HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-09 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI . : .•. -..,,, l·lJ . ;•' ' . . " ·o· ... , ,·. , r ' .' . ' '1. •• '. . . ' .. .. ' > ' , .... f { . ·" - Heart· Mi~estone • ' I I ::•:J1. t , .. ' ) . • •• . t r " •• : ,. ,.· •< ,, •••• ,,_._, ... , ,.,. • • • l ' , . . "' . • • • •· • , -.. ,,. I J • f·11 .,Jj f l!. :-&mb11111tell1~·:" . . I \? ' I !. •J J "I i , t 1,' , ;, 1 r 1:. .•·1 • • · ••• 1:,· ,1 •• .Green ... --• • • ... ~ ' • ' •. , ·::..· ( . -: .. 1 • ~ • ' ! . . ., ' . In :~•~•~·~ Pranli ._.TtY-···:, " .. • . • • SID * * ·at I.' .. ~ r' r ~ • • ' l t t • t • • I·) , ·1 • : . • • .:. f ! I 1 , , .•• , "I ' I ' ' • ' · :1· ·e·· ..... r . • ' j • • f . ~ .. . . . . . . . . ' .. "* ' , ' . • , •• _j I · 1 1 · •• ' ' ' ·' s PULL()UT ••• DAILY PILOT ' ....,., ..................... ------CAUPOl•IA, ou.NGI COAST l"UI LISHU•O COMl"AHY l •'*' H. Wn4 J•·• .. c.rt.., vu ,,_..,_,._........, n. ••• kff'lff ·-ne111•• A. M•,,~lii• Mttltllfll ...... ~· C... MIMI m WWI ..., ...... H.-.rt 9"0\: nu ....., ...,.. ......,.,.. L...-9-lti m ,.., ..,.,... IWCr•llll 11«111 • ...... Wtdne;iliy, :-"'I 4 1%9 ...... ~ 'oc~1~~-liii-•1 . • I ' \ .f ' ' ' , . . ' ' :.: Ed fiimft.,:S(#ys • MOTOR POOL TRUCK . . The Inlet WU from the U.S. Navy Amphibian -maCor pool In Coronado, Sqer nld. II bad picked up 19Z cues of •• Clliber liiiiiibiiltiaa from CIDlp Pmdletm and WU north bound Cll ~ EL TORO'$ COUNTRY STO!tE -COUNTY LANDMARK IECOMES VICTIM OF PROGRESS HJcbway. -do DOI --Ibo Inlet WU bound al the -el Ibo -i.1"11. Go0dbye" ·Store F.Nllt P .. e I PUMP .•• ' ' . told me 1hl& -that be looked on It 11 .. U1.Ulall bnlttllrouib and ' be 11 Wllcbin; o..r IUrther ol!orll with deep Ill· temt." he &aid. Cmnol17 aw "no real obltacle11 to in- lreducllon "' Ibo protype pump'• ...,. ce11e1 into area }gpltala ••tn the llW' future. Wt bava 1 few more rtflnemtotl m C&l'7 au1 but nothlnl that pr-u any obltacle to Ill wldesprtad dlltrtt.zuon,'' be uld. Connolly deocrtbed the COii of the pump u "n'lllltble, poatbly In the rtglal et fllO. Our IDM vital compooenll -the plf valves-art !rte," ho-. "We get lhem from the ala.pter bame." Pennsylvania Woman New Consumer Aide WASHINGTON !AP) -Vlrgln1a H. Knauer, the dlreclnr et POlllll)'IYllila'1 Bureau of Cmlumer Prot«:tion, WA! named by President Nixon today u his special asail&ant for comumer affairs. Mrs. Knauer, M, 11 a Republlcu who l1lll aerved on the Phllodelphla City Ccun· cil. In the 1111.~·)'W' pool, Ibo will succeed Betty Furness, who aerved under former l'relidenl L,,.iao B. Johnaon. Bunker to Join Vietnam Talks In Paris Soon PARIS (UPI) -Elllwmb Bunker, U.S. ambmadcr In illlA will bold hla firlt lllb here -alliad -.,...Ulllll'I In Ille nut two ~ .. Ama!aal opobaman uld t»day. Bunker mlve1 lonlfht from w •shlnfrloll. ne spokesman. told new1men the am· bulad<r'I viii! II el "no fl'tal stcnJfi<:m. ce.'' Ht aid Parts WU an1J a *'Ponf for BlllllieT who fl on bla way back In Salpi after --In Ibo Unltad St.tlel. Bunker, however, bu never vlllttd the negotlllloo ICa>e where· Ibo Unllad -.·Nor111 and --and Ibo Viet C..,. have been boldlng -lllb stnce Jan. IL The spoftlmu said Bunter ~ not join the ecbedWed puce conflNnet session 'lburlday. U.S. dllel negoUator Henry C&bol Lod(e planned ~ ---.. who poltlclpotod hi Vlelnam llrliel!' !alb wl1ll Pruldent Nilcon and Sec:mmy et i!tate William P. Rofers. Fret1t P_,e I ' JETS AT ALAMITOS? ••. MeXioo. Escapee Says Extradition M~ Exee.ution Sqer uld that each caa of ..,. ~ ftll)lod II pounds !er a lalal ol 10,!D poandl, at -n.. and -._ .. _Ibo __ _ poondl "' -polleta. E)wwU I I I I .t tbl 1CeD1 of. tbl ae- ~ lold '--Pollcetllal the tnlCI< 1111 ... bo)' In the .... walk and then ""!Id Cll draatnc him -"feet. LOS ANGICLES (,\P) -"If they late . m. beet," ..,, Dyteo Alm s1-· J · to H Jr., "k'll have to be In chains." • aycees ear SlmllWll, •• lpoie 'haelday mnid . -="°m1~·.=;•;.;:tJ':!:. Airport Plalis Loon Nie priaCll hi M~. Aller 10 · . yeara lliere fdr lhe tining ,of Ihm A --1 nporl oa nP,MllpOiad..,;.· w1 Onqe pemia, 'tho Tena laborer llei! Sunday CoomlJ Alrpilt Ill~ ....... cai1bC dres.d u a woman. a Wllld:aatm D.C. dm!~ wlD be made Detplte two convldlonl In the same by Colla 11-Vice M-Robert M. Mant<rrey eourt, be bu -df&llly cfe. WilaCll lnaJ&bl, , tiled -ledgo <ii the fatal aMotinl of Ho wlD aput Cll -boarlnp by the three mmben et a Mcmterrty clentlsl'• Civil -Board en Padllc flllllly. . ' ;::~.:: 1!%".;, ~it: Simmons was sent.need In death Oct. Colla Mop Goll and ComllrJ Club. 1$, 11111, but bJa -WU cmnmuted Jlj'Cff ....-.. R1ct lladtl A)'I to Ille a few months qo. He l&ld be any lnlenllad Harbtr Ana -.,. troid In escape "'!"°• and 1rtll probably lnvllod to jalll Ibo -far a. I p.m. ho eucuted H bes relullled. CAB__. wllldllollona.-dub "I'tl die," ht told ntWmtaJ. 0 Tbey11 ~ .. mah up -way to mate It loot lite a Wliloa, 11-Alvin L. PlnldlJ and .-al dellh. They'll llhul me up foe Chamber et ~ -lid: _.." .,...... H....,..._,,lnW&lbfnclmlorlbo Mezlcan olfid al1 t.i.plionod Loi Marth • -..._ ollmclol by C1411er An(ela Pollce with a ~ that Sim-lfarllor Ana ml ~ Coan ly mona ho taken Into cuslndy. ~ \ COIMN1INT TUMS IANKAMUICAaD MASTER CHAA&E .. , llZI NEWPORT A VI. COSTA MESA · • ' • No to Fetkral ' Job in Alaska SEATl'LE (AP) -Edw...S C. Nim!, the PrtaidC'1 brotber, bu bowed oat of a $311,00&+yur federal job Ill Aluta "for personal reasclll." Nlx<11, who hid spent two days ln · Anchorage after being appo i nt e d chairman of the federal field comm!U.. for development plannfllt Ill AWU, llid there 'l'ue3day bla deciaion not In aceepl the pool "hll nolblni In do with Ibo pool. tkrt here, the land or tbe people" and: Mo dad : "It doesn't seem lt.11 ping to wfl'k oat. We have a problem that bu art... at boole." ' Nij;on was appointed to the job last frl- day. · ~ In Wulllnglnn, the Oimaw<e nopon. mtl)I Aid -"lnlcrmad lbe Socnlary of Comm«<e tllal after df>MMnc the llllller IUrther with hla wife ho bad decided m docllno Ibo~ .. NDon. a fanMI' Navy a·· p.olotllt and'on lea .. lrorn Pacific N-l!ell ~ Co., Seatlle, •hen be ii a cmmwrdal ttan IUPS'Yllar. 1"IUld .haft headed.a commlttae to CICl'cDnite federal and slate .......,,., plaDzilnc !er AlaKa. His IQM ii In L,.-, • mD11 ~ "' 8iiallW. lie and .... wlfo, GIJ, wlio fl. jmdor llfP -.... .......... -· ...... two d~ Am,, II, IDd Beth. L \ Ii la.lall ,_.a .,,_a1,_,p, -manqod mall..,,._ !er the Nlm>flll'Prtafdent Olmmllloo' In New York. . , 1llit ,....,..i et ~ UYIDI Nlnn brolbon, ho wlllo bavl lllrladhla _ ~~~"":::: private lnduilry. ' ' Bob Hope Honored 21 YEARS IN 00 SAME LOCATION PHONE Hl.J401, I I " ' ' II I fl : I! I I II Ii ' I 1: ' I II I I l1 . I I ,, I[ • 1· •• • . ' ~; :AIWI; '· 'lt6t. ' .• ... l •. ~.,•.. l ".~'' • 'I 1•'' •'J.i vaney M'.3YOr.~ Blasts· Charge$ itt : Recall · Mo~el I ' l!~S.'froop Pullout .Due "Jetliners CoIJ.!ing~ . . . W,ithin ·Days ·May Use Los Al lfliiw.Runway..F~ " WMlll!IGTOK (UPI) -TJit Unlled ,_ •. -led lo lllllD alWeral ~al el-el Its Vlllnain IOrcel lritJdii Utt 'next 10 clOf1 U there la nl ma' jJ !nCr.... .Iii -mlJllar)' adlvity and ...., hint of Jin>1r<a al 1be Pam talks. Autboriilve aources reporting this ~Y decllnOd lo clYcuss numbers « euct tim- ing. ~ ba\.e been published specuJa.. tklns In lbe wt Iha\ Praidmt Nl>oo hop1efto brilll.a~ lt,0001tl ll!"·liJ;tlll . U.S. 'troops out ol -by11ii' ell GI au.. . . . . . . ,_ ' Bww+a:, ·thla estimate •ii J11•""•wd ell 1be. ~'·· tietief·tbltf1t1a.d at ._ 'Olz -to biPi -.. ...,.. , -tf1a :towlrd , ,\·m~t~~•• ~,...lie pul!lo ~ """* . ' ., . ~~ aieespent JllllW' l.:'.ur le IM!. Uial'.lllOUllllni «lllcllm -ii .... penllff !J!ll.-.. -. ti..,.. down 1be i1ta111!1 lie -·-~II a nlatiffly early dale. Tbil~hu · a :t,·• lopk at tlletOmiJilll:J . . ~.., "~~t ~ghat Paris: ::..:_, .Q~a~t ": MllesU:o~ • .' ~ ~ ; ' . ·ucr . Te.ii~ ·Def)ewpi New Pump I . . . . . . . • ~ of .State Willi.lltl P. ~~ and Dtfeme _.., ;!o!tlrift II. Wf4 bdlh hlnlM In ricent -tllii!'tlle Unlte!I stat.II -·begin pulJjng eat a limi1"11 nnmber clita--...,.11,lblre . were no reciprocal wilhdra•al by ll«th ·By TOM ·BARLEY to the patlmt'1 lallerial ltiorl ~ Vietnamese forces in the IOUth. '. '. °'"" D91frPl!"Jtaft : the •neck irtery, can ~.ff ,1n91t of · · ~· A molutlonary l!'W'·!SlO ·heart.pump the .-t nonnally part..-by 1be !IA!gers<told a news conf.0..-the lb41 •ia be"1C ~ halled ~Y Its damqal4!fP1tfcrasmudiu 'aweek. Un11"11 Ststoi hoped there would be IOllle -•-iu'-'--""'-0• In o•~ 1be --• I · d ~-·-• w1·lhdra•al" of ._ '"".. er--· u ~ .. ,..._~.~· ••mu -uwwu re111en oua -~ --~ ~· --·'~--·· ~--· toward ... arllficial -~ .--.. '~ ...... Ille' -~ d-"-~ to ru•-Olll' the ....;b""" lltal ·-~~ -~ • ·-~-·~· ~·-· W·••-"~' ~-~ ~ ~., beart 1 wu tlisPll!Yed Tuesday at the badly daniaged heart, he Aid, thal the Urilted1 States ·might pull out IOIM of u'niveralty tJl eaµfornia, lrvint. -week's rest for an overworked heart will iliforce.s even if Hlnoi dJd not. Fresh lroni its iuCcellful employment mean new life fC¥",many patients facing He said: ".We .,. -idertnc •D on a C-year-old mnan plUent In a Loag certa1n·dea\h. · ~timUes." Beach' holpltaJ. the ptaiUC device was ex~ ' · Lalrd In a recent maguine lnlervlew hlbiled to newsmen.by Dr, John Connolly, EXCl'i'Es SURGEONS IJ)lile 1tveral llm<I of lbe urgent -to .. chalrman o1 tbe Department of Co1111C•!l/~'1 tosm -h!. ll·l!ac~·liY doc· bet!!n· •VletnamlJatloo" 0< ' ' de• ~ afUCI: . ten-Atio Waklbeyuhl 'fnlnr t b e Alnericaniutlon" o1 the eonfllcl by Comolly is one of ·three Irvine faculty University of Tokyo and William Dimick speeding up the program of stnngthenlna: members primarily mpordible for -has ezcl1"11 American bear! ourg..,,._ South Vietnamae troopa to take over development of the equlpmenL with itS use of a special.coating In.side the from the Americans. Dr. c.onnolly was afso a member of the maze of t'Ubes that flank the Clbbage- AutborilaUve I01ll'teS said they now team that used the pump for the first sized plutic core ci the pump. Developed Mre virtually certain there would be time on a human patient in the 1.ong by Dr. Wakabayastll, the GBH .coating s9me American troops coming home this Beach operating room. In a unique appears to have practically eliminated summer unless the Communist! under-departure frOm the ~~open chest'' utiliza· blood clotting - a major buard tn heart Valley Hunting take a major ground offensive. The tion of heart aurgery equipment, Connolly surgery and treatment. amount and nwriber of American with-connected bis u yet unnained pump to The Connolly team also attributes ilfawais,apparenil~1 ...Wdclepneden1be · the d1lea,.i ,_,.~a n«l artory: · mudt el lbe-'uuccess lo lbe ""'el Jovel el enemy ac:uoo and the ""'11'11 · , . ~-, animal valves -taken from llalltlhlered ol the lndlcatlom pea al Puls _. .. • cOllD'LJITI: llUCCD8 · pip -In tfteJr . octopus.lite device. ill!I paulble pr-toward a peace ''Tlie ·oPeratloil-,fcr 'removal ol an Elimination, ol_many of lbe plaailc and Nose Counters ll<ltlem<nt. . . _,_ (bbl!!. bllat« ,.., lbe beart) Giber llyntbitlo malertais cumnily Uled Aulbor!llU lald lbe kvel ol violence .. WU,,. ---· Dr, Connolly In llm1loi-~t coold provide lbe Want to counf ..... In Founlain V-wa now ~· They said, nio pump'a' lnlrod....., to a amwer to many plazl!ng.lnfec:tlcxil that Valley! a-lodged thal thll Ud happened m . bolpllil!oper*' _,, bad. 1tOed' pro. Oumml)r beRt lbe IRi?glcaJly trea1"11 The cUy -. aboot IO C<lll1ll tateu . (Sec PULLOUT, Pap I) ~ )ly prOitiopd ..... iin!i>ltl • ol ... beart 1'11et. II -lla1"11, lo c:onducl tile anaual population the 1lotli:O • -UCI •l!tlqalary ~'•J!llllll'• ~·by "'YI•• meuure. Driver Stricken; Car Runs Wild, Slams Into Pole • •IJnlk, all· II "'1ldl ....... ;.llave pie CIW 'lilllill If !litllt up wlthlo Ille pa· Appllc:atlom 11't beinc -..tad al the . beell ..n.y -• 1M.. • llenl, unlll tlw llloid now uiumes lbe penonnel ~,al,cily l!all, lflllll Jlal .tlie:beart -·while II~ In level enjoyed dllrq the hearl'r:·normal Slam-Ave., untll Frldly. vist -new' poafblliUf:s IQd, sol yes many operaUon. .But. the ptDnp's u!umption of Averqe a,lary k '11 per day, with • problema for artHlc:lal heart ""'1rcllers, the heart'• ndrinal duty enables the lot .t walldng roqulred. ii aimed at tlle patient I« wttlm lllll<ll' heait's vital rlgbl aide -lbe .,.. most Qua1ilJcallom for Ille jcb Include ii nat a paalbtllly, Aid Dr. Ooanolly. vu)nerable loabod: and disetue-(o take minimum qe ol 11; poiaenloa ol a valid "I bave Iii mind lbe many, many 'Ylc· a prolonpd brealhl"i space that was nat Callfomla driver'• ~·with ac:<:a1 to tlml el <at ....... sboclt ~altackl) oo Illa( qo-ble and llllObtalnable. a car, J'l"'1 llealth, and avallablUly for for -ao fftJ Jllllt ..._ -In Connolly Aid~ llUl'lery pioneer Dr. 111; .to <ill!I houri of wwt In a day for .a UHlliailMi to*"-fiJ Gtl11r.lleldo·of MJcbat1 DeBUey el lloullon-WU/ twl>'weei Perlocf. inadfclna ....i bu -madt." lbe iurpon "~--eel" In ·the 11'Vln«'.,.; ltMrvttw• of appllcaota will be llld. · team'• moltidioary heart , device. "lie scbedued. For men lnlormalloo phone C<>molll'·1!illenlllllltmdovke,11Dted ( .. l'tlllP, Pap I) llWOI.· ~ .. B•dget ~~ Glvea ' ' .. County Tax Hik~ :.F~t;e~·~st • AuesSJQ.ents· •ey SUptiytiof David J.. Ba-.z;· lbe c:Ollllty -bl ..... lo paVlng job several -. ., iiai II tbit FAA ml~. pick uP ball Ille .~ ltif. runway repalh. OrlllP Caulitl' A"811on 'DI rte It r '( .. JBTI, Pap I) . Hu~ii~~n High: Fea~~ * * * T JAJq (;1J._rulidpte1 See, 'Dis~ter' ' For District Oru1e . Overtinie Set , : \ \) • ' ' ' ~-~-------~~-------.-...... ,- I UILY PMT H :·-11 · ··-...., t, •-• -sf ,_....... ...._ ,..,..._.., " . • . PUMP ••• -· • • laid mo lbJa wetlc thll be loohd CX1 it U :• 1n•m ..... ~udbela watchlng our furtber efforll with deep In- terest:' be said. . Coonolly ..,, "no real obotacle" to II> -" the prolype pmnp'1 ...,. dael Into ..._ bolpitala: ••tn the near futQre. We have a few more reflnemeub to Cll'l'1 oul but l)Olhllll lhot pr9tllls anv -to Ila Wlclea!nad dlstrt!MI-,, ... Aid. . ...,__., Coonolly delcrlbed the coot " the pimp .. "Dellil!ble, .,..uiq In tho l'8loo" lllO, Our -Yllal -ponadl -Ibo Jiil vohw -lh lne," be lJrinn<d. "Wt pl them lnlm tho olqlder llouat.. Bob Hope Honored LOS ANGELES (AP) -Comodlln Bob Hope wu awarded the di&Uncul&bed 00-AWlrd" Pe~ Collece but wu unable to attend T u e 1 d a )' "s '*-· Bii dauihJer Ueda accepted lbeanrd. O~llY PllOT l"'-'t M. W.M ......... w,....... , ..... °""" vrc. ~Nilnt _,GM.el #•nt9'r Tit-1111 Kt.vtl ·-T\e1M1 A. M1.,.liN _.., ... Alb.rt W. a.t.. Wiii'-• lt1 .. All'9Clltit ~hid! l:clllw C,. EdTtilr ,. ............. Offtee \ J". ltr.t M•H ..... iMr... PD .... 1'0. t2"41 --' """"" ...... Ill .................. c-tll ... I • Wiii .., ..... '----...... ,.,.. ..... ' I Sparliman Plans l'o Lead Group " . ·.In Prague Visit ' VIENNA (AP) -U.S. Sen. J<ln Spskmlo -tooaJ bt be will i.J • F,.... P .. e 1 JETS •.• •quo .. Hlclal" deJeCatlon " American -J. -recommended --lo PralUI en J'riday al the 1gllnlt any IUCb action, aJlhouP the tnvttatlon of members of countywillloleoutanFAACOlt-tbarlng ~·· PwllamenL If It does the job alooe. 'lbe Al ... ma Democrat la in Vi..,.. ELIMINATE CHANCE "Wt will eJlmlnate any chal)CI of far • meetlnc " 1111 IDWrporll•mexary federal funds, bul H 111<1 wm allocaled, Uoloo. He oald be expects 111e majclrtly " it wold be next fiscal ,..,. Ind these Ile ""'° America ltDlton and eight N!pain are needed now." Bresnahan told repre.oeIUuv .. at"'1dq the meetmc to the boanl. ~ with him to the Cleobollovak capiW. H• •aid conUoued dtlay of ninny The ....... _ will •-lo b ~·-_ npalrs at the buly facility -a threat --. .., ---•· " a -almalt accident wltb cupied Cun-_., m a UB. Air ,.vua1 run..., -... ud pavemeol ,....,. plane en ~ mornJnc ..S la colllpoo already reco<ded. • acbedufed to relunl lo vi-bl.....,. No mbbapa ...wted lnlm the aJd<ien .... -I• -.,,,..la followtac a u·wm be the ftnt landior bJ'.• u.s. -"lloutlillmd·-·lnlmJ~ "'~f"• al PrqM alrJdt .. Into Mardi, ....... ,. _.. ·-• .. 11rr-. "ClecbollofUla laol -cla)' for npelrl al-jlO!nt. ' t Alltlllll. At looot cxte member o1 U\e IJ.S. ~ Sen. Clal"°"" P•D, <1>-11.1.>, Pennsylvania Wo~an ... vllll!!d ClecllotlovaM_I .. 1111 Jo. ·.-. i>eJI 11 not• moinbor" 1111 ·New Consumer Aide cltlcc-.. the blllr)>lrllamtotory -. Unloe .-.,. WASHINGTON . (AP) -YfrlWa II. . '"'"· ~~· .. ti crilla lliiaaer, .the --ti"--"--· bctww r -Ute lot'let 4"_, -·~-·--.. --.. -Bureau " CotwliiiM PnttdloD, -...... r---"'Pl-.&,_...,.,. Illa .,.,.. .. --... .....,, IJ)OClll ---· t ... ...... ·~:•..,_liio . wn.-.Mola,aa., .... ..... -r::;; .. .., .. _u.00::-:! ~:--..... ...,,,.,._..CkYC- llipo .. h ._ ~ .._ '-~-=:•::-= no political motlY<S." former ""51dent L711don B. Jolmaon. { ___ ---- I '" To.Decide On Sirhan LOS ANGELES (UPI) -'lbe ..,.. -al the Sltbanll. Slrban murder trial told the Jury todOJ lhet the ....... tiling-II bed to --= bw yoUll(Al'lb--llwaj "' ......,.., ___ In the bead. Dep. DUL Alty. David Flltl becan the closing ~ In the -.....ith trial with the dt!niind lhet lhe }lay brint In a verdict "' f;nt de.,.. murder qalnat Slrban for the dayinl <Ii Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. --· Ibo atat. bu· iiald It would not -.... death penalty. SIJ!ian twllttd -....Jy In Illa c11a1r Ind whlq«ed t+ bla a~ u Ji'lllt,' a lfl'Y-balrd, crlQY.faoeii man ID a dark (1aY llUll bepa bla mmmallcin qalttly. Flltl Aid that In 1111 put tlioea - the trial bad "deillrled -tile buic premlae -the fact lhla -Is charged with murder." Fl1la briefly 111J111D1rini1 the eventa et the nljbl Ind -11 morning " .time u. He~ a~" Kennedy In ao a· ultant mood, irurrounded by people who thought be might bring a new day to the naUon, and then suddenly beil!gftlled .._ Slrban. .,_ The deputy diltrict •Uo"'"Y' told the Jurr one main jhing they mllll decide wu whether Sirhan had malice wben be committed the daying. 'lbe --l&ld be wwJd -I the -" -., the piJddalrflta at the trial that malice Implied o!oing IOllll•thing "DOI IOdally ac<eplable. .- 111 iua.t Sirhan wu able to ap.. ]ftclale -dial llrlng a boJ1e1 at tho--" another human bellll la not aceeptable la our community," Fitta u1d. "I IUgtlt he WU able to tell whether .it WU I pod thing or a bad thing. II la as ilmple as Iha~ Library to Seek Books April 19 lluntinclon Beacb Wnrr .la ..... to tho~ for boob A!lrii II ln- --Nallooal Ubrory W-, 'Ille library, lllUally ·the 11bce wbn the eommunlty -to ·loolr for boolrs, will be aided by the Boy Scouts, CUb Scoot& ud by the Ocean View Ind H1D1, tlngtoo Beacb Ctty School -In .. ef(ort IP co11oct donated boo!111. A dty Inlet will be available al the parting 191. " H1JJ1llnilon ce.ter u a ~ l<r all doaaled-boob. &:out ln>oj>i are canvualnir tbe lieiatiborbooda ud tho elementary cllatricll are _.., !Jome notku. . . . Lllnry offlclala ...... tbal -wfll be .. nttlJenl -... tlio ........ <Ii --... Boob,----hardbound ·udncarda--· A "'•••• ~ - Te .. llld....,1-wllal• -6ut ..... ID find .. Maleh '°"' ltyl• with '"'' _dbllo ..... ..,..,_ ••k •• elboat owr fl..., 0...i!lmo@ ..... .......-· J. e. J.lum,~ 'J.wek 2l YEARS IN THI SAME LOCATION PHONI' 141nJ401' lt2J NIWPORT A'll. COSTA MESA I I ; l • • . I !j I ; ' ; . I t • < I .. .. ~·.·~--·-· -··· ·---·. ·-· ·:..··_,_ .... ~---· • l'ILOT-ADV!RTISER-S Wedntodq, Apftl ,, 1'169 W'llfnndly, AO<ll 9, 1969 " ' DAILY PILDT . S$ 0 , . ' e :IJ .. H ..... ..._ ...._,.,,,,c..,c.... .... ~J1111~"*~Attt C). ·-~-~.J ,·~ '• .... II ......... 21.i· ... _,_ .... -......... Csstsr ......... • 11ff1,..,._•ca 11 n ,,.._ ..,, • .._. ........ • ...,,., $ ............ p .. : ~: I R~g. $3'1 i ! !Dacrol'.I· Polyester ! Bed Pillows · Reg. 7tc Plastic Dlspos111tle • •2• If Perfect! Travel . .,.: !yringe .... · . attach .. . ~;.,,,.,i;,. ' 821ap I • cutJ" CLSe fO(' · ._.,traveL - I R•i· '1" Super Plun•r ~· $119 -• Extra. plump Pil· 1ow1 wtth IuUnr bounce for aleep.. tnc Comfort. White en white tlcldnl' wiUr. bbl• w plM: eord9ll .scu. 20x26" ftn.,. ..... -·13u7 tCI&'. the tunny. $8.95Val'91 Hair Clipper. 10-pc• Set Kai Kan MPS Chunk . Dog Foocl 5 ,..$1 00 Tumblers 48c ..... 1-. Set of 8 _SparkPlup 88' ' .$ •• 980.L Novelette Al-Clock $484 JJahted. d la 1 for SUJ' vtew. in¥ at nlte.. -ladal-woo4 oolor. Top llama --· R ... 98cAuto Lltterlaakets 7 77c •s•Speedllne c19-10xClfr ·$298 s,.rtsman'• ........ '25' 6-hot · ·fiscose layon · --g Runne_rS'.· .... $14.18 Schick Shners $9.95 Value! 3·Tler. Walnut · look Rack Sohaa4y-holda your,.,, .. crtte llook1 at -.. -. ottke.. Walnut flnl1h; 35'" -12'.'- Gla11 Door Book Cues Choice. ol. walnut or maple ftDilbn. Double 1114tnr glaa doorL Ad· l111table GSJl.tot' "1•1!. 98c Val. Vlnyl . Storage& Tl'tlYol Bags 2,.,s100 R•'YJ' 'l'tJQ'L 8Ult and • dreu a. roJd and black. di-. In s old and ble.Ck ----baC In Clear. '$187 . ' . · ·5 Pie• Ttutk Cover&Mat Bath Set r 25cea.12u. .c..,stal Ice Gius Tw11ar.1s t3••M .. netlc C•Opener $236 ....... f6M Storq• Fii• ~~::::.. ~. $497 -... ..., "····--.... ccrrupte4 nm.- • -· ~ wtUI. it.eel _. ~Two -....... • '1"'~524!·:Yalue ·Deluxe Plastic . ·Housewares . 68c ......... ,,,;, ~" . -' ..... , ........... ....... •·22 . .,... ....... ,. .. ,.~,,...... ... ...... 'I-'·--. __ ... "i• ·, oYOllF CllO!ce ......... oo1°"\ll -..,. la Jup-... &t . bis ....... Clloloo ot , &.Tooa!lo, ~·· ~-.. R ... 49cPack c11oc01a1e M & M Candles :]·!$100 New Polaroid · · Colorpack ·II ........ , ...... =:s·24· 11 td a.attn --·· p .. _ . =-·-.. ~ e $1.lf·l••S1A7MM , ....-~ . ' ci~ s122 7DU .... t l•Sll -.i. ni> , .................. , " -. . ' ' -.. Al.WA.YI l'Ulm' Clfl 1'111 PA.11111•1 • ... . !-·-. :.·. "· -.... -~ • ;: ·, . " ~ .. ··-,, . • -. ·-•• ... ~ .... ... . -.. •• • ,. ~1"' :· ., ' • •"· "' .. ,.,_ :. ' -.... I I • STEREO SENSATIONI The colorful sound of _el...... orange county Music .. ~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach • ' OUR CURRENT ANNUAL RATE OF 5% EARNS 5.13% WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY & HELD t YEAR USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ALWAYS MOST CON!IENIENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT • INSURANCE TO t11,ooa • FEDiULLY CHAlTElfD AND SU,IE~VISED . WE ,AY EARNINCS ON YOUR FUNDS FR.OM DATl RECEIVED TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL e FUNDS RECEIVED ON Ol IEFOAE THE IOTH OF ANY MONTH EAlN FROM THI IST e SAVE-IY.1rii1.(1L, WE'"" ,OSTAGE IOTH WAY S, A CONVENIENT WAY TO $AVE. SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS L....-~-~-------------·-------. ---------- ., ..... ' .. .Closing I I I , I l ' . .. ---.--~~-------·· .-·· ---:------~· .. ·Prices-Complete .. .. .. Wodntrday, Aorll '· 1!69 H New--Yo~k -·~tock Exchange· List . .. " ' , =-....,d.f c::,1. -=.i Hltll W.a..c,t; , ':!:;!IHI Lewct. '=' t*:!;,J ~ ~~ ~ t t f ~,~~~~,; ~·:1.:~~l ;·:f&f..~ J ,_!la ~i·;!f,0.,..J..Uk.~J .. I • j I -• . ~ . . . , ' ' -.. ... ., .... .• , . . ' ...• .. . ' .. . -..... .. ~· .. ~··i . ' ... ... ... . . . , .. , .. • ... ., .. · .... . •., ". .• ,. ' •·'• ... r• •• ..... ,., ..... :.. ... • ·~·- j •1' \ • -1-.,-~ .. =. "'·"·=>-.. ------,---.,--~~.,.. T. ~ •• "'r1F'l<''!",'11.'l""""""""=i>:-?'<·;;·"· :0:::.-1'.'-:::.:;-::;-11:::;:::-.H=-==· ~--~'·"'·"'·""'"'-=="""====-=----------- - ' . The people at the local Wilshire Federal office are now part of the Glendale Federal family. For them. -and for you-that means many advantages. More than a billion dollars in assets to protect your savings. The strength of the nation's second largest federal. Earnings paid everyday, any day, even overnightAnd all of Glendale Federal's Umpteen Wa ys to Save. Take home a free Color Master- prlnt and see our exhibit of orlgl· nal palnHngs from the Glendale Collection by famous California arU1t1-Joshua Meador, Robert Wood,EmeatTonk,PamelaMnon, . and many more. Select a free Ma1terprlnt reproduction foryour c;iwn home. EnJoy relrnhmenta with old friends and meet new ones too.Aprll 1·15. Monday thru Thursday 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Friday 9:00 1.m. to 6:00 p. m. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS ••• , ••• ASHCIA_JION ------------·-----__.__ __ ------ • ' . •• .. - I wonder if they're giving free gifts? . . . . • Tlaew•rel • 1''ree M .. terprl•t11 ). and the.,,'re prleele11111 ' i Costa Mesa 1833 NEWPORT BOULEV.y!D THE NATION'S SECOND LARGEST FEllllW. llAVI-AlaOCIATION WITH ASSETS OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS. 22 CONVENIENT OFFICES PAY EARNINGS EVERY DAY, ANY DAY, EVEN OVERNIGHT. MAIN OFFICE: GLENDALE. &% WAllENT ANNUAlftATE/&,11% ............. UALYIELD/l,21% IYEAAllONUS._,tna . . .. ., ., . " ·"' .. ' ., , ;. ' ' .. . , " '., . ' • I ' ·' . ' •. . • • ' • l I t • I t I 1 I ( • I d I t ~ • b • ~ b • b l Ii • ·' t .. d u H p • i; A SI s. fr w .. Bl " "' dJ le ol jr " v .. j ' ' '-.. Iii ly in ~ Do '" lo a: VI II< "' ' .. Cl "" he WI lnl bh de ' o( 11> wt Hs ·----------~-~-~- • .. ' ~·~-.~· , ·-tT..., ....... :: .. I ' . . EDITION " ., ' Valley Mfty or Blasts· .. Charg es .1n . ~e cilll MO ve lly TEllJ\Y COVILLE Of ... Delfr Pltlflfeff FoonWn Valley Mayor Robert D. Schwerd~egor today labeled charg,. issued against him in a recall ·notice as "false and unjustifiable." Councilmen Donald Frtguu a n d Joseph Coarreges also cballe·nled cbara<s againat them in ·the. recoJJ ...... -'f'hey aald' the .facts do nol justify the charges. Tbe three men tiu.. morning·dlllrihuted U.S. Troo p Pullout Due. Within Days WASHING TON (UP!) -The United States is expected to begin unilateral wilhdraw.al of some of its Vietnam forces within the next SO days if there is no ma- jor iN:rea.se in enemy military activity and 1m1e hint of progress at the Paris talks. Authoritive sources reporting this today declined to discuss numbers c.r ei:ld fun. Ing. There have been publi!bed speeu!J- tions in the past that President NlD>n hoped to bring about 50,000 of the $30,000 U.S. troops out of Vietnam by tbe end af 1969. However, this estimate was predicated oo the administration's belief that it had ,t 1east six inonth! to begin showing aome results toward Amer l c a·n dllengagement before the pubic became too restless. · • formal amoer& lo • -of recan filed apinll thorn 111 ·Euc-Vu DIR • ..,. the smau.Jol Malo · infolving tbe con- trovf:l'llal Llrwia 1tract. Mayor Sc:bwerdtlqer ·Aid a recall movement can cml;J hurt-tbe cltJ' and that he -nol intend to _,. In mud· slinging. . . • , . , "As l. public olf1cial and is • locel bysinesa:man; I have always COJ)ducted my buainMs boneltly and openly and with ·a ~clear comctence," be: laid. ' -. Larwill tract ..... nally ..... ' undentood; no OOt '!laolld = " All three men upheld tbe~ to " 1 pul!llc .olficlala; ""' 'Aid ' grounda and --of :t· fice llloaJd be clearly lllml· . Rec<nt ooup¢1~ actloa'f> the I . Laroln Tract brou&lll·~ . 'tver municipal lol llllm to a boll , Van out. had appealed 11'~~ commlaaloa'• -of tjll 3'1 Tract bi which 'lilo bomel Oii I acru r I .,( Jetliii ers . ' CO ming? j May Use . ' .I · os Al While Ru nway Fixed Jetlinen may aoon fill tbe y 1ldes: of We&t 'Oranp Coon"'.1 ltlttm• pcnry ',ime Of Loa ' Alamitoa Nnil Air Slatloa d1lrln( a llklll' ninway~jof> al Qrallll i;:ouatr·Alrpcn ~ • Ii Navr 0epor-• .....,,,.. - WulllOpon la~ 111 l'riUJ - ly _ ..... t. '11111 ajrllni ~e TUt:eda1 that neptlatlOn& an alio pr<> gms for UN' of El Toro Marllle • bringing It up to Fedeial Avlotloo Alfl1C)' 11tandards. ' Work had originally been ocbeduled to begin April 11, bot 111pervlson tacked a .... -ute11liOn on wie of the patcbed end ~'hmwa)'I, pending a Navy declllooi .. Ult of Loa Alamitos. . Asstissments Key ' ' Supervisor David L. Baier. =-:eel Ule C\)Ullty might be will to the paving job several weekt to ftDd out if the FM might pick up b&lf tbe lab far runway repairs. Orange County AvlllUon DI r a c Io r ' (See JETll, Pait I) preoldeot, lal4 dlacualona in ' .. Alri!:n~, Cllilord, Air Calli~·.... ,,Hunti, ng.ton High Fears are in incr-oo lwo mIDlall' • lat I . · · · . ~".oi :::: : .' $1·.3 M~llinn· Deficit ~overElToroMCAS, ichla ' , -.1 , ·.' • ' • -• , ~-ua ·rul• Loa l •• 1 " , •• , nie ,CJlfici&l usessmen( now 11 Kid to be that moonling crltlclsm ·mW. ll lm- .arraUye Ula& some evidence of ~ng down the confltct be made app.,..,.,at a relatively early date. This bar Jd .t. a bard ..., look at the mllitery · ..._.. and a detormlnotion to undertake -withdrawals without any · m t Jo r breakthrough at Paris. 1',NI. ./wlli+ilv "'. '·~~·~1ti(IJ'J-'1'iu!t .... ·-· i!m ""ft,:m.IGt, 1)r.•N..r ......,. lOT=ll!lfir . • ! -. "'°"IV ...._,,_,..., ~.-·.~ "-:-.,..,,..-~ •"I~~~ .. '':,~.;; ~ ~ p"I ~ ly'qlilctais of ~ ' •• laJa ~...J~" Aid' ".'". -- _ ... _ w >.lo' ~-~~-.. ~~ieyuter !tor-' tema Alrpon II ••, ..,_,. AallWlll a.pi. of""""" Dr. ~ ·__, ....._,..and lllchinl wu-'-.i Secretary of State William P. lloprs and Defense Secretary Melvin ..R. Lalrd both hinted, in recent statements that the United States rnigbt begin pulling GUI a 1inlited number of its forces even if there were no reciprocal withdraw.l}I by North Ylelnamese forces in the south. Rogers told a news conference the United States hoped there wouJd be &0me "'mutual withdrawal" of troops but declined to rule out the possibility that the United States rnigbt pull out "'""' of its forces even if Hanoi did noL Ht said : "We are considering all posslbllltles." . . Laird in a recent magazm.e Interview spoke several times of the urgent need to begin "Vietnamization" or ' 'de· Americanization" af the conflict by speeding up the program of strengthening South Vietnamese troops to take over from the Americans. Authoritative sources shld they now were virtuaQy certain there would be same American troops corning home this summer unless the Communists under- take a major ground o£fensive. The amount and number of American with- drawals, apparently, would depned on the level of eoemy action and the strength o( the indicatiom given at Paris concern- ing possible progress toward a ·peace settlemen(. Authorities said the level of violence in Vietnam was now decreasing. They acknowledged that this had happened in ISte PUU.OUT, Pa1e I) Driver Stricken; Car Runs Wild, Slams lnw Pole VCI Team .Diwelops~.New Pum p By TOM BARLEY Of "" DdY P'JM Sltff A revolutlooary ...,,125e ,heart pump that is belnc caUllously hailed by its creators as a .niajor brutthrough in medicine's march towl'rd an artificial heart was displayed Tue.day at the University of Calllornla,. Jrvlne. Fresh from its ouccasfpl <ljlployment on a 42-year-old WOOW1'P8Uent in a Long Beach. hospltal, Ute pluQc device wu ex· hibited to newsmen by Dr. Jobn Conpolly, 46, chairman of &he Department of Surgery~ at UCI. - Connolly b: one of three Irvine faculty members primarily responsible for developuient of the equipment. Dr. Connolly was also a ~ember or the team that used the pump for the first time on a human paUent in the Long Beach operating room. In a unique departure from the "open chest" uWiza· lion of he.art surgery equiprnent,"CoMolly connected his u yet unnanied pump to the diseased heart via 1 Deck artm"• . I ,, COMPL&TE SU~ The apentlon.1· fd-nmdYal « an aneuryan (bioc><i~ 0. tbe heart) · was a COIDlfele ACCt:U, Dr. Connolly said. The-~'t introdud.fon to a ~-....... ~room had been Pl"' ceedeii.llf prololiled aperimeDtal ... of 111,,.f'mce Git many UC! laboratory anlmais. all, at Which _.uons . have been eqaallJ' -iaafuL Bui tbe ~· wbile tt ll!htn In van new and IOIN" nuny problema or i.rtlficlal hefri raee,rcbers, is aimed at the paUent for whom surceor la nol a pomblllty, saJd Dr. Comolly. "I i.ve in mind tbe IMl'Y• many •19- tima of cardl-1< llhocl< (bwt attacka J for wbom IO >err lltllO .....,.,. -In proponion to ...... In other flelda of medictne -hU been made," tbe l\D'llOll sald. . COllllOll; -that bla device, linked ~. lo ·the pall<M'• laltulns lllirt:tbroOlh the neck artery, can tab onr malt-of the ,_k ' normally perloi-by the <lamqed °'''" for u -la a ...u. Gtven the ncrmal -t r·e m..t i d. o a a recuperative powerl <JI -Ibo moet hadly damaged heart, he aid, that "'.eek's r'2St for an overworked heart will mean new life for many patients facinc certain d~ll). , EXCITES. SURGEONS Connolly's twn -be ii backed-by doe> tors " Aklo Wakabayashi froni I h .. University of Tokyo and WUJlam 'Dietrick -has excited American heart surgeoru: wilh it.s use of a special coating inside the maze of tubes that flank the cabbage. sized plastic cored. the pump. Developed by Dr. Wakabayashi, the GBH coatin& appears to have practically eliminated blood clotting -a major hazard in heait surgery and treatment. The Connolly team also attributes much of the pump'1 succesa: to the Ule of animal valvet -'taken from alao&htered pip -l!t tbelr octopus-like device. EllmlnaUon of piany of the plastic and other IYnlllellc mal<rials currently uoed in almllar ~pment could provide the IJllWU• to many pmllng infediona that cumnlly -tbe wgicaJly tmted heart Jiotleat, 11-otated. ConnollJ.'1 .pnnp la pow~ by •IYI•• --la built up within the pa. Uent until , tbe'blood flow ........ the -enJo1od' dm1nc the heart'• normal operaUon. But tlle pump's lllU!llptjoa of I the heart'• l lldrlnll duty enableo\ the heart'• vllal riahl ilde -the aru lnost vUIJlmble, to oliock and di..... to "1<e ' • l"Ol!>nced ~ space that wu .i!<'t IO i.., .,.-. and WlOblalnali!e. Colilolly saJd -.111rgory pioneer Df. Michael ~ of Houston WU .. ~ tntirested" in the ~ team'• malui-.ry heort, devlc<. "Hi · (Jae PUMP, Pap IJ more local ll)llllary, -... FuDmor ~,. II~ bolrd of 1n11-'w..,... .--r;. J:IO In~ to~ a -1;,'" , t';,, · l "-' ~•l' ' I 'd' _..:,_ . '"°"''"·••W--1'.:Ga~_!AI !~J ::1':::.1119 ....,..aaft:.;.;;:;; BllP!.. ::;;•~!Old, ·'1t.t fw. ::::;"="';.:;;"ji. In WOii · . i;:;;; .. .,. nol .,:" furo ftnapclal-plcturo ;of ;lbe -~.Is ....... ~t....t ~, ....... ...,. _ _ one which caltl for Hrkius coneem en .vm-• .,.... --. .. P'OKhed tbe ~~ 11,Wf<DI•, the part of all perlORI within tbe aCbool to:tbe 'riqUlll 'for· temfoi'lir1 He esplalnid ~. tbt -·ope1oed dlstrtct. . "We are -taklnr Iba valuatloD-la c1-j' to U pe""'1I than ''The problem rises from hro -. proai:b that -.. wtD lMi llllIIC, it ~· to . the' Utlclpa!td II percent, One is when the fl.39 tax rate for a tbree AillDltol field, , but 'ft l!ow Cowt,Y offtdala 11o1<1 no promlao of Im-year period wu approved by tbe Toten agroement," aald Thomll prov-In the future, he add<d. in March 1118 ·the lntlcipated lncoirio otbtr A1r callfarnla vice With tbe JTN<Ot basic general llW' from this tu rate wu based oa Increases questioned Tueaday. , ime ta:r rate of '1-• per ~lqo 111e*eif yearly tn the: asae3lfd valultloo ot 1r "A ~tlon_ will be·. '\';'"'".' valuation, the ddldt In tbe ~n TTCbool percent, .. •-lthln ,,,.... .im 11 ... 1.1 He aald that experience lb\nn the ·-· '" • -• _.,, """" CL , '-.A. fint year to be at l:U -and thO J«rJ· Pierce, l!"llllc •Inf .,,. >< >< >< nexl year at nbt mon! 'than I -t. at the ·Loa Aiamlloa facllllJI. "At the time of tbe •electlon -ti 11-.,.i::r~ty ·1•1 TJ1 Tw· 0 CJ..J.. J!.l -·~.-oftheturateoffU4_u;;;;;;er. be cIOled . • • .. , •• , " urw~ that ., 15 to 23 -mor.-· 1n t1te reaurfaclnl. due ' · .wn... -by ........i valuallon wu wurecl and heavy "inler i'alnilaiiind . '~ by thenofore cootlnuinr Ute fUI --.Id mcreasing ""'1'!'erc . ~·" See 'D;,.,,..,te r' supply more than adequate lunda for Iha Tbe Board of ~· 7 ac-..,...., district. : cepted a low bid~ •i"1'11 » liYtna.a "A $1.31 tu l'ate on the present u- new five-iTich4blckuplialtlllifocooothe Fo r n: .. tric· t •essed valuation wm not provide su111. 5,700-foot nmway. __ · : · &-a clent funds to prqvide"the kind of~ Jndu&trlal Alpllall lqo:, of stOntqol, ..,.,. tlon all the peop,le want for tbe .iudoaia mitted the bid, '40,11111 .undeo1 eltima!td Amooncenient of loe& lhan anticipated of tbi! district ' coot of repairing t11o 'Coant)! 1clllfy iind asaesaed valu-·11gum for tbe KW> The dl!trict, acting on """'1l!lelld tiJ1Pn B<ach UDlon lli(h School District ti01Ta of ad~ committee, uk<d:f• Valley Hhn¥ng Nose Counters ' ! l Want to courW nO. ·In Fountain Valley? ·.. ; Tbe ct1y needs about • cenaus taktrs to conduct tbt Tlllll\lll,' popilaUon "-~' m....,,.., Appllcat1-ara~ at the pe..-1 dopOllma , 1• Slator ,\ft,. Ulllll · Awrqe ulary Is p,r· day, with a lot cl walklnl nq1ilnd. ' Qn-6tr joll locJude ml.-ap 6111. vi a valid Callfornla drlnr'I iolllt accea to 1 car, aOact btallb. • l'OllabllJly for m to eltl>t hOar. of In a U1 for a two.-........ ~' lat.nltWI of ' will be -,.. -· pltooe tel-1124. I ,... Immediately ~ into the a rate of fl.54 in 11187. Tbe. camlJOlln ~ race TUeed11 night. against the -was vlgoroua and· Candidates John R. Kent and Stephen &omethnea bltte{ , wltb ·oppooen1a such D. Herman INlid even •• trt..tees were u Joseph Fef'nl and Robert E.,D.inpall gettin( the repo<t for dlltrlct linanctal of· campal(ninr against tbe -· , fictaia that '11gum oupplied 111 the &th D\<n araue<f that ~ Jn dlotrlct indicate Impending bllllkruptcy." ua..mienta by the county a•-.r bad The duo, runiilng u a team for election been assur<d and tbat the distrk;t did to the board, said that tiey believe the no1 need a nlse from IL39 lo fl.51 be. di!trlcl faces "financial d i t a s t e r ' ' cause . of the anticipated af!e•sment beca""' of ... n,..... llhowiJll that the tncr~aii'iater 1ed 1be· ~ 1n a dlatrict wUI be In the rod by fU mllllon succes&IUl ...,pa1gn to nlalntaln tha by the coocluoton of the 1170.71 ocbool fUt tu· rate now In tlfect. )'ell'." . "It it dificult to determine," aaid the "F'orew41rned, ~re-ls time to do lll'M-. thing about the financial problem/• candidates, ''bow the faulty proJo<Uon• Forney conclu<'ed. an the dl!trk:t asaiessments could have ,------------. been made, but tbe ruult to the district Is obvloul -ff spella diluter:· ' 'l11e two aspir.,.. pooed the poaslbllily that "district ollldals art nol -pelent in economic plannlnc, or proJectlonl are an unreliable meihocl of pllnnftlg'or that the ~ la 1 campaign documalt wed by the dlatrlct to lnlh-tile eltcQon." • Weadter ' Swerving aCJIDSS lour lan8 of traffic and back, a car whole driver -a U.. tingtm Beaeb heart potimt ,appa...tly !Jilli dead on the seat -finally•-into a telephone pole-at a Coda Mela in- tersection today. • ' I .f ~ B tldget P revietv Gl"ea . J, Overtime Set For Exemptions lt'ft get • bll ~ looichl. but clear 1tiu are,' on ~·1 agenda, aocompanled by a drop 1n temponture to tbe ~ mart. ' Peter G. Neenos, 41, of !Oil Ellmll'th Drive, Huntington Belch, Wit dead on arrival at CoU Mesa Memorial Hospital following the accident ~Y after t a.m., iilvettigstors said. No other cars were bit fluting the vehicle's careening path alon( Harbor Boulevard u~l it crasbed at the northeast corner ol. Gj,Jer Avenue. ii County Tax Hike FQ·rec~st "It appears to be a very simple cue,'' BJ JACK BROBACK uid Officer Robert Goode, who foand • • DMr ,.... IMfl cards in tho dead man's pocket Indicating A pnvlew <JI Oranfe eiu.ty•1 196f.'IO he had suffered from diabetes and a bucli<t indicated tills morning thet lu· heart condition. paym m11 anticipate ·llwp Iner<.,. In w;tnesses said they first notlctd the the countJ tu rate for tbt cominl ytar. \Yandering northbound tedan·IOUth. of the 'nit prevlew prtlUlted to t h It intersection because no driver was villi· supervieorr ,by ifto~ E. 1:'bomu. county blc. Police believe Neenos was already adminbtrattve Cltficef, lba'trl ft 11 -per- dead when the auto hit the pole. o:a1t lnmue In upondlturea based on 'l11e victim, whole body showed no sign requests from tilt varlOus counly of exterior physical injury, wa1 rulhed to d~ents. the hospital, lM efforts to revive him . In_ dollan, 1175.MS,ffO wu requested, were futile. an mcruite of ns,m,ao om the cur- • 1 I l'lllt I-l>adi<!. I, Larl'Ol -.... .._md bJ the W~are IJeJ>artment : It.I mllllon "' 23 percent; Medlcti Ce>tor. IM millloa, 21 pen:ent; Kental Healtb, $U milllon, 111e percent, and capital projecia, fl.I minion, is J)UC'tnt. • ~~·.J 1 , 'lbomu old the requeoled (ilur• oil leneral fund ~em1 'lboftil a fU mllllGf I difference bttween reOullU ' &nd ~ 1 ticipated rtvenue. 'lb.ii ditteranoe would mean approalmattly II c<nta oo tbe tu rate. -. Thomu saJd If the budltt ..... "cut to / , ' ' INSmE TODAY . CounlJ' A1111~w Andriw ·~. iHhhaw Prtdlcto.bl11, Democnat.t '" the • tfidiy'~'•!>Yert!JM-.forltlo I l•gitloturc or• t~lng aim al 1 · ·olfl!eto'.-WbOJ.lli,pndlola·Wll•Mla Gov, R•agan't blU plw lut mJnute rulb tn ftU:bc of bam1;ww.a I m ·~. IHlg it d - .aDd wttrW ~ 1 '. : 1 -rrtnchman'• .stew.'"~ a. • Botb:ti. bci..,.-.dlvlaloO at 1111 WJ . -, , .. ·lthSL and1htt.terull&fint)' 11.111 N. '::=. it :=_-.. l: '-·11-tn,-Ani!wtDJTa'-·=-. --. . 'l __. .. ,........ ....... , ·/:f'omla.m.tol;p.QLStturdal, • ' 1 tC...._.. ...n °'*""'""'* • Clt:rk1 at -. omca wm. )e on 1 ceMt = ?.rt.. • ,telepl\o!le. • ·~l!IY!·i llb!ll>ltf J aa;ld. =i::... ' 'n ,;:;;., :': ~: ~ -'::.=. iill be ltindliit at -" - -. . . . ~"'9 ""'-·~ aljquld' be' ..... ::r ' .... I I -• M.LHtl and vetirw ... ,...,.. •• , •• , ...... _.... , ·=> ,_ .. ...._ -. ,. ·--- Oln!CWU ··~ I ........ • ,,.._ • Oranp County mldal\I cJalmlal U· "'._ • -, emotiGN Ullller 111ber ca411or1 -..,. -I -: It U1 April ti to WI their c1a1:a11t 1D11baw :":r~ ', ..,. 1&ld. -. ' • • ' I I I I I l l. t .. • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Y...PMT H told me th1s wotlr: thal be looked on It as an amuing breakUlrou&h and be ii witching our further ef[oril wttb deep ln- lemt,. be said. Connolly aaw ''no real obltacle" to ~ troducllon d the protype pump'• ruc- eeaea lmt area bospitala ''in tht near future. We have a few more refinements to carry out bul nothlni lhat,........ any oblt&cle to Us widesprud distribution., •• be lild. Connolly described the coat af the PllDP as 11negliglble, poaibly in the rq!Dn of !ISO. Our moot vtta1 components -the pig valves-are free." be grlrmed • .. We get them from the 11aqhter bouae.'• Bob Hope Honored LOS ANGELES (AP) -Comodiu Bob Hope •• awmled the diltlngllilbed Cltl>enl Airud d Pepper<llne Colle(e bul wu unable to attend Tuesday's ......-y. His d111Jbler Undo 1ccepted Ille naril. DAl lV PltOT a.wt M. W_. p,.\deflt Mlf l"UtllWW J•cti' l. C•rln Vlc:I ,.,.ldent •llf ~J ,.._,., TJ1.,..a1 K•tvlt ·-Th•rM• A. M•rJhlt1• -·-• AJ!Mrt W. lit•• Wlllla"' tl•M Auocl•trt ............., l ffCll EdllW Qty f:Cltw "..., __ _ JM ltlt Str.•I Maill11t A4JN••1 P.O .... 7'0, t2641 --Hll!WlltJ"t ...oi: 2'11 WW ..... ........,.,. c.t• MeM: .. w.t .... ,.,... """" ... ,. ..... ...... .An From Page J Sparkman · Plans . To Lead Group · 1n Prague Visit VIENNA (AP) -U.S. Stn. Jclln Sporkmla llld to<lly hi be will -a t•qi•*""rlal" ddeptlon d Amei1can .,..._to Prquo Gil Friday al Uw Invitation of member• of Cr«hooloYakla .. P1r- 'lbl Allbaml Democrat ii In Vienna !or a moellnl d lbe JnterporlilmeUr)' Union. He llld be expects Ille mojGrily d Ille ....., ---and tllhl represe!UUv" attending lbe meetin« lo go willl bim to Ibo Clochoolovalc ""l'ilal. The delepb wlll ft1 llD ... -- cupled eornm.-..,my In I U.S. Air Fm:e p1ue "' Friday marnln( and II ocbeduled ........... -Uwl ....,. ing. · 11 will be the lint londinC by a U.S. , milllary plone al Pnp airport llince tho lloYlol lav-d Clodloolovakla loll . AIJ&Ull. Al IHll ono member d ·lie u.a. eq,-. Son. ~ Pe11, (IHU.), .boo Tidtad ~ .. lie ID- -Pell II not 'a---d lie del<i-.. Ibo -... .....,. Unloa moellnl· '!Ill ~-:..a time d --. Gilthe-u--11epabllc.-mceto-ellorll lo domjnol411a _.,., ~ 111111. Qll iiftyal In ~Iii. --... lrJ 111 rilll Cml!NMt H"-l' and YQIOalo'llL' He llld tllo trips lo ... --.....itla .,,.,. politic•l m;fti.ves." . ' ---------- • ., 0 t :. ··.Ur Tru~k · Q:rakes ·. Defef'tive I • I> ' ~ • ' ·, 1 • .. 1 :• ~ ' :·;:C1IP Tests r-ehicle . Whi£h Killed Youth -~-. . By JAL'lt CHAPPEL[; · . _.._ .... allo llnlcli;, liul•opod "'"'" -hit a ho and ·a com•-'-°' .... Dlltr "'"' ,.... • ;.£Z_ . . --....... n-.a-. ,_.._ .. · ·· ~,"*1, < '.· • . Tl!TJ-, 11 d llO.OianalOI, Mi&llon The U.S. Navy lruclt which -,ID!!' :..e::!"'"+-·o& manaJo•llN!u: cillrla · V~ ....,. cniu1nc Cou1 lllglnr1y killed a M-Viejo .W··Jn ~ . --~ ~ ~= WUllatn wllllln JDUked ......,alb al Cleo street Beach Monday w11 earrylq ftw!-d Aid lllpul)' Diltrld = ...,. Sleepy 11o1Jow In Lqlma Bea<b ammunltioo and bad dolec!ll" brW., Sqer: · . Atorney Monday about _,, California 1114bway Patrol. lnvaotlplors Sqer Ali! a -,_ lhe CHP lo·hll The outb .. ~ •• -•-•-•J-In the allqed today .. · • · · . 1 ~r"..· 111 • Y UKV. -uw1u.-• .-- Tbe CHP pr<>ben llllONd aft« a tell olllce lllled. "llie !rake mlfl!l on the emergency room ol South Coul Com- o[ Ille veblcle lhat "' -.tioo d Ito ;:"1:bll:' :0 ":rat"':"..::~ munlty HOlpitaL 0r..,. County Coroner .load. the brN:ea . wouldo' bold ID an wldle Ibo drlv<r ,.11 drlvlnl and llllking baa 1Jlled canoed clealh u a lradllrod emergency -gradUI llopa lhenb1 not llllking Ibo alculL Tbe T!ellm, ~ 11.ay, "'*bit by .... J ~ ~ ·~ ~-Ibo lruclt and ;dnlled ,. ..untlted .IQ ;;:·= = w ""1 -~ w jJ; ·~ lllOl'OR POOL TJWCI[ I"" lo 1111-al'lio and a·eompankie -1d not bo~ llllualloa, 'llll !nick ,... from Ibo . U.S: NIYJ :=""~'Jn.=t.ooll lll&hwq KomloJ, dam SmM Drive, Mlsllon =:"'..lt ~~ ~=~ ' Nixon's Brother Quits New:·u.s •. Post in Alaska · . . __ ....:..; ______ .:..___ .IO callbor IDl!IU!l\fflcn from CllDJI Pendleton and .... --Oii Coul 111Cbw11. Alilliarltlel do not mow """" Uw !nick .... -al the lime d the -s...,. ·Aid. 111a1 each -or .... mml!!m 1"llhed S poandl !fir a Iola! of 10,'IU poundl. .. --av. and - -In -Ibo Tilllc1e c:anled us poandl d ,wooden ·pallell. . Eyewltt I .t tbe ICW el the ~ ddent told Lagnna Beacl> Police lhat lhe truck blt lhe boy In the cnllll "'"' and then rolled Oil drl((ln( him oome 70 [eel I ' On Sirhan LOS ANGELES (UPI) :-Tho .f!O° aecution al !be Slrhlln B. Sirhan -lrlal told the jury to<lly thal the almple thing It bod lo decide WU wflelher Ibo young Anb --11,... ricl>I or wrong lo shoot anolber human being in the bead. Dep. Dist. Alty. David Filla began the clostng argumeall tn lhe lhne-monlh trial with lhe demand that the jury bring in a verdict of tirM. degree murder apiDll Sirhan for Ibo 1laylng d Stn. Robert 1'. K~y. HoweTer', the ttate bu Hid It would not oeek the death penalty. Sirllln hrilled nervoual!' tn bi& cbalr and whispered lo .1111 1tlorney> u Filtl. a gray-baird. craggy.faced man tn • dart _gray llllll began hi11111t11Datlon quillly. Fili& Aid Iba! In the put throe weelts the trial bad "departed from the bulc premise -the fact Ibis defendant la charged with murder." Fttla br!elly IUDllllUIJed the events ol the night and early morning d June 4-1. He painted a picture of Kennedy in an ez. ultant mood, surrounded by Ji<OPle who lhooghl be mtghl bring a -day lo the naUon, and then llDddenly being felled by. Slrban. The deputy dislrict aUorney told the jury one main tblng they mull decide was whether Sirhan had malice when be committed the elaying. 'Ibe prosecutor said he would accept the definition of one of the paychiatrisUI at the trli!.l that malice implied doing something "not socially aceeptablt." "I auggest Slrban wu able to ap- preciate lhat firing a bullel al the held d ilnotber tnnnan being ii not llCCOJUble ID oar commwi.lty,'' Fitts aid. "I aua-t he wu abJe to tell whether it wu a good thing or a bod thing. It la u almple as lhal Library to Seek Books April 19 Jlunllngta! Beach library ts IOlnl lo the Mm.munlty for boob April 19 in COll6 necttcn with N1Uonal !Jbrary Week. 'lbl lilrary UIUally the place wbeto the c:ommun1/y g"' 1o look. r .. boou, wtll be aided by the Boy Scoola, CUb Scouil and by the Oc<an View and. lhm- tinglon Bea<b City Scbool dlllricll In ID effort,to collect donated -· A City . !nick wtll be avoUable al the porting lot d l!lJnllqlon Center u a depqlitory "" all dClllated boob. Scout trOoPa are canv...m, the nelgbborbooda and Ibo elementary dillrlcll an llOlldlnc bomeDOllcea. !Jbrary o!lldals IU((ell lhat "thil wtD be Ill ucellenl time r .. Ibo dUnlng d booli lbelve1. Bookl, both paperbock and banlbound and recoros are needed." . ·I . . , Fnia r ... J ' ·4 ; .. JE·1?). ~ •. Tolhe girt who k(MMswliat""' .,ants but not where to find It. Match your style with Oar __ ..,.,..,_ Ilk DI abo•t O•r ...... ' ... Robert J .. Jlrwlnlhla rect"'-naled ..-""' -adJon, allboaP Ibo c:ou11ty wtJl !Ill oat m FAA~ II It doea Ibo job -· ELIMINATB ;CHANCE . .. .,... will ·-ant -ol 1edera1 f~ •M u t1>et ..... a11oc11ecl. It 1J0ld ~ !local year and lhHe repaln .... ed 001'," -told the board. He aald cclllinued delay ol runny repaln at Ibo ""1 facility -1 UlrNI of I serioul , aircraft accldf:nt wttl\ atvtral ..... ., frlctum IJld pavtl'llent . coll1poe.alreld) """1led. No milbopa .,.Wied lrom tho ,lllldttl cbuckbole . eato follotiln& a -'. ..... lrom J.,..., Into Maroll,· "nrt cloeed a whole d11 lor at ..... point PennaylvFa Woman New Comlimer Aide · ~ llflltlm!.......r COIMN!lM' TIAMS IANICAMUICUD MASTll CIV.A6E J. C. .JJ~!'~ 'Jewk 2f TfARS IN TFlt SAME LOCATION !'HONE Hl-1401 1121 NEWPORT A 'It. COSTA MESA I • ! ' • t ' : [ ) ' /, ' ' • t s ! I l t I ' l I • ) l • ' t I ' I I I I • • r , • • • ~ v~ YOL 62, NO. 15, 5 SECTIONS, to ;A6ES : I 1 \~ I ·T&I CENTS ! ' t ' • •. 1 D0wn·t1ae Mission • Trail Bonds May Delay School Site Pick Rites Set for Boy Killed in Cave.in EL TORO . -Funeral ~ for ~ight-year-old Russell Brown, klli.tMort- day when a cave· 11t~ was diggina ~ the rear of a housing area at the ~ Toro Yaine Air Station collapsed and l:mied him, will the held Saturday at GGmalts1 Texas. Young Brown ts the son of Capt. al)d Mrs. Donald J . Brown, 8631 SaiJWD _~ capt. Brown is a Marine lntelllgaioe o[. ficer on duty in the East. a Marine Carpi .spokesman said. 11te officer was flown home Tuesday. Cause of death was 1isted as suffocation by the orange County Coroner. * M1·s. Silvius Named Garden Cluh Director LAGUNA HILLS -Mn;. Paul T. Silvius of Laguna HUis is newly in.!talled as new Orange Cowty district director ol Caillornia Garden Clubs. Other new officers include Mrs. George Rawlin< ol Sooth Laguna, -dftc. tor and 1tfrs. Charles A. Krueger of Sare Clemente, COITesponding secrtW'Y· * Miles Collins Gets . Seat on CaJ.>O Board DANA POINT -Appainl'ment of Miles . Collins <>f 3327( Ocean Hill Drive, .Dana Point to the board of directon al the Capistrano Bay Park a n d Recreation Di.strict was approved Tuesday by the Boan! of Supervlson. Collins !aka the .seat of John Hart who moved out of the district' on Feb. 27. * Loan Normal Move, Superintendent ~ays CAPISTRANO BEACH -nii ·achoo! district is neither inlolwnt nor facial bankruptcy, Capistrano Unlfled Superintendenl Charles F. Kenn e 1 declar«i today In -to -""" have questioned how an ....... ....,. w1ll be repaid. The sueprintendtnt eip1linld •· ,loan from the county is oonna1 procedure so teachers' salaries can be paid until pro- perty tax moReY due to the tcbool dillric:E becomes available in twice-a-year in- stallments. '{:{ Tustin Upholds Ban On 34-Acre Tract TUST IN -A zoning change from industrial lo residential which woukl have allowed 1 3Wcre housinl tract IOUiheasl d Red Hill and Ed.Inger avenum1 wu unanlmoosly rejected Monday nicht by the Tustin CKy Council. 11le c:ouncll'1 dlsallowal ol the z o n e chanae upheld a previous denial by the city plannlrls commission. I I -' ; .. • In·· ' . ' '. ~, • I • ~ ' . .. ,• U~S~ Tro~p .. Pullout :l)ue . i, . .. .o· ' . s ' ' ' . ea Overlo~ding' -Contributor.: ' To. Tragedy?: ~y JA~"K CHAPPD.L Of "" °"" ,. ...,. The U.S. Navy truck whicll-" and k!lled • r,llssion VieJo lioy 1l\' ~: Beac.h Monday waa carryinC 6vt tClll,of, ammunition and had defective .._: ~alllornia Highway Patrol 1n.,..,..m . alleged today. · · It T0RP'S ,Co0NTRY STORE :_ COUNTY.'i.AffDMARK .lECOMES VICTIM OF PROGRESS I • ' '' . , • The CHP probers usei:ted .Mr I teat o1 !he vebicle Iha\ In -·tlc!n· of !lo· loitd~ 'the brakes woWdn'l . bold m • " Budget Preview '' Shows f.ounty Faces· Tax Hike e~ situation.' . ' ~ ' ?lie vicllm, llandJ•MenaeJ,. llil 11y: the truck and draged .. Otllinatod' ,.. f~ to:hil death uihe IDcl al«eip1nbt . attempted to """"' South Coat' llllbwlO' at C1<o Street in' Lquna. Bil friend w. also otruclt, but eocaped. ~'°Jo~ ~ manslaugh~r ,.;.~ against ~e ~ver, ~ailor J~ Wtf.llll!l· '11liel, 14,·~ Coronado, has betn dropped. Uid llep1117· Diatrlct Atornei' ~ Sager. . 'saitr oOicl a report by tl)e CllP to bis olllce lllled: ''11le broke -... the' vfbl9le .wu, in an unsafe ctnCutkm incl· ' lbll _ .. Ibo ...... ..,...,_ wldio U..'1'ffii'wlli:..U....• ............. . -ruat ...... ···-~-;­ilhllt.~ ~ w·"'=l!f'!"'~ lo ID eMrgenny sl!uiotioa, the bnlljt 1 wW\d MtlMkl."'· '1""' '';,. - • ~ .,, • lian!O 'llrM. 1lililln '.. VJe1'-Wll bil • he '1!d a _.., ;' ;& Goiiltl, ·11 "' 1441 Cbanila, M1ps1on v ii ....., Coott na·· , . ~ iniliilai ii Cw ay ' ' "'""' llal1ow 'in t..,uoe" r MondQ' abOut noon. . . • :1l>o' youth dled '46 nilnutel ~· .. ·111e emqeney robm 'ot1 South, tilt Qin. muniiy Hoapital. Orange·County'c«-t hu listed cauR of death u a fniduied •tull. MOTOR POOL TRUCK . •1.~~~· •p1UuPf1t:M;slNC1'1oln' ol' eAi<" ·. ,: ·, 1 1"f' I ,. · 1 ' +• !r • 1 , , "' ~ "r AU .rHAi:'REiAAINS.li'GUTTID:SH~i.I.! V '.' The truck wu lrom the U.S. Navy Amphibian S-motor pool In Conaodo.; Sager &aid. It Jild•plcl:!"l. up•lll-of 1 .30 caliber 11111111uniUon from Cillhp Pendleton and wu_north bwnd on Cout. 'Hlgbway. Authorllld do.not -wWe the truck wu bauncl al tlli' !tine ct tilt ' ' . . . . ' . ~ • • ·' • • \ ~. .J. , . ; I. 'J -·: : . . • " .. : . l A preview cl Oronc'l;c.untt1 11181-111 budget ~ ~ lll<lrllln& 11111 tax· peym mq anticipate ~ ..,,._ in the C<l'.df Ill~ !0< the c•mll>1ryear. 11le proV;e..· iw-ited to I h e supervlaars by Robert E. ~. county administrati\re officer, thow1 mi. 11 ptr· La · .. a Artists guit " ' .. To Giv~ Show ' , · .G.«P.Odb~e~ ·. Slor,, .e : · . · • .; • : .I' . f, I ' ~J. ',1' . I .I . I ,1 ' .. ' ! ) I ·, f I I . . I cent blcreqe in eEpeDd.iturel bald on • · · · · requests from the various county Lquna Stach' artisb Thursday will be El ·X ~rci L,andrfiark Vietim of Progi!~s~: depll'tments. goinJ: into adion for veterans, many of In dollars, $175,185,7«t was requested, w!nn have bad more than their own an increue of $21,131,630 over the cur· share•of acUoo. rent 1t&M1· bodatt-De "Artilt.s in Action'' show will be Largest increMes were r-ue1ted by staged from 11 a.m. to .t p.m. at the the Wellare Deparlment, 11.1' million or Velerallll -.O·Hoopital in Long 2! .,.._t; Medical Cent«, IU mlllloo, ~ 'Ille arttsts will demoostrate how 28 percent; Mental Health. $2.2 milllon, pictures and other art works are created. 106 pm:en4 and copilal project<, 11.6 Participating arttsts are Lloyd Bab- mlllioa,.J5 percenL coc~~ojl Wntin&: Paul Tilley, oil pain--~ Aid Ille teq.,.W Illar• on tln(;,·J.,0.' Cllr);,' Oil .painting: Cyllene gefteral fund items lbaftd a M.i mUJkm . Clrr, prtnltt,1and .od patnting; Jane dilfeC.. betwem requests ~and an-Pqtnam, qakt: ltttdies; Nellie Allen, art Uclptted rnenue. 'l'bill dlffSWJCe would · . 'tMdm.;.-JIDilr .. Armstrong, artist, car- meao -oDmltely IS ceiitl.., Ibo .lo ticJnilt-illld ·IOlcbef;'and Rita Singleton, rate. -; P*a'1"m1'1q. Thomas Aid H llle ·budlet'•ill "cul to · '"lbll l1nl of Ill kind program for the the lica'' tbtre·_woulc[ stW be a·rtv.mue ..:. ~merit ·Gf 'tbe many 111 veterans will gap of-. Ilion SI mllllcallld d>lm be • ral· lnll ad a heart wanning o1 bal..dn& tho .-.. GI' -5 Ut-1blnr for Iha_, .. , aald 0. W. Price of COIM.,. "-r llim:".. · ·Ille loeal AiDlr1can Legion Post who ar· "To ba1-Ila ~ wwld reqa1re ......... ;.:;;:. :;.:.;llle:;.:.;-=·~"----- muslve cula in the quail!)' of C<l'.dy s••'-T.. llf •• aenlce, • ThomM Aid. · ....,,. ar .. ets The . .-y.--.uw. will . ____ .... ----- lmmdNIJ beCln -.irlth Iha NEW YORK (AP) -The llock -d--"""' .. ,.,. --. •.• poi'( of i1' strength Ibo 1-..,i roqo-. J1auinC1 ._.. llio ....., rw"" ,._hopes, c!Otted with a llolrd of llllptr.1loq on Ibo JB.19 llof. pd '*•""'-' in llCllve lrldinf. (See .. will bol1n ill tbo 'mlddlo ~ Jllie. ~·-· ,_ IU7). No B•wlart Artbti By JA"1,CE BERM.AN Of 11M Dell' Plllt It .... "We lhooiht.'~·atore w9uld,be a real. asset to the commtmlty," said Cbarl«:s Griham, oL the lleabe ·Brotl>ers COO· stri\~;fl!m."i•1,1ilt progre11· came, aiicf· We cou~'t ttiDd'iri 1is way.," ' ' · Proiress. fn''thfs caie, is a four-lane ~ighw,ay,_causlng Oringe County to con-· <1emn:~ !@lid on ,whltj> !)ands El Toro. CouJ!1rY Store. . . . :. , . · Dea~ . BrQtJJers, builders. of Lake Forest homes •. bOugb! , the property, Graham' said ".as 1 Jarfdtnark ." · A11. that ret'n:ai.fl.I ofi, the landmark ls a gutted shell.'Yellow fllm envelopes and price stickers are strewn acrosS Ute con- erete· floor,. mumlnated . by light that filters throog~ uie pplp( · boles in the wlndow'J>cOllO'• j .• • ' 11le b)llldlng "7 'tt c&n no loager be call· ed a )store -11 f~· by a· railroad crossing, tu ll\lin1 boldln& .a , batter..i bolcar that may ·~ve• llhce b'auled oranges out ol the nearby groves. In the OfW' ll'OVe'* men in work!hlrta aid' hard hate: atand sur- roonded by O.._ and trilCU loOklng II -Keep .Those, Boot4.~ ·,Tidy Artlltl Ilk• note. No old -.. pets. ..iree pols or drinking will be allowed .In your .Festival ol Artl.boothll tll1I year, Co/lee pols, pets and drinkinl were not allowed 1ut year, but MOlftll Abel, long· time gn>Unds manager, dragged out the old sockl problem !or boanl inspection Tuesday during • diacuasion ol the ""'""1• ,,.1... ' . In h1I booth cleanlinell campa~pi, Abel Aid, "oome of theoo d>itadao (artillll are ,pttin& pretty raunchy." Ht men- tioned OM Whole boo&h. be dalmed, Wll lltlertd lalt ""° with clpm batta, old lhoel IDil old oockt. IUcbanl -· d>airman o[ the sroundl commlllaa and an exhibltlng pot· • ' ~ •' T ' ter;wu readln[i the praopecllve rulea to Art'--b '~iahle may· be the boanl. He told Abel he had not removed by . ~boon!< :'lb& · tm: o! wanted to ,.... too picky in the rulel, l>Ut llUitabllity lw pt< offeaaiv,._ • ~ Aid Abel c:ooJd certalnl)' will. with ~ 'f[.~,_eommuillf( atandlJ1ls bolnl backing, that boothl he ·lidled up. ra)her "''" uwuc ataodardl. . "I'm the Gestapo then?" aaid Abcl. , ·. E~ll>ttor)11w,lli 1 bf '_ashd to thew a[ Brookl Aid the ~ camm!Uee could ~ With ~rltY. AD dllploy,d give him backlnc and clear directives on Min~ bt "*.;! . bat tt,<ian be bpi .problem boothl .. He ,uld he had not . en'dWpNJ'lf\ei''"",..'.' ~' •· . Wlliled to ...,. to try and r.ilmellt Ibo , ' Tile ""'1 wl{tiiii "rtilai eih!tiliilfl .must u:lllU. , • • '-'!rill be.ilMllNI• i map In !he llrailil told the boanl l)itre.wlll he 177 J'estlvlf oll!ce.' ' · · uhlbllon tll1I ,.... almoat the ...,. Atllltl -!ll'Dlell their ualcnmmt of monber as latl. Abel will· aiolp the liooCll 1JP100 -II boun. booths to -artitll. Tba ru1es 11at inodia that 11 •mved Bnacbet cl the rula may ....WI in Ion !O< a1ilbll, ' but ·do 111>1 met1liOD ol the rJPt to ezhfblt. ,._.IPll1 u an 011tw1ble media. ~ ) , ' the land aroUnd theln. · . UUll\f ,1101~ Pl-tlie f~and, .tiielr l:"P' not .yet ·•tla<l>ed. ' ' ' ; '• To'the .eaat.o[.tht grade croa&lnC• there. is a clapboard church wfth,a wrougttWl'i\n tiell and' a curJicued trirri' atOp the .nxif. . ' ' . . . And to th e west, the severe lines or an A_. rraine church' point up ' at the clear .blue' sky. , . . . Outs ide the struc;tµte, sljns'a<lvertlsiog orang~. beer ~ cig;rret~ flap In . the. $oft spring breeze. Il)Side, there's a mus- ty dampnesa, and a silence· broken oaly by the sounds of the increuingly heavy flow o! car1 in the street and the roar of the jets u ~ soar over Et Toro. . The old coUntry store is nO more .. Dana Woman,·52 · . ' Among 2 ·county Road Victims · a!!(;l4eJ}t. . . . , . • . • , sager said thft each CUI. ol. 'Imo. munlllon wei-~'M ~ !er.'~ of 10,lli Po•nd•, 0r,•l!ol>i·nV..llid """""'", · (llee Tl!UCK,.hp" I)' -r- -{:r *'* ' . Final Rites Setr1. ': I• ' ' For D~d Youth· • • Funeral. lllfVlces for"'i!andy ~ will he ~Iii al 10:30 a.m.1lnrifa1 in the Moonl ol Ollv.. LutheNn ONfth. in Mbsfoh VfejO, . • 1 I, ' Mr. Meiruey, 14.' ol 2lm s..to Drive, Mboion Viejo, died Monday utile. vicllm · ol a traffic accident. He wu a frahrnan at Missoo Viejo High School 'Ille youth Is aurvived i>1' NI· lather, Roland Menuey; -~ bolh of the lainlly home and *1.er' Mn .. 11.net I SlierWoocl o1 Inglewood. 1-...nt at Fairillvea M .. orlalP•k wlll loDow the memoolol -. by the · .Rev. llOOerl Lani• ol the cllan:b. Oraagc , l >'J , w ....... 11 'll get a bit • fol!l"1I. but ' c:le1r lklel are on '111ind11'•' qenda. aCCOllljl081ed by 1 dlop ID ~tureito !lie ·~ mmt, ' ' INSmE TODAY . ( ' • I I'.'' . ' . ' -· ...... ______ . ._ "'~ "'--------. I I .. • •. ---.;.,;..;_..' ............. ,\: •. .,.~":'""'¥ rr -'Ji I h' ~· --cf&f'•·· I· 'I • A11l1 , . .,lfCt'M4.'1Jrl 1 t 4 ~· ~;: Tar npulalloil In ...... --~. )'Oii ------~-- . ~ ""'° \ n:t:•t•· ,J!a~ Pm!. · eioutted emtJ: llolTI lhaJI -blltlly i•~ ,_,_ lbelr -. u to pndlo, • ... . ~ . -a!lnoll bet °"" -Id .,.,. been • I coriaJn ,~ approach to OW' entir< underwater pvbTem. Ah, I C10 -thooe middle wtllern and tMtem helaune wrlta hOw -having a !:°"' ftald day. Some examples might ''Olli ....... c..ftrme4 - Clllf..S. ended" 0r; - c1we0, nat11 Hollywood ••• " Or, LOGBOOK ling Illa -tul Dar· . • • ~ All of the ..... aoOthUilnl. of f:CUne, .wui CtiKer aa ciubnla •i moet fimous clolvaae Olllllde of lloli}'WOOd; lhal ' Utooe •-1' GI the San Andreu Foult -lllaky crac.t-. u tbe San would hove -eodl!ll. -Flllll ' Alter aD, wa )lave nP!er -an op-And l!l<•k!lil of a.t iUdlol ~ my pcriudty to niport In dramatic dolall all ..,_.i otdoltct Aioi;... Mowlnl of -mld-C<llllinoat calamtttel like . Edltar chllCk'Ll);,,1 -Friday l<!modoes, floods, v.1leat rust and lbe ~alter-~· Hour poll<d: latest pc>eUy of Ev«ett.DirUen. "Our trouble Ian\ Ille Sao Andreas 'Ibey, in tum, dwell upon our tttlky Fault. tt'a our fauk that we have IO coodltlm every time we In the' Wmt many c;racked )ndlcton out here.': quiver just a bit from a superjel paesing Nolbing faulty about that~ over Omlba. , Tom JlvrpblM U m4naghlg editor Anyway, to a certain ctearee of cblgrin of lh< DAILY PILOT. fi' enjval, Forum Teo Few for Too ..... ,, ' " Completion Dme Sh,iJed May 15 The DHeat Festival of Art& PorUm 87 ~~,.~· ,~!1-1' oboaJd be cmnpleteil "on oc:hedal• May 15 wtlh a price ta( GI just under $11J,OOO. WJl.b ticUt Al., !or Laguna'a P_.,t h<llval clln!c:ton T ••• d I y IP-of tbe M~ r1llllllq $35,325 ahead of 91,000 extra II tbe "'I-GI ·' wt yeat'1 1eIJout, t: <!Jll Isn'• all cakei '"'·----'-•-of Ille Pagunh , -~ .... --:--.,.~· of lhe •' and ale fw tbe art ~CUIM. GI tbe llluten and -=-" Festival JI( Arll. dlreclora.:;uesday lac· lbeater. . , td an old bogabooo bloCk ..i.. to The add1liaoaJ !uOOI....;:::., ~ ~ organizatioos verau1 demand !or tickets -of aoJol and nlll • _m_ ' by the membenhip. lyalml !Gr Ille lloule ltpll 11111 -... The problem wu opoljigh1od !or the lru tnc!ucllq paviq. _ bQo!d aptn b)I Rliberl LOooert, l'ecttval ID o1ba-w-du!ti>c tbe boon! t<illi-_q,..; who Wil "'nlo t1cb1 -""· clln!c:ton• · lo 01-.,._,acuteeachyear." -Aalped -booth _. Leppert lild Iba bm< o!llce on April 1 &L Cllbarine'1 Cburcb amllWJ lo . ..U had· to -down nq.-1w 1,111> "com dop on a stick" wbicb ,~ y..,. Beel: dacrlbed u .. _ pup- plel." :: . . El Toro Marine Station _ • ...,..., -l1oolb ... tbe clly ..,....,.. .-lation . lo ..0 - baDINL ' --Al1owod the Cburcb of J-Cl>rill GI lbe Loller Day -tbe Clllld1 ----Art~ne::~·~~ Ey~cf, for Airport Use · ttq, pollory 11111 prWmaldq•m •lbe 1'..Unl .,...m to ralle ~ l<!f ~ Jetllnen ma,y ciloa IW tbe lrt...rly, adiooL ' ' ' 1ldel ri.. Wed Oranp Coonty, Tl tem--Awoved use of the .,...m May Ill, 11 ml lu,,o 1 by lbe Lopm Q-ott Guild P«lll' uae of Lal Alamltoo ·Naval Air '"'-1~ or\ -u. _,. __ ,A . -stali!l' durln& a llklay rumraY ftllll? job · · 'lllol lllP - -•111Hi ·al Oljllp CounlJ ~ tn .11'1""'"'-ID~:-!ioJ~;s;} el . -4'~ Douoa-d1u ,IM ,_ ~:ui........... ~11..,.d.!~l'rldlf.~­ fl. I . . •, · :. · . 1y -. but llrllnt oftldatn:blnlOcl ....... bid --,;,,..1 .... s..,i. JI . 'l'oiadaJtbat ...,illllom~aJs.oln pro- ... llJoql 1111 w<iinetl of Ille 0ranp C0un-lflell !Gr .. GI El Toro Marino Corps tr ~"':t,.. ~ mare than Air Slatlon. . ·•-t·\: ~~t..uvaf~ .. =~~c;:ru,:;: . ...1n --.., ""'mllll"'1 llekll, but ·· he did not ldeall!y lbe oec:oud poalble :[ycle Passenger ~Navy Depatlmi:nt ~ a1'0 11o1d · juriJdktion over El Toro MCAS, which i!I Hurt ID• Wreck somewbal i...1er es a nil• tl!an Loi : A :D-year<>ld B<Ull...., woman ..., ,.._y -• -..qde .. lbe wu a P111t£181t' coIUded db. roor GI .-vehicle In Llguna laeoch and ahe .... ttii..n oil. . : Mrs. Suzette Garrilon Wll released 1>1Jooriqi -II South Coos! Com-111"'*1 ~ lw -. .holp!tal aide• IOidll>cll1. . -• · She wu a pa.wie:nier OD a motorcycle ljri.... by her hulband, Dml c.,.. ,t-.111, during the l :IJ p.Jll. accident at i!ooth Cooat llichW•Y 111<1 ili<ou Slreet. '. l'llllco ·LL lloberl Mdl~ lild the ib:tdii.I O«iiittd u the ......... -io-1 police car' and hit Ile boct GI a ur drlv<n by Plul J,... lcod<Der, 17, GI 3"11 Via Sao S.butlan, ~Jllpel- ~h!IY PILO T OU.NOi COAST f'll .. llMINO COM,AN'I' • ...,_.N.W•M ...... ,. ...... J ..... em.., YICll~._.._.,...._. n-..1 .... ·- Allll\lto& NAS, !l'lmarilT uaed as 1 r ... rve lralnlnC !aclllty. Air West and Air California flights are expected to be diverted to Ontario In· tematlonal AirPort lf tatU on l1Se of a more ka1 mWtary bue are unmc- c:ess!uL Lal AWnito& NAS la listed U I poooi- ble Oral!&• Coonty regiooal airport tn lbe initial Pereira muter plan !or c:oonly aviaUoo report, adding addltlonal Impact lo tbe requect for temporary uoe. ~w. an now tattng the potiti•e ap- prooch that ... will be using the .... AlamH.<11 Oeld, but we have no rum agreement,.. llld Thomas Chandler, an- other Air California vice president, when QUe:!tioned Tueoday. 0 A recommendaUon will be made from here within a few days," said Lt. Cmdr. ~my Pl<rce, publlc WormaUon olllcer at Ille Loa Alamitos !aclllty. llmmi)'c 11 Ora!!ge Coonty Airport will be d~ be&1Mlnl Mondij, April II, !or mur!•Ctnc due to damage cauaed by heavy ·wtnter rains and complicated by inctt:ulng commercial airline use. The Boant of Superviaora Tuecday ac- cepted a Tow bid GI $1&5,'m lo< laylq I new ftvHncb.thlck uphalt l\ll'face on the 5,100-font nm_wa7. ·-Indultrial Aspllalt Inc.1 of stanton, aub- ' ....... A. M•?fii•• --ttM.PI P. Nin ,__ CltY .. ,..,. . ---l ·2n......, ,...,.. ; t.f•lht Ji,Mt-1 P.O. I• 6N. ,2612 ' oe.--.. • Oil 'Right to l(now' Bill ro-Win OK, Says Bad.ham C..-MMI • WllllilY ....... ........ lllclil: ,,, ................. .... II . la ..... :•M .... I ' .. .. ., JEROM11: r. llOLLINS OI tM Dlllr ,_ ..... SACKAMENTO-A 11em b ly man R*r1 '& Badham (R-Newport Btadil OIJd '°'"1 be tzpected "DO tr'Ollbie" 00 I pr..,....i bW eompelllq the Stall Landa OOmmllllon lo notify local agendel In odvaoco GI aclloo on offshore oil dr1111ng requeola. • nt·-.,AllGa, WU,<!)-llllhoried by ........ and Siiia Sen. Join SclunlU . ca.,--1. ~ .. k ..... rt<;tnlly added a the ~ el s.aJ Bach Oty lhDi Let Rbntr, ... ~ Iha CIV ,.. dM1lon cif tbe Cillfornia i.,.,..~ ... . Tiit Alatmbl,y'1 Nllural a-irces llld· Omei ·-Coaunltlol w1ll condllct • ~ 9D the bW 'lburlcla1--jlad llaadl.., ofl!cla)I, -lo usun JllSSll•· had plamed to have CONVENIENT T£RMS llAN)tAMERICARD . MASTER CHAi&E ·~is~o . I "' J Airport ~a~eOK:cJ ~ I • -• < • I ! • • Orange Cc!unly aUiia:vlson ·.m1itled 1ooJ and hard with · tbe San "- Clplotrano Airport ll'Pl!lan ~ 11111 came to DO conclUIOl'I ~ ~ that Jlll'!llJtfons wJl.b tjle ~'I .... ,. I • . would conllm!l\ . • ~ . '. Alie ""' -. Of••-~ dllcu•''"'· the. lJOal1I appro•td ~lair~ E. f,11111', lnollm bf a.s '1o·1 split vole lo nqollale for 11 .. ae of the """'ty'o $,4 ....., el .f!ie <fr1iort pro- perty on Ille bMll of lloaJ Properly ' ' ui;r ....... ~~~ L l!iker and')lobert \v. Ballin oppoeed the -and favurtd Baker°' move to ~~ the 'hole matter baclt lo llell f'M!ti ty ·~s arxl the County ~·s office for "analysis of terms GI ~ ud pro. posed lea!es and I determination GI what the city of San Juan Caplatrano will do ii the airport nmway i! deeded to the city." DIO~TNES U.S. POST Nixon's Brother Eiw1rd nu NEWPO~T AV£. COSTA MESA Baker's moUon was defeated by the same 3 to 2 margin. The alrport't oPeratcn. Bruee Winton and Col Jay WIDcox, Aid Ibey had de<do ed their baff cl tbe runway to tbe city and proposed to leue ii back al a nomfnal figure. Just -the city propuied .. do .... one of tbe quesliona Baker !ell ~d be explored in depth. . The County Flood Conlrol District OW111 5.4 acres comprising the south haJf of the airport's runway. tt has been leued to the. airport operators for the put three years for $544 a year. The lease~ next June 7. _ Real Properties Services, alter mmtbl of negotiations with the operators, has proposed a lease plan that ~ net tbe county aboot $1,000 a year. Under the plan the operalon WOl!ld have, in effect, use or the airport ramray free and would, in return for use of .95 acres of county property alongside the nmway, pay the county 17 percent or operational profila. · ,,.. ... p .. ., 1 TRUCK ... TolhogT~wl!o._wl!a!,,., Wlnb but not-.. find IL Match your 1tyl11 with Our many dlstindlw d<silfN-Md ask as about our tamovs Or-. ,.._ """".._ 2l YlARS IN THI SAME lOCA TION PHONE 541-1401 ' I I I \ s I a t t l I t • s I c i ] ] • ( ? ~ I 1 I ( f s I I l I ' c I t J ( I ' J I ' s ·addlelaaek • ;~· YOC. ii, NO. 15, 5 SECTIONS, 10 PAGES Mission Trail Bonds May Delay , School Site Pick MISSION VIEJO -Seledlon of a high school site in tbe Saddleback aru may have to '}'ait because of the state'• in- ability to sell school boodJ, Capistrano Unified School District trustees ...,. told in a report by district administrator Joe E. Wimer. ~ 'The Capistrano district had hoped to buy a site near Saddleback Junior College in the near future for a high IChool to serve nearly 1,800 Mission Viejo student& The problem ill that no one will buy the state's five percent achdol bonds used to finance loans to the district!: • .Presently. district high school students 11'.e bused to San Clemente High School. * Rites Set for Boy Killed in Cave-in EL TORO -F\JMnl -. tor eight-year-old R...,ll Brown. tilled Mon- day when a cave · be was c1Qinc1 at the rear of a housing arta al the El Toro ' . Maine Air Stalloo collapoid and· lluried him, will the held Saturday It QenAlea, Texas. Young Brown is the son of capt. and Mrs. Donald J. Brown, 1&3l ilflp11!,Place, capt. Biown is a Marine lntelllfence of· ficer on duty in the East, a Marini: Carpi spokesman said. The officer wu flown home Tuesday. Cause of deatJ\ was list.eel u suUoca\'ion by the Orange COunty Corooer. * Mrs .. Silvius Named Garden Club Director • ' es \ ; U~S~ TroQp . . . Pullout Due Within Days WASHINGTON (UPI) -'The United States ii upected to begin unlliteral 'fithdrawal of aome ol its VJetnam forcts within the next 60 days if there is no ma- jor increue in enemy military activity and some hint of·progreu at tbe Parir talks. . Autboritive IOUl"cel reporting this today declined to dlsclm llU!llben or euct lim- ing. There have been published specuia-" tiom in ' the put that President Nl.J:on hoped to bring aboot 50,000 of the ll30,000 U.S. troops out of vietn8m by the tnd of 1969. However •. this estimate was predicated on the adminlstratioo's belld that U had at least six "lllontM to begin showing some results toward A m e r l c a n disengagement before the pubic becl!-me too res11 .... 'lbe official auessment now ls said to be that mount!ni criticism makea it im- ~aUve that. llOOle evidence of turning down the conflict be made apparent at a nlalively ~ly date. This bas 1ecl to a hard new look at the military -and a determ.lnaUon to unda1ate 110me withdrawals · without iny m 1·j or br<aktllrwcl> al ~aris. Socmuy ~ol S!ate \Vlllllm P. Rocers and --.r,·Melvic R. Laird ljcJ4h hjlllii4'1o -~ ~t the Unli!d 1llllaf i8llPI ,llolda ;idilOi tlllt a limitjil ·llOll'I*' et Ila, --H there were..!"' reclpivcal wtti.lrawal by N«th Vil«nf--la tha-. Budget Preview . . ' .. Shows Cbunty Faces Tax Hike . ' ' By JACK.JlllOBAClt • Of .... Dlltr' ..... ,..,. ' • A ~ f1I, 0rance County's 1-'IO budg<l lndicated this ~ thal tu- pay .... may ~te lharp -in the county tu rile for tbe ""°""" year. The pr<vlew preaented to t. h • supervlson by :Robert E. Tbomaa, COlll1ly LAGUNA H1LLS -Mrs. Paul T. ad~ative officer, shows an 11 per· Silvius of Laguna Hills ls !"w1y ~ed =:--rror:-~ ~; as new Orange County district dire¢or ... departm ts of California Garden Clubs. en • Other new officers include Mn. George In, dollars, $175,'85,7MI was requested, n _ Li o1 •-"' Laguna ass;stant direc-an increase of $26.138,630 over the cur· .n.a.W 116 .:)IJUWI I rent 1963-69 budget tor and Mrs. Char.Jes ~· Krueger of Largest 1ncttaaes0 were requested by Sell Clemeote, corresponding secretary. the Welfare Department, $9.S million or Miles Collins Gets . Seat on Capo Board DANA POINT -Appointment of ?\files Co11ins or 33271 Ocean Hill Drive, Dana Point to the board of directors of the Capistrano Ba}" Park a n d ~tion District was approved TueldlY by the Board of Sitipervisors. CoUim tabl the seat -Of John Hart who movtd out of the di!trid on Feb. 21. Loan Normal Move,I Superintendent Says 23 per-: Medical Center, IU mlllloa, 28 percent; Mental Health, $2.1 million, 106 pen:ent, and capllal projects, II.&. million, 25 perce11t. . 'lbomu Nld 'the r~ flcur,."" general f1md ileml -..S a '4-1 million dlff....,.. bltorem ~ and .,.. ticlpated revenue. nm dlfferenCe Would mean -oxlmateljr IS oau .. the tu nte. 'lbomu N1d H lhe budlet -"cul to the bone" there W'OU1d still be a n:veaue gap ol more -11 mlllle ad ch._ of bi1-log the .......... -"' Jo. ccme'lre ''very .Hm.,-- ''To balance the budpt """1d nqulr< ma811ve cuts in the quality of COlll1ly service," Tbomu llid. nie ~ -m!Caflft -. 'lril1 lmmedialel1 btcln con!-with tho · varjoua ~ Wn& ID J!O"' -the budpl -'"· lleiilnp ..... tho . Boord of~ ... thtJ .. 119 -get will . la tlie ml4dk ., .i-. t~ , l.J.: j Oiv.tl"& COUNtY; 1.;AUl'-0,RNIA • ·ID· 0 's EL TI;>RO'S .COUNTRY:STORE -CO':™"fY'LANDMARK .~ECO'i'l:~lVIC°!',!M O~ PR!iQR~'.,-1 ;; \ • ' ' • I • ~ r .. Laguna Artists . . ' ·. ' To Give Show • Laguna Beach artists Thursdiy will be going into action for veter~. many of whom have had more than their own ~hare of act.ion. 1be "Artists in Action" show will be staged from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Lona: Beach. The artilts will demomtrate how plcture1 and other art ·works are created. Participating artists are lJ.oyd Bab- cock1 ,o,ll_ paint.in1; ~aul ~y. oil pain-ttoc: Joyce Clark, oil painting: Cyllene em. pai1rllls ll!d ·oll painting; Jane Puliwi>, '191d<·lkelcbes; Nellie Allen, art tacblr; Rotrerf: Anmtroog, artist, car· toonlll and teecber; and Rita Siogleton1 ~ ~""' Hs. llb>I -am for the IAjaJmeDt of. tbe many Ul velerans will 'ba a ~ tnal and • heart warming tblnll for the arlbll", -o. w. Price of tlle local ~ Leciol> hot .. ho ar· ranced the""°"· NEW YORK (AP) -·The lloc:k mmilot,•dlawlic Plf( of Ila strength frD. wncl ~ )lopes, cloeed with a pd ll!n•• lli·active trading. (See q>Ol..ilaiil, p-3H'I). . ' t • ' ; •• ',' . I . . G,oodhye~···si~~~ .... . . . El Toro ~ndmat.k Victim of P~ogrres1. , By JA/ilCE BERMAN Of "" o.11r l'll•t Sttff "We thought the· store would .be a real asset to the community/' said Charles Graham, of the Deane Brothers con- strucUon firm. "But progras· came, and we couldn't It.arid ln ··1t1 way .. " · · Proiress, in 'this case, is a four-lane highwp,y, causln1 Oringe CoontJ to con- d~ ·the land on which stands El Toro Coqntry Store. ' Dean! Brothe'rs, builders of Lake Forest homes, . bought , the pro~, Onban) stUd, "as a landinark." · · All . tjoal nmalna o1· the landmark is a 111tted.shell;Yellow film Ol)Ve)o!>el and price atlcten are ltrewn across the con-crete floor, IDuminaled . by llght Iha! filten th1ouP uie pplng bol~ In the window ,,.,.. . '!be bWldlng -K c;an no longer be call- ed 'a 'llore -Ji fronted' by a railroad cniulng, Ila siding boldlng . a ballc'ed boxcar that may have· once ·hauled otaoaes out ol the nearby groves. In the .orange. ~ve1, men in. workahirtl and hard haU Und, .sur· rounded by oralii• and true a ·~g"\ the land around· them. Utility polu pierce the fannland,.th!ii tops not ·yet attached. · · To the. east· o[ the gr•de c~iD& the!ie Is a clapboard church with a WlOUl!ht·lrbo bell and a cur~cued tfi!n .atop the roqf; And 'to' the west, the se~ lines' of an A• frame church1 potnt up. at the c\ear blue iky. . ' , Ou~ide the stnict;ure, sip advertilinl o,ranges, beer and. clgarettea flap in,'the S'>ft spring bre·eze. lns'ide, 'there's a,m115- ty darhpness, and a· sllenCe ~kff\ only by the -d! of the ~asJni!Y heavy flow of can in the street Ind 1Jle' rau"'of the jets u they 80af over El Toro •. The old-coimt,rJ store 11 no more., ' Pana Woman, 52, Among 2 County Road Victims . " • •' " . . 1'" t••1 .J .,. '" .. • C ,.,r .J ' I • { ' ... , , TEN OIN_'js!. '• 0'7:er.-oa~ . . ' I • Contributor.~ ' . • . . T9 Tragedy?~ JIY JA~'K CHAPPllLL • Of '" Dellr "'"" .... Tl!e U.S. Navy truer.whl~h ~ W . tilled .a Mission Viejo .boy tn J.aiuna BeicJi Monday was Carrying fiV. ~;ol . ammuaitlon and had ddeclive ~ Calllonia Highway Patrol ~· allepd today •• 'Ille CHP probeia --a fest of the yehl.cle ,that in consideration of it. l<iod, 'the brakei woolc!D~ bold ·111 .. ..,_ lliluatl.on: ' • 'Ille victim, Randy Monu01, WU hit by' the trucl«and draged an __ .,._ fiet to his' death II he and a canponian attempted to croaa South Cout 1111hw11 at 'Cl"' IMreet ID Laguna. Hla friend wu allO slruck, bol Olc:lped serloustnjury. '' Canaklera.Uon of manslaughter charges ag~ the driver, sailor John Wllllam Tb1d, Mi of'CoronadO, haa ..en clropf"d, -DepUty lilistr!CI A!«My ~ Sager. · Sq<r -a repcirt by Ille CHP to his -~: "The brak• J)'-.. tllO vebicli wu in an unsafe coodlUoa and.. tiat wbilo 'the .brates' woUI - wblleltha ·c1r1 ... waaldrlvq and inakli1'. lfMual' ll!ll>i' tlieit!iy I oot lftUbC .tbo _,a• ohny dtfecl In tha jyllein; •,ii! aa ~Y lituatioo, the biakol . oiO!I!@~~ ·;.;. ( ',,. -. ('"· -~llfr ~'aritr:rl)dw.r:Mlabl , '¥'1oJo, Wp bit U he ml a -pollldo; • 'lllrTJ G01to1;11·or• an ·• -:.':~~·.ir:1~aoo8t':z' .... \ ._,,.·, p -: ~ .,.. . . .,. l ~·faa!hldlid; isim-· J;la! lli•tllo ems....,, rooml Of ·-~ Qnn., 11111111t1,.Ho1pilaL ot•nre COantJ'Olft!Wt" hoo• Jlsled came of death U a fracturecl ~. MOTOR POOL TRUcK '· The truck WU from the U.S. Navx Amphibian Base motor PoOl In Coroaado, Sager<llld. It bad picked up 111 c.-of> .30 cAlDier ammwillion !ram Cam) . · fendleton ml ..... north bound .. Coal l!lgbway. Autborltieli do not --6 the truck was boand al the t1mo ol llfo accident. 'sager said ·Iha! each ! cui ~· : 1 , munlllon we!Jhec! ll JICll)ndi I'f'a · · · : 10,?S ~ or· about five aDd • • (Bee 'nlvel, rap.11 . . . ,l • . ·~ . * * --(:( .. I . , • l Final Rites Set , ' . .. For Dead Youth Funeral' oenlces !or. Raody-~ will bi Held ot 10,30 a.in. 'tlim~ ln·tlw' Molml . ol Ollvet Luthenli Clml\:li· ii Mission' vtejO. . · ' · • Mr:-Menuey, 14, <ii 2llil San(o ~ Milslon Viejo; dl<d Monday u Iii! 'Yll!llm · ol. a traffic accident. He Wll a frabmu ot Mlaaon Viejo Hi&h School. '!be yuulll II """'* lly bia t.thalj -_,, ....... l!!lalt. both· .. the family home ml -Mn.~ ShetwOocl of Inglewood. Interment at F.ut:.ven Mtmorial Pill will follow the memorial -· by 1111 llA!v. Robert Lange.pl .the dmrch. Wea"-r CA~TRANO BEACH -'Ille llCbool district l.'J neither intolYeDt nor. fad:nl bankruptcy, C a p 11 tr a o o UDiflld Superintendent Charlel F. Ke D 'De 1 declared today in answer to penom wbo have questioned how an $1D0,000 lolD will No R•uilei.I Artbt. ' ' A Dana Point woman was k1Ued 1n a two-car traffic accident Tuesday eventnc and ·a Oanlen Grove -died Tuelc\IT,ol injuries reicetted...,Jast ·Frtuy tn -#1 •~ . , lt11 pt .a bl~ "-P·lanlPI. bat • dle.t? .Jtlel. are 1tw11'ftlba...,'lf · ........ lbi11 ..... .., • drClp la ~-to>the,....,•-t; be repaid. ·, The sueprinlendent . uplalnecl a loin from the county ii normal procedurt 10 teacher&' salaries can be pa.id unW pro- perty tu money due to the school district becomes available in twice-a-year in- stallments. * Tustin Upholds Ban On 34-Acre Tract TUSTIN -A "'1ing chqe from lndll5lrlal to residential which -Id have allowed a 34-acre houslnt tract IOUtbeast. of led Hill and F.dinger avenutt w11 .........,sly rejected Mooday night by "-;>r.stin Ctty Co\lncil. 'The COUllcil's wal of the to n e chan,ee upheld vlou• denlal by the city plinning c0mmission. Keep ·Those · Bootl,s .Tidy 1 Artists take note. No old aor.b, pets, coll,. puts or drlnklng will be allowed In your Festival ol Arta booths tbil year. Coffee puts, ptll and drinking """ not allowed last year, hut·M....,. Abel, laiig- timt grounda manager, drqged ..,, the old socks probl<m for boanl lnapection Tuesday during a dlJCUlllon of the grounda rulea In bis booth ~ campalp, Abel aatd, "90me of. thell C:banctei'1: (arUsla) are getting pretty raunch1." He men- tioned .... -booth, lie c~ ..... Uttered hist yui with ctpret boilll. old thoes and okf' socb. IUcbar4 Brook.I, chalnnan or the l('OW'lds commJttee and 111 exhlbitir,ia; pot,.. j ter, w11 readlnc the proapt<llve rules to M --.-ilable may be the boon!. Re told AMI be bod not removed by . ""' -. :'l'lle-· tat, of wanted to aeem too piety in U. rulea:, but ailtabillty in • oftemlvtneu ii aald ~~. caqld ~ illllst; wllil ~ wlll ' ' ' ' .alindardi lioardl>iClllOl.tl>tl~·be.tiolltd:wi:. ; ~ . ~ ....... "I'm cM Gesfapo 'lli9T' .ui Abel.! ··'~ lii!·•aalliicl ..,-_..,ra1 Brooks aald the ~ ..... alllee COllld I !heh' ....... rill,~· All<lllplipd g1,. him bocl<lng and c-'dhctlvto on t wort' 1111# be lilt ' il;.....,.bt ~I problem bootha. He Aid .be bod oot on dlsplilY, artelr lalo. " · -T ,' ' wanted to aeem to try ml rqlmenl the 1 ' 'Ille .ni """""'lwtifc:'lr exbibMin --...tdO 11111 ~·d;mbod Oii i .... Jn,lbi B"1ciD told the boanl there will be 171 · Feoilval•olllco.' · o . ' exhlbltorl thll ' yeor allnoel 1• ~ aunt ' Artlsto may ""'40ll ~Ir aailgmnent of number as last. Abel ·'lrill Ualgn the I tioolh 'I"<' irlthln • houri. ' booths to artlsta. · Tho ride1 llal inldla Iha! II aJll'll'Ved Breaches of the rules miy reeuil In Ion for exhibit, ' 11111 do ·not ' meOtlGD of the right to exhlb!L pbctotrapl\J 11 an •°"f"~le ~·· • l · cident in wblcli h1a wife was killed. 1 . • Mrs. Carol Wood Sweet, U; of ms1 Bremerton St., waa killed wbeft the car driven by btr IOO.'John,•11, callided wUb one driv~ by•l:>oug!u R."fl~..11. ol 11111 Via ilelanlel!San'~ ~ ' Woods told C•llf'*'il HI.,,,..,. ·f'l.llOI , "'~ he .... driving IObth Gii . GOiden' - i.;itml street to• Dana Poh\I' -he recciplaed Swee~ 'on ~ wt ~ diiYer of a car l!Oulhbounl:I' on tbt: -~tmL · I H ... aald lie ntr.'ed 'om lho ~ ,.no,. line Ind • 'he dW IO Sw'tet aloO CTOlled·lhe center dlvldor. Woedl-W ihen llltned )lls ear bacli to lhe-rtpl *lo "' the street, hut -CGlltlnQld ~ Oft Uio W""1( lkll•of the nioilW~Tbo Woods' clit hit &he lweel-dr br~I. 1 . Mrs. s .... t )'u,dead '"''~al Sou1h 00011 COmmunlly lloolillOI[ ~ ""'ii lllfid'ln lallofad"'Y'~ ..itti """1bl• Internal lnJurl-.. n.. 'cnlll lo ander ~ bJ the C!IP. ~ DSiDE . TODA 'Y Predlctobly, Dftlocrols Ill Ille legillol1lt< .,. talrillf am al Goo.~··~1 tu ·~ •. c:oiu.g ..,U•·•"f' ~rrenchmcm'a ttcao.:-\l'aolt ·f r \ ! • I ' -...,., , ,.~....-"*. n I ................. ~ . ·.: ::-,::=. :t ·I: ~ ... ft .,_ iiiiilif'. I • ' -: ... .. iii:. ~; 'tt'-': ~-.. E''"l ·~ . .......... •• ·--· \t ' • -'I --.. JI ..,.....,.....,"' --. ............. • i' ... " • ----·. --~ ~. / t L • ·--~San· Andreas--· It Wasn~t. Ou~~. Fault .:: ' ·Capis~o Air rt . Pf] (:ycle PQ.'8enger .. lfurt in Wreck . - •• D.lllY i'llOT l-'-tM.W-4 _ _._ -·-·-"'":::.!;.'::It' .. 11...,. P. Hill ---c .. ----222 ........ ... M1Jllat ~.P.O .... U6. ttMJ --....., ..... ; 2111 Wmt .......... ,lol .... Cll* ~ ---rr.-............... ... ' \ Or,' "WeD, Tbat'1 HollJWtod ••• " Or, Or, uw ....... Talk ....., Cl& Oft" I'm ..,,. the -and enerpe. of .. ' '· .. • > , ' ' Iii fir..., ........ ""'" ·•-•lll'lb: >; .... , ....... ~.,~. , D I'• -· ha,. 1ued -' -cr7ilal balla !!bell -baotilJ ,...._ tlltlr ..-• In indic- -tutelly o1 the Sall Andreu Fault -idlllvtbeeoaadlooa. Afl<r all, ft have nover .u.ad 1111 ap- P°"'mfti lo ._i to dramailc dtlall all ol -· mld«lnttnmt calamltloo lift t«oadoea, floods, whfft rust ·and the latest ~ of Evmll Dirksen. They, in turn, dwell upon our ohaty condlilon every tbn• we In the West qulvtt just a hit !ram a superjtl paooins O'IWOmaba. Mywa:f, .. a certain deiroe of chqrin ting Iha -Loll Day. All " Ille -aoathaayinl, " """"' 1lill -.. cilltomla:a moot famous cloovqe -" Hollywood, that -tllnel llEUJ.cract tnown •Iha San ~,-. And ..,.. .... ol lbot alldinl plaol, my ..._ad _.k, A.._ 111.wPl& EdJl.ir. aiueli 1-,. oblerved Friday aft<r1IOOll aft<r Qaate HOOT puaed' "Our troob)e isn't the San Andrus Fanlt. Jt'a our fau)t that we have so maiiy cracked predktr.n out heft." Nolhtns faulty about that .-1~ T°"' 11.;p,.i.; II TMllGgiog editor Q/ the DAILY PILOT. ~ .... "11to. - DICL 1NES U.S. l'bsT - Nbcon'a Brether E<hrard Ed Nixon Says ·~eOK'd ~. ~ ~ ~i~:-it:\ -=.,,""°Airport )ll'Obla 1\'-Ptfq lf'll -to DO CO!!Chil!Ga ·---1,lbat I TI. liiliOOf .1',(th fllO alrpirt'i fPiiml ~ eodln111< L....:. Aler twa -. ol •••llniow·.bloled .._., ... -bnll'll .,,,._,.d •• ,.. _ Alfllll E. Alllzl'I ~ 1i7 a.S loJtplltVGteto~ for a leaR ol Ille countf• 5.f --airport pro. perty-.. tbe -ol JIW Propert7 ~id L.'lilker .... lloliert lf. Battin ~ lht -and --· ....... _ thi !rhOle jnatm ba<t'lo.Mi.Pl ... ly __ anti tbe County Admlntatnlor'~ olllct for "anatyabt 'el tenna of "'lilnl and pro- poocd -and a-olwhat I the <tty ol Saa Juan Clplatnno wtll do It the airport runway II deeded to the ctty." Baker's motloo WU defeated by tbe ..,.. 3 to J -.;.. Ticket Bu-gahoo U·p Again ~0 t~ Fethral ·· · . Job in Alaska '11le airport '1 _.tan, Bruce Winton and Col Jay Willco%, Nld they had deed- ed their haH ol tbe .,..,..., to the dty and proposed to tease it back at • 1 nominal figure. I Just -the dty ll'opoocd to do WIS By RICILUID P. NALL .......... ,....,,.,. Wtth Uctet aalea le< Laguna's Papan! ol tbe -running 115.315 -ol laal ,,_., aellout, I: ltlII Ian\ oD C.tes and ale far the art·opectacular. Fetllval.ol Aria dlrecton,Tlluday f'!"" ed an old bugaboo'· blo<t a&les to orpniutiom vmua demand for Uckets ll)' the membersllip. '11le problem Wal ai>OWl)lted for the boanf apln IJy Rnhert ~ Falival bnlnll ""Mpr, who aald ·-rm tk:bt _loll _____ ... ~ uld lbe·bos olllce '"1 April 1 ~ to ii!'" -~ l<r l,IOO ilckell lllOllly far Sab1n11J ,, Dllbl ·~ lar 1111 t1cU1a --common perfornllDCOI 1!no<tJ IOld. . llld ti!' _... lar blocb ol Uckela is SEATn.E (AP) -Edward C. Nboo, TIJllNED DOWN ..,....... each,..,-. the President'• bnlther, haa -GUI ol Tbe bullnw mlnll• Nld a doct« In Tbe hlllYal boanf'1 prolllen 11 that it a $.111,000..year federal job In Alub Hollywood had charpd Illa! the hlllYal abo allon the memhenhlp, aboul J,IOO "for penooaJ ........... wu discrlminatlq ..-1t1 .,.,.. .,.._ who P8l' P lo Join. the rlPt to Nixon, who had spent two d311 In bershlp. Leppert Nld the dodi>r llatad pUrliCue IO licketl uch. . Anchorage Olltt ~ a p po f D le d thet be had been tumed down ea hll re-111,111 nCUTS · . chairman of the f lleld committee qutll for Pageant ilcketa and lben had II e'aclt m<mh« bouiht his ·full •hare, for development plarmlng tn Alaska, 111\cf been oflered the ~ to purchale which they don~. it would come to about thett Tueaday hts -not to accept Uckels from two charitable organizati<m. llf,000 Ucteta: the pool "haa notbtng to do with the J>Oll- Tbere is no limit to the number of ne tieUtl aYailable from 2.B RMI uon bert, the land or the people" aOO ad-blbcl: aeall Iba! may hi purdlMN IJy · iaJab1e tbtl JfJir wtll be about .. 115,000 ded , orpn1zat1ons, but 50t IMIU to bate .. tatal-4arinc·the 41 pa'farmlDCel to which "It doesn't wm tt'1 aotn1 to work out. becGme the <Uto11 point. One local 1D11D llctets _.. aold. we have a problem that bu arlJen at allemptad to purd>ue ticlilla for 1,000 C!uh&. --and ... -in-home." -He WU lllowad lllO. -~ -· hloeb ol tlctota. Many Nixon WU appointed to the job laat Fri- & DC b· -1111 the lldllla In the day. one of the quesllonl Baker felt ahould be · explored In depth. Tbe County Flood Control Diltrlcl °""' I I 5.1 acres comprlslnc the IGUlh haH ol the alrport'1 nmway. It bu been 1eued to the airporl operators for tbe put tlne yean few $544 a year. The leue apirtl Den June 7. Rall Properties Servi<.., an.r moolha of negottailooa with tbe operators. has propooscd a lease plan that woWil net Iha <01111ty about fl,000 a year. Uzider the plan the operators wauld have, ln effect, use of the airport runway free and woold, ln r<tura for use ol .95 ..... of county property aloogslde the runway, pay the county 17 percent of operallonal proflta. _...., alq with a hon: hmd1 and bull In Waahinston, the Cammenoe ileput· rldl lo the P.....,i lo ralle money for ment Nld Nixon "hlbmod tbe s.cr.tary lllo ..... d ..... • of Comme'Ce that -dlacualln1 the ftli....._ -ol the F..Uval'• matter fllrtber with hla wUe he had El Toro Marine Station ,.,.. .. P .. e l TRUCK .•• Eyed for Airport Use mltted the hid, $40,000 under lllimatad -ol npalrlna Iha -lodJtty and brlnclnl ti up to Federal Avlallia ~ - Rest of Week -..... -who dllm tbot -cledded to -lbe a~l" p_.,i ~ ann1 Ille P"""l'!tl art Nixon, a former Navy pilot, a poJosbl toos. Jn addition the vehicle carried US ...,_, 11111.....,_ -lie and and ... i.ave lnlm Pacific N-Bell pounds of wooden pallets. are. Telephone Co., Seattle, where be la a Eyewitnes.es at the scene of the ac-... !_'1·-•z 7 ~.tbl .. ~_,,ha~ ~t commereial staff supervtacr, would have cident tokl r..guna Buch Police that the -,_....,.. In - -w~ headed a committee lo com.!lnale f-al truck hit the boy in the """' wait and hmat ar, ~ to eoJoJ' Lquna'.s and state economic plannlni f« AlukL then rolled oo-dr1uin1 him 10me 70 feet. I· 111-and -m. home is ln Lymrood, :IO mllea TRUCK ROUED ON WIJUam D. llartlb, board pnold<l!t, -ol Soottle. He and hla wUe, Gay, Drivw Thiel told authoritieo hi had the told hllow boanf ~ that who II a junior hlP acbool matbematlea truclc brakea cxi tbe -time hi rolled be waald apond Ille -oblp .,.._ -·ha .. two~ Amy, 10, lhrwi!> tbe =await, htt the Menuey_ m1t1ee beoded "1 Dr. Hanil4 -to and j!<lh, I, . boy and rolled on, Sager lllcL "'""" up with '"""""-Leppert In WI year'.• prealdenUal campolp, · '11le deputy\;y.DA uld the driver lllid he -hi on a.oflldo -1>!r· NlxCXI 1118D81ed mall _,auooa foe the '"" the two · ........,,. about II feet MIMURI BIPANDING · . NlxM-!or·Pnlildent Committee ln New --~ -mlid tljat .the -...iienblp -York. -ahead o1 him and noticed other can atop. ~ -tlcbl P"'•,I, I -is '11le yowiiftt of three llYing Nixon ping before thal ___.,_ oD ~ lime. Ila nlened to b-"·-, ~ wu to have •··.~ his new Eyewltoeaea of tbe accident ellimatd ---· . . ·-~·· ---~-,~ofthemill••-vehicletobeGO· . n~:t...,. nol actad an jolt May 3, hia Jtth blr1hclly, ~-"' -,.._ _, II miilitha ~ aloo had ...,. a J.,.ph Ftu,eraJd, who rut&ned to em.r ly aboul Ove to 10 m11ea per hour, Sager ollll!Jcltha · lailJMr, bat tbe prlvate-,r. ~.;,_CHP.~thedetmninaUonthat -did nol act ... hla -lion ·-' --· •'--11...-at. tld:eta naDablt to the trues were UDllfe tn that. they wen. 1.q1a: Jeich .,_ Se!ioOlo.~ .... ":i,:::.:;:;;: whHtlad c1own. .Quake Jolts Tokyo beyond the manu1acturtr'• ipeclllcat1ons conilnuln1-lbrough thli ~. wtll he DlroclGr Paul Griem uld tbe boerd lor push rod dillance," Sager Nld. Thta, obeuved WUb ~pecial pr o Ir a m I • would have to bave a lilt of block aales TOKYO (UPl)-A falrl,y strong earth-he sak!, h1dicated the rear air brakes displays, '!Jltttainment and u.amples of before acting _ which be bad sought quake jolted tills capital clty and the sur· were out of adjustment. eduR ... ca.Um m action teaching the three previously. . roundiDI ana for more than aa eecooda The CHP tested tbe spring brakes on ~ u-•~ -·•• ~ -•~ --'"·· ,_,...., Tbe trilaor WU o! lntemity 3 the truck, Sager Aid. Under llate llw, . A Feotlval of Education is planned !or to';"itkb';"'..rd.: vorneri:i.~ii.E'. ~to lhock people but no1-.p·_; the brateamust hold the vehicle while an Laguna Beach lll(ll School lcllllPt from 7 "Bud" Scmoeder, to ha .. stronc and cause ..-p!operty damap or attempt II made to drive ti away in flnt p.m. There will he math and aci•••:e J.'..:valld~.'.:""''.':"'::::nm:'.""~·::da::Uons:::_::IJJ!...:w="'::"':• .::-=-~-===~=----------.::•..,._·--.,.-------­displays, an art show, a debate, 80Clal studies anddemonstratloos by students in 1, ==================================='-==; 1-.ilng, tumbllnr and volleyball. In 1. addition, poetry ..0 choral .-np .,. planned. The three <lemeq"'1J ,ltcbools, Aliso, El Morro and Top of 1be Workl, will have a d31·1Dn1 open -'l1lllnday lollowad by eveni.na: programa. Parents ud oD Lqwiana an invll<od to visit rooms throuPout the day to .,. clwes In pr-ud ~ dlaplaya of student WOlk, Dr. W1Dlam UUoin, superintendent Aid. Saturday, 'lbuntoo Intermediate acbool will be the aile for Kite Kapera, a fun.day planned to p r o 1' I d e communication hetw ... the acbool, .-and parenta. In addition to the klle Oylq - English, oclmce, h 11 to r 1 and mathemaUc:s presentation( t 1 p I n I , physical education, ablhftllim, a band concert and~llatla , of audlo melhodl are acbecmled. . "Here at "111 and oD thti acbcio1a, II an opporlunity "for ill~ to-.lslt the achoola, med .... ult quat1in ol the -and ... the varied achl ......... of the atudenis," Ullom lllid. Oil 'Right to Know' Bill f o Win OK, Says Badham I ••tUO lt2l NIWl'ORT A'lt. COSTA MESA Toiholl<fwllo~-· wants but not where., find It. Match yo•r ltyle yrith Oar ..., -dalps. And ask •• about our f1mo11 0...-........ 21 YURS IN 00 SAME LOCATION !'HONE '41.1401 • led I :I illtl ... led id as Of ... rty l!tt md ole :es for .... iat I 'If ,_ .. the ,,.r !d- 111 l I .. be .. 11 ha to .. ... hi u ... tlcl ., .15 be of IS .. ... Id .. ,. ld '1. .. et p- Id •· .. II .. .. '· ~ n r, n ~ I· • • • -J , --· Aorti 9, lM · L I • 1 JuryTo'ld . :To Decide BQmbers Avenge Raid~ • M&T ........... MAJOR BRDKTHROUGH IN HEART SURGERY? D.,. Donllolly !loll), W1koboyMhl W1!h Hoort ~ .. ' • . ' . ileart Milestone· UCI Team .DeVelops New Pump BJ 10M BARLEY Unifflllly ol T<>Qo IJld W"ollllln Ditlrict Of .. INiflr Pllll IWf -has acited Amerk:an btut aapJDnl A revolutiaoary ...,. l1IO beort pump with ita ... of a opecl>I <Mlin& -tho that iJ being cautioaalJ balled bi Ila • mue ol lubes tbat .fiant the cabbe&e- creeton u • major brWlhrouP in ailed pWti< cor. ol the pump. Deydoped medicine's mpcb towanl an artlflcW by Dr. Wabhayubi, the GBll -- beart waa di!played '!11'9day at the appean to have practically eliminated University ol Calilomia,.IMne. blood clolting -a niajor buud ID beort Fresh from ita succeasful emplaymatt surgery and trutmenl. ~ Id lient · '-· The Coonolly team ollo altrlb!tes on a ._.year-o woowi Pl ·ql a .....,... uch of the pwnp'a toeem to the 111t ol • On Sirhan Beach boopital, the plastic: devic< was ex· :::.m.i valves -taken from 11..ptrrod hibited to newsmen by nr. Jo1m Connol\l'. p;p _ m their octopus-like device. Trade Problem"' 4&, cbainnan ol the Department of · Elimjn1Uoo of JDIDf ol the plutic and -~~ Surgery al UCL . other l)'1llhetlc materlall ~ mtd Connolly Is -of three Irvine laculty ID -equlpn<nt ·-~ the D . ~T · membm primarily ·-bit for ......, to...., pm~ -tbat om1nate l'llXOD, developn<nt ol the equlpntllt. cumoUy -the ~ treated Dr. Connolly was also a member·c:i the heart J)ltie:ot, it was stated. Sec • T Jk team that used the ~p for the lint Coooolly'a piiDp is prwered by •anen unty a s tun< .... h!JDWI patient .. the Loog pressure wbk:h ii boil! up wlthlD the .... Beach . openting room. In a uruque tient unW the blood Dow usumes the 10 d.eparture from the "open chest" atiJiza-level enjoyed dur'"" the heart'1 .llCll1lllll WASlllNG N (AP) -Prmlent Nix· lion of heart -~ Connolly "'" m <U1femd with bis Nallonal Security · lmierJ eqw~-·· operatioo. But the pi01p'1 UIUDlptino ol Council for the second llral•'t day today coonected hia u yet UllllAmed piiDp to the heart's normal duty enabks the -~ "'' the diaeased ~via a neck artery. heart's viLal right aide _ the aru most •nu devoted the ltSSion to international The _.lion for ttm0val ol an vulnerable to abock and di>we-<o tab ~ Ronald L. 7.iqler, who .,..,.,_ (blood l>li*I' .., the beort) a proiooged mulhlng apac< Illa\ w8' not ·~ was • complete success, Dr .. Connolly so loog ago 1mlhinbble and unoblainable. ~~ -~olatV·~~ ~: said 1be pmnp's introduction to a . Dr n-no men"""' ta11&111, '""'"" .... llooPitaJ operating room bad been pro-Connollyaaldheart~P-,..; been the aubject ol two weeb at high ceeded 11)' prol<mged ......un...w ... o1 '·="'= 1 ~ Jryioe level dl#I..._ . the device .., manyf UCi:--labonkrJ . 1;;;.;re• ,,.,;:m, rt~ .. Ht . 1.le&la'lillltiiiiii'• mmdllellliCln was animals oI1 at wlllch operallom baft toldn>ttblo.-tbelbeloaliod•'M•. atlalillad ."1 llecillor1 of Oum..., ~t't11111iart~~:tt mbon ID ~='=t~:! .~ao:..·.=:=,.': vut w f:""".,t'1'"' ai111 -maJ ~tMot;·· said. --· .-.. ·• ' .; ~··-11.-fllr • almllar pn>blw utlfidalbeartr!I! •dkn, cOonaay llW ••no=ll4'tdf" io ~ ~f!-PsrEiitof N!:'=.'· -~ _ !salo>tdal·the.polifDforwbomsurpry ; ·--~•--·-la no11a pm;Wllty, aald Jir, Omnolly. · troductlill ol the .-•· -day willi ... lop~ mllltal7 and ''I bne m· DdDd tbl .,,.....,·'fie.. ~ !nl.o ara bolpihil "In_~ w.r irltllHpnre aides .. ..t 111•ml'ed. tuna cl eoniiolmlc illl<d'i-t allaeb) . ~We ba .. a""'_.-·-~-bed-"""" lho IWO-ircl for wliom ao wry Dtlle "JlftCIW..-ID 1o_,,oa1bm-...tbel~ lh'l' -id<• Illar two lopics, bit> be ~ID ad•-in .Giber -af *'""' ID !Is '!'*'t*'""! . --~ apoll Gill __ wbal Ilia io,icl medkine -bii -made," llie -be said. " · ) -be. · aaid . o.noa, dllcribed tbe .. ill 1be s .... of tbe council -abccalive ~ believes th'1bisdevice,1lDUd -u "~bit, ~ Jn the daya .,. .....,.bat mnwual. to tho jJlllenl'a falloring "bqrl lliiwgb rqllliof--.vllal•• _.. NllmJDl!lwllli_..,.., U.S. the nect.., 'cin tui (1llf!1: molt of ":""-tbePcvalvel-arefree."btll'limlil. amt stk to ........ .,...,......, •• the ...n ~ peifuniied by the ''Wet<tllimillmillie"ll..,...bomt." ~ BoiiW.'"wllll1e-~ID hia damapl orpn for u Jiwch u a. Wee4. pia! inWi11 "1 the flll ill llie iiie1i or Given the normal tremendous · . -ft.MStweltaftlr.a~ntlew ....,..pera11ve powers of even tho -Ov rtim" . e Set ol -pilleJ tbel ..... ID badly ...... ..., -. be Uiil, 111at e · ~ -11: week's ""-for an 09e:worted heart. will ~~~ &bit ViltDm. Wll =i.n:.:for-~fadl!& For Exemptions ::m~=~~ Comolly'a team -be is becked by doo-of .-! · allaln adMIJ'_ln the ten Atio Wakabayubi from th 'e County All!llK ~~d!"""'" capital. , today -.. .-·r.r liil Nlmi 11111-., with lordu'• ltlnc offiee to Ol<et what be predict& wD1 be a H.-_ a po.W-ltnb -who P I ' W last mlnut. rush In filing ol liomeownerl fean IDOther outlnal: of war ID Ille ennsy V3fil3 0WaD IJld velttW exemptlOOI. -Middle Eul. ' New Con.sumer Aide WASHINGTON (AP) -Virginia H. Knaue!', the directar of Pennsylvania's Burt.ID of Qmomer Protection. WU named by ~ Nbon today • hia speclli assist ... for <Oillllllltr allaln. Mn. Knauer, M. ii a Republican who hu served on the Plil1aclelpbiA City Coun- cil. In the $211,0lll4·yiU post. abe wlD --F...-, ·--f..-Pmidenl Lyodoe 8.1- Both the bomeowDer1 division at 701 W. Fcnlp min1*n of the Nwtb AillnUc Ith St. and the ..-... agency al 9-N. Tr<aly llrpo-alao began -I Broadway bolli ID Sant. Ana will be .... today for die ~ '1banday ol a "'°' from I a.m. to I p.m. Satunlay. . day - Clerb al both olfJCa will be • te1epbone <Uy, 'lllmbaW I a 1"11 • -.... --will -be·-·• -and------direoted'ID-·, <>rqe ODuntJ ~ eim,inl._ -p!cww--...io.r. -.. w Aid 11.10\lllt ·-.... -· aUI. • . . . . . Bob Hope Honored LOI AllOll.ll:I (AP) -Comedian Bob """" -... -llie dbtingullbed ~ AW)rd"of Pepperdtne College but wu mable to attend Tue1day's ... .._. 1111 ........ Unda accepted !be- Topless Girl 'Jopples Las Vegas Tangle Sends Performei-, !J~tor to Hospitnl ... • s19905 s,anish oak tab~ wlih t1110 fills, six high back. ehair.s 199 gnipltit . . " .. .stt now at atlantic music! WEEK-END HI Fl SALE! 30%-50% DISCOUNTs·-on-· STEREO, TAPE RECORDERS, TAPES, & RECORDS! HURRY! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! Some New, Some Demonstrators, Some One-of.a-Kind THURS .. Fal,. SAT., SUNDAY ONLY! SALE ENDS SUNDAY! I SONY 250-A .... 149.11 SHERWOOD S.7600 AM/PM muo .... 14t.Jf SHURE M·91E Mt11 DILUD mllO llLU'T1CAI. Tr1cb fi-•111 Yi-I ¥t 1r-•. lr•c .. Wlity .. I tr••l 21 clll/tM .t I •Ha. GARRARD SL-75 . .......... FISHER 160-T AM/N STDIO 16r.9 .... '"·" . , .... _ ~-?· ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR·l .. ,, .'• .. ·~ •. ., ·= ... ~ .. '• ·'· ,••, .• ... . ... . :'• ., ' .. • • • ' . ; .. . • ' :. -· ' • ' ~ ' 5 , ' ~ ' , ' j • , ; , • ~ , • , • • , -- • li I I _ .... , .... ,... ...... 'Ibo Round HOllH Hotel In ]!OUii&t.iUtll, Eftelond, 'wai jUJUy prau4 of Ill tlllef ]ln>ol loclta from America. Everybcidy In the hotel, includlnc the mana1er. found them-oet ... locked out. One of.the sueall fillllly Jirote In lhl)lulh a window and cipelled the door ~ a lock· amlth found the thlef·proo! lock could ~ ope<ld only from the in· •Ide. • __ .,, 0 , Wonlriger, a S.yeer. old Coiondcl wheat farmer still tblnta the Novembet . prtJ!dentlal electlOI\ WU crooted. U.S. Dlat. Jlldt<\ ~tell A. Arr•! dlmllued WtnlJiier's c:unplainll by AYlnl hil cowt ria "completely without jurisd.Jction". But Weninger said be would lake the CaJe to the Supreme Coart. fl• claims former Presl4oftt LvilMii I . John-used trickery to keop Ida name off the ballot and added, "I ain't doing this for the publicity, but I think the election was crooked." • . Arthur -ud, 26, of HOU<lon, walked into the "Eat·a·Go-Go Ham- burger Stand" and demanded clerk Mrs. Mery Franklin lwMI over what w'as in 1he till. Instead, Mn. FraJiklln, 43, handed him a hard luck story about how she alreedy had been robbed and wu broke. Howard was so moved by h .. aad tale he offered her some 'al bis own money. Meantime, the eoolc 1lipped out the back way and tip. ped ott police, who arrested How- ard and charged hill! with attempt- ed armed robbery. • St. F'rallci• Hotel waller Lury L-1• of San Francisco !J prepar- ing to celebrate three anniversaries in June; bi5 wile's 72nd blrtbday, their 17tll .,.eddlna: amiveraary, and h!J 102ncl b!rt&day. Mr. and Mr& 1-ia i•V• tb!J week for a Wit wllll Lerr7'• Navajo lodfatb. ~ Clllof 14wY INllOIMll, Wiit II . ,, " ' . . Rollort 0r1... tD, of Cblcaeo. 1Wallond 275 l'>klflah this week to break the old goldfish gulping re- cord of 238. His prlae: a live !ob-iter. . • The Beotlts haVC'. set up •MJ> in Hollywood for a·Mw f'eeord campan11, and thrif' firtt t• UOJ1e will bt a recanting of MtolJIWed.! John Lennon tmd Yoko Ono t4lking. John and Yoko'• record is ttnotiwlv titled ••un/inUMd Murie No. 2 -Ltfe with tht LiOM." • New York City's treasury was •100 richer because of aomeone with a limited educaUon but a sen- sitive consclance. The letter, ad- d r e s s e d to the "Comptrollers Office; Muaieypal Building" read: "Deal"Slr, pleue accept tl>ls check for npreaatlom of~rty taken from Coodemned s owned by the City of New Y , Thank you." ~ • Daddy DeliTe~s Mom'~ Never Made -It to ,l;lospital PHOENIX (AP) -The bathroom Is the only Mn!taii pl&Ce to deliver a =· ••r• Mrs. Paul Manton. , She t to l<llow. Her hmband,tho,M~ County recorder, delivered th -tblrd cbild there Tuesaay ni1ht. ' , . Tb• protty, 28-year-old ""'ther always makes'mervitlon1 at a hospital, but never hu to UJe then>. · Daniel, their first, who \vlll be1our' nut month, wu born: In the bathroom, she said, "because I got 011t of bed and thoupt I had to go to the bathroom." · So Chr!JIA>pber, now two, came i!Jto the world in the same p14<e, while his father, also 28, was home on a lunch break from betni a research director for the Republican State ·Comm!Uee, , 'nleir daughter was born on five minutes' ii6tl.ce around 11.i>.ll\. Mn. Marston says her husband does not follow.tho old·fallllon- ed notion that lots of boiling water and cl.n clolha'ara needed.for a birth. HtJ oolf. tools are "two clothes pin• for blocking off tho cord, a spool of white thread to tie tho cord and a pair of sterile acl1sqr1." The MarstonsL_are working on their malt.en'. ~eirees at Art .. zona State Untvenl<y In Tempe. Israel Warns 'Blnckade' Of Jordan Port Possible By Ulllte4 Prus lalenl1tioul J<l'dlllllon 111d lsraell forces dueled with artillery and mortars across the Plastic Heart Use Violated Federal Rule? WA8HINGTON (AP) -Tbl Nalljrlal Heort lnltltu10 wanll to know -suJdtllna !aed far I-ally llnlncod relel1'Cb were violated by the ue of an arU.ftclal beatt In an attempt to 11vi the life al l!Ubll lWp. Kept allve ~1 the mechanical aublUtute for 15 hours. Karp, 47, of Sb_kle, m, then received 1 bum.an heart from a MaoachU1etts woman but died Tueoday in a Houston bolpital aite' developing pneumonia and kidney fallW'tl. 1be lnstitulo has open! aboot '30 miWon of govwmment funds developlnc artificial circolaUon devices alrice 1965. A spokesman said Dr. Mich 1 el DeBakey was being asked to uy whe.Q>er the heart' used on Karp r0111lled from ruearch carried on lhler a prolr1m at Baylor Unlvenit7 under DeBakay'a direction. U so, said Dr. Theodore Cooper, 1114 ltltute direct.or, its use wu subject to the lede<al &llidelinol. Thi llUrPl'1 '"1 Karp WU porlonned by Dr. -A. Cooley. In a oopJTfcbl *"!. die New Yart Dilly Ntwo quoled .him u ..,..,., "I doa't have lo cleor 11'1 aptt'- thnMl&h 1ban. 1be -lllcn I do ore deslgnecl to nve a per10n'1 Ule. "Thia wu the purpose of my effort with Mr. Karp. He would have been dead Friday alternoon if I hadn't oper--It wu a desperate effcrt to aave h111Ue." Meanwhile Arteotlna-born Dr. Dom- ingo Liotta, who deviJed the mechanical heart implanted by Cooley. 11aJd it wn developed with funda from Cooley's Tei· Institute rall!er thin federal . C:OOper, the National -Institute d , said Cooley would not be bound by the federal guidelines since he was not involved 1n the research projtd financed with govtrnment tD<D)'. Chicago Suburbs Hit By Railroad Strike CHICAGO (AP) -A walkout by the United Tran!portaUon Union llhutdown operaUona of the Illinois Central Railroad in 14 It.ates today and forced 40,000 Chicq:o conunut.trs to aeek other ways or getUng to \f()rk. Chlcqo motor traffic wall clogged considerably during the morning rush hoor on the South Side as IC cult.Omen drove, formed car pools or used tam or bu.Ml to reach downtown. Jordan ruvtr e;eue-flrl line for 15 minutes today. Israel warned tbit it could easily blockade AqaM. Jonlan'a on- ly port, if relations betM tbe two coun- trlt11 continued to deterkltate. A Jordanian spokesrnu in Amman said Israeli forces opened fire on Jor4anlan p»itions east of Abu El.SU. ~ nlnl mil,. north or the Sheikh Hu.m (Allen- by) Bridge and that Jordon reblmed the fitt, 111.e area is in the narthem Jordan Valley near the Sea al Galileo, sevoral hundred miles north of the AqD area. Jorda·n says it sileooed aa llraell • artJJJery po11ition but 1a•e · oo rtport of casualties. Iarael's warning of a poaible blockade of AQaba followed an Al Falah Arab com- mando attack on the Israeli port clt)r of E1alh, about three milea from Aqaba. I!l'Mll planes attacked · the rtcket posi· Uons Jn Aqaba in retaliation for tht at- tacks on Elalh, a spoke!l;Dln Aid. A )Ugh official said the 3>-year.old tmwritten truce between the twin cities therefore no Joneer ezlst.s. MiULary officials in C&iro laid me1J1- tlme that 40-llraeli aoldler1 were k1lltd or wounded in Tuesday'• artillery duels which ·r1J1ged 70 miles alon1 the Suei Canal !ronUer. * * * Big Four Mideast Talks Progress UNITED NA110NS (UJ!I) , -Brillih For<lgn Secretlry Michael Stewll1 llld today there had been progress in the bi& four talks an the Middle East but that currenl fighting thert: emphasized the 'need for more rapid headway. Jordanl1n and Israeli lorca dueled across the Jord1n Rim for ts minutes today. T-.,, larnli jell alta<:ked the Jordanian port of Aqaba bl nprisal for 1 rockel attack on Ellth, and Israeli abet E~pllan artillery foucht for five hours across the Suez Clnal. Supersonic Plane On Maiden Run BRISTOL, Engl&nd (UPI) -An airplane with engines as powerful u the rocket which carried the first American into 1pace Hew today, putting Britain and France ahead of &be United States in a drive to win J)a.S8enltrt who want to fiy beyond the speed of IOUDd. The supenon!c plme. built Jn Britain and named Concorde 0021 took off ·from Fllton Airport near Bristol and new nawle35Jy for n minut.es to an airfltld at Fairford 50 miles awey at a teat apeed of only 300 mllea per hour •. Osage Nears Flood Level •tl'f """" ,..,.... .. ,..,.,.iM "*'" Wf9ll MN •VMlllM ....... ir. ................................... ,. ......... , ............. ... ~:" .... w ..... ,. "'··-........ ., .......... , ... ""' ---""" ......... " .. "· , .. ...., ................ ..... s-. 111-:rwa ... -. ...... -... , ..... , ... i:• , ..... , .. ........ ... ........ ~.lt.f'l.f,t -· ,.,,_ ..._ .............. s~• ...... '·' f'llW .................... M:• '"'' l ,f .....,., ...................... ·-l.• ..... -........... ···"'" ... ""' t.J --1,.,. .......... "* •.111. '" ·-1•-""" .... •:1• •.111. /l e1I e, ""' '"" .. '"" At>r ' AM. '' Alf. fl M•~ I r.,.._..,.. ttlflil; &..'If PfllC, ·-n " ·-• " Al lllflle " .. l ... 9"fll" " M S!1,.,1rdl. .. " .H ••M M " .. , .. .. .. '"-" " .q (Ire!-'! " M C"'"-llf'ld n " ........ " " ,.._ .. • •• ...... " .. !'..,..... .. .. •• '""' 'WOf'fh ,. .. ·~~ " • -.. .. "-· • " ...., .... • " ·" k11•1' Cl"' " • l-. VtNt n • lo.•~ • ,. Mt•ml '°"t/'I " " Ml'IWliulr .. .. ,, .n M-• .. .. ... ""-II .. ... -· .. " " ... _ .. • .. .. ...... ,. .. ~llllltlwfile I: .. _,. " .. Ill.,... " • . .,,.... " • • .... Cit¥ ~ • ... . ... .. .. ... ~-" .. It. \.Wll " .. 11 ... _ " :: &elt .... Ctty .. ... _ .. .. .. 11,....c• .. • .. ........ ,..,. .. .. ...... .. d --M .. ....... , .. .. Wtt#!l""tll" • • • • with an electric self-cleaning oven and get $25 in the mail to boot!• • • 'Buy an electric ran1e with a aclf- deaning oven before June 30 from your local participating aeaJcr and thtElectricLcagueof Soudiern Califomla will mail yoU $lS If you choooe ~esepopular brands:_ Genera!El«tric. Hotpoint. Kmmore. Thcnnador. We!hshowe. . anyhow, aren't you l Why put up with all that drudgery when an electric aclf-dr.oni"i oven will dean itself for less than a dime! electric range means 1. coofet kitchen. Electric heat llOOI into the fo<id-not up the sides of . pots and paps. Electric ranaa now outse!l SU ranies from When your new range !J electric, coastto coast. You can "°why. you an cut wa~ down on Sec your local partidPllting deanitll your kitchen,""'· With dealer: Give him your add1aa • flamefesa range there •.re no when you buy a range. The You're tired of aaubbiD1, acouring, and ·acrapq that oven of yours =;:~=.,., lcaguewillmailyou~ Beaides a cleaner kitchen, an ;::;,- ~ -·- Southern California Edi&on. 1969 Buick Special Deluxe -1-dr.Sedan. $2614.66 ea:i.F.='3, It's a Delightful Decision with a price to match . That low, low price for a 1969 Buick Speclsl Doluxc may be hard lo believe but il's true. It~ another bi& 1'tll50ll why shoppins·for 1 new car has sudtknly become • way ddi&htful maltcr. Thal 1969 Bu~ Soocial lltluxc is oquit>ocd with 111 lht features you'd expect to fmd iJu·BWcft. An•h r .... moro. You l'I whilCWllJ tires. You aetddm wbtd covas, a thrifty 2SOaibic inch 6 cylinder engine, your choice ol a Keny Oot~vtnyl or an all..-i!IYi interior and more, mucl1 moro. Think about iL A 1969 Buick Special 0.1...e for S2614.66~ NO"ldon' you think it'saboot time)'Oll made a Ddil!ltful Docislon1 See your-8uidc Dialer today. . In Delightful Decilioo time at )UW' Buick dealer5 now. ... .. _ • I • • OFFICIAL COLEMAN ' REPAIR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PR1as EFFECTIVE APRIL 9 -TO APlllL -15 · .USE YOUR CREDIT at GIANr'S! tfrVI G0111 WHEN YOU NEED 11! ' ~ I • • FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! NEW! • 1 EVERY SIZE! • EVERY COLOR I • EVERY STYLfl NOW YOU CAN 11ltct frtm '" of ""' MW .. IW lly!n ol levl'.s" Slicks ind' J11.-for 111 you 91111 SH Gronrs for tho potioct fltl from '6 OVEI 20,000 PAii UVl'S® IN STOCK AT GUNT'SI New Stripes! New Solids! All Sizul Sare Mwe at Grant's! New SJiipment-J~st Arriyed! • BEllMUDA SHORTS ' s3ta AND $4.91 ,,. 5'AUUHI MW ~ ctS. en i. "•I•, Clieck1 •'114 Siii ... Plt'Mllleflt • Prtn, •f ....... SPORT SHIRTS •3t• •All flllW Sprif'I nl· .,. afHI ,,... All wm. ,.,....., • ,,... ,......_ __ _ ulllr,..,.llMWll. All lbnl J.M.l.XL "iAHfSr srocrc In o;an,.countrl'' NEW LEVI'S® CORDS Tiii NrWUT S,rtftm cth" ef , .... , 11ue, Chtttl•h lrtn, Olm, hi• _. INt.~,.... eftlm tr... ff.la. S.. tlil ..,..., ..,,,, nwl •s.98 NUVO'S® by LEVI'S® MIW stnPMINT ef tltt lttfft LI.,,. .. """'""' lllCb ••• celerlvl .. '""'" •• o.u. 111• .. n• "'"' i11 , u. pflfe r .... •f 1bn. 18.00 XX DENIM LEVI'S® TMI OllGIMAL wtr1• f1Me• Leyf' .. 111 ... ,., .... ..... ...... w. . . . ,,.,. 21 ... •r-•lO"drt ·-•s.98 ...,.., 11111 , .. ,.,, ............ ~ •OMAlll IT" It IRAIT'S SURPLUS WI-AU MAIOI CllDIT CARDS II BE Wtd"'411, April 9, 1969 DAILY PllOT S PARKING G GRANT1 GULF . fl8... ITATION c.1 .......... .... -•I 102, I lumor $1.91 -1421, 2 ...... $11.91 -•I 4U, 2 ...,_ $16,91 -.1 426, 3 ....... $26.91 Mo4ol 1404 (LP 0..1) $9.91 -.1 5402 (LP 0..1) $16.95 ce1-11a....1er111 Model 220-A, llntl• $10.U Mo<lol 5120, LP 0..1 $10.95 Mo<lol 220, Doulolo $12.95 M.-1 221, Doulolo $14,91 Mo<lol 237, Kwo""' $19.ts . OltANT'S 11 Comping Headquarter• for o/I Orang• CounfY. SEE THE ALL NEW 1969 New for '69 WITH IXCLUSIVI WIAP AROUND nooa , •• LOCK·O·MATIC DulON at GRANT'SI CAMP TOILERS .I I -::.i:-'"-" ~ -~,-.. tNt.s. ............. .., .... ... frlhn WI • .,. .,.. lit MW. Tlfl ,..... .. • '"" •f h..... ..... . ""'-11 UMptrl fttt Mtkl,e-.,._ ='" ___ .. _,... s795 TQ $179! Easy to 10.-wl Easy to Parkl Easy to Ownl . SCOUTER/CAMPER CENTER I PACK FUMES $495 LIGHTWllGHt ALUMINUM! Gr1nr1 c1n1n 1 cem,am 1tKk ef Ill 1J111 ti Pocks w 1..-1 Incl .... Hlm.J.y1n pock -.. 1n4 occmorits. ~ .~~ CAMPIR'S 5°P!ece COOK SET sac 3-PC. CHOW KIT . 47c ..... G.I. UCI PACIS STYLE 't.p ""°"" ''.., ._ .. i. llO $1 91 "' .... , ... "' ... .... . . ·:-'I'' 98c $50 ·f llO. 59c FOLDING CAMP S"OVEl CANl'llNS HD'I Sf'ICIAL t 1 1 t 1 1 111 c1 ... ,ltf1 • .... ,,.. ,,,.,. -, ' ' ·i f, ~ .. JI: -.. ~ ~ •;!: "~ :~ ,_ ., .. ••• . ... -.. ,. .:, .., . • j,, -'_(-., '· ·~ • -.,. " .... ~ •• ·=-·· •• ~ '-" •.f~ ' •• -.. • .•. "' • ' • I , ... • •• .. - .. _ • ... '·r: ... . . , ,., --· " .v • BAD.Y PD:.8T· EDITGBIAL PAGE • • ·The -Ov erride I !-• • • Valen <ll. Wcw1a 8-l> Uailierl Sdlool Dis.lrict w!U akerl .to opprove a tax override oat Tuesday that ...id authOriie the school boerd to levy up to 118 cents ....-..1 lax for a two-year periOd. " 'lbe ovvrlrle measure bas the bar:klnl .of all seven ., .the -llaenl candidates -ancl'they have a wide w-,. ·Of i.ctirounc1J anc1 exi>'rlenee. r, . Bulca117"'8 monoy ·would · go toward maliilalning ..., ~ die erlucational opportiinltles available, -1o Lafuna'I )'lllllllslerS. , , · • '1'lil4 .can 1lleaD !llBDY things. It migllt mean field lriPs oe boob or niualcal instruments or laboratory ecjlilpnlept. It can mean painting and repairing older ,bUlldinga·and equipmenl It can mean salcqy increases 1 lo bold and continue to attract the .belt le&chers lo the ~IA a JUillly competitive market. Teiicher salary cools is the big uncertain element m·the diitrtct's finan- cial lorecuts. If the override is authorized, scltool·offictals would weigh it apinst future increases in 1lssessed valuation to cfeterinine bOw much of the' 58 cents would be levied when trustees approve the budget annually. ' II approved, the override would bring Ibo allowable tax rate 'for 11!• district lo $5.09 per $100 assessed v3Jua- tioo. By comporiaon with other districts, ·this i• still a J'eWively. iQJv rate. ' , . Laguna, Beach 15 well oil.in usual financial.crlleria. It baa subitanUal 818esserl valuaUon behind each child am ·Jess than one cbild for every ff our how:es. 1 It alao bas the highest cost per student o! any dfstdct ln'Oi'llllge ~!y. II sbould be ncltecl, however, -Orange County unifier! rlillri<ts spen!l less per child on the average than Jhe stat& averag,. . .lt is also fair to Dole that, of..lhe tOlaJ.ICbool popula- tion, the. Ctislricl bas an unusually large pniportion of f.\!e studenia in blgb acbool. High aobool stadents always cbst more to educate. of a hi?use ap.,,..i.erl at ftl),000 about $1 ~per month. 'l'lie schl'Ol board ackpowlerlgea Uuil ii c@Do\ 'point to '&.-(real, grlJJdlag crllils facing the ,dlstrlct, nor to any large, glamorous ·new pn>grama lo be linderlalten: Tbey lake ,some pride in this situation, .for ·II ·"11Udl& lhe district' and lls vocers ha~ bee\! keeplllg up with needs. 11•1 buic:ally more a question of contlnulllt' and im- provlli( II p,ic! achoo I pro(l'am for OW' •youngsters . . 'Ibe d.ilfrict'a -cese ~for the override, in simplest 't,enns,J!liah.t' ~down to this: "We believe we see the need foi aadttloqal money the next two years. We won 't . spend It U ii tjiriia out we don't need ii. And, we believe • the voters· can have faith in 1J.1 to be responsible and prudent on the basis of the district's past fiscal record." It's a decision that each voter-after ' consulting both his conscience and pocketbook-must work out for himself. • " Confoundedly Confused This isp't an edJtorial about the merits of crand opera or its bisloi:ic need of subsidy in America. It isn't ·even Bbout the Lyric Opera Associatior\'1 $5,000 r<quest belnJ whillied lo $5,000 by Laguna Beech. It's about the lY'nc rea~. ·some of the COuncilinen gave. , When the opera folks were presenting grand opera every season and.losing money, everyone was tellin~ them to be practical and jiresent something with. popu- lar appeal. They decided to do "Sound of Music," which seems like good show biz. . ·-~c:.-~ ~--. . . --.... II tile total-bili:e .wtre levied ii could cost the awner ·~ ·Zowie -the op.era buffs were told by councilmen that tbe musical wouldn't add much to the city's cul~ tural image, not like grand opera did. If the opera asso- ciation is confoundedly confused at this point, we can !ympathize . (l) ·1f~OU ~S moaflA11116 IN PAR~, YOO WOWN'T ~ IN A HU~P-Y1 EITUE~#: ~:f;ye for Eye' · rigina lly a tice P'lea .... h 'J1lllI II NOT at all what Ille n :r~ ~~"B;.,:\'; lgio!Medlct" it meant .. charity" in Pauline sense of '1ovti>g·ldndna3, • Imsl\ving ·or philanthropy. it did not mean lha( we should "take catt'• of our own, but thPt if do not display lovlng·kindness to our Uy and our friends , then whatever or philanthropy we engage in is oot ol. pride or vanity or ostenla· not Gut ti deep human compuaioa.. ; have known more than a few cele·: philantbroplsta who gave away • sums to worthf causes of all sorts, wtx.e persona rel1tlonshlps ftr"e Id Cll lovinJ·klndness, and who uJed 'c mqnanunity * a cloak for, pri· ·~· ' CoMMON subterfuge, of course. ~ ~ for another widely misun· ~ ssying-Jeoas' inj\mctlon that Dear · G;Ioomy G m: t.acimans who believe those wild w1hquak< fcrecull remind me of Nietzlche'1 staiemeot: "Hlltory is nolhill( men thin Ille belie! in the ftnJet, the be1Jef1-in fallehood, II -M.C.C. '"" ...... ,.,..,. ....... *""' ... __., ............. "'''T' .... ._. ............ ......,. .... ..,~. ' ' -your left hand should not know what your n,ht hand is _,. If anyone troubled to read the whole verse. be would •eain that Jtaus b acldmsln& blmJelf to Ille pbllanllinP.11 Cll his tlm<, who ...Wd allnd up In "oub- lic and make mown their lara• cionailom to chlrity, lie ls tlllll!J" them to slYo IO ·quietly and_....1y with ·cme hand that not even the · other hand ·is aware ol it, 11\llch Jess the community. . ' . CHARITY~ OF COURSE, does not be- gin at home; it must begin where it is moet ·Htded, whether th1s be. at home or in some "'1\0le' lpdlln villq•. Wiii! mual begtn at home are Jdve and re- spect and tender treatment of thole closest to us-for unlas we radiate such feelings in our daily, intimate re1ation· ships, the money we give away to ~ is simply a bribe, allowin& us to main- tain our . self~ wbile we continue to injure the · fabric of. social life. The poor know it and l'esellt it when they are lhe objects Cll. help without the commensurate fedinp ol. respect; wbtn they are aided to· make the giver fetl better,' not becaUH they· art Wort!fy Of aid. In a poycbologlcil oente, Ille philan- thropist needs the poor more than they need him-charity brin&A him honors, but brl!JIS them only scrape. fl"Q useflies Don't Wander ~ . ·:, ,· ·- :!7hinP a column1ll miChf.· never know llJie dldn1 open his mall: are making feftr homf. calls er. Tea years aco 10.1 perttllt verqe pbysician'i ·conlacta with Uenll were in their ·homes. Now down to 3.S percent, or one out 5. Jone should a mal.tras last? A ey found that mat.tremn in motels aged II years ol age, tbole ln -botels ars. But 11>me •25 YNl1 old were ~ -and atill 'bbrinC up. Mat· tl(IDel for bcwebokl use are often panl<ed foe 20 years. wife feels ~vilefled MW il cloan1 hlV< at least two bJthrooms r home. But wben Queen ,Victoria Ille flume ol Eqlalld in 113'1, .__, a rlngle balllroom in all Pelac:<. Sorvanll luped Cll ..-to Ille~·· bednlom. · tla lMithed in ... portable tub, u diil Ille commooen o1 her day. qa 11111 __ , ~ _ _,,, _ .. _ ., I bl a I ...... "-Gm. D.D 5 •· . dlllJI It ...., --fl s •z 11 M .. t,n.. -la -c --.llVI ·--•-Yctdlims .... Iba 11:1' •• .. ceDr' JD the world. J( stores more -than 3,000 boUles in ita nstaurant quuters atop tbe A-8tory llCA Building in Rockefeller Center. PERWI' OF progress: Each year up to 1,500 Americam die -and 100,000 suffer injuries becluae their clothing catches {ft. One ca\Be : tbe incttasin& use o( flammable !1brics. Wbal to do In such an emergency: force, the vtctim. to drop to the ground. H no ruc. coot or wool blanket ls bandy to 1'TIP hlm in, roll him over and over to nnotber 1be flames . Youlh mUI\ be mved: You may be l•tlinl -bul Ille populal)oa ol the world 1so1 •. It'• estimated that 117 1• aome 30 peroent of all the people aUve will he aged 15 )'Ml'I or Joa. s;,ns of the lime•: Thll ont: 11 on the -Cll Jaleo Porle!l, owner Cll the • Copocabona nJchl dub: "lltlon lorlln1 ,.... temper, l:ounl up to l,llllO. lnflatloll ..ii )Jere." Ill TD CANINB spoUilbt: Dop are ' selllnc .. the)' bold almoll u many ... caa' 1 it1 ea peopie do. ID IM*k!Ct ... t.t..'m••• "' ~ fteld Ind -lriall, _.. tllln .. U.S. ...... -u..,i~. Wrrill .-ua: ''CGmlclloos m wlllt an -1oJe 1M1 llflcr he "-' wbltU. .......... ,. oorn;r IJIUG: OM Cll Ille mool ........ ~ -In medlcll ,., tdl .. ..... '9IOlft. By wt1M1". fl is IS tima as co.lily . u .,1r1 . • Egypt's Peasantry Sti ll Largely .Indi fferent Israel Need Not Fear Nasser Now· • CAIRO, Egypl -FOr Ille nut' r ... yean, at least, 'l!iael hu nothing to · fear from Gamal Abdel Nasser, whose liktnta,U enahrlned •here in e\ltry public place. The hUIJlili.ator of the bwnHiators has made bli f~ Muslims 1 .. 1 importailt- for tht·flnt time in centuries, but today be aeems a ' pathetic figure, more 'to be pIUed than !eared. lt is not merely that .nothing in his <OUi>try wwu veey well, partjcularly Ille telephone. ~that-hundreds ol slllny new Russian trucks, swerving to 1void bullocks u they roar through villages of wretched poverty, eeem out of place and Ume -. .. t!!oolOi ·-had put,,..., lighta on Ille pyf•mi<is· THERE ARE OBVIOUS weaknesses, vi£1ble to any traveler, ' ol whom - ,... to Ille Coi"' obopk""PfU and the eamel drivers at .ancient monuments -th!'!re are nowadays few , But there are other weakniaases, not so . apparent and far more important. After IS years of trying:, Nasser has not yet made a nation. Rather proudly, his officials point out that 85 percent of hi! people ----: according to a recent survey -know who be· is. Egypt bu cMfd under Nasser., But, as he safd when he~and .ru. col9ntls seize(! po#er in 1954, it bad a klng wiy to go. Today, d~~pite growing urbanizatiqn, despite radio and television, despite greatly extended schools, Nasser is still trying to evoke a national loyalty from an awakening but largely indifferent peasantry. THE CITIES ARE' not the same story. But here, too1 Nimer ii in trouble. The new and proud awarmels of ·~ W'ban Arab is untempered by reality. When the Bfitish and French withdrew from their ·adventure at Suei ii) ·1951, Nasser was believed actually to ha ve defeated them : natur ally, be would defeat larael. He is now quite liter~lly on probation, and tbe mobs ire waiting . lo pus judgment. It is difficult to keep them occupied, despite hundreds of thousands of sandbags, pain!ully· filled by hand, on every street oomer. . What should have been spent on agriculture, on industry, on the develop- ment of a middle class has been spent instead on arms. ' THE EDUCATED have no place to • use their education. A gradu1te in eoiineering eams . the equivalent of $100 per month.· He can live on that, but he often chooses to leave. So did the Jtallan factory foremen, who came here in large numbers when Nasser promised industrializaUon and who began to s~e no future a year or two ago. ~ Unkindest cut at all, the man who kic~ed Ille imper~ outol his COW1lry and Iearn'ed neuUal!sm at the feet OI Nehru has WJlcomed the RWl!ians, not only to trainls army but to nm. hil industry. - "They are very businesslike," said the president of a· local factory, "~ they see a mi.stake~ they call a ~I tu wbk:h .l .l:lll in~ariably invited. 'There ' . are t\VO pretty Russian girls w~ translate. The he.ad R~n explain• the error and tells us what tct. .Go. But I think ·~ may not be the head Russian, for there is one other man who always attends but never speaks." SO THE CIRCLE is now complete. From neutrality to dependency ; from military strength to «:Cupatlon. of1 the Sinai by Israel ; from intense. popUlarity to suspicion of his pe<>ple. lJT the abOrt run, Israel has nothing to fear from Nasser. ln the Jong run, it may be different. Consider. for example~ the Egypµan city of Jsmailia, on the Suez Canal, which once brought Egypt '200 million per year in shipping tolls. Ismaili& is of iraceIW French co,.truction,,and'it once held 120,000 souls. Now it is a &host town, and the fear on the faces ot th03e few y.•ho remain destroys its gracefulness. Israeli sbells have wiped Out houses, mosques and neighbcrhOods. The family beds and children's toy1 in the streets are sad to see. By Frank MankJewic1 ud Tom Bardea Focus of Police Critics .Is Wrong To the Editor : Your Allen-Goldsmith column (March II) discussed the !allure. Cll tl1' Nqro leaders to denounce soaring Crime, =t~~ r:~~~s ~~ e~s:rr~~~ It was also rilenUoned lbat since Negroes o(ten are victim! of the crimes com· mitted by blacks, their leaders should be in the forefront of the light to IUS>' press the vicious and imspon.si~le ... 1 think that such criticism Is Justified. Negro ·areas -iuch as W•tts1 Wiatiincton D.C .• etc. haVe become jungles of crime in which peOple live in ,fear of n1itlgings, robberies and other viblence. Yet most prominent Negro voij:es criticize and make demands upon "the establishmfnt" while at the same time remaining slrangelly silent or ~ belt apologetic on l he subject of the ·b I g h crime rate for which their people are responsible. UNFORTUNATELY. however, siJnilar sltuatioos exist in the C&ucasian com- munijy. While occasional voices rise again!t crime, they appear empty because they are not accompanied by appropriate action. ~ made by GOvemor Reapn and br.'Hayakawa are examples of verbal re.sponae not follo\\'.ed by lull probl•m-solvlng octlon. Criine tu be reduced, but not unW tW" citizens decide that they will no klnger accept p~nt condiUons. not until legislators appropriate su!ficlent human and phyaical resources to allow the criminal jusUce system to function in .---.......... --. Doar Georse: I've been readirtJ your column for el(hl years now and peoj>!e lcoep telling me tt'.I tunny. My problem is lhil. I'm feature edltcr Cll my oewspoW ,and, lrWIJ, I cioo1 pt ywr column. E<platn It, or l'm dropplq JI from this paper! '111al'1 my pnbltm. A.W. Dear A.W.: No -lbal'a not )'0'.11' ~m. Your pnilii<m 11 that ii ,.. <flop my ('O}umn I'm go.in£ to tell. your manac:inc edl1or yau've been run- ning a column for eiJbt ye.us ~-.ianrIInrwllllw• Letttrl #om readtr1 are Welcome. NonnoU1rwrlter1 should convey Uaeif. message in 300 wordl or Im. The right to condense letters to fit ~ or eliminate libel ii re.srTDtd. AU letters musi include signature and mailing address, but nG'l'l'U.S ma11 be· withhtEd on req1111st if iu/ficf.ent f'ea· son is appart1it. depth, not until our judiciary and cor- rectional systerrui Will utlliie prtsent laws to incarceratt major offenders for the . maximum time. Thought sbould also· be given to legaliz.ing various areas of peraoftal. conduct which now occupy politt and courts In the fonn ol crimes.' THB ALLEN-GOLDSMITH column is correct in charging Negro leaders with not speaking out against crime, but the problem is much broade.r and is ·not restricted to any single race or group. Those indiv:lduals, poliUcal groups, l'!umanltarian societies and others who constantly speak out against pcilce "brutality" and malpractice would do •tll to lUm tbtir attention toward tbe much greater problem of crime. Whl~ police imperlections are 'un· fortunate and certainly should be cor4 reeled, they should not be focused Qpori to th e ocluslon Cll I h e lncreaslnllY "'ious p.olilem of major and violent crime. ERIK BECK!jlAN St-I llcpartment ol CrimlnolciO Calllomla Slate CoU... et Lor\l Beadl 'Ahlbll OtuU' To Ille Edll«: ~ Mr. James E. Ger.,.i. (Mailbox, April I) believu in that dnd old W..ii:rn adag•, "Shoot fint and ask queatioM later." In bis reply &o my letter (Mailbox, Mardi 14) he advistl, "lot's not sel Ille cart befcn the hone. • .'' Ind then blamt1 a )'OWia Co$ta · Mesa burglar'• death on the fact that he was a burglar. How· very simplt and shallow. l .say it wu a peedle.ss killing that came about through \he easy convenience or a sun anct· can in no way be morally justified. Yes, by all means, we should not get that "cart before the horJe, • , " Howewr, we must first decide wbk:h is the cart and Which ~s the oorse .. 1F J COULD convince my&eu· in some way that our dead buri;lar was acting on his O?n free-will, a priori. then I might be able to agree with Mr. Gerspach's reasoning. However, knowing what little I do about man I rea~ lhat there ar,e many factors in ~ socitty, over which one has little con!J'91, that act to ·mold our lives. 1bere.(oce:, manyc mlJ5t take the responsibillly,fctr the>)'~ burglar's deviant behavior, yet be was lhe only one requlreil to Jiay uie ultimate prij:e. What concept Cl! justice is that?. ' I YiHY DO 1 advocate an end to tn- discrtmin1te iun•ownenblp?. I ttqived no comment r•prcli111r ttie · illclrleftl Cll the "accidental" kllllog of a Santa Maria· policem8J'I: that J· menUoned. Of course. you pro gwffotin• people never mention those lncidellll. Let me di.borate. A YOl.llll police of· r.tcer was killed by hil own sun when he removed his gun belt ar>cI toosed it on a chair. How did tt happen! He was in the liabit of leavtng hia "hammer cocked and had meticu)ously filr:d his trigger mechanism to a balr touch. Wookl it have been jusdflable ff he ha\l ll!lled I llllSptCl_ In Qll'lllOA! •Could--his ..... Quotes Edaa M. J-. m.r. -•we have vast areas-.-tllch atW Mid lm- pnv<1ne11l for ft m I !UV ,,,... ,nstlon. Hi1W pt' II wOWil be If th• 1n1rddltl worked tontd bnlkflD( ln- sleacl Cl( cialn>)'lq. .. J-pli Ctn1llo, &.F. aai-II· ec. -"I put irolnln into throe cl.,...: I. Simple, heoc!ll. Ind.• 11 r lo u I ho!n<malter ; :I. 'Ille nllOit ladl'; J, Hit! aod ball ... nol have gone off just as easily under those circumstances? YOU ASK HOW the police will halt lhe criminal. I say \\'e will catch him on foot! I take it that you ll't aware of the fact that there were three oUlcer1 w~ fired al the young Cofta · Mesa but&lar. Those Odds seem sufficient cnougb. · Let's get one thing straight. I am not anti-police nor do I dlsresptct the law, r only .advocate updatio& both, to correspond to the changing norms .of modern society. in a peaceful manner. How many "accidental" deaths and senseless killings come about each year through indiscriminate gun ownership:' What do they ha ve to do with enforcing the law! AS FOR REQUIRING a run for my own selr protection -not on your life! When the day comes that my mattrial \\'tilth mei111u more to me than n hllman belpg's tile, then I am no · !oncer a rich man anyway! .A3 for P.fr, ~rspach. or rather, hil •eigbbors, I hope no child ever prowb in his yard at night. Abolish the damnable suns I and &eglalate heavily against those who try to use them . I have lived in England and feel confident that a similar system will DO\V work in our society. It could not posalbly be worse! R. O. SEYMOURE OCC Student --·--Wednesday·, April 9, 111111 Tl1.e ~dttorlal page o/ tht Dat111 PU.ol .ueb lo inform and itm. !date rtodtn t>r prts'1ltiRO thi# netorpa.Pf'f"• opintom cmd com. ...,,tat* on ~es of l•-t ad tignlfiMtCf, ,,, prol)i<f"" • fOl'VOI fM thl e:rprtnfotl Of our readtrr' opfn.ions, and bv prt1,.ttn11 tM dh11ra1 ...,. · Points of 111/ormcd obs.,..n cmd ipolctmn Ot1 topici of Ult claw • Robert N. Woed, Publisher I • c .. • ·1 • ~ .. -Newpo~-n.-a~llijr 1 IDITION TEN CINTS ' • -t .... , .. -·' .1't_..r ·h, ,I ; : ' ' Will Surfing lle Free iii :New}lo!"t ~ . Next ·ye:ar?, • • By JORN V ALTERZA Of ... Del'1 ,. ........ Starting next year, surf'en may be able lo punue their sport !0< free In NewPort Beach. Tbe ray ol hope !0< the ,~ wave enthusluts results from a N'1'JIOl1 city councilman's request for a stiff ropor\ on posoible cancellation of t1)e city's three-year-old surfboard 1icensine ordinance. • WASHINGTON {UPI) -The United States is expected to begin unilateral withdrawal of some of its Vietnam forces within the next r.o days if 'there ii oo ma- j<r increase in enemy military activity and aome hint of progress at 'the Pa'ris talks. · Authoritive aources reporting this today declined to discuss nmnbera or exact lim- ing. There have been published speeula~ tions in the past that Prt;Sident Nixon Sharp Boost In Count)'. Tax Rate F orccast By JACK BROBACK 01 tM ~Ur l'llM ll•lf _ • , A pceview of ~ -.iy•s lilt-II budget indicated this .,...,... th!it tu• ~ payers can anUcipate a ~ hike in , the county tax rate for tbe coallog year. • 1;he preview prelODted lo t b • oujervi&on by Robert E. 'rtiomas, eounty adininistr.ptive officer. shows a 11 per- cent increase in expeoditurm baed CID requests from the various county departments. Jn dOllars, $175,&aS,7&0 WIS reqaelted, an increue of $26,831,530 over the CID'• rent 196Ht budget. Largest increases were requested by the Wettare Department, $U million or 23 percent; Medical Center, $3.4 million, 28 percent; Mental Health, $2.Z million, 106 percent, and capital projecta, $1.I million, 25 percenl Thomas said the requested figures on general fund items showed a $4.8 miWoo difference between requests and an· ticipeted revenue. This difference would mean approximately 15 cents on the tax rate. Thomas said if the budget was "cut lo. the bone" there would still be a revenue gap of more than $1 million and cbancf:s or balancing the budget on present In- come are "very slim." "To balance the budget would require massive cuts in the quality of county service," Thomas said. The e<iunty administrative office will Immediately begin conferences with the various departments trying to pee down the budget requests. Hearings before the Board of Supervisors on the 1989-70 bud· get will begin in the middle of June. Spanish Galleon To Sail Past Harbor Friday It's not as big as the Queen Mary, but it should still be an eye-catcher. It is, aays Newport Harbor Chamber of Commette Manager Jack Blrnett, a four-masted Spanish galleon. . It will be heading down the Orange Coast, some three miles out, Friday alt....-. Barnett said the Splniah Navy veaael, J uan Sebasted de Elcano. wlll llil put Newport Harbor sometime between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. "Maybe some of our local skippers can give it the greeting they gave the Quftn Mary when" it steamed Iowan! I.Ong Beach a few montb.5 back," said Barnett. 'I1>e gall,.., 300 !eel !-Ong and wtth a crew ol 3:1! ... been aochored in Lo& Angeles H !or the past oeveral days. Barnet explained Iha! It la a training 8Mp ror Spanish sailors. It ls now on a goodwill tour in conjunc\lon with the 200th anniversary ol the Spanish padres' arrival in California. Stock /llarkm NEW YORK {AP) -Tho llock market, drawing part ol Ila atronctb from renewed peace hopes, clo&eld with a. good gain loday in active tradJnC, {See quolatlool, Pa1e1 31-11). ~ """ml~~ ul<ed 1\1< marine aa!ety ind "1l<;e ~la to _.report. ''u time~,, on Dll'1"'1C-llcallty,of .,Wh!c Ille l!Cmoe'lft !Or a · trial perlad-perliai» ~ DHt'jear. Rogers said • today's ·aurten · 0 mn't what tiief· Ulld ·*'>· bo · in N~"" alluding lo a f<1Wdy el"""'11 • amoog surfers • came to the area three and !puryeanqo. Cltlioem' coinplala~ aboot , lllll'len' hoped lo bring aboot 50,000 of the 5.l0,000 U.S. lnlopa out o! Vietnam by the end of 1969. However, this estimate was predicated .., the adminislrlllll!n's belie! that it had at least si1 months to begin showing s6tne results toward A m t r i c a n disengagement before the pubic became too restless. ' The official asae55n'lent now Is said to be that mo_unting criticism mikes it Jm· Nixon's Brother Quits Ne,v U.S. Post in Alaska ,. SEAm.E (AP) -Edward C. N'aoo, the President'•-· baa -«II of a $30,0llk-year !ederil job la· Alaka "!or per-1 reuon:s." Nixon, who bad apent two day1 in Anchorage after being a jl p o I n It d · chairman ol the federal field COl11nlitlee ror d~ .pt.mini in Aluta, llid there TUelday hla declaicJo not lo a<cept . the post "baa nothlni .. do w1U. the post. tion hert, the land or the people" and ad- ded: "It dotm't teem It's &otna to work oat. We hHe a problem !bat has -•I hc:mle." Nino wu appointed to the Job 1111' Fri· day. r. . . ' . . . peraUve that -~of ~ ~ .... of la t...11 .. en II lllcre down the coollld be mq ...... al" a -)ii~ •Itbdmril bj·N- relaUvely esrly date. TblJ * i.d ;*" a ~lomO la 'Ille IDUlll. hanl new Jool< al Ille nlllll!l'7 -. """"'8 laid a -__ , Ibo and a det<rmlnation .. ·lllldOrtan ..... tHad _ . ...,.. !hon -.Iii be - withdrawals without any · m·a·je.·r "mutual· wltbdmrll"·~· : · bUt breakthroqlut Parta.. decUned lo ·nale•out 4be ·that Secr<tary of Siata WIDlaoi· P: Haem tlieUnlteol ~-mlpt out ,.... ol and Defense Secrellry Melvin R. Laird ill -eve H Hanoi not. both hinted In reconl 1talements !bat the lie lald: '.'We ars . ~ all United Slates mllbl be~ .pullloi out a poalbllltla." · . . .. ,· . . CHP Tests Vehicle Which KilJect .Ypuih ' By JA~'K QIAPPELL Of .... Diiiy , ........ The U.S. Navy truck which llruck and killed a Mission Viejo boy ht 1- Beaclt Moridaywu c:arrylll( five 1-ol ammunition and had de!ective bttkts, CalllO<nia lligbway Patrol lnvHtlgaton alleged today. The CHP probm -1ed alter a tat ol the vehicle that In -lderatioo ol ltt load, the bralles ....uJdJI, bold Ip an tmergenc:y situaUoo. Tbe victim, Rudy Menaey, -ltlt 117 the truck ancl dr...,t an eatimai.d 7'I feet lo hla clealh u be and 1 compctlon altemptod lo ...,. South Cout llllbway al Cleo -Ill Lqlml. r' I ... . ' I . Lquna llld Dana Point witll ~ <klolns· ol Salt Creek Read. ' • ' ·~ ' ·'!lie road 's cloiinir ~·!>fl "!'trii Ille Qr&Jl&e Cout11 belt surfing be'1ctwr. SJ.Pee 'the licen.ae 'law :wu • pUjlld tn.1 1165,,aurfen have been. ~.hi: a·iotai of more ihan $27 ,ooo In IS lloOnse feoi. • City tev'"l'e !roin the. ~ """"'- Unowil"1 .. !1·151 In Ji: J~ -yea<; 113,504 m llllM7, $'1,"17ill.ftirl .. ind '4,500. so far this year • ~ 1 ' . ". ' You Can V se. !Jay Rollf],. ' • • • + .J ' -With Four-wheel Drive • Slipervisors H4bor. Georg~ M. · Hola~ein The ~ <:otmty -.i o I =-=--,of.=.-;..: a NewpanllUdl, a 1 lar ' 'Ill-. callf<rnla -wbo -I I .., II _...,. . . ....... Allio I: .. ,--Ula -,.,,adjoonment. 1<•4lna th• parla where -. Ir Clllly __ ....... mud ' ~~·~~ ' . . . ' The road ,IS .. tedtnlcally c,,_. al pMent,, ¥ ~,..,ii. wlthlhe "'ifP.a. !n!I>frk on ,,:niO-bour. tafarr~ vea!tJrW litti> ·u1e.are.1:· · · · ' · ' • ' • I 1 > ' • • 'Il>ey'll need a wasli Job on the .... whenJheY· e(tlPiie. • ' . · . HeaViest damaae 13 along curvM nem: the' riter lkl -and Bl1 Cl!oJlla. ·At. Uie latli.-> IJ'i!I !he creek, ""1llen duriil« the heovy•slorms, Jell a -'1>!clt ~11\'er· of' ..it. o.,orl the -ay """ ~ altandoned sola ·ln the"intddll O!tltOhiitd.''.> ,. ). ;, ' Tit€ citii lli>l litriiltla'& Sf& sWJ tlMre. 1be roadway's problema,are Jerlendlry .. . "In·HWRI -the road..la-)ull.loo low and too' dose to the bly," Devlin said. ' "Wat.er from tidal action is ·uno dennlniog' parts of the ..e.ii and. flood """" from the hills, lo the -ltt ~ ing away it sections. '1 • • ' A araphic r.xilnii>IC d. the l"Old'I haz.ards was deDiori!ittated 'd~ .,_ (See BA¥ BOAJ/, Pap ll Wea .. r · It'll 1et ,a1blt,~ ~; bol clssr lkl" .,. ·on ~'I agenda, --tied by a drop Ill tem"'!"lln II> ... IO<tepoe iparl\- INSIDB TiMY Pf'fdfc1ab1v. D<m°'""' "' l.W fcoisfotvrc c:vc tokiftg aiw& ct Gou.R ..... 'tbill~ lo p'°"°'"", ~. 4f .. e ~rr""hmcm'' !tcw,H """ ,L. ~ " • ' I • • • In f_iejo Sue Deanes t-r < ., :Cycle · P~nger ·Hurt in Wreck · A D-year-old Bellflower woman wu lolind ~1 when a mal<Jf<l'cle on ; wbich she Wll a pusell.lel' collided with · tho rear al another \>eblcle In Loguna . Beech and sbe waa thrown off. : !In. --.... ..i.-.s f<J!lowlnC -al South Ccest Can· :· nuDIJ' Hoopill) f<r cuts. hoopltal aid., Ollld today. She was a paaenger m a motorcycle : amen by ber huaband. Dmd Gar· rid>, II during the l :IJ p.m. acddent al : Saulh cOut Hlgllway aod Broob Slreet. Pl>ll<e LL JloMt McMumiy Aid the 'acd--u the cycle changed ._ lo p111 a police patrol car and bit · tba i.ck ol. a car· drivtn by Paul JunUJ Soodell«, fl, ol 21131 Via San Sebastian, ·1-NlaueJ. UAllY PILOT OllANG& CO.UT l"Ut\.~INO COM,AN't Jt.M,. N. W•H . • ·-' l'IWidlM d ~I ..... J•ck R. c.r1.., Yk9 ~ ......... M9Mtlll' n.,..., 1e .. ...i1 ·-Tlutflll•t A. M111r,liilM Mlnlllr19 Edi• J.,,_. f. C.lli11• --CllY !"fifer ---2.211 W11t l1lkt k•l1¥1r4 Milli~ A'"'"-1P.O.1 .. 1171, ,2,ll --~-1 -Wlllll...,, ..... ~ IMCti: m ,_, ,,,_ H ....... IHdl: • 11111~ ~ .. -.<+m> ...... ri#>~~..,..~~ :Ci·ty-K ------------ - - ----""=.r-~ 1 -..... = = =~ --eeps -• ... l . . . J. •' .. • ... •. ~ • • .. "" ! ., ' t ,: t • • • sai\ ~Andteas ·'~If W~s~:t ;~r;· Farilt EyeonBid • ; , ,... _ __.. , , · ,, r~ ... ,.._. ...__ • ..,_ wz n. • • ":a., .. "-.,_.....__.. . ..... 1111 ..r.jocl:to.111t..,. """ .,.nr· .---., .. _, .. ht:!Qt:, • ;. · • ,.... .... ·}~ ......... .,,. ....... , ••• ~.' .T -c 'R d Qll.i .... ..-.1 .. -.,..,, • .t .. 11' ,.,.,,. ••• _-..ei...,. ... : ,. '· ~ -· bave ,_ i... 0 :ut Aa . ., ..... C.<)1 ..... , . .,.11-_"'"'·-.... ---.,.. ............ , •'c)ol~..,.u.1---ballllf . v RI/ and fall lnlo Ille .• '1 !:I! p.m. ·alMSI bet tlllro woold ha,. .._ • • " ' • • their calenden u to prf!d* (; •..• , . : . Friday u predJc:tod In -.quirim. ... . ..,..... . . ~ Fqr one lhbig, no lllfe way bu .... .• ~ •JIWl.alfl!'ky ap{l'O&Cb_!• our ' LOGaoo• ;.:. .next Lui DO)'. • -· -~wport Beoch l!n'MwY about-an of. been fO!l!ld lo work ef!lclenUy with entln ll!lderWater Problem. • • ft t el the oew ooodloiorlnl. al -.<, f«t bJ Cawlty Avlalloo O!redor Robert qgy newsprint. Ab, I can see thooe ~ '!alem and , : will ~ Oii CaJlfomla'•~ .famous _...,,,. to kill piano !or a ball·mll• Besides thal; 1!¥n ls a !1k chance our ·~ -lne wrilerl "11"'·-havb!i a '" · clto,.q. outside <i lfllll¥wood, Uvl -J1>ad al the ll0!1I! l!ld. al • press wouldll't have toi'oOa fleld day. 'Some eumples mlghl ·Uiil" eaat«ljo al, Ille Su Andru& Fauh ·~ .... .:.. _k -'n ai ilia sin · ~ Coonty A!ryort:' · . · I ' ·~ t U t IO • · -~·'d •-,..-~·.... • ~, 1 Bramahan· wanb Ibo ........, road opera!,Ql a a a : , """"' ,.. _. • .....__ Faull -de'_.__...,,_, u ... --1y·-1 !:~1-of , fAthomo depll>. "<Id .Roiur CoollrDo!I _ Alie< all, we have never rru.ed '1111 op-~-. . -· · · ~ u~•• u~ ~ I ·-~ ,i,- Thal being t h e Calllonla Craciod"' pciriliDit to port In dram ·lie detail 11 • And opealW!g tf U.,1 llldlnl p1-; my arterial highways, USErii!lg tt wou d be ~ caae, we wouldn 't , . . Y re · • a •esteemed. sidekiCt, .Alliatant Mlnaglna: safety har.ard to aircraft have been able tor.. or, <I -lljld,contln<Ol ,calaD!iU.. like -;~.,;-Chu, c• •-, ~-ed. Friday Newport city o!fic~ wa the road 14Well, That'1 Holl.,..ood •• a" t doa 11---1-'"--• -~ ....a •""-'""""'..,,.. .._ ~ ~ 1' plan lefl alone .............. t porloowhalmlght '" oma .~~. •-··-..--i aa.moo.ailer·QuUelblr...-: .~ .... '.inwt'\ falr)y have been con-Or. latest poe4ly ol EveutU>tr-. -"Our 1nJubJe Im' tlle Sa. Allilreas -1 .~ the liderod Tb< Head-"Cal~ Fall 'll\"1• ill•tuin, -ll'upoii our ihaky ;rau11.11•1 ciur f!llk 1111t ·we bave ao "':t~~ Wlll""l:J'· line ol 111111. or cioni!IUCn evory time '"' In ' the ' Weal mai\y ~-~!IUl hen." cording to.lllaJOC Doreen M -~~ 1\!; ' ''W..-Tait qu\ver Just a bit. fr)m_ a 1111*:.lel PMilli · Nqlbinl fA\llfy .abGul lhal-lulloo. the ma11er -bifott . wwld have been left to .. WIJ><lper peo. Plully Cll Off" , ·. ~-O!nalJa. • . • • . ' -Tom MurphlM ls !llCl!ld¢ilg •dlloT Bmrd al SI.per •ilMn, if It -~r ... ..th.$ pie In· Cli~, Newark and Miami and I'm .,... lbe talentl Ind .,,....;.. al. Anyway, to a cerbin dop'<e <i cbaCrin o/ Uu ·DAILY PILOT. ' " ' tbal ~el. ' · · · Counly plan split 2 Oil 'Right to Know' Bill Frern Pqe l TRUCK ••• NAPLES, llaly (Al') -Sevea.Soviel navllunitsentoredlbeMedlterr .... nio. Quake Jolts Tokyo day lbroiJg!t the lllriif ol Gibraltar, the TOKYO (UPl)-A fairly lilq ell'll> U.S. Ith Flett headq1W1erl announced. quake jolt.d this capllal clty and the lllr· This broulhl.µ.0 .lotal of 59,viel navy namdlne aru !or.,... U>an IO_, units in . the-MediterrMun to ap-· tanl&bt: Tbe tremor was of;mtmty 3, ptoiimalely fl. Nearly 10 ·Sovllt vm<ls -.,,.,,P to !lbocli ~ bal riot ..,..g11 lo ....,.. "'IUW In tlle---lalt came serious property danuge or year in a llualan -ol llnnllb-cu~ 2 on 1 req . weeks ego. y were to have another crack at it this afternom. Courty Roe.d Com· miJsioner Al Koch is among opponents of Ute aviation chief's proposal Koch claims ultimate circulaUon re- quirements at the airport make the road necessary. Paralleling the San Diego Freeway, the ' arierial would cc:mect M a c A r t h u r Boulevard and Red Hill Avenue. Bresnahan also asserts that the road, lf constructed, would eliminate at least 30 tie-down spaces for private aircraft. "I don't think that's a very valid argu· ment,'' said Mayw Manhall. "The needs of thousands of motorists should certainly take precedence over a few tie-down space.6." City councilmen will adopt a resolution opposing Bresoahan's request if county planners recommend its approval to supervisors, Mrs. Ma."'Sball added. Last week Bresnahan was overruled by suwvisors when he asked for istete recmsideration of the Corona del Mar Fr'eeway route sooth ol the airport. He wanted the aligmneot shoved lartber south, also for "safety" reaeom. County to Help Replenish Sand Joint funding with the city of Newport Beach fer sand replenishment around Balboa Island hall been approved by tho coonty Board c{ SuperviSQrs, City Finance Direct« George P a p p a 1 reported today. The county's share o( the job will be . $3,000. The city will match the er:· pmdilure. Pappa mted tbal the j~iot project ii! a continuiog one. It started last year. Anguillans Prevent American's Expulsion THE VAILEY, Angullla (UPI) - Anguillans stood sentry duty lhroughoul the night on this Uttle Caribbean Island to prevent the British from deporting American osteopath Felli: Spector. British alllhoriU.. lrled to pul Spector aboard a plane Tuesday night but a a"OWd of 150 to 300 natives were adamant in their mu.al to allow it. 'Ibey Insisted that the British had no right to expel foreigners witboul consulting Angulllan leaders. ·1,=;=========::::::===============::::::=====::::::=====. To Win OK, Says Badham _ By JEROME r. COLLINS Of .. Daltr ,. ..... , ... SACRAMENTO-A• ae m bly man Robert E. Badham (R·Newporl Beacb) Hid today he upec:ted "no trouble" on a propoood blll compelling the Sbte Lands Oomml3sioo to ncitify local agencies In advance ol action on of&hore oil drilling requests. nit measure. AB m, 9'8.! co-authored by Badham and Sbte Sen. ;,ctin Schmitz CR·,.._). , Ainen4ments to ii ..... nc<ntly added at the requeot ol Seal Beach City fl.tanager Lee Rlsaer, npruenting the city managers dJvision of the California League o! cm... '!be Aaoembly'1 Natural R<oour<es and ComervaUon Committee will cmduct a bewing on the blll Tbunday. Newport Beach ctt:y ollicials, aJUious to a&6\Jte passage, had pltmed to have represerUtion at the 805.!ion. But Bad1>am TuesdaY told Newport City Manqe> il&r'ft)' L Hurlb<Jr( that the trlp ....Wdn' be necessary. Badham sald be anilclpaled no problems. OPl'IMISM JUSTIFIED The Newporl leglslator'1 optimism ocemed justilied by ~ from an In· fluential IOUI"Ce, Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke. Reinecke, chalnnan d. the Lands CoJn.. mJ...ion, lold the DAILY PILOT In an tx· ~e lnlerview lbrff wteb ago Uvt he w"11d favor giving coastal cities And conotfiee proper notice ~ commission bear1Dp .. olllhore otl Jlli>oools. "lf ~." aaSd the Lt. Goveroor. "I-1eot1f7 In favor <i As!<mblyman Btdballl'I bill. There llhoold be adequate .-. anytime Jlllblic ....,. are put up fer~ up\orapoo ot whatever.'' BILL ll1lQllDiD At -. !he bill -Id requin the Landi °"""'-to: -Sotlfy C<llObl agenclel Ill days In ad- ...... G( commll!ion llear1np 011 olflll«1 <II uplwttloil Ol'Pllc- -NolllJ .-.1 agencies Ill dOYI In """ ..... "'i-lop Oii -otl -(~) opplieatlolW. . . --Oompel Jlloopeclfve -.111 l!lbm~ d•W plwcm _and.,.._ <Gnttvll and to -Iha CXJDlnlll a~ leaSt coocttions. WINS AP PROV AL Risner "'-In winninil Bad-·· approval~ the 86-day.notlce and drUling control otipulau ... Mien the Seo! Beech city manager made a epecial trip to Sacramento two weeb ago. Originally. the bill merely "caJied !or advance notilicat!m to cltlel and coun- ties, witb oo time period opecllled. The measure ls tho ~ resull ol Orange Co8'I pr..-ova Llmds Com- mission approval ol 'oftshore:exJ>loratory probes by the Shell 00 Co. !ml JllnU117. No COll!lly agency bod• 11.een told ol the plsn lll!lil aller lhe camniiuloo act- ed. '!be SheJI perm11a liM alilce 1- rescinded. BAY ROAD. • • • record rains in February When .n elderly woman took the road by mistake and her new car became trapped in mud. Sodden police offimw bmd the w<rn1n a)>d \IU'ied tl1nlQlbo!lt the jredawu • hours to rescue. her. The roadway gave way twice during the re3<Ue. Unlilmately. llevllir aeid, the roed ls destined !or a -rdluilding which coold coot as mudl a 1150,llOO. Mlnlmum !or !he job wlll'ba p"1>apo IS0,000, be said. .,... M,.nwhlle B>d: Ba, Dri•e will mnabl a prol>lem. Only tbe binls don't ...,. 14 mind tt much. I . Storm Destroys Town PUEBLA, Mellco (UPI! -A ~ .. dent4rm tal laated H -wlpad Cllit lhe loon otllll!lago de'U c.-ta, tllllnJ lwe pee I Md MYhlg two i1nla1Ac, ' pon.e ..p.il aald . !o<fa1. no at«.m washed ni1 -.. bames and !ell 1,110 -bolneloa. ' .. ,. , . ' 'ltl.00 $1 75.00: ' CONVENIENT TEiMS llANKAMEIUCARD MASru~&E '315.00 '"·5,0Q I Hl NEWl'OAT A vt. COSTA MESA . ' To !hesirl who lcoowswhit she wants but not whtft: lo find iL Match your style with Our many tlistinctive designs. And atk us about our famous Oron1e B'-1!! ll!fllllltt./ ' t' ll YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE 5'18-1401 OFFICIAL COL~N REPAIR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNT( * Pltlas EFFECTIVE APRiL' TO APRIL IS " -:USI YOUR c•11i11 at GRAllT'SI Wl'fl 80111 WHIH YOU HEID 11! ' . . FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! ''WINDKING'' JACKETS by Pacific Trail!. l '10 IUIGID, WAIM, winl- prttf, J11I11ry lfckef ~J , fllllWI' 'aclRc l'r1lt ni. 1 ""'"' "•utdoor-look" ill Le;.,. Grffn. ''"-Tur. ..-11e. , ...... """l'kNt. Oyatv, N4l'IJ' aM Miii)' •th1rs. Sbts S4 It 46. NEW!1 EVERY SIZfl e EVIRY COlORI e EVERY Sf YUi NOW YOU CAN seltct '- 1Q of tM ntW.f!IW styloi 'of Lm•s• Slacks ind ltlM fer 10"' golsl SN Grllll's for lho poilKt fltl from '6 OYEI 20,000 Pill UYJ'P IN STOCK IT GUllT'SI New Stripes! . New Solids! All Sizes! ,, Just Arrived'' • "HANG-TEN"' ioo"' .... 11au1 U.S. Navy Type urlo1,11 CM1"4 cen.• , • • ~., P°COATS ""'"'"'"" .. · ".,... Ii ... -· ""' '111'11. lhM, NiyY, ..... WMtt. .,_. -. ,11 ""' .., 1111,. ..... n.m,1 t. • i W4 NII Utt llut. s.M-l-=-~.:t.! ..... $1 f .f5 :;1:;r "--s.1111 •• _____ _. ::i:::::.. .... $16.95 ._ __________ ..... Sne Mori at Grant'sf New .~hipmtnt-Just Arrived! 'BERMUDA SHORTS $ 3 '98 AND $4.98 . SPAllO.tNt MW ~ ctf. •rt 1.. '''""· <Mcti:1 '"' Sell .. ''""'Mnl · ,,. .... , ''"'"'· . SPOIT SHllTS '3''. . . • All NIW S,,ifll c.1-, •rt .,.; ,.,.._ AH wftll PlrlM• .. • Prn1 f1Wla. ""'" .... taller, .... ., ..... Al .. I ""-XL 111AHE11 srocr In Or1111,. c ... trl'' OVU 20,000 PAIR Of UVYS$ IN SfOCIC NEW LEVI'S® CORDS TMl N!WUT S,rlnt c1hlrt 1f P ... r llvt, CMcolll1 lrwn, Oli••· eM• 11M1 ltJte. C.M,1111 rl"lf •f 1bM ,,_ ,..._ S.. tht lwttlt ••" nwl '5.98 NUVO'S® by LEVI'S® MIW IMIPMUff tf the l1t11t Lht'1a St1""'9 SltckJ .•• qa.rfvl Mltdff111 •f a.ell In• i0fl4 ctfll'J hi I WM-""',...,. .t 111-.. '8.oo XX DENIM LEVI'S® THI Ol:lllMAL 1"fl• fMMU1 lnl' .. I• "'" ., .. IM .. IMM• ••• ,,.... 27"• ,,.. """'" WaJJHI •s.98 I0\'1' lllll fO-l:t) ............... . "CHAllE IT" •• llllT'S SURPLUS WI llONOl AU MA.IOI CllDIT CARDS • BE ' W-. April 9, 1969 MIL v PILOT I New for '69 Easy to towl CAMP SUPPl:1ES . c. ........... Modol 102, 1-••• ,. -•21. 2 ....... $11.tl Model •U, 2 .._, $16.tS , Mo<1e1 •26, a -s2i,91 Mo<lel 5'M !1' Oet) $9.tS Mo<lel 5'02 .!LP Got) $16.91 Colo-n Lantorna Mo<lel 220.A, 11"81e $10.tS Model 1120, LP Gos $10,91 Mo<lel 220, -le $12.91 Medel 228, Doulole $"·'' Medel 2i7, k--$19.91 GRANT'S la Camping ffoadquarlors for a// Orang• CounfY. '~he Vagabond" by[f1R. l'x10' I Sleeps 41 .••••••••.. $89.95 9'x12' !Sleeps 61 .••.•••••. $104.95 10'x13' !Sleeps 81 ..••••• , .$1 19.95 WITH IXCLUSIYI WRAP AROUND PLOOI • ; • LOCk·O·MATIC DlllON at GRANT'SI TQ $179.~ . Easy to Parkl Easy t.o Qwnl SCOUTER/CAMPER CENTER ' . . PACK FRAMES s4ts LIGHTWllGHt ALUMINUM! CAMPER'S 5-Plece COOK SET sac 3-PC. CHOW KIT 47c G.I. UCK PICKS STYLE a 1.,.. MltctfeR .t "' 411111-ato tl 91 "' hell , .... ,., the "''kl • • ... :, .... 'I'' 98c . $50 RIG. 59c . FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL CANTllNI tnm'S INCIAL 1111ttt• C'IM!llltft wltfli tnw IMI •tt• • y I i ,I . .. ; ... .t; ' oa: <:"'.t sJ. ""!J' ""' .:!! "" -· -~ ("', 1 .. !a, ·.I. .~ -- ' !t"' . ··~ ' . ,.,, -~ ..~ ... ~!:.· -.!' . ..,, ~ .. ~ ... ... ' "' ' .. • • ~ ~ •~u~~ Prurr-EDmtlu.u. PAGE I • -• • c 32 . ' --. . . . ·.Four -Good Cari{lidates ·~. .~· ::. ,., .;. . r .~.l .,. "' . -.. ' ..... ~· ..;'. .. •.. .. t ',l I!.<). . ..., '; • ' I I ... ;, .• ' 1 · ~~ maj<irity~ four Iii 1t'ftll mfm\lefl-qf lht.New-;~'M~a )1Jl!l!e4 SC!Jl\OJ l,)lslric;f.~'wift he elected , .. ·1iMi~es4!1y, llow the ~ot!nt I!.°"' ~d ha,y~ •!V>.s~­:11a1•~ 001 u. ~· ~O<o1 tlie~.C.1ioo1 district. -1 'nie p-I 1>o1M: 'Yllli .oill)-• {Oaple of· face• cfiaDged,,~ ·worked .!\&niio¥oliilY )ip~·]Urboi Area ·«hool dlo!Plelo-werl! .. unil!.ed !iifte 7ye...,.. afO • • Jn a difflC)ilt flnii'6f;li!DinC,l!!iell!•r ~ ~er~nt acb6oi S}'llom),. Wlnnlllg·pUblle-supPorf )0-e~uat\:te oUer-· · i;,g1;ihroull!otrt .. the diatrtci, · encounteiln} double se .. Ii.Oil"~~ tbell'lil last acbleving-a school bond victoey, . 11!>""4, memj)el'J·~ave. pulled tcigetp•r: . ; '.. . .. Dcinald A .. Strauii,' candidate .for ·~llction from District 5, for instance, often has been al odds with the J rut.of tho bo~. He is a liscal·conservaUve, and many ( times has voted· as a -lOne wolf\ '-- Yet be has differed witpout acrimony, and always baa reasoqab)y· iUJ>lalned ·hi• reasons lo~ doing so. As a result, he·ls•llalened to and· has scimetlmes·swayed the i:<:"I .. of the . bo&rd. His fellow boanl members showed jllelr.'T~ for the man .they. ofteu, vote again.st by • h°""liig hffii.bi>ard. president last year. · Mrs. EJiiaheih M. Olly, lncunihent from ·District 2; la.a'Viiluable ·board member who does her')lomework . A ·!3,; ·without a job to ·~·her down, -&he probably ' of ~more meetine•· IMlrteinil\C; to ec;Suc.ation. -than ti' aDY·Olh•r ·-memb!lr .• She mows the bacllground ,.. · ·:.wllen a aubject TBacbes· the,lK>ard 'level . .. .· ~'. • · • •• 1~ WhUe Sirauis is best versed in filiance1; her strong.'· .--.. • 1'~'al( 'ts "Ciirt.leuluin. Sbtt ·imdei'stand.s · the educationese ' . . ;I I . . ,..,, -... mll>d, bow to best teach a)\d heal motivate 1bolanta. • ·, '. Roilerick: H. )'ilacMillian; bolnl membtl' flom Di .. · , lrict 7, like Strauu and Mn. Lllly, 11&1·1erved llbc,,wit •. fltat!Pn·• He Is a ~ientious. bolrd meftlher Who ls . ;·n!1kl;lli ~· contrtliuti~ns·:to, and bad crowing lrifluence ill, board dellherailons. . ·-.;,,. !outliijh11umheo~. Lloyd E. Blanpiw Jr., of . Distrtet 4, Is""'" 9f lwo attorneys on the boanl, a good . , . ' boal\l,memher WbO 11&1 been gain!~& experience 1ince he wis appointed aJi:itoot 'lhree years •I• to finish an ~·· -unexpired term. Blanpied is C()llSCienUous and brin1s t.J:ie altomey's ca~ approach to board business .. Blanpied's use.ta -valuable ·as they are -seem to he represeritOcl b~ others alr~ on the board: His District 4 opponent, Gardon, C. Morrow, appears to have a combination ot talents and bacllground that could add new dimen sion and balance. . Morrow .is·1 a 29-year-old buatnessman who has just stepped out of 'a teacblng career in the local district. He has a direct Ond . Involved lnterezt; in education, yet a · view that is-practical·'and aware ot. the tax loed. · He understands the Newpori'.c-Osta Mua educa- tional system, sees ar~as fer iplprovement and otters the energy of a young,. mvolved parent as a contribution ·to hetlA!r scb<>Ols. • ~.. ~ ~llj(iiOiil ,_Mlirilnistrators, .11!1)! ,-.. ii a)w,ays keeping in Voters cast ·ballots in all districts, but only for can- didatfs who reside within the district !bey hope to repre- sent. The DAILY PILOT recommei\ds voters elect : ·Mrs. Elizabeth Lilly in .. District ·2, Gordon Morrow . in District 4, Donald Strauss in District 5 and Roderick MacMillian in District 7. -' _,..,.. -. . -' ~ '·. ~"• . ... -. . .... . .. ' .. ' --. --' -· . -~ . -~. . . ~ye ·10-r Eye'. -rtginally a '-·· ·,, tice Plea (N) ·w YM ~s >IEMJllA11N6 IN PARIS, YOU WoruiN'T u IN A HU~~yl EJ111U .. / Eg11pt'8 Peasant_r11 . Still Largel11 Indifferent Dear -· ... Gloom,· ' . Gus: Israel Ne,ed Not . Fear. Nasser Now' . . . CAIRO, Egypt -For the next few Why all ·the Illa about berms In Newport ~ when CablevW.on -"ha! already provided them? _ years, at leut,, Israel° bas nothing ~ fear from Gama! Abdel Nasser, whose likeness ia enshrined here in .every pyblic to paaa judgment. It is diHkult tO· keep th<m occupied, despite hundredl of thqusands o f sandbags, . painfully filled by band, on · every.street comer. arc· ·two pretty Russian &iris . Who llanslatc. The head Russian QPlains the error and tells WI what to·~ do. Bu t I think' he may not · be the 1*ad Russian, for there is . one other man who always ·attends but !*ever speak!_." . -D. L. p, fJllt ,..,_ ........ ,..... ....... -__....,. .................. .... ""' ........ ....,.., ~ ..... ""· lOOC ago In the column I 111'1>- the Bibllcal phrale, "an eye for eye, and a tooth for a ~." · g tbft , it is invarilbl~ .,n. . , , . . by •P!Wie who u,se -1t as ·an • ·, . ,. \',.. · lo< rtlllllitloo, wbln,lt ori~ed " ·yotir left huii! sboatd 'not know 'Whit plea for jultlOO. your .right hand Is doin1. pl•~-. The humillator or the humiliators has made hll felloW Mu.slim. feel important for· tbe rll'it time in centuries, but today of hia people _ according to a recent he seems a pathetic figure, more to llll'Vt!Y _ know who he. iii: Egypt has be-pilled than feared. changed,under Nasser. But, as he uic;I It is not merely· that nothint-in' his.. when be and, hii colonels selzed power· coimtry works very wtll, pwt1cu111ly · · · · · the telephone. NII!; that buDdreds •Of rliiny In 1954, it had 1 long way to go. . ·new Rilssian trockl, awHvin" t0 aYoid Today, despite growtng urbanitaUoo; -·-. despite radio and television. despt_te What shou.ld have been spent on agriculture, on indus.lry, on the develop- ment of a middle chw has been spent instead on arms. SO THE CIRCLE is no\v -ci>mplete. From neutrality to dependencJ ; from military strength to occupation of the Sinai by l1tael; from intense popularity io suspicion of his . people. In the ahort run, .Israel has nothing to fear f~ Nasser. . :.: · U lllOtber com_mon Wm that If anyone troubled to rud tbe whole aged even more m ~llr usa1e, ~ he trpuld 1e,tn that Jt:SlJS is bullocb as they roar throuih villqf:s greatly e.itended schools, Nasser is still > of wretched poverty, stem out of place trying to evoke a national loyalty ~om and til;ne -al tfi9ulh t,a0rrieone had . an' awakening but largely indifferent THE EDUCATED have no place to U5': their e:<1uciUon.. A graduate i!l engineering earna the .equivalent of $100 . .,er month .. He cSan live on that, buL he often chooses to leave. So did the Italian factory foffinen, who cwne here in large number1: ... when Nasser i:inimised industrialization and who began to see In the long run, i1 may be differBit. Consider. for. e:iample, the Ee:yptiao City of Jsmailia, On the 'Suet Canal, Mrich once brought Egypt $200 million per year in shipping tolls. lsmai~ .is of graceful French construction, 1.rxf.it ,once held·· 120,000 ' souls. -Now it ··is a fhOst (own, and the fear on the faces ot those few · who remain destroy•· il, gr:acefuiDest.i-Israeli shells 4ave .l1fiped oUt houaes, mmques and neighborboods. The family beds and chikiren'1 to,1 in tbe·strtets'are Nd'to see. ~.-. . that la'. "charity begl!IS at ho~e._" adctnBalnj.blmsdf lo the phlliptl)ropists ver thl;s 11ying Is ~ted out, ll lS of h!s Uriie, Who would stind up in pub-i..,,,.r.,takin~ care of one • own before lie and make known their tarse donations ~ one• sell with the nee<b of to charity. He is telling them tooCive 10 " ·· -quietly and anooYmousli with Oil< lll:nd 'Z'RJS· ts .. NOT at all ·what the . that not even .the other hand."is aware oriliDallY m~"-A.$. first puJ>... ol it, m~uch Jess the community. ln !SU. ·1n Si!'"Tt)omu Brown~ 'cu••-,· OF co·~•~.•·-not'-ligip .Medici," jt rritailt "charity" Jn ""'" .. • "rw&o ~ ~ j PaUifPi sepse of ~1mnr~Jdndne,;s,"-gin at borne; it IJUllt' be&in where it is . ·--... v·i ... or "philanthropy. mOlt .aeededt whether thls be. •t home .,,..,., U&¥ or in tome mnote Indian ~Uqe. \Vhat d it dJd not 'mean ' ttta( wt ahould must begin. ·at home 1.1'.'e ·1ove and re- "tike"tare" of·llW' own; but tMt if Spect and ltrider trubnent of those Po"n<i""diiptay loving-ldndne.ss to ·our ·closest to us-for unless we radiate such ily and our friends, then wha~ev~r feelings in our daily, intimate relation- or philanthropy we engage in is ships, the money we give away to others rot of pride or vanity or ostenta-is simply a bribe, allowing us to main- , no( out ol deep human compa~. tilin oUr .aelf-esteem .while w.e coatin1.11 have known more than a f~e-· · to injure the ·fabric of social Ille. philanthropists who pve away The poor Jma,w it· apd ~t it when · , sums to worthy CSUHS of all sorta, 'lheY are th< ob]ectli Of help· without the whole personal relationships v.-ere commensurate feelings of respect; when ·d of loving-kindness, and who uJed they are aided to, make the Civtr feel i"u,TE.'.!!.11':'..,,_ity"' a c:lolk for .pri· bet!..-.-not bocilase"tbeY .,. .w..:tlir., .. of .... Q, aid. In a .poychiil~ "°""''the philan- COMMON subterfUte. C1f cowse. reason for another widely misun· ood aaying-Jesiia'~ injunction that ' . thropist needs the poor more. than they need him-<:harity brinp him honors, bu\' brllip;th<m only scrapa. ousef lies Don't Wander · s a columnist might never --kOO\Y didn't open bis mail : are making fewer home calls ever. Ten years ago 10.2 perctnt average physici1n'1 contacts with patienta were in their .homes. Now down to 3.S percent, or one out ow long should a mattress :last?' A ·ey found that mallreaet.1 in motels aged 14 years of age, .tbofte in hotel• years. But some 25 ytars old were -.;;..'and "Stitt bearing up. Mat~ for household u:se are orten ... llleof for 20 ye.ars.. wife feds undeiprivll<ied now If · doesn't hive at led two bathrooms )IOI' home. But wbe!i Queen Vidoria ' the throna-oi-Enllanll. in 11137. ,.... •t 1 llnile i!"lhroom In all Pal-. &!rvonts lugged of ftt,e:r to the queen's bedroom. e/ both<d lit ·a portable tub,. 11 dl4 the commonen Of her dly. OMEN DON'T have vtry high stan· -the --In Alrica'• ..._ They art never taken m a hunt « eVlll aDowed to _., reporta Ille Nllional the world. It stores more · than 3,000 bottle. in its restaurant quarters atop the &$-story RCA Building in Rockefeller Center. PERILS OF proeress : Each year up to l,500 Americans die and 108,000 suffer injlirlu becaUle their clothing catches fire. One cause: the .increasin& use of flammable fabrics. Whit to do in liJch an emergency : force the victim to drop to the ground. If m l'JJI, coat or wool blanket ls bandy to wrap him ln, roll him.over and over to smother the names. Youth mutt be &erved: You may be gettlni -but the popullti<o of the world isn't. :Jt-'1 estimated that by 1• some :.! perctnl of all tbe peQple alive ~;n be aged 15 years or less. Signs of the times: This one ls (In the detk Of Jules Podell. owner of tbe 'Copaclblna night club: "Before 1oolnC your tempti, co.mt up \cl t ,000. Inflation ii here." _. &lclety. Tbe 11J011 fear tbe ~ brtq bad JD. IN TlllC CANINE •jlotllibt : Dop are -boulOflies dao, aproad pltlnc IO they bold almost II 11111111 11 , .... JI o.t.,...,. .. belal:J •• l!1tcu,...do.lne&titlon '1'lle1 111UaQJ'-.......... -... tllOJJ ... .., _,.uu.. lleld ·11111 ..... a mile of their lnldltl( · --lrtalt, more than IOt U.S. dof --lllaced mmual!J. 112"1 aolabla: "Tbe btat«y Worth rememborlnc: "ConvlctiOElll .. free'.. Is _. written by -•hit an emplcrye his alt<r he knows "1 d 'rs ••I• d»lce. .. -Gen. .. ,p.t tbl t.. tblnb.." D.B'P••· c: •• c111111 to -; MOii wlaio II COl!t.Y lllWG; Ono of •the .mOit a:_:~~·:.:&_'; =• ~ _:1 ~~: --la Nnr Yorlr daltlW w.fgb~ It Is U times as COllil' 11 -Ila "HIP'" -ctlllt" In gold • . ' . put.nHD light.a.On tht pyramids.' peasantry. THERE ARE OBVIOUS weakness~. ,vi!ib~ to any . traveler, of whom - woe to the Cairo sbopk~s and the camel drivers ~t anCje~t monuments -there are nowadays few. But there are other weaknelses, not so apparent and far more impOrtant. After lS year1 of trying, Nasser has not yet, made a nation. Rather proudly, his· ofrtcials point out that 85 percent THE CITIES ARE not.the same story. BQl here, Loo, Nasser is in trouble. The new and .proud awarmess of "Ple urban Arab is unlenipered by reafity. When the British and French withdrew from their advenlure ,at Suez in , lti6, Nasser was believed a~ly to have defeated them: naturally, be would defeat Israel. He is now quite lit.eraDy on probation, and the mob! are-waiting· no future a year or-two ago. , Ut.tkiodeat cut .« all, the man1 who kic~ed lbe imperialisb ou.t of his country and le,med' neutralism at the feet -of Nehru ~hU ~Welcorhed the Russians, not only to train ms ·. army but to nm bis il\duatry. ''They are very businesslike," said the president ()( a local factory. ''When • they see a mistake, they call a meetin:g • to which I am invariably invited. The're .. BJf'r•n~M~ Jad TOIFO lllf"" ' Focus of Police Critics Is Wtoh.g -. . . To the Editor: Your Allen-Goldsmith column (Marcil 18) d1scuSl!ied the. failure of tile Negro leader!! to . denounce soaring crime, violence, campus and other disorders corrimitted by members of t h e i r race. It was aiso mentioned that since Negroes often are vict'ims of the crimes com- mitted by blacks, their leaders should be tn the forefronl of the fight lo aup- presa the vicious and irresponsible. I think. that such criticl.sm is justified. N~grs> )U'e8$ suc.h as Watta, Washinpm D.C., etc. have beeome jungles of crime in wruch people live in, fw oI muggings, . robberies. and other Violence. Yet most prominent Negro voices cr!Ucize and make dernandJ upon "the establlahment" whilt al· the same• Ume remaining strangelly silent or 'at best apolo1etic on the subject of the;.h i g h' crime rate for which their people are responsible. UNFORTUNATELY, however,, similar situations exist in the Caucasian COm· munlty. While occasional voices rise against crime, they appear empty because they are not accompanied by appropriate action. Speeches made by Governor Reagan and Dr. Hayakawa are eumples rl verbal responst not followed ~y full p<oblem-oolvlllf action. Crinle eu be reduced, but not WlUl . our <:iU.ZW decide that they will no lonJe.r accept present condlUons, not untll lecislalon appropriate IUffJclent human , and physical rcsource1 to 1Uow tht criminlil justice sys m to (unction in .---•• Geerye ---. Dear Geiqe: I've been readin1 your colWlm for eight YOll'I now Ind people keep telllllf mo It's f\mn;'. 117 p<oblm Is thi~ I'm feature editor o( PIY newzplpe< and, tra\kl)', I diln' .. , your ColUmn. Elplllll 14 or I'm droppli1f It from thla poperl Th1t'11111 ll{Oblem. A.W. Drear A.W.: • · No -lhlt'1 not your pl'.9bkm. Your ,,.._., fs that H "°'. dn>p my column I'm goi'.,'f to teU 1our . ~ editor you Ve been run- ning a · column for tiChl yeara wlthoul undentalldlilc whit -In It. Lettcr1 from readtr1 are tDtlcomt. Normal!v writers should convey their mtssagt in 300 words or ltss. The right to condtnse letters to fit .spcct or eliminate libtl 11 rr1erved. All lttttr1 must include .!ignatvrc and mailing addrtss, but namti· ma.11 be withheld Oft requ•st if tufficimt tto.· son ii apparent. ~ · ' depth, not 1111W our judiciary and c:w- ~onal l)'ltems will utiliu present 1sn to incarcerate major offenders" f.fr ·the maximum lime. Thought should a1fo .be given to legalizing various areas of pusonal conduct whlcb now occupy polict ,ape! courts in the form of crinles. Pi1esa burglar's death on the fact that he was a bur&lar. How very 6fmple and shallow. · l aay it was a needless killing that came about through the easy convenience · of a gun and can in no way be morally 'justified. YU, by all means, "'e should not get th.al "cart before the horse. • , " However, we must first decide which is the cart and \\"hich is the horse: · , If I COULD convince ·myseH in some waY tbit our dtad burllar wa! acti~c on tris own free-will, a priori, tbtn I mi1ht rbe able to agree with Mr.· Genpacb's reasoriina. H~ver, knowing what lilUe I do about man I realize tllll lber.e are many factors in OUr 'society, over which one has little control, that act. to mold our UVes. Therefore, many ·must, ·take the responsibility' for the young· burglar's deviant behavior,. yet he was the only one requin!d to . pay the ulUmate price. What concept of jwiUce is th11t? 11IE ALLEN-GOLDSMITH ci!lamn Is WHY DO, I adVOC1te 111 end. to in· correct in charging Negro leadt.-s with dlscriminata aun' ownenhip'!. I rtcelved not lpealdllf out against crime .. but.tlie no -cnprclina tho· lncldtnt of problem ls much broader and is. not the "acc:idaal'! tuUnc of a Santa Maria rellricted to ·any lingle race or group. Policeman that I Jl?'llµooed· Of coune, Those individuals, political & roll} I , you pro AHoUn' people never menUon humanltarlin llOcleUes and others ,wbo · thcioe incl~i/la· ·constantly 1peak Q11t 'agallllt p6UOo Let me Clilborate. A.young police of· "brulallty" and malpractice would' do fk:tr was 1~, by his own sun Jtben ...U lo tum their aUenti<o towlnf Ibo he nmovOd bta .... bolt and toued much fJUle:r problem of crime. It · on a diair . .Row dkl it blppenT. He Whlle pollce imperfectlms are.: un-wu in thfrbablt of leaviJC bl1 hammer f(1i'tunalt and certainly should be ,cor· cocked and had mettculously filed hi! rected, they 1bould not be focused UJIOl1 trigger mechalililm to a hair touch. Would to th e uclusion of t h-e JncrQ!lln&ly it have been julUliable if he bad. killed llrious pnibtem of l!lljO< and ~t a IUspecl In _.ion! C<iuJ.r bis' .... crime. ERIK BECKllAN Stidait Department Of Crimi"'*"1 Cilllom11 Sbtte Cjllllse ll'L>ol- 'Alolbll Gtlns' ' To Ibo Editor; EYicf<illly Mr.l'J..,.. E. G<f'POCh (Maltboli, April I Hbelleves In lhlt' tirtd old Watm> adap. "Shoot first and 11k qoat!Olll titer." In his "Ply lo 111J lelter (MeUbor, Much Ml be advfsos, "let's not flOI the cart before Ibo bone. • • .. and lheD blamel • )'OUlll Colt& Quotes Edaa M. J-, --"We line •at .,.... which 11111 -IM- pnr1ernent 1... "' .,. 1 Jllri1 """ nsUoo. How ip;eat tt >lould be il the anll'Cbisll -ad toirml .bulldin1 In· oteadOl--.Yirll-" J ..... C.Vdlo, oq. --..... ee. •• "I Pit w11JDt11 lnto Uno cl111t1: 1. Simi*:. hclwl, 1ad111 tr l OU I -; I. TM n1a1r1 lldy: I. ff1K and ball." not have gone ~ff i\ist as easily uixk:r those circumstances? YOU ASK HQW the -police wllJ'. halt the criminal. I uy we will Catch• him on foot ! I take It that you ~ate;nife of the fact that there were thi-ee ofticers who fired at the young q,sta ··!lt$a burglar. Those odds seem sufr'itfehl enough. · Let's get one thing straiiJ:ll. I am not anti-police nor do 1 disrespect the law. I only a4,vocate updaUna both, to correspond · to lht changing. norms of modem society, in a peaceful manner . How many "accidental" deiiths and senseless killings come about ea.Ch year through indiscriminate gun o.wnerihlp? What do they have to do 'l'{ilh enforcing the law? AS FOR REQUIRING a gun f0r my own sell protection ·-not on your lite! When the day comes that my material wealth means more to me than a human bclng's life, then l am oo~ loneu a rich man anyway! As for Mr:Gerspach. or rather, hii neighbors, I· hope no. child eyer 11rowls In his Yant. 1t nighL . Abolish the damn1ble gllllll and legislate he.avlly against thole who try to use them. I have lived in England and 'f~ confident that a 1httllar 1Ystem ~11 now work in our soci~. It could not poasibly be worse! • R. D. SEYMOURE OCC Studenl -~W- ' Wednesday, April I, !Mil Th• IC!Uorlal -•I IM' o.av Pilol "'"' lo "'I""" nd • lllaU ........ bv pre ... tfii. lhu • ...._,., op;,,1.., and ..,,... """""' "" ·topfco·.f'!_ -...s lionlfk""«. bv ..... ~ • fonnn for U.. upre..i.,, Of oar ttodnt' opinfotls, 1 and btJ iwtsntin.o the drOCTtt 1rlno- J'Ol•u of informed ob"'"'" oftd tpolcemtft on tapica: oJ thf dav. Robert N. Wied, Publlshar •• I I • • yor. ~2. NO. 15, 5 SECTIONS, 10 ,AGES U.S. to · Cut Viet Troops . . .. "',.._ ' . Unilateral .Tritlidrawal Exp ected to Begin Soon .. . -. ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe United Stat.1 11 expected I<> begin unilateral withdrawal of IOme of lb Vietnam f~ within the nut llO clays li lhtH ls no .,... jor Iner..,. in enem1 military actlvtty Md some hint of progress at the Pari11 !alb. . AuthoriUve ~ reporting this ·today declined to discuss numbers Cir exact tim· ing. There have been published specula- tions in the past that Pmidtnt Nixon Sha rp Boost In County Tax Rate Forecast By JACK BROBACK Of Ille Oeltr Pl• Steff A preview of Orange County's 196&-70 buda:et indicated this morning that. tu· payers can anticipate a sharp ~e in the county tax rate for the coming year. The preview presented to t b e supervisors by Robert E. Thomas, Cowrty .administrative mfietr, llhows an 11 per- cent. increut in e~ hued on requests from the various coonty a_.imeots. In dollars, l!W,MS,780 wu reQu..led, an increase of $2S,831,D> over the cur· rent 196HI budget. . · Largest mcreues were requested by tho Welfare Deportmen~ IU million or 23 percent; Medical Center, $3.4 million, 28 ~t; Mental Health, IU million, IOI pereent, and capital projects, 11.6 million , 25 percent. Tbomu Slid the requested figuJes on general fiiiiifitems :lbOwed a IU !11i!Jioo difference between requests aril .. an- =ed rev-. 'Ibis dilf<ftllCe -1d ·•Wolhl\ltely 15 ...U on Ibo tq .rate. 'lliomu said ii the liudg<t was "cul I<> the booe'! there would still ~ a ,.,._ gap ol more than $1 million and • N..- of balancing the budgtt .. ~ In- come are "very slbn." . · "To balance tile budget would require massive cull in the quality o1 COUDI)' aervtce:" Tliomu said. · The county administrative office will Immediately begin Coo!erences with the yarioos departments trying I<> pare down the budget requests. Hearings beftn the Board or Supervilors on the 1989-70 bud· get will begin in the middle of June. Report on Mes a Beauti fi cat io n, Budget Pla n Due A report on how to improve the looks of the Costa Mesa Beautification Com- mittee 's work is due next monlh. along with a probe on the po5.'ibillty of giving the panel an olficlal city budget to use. The action grew out of a recom- mendation by Costa Mesa City Coun- cilman William L. st. Clair Monday. He charged that one city emp~ye spent fl@ of his own money on a municipal proJect. Heartily in favor of asking the .com- mittee's own recommenilatlons, the coun- cil split with a 3 to 2 vote on the idea of. a beautification budget , with Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley and Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson opposed. · ''I believe we should have a com- mission rather than a committee and award it a budget," SL Clair llkl, "they're just spbming their wheels u it Is." , "Do these people tblnk they can recom· mend a five or ten cent tax lncreue for parks and beautif1CBtiq1?" snapped lifayor Pinkley. • "What I'm saying ls that we're spen- ding that montl right now," countered Sl. Clair, noting city beautWcation ~ jects art malntained by the ltred department. He explained that city Landscape Archictect Robert Pederson spent more than $200 of. hi.I own money in creation of 0<><alled Teanlrop Park in the downtown •!U· tmlil some budget j~ggllng was car- ried out and he •as repaid. Under the present organlr.ation, t!'e Btautifica.Uon Committee meet& lr· regularly and Informally, headed by city Right.of-Way Engineer Roy Erlcbon. St. Clafr said in hls recommendaUon Monday that Pede-should properly be Us staff advisor and a retn]ar council agtnda "'pool scheduled I« the panel'• continuing projects and new proposals. "ll ls not fair to them Of the city to not utilize thtir efl'urta .to a better advantage than we are now doing," St. Clair aakl, and t'Ollncilmtn voted UMnlmously to ask committee mtmben themselves how to ho lp. hoped ·to biina about. 50,000 of the sao:ooo U.S. troops out.af·Vtetnam by the encl ol 1969. .However, thil eiitimate 1fU pnd)cated on the admlnlatration's belief that it had at least 11" monllJs to begin allowing some results tow~ A m ~ r I .c ~ n disengagement betore the pubic became too restless. • The official assessment oow is said to be that mounting criticism makes lt im· ~aUve that some evidence of turning down the conruct1be ·made appare6t at a relatively early date. This has led to a hard ne" look at the milimy-attualion and a determination to undertake IOJlle wll,bdrawali wllhoul any m a j o r bre~ at Paris1 Secretary of Stale Wiiiiam '· Jlotlen and Dolense SOcrotary Melvlr. R. .Lalnl both hinted in recent statements that the United States might begin poll!ni. out a . ' )imited number ol ltl foroa even If thett were no reciprocal witlmawal by North Vielnam.,. lpms in the llOUth. · Rocera: told a. news conference tbt United States hoped there would be oome !'mutual withdrawal" of troops but .declined to rule out the poulblJlly that the United Stai.. might pull out some of its forces even II Hanoi did not. He 3ald : "We are considering all possibilities." Badham Sees O~l Warning Bill. Approval B1 J!llOll!lt JI'. COIJJNS Of ... °""' ,.... .,.,, SAC~NTO-A aselriblym a n Robert E. BacHiam (R-Newport Beach) said today be expected "no trouble" on a propoaOd · bm compelling the ~late Lands Commission I<> ootify local agenct.. in advance. of action on off short oil' drilling regueats:. . Thi measure, AB m, wis co-authored by Badham and State Sen. :.dll1 5cltmltz (R-~). . · A"'*"'""". lo tt were · recenUy added at the loqUeet ol 'Seal Beach CltJ Mtnagv . Lee Risner, npr.esenlinl , tho clly _... dlvtsion of the Calllomla Lee~ ol ,Cltlea. .. . pte,~ly'1 Na\Jlral,~ 4nd c.m.rv-~ will <""1fl!CI a ~:"J:".=&.~to ....,. puiqe, hid plallied I<> have reps:,•Natton at Jbe aeuion. . But Badham Tiesday tlild ~ City ~ Harvey L. 1111dl1uri dial tho trip ~t be-· )llllbmi·lald he lmlcipllad .. prObliail.. . • • OPmlllll ·~· . ' ·' 1ba Newport ' ~.~ ~ seemed ~eel by~~ ... in- fiuentiel """'· IA. O,v. 1tJf Ro!Mi:&. \ Relltech, cltllrmln ol the,~ Com-. ~ O~ng .S~as-»a ' . Costa Meu Mayor Alvin L. Plnklef and Pamila Reed, "Ml55 C:O.ta Mesa," tout AD gel Stadium in vmtage vehicle during p~game ceremoitlH Tuesday night 'marking opening of ma jot league base. ball's lOlst season. Mayor's smile later "turned. tO frown as California Angels dropped opener ·+S· to new Seattle Pilots. Mesa Council Call s Mo ve Against Secrec y Foolish Mod~lcatiorul tightening California's basic law agains4 secrecy in local sovem- ment are being officiaDy condemned to- day by the Costa Mesa City Counc11 u, in one councilman's words; • 'Dang. Foolishness." " Nsolulions against Senate a n d A...,.bly ~ dealing with the low and 'llao csUJnc ldr the state Leglllature to cl"'l' ap its o-.11 oct by Imposing the Browtl Act wert approved Monday. Plnkiey. "It's dang Clair. foolishness!," added St. Councilman Tucker voted against pus-. lng the reaoluUons, however, after re- questing that the matter be held over two weeks to 'ltHow further study ·or all aspects of the proposed Brown Act changes. His atand followed a lengthy debate generat.ed. by St. ·Clair'• earlier propoul that the city adopt a policy of providing reports on Morlday council agenda itenui (See COIJNCIL, Pa&e I) ml.'8lon, told the DAILY PILOT In• o-eluolve lnt.rvlew.,_ .._ aco tUt be would favor giving coutal cltlel and counties proper notice , of commllafon bearings on olfahore oil JrOPOl&)s. - "If neces&ary," said the tt. Governor, ~·1 woukl testify in fav<r ct Aaamtblyman Badhain'a bill. There iihould be adequate notice anytime public ~ are put up for drillin"g, exploratklft « whatever." BllL llEQIJIRES . At anttndOdj tile bill '"'1Jd. requlrt the Landi COmmilaion "'' -Notify coistaJ agencies IO day1.lh ad- vaoce ot cornmlmon hearinp on otflhore oil e~ploration applications. -Notify c-.i ag;,oo.. eo days in ad- vance of heart,np m tidelands on lease (drilling) appllciUOM. -Compel prtllpedive lewa to aubmit dE<aiied plans .... -. and pollution controls ml to include the controls among lease condltionll. . Risner succeeded in winning Badham'1 approval of the JJ(kJay notice and drilling control lltipulationa when tile Seal Beach city. manager made a speclal trip to Sacramento two weeks 1go. Originally, the bill merely called for advance n«lfl.cat.ion to cltla and coun- u,., wtth no time period apecllied. The ._.., ts the direct r.,.Wt ol Orange Coest proletts OVtf Landa Com- mlllion approval of" ollahon e1ploratory proboa by the Shell Oil Co. Jut Jariuary. No county agency had been told ol the plan untll ,rt.r the amunlalioo acl· ed. 'l1te Shell permits have 1ince been reeclndecL Under SB 312 and 314, it could. become lllegal for Councllman George 1\K:ktr ~ get a haircut from Councllm111 William L. St. Clair, or a cup of coffee from, Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, councilmen charge. . The cl!hngeir being considered In Sacramento would require a 24-hour Maneuver Fails Lou Popping . DA IL Y PILOT twr .,.... ' ) Estancia High School coeds Diane Palmer (left) and Cyndi ~ pack emergency·popped com Tuesday alter appeal to meet neecli Of Operation We Care Cooklelift, whd'se bUiSY vol~teers finally ran, Ou£. Cookies mailed to Vietnam Gls in Harbor Area's April moral~booit program need popcorn padding for shipment in cans. Helpers are needed all month, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., in Costa Mesa City Hall, and should bring cookie donations in morning .hours. :West ,County M~y Get Jet . ' Tre!l~e~t :p~~g J;t~p,~ . . ··' Jotli!lt.., may ~ fill Ibo !i:l"'11!Y aklel'ol :Weat 9J'ange County, lftem. porarr "!< ol J.o<i Alamitoa N avaJ. Air Stalion durinl a ~ rw111•1,.pilr job It Oranp ~·AttJort ii ljlpmoed, ' A· Navy ~t .dlClsloo. !run WullinltGalt ~by F'rldaYor ear- ly nut week, bl1I airline ol!lclals· liinled TueiilaY llllt n'8oltaUona ate alto ~ rren for UIO ol El Tora Marine Corpo Air ~Uon. · · -rt w. Cllllonl, Air Calllornla -tlce president, w d diaculatons in nunrar· Ille are In prosma on two military fieJ4 but he did not Identify •the second poulble choice. . , The f:lavy Depart.merit would alao hl;>ld juri!dicUon ovei' El Toro Mc.AS, which ii aomewhal bialer as a rule than Los Ahunitl!" :NAS, prl111WllY. used N a" reserve training facUIJy. , . Air Weat Util Alt Calilornla fU&hts lllO expect~ .to .be , diverted I<> Ontario In- ternational Alniort 11 talks· olf ·Ult el a more local mllitary base are UDSal> cesaful. Los Alamitos NAS 11 listed as a possi· Drive r St ricken ; Car Runs Wild , Slam s Into Pole . ' . ~, . b~ Oran&• ~ty reclonilalfPijri 111 Jhe lnllhol Ponjra 1nlster ,.Plan l<i -, ~ r.,n. l.dcimc addlliooal lmpod to ~ reqmsl 'fat teDJ~.., 1illl!~ I • "!f• m• taklaii ,.,pooWYe ap> ...o.i, u..~:.!t wid :w·~ tlio Lal Aliiiliof' f...., but " -,.. -agreement," ul~ 'lbolJW Ol..-, .... other I.Jr ~all(pn\la Vice ~ lillill questioned Tuesday. . "A recommeOO.tlOD will be.made lniln htre within a few d•)'ll,11 Biid Lt. CDXtr. Jorry Pierce, public ~ 1ellka- at Qie.Los ~mltoa fad.Uty, . . · .. · Runways at Orange Counly ~ '!111 be ciOled beginning Mon~y. ApriJil;.Hr resurfacinJ due I<> damap · CsUoed by , (Su JETS, Pap U ' . * *· * ' Ja ycees to Hear.: I ' 1 •) ' ' ' • ' . Airport : Plans · ,. -. . A ~Jal (elJOrl on · ProPIH! °'""'" Counly Airport flight exJ>lllllioll ·~ a Wubin&'<>n D.C. daiellno, ;;uJ. lie niadi.. by Costa Mesa Vice Mayor JWbert · M. Wilson tonigill · • He will speak on recent he~jhy t'- Clvll .A~.,B o arp. 0n PaclOc Northwest jet filgbts, appearing. bdcn the· Junior Chainber of Colng\erce at tbt eoeia· Meu Goll· and Cotmtl)', Club. . Jaycee 1po~esmar Rick ~U· ..;. any interested Harbor Area cltbena art Swerving across four la!M9 of .traffic Invited to join the group for the t p.m. and back, a car wh<R driver ""'":" ~ Hun-CAB report; which folkrn a routine club tlngton Beach bwt potlellt apparenUy meeting. lying dead on the seat -'"1ally alammed Wilson, Ml)'DI' AIV!n L. Pinkley. and into a telephone po)e· at a Costa Mesa in-Chamber 1 of Q:immer~ President ~ICk tersecllon today. .. Hamm.ti were In Iv~ for U,. Pekt G: Neenos, 44, ri .~l Elliw<rih Marth 25 hearing', atiedc!ed by other Drive, HuntipgWn BQ.ach, was dead on Harbor Area and Ora• .Cova tly =:t ~~d:n~=~ ~~ . representati ves. , 1 j a.m., inv~atora said. - No otbef cars• wtre tut dUrlng · the • vehicle11 careenini • path, aJoog Hart;or Bpu\evard until · tt ~ra~· at 1 the nOrtheast comer of Gisler Avenue. Ora•fe c.ua : :!"~~ ;:;t. ~~1:':.t ~: Green Beret Nabb ed in Smoke Prank -councOmen claim~ ( .. It appears to be a very sfmpfe cue,~ aaid Officer Robert Goode. w&o folnl canls ln the deed mlD'I pocket lndicatin& he had aullefed ·from diabelet and. a heart cooditlon. . • ·-• , Vice Mayor Robert M4 WUson i°" A willowy, bklnde educator ambushed a troduCtd the TtlOlutions againlt ex.. Green Beret guerrilla Tuesday as he tension oI the Brown Act, ,saying they sneaked on'to a 1Costa Mesa camr111• to would severely hamper some basic work· r- ings ot city aovemment. plant a JeCOnd 1moke bomb, after a firlt The propoaed blllt would eatend the booby4rap blew up In a butot ol crtmoon law prohibiting a quorum of councilmen vapors. from gathering without proper notice to Estancia High School adm1n'8tr&Uve even two membm or the governln1 body UllJtant GeorgNna McLeod pllctd the getting together. Y<lWll trooper under cltize .. • azmt, -This, Wilson c:omplalned, d,.troy1 the -dq a lf.)UN)ld g~I cla!llM!ltcber along effecUveness of council commitlees ap--with him to the stockade. pointed to work with other agencies, at to Pvt. Randy W. Petenon, 19, on leave develop basic mu.a I<> be broogilt out for from Specl>I FCll'CO.I troinlnl at Ft. full oooncll consfderalioo later. Jln&g, N.C., WU booked at City lail oo lie pointed out that the Legill•ture Is llUPiclon of violatlng • --eaempt il.oell> from Br<>wn Act prohibltl.., Code section on school dllturbance. of clo.sed-door comuilllee • ..-. He ·and~the v!., M~~~!J~ !!~.~red urged an end to lhll lX"•ctlce.. a.-~ uw-1'11!'11 • nai1.111- "Tbey wrote the law for 111 and I think smote bomb will> delmd actioltluJe In a they should live with U too," he uld. planter box outside the' campus car.terla "What'1 aauce. tor the gl'IO$e Is sauce and ltf1. before the device erupted. rror the j:lRndcr." said r.1Pyor AJYin L. Returning to the area during afternoon I I ,. ; w-Nid'1hey llrst -the hllllrs with · anollier 11110h b om b • warille(!ng nor1hbound aedan ooutll o! the ' hOwev'er, the Grilm Bent 1hd bit plf'01 ine.enectkln beclllle ?¥>~drivtr WU ViaJ. partner encoun<ered • hostile natJve ble.. ·Police beUe\re Neenos w• alreedy force in' ald1tt. . ' • dead whal the alllo hit the pole. . Mra. McLeod fnviled .the campus ·'Jlie Ylctlin; ·-body ihowed 1111,11gn visitor one! lllli pl -""'lnto bor ol-ol ~ ~ lnJUl'1, wa·..-i-u. 1 Prcdlctobl~. Dem..,..,, In IM lice and• they turi'-· Without In-the hOlplta~ liut> ffb1a '"'· mt'9 blm l•"'·lot•re ore .1G1'i11g .•iln at cldent, tum1ng · 09V' Ibo -.ploidve, were futile, • • . .. I G;;;:' lltpQOn'1 billfOiwlollar-pl .. J non-toxic llare t1cvke. , · ·. t I , ta. · pron>Nooll,. .coU11op .. 11 • a I Pvt. p-...., • , .... ,... · . . · I . ·r~n·• '"""" ,., ... =~·~=--~-Sq~eprs :H~~or ·: 1 • _.. • , .. -....... '. .. =•inSontaAna,r.ract1c1aad· Geo.' 'M "H~ I te' •. · . -t:",.:,. :. ':: :::;;:... :: ~ Illa Unil"1D Code ol trge .-•, 0 8 Qi : 1 1 ' ~ .-:: == ,-,; •-''--' • CMllct ~ ,,.-• The aoldi;'.'::11o ..... Calta"',.. Olio • -n...! ·-Or~ c.U..ty ; .BoOni : ~ f l ~ . .L ::, ' :::i: =-. ~ ..... ~~.:.ay;.r'!:..8;:: ~":~~~:::iJ:; '!':B ~ .2 ·.=5 ~ While Uta pl .aetOl!lpJl!:e WU ol N~ ~· ~ 8duiJWro o ,_ "t '"" ' • charged only ~ rtluaol to ""'1 Calffonlit" liWlder who dfti! .Saturdl,J;at . ::J .. i.:1 'I ' • . ': aut!tor11Y. • . , • Palm ~prlnp. I ', . • I · • ==-.W.. 1>' -'i! , "I cu n0w * ~ r.am far mt ..w... • 'sU_pervller' ··Alt.On E... 'Allen .... ..w. the ,.. fli ~---' '!"'9 ' • ".....,. tl." the prlsOntr wrote. """• molfon' for ld)ourntnt/11. • '. .._, I ,___· --'---''-''--' __ • _·:..' '_-'..,...;.' ~· ' ' • ' .. I j - ' ' '. .. "j 1 • ' • JM.Y .1M:I: -. .. . . c ' ' .. -· ·~·FeeSeen .. DAllY PILOT • ORANGI cdf.rr P'Ull.fSHINf COMP'ANY l•krt N. W•M ..... 1111111 .,., ,ul>l111'1tr J•ck R. Curl•y VIClt """°'"' Md Gffwi1'91 M111t- Tho"''' KetYil IE41tor 1\•Nt A. M11rphln• _ ..... e---§'so w ... a.y sh .. t MaJli"t M4tHt1 P.O. t.. 1140, tJ&24 --............ 1nnw.t ..... ~ L.elUl'lll -.ctll ... ......, ... ......... HllllftiCI• 1Md11 De ..... ' '-I Telephone Co., Seattle, where he is 1 commercial staff supervisor, would have headed a cpmmit.tee to coordlnale federal and state economic planning for Alaska. His home is in Lynwood. 20 miles north « SeaWe. He and his wife, Gay, who Is a junior hiiJt sc\>001 mat.he!patl"" teacher, have two daughters, Amy, 10, and Beth, a: In last year's presidenUal campaign, Nixon managed mail operaUoos for the Nlxon-for-President Committee in New York. ' The youngest of three living Nixon brothers., he was to have started his new job May 3, his 39th blrthdliy, succeeding Joseph Fitzgerald, who resigned to enter private induatry. Mom·to-Be Hurt In 2-car Crash A young Costa Mesa molhtt-to-be was hoopltaliled Tuesday with ln)uries suf· fered ln a two-car collision at the in- tersection or Newport Boulevard and San- ta Isabel Avenue. Mrs. Linda T. Wood, 19, of 2010 Wallace Ave., ·ii llatod In IOOd C<llldltlon lodl,y, at Ooola Mesa Mtmorlil HoipiW, with a · jaw -lnjwy. Sbe is 611 months pregnant and tb«dote allO undor <>bwvatlon. • She wu ri4Jn& in a car driven w~ 011 · \lie tldt.ltrfft-by .tan!Co A. FIUJlll8b, l0, of 2.ltl S..la Ana Ave., "1len It tnlmd thebtlanectioll. Humt S. Mc<:arlney, It, of 1'28 · ·tim..nlty Drive. Newport Baell, "" nOI ln)ured when the Fltzhu1h auto struck bis car, headed north on the boulevard. Dana Woman, 52, Among 2 County Road Victims ·El Toro ~~mark Victim of Progress A Dana Point woman was killed in a two-car traffic accident Tuesday evening and a Garden Grove man died Tuesday of injuries received last Friday ill an ac- cident in which bis wife was killed. Mrs. Carol Wood Sweet. 52, of 33282 Bremerton St., was killed when the car driven by her sori John, 16, collided with From Pqe J JETS ... heavy winter ninl a.ftd eom.pllcated by increasing commercial airline use. "Tbe Board· ol ~ Tuelda7 • .,. 'cepled a 'low bid bl fi*,m lot laying a new fiYe-lllch-thlct upbiJt IUl'face on the 5,700.foot runway. industrial Asphalt Inc., of Stanton, aub- mttted the .bid, $40,000 under tsfunated cost of repairing the county facility and brin.ging it up to Federal Aviation Agency standards. , Work hid orillnall1 been ocbeduled to begin April If, bqt supervison tacked a one-week extension on, use of the pa~ and re-patched runways, pending a Navy decision on use of Los Alamitos. Supervisor David L. Baker •oauted the cowity might be wile to ci<l&Y the paving job several weeks to find out Jf the FAA might plclc up ball the tab for nmway repairs. · ·Orange County Aviation Director Robert J. ·1 Brtsnahi.n recommended against any IUdl •ction, allhouah the . county wm··looo oat 111tFAA coot-lluu'lnC if It doea the job alOllf. · "We will eliminate any chance of ' federal funds, but U they were allocated, II wold ·be ll<!llt fiocal ,.er and ' thtle repain are needfJd. nc:rir,1• ~h&D told th• board. He .. 1d cootlnued delat' of runway rt{lllra at the busy flCIUV """'• 'lhrut of • aerloui . -' acclclont wtth. omral-ru_•woi ~ ud·pa- coDapse IJrUd1 r'U(W. : : · · No mlahapo -ited11:Gm die -cllucliholt deVeloj>lilonil -~ • eeriu ol Soathl~ slol"ml ma Januaty Into March,. but nmw111 win cJosed. 1· whole do y for r<pairs at onf pl>lnL . $195.00 po!MNlfNT TERMS tANKAMERICARI> MASTIA 'CHARIOE $l55.00 $10,00 .. 112l NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA t!l69 55 County Traffic Death Toll 1961 39 pnejfliven by Douglas R. W~s, 16, ol ~1921 Via Belarde•, San Cleme~ Wqods told California IUghw&',x' Patrol officers he was driving . .soiith °'·Golden Lantern Street in D81la. Ppint When be recogriized Sweet, an ,acqUa~, as .the driver of a car southbound' on, the same street. """' nge 610380• ~ di , ...... To lho al~ who "-swhauhe wants 6ut not where to rind it. Match your style with Gur mony cl'~tind!Ye desll!JIS. And ask us about our famous Oranp Blossom guarintec.. 21 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE 541-l40 I I ~ t ' I I r ' . j •I n • • • • • • • g • .t r b I ' • i I ·· OlllN SUNDAY · 9'TILI OPFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STAnON FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PRICIS EFFECTIVI APRIL 91 . TO .. APRIL 15 ·usr YOUR ClilDlt ar GRAllT'Sf wrrr G01 '' WHIH YOU HIED''' • • FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! l'A01'"10 • s~ ·~111.,l<lllli'' JACKETS by Pacific Trail! ~ •10 AUGGll>, WAAM, wlni• lreof, luxury L-dttt lly , 1m1u1 '•dflc lr1U. Tht t ntw11t "eulllotr·lotk" ht lodtA Gr••n, 1111, Tur· ~utlH, Y•ll•w, Pumpkin, Oytltr, N•ft' 11M1 '"'"'' tthtrt, Sit11 a4 It -46. .NEW! ~ .~,;,.! IVEllY SIZEI e IVlllY COL ORI • fVfRY S1YUI NOW YOU CAN 1tltd l10lll 111 ol tht new,oew ~ of Lev1•s9 Sltcks end i•on• for 111 you 11111 511 Gr1nr1 t.r "'' perftct 1111 from '6 OYEI 20,000 PAii LIYl'S11 Ill STOCK AT IUllT'SI . ' . ' ' ' I , '' .l111t Arrived" u.1. Novy Type P·COATI •·• -•• n 1lu1 ~ -. -... "" • ,i,11. New Stripes! New Solids! All Sizes! ~ • "MANO·TIN" 100% lu- urlH1 comlttd etlttn , • , 111 1hrlllkl111 ••• • wrlft.: kll"I ••• "' lrt11ln1l 11 1ru1, .,,.,.,, on ... Whitt, Geld 1114 Utt llue. S·M-l-=~r,! ..... $19.95 xL1 s.1te1 '""' s.n4 ,,.4 Str p11I _____ _,. :r.t:;r:.. . $16.tS .•. ------------.--• . . .. ;·· -. .. - Save Mort •' Grant's! Newj~pll)ent-Ju~.t Arrived! BERMUDA SHORTS . $ 3 98 AND $4.98 , 5'ARILIMI MW fttr"'9 'elf· f f l 11 1'111•. .Ottb ••4 S.110. 1'1rrn111eM • l'ress, •f CMlrff. SPORT SHIRTS •3•• • AU Ntw S,rlnt eel· tn 1114 1'111& All · 'wttfl l'•nnoMllt • Pr111 f•lttla. lltttwt ...... ull1r, thtrt llM¥N. . All •Intl J.M.L-XL . ,,,.,,.,,, srocr In Oran,. Counff!'' OVH 201000 'Al~ Of lfVfS~ IN STOCK NEW LEVl'S3 CORDS , TM! MrWIST S,rl11 101tn ef l'lwdtr. , •tut. Cl!Kt1111 Inn, on ... ht4 tiJ" ltlt•. Compl1t• , ..... , •Ir•• "'"' ~. S.. tti, ''"'·" lltfl•r netl '5.98 NUVO'S3 'hv LEVl'S11 . Nl'# ltUPMINT of~.f., l1t11t LnY• SflJtelfe Slttkl , , : etl1rf\il HlldiM ef Chtck1 1114 11114 Ctlon In o M11to - pith ''"'' •f 11111: '8.oo XX DENIM LEVl'S11 THI OllOfNAL w.rtl f11111u1 l1•l'11l 11 •my tbe l11111l11~1t • , • fr1m 27"• 17" thrw1h 50"•31"1 '5.98 NTW' Illa (0.11),,, •,,,,, .... ti . ' ,, Wld..,day, Aprll 9, 1969 DAIL y l'ILOT I CAMP SUPPLIES Cele•• lteffl Motlol I02, 1 ........ • •• ,. -421, 2 -$11.91 -el 411, 2 -$11.tl Model 426, a.-$26,fl -el 1404 (LP-) $9,tl Motlol 1402 (LP 0..) $16.tl Model 220-A, Slngle $10.ti Model 5120, LP Clot $10.91 Model 220, -le S12.tl Model 2:1.1, Deuble $14.tl Moclel 237, K1ro11n1 $19.tS GRANT'S Is Camping Headquarters for all :orange CounfY. ' . . SEE THE ALL NEW 1969 TEN'JS! I New for '69 .. I "The Vagabond" by l'xlO' !Sleeps 41 .•••.••••.•. $89.95 9'x12' ISIHps 61.,, •• ,,., .$104.91 10'x13' !Sleeps Bl .••• ; ••.. $119.ff · ~ITH IXCLUSIYI WWAP AROUND PLOOI , •• LOCK·O·MATIC DUIGN at GRANT'S!. CAMP TUILERS · -........... ,.. .... ;. ct"" trw•i. fret: '""""' ...... ........ ""'' ....... "" -...... • ... frlhfs WI .... .,.. II iiiW, ·n. """' II • line of hoiwllt!M, ""' ""'"' ..... ,.,. •• utlcl,oto """' ............... "' ... -..... ~... , s795. · TQ $179! fasy to Jia~ld .. fasy :io OWnf ·. • SCOUTER/CAMPER CENJER PACK FUMES '495 LIOHTWllOHt . ALUMINUM! CAMPIR'I 1-l'lece COOK SET sac 3·PC. CHOW KIT 4.Jc ' G.I. llCI PACKS STYLI 'A ltl"ll MIMtltn tf t.St 11u•I· 110 •1 fl Jfr lock l'..ti1 ftr th• 1t•ic1 • ' •:"''·'I'' 99c $50 llG. He FOLDING CAMP SHOYIL sac .. \~ .. ·~..s :-..r .,,,. :'11.\t , .. , vk~ ... -· .;~"" • . ,. . ;: .-.. :( ":tl '·'" ·:.:! "t!'\ ··. ~ . Io'Y ', I ;c .. j ,, .· ·.~ I . '~.} . . \."".J :z '. . , .r .. .. '" ·-.. , ,_ ., •• ~ .. ... "' ,, · ·~ .... , .. . -:..:: • • • • • • • • • • , • • ... ;r , • ·• ~·.-· r·~~ PJLM ·_EDITGBW.:P.Afil1 j ~-4 I .._ , 1 I 0 -, .' .ft , .... . '! "\· .. ·Four·. Good'. Canditlates .... , ' • _i ' -... ~ • '.... .. • •• • .. ~i..- j • !. ..... -' .. ,, ,, \ .... • ~ J ' A:, .. • ...... ' ~ "·. •• " • •• • • ., • • -' ' 1 .:<•!' II T t' "' • •• , . ,.,., ,, • • •• -, :• '\ *':' '.,··w. ma)l,fny-foufo(-'membels-:..c;r ~ Nftl., : ·· piind l>ow i.; best:tMob aiid best inotivate aiudin!s . ., :e; . . . )f,ia'~ld 5C1>ool l>ls~c~ bOatd will _be elecli<\ · · ,. Rodmct; 11. MaeMIDlan, ~-memllll' trom 00-: ~ · • . · . ._ ~ ·HOw Ille votln( s-could,btve •lll>itan-·: tri9t ·1, 'like Strauu llld Mrs. Lilly, bu served J\nCe 11Jli. ~f! · ' : . al ·~\i!( Oil'!J'i ·flil!if• COjlfie of: the ~~I ~triet. : fica,UOn. 'He l!s a .coruci~tious ·!ioard ·member· who Is · .'!'bi il'•!!>l boe!J1, wltli ollly> a cO)lple of face,1: making lncreaslng contrlbutlofll·. to, and -had crowing ~ . 'Cblnced. •lw',wod:ed •harmonioualy 1inee Harbor -Arel· inllueiiee in, )ioatd dellberfµoljJ: . ~-; -,..,_. dllftlCtl wero4iiiltlecl three years ago. -· • The 1oultb lnc\lmbent , 1Jo)'4 E. Blanpied Jr.: of !' ; . ollln ·&~i time pt'Jolhlhg .~geth~ \tj'rt< CllUet'tnt·· District ·~. Is· ooe,of two at!ol"eyi on ti!• board, a good '".::: -. .. ~ aya""i, winning pubUc supwrt t0-_equallze otte.r· b_oari1 membet who, w· been 'glJning experience since '!'' · :bP.•t_J!rougbout: the .district, encounterlng ·double aes-. he .was ·ap~inted •aJn\ost thl'Oe years ago to finish an ~'Ji· -~ and:ilje¥ at Jafat acbi•Vlng_ a sclioill bopd victory, unexpired term. Blaqpied is .<:0nscienUous and brings .... ... ·board ·meiblier'a have}iulled togetber. the 'attorney's. Careful approach 19 ·board business .• . . .•• \ 'j -• ~nald A. St.r~uas, candidate f~r r'election from Blanpif4'~ .aS~,;:: valua,bl~ as. they are -see1n · ,Dlllrlct-5, fo.r .l,,.ce, ~n b~ be~ at odds with the to be represe~ted by,others.it,lready 'on the board. His ,not.of lhe-lloatd. Re is a.fiBc:aJ.conservative, and many -District 4 opponent, ·Gordon C: Morrow, appears to.have times bas voted as a lone wolf. a combination of talents ancl'bickground that could add Ye~ he .b!\11 differed without acrimony. and always . n'ew . di{nensioii and baf/ii;ce. . · ' hu rebOila~. eaplillned bl• reas0ns foi doing so. As a Morrow is a 29-y~Hld -businet1.man wbo bas just resul~ be ·ii listened to and has sonieti!n•• swayed •ihe stepped out Of a leacblng career l!l.lhe local·district. H• feat; Of '!lie · bOard. ffis fellow board nitliibers showed has a direct' and iJiVolved iritere!t in education, yet a ilfi~ .... \heir· re.sl'ii£(1or the inan th_ey oiteii vote against by. View !hi.t is ;practiCai and· aware of ·the ·lax load. '"'tllocslng him board'Presldent last year. -: _ _ .fu understands -lliONewport.Costa Mesa educa· _n ' :, . .Mrs: Eliiabeth M. Lilly Jncwnbent frOm District 2 tio!'Jal . system , sees ar~s for inlprovement and offers ·.~· .1s·..: vlj.lufblt .board memJ>ef who ck>el her homework. A the ene,rgy oJ a_y9ung, invblved parent as a contribution ·" ··•bouJeirife without a job to lie her down,:sbe probably to better schools. , · re ! . ~· ·moi'e '.meetings pertainin&'·ciO eduC&tion than· ··votei's cast ballots ii:t all districts.·bul only for can-~-? · any · Other board member: She !DiOWs tht background · didates who reside within the district they hope to repre- r: . · . :w,11\ot .. suliiect reaches !!'e board !!Yet ·. . sent. 'l.'he DAlL Y PILOT recommends voters elect : -i:· ·: ·' ~ ~ is 'be,t versed i~ ffu.nces, ber strong -MPs. Elizabeth Lilly in District 2, Gordon Morrow ~; ':.~'!ll-ls :etirrto;u!um. :!llie>uDderdal\dS the ,educaijonese ip District 4, Donald Strauss in District 5 and Roderick ., > ~. &CbOOl ad'milijs!ra~U '81111 lt Always ~eepi\lg in MacMillian in District 7. :~ ' . -·. . -........... , . _ .. , j -.... j • ., ;, 'l:Jt{ .. . ·. : -.: :. I' . : ., ·-"'· • "'-:.. • IC) 'lf -YPll "*'S·NE60f!A11H& IN Pm, YCIJ WOi,UltJ'r ~-.IN A ~~YJ E1rm# ... i ' ' ' . ' ;~. ~. :. . .. ; ... . .~ .. _ .. : . . . ' -; . ~y§ff-0rf;y~~ . ~911,Pt's Peasantry: Still. ;'41rgei11 Indifferent ----:· _.:....... ----.... ~-. . ' • riginally a ' '--Israel ,N~ed Not. Fe-ar· Nasser Now Dear' ' G'oomy . . . . tice Pleq lq qo in the column I m<n· the · Bibltal piu'Me, "an eyt" for eye, •and . • ~ fot1 a tooth/~ that J.I ii invariabty ratsun- by· pe0ple who ut.e jt -'u -·an for ..wiation, when it~aled plea. for jD11lce. ii another mnmon }ilrue that pd even more in et'JN.lar usage, that ii: "'charity~ at home." vet this raying is trotted out, it is • ~ care ol OM'• own before -..... 1elf".i!ilb 11'" ~ ' > ....... --·--_ .10:· ' .. ~ • '1111$< IS NOT ·~-oU what the otji!na!ly meut. Aa first plljl-,· bi',l&U. in Sir TjioniU: ~·a: · . "'MidiCl." it mein"f "clwiij" .iii ·~~.c· . di "" . "~·-.. ~-Jeme· ,,NV1f11·•1u1.U11:0», 'a!msllving .... phtJai>tbropy, ·7 i Gus: . . If the DArLY P!Wr leelfli ...;u. . sary to priql.1ed Bololb'• "wUd'~ ·remarb-!o' Wd of · .a~, '~. • them .. •tar-back in lb .. paper .. poeslbJe. II -id. be ireatly ap- ptociO!ed: by-ttie J!Uljority-of y<iUr' ~us! " -B. H. ,'T1!11~~ ......... ~'· . -..., ... ., ..... _.,_ ..... .~-~---~~~ ·: ,. your left hand sboilld not know what your right hand is ~· , . U anyone ,iroubied' Ill md the; whole verse; 'he Gld 1earn · ithat . 'Jaus: is addressing himleli to the phllanlbropbts of his Ume, who would stand up in ~ lie •11!1 make .,_..lhelr·l.arce -to charity. 11t·11 ·t.Uing lh<m to.live so -quietly and ·inonymoualy wijh one hand that not even the other hand ts aware of It, mudl ... ~ the coll\'11untty. . . . • CAIRO, Egypt,·-Fpc the next few years, at least, luael 'bas nothing to fear Jroln Gama! Abd.tl NNSer, "'.hose likeness i1 ehlhrined here in every public place. Tbe bumilla1'ir ol the hUmuiatori has tnade bi! fellbw Muslims 'feel important for the .first time in centuries, but today be seems 1 pathetic figure , -more to be plUed'than feared. •. -. .. : t~ fs-1-not. mereJY ~at ooWn( in his !!O'llltry worka ,very weU, . partltularly the i.t~ Nor that hundreds of shjny new Ru§sian -trucks, sWerving to avoid .. byllocka as they rqar ~ villages pf ~ed povertj;'seem1e-ul or place . 'and lime -'.as though tameone hail put neon lights on the pyramids. TH&R&. ARE; OBVI0\.14 wtaknes~,' · vlsible"" to-any 'traveler, pf whom - ··woe ·w·tht Cairo slqlkeepers and the camel drivers at a11Cient _monuments -there ar&. nowadays fe". But there are other weaknesses; not so apparent and far (DOre, inq>OMar\t. , After 15 years of trying, ,Nasser has hot yet' ritade a naUon. Rather proudly, _his offidals point out tb1t IS pe:rcent to·pass judgment. !\ is diffliult to·1<eep them occupied, ·despite hundreds ' Of thousand•. of sandbags, painfu1ly filled by · hu>il, oo every street corner. . are two pretty Russitt girls -.:ho translate. The he8d RUssian eipliins the. error and tellil us whaf to ·-oo. But I think he rqay .D6t be the ·~ Russian, for thert is one other man who always attends but never speaks." Wruit shou.'td h&Ve been spent on agricuJture, on indu8i.ry, c:ii the develop: -" ment of a middli :Class bas~ been spent SO THE cll\Ci.E .is now complete. of hls people -according to a , recerit instead on arttlfl-From . neutrality "to dependency ; frOm c aurvey -know who .be is. Eg)'#~ b8s . Military strength Lo occupation. of the changed under NWer.·Bul, aa-hl(Qld " THE EDUCATED lia 1· t s,·nai· ·by Israel · from o·nten,. pop··•-~ty when ne and his ooloriels seized_. ~ : • ! , .. · ve no Pact . o • WIU• -• .,......?.04 use ,.._,_ ·"uca""n A --~-·. •n lo suspicion or his .people. Jn the short m 11154, H had a long w~y to go. . ·: ~ . u~ cu th · -:i:rt~ $lOO run, Israel has nothing to fear from Today, despite growing urbanization.;:. t engip~ earns .~ eqwv • despite radio and television, despite -per month. 1-te can live on Uia.4 but r Nasser. ,~areatly e.xtendt:d schools, Nasser is still be often chooses to leave, So did the -·In the long run, ·it .may be diffqyit. trying io· ev~e a .national loyalty from Italian factOry for.'91en , who came' here Consider. for example, the Egyptian city ail awakening buf largely indifferent in large numbers When Nasser promised of Ismailia, on the Suez Canaj, which industriajiu;Uon· and who began to aee once brought Egypt,poo ·-milliori .1Pfr peasantry. no future a year or'"two ago. • , < < ' year ' ii1 "SbipPbfg-ff.QHS. Jsm.ailla '·,iJ· ·p( TUE CITIES ARE not~ same. ltOry. UrikindntY~ d. ·an , Uii maD' Wbo rgaC'elUI P'rench cOOstrtiction, antlit once But ~. too, Nasser lit -in ttoub~. Jt.icted,Ute·~ialists out ·of his country held 120,000 souls. Now it is .a ghost The new and proud awareneis of the and Jeamed 4 neutfalilm at the .feet ·of town, and .,_the fear on the faces ot urban Arab is untempered .by reality. Nehru. bas Welcomed the Rassiw; not tboie , feW ;wHo remain deStioys 'its When the British and French withdrew only lo train ··bis army but to run bl! grjcetub,esit lSraeli shells have wiped from their adventure at Suez in· 1956, inilustry. ouf houles, l(loliques and neighborbOods. Nasser was believed actually to have "They .are virr businesslike," ffftl 'lbe family ·beds_~ children~i~_toy1 defeated them : naturany;-he would the presidint of a kieal factory. •uWJien in .the streets are~sad to see .. defeat tsraeJ. He is now quite literally · they eee a mistake, they call a meeting By. Fruk. M•ldetrio on probation, and the mobs are Waiting to which I am invariably invited. "nlere 111• T• Bardel d i! 'dld Doi' mw 'Iha' we · sboilld. "take care~· of our own, but tbP.t if not dilplay ioving·klndnesl to our y and our friends, then whatever or philanthropy we engage in is .. cut of pridt or vanity or os~ta­ no( out of deep human compasaion. have known more than a few cele- CHARITY, OF COtJRSE, does not be· gin et hodit:-it mUlf ·be~n·wbere tt is -t aeeded.•wbether. uu. be at -or in aome remote Indian villige. WiJ¥t mus:t begin at home are love and re· tpect and tender treabnent of those clo.sest to us--for unless we radiate such feelings in our dally, intimate relation- ships, the money we give away to otht;rs is simply a· bribe; allowinf us to ml.In· lain our seU~m while we continue to• injure the fibric cl social life. F·ocus of Police Critics Is Wrong pmantbropists who gave away sums to worthy causes of all sorts, whole personal relationships , wert ·4 o1--. aod·who Uled . tdagD&rmnity al "!-·clOak for pri· aladdugpry. COMMON subte)'fuge. of course, ·reason for .UQtl\u widely misun- saying-Je.sua' injunction· th1( The J>ooi: kiiow it and· resent it when they are lhe objects of belp without the commensurato •feelings .of respect: .wben they . .,. ·aided -to: niake the gtw .-feel.. better, not beeause they are worthr. of _aid. Jn a psychological sense; the phitan- Lhropist needs the pior more than they need him-charity brings him honors, bur brings them only scrips. . aitSeflies Don't Wander ..... _ ·-. columnist mia\rt .neve~· didil't os>im his mall: are•m.akin& fewer home calls ever. Tm years II!> 10.2 percent a'ft!rage pbylician's ~cOnlacts with pailtntl were in the~~ Now down to 3.3 percent, or ~ out loo& should a maUi:ess wt? A found that ...-in. motels • aged H ,.an of . ..,e. tJlole tn l)ol•ls. ears. -But "90lfte t15 )'ears ·old were -and still -Iii up. Mat· for household use ·are often ' antetd for 20 y·W's. · -· wife feels underprivileged now ii · . doeln~ have at leut two bathrooms home. But waeD• ~ Victoria the thron< ol England in 111'1. ..-'t a single bathroom in all ~:i:.:pa1ace. ... s.vani1 • IUIPI of-r tiO the queest's bedroom. lllit bathed In a ~ tub, .. did lt>e commooera ol ...... .i.,. llJMIN DON'T have very high star>-·~• · -tlle .......... In -~. .... 1bly In~-·• taken II" • bunt "' ..... allowed to· am1111, ~ tlle N-.i lhe world. I( stores ri\ort ·than 3,000 bottles In its restaurant qdarters atop the ~story RCA Building in RockeWJer. Center. · · " -· PERILS OF progrus: Each year •up to 1,500 Americans die and 100,000 suffer injuries because their ctotJUng c1t~s fire. One cause: the increasing u·se of flammable fabrics, What to do in such an emergency : fo~ the victim to drop to the ground. 11 no rui, coat or wbol blanket is bandy to wrap him in. roll him over.and over to smother the flames. Youth mU1t·be served: You may be getting older ·but the , pojN!atlon of. the world isn't. It's estimated tblt by 1986 some SO pereent of all the people alive will be aged 15 years or l<os. 1:.;..... of the limes: This one is on -O>ed;i ol 'Jula Podell; ...... ol the Copacablni nlcht club: "Belm kloinc Jllllf tt:mper, count up to 1,aao. Inflation ii but,". ..... 6oc$ety. 'Ille -!tot the ""'61 brine bod 1uct. IN TllJ: CANINE 1potli1ht: Do11 .,. -bouldlia ... , .,.,..i •IPUIDI • lbeJ bold •-11 many _,,.... ii that ...,.. In -· ·beauly·CSN-a people do. In addlllon- They muaUy .-ta lor to lboualndl ol ..,.petltlve field and wtt1i1 a mlle o1 their tnedinl oblditnce trials, .-lban IOO U.S. do( -... olqed annua117. • , t'r natlbla: • .,,. lliltorJ" Wri remnDbtrin&: "ConvkUons are ~ II ....,. -llJ -what an eniploye bas all« be knows ... ct 1rr --. •-.(lei. .• ,... 1111 -1111oa." _ .,., D.. I ••• ..... -, .... _. '. 0 ...... the ..... ,. ..... ,.... --· .. I ;f s ,_ II N"' Y..t clalml 1191! t111 _"Jlrf!!s'. wine <tllar" .ID CO!ll'LY DRUG: One of the most ..,.....,. --ii 1l"'1 Jn medic!! 1 1 r r rcbt~ WaJ ·ts anne venom. BY ;:rt, it ls 12 times IS eo.sdy · as 10 the Editor: Your AJ(e&Go!dsmlth column (March 18). discussed the failure of the Negro leaden to denounce ' soaring crime, violence,. campus Cincl other disorders CO(llt1;1itted by {llembers oI t h e i r race, · It was aiso menUoned that :since Negroes often are victims of the crimes com· milted . by blacks, theJr leaders should be in the forefront of , the fight to sup- press the vicious and irresponsible. J think that such .criticism is jijilified. Negro areas such as Watts, Washi~O!l D.C., etc. have become jungles of crime in which people live in ·fear of muggings, robberies and other violence. Yet most prominent Negro voices criticize and make demands upon "the establishment" \\'hile at the Same 'time remalning strangelly silent or at be!t apologetic on t h e subject of the h i g h crime rate for which their people are responsible. UNFORTUNATELY~ ·~however,. similar. &ituaUons exist in lhl Caucasian.com· riiunity-. While occasional volee! rise against crime. they appear empty because they are not accomp1nied by appropriate ·action. Speeclles made by Governor Reagan and Dr. Hayakawa are examples of verbal response not followed by full problem-solving action. Crime can be reduced, , but not until our citizens decide that they will no longer accept present conditions, not until legislator's appropriate sufficient human and physical resources .to 11low the criminal justice system to funCtion in ..---•• Gn,..e --. Deir Georp: I've betn reading your column for eight years now and people keep telling me lrs funny. My problem is this. I'm rtature tdftor of my newspaper and. frtnkly, I don't get your column. Explain it. or l 'm droppi111 it from Uda paper! That's my problem. A.W. Dear A.W.: , .• No -that's not ,_ problem, Y onr problem Is Ulat ff YO\I drop my column I'm going to tell your manqtng editor yoo'Ve been nm- iling a column I« lia\!I yeara will>oot-IUldmtandlnJ -.... in iL Letters from readers ore wtLcome. NormaU11 writeTs should conve11 their message in 300 words or Jets. The rigllt to condense letters to /it space or eliminate libel is reserved. ·All letters mu.st include sig'liature and ma~_ling address, but names may b-e withheld on rtqur~t if. sufficient Tta· son is apparent. depth, not until our judiciary and cor. reclional systems will utilize present laws to Incarcerate major offenden for • the maximum time. 'Thought should also be given to legalizing various areas of personal conduct which now Occupy poti.!e· and courts in the form of crimes. THE ALLEN-GOLDS~UTH column is COTl'f:d in charging Negro leaders with not speaking out against crime, but t~ problem is much broader and is not restricted lo any single race or grOUp. Those individuals, political g r o u p s • humanitarian societies and others Who constantly speak oul agiinst police ••brutaJlty" and malpractice would do we:U to turn tl'leir attention to\fard tM much greater problem of crime. , ' While ·police imperfections are un· fortunate and certainly should be cor- r<eted, Uiey shoUld not be focused.._ to t h e exduatoo of th e t~y . ...-ioua . problem or. mijor and "ioltllt crime. ERIK BECKMAN ' Sl>*nt · Department of Cr1Jninoloi1 California Slate CoUq:e at Lon& Beach 'ANlbk G•••' To the Editor: Evidently Mr. Jill"" E. G<rspach !Mailbox, April t) believes tn U\at Und old We"""' adage. "Shoot li nt and Ill< qu,....,. later." In his "Pl1 to 1117 leltor (Mallbor, Marclt Ml be advl .... 1'Jet'1 not get the cart before the horse. , • " and then blamt1 • l"lUJ!i Colla I 1t1esa bura:Jar'a death on the fact lhat he WIS a burglar. How very simple and shallow. t say it was a needless killing that came a,bout through the easy convenience of a gun and can in no way be O)Orally justified. Yes, by all means, we should not get that "cart before the horse. . . " Howefer, \Ve must first decide · v.·hich is the cart and which is the horse. · IF J COULD convince myseU in some way that our de~ burglar was acting on his own free-will , a pri9f'i, then I might be able. to agree with Mr. Gerspach's reasoning. However, knoWlng wha~ little I ,do about man I realize that there are many facton in our .socltly, over' which one has little co*91, that act• to nlold our lives. 1'herel0fe, ftlMY must bike the responsibility1 for ttie yOWJ& burglar.'s deviant bebavior,1 yet: he was the only one required to pay ihe ultimite price. What concept of jusUCe is .°"'-t'! WHY DO 'l advocate .an end to in- dmi.minate gun ownerlhip?. l received no comment' rt..tdinl the incident of tbe "ac:cldental"~killini of a Sanla Maria policeman tbat t lnefttioned. Of course,.' you pro gw\.totin' people never mention those incidents. Let me deborate. A Yolinl po,pce f?f· ficer wu k\Hf:d by ·ms own iun when he removed bis gun belt and . losoed it oo • chair. "'!'!-did it h.,.... r .11e wa_, in the habit of leaving his hammer c:Ocked and bad ll>eticlilousty filed his triger mecbanl>qJ lo I bair l<MldJ. \:Vould it ~"' been JUlllllab!e u .i. bad killed I Slilpeet ·in quOatbi! Qiuld bis gun Quot~s Ed .. M. J-. m.--.. We have vut 1rtaa which IUD need Imo provement for we are a. falrty new nation. How ireat it wiluld be If, the anarcbiats -ted . toW""' bulldlo1 in- -o1 dtlt!-oJmc. • J ... CtrftU.. S.F • ..W-awct e:s- ec. -0 1 pit womlit into ttne clwes: 1. Simple, ~ 1aaa1trtoos homemaker; S. The lllght lady: l . Half and ·hau." not ha ve gone off just as easily under those circu,,mstances? YOU ASK HOW tbe "police will hal~ the ·criminal. I say we will catch hini on foot ! I take it that you an·. 1ware of the fact that there were thrft offi¢ers '"ho fired at the young Costa Me.sa burglar. Those odds seem sufficient enough. Let's get one thing straight. I am not anti-police nor do I disrespect the la"'. I only advocate updating both, to correspond to the changing norms of modern socie~y . in a peaceful manner. How many "accidental" deaths and sen&eless killings come about each year through indiscriminate gun Qwnership? What do they have to do with enfotilng the law? · , AS FOR REQuuqNG a gun for my 'OWO self protectJon -not on your" life ! When .the day comes that my ma\_trial wealth means more to me than a human being's life, then I ain no longer a rich nian anyWay! As for Mr. Genpach. or rather, his neipborS, I hOpe: nt child «!Ver prowls in his yard at night. Abolish the damnable tuns and legislate heavily against those wbo try to ult them. I have lived in England abd feel conflderit that a similar System will no\V work in our society. Tl could not possibly be worse ! R. D . .SEYMOURE occ Student ---W.. Wednelday, Aprtl I, 1968 Th• teU&onal pope of th• Oa:Gv /'Uot "'"' to "''""" aitd -Watt rtader1 br preitnting thiJ nflDIJ>CIJ>tr'• opinton,-ari.d com- "Nftta,., cm topk1 01 mur.rc and tlginlf'bnlce, b11 proa.'tt:Un.g a torvm tor IA• t%J)T"11.."(on ot owr readen' opinions, and br prctt1tt"10 ~ dtvtrst ~ point.t of fnfomtd oblaWrs Gftd "'°"°"""' °" tople1 o/ tllt ..... R<obert N. Weed. Publuher ' . Anaheim Huge Hotel . . .. ·~ Lease OK • A leue agreemtiit permittlag the l!oyll jnns ol America to conatru<t a IU mllllcm bold near the Anaheim C.... venUon Center OD city property WU ·~ prnved by the city coundl Tueod11 night despite a law1Uit oa rue In Superlor Coor! oppmlng the move. Attorneys for the p 11in-tiff1 - JlilnOfland Hot.I, ~ Ions ol > A1!1¥1ca. W_aikikl ~· llJCI. Ille Inn-,+. ....,.... A--~,Oowlly­< charge tbl Ille ·~. had ..... :: ·authority" tt -J m·tlli leue.. , 'Anaheim w jtlamey Joaepb G<ialer ruled that the lea110 was lepl and~. The plaintiff> ano aeeklng a permanent Injunction ..-the city'• leaae ..,_ ment with Royal l!w. No date bu been let by the court far the hearing oa the fn. junction. Harhour Dispute Over Fence Still on Fence A lence d!Jpute between the lllmtingtoa Harbour C«p. and a gn>UP of Sun!et Beach homeowners stayed on the fence tOday in Superior Court. Judge Claude Owens set May 6 as the new date for the bearing of motions in the boundary line fr1C81 -the fifth such continuance since the homeowners liled their C001Plaint eight weeu ago. Tbrff compla1nts have been combined Into one acUon in Judge Owens' Jaw and motion department. E l g h t homeowners have been named in two •ults ~ Hunlington Harbour and the CorporaUon has in tum Identified the eight in a counter complaint seeking 11,oeo;ooo in dlJJlllges. & The property awners asked fol" an injunction whicli would halt the cor· poraUon'a attempt to move tbtir fences. Huntin,gtoo Harbour argues that the ,...,.. ~ 00 theil; property and claims that residents have urilawfully res1Red lta workmen's attempta to move bock the fenca. Scout Park Plan Before Planners A p!'OpCllOl to develop a 1CGUt part near Sun vie.. School -beltn ~ Hu ........ Beach Recreotion and Part <:...-at 7:30 p.m. Wem-!oy at Memailalllall. Scout Troop 553 bed "'Ill-develop- .-" tile ICOUt port, Recreotian ond Parts Dlredor Norman Worihy told city councllmtm Monday nillbl He said 'th.It ft is doubtful tbil'" particular part could be let -, ... scout U9e and named 553 Part as asted by the 1CQ11ts, but oalled for study of the po111111Jillty ol part ... by ycmth groups in the future. Councilmen agreed the matter needed otudy. CommilSiooers alto are expected 1o C0<9ler the lmpoct " • ,_ grant !or • cmra1 city part ... tile " - -iaue which '°"' befcn voters June J. 2 Officials Help Thrifty Opening Mayor Robert D. Schwerdtfeger and Cit)' Manager James E. Neal of Fountain Valley will JftSlde at Tbunda:y's grand opeelng ol 'l1>rlft1 Drug a n d Dl!coont Store's neftSi bra.ch, at the intersection ol Harl>or Boulevard aDd Edinger Avenue. 1be t a.m. ceremony will mart the _.,,g ol 'nw1111'1 ""'!><I a1m 'i!I Foun- tain Valley. It II _Dearly 30 that the chain plans to ~ tMI year. store cUicials call the new Thrifty a "dnqJ. di9COllOI and junior ~t lltOl'i!,'' with 5f aeparate dtpvtrueaM and · more than 25,000 different ltesnl. Boat Landing Ramp ·Contract Awarded A contTact !or 111,441 WIS awvded by the Huntlnlton Beach Cltr OJuncil Mmday to the John L. Meet Ccnotroction Co. tor reconstruction ol the boat land- ing ramp at the end ol the municipal pier. · 1be higbeit bid M lhe project was 123,000, acconllng to Director of Public Worb James Wheeler. Work is to begin inunodlatelY. In _...,. actlon. councilmen "'joclod all bkll on teWer main imta1laOcn pi.. 11<'1 lor the Harper E-tract. The, &&id all bkh .... too hlgb. Roblddint Wll crckred. Stanford Tuition Up STANFORD (AP) -Stanford Untversily '1 basJc aMual tuition rate wt11 go up in September 1970 to $21400, the unlvenlty announced Tuetday. Jn July 196? lhe trustee• aulhoriied rall1ng the currtnt !>Mic rate from $1,920 to f2,J45 for lhe 1,.70 tchooJ year. 1'11dnnd1y, APtil 9, 1969 • • Top~'ss Girl Topple~ Las ,.Vegas Tangle Sends Perf-0rmer, Doctor to Ho1pital B1 Al\Tll\Jll R. VINSEL . ......... .......... Newport B • a ch ·~ pharmaceutical , ...-lit. Alvin Glasliy Is indeed , fortunate that 140.pound Mtp·Glori' Ti!· • ,fa6Y bu ~ more bounce to the ounce. '. pian she has. feel wone thin I do now,"· added the_ lhope)J -· wi-IJdn Revue gyra • UOllll will be greatly Cljflalled will! loor fracturecl riba heal. The farmet airline atewll'desa -a veteran of two uneventful years ii" the • called living chandeliers show-W. au!· fered fic:Jaf laceraUOJUI. lieca.. II bo W l/Olll lllllaf erect. .. l'fOl>al>IT' ...id --ed fatal or crlpplinc ... bljury. "~, I'm not tUilc my °"" medicine,* be nplalmd, ~ tho nerve drop. He aid his -ii allo-dollll developneNll rwrdl OD a ll>aUld ~· ...... y '¥1,.. ,... PARENTS HELP -Vinc~t Scott!, 4, casts criticlil .e~e. °'! proj~ .as Fountain Valley Jaycees George Scott (left) an<\· VJJ\C"!l~S chl!l, Vm- cent Sr., wield shovels for construction of perceptual maze at Nieblas School. Pereep1ual Maze Muscle Coord.ination Helps Reading By TERRY COVILLE Of 1119 o.M1 Pllll' Stall Johnny stared at the worn, trying with all his power to make it come out right. "bog ••. b ••. o ... g," be ays •'No Johmy, that's dog •.• d ..• o ... c," comcls bls teacher. ReaWng is tough for Johnny. No matter how be stares it looks like a "b" nOt .a •'d" to him: Sd100l «ficials aays Johmy'• eyes are placilC the ball cia the rigbt elde ol the :iict instead ol. the left. His problem is perception. But bow to curt it? Parents and faculty at Anhur D. Nl<l>lll Elementary Sd>ool .in ~ .Volley .... worting ... tile IOllltlOn to J-r·. problem right-· . Wllll tile belp o1 tile FContain van., Jaycft8 Ibey ... -., • 30 fool by 30 foot slab ol coocrite, that when pebUd -oqu .... and circles will be Clllled a pere<!tual m.,. . umer • trained teacher'• guidance J"'-and many ~ lite bill! will ... thla petteptual .,.,. 10 develop -large muscle eo<rdinallon. n.., will learn 1o dlotingubh left from right. a tast: more d1fficuJt for tome lludents than pareots .. aliu. "When their large mUICles are • CandiJates Give Views . ' In Westminster Meeting By WILLIAM REED Of tlM 09111 l"li.t ltlft Use or fectera1 funds to fatten the co(. fers ol the Westminster School Dil1rlct and to reliev!\ the ix:al property ownen' burden dominated discussion TuadlJ night of candidates !or three O<bool board aeats. With the electiona one week away, the League <l Women v-. beld the thlnl of five ''Meet and Greet'' candidde nights· !or elementar1 and hllh ICbool dlltrlctcodldllel. ... -P. Aa*n opened 'diocuasim before about ISO Hllllllngtoo lleach and Westminatervolm. Sbe called !or --1111 o11.......i 111111111 lo IAlpporl the .....,t ind new pro- groma, parliculorly l'Oldin(, and &he..,. ae.sled·a Head Start poraram far toddlon and a narcoti<a ~ for older students in the elemtnlary achool . dblrlct. DMlel 1!'. BIC1IGM called for· "a positive aWtude" toward Jl"ll1am& llUdl u thole for youngsters in the upper II .,.,-ol the d-. "Our future leaders. are in ·tbls lllWP," be pohJted wt. He exprmed Jtrong interest In the in-. termedlale IChools and said be Is oppooed to """"""" In local tu<I, pr<ferrlng In-creases in aid by the state and federal ....,,.....is. -t B. C.-lubed oot at trustees who Mne on mare tban on -pointing out lhat two " Ille ln-cumbeata, Matthew Weyuker .IDd Aly• mond S c b m I t t botb ltl"ff the Westmlnsler llbtrict and the hJ"1 ICbool dblrict. (Neither Scbmltt, mr Weyulter were present wben the cbarp ...,. levied. BoUl wen atteoding a mfftina ol the trustees ol the hJ"1 ICbool dlllrlct.) er... said he feels that "they cannot do full ;us11ce 1o '11ber dlslrtct by holdinc offices In both." Mn. BariHln De Prittt said that cbangu mUJI be made in PfOI'~ IUCb a1j reading, and In financing by more use of federal funds for building and opera· tional program!. She called for more In- volvement by parents and pointed out that unlflcallon will come up qaln J.nd wlU be a plOblem llcln& the diltricl. . N-l'du1elo Aid that "I !eel the programa now· in u.se tn the district are good, but we are lacking on our federal aid _,ams. Our school board should ask for this without delay. Pleu that we do not want the federal money becaUle the 1overnment has atrings are 'pure bopllb.. They only ask that !he money be ~ on. what you say it will.'' Mn. f>eroUiy Peckham pointed out that tbe present memben of the board have served for a total of Ill year1. "Don't you think it ii tirnt for a change!'' she uked. She said there is a need for expandon of program& for the gifted and for antMtn.11 educaUon. She aaid funds should come from the state rather from federal oources. Mn. Neom.ia Willmore, incumbelt for H years, said the dblrlct this yeaMlled aome $251,000 in federal funds and will me a like amount next year. She pointed out that during her tenure ~ dlltrict hu (l'OWll rapidly aDd that the cballenlO hu been met. She polnted out, however 1 that the dlltrict cannot remain static and said &he would lite to aid in coatinullll pro. """' ol the dlltricl. -M-W.,U.., allowed 1o speat when be came Into the .....unc late, aald, "We should get u much u we can u far u aoademic uctlleooe ii~ cemed." He called for im}*otementl to the readin& --and .......... .... ditianal stale fundll lo poy for ..--ll!lll. l11e11mbnl Raynioed Sdoolll, alto ar- riving late. Aid he Is nmnlnc GO 1111 record_ of 2$ years u a tnlltM ol the district. "ll my r<eord cannot lland on Its own, l 111ggeat. you vote for IOmeone else." Not appearinc wu candidate Mrs. L. Jean Ltster. ' Dr. Lasky Is convalescing at home to- cloy alter 1ana11nc wltlj the topplin& 1opiesa performer who !ell 30 Itel ooto his LU. Vegas casino table In a llr<lte<lf- mldnlibt show&topper Satunlay. Olbonrise, Ille pmlclent of N"ewport PharmaceuUcal Inc., 1590 Monrovia Ave., mlgbt be taking his own medicine, specillealJy drup lor neurological iro- blems. "!be bounced on Alvin, then onto tbe table," is tbe way the aclentist'• aunt, Mia ·Ital< Akwa, deocribed the b~ Slanlust Hotel ml!bap, a literal blgJHlive Into • bJihball "She prob&b\y mlased tilling me by an Inch," Wei Dr. Gluty Tuesday, .... ~ in& at tune at um1 Deerbill Drive, San- ta Alia, folli>Wing release from the Lu Vegas boopltal Monday nigh!. - ••1 WOuld-like to meet him and think him for belnt'Wllere tie wu When' !'land- ed," said Mlsa: Tiffany, 28, convalescirig heraelf at' Sunrise Hospital, Las Vegas, "he probably saved my life." "U it had·l;leen an empty table, I would "I'm · dill Incapacitated, but at least theno Is appmnt\y no broken blct," •aid • Dr. Glaaky who had just· benl O\ler to pc;inl out aome alabt """"" Ille room to hl1 maiden aunt Slmuiw-..Jy,' mldOlght and Miss Til- fany struck. Dr. Glasty aid be never knew who hit him. . "The show begins .with abCIUt elgbt g~ls being lowered from ,the ·~ oo little two-foot platforms," be Uplained, ''the girls '"' generally in'• bl8h cleptt of .... dri!ss.'' . Gloria descending, ~ver, became a portrait in panic when a wire tangled on her plaUorm, pllching the Moo~ 10.lncb showgirl head over ••• well ••• to the a:.owded floor below. "\Ve try to Jive the customers a good show here," said Fred McKenna. public relations a1de at the hotel, "but what happened lo Dr. Glasky i!l incredible." Dr. Glasky said it Is extremely lucky that he was leaning ov~ horizonlally -1Jlll, • lleld,. -be - (lrlor to """""" the -Arel plat • He wlU banlly -that.1o ....U April 5, i•. either. Masked Bandit Hits Valley Liquor Store A pillol pacldng -~ wearinl a teidllef over tile iow<r pmUon ol hill lace beld op a Fountain Vllley llquo!' store Tue5day night. e1C1pinr with a undetennintd amount of cash. Barry Sllvenleln' a .,_iert at tile Golden l!ollle Llqu« Store oo Edinger A venue, told police the robbeey occurred at t p.m. The band!!. he Wei, lelt m loot after brandishing a pi>tol and· 11lberin1 up money from the cash register. now at atlantic music! . . - WEEK-END HI Fl SALE! 30%-50% DISCOUNTS···· on·-· STEREO, TAPE. RECORDERS, TAPES, & RECORDS! HURRY! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! Some New, Some Demonstrators, Some One-of-a·Klnd THURS., FRI., SAT., SUNDAY ONLY! SALE ENDS SUNDAY! ' SONY 250-A 9600 .... 149.10 SHERWOOD , S-7600 AM/l'M STIHO 228°0 .... J4tM SHURE M·91E Mtll Dl1UXI STIHO 11.llmCAL Tr•c.•• holft t' ·I VJ tr•lft•· lr•ck•lHlify •t I tr•lft: 21 Clft/1tt'. tt I kH&. GARRARD SL-75 "'~6200~" .... ...... FISHER 160-T AM/FM STIRIO 16800 .... ""'' D P:•- Mewew ..... ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR·3 ... JHM • ~ ............. The Room! House Hotel in Bournemouth, England, was justly prood of ill thief proof locks from America. Everybody in the hotel, includin( the manager, found them· ~elves Io&ed ouL One of the guests finally broke in through a window and opened the door after a lock· smith lound the thief-proof lock could be opmld ooly from the in- i;ide. • Rom1n G. Weni .... r, a 5&-year· old Colorado wheat fann.,., still thinks the November presidential election was crooked. U.S. Diet. Judge Alfred A. Arr•i diJmlsied Weninger's complaints by saying JWi court was "completely without jurisdiction". But Weninger said be would take the case to the Supreme' Court. He dalms former Pr•sW.nt Lyndon 8. Jilllhnson used trickery to keep hil """'e off the ballot and added; "I ain't doing this for the puhlidty, but I think the election was crooked.'" • Arthur Howard, 26, of Houston, walked into the "Eat-a-Go-Go Ham· burger Stand" and demanded clerk Mrs. Miry Fr11nklin band over what was in lhe till, Inatead, Mrs. Franklin, 43, handed him a hard luck story about how she olr:Mdy had been robbed and was broke. Howard was so moved by her ud tale he offered her some of hla own mooey. Meantime, the cook slipped out the back way and tip- ped off police, who arrested How· ard and charged him with attempt· ed armed robbery. • St. Franci• Hole! waiter Lorry L-1• of San FranciJCo is prepar· ing to celebrate three anniversaries in June; bis wife's 72nd birthday, their 17th wedding annivernry, and his 102nd birthday. Mr. and Mra. 1-i• leave this week for a visit wlOl Larry'• NaVJ!io co4f•lh- er, Chief Henry I~. wbo Ii• 129. • Roloort Grlos, 19, of Chicago, 1wallowed :m g1)fdflsh this week to break the old goldlish gulping re- cord of 238. His prize: a live lob- &ter. • The Beatles hovt ut vp 1hop in Holl.,wood for a Mto record com.pan~. and their ftrtt r•· leaae wilt be a recording of 'lttWIJIWtcb John Lennon and Yoko Ono ta lking. John and Yoko's ucon:t fs tenatiNIV titled "Unfinished Muaie No. 2 -Life toith thi Liam." • New York City's treasury was $100 richer because of Mnn.eone with a limited education but a ten- liitive conscience. The letter, ad- d re s s e d to the 4'ComptroDers Office, Municypal Building" read: "Dear Sir, please accept this check for ropreoationa of property taken from condemned buildings owned by the City of New York, Thank ;you." / -·•1. ,\jril '· 1~9 S I Daddy Deli-vers M()m's Never Made It w If ospital PHOENIX (AP) -.'!be bathroom is the only aanltary·)>lace to deliver a baby, says Mn. Paul Maratoll. , . She ought to know. Her hua!Jand, the Maricopa County1ecorder, delivered their third child'tliere Tumlay night. The pretty, :ZS.year-old mo\her always makes nsel'VllUCllll at a hoopital, but never bu to u.e· them. . Daniel, their first, 1'1'o •Ill ha four.next month, wu bQul ·In the bathroom, she said, "becauu I got out of bed iDcl lhoUCbt 'I had to go to the bathroom." • . , • so Christopher, now two, came Into the world In the samf pl,ace, while his father, also 28, was home on a lune~ bl'Mk from beiDc a research director for the Republican State Com,mi~. Their daughter was bo)'n on five minutes' notice arnund·11 p.m. Mrs. Marston says her husband does not follow the old-faahlon- ed notion that lots of boiling water and clean clolha are needed for a birth. !Us ooly tools are "two clothes pins for blocking off the cord, a spoof of wb~ thread to tie the cord and a pair of sterile eels sots." The Mar1tons, are working on their masters' degrees at Ari· zooa State University In Tempe. Israel Warns 'Blockade' Of Jordan Port Possib"le By Ulllled Pren lnt.ruUoolll Jordanian and Israeli forces dueled with artillery and mortars across the Plastic Heart Use Violated Federal Rule? WASIUNGTON (AP) -The Natlonlll Hel!t lnditute wants to know whetber ,-11nea fixed for federally llnanCed reeearcb were violated by the uae. of an artlfidal heart in an attempt to save the life d llukel1 Karp. Kept allve by the mechanlcol 111batitut. for 1$ houri, Karp, 47, of Sll:okle, 111., then nctlved a human ·heart from a Masaadluaetll ""'"'" but died ~ in a HOUlt«l hospital after developing pneumonia and kidney failure. The In5tilut. bu spent about l30 million of govemmenL funds devtlopin1 artificial cin:ulation devicts &inct 19'5. A spokesman uid Dr. M i c h 1 e t DeBakey was being asked to say whether the heart used .. Karp ...Wied from reteudl cafried on under a proal'IDl at Baylor Univaaity under DtBUey'1 direction. U IO, said Dr. Theodore Cooper, In· stitute director, its use wu subject to tho federal cuJ4eliMI. . TbO 1111'111'7 oo Xorp lru peiformed bJ Dr. Deolon A. Cooley. In • copyright llory, Ille New York Dilly Hen quoled ·blm u uyin&: "I doo~ have to clear my operations through them. The operoti"11 I do ore designed to save a peraon's We. "This was the purpose of my effort with Mr. Karp. He would have been dead Friday a.ftemoon if l hadn't operated. It wu a desperate effort to aave. his life." Meonwbjle Atll'"Un•-born Dr. · Dom· Inge> Uotta, who deviled the mechanical heart implanted by Cooley. gjd it WIS developed with funds from Cooley's Ttl· u Heart Institute rather than federal money. Dr. Cooper, the National lruUtute director, uld Cooley would not be bound by the federal guidelines since he was not involved in the re9ell'Ch project financed with government money. Chicago Suburbs Hit By Railroad Strike CHICAGO (AP) -A walkout by the Uni.led TransportaUon UnJon shutdown operations of the Illinois Central Railroad in 14 states today and forced '40,000 Chicago commut.en to Sffk other ways of get.ting to work. Oiicago motor traffic was clogged considerably during the morning rush hour on the South Side as IC customers drove, formed car pools or used taxis or buaes to reach downtown. Jordan River ceue-fitt line for JS minut.es today. Jarael warned tbat it could easily blockade Aqaiba. Jordan's on- Jy port, if relations between the two cwn- trles continued to deterioral.£. .. A Jordanian spokesman in Amman &aid Israeli forces opened fire on Jardaniaa positions east of Abu Ef.8ul !ml, olJlll miles north of tht Shdkh Ht..ein (Allen- by) sfidge and that Jcrian returned the fire. '111e area ii in the northern Jordan VaDej near the Sea " Galllee, ·eeveral hundred miles north of the Aqaba area. J<J:dan aays it sileoced an hraell artillery posiUon but gave no report of casualties. Israel's warning of a po1sible bloCkade of Aqaba followed. an Al.J'atah Arab com· mando attack on the llraeli port city of Elath, about three mUes from Aqaba. Jsraeli planes attacked the rocket posi· tlons in Aqaba In retallaU"' for the at· tacks on Elath, a spokesman iaid. A high official said the »year-old unwrit~n truce between the twin citltl thtrefOre DG longer exists. Military officiak in Cairo said mean. time that 40-Israeli aoldien were killed or wounded in Tue.adlJ's •tlllery duelJ which ranged 70 miles aloog tllil Sun Cona1 frootier. * * * Big ~our:Mideast Talks Progress UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -British Foreign Secretary Mlchael Stewart sald today there had bee n progress in the big four talks on the Middle East but that current fighting there emphasized the need for more rapid headway. Jordanian and Israeli forces dueled acrou the Jordan River for 25 minutes today. Tuesday, lsraell jeta aUacked the Jordanian port of Aqaba ln reprisal for a rocket attack on Elatb, and Israeli and Egyptian artillery fought for five hours acrO&S the Suez Canal. Supersonic Plane 011 Maiden Run BRISTOL, England (1/Pl) -An airplane with engines as powerful as the rocket which carried the first American into space flew today, putting Britain and France ahead of the United States in a drive .to win passenger• who want to fly beyood the apeed of 60Ulld. 1'he supersonjc plant, built in Britain and named Concorde 002, took off from Filton Airport near Bristol and new nawlessly for 22 minute. to an airfield at Fairford 50 miles away at a test speed of only 300 miles per hour. Osage Nears Flood Level Midwest Rains Swell Mississippi Valley Rivers ~ 1'.tt. ........ lie _..,. ._,. """"' lltl'I' t-"'W. .... lc:.IO'lf .., ~ ........ .,... •""'"· ......... T....,.111-. .. fl ... Y--.n,~"'"' r t ~,,. "" • •t• " .. ,. ... "' ft, .... -~--·•fa.ct. t111twt1W.......,.tvn-.O lft't...,.. s-. n-. r••• Wl ... alA.Y --""" .......... "' f:»" ...... l.J .... ... •• ,.., ••••• fl'M •. M.Lt ,_ .. , •. """' ··••••·••····· J:• '·"'· •• , "'"' ..... ,.,. ••••• , •• , •. lt!M f,11'1. I .I ......................... t t••.111.:l.I ....... ""' ............... lt:lf -· •.• ....... t its I .Mo Sell: lllfol f ,111, ,.. --·!·-· .... •ilt Mll. LHI e. fftw ''"' •• ,.,. ,._,, ' /JM. u • .,. '' ,,... 1 v.s. S11•-r11 ("""""'"ts ttrv<I< nntnol lll'NI _,,.. Mii ...,._._ taM r •111 ........,. t l'W """'...,.,_"' •r9llfuuijl ._.,,., t.tw n lrlt ~I ftlt c .... 1 ... 1 1t.i'fl. Lfttlt lftoc;t _Ml .... l :ll ll'IOlt1 fll n1n~11l~1111rlOll. '"-'~ flloill -"'' ... ' -· .,,..,... fOt .,.,,_ ; -"""'' IC111Mt 1.W MU!trw91 M~rl ,.,._,flt '-""'1111 ---..n Ill "" -~ "' ... °"" Jttwr. lttltl ... ftlt """" MLd-t wtl ..... ""' -.... "' •ll'Md\' flood ....... "" ,,....... flf 1M MIMM•I i nf m141111t M Jt-r1 .,..~ AltN ... ~ , ... *"' _,_ .....,.., ctw-............ ,._ 1119 ..... ~-~~wtfll """ ""'°""' •*'"' • fM ...,. ,,,. ... ..... l..mrnt ~ lows """" "' "" ,.. "' "" .., S..IJI. ·-~ ·--Alltnt1 ••ke.'tflolld '"""•rtk ... w •• ,Oii °''-(ll'Cl-ll C,..,..loll'lll ...._ ... _ ""~" ·-· P'er'I WOl'"fll ·~~ ....... H~lv ... '"""' IC1rw.i (ltr Li s V"11 t .......... Mlol""I lffdl Ml'-*"' MlflMllMllol ""---· .. .,,. .... °"""' "'lltftl ... 1-'"""'' P'Ultbutt!I ,.,.,..!'Ill lt .. lf (I"' ·-s.u .... " .. ''· ltl.llt Stllntt "" 1..t"t ~ ... ._ S.fl ~;Mt1-""'' ......... ,_, I IMktlW I """"' Wt1~!"Si'V'I • M'9fl L-P'"9C. n ~ . " n ~ " ~ 0 J1 ,H 5e •t Q " n ·"' ·" " ~ " ~ ,, " " .. . .. 11 ,, Jt ,. ·" " .. " . . " . ., 1' " ·" n " " ~ . " " " ,, ,, ·" fl l l ''' 11 .. .It .. .. ft Jt .II " .. n ., . ., .. " " .. ti ,. ·" .... .. . " ,. .. , •I .. .OJ " .. " " .. . ,. .. . .... • • .. ,. . ~ with an electric setf-cteaning oven arid get $25 in the mail to boot!* 'Buy an el<dric range with a self· cleaning oven before June 30 from your local partidpating dealer anyhow, aren't youl Why put up .electric range mcians a cooler with all that drudgery when an kitchen. Electric heat goes into el<drk a<lf-cleaning oven will the food-not up' the sides ·of· clean itself for less than a dime? pots and paru.EleCtric nnsa and the Electric League of Southern California will mall you $25 if you choose any of these popular bnnds: Frigidaire. General Electric. Hotpoint. Kenmore. Thermador. Westinghowc. ,When your new range is electric, you can c.ut way down on cleaning your kitchen, too.With a flameless range there arc no by-products of combustion to dirty walls, windows and curtains. now outsell gu ranges from coast to coast. You can see why. See your local participarini dealer. Give him your address when you buy a range. The l<ague will mail you a checlc. You're tired of scrubbing.scouring, and ocraping that oven of yours Besides a cleaner kitchen, an sCB Southern California· Ediaon _,,, -·- ·'.;~.J 1969 Buick Special Deluxe 2 d . s d $2614 66 ~--""-""··---r. e an. ·. c::-::-:s.i:: · -=-==- Its a Delightful Decision with a price to match. That low, low ~ for a 1969 Buick Spc<ial Deluxe may be hard to believe but it's true. ft s another bis reason wh y shopping for • new car hassuddcnly become a very del ightful matter. That 1969 Buick Spc<ial Deluxe:~ equipped wit h all the featur" you•d e.qicct to find in a Buick. And a few more. You get whitewall tires. You &Cl dclua& wheel covers, a thrifty 250cubic inch 6cylinder engine, your choice or a KerryOoth·and·vinyl or an all·vinyl interior and more. much more. Thi nk about il A 1969 Bu ick Spc<ial Deluxe for S2614.li6~ Now, don' you think it's about time you made a Dclialuful O..:ision? See your ncaral 811~ Dealer today. _ It\ Delightful Decision time ~t )WI' Buick dealeft ~' -- • - - ---------------------------------------- :-O.NN SUNDAY 9 'TIL I OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STATION · FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 9 TO APRIL 15 "USE YOUR CREDl1 at GRA"1'S! WE'VE G0111 WHEN YOU HEiD 111 FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! NEW! PACIPIC 0 $~ "WINDKlllG" JACKETS by Pacific Trail! ~ •10 ''Just Arrived'' U.I. Navy Typ• P·COATI I r••• •rw, 1111lrn.., ......... , NJl lfl<ll. RUGGfD, "-'WARM, wiftd. prHf, luxvry 11,klt ~y . t1m•ut P1clfk 'rr1il, Thi t fttw1st "outcloor-IMk" In LH1n Gr1111, Ten, Tur· !volw, Ytll•w, ru-111, Oylt1r, N1vy elWI m11t)' •-·· • $19 95 etMrs. Slt11 J4 .. 4'. M.11'111"'· ···· • ~-.. ::.i::;;:. ..... $16.95 New Stripes! New Solids! All Sizes! • "HANG.TE:N .. 100% IUJI• urlMu tomkd. cotton •. , no 1hrinkJrt1 , , • • wrift- kli111 ••• • lroni"fl In lk11, Nevy, GrHfl, White, hid 11td Ut9 llue. s.M-L- XL 5'11d frtm lolld 1nl .... f, 1'111 .e .. : Strt,.11 _____ _. Save -More at Grant's! New Shipment-Just Arrived! ·BERMUDA SHORTS $·3 98 AND $4.98 , SPA•KlfNO MW Spri119 t•l· on In Pl1ld1, Chedls 1114 Solld1, P1rm1111nt · Pr1s1, •I '*""'· . SPORT ~HIRTS '3'' • ALL NlW Spri111 col-•r• iin4 Piel•. All with,.,...,.....,,. .. EVIRY SIZEI • EVERY ' f1•rk1. htt• • '""' COLOR! e IVEllY STYLE! . NOW YOU CAN Slloct from 111 of tho now-new styles of ltvf's• Sllcks ind lnM for 111 you 91lsl SIO Gr1nr1· for the perfl<I fill from '6. OYER 20,000 Piii UYl'S® IN STOCK IT GUNT'SI c.n1r, lhtn """"' All llntl J.M.l.Xl. "LMGIST STOCIC In Oran,. COU11tr!" 0~1)1 20,000 ,AIR . °' uvrss IN STOCK NEW LEVI'S® CORDS THE MfWIST S,rl111 tolon •f ,....., 11v1, Choc•l•t• '""· on ... co.1• '"' It!... C..1t1,i.tt r111t• of 11111 frM JWI. S.. tM ler1t1t lil.,t1y lm"I •se98 ., NUVO'S® by LEVI'S® MIW SHIPMENT •f fhe l1t1•t Lm'• St1pru~ Sl1ck1 ..• celerlvl wltctlon of CMck1 ind Hiid coltr• h1 1 c.nt- ,Stte r1111• of siln, •aeoo XX DENIM LEVI'S® TMl OllGINAL ftrl• f1,... Lrtt.e ht •ftry th• fmltl••lt ••• ,,.. 2Mr 27" tftnvth SO"drl •s.9a toTI' IU:U (0·1'),.,,,,,., .... ti "CHARIE IT" 11 IRAIT'S SURPLUS WI HONOI AU MAJOR CREDIT CAIDS II BE -----------------~~~----·~--~-~ DAILYl'll.OT f CAMP SUPPLIES Cel-·, ltev .. ...... 102, 1 -$1.95 --425, 2 llurnW $11.91 -41S, 2 ....... $16.95 -426, i lumw $26.95 MMel 1404 (LP Gao) $9.95 Model 5402 (LP Gao) $16.95 Col•-•Ltllttenu Model 220·A. Sln9le $10.95 Model 5120, LP Ou $10.95 Model 220, Double $12:.95 Mod•I 221, Double $14.95 Model 2J7, Kero1en• $19.95 GRANJ'S la C--ampln9 Headquarters for al/ Oran9e County: n -= SEE THE ALL NEW 1969 . TENTS! I "The Vagabond" by@m ' -l'x10' lSleep1 4l .••.••••... $89.95 New for '69 9'x12' !Sleeps 61 ..•.•...•. $104.95 10'x13' !Sleeps 81 .....••.. $119.9S WITH EXCLUSIVE WRAP AROUNO PLOOI , , • LOCK·O·MATIC DUION at GRANT'S! CAMP . TRAILERS WllH Yff I!'-'" ... -le ""'' ,,...,. • ht. Coliflllll ...... ftft. S. wlMn W9 ..... ..,,. ~ i"I tr1n.r. W9 ke,t ,.. ht Mlfl4. nte' r....etk1llM9fh ........ ,lt111 lutl.t 11m1Mrt llYt lfltkl,et9 '"' """'.. ....--...w ,......... ,,... '·~s795·. TO $179! . Easy to Towl Easy to Parle! Easy to Ownl SCOUTER/CAMPER CENTER PACK FRAMES s49s LIOHTWllOHt ALUMINUM! Gr111t'1 unin 1 complttt 1'9ck tf 111 .,,.. ., hcb ,.., '"""'' lnclu41nt Hlm1lqlft pKk l11mn """ e"worln. ~ ~"'! CAMPlll'S 5-Plece COOK SET 88' llCI PICKS "'""-""'""' 1tJ 1M1r: Pecka for th. 111twlct "'~ , ..... :~ '1'' 3·PC. CHOW Kn 47' G.t •• STYLE 110. $1.fl 98' .. 110. S9c FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL CANTllNS Hllll'S SPKIA&. c1•tti• CtMlll•tt wftll '°"' .. ...... I ·~ I • -• • . . . ; ' , " ,... -· .!\ " ., .... . • ·, ··• ---:-: . ' -·· -·, . ..... ... ' • \;j"; ;?!. ~ ''I ·:1t ·., ~ .. ....... )l~- .. ""' ... .:11. . {,.., •• ' . .. . ' "" ..i. ·fl si "" ~l~ =~ t:f-. It> M 3~· '"' • l ''• " . ., .. ,, < .. .~ -· • · . • I-. ' '· .·• • .. . • ' I . I - > . - • • . ,. 1 ... !,; ' ' ~· . ' ' ' ' '- ' . ·--... . . .. . •' ' -•• . ' \nAn~~ PILOT ,EDITORIAL PAGE I Ueiitley, Ban er, Dingw~~l Tuesday's tnutee e!Ol!lion ls.critJcal for th• Huoi-' lnctm Beech Union High School Dlatricl which bas 4Qjoyed lllflldent pubUc <lOOfidence, but ol late has been U!Wile lo garner complete financial support. -Voters will ·elect three persons to the governing b!Jard. Tllreo !ncwnbents are runninc alOl!C witii olne uplraim, DlOlt of whom have shown a sincere destr~ ID provide the leadership to restore f\llJ confidence. The DAILY-PILOT recommends reeloclion of Board Pnioident Jolin Bentley wlio for six'yeera has demon- strated Illa ability to work effectively with a board bad- ly split over differences In political and edncational \'lelrpOlnts. - To aid ln enhancing pub1ic confidence and in facing the severe financial problems besetting_the dis- trict, the DAILY PILOT recommenJ!s the efection ol llalpb Batter, a chemist now serving as a trustee o! · Ocean View School District, and as a member of the city Recreation ai1d Parks Commission and the City Personnel Commission. For !lie t!tlrd position the DAILY PILOT recom· mends election of Robert E. Dingwall, a local business- man, a I.of' Angeles fireman and active supporter of the dinrict the P:@Jit three years, including; leading the district to the .Jast successful tax election. Incnmbent Raymond Schmitt has served for a dozen years , but the district needs new ideas and a vigorous, youlbflll approach to solving problems in the 1970's . Richard WiJson, appointed to a seat two 'years ago, bas not provided the needed leadership On 'a consistent basis to merit reelection to the board . ·would leave the dl.!trict alignment with repr .. ~nlallali for Seal Beach (Bentley),, Fountain Valley School l>ls- lrict., (Dingwjl}I), HunUqgton ,Beach (Saner ·and .In·_ cwnbent.Josepb Rlbal) and Westminster <Ir\Cwnbent Matthew WeiUl<er). ' Polls are open-Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. with oruy the qtleftion of leadership {or the 1970's racing th• local \IOters .. Tbe voice of the people is needed if that leadership l• to be provided; • Tb• DAILY PILOT -bellevn that John Bentley. Ralph ,Saner and Robert Dln~wall can best provide that leadership. . 1 J • YMCA Op~~s -the Line A new and ursentiy needed program' has been lnl· tiated by the Huntil!gton Beach YMCA. More than inter· esting, 1t could open up a vital me~ of communica· lion within the city. · Last Wednesday three members of the controversial Teens for Christ spoke to guesta of the YMCA -at the Villa Sweden -Restanrant. T<iday Mrs. Alice Medina "told it like tt fa11 ·conctminc poverty situations in Hunt· lngton ..Beach • ..k • Af!yone can attend. and receive an insight into an important social topic for a cost ~o more than the amount ·of Juncb. The program runs from noon to 1 p.rn. and is open to all .and 1reser:vatjons aren't necessary . Dolpby Graylock, YMCA director. ·has lined up a list of speakers who if not pleasing, will be informing. Controversia1 matters will often be discussed, but that's the purpose. It gives people an open line to the things they want to know . about, or \Vi th which th ey -------- • , ... other cahdidates have campaigned vigorously, yet failed to measure up to the experience, knowledge and ability of !lenUey, Baner and DingwaU. _ In addition, • balance of r~presentatjon within the 52-square-mile dlatrict could aid in restoring ful! ,pnbllc confidenco. Election of Bentley, Bauer and Dingwall should be concern.ed. _ A speaker will give his lecture and the audience can respond with questions, criticisms or arguments . Commurlication is 'the idea and the YMCA is doing it. IS) I" # ~~" • ~-.... ~--~""" 'If you WAI ~u,onA11N6 IN PARIS, YOIJ WOULPtfT ~ IN A HURP-'<1 ElfUEt.: " <:·~· ye f-Or Eye'·· Egypt's Peasantry Still Largely ltadifferent riginally a tice Plea Dear . Gloomy Gbs: Israel Need Not Fear Nasser Now ' i. T8I8 IS.-NOT-at all whal the ori&inally meant. As first pub- in 1642, in Sir ,Thomal B!CJwn'.s gkt Medici," it meant "charity" in I Pauline sense of "loving-kindoess," almsgiving or pliilanthropy. · it did not mean that we should I'd alnfost. rather suffer a hefty earthquake ·'than see U'me mis-'·· guided Teem for Christ hippies c;omi' back to disrupt Our schools and churches! ---J. s. o. your left hand should 119t know what your light band is doing. tf anyone troubled to read U1e whole verse he would learn that Jesus is addrt'ssing himself to the phUa.nlh;ropists ol his thne, who Would stand ~p m_pob- lic ind moke known tlleir !arge-dopall!m' to charity. He ls telling them to give so quietly and anonymously wllh ooe hand that ·not evtn the ottter hand ls aware of it, much less the community. CAIRO, Egypt -For the next few years, at least, Uril:el bas nothing to fear from Gama I Abdel Naiser, Whose likeness .i! enshrined here in every public place. The humiliator of the humiliators has made tus fellow Muslims feel important for the first time in cent~ies, but today he aeems a pathetic figure, more to be piU6d than feared. · ' It is; not mtillt))' that nothing_ in his country works very well, parUcularly the telephone. Nor that hundreds of !hiny ..., new Russian trucks, swervin£ lo avoid bulloC~ as tbey roar thnilgh villages of wrttehed poVerty, seem 'out of place and Ume -u though someone had put neon lights on the pyramids. THERE ARE OBVIOUS weaknesses, visible to any traveler, of whom - woe to the ..Cairo shopkeepers and the camel drivlrs at andenl monume~ -there are nowadays few. BUt thtre art other ~·eaknesses, not so apparent and far more important., After 1& years of ·trying. Nasser has not yet made a nation. Rather proudly, his officials point out that 85 perCi!nt ..., ~~\\ ~ .t. "' < 't;'..- kJeWicz ;"' • i Bralltp _ ;,;_ 1l ~ ··~ ... ,ti;;,~ • ,,;<1,t .-:£. .~W> . of his people -according to a recent survey -know who he is'. Egy~ ,has changed ,under Nuser. But, a:1, he: saidL when· he and his colorfels seized power1 in 1954, it had a long way to go. Today, despite growing urbanization, despite radio and television, despite greatly extended 8Chools. Nasser is still trying to evoke i· national loyalty from an awakening but largely indifferent pea~antry ·~ THE CITIES ARE not the sa1ne story. But here, too, Nasser is in trOObte. The new and proud awareness of the ivban Arab is untempered by reality. When the Brilish and French withdrew from their adventure at Suei in 1956, Nasser was believed actually to have defeated them; naturally. he would defeat Israel. He is now quite literally on probation, and the mobs are waiting to pass judgmenl It is difficult tO keep them occupied, despite hundreds of thousands o f sandbags, painfully filled by hand, on every street comer .. \Vhat should bave been spent on agriculture, on industry, on the deve\op- men{.of a middle class has been spent instead on arms . 'l1lE ' EDUCATED 'ha'(e no· place to use, .,_the.ii' .~ucaWn. . A graduate. in en'glneering ea~. the equivalent of. $100 per month .. He ;can live on that , ,.but he often chooser.to leave. So did Ole Italian factory foremen, who came here In large numbers.Mhen Nasser promised industrialization &.¥1 who began tq see. no fut.ore a year Or two a:go. · UnkP!est. cut of au , the man who kicked the frhpe rialists out of his country and learned neuti'3.lism at the fCet of Nehru has wt'!lcoined the I,tussians, not only to train his ·army but to run tus industry. · "They are very businesslike," said the prtJident of a.local factory. "When they see a mistake, they · call a meetf~ to whJch I am invariably invited. ~ , are two pretty RusJan gU'ls "·ho translate. Ttie head Rtissian .expla.Jns the error and tells us what to do. But I think he ma"y oot be the bead Russian, for there is ooe ·other man who always attends but never ·speaks." SO THE CIRCLE ls now e<1inplete. From neutrality to dependency: from military strenS:th to occuPa:tion of the Sinai by tsrael ; from intense popularity to · suspicion of his peopl'e .. ln .~·&!mt run. Israel has nothing to fear ~ from Nasser. . . .~ . •. In the long iiin,."lf inay 1ie 'diHf:lent. Consider. for example, the Egyptian city of Ismailia, on the Suei Canal, which once bri>ugbl"· 1F.£ypt $200 riiilllon "l'" year in shipping lolls. l&mailia ff.; of graceful French e<1nstruclioo, and it once held 120,000 souls. Now it is a ghost town,. and. the fear on, the laces ~ot those ' few Who remain de'Stroys ' it! gracefulness. Israeli s~ells hav~ wiped out bouaes,1 mosque11 and neighborhoods. 'Mie family J>ed:I , and chjJdrtn's toys in tbe streets are s8'f to .\et. . Dy Fraok Maaklewlf• and Toni Barden -· "lake care." of our own, but that if do not display loving-kindness to our ' ly and our friends, then whatev~r · or philanthropy we engage in JS , ' out o( pride or vanity or ostenta· not out o( deep human compassion. "have known more lh1n a few ctle- CHARITY, OF cOURSE. does aO! be- gin at home.; it~must be~n .wbere it is most needed, whether th1S be at home or in 50ll'le remote Indian village. What must begin at home are love and re- spect and tender treatment of those closest to us-for unless we radiate such feelings in our dally, intimate relation- ships, the money we give away to ot~rs is simply a bribe, allowing us to m.111p- tain our self-esteem whUe we continue to injure the fabric of social life. Focus of Police Critics Is Wrong philanthropists who gave away awns lo worthy causes of all sorts, -personal ... -oships ..... d ol lovinjl-kindneoo. and who used magnanunity as a cloak for pr:1- ~-·~COMMON subterfuge, o( e<1urse, ii:lhe leason for another widely misun· '!Jl!•ll>ad ssying---Jesns' imunction tha< '-' The poor know it and resent it when they are tile ob!ei:ts of help Jri)hout the commEimurite fecdihgs of respect; when they are aided to make the giver feel better not because· they are worthy <1f aid. I~ a ·psychological sense, the philan· thrapist needs the p>ar more than they need h~harity brings him honors, but brings them only scfapa:. v llousef lies Don:t_ W ande1· .... • gs a columnist mi&ht' never know didn't oP'f'I his mail : are making fewer home call! ever. Ten years aa:o 10.t percent averqe physician's eontacts with patients were in their homes. Now down to 3.3 percent, or one out ~ Ion& should a mattress last'? A .. ey fli!md1hat matu-s•in molols eel 14 years of age, those In hotels ears. But some 2S yean old y,·ere -and still bearing up. Mat· f« household use are ~ten eed for 20 years. wife feels underprivileged now if doesn't hive at least two bathrooms lier home. Bul_,>fhen ~ Victoria the thr&e ol Enaland tn 1831, ,..., • sinlla ,b,lthroom in all -· · Palace. Serv~i. lUQed of. bat water to the queen'1 bedroom. lhe blthed in a portable tub, a dld the commooeri ol her day. EN DON'T hive VttJ' high i;tan· .-. the bulbmlll in Africa '• 1na. 'Ibey are. never t1ktrl on a hunt or ev.,a allGftd to .....,., reporU 'lhe N1tlonal afMc Society. 'Ill< -men fe1r the _.., biinl bid !llOk. ...... -1la doo'l llJlR*I c t..... !J lhlt Ille)' ore n..,-llSUll!y -, ... -• milt ol their lnodllla . -• the world. It stores more than 3,000 bottles ln its . restaurant quarters atop the &&.story RCA Building in Rockefeller Center. PERIU OF progress: Each year up to l,500 Americans die and 100,000 suffer injur\es because their clothing catches fire. One cause : the increasing use of flammable rabrics. What to do in such an emergency: force the victim to drop to the groul)d. If no rug, coat or wool blanket ls handy to wrap him in, roll .him over and over to smother the flame;;. Youth must be served : You may be getting okkr but the populatlon o/. the workt isn't. It's eMlmated that by 19t' some 30 perctnt of all the people alive wtll be aged 15 years or less. Signs of the times : This one ls On the de.si of Jules Podell, owner of the Copacabsna nlghl club: "ll<fore losing your. temper, count up to l,000. lnfiaUou ii here." IN 'l1IE CANINE spolllpt: !lop aro geUlnc ., they Hald limolt ., miny beaut)' canteltl u people do. Jn addition to thouAndl ol oompet!Uvt field and obedl<nce tr1ab, men !hon 500 U.S. dOf-IR llqed annually. .,.1 .... liolobla; "The biotor1 w..u. ~: ''CGoYlcUOlll. Ire !Ne -II--111---an...,..,, bu afltr hejm\fs bf ....... -cbolc:e. ..___ whll the boos thlnb." D. •• "-··· c1119 le -; Most wino !J, 0 •••• "'"'"" the &erDo' ..... _ ..... But ~ 11 -Yori< cf1lms .. "fllPell wino collor" in OOITLY DRUG: Ont of 'the most apendH Insnctlenta used In medical ~ todQ Is Slllkt ·-· .By fti,cbt. H ls II thnts . ti cost~ IS gold. To the Editor: Your Allen-Goldsmith column (March 18) discussed the faUure of the Negro leaders to denounce soaring crime, violence. campus and other · disorders committed by members of t h e i r race. It was also mentioned that since Negroes often are victims of the crimes com- mitted by blacks, their leaders should be in lhe forefront of the fight to sup- press the. vicious and irresponsible. l think that such criticism is ,justified. Negro areas such as Watts, \Va.shtngton D.C., etc. have become jungles of crime in wtuch people live ir\ fear of mugging5, robberies and other violena!. Yet most prominent Negro voices crlticiu and make demands upon "the establishment" while at the same. time remaining slrangelly silent or at best apologetic on t h e subject of the h i g h crime rate for which their people are responsible. UNFORTUNATELY. however, similar situations exist In the ·Caucasian com- munity. While occasional voice:; rise against crime, lhey appear empty because they are not accompanied by appropriate action. Sj>ffches made by Governor-Reagan and Dr. Hayakawa are examples of verbal response not follo~·ed by full problem-solving ac(!on. Crime can be reduced, but not until ow-, citiiens .decide that they will no Jonger ac.tept·present conditions, not until legfslators appropriate sufflclenl human and physical reSOl.lttel to allow the criminal justice systtm to function in .---B11 Geol'lr" ---. Dear George: I've been reading yout' column for eight years now and people keep telling me it's fWJTl)'. ?.17 problem Is Lbls. I'm future editor of my newspaper and, frankly, I don't get your column. Explain It, or I'm dropping It from this paper! Thal'• my inblem. A.W. Dear A.W.: No -that'• not your problem. Your problem ls that If you drop my column I'm going to tell your manqlng editor you've been nm- nlng a column for tight yean .,1~ undtrstaDdio( whit .,., In II. • Letters from readf:rs are welcome . Normally writer1 should convey thttr message in 300 words or less. The right to co-ndense letters to fit space or eliminate libel i.t rettrved. A'll letters must include signat~rt ,and mailing address. but names mav be withheld on reqt1tst if sufficient'rea- .so11 is apparf.'nt depth, not until our judiciary and cor- rectional systems will utlllze present'iaws to incarcerate major offenders for lbe maximum tin1e. Thought should also be given to legaliting variOllS areas of . personal ccinduct which now occupy police and courts in the form of crimes. THE ALLEN-OOLDSl\tlTH column is e<1rrect in charging Negro leaders with iiot speaking out against crime. but the problem is much broader and is TIOt restricted to any single race or group. Those individuals, polltlcal groups, humanitarian societies and others who 'CQnstanUy speak oul against police "brutality" and malpractice would do welt to tUrn their attention toward the mYCh greater problem of crime. .. While poUce • imperfections are un- fortunate and certainly should be cor- rected. they should not be focused upon lo the exclusion of the incr~ly serious problem o( major and ~lent crime. " ERIK BECK/dAN S!udent Department or Crlrnlnotoo C111tfornl1 State dc:illtae at Long B<ach 'A•o111r. 611111' To tbeEclltor : EvidtnUy Mr. James E. Gtnpach (Mallbox, April t) beltevu In that llffi! old Western 11dage, "Shoot rirst and ask questions later." Jn his reply to my letter (Mailbox, March 21) he advlatJ, "Id's not gtl tbe cart bef0tt the bone. • • " and thrti blames a young Costa ) f\1esa bur&lar's deatb on the fact that he was · a burglar. How very simple and shallow. I say it was a. needless k.illing that came about through the easy convenienCe of a gun ana can in no way be morally justified. Yes, by a11 means, we should not get that "cart before the horse. , . " Howe,v·er, we must first decide which is the cart and "'hich is the """"' IF t COULD convince myself in some ~ that our dead burglar was actinc on his own free·\\'ill, a priori, then I might be able to agree vo'ith Mr. Genj>ach's reasoning . However, krmdng what little I do · aboul man 1 realize that there i.re many factors in OW" society," oVer which one has little coi:rtrol, that act to mold our lives. Ther~ore, many must take the responsibility (or tbe young burglar's deviant behavior, yet he was the only one requ{~ lo ."pay the ultimate price. What co~ of justice i! that.~ \VHY D0,11 advocate an end to ·in- discriminate·gUn ownership'?. 1 received no commttrt regarding the lncl4ent or the "accid~" killing of a Santa Maria policeman ,that 'I mentioned. Of C<>1:1r&e, you pro l\lll·tOUn' people never mention those incidents. Let me elaborate. A young police of- ficer was tWed by his own gl!D when he re.moved ~ gun be.It and t053td it on a chair. How did it happen? He ~·as in the hllbit-of ~ving bis hammer cocked and had meticulOUBly f\l!<t his trigger mechanism to a hajr touch. Would it have boon jUlltlfiablo If he had killed a 1usptct In q.e.lion ! Could his gun Quotes EdDI M. J-. Tlbana -"We have vast arta:s whkh atlll netd im· provtmeftt rOl"l wt are a falriy new nallon. How ~I -IL-would be If lhe anarchistl workid toward buildlnc irt- stead of dbtroyq." J"epk Otrvttijb S.1'. mal1&caua: e:J· ec. -"I put women tnlo .thl'fle claue1: I. Simple, holtts'1 lndu1trlou 1 homemalm"; I. The night lady: 1-Half 1rxf half." not have gone off just as easijy under tbo&e circunutaoces? YOU ASK HO\Y the police will hall the criminal. I say we will catch him on foot ! I take it that you are j~a,rt of the fa,ct that there were U\t't:e offlcer1 who firfd at the young Costa Mesi burglar. Those odds seem sufficient enough. Let's gel one th ing straight. I arn not ailti·police no·r do I disrespect th1 law. I only advocate updating both, tt correspond to the changing norms ol modern society, in a peaceful manner. How many "accidental " deaths · an4 senseless killings come about each yea1 through indiscriminate gull ownel"$hip1 What do they have to do witti enforcinJ the la\v? AS FOR REQUIRING a gun for · m) own self protection -bot on your lifel \Vhen the day comes that my materia: wealth means more to me than a huma• being's life. then I am no Jonaer • rich man anyway ! As for Mr. Gerspach or rather. his neighbors, I hope no,chlM ever prowls in hls yard at night ;Abolish the damnable guns a114 le;gislate heavily against tl;lost who ll'J to use them. I have lived Jin Bnc!ant and feel confident that a similar sySten wUI now work in our society. It coull not possibly be worse! R. D. SEYMOURI OCC Studen -----Wednesday, April 9\ I.Ml Th< cdiiortat ~. or 11t• Di111u Pilol.•eeb to' iftform ac::ttatifta.. ul4t• ....i.r. bu "''""dfti trt11 ""'""'""'' op1111.,.. .. 4--tMntar'W OM topici bf . tftkrclC nil lignffi<oflc<, "" prot>idllif • '""''" for lht '""""'°" o( our readers' oplt1101U1 mid f>lr pretntitlo tM .. dh>crte 9fto. points of (n/ormtd obttr'Uif• end 1pokennen °" &of)kl, Of tht day. Robert N. Weed-,-Publlsber _. • 1 ., • • -• Cleanup WCIJ.CKING ' ·:. :· ,•. -. _ • UP .• : .. __ . Qf Cities Railroad Strike ht~ffing . Fl'ood Threat :Gro ws . · · · : Ordered -Robbers Last .Year. Th~~=~:~·~ day opened, a full-eclle drive to nbulld rlot·scarred Hit 7 ·Bank.<'·,:: S.'a Day :~ootb in :IJI major . J'mident Nlion raid In -. ard¢nl ~.top-priority UID• ~I. M. llOYD -lmum-llthoqe •• , __ .,:........, ·~ M _,..,_ WASHINGTON (UPI) -A dioplM ..... :IJI --.. hour --u. -w1tla • railnlod ltrln that could crip- pia ra111ra111c m.n -to border next week. The --of Rallrood Siplinen raid It will eaIMll lS,000 m«nbers out on ltr1te at 1:01 a.m. iocoJ time - Monda )'lmleoa lhe --railroad Une1 agree to ib wage demands. The -promptly ... cmed the unkln of "ea· •• WllEN -')N LOvzl ,l olU.Ho.~liU.t&icliab • !"""'"'_, __ .. ,~ Angela -lilly, clotMI'.' ~ Kiri wHll'1bO JMndo wallt!" m IOCI'!~-flmda w<Md ,be Thelmo 1ets ~ .., lhe A, Elhtl :a._rr Sbe'U''be' mad•' available •lmm~~ly phone. A Lillian ..,. pn a " the day ,iter tomom>w, to help ~ ', coU.. bejin dieL A Viola quill;~. April JJ. .,. 'l"vltllWiiJ o¥' nbUild(rw A Charlotlo, "1ifts • I~. TWO·J:iNDe -An old chess lh,;. ~-" ' -, . furniture. A p.i... lloftows pam«, jull divorced, dmp-11ie l'relldi!ot'1 urbQ af. Mariner 7 On Slower Mars Course ...,,,.y, A ~· clvlCJIP peel by. the --•Ah, there f --.Jvtser n..~.k Wovllion. AndaJl-pino you ""!" be 1ald,-sticking au-. ' ·•-~ !>-PASADENA (UP I ) - OVtr the apll'tmia111!.••wt hll beed In the cl«rway. Moynthan,llid'Ntion·iliob.d Mariner 7. America'• adL Or ii ~ -II• Loter, the ladJfrlad ·and I Wtruc:ted lhe Houllna -~ television llCOUI '"' Ila WIY to Game 'i IWlll' ~ went tuL-~t .,.., tlM! Pd U(ban Develo~t Depart· Man, slowed its speed by JO ~ *'"=1".t·t: =~Iii-:'.::•~:: ment(HUD)to~ .. quick· ::\~es~ .. iw::r~ayp~ daag<rinc the --ol the United states" with a strike that would be .. c'dlr lt1'0U8 ml Wholly z. nec1••Y·" c . J, Olamberlaln, - pnoldml. -all " Ibo !fcal ~ llttVmllnc. -und« the lla!lny Lober Act Condition Improved LONDON (UPI) -Docton llt Westminster bo1pltal deso-tbed llie coodlton.of Lady Clementine Spenc<r-Onucl•lll, Sir Winston's widow, u a '1it· Ut bit better" today. U.S . S~ Fi rm But Faces Suit Itsel f roanaoce, ' • lo 1he l1UIU!'!'f .t ~ Jy another ~ inllJion. ""':111 15 minutes later. N ~ a rkll to :~es; "tbal'1 aD. ~ of urban rtneWal and ~r The mldcoune maneuver knock t-eai est8.te pric:ea. tberUfter, the genileman's federal am.stance ~ had the died of aiming the evidently. HouJes in Watts fmner wife stopped by, ~~-... ·~Whfch can · bring needed spacecraft closer to Man 10 it still cost to percent Ies,, than inc through .the kit c ~en · faciliUes or services to tbese will fly past the planer at a btfore the 1915 set·to there, doorway~ "Yoo boo! H~ I f)ot troubled ciUes " distance of 2,000 miles, near lii"'ti~ . ARE YOU AC-am!" So! formed an _opinion, In ~-~-t ;_~ ,_ enough by space standards for 1riili"•M-Jear'~ as..-L~B..acm.-Dateach ao .. .,...ll'Q, .--.u\I~ close up pictures of the bodwl«! II be C11Gtwpiatln& tiill iiid --iacb walked 1ho White House, the J>mi. surface. matrlmoalJ! U oo, -l'J!x• in: 'Illiae are two ldndl of '. deot raid he first reallied the Without the coone change, act odda -nm ..,. to m be ....,.._ Bat that wu laM,qo -dnalk ~ _for ' P • e d Y Mariner 7 wouid ha.,, l1own will pt lilmled wilhln tho 1ir --town .,.f -.ilia1'1 "I~ acticm When be vilited past Man at a distance of nut IJ m...ths , • , TOP palled Ii-.l'ri~""' of Walllliqton 11,500 miles. M4N IN QOLF last year, BQiy WHEN· EATING a Lifesaver ·~· 11 da)'I ~r taking of·. 'Jbe commands wt re Cupe!' ol Ian Die&<>, earned or ...,. such, do you cbew .. · _ prepared 11 mJu1on conlrol at $305,000-pl~ Top man in it up? Or 1·ust tuck it under l wu shocked by the 11gbt the Jet Propulrloo Laboratory bowling, Jim stefanish of your toncue ind let it melt? of those rott.lDg, hoarded-up here and Da.shed through 2.5 Joliet. Ill., urned $88,000-plU!. PaUence, p 1 e a s e . . The strncturts ~ly 30 b!:X:ks million miles of space from a BANI ROBBERIES -. :r· will develop A from the White House, he tracking station at Woomera, I .i. signu1cance • aaid A·~ II When you and I were •~. scholar ha• analyud this. In · ...., ... a a; sir, a big bank haul was na· a romantic iaflair he con. ---- be .. been -and tbe union woald -been ""' lo strike lut Monday ~ it desired. He said the unrmolved issue in the -ii Ibo union's demand for • "stllled fn.. equity" ---money for tbe IO p<r0mt <l Iha union membeubip 1lbo hold Ulllid job<. A pr-Alai boml ~ Mord! 7 that Ille ..... con-kn grant • JO. cent-per-hour di!femtlal l<r the stilled --effectmo as of Wt July I, and tbel a union demand for another In· crease this year be submitted to binding arbitration. tional news. Yet Jut year the tends the i::bar& Who robber• kn6cked over an -chtw; up a Lifesaver ls in- ·-<l _, beDtl a day. clined to be fanrard, bu\ that ~ JOU and I~ loo oou1 who jllll lell a uie..ver -",..,. ....... Pnt.-mell la Ibo -.. apt to 11 Bo; ~ -:i ... DllliJlltt, be why. -· It .. hll I ' D' Lady Clementint, 14, apent a _,orllble nlgbl In her n!COvtry from a fall at her bame lut Frid1Y in which she broke a thigh. • 0 Naturally, lht haa been kepi very quiet but she baa been visited by her eiolest rell.Uvea several timu over d>e past few days," the doc- tors' announcement said. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Juollct ~ bu. filed Ill !lnl 'lult -«Inc a &Ubem -textilo firm with violating federal job -~ .. .......iNII<m~uM d'fid.als thewlves wtre tc- Clioed of -to -.. llie aame rules. Al*)'. Gen. Jcfuo N. MJlc!iell filed tbe _ .. IUft TU..lay aplnll Camon MW. O>., operator of t6 -in N-and South Can>llna. But aa tlle Justice Depart· men! broulhl that action in Greensboro, N.C., the NAACP legal Defense Fund Ill· Doby Face Ntlaon, Ma .....,kablo cooclaaloo !hat a 8arker'1 boyl and llclamll and pair of ldeal molrbnonial Cl:Jde. Now can JOU name maid lhoold be c:ompriled --ol --o1--~and­in that maltitude of millill id-It-melter. Thall a bit cute, who lut year cashed qulCk l think Nonethelea, our Love notes at gunpoint? I can't. and War man will check il Nol ollband. out HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER ONLY 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. • "I've med the ame toaster Your questions and com- ed -... opinat Def...., s«ntary Melvlli .R. L*d, Secr«My .t Labor Geqe P. Sbuit> ood lloputy ~ of -David R. Packml. The NAACP _llU!t-in Wullingtm chorged tbel Ii-I mill1oo in --...ell '"'" lotto tlp'Oe Seo-. lex· tile _., .. _ -fil'lll g8jlng'proper....,,.,,.. thal lbO ftrmi wou1d CCl!IPl:t' -Ian requiring fair Job treat-_ ment ol Neg:roes. ' The componit,I -attack_ are Don Rift< Mills Inc., J.P. st.vens & Co., and -Bur~· Industries. ' ~ fot a years. Can yoo find mtn.ta are totlcomed and Q1bodJ who can beat that?" will be med 'toMrtvCT poa- A. No. m•dam, your touter's riblt in .. CMckino Up." looJl'llly ioHJ Ilka tbe -Add,.,. -'"a i I lo L. II. or 11 It lm't, whal ii! . . Bol/lf, in-• "1 !Ao DAILY , Q. "TOIJ IAID A WOIUN'S PILOT, Bos 1175, NflDpC>l'I ~ lenda to reach tu mu-Bcac11, caliJ.,,9JMJ. FINAL'(SALE STARTS· THURSDAY, APRIL_ 10 •f' ,· EQC Director Quits; Dirksen Blast Target WASlllNGTON (AP) -Clif· lerd L. AJaandlr Jr. ralped IDClay u eba1rmall ., the E ID ployll)tlll OppJrlunlt1es Cmunllllon and dlnCIUDCOd the Nixon adminlltraUon.'1 at· -... enforcing aqua! job v,., .... held-the ' ' job for "9 years, came under fire month from Senate Republican Leader Everett M. llirklen, wbo Aid tbe EEO ebief bad baralaed lirml, In hll mignatioa, Alex· -DOlad llirkle• lhnal<n-ed to haw bhn fired for ~ enhrctment'" of aqua! ~ epporlonilin and that the Whtie BOUIO bad an· .....-I be would be replaeed. "Poopia who an burt by -and th••• -kine lo el!mlnate It al1b, have been d""'"1ed by Ibo ln- llmatloo -lmplldt In the 1111\-lnr .t I h 1 White HOUM an- nouncement -that dllcharge -el lD1 "'""""""11tlea under tiba 1914 Ci!D Jllhta Act'• !ft.. tie 7 bad 'preoipltaled ' Your' deciaioo to replace me," he told a news conference. AleuDder Aid bis reslp- tioo .. cbaimum would like -Mq I -l'relldent NiJon da1rel an urlier date. lie added he will remain OD the -.mial'"1 to fill out the .....mini three years ol hll term. Eisenhower Bequeathed Posse~ions to Mamie GE'ITYSBURG, Pa. (UPI> -Fonner Pnlidenl Dwisht D. Eilenhower named hia widow, Mamie, the prtndpal beneflcilt)I of his 'lrill. The will filed fa< probate hen Tuuday bequeathed the family personal property to Mn. Eisenhower after usign· ing ~ gilll to lonstin>e UIOCI-and empioyes. Daley Man Loses Vote CIDCAGO (UPI) - A younc, 11 be r a I independtnl Oemocnt becked by SI.Ile T~asurei' Adlai Stevenson 111 and Cllhe~ rdMn d<ments. hac -<Oocl by a• non-ow ,,,..bia--loM1,.r Rld.nt J: MJ'• powerful polllbl-- ~ s. sqe-, .. '!\-. ..,._.-~ -J-P. ~- ---h ctty'I ~ ward. 1llo fioal, unollidal Wly "" 11,m tor stnaer, 11,7IG for Gtuihan In the runoff -......... Che two top tilitbtn •• Mll'Ch lt Dee: n. vk'kW7 I• "e ln-~°"'...,..two .,,-,,..,, Dalc7 -in m ~ -· aldermen llli• yw-. All tbt former Prtsident's offtclal decorations, f 1 a 11 , memorabilia and papen were left to the -Center in his boyhood hometown of Abilene, Kama!. 11le re- mainder of the estate wu left in trust for the primary benefit of Mra:. Eisenhower. Brig. Gen. Robert L. Sebulz, aloartlmeEll<nboftrlide, Mid il would be ..... time before the value of the -can be determined. The will wu filed fa< probate In the Adama County ngilllr of willl olllca by atlomeya G. A. Ha<kan Jr, of Wuhln(ton and Charles IL Woll of Gettyabor(. The execulort named in the will were Eiaenhower'a son, John, U.S. amballador to Belgium; Clifford Roberts and Barry T. Lelthead, both of New York, Ind the Merwrtile Sale Depoait Trust Co. of Baltimon. Toll Hits 12 AARAU, s--.i (AP) -ThedeallloU<lablutal lhe DoU1bo aploohft fac- ""' -to IJ _, .. -"""' bodiel ................ rn.n Iii ruins. Al leaet line olher worken .. milling and --killed In tlle ~ " ..,. proximately five · -If d)'nlllllt• 'l\lnday. DOORS OPEN. AT 10:00 AM . ·.~ .. ,-1 .. ENTIRE INVENTORY GOES :FOR THIS UNLIMITED" .SALE~· EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE IS PRICED FOR ABSOLUTE : SELLOUT. NO.THING HELD : BACK -EVERY THING 'MUST GO. SORRY! ·NO CHARGIS OR LAYAWAY ••• AlL SALIS PINAL! ( -. ' -USI YOUR BANKAMIRICARD OR MASTER CHARGI - WOMIN'S CASUALS & DRISS WOMEN'S WOMIN'S DD BALL YJNNI$ ~ s4ao YALUIS TP $U.OO s7ao s3ao WOMIN'S CLINIC NURSE'S SHOES s9ao HANDBAGS 50% T~ 10·1• Off MEN'S FLORSHEIM FLOUHllM IMPIRIAL MIN'S CASUALS YAWU TO $29.H s14ao MIN'S KIDS 80AT & ftNNIS $680 VAl.U U TO Pf.ti s24ao YAl.UD TO$H.IO MIN'S -SLIPPIRS ~ IYANS VALUI $11.00 FIELD'S SHOES 2300 HARBOR 8LVD., COSTA.MISA STORE HOURS -MON., THURS., Fii. 10 TO t -TUES., WED., SAT. 10 TO 6 "' • • I f MLY l'llOT = •• Ass••••••d•n Ex-Panthers Tell Of Murder Order oui.AND ( up r) -d>l<-The 11~ r<malns at I-. al tlle Black Panlber 111 ... 1'11\J .Ila.. tolJod fOI" !he J-Wd Black WU killed a••-al :i·-wbo becaule be decicted !be party ~ -.... too militant Ind trieCI ....... -.lbe porty'I to quit. S.Veral .....,.. c:om- -----to a ....,p plained they left !he patV al -__.. al !he after Diak PIUl!berl beat mpl"" .....,;i..tlon. them fa< lallun to obey vap Al a D1W1 ad•wt held rules. . two .... -"""' the A"'4ber -~ Richard p-..• national hoo4-Andonoo, said. tlie Pan!ben -lot• 'lllllda7, aboul :ID cbeged their bellef1 dally - -aid al leut 100 one da7 following th e memben hava been nptlled teachlnp of Stalin, Ltnln or from !be party In recent Man Ind !he nut day quoting lllOdlll. Mao'l'le-lwll. ~1 J-. apol!OlllWI Bobby Seale, Pan!bee party Threai · SetS Off Boy .Hunt -----J. Dems Blast Reagan.· Tax ·Pl·a ·n I . • I CRAMEN'l6 ' . SA (AP) -be ......_. by $1.I bllltai. Tbe plan would alao impooe, equitable IDd .......,. lax dato ln""'10 lax nlurna ara Dtmocratl -a I a In at to a lclal ol $1 bllllon, Reqan for !be linl time, a l)'ltem," aald A 111 m b I y due, and aald he la inVllJna Republican Gov. RN.pn'11 1 II.id. wtthholdin1 171 t em for Speaker Robert T. MonlPJL taxpayers &o attend th• blU(olHloltar.piU1 In overhaul Tbe aim: a bup r<dutlion peraonal lllcom1 t11ee -But Auemb\yman William aeuiM Ind liq• a "wltbbold- today ·with me 'leader calling in property lUH. now used voluntary for moat but man-T. Bagley (ft.San Anldmo), in,. 1 to persuade Reagan to It a ."J'r<nehmm'1 -·that to .,pporl icbocl!J Ind olber dalo17 !or -!Wini out aid lie plus to 10 ahead adopt the mandato17 plan. will-4J"ll'· oppoeijloo ,from all local .......... ~ -· It an ln<ome tu fe<m for !be with Illa completely man-Baele1 ls alto tlie . autlaor over the llato. iJ aJao clallDld to equalize llrlt time. dato17 withholding plan when o/ mucb of the rival tu ' That eomment came from the e co no m I c differences Senator Ttale called · the hla Revenue and Tuatioo refonn program proposed by Vice Chalnftan 8tephen Ttalt between poor and r l c h plan .. a grand conglomar1Uon Committee meeta April 15. a commiulon headed by of !he llenate Finance Com-dlstrlcta. of thinp. You'll find awneoo< Bagley, chairman ol ihe Repullllcan Controller Howlon ~ who predicted · defeat Cupar WeinbvfU. ttate in the state who ia qainatl~~-~m~ltt~ .. ~·~noted~~that~~IJ~lhe~~L~F=Joum;o~y.~~~~~ for · tbe · ' plan. Two other finance director, Slld the shift every one, of tbeae thinp in-- Democ:rall -A 11 em b I y from property to income bx~ dividually and when you put ,..., ,..... ""•-• Ludtr Jeue M. Unruh ind at.ion means a tax cut far them all together, you have Senato chit! Ge!qe' Moocone many and a boost for ...... ' ......... opposition to t!D It." . A VOIE for "'Hsnli' -called a ntlfl conftrence "People who Uve in areas "lt.'1 IOl't of Ute Frtn- to umoance their objedioas. with high school tues will chmen'a stew," ll1d Teale, ID J 0 NE . The plan would boost Income receive a aabstantlal cut," he outlpobn ~-from the toes f785 million, 1 50 per-said. "In medium arua, it Mother Lode toWn of West 11 A VOTW POlt cent hike for !be average will come out even. In low Polnl ·~·1 _put everything VOCATIONAL Calllomian. It would atlonbe tu anoaa lbey will have a tu In IL" · · TRAINING the aa1e1 tu. ti, $111 ldillion lncreue." Mott ·R>Putillcans voiced B.ICT ._ .. JONES and bDpote a new statewide .general supPort -.good news TO THI for tho brukaway ....,P. aaid chairman, said !lie cbarr !he Pantllen ...,. rapo!!lll>le . "IOUlld . j&llt like aomtlhing for !be I.ital -• of FBI· pie J.· lldpr·"ilooTer RODIJd Blick, 11, lMt s.tur--· wMd uy !' ' · tu 00 ---ty. Fi.Deb Honored '"'a aovernqr wllo-hu 21-11 ... ...,.,.,,.:~·· ......... , LONG BEACH (UPlz -The money wtldd IO fdr . . GOP oontrol ,fi the .. Senate Sch Long ~-Police bmidcast •an *I.' percent cal . In "the t.q; ANGELES CAP) -on<I a 40-39 . ,eilge, In the SCHOOL AID ~·~-1 -.-1.......1 • -~~ H. F~~ •-•·-o1 Auembly, where thire Is one an all points alarm Tuesday ~m-1 ...._... t"'v!""~Y ~~ .1uu.1, ~s-,, ·, .,., a l~bOywbofill-to,1 otbll'." """-ner pro-Heallb, E dnc'a\ion Ind vacancy. VOTE fHenry..!:_ JoMll_ =tX ·~.·--6.-.__ --""--'.af•-r perty tal' cuts mt: farther Weliire, bu been Dllped by ''The aovtmor'i bx reform TUISD'T ·-IL IS ~ . 1 IAI -w •~u uwn ~ K ·r<ductiolll !n the property tu tile Univeraity of Southern proposal iJl ·an attempt to pro-~ • ~• Draft .Resistor Lose8 hil lather allegedly threatentd on businf!ll lnveittory. CalifonU u this year'1 win-vide a respooslble and mean-,,... """' .. ""'-,...,.....,., .. ,..., .., McCltftl, oui,,_ 11:MA """""' ....... C.M. to~llhlm. ___:s~~~~~·~ald~to~•~'~lx>~ru_w~ould~:....!""'"~of~tlle~~Aaa~V~-Call~~A~w~w~d.~~inglu~l~nntedy~~-1~or~an~~m.~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! The boy, Rauel" Hemandei, Despite Mom's Plea . ' ,• . hu been milllili ililce: leaVlnl Llndbqh Jonior lll&h School In · Loog Buch at· 1'30 P·ll\· 1A11 FRANC18CO (VP!) - An~ Palo Alto JOOUt -_ ,._ to "!et him nPf<r for the drafl will be """'1Cld April :It fa< his falluie to rqlatlr. I Erik Wbittbcn wu ( o u n d IUilf1 '1'uOldaJ by a jury of eiltdc women end ·'®r men wfio deliberated fwr boun be- fcn-nturninl tbelr verdict, Ho ..... mulmum ponaity of lift yean In prison Ind a fll,llOO fine. Mn. Evelyn Whitehorn .... turned down urlier in bar at· tomPt to go on trial In place of her IOll. And young Whito- bont tMlilled during the -d>l< trtal that he did not wish to nctster. Tbe trial was muted by heeled a;chlnga b t t w e e n Federal Judi• GUI Solomon of Partlmd, Or.., and attor- neys for both lidea. At OM tune. the fudae anap. pat to geyamnent attome1 Debate Planned LOS ANGELES !AP) - ~ Sam Yorty Ind his cbal\anpr, City Councilman 'I1an:u Bradley1 plan to daMle on te.levisiaa and radio rmt -lh, if !beJ can end a dlbUe oa how to tct up 111e-.. Mlcbool lletzpr: ''Sit clown! l'll nm lhil court,,...,. man. lf '""'d jolt dOne ,...,. damn homoowk lmtead of ...mn, :to court IQlpl<]>U"ed, t h I s .wouldn't happen." Judi" Solomon nopealedly declared 1hat · the r1ght or wrong of. the Vietnam war or the StlecUve Ser\'tce Act were not at ...... When -atlamoy Au-b1<1 G-trte•Uo go In-to the uu of thelt matters, Judp Sol«noo Wd, "I may loot like a damn foot but rm not, Mr. Groaman. I've 1te11 what )'OU are trying ~ do." Lat<r Judie Solomon t o I d Grossman to "confine YoUt· aeJf to the aimple iuuts." In his concluding mnarb. !he judge qaln emphultod that the only tss:ue wu the fact that young Whitehorn had re- fused to register for !be draft within five days after h i s lath birthday last October. The Judi" told the juron the youth'• mother appeared to bt the one at fault, but th1l ft was the boy 'Who must fact tht charger. Follainge~ Joan Bau and her hmband Dftld Hm1!, an anti-draft actlviat dut to be- gin 1 three.ytU' prison tmn for draft refusaJ in Junt, _. ... the .c<urtroom alq with TIWlJ other anti-draft IC· tlvists. .Tuesday. , . Po!i<e . '!"id that earlier in tbe day, the boy's father, Elias Hernandez. 38, ~lepbon­ ·ed hil estranged wife and tiveateo<d .to kill Rauel Ind their o\lier ~hlldr<n "u: you don't come ~ck to me." Offlettt: alao wen: searching for the father, who Uves m the Hawlli1n Gardena trea al Loa Angei<S County. 1be Rnlon Hernandez recently was reltated from A!Ucaderv Sta~ llosp;tal. In December, ltM, he seized a pd from a San Jose Pc>Hceman who wu giving him a traffic ticket, • n d shot himaell In !be llcmach. The boy fall.:! to report for W<M"k after ICbool at his part time job. The mother describ- ed him as steady and reliable. Woman Enters Winning Theme PASADENA CAP) -Mn. J , Lambert Roberti IUggest.d tht theme adopted for tht Toumamei>t to ~ parade in 11157 -"Famowo FDb in Flowtr1." The theme bf tht 1970 parade will be hers, too. 14Holidlys Around the World" WU a~pted Tues- day. AETER EASTER SALE W•W•e"T ••ACM 42 FASHION ISLAND • Opposite Broadway • 644-2875 M ... ,....,,._ 11M .. t:Jt T ... w-.s. 1t't. 6 STARTS FllDAY, ~l'lllL 11th, 10:00 to 9:30 ~~rt\C SAVINGS f ~~~ . ··.ON SUITS AND SPORT COATS S U T $55 ON SUITS! LARGE DISCOUNTS ON SPORTCOATS PRICE .. ON .ALL DOMISTIC AND IMPoRBD . swunu AND JACKDS ••• Rtt-13.00 • 69.951 SAVE ONE·HALF! FEATURIN6: KUPPENHEIMER • BOTANY 500 • H. FREEMAN • LINDEN Ltcl. SUITS I SPORTCOATS DAMON • DAVID CHURCH • JANTZEN • PURITAN SWEATERS Ir JACKETS ALL SALES FINAL e .... UNWCAU e MAITll CllAlel e ANIRICAH IW'lllll CAllll • ·-e ""Ill CLUI GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD! It's 1111911)' t_.,.i to Newpoi t B 1 act1 (and to the workl)-a ...,.-, honest·t<>-good.-.ss Bl.JG.A- BALOO! Nobody's """r hed one before but, it was ~ to happen, and Iverson thought of it! l\.'erson's ··pac1·' is his bf'and new v~k'Swagen building which is the largest and most beautiful •n the United States. Concefved with an artistic flair. it houses the ~r}' !_&test ~ service and'diagnostic equipment. and is a perfect showcase for dis· playing the ""8st changes in the v~ line (lhet is, If you can spot ttie chenges). A .FREE BUG! Durirc the wortd's first 81.JG.A-SAUX>, M!rson will lllw &Wfl'/ a -'<line ,_ 1969 V-gen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pey us a visit. lf you've never been to e BUG-A·BALOO, now is your opportunity to be among the first! At the BUG·A-BALOO, you'll so. t he latest in Volkswagens end Porsches, within a layout the likes of which you've never seen before! BUG-A·BALOO refreshments await those that CARE to-.~ dffferent! Now's the time to put • "BtJ8'" In yaur house! -' ---- , '' . ' --. . ' ' h • Men in Service Ste•n Bet. a... J. ....,., -al Mr. Ind Mn. Fernoi! E. BGiby Jr. ol St.I Clay. Jlunlillllon lleacb, bu compkled hit nine "'!<kl bulc Navy tralnin& at lbe Navo! 'l'rlJlllng · Cenler, San Di<p, I -Lt. C<I. o-p L. ~' •l>Q llVfl wtlh 1111 wife 11111 ehlldna at -lloblnhood Lane, Colla MW,' bu been. awarded the Le&ion of Merit. .,i . While serving ln Vietnam u aircraft maintenance of. ficer of the Firat Marine Aircreft Will(, he ~y monitored the lllliirunent of a11 maintenance men throu&h<Jut the wing. He is eurrenUy stlUoned at El Toro. • Firemea Apprea. Guy C. 0.1otd, USN, '°" ol Mr. and Mn, C. C. Osgood of 1'222 Monterey Lane, Huntin,ton B<1ch, Is aerving aboard the amphlblous force flaph!p USS Mt. McKinley. The McKinley Is a unit of the Seventh11 Fleet operating in Vietnam. Slamu Pill J, Sllelllu ID, USN, aon of tbe Poul Sllelilers of IMl V!lta Drive, Newport -· ii oervill( -tbe fleet oiler USS Tolvana in tbe Wellern PlcifJc. ' Lal\lll& HUis, -1vld the Bl'OIW> Star medal neor Quan Loi., Vietnam. He w I a prtleDled the award f o r meritorious -In lfOUlld operallcm qa!mt h o I t t ·I e fon:ea In V!elnam. Pvt. l.C. J... 11. Park, . IOO of l\!rl. Carmen E. Park of 8" JQ111D.SL. Colll Mela, hu been •iped to Lone . B!nh, Vlelnam u a bobry spoclalilt. Hil wife, Uzahetb, llveelnAnlhehn. Pvt. l.C. llee!J lol. AIY1n1, son of Mr. 11111 Mn. Henr1 S. Alvara cl 2070 'Iburin Ave., Colla Meea, ii oervill( with the Fifth .Marine Divil!oa at Camp Pendleton. AlnDu Gre 1ery W. Maufleld, ..., of Mr. IDd Mn. C. W. Mansfield ot lt7a Ranier L a n e , HuntJnrton Beach, hu been ualined to Clwwte Air Force Biie, DI., for training in aircraft nllinteneace. lie lo a graduate of Huntington Beach High School. Sgt. WUlJaa J. 51te·Mn, son ol Mn, Irene Sheehan of 11111 E. lltb SL, Newport Beach, ii • fuel ~lllat llllined to '1UJ Hoo AB, Vietnam. The Serceenl atltnded Ihnat Cout COl!ep. Eqtoemaa l.C. RNerl C. Spec. '· Doollu M. Booleo, 22, son of Mr. 11111 Mn. John P. Hooten of 1151 Bay1horu Drive, Newport .Beach, hu blien llllined u a radio relay aM: a carrier attendant in the 27tth Stena! Company, near Plelku, Vietnam. - Mt1rt, USCG, husband of Mn. Velma Moore of Colli Mu., ii puifclpoU., In Operation Deep l'rMoe lbolrd the Cod Glllrd Olu.r l!dllto lo the Anlln:tic. Tbe _.11on 'ii the ~ -ICleallllc . ~~lo that Slorekeo,.r s.c. llollorl w. - Sc•umau, USN, IOft ot Mr. AJrma GrelW1 J. GirdMr, and Mrs. Wlllllm &:hunwm USN, 1C11 of Mr. 11111 lln. of 5111ll· Seubore Drive, M1111fice J. Girdner of SOit Newport Beach Is oervill( wttb Zell Drive, LquDI llflcb, the amphibious force ~P port1c1pofod· bi Operation Btll USS Eldorado, recently Jtll(ie' wlllle ·""111(. lbolrd returned from a ,deployment the attack aircraft Cllrier In the Weottrn Paclli<. Aboard Oriabny off Calllornla. lhe eome lblp is Dllbanlq - Oen S.C. Ml ... el L. -A1rm1o I.Cl. llldoft P. of 1475 Pllcillc Ave., LquDI LJ'"'l'I~ aon of Mr. IDd Buch. -Mn. Carl C. Liunlquilt of -511 Victoria SI., Colll Me11, DI I ta I T..nidu S. C. bu -1111..,..i lo 0.... J-W. Gilbert, ICll <if Mr. AB•Xora. TbeElllnclf lJIP ... ·Mn. Jmtin ~ ... ~~ -~ & • -111 ,W.~-~~tfeiaort < -equipme nt Beacb bu' nponea r.r"a.ty ' aboord the ampbll>lool wault repolrman. _ ~ USS Valloy. r.q;, la the Alr1ftao ' J:C. 1.... A • Weiltern P~ . ~ sioeJdn,. tall al Mr. Ind Mn. ' -, F?.d W. Sbelden, U 11 AvilUoo Maddolll .<Mato Scenario , Drive, HunlJniton s.c. Rtllnd A. Fredodd, Jieacti, bu' -AlliiDld to USN, IOll of Ml'I. J . R. Brner ,-miy u an lliroralt mechanic ol lllrbor Blvd., Colla M-. . al Clark AFB, Pllillll*ieL He completed a course on Ille ii a .,.uiate ol Marini ffllb UH·IC "Seuprlte" btllcopter. Scbcio1. · He bu been uelpd to . - Imperial Beach, Calli. Prl. l.C. r...., L i..i, -' ' -of .Mr .... Mn .. Edwin 0-•nnkatllu Ye ••• B. U.,, 4ill Bro.dway,·Colta S.C. Mae A. C.-, USN, ·M-compie!ld 'licbl - IOO of Louts Carrldo of 11111 • of advaacld army. llfllllry ~ SI., Colla M!SA. ii aerv. tratnJiii at ·Ford Ord, callf. Jni aboard the anll·IUbmarine ' _ su~ alrorl/t carrier USS 1• M. w. .,_., eon ol Hornet. Hornet Is opuatfnc Mr. 11111 Mn.. David B. Syme, witb the U.S. Seventh Flool '.tm Mat>IO· Ave., Colll Meu, in the Gull of Tonkin. . bu been ~ to Ann7 -. aerpant ....., complelion ol I e a • 1.a' Qlarteralllet lbe armor noncommilllaned Raymond S. ·T-, .USCG, lllllcer clndidalt course at Fl. son of Mr. and Mrr. Ch&t1Q Knox, Ky. He WU lllected Tachlne of 7S21 .Vol11 Drtvt, for the crurse u part ot 1 Route 2, Huntington Beach, sped.al Army program th1t hu completed Quarlermasttr grants rapid· Jll'OlnOtlon to add Signalman School at the outitanding indMduaJs. Ht Fled Trairllna: C e n t e r , entered the Army in June Newport R.J . 1911. Laaee ept. Mlcb1el c. e ... drie, USMC, son o( Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrie of 275 E. 18th St.. Coot1 Mesa, ii mvin1 with the Marine Force I.optic Command, at Camp Brooks, Danang, Vietnam. flrema11 ApprtD. Jolll C. Gek1, USN, son of '9fr; and Mn:. Charles A. Gatu Jr. of I081 Ivory Circle., Hun- Uniton Beach, graduated from Basic Electricity and Elec- tkmics School at the N-.val Tralnln& Center, San Die10. ' . U Wlllla;s_.,_, 21, • of the Orange c;;ounty Harbor Director K e n n e t h SllnptOn and Mrs. SunplOll of 2125 Baysborea Drive, Ntwport Beach, hu relurned to the states after servinr t:ltht months in Vietnam. Larry Geprty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Go(erty, 243 -Walnut st .. Newport Beach, was prvmoted to Army Spec. 4 near Ple!ku, V!otnam where he is a tank gwmer in the 4th Infantry Dlvll!oa. Firtmu A.Pfl'IL Kea C. Vaqllu, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. VIUlhan,. of t74' Pine st.. Hunllnlton Beach, hu vadu•tod from nine wetb of Navy buic traininl at the 1'!ival 'l'ralalna: Center, San lllelQ. Seama lid. MleMol E. Seda, son Of Mn. Ador!la Seda of 17171 Ktelton Lene, Huntin;ton Beach, bu com- pleted nine weeks of Navy batic trainbl& at tbe Naval Tra!nin1 Center, San Diep. The liartenant WU 1wardtd SwDu A,,.... Ednnl M. die Bronu SW' Medal for o..pen,, soo of Mr. and llnvery while oervlll( In Vitt· Mrs. E. M. Douprty of 11711 nam and the Commendation Greenview, Hunti.ncf.On ee.cb, award, b!ghell recocntUoo for bu allO completod 1111 Novy • DOll<Olllbltant durtng duty belle tnioial there. lo Germany. He ii a lfaduole ~ . ' of Newport Harbor 111111> School end of the Unlmily .. Nevada. Prl. l.C. MlcUel J. Teeplt, 10D of Mr. and Mrt. Albert W. Teeple of 45U Ml- Drive, Hunlinston Beach,. is """"'with the FUth Morine lltfltlon ot Camp Pendleton. Orange Co.st'• Most Compl.te PRINTING SERVICE ---6~ Mork A. 1tMJll1, oon of Mr. 1nd Mn. Bill L. -642-4H1 , Rohlff1, 473 Colle Cad!s ... I, ________ _ At This Low, Low Price, We Can't Mention This f amous Name Brandl •s= l'llCIAll llSTAIT CIDIT OR UiE YoUR ll BE Simmons • Posturepedic Eiiglander • Spring-Air Beautyrest • Se.Jly Van Vorsf Kirig Koil -9-PC. CORNER UNIT s1at~ f· m '°" A klNO'-« fot yQtr O't'etnight guests ••• ~ a COMforfaWe> .......... ,._ ~r d~n. Lu•uriou1 "' ~k• of ~ ond · C0¥9n. 'Princely Comfort end Mattreu ICing 1Crring1i . All ·3 .PIKES! Only the MATTd'S KING . .rfwslhls .... U"NJ~-9 N DIT tO NA L WRITfEN .GUARANTEE! '"' 2 ... s,nnp ... 2 Mittreu..'. 2 .......... Kill 'or QUEEN SIZE VELVET ENSEMBLE s299~:MPL111 lnclwle,...._ 12-PIECE QUEEN-SIZE ENSEMBLE s99~ HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! I i·PllCI INl.IMILE· I • $11969 COMPLETE SPECl4L BONUS ·~ ·urllngton IUIUlllTOll MIW FINpT-,.11 , f:+R 111¥11-NEYR 110111 IDDliilt · '" l!.tJ Alway< fresh ond soft • • • ond · starllingl~ Wrinkl•frN Percale •• , enjoy the true luxury: of this 1xdusiv1 Mattr .. • Ki .90NUS ••• and for !ho utmO•t in slH "ng comlci!ll i<iol• · TWIN~SIZE SP,ECIAL! ,. - ,, -· •. ... ... A .· ~ T~~~, ,.~-~~' $49 69 ~ SPECIAL ~ -COMPL111 llT i_ -~1'-".~ MA TTllSI AND •, IOX SPllNG " ••• I •..,•, ~ 'iS TRUNDLE BED ~ COMPLm WITH MATFR.UIES 3f '7969 ~ s .... a ~ ~ I ~ Ill STORES OPEN DAILY 'Tl~ 9 e OPll SUNDI y5· 11 ·6 . . • • c • I• ..-.v PILOT ) I ., ,QUI llE Now Just Wait One I . Min:ute! WASHINGTON !UPI) -It 11 not aw tbe ,overnment ·-In -. """"' yoo a:hare a shower wittl, but it does w..t information about lllegilim.ate c h i I d r e n , IC· canliflfl to Ceo<us Diredor A. Rais Eckl«. • His, agency also would like, In know wh<Aher yoor toilet nwm..., how mudt money you ~. what you paid for your bowie, how you 1<1· In "°'k Ind how maey tlmee yoo missed work in a given Wfltk. 'Ibere are .tome people, Charles H. Wilson (~.); told Eckl« at the start ol a Hwae Subcommittee on Cemul .. and Statistics hearin1, who c laim this is ••governmental snooping into our private lives." "The m·ost dramatic of these claims is that you want to lm:nt'" the number of· toilets In • -lllCI wlletl>er the -is .......... Whll •boul that?" wmoo aUf.d. " 1 "It has been present.do b( prss .._is. aa askff 'With; whom do you lhare your lhawtr?' md it'• coupled witti1 the statement that, W.'ll put )'OU in jail if you don't smwer,~· &kier said .. Actually, Eckler said, the C(IJeltion iisks H't!i< lxiuoe has a bMhtiib or ahi"!« and pro-' videi a cboiCe · of three answers, one of Which ~ads: "Yes, but !lbared with another hoUsehold." ''Th< qu.stlon is word«! to determine if the bath or shower is for yoUr own usei or if it is l!lhar!d," Eckler said. "It is one of the most basic measuremeats for the American standard of hous- q." l\oP. Thonw J. Meskill IR· o.ln.), asked if a question about how many babies a aub- ject has had would not be an inv~ (I( privacy fer. an llMUlrrled mother. "Yes," Eckler said. Bul ht said the "importance" of UM! infonnaOOn lQ the government In J>rojecting population tmidl justJlies sucll a question. -· Eckl« 11ld , Federal law prohibits release ol information abool an in- diYidual lo anyone, including other federal agencies or law enf<reement agencies. "How can yoo be 11D'1 that llley (.,.,,.,,. takers) will keep a MCf'd, that they won't taJk abol& all thooe lnteratlng tld· bita they get as they go from door to door?" Meskill asked. ••'fbeir record (for lec'fec)') fa unblemished,'' Eckler aaid . -also said ·-that citizens will be •ked in the 1'10 cmsus to answer more then lOt questions is nol jUllilied. Tiie maximum -1>of, he said, 11 16 lllCI 11111 will fall upon only one oo!I "' four lamllles. Tiie - jGdtJ "' -will be uked onlJ 11 quootlono allout the lndMdual ..i ll aboul houl- loC 1-. . Miss Untiet Wins Honor Mlli< Uitl<t. -at -0-'t'I Paclllca Hlch llchool, hlS been named Glrl ct the -for Mardi ·by ... H1llillllfa! Ce!Ur. ao.uJlliet.....iv..i .. ·-from tilt Kinney Shoe .... kded In the lhoppl!ls _...iwushowntht ....... ..,.,__ . Hunllnc!<>n Cmllr ~ ct lhe Montb ... eligible to -~ 10< a 11111 COLlll adlolmhlp 1o lie nanled "1 i rnc--J . ,~ :1 ' • 40 ¥ ' • WOnien's ··': :. I ~.,-1. ' ~a.ec. i iitlwyl ··~" ' ! . ' "''""" ' '. . f . Marrelows 100% Helenca ..,.... knit jamaica-mdei- :ciOus pastel cambinati011s. ;Mack1tWtle, boot MCk or ' ...... sty!O ........ -!Siz• 10j18: ~·~:·~ ...... ·; ; . ... ' , Won1en's . .. . . hclff h#.n·' ' ilipll. " • • • ' ' • . ~- . . f'Oftt}o h05•. the. seomless s.fnikh ~'ON a teal ''"""'t' fcrtoclay's _IO...._ PiontY lo S.0-... Galo! i-s..A,.l..XL Clearance prices Gigantic costum• on better i•"'~lry evpntl handbags! cl.ranee prices ~p~! ~· .. Orlf. ti 1.44 · NcsW, .1.88 NOW . Group II .. Group II Orig. 4.99 3.88· Oriti· .. 44c NOW NOW -... ·- COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping Center) ./ Women's blouses and "SpOrt, tops clearaf1ce,priced Orig. 2.98/ ·,.;.. 3.9&-2 44 .. NOW e ··-......... """ ........ • . . . . '·• Womeft's.helter dresssWi~. Group I . · •, Or.i~ .s.aa· ~ Group II . Orifl. '10.111 9 ea I ~ NOW 1.00 Group Ill . • . Orig. 'li-'148 •• NOW '7.U . • "-toil stylos mid folirics • Brobo -cri:l ....... od colon Huge clearance ••• Girl's better • ;1 .. Women's sports bottoms . dresses priced .. for. c:learane4f! -:· Orig. 4/JI/ G~f!I · ., : -~91 ' 3A4 orl&.~·u9 NOW NOW ·----~-Group II .......... Orig.~ 3.88 NOW HWNTINGTI (Huntingtor -' •• - to ,. of rt ar ~ • "' -· . ..... ., . . . - N:i4hf •.:~·~n .dc;ay Throu"gh 'Sat-urday • • 8 ' . -. 8 8 -. • •.s c ... • ~> .:,, ... .,. ,r .. ... - , .. , ...... ~e ·on ·girl's ~eel blouses ~ iport~ps .• - .~.'2>3 1 .,,. .··NOY., e · 41....,.ot llJ!es. calor• " ...... HI ·-· ""'"""- .• ' ' .;'" -·' . ' ' I l>~j, • ,•" ~J " ·:< -.;_.<:~?, ' ' . ..,,.~:~ I ' w0n1en's · .caswl . ~-apd h•el .. • ' Group I .. -.Is ' ; .. · · ' . · Orig. 10.99 .- . ea ··NOW 900 . Group II Flab)heell 1 ,\. Orig; 7.99· 6.88 NOW '.G • A>sorted •lyles """ ;..,.,,.. . • Broken sizes in both group • Don't min thfs c:hanc. ~ s.c!M! " Save on girl's _g~'-~~w~r bottom .prices!' Orig. '3/'4 4 ""6 NOW...V Men's and boy's"· . sport shirts now ' clearance priced Boy's . '~~I"~':-' 1.11 • £i 19it~'•\Y(.S,'C.ltn ' .. ' ' . . • '""-' ilus · v Men's Or19.a91 NOW . ' 2M"'' ---· -···- · .. ·., •J :. ··,, w-. A"1I 9, 1!69 ' ' ' ·, .-.~ ....... . ......... " ~. ' ·.' .{' .,J . '" or .. •19'" t~":..:..-;:.·~ IN .. , • ..,,.#" • , ~ '• \ •.; ' I ' · · , 1urf,4~:.:-r. :.1.'L· ·1··· -,Sheri • •. ,:-j'_T°"", ·1· , ~ ·• . . ·Choic.': , . . . ,;.· •· l I ~. : Ayqlla~jli . '; . 60'!il24~~lf~~· 60"'x36".0i', · · . 60"'~.11'' Vala~ :· ' • " •I •1:19 ' . . ' :: '" • ~· (_~ .:-11 . ~-~ .... •• ;l' .~, Lisbofl .: •: t 1114..;·:< ...... • J;, ~·. ~'l.i, \ .. . ... Colorfu1~ria t; f . . . ·' . ; -.~,.?! -~ be\t l)illow.I ,.., I ,ftf'~Jl ~· --1.99 . ' . r .&;;,g """ . ....,..~. olieldol_,, polyurolt;aoio~ . 'foqm fi!!J.i's!:.' ;!f- btautifvf "~ .. Q .......... .,,;,1 0-. fr°'!' ....1od prinll f\>r all your r.dr'OOIN! . ,· '. ,, r • •.. ' . ~ .. , ' .. ' .I ~ ~ .. ,. ·. .,r· '. ' .. . . ' .. "': .. ' r· -~ o.: ~l •• ' .... . 1J· •''' 8~~ .. , .•., l ;/' ..... , .. ~, t ' ..... o.>·: fabrics! \, '-•• I \ ; ' r &uyn~wl , ,\,_1 SO'~··d. . y " I ·' Get our ,f;,.,~ machine and I ,., • pr .... tow·.,. WOtctt• for , . . _ _...,. ""'..... ··-' f*net N''r' I'~ I . . a oQain ••• ~ '°r.x and ra.q. I •. ~' . :.~ll.LJ... "~5'° ..w. ' --. 1''~' :'""""'l'' .... . .,, •••I , •• -~ -·~; ~I __ •• _:_.·~:_ •... .If _ • '\'I r- . . ' ' GIH'1 ankfe 1• • -' , . ,.,. ' .. pant letl now· ' cleara ... :p.-rc.;.r: 0~ 341:;, • Muto•hlyl.., .. lop " . .............. • I' ti I•. " ' GJO~ BE-ACH NEWPORf ·BEAC:H ngton:~~ter) ' ---' - ~ -.,. --oln.r ,ft:or ·11L • .. . ' -· ' . ' .. ,. '·. -, • • 'r-'f. " i • ' ,. " • Welfare, Afflue™:y D&n'tMix " • • ' 1 l!QSTON .(UP!)·. -Gookin for ~ kids, boer oc 1fbis-ey for··dad arul·hambur1"' and · IOda PoP for. the whole family. To most families, these are , · things to bt> taken for ganted. But for welfare rtcipients these simple items art out . ol. reach. And aome affhlent Ma.aacbuJetts families, taking put in a .urlique experiment, are begiMlng ·to see wby1 · To·Americ_.1 affluent '-IOcie- ty, ·rue on a Wtlfari· Rge · II beyond ·-p--.,, The W..k-loni esperlment 'to ·give I.ht -·arnuent a taste of what it's' nte ls' nearing its i!nd · and the participants · have pined, they say, a · new pe.rspediv! ori living. ' . LIVE ON WEU'AJ\E . ' . . Some 200 Mauach-t• : · · lamilits· who· norma!I)' t ·nve ,quite comfortably • and • to ' ..._ sucll .,h:zxurieS" : as plenty of Cooties ·10< the klclo .. an •"niatter 'Of ~. are ! 'h!uiln( "whit . if b Ille' to ·"'live '1iif 'tlle imount of lflciiiey ' · ·welf.-e famJli~ tnust. · ' ·, . "I' Wouldn't waitt 'to do It ·an me. time, •t said, ~ne CoatanU' 41 .. '"~""-' 'ho .. . ' . ' . e.,.~ .. :--!:: w iivjl'lp !Wdln1 .wfili bu wife 'Ann •"11 !heir './ixf clflli!ten. ·.And ~iMi.'u!µa,1 •1e1irij'~ .are ::\.~~:~~!~ aJl!I their six chiidrin. ,.,_ The e:rpertment was launch~ fd by Packard Manse, aa m-. : tedlillb group; the cliiisOan : F'1J}ily · Movement and the Citizens Committee to1 Change Welfare .. Under the progt~. a family of fO;Ur wu -allewed ··to si:>end onl}r $24:76 and a ,romOy of eifht $38.7010!' food · , . ud-1iold --· 'lbue ! · , naFiio ....... oblaJi1ed · rrom · .lhli. U.S. jlureau of Labor · ,StatiJtict, . TRIM SPENDING • . "' Thi, JI W~lt a .Welfare fanli- .!Y ~! iub'lat on. F.l)r the ' atnuent.J>i'l'Ucipapt!, It fneant · lrimm)nlf •pepdlng habits 'and team.mg to do without . itetns , ·. ~)Y tWnJ0<.lr@n1od. , , 'Thii inaJn. '"'"" we •·ve lound,Gut ii ~th<'~. ·~ are 'fl.'!. Connie • AlbreCbt tald. ' . ,', . For uample, ahe said, she l. told btr dUkiren "the , extra · 1 ~x , oJ.~es .this week, wu . out -,,,one -for the week and 1,tl:tat!~it." . , She said she also found out that welfare mothers wouldn't be a~le · io affOl'd the. "con- 1venience'' food!, such u box- ··ed mlxes. ·: "They are out because they are twice ai expensive, and · the welfare mother couldn't ' ·af!O<d to buy them," o11e· .. id. Ann · Costanza, when ! she · learns ol • special ' bargain '1111les~ '.di-Ives. over and buys ,,'Jn bul~: . ' . ' . NO CA81i "A mother on welf~re · wouldn't be able to do this ,becaule ol lr1111portatioo· and J!<!calllii'abe just ~!have the amount ol cub _...., to take t\lldval)tage ,of f lhe ·.;111rcains, I'°' huaband 111d • Mn. Ailirecht, wbooe hua- ' band is lft attorney" &aid the "i~vel ol Jmtalllllty" bu rt.en w}Udn..1 fhoee;" tamUies~ ·abe l<Mwa wbo an •·"··. _ .. '·1n the eiperimool ~~ to -...... tmlible "blc>UM ol all ttie iltlle lblap • ~ hive to ,.. wtthou~" • said. ' -· . ' - - -· W.._..,, A1r1 9, lM Cou·ntians Get Tax Cut County Jluy$ ' Law Film Mfll'lnes ·to Rescue ' Jet Pilot Saved Measure To Plug Tax Leaks WESTMINSTER -R•p. Richanl T. !Wmi ( D • WHtmMer) has idroduced .... nl<l'lll plan to Clonp-<ss Uial would ,clole IS tu loopl-..t ralle $17 billion in FederaJ nvenue. Spmking C111 the floor of Congress, Hams c ited defeated school bcod .illues as eI~ of ID incipient "taxpayen revolt." • • T h e average tupayer i& inctn&ed that he must pay to supprt Fedenl ..,.....,.,, while llS -will> incomes"' over •.ooo paid no Federal jocome tuer at all Jut ,.-. Nsr tilfletion 11 t'ODlprioded when, in addKion to the . Federal tu, he Is ""(Wrtd to PIY ever-increalinc Ute and locll ...... " he •id. '11le Orqe County con- gremnao called· on t h e Admlaillratioo and CGncreM to live up to their prior pro- milel of nv1mptni the tax --'Ille tu rdonn plan CUllned by -,,__ dpt in· come tu ...-, lnclodlnl ,_nmmclll!om fer chonl• in tile ...,..... '"' oyan, -ol l(ll<lllltive nal etllate JlUdlc.-dftPlllM the tu~1•pt .... "'-tndaltrill ~ ...pevelopmtnt bonds, a n d elbnlnatioo or the seven per· ctnt investment tu crediL The propoul calltd for ~ overhaul ot estate and &ift taxes to eliminate their use •• a tu lhelter. '11le plan olso locludtd pr .. viaiam to mite tu-free foun- datiom owe l'elpOOlive to .... polllic: aod .. c..,,r-; CGdrilJut«I -nol ·be Jl'rllli*d to ... tu.free fCJW>- -fer privalt adv ...... 'Ille loopbole alJow!ol • -to .-!blie -... pro- -to • --and receive an income tu deduc- tion on c!1: .. ~ wb11e re- lainll!C -in ll, ...Wd be cload. Tbe Oranp County Democrat al- so propclltd that a 20 percent tu be levied oo the I""' h\- come of tu·frtt foundations. Mesa Cl{A Calls For VD Control Spurnd by a busioeflemln who -the lrl(ic fact 11111 ... "' his t...,..i girl employ.'.... ~-. the Cmta Mesa Republican -Jy llu callod for curb-inll woeml di ...... A ,__, by the local CRA clla(Jler l10W t b a t '1Jlh& and aow 1 Ilea are oa h -·with 2t5 clMthl in 111'1 and If mlltion 1pt11t on the problem Jn the yeer tnllnrl Ibis J ..... at:A'l'B 'NOTICES POPP G....,.. Zdi. "-· A .. 11, ., Ill I. 1W It .. l!I QIM. ~rYI .... ~ ...... tw, lnrl!IMI l",..t'M, S.rlrtt V1lln 1 "-t ......... AIQ Wli-. El C.l1n; l!ltltl ~ Llbtt-11. Mluourl; .,.. ,.,...,,.. w.....s. It~. Utal'll ,.... .r.nddll-.ri .,.... ... "J'99ton. s""" V.it.r. 111d ...... Lffud, l!'I C.IO'I: ........... rwldctl1Wrtn, llC1l'tll .,...i Bl"\lte \.111'\ld. ~lcM, Ttt..ndty, 1 l'M, Slriltltt Ct11~. l"fe,_.,I, GoOll $ ......... C~. Sll'lllti1 Mon.,.,., Dfrect.i.. KOmEllEl\ •oltfld 111:-twrel'. IM 1"1-111, (•I• ~. 0.M f/I -.tti, .t.rH 6. Sur¥1¥H tw wtft, OOrlJ -· """"· ., kilt. A,,.I lltr tnd ltoMH, tf llUl'llllu ~-1 .. J'!t"'.: llllMlll '''"'• LllU111 ,,......,, __ , ~. ,...,, " ........... """"'" -...... ,....,, w-. ......... , 2 l"M, ... tc1Hf oi.tl. '"" .....,..., ill'Klfk VW """""1el "'"· Of~ lry Wftttl"' OlilHI M""'41,.,, -WIENENGA n.-w. WlllNllM.•"'*-..... !flt •' Ww9fd"' Chol..,.~,... ........ . UNG AN J1mes J. L"""". »t ftffllwl, cor- e.I """''· C.le ., ... "" .-.ft! .. $11•· ¥1'w'M bt' wtflt, A-. M. llilM111 '°"' Wlln.tn J. thlfl,rt, ,tt,~rl, VI.I lwthter. Mtl"J' IM""'"'' l"lfllfp, C• ,_WI .V..ri ~.Jn I', L1""'11. Blii .. 1111-11, VI.I t"'9f', (In l(el1'p, fl~. lttM•" -· N<ltlol T .... lfff .-IN. I f'M. "-""' INn ""f 1:1 ...... ,....,, wtill,,...t .... NI.. ..... •I OVf LMT ~ *' A-4f c.!Nlk OWrdl. f111111tr """""" ... wl ... 1111 .. ~ """"""'. C*"fr-""' ,.._. t.,,trlblltt tt ltll ~ M•,.tel. °""""" CWlll'rir .. -lc9I> ...,. -'-i.flM. -()IMlll Mllr'lwn'. SI* ..... °"""1wl. JACOll80N btf It . .,......... 11',0. ._ ISL 0.. .... (:elf. ,...,...,.., ., 0...-o-. _....., ..,. wlft, Hllmtfl1 ....... Eat'! V. llf'ri .,.,_.. C. J~I ~ .... '"'11dlte J . a.c.a •11111 CO.fl'lftl J. ..,...,, a..lfWn. "-w. .... -.. v. J.-....1 ... '"""' own •· ~ _. ,..,, M. ~I 11 •'•nfidlllilll"tll lltl """"' .... ,, .. ~~ ....... l(ft. n.r. _,.1 ' ,-. ia-. ,..,,It., ~I .............. IAllNUOLIYT ,..,,... J, a1l'lllltldf. 1,1.$, """"· KlllM 11'1 acti. Ill YIMMI", ~ ...... ..... l"llillll '""""*"' .......... °'"*" ..,..,. Jlift. '"""' .... #ifflll .1, ... Klfill ............ ~ ...,. ,...., •lld .,..,.,.fMf, C.rt (IMt. I Serrlall. ,,....,, ":• AM. ~ ''"'II~ (9"111111 1'""'1'11 H..,t. ' • • S~pervisors OK Relief for Flood Vict'ms SANTA ANA AD . Bill No. 217 by ~ Pruperty ~n payiag J't!lifltllmeoljJ '° be pro- """'""" Mlinlnce graotq llbapl1 wllkh proviclos 1..-their i-. tuM by Ibo April Ce-. 1 ll:I' ~ tbroqb l"'-.. n1•1rment of property 10 cludJlne will 1et a rebate HiDlbn aaid the impact on t f..-_....· , dDapd <r dtltrOytd by a tbil )'Ul eotimlted at'l31,IOO. government tu "'-f will me11 ,..,...., -. major -!l'lcr to April • Hinlhlw aaid the -not be sreot, but will make wbooe hol_Del tbe"'1 lmd :l I, 1111 wllare IUdl dlmqe vat. will aloo apply to 1119-a big dilferent to individual damapd 111 _., id ia ID -el '1,IOO. 'JO IUeL pc>catbooU. He DOttd thal Februlr)' -WM a""°' d lllnlblw bu llod a ieven---JllOPUl7 was Jit-U.. ID Silvtndo and Tuetday bf the OOuntJ Boe mm ~ Cl"fW n111.. cl1mapd zmat ll!PPlY to tbe ModJ• canyw, blrdfllt hit ol Supervbon. ·~ J lnC pr.,.llao dflr>f<d ID the aDll •'• olllce f« rellel on, by !be -· bad lllflered OOUaly AHi I ~ • -ID llllldpotloo o1 or W... May 1$, damqel tlllmalod 11 attat>tlY --Ila --eel.,. llPdatlon-He lllmbaw -that tha more thu $1 ll111lloo. ArMs will w a_., -,JiiiN Ibo llllrll1t ..iue el ....._ be ~ 1l1lller ii! Saata ADI, Orqo aad 112.IOO ID law to all-)iid and balldlop damaltd "'*'""'' -Di Mier to 1.q1ma Beach aJJo wn bit proporly ownon 111!' ,_.1·1 will be l'tlduced "113.1 mll1lOn. ~ ..mdaal Ume for by lloodlDg. 1be mpen19an a c on followed the alpine ol Smale -(:( -(:( -(:( -(:( -(:( -(:( -(:( -(:( Sand Pit Emergency Continues ANAHEIM-Orange County Supervisors heard the weekly r<pCJrt oo the ~rm Sand Pil problem Tuesday and autborized emergency work to be continut.d. f700,000 Profeet River Work Slated SANTA ANA -Bids will frffway . be opened May 1J on a $'700,000 Osborne aaxt he has the project to improve a 2.5'-mile money in hil department's .stretch« the SarU Ana River lt&U9 budgtt for tbe work. north ol Imperial fficbway. The dii<f engineer said The project was approved by atu~ are being made o( lbt llllnl'iil .,_... Tuoo-Ibo beaYil,.-rm channel d«J '"' tile --below Imperial lllgf1way up-el GoarpOollorne, dilef"""" , datiq( a sumy in the same ty flood coatre1 eoct-r. aroa -ID 1164. Plans call for tbe county In this area a split in the wcrk to be combined with river channel is planned with one half for fiood waters and Ule other hall for undergr'OW\(I water conservation. cost is estimated at $6 million by Osborne. '"" wwk will also iDclude rock lining.Cl! lbe 1ev ... ud flow CGlltrol stludur• - small watertalll to decrease the 'P<"I"' flood ...... For Jurors SANTA ANA -At awlrd-winnlnll _,, 111 m wblch deplctl llle devoloprnlol ol llle jlD')' .,._ frGm llle Middle "'" to Ibo in-I day hu been prin:hued fm- uae in Oruce Oounty Suporior Coor!. Approved by the CO<D'l's 21- jtldp panel, "Tbe Tnle ud the Jal" will be Uled .. a Yilull aid for jun:n. lta 11,,i _.., b -fer April 17 and tt will theo -• rqutar f111Ure "' jurora' ~ brlel- lnp. Court Adminlmator Lealie L. McCarWy laid Tuelday the fihn will aim be made available to -the public for group &bowing. Plana are beinl made for tta acr..rung via closed circuit TV to Orqe County ICboob as a feature ol Law Day pnlll'lllll nut May J. Group to Meet SANTA ANA -The Orange County Extended Ca r e Conference Group of the Coun· ly Nunes AssociaUon wW hold lls rep1ar monthly meeting at 5,30 p.m.· Wednelday al the Wlllowlct Goll Coune Rataunnl, 11111! W. 5111 St. Off San Clemente '. SAN CLEMENTE -A Morine Corps bolicopter crew with plenly Cl( Vlttnam eI· per-p1ucUd a Navy jet pilot frGm the ... 10 miles llfllllcn frGm San Clemente Tueaday ud p ... bim a lift home lo bis doarltep. U. Jaoopb Garubo, 17, ol san Diep, wu delivered to Balboa Naval 11"'1lltal, sbalren and -but Wlinjured afltt balling out olf bis crippJ.d Fl Cruaader wblch plqed into the sea. Capt. Steve T. Sunderman, of 1881 Brookshire Av e . , TusUn, roared lt.IWard in bis big twin-rotor CH41 S e a Klllgbt chopper alter an ll; 30 a.m. Mayday diltrrss call. "We spatted a greenish oil slick ·about 10 milts otr the city of San Clemente where the jet went In ," said capt. Sunderman, adding that Lt. Garuba was bobbing in the water about two miles further toward shore. 'Ille pilot and copilo~ Isl Lt. Sierllng Ude!~ ol at W. Vermont Ave., Anahei m, broopt the helicopter in low • over tha aea lo pick up Ibo dilched Navyman. ' The t:tew Chief, Cpl. Jallll Beobolu, ol Saulb Gate, bnl- ed Ll. Gorubll aboard 'lljlh a bolat and the chopper """' Marine Medium H~ Training Squadroo 302 niaile the 55-mlle 11\ght llOUlh. '. "He appeared shU:en up and a Utile excited," said cajit. Simdermari, adding that ha bu made more a1miLar al.-a reacuea on duty in VJetnam than be cares to recall. The rescue helicopter and crew att baled at the Marine Corps Air Facillly, Santa .\J!&, while the Navy jet was frwit Fighter Squadroo IM, based at Miramar NAS, San Diep. .. Film Offered - IRVINE ...,. The movie "Night of the Opera," starring the }.Jan: bro~. wil be shown at 8:30 p.m. 'nwrlday; four t6 ten in the Studio Theater at UC I r v i n~e • AdmiJ;lon will CO!! 13. 'Ille film will be sponsored 'by, University Gallery A.saodates Md the Art Gallery. Carl Nellon, Orange County Flood Control District plan· nine eingineer. pid the job wu costing the county about 12,400 a day and thel $50,000 had been spent to date. river channel improvement work planned by the st.ate Division d Hqtnray aloo1 the Riverside Freeway. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Throogh Saturdaj· .. Nelson said the flo\\' of water from underground su~ plies Into the pools was in· creasing at the sandpits along the Santa Ana River between Lincoln A venue and Ball Road here. "We have 13 pumps in operation oow, but the water cootinues to rile," t be enitneer a.id. '''Ibere are no more pumps available at present and we may have to remove the pumps we are using if the water level con- tinue! to rise." Last week's emergeacy aru ·in the northern pool was under control, Nelson said, with 5,500 cubic yards of fill dumped onto the crumbline banks to date. Emereency work at the , sand pit operation began several ween aio when rising water and crumblinc banks of tha poob thrutened th• Santa Ana River levee and some 400 homes In the area. The county has in.rututed proceedings to assess owners of the pit property for the cost of the operations and F. G. McLellan Jr., county direc· .tor of building' and safety, said the owners had been notified and a hearing would be held Friday at t :30 a.m. in the conference room of the l.'Ollnty Health Building. SUpervison voted to con· tinue emergency fill work on the northwest cornel' of the • north pool, to add 50 percent more pumps If they can be' found and to take emergency action to .counter dangers at two other pools when slide trouble develops in those loca- tions. Board OK 's Parking SANTA ANA -Bids will be opened May 5 for con- struction of an addition to the Orange County Airport parking lot to enlarge the facility from the current 543· car capacity to 1,235. Estimated cost of t h e "badly-needed" improvement is $185,000 which would be paid off in two years with an estimated income to the airport of $100 per .space per year. In response to a question from Supervisor William J. Phillips, County Av i a t i o n Director Robert Bresnahan said the airport management did not want to aak a parking lot operator to make the im· provement at this time, but woukl consider such action later when hith ri!e parkin1 facilities are studied. Indian Dances Set at l\'lnscnn1 SANTA ANA -"I 0.nce to the Orum," a special performance of Indian dances, will be given at the ne1t mttUng of the American In· dJan Lore AS10ci1Uon at 7:30 p.m. April II at the Ow-I~ W. Bowers Memorial MUHum, 2002 N. Main St . 'I1'e Wamblduu Indian Dan- cttS ol Or•lll' Counly will ptrfonn several dances, in· cludtna • drum dance, the San llderonso deer dance. the Taos bol'le tail dance and an eagle din«. Btt.au.e aealizll capacity 1~ limited adults art asked lo call 6»-64t9 for rt!Cf'\'aUons. Attboueh there Wa.9 no river break~ almg th.is 1ection ol the river dW'ing the January and February flqads, lbe poilibility W'll Vtrf real, ac- cording to Oobenle. 'Ille pla call !or • blanliat of row !<Jr IS,OOll feel a1ao1 the -alope "' Ibo river. -"' lm~~~l1-Also ~be .u excavation d. m , · atic yanta ol -ud llf1t In tbe river bed for 3,000 feet. The st.ate Divilion o f J1ighways. in addition to building a' new Impe ri al ffighw1y bridle over the ri~ will spend about $1 mlllltn putting a blanket of. rock! on t.he IOUtb river levee for three mi5et eanticuoUI te tbe Vets Face Tax TiJne SANTA ANA -Veterans have only uDlii~ Atiril IS to filo fer their properly tu ... emWoru;, County · ~ Andrew J, Hinshaw warned today. Vtterana eli&ible for the it,OOI nduct1on on their auea:ed vaJutton are those whio ba'1t llefYed on active · duly in any ol the armed forces durin, a · wartime period, lncludlntl the current Vletntift Clll1palin. El:empUoa ii .i... available to ..U.. ltoty peaclltmt penonnel u lhelr active dilly wu tennhiated because of a service-incurred p h y 1 i c ' I disability. Veterans who are otherwise qualified, Hinshaw n o t e-41 , _must either have been 1 lepJ reaident al C&lifornia at the time they entered upon a quallfyin( loo\r ol ..:U..-duly, or on Nov. 3, 19". ·. The useuor's office at OJ N. Broadway, Santa Ani, will be open from a a.m. to · 5 p.m., Saturday, April 11 to serve vtlerans. Bay Hikes Will End The Friends of Newport Bay will spon!or its final · en· vironmental tour of the season Saturday. The tour ls the sixth in a series apomortd by the group, a clUWl'I orpnllatton formed to prtlel"Vt the bay for public use. The tw~ile walk.lq tour will bt1ln at t a.m. at Ule blutf overlooking the uh workl al the !l<ad ol the ~y and 11!1 ~' two !lo<in- Binocu1a.rs are rtcooUntndid to watcll ftedla( ,...,ilidi. Nut aeallCIO'I -el toors will bqln urty ID 1M !aD. Groups interealed In -. nett 1111i:m·m11 call SZS.1371. Quartet Play11 loll out the barrels for Western-styled easy living inf.un furniture of solid oak! Wa'vo taken real barrals ma do with alt Iha get.tough llnlngtft of the coapor's craft-and turned them1nta oxtiling lvmitura for your family fun r-. Look what Y"" vat in this completa 14-pltct sotl Spio;i.d vinyl uphols!My that wipoa daan with o damp clath, takes lots of wear-without tear. Tab lo and bar t,Oft htgh-preuure laminotec:l-plostic tops to resist ataim·and Complete 14 pc. set 5899 burns. l.egi are made from turned natural oalc. Plus, an into<' Pay u little n 32.25 per month esting goy soloon·type wall lamp! S pc. bar 9ro~p includes one 48'1 bo r with interior shtlv11, ihre1 cotton '244 padded swivel bar stools, and one scilodn-Jtyl1 wall lamp •••••••••••• 1 •. • • • • • • • • • • • • Pay ao lillte n $11 per month 5 pc. table group irtdudes o 48" diomei.rtable and four 1wivel chairs '355 with shr.ddtd poly foam filled cushionL ••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pay n llllle ~ 14.50 per month '300 4 pc. solo group includn sofa.bent. of. 3'holf bemk, with colorful harlequin upholstery, two 2.C'' dklmlttr end-tdbles, and a 24'' x "42'' • • • • • • · · • • • • • • coffH table., Payn little n 12.50 per month NO MONEY DOWN.,. USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT PLAN .. • T • IRVINE -Works 0 f Beethoven, Ravel and Mozart w\11 be performed by a 1lrlnj quartel ID a free public COO• ooi al noiln 'l1wnday lo 17$ Flne Arts on the UC lrvlne campus. Performers will be Paul Ir----------------------------------------------. HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH Pearson and ~ Hoclcman on violins, Peter Ode&ml on ylola and Anila GU\ett cm !Hunlinqlon C.ntor) IFuhion l~tnd) 'tdlo. •------------~---------..... --------------------1 I For Thtrltecord Meetings ..... ,,, Births \.PHe •IACM C O MMUltlTY ' HOSl'ITAL MWCll 2* Mr tfld MTl. Ll<MYM A. TtYk>r. ·1;,:,t)I "'"'-L-No. C. Huntlfltllotl .11 .. cll. 11rt. Ml rdl SI 'M•. -Mn. l!•rl w. llutr.tf, ll.101 ·E"ndlnbu ... 11 Ori..., W'1trn1Mt.f. 1lrl ST • .IOSIP'M MOSl'f1'AL Meordl 21 Mr. 1nd . Mra. ~ •. Blfl ff, Ul'S.A Corl1ndtr Drtve, Cost1 """'11. t lrl Meorcll • 1NT111lOCUTOaY D1C•.El!S l'IL10 E1lhlf LOl!tr YI LllC:l!'n LOlltr •1111nl1 M. Md.tin 1v llllbert Fr1n• McLl1n. Sr. Lrnn Mor11n" EdW1rd Ov1 Mor11n JudJlfl IC. Schmidt YI Ir...-, 0 . 5<11mldf M N It Scholl Y'I ICvrt W. $dloll Judlltl Jolllflt Atm1lrtH1• YS Edv'frl Allll'I Amufronl Dolora .loYcl Hetlb!IUI Y• MUIOfl El'MrY Hollbl,. H1rri.1 Wiii"'" YI a.rn1" Wl'll!Mw J,,110 W. W!lll1rns "'' Betty D. w1111 ..... M.!IY• Trowbrldte •• Gordon llt1w Tr-bridt-1 1'1mc11 Jlne l lvms YI W1tt.r H1rleft ·-0-K1y MMll9 n CMti. .Mtlll ...... M.,.I,_. I!. Ctft""" 'II Oolllft J. c"'-$1\lOl'Oll L•n11 la,,.•H vt ltlcMr• L.. l.1,._11 l'tl.lllnit O. CMINoil vt Kt,,., Mtm CM-Salllllf"I JIM Krofln VI Alltfl l!ffrittt o=-.ro:r INJ... VI Y-Mh°tf" .,.Me M. Mn1e11. Y• O.C:•r 1t. s11111111 ldl llofr11\IN YI All!Ofllo Nld!Gllo1 llOW-t LYM H15*in YI J-II. Ntllof! IMrr W. l"lnbt.n VI 111'1'(9 V. ........ Slit,.. ''. Doti YI ~ A, Doll l"Hrl •rtd!ttt Wllltler "" 0 •,., W~ _,,, M•rr1 d9I C&nM!I Eu.tl'INI ... ~lo l!•lrloia , llUW WMt1w Ya Dtr1tY are• WMlltY llOl'l&lll K. Cl,._ Ya lllbr J. Ctt~ NIMY S.. 1"1111111111 YI Or"°" T, -Alllll It. Cvr11tmt "' Alk9 L (ymwtl1 Gr1yle AMttte Stair .., Je,,.,.. MurrlY Shir 111t'f Jldi, W... YI Jlllllltl ~lie w ... I.ff H. W.111.1111 w C.rtlyft II. WUhu Vtf'dll J-J-,,.. llldltrd JoMdl JI.._ C~I Mn ll11'1d1U w OtYl• U -1\Ce •.not•ll Oorolhv P'r1n 0.0.11bos "" 09!!1ld Allt11 000..tlbn ' Ju.11111 H•rrl1 YI Cllffottl i.t.rrl1 ~hy E. E""1'1de1 YI c;.rr L. ·-" T1r.uto (,l;llfl YI Mlc,..el llldword c-H.,ml!M; 1'111111 n Alvl11 I , 1'111111 Lttty l• Oed-. •• Emu WIU11m ·-Ed111 l'r1nc. O'trltn n Jel'ln Gtiortt O'•r1111 AllCI J. D\fffv ¥1 J..:k D, Dvtty Flori• A. HtUlnttr Yt C,..rlu s. HtH111111r A11t11ll.,. H. 11-'I YI Al~ John llD1frl Silly L0!,1111 Murt•Y YI K1t111•lh Mur- "' Fr9'1 W, H1h,,.. l/ICllll l . 1'4911 More rnor1 ll'IOl'I •oU,l o•c11••• l'IL•D Joan l..,. YI llob«I 0. L-Jr. loN>lt A, 111111' YI OoMi.f E. .,a111kw Mtlllll Sul llebtrl1 VI FIDJ'd 0~111 .... , .. Sll'ldr• Su1tn ll....,1r Yt Jlllvl llow 111mew •• ,.,.,. s.v11~r. YI Fell• V1ltln A. Lortn '"clltr1"9 YI TMlm1 I. l'ldtKlllll l1r&.r1 l ulltf'ldt YI Allyn Ktlth •111-lt r!dl. DAILY mfr J:J 'Trofan for Da1' • Air Cal Freeway Work Set USC B.ids Visitors Net Loss In County SANTA ANA -Bids for a •100,000 froewoy wety Im- provement program Ilona four central Or•nrc C o u n • y freeway seiments are belnt called, with bid opening May 1, the state Division or Highways Slid today. •Guard nils are to be ln- stalled around brld&• •P' proachu, plen, abutmenll, sip structures and tarp trees. The work involves lbe Santai Ana Freewoy from the Loa Angeles County line lo the Laguna Freeway; lhe Garden Grove Freeway between the San Die&o and Newport Freeways; the New po r l Freeway between B r I s t ol Street in Costa Mesa and the Riverside Freeway between the Slntl Ana and Newport Freeways. Offsho1·e Life Study Se t at UCI 1lllh llChool and jUallDr col- lep ·--.. -to enrollment ln a four-)'Ul' colle1• or wtlvenlty ,.JU llnd USCtleldDlcope, au.INe ~ houJe Sunday, April 20, at USC baa beeo ta1Jorod for them. such studentl are tAvited by USC's President, D.r • Normu Toppin&, to "be a Trojan for a dly," by .at. tmdlnfl the 10 a.m. ID S p.m. procram 1rith their pannll and couilellon. Pll'ldoJ Is r....; ID Is the baby lltlln( aerrice for )'QUiii -and allters. CounMllor& will be ... band with printed and verbal In- formation to answer a I I quM;UMf a b 0 II t admlallons, """'dal aid, ~ cur- ricula. The coun11llia1 ....ioo bas been 1<heduled for lO a.m. at USC'• new Sl.s.mlllion student Activities Center. In addition to school and departmental t1hlblta, cfeJnDn. atratJons. •nd preaentationl tbert ..in be much of a purely entertainlnl nature. •. ' N o w Power," an uclting dramatic prodllclfon, wlll be o pert DI Pae .. Trojan for 1 Day" se1· ment echeduled for noon. Students wi~ a bent f~ what the.· computer ill con- lrlbullq ID 1Dday'1 soclely WUI want to pt in on the demonstrations of student pr~ Parents • Slated Drug Class Anaheim in ANAHEl~l -The miture Unlike' other procr1ms p1. and tlfecta ol. d111&m>ua dru&s fered on UBs s u b j e c t • "Dant:erous Drugs'' covers will bt examined in a seminar· not ooly drugs of the "turned· style course for parents, on" generation; it also deals teachers and o t h e r s inter-with Uioae which have become ested on Mondays, at 4 p.m. socially acceptable am on I IRVINE -The story of jn Suite E. · 2275 W. Lincoln adults. and with those poten- marine life along Southern Ave. tially harmful pat'nt drugs. California's coast and the e.n-Enrollment in this Universi· Coordinator ls Robert W. er-II use on the IBM 8e HM 1t ll 1.m .• nGGn. and T d I ue' l...Y ~8:; 1tudenMo..tudent con-~ of 11.•,112 fr<!Otalloo • panel c • ' am,..-... ol_ Sj,IDt,lllt onlioaled 'by USC'• Aalociated . lorthe Ii• m<iatho, <nded Dec. Stu-orpnlzatlolll · w t 11 31. ~ "Studen11 In \lit Socio· Tbe C<lllll*\Y c!uqed ll' ty o(. _!he SliUH,1' in a 3 filcal ylll'tDCI fn:m June '9 P:.11' pt<HntaUoo deaiped ID lo De ... 11. For the ,_ .,.rod cover the pneratlon pp, COi> Die. ·st, Air Calil<irala llad fllct , cb1n1e and revenuer of $8,Ml,719 and a responalblllty . ID6s of •t,711,113; componcl wilb prior period rev-of Used Book Sale Slated h ,353,D and a lma of •t.111,7111. In the lai\ lllll monthe al. 1911, Ar C:alifomia carried 350,21'1 _.,.,., ud the calendu year total " a 1 I01,J30. Ji'UU.ERTON -M.-. than FinMlcill rl!llUlts for the aix· 2,000 IU!l>IUO fnd U I e d month period ending Dec. 31 volumes wW bt ctfertd at ttOected c:o1t.s usoclated with bort.0. prl<u l'"cJay when the -....u.n al. n e w the Patrcm of_ ttie ··Library servicet be&ween 0 n t a r i o ~ -aecood lonoual lr<emalional and Hollywood· book 11Ie at Cal State Full"· &rbanl: ajrporta and the San ton. Franci9co Bay atta, the com- Proceeds will go into a ~ ltat.ed. pa1t'Dne run.I UMd lO enhance During the lat ball of !Ml the library's holdinp. the <.'OmJ>IDY completed an Tiie ea.le is JCbedu1ed from equiprneri. tranaltioo protram 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Room to an all-jet fleet 113 ol the Library, and will The company was RCtm.ly continue between 9 a.m. and &ranted interim authority by 1 p.m. S..brday, if any books the California Public UUlitiu remain. Last year, all books 'Commission to 1ncreue fares ~were so ld on the opening day. between 1-2 and nine percellt. FAST DRAW DiiM·•·l in• A41 ~,..w th• f11+•tl ••1,..111• !ft tt.. 4'42-5671 1n4 t11t tMrn •t t i111t ,.., •-cl•c.k .. Mr. Ind Mrs. Alln ll. a uru, 1"°' Herten,. lniolM, bo'I. Mr. Ind M"-Wllll1m "· l(.,.,,td\I, 1D61 PONCI• St., M!ttltn Viti., 11ven1 Mirr I'. Mll'll'I YS HIYWI .... IC. Mll'IA SMron IC. Cll#W YI Tomm' D. Clli-r ''l~:ni I'. lt"'em •1 Utpu D. GlntVIWt D. Slft tJon YI Giibert WIO!Hy Str1l!Cln viroome.nt it calls home is ty Exte.mton credit eourM is Earle, PhD, cf 1.a,una Hills, being pre!ente.d by Univenity open through the week of April senior lecturer in medical Extension Wednesday even-14. allhouih. the first Hfslon p h l rm a c o1-o I )' at l1CI· ings beginning tonight on the. was held this week. Califamia CoDeae of MtdJcine. UC Irvine campus. ,_:~~""_~~~:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!:::::::::::================================~ M~.rrd WI. JMNS Me.Mn, tJU AulH Ave .• Founltln V1t .. Y, 1!rl ...... " floycl R. Clrtllc/tll YI Doris 5. Clrbol\lfl'I HllH'llll1 Gomt1 n Alblrl Gtme:1 Mirr $, Vlll'I C>tllltn v1 l!•muncl "W.orine Biology of Southern ,.,. All Penney 59-Open Every Ni9ht Monday Throvth Sahlrday California" is a credit lecture series planned for U--take to the sea for a living; for sport or a hobby, for teachers and students and those who simply enjoy a i;troll along beaches and lidepools and weot to learn in deWI about life in this setting. Mr. Ind Mrl. Emetl H .•• , ••• 2S212 ,....,. UM, Mltslorl V19Jo, bay, Mr. ind Mn. n..n.t L. SC...Um1cher, U71 V1r1na l"'l1ce, Irvine. t lrl Mt rcll ii M•. 1nd Mn. Terry N. Turr1ll, 'l'C'l2 SPinclrlfl, Hun11,,.1on Bt1c~. boY A1rl1 I , Mr. 111d Mr1. Roro&kl II. Clvde, u.:12 Homer, WHlrrlll'<lltlltl', t ill: I Oeberlll F. Cr.w.rd YI Srll(t I . Ct.-..ofrd Huth L. Fr....,1n YI l onnle L, Fr .. m1n 11-1111 Lei l owe YI Trudy 01wn IC. Vtr1 C>t!Mfl S.11C1r1 Leith l'rullt n D1vltl S..llferd l'l'\lltl L~lll'ld Htrrlnt H1111!111'1 Y' IC1n>ry" J1ne Htuslon hrlrtl'ld ., G•Ynel M. .... t.\lrtl'll Ann Wlbon YI J1me-s Dcvtlll S1'11ron l . WlllOll aertr1nc1 fAlnnl1 G. !Allier vs C!Ydt IC. Collins Merllyn Irwin v1 Wllll1m F. lrw!f\ J1>o1n E. ICthl YI Edw•rd G. ICthl C1rol J(l'f'ct Reid VI Jow E1rl ll:tld J~"'''-It. GordOfl . y' Dlrrtll I rvi n M1rv J1n1 y.11nt YI D1Yld J1mt s Gtffon While ... . -•·" V!'nOftnt J-Vitt A,udetl YI l(""ntllt D1g111 L , D1N:1r VI ft_., E1rl 1n11r Dtlt V1n A11-U Jud~00C1rol Tlnl ltY YI Chtrln £u11nt Lindi Lee Slockott YI Strvtn Tl'IOm1s T11 ltY Stodttll Merit Jo L1llltm Yt lluntll I . L1th1n, Henrt W. Grelkl •s Norm1 Greskl Jr. E F1llh L. Robinett •• Le Rcr E. J1nt A'l::n FuL!t rlon •• Phtnp u~ne Rotilnett o!.r~1e~, • .t.ncrtrlOI\ ., CllffOI'., LYnn JlHICll Donnf Ponln!tll YI Joh Joseph AnderlOll • Pontre!ll OIFlll Ak1n1 YI J'"l ph N. Ak1n1 LAS VEGAS. N.V. -M1rrl"e lletty G. 811dwf11 ,,.1 Frtllklill H. ZU1 RI l r1111115 •1 8ern..-d11 r., lk tllffl mu.d MA 111Cl\ldt: l~ll , B[j!.1,!!l• Mll'l:ll :rt M ttl Htrtlfll"•t:•J.,,_ .-.. HlrkfM Ef~1118"riltnlll YI V.-A. J. w. H•ll· rt. ~ T~. Am.. ,..,.rr F. IClllO ,. Urrr J, ICtlM ~.!1.. L.. Ml"ll ... Jlmrnl• Ma1111e Ir.cl SMrnt Mir Edell. 24. of Coll• Oor'Cfflr llouslldl yt ..... " Rousl'ld1 IYW!it ,,,,._ wtlll• VI C1ft19111 w ... 1'111 Mti.t. Lindi Tiit.... Ml"°"H YS Dttrn1r •-~ii!•;,;:-OorrM ...... ,11 Dl flC'I' Otl• T. Rh''· 11. of (Ml~ ~' e ....... #JkMll ' o;;"il"l ' -IM!1 YI Di-LYM i nd Allu M9rle McDonlkl, 7', el Nelllt M. Vlt!OtttMf ._ Cl'llrltl A. Andrlllon I St nll ........ ' Vind~ Und' -Ann, Wttllltr Yl D....W . ··~ ~ 'M Ethtl ll-le aedt •\OS Ltc1111r• W. W.- lt-kl Rutltn H1,,..111111, n.. If ltdt ' l l'llr...., M. Mtunllr " Ann•"' "t,. G1rdlM. 11'111 C~1r~ lllddle, 1t. Vlolet Mii h>ntl' ., Jtrnn Woi:id M1Vni1r of Hllftllnllon 811(1'1. porftf, JT, ltwn11rl1 a~riNU OOS WHRll'I TI'llodllft IC111,, I nd Lindi SU... !tHJ, 24 IMrUr , l'">-1 ' GuiJj OON.1i. YI hiii1 A. Series enrollment is 1ope,n through the w .. k of April li, and individual lecture tickets ' will be available. · '4 The class will meet at 7:• pln. "in UCI's Science Lecture Hall. History Group Se.ts Oil 'faJk Merit £. Ht rptt, "· ef T--.1, Judith Evelltl ~ lltborl l11I si:~.r~ Hl9ht,,.. NWY S. Hl ... f •. ef Huntl ... ton kldl. ;. . Cl'llri.nti Y. W,._ '!¥1 C•rl~i. It:, Gola { C!lfflltd .E. CllWMn. l3. 111111 Jud\"' w11ton ' •olto r ullfr YI Du-OtYltl F111i.r SANTA ANA -A one-time .l.nn INlllY. JI. bolfrl ., Chit Nor"" Jtlfl Hvthn ., J'""' ..... '!!"'-'!... Ma:""X:::rr M~ YI Jlmt< . ~ ho M,... Hiit'-· · ' ~ oilfield r~k " now Orvui. Eu1-Mllfll, :M, 91 H1111ttn.lon lee An11 Wllddel~ n Jofwl H. WHRll " I., Dori J..,. ,_ Gdrllutl 'fl J•t 1• N....ie Shell f Company's e1- le1di, i nd llobf:le. TlH ll, 31, ef lt!tblrt L• Met~t "'' Ciro! "'"" 11:.r:~tl... l1tll nttr •1 Cht rlh ·~ • ~~-U S Ptll'lldlle. MtlCll -Nldletn ••Ill-ploratiollll-tf'l: "..,western .. G1rev Tl'lom11 C1'111rchlll. 76. of 8 r11ca Fr1nklln Mt1frs Y~ $hlrltw Hitmll Y. Cflrn1ll Y1 0'91 l1rm11 and AJeska will ttll bow o,iJ 4n•hllm. Ind St>.illo S!t91:hUil. 11. H. MIY&FI Cllrn1ll el Hunll1>1h:ln Be.id!. lloOtrt outr ••II Y$ P1!rlcl1 Je1n Wltilfred 'l'llrl Wrl9111mort11 YI Ptul ii discovered wtJeq he spetlca Mf1'fl; " 11•11 l!:rne1t Wr!f9ie-th ..... or c I John l1. 0swn. •t, ., eo.11 ML!•, l!Hraoeth G-1 Ys A•m•NID Gonwl ,.,.~~..!!1;1Wlde "' Ktren EILl:Nllll to tAJC" .ance OU n '1 1nd Htlwll Ell• lrld-. 71. of Frlfda 11.,ltodle 1<1 T_l'lom11 /l. ll:od>t HQttl Htrb'.r1 SlrlbloW YI llutti l111rld Historical Society Thund1'1 It Nt-1 IMdl, £1lu lleftll Ann H~tt v1 Gi rth Strtblow Bow M •-Mlrdl 11 Monlycutt C1rotv"'M. 0111111 vs J1Ck D. D"1111 ~ Ule1BD uae. Thr:lrnll J•-~ ~ . ., F..... Horten I, L MeC\l .. y YI llobl!rl L:'"' Ft~t rown YJ E"""' CurtlJ R. A. M•lott will speak on t111n v111.-,, •• carol A. Douk. Hlttllrl McCulleY Altr,,O:nM. G11tnl!M v1 Eu..,. l . •t.e .--., "Oil"lg Where Y«i 77, fl knit AM ........ _ Vtltrll N. Pllrll YI Throllort T. Giltntlne YI wt'"" .. l'llrle loo.i!M A. ll111er n llellotl1 I!'. Find Jf " G•N N. T1111!!, , .. ., Sll:lllftt. Ar\.r., ~"''.'.:':·~c:-:::...:":~:·~·__:w:_:•:•:-:::..~':":..........:•:•:"'':'-------------"''----------1 Ind Vldor11" loul• Woi:id. :U, of.-s.~c::--. .. II' Hullfr'"" ft Al PnMy Stwet o,. .. t...ry Nioht M......, n..aut• s.1 .. 11.;., 8..0.. ll'ld 8llncM Stltv ca_.,, _,., 11 .. nltrt ·--D1vlll •• IElltr, :n. 1NI J~ w!::"<. ·-~. ~ ........ -Foa11•1Pdr 11WOMS M. '"""""' n. lloltl -Huntl,..,..,, enne~t J~ V~. 21, both of Fllllllltln ALW AYS Fl~ QUAUTV V1lllY. Div orces l • Multi-pu;..,a1• throws pu111&senny 1a11•1Utecl • Dusth 'Sta-Put' not to Mp or slide • Completely ble, machine, hand, drip dry NOCTURNE CcJ p ...,~ ..... .__....._....,., ...., ................ _,_., wiM:le. ...................... 60"x7YU9 90"x72"6.SO 126"•72" 9.98 CIJlYll " ..... _... Its ... , I .... ...................................... OllCllldled ~ ........ .,........,._. 60"•72"6.50 90• • n-8 .SO 1l6" • n-12.98 .. __ " ....... ......, ,. • j t.bric. ... Mid,~ ............... I 1llfvll, ......... ............ ~ .......... -.n• 5.50 90"x72"7.SO nrx72" 10.98 Let .,ovr Imagination to wlld •.• brtgh-up your home -ny ways! COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH IH•rhor S~opping Ce11 ter J IF1shion lsl1ncll -· ·' SPECIAL PURCHASE! 2 WA'YS TO RELAX COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping Ctnlar) .. - Paclcled a chaise lounge L 14.99 ¢e•h.,..circmbec:uwM1 ti .,.;1'i .... bgo 24" wide, n' ....... -~~,.... • ....,w,..... ' ~adj--2 !I' ...... fOI" emy ==••....t. For lazy clays... the '~stro Cot'' 13.99 ~,__ ............ I , .......... 3"xlll"llod .. ' ,..,,....,,, __ 'bod ....,,....,_...,.. ... ,...., ...... ~ .... .,.....,.. .... ,., '111'..t-.. bloo _,, wllhoot tools. HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPO RT BEACH fF.,hion Island) fHuntinglon C.nt•r) " --==·-~ -·--------- I ( I J4 DAILY PILOT Family . To Travel Abroad The wandering ..,Wice. a.re packlllti tloe!r bai•. ''This time it's Eill'QPt •ca.Jn," says Ted '!fk..-e, ol 251 ..:. Carnegie Ave., Costa Mesa, a reta'ed manufacturer wbt> ~ tbe best travel abroad deal short of ~ raffle, quiz !how or winning I r I s b Sweepstakes ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Wice 'and their daugtaer Toni, 20, pertooica01 depart fOf' world travel, taking aJong young people to make the party merrier, screening applicants to pick the most compatible. "We're going to take five high .school or co 1 leg e students, flying to Frankfurt, Gennany on June 21 , where we will buy a new VW van and tiour the whole conUnent,"· says Wtce. Wa.ter Vp, Signs ·Dawn "We'll miss nothing," he adds, "Athens .•• Tangier ... Lisbon .•. everywhere. \\'i avoid tourist traps. Our ex- perience gets us the lo\\•est possible prices and 'l\'e meet ?\1innesota Highway Department maintenance men remove the sign that indi· the rul people of the coun-cates old high water marks on Highway 169 near Chaska, Min'tl., where it crosses tries." the Minnesota River. Vernon Liestman (left) and Alvin Stier e~lained that all The hand-picked traveling signs and posts come down and the boles filled in because "the highway roadbed companions must pay their survives in better sfiape when all t:bl~s are removed." .Monday the river was own tab hr the three-month about three feet·below the top of the highway .. --OdySley, one of a series con-------------------~------------- duded aince Tonf, an Orange COMt Collete llocuages ma- jor, was ~y J-~ld. Tiger · In His Tru~k Experience for Man and His Lla1nas Universe UCI Week's Lectures To~ ' 'Ibe follow1nc publJc led.urea ..,... Th/'tl.1111 111e ...,,., "-'Ir.. 11111. • •·"" .. c• ..,, ,..,. .t.ni will be cffered by Univertity =·W1~~:,.. ~=~·~:_: = S:.~ _uc,'.1~~ '"' Mlb Dis y ~ d California Extension, Irvine WHIOll, tuuitr, H""' 0•1' Sdloot, S1hirlll1v. APrll It-'flit Art ., ' p' •ut the.Wed: of A~ lf: f:,"~ ::r\,.~ if~··~r. E~t~ rn'":' t.,"f.~~"$·,::0:.1,,rat fl! I": • • ~ ·, ~'' .....-11 t•..:... M.,,._ Lflt. Of\VI •I MM Vhl .. , .. ; Ul. 0 ,k:iet1 :"=~~'H::.~~ .. . ~· "'" -.,.. .,.~lid .... ... •. wd • .,,, ,, ....... -, • ....... ""'"' t"' ,_ •• , • •1*'!, I flw """1111 llWYl"'-f S.I .;:~" -'""" .. willtll KClllllK.r •lld ~· ·)O HONOLULU • ( 'U D ] _ u,_,if:• r.~rw1't.:' r~ 1 c~:r: ~ :.O.~~"~ t:J.1 1y~.~ ... ,::':ll, :/:'",.' '·'"· · s:• '·'"· Lou-. v!liwnll'll • • ~ 11:1· f.oorCll,..... ._.,..,.. &;.11 J"•t-u;;ic.;lltn In sm1\ 1,.u l"rtrl_tllll '1'111t.l'Ml•lkln, TOWl'I (tiMr, Telelcopes 1bMrd an -t.iH.... ,..,.._., Murr•., a...:i.._ c..;· .;;••o:";;.°"=M:...;.w::c.•..::: """='M'-'"""-"""'"'cc"-~-•;;.''~·'-'-.~-· '-"-'-"'-·----' • , -... --. •111111lwr leclurft f11;• ' .... U.S. ~ \I~ i,'fe made r--... A¥11 !' -. u1r1 A ditco\leriu Wldcb ccdllct Jiith r-"'~~'O I If Cu.: . tbe .~ tb.£:'h .... rv..;. .. -· =l~f!L.A; ~:f'\,... ~~ enmN· J --.( ,,___. --··~ ~-f 1.m., 111 · Artl. UCI ..... ~ .. -ii:cU ... Ip. ~";;!)!!O:~·"'l'"'.'°'• ..... _,._,_ Uni ......... tl! W"""'-tn icfm. '~A 1 1s 7 ~~ PllMl111 ·-..-1-M ·-~Y . !fr-le A .In l:t.:1..'f..'! 11_:'. • ""'' • ~ ~ : • 1 .. A:. 1E1111a1111n NtliM1tl c-••ne- . Dr ·~ D · d ·lt[,"-""l•' """'"''"' ~~ · :a.._ ::_'7:ur' ', ,; ~~ ~~~1~ f:~".iKl ~-<>~v e~~··..-Vlu..lf'I. . <w:;::;.:.•: ~~~,~I"' ~ Obeervakrry No " f1:.<:llkt~.-"'""=: 2 (OAO.lll haw found unex:-iroi:=ei:i1 11. ' •. ,,.'°: .r's"'f.: .. ~ peCtell' "ft :iritin9&' tight in . =' 1nc~ ~ c="'t-,.1:'. •le"--' Old ;. .. "".,;.;... ~ •• C-al!Wlll': ,,,_ It. W1rr1tt1 , . 'VII.I ,...,........, '--t"'6' "'"""'""" · QintUntnt. J"'* •ht 'f·~ mvifMo\i-f,. ltJie' ~.... w.,.'"' '"" euoc:11tn. . -... ~~ .r;-·( .. ~ ~ --aur. ··W~v •. ·Alf!ll •la -PllY\lc•I <illl;.'.'P and . ft011A1UQ of the ~· '.·15~~.:l.'=lM" ':.,~~ Yene: ~ .. : H•.....-.l lldt,._.., 'a"Mk ' l ' -. t ' 7 ._.,..,,. H11'Urtl Sc'-···Am~ ·~;to~':: '~~,;~~~~~~ ~·= '1111'.N~ . ...,. and t::::!I;;:'· '<••:,::•or!:.; ~-~dmtr.'nrrtlon ~-.' a-,~,..rJ!!.i ::::::::!:...._ ·-,, ...... :-.. ·= 1 ~-.,.ol~ . .J'. "' JN'~. ~!lf -·uc1· C1rn-. -,.-: a.a. t~b ~, hit ftnennp at the W~nud1~ Ayr11 1' ' -"'aut · 121th ~of Dae Ameritan ~ , ~~.., ~ r \'Tr , :,,". ~Society Cowd1Mt9r: Lloid1 ~i iWillr ' ..,.rvbor, l"!'lnlul EMlhlrl O.t .. •-nie OA0-11 data 'lhow that u .<11. "'"11 l .. 1t,: n. ,., Cr.wflft th otal .i.-..u H11 Gymn11lurn. U<.I; ·"'""' m . · e t ~-1 of. the Wtdnftd!.'' Allfll 1• -. ~x •nlll I . .,_ j I h , ~&mUY L!fl lt1 EduC1llCl11: F•mll~ For Him; for Her by ununous mau..cr n e Ht Ind Sex l!lllvc:111o11 '" tM sc11eo11. ,_,,....., .. ;., _,.),,,.bl DOI hi..t. . R1' f..,..19,, m1rr!101. f1tnl1V 1fld .., .. ""'"" ~ .,_.,.... y ti" Cl'lllO COll"titlor. 1 1.rn .. C1t.1u11, enoo'"" to _,....,.. ,._ theory flo1J1 Gr•~ Hllll kftoo:1, G.111e1en ... ""'If,..... -WJIC 6rtNL F ... MJ, Tlclle!1 "6 . .Sll. {]{ a tteady state urivent," .Jihu'l'!fJ• Apy~17 ,.-Pf.ollli.i~:'J Code aaid. The ateedy ltate 1:v'r'·i.ci: ~,. r-.. .=1r. theory bokis tlJat the lDve'Se telllftltntllo ;i:.. !"Ill 500 MIPl!n'Ht ., ..... c-.llM!w. ~:r .!M.11™-, ,... always Jooka Che l8Jlle from ~ _, ~:id 't:dJ.!•le C91ie.e __... t time • f1c11:~ ":' .. en. Mrltl any ...,.. ... • any • ~n.f-a; t.;,w 11 -~•11111 Code aid he believes the i~ ~-i.' w:.'lr*J:,, G. Geri.~ full im-+ (If reeearch with EJ.o.. llllred9r. 0.h'""1f!ICY Control t-";" li11lltvt1, USC. "'"'I -llltn: C1rl OAQ.11 will Mt be felt for Triornt011, Clt'I' Mll-r 11 Sltfll• An•; , __ _. Cllttorlll M1119r, C\ll' M•Nttf' Orl l)tlt. at ~ a couple of years. 1 "·'"" PhY11~1 Selene:• IN. uc1 <•rn1>11,. FH: M I 1ln11e1 14.50. "Some theories on cos-T11ur&c1•'1 AHii i1 -Protutio...1 , ' PrKtltts tn the HOU$1nt lno:Nstrv . ARTCARVED RAJNBO.W SET CORSICAll SET H111 29.SO His 32.50 H111 35.1111 His 37 JI mology will · have to be M•rl<tllnt 1ec11"1'lUeS. Rlcto•rd F. modified and otheri dilcard· :~:t~1·,~n~or.: ~1'rlll,''U?r~.~':uc,~f,---------------------, "We decided the best way to give her real polish, culture and ·sophistication wou ld be "'orkf tra vel and it derinitely pays," said the retired mobile h<11J1e manufacturer. Ohe Wice travel tour took a party of girls Toni 's age all around the world on a 12 month itinerary and anyone wbo would like to apply for the summer trip may call or write tbe family, . . .... ROYAN, Fraftce (UPI) - Zookeeper Jean Marcade put a tiger in his truck with two llamas. ed " the astronomer 'sa."d F~: w . Tldllll S.S.50. l"Ul.l••TON HUNTINGTON llACH HIWl'ORT ••ACM L-"'LG.o' • r. · · " H ' · ' ' 1 ' hursdl Yh AP.rll 17 -Min Incl Oo'110Q11t1lr ~ltr Huntln1lon Cerillr UOJUe tbe·broaen cage. cr1s1S. e is now recovering "Practically all ..u. ....... fll. ......_ ~~C; ,~c~M!"'-· E~ •'~~· ,, ··--· ' ' • • ·-I Hl•bo• II Or•nt•"''"" ''' ' Marcade slammed the door. at homt and H<i.O..Z.'-..Rriam:ly tical utroncrny will be a!-11 ''" ~~· "'' Fu11erton. nter • MKRtttur '' "'' c• ttw ........ ._ • . , 1.m., Ph,1ln ~Intl 111, UCI Ctm-St" Dl910 f W'f, ~• \Vatchingthroughthewindow1_•_bou_t_h_is_1Wrr __ •..;·"~i-tlt~tbe-·..,.. ___ 1ec_:ted..,,..;u_•_reou:...;,._~_-_~-'.OA.:....O..:....II:..'_' __ N,:s'~:::':::.;:!~"'.:~..'.·~~::•l"..:•l":.;:'-..:~::::::"..:•=-=,,.=.:::===================== at the rear of the ~ b~1- An informal get..t,ogetller is then planned IO the eveiWual fellow.travelers can meet and the eeled.ion continues on from there. SAC llonors 3 Scholars Eight area scholars hll the books last fall and made it to the top ()( the class at Sant. Ana ·College. S&udents witb a J.o ·grade averace or better wtre named to the Dtan'1 honor 1ist .for the fall semester. ,, \ They are : Verlene Conger. Fountain Valley: Pb i 11 i p Balliet, San Clemente; James 0. John.son and Thomas M. Martin ez, Westminster : Robert A. Goulart, Laguna Beach; Bill Newton, Hun- ting1oo Beoch; M..-y ~. Pat· tenon, San Jtwl Capiitrano; and Eileen spr;ng..., El Toro. The tiger .a-ee OOt' ol. the llamas, then joffied Marcade on the driver's eeat. Marcade, 43, was aaid by his doctors mday to be .. iD a state of "nervOUll crisis." Marcade said his trouble! began when he pieked up the hl'o llamas and the female tig er near Paris for the retur n trip to Royan Zoo. Having only two cages. he put the tiger in ooe, one of the llamas in the other and let tbe secorxl llama roam about tht ~I truck with • rope around its nect. On the retum,.joumey Sun· day, Mareade ;topped o/f ·tn the early hours to eat and take a nap .at a wayside rtstaurant. At f a .m . he returned to his truck and opened th e back door to Check oo the conditioii of the animals. Marcade found himself nost lo no5e with the tiger, licking its whiskers and making a ooise that sounded ha1fw1y between a growl and a purr. A dead ind half-eat.en llama lay GO the fbr f'l the truct saw the tiger settle dowll, al>( parently to slttp. Deciding to take • thaiicb at m.Wng the ntum journey while the animal WU aalelp, he jumped in.-tbe driver's .ut !.. and set off at ·top speed. After a few. minutes,.durina \vhich he reached speeds of up to 95 miles per hour, ~1arcade felt a solt breath on I.he side of ltis face . For the remainder ol the tw<rhour drive, he talked 'quietly to the tiger while she padded around the lnltk. Ot· casi.onally she nt in the paSlleOger seat with her paws pl~ed firmly on th e dastiboard, watching the road unwinding alleed. Zoo owner Michel Gaille wu waiting for Mart_-when ~ arrived. Together, the two coaxed the gorged tiger into a cage before her hunger, a·pparently satisfied by tloe meal o/ !Ima meat, WU atOUSed again. Marcade lhmtly lfterw..ts suffered what hil doctors dscribed aa ''• nervous .,. •.•• FREE CBllB ICCOII 7 CONVINtlNT Off!CQ RIVING OtlA-COUNTT .,.,. .. e...,. ... ......., $40.lJll ..................... M2·Jl4l ..... ,.. ......... " C.•••"5•• 171.ztOD ............ """" .... 111·7'11 ..,.,_ Ofli« Su,triet It "9cillltif M1,ftll • ...., .... tM1a.....1tSbtt&Wa:1 17'-41'0 ....... Wtlktilf It DMr MZJtU • All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday I ; ' SAVE ·30.90 1M a Pen.""IG wrwaslNN;.dry-er tamn gotoworkforyoUI Sow now on our ... Penacr111• 16 .. wmhwl Reg.199.95 Nows177 ,., ...... ...,.,..,~ .............. ,.....1111w. '•Twa_.Jtfla ........ . "" .,... ..--... ..... .,._ ..................... Pemcr ....... . temperalure gas dryer. Sow nowl Reg.154.95 Nows147 ,.,. ....... 1..M,. ..... ., ................ ... •no..._._. ·-.-'!:..., ... ... • , • t i ti ...... ..., '*"*'' ........ .,.., .... 124.•---·*'W fl17 SAVE41.95 Penncrest"color television Reg.499.95 NOW $458 ,., • ..,,.. .. 11.so,.~ • 23",._. . ......., ....... -~-'-' p;c....a-.i • lllillill .... ,.,...,......'ftl' ..... ' • lS,000 ... efpidw•,._-•..,_......- • '1111 ... ,·.-~ l.t, ................. c......,...., ............. ....,. . . - Periilcr11t'' console colorTV Reg.469.95 NOW s401 ,.,•N"'*• s1,,...__. • 10• taW f a I; . .... ................ •C•t , •• , I 7 ---..,.," ............. -llO -llOllll-M, I tV JM,..,_ Mii • NEW PO RT BEACH (Fashion Island) HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Contor) • ' ~ • • • • • ·-• • • A • i • ... •• .. "' "' 11 w .. ~ • •. " • • • • • • .. • • • • • • 2 • • ' • • • " • • • • • r • • • ' • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • < • • • • • ' A • • • • • • • •• • ~ • • ' ' • • .. .. • .. r • • • • • • •• • • .. .. .. • • • '" ·-• • .. I ~ COLORFUL POLICE OFFICERS SCHOOL GRADUATION I OCC Graduates l ,OOOth Law Officer · ·~~ / • ".:r Dl;~~ ',. , "l..?'pfU?'e 'S "-r.-:Ktt;e. or bAfLY !JLOT J 5 Evolution Proof W MllINGT6N t (UPI) .~ 1 Modem rld.r ind radio chemical proceul.I do -occu.r neceaary pr e e u r I or of PrMile< : ~cal ... JUWo ' utrmomv .,~ hue ill 'Ibo i;Jouds from which' llan biological evolution, besJ!lt in m11y bt-rQlnl~• ln WlllJI\.. "..Ci~,-~ 1 way to detect ~ p1bU: we formed. space even before tb«. )>irUa lentdlal' duol 'ioir<p..-l:' ..1..... mok<ui.t I a In-, {iNf diey aJeo ~ggest 111'1 or worlds which becoJ1IO Ibo . • ..;.;;,lo , ~ opaee, For dtcad<s , cllemi<af .evolution, I he abode ol lilt. where ~ ~·iil\f ~·nr ,~ it bis , ttM 'Uown'~ thltl~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;: are. be1nc boq>. • # ,. ~Ou! a m O U.n t 9 of A,ceuml!lallQe evidel><:e !Yr · ~"' apii un1c1enur1ec1 duat ~ • , g~.t!uiMhe(proc...,.,w~ .Swirled In Jm....,. cloodl · led to w~ on earul'il Ire· c:oncentrated in 1Uch reflons operating m• ,_Y . ~-is. the <006\ellallon ol Orion. 4JW ROOT BEER ~ • • ~WI HAllOI. ILYD. .•·• COSTA MIS.A =~~-· But:.uaUl a few months .,.. .... •f ~ not '<ii11 to'. .-..1c1w •6f .qii!Y :-moleculo (a com-, ', ~ " -CIM TO OUR "1W Ille ....0 ._, thll. 1'14aet • ljinoUon ol two " more , ~ • . boll aJeo to the belief oi """" . ~r bod lieen dei.ct<d In ~ tllat .. lila l!Wil ..... _ipter;elbr clouds: It was .i..; ~.-.;.. 1111 -:r-ltfdrcixyl, ooe -atom o f -•..,-;....••~· :Cild .... liJdroPn joined to ooe atom HAWAIIAN LUAU! t'lli .~Js ~··. •Or' oaygen. ~~":;°· ~· ; Last Decernlier rad 1 o q1;,ojt1or .rt " ..... ~. ~stronorpers.ot,lheUniverslly • ib~·o•uou.m;-e ~ paliftrnia repoTted atni>ctil liuo{\aln, ' : ~~ «. ammonia In In- it 'la~g-Jlty~elt· 1~,cJou<t&. Then, early , that ·~let · · lO t a n i e m Man:b, \f'eY announced tbty . molecUles:~ 'lo ""1id qad ' de te c I e d ' intttlltl~ . '.°'ve 'heed;~~ ((om tt.. w•~·· :· ... , , · glMs;'iitiidJ',ji\io<!6 ljp the •I· J 1i?)''"~ls wOr\mg lllOlpbere o1 tlie l!rimitive with 'tlie 1111!1.ot -r .l~·ro earth around 4.5 billion yetrs telescope at Onenbank, W. agO. , VA., have found that . ' , t:,l'.ID~Y,' ~-AP~IL 11th . • • SP«(W.,BOmAllMIT . . \ ' •· FR~M : S:lg ,p,M, TO 10:00 P.M. ; ''.• 1 ~N :S~~ AT 8i00 P.M. .: ~-· MID~'('.;APRIL 11th • >\Unf~TIC ~OSTUMES e H DANCERS . ', FOOD ' SPECIALS!! HAWAIIAN HAM STEAK TERIAKI BURGER HAWAIIAN CHEF SALAD TROPICAL ORINKS A&W ROOT BEER Orange Coast College has graduated its 1,00>tti law en- forcement officer. En forcement .'' These gase were methane, formaldehype (used on earth ammonia, hydtogtn, a ,i d as a disinfectant a n d water. Scientists have created preservative) occur s com- in the .laboratory several monly· in interstellar cloiJds. 8Jllino adds -fundamental Form a Ide h yd e is not unlt.s 0£ living tissue· -out methane, but the·two are'tklse ot mixtures of such usu. relatives cheml<;i.lly. Where PO, weStmin.Ster PD and the Casey, P~ter J . eaV~na. But how did methine, am-the one exists, the other pro- US Marine Corps. Westm.blsie·r -Wtndelf J. monia, hydrogen, and water bably does, scientists believe . RESTAURANT .•. The academy draws its In- structors froni I a \V en- fQrc~ment . agencies in the county, the California High.way Patrol •. and the State Narcotics Bureau. Derald D. Hunt, OCC police science coordinator. is coordinator for the academy. Graduates included: Carey, _Patrick J. Henley, vapor get into earth's at-In any case, the new Costa ~esa -Gerry I... _:ru~·ch~ar~d~Ll:.~M~c~Klnne~· ~Y:_· -~~~~~.~~ln~the:'!.flrst~:!pl~ace~!~i_d~i~sco'?:v~er~i<s~-~·~P.£f~o~v,:•,.;.._:t~h~a!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2855 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA , Forty-five rookie offfcers rrom 13 county Taw en- forcement agencies piCked up certificates from the college Peace Officers' Ai;ademy in . ..c.f.Temonies Friday K~orer, Rudolph J .I· . • ., Malik, Harlan L. Pauley, James G. Schiller. Ronald G. Veach. Hutlngt.on B e a c ii . - Michael A. Horan. · Since the academy \\'as founded in 196l, a total or ~ IJ13 law enforcement officers Agencies represented al the Academy graduation included Anaheim PD, c:Os-..a Mesa PD, Cypress PD, Huntington Beach PD, Laguna Beach PD, La Habra PD, La Palma PD, Los Alamltors PD, Orange County Harbor Department, Santa Ana PD, sea.I B~ch Laguna Bucb -La\vrence E. Ga1at. · have graduated from it. 4-;-:::Keynote speaker was James · G. Fisk, deputy police chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, who spoke on -''The Changing ·Role of Law • 'Or-..ge County ff.a r b'o·r · Depart.men\ ....,. Charles R. Chick, Ralph W. Huffman, Richard Olson. Todd Roth, Dennis Ryan, Robert Smith, Gene Stivers. Seal Beacb -Patrick J . ;· l ' INTEREST DAY-IN to DAY~OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! , · ftO · SAYINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION , .. · cAM ·a~AT:11J ·. " .. ,, • -t . •1 \. • " \<.. t' .;. I · . .A$$~f~,o~ER ~,~: 9 $42!5.000iAQO.OO . ~--' . . . ,. • ,.. • 4 • . . . ' l MUTUAL<sAVINGS • f'ND, L.OAN As .so.·CIATION • CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast Highway, Corona Del Ma r, Calif. 92625 telephone: 675-5010 · HEAD OFFICE 315 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, C.lif. 911 09 telephone: 449·234~ OTHER BRANCH OFFICES Covin1, Glendale West Arcadia -----~-~----- , All Penney Stores Open Every Night M'onckiy Through Saturday ' enne~t 'tllRU SAT. 0#1 Y! ALWAYS FIRST ~UALITY • RE .· ·~ .,, ' ' ... P.RIMIUM RllL MOWER 'ltGi tlt:~9J ... ~ .•.... NOW • -.·• . ' -! This great mow.r f.atum: 3 H.~. '"1gin1: 18" cutting w;dtti, 3 piece roUer f.or 'tum- ing •aM, and its own 9rass cotchtr for •110 ecty clean-up! ~ • " .... ' ' I P1y 1t Utt~ 11 $6 per Nnth ' -Ow ~ Penncnft 2.li lj,P; .dger /trllnmer ~ .A err~ ~ ea•y ..., '° "?im yow lawn! lot Ponneyo 4o ' tht werk for you ot our low, • ~ p;;«t , I , .. . . .. 74:95· ' ••• uu NEWPORT BEACH iF•shion lsl•nd) ' . ' , CUSTOM REIL MOWER r RIG. 1~9.95 • • • • • • • NOW •, . . . ' Mclane 20'\2 HP .'fronf • ,' .. \ o • " l.,', ' ' I throw power ;~w'frJ · : , · "< Clutch, blade olld throttle ~t~oJt>~:l\a~lt ~-f.~ .~ control. Some of the featu••·inclucfej ~·.,.~ tMI,, . rtcoll. slat"Mr, stonclor~ m~, ~od;anl ~~orl. · and 1nstcrrat H.O·C od1ust~t. -Metall 9"11J.•t0kf-. ~. inchldedl ( 11 "· -t 1 .J.a..:··'~ ' '' ;· ;15~;,93';!: "•rfi•~lirth :R a~~tll · . ' ~ • - . "t9 ·•,j .. 3 H .P.frontthro}l'·nia~er 17P.95 ·. P•y '9' llttl11 .n IJq Pft1month ~ ~· i ••.• •· MClll'fi9"'2-H.P."fi1'1'h'n'~r, thit..o\t,.-io control edger. Easy finger tip ang le o;cfjui\in.-it,.cohtrol lever. f'Miti•I! 1pting Ioele. _ J .. 69.95 Pay 11 lifll• 11 $5 per month Pe~r\cr1ft premium 21"' t •lu~num rotary mower t Rugged 31Ai H.P.," cycltengint hos pull-up "side recoil" starter, an1 i-1colp disc, gos•gauge, much morel Gra1s (Ot(her incllH:fedl 109.95 ,.y •• liftlt. .. " ,... •• 21" ratify liwn mower $69 P 1y .11 Ulrie " is ,., ..... Penncralt poweMHI type mo_,. 84.95 ,., • """'. $1.-.... HUNTINGTON BEACH (Hunt ington Center) ------~ --------:--·---... • I I 11 DAILY "LOT All Presidents Try to Change 'System' By MEl\RIMAN SMITH dlaapprove. WIUI rue ••· 11cret lrom a .-r rwva· .imt an ....,..... favor to annually proclalm all natlcoBI it make ,.,,.. in 1969 to r.n:. \ ~ WASHINGTON 1UPll -ceptloo, -"'llel bills are ijon, or ll'lnl!Di pr•...,1111 oi11J1F 11111 anall port GI the hollclayJ, p1., a much Jarser an over-burdened chief ... President Nixon bu eatabllah-of entirely ptrOChlal interest approval f« locaUan ti. • nt-tlderat IYA!m· u well as number d commemorative ecuti ve to perform 90 mlQ1 ed a special advllary COUDCU or ellect. Somtllma they in-tlonally uolmportool llrldlt. · relltvt,. him and the Wldte dlyt, wem and lllOllths. basically unimpmant lllu on execuUV< O<&anlutloa to volve llOtbillf m«f .lban ad· ~. C\llcl1li would -11a1f ol the con->.,. wm1oy • moot ol these wbtn they could be hamlled undert1ke 1 1 ' t b or o u I h ding or «il>tractm& a few be doinc 1tltlt 8"' the Prtti-creeM:xal requiremeat that be lpeCial cauw may be, does just • easily by auboniinltelf "v.i<w"olthe ft<Jeraloet,upl -~-:;-~:--~-'-~~~~~-:-;;-::-'--~....;.::.::.--=:..:.c....;.:.:.,..:.::_:..::::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.:.::.::.=:::;..::::::.::.:..:.cc::,..:.:.:-::-:::--'-~-:--:::-'::~-;-~-.~~~~ ~~;=. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Mond9y Through Saturday ma-.. W.ithout qU"8ticn, the ex- ecutive branch ii aericMJy outmoded Md cluttered with jneftlclent overlapping and duplication ol functions. Presi- dent after president h a 1 sought to do somed1ing about it while carefully avoiding one o1 the bis sources of trouble. 1bat source ii simple: Each new President feds compelled to leave his own mark en orpnizaticns ol the govern- ment. Sincerely moUvated, · thMe cban&es every four or eight years contribute to the hodge-podge without ever sub- mlttins the fedeal 11tn1cture to a thorough overhaul which ti needs sc badly. Mules Beat Choppers STAFF CHANGES OrganiuUoo of the White House itself changes with each President. Titles, functions and areas of authority shift with a new chief executive. While Chia is entirtly within his legal rig!llJ, ii does make for a period of contualon in government departments and Heavily-loaded mules are loaded aboard a ferry at Mittenwald, Germany, for an exercise of German mountain troops in the Bavarian Alps. Despite heli- copters and olher modern methods of transporting loads in rug_ged terrain, mules are still honored a s the most reliable means of carrying supplies for the German "Alpinieries." agencies as career personnel adjust to new arrangements. Solon Seeks Reforms In Funeral Industry For at leut 30 years, the title of "secretary" at the White House meant a hlgh- Jevel, policy official ; truly one of the insiders at the seat of govenuntft authority. This label began to lase its im- State Senator Anthony C. Beilenson (0-Los Angeles) has again introduced a proposal calling for major ?eforms in California's funeral industry. Beilenaon introduced similar proposals in the past three sessions of the Legialature, but they remained bottled up in CQmmittee each time. Beilenson says he is trying again in response to con· tinuing public demand to remedy some of the most criticized practices of the funeral industry. He said the public ls entif.led to know what range of prices and services is available, and that the wishes of the decreas- ed concerning the disposition of his own remains should be faithfully carried ouL "Grieving familiea: too cflen are miJled into bu y i n g Registration Open fo r OCJ C Classes funerals more costly than they port&nce • few years back ' can afford or than desired and comparable rank during lh• Jomsoo -inlatntioo by the deceased," he stated. ·...i t•· '"'-of " ~·• "but oor current laws protect ~~fant.:~ 1.11,n-; s~ the funeral industry, not the Under Nixon, however, the funeral-buying public." titul• situation has 'been Principal reforms In the bill, reveraed. An official with the says Beilenson, would : simple title. of "aSllstant" -Require funeral directors outranks the larger number to provide a ccmplete price cl staff members who are 1ist of funeral services and called "special assistants." caskets to their customers. This may be quite un- -Require h1neral directors derstandable to the inner cir- to provide a written statement cle, but it takes a bit cf to customers explaining that getting used to for a third the decedend't wishes as to or fourth echelon official in hi.s own funeral must be some other part of govern- obeyed, and that present law · ment who understandably does not require embalming finds himself slo\Y in recogniz- er a casket. ing the new pecking order. -Prohibit embalming unless STILL SADDLED the family gives express Alsc, NJxon, as man y pe~:!~"· it a crime for preside?U before him, still ~ lin<ls himself saddled with funeral directors to deviate t ime-consuming ceremcniel from the deceased's own and legally required duties wishes as to his funeral. that seem ao inconsistent with -Preelude exclusive dealing an age fl computers, space 1 r r a n g e m e n t s between flight.!, instantaneow com-c em et er i es and under-murricalions and nuclear takers. energy. -Eliminate. the prohibition The President under Jaw In present law against seal-must have studied by his staff tering of ashes, allowing and ttie Ju.!lice department relatives to dlspcse of ashes hundreds of so-called private as they see fit and as the relief bills passed each year Registration began t>.1onday deceased has v.•illed. con-by Congress: then he mu st this week for a complete sislenl with health regulations. decide whether to approve or series cf nine week courses1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I at Orange Coast and Golden West colleges ranging frcm first aid to shorthand review. Reg\&1.ration for CX:C classes will be from 6:1S to 9:15 p.m. in the OCC Counseling Center through 'Ihursday and April 14-17. Registration for GWC classes will be on the same dates and time in the GWC Administration Building. OCC classes and starting dates: Civil Service Prepara- tion, Tuesday 7-10 p.m., April JS; PBX, Tuesday-Thursday 5; 15-7 p.m., April IS ; Shorthand Review, 7 : 3 0 ·I 0 p. m . , Monday-Wednesday; April 14; Tran s cribing Machines, Tuesday-Thursday, 7;15-1;15 p.m., April 15; Typ- ing Review, Mon d • Y· Wed- nesday, 5-7:30 p.m .• April 14; Hair Styling Advanced, Tues- day 7-10 p.m .. April 15; Salon Techniques, Wednelday 7·10 p.m., April 16. fir.!i. Aid, Wedheadays, 7:30- , I See by Today 's Want Ads e Patio \Veather: SUnninl fun, and nice '~athPr to eat outdoors. Here are a few good~s lo pretty your patio: Rattan !ables, $25 each: wrou1ht iron patio sofa and table, S35. • Scout Sale: Local C.'Ub Scout Troop is having a Garaa:e Sale .•. this w~k· end . , • in Huntington Beach. Promise Y1J:U'II ao ••• Scout's honor! e Goln' to the River'!' Colo.. rado or any river, you'll have a better time lf you try wale~. Here's a brand new multi-eolor Tap.. t'r nex water 3ld Jor only $50. Time to ;tt out and UV!:! 'Daisy', our delightfully colorful quilted bedspread 13.88 16.88 twin 9r full tt""" °' ltin1 Marvelous modeirn floml. 100°.4 cotton becilptad, quilted with octtatel This h our prescription f'Cf tired beclroolM..,...,... fcMshly with dobiits in .-n, y.llow or btu. ••• tho resvlt-instanl bechan b.outy1 Newl ~Laguna' drapeseeekeep sun outsidel 48"x54"9.98 SIZE 75"x54" 100"x54" 48"x84" 75"x84" 100''x84" 125"x84" 150''x84" ' PRICE 17.98 23.98 10.98 20.98 27.98 36.98 42.98 W-d~I ,.,.,.,.. ~I S.,..-..... -I Not only do---i-~ bop ...... ...i J;ght, bot !hoy u., ....... Jc-.)IOUCDCJW in....,.,.,-md ~ln.wlnlw. 'lhlfN specially badced wi!h aWied ocrytic foam to .._ et 5elf·~ni119. White, ITICl5S grwn~ antique gold. Brighten yaur nioms! Antique satin pillows Decorative pillows ••• luxurious velveteen 1A4 PIM th. lcrNhly in eokn to occn your dKw •• , wfrotesa k'/(Nrstylt, incniqurt --2A4 Foo-a look of Mn.y ..• pl"'•"'l'-af .. i..i... blend pill ... 1 l'ld< ., ... cdors that omKtt your room! COSTA MESA HUNTIN GTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Harbor Sho pping Conlar) (Hunlington Center) (F•shion lsl•nd) 9:30 p.m., April 16; Englishl~"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!~'..':::=================================================­Grammar, two sections, Mon.I· day 7-10 p.m. and Tuesdays 7-10 p.m .. April 14 and 15; Reading for Speed and Com- prehensklo. four 11 e c t i o n s , meeting from 7·10 p.m. en Mondayt through Thunda)'!, April Jf-17; Slide Rule, Thura- day 7.f p.m., April 17; 1'1eehanical lnspectJon (plum· bing), Monday 7·10 p.m., April H. GWC classes : T y p i n g Re view, Tuesday-Thuradal 7:30-10 p.m., April IS; E • ficlent M e a I PreparaUon, Thursday !;:JG.9;30 p.m., April to; Buie Writing Review, n...nday 7-1 p.m .• April 17; ll<ldinf for Speed, two 1«· ""'1o, Tueaday and Thunday HO p.m. April lS.17. ~? 8'tJ«let/ CillJa!loa strl*' ~ ll\lollll °"-· PllMRE HANDICAP Sat.Aj11112-w.tt8ooliT•.(JWa DEBONAll STAKES FREEi OPEN HOUSE DAY Sinlay, Apri 13 Bring the whole family7 e.m. to .. p.m. "'Morning Wttkouts • Thorougbrtdlr1lning RICH 0 TWD BIG TllAWID! VARIETY SHOWS' But T.., ~ Slsllle Aru"' Rsd119 Merion Pictures • OPfll HOlne Toan: If Plot• frtt ridn tor 11111 Kiddies RN~S~ 9 RACES DAILY Tues. Tin Sit. FlllSTRACE:Wnlcdays 1:45;Slts.1:15 IOW DI SALE tor ......,. div" dtys o1 °"9el90n. Ajwt 11-July 21 '1."° ln::lil<ln 9PP!it-1~1-) HOUYWOOD PAIK Tel1phon1: fi711-11e1 "'en-11s1. or write: Ticket Dept .• H°"YWoodPerk . C1n1ury Blvd. At Preiril kit. Inglewood 90306. MidMy ~ SM Di.go lrld Hrrbor f r-..,. ' 0 0 DRESSSHOF Polyester knit dresses in miny pasttla; 8 to 18. reg. 26.00 to 36.00 • . • . • .. .. .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • • .. .. I 7. 99 Wool knit suits from a famous maker in frosty pas1cls and ..,.hice; 8 to 20, reg. 46.00 to 66.00 ...•••.....••. 34.99 Miss~· dressr11 iil the newest spring fashions. Priors anJ solids in 1atAC stlcaion of fabrics, 8 to 20, reg. 26.00- 60.00 •••..•••••••••••••••..••••••.• )3.99-29.99 ~DRESSSHOF Polyester half size dresses, pastels; 12Yl to 22!;2. ref.. '28.00"'36.00 •••••••.••.•••••••••. •••••· .••••.. 17 .99 Women's better dresses in fliO-piecc and jacket stylings. 1211-22 \1, "'· 26.00.80.~" ........... I 7.99-29.99 FUR SALON 'Narunl mink jacker with wedding ring coUu is perfect -for our California climate. Select from natural Autumk Haze'"., , , •••• , , • , ••.••..•...•........• 399.00 Natural mink stoles in che rcsu.W Jong front or short front suit style. AU have double fur ollars. In Autwnn Hau'"' or Tourmaline• ••.•.•.••... , •. ~-. -.......•.... 399.00 Fully let-out natural designer stbles have double fur col· lan. Plump male skins only in Aurumn Hue•, Tourtnil· Jin~ <>r dark ranch •...• , ..•••• , •••.•.•...• 599.QO Natural mink capes jn the lavish Contessa design; only .choice pelts in Autumn Hue•, 'I<>urmaline$ or dark ranch , , ........ , ·, ..... ,, .........•......• 599.00 Natural mink jackers with double fur collars jn pastel only ..................................... 599.00 ~4 natural mink coa1s with smart border trim have dou- ble fur calla.rs. In pas1el only .......•....... 699.00 Full length black-dyed mink coats! An exceprional value" ln ~ fashion coat made of circular sk.ins. •.••.. 699.00 Deluxe :X natural mink c<>ats are of designer quality in .Autumn Haze• .nd Tourmaline* .•...•••••• 1099.00 Full length narural mink coats have two row border trim and double fur collar •........ ,,,.,, ......... , .. 1099.00 '"'T.t.f. Emba ).tinlr Brteder1 Assoc:i•tion All fur producu llhcltd 10 sho• counuy of orisin of iinporttd furs. COATS AND SUITS 40.00 value. Our cool 'n crisp little suit is a silk and rayon linen with cap shoulder, shiny patent belt and the new long· er jacket. l1's crease resis1an1. Peach, powder blue. black orwhire; 8 to 16 .........••....••......•..... ,. 29.00 SUNCHARM SPORTSWEAR .Alex Colman shif!s and pant shifts. lUu;v canon, 8 ro 16 ................................. 10.99-11.99 Reg. 2 3.00..26.00. Our famous make Dacron® polyesrer pants. No-iron and washable; wider straight leg styling; ,R to 16 .......•.•..........................• 13.99 '.Reg. 15 .00·19,00. Thr~ sreat striped acecate pant tops jn a wide 1anse of colors with short or long tlceves. S.M· L •..•••••••••.•..••.•••••••.••••••••••••••• 7 .99 YOUNG CALIFORNIA SHOP . Jle,g. 3~.00 to 40,00. Polycsre·r ~nits in wnne, navy. aqu;t,' pink and assorted pasrels.' io 13 .•.......•••• 19.99 Reg. 12.00 easy-care cotton culottes in navy, white, brown, yellow, blue and brown. 5 10 13 ... , .•... 7.99 Reg. 15.00-23.00. Prc-reeD and jr. pe1ite dresses in bond- ed acrylics and cottons. Pre·reen 6 10 14, Junior Pcti1e -~ to 13 ......... , ..•..•......... , ...... 9.99-15.99 Reg. J 7.00-28.00. Junior and junior peti1e. Polyester, rayon crepe, couon voile and n.yon dresses with the look of linen; J to 15 ••••••••••.....• 12.99-17.99 BUDGET DRESSEE :Reg.. 15.00-20.00. Crisp 'n cool easy.care polyester dress· ~; 10 to 20, 12!/i to 22Yi ........•..•..•..• 12.99 Reg. 23.00-28.00. Dresses in washable Dacron ® po[yes- rcr. Some coat costumes included in this selection. Pretry apringcolors,10to20,J2Y,~lo22V2 ......•.. 17.99 SHOE SALON lteg. 14.00-32.00. An excellent selection of famous name brand dress and casual shoes reduced from our regular srock. Many sryles and colors •..•••.•••.......• -I/3 off ACCESSORIES R.eg. 11 .00. Preny prints in double 1'nit Arnel ® triacc· tate o r nylon panr tops in sh irt or tunic styling. Washable ond drip dry. 30 to 38 ...................... :. 5.99 ~eg.. 7.00..9.00. Famous "lady" ihirts, long. or roll ilec-ves in s<>lidi ud prints. Cotton and easy-care blends; many arc permanent press. 8 to 18 •.••••••......••.. 3.99 Reg. Famous make Orlon® acrylic Jwea1ers in sleeveless and short sleeved 1hel1s, long or short sleeved pullovers and classic cardig1ns. Whi1c and preny pastels, 34 to 4 2 ...••........................ 5.99 COSTUl\IE JEWELRY Very speci.al values on lustrous cultured pearls set 1n gleaming 14 k.t. gold. Choose from a wide array of scylcs and settings, some with diamond• • • 20% lo 50% off Pirndants • ·······••••·•••••••••••••·• 6,99.19.99 Eardnas ························~····6.99-2%.99 Rinp ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •.••• 6.99-29.99 Bricrlecs ••••••••••••••••••.•.••••••• 6.99-49.99 uftifor:m. necklaces •.•...•••••.•••....••.••• 49, 99 ALL STORES EXCEPT MARll'li.4. • . Sa...-e on out beautiful ~csignet jewelry during th1.s $P<'· cW hie! Many ont-of•·kind •......•........ 1/2 off -' .. < GLOVES,,.- Pabric Jlovcs imported from Germany. Doubl~ w<>ve n .~~or n)'lon embroidered styles. four styles 1n black, )«itt, bone or navy, re-g.. 3.00--4.00 · ..... ·. · • · 2.59 HOSIERY AoaUlll sale of Bufflon h06icf1 made. csc!usively for Buf· (diet" at a savinJS for you! Shttr Aailoa ,.ylon. Buffion PID'l1 bOJC: in fuhion colors. lleg. 3Jl0 ••. 2 ror S-0.!J \ D JllILLINERY SALON One-of-a-kind designer ha.ts, some from our coUecuon. Straws, fabrics and felts. Some solid flower haa, Black, navy, white and colors .• , •••••............... : . 12 .00 BEAUTY STUDIO Reg. 35.00-50.00. Bttck permanent waves basic . .Savf' half on this new, custom-blended iQ.,.edienrs actively work ro produce a 1ruly satisfying pr6fessi0nal conditioning permanent that lasts through shampoo after shilmpoo. Hair cut included in this special price ....•.•..•. 17.50-25.00 LINGERIE Culoctes in floral prints; 10 to 18 .............. 7.99 Surrah print duster with· button front and la.rJf! pitch pocket~ 8 ro 18, reg. 16.00 · ................... 8.99 Kodel® pOlY,ester and couon flocked dot duster .w111t lace rrim on collar and sleeve. Embroidered panel down frtm.t, pink, blue or maize; 10 to 18 •..•.•..•••. 9 .99 large group of shifu. in easy-care fabrics. In. floral prin1s "''ith zip back 20d double breasted styles. pink, blue maizeo.rgrcen; 10 to 18 ...........•...••...• 6.99 Perma-press cotton poplin shifts in zip appliqued trims; 101018 ••..•••••••.•••.•......•...••.•..•.••.. 6.99 Famous mil.kc demi-dolls with lace and ribbon trinJ iO many discontinued colors; P-S.M-L. reg. 8.00-13.00 3.9,. 7.99 Very famous make shifts in opaque nylon tricor, shirt shifts and "Fuji Dram\!." print shifts of Dazalon••, in kalei· closcopic colors in sheer nylon tricoc overlay, XS-S-M·L, reg.·~ i.00:1:>.00 ••..•.•.•..•.............•..• 7.99 Very f;imous make pajamas in .shore c:ulones of ny lon rricot, "Drowser'' pajamas with shorric pants, "Fuji Dro1· ma" print long trousers; 32 to 38, reg. 11.00-18.00 ····-·······-·························· 5.99~10.99 Nylon u icot lace ·~nd appliqued . trimmed bikinis a.nJ briefs in white and fashion colors. Elastic to last rhe life oftheprmc.ot;4to7 ...•.......... l.29~3/3.75 Nylon uicor W.lored opaque briefs and bikinis in white, 4 to 7 ···········-··-······-·-······· 99c,.6/5.80 ' Famous make ChemiSet1cs in Jibbon be<lding lace 1rim in discontinued colors; 30 10 36, reg. 6.00 ... , . . . 3.99 Famous make pcltislips with tiara lace Jeep hems in di s· conlinue.d colors; S.M·L, reg. 5.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99 Famou.s make nylon tricot pcttislip~ with exquisite Phil- ippine haod-ttimmcd lace: in Jovcly pas1cl colors: S-M-L. reg.13.00 ···········-··········•·· ........ 7.99 FamouJ ro&ke oylon 1ricot slip~. lace and applique trims. White and colors; 32 ro 36 S, J 4 to 40 A. reg. 6.00 3.99 famow: make Kodcl·.19 polyes1er and t·ouon dusrcr ":i th gripper closing. cardigan neck and lace and' C"mbroidcry rrim. Pink, bJue or maize; 8 10 18 •. , , . . . . . . . • 7. 99 Famou.s make KodCli!!I polyes1er and couon dus1er "''ith contrasting applique trim on yoke anJ par(h pocke1s. Blue~piokormint;8ro 18 ·-··--·········•· 8.99 Famous make woven couon stripe gripper coffee c·oit with patch pockets and Pe1cr Pan collar. Pin k, blu e or grceostripe;8to 18 .........•............. 6.99 Famous make woven cotton plaid &rippt"r coffee coat~ ""'ith patch pockets-Blue or pjnk .••..••.. , . . . 6. 99 famous make Kodel~ polyester and couon floral print gripper closing duster with Peter Pan collar and one pitch pocket. Grttn. or pink; 8 ro 18 , . . . . . . . . 6.99 famous make shift A<>wns with lace and •ppliquc trlrrts .. Shee r overlays in spring1imc colors; S.M·L :1.99 FOUNDATIONS Re~ 5.00 Peter Pan Padded Treasure: lace cup bra ha5 soft, ·natural fiberfoun lining. Honeytomb (eature.around cu:p for perfect fit. White, A and B cups •.•.....• , •.... 3.49 "'The Body Minimizer" by Warner. A lightl y underwircd crepe cup bra with softly contoured fiberfill cups. ·White and be:igc; Band C cups, reg. 6.00 • . . . . . . . . . . 3.99 Shell cup cont<>ur bra of nylon ]ace c;iver nylon mi1.rquis· ette-Weightless fiberfill for natural rounded look. Stretch scraps, A-8-C Cups. reg. 5.50 . . .• . . . . • 2.9? Marching panty girdle. ha.s eJ:tra slimming control wi[h rummy and hip panel,,, S.M·L. reg. 15.00 .. , . . . 7. 99 WARN ER'S "LACE ALA MODE" GROUP Beautiful lace cup bra with light stretch frame; A·B-C C'up. White and colors, reg. 6.00 • -....•........ 3.99 Girdlc5 of lace Javi5hcd powernet. front, side and bd.Ck panels for conrrol; S.M·L White and colon. Straight gir- dle, reg. J 3.50 •.••........................••• 8 . 99 Averag-t, long-leg pancy, reg. 15.00 and 16.,0 •.. 9. 99 Reg. 4.50. Youthcraft · -Cbarmfit bra of Dacron® po· lyester/nylonJcotton blend bandeau with lightly fiber· filled cups. Permanent pres.s hn1sh, quick drying; Jj ana C cups. White only ......•.... -.............. .2.99 HOLLYWOOD V ASSARETIE SPECIALS Lightweight nylon and Lycra(!) spandex powcrnct p11 nry girdle with tuli~shaped underlay on 1he fron t panel; S· M-1-White, reg. 8.00 •........ -..............• 4,9Q Discontinued bra styles include: Nylon l~e sritched soft cup. Stretch srraps, A·B-C CUp$; wh.ire, blue, be:igf" and lemon, re:g. 5.00 , ........•........•..•.......• 1.49 Contour cup bandeau <>f nylon lace with nylon and l v· era® spanda powerner stretch side:s. A-B·C cups in white, black, bcise. blue and leiDon, reg. 5.00 .•.. 3.49 ~TATIONERY SHOP Famow .make stationery in assorted colors. Oub sized sheets and foil-lined envelopes, reg. 1.29 ..... ,ta box Patent Jeacber "Go-Go" 16t(. bag in s9rin& color~. Roomy b:ag hts full .zi p, in.side p<>cket and' is full y lined, reg.. 3.,0 . , ... , .. -~ •...... : ............ 2.SO Famow make boxed candles in decot11or colon. One dozen 10" and 12" capen ro a box, reg. 2.00 ..• 99 bo~ ''.Alighty·lice" the compact, bi&h·intcnsity lamp; white, ~igc, black or olive, rca. 6.99 ..............•.. 4.99 Every day assomd ....... p. t<g. 2.2) pkg. 1.00 pk •. Our papular magnetic photo alburo1, reg. 6.,0 u 3.99 HANDKERCHIEFS ALLSTORU EXCEPT MAR1'.• Embroidered handktrchiefs in Swiss c0tton with p1ectily embroideml motifs ,11d ed,tts .•••....... :\for 1.99 Refill•, five sheers to a pack, re1-3..2~ pkg. . :l.00 pkJ. "Read 'n Toce" all-purp<>sc ponable reading scand. Wal· nut finish with chrome legs, 9,9, value . , ... 6.99 ~·· lrurama1ic photo.albums with wuhablc cove rs .i.nd liners. Refillable, 3!hx31,1; red, blue, gold or -.ialnu[, limirrd q1.1an1ities, 3.,0 value .. -•....•................ 2 .50 HAND PA GS Reg. I ,.Q0.20.00. lcarhc~ ht1.ndba,s, piten1, <>s1nch or liutrd·graincd calf in drtsty or ctilored tc:yles • J 1.97 Patent, plastic caJf. Secon-Uke art.ined, plastic ind SO'l~ battdbtf' in imall w large, dms1 0t tailored stJICL .S.1c ind hri&ht colors, rei. J.00 •••••• • •••••• ••• ••• 4.~7 ' ' Famous boxed noces, rci. 1.2,·1.50 , ....•.•.. 2/1 .:25 Execulive Dc'isio n ~1 aker, reg. 7.00 .....••.•.. 5. 99 The ?oforion Teucr. reg. 8.00 ..............•••• 5. 99 Map Teaser is a free.twinging pcndulvm that ructs to a fotcc field of yeo and oo m'8ftcU. Reg. IQ.ol! ... 8.99 0 COSMETICS Res. ~.00-8.00 Lc·athlr ·accessories from Rolfs includes bdllolds, Fttnch purse$ and clutC'hcs in whic t', red, blut', green, caniiry, char1rcu~c or pumpkin. PJ:iin and 1rimmcd lc a1hers •.................................. _l/2 ol'f .Reg. 4.98. Sunglasses in round shapes anll ovals in mec.i.1, 1ortoise or black frames. l .enscs in bl ue, pink, grey, green, amethyst or brown. . ..•.....•.. , ......• 2.98 DOROTHY CRAY BEAUTY AIDS: Sarura Mois1ure. cream wi1h hormones and vitamin A, .reg. (1.00 size, 3.50; reg. 10.00 size. 6.00. s.uurii Cream "''ith vi1amin A, re~. 6.00 si1.e. 3.50 , re.a;. J0.00 siU' ••.. , . , .•. 6.00 porothy--Gray's· deep-cleansing tech niquc for beau· tiful skin with 1h ese lollons: 2-Minuie i\'fagic ([ean- sing 10tion, reg. 2 .50. 1.50; Orange Flower Sk in f reshc- ncr for dry sensitive .skin and Texture I..otion for normil skin, both rc_R. 5.00. 3 .00. ,._1edicated :Refining l.otion for oily skin, reg. 4.00 ~ ..........••....••.••.. 2 .50 Reg. l).00. Helena llubcns1cin Skin Dew kit intludt~ Skin" Dew ,._ioisturizing .Emulsion. Skin Dew Moisrurc Cream, Skin Dew Eye Cream, Skin Dew 11oisturizing Cleanser, Skin Dew Freshener and 1"<>ncr and New Skin Dew Contour-Lift Sale , ...................... 6.50 Annual sale ol Shocking de Schiip;irclli 8-oz. splash-on cologne and skin·rone sa1in-1extured powder in R·ol . hox. Dusting Powder, reg. 5.00, 3 .00; Afrer Ba1h Col· ogoe, reg. 3.00 ... .' ....•............ · .... , ..•. l. 75 · Reg. 5.0Q-.6.00. Aroniizc-rs and Presr<> ~tisc~ with fancy Jif1.off rops. In crystal, pink, blue. yellow or green 3.00 Another group of atomizers-includes many handcur cr~·~- 1.11~. colors and h;ind·blown glass. reg. 12.00-15.00, 7.50, Jude girl night Jigh1s or ·perfume lllmps, 111 ceram i(, reg. 4·.oo ••.•••••.•.....•••••..•.•.••. ~ •.•.• ; J .95 'f o introduce you to her Creme Parfwnce a ill pusb.-but· ton, Nina Ricci includes a sizeable, travle flac:on of it ""'i th each two ounce Eau de Toilene Spray in your f;1.vorice fragrance ! l'air ·Du Tempi and Coeur-Joie, 6.00; Capricci ........ , •..•.••..•.• , •..••... 6 .50 Reg. 10.00 Elizabeth Arden Beauty Sampler with Deer-a i\lilky Cleanser. A.rdcna Skin Lotion. V clva Moisture rilm. Beauty Sleep and Special Eye Bc•uty. Crea.m. Se· lect from rwo n~w chit· cones ..... , ..•........... S.00 li'il'ANTS' SHOP 1969 COLOR·COORDINATED ENSEMBLE JS , BY PETERSON IN CAT AUNA BLUE PATIERN Automatic fold play yard. Hcavy-dury construction with 6-lcg support, reg. 29.00 •. , .•.. .": •.• _ .. __ •.• ·22. 9Q Siesta Stroller features comfy headrest, reg. 25.00 J 9. 99 folda-Tri-Chair. Fo1111 padded scat 2nd back, washable upholstery, 1owcl and bib rack, safety belt. Reg. !8.00 .....•.••.....•.....•••...•..•.••••••.••.... I 4 . 9? Walket·Jumper with !prinE: arm 1har :1djus1s iension ft1r he;1vicr baby or taller toddler. Exira lar~e wheels, remov- able rray. Folds flu for storage, reg. 8.00 ....•... (1 .'19 Reclining S"'•ing with ju mper springs. heaJ resr on J·po~· irion reclining scat, canopr . Detachable legs, folds loni~ pac1ly, reg. 14.00 ..• , , ...•.... , ... , , ........ J J •• tt) Peter50n Safe-T-Seat features thick foam padded ~ear, back, arm rail and hcadresr. CrOis shoulder safety s'rJp, Ebony, royal blue or white ~·ashable vinyl uphohtcrr. reg. 15.0C ....................•..••••.••••• J 1.99 Reg. 6.00 to 8.00 lnf;tnts-, toddler,· dresses iD a C'ho icr- of fabric s, .some easy care blends •••••..•.•••. 3 .99 Kleinerc DuraJlte wa1erproof panrs. Guaranteed to wea r at le15t 6 mos. lnfant pull-on, reg. 1.00 each • , . 2( 1.69 Toddler pull-on, reg. 1.25 each ••••••·••••• 2(2.-19 Infant snai)-on, re~ J.25 each • . ••••• .• . . • • 2 /:Z.19 GIRLS' SHOP Reg. 6.00-7.00, girls' flare pants and bib ·shortelh in ex· citing prints. Pastels; some solids. 410 12 .•. 3.39 to 4.:)9 Reg. 6.00-12.00 dresses in bright prints or Jolids in ma ny stylings ............................... 3.99-4.91) Pcrm11·prcss conon b~ci~te and latin sle:cpwear ~e r in ~up:a.r pastels. Lot~ of J i1nry tuck~, embroidery and lace 1rims. 4 tO J4, reg. t.i.00-5.00 .................. 2.99 Quilted robes in duster lcngrh~. Pri n1s an d i<>!iJ s; 4 co 12,reg.6.00·9.00 ···········-···-······ :,.49-6.41J jamaicas for girl~ in rigi(I Dak·fab 1 ouon 1le nirn print~ ind tattenall check1. Solids in fine line gabardine and Dacron® polyester and cotton. 7 10 14, reg .. ).00 2.29 Knirtops; solids, stripes. 4 to 14 , re~. 2.50-3.00 1.69-1.89 One and rwo-piecc swimsuit,, rrg. 5.00·6.00 .. , .. 3.19 GIRLS' SHOES Girls' sandals in many col<>rs and s1yles. Le.i.thcr in R l11- 1Jc girls' 10 6V-? wonlcn's, reg. 10 6.00 •••..•..... 2.49 LITILE SHAVER SHOI' Reg. 3.50. Little Shavers cotton pai amas. Made expressly for Buffums' in embossed fabric. Short sleeved, long leg coat styling ..,Jtb notched collar and con1ra.sting 1rim and cuff: 4 to 7 •. ·~ .......••.................... 2.59 Buffums' own white combed corton underweal".'-Brie( hiis clas1ic waistband, fly iront .and double scat; 4 to 6, reg. 3/2.)0 .................................... 3/2.00 Undershirt in T-shirr s1ylin,q has nyl on rei n(orcc,l neck. -i ro 6, reg. 3/2.75 .................•...... ., .. :112.2:; Our 0"9.'n cotton short sleeve 111cx1C1urtlt= knit shire in anoned stripes and colors. Washable, reg. 2.50 .. J. 79 Shon sleeve permanent press spon "sb.irts in ru11.ny p11r0 1ems and colors, 4 to 7, reg. 3.0()-3.29 ••.• : ••... J. i9 Boys' stretch UC'W socks, 6 Ip !) 1~g. .60..85 •.. :\f 1.29 STORE FOR BOYS Reg. 4DO Boys' all cotton 'pa1amas In an embos1ed f1b- ric. Short slctvt, Jong leg coat 1ryliri.g with notch collar, 8 to 18 ..................................... 2.99 All conon 1horr slteve mockfur~e knit shire in striPf'•. W•,h:1blc, sitet 8 10 IR, rep.. 1.00 .............. J . 99 \'(f hi1e tomlk'd 1onnn hriet~ h.,ve dnublc sear, fl y lront .i nd clutic """i 5tb.ind : 8 f1) 12, rej:. 3/1.50 ... 3/2.00 14 to JS. reg. )/2.7 5 •.••••• , ~ ..•••••.. , .• ,. 3/:t.2:'; T-shirt of ,.:bitt combed couon has short sleeves and nylon reinforced neck~ 8 to 12, reg. 31 2.75 ..• 3/2.25: 14 to 18, reg. 3/l .00 .. ., .................... 3/2.50 DAILY 'lloT Jf Bulky stretch hose in Orlon:& a.crylic nylc;>n .blCo.d. Solid colors. to fit sizes 81,1 to1 t, reg. 1.00 ••••••.••. 6/4.89 sizesJltol 3,r~g.l .2' ••••••• : ..•• : •••.••• 6/5.89 ::ihort sleeve perma-pres.s sp0rt $hirts, 8 to 20, reg.. 3.50. lf.)0 ························-············· %.29 Perma·prcss bermudas .,..ith bdr loops in gre-.tt colors: 8 ro 18 reg. 2nd slim, reg. 4.50·5.00 , •• , , , • •• ••• %.99 · fnrirc slq(·k ol (rQSby SQuare slip-oos • .dress oxfOrds ind \ving·tips. Jn basic blac\: <>r brown, 6 to 8 ••• 15% off STORE FOR MEN Reg. 6.00. Men's Dacron~ polyester and touon sborry pajamas .a.re permanently prcsstd. A·B·C·D. 1.69 2/9.00 Regular coiit style pajama.s v»i1h long sleeves and legs, reg.8.00, ...••........•..•.•.....• 6.19,2/12.00. 1tcn·s fine cotton handkerchiefs. reg. 13 for 6.50 4 .50 OrlonOJJ acryli'c stretch ankler hose in a rib style, crew 1op. 17 great colors! Machine washable and dryable; on<:" size tits 10 ro 13, reg. 1.,0 •.••••.•••. , ...••• 3/3.50 Wool and nylon blend stretch hose arc machine washa· hie and dryable. 5 good colors; one size: fits 10 to 13. Anklet, reg. J.')0, .... , •..••. , .....•.... , ..• 3/3.50 over·the-calf, reg. 2.00, •. , , ••.•.........•..• 3/4.50 Fine silk neckwear, reg. 4.00 .. , ...... , . , . , •• 3/6.00 Our tine quality underwear is a special bl.:-nd of Oill- ron® polye,tcr and conon: T-~hirts in s.~f.t,.XL, reg. 1.75 .•.••••••••••. 3/4.00 Athletic ~ndcrshirr, S-M·L-XL. reg. 1.)0 , .. , •• 3/4.00 Knit brief with elastic band, 30 to 44, reg. l .~O : 3/4.00 Boxer shorts arc permanent press. Whi1e <>r colors; 30 to 44, re:g. 2.00 •.••....•......•.....• 1.39, 3/4.00 Reg. 6.50. Dacron® polyesier and cotton shirts have soil release finish. Slightly larger collar in a medium spread style. White and medium blue, aolJ. or 1an. 14VJ-l 7 Perma-Press ...•.••.•. , •.•...•..............• 5.25 Refl_. 10.00. Men's washable Orlon® acrylic knit shirt .Sf~•lcs in clude short sleeve, fully-fash ioned shirt with sol· id 3·buuon placket front. S·M-1.-XI_ gold, lime, powder blue, ru~t and C-.,.pri blue: short sleeve mcickturde ""i1h "Verticle cable treatment, S·M-L-XL white powder blut. lime, gold and Capri, blue,; short sleeve mock turtle S- J\l·L·XL. po9o•der blue, lime, gold and rust stripes, ea. 4.99 Washible Hoppi Coat robe V.'ith carton terry lining, one size fits all . .Stripes, plaid s, flora!, reg. 18.00., ..•• 10.99 \'(f;ishable short sleeve spore ~hires, in solids, plaids and prin1s, $.,._f.L-XL . .reg. 7.00· 10.00 .... 4.69 or 2/9.00 Our entire stock of lambswool sweaters! Cardigans or V • necks in solids or cables, Reg. 17.00-2 7.50 , , )/l OFF RC"g. J0.00 Darron® polyester and cot1on pan1s in a J'oplin we:ive in ~olid, blue, sand, olive or bronlc. Waisr 32 to 42; length ~. 28 10 33. . .................. 6.99 Suits from such famous m;ikers a.\ Srcin Bloch, H. free· 1nan. J & F, and Our O"·n Crest label. Choose fr om sol· id~ checks and plaids. One, rw-o and thrcc-buuon mode/1 wirh side and t"Cn[er vents. No charge fo r normal altera· cions. Reg. 89.95· l 75.00 . , ...•...•.• 76.00.] 50.00 Rc.i;. 22.95-2 5.95. Our most popular all-wool slacks with belt loops and plain front styling. Sizes 30 to 42 17.99 Our reAular stock sport coats in California weight aU. wool worsteds, sill:: and 'tifOOI blends or Dacron® polyes• 1cr and wool blends. Re:g. 50.00-115.00 43.00·95.00 MEN 'S SHOES Reg. 14.00 Crosby Squuc "Ranchcro·• cisual brushe:d leather. Built-in arch and 5ponse rubber sole. Blue', gold, rni sc green or rust 7V2 :o 12 .•................. 9.99 .i\len·s sandals imported from lraly are Qf the soft~t ,1;:rained leather. Tan or black, 7 to I j, reg. 12.00 . 8.00 VARSITY SHOP R e~. 60.00. 8 \,-;? oz. famous n1ake blazer. Camel. green. }l:olJ, olive or med. blue. Rcgulll.r5, short and longs 39.88 1.ambs' wool V-neck pullover sweaters and wool and wool mohair or tll wool mohair cardigans, reg. 16.0Q.. 30.00 ............. : ...................... 1/3 of{ Bu rron-down sport shirts in solids and plaids. Cotton ;inJ Dacron<J.? polyester or all wool ; 5hort sleeve, reg. 8.00·10.00 .................................. 1/3 off; ]l)ng sleeve, reg. 7.00-20.00 ................ J/3 oft Turtleneck knir ·sbirts in Ban-Lon®, wool or Orlon!$ ~~ryl ic in 5horr or long 5leevC', reg. 11 .00-17.00, .. _. 7.88 reg. 20.00-~'5.00 .............. , . • . . . . . . . . . . 11 .88 Short and long sleeve mockturtle knit $hins in Orlon® it:ry lil' or fine wool. Reg. 12.00.1.f.OO ..•• , ••••. 9 .99 Rog. 1\.00·16.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. . .. • • JI. 99 Fine silk uaditional neckwcar, reg. 3.,0-8.00 .• 1/J off En1irc srock famous ra al.:c ~wi m trun k,, All $i:t.cs, rci. 7.00-8.oct .•. ~ •. .• ••• • • • . . . . . . . . . . • •••. •. •• 4.88 VARSITY SHOP N;1111r1.I shouJder spor1 coau arc aJJ.wool. Manv patterns in regul11.rs, 36 to 44 and long, ,\9 to 44; reg. 4j,OQ.80.00 .. .................................. 22.8848.88 P~n1~. O;icron:.ai and wool or alJ .-.iool 29 to 38 re • ?)00 , • <'' -. . ... ··············••······•·•·•·•••• 13.8& reg. 27.50-31.50 •••••.••..•.••.•..••••••••• 18.BS SILVERWARE ~eg. S.95 Gorham stainless sttel 6-pie~e place aettini. Choose from four patterns: H1<icnda, Fabrique, George. tQwn, Tanglewood .......... , ..•....•..• , •.•• 6.95 Silvcrplared accessories from the English Silver C.o.: Cof- fe e cn afe nr covered ve3e1ablc dish wi1h divided pyrex hner, 12.95 r•.: IV! q1. oblon.i:; open bdin.g dish 10.95;:? qt. obl~ng ~pen b01ki1;g dish, 12.95~ 3 qr: oblong O!)('n baking J 1sh, 13. 9;,: I ~ qt. obloni or rou nJ CL~scrole "111•11h covtr, Jil ,93: 2 qt. 18.95; 3 qc. :.?J .IJj, Duy 3 plate sc uill(P of Ciorhitm ste:rlin1 flatware and ~ceiw an tddiriontJ place setting free! Hispana, [a Sc.i. and ~iclrose panerns. Offtr available 1hr0\lah April 26c.b ~!WPORT • 11 FASlllOH ISLAND • HEWPORT CEHTEI< • 644-2200 • MOODAY, TllURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 913-0 • "1HER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 ,, T ' ,_ --------------·--------- • ' ,.. .. _ _.,... Jf DAILY l'lLOT , I I u um 7 .99 Famous make culottes .I\ Ver)'. specia1 ~ice on theae pretty cotton culotte•! Choose your favorite floral p-int in p}eated-frcmt. sleeveless, back zip styling; ai~• 10 to 18. 6.99 Famous make shifts Cool 'n casual y,ear for hot •~mer days! Perm• press cotton shift has :1ip frmt 1'ith large appliqtlel;I pocket trimmed in rick.rack. Pink ar blue ln aize.1 10 lo 18. 6.99 Famous make coffee coats Coovastine embroidered yoke 11eCent.. this ·chanuin1 coffee coat. Hu siml.W ~I buttons . . and J.,eo lrillllied poc;.t.o. Pink, bl.uo irr yell°" in size' 10 to 18. 1.oonaev;ear NEWPORT • 11 FASHION ISLAND l • H EWPORT CENTER ' • 644-2200 • Famous designer bra Reg. 5.50. Shell cup nylon lace bra haa stretc;h straps and ~:eigbUE:sa fiberfi ll; A-8-C-cups. llfatching panty girdle baa extra slimming cootrol from ·tummy ancl hip panels; &M-L, reg. 15.00, 7.99. Both in luscious pastel pe-.ch cbarn·pagne. Foundaticna . 3.49 2.99 Youth cra ft Charm fit br z. . . .• .... Reg. 4.50. Dacron polye!.ter/nylon / 1.:otton blend bandeau -ha baa lightly fiberftlled cup11. Pe~anent press fIDi sh alw-.>'& looks like new and .ii quick ckyinp "1hite in B and C cups. Foundaticma Hollywood Vass~rette bra Reg. 5.00. Two di scontinued a\yles in p-etty nyloo lace. Soft c~p er ca:i.toured iu white a pu;lela; A-8-C cup• 4.99 Hollywood Vassarette panty giTdle .. Re g. 8.00. Of lighl.,.ighl nylm and Lycra spandex fr. gentle but firm cmtrol. Tu.l ip-- ohaped underlsy lra>t pan.I in white; ,S.,\!-L. FoundaLioo8 - MOHDAY .. THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL S:JO i ' ' I ' l •, ,, .. 17.99 Polyester knits from our summer collection Rq. 26.(JO.;J6,l)I). FlllhiCll • in polyester kn it i1 the peat look f« summer. They're cool, packable and easy-care. C.ome in, select trcn TlllJIY l\,Yle1 in pink, areen, yellow, ivory, blue, pooch or navy; &-18. DreSI Shop, 11.ll ei&b& .tore• I .. -' ~· ' ' ' , • 29.00 The perfect-little summer suit . 40.00 n!ue, ellClasl .. Iy at Bufl\Jma'l Our cool 'n crisp suit has the new longer jacket laced with a patent belL Silk and re.son with a linen texture is crease-resist.ant IDd cmies iP r~~•Y ookff of ~h. powder blue, black. or white; 8-16. COiia and ~11, oil el&ht ,.,... .. "' Polyester ~half-size' d resaes for town and travel ~. 28.00 to 36.00, Our cool IUlllllJer dm.w atpab'11ts~ .. ideal fer trawl. Maay llalterinc ot.yleo in oummer colors , peach, mint. pink, Da'YJ' er~; 121\-22'.S. Dnoos Shop, oil eiiht om• 1/3 OFF ' 8.97 to 20.97 W.omen '1 dre11 and casual shoe ~ Res· 14.~00. "" o:roollent •loellm or-. -· linnda n!duced tmn our roaulu 1lack. Oioolt from many 1tyle1 ml colcn. Shoe Salon, all ei1ht 1t«e1 9.97 ·Ad Lib low-heel-fashion pumps ,-I Roi-19.00,' 8oloct b 1 WW. cldoo ti tuldcm eolan. Al Ilda -1.Y llOll .... ,.. _ oalat .... -"' o11.,,,,, ckillin. 9""' l!olm, Down""'" LonJ l!ooclt, !!Intl""'· Pomon.1, Palos Verds1 IWl.Y-J• ., .._ ______ ...... _____ .;;... _____ -.,-'-----------:--------.. -----' ' HEWPORT • fl FASlllOll 15l.4ND . • NEWPORT CEllTER • • MOllDAY •. '1;1111RSDAY, FlllOAY 10100 TILL•:30 • Dlll!R DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 • ' il • • j " l -Wiil.iil w • , .. ,.,..,, 1"9 < • •• - . • £ 4.69, 219.00 MU'S EASY·CAIE SHOllTY PUAIW Tbeee I11111riafll Dam•~ aad co~ Jllj11111 m pqnenmtly JllUoed. w.· .. epecia!J;, ~ them in..,• ~t 1e1-clim ot ,._. ond colon. Sir,. ~-Jl.C.1r. Andi• . ~. havo !lie reaular coat •IJ!e Pli- -- .. with'bar·'lleetW111419afJ' -. -~---:~ .. -. ,.,,. 8.00, llll 2/it ••• • 11.33 ~18.33 ·re g.17.()().27.00 FA!IQ\ISMA!IE i/81• llOQL SwEATEllS ·~".:' ~ frlim-c•tt entire ol<x;k ol cardigans or pulloVenl Seleclion·include1 IO!id•, heather and cable treabncnt1 and lone&. Sime rot Men 5 . 2.5, 3/15.00 reg .6.ii(l . SHORT·SLEEVED PERMA·PRESS GRESS SHIRTS ' ·' l Store ror Men "'' ... ;., .. .,,, ., ..... ,~., ' 4.99 MEN'S OllLON KNIT SHlllT EVENT " n11crm4';polyeate~ and cot.ton ehirts ha\c 8oil releue.finisll; medium spread able. Viiiite, medium blue, go}d or green, 14t~l7. Fine silk nec~ar. reg. 4.00, l/l.IO. l·:xtra v.•idc silk nocl.v.·ear, rec. 6.50, 1111.11. S!nro for ~fen Never before ~ll'ered at Blfl\ln1'! Selecl YCJUT fa.uile !rm a -1 llOUP of alu\- 1leeftd. Ckl<11 •acrylic bjf 1hirts in JDC1ck- turtle or 3-butlal plackol a\vlin1. llolids, trims and cable. treatmmb in powder, lime , aold, rut or bhlOI Ml-L-XL. Ston for 4 .99 reg. 8 .. \0 WASH AND WEAR PANTS These casy-<·are pa.'lls are all by a famous ma\,;er and come in 11 "'ide as!'iortment or .sizc11 and color!". \1arsity Shop, all starts 5. 69. 2/11.00 '"'· 8.00-10.00 FAMOUS MAKE DRESS SHIRTS 1>c~prci1 11hirts come in buUon-<lown or loog 8lnighl co1101 sb'les. Fancy 1tlipc11 nnd taltcrsall s in tho group. Varsity Shop. • }.!en 3 I 3. 5 0 ,.1.1.50 ORLON STRETCH ANKLET HOSE Orlon " acrylic bose in rib atyle.17 colors! ~f1eblne .,..11h1ble. fit!l 10 to 13 . 3 I 3. 5 o. rec. 1.50 WOOL ILEND STRE1CH NOSE Wool and nylOll blend lltretcl\ hose .,. llll!Chino,,..shable. 5 oolon: lito 10lo13. 0-'the-<:alf, .. ,. 2.00,.111.11. sknforMea BUFFUMS' OWN QUALITY DACRON ANO COTTON UNDERWEAR 3/ 4.00 Our fine quality underwear i1 a spocial blend or Dacron· polse:1ter and cotton developed especially· for luxurious knit under.\'eat. •r-eturt.t in s-M-L-XL. rei. 1.75 ......................... ~ .•••• ' • " alt• Athleti c widetshirt in • rib bil &Qlior, -L-XL. rer. 1.50 ••••• , •• , , , • 114.M l<nil brier •i th elulic ---ror tllo lite of the -mt, 30-44,.,..LGOl/4.M Boxer eh<N -_..,1 _ md tllo wide elulle -l• ..... leed llir 1he lire or the pnnenL Whita or colon: 30 lo 44, ,.,. 2.00 . . . . . . . • . . 1.lt, 1/4,R 'l1orc for '!en • • T ' ' • ~ . . • • I • ' • ' . • . • " l • ·' • • ~ I " .. ; ----- 43.00-99.00 ME·N'S SPORT COATS lloJ. liO.OO.U5.00. Califcrnia weight ell-wool W<r$ted, silk md 1IOol blaid or Datml' polyester and wool blend sport a>1.ta'from C1'U' regular 11lock. Popular ooe and two-b.ltton modeJ.11 with center (I' side vents. 'Store for !ten. 17.99 • :J•·:: TAILORED SLACKS . '• J.r. 22.95:~~-jlopular .ft-woOI elackl ~;th belt I-*'<!•plain "->t~inl· &loct ft-om lllllllY ~ eo1<n 111111 pottema .. oize• 30 1o 42. 111me fer Men ' -.. ,., . , '· • , l .... 76.00-150.00 FAMOUS MAKER SUITS •. ' Rer. 89.9~175.00. &lil&fran ouch famoos mal<e11 as Stain Bloch, H. FleelUll, J a. F.ml Oar Own <Ae&t label . 'Solids, c:bocb lllld plaida .i!l llltlllY fine fabric1. 1, 2 and 3-butwn ~·with lide er cmter ~.No charge for ruial literalicmo. Stae f<r Men. All STORES OPEN LATE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY I i I ............................................ ' NEWPOR_T CENTER • 11 FASHION ISLAND • '44.22DO . • • MOHDA-Y, THURS~Y. FRIDAY 10:00 'J11..l 9130 • DlllER ~YS 10:00 T1Ll S:lO ' • . . Wolnt!daf, AJlril 9, 1969 ·.-... '""' '· f!llft . , .... "' '. . ' -.o. · PR•FESJ_MUl:~UllFOllll ·~ ·~-: . ..,;-;, Wqmtn in wlt~e wilt Ille "" sl)ieS,,flalr &,"*Y· · . • '. . Lei us prove it! With the purchase FRIE I i of an automatic folding high chair, a crib·play pen, a stroller , o~ a matJress, we will give you . , '"' · • • ~ . • Infant's Carrier w/Bottle Holde~ ~~~i~i1 . ,.. ·~ Easily converts .to_yotith·or utility chair. Uphol-. ,:..---- ca11 .which these Sl!llrl _unttonns ;r!pment. $ 9 : · Dacron• pOlyesteN1llon .~ sliakes f1'e of 1' ' wtinltles, dries s1nootll •fter washlnf. Misses•; .. · · women'11. hall sizes. CIQINJIE· Jr 5.91 ta l98 ._ · ;. . . . . . ' LADIES' JACKPS Perfect utility jacket of wet·look vinyl in 'a.n assortment of slick; bright colors. ; Completely ·acetate lin~d. Siies 10 to 18. • · · COMPARE AT 5.00 2:44. AUTOMATIC FOLDING HIGH CHAIR 14'7 1 •.. stered in padded vinyl print, with tray. #M65. · 'IOYS'. Kllrf. Sii . .COMIO CRIB·PLAYPEN 24'7 ~"!~~ .. r ''.2 $5 . ' Sturdy mesh coOstruction keeps baby safe. -• " ' · ~1~1;11 .... u.·· FDR: · Adjustable•Jegs, !Joor pad included. 4'280. , . ~ GIRLS' VINYL WTllR JICKm . FAMOUS MAKE .STROLi.ER 1211 : .~"ll:,';'.Tt:,~:=~so . Has swivel wheels for easy manipulation. Back · Brawn,.1cet111 111114.·,& · · '{fl . reit reclines. Converts to walker. #99118. '3·•1~ts• PAllT'l'IOSE , ·100% wn l!ROOF MATIRESS 11 '7 . ··~· ....... loaO. ... $J lnl!erspring enca·sed in pure foam with 100% • ~~~0:!.~1111&, ~ welp{Ol!f cover. #6735. · · -• . ""'"' •• · . MEN'S KNIT SHIRIS ·: ,;. ·.:· . Ir/ Acrylics ·and wools. Superb styling, .great style and color-~ ~ , 1· assortment. S-M·L·XL .WJ'.,llf~,"5.97 to 14.97 · " · , . . 2 $7 '· 2·$8 .·2$9·. . " FOR· · . FOR ' FOR ' . . ' J4ELMAC MIXIN~ 10.WL Melamine mixing bowl-dish-C 3 qt. multicolored Melmac 48 washer safe. COMP. AT 97c " S'COPl MOmWASH 24 oz. size clean·ta st"i ng family mouthwas h for fresh 99c breath, mouth. AQUA NO HAIR SPRAY 16 oz. aerosol can in regular, 54. supet and unscented f0<01•· C fas. COMP. IT 1.19 • HUMAN HAIR WIGLOS \Ve'l~made. ,ilf 100%" IMIRJin llair. 3 Cl n ~ styled in •irloos W'ays. 97 Shides 1alore! COMPARE All~ ASST. HAIR TIES hair -in 12 fashion colors. C for Styling and dressing your'' COMPAi[ AT He • MACLEANS THtl.,a,te Regular or spearmint 11avar5 . in family size 6.75 'oL tubei. 4c COMP. AT 1.. •~ ' ' " .. . . , -" . 4 H.P. ilDER MO)VER 4 HP e&s.engine with · .. · · • , 2-spee~ transmission, 16997 .~.sp1nstarter1 5031 . , 1:~, an'20lQtf( REFILL ' 1 for !Ordies, st°"'' ~ sale com· II' pressed fuel cartridge!:· C • OUR REG. 1 .~8 ! . . ' "". 1"'0.' • AUTOLIJi SPARK PLUGS . Replace .worn plugi tconori1i·49, " callyl Revitalize your motor,! • C · , • · COMPAi!£ AT 1.ilo ' ~ .f ' 4h70'' WAGOI PAD · Easy to cltin wil11'1' damp c~1h. 2' t' 9 Mildew.P<oofl #4010: ·• • · . • . ,CqMPAllE AT 4.9$, " . . . " \ ... " YOUR ·· ·14aa • CHOIEE ' ~1 ~~( " ·.sAl:MON 'E"S . . . , Edible bait, very allract!·1e to 2,. ' .. · flsh,~eststs spoilage. 12 o.z. . C ,', . .~·~·~ade. COMPl,E,Af ~le .~ ••• ,a $r;·~ 24 pJ.ASTIC GOLFI~'*'' ~ Plastic.·bal!s sized like' iegu\ar'!' ,.. .. • l!Dlf balls for short range Piii<» C, . t(ce,' COMPQE AT,llc . -. ·11si.• 'ADlmYr ., ·. ·; 'Add'to YGUI cars oil fo stop'e~· 7 ... 9. : &in(W..r. •the oil alloy". , C • · i ~-.w.r.1E&.1.1a . · • . • '. r· : • . , I • , , I l ~ CHARGE IT ·A-I .......... 3088 BRISTOi. AVL • JUST Off NEWPORT AVE • '"'lnWEEN SAN ~1!60 FIWY. AND IAuil ~T, ' : • 1fill'r1 llllitUit • .. ITfl Olalll ca• .. ·' '.t-,.. - . " ' f> ' . , • • ' . -·--··-------·------------------__,._ -- r --------,,-,,.-,.----;-..,..-...-,-.,.-·-------,,,....,.,...,.,.,.-,,--,,...,.-.,-,-,.-,..,.,--,.----·-------------- • '· -.. • ' . ·~ .. "' Wrong-w.ay ·Angels lli:. p .Opener~toPilots, 4-;·~ . .. ' ' ·~·· ,,. .. ,......... .Sea~e Bomh; 0 McGiothlfu l -~.~·.·-~~-~t Inning Rally l ., ~ ...,...,,.,. buet he's In l«>Uble and be knofl } , et .. DitW ,... .. It. He ai.w Hepq set a glove on the ~ . Iii u.,Jr M&ttb fOI' a ... _.1 after bill and being ba!IWIY to seeood fiiUred , tbe -AliPll' ~..,..... blchl Idol to he was in big troilble." ' · a..tll' ,_IY.'tllllll. ~ prepartd , .Jn ...Uty, thll Villain was the starting f , to '" to ,...t oa 'hin'-· . · pllcber, Jim i.icG!otblln. It may bave • 'r • Alla a11, u ~; l!IO 6>rmor noJan • the w9f11 ;pon1as J1aY perlortnance ·""" ran.•'lbe ·""°' Wlf' -•lb:•, ·bf a hurler In hlstoty. In order, he • aDJl _aecciocl1 •.~ln tile_ llCOlld tnmnc, ' pve ur a double, bomer, sin1lt, a il ' ~ • :.;:"-.'~•! rallJ, . . bltbaltli-, a flyout a wilk and a single. • ~-· W ...,.... aa the·~ B~ 1 tJ.j lime "°"" Clyde Wright ! -up In ljloc IOCOlld, took tit for•' bad -the -.,.,,, the Pilots • -wllln. Bol!by Knoop Hilt : ,.!<iq bad lour ;,.,,. ~ , l ~ Tllbl-1"\. ·, iluder Mike 11_ .91 -•From !bat point on, the ~Ills pro-. ; ~-• · ••-.... bu := ~·-~Qll'eil ,llril-ra\e ~ ~ lrom • . -=· . -·-t "-"!"' Wrtpt, Ed!li• Filher and '::~May. Abe blrrilr, dropped tbe, bill ~ ".Jloy,·tbat was 1ood -pl ' •·we got and ' ·&to u.. turf. ·: ' .. aftirlhe fint innln&," llllJieYsald. • • ~. atcbed.Jl!>pn .lillc•.....,P ,,,.,, .. ,.,,.. . ......._,,.,1y &Jed to,.. Rudy ' ·.'"' ... ··~ ..... the 1Iove -·~. " "' ,..-...... ' " .• W &-at'!"" , , WC I ~i _j_ I · .. :blll111id -bOCI: '"".-. He " ": ..•• .)il .. el Slate ' =} Kn0op eoinc the odMr"WI)' ~ Apr. ~ 'II~ ~tti.. ,7~1$ •·"'~ IUt\PC 1.. ... _ _!'~ called aut for JUllDI a 'i' "t£:::. vs i1i1.1Mi:iata~ 7:u ,.111., KMPC '--~ • (711 • ' - .( 0 v .... 1.' .. .:..1 -· BUI RI . . . "A • 1'-11., .... 1!11-IOI•. U:!.5 p,m., KMPC : -~· -... #a&l6" m • gney, 111 .__i,...£!... "' . •charitable despite the dlSappolntlng 1'Jfr· 1~ .,. C:hle,ooo. 7:55 p.m., KMJtC ,: defial. abeolvecf Salriano. work so· well. He's starting Saturday : .. ,: ."Yoti CIJl't fault him for that play,'' ., r : night and I'm glad we could get some • ~~ no speed _ he's not a work behind him before then." • •··-·-·-• ·y "-e be is between Seattle had four hits in tile big first · ~waua · '""1 ""' • inni!Jg, but only two after 'McGlothlin Sutton . Hurls ' ' For: Dodgers Agaillst Reds had gone home. ·.;; Satriano and Rick Reichardt· had three , hits each in the opener, accounting for · ~ six of California's 10 hits. Bill Voss • hit the ball on fhe button twice but .... ~ went hitless in four trips. ··~ Dick Stuart didn't let his fans down . at first base. He booted a routine ground •: ball in lbe eighth. _ "~ It was the Angels' smallest opening .. "' night ever -11,930. · . This evening Andy Messer s mi t b, :·~ reputedly the owner of one of · the '. American League's best curve balls, :-~ take·s on the Pilots in game two of the American League season at Anaheim ; Jtfakitlfl S•re of t~i'l'Ofl Chicag0·Whjte Sox third sack~ Bilf~eito!!·faJls fl~er Oakland's R.•; gie Jackson after making the tag on the,1latt,.-dQ?blg Tuesaay actlon. CINCINNA/f (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers hope Jut September's stretch drive is sUU alive and they 'll be oU to a fut start this season. The Dodgers won their opener Monday tn Clnclnniti and face the Reds again this evening. · Stadium. . Messersmith, a former Anaheim high ~ school star at Western High, will be .:-· opposed by Seattle's Mike Marshall. • t " -Jackson was try1n1 tO 1trtlcb a double hito a triple. But a perfect 'thro\V from the outfield ntlltd him. Oakla1ici;won , 5-3. . ' I 1·i• • ~ ' \ Big 'lh~~,e -.~~!"-for Ma:~rs ;< · , ~ Creaking~Celts Roberto AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) -Roberto be Vicenio, the attn& ~enUne who &lined lUs greatest fame , in-·a triumph over tiagedf, was a sentimental favorite to Win the 3lrd Muter• Goll TOlll'DRlll'!"t today, but the smart ~Y wu bJnk;ed, on the almott-forgotten Blg/l'hree. Jack Nicklaus, ·1he ominous. Ohio , litrongboy who a1ways ranks as t b e man · to beat. fourtime f;hamp~on Arnold Palmer and tough-minded little G a r Y Player -a trio that once dominated Sen·tim~.ntal : Picle " ~0 for Sec9 nd . ' ·. . ·· ,_ · .. w· Over NY •1' ..• -·. . .. -m -. 1 •• . ' . the pm< -were In the lorefraot ol "I <"'!Id llOI cry -1 did )1ok bop challenlen. u an 'elite lleld 61 13 tt Jnalde, I>" Vlcenzo ,.Id oi the JICllric\g· prepaH!I ·(or ThundAy's mm ol one th t -• .,_ " wl" e.• o1 tbe,...ld's IOlll' major loumamenll' '·error a ·-'""'" 1 ·we ' 'I'' -Other top-candidates lor the llDICJUI ,GQl!by,for lu\ year'• title. , ' • ·I greeri';jacket that got. to the winner ''.But I .itill do !"'t .ie,rJ'tilat !dost include Gehe ~ituer, lbe !OllOD'a_leadlng the Masten," aid the pllint pucho. money winner, Miller Barber, PGA De Vicenzo, 46 next week, 1qGt a champ 1 Jullua Boros, laughlng Lee ctOsJn;,·ts, seven under par on th. e noVier-Trevino, u\e U.S. Open title-holder; Tom e Weiskopf and Bill Casper, 11168 pro of bedecked, 6,llllO-yard .AuguatA NaUonal the year. Course last year for a share of the title with Goalby. BOSTON (AP) -The crealrlng Boston CeUIC!, playing ·the kind ol basketball most pe.ople thought they no lo~er could, -meel the New. Yotk Knlcks tonight at poot<ln. Gardep in their oecond game ol the N•tional 'Baaketblll AuotlatJon aemifinahl. '1'be elderly' Ce!Uc.s. defending NBA champiolll1 hav~'beeu scampering about like apring chlck'ens ·since the playoffs began. In .ltlasters Classie ' But he signed a card that &bowed ~ 6G and, under the rules of 901f, was stuck with the higher score. In the Eastern Divldon ' semilinals, Bo.1ton defeated Pblladelphia four gainea to one\ and tben beat the Knlcks in' New York Sunday I(,8.100 ln the opener of the best of seven dlvisiOn finals. Sifford Wasn't Victim But he didn't complain then, hasn't complained since. Alld his unselfllh II.add in laking the blame made hlm, as lfe put it, "a little money and a lot of The Celtics wl.IJ be . trying to use the home court advantage they now hold over New York. Of Discrimination Charges have been made that Charlie Sifford was excluded• from the Masters golf tournament because he iS the member of a minority racial group. But the truth of the matter is that Charlie, a Negro, simply did not meet qualification requirements. Lee Trevino, another minority (Mex- ican-American) representative, • d Id qualify and is thus included among the field for lhe golf.cluslc, which is being held this week in~Augusta, Ga. · True, Sifford might have been included had he been extended a special invitation ' .... , .•........ by the tournamen~ committee . -: a gesllft wtuch was tendered to a lirruted number m ;pliers. · cacb, made a 1peclal ~p to Ca1if1>rnl1 frem Ohio to appty for the Orange Co11l Collet;e cage po1L Charlie Crozat, former Golden West College tackle, is now being groomed for All-American consideration by the University of California. Santa Barbara, where he is now a senlor. Crozat, a 6-2, 233-pound offensive tackle, is called: 0 a vital link for the Gauchos • . . combines speed and strength to good avail and hu shown great promise as a professional pro- spect." Thole words come from the Gauchos' &pring f~baU press book. Abo being tabbed as an All-American candidate Is quarterback Jim Curtice -son of head grid coach Cactus Jack Curtle<. Lale1t letten of intent 1lped by Oran1e Co11t area footblll 1tan b1ve Orange Coast COUe1e'1 Rllndy Bass earm•rked for Ute Un.lvenlty o I Calliornla and Lqan• Btacb Hlgh11 Steve Klosterman 1oln1 to UCLA. friends." Palmer, P)ayer and Nicklaus, however have won e.lght Masters championships, 19 major titles and, for the flr'st Ume in years, again form the top threesome. Kings, Oakland COllide Tonight OAKLAND (AP) -Th< Oakland Seals a n d Los Angeles Kings, tied at l-2 in the West Division playoffs, tangle at t h e Oak.Jami Coliseum toniiht in t h e fifth &ame 1of the National Hockey League's Stanley Cup semifinal round. Both teafrui drilled .Tuesday, the Kblgs being bol5tered by centers Bryan Campbell and Skip · Krake · a n ~ Tonight -TV 8 p.111., Channel 5 defenseman Jacques Lemieux, all newly called from the Springfield, Mm., farm. Bmi~ Hughes, Los Angeles defememan who suffered a groin injury in the fourth game was llsted as a doubtful starlit. If he can't make it, coach Red Kelly expected to move Bob Wa11 to defense and use Clmpbell .at Wall's left wing posiUon. "If y,·e don't win Wednesday night, then we throw everyt}ung away," said Celtics Capt John Havlicek, ''It would . be just like starting all.over again." For the Celtics to keep winning, they will have to continue their strong defensive play. Jn Sunday's game, player-Coach Bii1 Ru!sell was the key man in Boston's defense, as usual, but had goo::f support, especially fJ!nn, his,. forwards. Havlicek guarded 8111 Bradley and betd him to JO points while Bailey Howell and Don Nelson limited D a v e DcBusschere to nine points. Cazzie Russell, the Knicks' forwltd who broke his ankle several montht ago and hasn't JJlayed since, may be in unifonn tonight. ... 'T~f'I ll:nYll'l toi• ''fl'I"' Klitdur_.., 1 , ••f9rR ~v1tf:."'J111111 ~...., ,lOtk 11 &ollllll, llosloo! IH~b llttl<Ol·7 llf>n'r.; ~i,,. IC~:r- l f't °'""' ,_ .. " "•. . Only """ IC'*'ul.cl. Don Sutton makes hia first start Seattle departs for its home opener of af~er tonight'.s game. Th' Angels host ~ Minnesota Friday, Saturday and Sunday. · Dodger Slate f-.Ooclgers 1t Cl11d11"'9ti, 5 p.m., 11~ -'" H;_turlfll. 5:25 Jl,m., "' kFI· SIATTLf CALll'OJllHIA l;l•rper, 2b Heg1n, rf Whll•k•r. rf ,,Dlvi1, If Ill r 111'111 1llr11.-1 ~1\0Yon,rl 4000 ~ 21.1211:.Miy,p 0000 ··. 1~er1 11 ~ S:1S t.rn., ICFI·.; comer. 11 . ' · Mlnc:11,r, lb l(f'l "'ll:0111M, lb J o o 0 L.Jol'l1110~. ¢1 o t o t C'" (JltFreootl,H 4111 0000John11erte,ct 50ll J ·I o O R11ct11r111, If 5 I 3 o lll lO Stwrt,111 1000' 1989. He won 11 and lost 15 lut season. J im Maloney of Fresno will be on the mOUJld f o r Cincinnati. His record last auson was 11-10. A worry for Los Angeles is rookie pitcher Alan Foster. He was hospitalized Tuesday complillning or pains in his .aide. , Doctors say the discomfort is caused by a kidney stone and that surgery is a (l0881bility. U surgery iJ necessary, FQst.er would be aldelined at least two weeks. A decllion on surgery was expected before Thunday. S~ts in Brief Go111r, ct McNe'1My, o; Oylff, " P1UI~, 11 S111u!, 11 Aker, p 2 o II o A.ll:Odrlg111Z,)bJ 1 I O ,•; • a 1 2 S.trl.>!IO, 1; .>. o 3 o .... :.., J' 0 0 0 Knoop. :lb 4 O I 1 ,,..~ ', o0 o' 00 McQloltllln, p 0 0 0 0 Z,..1 Wrlgllt, p O t O O 00000.vlllllo,pll 1100 ' E.Fbhtr, 11 1 a o a ',,• ll:el)Or, rl I 1 O O • TD!tl• 32 ' ( ' ( Tola!• l • l 10 l •,.• Seattle a 000 000 -• •"\· C11Jlornl1 010 010 001 -J E -s1u1rt. OP -Snt!lt 1. C1!!fomJ1 1. , Los -Ste!lle 1, C1llforn11 10. 28 -H1r~r. , HR -Hegan !OJ, fregoJi 0). Sii -Rolflnt. I '" -GOJQlr, Frego51. IP H R rJt la SO '~ P,tt!n (W,l.fl) .S I 2 2 l • Sl!l\11 32 112, •~er 10 0000 .... McGlol'lllln (l,0.1) !fl 4 ' 4 I O .. < Wrlgllt 1·21~ o a o 1 2 , ., E.Fl•lltr 4 1 O O 2 1 ;.~ R.M1y l10106 i• HIP -111 McGklthlln fM!nthttl. WP -• • Wrlalll. Pa -"trl•no (2J. Time -J;Ol. Ar-• • ttndlr'IC• -11.t:io~ Laker Series Delayed; Mays Hits Milestone . ' ' . • INGLEWOOD -The Los Angeles Lakers-Atlanti Hawk& National Ba,ket- ball AuociaUon playoff series will begin at the Forum Friday night The best-or-seven game We s tern Division championship series originally was scbeduled to start tonight. The second contest will be held here Sunday night. The third · and fourth games will be played at Atlanta Tuesday and Thursday night3 neit week. ... ... ... ATLANTA -WUUe Mays 1tole the 30ot.b but of 11:11 career In Ute flnt tulng of Su Frudsct'• 1ame 11a1n1t Atlu&I Mond1y 1tatit ud became th e flnt player in major league hisl.ory •o reaeh Ute Ml mark in 1ttal1 and home rua1. ... ... "' The major leagues couldn't have ex· panded more successfully, at least tem- porarily, when the four new clubs ran up a 4-o record in their debut3 Tuelldday. The Montreal Ezpos and Kansu City Royala opened this mOlt successftil of expansion days as the Expos outslugged the New York' Mels, 11 ·10, and the Royals edged Minnesota, 4-3 in 12 innings during the afternoon. ·: Following their example at night San · : Diego tripped Houston, 2-1, and ~attle ~· trimmed California, 4-3, on the We!t Coast. ... ... PITl'SBURGH , -General Ma.u1er Jack RUey of the Pittsburgh Penpbl1 1ald Tuesd1y be'tl talk wl&JI George "Punch" Imlach, former Toronto coach • and general mana,U, aboat t II e ' Pengulils' coachJn1 job. ' lmlaeh was fired Sunday·after ·u ytan wtth Toronto. The Penpta1 fired coach Jted Sullivan ~larch 31 ... ... ... BALTJMORE -Gene Shue a career Insurance man, Is the Coach-Ol-the-Year in the NaUooal Basketball AsaoclaUon. For leading Baltimore-from Jut place to the Eastern Division title in one sason. Shue easily won the seventh annual Poll of writers covering NBA >,< games. ;- • II Cbarllo bad won the U.S. Open, as Trevino did, then he would have earned a berth ln the Masten .. lt ts as airnple as that. Brief Glance Max SlllU' , ... ,ar wlll he Tbundsy, 1 p.ra., .i Groce Cbapel ta ln&l•- Cerndar'J' (lttU' Tlte Foram). The Indianapolis SOO-mlle race will be on closed circult television at Anaheim Convention center again this year. Tickets ~e already on sale· for the 1 May 30 race and can be bought by sending a check to the center, 800 W. Ki.tella , Anaheim. INcat.s go for $7 apiece. I• Fiery Female Fan Flays Soccer Ref ~: . .,\ JI loll -lelnled be hid caactf .r Ille 1up •well u a ,.....ry damaged IJearl, ne lomlly did ... kit Pital abclll& tlll c..ctr because of b1t alrt.lllJ .,.._,, amdUiOll frem cM heart .U.CkL UC Itvine bUketball coech Dick Davis was a raiher for the teeond tif!le· B-Ado.lpll II the _., addlllon. Dlvla WM Oii tbe 0Cf ICIU&Sh te.am lba1-l · to i...,, -• Pacllic Coast ciu11. ~ -IHI ~cltDey, I Newport ~-Hip j teball -. ----...... -.. Loara Hi1h ol Anahtim 11 ofllelaUy lbe el1bl!J member ol lbe sa ... 1 Le- tor 111 .. 71, follewln1 a mftUB& of . Anabelm SchGol DIJlrlcl olftclalt Tae1- d1y. A1 reportetl uclulvely In the DAILY PILOT three wttks 110, Loara wtU &• from Ille Irvine to Sume1 loop and Loa All.mite. wlD be switched tt tlle lnll>e clrcalt. Undeftaltd C....t Rallgtr l'f~MS had tp blast In five last half goals to subdue stubborn UCI, w, Jul weef<end. It was 1 1·1 draw at haUUme. 1 I LONDON (AP) -An enraaed. housewife ran onto a soccer field, brou1ht down the referee with a flying tackle and started beaUna him up In front ol 26,000 cheertna rans Tu~•Y il!ght. ll took five burly policemen -helmets knocked over their ear1 -to haul Mrs. SheOa West off the prottrate referee and 1\11 her out or the sladl11D1. "We want a riot, we wanl a rlott" chanted the fans . • Mrs. West, 30, went into acUon tis Welsh rtleree T"l)l R•ynolds blew the final whistle in a rcoreless tie between West Ham United and Stoke City. _ The Flrst Division match was at West Ham's London Ground, Upton Park, and like thousands of other' home fans, Mrs. West thought referee ReynoldJ bad - ltss than fair to the tl!am. She le.ft her two young children in Che gl'andstand and went !or Reynolds like a tornado. He never knew what hit him. Alter she hid tie.. caJT!ed orr to stormy applaUJe, Mr~ WU! t o I cl newsmen : "I was in a blind rage at the tnd ol the malcbi All ! wanted to do wu I to ,ive that dbbollcal ref a good punch· on the note. "Alter I brou&bt him down with my tackle, I hit him with everything I had. J hit him with my bue fists and wilh my pur1t. In U!e end, one of the Stoke City players 1robbed mt. "Then the policemen came to carry mt o«. l don't remember much aboul tltat lllllle escepl a Jot of helmets !Wg around." • Referee Reynolds, who wu smuggled away from the. ~ In an ambulance to avoif infuriated West Ham supporters, ' ,, claimed he was u n h u r t by the fiery 't": female fan and said be had no intentlOo '\ of charging 1'that woman" with uaaulL Police sent Mrs. West home with her ;• children -Raymond, 4, a n d Stepbea. ' 8. She left saying, "l1m no 9QCC9' ... hooligan, you know. J don't aaree with all thal brawling." · ... Her husband . Cyril another West Ham ~ famJ was unable to attend the matcb · but took Shella out lor a e<lebrotloti ' dri nk when he heard about ber ad. · ventures. -, i "I'm proud of her," he saJd. .... l IVtdooldoJ, APlll 9, 1969 DAILY I'll.OT H Bod MaeMill·ian -• 1per BJ EARL GUITIEY .... ....,,..., ..... In the...,,,,,.. ol IKI, a 2'J.1t'l'..id Newpcrl Harbor HJ.lh School l!'lllllalAI named Roderick Huch MICMllllan orgllllud the first yoolh baMball pro- anm In Ille Newport B<!ICl>CoslAI Mesa area. Predictably, there wasn't much to start with. MacMilllan put together ooe l<am and u play<d oUler youth Leams from throughout Orange Coon- ty. Today, 11 y-. later, the Harbor -Youlh BllOboll Pro1ram ~· lo miblrk on Its llnd year, On my liven cll1 lbll -from May 10 ll>rouP AUi. S Jlearl;y l,000 boy• from • tilnJUlll 11 will be playlns in upwards tA 15 games. That one team in tM? baa evolved to 275. And the ~lng force who nur~ the -......... Ila lllfaD<J IDll """ todlJ ..-al • tllo top " lbt m.tvo .... ltallaa II 11111 l!<ld Mac:Mllllan.\ No man In the Oraap Cout -. has p~ such a algnlllqaal role In the developmenl of as '1W'l' )'Olllii· boys -more than 15,000 of them' ..... u MacMlllian. George Yardley, a Newport Harbor Hlgb grachude who achlevad basket· ball fame al Slan!Grd Unlvenlty and the Nallonal Balkelllall -lion, OOC9 laid of )bt:MH!i1n: "Newport Beach IDll a.ta llesa owe a .,...1 debt of P'llltude to 1lod MacMIJllan llld II wool! be a shame H he b never liVen lhe recosnJUon he deatrv&'' MacMllllan's bueball p r o 1 r a m stands today u a model for the country's youth ba!eball J:Rllams. Tars Top Colony, Remain I Behind Newport Harbor !Ugh Sdloo! codiml<d lo trail l<que-leadlng Weslml Hlgb In s.-circuit ••l!dh., by one game Tumlay llfter a U vt®ry over lnvadlqi -lfuntio8tnn Beach picked up Ill !Int 1Mgue win ol lhe year -a M dec!oion over_. Aila VaDey. Od1<r s.-....... bod w-...... ~aMcleci!iontoSanlaAna and We*m Nanting Marina, !Mt. Newport --it rich In the 1irs1 -g wbeo the Tars picked up tllree """· Jeff Malinolf and H""9l'd Struble !ingl· eel llfl<r """ oot aod Bob Leavy followed with a double lo deep lef!-<:mer lo Grey's Double Gives Diablos 3-2 Tri11mph Mission Viejo High School continued lo play lmpre!livo boll, taking a 3-Z dediiion at TUIHn ill Crtstview League --Tueeday. . Lagum lloodl chopped a U decillion lo invading Orange while FooUUll was edging San Clemente, 3-2, on a tw<>-run """" In the olxllt inning. Mis.don \r~jo uploded for two runs Jn the RV~ an Mike Grey's two-run dooble .to right-<enter. M"'*9 V5-I• CU Helmn. e Cit,., a Girdner. It Grn. c H1r.... ti LMthtt, :tit H-for1t.. u #Mr.dlltl, " _,. lb r II rlol J 1 1 0 .. 1 • • • • 1 • • I I t J I 0 I J • 2 1 J I I 0 2 • • • 2 0 0 0 T1nl111 (ti '''""'' ' . . ltaem, 2b G•lf11!1r, rl' M1um1n, If ......... ....... " ltrnefl. <f lt1fftftv, 111 EbrlKfll, th """'''· c Horml/ft!, ti Simi"°", p , . ' ' .. ' ' ' , ' ' , . . ' . . ' . . , . . ' .. ••• • I I J Tat111 '' 2 J '""'.., ....... Mlulorl vi.lo '""" u.-9eldl "' .,. rM O..Sdlmr.dll10 0L lclwm. • I I I I ~lln. rf.111 I I 1 0 5f1H.9nl, M I I I I k ... 1¥. .. • ••• Mc:Dorwwll, Jb J I I I Mcfll!n'I, IHI I I I I McMur,..y, c I I I I &lnlcM. lb l o I o ••• OOG IOI 2-J I I l20 OOCI •-2 II 0 0r-..co .. , .. fM Jl4'Ho SS <I I 0 I Wllll•,111 1111 S11tado. lb I 1 1 I C1tt1,d 1010 W11111, ... rf J 1 I l SllcrMltr, II 2 1 I 0 S..nlo!"d, c :I I 2 l W111!1r, Jb 2 I I 0 ltabllM-1, " I I 1 0 1<1111,rt 1110 01vld1C111,, " 1 I I 0 14021 Tellll 2'464 149"1 illy 1111111191 ••• 110 OOJ ·-·' ' 000 000 1 -0 2 2 r..et1111 UI OO S111 '"-"' 11) •II'"' •llrllrlll £~· 4100 ~rl1l'1t~lfJlfO '"'"·"'!J!., • 1' I, '1 1, Iii:;~:~~ 'nn 3 Z o : =- •r IColtte, d l I 1 O ...... , .. 010 1-·3b l f•• ·rl 100 1um1,p 3 20 ·" II' Fl•m-.rf 3 111 »> ! 0 ""'"' lb 1 I D 0 ""lttt,c eeo nder1C111,Jll'lll1e ci;r:.:"" 3b ,! ~ ; ~ w~:rii. ' ,~ f : T kw9 •r 111111111t ... ._ .. ·-· ••• oot•l-2•• IOOUt11:-1JI soore 1xltil nmnen. Leavy Jlter carne In on a fiekls''s -play lo pve 1*ber Stove -tier plenty lo work wilh. 5d>oiUltr -equal lo the bH, pick· q up bb third -ol lite .,.., Mite BlllarQne3 the ace Anabehn burler, loot by a -to Newport for lite aecond time m a row. He wu ~ U 111111 week ia the Santa Ana EIU tourney. . Mark Whitfield's· .two-out single in the · seveUh inning gave H~ingtoo Beach 1111 first league win. ..._ His key bit came aflter OuiJ Berg. Md led off wiUI a ~le and advanced to second on.. Mike Symons' fielder's -· We6tern WU led by lwo tri.,lel and two doubl<O in .. !Hill -qainot Marina. Westmin.siJer's Mario Sancha bome1 ed !n lite third illnlDg llld had two oinglel lo boot, but it Jll'O"ed fulil< .. the Saints cahsed in with two runs in the bcXtcm o( the seventh f« the win. Mlrillt (IJ tllrllr\I ""°'"' •• J • 1 CrK\. lb J I 1 MOll,t JOI Cnue. K J 0 currwi, d 3 1 Ct!ftPtlell, lb 1 I N_.ilt, 2b 1 I Mdtf10ft, JI 1 • Mct>enold. rf 1 1 .stem1n, rf t I klunlmttr, JI 1 I SOU'lh.. lb 2 l Fllfnlflt, lb 2 I ._....,. Ctl all r II "" fMU,:l'b J240 HaMoft, .. ' J 2 1 J1~1.c•111 w11oon. 1b ' t 1 1 ..... ,,.,rf ,,,, Nn1u·d,Jb I 1 1 I Lt Mtl'lllola. tr l 0 1 I Fox.JI Jtll ~Olll. cf l I 1 I Murillo, p I I Tall I• 24 S Tott I• .t2tUJ klre ..,. tflllflll$ NIJWllfr1 HtAtr C4l CuOTY. d Mallnott, lit StNblt, 1b Lffvy, lb WMlll!r, rf Mtrtln. t Htftl"' K fn1Y1110. " >aio.ttler, " •• r llrM ' 1 2 0 4 1 t I 3 1 1 0 J 1 1 1 2 I I I 3 • I • 1 ••• l I • t 2 ••• • •• JU 10J 1-tll I «IDtlODO-tll Anahtlnt Cl1 tll r lit rW ~\llJ. rf Bill, rt Kit ... , IS Sltrl!M, lb l.k.t, a Thorn. cf •111tnt1 ... " Tlll'lllitJ', " M-< ... ..... 1-•· tb • • • ' I I , . ' ' . . ' .. ••• • • • ' .. • • • • • • iil?I T ..... • • • " .. scw.w•~ . ' . ooa 000 1 -t ' I •10011:-•71 W ..... lfllttf CCI "'" rM HIVftH, )b l I I I J . SllKl'll.c. lb 1 ••• •uckt1nd, If 2 I I I MCC>ooltld, tr 2 0 I I w. McCrtnr.ct ' l 1 I JI. M~rtflv, p I I t 0 B1ln,,. 1011 ·Wyler,c J l t 1 Midi, l~)b 3 1 2 I Dmrldl:, 2b ! I I 0 M!lnt, rf I t I I Stnc:ha. rf·2b J I 3 2 lielttft, a 1 I I I S111111 AN Cll .. , 11 r\I ~1vtdt, cf J I J I BtMOllMll. .. • 1 1 I IE .... 1!1. 211 J I I I Mc:C-. ,. ' ••• Wlllltrn1, rf-. J t 1 1 Al111lo. II J t 1 I Wlllllhffl1ll, Jll J J t I pi.r-i.t 4111 Ptrll:, " I I I t BrulMfY, rt t I 1 2 Tal1ls 2$ ' I l TOlt ll W S t I kw9.., ....... • •• .. ,..,,_,IJ tlll•t-••• Jtltddoon Runs 1:57.0 Fountain Valley Spikers Drub Mater. Dei, 90-28 I"' Ollljlllalll la on ~. not -"""· ",llec'!• 3~-hlllr .... lall'llld wlllilll • . -pnCraJn, ~l>no . _...., the boys," MiclWUoa ~ . "'At, the end ot.1 ~.riaittar ...,.·, ot GUr Pl:'OlfUl, :we hive'• polt.atuon l<illn>&manL W1 no\ a !Oumament' YOU. ~uallll'for -e""1bod,y quaUOes for It,. Aliil at the'<nd ·of the louma· m«il, lltO winDers ,get llophiei - it't never a case o( !ii we -don't wm_, "1··won't get to go to WI plac. ot that plaoe.' " ~playL "Every boy m every. team· mmt play for at least nine defenstVe out&. We never get • parent's complaint thal bi> ... Im' playing ... 'lbe "everyone mu.st play" rule is a guideline &et down by MacMllllan STARS, PAST AND PRESENT -Robert Van ' Drlmlm (left) giwl IOll Stephtn '"""" help with batting fundamentals while Rod MacMl1lian looks on. The elder Van· Drimlen war on Mac¥illlan's lint Harbor Ar.ea youth baseball team In 1947. The program bu benefited some 15,000 young- sters since Its inception. CdM, Barons Tighten Race C1ir<i1-. del Mar on! F'aunlein Valley bia!I acbools, rill cliUh wlnl am oo- leaders l.olra and Magnolia, thnw the Jnine League bueball nee into a ocramble Tumlay all<moon. c.ror.i tripped up YilitinC Loera, 3-2, on a threH1m outbunit in the first . ~ while FWntain VaDey wu hsndJ. ir1c Magootia with lhr<e tvro-nln lminfl• * * * ,....,."' • .....,. ") Mf9Mlll 111 "'""" .. ,."" 4111 Flood,lb 1111 11 11 W11ker,U Jiit 4112 H...,.,,c 1111 Jltl Scflroedtr,U1111 ••11 o-·"' '''' l I 2 7 Laftllfltdl.,., Jb J I I I ... .....,.. .. ......... Ctrrwll, cf CllrbOft, rt 01ff1 .. tt 1ovi.. t• .... ._ Hell, • Dlwij, II , ... C4110 111\'llft,rf 1111 1011 ..,,, .... d 1110 1111 H91t,r. 311t 11•t1t Tttt1 2'1•1 kiri .., ''"'• -· f'9rlll*" V1tlly ... 10011&1-111 "2 Ott,_,,. 2 CMM Mtt1 Cll "''""" 1!"-"t ft) "'""' J I I I l'tl1"tll. rl J I I I Ovrfflt9, rt Nt'tl1 If , •• I wi.nii. u ,,.,_, • J • • • ,,_I\, Jb Cllrtl, M t I I I l M'lkt, lit Mlft1ln, ( t I I I c.nwla. If Adlilttt'I .... ftl 1 I 1 I "'9we1'L c I! ... ,... ,. , I I I ,..,.., (! '"'"""", d I I 1 I V.ilfr9, ,. ......... " 1 I • • LMMir!I. • Toi... D I t f .let-hi 3 1 • • ' • 1 ' J 0 I • J • • • I I I I 1 I I • I t I I 1 I • I J1 t I l ... ..,. ........ • • • aooo1 ~12 1 ,,. ... _,,, en route to a ~l vict«y. Estancia 1ci:nd. a J.O win over Col!lta M,.. lo pull lo wi6iin one game of the co-leaden. Dean W1tae wae: the run-prodUCtr for Corona del Mar with a tine-run double and pitd>er .Sieve !.-ti Mnl iiix .mnp for the win, llvblg up two nw on five htta. Rex Srifd<r took OVfl In the seventh and limited lite Sum lo a sq!e lo clinch the win. . Wlooe'• -"""" alW '"'"" to Join Pallller, Don Scyder and Ru Sizyder. Fooni.Jn VaDey'a 5U11"isingly eaoy win °""' Mapolla at the Barooo' diamond was clinched In the Initial inning when Join Carroll tripled following &ingl<li by Keith ArJedie ihf Mlke !WlierU. Ken Davia struck out 11 in gaining the victory over Magnolia. BUI -.U's rwHCOring sacrifice fly in the mK inning W&S all Eetanci.a plldler Oiuck Loae<h -in p;nu. bb tlluf:tU victory over Co!ta Mesa. Major League Standing~ NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Eaat lllvbloa East Division 11 L Pd. GB W L PcL 1 GB Cbicago I 0 l.OGO -New York I 0 l.OGO Montrf:a1 1 o um Oelrolt I 0 LOGO Plltsblirlh I 0 1.000 BO!lon I 0 1.000 SL Louis 0 I .000 I BalUmorc 0 I .ooo I New York 0 I .ooo I Cleveland 0 I .OGO 1 Phlladelphfa 0 I .ooo 1 Washington 0 I .ooo I Weit Dlvlalon Weit Divltlo.n AUanta 2 0 1.000 Kansas City I 0 l.QllO Loi 'Anlela 'l • 0 :: II Oakland I 0 1.000 San Diego I 0 \\ Staltle I 0 1.000 HOUiton 0 1 .000 Ill Callfornia 0 I .ooo I CinciMaU I I .ooo Ill Minnesota 0 I .ooo I San Fr1nc:iaco 0 2 .000 2 Cbicaao 0 I -~ I -·-,.......,.. ........ MolltfMI 11, N• Y...t 'II o.!rtfl a. Ci.v.tlfllll 1 • 0.-.. 7, Jllll .... lt .. 11 IMlntt .... fo .. ~ 4. 12 IMll'll" "" DI-. a, ~· k._ Cltr 4, MllW'lfWtt a, 11 '"""-'· Jlllt\lllurttl a. If, L 14 11111""9 ltttlll .a. t.lllfifn'llt J AllllN 1a. a.. I'~ l o.t ... .&. (lliu.t t OlllY ·-tCl!Mulllf. °"" ...... tdllllllltlL AUTHOllllD FULL SQYICI AND PAln POI ALL llilPOITID AUTO lilODILS • '· w·i S'. . . '' ' ' '. GivesBucs Ml. Sin Anlolllo F1111m1111 ClooHN ·-· """' Gokltn Wal Stntl ...,,. Ortflfll COHt s.11 B1merc11no ··-,,.,... •• a · _,, ballle until Kini -I wilh line &iogle over lltinf i-ii.ii cba8ed lo Roger Palmer rill the~ run. Pirate starter Gary Dunkelberger ha4 a one-liitltt ""11 fer alx hl!n(JI~ the llClft wao lmoll«i 1-1 uriil the ol the sixth when Orange eo..t e1 for fOW' rum. · Mite Leech ll8rled the rally w1laj he was nicked on the hand by a pildl. After ·• aecrilice, Mike Balley waJnct. Mike Paul lingled in one nm, Pa1mei oqoeeied ..-aod Sieve K!mplod ·-out· bis -lllnlCltl hll Ii ICXft two D)(ft, ...._,... .. CJI Safll• ... (ltl l.1Mer1. lf ·-d Sttllr, a H .. ftl, 1•' il"lll, lb $Nllt, .. ...... d Avtrlt, 1f Ettrldt. c J-.u Emry, rt """""" ·-. ""'1'1m., 11 .. ,."' I 1 I I 1 t I t 3 I 1 11 l 1 1 ' •••• ' I 1 t ' 1 l • I I I I s t 1 1 ' • • 1 • 1 t t • I ) i •. I 2 1 I 1 0 0 0 .... H-trliilg9, 11 I I 1 l't\lllono ... ' • 1 JI.,.._ rf l I I alicflilrdMn, 1b 1 I I °'!I• 211 I I I lriellnl, Jb 1 • • MllrQ, ct I I I Te1n, c J I I 9-,lb 111 comtn, Ml r 1 •I o ~UIHll. .... •. 2 'Mutd'llllMll'i. p'I t I Wot/ti, II I I I Eldtr,pl'I 111 '°""'*'"'Id 1 I I 27 10 10 10 Tot1ll 'f1 1 ' ._...., .... ••• '10" tll 22 -11 10 I 001 000 11 -' •• Cltl'vt UI Ol'lfllt CMlt ft! keNMldY, H 4 I O 0 Jrilna. U • I 1 Hedi, lb ~ I I I L~h, 2b 3 1 I 1Ct1111no. tf J e o o Brtwn, lb l 0 1 Wtrd,tf 4100 Btlll't',11 110 SllOO, lb J 1 1 I Plul, lb ' 1 1 $trK!wn, 311 J I O O Jltlomr, c ' I 2 M1rk1'1tm, u 4 I I I ltl'!ltrow, ct 2 I I Jlldllon, c 2 I 1 I Wtil"ltr, cl 2 I 1 S\lmlMl'S. c t 1 1 I 1(1"""""' rf I t S w.,,.., JI 1 1 o o Otill;lbtrw, ' , • 1 ....,..,._., 1 I I t KIN. Jiii I I 1 l O'Nelll t I I I Pinier, P O I I TOl1l1 U S 4 2 TOl1ll JI 6 11 Cll'rvt , 011 a .•-t 4 I °''"" COlll 001 OOo1 001 -' 11 3 +TU6Uc. Available w/Automatlc Tra.ntmllalon eOLD SUI. USID CAIS FtNIST Sl\ICTION OP USID SPOIT CAH IN SOUTHDN C:ALIPOIMIA Jtfore Sports On Pqes %4, 25, %6 J~ill•('l'il ll 1;;t:1 I!., 1100 WIST COAST HleHWAY -lllWPOIT llACH '42-t405 • Mo.1714, _11 1 \Lil'!! I _1l 111 [il1l I • Aattoeolla<! lilli e AUSTIN-HIALl'f -AotllolbtMI mu11 D..,, ..,... • S'amce . r , • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . .. '. ' .. ' . . ... : ' . Azroc AD Tqrge_i ·: . ' Of Press Abuse "'":.','. ' ·! ..• San Diego State College athlepd, dir"!:fOr · Al· Olsen· Is 1elllnz sin1ed by the heat,ll~'s t'tkinl cwerrtbe cot- lege'a prolonged attempt to hire a ne~ bo~llball ,coach . Wilm· Geor1e Ziegenfuss · stepped d"l'!D· hoJn the post nearly two mooths ago all<!I' %2 y-.n at the job, Olsen promised a new coach within two weeks .a~ the blOSl ~ The weeks ha·ve Dilled away and the Aztecs are no , closer to hiring a coach than µ.~y w~re in March. UCl!.,s ::;!a~~~eb~~~ O~~~-and Zie!e~uss w~t but The college's physical education department is be- ing reorganized and there remains unanswered ques- tions as to what responsibilities, if any, the coach will have other than basketball. Olsen, who bas resigned from his post and will leave San Diego State in June, is fed up with the-whole scene and makes no bones about it. He's particuJarly irked that the president of the col· Jege, :Mafoom Love, left on a llH!ay trip recenUy with- out acting on the coaching matter. "There is some qu estion over how important Love regards this matter," Olsen says in clipped tones. And wbile the Aztecs do nothing on the basketball front, first-rate. junior college players are ligajnc elseo where. San Di:ego State had a mjlera~ seaaoo. this year and next sea.<on's coach ..m have it even rougber. Olsen has -tating 1lllfair •-frnm San D1110 area newsp-'.and DOW.Jie!I" gelling ii in the neck frnm the college'il only dally studmt =per, , A sports column in the paper· . y iulllil a _,_ unprintable attack on 1he ~· • ' • • • UCI DEPT. -Chene•• ere Mtt.r th•n evM tMt the San Oi990 O..r,.r1 will treln et UCI thl1 1umnwr. The people who run SoutMm Celifornie Coll ... hev• epp.1,.,.tly blown th• duke by teking so long to open Mptietion1. 'Ordi~rily, • privet• orpn~t~ 1uch •• the Ch•r ... •r• 11 not. permftte&f undolr VC ,.... .. tion1 to INH Uni- versity f.c:iltfiq ·urtlHs it cen m•k• tome offeriftl to the •c•demic protr•m. So ttte ·ctt.reer1coeching·1teff, if negotio1tion1 pr• ceed n ~.Jwfll h.truct • slir.-w.ek footltell courM . for phy1lco11· eclucati1tft ln1trvctor1 tfll1 summer ul*' "Anolysls of Footboll Methods •ncl Coocltlnt.'' The cl.-1 will "'"'on • Mondey .. Wednado1y.Friday H1i1 from 1:30 to S p.m. · • • • ABA DEPT. -Don't make any bets that the LA Stars will be around nut year. And if the American Basketball Association'• Los Angeles franchise goes belly-up, the whole leogue milht fold •. Stars' general JJWlllg,;;. Jim Hardy says the club will 10.e around $!KI0,000 llils yter, That's just about what the Anaheim Amieos lost in Anaheim last year bat the ~ have a'fillter payroll~ ' r SC Bows -, .. To Fiex»ililll UCI Swimmers Feted Tonight UC Irvine'• NCAA cham-. pionshlp awimmlnc team will be -tonlcbl ti the collee<'• wat« Polo and awim- min& -banquet The buquet will be neld "\ the M ... Common. Dlrung Hall on elm.pus at 1:30. Coach Al Inrin'1 swimmers captured the NCAA title at Springfield. ftlus., last"~- "!~ily 1?vetyone '.listens' ·! to Landers ~·· just have Ii> be JJRtfy J011{ arounds !lie stars Arena offices these days. While they·were slruf·p;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;O"fl aloog at about 2,200 per game, Jack Kent CooU s ·. Vacati'on ers had their greatest year in history. • • • NCAA DEPT. -The NCAA'• \ofuHI i. cortlfy the 0r._ County •ll·tl•r prep boaketlNill .. -.nd the pr1p1~ .. ~t~ .n .. 1t•r 1•m• in O.klend mutt , .... -1-..1,.. let•I point._ . How un the NCAA clo1lm lurlidiction Over a grad •l•l'hloh td!ool •thlete whe Nt not enrolled •I • col- lep? 'It.. ,,r..,·tram here 11 !hot If• boy ..... ponoliad by fl:te NCAA for pl•Yint in'• """"'-nctioned event •nd went t• ceurt he'd 1t1nd • fOM1 chanc• of winning. Tennis Summaries • IA/£ The NEW SUPER Full 4 Ply Nylon WHITEWALL Now ···-P•nt•&tlc ftrlce&I H4/700x1J$ I 2.62 513.62 514.20 121114 ~ $14.82 ,. 73bl4 775114 111115 '15.15 LIFETIME GUAllANTU ,,_..,...TW... ...... .t.t. .... ..... hdlilTnt ...... .,_ 11.M ft U.. ,.... ..,., llBE BIRG'S DILTA TIRIS~ JOG1 W. 17 .. Strfft Sooto A"" 141-6'04 141L17 .. s ..... Cott• M-641-201 D ---------- Free Swim Slaow Coming Vp A free.to-the-public syncllrooized swimming exhibition will be ataged Saturday afternoon (2 :30) at Huntington Beach High Scbooi as a Prelude to the city's girls' .swim program. Signups for girls will be Tuesday and Wednesday at the city' pool, s-6:30 p.m. The junioi" teem >vill be !or ages 8-12 with the senior team takin.& 13 and older. Aspiran ts must be intermediate level swimmen • .................. •ag ~---L~-------.c:: Ci!'• Offerln4a SUN .'. APR. ll 1969 4-PLY NYLON CORD ,....,,, __ .,_ .-... ----Mn ,_ J.AOa t' 1 fJIS ... _,,__ ...... .,_ , ___ _... FISK S'PRINT GT :~'!~ GUAIANTUD POa na UPI OP n11 T1.IAD • ML 4 "' NnON COlD IODY-TU&&US 4 ~TS ONlT -.... -·· 11a. as.4• MH s22 ~14 P.H> ..... ~M lr.nll .... ... ,. P'.ftl .... 9ft-MILDJ .... .,._11 ILlll -... , ...... -........ ... ,, fLSS) .... -l.Jl, __ T• ... ,... .. ~,--,.... t-.....U.OI ..... ._. ······••11111111111111111 ...... -t•f "&llNT!t • ,.,.t• 10.UU<"ll)l~"<T • .. -., ---...... ,..._ -.. -·---a ...... -'*'·• .... fM ... • ::: ~~':" .. "'::::-'.,,;:::::...• .. -~::. --~!::' ~-=. ":":.=-=..:--... _ .. _._ .... ·--· ... -...:-:-: t _ ... i;:io.: ..... -.. -· .. -.... -.............. ----... ---·-. ------.. -• ·~-=-·'" :.:::.: !.':::'":.-:"t-., ---.... -.... -... --·-'6 - ...,. .. ____ , ....... 1 •U. ·-·"'"'"...,.,. '°'~ "'"""" ~ ..... ,llTW'l'.•TaAT _,_ l'U(W.. IT ... ---· UL - ... 'I' ""'"' M -TIO.I-T9olr.L _.. I --!-~~!!!!!!1JJ!!!~m~~ .:. .:. ... ---=:.... -.:::-·= •. , = 1'' ~: 11• :_::. J•!.E' -...-: 11' --,_ ... _ ---.. .... .,.,_ ·' ~'5 ""'" • ENGINE ENAMEt 66t RSlt PREMIER BATTDIT .......... •4011 .. .....-. ... ,._1 TRANSMISSION FLUID 23c PIESTONE OIL MISER SAYIS OIL OIL MISER """' 44~ <lH(YJ • 1 ! H•CH :Keeps ,ouT engine: f\I~ Ding RDOCM.h. AUTO AIR CONDmONER 149.97 llG lff 9J Piii llU11i.1t .. .. OArS ON!rl FISK OIL FILTER SPIN-ON TYPE '·'' VINYL AUTO FLOOR MATS :,~;;: 3.88 ' .... Cracl:: T.s"'-ut. t.11111 ~ -wiilyL 1~10 8o« 11111$. f'llll .._ a lld full ru~ 26--UO I FISK STANDARD MOmER .. D~~S 6 88 ""'" . rl•1,.it.1n111• Fot MO<I Ford1. Cllcv,.._ l)OOsu, PIJ'mo1uh1 <i. c- 111ct• . 4-WAY 14' LUG WRENCH 77c •.t.lf E~ b--U.. •1- .__ •• ........... .... .. tlilu: wor•. M--• -F"1 .,;.-. IC!bi ••• ...,.., __.. .._.. •llils. s.,i;i.i.i. .t\btM..,.... lkrw, 26-!000 l~ <lltll! -.~ch ••• Au •Juc1. JI• .. __ , •. ,,_,.,.~~;;"'"~~7'i~';;==jl "" 4 & I TRACK STEREO TAPE PlAYIR 49.88 ""' .. l tAll...lflOlll ,\Vt 111,t,lf,llo ~'1111 • •l k;tsml JIW!illfii:· 9"~ _, tb'\>1 all 4 hel ...,H -·~-°'""~, .. NNE6 7l0 THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESI LOCATIONS ONL T WESTMINSTER BUENA PARK BUENA PARK COSiA MESA SANTA ANA 15440 llACH ILVD. 5885 LINCOLN AVE. 5301 BEACH IL VD. 2200 HARBOR BLVD. 1400 EDINGER At Mc~etldon • At Vtlley View • At La Mirada Blvd. • At Wilson • At Bristol 892.2011 826·5800 523·3040 548·2082 546-7832 • -·t: ·- j Qo~!Jg Wl!' ~'.LL Id Palmer ACCUlt4CY CAW fOl SQUARE _STANCE The square stance, in 'which ·~ llne .ocrm the~ parallels a line fl'offt ball to ta'rget, ii W for thot . ~owling Tops Foe ' In, SACG Playoff . ' . . . . K., Nowlloc dd .. ted Dr. 16 wblle the team ct Hank Ernie AIM!ey. -UP· qi the 'Duffy. M'llt Q>amond, John 1111 ~"' .. -· the lint Cramond and-Harold Sipe ..... • ....,,... ' . . . ' . third witb1 57. . • ·portlcJpaill to Pin t b..e .. ~ In the SanJa Ana EJ ~f911d COUntry Clilb me•~ club Prf:alde1;.t•a CUp chlm· ploujll"'" . 1.;owUot defeated N i k e Cart«, t6ree and two, to enter Ibo quartuflnals wllb ~· D<l...itng dwnpioo Bob Vordale wu knocked off by Ii'. Ned Khorty, two and one, to bigbHpt the nsl ol the ......r'1'11und matdl<s. • Other reaulta In the K<Olld JObn • Morrow a n d Art Aumess were the winners ln • pal'ln<n b<st ball tourney al El Niguel Country Club In Laguna Niguel. l"<tlag -a Jow net score ol. 64. ;,: Tied for second place were Martin Sanborn and Gordon Greene and Harris 'lbornJJM)n r and Chuck Osborne, each with • 15. round were aa follows: Jack In another partners best ball Wllder defeited Harry Ward ... event in men's club acUon , three aod two· Fred Walker Osborne and Jack Stnp cap. DAILY-1$ Tars~· '69 Rivals • • • N~ -Hlfh School"• football teom 'win apend Jl\Olt, ol the 1911 •,uon .. the road, ployiq only ..... ct niM 11111e1 at Dnldloa. Field. • ' ' ThO Tan wlil Oii'!' w!ih a acrimm.go at home qoinlt Mat<r Del 5<pl. 13 and ldct ol! ti!• rtsUlll' -Cho following week agilnlt Ccl'oaa del Mar. ' Two home Siimot L<que games are on the Sailor elate · -Oct. 3 ag-llonta •Ana and Ocl 17 with Westmlmter. Newport will meet COila Mesa and , Fallbroot oo the road in non-leegue aam• and will travel to Anaheim, Marina, W~ and Hun- tington !or SWRt ,,_.II, 1:r 1:r 1:r In th9 il1U1tnrtioia we have (1) a sq.iarit stance w1th the toe Porallel to th•ahot line; (2) th•Clf*' ~with the·toe pointi~o to the le~of tarptt, aM'(3) _thtiicloftll stanee with tht·t~ lln1 ~nting to !"-~. .............L i...t Burt SmJti. two and ... , lured uni tl!oce -.1...,. with "'--titag at VCI Wally 11<-t nipped Ed Bob Woudruff. and W>ll~rd, '-~H•r-• SyiVmii one up· A1nsteJ beat Mc:Cay, both tandems posu.ng ...., . • ..,. ..,-e .... ~-• r-=n"""" ,,.~.. . --, -.,-..,...--:l::!r?: ~M ... Dr Burt Nall t'wo~and one· ll'Orel of 64. Mi'ch1gan State umversity s ave Thor, recognized as America;s greatest· '·wgn1i.~ ~ .. and Lee Metzger defeated J~ . Second went to Ralph M~r-ever gymnast, will be the featured performer Friday night at UCl'a Wayne ~ l::o;I~ Knox three and two. rilland, Oscar Kummer, with Crawford Memorial Meet of Champions. .,;. }:::} ,{\.," Bill Koch l.nd Floyd Weaver-J,-;66;.;;;,;:;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;:;;:;;;;:;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~-;'._...~~""~'-~~-~~· •! --~ ")llay In the other . , --d!all<nge. 1t1"e,.. Ver.le. . ' .. . 01 theoo it.'" •-o pai1tiow, 1tio cJulihood - along tho target !;no loro..,.ordio-In iho Roil draw;ng than In tho other two, I it.Ink )'Ou will OO-· that tho stanco wtdch k""' iho clubiieo en 110. for iho long11t di1tanc• is the one that w111 give you Nf'I straighttr Jhoh;, all other fac:ton be:ing equal. G<tlo-Jtallhor and -Mc:atnl"" toot tbe mm'1 club ,.,_.. best ,ball .... 1 ~wltb 0 net 51. -pi;... w..t to Bob Wytolf and ,. . . Ed·Dav11. A men's club eclectic toum<y 11 scheduled April 19 and 20. Se11ellff Baseball Standings Ted Avrrim and Art Brownell tied for the low net calloway title with 'IOI ln the inaugural runninJ: of the men's club Wednead1y 1Weepatakes at Huntlntiton · Btadt Slacllll Country Club. 28 Qualify For T of C Tourney LA Cosr A -Golren who hope to compete in U:ie Tournament of Champions at La Costa Country Club April 17·20 have only once chance left -the Masters. Gene Littler won t h e Greensboro Open Sunday but he had already qualified for the T of C. Only winners of PGA events for the year are invited to play In tbe tourna· ment, which has been swi.l· ched from Las Vegas to La Cooita for this ytar. First prize al La Costa is $30,000. Tu·enty..eight have already qu alified for the tournament, the second highest ever for the 17·year-old tournament. Deferxllng champior Don January is in the fold, along with Bill Casper, Littler, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Julius Bora!, Lee Trtvino, Gary Player. Dave Stockton, Charley Sifford and ChlChi Rodriguei. Those facing their last chan· ces al the Masters are Bob Goalby, 1967 T of C Champ: Al Gelberger, Doug Sanders -who once qualified eight straight years -Phil Rodgers and Mason Rudolph. Of the 27 who qualified last year, only 13 have made It ao far lhis time. Season Uckets for t h e tournament, priced at $12, can be obtained by calling 714--?Zt- 7111. lllVHll' LllAeUSW t T OI Megnoll1 • I - lMrl • 2 I - Coron• d9I NM l ! I " E11tncl1 J \o'i Founl1l1t V1lltr J l I 1 '°"' Me1.I 0 • • • Tft!MY'• ,._ F...,1t11l1t V11i.y .. M1....o1i. 1 COi'-del Mer l. L,.r1 I 011ncl• 2.T~~.Mo'rm! eor-dltl #M 11 E111ot11 OllAMOI LIAOUI W Loa ·~ I -. ' -! i i ' • l ' . t ·• ~ Olympic Ace To Instruct At YMCA Cathy FerlUJ90 CUllum, Olympic gold medal backstroker, will start classes for preschool boy1 and girls at the Orange Coast YMCA Randy. Karcher won low gross honors with a 75. frtllKe C-t Dn. David Ballantine and John Henrichs tied with Jack Boyle and Granny Lansdale with as tut Wedne!day tn a belier ball of partnen event at Irvine Cout in men's club activity. Second, with 13, was the team of Brian Buenden and Jim McAtee. Saturday's aimilar eYent was Ued between Chic'k: Higbie and Jim Lockwood and Higbie and Dunc McAlpine with 61. . .Second place wati1 also tied up with Bill and Vern· Schaup- Pner sharing the honors with Chester Bldwell ·and Claude ·Taggert (15). Me......,lerlc Bob Ab b e y , 15-year-old • Marina High School student, hu .. gled the 4!1G-yard par . five 13th hole three tlmes since the first of the year. ~H• did it. twice In J.-ry on wccessive day1 and pulled oil the·eagle-lhm tric1: apll> In lit< March. Be...,he SI A quartet -illln( ct Arthur Isaacson, LcM{ Mele, James Dooley and Jay Swift loot f>nl place In a best blD ·1ounome· event Saturday at Rancho San Joaquin with a net 15. . s.cood -place well\ to HBI Show, L<llU. Hiii, Haro1c! Wray and Jactlon WUcoz 1flth Indian Netters Plan Exhibition April 15. stanrord University's vanf.. Purpose of the classes are ty Wurls team will stagt et· to help the children overcome '--at t h e their initial fears of the water hibition matcuct and basic swim imtructioa. Newport Bettch Temil Club The half-hoar c I 1 I. e I' -.Sunday, April 20· AllO on hand for the limited to lour studen'-' per malchel and spedal bnmch class, will be held at 1:15 will be tht NBTC touring pro; and 9:45 a.m. Tuesday and world cbamp Rod Liver lltd Thursday. T'1e classes will run Roy Emerson. for 10 weeks. The matches will begin at Other classes meeting Mon· Ill be keel day, Wednesday and Friday ll;3D p.m. Finl w as Will be held at 1 :30 and 2 to donate '2..50 to help cover p.m. and will be directed by _:5.::tanl::c:onl:.::..:'•c.•c.l]l<f15':__1_· ---1 Linda Brannon. Parent.a: may rt111ter youngsters at the YMCA, 2300 University Drive, Newport Beach. Additional information about the program ii available by callln the Y at 842-9990. LOCAL Ne othtt 111w'''"' t•l1t f" More, •••ry tley, •IJ•ltt whof1 '''"' Oii '" .... ,,.. ... , Or1119e C.ttf tllo• th• DAILY PILOT, lelSina Ille F1111lly Cir -wll free Mllnlenlnce l1tcr••1i11t 1111mkr1 of ;.....n1:1111 fHIW l••M ftit f•MI.,. ci r. A,,,,, ... , tllt h1lea 11: "~tt'1 tOCMf fer ce1f-c•11•cle11t ltniM11 -• k t l1e I~ for Mr. F11111I'""'"·" EXAMrLf: -• ....., M1r~11!1 C.IMV ,,,. SttH.11 W1 9011 with 1ir ceMitio11l"11 Ctll be ltt1H few s-121 1111trtfrtly: ttt. f1bulo111 Co1HJlt 1001 ot flOO; whilo Hit U11col11 Co11tf-.ltttl ttll k It••-' for ti little ff I I •t ''' Mo11th.. flit It ttfwt l11'l'"'e re111lr.4 te,.... 1,e e11tl 111tl11te11e11'• toil c.he111fe1, hl11• Ulfl, etc.I 1tJ1ofufwly FllEE. n.. tleeltr bvyt Yolll' prHtflt • c.er, fre1l119 C.•1ffttl fot H•111t19Hu1 l11•t1f• Mtflh, Ai• fer free booklet, l'holl• Joh111•11 I S.11 Uite:•l11•Mtl'c.ury, 21!6 H•ibor 11., Coil• Mei•, 140.llJO, ••l for l•••IJtt m•11•1•t HAL SAMOEU. AT REGU• 4 R ·PRICE ••• """"" .... . .. .. $1.94 ......,.,,.. .... """'"" -.... """"" -, ... """'"". -FREE 5 ~s $28.1$ $12.ZS. "''"ml"" $1.76 U5J]S $21.iS ' . _,.TIO[ $1.89 . -·. : .. na.. • ~ • , ' I t I 1 ~ ,; ; I 4th TIRE . FREE, O!FER on Vlil;l!'rEWAl,.I,.$ 1 001 "WORKHORSE'''TIRE ONE LOW PR1c1· ,; "Po"1&:.All SIDI 3-T l(ykid Con/ '7,.,,.lott s.,,. Grip• BUY· NOW on EASY TERMS. ' ' ·n· --. ~1.-.. . -..,.., ...... ..,.. '2.11 F.LT. ,..,, ...... $1.IO f.LT. ,,.. ........ NAJ f.LT •CD%:••• ..... I.Id ...... • J:<T """" °"'- YOU GET THIS TIRE FREEi BUYNOW- SAYENDW NO TRADE- /NS NEEDED FREE · MOUmNG . .. , I . ·' SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA YOUNG & LANE TIRE co~ ' . TSH NllWPOllT PHONI 148-tJIJ ' • YOUNG & LANI TIRE CO. 4IJ OCIAN , Aft. PHONI 4t4 HH ' . LAGUNA . ' ' THIODOltE ROBBINS FORD .. -----------------'---"------~-----------------------~------'---'-'----'--'-----'---- -.. ------------~-·-~--~ --------------------·---- ' - ff" DAl.V PILOT -· AP!ft 9, IM . ' . 11 " -. • Estancia Stars, Jl~tw1c~. ~ : .. ALI1~~ Ca~~~lt ... _ ~~.':~Gurney E.agle M • QU'art. t .l :..:2.:.'ong EJi· ·~ SOCCER .TIFF Jobn..cannonwU111at1.~ w1111o .S1arr .. 111 ;_.._ arma e ftllll ' . ~ .AJ\-Slarl -'·11ie i>adll< 1111 rood raclila --. . ~ .... fom:!fi -' · · isoe-1-wfll -the wW1 two lhlnp be llot.ahr\Y' ol r81'1nr. wlD .-a l,ollil . • • ' U~ utlql '-"> ~ waated bat __. illd -I Ferd In 'the ,......,, !l:c pro . -~· 0... ' -~"''~"·· (~~r ·11·'' ..... alLOil(llikbMJIDoa good, .... car IDd • ...u nceantbew--lllP-• ....,.. . • 1 '.~ • · ·-·~'"""-'-·'~ luo<ledcarowner. ' -C-tlimedln Looillllancl.JlidlWW;'alocll -·-;,· ,.. . .,IH , · · HIP·-....... ..---Cuiioo,wbotur.-..... 111e •en1ry ·1orm'.fer 'llll car wilbllPelluolWlek~ a \ -~ 'll:i: '. • II.. _:_,.t.! la bJ .wloob>g the .119;Loj;ma to RICey.,-, ~ ~ -"'ant'""''"' -~ ~-· -m· . , g Tbe1'~"'01*n&!inl .... seca Grand Prix•·• ---the '!""'!"""'· nJI of 'CD' ~·-• ·~ ~,,.-.., '' · ' pected In be~'.-°" .1IM!lllJ -car W.'°""" the "lWe'>·nUr·....inn.r:• · tradl imit"tleldm.ra. Cl ..] .. J.i; 1 .1 < . · of members -IM iup.. /;,.oguro1 Rivera'lde Coo-TbO llritioli-llcrn 'C-.. t<Ufel< bU I beit ol 152-.-•-.'" •.. f"E' I:,· leadiog oCasl ~ t\lla>talGnndl'rtitAprlttH> clUz<a wbo . DIO\'Od •lo ;:,.111e::s.cii:~i: •. '(1.1 _ -I , l ..:,: 3~ ~ ~;~ ~ ~::or~~ Wood ill ninth la the 118 law • · , .: , = v-· licCaual><1 (IMHlll). He'll dri,. ao E1C1e <:bevy lom' the entire ~ lumll,. with blJ IU eff«l . ""''" ; • ..::1: :::1• The.' U;S.-~ bond to built by Dan 0.....,. fer 'circuit !er the StarT rocing Htlllwick's time of l:lU · :-, ·"' -· cAl .?"""" Jut Malcolm StarT of Uaion.ctly, 'team; -~ la Is mth ~ In the ClF m HI .. ...._,,.....,.MU" »11 • • w:~ z..1: 1 • N.J., bt the~ A event, Che Tanana nclng sbOpe: of all COIDl!flJI.... T-c-oi<• • It!" • · . J"'lf ·Tllul. Rlvenide i. the drlvtr oo the Tra .. Amtrlcan ~ dati .. • u.r--cil<ult Jut yea;, u :acbiodule. be and chld mocbllllc C-ge U.W Illa Cal>Am victory In Clark helil together the .aly llhe nfD .. 11-.y Jut' Qoi>ltdory cat to ..... ,gotuto I-Cotmoo -aot cmo. tow.,.i the U.S; • ,..ng1 .... -·-ol"tbe lop ..... ,...,... chamJliomblp. pe111or1 but 1 ~ i:l>eCk ' '1've real!T got a ~ t !of bJs Ncord tboft tlSld be can wln f80el With, .. Cpoon :11u ·....,. Md p6d nciq · iafd. "With the ~.kind of ~ eqolpment· at hil d.ilpoul. · · tuck, tlU is • goJna ·ti> be ·• W. f!rsl major ri<tory WU good year." in the Laa Vegas USRRC in To start with, CIMon wlll 1961, cb;ving the Dan Blocker tancle with one of the tou'hest Vlneprooo. 1 car tbll never clrlven In lbe -~I woo anolber race. · Rlven!ilt. Colnc-i,lly that starr, on the other band, driver, Georp ~· ia .... the leading lndependeot •ii!< fiom !be' ........... lf•a. ~'1'Da=.J: 1£·· r AAU Diving /• and Tony Ventimiglia and Jim ' • • All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Tl;trough Sat11rday Gaugbon 1s tied for mt11 wllh • · • Title Won ils U.I clocking. ~-..,,. . f" _ l n.e rankinp figure to take -· " . ' -l :; :u,. io:i,al_:.:;;i:r: . • ·-~ By: Y.oung ' . '• ' . i fey lnvtlatiooal !rad< and field ,, ....... ~ .. . ., . . . ·e!..Jne~J j meet Saturday at Chaffey ,_., c-ll~ LONG BEACH , -'; Win , •• ' -~ Hif!;tuded in tht m·eel will ;..,.:..;;"i.~•uLT lj. it !e~ ~men~~ ALWAYS FIABTGUAUTY ' be Fount.in Valley, Coota ~=-, ~ 1'1esa, HunUnglon B e • c b , ~ $-1 the AAU national indoor div- Newport Harbor, Westmimter ~::¥~.:,._.. l~ ing and swimming cham· ~ eorooa del Mar high ~':i1:~iF ltl ~ pionsbip.s Tuesday and then ~· otKVS announced b 1-s retittment IE{.,_,,.•• u kl::."<\'••~" Ul:! from competition. , '!-.!I Centro :-t ~erY. 1 VIII• I"" YN•••, a senior at Indiana ~~· .:. Gonloo\, 6?·1 ~-=...-~'Pl'o.. '-' ee". ct • l60-l University and a bronr.t medal ~·= iJ ~ ~ Ji1 winner at the 1111 Olympic ~'"-'~" -'1:.l Rfil!:."'--Garn .. al Malco City, alld R~~ .. ~111 . 1 orr.. ,.,lf! ...._,_, ..., f? ~l'~··, ·. • be plans to -a•...,_ ""' 1te. ~1• AM ... , , • .. education instructor a ft er ~~~--ffln_, t: .. "=--I •:11 graduation. "'l:.:·~ .i ~ j!jl:j The PboenlJ: atblell llDllS· i:c.~~ """" • I -M•ur ed 559.68 polnta ia elcbt dhW. P11n11", 1111. C«17J. !\ff:i Jim H"'""' of B}domlfigtcia. bms, WhlltllJI' 41.1 • _, !;)>-, .··~~, ...... M•'i.T ·,:,: Mti f ;!1. Ind y ' t amm)l;e: -I .... • 11. 5oulll sin-I. s.n .. ,..... 9:22.t ., oung I e , a----, -•;H:t wilb ~-*. :1 !~ .. lht.'!'"", :ill:, eel second 535.tl . ..,,, Manlt.t ~_. OM"ri\n: ,....., 1.ta.--c<:-......... o( •··'· 1 1111 ... .s t.~ c~ Y••• •·•:1 1ou.ao; ii:i.uu<:...., . • ~ ,,,, '""' n.o --'""'"'I · ~" ~ .... v-~~ ~.4.V•lllt'f !!1 t• M ... MU&DUS li.J Clara and ~ ~~lit;.~ ..... = S:. ""*"i l'·l umbus, Ohio, tied ';for thlrd ' ="'='! l i',, ' ' ;,;;_.:;; '""' 'iii In the -·~ ~ I~ -.. 1. =~'C.-. .• L .t 411.23. .. .. . , . r:::,''I::!"".:.""" .ti springboard dlvlakJit Cynthia ;, ~ J: · 1=,~'t::;.,°:' !ti Potter, a 6-foot-J; !-.,.....i_ Teno, lbooe out In a field . of 11. Fulletwn· Favored .. ' Cynthia, II, amaaaed 442.26 points with her eight dives. 1be Indiana University math major from ·Houston, Tei:., went into the finab with the outstanding perfomlanc< of the preliminaries. .. . ' . . In EC Title Meet Debbie Lipman or Long Beach was second with 423. 72 WJl!mEK ~ Junior Colleg II an ~cboicetoumeal de/ending champion Orange Coul Collece when I be Eastern Conference swimming t and diYin( dwnpioosbips get under Wrf al . Rio H- , ~~~-• w~ will aend jull teams to i .!hen.~-·· wbld1 I rufll.· tlmlP •Saturday, will illndllllfttban<OOIWJm. men -dlfen in 18 ewnta IDd.l"ullertoo·lthleta ... top. -iocttneJit>l«lhem. I •' • I ~··~­featmts lllOl!olli in the soo. y~ and tbe 200 indhliful· .-. a1oog with beab ml the<ftnals in the io free. 0...,.. Coul nimmen are top.«dled In two of Thunday's eveall -Doug Schawnberg in tht !O 'free and Paul Hughes la the 200 iodividull medley. Fullertan's Chip O'Rourke Is the lt10 free favorite. Gold<n West's c:ontiag<nt will be led by Kris s ....... ·Wbo'I the favorite in tbe 100 and 200 batterfly. Other top Rustler entrants h:iclude diver Mart Savage, freestylen RfiJS HID, Ste.. Scbeiblauer ind Gary llml Other likely point -fO< Orall(t . Coul 1aclude B,,.,. J-. the fawrlle In lbe 200 ~t.. and f....iylers Mike ClinRingbam, Mike WU-and Biii Whet. and Norma Cbandler, Fairfax, Va., "°' tb1n1 wilb C.14. , • Cynthia 11 b'.vcred In the women's three-meter fmals . W-y. The competition ...is Suoday. UCI Nails 17th Win UC Irvin< upped its tennll record to t?-2 Tuesday by lak· ing a 5-4 verdict from Pe~ perdine at the winners' courts. Coach Myron McNamara'g classy Ant.eaters will be back in act.ion a week from today, traveling to Redlands to meet the national small college cQampions -a team they've already beaten once this year. UC lrrillt 11) UI ,,_..,._ . -O'Neln (UCll -bV ci.t..,11. l"I "'•'-(U(I) dtf. Mantoll ' • :t~ 11") ~· Hardi"' (UCIJ, Ha!nbS.. f'l tltl'. NaldWll lUCI), M. '-1. ''z:' jVCll .... ~-Cl"J, HG~ ii") *'· "'-{UCO, .... ... "'- . Ranger Subs Defeat UCI Undefeated Coast R>...,- reserve!I unleashed five goals in the last hall to subdue stubborn UC Irvine, 6-3, Saha• day at the latter's field. · Coach Bill Ashcroft's Anteaters bad battled the vic- tors to a 1·1 draw after the first 45 minute:'! with goalie Le.If Lanen playing a 11parkl- in& fJnt ball. 'lbe Rani!trs scored two quick goals following the bilcuit break and we.rt never headed, ailhougb UCI trim- med tht gap to J.1 on Jerry Dawson's penalty ihot. The winners beefed up their lide with the addition of t.X· pro Le.if Wemeid, who WU sent down by tbe parent club. , r Youth Spikefest Set at Estancia *·--.,,.ll~ 1be Costa Mesa Recrtat• • . Deparlment's Boys "All City" tract mffl will be held S.. • -;::f .r..:.t":-. ~ ' = at EsW>cio H i I b 4 PO-PULAR SIZES AT ONE LOW PRICE! FOREMOS,. RIUANT WITH 4 PLY NYLON CORDI -· ... ·-.....-aplnot fall ........ -. -· .......... ,... --........ 21 MONTHS G\JARANnE WITH 11 MONTHS FRH REPLACEMENT 12.88 Plus fed. tax and old ti,. ILACK TUBELESS SIZE FED. TAX 650-13 ................ l.79 775-14 ................. 2.20 825-14 •••••.•••.••••.• 2.36 775-15: ................. 2.21 FREE tire rotation every 5,000 mil•I FREE pv-N Npair fe. (;feel trood I FREE11n-.. 1 COOLANT RECOVERY SYSTEM • Purg11 air from tooling sysl1m •.. prev11ts nist • Provides vls1al chick .on coolant l1v1I • h1cl'ICls1d radiator and hose life • Stops loss of coolant du1 to overflow CLAMP SCREWED INTO FENDER Jl:.;:::::S1t~~~ ;:....-RESERVOIR TR~NSFER TUBE AIR.SEAL PRESSUR E CAP • • Pnveflts overh1atlag in traffic 10.95 • , Tbe meet wi11 qoalily boys '>17 HOSWlD AA5 TO o." ANY J>EAlS ® · : 111eu·~'?:!:!' = m":t ~-------------------------------, fJ/l eH r -·--... NEWPORT BEACH . HUNTINGTON BEACH f.IFTY BIJCKS, S01 SJ~ 1f'F . r ~~Iii::· 10 t .m. jF .. hion liland) !Hunlinglon Canter) mr 4•" z:; • llol• bont during tht y .. n ' JIM throogh 11811 an ellg!blo. ---··--·-·--·------------------·----------·------·--· ·. OPEN DAILY 10-10 e SUN. 10.-7 " l CARDINAL 6 REEL #!1( 11.47 For Fresh water or light Saltwater fishing for the J Sportsman who really oare.s. l ' PKG. of 6 FISH HOOKS-any size .......... 3c ~ HEAVY DUTY RUBBER HIP BOOTS 6.44 With Steel Shanks. Sizes 8·12. > ' Umited Supply.-Cherge It 11 = zEBCO "77" ROD & REEL Ready to go -including i 6 lb. test line -an ideal 1 combo set. 3~97 ' GARCIA IJod & Reel To Be Given Away! Regist~r Before Saturday! • 1 SizPS Small, ?ited., Lrg. · & ex tra Lri;. ... ' TACKLE BOX 1.47 1-Tncy plastic style-6 com· partments. Ught '"'~igbt -Easy to carry. ChM11ty L1'"1te11 Just Say CHARGE IT!' FLY RO_D & RlEL • #480-E. 81h ll, 2 pc. fiberglass rod · plus Reel. 9.97 · TURNER .PROPANE STOVE · 5.88 - cLANT;ERN . 7 .. 88 : Single burner stove with LP· 175 cylinder. Ligbf.. welght, compact. Delivers instant. clean he at for sale cooking. Sets up in seconds. Incl. 1 cylinder. • WtdtlldlJ, Aprtt '· 1969 Prk• lfffftlH .... ...,, ,,,.,., Solw'"t °"'J, Alifi 10, 11, 12 DAILY I'll.OT 2'1 COSTA MESA STORE ONLY! 3 h Dacron '.$tEEPING IAG 8.88 . 10 ft. "Thrifty" Aluminum ioat Made by DeThl Corp. 59.97 Limited Supply , Adult full size. 2 bap will zip together. Md!. 3985 . . ' ADULT UFE JACKETS , .• : • .,._._.,-•.• , ... 2.17 ' 4 LB. _DA,CRON : . . . . . . . . . .. . • • • . . • . . • • . 12.11 THE FACTO~Y.REPltESENTATIV "for F NWICK RODS wDI be In our Sporting Goods Dept; Al· D1fY Friday, April 11th ta clemoMllate and aMwer ·any ques6ans abollt ' Fetl'fldcs Fl• RODS! From ART'S LANDING! SEE THE FAMOUS"BLAtKEY" 455 lb. BLACK. SEA BASS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SPORTING GOOi>"S DEPT! "FIEF' All D•Y Fis)ing Trip For 2 .• From Arts Landing to be Given Away! Regi$1er Before Saturday! FREE $300.·oo FREE in SPOOFER LURES With any Tackle Purchase of $(j(J or more. You Receive 1 Dos. ' ' Spoof er Lures ••• · The fine3t Saltwa~er or Fre3hwater Lure on The We.d CotUt! , JOHNNIE & JOYCE "fatso'! PERKINS WILL 8E IN OUR DEPT. Wl:rH THE NEW "IALAN~ED REEL SEAT" DON'T MISS IT! WILSON CHAMPIONSHIP 1ENNIS BALLS VACUUM 188 TIN OF 3 ' • Jbe finest buy In TennlS Balls! .. -' . ' COMBINAnON TETHER BALL BADMINTON SET 5.88 .... t .97 Incl. ball, poles, net, bhtls, stakes It 4 rackets. 4 PLA YF.a.:JiADJIDN'roN SF:!' • . .. .. .. • . . 3.47 · · NAME BRAND ' . ' . I ' Ball· Gloves . . Krna~ ~Low '.Dllc~u~t ··~ce · ' 4.97 ·Fle,.r ··First ... ar Catcher's Glaft BASEIA~LS .......................... 8k ._Charge It at Kmart! 8 I MITCHELL "300" REEL One ol Glttla'a..n-t reel& Compete with extra aj>oo( Left hand llodel No. 301 13~88 Register for P R E E Garcia Rod It Reel - Drawing Saturday afternoon. TRUCK GUN RACKS ~e 1.97 ~.2.47 Fits any Truck. Including fittings. " 46"x70" YINLON RA~T Vlnf.l It nylo_n -with detaehable aeat. Incl tow rope. Fully tested. 9.47 l~MAN NYLON RAFT ••.•••••••••.••••• 1:t.f7 Little~ Baseball . Shoes 1.77 Volt. Dud: Feet SWIM FINS 6.97 110 lb. Set IRON BARBELLS ·Incl dumbtlll, fittings 11 9 7 and lllltructto111. • . • . DOORWAY GYM BAR ..•. , , .•• 4.76 SHAIEsnARE MODEL· 2081 Ir 2091 SAL'J\YATER REEtS YOUR CHOICE 19~97 . ' 'lbe belt oi>en·f-nels Oft the .-bl Limited 111ppb'.' JUii uy Chirfe Ill . SHAKESPEARE SPINNING ROD ~SPA-140 ·for Fresh Weter , , ••• f.f7 • H DAll.Y l'ILOT ' TtCO u • .,.11a ... c .... pete ·sailhoat~rs Vie ·at ·Havasu ' ' · ~~~ntria Received . . Colleges Q~nNew · Race Year ·, F 't Tr(l~l!~-~~~t \. .... , . ' ..... More ·tbaa· 41 .. mN<o; .-. have been .-mC.d by the lnlomllleglate 'Y""1it Raelnc A_..,W.olN-"-lca for tAe f959 spring racing le8IOll ol the panmt orpnlza. lion and ita member d1str1ct associaUoos. The first event foe the Padllc Coast ~lo Yacht Racing Assoclation. will be the cbampi<laliup ...,.ua at Newport Harbor Y acbt Club this weellmd. -coIW,.. place lujor :r""~ :'ii :~,u~ . New· Dates . Scheduled On Rum.Run the Intercollegiate YltA of North America championships to be beJd on Puget Sound, An 8'-mile sprint .f or June 111-25. offllhon power boats from 'lbil tiUe racing will consiat Long Beach to MaUbu and ol mtenllstrict team races for back -known u the Rum the Walter C. Wood. Trophy Run because of its unique and thr<e days of racing for tropby -has been reschedul· the lCYRA·NA dinghy. finals ed from May 10 to Jtme 7. for the Henry A. Mora 'Jbe new date and~• 10 a.m. Memirlal Trophy, Jane 111-:111 atart off Long Beich'a Bel· under Western Walblaaton moot Shore Pier were College of B e.J ling Ira m determined thll weti •t • auspices. ·---meeling ol a..-~ After a day's rapita . tht PacUic Olfabo<e Pdwer BoaL 1itijle.!Janded -llnalrf...-the-Asaodatloo. Glen S. Foster TropbJ-wm be At stake in <r the race , r sailed aL Seattle with the the third this year for tile UnfftrlUy of w:_~ as sea-going racers !"'""" wlU be host. points toward the Cuale Each of the ""!"!' __ ,l'ropby -emblematic ol the dis1ricta wlil bolil~-0..."l'Oi>BRA ••••• 1 - dinghy a n d ~ pionabips '..:. and a .Rum RUn cbamplonablps .:.. ~ Trvpby Cnafed' from • with preceding eUmimUons -venerable rum ftg" and a in the period between April pollalll<l.lrus spiltooa, Del.,,. and·mid-May. ding troii!Y bolder Is, Bob Tile zprbig ' . 1Wi1i1 · · II Non!Rog ol Van liuYL -by ,. -ol In-Tile Rum Rlml' <1poctad to tenecttonal lnvltatlCoal regal· take about 90 minutes for the tas -several <JlC•eesiar c:On-winner, serves u a final test llderable lnd!ti& cl new equijment fer the Aq. • ' 23 fifth SlUllal Long 'Beach Hennessy Clip, which thll year offers American Power Bolt As>octatloa -pobits .. well II UOW. ol biternali<lllal. ~ world chmµ- 0-.. points. Concorde Line Sold By Norfolk 'I'be -line ol Cooc«de fl>erg.l&ss p o w e r cruisers mamzfacturodbyO.....Yadlt Dt.wo. ol the Brun....tck eorv .• Baltimore, wlil be eold and serviced by the Norfolk ShiJ>builciing ml D r y d o c k Corp. under an agreement that marks the first time the SZ."8f old VIrglnia Shipyard bu ever told yachts at retail. John r. Raper. nr. genera1 -ol Norioll< Shi!>' bmidiiiC and IJrydock, aid the firm bid "looted • big time ""the rlgbt yacht to .-.te our m.me With" and that the liberblaa Conconie line bad "proved Alilfadory In <Very respect.•• Cleude Allderscn, Jl"'"idellt. ol the OftM Yacbl .. DM.Son, '81d hls'!lrm ,. .. •'jlroud to be ._i-wi1h -Ship. bulldlnl one of the IDOi! com· ..... and nopected shipyards (;;-i. United Stalel." • !Jlle .~lieiinessy Cup clasalc, a UIO-milei rp expected to Jme miny :U: the nation's top driven and b:mll, will climax the fotath amual International Sea Feotml at Long Beach. Ensenada Race Closes Deadline for entries in the Newport to Enaenada,rac:e will clole Friday at 4:30 p.m., ac- ccrdtnc to Ttm Wilder, race committeo cbalrman. Wilder empbaalvd that the ..,trlea must be in the hands ol. the race committee at that time. Enlries postmarked J'ri- day bul • .-Ived Saturday will not be ac:oepte4 Wilder aald. Latest count 'for this year's race was more than 250, but last minute entries art ex- pected to &Well the list to mOr< than 500. Last year'• record WU 514. Juniors Sail BXC Hosts Fifth Regatta Tbe S o u I h er a Callfcmla Yldltlllg AAocialbi h a 1 ---.for' Ila ll1lll annual 'Jaalar RopUa to be beld al Balboa Y acbl Oub April 1'- The .-Is limited to ooe- dosicn boato• lllder 17 led w-,kl_. are under JI Yo1iw GI. ap and belcq to yacht clllbt affiliated . w!Lb SCYA. The nplla tbla year baa been dMded into two qe di-·--12 YHn ol ... and-. and -JJ« over wtlo wlll have not reach· ed -Jiil lllrtbdq}>J Sql. 1 of llria-. RoclnC wlll .. ~ .. bqlll Illa ...... 11111 .... ...,. with the Juniat-junlon llart!ng In -bay and the """'°' juniors in the _. bay. Tl1tte wlil be rtre races over tbe two day• -lhrte on Saturday ani! two on Sunday. Four w men boats of any one-deltgn clus wlll constibrte a •tarilnl clUi. 'I'be following ciuaea have been 1pecllically !n'11ed Jo par11cipa,.: l:llples Sabol. W.ill'ard ~ Guppy, ~bird, Flipper, Udo-t4, klle, JnWinillGoal-14, 0 K DIJllh~Solpe, Finn, Hobie Cat ancf' Junior. EnJr wlll be accepted In l><noc1 until IO:IO a.m. April lt • lbt BYC 'duN•._, llillt ...... &lllntloli " arpl. OnlY .... ... will ..... c:eplld. • 'I'be ~ entrltJ In the 19811 Kine, Harry Guest, Orchard ·~ race ~ Honolulu tue, MiddPn~ CoOCerto, < ....... ~ today . by the John Hall, BaDi,.. . ~ Traoapacllic'Yacht Vivan4 Marl llUllel1, 1- •Club. ' . . Beach; Wlndfrard · Pllliap, Buddy Ebsen'• ~root catamaran Poly~es!an Con· .cept l!Ul'(es past Pat Dougan'• 12-meter Columbia on downwind leg of match race for the Kimberly Cup. Moment of glory was short-lived as race was thrown out because of confllsion over location of a mark of the course. 'I'be 1111 Includes -New Robert F. Jolmaon, Grand \1Y~, ~.a ~ af ~ Ba!"-• Island; ~ .. Midw.,t •and a, cltlaea, ol. W, llndldw and ,M. SbenM, . Canada. .. SU Rafael; ~anoe. Jack 'lhi.s will Ile Jba lllvir'.... Llnklelter', ire~ BUch. ~ . .. '\ ~ niversary· of the famed LOi Moccasin, C. T. McElray, Angeles to Ho001utu i'iCe 8nd .J..<mi Beach; Avenue, Johit i.sexpec:tedto .drawa~Ji.-Mlllltan, Honolulu; number of aVIei::The llDtit Hawallaaa, Jay M o,o re, Holisewife . . Sets Sail For Tokyo for entries is 7$. • • ltaneobe, Hawall; Americana, LOS ANGELES (AP) To date, 39 entries have John Moore, Honolulu; Si-Sharon Sites Adams, the been accepted and the dosing moon Jolin Noble Saolo Marioa del Rey bous<wile who date for entries is still two ~ · ' was the fint woman to sail months away, accordlni 19, lllr ~----0....._ V Walter Hollman, cbalrmall ol • ._.., -·-. .,. aloae from the Pacilic coast the race conuniltee. ...Ver; 8colcb Mist, Rdlert D. to Honolulu, left today fer · Yachts acceplOd u Cl -"O'Brien, Portland; L'AIJeiro, Tokyo 1'bere she will prepare are: Nepenthe, Albert ~ Roderick II. ,Pll._ Orinda; to sall lhe Paclllc. Beverly Hills; Ya 'l'Jn'l<o, Eapr14 Geotp . vi. Pbllllpa, Mn. Adaml·ll meeting' her George Antar, Ven'fce; Oakland. aaUing inltrudor-hulband, Al, Maestro, Don ~ A-._ I. H. Price Jr., In Japan, where he has been Covina; Intrepid II, Ban'Y • liedwocid , CllY; Queen lllab, rigging her 3J.foot boat for '" Berkus, Flintridge: Quuar, Rolierl I. Prlnlle. HoUywond; the put lliootti. She plans Arthur Biele, Diablo; Typet, Starling m, &ofman Ream a series of shakedown cruises Llewellyn Bixby Jr., Long Jr., Rancho Santa Fe; on the Mariner 31 before leaV'- Beach; Mystic, Marv y n Rou&fmeci D, Nathan I e J ing May 12. Carton, New 1 Yo~ ·A a o .. ·Scfii.-H9:>liilu; · There will be no ltopl>-on Nuevo, Rolle .c:tom, San. • Anni -Mmia . I I, Al be r Japan. t o-Califonlla Rafael; R-o "e-a-.. --.rDmlkl ----s·e-Jn-ei-1 e.1umt; Newpon-voyqe.~Mts. Adams-aaid-she Dalziel, Berkeler; .. Raetisa, • Belfm: Ntwla del Mar, John npecb to reach San DieRo J-pb De M~, "Ban .rr... 'Bcrlpps, San Dltgo; Loco in Ill days, but wlil haV< food CISCO; ~ I Viento n, Jama ,R. Seales, to lut four ll)Ontha. o t b.e rs are Moolgomery Newport Beach; Toucbe, Paul lllrs. Adami aald llhe plans Trop'ltg Still i1t Conte1atio1t ·. Jim Kimberly (center) no!M sportsman .from Palm Beach, Fla:; ,dllp~er· petual trophy he has donated for world's fastest ocean going sailboat :current coveters of the trophy are Buddy Ebsen (left) and his 35-foot catamaran Poly. nesian Concept and Pat Dougan with his 12-meter sloop Columbia. Street, .J..-DenniDf. San Slmpeoo. H~ Mamie, to live on the llijboit even Rafael: Yellilwblrd,. Frank MJlt Smith. ,Loi AD(IOles, and wblle -In port Uing the Drudlng, Saratoga; Chariama Plelades, Ric:hanl Smyth, "shakedown" period "becom· II, Ed Feo, loo& ~; Da Huntlogtan lfarhou<· • Ing part of the boat." "NYLON SHAG 11,,.. -..... "'· 5•2 ~';:.";.':";!.;:!: tt.et C'Olll .... ch ..,.,. .. rll"' .... , .... HIAV'I 11• POAM PAD "I• .,.. Rag. 1.95 NYLON SHAG ·.· -looot """' ...... A !i!.~.r.: =.:. 6'' c_,_..._...,. 1-ty ...... -,i.1 .. '"' .... .............. . ON ~ l'OAM . . "I-.,.. -. Rag. 10.99 - ·-.-....... ,80 .. ""' .., ..... ,,,. .... "' ......... ..,. .. J -""' ..... -n.. ... t1Me19·M...... I IMI ...... HIA V'I 11" POAM rAD "I· y4. . 12.95 j SALi 209.00 Q2373 Aerill., Tl11 •tt••r ·AYOtlclf Grtt~ At •· 4\1.00 31~ ycl1, 12ll2:S'P' fltO. 1!12.00 l'ltg. 121.m 64.00 Q2362 Ac•il•., .lh•t r • l111g Fr.llch lllu t 69.00 31V~ yell. 1b11'11" Reg. 138,00 l'l•o. Wl.15 • IUOO ll'llllU 1t1111 ~·4·• 122,00 P1st7 10010 Wool Mtl't)nl 1'1111. Zt4,00 S4 1dt. 12x40'1" "''· 1to.OO 79,00 P1567 100•~ Wl<ll •1ul1r., c,...., l'ltg. 140.00 70,00 40'1 ycl1. 12x)O'I" IMTe CllN'1 111114'1" lallD l'lell U.11'1'' Aeg. 1~!1.00 36,00 P1H3 DuPont Nylo11 Or1cl111 Mo•1 69,00 J\V •. wcl1. 12.-2S'I'' ~. no.oo . 249 00 0154& DuPont AntlQue Ot1d iulD ltl .. TwtH llXIO'I" A ... I00.09 • ~5 .v~o. 1""U'9" •Mil KHll Sfl11Q ... 61111. 318 00 12XWI" A•g. UQ.M • 0111l Com ...... •c••• Tw.!fd Oolll i&. l r111n ~tMI =r-,: .. lft=~== Alot1d1 Reg. IGN.00 548.JS <49V, yd•. 12,.37'1" L~ M11tytu C11141utri Av Eld• 259 70 01&51 Htllrtt .. C1prlc1 KM!tl'Atdtones UV. ,-. 1tx•.r A••· 4ll.Oll • <IOb .,.,, .. 121130't" Rto. -.n KllM Du,.Mt '°' AYMtllt, Gilli .. lrtnz• 4 00 M ,..... , Atl• a.tl ,... • y4. 01CIOS H11Urtex C1prlct Ktdt l Gold•" Flette "''· -.oa 125.00 li'Ya Jdt. 1h21'1" "''' l7&.0D M04D ltlt• 11Xt'll" l'ltg. 2'17.00 Jhg. 216.oct 91.00 0 1144 Het1rt1x C•p•lct K•:lel l"tMIVtr Gr.tn 15,00 ~ Jiit. 12X20' Atg. 261.70 199.po ' 346.95 203.35 110.25 2Z1.00 138.50 244.02 225.00 140.00 ' lhg. 115.DO N14M N1\f11 ,,,., r· Len1 ,lu"'" Ort•" ,.,11• 1.,.,00 19.00 15% 1d•. 1:i.M·a" • Aeg, ni.oo 428.35 l'ltf. tU.09 lJf,00 M1M7 Nr!on Hl ·L• l~lt G11td 535 50 15l rd•. 1b1'5' Acg. IM.50 . • 1'111• 135,00 1 1 245°,•00QP MIVI &01 lhtt I T1.,. 1111!01 ,.,,. a .oo 131 1•1-1i.1IR'11" Atg. 10ff.OO 685,00 160.00 Mlm stn &hto J1d1 •1u1 Twttcl I DllO .... Udf' ..... 40l.DO 127 ,.., ... lbn'5" 1 •ltc MMtp .... 1Ml'4'" ltfl, Ml.II 196.00 ft1 1. 1011.GO . 635.00 • ' 151.00 DMC Aml-111 .... 111111' "'9. l?t.OD PlUS 500 MORE IMMEDIATE CLEAIA CE ~~L SHAG CARPET L & J ENTERPRISES ·INC. TO ~~~p p~~~M 'I' ••rllfll ''"'''''j " t.11• "'" ... '"''"" OU. 08 'S URIEST WlllEULE WARE.HOUSE • ,.u, hi"'• wh,.r. '°'"" '"'"' IM tar9fUl1 '1 t oo ... l111lfd, Wt will llkt . """"""" '" ............ ,. 2416 S, MAIN, SANTA ANA ONE:~~· OP ··~~l,"j;•;;~;·9 No w1ltiog • Ht llown p1ym rnl • 24-f4our li.- HOUU DAILY t TO t~ IAT.OTOI ''VJ:..v.~· -phone 549•3349- 1t11!1tlofl • S1tlsfo1c:lion 9uar1r.- "'4 • I• tM mii.r ef fntways .... -• Mlotw °""' ·--------------------- • ' ------- M•s·llNIOll MESI SllllS --Cool md""' _,,bit :J,99 ...... _. -.. ,., .... --2"" ...i.11r11 ... --w-. ,..,, -· ---and DDcroll• pol,,..., I• I rt.cl stripes and oolMlt, ""' S, M. I,, XI. FLARE US DIESS SLAGCS s ... :M"" N-w boll """""' 9.99 ...... lllacb -laporod -· ..... 65'1 pocbb. 0--a wide -ie.y af fobrics in grey, blue, brown or bled; ..... 29 .. 36 wold. •• IOYS' NCMIOI CaEcK SHIRT A. -41~1 Tn. and tMft .,._ down 2.99 coUar "*' lhirt .toys; MGt because ~t'• value PERMANENT PIESS ond JtHch • iro111i:flt. _ ... diecb ; .... riety o1 ..i..., 1 s 7 ••I toll. IOYS' lo.IHI WIAL JAWI ....,._Tradltleool_.,l...btl-4.99 -·-collor,banol..tlood-...... ·•lppe< lroo• PlllMANENT PUSS-aod 2•7 po.,.., In rtG't'I MM, fight l:ilM, laden, gokl,1iz .. ato11. NO.llOI Sllll c. -i~• '"'"'· 1.99 colorful lpOft lhirts of .._l•e1 PEllMANEKT PllESS polyo 127 .............. _,.. adploldlt"'"'''°7· lllMIOll PAllS 2.99 II. -•• "" ..,.. ...... __ ,.. .. _, ito• ..... -,.,, .... ,. 17 11 ... •"'"-"""""" 4-7. FAIHIOll FORECASl1 A SH ... OP SAYINGS AT ZODYll ... Cll.'9'.11 _, '·" ,., ...... ,., __ ,.,..., __ _ ___ ,.... _ _. ...... ...., ., .. _ plaW .. ....-...... .. ..... ..... ..... ...... .,,,,,. lrf ]1 2 .. aod_,__5!03. I 3.99 , velue L S.W 5~,_. Si11ple, fewl MCk 11i11blo ... b -.....i by a doli9ktfal floral ....., priot .I -cited i• cmrdiaat.a' color. Pink, gold, ~1 ~ aiZ.. 32 ta 31. KICKY PUAIED SKIRT 5,99 4'' value C. 1 ... 22"" Sparty bmic ililrt has froot detam,. w111o -deap p1oa1o, ,.-_, wttlo ha flapo. Ollp llw loal<...,.. lo blod<. navy, bn:iwn: W. I to 16. SPOITf vm.s1111 sn 6.99 4•1 value IL Sne -A tioy price fora tontfoc .... -..... ~-.... -""' .. line lllrt. lidify teXIW9CI oc:etat9 mmes. in blv•, brown1 ai.111 I to 16. IUFFLED DACIOIP ILMSE 6.99 3"" value L S.. '6.W Soft nffl• ri• th., ~. ffOlll ...t cuffs ., this Coor, ........ DocNft• po1,...... blw, Mff-cawwrid bvttoM. fn popular wftit9; liae I to 11. PllNT SISPEIWI SLACKS . 4.99 3"' value P ...... MW! .... ,_.._,. i I 'er --..... -.... --s..tlt, ... ""°" 1111 wW alor Wion print.: 1ln1 6 to 16. /f:Ac. lLlfil .. l'lldltosdar. A,,n '· 1969 D.111. Y PD.OT ft SAVE'lfp TO 56%-.FANCY UNGEBIE AND LOIJNGEWEARZ 2·PIEC~ NYLON TRICOT GOWN 'N COAT ENSEMBLE 14.99 value 6 47 A. .... 56,W Doll1htfutly 1- lnlM Mt hos wahl .. ..._ gon and ooatdilog -wltfl doop hand -... ,_ ""'" tie bott and adelog the Peto«,.. •liar aad -""'· ..-.. """" tricat io plM, "-5,M,1. . NnoNTRICOT FUICIDUSDR . 2'' 5,99,,., .. ..---- \ lllLS' PEIMAllDtt' PIUS CO'nOll PAIT SllFI vofue 2.99 227 -· 2•..w Ctilp .................. - .Wk, ,..hct -.. let •"" .... - ladieo -ployl ... PE._ P11SS -._.-,n, ............ _ ~ .. l ···~ .. , ... , .. 1 ... · lllOllWALK llOllTll LOH 81ACll AllA-M·8UlllA PAlllC AllA•M N l•TOll , WDT COYl•A IM,111Al MWT. Al SfVDllAIU L SOUTH llllR Al Cllmrf IUCll l&Q. A '81COLN ~ f.I LIMON AZUSA AYL Al PUDifl ... Timi ... • ...... lllACll llllDA ILYD. Af lllYON .... MAWTllOINI ...... .,,JO.UT coma IAllTA A11A GAii ... HOVI 8Ull8Al•l CA ... A PAK N. ..... IAVLAf1nMITlllf CMMMAN&HOOUUllf UNrft ..... llYO.AtlVllAM ~CM'YONllftr.AftolCOI POUllTAI• YALUY LOllO 81ACll llUllTIHTH lllACll 11AllOI: ILV'I. "' IOINOll lOI COYOnS. ........ wowm eot.MN Wiil a ....... ••• & IAYI AT z•Y• MOIL ·-.... ,. A.& .. ' .... , SAT. & .... 10 to 7 ••• Lon ..... 1tA•1U•1" ~- l • I IJ. DAILY PltoT Wed-.,AptU 9, 1969 . • Mew KEYSTONE Sllll DE f'ABVLOVS WIG SBUCTIOil/S AT ZOJiYSI . "iUPIR NATURAL" LIH·Llie:I PALU . •The lustrous )oot. of real hair •tec111tift.ll fall adch a flattering look to your coiffure •Justfasten at crown fora . 9laMOrous Sook •ChOOM from 30 popular 1hade1 to 11K1tch your own HUMAll llAIB llllll fAU 1t.1s .. 1 .. 9'7 49.95 velu•· •.•• , ~,,, ••••••••••••• 2c.t7 . 1-llU~Al.L ZODYS WIG DIPAITMINT t'Aafl£0f!S SAVI/I/GS 011/ BllALTB 4 BBAVTY AIDS/ con1111a111 -1-llAIBCll.OB BUCKlllAlll-Y ....... 1.ffdq "' .... 29c 97c •::: 49c I •fatnily palt •HI Count cotton ball1 l.6t1i1• 97c •Regular or Super • Pc:u:koge of 30 tampons SAVl1211 I -· BIXOP170 I con .. !~'.~s 1, .~!,:. 1 tonswabs ..... , 170 I IA¥14h IMITTUOP80 OnrioL TAllLETS a.•••h• 2•7 •Fer .. iron· ,_..blood •lottt• of IO ta bl eh ......... , •"Shompoo- IN'' hair ,olor •1" shCidn .. ., •• , .. 31 SOfSKlll HAllD LlnOll :;~: 39c •Moisturizing lotion •For hand and body 1kin corw e 1 O·ot.. bottle SAVI SOcl RISHT OU.All• SPllAY 1.1•1i1• 59c • Anti·perspiront • c.odon:u1t spray • .5•z. oef'OIOI con SAVI ... •UnKented • legular or Super· H~d Miu l r9Clt •13-42. ~can UllW• MIVlll.WAU a7c • 11'.1111 9ermt °" contcrt •20-ot. family 1i1e bottle SAVlt2c SWISH llAIL POUSH UlllOYIR • lonblin enriched • Scife fer na ils t6-oL bottl e SAVI JOc BOTIUOf100 U..-TABLEIS a1c •Quick relief fr... heod- oche poin IA.YI 62c SPECTACVl..411 SAt'lll/GS 011/ 111/f'All/TS' f'VllNITVRE! ... ' HARDWOOD FULL llD CRIB •Toe-touch releoJe drop is.oo "•I•• .~.";;,;,, •• n. ,. 9'' •l·potition a djustable spring •White or wolnwt flt1ilh POLDIN• Hl.cHAIR 11.00 ,., "•lu• • Cotc:o sleel from• hi<hair •King1 ize plotic tray t Upholster.cl MOt, bock RICUNINililiiUIR 19.00 997 value • Adi11nble seat. ,_..... •Swiwl ... "'' •SuMhode, ..... '·""' ... YOUI CHOICI, 3 H.P., 4-CYCLI 20'' POWER MOWIR 39'' tEasyrKOil flort9r • 14 gawg• londeria:ed ''"'deck •••liable Briggs Ii Stratton ertgiH fOLDlfU.J fOl IAITITO&UI ' WolnHdJy, Aptll 9, 1969 · S 1-PILOT·ADVERTISER · ... 1000 .. ~ ..... __ ~, OF FABULOU . •!-.. DISCOUllTSI .:. PADDID POLDING · ALUMINUM BID 14.17v•lff 8'' ZODYS AUTO. DE'1. SPECIALS BOOSTERCABUS '········ 87! 5 IALLOll COMPLm ~~ AQUARIUMKIT ~ 16 ..... 1.. 797 ~ •Stoinlns ~~~~~ st~ re-. flttetor •Filter and tubing •Char<ool oridfilt• RAWHIDI DOG TOYS n.19c .. , .. .. ,. DOG TINDER UILSn 9.95 v•lu• •W"rtfi cord'"' flOll ·~· beef toys •lllllnldiM Clft car• of fish Included. •C ... pletely digestible and attachmellf kit •Great guordlori foryowrdog •Auorted colors •Hawthe bnt d...U.d dog in 1tULLDllllDIDTIJ.ts ........... 1t.t7 •Non-stoinit1g - ' IOYI' 01 OllU' MODl1. ZEBCO ROD & REIL COMBINATION 32.S• 14·' value •America's most popular combination •All meta l constnldion •Anti~. click •Smooth wide range drag •Stait1lewstHI CO\'ers •6 ft. 2·pc. fibNglcm rod, fully deluxe DELUXE 1969 M.~DIL 1 ROYCl-UNION Hl·RISER BICYCLE 54.95 value 32'' YOUR CHOICE •Super delwxe hi<fiset bicycle • lifetl11t11 fro,.. • flombo,ooftt colon •Chl'Oflle fenders, chai•gvord and niorel •Hand brake Of!d quick .. ft;p cooster broke for extra scfety tWhitewoll tires, claRMM«I rilllS, glitter seoi plus other delwxe eJ:tro1 TETHIRBALL & POLESEJ: 7.95 volue 4 47 .· •Fun for ollog" •Includes Profes• 'ionol tether• boll •Heavy duty 9.ft. pole •Ground sleeve I Tether rope •Complete with s!orogt carton QUALnY LIQIOI AT DISCOUNT Plla51 THI RIYOLUTIOllAllY IOUNDSI a.TUCK ~ARTRIDGI TAPES TAKI YOUR CHOICll 3.19 to 4.99 vala" IMIOUED SCOTCH -Alu Mdood blood of whiMin fro• tfie flnn1 tllstlllfflat i11 ScGtlalKI. c, ... ,.,.. •t C.t9 flftta. ZODTS llN 01 YODIA -""" d'Y g;• and thorcoal lil .. red for clarity. c ... '"',. •t Mt 111t• ZODYS GOLD STAI WBISllY --..h a nd tMllaw blet1ded wt.dby •. c ... ,. ... •t .. 1, fl~· ZDDYS •ENTUciT IDDI--v.., ,..,., lt10it ht Ke.m.cq lli1uubw whW.,. c .. ,.,. .... " ...... au nn:.rta Kl nm'°' -AT 1•T11. ValuHta487' 6 .95 e ''ILOOD, IWUl & TIAIS• • "'INCllDllUH ly OAIY PUCKm a THI UNIOllUP e "1111 rAlllLYTHAT •U.,TS TOenHU" ly IPlllT GET ON 'l'BE RIGBT TRACK Al';· ZODl'S LOW DISCOV'N'l' PRICESt ' f ·: ' N011T11 LOH 81AC• ANANllM•8UINA PARIC .. IOU•M ••un Af CMlllT •tACH ILV0.-11 UNCOlN llOllWAUC lMflllAl MWY. At ITllltlUlll llOlllMIDGI llllDA ILYD. At HYONIHlll R ... ND081ACll { MAWfMOIMI ILVD.At IO.IAT CINt l l WllTCOYINA A.ZUIA AYL At PVnrn AilAMIM•PULURTOfl OIANlltMOl,I At LIMON POUlttAIN YAlllY· LOfl• •IACN NUlttlHTOtt•IACN IAllTA AllA OAll ... •HYI •••AlllC CAllOOA PA•IC .. •.•.•.•01-·•'!'•'!vo!!.!!•!!•!o•""'~.,!!!!!·~!!,.,!!!!!!c!!!o•'"·"•'!'~'!"!!.,!!!N!!!•!!!•!!!wo!!!!!!oo!!!!!!1u!!!•!!!•!'!!!!!!!!!!~•~ot•o•1"-w.u.•.•.•.•.••.•.••-....... ".·.•.u.•.•.•.•.•·.•.•.•.".".'.'".'·"•'~!!••!!!•!!•!!•!!••!!!!!!•!!1!!10!!0!!•!!•!!•!!11!!•~1A!!N!!l••11•N!!•,.·•.•o-".•.•.· •.•.•.,•.,••.,•.•.•._•o••••••,;;•••<.;••••••<";;.,;,";.;•.;;o.;.;•;.;•.;•;•.;";,;";.1' 1 • ' • Li..:_ ____ _:'o__: _______________________ , _______________ _ ·---------- ·•! E -. t >xford. fabrit: raring bbt• oite us Ii re pr. '" •duty , ,. . -4L is J! -LE ER re • • • !J' , ... ofeJ.o !f• 9-lr. .. d •• " 2Jete •• ' ii • ,. as• rs . ' • it ----··-·--~·----~~------...-----..-.,,,.,,._==.,,,...RWS_, _________________ .., • • • • ' . . . . PllOT·ADVl!RTISER-9 S W.....,, A1ti 9, 196t w-. A1tt1 t, 1M DAILY PILOT U MMtlTi21t con1trvdio11 :;:: , ENCORE PHILUPS TYPE ~AlllTTI RICORDER • . 49.50 21· 91 value · circuit •Personal listening jock and earphone •With f"'l'Ojt battery • CarfYin11 strap WATER PIK® ORAL HYGllNE APPLIANCE 24.95 17'' value • RKommende~ by thoU1C111ds of . dentists! •Wai... Pikl' conin on the cleaning lob your toothbrv1h begln1 •Cleans inoccasaible placu your bru1h cannot rlHKhl SQUIBB BROXODINr ILECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH -....21n 10'' 19,95 ~•l.ue •Recommended by MOf9 dtntiitt than all other a'utotnatic toothbrushe• co.bln11d . . I~ by Covncil Oii Dental Tlierapevtia of tit. American O.rital AllociatiOA LADY YANITY HAIRITY~D WITH 21 CUllLIRI 19.tS v•lv• II'' •21 ....... rtM ... •Ctt(f • ........... hair .... tol•ut.t ......... __ ...__ Mwoftf .. •C-plete fft sttrage/corry -· EllC-All RADIO & 2-IP-· PHONO •10 traftlktor •Teletcopic ··-•LlotH .. J>J;.bn.ail. cost ot Joc:al poliC9 bond" 147-17.C MC 19.95 ........ 3''-........... .,. -•2..,.od •"-"'•h •t:tHlapeakilr _,.. ... • ''• " ... .cs lPM- EMERSON AM CLOCK RADIO 19.95 12'' value • Ac:cvrale .. lf-tlarttng clock wakn you to ntv•ic _ .'• Eol)'-to·read full.Yision diol •Solid Ito!•• instant-an sound • leautifully • .oldod Sllinlino design cabiMt AM-F~ SOUi STAR AC.DC RADIO •Big .,.nlcal' style luggage radio •AC~'"1ft built·i n line cord •.Earphoi,o, P"~ lite batteries i •Black leather- ette ca .. • HOOVER DILUXI HIGH DOMI ELICTRIC PRY PAN · ... , •• 20 17.95 ,,., .. 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' • Top of Ii ite ,,.W • Zoetp loW dlaccM.llt,,... •Corrtert1W., n111. _... • co• M Miit I• •Chopping Mod; top addotok""-. , .......... • hit& buttoll COltfrol, pcl'ftf' tlrrNt walh, Sanitiur • AvtoMG!iC water condit;oner GMI · ri.....dry 1etting WESTINGHOUSE ''FROIT·FREE 19'' 2·DOOR REFRIGERA TOR·FREEZIR s397 · •Modem sid•.;,...lcle tll~U dnit• f~ 1110,. inside 1ton1ge, yet only 32 inchet lricfe • Compl•tely frotf.frff big 210.lb. c:apac:ity freezer , •Completely froat.frw Nfrfg~tor • ...... wgetable cri1per hofclt ~-' . •GIW.... roller1 for ecny r flowd.a•ing • N9 c.111 .. bock to. flt agalMt wall artd loek b"lll·l" , PACKARD11!BELL 18''* COLOR UHFlVllF PORTABLE T9 I , ....... CH "I . ltlCIW , _ ~ 359''''. . ' · •tflgh fidelity raN ~ trw..., ~ ,ice,,,. tube I .,.,.100 .. 1np1 .... _ I •TrantbtOJlzecf UHf tuner • Sftt-n-fqet YH, fine ""'.. ·· .°" .. 1 .... 1s·.-• ~ •fl1,..,....,i,.~..n. I ' .. ' ' '· ' ,,, ''''''·' ,,,,,,, •. ll(#\'lll"i ''' i'l\: PACKAllD BILL IOLID. ITAn llMO WITH AM•PM ITIRIO IUNIR ..... Compare •t a99.9S 1 298'' tHiP fWeU., 1l .... 11a. ... od ..... •Doi.I_ ... _ ............ _., __ ..... _.,,. --· .. ,. .... ..,.. """"" •A11a.ofus1• .... ................ IHOlit WITH ZODYS IAIY CUDiT OR YOUR BAllKAllERICARDI • • • IATIUAmO• eWAllAllll• ALWAYll IHOP & IAYI AT ZODYI MON. 'TllRU n1 •. •• ..... TO., -AT. & IUll. 10 TO 7 .... L~ .. fWWW. PUKl•I I I • ,, \ • " • I • r • • . ' ' . Tlleater Notes ' , , ,, ... ,.. ...... ' 'W~it Until Dark' O·pens a~Lagun.a 7AcadeuayAwaids IBESTPIC'nm ~----··.-· HEPBURN l'ElB 0100L€ KA1HAllNE 'lf-.!J!! ldl=UONIN I 2~10MT . ~WINTER. aa a 1:11 • ... wtttstht·L«cBeacbc.om. Ma!n St., Wlt~~. Lellie., A~ Burua .a"ud "44 • ..,. • ....-.~- l!lllllily I'~ w h I c b with tick available by calJ. Squir< FrtdelJ head tile-. -..,._., _ -• .- wivella ~ Family Man" ing 53M86J .... Final perf«ma.oieel will be ------•-"',. ay ror I iii:wetliiil1'lln:.:--~~-.. -·,7----;gw1""'1~~~y. Satii........ ana ,..... -IL -....-~-··-· , u...-~. ·--~ ,...,...na. ........ ~-.ci..~ I abruptly out -at tbe Laguna Piaf house t on 1 g. ~ t when the ,Frederick ~ thriller "Wait Until Dark" c....,. oaatip for lls Initial Orange Comity appearance. Rilpti JUcbmood, winner ol At South Coast "~M.11 SUnday . at the Third 8teP .,, .. .,,,,...._..,,.._.. ............. lb• DAILY PILOT'S the .. perimental com,elly-'!'heat.., 1127 Newporl.Blvd.,lr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~ DI~ Perl-drama "I.-'l)lrl'1a"·wioda UP Coota Mes a. Ra<rvalloas award as:1>etl Or111ge County lls t11ree-.... 1...r eni!lgemeot <>!'IY be 8ecured by pbming actor" d 19611 takes the title under the directfoa d Rlmel1 646-IJllS. ' · role d Ill ·m'capecilated bu .. \;::=====:::;:::::::::=:==========-.ff --~lind Gah .. §Give Tips · ·-"To Actors 'Ibis nerve j~.trom the author d "Dia.I' M for Murder," produced one of the most SCHamlngly effecUve movteo d 1967 with Audrey Hepburn groplnc · her way thn>agb the role d 1 blind -e terrorlied hY three ~Ull\I looking IM a half mJlllo'1 dollan In heroin. ,, ... ·HOLLYWOOD (.l,P) -Two Cast In this cenlral aalign. atlractive, minlskiited )'CIUDI meat in the Lsguna vmioa blind ed is Sally llaytoo, wbo chilled . wom~ _att?. ~ 1 UCl audiences two years ago technical ld\'lllel'I on a IDO'Vlt, · as CJw'Jotte Q.n'day i n ~ lighted ect<l'1 how "Marat.Sade." More recently, ~:to-ad blind. a · played. a ~ role ' And says blonde Patty Gib-Jn Lsguna's "Philadelphia, • ' Here I C«ne " l1>9Ps, 23, blind siece birth, EDadlng u;. trio d baddies ~ 1oo1c forward to "seeing" are Paul Wilson as the tibe movie... ringleader, Alan G. Hart as f Seeing it? the 1ympathetic hood and Phil • ~Yes, she said. uJust by Interlandi aa the brawny ex-!i-.,. When blind people cop gone wroog. All are :.'Y 'see' they mean •un-famili3!' faees on the Laguna iderst.and.' To aay 'li!tening' stage. . Ttelevision is, we feel, an Rounding out the cast are unnecessary allulion to 1 ban· John l.Al.w, ~ McQuade, d.icap. 'J'bere'a no need to keep Ken KOl'm!eibel and Dayid pointing it up " Selciak, with Law doubling Mrs. Gib~ whose bus-as stage m~et:!'· Paul Toft band Jim driv~ a soft-drink assumes the ticklish teclml.cal · directing chores. delivery truc.k, operates the In the direct.or's dlair for ~ SWttchbom:d at the "Dark" Is Kent Joinr:n, who Braille ~ in Lo 1 made his Orqe County Angeles, guided hY JIOIHIP but· , STARS IN 'DARK' Solly Hayton baM1 'wbo "trades places" with bis wile, played hY Ann Leverett. Others In the c..i are Beatrice ~ Craig Brlndau. Gregory B r o w n , Gllbet1a ·C...y, Joi>n Eagle, LllH~ Hyta, Ben Jcbnson, Mirism Kaiser, Ray Pat· 1m<ln •. Gerl Lee ·Reischl, Bet· te Robimion and Kat by Warner. Perfonnaoees of "Family, , M"an" will be given ~idays and Saturdays -with benefi&· ... lt'8iQ£s at _7~45 .. --P. m. directorial debut with a drama 11iursdays -at the Com- ("The Diary d Anne Frank") munity Playhouse, 5021 E. and hun't atage(I one since. Anaheim St., Lolig Beach. Johnaon has built a fine Reservations are being taken r.pulatlon at a dir<ctor of at (%13) 438-0536. musicals and comedies over * * * the past !oor years and . Is mounting his fifth production at the Lagijnl\'Playbouse. 1 HBarefoot in the Park" moves into its .third weekend Friday and Saturday at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. David Malvllle ls directing the Neil Sllnoo comedy. 11111 fl• _....,.. wlll Mt Mly -, .. _ ..... ,.. .. ........... ,..._ ... ..... AN11KA~Dn~WALTD IUNNAN -AUO PLAYi..._ · ih8'Bi8iies -i . - 'YelDV SubAlacW. ~ 5 Perfonnanees are ICbeduled Wednesdayatbrougb Saturdays until April 26 at the playhouse, 319 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach. T i c k e t reservations may be ordered hY calling the bo• dike at 4ff.ll061. N'.lle Skinner and Ri~,f~~~~~~~~~~=::=::~~~~~=::=::111 Kisner play the newlyweds cramped in a New York apart-x i! meot, while Anabelle Quigley r[hil DIOI HELD OVER * * * Abo raising its curtain this and1 Paul Sullivan head the ~ • • Academy Nominee supporting cast. The NEWPORT BEACH • OR.. • • Cl'ff R-L--playbouse Is located at 2110 1 ~son ·KIRK DOUGLAS ........... --THE BROl'HERHOOD ALEX CORD ·!RENE PAPAS 'LUmERADW\ ~ 1!tlllllllJI ,N THE WESTMINSTl!N CE~R Paxton Quigley is ·a prisoner of·love ... •nd CIJ!llpletely exhausted! z.• TOP FIA.TUii (eu.,t Fri. • s.t.I toDs lnsteed d lights on the trunk lines. .Accompaoftd by her Gorman shepherd guide dog Morga, she WU tak .. to the JnRvie set wt -k with Juanita Davi!. a former ~etary who lollt hot llgbt last December. The bnmeUe Miss Davis, a student at the BrBille Institute, uses a cane in!tead cl a guide dog. Two Broadway Examples TH£ ~tGNANT. INCRE ILE STOIY OF A AN WHOSI 1WO WOlLDS COWDl! L•• M1rvi11-A119i• Diclo:inten "POINT BWIK" Reasons Behind. the Flops .. CWA$4LY' CUFF ROBERTSON CLAIRE BLOOM __ _,_,__ CIOl-Dl"..._... -- lll'Wlllf IMOU llOVI • IAll tlMO ~ SH.'VI: Y.ia Davis coached eight ¢fonners including Milton Berle, Arthur O'Cmnell and Dl1la Merrill, all playing blind ps"9005, on bow to handle a cane. N'.rs. Gibbons showed Miss Menill her technique for knitting -by counting the stitclles and ,.... and feeling ~ depth d psttemo. Mrs. Gibbolls Is knitting I bllnket for the boby she U• peels In September. Miss Mer· rlD Is requlred to knit in her . role. ID "Against He.ave n's Hand," an ABC-TV "movie ol,the week" for next season, the eight people bound for a ~Ule C<lllvtntion ol the blind are the only llll'Vivon of~ a plane crash in the Northwest Wilderness. 'lbe actors spent two dayg at "1e Braille Inotitule taking. q Miss Merrill put it, "a c:afoJ1e courae for the blind." By JACK GAVER NEW YORK (UPI) Anyone who bu observed the Broadway stage acene for a long lime lmowl that every season will bring a fairly large number of plays that are, to put It pelltely, impoaible, and some of these will be: the work of previously successful pl•!"lP&bll. 'lbe: cuua1 playgoer,• run- ning afoul d one ol these, will Inevitably ask the pro- f essional commentator, "How could anyo.. poalbly put on that play?'' Tbere ls no anawer, really. The profeBSlooal. knows It ls going to happen. Often, be knows In advance, through In· tution or whatever, the play that is certain to fall. Yet he, Jlke the average customer, is always a Utile amazed every time there is a real bomb even though be knows better than to be amazed. A couple of recent eumples Crossword Puzzle oon 11111.as i~ 2llolno ...... , ..... _ 4. Valr.t .. __ ....... s Havt. n•lti_ll on.ct '11•1 4N6' 7 Allncfle 40 To •e Ill I Tlufcr.. ex\Mt Prefl• .fl Red ....... -• ,,.... 4ZPled!leof 11 Kind of aood flltlll 11 ""1=-' :1 ~=rs U Forwanl 4, llseet St:aft 13 Arr:::::::: '7 Kllld d-• 41 Pllce lt Tate off 4t KntC ll UM IS klM CONfllll 25AI• n-ol Z6 Tool J .. n I nx..... ,,.,, ..... 21 ---·-2'~ L-JIR....el 54Blt ... .,.._ ., .. m,. JtRllM*t 56C..,_ nc.,_ """" l4FI... 2wns SS c.--.. 57 P•sessM allOI _,, S7 f.o\oy... 5' A .... -Wllftl 811411 ,,... ................. -• 12 ll involve pla)'Wrighta Leonard Fifth Season" -an effective Spigelgasa ant:I Sylvia Regan melodrama or even a and th.eir respective plays, "message play". "The Wrong Way Light Bulb" There were some amusing and "Zelda." lines now and then and a· Spigelgass is the author of couple of i n t ere s t in g two humorous and somewhat characters, but the over_-all endearing comedies, "A Ma· effect of this play about a jority of One" and "Dear Me, grandfather who felt the world osut WRN~lllA NlllS the Sky Is Falling." His new would end on a certain day "INTERli.UDE" MCC2Ul:l:N ~ 'Wlllll~ lletective LL frank llullitt--saoo llfher.Mnd d aip. play started off ~ though it and prepared to try to save might be in the ume groove, his family a la Noah was I•. Shw Sl9tl 1:41 c:..t. s.d9r ,,_ J P.M. 8 SU6Gtfffil f(lll ~ Al.OID!mlOJlm:tl•••-•.-atl but it quicldy and·disastrwsly ~ao~po~ril~io=·~------11======================================;11 Sped .. SotlHI.,. P.T.A. Met:I .. ::,e:er!ote;t!to~~ !:8ti ~'' -wn • m "· ~Fi-iXSOUTH COAST "'" -"OATMAN" -"''...,, '°' racial problems. . PLAZA THllJITRIE But In this case, the author1,111 _____ j--~11 San Dile• F-ot Bristol • 546-2711 WINNR 4 ACADEMY brought no freshness, no im-'C;tf:~~I~' ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY 0~oMrNATl~::ao ~:~:io: .:.,~:~~~~'. t,; -BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:45-!l!lllflll Puerto Rican and Jewish SHOW STARTS 7:15 HE&TIU! HELD OVER f rondo B t.I MQ&•~fiAU,~ ..... W'SIQI tenants o a . wn . roo~yn nm:a ... 1,_.. apartment building inherited G by an idealistic Jewish writer. '* -~·--• - Jt may have been authentic lflllllll·~----111111• as can be -Spigelgass THE A$llWll ""'"' himself owns 1ome Brooklyn NfSEllTATll" tenemenll by re c e n t in-HIGH beritance -but it was a COMMISSIONER dull, muddled drama. SyJvla Regan'• "1.elda" fail· •--G--- ed to be either a comedyl'=========='ll for· comedy'1 ' 1ake -she once did a fairly good ooe in "The Dance Show Premieres At IrVine The filrt production on the West Coast of Carl Orfrs HCatulli Carmina," with dancen..p_well as chorus and orchestra, wlll be staged Saturday and Sunday by UC, Jrvine. The lyric verse of the Roman poet Catullus is set to contemporary choreography and music in Orfl's dance cantata, an ambitious un- dertaking by the School of Fine Arts. "Catulli Cannina" will be presented for two performances only at 8:SO p.m. In CraWlord (formerly Csmpus) Hall. Broadway designer Robert Fletcher ls responsible for sets and costumes of the UCI pro- duction. Choreography ls by Eugene Loring. M a u r i c e Allard. will conduct t h • -· and cl>onis. uCatulli Carmina'' W .t I premlend In Lelpil( In 1913. Or1f wrote his own LIUn tut for the opening Prologue, but the heart of the wort (literally a play within • plly l Is based on CalUUus' original poetry. Tk:ktts, at $3, are available from the Ftnt Arts bor office. lnformalion or reservations, art: available at 833-a17. llK!'ll'I_.., 1"'1 Adulbl Rllph Mfflt•r-COLOR ''THI DIYIL "S llfiHT' PLU~OLOR •'AN•ILS PlOM Hill .. DMn M•rtlt!-CCM.Olt ''THI .--1c1rN• CIEW" -_..,_ I g1.1211 •-"*'"' 'or Muth! Sim McQuftn--COt..OR "'IULUTT" G-ot PfflJW!rO-COLOR "HOUSI OP CAlDS" .......... -• IC7.J5tl --· Joflll WIYM-COLOlt .. HRUl•HTDS" P111I lt•wm11'--COt..Olt "HAIPlt" ••t.-::j ~ M1Nll\-COl.OR "'HILL IN THI PAClflC" ltebln "~1i.-cot.01t ... _ ·- 20TH CENTUR¥-FOX PRESENTS CHARIJON HESTON ill Ml NffiUI: P. .WXllS,,..... ........ El' '"rH'lAIJES tlze-rnesa • · 1~tL"' -• f!n~ ·, r~. ·· ·1: ~~~\VPORT .'.ND H~\R6 C'l\.: I'. '.G'J!.'I '.'f_')A 'TlLIPHONE 548-1552 FOi INFOIMATIOlt Th~ Stalking MOon. "DAZZUN&! Once you see i~ you11 never again pidm 'Romoo & Juliet' quite the way yon did before!" ·-LIFE ~--~bmmlJ RoMEO ' .f.JUUEf, Noomln8J7l~lltorY- "IEA.UTIFUL" TE CHNICOLOR A P1r1mou11t Picfutt TIM Grandest Clneml of Them Alll 111NTwrMMD • ·cooGans BUJff" r#;"...;;=i ---a I Act ..... c--· I -1-+-+-+-t !;==========,! "SINAI COMMANDOS" Therci are badeq»s . and dim! arefl(lOO Cq»s··and Ihm there's. Ellllilt. • • <'•>r.." .. - lLMfi1z ... ~ . ~ cnn~i.. ''CHARLY" ..... "THI ,IODUCllS" I Wiii\ ltre MOit.i r"'"'-....,.., ... ,. ... --·-........ I . NATIONALODDM.PICTUMI""-,, ...... M ... ....,..,.. I GREGOl;IY PECK. EVA MARIE SAINT I ~ ...... "US:-EN "'THI DML"S llGKT" AUO THIS ••U.T P.IATUll ~ • ._ ... L ........... ~ L P<US-CO,O• PAUL NEWMAN -FREDRIC MARCH AS 'WI I 111 ., ''' ·;~~1: ,•,•:,~ :;~;·,,_''.11lc..._ ... _. "·-··-'~-'"'-''-'-' .. ~-'H_, c-~-~-·-~-'~-E_.:._·_. •_"_ .. _,_••_•_*_•_·•_·_-:J,.._~_ ..... __ .. _ ....... 1.-=,. .... .mwe• -! • l I I ! • -------------~----------------------------~--------' ' . . I I. • ..,. ' . t THl.ih..,OJ,1 ' . . DAYTllllE llOVl£S 1111 ............. ... . .............. .. ·-1:98-·-IC) (II~= _ .. ..., ... _ .. -(I) .• J !l<Q.ft ~"" .. ,..,,,,., .......... ·r11u•l..-..kl-. .. -.· ,. 'J08PR~. ' j> 1; , • ·~UcATIONS .. ,,. . . '. I e NEWSPAPERS "~ , i -~tlty flrl11tf1~ ~M; O.,.IMl1b~ Str•ic• : for 'l!IOl9 thtn. ~ of • •Citftt.ry, UI t wm UUOA II.ft. MIWPOIT llACH PEANUTS ly Cliarfes M. Scliall JUDGE ·PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS ME NON LIKUM LIL MANSl HAfUM MS! ~ 111.1-lJM' PEAU!! .Y -~~ -=a=-... ~ . ' HIJACKER -Fnuik Sinatra, 'abov~. &tar• in"tlle moticia pictu're, ''AUault on a Queen," tonight on Channel 7 at 9 p.m.' In., ~or .. others >n the story a'bout a brazen plot to hiJaCk tlie ocean liner Queen.,., Mary, are Vima Lisi, Tony Fl'llldoll! lllld Rlchatd.i' Conte •. Duke Ellington wrote the 11\llllcal ICOfe. · • TV Networks . . Run Scared By RICK DU BROW . ' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Televiaion's'Comme"'° clal 'networks are running very scared. these days. The fear is frankly admitted by. video erecutiv~1 who are worried that the home medt~1 under gov-"' ernment and ,public presaure, is head ea rajlidly fo'I"~ its own -''dart ages." . . ;;.;: A number of events in recent months have , made the most responsible and broadminded le!i;:'.; vision officials coocerned. 0\ :rHERE WAS, for instance, the terril!c funif~' over video coverage oC th~ riotous, dii&raceC~..:! happenings at the Democratic National Conventi.o.n·· in Chicago. AB so often happens, r8R911er1 -up. mt~ the executive level -were chastised for covennl,~­ th e mess created by others. ..~ • .;. Not enough people stood up l\Jld said the net,.; works did a remarkably fine job reporting thi,..• very dlfficult story. As usual in reaction to joufi nalistic cover_age -whether in newspaper or broa~;. .. casting -most letters were: from those who hmli-i complaints. As usual , the persons who felt the r~~ potting was gOod did not -er to take the tim""' 16 s~y so. And as usual, dissident viewers 101Deh<>lr., identified the journalists with the bad news th'r~· delivered . ·· -• .l <If.I/ii THEN THEltE is the fact Illa! lelevioi..,, in·itt>: occasional 'slips in trymt to ·keep up with the new freedom in ·the arts, is paying a price for thf,~ salaciousness· in other media-recently -movieS.,.... books and the stage. These other arts are subje<3:, to little or no control, having near.total freedo,... .. Video, however, comes under "govert\Dlent jur!idi~ ti.on tor being on public airwaves, &nd"is also morew immediately sensitive 'in terms ~ot mass aud.ien<!& ... CQntact. . · ~,,, Then there was the recent ~ate inveftigatiO!I.~ of television sex ~and violence, 8nd the iuggetuot\~ that programs be screened in adv8JlC8 by the codf.~: authority of the National AssoclaUon Of Bnledcut.: ers. Networks, of course, screen their own sbows.1g SOME TE~EVISiON officials felt code author~ ity pre-screenings on a wide scale amounted to :I:'....: step toward censorship. But the trade press report· ed that many broodcasters, fearful of some recent license renewal cases involving stations, slemed in- iclined. tb surren'der some autonomy if they felt it might ,ease government pz:essure in future llcen~J.. renewals. Last week's c311ce.Uation of th'e SmOthefS brotH::' ers series by CBS-TV 1was like a bomb toss!!!d iA the ·midsi of the, whole {~rful atmosphere, Althouglt • the cancellatiOh was for various ,reasons:, there fl. ~, no question· the issue came to .a head because of ~!'. di•Pi!l••'.·between the brothers and the network ove):. which materi3:1 was ~asteful and which w•s riot. ;: ~·. 'Yl!T EVEN' before the Smothers brothers coG: " trete'mp1, tthere was a case that js already aimoet f• forgotten. It was tile cancellation by A!IC-TV of 4" . new ~atlrical. series, :;rul'!H)n," after only one ~ ~L formance UtiS past nudseason . . ... . This cancella~on w·as also a mesa, ~ 8ltliough. ~ routine reasons were giyen for the uinf, It loot~ ~ clearly lo the,puhlic.as though the ,networlt was pr.0. sured into .doing away with it qni~Jy after vocifer' >;t: =1.:?..JI ·ous first-night cotnpfaints. . · -~ .\:;. GORDO Mtss PEACH . I • l " " 11 fl ,f .,.....,,1r,o111• .. ,.or ... '11!119'flo'flll• w.~· --II ~ - By Gus A'!'iohl ···~ \'OU"1 VOICI! 1$ . MltMfA! 11>\I~ 8 Mell • l J I I ~~'----~."" ····~·· . ~ ! ff DAll.Y PllOT WldMsdll', April 9, 1'169 Wtcl-, Apr11 9, 1'169 4-PILOT·ADVERTISER ·-•· .. . . . .. e IJJl.1MR .. C.-.._. ¢1' a~C...._ , \ ~ ' , e t661 Cfl•t•• A.,..• ll'tltM:ail O:c 11 C...., n-. .... ~ • 11tMM1r • tt.•T......_..,.c..,,......,.., e .._.,....., ~., ......... Sli11plllt C--, H• ........ .._ '1M41 ............ t lll •• , t •• ,,, 1c-w .......... . ...... -~-.. -· -· FREE ROLL OFRLM ... f.lslaX... or ti!!!l1' ... Black I Wlilte-~· .126-120:610.127 .,. $5'8 Womeft's . . . .. Bulky Acrylic ' ' _Sweaters . ' Women's No-Iron Fenley Trim Dust en 69c •· Flnt Qullllty Seamless ·Nylons Tour dw:licto to wnap -ep aheer mlcto mesh ~ ~ t:Q'1oD1 at &....._ 3:$1 pr1c1. Lat est: . -.... ""'. l'r. -"'"" Solld &. Slrfpe Men's Cotton Terry Shirts :~~c* $298 C-)1-L .. White. . Nny, Blue, Gold, "'""" - Men's NJl.on Water Repellent Jackets .· r.:::: ~·~ $298 repellent. madlln WlWlable. I a 5 fallbion right icot-. ar•, l!l·M·L·XL.. · Grut ~ueal Half Gallon Scotford Scofch el!y~::w~..::$799 .;..;o.,-1 J!ultt,.lll-.1- .... In .,,,,. -- •toc'i .• • I ' . . $1 50 ... Values!· ·Fine · Quality Reg •. s1p Chaise lounge . and Pad .. 'loq : Values! Venus1 ·Men's Ties Ghh'Suhed Flair Leg 'Pants 398 l'AHTS FOR GIRL!, IORROWED FROM Tut IDYS TO 61VE YOU Tt!E LOOK YOU 'llANT. FRONT Zll' •IDE LES 'l'ANTo DELT LOOPS , 2 NOV!:LTY l'OC!lETS, .CHDOSC FRa.! SIX <:OLCIJ:S1 IClOi. COTTON, •l,ZES D TO I lo Hallan Type ~nyl Sandals 99c Leatherllk• vinyl w ith hardware trim, eaddl• atlt.ched. foam cuahlcmed Jn· .. , .. f 179 Mini.Riii Gl~ftghts .. 2for $3 Full 11anty with wide eJ..UC wa1lt bl teamleanykm mm.. rib design. 1 to 1~ . $2.98 Women"s No lftl!n Hand Screened Print Pants Tops $198 Women's Straw Summer Hats $198 ~from our Maut1tn1 ••leclloJL of nmmer 1tran ••• mi.Dy. mfyJa. New Jet Jewelry Sparkling New Cut Necklaces&. Eanlngs wear )'Olll" necklaces abort •• loar -th•Y "'m• iA a $169 y-:~=~~ cholce .. 'Of' length othn,,.... '7c te U.11 Cllolce @!::L>'!)~~S~pecial~.~Occasl011 Half Gallon Ice Cream Chko ef!SPlnOrl I ' ~ ..... . ' $883 67cVlnyl Fluorescent Play Balls MllTOl'Lens S•Glaaes · $2.99Value Patio Taltle s222 $491.$691 Val. Swim Caps $266 U.& .lqQ& ---to 'II awlm -$12.aa ...... .... ,..... ......... c. ""• ..... ... Sf" ·-· -··-· .. airClm p late« ---,......t~ ._ ...... ""' 11Nplooe.- ·Imported Cosmetics J • ....... c.-.. 1.1 er. 1« ~ --• htrti Jk• Mlglit CNO•• 1....... . • CU.S\ltt c,.. .. 2 -. • c~ LetMa. J.S .._ ~ • S.-fnsMll1t. l V2-. , • a.iy a..tJo .. 4.S-.. •H-'C,....,H_. ... '.•· •· u.-. .. .., ...... ,.... J lier. 1.S .,.. "~ . ..,,.. 49c Cutex.~ . . . Lipstick o~ Nail Polish .., ...... '" ,~in...,,,,, ltpo ......... eoreomnc. Llp- td:ldc or J'rOBkid :to.' Nall~~ 89c Value ... Lanolin.: . Plus ~ Shampoos " 3::;~1 ·------·-------·---·---··--------·---------------------------- • P'IL OT-ADVE RT ISER-5 IN....,, A"41 t, 196ot Wtd~. AprU 9, 1~ DAILY PILOT 34• . • • • • ..... , .... _ .......... , .. ,, ........ em. ..... .... •11N1 ....... •0TJ_A,.. ..... ,...._ .......... • · e aauw... ,., •• ...,. ........ 're • l • • • , Reg. $398 !Dlicro!!· Po~e~ter . ,l Bed -Pillows ·Reg. 7tc Plastic DiJposahle ' . $'269 If Perfed! i Travel . (SyrJnge Ext... plump. pil· loWll With JUttng bounc,e for 1Ieep- lng' _comfort. \Vhlte on white ticking with blu'e ()r pink corded edna. 20X26" .fin· fabed 1l&e, lluY for tll.•:f~Y· $8.95Yalue! Hair Clipper. . 1:0.1¥-Set '~11'-.'.~o 111e! lf:verythlng' you need l.nclUdhlg Jn .. atruetlons. Pay• for .fl.let!. Tumblers Pack of 18 48c ~nt~ld. orGreea. 1n new tlutea de!llga ••• Old. !uhloned. .ise. For mixed drlnklp everyday uae, plcnlclr:eni_ ampers, DbpoR of them or .reuae! Re9.t12• Set of 8 . $pcldc Plup . LonrLll•-·EmJ• dlUoned 1 p a r lt plu11 for molt • e ...... - $6.98 ••••. Novelette Alarm Clock IJlhted .a 1 & 1 for ..., 'ril!IW· ~at nl t e.. Smartlandal- Wood aoJor. "rop nam • prtoed ltlW. R99.98cAuto Lhterlukets · •s••Speetlll• Cisar lox City $298 :rnatucl•• Speedltu c::art1 and track blJllN or mt Re9. $1"-88 Schick · .. Shaven -.. w ith ......... -burn tr!"' ' ,,,.,., .... lle Ya bl7 loW prlet for thl • :tanu:iu make. GH+Pocli.i1eol. $9.95Yal~! 3·Tler. Walnut look Rack $&66 So h&nct:r- bOlc!I your ~v· orlte books at horn•• 11ehool. ottlce.. Wabrut flnlah· 36'' h!p., u:: wtde. Glass Door Book Cues 98c Val. YlllJI . Storage& _ " • Travel Bags . :.;;~ 2 ,.,$1 00 B•"J' YiaJL Sult and. ~-1oia and.black. &... ... Sold and bJ&ck -ft'lltlr bq fn.,alear. BolttlOJl dp1 runner SD.~ tOAea or ~ atrlp.11.~ So wWt. )'Olli' eolor J1Cheme. !Jdd.N- st.tant f0&m. rub• ,,.,. """"""'· ~ 7.2". Colora rb1 . bri .. I. . 5 Piece Tank Covor&Mat Bath Set ~ . 25c ea.12oL . C:r,lfal Ice Gius Tumblers · $39• Magnetic Can Opener . $236 R99ulart6M Stora90 Fiie p ~:t..., $497 -_..,Super-~ corrupted tlbre. bot.rd wtth lleel framework. T1'o drawen. ~· . ~· ·- $3.79 Y~I•! Sliver Uke . Sport Se11I Benion Dish ' $29' F:'""~td..i ptt-ror .... i '-°'V'.. · dy, nuts, · u _, • d.IRh or decoratlft . ~~~~d::~. !ltplec.. ,, .. , , wpport: up to 250• _. lbJ. V• tlldoor. ·oi: • !':..\~!·,:..~.·~: $1788 &.~.-.!lb 1q larvtUnl • -t . . ·r .. 1.. . ' lraUPlaled TYStantls . . I Re1~•tcPack · Chocolate M & MCandies 3=$100 . Iii mm . . ' loyJ ... Sfte47c $17.95 vahiol Meft's . • Self-Winding Wrist · Watch " .. ~lirrne ltt::J: . ~ .. =$14·97· .. :=.... . ..._ ..... y . fot~•Dat· .' .................. --. . tnmu,.,.. $2487 ........ , ' :tor automat.o .._ ;:t_ lA flllll , .. . . JI DAILY l'ILOT ~ .. - " . "-... Methanical ij~Dsier )oinSArmy ·" :'~ ~~ .... ... s:~ ,. ;'.!"r • .. -.I\ .o( .. r - " .1 ,. -ri• ) ' STEREO SENSATION! The -ca1ortu• so•d of _ ~ Ora .. • County Maslc .. "'1f) RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM from Fashion Island, Newport Beach • OYER THE COUNXJR HtAOomcll mtW!lllfM ""*"'"' U. llUl.S.. 'fMZN'41!'AIClfl llm ........ ._.. '"'~14 tlrilNflHl"IOf tWH ~ 11 °"*'•..,..., - -------''-----~----~~~--~~-~----------------......_,.. ________ ...,_~---------~~---··-· ~- • -A- _/ " ' c ' • ' " ' ' •' i· . , J. ,.ff," -· -.. --·· -----------~----~------,..----,---,---;:-:-----;-.,.----.,,,..-.,------...,.-";;'"'--~ • • • . . , ·-. .: " .. • .. .. :,. .. . " . . ... ..• , . .. ·- ''"' ... • ... . .. ~"·' .•. .. . . •. ' •' .. .. •.· ' ' -... .. • . " '. ' .. ~ ... ... •-,' .. , .. •: .,• " . ... ~. '•· ·-· 11(•' ., . ...... ··.· ~ ... .. , ,. :.,!. ' ' •":"':• ... • tl :,.. ,· '•""'' ~.!"'l' l • , • . ~· .. - •• • The people at the local Wilshire Federal office are now part of the Glendale Federal family.Forth8m. -and for you-that means many advantages. More than a bnnon dollars in assets to protect your savings. The strength of the na!ion·~ second largest .federal. Earnings paid everyday, arr/ day, evenCN'emlghlAnd all of Glendale Federars Umpteen Ways to Save. Taka llome a free Color Maater· lllfnl ...S -our tllllllblt of Olfgt. 1111 patnUngs from the Gllndale CoUecUon bJ famous CallfOl'llla erU1ta-Joshua Meador, Robert Wood,ErnealTontr,PamtllM_,, end m•PJ more. Select a free Maaltrplfnl reproduction forJOUr ,.. · own llome. En)OJ refrtllnnenta lllflh old friends end meet new oRes loo,AprB 1·15. Mand8J llml 'lllurlday 9:00 e.m. to 4:00 p.m. Frldej 9:00 e.m. to 8:00 p.m. 1 GlENDAll HDERAL SAVINGS_ ..... _ .. ' I. I wonder if they're giving _ free gills? • • ' . • nrew.,..z Freeltl....,,,,.,. _,,,..'re prll!e ... 1 C08l8 .,. 1833. ~RT BOUl.EVARD Tiii llATIOll'll SecoND I.ARGOT FBlllW. &A-ASSOCIATIOll WITH ASSETS OVER ONE BIWON D0UARs. 22 cqNVENIENT OfF!CES PAY EARNINGS EVERY DAY, ANY DAY, EVEN OVERNIG!rr. MAIN OFFICE: GLENDALE • 1% CUllllENT"""""" PJiTt/ I, 11% CllAREMT ANNUAL YIOIJ/ 1.21% J YEAR llOffUS ""°°""" _..._ ' • ·~· .. ,;.. ... .' ' -·· ., •• ' .,. .,.. ·- -. ., -- . , • .. •. ,• .. " ' ... -~ -· " -· .. . • , • • . . ., ' ' • • .- . ' • ' .. ·' --" ,. ,._ , " " . -. . " • -• • • 4 • l . - .. . • < .. • ' • ' • . • ' ' . • ' • -· Apr11 9, 1969 Ll9''· NOnm . California Legisla~ure • Ill Action SAIGON (UPI) -N o rt b Vlelnam hlJ IMd the U.S. bombing bolt to buDd a new 111pply complex rillpd willl aotiatrcratt gum 20 milts north " the -140e (DMZ), U.S._.,.. said today. 1be sourc:a, with ICtes.! to llltellltlence reports and recoo- nalaaance pbotoo, said Ill• butJoo ti -by 10,000 North -troops and worlr.en who ll>Md the sup-plies IOUtlnnn( Ito atr defellO IJ1(em. willl aurface.tc>-atr mlMllea and bi1 lllltait<rolt -· ls u lot-mldlble u t b 9 1 e around Hm>I and Hal)lilonl In Norlll Viotnam'• hell1Jand further north, they Aki. The hlle la-· six houn' 1n1rcll ct U.S. Moflne hlJea at Can Tl1tq and Glo Linh on South Vietnam'• northern llOlrtler. lit antlalttrllt ays- ln lndlcalel the -do not -out • -.nJ>llon " the bombing " the nar1h. • llOMIJING DENIED In fa e t • the U.S. IOUl'ttS said, American Ambwador E1lnrar1h Bunar and Gen. ~ W. Abrams' war command asked Waahlngton for permi.98loo. to bomb new supply fortress in ntl.liation far the Reds' nationwide of· fensive Jn the IOUth. Permission was denied, they said. According to intelligence re- ports and aertll photoo, stock- piles cl food, weapons, ammu.. nillon and other supplies are sheltertd in the new northern complex, which is llnked by teVtral roads to Highway 1, nmnJng up and down the Soulll China Sea cout. In recent months, the Com- muni!tl have used the new staging area u a springbolrd · tO shuttle supplies into the DMZ and to move troo,>s and material d o w n infiltr1tlon routes in La01 known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail. U.S. Marines have launched four oCfensives along the Lao- tian border in an attempt· to cut oft lllis Jnllltratlon, and u .s. arttli<ry is powidlng Com- muniata in the -illtariJed . ' ---~ ---------------------'--''-----------''--~------~ ~ - --~ ~ ~----"'--~ ---- Most of the 52.5 tons or mu- nitions and the 1,200 tons of rice captured during two U.S. Marine opentlono in Soulll Vletnl.m't nortbemmost prov- ince this winter are believed \O have been traniported into polition from this new north- ern dtpot. Maj . Gen. Ra)1llond Davi!, commander of the U.S. Ma· rines rtatloned aJoog the DMZ, said in a recent interview that militarily speaking, it makes no 1e111e to give lhe Commu- nists sanctuaries In Nonh Vietnam and Laos free from &round attack. "It makes no sense to watch 400 trucks a day moving through Lao! with ammurrl· tion to kill Americans," Da- vis said. "The quickest way to .shorten thil war is to destroy Ulete aanctuaries." The United Stilts carries out dally bombing mi.uions against the c.ornmunist supply routs In !Aos. But North Vietnam ls ct! limitl to air raids, and no major allied ground ll'oops are aaowec1 in !Aos. Girl Has Right Style Mary. Ann Wickham of Hu .. tington Beoch took lint prlJa in tbt I.MUii student h&lnty). ing conteat held recenUy at Oranse Cout Collett. All contestants were students enrolled in cos- metology at OCC. Second place went lo Phy1ll1 Ratti of Costa Meaa. Tatlnc third WU Donna Rodriquez of Orange, with Diana Jona of HuntlnjJton Beach !ourth. Filth place went to Mar11ret Hernandez or Hunt i n 1 ton Beach. From the five winntn, three wDJ be cbolen to repntenl OCC at the aiatewtde com- petition for junior coUe1es May if at Cerritos Collegt in Norwalk. • ·' •• Y'PILOT ., .. ~aferways ' · :Still Have . i:. . • ;Many Jobs ' By JOYCE LAIN •. Mlw U lll •w•rft e .MMo.rr ·e ... · ~., "' 1hlltov•I , .....,.ltw C... ,_ ~-Ttvlclr, ~-lf!C.. ... ""-Hon: f. • ........... =··=' ~.~'uz-~·r. .. ~= • : • .t ·-==":".:' •• .: ' . . ' A. ......: In the golden age of slt.amboalilll, pilots com- nlanded tbe same kind of at- tenUon' that Joe Nianath and Glen Campbell do today . Ex- citing characters, they were fabulously paid and colorfully d.......S; 4·ST. LOUIS, U.. Tail, tan- ned and quiet!y~1:ecutive Cap- tain Louis DeLoac wore a ~atiw bualDes8 s u i t when . we talked. Hit map of ·ee Mississippi, he said. was . Woven in his mind -a 4 '"jn(iat" for river navigators. qiiptaln DeLong started as a ftckhand, advanced to mate (foreman), steersman, pilot, and thefl to captain. Today he's president of a river transportation c o m p a n y , which. like aome 1,700 others, Ooats.'suC:h bulk-loading com- dwditils as on, chemicals. ,..Bins and coal. . SANDi!IARS AND SNAGS. '~iDce the river's constantly thanjhlg," Captain DeLong said, "the most necessary re- quirements are skill, judg- ment. experience and a feel for river 1igrui. Also, the abil- ity to make and stick with a decision. These things are more important in na vigation tJwn formal education. In this business you have to start at .the bottom as a deckhand in order to learn every phase & inland navigation." .' I asked Braxton B. Carr, President ol the American Waterwayi Operators, Inc .. ~hat e<lucaUon he recom- ~nded for barge and towing ~gement: "You might at- jt:nd the national or a state ._Merchant Marine Academy, or ~y tra(fic management, l,.ansportatlon or economics." Carr said 1 college major in Wand waterway management lj aot,•••itable .. such. ' ,•HONEY AND RESOURC. *'· ·' An esUmated I0,000 people are employed aboard the fleet p lyi n g s ome ts,OOD miles of navigable in- land channels In the U.S. The pay varies, but a rough Ida ii -per boor for deckhands; P.IJOO a month lor captajns. Executives make 'Col'lllderably more. 'nle future ldolu IOOd· A bl1 pldure of the inland walerway industry 11 presented in °Big Load Afloat." $2.25, from t h e tlbJ"er lc an Waterwa;ys ()per.ton. 1250 Connedicut Ave., Washington, D.C. 20036. 'liver buffs might also inquire ibout the Waterways Journal, a weekly magaxine. 7 0 I Olemlcol Buildln1. St. Lolli' llo. Alfi. ~ ~.-........... ..., . .,,..,, .......... H"9Lalll. C-* C.-, Cit MILT PILOT. . ' ·IOY'S' Mnlt"' ... -. Golfer Shirts "ll1111ra•" -sftor l sleeve of lOO~ ~ oiuo~ in wtute·ltld assorted colofs. WIN , llOt . sllfi!lk ' , ' ·~ ' . '. . ' " . ' . . .. + ' .. , ,. •• • ~ • " .. ., ..., . ·' ' .. ' '-< • t ' ~t. . • .. . •\ ' ... '-· .· • . . ' "' ' ..t oltil. 1 98 . S·ll·l-11. • .._ Serving ., ;, Trays . I ""4 "119 ......... . . ...,~Shorts . . . woi 'COtlon j~ solid wtors or bttlttifllf floql 1Jillts. Sidt • ' . po~•eis, ~arer B. BC waist. ' Slits 2 t1 U u , ~ •m· Shirts .:; ~ ';hoose from ~~s'I. roolti· celon with hwimntal $trlpu • -or solid OOs with COJ1Pst- ~striped crew BBC 'Sitn4tl 14 • -• • 111s· Socks ·. Novelly ~tretdl crew socks or cotton llld nylon. ·••11·2: 1 00 f.11 I e •E•·s Socks "l11•1Y ktits" -84 ll!!edle in bas~et weave 11nd w1nc1Gw p~n! patterns lft :tSS<lrltll light and dMk COlofS. 59c 1 Sitt lits 11-13 I "YO 5" Shampoo Twin Jilk in shatl"J'l'OOI bottles. Rich l.i1!ilerin1 shampoo 1~ Regulll', Dry & iu~r ~:1~Siz1 1 29 - -==· -.:=. • 2.11 ,,,,, • "Dream Flower" Perlumefl lalc with Body Delldoranl.,. the lrafance tllat 4 olrl of BBC ~ wome1 prefer! I .19 11 II. Site "Vaseline" HAii TONIC f1ihts dry hair-4ry scai,, .•• cllel:•s loose dlrldnltl. Makes a ex-79c cellenl pr!-shampoo t1eat- mtnt. I.II 5'h 11. Sl11 Cream Medication Famous s~ln tone formula .•• worn day or night, it 99c covers up skin blemi~hes. 1.2 IZ. 1.21 Silt "Clearasil" · Y•is~iq r .. ~ . Crum medicatlnn lot Ji"' , " . pies ind xne. Dot:SR't~w ·Jf. works iflvis1bly 1 11. tic Sin ', , , Helps protect blemi~­ ed sXm as you use.it 1rom day lo day . ', • · , - promot•s sk in beallh, 2;4gc cllec~s bacteoa. I "Robitussin" · CIKi Fll-.t-lar Adlllb .=:i·~,98~reiievec . tOlfVIOl'I Cllld. ·~. , ·~· i 4 Ii. ·SJn. .-' lei. l:k Size 'An'ow ~r" PACIFIC ., l&$IC ••. HelitoP ttyi~t lof ~ Toss it info tht ai'r ... soill's up G 300 It, then witch it 73c umsion Cenls come down. '~Battling Tops" Set ol J.i1 6, 9 and 12 • IL ,...,; Eicll t00 llas a J outlet 11111: is ;UIE llJ ...... -111ytlll1g can 11~break1•1e vi11t. happeft • • . launch ttie tops, alld 8rOWll or Ivory Color. !he battle b!gillS. Tile 3 39 Int ~p "spinninf' is l.49 !fie WltlDel. e "Glow-Globs" •1 KENNEi -excitin' new model-Utility ci..1.a11111 i•1 .,_,., ••• rt '13~' ~er you wish, and w1tcll C 11 glow 1n Ille dart wflY.t" SIAD[ •.. perfect for ~arage, "Funny Bones" patio., elt'. l ap- proved beavy duty 20 HlllS !l. Pllllll -a ~ fw attaaed cord. people like .. i.p. Plrfect 2.59 a~w1t evtnin& enter· ~.;,ioror..i !e'!ic alhilil '"""'' •.•• ll:!ps 1ebaild 111li,irOn bfOod 1 98. ci<ls. • 1U 12 tL.Sin • . ' . -'.'PTl-1111" GWTII 5'D1'e •. •, ~. '\.j.j'1 . ·:canister~: _.,1'9 -;~mi . ' .•. . ..• -;:<·. . . emur. -s·a· •.•. Set ... , . Sm. Set Birttlr Dlsl · , 1:49 ... _:49 I lrnili Piil, lnei 1 ' Sla.somr · · , · , W WWUJI f... with "Teffoo" caatei , £ard Table ,,, • h~rvy-dllty COltofl di ~l ·2 491 foldlng table with eas action let loc~!. . • tnYerfi~-duty 3-layer S•ii "'"""' lop, lu~I• 4 BB , "pad .. itS 54: b(lwds. ' I • legs with cMii resisl!nt m- . Faldi.iig ·s1e.v.e lllel flflislt. *''" • ' "'" ., ltUllll -,...,.,. • comllill3tlorl ilDR n siee.1 bin. . A~N ,_ .......... 239 Folds flat for slorlgt. . • . · YacuDlll Bottle Rust·""'· dort~ Strili "" de- I Ironing BOanl covu sicn atwl sba~ less, 39 "llOt-jamrnin&" Cllf:~ .. . ~ WEUWI -Fits all sbndarll 54" .,, IJOIA'in& ~p. ... Sitt • ~Ifft. loot wearinL Saft-69C tdlbU catto~ drill. Mxfline . wasllaMe. •-z Dust -Cloths "Fluff-up" Foam .,~-lot ..... -· •• SllllPll -Det,cleans 1 llhlf' miir Co R flame( with 69t '111 with SJOf'l&HmP ease! 1 39 pinked edge. · ldul for 3pol ~leuiag. ,. •• , 3 L1rp n 11. Sin • ., .. .. ,.,., "' "" 1 B9 t~nnt. • r11111 ''SCatter Perm" ~;;;~;;:;:;~~~;;;";:;~ "''""°' 1otm1tn·'~ "Party Perk" 12 c., BONNE BELL MEDICATED Make-up "Desert Flower" "Sheer Dry" "P Gr· " enna-1P DENTURE ADHEs1n ,, : ~ lftsl.ilntly covers skin II &ive I flawless, clear compleuoo wlllle witl flEE lie Pockot Siu RecGmmen!Std bf Dentisls •.. Puichase the 4 01. sire in plastic bottle,1and 11'1111 •-COllpoll to gel 'JfJlll fRU 59c iize that fits h811dily ill pocliet· 66 .. ' Ofptlf~. u 1 25 :t~~:n~~ms~· • 11. Au'l f1s•1t1 SUHs o•n MIOITlllAMEAN Bi~~ Stlftds.27' 1; ... 3 69 W Wide liowl. I ~ . Freg ~ 1 C~ipllllllk 1.29 ~ 1.79 Fr.ii!pS SEl Sot 1ll 2 69 1llCks !It ~ • • Super Shower 2IDI Q , T•e. ftO~ ·.soap mo1~1urue1- l c-. ol lht 21st Ctatwy ... 1e1Uy clea1s ""'· = 2.50 WIUllNSON SUPER SWlllD-flCE DOUIU-IMI Razor Blades flail lilm ' "' 111 99c ~~ ...... I tllfl1 for a Special Su••tr Fr!rrance l11y1y lor so II®: cosl tll'liles lavish llSt lo keep )OU cool an4 fresh all summer. .lMTl-PllSPIRANT Deodorants • Colope Mist beaotifol 2 11. 1e11sol spray •DISlill Pmer ~ Ol. 1M ...,. site ill plasti: Y11r Clo Ice 11 rum New ulfl.sll'Clt~~ aoti-pernpiraot Mlh maxilftllin deodiil'lftt "Diec~ r.; well. • Crt111 • s, .. , • R1ll·11 12.50 II f'flfCO Plfllft., • "":Ii. .... lltll tn ..... lli' .. ·DRUG STORES. OPlatAM t• 11 PM -7 DAYS A WHI HUNTINGTON BEACH IMlfui.n ADAMS & llOO«HUIST HUNTINGTON llACH IPllN•DALI I ~NMI NIWPORT EACH •OH llYINI IN WllTC:U,, PU1A --- Get jws,t wUt rtu waot, COffEE M.llll J~ 111here )'GU WWII It. 3 29 lvoli l'J'.lllli!>e 'lol!l llr~ 10 B 3.75 ~~.f~~willl~i·llte • B Silt • K•11Qt1ilmt11.~111t: "'Sutf11 Plrwi" • 2 29 1!.,.er sly!lq l1!s •Y 6e(41, ltflll .•.•••••• 2.15 Sin • eftc "lektrl Set" "fi1t1n· •.• , .... : •••••••• Uil .... ...,,_ SPRAY lll1 10·11in~I• ~e· tweeA slllll!pOD set. PAllASOlllC EllClriC IWil SllAIPl!iR •• S.·fi$l. YOlll ttl. ~"" ""' 19;,t """.'J'· Shir· Jtll ch•rcnl a ••stet ,..ais. .. 1 14.991 • .. • .-. Jt:i &,."":;.~-..: ." ~,zt:,,: .. li ,.... ,:::::;: ·:.0 -................ ~. ·-~~~~~~~?l'~~~~~~~~~,-~~~~~~~~"\I~~~~~~~~~-,,-~~~~~~~~--...-~~~~~..,-......__,...:.,,... ,..:: ... ---· 1 l . ' • LJ. _• -" --.~--~"""".'-~--------....... -------:-0-:-...... -~--"'!---~--~ ..... "'l\!"""!'I ... ,. r --\ ' ,, EASJ ER "'ORN -Recreaµng the. scene.of Calvary., !b?seplllcber and a church for ' display in the ~lqary Art Exhibit, sponsored by<>ranee Empir.a i'< • • ~hefs .. ~ctilpt ' ' Who~evtr'htard of a cb~~,.:- the t nt of 1 sculptor! 'if For lhOSil who haven,'l, a lutpril&• was ' In store when Orange . County masters exhibited works during a fund· raising~ dlniltr if! Disneyland Hotel, sponsored by the Orange Empire Chefs' Asooclatloa. · Instead of taking a plec~ of marble or wood, these craftsmen used edible materials to create a display that might . ne any artisan and tempt everyone's taste buds. 1 : ~ huge ~ff et table was laden with ' tfundrfds of \hree-dimensidnal works of (culinary)~ ar and interspersed were massive ,iee carYings depicting the Easter sea'Son which was expressed in church steep!~ and crosses. 1 Allhodgh nwnerpu.s entries seemed ra- ther ordinary by comparison, each tray was attractively flTBIJied,. keeping color ;,and fotn\,.,ln balance. .. ' . The IJ\Qst.. ~pre8sive wis a Viking . ship, ,carrying a favorite cargo ~1!1hrimp. The ship, carved out of banlili. squash,,. re~=~o!.th ~~. =~ ~ .anll'fMirilili the 1'fuuesilf,Wis p<euer ·. dough. ~.. . . \ • , . Pr.~el dOl,lih agam . \118 the Da.sls~ of·.a ·c:Omu•_t..mich ~s filled with :!~~·~ ;::;: the llil"PJ!iol , vary ilnd the sepulcher, while l.•&tureb 111 frosted w)th flavored • ~ .~Tb< sCene "" IH!rilered • in I laWD d pai'iley. Potato aalad, with die addition of food ,, . .. ~. Wu shaped into -• portrait of .., · 'and a whimsical feminine lace ·was· iri'4oi from a ham, glazed With • -. • , ' . . chaodlroid.) Aoother ham. stood upright Chefs-' Assoc•tfun~ ~~ .J . Bai:n~s~. Jr.rine ~~~s~ ' ·~ ~:.P~ •decorated with cbau~froid, Coun~y Club}~ .. ~ . ' " ;.:., ".:! ;.~~-/ t . ,' :, : ; · ttke,lthe animal fcom which JL l ·:· ·· .. .. ... ; :. ' t"~ ~c .. ~ I["" ' ~ ... ' ~ ... , "'.1. ''. ~ "' _ r , \ . ' • • Displa ~ EQIBLE ART -.Cyef Dan Cooke of Mesa Verde Country 'Cl~"Ji~(s the .• fit'lal touches on hiS entries·: Giant lobsters hover over temP.ting sb~p. • while the other two palate-te3sing ·disl1es are created ~orn ham: "' ! '* ' ! ' . 4· .... ., . ... . ... '• r . , • - . MASTERS OF !CULINARY ) ART -Dick Detanna and Jim Bor· ing'{left to right), chefs at the Sheraton Beach Inn, a\vait serving their masterpieces. The wild boar is not edible for it i~ carvqd. Home News and. ·views fjJling· "Hollow : Leg' .EmRti,$: .. pur s~ . . . •. . ' By DOROT.HY WENCK ' ' According lo the mosi recent recommeOdations o( '!Jle Na· •·-· '-" -'"'"' tional Resean;Jl .£ouncill a teenage boy -age 14 lo ~ ..!., heeds Do ·you have a teenage athlete in Your farh.ily? ff 'sd, you· i.ibout 60 'grariU cit'"protem per day: , 1' know all· about how hungry this · Species of human being c1in be, Thia 'COUld be .aupplled ill' abundance ~by: one ,qyart of. milk anf$: hoW anxious he is to eat iood that will ~ake,him strong and Crna.oy. ~ge Jw>X•idriDk. twice this much)_ 36 grams protein ; full o[ energy. . two eggs -12 grain1,.ptotein; one 3 ounce serving of lean meat, Perhaps;i.e is eating a special "athletic diet" prescribed by his J!sb, or 1'9ullry -20 grams protein; 3 tablespoqus peanut butter coach. And perhaps' you've been Wondering" whether ·this diet is -12 granis protei:ti~ Thia adds up .to 80 gripns of protein, without r...ny.best for his needs -especially if ii calls for unusua1.ci,ds COllllllqg the addlti6r>al :amall amounts of protein he .would gel or amounts of expensive foods. . · . troz;n, ~,bread JI'" grams per alf!'!eJ, cereal (11 to 2-tgrams per The mere Quantity of food that your athlete consumes--owx:e), .ete. · · ' , -r possibly: as much as 5,000 calories a day'-is enQUgh to burst.the · Other foods ,!bat w<i\ild 'be ,good 1ources of prol , would be family food budget, without adding high cost e1lraS1 cheese ..., 7· gram1 "'r ojmce; cottage· cheese -16 ~s per hall Tltf teertage aihiete's blgh calorie needs are; the result of 'the · cup; ice Cieam -4 ~·P!'' cup; peanuts -9 g'8Jllll per ~ , combined dem'ln<\ <if . his ,rapi~ ·gnnvlb _ral\l'·flus th.e ene~gy he cup; cooked 'dried beanrof pas -15 grams per cup , • exJ!!lpda ii\ his ylgorous physical activity.• < ~ • • , • It i.s •easy \jj ·~from ilie1e lists olfoods that t\vo food ·grolips ·, • ·'i'le needs the saine balanced diet of the food s everyone else -lbe· milk, ~~/~cecream &l!JUP and the meat, !!'sb, poul!r)', in the family needs for good health . .,.-bu! he needs more .of them, e~s, i>pean~t and C11'1edl l!<a• group •upply most of our •JllOI~ and he especially ne~s more calories. . • •· . need-.. The .daicy.' .group, ilto II veiy lmporlanl to teenage~s' - The American Medical Association's Committee on Ute Medi-athletes or not -for c&Jcium, whicl!·tbey nted fo 'i$beft' r8pidly h lh t . .growing bones. · .~ I c~ Aspects of Sports, says _recent res~a!~ s.uggests a 1n slren-. llOUiS activity there is an mcrea-Sed utilization of car:bobydrates Besides these. twOi groups of foods your teenage hero needs a !•ular and.starch), and that high carbohydrate meals for 48 hours vJlriety ..of foods from the Jruil and .veg~ble group'\o give him before an endurance event may ~P to ensure \be replacement o! "1lam1D; C and vllainin A and enet.11, and foods troln the bread carbohydrate stores in the body. , ' and cereal group to give him i!"'I ind JI v!tamilis plus slltrch for MAGIC f'9WER 'NO P'OVISION energy. ' ' , • • Some ·athletic diets call for 'Wi\Jsµal amounts of mea~ And ' With meals planned arounir Iha~ ·'/basic !out" food groups ineat, ol course, Is cosUy. Meil provides l>~eln pill! iron -~ B your teenager will get all the mrt!lenll r~~needs for good health, vitamins which your teenager)leeds for growth, plus calotiea;' goQll.,crowlb alld p~ysical stamina. To Increase his calorie COllDI, Bu( meat doe, not have ~· 1pecial magic 'power to lnake a :).iie.S~~~atger q.wrtiUes -Of these foods and som~, added. fats boy muscularly strong.' This riotion is a hangover {J;om an ancient i., r !eyth that the eaUng of lbe flesh of apimals, as do tbe savage ,. 1 • QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED . beasts of the forest, would ma!e , man brave, swift <tnd super· Q. :fvly lefi!nage son is out foe trac:k and the. coach has told him 1trong,_ . .. lo cut down on.milk dririking.-especially on the day of an event.. · Strong .muscle~ are dexeloP.!'d· lh<ough physical exercise. Re-. The coach says that milk dtinking during training Impairs pec- 1earch indicates"*lhat 11gotog h"eavy" on. protein In tbe iraining fonnance.11 this true? • diet serves no useful purpose. The athlele and the heavy laborer A. Researo~·has ~~en c.arrled out which debunks .some,of Ute bave no greater protein needs than do their less active counter-uold time'' ,ideas about the tffect of milk on the performance of parts. Using one '• muscl~s in increased phy~ical activity calls for athletes. The studies ahow that there is no jusUfication for exclud· , lnore calorres, not protem. T · r· ing milk tn meals for .~ll¥es. · , • " .. " • i " • " 6el~ r \. 1, ~ ~·' J ,, •• 6'~: ,: • • . ., <>.)" ' •=12~-. . -. . .Iii ; ··se a -Good Scout . By NANCY McINTYRE f Don't worry, your troop will love you. DEAR NANCY: I've always been a 1 Name another den mother who Isn't career woman who ti~n't Ume ror love· afraid of snakes. That aJone ls worth or-mprtaee. In fact, my career wa!I 12 m~rit ~ges. · incomPAtfble with rnattfinony. I was an exotic dahcer who 'worked with boa con· •• atricton in a nlgbt.,:lub act. . ' ' My two boas, Lii As for food, whate·ver If Is make it plentiful With this crowd it isil't a question of seconds or thirds but !Oths and l21hs. . • and Pick, wtre· my The Boy Scout motto 1'Be Prepared" Whble life ; they means that every scout 1s prepared to ' 1 ,were great little per· rormers and re~l devour his weight in hot dogs, sloppJ ~'. However, a Joest french fries etc. and etc. and etc. &frl geta lonelx talk· · • fnc to snakes -no Since scouts like to scorch lilf:ir cnrn matter how intelli· .. hot dogs or hamburgers over a ~ ; gent they are. fire, this aolYes °'1e coo~ p:obJeqi. \ 1 slatted yearning The rest · of the meal can be ~ · for all the things an ' ·)':t with classic indigestible',• UM~ r avet~e woman, bas . .1 • . ~lige, a 1,m. avorltes of small fry 1 pm..,.. chili 1-U. a washing mt-canned spaghetti, mountaJna of ~ f • • • fries, etc. All of thls can .come IU'~bt chliie, crab ~s and a ~11mort· •, .v(Wm the can or deli. / ' gage. And then it happened ! Mr. Won-• 1., . J • ! derful waited. irlto my IUe-one evening . ._ ~we_ver, the ma!n event, desiert, II i · t sonttlhing you should make youraelf W 1 at the J!lub where I wu appearine. Jm-· yourt good deed for the day. Hefe'1 media(ely r was attracted. to ·hint since,• a 'P!X>''Y Chocolate Pi~e ~.all he Was brave ~h to !IL ringside. ~ love, big ~ little. lt'1 toPjlBd wlUl We were martii!O two rqonthi ago. and':_, ~~~am and .sinfully rk:fl. I ·~ not only got the ~e~t, brav~ man lut ~ cup of butter unti\ jt b aorL m lhe. work!. but . two Cub Scools' m the Q1'<1Ually add 1 cup iugai lo lhe buUel: barg&Jn. Charlie 1s a widower. ~ily, atij blend ingredient.$ until Cl'f:amy. Beat the boys Uke m~ bl;ca~ l d';lO. t plaf two ea yolks and lldd to qar-butter lhe slepmolher bit In fact, they ve •lect· inhoblrt. Melt I ~·o1 c:hbc:olafii IDd ed me den mother of their cub scout lad)o batter. , · • troop. .. 1 . F donft scare t1sily, bUt I really have',.-: ~n stir in•~cup 0our and I twpoan 1tage fright at Ole: thouaht of entertaining v~nUla. Whip ~·' ~upoon ~It and1 2 ll_ hungry little cube. Help! How do tll~whltes \mtil still. 'Fold irito baUer. fhahi!le lhls ptedicament T DEN MAMA• ). ~~: "' I ' · • , r,our ._Ler nto a greased t-toch pie DEAR DE~ 1\1 A: Ally w~mon who ' ~e. Bak~ for-a .haV an lloor 111315 can "'ndle boo COllll~icwrs I• eminently degret1. To~ lhe p(e With •anllla 1co qualified to 1handfe a den.full of Ci.lb cream or · checolate, if )'OU prdt:r. Scouts. J\lst remember to keep a Hrm BeUer counr On ·two. ot thue 6ai ii grip on the situation. cubs. · "' • .. ., •• •• r ,. 1j ' • I' ( , , o.tll.Y PJLOf ~ioW,brow 'Becomes HiQ .~.br ow With Hair-raising T echn1 iq u·~.: . • < . .~;_ DEAR ANN LANDE.RS; 1 am a &irl 11.1-•~aocoolldenc:e, --to loot lmward .... -why? , ........ ,_ • ' ~ ... • couplo of my ANN LANDERS ~ , .. ~II II ......... lo un Jwt font,,. ..,.._.,. -,. aMeNc "fWl abe banded me two bWa. One wu a ~ oo lbelr oew TV. '1111 Giiier WU ID O¥enlue npl!r bill lrom the llll'llO (Ibey have two can). ' I -. " • In, .... ,., M _,. ..... _,. __ ......... TV .-, 11 ,, ,.._ w ""'9 a -la ak:obollsm f 1 diMall? How cen ·.,pr11r1m1s -to ldl me how to I-1111 11a1r "' my low I-, ~·1lit10 ll0Cic<able. They lllll"lod have hllh lorebeads. The Jooer1 have bot II d(dnl help llNCb. I 11111 low tor.beac11. LI.lie min<. 'fell! lib Ille ualiell li;rl In town, no P'™' tdl me whal to do oboot this . I ...... , lUl ...... ., _... . ,.;.·. idp " ·-·~-· lld • ffC*liar 1 tla flldicala "!al ................ - ~ ANN LANDERS :\ My mother b in her mid-IOI. Sbe la In good boollll and works u a ~reptered nune. Dad worb parl-llmt. Tiiey . &el behind In their bU1I DOW and tben but who doeln't? I ,.......i to P11 the biUI GUI of the 111011eY I put IWl1 for ...,....,,oea_ lly buoband WU mad and lei ml - IL U Mom and Dad wtre o&d or met and c:aoldal wort, I'd~ tab eare of them, but Ibey ..... -tbaamyh_and_.....,._ the alc:cllollc ... tnai.d! " thm • cure? Read the booklel "Alcobolum - Hope and Help," by Ann Landin. EncJoae :15 cenu In coin wtlll YOW' , .. ~and a loag, stamped, oett·loddi•""" eavelope. .--I wool. I allO Iott like allalllallve. ~the crW, -people -.... loi"1 breU In lil~ Am I doo~! - ' 1...-, ~ to the nadlng I've KID SISTER \U' ZORRA , doot, ar< -leanlen and ha,. lew DEAR DD: It b °" -lllal people -,_ .... , ........ lo makt.c' yCMr 1t mllerable, I ugtll b J'W The ]nblem b tllil: I am happily married to a nice py. We are both· :r7. We. have two preochooien·and ooly ooe income. T1me are many tbinp we need, bJt we are careful and IDIDl&t to pl by-OK. MJ' molller t .... tdltog me tbat accord1ng to the llw, cblldren must IUppart theJr ponnta. Lui _., In -murlqe. p-.......... - STIW'PED Ann Landen wW lit l)aol to help ,.. -your pnibleml. -lloo1il to her In cart of the DAILY Pll.ut', '" JQs. . widl lllCll fa 1~ ••• .,. mere ll't'llat .~ TM ftrlt thin& l notice about a penon .... pMfle wWi lew fwtlll'rd1 nil ,) b .hll f<nllead. The '"'°"' i:lds ahroys ..,.. II •fll Ille aame <alel"7 u Ille (\ ' i{ .. ! . . ' ¥ \ ......... w1 .. , ____ t ......-to .. to • -....... He mlpt recemmeed • Mir nmwal I DEil lll'llAPPEll: " --ta Ian 1!1111 M '• wt W _. ---If lllOJ -...... ota. ftlClolln( • stamped, ldf·addr••ed .,, ......... Bonnets of Dollar Bills, Caps of flowers Compete No matter bow avant--aarde their tastes, the hat• worn at Soroptlmist Club of Lquoa Beach 11.st annual Easter Breakfast lut Th Ur Id I y rooming would puRle most fashJon watchers. Take the cap sitting atop the bead of Miss Loma Mills, president of Laguna Federal Savlnp and Loan Association -a bonnel of dollar bills. However these hats weren't meant to be beautiful, but informative. 'Ibey were to in- dicate the career interests of SoroptimU;t members w b o paraded them in the Hotel Laguna. Mrs. W'illlun -..... flnl pri2o In the coolest. Her bonnet of 1prlng flonn repmented her proleulooal ouUet -Eschbach'I Flower ond GI It Shoppe, La1UJ11 Beach. In addition to bats., the morning lncluded a talk by Mrs. Laurence Reynolds, a member of the California Advbory Commillion on the Status of Women, who brooa:ht the group up to date on the commission's progreu. Bruit Tobey, accompanied by Mn. Mary Newlonds, sang the 0 Soand of Music," and poet and weaver Mrs. Pearle Casey 1ave an original reading. ~ •. · Paceseffers .'.Pon~t _,Hors-e Around' While Saddling Bargains !t:· Askiog B~.~ to ',.;eeye • spe.11.~yer thcir ~ual Bid a¢ bargains for the fund-rai~er to take place next Saturday in Ute : Buy A.udiod ~ are (I.oft fo right) M.,., Michael Myers . Newporter Inn. Included m the bari8lll llst are handmade bouti· Special guests included fl lay· or and Mrs. GleM Vedder, and Dr. WiUla.m U I lo m, superintendent of the Laguna Beach Unllied School Diltrict, and his wife. WINNING BONNE T -Mrs. William Eschbach (seated) is all smiles after winning the hal contest for Soroptimisl Club of Laguna Beach members. Admiring her creetion of flowers is Mrs. Albert W. Cornelius, club pnsident : ~ )In. Jeny GOt,benee. and Mrs. Leonard Zusman, members of que items, electric appliances, art OOjects aM. even one hour with : "'Pacesetter Cllapte!', Ch.ildren's A.sthafa Research Institute and a psychiatrist. The club is an lnt.emaUonal service ora:anizltion f<r worn· en in professional and esecu· tiYe positicm. ~ ~tal. 'lbe trio, who 1~ no . "hon\Dg ~." saddle up ~erospace Medicine Lures Young Scientist By JODEAN llASl'lNGS Of .. DMIY Iii ... Slaff -:~ A preUy young miss who ~ resembles a college coed \ban a pioneer in aero.spa~ medicine was among the five omen honored yesterday by Soroptlmlst Club of Los eles. McDonnell D o u 11 a s Company, Hunt- Beadl. Sbe also Is Ille 'waman civilian to com· et4I ,..uqary flight sur-'J ,tnlniDC, in aviation BACKGROUND -, 1be poised, competent young doctor from Ardmore, Okla . dimpled in Sll1Ues when she uplaioed her confusing educaUonal bacqrotmd. "( graduated from hilh 9!hool .in . my first. year af calle&< and lrom college • In my tlnl year of -ieal .:bool." Or. TaJiaferro receiv- ed her !IA In cbemistrT from the otloboma Caliege for W-..t her MD from the Uahttlity ol otiahom1. "I had wanted to be a doctor al:noe J wu this ru,h," she uid, 1llt&lrina •ith h e r -........ "When t 1« In _...I ocllool 1 di>c:ovmd ·tllo!, while I liked Ille Idea of bein( • -· 1 dido\ fit• the wort medico! ldloW entailed, so l ilropped out and came to California." The attractive lx\met~ ex· plained bow she 1',.u hir'<t by McnOMell ~ and went to work for Dr. Karl Houghton. chief engineer of the Advanced Biotechnical and Power Depa,~ t·m en t . research and dev~t. in the centrifuge program. After this experience Or. Taliaferro wenl back and completed her med I cal training. "flfy experience with aerospace 1ave me direction I hadn't had befOI'!'," she Ci:ln- tinued. After interning in SanLa Monica Hospital ilbe ded icated yoong woman ~joibtd the McDonnell Douglas aerospace program and became medical test director of the 60-day manned space cabin lest. RESPONSIBILITIES It was her responsibility to attach Instruments, d r a w blood for numerous tests and conduct respiratory stud.I~ on college students who had volunteered for the centrilua:e and space cabin simulator. "We studied them before. during and after the tests and also during a period of bed rest to determine their health status on a day-to-day basis. At the end of the program n!lllltl of each complete ~1 eraminaUon were cocni-ed to the volunteers' «lglnal" Following a sir -m onth period opeat compiling l<IUlll and writing the reporL Dr. Taliaferro WIS sent lo the Air P::orce Sc.hool of A~ Medicine, Brooks Air Force line, Tex. Al pan of her overall 1talnln1 Ille youlhlul doct0< had to go through parachute. 'PIONEER' HONORED -Dr. Ellen Taliaferro, 28, was one or five young women honored for distin· guished achievement i n her selected field. The med, ical r esearch scientist in aerospace medicine chat! · training which included 1 simulated jump from 1 u.foot tower. Stanclln1 in line with her "buddies," IS she termed the oilier lrllneu, Dr. Tolialerro confessed, "I'm .scared." ''Don'l ~·Ol'I')' about it - wt art too. but we 11 1et throu1h Jt,'' wrs the response. The jump was simulated by altrchlng parachute cordt to ~ rope thrtaded throuah a pully ond held by llleir Ill' •tructor In hb beavily11Iovod hands. Before the Jump he warned everyone, "Look down al the sand. Now toocb it. Now: doo't look doWll ogain unlaa you want me lo drop you. .. "And we wen afraid "fie- mia:ht, •· Or. Taliaferro adde:f- JOINS 11. YING CLUB While ln Texas she also join- ed •Jfl'ing club and manapd with her boss, Dr. Karl Hoogbton, chief engineer or• Advanced Biotedmical and Power Department of . Advanced Systems and Technology with McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, Huntington Beach. to aok> before 1ter return 10 Callfomia and' M c D a. n n e 11 Dougla.s, where Ille presently is atlached to 1 majc:w manned space program. "Aer0space medicine Is a pk>neerlng type worlt:, and 1'11 stay with It u long u it exists. It can, and dot.s, carry over to daily living. and It ls) ~l\s· \trend for pr'lvate ' ind • :lYlllu f1l lo u11 whkh will It Include Ille art.as ol prcvenUve medicine, smog aM · rire i;:onlrol. Each ol these becomes a litUe fron . Uer lhat aerospace can't take time to study." The sertous young scientist, who enjoys playing the a:uitar, t la!Sical music and reading in her spare lime, is 1 llctnsed physician, I tnember 0 f Aerospace l\ledlca1 Aslocl•· Uon and ~1DAC Management Association. • New Posts Assigned Work Becomes Labor of Love What started out to be a casual relatlonshlp for i\1rs. Howard Means of Newport Beach nine years ago has turned into a love affair. The dedicated F a m i I y Service As!ociation volunteer joined Las Marineras Aux· iliary of FSA when she moved to the beach city almost a decade ago be c au se she wanted to make friends and get acquainted, but she ac· complished muc.h more than that. fil'le now finds herself one of 41 community leaders SU\'· ing on the new 82-member Family Servke W e s t e r n Rqion.a} Council, well'41Wart • ol the scope of Family Service, and deeply involved In planning !ls future . . Tbe former Las ,.tarineras president served u chalnnan ol Orange County's four FSA auxiliaries and is Immediate past president of the assoc.ia- Uon's county board of direc- tors. fltrs. ~team ls a \'eteran of volunteer work, bea:inning with Junior League mem· bership in Utah where she attended collea:e and wu mar- ried, aod continuing wllll Girl Seoul and Red Cross assist· ance~ ln Brentwood. In addition to her \'Olunteer work for tht wodation, tbe new council member is a member of the South Coast Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi , tutors seventh a n d eighth graders In Spanish, her college major, and enjo)'1 sewing and crafts. AIJO named to a new Frmlly Service Associollon Is John P. Turner °' Santa A9. who I was appoi nted to the nine- member Southern California execuli\'e planning committee of the ne.,.. Western Regional Council. The first session of the new cnuncil, which v.·as created to give a greater role t o volunteers who p r o v i d e leadership for FSA , was last month in San Francisc1J, where Turner was eleeted to the planning committee. A gaduate of B u't I er University . he is e:recutive director of Orange County Family Service AssoclrUon . Women supporters of FSA are: looking forward to Apl'il 21, when the second annual benefit brunch ls spanaottd by the four auxiliary eroups of FSA in the Balboa Bay Club. While the. gathering ls IOcial in nature, the program ~ vidu an understandlnt of the types of problems broapt to Family Service counseton in Tustin, Garden Grove and FuJle.rton. Mort than 150 women are expected to attend the e.vtnt,, whicb wlll be hlghlls!>ted by a drama tilled "Let's Ge.t Basico," de,.loped primarily for use in 1tlmulat lnc teenogen' diac:ualon of pro- blems their a1e 1fOUP fices. Caordlnatlnc bnmc:tt arrangement! Is Mra. William A. Smith of Newport Beach. aUlillariea' chalnnan. a n d 11s,,\stin1 her are thl Mme1. Ronold Birtcher, Las 8ueftos Amlga1 auxlllar1. San Ju1n C.plstr-Md M'1. Richard D. Ktlth, Las Mutneru. ' ' I ----·-. -------------·---~--~~------------...,.-------..-":""""~.---":"~~P! • . ~-~ MRS. M. G. c;Ac'UKAN Exchantrl1 Vows Christian Service Society • Discussion Dates Due The Women 's Society of Christian Service at the First United Methodist Church in Costa Mesa has a busy agenda before it this month. Tomorrow Mrs. Galal Gough will speak on her study ·tour of southeast Asia. The Rev. and Mrs. Gough of Spurgeon Methodist Church, Santa Ana, have prepared color slides. A series of four mission study classes will take· place tomorrow, April 17, 24 and :lO. Tuesday, April 15, at 9 a.m. the doors of 1bompaon Hall will open for the annual rum- mage sale. A general . meeting f o r business and ,. programs is scheduled for Wednesday, April 16, at 10 a.m.-in the ball. Mrs. Vance Hunter will contlnue th4' -mission study book, "The Now Prophets." The Mary Circle, with Mrs. Sal ~ammaoo -as chairman will host a potluck at noon, aceording to Mr.a. Philip MacKem.ie, · presideal Miss Edith Youmans will speak on Singapore a n d Thailand on ThwJday, A_pril 17, and Mrs. Bruce lf.owey will discuss Vietnam," Cam- bodia and Laos on Thumfay, April 24. Talking of her Indonesian homeland o n Wednesday, April 30, will be Mrs. U Kyaw Win, a teacher at California State: College at Fullerton. I . CHARGE YOUR TRAVE:r. ON YOUR ROBINSON'S A CCOUNT ... ASK ltlr. FOSTEB Travel Service ROBINSON'S l'llEWPORT BEACH Newport Center {714) tl44·Jl!l81 0 4-c:.ycle "•"ttlllty 11° clucln "Ri1111 I Dry" cvcle t• fre•h••·tt' th:trM 411h11. 0 R.411e•1 1potti11t of , 9le11n eMI ,u.,., wltlri Spoh·Awey Rl1111 Co11· dlfio"'' Di1p•111•r. 0 l•ll1 YOll •tell 1ftt• of cycle! Fl•wlblo co11MI lllli•I h11 1eq11enc• indi· cetlfl9 f•tture. D Otti•r "'°"'•'• pl°ic14 from $141.11. Newlywed Callahans Establish Uta n Home ' St. Geor... Ulah. wW be wbo _.. ~lor ..,... In h om e for Mlktlel G e n e a lemon shade and had Callahan and hlJ bride. the matching booquets and beacl, former Virgiilll Ruth Hogan, pieces. Flower girl, in • who exchanged wedding vows similar ,mon gown wu and rings In the Ghurch ol Slephanle Ann Lorkln, and Jesus Chris\' ot Latter-day Shawn Jones was ring bearer. Saints. Ilewport Beach. Assuming the duties of best The bridal ~pie, who said man wu 1bomas Dee their vows aftu Kemeth H. Callahan. and seaUnc the weci- Appfeby 1n · an e v e. a t n g ding guests were ·D a l e ceremony, are the daughter ' Huntsman, Steve J o b n • o n , and son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Purce, John Millard Millard J. Hogan of eo.ta Hogan, Richard James Hogan, Mesa and Mr. and Mn. Thomas William Hogan and Robert O. Callahan of St. Jones. George. Hanging baakels ol pr1per Given in marriage by her flowers and match1nt table father, the bride chose a silk centerpieces ~ated the organza empire gown enhanc-reception ball m the church ed. at the neck and sleeves wbete the newlyweds greeted with venise lace daisy Hower ~ guests. . 'l'hf: b r i d e ' s trim. A chapel train decorated register w a s arculated by with matching lace com-M:s· , Eldon H. Tanner, the plemented the gown's design. bride. s aunt, and Mrs. Elliot Her veil was caught to a P~bride . d of p e a rl-eocrust~ headpiece, Naamn-.t HM-:,: .f.! ~ and she earned a cascade .... __ • · .a.ur-, of .....,, lily of the valley ~ -~~e. ~ S). and daisies uev1ge, wuaoir ane IS a Mrs. Ge~ald Lester Jones ~bda Delta Siltna pltf"ge. was chosen to be matron of •fer husband.' a graduate of honor. She appeared in an St: .George lfigh Si;hool and olive green chiffon own with D1~1e Coll~ge. ~ffiliated with puff sleeves and ba~ interest Phi R~o P1, ~tional honorary and carried a nosegay of forensics ~1ety, and will at· lemon and olive sh 1 d e d tend Cedar College of South d ''Jhh Utah. awes. n er alr was a Special guest.s at l b e headband of the same nowers. ceremony wtre th trtde' Completing the bri~ party sister and brother-l:law Mr• were Pamela Clark, Sherri and Mn. Gerald L. Jonei and Bugna a n d Karen F r i c k , children from Dillon, ~font. The Going Is Great Lagunan Flies Skies Solving the problems of novice-air travellers is a breeze to Pan American Airways stewardess M i s s Susan Clark of South Laguna. The dark-i!;yed blonde is a fledgling stewardess, recently graduating from the stewardess college in Miami. She was a personnel analyst for the city of Los Angeles and a Disneyland tour guide , and already knows a lot about people. She is a confirmed globe trotter, having made a singing concert tour of w e s t e r n Europe last year. The daughter of the John B. CiarU of South Laguna is based in New Ycrk and ·rues to Bennuda, t h e Bahamas a n d Caribbean Latin America, Europe, Alric~ and the Orient. '111e hostess graduated from Occidental College where she majored in psychology and was a member of Gamma FLEDGLING Sus•n Cl•rk Kappa Thela. Besides speak- i~g Spanish she plays the piano, organ and guilar. Spring Styles Modeled At Morning Gathering A spring fash ion show, with clothes donated by various won1en's apparel shops in Laguna Beach, awaits Mondav MornJng Cl~b of Laguna meni· bers.Mooday, April t4. Mrs. William Bruggere will 1 commentate on the show, to ;. take plK' ciUrlag a regular Silv er Sand • • The first and third Tuesdays at I p.m. members cl Silver Sands 286, Native Daug}Urs " the Golden Weot gather for meetings. Lake Park Clubhouse in Hun t ington 8'ecll Is. the meeting place foribe first aeaiicln. Mn. Jack . Wllsoo, -1411, wiH furnlal1 locatloo on the nut meeting dale. luncheon meeting in the Hotel Laguna. Festivities will begin at JI a.m. Upcoming activities for the club include a trip to the Music Center to see "My Fair Lady.". 1be theater group is arranging a Wednesd a y maUoee of the show star· ring Douglas Fairbanks, on May 14.. In addition, reservatiom: are being made Jer · a thr'ft.d8v cruise to MexJCtJ oo the Princess ca,ta, which leaves Friday. May 23, and returns Monday, May 26. A chartered bus will1tate travelers to Los Angelel Harbor and pick them up on tbelr return. Brldlt lancbeons take place the foartl Mooclay of ••ery month at noon in the Hotel La~ . ·DAVIS-BROWN 411 E. 17th St. -Costa Mew 646-1684 I FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER Custom Deluxe JU ST ••• s188 88 5 YEAR WARRANTY!----'---'--. 1 YMr werr'"" M lt•tr ot M1 Dtft<I, Pllll •'l'llff p,. t«llon Plflfl lptttl «11YI fir F"""illlfnl lttpl9«mlllt .., M'f Dtfotflw Pitrt 1111 lflt Mo..,,,._..• Wei# (lrcui.11111 l't'lltM. ,......,., ........ 1;., Dual Values Offered B.Y Mothers of Twins Hand Co re- Alter ll>finC ltanlnJ, ICIUb your .._ a damp~ bruah with dry ,JU· . --MICHELLE CANNON F utvr• Bride Betrothal News Told Former st.udents at San Clemente: High S c h o o l ; Michelle Katherine Cannon and Gary Gordon McClurg, both of Lagwia Niguel, bav~ become enjaged. ,, Announcing their betrothal was Mrs. W'tlliam E/Cannon of Laguna Niguel (the bride- elect's · mOther. ,:6he a1so is the daugbte~ the late Mr. Cannon. . The futi6'. bridegroom, ... of Ml'$l Barbara Cambell of Loo AIJ,pJes· and Robert G. MeClurg of M!nnesota, now ls !Jel'Vlng with the U.S. Marine O>rps. No dale has been announced for their Wedding. President Takes Seat Twin Values for Your Money will be offered when the Oriol' Coul Mothers of Twlnl ~ conducts a garqe sale Friiliy and Saturday, April 11 al)!! IJ, at 17291 Yosemite Circle, Huntington Beach. "Ille sale will beneUt the club's phllanthnlplc fllnd, with a specific philanthropy to be voted upon after proceeds fu!;ve been announced. Mn. ~oan LeBer, dietician with the Orange Cwnty Heart A.ssoclaUon, will be t h e speaker at the club's April dinner meeting taking place at 1 tonight in the Villa Nova restaurant, Newport Beach. She will discuss Laci of Nutrition in Upper Middle- class People, which will in- clude information re1ardin.g the cunent trend toward using syotheUc foods. A slate of officers for the club's May elettion· also will be presented during t h e meeting, and nominations will be· accepted from the Ooor. AU mothers of twins in the ·Oi'angt Coast area a r e Dieting Discussed A talk oo Pros and Cons of. D i e t i n g -Cholesterol Problems, is planned for the Friday, April 11, meeting of the Coast Homemakers Club. Dorothy Wenck, H om e Advisor. for ~ Unlvenity of Callforrita Extension Service, will speak for the 9:30 a.m. Mn. James E . Tucker of session in t b e Community WeCnlnster will be ln.'!tallf.d Youth center, Fifth and Iris new president of tbe U.S. Air Streets, Corona del Mar. Force Motht!n' Club, Flight A sandwich luncheon will ,19 t:omom:M, at 1:30 p.m. in be served aft.er the presen- Hyde Park Mobile Estates talion f or 50 cents. Baby-sit· Clubhouse, Santa Ana. ting will be providecl at no Executive board members charge in the Community are the Mmes. Leroy Ham-. Congregational Church and mack, stephen Lara and Matt parents should bring a sack Ikeda. vice presidenti; Robert luncb for the.children. Reuon, secretary; James D. ·Tht public is invited to the PorU!r. treosurer;11 e'.IY In 'le<:hlre. Anyone wlshllll! !n- Roenfeldt, 1eglslation an d , foi:malion may call Mrs. Don 9er1eant4Wnnl; Emmett P&KlOt, Ml-1395. of Mrs J Sphxl)er, perliamenterian.•md E. Poftrs, 52&-19M. · · MartinMalhen .... ..,, .. .,. 1 ......... -Mrs. Jean B. MWe<; Sr .• paot Junlor notional praldent will be the !nst.alllng -. Mrs. Roeme1dt, o u t g o I n g president, wiD preside, Ind wiU answer questions regarding the group at 893- 52311. Mesa Rebekah ORDER THIS WEEK! Mother's Day Magic! 6 FllE POIJIAITS OF 666 YOUR CIUIEl,OllLY , ....... fw ,,.., ...... , ,_ .,......,..,, " .. ,.,.. ......... ,.,. ..... I I ... , Uk• o flick of tht •-.k ~ .,.... tift pr1lll11R1 ore aotv.d, t+-b to P11t1ff1'1 _..,. ponroit oft.fl Hwry yew chM• 1ft ... -4 ........ _, phllCl)fopher ................ Y•'I ...... .•. ,..,, ....... -··~ .. .._,.. ...., ,..... cally t1•• th .. 1efn1 away. ht fte ••H•r how rlM.ICh yow ........ beg you fot thlM, ...., .. ,.., the l•IO for yourtttf. After aft, ff It Mothlf'1 0..,. tem.••r ... yov con cltctt,. if .t r.,.,..;11 "ULL••TOM Or•••lt e..1 .. :tM """' 111.0.1 flUfllTtN•Totl llA(M Huntlnl... c.n.... 2M tlotr, '"'1771 l'ISW'°'T l lACM ·--w .... ....,,,, welcom< to au.nd the cfinntr Ing !IOda to dirt that '™"ting. "Ille club, now bouts · lodges In akin ......., , alllf 37 members since Its fOUftd!ng under nalla. ~ to moatha 8(0. ,,. !IOda is -~·a Its porpooe la to help skin IOOther, you'll be &1 members with the e~e your handl a beauty ~ of twins' clotblng. equipment met1'. l and ldeu concm:Wic the rail-"fl•• Ing ol mu!Uplel. Members aad ..,.... attend a monthly --'ing also as a social outlet, and assist families wbo have twins and are in need of aid as a part ol Lbeir philanthropic pro- gram. LQQK~ 1 ..... _,, !or ' Potluck Honors Husbands HAIRSTYLING ' --A potluck dinner honodng huebanda will be planned when members of Iota UpslJoo O>apter, Sigma Phi Gamma, meet at I p.m. tomorrow in the Santa Ana home of Mrs. Howard Mendientz. The dinner will take place Saturday, April 12, in the Fowtain Valley home ~Mrs. Ray Lowman. by the •ea's TOP STYLISTS! MANICUllS AMO PEDICURES IY A''°tNTMlNT ONLY On 'Illuraday, April 24, chaJt« memben will jmn Kappa Nu Chapter, Anaheim • for a combined meeting in the home of Mn. Robert KJ. inger. Speaker fOi' the evening will be the medical social welfare director for the March ol Dimes who will di9cuss birth ~eds'. WIGS WIGlfTS WCAD£S FAUS ·- ••• • •• ••• 49'' 4" 14" 26"' Hospital Dote The conference room of Sale Prices Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital wm be the setting Monday. Now in Effect! April 14, for a meeting oti/,---------.1. the auxiliary at 10 a.m. VIYlANE WOODAID Additional volunteers are COSMmCS needed and anyone wishing ¥----------'I mallie~ to join may attend the meeting or call Mrs. Robert ~1. Wilson, 54M7n. for m. formation . . WIG & IEAUTJ SALON ~ Can 541 1446 ;; • 2$0.0 E. !lth " .• Hlllgnn Square :: "HOH HOider C•rrol er" c:ontrols ever•g• or full hip figures Ii•• • gircf l• should. But it'1 •• comfort•bl1 •nd smooth •• do..nothing p•nty ho••· Clingy cuff holds up C.ntr•c•1 Agilon®, or Actfonw••~ long 1tr1tch hose without g•rt•"· Elimin et es the uftslghtty 91p between girdle 1ncf hose. The s•m• inner cuff holds up •II p•nty hos• without 1199in9. OetecMible g•rt•n hold up conventionel hose. In white or beige, nylon i nd lycr•S sp•ndex pow1rnet. Cotti~ "" ... '1 ,. Sm•ll ·Medium Urge , • • "Hose Holder Coatroller" by Youthaaft7Chcnftt 1'>7LC..-c ....... ._ ..... 6JJ.1tll e I l 'e11a.•• • ..... a.,.. 11 l _ .. ........ .,.. , . ' I I I J I I DAll.Y PILOT . MARCIA METCALF Tucson Setting Pair Reveals Nuptial Date An Aug. 23 wedding in the First Method· ist Church, Tucson, is being planned by J\1arcia Metcalf and David R. Davenport of Los Angeles. New s of the forthcoming event bas been announced by the bride-to-he's parents. ~1r. and Mrs. Joseph R. Metcalf o! Costa: Mesa. Miss Metcalf· aJso revealed the news to her Alpha Phi sorority sisters during: the traditional candle ceremony at the Un1vers· ity of Arizona where she will graduate next May. I b 'd . 1· t A textiles major, the uture n e is 1s • ed in ''Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities," is a member of Spurs, Chimes, Student Union Activities Board, Omicron Nu. home economics honorarY fraternity. and Angel Flight, an honorary of the Air Force ROTC. She al so attended Chapman College last summer. Her Hance Is the son of Ray Davenport of Dallas and Mrs. Grady Allred of Phoenix. .-'\ dental student at the University of South~ er California, he also attended the UofA. He is a member of Delta Sigma Delta, a dental fraternity. - Both are graduates o! Palo Venle High School, Tucson, where the bened.ict~lect was pr:Wdent o! the. student body. This technique is over 300 years old. Five Javers of glass are each hand painted . Tht result, paintings of true dimension. No t'l'O are alike. Handsomely framed in gold leaf Small (approx. 6'" x 8"). $25. Medium (IP!>roX. a• X 1 O"), $35. BrH1 Noels: for small , 59. Medium. $ t 2. SLAVICK'S l.wtler• $11-c.1917 ,, f•1hi111 hl•11• N1•,•rt h•<h -~4-t,IO 'rf'41t C~•'1'f ~ WI~ -............ ~ • .-. M•1ttr (M•tl ,,. l 0...,. MINlir• '''"l ""111 ''JO It"' I Horoscope .. Watc~ Shady· Deals "Pisces: Peering .Around PIANO ITUD!:lm ol Mn. 'ris, F..citatn V.U.,, aad Paul G ... ol Colla r.Jaa wiU , lloneUt ~ Hlmtlnl* -·-· -··1 s ... ~. Beach. Btcuwni -pr_,... • ,_.... 1WI~J. 'Jamie Fletcher, Tom Hett1, THURSDAY APRIL 10 By SYDNEY OMARR , ASTROLOGICAL SHOP· PING GUIDE: Moon position emphuius be:st buys in radios. cameras, tropJcal Osb} 1arden ornament s .lfiO carpellJ. ARIES (Moreb 21-Apcil ti): Accent on soclalitin1, on being with congtni.al people. You lt!am to break lhroogh red tape. Restrictions are lifted. TAURUS {April 20-May 20) : Start dialOfUe with thole in authority. lifake room !or yourstlf at tl\e top. Ezpu.u yourself with air cf con- Hdence. Be ready for change or assignment. Fulfill buic obligations. GEMINI (?t1ay 21.Jnue 20): Good lunar aspect today coin• cides with communications £rom afar. You can •lso smooth over fa mt I y dif- fen:nce1 . CANCER (June 21.July 22): Accent on 1egaJ action con- cerning funds 'fJhich have been restricted. Strive t o un- denttnd -who dllplays £olbles. Don't,_ -Be kllld, 'dlpfomalic. LEO (July is.Aue. II); Hold back -wait and •· Be a keen oblervtr. Penolt cme clole to )'OU to Illa inlllatlv<. A«eot .. bow )'OU odjust to another point of view. Take no chances in Ie1al area. VIRGO (Aug. 23-&pt. 22): Stress on diet, health and steady pace. Leave no loose start. Leave no loose ends. work. Key is mode.ration, LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Good Junar aspect today coin- cides with creative activity. You could meet excitin& in- dividual. Don't wear heart on sleeve. Display enlbmiasm - but don't tell an. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Use intuition. You are able lo sense trends. F o 11 o w through : beed inner voice. Ac. cent on home, property, buic values. Don't give u p something for nolhing. SAGITTAlllUS (Nov. 22- Pi!c1!8 (Ftb. i•Mattb 20): Important to be discreet. You are concerned with aecreta, c11ndeltine activities. You are LINDA MILLER future lrltle Dcc. 21): Foroes tend to be--------- offered what appw:s to be a· birpln. But check ownetlhlp: steer clear of 91>ady 'c1e11J. USN Office r Will Marry In_ Summer Linda Miller , daughttr of U>e Joseph E. ?ttlllers of Co.sta Mesa, will become the bride of Navy Lt. (j.1.) !Caywin Carter ol San J1l6e on June 14 when they recite vows in Gal ilee Chapel in San Diego. Mi&s !t1111er is a graduate or Orange Coast College and ~ attending San Diea:o State Colle1e and atudying f'duca- Uon. 'She pledg'ed Delta Phi Upsilon and will graduate in June. AprU 12. In _, l\luleum, -'Michelle -and JtU Santa Ana. v· .11 ••• , .. Appell'lna will be Kathy UlOOll WI • __,,. Bilyeu, Suwme Ceccon.i, Can- dice Howard, Belinda a n d Lori Pollard, Jane a n d Plb1cla 'l'llhbl, Colla Mesa; Kathy Goodwin and Niki Mor· GIOO!llY Gus Tells it As You See it ...-----Vlll61NIA'S ~.----1 SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE )))4 Eest Coast Hwy. e Coron• dtl Mer Phone 671 -IOSO w.-,. "le•lllelll" .... with ll'IOfte'( \iovt r•mn111hl n, E1J!er cewi119 "1pre•" left vs witk m111y chert lioMt 111e1ble len9ll11 of febric, i111t .rithl for cute 1kift.; 1lto1h, ble11c•1, \ietki11g c11ih , etc., etc. A r•1I c:h•~ le119• lo c•e•I• elllre sporh we•• ~or the f•mily •t "bert•i11" prices. Wlt1t • jov it will lie lo h1w• loh , el• e11tr• c:11111I cloth .. te vo11 c111 1pe11lll th1 lw1"mff v1c1tio11, rel1•i11t •11111 enjoyi11t fevorif• p11t tim1• with l1tc lime in l~• l11111drv room , See you soon, ·VIR61NIA scattered. Leavt detalll for another time. Tike notes - get ideas on paper. Short journey may be necessary. Her fiance, •.son ol the Floyd Carters of Normal, lll.. is an alumnus of Hust.on-Tillitam FV Friends CoUege, Austin. Tex. wher< he re«:ived his BS i n Un Yeur l1nkAm1rluri '' Malter Ch1r11 NB Pianist In Festival CAPRICORN (il<c. 2Wan. ti): Clarify financial attain!. Find what's going out, coming in -and why. Be observant. Check details. You gain if a shrewd bara:ainer. Otherwise. you spend more than is S B k chemistry. He received naval WO p 00 S:l-ifl~ight~tr~aln~in~g ~in~P:en:sa:co:S.J, ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J Fla., and is a pilot. Pianist Daniel Miller oi Newpc11 Buch wu selecttd to play in the recent all Southern CIWomiJ. Junior Bach Festival in the First r.on,recationll <lturch in Los Angeles. He wu cne of five piano students cholen frcm Oran1e County for the honor. Muff-Smith Betrothal Revealed The betro~al of Sandra Smith of Cmta Nesa and ChriJtopbtr 8 . Muff o f Newport Beach has been revealed by the future bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Smith of Costa Mesa. ~Uss Smith is a graduate of Costa t.1csa High School and her fiance , son of Dr. and Mrll. William 0. Muff. ,is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School. He is serving in the U.S. Army 11 Fort Ord. She's in love. necessary. AQUARIUS tJan. 20-Feb. 18): Take initiative. Stre.n in- deperidence, ori&inality. Cycle high. Circumstances tum in your favor . SANDRA SMITH Future Bride Book-lover!' are invited lo browse for reasonably priced book! when Friends of the Fountain, Valley Library participate in the Fountain Valley High School Swap Meet . taking place Saturday, April lZ, between 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Coordinating the sale will be Mrs. Wayne McGrady, ways and means chairman. Anyone wishing to · donate books to the Friends mly con- tact Mr1. McGrady, 147-4751, or Mrs. Ronald Murphy, MZ- 5147. Meson Travels To Washington Mrs. Barbara Bunker or Costa Mesa, lft!ident of Orqe Co u n t y Federal~ llepublJcan Women . ..m be amonc 180 women l r om California attending the 17th annual RepubUcan Women's conference in Wubington. D.C. Sessions will take place from Monday, April 14, to Thursday, April 17, in the Sheraton Park Hotel. No wonder. It's California Thrift's giant 6%. More people find oor 6Ye mi1hty attractiw . Mer all it i5 tke idol ol aR inttft'St rate& in tl'lt st.tel How about you? Sttll earnill( • puny percent? T~ you'w: rot mor .. thM:'s fKlt trowtrlt ltke it shotlld. SourMI MMc;e: join the thousarn:ls ~.,. putbftg tl'leir money M -.oril MW et Cal-Tnrift-and witch it 1row with conftdMce. INVEST BY THE 20th -EARH FROM THE Isl on 12-Mllndt ful llllitl ~ Thrift c.tiAca-. Or .. m our h.ei t11'''11h% • P..-...Acaunts °'** 1'f""'11~. ........ ........ . ••••llJ -......... Cal CM-Thfift. We'JI bl h-s»PY kl ... JOii more about ow prmd r1put1tion. How we c1n help benef"rt )'OIJ -your fatmy, AM ho.r we c_,. hendle aN bothertome <M>t9i!s of tr111sf9'"111 your sw~ fund~ by phone or mei!. ~ CALIFORNIA ~ THRIFI';;..LOAN . , . for your infernt's sN:t! 111 I. 11ft St .. C•t• M•• 646·S04S N•• c:•l•li1efit • 1'1c:e4e ,f 1e1•ic:e witk efflc:e• ;,. ,,j,.c:i,11 cities tkr•t;tke11t C•lile1,,ie. 1 Canis Add al111osphere to your family room with our 18" Tiffany hanging chain lamps! 34.98 Pay GI little GI $5 per month A grmt Wfl'f to add atmosphere to your fam ily room, den, or play room with our coke, fruit, or cords des ign Tiffany hanging choin lorrip&. Our great 3-light Our extraordinary Colorful, cheerful Tiffany pole lampl Tiffany chain lampl Tiffany table lamp! 39.98 12.98 39.98 ,., ___ ., ...-,., ::. ':::!:.: ,, NO MONfY DOWN ... USE PENNfYS TIME PAYMENT PIAN NEWPORT BEACH (F1>hion lslondJ ' .HUNTINGTON BEACH (Hunt;nqlon Center) ' ---·-·-~~-------··------·~~-~~~~·------------,------;-c,.,.....,.. ___ . ......,. . YI-,, A,..11 9, 1969 DAJl Y I'll.OT ff ' H1Milll)loll leach -15511 So. Edwards Fountain Valley -16042 Magnolla H1111tlntton leoch -8911 Acla1111 l.at•na leadl -700 So. Caast Hwy. c.,_ del Mar -3049 Coast. Hwy. L • PORK STEAKS Should" Cut . . . . ..... lb. 59C ROUND STEAK Chol<e i.... In , ...... lb. S9C ROUND ROAST = ~~;.1'.~ •.... ,. lb. 981 ' SPARERIBS Country ltylo .,.... . ... lb. 59C ROUND STEAK Chol,. and loJ>"·" ... lb. 99C SLICED BACON -.1 .... Ii..., ..... lb. 59• ' PORK CHOPS Cont" Cut 1;b . . . . ... lb. 79C ROUND STEAK Loon Ground ........ , lb. 791 COD FILLETS eo.1o ........ , •"" '°' ...... lb. 69C PORK SAUSAGE Country Style ...... lb. 49C RUMP ROAST Chol .. lono In .......... lb. 89C FISH STICKS ::d:~ C~ ............ lb. 39C 1 --1 I I Pork Roast ''"'''" 69 i Shldr. lun . , , PORK LOIN FRESH PICNIC GROUND ROAST PORK . BEEF ~ c . . ROAST . LIGHT LEAN ECONOMICAL 39•: LB ••••••• FAMILY PACK I ALL MEAT FRANKSo ... , Ma y" .. lb. 59C . ALL MEAT BOLOGNA =: 12 .... 65C SWISS CHEESE ~!"h.t;:~h•.... . .. 1b. 98C LUNCHEON MEATS ::O:~".'n . .' ...... 29C ALL BEEF FRANKS o ... , May" ... 1b. 69C QUARTS VAN CAMP BEST FOODS PORK ·& Mayonnaise BEANS 54' 25' 2'A -ALL BEEF BOLOGNA :;;, .. 12 .... 69C -----------GERBER Strained AUNT JANE DAILY DIET BABY , CUCUMBER DOG FOOD CHIPS FOOD · 10' 59( -·· , 12 TAU $1 ---------··----- KINGSFORD CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 79'1~~ "DOUBLE DEAL'' Grocery Spec· I 5"v 0 r"owcys-Riu .. I a s Chip '.>tt11np~ 6. [)1 ,(.JU flt p, I('', LIQUOR-BEER & WINE · l·M·O 36' A DRESSING · I . FOR FOODS •••••••• Pint Ctn. ----------- SPAGHETT' Maxwell House COFFEE l·LB. 69(2·ll. 137 3-LB. 199 TIN TIN TIN ------------- S." IM luKh Beer •11•··· ~·· . 109 s ..... Jlc H•mm'• Beer "'"••· .. n. 2 19 All AMrk•n Piflli <-,USIY 9 Ch bl' 95 c•T i.i1x .... 7 C a 15 ••11 "'· c Champagne~=."'.'~.'"' P' Scotch ~; ::t.,~., .... 1091 ! Bourbon !:, 1~.~'. ....... 55' . Vodka ~":i"'.;:. ...... 3n , MULCH OR Health .and Beauty Aids MAGNETIC ROLLERS HORMEL CHILI WITHOUT 38C BEANS.. • • " IS·OZ. TIN IMPERIAL SIZE : HOLIDAY QUARr ' . BRYLCREEM : THERMOS • Tl• TO• soc ll0.'1.4f · 99c ! llO. 2.7' 1 79 110. 1.00 • , . . •'h Ob •. , ,., 1 VALUI . . . • . 1 ''DOUBLE DEAL'' p d s . I s,,.,.r wo Woy' -Blu" ro uce pec1a s Chq> \t"'"P & D, <ount I'""" - STRAWBERRIES AVOCADOS Z.': •... 2 /25C . ' . . CELERY ~:! ............ 2 /25C . ' CORN s'::. . . . . . . . · 2 /25C · SPINACH ~:;;~ .... 2 /25C · 1 •• ' I SNOW OR JS< vory FLAKES ••• Lft. CUP FRBH LOCAL CROP -SWEn JUICY BRIGHT RED JEWELS , lntrH, Ven 4• IC•M' J1hn'""'' J Prvft V•rt.tlct ' ENCHILADA • • • 36c , PIES • • • • • ... 61c Or• Wa ShN1lri111 A11MrtMft't 'It 0.1. Fl•! POTATOES 11 ... 25c ICE CREAM • • • 59c ASSORTED JELLY I ROLLS fresh FARM BREAD 1oo1 5 /), fresh Boxed Cookies , ... 4 /1, PRICES GOOD APRIL 9 lltru APWIL 15111 r .. • AltlJl ... uc:e t fresh CAKE DONUTS • 49C LA HAllA I ANAHEIM I ANAHEIM ~ IU!NA PARK H•l°Mf •t g,.,.,. 1-,•Mr• 7111 Whfttler It.ti. ., IN!M:hvn t •I hit o ........ ,,. I ' I .J .. .., -· ·1 -' •• • .. ' .. ' )' ' ~ " ., -; •• ... I ' • . .• ' .. I •• " I .. •• I • • I . ' . l .. ' ' I ' J ' I . ' • I • • • I I ' I . I I I ' I • . I l t • __ t I I ~ .l I \ I l --~----..--~----···· --. ---. --,--------~-------~--~-....... ~~----=--~----· .. - ,..,-1M~ . ., .. , ... d DAILY PILOT '' .... ' ' . ' "!-'.... . " { ' ' " , . ' A_fternq9n t .. ·~r .. :1 :th~ Me:v i.es: St~,ge.f_l1s~ .. Bit~ ·of ,.,,., _, • -.;.-u.-~j{.&.,. 1,.Xew i>oal,i " •Ft"'"!,• ot Estaocla lllgb .. e.. ..... NfWllOtt IJMdl, ......... ' ~--. • • ~ C! ..a: lf6C:ft _.. ~ vi.1o "~ 1 , i:n.n n are tbe i.;Mrotl. • Q\;I"""" • . ~i"::"''·~rln":..,0.1!k.~ ~, BotiLtod.-e7,,J)residtit; 1 .1 1, .. ~ ... ·~-·w"='..::r"~;, ·.~ies'-J!Wed, John Ree·~, ·I ',\,1~ '= ~·~: ~ .. Cimpbell ~ani:i z. ~01e r Mn. Kel~~eltll "i.c:..~ ~ IMdi. ., • •""'-• Georee v~ prmdeots; President . ' ,. •• .,. !rldlv, '°' ~"°"rw~h'..·t, -· ·Jack Perti.M';'o''and .. ·~e COMINC'·UP:"Staclent's cake • Ad,!!,ni PT A Ho'!e. .-tes; Pa~ I decorallnt coolal .and•~ 9L1::::=t._ >.. ,WIJ c.rt Lnck Harris, tr~:. David "'t"'!'·IOclal 11!7 ..... 1i!iiq, 41 · · p "dent Dant. -au<litl>r. DaVld &os, . clay, Apr!! SL ~· llob<rt l Coeds Sew (.Jp Fashion galaxy of pretty spting fa shions is in the stars 1for· enior coeds in home economics at Newport Harbor igh School as they present their annual spring ashion show, Horoscope-.of Fashion '69. Fellow stu· ents will see the parade during a noon assembly .J • kworms Lyn Freman (left) and ~ri Domer right) pick out the :books thefW<l!lld Uke.frtinl the k F air at Lark View_ School , ,ffuntington.-,.Be;ach. d note .the till••· ,tor .. 14rs.,.l\lll>•t!,,J'.reman,. !?'IO . , . . " ... Wednesday~. May 14 , and parents Wiµ view '"1;1~-eri· sembles during the evening of May;J.:4 at a PTA meeting. Gail Hippe, Wearing the d.r~s ~~· ~de for the show, Q._elps Jane Fle~sber \VIth,.the h~lin~ .: of her cape. .:. ' >!.. # • .._ ,•, ,,_ .. ' } ' ,...;_ .. ... •. '"ays and means chairman. Children have been btowsing through the books and li sting their se:lec· tions and parents \Viii ha ve an opportunity to order . .lhe v.otµmes during the April 15 spring open m>us f). COMING i{r M ' etaar:•.f.-. b i •.tor 1 a ~· ; ·~ o ho u t , Sankey~ Mrs;~pi !,e~andez Lamb mid i.t':."' o.11:J· parliamentarion:l',i<; a Iv In ., and .lll!· Jack Richmloqn. Ste tis ! ...:., ZeborY, 10Clat; ftruce J:Wt, are in Charge. cJ::.,.;i,lJ.~,w~~ •;'rP<?rli :r~iillve: 1.¥rY , St' ,,.h· A' , , , ' . ·µi ... -a Jset, JM ·. ESpmoia and • JO n :ux. children 8 mov1e win. be W·alter Buckner, publicity; rtlr1. Robert Reid s~n at 3 P·fD:· F.,;nd~y, Marshall .. styn, magazine Presid~t ~~k~t· . Atten'ding · t·h e --~ le&isJalion; 1B.r a d·I e Y COfl{lNG UP: MeeUng ,.at a . honor : lif be-l.• \Vaile, health, wel{are and p.m. tomorrow. Program 1unct!!' •'Ii e r:m M .. ~p safetf; ...JObn Mackey, art will feature an interfaith , ere e .mes. and poiters: Arthur Hansen, panel discussion wit b Carl LeuCk, ,Clifford Walton, founders day and honorary representatives , from sjx Lawrenc~ Poston, Lamb, life; Don a Id Sutherland, faiths. Mrs. J~ Nolan will Paul ~. ·Gerald,[!<lon,, • ,_:.¥...., -""···" n. · ~~-t · """ M William M~· llonir" · • c~, _ r 7 ~'~'!'~Y·, . ·.u~1a·~ e;~ -Ai!"" mes. iii bairmOn; id anli 'Mafl'.. · "'l!etala. youth· ad!VIO .. :· · '11iomas 'Doyle, John Purdy, w~tfam Pe~ aQd ~~i Darr~!l . Mann . ~ Lyn Jam~s st~p and Arthur Miller ),ribclpal ... Gero111m1, hospitality, and Martinez will hoM. ., i· '·· · Elliot Perkins, parent •. e.Tear(c :pr A edueatioo and m. n ta I '>.,.~--~ health. -Mn. es Cook REPORTS: Atletfdlng -fh e j '-.;..-·, : . epient " honorary life membership co~ I 'UP·~ «;huck" ~.ones luncheon last Monday were "-'lna&lC shdw' Will ap~ at rt.rs. Kohout. Mrs. George 1.10 and 1~ a.m. Satiq'day, and Mrs. Lindsey, recipient. .<.,April 'U. i•ln !!'I' Adams 1 -School auditorhml. -Tickets v • at{. so cents will be sold • al 'the door. Proceeds will ~ ~ used for playground equipment, announces Mrs. ~ Da\lid .Eisenman, chairman. · Cehy~n PTA '! • M,-L•Dennls MUler · ~ President ;Gi>MING U P : Association 1 t!Q«ting and open house at ·' ''1} p.m. Tuesday. April 15. Officers will ~ installed and \:afNiCial, 1 ed~tion classes Will bt·featureCJ: Men's cake decorating contest and ice cieam ~ial Will follow. . ' Collecjo Pk. er A ·, Mrs. B!fl'lejgll _.._._m p,.,.;~T" COMINCJ.·UP: Jv.t'I!. llernard . ·Faubel, .. ways ~ ·.-means chainnan, will 1iell tickets at noon : throogh · Rriday, April 18, for a special Satur-day movie. REPORTS : Board meeting and potluck luncheon took place yesterday in the home ·of Mrs. Bw:Ieigh Burshem. ' Me111 Verde PTA Mn. James !ifUfU• President COMING UP:. !Mlallation of board members at noon Wedrinday, April 16, In the Costa M ... Goll and Coun- try Club. Social hour at 11 a.m.; reset'Valions ·It $2.50 per person. Monte Vista PTA l\1r1. David Goodaetl President COMING UP: Board meeting from 9 to 11 :30 a.m. Thurs- day , April 17, in the te.~hers' dining room . .Catnival decorations and f,ootbs' will be discussed and '1lisig0ed to room mothers. '..~~Tickets for a aeries of Slturday movies will be iOld by Mrs. Mark Morris and Mrs. Da<id ~~-" ; · REPORTS' At~ J h~ Harbor Council'honanry life membership luncheon were the rt.mes. Morris, Goodsell, James l\.ioor,.W_f~ter Holland and Don Hoo~. pr~j>al. Harper PTA Prince of Peac·e PTF Mrt. Harry Kohout. · Harry SoatinUt ' '-President ' _, Presi~ , COMING UP: Board meeti11 OOMING. ~P: .""lli~ Tree" . at 7:38 p.m. ll'desday, Apr~• operetta will ·de ~ 15, in the ~e-of Mrs: ~ at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow ~nd Te Winkle\ P1A Mll.'...A-.:.4. 1~ Prtsident COMING UP: Information and locaUoo for \{etivering articles for the rummage .. sale may be obtaiped by calling Mrs. Ralph Boegel, ways and means chaihrian, at 515-2418 or Mrs. James Mangus at S:.S-7187. REPORTS : Mis,, Dixie Bliss, mU'9ic teacher, was awlrded the honorary life mem· • bership. .Wilson PTA Mn. Fred Simpson President COW.ING UP : Jee cream soci"l and a s s o c i a t Io n meeUng it 1 p.m. Thursday, April 17, ilT Ute multipurpose room. Winners of the father- children cake decorating contest will be announced. Woodh11nd f'f,0 Mn. IJanlel Faweeil 'Pre!ident COW.ING UP: Mother· daughter tea and fashion , -&P9\V.,.al ~:~ p.ig. Saturday, Aprll 11, in·th< multiplll'p08< room. F:Uhions, coordinated by Mrs. Gared Smith, will be modeled by · chHdren, teachei-:s and mothers. Mrs. Gordon Whitfuigton will ac- company on th.e piano. Mrs. James Kay, ways a 'n d means .chainnan., announces • that cOffee, fee., punch and cake wm,be ..,..ed .• ~ ho&e!;iioa ~ IQ l\;.".W . p.di. ~.~ll'.#ZlNiW <1 officers will be installed, • U ri11~~~',::;;,PQ":,:.;~~d ·· ~:Jar · Open· House ' . .., . '~ ~ t~ . J)' ·-,·~' .··, \) \f, ' ' .11'1); ~·-11; '·lo,_.,, : ,, . ' . ·~ •V ?'·. • . . ' ·• ' ' .• ..__. GCIOse Lays Golden Egg . ,,.,.. ~''.. . . . e go6't-that laid a golden egg has been adopted by lhe Gi sle r School .PTO to be the Gisler Golden Ooose, an d PTO officers hope that their membef5btp drlve will turn up a golden egg or a record number of members. Guarding the gol den c, are St.~banie Spindle i"d Nicky Elle na. ' ,IEdllor'1 Note : "-1>•Df dtvol'ed to Fo1mt1ln V1lley, lolu11lln•~ Be1<ll, Ocean View, .5••1 Beach 1 n d W•sl!l'lln1ter S<hool D!strJtl P1rtnt- IHdier Of"911'11llllons wllt ''°"'' In ltl<I DAILY PILOT e&<ll -k. I~. lion must ~ rtcelYld by Mn. ·W!WMI PullOl"O, 172'0 S.nt1 Lucl1. Folit!MI", v111tr bv 5 1>.m. F•~v tor Cl\lb!klllofl w.onnoav.J Lamb PTO Mrs. Etden Baf" Pre5'dent COli1lNG UP: Bo<ird meeting at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Curriculum M ale r i·a Is Center . . . Open house at 7:30 p.m. l•omorro'o\', Lesson Techniques • 1n Demonstrating· the ·proper W8'/' tb eat spaghetti is Robert_1\.Y..erley, counseling · coordinAto:r al Corpna del ,Mar Jligh School, who is · being assisted by sophoo.· more coeds Debbie Shannon (left) and Teri Baedeker in anticipation of a fund • : raising s'peg~etti diMer which \viii precede the April 23 open house .at the school. Parents and the public are invited to have their dinner at the 5:30 p.m. event in the sclfooJ cafeteria. · Students will present recent-------------------------------- projects to p~rents. Refresh.' ments ~ill be served. Lark View · PTO Virgil Domer President Leg_al Secretari~s Bid COMING UP: Book r-·air and Leoal secretaries •Will find election of ofncers for the e coming year will hlghlight • prograni planntd for Satur- open house Tuesday, ,April d;y; Ap~il lli in the Beverly 15. Unit meeting wilt begin · MUtoQ Hotel, Los Angeles, of at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Robert interaL Freman and her commjttee The 9 a.m. to S p.m. session ,will conduct lbe., Book. ~air •. 'f:U~ ~ the iro•inc role in -the librii,.Y during' apen of the legal secretary iil eJ· house, beginning al 8 p.m. ficltnt management of the.at· Student& ha ve llsled their tomey'a practice. selection of books f o r C»spGnsors are the Los p::irenls approval and orders Angeles County Forum of will be taken at the fa ir Ligal Secrtlaries, University only , •• lnstallaUon of of •. of Ca Ii Io r n i a Extension'• ficers 11nd special guest Df!partment of the Continuing ~peaker at unit meeling Education or the Bar and the Tuesda~1, f\tay 13. Lo.~ Angeles I County Bar AssociaUon. Installation of oew o(flcers Attending from the ~ f,or .the Orange County group County L e g a I Secretaries ' will be May 1 in th e Revere group will be the Mmes. Hou~. Tustin. A May Day Robert F. Matthews of Laguna . theme will be carried out wlUi. Beach, NALS repruenlative maypoles decorating the" and -.gb\'ec:not and : p .. •.r j ' . tables. i" Kooker, Corona del '?dar. ftfembers and guests are in· pre.sklenl " vittd. to contact Mrs. Doris A registration fee Of'$17.50 E: Cr\bbs, Securtty'Fl"tst Na. ••ill be charge4 and . anyone tlonal Bank, Santa A n a • intere,sttd in making rcserv~-tel ephone S 4 .a. o I 31 , for UOM • may contact J e. a n reservations. Rearden, U niver s ity of -------~-­ California Exten!ion1 1096' Le Conte Avenue, Loli Angeles, Calif. 90024, telephone 125-$301. I Write to Uncle Len -------~-~-----------~-~------~------------· ----··---------------------------------- wrn 1••.1• · . MEl.'T VEllTIS C. BA~ PAINTER. •• ~ Ll:CJ'UaER ••• HUMANrl'&RlAN f ..• He broua:ht Us , setr . portrait to displ&y with . our new, neve1 been 1hown any. where except in Watt'l.:be- furt, collection of BJ.ck CUltUl"E! ceramics. ~·· President Nixon's blacl{!~p. ltali~m in action and 'jt's great. ·~they planten? •..• :Are ~ 00,Wb? Are they pla)es? Are they alhtraya ? , • ..., all w-lth the efkd ot walkiJw: in clay· battlooled to c I, m e Up with a one of a Jind thing ~t . has never 1b,?en done.1b¢ire . f . What co(On! Beklititl!J:, orapge do~ ,~th blobs di black and whit~ .•• , luscious oUve alothe~ in paler grHn with tinges atib- blirrg ntadly in offbeat ditec- tioro • • • Some make Jyou think of purple Vin ~. with ·1potted ruii-.ins of vJolet melted . into niany shlldes. The mugs are trerrtendOm, ·splendidly crude in f~. real collector's items. W . .\T1'8 J\"EW~ W . .\1TS "IAl>E" J Was brought'to our atten- tion by Grant Ball, a St\eial Science_ teacher at NeWJ!Or1 Harbor High. Grant'11 llfen doing research and worttng in \Vattl every weekend. He came &C'l"OSS this program whiCh is· part of Watt.o; r,.Jbor Community Action Comcil or the WLCA u we aJJ ~"" it. He broUghl in some oithe mugs he purchaM<f for Mm· seu and showed them to "our Gitt Shop buyer, Louise Rey. nolds. She fell in love With them. So hC!re we are with the \\·OOJe schmo . The art is all done. by .stu· dents alter SC!hool and Yer· Ii~ Hayes is their tea<~r ... \Vha t eagerness. what enthusiasm! W h a t talent! 'Wha t a speaker! Girls ind ~-ys . : • here's an_ icle~r l_he next club meeting .i ... J:lelieve me, this man will charm the chicken salad right off of your plate •. , . Ceramics are only one q . ment of the WLCA , , . 'They also Jearn to run a Ji.fobile station, operate heavy equipment, have a chicken tann, a Consumer Ac tion • panel. a credit unlon, admin- istration, and research -.rid .plans bureau. The Watt1 art Cf't!\\" have do~ 500 lamps for a hotel ln Saugus. Wov.it Come see our Watts A'.rt. You'll be mystified, in!pirtd, intrigued, ~d you'U love1f. WHUJ:; ACROS!S THE A'l'LU.TIC IN IT.ALY ..... a little old' man called Bencini does one of a Jc:ind collector's Hems figures and signs each one perso"'1Jy. 11~ must be an imp, or in- @lred by a mad witch ••• or just think ~tiricaUy • , . His ~ression. shapes and sizes, all look like something that \Vbn't suppose:d tu be- but iS. His collection of thrtt Mad Musicians look so bored, you think they'v~ been playing the same pie~ of chamber music since 6' in the mornig. Little Adam and Little Eve look a thousand years old, R11d I doubt V\!ry much if the \\1eight "\\'ateher \Vill ever be able to pick up that dumben , The Little Nurse ho.Ids a gigantic hypo- dermic ne@dle, but sl'M!'s the m:" that's saying ouch. The Ll~ General ia hoisting bis sword, .but he looks like he's losinr 10methlng, and Cae- sar's Cltopi.tra is definitely no Elizabeth T&ylor. The ~n. ish of the clay will catch 'an ~ . . • firit glance. COUid be bei;e marble •.. ~ glance, perhaps 1ame fi1*ly antiqued 'wood ••• Look at the bottom, and YoO'Il find out ~Wit you'll SJ>OI the real cok>~ of the. clay. JOT 'l;Ms DOWN FOR NEXT EASTQ The di'U did a TUshing bus- ine91 ~ hard bolltd eg:s. W4:1Uld )'OU believ@ tO dOien to one eommunlty clubhouse for an Euter Eu hunf •• , ahother SO da.n. jut! far peop&e, And "''Ould YoU nm for • real lldy d6igned t~ ~ck. Call~ a. Roast Rlct>t. 11 s 2 ~ with a rack ·1i1n. dernealh and a rack on ~ Y oa 11'.'ib .Jt hr tbe handle and nip Your turRy O'tl'r. Adjusta: for meals and bird• up to SO liioundi Beauttfutty ~iny chrQmed ateel •.• 'Oh 'Yt-'tll, next HolidQt the Fourth or J.ulf 1il corpirw ••• to Rletwd's, the People S1ot'I', Newport Beach. • ' ' I , ";V•idaJ', April t , 196t PHONE 673-6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY 'lllCES EfffCTIVE APRIL I 0, I.I, 12 .... Or9an S.ranaO. For Your • • 1 MEATS • RICHARD'S U.S.D.A. CHOICE IEEF IS CAREFULLY SELECTED AND AGED IONE4N ' , '· • . . ' ' -?\:' ... ,., RUMP. .. ROAST ,Pot Ro .. t in boor, ~ni..: .... Spko;' ·. '. ' 89A ti. " . RUMP ROAST tqNlLlSS 1• .~ -,; • ' • " :~· ' > ' • • J. , . . . LI; ROI U'N· o·:sTEAK Tryoloof•Ufry.'Jw~·.,~ •• : ·'. '98¢ · · , · · r · ' · .. Lt. Swiss : STE' l•K s ..... with .. 11, ,.,,.,., t•rli• •n<I· · ·99¢ LI. ' H PoP'iko, lroiio In ... oth. A~d 1 .. r.cr .. m. • ' . Pl ....... LID.0 MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT T1\.E ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE I ·, ., ' Lean ,!Ground a. 1iEF For ..... Ylnotllily : 55¢ ~ LI. LEAN EASTERiol '°RK ' ' PFIODUCE ' SPARERIBS 0 Try ono of our , .. ,Y lorbocuo 610101. • • SALAO IDEA~ FiU halve! with marinateCI Shrim 0 p -1lfiTE11.Y:FLA VORED, FUERTE AVOC-DOS 6 for ,$1 BEEl=. ROULADES 1.49 LL ·Savory l:.eef w,..pped orouncl • chest. > nut .ln'cl fMnley Cfre11in9. I . HAM LOAF 1.49 LL ' . Seasoned with mustercl, pimiento, p.1nl•y .incl rinupplo. Ovtn rtacly itt its •~ lo; pan . DELICIOUS WITH ICE CREAM RIPE, THICK-MEAT.ED " - Stuffed Pork Chops 1.ff LL Spe.ct.I thick. cut chops, stuffM with Joe'•·-~• ,.nley 'tlr•••int. Hens Cordon Bleu 98ca. PSumP' C.mi1h &.m• Htns with Ha• Cantaltupe 3 for · $1 SWEET, JUICY, FRESH, V ALEf\ICIA ORANGES 10 LIS. $1 ' FANCY, TENDER, FRESH ALL GREEN ASPARAGUS 29¢ LI. . . ' an4' CM••• stvffin9.. ' . ·M.J~B .. COFFEE 1•1b·67¢ M.J.B. COFFEE 2 lb. M.J.B. COFFEE 3 lb. SUNSHINE 1.33 1.91 DEL~l'ESSIN SWIFT'S PREMIUM ALL MEAT Vienna Fingers , "· 47c ., MARGASRtNE I lb. 37¢ ~OKIES 12 ••. 59¢ F(SHERMAN'S WHA.RF DRESSINGS I .._ '~~~!9'5! ... Louie, 49¢ $Our Cream with Chives or T ertar Sauce. Jfc . RICHARD'S CHEDDAR CHEESE lONGHORN 7tlf. REESE BEARNAISE SAUCE , ... 79c IDDDWll IN FACT WE'RE DEDICATED TO IT! W a have 17 kinds of Coffu including Franch Market Coffea and North 1 Woods Eg9 CoffH, Espresso too. Many n·ow ways to enjoy a 9ood cup! ' · Tht .most l,eautiful produce In town - ·•nd a wild varitty of unusual and exotic fru its' and ve9eteliile11 tool TO SERVE WITH CURRY . YOUNG'S SUPREME KUMQUATS ~ . ..... 69f · ~ GIVIN.&, A ·PARTY1 Try • lroylul of our Hon ·~'"uvre1. To .. rder in our Deli. FROZEN !FOODS.· . . .. - KNUDSEN · . " ICE MILK :h .Gol~n ' 49¢' ' TREESWEET ' ORANGE JUICE , ... 4 ... 51 SARA LEE COFFEE CAKE1' 12 1/J n. 69c 'l ' SARE LEE COF,fEE S::i'J(E , APPLE D"AhUSH . ""· 69c ·1 • • SARE LEE COF,FEE' CAKE' ' ' .. 69c CINNAMON 1·NUT · 11 .. . -. '• SARE LEE COFFEE CAKE.- CARMEL . PECAN llYJ-. 69c .CHEF IOY.AR·DEE 4 ct. llTTLE PiZZAS --39c LITTLE P'ZZAS --49c VAN DE KAM'~S, leef 0 Chick•n or Cliett• ENCHILADAS . ,.,,. 3 ... 11 l lR DS· EYE, FR~NCH -or CUT GREEN BEANS , .. 5 ,.; Sl· allfDS ,lYE • Mixed Vegetables ,9., .5 ... 51 • Foods to excite +ht imagination, ancl tempt the taste t>uds, imported from ell over th• world. .. ' WE'VE GOT IT ALL FROM,CORN FLAKES TO MARRONS GLACE, AND FlllENDL Y SERVICE, TOO. ·BAKERY DAN lSH DOOGH LEMON FILLED SWEET IREAD WITH RAISINS I NUTS TROLLEY BUNS 6,..41c · Molassas Bread 51c 6000' AS HOME IAKED · Mede from lutt•rmilk, ltrown suger &: nuts Parker House Rolls ..._ 58c · Danish Tea Cake 89c ... CANIW VIETNAM FOOD P4CKS We have -~dy-mada gift packs, fillad with hte most popular foods. Ready for immodial• shipmont. 3,95 to 9.95 ooch WE DO THE MAILING FOR YOU-BY SAM OR PAL! • CHOCOLATE or NATURAL FLAVOR OVALTINE ..... 59c KARO Light Corn Syrup ... 5~ GERBER'S STRAINED BABY FOOD !~ 10 10r$l KNUDSEN LA BON BUTTER ILL 79c CAL-FAME, loysenbtrry, Grape, Che"1-:Appl• FRUIT . DRINKS ,, .. 4 ,. s1, saw RED KIDNEY BEANS '" 7 ... 11 S&W SLICED BEETS "' 5 ... 11 S&W MEDIUM D.EVEINED SHRIMP No. 1/1 69~ DOW OVEN CLEANER ... 59c KINGSFORD Charcoal Briquets ltLL 89c '~=.;... .... ,.. -' . • HOME & GIFT~-"")' . . . CREATIVE CERAMI\.~ ·· UNUSUAL GLAZES AND EXOTIC TEXTU~ES MAKE ' . I . llRDS EYE ' ,• I . TURNIP GREENS ..... 2· ... 29c FLOWER SHOP ' • • 1 .THESE EXCITING CONVERSATION PIECES! . Mad·· in watt. undtr th• tui~•M• ef th. w..., lti~ .. llRDS EYE MUSTAR'D GREENS, ... 2 ... 29c tlRDS fYE . ONION Rl.NGS .... 2 ... ltc ' • • . FROM MEXICO PAPIER 'MACHE CONTAINERS ar ' . PAPER FLOWE~S Colorfu~ brithl ·~d t•Y· 25% Off . Community Actlori Commitfeti. · . ' . . MUGS ....... : . . 1•.21 PATIOA~HTRAY 3.00 PLATE .. : ....••.• 2.00 FRUIT BOWL ...... 5.00 • • ' , • ) .. " ' ) -?" M & P I 9 21 &JSSU'F!W&f!SUZ!2!£ a s_ •• Jszz F z SU& iS JILWE A&81 J&TU sarr J&?Ll Qt I id 7 2 n•1 7 .. -F:anu eiflarnr csru st t 7, 2 N "£,~. MARKET ,...~OME & GIFT SHOP OPEN DAILY 9:7. SUN. t-6 ·OPEN DAILY t-4 'I ,, ' ' LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR .OPEN ,DAILY t -6 • DAILY t·l:JO, SAT. t -5 I" FLOWER SHOP CL.EAN.ERS • ' OPEN°D~ILY 9·6 DAILY 1:)0.6, SAT. l :Jt-1 "' r µ \J 11 1j • llAll. Y PILOT war Hardships • ! • -• • ' I' """ . • L i ~-----'----------------------~--~------~-~-~--~-----~----------~------------- . ' • ··------~~~~-··~·~·-·~·~·-·-·-·-··---·-·-·~·--~ .. -·~··~:: ....... ~~--~~-.. ~~-----·----~--~·~·-,.-~~~-----~· BUY A PlECE EACH Y!EEK . START YOUR COMPLETE DIN~ER SERVICE OF T~IDENT ·E~MINE '"NNERWARE NOW! ~,._....,,...,,...,...., .._......... !I' • • . ~z. 81SCuits ..... ""°' ..... ~-.. Cheese •••• ~4Jc ; It .OZ. G.1Jc 1 · , ....... _,, .. '"°"''"'"' .... ~·~·-··-"""""·"'""'.i:. . coMPLnE1 •1ECES1 •u•"'"'•Kuolf..,.,,..~•""'-"-"'""'-'"'""'""""1' .. tt-ftDiM. Th,,d-.li:-,~f.m-"-~w.f~ _,._.., triuwl· c...-'IN" -4ifi-..-u .mu d ~ di1 .... IUo ._ T110ntr·,.1LAMl .. l "IPINHllWAll... J w.,.-.....,;-..,.-,... . tt..'t b-au.Y·-·~ .. ~~ ..... !t i. .....,. .. ...tll t-...e-11"'-t 4 P.c! .... Mttiat." •••••••.••••••••• $1.7' • •. Mtla""'l•"il ¥il'tool!\'~dt,$h_.., ooi....i ,_,.....b_,_,, 2"Se4tt/2:$elM PleflS • • ••••••••-•••••fl'" e qo/ftlt br~ ~' C'~llQI -....... ;.,. It !..-loio-.oN """" .. trWi 1. 3 ... ,, ....... ~ • 4 o o o o •·• • o o o o ._. o • o ~ o • 1.a• ..... 1o111i; .,...."'!"' .,,.,,... "_.~ 1M'""' ..... ,.......,.._ _.. · v.,. lewll$4dt & ,,,,.,., •• ~. ••••• ....... 1.ff s...,1er...r; •..•.••........•..•.• :s1.st lutter/&,.,., leet ••••••••••••••••••• Sl .•t 2 PllittMtt/2 W1,ki•1 •••• , ••• ,,, •••• $ .99 SPECIAL! SPllUCEWOOD GLASSES THIS W ffK'S FEATURE 12-0Z. TUMBLER Mt MCI US ••• 2 I« 2k Ml. ..... llCIS .,., .. 251 1$.01. ICl 'ID llJIS'2 IK lk I \.J I ,. ! 11 ------------...---------...... --_...,..,.. ............................ -............... .,.,......,,.,... .......... ,.....,...... . ...,,, . .,.....~,~,;...,-._..,-,......,..., . '• ............. --.. ~ .. -.. '·i -' I lj • .. .. D~LY PILOT Vi'rdnfsdat, April 9, 1%1J , -·. COMPARE' SAYE If you wont to be Sure you are getting. the greatest · value fOr your shopping dollar, make your own shopping comparison. Shop our store from one end to the other -notice the qudlity, the variety, the freshness and above all, the lower shelf prices. Then check the total at the bottom of your receipt. We think you will agree with the thousands of hause- wlve• that 1hop ST A TE R IROS. MKTS . every week. I UIDACHOKIOllSTATMllOL Utflf818f 5 3c BIEF ROAST :g~~· . LI. U.S.D.A. GRADE-A WHOLE .BODY ROllEDROAST .... i• 83c C UIDAotOK:loelTAT•llOS.CHTIFliDlllf 79c BEEF STEW BONELESS ......... LI. . ' MAIC19 llADYTOCOOk' 49c MEATLOAF ............. l8. I CUT-UP TRAY PACK -·-··-·-·--·-'• JJ• LB. iiiiiiiiiiiPsi1aKLa 6 9 9 &c . ..., 11.oLM&.l&\DASTtuem C BEEF BACON .---- RUMP CUBE ROUND GROUNl' ~f SPECIAL! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .., •SLICED •ll:F • CORNID •Elf' .,u; 3 $1 "' • SLICID HAJlll • DAltll TUllllllY :!"; • SP'ICY •1.U • IALAMI t• r~cs . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8REAST OF TURKEY '"·2 89' STEAK U.S.0.A. OIOICI OR STATEI llOS •. !IHF BEEF NESll--UAN DELICIOUS GROUND HOURLY ".IU.:r · ~!All!' SLICED CHICKEN 11: ~~c.s. STATER IROS. CERTIFIED REF caucK ·~!!' BONE79c IN LB. IONB.ESS ........................• 11. 19c 45~ .. 79~ •. 98~. TAILEUANDl-Ll.PACkAGI 45c IAl.MIUUC LB. SLICED BACON . l8 WIENERS ALLMIAT . "47c u.s.~~·1110s . ~i;,.1fllD IEE~ FAIMIRJOHNALLMIAT 23' MANHATTAN 11-0LCHWS 53c _:_---~BOLOGNA aicD .... _ ...............•..... s oz. BEEF SALAMl ·-o·-···· 12·0L . . li!L--111ii1:!1iiiilll GOLDEN GIAIN ELBOW 2 C MA.CA RONI ···-················ ..... I-LI.PKG. 3 9 DK·t.:··oN G Foo D e~~~· 5 ·S·OZ. s 1 -... -~~-~'.'"::.. ••••• ••••••• CANS BA.BY0 lTFOOD ........... 1 2 REG. s 1 JARS Iff AUOmDCOLOll _ __ 3 s 1 RO_LL TISSUE............... ~~~~~ GOLD TOI' TOMATOES AUTOMATK: DISHW A$Hll DlTt:RGl:NT DEAL PKG. 4 9 ELECTRASOL .............. '.~K.~~:.. c CARNATION 69 SLENDER tt~~~~~~---·············-~~-.. c IMl'HIAL s 1 8 9 Dl_TERGENT .................. '.;~~~ . COCKOFTHEWALK 4 s 1 SLICED NO. 2'!. PEAtHES&HALVES ............. CANS ALllA SILTDR CRIME FORMULAS * 'l'Uf" 'l-t ~.ort.u I * .. ...... _ TOMATO JUICE ~~: .................... 39' PAR KAY MARGARINE ~--LL 42' OH BOY SAFFOLAMARGARINE i10'. m·" 35' PARKAYMARGARINE""·--·"· 29' ......... ~ ..... ._PfZZA __ , ... ,49c AIR FRESHENER W\l.UO •..••.•. 0-0l. 59' PEAR HALVES ~~<. ... __ ,'.'J 31' l-COURSE DIN CHUNK TUNA S.~~:;:,\~.'.:~ ..... 39' APRICOTS~W.&:.:.~I.:'"' c'.'J 29' IER 67c JUNIOR Fooos ~1~1':;~."' .. , •• , 15' GREEN PEAS ~~ .. ____ J ,.!'l 37' iiil'D'b-OU.. GH ·······- scoT Kl NS :l'.::i::!r~ .......................... "" 35' SPINACH coa •""'WA"-··---·---c'.'~ 18' _, ___ -.0-4~ coNFiorn 1:-.:::~f ....... ,,. 39' -· ,., 1a· TOMATOES =-.. ':I~:~·· __ ,.CAN 29' JOHNSTOriPIES-············ .... 6 ~- JOHNSO N's PLEDGE ~i~.0,' •.•• 1or.78' ASPARAGUS ~~\"~,'.':'~''. ...... "' 25' , .. -00,., .. , •.. .... 9' JOHNSON'S KLEAR WAX ····· ""'· 92' VEG. JUICE COCKTAIL ;~~~,; .. ~~39' ORONET iEEF . INSTANT 98' SUPIRIOR 1 o· E ........... _,,,OI.., . -······· ... 1.u. SJ69 NUDAMINT1.01. TAMALD --.••• ICHILADAS l $ """'1!11!11111!"-"' JANITOR IN A ORUM .. 3l-0z.89' HI-HO CRACKERS MU . '-·•• J Milml ... ilttliitilt NESTLE COCOA MIX ··-s.u. 59' "'""''" .-.1ooz. 33' ~~E!,~u· ---5..,.,11 ~E PIES . 59' PERSONAL SIZE IVORY llG ROLL DEAL PACKAGE , .. ,.....,EDSTEAKs . ___ fi5' FiSHSrEAK;--··""' 4-BARS ·21 c SCOT CHICKEllPIES -!2'""'"'"•"'•• ----... 99' ALL ........ __ ,.,.._... TULLS WHH HASHlllOWNS 2 3"' ...... ,.,.,,, --••O< 79' COUPON TOWELS DOERGINJ. ............ --'"" •. PIEDINNERS ... WITHOUT COUPON" IA.IS 29< •WK• COD 4t: C.f.l!<U.flON --· 1•0L .;ii;-· UMIT.ICOMl"OlrltutM4Utll'Vlttl•• 3 3c :.C,.!.:Ul_•n~"'$377 !!~ks 4: s1 ::~ks_ =•Ol Btc Gnnd On1r~t STAilRIROS . .... FANTAILS ~ti:l .... 011., Good "•m APRIL 10.23 EACH ~l:.:U.n HllMP -,...._ l JI! VEGETQ _ -4_ s1 PIRIOllNA BUDIS l'Ollt[ 29 ~~OI 10 s1 MJIClotT't •..•. llo H . '1" MICRIN MOUTH WAS ....... "oz. VASELINE HAIR TONIC ... '"c' 63'. OIAL SHAMPOO .... . 00-01 59' .. _ --~ --. SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-FULL OAYS. THURS. lhru WEOS. APRIL IOlh·l HELP WANTED! LIQUID l'OWDU SOIL REMOVER ::11~'. ... -.. -... uo. If/' PEACHES GLOl>ETTA • 471 HALVES & SUCEO .-... -.. 2 ~ CAN CHILI WjBEANS G£.,..,.,. _,.-0r. 59' WELCH'S GRA~E JELLY '""'· 43' GORILLA Ml LK ::1~~:,, .... ;:,o, 59' APRICOTS ~~~"···--»,..,. 53' PEAR HALVES GlO""" ___ ,.CAN 51 ' B-8-Q VITTI.ES ~,~l~--.. -oz. 29' HORSEMEAT ~,i::·gAVY ... 2 'lti.~ 55' ARCHWAY FRUIT MIX . ,. CAN 29' DOG FOOO ::il'\~l.. • .,. _ -2 ~~ 49' KNOX GELATIN DRINKS _,.._ 89' HAWAIIAN PUNCH,.,,···-·"'· 57' . HAWAIIAN PUNCH IAlf •.• GAL 11.89 · RUGSHAMPOO ~~'m'o':'.,.-0~11.&9 ],~ $1 4u.oL $1 .fUI Wllf 1..INt Ol"'• '•NAHDIM "41 tOINOI• I.YD .. HU"Tl,.OTON IDAt M 1N4 WllT DllOAOWA Y, ANAHIUM 14!U MINIS AVINUD. Wl41n1rJ1 1111 fll l WJ'ODT IOUl..DVA•O, COtTA MllA UOI 1-..aT COl..1.INl_.·OllAlllOI "' WllT ""' ''lllilT. COITA MllA ua WIST '"" STlllllT. '""''" ""' .. GIOCIRY antes• MIA T CUTTll$ • IOX IOYS t.Plllrat Stat..--.-.... -ol lalc•r ond Joie 'Wiew. Coda Mtto. S A.M . TO 6 P.M. MONDAYt ..... St.TURDAY ~~;::: ... ' 1.89 '·"· 69' ........ 37 CAM -C4N _ • I nn WllTM•HSTIJI 11..w-o~ WtSTMt111$Ttlt Hlt IDlNOllt ITltllT ...... , ... ""'" ' .... CMUIMAN AVINUf, OAllOl"I Gll,'l'I • . ...... -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........ ~~~~-~------------------------~------------------ . . . CAKES, R~iu ~ FARMER JOHN-ALL MEAT IE ERS ··-~. ··----·-.... -.. .......... --. ,,, ' . DAILY I'll.OT I} . , !'!' • ' ' • • • • ~ .. :t • It .. ' . '. IOH~ES~ONO~ICAL. DELICIOUS . • 95' ' 1 "' FAMILY STEAK .......... a . ,., -. TENDER.LEAN IEEFlOAST 55' .:, SEVEN-BONE . .. . .. . .. . .. . •, " DE~ICIOUS IEEF lOAST~ '" ~3 ~ • '! ROUND·BONE ........... V• a '1 FRESHL'T GkOliND-t.EAN 69 ¢ "i> .. GROUND CHUCK ...... • "I F'-'SHLY GROUND-t.EAN .,,-,., .. GROUND ROUND ..... 'I a . 1 oa.ICIOUSLY FLAVOR.ED . 69' " MEAT LOAF MIX ....... a I • -• • J FROZEN FOODS ,.ONELES~ROLLED & TIED, SHOULDER ~ '""Rf-,, .... ,.,. 65• ·CLOD ROAST ·99c ·· .. flllD HALllUT FIWTS . • . . . . . . . . . . ':'° •' RUPERT -I l ·•:r. 'ilg. 5A c . . I• .. FlllD SOLi Fii.LiTS , ••••• , •• , • , , ,, ·~ ~ · ~ • . . -' ~ '""RT -'"'" "•· SS' BONEtESS-LEAr-f· DELICIOUS ;: ~~~RT::1~~u~::::::::::::: 13• STEW BEEF 79~ : :: RUPEltT -16-•t. P•t· 59• , , , 1 , , FllH • CHIPS .. ""' .....•• , ...... , ICELANDIC -I-ti . ,.,. 98i 'C'l"'\R OUTDOOR B E HAUIUT FILI.ITS .. .. .. .. ........ :.rv ARBECU .. ·-' :~R :~s::sk~~~ .-:-: .~·~ .. '~~:,,,, 39c , . ,. " ::,":,M~~.'.'.~.:-:.'.'.·.·::.~.· ....... 65• CHUCK MRS FA1DAY'S-1-a.Pli1. . 7~ 1 .' :· t=/ I ~::~-:'.~:;~:::~.STEAK . ~-· _ (.J ~ -. .. LB FP.ESH FILLETS -,,, Li. 6Ac . .,, ..:. · · · • 1•• SIWPlt ................... .,, U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" FAMILY SIZE-4-6 LB S. . 1,. . . ~ .. SH FILLETS -'"·"· 79" TU' RKEY :: PA.Cl,IC ftUCOD .•••• "'....... . 2 7 C' .. J -·: LEO's-3-0Z. PKG. SLICED CHICKEN OR TURKEY ••• ~Sc ~~~:E~~~~~.::-.. 1~:~~-~~: ..... 7,c' · "" ~ · ·• .lf<>'S-l-.OZ. P~GS.-BEEF, HAM, P,ASTRAMI •. CORNED BEEF . FANCY MEXICAN-'""· 1 ff HINDQUARTERS Ill "I -, :51' ICED MEATS ;.• . • • • • • ~ 3 FOR $1 OQ •n•• SHllMP, M,,i.; •• s;., . ..... , . , ~ • • • .;i . .· . . ' " · BEAL Mt!COY SPECIALS EA.STERN SMOKED LOINS _,. ,_.-:l ; JCANEHANDEERsoNDLoDNGHoARN-1 •• oz.PXGC .. HEESE 49c *~ .. ·~i:::.; ............. =~ PORK 95c jPORK ~;:. a·sC .~.·~:: -, . ::,, ~·~:.· .• ~.:........... .... ss· CHOPS lb i ROASTS ' . . lb - ________ .....;;_;.._· --------=-~CHILI n.lc:I. •········••···•••!'' . . . ~ERFRESH-9-oz. PKGs. cR1NKLE cuT oR Quail Ballar Stretchers :. wEaER 's-a.cT. PKG.-REG. 39, ~ .. FRE~c;H F~IED 1 o~ CREAM STY~E .OR ~OLE KERNEL HOT DOG . 29c ; POTATOES . •. · GOLDEN rCORN BUNS·········· . .;. -Al.L Vt.RIETIES-49e VALUE , . , ALL GRINDS-I -LB. TIN • '.R9SARITA 39c PEAS1 CUT .GREEN iEANS BUnER-NU.T 63c ~ <DINNERS . . . . . MIX OR MATCH COFFEE........ . ~ °49e V'°'LUE , ROSARITA 39c BEEF TACOS .... 6-0Z. TINS ! M.C.P. 3 '°' 2 5c ·LEMONADE. . . · r ·, Lower Than Discount----. CHIFFON FACIA .. " .; .. 200 CT. ·TWIN PLY . Tl 00 FOR . $ oo SLiCE'D'"'' """' .: ""2 5 c ::: BREAD ..... L:•: • ~Bl.UE WJ C 1 !!! 1 1,' .\ . ' 303 TINS LIQUOR DEPT. HILLBROOK VODKA '2!! FAIRGROUNDS-6 YR. OLD STRAIGHT FIFTHS BOURBON $329 SCOTS MIST CARNATION-ALL HAVORS-6-ENV. PKG. INSTANT '' 67c ::: BREAKFAST .. _. .. --· ,.,,... -_,1• •• ~ --Produce Dept. Specials-- FANCY RIPE-CABANA AS · ,,. " . •, ~ -·--' .. ' .. I • ' . • • .. . • :,.GAii' DETERGENT 65c .SCOTCH PRRU1tijsz .. ~G .39c l ciiuiivG: :t:~KI~ iiZ'°F:ORMbLA ••• 59' $ !.! iiPi'iAaus .. :29~ • .... . ' PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. THRU SUN., APRIL I 0, 11, 12, 13 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST. GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 1 1 ' . -------- I l I , .,. -;;7';,~,. • .,.,:c,;r~;cc;;=??<""''-"' C:,,_,_,.•;-, """'"'"·"•7>==~'"'"'"' .... '"*"1v"'".''.T, ''"•.!!""".,.,,~"''""· <:!"'·"""• «">''"~"'"-,,..,""•"""' ,.,..., "°• '"· '"•"'' "'"""'''"•"' """""" <r.,:'F< .,, _ .. ,.,,..,., "''i: 1r.;,•~• or-_,r ~ --~-"'--"' ~ F -.· ...... ' ~ .......... ····~·•''"'' -~·'''• ........... , _,,...,,.. r--..-· -·-. ' . . .... 1J -·Jllf.ll..'f J'ILOT Wednesda.y,'Aprll ,, 1969 ates '" of Liver · ' . --. \. ' Lining Pl~tes "' ,, • : ,., • chi-~· _.._,.,, ·""'*'1<4 ...... ...... Wh,11 • • told ' fiiend' iJI smoo(li 1 • .-.line O,"!" ' IUl'I U\a~ we were kloklng be said Jbe had juSt tbe recipe . Cover Glrf B I« 111, " Anil abe'™:~..,...f~·W• tested Ibo pa~ It ;n. ,.;. 1r...... arid then. --:it at a party Where it was fC"" claimed. , ~· NEW· YO~ i!vEB,•p.(~ 1 'POl!1lll cbl~ livers' ' 4te~:~ 2 ta)ll-butter Vi cup· fliiely chopped onion . ~~ !'iiP he4vy mam :, ~· ~p-'butter, room-teJn- peridl!re ..rt 1 teaspxia· salt· Dash of. white pepper lf• teaspoon mace 1/3 CU_P.,._OOgnalC. ,.~ ; Dry cDrc·):en'"fil-y .e.,ra lborooghly with paper til\J!k Sprinkle with flour and ~ ly chop; don't bother remo:P- ing center membranes. 1 ... In a 10-inch skillet. ;~ the 2 tablespoons butier1 '.~ ' onions and cooi: very 1entlyi stirring often,. until tofte.ned but nOt brown. "Add livei-s tnd cook lairJ1''qu\ck]y until lhe]i have.just lool lhelr J ed,colcir and ·are lightly c10~0 'k e d .~.Rut liver~ture in a rciod mill. . 9«1 SIZES 1-1 6 Sew the es:cjtinf outfit on the CGVer of our Spring-SUID6 mer Catalol. It'• a zip-front (inv~e l!PJ><r)', d""' you can wear tl®'l or over pants. Printed PlllierJ> •Hl : NEW Missel' Sizes' I , 10, U. 14, 16. Siie 12 (bull' ~) dres! takes 2'1.i yards 35-inch fabric. SIXTY·FIVE CENTS i n coins for each pa~ern -add l S cents for each pa~rn for first-class mailin& arid special handlqlg; otherwise tbipi..:inss delivery will take airee weekr; or more. Send ~ ),t!arian Martin, the DAILY . flLOT. 40 Pattern Dept., il3l West lllh St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME,, AJl. Dl\l!SS with ZIP, Sll!E and ITYLi: NllMBER. " Spring Sellkfi! Mott fresh , youn1, easy-ltW Styles in Sprina:-Summer P a t t e r n Ca\a}og. Fret pattern coupon. ~ cerits. Add cream to skillet and heat gently, stirring con- stantly, until cream dissolves most of brown sediment in pan. Pour over liv<'.r iri "food mill. Turn rhixture throUgh mill. Add .the in cup 'soil but- ter salt, pepper, mace and cognac; mix thoroughly. For extra-smooth pate, f o r c e through a fine-mesh wire strlfner. Pack into a serving ·bowl; cover and chill several hours or overnight. Serve with squares or finiers of toast or crackers, as a serve- yourself-spread. Makes J cups. NOTES: This pate fr~ beautifully -even seems to improve after several wee.ks of storage. To freeze: turn il into two or more freezer containers or pottery crocks; overwrap the crocks. To refrigerator-store for a week or two, pack lhto one large or two or more small crocks; seal by pouring clarified butter over the top to the depth of abOut 1J. inch. Cover tightly. At serving time, il you wish, the clarified butter may be mixed with the pate. Half this recipe may be prepared ; in this case an 8- inch skillet will be a good size for cooking the onion and livers. Generous Helpings Raisin Coffeecake Satisfies Everyone So many !oreip cuisines have special coffee cakes. Cooks in tbt United States follow suit. One such American recipe ls a hearty allair with an especially good filling con· cocted of raisins. walnuts, sugar, egg and butter. Raisins also go inlo the ·sturdy yeast· ti.sen dough. l[ you try lhis coffeecake, you'll find it s u b st a nti a I enough to satisfy the hungrie:>t wt.er -and the recipe makes two round loaves. RAl511i COl'FEF.CAKE II cup milk 111 cup supt I teaspoon &alt . 111 cup butter or marganne ¥4, C\IP warm water 1 package ac:tlve dry yeast I <IK 4 cups (about) unsilted re'41ar flour o,; e11p chopped raisins Rollin Nut Filli"I Coafectioner 1 Sugar c:"'fwo I-inch round jayer..UO pans. Jn a $l'nlll aauctpan over !:nr belt, scald milk: off heat sUr in wgar, salt and butter ; cool LO lukewarm. Into large warm bowl, pour the warm water: tUr ln yeast until di..lftd.. Add lukewarm milk ml&lure, tho •Ki and 2 cupl el the flour, Beat until anioodL Stir In !he chopped ralslnl ud -"" ldditional flour lo !Inn a oilt """"'· Tum .it -tlcbtlJ floured ourla<e ud llnead u n 111 1mootb and elaltic -about a 1o 1t -· Cow; r.t rile in warm draltfrll place until doubled in bulk -about rn .. 11oun. Pundl doWn cloulh and tu 4fi1 onto ll&htl1 .r lo u r e' surface. Roll out to a 25 by 14 inch rectangle. Cut dough in half lengthwise to make two pieces each 2S by'? inches. Spread each piece with Raisin Nut Filling but not right up to sides -including cut edge. Starting from long sides roll each up as for jelly roll; pinch seams to seal. Coil each roll up in a snail shape and place, seam side down, in prepared pans. Press dough gently to flatten and fit pans. Cover ; let rise in warm, draftfree place until doubled in bulk -about 1 hour . Bake in a slow (325 degrees) oven 40 to 45 minutes or untll well browned on top and underside. Remove from pans and cool on wire racks. While wann, frost with Confectioners Sugar Frosting. RAISIN NUT FIUJNG I cup finely chopped raisim II cup · chopfed nuts 113 cup firmly packed dark brown qar 1 egg 3 tabltlpOOllS butter or margarlM, 10ltened Into a small mixina bowl, turn lhe walnuts. raisins, brown sugar, unbeaten egg an d soft butter. With a spoon, stir together until thoroughly blended. Use as directed ln Ralsin Coffeecake recipe. A Favorite Five minute deaert begins' with canned ready.-to-serve puddln& In everybody't favorite flavor . , . tbocolate. Comblne 1 Can (11 ounces· Dulth chocolate pudding, I cup miniature marshmallowr ''' cup chopped walnul!I, an '2 tablt11poons c h 0 p p t t maraschlno cherries. Chill Makes t ttrvings. HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS ULTRA BRITE ·~:::· '' \' ' 5. 9.· -~ l11d."'f1't. , hK•OH-....._, , " -. .. . l'h~~z.·19 TUBE EXTRA SERVICE . ' CH•CKS CASlllD & Americma Express Montty Onlen • •• ..... ' . Smsr,..1 s.., Steps! ,., .All r oor I ills widr ' . • .,.. •••• Mo••y'' CAR!IATION COEF.EE-MA TE ~~; 29c '~· 79.' PURR CA1 FOOD 2 ~~2'9c ~ff l 12«27c ""· (.Oii 4'C off ' j . ' ~ : :~ FROZill ' . ' . ..._ VEAL S'IEAKS ' . • ·PARMAGIAN ···~ .. •·PLAlll ' • U.S,D . .l. CHOI~ ltEF-IONEltSS LONDON BROIL CRISP•ITE -S~IC.ID BACON McCo'f''S-IY THE PJECE-CtY·O.VAC ~ACIC!O PAS1RAMI f.~-' - CHICKEN GIZZARDS A • ~ • • .. • I • 1( ' ' :69!. """. ' , , flYING -. ' CHICIC:lll LIVERS " . . • CHRIS' & PITT'S FRESH KIST-t:IALl(ES QR. .SLICES; YEltOW BARBICUl Cling Peaches $AUCES . ' HlllSDAl'f-SALAD PIECES . '• . . "Re1t\llar, Hot, ot;Hickory Bartlett Pears 3 u .... $1 ' SENECA-GOLDEN'" btls. Apple Juice j~mbo. •O·t1a. bottle ! . .;rt BRANO F•EsH KIST 1~ .. i,. Pork & ,Beans . · ENIR 40:-o,, '°" SALT · FRESH KIST 4 . . Coone •r Medi'um Whole Tomatoes large •o. 21/J can\ 5~1b.·69' 3 VARIETIES • 3 \':\. bag Vets' Dog .Foocl ~" .. ~ '• DELICATESSEN ..... ~ .. iiiNcH • .. QLOGNA • cano SALAM: .• PICKLE LOA!' •OLIVE LOAF • s...\'HOWICH LOAF ' ... M:EATS ·: 3 ..... s1" pk gs. " . :;ORE~IDA POTATOES HA9"; ,,,,;, 21 C .. ......... . ' ' . ' UOUTRlllGI er'PlXllS 3 '"'" $1 .... ' . ' .MOKAH, 'cOMB!NATlON FiEEZiR QUE BUFFET '~TR • Beef &, GraYJ • Turkey & Gravy • Chicken & Gra.,.,, • Veal Pamagian • Salisbury Sleak • Meat Loaf 2·1b. pkg. tiff ot CHEESE ENC'HllMIA (ENTREES 37c} ROSAllTA l)INNERS DANISH COfR£ ASSOlTIMNT s i iclD COOKED HAM !:; 59c SARA LEE CAKES ' AUST.JAN AiM -1/IUO«TED >.mf,.CUSTAAO, PINMJ,.,STAAWlfQY.•HUIAll SLICEDSWISSCHEESE~;~·79c JOHNSTON'S PIES rt1tlAOf\PfflA-1•1;.l~SI· 39 ' KRAFT lliREAM CHEES E c -m-llo. °' "'"c~ 0'"" "'"' O• . MllED VEGETABLES FLOOR Wfo!I. INSTANT CHARCOAL l ' I KLEAR Regulor or Bug Killing 27-oz. 99c LIGllT MEAT CHICKEN OF THE SEA CHUNK TUNA KAYA COFFEE $159 KINGSFORD BRTCJU GREEN LABEL cnn ~:' 49c S·Ol. jor lO·lb. bog 99c: , 2300 B arbor .~lvd. at WllS4W St., llllrllor ~opplng Center., Costa Mesa I . , \ .. ---------- ' •. --'""'-'-'--· _ ............ ~~~-... ~~----~~ .. ~--... ~=-r. . ..,,,.,...,..,.,.,...,..,.,.,_..,,,,....,.. ... _,.. __ .,. ........................ -----..,..-----:-----,-,-- • I I - ..). ' . .• ~~ ....... -: --'\· , •UMP _·: . . ROAST . , 89! . ;--,_ -----~ ........ ' ' . 'u.1.D.A. c ... ie ...... ONLY flfSH GK>VNO-SlASONfO MEATLOAF ··~~­.$1o9 It .; SHORT'. Rl9S I US.DA CHOICE 8£Er ONIY ,_ . -MAGIC CHEF . - ··: MA.ONNAISE --· ·45e · ' Flllt:TS Of fRISH·DOYER SOLE ··-ltGS AP«> CLAWS ·IMA,LL Kl .. G CRABS 79.~. HONnSuc1LE-F10ZfN'WITH GRAVY ·SLICID TJIRKEY t:flTI-~IHH~FIOlfN .. ' SKINLESS PERCH I SCHllllMG'S TAMALE PIE U.UNOIY OfTBGfNT (iittl. 1 ~ off) LO SUDS DAIH GOlOfN GlAIN , PINTO BEANS- · u"Olil ' ~ .. ' '1 . ' ONION SOUP MIJ;: W1$Hl 0Nf •TALIAN DRllSING . -- 6·or. P~ll· 39c -'""·Ste p•g. ..... -39c pkg. •-··-37c ~·- ' oc ·OFF' . " . ' •1 Allf MiAI ;~s SA YE 20c-WITI TllS CIUNN - ~,1111 .... NIR GLADE CANADA'S PRIDE -SPECIAL RESERVE IMPORTED CANADIAN ·WHISKY VINTAGE DATED SCHILD'S IMl'Oll'l'IO GIRMAN MAY WINE 99 .~ ........ ,, ., FIFTH. ' , ' YO~R CHOICE 3 "·' Qwart BREWED IH WISCONSIN BRAUMEISTER · ,,,LSNll ' BEE·R CA~;Of •it• 12.0?. BOTTLES 2300 Barbo Blvd. at Wllsop St., Barbor •opplng c:ente11, Costa Me• I ~ •• ~· \ ... '1 ' ~ ~ . I • SAUCE MAKl!S FLAVOR DIPl'.ENCJ ' \:1 --~-Curtain Raised . ' I On 'First Act' ' " Many a dramatist of I.be kitchen (otherwise kno,m as you, the cook! ) depends on' a fabulous first acl (ptherwlse known as hors d'oeuvres) to make her guests glad they came to dinner. Two daulers to serve be- fore· a meal are feather-light Tuna Pulis and a Salmon Pale that is sheer swank. These de1ecUU>1e · hors d'- Oeuvres take advantage of~ jntroduction of a bran4 .new- dill relish tartar aau~. Tuna Puffs are an.easy mix- lure of canned tuna, bread crumbs and other ingredients seasoned with the dill relish tartar sauce. The mini-puffs are rolled iii corn f I a k e s crumbs for a crisp coating, and baked briefly. Then they are aerved with the sauce as a dip. Absolutely delicious, and easy for you as hostess because they can be prepared ahead and put to bake the last minute. TUNA PUFFS 1 can (6'h or 7 ounces) tuna in vegetable oil I> cup dry bread cn1mbf y, cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 t.ableseoon soipped chives 1,1 cup dill relish tartar sauce t egg, slightly beat.en 1 teaspoon lemon juice y, teaspoon Tabasco 1/J cup com flake crumbs Drain tuna and flake into 1 miJ:lng bowl. Add b re ad Production Down crumbs, cheese, clµve1 and tartar sauce. Tou toethtr. Combine egg, lemon juh and Tabasco; add to m.lxture ~Md ble'ld well. . Shape inlo 1-lnch'balls,.~ roll in com fiake cruml>ll. Place on.a 1911-~baking sheet. Bake in •m ~ F. oven for tolninults.'SerVe hOt with additional tartar .. sauce I di . ~ .,....;..,, Mtlies or PPlDI ~-, about 1 dozen. ' 11 S.uMON PATE \'can (3 cir ~-••m«•i1 cb0p. ped mushroc!riii' · · I envelope ilnlllvored "'1· at1ne "' c:\ljl boililll water ' ' I vegetable l>OuU!on cube: 2/2 cup dill~relieh 1-J;tlr , ~uce .. , 1 can, (1 poun,d) salmoq.. ·drained ) I 1 lablespoon leinon JUiee . 2 tablespooN drllld perlley leaves . 1h .cup pitted black olives . Draln Uquid ff'Pl11 1 :mUsft. rooms Into blender conWner: Add gelatine; cove!' and pro. ce5! at· low speed to sotten. Add hotline walor ind boiJiJlbn cube and ·eon\lnlJe"to ~lend until gelac'tne 11 ·dissQlved. !With a rubber spalllla, pisl1 any gelatine granules that cling to sides ba<:k into liquid.) 'Nm to high ~-and add remaining inJl'.!dienll. Blend until smooth. Pour into • 1· quart mold. ctilll until fQ:rn'.. Unmold anCI glmish with aa- ditional parsley 'and o.t.d i'eeDS, if cleoifid. ~ aboot 3 cups pale. Pork Eating Seaspn ·.' ' It's pork eaUng time. A hOt '¥'<i hearty pork loin roas~ lprll'eribs and sauerkraut or a stuffed pork shoulder roast aeems to go wi~ chilly) blustery weather. callfornla families doa't eat u much pork 1111 ,lhey once did and pork prod uction decreases a little each year. Wholeu.len report that de- mand foc pork hal been poor lately, and greale< -.. dlllq o!lorll In run moi;kell are eipected. . When you buy pork cut.a, -tho clooo lrtm 11111 the ie-ol tho rota~ Pork hal DOI always been marketed Udl way, but "buyiDg 1 rat pig" is a thine ol the pUI. Porkm are DOI only marlleted at UPter •eilht.a U-daya, -la bred Into u..n u weU. When )'00 -lhlt pork rout, ... IOino ol tlie food mark~'• flnt arrlfllt and "old · 'ltand-bys" for1 extra """'-· llelert grapefruit, Navel onftl• 11111 11ni"'"* are th• lope In flavor lw )aalad oc-fruit cup with port. Freeh apple uuce an d plumped prunes are good navormales for pork l nd' both apples and prunes are abun· dant. 11 you pref• canned lnll~ try a rod t.art cherry pn>ducl. Cherry pie flllln&, rilbl out ol the. can, m&ku a cOlorfut and lasly glaze foe a ,.,k roast . · °' Fresh hothouse:.~~­ available in _, .~. In sauce or pie,., µ, flly,:ir and color are 1'ek:cme 11 Spring. Rhubarll· 1·u pp ll e, aren't exactlr ltiaiw:I~ tM foc a navoc dll!~ .. lt ill· fers the best. . • • ' . j AsparaJ1118 and ir,M. Pl"' alto are available in JDOlt, markets, altbcJu&h "ii~ an sWI linilted. ~ ,.._, for th~ is aeveral weeb IWar, bu\ their lrellh Oavi>f ii pd for mak&-belleu war- w;:r. ex6 ·~~ ~ artichoke, II~ In '"11- ply. and impn>•illll 111 ~' Potato IOIPl>li• tram Ille fall crop are l1ill i.,... 11111 ' 1!11>' Plies ol new ~ .. )i. creulnl· ----• Walmnelan in ')Jte ,.., That'• 'righl. ltle ' llnl ~ llio oeuonmiomtmarblalji!a .-eek. 1be 'price II, rtlatlftl:F high, bul 1"' ca 11111' I-.! a piece oi meloa ~ .,._" lhe ae-'Wllb ,a laod ,.... 1--~ ..... bit to cold we1U.. Whalever . )'Gii' ·food -. ping plaiw Ulla -... woliil !or -park-· ud ----·-U. ~ojd Mnd-b;I" {Qr -~ . - ' l --.,, -.--.--. ~;_ "'·· •. ~ .. \ '" :•'.·'--'1--,., .. x:< ....... ~•t". • ... •.S,..Q ,P(\!l"iJ ,fi.,t+',.J ,,,, ~·.,; .,,, •u:·~~ s )Clj<i ( ..... "'"I:'-. L ....... ----,-·-.-;. • ...,...,... __ _ ... ' ........ -~~ ..... , __ ,. ... -· ... ,.,-....... ~ .... ···•.:· .. ···· ..... ··~··· ..... _ ........ ' .... .. ... . H DAltY 1'11.W ' c :onvenience Food ·:Star.s Scarf It 91n 1._._, 1ois.20~ ' ,,,, 11f "".., 11f~- RING the neek with flat- tering color -a stripe one day, glowing pr.int ne1L Note graceful obaping of dns!. Easy! Printed Pattern 9171 : NEW llalf Sizes lO'h, 12Y.i, 14\2, 16\1, 1111, 20\0. Siu 14\1 (bust 37) drtu takes 2 yards 4S- inch; llCarf ~ yard 39-inch. 5IXTY·f1VE CE!ml In coins for each pattern -add IS centa: for each pattern for first-clul mailing and IP,ecial handling; olberwl!e·thtnl<Jaas delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Martin, the DAll.Y PILOT, 442 Patt<m Dept., m West l~ St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Prtnt NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUM· BER. Fish Fine For Flavor Spring is an excellent time or year to start lteati.ng the pa]ate temptingly w i t h shellfish. And shrimp, probably the mO.!lt popular shellfl!h or all and even a favorite with children, serves a s a nourllhing and saUsfylng ba.!~ for many tasty recipe com- bin&Lions. ~Sllrlmp 45 crackers (about 1h of JO ounce pack) 1,2 teaspoon salt 'I tea.spoon pepper 1.i teupoon dried dill weed 14 cup butter or margarine 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion 1,2 cup fineiy dittd celery l cup cammerclal sour cream 2 pounds medium shrimp, coolted and cteaued ... I~ pounds frozen ctuned shrimp cooked acccordlng to poclcagt directlons B~ak cncke.rs into n\edium coane c:nnnbt. n..r. should be abottt J~ Cups. Mix wlth ul~ pepper and dltl weed and set ukle. Melt Vt cup butter over moderate beat. Add -and celery and coo1t until tender but not brown. Remove from heat to cool a bit and stir In aour cn!llll ond ahrlmp. Spintle aboill 113 crumb mixt\lre over bottom of shal· Jow kup casseroM; cover wttb half the ahrlmp. Add an- other 113 cracllu crumb< and U... the .....in1nf shrimp. T'op with fin• layer or crumbs. (U deJ!red, NVe I shrimp to gam!ah top. I Doi with two w.1.._.. butter. Btte In modrrate oven ('50 delreNl ror •bout 20 mlnutfs. or· •ntn aUgl!Uy browned on top. Yield: • oervlnes. .. , ~ SIW SPEGAi.$! . ~oo P~~,P:~ f I..--• : : s=-wa ~ROAST 91'1' IOIF m IOI.LED ROAST s 1 t9 WililD.A.OOCE-*W,..,, lCPOllOfK*aotM>_., !!!!U,.O. WEJS __ .. ]ft ID'l m: m AMIS .. 5ft ·CHUCK· STEAKS U.S.D.A. OIOICE LIAN. II.ADE cur lliiUlltim& SHOUUIBt t> CLOD ROAST 11..5.D.A. OIOICE CllOSS m ROAST a:. RIB ' STEAKS U.S.D..A. OlOICE LEAN TEN>ER CENTlR CUTS a:. CHUCK ROAST U.5.D..A. O!Ola. WELi. TRIMMED TEN>Ell IOAST ~ MAYFRUH CANNED VEGETABLES MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'E M 8-0Z. CANS COl!N-WHOlf 1·0 ·1 ICfRNElORCREAM, PEAS, CUT GREEN !EANS, PEAotfS STEWED TOMATOES for R\JIYOR WHITE . iY!!!F.Uli SUMMER SQUASH 01t TTAUAH. fXTlAf/.NCf - llJllllll~\IJ\YJW Van de Kamps SP£C1Al.S Tltn.-$&, ... 10·11 ~r..~~.,,,.33c Ahnend Crisple 43 c Caln Cales . .nr. ~ • ~-~·-"&59c ~ ~~.!,E2!_~~ -·-7t FOlCIR'S COFFEE 67 14.1. CAN $1.J), I-LI. CAN ll.ft. 1-11. c ~~..!~'!!.~"!~ --31' ~!\'~.2LUE BROOM~·····--9CJ' ma_yfair Li.qu.or HAMMS BEER 12CAN TWINPACIC SAV1l1c .,~2.19 AllYEITISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FILL IAYS-lllUllS:;--APllL 10 thru WED., APRIL 16 MAYFAIR MARKET-175 EAST 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA 2030 West 1st Street, Santa Ana 9892 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove --------------~ -------------------------- ) ' ' ' . CORNISH ........ , 1 1 : GAMEHlllS ~ lO-OZ.MIM.HET~ -'--'-'--''AOI. 1 lt~r&N 79-.· SMOKED 1 a·-.1 PORK CHOPS 1 C&tm:CUI !ioWXU>ftAVOI ---- BONELESS · 89 .. . !.'!!'J.!G_B_m___ . ~ CLAMATO JUICE loC»O MOTTS.UOZ.CAH AJAX CLEAISER ~l.OZ.SIZIDEAl.,ACl ·-------- ma....YE>ir D~mstit.c:----.. IUODIG'S laOL PKc:;.s. 3 s 1 . CHIPPED ASST'D, MEATS_ '" - ,• .. ' .. . ' ~ .. " ' . " Super-Shoppers Shop El Rancho! They ahop El Rancho rerularly Jiecause theY: know that'ti where. they'l\ret the moat value for every food dollar they spend. But don't take our word !or it ... don't even take lhe word of a Super-Shopper! Take,.. IOC!'k at this ad - you'Jl see the reasons. Then come in~ aµ.d shop; yoti'•ll enjoy~'the advantages of Ei Rancho·. ' Jn: this area, there are 3 Ef·Rancho Personaliied Supennarkeb to serve you. Take ·a TOok at the'Jri&p 'fo.' · !ind th"'i most.convenient for you:°Emrll' )'Olrd~'t spot one that fits your no;,,,.I pattei-n, try El Rancho . ,. once anyway. You maY. find'it's well w~rth the· trip! . ' . • HU~TINGT.ON BEACH · • AVE. PACIFIC C OAsr Mw. Wfdntsday, April 9, 1969 • COSTA MESA DAILY "LOT H ,, ., " ' ·• , .. ,,,,- loast Ch . k s k . . . . ; ·) . UC . tea .. ~.: .... ~~.~~·.~ ........ 59L . ' Here's beefy g~ncss-and economy! Marinade .•• then rrill ! Chuck Roast ......... 8~.~~~ .. ~~! .............. 49r. .. For a delicious pot roast ••. and a most satisfying meal! Round Bone Roast .................... 65L I Center cut ••. from •elected U. S. D. A. Choice Beef .•• ten- . der, hearty beef fla- vor . . . and value trimmed! ' . Ground Chuck .................. 69~ Ground Round ......... 79~ Super shoppers know that El Rancho ground meats are always the freshest . , , the fine st? · Super Shopper Grocery Values . . Carnation's Slender ............. 69 1 '. Easy way to control calori'-5 ••. delicious flavor5! Reg. 89c Bisquick ~ .. • Makes so many rood things! Ciant size ••• 39c Hunt's Catsup ...................... 2 1or 35' Rich and saucy! ... 14 ounce bottles. Pork 'n' Beans ................... :. 6 "''1 · Campbell's ••. plump beans in rich sauce~ ... 16 oz:. Welch's Preserves .................... 39• Grape Jelly, Grapelade, Fruit of the Vine! .•• 20 oz. Kai Kan :;. Chicken Parbl, Chicken Ste,v, Chicken or Bur- ger Rounda, or Pet Ste,,·. Grapefruit Juice ......................... 39• Tree.sweet .. like drinking f'lorida sunshine ! 46 oz. Hi Ho Crackers ......................... 29• Snappy crisp ••. buttery flavor ... 10 ounce pkg.! Ovaltine . .... . .. ..... .. . .. .. .. .. .... 59 ¢ Big 12 ounce 6ize ••• regular or chocolate flavor: Beef S troganoff ........................ 69• T ollet Tissue ................ ., ...... 3 "' 69¢ Swanson's ••. heat and !H·n·e ,\·ith rice! Frozen. Chi ffon ... 2 roll packs! ••. 1''hite or colors. Zucchini Slices .................. 41o. '1 Lysol Spray .............................. $1.19 Gard(!n roodness frozen by C&\V ! •.. 12 oz. pkgs. Sara lee Danish ......................... 59• Froien pastries ••. 4 varieties .•. great anytime! Hills Brother's Coffee .............. 67;. Two Pound can ... 1.sa' ..• Three pound can ..• 1.93 Super Delica tes sen Featu~s! Hallef s Salads ...................... 3 '" '1 Choice of rqular 39c varieties! ••• 15 oz. cup Luer lunch Meats ... ~~ .... 3. ~ '1 All Meat Bologna, Cotto Salami, Pickle-Pimento. American Slices IZ-Ol. Pf!;. 59• C!ca.rfieJd proctMerl cheese !lipread , , . indi\oi dul\JI)" wrapped · Effectively kills germs ••• deodorizes ! . . 14 oz. can Dash Detergent. ....................... '1. 95 Save 3.0c, on the great bia 9 pound package! Liquid Ivory ............................... 59' So kind to your hands ! King size ••. save 26~ Super-Shopper Liquor Values! . \ Early Times ......... ~U.:~· ........... '11.49 Straight whiakey ••. 86 p~! ••• you save $1 .50! Holiday Times Vodka .... ~~.~ .... '199 Smooth mixer ... 80 proof ... case o( t'velve , "45.ZG Windsor Supreme ....... f.1~" ........ '5.19 C.nadian Whi•lty, , . 80 proof ... "" of 12, $56.05 The choice of the chuck .•. and U.S.D.A. Choice Beef .•• cloge trimmed! 1 Boneless Pot Roast .................. 89• \ U.S.D.A. Choice Beef •.• trimmed for value .•. boned, rolled a~d tied I ) Swordfish .... · ...... ~~ ... 89~ . ( Thick and delicious! So rc,varding when grilled to fl&~ tenderness! r ---------------~----., I New! seafood tidbits, . Shrimp Rolls . . I I 1';~?i:.:a.~~~~~:~~.. Lobster Rolls 25· C I I ''""c" vour lip•! Crab Ro II s ea I ~--------~-~--.. ------- Super-Shopper Produce Specials! ' Plump and ripe· and sweet an4 juicy ·and flavorful ... everything you'd expect from finer field freish berri~ ! . . . . Pink ~rape·fruit .. : .................... 10FGR s1 Ruby !!eds ... from Texas ..• deliciously different! You have a real treat in store! Italian Squash ..................................................... 15~ Garden fresh .•. firm, thin skinned! The Yersatile vegetable that plea.le. so many_! .... . ·. I Prices in effect Th11.rs. through Sun. April 1'01 111 It, 13. No srtlu to steatet1. . · Ask the manager. about our.convenient Charge Account Service ' . HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algon quin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) . Also conveniently locat~d stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South fasadtn1 t ' . l , I ' •1 ., . ' ' I I t i l ' '· , l • •• ' 1 ' ' I ' ~ . -------. --. ------- l .J /' ' 1 L .... .. ..... ••• 0$ '4 . 4541''41 ....... lf"CSC•""''"fC .......... . ..... -..... 9.IM ~Popcorn Eaters Polled: Biggest Baseball All-American Vegetable Cqoks .. H~ve ~Bean' Experimenting Fans . Att~nd · M-ovies, A> American u ~i Bean llolla llMI Brown Bread. ArildlOu ealln( turn to-allck· •• pound ie .. pow!<! be<! to .IOJle/•--4 addition.al -·t'a ••• '-.., buoed, box· preUy well usure you of peip.. If it doe1n't pop, the usual Day Parades and Fourth or Toudt tJk West Coast for =bf C 1 t t I e rD a ft 1 1 .i;, cup grtfm. pepper, ch<Jlt chili ,AOWder, asidesired ·• "~ --of•:-n-:r. • plant--'" Julv speeches ls the bean. cool-u-t'be.fog Cable c· a r. ~-·• ped Brown 'garlic in shortening "" ..uu K ~ com kernels '!\'Ith a minlmwn reason is, beeause ~·it ls too ~ ""''"" ~~ cup celery, cmpped io 2 quart saucepan. Add meat 1n tbeaW lobbies! Popcorn, amount o1 breakJ bl the dry. Dampen a sponge with Declare a bean bona.ma Garbanfo Bean Salad, and Jet SWINGING WESTEllN 1 No. 300 can (2 cups) Cbll1 J\fld sau&e until meat is brown. al""""' Jackell aad'the right amoont very aally waler and pot It starting with All·AmerH:an your lam buds tour the gold CATTLPIAN'S CllOWDD\ Beans . Addremainlngingredients aod II Wta nearly a million of mol!Wte for popping. Al tn the con....., with the pop-Bean 1$alad (~\ Jist<d a>ontry with Hangtown Beu l ~ lllorteninc I No. !03 can ll CllPO) 5tew-simmer:, !l}hrutes·untll thick. pouodl <• Ibo cob) to aieel home, keep popcorn In a doe-com tor a·'feW tllys. Then clockwise fmn lllli>et.rigl)t), -¥r'f. ~ '<il 1.-D cl.,. pr!k, eel TornafoeS • Serve as chowdetor over rice. Ille JWIJ d<maDd foe lhl• ~ed~cai~Wner~~in:_a~dry:!..;p~lace~-~·lif~ag~aln.~. ------~Swin~g~E~ast~!o~r~N~ewew~ 'j!:ngl&n4~~!.._~Then,~~lor~aD~·w~e~alher~:_· j"11-~ _ _:·~<il.~t!'!.-i~~·---.:_ __ ~SaJ~~~fr~..,~~y~gniund~·~pe~ppe~r~Serv~ ... ~H~.:._----­popula' f\m food. Thats a lot •. _..i, Each c:up o1 111elle< . I MJCOfD pop1 into JO ·to 3li ·" cupa. I ~· i U ,...\.,. a _._ yoo are ~ the ellte groqp wbo eati the m01t popcorn., s...ball\fans .,. IJ\·.oecond pltct and television watchers are cloee oo their heels. Popcom buY1n1 probably Im' one of yoUr budget COO· sidtra.Uons but )'GU do haxe ltVtral choiceS. ID almost any market. you caa b\JY a large I· NI of already·~ com ·or )'GU can buJ 1 "tit,11 com· plele wllb oil and aeuoning1. " Somf , ... kell of I er popped ...,. .·-llavon ... :: and ePlort ••• lite plnkiah , ~ and golden garlic. jl If you ·penht In being a rug· p pd indlYlduollll. ,.. can even buy a bag or a can of un· • ' popped pclf>C«I!. J Popped or unpopptd, you · may have a choice of yellow 11 or white popcorn. There is very little dlfference, but the ' cwmoialeun. AY yellow pop- • com bu biger kernels and __ e eye appeal While pop- corn pops into amaUer kernels lban yellow, but bu a reputa- ticll tor beln& more tender. If you care, try and compare. Anotbtr point in the "if you care" coJumn is • • • yellow and wtillO popcorn bave the same nutritive value! Car· ryinc the nutrition a step farther: the nu triUve value (uripopped) is about the 11me u .sweet corn. LIU many other fonds, pop- corn was once engulfed by supentition. Years ago, people °""lbl eacb popcorn kernel · held a little devil and that m.a.1 him.., mad be lit.rally explodtd! JUt u with other oupmtlUons. b'1Wever begull· Ing that one ren before the tmitt.able 'curiosity of scien- liall. Each popcarn kernel, ac- cordin& tO the scientists, is like illUle steam engine. The outaide kernel is the jacket d a boOa. holding moisture inalde a nearly airt.i&ht cover. When JOU heat pOpcorn, ute moisture turns io steam wblch upOnds, builds up -·· IUddenly uplocles •and ahatten the "i>Orter" j1Cke~ vlrlll,!r turning-the popcorn k lns1de out. '!'bat'• the way powaij>, Jiap- pens. 1 You may be more interested In why popcorn d_,, pop · • • and what you can do t It. Scratches, nlcb and crack.I in the keme~.jacket ruult in only a part.¥11' Mel· plosioo," or none at a1~· , Popcorn with · too t; much molstuR will coot rather than ode. U there II too little isture , there won't be «:nough ateam for an e1- osion. . ~ . Modern methods of harveating • n d prOc:esalng Produc1 Versatile ;c( N_, wonder rlC'e ia papular. It fill any place in a mtal, from IOUP through desaert. For two. auch a versatile rood is a real prize. Jn most local markels, you can choose from at least si1 different prepartcl rice pro- ducts w l th premeasured, preseasoned and .90metimes precooked rice, you become a gourmet cook as fast aa you can read and boll waler. Pr.pond .WO dlsba-may make too mapy aer"linp for ,... Be the ""* of rice·- _,. Pietlbo type of rice ' Y"I w•t and foDow oootinl dire<lioql. What type rice? Molt r\ce in the -la medium .. lone .araJo. !loth ... nuffy • aild alllhtl1 d'1 when cooked. Tbele are the types for all· pw poee use. Still, if you me rice moo\ly for desserts or croque11es, 1>uy lhort ar•in rice. It cooU up moist Ind --sticky. ' ""' " the rice types may be .. .-O< lorWJed. 'lbla -the Important B • vttwnW, W In mllllns, were pal -· Rice may allo be ~ ... parboiled. It la p;41red for mllling in I wa7 M ...,. tbe B-vttamins. Rici ii to ftl"lllUle thal len- ~.Jd, ~ • .:r prol>Jema. ritt maka 1 Imp I e .S ICf\lmptioos ·- I ' ' 'dta· ·.w.-..u111 ,., ....... ., ... W....T-. c.I c.IMt I W ••• --- IOTll. mm DRY GIN . ·= s3• ...... Scotch .o;::o::.. '5" la~ka YOtlka :::; '3" ........ = '4" Davl.U ~Illy •.::. ':'::"' '3" 'v ~(!JITJ§ Bt<!RY TRfATI glish Mutrms ),. ==-03 St . ' ...... AK25' : • I Exira foature.sl YOllS WI EGG SISUIE DONUTS BRUD __ ,__, 8-PACK35c ~·""" ::::.: 39' '""'""' ................ • • • COUPON • • DOUBLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS • • • • with this coupon on the tot1I • • •mount of any purch1.. •x· • • eluding liquor, tobacco ind • • • • fluid milk products.. 1 coupon • • ptr cuatomet". Coupo'1 good • • Thur1d1y thru Sund1y, Aprll • • • • 10 to April 13. • ···········~--~ t ••C.-·---~ ,_ ... , ...... t &•--····· .. ···-··"······"-""""'" ----............... -...... ,.. __ ,...~ ... ......, •••• -•••• 41 ... --&-............... 1-...... JJ. ----·-·-··--·· .. -·-·-..... ~--.. -........ ~·····--····'"' ----...................... -.. -.. ... -·---Jll:'il-···---·-··fio Vl\4 ... ---·-·-·-n. ...... , • ---• a : • - : CHUCK STUK. s BonelessChuck-.;;',""' 891 SUCED uco· N loin End· Roast ~ 591 ~ i Shoulder ' CIOd ~ 98~ Leg O'Pork ..::.."":..~ ... 591 ! i ~ ·:;;;: 49t Groa1111 ~ ·== w ~==:::Ste •• rn Chops '= 79' ~ ~) • ...,.., , · Beef FriHers ~ 98~ Loil Pen Cho 89'-• i UUECODN.LITS;:.~-.u.S.. wn.mrw-.' .... .. ps ~ ·i ~ SIOIDJlSR.STEAIS c..wc.--.n.'1" Gene Hens =~ 8'-= :':i-:-.......... .:: link Sausage '~:::' 29' ~ ··-~········•••H•M•H••••••••••••••·-·-·--·-·H-••••••••••l llllllTllil•IMllll•aa•-••••••-H-•-H•ff-ee11a11a 11 11.Wllllllli~H---= LIBBY PEACHES Swa#UOlf. TY DINNERS· GOLDEN ,. OHllSTON PIES . Thoro Fed Dog Food ,~~~.s:si Liquid Detergent v~~;~%~~:"" 49c Cold Power Detergent G:i~' 6t Jif Peanut Butter <ow;;g~~~~"'"' 43c Casper Ghost Cookies ':.':: 3t Libby Tomato Juice 46 ~ 33' Heinz Baby Food =~ 8' Jerseymaid Butter ~':'F 7t .._ .... FA><CY Ma swm ,...,.RllSll Vegetables '" .. UICI la& ~i_IJC10 Hf .\lTH & Bf AU ll AIOI Secret ~74' R"t SHAVE CRUM .......... .::.";,::':>71• ~JOOTl9IUSllS ~-31!. G11D1t namanc 1U111S I.AND " .. •r r• • frkts EH~ n..,.,_, ,.,.., • .,,~,,.,2..11 Vons Salads :::::.. ,,_ 3''1 iKUUlt Clio. : ·--Bmnschweiger ............. -4'$1 ... -4'$1 rocos.•.ti1.~ O SAVl~ 0 Sff\l. 1-ot. tm. I a.o&. Cl4VIS I ...... ..,.. 10' ONIONS ,_::S_: ... _'"_..,..._ .... _, __ .;;..-J . ii 3i25' PEPPERS '""" ....... ... 3!2t frlfilm~ Hll 1 vJbwk!l r!!!I' .,....,_ .. ·~-----"·-~···~--·w• .. • ... ·.-~ .. -.. ~,,.""'.'•,•.,. ... _~~·v·.--..,~~.·~·.·--~-·~ ... -· .. · .. • ... • .. ..,"""""" ... ~"""..,.., ... .., ............. _~~----........... ~ .. ,..,.. .. ,.. .. ,.. .... ..;;: --,.-n-GoldMtdcrl!ti,qw~ia.-............ 4Pt M•J-S COFFEE ~""*-°",..... r....~ Dtl 5pMn ,,....,_. -· :17t ~ lut/4 Pltl'lfOrl Uil.d: , ..... ,, ......... ~ H.i"l $....t f'ldi..J~JU ..... ,, ........ _,,,, ~ -""1t.n! ' Ma.""" ....................... 91c W.r.--Jllk9-. .. .-. •........ '13' Moiw)'Trw!°""'-Cred.tt•oc1M.1a. •..•..• .,)1c: Helm:V.,.taOMWSoupn.Gl.a. 2/3$c 111, 6~ • 2,. $( I 3 '*' . Hel ... ._..-.-. ..... ,_ . .uc u,ihla-llT--•••-.U11 .... '11 ~,,..,...""""",~-... ~ .. ··-·· .. lk HtlnrSplit PMSo.,c n.ot.CAN ....... .'.'~7.:::·.2/'lSc c.uo r ! "'°" 17 c#I 'I" ,.,..,.__,.,._..,hell.-. ..... -..... ~ .. fft •w..a..... ._ ClllC:9l'••~tM1 -'7t Stoa.Ip Pniitc.d.a • c-...,. ... --,-iJ4h-o.f -...-n.....31,_*.-----woc. w .-.. M•1a11 '--''----• ~-----. If 01 """"1 Pllh llldm 1'411.-. ................ _ ..... fh: ..... -1~---.,.,._ I"' .l"'l'IYINVm..__ ... , .... ,__ .... ~-.. J -•• ....., ;onrll!llJ -. .......... , .... 1011 Adan Ave., at lrookhunt, Huntington ltacl, 5?22 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington leocl! 17950 Ma9nolla, Fountoin Valley \ ,. ' . . _._.._,,; * .. J --.... ---.. ,; .... • .' _. !. .... -!. •• -... -- - --· ... ----~ .J. --~ .: ~ :.:.~-~ ---- -_. ..:. -.. ~ -• ----------._._._ -·-·~----___ _. . "" ' ' . ,. ' . BANQUET COOK~N . ' . •• -...:_'~ ~:"'BAGS. : .. ' . 'Mix or Milch', : ' . ' .. . ... ,.., Miss Breck . HAIR ·SPRAY • . • ...I. • • ~ , GAIN ,.DETERGENT •· ., .. Springfield .. ~>tOFFEE 1 LI. ~AN I ' GORILLA _ MILK .. 1nstar1 ·tJr.ftc. "Breakfast '"•4•!. ~II.~ e SLICED1 111i~F e CHIC:Ki!'N ~LA KING e SLldiD ·fr URKEY , e BBQ.BEEF , e CREAMEQ Cl!IP IEEF e SALISBURY ~TEAK 5~$1 · .. PACIFIC COOKIES . . . PUREX BlEACH Foremost Strawberry Shortcake 5 9c TORTE ~':.'; •• , 1 Ii lb. bag Reg1 59c • ·Oatm .. r Choe. Chip ·49_ r. ~GALLON JUG 4 9c SprinCJfield BiCJ 11/4 lb •. aag . WILSHIRE PICKLES BIZ PRE-SOAK • Peas . or • Corn . 5 • • Ban"uet · · .. ' J' · 'j ¢ . . . DINNERS . . ea. Fr h T d ~OUR CHOICE OF ;VAR,I ETIES . es •n er · · · Local . N.,ro111.., ·-hr ef 4 Aut. I'll"" 49, VARIETY PACK ..... "' hfd.11'1 1~. lcii: ' INSTANT POt ATOES 49, Ocn11 SPf9Y - 1 Va •· hnle Cranberry Ju1c• coc"•" 69e . S1uhiM ~"'1y 01, & L-• Clll, 3 ~5 1 COQKIES .... 45¢ . hu 'H ~ts _ _.'11..a. ft.t U1J111 TUNA CAT .FOOD 9 .... 99c USDA Choice Center Cut . B•r M Wettern Style All Mt1t Slltod ' . Bot·OGNA CHUCK STEAK 59~. · l'ickle Pimento . . . . . . . . 69c lb. Chiese Loaf .......... 69c lb. Northem Fil•t 59~ HALIBUT . FISH STICKS 5 9~ •• . ASPARAGUS c lb · ' U.S.D:"-C:hoict ltounci lone .BEEF ROAST laontlM• LNn Stewing BEEF E11t1<n Gnin .Ftol Rolled • PORK ROAST CUCUMBER· CHIP 5" 9c 48 OZ. JAR FRESH PRODUCE - . Sweet 'N' Juicy Large Size Navel U.S. No. 1 Russet ORANGES , , POTATOES 10~~49' ~$ s Easte.-n Gral" · Feel STEA.K.S P.O.RK .. " 69~ U.S.D.A. Choice ...... leM".°Rof\oil Clod 98~ BEEF ROAST ' .· 89~ Bot M WHttrn Style Sllud 69~ BACON • 79~ Bir M W11tirn Style llluk 49~ WIENERS II . . ~ • 'l.'tdl'Pdtr1 ""11° 9, 1969 · -.> · . DAUoY ,,.,. .fr '. ... . Gordon's Mr. King . • BREAD ·. .· ·~· . 1,114· LI. LOAv•s· .. ·: ·" "' .. I ~ l I • • ~; • I 7 o , '•' • ~ F . .... ..... . '•../ 0 l . ·~~ 150 Extra Blue Chip St~nlp. I, Wit~ purchase of 1V three . . • .~ of these items. · • . • 'I or 50 EXTRA BLUE CHll' STAM~ with purchose of 1<1ch item. . SPRAY c:..STARCH 49' . TOOTHPASTE ... $I.OS 89' " " , . ·. ~~ .. '<':" . . . . . BLUE GINGHAM . · , CUT GREEN ... . " . l E 4·:1 .. s.· ·. · ·. "; . No. 383 · · CANS ~ '· Eastern Grain Feel · . PORK s~:.~ · ... . SPARERIBS .. . . . ' . :.~ICES EFFEC~: . . . Thurs.. Frt.. Sat.. & .S.l!HOy , . Aprll 10, 11~ 12,1.3 .. Prices subjlCI lo. sfock .,;· hind.-' --..... . -. ··-- 1 .-··I . ' • • WI GIVi' ~ llLUE CHIP WI~ . ILUl'°'lf' STAMPS COSTA MBA STAMliS > 19fli IM Ptic..iii PlACENllA 710 w. ~ ••• ~+,t_... __ ._...J .'-=-·---........__ ••• _..._~ .............. ~~-....·-·---'·~-, .. ---•.;• •• ·--·--------------~--- ------~~------------------' I p D.llLY PILOT Wedn!id01, AP<ll 9, 1969 R~bel.liom:' Swing tp Join the 1 'Range Cuisine • ' .. Creative 1 1 l • ~-, 't \.• tti<ft'~ a rtbelllon 'In lht of \he real chef -tile rr.nch wotu unUI mixl"l' begins to I' labl._n •be'ly wine w..hln,, lrimming !talk tnd Daah ult I 11 pounds lrtah asporal"J end. Cll( Ille '.Wks to 16n1 kiLtben. A determined 1wlng chopping knife. thicken. raboot 13 minates,_ (opUonal) a.nd alittina: Jengthwlse to Oalh white pepptr Squeeie of fresh a:arUc diagonal aUces but~~~~ away 'rrom the duU, con· MUSTARD HOLLANDAISE beallna: constantb with wire 1 ~ package amok~ flowereU:. Put In bollin& salted Paprika Moru\y Saiace Ups ~e. ~,-ti--.-· venienet foods of the bf:at·•nd· SAUCE wh.lp or rotary beater. Add slJced turkey , water and cook 8-10. mlnut.eti, ,BeaL cream • chee5e lunUI 2 tablespoons butter covered. tn nnaU a.mlol.ln1 of --·•era over 10 1 marv~lous 11• butter, a t.b1eapoan at a lime., 1/3crecuamp coouner~al IOUl ~ntll Juel tender. Orab(. Wrap tluUyi Add egg Yolks one at 2 tablespoon.& flour boi1ing wlter wUil • aprfplou. kle ~ • 2 egg yolAs beating constanlJ,y. serve hot · each stalk with slice ot: turkey. a tilde, beating atttr each ~~ teaspoon salt oDrl amg,ar_ne fOI'. aboUt 5 _tn lt.e. ntw Juippenlng in food -t teaspoon dry muswd over a whole .btad of cooke!'d Bits of macadan\la or 'al-Put on platter or vegetable ~~·Add Jemoo juice, salt Dash wtlte pepi>er creative cookery. I tabletpoon fresh lemon cauliflower. Makes Y.: eup mond nuts: \ dish and pour hot sauce over and pepper. Heat ~vw. hot I;\ teaepoon nutmeg Make sauce by mtlt1ng but .. The new emptwis ls not juice sauce. Prepare. sauce.flnt; remove the broccoli. Garnish with water.\k've over hot cooked 11/s CU9I milk ter over low h•t and st.it how fast can we get dinner 1-:, ~n salt BRocc0u DIVINE two slices of turke; and cut nuts. Makes 4 ae.rvtnga. aspar~ 1peart: iarnlsh 1h ·cup grated Gruyere in the flour, saltt<pepptt and ho . Dash cayenne pepper "-· into arnall Pt'eces.1 Combine c H E E 8 E ,JlOLLANDAISE with P;IPl'ika. Any left over cheese or Swiss ch~se nutmec. Add milk. 8,t1r con-- on jpe tai>le, but w in· 2 tablespoons heavy cream I l,i ........ A, broccou IOIJft. milk, sauce, Cl""'"" and -sauce ~an be· stored in the Scrub potatoes. Peel a small stantly until sauce is bubbllift, h fl (Ull , ,...N ~ ~· -SAU.CE ' -•--terestingly, ow avor· Y· •,~ cup butter l 11-ounce can cheddar chopped turkey. Brin& just to refri~tor. Heat before US· band around the center. Cook Add clWJeSe and stir. Mu.e;, This new interest ln cooking Combine egg y-0lks, dry cheese soup a bOU and 1immtr O minutes. 2 3-ounce packages cream ing. MOes 114 <-:'pa. potatoea in bolling aalted 1% cvp1. ts contaclous and sprtadlng mustard, lemon juict, salt, I ~ cup1 milk Add SOUr crei.m. and wine. chei!se \Yater about 20 ,minutes or Comblne cooked potalOe!' fast. tt runs through the entire cayenne pepper and cr~am in 1 teaapoon Worcestershirl! Hold in double boiler If serving 2 egg yotka SAUCY ASPARAGUS until taider. Drain. Wash and asparagus in a servlftl 1;ocial and age spectrum of top of double boiler. Cook sauce 600ft ot re-beat ln botler. 2 tablespoons fresh lemon WlTH NEW ·POTATOES asparagus thoroughly. Bend bowl and pour sauce ov~r Che American nee -swinging slowly over hot, not boiling, 1 tablespoon capers Prepare b r o ct co I t by juice 6-8 new red rose potatoes stalk and Snap off the tough top. Maji;es M aervinss. 'bachelors. retlttd bankers, _:;:_:oc....:. __ :_ __ _::;_ ___ ...:..__....:... _________ "'--------------------'--------''-----=-....:.--'-----'--- young mothers, grandmotbers, teenagers in mod attire, chic d ub women, famous actors, .isolated ranchera. They all are hocking to the kltchen to do 'their own thing. How did it all start, this ailrge to tht cooking department? Probably as the result t'.lf so many Americans out tt),see the world. Or back in this country, we can tum on TV to a cooking school. ·Growing right along with Amtrica 's new interest in the kitchen is the new specialty bUsiness. gourmet culinary shops, that specialize in the dining and cooking equipment seen in our travel s, TV and illustrated in the n t w cookbooks. How much easier, how much more fun to create whtn one has the proper tools. These culinary ·shops ha ve them : long, allm poachers in French tin fw cooking fish; l\'hisks gpeclflcally designed . f o r smoothing sauces, custard! and beating egg wbltes : cop- per bowls; marvelous Vallauris pots of clay; stock pots; copper double boil~rs for French sauces; special t'.lmelet pans: colorful Italian plates specifically designed for ai'tichokes, asparagus, corn on the cob and gumbo. Small gadgets galore and noteworthy items to help us retain nutrients as well a~ for conversation and looks in· clUde steamers for vegetabll! cookery, special lltUe steam r.acks with adjustable l~avcs to fit into various size sauce pins, a radish curler, special com cutters. the French gauf· frette, and the universal tool Smocking Smocked pillows -easy and (asl to dt'.l! U&e veJveteen, cOrduroy, heavy cotton, silk. New smocked pillaws - they are smocked on the wnmg 1lde of fabric. Pattern 7288: transfer; directions 12'~ in. round , 12 square, 13~~ bolster. FIPTY CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for firsklass mOIUnc IOCI special handling ; <lthenrlse third-class dellvery will take three weeks or more. Send to Allee Brooks the DA1· LY PILOT, lOS .Needlecraft Dept.. Box 113, Old Chelsea Statloo, .. New York. N.Y. 10011, Print Name, Address, 7Jp, PaUtt'I Nwt1ber. Giant, new l• Needlecr1ft Cata.Joe -ovtt 200 designs to choose, s fnie patterns printed inside. Send 50 cents now. 'NSW! "50 INSTANT Gl,PTS" -fabulous !ashi-Ons. 19Js, decorator accessories. Make it todly, give It tomor· row 1 Ideal for all occui<m 50 """· •11 Jiffy llqs" to knit, ~t. weave. ttw, book. 50 ..," ' ~ -of II Prlu Alpau. 50 ..... llar,.tn! Quilt Book I haa l=l patttms. IO cenl.I. -Quill Book 2 _, paltenjt lor 12 auperb quills. IO ctllll. Book S. •1Q111&1 for Today'• ~,. 15 21Utm1. 50 cents.1 CROSS RIB ••••••••• •::w-••• 831t CHUCK ROAST ...... "Ii." •••• 49,\. RIB SnAK ...... .... 89 • .. . . . . ..... , ..... _. . . "· E,Z CUT CUBE STlAK ....... .'11,' GROUND ROUND ••••• .:.~ •• 79,1 HALIBUT STEAKS ... :::;:7:, .. 89,\. GROUND CHUCK ..... .:.:. .. 69,\ Our LOW E'<r\day Price! LUCKY SLICED LUNCH MEATS IOLoG"NA. S'ICfD, OUVf P&P, MAC & CHfUf, 6·0 Z. PKG. 31.c All MEAT FRANKS 58 c w111 .. ., ,_ ffllol .................... l·l~. ''•· ~~~~~~!,, .. ,~o~•\~59c ~~ •. ~~ ................ 41•·01. •k.65 c ~~:: S!~~ !!!~5..5.1.~!_ ... 3 7 c luckv"• Prodix:e Oeportm1tnl i1 o ve"tobl• go•· d1tr1 of fre1h1>1t1• 365 day1 o yltO•,,.fton• !he m1:111 1t•Olic of tropirol fru111 10 ua!'ldo•d "•11ttob1-1 ... o!I ort di,tou11t pri~d ... 1hop luc~y Produ<t ond S,t,vt! l~ CHIQUITA BRAND Bananas ,..... • ... 11.., - • ...... i,. lb. BOB'S SWD DRESSING 47c '"" c-.. ............................... .a.oa. Jot 5-LB. CANNED HAM $449 ·~ t""I '"""'"' .. , ........................... , ROQUEFORT DRESSING 56' ............................................... 0.. ,., BUDDIG'S SMOKED BEEF 63' c , •• 11, •• ,~ ............................. .l>O.. ''•· BUDDIG'S SLICED MEATS~:; c IMMN '"'· ·-•n~. , .... ..,.<wd ........ 36 ~ rMIBt.l'MDllCTS ·. PREMIUM ICE CREAM ::'~'t':: •.... ..79' conAGE CHHSE ='' ............... ,.58' MIRACU MARGARINEl'::'.::. ... 33' Ou/LOW Evcl)<layPrice! LUCKYSOfT MARGARINE l6·0Z, CARTON 29° /DOK FORKEY BUYS (...,_I l•l'ric1t'I 9 c POTATOES ,ITllTr'~-=• ... _._.,_ ---··~~ ........... "Uf llr ............... " ..... .. , 10"".ASc ........... ,..w .. _ ~...:.dim . c::.o... ,. .......... "UY..,.. .. ,....,... . ~·~ l•'f r••r s .. kltt Oru111 •t l1clry'1 \!J'H!!!A!!Jll!!l.!JIT!!lll!!Jlll!,!!.I M~Y11K!!!J!:!!ll.o··ii;·~i;i·~:::;;:ii"°"~'~· ..... lreryll., Dhdnt Prit•L 16·0UNCE CAN 18° WIOUIOIMIWlllll GREEN GIANT CORN .......26' NEW POTATOES ~-~~~:~.:.:.~.~ ......... 14' ''lllllllf FRENCH GREEN BEANS ........ 25' PEAS & CARROTS :~~i~ ............... 23' CHILI BEANS ~~:.~~-... -·---··-... 18' PORK & BEANS::::.~'.. .. -·---· 21' ~ •...... J(;yR.yt.-... SWIFT'S VIENNA SAUSAGE -'·OUNCE CAN V-8 JUIU =::: ........ -.. -......... 42' MEXICORN m:~---···----26' CHICKEN Of SEA TUNA =. ..... 30' ALBACORE TUNAl:.'"...'.'.~---41' GRATED TUNA:.:-.~.. 19' LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF ..... ___ 59' KRAn DRISSING ::"t~!=.' ........ 44' ITAUAN DRESSING :~ ............... 36' CHILI SAUa ::::.~~ ..........•............... 36' Our LOW Evcriuay Price! EXPANDED 16-0L LOAF ::'.:BREAD HA.VEST DAY ROUND TOP ~·~ ... .,.,.,.._ 'f.-ltJ i\ ' .• ~ ....,,DWlCll ,~ ..... lU,. .. CHICKEN PIES ~m"."::.'.--··············· 39' J01111~rwr1-. .... 111 fRUu PltS~·-~··············-··············· 69' GINO'S P~ZZA ~:.~~.'..'.'.~ ............ 7 5' IP•llU.11.eA.MI•) OH BOY SANDWICHES MC'U .. 63' FISHSTICllS ::;':::'..·-···--····· --· 39' BREADED SHRIMP ~:~ .....•.... 11" ORE-IDA POTATOES :::.'l:r ........ 20' PICTSWEET ru?::.~~.~~~~ ........ 38' CORN ON COB :~~ ...................... 45' rr.. ... .. ·kirlktt.-"" 'V:T CHRIS & PITTS BAR-B-Q SAUCE IA.OUNCE IOITLE ONION RINGS~:·.• ..................•.... 36' lollf, 111-"1CH-l"'LM ... n.(llllAMOlll COFFEE CAKE "'""" .. .. ...... 79' ""''"' l'QP fA(o..tlJ6 Niii (•0.1 JUUlffll MEXICAN FOOD ...... ". .... .. .47' ORANGE JUICE !.'l:':':'.'. ....................... 29' BANQUET DINNERS .............. , .. _37' HAWAIIAN PUNCH ~::lu• ... -.... 35 ' CREAMED CHICKEN~::: ............... 43' SIRLOIN TIPS ::::::. .......... -......... 43' w~Van de Kamps11nv AN OUTSTANDING VARIETY OF FRESH BAKERY GOODS (AT MOST LU CKY STOll:ES) 111 llllll l:ll 11111Jlll ll/W W111111 ~,. OJlll' 111· -.. 1 .. ~ .tf I· -.. . • _;; .i·~.. . "'" ,.. __ ,.;_ -J. DOG FOOD,~"T..~~---.. --....... 23' fRISKIE DOG MEAL-........... 11" TABBY TREATS!~"-·-·--·..16' GAINES DOG BURGERs.~ ... -.11" JONNY CAT LlmR .-.............. 57' I I ~-.ITl.EIJTEltl" POMPEIAN OUYE OIL .~~-...:11' ... BLACK PEPPER=~-~-37'. SPRKms SUGAR :::.-::r.~ . ....:...57' .... CANDY BARS:oir:: ................ 33' .,.. SUPERIOR HONEY:'.':'i~~-35' COCOA MIX=~~'.~---· .. . 55' RAVIOLI ~T~~~ .. -·-··--· ........ ,_._75• SCOTT TOWELS··"---······-·····33' ~ •.... 4-R.y!.-. - DOLE SEASONED GREEN BEANS 16..0UNCE CAN :LSo . ----~ •• •. ~ -. --l~ GAIN DMRGENT-.-....... _79' TIDE DETERGENT .... -........... -79< CHEER DETfRGENT ••. -.. _____ s1u OXYDOL DETfRGENT...,. ___ 79< DREFT DMRGENT-.---------.79' BOLD DETERGENT ... -................ 79' IVORY LIQUID :r.ot-:: _________ ~ .. 58·· ST A·PUff SOFTENER :::'.',~·----79' MPMQ ·~ HYDROX COOKIES =:. ............ -.. 47' PACIFIC TREATS ..... __________ 31• CAKE MIX ::r .... a:~~~UUh-~ __ 35• . BISQUICK -•L··-·-·····----·-··· 46• GOLD MEDAL flOUR~ ...... _.-57• ... th1t f1tw i11t,,,.. Jiu•d ori lhi1 pag• eonttilu~ ivst o 1moll 1omplil'lg ol lh• 1hou1onck el low, low di1cou111 pric1t1 lri "'"' for you •t L\lc~y. ,.~ 1~wo1sc11uw PRIC'S ON llE ILTH t\Nu il[\l:I Y ;. ' BOTILEOF100 BUFFERIN TABLETS h.t,.i.n1w11w ........... ....................... ........ , ............ ""'' .... ,.. ............ -lo. OUILOW 99c Pll(f GILLETIE DOUBLE EDGE SUPER STAINLESS RAZOR BLADES Sleltilt11 stul •lttt111 tlttit will ''" .,.. th1 '"''''"'''· ,, .. , .. ...... ,.., .. Pit.ors OUllOW ,.let "' ... "IKI MICRINORAL ANTISIPTIC n..w.. ........ t'J'.: ~!MT it tlft1 '$ ~..:==:: )58 """" -...._ u-.... ULTRA BRITE KING SIZE TOOJllPASil ltl11tSlnT• 66c ~~!!..~-·-···-·56'" 16-01.SlltS lS.OLSfZU • SllAMPOIWNM • lllt IPIAT ""'-fl •(lJTIUllAMPoo •llTlllllttll't&r .. • CllMI blSf • HT IASll llU f ' ltL.. ____ .....,.,...._. --~K~-''-•~-""-'""--"'J~·'C.•O.··o'..•~-.:.· • ..0•44-CC....'.-." -·.-:=.-~!..:_ ~-::...:_ .-'-.....:·-'---4 -·---: • ! . DAILY-D • ~· .. U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE LEAN FULl:CUT U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE LEAN MEATY BEEF u.s.'o.AiGRADED CHOICE . U.S.D.A. ~~ED CHOICE .;. u.s.D.A. GRAD!ED CHOl(I • BONELESS SHOU~DER · CENT• CUT "·· LEAN, MEATY IEIF lb U.S.D.A .. GRADE A POULTRY lEGSF&ETHIGHS.La . sac MEATY . sac FRYER BREASTS ....... LI. CUTUP PAN READY 3ac FRYERS .................... LI. 8EsTu~~7rRv'Ei •. 58c Cl.OD · RGAS;T ( lb. lb. lb. WHITE.FRONT'S LOW ADVE'ITISED EVERYDAY BEEF PRICES BONELESS ROUND STEAKS •. '1.18 PLATE BOIL •.24' MEATY7-BONEROAST ________ ;.48' RUMP ROASTS (BONE IN)_ -•.98' BONEtESS CHUCK ROAST ·-----• 88' ROUND STEAKS (FULL CUT)-----........ •.98' CLUB STEAKS,_ ........... -..... -......... • '1.38 BONELESS CHUCK STEAKS ........................... aa• TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS .. -............... _ 11 11.58 PORTERHOUSE STEAKS ... . .. 11.11.38 SWISS STEAKS ...:._ ..... ·--·... . . . 11 88' FRESH GROUND CHUCK .. . .............. 11 68' WHITE FRO NT"S LOWADVf:RTISf.'D 1-:Vf;Rl'DAY-PORK /'R ICES SHOULDER P1cN1c 33c COUNTRYSTYLESPARERIBS •. 68' PORK ROAST ... ~.:::~.~... CENTER CUT RIB PORK CHOPS _o.98' Rll END 53c LOIN END PORK ROASTS o.68' PORK CHOPS............... PORK BUTT ROASTS ~ .. sa· BUTT END 68C CENTER SMOKED PORK CHOPS ._ o. 98' . PORK STEAKS ·-.. CENTER CUT LOIN ~QllK.C.~OPS ..... 11.11.08 RIB ROAST e RIB STEAK ·c lb. l·DUNCI PACllACH LIMIT 1 COUPON PH ADULT CUSTOMll WHITE FRONT'S LOW EVERY-DAV DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS VALUABLE COUPONS S-LB. BAG-ELSEWHERE 61 c 43c r=1 QEAMY MONTHEY ~JACK IYTMI> 7ftt. .. CHEESE ....... :'..'.~.... 7:. OL' V)ltGlNlA 6-0Z: PKGS. 29( LUNCH MEATS......... · 'rrlllt..-,.-.. ,.1. . SPRINGFIELD -CANNE-0 • SODAPOP WITHTHISCOUPON • LIMIT ONE M.D. TISSUE ' 4 ROLL PACIC-ILSEWt!E"E ''1,c =~ ·25' lMIUNl.16 SALAD -CH8 3.61-·DELMONTE-ILSEWHERE 35, ill 4&s,1· . 24-oz. ~ PEACHES ....... -.......... ~ I " Oil ·.DB.MONTl-il.SIWIBE29c HJ•A •$J ILSIWlllRE•l< .. _... . • \ FRUIT COCKTAIL~!fL - •CHIFUtLQUART ELSEWHlllE53c 43( DB.MONTE ILSIWillllll7, 5 $1 •, · MA !ONNAISE ............. SWEET PEAS ......... ~ t.. · f TOMATOKSAUCE 12i51 ciiiiW0coRN.~.~~-~~5i 5 1 . clllPPEoKM.EAts 3is 1 . 'A.LLGB1EEF°FRANKs49< ~·~-·~ GOLD 'NSOFT 1-LI. ELSEWHERE39c 25< DELMONTE 14.oz:1ns. 5 s 1 MARGARINE ................... CATS UP ............. ~.'.~~u~~~E f V.l .303CAN-ELSEWHERE23c 5bs 1 AROEN V.P1NT-ILSEWHERE25c 2~ APPLESAUCE .............. I . YOGURT ................................. ~ . ANTHONY ELBOW-ELSEWHERE27c 21' ARDINPINT-ELSIWHIHSSc 53' ; 11-0L PE,,E•OIU MAMA DELLA CHEESE PIZZA98' sa.oul.09 ARMOUR STAR ALLMEAT FRANKS .. •.59' SLICED AMERICAN CHEESE r,•t~'-_ _75' FLORA DANICAo'"""''"'"'m -.. t39' BONBEL LAUSHINE COW CHEESE 1-ot . 89' C .. 40-0Z. JA~ ELSEWHERE S 1.09 89' PEANUT aunER .......... wim ~ 1-R<Jlf~'.\ FUU/J . ..; IANQUnFROZEN ELSE-35' DINNERS~~1 MEATZEPIES~~·E1 7 c SIMPLE SIMON FRUIT PIES ~~Jr.~ .. -59' GENO'S.CHEESE PIZZA si-oz.SS' GENO'S PIZZA "m""'"om' 11.oz. _ 79' • MACARONI ....................... SOUR CREAM ............ .. ARDEN FLAVOR FRESH ' ICE CREAM ASST'D FUVORS HALF CALLOlll CAnRllC QUALITY ELSEWHERE 79c 69 '.' ...., ..... ANTHONY-ELSEWHERE 27c 37' NOODLES 1-11 .................. .. N.8.C.-ELSEWHERE 39c , 37( GRAHAMS .............. ,, .... _ SUNSHINEKRISPY-ILSEWHlllE37c 35( CRACKERS 1-LI .............. .. /.' I/{ \/ //{I -.11 11< I I I " I \ I I I I r. f I I I :t I ' U.S. NO. 1 RUSSETS · 10 ·.4ne POTATOES .' '. c:;~o 17 . REDRll'ISWHT12-0Z:ISKTS. 3' s 1 · Sf RA WBERRIES .............. _. ~ TlNDll LOOll 3 ·29 ITALWIOlllUMMii 19' ·CARROTS : .us · SQUASH._ ...... 11. II c·onA'Gi-ciiiisE PT 33' . ARDEN 1-Ll.-ELSEWHDE 25c Sb$ 1 MARGARINE -.......... I Illa! NUT SQAINID-ILSIWHHE 11 c 8( BABY FOOD _ ............... __ COSTA MESA HlSTOL AND ~AUL ARlNO MON. THIUFllDAY, I ltJP•·M.tot:)OP.M. SA TUllDA Y, t 1JO A:M. i. t :)O J.M. SUNDAY t :ll•',. taal I . I I ·1 ·1 • 1 , -... ..._ __ .....,..__~· .... 1 __ ~---c-............. ·---'-__ ._ .................. --...... ....... -........ _ __.._ .. ~--... __ ....._,._ .. _ ......... .a..-----~~~~----~----'----------"- 1 I P ' IWL Y' PILOT . . .:. r1igerl.s.t rrped Co~ ' • c •• . . 'ilger Cookies • .. they're GRRIUUL , • EAT? A rtal famiJJ.-pleuer, fer 111rt, are -i:rilp cooldU 1114d• witl1 '~comn~ . 'fbey're ••t'ler.ft'ij:>ed" with .warm melted ctaocolate morsels lightly. s w I r I • d (hroogh. the dough. Klch love 'em -IO do teenagen1 and \ · grown-ups! Wrap ·tigbtly and f r e. e z e any el'tra baked 'cookies. I No doubt you'll soon be into tbeli .too, when you discover · a "suddenJy" depleted cooky Jar ouppfy. TIGER 0001[1£8 3 cups sugared corn flakes 2 cups sifted re:gular all- purpose flour lteaspdon baking soda , , • ~~ teaspoon salt . · ., · 1 cup regular rilargarine .Of.· t butter, softened . , ' 1 cup sugar 2 eggs l teaspoon vanilla· fiavoring t cup (k unce S>Q.) semisweet cbocofate morsels Measure sugared c or n flakes, then crush to 11,~ cups, Set aside. Sift together flour, soda and sa1t. Set aside. Beat margarine and sugar · mitll Light and fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla; beat well. Add sifted dry ingredients and SUP,red c om flakes; mix thoroughly> Melt chocolate morsels over hot, but not boiling water or over very low heat. stirring constantly. Swirl wann me1ted chocolate lightly t h r o u g h dough, leaving streaks of chqcolate. . Drop by level tablespoonfuls onto ungreased baking sheets. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees F.) about 12 minuies or until lightly browned . Yield: about 5 dozen Tiger Cookies, 21h inches i n diameter. NO RUSH/NO MUSS, NO FUSS Kaffee Klatching Nut Bread's a Winner Someone has estimated that every morning well over a million American housewlves resurrect an old European ·custom : Kaffeeklatching. When your turn to host a coffee hour CQmes around, serve Orange Sunflower Nut Bread. The recipe for Orange Sunflower Nut Bread was developed by home economists who found that sunflower nuts added a crunchy surprise W:te to the doogh. Orange juice and orange peel are added for a taftl)' accent. Serve the tasty bread with a ctock ol whipped butter for an old-fashiooed touch. ORAN.GE SUNFLOWER NUT BREAD J cups sifted all-purpo,e !lour • I cuf> 111gar · I ltaapooo salt I eu, beelal \ • tq-grated orall~r ,,..1 S1ii teaspocm baking powder iii cup orange ju.ice 'Ill cup milk 11j cup butter, melttd WIN ACCOLAD ES " cup roasted runflov•cr -(shelled) II/I the dry lngredlenll well. Stir In sunflower null. I hour or unUf done. Let cool toeether'· Combine egg, orange '1'llrn Into greastd 91,\ x S on rack 15 minutes before 1 juJce, peel. mUi and butt.,-; · s 3--lnch (2 quart) Joaf pan. rrmovinJ from pan. Maket , ldd to dr7 lngrediei>ll, mixing Bok• ot 3lO degrees about foal. Cake in Cups Treat Doesn't Taste Like Ice Cream Cones What looks like a crunchy Ice cream cup filled with ice cream an~ top~ w i t h marshmallow , turns out to be a chOCQlate cake piled high with fluffy icing and made even more festive w I th chocolate shot and pastel cake decorations. Thest party-going Cake 'n Cups are simplicity it.self to make. Begin with a mix-made batter, pour into the ice cream cups, bake, pile high with frosting and decorate. The resillts arei miniature masterPiecfJS that will rate cheers from all your young cake fans. Tbls no-work baking will rate you cheers, too, because everything comes from a package! Cake, ice ere.am · cups. and frosting. And when ~ cakes are baked you have nothing to clean up, the baking containers • . . ice cream cups . . . are eaten right with the ca ke. CAll 'N CUPS 1 9 ounce paCUge cake mil 11 chocolat.i tee cream cups C.!:" CM' packaged U...tiJlg Cake decorations Heat oven to 350 degrees F. prepare cake batter as directed on the package. Pour .approximately 3 tablespoons ' batter Jnto ice cream cups, filling &bout 'ii full. Set on baking pan or in muffin lins and bake 25 to 30 minutes. When completely b a k e d , these miniature cakes will rise to about the top of the ice cream cups. Allow cakes to cool. Then to complete the "iCe cream cone" picture, n/ound fluffy white icing over top of the cake, rounding it to resemble a scoop of ice cream. Top with cake decora- tions and serve. Serves 12. niese cake 'n CUp deMerts •re eaten just like ice crtam cOnes, but no one need rush, because they won't melt You might even tuck one into your youngster's I u n c h box. Imagine his surprise when he secs an ice cream cone In lh~.l>ox! They're great fun at par.ties too. To turn them Into birth· day par1x.11Uts. •Imply toP with a mlfilltvre candle . ~ _,. . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... G ... M '•'"<"""""'"'-•.:'-'e'C..•.::.,<<:•.;.= .. :..:.· "Me..:·._,.._&.:-:·:..•:. . .:,•-.!'--·:. • .o.• ·---'.----..:._.......:..._ -~.....:~-r--...._ " .. ' -• _.i -• ' . ' ' . . . . . . ~ . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' . ,. •. Apricot 1e ._ • • •• Delicjous oven Fresh 79c illlll Chock Full Of 9.jn, . • S Tasty Fresh Apricots pit d -----•. Cinnamon :.ii ,,...,__...... Rolls 111 "' Fresh 29' ~1--Baked -.... . pkg. llll1i!ai iii at& lii'ill -~ . . ' •. t&llli Cake of the Week MM s ~. Rocky Roa4 Cake •Ii -w Specialize in Cak• for All •• •• Iii •• ' • Ill . Winners Cup Straight Kentucky Whiskey-SO Proof $ ' i , ·#. Bourbon-&! P1ool ~~c·ft .Early Times ·".1~11~ , ~ Kentucky Whiskey--86 Prool Gallo• ~~~~~ .'!:"~1098 !8!' ..".!',.. :.::. sgas Smirnoff . Vodka--OiitMied 80 ProOf. $1·Q49 Hill l1ll1n 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna ~·\ ft . . . I ) . ' THE MORE YOU IUY ••• · · .• Pin~pple Sllces 1!o" • Green· Bean·s '''"'" c.1-1 .. •· fl", • And Cn~ lkl. Clo · • Green Peas '""" '""'""' . 1·~ nen. Jkz..C1~ "' .. I*a$fl/·to,. U.1.ll RIGI ITIAI' COUPOIS THE MOIE YOI/ SA VE! -Yovr Choice- $ · 1.:. •"(. ~rn Whole Krmel. C11am Strt• , ' .,,./" Ttnder. T~s1, 1 G~l~en Ii«. C(n • . , , . • _Tomato Catsup ;::.~":i!\ .. , .... . ;· -~ · • Garbanzo. Beans ~, -Your Choice - . . Pi I Bea '"'"'"""""'' • n o ns '"""""'""'',;;·"" • Blackeye ~eas ~:-.~;:t~ '' P rk & Bea "". "" • o ns ,, ,:::,".;; "" · • Kidney Beans ,,,...;.. "'"'"" . Li(llt or Dirk 15.oz Cl" I ..... .... ,:"'.:.. ·vuiahci' Edwards Coffee lfU AN .-..ic 0 at t Of Oltl& !<I. 1111. ' .. '1.l! DAIRY & IJEllC/l TESSEN LargeAAEIP · ·.:4Sc USDA CHOICE Lavorls outhwuh Ind Gargle Rib Steaks Chuck · Roast Ifft Short llu l'.."=: SllcMlfffU..,r=. .. 49' .. 69' Veal Patty Steak l'llil °"-SIJlt 7tc Abt, ....... Stjlt. T• ror Slat S!!!lp!die! .. Veal Drumticks r • .., • 7~BOneR01JSf·· ;t;;~ Swiss Steaks Pork ··St•ks VtM.l,ChON ........ l'I . __ ... _ Qit.lilf .... ........ ••a-.• .W .fllll!t ... ~ i. • ..., 8111111 .. ;..._ .... ......... - leil-tleil ·leat =:.... .... r . •i:*'11J11 =--= • tr Ulllr ••• , ••• ::.or:. Utile ....... I:"'~ 1' Monarch Bay Pl111, So. laau!I' 636 N. Co1sf Hwy., Laa¥• leach Slnli Ana freew'y at la Par, Mission Viejo !F1lmew AYe & Wiison St. ;: ·----~-~-......_ ....... ______________ _ I ) 1 1- sj :1 j,C ~I . I .1 l l ,, ~I : I .. • I '" '. ' • I ~I • l '• 1: ~· ;.I l • ·. • •• ' i I " ; ' . ~- f • . i · • f• ~ .; ,, ' ; ' t • ' . '. • · 1 • •• '• • ' ·~l'l.Ol ,. """.;"":.!" •.:=-... ·:-.• • ._= •• .,> ...,• .. • •4 <• .. <<• .. <• .. 1<4'~4'4$•~¥C:zc;z;; Q e c a t a • • + •••• ' I• " , t "°: , • o, ' I , ! I 29' 251 ~gfli&'/it!'muoa , , . STDIELY CORI 25' 20' ' I mnvAL llMD • ltlM: CHOMl PUSTIC WIRES If 'DISCODIT ' ==:s~ 88 ~ DIS/j PAN . C •PAIL • uc. 111XD1G 10M. sa· e.! aa: mm~ •Lil' .- ' • . ur friendly , ' ;' rhood butcher ti sP<>rts , a ~ri.gltt red apron at 1f<>ur1 ~ha Beta. ' I ' llM::· --.. ~ ......... ... llPlll'lfTI RID ... _. ' " . • ,!.fi; • • • ~ :1. ' \ . . . I .. ..:.-•:f • ;'\\ •IJ!l' • I' ' llNK~ • F-* Fmlir YUL ....... 89' cunm •-w • 11511--,. rour~•Fu SllCllS ,.._ · 8 • " ..... , NlW '11111111 -.~·THIS WEEK ' W8tc11E!)' ,.,...,.. . . , ....... .. ' AlPHAW -11111 41&"' '"'""'"'J<ll:• OilJI ' . FRESI 'IROllD IEEF " PIE.m..m •~TOW!-' 6'5't . WSll llEAT I.OAF • · • "' ' ALPHA BETA 11111111 nm 43• SHOIT RIIS WI & -. ~ LIST~ QIJAllTT • ~ llletD 56 iO'wr111P .11001:. . c 1.U.PAC!w:l!•~w-' iiJ ' FAlllll --";"':''. ' Sy~·~ • FARll!l'JOllN . ··,, '. ,,,,,.,., _.pQUSlf~tll· • . .t ' ... '!Ii·.' ·i;; ..... '.' . .-.. . FEATURING , BUTCHEa~s, PllDl . IBBr TENDER, JUICY ROASTS YOUR CHOICE llOltELESS RUIP 1ROA$T OR BOTTilll RjgD ~r .; STAll01'fl\IM~: RIB ROlat~. BOIElfSS· . SHOilLDa'.. CLOD ROAST ' ' ,, ' .. ' • • ,J. ' •, ' . \ ~111.i!!.__ ' . . ~· ~-SIZINll .lie 9-U. riot. IOI: • 11.1$ Yaiim • ~ LOW S1lDS • ff ILP111 BEii DlllliEIT · • 1 . ~.;'£"~FUIU WAI t• 11" 1Jtitnlcl: CAJf . PLlllTERS ~"""11 COCIClllL Pll11UTS6.31 ' '. ' . . I . I l1tlll£ lallttt . ' MON. fin F.......U A.II, W-t •.lf, ~r .. ~ SUllrolt u .. 111 rJL BetterProi•t• n DISCOUNT PRlaS ' 59' • ' • • • c.u1JRlllA GROWN • ,Ill Plllll'OSl • • • ... 10 . MTATOU CL Sf ' IA8 Lor.AL GROWN • RfO RIK._ TOP TO BO!'rOM '. STRAWBERRIES $ 8ASmS FOR .. 11~:1111:a llllC!M.llllllS!IA'I ..... llllillmAt llllL l~ll· " \ nomsr oiJAUTY nows o1 DISCOUNT HICfS/ ~'9.,.ec.Als«lld 88' STOCKS Colon • • \ 11£11Eill Y011! FOOO STAMl'S Ill N« lDS AlliEUS COUNTY ALPHA l'ETA • • . • I ' \ , •, .. ' l .. illll--~· -·-=---,.:._. ___ ,._, llT' •n•n-s,.r.,>>.'-1..a......, • .o+w=..;•o.iz..,,=.;,•.,,_;,..;; • ..:•..;._.;..· ,._ . .;;, • .;,,.;,,~e, ··-~~:.._._:...:__::.,. _.J._..._. ; • ;:'..£.;.:...__~--·~ -.!. '".!. .· ... . . . . . . . • • ] I ' ' ' , \' ' I .. 7 \ \ • • • 11.· -1969 R~ADRU~NER 2 ; , POR '::t:a\ · . $77 ,TOTAL 77 T0,AL .:..~ t91is.,,.:: ~~~ ":z '::. :,._;.•~ DOWN MONTHLY -0:• 1igfiis, v..ulll• 11tr-, wlftdlhi.ld -illM•, FOR PATMINT PATMINT outildt mirror, H~!MtK9 c"n WU, 1peci.1 * NO',•IALLOOM . PAYMINTS ll_...._.,. INltfti.. .._vv duty fronr • ,.., •Utl*ltlon, ORANGE * HO SIDI LOANS ·•llOCb. *vv """ llrH-. fully urptNd, 111111, ft -· • * NO PICIUP PATMINTS 11111e91p. cv1ao1••, COUNTY, . Y•· TIU".,. ra11 ~· m 1s ti. '°"' c10wr1 """"· •nd 111 .,.i """"'* PY"lf.•IMtullllnl MK. ii.-&. •II u,.,.,.,.. l!l--------iiiiiiiiillll--111!'1-"!J!!!il!li"'"!li!l'lll! ~"" 'llPf'WWd ati111t 1w only ~111111 montM. Not -~!·~:i ~·. , •.. , ==~.::================= , . . . . . ,, ..,.. '"' . ' VOi.UM! S!UJNG ~.. ' ' 5 ·ACllS Pf • MEANS 'Nl\ll l& USD·CAIS • · VOLUME SAYINGS TO '~~~ ~ $977.-:$3~ * $33 ; . ' '66 COMO WRI 2 dr. H.T., Altlll, Rt.It. l'/S.··'9cfWV • _ DM. •If'· t~sumJ FULL PIK! MO. l.Adiil • ._.,er, ~ 1PMd. NPll 27t. 5477 --.Fu!I ,,.,. $1• * $16 DN. MO. .. v.w. $2' * DH. full 'rice $2' MO. ----------------- • c-e........~ llNll. """""· 1111' 162. '8& v.w. -, . ...,, rMlt, Mltlr. RGU 111. $26 * $26 DH. MO. ,, t ll-. ll:tdl ........ ' ....... ··""" »1. . 5877 Full · · Price , 1 • ,$29 * $2' 1DH. MO. '6A v.w . -j r'IA-.l UGO W.tp 4. ~. t!tw .. OlU tJS. . . $877 ..':! $2' Dn. * $29 Mo; • '83 DCtD¥ DMt e.T.-t ... ...,._, A•te. ,_...._ hMlw. fJT "'-5477 Fu.II Pnw $16 * $16 DH. MO. '64 CHEY. $2' * DH. '84 T·lird ' ,. fl', ltdlp. •.1i\fflltr11tlc, r1irf9, ~trflr . ._ 11-., 1. llrtkts, 1. wlmio...i. F•d. Air. (OLIO !'3) .. ' • "" f\111 "'1dlllll '"" , .... 1ic- •n lr\OnthtY .. tY'intllti ~~ t11 M ~ 1HtM11 •Nit. . .. . -. '· ~ ... -~ •• ,., )' -~ .-. . ••• • I 'I -· I j' • • HOUSES FOil SALE HOuSES !'Oil SALi HOUSIS FOil SALi HOUSU POil SALE HOUSIS '.Oil SALE o.Mr.i 1000 ;;;;,. .. , 100!': ~II ~ 1000 -f ID -·• • · 1• c:-. Mooe 1100 ff?~ -1211 fJuc~;.~/;J, Ul/agi . . 16th & TUstln -Cosio Mou · ADULTS __,,Most bOD1M..are_bullLwllh ~ chlldrellJn mind. We have five homes ~eStgned lor the · comforts and tun of adulll. BeauWul ~ look at, room for hobbies, private office, separate dlning nn, guest room wllh balh, S c~~';; rage, walking distance to churches, We shopping, and rutaurants. 7% with 20% down -71'1% wltlt 10"~ Dn. r... no 2nd• -ne pokttt -2t yrs on balanc. ;::Priced from $30,950 to $33,~50 Excluslw Aton! · '· .p. a. palmer Incorporated ·: m7 VIA LIDO fi.c t Ph: 54Mlll From L.A. Coll MA ~ .• --------·-------------·- O..orol 1000 Otnorol I::;;:=:...__. _ _.;.;:_ 1000 t'.llfE POOl JABU NORTH COSTA MESA $20,995 Pele llft'llt llllty . LOOKINCJ .c;. . 1llREE ·TWO -TWO SielC: ~1 ,,!;~~''° . *Pool ~cioua J, Bedroom .~e 1., •••• folln macnab Ill.VINE COVE "~0 MORE INCOM.? ,..1.;..11ve -.. ~· am_, •BR. tom. 2 - 1'ont11tlc Vlow • Wltlt WE WILL IUILD A .E--_ <l«ltl:...m 1'11«~ .. boatt~ ';;' ~ VALUE..PACKID • --oil ..... OblY 143.!00. . 'ii~i'i'h.d.1~·· A•-· 1n ""'"1'·1rvtne awe "'-f 1 ... Y ROOM . '--with elec;trtc ptd and· JI{ ... IL uuVER SHORES private eommunlty beach. BAYFRONT -1 ... .i,.i..... *' ltN!tUAl DI• Beautiful S Bedroom wilh • is ~wly decorated, IVID"I ~ '::::::.":, , DUPLI X Oil IUllR WHITE, Rltr, 3900 E c.ut a_,, 61>-4391 ~..i. odUlt -. 4 • TRIPLEX .ON 2!IOl N.-.port Blvd., N.B. "'!!!!!!!.!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!'!~( pier and flat Lara:e bayside iodudes 1 RPU&te dm terrace, handaom1 exterior, a--Jup formal dln1ng room. ' .'l'hll lovel,y • bdrn1 l'IMESA VERDE home otters every lbib& for ::':""~= YOUR LOT* .'15-UI Ev" '42·21Sl N-rt Sho,., 1220 formal dining room, sunny Pool llde patio Is breakla.ll room wllh view. cqrilpletely C1J11tled tarp center 1 s I an d •11t most multiple ~ ..ct TOWNHOUSE LU&e Muter bedroom wi~ $83,7«1 wllk in closet. Call · John Abell ~ a:reat family llviJ11:. Prime location. Many extras. $35,950 kitchcD. 3%_bathl. Sep-'Orange Counfy ud other Nev new. _.bt and airy an.le maid's quarten. approved areu. ~ bedtocim, 1~ ba, tuL • BR. 2'4 BA. Nr beach, Club bol.l.le, pools. Just ftdee. Pert. cond. Sired lo atreet. $!2,SOO. 642...QG SIU,500 • Rea. 673-7365, OOa.,..t-~ov-AT SUBSTANTIAL !Olp-·cpli.,BI>"".""'- • . COATS enlud double gange. SAVINGS TO YOU 'flhr. A ...i Coodle! 119,500 Call for appointment (71 4) 641-1235 901 Dover Drive., Suite ~ Newport Beach Save Cause It's Diity 2 blocks • from the Catholic church in north -Calta Mesa this 3 bedroom 2 bath home ls a real bara:a.in at $22,000. All it 11ttdl ii aome tebder lovi1W care. No dOwD to wts or kJw dqwn FHA. qan"' . ORANGE COUNTY'S ' LARGEST . 293 E. 17th St. - & Dover Shores. .set~t your p1an trom cur WOODWARD Rlt r. . • W.ALLACI l lllffi \VestcliU Dr. designs, styles It elevaUooa. 8M.1 Adams. Huntington Bcb. SPARKLES a lhines inalde ' REAL TOllS PO T BEACH 52-3343 a: out Llvill& rm 1: dinlrw ' '46 4141-. NEW R CALL 5l7-83IO i '""9'!1t!!lllDU!!'!l!i!llD!'"T!;:O~_,j rm; """"' """'· .iee I lOpon 1....i...i ... b<tns. Clean """ ~ ..,,. HAR•OR 1230 --- --------~ 642.5200 Fln&ocil>c ••allsb" s20,n50 ::..°"'~ 3~ s: 1-Poliit oncf s.vo -STANCO :7 --•-t w1 ~"·--·, ·•··· View From A EXausive "'iel>bod>ood ot _ 5 BEDROOMS • · ;:;;';. pet~ n;.;; Mountain Top / ~~.M~~.~~~ ~;sormal-' $20,950 lullclen Inc. POOL· 3 Bdnu ·Fam rm. ,,,,..._...., completes lhll .... Ul;:\l•vuu.. , Open 7 dayl $13Qlmo PlYI all -514 ~ l nt. charming home. 8 )' Ormer 1:~aculate 4 bedroom home living room -duble fire-Only $150 down requ~ 1~~ lCli66 Wmmineter Ave. Rand Re1lty 645-2340 $t2,"5(1. 00,..15911 a bttathtaldnc view ol place -Iamlly room -cov-move into thi! large am""J Garden Grove C 0 N D 0 M 1 N 1 UM _ Im· ========;I ~tallna. m IQ. tt. of pres-tted patio -private cul-de. home. Clo11t to sbopp~, Balanctd. Pow H mediate poueukm. 3 Bl\ clo;o;;;sl.;;;b.cluo.ff;._ ___ 1;.;2;.;4.::21 tile livln& only { )lean old. 1ac strftt -very low down llChools and cburche1. Juat er omes 2 balha, f\llly carpeted A: _ AQ:i.nc only $37,~. p&yment if you want to do put on the market, this one ---====:--m.bJy painted. Excellent -Ta rr~W-- some painlln' I:: fixin'. won't lut. $163 per month fRIEN. DS -950 • · Jud -~ · -· at only -· • $2C,95(' FHA or Cl me es taxes• .. .., 1nauran. CALL 540- C•ll the ••.Good GUys'' 646-7171 • 546-1313 « !! !! WILL WONDER mi <ope• """> WE SILL A HOMI Howyoutoomdsomuch.,.,,. =-=""";;=Roal==-=="== 4iinn:NTJc 12,500 PROFm SlONAL TABLE like the '.Pros u..e FREE with this 'spacious Four Bedroom, Ex.. In large: Came room, dinin& :room. breakfut room cus-:tQm home.~ ldt.ehen is ell ·•~Irie lncludlng dlsbwuh. ~-EXTRA LARGE M.A.$. ~ BEDROOM with prt· •wte bath and three sttl of ; wardrobe•. Larae .. prage 3 BR 1\1 btiU...">bu!>, sharp home. ExcelleDt carpefuW throuahoul. Near May Co, '-Oii.ANOE COUNTY'S . EVERY 31 MINUTES tor oo little. 2 •'°'Y over Moll Doi Mor 1105 LARGEST w lk & L 2,000 aq-ft. Four of the larg. TWO F.or TM MONEY 293 I . 17tlt St. ~ a er ee :.~ ~:~"'u~ Sean. ~ """r 514 % GI J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, J FINEST Me1a de! Mar home. Wilh C BR. l" ba, lge. tiv. nn., I.am. rm. Perfect for family. ~,950 Agent, 67>-tO'IO • • EAST BLUFF CorJ. domlniums. 2 aide by 1ide. ml 1q. fl ea. 3 BR A den, 2 BR ti den. Extra delm:e coOOUion w/ choice location • view. $51,000 I: $67,500. Shown by appt ?.!ark Lefl Ritt. ·.~thot e::~ ~r ~ ,1bls spackiufl 113 AOlE on "cul-OHac 1treet for 01l!Y '$52:,500 .. Flmncln& iJ no problem -CAIL Nf?W! i .• ACRES? , ~I! Attractive Mesa dd · ' Mar 3 Bedroom a: Family "'Jdom home. Huce well.kept yard. Golf ~n out back • , '9'ould you believe a S"-% .1llA loan.? weli-prlced at , :·~.soo. .~o~ ! . Coll tlto "Good Guy." I • 646-7171 e 546-1313 ~ • .._.., THE REAL · '-ESTATERS :EXCLUSIVE- ~ 'cellent 3 BR 1%. bath hi:lme Eutaide C.M. CUI- : , ~ built kitchen, Entn.noe ~ family room from 15x20' ' ~tio, beautiful landscaped private yard with lot& ol f)owe1i1. 1860 Newport Blvd., CM -Rllt. 646-39'JI Eve. 644-1655 Joan ol $15,000 -payments $114/mo includes all. Nowport ot Vlctori• ,6461111 ---- Con Yooi lootThl1! l.avety 3 le iami)y-fOOl'.I\ with sparkling PCXJh. 0 '!I n er moviJ:I&: out ot area A: ml&ht accept $.1.450 PNDER nIA. apprai.lal of $27,CIXI er $25,· 950. Only $1400 down. U Vet. • LHll or L11/0pllon CUte 2 &: !amlly room A An- tbol!)' pool. $190 Or attractive option terms @ Jtl,500. ~!,.;:.w.o ~..a ti:.IJt ~w Hills Preatjp area for executive. OUtltandiQa 3 bedrocim. large Outltanclb:ic 3 bedroom, large family room. Break. fut &: dining aree.. Buutitul land1eaped yard. Sprinkleni fl'Ollt A-l'Qr, cuatom drapes. Many extru. $41,!IOO JEAN SMITH, Realtor 64&.1255 $11,600 3 BR, l"-bath, need1 carpel A painting. Electric built-in ranae A: oven. p.rtiqe dl&- polll, FA heat, double pr- age, patio stab, fenced le landscaped. VA $490 ~ lit LACHENMYER in. 3 BEDRM +FAMILY RM . :· $11,900 ost sought after location - walk to Swim Oub &: te:Mi1 'cOurts. 2 bathl. Dream kitch.. en • bullt·in appliances. New • .Qrpeting, Jnvittna: fireplace. Freshly painted. TARBELL 1414691 ------- DUPLEX Near 0ce&n.. 3 BR 2 bl. each unit. 3 Frplcs. $52.- 500. G-1• Wllllomson ""' Sales Opportunity 67l-C50 Ralfpr • Eve •. ml.564 ,. Opening for one l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I . .. ezperienced OPEN House 1 to 4 SUnda.Y 1, salesperson. lmmaculate tri-leve:l 5 BR ·LIDO REALTY , Inc. ....1th family room and tarp , Call 1ifas1er bedroom,· 2% Bath, 300 Ft. to beot beach In New-HONE,YMOON :00 w .. tclill Dr. room •ith picture .....,...,, port. Ahnoat new 4 ,BR ii 646-17ll Open Eve•: fireplace wall ig all used C.M. Investment Co. 543-T1U -Coron• del Mar 125' 1a1n rm, v.·et bar, trp1c, ro-COnAGE -~~~~~~~~,l":::""::::~":::::::"I brick anct pane111na;. nream ~:~c=~'tirn:i1S:::: A:;~:;,~::~;h~~':: 3 ~~%~, ~l!g~1·c=: TWO STORY RUSTIC ~~~~h= :~~"!~t~ ~· Yerilt 1110 LUSK-HARBOR VIEW HILL.5 inr area. ALSO, doll house home at rear. Has alley _ ~bl frplc to celling. $29,990, Over 2000 ll'l ft 3 lar&e BRs door breakfut bar, covered. rental that cuta t be pay· excell~nt eutsidt-location. 10% dn. no 2ndi. &. family ~ + heated patio. Adult occupied and it * CUSTOM HOME * 4 txlnn1, 21~ ba. ocean view, prol landscaped, 3-car pr, By ownu, larst! c bdnn, many extru, 8 mo okl. (convert. den), 2% ba. 6.6% loan. prtn on I y. acrou at from Meta Verde $59,cm. 3lll'7 Topside Ln. menU; in half. All this on Je•n Smith Re•ltor 2 BR C2, F.astaide CM. pool, ipe.ciout living room fairly sparkles. ~ most larse d o • b I e Jol Call 400 E. l?tb SL . $18,900, $2000 down. with ~alo& Ve~ rock fire-for the money at $35,950. QUICK! Co.ta Mesa Corona del Mar spacious, place, 2"" baths, outstand-"For A Wile Buy" C•ywood . Riiy. 541-1190 714 • 6<6'3255 attr. d~ •. only 4 ,,.. ... kitchen, .......... dish-Coleswo ..... & Co &oU c:oune, Many cua:tom l•6<4-"""252!•"_, ................ 1 6.1:11 W. Coot Hwy, NB ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;-. old. ea. unit 3 BR 1% wuher. Price $37,fJOO _ EZ 1111J 1 Like to Ent.rtaln'I: ba. partial 'OCe&n view. terms. · blt-1111, priced below mlll'- ket. Luse lot • room for 2716 Windover, CdM • Call to see this $60,~ lo dn. ' 67S.5100 . SA H~. 3 BR, bdwd fin, 642-Tm OPEN E)'ES· pool c.l1owner54.>5459. Hard to.find Broadmoor trl.. PiiVACY + landscap'r + leVf} 4 BR, fam rm. Sparkl. 3 BR + den + fam + lna: new a: clean! $69.950 assumable FHA at $171 mo Delancey Real. Estat. 2 BR home w/lnc wllt needs some TLC. Walldrw d1stance to everylhinr. $33,500 · tmns. By appt only CORBIN· MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. Coo1t Hwy, CdM 67>1"1 N. E. Cosf1 Mesa 3 large lxlnns, 1 ~ baths, hr.rdwood Ooors, large kitch- en &: service porch area. Oouble · garage, Big yard with shade &: lruit treet. $22,950. . Wells-McC1rclle, Rltr1. 1810 Newport WVd., C.M. 5t8-Tl29 Eves. 644--0684 ----=----==-- Baycrest hauty 5 bdrm 3% bath CW1tom built home with nwneroua oul- standlng feature1. Excellent etreet. Phone fqr appoint. merit to aee. Amold & Freud 388.E. 17th St., CM Realtors 646-rr..s 4 BEDRM •• FAM. RM. $23,500 Elegant natural brick fire- place. All el~lrlc built-in kitchen, dellghtlul patio, 2 batbfl. park llkr yard. 54Q.172tl TARBE LL 2955 Horbor "I Could Write A Sonnet" •• about the breathtakinr view I: dramatic .f Bdnn home wilb atriurn by Ivar. Wells. Roy J. W•rd Co. (Ba.ycre1t OUlcel 1842 Santiqo Dr. 646-1550 $21,500 ~ $.1300 _ dn -no 3 BR, p!UI 3 Ba, cozy dinl~/ 2nd TO. I' \I I • \\ 111 I I ~I\!('\ \II\'\ ! • \ l j ' • '' family rm. 2 ·frplcs + pla,y 318 E. 16th St., R-2 lot. 2 nn. Enclosed pool tepuale BR, blt-in R It 0, $18.900. 1093• Bakrr, C.M. 5t6-5440 WANTED Re•I E1t•t1 Sales A11oclate1 (PITil. Val at $26,SOO. 2828 E, Coast Hwy., CdM ~722 673-3770 Pl>JI ,,.,.,,, 152.500. Frink Kingssrd R .. l Eotated':i_,;_,;~::!:::i::::::::::l:!!::::llC '"W::::::lo:::ilk:::io:!ir:::iR~u=lty::::::I::::::::: i ·--~M~I:-2-;::1222~~--1[' PANORAMIC VIEWS BIJ:~a~wSON Two ae~te =one lot. • Tip top ol Harbor View Hilll DELTA REAL ESTATE 3 yn:. )'OUJ)C, 3 BR 2'ii Bi1yfront Triplex $21 ~ -spaciou. cwitom home w/ 646-4414 C II 1 ba, cptl, drpt. bltine. Full 3 BR, 1 %. BA, fam rm, elec bltlns, oov patio, nlce !andacp. $25,liOO. 5«)..2291 LIDO ISLE 1i1W '"' pan.lied tam rm, .. 'I""""''"'"'"'"'"'"'""'"'°""" =""'"=o-'P'-'o"'rk"----'1'-"15 price 1114""° Oran&• c.ut 3 . Bayview apartments 2 Sharp 3 bdrm 2 bath Conder bar, 2 fireplc:s, lanai and MftftJH CQ·'JI MW 4 BR redec. 26' liv rm, w/w Property 332 Martueri~ with fireplaces. _Good_ ~ minium. 'in choice location protected patio and pool, null ' • ·-1·---· dlb 6'3-'550 •••ooo cp~ ... ...,, ... l"c, pr, ·==-~-~~= lion. 40' Oil Ba,y. See today! 8.Cl'911s frprn pool & club ...................... -· <) • tncd. $25,950. Alsume 4'ii%. VIEW -pool, 1paci0us 2 BR SlSS,000 • houae. Call now tor appoint. ?rtn. llarvey 4+B~ wmilybaths, dinqbuil"'°I. m 2278 Cornell "'6-2309 Agt. home, 40' living rm, 11 LIDO ttEAL TY, INC. ment to see. ....... 8 room, ·ma.. muter wite. Owner Mt- 3400 VI Lid .,.... oo .. n cpll/drps, irplc. $31,950. -~~ a 0 ··~ DAVIDSON llulty Nowport luch 11001=-======= 4 Bod F 11 R 54<0400 Eve. SG5142 lolboo Penlnsulo 1300 rm+ om y m Coldwell, llllllker & Co. OCEAN VIEW ! PINE TREE 1;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 $2J,500 :tM E. CNst Hl'1tW•~ View from your master bdrm I• Elea;ant natural brlck fire-H.-1 INd!, c111torn11 CUSTOM I $39,5001 6 living room in this 3 bdrm, LOVE NEST place, all electric built-in 1 .,*;;,.64;.;,1·!!!1n,..1!!!A1>;..;yt!!!;,.m!!!o!.~*l""';;:'';';'.,,.::"':;:'0•::'•-'!":::;'"'l2 baths. Built-in kitchen. Fltt-2~ bath home in the Bluffa. kl.tchtn. De:U~htfuJ. ptl.lo, 2 Do Yov Rud Ads? place. E lecbic a:•rare door Spanhih Influence with maey baths, park like Yard. 540-Close To Ocean opener. Patio. Artistically extras .uch u wet bar etc. .1720 U you do&: <:an Uat property, landscaped. Jr. Eltate aiz.ed .. .,.. 950 I --'·•-Do •t TARB 9 $19 000 ___ .. __ ,_ ..-. . mma'-'\U.llo.c:. n ELL 2 55 H1rbor 1• you can sell We•..:= --=5-grounds. 540-1720 wail 4 + FamHy Rm . men nov.·. Top commission I:: TARBELL 2955 Harber bon~ plan. All replies con-1-:::======= .. \Vaw -4 bedrooms + fam. fidentia.l. Cosio ,. __ _ Uy rodm; 2 batM, BUILT ~ 1100 L I ' . • . . , . Idea.I fll)Ot for honeymooner.; cute and quiet. 3 .bedroom, 1% be.th dollhoUle near end of peninsula point. Owner anxioUl, $38,250. BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2001 Newport Blvd .. N.B. 675-4630 Ev11 '73-5112 DELUXE DUPLEX New 3 BR Unitl ~ adjace:nt to Ocean l Bay $59,950. 1% financing. lolboo Rul E1t1to Co. INS .• b...idut ba' in ERNIE-'"'1 1,;;;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;,; R EA L TY dream kllchen. New '"''om CLEVELAND COZY 2lll5 I\'. Bolboa Blvd., N.B. BY Owner 2 Br. Ill baths, drtPta. ·Wall SO wall carpet-675-6000 lge. patio; nn. to add on 613-1140 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa $9,500 2 BR·basement Bob, ~1942 aft 6 4 Bedrm .• $13' a month 2 baths. TUed entry hall, Electric bu.Ill-In kitchen. Red brick fireplace. Covered lc enclosed patio. $25,500. 540- 17211 TARBELL 2955 Horbor BUILDERS ATrENTION! Choice 35' ~ at ll8 351.h St .. N.B. Plans &: extras Incl. U desired. Subordinate part. Bargain if !«>Id at once! 673-5693 i"ll.. F°""" "' heating. RNltor CORNER I ;::::~::::::::::::=::::==::::=::::=: 40XIOO IOI. Balboa Point Room .,. boat ., '"""· conAGE I' local~•. 67MOTI Fenced yard -can't last at 143 BrOldw•y 645-0111 · Waterfront Home ========•I $19,000. _ 664303 E 641M5lt Here 't1 a bright livable home Balboa Cow• -sandy beach. Lido Isle 1351 ve1. _ \vilh room to add unilfl. boat sl'• 3 Bd 2 ba F. E. Ollon Inc., Ritt. II Th i 'I'• nn. . Imagine -A s Cose to 17th street ~ !um oi unf. Enjoy your swn.. YOU owe it to )llUl'lt!f to in-For $20,IOO ping. Three bedroomt, two mer vacation. $62,500 Vt"sligatc our· C different Centrally located in C?tf, baths. Lot 90' x 150'. Try R. C. GREER, Realty trade-in Prtlf'&lill· brand N>\Y home w/rich $35,IXXI. S355 Via Udo 67U300 OllANGI! COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17tlt St. 646-4494 shag cpts, BI, FA heat, BURR WHITE, Rltr. fulcy lncd rear, lndscpd, dlb 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. SCOO I gar. 2 BR le ba. Ca.II now! 675-4630 Eves 67S.0Ut P I !!Ill~"" s 0 tuart, R ~a 1 t 0 r ·l"::::::::::::::::::l::::::::Z:::"~l!l,illlll IThe prime 5 unit apartment u•~· 1• • on the entire peninsula. HOME + POOL 199,900 -worth ,,,.,,. pen- -------==-~- 6 UNITS 3 bedroom home &nd pool, ny of tt. WU! trade for in- Furnithed Duplex fine area, Esther sttttt. E-dustrlal. Exclwdve wilh Newport Island $60,000 • Will Trade Z , tenns with 51,( % loan . Newport B••ch Rulty 1 Br units, Bl tu kits, FA ROOP.I TO BUILD $26,950 675-1642 heat. Just rMtt, In XLNT Rltr. &42·9730 Eves. 54g.qr.!O I!\ "'""· 139."". Have loan • KtmlEl\Y 11,.1~~. 'A~ _.L ,-, BA YFRONT 3 Br. Bu.ch commitment. r;nnw ~ hoU8e; prlv. beach ; RALPH P . MASKEY, Rltr. __ RayAhore Park kuehold . 67).600'.l 4 BEDROOM .. $2.2,500 Near NB Post Ofc. 64&-MlC $13,500. 548-'139l Noed Evorythlng? Like an immaculate 3 BR, 3% ba borne, 2 frplcs., din/ rm + faJ:u rm. sr1sr Jot. Only $59,500. Wslm Rily LIDO Ille, Via Orvleto, 5 bdrmfl, 3 .ba, fm rm, din rm, tae patio, aep. mald1 nn, blt-Uu. 613-0482 for appt. HunHntton looch 1400 6% V.A. LOAN . !ten Brittingham, Mgr. nc'v carepling. 1 bl.k to ex-cellent achool, I bllcl· to '" 67s.a&'IO "'°pping. Only IS< , 5 o o . ASSUME 1113' 6" %-FHA-VA Agent. 5M--MM or 5.14-2S36 1 loan. MUSI' SELL. Nr new HOME -R-2 Jot. Excel :\,eaut 4 sR ' [am rm home. Wnt11de. 3 BR 214 ha, room $5900 total dn. $2'll per mo for 4 or 5 units. 50-1123 I )i!lYS all. 962-a)42 $19,900 . NEAR BEACH 3 big bedroom•. 2 pullman baths, elegant lireplace in large living J"OOm. Built-in r&111e le own. Ullt'd brick pat~. ExcellPnl a~a. TARBELL 146 0604 YA Repossession EveJYOnt qualifies -$950 down. 4 bedrooms. C A L L 540-USl (open eve1J Heritage Real Estate. SF.AL Beach· aaaume 5%.% Nothing equal at this pdce. I~~~'"!'!'""!'~'!'!!!~"" MOBILE Horne, Bay Front G.t.: 3 b~. to beach; 3 Isolated rear living room. ASSU~fE 51;4% fllA loan, on the Peninsula:. $19,500. Br. 2 Ba., bl.tr.. c:ptd. Frpl. Brick patio with gas fired SUl. month pays all. F .P. 87>-JIOI or~ New paint in a: w t Lge. BBQ. Dream kitchen with $19,350 on 3 bdr, Jge fncd e BY owner .t bdr, 3 be., !ICp. party rm. ""'/fpl. built-ins. 54{).1720 yard. redec. 54().7562 or large den. $40,750 call eves $37,500. Owner 213: 0)-4097 TARBELL 2tSS H•r bor ~727. 646-1542 3 bedroom. Wall to wall car- petlna: throUghout. Covered patio. All electric kitchen with built·in rt!rileratar. Lota man! extru and )'OUr full monthly payment la onb $134. F.P . only $21,450. ~ mit down payment. Prfva.lt Party. 962· 7689 or 968-4640. HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE,--11'1 ---..,.,,. 1"2 •••• "VffTlff:TO" mnP .. 0,.. ...... .. I AM A .. llNDLY Lim.I HOUSI WlJh my 3 Queen Sile Bedrooma, new·l>eep pile carpetin1 In 111 rooms. rve . --_ .. and I •patkl<. n.,.. PaUo and HUP Yan!. Double Guqe. J.tadem kKcbtD ud rn ael.l GI no Down a.t $21,000. Sutrnlt )'OW' dtOOllt. ~A lfOlilf , . Seller i. firm •t iJ.9.100 and wtll leJl no down GI. A 3 bedroom btt.uty 'vith JovelY carpets. aJ.1-drapes. Monthly ~e-nt1 of $98.00. lncl~des all, Anyone QualltSes. llURRY~ ' . iiiiiiiillllliiiiilii NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646-7711 2043 Wntcllff Dr. 1t Irvine Open Eveninp NIW IN WESTCLIPJ111 A truly charming bouw, loadt'd. with exltu A larre brb:ht llvirc room vdth beam~ ceilings and muaive w t'd. brkk ftrtptac.. Nice fam1Jy room looks out lo loonly encloled pa.Uo. Brigbt IUn.D3 kitchen complete with ov~e w"Vict room. Hu&e bedroom&!! £xtn. l&rp lot for privacy. A home with lots of cbanrl and V.'f.rmth. our exclusive. Only $41,500. Submit your 1maller home on our &\W'Ul• let aale plan. , WALK TO IAY AND OCIAN From thll larie 4 bedroom. 3 bath modem famtly belch home. Here )'Ou are olleftd a. private: community with a Clubhoute, t1~·1mmina pool, and tennis court1 bl!!slde1. Gtt rHd,y t~ a tremendous summertime NO\V!!! Jl"U,ll prlqe $34,BM. Submit )'Ou.r amallt'r home on our auaranttt aa1e plan. 4 llDlOOMS PLUS POOL · Jn an excellent ai'ft clo.e to ahopplng Ind IChoola. Eicdlent floor plan with Mutft' bedroom mite on oppolite aide of houH, from. other bedrooin.t. Rure b8uUtul Anthony POOL heated and ruttttd wi~ lot ot deekin&. Lt.rte ~rrd Ind enclOled patio. Rumpua room ld,J1ct:nt to pool. W•\k to shopptna Catholic school, elementary, Junior and Hlch 1ehool1. Priced at $34.~. ·subml\ Your 1malltt home on our auarant.ee Ille plan. CORONA DIL MAl DUPUX -10'/o DOWN OwlWT will finance thia dmmlnc duplex -NO LOAN TEF.S!ll Buy the eu,y 1''1.)'. SOUTH of the HlChwl)'. 2 bedroom.s och. Heav,y shake root. e&rp.tJ 6. drt])tt. A amt buy!! Only $42,-'00. By appointment onb'! Submit )'OUr amaller ttl'OtltrlY on our prantft II.le plan. WI SILL A HOMI IVIRY 31 MINUTIS I COST A MESA OFFIC11:-E "°" ~710 HAQ9l ILYD. 0,.. '""11p '111 t P.M. 5 llDIOOMS -l lf••;. •I LOAN . The oerfect LARGE FAMILY HOME complete ~n to ELECl'RIC GARAGE DOOR! Love~ carpets A: Drapes! KJtchtn built 1ru: A: DISHWASHER! Spactoua llvinc room with mualve STONE FIREPLACE. Ideally located flMr MAJOR SHOPPING CENTER I: Scbooll:"on quiet Utt-lined str'M:L A8lllme this ittracUve $24,500 GI Lo&n It $203 per month tncludfne taxes. SH·H·H·H-H.ff·H·H WI POUND A SLllPlll Aslume this 59' % J1tA Loan at ONLY $1.S per month with LOW DOWN p11.y- ment! 3 1pe.d0Ufl bedrooms and 2 luxury baths! Cozy FIREPLACE In lovely CARPETED A DRAPED living room off ltl RANCH SIZED KITCHEN "'Ith bulfl ins. Nell' School and Shopplng. QUITE A BUY!! HIY YOHANS $700 DOWN PAYMINT ITS TAX ltll'UND TIMI AND Cha.net1 are, youn wW make the down ~ent on thll 3 btdroom. 2 bath 1parltler "1th NEW PWSH SHAG CARPETS I: 0..tom Ilrl.p81 Warm FIRE- PLACE ln speclous livln& room and RANCH SIZE KITCHEN with built-Ins. Ex·• cellent locaUon on ~1_:1let 1tttet with towerlna: \:rffs. Bttt ot all-ONLY $21,500. COSTA MESA LUIUlY -4 llDlOOM llANCHllO Thia heavy thake root sprawllrur home ottm 1pacloua btdtooma and 2 luxurl~ ous bath plus DRESSING ROOM. Lwauy carpets adorn the lfl.CIOus Uvlnc room and LARGE FAMILY ROOP.f with cosy Ula> •u:K 71llPLACE. Dad will love tht privJey ot tht> wecluded den and Mom Will appreciate the roomy ranch tlted ldtchtn. Lavtly low maJntenan~ landlcaplns Jurroundri Its 1weoeplna drlvewt)' In front and ltrae lnvlUl\i patio. E.xl.'ellent nnanclnst at ONLY U.600 Doo'!!. • , ... .. .... _ .__,\. Df¥on:t. fOl'Cff a quick Ale beni, You eu be a winner -tt ,.. hurry,. - 2 baths, ---. 5 Jf:IJ'I old. LSHl.D. ~ ml> 128.500. OPEN 1.5 SA'I' Ii: SUN BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 67M630 EvH '42·2253 ............... ~· ..... ..--,, .... .,..,.... HANDYMAN 3 BR, -" ....... yd., $US; BAOL a p t., ldl-ftDHllK SPECIAL .-. ,...,., qutdtt• • ..... , .. , •tD. paid. ~, Here'• a booie IQ ~ petl OK. $170. ~ Bl*I' 53M880 the 1oout bea.rttd. Localed VERY c1ean 3 en 2 ba.tb Ced• M-.. --4~ IPTS. 1n the .fll¥Slic llilll aecUon o( Mcaa dd Mar. hull: kJt.1-;;;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,1 Laa:una Beach. W It ERE $210/mon. Act. 5tM1Cl I 1 SURROUNDING HOMES £.SIDE3bd,2ba,•/W01>~ $2~ Wk. Up 3 BR STUDIO AJU>IN n•E sso.ooo CLAS.'!. ya, patio, 2 "" sar. adlt., • 11oom1 115 wk., up POOL Unique 3 BDRM. . FLOOR no'*'-pm yr, m.'1129. • studio. B&cb apll. PLAN SERVICED BY 2 ' e Incl UtD:1 A: Pt.one lft'Y. BATI!S, buUt on apllt level&. Met11 Verde 3110 e llaid Smtlol ·TV avail. ADULTS ONLY J ' Artistically desi&:ned liv. rm., + • New ~ 6 Bar has WAIJ:;S OF WOOD LOVELY 4 bdrm, 2 ... 2311 Newport Blvd. $tJ.9'l55 1741 Tvst1n Ave1iue PANEWNG CAtHEDRAL Jam nn, Carpetl I.: bit-ins. HOLIDAY PU.zA off 11th StrMt -BEAMED c:En.mc, MAS-1190. pu mo. on in. DELUXE. mpaclom 1-Bdrm. Costa Meu 60:-4641 SJVE RED BRIO< FIRE· M4-46'n E\arft. apt. $13S P'twl utiLi""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;.I PLACE. WITH RAISED • ff fed ........ 1 Am le -·~·-·~'"·-~ ... wan. --3200 .. .,.... • n~•n...........,.; .--._.. No childre ~No pets 3 BR 1%. bl, Wt-in range open to balcony wilb an 1965 Pomona, CM ' oven. With praee. $].f.l. Ovm:POWERING VIEW I/I OF mE OCEAN & CATA· . * VIII• P-.a Apt1, W II McC ·•I Rlt . .. . .. .. ·~ W .. ntldlt, ... U 9, 196'1 DAILY PILOT IS 100% ANNUAL NET RETURN possible based on actual field t.lsUng. Mlnlmum $3750 Cash an<! few-hours per week .nqllired. Will not inlerfere with present activity. ' INVESTMENT FULLY SECURED by equip- ment, supplies and local advertising. COMPLETE COMP ANY SUPERVISION In establishing and maintaining profitable bu si- ness. llUSINIR ..... BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL F INANCIAL looking For A Wi1ner? IF you do not want I<> be a pioneer and cu recognize the many advanlages ol usuming ownershlp ot an established, profitable oper- ating franchise sl<>re in a fantastic growtlt • area ••. This could be the opportunily you ban been loo.~ing for . .• IF you can qualify ... you wm join the El ; Poco Candle •Gift Shoppe store.cbaln, w·bldt-41 Is one of the largest m the siieclalty sl<>re - I1eld. Two existing hi·trafiic Orange County stons are available immediately as well as '.,. other locations thru~ut the Western states. IF you can invest $18,950 cash and begin at once <all MZ-2713 for a personal, confidential interview. I • P90I Tlmo Is llere Exira deaa & abarp 3 BR 2 bath home. Almost new car- pet&, custom drapf.. aJ.UQ)i. nwn covered p&tio, lot oC cement work. Sputdlni blue pool with tilter ~ beater. Probably the btst bu1' of tbe year, Onl1; $24,950 -CI or FHA terms, Won't last - bet1er call now! MUTUAL REAL TY LINA JSLANDS. TOWNtiOU$.E ea.ta Mesa's newest ' most • a-aru 1• r1. This home ts in need' ot }m.. Split lAftl 3 bbms. : batht luxurious •ptl now renq. U10 N~r:w" C.M. med. attendon, needs com-DoubJe Jar~ I e, carpets. Fl.Im A: unturn. Adulta oD.ly· 1..,..,..,~~~!"'!!!!!!!!!I plete redecorating and clean d.11J1t3, Flreplacr, e I e c. ~ peta. 1760 Pomona >.ve.,J"" NEWL y START SMALL & EXPAND. Large full time areas also available most cities. IF you prefer, you may write about yourself In detail an~ include phone number to: j M2·1418 anytime BOAT· TRAHER! Only $23,950 Larze 3 BR 2 balh, Near Park. NeY.·Jy painted. HAFF DAL REALTY rl40 Wamer, F.V, 842-4405 PllESTIGE HOME Sparldina 4 BR 2 bath home. Auume 5% % F11A loan. Excellent anoa. R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 847-3519 EYCs.. 962·1369 WATERFRONT • by owner • 4 BR. • 2 BA.. dock, 55' on water enclosed patio $74,500. Also 60' on main channel large 3 Br. 3 Ba., dock, UU1,000. Co n s i d e r lease/option 592-5998 3 BR 2 bath, shake l"OOf, w/w c pta /drps. Nr everything. Assume 5'°.l o/~ FHA lona-will fin, part of S3700 eqty. 891-lS<Yl 2 LG. Jots R.5. Nr S pis. units-rnedica1. $19,900 ea. tenn&-Kirchmeyer Box 648 Kula Maui Hawaii BY O\VNER, 2 sty, 3 BR, fam rm. Newport \Vest tract A!aume loan 5%5-'a, up. THE CITY HAS RE-built.ins. ADULTS ONLY •• Juat IOUth or 18th St. DECORATED MOVED ITS OCCUPANCY ••· ............. $265/monlh. CONDO.; 2 BR,. l~ ba., Large 2 BR w/praee $ll5. Company references fu rnished before person- al interview. Unlvenal ' Franchise Excha119e 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE, SUITE 210 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA PERMIT, PEND INC • Mn. f'a.Y priV, yd:, att'd, dbl. pr.; Disposal, &arde.Diu Ir: wattr CLEARANCE OF SANITA· Bay & leach pool: dohwW.. w •' h · paid Noar xhoot Write, glv;no brief ·resume. phone, ..... 3 re- TION AND FOUNDATION Realty, Inc. ~cb. All utensil!, di&bes, 2116 °Plattntia Av~ .• Apt, B ferences t'(.~GLOBE ENTERPRISES"", Suite PROBLEMS. \\'e have esti-901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221: lmen11. $235·mo. 549-J915 e '36-4l20 e REAL ESTATE Bus. ()pportunttiu '300 mates of cost a\-ail., or have 645-2000 Eves. 548-6966 A'ITR.. turn 1 bdrm, w/w 180, 4500 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, General your own contractor take a crpbl, Ip c 1,1Pb 0 a rd s, * VIiia Pomona Apts California. · ... "'." ELSINORE Wtst marina. look. Distressed owner say• R % doRbl. $85. Ltase. 2538 Co!ta Mesa·• newut l:.most1,,,,.,=.,.-,,------;-;=""°-.==..----Ex~ R. I. -.-the on'" _ti_ marina sell it "as is" for 5Af!l~te 3 1 ~~~ls i o:crei: Newport Blvd. ~ hl:xurioua apt.II now rtnttnr. RENTALS REAL ESTATE atter ~ t;;~ Dood $26,950 Full Price .,,....,v;.wothill•.$<.IO 192 NICELY....,, 'J: n.mtunlurn.Adu11'onfy· Apts. Uilfurn-General · sso.ooo TD on 10 ..,., o1 ... ..,. ......_. .... ._ Do P t mo on ~ 64&8194 or • G · -d' ~i ' no peb. 1'160 Pomona Aw., oceanview land for clel.I' ot the lake 31 tt, Ovfl' .. (0) wn ym • l>U! ''=' apt. ar 1&..... · just IOUth ot 18th St Huntington BMCh 5400 Office Rental 6070 hooa. m 1..,..0 • Open to Offer .,._.......,... No pets, adults only. lstJ~~f~~;'~·~~f \;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ----------' ·====-===== ac. No ~ · MISSION REAL TY TOWNHOUSE 3 Br.. 2~; & last mo's 646-2962 !OCEAN breeze upper Apt LAGUNA BEACH t ·R. E. W1nhd million visitors b:pecled 985 So. Cout Hiway, Laguna ba w/w cpts drps fpl BACH A t f II kltcl lge 3 BR l%. ba. Avail . EXCLUSIVE '240 th.iJ ~ar. This is • "'!'"<;J~ :r~ patio: eiec. blins, 2 · JI " u ~ i., April 15 $160/mo. 2286 Ca· Air Conditioned up to date park 'W/ the PHONE (714 ) 4ff.0731 car &ar, pool. $275. 00-7219 !:J:; ~l~~l~ attr. s95, ulil. nyon Dr. Apt 5 betwn J ON-THE·IEACH ON FOll.ES'/ AVENUE GI ~ transfe.rred hlto finnt facilllieg inc. 1tJO · PM & 3 PM or phone Ml 'Dsk spacea available Jn tht area needs a 3 or 4 travel trailer 1 pa e es, Wutharlng H9ight1 Olde English aura pervades 4 BR. sunken lib/den, form. din nn, stately liv rm w/ :fll!IC, Ige. kitchen. 3 BR up. per, sep. guest hse or studio. Needs TSP aOO TLC. $32,950, $4000 Dn. MlSSlON REALTY 494-0131 985 So. Coast Hwy, Laguna Cute a& a Bug1s E ar C d I M 3250 1 BR Ull IE :t BR $11i0. 2-2222 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. ~ Clltb ~l:IQlldlnc •t Bedroom lmne just under launch'g ramp Ii many ~ oronl e •r Ni~ area. 452 Easl 18th • , r ·-·-u·•-to pi.... U... prime loca"'-&.. -· $25,(0). J will ...... my own · ' Grae ou1 Adult Liv •-.....,. ..... ,. ....... _. • ......, ceUJOM: food, d r Inks , LGE f BR. form . din. nn, new· cleep pile cpls I drps. Be all by yourself on this Xlra lge. lot! Nice patio. sm mo, inc. &dnr. Bkr. 615-.5726 2 BR., trpl. stove. d/w, 103 Jasmine. $195, util. incl. ALSO: l-Br., $155 plus util. 514 Marigold Call: 673-5109 for app'L 3 BR, 2 ba, cpts/drps, i;tcwe -refrig. L.w. $235 mo. 613-2222 Bkr. St. ~2269. 646-8774 e\'t'S. 1 , ",.! o;at dllc:tbnlnatinl· Na-Laeuna Beach. A.tr COftlli. Colts. Call my Broker: groctties, games & rentals. BACHELOR Apt.. I adult 2 Bdmu., w/w cpt~, drapes. available at j tilln!d, carpeted, illlvdfu1 Walker I: Lee at 842-4455 Will aell all or part. Prop. only. $60 ~lo., util. pd. 2111}. ~'ei~E~s~KAPTS. n.e Huntin"'r-n paneled ~tioal.ag. T •o BUSINESS a nd consists of :is ac It fee B Orange Aw., C.M. •11 I' @fttranctl. Ftontlp aa FINANCIAL and Lake Els.inore Sl25 aean tum 1 BR bach 145 E, 18th., C.M. 642-3414 Fcntt ATe., rear Mds to permit from the State of Util~ inc. w/pr. No pets. 3 BR _2 bath . Condo. W/w p 'fl 0D Munctp&I parkfnl Iota. p. lut, Opportunlti11 6300 Calif. Fi:rm price $560,000 548-a522 carpeting, blt·tn own, range ICI IC per mcntb for IS*'lt-DeU caah. Abo l\avt additional -=~-~~-=c--· 1 & dishwasher, Double ear-and chain an.flable tar~ SPARE TIME INCOME 1000 ac. for second home • Nassau Palms • agt, 2 pools, No pets. $1.90/ TI n--1 Bu.s1neu baun unrerina; bldrs , within J,S mi of l & 2 BR. • Pool m" c:~r> c:oco,.. 1 ......,.,an Aw:., 1 .Ii' service available fer $10. · w·u R_, ... ~ ""1 ... rn E. 2'lnd SI. iU-3645 u. .............,., ln4) ~141 New QUALJTY FOODS Di-manna. 1 C0111uuo:1. ,,......,. ~.."'.:.!!'c~::...-~~~·1:2!ieii1tliStud;i;;;ii<;.,;--;.~., .. 1'111i4hiba, All utnities paW except vision wm be inteMewing wnture in the devek>pritent QUIEi' Deluxe-bachelor, 1711 enclosed 'raraze & patio. CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS telept.one. In this area durlne the next of both prop. Our ~cy Sanla .Ana Ave, C.M. No cp'·/•-, " blt-i"·. "-·-8234 Atlanta DA.Il..'! PD.hr two weeks :for a qualified h\.'O million. Write DailY . e. LAGUNA BEA.QI t-' ~ •~ t owner. 5(5..';130 J BR 2 ba custom home, few blks to heh. Sep, master suite, bltns. lg. priv palio!I. View b:lrms. Beam/post const. Cptd &: drpd thruout. $39,500. Lo:: Padres Rlty 494-8&.13 Huntington Buch 3400 - DELX ~pt, spaCJOUS 1 Bdrm, 2 BR, ntwly dee ,drps, w/w electric only f9l..9M8 vestmtn w........., ttq\Jua. o pool, ideal for bachelor. cpts, bit-ins, aduJts. $14:>. 536-3921 or 536-2127 ~-------~ 1 !\'tart. lmmtdia.te hilh earn. CANDY SUPPLY pets. 646-5.SU 54~ Ev ~ ._,.. Jllew 1·2 Bedrooma _Pay ~ 222 FO~ Avmt.JE distributor. MOOe1t cuh in-PilOt'·Box M-50<,; or phone $120. 1993 Church, 548-963.1 642-2550, eves 546-6716 Pool-Washers-Dryers Single or &uitea. Atr coOO. inp sefVkirW machines ROUTE SUO mo. incl util. Private Garages ltlonina, parklna:, llCCl'etarial vendin& candy and snadDI to !No Se)I~ Involvecl) Furnished l Bedroom Villa Fioo Apts . 3 BRSJSO. ~ ~" ' B r--t aervice, central loca.Uort. company establlahed ac-Excellent income for f.ew $29.950. 962-8779 I"'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!., J BR house, l 1,~ BA. new SOUTH Shores. 2 BR. cpts, OCEAN VIEW crpts, custom drapes, Im· Uni. Children Welcome ''"'" r., ........ .,.. s C. Robert Nattress Realtor counts. Abeolutely no .ellirc. ~ 874 'w. Cvlter ApL 1 Drapes, patios, garages, 2JJ E. 17tb Street For information and inter-houn weekly"°~ {Daya or drps, bltins, FA heat. dbl PRIVATE BEACH maculate. Couple preferred, gar. $14,500. \Voo d ward 2 Br, 2 Ba. Open beam, teak, oo pet&. $2:t5. 962-7331 appL ~ $140 •t th evenin-). ae11n1.-.. IE col· AU. UTIL PD, 1 bdrm Furn. 2 BR unful'TI. Refrig, bltn r """ . "on Costa M1$8. 642-1435 view appointment, sen d -.. v ....._ Mature adults. $100. 2335 stove, crptl, drps, redecor. Q 2611 FLORIDA NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER name, addttss and phone lecting mol1eJ' from coin~ Realtors, 962-3343 glass. Quiet pvt roa.d·low only • Laguna Beach 1705 SANDY ANKLES Can be yoUn to wash when you arrivt ~from a day in tbt sun and surf. Truly a mnarlcable home situated just 1 % blocks from famed WOOD'S COVE. Elden~~ c .M. No pets. a4.;Ml"/'60 {Nr. Beach &: Yorktown1 Otticell &ultable for Com-number to: erated diapenaerz in Coeta Pi-1tSa Ii: surroundine area. 2 BEDROOM apt with pool, 1•2 &: l BR. apts, unturn. BRAND NE\V 2 & 3 BR mercial, Medical, Dental. PACIFIC We est. route. (Handles children O.K .• no pets. 2265 9911 El Camino Dr .. CM from $150/mo. Cpt'!/drpa, Air-<:<lnd., crpt11 elevator INTERNATIONAL name b r 1 n d candy 6 Canyon Dr. 54::>-2104 * ~l * di.<1hwas.her. Nr Br a c h . X"ic PER SQ. FT. INDUSTRIES ks) $1450 CUh · 2 BR. Condo. Ct-pls, drps, 847-3957 541..5032 OR 67":>-2464 snac ' reqw.r. taxes, $32,500. $400>. down. 3 BR. 2 Ba.. bl tns, dtpl;, Shown by appt. 642-0047. (cnced yd. Nr. stores. 2 RENTALS Children ok. Sl.15. 962-4391 Hou&as Furnished bllns, ,,'hr/dryer, patio, $80:BACH: apl. for v.·oma~1: DUPLEX, 2 Br.: 3 o 4 334 Twenty-Finl Street ed. For penonal interviiew 2 PROF. men want 3rd to pool. Adults. 5.17-sa:f.I util. paid . Carpo11 ; avail. Broad"'aY,. Cpls. &: drapes., \.19un1 Be1ch 570S BEAUTIFUL Arcade Office 1-~0~aklahd==·~°'"=·'=· =916ll~~ in Costa Mesa ima, lend 4/"Ui. 181 B'""'aY· 548.-4316 s125. Sll:SW: _ for rent. 1555 Suite C, Baker CANDY SUPPL y name, addrtsl I: pbont num. share ~w Bal Isl Bayiront 2 BR, adults, $95 mo. $llS; I-BR. furn .. util. paid. 2 BR. Unlurn'-'"-" lOO CLIFF DRIVE S1, C.?o.f. rus per Mo. ROUTE ber to MuJt:i-State Inc., S07S hm , 3 Br. 2 Ba .. yrly. Dayg References required N s· l Adult ..... ~ 54n 96U E lmpe"·' Hwy ~ ?i1r.?i1ars.hall;5 42-5623. •847-2352 • o &a.rage. inge · $125Month &f6...0.146 LUXURYFURN/UNFURN . .,... IPartorFullTilneJ · ,...,. '....., .. ~, eves aft 7 Mr. Baron, 1-==i:=="'======-Zl3 Mesa Dr. 548-9509 19'l (Apt 2) Shalimar, CM Yearly Leue. I' :t Bdnna. WATERFRONT oUice l.: Excellent Income f« W -"'~li'°'f.~90242=~===~ 49a-5161 Fountain Valley 3410 EAS"l'SIDE: Quiet 2 Br • .,..,.....,E 1 b -1 .. beams steps to Shen ' Shops desk exch. part time sec. hrs. weekjy ~'Ork_(~ SNACK VENDING WOULD like to share apt or hse with Pis (age l5-35J. Children ok. Bcb area pref. Call Joyce 0) 82S-6486 Elec. bltm, patio. AduJt.<ii ~ r, ... .,.....,. · Ocunview from rtel'1 ApL atrv. Yacht Brk.. Cl l f · ) Rdilti nd: ROUTE AVAILABLE CONDO., dlxe. 2-tsty: 3 Br. only. S61-8 O&le &ti.1298 pattio's;;{w ~:~dult no from $150 mo up. leue 6'5-1393 ~~v:;,· moner ~ t!.ti «ART OR FUlL TIME 3 Ba., :Z car gar. Dishwshr, pe 5 yr, · &m-tfit SHARE of:fict w/ eat. Coln Operated Dispen-Man or woman needed lu wuher/dryer: many ex· Newport Hgta. 4210 2 BR. ~-·~ly ~tcor. REAL ESTATE Incom e Tax co. Reu. sers in C.OSta Mesa and 8el'Vict wndirW route In tru. 2 Pools. clubhouse; Garage, ~l "'" stores. mnthly rent, 1806 Nwpt SIUTOundlng e No lMi_•rea. completely ffta~ EMPLOYED &icl a eek s JD min. to beach. $240 Mo., DUPLEX Apt ., 1 br., turn. quiet~ S.-1284 General BJvd, CM. 64z..7301 selling. {Hanc1~:S n---m~ ~ bymmpany.diltribu-~':ne~r .:~h to a~ L~· & last mo's. rent, I< ~0V-.. .. 1CPJt·. cl dra:~l~; NICE 1 bdnn apt, crpts, Rental1 Wanted 5990 e MEDICAL UNIT e brand candy&: 81111t'Q.} ~ERILEADER.tn Enter double carved doors clng. dep. 968-l580 LS_...,, ' ~an. · drps. $12>. Util lncl'd. um Sq fl. attractive, good $1650 total cash ft<!Uired. ..,ia: and candy, Exc:eDftit to.~ •• , •••J--• •• ~.and 673-&Ul eves. 3 BR d •·-~ rm · No pets. Work•n~ woman 548.8428 or &'lS-1665. IBM Executive wife '= 2 t t· · nd •-F,.r m,. re infonnation income na..+.fi...,-or lull ""O .,...., ..... UbCU ""' G'"'" d I ·r1 1"'21) to ., en, .......... .,n. ·., pref. 308 catahna Dr. 'bi 111 ' hl oca Kln, all' oo . crp .... , ... ... !"""'' .. ..., "' AP&Cioos living room with u~ es re &1 ..,.. bltins. $215/month. Lease. se.nsa 1 BR lfdn apL rpl, cpb, rrsi:ions• e ·llC students drps. JOc sq fl. 548-6761 and details, AC1ld name, 81.WNG. Requira ~liable panelled walls of simulated &hare 3 BR. 2 BA beach Avail. APl'il 20. 1.19-1665 =========! drps, bUnt, patio, pool. desire 7 mo lease on J, address and pbone num-lciCal1 penon with ~T hour& worm iniested wood. An ov. 1 ,.:•.:.•L,,_,67~3--06~~".,----o-. 4300 Adlts, no pets $120. 546-5163 4 or 5 BR, 2 . or 3 .Ba Commercial 6085 ber to: weekly, car, refel"t'nce& and erslz.ed dining l"OOm is the 2 GIRLS desiring roommates Lquna Beach 3705 Bal Ma Split .. ~ 2 Br. 1 in ba; :ie :ta a£t·~til1i:;,v1~ "ROlITE DEPARTMENT' $7'95 to $3695 cash invfttrneJJ1. ttntral hub of this unique coastal area. house or apt, Ued CLEAN Bache!Clr Apts. Upper 2 Br. 1 ha, ~ts, S600 mo. Uni. or prefer FOR Leue ~ acre Clf M-l P, 0 , Box 3846 iiecured by lnwntoey, Wrftii: lloor Plnn and from this -·. 21.).439-164.f. 2 BR, view. remode • All util incl ~ up -'-_ -u--i.. "~"' c:-. property with small otfioe. Anaheim, Callfan'lia mJ3 Snacka, Inc., 210 Cl!aa • ,_,. ...... ., • .__. bltins u nt 315 E, Bal~:"81.~. ....t-. __ _.,,....,za. ;nJ"'J'M.4 furn. 644-4059 •-'th 2 ............ room. two fully carpeted ROOMMATE mervioe male plush cptg., · · .....,.. ""' Completely .u:nced WI DJS"l'RIBtrl'INC BUSINESS Plaza, Sufte35,D&llu:Tau bedrooms make their entry. or femal e. Ettici;nt & $195, furn. $250. 494-9748 BAIBOA i13-9945 Newport leach 5200 YO~G worldn&' co u p I " large gates. 548-6304 WITHOUT INVESTMENT: 15218. Include phone numbel'. A newly decorated kitchen qualified 835-2100 3707 BACHELOR ApL Util paid. desire 2 BR unfurn houAf! R I 6090 National Manuf.acturtr will WANTED: of:t.u.le Liquor· and aeparate maid's quar-· Leguna Ni9uel $15 mo. El Mar Motel, 310 LARGE ;i BR 2 ba up/down or apt, CM &reL Must have lndustr1al 1nta provide complete program licmae, Orange Counf1'• ten also lead to lhis central C01ta Mesa 2100 MONARCH BAY AREA E. Balboa Blvd, Balboa enclostd garage w/atorare. ~e. Up t<: $130. Reh. , distributing candy, drug " Call: 64U139 ... room. ADULT C'OMMUNITY w/w cpts/drps, blt-inll,1,...""""°==~~-~~~ IMMEDIATE novelty s~ialisl!, 1Mck i 'A'°'1TRACTIVE====u.~ •• ~ty~Sa~,,,.,- 2 BR., gar., patio. Tropical 3 BR, den, 2 BA ho~. H~ntlngton Beich 4400 enclosed garage w/slorag!!. 1 BDRM Unfum Apt in OCCUPANCY foods, etc., to taverna, priced for quick salt. Private muter suite wilh setting for adlts. 1 Blk bll·lns, trp\c. heated pool S115/mo lease. 646-G874 Beach area for employed restaurant11, all 1ype stores. Call Gloria. 962-'7232 • outside entry, loads of clos-1;hops. $180. 544-4780 $250 TOO. 10 to 5, 496-1243 CONTEMPORARY living; · 2 BR, newly dtc, drp~, w/w larly up to $1 1 Of mo, 7,000 Sq. ft. A/C, S.A. Fwy. Direct factory conntctlon !==========! els, two full batl'ls and a 2 BR furn Condominium, 1 Bdrs. '= Bachs. upslairr;. 3 BR. 2 Ji,\, fplc. $235, 642-0086 New 18,000 sq, fl . on fwy. ean.ing high daily cru;h Bu&, Wanted private reading room com-pool & recrt'attonal priv. Duplexet Unfum . 3975 All new~y decorated plus 213: 981-7039 • LANDLORDS • 6-12,000 Sq. fr . Irvi~ Call: commissions and monthly 6305 plete with upper section of Adults. Call 646-3265 ocean Vie\\', from $100 to't"'~~~=-c-::~::-K \V. small with ovt:mTite. No ace limit but thi11 stately home. One bed-========;=: LARGE 2 bdrm, w/w crpts, $200. Summer or year round 2 BR, 2 BA, aduJts, no FREE RENTAL SERVICE Eckhoff&. Aisoc:., Inc. mutt be bondable. Part or --kitchen apartment in ...._ •-· h ~ •·--, .. ,.. t ·-· adults rentals. A,.nt 536-1'>70, 420 pell. f\15 mo. Q45 Broker 534-6982 lull h' w 't CHEX I '"""' ......wport -c "'"'wv ---... ._ Hilaria Way 540-00!3 1818 W. Chapman Avt. me. n e , nc., \ht lower level. completely I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;; preferred. $130 Month. 2'l34· Pacific Coast Hwy. · WANTED: Around May 1st, Orange Calit ;1910 N. 16th St., Phlla .• PL MJllll'l.I• from the main 11 SUMMER RENTAL B PadOc Avt., c. M. QUIET&. BEAUTI FUL :t BR, 2.-BA $175 ol $1BS. ~nturnished _. bdrm ' den, 541·2621, Eve1-;,..lmds .SJ8..5971 19132 house produces an income MS-6066 Adults only; 2 Br., util paid. 3 BR., 2 BA, tplc. $235. "' ba. houAe, 6t\-4:t53 v=E~N~D~l~N~G~---- softident to ca:ry $15.000 Swnmer and Yt!al' round R•~TALS Pool. $200, 847-2125 213: 981-7039 5995 FOR lease Laguna Niguel, ol the mo'rtga.ge. ttSfl'Yations being taken. " Rooms fGr Rent oft San meio Fwy at Crown PROPERT IES WEST Apts. Furnished 11676 cameron. Hunt. Bch. E11t Bluff 52421"--'.C..------t Valley, new commercial A 10c CAHDY·SNACKS Would Yoll like to have ll3fld on your ankles after a day in tM 1un, and for a rost of only $25,COO equivalent price'!' If so, call for an ap- pointment to see this tt· markable home and tt· markable buy. 494-1133 LOS PADRES REALTY 527 So. Coast Hwy. l.quna. Beach -~--- l!Jl8 Bayside Dr. 6'15-4130 4000 1 BEDROOM. Beach apt. BEAUT Room, double bed, industrial units. Delta Elec-~~~~~~~~~'I ~Ge=:ne:;:••:I:----:--...;.~; I WINTER RATES. 219 • 15th e NEW DELUXE • pr, patio, llv rm hie. Days _ 831_1400, Eves :: st: J Br. 2~ be.. apt. lor lcue privileges. $60 mo. 510 Santa S. I _ 499--098. Reliable man or v.'Om1 n wllh car to colleet I: sell nlB.chine!I rnanufaclured by ()Ur own company, Balbo1 l1l1nd 2355 2 BR. beau t patio. avail now 'Iii Jun 14th. ll5 Cr)'ltal, LitUe Island. $250 Mo. Call alter 1 p.m. (213) 69'1-8673 SunNt Beach 2455 WANT Somelhina; dWerent'!' 3 story Baytront, 3 BR • den, 16917 Parle Ave., Sunset Beach. Boat dock aho avail. \.aauna Beach . 2705 Ing e Incl spac. mstr. suite, din Ana Ave, N.B. MG--0361 -- L1guna leach 4705 nn. &: dbl. ~&e. auto. ROOMS f or renl, fully STORAGE -=--------door opener avail, Pool '= 'fumlshed. 6i5-76J3 22u \V. 440 Sq. ft., 1 fl. O.H. door a..EAN 1 Br. apt. nr. bc!ach rec. area. Nr. Catholic Oceanfront, NB Newpot1 Beach. 642-2800 NO SELLING Young le town: nicely furn. Nr. Qiurch .&: school &: Corona l:=::======= 550 SQ. FT. p;ar .-type new. Sl.50 J.M. 494-2882 del Mar lligh. Mlt:. Rentals 5999 warehcnue. Ofc. ijlace for Training at factory, Start as RENTALS e ONLY $280 e Contractor. 6t2-2lm low u $995, Wrtte for inter. Adults Aph. Unfu rnished 337-!n Ami&Oll Way, N.B. GARAGE for storage view: Traneicon Corp, 851 1-!:l:::!:.~::.:::.::;=:::__l====''====•JOranie Aw. I: 21st St., Costa Lots 6100 W, lMh St, Cost& Mea., or Gtneriil 5000 Corona del Mir 52.50 )!!H.1.. $15 Mo. 54~1657 1---------~pho~"'~M><OOO==·===~ VACANT LOT DAILY PILOT WANT ADSt BEER 1BAR Beach area. Private J>a?11. ' 21.J.MA 8-3743 after I . ~ Rffl Estate Loont ~ Sattler Morlpge.- Company Inc. l.l6 E. 17th St., Colla Mesa Serving Orange Cnty 20 yn, oo.21n 56-061.t Eves. 673-1865 642-1157 Mortg•ea. T.D.'1 634.5 $21,000 1st TD. pe.yable S2'lO month. 10% dur 3 yrs. 10 discount. 494-ll3S ~ S4SOO 1st TD, 1% due 3 )'n. 10% diacOunt. 49'7·12ID SEA COAST VIEWS LG, cusroM llOME lhintU.ton Bea.ch. 100 x 80'. fto.l corner, fully im prowd with s.idewallo., curbs. pt. tera & utlllt~ll. Sl0.500 BRASHEAR R E AL TY 847-8531 Eve. 536-:1123 S©\l~1'\-'££trs· .. 4 BR. 5 be, huge Uv •. rm. Frplcs. Spa rm. Ir sauna, pool tble. $600 month parti· ally furnished. 494-465.3 RENTALS HOUMI Unfur nllhod General 3000 $135: 2 BR. 1% ba. townhou2. PaUo: w/w; children O.K. B r o k ~ r ~ OCEANFRONT AP ART- MENT-Watch the aurt from your Ilvf?w room chair. 2 bdnn, 2 bath unit, :t 1araae IJlll.CH. Swim.mine pool, kw· dy view deck, Swedi5h fin. ptac..$41~ $18S: 3 iiR. ~ ba.., w/w, EMERALD BA y . OCEAN drapes, bltM. Chlldren II. FRONT. Acros& street b'Om pet& OK. Bkr, S.14-6980 sandy beach. An older~+ S1T5; 3 BR. 2\i ba. condo. subltantlal 4 bdrm home. Car .• bltns, rt:frlJ. Ol.tld.ren Spacloul livlna room. dlftlnc • pet O,K. Bier. 534-69IO ..... ' ...... -..... c.;;. -2100 1100.ilOO. Tu rner A1socl1te1 $210/mo lie 3 BR Town~ 682 No. Cout Blvd. cpWdrps., bll-iM. pool .l LI.SUM Beach (TI41 $UT7 rte. center. No maint. $30.000 DUPLEX. 2 and 1 Adilli<. 546-3074 BR. view, just remodeled, 2 rito. rrnt In advance. 2 pvt. wtld kltd'ientl $.8748 bdrm • $130. Mo. 23().A Cecil CHARGE )'Oii!' want ad n(lw. Pl.act. 6"6-!J29;'i lrvlnl' and 16th St .. (114)61S«i!O Furnlthcd ?-.fodeb Open Dally lmmcdltt.e Occupancy South B•y Club Apartments $140: 2 BR. 4-pltx, w/w. AvaUable ntl\\ ....... ..._ .Solut •Simple Scrombltd Word Puulc /or 1 Clttickf I I' I 1•ALEC I II I I . Romontlc 1fd ,. .....,; . . . . Goshi lf• jo.ot .. """""'° •. .------~l:CJmlO ond Jufi!f. My~ IHY LLOW I _ _,. t-. ...,,l',..I .... , ... , _,,,_l'-1 !$.tz1!1~~ •~m.~on r r r r r r r r1 6 ~~ '°'I I Ir I I • I I l Scr•m·L1t1 An1w1r ht Cl•ttiffatf9" tno ' . . . .. . . • .• ''•.a.".1 ' , ..... .-.-.: . --. .. ...... ' ·-. ' ' ~'·. • • ?·' ~ • ~ 1t. t ..:. J . : l .._ 't;t'1•1 ~'2· ,.._ _., '· ( • ... ,,_ -·---... -. _. ..... ·····-.. -·-. . -• "I .. , I • r•• !I R.,,.,. ,,.. ~ •" ,11,11 .-rt • • tf•"' ' . f '", .. • • .,. . J t. , .... ,. ' ' . ~ ....... -·---. -.-.. • . . • . . . ' . . . . .... " ~ '• ' ,, •• .. ·~ 1 ·,~: ,. - ' . , .. I , : . , ' . . ' .· . . . ,• . . ... . • • '" . • • . . . ·" . . . . ' ·-. ... . . . •• • ·-:: . . ~ • . " • . . '• . . ' .. " . •... . . -. . -' • . . ' , ... ~ • oi • • - . ' . . . . ' . . . '• Wl·TH . .: ' ' . ' .. . .. ~ ' Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: I . • • -. ·~ .. 642-5678 . .-.. ' • . . -• . -" ... " . . .. . • • Just say: "CHARGE IT!" (North . County, 540-1220, toll free) ,. . ' ~. . . ' . :•• .. l, ' . . . • . . ' ,. . . . ' . ~ ' .. . ' I , . ·. .• .. . ITS EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS PENNY · PINCHER ' ' . . . .. W NT ·ADS ' . NEW-LOW-RATE .3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO ·COMMERCIAL FIRMS e . e NO COPY CljANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e . . .. Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ., • ... . . . : 'J. '. ' . • • ' ~ .. . . . . . , .. :· • • • . . " ~' I ', 'l'' • ' .. • . I I I ! I . YOUNG black le tan male do&, no l.D. Mixed breed. Found vie. \Vest Balboa Blvd & 32nd St. ~2016 -213; 796-1033 YOUNG Blk/Wht Cat, ~t· ty. Vista Drug S lore. >48-9583 FOUND Pigeon, banded. Vic. Edinger ti: Bolsa Chica, H.B. call 841-3482 FOUND Black male pupjiy, part Doxy. Vic Mesa Verde. 54;)..15'69. LOST: Ladies cardigan aweater; white, cabl~type knit orion, has oollar fl: Broad'''ay label. \V 11 I ap- prttiate return; please call 642-3589 alt. 5:30 P.?if. LOST Sat befr Easter, Hntg Harbour. 4th Jsl. Alten!d male sealpoint Siamese. ?ifay havfl gotten into boat or workman's Ir u c k. Generous tt\\-ard! 846-1009 LOST black &. silver gn:y male dog, medium size, very loni: hair \v:llh curly \\'hilc tail, \'ic. 20th & \Vallacc. C.r-.f. 491-133.:i days or 643--0968 FA.i\llLY hcaJ'tbroken, Jost 4/6 Irish Setter in Ne1vport. Name on collar is Una. Reward. 642 -1848 or 646-4191 TERRIER Silver rraY tiny pupPy, Lost. Bucknell Rd _ Colle&"e Pai·k, wvard! 54~142'2 or 545-1839. PURE \Vhite long-haired cat. She is my '''hole life. Please bring her back or call ~!14-73.1'1 SlAl\JESE, male, called Foo. \Vearing fl ea collar. Vic. the Ne\v Harbor View Tract. 644-4068 LOST-Sn1all Schnauzer, no collar, 9 mos., vicinit¥ San· tiago and Ashford, \Vesl· cliH. ·r-.Jax.' Rtm·ard. 642·2Z39 Shepherd P.Talamutc female, silver/black. Ba1boa. Re1vard. 615-6114 BLK. ~!In. Poodle, male, arui. "Touche." Vic. \Vard St., H.B. Re1v. 96Z.6TI3 eves LOST: Black f.Jln Poodle, male. Ans to "Tar". Vic "'· V. Reward! 962-1090 AfALE grey tiger 11trlped cal. flea c o 11 a r 11·/ID. Vic. Virginia Pl, cr-.1. 54S-75S.J 6405 CARPENTRY OLD OR NEW e Spanish * * Pt .. terlng, a.-ir 611C ..... ly In por- 10 A.M. ,.,I P.M. -e PATS Pl-. All types. Freti estimate. caJl M0-6825 Monday threutah Saturday J. C. PENNEY CO. :14 Fuhlen l1l•nd . . ' ~::J"'~-..,.......;= PLUMBING REPAIR No job tm small An ~ual opportunity employer • sp.ms . $60.001 equity In Comm, frontaa:e, Yucca Valley, trade ·for Income property. Owner 544-3666 eW:s. Box 676 TustiJl'Callf, PLUMBING REPAIR 1 Praltsme DRAIN CLE;.\NING .n 516.2387" 541).1211 • • , ITT JABSCO Remodel, ReP,.ir, ,Md ! * CARPENTERS ·, * ELECTRICIANS * CABINET si:TTERS MINT COND '63 lf~ea . ms 4 dr, le;lltber int; tilt seats, am I fm, auto, air, n mi/gal, SI825: FOR va· cant J)rop or '! 499-2.531 Trade for income units:Two new 2 BR houses, \Vestslde Costa J.tesa.. Built-ins, car- pets, etc. 548-8642 Trade '64 Olds 98, 2 dr, HT full pWr, air co.ad, nu tires, xlnt cond. for tniller, or acreaae. 53&113l F.qulUes totaling $6.51tl in A!otel, T.D. + home for Custom home, income or ? ! ! OWNER. 5U-2164 or 67J.59'l9 '56 Ford, ~;. T, P-Up. Big \1•irldO\V, 390 eng _ auto. litany .'.!xtras, trade !or Cor.iette or '55. '56 T-Bird. 5-16-5889 Palos Verdes Estates, View pool ~ for waterfront N.B. 3 br, 2 ba, .frplc, lge playrm, lam rm, 2450 sq ft $48,000 equity. 213-31!H844 . ,. 11 RINOOWll6. , I . ' MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN ADDITIONS Fine Work Licenaecl &. ln1ured LOS PADRES Construction Co. (Licensed Contractors) 627 S. CN1t Hlghwey Jarine, chemical a'nd indu:st- pial pwnps. Shop or l'!lated ~rlence de&ti't!d. Duties ~o Include deti.illnr alld some product deaip. i&h school p-a(t pltis addi- tional counies ot mecha.oical ....... EQUAL ·OPPOR'MlNl'iY EMPLOY·ER ,· MALli:· OR. FEMALlE L19un1 Beach 14ti DALE \VAY 497~1"5 er 4'4-4151 eves OOS'f.A.1.IESA,.CALJF. 92626 ROOM ADDITION t: ' (n4l· 5ti82S1 remodeling. At !ractlve prices. Free estimates. Call --------- 546--0846 ADD A room -Remodel -cabinets -bloclt, Wall fences. 1'"'ree e ~ t l m a't. e s 142-9'52 . EXPLORER MOToRHOME CORP. =====I , s-i.. . '"° * cAli~ooiRs , HAVE Polm De>ert .. Sand-• °""~"'inlt·Alterations * "Ill "EN · :r'' ........ val ~ 000 Cuatom Dtsl&n" nq . m pipe co........... • ..,.v, • 646-6446 * furn., $55,000 unr., clear. Want home this .area. Mr. PAT'IERNS made to tit ycu1 ~ shift, 3:30 to 1 A?il Irwin, Bkr. 6'6-9661 Blkl11is .to &ll iowns: from plus overtime. E.xcell. fringe -~-..c....-----1 no. 838-4812: 83&-0110 benefit!!, life ins, paid boll. Ha1·e good gu welding I: •i"r•llon-ll-.r••.• days, etc. . cutting outfit w I tanks. "' .---.& ~ WANT trail tiike in t.x· Ncat,'iccura.t~. 20 Yl.'s. eXp. APPLYJm PERSON <hang•. Alte,..llot!o-442-SW 3021 Ntiwport Blvd. __ •_•_646-...;.;~..:;:._*_* __ Neat, ~te, 20 yra. exp. Ce1ta Mesa, Calif. Wl1h· mobile hoine e>:Perl- ence. Exct.11.ent be nefits • APPLY lN PERSON EXl>lORf R MOTORHOME CORP. 3021 Newport •lvd. Codi Meta, Calif Dishwasher Graveyard shift Must be ever 21 APPLY IN PERSON DEllllY'S RESTAURANT 3170 Herloer Blvd. Costa Mesa Day Dllhwosher Full Time APPLY IN PERSON RED.BEN'S COco'S 10.9% Retum on $275,000 clear lsd. indluit. Dyer Rd., S.A. For M-1 Orange City, can add $500,0JD eq. A Cle: vi. dcnce -R. ?.icLeod 6Ta--6044 TrM S.rvlctt , 6910 --------1 --""'-;...;.;----~ EST A TE '-taint Tree Serv Removal I: t,rimml.np, frtt es;. 642-6300. M2-299f: 1sss· w. Mama Costa Me11 LEAD MAN Temporal'y Employment * * CABINET SHOP URGBm.Y llEDEO Ancl we t111• you sl;ould lie We eipost all phases or our busln ... to a man before he starts. We also loot deeply lnlo lhe man·a back· iround to be sure be is up lo our 111.DdinlJ. We offer - SECURITY We are a naUon\Vide retlller. ln bwlnes.s since 1899 without a shut-down or a layoff, Company beneflta Include guarantee a&lary with bonus opportunities, group hOlpltal lo life insurap~. Profit sharing retirement and vacaUons with pay. OPPORTUNITY We are a division of a highly succeMful and diversified worldwide corporation with ever growing needs for personnel at all level!. CHALLENGE We are a sales organization, where vou are paid on your own ability and initiative. We are interested In the man wilh good employ- ment records, between 23-45, ·married, able to furnish good references. Able to post re-- fundible cash bond. For confidential inter- view - c.11 n4-0330, Hk for Mr. Sylvufor MID We-. -noo Help w.-. -7200 *Busboys *Dish· was hen Apply In porson REUBEN'S COCO'S lWW. Ad•m• Costa Mesa · ' ~K~l7N'NEYSHOES HELP WANTED WE OFFER: Generous Salary &: Benefits Mana~r Training Prosram Rapid Advancement HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH has ura~t requirementa for SWISS SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS Y.'ith Torno f'Jepe~. AbiU. ty to do own setups ia re:. quired. Openinp on First and Sec- ond ShUts. Please apply In person, HUGHES QUALIFiCATIONS, NEWPORT BEACH Hi&h School Graduate , 500 Superior Avenue Good Appearance and ' Newport Beach, Calli. Personality ,. 0'l•moi opportunity ernployer- ApUtude for Salcsmanshlp, ~ J\t ti: F EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY ~ • ANIC • tun time. e P..fodern •Maple 549-2613 ---------- * T1levi!ion ·Repair •98! Excellent oppor1uni ty Jor ---....!.. .: · right man. Experienced in RAINBOW 'JV Co. No Ser· lra.Uers, campers. mo t o r vice Oiarpt Expert \vork, homes. Apply RV Industries •,LABORERS Apply in Person at: ~'*1 be experienced and ,1ha'1e o"rn tools. Also need. ~rienced. SERV STA "·HELP. BoU1 over 25. No SERVICE DIRECTORY REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS 1----'·-----SERVICE DIRECTORY c:ABlNETS, ·Any size job. G1rclenin1 6610 tt.uMct..nint 6ns 25 vra. exper. . 5fU1l3 TAKATA --r FLOOR cleaiun& -polishing Q~ALITY RepalfS ·Altera. JAP!NESE NURSERY speclalista. Hoine ~ in- Uons -New comt. by hour 54G-O'l24. C'.omplete &ll'deiiinc dustrial. F R E E est. or Contract. 646-3442 service. ~eadquarten for S\\~dish1,?if. a in t e nan c e CARPENTRY • repairs, a.lso all yoor mirsery ~. Service. 615--09;i,_ a:araie clean-up. Free est. ALLEN BROS Call JeU 642-8464 G/JtDENERS STUDENTS Income Tax 6740 REPAIR, PartitioM, Small 'A'Ol'killg their way thru ·col· R-"-'PO--N-SIBLE----,.,.-..,.-'-'ti-o..:n Remodel, etc. Nite or day, Iege. Experien<:el., licensed. fl: filirlg ol an ii.come tu Call KEN S-I0-4619 REAS! 646-4203 returns by Certified Public Accountant. Ava.118.ble to serve the needs of Corpora- tions. small bus~! en- terprises and · individuals. Your complete satisfaction ls euaranteed. CORPORATE 11\IPROVEMF;NT COUNSELORS • 642-9937 • TAX Return Special $15. Fonn 1()40 &: 540, your home or our office. 23 years • tax conzulbµlt and never a eta.Im fo!' deductions dl!iallowed. 24 hour Serv 642--0622 for appt. e The Tax Advisors Year round olc. 328 No. Nwpt Blvd. N.B. Reas! Call ~ for appt. \Valter H. Fabrenhob P.A. Incorrie Tax Service ~ or 545-1398 e'-e INCOME Taxes prepared YoUt "home, Iona: tonn. com· bincd. 115. 494-3422 oolor, blk Ft wht or stereos. Irie., 2220 E. CeJTi.tO.!I, Ana-fntcr.ilev.i ng 546-3'120 anytlrne! helm. 633-8402 r.fon th111 Fri., 2-5 P.?.f. KINNEY SHOES 2861 Harbor Blvd., Q f INTERIM JOBS & Ei,IPLOYMENT f~T ~:~:H~~~ Peroonnol Service )ltl,ne calb. Riclilleld, Cor, CAREER ot: 19th • Nowport Blvd., Job Went..i, Lody 7020 " 445 E. 17th, CM· 642.7523 OPPORTUNITY! ~~RY ,.,.._1-. Join today• fastest P'O'ovinl ', Inc bade. Gd. ·opp, for ad· profeuion-:P.lutual Fund sa.lea vancement In industry CONVALESCENT AIDE EXP'D. POLISH •nd ARGUS AGENCIES PRAC. nurse or companion DETAl,L MEN Accwntant1 -available full or part time, Top pay, 2 Joe. FUll \Vork ~:k. Credit MafM19er1 No experience necessary. HANNA SAILMAKiR! We train" .. tun or part ti.mt 861 w lJlh .• C.M. long Or short term~ Bonded ~IBTRO CAR WASH Administrative Tr""' anJ tnsura:t. 2950 Harbor Blvd., C.t\f. CALL BOB, S.CS..'1796 Mutu1I fund AdvltOrl, 5M-3ill4 HOlllE.J.\fAKERs a.17-fi681 ---:;:--DOORMAN 1869 c ?jewport Blvd., C.llt. GENERAL House\\"Ork S2.25 PARKING. ATTND'T USED Car salesman, ex. per hr. + traMportation. Full or part time, day or eve, perienced, to ·sell .at Ref. Exp .642-6.318 a.11 3 18 or over, Uc. Calif, driv. Johnson Ir; Son Llncoln Ir; FLOORS atripped i, wax!«!. er. Neat appearance, rel!!. 1tlercury ·used car kit 1941 Cp't elean1ng. \Val ls Wtih· Call 644-1700, ext 500. 4· to Harbor Bvld ., C.M. Awl)' ed. Guaranteed. 531--0567 6 pm. l.n person: 9 to 5 FULL TIME SERV STA TURRET LATHE Operator Dom"tic Help. 7035 men. E x p e r i e n c e d in <LOGANl -2 yrs. minimum . tuneup, brakes Ir; sa.les. Top exper, AlllO, M A CH I N E r:hinc&e llve-1111. Oleerful \\'ages insurance bo SHOP TRAINEE. LOK'· Penna.nent. E""""Plenced ' ·' · nus FAST INC • ., W 16"' Far Eut Age~~·64z.g703 pla.n lt paid vacation. Apply • . ...,. . u11 604 So. c.oast Hwy., Laguna 71:_,.e;;;.=-==-c=,---,-, George Allen Byland Aa:ency Beach I 1WO men 18-30 )TS for Employer Pays Fee HELP wanted in reita t lawn cultlfli: route. Must l06-B E. 16th, SA 541-0395 business. hlen 18 Yi!a::a:r hi.v~ O\vn transportation, --over. ?ilu1t be responsible, Startin& pay ,.00 mo. Apply Help Wan~. Mert 7200 experienced preferred. eon-& a.m •. at·26086 Getty Dr, In. tact F'rank O'Neill at dustrla.l area, Lacuna N,IKuel 6'73-321t Between 4 pm A EXPER. marine r a.d Io a pm dally. 1 technl&n; FCC Ile.: to WANTED: Gas ._tion at-manap marine radio 1hop; tepdanll!,' -4 to midni&ht le salary open. Send ruume mldniiht tt> 8. Older men to Daily Pilot Box M-474 accepted. Union Oil Station, SERV. STA. SALES?i.IEN. 1900 N'pt. Blv., C f.f . Younc men.. eves lt wk &U-8000 ends. Miat be neat in ap- WANTEO: C ean cut collere pearance A han!hnitJna. •tudent \\·/own car tor part-2590 Newport Bldv .. C.M. time eve. delivery \I.Wk. 500 IOAT CARPENTERS Boat lilf.&:. ERICSON YACHTS * Boat Carpenten * ftardwatt Men * Fiberg:lu Laminator1 * \Vood shaper i\ien • Cabinet Shop mill men EXPERIENCE Apply in Pem n 1206 \V. Struck, OnJla"e FRY COOK l=IV~·~""~"=wy-0',_NB~~~~ F'lff' custom yacht construe> TR.UC< Driver, Oass B lie, don, uperlenced only. Top r,e 30 • 40. Prer. exp. ~-Willard .Boat Wo.riu, I die&el, mixer &: dump.' 1295 BaJl:er St., C.J.I. Inc. Npt B. 1603 Westclill 64Z-6UZ S.A. 121.2 N. Broadway 547-3331 YOUNG & LANE TIRE. CO. lib openinp for ~ ment trainees, Top wares; paid vacations, tree ·major medical plan, Join 'I '° ahead with m. Apply 1n per.. son 188 E, 17th S!,., SUite 1-C. Costa Mesa. *DRIVERS* "No Experience Necessary! Pttust have clea... CaWornll drtvine tte0rd. Appb' • YELLOW CAI (;O. 186 E. 16th St. Colla- Po.tUora-. °"". in tub- -ble -Beach J'e!ltaurant for ambitious, penionable yourc man, exptnenced in restaurant manqeme.nt. Reply lo box # &ivill£ l'CIWl'le. Box M'-621, Tbe Daily Pllol WSTODWI Dependable. 494--0'166 3-S pm 1r AUTOMATIC TRANS. SERV, Sta. Att: Need full MlSSION SPF.CIAUST -': • For evtnlnc houri. New f&. Ume nialit man. Apply bJ GENERAL MEalANIGS * cWty, Irvine. Omtact Pel'o Must be expe rienced penon ltfesa. Union Service, Costa Mna. Auto Works IOMel omce. 2281 Newport Bl\'d.. C.M. 2068 ,Placentia. c.M. US.2580· 'f.ANTE!>' ~"' man lT·U ASTROTllC CORP. • DEl:IVERY BOY • '!or steadY, pt~mc inside ()penlnp; · Lathe mill S.D. "hut, be dependable. 11924 IHch llvd, work. Food kl go est. 500 Top pay, A·l machlnitt only. ORAN~J.Ji ~JCS G•rchin GNVe \V, Coast Hwy, N, B. l2ST Lopn Av, C.M. UG-W. lSth -BUSBOYS &-MORNING DISHWASHER. EXPERIENCED 1ervice 1ta· Coilt1t. lt1ellll DISHW •SHERS Af o n-Fr t . Appl y tlo N 1 -·~·· •-,,-,,==-7'=-.,...,---,. "' Beachcomber Rest., ~~ w. n man. ta • .,.,...... .. ..,. 1 • • COOKS • Experieoetd Ovtr 11 .,,_ Owr tlme al~r ifO hn + <»a..t Hwy, NB APPLY APPLY IN PERSON oomn1. Call for a pp t . •LYING BUTLER r SALF.&f.AN-Geilieral helper. 644-4Ul r-~ t . mMT · BOB'S BIO IOY tor C.M. N"""1. .RETAIL ....,..,. Mlelmul. - 154 ·t:. J7th St. Can ~m over~ minlmwn l yr u. s:,'"V~:M~ ·= c..ta M""' HI-Fl ula lnJMe, s.i.q, ~. lalary op1n, .,.n "*""'>lcafdP 'AJ!Jlt COOKS xlnt tutur.! .. Call Mr: Vu IQr ,interview. CC2.-tm2. 3 .:;:: N Bl·~· c.l4. btwn M ~· opelJlr!p. 1 • ~ "f'> Apply In peiwn DBlllY'S llo. 121 SMALL Costa Meu Mf&. tlnn hu opeflin& tar full time JANITOR. Hours flex. Ible. Cal.I Exotlc Materials Inc. 56-9423 I KENNEL MAN, oVtt 35, Jive ln ~ Apply tn penon, SPCA, al6l2 Lquna Canyon Road SERV. frrAT. ATI'.: Matun! and .steldy. GRANT'S GULF. 1140 Newport Blvd. C.M. SERVICE Sta. .Ate. Full or part time. AU ahifta ope n. 3lO W. Cout Hwy., N.B. EXP'D. DRIVER. Apt>lf In pel'llOn; 85l Weit 18th St~ Costa Meu.. Delivery I Warehou.emen Call for appointment ....,,.. "9-let, ·-7Jllt . ...__ DOMESTIC HELP All kinda! HOWleJGeepens. Coob,Malds4~ Relereoces req, Fee A: Fee Paid Jobi. can w. Abby, "48-7196 ARGUS AHNCllS 18119 C Newput Blvd., C.Al. e SUPERVJ3JON a: SALES WORK e N1 tinhi. .Must hlv. ... ~.•bl• tQ ... w!tll ..,.,., ApplJ "' ,... .... ' Holhl•y Hoolth Spo 2300 -Blvd., c.u. Sharp Car"r Gali -· Oerlr Twlall. Cal Friday' -Bldton. RNs A LVN .. Both tee A 1M ..,. lobl. Top <1»11 CID DoN. !518-7196 AlllGUS AG•NCIES JM C Newport Blvd., OL 1 J l'1!~"Shlkl BU SB 0 Y/DJSHWJ.SHEJt.. ---Ptant.11.M $1.20 wk. SD.VICE Sta.· Att; '.to U. Bill Y'S "'"''--*"" conci·~ so..ey, -~ IObcr. • ...... ~ ...... -.. ---rlNtnelnt " ---""·-. SER·-·•-,.,..,. 2llO -.-., ;.;r;,.., mo 14• w. c ... , Hwy r~~ N• -i>06 ~ s;;:.... C.M, -- · _ 'Ntwpwt 1Mc11 MECHANICS, Inboard .\ ouo YARD iJAN lo< pfumilliil ""' W- *; PaiDtinc Papuh&ncina: * JOB OPENl'.NOS: Aaatm~ ~.Call'"-'5Gbl.t,._., JAMTOR shOp. Knowte.di.e G( O:tkll' mak:htna:. wood ~ Shlpplna. s 0 m, -eJI" Vita.mini Mt.r. ltl&nt matertale N-lpftil. Ca 11 R.ELt•' COOK rellnishlnc·~ U:ia. i\l&r·.. perftnot nqund. llt1.ture * DlSJ-IWASHER * for ~pt call '46-3931 ~ Q:pfrleratl I.Art)' 6'2-45ii& individual preftom!d. A~ 1n penon, 3S Via >lelp required tor ounPll" nBERGLASS m o 1 d e r a , MUOt4 INT. ii: EXT. Paintbla:. All TAPt.fATIC CORP. Lido, Newport Btacb. tnMufacturtr, Ma,Jo:rway, laborers. A auemblel"I, Pl)' INOOME tu http ftetOld .coon ntu. f'rfe t tt. Uc'd 4J W. 16th., N.B. •·er Dalty PUot Want Ada. 21.a> P.Lace:nUa, Cbta Mia top w.aa. t.39 Wt1t lllh ., t/lS, {I~ ~ • t Int. C111 Ow\Je, -~&-3404 llllNG lllSIJliral SOCK IT TO 'EMI SL, C.M. -bet. - -----~----~·-------- I ' M ~Y I'll.or w-. A.,t& '· l'1" , , --!!!_NT JOllS A UU'LOYMliHT 101!i A l (lllPLOYMIHT •-w-Help W1nl9d Help w--· 7400 w-7400 w-7400 J. c. PENNEY c;0. ., F1olll1n l1l1nd Newport BMch -PART TIME SALESLADIES HoutewlMt & Mother• Can you spare a few hours each day and ._dd to the family income at the same time? Schedules coavenient for you, mornings, afternoon evenings or combinations of all. Work in Q fun store under the finest of condi- tions and top supervision. Apply In person PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. Mond1y !hn1 Fri.Uy All student poslUons fill ed. Equal opportunity employer Help W1ntld, Help W-Womlft 7400 W-n 7400 .UNIGARD INSURANCI! GROUP TIRED OF A LONG Cl)MMlJTET Uni,gard Insurance Gf"OWI _ii llO\Y hirine: for our new di· vi.aion of!ice opening in April, In Hunttncton Beach, on Edinger at Beach Blvd., just oU the Su Di~ Fwy, Tht1e positions will leciWtt aohorttralnlncporiodof approximately one montb in our Los Aneelea office, be- fore the nwve, Transporta.- tion will be provided. Immediate Optni"I• in the following •r••• POLICY SERVICE Prefer at least onr year of fire, cuualt;y « multipk line rat.in& experlcnct, Plt:a- 18llt phone penonality es- sential. El;(ielleut: opportun- it)' tar artvancemtnt. ------- *KEYPUNCH OPERATORS one year industrial v:per. ience desirtd. * StCRETARIES 80 wpm shortbarxl, 50 wpm typing IBM electric, Min. 2 yn. secretarial experie~. _Contact P•t Fol1um 133- COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 JamborM Re•d Newport Beech Equal opportunity employer URGBCll. Y N&DID •• • Clerb . • -i.: . •1r-b, : ;:=!?.lits • Keypundien •PIX Open. Work when & whe,.. you wantl lmRIM PERSONNll SERVICf 445 E. 17th St. Coate Mese, (•lif. 642.-7523 lnt".rvlawlng Mon. !hru Fri. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Equal opportunity employer EXPl.ORfR MOTORHOME CORP. NEEDS *ASSEMBLERS * l:xcellent ~ benefit.a, life ~. paid holidays. etc. APPLY IN PERSON 3021 Newport Blvd. Cott• Mesa, C•lif. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY To Genen.I Manager & Con. tracts Administrator. Good shorthand I: typq, and at leut five yHrs of experi- en~ u secretary required. POLICY TYPING ---------I Contracts back&round desir-ed. ACCOUNTING QERK Pleaae write. giving full de- Wll ot emplayment ""his- tory including 118.lary to Box M-623 The Dally Pilot. ' --JOIS & IMPLO'l'MINT. IOU•& IEMPl.OYMINt JOU a IMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMl'LQY·.,..ail"M't'11ra< ..,..1(,Clti:NDTSrf(!'R M~K,.,ANIJl•k r lJk -SAL! AND TllADI SALE AND TllADI Help W•-'""L,':,nted 11 Jolla ~· w-7500...,. · Man. Wom. 7500 ·•• IOllO w-DISN7400Ev•:.'. ND ' ,. m ; c 'IES18NEIS ' ~-~:, IOOO FumlN"=:il. Wi\ Ideal Orqe Count,y ~ Tbere are i.n Spaahh ,. ~ top 1ew1 openblg1 '"" top perfol'l'l'l'I, taml--, Mecllteminean ' STE~OS SECY/STiNos Typing 60, •horlband 80. l openln1, ha• 5 days a week with Mon &· Tuea oU. Heavy employee & public contact. Required .S yrs office experience. TYPIST CLERKS Require• typing :io & 2 yrs office experience. CALL (7H) 533-44116, ext. 678. 10 a.m. lo 4 p.m. Mon. lbru Fri. ' An eq ual opportunity employer. Help W1-~1lp Wanletl Women 7400 Womon ----'-'-----' • • 7400 • Uar wlfh mlllt>-layer P 0 boanla, with li>lcl1). a-hi Mlnufacturer'• logic components. Pnfer mlnlmwn of lour '69 Show..,.m S.mp1H years e:rpt;tence. I ., , __ "'""' .., .. ~ 8' Wood carved arm divan, Jg. man• chair or love aeaL 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w /black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR aeL 9-<lr Mr. & Mrs. dr.,..r, lg mirror,_ 2 commodea, decoraUve headboard In Spaniah oak de.sign with matchillf bo• sprinp, mal- treas & frame. MOS •• IC DESIGNERS Able I<> do a complete MOS layout from logic diagraJD! within a newly organized MOS· IC acQvity. Salary eommen1urate with ~xperi. ence and ablllty. Plenty of opportunity for growth and advancement. U.S. citizenship required. Send resume lo Phil Chamberlin or call Doug Harris; (714) 833--0600 Ext. 26M COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 JAMBOREE ROAD NEWPORT BEACH An equal opportiµllly employer Items Sold lndlYidually Shop Around -Bolero you buy -US! VALUI $1095.95 -FULL P~ICE $529.95 or terme 11 low 11 $4.66 per -k Uae Our Store Charge Plan or Bank Finan~ No Fancy Front -BUT Quallty Valuea de • • 0-• . : .. IBM .MT/ST J=;=;="""'==~:;=;===::=:===.:=.=: J;;J07B::.S;-&';'E;:.;M::P":LO:';:Y:C.M~E=NT Furhltu'8 IOOO Feo Paid • TYPIST ,1'.H~o~lp~W;•n~ted~-~~ I ~Jo~h:;• ~Mo~n~,~W~o~m.;;;1s=oo~1School,.lnstrvctlon 7600 20 Pc. M--aple MISS EXEC AGENCY Exee Secty (neg) .•.. to $600 Women 7400 Sales. Trnee Coe&) •• to $600 £vening1 shift. Experience NURSES Aide• aft needed! 3 ROOM GROUP . Comp!, '"""'· trng • job Secretary (split) •.•• lo S500 desired. UNUSUAL ---~ Clork Typlat (1pllt) •• to $500 I * TELLER * pkemnl N•ne• Tralrung lnclodo" Llvmg room ~· • APPLY Instltute 4016 W. Com· tabie"l • lamps • l}edtoom Secretary •••••••••••• to $475 1 ·~ WJ•-• Secty/Purcb (1Plit) ••• , $450 monwea1th, Fullerton. ·~ set. q icu mattressAll • me. c•rt Fri '""" •••••• to $450 MA"ru•LL ~~ ... ~ai:,:: ,::. ,:'. Opportunity = pie""""" room. 1or ••• P.T, Cen'l Ottlce , , S2.25hr IUl1A sonable, well...,,......med indt.. GOING To Europe this year? $449 Applicant Pays FH --Bru'1> up ""'IU Fttncb N do Pmt --· $U -COMMUNICATIONS vidual, Teller experll:nce re. The Independent Order at r.onvenatlon "'b; my clul. 0 wn-s. ,,..uy ....,, ~;;::.taey ........ :: qWttd, Fo"""' have openod • 64U26tl WElJl'S WAREHOUSE Girt Frid~ ::::::::::i~ $500 3519 w. WARNER ~~:°~tu~= :;w ~ inln= c: i,M:;E~R"c"H"A=N:::D"'IS::E:-:F::O::R:- Secretvy •••••••••••• $475up Sa.nta<~~~09270t. apply in person to Mr. Lewis 25 • 59. Co11e1e not nee-SALE AND TRADE NCR Operator •.••.• to$450 o~Mn.NageL esaary. Sho uld have ex.1-=~----:::::1 ooc w. 4th St.. Santa Ana Open Dally 9 .t Girl Fri/Ins ••.••••• to S425 An F.qual Oppartu.njty ...... ..i... • o bli Furniture •-~!alY •.•..••..•..•• $40'7 Employer _. ... nee m mee ng pu c. .-Sat.9.6 SUn.11-' Cl k .... • • • Glendale Dignilied lifo time ~"'"' SPANISH n-·--· flom Acctg er ••.••••••.• , ¥"tUo> li' .. -1 .. _ co--·-, __ ...,. nic:1w·•icu Cl k Ty · t ,..,,,.. ~· ... og ..... "' ..... "'.5 ........ cu-:u...1-• Homes oo salo at er PlS ••• , •••• to .,........, t ly Should be ex II ...... ca MODERN 2 cushion couch \Vith attached table $35, 3 piece seetional $30. 546--0636 Gen'l Office Trntt .• to $350 • Ja. e · in ce leu thaa. wbolesale' Group Federal Savings of $250 weekly, include• beautiful. 9 6 '' T~b11:.'n~1:1'~:S ~~ 410 W. Coast Hi&hway Newport Beach 646-3939 * ESCROW CLERK Abilities Unlimiled Agency 1133 Newport Blvd. Ceat• Mt•• Telepholle' between 9 AM • quilted ll01a & love seat. pm Sat & Sun. 1 PM Mon. thru Fri, 9 AM -3 Spaniah oak d@rorator ==-======= u Noon Slturdays for • table•. SW&&: or table lamps, G1r1t9 Sale 8022 pointment. wall placque, Jdnc, queen. --''-------1 Newport Bch, South .m8'l'OO or full lite bedroom wlte LADIES Quality • u It•• Exee Secretary ....... , $600 ,.._ M N """ -complete incl box sprlnp, s\vcate~. top, co at a , \Nita eaa., orth ....,....) Ill.I. bo dolt FC Bookkeeper ........ $4.13 mattre11, Unena Ir u Clreue1, blouses. capri&-Jlze Equal opportunity employer Secretaries f2) •••••• to $43.1 1---------''"""""''""""'""'""'!!!!""'!I lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc 10 to 12. Hats, punea, eomc1 Rater .......... sm m•r:R 1-dtni.Dg set priced elsewhere jewelry, di.shes. hair dryer. Dental Rttpt ••••• , •• to $425 I u.u; • c--L.. at approx. $1195.00 Al.J.. shoe~l;.ii -71,2 N. Come Receptioni!lt ........... , $375 vva~ FOR ONLY 1399. S20 down. see, come ligh. Cheap, General OWce ........ $375 POliltion open for peraonable e HoltftMS $4.99 per "'eek 1 out of cheap, cheap. At!. 4 PM Clerk Typist •••••••••• $346 individual wUh experience state cttdit OK. W 111 daily {except Fri). All da_y J r ' • I I ·1 I I ! ' • l l ' . • ' , • ' ' • ' ' ' • ' Experienced or trainee, mul-tiple line policy typllt. 60+ accurate})' on the electric. The ideal position for some- one who likes to type. A position ts now availablt! In our AcooW1ting Depart. ment tha& requires aome knowledge or experience with payroll. cub recelpta and other related 'dutiea. Experience with a bookkeep. Ing machine !IUCh u Bur· roughs or NCR would be heJp!ul, EXPERIENCED Opportunity available in our NeWport Beach oUI~ tor a P<!rw>Ntble, mature. weU. groomed iJ>dlvidual, lo work with the public and aid in processing o! real estate loans. Knowledie of Io an procesaing preferred. Type 50 wpm. Excellent workinc conditions and fringe bf:ne. tits. Please call Mr. RUI$ Litcb tor appointment. Record& Oerk ........ $346 or willint to learn. separate for quick aale. 20th Sat. 2a:!O National Ave., Coder-Keypunch Trott • $346 Apply in person Century Furniture, 9 ? 7 2 ;:;c.-.',_'•=M_,''";-;;-,,-7",,_,,,.,,, I Girl Friday , . , •.•. , , • fr $350 CALL for Appt. Garden Grove B 1 v d • • FRIDA y & Sat. April 11·12, Exc~nt frff benefit!. Per- manent, 1teacly work. Our policy ls promotion from within. Your future is deter- mined entirely by you. Nt'w modem office, friend!.)', pleasant atmolpbere. for Detail& and App't. Call Collect PERSONNEL 12131 384-1213 UNIGARD INSURANCE GROUP Work Nur Home REP RO TYPISTS AND All OTHER OfflCE SKIW WE NEED YOU NOW 1784 W. Lincoln Ph. 540-"'25 2700 Harbor An Equal Oppc!l'tunlty Employer This po1ltlon offers .a &<!Qd salary wi,lh attractive frlnre benelili ""'""""' IU1ly paXI far medical and life insur- STENO UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3029 Harbor Blvd. Cotta Mesa 546-2033 Equal opportunity employer 613-1550 Glendale Ffferal Savings 23" E. Coalt Hwy. Factory Tmee •.••.• Sl65hr 6'2·9511 REUBEN'S Garden Grove Daily lG-9, lG-5 PAt. Near N e w Sat 10-6, Sim 12-5 Come Articles. No Junk. Boutique u.":. "M!th "· sw~'.i!10 Newport Nat'I Bink * GIRl FRIDAY * 39' Superior Ave. Newport Be.ch COCO'S in or call Cn4) 53(}....5240 Items. 3187 College, CM. 20 PC. MODERN "-'-"~ARAGE SALE 1555 w. Adam• 3 ROOM GROUP Boys & &iris clothes, - Coit• Mei• Includes: floral .o1a I-chair etc. Sat, 315 So. Flower, Fot succt~ Real Esta!~ "e~G~R~oc==E~R~Y~C~L~E~R~K~S" I _ walnot ta.blea • lamps • S.A, Phone 542-Sfil ance coverqe, three weeks -==-..=cu=-vacation after 3 years, etc. Work Near Home Newport Be1ch An Equal Opportunt1Y Employer Brok" In Santa Aoa .,... * SECRETARY * •MEAT CUTTERS «>mplete bedroom with quill PIUCED TO SELL Prefer ~una: ambitious rirl ed mattreu • 5 pc. dinette, 2056 Swan Dr. Meta Verde, willln& to -e BOX BOYS Apply in pel'IOll at tbt e :.ooounlin&:/Bkkpc • Secretarial SECRETARY· RECEPTIONIST bility &:: = =i $600 month at etc. All for$·2·7· 7 ~~t. 545-3504. Fri-Sat-sun, u well u menial dutlies. Exctlltnt akill&, age 22 to 40, St•ter Bros. M.rket1 DAILY PILOT • """''""" Must be plea.aant, very well ()rarwe County Ail'port uu. Comer of Baker tr Fairview No down. Pmtl, only $10 mo. CUB SCOUTS G A R A GE 330 West Bay Street, CM e Typlats groomed, ~ haV. excellent Abilltl11 Unllmllld Coota M•,. 8 AM to 6 PM WElJl'S WAREHOUSE SALE • 6172 Kimbttly Dr, Ask for Mrs.· Gtftnman or Superior Agency call 642-4521 for an interview Establ.l.abed lit& Muat be young and peraon- a.ble, to meet public. Some typing. 5 day week, 9-6. New air oond. oUJeea and equip. ment, Lots of inlel"f:11ting activitie11. See or call Stan Muhl ta. telephone voice. S .. ~ Agency Tueaday thru Saturday ~~5 April llth & 12th lD daily to start. but will in-488 E. 17th, Suite 224 w 4th St •-·ta • -- EXPERIENCED • CREDIT e CHECKER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK m2 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach, Calif. .... ,.,, F.qual opportunity employer BE THE FIRST 1857 Harbor Bl, Costa Mea. CaU first 642-1141 ltllER CdM. Experi•nc• Preferred 675-!0IO Naben Cadillac lull - bQ • 60(I • " .,_.. IUIA crease to u a -Costa Mesa 642-1470 flll:f • Open Daib' 9 . 9 Appllinces ______ l_lOO_ ity progft'UH. Send resume ' olALU Qy Pl! Sat. 9 • 6 Sun. 11 • 6 to Bux M 658, Da ot. EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper l.iii=--i,,.,.;-;-;=='°';:--, REFRIG, 2 DR. Jett band --------to work in Art Studio I: Wholesale Lightine: Fixture 7%' DAVEN P 0 RT• 3 $78. Gu or elec dryer $55. RN DIRECTOR OF NURSES handle all paperwork inc. Showroom, Sales experience cushions. Perfect cond. $65. Auto washer $511. Sm chest collectio111, payroll, sales nee. Salary plt11 oomm. 1925 Anaheim St, C.M. lreezer, looks te r r i b J e, tax keep lab of stockroom, ':548-Ji'='-',736;;--,;;o-,.= v.'Orks swell $50. A I J typiog, '"" • .,..,,.,_ oc-• 547-4351 • 17 Pc. King Size ""araotffil_ Cub or t"'"'-~ Harbor Blvd. CMional participation in Coast Electric Ser v l c e ~-ta Mo.. ConvaleJCent Hospital, production. 1100 lo start. AVON SAYS IT ALL Bedroom De t ... -·· .... ..,. Newport, Corui!derable Make fracrance bath P ·• ~~ 5411-filOO ~-rl 1-landwritten reaume to Box up -• -, ..__ 9 drawer dresser mfr.MA ~~YT=-A"G<-8:--.,-.,-----,,-, -_.,-._, SARAH COVENTRY .._A, responsibility, auuou ty N p ~Dall ~'-t powden -11hampoo11 -....... " • ...,,,. ..,..., openings tor full or ~ u ea.med. Benefit.I eX· o. .....,_ Y ..-uu deodorant.I! Everybody Wlf!ll ror, 2 bedeide stands, ~ rond. $85. time salts. Mln. ~. l!. * w "tress cellent with unlimited po-them -80 why not geJJ me headboard, trame, qu t-* 646-5800 * Plouaot work. "' -·t. 81 es teotlol to a"""" capable * NURSES AIDES * U..m? 540-1041or546-5341 ... mattreu, -... blank· "F"R"'EE"'z"'E°'R-. '600"""'1•""--:;,hes~t no deliveries. For interview professional. THE New Ollver'• Roaet eta, etc, type, $125, xlnt cond. EJec. call 54G--0614/ ~7-4749{ E~perienctd. All lhifts Beef will be ... 1~.... well O\ol~ of Spanish stove $40. 673-T.i60 B4l-8950 Apply in person '4S.0030 groomed full It "'ii;rt lime or Modem Style WASHER Ir. Dryer Repair. SEC 'Y RECEPT REUBEN'S -Newport Conval11c1nt h<lp. Apply 2 to • oruy. All For $249 Xlnt-euarantffil ....... ' • • •-""."~~~~--Center 2114 W. Ocean Front, N.B. No down. Pmts. only S9 mo. Reu ratn. 847..SUS for Orthodontic oUice. Busl-SECRETARY Good workinr condltions and EXP'D shoe sale ptl'IOn, WElJl'S WAREHOUSE ness exp ttq. Dental exp not COCO'S Typin& 60 WJI01 .l dicta.phone, bene.fita. 393 Hospital Rd. NB pa.rt or tull time. 33 Hun- McDONALDS Is h l r I n g easential. Must be intelligent O!.alleng\ng position. Sartill&' e INJF.CTION MOLDING e tinrton Center, ILB. """' W. 4th SI ' •--1a Alli COUNTER Women to '«10rlc: & attractive. Age 25-45, Top salary $525. -· ~ Monday thru Friday 11 am-salary, 642-7.626 1555 W. Adams NCR 3100 OPERATOR OP=:s OR llgtncltt, Men & Sat.~~!:~. 6 Antlquas ANTIQUE 8110 2 pm. Unlfonna fumished, MATURE \\'oman to train Cott• Me11 ~rienced. Good opportun-Graveyard Shift. WotMn 7550 =-~-=-===~~ tree meals. as Pt'E'-«hool tea c h e r 1ty \vi.th excellent Company. Apply in pel"Mln: 850 \Vest Furniture returned from dis. APPLY IN PERSON asslatant. Costa Mesa area DENTAL Ofllce Secretary, Startill&' sa1.acy $400. lSth St., C, M. Exec. Sttty (fee paid)., $650 pJ.ay studios, model homes, McDONALD'S 5 hrs day, 5 day \lo-eek. <Tustin). Secretarial skU1s FEE~ FREE . Gil'! Friday .............. $425 decoraton cancella.tion. 6561 Edlnt:er 646-3636 needed. Compreheruilve Niguel Ptrsonnel PLEASE Help Afother with Ok typ!Jt (fee paid) to $400 Spanish A Mediterranean ett J-luntlnaton Beach knowl~gc of the dental en-~ Getty Road lite h&kp'g Ii babyaltting NCR "3.100" (lee paid) to $450 RD RJRNITURE -LADY To do housekeeping vlronment & patient needs Lap Niguel abt. 30 hrs. wk. Nr beh F/C Bkkpr (ft job) S500 A((OUJITING DEPT ~oo~pe;'i:e lo~o~ ~ ~: are req'd. Minimum exper. * 83~1t77 * in C d M. 675-4051 9 tun Accountant (re~ teej" SUK 1144 N.wport Blvd., CM ~--~--L"-1 1 of 3 yn1.; desire 5 yn. '"'""'""'""'"'""""""'""'"'i;i'°~';:.Pm'i:;;:;--:::::;::;-= Salelman Cfff job) •••• $fiOO every night w,9 ~!fl6':.~~ 2 _, 5 e · or more. Mu!t meet litua-1' HAIR Stylist wanted, hi&h Dta\p Engr, (frff} •• $13,200k Wed., Sat.&:: Sun til 6 SHOW & SALE 80 Ex hibiton April 10, 11, 12 & 13th Thurs, Fr~ Sat 1-10 p.m. SUnday 12-6 p.m. Anaheim Marina 800 \V, KateUa Ave. AcroSs lrom Disneyland Vast stock Amer/Eur furn & clocka. Larry :ti-torg:an Anti- quies. 2428 Nwpt. Bkl., C.M. Acoounts payable experience, Houra & am -4:30 pm. G•rrison Mfg Co Inc 2321 S. Pullman Avt. Santa Ana tions with judifltenl, eaee, Nightime style apeciali1t, bu 1y Draft. Arch, .......... to $866 20 PC "MADRID'• FULL CH A R G E BOOK· firmne51 &: pol.st. TO? Ne\\'J)O?'t Shop, following Open 9 to 12: 30 Saturday • KEEPER Thru financial Wuy to right person. Call: Cocktai: Waitress preferred but mt neetUU')'. Merch•nt• P•rsonnel 3 Room Group Sewing ~chines 1120 atattments. Multipal C01"-'114: 544-6393 Call 646-1345 .1.~e-IBOM MODEL HOMES to XI t sal • ,... ·-; ZIG Zag Sewing Machines; pont n. · n · ary NURSES AIDE HOSIERY l haod'•· sal< benef:ltt. Call cn4l 837-2020 Apply In person ~ L _ 2M3 We1tcliU Drive tncludet: Quilled 90fa t:: do everyting without at· 7 TO 3 SHIFT f\lature \\'Oman J0.55. Lffds Comer 17th tr Irvine chair - 2 end tablea I eof· tachments. Bankrupt itoclc. Ext. 261 for appointment PARK LIDO s~ S"-So "-Pl F.qual opportunity em p1QYt:r EXPERIENCED REUBt.lllla: ·~ W•<. -~-U8. 645-2170-545-51185 f.,..tnb1"-2lamps-dreu-"""" ""W '"' rnodeJ,, BLIND man, ap 77 will H "-' ln g; ?¥fr. Phrlps er_-•-_.._ __ _.,__ ...... _ B~•UTY -ton: .for al· ly ho ·'-llOO Convalescent 011p11a.1 1u1.11v.-u•:ow.,.....v Portables $40, Conl!IOles $60. -.....--supp me, n'leBlll, 1445 Superior EXPERIENCED il quilted box apri.ri&: Ii: matt· Tenna. 25 yr guarantee. trac Von'• Shop's center e ESCROW e per mo to competent Newport Beach ~10 151 E. Coa1t Hlghw•y bouaekeeper. 4 bra twice newport . reu _ 5 pc. d1ninc room ; 499-3828 anytime tor home SEAUTY operaton I« at-SECRETARY woman; drive n.r, clean Newport Beach .... el I bade •·•-trlal. p • J trac Von'• I et:nter trlr, prepue tnffls. SIMXl8S DA. Vhl .......... ""ARE AT 17~ ~ o:c.==,.-,~-'--..,-Shop' -I HOUSEWORK tn Lt.gu wee....,. or full day. 644--0439 p•,.onn table Ir 4 h -cl.IWQ., . . A&ency aalon. Call Kay 536-tlU UNITED CALIFORNIA e \VA I T RESS : Good Do mt tab YoW' time !Jt MAID Ove-r 30, pennanent .......,,.....-w...i 'M SINGER. Zl1·r.a1. auto, W•-~• ~-" -•-BANK mine ""'"' "'" h • Y • GENERAL OFFICE part lime. 6 ..,..,r.m. 8Q80l:Y $399 with walnut cablnoL Teke -~n:.;;..Ooff; ~·~:~c~~ rekrence1 and willina: ~"'Immediate oper\inl. Typln£ $1Thhr. 4!)4...1521 Nodown-Pmtaooly$16mo. over 5 pymnts, $7.25 mo. ~ 1-W. ~--Hlw .. , Lll Pa • H ..wk four ~ days/\\"etk 50 \VPfi.t filing. Ages 20-40. SALEsLAOY full time ... Pr«.11fon•I Service Wl:l lf'S WARfHOIJSE C&ll 526-6616 anytime. --. ...., ~~ ..., 3141 E . CNst Hwy tu.nos, unttl1gtoo at S2/hr. Call 4M-3892 Opportunity tar ad-• ' RUA l1ewporf Beach Cor on• dtl Mir Harbor. 846-0093 DENTAL RECEPTIONtSI' vancemenl. c&!1 for Ill> ~ lo 45. Oilldre:n's !tOtt. for the •mpleyer WANTED E I. n d • -40 DRAPERY d po'••tmoot '"" 7i57 650 D Slrttt, 'l\J.5Un. •ncl the •ppllc•nt W St •--t •·· x Pc r cc ,7,...,, operator. eiq>' · Matul'f:, reliable woman . " '"""" GOO · 4lll " .,.,, a ,...... ,"8blrlc rod home wrappera, &: tabler. C1ualc Draperies, !ltuat have good experJenCe EXEC S@oc &: Gal Friday BAKERY salt !! lady, eves 133 Dover Dr., N.B. Open DaUy g.g Gilt I Clftl. 2lll Valley ~l opporti.inliy emplQyer 3853 Birth St. N. B. to \\'Ork in busy Coata ~!eta 1~ugh . job' with top pay'. 21!'1.~!· ~arine, Balboa '41·3170 549-1743 Sat. 9-6 Sun u..g Road, C.M. M&-6413 * ~1431 * ofllce. 6'fG..263.t Re-su1ne I: rels rt q 'd · · · · LOVELY I' sofa, neVtt ulfd. i£iMS'I'RESS. 4'!~ rn.""'AL£SCENT AIDE BABYSI'ITER my home, PLEASANT, neat lady. for l.ocat.fd in Irvine Ind. J L ••-W 7500 School1oln1trvctlon 7600 qllilled f I 0 rat ; scot· -~•-pe ~ ~·· d 3 bo o Co•>pl••· N.B. n4: ~&-2414 °~"'· om. M •·••-llOM" m .... ,..,.., 0 ra..,., or COMPANION a.ys: y11. w" Daniflh CoUee Garden " · · The Newport cl\g'uarded. $115. a ....... ,. I 913 flectric, St-a.I Bfacb. far tilWle lady, Ult dutlell. ll'amportalion. 548-<1131 all Counter. Attractive po~itlon DENTAL Rectr>t-Mana.ger. * School of lvsJntu low Ifft m. Sl'l-«132 213: 59Mt6l Uve in or out. Short or 6. for temi-retlred. 673-2740 Pre"1ou.s exp only. Aae 21.JS 1-tOTEL • Elecb1c t;vprwr1ten R.A11'AH tabltl ~ nch, Beauty operator full or: ~term. No fet. SAWYER Home n c • d' BAB y SITTER' ma.IUl'fl yrs. Pb. S4~)410 btwn 1 DESK "LERK· • Dlct.atbw equipment thalrl $50 • $35. Dinette pct·Unw, Balboa h1an4. Applf m 1t11 re. w om• D for woman. 1l\Y tune. 3 da,vs pm·lO Pl1l only, """ •Modem ottlce prol!'tdu:m Jet $45. Ona.bW table $7. ** f>Sml ** HOMEMAKERs .....,....,..., • proctlcal wk, 0.-n trans. S4&-8991 alt MATURE woman nffiled to CASHIER e """"up G,.. ShoetbaJ><t ~ BEAtn'Y onuttant ottlce l.&al £. 17th St .. S.A. nuratna. M6-6716 5:30 pm babysit. my ham e OC· e Pertonal De\lelopment 'hMAP~;;;LE:;;;.-;lled=,-::.,..:::--:,pn=-.,.. 'l'Qdc.. F« app't. call: DENTAL .u.tttant, cha.Ir G'ENERAL Fa c Io r y I CAKE DECORATOR. Part casklMI wknda durirt: yeu . Heavy exPtMnef on NCR (Atk; about our ~oUu 6 tnattreM U5; RecUntt ~ ride, in H"'PO!'t .. ~ nMIM ldmbly..,~, kStpecl a.tty or full Umecall. App: S to \\'1"'6.-G I'-sal f200,Goodsalary,5da)os. whicbincludf:1 frtetyplnc ~~$25, Dftuer $1.5. WAJTRESS. Part lime .,... X·ftQ exper . .._...__ a en, •u-" or own , U Mt or tar 11.PJll. • Ill)' lll l I counttr ca. Appl)' In peraon. Onb' lnatnu:Uom.l l:.~:F;'-,;=-:;;;-;=:;: DAYS OVER 2J CALL To 11Pb'. R : OJl S..Ulf; Hunt Bch. S.~ or 54.\-3031 Exp'd only, 5 day, 40 hr expe:rle?lcM need apply. 646.0ISJ DESK 1 chair $50 Double 5415 9ISS OPERATORS. Expd, For SAWYER Home n e f' d 1 GffiL Friday lo uaist gtn. v.-etk. S90t Edlnatr St, H.B. L 11'" £T I ~1 E Gi tt , box spring A maUresa $20 Musical Inst. 8125 Gui t 1r Headqua rter1 e NEW and USED e Fender • Vox • Standel e GIBSON e MARTIN e WILSON e YAMAHA. Drum Headquerten • NEW and USED e LUDWIG. IWGERS, ASl'JUl I.Mp .electlon with bll'W' 4 pc, ll!b and cymbala •fart· Ina It 1119.SO. J>.dlls. hl-haU and •ll rei-lttd. AD small parts. •cewwiea A eymball in gfoclc. EVERmirNO IN MUSJC Beach Music Center EXPER. drn&al recepllOni!L sporls\\'tar. F'uU ttmt.: Top n• a tu r e w o me n fo r offlt'I'! mgr. in dental oifitt. M2·12U THE typewrtll"R'.. ch 11 d r 1 n. Double sattn QI Head· Send ftlWlll: to Bol M-473, pay. 4001 F. Bird. Sr., N.B., houaiekt'epltlf A pracUW Good typlna e • 1 en t la I . PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD NEWPORTER INN grandchildren, or )'OU~lfl board $5. ~14 F'l\CtOty Sain Ir Sll:nict D&lb' PUol: -1 bllc E. of O.C. atrport. nursln,. MM:Il6 548-2291 Ex p'd, Scttt:ntn It. touch-up Jo d Iv Id u a 11 y tutored QUAL. Kne Sile bed •I Dn.ily 12 noon 'Ul 9. Sa.t 9--5 FULL t Im e, upttknttd MarEL MAID HELP N'EEDED-EXP'D. 3',LES\VOAfF.N , ~·d. ln rr~ Ap:: Ml W. l!lll nm Jamborte Rold Ollcot.t 10 lebons typ111f qttlJttd matt., complele 17404 Beach WVd .. (Jlwy 38) ,acniat ~· derk. P.O. EXPERIENQJ) Ganntnl Manufactum read)'·bv.-ear A llP(Wls'>'"tM'. 1• ta u. NewPOtt Beach school, 113 Dtl Mar, CM, Newt Ulf!d $98; ~ $250. 1~ ml. So. San 0Seio f'w>'. &,,c 1°' -SP atmtafe S208 W. CoUf Hwy, N.8. + * 'f'-2'166 N.8. itritr Part dme. C.M. S4&4M2 DAil.Y PILOT WANT ADS! IW•t700 ~2SM 341-MOli j thndlr.,ton Bffeh W.s535 '~~~~---:., .... ,..,.. ___ :...:..-:.·-----' ...... ..:..:.----._. --· ---·-----. __ --- I • • • r~~~~;:~'~kijtldov~,~A.,,U~t~,~1..,~~~~~~~DAll:~Y~l'ILOl'~~ .. ~~I ru~~·~:= MlR~I l'OI· FREE TO YOU TIANSl'Oln'ATIOM ~ATION ~TATION TRANSl'OllTA ·:: $ALm AND T...,_ oJ-.....~ -10 •-~ "-'• 1.m-.... •·~ ~ I 1 M ~-I Ind 1125 .............. --.. "' ftVIW ....,... ..-•-_... ~ ~p1rt..t A""" NGO tmpertwd Auto. -,..,..,.11ted Autw ' 111-• Ml-li.•11 MOO ,....., 'fo "'°" lane. 2 & Pam -1 ··---.....; --;;;; . ' om.... :=.~~-::: BARGAINS• EMPL•Y•., .. .x DATSUN ... :r .:!111 ~ -· * ~ * ·, ........ ,"°""' a11 --• .,,.., m1 ..,,,,.... .._ • 1Ht DATSUN "" ' -atw, -• taet. ah o u 14 1 o to 111 the r -.me tUa. 4 tw ..._ iladl. . S.-. Servlca, Pua E>lo,fM!f0.-11'11 FRIDAY-APRIL llTH llC-17U W 21' 1$1.ANDIR ai.,w1o1o ...... -.i,.i,.. 1m-1e DallwoJ, FENDER 12 -...._ ~·30 PM j PUPPIES, DIGful; ot ..,_ .. -· olpo 4, -SIB On --Lot I Door. Demo. Radio anti All -., ..,...., l><ulllW ...,., ~ I< BANK. rlor " --a male 1" COLl,IMllA • nar bids. =, AMMim'. ,buler,wtillewall-.wu. 1195, 64W!OI RUPI' FliRNrruR£, l.ow4' poodle. FrM to "'°" -5 ~ -""" lob 136-1251 • • I rut>. Oal,y FENOERBANDMASl'ER -""-div-. cot. Loves cblldnn. 181 E. lllh """'· ···; ............ -'to CHEV • ....._ Au'!con. $1595 AMPLIFIER. IZIO ar Bott t.. tabieo,"""""""' ""'-St., CM 4/11 J6 $LOOP ditlonJnc lln1t. Cbt)p . ot1tt1 &G-n75 dow chHtl, pictur8, lampt. LOVING, Full srown mu. Radio, D/1', latllo, S •lla. ~ ~ jdany more to choee floom. ~·~ m1mn. .-., or,,,....,., .... _ ,-. """' .,,,..L d!JW."' .. 112.500 DOT DATSUN '~ .f •trinc bas pitar. oce chain, matt:reuea, tooll, horn.,. Small sqH Mack e PACIFIC YAalT s.U£se Trel .... , Trewl '425 $4.S. 6C-n75. AK f 01 • Drawu NaUonll c.,.b Rta. Setm', tn~nt, tra1ned 3M8 Yla Oporlo, Newport MIKE. ....,, beer parlor stools, cool. clevot.d.133.H W 24 Hour Pbooo .... St.>1'10 00 ROu;i Royal 'l>Jl"'i 18835 lleooch Blvd. a , ref.rilt:rakn, fr c e 1 e r, MOVING Out d: StUt. 2 Comkw t'\JSTOM DLX K 41 Tn1ler-U. Sdf-conlalned. Huntbwton Beacb Pl•-& Ort-11'11 •New Pi-• 1t1M1 WUherl tteyen: A mama cata. l fixed • lfIDG.ET OCEAN-CRUISER Steno, llHpt 6. Like nrwl 540.oM2 MUcH MORE! ' J>enWi. 1 put SW: tr l(qawa AWt. 'Slilop 'M Sacr!llce 12100. Call .._Ulll '69 -DATSUN -'~1lllfl!'li .il11q11111,, !100 W. O:IUl Hwy., H.B. -llfOJ111 'Autb:>a1led )IQ Dialer- '62 llG Mklatt; radio. W/W, ...,.i cond., 2 -l6IO . f!S.41111 COME BROWSE AROUND Hopelul\y to ao to Jovtni Slpg 4.1 Batl ails. Aux. bdonl0,30.,.alt.IPMj -;5apdtn,.,U5bp, WUIU.rtZER • BRADBURY •rs AUCllOll ....... ,..1211 4111 ""'· ftadto.tel., -.... 1r l'IELD • s..... 'fli: dlr, ..........., ,.now, blck OPEL ~ m!se_ =· :: GERMAN S h t p he r d _ dir, ~· llOV Gen. rec:L ftlllb toilet, 1uJdec. ref., bl.at::Rt et.ti, radio, heath, ---... ---·I _,, "-u ... ~. P"Pl>keli I wttks a ~. CD'YU'I., dbl&)' new titn. ~ cood. ~ wsw'a. 1e.u than 1000 ml Un. '66 OPEL w-bench Ii: t.wJed. Price 1tart. w•"7S ,_wport Blvd. ~ St. ·,.__,_ · cuat. tlr. $2195. &fl8..9000 lncL U li!t bitch I ueo. der fact wan-. Take older u. at M99. Behind T~· mdc. Mat'ls. MB-«167 • u.i.UI M~ CAL 20, bupln Jar qulck brake sylttm. 5e-403I fore.Ian Cat 1n trade of $115 Station 1nlOft, xlnt eond. ' Pianos rented opt to buy eo.ta Mn.. * Mf.8686 sale, 1nclmle oat b o a rd. 1961 Puma Tent ~r · cub delJ, Will tine prtv prey. gpd, dlr, radio. beater. SU. W••w Of91111$ OPEN DAILY I to • LARGE mixed b_, & ,... $2450. CWl H>Q&l ...,., ....Uent coodltloo, -.... LB YNW 485. ca JI ""'-blue exterior. All "'8lnaJ '1297 ,.., /"io66 MPG + ~ equip, $14.50 fuight, $49.00 Handling $1390 + w & Uc. delivered SUBARU Of Coll!. Retail Dlvlalen 1000 w. C..11 Hwy. -Newport ...... 64W05Cl*540-17U • NEW e at&M.• OPBllll6 c»d dos. loYabir, netds IOOd 2J3..m.au ewa. all bl.l·lns, a1eeps l , $WOi CM-Sm er 56-0634.. Interior. $50 CUii dels. Will Many otber makes. Many UIUlllU --home, cood w/cldldrm. Call ~'1854 flnc Pn1 p.1)'. LB SWG 416 S111ff • • t!n!abu. Prtctt .,..._ 4lt Power Crvlltrs 9020 19' KIT Trawl lnlJ<r ••llv ENGUSH FORD "*!or""' 49U113l:::======:o;=;=======I start &t $95. Tb~, April 10th 7° .:hi~ AN~ klttl!m: M5IXI 33, Cluele ow.er M1t CDlltained, lletg1 i,Jikl 1i:8 OPEL Kadett waeon. Imported Aufot 9600 Imported Autos t600 EVERY'1111NG JN MUSIC -ID~: p~ ........ . ... mi 1947. Good ......... Ss ~""" .-5 .... ORANGE COUNTY'S ~· '"" ....... Call SUNBEAM VOLKSWAGEN Beach MISic Center H-. IU w. 19th St. a.ta FEMALE <&4 calico, I \\ n•llt>,I Fa~~· ;;» TENT TRAlLER> VOLUME ENGLISH Sols Meta, SpectaJWng in <Ire,. yn., very alledlonat.. ~~·alee O 2 1• Alter 6 ..; ..,.._,nda any FORD DEALER PORSCHE CL -slJNJIEAM -~~ noon .; ~ 9-5 es.. sportswear a: Jwtior 673-8470 4111 541-4229 ' pa • • time. 892-1186 COMPLETE ··--'59 RAPIER SEDAN, iood 11«>1 Beach mv<1.,' (Hwy 3!l P'tite. NEED Kd. hme. tor !01" .-22' CABIN' crulle1' needs SALES .SERVICE '68 PORSCHE 912 CPE. •nt. ""'· 1135. t% mi. So. San Dilso Fwy. BIRDS ot. Paradise *** brd. sm. tan fem. Bour aome Yr'Ol'k. & real' buy at Trucks 9500 PARTS CENTER ~~•-de~· 'niln~h ll"'wlthy - Hwrtlngton Beach 847-3536 Hulthy bloomtne we 11 P"P 3 Mos. old. 8'7-11317 S2'l Call· eu-050 ,_ ~~ALET __ ,,_ NEW • USED ~ a _, ~ TOYOTA ANO & establlsbed 2 plants to & 2 -SERVEL Rdrlpraton __:_ ...:__ _...~•nu .,..,.l&llR' custom b1&clc interior,' & HAR R Pl ORGAN 5 pl. container. 0n1y a he. You pJck Up Boat Mllntenl-% ton pickup truck. I' bed, Theodore speed tr&nsmlsslon, Biau.1--..;..:....;c..;..;c:.;'---~ BARGAIN HUNTERS! ,_ lelt at °"' pr1ce o1 646-:1663 4110 llfn3 a"tomafic 1nmmi.a1oo, VB ROBINS FORD Q110kt ndio, htaler. Metku. ~oYOf' VOLKSWAGEN, INC. ()ranre County's larsett onty $5.00 for 2 plant.. Call MARINE Electrician t 0 r enctm, ndio, bnter, bl& ' lous can is ahown A: drlwn I' A Authorized stock ot riew A uaed after 6 P.M. or all day GERMAN Shephtrd puppy, hire. C-omplete wirin& or rubber. $995. Dealer. ism 200> Harbor BJvd. only 1.600 miles. Salts and SeMce Planot A o,p,,. Saturdq and &tnday, 1212 ~ _,., old. Femt,:; nwlring ol boat&. lnalnl-Beach &Yd. HW>I. -..., a.ta M-64UlllO PRICED TO SELL $ SA YE $ ll11l Beach Blvd. IGo4G5 ' Spinet Planot lrom .. $383 So. Rou St., Santa Ana. meat lmlallatlon. No job ,...._ JOHNSON & SON Executive Cor Sole Baldwin O<pn ........ 13'8 El.EC. Washer•...,..,., din-!RISH Sella, male, S Yn. too Wae.,.. ama11 OC.l510 'M FORD ll Tan Oat bed '67 CORTINA UNCOLN-MERCURY Hurry While They Lostl ''5 V.W. IUG Chlt.kttins ~ ••.••• $745 ing rm .et w/clrlna cabinet, old. To &aod Hom e • Overload sprlnp. 4 apd 1600 • 4 IPttd • radio. Law Guaranteed, read,y to Soli Conn Capnoe Orpn Dual twin headboard, dble M&-:i033 t/10 Mlrlne Equip. 9035 trans, Pwr Boom W/ um mllnp. T.ht de Jux model 2626 Harbor, Coata Mesa cd'fflll L•-= I # ll'.l6h Save ••••••••••••••••••• $tO:I bed, . I drawer mah o r TOP SOIL ENSENADA Race N 4 lb capu, 29,<XXI miln. with buclret •ab:. WFVl9S Cl Mt So.=· Fw)t.) ~· Ull~ '66 V.W. BUG all w~-" Conn n.o. ......... • ...... ......... Laauna Beach 49<-llTI lll --+ ·--~-545-4166 $1350 IHPORTS Guaranteed. Show ..... -. aamp-areaUy reduced! "'-n!& -•-'!V .,_, man e ~· ~ .... ,. ""7 ~~~ P/U eo-•-dition. Lie. UJD 419 ~ w -' -· ed :_.~. ,.1".,.. --"'--vw 0.r' JOHNSON & SON '" """'"' 911 •. Low bank terms sewing mach., ~ link PITS •nd LIVESTOCK ii: asaort sear'· Prv prty. ulLU " ~ Sportomallc. Dunlap sP tires TOTOTA·YOLWO $1395 No dOwn payment center. m-4866 Make <1Uer. 5t5-«l24 eq1,: V&I. in fd. ahape. Must IJneoln..Mercury buqundy, black int. •• S58!15 1966 llarbor, CM. 646-930.l ''3 V.W. CAMPER Gould Music Cempony Cols ll20 25 HP JOHNSON In good "" to app«e. :nai Onnae, 19411Wbor Blvd. SC.~ '67 TOYOT lrith a"""-well "lul 20<5 N. Main, Santa Ana KNITTED FABRICS cond. $ISO. Call-5 pm. CM. 646-7508 '66 Poncbe ........... $3995 A Lie. l1KROit So. I -----·· SIAMESE cat, 2 yn old, --.. '68 Pot'Behe 911 T, 2 to choose ' 1 0pen ~.,;;·;Fri .:~ 1 bl"" po1n~ _... 1ema1<, * -· * GM rr P1c1u1p. ~. Custom FERRARI 1rom .................. 15895 CORONA SED. Bur. '~,!.Yf~U•G .. .,. : SUndl,y 12 to 5 "FOR SALE 125. 64S-l!92 Beat Sllp Moorlnt 9036 ..,cab.:..•!;. Owner. 511-2161 FER"aRI '69 Poncbe w s A"'' """'"';..ion, v.1>1t. w/ -•·-RCF 8"' Remnants, sampln a: Mill --· -T~ w I black Inter-blue int. A fine compact &I __.l"' HAMMOND. -v.. ...,. Sat. o.i, & un, to 2 !>Of'! 1125 BOAT Dock Umtled to U'. 5S QIEV, Pla<UP. Newport ""-Lid. 0.. !or .................... 11995 a mini price. VLYIM $995 .. ' ' maha • new • uoed -p.m. 929 Baker, Coote,...._ ALASKAN Malamtl $1.llO per It. Yearly. Near v..., Clelnl Lo mllel. &nlO °""I>'•..,,. au-T&M MOTORS $1395 ''5 GHIA ol all makn. Bal bt<ys In iF'°BOAT, tra!ler A Oii!· show <r bl-"-...,~ Newport Ille. &'15.'1556 New paint " ""' 64S-2llD bod dealer. JOHNSON & SON Silver with blaok lntttlor So. Calli. right-· boanl. Perl. cond. A"to 61 ,..tsltted, .;;J"u;,-Black WANTED SALES.· SERVIOJ. PAllTS lladlo, and many °""'"' SCHMIDT MUSIC 00.. Lincoln, 63 Chevy, 62 F\aL &: White ~ 1 • 175 ' Slip on Bi& Bay for ....,. 9510 sir:~ ~"7· gr~ Bvd. •= lD4l }=r;.~~'11150 PDP911 $139$ ~~· :.!"' Leaving •!air, beat oiler. and up. 490-3573 23' crlllaer. "2-0l2S 1967 BRONCO -540.llll, OPEN SUNDAY '64 DODGE DART & 329 Univttsity CM BASENJI Barldeu d 0 I• Autborlle4 MG Dealer TOYOTA w 6 L / THE BEST DEALS CULLIGAN Muk. I Water from.Afrlca; ~.short BOit Services 9037 4-WHEELDRIVE -'13PORSCHE super '75. (2) ~ ey ,p •t~auto-1 ... On Pianos&. Or91ns Softener. Xlnt cond. Ideal hair; AKC OWnp line, will Or•"'° Coad Merine ~~· ~ .. '", tb ~~le-'°'!· FIAT tu choose from. Red or HEAnQUARTERS No: OP:i~tra ~ ; Are Alwlys ·Af for mobile home or couple. conslder trade; trms . n.awu, _. • .-.. .. Sllver. All the extras. $1195 Copper fittinpinc luded 642-4350 °;:pl~:-~ &qlSharpl MAKEOFFER.11nAT1100 Dd..aR 4 dr: Dealer. 18835 Beach Blvd., ELMORE 'M RAMILIR WARD'SBALDWINsnJDIO $100.~Ui? · CHAMPION aired. AKC, QqalityMarinePenonne:l ~=:~onD!!'! !_?~_.~~-o~ ~ HWlt.Beach.540--0442 • ..-r.--cbBl·J .......... Amerkan hardtop, 6 eyt.;. lSll Newp:irt, C.M. M2.848t DBL. Bed, $35 comp. Xlnt minlitin Scbiiiibl!rs. Mrs. e Haul oatl, aaD A-power ....,~ .. u. ~ car. 1963 P 0 RSC H E 9U. ~ ~ vu., auto.. RAH, buclmt aeata. WUR i ....,.,., 4500 cond.. mattrns • sprp. Bolton days 5flJZi61 nu • 24 Hr. Emefl"'Dcy seMct ~~~C pm A-1 pm New valves $195. ~ Tqerine color, 4 speed, Pbtne-l!M-3322 !Jc, No. RBT37'J . ... '""""' Din. tbl•., ... ,~ $lllll, ... 491-3573 * "5-"460 * . low mil• .... lmmac cond. BILL MAXEY $995 O>noo!e orpn, like new, teods, oeata 12. 56-7714 MOVJNG, m"'t ,.u, 2 .,.. 117 -Drlw, Newpcd '65 JEEP ISO RIVOLTA . >fast "° to appnclat.. ''6 TOYOTA Cost $2C50. Must Sacril! UPHOisn:RING • (Euro-l:ftd white toy --nes, 2 fi75.2460 or '1S-2Kl J-300 Pick-Up I cyl. 3 speed 548-6347 after C pm. ITIOIYIOITIAI Cftrarn W•""" RltH, Ill,... .· . .......,... • r. .. ~. _.... : .. ...__ 1n._ a· ISO "85'' Luxmy 2+2. Body PORSCHE 1962 O.b. •~ ---, $1125, * 841-85.16 pean c:rattsmen} Frft est., yrs old, $50 tor b:lth. M.1111 ~ .. """'" un,,_ w.e by Berto -..... eoonc:cn.y, plus room. Stk. • H.UlMOND A lOO, walnut, det. pickup, 215 Main, HB 1e11 tocttba. ~1892 ._..Yacht truck. R28857 ne, chaasia by super w/Michelln X Urea. 18881 BEACH ILVD PlS . . ptrfect cond. Pr! party. Bemard'o Upbol. 53U4tli AFGHAN Chorters 903' $795 =:1-Alr1:° AM':,.~ Asking $2)00. 6""265 Hunt. BUch 147.a55J $1495 . , l"-ll.19 KNIT TING Machine, 11 month old lemale BLlJEIVATER CIWITERS JOHNSON & SON new·x ""'Cullom painL 'r.ti PORSCHE Euro 912 Ex· !mlN.oleo..tHwy . ..,Bd> ''6 DATSUN WAGON ·: PIANO TUNmG le: Repair Stnaomatic, dble bed, like 1100 * 833-3967 U·Drlve Kil or power boats. IJncoln.M $4950 or Trade. ~ eel cond. $3850 Prtvt.te par-•61 TOYOPET iood mech C speed, radio~ heater, w/w; Exi>m, reuonable! new. Colt $300. Sacrif. $100. AFGHAN female, l2 monthl, Harbor cruiael/tpOl't fiah. ercury ty. 714: 842-7589 aft 5 PM nd de Beat Uer , rack on top, Cude. Lie. No. Albert Aarne1s 675-6967 548-1675 alter 3:30 PM. black muk red; ao papen. Dally -Wee.kb' * 646-9000 l!Ml Harbor Blvd. 642·7050 JAGUAR-'66 PORSCHE 912, 5 speed co ., ~1486 o RGF663 GIBSON J..SO $50. 644-2898 MILITARY Jeep. Olev V-1. beige/ blk Int. 28,000 ml.I========! lacflo 1200 with Hardlbell cue, AKC Reg. Poodln.. TOJ"'• A: Alrcrlft 9100 New 1:14 x l5 titts.. Many '67 JAGUAR XKE Coupe. _0="';·=°"""=='·='=15.o<l4='·=== 11· 1•=------$320 new, $200 or otter Mini'•. $50 up. Toy Stud Ser. more extras, Will COhlider White opaluce-nt beauty - SCRAMLETS Eric, 675-5160 a.Her & PM. 5C7-38Sl or 541-9581 l/5th ownenhip or Cessna trade. 64,$-23111'.1 with bucket lei.I Interior, RENAULT KOFLACH Ski boots, size GERMAN Shepherd pupp~ 170. Call after 6 pm 1956 CJ5 AM-FM radio, air con-__ :.::::.:::C..:.'----ITRIUMPH '65, ttd Spltlltt. ANSWER' ll% $30, sbe 9 $22.SO. 1 weekl, males, $25 . * 562&00 * 215hp~vyV.S dltionlnc and low mneace. PRE OPENING Owner in Aluka. A.a ii. Hardrock maple cradle $21. C95-f869 ALL NEW 5C8-&!IM Must tee. Dealer. 18835 548-7811 962-4159 Mobll1 Hom11 9200 51 JEEP Waron. 4 W.D. Beach Blvd., HWll Beach. NEW l--.,5~9 ~T~R~IU~M=P~H~T~R~.~3- Sexton -Mouth -cable -.;;;;.,:;:~~--~~ GREAT Dane Puppies., show New tires, brakes, clutch. SM).-0442 Wholly -HATES YOU CURTAINS le: drapes $1 -quality, champkln sired, $10,000 Runs 'lftll. $«XI.~ '63~:.:.,:MARK~~~X,-P~b-/ .. -aio'-, I $315. 673-2631 Romantic Pi tc date: $8. Elttt. ftrl'pl logs $8. lawn. SJS.-4751 or 631-1933 1 Pl.A.CE )'OU!" wan1 ad W".beu Meta.I frame window 52x'i4, '65 C 5 J Jwp, 22,<m mlla, auto trans, e \; wnds, d.iac a.., 11.l'e ~ -DAILY "Gosh! Jt's just u eKcitinc $15. &CS-26M WATOll roa UMllC HOME l!!:l<.'dlent. $1350 brb-4 wtlla:, xlnt eond. PD..O'l' dulffted MWt?I TRIUMPH $11'5 (!/j HARBOUR VOLK>WAGEN, INC.· A"ll>orhed ..,.. ... _ U11l -Blvd. lllUCli u Romeo and Joillel ..,. -~="---.,,.-,..,.,-1 'TIS OPENING SOON l'IVlllLt; * 499-lOOI * , . rn..31582 SALE father HATES YOU!" 34" SQ peca.i:ii c::oc:ktail table lhel -'· l~lm;;;oo;'~led~-~~;dHOO~· ~~··~•;;•~tl~etl~AuM~;;;;d"°'~~ Televlslen l205 1!';...!. 12 -m. :!~' "·..:;'"':::-= .. =----..:•:::UO:::.: -OR -,c;;;am;;;'°;;;";;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;';;;s;;,201 '(ARMANN GHIA ...,. CA>OT wArr '°"our~ . -'-'---'----'-;..;. • FIRE ~ B"'llar Alarm Q u ARTER HORSES: $35,000 I• ... GHIA, ,_ -· ...... l!IUlll\ OPClllllr.. MAGNIF1CENt r 11temi, SyaWna lnltaned u tow u 1-Whlte race w/ wtit 1DCD CAMPER Vll:Aftll """u ~1~a~: :~ $99. Call 642-3490 ~-lA-B~ ~ HOUSE! S1l11 • Rent1l1 FM, nu~ 1!it~ mi. ma: 1-=========' 1.21" KING+tawn mower • -· p.,........_ _., Authorlud Dealer rKK Sporting Goods 1500 1-fcChln edge1, $125. C66 ~;: iood stock IQiO. c.ome In. today and "' tux· Eldorado • Foor E. l!lh SL CM. -wy llviD& at down to earth Winds • Scotsman SKI boots, size: I, sood. con-'62 KELVINA.TOR JC cu rt 6 YEAR old mare with I price:a. Espedally now dur-30,000 F~t of camper ditlon. double boo! $25. $50. Virtue dinette .et, wood mo old colt. (Appey bnd Ina: our clearance D.le on Diapl*Jll ~9539 gnJn. $40. 675-&86 colt), papen avail. Pl>. all display ~·re Theodore 8RAillED Old World .... -· ~ 5· priced to aeD ......... ..,,,. ROBINS FORD Ml1celf1neow 1600 OY&J, 9 x 6. "Gold A: burnt REGISTERED thorouahbrtd Parks av&ib.ble in all area BOY'S Slinira.> bicycle 3 orange tones. $"15. G42-6alQ reldinc. 7 yn: cmt, senile. hy H1rbor --~ .. ~ * 515-:llOO * Mobile Home Soles IP'td. ,..,.. brakes, WI."' new $25. Heavy duty tow Ml1c. W1nf9cl ~J.! !!:'!!!_POITATtON 1Ai block1:.i.e:::.!rmw. INT'L. Van camper; sips. bar $35 comp~tr. Delta C" WE PAY MORE & y ........ _... BUeT c; Chev. v.a ena:. Auto. J ointer stand Ir. motor, new lolts ICnrw '""""" Colla~ (nol) 540-N1V tnns. Comp!. bltnl, b(l1'MB='°"·65=-=230""'SL,=--xm="t"'con-= ~.~aln~ c!' i:"rS. CASH '49 FAIRLlNER cab. crus. tlrn: nd1. ootslde paint, dil:kml $WOO firm. Call Sharp! Antique "Mtite A gold encl bead, plley, ice boz. HUNTING'roN Be a c b on q . work. $800. 54l-«J2l. 648-2.165 lamp, tumed wood base $80. 30 pl. trn11 ftta', Twln 0:ut H!pway, faclna solf *PAM-TOPS, all 1tee 11 '67 ·=MERCED='--ES-~~-4-Dr-• .,...,, ....... Oll')'I mar enc, nu 55 watt courM. 3 BR. bu.llt;..b, shells. Sa1H I-rwn;ala. $le .,...., -.~ Ml. •-~ f\'r uy near mw or uJed stm-nd. Ted deck. ftfrictntor, car p:irt • ap. Bl.,-factory d1rect. 1010 ~......., - W H 0 LES A Li' 5 pl fmnltutt, appliancn, c::olcll-~~-$3950. Owner 1arp: patio. $9500. $1500 So. Harbor, S.A. 14743.13 Orta. owner 2060 Hu'bar Blvd. c.octa Mesa &n«llO RADIO INSTALLED 100 GALLONS OF GAS with pure.hue of &ny NEW RENAULT ln stock durin& our pr&epenin1 d9.ys. · HURRY 0 Time Limit OUer11 BRING YOUR TRADE-IN TO OUR NEW LOCATION B&Z IMPORTS m.,.._,teal$1SO ~1:15 pl ~.!"'~~:w-... .,,_.,. movbW eat, must .ell iut! ~ ~1 •• ~ .~· Ul6ll atEV Spot I av a n MERCEDES 'SI. 220• 4 dr t\Visted jun pe.n, ...,. eL --. •-"""'t ~ -.i11&i1 _,,,., .-rWJ-1 W ...._1 lm fo ___,.._. sedan. $1150:. 642-if826 Cl' vatioua othu plants. 466 E. bedroom Rtl, ~ l'OCICD 5M-l&04 · uo: uxe, • au • r•~-=• l33-fi04S 410 Main St., Uth St.CM .. •· --·~-1,•--17 FT. Pvforma1. l&la.ndu cond. Pvt pty. $ 21 O O .• .,,,.,,...,, ___ ~-~ Hunlln-•---• · ... or ... ~~. IU&h~ De111X• model Call flbfr. IX50 2 Bit, 14X35 C&bana; 5t&-75U 'iTa a.di bo!m u-. me-•·-· --... CARPETS. Vlnyla, 'ruu. lat. gtua) outboard. Outom must be moved. Make s-t Miectlcm ffttl a..i *' .SMm " 4 1/2% link flu11clttf •••111!.le • lt1nli: .,,,......1 _, .•Nit. 1S300leldlhd. Westminster "'-"22 OPEN 7 DAYS est st)'IH and l.'Olon. Com-SUnday636. -3828 cwp down coYet. Bil wbMl ndlculoua offer! Ask for BDl C.mper ltentalt 9522 DAILY PILOl' 0-'a.d DAILY Pll.O'J' WAllT ADS merclal I: Rt1Wntlal Ex-tilt trailer. $100 Cl' bHt d · Wrlabt or Dale Rftr. 9tdloro ~ ...... , BRING mm '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'l pm lftltallatlo.n. tt Phone MM8IT after 1 pm Jlm COoper Tralla Salts CX>AOI • TRAILER I-'=============== 1• M2-l4tll 540-12112 $ WE BUY $ llii' BOAT • trallcr II 5SJ.lllfll S31·11l91 RENTALS 111!."!!,!'l'~·~rled~A~ulo~~·~~~~~~~~ BEAUTIFUL B•lre · hp molor <&llOPY 'top, MOBILE Home ""°' 2 11'1 -too-to·mabl· Tourmalm. Iul1' let out $ FURNITURE $ wlndahleld.,Xlnl _,$450. -I\\ batha. a-,. .. ,..-tor -lloL mink c.,....,,,, pertect APPLIANCES 96).41.!9 -98UM2, -ldQ>t cond. Ortr. COit $1000. Will e-vet WUX.ZND OR. Wl:ERLY ae11 tor $500. &8190 c.1., w-Ple11e'.-Stw.e'a 12' BOAT A tnila' wl 1.5 .,.,. llJXBO 2 Br. 1n quiet. M14111 e v•CUUM$ e I Piece er H•M hll HP motor. $125. , -~ CASH IN JO MINllTU '°'8529 alt 5 adult partt, ll.100 Dune I ... 9525 llO "P· ....... • parta. • 541-453 I • CANADIAN IOLING -alter 5 PM _..__.,.=---- Ra.IOh&ble. Cout VM:Uum. .Anllable ln I wnkat Ux.5r5 Mobile Home, utrU, 11' VW Dunt BuQ7, v e r 'I 333 E. l1tb. C.M, MJ.l.500 w A N T E D Scbock Boats. Nwpt mm cor lot adult pk. !511 So. sMrp. Hl&h rubber ' low EARLY Amf!f. eouch' chr, SUlllvan. S.A. ~2454 mU•re: 54U7e. 2 end tablea, ...,,.,...., We need qUa111> 1.., ""* SallllMlo 9010 NEAR Beach. Adult Pulr. MEYERS Manx VW: xlnt ~~·~ tatM.e It plea.et). Fwnitutt, c 0 1 0 r O'DIY Mar1nn Cl8 Ix C + JO'x30' room. #1!0. cond., Cop. hltd\ m&n'I ex· TV's, stereos, appliancu. M&-175.3 Eve or _wknda tru, W85. H)...3142 Ew QUAL. KTc Slit W "' tools and office equipme.nt. Demo ' • ' ' ' · Sl.vt $!;00 DUNE BUGCY qallled ma 11 ,, """pleto TOP CASH IN 30 Mlnuta! HOURLY RENTALS --9211 lk1&IJialla Newr ueed •: wcrtb '250, sn.1211 * llMli55o * RHODES 11'1 * ~ ·l<T-""*"" ~ mi... ""' --°'·Balboa JT' CONVERTm Ba, ..... -======== KRANIOI I< Baell l'lam. -• Newpon llelcb, San m'E No. MD, 1 l'1' aid A pltltlY :1' ~SI& ktif~rtetl ...... - $3116. Rattan cable It c Oemente. C92.-4.3J1 trh' A ectru. Lib nrw. ========-:; -- awlvtl......., = -... · ~i~~ mmi ""'" Motmyclel ,_ AUS11M HEALEY :O~ '= .......,,,., FREE TO YOU Colum~I• 5.S Meire UM YAMAHA 250 cc, -"° A.II., "1t q., $85. JO key add"-maehlM. ICENMORE Wuher, com-r /G, M , priced rtshtl ... tlm. brakrs. Kint RatUo. heller, sbtt Cll'ld. $1$. Both xlnt cond. ~ .pkte. Call alt.tr 5 PM 114: 'l9'.M3oU. 215: T9IMl22I cond. $%J0 or beat otftt. $11$. &a.- WROUGHT Iron patkl 90la 548--0MI MG Senate, Costa 23' CAT. QIO)' d e 11 n , 54t--3114 '17 SPRJTE, ptrf. ~. $11!50 tbl $35. Yt:tal t)'pewrittt Me-. .UU ENenada \'tL Qtru. t800Q '68 KAWASAKI 120; xlnt Or btst oUcr ftS.17(6 M~ tl.ll $5.. '""'1352 AOOR.ABLE L<tna hair kit· val, s:ac W95. 114tnl-1019 cond. Only 900 mt.; muat .,1n1,.,.,,cr=rE.,,'"'c:-=-....,,.-- MULn.COLOR 'l'lpor Tlex b!N, crtY wllb blue e)'ll, 23· STAR a.. Wbo&t. No. lltll. 66-.1435: 642-8Xll UNii I• --dMrra water t)d, nnr ~. \\'alnut he to &vod aiome. 2770 w/tnJJtr. 1100 ... DUCATJ'I. 1'0 oc. lltrNt b ,_.,... • "1· Dial ...., •bl 15. ....im lf93.!8U <THm ..... or 11w .. nda. 1r11te. sm .. -. -.a ..:-=~m::,.. ____ _ ' WE ARE ONLY #2 SO WI TRY HAltDllt FOR YOUll '69 TOYOTA ,, ... $1770 4%% .. flWKIN6 WITH IS% DOWN O.Af•••• .... C.... 4B MO. BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE WI NllD YOUR TRADE INI LU.11•• AfMLAal DEAN LEWIS CHICK IYERSON, INC. "ON COAST HWY." NEWPORT BEACH Finest ~-Of Oult1ent11,. UMCI VW'a On The GeW ~ Plwt S.Jectlen Of c.-.,,. Cendltleotllwtl......,_ •11 ....... , ... tnt1 I·" wr... am Cpe. ,u..twtefy lib .... htr• ~ ~ .. ,... IWY'WJlll lew, lmtt4') ·11-•11 -4 ,,...., tre-lul" Ct t. cheffe f,..1 CHICK IYERSON, INC. VOLKSWAGIN 445 I. COAST HleHWAY l•--1 MIWPOIY llACH ·~ • r '\ ';" ' 1 ' ·1 l I I I ~ .... <.<'·l"'"'--~,'+:('9'lf'~.-.. ; .. N"""~\.W -._,¥0/Pt,¥\jf J!EJZtfl,.,,,....*'Q{ J 1)1 (jf*•.•o 7' F , • w .. -'"''''' .. ,:"''''' •4 -'..,'1.\. ... "" ......... \,; .... ,•J.;.;......;,;.~--.._,,~_.,;~..A.·~ • UR. Y l'ILOT • ~ Auto_s Wodnt!d.ly. April 9, l '16t ) TRANSPOllTATMJIN ml!~TAno!f ' , llANSl'OllTATION ; lTltAl\ISl'ORTATll>ft '. llclul$l'OltTllflON , · '"~"~.-wo<1ATIQ.lf-;-R AT ' TU.NSPOllTATIOl'f -• 96l01mported Aut.os CHICK IVf.P.~f'M, Ill~. OFFERS THESE OUTSTAN.DING SPECIALS BUGS & GHIA"S .... s399 .. s1999 '6l P•nclte c ... Sl7tt .,. , ..... 911 S'49f e Porsches Sl)ottometlc frtntmiuion, ftclory •i• c•nditionint . Sp•ci1lly '•lcoJ !Y PT 6001 FM R~i6. DoMo. Novor ~,. DIL ' ,., l .s SlStt bot/I ·•t'1tr.~cr. 'N •. 6t1t lilot new. VTS 576 • BuMI\& Campers lmportad Autos" -1m,.rtad Aut.. -l'mporlad Autw ' •• , '700 OIOd c:. •• 1 ' ',;. """ C.n ' -UMll c.;. ··9'00 f voLKSWAGEN f VOLl~WAG!N <( f" ~·' v:OlL,Vv~' ~E ~c" ~~s· H ' r _'° B:~~~: ' .~:!!~~'!'co~ ~HOLi' DAY ·11 vw, ,,,.., "v·• .... 1967 vo~. Su.,..,, Al\!--,~-.1 ~ v A . Shju"p. Air i-.!·' ' 'Pl• 321 aulo, ""'· "'""'" ' 'tra ns.,, other"':i,e clc~! F~1 radio: ork blue eXt : ,'· 1, > 11 J $119 , 1 .. ~ for l~aii',.must sell. Ken Gd. UttS. $250, e;l2..f.115 1 ~I wht 1n1.. Lo mUca,.. . . SAVE r$· tor uted ct.tt 4 trucks SUSt ·' f r , . , • ',4~ ' · · ' ~ AM FOR SALE: 1963 v.w. x n't Xlnt q:ind. •1475· 6'14-2:389 '(. Ej:ecutfw1 Ctr Sile ' c.all6RO~i:: ~CHE=~~ CADILLAC • .~56 CHEVY.~b'Ji as:t: 3 ,pd, R ' BLE•R ruMlhg cond., best o r. '64 V\V Vnriant \Vagon; ilnt Hilii-Y ·Whilt'They laitl 11n y91vu;1 ___ :,.-~-Xlnt mech Cood. New partS. • '36--0llll! oond. M"" sell. Saocili.,.,. • ·i ·J. · '63 CHEV •. IMP. 546-7529 11300. Day• 673-7462. ..... ' . .... . ,,,.; I Mk '"' SalU .,..,..., SS CPE . '65 Cllf:V, Bel Ai<. ' dr, IN COSTA MISA 4~2110 lW't. WllO 18211.Peach Blvd. , , , •. , • • P/S. P/B, air, xtnt trans. · · • ~• vw c rt. .1 . U · lluntington Beacb ~ <:u. 'in, V'-8, a.u1q; P.S.. $l09ii 968-2558 AMX 1:: onve ' m"' "." · ' IMPORTS "KL&-3331 : •• • • fhi.le 1 rfilR. ~,,.. >. In ~-F.:""'-=='"'~===0 I{ IN•w •'I<·· u.-e• & 0011..,.. ,.! 1'1• _,_._,, • _....._ • ': •· ·_v,·_·c· ·.0-,M;.;.;, · N Best .u .. · """''· ~1llY ........ ' . TOYOTA.YOLYo I . WE PAl ,·.n; ' . =···r w•~ '"' "":""" ' '". JAY" EL ..• i; tfor stt:~·~·516-9;18 .. i Harbor, C.M, .. Gf6.-9803 ' ,.·,. •J ·rn-~' • " ! • t $,0~5"1 .' • +---"'""~-~~.---:I\ ; /6G "FAST -· blue ;.iit. . . ~!161 voLvo "'·'·s ~-:, I, cilii VflllD,ria--fJHNSOJI &"SON ''6·•COM&r C>ctone GT. ' • 1' WhtW;Ui~or .. P!uSt Jidl,Utl:S ;1ffiJ· Or1g1nal_ (r,!\'OOr : ! • • yp-.,._,," ~,...:; L • ' .[ Li..i..__l. Me~.::i.. • " p:pd;,; D\NIS •• 390 eng., gd. OFFIR YOU A '6Z P.nclle St!,... Slttt .... vw·w . : : ... S14tt • Routtor bod,. tfXZ 1851 Sunroof. Redio. IKDl.9ttl. i · '61 YW .. , ••• ,, • S16tt \veetc cO:xl' 'cOnd Sl095 * 847-8335 · * ' I ' • · . '"-V<I',... · n;u.<7, • _,l::!re:;':;;' ;;:"":;·:::"°::nd:=. :'.:54&-0068::::::::::= , "2.4Qoo • · 1 CONNELL 19l1 llubo< Blvd,,· . 642·'1050 ; "64 vo1.,..,gen, blue. '",.. Rlct Cart, Roda 9620 CHEVROLET '63 CAD. COH11NENTAL ' ;fREE t '67 PoriClte t1Z S4tft t P111111,.r lNQL97?J l s 1peed tr1n1. FM r1dio, '61 YW In . , .... 117tt 1o, ; chrome wheel., olc;. VOV-Eligino 0¥orhol1d ;~out root, wide tires. air • lilt P.fODEL • T Roadster, Stude ~ Harbor ~vd. CPE' DE VILtE 1963 co~ ~E~AL ~ 565 tltop IOSL0471 ·~~~~~~~~~~--'-~~~~~ ' ~ CHICK IVERSO!t INC. l VOLKSWAGEN 67~9-3031 \ m. 11,.as1 ... -'' • ,, ~ i-El 1907 Harbor Blvd .• Coi ta Meu J\"''' YOUR .. AD REACHES 68,972 HOMES EACH WEEK NOW'S THE ·TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROU~H A DAILY PILOT WANT AD shocks. $1050. 642-3471 vs eng. Aft 6 or wkends Costa ·Mesa ¥6-1200 F,!111 ~\V~t· •• fact.' air. A '11.1 vw Sedan, excel cond. abytlmc. 892·4~., , . w11·J.auy·' . beau,ly : white \viih, \vhite ' 4 DQ(>R .SEDANb'·-; Rebuilt eng, New paint &· ----,, landau roof. NYUXIO Gold mist finish \Vith wuue uphol:>t. 675-2250 aft 5 -Autos W•nt9d 9700 $l 395 . leather: inttrior: 'A1.1to trans., V\V.Sed. '59. S600 Nc\v tires on>oR~ \VAtITED -Your Vol~ ar ~he RliH, P .S., P.B .. factory air. anJ palnl. Runs e~cellent. Orange Couri«es ~ pay top doUan. Pa.id lot JOHNSON & SON N~~ before ad.erti&ed Uris SM,>-3733 Eve. TOP-$ BUYER ar not. Call Ralpbi . , Lincoln.Mercw-y· low. GKZ ri00s * MUSf SELL 1968 VW. , , BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 67,3-1190 1941 H°'bo' Blvd. 642-1050 JOHNSON & SON Afi-1-fl\f & tape$. ff\'. prty. · 1881n' Beach BIVd. ' · , · · 11600 ·Call all '''°· '"''"' ij. Beaoh. Pt.:. 847--Auto Lo11lng : 9810 '6.2 _CAQ. .i.JNCOLN·MERCURY '&1 vw camper. good <Pn<I. DIAL-W•oct .,,.,.,~ Clwi• ·. CPE. DE VILLE 2626 ""'·~ta"'"' Clean & extras. New tires, your ad, then sit Lack and _I LEASE ~EM .I ,l~uU pcl\Vf!r and fact , air. 'Er-) '-d~. "'"7811 10·•1.,, 10 ... _ .. ..._rim.! Y Y (W.li~So~ofSanDiego_f\\'Y • .. "' .nrr-~ we .,uv•..; mine \Vhile. Drive in style -· · ··-- ~cars 9906 Used Cars -~ __ .:_ __ . '68 Cad epe de....:uie, full P'vr, tor_ -,66 c'<)NTINENTAL 9900 U11d C1"6 990G,U1td C•r1 '?GO a.ir,\vln:Yl.1'001. Driven only $995 4 DR. '14,500 mi_ Looks new. 24 GHB696 Jamaeian yellow linish 'vith 9900 Used C1rs ENGLISH FORD FOR " 1969,· mot·rse at $149. mo. ivory gold leather, auto. '67 T-6inl Landau, 2 d•·. load-JOliNSON &·SON t,..ri,., All! FM radio, """· ed w/extras. air.•Driven only Lincoln-Mercury er, ten1pe1-ature control air 20,000 mi, 24 mo lease. al 1941 Har~r Blvd. 642-7t60 cond.; ~wer steering, J)O\VCr $94.82 per mo. brakes, power \vindo\\•s, 6 SOUTH COAST 1962 CAD Coupe de Ville, \vay power seat. CSBL 149) CAR LEASING good cond in appc~; on. $2575. !y 72,000 ml. ""' prey $995. SAVE $705 From Kelly Blue Book Dlr. 540-5635 . ·' JUST ARRIVED! ENGLAND'S NO. 1 SE~LER .• : AME.RICA'S NO. 1 IMPORT BUY! GT AND DELUXE MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. e MUSTANGS e FAIRL'ANES ·e T-lllROS e TORINOS e GALAXIES e CUSTOMS -. . ' JOIN OUR CELEBRATION f • •·I VISIT THE FABULOUS BOTIQ"E BUS .. ' . HERE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY CONTINUOUS MOD FASHION SHOW 10 .A.M.-6 P.M. BOTH ·DAYS MEET THE MOD MODELS IT'SA' . f~ ·· iUOD SUOP . ON . WUEE~! 300 \V. r.oast l-1\gh\vay 547~6 8-4 pm., · 615-2182 Ne\\-port BeaC'h LEASE • ltENT ALL POPULAR MAKES FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM Get Our Com~tilive.. ~tes Theodore ~081NS FORD 2000 Harbor Blvd. '63 CAD. Convert. \Vhlte, blk. llhr. air, full p1vr. Ne'v top. $12.51); 'Orig. owner SJ0..;4960, 644--0661 eves DUE to death in fam. must sell '65 gold Cadillnc, fully equipped. M7~1;, ·61 ·CAD. Fleetwood; full pWr.: good ·coqd. $595 ' 'Call After 5: 536-9234" l96a Cad Coupe de · Ville. Fuilv LOADED! S5900 . • 5'ID-4!io5 #. Costa Mesa 6,12-0010 CA MARO -~ ... -LEASE.IT -' - NE1.V 1969 Ford LTD, V.S, 2; ·sg CA~lARO, Automatic, dr hardtop, Fully' equipped loaded. V-8. 327, S2395. Xlnt incl air conditioning. Luxury contl. Call 642-3293 eves. trin1, vinyl roor. Sll4.52 n10., 24 months le?!'IP. · SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING ::oo \V. Coast High1vay . Nc\vpo rt Beach &tf>.2182 *AUTO lfASING * . I ALL ~!AKES '67 C.AMARO RS eonver1. .4 Spd. P~i..:.traction; xlnt. SJSj(). 49-1-1691 CHEVROLET Bucket seats, console, god- dess gold ext., g9ld int .. fact '63 LINCO~N CONTINENTAL 4 ch'. Sedan. Full fact. equip. Leather int. Stk. #425-A $1095 JOHNSON ,& SON Llncoln.~teicurY · · 1941 l lad>0r Blvd. 642-7050 '66 CONTINENTAL 2 door hard lop. Luxury equipped 1vith. full !XlWCr . Including ·air conditioning, leather in- te11or, FM radio 1rith stereo tape deck. Beauti f u l Bermuda yel101v 11ith black leatbcr interior. S 2 9 9 5 • Phone 67j-4-148 '63 4 Dr. · Air. Blk I ll~-;:: All po11·~ tontrols. 6 \Vay seal. Cruise control. One 01vncr. $ll4p. 673-7549 '66 LINCOLN, immac cond. low miles, tu1I p11T, $2995. After 6. 644-28,;9 llAND NEW '68 Javeli11 ''' •ngin•, 1m11l"'Pri<•• BP7996f . $2386' l're-Checkecl USED CARS '65 Dodge " l door, VI. 1ufo. lt•n•., •pow.-r tltir. RRZ661 $1095 '63 Rambler 'Amb1u. 110. 1 'dt. VI, 11110. tr:.111., pwt '1tr.RVL960 $895 '6~ Mustan9 2 dr .h1rdto p. VI, 111!0. lr1n,, 1ir co11d., vinyl roof, NHAl71. • $1595 '65 •Rambler . 'l door h1rdtop. Xl11t 2rtd cir, NPFOl 1 . $895 '66 Classic 990 1 dr k•rdtop VI , t uto tr1n1, p.,..;. ii•••· SMR'261 ~ $1595 SllelbV l\earante Sat •. & Sun. A uii iAUt dress shop featU.ph~ thi 1l~s~1.J'modi1h · botique items from mini Cfresse1 to bilOnis, 1un- 'glas1e1 to tote.bag1. You may ach~1lly buy in this different 1tore ·wh ich is com"plete .'fro.~. guilded I-CO?.f PETETTVE PRICES Cort Fox Auto leasing air, dlr, P\Xl" \Vindo1•rs, p1vr CORVAIR steering, Jo1v, 101v mileage. '64 ford Take foreign t"lir or S75 ('a.sh '63 CORVAlR ?.'lonza, auto • AH .,..,...H11119 lt.U -'1":'11tY' foc,,ory 111•0 ce. .. oc; • • • v . TIRULY ut:iusµ,;L AD iSCOUNTS IN THIS SPEciAL CLEARANCE r...OUP Of NEW : ~Yt/69 FOROS, - RENT A VAC ATION CAMPER OR MOTOR HOME REASONABLE RATES RESERVE NOWI 1'63 PONTIAC HARDTOP C1t1li111, full po.,..•" 111+0. RIH. IGEMOI J) l lu1 look pric1 $770. 20 (. dow" or h ide. $395 FUU $21 PM 2' PllCE M••tb 1968 FORO 4 Door VI Custom. 390 en9., 1ulom1lic, bl1ck w/white top. (IJ51 Zll4911) Blu1 Book pr;c1 $21 15. 20 'I'. do wn or lr11d•. $1395 ;~:~. $39 :-: • .: 1967 TOYOTA CORONA D1 luJ1 -4 Dr. F1ctotv 1quipp1d. ISUYl25J ll11e l ook prlct Sl<lt?i. 20'1, dow11 or lr1d1. $1095 FULL $46 '" Ji ra1cE M•MU 1968 FORO Y·8 4 dr., 1ulo, powtr sl1•rin9, r1dio & h11ltt, IEn9. No. IJSl1<1<191J ) lllu• l ook pric1 $2150. 20 "!. dow11 or lr1d1. $1795 ~~:~. 1f64 CHRYSLER NEW YORKEi W11Jfln. f p111. ·F1ctor, 1ir, full po.,..1r. !UCK6l61 ·~O 'f. d-n ot lr1d •. $1295 ~:~. $47 ~":.J! HU PALCON WAGON Fullv •quipp•d. llSP71J7 ) .20 '4 do.,..n ot tr•"•· .. ~95 ~~t~. $21 :-:...: FREE Peosi & Hot Dogs For The Big Kid1 Mom & Dad, Too. wallpaper to ~ro1tssing rooms. · ~ All day Saturday ind Sunday. ·FINAL CLEARANCE DISCOUNTS ON 1968 MODELS ! Fun For The. Whole Family _,SIJ L !<"GOOD SELECTION OF BRAND NEW 1968 ENGLISH FORDS TO CHOOSE FROM. PRICES SLASHED TO CLEAR THIS WEEK! COMPLETE LEASE ANO DAILY RENTAL DEPARTMENT All POPULAR MAKES TRANSl'ORT/.TION SPECIALS N•W' 1w•ra9in9 15 c•r1 per w"k that can b• retalllld at wholeu .. to, tM pvbllc. l ••t th1 d•al•r• on thtM older c•rs. SAVE!! 1964 LINCOLN CONTINENT.t,L Fully tquippe-d, full pow•r, 1i• co11d. !UL F· 7791 eiu. look price $1995 20% down or t11de. . ' $995 ;~:~. $39 :~.:~ 1966 .IUICK LE SAIRE f ull pow••. f1cfory 1i1. 2 Dr. H.T. IRPM16 01 20 '1. dowll or tr1d•. $1695 ;~:~. 196S MUSTANG HARDTOP Fitllv 1quipped. !WXSJ95 1. 10 ~ dow11 or hide. $895 FULL PRICE $31 '" JO Mo11tlt1 1'67 MUSTANG VI. 1~10~ PS, f1cloty 1ir ,R I H. 70 J. do .... 11 O• t.1dt . ITRH<l99) $1795 ;~~~. $49 •• " Me .... ' . TRUCK • CAMPER SUPER • CENTER Pl.CKUPS TO H~AVY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL NEW 1969· F· 100 PICKUP Fl1rt 1idt. 115'• W.B., l 1pd. 1~11cro . ttin1. 10~5 f·tpti11J1. 1195 A:-1pri11q1 ,•fc. ORDER TODAY I • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 1969! F-250 PICKUP SCOTSMAN CAMPER 1F°d~ s3495 UllD CAl SA&.l PllCU lFflCTIYI 41 HOUU UNLESS rllYIOUSl.Y SOLD 119'. No. F25111:E109JIJ Scoh101 1n c1mp•r i1 co101 pl•l1lv fur11i1h1d .... ah ice bo x, slov1, etc. Sl••PI 6. 'f .150 pickvp 1'111 .JOO eng., 1101p & oil 91119•1, 19SO lb. t•1r-1pti1191 151 l .00xt6.5 l·ply tvb1l•1 tir11, dlx , ll11ler 11'1d d1fr~1ler, •le. M1~y lo choo1e f,0111 1t !hit pric1! ALI. PAYMENTS flGUl.lD ON APPIOYID CllDIT 0 !:!."::;""c.i1 OPEN ..... ,,, SUNDAYS 0.=~::.::·~ .. 1 . 1404211 S1v1· on Eldor1do, Fou•wi111l1, Goldli111 Scohm•n. Ovet lO ~•ried floc>r P.11~1 on di1pl1v 1nd re1dv for ;,...m1d i1le 11,1; • .,y • I ••· .. t ''"'· Mtfl•frl e $1t I •• ,.., '• • p.m. PARTS & SERVICE HOURS PARTS ONLY S.. II 1.a. t• it-"'-1 '"' t1 9 P·'"· Mo11 e 1 1,in. to• p.n\. f11eJ·Fri I •.m. to 6 P·'"· -St f .. I•. LB u•=3. Call Ken 2 dot r, Vl •. 1uto t•1"1, pwl" ~ ,..,.. ...... trans, radio, heater. -ovc• ' . '"!--. •'•••i119. 5 ' 224 \V. Coasl HIJ:h.way NC\\'port Bc;\Ch 642-&!40 'i'7" "' "' $a50 .. 633-1S85 ·67CifEV=Y~E~I ~c'"am-i"no'".~327'°' ~==="=====I) $995 cng. Bucket seats. air cond., 'CORVEnE Used Cars · 9900 BUICK ---------1966 BU ICK WILDCAT 4 DOOR cus1 JbrglS tonncau 1..'0ver. Loaded \\'/extras. $2300. Days 543--1717, Home phone . l:i7f>..1026 Silver nUsl finish \V.ith black '6" CI-IEVY Impa]a SS, 2 interior equip~ ~th A.T.. dr hard to_p. R&H. P/S, R&H. P.S .. P.B., ractory air I· bkt sea\s, S75<1. !>19-21~ condition. Original through. 'GS Chevy Spt. Van. 7000 mi. out and priced ror fast sale. Like oe1v, R/H, extras, ask. 1966 CORVETTE. Fast Back, late model. 427 cu in, 450 ' hp, . engine blueprinted by Paul's automotive. Set up for street or drag. Black acrillic lacquer. See 'to i p. prc-ciate, call after 6 pm 6i3-5802 ask for Toni Si'fC 607. $1795. ing $ 0 2450. 83.')..5831 SAVE $570 "67 IMPALA. •ir. $1'2. dn COUGAR F l'Olll Kelly Blue Book & lake over pymts $67. mo. '6. 8 co· UGAR JOHNSON & SON X101 .,.,,._ .. ....,.,, LINCOLN-i\1ERCURY :!62fi 1-larbor. Co!fe. i\lcsa 5J().l635 (1 i\li. :-o. of San Diego F1\)'.l NU n1a11i:r wnat r: 1S. yoo Lli'ne with black pru.:lded top C8fl sell it with • DAILY Loa,ded and air conditic.ving. OAlL y PlLCYT' Oa~ilied $2800. i '. Stotts 842..s581. ad. . Eves. 962-7056 2.l.500 n1i1cs, 1 01vner, air, DAILY PCLOT OIM E-A· It'• Beien hou.se ti me. Big-Poly t Ire~. ne\v brakes, LINES. You can cse them J!;t"St selection ever! See the yollow \\·/blk vi nyl top, for just pennies s day. Di.U DAILY PILOT C'Jassificd $2450. 54.&-6676 bch'>et>n 9 64.2:5678 Sl'C'tion NOW! & 5 Used C1rs 9900 Used C1r1 9900 ., CHOOSE FROM SEVEN! HERE IS THE OFFER OF THE YEAR! JOHNSON AND SON HAS SEVEN OUTSTANDING 1967 COUGARS IN STOCK, SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT EQUI PMENT AND MODELS, BUT ALL ARE TOP QUALITY TRADE-IN S. THESE FINE 1967 MODEL COUGARS, LICENSE NUMBERS UOF-81 4, TRH-735 , TXU -190, TXS-154, TXV.522 ~ND TWZ-281, ARE ALL PRICED TO. SELL $ ' '66 Dodge, '440 STATION WA•ON V-8, Auto. tr111s., po.,...., d11ti119 Ir br1ktt. TRD67• $1595 '66 Ford COUNTlY S9Ulll:J ' pin. v.1, 1ulo. f11n1., ptiwlt ll11rin9. RPL 71 1 · $'1795 '67 Opel KADIT 4 SPllD Co up1. Vinyl roof. r1di• ind h11ter. UOE 912 $1395 '65 Mercury MAlAUDEll: 4·Dll:. H.T. V-1, 1uto. tr1n1., PS, Pl, •ir cond. NHN 016 $1495 '66 Sunbeam v.1 ... ,pd. l11utiful ,., i11Jidt i nd out. RRIC ll l $1995 '64 RAMBLER R1dio, h11t1r, 1u+om1tic tr1111mi11io11. VHN lll 5599 MANY OTHIR MAKES & MODELS l1cellettt FinancJ1t9 AYaUoble. Lew.-L•w Dowi. Paymentt • PLUS LICENSE AND TAX !-~•~•"". 9..,,.....,uu! I HOLIDAY J'Ob.DSOD· SOD u~=u~ ~QMTi~i~TM • ki!~~ Ill · ll UCUIY. c=UIH 1tJ6 MAllO• tOVUVAt9, COit• MUA l~l ·llH ,, AM lllCAH MOTOIS Sorn & Stnlc1 o,... 1 n.,. a '"'" ,., '•• c."""'"'llC• 1969 Harbor Blvd conA MESA 642-6023 ---·~-·---~· -,--.......,-----------------~--:-~===--=------~-- t. SIX1\Y ~NINE--- ' I •. ,. • • Ml/STERJ'IEC£ FR_.()Jyf Tift CRAF13Mf.N . . ··- ·ON DISPLA.Y. AND READJ FOR DELIV~RY TODAY! r.-..._-----OVER ·so .QUALITY AUTOMOBIL~S TO SELECT FROM --'-'..----_,,..-----·0 " • . , . · 1967 COUPE DE VILLE Stunning O)ympje Brome with brown P9dded root and aaddle !eat.lier interior. Fully equ.ipped._.,wJth power 1tter- lng, power brakes, power 1eall, power windows and of coune, factory air conditioning, stereo >M:·FM radio, , tilt-tel~ple tteering whee~ power vent Windows, twi- € :a~l;ti • L 11.liht tmtinal ~veJy automobile. <UJH843) ' .. 1968 EL DORADO Beautiful firimiat rosewood brown with brown padded top and uddle leatlier interior. Power steeling, power dile brakes., poWtt"· windoW., (!!>Wer ~t,, Voaue tvres, ljtereo AM-FM rad~ lo. re1.r. Wbldow c!Mogeer, power door loCkl O}us tnuoh, much more. Must see. (XSR 3M) • SALE PRICED · · 1965 CADILLAC The popular Sedan de Ville'model finished in lovely bw-gundy with black vinyl top and ,black leather interior. Has power 1t.ffring, power brakes, power windows, tilt •tetrinc wh~l. AM-FM radio and facto17 air condi- tioning. This is a beautiful automobile that is prlced for a quick sale. (NQX5i4> SPRING $2333 'ALE · 1967 CADILLAC This lovtly Sedan DeVille has all popular pow.er assists inc;Judlng power steering, _power brakes power windows, power seat and cad- 11.lao's famous factory air cond1Uoning. This bee.utilul automobile has been very carefully 1,driven and show-a only the tintat of care by -its previous owner. (44451 • SALE $3777 PRICE 1964 CADILLAC $3999 .1967 CADILLA<:; Thill lovely Sedan de VWe has all popular po'jl(ft' uailta 1ncludln1 power steerlnL power brakes, power windows, power seat anil C&d.ll~ lac's famous factory aJr conditioning. This beautiful automobile has been very caref!ill)' , driven Md. ahows on1)' the __ finest ot care by its previoua owner. (YPT3»7) SPRING $3777 SALE 1966 CADILLAC Sedan DeVUle that ii absolutely torgeous. Finished in Spanish Silver .with matchin& cloth and lel.ther interior, f\lll¥ power ae- '9Dted . With ...,.,. ·--· seats-door loeka, AM·FM radio, i.uto. cruise control, .premium white aide .wall ..iira. f.nd .. factory air cobditiontn«. CRGNm> 1 _ -'\ - SALE $2999 PRICE ' 1966 THUNDERllRD The 1porty_2 door hardtop ii fully .quipped. with power 1teerlng. power brlles, pOWtt windows, power aeat and Ford'1 famous ·fac.O tory air condltlonln&-A bea.utlfu1 •tin silver exterior with black vlnyl interior. Muat be seen and driven to ful.ly .appredatel (R'l'lJ .. 339) it~ . " SALE $) 999 P~ICE •. 1967 OLDSMOBILE· ... TRE,.,ENDOU~1 , SAVINGS bQR(NG ! .. ,OUR " - 2nd· ANNUAJ.r-, S~llN~ • r • 1968 COUPE DE VILLE : .. .. \; "' ' ' . Beauutul Chestnut brown exterior with aandlewood vlnJ'I,- \ • top -~ ma~ aandlewood leather interior. RU all • th_e ~ ~g power' steertni, power brakes, ~ $491ft 1 ~ ~..:!.e&ts• factoey. air conditloWni. AM.rM :~ (.~~; ! ·~er ,'ror:~\· ~~:You m~ .... tbfs b • 1961 " 'cADILLA 4 Door Hardiop. J1niahed in 1t:rlklni: turquolae with matcbina: cloth and -leather interior, Automa.ti~ 'trimmiuion radio and heater, - power steering, power brakes power wlndOW1i, powet -t, factory, .. ~ conditloning. Only 55,000 milk. Must lff, ~<SVG267) SALE $777 PRICE 1965 CADILLAC The popular sedan DeVille model flnb:hed 1n . 1968 CHRYSLER 300 ' Convertible. Shimmering aUnbunt yellow ft• terior with black top and black all vinyl boo- ket seat lnterlOr. nu. one ii loaded with pow-· er 1teerlng, power brakes, power wtndoWJ, power seat. radio, heater, automatle trai. mission white aide wall tires plll8 much more. Only 15,000 miles. M u a t d r J v e thl$ one. lXN988) SALE $3222 PRiCE f· lovely burgundy With black vinyl top and 1965 THUND~UIRD blaok loathe< Interior. Hu powe< 1te.rtn1, .. 'pOwer brakes, poWu windows, tilt steering Shimmtrln& aatin allver wt inatehlnr YhG'l ""'""+ AM·FM radio and factory air eondl-bucket seat. interior. Ful),y equipped wt~h tlonib_I. Th1s is ·a befu~ a1,1tomobile that ii er steering, power brakn, power . Pri~~Fi a quick ale .... <NQX'.514) J>O'l"er teats,, factocy atr condltionlna .. · f "' ~ " white 1ide wall lira. {PDP '90) ..__' •SALE . .,333 PkiCE SALE $)333,PRICE ' J } ~~1·96+ rOiriiAc GTO ' N·~~a : !/:·hardtop that 11 11n11htc1 1n 1967 EL DORADO ..., ~ b ¥:11: ~ v~ bucket seat. in-Finished in phantom rreen witb green dotb ;.~· , • •11~~~ ~er ei;f!:: and l~ther interior. Fully equipptdwitb paw· lhli~ l;N,k · idio and ~r. Facto __ er steering power dilc: brakea, power aeat, air eorldlt16ning.,.ou won't want to mm ~ power windows, tilt and telescopic steerln& <Jne. (SAA494) wheef, wonderbar radio factory &tr condition-, $ 1ng plus many more Cadllll.c optional fe&tura. SALE 1999 PRICE CVXH l6Sl <t • naQ SALE . ...0 '!' . PRICE 1966 OLDS TORONADO ydl-.•, ~~· Cou~ De . Ville. Sliver blue exterior with (l"l&tdllni doth and leather interior, Hu pow- er steering',' power brakes, powu ·wtndowl power Hat, white side wan tires". lda:at• 1d.i now. CSRP "359) The Custom Delta 4 Door h~~ finished In a metal.lie b1ue uterlor with vinll roof od Hardtop Deluxe. Emerald grHn exterior with and .,.e interior. Fully equipped With power Come In T a.y•. ""''" cloth interior. :run _ .. lncludl•• •teerln&:, power brakta ~r wiDiowl, utro power steerln1, power bra.kee, poWer Win- seat, factory air conc:UiloClnt mus ma11y other dowl, tilt steering wheel, taetonr 11r c:ondl, SamOIJl brorn:e/belge to~~8"Jrtte ,lealhtr up. holltery. NII power, factqi;Y,.f.i.r condltton1ng. tilt wheel, many extras. (OWN843J luxwj features. Sho\Vll miticuloua ">~ by ,_, Y.~~· 10v ~eue and ahlolutely gorp- -previous owner. (TYY 744) ous ~l (syxt20> SALE tl 333 PRICE ""jJ:/ ' SPRING $)999• SALE ' t SALE $2777 ~RICE . . ~..4 . j «" -.-. SALE{ PRICED --·~' -------, .... S~ES JJ.Jl'Pi\RTME~T .QP;EN .............. -_----.,,,..., .... -. --~~-- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROU6H TUESDAY, APRIL. JI, 19'9 · . . " . .. 8:~0 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and' SUNDAY • J •• + ' ,._ ... .. ' Vl~!t OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE SAW & SEIVICI CINTlll • WI ALSO STOCK AU OllllJINAL FACTORY 19UIPMINT TllllS. •37!~ INCLUDIN• MOUNTIN•·IALANCINe a DCISI TAI • FREE PICKUP AllD:DEUYERY FORD Your Factory Author'lzed (aCIJll~c Dealer $ervlng the Oran9!11 coC.st )Jorbor A..-~ ' --'' . ' • . ' 1 NABERS -' tt 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa· 540-9100 9900 \I ... ~rs _.!!2f Uoed C1rs ~ MERCURY · MERCURl T-llRD '67 O)UGAR. air-cond, RAH. vinyl top;. lo mi. full ...... $1!00 On...~~· Pr. n~.871~: Mli-07UeYe- 1967 FORD GALAXIE 1967 FORD LTD 1966 Merci!")' 5-55 1967 MERCUR,Y '65)WSTANG Conve111ble, MUST Sell 068 Plymouth p ooo Tran1porlatlon ITT-BlRDLondau.h•.<atr ·500 · . COUPE SpOrl C1Je COLONY PARK PS. auto lraJ1I, radio ~ Fury DI 2 cir HT. !WI; Sto<lebaker Lark v ... '61. l/pwr, dl.c ......._ llmmac,j l dr HanltoP.,.Atnotive Sa-Automatic~; ~tory atr, ~· ~ Jni1b with . STATION tWAGON .heattr, clean. $ ~ 2 50 . E.1: •-"· f.'1-.~~~ ... ~· $225. 847~ ~mty •. Priv, Pt1 9C-3I03 bua belp uterior irttb,two poWr ifelTins, 'f)Cl'ftr br'lk. bucket ieatl, '.tdte 1andaJ& Royal Maroon metaUc tlm.h 5t&-8215. uo~ °"''""'.u11111 .... " ========I tone matchi~ interior, Auto. es, radio, heater, vinyl top, root. Equipped wtth A.T., R with match1na interior, tulb' SJURP, late '66 Mu.sfl. V.S, PM. T•llRD '60 T-BlRD, wry dean, '500, DODGE trans., RMI. P.S., P.B., tinNd. ~. attractive Ja-A: H, P.S., P.a . P. wind., factory equipped includln& M tp, alr/pwr. 1 owner, Iii - -Ail cond. Good c o b d : Driven only 21.ln> miles by maica Ytl1ow With black Ian-P ..... t, 1port1 console, etc. auto. tranll., i'adlo,, hffter, $1650. eve, wk~nd. 67M43T rONTIAC '56 T-Blrd, aUtOmatic. 642--4lT7 or &ti..otl:t 1:t ~E,l 9 0:;, S ~ =' m:w:~. :;;:-.~ dau root. Buy of the year, 26,too orietna1 miles. Looks power steering, po'o't"er brak-'61 MUSTANG Convert. 8 !$ '67 if'ONTIAC Gfo-~ Must see to appreciate! T-BIRD 14. Air, all atru, : 837-«IM $1995 No dealers pleue. {TXT814) .m drivel like new. SVY828 es, dual action taif pte. 390 engine. All extru. $1.950 auto trane. Beat offer. $1860. 615-TISB • ete. Clean! $1585. <>wner. '12 DODGE Llnctt GT. Veey JOHNSON & SON 11'S6 SA VE '6QO ,2195 . Traded by Original owner. "f oflor. 518-2081 ..... 1291 alt 5 pm. ' Wblte Elepllaclsf 511-21Mtm<A29 ....r end. XLNT 2nd car. LINCOLN·MERCUllY From Kelley mue Book JOHNSON & SON CTRH 893' $2J95 -·------.-~ "'"""" ,.,._,O.taMeu JOHNSON & SON ~~~!. JOHNSON & SON OLDSMOBILE TAR GA'ZEK1t" FALCON • -LINCOIJ'f-MERCUllY -LINCOLN·MERCUllY . ~!,---JD, cur .. " Ml. So. of San D .... T1oy.) --· O.t&M-n Ml. So:ol Sano;.,.. Fwf.) -Harbor, Coota Mesa llllYWITY ... ·-..., _.... ... 1 •. Q-SPlllNT ___ hl_con. _____ t_, '65 FORD COUNTRY ~ $40.5635 ' ..... Ac«tr/1,., t. ''" sto...: .,... ....... on floor, l9>0. Cll1 SEDAN (I Ml. So. ol S.n"Di"I0""1.l .• ,5 MIRCURY (I Ml. So. ~I ... hy.) SALES .. SERVICE To_,.,, -... Thundoy, be seen at of!l.0; 455 N. Sta...,, dlr, V-8, ..,r....,.. ,,., Fo!lo WAGON • rlda~ 4. HT 1967 MERCURY OLDSMOBllf :"'i<>A'~=~'°~ Newport Blvd: Newport trw. E:aoellent condition. $50. ·Sl\Up. '51,ID.l nil. <>datnsl. ,,-a ,.. • • • Beadl. ·~ '€a.lb c1ela or take ...... I owner. 5~-·~·r· V-t. 'auto, P.S., P.B. 'and CYCL~E GT • ' mo Harbor Blvd. ·~ ~~=--M~.. :r= 111&0 FALCQN Good' :!:'~ult:"~' ~~,· \-!°~=~'!~~~fbi~~~~htbu= OJltaMtM " !~,. '}l~ fiL' tra naporta t Ion . M .· ICt 560834 tMorm. Re~t trwmiukm b' 1'!COl>dltloned. PBGM3 ..at.I. 'An orialDll ·bMuW ~ Uled C.. MOal:l :r:-~~ :u• r-·.n -14oo\-alt < ~n iiANdiERO '61 n;ao'.O;ooiii:E $1450 :!..°"%u.~·~T~ ~,0'=' :--= "!:u~ 1ai!:.~: !l~ =~ -RD Owned by llttle 'ole ... • ·, #15 JbHNSON lrSON P.S., P,8., Cl1nlme wide ~ olfer. l cnmr, IWM5n lfL ~S: !Tr-'°' rv trmn ~ 3 ~ dlr, aU 54l-ell5l. • ~'-"'"~-~ • • • wlliMls ~tire, 390 ar..,.. . fft.1'· 121'1 . .tl h ,11~ ---.:..;----·I CJl'tsSrill _,.,. ~ iiltl:IW. · --I". -. Hm'• -• -.1c,::-;-;;;=-::-=-,=...,. ,,_ .,.~ ,. .... .,.,••il'T. Rh: m.7fa,1 '90 Cub *> FOIUJ, 'f.alrd q, • 1M1 Marta' IG-MO ~WV ai..., r•--'3 OJ.J?S l!I~. Bue ltl, 1o11.....-+.C:. 1o1C:.. '-·-'66 FORD .i.i.; ._ •·• mo. no -, pc1 tnn1 .... -, '2111 -.ii dlx xtn. 1ut,,.., $400. "t:::' . .,,_ ,._ ~·illy Squire DI025 can K .. , '9f.m1 .. $11$. -'64 MI RCURY JO' 'NSON .. ·soN _11&-= 711='==== li~ ~f;;:. a~ w .-.. '5' FORD., -ru1 ...... MONTCLAIR CPI. " "I -''1:?!:!!:1!! ,,.. ..._... ,, ..... •. CICJOft lJ80 FORD, P/8, Pill. Good""'· battory et<. LINCOUl-MEROJl<t . PLYMOUTH = ,,,y_ ..... l'l~-WI~·-tsCi(li rear ·1tata. R/H. xlnt codtl. New tfrw ·1100. _.,.,,. v.a, tufQ. Jact. air, ·P.S., a Hatb6r, O>lta Mtia y~ ~~:--~w• Ecr\llpt. with fact. air, P.S., A brakee S300 546-3720 -P.!., ett. ~ 2 dr. ftt, ~ '88 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury 2.l~ SJ"-'Ul1 P.B., -wlndowa. er.. ·~ · · JAYEUN _,,In fine condition. C1Ml.So.ois.no1eaof'w)'.) 2 poor hardtop. Radio, "'"' "'""'"*'•'"""' svxm ..-FORD, t ""' tta roxm --"' s:::-_ better, \lfn)'I top, factory ~~::j ;t:. ~= == . $1,95, , =-l:.'":.;_~ J~s.~:-:X!: $995 f!tUSTAN• ~M·~°';·1~f., i:5=--··ff~''"' =~ • ' ' J4)HNSON Ir SON 's.1 FORD Panel Sta Wqon wl>ll'. -Pak. i3!0 • JOHNSON & SON •es M\J!TANG, ·!WI, fJr Dultr. 11835 llelch Bl>d., .,_ '°"°' , . JO"l;t lJncoln-Mercury M !; .J100 or belt otter. ~ bll. f0;1137 aft Llnooln.Mercucy cond, Xlnt cond. Must eelll Hunt. Beach. 540-&M2 L.:... __ ~~~~~~~Gaol=~®~•d=-==()~11="""1==~~~~---Harbor BJ\ld. g.a.7000 548-M"-.. • 3:30 1941 Harbor Blvd. &n·'l'«iO 613-74" 'alt 5:30 DAILY PU.OT WANr ADS! ' ' " . • . I I ' . • • • ,• aoi' CA•Via·s ' , . . . SHYICI DIPARTMENT --~~,m":::sr;.~~u'°, PM .~ t ' ·SALES DIPARTMENT' Ol'EN SIYIN , 'DAYS A WER FROM 1:30 AM hi t:JO P .. 4 dr •. H.T. Hydr•m•tic, P.S., radio, heater, WSW, f1ctory air. ISBW2961 • • I . ' ' • · .Ea,•b :Ana ~v:lry ."Ca~er-Care Car~-. arr1es All SOit\ Prlcot Eti.ctive lhru thurocloy, April 10, 1969 , I \ . .. ' I f _,,,,,. ..... I I . ---... ~·---' . • • ----------. • t t • •• .. ' ' •