clllf, . 114nln1'eul,Mn.~ ..... toSootbenl.canr.ll!laua~­ Sl!l II ioaflrid ..,:11or l•Ji!•JW!, - -" -llallow.•tone, CGolll M..., i loundor, AllO • wlvbc .... • IOOt Ruel Ridmdai Jr. or eom M•; • daqlJtel', Mn. Vlvle!me Wm, of Hawtliomt; two ·b-s, Steve Marlin, . ' ol TaM • ...i 'Edpr Mer1ln ol Amlyo Grande; a tlller,-Mn. Jocquellne Moore of Felton, and Iii grandchildren. Stereo Tapes Stolen In Mesa Car Burgiary 0 Travtl qont Unda L. Niri..11! wm- doriDC ... -.the ¥0... -bavolnftlld. . ..... lladl, ol Im -.... CGolll KioO,told ..... 11111 ..... ·-- • ""' • --. .. -llpel eiJd lllt ~ unit .. -diem ...... ~ "' • at boJ1!ar. The loll lllOOa!Jtedloftll. Apollo 8 Astronauts Win Collier Trophy WASlllNGTON (UPl)-Tbe three 11- lniDluta who clrded tbe moon In n-n. ber toda,y -their !hlrd -annl In two clQs-llle COft!ed Collier ~ifD.J -~lloa ar.v•~ra« ...... d the troplt'W Afdl1o I UEW-trw Banna0, I-A. 1Arn11 It, ml William A. Anda. • ~· ... l Int ,_ 1' • ..: • -.• ~ He and lilt "'"""'"' -at the M1rble Mount.In• -,_.Da Nq Jut Jon. It lo~ • l~ mlpl- ment. · · .' , I " No funeral arraD1eaWiola ,\;Jn~ made unW lbe body mmi·l!mlJo iiat -· bot !In.~ ~lidai- wlll ~ be In "" '""" cl!opel • tfja Sanli! Au bellcopW~. ,,,. m.iar held "" 'i!''llica'ahed ·~er. ml --.>fr llledils, plal -lillp dallnt liiclt .. JU !arm ... ~ !In. --.. .... -,. -, --1!11 wife, the ....... -11-olrid "1 a .. Dmd; JQ.~ lludent al UC ln!ae, ml a ........ -ra. It, a Ooeta Ill-lllcb Sdlool l!'aduate -CllllValaclni al hclne . ~ an u-. Soviet Bombers N~r Alaska, . ' Then . Turn Back: WABlllN<ITO!I (AP) -A lligb! ol -to 10 -jet bomben flow to wUhln 15 . m!lel ol lbe tM lllweol --ol Alaal:a Tueoday, Pentagon IGIUl'tel ~ll!d todQ'. , 'lllo<&wlil .-. -u 'l'Ull Bodgln, did . not penelralo North An1"1can air spac<, K was llld, but veG'ed away and returned toward the Somt Unloo. · 'lbe 69viet night Iowan! tbe North Am.,erlcan continent was o~ of the largest .,.,_ by Air Force d<tectlon radan'ln some time. .&n tbe laot . such Incident puhUcly dtscl-1 !?' tbe Ptntqoo, -Soviet hon!bels list Jllebnw)' Dew tO wJtliln !llmQll ol·AJma and In --to wltllln I.Ill milts of NewloundlaiAI wl!ert Amerloa! jtl llglRrt lntt!!'Olpted them. Last Candidates ., Night Thursday There w!D he a llnal p.anci,' to hear candldols fer !be~ Unlllld School lllstrld' board T!mnday nllhl. April JO, just Pft dll)'l bel<n elocllGn. 'lbe .-1o lonim will be·hold at 7:IO p.m. In lbe malll-""'°' at College Part -0>ota M.. Ctty Collndlm"" Gtorp Tucker 1' I 11 lrioderate. '!be """" ., bolnl ... -b)' • a;'..:'..~ ~~i:: ...,.. ..... ... Eecbc••n ..,.,.,..__ftftmlmlt.-. u.. be ........... fR1n the floor. ' --- • .. From Pqe l DOOMSDAY •••. " olf by a Soutliai! CalJloinla mlnWer who led ble -lion Giii of tbe slate. Dr. Charla F. llidlter, developer of tho JUcbter llcala to reconl earlbquake --m1-o1 tbe-~ ... , ...... la tl!l wsld, 11 parllaJlarl>'. -. In 119, bo -calteclJ -pndlo- li<m " quabo ,,. ...,, --Jmui.rJ ll!nlqb JalJ. "Jlut It WU O nanml 7tll'." he 1111, '"oont ame true." "There II no way to predict earth- quakel," uya Dr. James N. Brune, who tupervisea Caltech's network of seismograph ·muons in Sou t be r n Califomi8. He said atirmologtata are seeking wayt to predict quakes and reduce hazard!: but called the doormday predktiool "clearJ;y ridiculowl." Perllapc -.of tho -rldleulaul predlctlolll came from lbe Feno...hlp ol tbe -Mind, • telepathic IOCiety clllmln1 to bl I.'* 7111'1 old. Ard>Druld lllailodJ, rt, Aid be -mabno~olllmecrdale tho qoda --· bJI bl quoted an-!""111ndlaa .....iioor. "llea'l' -...... .u -nter, befil't tl!t (tidal) wave." ,., ......... J HIPPIES .. . --had occupied tho area llnu Jul ,...ktl)ll. Police met little reailtance 11 they w1lked up the l}Hnlle can}ron, turned around and walked back down, herdin1 the aquatten before them. '11leJ -tear ... to dilcourai• ..... y.utbl who tried to roll bcoilden down -"" pollce -hut .. otbet lnddonla occurred. MOit ol thecompen ---llraqJad obe- dlenllf ""' " "" .._ .. tho -waldied quJetbo In -"fair bJI llrm polley." ----...-and authorlllfs .._ia! no lojmla. TahqultJ CUyGa la cnmod b)' lbe ""'" Callente Indians and lronlcall)' It wu tho noble redman, ldeallzod by many hippie 1'trlbea," 'that supplied the bull for tbe police ......,. No Seeurf.t11 ·10.. Ti.em ' -Members of the young Americans for Fr~Odom demonstrate against Social SOcurity on the steps ol the Or1JJge County Courthouse and bum their Social Security cards as a prolest against the "fraud on young -le." See story, Page t. 'Hot Lines' lor Sclwol.s I In Mesa OK'd; NB Next? Placement ol emergency teJ.,,i-. In front of each Costa Meu public school has been approved by trustees of N~rt-Mesa Unified School District. But board members hav-e held off a decision on lmlalllnt prlnc~' bot lines until they get a baiter -llllmate. The emergency phooes place a caller in immediate contact with Co.ta. Mesa's Coo!manlcatlclD cm... to requeat pollce, firemen ar an mnbg)wn Olbr __,. ..n bom *'""1 ere apoltod tlJrooPoul Ibo dly • Evmluall7. --membn .,.. laid lldl -"1 dlltrtet Supalt-1illliam °""*Wfw", ... !he ciQUst facility tegardl... of cily lines. 'Ibe city of Costa Mesa will pay for the emergency Jjlones. The 9Choo1 district would be asked to pay for hot lines into tile principals' offices. "It ~ me what we would be buying," said llChool trustee Dooald Straum. "The principal can call now." "We'd be buying time. He WQU!dn't have to look up the number or dial," Aid Frantlln. Supt. Onmlng!Jam laid -""' -11 lbot a blrglat alarm .,nm. ... be added to tbe ~ pbonel oiJd • -" tlit -.... .,.. lll!l ta -·· leaklp al n!pt. dl7 " Newport -mllbl lie In ... a.~ . .,;, ,. ~ pOJ!co, be -.; ... -......... l -q "" )IO'libllly " bnlnc -.. . . . . ~~ ~"= :BUDGET ••• ..... ,...,. -dlapotcbOd "' ~ from llMr<. lald off or reaalgned to other .,Ws Tru3leo Selim "Bud" Franklin, a 1111111-they must he oo!llled. her ol. the CWes-Schools· Lialeon Como .SO board members ire in a real quan-- mlttee, said tlllnkinc 1a -1a1er 'lfhei1 daey. . . N...,.,.t Boach pt. ita own police and Two on tbe board, Dooald St'.rauss and fire center llChools would be .lied lo Selim "Bud" Fral)i<lln, are lncreulngly, License Suspen_ded irritated that an amount for salary . in- creases has not appeared In auppoaedl}" balanced prelh!\inary budget docum..U .. far pruenled to them. . . --aid salary -wtll coll lbe dlalrld $!00;000 or $tl0,000 If tbe rille la five -~ and he woald like to ... ..... lllCb figure In lbe budpl ledpr. Franklin. nbted that -make up man than 70 percent ol lbe operatlnt b!Jdi« ... no other acllm sllaWd be taken without cooaldering salaries. Teacben: aecutive aecretary Hate said ho he ct-.i "ant to,.. educational programs gd Jocted 1n before uluies: are COMidared. CJ/eclion ... Best Value For Quality Fumltul'8 ., • AYAILABLI AT THI JAMI I.ON l'llCI IN Ma OP DIDIL'S OYn 21111 PAAICS , ' SHILIY l'IAlURISI e Al ............ G•r hie -C-. lod .. 1• e """'lW ...._ • t..,. S1l1dlon ti' .... e Qu11fty C1Mitnlctlelt &.M81w&-. c.vw.t .. Afrr ef °"'8J'8 20D ...... l1l1&::tMM. 1111 ..... _, 11 C11*1i le 0-,,._ $169. Te $229 EXCLUsM DIAi.Di -HINll'DOti-DRIXIL-HalTMa' 90 DAY~·NO INTElllST-LONOllTllMS AYAILAILI ON Al'PllOVID CllDIT -'1 7N/,W., . f~ NIWl'OITI IUCH 1727 Woolclff Dr. '42.aso ....... , .... , ·-· INTlllORS # ,,.,., ..... ......... • D• .... 1 Awll1•l1 JJD NllD LAGUNA llACH MS ....,,, Coooi Hwy, ' .... fllMT 'Ill. t _,.. __ .. ..__,-~· I I ' ' l 'Mfe-.lu~ Chances of ·neath - -For ·Sirhan F-ade Laird Puts Goo Back In AJ:nty · ( 4)Wft ~ 11,d .. •hoolrf lie . .,.Nd: ~;,,~:r:;·~ d1ythe~ .. -illneu was so ~ ht hoped •Slrllan "Ollld Iii a Iii• -1¢ """""'" -ical 1re1tm:;;( · After almoit lllree· niaolllt · of a trial lhol Nil ..,.. •Old' mated 11 million, ~ oll-mitted under croil .....;1M\' t{On be pe-llld told Ille district attOrnef' llrban'I tnen- lll diseue -opori blm. Pollael<, • • .. -." Jiil' c:hlalrJ ii die l!lll*llQ " S.0-. Clll!.nlo,-tlrmizf W ··~~ be lllll1oll -..... tllrr ~uTON (UPI) -De. ~ .. poh!Jn, w .... .... f..,. Secular)' Melvlp , R.. 'murder af,''KamorlJr, ad <o: DAil v Pilar I ilipinqs R,e-etitret . Christ ·Crucinxion I ~ . I • • . • ; . SAN FERN~NOO, Th ,e ed ·bla eyee. , ~ PhtllpPlnes JUP!~ -Fillplnol, PlrlDa was left lmpafld aa1J dressed as Raman 10idlerr to-two mlmDll ~ tbt mlD .1 • ·day uiled.aSf.~·fllber, who-• die nOot ..., ol Uree to a besvy woodeo pilled ...,., Giil dniwlq crosa in I Good Friday , .. '-'-·"'Wood·-..,.,,._., ·-of the eruclflxi<rd .,... l ,._ (If Jesus Qhria. l I ~ pibu. • ~ ~ l Juanito Pklng Wll impaled Pimrc; --b:r hW -· to the llHoot.irigh cross with tailored purple -..i - 211 Inch atalnless ateel nalta Inf "--the crown aa a crowd (If 5,000 ptt80rll of bnll be ~ ~~ • • shGuterl IOd llhoved beneath a ::U,lhl ~~ 1-le ...: ~; acorcbin1 ~ ln an tff<rti to • _, •. &et a better view of the ICeQe. a mile from the ICIM VI· .. ,_.,," "I ·will be nailed to the rHDA~ ot c.tlvary! . '"...;~ cross for as long as ·1 live It was tbe llCOlld COfto(!J ;.. 10 that the Sina of. mine all d secuijye YfM ~-bid bin . j-. J•-w-.,• be •--er!," -nJ to tbe -nploc-· •. firi;ri . ,;;'before""';",.., ;j";" nef.,..... wllri bid .....-···cu ' <-•~:• up on .a.! cross 'In mltted Co tbe·rltall for t1w1 • :oa. DQU\CQ. \UC = . . ~<l lhlll toWn so miles norlh of ....,, ,_.. . · .. .:.,j Manila. P~ ,e,t<*tma1114,· .. Loi~ -of • ~ -the· .. .._.. of bis rrdnlRtr, bu overruled the ad -.... 1 •• ,.~~~ · Army ind will P«mll reler-. • . ·- ence to "God" and "faith" In ·Pollaet ~did not feel FILIPINOS Rl·ENACT GOOD FRIDAY CRUCIFIXION DF JESUS CHRIST DESPITE CHURCH lAN ·0o1y. Pirlng'• palms were ts. In jilt~ _, NiHf1!f to the cross.· His Rmnln · ' coa.ntrYo,.;: wpiti, stomach IOd legs wbero !flt\ i:lmr<!l Im off1elally ; ~ were ~Y b<Kmd to ts e f<1biddeo Che pndtce but bU • c~. HIS fact remained ex· not beef!I whioUf .uue..ru.J la firessionleos although be cloo-•bollabinl tt. char-_guidance ......,..,m. -~~ ~~~ ' _ _. C:.rOwd of 5,000 Watches a• J~unlto Plrl"f, 29, 11 ·1inpo1ect to Cross by P1lm1· ·' Laml, lit a plam • opoken • Ille jury rfecldlnl .., •tue or ---~~-'-----'------"------':c..__;_ __ .._ ___ _,;_....:c:c__.:.._ ____ _ ~ment said: ~"Rifer-death. ...- e.nces. to !~ese terms are •P-"I am opposed to. capital propnate. . punishment for moral, proleS'!' Big Four Me~t The Ameri can Civil Liber- sional and other' rusonsf.' ties Union complained to the Pollack said. "But I did not Ddenae Department last year let that interfere with my about "improper religious ref-diagnosis of SU:han. I felt it erence!I" in the Anny '! char-my duty to ~iety to repori acter guidance programs. The my findings and I believ«:! he Mideast Talks Start Well Army repli~ to ACLU in De-had the mental cap1city to de-· UNITED NATIONS (UPI) cember it would delete UJ:e liberately kill Kennedy." _ Ambassadors of the Big terms from the character gu1-Defense ~ Grant Cc»-Four nations today de.scribed dance m~ual?. . per pressed him u to wl:'at he as "off to a cood .start" their Lut Friday Laird ordered had r.ported to the diJtrlct . . a study on the subjed. But be atlorney's office and -a ta1b aimed al bringing peace Issued another announcement report in which Pollack said: to~ Middle Ea.st. They meet Marmdy Thursday mn before "Thil defendaut'• mentfl agam 'l'Ues<lay. . compleUon of the study Dlne!ir should be a subilmitlaJ The UDlted Nations · am- Laird a sailor aboard ·a de--mitigating factor on the mat· bauadors of the Un It e d stroyer ' in World War 11 and !er oC penalt~. I hope Sirhan States, th~ Soviet Union, Brl· a1f elder In the First· Presby-is 1ble to avoid the death pen· tain and Fra~I!_.. conferred , terian Church in Marsbfieltt, altJ ~ accept medical treat-twice Tbunday. Wis., said In the anilounce-ment ~t ~ state ~ter at _ T h e am b a s s a d o r 1 ment: Vac~vtlle. · " "straightaway entered into a "With regard to character Said Coope~: In °th er discuss.ion on matters or guidance programs within the ":'Ords: you beheve the s~b.stan-b~-nd h tart d T d t1al illness should mitigate su -nee a ave s e mt 1tary epartments I want f d th t J"f .,., defining areas of agreement" to ~f:e. that t~ere will be no r~a~a .is ~rr'e~l " Pollack a joint communique said. The proh1b1t1on against the use o~ . d ' statement •!so said lh · 'God,• 'supreme being,' 'crea-sat · " ,,mgs tor,' 'faith,'. •spiritual values' were off to a good start. The four ambaisadors reaf. firmed their iiaUona1 SU:>port .for the l&-month eff<>rt of Gun· nar• v. Jarring, spkial U.N~ Middle Eut envoy. to aet Israel and the Arabs tofelber for a puce aettlemenL JalTinc'a in1a:bl W a I suspended at I e a s t tern· pc:irarily. U.N. Secretary General U Thant announced 'nNnday Jarring ha left his Cyprus headqu~ to spend Easter . in his . home i n Stockholm. Diploinatic sources said Jar· ring was. unlikely to renew his Middle East post until the Big Four reach substantial agreement. or •imilar words." W W _,_ .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. Laird said the military..... innie id ow >< >< >< >< >< >< lees "comistently have ad· E 1 Ii ==~~ ~ Breaks Thigh gypt, srae · Tanks not the and ha LONDON (UPI) :-Lady F . ~= ~~~~e ~~ ~l:.'~=~ri-.. :! ight Over Suez Canal ""''"""" to theoe terms are l\IJhed to a hoapilll today ap~ate." . after a fall at her home. By Ualted Pren International one Israeli helicopter spotting l.a!rd said the Widy "1111 ' A ~ P 0 t e s m_ ~ 11 · f ~ r -,""Egypt;ian aad ·Israeli tanb for Israeli artillery was shot continUe under the direct.ion nf Westminster hosp1tit · T a·1 'd ·. · • · · · the military department's and Lady Churchill apparenUy had and artlllery battled across · :1:!own and crashed in names Defense Department's gener· broken Iler thigh. Th e the southern end (Ir the Suez east' of Al . Shatt. Another al COUMel and "upon it! C1>m· spokesman said ber condition Canal for two hours today . Egyptian Cc:immunique said ntetion recommendations will was "comfortable, but she is Egypt r.eported it shot down Jsrae1i artillery shelled the be made to me." slightly shocked." L • d Y an Israeli helicopter during towns of Suez and Port Tewfik Churchill is 84. years old. the first fight along the water· for at least an hour and 27 Russ Blasts Speeulation OVer Ships MOSCOW (UP!) -The BOAT BUl'FS Al111e11 Leck•b-r Ti th• e11ly full· fil'I• .... tint ff it.,. w.,kint • •llY • ..,.,.,... hi Or1119e c..wty. Hl1 ... clutiY• c-•te <tf M.f. 1119 111d y1chH119 •m h • d1ily fe1fllr1 ef Hie DAILY PILOT. ScMet Navy'• commander in!'=='=== chief said tod1y bis rrhlpo were in the North AUantic on a tr:aining mtise, not bound for a demonstration against the Chinese mainland. way in 10 days. minutes. Tel Avi v ·and Cairo blamed There was no word on eaclt other for starting the firing, the first since Egyptian damage to Egyptla~ o i I Pnsldent Gamal Abdel Nauer refinery lnstallatiooJ In the said on Sundey nlg!rt his Suez area but Isrseli artillery forces were rtldy to lite the hu been reported zeroed in lniuatlve akmg the canal oo the installations for bstant against Israeli forces (I(!-shelling should the Egyptians cupyJrw the east bank. attack the Israeli fortifications A CaJro commW1ique said along the canal. ' The communique said the· Big f (IUl'S approach to "bow they ·can contribute to a peaceful political settlement" in the Middle Eut was based on the U.N. Security Council raOluUon ·or Nov. 22, 1?67 which outlined terms for set· tlement of the June 5--10, 198'1 war. The resolution caned for Israeli withdrawal from "ter· ritorles occupied" in the J une wa r jlnd an end of the state of ~ligerency by'the Arabs. It affirmed the right of all countries in the area or "live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries," called for freedom of navigatk>n ip; internaUonal waters "IUCh as the Suez Canal and the Gull of Aq1ba, and urged a "just settlement" of. th& . problem .of• milllon .Pale1tlne retugees. P? '?ni~mg Fast Service WAS!UNGTON (UPO The Post Office Is ending its guaranteed same day delivery service in major downtown business centers. Accelerated Business Selection and Delivery (ABCD), begun in 1962, cuaranteed letten posted by 11 a.m. would be delivered by 3 p.m. But portmut<n reported a decliniq interat, and Pootmuter Generol w ... ton M. Blount said· that to dilcontinue ABCD would &ave $1 million a ·JeA?. Admiral of the Fleet Sergei Gonbkov said "all .claims about some kind of a l'nifitary demomtraUon by our Navy on · the shores of China are groundless political specula· tion, a propagandistic ca.oard of tie bourgeoise joUrnali!ta.11 ENJOY HAWAII'S MOST UNUSUAL 'BUTEi: m SSUJRUNE South America and the Galapagos Islands ... Take a 10-day "Super Cruise" (knhkov, in an • Interview in the IJOvernmenl · newspaper Izvestia, Aid, "You muot no. tice -unltrr of W"1em -"" the -It arcmM no delh for t:PecuJ• lion by bourpotrr obaemn, but • routine Alllnt! of Sovtel ships ma training mission,dil· turbl their peace." · ·. The t....,.lumn lntemew In lzvettia 1ppeared to be an unuaoal displ1y of Russian Ir· ritaton at.Wtstern !!pecualtioo nver Soviet m i 1 i t a r. y movements. · lt was htadllned "Nervousness of the Misin- formed : On the Speculation o( the Western Press: on the Sailing of Soviet W anbtps in the Atlantk." An editor's note: a 1 t d weotern-.mhadmisfn. formed publi< opinioti and 1 ... ned, war: Jll7Chosil "in f190r of tbe aaraaive plans of NATO." Many . Holding Wortfiless Land RIO DE JANEmO (UP!) -A spokesman for the U.S. Embassy said Thunday some 3.000 American citizens hold worthless title! to land Jn Brazil. The spokesman said most of thtm had betn defrau~ into truylnc trsct> from U.S. ~pecul1ton whose land dea l· lnp Me fl01' undtt In· vestlplion bt the Brulliln g.........,L ~ Spoil:I 10 .,. ..... -·· beMih:I ..._ • 11:1 SS lrl"· Jina n )'OIK -ly fini class hotel in omy port. Y:sit Honolulu, Oahu, fOf 3 :bys, Nawiliwili, J{s\loi, for 2 days; Llhaine, Meui, for .2 • days; Hilo, Hawaii, for l dty 1nd Konl, Hawaii, for 2 d111. For 1 superb 3-week YICltioft, crvise to and,..., the-.. won, 101iftt I hlpjly, -...... of infonool ....... r..li:e. TGll'I ----1111a llln ... mtjoY ,...~ tD .. fl:ll. estF-illelo11Nllr .. 2f. "' ........ Ctlloi• porlL .,,,. ... ii, 19, St;t: %2, Oct. 14. --"' ... aay ... Ill! ..., 11 •11111 a. - AR U.usaal Cnl11 0"1rtunlt1 On May 17 Maison's SS Monterey departs fur 1 28-day voyars to the excitini ports ot Mazatlan ind Aclpulco, Mexieo; Lima, Peru, GU. taquil, ECUldclr; lll>OI, CtMI Zone; Tll>oga lllw, P-nrl 1 spe. clal Wis~ It 11!1 '""-Gillprr· p Islands. Yoo'I tmtl ii lll<IU· siftlyflnt<f11181mryw11Re-.. And,.., ........... .. llljor .. JIOr1 ... tllt...,..,.. clll _..._. IJlultlli .. All -..... •llrl It $1,llO. W.'11 be atrrd lo .... "' -· information.,, and stay at Hawaii's most unusual 'hotel' The SS ;Lurline ·s599 : All l11c!u,l¥e """'· Spend IO effortlen dfY' eruisin1 , •monc the lslll!ds with tht exclu· siYely flfst elm Lurline • your hotel in eYeJJ pert You'I ltllplCk Just onee, thoo till! -~. Ollw, , .. 3 days; -iwiti, -· !tr 2 rla)S; llhlill, Mori, ftr·Z.,,. 1111. ii, for 1.,, .. ---for 2 U,.. l1lis -,_•1 ""' ~rltiollo•sl-­..t-1r111o11o-.,..-. ' It'& !'P to you. All·inclu,lve farM ba1l11 et tS99 from.. Lo, Angele,. For ell cltteih, iu•t conttct u1. CALL • RUBAIYAT TOURS 675-4144 IALIOA ISLAND, .e4LIPOaNIA SAr:l!TV INIJOlliM.f.. • T ION l U l\ffllne, r .. 11tftl'H Ill Ille U.S .• 1ubtt•nti.11v ......n In· '-'IMI s.,.., 11.,,. A ...... ttr -"'"'" .--..111 1 .... ,.. """"' ~ ,,.. '"- ~, "•"""""'*- 201 MAllNI AYINUI DIVISION ' • ----=--- - .. Crackdown· On Czechs JET -,,~ . " ,.~· , ··-·.NOISE Worries U.S.·' "N Y kstatesenator~: L=·•lllage of-.. .ii,; ew or London!' · \\IASIUNGTON (UPI) -J, Santucci bu filed a bill In mllee ~olNew York 'l'lli.-, 'Itle Nixon adminlstraUon 1s the Senate to akl local .com--Mardi "9 - watching developments In munltiel Jn the fight agai!llt -P..• ' Czechoslovakia ' ' w l th con-airplane noise and air pollution. * * * - cern,". fearful_ furth:r The· meuure ,pr:ovtdes that LOUDER -4 C.AJM"~' repressive Soviet measures . tbor. U . ahall a YOU · 'J'RE' could damage talks on the public ·au 1 et . pay ING -._ ...... ~iddle East and arms reduc· one dollar ta~ for each .•Ir R~erica ls ''.the ~.:· tion. passenger arrlV1111 or de~rUng plaCe hi ' the wodd to lite .... Di(i ._, · The Sta te Department ts on a fllgbt fro?? an ai~ wort," and the Cl# tO tbellitioli'"' limiting itself to saying the under ~control of the autt~.ori-rUns Into milllOOa of ~' .:i United St ales is watching ty." because or f1utue, menta1· '/ C~eehoslovakia "closely and Nassau Herald _ Feb. 27, 1969 distress, emoUc:ml stt~n and. , with concern." i~fficlen~, Sen. Mark 0 . Ila'-~ :'1 Amer I c at officials * * * field, said yesterd1y In :. ·,i ack~owledge ~rivately that "Bills setting a Sl ,000 fine Washin~. · · ·._ Sov~et repre~1on or pop.ular for excessive jet noise, and Speaking at a ~erence of '~ uprlllings against R u s s 1 1 n placinc industrial value on pro--government, industry and C!IOllto occupatlo~ troops cou1d h. a Ye perty condemned for airport e1:· munlty ~eadera lpODICl'ed by repercussions elsewhere 1n the panslon have been filed in the the N1tional COuncU an N .. diplomatic world. catiforcia state -a s a e fn b 1 y • Abatement . It the Ma,llDnr - C z echoslovak Communist Sponson of nWe fine legislation Hotel, HaUield Aid lneffk '-i. Leader Alexander Dubcek, tn plan to use tt to test in the aJ&ine cost U.S~ ~-~ a radio appeal to the nation courts the qutSti(ln of whether estimated $1-mlllloa flftf"J daY, Thuraday night, called for Ille federal tfOY=ment bu ..... TW.:.=::r.;:~ llftler. lell-diaclpline by the empted antklotrre lows." · culptjtrr· jet' olrplmles, tlamc , ~=u.i:~ '!,~ AvlnUon Dally-March 11, 11119 ilolae, ,;...,. inodenl baorlap/' ,-. .. &iviet Incidents. * * * m;t-andof"OO bands-and~ ··· now" 1 ·~ .. Th~ presenJ; ·tension with its . "· · ·s · , · · threat of fiiteflsified SoYi~t , "LONDON, Mara~ 3 ~ a l\e.w , St. Peter1burg ~ --, military Intervention grows l~t of . proposed sites for . an • _ M'1'dt i; uea:,. . out of IJ:le sacking of the Soviet all'pOrt· that London ~ but We are not . alone, but we ,., # Aeronot offices in Prague last nobody wants next door !fU need to i:eep. ~IOI beard. Write ~ Weekend and 00rn· ol announced today, ending 11 f1ve--lettera ei:plainin& ,_. podtian SoYiet vehl 1 ing some year battle by the residents ol on e1pana:ian (If Onnce County The talksc ~;· "Uhlted States a qulet fannlpg area in E~1. Airport_. Call Wr olfke for m." .. 1 Soviet Union, Britain and A government COf!lmtsalon forma.Uon. We are op,en •tr,m France on the Middle East dropped plans t~ .rel~e~e the t-12 evuy week day .• ;IG-HN. ; situation could be jeppardlied ~ on two exist.mg airports Look for J~t Nolle nery . by the Ctech'<lev•lopments. by buildlnr a third airport near Tuuday and Pridly .. ' WANT nrnav1·· ON TOUR BANlt . -. ' CIJECKING ACCOUNT! rov CAN'T .GET IT BUT WITH fACD'IC'8 S'WITCll 'Jif· SAVE ACCOVJllT . . . ' ' ... YDI -•• 1l11nt u Mll liy blfiill 1 let .1111.••llJ ... ym 111II11111m1 .. 1llt ... ia,_PlclllcllPu l1~t · A111••-•ll11111-rw •• ,. ........ ,. .. ••••••• f nn,-doll1r •--~•r:r dai~~-..-:-; J'OU PaelRe Aneilat-· even for lad oae ~. . . Ii" •1•ly ................ _,. .... Ulfy ... 1/fll • tlllloMI 11 11tn1 y111 •1111 -• 1ra 111111111111. 11¥1111. ii YHI ICCHltl 11 ~11!111'1 tld 1111 frt• Ille Iii If HJ •11tk wn1 raceiw~ ·llJ t .. 1Dtlr. • .. ! •• ' .. • . .. • ' - • I tl)AILY PaOT llJDITe~ PAGE' ' ' ·cooa ··sigll Ordin~nce Two yeera ago lllls """'111 the Costa Mesa City Council was wreotttna With an ordinance to control ·real -sllns Illa! were A'.l)JUting all' over the dty in front or liouses and buslneisei !or sale. Measuring up the ~eel today, the law was a good one and it has worked well. '!be situation that brought the ordinance about was not unique to Costa Mesa. Rea) estate brqkers would list a property, then install a sign that turned· out to be a miniature billboard advertising the real estate firm . More often than not, the sign stayed up Joqg after the tranaactlon h~d been completed with a "Sold" added on the !root. -' As a conseqU.ence, some sections of Costa Mesa with a relatively higb turnover in home owners looked like disl.resaed properties. When eigbt or ten large and color· ful agns were stuck in the lawns on a single block, it had the appearance· that everyone was moving out in • Jim-rt, 'lbe -council recognized that eliminating signs ,a]. together woud create a hardshiP. for reeidenta who wish- ed to sell .. lheirf.r"l"'rty. Couneilmen also noted that the real estate pro ess1on apd property owners have a legi· limate right and need to identify properly for sale. The council came up with an ordinance that said property could be posted with a for sale sign so long as that sign .was a Jl).odest but visible 18 by 24 inches in size and ·of a tidy green and white design. The letter- ing co"1~ ~pecify the prope~ty was for sale by owner or by an jlgent, and cou'JP list a telephone number. Some rehl estate offices grumbled ·and warned of dire consequences. They said Mesans who wanted to sell their land wouJd have a tough time finding buyers because of ·the sign restriction. That has not proved trve. C'!Wosing a Career:. Wait For Maturity ·' ' . .By GEORGE R. ROFF, Ph.D .. The proces. 1nw1ve<1 'tn cbooslnc • cattier ts Indeed , an tmpart8nt aspect ef ooe'J life. It ··rOnaf Wilb ... lecting a spouse, or findin~ a fulfilling style oC life, as one of the most signlficant and 'comequentiaJ. ~ we maU Ui D-• . 't. .. our~ .... .. . ,(.'~ '.•· . . . ' .. When a 't:arter ChOice ls madi, t ' person ·is deciding where he belongs In tbe-occilpationaI ·realm of his, being : it's comparable to •selecting an "OC· capatkmaJ neigh&rhood" in which to live. And_, since the fundamental reference point of a person is the SELF -bit psychological home , ·his basic nature, his internal, personal focus point -Uieo his choice of an "occupational nei&b)Klrbood" ,depends upon where he wants to set up emotionaJ housekeeping. FlJtlTBERMORE, the type of career he chooses, the quality · of his choi~. haw appropriate his choice is to the SELF, and bow wen ~ fits . into hi.s c:balen C•neighborhood," all relate C}Ose)y to bis knowledge of himself and his maturity level. Unf I , Olll' American ture encourages y a e career choices too early in life, before they have lived long enough to know who they are as persons. Research in develop- mental psychology has shown that if the self is immature, the career choice will be too; if the stlf is changing. choices also Will change; if the self .Is unknown, career-choices will be vague and diffuse. Dear Gloomy Gus:- I wheeled my chariot into a Ben Hur station Sunday. amazed at ho\v they could advertise gas at 25.9 cents a gallon. They can't. Because it's diesel fuel. Caveat emptor, as the Romans said: Let the buyer beware. -L. D. J. Tllll _...._. r•lltctt rwlltn' v....., ..i ,._.., ..... ., ... ----, .... --..... le.....,, ... l»I., H91, lo adjUst. to other people 1n order to gain a ~ oC peraonal &ecurity, hi.s career choice may reflect wlw.t others want for him, instead of what he believes i•.lmporlanl !0< hip>. ··-~--~',choices should be '~.iay!oi •· · 1-'i; ,~ "achd Phase Ill of · ' development, when he is in- legra~himself into the social order, adop -a system of values which reaec • unique self, and is functioning as ~n . ependent person relating to others. AS A ~IA 1TER o( fact, at this point he probably won't have to choo11e. because he'll know intuitively what he wants to ~ and where he wants .to go occupatibnally, ' There is liUle hope thAt the Idea of Waiting until maturity lo choose a career'will catch on,' beCause we're not used: to thinking this way. But why sbauld a person be saddled with a decision made during the blush of im· inaturity? When a career Is choaen dur- ing Phase I or II, the choice remains static, while the person making it either continues to grow or "fitates in his de~-t> ·m' oriter to remain con- gt\!eftt "ipi his job: In either case. the consequenc~s are inimical to deriving real satisfliction from work. . P~ EDUCATORS, and employers are the three groups which could, if they wished, t'8ch young people that it's. O.K. lo wait until Phase Ill, WHEN A PERsoN Is forced to choose after they have struggled through Phas<s 1 caner In Phue 1 fl hil development I {Ind II, ·before finally settling upon • . a ipeclflc Carter. -wbiJe· be. is sWl diac~ who The question, "Who are you " ts lm· he Is °"" .~ bbqoelf -una men..i, mere important and beJpful lo he t. Vf!t1 luety. bla chafee wan't fit. someone~ {__or a com~Uble career later-on. -wben--:-he-hara· .,Hd~ -than, "What do you want to do when of who he ls in the scheme of things. you erow up'" During Phase 11, when he is attempting ' --'--B11 George --- Dear George Recently I read 1 man -in-lhe- street survey which showed the man-in-the-street opinion on advice columnlltl .... pretty low and lhal adYbi eolumnista doo 't serve any real tunctioo.1 Do you qttie with lllls ..... J ' 'CURlOUS Dur canou.: - No.'..i I ilint :::1;1oolllallJ • :Szl:~==r .... -............. lo Ill . ., ... 6a a1l'W GUI of a. frdlc?. .. .. DWa-,.: My boJ friend keeps bis handJ In bis pockel.s while dancln1 with .... Im~ lbls c:oosidered bad --.... , SUE lleuSUe: n -he, ,.. -however, with -new dances bow can you teO be la dancill& With you! u ,,. js,,-.ly standinc Oii the -side ol the room wllh hlJ bands In his pockets, ho m1y he -.11 ,..... for ,..., to ftnbb claDOng. • Against, Against Soutb WU, Va., .Enterprise: "It's a strange, strange country we live In. And the m~e we see and hear of our fellow human beings, the stranger it gets. Peo- rle seem to take to the stre& and demonstra&e or riot (or~both),for almost every 'rip!" in the boot. Some take to the -beca""' they feel 'that aince ·they don\ want to work that -. else -r..r them. •• then then .... -......... l(ainlt the draft. • ·-who aro .,._ the war In Vietnam ••• and l!>oit ""° are qalml -yho are q:ainlt" N•lalea( Ari~, Herald< "U you ... optrated a busine1s and were asst•sed enormous' t.Ues, regulated by politl· clans, and forced to compete with olhffs who were partially flo1nred by government tax money, including your own, th ' chances m you \VOuld throw \IP your hands also and close shop. And aHll the government, alld most or the people. bla*\e the railroads, and we wonder how long It will take them to learn the bitter lesson. They say the railrdads delibarately sabotaged the pusenger trains by maki ng them undellrable. but the stern truth I! the people .i..erted tbem and the tuer1 - conUnued to pour oh more tues." , ' • ~.1 · .. Aa·a ...Ut, two years lallr.Colta Meia ~ ~· llUler a6d·tldler than thll 'rin: No ~er!!'~ lial ...... 'tali:• 00 ·tile air or • cl.rcua 0: ••n'lce ·atatlori openinJ just l>ecauae a fa"lily II m9vill1 to an~er sec- tJon ol. town. " Other ~I ties would do well to copy Costa Mesa's lead In this direction. ~ , • Caravan of . Gooa Will Orange County optometrists will form their unique caravan of good will again this month as they journey 17 •trong to 'Enaenada, Mexico lo help children wilb serioUI sight problems. ' . ' · Origlruited 'lind led this year by L&Pna's Dr. Leon ,iUelrod, it will be the fourth such medical excursion for optometrists wlio are also members of 1-1 Lions Clubs. Dr. Martin Dales of Costa Mesa used "unbelieve- able"· as the word to de~cribe the ·need for glasses dis- covered in the first three years of testing. "In the first three clinics," he ·Said, "a total of 325 iieedy school children were refracted and glasses were provided for 175. Twenty-five others were referred for medical treatment and surgery." The Lions Club optometrists pay their own way and transport their own equipment. Children ;ire screened both as to indigency and seriousness of sight pfoblems. The optom~trists limit their treatment to needy young- sters with less than 50 percent vision. · The optometrists are contributing their skill, time and funds to lhe very best type Of people-to-people pro· gram. , .. 1 King Of TM Caribbea/18 . Aiditig Communism Wlaile Attempting to Tlawart It Tactic: To the Editor : Thank you for the,.. revealing ·article on CongreSsman Utt. Of course it was supposed to reveal to us lhe conspiracy of Communist subversion in sex educa· lion and rock muSic ; it would surprise me if many intelligent read,rs •ccept this line of speciaUs · reasoning and un· founded allusiOna 'to communism and guilt-by-association. However; few· could miss the fact that Mr. Utt finds it reasonabl,. LIKE THE. John Birch SOciety, Mr. Utt falls into the ·tiap of aiding com- munism while •ttempUng to thwart it. 9! iCOUl'se infiltratian bas . be.e.1> "'a. ,p.s;ef ul ~clie : of· ,the c:omlnunliti,' 1Ntwd of · our' own counter esplonage agencies. But the more effective tactic by far is the spread of mutual mistrust through our citizens. The Communists perfE!cted this techni· que in so-called "brainwashing" well- known to Korean and Vietnamese POWs. To eC!ecUvely "re-orient" people, th' CommunJsts turned the prisoner against his buddy by instilling mistrust -fear of traitors. Once the prisoners could no long~r trust their buddies in con· versation, the "brainwashing" coold pro- gress unhindered by ·logical rebuttal. IF THERE IS a danger within this country from the Commwlisl world to- day, it is· their eiploJtation of the misguided but w.ell·mein.ing HUACs, JBSs, and 1J'M'1. By all means let the FBI continue to search out highly-placed trait.ors. This quiet method has proven notably effective. But do not spread fears of inflltfation of our churches, of mystic Communist hypnosis in mod music, and of moral degradation through family Jlfe education. To remain a 1trong and free country, \1·e must remain united . ROBERT C. KAUSEN Rais iit Ille Barn To the Editor:~ ' _ Your editorial of f.1arcll"' 27 which cowred the wolf-crying of Congressman James Utt -reminds me of one of my late father's~. · A farm boy rushed up to his fathe r and stammered, "l just seen a hundred rats in the barn!" His father calmly replied, "Now. son do you really know how many rats make a hundred! Let's" count to a hundred." "Well." said the boy, "I know there was at 1,ast ttn rats.'' His dad put an arm about his son and said, "J,.et's be reasonable, boy. Hold out both Sands and count your fingers -ten.' Now that's a tot of rats to see at once, isn't it! How many rat! did you really see'!" The boy looked earnestly into bis father's eyes and replied, "Well, J know there was one for I seen his tall'' YOUR EOITORIAL deletes, no doubt for brevity. Mr. Ull'I name dropping - Dr. Esther Schultz of SEICUS whom he quotea aa uytng that a good sex educatlon telcber "must not tie • moralist" Nor · does it quote SEICUS executive dltector Mrs. Mary Calderone who states, lecording to Mr. Utt. that "Se't education must be thought or a~ educatJon -not moral indoctrination." And you ltlt wt any n1ention of that line, red-blooded, up.standlng. a I I • American boy Isadore Rubin who hap- pens lo be. according to Mr. Utt, 5.EICUS lrtasurtr, a Communist, and editor ol the sterJlng pNrie1't periodical "Set· ology.·• ~IAYBE M.I\. tl'IT went orr half cocke:d on the Unlltd Natlons·U.S. Army swamp maneuver. but J feel like glvlna more ear to' Mr, Utt UUs trip than f do to you. He fencnUy cries that there Spread Mutual Distrust \ .. ''"•.<'·11 · t ··;·itJ31 M)X . . Letters from rtadtrs are wtlcome. Normally writers ahal.ad-C011vttl thtir mtst1age in 300 word.t or le.ss. Tht tight to conde-nst leitm -to fit ipace · or eliminck libel is 1'Utrotd. All ldt<r1 must include .~ ....i· moiUn.o addnss, bvt ~ mar be" withheld on nqu.1t if nfficint ttcz· son ii apparent ' · 1 are rats in our bar.a, and tour' vapid, , diJciplinar.y diatribe -doesn't -lull me to thinking ,that there are no nts.. _ Maybe it's tinle We all go out and have one heU of. 1 good look. T. DUNCAN STEWART 'Suell Tras/1' To the Edi.tor : I wish to record my utter disgu~t for your March 27 editorial. It seems strange that a third rate editorial writer has the right to inflict such trash on the unsuspecting . readers of t h e newspaper, _ To refresh memories, and to inform those who have not been in the county that long, '41'. Utt W11 eleCted by the people ~,.Qi'anae County in November of 1961.. In this election he received 72.5 ~t of. the popular vote. ll y,•ould seem to me that this indicates that he , is · representing the people of his district. I wonder if we can say the same for your newspaper. WILLIAM D. CLARK lJU'• Sleul.llh19 To the Editor: In reference to the article of March 25, "Rock:-·Music 'Red Plot'?": I agree ~mpletely with Representative Utt, and J have formulated a three-point plan for removing rock music as an influent! on our young people. 1) Representative Utt &bould submit his evidence. to the House-and propose t. blll (which I believe, in the light of his evidence, is almost certain to pass} includJng clauses that would : a) Ban the manufacture and sale of rock records : BJ SUSPEND certain constitutional privileges, thereby allowing police to search without a warrant to confiscate these records and materials ;. c) Give ' local government the power to close rock stations and ,any other Communist-controlled stations, Jike KFI Quotes II. L. StrHler, Rolling Bills Eltalel -"Thil1CI are not yet so polarized lhat we cannot all live together as brothers in the next decades; but those who hale and bludgeon will surely postpone tht day." Ylllllam Larrabet. L.A. Urban Coalltkm e.,;ec. -"Ninety-fi ve percent o£ the_ Negro comn1 unity v.•ant to solve their proble1ns with integrity, and they want to get the things they !i~ thoit you and l have and to ge,t them teclUm.itety." Rev. Clarence .lottpll Nvtn, Okkl Nt:aro prtukompo.-er at SU.fwd ror cOGetrt ud lecture -"Many people rtlate any kind o( pleasure ~·ith sin, but that ~ not Bl~le lheoloo· The Bibi• "'asn't afraid of sensuality.'' • or Kti.fPC, that arc gunning for the "oldsters"; and d) Slap governmental control on the type and content of all ne?.' music writ- ten. (2) THE LOCAL governments should set up jamming stations to prevent the successful operation of clandestine sta· tio:ns. l) Proceedings should be started im· mediately to try the artists in the groups. the record Company officials, and all others Usociated with the production, protnotian, or cin:ulation of these materials for treason. In conclusion, I again praise Utt for his m9fal C0!.4f~e !lncl stamina, his devo- Uon, to JOb •·~' country, and above all for the .marvelous job of sleuthing that uncovered this plot to undermine lhe United States. · .NA~fE WITHHELD Age 14 ~He Pre1re/1e-d Haired' To th' Editor : l wish lo express my appreciation lo the state Senate Rules Committee ror defeating a resolution to honor Martin Luther King. It is gratifying to lmQ\V that we , have some senators who did their homework and investigated King's activities which certainly exposed the intent·of his actions. Wherever King marched he left behind hb:I) tenaions and crises plus a wider ' rift~~. black and white races. HE PREACHED hatred, not love . The Bible lellii us that "By their fruits, ye llhall know them." We are now view- ing his fruits which are the tensions and crises on our campusu throughout the nalion. It was a sad day when our nation gav~ so much recognition to a man \Vho was a forerunner of the destructive, howling tnobs of today. Ii. L. WHITE Dalev'• "''"'"'"" To the Editor: . ...._________ ~ In nrerence to an arbcte yOu CiiTiea a couple weeks ago where M•yor Daley of· Chicago, in reply to an accusaUon by Hubert Humphrey, said he "did all I could by carrying Northern Illinois, and Cook County." Last year my wife and 1 were rfsidents of ·Cook County but we knew we would be in Los Angeles by the time of the presidential elections. Of course . we ~·anted absentee ballots so we called the Cook County courthouse fQr in· structions. They told us , to go to our local city hall in June and register. Then write a letter to the:m a few weeks before the electlon requesting our ballot. We re1Jstered -as l\EPUBLICANS. UPON AJUlivlNG-tn this ·.,.a my wife called tho Santa Ana , coortboose to double checl: our -They gav.e os the addftiooal tnformaUon that wt both must sign the letter. We dkl exactly as instructed and Sftlt the Jetter a few weeks before the election. We had nOt received ballots a week before the election so we shot of£ another letter. To th.is day we: have not received so much as a postcard from the Cook County courthoust. But Daley carried Cook Counly for Humphrey! STEVE KOONTZ fferoh1 AUlcu To the Editor : ~1any of our youlh Question the wisdom of h1ws pertalniD& to the use of narcotics. They quta:tion lhe right of society to deny them the rtgbl to Indulge in lh• pursuH or what they consider pleasure. The.v point the finger of scorn at the u::e of alcohol and the pursuit of sexual pleasures and claim that since they are not part of "the Establishment'' that they are being di scriminated against. Society shrugs its shoulders and proceeds to build bigger and better jails lo cope with the drug problem. THE HUE AND CRY about the use of marijuana through heioin is that the children must be protected from drug peddlers at all cost. Thus, society, is using police power to try lo protect individuals from their own folly. Th~re are innumerabt~ ways that a foolish individual can hann his or her O\vn health and the most obvious way" ·;..,. to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol · to excess and over eat. Unless society is prepared lo try to force all citizens to act Jess foolish ttJey have little justification in the fn· fon::ing of drug laws because individuals should be protected from lheir own folly. Thus, the only reason to justify dr11g laws is that such laws will protect ·the viability of society. TIIERE JS A widespread belief that marijuana is the first step and heroin is the final step in becoming a habitual drug addict. Of course, no one dollbts the apparent fact that heroin is the drug that addicts like the best. When a heroin addict is apprehended. society attempts to rehabilitate the addict" in sCate or federal institutions. The resulls of the federal institutions are miserii.ble be(ause 18 months after release 92 per· cent of all heroin addicts are aga jn addicted to heroin. The only concluiiiOn that can be reached is that once an ind ividual becomes addicted to herOih he or she will probably remain addicttd for life. " HOW DOES TIDS conclusion affect society? The first thing that is apparent is where do the addicts get the money to support such an expensive pastime. They sell all kind of drugs, buy · or steal a gun to commit robberies and indulge so-called honest citizens in all types of sexual activities. These en- deavort are bad enough but the addicts alao comprise a very large and permanent group of customers of organized crime. Thus, strict prohibition of the-sale of heroin benefits orgaNzed ·crime whileiforcing foolish human beings to live under subhuman conditions. THE LOGICAL solution to the heroin addict would be to provide centers where the addict can get his or her shots free and administer'd by specially-train· cd compassionate humans. Perhaps th.is solution seems to gi ve up on trying to save heroin addicts. Yet, look bow many young and headstrong individuals will be saved from dying as a result of an overdose of heroin. . HARRY B. McDONALD, JR. ----Friday, April 4, 1969 Thi filftortal page of !ht Dail~ PUoC aecks 10 inform a11d 1tim. ulate readeri by prtst 11lina this ntwpapn"a opinions 011rt tom- mtfttarf/ on topi.c.s 01 111ltf('t l ond tigl'lificance, by prot.:id1 na a tonnn for tilt f rtWt S3ion I'll our readers ' opi11io11s. and by prtttllUng I.he diverse v1tU>- pOifttl of informed obst rvers and ipokamrn on topic1 o/ the d4 Robert N. Weed. Publisher I I I I , I I ' I ' I ' I ' l ' t e ' • ' ' ' 1 ,. ' ' ' t • .I • • • y • • • '• • • • • j t t I . r j I ' j I 1 I ' 1 ' ' ' l ' ' ,( New Valley Elementary Scho'ol OK'd ~ ol the Founlalu Valley School Dlllrlcl Tllundly lllgbt pv~ the .. .-llpal for the inUmJnary draw· lnp ol a new elementary llchooL The 1111.000 -will be c:onstruded en 1' llCl'el of and near Rodwood Street and Finch Avenue and will feature the oame modular design u ot.ber llchooll In the dlslrlct. I& will 'contain 22 classrooms, including two tinderprt.ens, and will lef'Ve. about 1,000 lludenll up to the elgbU, gradt.c . Alcliltecll Carmichael and Kemp o! Santa Ana said the new IChool, which will be named In honor of long-time Fountain Valley resident Fred Motola, will be aimi1ar to Glaler School which the district .. scheduled to dedicate this month. • Major design departure from ~ Fountain Valley school! will be the in· corporation ol pad!< br~k lacing rather than the usual brick design. ' F...t Molola School wilt be the 15th school In the Fountain Valley District. Uke the others its classrooms are clustered around a learning center which IUJ>Plies them with resource materials and serves as an instructional cote. Fle'libllity is provided by movable walls for cooperative teaching and all teaching stations have an easily superviso eel outdoor instructional patio. Classroom.!1 have vinyl covered walls. porcelain enamel chalkboards a n d movable plastic faced cabinets. Improved. lighting ii made possible through the uae « glare reducing glass and flucns.. cent llgbllng. Valley Delays Zoning Decision On Civic Center Planning Commissioners Wednesday night delayed until May '1 conslderati(lfl or a zone change for property inside Fountain Valley's proposed city center unU1 a definite street pattern is developed for the center. James Kanno requested a zone change from local business to medium density multiple dwellings for property he owns north 0£ Slater Avenue and west of Calle Zaragoza. Fountain Valley city councilmen are earrenUy considering an amendment to tbe land use portion of the general plan which wouJd cut the city center area nearly in half. Some objectioos had been raised to utending streets in the Juarez Colony teeUon. and making them thoroughfares. James Dick, chairman of the Planning Oxnrniasion, suggested waiting on Kan-- no'1 request until a street pattern bad bee!'.I set, and the city Ci!nter boundaries bad been finally establislled. Car Strikes Pole; Woman, 56, Dies · A La Habra woman was tt,ned Thurs-- Clay night when the car she was driving struck a power pole, the Orange County Coroner's Office reported . Dead ls Mrs. Millicent Hudson, 56, d. JZ21 Henderson Way. She died of multiple internal injuries at St. Jude lloopltal, Fullerton . Gel•' .Fuhla' For David Ecklund, 7, Easter vacatioo is a time to engage in <me of bis favorite pastimes. He wasted no Ume getting hi s gear together for a trek to the Hunt- . ington Beach Pier to fish and soak up a bit of sun. The Egg ls the Thing DAILY' Pll.OT Sit",....,. Prel>Ping for fourth annual Fountain Valley Junior Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt Saturday are {from left) Jennifer Snowdon, 1%; Evelyn Soowdon, 4, and Ricky Snowdon, 6. Children are among those who will be on hand for festivities, scheduled for 9:30 a.m. at Westmont Park, Warner Avenue and Magnolia Street. Hunt is open to all Fountain !/alley chpdren. • Huntingto n Shootout D ue . Police to Open New Training 'Facilities By RUDI NIEDZIEµKI Of ... Dt/FJ ,lift Stiff Sirens screaming and lhe red dome light casting a frenetic dance on the buildings of a dim alley, a Huntington Beach police wtit answers an emergency call. There's a shootout looming with escaping convicts. The police officer has about 20 seconds to get out of the car and make his shots count. Time is precious. And its kill or be killed. Firing rapidly from the h.ip, he empties his .38 caliber reolver against the silhouettes dashing in and out belore his eyes. Suddenly the lights go oo and a voice aays, "Good job, Joe. That's three out of six. Not bad." 'I1lis scene soon will be enacted hun· dreds of times at a new police combat training range now being built by Hun- tington Beach police officers. CITY LAND The range is being constructed on Gothard Street south of Talbert Avenue on three-and·a·baH acrtS of land leased from the city by the Huntington Beach Policemen's Association. In addition to the police combat course, which is designed to simulate all combat condillons e'lcept for the criminals shooting back, the faclllty will feature a 100.yard rifle range and a JS.yard American Standard pistol course. The pistol course as weU as the rifle course will be open to the public and the police department will furnish in· struction on both ranges. First to open up will be the pistol range whi<:h has a target compleUon date of June 1 . According to Philip McCrea, con- strucllon coordinator, at least 15 men are out at the range every Saturday with hammers and naib trying to get i( ready before swnmer. GIVEN 11,000 The policeman's association has con· tributed $8,000 toward the project, whose estimated value is alri!ady near '6(1,000. Volunteer labor by off-<luty officers will keep the total cost down to a traction of the $250,000 the facility will ultimately be worth. The police combat course, star at- traction of the range, will be the only • of its kind in the United Slates, accm!ing to McCrea. It will contain a false front city with flip-up and inoving targets which are infinitely variable and will be regi~\ated by pre-punched cards. The officer en· teeing the timed course will never know what to expect. Policeman will re<:eive shotgun and pistol practice in the combat range in a variety of conditionJ ranging from daylight to absolute darkness. Valley Cub Scouts Achieve Awards Several Cub Scouts from Fountain Va1· ley's Pack 565 have been honored w i th achievement awards . Those who received "woir• awards are Tory! Ignowski, Jobn Sommer and Mike Roberts. Carter Wood and Greg Leste both re- ceived "bear" awards, while arTOW points were given to John Scrnmer and G r e g Lester. A two-year perfect attendance award was given to Robert Yeager and one year ·perfect attendance awards to Pale Mad- doz, Steve Bunge, Greg-Lester, Kemy Van OritJm. Richard Yeager, Mike Van-- dem<n, David Wolff, Kent Davidlon and Steve Muegge. Street Closed For Widening Goldenwest Street, from Slater Avenue to Ellis Avenue, is closed to traffic e'lcept for Cll.!tomen: ol businesSeJ in that area • U . Paul Dardin, chief of the Hun- tington Beach police traffic division, aaJd beach goers have been trying to uae tbe road, causing traffic problems. City crews are widening the street, and portiom of Goldenweflt Street are expected to be closed for the ne'lt three mouths, saJd Danlin. Join Qtunty Group GWC Plans w Repeat 'Jazz Mass' or.i April 9 •'The Jazz Mass,'1 a major musical event at Golden West College last fall, will be repeated Aprll 9 and Aprll 13 by the College's A Cappella Choir a n d the Orange County Jaz.z Ensemble. The April 9 program will be at '1 :30 p.m., and on April 13, at 3 p.m., both in the College Center of· the Huntington Beach High School. At the west coast premJere of the mass last October, the SO.voice choir and ensemble perlomled to a standing ·room only audience of more than a:io. -su~ Bob cassens from Jerry Gray'• orcbeltra, on baa:; and Jact Lynd, fonnerly with Stan Kenton, on drums. Schroeder, Golden West music teacher, who bas worked wlt.b the "Rlgbteooa Brothers," Peggy Lee, Vic Damone, Johnny Malhls, and other name en- tutalners, will be the pianl!t and dJr.c- tor. Several versions of the mus are popular In jw circles, but this one, written four yean ago by Joe Mastera for a religious arts festivaJ, la a deman- dlll( choral wwt. ~ to be included in the complex, which will be completely operatimal in 1970, is an office l:luilding where the otflcera will pay their fees and receive their ammunition. "A reloading machine, capable ol reloading 5,000 cartridges per hour, will be stationed in a separate reloading sh,ed and will provide the officers with more shooting for less mo1ley. The shooting range was designed by Ss\. Henry Archer, Huntington Beach policeman, who was killed in a motorcy- cle accident about a :·ear ago. It ls expected _that part of the facility will be dedicated to him. Flldlr, A!fll 4, 1M ($1 '82,000 Bed11etlon ' Flood Dam~ges .. _Tax ·Cpt~ Slated orqe County properly °"""" who IUll<nd damajieB In tho Jonuary and Febnlary ,_ wlll aet a reduction ol abool $12,000 thle y.r In laxes, County~ Andrew J. H!nabaw bes eelimaled. Hlnlt.w gue.m that the market value ol land and bulldlnp damai'd will be reduced by l:U m11ll0n. A aevm-man appraisll crew from the • :Assellor'a office bal tabulated •t,790,SOO In market value !om to 1,117 properiles u ol Thursday. lleadllne lo< completion <i the ..-t 18 April 11,. Baoed GO the IU mllllc11" estimate, the 1oM in aaemed value, 25 percent of ¥ket value, w1ll be '1125,000 at 81\ 1Ve1"9p tu rite cl Im dollars per ~ hundred dollars rl •e111ecl valua· lion, the lull year loll to the county in ta'les would be '82,<X». Prop<rty owners paylnc their 196U9 taxes by the April 10 dtadJiDe will get a rebate tble.yt0r -led ot '31,000. The new val ... will alao l!lPIY to tho 196~70 tu.es. Hlnahow ordered the appraml ol flood. dmnaged .-In anllclpo&n ol .,....ge ol legWation to provide retie! to-property °""'" who have lllffered al 1-1 11,000 damqe. Th -Is C«taln !he legislation Will pea IDd be will present a complete llel <i <Wnaged p~ to 111pervlsors alter 11 does. U Ibo ~-approves lie new value8, the lueB will be lowered. A typical enmple cited by Hinshaw on Sanilago er.et, wOI! ol Brillo! St. in Sada Ana bad a '31,000 market value and received a two.d*ds value ~IJCtion •. The new market value will be '9,000 and the wewxl value $1,225. Previoosly, the assresaed value was $8,000. 1be owner will get a tu ~uction from $800 during tho c:ummt yeer to • l220 figure In 111&9-70. Hlnsflaw polJU oot tho! tho Impact on government tax money will not be great but wtll have a big effect on the Individual's ~ketbook. The WC9IOI' n<ted bit: the noods lllruck ._ In Sllv<ndo Ind Modj.,ka Oenyons. In Sllvendo, '7M pu"Ctls were Darnll1Jed, mM ol lhem with --Total WM 133 In Modj .. ta Cloyon. Together' tl>e .... C811)Qll accounted for f752,300 tn land marlr:et values and '573,700 building values for a total of mRnSPISLa's • sll&hlJy ovor II million. In Oranre co.f arw, the •1e11cn' appraisen have Holed "--le date: Newport Beach, in.ooo land, Ille bulldlnp; San Clem..,.._0-Polat, 169,000 laod, IS.GOO bulldlnp. UCI to Pattern. Research School After Valley',,, The modular construction of Fount.ala Va)ley elementary schools had llll)llncl the University of California, Irvine, to build a research school along the same pattern. ConstrucUon ol the lacllity wilt be&ln this September. The llchoor will be built on the Irvine ~ampwi: and will ~ of six modules arr8'g~ in a· he'lagonal fashion around a ceIJtr8l area. • Like " Fountain Valley schools tile research facility will feature a learniQg center, a. creativity center and personalized Instruction. In addiUoo, It will contain a computer center wbicb will supply the students with iro- grammed instruction !or certain types f ol subjects. . Coll-of-the project, which la ezpe<1od · to be completed by September ll'10\ hu not yet been detennlned. Huntington Sets Pot Luck Night It's pot. luck night at the Huntington Beach Community Center, when families gather for an Ea.liter dance and actlvitif.9 from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Saturday. Activities in addition to the dance will include a pot luck dinner, wltb eech lamlly providing a specl! food. DooaUoni of lS cenla per ....._ and 50 cent.a for adulta will be taken. I I I I I ~ I I I • "Ever since then we have had requesta to repeat it," said Gerald Schroeder, director and pianist, "so we are giving these two programs and a third one by special invitation at 0 n e on t a CongregaUonal Church, South Pasadena, April ri, at a p.m." The -wru combine the W.nta of the college choir with an ensemble ol. top, professional musicians compceed ol Bill Baker, muatc diHctor and chler lnstrumenlalU! to the " R I g h 1 e o u ' Brothers," on tbe alto au; Don D!:nnls on the trumpet:. Hennan Rilty, who played wllh Della Reese, Nancy Wilson and Gerald Wilson's Big Band, on tenor II 11 lbe only one In which the tnllr< mus II 1111111· Duke Ellington bas what ... ..n. • scared -· and Lalo Schllrln wrote "J""' Suite 00 the Mus Text," but both are inltrumental works. · Columbia -bouPI Masten' ""'"' .. the spot durlq r<htonall In Hollywood, and tt 1Uboequt!JU1 won a Grammy nomination and "Down Beal" magulne rat.<! tt llllOl1J the "lop :Ill albwm ol the year. mR nSPIELD'S FUUEITON, 221 Na. Hlfllar llhd. clowt~­ • -(714) 171-57211 HUNnNGn>ll IEAClf, 11512 lluch Blvd. • -(714) 962-4477 Tlcl<ell fur the perronnanc.. are available at the collese book alorl at $US, or 11.00 with lllldenl body card. -· 11111111 CEllT.11111.YI RNERSIDl'. 434! 1111bt <-clAlll ot1 Marllet) •Phone (714) 182-7950 -llOUlll: -a ""'. Alil·TO. Pit / wux D.1'19 a IAT •• NI TO ll:JO ... l»OI IUMD.IY ll:OO 10 IN .. • • ~ ..... ...,,... .... • • Feder I Reserve , ' Shr~nks Credit '~ WAJlll!IGTOh (lJPlt -r&. r~ l!li!P IDan iopDlll•.111 .-..1111 to piJ :er. bu~ a dral!lc -ni«illrlllliOWbc-• • r . .. tlol!. for<:lilc -to, ,,. ... _ .. _ .. l!._illrlit Illa • The new barber In the Plau abop In Tampa, Fla. bi• to stand on a specjll plaUorm to cut hair. She.ts A . A A 1Uf4111 .'!,ifttJtl. al a llllO .. _, ,.. .. >< >< -......... a1..-i111. . - Taus Cut ~ i,n18V,t:;:;r: i,; , 18-year-old, +loot.9 'Borbaro Mc- Clure, whb said she decided to .~ a barber when She was n. She ha pll!PtY of praetice cuttiJ!g the hall ol her 11 brothers and IW<> 1!Jjora before entering Tampa Barber Col· loge. (lafbara said she recently ' achieved her moot JD!lllltlilblj1 goll In the tonaotial. profession: Her I lather, hO Mcc:lur•. ol Odessa, 1'1a., fin8lly Jet her cut bis .hair. • -· ll<ft Ii 1111 ...... v -U ·g F.. • . · ~ ~;~. ".r:mz-..:i rt1r .Q. tttns :..:~·s..Oill: ~ BIO""ed. Ab._.oa· d --~"="~!~~.::w=· ~ I · ~ I1i.aD ~""·-ll!Gffl to KEY BISCAYN~ Fla. CUf>jJ -Pi't&I-' t:.~:r~~lbeal~ ~eni Nlron, dectailiii It id ~ to_ ~-ii b ibe -calledJbe· Stop 1ne11n,,, mni>todis an11 ,llarl aclkii ... tiittiiJ ·-. aPlnat lilllO: ~tlng cW6, toilaJ-• r<du<-Ilda" '!'lie -le 111114 iPl1'0lidl ·11 r.ii!'':=~tlit~~~. =~~~u:...aii.=,1.;-i: Nlroc slpeil !he ei-•• l!ld!r fWnc the .,.tlon'• o1nodJ onrupimded iiie rat i ill \tie W<mt equ.natlbii """'""'1· ..... ~ Ii I debl obl!ptlcn oli iO -~ -1111 to IT . IP .. 14% on acquiSiUom•ol forelp ill4d: at· The .order call! on big city bapks be- IUI .......,.~the rsles on ac-longing to die aystem to hike Ibo per· ~ .• ,!'.:·--e of dfmand depos'F}E'ts bold a lllill!ll lea1e 0.11 per<i!llt to '5 muuon In depoolU · fMn 17 to ·• iUI ~ The -nwl rit<-.t 1711 -t at>o.e thaL Smaller -a reducti<Oi In the annual interest cbsrt• her baiW will 1ncreaa< 1'!ertes from a1· baJi • pe;dei,L . u to !ill ~·-and from illl lo Ii ( Girl Seoul Caddle troop SOI grut 1 Prtrid.ni Nh:on ci Horil<!lead AFB, Fl& Looks of adoratUm-weie apparent au aroimd -euept f&r Utilc11t scout, ~.US r<ci' ·Old KtUy Thornton icho 1ttm1 pwiltd ootr the fanfare. • Two meli aliducted a small 'bltd from the Lincoln Park Zoo In Clil-Caco and took It to a nearby apart- ment where, Jl(!llce s8id, only feath- • -era ,nd ~1¢ .&b.U. JVefe f01111d. Dr; Lftti~ I. l'illitr, mo dlrlclbt, d~. m• lbii)111c b!nt, • tllil "" toiiean, u a \fal;lva .ct. tropli?ill 11 Amertea which .ia neither rare .nor Valaable •illllt baf ~ untlmen- a tl1 vilua;" *' queotlOna will be = as~ if ~ bbd II returned to the ., too; ad! J'lilber. • 5 ·-~· ... -·T•ot•k-Po•lie<!•. -had--!itt•!emfl ct ~IC tracking down Ramon I~ QaHCme and charging him with r( robbing a gas station. Thtt1 sim- pl11 foUowed the mark$ on the rood" left b11 Caamtino's automo- bUt, .which tDGB missing a tire cm one wheel. It ltd them from ihe robbed f1G1 it.ation direcUy Co the apartment house where He lived. , "' •• " b ....................... ., h s • < OkfuskM County Sh•iftt Wiley t11 lrfter of Okemah, Ok.la. com- JI meted, '"11'.lere aeemed. to be Ulis fellljW sitting on the b e n c h e s • i::fhout the courthouse at dU-< 1· tlmea. We started an lnveati· I glliol1 on him, but before we cOllld I atrest him be arrested us." The r mllh turned o•t to be a federal t aglllt lnVllll11&tlnl Brewer and his ' <kpaty shir!ff on cbarg11 of COD· < splracy io vlOlale federal liquor I laws. . • The .... tale& .. btto iol!ect l<ida!. -t Oii de-'.ts iii the same range. in. i.,,.u.,. ~ llccom""-1 ·---· """' lhO .. -..... order lllSoli iaiit-·1.u;. The 1711 pereent limit .i•. the highest ......,....!"::>;... .... , •• ._. .. brl.~ In ,._ since 1960 ai>d will lake eUect on April r""'n:114 w ~-............ ~...... wn UJC 17, Federal Reterve sPokelnitn Ail U.S. bo1ance al ·pa~ cmmot be The dlher bolf o1 the older will ,.. the Jolved ..tth ·~ llui1 pollpone 11 main Federal R<serve banks immedi- lhe ~-lo ~-YW-we lhil1 ately incrWe-tbe dtscoont int<rest ra),, ~ treajlna symplq!lil and ,llarl from 511 to 6 per-aa loan& !!!1!.W to lnOllnl! ca-. and we shell finl! our conunm:iaJ· banks wUt!ni ili.lltet\ thO oOlailciiia ln the frllliewcrk ol lmr lrade • reserve requirement oo depas!i.!. and payjn.ents." RatsllJI the~ nte I& Jntinded to Nb:oo., said that ' • fun d a m e n t a I dllcourige Ull1Dlll'cW baabn . from ICOOOlillcs" cell fer the crullon of con-mllJtJlt loan& i! cumat 11111a6-'J dim lo niake It ~ble 16 re-billld rota 11 the lain& coil Into . their dljiofli the nation's trade surplus and an reoerves. Tbe i percent nte -* ultimate d!mwrtllng <i the "behnl'k levied ~ 1hl summer " 1t2I befc:ft al dlrecl control which may *Ill llltful the stock markel cruh that bepn the in !he short nm but are 1tH-ddeatln1 grat depr11d011 al the 1131!1. in the lq nm." ~ tbt rtarVe requitenMet The l'relld¢ said the U.S. balance m..i.i neori, l,llllO natlooal and ill<te of paymtnl& -ed a """111& lall yw banb In tlie •,.tern will have to oet but that lbe •Ull>lus fnc!uded .... aalde u ...... u $ilO mlllloa wldcJ> Olh- unusually hlcb and probably UDlll.. enrlM could bi,. been led Into the tamable capital inflow!' economy. War's Worst ·Copter. Crash • Leaves 77 Dead, W 011nded ' SAIGON (Uf>l)-Tw""'1·tme llouth V~ ... --Wl!l'I kui-ed end Sa otben Injured Wednesday in one «. the worat belicqli.et crasbeS of the Vl<lnlln War, U.S. mllttary •pokesmen ~today. The cram was reported u the six- weeks-old OOmmlllllst offtndvt di-opped lo ils Jowell level oi -, with 10 ohellinp darilll the nilhl The ml!b&p ocCll!Ted In Ille far norihwest conter ol South V-when • CHfl ChloOOt llfllilC U.S. ooldlera and . l!cMh Vietnam• irreaulm from a combat .....,. ·1n opsa1lm Maine O'og anaaed a tree and plummeted to eanb. In wrma of deld and wounded - 77 -tt Wll tl>e -belicopl<f Cf8.9h d the w•. Mere than 30 Mannes wett killed iln a aimilar craah two years ago In the N<rilenl I C<rps Sector. A crlllh oo June 25, IMS near Bien Hoa j3 mi1<s ll<r1l!ea5t <i Saigon killed 12 Americanl!I and 16 Thai troops. Last Oct. f, 24 Americans were killed when a U.S. Air Force Caribou ad Army Cflfl chopper collided near Hue. Ol lhe II Injured, lour Win Amtrlcanl . Biid • ..... v~ Wbo bid -· 11own 1o1o the nortliwm -u Jlrl <i a bloclMg action .~ Nmb_ Vkt-- namese troops lnfiltraitna lnio 8ooth Vi«nam from Lao3. Ml1l1'lry spokesm<n said .~ belleoptat wool down 10 miles souilidot al tile Marines' old Khe Sanh combit iiue. There were no report.; it was ibot down by Communist ground fire altboucb lbe N onh Vietnamese in the area are reported to have anti-aircraft guns. Not far from the crash site today, U.S. 11.arine& beat all a iround atlack by I!O OOmmuol<ll and rt!'Orled killing 15 al them. Two leMhmleeks died hr die figlll before dawn, ICC<ll'dinl to mllila'J ttpGrts from the ....,._ In SlilgGn, htadipJartm reported JO overnight Communist. aal"os no clUes and mllilary .._ -die fewest sinct the DJtlon"°Jde offenslvi began fl dlJ'• ii'>· But thli'e was no indication that the drive was over. "The offensive is continuing but we have noted a slijllt drop In the number al lndlrect lhelllnct dtJrlnC die 18" lew days." ........... for G«I. Crel&lllm ~~-i:;i== ~; Twiste-r:=~f)Veaks Tucumcari I I ' .. Un·springlilte 11 Degrees Recorded at Millinocket Coliftlil s11,.,. en11 ~"""° •'-ttw ~'' $!·~~ ........... .m, M '9 it t...n llltltl. " ~ ~. v.,~, ""'"""'"' r•fl••4 fflmt~ot ... t-.•lfw·fll•."'" ... ~ ...... , ...... ,..,. .... ni....,., ~.., • .. r .... Su", ,,_ _ _.'I'~ .. ,..-. ... . ....... """ .............. , J:N f;.ln. 1.i StcOM """ ···-mw;y f :# 11.M.-t.1 llluil.,. .. -............. 4:"''·"'·'·' .. ,,... flr,11 .............. 11 :111.111..11.s heft ................ , 31••""' 1.t _.,,.. 111911 .•••• ~,,.1 .. , ,lf:U tJ.m. J.1 SllliNY · ,,,,. i.. ................ l:U t.n1. '" ,,,. "'-' ............... lf1lf!Ml'l.f:T $t(:#lll to. •. , , ... A?llO "'"'' t, ..... .... ............... 11111 ·.ft'I· u [l.S. Suftlmerf ' ' H 3l .. " U M ... .. " . ~ .. " ff " .. ~ . " n Q ,Ol "" ,2 .u .. " II '' .... .. " -.. H " " .. • n " n n • .. "' .01 .... M ot 11 ., .10 " .. '' SJ .tel " " " " " p .. ~ .. ~ ,14 " .. " .. " .. " .. .. " SJ '1 SJ J6 ,., u ... .ot a " :: : .Tt ..... .... ~ .. --- -. NEGRO YOUTHS ASSIST POLICE BATTLING RIOTS IN CHICAGO H•lp R•loH Truck DlublM by Romp.91,. Yeuoimra on City'.• Wtit Siu Police, Guard Move to Quell Chicago Riots CHICAGO (UPI) -.A llllndby f'"'ce. ol mot. thac 7,000 Natiollal Gu!nlsmtn, extra <;Olllllifenl& of .,once aud &leady rains combined today to all but eHmtnate tlirtat. of new -rioting on Chicago's atr..u. Mayor Richard J. Daley, Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie end N1U..al Guan! Com- mailder Brig. Gen. Rklw'd Dunn coo- f erred with lire and police departmeot Commandera aod told a news conference latO that "thinp are very quiet all over the city." Ogilvie congratulate(! Daley for "mov· ing as . quickly la be did" in askini National Gusrd proledloo alter a Wild rampage of black yOuths Thursday af- temo<m left a tOU of 72 pUsons tlljuted end a palli <i broken windows, battered Cars ahd tooted shops. 'Ille rampaclng lln>ke oot alter assBnbllet commf!Sll(ntint the an- Divenary of iht a11Mtinatlon of Dr. Martin L!ither Kini Jr . A. 1 p,m. dlrfew clamped down Thurs- day, for ptnODI under it wUl c<intlnue tbrougb toolcbl and pollcemen will re- main oo IJ.hour duty lnddinllely, OOty said. The tlementa a1IO joined forces to belp keep lbt peace. Good Friday dawned Clark ad rainy and llie Weather Buitau predicted tile rains, a\lemaUng from lleady drizzles to drencblnf tbun- dmbowm, would continue throufh the night. Hospitals reported treating 72 injure4 persons Thursday and police arrested at least 234 _. a1 Nesro JOUllia left memorial aMemblles in ,high Sdiooli 8nd attacked motorists and looted stores and vtllldll. _/ :;cattmcl sniping and blasts from shotgun!, were reported. 'Ille trouble be&sn at Crane Hlfh School and aptoid to other IChools befo ... Ogilvie Issued the onler dlspatchlnJ tht guanf. . The trouble bqan ab<M noon 'nlurtday In ,.vtn hip achool& followtnc memorial !lervicis for X1n1. The dlaorden flared lliroqb the al- temooo, with P«to youlhl omashlnc automobile and •tore windows and looting. 'll!ey stoned buoes and cars. Pedestrians and motorists were beaten . Six newsmen and pix'tographen were inj\ired. __ _ Cong Delegates Demand Direct Talks With U.S. PARIS (UPI) -Vi.i Cong negotiators today ilemanded dlr«li t&l);g wllli ·the United Stales aa a condition to a Vletnlm pea .. -en!. They -tug· &'l1looa the a1JJeo ..... a1rettly tilldng prlflc.ly with tbe OOmmunlsta. A Viet Cool rpok-lald hla delqa- tloo baa bad no direct private c<dac:t wi1h tither the United Stales or l!cMh Vl<tnam outside tbe formal talks In Paris. . "And we have not been· informed of any moellol• beld by lbe DtmocraUc Republic ol (North) Vittnam" with either the United States or South Vietnam," the spotesmu said. The Viel C.0C statement Clllllt In .._,.. lo U.S. Def-Secrttary Mtlvln R. Laird'• comments ThUniday in w~ that 11oot.1'de talki are 8otnc forward '' reprdln£ V~m pt•ce fttCOllltlona. Laird d1d not 111 who was involved In tbe Wu but hla llatemtrit waa taktn to Imply prlvato to!ks Wtr'lt under way bttwtt<1 the Untied Stater and elthor North Vlttnam or the Viet cq. A. North VlttllOm"' dtltJlllon ~ .. muted 1o oonllrm or dtny that "CM&ide talks" wtrt mder way. ' Finch Beats Nixon Note To Widow of Dr. King KEY BISCMYNE, Fla. (UPI) -Presi- derit NixOn dilp&tcbed Welfare Secretary Robert Finch to the home of Mrs. Martin Luthet King Jr. Thul-sday night to ex- press h1J ".sincerest" condofenw of the eve of the flnt anniversary of the assassination of the .civil rights leader, the Florida White Houst.dlsclosed today. White H-Pre,. Secretary Ronsd· Zltgler Mid Finch, actlnJ as Nixon's special emlnary, called on Mr!!. King and handed her a personal letttr from' the President. Ziealer said Finch spent about '45 minufea with Corttta King and "ex; presaed the fresjdent's sincerest con- dolences to her and her family. They also discussed the projects that will mark Dr. King's memory and pn;ijects that will cirry on studies to avoid ~ * * * Atlanta Mayo1· Places Wreath On King's Grave ~An.ANTA (UPI) -AUanta Mayor Ivan Allen placi!d. a wreath of lille.s on llie grave al bis aood lrl<nd Dr. Mar<ln Wher Kine Jr. teday, stood sllently for a mcirnen IOd walked away. Mn-. (:oretla Klr>(, lbt widow al llie murdered civtl rtgt;i,tl leader, aDd her children were to visit the grave later in the day. Mrs. KinJ •aid sbe would not partidpate 1n any memorial services for her husband, but would spend a quiet day at home alter her vtalt to the grave. Allen plac.ed a wreath of 50 white Easter lillies oo the grave. A note -at- tached tA> llie flowers read "City Hsll, MCOOO Ooor, the M~'a oltict." Allen refused to talk with waiting "'"""""" saying lnot.ad his wlitr pro- clamation upres&C!d bis feelings. In a proclam&tion. Thursday, Allen can- ed on all Atlantans to honor King's memory and wbal he stood for. "Atltnta, the naU.. and the world have been a better ptr.ce In which to live because of Dr. King's belle! on non-Violf!Oce," the proclamation said. blems of violence in the future," Ziegler added_ The prt!ls spokesman said Fincll discussed with King's widow her thougbll for "a proposed memorial park fer Dr. King in Atlanta ~ several J.nsllbitions that are being-discussed to carry on Dr. King's efforts far non-violeDCe." While decllnlng to reveal the conte:rts of Nii:on'a letter, the White House -amd it was along the Unes of his statement Thursday urging that the "sad an-- nlversll')'" be a Ume "for all of us Whatever oOr race or.creed to rededicate ourselves to the pri.Dclples o.f juatlee and non-violence." . At the 18.me Ume, Ziegler said the Ch!ef executive waa aware of the out- break of violence in ctitcago Tbunday night, but felt local aUthortttts had the situation under control and it warranted no federal action. After atoppln1 off ln Ailsnla, Finch new on to Key Blacayne where bi prepared for i top.letel meetini today with Nixon and other tey White HodM aides to draft a domeltlc program for the Prffldeot. The other admlnlatration ad.Tilerl flytnc In lo join In the talb al N!Jon'1 waterfront villa were Dantel P' Moynihan, hi• urban iflalr . \lll&tan~ and Pt. Arthur .Buma, White Hou&e counselor. Canadian Troops To Quit Europe cYITAWA (UPI) -Canada will be&in pulling ii& NATO troops out al West Germany in the near future, but will continued to "work for world peace" within the Atlantic Alliance. Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau mad~ the annOuucement of the .. earlr phased reduction" of Canada's European. bued forces at a news conference 'OJur• day. It followed a nine-month review Of Cana:la'1 forelp and dtf-affalrt and d1y1 al wraiiilln1 Ill lbt cabmet. Tnldtau empb&alud that bl& govem- mtnt had rejected any ldta al takln& up • 0 oonaUcned or neutral role in -Id affairs" and might even 1ncreut Its partlclpailon "1the United States In North American defense. Mamie Back in Capital, V~iis With _(ke's Brother WASHINGTON (AP) ~· Mamie Eisenhower returned to the capital today from the Abilene, Kan., grave of her husband and went directly to Walter Reed Army H9Spital to visit h1$ ailing brothtt, Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower. She spent about 25 minutes with the 1·ounger brother of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower and emerged clry- eyed hul 11'11lln1 leos than •he had when she got off the same private tra~ that had carried llie body ol her bus• ,earlier this week to burlat on the Kansas plains of his boyflood. The she got il'lto a black limousine and ltft. Lt. Col. Maurice Shahrabanl, deputy lnfonnaUon officer of tbe Mllltiry Dlatrlct of Wllhlnclon. told ntwsmen upon her atrival .at Wuhloitoo'• Union· Sta\lon she would return to Gettysbutg, tht Pennsylvania farm home that was the only borne ahe and Ike ever owned. Shahrabanl said Mn. El!tnhower's long-ranguiana wm Indefinite. MJttOn Etsenbower, ooe of the two ~urvlving brothers of the former Prell~ den!, was placed In the hoopllaJ'• cor- on111 lnttnstve care unit apparently for precattllonlfl' _., anil obeervallon. There hu been no public lndlctloo he aulfend even a mild con>ntr7 attaclt and doclots reP9fltd Wtdneaday his COO• dltlon waa satisfactory. He WIS ruabed 10 the bo8pltal, whe~ his brother bad died Jut Frld1y, ·after he complained Sunday of feelln1 dlll)' several houri before the funeral. Re remalntd there icr further obotrvatlon and tests, mllllns the Wedntsd17 burial service. ~ R'ay Gets New Judge, Lawyer MEMPHIS, ~tnn. (AP) -Jsmtt Eorl Ray lw hlrtd his .third dd-oltornty, and an easy·Jolnl, ts•M&rlne Judi' hu been namOct to pmlde over whit prOml&t to be complicated proc:eedlnp hi the cut. ~. who pleaded f\lllty Morch 10 lo killlnff Dr. Martin Luther KlnJ Jr. a JW qo today and WI& - to If )'tl?I, pined Ctrllflcation Thunday for 'his new lawyer. Richard c. Rysn <i Memphis. . R11n'1 lob will be to try to gel Ray the new hearing of the cast he aq1 he wanu. · ~nd the job of Criminal Court Judge Arthur C. Flquln Jr., ls to rule on a111 motton1 or arguments Ryln might pnMDL The Jud&". easy11olnr and with a lood 1tMe of humor, was named Thunday to rtplact Judge W. Preston Battle Jr .. wllo died MO!ldoy of a heart attack. • -------- I - r i I .. • ' • d ,, • I • • • • 1 • d b • 1 • ,, • '1 n rt u .. u :y ~ .. w .. ~ ' n • • rt le .. ~ rl r. II .. .. LO r. id rt .. rt ,. ie 1n bl Lli id )ft rt - \ -€hances -uf-Death i For Sirhan Fade.·~ , I I , 1AlS ANGE;LES (UPl)-The °"" t\sychlalrl1.t. a i I ' lie chances o( Sirhan B, Sirhan should be .,pan1a. ~ ' jl!inl to u.,,1as clWnber !or f>r, s.yn;Qur ~, I.Id l!lllln( !lob«\~ faded the murdllr trial ]1iiJ ~ lmO Llie f'llloiest shadows day the YOlftlC ~·-iiiiiiif todaT after the profeClltion's illness was so sutlibllW· "'9 hoped Sirhan would ..t ~ Ute sentence and underP - icaJ treatment. Ui laird Puts God Back Al(er al.-t1'M , , of a trial \1111 llil COii ' mated $1 lnlUleo.-"'" • \~ •• _..,., ilil!illi4- tloo ~'Jlt:::=,~ the ·Filipinos Re~eftact -.-Christ 6rucifixion · • 'In Army ll'ASHINGTON (UPl)-'De- !ensi Secretary MeiYift it ~ ... .,.~ mlnlster, hlli o....wed I ii e MmY ,anil ,,ru permit 1""' ence to "God" and .. filth" 1ri character guidance programs, c~4 .sr.:,.oc:i 't.. ' '"1· :!!\tr.w:fr~ iht ' m.,iy ~ 1o plan the lnurder " ~ and to I: ...... tlii"~ ol his "8ird, In a plilin • spoken ~ouncement said: "Refir· eoc~ to these tenns are ap- prupriate." , · The American CM! Liber- ties Union complained to th e Defense Department last year about "improper religioUS ref- erences" in the Army's char· acter guidance programs. The Army repliett to ACLU in De- cember it woold delete the tenns from the character gui- dance manual?. Last Friday Laird cn:lered a study on the subject. But he issued another announcement Maundy Thursday even bef0re completion of the study. Laird, a sailor aboard a de- stroyer in W(lrld War II and an elder lit the Fltst Presby· terian Charch .in Marshfieltt. Wis., said in the announce· ,ment : "With regard to character guldabct programs within the military departments I w a n t to state tliat there wilt be no prohl.'bition against the use of 'Gild,' 'supreme-being,' 'crea- tor,' 'faith,' 'spiritual values' or l!limilar worQs." Laird said the military Rrv- tces "consistently have ad- hered to the poe:iUon that es- pousal of reliiious dogmas or particular sectarian belie£s is: not the purpose and has no place in the character guid- ance programs." But he said "references to these terms are appropriate." Laird said the study win continue under Llie. direction of Llie military department's and DtfeuSe Department's gener- al counsel and "UJ>Ot! Its com· uleUon recommendatl()llS will be made to me." Russ Blasts Speculation Over Ships Mo&:OW (UPI) -The act: 1 • 1 • ·~· 1 . · 1 • , •• 1.1•1.T..-... ~~=~~~~ ' 'l'I LiPiifos it1:1NACT GOOD FR IDAY cl!uciF1~l o11 Di> JESUS CHRlsT DfSPl1'1 CHURCH ilAil (I/ lllsl ~ ~ wllh, C~ of S,QOI WetchH ii JeunltO Plrl.,.; H, Ii lmplled t. Cru '•y Pi lms lhe ' jUry dida1nc Clft' iJle Ol- de•!", "l am op(IOSed,, to CIPll>l )lWlishment !or morll, prol"!- siona1 and other reasons;" Pollack said. "But I did not !et that interfere with my diagnosis of Sfrban. I felt Jt my duty to society ta repon: my flni:!lngs and I believe he had the mental capacity to de- liberately kill Kennedy." Defense Counsel Grant Coo- per pres.sed him as to what he had reported to the district attorney's office and quoted a report in which Pollack said: ~Thll de!endlnl's meritiil Urness shotlld be a stibstantial mitigating factor on the mat· ter.m pen.alty. I hope Sirhan is Ible to avoid the dr:ath ~ ilty ehd acCept medlCal ttta~ ment at the state Center at Vacaville." Said Cooper: "In o t h e r words you believe the substan- tial illness should mitigite 'from death lo lile?'' '"That is correct," Pollack said. Winnie Widow Breaks Thigh LONDON (UPI) -Lady Spencer-Churcblll; widow er Sir , Winston (Churchill was rushed to a hospital today after a fall at her bonle. A s pokesman f or Westminster hOspital s aid Lady Churchill apparently had brcken her tJUgb. T b e spokesman said ber eondltioti Was "comfortable, but she is sllghUy shocked." L a d y Churchill is 8f yeani old. BOAT BUFFS . Almon lockal:iay la Ill• e11ly f11tl • tim• l.erilnt 94'1ht ••rklr19 •• •llY naw111•••t In Or1n9• Co11nfy. Hit i• cluilY• cov•r•t• of boat. Ing and y1cht111t ••wt it 1 4ally fothl,. af tia DAIL'{ PILOT, Big Four "eet ' Mide~t TalkS Sktrt Well Crackdown On Czechs UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -Amba.Mador.s of the Big ;Four nations today described as '~off to_• good slarf." U!e!r talks hlnied at bringing peace to the Middle East. They meet ...,.,~y. ' ~ The , United NationS a,n- bassadors of the U n i t e d States, the SoViet Union, Bri· wD and . rrUce eonferied twice Tliunday • Ttie arri baSsadors "straightaway' entered into a ~ion on matters of subltance and have Started defthlng areas of agreement," a joint Communique saJd. The statei:pent also said things were "off to a good start." The four ambissadors reaf. firmed their ·natli>tS1 support for 1he ll'rmonth effort of Gun- na,r V, Jarrlni, special Uli, Middle East envoy, 'to get Israel aqd the Arabs together !tr. pUct'~l Jai'ring'! iillsslon w a.i; .suspended at lii Isl; tern· p<fl'arily. U.N. Sec feta r y General U Thlnt arinbunced ~ ~orrltlg baa left his Cyprus headquirters to spend Easter in his home i n Stockholm: DlplorilaUc sources aatd Jar- rlnl wu, unlikely to rtnew bla Mlddle ~ut post until the Big Four teach substantial agreement. *** *** Egypt, ,Ist·aeli Tanks , Fight Over Suez Canal By Unlled Preu latemaUonal one Israeli helicopter spotting Egyptian .and Israeli tanks for Israeli artillery wu shot 111c1 lrifilj;y baU!ed • .,.... -ancI Cl'IOhed 1n name. the toutliern end ol the Suez eut of At Shalt Another Caoai !or two boors lbday, Egyptian COmmunique said ECYJ!I repori..l ff shot down lsra•li artillery shelled Llie art liraell helicopter during to'MlS cl. Suez and Port Tewfik the first fight along the water~ for at 1east an hour and 27 Way Jp 1,9 days. minutes. Tel AvlV arid Cairo blamed There · was no word on each other f9f • atart,ihg the :.&ama1e tO Egyptian o i I !lrlnJr the'flrtl.omce.EllYPUan --;,,,,,~ 1. ,,--~~-, ·--Pretldent Gama! Abdel Nasser reunery m.m.lla11oris In th~ said en Sunday night his Suez area but Isr-.ell att.!l!ery forces were ready to take the has been reported zeroed in initiative aloo.1 the carial ori tM instanatloils for instant against tsraeu forces oc-shelling should the Erypt.lans cupylng Qlt last llenk, allack the Israeli !ortl!lcatlont The commwilque Aid lhe Big Four's approach to "how they can contribute to a peaceful political settlement" in the Middle East was based on the Uli. Stcurity Council resolution of Nov. 22, 1957 which ouUined terms fer ·~ tlern.ent·of the June $.:10, i967 W orties U :s.; •N' vort saate s.nato. Johil Elltx villi"' • -· 30 ew . of. l.A'.lOdon " WASHCNGTON (UPI) -J,. Santucci ha! ~iled I bill in mlle.s ~ New Yoft Times - The Ni1.en administr1lion ii the Senate to aid local com-Mli'dt-t."• watching developments in munities in the fight against P. *5 Czechoslovakia • • w i th con-airplane noi.se and air pollution. * * • cem," ·-fearful, further The measure provides that tounER ,-,:-1 CAN~ ~ repressive Soviet measur~ bli ~Utorilles: shall pay a mu -TR!!-~ could ·damage talks on the pu c ~~ . R'rm.ri'NG Middle East and arms reduc-one dollar lu: for each air JA··.···'"-".,~·, , Is ''the noillelt , ~ Jn d =· m ICI l:lf: lion. passenger mnV I or e . . pja"' ilt the ~Id 16 , - war. The State Department-ls on a fl1iht .frofu an air . work," and the eoSt to ~. The resolution called for limiting Jtsell to saying tht under the control ol the autbort· hms Into milliODI of = Isr8.eli withdrawal fro~ "ter· United States is watching ty." · becaUie oC ta~ ritories occupied" in .the June: CUcboelovakia "closely and ssl. Herald-Feb. 27 i9d dtsttMs, emOuciil. sti'l,ld v .. wi.r and an end ci the state wilh concern.'' . ' inefficiency, Sen. Mar.:.o. Hat-. of~ by llie Arabi, Amer I ca I of!lcills • • • . field, seld ,..ierdl1 In 11 alllrmeil U.. right o1 all actnowledge prtvoltly lbal "BUI! !ettlng 8 $1,000 nne WubJn&lon. ' , countriel in the am. of "live Soviet repression ol popu.1at for e1cesstve' jtt noise and SpeUin& at • ,eGGI.._ el. In peace within ...,.. .and uprillJtCs against Ru " i a n placing lncftlstrlal value .;, pro. .. ..._~ lni!Ullry, illld ...,.. ~ bouridarles,'' called OCCt:JpaUon trooD1 COUid h a v e perty condemned for airport ei· m• INClenl . ~ liJ for frtedom of naviptlon in repercusslobs i~where in the pai;lSion, have been tiled ln the tht NaUoaa CoUncl1 on. N• lnternatlmal waters such as dlpkrhatlc worNI. Clllf<irrnla atatt a s 1 e m b l y . Abatement . ~t b'6 .. ~a;t:lnrw I.he Siltz canal and the Gulf c r·tt:h~Jbv.at communist Sponsors of noilie fine legi~lation J:totel, Hatf~~I~ slid.~ of Aqaba, and · urged a "just Leader Aleunder Dllbcet, tn ptan to use tt to ttst 1n the ~e cc:,t ~.U.S.: bullilMlf an seUlement" of the problem" a radio 8ppeal to the nation court~ the question of whether ettim!~ ~ em_ dly of a million Pa l est,ine , ~•Y . °.!tipi~alltd· fi>r Llii!!ederllpvemment.!"•fft-~'tia~iii!&;;llft= rel\Jlffs. . ,ll"'a .. 11 ., • b1 U.. empleilinu<iolsell,.s, ,., .. _, J~ '"""''"'-i ' CUch, populatili& In lh oflort · cwpr~, ~ -P'!"'"'.l!ft=. . · ' lo ~le furtlier anti-AvllUoo tlally -March ll, llD bb!se; lli>l!i m,odelj! ~·, PO Quiftlnm · libvlet lncidenls, • • • "";~~""11, Mnl!t and-~ · --e ' The Prftell tenslGn Wllb Ill no-, _,_ F. -Se • . threat ol hilinsiilod Soviet "LONDON, !larch 3 -a new St. ~eters~U:i"""'U: ast 'l'Vlce ,mlll\n ~ ...... u,t ' ol ~ Illes ,for ¥ ' ' ~tt1· II•• ' Olll bl lllil sectlng o1 lhe so.tel liit>ok ~ 1Llindrxi needi blit , We '!" )IOI , , !., I'll lvASHING,TON (Ul'l~ -Aerollotol!lciimPl..iutiUt tli>60dy w,lma fteil ,do(if t u tieecllD~belJil ,'1ftl! The Post Offlce .1! etM!!J>C 11! weekend alid bOmtnc Of iome amwmced ""111, Onding • ,llve-lfillits,Uj)lelnlaa ~ ~ , guilral11ted ume Cla,y ciellvery Soria vehlclos year beltle by1 the residellll ol on. upan,ibl ol onnte ~ sefvlce In iDajor ,downtown '!lie talks by, UoJted States a qU!etfii'mlnj eree,m Eal., Alrpdit. Call our ~ !Ir' m, 11<J!ill!ss. ""'-~· ~leralef! Soria u . Britain arui A· government COnimllliOci 1..,..Ui>L #1 Ire' dpojl lzom J!tialnesl S e I e Ct lo II ancl Frince 0~'°U;. Middle Bui dropped pllna to relieve hie J,U evitJ wttt \111 ... ~ Dellve,Y (AllCDJ, becun In llluaUon cOOld be ~ Cl'Ulli oa twO eslltlng alrpofla Lilok. I'!: ',J~ Nlllill mtJ !~, guaran~ letle.ra.(>Olled-tiythe·Cucln!mlllptMtlll:;'!bfJ>oildlq_Llhlrd.airpott. Xuiledq~ , by II e.m, wOuld be delivered , · , , Soviet Na\ly's commander tn 1===;:::= cble! sold today his sblps were · A Cairo commwi.ique said aJOO& t.be <:anal. by 3 p,m, But (>Oll!nulera ' report.d a decllnlng lntertlt, and Pootma.ler Genttal Wil> ton M, Blount said the! IO discontinue ABCD would ave $1 million a year, lrl Ille North AIW\llc Oii a tralnln1 cruise, not bound !or a delif<iistfaUO!i agamst the , ChL,ese mainland . , Admiral of the Fleet serge! Gorshkov said "all cl!lims aboiit aome\lriilof aniilltiij demonstralioo by our Navy on the shores of China are groundleu pollUcll specula- tion, a prOpagandlsUc canard of the bourgeotse journalists." Gorshtov, in an tntenilew In the government newspaper Izvestia. said, "You must no- Uce when units of Western countrles sail the seas It arouses nO desire for specula· Uon by bouta:eois observe.rs, but.a routlno salliJll.ol SovJet - 1blp1 on_a t~nlni! mlsslon dis- tu~ their ~ace." The -lumn lnte"le" In Irvffili appeared to be an Wllllllll dl.!play of Rulslan II' rtteton .at Wutern speCualtlon cv-._ Sovltt military movlments. n w11 he1dll11>d 1'Nervou.snesi of the ML!lri- !ormed : --On I he Speculation ol the weotern Prt" on ' the Sailing or Sovltt Warshlps JR Llie Atlantic," An edll<lf's note sa Id w..ietn oblemn had m~ln­ formedputillc opinion and fan- ned war psychotls "In ravor ol Llie 1umslve plans ol NATO." Mnny Ho1dlhg Worthl ess Land ' ' RIO DE JANEIRO (UPI) -A ~ketmon for the U,S, tmblW '*Id 'lliurtdaJ oomo UllO Amtrlc1n clUIW hOld 1'0ribltU m111 lo land in llrull. TM lf)Oll11m1n ul~ moil .i lliem had Dttn tterroudoJI Into lllDll\I liact• mm U,S. r.;-11!111'1 "'""" lond dt•I· I cw itt mw under In· , ... 1i11tlon bl 1111 aradllln Rl\•tnllll~I . ' -- ENJOY BAWAII's ifOST . iooJstJAL 'll01'15I:. m SSUJiLINE south America and the Galapagos Islands ... Al Un111l Cnisi 8'fill1lillr On May 17 Mmal'1 SS MOnterey departs for• 284ay"""' tO"" HC!till( ports of llClllltt Ind Acapolco, Mexico; liml. Pn, a.. yoqu il, E,_; lolliol, eanai Zone: Tiboga Island, Panama: and 1 sp<· cial vistt to the incr~le Gllapa: 141 blands, Yoci'I tlml hi e1elu- si,.1y first elm luxury wtlila aboard sf!ip, And,.... hawi '""' flllll to .. for ui:li Pait ind the ' . cl~ events lbisiin Is ,,,.,'il,,;."Z1 lnciuslvo for11 illrt at ,1,110. We'll be &lad to &ive yoo _, informatl..: ' Take a 10-day "Super Cruise" and stay al Hawaii's most unusual 'hotel' The ,SS-Lurline -- $599 All lncfr.ttly~ ~ Spend lb all~ .,. cnilllri& ....., tilt -""" tlli liclf. ' ' slve~ !list •111;1 U!tlnt • J!llt hotel ia ...., port. f•'I llfiocl just once, 1htn Yislt -lo, Olliu, !Or 3 doyt; Nawiliwli, tc.loJ, "' 2 doyt; lahlifll, 111111, "'2 ..,,, !Iii, , IJowoll, fir I do,, loll ""11, _,, for 2 dl)S. 11111 lllilnl Jlll'I lllM "°l'!1 ol i.n. lo sit ii HmR. illlll- ..i .... """"'lo ..... JW lloltl It'• up ~~ you. Al!·lnch.111,v• • l•tt• b•9lo el '579 ltom L•• A.9.1oj, Fol el Jetelll, ju1t contact Ut. CA~ RUBAIYAT n1 i1Alt1N1 Amu• .. T~~!\~ c!~~~ • • Nf:ll'lt: "A NAflONAL WHOLllA1li·· UEll;K , • • • I DAILY PILOT EDrrOBLu. PAGE I --=-J An nexation Prom now unW Swuet Beach reo!denta have an op. portunlty to vole oil whether they will onnes to Hunt- ington Beach or not, the !ulj1re welfare of the area mU.t be serioualy ""'11idered In Huntington Beach. Although the date for the election baa not been 1e~ the ccunty Local Agency Formation Commission bas approved such Ill election. Generally, nsidents of tho beach strip along Paci· fie CqNt HlghW3f have wanted .nolhJng more thancto be left-· It appears, however, that the pro11 of city and ccunty growth will no longer permit th1' lsolaUon. But Sunset Beach ba1 fewer than 500 homes. Thi! makes incorporation as a separete city lmpoSllble. A 1966 survey indicated that a~ 60 percent ol the residents want no part ol being in any city. Another 17 percent sald they wanted thelr own city; about 13 per- cent wanted to annu to Huntington Beach and '10 per· cent to Seo! Beach. Those figur~• an ancient history today liecause ol the 1'apid growth ol th~ west county area since 1966. Today the area is ~ressured from· all sides. Seal · Beach oo the northwest " ready to annex ii Huntington Beach does not. through pre-zoninJ, auure eood piaanlni tor 'th• areL II Huntington Beach reelly foell llila aria would be an asset to' the city, and that onn•nliml would be of benefit to Sunset Beach, It mult make every ellort to glw nsldenta of Sunset Beach asauranoes of 1 fair OPo portunlty to seek their own dutiny. · t · 11 the residents nally want a11unnces for the fu- ture, they muat wort with HuntinJ!O• Beach' olllclals now for that future. The aJtemaUve It to nject annexa· lion to Huntington Beach and to accept whatever Seal Beach has to Olfer. Picard's Leadership Huntington· Beach Fire Chief Ray Picanl bas dem- onstrated tremendous organizational capablllUe1 in forming the count~'• mutual aid fir .. figbting plan In bit brjef two years as chief. What·Picard has-done ia to bring-together Hveral Individual city fire dep0rtments and form them Into a group of alert fir .. fighting units ready to respond to any large-scale emergency in Orange. County. . ~· detailed plana for forming separate subsections within the county for smaller emergencies show fore-- sight and careful thought. "Picard's hard· Work'-to bring· all the individual county fire agencies together for cooperation demon- strates determination ~ leaderJhip. And Sunset Beach voters ml~ht consider that Hunt· lngton Beach ha• the power to 8ld the tiny community. Many property owners want assurances they can de- velop thelr land Into apartments. They want the rail· road right of' way converted to a parking lot and they would !lke to retain the ~orclal areas along Coast Highway. ·• . .HI• still In keeping the plan moving, and Improving 1t, indicates a talent for meeting problems ol Orange County and an honest desire to solve those problems. ._ __________ ,a ,_ • •. ,._.' •• ------ In the past, residents have not been too success.. ful in getting anyone to a,gree that the way of life should be maintained, but Huntington Beach can and should, Huntington Beach seems to have a creative and hard-working man at the helm of Its fire department. ($) Kin(/ Of The Cari bbeaM A iding Communism Wlaile Attempting to Thwart It Clwosing a Career:· Wait For Maturity Dear Gloomy Gus: Tactic: Spread Mutual Distrust By GEORGE I\. HOFF, n .D. Tho proceu Involved in choosing • caner II ._ on imporlllllt aspect of one'• life. It ranks witih .1electing a -. or finding a lulll!llng style of life u one of the most llgnlflcanl and ~entlal cbolc.es we make in our JileUmes. When· a career choice is made., a -b dedPinc where be belonp In tho --realm " bis being: ll's comparable lo selecting an "oc- cupational neighborhood" In which to live. And, since the fundamental reftrmce point of a person ii tbe SELF -hll psycbological home, hll basic nature, hll toternal, person.al fOCUJ point -then bis choice of an "occupational rielgbborhood'' depends upon where he -u.-.et up·emouonal hoWekeeplng. FVllTllEllllOllE, the type " camr he -· tho quality of bis. choice, r-appropriate bis. choice ls to the SEIJI'. and how well be tits into his dlOlm ••neighborhood," all rtlate closely to bis. know ledge of hlmsell and bis. maturity level. Unfortunately, our American culture encourages young people to make career choices too early in life, before they have lived ·Jong enrugh to know who they art as persons. Research in develop- ' mmtal psychology lw llhown that ll the 'aelf is immature, tbe career choice will be too; H tho oe1l ls changing, choices abo will change ; if the self b ~. career choices will be vague and diffuse. WllEN A PERSON ls forced to chliose a career in Pbue I of h1s develoJmenl -wblle be is .UU discovering who be ls and Identifying himself -unless he la very lucky, his choice won't flt -later on, when be bu a tolid notion of who he is Jn the lcheme of things. During Pbue II, when he ts attempting .---•• Geortre ---. Dear George Recently I read a man-in-the- street "'"'' wblcb showed the ~l opinion on advice cohnnnlsts WU pretty low and that ad9ice eolumn1ltl don't lerVt any rW fmctlon. Do JOO -Willi tbll ltU'Yty? CURIOUS Dear Curioul: No, ·and I lblnt entirely too llllllll' ~ poy -to """'JI poUJoi the --""' lbould ..e -to ..... boob wllD -~ hove enouch ... ,. to JOI ~ • the curl> out of tbe tnmC! ~aie: It -be, ,.. ....... ' -----... you teD be Is danclns wltll you? U be II _.,,. standing Clll tho Giber aide " the ..... rill bis hllldl In Ilia pockell, be 1111Q' be ...,.ty wolllJ>& for JOO to flnilb ......i.,. • How come Congreuman Utt miss- ed hll chance to blame tbe beach contamlnaUoo on the Commies? Redlandl seethes ~Ith Reds and they let their sewers break as a part of the plot! -L. U. D. flllt ...,.,,.. rMMldll ......... "'""' ""' _...,.., ... .. .... _,,.,.,., s..w ~ ......... ......, ... Dl6tr f'li.t. to adjust to Cilher people In on!er to gain • beachhead " perlODl1 oecurlty' bi.I career choice may reflect what other! want for him, instead of what be believes is important for him. Actually, career choices should be delayed until a person reaches Phase m ol hll dovelopmen~ when be is jn. tegratlng bimoelf Into the IOCiol order, adopting a syltml of values which reflects bll unique self, and ii functioning as an tndependent person relating to others. ,_, AS I< MATrER of fact, at this point he Probably won't have to choose, because he'll know intuitively ~hat he wanta to do and where he wanta to 10 occupationally. There 11 little hope that the Idea of waiting until maiturity to choose a career will catch on, because we're not u1ed to thinking th1J way. But why should a penon be saddled with a decision made during the blll!b of im- maturity? When a career ts chosen dur· Ing Pbue I or n, the choice remain.I static, while the person making H either continues to grow or filates hi his development in order to remain con- gnmit with hJa job. In either case, the cormequencea are inimical to deriving rUI satisfaction from work. PARENTS, E D UCA T ORS, and employers are the three groups which could, if they wished, teach young people that it's O.K. lo wait unW Phase III, after they have struggled throulh Phases I and II, before finally 1ettling upon a specific career. 1be question, "Who are you," ls im· mensely more important and helpful to eomeone lookinl lot a eompitltile career than, "What do you want to do when you grow up?" Against, Ag ainst SouUi mD, V~, Eaierprbe: "It's a atrange, ltranp country we live ln. And the more we aee and bear of our fellow h\ID!lll1 beings, the atranger It 1eb. Peo- ple seem to take to tho -and demooatrate or riot (or both> far almost every 'right' In tho book. Some toke to To the Editor: Thant ·you for the revealing article on Congressman Utt. Of coune it was supPoSed to reveal to u.s the conspiracy of Communist subversion in sa educa· lion and rock music; Jt would surprise me 1f many intelligent readers accept this line of specious reasoning and un- founded allusioM to communism and guilt·by-association. However, few could miss the fact that Mr. Utt fmds it reasonable. LIKE THI John Birch Society, Mr. UU falls into tbt trap of aiding com- munism. while attempting to thwart il Of course tnrutratlon has been a useful tactic of tho Commonlsts, Indeed of our own counter espionage agencies. But the more eUectlve tact.le by far Js the spread of mutual mistrust through our citizens. The Communista perfected this tecbnl· que in so-called "brainwashing" well- known to Korean and VJttnamese POWs. To effectively "re-crient" people, the Communista turned the prisoner against h~ buddy by ·lnstllllng mislrust -fear of traitors. Once the prisoners could no longer trust their buddies Jn con· versatlon, the "brainwashing" could pro- gress unhindered by 1ogical rebuttal. IF THERE IS a danger within this country from the Communist world to- day, it is their tiploltaUon of the misguided but well-meaning HUACs, JBSs, and um. By all means let the FBI continue to lltarCb out highly-placed traitors. This~ethod has proven notably effective. Bu do not spread fears of Of our churches, of mystic ComMUnist. hypnosis in mod music, and of mc:ral degradation through family life education. To remain a strong and free country, we must remain united. ROBERT C. KAUSEN .Rats In t he Barn To the F.ditor: Your editorial of March 27 which covered the woU-crying of Congressman James Utt remtnds me of one nf my J~ father'• stories. A farm boy rushed up to his lather and stammered. "'I just seen a hundred rats in the bun!" His father calmly replied, -''Now,'IOll do you really know how many rats make a hundred? Let's counl to a hundred." "Well," said the boy, "I know there was at least ten rats." Bis dad put an ann about his son and said, "Let'1 be reaaonable, boy. Hold out both bands and count your fingers -ten. Now that's a lot of nts to see at once, isn't it? How many rats did you rtally see?" The boy looked earnestly into his father's eyes ind replied, .. Well, J know the.rt was one for I aeen bis tall." tho -beca-they feel that lllnCe YOUll EDl'IORIAL deletes, no doubt they don't want to wort that IOmeOhe for brevity, Mr. Utt'1 name dropping - --feed them. •• then there ore -Dr. Esther SCbultz of SEICUS whom tbole who are qainlt the draft. •• tboee he quotes as aaylng that a good lel'. who are aplnat tbe war in Vittnam • . • education teacher "must not be a and thole who are against thole who aro moralist." Nor does It quote SEICUS againll" · executive director Mn. M'ary Calderone Ntpltt. Alli., Herald: "If you .•. operated a buln .. 1 ad were usesffd .,,..,.._ laul, regulat.d by pollU· . cialls, ud forced to compete wlth otben -were parUally lln .. ced by ao•aummt LU money, lncludin&: ytNt own, the chanru are you wo<ild': throw up )'OUI' handa alto and close lbop. And ttlll tho IOVermDtD~ and lllOll of the people, blame the railroada, and we Woaaer bow long It will take them to learn Ille bitter !won. They say'tbe rallroadl deliberately sabotaged the .,......... trains by making them -trable. but the 1t.m truth Is the _.. cleterted them and the tuer1 continued to pour on more taxes." who stales, """"1ing to Mr. Utt, that "Sex tduc.atloa must be thought of a1 eduaiUon -not moral lndoctrlnaUon." And you left out any mention of that fine, rtd·blooded, up-standing, a 11 • American boy lladore Rubin who hap- pens to be, .-ding to Mr. Ult, SEICUS treasurer. a Communist, and editor of the sterling prmient period1c•l .. Sel· otoa.'' MAYllE Ml\. tm went off half cocked on the United Nailons·U.S. Army "'""P maneuver, but l feel Ute alvlng more ear lo Mr. Utt tbll lrlp than I do to you. lte fervently cries that there are rats In our barn, and your vapid, dlsctp1!!W7 diatrlbo doe!ll~ tun me to. ' ..... ~- Lttten from readers art welcomt. NormaUJI 1Drittr1 &hould convey their f'Us.tagc in SOO wordl or U11. TM right to eondtmi letters to fit apace or eliminaU libel i.s re&trvtd. AU Utters mtm inclwU lignaturt and mailing addrt!S, buC namtl fl'l4f bf: withheld on t'"tqu11t if iuffldmt rea- son U apparent. thinking that tliere are no rats. Maybe it's lime we all 10 oul and have one hell of a 1ood loot. T. DUNCAN STEWART •s11cJa r.-.. 11• To the Editor: I wl!h to record my utter disgust for your March 'fl editorial. It seems strange that a third rate edUorlal wrlter has the right. to inflict IUCh trash on th& unsuspecting readers or th e newspaper. To refresh memories, and to inform those who have not been in the county that long, Mr. Utt was elected by the people of Orange County in November of 1968. In this election he received 72.5 percent of the popular vote. It would seem to me that this indic9.tes that he is rtpre1enting tbe people of his district. I woodtr if we can say the same for your newspaper. WllJ..IAM D. CLARK 'He Pre a cJaecl Hlltrri• To the Editor: I wish to erpress my appttelation to the state Senate Rules Committee for defeating a reaolutioo to honor Martin Luther King. It is gralllj\lng to know that we have some senators who did the.tr homework and investigated King's acUvitles which certainly exposed the intent of his actions. Wherever King marched be left behind ~ tensions and crises plus a wider rift between black and while racea. HE PREACHED~ oot love. The wBible tells us tbat "By their fruits, ye shall know them. 11 We are now view· ing his frulta wbJch are the tensions and crises on our campuses throughout the Dalion. It was a sad day when our nation gave so much recognition to a man who was a foreruMer of the destrucUve, howling mobs of today. A. L. WIDTE / D•le•'• Mt1ehf- To lbe Editor' In reference to an arUcle you carried a couple weeks ago where Mayor Daley of Olcago, in reply &o an accusation by Hubtrt Humphrey, said be "did all -l .-<;1111ld by carrying Northern llllnob, and Coo~. Counly." Last year my wile Ind I we.re residents of Cook County but we knew we Would be in Loi Angeles by the time of tho p'rtSidenUAI elecUonl. Of course, we wanted ablentef: ballots IO we called the 'Coot Counly courtbclUle foe U.. st:nictionJ. They told us to go to our local ctty ball In June and register. Then write a Jetter to tbtm a rew wetks before the election requesun, our ballot. We rerlst1red -u REPUBLICANS. UPON ARJUVINO in th.ls mu my wUe c:alled the Santa Ana courthouse to dooble check our l.natructions. They gavt us &he addiUonal infonnauon thsl we both must sign the ' letter. We did e1:acUy as instruc;ted and 1ent the leUer a few weekl before the election. We had not received ballots a week before the election JO we shot off another letter . To this day we have not rtceived so much u a postcard from the Cook County courthouse. But Daley carried Cook County for Humphrey! ' STEVE KOONTZ Teett-.. e ltutr11ctor• To the Editor: . The Huntington Beach Parks and Recreatloo Department offers an outstanding recreation program for children and adulLs. The teen-qe swim iru!ltructon: are patient ~ have a 1ood way with the leatners. Youngsten are eicited about the" archery : les!Ons. Everyone wins a . ribbon, so no· boy feels left out.• The city gym has a basketball and volleyball t'OW'l, pool tables, numerou.! game9, recreational swlmmin1 and sells popcorn, etc., at low prices. The recreation department lists many other activliles In their periodic acUvity sheets. These include competitive sports such as football and basketball. ~E ACl'NlTIES help youngsters develop self<0nfidence through devel,op- ing their skills. Not everyone can be the star. Yet, while they're developing, the young ones take pride in being a part of the team. The competition helps the boys develop aWtudes they'D need later in life. But generally there's no excessive pl'U.'iure from parents for the boys to excel (a.! is sometimes apparent in highly organiz.. ed compeilUonJ. T~.en--agers help make the Recreatior. program succeed. One !rd/4th Grade basketball team wu coachless ita first three games. A team member, Gary, asked hls brother, Joe Contreras (a junior at Huntington High who works part-time at The Druggist), to help out. • JOE COACHED the team the rest of the seaaon. The boys lookei;L.up to Joe. After winning the city champTonship, Joe treated all the team members to whatever they wanted at MacDonakt'.s. The team stal'!d overni&ht at Joe's the evening before winning the county championship. Mrs. Contreras gave them snacks that nighl The boys enjoyed panca.~es and French toast tbe nnt morning. Al!o, The Druggist treated each boy. ..._ Obviously Joe is interested in the boys and enjoys working with them. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Contreras must feel proud of their aons. This Is an exceptional eiampte. Teen- agers in the recrea~ department are dolnR fine work in helping the youngster1 develop. LEONARD WRIGHT l'out1t•ft1 V .Ues .Recall To the Editor' Your editorial ol Matth 21 Utled, uaeican Not 'l'be Answer,~• suggtSU that the citlten.1 cl. Fountain Valley should handle their d1Uertnce1 with the City Council at the next council election and not through a recall procedure. You al.lo state that the issue tnVol:ved In the conteJJ1Rlated rercall maUer is "over tranUnt pennJts for a tract which Us to have lots sm•Der than the minimum m. e.ffecl In tiie city for many yem." A subctantJal number of Fountain Valley dlizens lake issue with )'<!Ur position. . - 11IE RECAU.. proctdure was placed on the statutes for the purpo" ol gi ving the people tbt right to remove elected officials from ofHce prior to ttgular elecuons. lnhertnl in thi!i rlght ia the obligation for the people to act when their voice., is ignored or when elected oUlclals act in a manner contrary to the will of the people. Your editorial suggests that tht people abrogate this fundamental right and that they be nonresponsive to the obligation inherent therein. We do not believe a city can have responsive and represen- tative gov~rnment if the citizens forfeit their rights as suggested by your edllorlal. , YOUR EDITORIAL is i.ncomct in staUng the issue involved in the present controversy is the matter of the &mall lots. It is but one of the issues and this particular issue will not be handled by the recall alone; other course& of action are available and they are belng considered. The recall being considered is based upon a number of considerations including but not limited to lhe following: 1. The treatment accorded citizens at council meetings. 2. The disregard of public opinion by . certain elected officials when acting on matters affecting the geneial public. :. THE ATl'EMP? by certain ollldals to seek shelter behind a "conflict of interest'' declaration. The timing of the declaration and the effect of vote absen- tion raises interesting questions. 4. It is known that the mayor bolds a real estate broker's license and that the vice mayor and one councilman bold real estate salesman's license but few people know that the city attorney also holds a real estate broker's license. 5. ACl'IONS BY certain elected of· ficiall in approving a tract map not c:onforming to all legal requirements. Based upon testimony given by the plan· ning director at the meeting of March 25, not all councilmen saw that particular tract map prior to the meeting and yet two members of the council voted to app1ove it. Was there really a need for the mayor to have voted on the map? 6. The true facts concerning the California· Edison property and the availability thereof. SINCE NOTICE of our lntenilon to coruilder recall proceedingl wu made public we have been overwhelmed by olfen o( usistance from cltizml from all aecilons of Fountain Valley who do not want another year of the praent administration, who don't think we can afford to wait Wlill the 19?1 electlons. Thr:ee people "ant to exerelse their rizhl, they want to fulfill their obligation. We believe there was a purpose in the enactment of the recall statute; we are sorry to learn that tho DAILY PILOT apparently feels otherwise. lt bi requested that you lfant me the wne measure (If courtf:ly granted the mayoc and .ice D1Syor by prtnUnr this letter on your editorial page. E. E. VAN DASK -----Friday, April 4, 1969 TM tdltorlcl -of lh1 llallw Pllol u 11'1 IO inform ll!ld 11fm. ulotl rtodm b" prcs1nting thia NIOIP'Pfr'• opinion.I and com- """""Y Oil lopia 0/ fn1<1'eil 111111 tlgnl~. bv prooicUng a ,.,..,. ,., u.. ''1""""" of °"' readtr1• opinfonr. end bu pr1rn«no tPl.t dtverse tl'fflD. pofnta of tn./onncd ob1trvtr1 111111 ll'Oi<t,.,.. .,. lopfci of th< ""•· . Robert N. Weed. Pu blisher CHECKING •UP• entists Are Best .. mate-Ur Jewelers '. • F'*ri •u 4, 196'f ' DAILY I'll.OT 7 R.eag.an .~ay .Get Requests on Crinie Issue • (~....,..,.., WIWt """'"' '11• a nU-aphy me•••-•, ....... b1l1 would -·ka lt a , .. ;.·eUl'--e .i... .. td .._ allow· ln,-.r ...... a.... n....:.-u. ,....... • ,_. lNt ~-1~ ._...., VIK< • ...._. ... • auc jl.UUU wii: lo a bluer Ogbt ovtt gun ._.......... ~ ~ 111e -* .tfDrf • _, ,,. now ls in Republican hands. mlldemunor &o ltll ''hlrmhd ed: l'ontrol&. 1 Preleat law forbids fonntt :!'~::.":.i.': .. ""1i:i"'~~J The committee acted quick· maUer''LOpel'IOOlunderl.I. A measure with similar In-This year, Sen. George mental paOeots from pllll!lfo .. .., .,, -·\ft """'"''"""'' ly -after I beari--to 'Ibe otbtr would c1....v.. as tent cleared the Senate in 1968 Mn_....... (~ Fr"-'-) ing concealable ~ but end fhl'111t·.i IMr , ... 'Wlltt •r• --. -~ '-"I died In "· ·cr1mlnal pr' .. ,_,,.~ --• • """' d)Mcft, w .,...., Tllll ~ kilt Qie amual measure to , pornogra'}>hic material "ex· l.1\.1 -"'1e authored a which requires , MUii s,&I his . blil ii needed •11Jer 1""'''°"' •• •11-" "' ........ .._ •L.-death lty JI ploltedf sal ..1 1ts · t cechft CGmmittee.' al · •· U nsed to enforee the statue. tlllt tlitMtdi.I : . re.-.. "'~ pena • or e "' prur1er1 Biddle also Is' coofident• his gun de ers to ~ ce \ 1 also defeated a measure to 'appeal." • by the state and sets a 15-di'Y Tbe 1 De~ ot' Cor-- ; By ~~CY W(K>D grant a formal fOUl'-year .Allo in the crime area, 1»11 regulating 'tfie use of tear y;ai_tlng period for deliyery ol rectionl bas uted ror 1ecilJa.. $AQlAMEN)'O. (UP.I) -' moratorium on_ capital punish. Al&embly majority leader W. r:.:,lll ofbeth!Pf!"°~: both a faearm. tlon perrn.ttJl.ft1-U to hold Em be!..,,.,~• look oiji'*• menf. Cfali Biddle (R·Rlvenide) ,_ b.lll ... , ..... nlDD'·r Sen .. James R. Mills, (!).San ~ban B. Sirhan ·in a ipclal Go\'~ ~iJ.Jlo'pg' ~ :,The same, committee can prtdlcta passage of bis Jne e .. ,,anus "'° uoe Diego) has introduced a bill ward at the Vacaville medicll for ~.to~ ,CRtse.·the·.:~,;~ted'tolo6seritte.,eJP ~bill authorit· of·lroqps lluthorized to U9e reqQirlngallstateandprtvate prison Jf he is to11vittec1 of pronograpby factOties ·o t uus year ~ on . the a rttJ • iqC ~and. electronic •ti3t" gas t:O ' inclyde ·almost ment:al institutions to furnish Kennedy'• murder. ' By L. M. BOYD "BOW MANY TOWNS •'S() jou've never met a tall teen-agers. already has cleared · t h e. organbe6.crtme. ·' ~ · . It r"}uires a cOurse be given Hygiene with· records of pa-all pri~n ~ • to Callforpla -especia1)y lo pornography package I h I I MV~ to C <>m b 1 I all-law eruori:ement agebdes; !he Department of Mental 'The law curr~es -Judy, eh? Let me Droduce1 He failed with a Senate. 'Ibe mfaitft aranti~~·t ffithe use Of tlie gas 'before tients. These would be made death to be .. cci oq~ tn myself. I am 5-foot..t, -De:l:noctatic~trolled legisla-· Tiie_ ant l ·pornography the right to authorize Wfrtiap "r ~ are penititted to 'hln-available to the.state Criminal Quentin's death ro.11~,. • U.S.an called'Podunk?'' blonde aod say, Doel ~ tun!. package supported by Reagan and eaveidroppin« ~d°lt 'it .: and authorize3 tbe1 ________________ .._ __ _ a client. Only know intenst you?" A. Iii. a 1Cim-What ~e Democrats deni~ and Lynch was introdUCfJcl by surveillance by: I a1w en. BufeW ot. 'driminat lden-1~-------------------. two. One In Iowa, another ti!ic sort it way, .-u\17. • Reapn -and Atty. Gen. Sen. Robert J. Lagomarat..> fore<ment ogeniJes. lilication and ln...tlgatlon lo ;.;lfUi'tj"nYork .••• EVERY I> Judy sbOrt for Jodllb « Tbonw ·C. Lynch -the (R-Ojai) and p8'Sed by the Before perm t ss Ion is cerlily new type.< ol ti>• gas V1 WOA-tAN on a com--Julius? lf Judith. please, send ~publicans seem certain to Senate in 1967 and 1981. Both grahted, a ·pubuc pl'Ol!lerlltor ~!ft their use is granted erciil airpl&ne takes her a !l'IBpshot ••• Q. "DIDNtlf give piin: Anti-sinUt 1legis1a· times the bills died in the mu.st file a court ·application to law enforcement.. df ..• BElJEVE the MICKEY ROONEY win some lion. , ·Assembly Criminal PrOcedure showing probable cause that Alter the assa.ss~Uon of talented ol the amateur sort of military medal in The Assembly Cr J m In a 1 Commit tee. This year they a crime either has been or Sen. Robert F. Keilnedy in . ANDY HAS ANSWERS n.r.'1 elll'f e11e pl•<• 'f•ll Ct /I fi114 ~ore ,lllW•fl fh•11 yollr chU4r•11 h••• qu•ttio11t. Ch•ck lh1 Atk A"tly f1•hir1 '"'"" Sit· urd1y i11 th1 DAILY ,ILOT. You'll llk1 it -•11cl 10 wlll ye~ curie1ity-liJIN ye11ngtl1rt. welry makers are the den· World ~ar 11?" A. He did. Procedure'~ttee, long a could get a nod on., a 5-f Is about to be cotnmitled. Th,. LoS Angeles las~ June the sts ..• IT'S GENERAILY ~ ~ronze SW. ~oc ex· graveyard for such ·bills as Republican-Democratic split. judge then decides if legislature beclme·embroiledl"---.;....-·-------~-------' GREED among beads that ceptiooal ::ourage tn th e1----..-----------------'-''-------------------------------------- arl>ltllriates are harder to performance of his duties as ick then heroin . . • IN an entertainer." AT LAST REPORT on the clock, did I mention e Fet:feral Government now pends $350,000 a minute ? WALKING BACKWARDS - es, turUes can w a I k ckwards. They hardly ever (~lfl~o. But they can. This reply 11 an earlier inquiry aboot e matter cOJJleS from a lady •ho says she feeds her .turtle rn on the cob. That must some turtle! Com on the b is the world's finest ·egetable. No question she ves her turtle intensely. ON THE POLICE BEAT - She was 17 and pretty. On a police beat years ago I met the girl, and this hap- pened. As she stepped off her bus, a skinny man about 25 pussyfooted after her, and in less than a minute, she was lloundering in hedge shadows, screaming, and he w a s writhing about her in silent furj, clawing at her clothing. A fingernail got him in the eye, evidently. He took off. And later .o when the police drove her down to the station to look at mug shots, she said she woukf reco~nize him no 'doubt about it. She didn't though. The only picture in the whole batch she recogniz- ed was that of another character, twice convicted of unspeakable offenses , whom she idemified urunista k.ably in one stunning moment as her father. CUSTOMER SERVICE • Q. MILITARY MIGHT Widespread is the belief that either the Soviet Union N' China keeps mort men in military uniform than any other nation. That's wrong. The United stales dO<S so. \Vith servicemen to t a I i n g 3,45-t,lliO at last report. The S<wiet Union k-3.26Q,OOO. China keeps 2 ,6 50,000 . However, tbe Soviet Union might payroll more, if it were ready. atlna m.ight,..,too, U it were richer. So the forego- ing facts do not really prove the United St.ates is that coun- try whose military bloc has_ , the most say-so. They just seem to. EYE COLORS -A brown- eyed husband shouki never try to tune in a color television set to satisfy a bluwyed wife. Or vice versa. Eye specialists say that. Color of t h e husband's eye itself, they say, affects the color he sees on the TV set. Color of the wife's eye does like\\>·ise, naturally. So iI the husband's and wife's eyes are different colors, they see colors differently. Thus arguments ensut. Sometimes epithets. Occasionally tears. E\ :n violence. You r questions and com- ments are welcomed and will be used wherrver pos- sible in "'Checki11g Up." ! Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, NetDpOrt Beach, Calif., 92663 Co1ig·1·ess Just Files Most Petitions, Pleas WASHIN GTON (AP) -memorials are numbered in( Congress each year receives order of receipt, listed in the _ and largely ignores _ about daily Congressional Record, 400 outside requests r 0 r and referred to committees legislative action known as having jurisdiction over the petitions and memorials. subject matter. What happens One stat~ called for repeal ol federal gun control laws. Another wants more silver dollars. A third thinks grazing fees on federal lands !:hould be: held down. A memorial is the. name for a petition passed by a s t a t e legislature. Petitions come from cities, counties, school districts, organizations and individuals and go directly to Congress. By whatever name, their lack of ef(~tiveness i s roughly the same. A Jetter to a home-district con· gressman often gets more ac· lien. TCYT AL GROWS During the two years ol the 90th Congress there were 393 memorials aad 408 petitions to the House of Represen- tatives. 1'hli year. through March, mem<tials numbered 96 and petitions 13. Like bills introduced by members, petitions a n d Scl1ool Rolls Show Boost WASHINGTON (UPI ) - Public school enrollment in the naUoo increased la!t fall by more than one million students from a year earlier, the U.S. Office ol Education reports. The 11111 fall elementary and teeandary enrollment w a s nearly 4S million pupils. Enrollment statistics were revealed in a survey made by the NaUonal Center for Edacational StaOstk:s. An ad· Ttnee survey report JM!Cllted -peaks In teachtr employ· _, and salaries, financial • .-pendllures and per-pupil «1.Uays. Tb e enrollment increas, ref]ected an tncrtase in the nation's S-to-17-year--0kl age ll""'P< Donlthy M. GIUord, a..tstant conimlalooer for educational &taURics, taid. then? "I read them ," sald Chairman Wayne N. Aspinall, (0-Colo.) whose Hou s e Interior and Insular Affairs Comnllttee has received 20 of this year's 96 memorials. HOW EFFEcrJYE How effective are they! "Ninety-five percent are purely Political actions on the part of sponsors to get publici· tr at · borne," Aspinall said. "When anything js engendered for thal purpose, it is not too effective at this end." · Chhairman W. R. Poage, f{).Te.x.) chainnan of ·the House Agriculture Committee, was asked how much attention Congress pays to s t a t e memorials. "I don't want to say 'none'." Poage respo~. "After all, they do reflec the views of state legislat es. But you don!t find an great re&p0nse to them." Both AspioaJl and Poage irre former state legislators. Neither could remember a memorial that ever g o t anything going in Congress. 'fbe Montana legislature, at least this yr.ar, is the cham· pion Congress memorializer having sponsored 31 of the 96 memorials to d a t e • W.assachusetts has sent in 12. $outh Dakota IO, Oklahoma five, and lodiana, Nevada and Arizona f each., OTHERS ACl'JVE Tbe others: Guam, Idaho, Washington and New York , I each ; Oregoo, Louisiana, South Carolina, Utah, V.aine, and the Virgin Islands, J each; North Dal:ota and Rhode Island, one each. Here "Ire iome o( the sub- jects covered: Ortgoa - refrain from raWng public land grazing fees; Oklahoma • repeal l'D'I law; Massaohuaetts -provide la.I incenUvea for buslneu to locate In alums: Montana - mint ailver doUan; Arllon11 -srant federal landt to the 9Chools. ------ AFRICAN VIOLET ' f.'x9uUik, :O,orftJ, petile bfoont- l,i11o1 '""-' houe ~"'· La1h, '"~ .,._ ~eloe11 IH"e' -.eirh 1iq(i nJ flolible /loll'era i11 _..,,,,..,. "' .. hiffl#, pink•, '1111" _, l!iolell r;olor1. POT 79c PET SHOP DUTCH EAST EH BUNN\ 2'5 Oeli1l11 y-r <l'.laUJ 1-.·.uu mor11• Ut1 •ifh -• of Gree11 H•ttn"• IUteu .,..,;,,.. IJMU• Cli.ooH from _, llP'fe ..iectio11o of bir41, pu,,. ,,..,, /Ult -' ollwr ~ice ,,,,,u. tie .. ,.._, clifJ happy! · COST.A VES.A O~L'\" COLEUS PLANT T~ 1,,..,,, Of 1hi1 rl1ir1s ~ro­ luce a11o ~rr•r of «>lor found 01tlr i" rite •peir:lr11m. l'or infioor or oafdO<Qr ,,lonlilll• Tndy ti Jrem•lic .c:cl!lll "'•"'· 1'.0a. 1011~ .. .,orlMl!l'll o/ color QT. Just a few or tl1e 111auy more outstanding va]. uel,'j in garden pla11ls fro111 Gree11 Haven'it fabulo11 s selection. CYBIDIUM 79; ORCHID •... from ~UNIATURE ROSES ........ . 89' GARDENIA PLANT ....... . CALCEOLARIA PLANT .•••••.•. ' COMPLETE PATIO FURNITURE DEPT. CoMe i• ""'•1 SAl -l#w ltelM!ft.,_,, teiecJlo,. of fW, , .. Illy fN11'-/•r11oiltw11 /or •llltl.Hr fuoi...-. ChO<Q11e /ro-r~, .,.,...;,.-._ W .,..,,.. int11o ~ .. oll .,,__,lmllr ur'H to .,._. ...,,. '°"' '-'tn""6· IP'• .lie c.ny Ii e.Mj.i.w:, u-of "-"" ...-111 ,,_., .__ -' ""°"'t!'N. ,.,. i11ot-.... ioa, ;...c ~ HJ.4/03. CALJ.FORNlA \\'ROUGHT lRO!f THE "LAGUNA" SET Made by Brown l Jordon l1ul•tlu 42'" ,.."ti. s.ble MIA ftM· ~· p,., f•~ .,., /pr ,....r:dM11o1 t lurir• .utA. lw-r "tl.fdf .,,.,, .t.p.. All _,.,,..1,..,,.. 11111HJ_. __.,,..,..'°"' ~ •I ,..,_, ......,,,, J6995 cor/A. .-A. ONt.T ,, ' S•~" .,. .,r.,. •I -'-="- •"" i11o • ri~ o/ loeelfli/.J -.. or. BrlthlM tM life •f • IH'H' one ., 1iH row ,.._ • •JH!Ci•l _.AU., for f<:••ler. C#iO<Qle fr-: • Carnations • lr11 • Stock • O..le16'1 • .Oafrodll~ • Swef't Pt11• • Vlo)et• • Sll'"'l \\'IUll1n • Ol•dloh11 • .A1tere • f'om t•om M11m1 _ FR9M ·. • I " • Dolll.Y "1.0T • Third GI Takes , 8 Val · Refuge in Church 'Protestors'· Cleared Bay Area Quake in 40 Years? WHJmER (UPI) - A 17· year-old Marine hu_ walbd ... ., from his bua aild - WICtuU)' wllb two other AWOL service men In Whll- lier's Unitarian Church. David Jonn 11ve only Alabama U I homa lddrul, and declined to ldOntlfy 1111 lomily to neWlllltn. A Morine Corpo apokeaman Uld be ls from McOillo11p, Ala. * * * DrahEvader Gets 2 Years STORRS, Coon. (UPI)_ An SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - earthquake expert say's there Randall T. Mllllke.ns, 22, Grus ts a "strong possibility" the Valley, ·Calif., ended' thrff San Francisco Bay aru will yeara of dodiin& the draft be struck by a major earth-with a two-yea; prison sen- quake-within 40 years. teQce, ··usu.ally in California a ser-"Are you ready for sen- loua earthquake Can be et· Mocinc?'' JIM&t• William T. peeled from IO to 100 yeen Sweiiert 'nlurocl., 1 1 k e d after 1 major quakt. The Jiil MUllkt111. major quab in S. Fnncllco • "Go ~ , Hit mt," tbt wu JIOI, ao we m Ia lbt llearde<Uil-Mid. t i me~ kl -1 Tboludn~­q111ke," Dr. Plltr Dihlklpr lllld ardonid llUllhoa Into llb- 11kl 'nluroclly. midllle Clllfod7, dllrl(ardbli ~. hll4 al Iba Uni· Ibo delendant'a Nq1*1 _to lie venltY Of Connee0tut'1 tftlti.. free 111 W'ffk or eoi' for ti.Ill ol Marine Science. is 11.to Easter and Buddha's blrth- .t aeophysicist and earthquake-day." eaptrt who recently visited Judge S w e 1 g e r t said the U.S. Geological Survey's 11-lillikens rqilttred for the Eltlhquake -center drift In 1914, but lbon wrote in Menlo Park, Calli. hla drift board In !Ml to Re said Menlo Park scien · say be had throWn away his ttsta a r e ttudying !\'rains draft card. along .the Sin Andreas Fault He v:as arrested. in a peace in California and haVt. det~ demonstration in December eel a "creep" motion along the · f · fault in the area Of JJolllster, and again rt used induction aoutheast of Sao Francisco. on June 20• 1918· "People at the center inter-Judge . s.welgert Thursday pttt this to mean a ilow alraio uked M1lhkens why he he;d relelse and thus 1 decreased never cooperated with his • t r a i n buildup " Dehllncer dran board or why he hid uid. ' not at least applied for The scientist also mentioned classificaUon u a con- t.bit concern has been express-scientiou.!I objector. Mllllkens ed. over lack of precautions C-Ommented: "I'm no loa&er being taken to guard against their ward." deaths 111d injuries that might Tht judge t1aid he could not result from a California earth-fully underltand the d1fen- quake. danrs attitude and 1 a l d California Stat'e Sen. Allud reports show MUllkena has an E. Alquilt announced Thurs-IQ over 130. day he ~·Ill introduce a bill He arrived al Ibo clwrdi Wednead.ty nIPl llltlr ~ tht -Corpo Rocrulllllf Dlpot 11 SU Dlqo -2'. Jonea aald that wblll he enlllted In lbe Corpo Obortly &ner hla 17111 blrlbdly 1ut Moy, ht felt "lull Uka av.,.· YOWll lllY w .. linl to 10 Into the Marinel." LOS ANGELES (lJPI) -crlUclud actlna Colleca Presi· !be Judi' llld. "II WU not El&bt more pencinl aecuMd dent Delmar T. Oviatt for sufficient to force ltudenll to of tanor"ln& a poUce arder to ruling that a campus meettnc disperse or to justify arrtlls dbperte dlirlns I lllOOllng II -~ t San Jl'ern1ndo Valley State had become an anlawful when the uroe:r.. was no bl obf')'td.'1 Colle~ were acquitted In use:m y. 1 He acquitted Mark Abrams, munlcl•·• court trllfa -... ,. "The order was ba·-, on r-o iu... :.eu 25, Venice ; Hugh Elvis, 24, day. nebulous and fragQJentar.)' Los •-· 1 M k D Llw• Jl'our or them were tried n..,,e es; ar . • -.llboul I J·~ belor• Jud•• htarlly from Wlknown and IS, Ml1lbu; and Stephen J, John T. Merrl:t,·who 1evere:)y_u_nrem __ em_bered __ w_orm_a_nl!_._"_C_Ic_ero_, r_s_, P_a_co_Im_a. __ _ * * * 'Meet Valid Demands': • The youlb 11kl he bepn lo dw!i• 1111 mind "bao • lrlfnlna aerpllll jual home from Vtalnlm told him: '1t's lbe sreattst ree11n1 In !be world to blow aw1.1 a Vitt Cq." J-•Ito nllted !bit in· •lrvcUon in loutinl out an •ntmY'I C)'U "made me llclt." SIA ILIPHANT PUP COVIRED WITH OIL Miny of S.n MJiutl l1land Creatures Have Ditcf Ed Reinecke Old World MediterraMan Span.Uh Furniture OVER.$100,000 INVENTORY Jonu nld he waa .ac- quainted with Craig Murphy, 11, a ·"Marine from Miami, who took rtluge in the Seals Sli~ked NORTllRIDGE (Ufl) -Lt. Gov. Ed Rtinecke llld Tburo- day the beat way to peact ori California's college cam- puses is to act on valid student demands. He chlrPd ~II ClmJllll a Navy mlulle ranee, to clean mllitanti bave prov I k e d the oil-led beacbeo and preaure tor llrlcter laws, anlmall wtth deter1ent1 rather than educatlon1I "would only cause more reform. ~n1::i:.~:~~j:J1 °;;;! Experts to Assess Harm wow .,. bJ I pair al otl SAN FllANCISCO (UPI) -~ lflrllla from Camp The Nationlf Pork Serv!Ce AJao llliold ,_ •~ .~.:.., dltpl1-I tlam al tlparls .. ·~ _.,. to ........ San Mlsull Island art ICIVJ lloqiilllman l.C todoy to aurvay Ibo damllt .._"-aw, IO, cl c~ couiocl by Ille s..11 111r11ar1 .rm.ii, (ldo, lllld lllrlDt Pvt. "C:iiiMIJ Oil allot I b 1 I J-llittat 1-d. lflo lbreattna !be 11... o I IO, of 1\i>la, Olill. 'nlq Ill-lbousanda al elephant llUla, lered the dlurdi ten daya aao ,.. liom lllld blrda who inlilhlt lo protest llufJili7'1 ...,..If. U,. wlnd·swtpl rock. and are sWl tben. A small fl.npr of the gianL 3172 Year Santa Barbara Slick, caused last January by a Union Oil Company 'fl'ell blow.out, has come uhore on lht Lsl1nd Term Gl'ven "and hu tolled hundreds of the creatures, kl.lllnc 1 n LOS ANOICLll (UPI) -· A former UCLA 1lud1n1 Jeeder Who lumed in Illa drlfl card II I rally lllld -to report for Induction Into lbe armed forou WU llDtenced lo three and one-'1alf Ytar! in ledaral prtaoo Tlruroclay. U.S. lllJI. Judft Manu.l L. RH! aentenoad J11111et Manin lllrrls, 21, of lnalewod, Clllf. A loderlf eourt j11r7 Wed- neaday found Harm pllty of "1olllinl lbe S.ltctlve Servtco Act. unktlownnumber. Two Unlnl'llty al CalKornla at Slritl CMll aolabtlall who v1'1tld !be bland on a routbio •Jll'ln. lllllnl IQldlllon 1114. thty found four eftphant aealJ lying 4esd In pools ol oil. The 1,400-acre 1lab of rock to mil11 off Oxnard 11 borne for about 3,500 elephuit aeals, the larae.st such colony ot the mu1lve creatures in tbl United States. The elephant 1 I 1 I 1 • dama.ae." 11Even thouah many ot the P-IOO llld the de1tt1ents demanda llpouaecl bY Ibo cxiuld bum the ''aerWUve" mllltanll may be ftlid.'' •~ al Ibo -""'" and lbe fleinecke llkl, "people want pretence o( man would dilturb atiffar laws u _ the rtlult of the alophant llllt and lbe ClmjlUI vlolence, not reform. 20,000 Ha UOn1 that thare "U Wf can c o n v I n c e tht bland, CaUJlng thtm to iitudepl! WI art ~ ln lie< Sao Jdlguel. • irbat la lUln& pla<t lo aodtly, 1'Tbt reuon such ~I• col-liAten to wlllt tbl7 1ay. and onles are on San MtcueJ," ICt Oil; valid ilNel, I think said Peteraon, "ls becaUle we can take the tbUbder awl)' people can't set to the ialand. from campus Wlf'llt." The7 can't toleralf human Northrldp 11 tht hotnl of dlalutbance and Ibey would lurbulebl lllDFefnando Valley lliYI Ibo llland ll paople ao Stile College. 'nle fllulA!nan~ out \hert. And the sad thing governor addrased a mitUn& 11 !bit Ibey would have no or the Cblmber cl Com!nfrct. Gtber place to go." Peterson and psycholo&ist Burney Leboeuf, who alto vlllttd the laland, said more than a mlle of the island's rocq buch ii already cooled With, oil. "It't., Iii· to elcht tnchil Illlck between lbe roclu," said Leboeuf. TO CHOOSE FROM DICOIATOU CANCILLATION •Ml llTUINI' PROM MODIL HOMIS ' ALL llAND NIW DICOIATOll DllAM HOUll ON 015,LAY Iteins 8J follows: Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilled sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) SS''~ tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr, warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. Wholt Heusefvll w•• ,..ul•t ·s1sx.11 ~:To~~~ll~l-~.1 .:~ $698.00 Aoy Pftet Clo h Pure....., lodMdoolly Terms AvellilbM -Newcomtn to c.llf. Cndlt .,,.,.,,., lm1"Hlately r JI J] Furniture 'At Harbor Blvd. 1144 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Giiiy E_,. night 'Ill 9 -Wo4., S.t. &. Sun. 'HI '· nest weei. to set up a special 27-membe.r commission to for. mulat.e an earthquake safely prt>1ram in the San Francisco Bly-area. State Democrats Call particularly their newborn pup!, face the greatelt 41naer from lht oil, accordtni to biolo1ist Richard Ptilerton. ''Many of the anlmala are In rather bad 1hapt .'' Peterson 1ald Thur1day. "We found lour dead . anlmlla bill the poaibllity exiatl thlt olhfrs have died In the lei Tht1 llld many ot the elephant •al pupe:, who ·Can- not yet 1wlrn, are encrusted with a coating of oil, sand, pebbles and sticks:, causing many of them to have trouble opening their eyes. Youth Gets Life Term " Meeting of Factions "Thll Is really the first evidence that lhert .has been d&maae to vertebrtt animals on a tarp Kile from Ult oll lllclr," P-llkl. LOii ANGELA (UPI) - A hljh llChaol .dropout h11 been sen-to .llte lin· prlaontnent. far the 1lay1na of two eldttly IM A n I 1 I e J 11!11.ets. Suptrlor Court J u d 1 e K1thletn Parkar paMd the :iientence. Thur1day on Rudolpho Joe Nombrano, for the deaths ol Hllltr Sanden, 16. and btr 1taler, MIJ'1, IO. Notnbrano 'fl'U 11 at tht tlrne of the crime, and ln- •ll1lble tot lb1 death penolly. LIYELY Th• DAILY PILOT ht, • .. _111•11'1 111tl•n" •••n l!llR II•• t• t••4. LOS ANGELES (lJPl) - "I 4-i'l blloq·to on crpnlz. ed PQllllOll IUIY," 11ld the Iale 11.-Ift tllll ftolers. 11l'm a banocrat." The p1n, 'I co-chairmen In Call!ornll Ill tt the •amt WIJ.-'nllltlday they colltd a rneetinc of lhe "lrasmmted" lacllona ol the plrly Aprll 11·11 In s.. l"rancll<o lo a•t or•anlud for next year'1 state electl.om. "We must begin to rebuild at the local level," laid z:iorthem C&llfomla Chalrman G.W. Hol1lna1r. "There Is rtllly no central C!Ote and mort." Hol1tnier·s oblervation wu ttconded by Southern c.morn11 Cbllrman Le o n Cooper, who Ilk! I h • Democrata in California have . split Into lour tracmenta. He idenUfled them 11 t h e Clllfomla Democritic Councll, fN,fH)O Tree· B~ COollOYIJ'll&I aa,000 11'11 hOU!O &OI a rtprltvo of lb"8 y.rt an., El Ctrrllo, Clllf., plannlfll com- mluloll !ll'dltd a variance on lb• ana'' l&-foot helghl llritlL Con!lrllcltd by l\lcilanl Holland, u. YllMlld lllVll'oru!l..c.I detl1ntr, lb• Int hOUlt ls flily II 1 .. t hllih bll I• porche'1 It.feet 1bovt tround. and separate. orcania.Uons lo and have betn wuhtd. 1w17." the Northern Southern and "The "'otat thin1 about lhi! Central partl of the state. b," said Ptter1on, "that there Coop-...r tald he tboulbt a ls nothln1 \hat can now be pogslble aubernatorJal done." ,primary battle between San. Peterson said that Trariclaoo 1.l1yor Jo1eph transportina crews of Alioto and All1tmbly Minority • 11•orkmen to tht l1land, the Let.der Jess Unruh mi&ht be far tide of whlch is part 0£ healthy lot the party be<auoe Last month, 1ix gray whalea wished up on the California coa:iitline, but scientist& could find only "ambiguous" evlden· ce that their deaths ~·ere cau:iitd by the oil slick, which has killed num eroUI birds and fish. It would arou1e voter l.merut and revive the party•i or1anJ:uUooal structure. Cooper aa1d all f1ctlon1 have been invited to the conference. It Is :iiponsored by t h e DtmocratJc State C e n t r a I Committee, and N a t i o n a I Co mm.iUM representatives Stepbtn Reinhardt and Carrntn W&l'IChlW. Compton Train Chase: Right Out of Hollywood CO~lPTON' (UPI) -Even Hollywood never dreamed up a chau 1eene like this. A rallrol.d tanker car loaded wlth tona of llqukl 11111ar raced out of conttol along the Southern PacUlc tracks in . Compton at IO mtln hour. Behind It came a switch. in pumtll of the stray. Pollet said later t h e helicopter '''s only a !afety factor at the interese<:tions. The tanker activated stop signals and barriers at every croesing it passed during the 12 minute! it was out o( con- trol. Gun Hobby Co!t11 Pair $8,000 en&1ne, atralnlnt to catch up ,;=========:;I and clutch tht runaway ":ilh Ila ,,.,,I coupler. Ahtld ol the run1way c1r1 SAN FRANCISCO (UPJ·) _ Dew a polloa helicopter, with1 William t . Thortstn, wealthy • cop l'Gltlna "a r n in 1111 11111 collector who tmUlld 71 11\roulh • bullhorn to shoo toOI of · weapon1 and am· motorlltl IWIJ from in·• munition, mutt tpend 111 teneelk>nl ll'I the tanktr':ii 1 rnootl11 Jn Jill, t i> y11n on Jllth. probaUon and ~ 1 14,000 It 111 hid I hlPPl' endin1. !Ina fer hla hobby. The switch tnllnt overtook U.S. Dial. Juel&< Wlllllm Ibo lnllnl eJier •. chue of Goodwin TQurad1¥ "1IPoled IO mlltl, and stopped it the aeatenct oa the 11-yti'kld without damap or Injuries. j ocloo al 1 ChlcalO llffl Loadad with I0,000 gallons milllcmlre. Thorutn,i pretty · of au.jar, the tanker broke] wife, L41uise, Ji, nctlvtd a lOOM ln a Loi Anlt}ea switch "'ntence of •-y11ra Jllo-lard 'nlurldoy motnlng. batlon ltld lflo WU fined A hurrtocl C 1 ll lor h e I p !4000. dhelllverted a Loll Anatles Police U.1, All4nlty Clcll Poolt copter rom lla normal PRE-EASTER SALE • .,...., wltll lhe Thoruana' duU" to lbe SP right .. !·•·., attorn11 Jlffor to HnttMlnt to b1at out walninp to Weet1M l't••• ""..,.., •• that Ihm WU no •Yldtnot molorlala. - tht .aun collection b a d -;;;;;;'"";;;;;;;;';;;wl;;;tc;;;h;,t;;n;•';;;"';;:'•;':0 ;;";' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;'*;;',.=;;1 anythln1 to 4o wllb 1ctMU11 r h01111e lo Ibo lnlartlt II lbe United Slllle, aueb u aomt extr.mlll PQIItlcal ....,. H-ver, Poolt llld ht felt Thomen'• iet!Yltlea to lie "serious, lnttntlonal, dtllber1te Ylolallooa al Ille laws of the lJnltocl lltal•" and recommendld lbll ht be jailed. Poolt htd no ,..h recommondatloa rocW!nl YES MAM Mn. 'lllOfflln. We do have . .the.· largest stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP In pl-· lot~ atlornly WllllaJb r1J111 llltt that Ibo ~ ,,. .. coet his clltni ·-ban lo Ibo II llMb ""'' .. -·-I n1IJ11borbood al 1 mllllca 4U SOUTH MAIN ORANGE doll.era" and 1111 na lonl'l'lil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'~~;;;;~~j I 111101°'7 lllft." I .. 'lboruan aald hll nmb.!JS Plllfte IWt'M ••Mltrt be sold. \____ - Gloomy Gus Tells it 01 Yous .. It • • • ' • INTEREST DAY ·IN to DAY ·OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! NO SAYINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION CAN BEAT IT! ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 A ~JJllW MUTUAL SAVINGS AN 0 L. 0 AN ASSOCIATION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 E:ast Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar, Calif. 9262 5 telephone: 675·5010 HEADomct 315 E. CO!ortdo BM!. Pludtna, Ct!lf. 91109 loltphont: "49-2345 OTHER BRANCH Of ACES ~Covina, Gltndalo West Arcadi1 .. I I l '· '· '· 1. - ! I I I I I it ' • I ; • • C....-vallve 't'8CA c w ,,..... ...,. en ez r maa; For The ltecotd New Protests Arise MeetltlfJ• BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR S.145t Colla Mep MI II-WC ' BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY -no Bro1dw11, -c.naMHI LI 11-3433 DILDAY BROTHERS Hantlnrto• Valley Mortaary 171ll Beocl BIYd. Hnllllctaa Beacl IC-'1'1'11 PACIFIC VIEW •IEMORIAL PAJU[ Cemetery e MorlurJ' 0.pel -Padflc View Drm "l'ewpor1 Bead, eallfonlr 114-ml PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME 7111 8olla A••· Wellmlutu - SHD1'ER MORTUARY La-Beadl Of.llU 11u Clemeate OMlll . -SMITB'S MORTUARY m Mila si. Ra•llllltoo Beac• LEMm WESTCL1FI' MORTUARY a7 E. 17111 SI., Colla Hna ··- County Fete Due Nissen SANTA ANA-A resolution commmdi.ng retiring DAILY PILOT Adv~g Director Paul Ni~n on his 20 years service to the community has been adopi.d by the Orange County Boan! of Superviscn. Supenilor Alton E. Allen, who ~ the resolution, said ii lltlild Ill .,_ 10 fj-A(ilil t Mill I hlilllilioi II 1111 ~ I i I t ~ rr,:..., Cllilil .,.,. dwilw 111 · et. Thrash Sent to v:ni• ~.i, Hi8e N~w Commander Flood Chief Talk Slated Dr. Steele Head" OC Decathlon lnitte Showli 'Alfie' ftteliday OJ\AttO!l -Citt litll!li, ~ in clmje ol the l'liMlni DMillili ii. I h t orw. ileu!il~rlbcid tl6iitrol JRYlft!J ~"Alfie/' th> mo-lliilHi<t. Ifill lhl. ipHlet •~ tllt'IUt' ilirtiltfl Mlcliae1 11 flt*!. Tb •i''• l!lffUng c.bie. .till Ii<! iw-118 ht t11 die ormlgf County L<que lhe ftv'lne Jlllffi tfflU~ Iii ! ol Cities; pm and 9:30 p.m. Tueoday Nebon will give an il· i~ Uie Science Lecture ·Hall lwtrated ialk on flood damage 00 the UCI campus. caused by the January and " Tkkm will coot $1 foi February ltarms at the 7 p.m. adults 50 cents for -..its. dimer meetin« at Fr1edemann.o -;~~· ~~~~~~ Hall, 134 S. Gianell St. t; League President D ea n tU.luK Shull Jr. -~ves 1n n of cities will be asked to vote ' on IN(JllCrt for the county'I QTY request for a 10-ctnt tncreMf in 11ie Oood coolnll cli•li'lcll P' .. TS tax rate. M 90 6-UIN Oll•Nd UCI Sets Sum~r Session Two Cottnt1an11 Killed in War '-,II I I I I 11 1.· N f I I ti I: f• L 5 AV ING 5 - • l • ' MN-•111 COAST MW TIRE lllW,f .... ~ 140..JTII-t ' I oeneraan e AYEIY GflBAL 111' SIVIQ ,.,.,_ ..... -""' --""~·-·- 'PIUl at.ti jn<J/Or 1 ... 1- 3-'1•• , . .., ..... IMAL' • SIVKE tltll/41i. ...... ...... ,, I • What _Happened to · FirSt 7 Ast,r9naut~? PRE-EASTER ' SALE , I ' WALTER SCHIRRA JOHN GLENN scon CARPENTER GORDON COOPER . ' VIRGIL GR ISSOM DONALD SLAYTON ALAN SHEPHERD ·--- THE BEST a114enhll' , • 11 • ,,..,,. "'••111h .. I• 11M .t th1 w.W's 1n11f pcipulir Co•ic 1trlp1. leM It dilly 11 tht DAILY l'ILOT. All ;ButTwo Have Moved to New ·Fields By ROW ARD BENEDICT But· historians will always CAPE KENNEDY,. F I a . look back at the seven men (AP) -Ten years ieo tllia of Mercuij whose courage, month leveD men choleil.frodi am ud sacrifice made it • nolioo <l l'IS million 'itepped au -ible. . before television cameras ..,in Shepard was the I l r s t w~ D.C., and were AmeriCan to-ny into space, introduced ~u the l l r 1 t riding 'a Redstone rocket on ~ IJllC<Dl<ll. • • • , 15<illnuie, il~;nile-blgb ll!tb Ul!o exception of V~gil suborliital 'trip May 5, 1961. dent of Royal Crown Cola its first flight and he did a Cooper closed the Mercury receive an assignment for a International Ltd. and oc-flawless job as commander program with a 34-hour flight -future modn ·landing flight or '-'~~!'. caslonally serves as · a con-of the three-man Apollo 7 crew in 1063 and came back lwo as a member of a space sta· sultant for the Na tJ on al last October. years later to commind the tiorrcrew . He who Collects Stamps May ~ever Become a Millionaire ••• but he sure will he happy trying. .(let us try to help you.) Aei-onautics and . S P a c e Then at 46, the oldest of eight-day Gemini 5 mission. But he has been feuding Administration. ·He .is con-the astronaut!, Schirra an-He rec;ently beads the backup with NASA lately .and there sidering "another run for the nounced he will retire next team for the Apollo 10 night, are rumors he may resign ObiO Sena~ seat in 1910. • June to become president of scbeduJed for a moon orbit after Apollo 10. The dispute SECOND' FIJGBT the ,Regency Corp. of Denver, journey in May. began last Jaii. 31 when the FAIRCHILD SI'A:\IPH ~47.p Broadway • l.quna Beach • [714) 494-:0J« . Open Nooa to . .S;30 • Closed Wcdoesdays A Sundays Edmund' Fairchild • Walt Memcb, CWO USMC Jtet. I. Griliam who died in the Two years, liter he Jt'U groun- Apellio ,l fw, they have ded b7 an ear infection caused bec:ome1 famow: and -in by a virus. He remains in IOIDI: cues -rich. One of the program u chitf of the the MVlll original' astronauts astronaut office, ·in charge of is a bmit president and two the astronaut team and the became p-esidents in industry. training of crem. ~1;.,,.,..0 was to have made Colo., a financial complex that There is a chance that space agency ordered him to ......,.... leases industrial equipment Cooper, at 42 the ·ywngest withdraw from a.n auto race the second U.S. orbital mpt,j;;w~or~l~dwi~de~.:::::::::~~:::~o~f ~th~o~on~·g1na1~~se~v~e~11,~will~~a~t ~D~ayt~on~a~Be~ach~,~F~la~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= but doctors diacovered a slllbt heart murmur and ~ him. He serves m t lr. e · ~ were called t b e OUTSIDE INTERESTS Mercury ut>ooauts, after tho . UDlled Slates' first program Shepard llap )W ·ootsJde to rocket mm Into space. 'Ibey business . m~ests that "have ...,. .-. test pilots, ski1J. mad< 00. nch, .In a bank· ed In _, aU 1ype1 of presldepcy In HWl!on, TeL 8ircraft GrWom made a JS.minute 'Ibey • wft' to be pioneers. su~bital trip similar to ezplcJr1ng ·the new frontier · of ~!and had IQ sor-le si-e to detennine whether for hb: ~e when his ~y man could live and work in ~ .7 c&p!ule sank on landing Ulil holtlle environment _ lD 11161. He commanded the and whether ho indeed could first two-man Gun1nJ mlasion Dy to the moon. in 1965 and was assigned . to 1beir names b e came head the first three-man bwsebold words: Malcolm Apollo team in 1967. But Scott C&rpeoter L. G<rdon tragedy i n t er f e r e d , as Cooper Jr., John ff. Glenn Grissom, Edward H., White Jr., Virgil I. Grissom. Wa1tcr ~I and ]Joger B. Chaffee died M. Schlrra Jr., Alan B. 1? the Apollo 1 launch pad Shepard Jr. and Donald K. fire at Cape Kennedy Jan. ''Dete" Slayton 27, 1967. · GleM stirred the world Feb. SIX FLOWN Sil: have flown in' space. On1y one, Cooper; remains on flight status. More than 50 other astronauts have joined the team since the origlnal seven were named. rrOm their ranks will come the moon explorers, operators of space stations and perhaps visit.on to the (lla-. 20, 1962, when he~became the first American to orbit the earth. He wu the first to resign from the program wh~ he decided in 1964 tO seek the U.S. Senate seat in his home state, <>tUo. ID\ political ambiUons were · thwlned by a bathroom fall that required long recuperation and left him with an inner tar problem. He since bu become presi- Six Months Before astronaut office as director of flight crew' operations. Carpenter replaced Slayton on the secon:I i:rbital journey in 1962 and gave the wor1d a scare when he overshot b1s labding mart by more than 200 miles 8'nd was not found for inore than an hour. He lost his flight statUJ a(ter being injured in a motorbike accident in Bermuda. Jn 1965 he took a leave or absence to work wilh the Navy on the SeaJab underwater project. He remained 205' feet below the sea for·30 days, studylng the effects on man cf undersea life. He resigned from the space program two years later to devote full time to the sea. Carpenter still i s associated with Sealab but leg problems prtvent him from making a~tio~ dives~ COMMANDED .SHIP Schirra fl!ll....d Carpenter Into orbit In 1-He later commanded the .<le!Qlni 6 ship which cooductedJlistoey'• ftrst space ~ous, a meeUng high aboft earth with Gemini 7 in 196&·. After the death of his good friend Grissom, Schi.rra was assigned to fly the redesigned Apollo ihlp on Doctor Says He Can Predict ·sex LOS ANGELES -The se1 predictions In 66 cases at L.A. of a baby can be predicted County-USC Medical Center. with 100 percent accuracy as They failed only five percent of the time when conditlens early as si.J months before were not perfect. The test ~m= ~ takes a minimum of six hours said toda to complete. y. Accurate prenatal sex 'lbe technique is important determination iJ becoming in· to. i>hYBicians in some cases creasl.ngly important in the and should not be med merely field of genetic co1.nwellng, Dr. to satisfy the curiosity of pro-Sloves said, because certain speclive parents, according to defonnities and diseases occur ~-Robert. B. Slov':5, -use only in one &eL instructor In obstetrics and An example is hemophilia, ~08.Y.: _ . . which affects only males. in order that they a r e prepared to treat s u ch children immediately after birth, he added. Not all the sex predictions made by the USC team were for single births. In cases of multiple births, the procedure bec;omes more complicated. Fluid samples must be taken from the sacs holding each fetu s. . However, in one case, Dr. Sloves and Miss Oliphant cor· r'ectly determined the sex of boy and-lirLtwins._ Pten:atal Bel: ~rminabon --'lle[ilg"ib1eto-detem'iiftt-the ~ ~ by sampling the nu!d sex of the fetu.s will be essen- 111 which the fetus rests in tial when corrective treatment Mnnl•-' tho womb. . for specific sex·linl<ed diseases WRINKW REMOVED ll 8 microscop>C dot appears can be administered to a yet· JN l MINUTES on the nucleus of a '7ll 1n unborn .baby, th\ u g c the fluid, the child wdl be researcher said. . Ho.., HIUIMI -""" REVEAL. • ,.... ~be othonrisemalo • • the baby Prenatal sex determination ~~\t;~~~ 1n •/~J.tr;; Will • • &Jso is seful f h • • 111" ind l .. !s up l9 I "°""· Apply, A:f:· Dr S16vf:I and his collearn1e u or P ysicians VEAL •• •1t«'tld '° ,ya u r tot111-.d. • • • '°:'° ' ll'OUNI Y'Olll" IV"• Ind Mdi: Ind -fell Sue Olipbanti a cell technician "'' .,..,.. dl11_., •• "'' 11n11, crvwt In ... use Schoo. I f LOCAL , .... •nd pu11i.-s dltaPPffr 1n 11111 i we 0 mlnutfl. REVEAL ll $Old wltll 1 1trltl Medicine's pathology depart-Ni et~tr ntW1poplf' tilli Y•• ,._., o.cti ~r•nlff H not 11tlsllld •-labor '°' •nv rw.-i. J1111 return the Pldi• meol, ........ u~ecf atory l!IOte, every d1y, t bowt whet'• to VoUr drunllt, GET REVEAL TODAY procedures which were devi&-'.1 n' Ill in th1 ,,.,,,, :,~o ~~I(. YOUNGER TONIGHT. Sold ecf several years 1!11J by other Ort"fl Co11f th•n th1 DAILY Cf'IWflN'• Rx f!MnMcy l'ellel!'Cberl to !Core correct rlLOT. UM .. ..,.,, ''" -M•ll ~ ,,, .... ' ........... .... .. , QrMlwDW •• ,. 0 t _ ..... I' C 't SlllSMY COMMUNITY EVENTS Oft• of th• ltrg••t exhibiti0111 of P•lnHng1 -by IASK. South•rn C•lifofl'rl• 1rti•t l1tty A11111 St1w•rt Klr li:pttricli:, open.4 this w11• I MttO j 11 111 our lobby. Th1 coll•ctio1''"f•1turff th1 ••citing 111d 'f'i~•nt ulor 10 ch1r1cl1ritfic of BASK"1 wor.1, 111d 111 1tn.01ph.,, of •nthu•i11m pr•••il1 throughout th11ntir11xhiilifion. And,, mldle !fOU're latte •••• S1y h1llo to our Gil of tt!1 Month, Cotrin• L1ri1on, My f1.,orit1 S1cr1t_.ry ind N1tiv1 of Ni1tr1 F1lh, 011- t1rio, C1n1d1. · H1r tr1ndf1th1t, Wi!li1m Em1ry, wit th1 chief 1n9i· n11r of th1 ori9in1I W1ll1nd C•n1I, tho n1•it1tion1I w1t1rw1y for 1hip1 th1t w1r1 1bl1 by tt!1 11111111 of lockt to go from Leli:1 Sup1rior to L•k1 Ont1rio i nd continue on down th1 St. L1wr1nc1 Ri•1r to the At. l1ntic Oc11n. Aft1r 9r1du1tion from Ni11J r1 l 111in111s Coll11Je, 1h1 c1m1 to Ctliforni1 wh1r1 htr older brolh1r hid mov1d i nd 11ttl1d i11 W).itti1r. Shi 1fuditcl ind b•c1m1 111 Am1ric•11 citiaon. Corrin• h1lp1d op1n th1 Co1tt M11t office April llJ6/, NOW! DIVIDENDS PAID FROM DAY-INTO DAY-OUT! Neighborly. Thats · what the nation's largest ·federal is! We're local people.-from our-manager-to-Qur--tellerSr-And~we're .. enxious-to-publicize-all-local _community acU~lties,, It's our way of iriatching honJe-toO(n ,friendllnes~ with the efflcienfservlce of lhe nation's largest f&derat savings association. Ifs why weJlave.'.been winn iiig so many more friends in California evefy~ar since 1925. Stop in ar1d open your aCCount now. Eam from day-in to day-out In adpition.funds received by 10th of any month eam from the 1st when on deposit al the end of the quarter.' 5 2 53 BONUS • 0 ACCO.LINT: (Available in multiples of $1000.) Earns y, % bonus eath year above regular passbook rate when held 3 years. 51307' PASSBOOK . • /0 ACCOUNT: 5.13% annual yield on Insured passbook accounts when all savings and dividends remain a year, if the 5% curTent annual rate is maintained and compounded daily for a year. C~lif Q!!!!!a,J~~~~!~!.w~~P.J!gs • • •• NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL I ' . COSTA "1.l:SA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 546·2300 CLIFFORD M. WESDORF, ASST. VIC£ PRESIDENT & MANAGER \ .... CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINBI ---••• • • ( I ' . . ?'! ,,1 ,·, ..... ; I "• ' ,, I .. ,I ' ,, " ' < .. ' • ' I ' ! ' ' • • • .. . , ' - JOOSAN HASTINOI, MMill -·~ ............. , ' .... Think Duty -Think-8eaut1 . . . ~ I • ·C:om .mitt·ea· • Up. Through their efforts, m1icb alreadY baa been accomplished. But there remains much to be done, and equal to the task -. them are memllera of the Women'& Division, HUDUnaton Beach Chamber of Commerce. April is City Beautification Month, anct following the •ignlng of a proclamation by Mayor Alvin M. Coen, the dlvl1lon Is planning a Jclck-<>ff luncheon Wednesday, APrll 9, In The Fisherman. All area resideiiu lnterest9'1 in city beautlflca!lon are invited to attend the affair beginning at 11 :30 a.m. Speaking on Beautification )'rom Neighboring Cities will be Cal- vin Stewart from the Parks and Recreation Department, Newport Beach, who will be introduced. by Mrs. Charles Bauer, chairman of the beautification committee. To encourage an awareness of city beautification among _ area youth, the women's division sponsored a poster contest in Huntington Beach and Marina high schoois. · Winners will be presented wi"1· a '25 iavlng• bond and their entries will be on display at the luncheon. Receiving bonds will be Aleta Aloe and George Watson, both l~, fnlm HunUDgton Beach, and Swan Overstreet, 18, an4.Ralph Arilton, 17, Marina. Ribbom were awarded nmneri-up in the contest, and .all en- tries will be offered for viewing In the Huntington Ceiiter Hall for a week beginning Monday, April 21. The division currently is arranging for pickup al ·large trash, such as discarded. couches, which also. will take p1ace this month. Pick-up points will be announced shortly, according.to Mra. Bauer. Tea s to Launch Membership Drive . .,, . , A aeries of teas will precede .the annilal membership drive of the Harbot ~ea •Com- munity Concert Association which ls. achedul· · ..,_ ed for April 21-26 this year. · . The teal.are open to ·the public and are planned to acquaint those attending with the assocbiUon and Its purposes. Details of the membership drive also will be outlined. Hosting the first tea., Tuesday, April 8, will .be Mrs. Jooeph Pike, 1811 Glenwood Labe, Newport Beach, who will present a piario redtar during the 10 a.m. event. The ·next day two teas are calendared. Mrs. W. C. Mulhanser, 3201 Mary Circle, Huntington l)each, will open her home at 10 a.m. and the program will include an oboe 8nd Dute performance by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Henderson Jr. 'TEED OFF'. AT. EYESORES '--Huntington Beach -The City Beautiful ls the aim ot. the Women's Division, Chamber of Com- merce,. and April , has ,been designated as City Beautification Month. H<>j!il!g all area residents will get in the swing and clean • • . . ' . up, paint up and fix up are (left to·right) Mrs. Charles Bauer, beautification chairman; Mrs. Jake Stewart, president, and Norm Worthy, director of Parks and ReQreation. " ' Husb·a·n·ds . T~rri, Key to Benefit Husbands of me'.mbers and prospective memben will be honored and the Child Guidance Center will benefit .from a buffet dinner sponsored by the Gold- en Key, Huntington Beach. Opening their home for the event; laking place Satunlay, April 12, will be Mr. and Mrs. RaymOlld Morehouse. Mrs. Robert Mackie ls in charge of dlriner arr~geint!nla. all~ assisting are Mrs. Robert Abraham and Mts. Clilckering Nelson. Members will . contribute tin assortment of gourmet dishes for the bullet, and 'there will be a nonilnal cliarge for i!inner and cocktails with funds . ' . . . . " . . , . being, donated to jhe center. . The next meeting of Golden Key will take pl.Ca Thursday, April 10, Colfee will be served at 9:30 a.m. in the Mercury Savings and Loan building, fol· lowed by nomination ol officers during the buaine11· meeting. ' An orienlallon tour of the group 's thrift shop, 223 Main St., will be conducted to acquaint proapeo-0 live members with that activity following the meet.-~~ . . . l • At 8:15 p.m. in the studio of Robert Dick, 25S3 Greenbrier Lane, Costa Mesa, guests will hear a piano recital ·by Dick and meet the u1ociatfon's Columbia artist manage- ment representative, Mrs. Alfred Durfee, who will give a brief talk. Anyone'Wlsbingto"atten<tany·of·th.-three-- teas may call Mrs. Larry Bacon, 646-6998, or Mrs. Kurt Kupferman, 642-3186. --· Furr and relu:ation are on.the agenda for May. Mra...-rt-Hohnan wlll~open.Jier.home.fo a .. ma...,:---r Ing at 10 a.m. Thursday, May I, and following. the. f election of-officers, members''li'!ll enJOY a po11iiCk aalad luncheon: Two concerts already have been secured for the coming season. The American Con- cert Ballet Company, representing a new di- rection in the dance mediUJl'!, and the New York Brass Quinto~ which recently trlumph- anUy toured Europe, will be joined by two more attracUona. . . ' COOKING UP l'UNDS -Child Guidance Center of ~~County will benefit from a get-acquainted buffet filing place Satunlay, April 12, spopsored by Golden Key. Husband& of members and proopectlve members wlllbe/uests of honor at the dinner in the home of. Mr. an Mrs. Raymond Morehouse. Pre-. paring special dishes are (left to right) Mrs. Chic- kering Nelson, MrS. Morehouse and son Gazy. A busload of members and friend& wm 'travel lo Hollywood Park for a Day at the Racee Thundq May 22. Mrs. 'Frederic Forster, vice president ;;;.{ chairma,o, has announced that.: an attendance ol IO or more will entitle the support eroilp to a rice • ·named for Golden Key .. The club 1eason will conclude with the June j' meeting and lnsWlatton of officers but mamllen will continue to staff the ·thrift.1hop and will be pla-· Ding the fall fashiyn show,·• major fimdlnJ tvat taking place OCt. 4 th the Sheraton 9-11111. ; A Word to the W i.ves : Heed· Warni·ng , Avoid Mo ~~n i ~l9~.'·, • DEAR ANN: I'm I 111111 who would like lo .....S 1 word al wll'lllng io - wlvtl •••J•ben. lncludq 11'1)' own. • -lllatlltlcl lndlcalA! tbol -third ii Amedeo'• wsklnl force II female. Im m, awn alfice there are at Jeut rm allrlcllYe ........ ""° ..., ae•tli>C to loolt beUet lo me n ery day. Beca111e: , M7 wife II either loo tired er she lilt ap until I t.m. watclllna TV and by the time tbe pit lo bed I've 1im1 up !":: and .... to lleep. Or, Ille hu a 4bebe. a bllldtcbe, a e,ratbe. Or 'lhe'1 nitlar I <old. Or 1 Im pttlng I <old. lJr .::, the c:hllciren m ·ltlJI Up. Or she'I upectlng I ~ call ff\XD her mother. Or, ft'• mad at me fer ~ I said last night. • • You amwered, "lt'a the I Ir 1' 1 facts about benell. • • JHc Mk, nffled Ulrt( • ~ ,ata,' ~ allowance lo do with u abe pleaaes." -E.K. fv coaQ -... UteJ .,.,. Crw"NR1•1. Then you ldded, mildly, "It Is YOUR DEAR E. Jt.1 y,. an rli!liL Y-Tiie .lllvrlog al tM ·-11 -·1 rttpOM(bUlty, however, to point out that tW•klll we.a dteper tbll ..._ TMll& ... , 141 ~..... . · the boy 18ckJ character." You m'.i&sed JOll' polat .... "'11M!t, r• ... . .. \. . I the boo~ AM. U the girl h!d, earned to add ~ tMqlll, Tlla Pl ~ ~ moy be "Ill" lo the kldt ,.. lhe money ahe could then do u abe ii • .....,., tUt • wDI let 1 -:.!J; run °witb but tt can put Joa "aut" DEAR ANN LANDERS: A m.ther who . pleased with ll A high school girl'• ·---~ ...... ~ for , keepa.-You can ..:.. k and --kteatlfied hule1f IS ''a pel'IOI of JDOdtst •aliowance ls supposed to be lpeOt OQ &f\oe Wm, MmeWlc _. ... ·-' • 1 -. meam with five children to support"· upeues. It a1Jo ahould teacb bu to '• fliel ....,., : ' ., , 'JIOf'dlr;• Rud "Boole and Yoa -Jl'ar wrole about her 1&.year-<>ld dl\Jihtu handle mooey, U she abulel · the • • · . T_,... On!J." Seod Ii ceoto lo colll t eojillc tkady company with "• big allowance 11 lhould be discontinued. -, Di;;AR ANN: °fillY'ls a man who ...W. a.Id 1 : Icia..1 ,aolf..-, stamped fat kid who, after raid.in&~ t~e . The rUt que!tlon.ls,,wh)' does this women's clotbea:, called I; trtnn:elllte. M~WiQl y'ow.'recpiest ._ ·reir!gerator, upenod' her pine ii;f1oot Cirl. feel oo lnadequalA! she It Willing but a woman wlio wtlrl men'o clotbes. 1 , Ann ·Lahden, wiU lie ct.,i 'tp 11a1p out all the i!lmes, which be taves.'' lo caler to a moocher? What. It she . II consldered otylllh! · • • JOU wjth .your ~ s..;,i .._ ' The money Is the girl'• allowance, and' paying hlin for! When the girl Is dlrocted , , . ....'!ALDI, OIDO '·1o lier ta ·oaro al the DAILY 'PILOT the mother wanted to know what to ' to loot Into her own motives lhe mey DEAR 8ALIM1 Rive f" loibd enclj.isb1g 'a· 1eU~, ~ do about it. dlacover some lnlerelting i nd ueful artHd' ll&tl7? Mta ••'art we...... tG~tSope. · " · ' • ' · ' . •• ' • ANN LANDERS • \ . ' . . Rivierans Put Teqm On Stage Contest Combines Children's Creativity Budding artlils San4ra llannwien, Sean Guerin and Trela COhen (left \o right) are all set for a ereatl•• arl 1e11ion 01 pert of the •l'"'.cial children 1 paintlne contest 1poD10r.ed by M~narch !lay Merch8lll$ Association in Laguna Niguel. Pa!ntlng1 Will be 0n dltplay in lb• lhop1 in Monarch Bay Plaza and winners will be named at the cllma• of the community's annual Easter festivi- -<llUb momherl will ti tom • be llU1itnod br h ~1 _::::•':....::=o:::rr:::°".:::..· --------------------loam ol Artliar . llld DlllJ Brlio II -'monlblr . Cone.rt Choir Appearance Anticipdteg '·Concert Choir ol Claremoni ~111'1 Cdleg0; Jiirvey who &nnoWiced Ucieta are b;i.g sold for '2 and 1tu- hmdilmi 1n011bW in .u e H !Jalbol lliJ a.b llllt •-oroscope dlJ.. . Jlttlp, -borlloal ..... hM·-·-in ...... ..,.,.. Mudd, ·P!tut and Scripp1 cot1e111 will begin the dent tlcieta, fl. Attuned to the event are (left to sprlllgtour nut Monday with 1118 p.m. performance ' right) Robert Hlrach, Mra, E. C. Pratt and Mr•. Wll- in· the Balboa Bay Club. Chalrm111 al the l'bolr'• llam L. 8tabler. · · Or11111 County 1ppearance i1 Mr1. ltae A. Ewing, . ~ . . ... ....,. will ~-,=· ..... !::':" cloMleal, "!!f.:l'..! lhll Taurus: Cooperate . · Hate to Cook Course Eases Meal Planning -ap1r11. 'Kr.Win be IC«JlllP8ll1ed by iill wile Oil the pilno. Tbe 11 :!0 a.m. llOClal hour wlll be followed br a lt:IO luncbeon. Mn. Rtml Chabot wfll preolde OYer 1 lhort business meeUni whlch will include the presentation of a slate of officers for 1$70. SATURDAY APRIL 5 "The wise ·man controls his de""1y • • • AIO'ololf poiol.s the w1y_." AJll!I (~ch 11-Aptll ll): Accent "" what _.,,,moot to 1'"'· lncludtt borne and family. Todar 11"1 btve op- l>OriUDllJ to flll1ld OD IOlld base. Key II clitermlnatlon. You camd · lklp .... Mlall. AC!~. LIBM (Sept. IS-Oct. 21): y 1111 ... ...., out of finlncial dilemma. Amwer is relatively almple. Key Is willingness to try ..... lhinl dill....t. Aid -nd !nm llllormaUon pln<d al social galherlng lifted. You have feeling of ll'e&Ur freedom. s t u d 1 CAPRICORN message. Get cut and around ; be with cm- genlal people. PIBCES (Feb. !~March 20): A<celll Oil lllf)lratiOlll. YOU get aolld bocking. Opportwllty .. ists for greater ind~eoct o1 thought, acUoo. Hlghligbt originality. llucc.., due K you an lnve!ltlve. !tick to """· · •• U cooking isn't your bag, the Golden West College course on tlficient me a I preporattooll. 1be elght·week course will take place 1each Thursday from l :IO to 9:111 p.m. begin- ning April 10 ml continuing tllroaP 11t11 111. ReglslraUoo will take · place in the 1cJ. mini!traUon bulldlng between 6:15 and 9:11 p.m. Monday, April 7. Uts!rudlnc the COW'lt 11 Mias ~ Lynch, b o m e economist for the Southern California Electric L i v i n g Center, Huntington Beach, a graduate of Mount SL M111'1 College, Los Ange1es. Th e 1edure-demonstrauon will include information con- cerning kitchen appliances ahd utenalll, autrtE, meal plan-nlnf liid mar oting. Euy-1<>- prepare reci will b e demonstra~J and students also will ~clpate In prepar- ing the red~ llllnf llme ... v- ing 1pplianets. Members may o b t a I o resuvaUons by calllnr _Mn. Hanild Dmney, 4M-f7Q or Mrs. Harry Plsepa, -1 bynut Mooday. Dual Piano Program ' On Agenda. Review fa cts about portnership, financial status ol '"!' you -upon. Get at ... lnltl!. ..,,,e lllldl wllllful *hinting. Yoo are gem, to get wha_t you need. Act In l.UCbclrttaldYe JDlllDer. TAIJllll (April IJl.""1 II): -~till{ II al -llilii, be d*1ldod " ... ol t1lllo -. Pub1it rflj. -~. °""" pl -1ed1r1l1ndln1. °'=' "*' -. """'*· • (Mq 11.J-ill): toolPl . ICORPJO (Oct. 23-Nov. 11): Ttnllht you are e I a t e d blcause of filiancial news. You 1tt break y<11've-~letting. Ctlebrate 'Wltli fa m !I 7 mtmbtn. Heal breach. Don't ~ pride to block hap- pii.o. IAGmAirul (ftov. :ZS. DR. EMIL LEVENIEC, Pod i•trist A1111ou11et • tht Op•nin9 of hi1 offict Foi' th• Pr1ctice of FOOT..DISOADUS Of Adults ind Childr1n Machines, Humans A du! ploo fl'Ol1IDI lill been 1tranpl !or lhl II.et Dlllllll( GI 1111 Uppar 117 Aaaodllel ol Ult Ot-Collnly Phllllinnodle -,. Ono jW loM ~ c!Olier lo 'I""' YiaWpotiit. -to tori•• and fcirttl. Yod· e111 --_..._It locli;. Dfc. 11):, Cyclfi moves up lOlligllL 11n ~ could prove ..-tlful. Be where y(lJ Can mtd people. Fine for begirllin&C -project ar roiatlooohlp. TOWN AND COUNTRY CENTER 11541 'flt1ch lo11l1v•r' Hu11tl11ffo11 lt•ch Stage Shared u,,,....,. IRIMS FULL -Full brimmed hall thlt flop ere lops this spring accordlni to the collectlen of Mr. John. Mrs. -ck R. ¥Clriln will -her ftawporl --homo for till -II 11:11 1.m. 11-1. April II. Bo 1'>!ritfl-mld -· Pine ior.........,. wll1I co- llarkor. CAHClll (Jllnl 11.Julr 21): Whal ,.. lllillk 10U Wini to do D11J Id lol pracllcal. Fine lo be ll'tiilfYI -blll you hlft .. , ... ~ In 1111 lllGrntns· KMw tlill ... , .. main m .,., MIL 811ct lo lbt niltl. CAPIOOOllll (Dae. 21.Jan. ti): Euellllll lor 41'*'1 c>1l, allendlnl --Breit from ~e. Retuallon II lm- portlnt. Share ,.,.... ... O,FICE HOURS1 Me11. thr11 S1t,. IOAM -IPM Sit,, IOAM-21'"4 912°1107 •. Shlrlnl the plaUorm at the nut Orange County Chamber Cmceri wW be human performen. a tape recorder and a oomputer. The program will begin at 1:30 p.m. nut TUesday in the 'Mualc llall of Call!ornla State College at Norton. Opining the evenlnJ will be throe IOllP ill' Anton Webern. These will be 5Ung by Mis• Diana JJ.ankin, soprano, ac· compmiled br Donald Andrus, "' Fall Rite JACQUILINE CASALA Te Merry oianill. She also will perform l•The"Moment11 by Norweli&n compew Knul Nystedt and will be accompanied b y celesta and pemiasion. 'Easter Parade' Tbe eleclronk portion will Include "Push" for tape recorder by Andrus a n d "Declma" for computer by Gerald Strang. Both com· po1tt1 m from 1Am3 Beach. Tops Will Flop "Solitaire'' for tape recorder by another Norwegian, Arne Nordheim will be the con- cluding number. By~AULEY NEW YOR!t (UPI) -Tbe brim tl!.at flops Is the brlm that'• lope in the hat.I womtn are buying for spring. · CoordlnaUon la a pteacb- ment d. Mt. J<iln, the mllllner-clolhet d"""'"1' """ u1e1 tbe term "rtlixed " to deactlbe h11 lfJl'lnl btoHellen -"drooJiol a'Jt.o tbe f1ct, with Chlfloa dr1pe11 to the • Offing In Giving the blt, "reined" briJDI I t r o n I cotnpeUUon, ~bonver, 1re the-Rvf-liill, • Mr. ud Mrs. Jo,.ph V. -o1 ... millln ne 'l'belt cha1>N1D< -• wllb Calala of Newport Buch hne .---<rt P . -' ed the • --~ f in recont -N but Ullo •~Inc l>tlil>I nwl1 lllr1ndtel wide announc ellllJic.nn::in 0 .I~ •1 8'' and llh U-...,4 .__,. ti t be i r daughter, Jacqueline better than ever befot1. • " a-,,,_ .. Cl'OWlll Cuala to Jolla Loodelius, 1<11 Faded from the picture are are ld•I "1th the flOllll IUlll ol Mr. and Mn. John C. the tradlllmal 11-0rall, wltb neeplnf Ille feminine 1111111,. Londellua ol Lido Isle, few e><eptlonl. And 10110 too acene, Mr. John llld. Tlfq 'Ibey are planninc a fall la the phr-"EUier boMel" ge well, too, wffh tbe nnooth, weddlnc In Our Lady ol Mowit (IOITJ a boot lilat, ln>lnl "boy hairdo," wltldl 1111 Carmt1 C.tholic Church. Berlin) from the hat Jn. repfaced what he called the Illa Casali ii a graduate dustcy's vocabulary. "~" ooiffurt, t1rrilted of Newport -High The bonnet la not • 11119 and combid Into an ar\llicial School and the Univmity of fa1hJon. And 11 the hatmakers fantasy. Santa Clara and preanUy is eiplatn, women no longer buy '"!be loot today 11 sort or attending UCL.A g r a du a t e a hat just for an Ea!t.er Sun-like Marlene Di«rlch rldJng school Clay. Not, that Js, unless they off into the desert," said Mr. Her fllqtce also 48 a a:e celebrit.les on parad~. or John. graduale of Nlllm, Orange gtrls grabbing for tele\'1~on A United Pttss h;JtunaUona1 Coast Oollete and San Diego camera attention in Fifth preEuter check: of tht Stat.e College At btitb tolle Aven1.1e'1 fashion spectacle on Millinery lnltitute of Amerlca, · 1ei this Christian holy day. plus couture firms and volume he wu a member of the crew Instead, women thlnk In m a n u fa ct u r e r s showed team and aHillated with terms (l( a new hat or hat.. enormous popularity for brims &.lfml Alpha Epsilon at SDSC. for a whole aeeeon, and often and the big 'Ole of 1Ctr•es in tenns of coordinaUoo w!CI. ae trims for felt or straw Per!ormen Will be 1111 Mmtl. John ' Dun, llllpll De .. .,., !Wpll Otrltd, llllpll ~. ChrlltoplMr JUtditnl, Edward Lelflllt and -S.undm. Mrs. ~ I. Leith 11,,...,. ... cllalnflan. The .... u., wfll -Wllll a coffM arid '*tMlll trill bt the -· _ ... ,..... Richard lldlunlacher, Jobllnlt Walller llld IJmoa ~. Luncheon . lures LIO (Jiily »-Aus. , 211: Or-lroo4am bldlcatod for .....,.. Dmlflc c1ar -.r to lliiHf.iJe ,_ '°" .ui feel man lib nllllof Wlr. A<- ctnt on reacblnl un- ~ "1th 1oun1 1imio (AUS. ll4tpt. 21): perlenco. Oat1et cu be lwnd 1'=======-=~ for spec1al ablllllll. 1~ AQU41llUI (Jan. JIO.J'eb. II): Fr I end I y atmorpben prevaill tool&hL A burden ls League Plans Second Topic . I Advanta9u ol ftunlnl Your Biby ml OV!ftGS!1fl!I DH· flcu.lti11 ii -&he 1 e c 0 n d dllcU!llon 1n 1 fwr--pllrt aeries of Costa Meta Chapter, LI ZIPPY NEW SHIRTS & PANTS Ladle Le1,.... Duo Due oa Lido lste Mrs. Jerome Hjeltness will ·open her -It U7I Oarl• inaford Aff., Cotta ~. at ..-.1111 pundi bowl, 7:isp.m.nutTueodly, __ ....... , -· will be ,..,,"4 .., ...,_ Mall Pawn *"i ,,.., pa..-, Alla --t1!or _,. Lida 111 e Woman•• a.b 11111 -, intllt-. . 1111111 amarttr dlllplil ... perllea, the duo wlll portray claaslcond-lllMtlonl. Groener'1 "'&Ir Hany lbnl" and MJ• Powera 11 lfoel Coward -bafl -increasingly popular with their E br Mn. J • d k Tbe public ll inY!tod ancl 1111'1 llln. Mitt Ober, may oblaln 1 u rt be r 1n- lln .. ""1 rin-, ..,Haro formatloli lrillil -Mn. H. W. chatrmM, wll1 be on hind Moore .t -· ·---·-"" ~~~~.ri danitlDDI f#:r--~...,."8j"~ ........ ~llfTiT°--1.~~~~~~...,~N~= Tbt...._w111be-SA·· al noon at tablea enhanced HOW TO • witluprlncllmt_,_ ----.. -"' !tin. John D. Da•la ""' MARRY r .uuwr'a.A'-SI commtuee. J\eientaU-1rtt belnl liken br Join. Ttil Whan pr-.for ywr ... FIXTURE s lll!llhaw ~l 67WOlll ml Mn. ding you Deed lots of help. Get Harold Phillipa, 675-3409. the Information necesaary In I m p e rs onatlons and in- terpretaUon1. He insentJy ls seen In un1v1r111'1 mouon plo-TV WUJC Tells ii ture, "mrttmy COuntry," and "llow to Plan Your Wielding" Gilldol. Send :lie II coin .. P.O. &I: ""· Hllnilncton llHch, M1"1 Pawen, of the Cyrano Llk 11'11 b de Bergerac producUon fame,lr;;:;;i;;;;;;;e-.;;;..;e~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;:,;;;;:,;;;;;~~I serves on the board of direc- c.tlf. 12141 . Ult lpeCific ouWt. or to m.U:e the tmire bat tors of the Amtrican National Theater and Academy. Clubwomen /wlll oocllllle Presidents Honored A ritual ol the , ..... 11 SUNlllAISEITISIRllVICI! ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL OllR,tJt the HAIR FACTORY . CUSTOM FLUSH MOUNTID CURTAIN SC1U1U OASIAblCUU OAI LOOI WALLDICOI Piii pnoldenll wlll be --llolla Beta Eplllao, HuntlnctOO lleadl a......-ol Beta 8JCma Phi, --!ti """"" bltthday, '1111-meetlnl will tah p1-• 7:31 p.m. 'l'llod1y, Ajlr1J •• ID the Four Wind• -1111, and att.ndlnl will be ..,.., -Sultoe ud Mn. ' f)m llbetton, p I I l piolldmta • 1 Ctr""'"'Y Will be COIJdllcled JHf W1e ---far Mn. Dennis Terwey. Mr1. • l'lle llornarll Balley, chapter ad-FOUNTAIN VALLEY G000 ,.IDAY ll•VICll vbor from Xi Epsilon Chl, 71JI AM -H.tr '11b .... Sooth Got., will be IUOlt ol DRIVE·IN THEAT•E tl-IPM-To-oo•--- ---· DEAN CIOUCH ~-., ..... at .. r •aecert hon!x'. 1•1111111!• • Tfllllleft A.,..I 7!JI PM-.....__, fte c,.. Members plllllllng to aUend 6:IO A.M. -April 6th "II• It PM-CIUTIYI UTUa•Y lllCIAL U•HT -..... _;. ::_ ..... -.. l'""'" __ "'_i_4""_s_-o_ll~lt!1!_1111"1 ___ ._,J include the Mme!, Richard C1u •••• .... , ... ,.,.,,,, .... a"'..._ 8bmod, Richard Freudenthal, .,... .. ,.. ly ,,,, . ., ,.. ,_,_fr• Al ...._ , Jtft7 Cramer, Steve Elda, YllNln Uffl,ST CHUICH Tiie ........ ""' ...... '""""" '""' - Terwey Randy Bauder, Don ttlfl CWIAtfltllt .. " .. w"''"""'" ,. .. c.. -tt.; ... Ultl M .,. .. ca r --~J~~L~S.~·::·:::·~· ·::·~·•!.,!St~ . ..;-~C~·=·:::"'~"'~-::...-..JI Fedtr1~ and Tom Brannon .. , __ •_w_ .... _._..,._._,_ ..... __ _,,_ ________________ _.,.., • ,..,, .,... 4, 1"9 ' .. ' . ' . .. LEGAL NOTICB • LEG,AL 'NOl'ICll LIOAL NOTICll LllG.U. NOTICll • I , ------------------ ' . ' . ' ' ' Priests .Get Aid ' MN FRANClliqo '(.\PJ; • Nw~Wb1i,l1 _tbe....,._llld -· ·"'"""' ,._ IOd --·--'!'bey ljlld lar. Ell'! lilut Aaoclat.ea, • ~ coun1tlln1 firm Illa! -la!Jzoo In ~tnr .... tori from the lar -jollo. 8ln<e lut fall, 1111 llnia llu helped 15 rormer olal<s,,llXJlt of them -Cotllollps, re<rient thomlel,. fOI: tho -bday world llld obtillf I Ylrlety ol jobf. • An eddlt!Ollll IOO mon ,bavt written eiprmm, -Olbera .,. In the ""'*1lnl --"We belp blm fotpl what he thinb: ba II Ind bilp hlnl ..,,,embel: bt't ..._. ~ and that he· hu -.W. .,.telablt to tolllOl>ady,' llfd IWll'thy, bearded Earl Blue. NOT ORD.UNED Oni day th1t weelr, a ·Blue Wit beiftt tutervlewed, • hlncf!()me 111111. In 1 follow turtleneck and natty lpGrl coat presented blmtell lo Blue and e:rplalned he lfad been In the Society of JOIUI for U yean. He had DOI.yet been ordained. Painting Classes Set CIUSH In brldp ud oil r._m11n1 .,. bttntl lonntd al -Oranro Cout '\'MCA, uoo Unlvtnlty '"· Tilt two 1clllt .i-, -by Jml Aleundlr, will lul for ten ....... wD I f lt I .. for ~ ad flOfor-. Tht brldp •Ila wtll boDi II I .m. April e. ud illo oU ntlnr dla at 7 p.m. 0. Call .. ,__ tor -... fonnatlon. • --------------~----------• \ NEW· YORK STOCK ·EX"CHANGE • ' • J • I 0 • -· ...... -.. ._ QllllJ-........ °" ........ -· -· "l~ • 1M """" ..... ..... ~..,.. ..... ~ 164..,.,..,. , .. ~ ~......,...111 ~~ I • WEEK'S ' AND • • DIJl.V I'll.OT J 5 YEAR'S IDGH ·ww CLOSE . . ' ' • LOCAL H• ...., • ....,.,... ... ,._ Nf"I. ~ '-Ye,.:.ltMt -'•t'1 f~llf .. t. .... ..,. °'""' CN•t ffl•• ... DAILY Pll.OT • I l .. ~~.. • ~ a'• \ . . • JI UILY l'llOT ftlUJ, A"11 •• 1,., . Dodgers Get , J\ngelS ' ·Off ·on· ·w~ong ~ OOt, 4-2 • .' . HITTING THE DIRT -Dodger buenumer Bill SUdakla .... into a 1ld4 wbile trying to Jee It to tlllzd bu• duriJJI Tbunday nllht" ex· •. : ltibllkln baseball game with the Cllifomia An&eh. An&ei tlllzd bu• At Friendly(?) Forum · _:Series Advantage .• . "At Stake Tonight · LOS ANGELES (AP) -Loom at °'ll)me and winners on the road, the 1;os Angeles Lakers and San F'l'anclJco Wmlorl nblm to lht Forum lolll1bt ·with the Laken aimJnC to revene that ln!od In the Mh game of lhtlr playofl Nriet. "'It doesn't make any difference at all Whe1'1 you play," decllnd Capt. Ellln Baylor of the Lal<11'1. ''The tum that plly1 well wW win no matter where the game la l'Ollteated." Al>olbet major factor wll1 he lht physical COllClillon ol the Warriors' laldin& aconr, Jeff Mulllnl. He -u San FranclJco woo tht open1n& two 1ames "-the ..,1n.1 Western playolf1 In Lao Ancalel. '!bin ht WU burl in the third llme. 'Now the eerles atandl 2-2. The Warrion left Mulllna borne for .an ellra da7 of treatment& but It would !>e eitmne!y doublful U he woold he &bit to play up to the atondardl which 'llW him 1COrt M point.I 1n lhe opener ind :ao In the aecood game. Liker coach Bill van Breda Kolff Uid oe ll<:k of moblllly on the part of tluJUns plus. the great l"ardlng job ~~ Bill Hewitt from Southern · ornla did on Rudy LaRusso spelled Jbe difference. , ~·we didn't have to worry about Mulllns tn the second two pines," the Laker ~cOacb pointed out. It wu_in a collllion meant nolhlnl In lbia aerie• ind u Uiker ..-.. guild Johnny E1an putl it, "To beet wtth the ed1e. u you "R.4INS WASH OUT :JC, PREP MEET • Rain W-.Y nllht ind early Thun- dey ....,,.., foroed the pollponemtnt '.ol -lrld< .,.. ind the caneellaltoo ·o1a-•Tbunday. • Thi SWthtnl California Junlcr Oollep ·lloloyl at Cln1tol eou.,. ,..,. set beet uojil today. · Thi Aqallll Lequs -i. feeturJnc -Def al Bllbop Ami~ WU canct1ed -M1:111• of a wtt track. play good butetball, then you're IOinc to win." · Coach Georae Lee of the Warion aald, with Hewitt, Incidentally, that Mulliol WU bmt. nit home court advutap ao far bu "We just P'.f• them both 11me1 in the Bay Area. We didn't lhoot well, nor were we auresslve oa ddemt." Oakland Sub Sparks Mates Past LA, 4-2 OAKLAND (AP) -Bill Hiett fOt Into • npi ind .Oakland Sull' coech Fnd Glover thought Hiett needed a re1t. Guy Jarrett wu nominated, put hl1 lkata on tht ice for tht ftnt Ume llnce tht 1ame started and became an lnltant hml. Jarrett'• 1011 at 2:4' of the third period Thunday ntcbl 11va tht Bee1I the Uo-bnakJnc score ind Oakland beat the Lao Ance1es KlDp 4'2 ind Ued lhelr NaUollll Hocny Leque ptayoff wlu at a pme each. >.. Glovv 11plalned It letar, Hlcke, who had bleh In the mlcbl of batUe all nlglll loo(, came oul ol ooe In the third period puffloc a nw.. So Jarrett WU -In to np!Ko blm. Jarrett .... found bt.-U rilhl up on the net ind Mike Laulhton shoveled a Piii acrau the mouth of the pl. Loe Anp1ll llllmlnder Wayne Rutled1e madt a flab at it, and Jamtt put It In. "I ftll an euy pl," said Jarrttt. "It WU tht moot lmpor1anl pl o( my me. "I've newr been In Stanley CUp p!Ay before and k> ICCft a pl and have it he a (lllllO-WJnnor la VlrJ lfltlfytnl to .. , tbt leut. tt the -now .,..... to Loe Anselu Satun117 aod SWlday. ·-.~ -~' .. ...;_l.ifl,~ ....... ,..,,, ............. 1, T"""" •. ..."" ..... ......., ..,1-.H .......... '" ~.. .. im::= ..... i. •• It. Lt\l(f leH• ~;J",L"i.U NlltMI I, llllMf.J Htltt 1119111 ·~=-~-. = -'"S .. ,.,. ttT ltW"*' !l;,\r.l' ,,.,:,~.:::::: _, .. _lf!i.'. .... MT...,,_...,_ 'cl..'=l = c:-=: 22,229 W at1h -Halas DAll.T PILOT ........ W ..... bellW man Aurelio Rod;iguez atands by helplessly .H the ball (arrow) careena oway on a wild throw , ••• • Sulf er 1st ·Loss w LA • . \ 1y lli'IL GVITUY Ot_...., ..... .,, .. .. the Doqlrl pu11ld oul <ii l1lalr ~ nblbllkln ·-with '.tho Alll•ll Ill I* afler felllq heldod H In the -. Aapll'plrll-... ¢to (IMlu1ty cry -'nllnd17 nllhl, lflOr the Dodpr• IJne1ly woo -. 4-2,' .Mp! _ .. Bill RIRMY ....,Jdnlly ltonnld Into hll office llld declared : "I mlid>t call thU oerles off nexl year -wo jUll may Uve ·to ope up our 1tuoa 1n tbt • eut." Thi Ancels may he •Wlinl lht aeuon oil at the Bii A on the Wl'OllJ foot, but JUpey 11 already in mid«uon '°"" wflh bis qulcll: quipo. "lt'• nice to be back In our own bell perk -I tbougllt the ball carried na1 well tonlll>t -etpecla14' \ht ..... that went over the fence/! hi cracked, In ra1-to Dodg'I'. homo 111111 by Al1dy K-ind Blll SUdakll. Jt WU ~.Ill ablbllkln (llDI, b\11 12.Dt &bowed up to Ml It ind you bow It wu 1 IPl!CiaJ ball pm1 for the ~. Willer ~ wu uted II he ever eojoJod wljiniq a '1"'inl prne men than Thund11'1. "I 11ko to win 'em all -I'll tUI . . ., -Inc d17 win any 411·" Thi An(elt ... -·-away !nm tht coochwloD ol lhlir Dlnlh aprlnl tralnlni (rind. Tbl7 bUI up tht tr..11 loolabl and . Satunll7 .. milll for twt ...,. wllh the Dodpra at Dodaer ltadhun. The Anft}I' A11b M111 tm1tb wtO lace LA '1 Doo 8uttoD 14af(lll. Thi Ancell return to Anlhefm f<r the IPl'inl trlllnin& finale with Oakland 8W1day at 2 p.m. then open the - with J5e1ttle at the Big A Tuelday nJ#. One who bopes to bl .... -• DOJI Tueeday ii Bill VOIS, tht ... Newport Harbor Hllh aod Oran1e Coul Collep helter. ~·T H1 bed . a lin&le In lh1'le trips lul nllhl ind sporto a dluy avsrqe o1 .471 !or the spring. Acquired from tht White So• two monlhs qo in a trade for 8alllmy E 1111, Voa hu no opilona 1elt ind U the Angels send him down, they'll loll him In the drift. 1lmDf juat boulht a borne In Newport Buch, Voea hu no dealra to ptay for anyone but the Angels. You can't find IJlYUI& who thlnlll the Angel> will cul him but Voae wantl to hear II from the bone'• mouth. "I haven't heard anythinc officlal from anyone yet -J don't know what they're ,valUns for.'' be 1ays. Three Share , Greensboro Lead With 66 GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) -The pro eoU tour'• "quiet man," leading money winner Gtme Littler, had a SO-year-old amateur IUffering from bur1llil and ari alnmt terVlces e1.ecutive u h11 unllkel1 ~ieaden heading into today'• aecond round of. the $180,000 Gretn1boro Open pll tournament. lJttler, who has won over SM,000 th~ year, opened_ w l th a five-under-par es over the 7.0M-yard Sedgefield County' Club coune TbUJ'5day. It occasioned no surpr1R al t be fonner U.S. Open ancl' Amateur chaibplon, n ow 38, hu b e e a playJnc some of htl best goU thtl year. But for Dile Morey, · 51).year-cld amaleur from nearby High P.J)lnt, and Gordon Jona, journeyman pro for much ol the lul 12 years, to' join him at tJw ~ WU IODlethlng tlle. MGrey and Uttler art no strangen. Littler defeated the fumlture hardware aale1man 1 up in a 38-hole duel for the naUonal Amateur UUe in 1953 . He came here IUffering from • seVere CIH ol bursllil ln the right elbow and bed doubt& lhet he'd he able to p!Ay. But a doctor appUed what Morey deacrlbed as a huge needle, and the pain 111belded llllflciently to permit him to ahoot a 3$-31 round that matched the 32-34 efforll of Littler and JC11t1. • , •• BUT NOW HE'S GOT NEW LIPE -With Iba bail slipping away, Sudakia gels back to hl1 feet, grupln1 the safety ol the ba& •••• It marked the first time in the Greena:boro totu'nament that an amateur had been in the lead since Frank Strll1aban 'a 140 led alltt 38 bo!OI In 111'7. Spor'8 In Brief Hawaii Picks Up Bo; __ Stad_ium to Honor Ike · HONOLULU -Bo Bollnal<y, bueball'1 former playboy pitcher, hu been purclwed outright by the Hawllil Islanders of the Pacific Coast Leaeue. "Bo wu too good a blrglln to pus up," General Manager Jack Quinn of Islanden old ThW'lday. .. WA8111NGTON -Oollltncllee ol • muldpor;ooa ama .. Iha Capl111'1 moll •• a mt-1al le farmer Pruldt11t DwtP* D. EIMUoftr wa1 ptop111d' TllandaJ 1'y Rap. Joel T. BnJ11111, ft.Va • Ha said tM bolldblr woe1d 'bl dtllped ta eeal 11,M for .,..U .,...., ud 1',tol w• ued for comeaUt111. .. ANAHEIM -Mllhty New M1xico and pluck)' O!apman eon.,. ol CallfornJa • each held two victories today In the Orange County InvitaUonal Collepte Baseball Tournament. New Mexico upped ltl teuon record to 21-2 with • W victory Thuraday over California State at Fullerton, wblch hid won two 1amts before.. Chapman edged Wyoming M while, In other action, UC Santa Barbara heat Orambllnf 7-1 ind Fullerton best luctlul Wyom1n1 4.1, .. .. .. :old Satch Bags 1-0 Victory ' -. nllrtd tht nHI --ht f-. lftdudlol two ltrtll ...... Ill the -· boll ol lht ftltll, - !lob ~ -tht ·-·· ~ run .., a wild pltdl. "YI), I dool pltdlld 12 y,.... - In a ""'•" Pllp llld. Bui be llfded, "I dldn, aey nolllln' •boul ptldlln' !""' f-ball 12 ,._., lhoorb." Palft, who ntm. to cU.W,• hLI 1ctu1l .... said tht clomlnance ol the pll<he1'! durin1 the laal two yw1 11 becaUI< • L most bitten an llminl for the fe..,.. and not for -hit&. "When thay start pa)'lnc the hltwn for hltlln' llnala lnatead of borne NU," P1l1e llld, "then ,..'ll .. more psople batUn' .300 qaln. 1 1 The Brav!I play Richmond today II Columbus aod .,.in oo 81~ at Gnenwood aod SllDCll7 al AUanta. Palp ii echedulld to pitch ona lnnll\f In each of thue 1arnu l>efort aaumin1 his duUe1 u an assistant lralner. AKRON, Ohio ~ Redbol Jim Siefanlch won 1even of tight match-play 1ames Thund1y nl&ht to grab tho leed In the $100,000 professional Bow I -r I Allocloltoo Ffratone 1WMmeo1 of Champlool. The aevtn wins hiked Stallnlch'1 tolal of 7111 aft« IS 1ames. Barry Alber of Cotta Men ••• rldlnc In 10th place with a t ,943 pin total. I , , , • AND HE'S GOING HOME -Rellltin1 the coast Is clefr with the ball having bounded Into th• An&ol dugou~ Sudak.la gets hl1 wbeela In motion and dalb11 to·the plate. A turnout of 22,229 watch· eel at Anaheim Stadlwn. Tonight the two foes move lo Dodger Stad- ium , also the ail• ol Saturday nlghr1 game. The AnJels take their final ublblUon tuneup sunday af!amoon (2) at the Bi g A with Oak· land offering the oppo11Uon. Regular 1eaaon play begins Tuesday when lhe Halos host Seattle. '-~ -· ' ' ' Rn:Dnerup To Viki!Jgs . ' rritollll Hit Boha, '6•2; Fora Troy . ;-~1·111 , 11 I ""'' , , • I ""' If • '-t~I• .... •MI t:..~..:: l!l Iii I= I l l - ------- GRID TE..4MS • NEEDC0..4CH OfflclalJ ol lbe fttwjiltt- Meaa Jftnior ~ Foolball Progrant IN ~ !.r bead and ... , .. -......, to 111111 new -la Ille -· Int•nsted men .. U1lod le call prOffalll pitlldlal kiri lianallrfotmonsht......., al MH&24 or: !IW!tlt. . PltJer llgnups , .. _Iba .... ..... will be bt1'1 ,.....,, June S, al N~ llllWr Hid lcbool't ' --•·fl lo ••• p.m. '1111 _ ... win n.i. ~ tllml Ullt -- jUnlllr .... --· ... -clubl ... hN mklpt ldnu. TM 1go and Ille qualillcalioos for the . twns range between I and 11 yun and io to m pounds. AAU Meet · Under Way Tonight _ ......... ., S!f' ~ 1' I ! I W• t t =· ' .. ,._...,.., rf I I 1 WHl,1 111 0-.,1 I I =n:.d l •• '·Tr:__..,::!~ OCC Nine l::'i." I I : : I lll i :U::t ......... ", .. , ..... ..,.,.,.,. Jiit ~,. .... ,.,. "-~ ,,,, ii '''' -----------=--.-.. ' .. . .. ' .. . Gl-.ee at Me~a . Light . W eekelul ;:· For TV Sports :: .. ly ...,. .. M)WI ~· • l l : : • I ' ' ' •• 'yllliiii .......... . • I It t :llltl .. -........ ... • 1 1 • • :r 1 • :I I t t 4 t t I " •• ' 1 1 ••.• • 1 1 • • • • 1 • .. I I I t , • 1 •• { lt11 '. UCI Tennis I I I Set by Today's Want Ads . •• • """ ·r All .... ...,,.,..._ .......... -. .. . .., ...... .............. ' ' i ' I I .I I • ' • AALY RfOoE(I -sau~\~~; In the De~rt Regalta •• ~ LUe Havasu City ,April U.lf oerlldnly can't· complain1•l•lht cut of the jil>cof,thel~ queen, Paige \'CJlllll, :ZS. n.-.1oq-1re,.ed beiwty •willpr.fflde over the largest ·aalling regatta ,Vt{ llel<IC.tll•-~ad<>tlU.vtr 1pa. More .thair.J.OOc !>Oats In four classe1 .. are entired. . ) .. • .... ' ..• •' • .. • • • Ahama son ·Raee .Set=-- -· .,._ -·-¥i '· ·•1 - ' ' , Outhoards Get New Oil Outboard boaters I b ls · season have something new , to look forward to. No longer will they have to wonder whether they have added-oil to their gasoline. r . Why? Bttauie ~·de Motors bu introauced a ftew blue 50-1 oil. When mixed with gasoline, this blue colored oil eliminates all guesa wwk. It is blue. 1 •. I• I''.· ' ' .. ... · J ' ' ' :·. .. , I t· ' -. SJER~O :_SENSATIONJ '·. ' Tbt;J. ~oior.tu• sound •1 . •. _ Oriln1e County Music ee RADIO' kOCM 103:1 FM Frqm F,~shiqn Island, :Newport Beach . ' . .. j I ! ... • , .• •! '•.J• " ' , .,. • J " • J .. • •• ".i r , IJ.~!1.'t• '! r ' .A (o .m.11 ii e :,.6ili~tl ~~ ~~~··.;{:::'Wli#.rf ·~-to ·· 10 -~~~ I " • ' ' ' -• • ~ ~ ' f I ' ~ • ! ' • •• "<t • • • L . . . .. . i Euter flap· _,~ •• ·1. 'se.J;en ·Baits of Fllitt · . . .. ~I ! f:''fl ·· · , ·. , • . ' DAl\iY•PILOf ...... _, tlldll,. ........ ;Fiv..,year-old'1Jeic!l Halapoff find• the . care and feeding of baby _ral>-land Mar. 5. Mama ~ papa bunnlea are content, surrounded' l!y l,hetr . bill 8 ebor&<t.Mr lilting but Dale Harcourt, '17, can't se~ to d~de · offspring and an adonng human contingem to care for them. After ;whic:I! ii hn lavotjte of the seven spotted rabbits born on Balboa ls-all It 11 Easter. ' Tunnel Clogged· . ., INTERMISSION , • ! ' For Movie-Time ,A Trio of Fine Rookies · llJe Secood Street tunnel, ·In 1.os ~ela, was ,Ued up for two days ~ ~· !llJ a re~l of ~ auto cruh.. l!iit thli Un\e,. It was ace<rdlni to plan. ' ' . 1.;,,. ~uh, lnvoiving Kirk Douglu,, wi " filmed by pr<>ducer-dlreclor Ella -.. ,,... a seen< 1n ·~·Ar·. ~emtnt/' the I warner Bros.-seven .\ks motion · plc!uro • ....ion of Kazan'•. hiot-.emn. .. ;.i. Douglas, Debonh ' hr, '•Y.,Dgnoway and ~chard. lk><>Qe lllr In lhe Tecblilc\>lor llrama: · . · .'l'raffk: aulhorltie. petmltted U.. film •p.:..,. !to uie the ~. bec;awe' it • i.t:belng ~ and ls Ir« ·of nl;mal tiafllc, ' ' . " By TOM 'l'lTIJI What's wrong •with televilion? A few months.-~~. tbi&, column offered a few armchili' Optnloni on the subjoct with the .Jn)a!lloa of flllng.a,Jtqutl, or eqqo.J time pi.C.; l*' on • behlll !i, the mart tDerttorioUa-'f&re offered on the home~· · , Buf the .... t<S, ind months, went by bef~ We coWd ~ ,up with a IUitable ••ttnle slot"' fer ·a clOle' examinatlOn Ii ·the subject.• Tvdly ,;, .spotllpt the oilier lid• Ii ,the .coin -wbat'J ,ri&Jit wiUi. ttlevilloo? · To insure an mu balance, let's cQn.. fine the <H1cussicn to • trio ol DeW' • , I . I - ' . ' . WEE&ENDEB INSJbE FEA.'i'IJRES , Ttie IOOI "1\u)Df Girl," which bu been nominaied for an Oscar, m...,..t to Pl .Into Ille competi- tion :by a, haPPJ accldenL A lto>y 1"1 'lhe movie and llXli DW be , . ~ shows, one on taCh nenvorr ' -· arioiw1 whic:h. In -.,... ton, reflect ~ i. mertt lrill ' de,i serve 'Iii be lepl ......i for_. found on Papj 20. l . I °1'1'•!1 Pip .II ..... _ Pap II ; ~· "CalaW" Pace • Qii~ te P'aa Pap II ' 'l'lleater · Pqe • 'N' AMI P-11..U • . te Flhm · Pap D Me!Myl_. fteoter • Pop 14 ~" IJtredcir Past I:' Cll!etme • Pase • ~. -Pqr•y 'JV Vlew1 Pqe • Ttle-Lis Pop II --. ' ): ". ' . ' ' _!•'"~~~--. ~-·-· •. ·~~ 1:... : .: ' ' / ' • I . . ·' ' . . . i '.TV's · 'She-riff ·Griffith . . . . . . . . . . . ' . •, ' \ • J ' I I • • ' BOL'i.VWtHJP ;B4CltttA6B --.\ . -· .· " .. . ' . . . ' .. N. ' _1_ ' F ~· ew MotJKees -. orm-.. -. . . . . . ---· "" • . . .. • .... , .... ',TllAl'!£ ·;'~pr.ii= .. ;f aris ,, . Pricea~,High . .. I . . ly lfAR dWLAHE .VlllL IN PAJUS Tbe grand bot<ls of Europe are 1enerally rich, gl~llu fUll J>I rich, llOGml people. The prlcu are Tiii concie?I• II awed by hll own grand!Uf: (The-liMn lheir;eorll lllltf· natlonal, rllsf orpntt....., '.r 1'l Goldjji[ !1471.) ' 'Ibo pllld bolall -.IO uliqutlJ irand that.the hilp resents gue1ts lus than a Grind Duke. C5ften llivinJ Iha lmprullon that Tlll!IY bow ·tholr parts, liut you're playing youro badly. Hue are some with their better features : .-I * ~ _. • ¥ The JUl:iti l'tl.'b ·)f b Ofltle .. II ~ ta1 '·' Europe. All !hi lltmty trflU are hppbHd lo ~· dune to the bact har. (Tbal may be uiJy a pretty atory. '.l'h..-. are more bars ,that ..,... "H~1- w1y'1 tavort1t'' than beds a..-..e w~ 11.,i In.) ' * . . . '1111 marl< at. tho fnn4 diluxe holol 11 Ill• IS• »!>one .Ill 1111 balhlooiD. 'l1le sawy Ill i..ondM,. tjle Jioteriberg ID Bonn. . : ~ made many bolelJ IJ'lllder when ti!• Ji-rm& dlacovlred the dry mb!bll. The 1'1..- Ath-a6d Cliorfe V ID Parll -'-~111 lllinjllJ !llf. T!ie 'Baut-all-!Ac ID Zil11cll JJ a!inctiV•. ~ the martini and II suppoaed lo be Iha p1ji!lf pi.co for Ubd-er deill mlldl ID the Brls!Gl hi Vlmlla.1 ~Suppllu tir Red CblDA ID Grett lldpl.) · * Tiie Ria and Palace ID Madll4 let bytt,i.l lnfb tile lobbies whlcll moll Jrend bolell do DOt. Alld at tho AlfOlllO XIII ID Seville, a tall.-llcl waiter put on white glove1 lo peel 1'• an orange with a sliver llnife. And then you tnoW you're llvinJ! LOVIRS ·DAllCI IN UCl'S ."CATULLI" t..-Potrlck Nollet·"" Mery l'alnoky · Carl Orff . Ballei - Seheduled ,at UCi GVIDE TO l'VN I Nags to Fly In.San ·Juan •• . .... ' 1111.L CODY -,,,.·BID Co111Y -la e ~ al :.-! lallll ,_., II ,,__WI{, --ad . ColllY wlD ba ...... Rlltlla ...... --.,, 7 ml It p.m., ml Ion. I ml t:• p.m. -M'i .. 1111. APJIL I· It rJUll li•INr -'1'111 NIWJ!Ori -Ari ~ la llif. - 11111 an """""'" Ullad "'!Iii ---.._ ..... <If Holb'wood --·to~· II liia-ii 400 11.m Bl., ........ ....,,... Uil i'. '1'111 1iio1o11 ai a. ~ will ba -.., lllm --lricb, ........ -._,..,., _,.,. aqalJllllSlll, ... -1 - -'!Iii -la -.... tlftllb .... fN!il 1 lo I p.m. ml .Mao. M p.m. No -.. fllr -· -.bolbprolu110.aal · APlllLl-U ~.will ~ solo PADtJA lllLU PUT-'1'111 Plldaa JJllll ,_la in, .-,-' lollllnl a -. ,.., ..,_ .. Iii <;111111," wltll -=ri::-;~ . tic -.IDll -1rom Jlurl6p,--. ~April BIU Cot"9 Oue . ('_..uan.actor Colby will be enterl1lalni OD Mil-~ •laJ• Salu!Uy ind Suncloy ovar the El• tor. liolldq. He c1111ceUld hi• GtJ6d Frld~t~~~ 11DC1 ID pel'IOllll_ homla11o the late Rtv. """""'..,. Illar KIDI Jr. Appearll!f with him· It IOlllitreil RheltaHUJhll. Happy Accident . . . ~. ..* . ' "Would !lio.l loo •411161161 wilh o .• ,,, __ ttlR molnly In Hillift hotolit Otlr iFavol .;.nt ._y, fMJ1 .... the but.'' ~are In 1uD ninl di two lrOols II Ille Unlnnltt af Calllornia Irf1ne fOf tlia llnl lulHcale, weal -pro-ductloo af Catulll Carmina. Tl>e ocenic cantata by earl Orff, ll'Gl'M ·fer cbo.ru1, ' cru..tn "'1 dfo«r• will be pro<bied April II ml II In Crawford Hall. ~n 'Funny Girl' tor deallD af -iad -U al. I :• and I :• p.m. .., Wad. and lat. Adjolnllf the a -tL UC1'1 ~ af ----la 1111 P-dllflll nom wliltO Cotul1l c.nmoa. rietdiw•a the,..,_. -darlllc lll>dl Sllll -· ...._ and lmll llriita af mdila 'tncludaa -'°"" Ill -dll!J, ... Ma Padaa lllllt JI 1Jio art,m.i Brolldwa~ ,..... looallld m Padua A ... , -mllll bar1b af hollilD'.lllfd. duclJoa ot "How To -.11 ~ ,_ 1 •• i)' a .., quirk, a. uue The Hil!011.1 are new and surely the grand hotels of our )Im,. You.can Jet 1111 ~ biWdall and Americ••colffO. Tlie .plU111llillt II m..1"'11. $MVlce finl-cla11. Hilton Hotels, are so American that I often feel cut off from the country -IDlulated. But it't a D>Jltor at. tuto, Ian'! U? * ..... the .,,.,.,... WI' t. "1 t. • ...,. ,., a fomllyt" Cheapest are the club (rOlll> clwtm. An4 !boJ -·t oa17 lo llDCI. 1'ie elU)I loCall)' CllllllOI be formed for travel. So.tllaJ can't advetuie 11 or oven toll you a bout II 1111111 you join. Loot lii Iii& ¢ty tolepbone boob for lr!Jh.A-xan aoc!lltl11. Bill- ilb-Amtdcan. Swodllh ar Gmnan-Amorlcan anc1 10 an. Charllr fliiiits an about half the ragular fare. * Trani •flllll e.a fill >""' ID on cut-rate farat llto ftC1ll'llloB. ll'omllJ pla ....,.. tho U.s: New "lout'' fares wldcll at1 llOI nally t.oun. AlrlJl!e allopplna la IMI JOOd. All cbar&e the 1111110 price by :m Uotpl lcelandlc -the 1111)' cut.rate . * Now, I callt4 a ~ a1tljll1 lodar for a J'Olllld.. trip fare, S... ~llco tO .tolidm. I lllouChl II .,,_,ed lllJll -~·· SO I callad .-r and Sot '717.10. Tba t ..uecl two -· on thOle I ,o1 $'111.90 1111(1 f/11. 'II. Thot •'1alil you up. SomfWD&'• lfuPoo~bly Wl'Oll( here, and I'm 1o1ng to baYo lo do '°me ......im and arlllftMlll. So 1VU'd bolt be wary of ilnt prtc11, too. Tfiore are a !al of dlt!ennt fares -Wbell 1VU (0, bow you go. The girl .may be looklllJ ID the wron1· column. * ''Could fw• boys hitchhike In Europe?'' : I see a lot at. lhllll dtllll It, ()iii.~ "ti .. a small book onM to do fi. BG JIU!yn, P.O. Box . 31123, San FraJlcllco, CAI., $1. '15. . • j . ' ' . : IN . GAL'ifJRIES Bowers Museum Showing Crafts ' I aior.oer1p11er E._ Lor-il!I 11 pulling 11 n lo h 1n I tou<!Mt CID llolllt -and -.iag Ille dancen. A -.1 ol Balanclllne and noted dancer la hit .... rl1b~ Lorlnl bu b••• ~-lor­ lalmtioa, -pldure arid -pndudlom i!lil'iiiiW fll c:IWraian ol lhe dtpll-., _. UCI. In llullma -llMll1 APJ1!L I -"'1mn1 Olfl" la lhe H VOWY~""-n-. ' ' " w• -1 :!:::'.:: iAITD 10G lll1lft -Tbs W-11:1b 11 ...... <!Ill' ' !nm tllit - ud OW· Y"k City --tlal! wllb tba W-IC.• -and Pirb nw.imlne -1-'-~~ -··'""la iha Bell CGmplbJ )llVllucllonl. HI -~ •-~ ...,... .• ...,... •-1 'nctlftd "" -fit Jiii WW ..... ill -"" llmll fllr chlidran af ,,..._ ti ....... ,., ol 'the -Uy ncidl· c1et1p '""k a> the -ir8 ... iill 111., April I, II JI LDI. al llefadllta, -Olclr llmllUtia -.at BrOlldw1y prvdilCllon lllil!r ..i ---Parb, ·-· It io bljlplfto tlJll the ;,Jun. at~11Hadrf.an.11 APJUl. M . ay Qlrl" Wit IOh& ta the one ·on-major elemen1a af HOllQ 11.\CD -'l'bl!rilllbbrl hortt raclnl II Iulo AnJ. af DWlf lllll!lbarl wrlllaft for music:, dance, tell ml .... ts Park, • w. H~ Dr. -rlrlt Pott Ume the mom the! WU not part lumils, will be Ul!Dlbltd II Tull. llJnluilo Ill., II:• p.m. ~ Hiii) fl1·117L lat, af lbs Brolldwly production lbs ftrot .U-nbemafll. April I, tlli,iGo hn Juan Capistrano lnYliltlooal. · af Ille mllllcal. U II bad been ICIDPJDiths) actlntod - llnly ~ -t memben af lho -btuch oltheAcad1m7. eom_. bepa lo nct1ve tlie~ llllu-la 1111. llut II wun'I unlll 1111 tbal !be matter o{ upotUrt af a """ before IU: ·appearance in a rum came 1o a bud. The rule wu drawn up tbea. ud fll -1Uve today. Mfurlce Allard. lorm•IJ ol tl>e .Ros« Wapr M- Cbonle arid wldOly nollld u -af Ille Uail'wslty Chorus al UCI, Is reltalll'linl lbs ...-. and c:horua. Delreln Hafenrlchter, -IDd Paul 11110, Orfl'1 work pnmltrod In lfii ta uted LelJ>lfl la IHI. It fll buid APlllL II :".: . .u..: ':.m°!-w .. -------· Oii wrlUnp af tl>e ""'111n potl, ITOllT llOIJ1I -EYerr 'lburl. lbs Launa Beach Lllrtr)', medium baloc:e Ille mlllnll Neiv Yorker Wolf Ha1 Bigger Eyes ''!be Ntw Yort wolf bu much blf1er eyu, f-lllil1 whflllla than hfll HoU,.....i bretb1r1 11 aays 8uAn 11tra1bar1. '11lt· Ktrtll, who i5 cur· nntly atarrlq with Kirk Douflas and ...... Cord la Paramount 's ''The Brolbarbood " had th1' lo say on lht wt' ~ the tw~Jeg­ lfd bowler• . '"Ibe New Yort wolf makes YO!l feel ~ Little Red Riding iW04. 'oftere are m&DJ' more tll them and they are slicker operators." WbeD uted for a descri~ llon ol the various types and bow she handled them lbs acu,M lau&hlnllJ replied: C.lullus. In 1he opmlaf ,..... ta Gltnneyre. Lquna Buch, °""""'"' a MJ bo11r for · af !hi pio1urw, It wliuld have lope, for wtddl Or!! wrote chllclrm two ml -to five yean. It ttarfll al l:IO Lm. betn lnellalble for . con-::0 0:..1::~:: J:: APlllL IJ.11 -~. -dint lo tbt plodfe -Uns1 loft, but CATIJU.I Cillllll'A -Tbs Unhtnliy Dl!K:I Company Niel <lf..,~_-7 ol Mo- the older qnlco reject tbalr Cbo1JJt ud OrclMltra af UCJ ldlool af Fino Arla will pr...,i Ilea . r......, Arla • • d nal-by ..itllnl tbt story Carl Orll't C.1U111 Carmlno 111 AJorli 11 and 11 la CrawiOld llc:lac:ei. af C.lullut' "I'll ill-lated IOY• Hall .on Cam)llll, 7'01 Inlno Ava., lnlna. TlcUfll lor the In 1?:.., otharpetltloallllelorlOO(S ~"."" allalr, In 1 play wHhlD 1 play I :• p.m. °'tot llllJ ba )llll'Chuod at the Fino Arla boz , . an -ar -Oii lbs ortclnal 1Jrlc afflc:o. -adml-IL illlldaala II. Pllont -17. .,. 'Chlltj· Cblltj B • n I v .. al the Ramin poet Bq," "J'ar Love of Jvy," O!fl't Ctlulll If rqardlld APlllL II "llar" and '"Ille Wlndm1111 ·• the -omb-ud CIONCDT -Tbs Or-. County Phllharmonle l&cllty will Of Your Mlnd." Important produetloa undu· ir-1 the Los Anp1at ~ ilrdltatra -!be Wben lllulle Aw-...,.. ta1o:1i 11 UCI whli:b alreadJ batoa <If Lawr-.raster Wba . II .toklar mr for Ania! llnl J>HMnted at the Los la nollld for the pnil...ion.t Doran 6o w11 cal1ld back to -... Allrod -will Ancelea Biltmore Hotel in lnel. af .. Fino ....,. ,..... ba lutund u piano -. la lbs I:~ , .... --February, llSS, there WU .. du c 11oD1. 0 n I y I W a d.iJ', April II, II the Clrup Poali COi11p -atabillhtd rule dllqutlllyhlt! perlom>IDCOI will bi If-, Tlcklll, fl II lbs door If aTallable, ar fiwn tbe ~ C-. -med preYlously In any Saturday, April 12, and Sun-ly Pbi1hannonlc Olllce, :IGl Wat C..it Hithay, Hnrport m<dlmn otlier than motion d~y, April 13, at a:IO p.m. Beach. Student Octets are fl.71. Phoae MMUL plcturU. in Crawford (formerly Cam· CONCERT _ 'Jbe , ·--· v ...... ,_ Cbam'-~.~c loci-. Academy members had pu.1) Hall. .......... ~l,!ll ~ Molal .,.1 •oted for ''The Conllne11tal'' Tlci.:t inform-may be fll presenllnr the Almt Trio SundlJ' llllbl. April II, it I p.m. in tlie ...,. But Sona categ1>ry, obtained at the Fine Arla bo1 In tlie Laguna Beach High School AUdltortum. 'l'lcklllPI!: in tribute lo tlie s1ng1n1.am1- office or by calling 83U617. ~ti; $2.00 for students available it the door. dancing stunner perfonned by Etiquette Of Waltz Important APRIL 11 UCI SUNDAY CONCERT -Tl>e UCI Sunday concert will present violinist Mary Speaker and plan1lt Alltn Gr'-'berC performing warks by Bach, Brlhml and Bartok an April 11; at a p.m. in Room 178 ol tlie Pine Arla Bulldlnf m C.U.pus, 7110l Irvine Ave., Irvine. Admisalon is ftee. APRIL IS Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers 1n the movie, "The 017 Dtvorctt." It was then c:onddered lrrevelant that the ~play wu 1 loose adap- taUon of Ethel B~ore's Broechray bU of · the same namti or that "The Con- tintntal" WU Mt perfonned on the 1t11t or elsewhere. 1 1 "Fint, then'• lhe across-tbHable ltafer who does Left waltzing Is an energetic IYll'1Udnl; but ll&ht a flare ballroom exercise tradiUonally to let 1ou know lie'd like lo enjoyed by A..trlanl oo state talk to you. He ii absolutely occasions. But It would allo harmlta if you Ignore bJ.s be 90-... "''-'" of a hllardous rnM EVENT -The Newporl Harbor Ari Mllleum will pro. sent a rare Harold Lloyd ftlm on Tuel., Aprll 15, at 1:30 p.in. in the Balbca Theater, 709 E. Balboa Blvd. Titled ''The World ol Harold Lloyd," th1' is tlie first Ume ti has been lhown in lhe United States. Tictea p for non·members, $2.50 for Museum memben and ti. for studenta. A•allable at MURUID. olllce, 400 Main SL, Bo1boa. I'-l'IWl!a. lh aft1 event, the absence of any rule covering this point ud other practices (Includin g the preJentatlon of statuettes to the heads of studio music department. J n 1 t e a d of hJpnollc bl-jlnb. "~"w .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Live Theater ·-· .. tit ...... A comedy about ..,;Irwtd IUe in a wllk·•P 1parilnen1 wUI be on ..... 11 the flunt. il!ltou -l'ioybouM, 1110 Main St. Hu~lleach, P'rt. and Sat. A •. RnervaUona -.1ar ''IA. 'brllla" A new comedy will run at South Coast Repertory, IU7 Nt"'1iort Blvd., Carta M•. through April 13, Tllun . .SU.. Performancts at 1:30 p.m. RelervatScn1 -... a 1JU. 118oat1t Paclnc" The Rodgers and Hammet'· !teln ro!Ucking muaical come- dy about the South Seu, the Navy and World War JI, will be on stage at Triton Center, San Clemente JJI~ Schoo~ April 4--5 at 8 p.m. Resetva- lionl -H92·5781. "Walt Until Dirt" A suspense thriller :.ibout a blind girl and 10me thu1a. on stage at the Laguna Playhouse, 311 Ocean Ave .• Laguna Beach, April 13 - April 26, Wed • Sal al 1:11 p.m. RtstrvaUoos -49UOl1. ''A very dinterous wolf," eaperlence, u .d i r e c tor lu4an re•ull, ''Is the Tei'tnce Youn& dilcovered ~Juab who _weaves blJ whHt Cl! location in the_ way to J11Uf table and romantic city of Vienna. for pn.teads to m.lltake yN for MGM'i "Mayer line'', .wrmi: lomtbodJ be mows. He cu Omlf Sharif, C I t h Ir J R e aalJ bl elltniaated by sending Deneuve, James Maaon and Cronyn Con Man In WB-7 Film Our_l=lowe~Shop is "lusting Out All Over" with Plants & Flowers out an BOS l.o the headwaiter. Ava Gardner. Hume Crooyn bu been •lin- '"lbon af ...,.., .. tlie ac-"We had to onlm<1 t1ie ed lo a CHllrrlnr role wlth lrelo lwlnkla;" "there'• tlie strict tllquetle af tlie dtnet," Kirk Dousfu and Henry POI> MYt apda&or "b o ap. eipl1lned Young, after audl-da In •"'Ibtrt Wu a Crvobd pr artbll 1* &able like a Uonln1 coup1es in the left.. Man •. .," (or Warner Bros.- Cit .._ GD wet linoleum walta for a s p e c: t a c u 1 a r Senn Arts. , ml lodtjio hfll Intrusion ballroom -.. "It Is forbid-er.n,n. · wbo 11 curnnur ......., .., llallng that a den lo reYtr91, however dlDy "°""'""" all al~ la Elfll bOliatlM lft1 Ille )'OU lllC>lld ooe pis, ud the dance mual i<Wil'1Pniduct1oa iil "The ba la ...m.I. And be alb be completed rilhl up lo the Arran1ement" fer tlie same II ,.. wtliW care lo have verr lot bar ol mllllc. II ltudio, will plS)' an Inept c:on- a let-. toil. WOO> he II made me qulla Ill jUll w1~ fidonc:e man -lo torrilorlal lttlolailill lhal )'00 m In dllnr them all whlrlln1 about prlton II ''Then Wu 1 Crook· -and wortlng 11ea<17, at top apeed, but the audl-ed Man ••. " lie kind af crumples up ml llolllng w11 llmpla. We Jual Joseph Maaklawlcl will pro- Yanlibet." tllmlnated Ill tho I I un-mac. and d Ir I et the 111t adrtu chuckle1 thtJ fortvnltf!I wbo collided." T e c: h 11 le o l • r ·'aaa'fllkm all prt on a beautiful act, "M1yerl1ng". fll currently clram1, which be1an filming but the °"" the lh1nko II the thowlng in Los Al11elet at in Ftbrutr)' willl C.G. (Doc) blll It: "The wall who writes tlie Crtsl Tb eat re la ~ u wcutlv• plllduc- maob -Ho Upo the walt.r Watwood. I"· ~";: '=i:"~r..i~ 1··················· =i.~AD~ ! ~ ~ Sl'ICIAL POR MONTH! : a IM>lt back saying that u • a n11e,.. cloa't. but you·~ e rn~l . TV AN'l!NNA e ~ ,_ ltulband any Tl(~~ INSPICTIONll •1\"ou Cll'I tttp a Hollywood woll away lnlm )'OUt -· but tho btf, bad New York wolf wtn hlilr ud plff 1nd CHICK YOUR TV RlclmOHI ROY IULLA'S STEVENS T.V. blow your -In," l•u!hl Call 541-34'4 . No OWltftloil ..._ "llnlfll 7ou build It out ol brlcu." .................. . I • ••• THOUSANDS OF '!Ml Wo lnow we'll .. 11 them ( oor f1nr;•r1 •r• c,..11e4i) ltec1u1• our E11ter Lllle1, Hydr•lllJ•••. Cycl1men1, etc. are ftie flnttf money c•n ltuy, •nd th• pr ic• 11 ... ,;biol wru DIUYil ••• Wl'LL CHAllJI' ••• Wl'U. ~~ un TOU MOllttl T• ......... n.. C•p111, ..i T• IJot Ntwpon Prodoca 9M111p . ....•.••............•......... - ....... -.... -• ... YOUI uma wnR UUH • MitlAlr • lllNM.f llUllt • U a • WMWU • STUWIURIEs • • .: 5•.. : 3,., $1.0C : $l.4t : • """ -11... • "''"' -• • LIMlt I • . ---. ---. --c..,.. .....••.•.......•......•...... ~ ~ COWONI DPfb Al'alL t -T••• h•r •uf te Dinner en f,,.., Sunclty !_f one of fh•1~ I fabulous re1t•ur•nft ••• They ""'' tho fl•tlll Thoy ,.,., -OU PIDDUCI. Tllo """" ... 1h ~ Th ........ (Huntlfl9ton l•achl. Th Pllwtft I• !Corona del Mtt I, D•• ..... ind over 200 ofhert. l'NOlll: 673·1715 HOW AIOUT YOU CALUNG US? NIWPORT PRODUCI on.,..c......,..., ..... ....... ,,.. ... .,,...., ......... Ull Ntwp0rt ....... ..... Ptlllnn In -·-----• • \ • DAILY Pl.Of II 'N' . -.,. . NOUI STANLEY OU·T •• ABOUT • • WEEK.EQ•. COUNTY'S ' ORANGE NIGHT RESTAURANT, CLUB AND E~TERTAINMENT SCENE Eatt~ Fare 1' ,..,.. » 11111<• • w11oi. "-Y °' 11 wllh 11..utut Loo Norrie ' Sl::s i...ic. Plllnf under way it t a.m. Lanchton and . ~ ~ olferlnis WW contillut Cll tlllouSh lo 10,p.nl: FalloWIDI Eu1lr dlllrdl .....icui.:r ir.dllloll· no rwvatltm. A nmarkablo enttzt.llunnt ~ la on She bu ~rfonned '"' radio and toltvla!on wllll auoh atara aa Burt Park•, Johnlly Dtanond, Dick · . Heym .. -and WU the •••lured alnior with llq McKlnloy and 1lle Glenn Miller Band a1 New Yort'• SlaUar Hotal. ,,.... llntry, comeo tllo tlmt to ..W. down ~ Lountt these n!Shts. A • """""""' and for~ of a ftstlve nput. ezceptlona! 101tgstress IJ, as they -.ay, really aock· ~ :1,!ff.:""' ""4 p_..uns. tllo lftldl In w tap for U.0.1 vtnlur!nt into lht NiJotiorier 1m1•s bt ing it to •em. · · ' Cwtom DO Jongor dlctatn that ham ihl standard bill al tare. U It's ,.,.., conveitlon to dick _______ _. __________ . -Sb•'• Lou-Norri.I, a vivacious-recl-balred-linger ----------------:--- with It, line, but any· awry tinlree la"tqually llt· SHlllATON-llACH 1:1. who packs more talent In two notes than most Miu Norris also appeered '"' the Arthur (lGcl.. tin& theao days, vocalists put in two com•'ete iets, Further, she Irey and Bandatand televis ion sbowt and rnore re- 2 ,_:: .:nt ~ii:'l!';·.b=llM •t ::.•:-.: f.:lectt ono ol thote tnie""11ir11r11-petiotia11Ues all ~-:;1>Q;~. Sbo-Bar on famous Bourbon Street In ' -JOSEF'S- un1• BRUNCH 11 A.If. le 4 P.M. DINNER ~RYED FROM 4 Drop ln Soon ••• We tblnk you'll Ilk• tht ''New Leck .. e LUNCHEON e DINNER e LATE SU,,IR e SUNDAY UUNCH e 2121 I. COAST HIGHWAY AT THI JAMAICA INN FOR A JOYOUS !ASTIR DINE AT THE NEWPORTER INN ~Easter Dinner Menu R ~:(,i Newporter Rollsh Tray ~ Comomme Trianon Tooaed Green Salad Waldorf Salad Blktcl Su91r Cured Hom -S.uco CumborlolMI ---·-'-4.25 Trout Alrnondino , • , 4.26 R.,.st Log of Yeung E11t.r l1m!; ••• ~.90 Sprint Chicl.111 S.uto -Himtor Style • • • 4.50 RNst Prime Ribs of Enter. ... f . -tu Jus -····---·-·-----·--6.50 Broi:ed Now Y orl: Sirloin St11k -Me itro Cl'Hotol 7.00 • ..... ~.... WlfJ••• ,., •• c.no·.... ~'-....._. .... ,...,..,. ..... ....,, ........ .., ....................... a- ~ ,.. ... lptclol ClllM,.,'1 D-2.6' ANI -A.....,..""" ha ... LUrll IUMMT FAMID IASTlll CHAMl'AONE llllUHCH So ..... t AM • 2 l'M • 2.71 R_,,,otliM 11....,iNll - ' (714) 644-1711 lxt. IS4 ' -• --· --- ton-Beach hm, 21112 Ocean Ave:, Huntington Beach. nniy found ID'lhl busint11. Dinner service will bt&ID at I p.m. In the Cartbe WITH IT Room. . , Anolher plus In bor juzily modem and . wbclly CC11tomporery "with 11" demeanor. Tb!J, ID com- blnat1C11 with a 'rare blend of atyle and perlorm- ance, add& up to an ineacapable atar 9ualfty• Sevth c...t'1 ........ , .............. ecunfl'lftt ~lnl°" atep T-n WI"' .i Surf orid SW Hetti 150 South C-Hwy. 1.ati•ne leoch, Callfoml• 'Wbae Briia, tJ°'ID .. c5IJt ~I n.t-="-_,,, ... --·--~ _, a If P's GRAND HOTEL ,, ........ .,,"" A..•..-..c.ua. '~ FABULOUS RESTAURANT If t1rt lJlllUrt11 II-* C. C. COMPLETE EASTER DAY DINNERS •4ts '""" II AM. 3l:lll6 COAST IDCHWAY SOUIH LAGtJNA • RES. "9-266.1 DON JOSE' ----:JAMIE AND ROBERTO LATIN DUO . Direct From The Fltmlngo Hotel in L11 Veg" ENCHILADA & TACO •......•. $1.30 . CHIU RELLENO-ENCHILAD~ .. $1.45 Sunday, April 6 SERVIN(; FROM 12 NOON flltlTl,Ufll,t.t. 2%41 Wt1! C. Hlthw•y Ne-wpert beech 1714 1 ... '-I017 I .. ... -I.EST FOR LIFE On stage at the Newporter 1he'1 llU a brll!llt and lrrea!>Nllble aunbeam ' that !**rate• Ille loun&e'a dilrkHt corners and leaves a &lowlnf ~ ~~·· Miss hor and you rnl11 a !lUly capUvatlni ENTERTAINMENT : IN JHE " LOUNGE FEATURING HEIRY 1W1A TUii. THIU U.T. PIANO.VOCAL , STYLIST ... MTLY Sunclay DINNU ~ THI WHOLI MMILY AT MANNIN•'S -+BEIN Urnrrft+ IHal ... --.. ,.. .. .,. 1:00 P.M. TO ''°' P.M. " . . --t:-0.tn Fte1h Hot Cr111 ltllo - Sal•cl ~·SC:9 6r11n11 Your Ch.Ice •f Ottt1Jn11 • 1omm• wlth "''"' .Y .. ettl:tle1 * IOAIT PAllCY HIN fflaaY ___ .. ,.. * PllMI Ill Oii 81, AU JUS 4.91 * IWllD IHAI CUUI HAM • I.ti * I~ LR Oii IPl!ff U.MI _ 4.11 · * CHOICI NIW TOU S'llAll ......... Lit * llOILID SWOIDl'llH, Al.MONDO• I.ti * l'ITlll I'll.Ir M .. NON ----= 4.11 Ptrollttl New Petoloto °\ lekttl IJehe Pottte SwHI' &lt1td Y em1 e '••• with PHrl O.fet\a Sllctd Htrror<I IHI• e CloemlNt•• e..i ShttMt · ShN~ • SwHI Cloecoloto L.y., Celle -· Chtlct ........ ,. ' * CHILDUH'S DINND _ .......... _ __,._ POii ~ =v~ /fff' 24111 • T-U.. Lollwt Wll'lll. L11111 ... , • -ft • DAILY PltOT 1 • 1 . SPECIAL W11R SUNDAY COMPLETE BAKED HAM DINNER • $3.75 Along With Our R19ul1r Me.nu WA'(Nl ~ADIEL Cklltariltf«alllt l :JI .. 1:20 T......, tflru S.t. IANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHOMI UWSIS '111 OCUJI AYI. HUNTIN•TON llACH OVERLOOKING THE PACIFIC OCEAN Al THE PIEJ. 'Ent...t1inm•nt Ni9htly Tue1clay through Seturd1y THE FABULOUS GEORGE and LARRY DUO • BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 • ·SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK . country club . . GOMER SIMS, CEClj. HOLLINGSWORTH, Co.Owntn - 16712 GRAHAM STREET HUNTINGJON'-IEACH: For Reservations Call 846-11•6 or .846-1416 . . .. The Jolly R{)g~r ·. .. PRESEN·T·S . ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE THE · JIM Dlffl~ DUO SENSATIONAL GUITAR SOUNDS & VOCAL ARRAN15EMENTS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY -_8:30 p.m. ,.....__] :30 1.m. SERVING Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner SPEND YOUR wnR WITH US! * 2300 HARBOR BlVD. Costa Mesa S40-853S • • WEEK.ENDER our '·N ~B()UI '· . ' Continued ,...., P-1 '"''• white "th fl win• ribbons --•ed fe,... at Jn~h . ll!"I dinner. Tbey'r.e the. Chul'I ..,._ cap W1 ° • , • .--.pei;iai Eng~·trylle for 75 centl and Engllsb.tof· ' , Treasur.e .Chest jwmWy atop the heed. fee Ice cream at to cents. • • '. • Shades of buried buDIClll. The ~ure Che1t has been unveiled in Hun~ Be'pcll and dining riches await lint-time vlaltoi's ~lag into lhla LUNCH AND DINNER IEVERAGliS AND ENTERTAINMENT Both lundleon and dinner mem11 at the Treas-In addition lo 18 choice selection of wines, the ura Chest are small but exceeclin.ly select in their restaurant offers London p1mms cups by the own- sterling new enterprise. · • olfertnga. Leecling of1 the midday items !l!t aix d~ bers. One, two, three, four, five and six ,ue, In luxe ,aandwlch~, all served with U..aed neeo aala<I rd and •125 ch · ~-h brandy rum and ·"'·•-'·ofdre " "' oer •. ea,gm,s.~, , Under the lf"'91led hands of innlteepers Dick Katsarts and Frank Kessler, the THesure Chest will undoubtedly (limb high alid quick on the fayorites list of~ out 'll' 'abouters. All the elements·ara cwu ~e ssmg. . · 1 brandy, Canadian club and vodka. Tbeee Include prime nb of beet and Henry VID iloCated at 16903 Al&onquin Ave. (and iWamer) steak sandwiches, $1.95 each; tuna, patty melt and In Him!ington Harbour Huntington Beach, tlie hamburger, all $1; and cheeseburger, $1.25. Other Treasiire Chert Is open·ttom 11a.m.to2 a :m., Mqo- sandwiches are the clqb, $1.llO, and salmon melt, day througb Saturday and clooed Sunday. Food Is · $l.25Salads range from ~e or peach and cot-served from 11 a.m. tO 11 p .m. --1i'---·----'--~~~~=~:.'ii~s-~ ~s_i::,:!=:a1~ ·~ -,-~.__.-A · $1. 75 gtv .. the diner a choice between prime rib of \JU there. \ The lnV!UJig decor, patterned alter the !!nest beef, cold breast of turkey. or bfOiled .chOl>l>ed sir- features of an old. English or lr!sh pub, ln)mecliate-loin, served with cottage chee~e;}ear aiicf """'11 ly strikes a note of comfoq and relaxation. Espec-halves. · . -· ially Impressive are th'e dark and heavr. wooden ENTREES beama on the celling. ~ "' Seven dinner entrees range from a low Of $3.50 Hand cralled bu! appearing for all the world to for chicken to a high of $6.50 for the royal regatta • The cocktail lounge &lays open until 2 a.m. and the~e's entertainment Tueiday through Saturday evenings. A banquet room bin accommodate up to 70 people. Tlie Chestla ·a welcome ·addition 1o our ever. growing rooter of first-class dining spots. Give. it be 100 years-old, they're so huge one reflects on tjle -steak and· lobster combo. In between are kind of power neces~ary to put them in piece. The souvlakia (Grecian-style ·shish,kebab) $3.95 ;. prime tables are hand made and meld handsomely with rib of beef, au 1us, $4.95; roost rack of spnng lamb, the other furnishings from chairs and carpet $4.95; Australian lobster tails, $5.50; New York a go at the very first opportunity. . .CDBA Cilnference through booths and wall ornaments. steak, $5.65. NICE BALANCE Large and spacious, the restaurant nonetheless conv~ys a sense of intimacy and privacy by its divis· ion into five distinct areas. The foyer is flanked by an attractive wine cellar and a striking fireplace A number of local restaurateurs will be taking iii t.He Calliomia Dining and Beverage Association:s ljth-annual Conventtoil at the:Disneyland Hotel m domlne.tes th·e rear wall of the lounge area. · Jn keeping with the prevailing atmosphere, each waitress is dressed in sprightIY English serv- ing-maid attire. This detail goes all the way to a All are served with tossed green ralad, choice of dressing and specially bated bread. Two side dishes availatile are baked potato with sour.cream and chives, 50 cents, and mushrooms sauteed in butter and wine, 85 e~ts. . • ADah . A ril 22-24. · · As~ ~ ·business session.• devoted In lar~e part to"tb.e group's legislative work,. visitors . will have 8n opportunity to view the industry's newest nierehanclise. and.'services displayed in the trade Sholj': · A couple of parjlcularly good clesserts are of-. C..ntJnuod on Pago 23 IN THE .LIDO LOUNGE MIKE JORDAN DUO 5:00 ~ I 0:30 p.m. ~ Mond1y thru Frid1y · 8:00 p.m. -I :00 1.m. -Sund1y LOU NORRIS & THE JERRY ROSS TRIO " 8:30 p.m. -i :JO a.m. -Monday·t~ru Saturday 1.., .... ; .. •,:?' M••• ~ ~ight •f It -Dlri• h1 'tti• IM•~tif11I · · 2200 H•rl>or Blvd., Coot• Mon (K Mm 'co~r.1. • 642-1274 • l. :, 1 l t • . OPEtf; nsnR .SUNDAY MARINE RESTAURANl . COMBINATION DINNERS · Dlnnoo' SOrVod ~roril 2 P .M. 644-1700, ext 5S4 for rffervatiofts MAKE .RESERVATIONS NOW ' OR A LA CARTE DAILY LUNCH SPECIAL 37 FASHION ISIAND NEWPORT CEIITTR. IMPORTB> & DOMfS1IC BEW ................. 1'M411 .....,l T...,tl' 11n T1llWnfty U:• t .M. .. I:•"""' --... ,._,_ .. _ ,,...., 11•• ...... •1• """ •6M-iao• ........, -.. ,, ... m.-e ..... MMllm.,...._.., -• •:• '""" -fh1it&i FEATURED DINNERS : COQ '.AU YIN .................................. 3.75 ~EAL CUTLETS c....-...... ' ............... '4.50 PRIME RIBS OF BEEF ..... ·: .......... 4.95 Seafood Treasure Chest ......... .10.00 MANY ADDITIONAL ENTlll& , All served with nllah tr•y, ""'er 11t.I, .,.,...•ltle, choke .t .-t•t• •r rko ,la.ft. SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY SPECIAL ~:!::L:;r~ :1:::.~ .. , ............... ' .... : ... , ·,271 1045 Bayside Dr. 675-0200 Newport Beach Closed Mond•y - EASTER SUNDAY SPECIALS Sprint Log of L•mb ........ $3.95 <111!? F11w1«<s Vlrvlni1 B•kod H•m ........ $2.95 17171 BROOKHURST ST. FOUNTAIN YAWY 962-6625 PLUS REGULAR MENU CHILDREN'S PORTION +Open 12 Noon E•1tet' Only OPlll DAILY -11 :30 • 12 A.M. SUNDAY -3:00 -12 A.M. Fii. •SAT. -11 i30 • 2 A.M. ·······················~·········~ : @ . Cariqe Room • : e.~~~ .PRES~N1S. :1 • ENTERTAINMENT - l SHOWS NIGHTLY ..:...DANCING · • Monday thni S.turclay CAROLYN STEIN ' Sen1atio11al Australian Songstress CONTINENTAL CUISINE • • • • • • • • • It 11 21112 OCEAN AV!. I~ Hwy.1-ltUNTIN•TON llACH-SU-142·1 11 ······························~··· I, EASTER BUFFET BRUNCH Served ·10 a.m. to 2 · p.m. In The Caribe Room . ADULTS $2.50 . CHILDREN $1.50 f@. ~~-·.J--.dill5·--.~ ~ RESERVATIONS e.~ll«Oa'T6 ~~ 536-1421 ' ~ 211 12 Ocean Ave. (Coast Hwy.) Huntington Beacli Newport S-. C:O... M-_. -Hml-leac• oreas- Nowport ..... ...i C:O... M-Cal 646-7136, 17111 & Tntl1 hr lflo •ew Hwt'*ltoo ...... Cd 847-1214, 1eac1i r. Hell PRESENTS .. In The Drijtwood !lOunge· Vic.Ki LANp• • __ 1.. ·. . . IOI FLElCt!eJ • 1 .. ; • Tueid•ys thrv Sund1y's > •• . . . Alto D1nclnt to·\:· . The KEN CERYI TR,IO .. In The Ve!V.t Kitig6t Room T.ffE EXCITING NEW . ... -tAOTHER . ~OAD . . ... ' -, · 01~U. o.nc1n9 , TUESDAY THRU SUNDAY 9:00 p.m. ._ J:30 a.m. . DANCE CONJEST EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT • BANQUET PACILITIES 1045 Bayside o/~f:fe'*"rt Jeach ,Cl-Mondey • r I•' ,. .._ -.. -. . 675-0200 . . . ~ ·. I ' I I ' • ' - AL€'J)lltDRO~ THE FINEST. MEXICAN 6 AJIBRiCAN CUISINll " . LUNCHI ON 11:... DINN l l 4-MWl•lfht Mon. TIJnt FrL 11.iN~Y l_!l.U~H-11 :30 Cecktall 1.ou.,.. Olllft 7 NlthtJ to 2 AM ' Ehtertalnment 'Nl&hU, El<c<pt M- DII UST COAST HIOHWAY ~7t CORONA DIL MAR -1 -· -. ' YOVR MOVIE GVIDE ' Bo~tom~ .. J]p?' · Lu",.m $eat.a 4',ighlen ·'Bullitt' Adult Show ._ n -'d be I t1 zttrw to • aa... '-tMo dalilaL -U _, locol laol•tlce "Qoqllnd --Le (ldi""'' Nol<: T)J_1 hauaewlfe w11o for YWI car-Clly. George Peppard llld 1 _.-·-pu11111c u.. -. die Cboct 1'1111 -....n. Olllcl< It p,.parwd rte. -1 ....,.. that Marr Tylor Moo<t. -lrict the Cboct Fall ft· --llld mnalltr," 1>11 1114' fUllll comm!H<t of hive kept her lwmblnd at O'Nldl dlala Ill llllJac -·-11aJ llillllaaer, LB. H4rllOI' C.....U l"l'A. lln, anna lqth, adapted !ram the PAlllLY A11el t.•1Ptdel (G): with In -parta " lie ... -· --"_,. Pullller Prbe wlm>ing play. -"""-. • > -. ._ •-n... ltOoll IN dell......a ,.. .. Ptttlicla Neal, Jact AlbertlOD ·-, ..-clnladllrr.l!oriSwmq ~--'llltn'a -way :rou ca to .... a lllabl ..,... cl 1t1 comm111<e ellGinnan. 11 and·llarlln Sbeen are-~ ten ror IW'L If, after pro-..n1oontlrort after a wbile. 'l1lll " lntcm.d °' a nfwrnce IQplrt y_. IMll aerttr: lonpd dawdlinc over col&o , ~ -fmn Tmcue-IMheek w..iem wllh II bqlDI to llCbe wl>ere you · lliJaerlnl ..... their -11th 1• detmnlnl1lfl '1dtobl< Jamn Gomer, Joao. lla<kett Real ail ........ ,.... -the joint -" - . . '"'"' for «rlaln ° g. and Walter Brennan. ts opplytq the Cboclt Foll Dani -II :rou'n been l1M'!>I cmd tolll appccr Up ne M 1 c G re r •; • : Amy Grifllth p!Qt an u-martne , DOW ordaJ.oed minllttr 1n hll flnl cbur<h, -tir,au up the feud between two families Wblch bu Impeded the --cl • mnall Kansaa town fu< the put IO jean. -Dllltlle: Enchanting ' Clnlo nese Food treatment. bit wltb the 'tylllptoml any .... klv. y .. , """" .... ltaJian.Spanl>h film with dub- DAll.Y - 'IHI MOllOll P.ICW CODI Al9.IA1111e PIOllAM n. w ..... ,.... c.--1 Rriflt Atl.r.hfNtl-. .,,ii. • • th• ,.,~,... ,..,... .. Id.. . • JhMIMrW I• ... U.S.A. PJe.. hN•r•t..19,M.,1~ ,., ... 0-'e s..a. .. ' f'kt.m r•t.4 X .......... • s..1. n. ,.... .,,,., .. itltivt•• r•lt•-' •ft• N....., b.r I, I~••· 'lct!INt r•l•••M btf•t• +h•t ,... ,,, 4etc'rlll- .d " lt'nlo111ly l '~ •nd/ot $MAJ , 15D-S11tt•rlN for MMllAL •11~tli•11c••· ezcurslon for -all Agel lnW. 1!1-S•"••tH' W MATIU the f~ world of Dr. Dolit-.•11cli•11c•f ''•r•11kl JI-. /.> rwportec1 by the wan place --but the DAI-lolldted. Jlail them . to !lo-bed tn English. Tiie westem eat heN .. Stred Journal, tblt modem LY PILOT. •I 'll' -1lit GW!e, CGrl .o/ the tak" plac. in Tens where take home. variation cl the torture ,..i: ls mighty auoplckiuo cl~ -i°""i,;.;_.":.D~Al!!L!!Y...:.cPl~LOT~.,_J -;----i~~· an __ bandits 1 t o.• 1 ,----n-11-eleverly-~.,.lft. ,..._.aew-tpOL-No-tana-* * * MacGregor's gold and the sons S TA G atoo1 •1 an c1 iiiiae quick---liwol...s -tbe'y · ch .... a11 .. ., the countryside "*t!e-,lmo -JRel!ri co~ -u.tt..t-HYieH J, lunch shops. More tbali·'llkely, !lave· another kind cl menu llATVllE TDNB to retrieve It. CHUISE (Jl'INI) 10 or so m!nutoa .~ you In tb1t place and the AND ADVLTS Wat Side Story: Re-Issue .~ sit down yoor dertlere COD> wrltlllnc tel in olter aboul -·(II): -e llcQueen cl lbt modern daoct openitta munlcate w 1 t b four-footed animals ralhet than t h e human kind, with tunefUl 10ngs and superlaUve cast. @-IDTllCtlD -.. _ ttlMl.r 14 Ht -4MMM, ""''" •cc•M,••IM ~ p1l'flt .,. •d•!t , p •r4· '"UR FAMILY STEAK HOUSES HUNTINGTON BEACH I COSTA MESA HILt..GREN SOUAAE TOWN t. COUNTRV llEHINO TEXACO STATION ·11UJ: ia.dl .,.,.. H2·J'1t -..,.,.,,,. 111l .... ~,. Anl SPECIAL SIZZLER BROCHETTE Skewered beef, onions, pineapple, '$.t 49 irHn pepper, mushrooms, served on rice pll•f, with roll & butter. TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ...... -$1 .39 .NEW YORK STEAK ....... $1.59 l11ch1dt1 l •kt d or Frtncti Fried Pot1toe1, Roll & l utttr. CHILDUN'S POITION Ya Pllct IUader 12 Y-.1 MAltl MONDAY NIGHT YOUI FAMILY NIGHT TOP SIRLOIN STEAK Only $,1 Gt. l11ch11clt1 laked or Ft-111ch Fri•d Potatot l, Jloll • l utt.f. CHILDIEN 'S POITION Yi PllCI (Ulldef IJ YHnl .-----Luncheon Specials---, 11:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. ~!~~::.:: .:::.. ~~ .. ~~~.~~.l~H .... 79e s.w.11 ... S.... loA -TO ... and kids like Mr. Steak, too Once they've been there, you won't find the small fry dragging their heels when you mention having dinner (or lunch) at Mr. Steak. They'll have their own special menu that they can punch out to make ..a iMr. Steak mask. It's fun f~h:fim and their lltt1e'·hands will be busy UTTtE JACK HORNER STEAK Chlld'11lze steak served with Ranch House Toest, French fried pota1oea. 1.29 CHICKEN UTTtE Three pieces of chicken(• \hlgh1 : and two wing drumette1), 99" peach garnish, Ranch Houae ¥: , Toast. French fried potttoes. • t SNOW WHITE AND THE 3 SHRIMP Tflree Mrgt Shrimp, • ~hjJe, they'.re waiting. flancfl Houle Tb•t, , , A QUriOuS thrng; most French fried "°"*" parents leave ~r. Stea k ~ f eeling thf t their V(&e HUMPTY.DUMPTY 8l)ROl!!''·1 ones.broUght·them .Out Mr..:SteM Pwntiurger 7~': ti Incl. de tally • •"""with ,._., to ea n ,-we port~Of F,.nch1r1ft don't 981'\'e liquor. •nd twrnbur;er ~amish. • I ; . ., ~ . W1 11rv1 portfon1, , · s.! for grownup, t~t OPEN ·EVERY OAY ffiOM 11 NA TO t PM 1267 Polnlow C-.M- '4J.9712 mencet to hurt lo mlnula. ' ls ·-. a sq. Pnoclsco and poignant love story ol And the whole thing's been . Bes~ lt'1 •~ bit em-police detei:tlte/ wiped• to the we!t side of New Yor k .planned that .way. barruaing to. pretend • llUd-protect a QljCqo moboter City with Bern>tein's haunting Or ao the' Journal reports, den need for ezerclslng YO\ll' who 11 needed, by a PollUclan music. Natalie Wood and noting Its source u lB dally ..._ mldwoy throop (&berl V1ughn), u prime Rlcbanl Beymer. T • e F.lldldl Sw.mater: Beautiful and exciting travel film ol ·surfing around the world as two Ca l iforn i a surfm search for the perfect wave. ,,,.,, Products Corp .. a New York the meal.-1 At illll .rate a witnea in a Senate crime TEENS AND ADULTS maker of restaurant equip-cushlon •lands a IOOd chlnco bearing. ment that supplies counter o1 becomin( on lndlspensal>le '-: Tempermenlal, Cbarly: Charly ( C 1111 stools to Chock Full and IOIDfl dining out accwory. brilliant cooductOr devoted to Robert.son) is a mentally Fulutlc Voyage: A sub-/~-;-:::;::::::::=:!;=_;;'j marine and crew a r e1r · 1 miniaturizeC and injected into a scientist's bloodstream to perform a «fellcatc os)eraUon . Stephen Boyd, E d m u n d O'Brien, Raquel Welch. hil wvrt and hi. family, retarded' young man who with • ••••••••••••••••••, • becomes involved with a the help of ,a .night scli?OI young journalist. rt s k a r teacher psychologist (Claire Werner ·IDd Barbara ·Ferris. Bloom) h a s experimental OUT 'N' ABOUT Continued from P•1• 22 Featu~ed speakers at the three-day.conclave will·~· be Edward J. Kirby, state director of Alcoholic Bev· erage c-Ontrol; Father Don Murray, found~r of Sky ( Ranch for Boys; Paul E. Jorgensen, coo~nator of . the National Licensed Beverage Association;. and John E . (Beans) Reardon, ·coloiful former National League basebali'tunpiTe and special representative for· .Anheuser-Bush, Inc. _ '·'Where lt~s Happening!" ' ' . ill(L 0MAilflNI COCKTAIL LOUN&E ,------~· 111 LIM COSTA MIU '. l Biii Martini PrONn!t Direct from L•• Veg11 'JUBAL'S .. CHILDREN For Your Dancing and Uslenlna Ple1Sure YOUU ENJOY OUR :-MID.DAY .FAER ..SUNDAY 12 P.M. TO 4 P.M. IFM~ fine Di11in9 Since 1965 U.. la Wt.ter: Clash of brain llllg~)" and becomes two "'""'·willed monarchl, a thoUghtful, brilliam adult K1ng Herry U of England and with new and serious pro- hll queen, Eleanor cl Aqul-blems. ta,1ne, makes a brilliant, ex-Doable Trouble: EI v Is ploslve drama out o f Presley 1n a suspenseful fragments of 12th Century musical comedy about a hlsklry, I Peter O'Toole J1nd singer who travels around Katharine Hepburn. Europe on n i g h t c I u b Sam Wldlby (M): Widow engagements. I wants to recover gold bars Romeo Ud J a 11e1 : from a steamboat wreck and Shaie.speare's clusic becomes put it back into a Denver vividly new with _splendor, e.x- mlnt before anybody mlsses cltement and neW staging uf. it' and discovers her la te the young lover's tragedy husband's only fall from under Zefflrelll's fresh casting grace. S'lara Burt Reynokl s, and direction. L e o n • r d Angle Dickinson, and Clint Whiling and Olivia Hussey. Walter. What'• So ·JJad About Feel· n. S.bject Wu a-t (G): Ing Good? .'.A. lively, con- A family aboat a tempoi-ary ciimedy about. a -bird who. spi'ieds a contagious virus of joy in New ¥9r~ Yoan, Mine ud Out: Hilarious, warm, 11 v. e I Y domestic comedy ol a widow- ed naval otfk:tr with 10 children and a navy widow with 8 children who marry. Lucille Ball, Henry Fonda and Yan Johnson. lllcredlhle J_..y: Bull tor- rier, Labrador retriever and a Siamese cat travel zoo miles through r u 11 e d Northeast Canadian wlldemeaa to reach home. Walt D!lney. * * * Tht ltttt r fmmtdiate lt1 after the tUlt indicates the rating fliven tht picture bt1 the Moiion Picture Code. Tht Mo tion Pict-Ure Code ·";ncl ~ Rating Program mav bt found on the motion pictu~t paat. . ••• 1"t~c~[q l A~t~ C" ••1 t\1e-rnesa T· n1· • F.,-I\ \, (1: fi ·, nt. NE11Vf'L1~J ;.\ND •1A RF,f1F IN fO)TA ,\'\fSA -S.KM 'WHISKEY I!! ---_ ....... And at 1:00 only -~--~·; !Z!$~ * HeyKidsl * II• PAL SHOW-U.T.1:00 c-tH.....C.....i.......,,.,..1 "-•Nit .... pl• M.,.l """' KiMe SHw ...,_..,., rt• t11k .,.. Merie TELEPHONE 541·1552 FOi ·INFORMATION HELD OVER THE GREAT!ST ADVENTURE Of THEM ALL! WALT-DISNEY'S ' ' . ~ I ' 3801 EAsT Qmr HICHWAY ·MGM~@ C.ORON.\ Df.L M.\1, CAur-<>RNrA ~,\'./ UBLE~ ~q. PHONE: (714) 675-1374 u w. 'Ir.. • lllF~~~~t~~~411L!·.'J.~J}=T=ROU===·=:I:~. Continuous Show From P. *-COCKTAILS-bhn.-.n ~II.. ... ..... t ~~~~~W~E~D~·~· ~T=H=U~R~s~ .. ~F=R~l.,~SA~T~.,~S~U~N~·~~~~1 with l ob l 11tton * l••11tifal l 111q11•f RMm1 TO\nt MOST1 DICI IATSAllS -NANI llSSUI ltlSlltYATIOffl 1"-llMMI ID re.a.au rt 1 69~i~~!A~ Huntington l•ach IN HUNTINGTON HIRIOUR WIRNEA IT ILGOlllllllll ... A. ' .•t ,., . - • " ftMEM IWiTAUUNT Continental Cuisine Cockt1ll1 StrVlng Luncheon and Dinnn llcmdatl p.rou_Jlh Saturday. Clo1td Sunda:JIS . <JP<nfor Prlilal< Partlu Only We •r• located ned to th• May Co. in So uth Coast Pl•1•. llU I. Mftb c....... . ....... ; ' • ~··· J '71..i.MAtK)~' • ._ ... I _(_• • 2 ·~ "'~ ) . I OPENS TUESDAY 1 WHk Only THE JO[IEI PROWSE SHOW ...... --lHE FOUR TIS t t '""'I ;• .j • 1tl 1'j•• ,J ·'W Apnl 15 tbru 20 De ED AMES Show llOllllAN IWQ Minlcal---- ---·- .,.11'!,~ii-.,"' ..... .....;-'-'"-",f ...,"=:o,.i ... ::----~ - > >' -::,,,..._~_,..-f--,.-t"-'---t---1 • , • -., 'l Tiii!•._ _ _.__ ..... _ ... , 0 ....... · crn ·--a~-•---.----·I ..._ ........... _.. ___ ,,,.. ..... ,...,,_......._,.._.,_,m.,,,...., (714)-71~220 ' . "BREATHTAKING! SWEEM AND EXCITllG." -- .. ., ~ .. ~ •. t .... ~ . . -· ~ ; (~ ':. ...... ~ . .:: . ·~ -'· lhe&ldlessSunr ·---·-...... uo-w.,....,... ........ ,...I!! ' " a.veret• 11!11)1e1Mon Wliirs'IO Bid · About h1lr.I &oodP «S ·1JC•-• Frid M1cMurray-COlor ''Tiie H.,pien MllHeMfre" _ _.u_..,.,1 _ In COLOR....QlrlsfOP\tlr J-· ''111,.. I• Tiie Attk,. ATii lit c6(01t--F1bJ1n in -• ''ni. Wiid 1-.n" w.::· • 147481 PAlll'-T 'UIU ... COio.OR. ,,. ... , ..... ...... -"'"""' C'OLOil-!-11Clrle lllJ.~· ' ..,. ......... ~...r.~ . , . .. . --.t=lj.j; I =~·1~·1~ . ....lft CMM.'. ( .: 'W TMI -. o:. " I ·-,. . ------~~~------ ' • .. .. .. " •• , '· .. ... .. ' .. ' • ' ' • . • .. """'.._O'•tl• ; o' I' o •• t ' ... •',.I• ••<I •~· I' •-I•• '' '~·I' .,._••-••• -•-•- f;lciiicr~·-·· 5 ·in Oscar Race ~!'!~ New Cont.enders _...,...... ' --• ._ HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -All !l.vvr7 II In tho nve men nominated by die Mo-qalnol llltto -Elm_,. tloll Plc1luo Academy for best Glllo Poat-.o (ille director ol 1911 hove oever ol Ai,ien), Carol R • e ..., the ()lcar In pnvlOUI (Ollvorl) and J'rOllco Ztllir.1111\ compd!tlon. '!be favorti. II a (Romeo and Julkl), and •. ... .:\1~~:::-mm. named AD t b 0 n y Arnett~·· Stanley Ku&ick ' .. ....._ IN MY fOCUT"' Harvf,.. _,,0,,_ n.e p1c1ure 11am7 dlrtctod (2001: A Spau ~). "M.!'m!~~~:r wu a dramatic triumph, "The Hai'vey'1 onJy other attempt .,_.,,..-..... n..At~.-s.. Lion Ia Winter." at movte cUrectton wu "The J1• ...... -I.I 11'..trll•h-!:;:;;;;;;;;;::;:::;;;::;:::;;;::::;:k;:;A~SS.~f;;"';-;;;;,,,;-;;;,.._...;;;;;;;;•an;J' Dutchman," a IOw budgeled t nclal Rory u removed from " Mkt• tM aucU.nce with violtni CM1VJ/ • • , CUJaultl thf lm.ltl." IA TUllSTA L.A. Tl!llf1 ..... _ ACADEMY NOMINEE CLIFF ROBERTSON THI POIGNANT. INCUDllLI STOIY OP A MAN WHOSI TWO WOWIS 'XI'' IDl!I 12th century EniJand and Kl!!I Henry D ol "'!be Lion In Winter" u It Is poalble to get. BU'I !ram llarvey'1 po I n I of view all• .good movies are euent!ally baaed cm the tnter- relaUonshlps ol people. And he ts dexterous indeed at bringing alive tllele rtla- Uonships. "Very litUe Ls known of the 12th century, act u a 11 y,'' Harvey old. "I leaned heavily on the book by J a m es Goldman. His language was lnaplrln(. "I had only eJ&hl weeu . ' Aeadenay Nomin~es .. between the Ume 1 wu given Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn· have been nominated for an Academy the 1<rlpt to dlrecl and the beginning of filming. I srab-Award for their performances in 111..ion in the Winter-/' which is currently bed every book I could on showing in Orange County. In addition the picture received five other Osc ar . ·-coNFORTrCAPERS · SAJVRDAY "IGHTS. IN APRIL , 8 p.111. .-12 111ldnit• • -DANte If .... 1 .... ,,.11 I -SING-ALONG !With SlldH) e -LIVE MUSIC (Ste,. Conforti Combo) e -JUICE & SNACK BAR Fos Adulh of All Agot -Admlnlon $2 Cemi ..... W..-'t CJ9'.i611 W. lltft St. IJ Weeb W. N...,..-t .... I C.... M ... For Info -646-2290 TWth••••r-wllNtMly wutt•Mt' .... ~ ... -..... ~ .............. .... -ALSO PU.YIN9--~ "'CWA1fLY' CLIFF ROBERTSON CLAJRE BLOOM the 12th century. I did learn -~n~o~nun~·~a~u~·o~n~s~f~or~b~es~t~p~l.:ct~u~r~e,'...di~·~rectl~~o~n:_, ~sc~r~ee~n~p~Ia~y~,~m~us~i_:c~oco~r~e~an~d~co~sl~um~e=s~. -!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that even nobWty lived 1n a kind ol squalor In lhooe days. "They elso lived a more full life, and drank • ereat deaJ more." ALSO OK.Al WDNh--UUU fllllS "INTERLUDE" FD""rw"aouTH COAST -PLAZA THllATRK ... Dilct ,_, 11 lrillol • 546-2711 OPEN 12:0B--$HOW STARTS AT 12:30 SHOW nMU- '1MITH"-12: ..... 7tl .. 111ai "INCIDIKI .IOUINl'r~~l-1:11-f:JS Ncinu•dfllr 7Academy Awards BESiPlcnJ~ BEST ACTOR + BEST ACTRESS Peter O'T oole Katharine Hepburn BEST DIRECTION + BEST SCREENPLAY Anthony tt.wy ~-~-­ BEST MUSIC + BEST COSTUME DESIGN SCORE M1rpnt Fune John Barry ! .... TODAY •• 11• •.M. ,.,._, .... ...,,,,_ l ,1111 1 Gf HIURY 21 ............ -~ To lend u much rtalllm to t he char1cteriz.aUons, Harvey hod his stars - Katharine Hepburn and Peter O'Toole (both nominated for acUng Oscan) -wear their wardrobe thttlugh reheanals ao they would have an authen- tic 1ppear1nce when the cameras rolled. Harvey la a cool, articulate man, who handled his tem- peramental a t a r 1 with diplomacy -poalbll, with the whip when It wu required. O'Toole had alr11dy dlsltngutahod hllnaeU 11 Henry n in ."Becket". Director Harvey llW to it the IUperb actor didn't play the monarch aa the madman he had been the first time out. "I aaw Henry. u a gentleman tanner. One of the people," Harvey said. ' 1. • •UGH . &LLll .. ttUNTINGTON t•ACH • t4?•9ff MATINEES ONLY MON. I/II flt. 4/4 TUU. 4/1 SAT. 4/1 WID. 4/1 SUN. 4/6 Juliet, Four Tops Set for Anaheim Laugh-In's Pair Team For Movie - 'THUL 4/J DOORS O'IN 1 :00 p.m. SltOW STAITS 1130 SHOW OVER AT 4:30 Crossword P11zzle ~-.. "!llo:Ji.ir ;t"1'"~' SOUTH SEAS TROPIW FISH Largest SelecUon of Tropical F ls h & Supplies in the area. WHICH TWIN d- "'' own l(s oasy le spot tho ""' lft<tn who takn hh """" to H & R llOCK. tt.'1 amlllng, happy and IKUf9. Sftlart ta•pay•ra fran1 ' CMlt-to-coOtt lcnow th• """' of qualified tax: 0 .. ........ IOTI HOWi AND STATI m ••••1!11•• -":':AN:na:/l·:. ":r!::''::':::' .. e..,....... __..,. ;;.....wt.... ..,.,., IU fttuirft. wt ..U lll't llf'Nft thtit * Yo9 MY penolty w -wll .. • ............. ___ .. II« [3~[i!Co. ~·· 14'1.., T1Jt Strvite with Over 3000 Offtct1 COSTA MESA. 117S Horbor Blvd., '42.ff40 CORONA dol MAR, 24'1 E. CoHt Hwy., '75.ol42 • ...... , ..... ,, ... : .... ,..,, ..... 1, ... NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY • " " .. Ytsltrday's ,.u:r:rla Solved: 4/4/6, .)fi Afttt !ht •ppolnttd tlmt ''Sandra's nlckn•mt 40 Ctrla ln E1111rn CJ~dlan s 41 Dr1111111ktr'1 n1c111 lty 45 "A.dVIM and--" 47 Mus ic lovtr of r1ctnt yom 4t Fortw1rnln1 SZ Log roll Ing contest: Colloq, Sl_Exh•I• S4""Ptrtrunntr to I 1ld twl lk SS lnsp tra tlon 56 "-Toltclo1" SI Mcwntal n: Ca11b. fol'lll St D1no11l n1te 60 AU191d force 63 l111perUn1nc:a. CONTINUOUS DAILY thB'G are bad oops andthm! are flood fqlS""and Ihm thm!·s 13ullitt; SI E\'t: MCOUl:l:N A§ "001 I 111 " l!!Wlii .......... 11111111:11Jrlllll W-·R1111111•'11 Plus In Color "SALUTE TO TAL~ SHIPS" EDWARDS' llAllOI at ADAMS. COSTA MESA. PHONE. ~46-3102 POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY "DAZZLING! ~you see i~ you'll never again picture 'Romoo & Juliet' quite the way you did before!" · -tJFE ~--FRocob:mRELLI -· Ro MEO 8'JUUfil' f\Jr:tnrttlnfll.-y llJ'\J 1nor.v.~. Starts Wed.-"HELL IN THE PACIFIC" --ENDS TUES. llIRK DDUllRS Sl'lUll l!plctnR IUWR.WICH c1I LDunv /UIWTDDJE1 ,!ti:.-;-~~~ ~'!.'§"!~ ~ ~ .\ .N Tttll Wl:STMIN8Tllt Cl!NTEl't Also In Technicolor "Salute To T•ll Ships'' SJD'E (t'ICQJEfN AS 'NJWTT' l<OfiEm VAl.J(;tiN II~ UUINE BISS£! PICIAl ,,f.A. U.TVaDAY MAnNll-tl1JO , M "I Willi IN A IAUOON" An Stet& IOc . 0 .... • I .'I.' '' ·" . I 1 . • I' !!L!Y!llON "t"DWI TV Season Reviewed ly lllCK DU lllOW ·HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Winter.ls past, spring Is here and the vdlceo of teltv!Jlon'1 Monday mom· 1nJ quartemacts are beard In the l~d .. '!'lie video seuon, in abort, i• virtUally over, .and 1t is an excel- lent Ume lot hllldolgbt on the new 1tries and what bapptned to them. · To virtually no one'• 1U?prl1e, NBC.TV'• ••Julia '' which ata.r1 Diahann Carroll, wa1 an im- mldla!e hit, and never _1Upped from that 1tatu1 throUl'h the enilre 1euon. 'nle buildup over the fact that !ht aeries otarred a Negto actre11 launched "Julia" with great publiclcy, llnd then the popu!er• ity of the 1bow In all areas of the nation took over. HOWIVlll, anolher 1erle1 with a Negro 11 co- star, the ABC.TV Wertem "The Outcaata," never did catdt on deoplte 1ome excellent episode•. Up aaainat CBS-TV'• 11M•yberry R.F.D.'' and ,.Family Affair,'' and NBC-TV'a Monday movies, 11The Out- cuts" just didn't have much chance at all. It was fairly obvious ABC-TV's "The Mod Squad," wou!d gain an audience, and It did. And it wu equilly obviou1 ABC-TV's "That'• 'Life," a unique and highly plee1ant musical series about a young newlywed couple, wou!d not gain much of an audJence, and it didn't. CBS-TV11 "Hawaii Ftve-0,''·a copHnd robber• epic, wun't much to write home abou~ but it bad tliat certain something that ... med to a11ure a fair- ly decent nm If slotted corrkUy -and once It 1ot the right time period, it took bold. ANOTH!ll CBS.TV entry, the We&tern "Lan· cer" was certainly no uBonanza" or 11GWIBmoke/' iJid IHlned pretty much of a tot1up at the start, but allO bald l!J 9round. And the .1ame netwoljc'o Doris Day 1erl.e1, a predicted 1mub hit, 1000 learned the problenu of. trying to go otricUy with a .tar's smile mltead of atorlet. Nevertheless, Mias Day'1 person· al drawing power gave the show a re1pectable rat· Ing, and it seemed beaded up. NBC-TV's "The Outalder'' Wit a very likable private eye entry, but 1uUered from lack of audience enthu11aam. And C~TV's 11The Good Guy1 1" a slapstick series, showed how a couple of funny fel· lows -Bob Denver and Herb Edelman -can fool a lot ol uptrto and tum a 1ltuatlon comedy Into a perlOltal triumph of amusing, engaging, unpreten- lloul routine&. ,llOM THI STAllT, it was clear Don Rickles' lnoult comedy 1bow wOtlld be either a surprise aud- ltnce hit or fold fast, and It folded fasL H was like- wise clear that 11Tbe U1llest Girl in Town/' about a boy who tries to pass hlmielf off as a female model, would be a hlkr-m!SI entry, with lltUe chance for rouUne 1ucce11. It wa1 a \Ota! mils with the aud- ience. ~TV's suspense antbolo(Y 11Journey to the Unknown'' was, meanwhile, a predictable quality tallure; that 11, good ·-but no oomph. And oompb Is lllll the name of the game. THI CHANNIL SWIM1 "Comrade Soldier," ABC-TV's documentary about the Ruoslan counter- part of the young American G .!., ajrs May 16 •.• Singer Jimmie Rodgers will headline a summer comedy-vatlety 10rit1 subsututing for C~TV's Carol Burnett~ahOWr llartlnllc June 16 ••• "Con-... r.t11lonal RePOrt." a new haif·bour Sunday series, ebu\I Aprjl 1S on NBC-TV. ' • II CCOll't'tltl'lt CllNf!lclt ,uMllhl111 Cl. tfft) Denni•· th Menaee TUMILEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF 51-\AVE ,i,No ~AMPOO, SAM! MISS Pl!ACH fU'l'tJRf &yq\IAT~SJ> of <\.MEA.ICA ....... ··~ . ' '1 11 ,, ; I· ~ ' '' ' ' O,IJYTME WI\)) Df>I\ LAP.! •• M~ I INQUIRE WHY YOO HAVI: l\?NEt! nlE l!il.NK, HELD OPTHE SM,ANP 'MIMED SEVERA!. \.OCAl. PLERIANS .>INCE YOUR cxmERSIONY I ~EAR. 'llOU'Fl.i: GiOINe Oil!' Wmt MYGIR!., ~IA/ \ ly John Miiii MAVlN' SOMETHIN'W 00 KEEPS ME ()'.ll'A TROUeLEI ly Al linltli ly Gn ~ola ---- ,,. .. .,,,, "' llCOWI l'IVC;HIAT!Vf'I», I I ,..., ......... . 1:11 ...... 11111 .., \Cl 1• ·--Ill a::::. .. - 1>11 --· o JOB PRINTING " o PUBLICA TlONS - o NEWSPAPERS Qu•llty Prl11ff11t eit4 Dt,.1141~1• hrrite hf .. ,. ftl.11 • Q.•tftf ... C.11myl ' WI Wllf -..... .. •• ..., llAetl • ! lJ C Saving $8 Million In Costs · BERKEL'EY -Th r e e t p e c I I 1 cost-reductiml. pro- ll'llDI ve •vine t h e Unlvenlly al Calllomlo ... , mUHan a year, Praident a..r1es J. mtcli repor1eo1. The UC praldent noted that aDder an inttnalfled . economy program lriuncbed about a Jat ago, the nine UC cam- -ha,., rwport.d 1avtnv al IU mlJllon. A ''planned p.srthutnc program" to tn- creue quantity b u y I n g lllrouP Unlvenllywlde annual IUpply all'f'IDl'!ll lw uved $a.I mllHon. A r ec or d s JDIDlgmnent program t o dl8pooe promptly al unneeded nioidJ and to save space, llal! time and equlpmeot .. ••Inc 11.1 millloa a yeor. IPEClAL PRICE ,Special COll-reducllcio am- palgn1 have been establlabod to Intensify -......,.,...._ Jn • ..,.,. upect al -_.11om lbrouchout t b e Unlverally community. 'Ibey are a part of UC'• conUnu:lng efforts to maintain educational quality in the face of austere budgets. U n d e r the economy pr& g,am. flCUlty and Ilaff have been .........,..i to develop, 1pply, and report ways or nduc111( coofa. About lOO opeclfk: ecanomiel, varying widely io type and value, have been adopted. The 15.Z million In aavlnp rt8Ultl from reduce:! e1:- penditum or avoidance of in. =-COiia lhrwchoul the Unlvenlly. Many al the &aV• lnp will coollnue In '-e yean. ldeu ol general ap- pllcaUon have been clrculated . to other campmea to foster • additional uvlngs lhrough wider adoption. ·•. MOl\E PACl'S . The planned purclwlng pro. ; 11'&111 baa -lncreaaed t be • number al annual aupply .. arreements from 9' to. aboul 230. Tbe aavlnc al IU mWlon I ~ "'1<cls reducllonl In • prlcea paid by UC e<mpand with prices paid the preceding · year for slmllar items. The : uvinp r e 1ult 1 from nqotlaUng l arge-se al e ' ~ .. a COOIO!ldated buls lor -Items : lmlead al buying In llDaller . quan11u,., u required.' · About Ill millloa a year ln UC purchues ,... DOW · bandied by this meana. Each campua mlD81et an uaJgned O'OUP of commodiUea for all .... _ and In -benellll from_ the quanUly )llfrchuea made by other campuaes on a Unlverallywlde bull. ANUAL BA VINOS Thil program Is In addition to the'...,,=eitabllitiiO cenlral c a m p u 1 purclwlng opera- tlona, Which report an ad- d!Uonal annual aavlngs al IU mllllnn lhrougb effective pro- curement and ma t erial manasemenl al each al the -ampu1e1.. The University's HCOrdl man11ement program ruulled In the dispooltloo al over f1,000 linear feet of -durlnc the put ,_. ll·notdeolro)oed, --would ban nquirOd 1,400 Ille cablnetl and covered 7 ,000 -feel al -ble floor lplee. 'J'bo fl.fmlllion AVlng1 ~urine the -rtc"1I year art the ....... -the pro. cram wu tnklated in ttu. Total In the -manage. rilenl Jl">lfam i. dat. elC<edr fU mlillon. Shimer Grad Matti Dudley Swofford, onn al Mr. and Mn. Robert I. Swollord, al ID V'" Vtn<211, Newport Inch. was ooe ct. U ..-W awarded the bochelor cl aria degree ""'" -~ Ml Cam>11, ID., durinc the annual hoacn _, 1elltfel CID March I. He -awarded a degree ID 11-k- Aa a lon(-llme high ranking defe n 1e d e pa r tment l«:bnocral put H, "You coold feet McNamara aD over the place • • • be made all the declllona In detail • • • hll deputy pided up wbal he dJdn 't get to do. Laird doesn't like to take on the details that McN~ did." Perhaps because Laird bu no admtnlstrative experience before e<mlng 14 the Pen- tagon, be baa utlgned an unUJually big ,.... al authorlly lo hll deputy, mlWonalre fn. duftrialilt illvld R. Packanl. Laird publlcly h a n d e d Packard a whole range of tasks which a McNamara would have kept under bis thumb. These included : a review o[ 1:he antim1ulle ~ Jed and lta implleaUons; a IUfVty al the Jolmonn ad- mlnlstr11lon'1 de! .... budget; a study al broad naUonal lllra~: meuurellDjit.,ent recurrence of the Pueblo in- ddent; and supervlsion of a ticklish nondlsc:i'fmlilllon pro. blem wllh Soulbern lexllle mllls. Th1a Is not to oay that Laird does not reaerve f1nal decWon lo hlmaeU, allhoup be gives Packanl a free band Jn developlnc VlriOUI ltudles and _ ..... Al.WA YI llUl\RIBD Where McNamara llwaya seemed In a hurry, papers and briefcaae. under his am11, La1rO lw a -. relaxed ......... Tbe -.-.Y. hll ap- proach to people -by 11 yean la Coner-. -... alw11,11 lo ... llllilln(. He lilt• to dial, and - •• • rtOa: pat. an um around • ......... lhotdchr- a .....,.. ........, to po111Jcai pracUonera. • McNamara alten teemed abort lemper.d and lmpetlenl with' amenities. He rarely flt. dulgod In llllall talt. Jn cJ-. Lain! ii dapper and laulllm17 lallored. He ._.. cWfltnta In the lonn al Ille blue ........., " -·· olllelaI flag. WbDe neat. McNama r a ,._.lftllled mudl caneerned - ..... -6, ... -a.a.Ji •--r=.=~. . " ............................ _ .... ,.. .................... _,, ......... .. •111 .................................... .. ........ ~ .................... . ... .... -.... , . .,. : .... ·-··-··--... ,_ • I a..11111 ................... Jill .,.. .................................. ... '3.98Yal•I Rattan Handbags .~__._,.!il.lr . I. ....... _y __ ., •2• , ..... -........ ~ . . ...... i-r .,. Csa:llet •••'• nu $1J' -=·""!:: -. .. --·-• lt±J t:.f! WW.M1 4 ...o ..... tl•l• ----........... '9,95 Stltl Statt 12 AM/FMPoCbtladlo Alt'*AL.ltk.UC ···•":•--$JM -t.-: I ·-=--. ........... ' I S1e o., ,.,.,.. •. SelediOI! -Ea-ster Baskets and -lovel.ties. 39cros3a . ~·If ,....,-.!,.. .......... Ml ., ;::'.:S:=::;-rn. WHll.a tlidll c,_-.., .. ,Easfer Baskets. .wltl Dols 9 Aaoaw.di:illl ........ ........... -.... ;:.:;".;:--· "r 2.49 VJil Easter Plus& r. ·Musical Toys · ~:..: s1 99 ....ldl~I--.. . . l'kJ,,,, .... , ,._ 4111119 .. .. *U9Ym.il 14" Hot Pastel Plush Moase •1.29 vai..1 Mllhl's lldllts Fwy •• ., •-r.v . ., .. 99" A Dilaamt P.l:ia.: P *2.49Y ... ~c.i.r ...... ..., The atta MIMI Hli pl••• •••• , '1 y .......... *3" VII.I PIM . Nmltr Is abs o. ..... __ '2" ......... :............. . --s11s . ..... A-NtNtll .. t hllit'• 1'1zllh Sclnffl's Ma: ~·2" Mlllala• ........ =. .. '2" \'!", _..,_ -fmlt.-... 2 ~ ...... ..... I I ..... PGHn111111• Soaa .. , · ~f.. 59 , Cliicilati Eggs · ~=-·· :=... 79" ·1.1•1•-. ' ~ lilt lllitllat• lbstir Egg .......... HntMlx · Eggs 39• .. .,, &r" . T.., .. ' , .. ,. -· ..... IUt lhllllla fgg Pttl6r ~, .. -ra1Jr..111ou .......... ... Clilil ................... ... =~i:Wliltma's Sa.,ler $2Z5 I ' I, • . ' ' • ' .. 1 •' .. . , . ' • . . . ' ....... 'itl¥". : ,;·' .,6 .. ,. . ••.. iUift" . .• ~· ; ~~·! ,, ' ! !, M ·-_;;w.,-' ... ~ ,-· .~ .it:~;.~-~' ..... :.Y!J;.~ .... . ' $5t'-lt.· $55 .... 36 Mo. ·•·1 · FAIRUIE · -. $75. a.. -; '' 1.··.u:e .... ,,. ....... 11. .$75 ~ " ll"AST~\1-1, .utto.. 36 •• · · · t°i',fl"'•"':' r .... Mr. -· ',.·6;··.~· . :w•. ; , ;!, .. -. . ·: . .. • . $55 Dn • . ~--..· ... ··~rr·M . -;--$55-_Mt..-$· ·· .. '"· ~ )·.>:S:·_.•~·-vli!f ,..,_36 -~. :~--. - IC~ •. ,. ··~ •.• :1. ,.--.; • .,I ··165· FORD· 1• · · $36 Dt.. • ~ ,~;., V..:.-... . . $36J!k.· • ' -,, ~T~·· .. ~· .....,..:· » Mtl.-I . ~. ,i -: ...... -. . ' . . tfj ... IMllJ. ,..,._. ., l . ;: . ~ ... . .. .. -- .. - --- -----: -,; --....--....--~ ............... ---·-·---~-~--------,---,-- • ., Finlttc iflt · 1,.n11111. ' '':,pt ·•··· 62, v• ,...._ -· -· ' .. l=Kt· .,, "" f •1 ~I lntwlor. ttfl 7t$. . . -., ' ,.•. •, !liiioclt. AftuiM. i ': ·l • • I I I ( •• ·1 ' ( • ,, .. .,, , I • l I • ' 16th a. Tustin -Cl6tt ""°' ADULTS Moot home• m blillt wlt.b ~ tblltien in mind. We hllve five homes doSighed fi>r the comforts and fun of adult&. Beautiful to look~ at room for bobbies, private office, separate &D.ing rm, guest room with bath, 3 car ga- rage, walking distance to churches, Westclifl • Shopping, Bnd n stauranta, "' ..._ m t% with ~ ilolrn ~ t~,. w1m I Dn. no 2nds -Ill ;elftls -It th 1111 Ill ~ Priced fl'9lll SI01flO N S211t&O l•lllllM Atlftt p. a. palm tr l111orp1rc1ttll: ""VIA LIDO Tract Phi 54iollll PNM L.A. C!oil MA s.llM Salel through th• MulHple Listint Service ol the Newpot+ Harbor· Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $14,679,819 for th• ll11t 3 months 'of 1969. f hlt rtprtithh 470 llhit sales. List you r ptop erty with • Re1lt11 r toilty. Open House~ · THIS WEEKEND K ... fOls -~-:;r. wll~,~~:;r.:; ~ .. ~..,,,. .... ;:l''lt~,..tir ojotall tl ... . .1-w . DAl•Y ... WA 1. ....... I .... hlUlll It~ Al• N ff -IH Uft If IUtll lft-r tlon M this columa .ach fr\d•J• it ildrtltn\ * 1100 White SW WifJ·Carinio diJ Mar 644-2244 (Sat 1:4, StlB 11-4) (2 Bedr"m & Guori Apij ** l20 Via Lido Nord (Lido lsll) NII 673'0ll5, 67&-3243 (Sat l 811l!) (3 Bodrllellll l0~~9th St., CM . (HI sun 1-5) 1o=ago Df.1 (lliYl!~e1t) ~\. olily) corner of Aveniilt Call!llarll A: Mlf Vista (The Bluffs) 1"1l 678-(Siil & S11tt 1-5) 535 Hatel Drive, Corona del Mor (l!at & 8un 1-li) 140 Lexington Lane, (Monti<;ello) CM 00.1711 . .J~lit 1,5) (a Bedroortl l F•lhilY •r Dtn) 4-05 Holmwood, (1"@wt!Ot't ilillHlll 1NB 67s-6000 1so 1-5) 1743 E. Ocean Blvd., Salboa _ 673'5!17 l!l_al l llun 1:1-BJ (4 lodrMm) * m1 setting Sulit>t,,tlottint dal Mar 679'1642 -(8at 1-5) (4 Bedroom & ~ai!ltlf et Del!j 1354 ti;, OceanlttJ,!i~; Balboa Pehft. 641'-2000 Eveo: ..,.. . (Dlilly 1-5) 2008 llaloarlt tltlva, Colla Mba 2021 !lo. Capella Court 1Me1i erdej , CM 546-0932 ~M&S®l 545-4025 ( en IJally) 2515 Lighthouse !\dad. Cott>1Ui del Maf 644-1010 (Ojlen House) 2138 Tustin Ave .. Newjibrl lleach 642'il:l85 (Sat Only) 1380 Oala•y Or .. (Dover Shoresi Nil 64:t-lfm (Sal !ln1y1 1539 Santiago Dr., I llay61flt) Nb 638235 (Bal Only) * 429 Isabell a Terrace, ICorona lti111'-~ lands) CdM (8al f-o * 1842 SanUSgo llt .. (tlliliff SMrMl N 64&-1550 (Daily 14-5, cloHd l!iil•let (5 Bedr&oill) 106t Salvador, (Mesa del Mar) CM (Sll l ~Im 1-5) 6412 Bellinger, HB 84M455 (Sun 1-51 111615 Los Flores (Fountain Vall.,,) ltll 84M455 (lfdri j.5) (5 Bedroom & Family or Ot11) ~ !llt Drive (Linda fJ:J M;I .,., ···-·-... ,.. ........ 'PETE BARRm OPPlt& O .. IN 11~ a. llln. l'EiE BARR"T REALTY 160l W..11iiff Dt., fl.I. .... . - -= --..==-~= ........ LIDO ISLI 51' wide SliSI lbl. 3 bedroom, I bath, dlnlttt room, 3 car garaee. Large beautiful pallo . . . .. . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,500 ' .. ~ 551 lo( i lllilirdaltl\ ~~ bilh, tbmily room. Suilt-in eleeltlC kl chen, huge living room . charming I stocy hottl~. '79.SOO. $54,000 1st 1'tUat l>ff8 , attd owhtr •UI taffy a 2nd. COLlEGE PARK 3 Bl!droom, 2 Bath. tJr!&l home for that ta.inl1y •jtlt boat or trailer to ~ 1tbrfd. P!Ufl double dtltH:hed &at· .... 926,ttl lltwport II . ,1frE1 ·11\1 '""~J ~f'1'\ll ~ SpaClbtis, '1.lll kept FOUlt BEDROQ~1 two bath horfti wtlh flA!lbwtxlb tLotl1l1! tlelti dWtl doul>W lafllo ;;I separate yard. Plui 1"" bed- !tRilll r@htlll at ,.,. •I 161 - 111ii1n 111t 1 l!llii!ill Midllllool . illlli•. fi..WOIIleHi!Y lile!JM HI l~lltiO!t llit ll!il!lfllllf, A bargain ~tmooo . SUBMIT 10% ooWH. , 1 .• ,. 1/1 • llAYIOiil LOU1IOl l«ATIOlll l a.drM 2 ldl , t!t10o0 rHA VA 4 "41111, View SJ7 ,IOO 2600 St. fl. Country estate od Mi.third acre $i'/1tllili 1.1. bedr'.".. ~~t~. n~~~. ~ .:~~~. ~~;lU M111 Verdi P~er.tter · rar.lt.t1· t=l.;:a· ::m J:lt~~ ~2 bedrm. uniJ~~~ Bii bl '41*'4:!11, .. 8·84% YOU ltAYll ·!lt;LY 1 Deya '9 Tl,k• AfY1n1tae of Our bf.I °lo Interest Rat e on the beautiful new homes of Rancho lo Cue.to on Brookhurst at Atlanta in Huntington Bdith • Our Lift~lt Mw1t ln t tease his ltthtUt ~itU an April 7, 1969 • Al; td~1iJ . ~ to assure yourseU ~I "t~ Id# Ullel'l!it 11 your selection of one o/ our 8 6r 4 bedroomi ~ ~r ~ bath, I 9r 2 ,stoly h6h1H and mali Y6ut lttlU!I deplllit of $50ti. C111 Hl•tMt IP Hl<Ult 1ny doy . · ll'MI to .. i111k1 - ' ----- Jttjl long enOugh to Stt this Ui11111Ml1 a BR custorrilted hom'e. Upper Bay loci.Ubn ~ q\ilet alt@\. Vaca.tit I ffla) l<ir )bur partictdar WliiJy, w~.4 clean " Me bl I kind . 931,100 Newpo~t ,, VictorJa Coldwell, Banker ' LidO 4 •• ,,., ' lllp 4 l!lt. !\>I lfflth, 11t• BpllOllb d••or on i lo\11 Willed patio i. /Ip pooh sup for so• bOI~ Btillder's owl! btittle .... ,. • ... $149,500 Jot <llorkson Pa~er11111le View! '1'! top ti! UWldr.Y• l!llls -.spacious ck lorn 1161$;\\l/i;:~: ..... ued family room, W ·h1t1 I flili~IiAI, '1W I and protected ~::~ d'!';L ..... , ...... , ........ $89,000 Htlilt tftlll l11•1me C411M 2 lilolColonial, 4 111ls1 dl!fl, l11t1. ttn. and jlabl, so incluit•d. a oarllng 8 SI! home, lol nft 'h. l'lenr el~tlietilttry stH®ls. Just tf ~tu 'M.iitd'ii .................. '68'500 Wltfrfrtlit ljiffltl Large pati~L siM!' bfac11 llhd sll~ for large hoat1 p!ti! enilffl\filf ~ bit burn• with guest 1pl.! l!hd oniy $59,0IJO, Mte llill lliday. Wll et Haase IMIJI I.It -hyerttt Dlfllhlful and ltlticllVe 4 Sedtootn, 23~ bllht family room, lormal dlnlllg room, dtllldHed gafllgo, tut tottl .......... $57,500 Morr Lou Morion Exc111,tle11ll Yl1111r 11nulliul 3 II.Ii, ·1 J!nlh c!ondorllllill1m with _ flt bai andt>owder room " tnany upgraded -rututel '47.900 "'-Wtll i1i6 ltilt! with tf!l~!t 'flil':Tt; .. ···H :J ~ ,"t I~ • -1.,.1 ; • .:•:' . OllHhlllllll111 H11111 Custom deslgliH 8 lieGi00rn hiltt1e with Htillra\e suite Or lijiatlin•tit ~61t!lstlng of sllllttg room , bedroartt and bllh (al•o !8UnAJ, PatteUed f81Hlly •-/don has wet bat. F o r n1 I I ftinln1 r o o m, Maid's ~ditllts. J'l'ill!lslotudlf dt!Mtfttfd. Rose-wobil ~arquel tlOllf9, 1!llqUlilt• chlhdellers. TM finest dtaperles ~nd catpeb. Swim- rnirig pool. l'atkitillilc View. ~hown by 8!'1>6~lment Ottly. Mf!. ltauiston Dlll't Dllf" • lwllft IH 1811 IHVltift~ jl&I. Westciil! 2 slory. 4 llltlfilOfll • ~¥ GfH, I~ bllh•• lamlN room, a litln\lce!, play area. Excellent lnc8tlb" lot eh liftn. • Mary t.ltJ MAtlett COLDWELi:, BANKER & CO. ltbo E. COAST HIGHWAY Nl!WPORT BEACH Kl t-3951 675-2000 " (1 ' , ' ' DllllY I'll.CT .If HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ltOUSIS l'Olt SALi RINTALS ~ --------1 H•-Unfumlohtd General lOOO Otnerol 1qaoMou V-lllO co....,. •1 Mor 11si· Hunlt"""' -1400 _.!:!t";;;;"";;;;;; ... ;;;;;;;•;;;h;;;;;;;;;;170.l;;,j-------1-=jjjiijiiij~jiiiijiiij---;;-*CUSTOM HOMI * -----·-...._ • ITIAL A HOMll -Coota Moot 1100 Condomlnlunf l\.&.l e ••L• HM•11 Ultfurnhhed I" OCIAN YllW $13,950 llY _,, '-• bdnn. c ...... ;.i Mor s.11ar" 11nn at 111,100. w Cuto as a 8"1'• Ear In udttalw ea.... -NNr <convert. don), tll ha. Most A<bnl...t H-. will •ll .., dowo GI. A 3 3 J: 2 .,ba i:,t":.:.""'..A!: I ·1M11-!A_CULA __ T_E_4_BR_, -, -b&-th ADULT -· H.1. i • lowly "' -&ciw II lntn -Vlrde 0ctoan Blvd. vlfw homo.~ lto4room ~ with lovtly ouli., bl..., Js, prlv pa.... home. Now '""""' " bdnn, 2 Joo, -/dr)tr, cu.torn ~t and EYerytWftt aw courw. ~ cu.tom v Will ttnanct on l1baral CMPttl • drw.»tt. Monthb ~ltw bdnns. Beam/post dn.pn, all built·lnl I; ftfr!I, blt~b\ stove, e:rp\I.. nu.tActn.AT!; APTS! b,.uti!Ully docorli.d Low do.. .._.,L ~ bit.Int, prlcad ~ 111&1' -. m,OOll. -tJl lllOO. lllefllde1 eonot. Cptd l drpd JbruouJ . """"'" llvb>& ....,m, Qlt~I drpo, ibrourbout, potlo A DIMED. oct:tn>ANC't with larle pool and 1h1I bomt I.. In lm.m&cUlabt bl. Luse lot • room. IDr ~ ~ Ab10M qu&lltlu. HUft.. $39,500. •tree t. 1 mm e d I ate pool. S3T..a559 ADULT tr~Y ·~~~-~and ~I~ ~-.,·th~"-""" -Coll-116M19. .......... ...,=-RWYt1 Ill • HOMI ""'Padttr Rtty -"""""""· $230/mo, CALL SECl'IONS AVAlLABt>:· • ~ , -~ ·--__ """7". ft 1 ~zz=::::z:!z:= JACK HAMMOND 51().IJ51 0u,1a. Unlum. 397S CIMo"' Shopping, Pt.tr 1pacbllfunib'room brlctftrtjllaet,plUlbwaUto C•ll• Partc 1111 _,._ IYS.RYSI MiNUTIS 11 'P-I (openeve1) 1-lerltqe Real e &p.cloo.3Br'1,2S. "'1~:r:~,~ =~:.:!:b~~3rrp~·n:~wt;;,·cp":':: lSJ ~,CdM Walker & Lee c!::z~0::e!·d~~. a:.N. 2 BR. cpts. di;pM, ·:.1q~:r..:;::~ ~~~~Put/pen 3 car Q:arage and buil!,ln re!rlgerator. lovtb' patio it nrdtn. . ' couUtne vH!w to DllDll pt, blt--1111. Qdldren line. $165. prefemd. $130 Month, 22.14· e Trpl, lndlv/)Ddry fae1a $ll~,OOO I'amlb'wdlnlneroomwllh ~ W.1' l1l4. Top VlEW·pool. oicioul ~BR .O::S:i.'° Near stores, Trade/1ubm1t month.~3 e Pacillc Avt., C .M , IM5An•h1JmA¥e •. Call Jim C.obb slJdinC 1lul doots open to lhape. $34.900. Ow h 1 r ho~. 40' llvl.nc rm. 1a UO.OXI On. YERV dN.n s Bk 2 bath 54&-Mlifi . I ~A lifESA 64J..20f Re1. 61).1.IM uotlc l&ndlC8.ped yard. Anx-~ muter 1utte, Owner tM-2144 ---Opo-ni!Ewl-itt. __ • I Hal Pinch In I MMC. M~ Del Mar, hU&e Jot. KC••' ALS I loua owner. Better call to-< BR -•·· 26' U I 2 CHARMING boultt ca dbl 3900 E. Coo.st Hwy C1M3D ~/month. J.-t. MS-4141 •-RENT day' 6IS-Olal ~-v rm. w w Assume 5% % 61 I ""'"'='~~!\f!!!!!l!!!l"• II.=.=:::::::::::-~~;::,, .,..11. Fuml•h•d FOREST E o=N INC. """' ..... trplc, dlb pr, lo~ s. ol a,.,,. IS,IOll.;. _~ OCEAN VIEW I BDM, ...... pall<>, lncd a Roomo Furniture · ' !hed. 125.1110. Aosume 4\1%. \)wller * "~ -~ N hldm. 1125 mA $ 2299 Harbor Wvd., C.M. 2211 Cornell -All· on th1o 2 ,...., 4 BR baaut,y, PRIVATE BEACH " •-·· 0 ' . · Ga-al 4000 20 • $25. $30 mo, lllllot ........... 1*1 lbowa lllro a mod&! home • 2 Br. 2 Ba, Open beam, taak, I =W=. =20th==. CM==·=MMS==.30=== ---------1 FULL OPTION TO BUY Business al Home Ne-!!!! 1w11 12111 Lov• NIST ::;:~~ .:-"" !ht =: ~,.:, •;!..~ i ·~;;;;;;;; ... ;;;;;ch;;;;;;;noo;;;;;; 1 11.!%. &uB"'Bk'-.·, :;~:,.wioo (lit~·=· ~~~bid $35,750 Shown by appl. -1• 1• -'"!lll!l!!!!!!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll --$21,995 S KliYI TO INCOMI ld"l sPOt for....,,_, OWNER must ..u 3 BR. I/I Ill': BACH. apL, utll. paid. •urn"i1u'"r"oRR.Co.ntals J• • ·-, '• 0 ·•-, I Bath Each ~-d.Uliftnt Cl.lte &nil ™'--t. S btdroom. A··" ~--In Joe r N H _,, " -~" II .. _ ,,.'' . .'::=. ..... _, _ _,, ocean view. pool, ~ vau. mw . ...,..,_, , ew ome home on e....,kburot "'" door: e&dl fl a ""'bol " 1 -th --noar ~ l'IRltON lllALTY ..,..,, •.tk to beach 6 TOWNHOUSE Brokoc .,.._ 511w.19th C.M. 548-3m lkauUfuUy landscaped. Thlil roundtd by commerci&L protlt. Ltt us lbow )'OU tbil of penlmula ~t. C>vrmer '4~1771 ihopplng center. ~198S Sollt lAwl S bdrms, : balhl sm: l-BR. C.Onwnient area. 1561 W, Lncln, Anhrn TI4-2800 Lusk Malibu design has 3 montY • maldnC ~t anxloul, $38,230, Do\.lt:lt Sar a I e, c:arpetl, UWI"-~ A u m .. 2 BR I" •-••-u.-rt •-··· -· ·•· 1~· --BU.RR WHITE, Rltr. •---p1 I ~..:.!.:'.:, ,,~ ~w """"'· • n ..... w..o.. bedroo1TU1, 2 balha, lamil.y nw-,.-........., ·--u• vl.(J ........... Pool Jine 1'S He.. L1guna Niguel 1707 Ulll!)@t:, r on: ace, e e c. on».'11 ~ ruden twf, W/W, ranp room, breakfast nook and bNch. Only $0.500. 2901 Ne-.vport Blvd., N.9. Iii bullt-ina. ADULTS ONLY •• a: C1Vf1:n; encl. g ar a&' e. dlnln& atta, l<>""IY drapes ot llURR WHITE, ltltr. l•6!!7!!5-4UO!!!!!!!!!!E!!Y!H!!!l4!1!!!4!!51!!J~ISee thb °'"' lhll1> home, SPACIOUS l BR plus family ................ ~month. Ceola -4100 sroru """'980 and carpets, mirrored clos-vi~. 2901Newponmvd.,N.B. -•--tnewc·~••-·•b-room. 21,1 ba. App 1600 sq. ?4rs. Fay 1 .1~175-~.~B~R-2 ---- et door1·1n Muter Bedroom ,.., __ , 675-4630 Ew1 67).0Ut ......... ..V"" .... u.,.,. ft F'uU · $77000 Pla la~ • leach : ;77 • ~ ba, g~. '"!"~"""""!!O!!!J!I!!!'!! ... !!" lay l1l1nd1 1350 out, cowrtd patio, 1ot1 ot · price ' • ce • $25 un. U Food paUo; w/w, recrel· :1=b~~bo~;~~ '46-1111 1=0l'EN HoUlt lo.:! Sat I: Sun -~----·---1 decklnr: a pool with fllter A 1-:cRe:cal"ty~l,..94-S=-'I04----1alty; Inc. na. P don area . Bia.~ llllla. Call for sppt. r.,."""'""""""""""""'"•I PARK SITIINO e POINT e heatv. Don't mla thls one! RENTALS 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221 •Rooms $15 wk., up :c=~=,=u=--=.====:I Eastslde 1You owe it to yauraeU. to in. BACK BAY Larse 3 bedroom, 2 bl.th Onl.Y $24,1151> -GI or FHA Hou ... Furni1hed 64S-20XI Eves, 548-6966 • Studl.o A Bae:= _, m.. 5100 vPstigato our 4 dillerenl home on l l' lotl. Plen't;y ot ttnn1. l'"~""''"'""'""''"'""'""I • Incl Utlla 6 .erv. This 3 bedroom home Is new. &auUf\11 t.amlly home, sunny patio • landacaped MUTUAL RIAL TY Rentals to Share 2005 LEASE,HARBOR VIEW e Maid Service ' TV avail. "· I ,,. J Jd d t l:rade,Jn Pl'OlraJna. Anthonf. pool, fire pit, fenced·--. Nice open floor ••"1111 New 2 Br, den, 2. bath. • New Cafe &: Bar ~di, h~s all :we n!~re:~~ unique cciurt yard entry, plan. S~c'iow muter bed-11"1"' 1 GIRL, 21 to 25 to lhare Flftplae1, drpl, 1 u x u r Y 2376 Newport Blvd. MM'mli master bath, all new dte.pes 5 BR, 3 BA. 2 frplcs, tam room A bath, Panelled tam,. Peuntllft V1laty 1410 ~/':. :er~:;~ crpts, dlhw-.,her. Ma.sltr 3 BR TownhoUJe, compl. and new carpeta in bed· nn. By Owner, Prine onl¥ i1y room w!bJa: tlteplace. -suite, Oval tub, marble furn, 2 full baths, for lease rooms and ~ths. Alley ac-ORANGE COUNTY'S pis. $44,950. CC E. 21 St. Come lff this Wftk~ndl MIA.DOW HOMI 4 llt ~af"'t,..•,,_P_,M-,--=-==~ cntn. La:e LR, dlnina nn or rent. Clubhouse, PQOls. cess for boat or trailer. LARGEST 17"1 E. ~an Blvd.~ $21,900. FHA or VA. Large GIRLS desire l1rl (24-38) ti> w/open ceutna. Pvt park, Avail April L Contact Salu '27,500. 293 E, t7th St. 646-4494 SCOOP II borne with bis yard&: patio, s~3 B~ 2 BA beacb dub house, pool. AvaU May of I Ice, Mo n t t c e 11 o JEAN SMITH, Th• prlmo 5 unit aporlment I.Ida lalo 1351 !lu all !ht bllllt·ln. k Jaraa apt. 3-0095 l . 64&-0525 day•, 6'13-J895 T,,_,_.,,., Folrvl•w Rd., FIXER U""ER on the entire pentnaula. -------._;,-1 family room. There are 3 ~R°"oo~,"'-=1"AT~E°'""",.-,.,-,-;.,,-,-mal~e eves. C.M., 1 block So. ol Orange Realtor S99,~ -wortb every pen-lde1I Retirement ha"'· .... dra -~="""'--~--t Coalt Colle&•· 2 bdrm BEAOI COT!' AGE s-~ down, l ·BR, t• Ba, u,., carpe .... 05, pe.11, or female. Efficient • TO\VNHOUSE 3 bdr, 2"' ba, 646-3250 ny of It. Wlll trade for in-•JW ~ titeplace, ltJ'Vice porch. U qualilied. s:rr.2100 w/w carpets, dtape11 frplc, HOLIDAY PLAZA 1,..,..,..,..,..,.....,,.. ... 1 31l 3Sth Strfft, N.B. duatri&L Exclu.slve with bltins; upandah1e 67&-2643 10" want qulity It. value ======== fe~ patio, elec blt-lns, Dt:LUXE, lp&cloul 1-Bdnn. OPEN SAT/SUN 12..C Newport l11ch lte1lty ct.ll at once. Cost• Men 2100 2 car gar, pool, '115. Furn. apt $135 Plus util. Arnold & Freud 675-!6<2 HH Tho•• Quallfl&1 00-1219 Heat .. poot. Ample "'"""' Realtors M&-77551""'!'!!!'!!~~~'!!"!!'!!'"' 35', 2 br, IO pyt patio E-end, lfWMIHll .2 ~ .. gar., patio, Tropical No chlldrtn . No pets 1 ..,~~~"'!"'!"'!~~I BOAT & TRAILl!R Tappan ranee, retrta ..... ~ ~T"!!TISllf' setung for edits. 1 Blk Wettcliff 3230 19M Pomona. CM I' 4Yi OYc LOAN Plenty of space 4 bedroom 3 tr I dryer, can expand. -shops. S11IO. 544-4780 VIII P Ap bath. Tenttlc view of Back CAN'T LAST-$145,000 ftnn. SMALL ba hekir · l $165-2 Br. beam ceilings, * • omona ts. about the breathtaking vlcw . 2 0 Bay, ExclUllVe. 646-U.14 R. c. GREER, Realty ~~= ~i!!iS~nd~ male only.~ m~. s·i n g e bltns, W/\v crpts, hid pool. Calta Mesa's newest&. most &. the dramatJc f bdrm l $ll 950 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 Ad ults, no pell. 6'2-2514 luxuriow: apls oow renting. bath plll.!l famlly room home. ' ~ ~=~ J y.•lth family room and larae 64&-2657 Furn & unlum. Ad ults onl¥· Ove I ki the B k B 3 BR, bJt,Loa, corner lot. D 1 ., --1 £ Master bedroom. 2% Bath, Porn A r 00 ng ac ny. Rltr. °'"·9~" E·-. ., ... """" I t• ,... statl 1 .. ,. c•-Ung. 1 blk -ex-Newport Beach 2200 Corona del Mir 3250 ""' pets, 1760 ona vt., Jwit <.'Ompleted by Ivan """' '"" ..... .._.,,,,-u 15 Vii Orvleto -r-w c;;T. ---jUlt south of 18th St, w "-'th 14' bl t Jnt • KDINfDY --1 Im ctllent Khoo!, 2 blk1 to LG 2 BR ~ di ;,..;wta•·iwum'. a a:1 er· In 3BR Waterrrvnt No. 62 :r1111 t a on market. Cul-ahopp•--. Only 134.600 . LIDO Shopping; 3 Br. 2 Ba. ' ivnn. n. rm, CONDO.; 2 BR., 1 ~~ ba., ...... ... tom 2 BR, 2 ha, tam nn .... d lx I Rl'-ne\v deep pile cpts I tlrps. · d 'd dbl HAPPY EAsrER Bal~-~--11 O O O O •-n• '"' .... or .... ""~" P .: yr Y· u · pr1v. Y ; att • • gar.; PRESTIGE NEWPORT n-~ ~~~.., • • home, Light ~ airy . ex-,.. .. "~ ......-"'1.XI 673-9300 or 673-6137 Be all b)' yourself on thla pool, Ideal for bachelol'fl, lei°"" Sun.) r~u •~ ,.,,.... Ira h ' ••1500 x-•-lot' N'-patio. 0 N wUl oonaid ther 5'1-1 arp . ..., ' ... h 1705 u a ..... ' "'"' ma.ch. All utensU., dlabea, Roy J. Ward Co. 5 BEDRM. $49llO D W or " o ' LIDO REALTY, INC, _L_,!f'-"-"°--'----Balboa 2,00 l2'lS mo, Inc. Jldnr. Bkr. linens $235 Mo.~ (8aycrcst OU ice) Exclll!lve area! 3 baths, fam, 1~77'11===-~-~-1 3400 Via Lido 6i3-8830 S'r.i--6726 1!42 Santiago Dr. 641>.1.1>0 ily room, Isolated rear Uv-BAYFRONT 3 Br. Beach 2 BDR?.1 home Peninsula, l=========-1 Gr1clM11 Adult LIY lftl ''"'""'"''!"'""""""!""''"'I ing room. Brick patio with hous@; · priv. beach; 80' BAYFRO.NT. Ftntst heh clean &: quiet, adults, Huntington Be1ch 3400 1 &:. 2 BR., w7w cpts, drapes, 1· Vacant · gas BBQ, fine!t built·ln al)-Bay1hore Park leasehold. " loc on Lido. \Vill 1ell • reasonable rent for right pool . Student. O.K. pliances. 540-1720 $13,500. 543-'7391 .,.. -80' •• uni"' Id •• bYm!l couple. 644--0603. eves &. FREE RENTAL BOOK MESA EAST APTS. Mesa Verde Tri-level ln move TARBELL 2955 Harbor MOBILE H Bay Fro .,,., va ' -• e... & ROWSE . t ••• HO'IE •-INCOME week~nds Or 3-8392 DROP IN B 145 E. 18th, C.M. 642'3474 in eondltion Compare this ome, n -. •• "' · 4 bedroom ~ !Drmsl din-2400 Sq. ft. PRESflGE NEW on the Peninlula. $lS.SOO. Drive by 3XI Via Lido Notd, Walker & lee BEAtrrIFULLY FURN in& room Republic home for ENC.'LAND 2 story, Huae 675-3808 or 675--3ZJS then call 6n.-0305 or ~~= _s_un_ao_t _B_e_•c_h ___ 2_4_5_5 1 Inunac, clean! 2 Br, pool lowe1t price and beat cond~ Uvlng rm. Formal dlning ~l'l>-32<3=~~-=~~,.,--. u_.._ \VANT Something different! 7682 Edingf!r Adul!JJ, no pets $150. 2272 lion. Vacant, $38,500 ~move rm. Sep. lam rm. 4 BR, Newport Hgts. 1210 LIDO Isle, Via Orvleto, 5 • 414•1177 3 story Bayfront, 3 BR A 142.4~ or 540-5140 Maple. 540-55fi6, 6424807 in this week. 3 ba. Redutro $4000 10 bdrm!,• 3 ba, tm nn, din den. 16917 Park Ave., Sunset Open Eveir. A'l'TR. film 1 bdrm, w/w "For A Wi&c! Buy'' J:4l,500. ~t. w/ help LOTS WITH A VI !W rm, lae patio, ~p. ms.id1 OCEANFRONT AP ART-Beach. Boat dock allo avail. IDEAL for the i maller re.ml-crpts, Ip cupboard 1 . (olesworlhy & Co finance. 646-7200 for appt Two loll with bay and octan nn.. blt·lns. &'73-0m lor MENTu·•-.:,mWe._~~.-~ tJ:: ly, 3 Br. \\'/den, cpll, drp1, closets. $85. Lease. 2538 I COULD WRITE A SONNET" • • • HARBOR GREENS BACHELOR • UNFURN. & from $110 ALSO AVAILABLE I • 2 & 3 BDru.t. J.Icated Pools, Child Care Center, Adj. to Shoppifla ~ No pets allowed 2700 Petet"!IOll Wsy, at ftar- bor &. Adams, Co.sta Mes&. 540<310 ORI.WIS APTS. 3 BR STUDIO POOL ADULTS ONL '{ 1741 Tustin Avenue off 17th StrHt Costa M1sa 641-4641 3 BR 1 ~ ba, bl.t,in range & oven. With ga~. $150. ALSO 1 BR apt.. blt,ln · tatl&'e l oven & refrigerator. $100/mo. ' Wetls-McCardle, Rltrs, 1810 Newpo11 Blvd., C.?il, 548-7129 • l BEDRM. + vtew. Worth n'l',(00 each. -•O'PP'-·==,._,~,._.,,...,_ ...... ·-i.;.uau·. ' L•aun1 Bt•ch 270$ bltn11, dshwhT. POOL. Newport Blvd. =. 2 t.th unit, 2 prqe IPBC· - 612_7777 OPEN EVES. FAMILY RM, $19,450 For .neither $9,000 you can BY OWNER 2 Br, 1 be., es. SWinun1D& pool, lovely GU'dener furn. \Valk to CHATEAU La Pointe Lovely NEWLY DECORATED t.,;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;ol2 bathll. Inviting fireplace. have this Jarre house that f.rplc. bltns, plyrm It ba. view deck. Swlldi&b fireplaOI! SEA COAST VIEWS schools. 962-3831 turn. 2 Br, apt. Pool. adultl, 2 BR. w/&aragto _ dlspos,j ,.. Gleamini bullt·ln range & needs work •"" p&lnt. 4 BR Best IJdo bll)' Ut,500. LG. CUSTOf\I HOME no peu. $150. plus util. 11141 ard DELUXE DUPLl!X -oven. Family room. $135 +pit hO~~ 3 ba, 2 kitch.. TI4/6~ ~ • $47,500 4 BR. S ba, huge !iv. nn. 3 BR house, I ~' BA, new Pomona, C.lif. • &' ener . water paid New 3 BR Units Peninsula P""""ents. ena, l" ... ae for 3 ce-Total EMERALD BAY • OCEAN crpts, custom drape.'!, im-~~--~--~ 5'8 Bernard Apt B $llla dJ t t 0 & a n.. """' ----. Frplcs. Spa rm. &, sauna, macu.late. Couple p1-eternd, DELX apt, spacious 1 Bdrm, 2176 Plncentia Apt B S1l5 a acen ° cean UG.J TARBELL 142·6691 prlce $43,COO.Owneranxlotll, l1lbo1 l1l•ncl 1355 FRONT-Acrouitttettrom pool tble . .$6(() monlh partt. no pets. $225. 962-7331 appt. pool, Ideal for bachelosr, e 636-4110 e $59.950. '1'% financ!na. --make oiler b al1" furnished. 494. ""53 n1y n~ 1993 CJ h 54° -·• Balboa Real Estate Co. 4 BEDRM. • $21,500 • ISLAND SPARKLER! sandy beach. An older uy OJ 0 • ..._. iurc ' ,,....~ OCEAN bn!eze upper Apt. 67Hl40 ELEGANT• 2 STORY 9: ~~ 3 BR, 2 ba duplex. aubitantial .c bdnn home. Summer Rentili 2910 3 BR, 2 Ba, den, frpl, 1ctttn-1 BDRM apt, just painl.ed, ire 3 BR 1% ba. Avail. 700 E. Balboa Blvd., BaJboa 2 Baths. Push button built· a ,.., A Bu,v at $77,000 Spacioulballvinc room, dinini ::.::.:=.:.c::=;;.:._;;;;.;.;; I Id porch. POOL. Ret. $250. ready Apr 12lh. $115 per April L'i $160/mo. 2286 ca- i jiiiij;j im. Ht1ge family room. Plush'W I A ~ CANON REALTY area, 3 th!, vle\v deck • WATERFRONT Dix. duplex: Lae. 540-7652 mo. 2131 Elden, C.M. nyon Dr. Apt 5 bctwn l carpeting, 24 ft. muter bed. NB 1 y 3034 E. Cout Hwy 675-3581 $100T,OOO. A I I 3 Bt., N'pt. Island. Gar. TOWNllOUSE 1 Br. Bltnll, 2 BEDROOM apt with pool, PM & 3 PM or phone. MJ DUPLEX room Jow.r J.v.J. 54"1....,. Near Poat Ofc, 146-2414 urner 11ec: 1 '' ., .,.,..., .... ,,.., Lndry, boat dock. Vaen.tlon R/O, Wsht/dryer. Pool .t thlldn!n O.K. no pets. 2263 -MJ.• TARBELL 2955 Harbor '"-~!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!! Huntington leach 1400 682 No. C'.oalt Blvd. or summer. 6 7 3 -17 58 i tennli, wtr. pd. $105 673-1115 Canyon Dr. 545.7104 -*.,-,V,;1"°11."'a'P'o_m_o_n_a_A"~"'·"· -I Near Beach &: Shopping Excetlent Value _ $34,950 George Wllll1m10n Realtor Eve.11. 61.),lfM re Lar1ma Beach 1114' f91.U77 l!OS 969-317' I"' YA Foreclosure N1¥1p0rt ShorH 1220 • EXCLUSIVE • 673-7861 or l 3 BR, 2 BA, bll-lna, firepl, • Nauau Palms • Co.ta Mesa'• newest&: mo11 Ev quaJlfi ,. •twU> • UNTIED n • .l .. ---> Co NPT Bch new 3 BR, 2"' dbl gar, fncd. yd. $1'1'5 mo. 1 & 2 BR.· Pool luxurious apts now rentrr.. cl')'One es • -4. BR 2% ba. Nr beach, Divorce farces a qulek aale Charmin& n.uwuuu tlafe BA nicely furn, hid pool. 962-4391 177 E. 22nd St. 642--364.5 Furn 6 unturn. Adult1 onb'· down. 4 bedroom1•H· CALLrl club bo\llt, pool&. Jut ht~. You can be a winner and Separate Rtatal. Easy 6-l~ to 9-1 Ou:. Sftlon.Mo. no pet&, 1760 Pomona Avt., 540-ll51 (open eves t tq:e ftdtt. Ptl'f. cond. Streit -ll you. huny, .c bedroom•. walk to bu.ch and town. 644-1063 fount1ln Valley 3410 QUI!!.'T deluxe 2 BR. Immac. Jwit IOUtb of 18lh St. Real Estale to street. $32,500. MJ-8086 2 baths, family room, 5 Coltqe haa 2 bdnns. 1 bath, Adulta only. No pets. $150 P • ( I I kitchen. din room, OJ>l!!l')o RENTALS month. 1974 Wallace. 3 BR 2 bath O:irx:lo. W/w rime ommerc I Cost• Mei• 1100 Westcllff 1230 ~ ~~ LSHLD. Askin&: beamed ctlllna: Uvtnc room HoUNI Unfurni1hed lbl~: ~~51~a:n~· i!~'. CLEAN 2 BR, Cp1', dr\)I, carpeUna, blt·ln oven, ra.nrt -------·1----------BURR WHITE, Rltr, \vith fl.replace. Rent.r over iooo Av•il. Apiil 20. 8J9..l G65 built-ins. Garage. Eaatslde &: dlshwuher, Double Ill'< :rt~~~ ;t:;mb~4 ~I~ $26, 900 • 5 IR ~~vt! ~: = 672i°}.t~wpoErt•Bl••vd.i:.2N.225.B. ,. ~rm~~nU~ ':~ Gener•I ... 370S or unf. $155. 545--9187 :::: ~.No peU, $190/ storea tuJly teased at $1006/ rm; aenrlce PQl'Ch, elec I , .... -...,'",..!!IJll!!!'""-!!l!I,..• 1 d 1 for redecorat4..... $75; 1-BR., tncd yd., gar. L19un1 Bt•ch QUIET Deluxe bachelor, 1m --SQ=llEAKY==~c~L~EA=N~ mo. Potentlal unlimited. Price reduced. $2700 dn. Lux. O e a ...... f)'pl. Partly furnished -''--------1 Santa Ana Ave, C.M. No $llO 000 F IP 2!l'ic features, lrg fam nn., hrdwd bOtnl. tan crpta 6 dtps WOW! $32,000. Broker ~ 2 BR, view, remodelled, pell. 646-6542 Spanbh 1 Br .• Sl40, part ut1L • • • o down A firs, !rplc, bltna, 2 BA. Xlnt thru out thl1 S BR 2 Ba MARSHA1J., A: ROPP . plush cptg., bltlns. Uni. pd. Adults. J.Ge. patio, encl. owner \Vill carry 1st TD. prestige loc, 1 blk Killy-home. Prof. lndlcpd &: 211 Ocean Aw., 4N-1ml n30: 2-BilR. gar. ' I 'o'lriKg. $195. turn. $250. 494--97'8 I N--" Be•ch 4200 aa.r.; 12S. Apt. c •• Genco RJty Co, 642-4422 brooke grade schl E. 01 maint. w/ children'• play 4 BR 3 bath 2 story home, avail. Ch' dren · pe s · · ............ ' Clearbrook Lane PRIDE OF yrd A pet am. Heavy ca-11 &: drapes •'"-u•h-Deserted VIiii Broker 534-6980 L1gun1 Niguel 3707 SJNGLE Young Adults Lux, !{arbor, N. o1 Baker. Prine lh&k•roo! complete• thlll ... ~ uuv_ 2~R Studio apt. 1\~ bl., OWNERSHIP! only. 1311 Stonefield. OWn-charm1na bome. By Owner out, profeulone.lly landscap. Enc, COW't)'ard, 15' vaulted 3 100 MONARCll BAY AREA ury garden apts with coun-ericlo!led g/U"8ge & patio, ''0$" OOWNI $24,950 ~'cc'·=Sl<::-·-2160===-,,= $42,950. 142-1511S =-c~~s~~~:ntncr!': ~~~·ba~d;~:~ ~7!~: .;;UCN"-o:V;..t'-aRN_M_•_3"-8-R-. -H .. -.,-.-26-22 ADULT COMMUNITY :,pt!~: ;:::s~~er;,~ ;:=sE & ~~ Day11 Texas sized bedrooma, over. OWNER BAIIJNG .OUT.1========= I ,_, h ,_, •-•.1--.... 3 BR, den,:;! BA home, BAY CLUB APTS. !JVine ve. sized living room. Lovely Bring your paint bndh. $2000 Eaitbluff 1242 t :prov~· ~el'd950for fast jtc ·• h""'c'. cp':"~-500· "'''" Santa Ana Ave, Of. Water blt-Jn1, trplc, beated pool •t lGth N•-rt Beach, REDECORATED -3 BR. rear yard, High block fence. moves YoU In, Low lntertatl---------IA at 0 Y .-. · CI or q\lf, c annlfl&' . ...,., pd. $140. 962-5050 1250 mo. 10 to 5, 496-1243 1~;1~ ."~""""" 2 BA downstairs Apt. mo 5W-1720 nlA terma ?i-USSION REALTY 49&-0731 .'-c"'"°-~-~-,,,,,,---,; '" ~ loan......oo l0aa -!ees.lbed-EASTB.l.UF£." Con. MUTUAL REA:t:TY 9 80 Olatt-Htr1 t.quna-2 f\10,-rent m advarw.e •. 2 BU~·•i-rpl~-ta ~o. Appoi.11tment o gt 1 . TARBELL 2955 H•rbor roo1111, 2 baths • excellent domlniwru. 2 ioide: by 1lde. • • bdrm. U30.1t1o. 231).A Cecil Oi•W .c&n. S a•t OCEANFRONT, btaut. f BR. ~ 1-iiiiiiiiiiiiii;J;ii;;;o;iliiiiili .. l IU't'a. CALL 540-1151. (open 2200 sq. ft. 1a. J BR. 4 142-1411 Place &46-92!l5 $235 mo. UI June 15th. ., BR 1 " BA I" llk 2 BR " de Extra I ---==~==---$3$.000 DUPLEX, 2 and 1 · 1DontJ tt1111 • efkn. Lool e &121265 e .. . c ean, l ~ , 1 to Entert1ln? eve1J J.lerit1111e Real Eatate =~· ndlUo n; hOI $23,fM BR. vino, just nmodeltd, ntE QUiamR YOU CALL. town. ni. DAD..Y PDDT , dshwsht, crpta, drps, rv. Call to K-e this REOUCID TO uxe co n w c ce ilVU pvt, wild ldtchl!nal 494-1741 THE QtnacER YOU SELL MW!ll OCEANIBONT 2 BR. $160 adults. Nr 19thJPornob& 675-SlOO $20 95(): ~.~~ ~~· ~l,~PP~ OJ no down or FHA. 4 DR. ltlNfALI RENTALS R"E"'N""tA=-L'"S-----"'°· tll.J~ .. ,!~~· e $lt5. 54&-6357 l BR, plw l Ba, coiy dlnlnrr/ ' .0..1 ba •• 'd •-~ ~ LARGE 2 BR t W •·id tamUy rm. 2 trplcs + pi:,y --' ?<.fark Les Rltt. · 2 iwl • cp ..... J"PI, .. .., HOVMt furnlthocl "OUHS Furni1hld HoUMI Furni1hed ====-==== ap · es,. '· I c .M. lnveitmenl Co. stS..1711 kitth, with food centtr. '£n. -· 2000 Corona del "'·r 4250 near shopping. Relirtd cO.I, rm. Endostd pool aeparate cloNd front pt.tio witb dee. Generil 2000Gener•I 2000 Generil ""' pie prelen'ed, S 9 S I mo . Play yard, $52,500. POOL· 3 Bdrm · 1''am rm. C dal .,_ 1250 ortlor t•-t1, It So I H SU-2517 after S PM 1 Walker Realty ll'°'mo pays·".'"" Int. entnl ""'' RAS .... 2 BD tum upr, o wy. -Ml .,., I HEAR RIAL TY Small prt porch. cal.I Villa Fino Apts. 3 BJL · l~~!!!!"""""""!!!!"'"~I Rind Rt•lty 645-2340 IA.STER SPICIAL 847-1531 Eve. s:M-7090 713.-431,11$ eves. Uni Children Wclcorne $150 OPEN Jiouse l to 4 Sunday. $© ~µ l],"Btf I I t t . 1 I S BR t BDl\ld, t ba, •·-•·-"• ~ a s· 4300 •874 W. C.ntor Apt. l • mmacu a c ri-eve · Mes• Verde 1110 SmAll houae on rear oL M ._, .. ~1"'' . -8 Ibo with fam ily rooin and Jqe lot, plua rentll unit. F'Ull rm, .Z,500, Com p I• t e I • 1-l & 3 BR. apt&, unfum. : 1'Jaster bedroom 2~ Ball\, MESA Verde Pacesetter· 1· _._ .... ..... •1 ooo dn iprinklft" l)'lte11l, ovtnbtd Sotv11 Simple Scrambled Wo,-d Puzzle for a Chuekl• a.EAN Bachelor Ap!S. 998 El Camino Dr., CM ne\V carpeting. i blk to e11:-level, .C BR,. lge pa~led R.';Jtor-.•"""' ..,, · · dou~ la.r&ll. Ill new All util incl f15 up * 546-0151 * cellent school, 2 bl101 to den: tep. dlninl!: area. Quiet ' _ ,,_ draJ>ll, larae pt&, ftnotd, o• •~ I h 315 E Balboa Blvd 2 Bd ts/d · ·+&.. -· Yd lull I .... • •111-..:w.. 1 b'" to obopp•-· -n•·-, tot1'9flte -r• 0 1 • ' ' r crp rp!, pri Pl,....I i:;hopping. Only $34 ,5 00 . s .. ....,t. • Y "'""· ,.,·-------· "' u05 "'"'...,.. four cm111br..-' word b. BALBOA .,_ """" .,....,. .... "'40 mo Jo mo~' Agent. 534-8-184 or 554·25.16 btautifully lndscpd. B y l• 2716 WlndOYlr, ''M 1 blk to beach club. Ii walk· low M fotllt fou;-:mple> ~di. 01 "'""'""' ~ ...,. ' _. owner $3S t50 54S-4025 ..... tnr dllltance fD OCflJI, cau I •-• h ·-BY O\VNER. 3 btdroom Con-' • • Hard to tlnd Broadmoot ttL MM!i2S IV INC IO I Huntlnffon .,_c --l BEDROOM 1pt with pool, dominlum In quiet llun, 2021 So. Capella Court level 4 en, fam -.... ,,. •• , , • • ...... _ o K ts _, ... , ~-I I I I' I QUIET & llEAUTIPUL ;;::'_".'.':nnn,·. ;;.00 21!'1 • ........ tington &t,y Townhouac. No CORN.ER tot, 2,story, 4 BR m. n1w 6 oJeanl 1811.950 BEACH HOME -~· ~ • outside yard \\ill"k o r 21,i, tlA, den, din nrt. tned Delancey Reil lititi · Adullt only; 2 Br., utU. p&W. m&Jntenance. SU.9SO 962-6520 pool play )'Cl, nr Cnn:>-Cub, 2:821 E. Coatt H..,..,,, OdM , en \V·'k In Pool. SXIO. 14'/'~25 OUPLF..X. 2 Br.; 3 t 4 ttft 6. many extras. Avail July fT3.3770"' 8i!~h. ri;:;~ $22,9oJ. inm. I JOT IN I ~~m>n. Hunt. Bch. ~d;{~ta. 6 dre.»t•. BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX .$.c8.500.0wnr$6.85l9 L2E -" : RY ii I I j j G ~-n G-••10 t BR, new1 •• deed.,,.,~ 3 BR, 11A ba. plus 1 BR apart-BY OWNER, .C bedroom plu1 OPIN HOUSI lit. D. SLATIS, lllltr. . . . 1""' •••• --!JI bit i:. .' .. ults menL $57,500. den. 3 bl.. approx 2300 "4 SAT 1.5 847-3519 .Eves. 90-7369 SINGLE Y'bq Adwta Lux· ~ ~ sf6..sn6 . Pyramkl bcMngen: tt $38,!Dl. Owner will tak111 2'21 Sett"'e Sun Dr 5 IL a/. lo 6% 61 ~L I KI N I ury rmten apll with coon-2 BR. Unfurnished • 548-9569 Eves M0-4519 back 2nd, 2IU Ba.161c Dr, Harbor V5tw JiUl'a "neti 4 ~. 7' -Comment of o romantic tr)' club atmorpbere and $ll5 Month ~ ; 4 BEDRM •• $2),750 C.M. 54Jl.-09l2 BR, Pool bom•. 187,IOll. I I I pokor playon "A rnon olwoy1 cvBAmYp!O! .!'~.~ m JApl 2J Sballlnar, or Shaip • cl•an. 2 be.thl. "111 REPUBUC Home, 1 1tory, Newport Beach RttJ.1¥ Al.ume >ow int.mat rate ':::·::!·:;:::· ==~-~ draWI qvMns when ht'• got _....u ~·~ _,,_ ::z:::. dlnUW room., Carpeted. "Ap-4 Bdnn, 2 ba, xlnt 'tft)nd. 1~1842 from PtQO down. 3 BR + 1· • •" O.pman Ave., G 1 r d t n I BDRM unfum. $123. -m fll•Pl•"condltlon.~1120 131,000 "1 ..,,,.., 191IOWNER ..,, all, a vtaw dtnA4Bl<pmfileana. ITAKCIP 1-· ,_~ Grove<n4)-Sballmar Sl CM.~ TAltllLL 29.IS Harbor Pelican Pia ... CM. !116-1!01 ............... cwtlom bll HAPPDAL RIAL TY 1-.. r,.....,1-, ..... ~, ~,-1 0 c-1 ... tho .,,.,..,, •"''" """· 893-t487 • rt.. • BR. -IO w·-r rv "" ~ bv f;J11no '' "'-~"""' -• Llfll .. llooch 4705 BESI' BUY,Must Sell! ASSIJAtE LOw lR, " 2 bdrm. aol'IYH't dtn, I ba. •1 ...... • • • 9'V'"ftW YoU devalop lf'Ofll 9ttfl No. 3 btlow. , _ Newport Beach S200 4 UNTT APT. $43,500 Pan. den • tam. '31,500. din~ ""· formal tntry. 2 LO. km M . Nr I pta. I ... PllNT NIJMIEREO lE1ffl!S IN I' r ,. I' I D&LVXE N. e.nd 1*h. 2nd 1-3 BR, 3-2 BR. Big lot Owner wiU take 2 nd · $52.«iO. 5lS Hazel Drive. unlt...mM!cal. $19,900 ea. ..-V THCSt $QU..1.R[S • • • fir, pvt entr, deck, ocean vw, DELUXE 2 BR 2 bath, 400 W, Olive, lA lfllbra 540--41'2 PANOl\Aiiic Vl£W, 4 .BR tr.rm..Kircllmeytr Box 141 ------I blk bch, aht>pptnc. Adults. near Jtoq llosp\t.a) • u,Jo OPF;N. (213) flB5.8320 a ~~BA. fam rm, A tam rm.. 2SU tJ1hthoult Kl.Ila Pitaul Hawtill I uNkl1Mlte ..1.SQVE llTT(RS I · I I I J S140 me. 4£11--Bide. A\.'&U oow $18). Olv- HOMI!: • ft .. J lot. Exacl elcc bltlna. «N patlO, nice Rd, Owner. ~1010 IY Owner, 2 1tOI')' a bdrm, , TO G!T ~NSWER, . . • . _ rra WONW:ltl'\Jl., ~ m&tl1 plit or proftu'<>MI womln. \\.'t•slalde, 3 BR 21;4 btl, room landscp. $25,600. 540-2291-&Mi.O iit1hl1nd1, f &irm1, ram rm, Nr };each, u.umi 11t111 1n apptlucu ,_ ttnd ~No pell. Mar. 4201 1~• lt1r 4 or & units. 54,_J623 THE QUICKER YOU CAL4. 2 bt, octan vlew. pool. loan 5'49' 129,!r.JO, M2-t'7TI ln lti. Oa11tlltd Ad•· Che}ilt W-.y, NB &t2-4a7 ov•L n !E QUIO<ER YOU SJCLL }t>,JJOO. o...r. 17&-ml W>ll• e1tphan1t1 Dim...., ... , __ S_C_R_A_M_·LITS ___ A_N_S_W_E_ll_S_l_N_C_LA_S_S_l_Fl_C_A_Tl_O_N_9_0_0_0_ , .. m nawr 01.1 •1Ut61& ror Ri:SlilfrS ·=--------· .. --· ' I I I I l I ' • . .. • • • '" Are '(ou Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers ~ See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Gult1r 3. Biby Crib 4. Electric Saw 5. C1mtr1 6, Wi1sher 7. Outbolrd Motor 8. Stereo Sit 9. Couch 10. Clarinet 11 . Refrigerator 12. Pickup Truclc 13. Sewing M1chint 14. Surfbo1rd 1 $. Machine Tools 16. Dishwasher 17, Puppy 11. Cabin· Crui$1r 19. Goll Cart 20. B1rometer 21. St1mp Collection 22. Dinette Set 23, Play Pen 24. Bowling Ball 25. Water Skis 26. Freezer 27, Suitca$t 28. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31 . Bar Stools 32. Encyclopedi1 33. Vacuum Cleaner 34. Tropic1I Fish 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 36. File Cabinet 37. Goll Clubs 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41. Slide Projector 42. L1wn Mower 43. Pool Tobie 44. Tires 45. Piano 46. Fur Cot t 47. Dr1pe1 48. Linen• 49. Hor•• SO. Airplane 51. Org1n 52. Extrcycle 53. Rare Books 54. S~l Boots 55. High Chair 56. Coins ' 51. Electric Tr1in 51. Kilton 59. Cla11ic Auto ~o. Coif" Table 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Sot 65. Workbench 66. Di1mond Watch 67. Go-K1it 68. Ironer 69, Camping Tr1fltr 70. A"'ique Furniture 71 . Tape R-nl•r 72. Sollboot 73. Sporll Cor 74. Mattr .. 1, lox $PfS _7S. lnboor.i SpMdbolf 76. Shotgun 77. Soddlo 71. Dart G•me 79. Punchln9 lag 80. Billy C•rri•g• 81. Drums 82. Rine 13. Oosk 84. SCUBA Gur These or any other extra things around the house may be tumed into cash with a ·DA-IL Y P ll 0 T -WA NT· AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There! • DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In On The Action Today! • 1 O-rol UAL ESTATI ' UAL ISTATE .,.,., .. .~ ~--''""200'""l!;.;11_-;;;.m,:;•;.;ftr'"'-"'""'="-;;;":::'0:5 I Aa-i .., ~· 2 BR 2 ba ut>/ilown FURN.• .... pine rm, 1uat S... D .... ~ -.,, __ palntod, ,... ... ·-eblr l'rMW•y Ac ..... WIW q> .. /dn>f, _jlt~, 21J.1,Jldep._MO.ill>'. ---I'll--llon ol --"'''-· IDEAL I« ... IUn•mah, day Old..c.dillac lleolorabip $l'IS/mo ltue. 644-Cfff drlf't. $1150 wk. QI are RM.I ,E1tate.. parcel avallab~. N'Pl' lllucf Dix. up$llf ~1969 a. Ont to ·five acres on s,n dQIU; 3;Br. 2 Ba. Cpts, . Dle&o l'rMWI.)' between drJ>!: , fJ')ll Eloc. . bltm, I-P ..... rty 6000 Crown Valley .,,..,,... aAd -· Pitt, allP. No pota ----Viejo, e.....r. -$325 ~. SfUt25 13 UNITS. 1pljl ~tolld. alwa.y1 come1 Contact Stan Allen 2BR. 2·BA. i!d-Wt1. m rented, l(Ood.>-return, luae betwMDtand5'at pets. $l85 mo. 4245 69' 'loan. ~barz'ain: at fM.1114 or 81355 ~:W"l'.. ~ = Phil, .Sulhv•an 1-i.~~RE VIE~'SIT,E 2,,BR, ~ o( d~ 511119 4 NE:\V 'UNITS ...., belna No, S8n l>i<(O•o.ty., nr•Mt. 3!'1! s,t; Q\)lil. OK.,,1140 i1'0 ....._ Ea .one w/fu!I 8"y P~. Ulll. in.•Only $5500. l~ Ski\~~· vitw, '1'45 Domingo Dr, N.8. Bk! . .f94.6488 i .BR. 1"% ,BA. Pvt patios. (just be.hind CdM-JlSJ Sale ~lO~A'"CllE,'!""'~nr,::.... ~Pi>lmdale---.. -•. ~· mo. Adult& 'only, no by owner-bldr. ~1$0 .lake -Loa Atigdn .. ldust pets. 1721 Bedford La.. &SIDE CM 2 hses, bQme sell, E-Z Ttnn1. $.1,000 per 2 BDRM, .2% be.. Wutclift f inc, Xlnf cond. 2 BR M.. Owner 84&-2019 am. patio A . pool. $265. ea. Nr ahops * Owner on IWI!. Agt. 642-6366 54&-l?S7 Ex~hanps, I. E. 6230 * * * ""' · ' Whoddya Wontt Whodclyo Got? '' '' '-~PEC:IAL .CiLASSIFl<i~TION 'FOR NATURAL. l ,ORN SWAPPI RS Spoclol Raio * 5 Lin .. -5 tlmoo - 5' llucb . JIVLEI -AD ,Y.VIT tNCLUDI: t-Wtlat ~ ,._,... te I~. 1-WMt 'fOW MflJ 1n ....... ..r-YOUllt ·fMM •nG!or ......_ ...S Unq " ~-I-NOTHING FOR SALi!' -TRADE! OHLYI PHONE 642-5671 -To Pl1ce Your Tr1der'1 ParldlM Ad Eitt Bluff -5242 * NEW FOUR·PLEX * Near Beach, Huntington • NEW DELUXE e Beach. 165,000. 847-3957 S Bt. 2% ~ apt. tor lease . WILL Trade $150,IXK> in Trust Deluxe 4 bedroom 2 bath Deeda and/or $175,000 in home in Oaremonl. Ex· completed large oce&Q view change for ~ County lota in Laiuna Beach for property or TD. Fortin Co. Orange County apartJnenta I ·642-5000;.=:i:"i~'°"-.,~~­or clear level land. Broker Costa Mesa Eastside home. 'lll·12l0 Room for 2 mo,.., Ex. 17 Ft, fiber &:Jase outboard and big wheel tilt trailer. \Vill trade for landscapina:. PHONE 6444681 Ind. spac, ~-suite, din luslneu Rental 6060 rm. A dbl. a:araae. auto. - -openor avail. """' • Balboa bland rec. area. Nr. Catholk: Small store or office Church & ac"°°1 Ir Corona $150 w.w. carpet, del Mar High. Rltr. 642-9555 ~USINESS 1nll FINANCIAL charige for :r.t-1 or home in North or East San Diego, Fortin Ul. &n-5000 e ONLY $280 e luo. Oppertvnlti• 6300 m ..an Ami&os Way N.B. FREE DES~ SPACE in =~--~-~·--1 small shop m exchange for HAVE B. 1' Contractor's LEASE, -luxury· view, Split taking messages, del. Call license, Would like financial ~2 Br, 2 Ba, apt. 546-4478 Eves. partner or RME p 0 a , ---'-i'--'.._.;;.;;._.:;;;;;c: '56 Cad. 2 d.r. aedan . runs! Trade tor tand-ent or 3 whl. bic~le. furniture, applianc- es, or submit. __ BAL. Island; lease; 2 stores, w/right party. 853-Center Corort11 • .. Mer 5150 together or tep. St/Apt 11, Coita Mesa lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 307 Marine Ave. 673-8753 le"u=UTY="°'SALO="N~-~LA~G~UN=A HARBOR BJ., C.M. 3100 sq 2 yrs old, 6 units -.. -f t garage. 4 dbl drs. $600. $1500 cub + inventory ., _Bkr. 615-6591. evea 494-7161 Take over payments ..,. fM.9972 • Ewa 494-8619 Office Rent1f 6070 WANTED: off-sale liquor ON TEN ACRES L'GUN·· IE•CH liceflSf!, Orange County. Owner 640-1675 Laguna B e ac 'h. Small, sharp, commercial bldg. Low down payment or T .D. in exchange, Bkr • .<fM.1330 2 indust. bldgs. on Placen- tia, CM. Trade $95,00Q eqty for property + ?. Value 80 AcreEand walnut grove. Excellen shelter. For beach ire property. Fortin Co. 1701-A Westcliff Dr., NB 642-5CXXJ 1'.Iesa Verde 4 bedroom plus den, approx 2300 sq ft. \Vant smaller home or Con· do. in Mesa Verde. 546-0032 '68 Fiat 124 Blue Station 'Vagon. Lug rack like new, Take 15' Travel Trailer as part. 644-2374 17 Ft. outbaard tor station \vagon or auto of equal val: ue. Phone 644-4687 • I " 2 BR. Fum " Unlurn ~ ~ ' ~ can. 64Ul39 Frplcs I prtv. patios!Pools. Air Conditioned 548-1542 Tennis . Contnt'l Bkfst put. ON FORES'/ AVENUE Rffl E1t1te Loans 6340 ,,-~~-~-~- $1[)0,000. Lovely desert home with 6 acres. at 29 Palms. Take mobile home Mar coast as down. Hric P'fftl. ' DHk .. ., ... ~~-avallabui'~~i.1 '"•t Beaut: view, Laguna home 900 h Lue OBI "4-2611 UUA;W ......,., S Ille M rl 4 Br. 3 Ba., has all; plus • ' prime location .. downtown a r 0 aaae $125,000 '" mo,lg•g•; will (MacArthur nr. O>tst Hwy) Laguna Beach. Air condJ. trade for real estate or sub. tioned. carpeted, belut1tuJ Comp•ny Inc. mit. 646-2598; 646-7010 499-1331 or 494-4746 10.9o/o Return on $275,000 -clear lsd. indust. Dyer Rd., S.A. For M·l Orange Cnty, can add $500,000 eq. A Clevi· denc.-e · R. McClolld 6'J5.li044 3 BR. 2 BA, all dee, frplc, paneled partit:kminr:. T w 0 336 E. 17th St., ~ta Mesa crpts, drps, bulltins, garage. tntrance1: "'-....... _ on Serving Orange Cnty 20 yrs, 6'13-3324 eves. .,._,._,., ..,.,, -=========I Forest An .. ftU' lead! to V"U-21n 545-0611 -Muncipal putdnc Iota. $50 Eves. 673-1865 642-ll57 lolboo 5300 .......... "" ...... Ile .. GRACIOUS Adult Li·""''", and cbaJni &•ail.able tor $5. Money W.anttcl 6350 • ...,. Busint'u boon U1Werinsl -~-'--'-~"'-~...:.:.o.:: Ocean le Bay view. Spacious aerviee avaib.ble for $10. Bus Mgr for prolessional 2 BR. 2 BA., walk 1n AU ut:Wtiee paid except cllente1e desires to borrow plosets, btautifUI carpets & telepbone. short tenn money direct draperles. Pool. Boat slips DAILY PILOr from priv ibdividuaJs or spe. Have 5 bedroom Balboa Peninsula home, $79,500. Want 3 bedroom, price $30- $35,000. Newport Beach Realty, 675-1&12. Lot 180 degree ocean view, San Clemente $16,000 value free &: clear. T1·ade fo1· im· proved or TD's or ? 549-1006 Evenings S & S 36' Diesel Aux sloop, 1967, 7 sails, fiber/teak can. st.ruction, Trade 71 interest or all for local prop., hse \ construction or P/Uo 675- 2838 for tenants. SUbterranean 222 FOREST AVFNUE cial funds. We have tree and parking. 6~ LAGUNA BEACH clear prim• properti'5, a 1' * * * * * 3 Br, 2 ha, + den. $300 mo f9'-9f66 million dollar + financial ~!!!!!!!J!!!!l!!!i!!!!!!!!!!l[!j!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'i!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!i j yearly ll!:a~. OFFICE RENTAL statement with strong cash ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT$ BURR WHITE , Rltr. 3300 Sq. Ft. ollice building. fiow. Write Box M504 DaJzy ond NOTICES ·•nd NOTICES 2901 Newport Blvd., N.8, All or part, Su~table tor Pilot or phont 545-5130 675-4630 Ev.1 '42a2253 medical, denla1, laboratory, 11=========1 architects, law, etc. Top 1~ ANNOUNCl:MENTS cation. ond NOTICES ll;H;u;n~tl~ngt~o~n~8~o~o~c~h;5;400;;1~~TH~E~F=O~X~CO~MP:A~N~'~'~ II 673-94.95 . or 642-6969 Found .(Free Atls) 6400 EXCLUSIVE * Modem Offices ON-THE.BEACH Sing!• or auilo~ Alr cond. 2 & 3 lodr .. m Apll. ltionJng, parking, ,.,,,..larial LUXUI')' JMnc to pleue the service, central location. DOG, 26'" high a reddish brown, light ye ll ow i s ha brown eyes. Yellow (Doral) collar & nea collar. Vic. Clara McNally s c h o o J • 64>-1892 most dl!O'iminat:inz. ~°" C. Robert Nattreu Realtor available at ...,...J 230 E. 17th Street , Costa Mesa 642-1485 The Hunt1nat11n NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER Ollices iUltable tor Com· mercial, :P.Iedical, Dental. PltiliC · Air-rond., crpts, elevator FOUND: Grey &:: white Persian kitten. approx. 5 mos old, vie. Westcliff, Ne1vport Beach. Ca 11 ~1849 FOUND, Y ouna: Lab. Lost 6401 Personals ______ ..;.;.::.,o 6405 BOY'S Glasses lost at Estan- cia Hi School, Name in case, Allan Gates. 646-4574 WST · COCKATIEl1. Mesa Verde Area. REW ARD 546-5670 LOST: Black Min Poodle, male, Ans to "Tar": Vic '::.V. Reward! 962-1090 LOST Htg Center ?11all, la· dies white gold diamond 'vristwatch. Rew. 531>2714 LOST Gre.y cockatiel with tilp knoL 12" long, very tame:. N.B. area. 64.2-5200 COUPLES, singles; lonely? New in area? Join the s\ving to fun &: pleasw~ • 635-9291 • BAJA & J\fexico narrated travel slide shoW!I. Enter-· taining, informative, reas, 541>9856 REDUCE Safe, simple A fast with GoBese tablets 'on13' 98c. Cra-w f ord 's RX Pharmacy, Costa Mesa e OMNIPHILOS e (A way of life) 2 to 10 pm 642-9676 35e PER SQ, FT. 541..sol2 OR 675-2464 Tll CJ;cean Ave., HJl. BEAUTIFUL Arcade Office Retriever, vie~ Back Bay, Personils 6405 Newport Beach. Call &: 1 ___ _;; ____ ...;.;c; ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Phone 542-7217 01· write to P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. ll!~!!!!!!(7l!!!!t)!!!!536-!!!!H!!!!S7!!!!!!!!•I tor rent. 1555 Suite C, Baker CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS St, C.M. $125 per Mo. 8234 Atlanta =5-I0-=!16_ll_,~~.,....~- New 1-2 Bedrooms • Pay ~ FOR Tent 1842 A Newport • • electric only • Blvd •. Ideal . for . ins~. 536-3927 Cit 53&.2727 income tax or en1ployment 'Pool•Wuhers-bryers ag,ency. 548.o588 · '."Privite Garages WATERFRONT office & BRAND NEW 2 & 3 BR desk, exch. part time sec. from $150fmo. Cpts/drps, serv. Yacht Brk. o tI, dl.shwasher. Nr B each. 675:-1393 _ : 847..39~7 SHARE effiCe W/ "i!'ll t. LARGE 2 Br apt., closed I n co m e Tu co. Reu. gar. Adults. '$125. 2ii04 m.ntltly rent. 1806 N\vpt England HB. S?.6-7941 Blvd, 01. 642--7301 identify ~1148 BASSETT Hound, hurt by car. Vic Fairview k A1cCormick In, CM. Call 646-1664 tirg'eni: INJURI;D Gray/wht. male cat. Weal'J''ne·a rol.lar. Vic. Vista del ._Oro, the Blu!ls, 6#jll39 AtALE Medium size grey & be!ge shaggy dog. Red col- la\' '& rio ·tags. Vic· '30th & 'Newport. li7s-4363 · . BLACK & while pet rabbit, Newport Hghts. a re a • 646--65al LICENSED Spiritual Readings, advice on all matters, 108 S. E.l camipo Real, San Clemente. -19'2·9136. 10 AJ\f·)O PM SP.ECIAL $2 READING DIVORCED, separated, wid- owed or 'iibmarried, Su~ scribe lo the· O:C: Singles Gazette, $4. 75. 3Ck) Places to g!>, personal ads, articles. 75-14 Park Ave., Garden Grove Attr•ctive Expert , YOUNG WOJ\L\N dancer will teach•you all Announcemenh 6410 HOMEWORK pays! Send se11 addressed envelope to P.O. Box 781, Orange SERVICE DIRECTORY Appl i1nct R•P1irs Parts 6510 SUPREME Refrigeration &: Appliance Repair. Ask tor Tom. a.16-1363, 5'7-6691 ~by1ittin9 6550 1000 Sq ft, attractive, good S1nl• Ana 5620 location, air cond. crpts, TINY Black puppy, Vic latest steps. Call Ardell TODDLER care, play mate, Hamilton &-Bushard, Hun-213: 591-4538.1-10 PJ\I fenced yard, week days on-1 B EDROOM apt . drps.30csqfl.548-6761 Refrigerator lr. stove ;so. 300 Sq. Ft. Office. tington Beach. Call 968-3877 $10 O~"F initiation tee wJthis ly. Vic 19th &. Newport. ad! Expe,, th• p'I•"'"-• 642-65-ll 331 So. Newhope, S.A. COsrA 1'.fESA 646-2130 ?-.UN-Schnauzer, male, no ......... collar vie. Atlanta &: Beach of a: prlv. club. $10 mo. BABYSJTI'ING my home. L1guna IHch 570$ Commerclil 6015 l=B=lv=d="=HB==53&-03<6=====-sgl. dues. Corona del Mra Prefer under of.· c.M. area. Tennis Club at Jamaica Inn 64~ -·100-CL:IFF DRIVE FOP. Lease·~ •~ ot M-1 =Los=t _____ ..;64=01 ="=o"to=l._677>-c.;..57_,U~~==IB =7AB~Y~s"1rr=m"G-=.:;lc..n_m_y_ho_me_.I LUXURY FURN/UNF1JRN proJ)l!rty with small office. GENT a desi.mfueetmgla<ly Good. lunches & naps, exPert Yearly Lea!e. 11: 2 Bdrma. completely fenced with 2 REWARD I under 40, for (.'Om· care, reas! 54&-2531 steps to Shen 1.: Shopt Jaf!Ie gates. 5484304 SUitcase, between L.A. Air-panioMhlp. Ca 11 5J4..516S =CH"I"L"'o",-,,..-.-my~ho~m-c-, •"i~,., Oeeuview from every ApL port &: Newpoi1 Buch. Oft after 7 p.m. Verde area. Reas rates, · from S1fiO mo up. lease lndustrl1I R1nt1I 6090 white with zipper l<>P, ini-WIG & MAKE·UP fnc<I play area. 541)..9439 8 Uf9 tlals lt. K. B, Please call CLA 11<-;;;;:-..,..::;.:..:.;.;:c ___ FOR Je Laguna NI el '642-3444 SSES -$85 BABYSITTING my home, i BR. duplex; new cpti., a~ gu • C-Be\le Cosmetics, 541-9487 ages 1·2~'· days. CM. area. drpe:, paint. 1 blk. to bch. 0~ San Diego Fwy at c:mwn I.OSI': Ladies ca r d i I an 230 E. Warner, Santa Ana Wttk1y ratl'fi, 546-4352 · 21fi Fairview St. Days· .valley, new .commercial le swealtt; white, cable-type 1 ·:;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~;,;~J 494,8)88· eves (1) 5.12-5283 · ~uatrial uruts. Delta Elec-knit orion, hns collar .i ' tric. Days -831-1400. Eves Bl'08dway label, \Vi 11 ap. REAL ESTATE -499-4198. preciate return: pletuie can Gener1I ~soo"'-s~Qc;.'-F~·T=.~e~L=o~G-.-64~ aft. S:30 P.J.I. bnt1la Wanted 5990 E. 17Ut St., Costa l'ilesa. 220 I ·AL;-;-,AS=KAN=",~t"'at"am-ut,.•-. ~W~hite, ________ .;;.:.o,:: I Elec, powv. Ready tor ten. tan ·brow n female, Cd!o.I YOUNG working co u p I • ant. S75 Atontb, M6-50fO beach. Red flea col. Name dtaitt 2 BR unfurn house Kii. Re\\'&J'd GTJ..2456 tr apt. CM vea. Must have lets 6100 HONEY Colored f'ekin&ese, aaraae. Up to $130, Rd.s. · ans·-n 1 "H .. "-545-3690 •·VIEW o! ocean, corner ""' o Oney , '"'' HELP · bluff, posslble 6 s t y . !A~iz;1J,W0r& "'~~:.Reward. . I Our lease runs out medical or apts. Will build ..............,, J't'l"'"IW'I in June, -need 2 ~ 3 bdrm to suit, ~ LIGHT Brownish red female hse or •Pl l'l(ear beach. Xlnt i.;:=;::;.;::,=."=:=== dog. Ans\\>ers to "Dinah", ref.s. 673-0812 Acre•,. -6200 vie Long Beach :r.rarina, l BDR.1.1 .Unfum Apt in . needs pills dally. ~a.rd. Btacll area IM emploYed I.JO 213: 411:-4214: or l6l-$lS lady up to $11 O Imo . "" RTH OF· BLACK Irish Setter kl.st !.ton. -ESCONDIDO bet Matn neaco • St. Ann'• e LANDLORDS e ApprolC. 44 Ac.a. rotllni Or, Lq Bch. Yoder 011 name FREE RENTAL SERVICE hllls; beautiful sttling; can plate of red \»lla.r. 499-2129 Broker 534.Ql82 Lo! planted in Avocados or alter 5 p.m. hold tor appreciation. Anx· WHITE 4 black, spot~ RMml fer R.nt sns bll lltlltr ia uklrc $59,400. Sb"ftY dog. Vie. BaJrer le 1.IALE:, $35 " m p 1 0 '1 e: d . 10~ brown. -1th lntmest anl)l 1 '°F"il"'J.,,....="''~C:...M.~'-546-ml-".-"-.;..,.­ Clean, v.'dl mana,rtd house on balance. For more infor-FOUND, Ladtel' w a t c h H.B. 'Ai ml trcm beach. matlon. pleuc caD K. W. vicinib' at 21et St. I: 536-1548 Smlill w!tll Newport. CM. &0-6901 BEAUT ruom double bed Eckhoff & Assoc.~ Inc. I 'T"AN=''9C~k,...:Ca-poo...;.;.c..,...:..p;.;py_.-,~'1c pr, patio. li~ m prlvlle~~ 1818 ~:(I~~ Ave. NB PeM. Call m.-3570 Jor : ~l Sfnta Antl A\'f,, 50-2621. Ev~~·~ SJ3.&m I ='"='°'==-~~~~~ FEMALE Tri-colored doo. PATRONS ARE URGED TO REPoRr ANY DIME · A· LINE IRREGULARITIES THEY FIND IN PRICI NG OR MERCHA NDISING TO THE DAILY PILOT !fA~NING! Advertisin9 not eonfor~in9 t o our Dim• Aal in•, re9ulafions may be in viol.tion of both City ond State Board of Equolixation codes! $15 per wrtk. Workll'I& lady JOlN U.. ~ 18 the vie Lido 11111. Set. 3129 l~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!"!!!~~~!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!~~~~~~~~I Jnft1rml, C.M. atta. after DAlLY P1U71 "'""'" ADSI call It kle111ity, 6'7S-491C , .f, '4Z·i'69i. '!"642_'5611 _______ White e1t,~ts! Dim~llne ~=====;:===========:: Fridly, Aptl 4, 1969 DAil y -II JOl,s ~ IMl'l.CWMaNT JOU & IMl'LOYMIHT JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT JOllS I IMl'LOY , JOu a -~ l!'I~ & OMl'LOiiilN'il Holp W-. Mia naGIW, Wilnt.I, Mon 7IOO Helo Wanted, -noDH.olp Wanted,"'°" 7200 AtenclM, W..,_ 73GO Help W-• ..:J -OOMISTIC HILi' W-~ · .wr.. AIE-~ ~~· UNIUll ' Ill 'ME" .. 11 cometory ,,.,..rty? t -. ....-.-~ . SEU. CTIVE Rdott-........... F• JNSURAllCI GROUI' "ME" talk 111out -.......i fvnaral tn11ts? ? Paid Jobi. Call ""' Abby, TJllED OF A LONG • r ""'tl91 CXlllWll!I ... Alltl we 11111111 you lhould lie • How does •ny-lo1m Mtmorlol Coun11llnt START by calling for ID Interview 644-0ZlZ DARRELL WARD ARGUS AGENCID , UblFd --c;,.,. ID - IB69 c "°""""-. c.M. -...... tor .. -.... ' e SUPEKYIJ!ION a 'fllloa --ID , Pacific View Memorial Park We •JPOl8 Ill ~b-of our bl!$ ... lo a Dllll bafoi't ~ itarta. ' We alao look deeply lnlo the man's il.ck· SALES WORK e Aprtl. ID HUil--Full dJM. Must have m1t on EdJ.npr at ~ Blvd.., • ...,....,..., able b> deal ;lull all tbe Sall ~ ""'· with peoplo. · Appl1, ID ll!" TbNo Pool-wlll ...- ""' . • short lralDq ptdod d 1 · ground lo be su':e be ii up to our standlrds. We oiler-Holiday HMlth Spo ~to!Y..,. -ID I 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. air IM ..,..i.s cd&s. bo- Halp w ... 1o11. Mon noo Help W•nloll. Mon 7200 1on ... ...,., ~ · H1lp. W1ntod tkm will be Provided. I MANAGER OF w-7400 SECURITY • We are a nationwide retailer. ill business al!Jce 1899 wlthout1a 1but11ow11 or a layoff. Company benefllo mclude IUll'ID!ee CllllY with bonus opp,ortunlll .. , irou~ hospital & life Insurance Profltaharln& n\lr,11!,0llt 1nd * BUYER lmrnodl1fl °"'nlnp Iii COST t.,,.porary 1M follewlnt ,,... ACCOUNTING E~ploy'"""t CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIRS. No .Joh Too SmalL C:ahhld in Pl"- .. A other ca~ ~~ U no answer luve mac at Gt&-23'12. H. O. ADd..-Income Tu: 6740 D1n•lc Hell' 7035 Cb!-. -°""11>1 REP,uRS. ALTERATIONS ~NSIBLE ............ l'<rmalloDl -- CABINETS, ,,,,. s!Je job. • filing ol all IDcome tu hr ..,, -MU7o:! 25 yn exper 54U7l3 ........ by Certffled Puhlle . . Accountant. A.vallablt to Geotp Allen Byland Aze.aC1 QUALITY Repalra • Altera. 9enie the needt of 0irpon-Employer Pa,y1 Fee tiom • New mmt. by hour ttona. small busineu en-us.a E. 11th. SA 5t't-Ol95 or Colltncl ~ -xnd lndivldoala. \ .::========:::: CARPENTRY • repairs.i alao Your complet. atlltaction Help Wanted, Men 7200 garage clean-up. nee est ta euaranteed. Call Jell 60-3464 <X>RPORATE CHIEF IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTANT c.m.nt, ConcNfl 6600 COUNSELORS Gt"OWini: ~ JJNds chle1 e CUSTOM PATIOS e • 6C-993T • accountant to assume re- concrete aawlng le removal TAX Return Specla1 $15. State Lie. e KZ-1010 Form 1otO A 51), )'(R,11' home or our ottice. 23 ye:an a e BEST IN C:ONCREI'EI tax COZllUltant and Dewr Any she job, work guar. a cla1m for deductions Reu. Saw cutting. 642-8514 disallowed. :U hour Sav * CONCRETE~ bonded l-'642-<1622'=-'~~~=-'•PP~l.,..,. __ &:: lie. Concrete sawin&:. e The T•x AdvlMn Phillips Cement. 548-6380 Year round ofc. 331 No. CEMENT Wark, no job too Nwpt Blvd, N.& R«ul small, reasonab1e. Fr e e can MS-0400 for appt. estim. H. Sturuck. 548-8615 Walter IL Fahrenbob P.A. Contracton 6620 Income Tu -642-6:IH or 5'5-1398 ew sponolblllty ... dlvbloo lln. onclol __ ... ol mlAU aCCDWltlnc depart- ment. Knowledce ot aowm. merit contract accounttns ea. -'111, D1oree In Account· izw. or ·BlJlineu A 5 years experience. ExCellent itart- ln& u.luy, Pleue -.. . ...... salary .......... ... to Box M·CJ''lbe Dalq Pilot Boa!Mfg. ERICSON YACHTS ADDITIONS-REPAIRS REMODELING Designin& &: Planning Kltcbena-Balhl. etc. e INCOME TAX e *Boat CUpenten Done in your home * Hardware Men U::'d & Bonded. Free e1f. A a: B roNSTRUCTION = Paularino, CM. * 54S-49ll * SS arid up. 639-ml * Fibef'llu: Laminatora INCOME Taxes lftPU'ed * Wood shaper Men your bmM. Iona' fcri:n cam-* Marine EncfrJe Men b~. $15. &-3G2 *·Boat Painters !====== "l,....;.;;;;l;.;,-..._ __ ..;6;;.;7SS;;.;; a. EXPElllENCE ADD-A-Room. apt, unitl. t -=;y ,...,.-Appbt tn Pu.an cust: homes, two 1tory IRONING, Mendtn1 le 1206 W. struck. Oranp speclalist, tree I a you t, REWEAVING. Brhlc own design. :n Yrs in the banpu. 5C).(l(l'l5 CAREER buslnea. Pacific Co a• t Bldo. 6'1S-719L Week..... Llnlltclpl"f 6110 :PPOITUNITYI .sat &: Sun at your .erv:tce J tadl¥I faltelt O"O'rinl QUALITY mnodellng, LANDSCAPERS ......... M111UIFW>dsala custom---ATTENTION No~-... on req, Frank M. Barden I need landlcaptnc; an! wlD We train. faD or put time eonm eo., 1-639-1468 a1t '1'ade a 17 ft outtx.rd wtth Mutual Funol AdYbon, 4 pm -bl& wheel traJler for your I ·Addtiont * Remodelinc aervlcea. Leta pt torether Npt B. um w':t.:e 1a.M22 Fftd IL Gemck. Lie. belot'< ,...-buq ...,._ S.A. U12 N. -.,. 673-600 * 549-2110 Phone 644-468'1 5C'l'-IS31 vacaUom wt ... b! P81-.. ~' 1, ~ ... • • OPPORTUNITY T •. ' We .,.. a dlvhlon of a highly successful and diversified worldwide corporation with ever.. growing needJ for personnel 11 all level&. 1 CHAlllNGE We are a sales organila.Uon, where you are paid on your own ability and Initiative. We . are lnter..led In the man with good employ• ment records, between 23:45, married, .able lo fumbh good references. Able lo Poll ~ fundable caah bond. For confidenlia1 Inter- view - RequlresnUn!mU01ofone year pUl"Chaitnl experi- ence, incl~ .follow-up and minor contract prep- an.tlon. c111 ,.,._1 dept. (7141 ·4f4.MOI TELONIC Engl-Ing Co. LAGUNA BEACH An equal opportunity employer EXPLORfR Call n4-4330, 11k for Mr. Svlv•hlr ===;:::=;==E==I MOTORHOME CORP, Itel, Wento.1, 1.lift 7200· Help Wlnloll, Min 7200 NEEDS Plastics ~. . * C~RPENTERS & • • • * Leadman * MILL MEN INJECTION •MOLDING "' . . ... SET.UP, OPERATION Machine Shop ";:'!:;..'i2C: ~: AND SUPERVISION bendli., UJe w, paid boll- OF THIRO SHIFT. day•,eic. • . . . .. ................... • pervile tAaChlnt opera-R ESl N MIXER ton. Finl artk1e Jn. TRAINEE -...: --·oi Day shlft, Prefer wteran, adVuiCed math and tool wantinz Careet' in plutiCI, aeome.try. Wotkinc know4 ~ for apprenticeship, leds:e of inlpection pro- GI benefttl a1 Plutic Mold-cedure• and material in& Technician. composition. •••• SILK SCREEN OPERATOR Experience, lrxlt11trlal ICrffn print.inc operatiolls, volume production. Eventually be in chup ot .econd lhift. .. -' . PRODUCTION' TRAINEES 1 • OD d81. lhiff 1 • OD -night Jb!ff •••• l'LANT LAllOROR Call por..,,nal dapt. (7141-1 TELONIC Enfjl-'119 Co. APPLY IN PERSON 3021 Newport· Blvd. Costa Mis•, Calif, ASS'T. to coordinating Exec. of nationally known design. decor firm; specializing in restauranlll. Young, able to think I: move. Exper. In fumishing11 ability to draft, sketch, reOOer &: direct work. Will consider eager, talented tnJnee. Interview by app'L only. ~2729 Eve. &:: weekends. CUSTODIAN For evening hours. New fa- cility, Irvine. Contact P!!r- aonnel Office, llJ.2500 FULL TIME SERV STA Exceptloml opportunlb' to setup and manaae the O>Jt Acmwttirc ~partment of LEAR JET'S new Static Power Divllkm In Santa Ana. You will need a de&ne in accounttrw. five Jelll'I exper. ence la cost accounting with a manufacturer, a working kmwledre at swn. an! xnd job -_.. .... and two yean of 1Uperv1iory experience. Excellent ulary, benefits &lid opportunity fJJr advance- ment. Call cn4> 547-3900 im- mediately to arrange an fD,. Jsview. llAR JET INDUSTRIES 2001 S. Ritchey St, S•nta Ana Equal opportunit,y employer ilt'al!lme• ITT JABSCO MECHANICA~ DRAFTSMAN M~. chemical and indust- rial pumpt. Shop or ttlated experience desired, Duties to include detailing and 10tne product design. High school rrad plus al)cll.. tional coune1 of mechanical ........ EQUAL OPPORTUN!TY EMPLOYER MALE OR FEMALE 1485 DALE WAY <X>STA MESA, CALIF. 92626 (TI4) 545--8251 FOR GENERAL MAINTENANCE * CARPENTERS men. Expulenced ID -E=x~E=c=u~T=1=v=E~SA=L=E~S tuneup, brakes 1: Wes. Top CAREER * ELECTRICIANS waa<o, """""""• bonus Mr. Horsley, Ptrtonntl plan I:: pa.id vacation. Apply Starting salary + commis· M7.JS.'ll * CABINET. SETTERS "" s.. eout Hwy., La&una •ton. Flnt ,,.., e-o1 CAMBRO MFG. CO Bead> $12,000. + poulble two yeu 7601 Clay With mobile home expert-ARCHITErrURAL training program~~"' Huntington Beach ence. Exeellent bene!l.ts. Draftunan .wn'd tG work on tury old national pany, ---~--~-1 -r Business or 1 back-large apt projects &: cu.atom .,._,,...,. helpful. 0 travt1. C.rpol CINnlng 6625 Carpet I: Uphol Cleanlrc 11 lt"• done right. ••• lt'a "DUNN-WELL"! 6150 D• h h APPLY IN PERSON homea. Xlnt work. oond. 1: •• .,_,.., Is Was er Management opportunities. fringe hen's. Gottd N. Ranald Gill managu. * D1ytlm1 llusbey fXPlORfR Smith. Arc!Utec~ Newport 827•1900 * Night Dlshw•wr Beach. 642-7156 Equal opportunl<Y employe• Free F.atlmates • • , SC8-35M PAINT!NG Int • Ext. Gr1Y1ty1rcl shift MOJ""WIUf CORP !NSTRUC!'ORS, NJ • part Laweot ...,....... prlcn. APPLY IN PERSON Must be ovor 21 VlllM'l , -N"t appearance. M"" TRAINEE Fully inL Satiahctson Clllll'· UR6BfTI. Y NfEDB>, • • Clerlrs • Typlsh • Repro Typists • Se'tretaries • Keypunclten • nx open. work when & wMr• you w1ntl lllRRIM PERSOlllB. SERVICE POLICY ·SERVICE .. Pftttt at )tut -J'NI' d: I lire, cuualty .. multlpie '. line ...... .,..enen... Ploo- u.nt phone penonalUy ... : sential. ExctDent opp:irtw. Uy for ad~t ' . • ,.. • . • POLICY TYPING Experl~ or trainee, mul. ~ tlple line policy typllt. Ill+ : accurate]y on the electrlc. • 11lt Idea.I poEtion b' ...,. j one who like• to type, • 445 E. 17th St. Excellent""' benellts. ""-: ............. ..,, ...,... Our • Costa Mesa, C1llf. policy ta promotion from , 642~7523 within, Your future 11 deter->; lnterv'9wino :mentittJ'ee17 ~.1 Mon. thru Fri. pleasant atmosphere, 2 p.m. lo 5 p.m. Equal opportunity employer * ESCROW CLERK Opportunity available in our • ' • • For Detaill and App't. • catI Coiled ' PERSONNEL ~ IZ13) 384-1213 ,: ' Newport Beach olfk• fo• a UNIG/,,RD personable, mature, well-11 -• .,.....,. Individual, to worl< INSURANCE GROUI' · with the public and aid ln Work Near Home ~ proceuing of real estate l-~===~=-·l •• 1 ...... Knowledge ol loan SECRETARY· '· P=u!ne ""'"""'· Type RECEPTIONIST ' SO wpm. Excellent workln& cond1tions and fringe bene-~ fib:, Please call Mr, RUii Must be ~l1Jlg and penon. ~ Lttch.for appointment. able, to meet pUbllc, Some 1 673-1550 typing. 5 day Wttk, M. New Glendale Federal Savings 2333 E. c .. 11 Hwy, Nowport llMch An Equal ()pportunl'1 Employer * 'NIGHT. HOUSEKEEPER, INSPECTRESS AND MAIDS Immediate openlngl. Ex· pandlng staff for en- larged hotel. call or see MlnU King. THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road Newport Beach 64<-1100 air cond. offices and ~ ment. Lats o1 In~ ' activities, See or call Stan • -Nabers Codilac '. ""' llarl>Or Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-$100 RECEPTIONIST, CLERK TYPIST Requires accurate 50 wpm ' typine, good telephone vob A ability to meet the Public. Phone far Interview appoillt- ment. Jdr. Horsley, 8t7-3531 CAMBRO MFG. ro. 7601 Oay, llnlg Bch. Agency for Career Ghil (10 W. Cout Hwy., N. B.. B1 appoint. MS.S939 C1rpol Laying I Repolr6626 Frff ffL Call nm Weeki, be able to tnttt I: deal Young man &tart with ware- 6'13-ll66 MUBDI f, llE APPLY IN PERSON 3021 Newport Blvd, with public. Apply 1n person house delivery a: 901Jle c1i. , GROCERY CHECKER. U DIR Costa MeN, Calif Holiday Health Spa, 2300 play, No previous uperi. DENTAL Office SECI'Y y Stable, middle qll!d woman. C.'.RPF:!'S (cylono, """11. pol.ye.sten,) Vl.n;yh and Til- es. Lated 1tyle1 and colors. Commercial and Re*lentlal. Expert --BLANK!NSIDP FLOORS 642-1403 540-m2 INT. I: EXT. Paintlnc. All ISi E C HL-h DEMNY'J Harbor, C.M. ence n~saary. Must have (Twltln) -25 to 35 yn, Fuli tim e, aman friendly seuon ratea. FrM at. llc'd • Hit 'W way --------l*"°SPcnAR=ASSE=;;MB=L;;E;;RS;o--clean driver. lieenae. Pre-old. Secretarial akllls are market no ewa. Apply J341 & 1"'. Call Clwlle. !iO-OI05 Newport h•ch MHAllBlllT * BUSBOYS * * BENCH WELDERS fer mllltary oe.W. eompleL • mu• I. ComPl"'benslw E. Cout Hwy., Cd M. . mTER or Ext. PAlNTJNG, COST llUI UIUUll Stainleu 1teel &:: aluminum. ed. Apply in penon, 17Tl knowledge ot the dental en-SARAH OOVENTRY bU IMMED. SERVICE. l.ocal ACCOUNTANT OVER AGE 13 ~-nee. Own amall Newport Blvd., C:OSta Meu., vl.ranment &: ~tient needs · for full -.t ret FREE est. 548-1671 3170 H be lllwl _:_.:... .......,....~ are req'd. Minimum exper. ope?W!gB or ~~ Immed cpeninc. Dtitte ln Ir r • Exptrlt.Dced ~..,. J"uil time i'.and tools. Call 546-1437 Man to work 111 of 3 )Tl.; ~me 5 yra. timtl aale1. Pleuant work Paper ba.niina:. 45 years Accowrttns or Businesl Ad-Cotti Me11 ApPly In peNOn aft, 3 p.m. bet. S.11 AM, Mon-Fri. or more Mwt meet iitua-no b\'t'est, no deliveries. For experience. can Fftd! m'inittration: w/ Accotmtin& I==~~~--~ FIVE CROWNS LITE JANITOR w 0 rk , *ATTENDANT * tions w1lb judgment. nae, uit call 540--061f , * 54M!I0.1 * minoz'. 3 yn exper, in mfs. MEN Wanted (2), part ttme, RESTAURANTS permanen~ I days a wk, recreational A maintenance firmneu Ii; poi9t. Top FlJlL time, experienced 1en. Gardening 66IO PAINTING, Paperina 16 yn o:>stl. can for appt. or send to avenp :l bn. dally Jor 3801 E. Cout Hwy. part time, morn or eve. aa1ary po~nUal to ri&ht k>r escrow clerk. in Harbor u.. Uc A txmd-resume early monUnc ntwtp&pei; Corona dd Mar liolust be ovtr 21. So, Cout Some club or hold experi-penon; all othel'I need not * * * * , ANTHONY'S ed. Rm 1um. ~ PLASMADYNE delivery to hqmes l.n CNo phone caDs)' Plaza 6~123 e~ helpfUI. can 548-2211 apply. can: n4: 544-5393 Part time, experienced NV· G1rden-S.rvlce 3839 So. Main. S.A. Newport Beach.. $ 20 0 . YOUNG I LANE RETAIL nunery aa.iesman, ext. 160. ings A Joan teller, . ~1941 Plastering, Rep1fr 6llO 545-nn Ext. 35t avenge per mo. Must have TIRE CO, over 251 minimum 3 yr ex-* w .1 P.O. Box 100, San Clem The best. ..... no m .... ! • PAT'S m-~-. AD Equal opportunl<Y employer late mxlel car xnd be Hu -····· lor mana ... "''""°'· uJuy ..... call • LABORERS II resses LYN NURSE,· N'-hta i-1 ... "' • • • i-111.u• • • • '""'"'........ ,.._" ' · ment tralnee1. Too w•-o,· ...,. i.u,,,ew. -.. APPLY IN PERSON ....... ~ nt-_.. ,.._,...-.. -... """'..,. SUR6ICA1 JKllS dependable. can LA Timea: vr-• ... • •-tn•·-" "" -3 "' Mon•"i.. Maintenance t;ypH. Fret utimall. ..._ 6U-t800 _.. In Urgently Nttdedl Exp".'Hortirulturist 540-6825 paid vacat:lont, free major open gs. _ Temporary Empioymtnt-L .. une-S.Hh Nunlng - ?-AM-to S:SO PM P ART-6:-PUU;TIME mt<Hcar --ptan, Join-A..-.o -print EXp'inslOn INTERIM Apply In person Home. 494-IOt! TIJ<ATA Plvm_Wnt 6"0 CaD Pulonnel I>tpt. btwn CAR WASH HELP a*<! wtttrus. Apply tn Jl9!'· Opportunltte1 tor: Peraonnil Servlc• REUBEN'S WAITRESSF.S. i\lll tline .JAPANESE NURSERY -"-----I &·""•S·OOpmMon••··Frl & 10n188E.17thSt.,SuiteJ...C. Asse'mbly Carpo~rs 1 5f6..a124. O:nnplm prdentnc '""' • · WIW • Cost!. Mesa. "'• 445 E. 17th. CM 642-7523 put time. Bellemy'• Cotte. PLUMBING REPAIR 527-7741 EXP'D. POLISH ind LUHRS BOAT CO. Shop, 1400 w. Cout lllwa,; = .::::= ~ 11·."'~":'1 Sflnlcn Commanlty DETAl~EN Pooibletioo 11"".'!.~'"ae~ 8'9 w. 18th St., CM t=~= .i:;.o .. ~M: coco1s Newport Bead> Top pay, 2 loe. rWI work wk. IOl1a e .. .,.,... lui e ASSISTANT MANAGER, have own tramportation. WAITRES.S. Part liJne AU.EN BROS PLUMBING 24 hr ""· METRO CAR WASH restaurant tor ambitious. for restaurant Younc, neat, Starting pay $400 mo. Apply 1555 W. Adams DAYS OVER 21 CA.U =~ ~i. :~~ie~~~ Hospllll 2950 Harbor mvd., C.M. penonahle 10'lhl ftlan, rd, personality, ambi&us. a a.m. at 26lll6 Gdty Dr, UL Cos~M 56-8863 tege. Expene"""--. PLUMBING REPAIR ARGUS AGENCIES =.'."~'.:"':'! Pl>tt· not nee. NJ time. dllllria!-. La&un&Ntguel MOTEL ll'ont deok, ..,,., REAS! &46-42113 DRAIN a.EANlNG * DRIVERS * "--•nt• box # &lvlrlr .....,., lt!,,.!',~ HunlllWtoo MF.CHANICS, lnboanl a ..,,. ....i. PBX, NCR, IYP!lw. AL'S Ganlenlna s u y t.. .....,... or 540-1217 No 11:~r1nce Crec11t Ma...... Box M.QI, ,,,. IJail1 boanl. Call 641-<545 be-• BE THE FIRST port time. - Lawn matn....,.,., .-1========= -..-Administrative T.--1 Pilot DRAmMAN ••s EXPERIENCED • ingltcleanupe.646-3629. Remoffl, Repair, 6MO Neceuaryl CALL BOB, MS-7791 CAREER OPPORTUNITY Induatrlal Hlt-up exp pret. McDONALDS ts hlrlns WAn'RESSES J •nANESE au-., com-Mad hate dlU 6ntom1a 1181 C N.-port Bl.Yd.; C.M. $1.CllO SUuy + en Ideal wo1tirw:: cond. SalAQ' Apnctn, Women 7300 OOUNTER Women t.o work '** 541Q83 ** Ar' ADD A room Remodel • ~ C Monet.>' thnl Friday U am-plete yard lel'Vlce. tr. · .. drlvq iecanL Appl)t QIAUl'n;uR, retired man l'OWlQs ~. co. open. 5f3.'Ml Sharp C1rHr,Gal1 2 pm. UniJ'onDI tum1ahed. EXPER. dental • mtma!et. 541>-1332 -cabinets -blocl< wall YILLOW CAii CO, 1251). ol>k fo< Moxlcan Xlnt bendlts. >.ge 2<3l * Al1l'OMATIC TRANS-~-~~ -•M• "-' ~ meals. , Send,...,. b> Box M-m fences. Free e • t 1 mat•• JM E. 11th St. Co1lep .l-... -... ._...,., '-'Ml'~ 4,-_..-~ u.. 1..1-= f'\o.tt •• Pilot Reliable lawn aervke1 W-985% ....._._ ,. .. __ Crulle. Employtt ...,_tee. -.. ..... ·-...... _.,, MISSION SPECIAUST I: Fridayt. Recpta, Bkkprw. APPLY IN PERSON .... __,. ., mow edge trim. --.=~=-~..,-,....=,...-I GeorreAllenB)'landAatncy nop·~~~n~!pp!J', Box GO..ENERALID Me,.MECHANIAub> ll'orl!ICS * RNrltLVNa.BotbfffA:tee McDONAllYS SAWYER Home ne•d *l.,_1.,:,* ROOM ADDITlON A NEEDllMEN 1-0 E.16~SA·--~·~~-·-<NJ,. ..,. --. .,.,......., -LI jobl. Top co'al can 6561 J;'M-ma tu r 4' w o me n to -11-A.ttracti"'• ~ -·-'-di ~·Pia ... CM ~ ~<• REL!Al!LE' Minute ..,., ;,;;:;:-..;__Call IMMIDIATILY ASTROTIK CORI'. ~~ -·~ •a 0 -"'"-· · llorls,MS-7796 Homl!naton Beach -eeplng a. "''"" Low-rate monthly A..n. -Mlllt be neat -· JJ. Open!nao; Latbe mill 3-D. toclmldan; FCC Uc.; b> EXPERIENCED J""'tor all ARGUS AGENCIES BABYSITI'ER, 14 '¥'· Dll' !Nnlng. ~ • ~1931 Mortevu 25, bll.tie auto; able to work 'top JIQ'. A·l machln1st oaly. manap mar1lle ndM:t ahop; phuel of bkts matntmanot. U69 C Newport Wvd., C.M. ho~, Rutren A W.llaon, DWTAL AUlltant_ did: fvmtiwt Mon. thru Frt. A salary open. Send retlUDI Union llhop. I days. ll::l> --•1t n-" CLEAN-UP Spedallltl Mow-hw1'! 6NO • ' 12&1' Lopn AY, CM. to o.ny Piiot Box M..f'l4 tog Am lhltt. 847-6671 atfer TYP'ISI'.Q.ERK 01. Tues, Wei, Thurs. I:» ; JD Fwport ~ ... fne.edainl,~Jobl.licht •~.AJttratlam IDOnt1"$3motf.51va/""-ffR DISHWA.SHER SERV. SfA. SALE.mEN. lpm. Salal)'$393-$41'8 10:15 p.m. Pret. teen , va.;x.RaJexper,desinld moYIDi-"-·154!.-CU.tom I>nlsM DAVS Young men, ..., •a MECHANIC. fUll tlme Pr.I. 1:'-ploequlvalentollllohSChl W-7230 Toapply.Pll: OR:>-116S ' JOHNSON'S Gardenlnl se". * MMltl * • 21111 w. Oceanfront (Am>a .,. Must be ne&t In ap-clau A IJ Mii.t be ' ma. recent up or PART·Time Bannakt; appq SALES "" wanted. avtt .. Finest equip. expert )'ard sn.1712 For InUnitw from PMT A Dor7" fleet) peerance le handwrftq, ow:r 25. ~~ calhl tm 1° t,ype «» WPM. Apply In pert0n, Vikki'1, 1791%-yn. No niPti. for toy stnre: can! R<ul tc.ml. =· ~":'::.! llUSIOYS I smv Sta At-II. all shtlll 2500 Newport -~ C.M. Rlchfleld Station, 19th i. by 4111169 'City ol Seal Newport Blvd., O>sta M,.. ..u 56-70!2 ... lor Mr: Olt a~-Lawn DISHWASHlllS ._ $ol a ....._ Tom 111°0~G DJSHW•~~ N~ '·"· M-. Beach. 2!3/43W527 BEAUTY ..-lltom, -Pollock. l . -· made. IWu. 146-2405 ~-OR WDI .. ~•••F I -I ""~'" ~~ HSKPR/Oooi<, Newport $350. work. For .... L ..U: -~~ inot.I meld. • Mt.lnterl&DCe.Ucemtd PA'ITERNSIMdetofltJOU, _. Owrll ...... r . on-r ' App YSALESMAN-General belper. Hakpr/Cook,.Newport$300. &tS-2591 ·;:n~o.taX-..: -/641>2!10 alt 4 BlklDls .. llaD ...... ; !rum APPLY lN PERSON SERVICE Station a---Root., "631 W. fat c.M. Nuneey. ~. '-'>&. $2.2$ hr BARMAID •-!ll b> M Call S0.'6711 LAWN SERVICE $10, 13M1U; 13M1'111 Mlllt hno ...,m.nc..o.,._ Cout Hwy, NB Call ~ EmploY" ,,.,.. r.e. Geo'i", fUll time •A~ Tiii .,,.;; llAJIMAID8, lllghla. No • UM~PM Altlratlon~ ·~~·1,c:.~y ~~A~3113E. FOREMIN EXPER.!lftakfut-:m ~'",,.~y~ .. ;...,,,,,,_ l~B Room181ioMonroYJa,CM COlltwneL -: II 20 2nd AND !rd Shllll -Apply: Colonial ~ ._ --00~ , EXPER Japaneee Gardener eat. mcazrallt, yn. up. ea.ta Mta BOAT C&rpmtel'I. 0.blnet Plastics "'Jler. ~fUl. Repb' lCtchen 512 W. ltth, c:M. INSTRUCTRESSES, Full • SALESGIRL Mer, acu Xll:=="'S!IA,.._,.,~_,...='""==1 Monthly 9el'Yiet, f t a 1 • Alter1tlent---6Q..5MS Help nQUlnd for campno Maketl A FI b ~.r 1 I a• 1o Box N-m. Dau, PUot. BUSBOYS iVanted; apply in rart Ume. Neat appearance. to 40 •l'Pb' Thi Kn!\..wtt, UR.GENT: ~ sood ~ 132.-0'lm or stG-MT Nett, &OCUl'UI. » 1t!L ap. manut.cturtt. Y.IJonq,y, ::'C:f Apply It, T7I W. GOLF Coune GROUND pmon to: 801 Balboa Blv, Murt be able to mtet A ~ Cout Plaia. 545-28U tor Colt& Mesa Won: ani e JAPAll&re GARDENER OCEANrnOllT L<ue w/op. 2UO Placentla, Colla Mis& ' ' KEEPERS, Irvine Cout BIJboa. 9 To 11 A.M. dW with public. APPIY In DIAL Oliftd teem. JIUlo tilowlac p..t S0.'1241 • >Wntena""' a Cle•~•• !Ion l BR + lam. rm. DAILY l'UDr WAHr _, P'~-lt R&p1lrman Country Oub, NB. A;>~-.....,.. Holiday Health Spa, -ad, -lit beclr """ r.. Doll1 Piiot Waat -· Call 541-2512 -~ 161,!0l.13W017 0wnor. '--"llltlNO=""lU:t51Jl;==:Ill;;;;..1 _.1 lchod:':..t..Nwot~ ID the AMonb'. ..., DAILY PILOT WANT Al>SI 2!00 llazbor, C.M. -lllton b> the·-l1nll l>lal -: ' ' • -\ • . -= l ,. --.................. .._... ________ ~----·~-~~-~-~~~-..................... -........ -........................ --.... --------9"!--.... --......... -.... -...---.. FIW&r, Alltl \ lM • YMMT ..... If! =~=cs ••'Ml ~'91 . MIJ~f.Z ~ ·PINCH .... ace::: ... : ... •. "t.m ... • . ~ . ... "-&~ •I• r"!l l w 191-U11111 l'M~~~2~1i P C .1 .. lllE S ifJ:a:11 ..... ~~ •= ~S.~ Ide&! 0ranp ::\'ft.~ ire ten °'"* ~1 ma.it YOURSELF S?:.ts:r.£3 =~ .. == ~~~r;-~•=:~ ~ ... ,~:.-· ~-!~. ·J. , ~~4:f::: m1 otbu ·ftla.S a.~ llW'• ,Ot lUd.t, Costa years~~ • · · .Athililt 1i..;__ ' Odclmrlna: Piano··•\·• J7a ~ Wilb i hooio'f!lp. -. MOMDAY -hu. \ i' WoOd "*' un,. ~ ~' 0.... C&prioe 0rsa0 J ... marb•oe -u;;;;. °"1 n A.II., Pllf •. TWI MGS' ··c ..•. ilt .· 11'1· 1 lrar 1Q'ff'-.w~iiln ·s.~· Mt ·. Saft ................... - • . } -"' or NCR -bt --"' ,ear ltOiind •• .,,.,....-::· o.. ... ._ B" d wll!lll. • ~ Door (You're N t Dreamirl g ·--1n-.,i.w. ·--... -.. ,. .... ""'.,..,11y·-· ~~u.. '°"'a"°" liui ......... wH~ · ;_; ~~ Jlr. 6 lfp. ••·Ill mlrr«, 2 i--..,_ But y du. Can Illar> wi~ iattncllvo Ii!* ....i. It -~ r ·!!'·ilo .. ~~-~al Lilncd N lollc ,..,...moa-. d•cohii'fl ~ !n Spanis~ No .io..n - PINCH YOUR PE·NNIES with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified Ad 'Ii. N~w Kind of Want Ad That Really Gives You Every· Penny's Worth NIWI SPECIAL RAn! 3 LINES 2 TIMES Any Item For Sale $50 or Less! 642-5618 PILOT PENNY Pl.NCHERS Will Work For You/ YOUl CUDIT IC .OODI • btmllto ~ ~ Jild Olll.!Mt lit. llRaolwri ac·.!aftv1.1 1ym. 'm·~~ •a ne .. !W'.l\r&~wll ,.OB 1 , ,.;;;.'!l'. oat duln wtlli ml!chinc box sprtilp, mat• Golilcl Minic C ....... ny lot -u.t llro -"'xr. ~al • 1 oUvi -lli err trdo·6 li'lme. • . 20l5 N. l\faln, Sallla Aoe """' -· u...e _.. n• c·· -'·s o' ;:' one• 8hd ~ • Ol '.4Dr>or:tunlt; for -""' 1 ... Hluillly . . So. ol ,._.., sn...a .... Uoo~ 3 ,.....,elc. -growth .and .~ lllriMt. tr.S'. cltlzemhip illie AHOiiioj_..,..., __ llW 8" USI Open Moo" Fr1 ,,.. 'Iii 9 ~1n~o1 .111e -~ · 1 req111red.. . v.ll~-f~M.H-Pllll ·Plilc'I N2':f5 · Swilla:Yl2"5 DAILY PILOT .... l:li ·-.'"'9•tew'"'"'"'"''h . 330 .... a., ....i. bf IXl'llUIMCi il ~ nSulbt to. Pbl1 Cltiii!111tlbl or t1lt u.. ow~ C!Wte.~ ar'Bant • T~. aos Ask lor Mri. G~ or nciu•Hlril#; rn laHeliiE:rt.iUi . ~o FffJq PrOlil -·Jll'T_Qliilli,... -··-· -· 11.c• call~1oranin~w • ~u'u"'i.. .w """ • * 6111. lllDAY * ~.~~:m: COLLINS RADl4 00; -~-~;;;~~~ ult1TED~~ .. olilt1.A i~ ~ltl1~1u1 •• dU w-11·-.., ll41 I, ~ .. Hwy ~Mir Nfiii'Oit 11.4clf'-IMlltm FAllKS AJI equll llpporliillity ~ployilr · · . "'FOR SALE 1ohi.~..;.4;.ilwih '•·' ·.··" .. · · ' • ~-11ao ~'::;:~·~;::u; Eqllll -1111111J ~ Jibi -· M 1iii ~ fMn & 7ss0 JP .. ~ ii.tlj riDmJNATio!I -/drf. p.in. ""SU.r, Colla -·lh • ~ Ille at ~. Good t.Ob.tltion. '50 or 23" B/W TV I: Stereo com~ * flll:lllr 'l'Viiin Tiii : newpolt.' ~~ ~btl'f""1 ,. ... Wffl!IU'OOL .Anlo. wubu; boaol '"'· ""'' omd IJllll. '""1lll· IJl'UI : ""llilnhel J · -..it~= ..,_-set. X1nt C<ll>d. $IO. MIO>k coat, lull''"""" "'8 1 • ' r.' ~. tibJe j._ Guaranteed. Sfl'-1115. sz, perf cond, coat ~. Immediate •P'oine in llOallliAJ lpnCf ;,.a =.°'idilr:;::: ./llANAVPri&btFre...r makeotter.549.3163 iales aePutment Muat II II . . <!, Cr t.D Ille bettroom aulte $195; xhit condition! POOL TABLE type lll win. .0 mM HliNTINGtdN iiii.cii ,....,.••Niio•. Serwle6 ""'"""" 1pc1 1JOx ~ _. AD ilCCftl., mt '"""· ISO. electriC,_ Dtm.io..t du-Nill>S !tr ~ npltytr attreu. """" It -Ir For uie .,.·.w.e, $35. %1462 Pacllic c.ut Hwy, Fo•· sucOOllfllt "'"1 Eltate tie" EX' TIA ' . ' 41iti1 ** J~lant lamol. ~ oik I pc e...itent -'!Jon. 36", s..,. l6, ILB. 536-2731 Brolte:r 1n s&nta AM area. W Deftr t)f,, H.:; d!nlnt •l Pricec1 dlewblfe * Ml-DO * . UPHOiSl'EiliNG -(Euro. !'refer "°""" ambltiods girl C•ll ~rl4!Vltl .i.pt . A6J11t •-.. ll , •-$Wll.lll ALL )'REEZER ooo lb ""' "'""' craltamenl Free ""-; wll!lnc .. U111111e ,._... (714) ...,t4o, . o~ o•·L1 . . ·--: .. "'11"!Jl'Y ... 121·-type,·mi. xlnl cond. ~... .., pl<irup, 2lli Ma!D, HB bWty A perfonn lznportant n • R , -. $4.!9 pi:'l', ~~k /·wt Of stove $40 rn..r.MO -.Bernard's Upbll. 536.&tCtS =..t~~t"1~·~~ r· EL0'·1·c •tLl"I saiJ•ll'lrlilrildlM ;,600 :.::n~t~..:~ COLo's.POTIWrl&erato' QUAL. Kng Size bed "' iroomed, le have eitctllent n RIOllhR NdW' Cehtm7 FUrtdtare. 91 'l J Clean. Excellent o:>ndition, 'QUlltrd mattress, c 0 m P · k:Wpbone vOice. 5 hoUn Iii, Gilli NJlW oa,W• ri'ART ~n crove· B 1.,, d.. $35. Ga.t_hfatu sz. 548-9614 ~~mea $98; ~'Ot'th $250. dally to .tart, but will 1.. Dll!Jll-liiJ. co r I'; NUT ~ G.... Gmo Dall> 10.9, !8 Wblrlpoo\ Washer crease to full time u i.bil-~lllU 1 ;;jr . . ~Del" l'fWU'd1 Sat 1M. .$.W:I 1J.5 c.mne 2 !JPffd, 3 Cycle• $50 · • VACUUMS • ~=-·~: 1 9ili~l.!t.,,il ~~euo.\·.!i~~ 1n20 .. ..nP.Cn14MJ530-a'l400.DERN w~'::.!R.pe1r. ~:!'.~i&v=.. ASS'T.ta .coordlnitinlExec. L•tliMli ltich •rlilll• jtllt at,_.,,,.n.~&hout •. Xlntopara.nteed1erYice .33l:E:.l7th.CM.64.2-1560 ol nationally known design. .•• ' 0 , .. •,ur,,..... -~ 3 ROOM GROUP lle.u raiel. M7.g!l5 GIBSON J·SI de<m' firm; speciallzin&: in Equal opportunlf)I ~mployer p OM T ONS or CU'MI' womlri. . llicludea: lloral sofa Ii: cba!t with Hardlhell cue, restaurants. YOWIC. able to --------I N~A llOrrKAN. _ wlJ.nat U,ble;·:. lamps .• Aritl'"' 1 1~10 $324 new, $200 or ¢fer lhlfill ~ ....... -· in I A,M, TO ·I P.M. . N•...,,. SChoil aDpiele bedroom with qaill . . Eric, ~ .. ofter • PM. fumllbilww..thWIY to' dri,11. . * 'i'IL.LIR * · : · ' -''1/l"bWlf · ·' il:ik!f'"-"" • e(I malt!"ls. 5 pc. dU..tt• 20 ·to SO'<' !lll!. ~ CARPETS. V.U\YU. Tiies, tat ikelch, rend~r Ii: direct · Apply· Ptttonn, · . '1 Dept.' .f11 .. Dovit Drift · · ic. "Ah.lo · ~ · · ·' imports. &f· • : ·once upon t ""' and o1 Co •-k. ·WW·.,, •• , •• , •••-, · · · ·lli:lflll:'t .. ~.;. -:1a.:... e ~ r .-, • -A 'Fbrie· :M28 N--.;. mvd es ·,Sv e• c on. m--~ ~·.. · . 3RD n.cxm: ....,..-· · ·--.. $177 · · ' '"~" ' mnclal ~ Rnmeottal. Ex· taltnted i ~· Jn~ ~.!_~ ..... a,.v~ Jin our ~VIEWHRS.~P.M. LIJ'ETIKE Gift . ···_,I C:M.64:).00'IJ .. · · perttnstallation by app't. uwy. 56-2729 ~-.nM: vu....-.: or Jiit-MoNDAY'tfiru SATURDAY t.-<-it1 .. :.., Cbiidre'o, Nc.down •. ~fl,Vlllf lDmo. NOW OPEN! DoD.!, Collec-60-1..,.., . ~- Eve • W ~-• -bl• well-M •-•• ....., EIJlllG-V~"'•-• w £ --•-1. • "-'· • ~-~ -"' ~ grandddl.,.,,_ or ,o6rseH! WEU!'S AR HOUSE !or's -~ Gut It• m:•, POOL TABLE • 4'x7' •·• ~orkNelirHeme ;::k.Te~experiencert-HUNTiNGTOI:JBEACH lndi'f'Jd11 al l1 tutored HEbENS ANTIQUES 2428 size fDrdtnor~·r&~ • .\eeountilw/B~ EXctlltnt workilla oondiUoD# An lllqU1 Qppoi1anity cbnooat 1o .lf:llONI typbw 600 W. 4th SL, santa Ana Newport Blvd, _stcn J, CM. a.nstructlon w/ ball ~turn • Secretulll ~ tr1na:e berierU.s. Pleaie •-•litmii!Oiiiiliiilu•&iii;;;;; ~· 173 Del Mu, CM, Opeft Dt.il,y t • 9 . Vut a~k Amer/Eur furrf ~ + rack, cues &: balls. $275. • Reception apply in penon to Mr. Lewis s41..2131 · -Sat 9 • I . Sun. 11 • 8 clocks. Larry Morgan Anti:-6f6.;3613 • TypWfs o~ ltfrs Nagel u NU' IUA' l GOING To Europe tbil rtar? Furniture retltttltd from dis-quies, 2421 Nwpt. Bid., C,M.J oA:-:cu=zz"'i"""Whlrl""'' ,..pool-,-...,b-a~t h Su1Nrler Atlency · Bruh up your ftench play studios, model homes, S.WI di $150,. Hrdrck maple cradle l85t .:l:.,T ~ M... &lendal• ~ .. lion " 1111'. ,,..,., deCO'\'lon """'Uatloo. . .. ~ ·-1120 120. BR .. t; mir/dbi -. · Op. ••rtunily . spanilJI ~~_rranean etc ziG Za& Sewm: :r.taclilnes: chit ot dnml, butternut Cll!llnt"'"1f,l ' f de Ir. I . ru . MliC'HANDJsr p:oli RD FURNIJURE ...... """" williOUt at· ...00, xlnt '°"'· I SO. CASHllR. HOSTiss e ra ·.111Y ilgs The lndepeodtnt Ordtr ol SALE Ali!li T°llADE 1141 Nowpori Blvd., CM tachmenll. l!an'=P' stock. '-"!162-415!1=~-~~- Ntat iptlt.linC, 11 to «>. No Fbre,tera have O~ned i . , 1 eY1!'7 -,USbt tU 9 Brand new l9Qi . models. KIRB.Y vacuum Cleaner, experience necessary. Apply new omce th Ot$nje Couh-FUl'lltfllliN , . . IOOO Wed sat. • 9uif 'til I Portable•'"'°· ,Coneole• '6(1, 1900 model, neVu. used. tn penon. ri11 c'::;:"X:!,~l~d. ~ ~ ~'.~~.": 20 PC. i'MADRiD'' ~l!M~L·e'vt1s·· fix ~ ~in.')';"'~; ~~·~te ,.... IDl'S llG llOY , ~. SboUld bi.ve ... j R G ·, Public Invited. N.,,, nne trial-P •. "'·"""""' . TABLE Saw l~' """jotn.r ~ 154 !:. 11th St. Equal opport:un1ty employer -r11nce 1n m.t"-..riblie. oom I r.ouP home turnl.shings, earpetlnr, j on -...1 .... •-• --p1e·-N C..ta -~ . . -~ •• FROM !.iooi:t., Hbt.tts drapes, deeorallnr ... """"· Mull.. ..... : II~ ~-·--~ .... ---,----~-· I Dlpilied Ille ..... poaltion. AdJ . ~ ---... $175. """ $299. BACK omce mane, s Cloe. tan; mu1t have txper. CBC d1Heren6als a m u 1 t . X-Rays helpful. lnexper. pleue do not lllJly. Pleue call: 531-3205 AJL 4 PM T•ltjlhorio Ra .. ptlon W•rlt. c;•ll 11 ~ te I l'.M. Jlt.2114 Elm11>• tbll>ll>'nce1 lmn>'<I. Iliclude" -... ~ • Auto~tid. 1159 FOllJI. Gull H'ltl"" rt" 2l2 E. ~· ~· \ateb'. t>Should be in excess eti,.lr·..i. Id ti.Wt i, eor-tatn Way, ~· , ff • 'IU1 •rt · ..,...., "!--'... 1 • ot $250 weekly. f~ table-2 Wn;Pa-dtts.s-e 630-1253 e • NEW and USED . E;XQUISITE, like new, $'100 er-. mirrar-~boitd -SACRll'ICE! 2 M CG u 1 re F~nder a VOx • Staodel Dark ~ Mink atole; aell Telephone between 9 .Ml • quilted box IPHrw I: tnatt-Spilt Reed chaln, ettstom • GlB!ON • MARTIN for $350. ~2355 . Convalesctnt JJospitaJ, 1 PM Mon. thru Frt. t A..V:. tt11 ""l S pc. dlmoa;, room; upholstered, like new $75 .D WILSOHN a YAMAHA DRAPES $48; arm cba.ln 12 Noon saturdays tor ap. table • 4 hMiael c.bllrs. each. 673-'1822 rum 1adqu1rttr1 $28 each: eltttric mower N........ "'"'laerabte poln~nt toMPAl!E ;AT \719.is I LIVlllG "'°'" funiilure e NEW ind ti~• 125: Skill l>J, Top lblpe RN DIRICTOR OF NURSES ~t;yien!~:m:. Newport Beh, South ~92-8700 ~J99 $100. *3271 alter T p.m. ~!!iec~~ ~~ """'="""-=~~--~ cellent with Wlhnlttd po.. ~ Mesa, North SM-1701 No dowD-p;,;tl I ne mo. or Sat. Pc. sets and cymbal& start· KING Size Simmons bed, te.ntial to , "" ea111b1e WELK'S w· A 'tHOU· E . like ne .. $85: maple butch --' s . = :~99i;,~.%..""'iu "= 54" io..t $100, mhc. 540-2578 rtJLL CHARGE BOOK· . , Offl .. Furniture 1010 parta, acceSIOl'les .&:-eymbals McCOLLOUGH cha1n saw, KEEPER Tbru Jinuclll ••5 11-• c wu.. 6111 W . .flh St., Santa Ana . ,,, in .... 21" bar m T-·•· •• 1tatements. MlllUpal · cor-JV-_. ' Opt.a DaltY 9-9 INS. Group 01Spose! of: steel s"""'. ....,. ..._... vac ..,. pora&n, Xlnl aala,ry Ir: • Hottelsel ' Sat. a.6 Ian ll-' I: wood ~ 1; Secretarial EVER.mnNG tN MUSIC Pwr mower, as is $5. 642-56fi6 ~~; ::.e~.:~~ N' ht• 1 20 Pc.· tfc" · ie !.i~~ .. ta~1e.t.i"i:; Be1ch Music Cenler ~Yfo .:~ ... ":..:: ·~ 19 m6 Apply • ptloioft ,.. llio. room IW"!tlhh l!S. Botb xlnt rond. ~ • wA1T11.Ess, Good Cukl~ll Wi1ltrt11 3 KOuM G OUP Mi1o1alian··· m.1100 F""'°" Sato•• Service •:--,FlRE=""°...,,.;~'-"''-= ..,._n1y, a ttractive REUB' EN'S ,.........:., iMiw rObift Oel · 1i3ll S. Anaheim l!llll., In Daily U -'Iii 9, Sat "5 •Burglar~ 21725. Full tlme, top diary. -"':":-f'" 1741)& Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) Systems installed a& low U Lil Pailan0'1, Hunttnaton Apply ln penon ta~ie, • !dt ~ ~m Anaheim <at:;;:skle S.A. 1% ml. So, San Dle&:o FwJ-$99, call ~ Harlxlr. US-0893 · coc· o;s ~;. di:t ,... ttrWAD I . ma-J'l'ft7_at Ka l Huutington Beach 847~ DRAPES 30• green gold open PHONE SOLICITORS RBllEI L ll ... s·'="• or ••• Offlco i~ul,...nt 8011 -a1iiMNJ.Jo-weave, ..... 1 mo. ""'' no experience ntoell&l'J'. 1SU W. M lml """' wtth Hardshell ca&f, S3ro Sell S225. ~1806 Full I: Plrl time, apply 151 E.'Ct11t Hfthway Ceiti Meta NoOomi .Pmtt.only,$18mo. CITIZENS Electric ten key $320 new, $200 oi' oUtt. UPRIGHT freezer, xlnt cond in person. Holldq Health Ntwpert leach WBl'S WAREHOIJ.Jf addlna machioe. Has C~it Eric, 675-516? after 6 PM $50. Culligan water softener, Sp. 2300 -· C.M, ANC' IDIT .. ......... balance, Excell•?' -ltioo FENDER 11 ....... elec. xlnt '°"'· nso. 545-<1133 can ~p'"':· tingt PAllT· TIMI SALIS . U.I l'IAIClllD( 60t W; 41h St., !lllta ... 155· Call before 1·111· 54t>'81i iruilar: beautiful cOnd. 12'•7' BEAUTIFUL palo .,,,. pttlOll, un on To·~ eWltlnct "'11 lralh tnl\tNG Open .D&U7 I• 9 lt -L.l.Jd' A.... 802 .. O Sl95. -.sJl2 carpet. Never used. C.olt 1hort6 mottl. 211m Ocean, to duplicate 1crj,.. u,ht, sat 9. 6 Sun. u -• nou..... -$12 sq, yard: $45. SCS-8740 HS. ·clean ~~22 Hi'I per e He.tftl11 · AtAPLE Cattee table t~st LEAVING Area! All Pianos & Orgins 1130 GAME table w/ mosaic tile WANTEDE~t:ier1 6lftea week. AppfY""on Tue~ .• 11 . MalfttiftaMill.a, ol drawm l i•'mps Hotl.lel'io1dfurntshlnzs, .-••ew Pia=-. lop; 4 chrl.-blklthr11eata;, filhlns rod bDme wrappers. A.M, until 2 PM. Sears Roe-Complete dlning nn set Fros~ refrl&, a e 1 k , n IDVa cane back. $185. 644--0156 Gilt It Clftl, 2111 .V&lley buck key Shop, 3333 Briltol, DAY SlUFTS ONLY $80Q1 3 upholst'd chalrS-1 queen-~ bed, etc. 644-0612 WURLI'l'ZER l BRADBtm.Y ·55 lftt!RC. motor ,75, g• ~ CJL 5Q..ltl! CO.ti Mta. . apply in ptfton (lo.f) ifitiqU""i, gariJtii lliiils " , -Alf styles &: finishes,· all Gordie Board $45, couch sso. W9¥Al'f, Att:rudve, Count!r RAIR St,ylllt wanted. "'-'-2607 W. Cit !U,bway small mlicf:D: Item 1 . Ob ... Sale IOft Americao made, 88 note, del 536-GJ2S ~ ... 2l .. Oft!' z "'·le --1-Un ....... Newport Beach 5'5-nll/1112 canon St . w-bencb .. tllhed. Price •tart. ·=,,.....,,...,..,...~~~-1 · . ' 1..,-•~t, bu 1 y C.'!.~ " WE'RE MOVING, (back i -at ·-. AQUA upbolatettd Rocker & to•""-""" Tbt Dot>m... Newport Shop J·•~-• .~ -"·J ~~·· bed ·• ~· . • ottoman ap1 ~-2\00 W. Ocwlll'ont. NB , pnlerttd ll11t ..;, .... -;;.;:;. •. t II H • ; I Y~• -• ~ • PWm "'nteo op! to buy ' m e •••• ~ iilirsrnm -"'""~ e. Cll! 11&-llls Jll&U 17 c. ll 11t Siie .,r1n., ~ 1rame 12 5 · Wurlltnr Or""M """'· 165. ,....7072 . old .... ..l..:;..J..--Kitchen.,. acces. &lU• A: ~ ANTIQUF.S of an types, •l>- 12. For 1 1111' ' Own DENTAL Alal1t&llt. chair \Vboleaate Ll&btinl ~·txtu~ ..,..... coCJkWaft, tots of. WO!ftcn's • NEW • pliances, dining nn set. 851 tnnl. Im me cl l i .t 8 I y l -side in G.P. ottlce. 19 to ShoWtoom. Stiles eQertence Laise 9 411.wtr lbear mfr.. c 1 o lh fl 1' slut 10 a 12. ?tfany other J1iakes. ?.!any Domingo St, Eut 81"'1(. S4.W77t 30 )Tl. ltnd reaumt to 9659 nee. Salary plus rornm. ror 2 bedfddi nmi!1,' kins E~ hi • xlnt , mnd. style• 4 tlnlshes. Price8 Gii£ nida1. blilbw. typltl(, 1.& Mon, l'owitaio ValltiJ sizl Wbolrd. floarM, ~t-Lad\el aJiDft lb:a 9~ I< ~ll:ri at ~. e SABOT DOLLY SCHOCK. ltbt-~l"1t~ ~· :i:! I.ADY 1'o. ao """'"''"'~ t J47 .. MI . 9 "' ... --blink· 10. taihlon aoceo, Jewelry, EVERYn!ING IN MUSIC """~ ':'ri.m; , ~ • -. ~ """""" I >" old ..... eU. ,... • .... ™ • Sal -leach Music Center J'J1d_q'...Ji)90 Noen '-~ Mon thnl rn. EXPERT· MUuscrtpt typict, Otoloe "-Sptn&sh GARAGE SA.CE MEXICAN Goat !kin table bii'iTAL Alliltlnt. c:bak' Own trans, Lido I 1 le .~ ~ 'ftnpliilil. -Nt or ~'F lb'll!i Boys k rirll dolhes, 1oys, Factory Salts & ~ and 4 chaln. Emboslled eol· lido, II!' N...,..t Bloch 11Mlll llttt 2 • _ """· l>)<naJnttrbr, lno. P. Al fep SJ4f eto, i'el. , 315 So. F1o-.r, Dau, 12 noon 'Iii 9, Sat "5 ot. 145·, •7>-<159 ..... x.a., ~· -DRAPERY WORK ROOM . o. Bo>< .... -Pobtt No -• Pmll. oJilJ II !no. S.A. ,,,_ SC<lru 17..it Bdch lllvil., (Hwy 39) !!O Ford, 'dt. To ippb, Ph: Q 1-lUS !mined ... , .... all pbue1. llLUEl'lll!IT !DIOP~ ....... s w·-"E' BlKES. Boy.,Girll 15-i25. 111 mi, So .... D\eiO -· Na~ahy\l• """"""'" itllllll COOK Pd hoUda,I • ill 1 .,,, bldilme -......... ftDll MUJW.J Womeml~is clolheS, mll<: Hun-Beoch Ml--* 54S-l4U ~ pd .... + ""btD'&, ~ -ioo " 4tlo lit, . Sa.ta .... hlhbid lleins. All • ... k 19'9 THE BEST bl!ALS PIANO $50. Sewing machine, -B<lcli ~ -. . . . 0,.n lllfl:f t • I ~ A,. .. C.11'. Sll-t52l Dri Pl1no1 & Otg.,.. ont;que $50. PalnU.,. 110. INCOME tu bllp needed -~ -• !:al I I ... 11 • (ll.RAGE Sale •• r Io QI A Alw Al """" no. "3&-1111 .. 4/U. ""' ...... Oii Jobi Mitt, w-. 7SGO , . 7llO , • . . housel!ol•·ll•oi.;, m1lo. re IJS WALNtrr Coffee llbie ...... ~ MS-2221 • , . ........ om. BR. Stt; twift beds, 764 1 'f. ah\ Coit.a Mesa stett0 1100. 19" Zenith Port. "111E , N~w Ol!m I 1ltillt ~-a '(ftf: ..._} t111t1t IO'ft Mat, piano: Kfl'°lnator · WAR.O'S BALDWIN mJOJO TV xtnt cond fi5. 615-2781 CO!JNTm 11:1!1. lull A put Bed will bt hl!lnr Mii __,.., ••• · • ,.... Feo4-0.ltamo, 42" nlri& * t GAllAGE SALE * * lilll N rt, C.M. 1i4U484 :;w,.' ====~..::.. ttme. Mr. Bui Oeonen, ,_.ed lull • put time !'RX~••• ........ , $4111 All ..,.i -. 14Mf1i1 ' 2217 lAllrtl Pl, Ne"'°" •"PO . REFRIGERATOR. S50 ""'°"'-;;;.;:::.;dli::.;Mar=--· --I betp. AJ11>11 2 " 4 oni,. 0o4tl Ooilt ............ 1481 = . eve. .,....., ~ ilat & Sun. ILWHONG • Stall1wa)o v,. Dinette 11~ !40, Trtcy<ie -2111 W. °"'*" """'~ NA ,.,,..., "'1 ...... • ... " 14111 QllAL. -11111 btd ,., fuaha • new ~ -piaia $5. -llO. ~ ::..~:t\'.:i. EXP Landlcapo-. A<d.De,.(,.imllel"l!lilO 'l)illted m1dnu, c om•·~llow 1100 olallmlkel.Beltbu>lln LAWNM..,.. • ...., cost ~ --. ~•--+ °"""""' .... •. • ... " 1111 N-Ulld 191; -ll!IO. --So. Qollt Tl&hl ..... $211 ""'4 l ttm 'n •·· I=~~;;.;;....:"'::.:.~""'-'*=*-~ I « b'alnet. _..., comm! Silt• Tme ........... , tllO lft-olOi CAS SeMI Rtfrlauator, lrr 9CU'MIDT MUSIC Cl:>.. ' es, se -- TWO. Ulben~ 1tootnla = ~~lcae MachlUt ••• , •• 1.,, fo $4,25 ~CiP'fiONAU.T nne ma_. excd&eat coaditkln. $35. 1IOT N. Katn. c:~Al!DOO , .. ;; ..,.-. II'!" bt Oftf 11. AllO Feo Jobi pie i!J\o JIUite S'1$ corio»i!le S36-!tl!4 lllnta Aoe • . I · 2 • rluUc -N ....... ClnOma ffOU5E Ml ol 11tmffuri, O,.n 1" ll'llO Sal""1a)o w/a..py bod. -l NEW TIJ>!>UI Ii Ol. Ft. WANTED: PWm It 0rpn0. Fantutlc. Xlnt rooo. 175. Ttai.., hlhloo Ill., N.B. ,..""" •tall. lDDt bu)o. MorU..1111 ""--' mattrlll. ~. i:elr1l'tmm, side "" 1\de, Cash paid 1-5JG.'3Ql.,,_=...,.....,..,=-il0ikiri rijij)ia, j ~ Olme & 1111 la.,_ A&ttlCI' MUft Ioli -• • 1 Iii topper !GI. Kl-3231 * -• Hospllll bod. $50. wek, ~ J'rid~. S2 SiM1lfONS Wdt a bed, bro'"1 20U W..tclW Drl\-e m, roll away SU. bruktut KEN ,Jr1 O R .E Automa GtlJbrUsen Qimolt Pia.no Bed pans S2 taCh. se.4111 t.r. r-wo Y11\1y. twled.$1111,IOOdcond. c.merlltblt!Mnt .. tp&.~iam Wilhlr. xtot Con!.; ASNEW -WHi!ILCHAIR tc-m I0>1381» CU.mo -~ R•"•Pd1 Avt NB Guarutetd. U7..all5 ~ atler 5 )! w~~ New cond.. 548-tm . . .I \ • ., For any near new or med furniture. apQliances. color- ed TV·s, stereos, pianos. or- gans, stoves. retricerators. bedroom &di, d1niDg room sets, office furniture. 1 piece or hoUleful. Day, night or ""136-3620 . WANTED WILL Trade Mobit Maid portable dishwasher f or working T.V. (It S 6 O. 67S..S159 before 5 PM. -- I, Tl!Mll!OITATIOM 0 , TUNSl'OITAT ..... ,.. tra,,..a-·d .... - . Im C:"""'· Pans ' .. lldlvery, All- f:1 lc:uu. I !I 111 ~I 1J I I '· 1~fl !'!'1"'1·1 '\ 11 • I' ' · -' I ' I ' ' 11 t ' ' - : SAVI NOW : ON ~69TOYOT· Lo Milo111•-...lvo D1m1Mtr1tor SALE COROLLA SPllNTEI '. -~';lo'{t· • -.. . . $1199 .. tollOICA H. T. COUPI ; JlardtollndY.-. I: st.treo tape, auto. ~ Ser. mis $2499, • ' ' ' ' • , ' • • I • ....... ·-M--'~ --· ··-. • • •, • --••• ,.-....-. ~------~..-.~;;.:•;• :;:::::.::::::=;:;:::;:::::· ;• :;:-·-·::::::;·-::-:::::=:::· ::-·:·:·~·,•:-:•;;::'".".'~·~03~£$;-j ~$ €~4"'.i~i :'.'':':'':'.!:' ':':J(b~il':':(~. '.':' ~· ~(:-:! ~· "."':'!~~~~===~[ ~~~·~~~~9!1!!1!""" ___ 4'"'":~0--· ~--..,, -...-r-•· ., .. ..., ~···-......... .,.., .. .,-,~ .... ~~ ................. , .. ~ .. f--~ ..... ···-••••• ,...... --··•· ::, 5 , .. >-a • • : YOU WON'T :; __ 1R_IU_M_P_H __ • BELIEVE • '64 TR · 4 • YOUR EYES. • 2 "' '""°" trom • • $1499 • COME • When Y~ FIA.T • •HERB FRIEDLANDER • • • IN : -G-~mw mw . • HAR R VOLKSWAGEN, INC. A-Soh<endSUVloe Ulll -8hod. - ~'5 V.W: BUG Guan.n~ re6dy to IOI # __ . '66 V.W, BUG Guaranteed. Show room eon. dWcn Lie. UJD 419 ' $Ut5 1''3'V.W. CAMPE_R wifh ........ wdJ equlpped • Lie. UKRlll9. '64 V.W. BUG Bur. Guaranteed A extra abup. RCF892 $995 '65 GHIA SDftr with black brterior. ~ and man)' extras. $13t5 '64 DODGE DART Wacon. 6 cyl:, p/atetr .. auto., &ir. Extra, extra clan. Lie. No. OPK916 $1195 '64 RAMBLER American hardtop, 6 cyt,, aulD... R&H, bucket aeatL Lie. No. RBT3Tl $99S FINEST ·SELEalON OF PREVIOUSLY OWNED ''66-'67-'68 CADILLACS IN . SO. CALIFORNIA 4 DOOR - 2. DOOR • B Dorados • Calais • Coupe de Yilles • Sedan de YUies PRICED FROM $3495 Some Carry New Car ''SUBARU MAJ(.ES SENSE'' ~TODAY!~ . . ·~~~ • UAND NIW • 'H IUICK '66 TOYOTA Clown Wqon, MH, stick. economy, plua room. Stk. Pl99 - $1495 5 Year.or 50,000 mil1 WarrantY, ALLEN • • $2444 • -ilW27't%60DMt • • • • ··~ .... o.llwery • • • I • POOLE'S FINE USED C~RS • • • ·~ MEl"CURY • Cofo11y P1 rk w19011. Full• •pow1r, fac:htry 1ir. CR.TR· •5t7JJ . • • $2595 • 11---,-----· NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH :rHROUGH A 645..0050 .. 1000 W. Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH * • '64 IUICK • DAILY PILOT •Efectr• c.onvf. full pow1r,. The Great Orange Coast's No. 1 Paper! :'"''$'i 1095•11 :,='=W=A=NT==A=D=::..:;~~~~~!!!!:~ • '66 OLDSMOllLI n:1_u_...i __ c_ ... ____ 990D __ u_ooc1_c_._ .. ____ 990D __ u_...i __ c_.,_, ___ 99oo __ Uood __ c_.,.. ____ 990D_ ---- •lunry SM.n, Full power, •f•cfoty eir. ISUP 1121. • • $2295 : • • 1 '65 OLDSMOllLI • •4 door H.T, F1chiry 111ir,• p-w 1t.erin9 I "r•••••• ••uto, <MOY 1461 • $1595 • •1~--=-----~ :i '65 IUICK • 1EI.~• cou1>9, F..11 ,_,,,I I f1ctory 1ir. I • $1895 • PRI. E AT GROUND BEEF PRICES BUY NOW AND SA VE! • : '66 IUICK • ..... Wlldc1t 4 door. F1clory1 I 1fr, 111to., power 1t11r!119, 1 RIH. ISVX 0161 I • $2595 : ·-------• '66 TEMPEST 1 Cu1tem c,a. RIH, •1111.,I • P.S., ftclory tir conclition•I ln9. lSTOI 771 • $1595 • I '66 CAPalCE • I C po. Power 1te1ri11t, f1ct. I 1 1ir1 11/fol'll1lic. fSIM J71} I • $2295 : • '67 llYlEllA • 1 coupt, fwll power, f1ctory1 1lr, .tTQV 1991 : $3495 • '62 CHEYIOLET IPlck-u~ Plumbln& 1 electricaJ speclaL IK63951J : $1195 • '64 llAMIUl • 1 990 W19011. Aut-1Hc.• •f1ctory 1ir, pow•r •fffril19,. RlH. fOEKl lll : $1495 : =-······-= • JAGUAR • • HEADOUARllRS • . -. WComplete Sties .. Serv·• •ice and P•ri• Oep•rt·• l"'•nl for JAGUARS. 1 • S•• tlit b-clflftf 8 lt6f J1911r TMey • ......... ; • : 23, l 17111 SJ. : • 548-7765• • • • • • • OPIN: 7 DAYS AND IVININIH • • • I !!JM& BUICK .. r ~v·'-• '· .... ,~. COST/. MESA '65 IMPALA • •4AT~~- •51295 .: 51195 '67 a c.-..,...... ............... IUoH. °""'111 51795 '63 CHEVY I ' MO'tA 4 DL A.T, ,IU.H, {OKI N I 5695 ''6 MUSTANG rstl".T.t,.:..~-.. ~FKlilrT •lr. . 51895 '64 OllYIOUT IMPAL.AU.Cl'L A.T,. ~It. Ul:M tal ·_ ~095 '66' IUICK •11.DCATCPL M·(t :ti~ .... _ Flldwv •Ir 52195 '64 ¥111.1SWAGIN • ..... _,,... ....... !HOE ... :. 5995 51595 '65 OIMIOUT IMPALA 4 OI:. ~lit ~'n'rii:-FedlrY 11r. 51295 CC«TIMA e .T. 4 ...... IU.li. IVflE &') 51495 '66DODGl A.T ~ P.'e\U. "ntsx JJ7l 51595 UNI -, IOWIST IATIS AYAllAIU ON APl'llOYID (ll1JIT CONNELL CH=~~ET 28~ HARBOR BLVD.COSTA MESA ' 540-2733 Imported - TIUUMPH '66 DATSUN WAGON .f 1peed, radio & heater, w/w, rack on top. CUtie. Lie. No. RGF663 $1195 -fb HARBOUR VOLKSWAGEN, -INC, 1----~---I Authoriud '61 TR 250 Sales and ServiCe Wjres, overdrive., 11.IXX> ~es 18711 Beach mvd. 8424435 $279' '58 VW Bua: w/O>rvalr l!n&. When You Think FIAT Fully '65 equip'd. IncL aU Think this brand new· llO HP HERB FRIEDLANDER °"""' rng.; M4' oynchn: 9625 Guden Gl'OWI Blvd. trans., paint job, dual ex- 8!K...3113 haushl, heavy duty clu!ch, '63 TR 4 11tarter motor, & rear Witts Sharp brakes .. Other extras: wide $Uts tires &: rims, bucket seats, When You Think FIAT walnut p&neling, Kon i Think abockl, 20 gal. gal tank: HERB FRIEDLANDER & ,..,... S1350. 548-4410 9625 Gard.en Grave mvd. '66 vw 891..3333 White walls, radio '65 TR 4A 11299 Rdstr, dlr, 4 speed, wire When y~:ink FIAT wboelt. J•t blacic rxt. ""' HERB FRIEDLANDER top. good Nbb<r all around. -Gard . · •• Xlnt O>nd. $15 cub dela or -.. en Grove ""'vd, """· lJl RIV 291. Clll K>n, 894'3333 41H-9713 ar 545-063.f '&I VW Variant Wagon, xlnt 161 TR-3 cond. Mwst sell. Sacrifice, M2-8!lll $1300. Days 673-7462, l!vet 490-2110 vw camper 1969. 3,000 mt. Xlnt cond. Pop Up roof Ir: folo out tent. $35oo caah. 499-3163 '66 F >Sr back, blue with white interior, must sell this week, good cond. ;1095 . 642-<000 OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC .1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY. LAGUNA BEACH 494-1084 • 547-3103 lmpor11d Auiol 9600 Aul,. Wontld ===-==---'~ 9700 VOLKSWAGEN '63 VW, l'l!d. sedan xlnt cond. Private party. 646-8757 or ~1492 WE PAY ••• ·CASH -------. tor used can I: truckl jud '60 VW SUNROOF call us for free estimate. Bu~~;~~ !I GROTH CHEYROlfT 60 VW CAMPER Excellent Interior $f1» ~ 6'73-6178 att.u 6 Ask tor Sain Manqer l82ll Beach mvd. Huntington Bl!acb KI "3331 '61 VW, clean, tlWll'OOt Blaupunkt AMIFM radio, hoodors, $1450. 644--0568 WE PAY CASH 1964 K GHIA Spt Cpe. FA.Sr. xin• ~~::Ss... * FOR YOUR W ·or DELUXE vw 1 ..,. CONNEU: . his. 17,IXX) m.1 .. Prv prty. 11995. * .. ,..,., CHEVROLET . '66 vw Sq Bk. XInt Cond. 2828 Harbor mv..t. R&H, private party. $1595. Costa. M~ MfrU» 548-4249/642.-0890 _ _;__--'~---I '66 VW, •un roo~ low mil"· Will Buy good cond .. $1075. Call after s pm .. 545-1500 Yoar Votbwactn or l'arllM e '67 VW, xlnt cond, low is Pl1' tap dol.1ars. P&kl lor miles $1500. Call 531-6313 or aot. 6 nmo HARB R •57 vw Micro Bus, ,_ VOLVO VOLKSWAGEN, INC. whlo. $500, ""'°'Gonion --------1 New"Cors 9800 Autborlud ~ or 1131Nll4 V 0 L V 0 J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;, J Sales en<! s.mo. "65 VW· 37 ooo w ~--NE"' P1800 & 18711 Beach Blvd. 842-4435 • • ...... •-·11•vuri:: " MONTH END ~.:";::,~ ~~wm New 164 on Disployl SALE VW 8"g '64. good a:ndltlon. Gillill _Li,,.; I ... 65 Y.W. IUCi Jnterlor ciean, motor xlnl ""' UUIO Guaranteed, ready to ao! Must geU $!£0. 642-8359 IMPORTS Uc No. PJR351 · '65 VW, white. sun roof, must $1295 &ell, ulcing $750, radio, good OYOTA-VOLVO '65 DAUUN cond .. ~9168 1966 Harbor, c .. t.I.. 646-9303 ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER · COMPLETE SALES ·SERVICE PARTS CENTER NEW· USED Theodore 4 Dr. Sedan. 12,000 miles. Economy Speclal. Uc. No. PEV536 $89S ROBINS FORD NOW's THE Anilqu11, Cl1ulc1 961S 2000 Harbor Blw. l '36 Ford &riJ..le, 2 ftar doors Costa Mesa 642-0010 064 DODGE DART TIME FOR a:mplr4r with•'"'· 1 hood """"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'j '1lgbtly bea~ 1 bell ....,..,. --------1 auto., air. Extra, extra with rear e~. 1 '40 Ford Auto Leasing 9110 clean. Lie .. $~)·9f PK9lS QUICK CASH I~ :;u;; :J ~~: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;,;;;;.;;;;J V W B P"--••«m LEASE. RENT ''4 a.A.MILD .. . us. ....,..., ...........,.,, Amirkon "berdl\ip.-6 -cyl., TH ROUGH A H.B. A<l<Jor BllL ~LL ~OPUL.AR auto., RAH. bucket seats. MAKES u~ No. RB~'i DAILY PILOT Au::~·-:,~oo AUT~~~~ZED 1500 ~~ ~~~ntttd I 642 5678 ~$ = ~~~;~N: extra sharp. Uc. SlE461 • Bn.L MAXEY TOYC7rA Get Our Competitive Rate& '" i~:~TA WANT AD H. n.=.' Beach,:~_.,.. ROBThlN""s •FO•• RD Crown Wagon. R&H, stlck,I=======:.!.======= economy, plua room. Stk.. 9600 2060 Harbor Blvd .. P199 lmoorted Auiol 9600 Imported Auios c,,,.. Mo,. 64UIOIO $1495 '67 GHIA Yellow with black lntttior. Radio and many extra& Stir. 1'200 $1695 '66 Y.W •. IU• Guaranteed. Show room c:olld!Uon. Uc .. UJD 419 $1395 'U V.W. CAMPO with awning well equipped. Lie. UKR®. Thta Week- $1595 'H DATSUN WA50N ' 11peed, radJo I: heater, w/w, nck on top. CUtte. Uc. No. RGF663 I $119S ~ HAllBOUll VOLKSWAGIN, INC. . Authorized Sales end Sttvlce 18711 Broch Blvd. 1142-44311 OlARGE m a ELMO•E MOTORS 1 SJOD llEACH a YD. WESTMINSm IM-Jl22 - Fl.EE· FREE las Yeqas Vacation 2 DAYS I 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO • N• '•rth111 N1c1u1ry 1s300Beach11,d. Westminster '''·3322 OPEN 7 DAYS •lWEIT• or buy it •••••••• which ii best tor you T For Information call: 645-2182 SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING 300 W. Coa.st Hwy, Newport *AUTO lWING* , ALL MAKES , COMPErETIVE PRICES Cort Fox Auto LN•lna 224 w. Cout lfia:bway Nrwpout Bead> 64UHO Used Cars 9900 BUICK '62 SKYLARK, BLUE, H .. T., NEW W/\V, LOW Ml., M~ AIR. EXCEL. COND . $700 .. 675-3862 1'55 BUICK Sp.ciol 4 DR, auto, P/11, gOOd transporta.. lion, ?.11 ~ • I L ) ' • oii_::rr1Al~·~,A~-~·~··~"!1969~~~~::::i!!~~!!:~~~'.!i rltANSl'OIT AT'<!' RAN ION Utod C.n 9900 _U"'ood"'"-'C.-"'ra..:.. ___ .;.9900 U-'...i __ c._,., ___ 9900_ UMd c.ri '90I TltANS~ATION TltANlll'ORTATION i'RANSl'ORTATIQN TltANStootlTATION . ' TltANSPOl!TATION TRANSPORTATION Utod Con 9900 Uood Cara 9900 UMd Cira '900 Utod Car:o· '900 Uoad Cara 9900 COUGAR __ F_A_LC_O""'N...;.__ FORD llOIP -------------------_.._...,..._ ---CORVEiil CON11NENTJ.i BUICK CA MARO CONl'INENTAL Jf'6 8!'1-ck Wildcat ~•~t c'onaud i"""tioticn •. '63 UNC. CONT. l~~"::,•I 11!' ~~427, Fut1 Ba<4!',: 19611 ·P'!J_ Ptyll1., ~· B.lnclL '!!-~loAl.CO..'.'_tFu""" 1 Doortic. IM7 Ford Lhl. Coupe '63 ltANCHlltO' ~ -...... ~ ~ ..,.... .. te .,_, cu n, ~ a r . .-..... .--·· JWU • ,_et, automa . A1Uomallc tn.na., tactocy lllr, Owned by little 'Git-~ Silver mist &Jab with black SDXt. Call M1-1441 eves 4 ., Dr. Seclon Gold milt finllh wtth blonde hp, engine blueprinted by m..22118 or m-.zH f195. Dealtt. UIS Hartior power itetrlnt, JIQ'Mr bnJt. front Laa:una l apd dlr an brterlor equipped with A.T., '67 CAMAJtO. Ta1$le over F\ill ~ • faet. air, new lH.thtt interW, Auto. tranra,, Paul'• automotive. Sl:t up Blvd., C.ta Meu. 64$-.1812 ea, radio, heat~. vfnYI top, ~ ,.btt •,,'1nteds. R.lH, P.S.. P.B., factory air p.)'l'llta. Perfect oond. Pvt. tires -~ appear. Rl:H, P.S., P.B., factory air. Jor atrfft or dn.s. Black -DODGE Untta ctau. attractive Ja· Runs like • too! $5&' Cub condition. Orf&lnal throu&h-party. ~ ance. RGUMll. Never before advertiled thfl: acrilUc lacquer. See to Qo --------maica · )'l!llow w\th black dl!la. pymnta $29.8" mo. out and pric<d i.. tut aaJe. ·$,1\395 _ low. GKZ 7i!. •proc1a1e, ca!! after & pm '66 OODGE POLARA. Must FORD ' landau root. e., or !ht ,...., D8l1l5 can Ken, .,..mi .. SMC :I'vi':,O FROM CHEYEW l JOft"'°N Ir, SON JOHN!!i~ SON . . ..,,.._ uk .., T;iol :C~ ::S. "'= ~ --,66--FO--R-D--~;:al•n .-i;. t'l'X'l'SH~ ·~ORD COUNTRY KELLY BLUE BOOK '66 CHEVELLE s ta 11 0 ~ ~.....,. LINCOLN -MERCURY COUGAR ~181•2 Blw .• Coab\ Mea Country Squire SAVE""'° FROM • SEDAN JOHNSON A SON waaon. Radio. he ate r ; l9U fft.rl>or'Blvd. M2-7Q)Q 2636 Hl!'bor Blvd.t c.Jd., ,,_. .t KELLY BLUE. BOOK ~•-d1 V • ~ LINCOLN -MERciJRY automatic, like new inlkle '66 CONhNENT. , AL 2 DR. ~ Ph. -5404635 '61 COUGAR. Ra.elk>, bl!ater, 'M DODGE Dart GT. VS V • IOtoPASSPS. PWBA<!,OHN and JOllNSON a SON ~.~~ll~t ~~:; 2626 Harbor mvd., C.M. and ouL ... ~.-: n.....1 .... 2l36 enrioe, -•1o and heat-. "'• au , • , n .-, lJNCO(.N -MERCURY Ph. ..... ~ .......,. ~· H.T. Adto· tram., factory '6'11.0el.L, 1-owner, IUpl!rb autnml.tic, power 1Wrlnc, L"·-''"' ..., Fa.ct. ·Atr. Better hurry.tor 26:16 · 8l CM Cub dell or take amfll for---~~==~--• ~ Bl~,~ Calta Mesa air, _PQWtt~~. power mnd, ~ tires. blue w/bJk factory air, ~6.lilo miles. uw new. $895. Dl!aler. m th.ii ·i· time' Harbor vd., · el&n car. Fine ptvt Pl't7 • .,. '63 BUICK -1811 . ·lnlc~. ~ -. pow-"""' top $3500 ..._.,.,.. e.atullul car. $SOO ..-Harbor Bh•d., Coata Mesa· ~ • ' • ...... . . PIJ. -5'0-"='5 Mooth. LB UEV 48f. Call • Bl·-0 -k. -•-r -6'>-1811 · "'"""' $2D·95 IM7 Ford Oalaxla 500 Ken ·-~· ••• -RI •--CHEVROLET er seUr,. • beoter, --~ ~ -• ~ or ~ .. -viwra . ... v!li>( ..... Hnt«!\ilua. CORY AIR ' -Harbor 81"1., °""' ..... . 61 D 0 D G E c • ". m • 2 door Hanltop. Att=tive FORD ... Falrlane 500. • VI, aoto, PS, PB, R-11. New '6 u•LIBU d•sert"be"° ftnisl\;. with · <. 66-1812 Sporlaman Van, .,._, JOHNSON & SON Sabala beiae exterior with dr s.d. 8 cyi. Auto .. PIS. dk. Ivy colOI' that make! it • '""" 'b2ack . 'landau roor:-full 'ti) CORvAIR. ~ and ''8 COU«rAR equipped, incl. air, new. Lincoln.Mm:ury two.IOOI! matching interior. R/H. Xlnt cond. f1'l'5 C>rla: outstancllne. TYz:u5 Bucket seats,. COhlOll!, aod-leadlef' l.nterkr. lJc No. heater, a.ut"&rna~dc • , b'·_._·....t.W ._ $52)). Sf.c. $3800.-6«--0m' , 00 Harbor Blvd. &l2-7050 Auto trans., R&:H,P.S.,P.B., priv pty, ~243) (' $1295 dea gokl ext., IQ!ol lnl, fact RZP :11!1 ""5. 5'0-<i635 Dir. tnnamwlon. Runa • ...... Ume With :-..,-,!'.'."" .~ ,56 OODGE $65 Driven °""' 21,000 milH by ,68 FORD> Torino ~ JOHNSON. & SON air, dlr, pwr windows, pwr •66 ~ 1 door $195. Dl!aler. 2026 Hartxr Loaded-:-' air ......,.q-._ . Good tftS a batteey.., 19'7 Ford Ltd 2 Door orfa:lnal .owner. 'Looks and W back alr-cond ~ ,,..riro:, low, low mileage. bard tnp LwnnY ul ped Blvd., Coata M ... &IS-1812 ?JI. I • Slot!a -* S40<Mo * .. . Hordlop driveo Ilk< new. UZF <85. d.:i .;,....... 'S_'hep Uncoln.Mm=wy Take fo?'l!ign car or $15 ca.sh ·th full. lncleq P 1964 TURBO c~ft-~. EWI. 962·1ttl6 Janiaica yellow finilh with $1'95 ~2531 l. ••~ u-~-81•... "~"......,,, dels LB '""""'"~ Call V'A~ Wl power uding •..u5"' 25 mil al '65 CUST01.t 880 2 dr HT JOHNSON ' SON °•~ ~.1. n&1uui ""· ou.-1........ • u&.r-. nc.i• air comlitioninr, leather i~ conwrtible, good ~corilitio.L ,500 es, 1 Ownl!I', r, ~ ' • black interior I.: Landau • '68 SPORTS wagon. Luxury 494-9T73. tericr, FM radio wilh·stt.reo $Ci. 56-JJ.69 aft.6 PM Poly. tilrl! s, ~w brakes. ~ir~1r·~~I~~ root A.T., R&H, P.S., P.B., LINCOI..t'I'-MERCURY 1960 FORD, P/S; .Rig, cream/&: wood, All pwr, 1966 CHEVROLET Caprice, tape ckck. B, & II t Ir u J yellow wfblk viny) top, factory air. Bu.y of the year. 2626 Harbor Blvd., C.M. R/H, xlnt coM~~ R/H, tac air. 1 owner, factory air, 2 dr hard top Bermuda yellow witb black peso, 5t6-6676 bl!tv.-een 9 ·~ DART, V-8 , auto., R&H, TXT 814. Ph. -54().5635 It brakes. $.31Xl. ' 15,<XXI org mL Asking $3,750. W/vinyl. %2001 Malibu Lane, leathl!r interior. $ 2 9 g 5 • I: 5 l!Xlra Cltan, fine trans, $1 nS This car is beautiful &. near H.B. 962-3132 Fi'llooe~~-~~~----1 :;-;::;;;;;::-;-;;::-;:;;;;:-:;;; '67 COUGAR, a.ir-cond, R&ll, 54&. 7476 Johnson & Son new. Must aee to apprl!C! '68 CHEV. Impala 2 Dr. -. '64 OORV'.I'. F.B., reblt. eng, vinyl top; lo ml, full pwr. '60 Dodge V-8, 9 pass LINCOLN -1.IERCURY 646-0659 custom hdtp. A i r - c 0 n d '62 CONT, fUll pwr, lac. air. new• titts, niags, etc. Beat $500 bn. 0 .A.C. Pr. ply. wagon, auto, r & h, ps, ~ Harbor mvd .• C.M, '61 Sta. Wag. cnt. Sq. Fty/air, all pwr, prem. tires, lo-rnla, 673-8563 '66 FORD "Cly Sq. 10 - FulJ. pwr, nl!W brakei, W/W tires. Xlnt oond. 89S-4439, • '67 BUICK Skylark 2 Dr. vtnyl top; like new: best First $850. 1l:l!als it. 673-23n offer, pvt pty. 96&-5432 an.sell; 646.5731 l!ve. lUiE: rack. $300. ~9 Ph. -540-563.5 Dial 642-5678 far :RESULTS OIARGE your wt.nt •ad 1now. hdtop. Air cond .. vinyl top; reasonable otter. 842-2'n4 be a u t • co n d • B eat •57 4-DR. H-Top 8 CyL Auto. Nw_C_1_rt"°• ____ 9_IOO __ N_a_w_C_a_ra..;... ___ 9_800;..;c. ___ N_t_w_C_ar_s ____ _ rea.10nable offer. 842-8287 2-0wner v /Good Cond. 9800New Cars 9800 New C1rs CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE '60 Cad, air oond. CLEAN P/B, P/S, power seats. • 549-1746 * '69 cadillac Eldorado, full pwr, comfort control, leath- l!r, stereo, twilight sentinel, cruise control, tilt wheel 16.995. Private party. 67>61nl 76,000 orig. nU. 675-&184 '62 CHEV Van, xlnt ~ condition. $45(1. * 673-1684 • '61 CHEV. Impala; 2 dr. atick. $150 Or best offer 548--6332 '65 CHEV, Bel Air, 4 dr, PIS, P/B, air, xlnt trans. $1095. 968-2558 '59 Chevy wagon, auto. V-8. Beautiful! $299. After 4:30 wkdyg 642-8164 '66 CAPRICE 4 Dr. hdtp. Fine cond. Quick sale, $1875 Or <>fier. 642-&359 CHRYSLER '58 CADIU.AC, 8 passenger Umousine, auto, l!lec win- dows, radios, a I r con-'65 CHRYSLER Town & ditioOl!d thruout. Nice con· Country wagon. Full po\ver, diti<>n. Can finance. $895. factory air. Like nl!W inside Dir. NVL 282. 842-2591 and oot. $1795. Dealer. 2026 Harbor mvd., Costa Mesa. '67 COUPE de Ville. Very 66-1872 low mileage, show room i .:========! fresh. Private p a r t y , I· Sacrifice. 827-4464 CONTINENTAL '66 Cad Conv. $2995 Like rew. Lo miles. Lc>adl'd! 673-0083 DUE to death l.n fa m. must sell '65 gold Cadillac, fully equipped. 847-&115 '61 CAD. Fleetv.'OOd; full pwr ., good cond. $595 Call Aftl!r 5: 536-9234 '62 CAD, Fleetwood, P /8, P /S, air. $795. <>r trade. * 968-2558 * SOCl< IT TO 'EM:! '66 CONTINENTAL 4 DR. Jamacia yellow finish with ivory gold leathl!r, AT, Af.f. FM radjo, Htr templ!rature control air conditioOl!d, PS, PB, PW, 6 way power seal. SBL 149 $2575 Dlr. 54()..563S SA VE $705 FROl-<f KEU.Y BLUE BOOK '66 LINCOLN , loadl!d, lo mi, xlnt cond. $2.00. under 8.B. 644-2859 aft 6 For Dally Pilot Want Ada. BRJNG msuLTS! New Cert 9800 Ntw Cara 9800 HOLIDAY RAMBLER IN COSTA MESA AMX and JAVELIN HEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTY Offe" you • FREE membership to Orange Countys largest AMX..Javelin club with cer purchase. IZ7ff6t BRANO NEW '69 AMX •·•· 4 .,. ,.n., fttct. -...r,'94 52999 ~,-., BRANO NEW '61 JAVELIN tit Hfl•, MIMIA l'flu 52386 '""" BRAND NEW '69 RAMBLER hll .1 ....... ' 52043 121 H.P. O•ff< to••y. BRAND NEW '69 REBEL .......... c. 52436 1171J1J BRAND NEW '69 AMBASSAl:>OR Air CeMltt.11lllf, .............. 1110211 --53286_ USED CARS-SELECT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT '66 DODGE '65 MERC. 441 Ste. Wt1. Lk. TID 676 t·S.•--•52 ... "'· •4 ._.... .... '66 FORD C.V11try ltt•lrti ' ~ ......... -•66"' ,.,,,.,....n... ... Uc. Ne. in 2J7 '66 Rambler .&MIASSADOl ttt J llr HT ... --•52 ... PS,a..--. ... Uc. Ne. SMI 261. '67 OPEL MAU.UDll U&. NHN 01, 4 ... H.T. YI, s49 ... •t.,PS,Pl.elr. -. '66 Sunbeam TIGIL Uc. H .. llX Jll ''· •• ,.. ........ '64'"' c•l...W.& •-'· ... '64 Rambler A.MlllCAN 441 •HN JIJ ·-............. •599 ............... '65 CLASSIC k.Mt, 4 .,4. Lie. UOl t1J 6H Uc. M.. YfU IJI c_ . ....,. •45 ... ••-YI. '44'"' reef, UH. -· ..._.,PS. Mt.... - MANY OTHll lllAIU 'MODILS ,_.,.....,,.,_. .. Slit.ff c..ti.,.,.. .. try,,._ T&L ,_ J6 ..., " ••111•••N MM CNCUt. RIP CARPET SllYICI l'OR YOUR CAR HOLIDAY AMUJCAlf MOTOU Siies & Senke OPDI 7 D.t.n AND IYININaS '01 YOUI CONYINllNCI 1969 H1rbor, Cosl1 Mesa, 6.42-6023 IT'S THAT TIME OF .YEAR! ••• ••• AND LOOK AT THIS LINEUP OF CA~S AND PRICES THAT ROY CARVER IS OFFERING IN THIS SPRING SALE! CARS THAT ARE IN STOCK AND READY TO GO. DRIVE OUT TO-. . DAY AND GET READY TO R.EALLY BREAK AWAY IN YOUR NEW SPRING ·PONTIAC! BRAND NEW 1969 GRAND PRIX l11ulif11l lim1li9ht 9r11n with m1t~hin9 9r11n lnt1rlor. J11rbo· hydr1m1tic, pow•r ·•l11rin9, pow1r di1c Or••••, pud1b11tl on r1dio, d1l11x1 1111 b1lh, tint1d 9111•, 67111 14 whit1 will fir11, 400 C.1.0. 1n9in1, hidd111 wind1hi1ld r1dio 1nf1nn1, 1tc.. 1'16579Pl2-175l 53796 BRAND NEW 1969 TE~PEST ( Sport Co11p1. Chtmp19n1 with 9old i11!1rior, 111lom1tic fr1111mi11ion . p ... 1hbutto11 r1dio, h11d r11h, 1111 btllt, d1cor t•oup. r1c1111d win,d· •hi1ld wip1n, d1lv111 wh11I di1tt, d1lux1 1t11rin9 wh11I. 2ll279Z600f24 52763 BRAND NEW 1969 FIREBIRD This 0.1ulif11I c1ro11t1I r.d 1uto111obi11 h 1quipp.d with 1p1ci1I p1int, 1·7011 14 r.d li111 iir11, d1l11x1 wh11I tov1n, i1h1111 1l11rln9 wh11I, wh11I op1nin, mo11ldin9t, t~tfom m1t1I trim pl1l1t. 22JJ79l601 492 52752- . 0 l im1 li9ht 9r11n with m1tc:.hi119 9r111t lnl1rlor, luriio·hv11!1m1lic:. l r•n•• minion, pu1hbulton r•dio, pow1r •l11tln9, con1of1, tint1d wind1hi1ld. 24~l79Zl20 56l . Window 1lit••r pric1 $1 125, 53337 BRAND NEW 1969 CATALINA Coup•. Vinyl trim, lurbo.hvdr1m1llc tr1111111l1tl~111, pow1t sf11rin9, pu1hbutton r1dio, d1cor 9ro11p, d1h1111 1111 b1lh, tinl•d winddii1Jd, whil1 1id1 w1U tir11. 252l79Cl 206)9. Stic.t-1r pric1 $3992. 53337 BRAND NEW 1969 .CATALINA Sl1lion W19on. 2 111f, 1nticiu1 'old wllh gold lnt)rior, tlirb1hydr1· rn1lic tr1111mi11io11, pow1r 1f11rint1 pow1r .br1k11, p111hbutlon r1dio, r1mot1 mitror, AIR CONDITIONING, whif1 will•, lh1t1tl 9l1t1 111. 252l69Cl22660. Slic~r pric1 $41)7. CJ 9IOO I I . ·- . . ---------~~~ • ·• ----::::=:::::::::::~-==~--~-:.:-:..:.·.:-::::~=::::.::.:=.::::.:::.=::.:J•~•::=.=--~·~·~·~--::.::~:::.·.::;:::.:::::.=-~·~-::.:==~-::.::-.:::::::::::-,,,,•~=~·~·~··2•:a11aCit.llF .. 08~ .... ....!!!!.l\_ -.. • • TRANSPO~TATION 9100 --CADII.I.AC FOR, NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! ------OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM---'------ 1968 EL DORADO Btautttul ~mlllt l'J)ltwood brown wlth ln·ov,.n padded top and saddle leather interior. Po\\·er •teerlns. power cUac brake1. power windows, power .. t. Vosue b'ttl. atereo AM-J'M rad- io, rear wfndow dtfoager power door locks plus much. much more. Must see. CXSR 304 J SALE PRICED 1963 THUNDl!RllRD Lovely coral 'Uterlor with white landau top and matchl.na: coral vinyl interior. ~ u 11 y equipped with power at.eerlng, power brakes, power windows, powl!r seat, radio and heater, automatic tranamiulon plus white side wall lUres. A vel')" well kept car. (laz.570) SALE $999 P~ICE .1967 CADILLAC This lovel)' Sedan DeVUle hu all popular power aullta locludlnr poWer •lftrlnr, pow.r brakes powu wtndawl. power -• and Cad· lllac's famot111 tactory air oon4itlon1ne. Thls beautiful a.utomobile bu been wry carefully clrlven and shOft only the flnelt ot ctn by Its previous owner. ("'5) SALE $3777 PRICE 1964 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. Silver blue exttrlor with matching cloth· and leat.hu intl!rtor. Hu P<J'i'lw. er 1\ffrtng, po'ver brakes, power wil'ldowa, power seat, white 1lde "'all tlrl!S. ?ifust 1eU now. CSRP ~9) $3999 1965 CADILLAC Fleet1,·0od Eldorado Barritz. Lovely Aztec bronze exterior '"ith black roof and black leather interior. Has every conceivable poy,·er accessor1 that C..dlllac makes plus factof)" air condllloning. Th1I local onl! owner auto- mobile has just 38,000 miles and is absolutely gorgeow. (358) SALE PRICED 1966 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille that is absr>~;,itely gorge-ous. Finished in Spanish Silver with matching cloth and leather interior, fully po~·er ac- cl'.'n~ ,vith PoV>'er stcering-brakcs-wndows- seats-door Jocks, Altf-FM radio. auto. cruise control, premiun1 v.·hite side wall tires and factory air conditloninJ::. (RGN2971 SALE $2999 PRICE 1966 THUNDERBIRD The sporty 2 door hardtop is fully ...quippe-d with power steerin1, power brakes, power windows, -power .eat and Ford's famous fac- tory air cond1Uonin1. A beauttrul 1alin silver extl!rior with blaek vinyl lnt.rlor, ?ifusl ~ ll!t!I\ and driven to fully appreciate! <RTU~ 339) $1999 PRICE SALE 1967 OLDSMOBILE The CU.tom Delta ' Door hardtop finished In a metallic blue exterior with black vinyl root and blue interior. Fully equipped with power atHrina:, power brakes power wlndowa, astro sl!at. factory &lr condltloninr plus many other Jwrury futuree:. Shows meticulous care by prl!vloua owner. <TYY 7441 • TREMENDOUS SAVINGS DURING OUR 2nd ANNUAL SPRING Come In Today! 1968 COUPE DE VILLE $4999 Beautiful Chestnut brown exterior with 1andlewood vinyl top and matching aandlcwood leather interior. llaa all the po\ver Including poy,·er steering, power brakes, ~ \vindo\v&, J10\1·er seal.I, factory air condiUonlng, AM-FM radio, pcnver door locks, etc. You must see this one. (VRX846) 1961 CADILLAC 4 Door Hardtop. Finished In striking turquoit.c with matching clolh and leather interior, Aulon1atic transmission radio and heo.ter power i;teerin~, pov>er brakes power windo\\ s: ~wet &eat, factory air conditioning, Only ;>5,000 miles. l\1usl see. (SVG267 J SALE $777 PRICE 1965 CADILLAC Thi! popular sedan DcVllle model flnlshm in lovely burgundy with black vinyl top and black leather interior. llas power steering, po\ver brakes, POl\'Cr Y"1ndo11s, tilt steering 1vheel, AM-Fl\{ radio and factory air condi- tioning. This is a beautiful automobile that is priced for a quick sale. (NQX514) SALE $2333 PRICE 1966 PONTIAC GTO A very sporty hardtop that is fini!hcd in sliver \\•ith black all vinyl bucket Ifft in· terlor. Fully loaded lncludlnr Big VS engine, tri-po\1."cr 4 speed transmlulon, power &tt'C'r · ing, po1vcr brakes, radio and heater. Factory ciir conditioninJ;'. You won't 'vant to miss this one. !SAA494) SALE $)999 PRICE 1966 OLDS TORONADO Hardtop Deluxe. Emerald grel!n exterior "'ith iireen cloth Interior. Full power includin~ power steering, power brakes, pow;er win· dow1, tilt stecrln1 wheel, factory air condi· tlonln&. Low mileage and absolutely i:orge· oU5 throughout. CS\1X120J 1968 CHRYSLER 300 Converti ble. Shimmering sunburst yl!llow ex-- lt•rloL' 1vllh black top and black 11.ll vinyl buc- k<'t scat interior. This one is looded with pow- er steering, power brakes, power window.!!, po1vcr &eat, radlo, heater, automatic tran1· ml.!is\on white side \\•all tires plus much more. Only 15,000 miles. Ai u 1 t d r I v e this one. (XIV988J SALE $3222 PRICE 1965 THUNDERBIRD Shimmering &aUn i;ilver with matching v:ln,yl bucket seat interior, Fully equipped with pow• er slee1·ing1 power brakes, powc1· windows, power scats, factory air conditioning and white side wall tires. (PDP 490) SALE $ J 333 PRICE 1967 EL DORADO F1nlshed In Phantom ireen '\'ith (t'ffn cloth and leather interior. Fully equipped with po\V• l!r steering, power disc brakes, power seat, power windoM, Ult and telescopic steering: \\'heel. wonderbar radio factory alr condition- ing plw many more Ced.iliac optional features. IVXJ-f 168) SALE $4888 PRICE 1966 OLDSMOBILE Starllre. Finished in metallic turquoi.51! wi th white vtnyl buckl!t seat interior. Has auto-- matic lran8l1li!slon, power 1teerin1, powe-r brakes, power windows. power 1eatsl factory air condltionll'lg, tilt steering whee , power antenna, wire wheel covers, radio and beater, 11.nd only 31,000 miles. A truly flawleu auto- mobile. (Sn1572) SALE $2777 PRICE SALE $)333 PRICE SALE PRICED -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN -- SALE PRICED SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE TH~OUGH TUESDAY, APRIL I , 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY ,-9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE SALES l SllVICI CINTll • WE AUO STOCK ALL OlHilNAL FACTORY f9UIPMENT TllU. · s39':_. IHCLUDIN• MOUNTIH .. IALANCIH• & UClll TAX • FREE PICKUP AND DEUYERY MERCURY 9900 Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600 Harb·or-B-Ivd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 9900.I Used Cus 9900 MUSTANG--0-LD_S_M_O_B_IL-E -1-PON_Tl_A_C_..;.;. 990\! --··· ----STUDEBAKER UllOd Cars T-llRD T·llRD '15 LI NCOLN CON· 19"MercwryS-J5 TINENT~L. Full powor Sport Cpo equlpn1ent and factory air Saxony yellow finish wilh conditioning. ( \V T E 1 6 1 ) bucktt seats. white landau $1985. Dealer. 18835 Beach root. Equipped with • A.T., B!vd., Hunt. Beach. 540--0442 MT, P .S., P.B., P-wind .. p. '811 I.JNa>LN Continental, !!Mf, sports consoll!, etc. n pwr, air, 2 dr white, 26.000 original miles, Looks lmmac cond. First $2500. and drifts like new. SV\'S23. '67 MUSTANG 6 cyl HT stlck, fire eng red Sl59S $48-9725 '65 OLDS 98 '63 PONTIAC 4 Dr. H.T. Grand Prix GOOD Transportation Studebaker Lark V-8, 'GL $22.i. 847~187 '65 T·llRD Beaut. Turk. blue. Landed \Vith full power and fact. air. Exceptionally clean. Try to matcb Ibis p;lcc. 'NBE395 '60 T-BIRD, vtry clean, $600. Air cond. Good con d . 642--4177 or 642--0480 ...... 54>-7978 $2"5 JOHNSON A SON LINCOLN -MERCURY MERCURY 2626 Ha-Blvd., C.M. Ph. -54().5635 '64 MERC. MONT. ''7 Marcury Colony 2 Dr. H.T. Park Station Wagon v.a. auto. rs. PB. air. Er-Royal maroon metallc ~in­ mlne white w/beige lnt. A lnsh w/matchlnr lntl!nor. vtrt nlct car. 10Xl61 Fully laclory ~pped in- $995 cllldtnr ••to .,.,,.., R k H, powtr stttrlnf, PB, d\MJ JOHNSON & SON t&U cato.,......... by orl&inal ~~f•rcwy owner. UcTRH893 .1ICl Harbor BIYd. I0. '7000 JOHNSON A SON IJN<XlLll -MERCURY '63 MERCURY 2626 llul>or Blvd., C.111. C.-.Y Porte I'll. -- WAGON .• PA!S. '65 Mere. Porldone V.f, ..... Pl, PB. 11.H. 4 Dr HT Ott.ft .,..... A out. and drlv. • • • • 1111it DtW. JYU21L VI, auto. trU&, pwr. 1tttr., . •-5 pwr. -A ... L otr. .. .,.. Beaut Wue tunfuoile w/ JOHNSON & SON -'""""· PllC™3 Uocoll>M.,..,. $1395 1111 ,_Blvd. """"' JOHNSON & SON II roua AJ> Ill a.All!· Llncoln-M•!'CW'Y nan lamtDH w11 111 1.Ml Htl'tlor Blvd. fU.TmO -... tt. lllol -lot -- -!IOCIC rrTO 'EMI MUSTANG 1'67 Mu.tang Llncaln-Ml!tcW')' , ------ 19·11 Tlarbor Blvd. 642·7000 66 PLYMOU'nt Sport Fury -----"-==1 2 Door hardtop. Radio. UNIVERSITY "'''"· vt.,,1 ''°P· factory air, only Jl,000 milt~. \\'11.r- SALES l SERVICE OLDSMOBllE ranty in elfeet. f 1T95 Dea.Jee, 18835 Beach Blvd., llunt. Beach. 541)....(M.12 67 Valiant 2 dr H.T. 2 Door Hardtop 1..imetrost elCterlor with black landau l'OOI and buclret geatJ, A.T., llH, P.s., vtl"1 clean and lbw milts. Carefully maintained. TFA 144. Fact olroond. 2SSO ll~ BJvcL fi cyl. Auto. Radio. Olsta Mesa · $1100 * f>4&.z.49 '61 Le l-1!1.111, 2 dr hdtp, Auto, 54~°'16~~40~U~•~ed~Can~~-~!!!i==::::::=::::=:=:==-= P\\'r steer. Xl.JllT CON(). $2195 '13 OLDS, '42,' ""'· Y•llow PONTIAC Rou. 113C>0194 JOHNM>N 11: SON' Ytl blk Int, Must ltll • LINCOL.N -M£RCUJ\Y best offer. l ownt, ~I . ·ST--PONTlA---C-C._tall_n&_o-ta· 2UI Ht.rbor 81Yd .. c.M. an '· Uon .,,.qon. Radio. be1.te:r, Ph. -!M04135 '$t OLDS 911, au~ bkt 1t1, autornatlr, powtr stetrtrw, "5 MUSTANG 219; ilnt coMOtt, rP, atr. rll'I. nu factor)' air. B!uc Book Prtct q>nd. 4 Spd. RAH. pwr. llrtt. xlnt cond.. $119.5. $2956. OW' price! S 2 ~SS .I.. ,_ ' .... _, _ _.. ~1131 DC!altr. m Harbor Bh'll., r.~ .... -·-.~ ....... u. In.QT\ ' '&4 585, Dix, 4 dr, A/C. Colta Meaa S.1812 1''961""'•"nm="AN=o""&,~alr,..,-,.....,.to,-I FIS. new l\llitlt, Ute1, Hit * '51 PONTIAC. 8'00d work po\\?.t, p1't'mlum Urts. Low mven. 64)..1073 9A-12 rmn. car. S75. mlle1 '*· 67$-lflt• '82 OLDS Startlrt. Bue ita. ~™ aft 1:30 pm. • all dlx xtn. Bt1t ov.r '400, NNd a ~ant(lft DAU.Y PlLOT WANT ADS! ~flCI '1nd tt with a want 1d1 . . RAMBLER FOR 5'1e: 1962 RamblfT Amf:rictn Deluxe, twtMtoor, llX<yllnd11r, IOQd tlrea. 68,000 miles. o~ ov.·nt-r, ti.11 olltt. 6101 \Ylnslow Dr. )luntlnston 84.'11eh '62 RAi\tB. Anl(!r. \\'8'.'· 2 dr, iood ni.nnlna: coM. Orta: owner, S22l or· best otter. - T·BIRD * 'j,j T-BJRD * Good ronditlon, 3 speed slick .... 673-Sl29 I $1945 JOHNSON & SON Lincotn.?.1ercwy J!Ml Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 I TEMPEST . '6' TEMPEST, a~. 8"lo .. pwr. 1tcer. &e. brks.. Xlnl cond. SUOO. 847-1250 , . ... ------------------·---------------------------------------------------- ' • \ • . ~ ~EW 1969 PLYMO UTH ~URYi FU~Y FAOTORY IQUIPPU "'· ~ · . . . i . No. Pl!l~bl16W!.$4844 '" ~~,:~ $~· iiiintfii. Niliilil ii"" ;iymifit II l'i. ,lllilllif I/I. 44 R~lkles ill llttl, llllOittM lnllllst, ~· 1 ;. . ,,. ),b· . I. ,1 MO . . . • I • ...... -. ) ' -· ·- COl!tl •~"~ r..1-· ,....,. ·~·,., ,~. , f rai. 1v1H 3l51 · . ··taf~_ . ''If•£ DART "''... . . ---··It~".... ' 'j H ~-I ' .•795 / ' . . , .. O••u itATtdll WAOM 'i'1iU: .......... ""''-· lf!W .. . •791 .. ~285 ' ,....-:.,-.-:.'.!": • I' -. .., OHRrlLtR PLYMOUTH ' I l'ERIAL •.;· - . ' .... _ --.~.... .. . .. -. . ' ' . I • • ,L•·-•... . . . . ' . ' ' ... ' l ... ·' •• •• . ' ! • •• . ' .. . ~ 2Q&·o 'Harbor ' . •• I ·' . . .. ·~. J ... • • ' . • ' . • .. • . . . • ,, ; ~·1'~ . (('' ).' I ' ~ ( I I ..