HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-... . - . .. \ ' . ' -, • .. ·au . a .re • • ' ' LA Chiel Beadin ' Eor TY Newscaster Bole· ll:ll,IRSPA ~AFmNOoN, <~PRU! ~Io, ,;1969 • I -.,~ ... WlflKTIOG;M PMll • . . ' ' ' JI N'.ixon: 'West's Fist Can Be Handshake' Quits LA Foree • • .. \ie .~din' ·to Trade :i Badgb ~tof Mike LOS ANGELES (AP) -Chlef of Police Thomas Reddin, invotved without hi:!: ask- ing in an election for mayor, says he will retire from law enforcement and become a television newscaster and com- mentator. He said his decision alter 26 mon~ as head of the nation's fourth largest police force has "nothing to do" with the May 27. runoff between Mayor 5am Yorty and 'Jbomas Bradley. Shortly before Reddin'.s anitouncement 60 More Victims Of Mass Murder Found Near Hue HUE Vietnam (AP) -In the white slnds ~ast of Hue, volunteers for two wleeks have been digging up the victims of the worst massacre of the Vietnamese war. These are the bodies of men, women and children shot, clubbed or buried •live by Viet Cong execution squads during the Tet offensive of last year that overran part of this old imperial capital. The workers dug up 60 bodies from mass graves Thursday , bringing to .441 the number thus far e.xhlbned.,Allied of- ficials say as mMy as 2,000 may .be fopnd before tbt work is over. Some of tbe victims were soldiers, but most were civilians on a death list car- ried by poliUcal commissars of the in- vading North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops. Survivors say the list included anyone Who worked for the Americans or ac- tively suPported the gover_nment, . ~ eluding police, political leaders and c1v1l urvants. The state ol lhe bodies was such that so far only 80 have been identified. One who made an identification Thurs- day was Mrs. Nguyen 1bi'XUan Dao, 39. A ftail woman, her eyes red from weep- Jng, she was dressed in a coarse whlte garment of mOW'Oing .. So were the two children who clung to her skirts. She 1\11~ -picture of her h'!S)>and, taken soon after they were married. He was a Mrong, band.some man, smiling at the -photographer. The remains of her hus- band' lay in a crude wooden coffin wreathed in incense Crom smoking joss Micks. He bad .been a soldier in the Viet- namese rangers and about four years earlier,. in fighting near Saifon, 1"lsi wounded in the Jeit leg, which later was amputated. The bOdy of her husband wa1 the only one found with a leg mi!9lng, and In addition, hls army idenllilcatfoo tags lay nearby. . "' Wednesday, Yorfy called a news con .. fetence to predict \riJOlesale police resignations that would "really disrupt law enforcement in this community" if Bradley wins. "I'd heard nne time. ago that If Bradley were elected mayor, Reddin would resign,'" City Councilman Arthur K. Snyder said. Bradley, a Negro city councllman, far outpolled Yorty in the re- cent primary. He has ~used Yorty of · resorting to "dangerous and divisive" tactics by trying to involve police in the mayoralty cootffi, kl pOllce chief, Reddin, 52, stressedi police-commW)ity relatjtms but he said. "I feel that I can be~er reach the public with the problems of the community as a news commeotator, And I am particular· ly &nxious ·m improve relations between (Seo REDDIN, Page Z) HE'S''PRESS' NOW LA Chief)Roddin .Teen' s First Race" Last: Dies· in County Smashup Amateur night at Orange County lnternaUonal Raceway ended in death WednesdaJ, when a teenager1s souped-up sedan veertd off the track and rolled over 11eViral Umes on bis firs\ local run. Gilfert~A. Nielson, 18, of Norco, was thrown from the car and died of brain in- jW"lel suffered when hiS head was crush· ed, succ\irnbing at Santa Ana c:ommunity Infant Injured In Newport Crasn Hospltal ·at 7:40 p.m., one hour after the crash. Authorities today are seeking to . ' determine what camed the modified 1955 Chevrolet to hurtle off the straJght track . ' at the 1,000-foot mark, but so far are mystified. "We check~ the car over for about an hour and there just was no CIU9e for Jt to veer off ·like that," said Mike Jones, general manager of the El Toro sgeed . . ' centv. Investigators for ~-C at i f o r n I a Highway Patrol took an accident report ii,t the scene of the drag race fatality, but · A Colta Mesa toddler suffered severe do not often make an official detennina·1 head cuts ,Wednescl1y night in a two-car Uon in auch cases. The track ii located cra!h on )'oclfic Coast Highway near Just off Sulla Ana Freeway at E;l Torp. Newport Center. Jone1 aatd today that raceway officials, Spencer Kirt Johnston, 20 months old, and the NaUona1 Hot Rod AsloclaUon' ar& wu' injured when hll mother'• mall also cbecJdttg for a caUle Of the mishap,, forilp lldon·and a larger car colllded al second la!alUf. in the facllily's bjstory. the hlglniay's inlenocUon "ith Newport ' Nalionally kno!ni drag nee driver Center f>ri\le. Mike SOrokin was ldlled -there in Spencer suffered a head cut that re-December, 1967, when hil high-powered quired more than 30 stitches. No one else dragster erploded during a race. was Injured in the 7 p.m. crash. Initl:al re~ listed N 1 e I.• o n ' I 1 1 Polict said the-driver of the other car, "dim.i'ted ~1 'WedneSday Dighl ,,~ Rona F. S<del, $0, of Downey, attempted •Ii<>"' 100 miles per hour, but the • &o make •wt turn. Her car.collided with taicl!!Way tn1n1ger discounted f.Jlis ~ay. the 1uto carrying the boy and his mother, "He couldn 't have been going more Mrs. Jennifer Johnston, 22, 281 20th St.1 than 80," Jones Slid, "bec8UU he WU Costa Me&1. ' already trailing the car lhat beat hlm and The baby was treated 1t-Hoag-the--wirmer -only clocked 108 miles pet' 1-femotiaf Hospital.. hour.'' --·--------------· -------------------~ --_ _. - NATO Allies '.Just the Facts' s· ha ' 0 ·~ p . Hear J\ppeal , ·. '. .. ,,.;i ... ~'., , .. n,.~ '• !ft.¥,M;f~tS .. ,. ~,:tfm,,,; ~.~, ··B. ·ltl·Pr. o111:.ll ... ~ •• i 1,.,r, .. ; ... 1" !.'.~. '•N· 'p•t1'i~.1,'-·1,1,:,..-·~l.1 J /! ~p~'=1U·ll,''] · IJel~ Siek~ Says. Pursons ~:rHIN~j~1~1!~·~ • turn Ule ••fist" ·of"defW "Jnfii a hand of LO$ ANGELES (UPI) -. , §irhan B. Ken.iidt,:l'llr.not coodoiifng !lit killing of ~~~.hlp" lowlll)f the Sovie1i ancj their Sirhan'• outbu>ll In cllJrt In whlcb he a ·lluinan ~· l'in against tho deatli · ' asked to Plead aullty and go to the gas peDplty:, I doh~t believe.we lhouJd take a · ~t. the .Sap!:' time Nixon, In ~ ~Cr; chamber JI sufficient proof tblt Ile 'it A hwnan life. I think Only God can do ~peecb fqr the 20th . annlversfll')' con- aick man, a deftn.te attorney told his that.'." · fer ence of North Atla'ntic Tr e ii t 1 murder trial jury today.· The a'ttoiney told. the jury· that Sirhan Orj:anb:ation ministers -ottered a three.' Russell Parsons, 99, opened the final 'm'i~-i~."a candidate for fli'lt de~ee ri!!uJ~: a~:rng .thlighe 1tenlng5 N.ATO po .. ~~~1 •• arguments for the defense by saying that ... '"". ~ ''we are not pleadlrig f~ your sylnpatby, "We admlt be toot a We. We have not He proposed: • but we want you to hear the facts." offered a bit ,of. phony testimony. The -Periodic meetings, of NATO deputy Parsons recalled that Sirl\ah had ~te's'own doctor said .be wls'not faking foreign ministers "for a higb-level·review sought to fire him and the other two in his outbursts." · of major. Jong·range'problems before the defense attorneys, Grant B. Cooper and ' Plrions blinked u he said: "I've come alliance." · · Emile Zola Berman, after they had spent to sort ot·Uke the fellow. You can't be --CreaUori of a sj>eci!I political 1plan• monlhs in preparing a defense of around him without feeling aorry for him. ning ·group to "address itself speclflcally "diminishOO capacity." He bu &at here in court holding my hand and continually to the I on g e r • Parsons said the prosecution and the like a baby. One minute he's a.s smart a.s range problems we face." doctors in the case all had agreed that a whip and ~he next he can't tell right -Fonnation of "a· C<lmmittee on the Sirhan was a sick man and '.'his conduct trom wrong." ch!Uenges of modem soci~ty ·, .. to ·ez- in this courtroom has demonstrated hi! plore ways in which Uie experience ahd sickness ln Itself." the re~ources: of , the Western nations Parsons reyiewed Sirhan's ear I y MISS• • g · W W could most effectively be marahalled childhOod In Jerusalem and said be w.as ID 0 an toward improvhig the', quality of life' 'of an innocent .victim caught up ih a strug. ·our peoples." gle that had been going on for decades. F d ' T · In this connection, Nixon said the In Its summation Wednesday tbe pro. OUD ID f&llce Western a,lliance as· it eriters its third secution depicted Sithan at a llar trying decade needs not only a strong 'military desperately to duck the crime of murder. J V H } defense but also "a more profouDd Parsons review~ the trou~Jed early ll ~gas Ole political dllnenslon to shape a strategy of Jlfe of Sirhan In Palestine where their peace" and a "social dimeDsion" hi family was forced to move from ill com--~ 1V.~GAS ·(AP) _ A dazed woman which the allies would pdol their skills tO fort.able hogle,~aqse of thf: Arab-Israeli !!in meet ·social problems. The too• f I and ca C herself Eno Onmai, i•t am no war. y • re uge n a convent The formal anniversary ceremony was' then in an 800-year-<1ld houst and had so one" apelled backward, was•identified by held in the same ConstituUon Avenue hall subsist on food auppJied , by 'the United police 'today 11 a mother of two from where the alliance agaihst the Soviet Nations. West Liberty, Iowa. th t • ted · th "There was flni.u .... going' on aI-•t , . rea was crea 1n e Cold War daya .. , ... '6 •uu They said after questioning Teressa after World War II. ·' 1 dally," Parsons said. "Sirhan ·saw this Ann. Proholky, 32, that she was able to Now the forelgn,~ters are weighi~n period. True he wu a young boy. It must Id what might be done lo' 1·mprove E have left a scar on him." entlfy a lilter, who confirmed ihe was , Parsons also recalled that when a ~ since March 31. West relations and what response might Pasadena school boatd , offtda1 tesunea ~-Probmk, was fOwid niesday by a be ~made to ithe Warsa~ Pact'-·call,last as to the defendant's abse. oca from claaa ·' in · (~ N~W,. Pag' Z) I m~d the Sal Sa1ev HottJ,in Las Vegas Sirhan roae ID the. courtroom to ptotest. with her hand5 l!Jld•. feet bound 1·0 Pa.raons said Sirhan remained IJome from school "to take care of his iister adhesive tape and in a coatume reaembl- •who was lying there with an incurable ing a Dl!ll'I habtt.. , disease. He plafed hooke~ lo teljd the Sile 111<!' a letltt lhll safd,aba'cou!d be ~wiw.s of hif dying ~~· Youi ca,n't. bl! snapj,ed out of her lpparent hyPnotlc very..bad when you do· Uia~ · , "He even had some respect for ~· sta~.byi~ the viXce ,of a Las Vegis entertainer, who 1attr visited her 1t the .Prope11y Taxes . -. .. Deadline Today TQday is the. last ~ay for ~t at_ , I-lleeond lnstOI!ment .pfopeny tai ti without penalty, Orange 'County !l'u: Col:. lec~r Don s. Mozley w~ this mom-ing. . • T1\0Se who faU'to pay their laxes before ,Sp.m.aitMtaxoolledor'1olfioe1'.~N. --~,!sinuilA .. wlllb.,.UbjOCt to•a '3 ,per pOrce1 and all perctn~ -Ill' . diatge. . " Moiley urged caution In trying In bul the deadline by mailing lax f>OY-'8· They mllli be poatrnarlled today, April JO, or penalties will be ueeued, he warn- ed. . f boepltal wltboul IUCC<SI. ' Pol(ee'aafc(tbey )leii<Je iiirs.'·pr",b,;,1<y . ~ .~ve '~ ~;,ti.it lier IW-nOll¢ 'stale wis sell-Induced ·~ that she I w.rcik the (letter. ; 1 ' l•t•ff'never seen anyl;lody respohd ei .. , I actliii,iho d!d.11~.,.·q~. mi'at'IY:· · .. !du boy1e ll~., . • . I · •-:!°"Cflci~f,,.w~ u,.i .. ~ llV1 ~;f&ld , I ~:,wu ·aiert~when' ~~ 1boUt~the j put Week but feD back into a trance wben uknd about her put. After Mndin( her 14<and ll·)'W .. ld l!oY• oil to IC!!oof, Mn. Brohosky bad left • -with her hlllband, Marvin, saying lh• was leaving and new to Lu Vegas, · Hamllton ukf. Manin Proholky wu on the way to l.al Yecaa, 11~ hla''WliO<WU ,ln '(l>Od , 1 . condllloo • i Jol!lliflel ' . • ' . . '\ l, ( t • ~ ,, _, ' ' ' ' . -- ".c.an Weather l .. rl. ' I I I 'f ...-.,..,.,---. -----:---,.,..--.....,,-:---:--:-----------------------------------------------• I DAILV l'llOT s WH li liLMAN NOW RECALLS LONG AGO DAYS Rotl red lunMt lffch P1ln1tr .Tuma '3 In Ocltloor True Wheelnian 92-y ear-old Keeps Pedaling Along By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Ot llM Dei11 Plllif'-Sttlfl' Who would be cruy enoush to ride a bicycle from U:m Angeles to Corona and back! 'lbere'1 a ft.year old man in Simet Beach wt1o did jUll tllot -in lea lhen seven houri -and cruy he im't, He Is John V. lluvlll, one ol Californio'• f.,. ........... -bicy· cle 1"3CerS, who used to get their kicks out of charging down dirt roads at what ~y consideftd to be breaknecl< spe<d>. Duvall, who hu lived at 11115 S. Padf~ Ave., .ux:e 1115 doesn't have the firm legs ol a dmnpiomblp bicycle ridU ¥1'/ more, bot he'1 ltiU in pretty cood bpe fer bio ... 11111 ou l!liD pd yarns. ''The blkes we used to ride in IllO's and llOO'• -~ lll}'1l>nc llU lbe .... we;iave today. Wt tried io mate than u li&lil as ~le and Ibey _, ..... BlY br$a ... be llid. ' ICOllNI BRAU:S 1 "l -~ s!ve ,.. ~lime fer • ..., ol h D1W Cllll wMb bnktiil..m fmdn," .. -ruefully. ' • Bl rec:Jlled tryq a modern venion -loo ,..,, ""' but llid he became .. -bythe-devlce 11111 Ille -Uuit he ... depOliled ln the mid· dlt" the rood -rolhii:' iqracefully. '1111 bleycleo he med to race, whlcb In- eluded Hoffmarn, 'nl1Jtlel a n d Rmnblon, hid a -drive -Ille pedall 11111 the ,_ wheel 11111 when you -to atop, Ill ,.. had to do la llop .,,...,.,... ..... Moot ol Ille ....,.. he compded In ...re --In Soothern Califom!a wtlil ,_ -thin former Loa ~les Oounly Sherill £uime enll111, bia -competitor, furiowly pedalinc -blm "' lbe ""' haulJ. 'Iberc wen other men WlUIUal races too, aucb u the time Ill men CJD one blcyclo were pltl<d agalnot 1 blybunltr II Ille old Expoaltlon Park. NEVER Bl!~T 1DM "We pedaled like hell but we never did bnt Chat hcl'ae," he recalled. "Every time we were set.Uni ahead we'd hear him -thin& down oor necu and lhen W11 kr>eW that it WU all OV9'." '"We Ulell to race with motorcyclel too a Ille old velodrome In Loa Anlt1ea. 'l1>at wu jult a short tia'hth milt track and we -to tuck ln behind -and ocoot 1 DAllY PILOT ....,.. ............. ..... ........... . ..... ,., c-.-CAUPOINLA Ol.AHOI CO.UT l'VI LllMIM• COMrANY l•Mrt H, W1N ,,......,, .... 1"1191111W J•c.• t. c.,,.1.., v. ,,. ..... •Ml a-.! -- ThlMl l l11vR ·-Th11t11• A. ~1,,hl11 ~ntMIW ,,.: along on their suction. Vt'e never could beat one though." . The same velodrome . which was loc-ated at 10th and Main Street in downtown L<>I Angeles, ~ to be Ille SCffte of a regularly staged lix-day bike race which Duvall entered once. "I trained for thll thin( lot weeka and wu doln( all r!P,t when a IUY cut in front <i me and wt wmt dawn ln a tlntle of legs and spokes," he said. "I hit a post aOO bled like a stuck pig -that was the end cl. the race !or me." our OF WIND Duvall literally ran out of wiud during his 116\ race, a distance event at Reno, Nevada. The altitude of the desert city was a little too much for him 8Dd be couldn't keep up with the leaders. !'I knew I'd bad It then." 'll>e bike was JIUt awat and Duvall began a lqthy c....-as painting ...,_ traclor, putting ftni.h ....... llOll1e of the Im~ in the Sell ll<ach ..... "There !lire. no rood< ~a\ all al the,_,..._ .. ~,.. - C«Jling fr<m 1-Beac'1 .... Allohelm Landing," be recalled. "lf you wanted to go to Newpo&t, you hid 1o go c1'ar up 1o Anobeim and ll>en head -apln." Duvall came 1o Loa Anple1 In 11111 fr<m fflalnlvllle, M-.rt at Ille ap of ten. Hi.8 mother wu wcnied abo\rt the $100 train fare ts wu going to COit btr for Ille 2,000 mile trip. llAILllOAD WAR '"Iben the railroads had 1 rate war and the prices ... lower 11111 lower umn the fare from Millouri to Calil«nla WM me dollar and thal'• what Is COii for my mother and me to come out here." 'Ille -painler, wbo will -~ hil 9lnl blrlhday DUI October, goa FJtf filbinc . just about t!Vf!f'Y day Ind never open! • day ln Ille bo<pital unlll be had to have a cataract removed from hit eye earller thil year. He row has new gl8!Se9 but 11)'1 they d<lll't help him in seeing thing1 any better. "Hell, I can see mare with Ole glasi;es I bougt< IO yean aco than Ille mm I "ff aot now." Russian R oulette P layer Loses SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A youn1 · restaurant worker, whole friend& llid he appeand to be under Ille lnlluenco ol drup, killed hlmaU W-ay nllbl In a Russian roulette arlcide. Enrique Moreno, 23, arrived at the friends' home lhortly befOft mldn!Jht. They lald he llUddtnly produced a .II caliber revolVtl' and talked about Rumlan roulette. "I jp,.,. tt wlll obool," ho aald, then pulled Ille lriQ<r. '""' only bullet In the d>llmber ... -Into bf• beod, kllllng Y.oreno-y. Another Battle Rages Over Suez TEL AVIV (AP) -Another battle broke out aloni the Sut1 Clnal today between artillery and tank units of Israel and Eml· An Israeli army rpokeaman Wd Eo"P- Uan iunnera opened firt on llrteli troop• near lsmallia in the northern MCtor of the lGS-mlle waterwa7 and ne11 Port Tauliq at the liOUtbern end. Aboul I d°"" sbellt had been lobbed from EaYPI at loraeU lnx>PI hro hoo'1I urlltr, but tbre UraeU.. did not return fire, he said. Peru Marks Seizure LIMA, Peru (UPI! -Peru'1 military a:overnment circulated a new 1tamp to- day commemoratln& the date of Ill e1- p<q>rlatlon of an Amerlcan-<>wned oll company a a "day of naUOnal dla:nlty." ' . . Ani~ricanization Mad~ Easy · by TV Bf TEIU\Y ll\l~ ..................... Jt'1 nice to have a wife wbo can mate "*' tauih ev• at tbe moment lht'a banded you a * lolophoao bllL Sbe had """ <l11ln& ... -· , Actually, that's not as much ~ " you ml&ht suspect. You see, her IQOthe.r lives 1n Pan- ama. Thal ls allo Jgy wife'• natJvt 1ond. Sbe mlghl sudden-. 11 return, aJ!o, if she snsenta me with an- olber . of those .. ~ llllla. n.tt are com- pensating -stances, however, because this is my "ila'1 1in1 two mOauuo In tho United . . ~ ' . St.ta and her nrat time ever lW'a)' __ ... _ . Being new to Ille U.S., of toune, sbe hu a number " lmprelllcw ol. O:Ur coontry and In -lilalo-, sbe'• not too grlllly ~. Foe uample1 '!t don\, ..... -b m~os ht.rt. Ana bananis are too ex· pens:ave. Televis.ion ls a great help, however. It leaches her Englioll, tori ol. Com· mercta~ .... bes!, but her """"111Cla- . llonl an I bit odd II U-. Thal filty white -ln your hair comes out ''Dranfoo'' butead of daft. druf!. But she CM!. say "You get a big delight In every bile" wf11 ~~r mqj>oals lhan ""1--G'-.......... -hoped for. Peanut butter and jelly --present a greater problem lbai &be can cope with. J 'lib• 'em for lunc:ti ...1. llhe . . ' ~ILOT LOGBOOK lhlnks I'm crazy. Md Mealcln food -well, a lol ol peo- ple -lbfok -ood encbfladu .. Wllvenal 11>rougtioul IAlln Am<rica. SIM! -ght l.bf5 American food was quite an oddity, but no< V!Orf good. "It'll never catch on with the Latins," she said. ~ "'"4 to a low nip! meettncs wilb ... al lint. Rollly -""°"""" -dull they were. In Panama when people oppooe the govemmenl lhey t!lrow...,., and bombs at Ibo pollco. No na1 dat..,-~ Ille boml>t never wmc -aome pd t!)1np ............ lor~lac*ol-.-,_ . One lhhW Califomia lacks -...... Panama could 1om a few -are Cheevi.. IV till' 00..S (Lalin pf __ , lhal 11,.- lbroueh the db' falter -the Tijuana " Tul. And Ibey , nevar co111de. P""!>le ill Pnuna ""' adjllll<d to lunollc driviq. 11.:y wife CID bounce ICl'Oa the lf.rett iD PIOlllla Ctty, dodge tine chlevu, flidMtep I conf!Jled America, mlf MVQI bJtnk ID e,._ .. t~ But she wcm 't leave the houJI blre - it'a not safe. w Sooner or later Sie'll adjuol. Alroedr she's gelling used to apples in&Cead ol manp. Bui ~ .. flj!l IQ<I CIP(mlve. Ttrry Covil~ nut his wi.ft while with the U.S. Army in Panama. Ht it currentl~ a Jtaff toriUr m the DAILY, PILOT'• Hunlinglot< B,.ch offk;I. ' ~~~ Airport Giv~s · County Budget Of $1.3 Million Apollo 10 Spacecraft P asses Crucial Test CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -The Apollo · 10 moonabJp ~ "" im-flllhl readmess test ~ly today fn I key atep. toward latmeb to the moon May 11. '" . ' . T.HE WAY IT WAS WHI N HE PIDALID TO CORONA LONG AGO John V. Duv11l, Ono of tho '°"' Orl1ln1l Whoalmon of PH t Clfttury A Space ~ency l]iotesman aUd the UpM_, e:iercise, a chect ti Apollo lO's critical fiilbt lySilml, Wll ccmpJeted -dlfftculty. ,......,. P .. e 1 NATO .•• month for an ~Wat conference on European security. Nixon did not refer directly to the pro- peeal laued by the Communlsl """" terpart of NATO in a Budapest com- munique March 17. But he recalled the late Presldenl Dwigbl D. Elaenltower bad spoken of need for unity in addreaaln& the NATO mlnitterJial group 10 year1 ago. Ellenhower had noted there is no\ much strength in one fin&er of a hand but "when five fingers are balled into a flit, you have a very considerable inltrumen' of defense," NI.Jon recalled. "We need such an instrument of. defense; the United States will bear Its fair lhanl In keeplnf NATO llrong," Nix· on added. . "All of UI It! 1llo ready as conditions chanae, to tum that fin into a hand of lrlendahlp," be 1eld. F rom P .. e 1 REDDI N ... the public and the police deporlmenl " In bis new job II KTLA, Reddin will auccead 1 man ropoM!ly paid more than l200.000 imually. The police clllef l! peid '32,IOO. "Reddin has an innate abllhy u a TV neWI ~et.er," said fc::rrner cowboy actor Gene Autry, fllM bom:I cbainnan 11111 praldenl ol Golden Well Brold- casten, which own11 the Cliarmel 5 st.a· tioo. ne fcrmer newa anchorman, Gtorst Putnam, 11 oow wttti rival Chan- nel 11. N~th« the ll&tion nor R..idin would dilldooe hll new ealocy. •1t've heard the figure $100,000 -and that'• hard to tum down," aald Bradley, him.tell a lmg4lme polief:man before tumns to politicz. · V<rt:y and Bradley -and even hi&h pol.k:e olficial.s and Reddin '• wife Betty- said U.., wen sur,.;oed by the poUoe chief's amounctm~. The two ean- dktatel far ma)'G" called him an excellettt chief. Chrysler Ends Strike With Uneasy Truce DETROrr (UPI) -An •laht-day wlldcat lllrike II 1 by Qiry11'r CorJ>. plant endtd today undor an uneaoy truce betll·eei a rtbtllloul United Auto Worter1 local and h un.100'1 in- ttmaUonll IJecutiYt bolrd. Workers rttumtd to their jobs on the fint lhift today, then wtr• no pic ket u..,, 11111 produdlon ...urned, Clu'y~er said. a nylon shag that's young • In looks, young • In price! $8.9 5 sq. yd. v ..... -.. d·-• UJUqu. fouN!Dler ... --~ --w-idm in tata:rw-ridt. -.. ----hlali"""" """"'".....,,_falll!J !Mlndltloo ... o...illr el Ka_ I« boll tho ........... _. toPl)'.latl ... -- Your f01Xn'llr d•rigo,, IDiII b• 11am to °""' "" ... H.J .GA RRETI fURNmJRE 'ROFESSION"L 2111 HARIOft ILVD. INTERIOR DESIQNIRS o,.. Moo .. nm. " l'if, '"" COSTA MUA, CALIF. 646-0271 M6-0276 ·- ' • " I~ " 11 • ' I I ' B11ntlugion ~a.elf - . • E'DITION N.'1!. Steeb VOL. 62. NO. 86, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES . . . .,.~---·-THORSDAY, f PRIL' 'IO •. ,,,, TEN CENTS Sch9ol Board_ Candidat€s Clash Over Budget By WILLIAM REED OI' fflt O.llY Plltl Stiff Campaigning grew healed Wednesda)' night as a dozen candidates for three Heats on the Huntington Beach Union High School Dislrict"ll· governing board faced their first solid issue in the cam· pa.ign which ends with Tuesday's election •. The beat began when Robert E. Dingwall called announcement by the high scbool administration of ~s than anticipated assessed valuation figures "a budgot gimmlc~. ". ~~t "of~~~ J!~ ~~t~ told 'trustets"Tiiesda)' ·that tbe di.Ml'ict faces a •1 .3 mlWon deficit in 1970-71 ~use' U9alE!d valuation f1gures ap. peal' to be substantially Jess than an- ticipated. . :tuUmtt <saki •he had projeded income based on a yearly increase in asRS5ed valuat.ioo ol. 15 percent. He claimed that the figure WoU)d be 4.5 percent in 1969-70 an<Lless than 5. percent the following year. -- "FiscaJ hogwash,'' :1 a l d Dil1C'Wl11 of Fullmer'& report. 1 '"Ille assessed valualion figures, which are not fina.l lDlUl the fail, will indicate an jncrease over . Iaa: year whidl wu up considerably· thanks to the efforts ol the · Huntingtoo Bea<h HOME Council, Coun- cilm<n in M'!"tingtoo Beach and FOU!Uin Valley and Orange County Assessor An· drew Hinshaw. 1'1bat increase." he clabned, .. will be near the 15 percent mark" jult a3 be had pr«licjed lul yu.r wi.n be was leading the dislrict to a SUC<elllilul tu increase elec$ian. \ • ""!bill bll\l1el Wt 'j<ll<, \\ilich he also claim«I would be inolffic!ent cootalnod a cOWngency fund of $657,000' -an eicess put aside roe .thooe project& » ministraton like to play with. "The assessor says the u,,essect valua- t.ioo is going up and I believe him. He bas oever failed the people. !!f this ecbool diatrict.'' He accuaed two candidata -Ors. John Kent and ~ttphe.n .Hernian -of relea«int a llatemect lodicatmg financial <II-tu: foe the cfis\rict wiJ!i ,tl\e aim or "laking over the school district." Board President John &ntley said, "We h a v e to function within the framework of the Education Code.'' He indicated tbat the trustee.s were "no~ about to panic, bu! the sUuation Is grave." · Trustet Richard Wilson told the au- dience at the fourth of five candidate Jtig!rts S[lOll80l'<d by the LeajUe ol Women Voters that "aU I know is that oor avernge increase is 4.5 percent. The high school district will not go bankrup~ however. It's illegal." , CandMiate Fred Voss, obviously ir- ritated at the interjection of finance mat· (See CANDIDATES, P11e J) Override De.hated Ocean View Candidates Square Off A pending tax override measure and school finance overshadowed discussion ol sehool allairs Wednesday nlgbt by caz>. didates for the Ocean View School District Board of Trustees. campaigning in the district has been particularly vlgoroua with voten being asked to approve an override of $1.25 per $100 assessed Valuation in a special elec· lion called for May I. In addition, with three seats open, only two incUmbenll have filed leaving a free. for·all race for the third po!!Uon. John E. Jordan said there is no way to avoid paying for education. "We must support the tax increase." He said the district, however, must demonstrate to voters that money is being spent as it should be. There's too much empha!is on specl1I programs for the children and not enough on the children In between/' he asserted. Incumbent R. James Shaffer said that 1'we have a product to turn out. We must prepare the children for tomorrow. To do so, we mwt be willing to pay, but there are limits." He added that he feels the district's program is "excellent for the amount of money we spend." George Logan, saying he is oot opposed to the district getting money, said that he is for academic training and opposed to courses such u music and family life education if the bas.le academic program is slighted at all. "I would recommend in- (See OCEAN VIEW, Page Z) * * * * * * Nixon Offers Peace to Reds Poverty Proje~t .. Children, Education Her Pet,s - lo NATO Tol'b-'"~an Vie~ SChOol Dlstric~ ~ntalns '~~ :,_. .·!\ii ii;~! ·'!!\i\' @..!'flma1j ,JIOV<l'll ·~·l!i ·-;vAslfiilGToit'(f"J -'Pi~ Ms-. llllnllnllon 8'ach.:' Mn. lllee "Medloa, on·,Jalij «*Y -\be'jimiii> -offiil !tind dfrector o1 the HiiilUngljoi -~ rtady '-"11~linlll!n:cbllist" =ID mtiillj-Cenler, dfland Wl\IDNdoy II tarn the "flit" t:A ddenM~"lhto a hand of the Hllfttlnc\On Stach YMCA's weekly. frieod~hip" toward the' SOviels and tbeJt Spdllght on Issues series. planning cou"rse, to help .the families plan ah?! belttr," "!i<l llr•. Medina. CommunicaUoo ls ooe of tbf; biggest -drawbacks-among-tlle--Clik:am--1 .. Uon, she e.rplained, because many don't speak English. THE WAY IT. WAS WHEN HE PEQALED TO COROllA LONG ·AGo John V. Duv•ll, OM .of.the Four OrigiMI Wheelmen qf Pait Cen~ry ~~the same time Nixon, in a policy Mr1. Medina said the area bounded by speech for the 20th anniversary COftoo Beach Boulevard; Warner and Slater· ference of North AUantic Treat "I Avenues and Gothard Street, Constitutes Organization 1minliters offered a ttiree-ooe of the pOorest sedions of the city. 0 Jt ~ like a litUe word (com· munication)," she says, "bot the lack of it is responsible !or-most of our pro. blems." point plan for tightening polltical "Children and educiltlon are my pets," Old Ti1ner Was •Big Wheel' cooidlnaUon a._ the 15 NATO nations. abe laid, .explaining her work wilbin He propoaed: · -Periodic meetings of NATO deput1 poverty areu. foreign ministera "for a high-level review The area outlined by Mrs. Medina con. of major, Jonr-ran1e probltm1 before the talns many of the farm working families Sunset Resident, 93, Recalls Distance Cycling Feat,s alliance." · Md two migrant fann labor camps. --Creation of a special political plan-"Ral d I F b ning group to "address itsell specifically ns ur ng e ruary cut down farm and continually to the J 0 n g er. work so much," she explained, "lhat By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of tM Dill' Plllt Sl1ll \Vho would be crazy enough to ride a bicycle from Los Angeles to Corona and back? There's a 9'l-year old man in Sunset Beach who did just that -in less than even hours -and crazy he isn't. He is John V. Duvall~ one 01 California's few remaining old-time bicy- cle racers, who used to get their kicks out or charging down dirt roads al what lhey considered to be breakneck speeds. Duvall, who has lived at 16985 S. tacific Ave., since 1965 doesn't have the firm legs o{ a championsh ip bicycle rider any more, but he's still in i:retty good shape for bis age and can spin good yams. "The bikes we used lo ride in t•'• and 1900's weren't anything like the Ora ,.,.e bave today. We tried to make thero as ligtit as possible and they didn't have any brakes," he said. "I wouldn't give you a dime for one of the new 'ones with 'brakes and fenders," he added ruefuny. He recalled trying a modem version not too Jong ago but said be became so confused by tilt coaster device and the brakes that be was deposited in the mid· die of tht! road -rather qracefully. Tht! bicycles be used to ract!, ·which in- cluded Hoffmanns, Thistles a n d Ramblers, had a direct drive between the pedals and the rear wheel and when you wanted to stop, all you had to do is stop moving your legs. 1.fost of the races be competed In were distance contest! in Southern California wi~ none d.be.r than fonnet Loe Angeles Codnty Sherif! Eugene B1scalluz, his fierct:St competitor. furiously pedalii'ig beside hirn on the long hauls. 'Ibere were otber more unusual races too such as the time six men on one bicYcle were piUed against a hayburner at the old Erposition Park. "We pedaled like hell but we never did beat that horse," he recal:ed. "E\'ery tlme we were getUng ahead we'd hear hlm breathing down our necks and then we knew that it was all ~er." "We used to race whh motoreytlet too II the old velodrome In Los Angelea. That wa1 just a abort eighth mUe track and we used to tuck in ~ them and tcoOt beat one though." The same vekldrome.. which was Joc1ted at loth and fl.lain Street In dow ntown Loll Ange.lee, u1ltd ~-be the . ' . oc... ol a regularly atq<d .ix.day bike race which Duvan entered once: '1 !rained for that thine far -0 and WIS doing all right wheo a guy cut tn front " me and we wtnt down in. a tangle of legs and ......... he said. "l hit a pool .and bled like • stuct Pit ~that wu the end of the race for me.." - Duvall literally ran oot ol wind during his last race, 11 dlstanoe evmt at Rtno, Nefadll. The altitude ol the dettrt city was a little too much for him and he ) range problems we face." many of the men wned only f&5 that -Fvrmatlon of "a committee on the month, and with six or seven moulbs to challenges of modem society ••• to ex· feed." ploce ways in which the· experienct and the resoun:es of the Westem nations could most effectively be marshalled toward improving the quality of life of our peoples." In this coonecUon, Nixon said the Western alliance as it enters its third decade needs not only a strong military defense but 'also . "a more profound political dimension to shape a strategy of peace" and a "social dimension" in wbkh the allies would pool their skills to meet social problema. The formal anniversary ceremony was held in lhe same Constitulion Avenue ball where the alliance against tbe Soviet threat was created ln the Cold War days after Workl W•r lL Now the foreign mlnisten are weighing what might be done to improve Eut-- West relations and what response might be made to the Wan:aw Pact's call last month for an East-West confUeoce on European security. Niion did not rtfer directly to the pro- posal issued by the Communist coun- terpart or NATO In a Budapest com- munique March 17. But he recalled the latt Preaident Dwight D. Eisenhower had spoken ol need for 1111lty In addressinf the NATO mlnl.stmol group 10 years qo. Eisenhower had noted there · ii not much slrenfth In one finger o1 a band bu& "when five fin.gen are ba11ed into a fist, " yoU have a vrry considerable imtrumen.t of defense," Nllon recallt!d. 04We need such an inltnunent of Through her efforts , lrtrs. fl.fedina managed to get a government grant for food. amounting to $56 each for some of the fam!Ues in tier area. CUrrently, the leader oC Huntington Beach Mexican-Americans i s cam- paigning for election to the ()cyan View School District Board· of Trustees, in an effort to bring a different view to the school board. She quickly empbulzed Wednesday, however, that the center was not operating solely for chicanos. "Poverty spreads through all levels," she pointed out, ''we try to help everyone." Emphasis is placed on stlf help at the centar, explained Mrs. Medina, "We try to eJ.ve them pdde and Identity." · Several programs have ~ instltuted Jn the clty to help the poor since she came to Huntington Beach five years ago from east Loi Angeles. She complimented the Rev. Roger Betswortb and the Community Methodist Church for the JocaJ Head Start program he~ there. 0 tve also sent several yoths to the Neighborhood Youth Corpo !raining pro. gra~ in Santa Ana," abe uys. At the center Jtaelf English classes and Spanish clalSetl, crafts classes, sewing in- struction, and other in!tructionaJ courses are offered. "We allo bope to instltutt 1 budge! defeme; the United Slates will bur Its p T . ,l ~."!•eep1nc~A~~~:;.~0:; ., roperty axes . "1 :· 1.;-. ;·'1" ; ·" • . ~1 • . . '.; · a . • ' e-T o.da r' • ·, •' ' ,. '" ' ~ ~ • ·stM~ -Avs18~\U~.,..·.·1 ~:-·~.,. ~ ,,. ~~-:.. .., ~. ;f · :, ~ Y ··> I c~ J (>ii ln'>·,~;tJ r.•-r; ;.Tocf07 lc.tht ¥<!~re<!~•'' 'Ir .,ar>: )f r.er'"r · ';.~ ift~..:,;~p .. ~ ·:i •, SA, ~· '1'11(. It~ ~~.ibj;_w ·••~ mor ... ~,~~F1.d ~Jol~;;e ~~,-· ". ·~~l t.;Y~.~before began a le . l".l"'IJllr.~~;~. ; ifl!lolu~ 1,~1.a.' N. lrllclor .. 1 • ._. tt ......, -.,-;;· · ' , , ~Aoa wlfl~MJ«l !4 a die !ht homes in the Seal Beach oiea. dl'llllfti:'.li', 1 ·' I ,. "• ' "' .' ~ ~I ind· •1~· penolty, "There were no roads here at Ill and Br 1 4H •ote, the Alltmbly ~ ' •......-.-; • · · · "· the farthest you could 10 il you were senate amendmenll to a molutloa bJ Molloy ur1..S c111tlon In &rJ1nl to beaf coming rrom Long Beach wu Anaheim ; usembiymlll Edwin L. Z'Ber1, (D-the ~dllne by malling tu poymen_ll. Landing,'' he recan.d. I'll.you wanted to Sacomoqto). It ti lnttndecl to ,ivold 1 They muit be postmorked tod1y, April go to Newport. you bad to go clear up to re~UiJll, or, !be dlwtrout oU 11llct m. IO, or peo1!Ue1 will be ulesled, he.,..,,,. (See WHEELMAN, Pap I) ddtnt In the Surto ·Barbml Cbalmol. Cl!. • Programs Mrs. Medina would like to see in the area in the future include low cost housing and food st'.amps for toWer iocome families. How did she get into it a.JI? "I take after my mother," aays the organizer of the center. "Sbe always lik- ed to help people." Meet Candidates For Scliool P ost,s F~ling slightly overwhelmed by the plethora of school board candidates you'll be asked to choose from in next Tuesday 's elections? Feel like you can't tell the candidaes without a program? Breathe easier, voter. The DAILY PILOT today offers. in easy-to-read form, delailed summaries of school board candklates -who they are and where they stand. You'll find the informalioo on pages a 9 and IO. ' NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market had some of its early avdance ·trimmed by profit takJng today and closed with a moderate gain. (See quotations, Pages 18- 19). Trading was active near the close. Orange Weatlaer ~sunny 1kies will prevail Friday:, with, the mercury shootlq up into the low 70'1 along the Orange Coast. ( • Ll_L_·----------~-------------·---------. ---------------""""----------·---------· -- 2 . DAjlY, PllOT H • Quit• ·LA Force 1' -' ' Reddin to Trade America~µation M~~·e ·Easy hy . TV I ~ •llii'I C09IU.I ............ Jl'• nfce to bave a wife wbo can mate you Jauab even at the moment ab.e's handed you a II& tel<pbone bill. J Sbe bad been calling her mother. I Actually, lhal's nol u mucb phoning as you might suspect. You &ee, her mother Uvei in Pan- ama. '11\at JJ allO my wlfe:s native land. She might sudden· Jy mum. also, u she presenta me witb m- other of those II& talking billa. ,,,.... Ile com- pensating cireum- stances, 'however, becaUle this la D11 wile's flnt two months In the United Badham Sees Oil Warning Bill Approval SACRAMENTO-As sere b 1 y men Robert E. Badham (R·Newport Beach>. said today be expected "no trouble" on a proposed bill compelling the Slate Lands Qxnmissioo to ootif'; local agencies in advlll<e ol action on olf!lxn oil drilling n.ques!JI. 'Ille measure, AB m, wu co-authored by J!.ldbam and Stete Sen. :.olm Scbmlt1 (R·Tult!n>. Amendments to it were recently added at the r<queot ol Seal Beach City Manager IM Risner, representing ~e city managers division of the Cali!onua League of Cities. The Assembly's Naturai Resources .and Conservation Committee will conduct a bearing on the bill today. Newport Beach cn.y officials, anxiou6 to usure passage, had plamed to have representation at the session. But Badham Tuesday told Newport City Manager Harvey L. Hurlb11rt' that the trip wouldn't be necesa:ary. Bad.ham said he articipated no problems. Tbt Newport legislat<Jr'1 optimism .,.med justified by "'l'pcrt from an in-lluen~ souree, Lt. OoY. Ed Relnf:ke; Reinecke, chairman ol·the Landi Com- -·told the~DAJLY PILO'l!_ID..., ex- clllll'I" intetView three w~ llO that be would favor giving coastal cities and CQUDties 9roper notice f'( commia!ion bearlng! on oflshore oil Jll'lP.'l"ls. "If nec91ary," sald the Lt. GoTemOr. ••t woo1d testify in favor of Assemblyman Badham's bill. There should be adequate notice anytime public aaeeta are put up for drilling, exploration or whatever." Al amended, the bill "'.OUld require the Lands Commission ·to: -Notify coastal ageocies &O days in ad- vance of commission hearings on offahore oil ~!oration applications. -Noury coastal agencies 60 days in ad- vanct of hearitlgs on tidelands oil lease (drilling) applications. -Compel pr06J>eclive lessees to submit detailed plans on subside'!Ce and pollution cootrols and to include the controls among 1e ... condili<JM. . Risner .succeeded. in winning Badham's approval of the llkiay notice and drilling .-Ol llipulatioos when the Seal Beach city manager made a special trip lo Sacramento two weeks ago. Ori&inallY· the bill merely called lor advanct nc.tlficatlon to cities and c:ouo- ties: with no time period specified. The measure is the direct result ot Orange Coast protetts over Lands Com- mission approval of offshore exploratory probes by the Shell Oil Co. last January. No coonty agencY, had been told of the plan until after' the commission act- ed. The Shell permits have since been mcir.ded. I I DAILY PILOT MAHGI COAIT l'UILlll'llHO COMl'ANY 'R.oMrt N. Weed .. ,.IMrit •1111 l'Wll""'• Jee~ •• cu,lty \lie. Pr911dent Ind Gtiltt•I INn.19'' Thom•• IC11wll EdlW Thom•• A. Murphir.e Min.I-tin, Editor ·Albert W. l•ff• Willl•m •••' ,t,uocl•hl H1111H111lo" l .. dl Ef!!Ot (It~ Ed!tw H .............. Offlce 109 Ith StNet Meil1119 Adtlr•••• P.O. a.a 7tO, t2•41 --.......... -..ct!: ml WW ..... lol.rlWI,.. C..111 .,._! -wre.t h'( S"-' i..w111 _..,., m ,.... •-.. ........ ljiii .. • ....... J..i rmma: ,,,,, .-, 1111111-to lllt u.8., a1 ..n.. iii. hu I 'mmber al --al CiliP COW>tey and jo oome lo.stanca, sbe'• .llDL too greatly lmprHHd. ' '· I, '. • -.... ~ --.... tllblp ,. ....... aililf!I( •'lack"' -· a,,.t 1 tldaa'.<taHfornla 1lacks -1D4.1 Paailma ClOlilCl loin a Jew -are Chee.vu.. tiny buses (Latin sWf wagons) that zip through Ifie city laster than the Tijuana Taxi. Badge for M'ike For example, we don1t grow enough mangos hert. And bananas are too ex· pensive. Television is a great help. however. It teaches )ler Englilb, aort ol. Com· merclals are best. but her pronuncia· tions are a bit odd at times. ~ flaky white stufl in your hair comes out ''Dran!oo'' instead or dan- druff. But she can say "You get a big delight in every bite" with better emphasis than any achoo1-traiaed IDOOUDCer ever hoped f<X'. Peanul butter and Jelly sandwiches p:esent a greater ~fem than olle can cope with. I lite em for lunctJ -she LOGBOOK thinks rm crazy. And Mexican food -well, a lot of peo- ple here think tacos and enchiladas are universal throughout Latin America. She thoug~ this American food was quite an oddity, but not veey good. "It'll never cat.ch on wi.Ut the Lat.ins," she said. She went to a few nigtt meetings wiUt me at lint. Really diaappointed -dull they were. In Panama when people opp<119e the governmont they tllrow llta1el and bombs at the police. No real daoger -tbe • .o\nd they never colllde. People in Panama are adjusted to lunatic:. driving. W.y wife can bounce ac:roos the street in Panama City, dodge-three cheevas, sidestep a ~onfueed American, and never bllitk an eye. But she won't leave the house here - it'i1 not safe. Sooner or later she'll adjust. Already she's getting used to apples instead ol manp. But bananas are still too upe,nsive. Terry Coville met hi& wift whilt with tht U.S. A.my in Panama. Ht i& currently a st4ff writer in the DAILY PlLOT's Huntington Beach office. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Chief of Police Thomas Reddin , involved without his ask· ing in an election for mayor, says be will retire fr<m law enfurc:ement and become a television newscaster and com- mentator. He said his decision after 26 months as head of the nation 's fourth largest police force has "nothing to do" with the May 27 runoff between Mayor Sam Yorty and Thomas Bradley. Shortly belore Reddin's announcement Wednesday. Yorty called a news con- ference to predict wbol..ale police resignatioos that would "really dillnlpt law enforcement in this conununity'' if Bradley wins. "I'd heard IOnle time ago that U Last From Page J OCEAN VIEW • • First Baee Teen~s Novice Driver, 19, Killed • lit County Raceway Crcuh creasing the 9roperty taxes to whatever degree nece~ to provide this training. after c;Utting all oyerbead expenses and · Amateur night at Orange County lnternaLional Raceway ended in death \Vednesclay, when a teenager's souped.up sedan veered off the track and rolled over :several times on his fint local run. Gillert A. Niebon, 18, of Norco, was thrown from the car and died or brain in- juries suffered when his head was crush· ed, succumbing at Santa Ana Community Hospital at 7:40 p.m., one hour after the crash. Authorities today are seeking to determine what caused the modified 1955 Chevrolet to hurUe off the straight track Sirhan's Outbursts Prove He's Sick,' Lawyer Insists at the 1,(1()()..foot mark, but so far are social adjustment coun;es to the absolute minimum." mystified. Mrs. Alice Medina called for a better "We checked tbe car over for about an relationship between parents and the hour and there just was no caUBe for it to· school dlatrict, She pointed to drug abuse vetr oU like that," said Mike Jones, as an area '-lteeding more attention. general manager or the: El Toro speed "'F.ducatioo ilnumber one in my book,'' center. she said, pohltlng out that the alternative Investigators for the c a 11 f 0 r n J a i.s une~ploymeot and people on welfare. earl Mandeman empbaslzed a need for Hlghway Patrol tool< an accldeol report Individualized Instruction. He pr._.i at the sc:ene of the drag race fatallty, but new PJ"'lfams including music and do not often make an official detennina· nmedial programs. In answer to a ques- tion in such cues. The track is located tlgn, he said, "I am opposed to uni~- just off Santa Ana Freeway at El Toro, tion of teac:ben i('Ovided the public Jones said today that raceway officials auumea itl responsibility (for fair wages nd th N · I H ' and working conditions)." , a e ationa ot Rod Assoclat10n are Kennfth E. Ellefson said he strongly also checking for a cause of the mishap, belleves the district needs a fuller and second fatality in the facility 's history. broader educational program. "We need, LOS ANGELE& (UPI) -Sirhan B. war. They took refuge in a convent and Nationally known drag race driver too, to put the district on a business-like Bradley were elected ;nayor, Reddin would resign .'' City Councilman Arthur K. Snyder said. Bradley, a Negro citJ. councilman, far outpolled Yorty in the"°' ceot primary. He has accused Yorty ol resorting to "dangerous and divisive"· · tactics by trying to involve police in the mayoralty contest. As police chief, Reddin, 52, strelllled police«>mmunity r~latioos but be said, "I feel that I can better reach the public with the problems of !be community as a news commentator. And I am particular- ly anxious t'o improve relations between the public and the police d<partment ... ·tn his new job at KTLA, Rt<ldin wiU succeed a man reportedly pald ~e than $200,000 aonually. The police chief is paid $3ll,IMJ(). • "Reddin has an innate ability as a TV news broadcaster," said fcrmer cowboy actor Gene Autry, now board chairman and president oI Golden West Broad- casters, which owns the Channel 5 sta- tion. The former news anchorman, George Putnam, is now with rival Chan- nel 11. Neither the station nor Reddin would discloee his new Wary. "I've beard the figure $100,000 -and that's hard to tll'll down," uid Bradley~ himaelf a loog.Jlme policeman belora tuminC to polllics. Yorty and Bradley -and even h!lli police officials and Reddin'• wile BrltY- sald they were surpNed by tile pollc:e chief's announc:emem. 'lbe two can- didates for mayor called him en e1celleat chief. From Page J CANDIDATES • • Sirhan's outburst in court in which he then in an 800-year-old house and had so Mike Sorokin was killed there in basis. use consultants when needed." He asked to plead guilty and go to the gas subsist on food supplied by the United December, 1967, when his high-powered said he tavol'S a "yes" vote on the lat ters late in the campaign, said that "lot chamber is sufficient proof that he is a Nations. clragster exploded during a race. override measure. three nights I've listened to these sick man, a· defense attorney told his "Th f'•'Un 1 al t Initial reports listed Nie Ison' s Jamel D, Mason, ~escri,~inglhdlmhseldf as theatrics. Murder (rial jury today. ere was I&>· g gong on mos estimated spee<r Wednesday night at a "hard crUsty engmeer, sa e ~ "We are not running for the assembly. Russell Parsons, 69, opened the final daily," Parsons said. "Sirhan saw th is about 100 miles per hour, but the not believe major changes are needed in It is the assembly whid:I sets tax ratei. arguments for the defense by saying that period. True he was a young boy. It must raceway manager discounted this today. the school.program. He urged a stronger It's not a m11Uer for tbe board (o[ "we are not pleading ·for your sympathy, have left a scar on him.:• "He c:ouldn't have been going more approach to drug abuse education and t~ locally)." but we want you to hear the facts." Parsons also recalled that when a than 80•" Jones said, "because he was that he strongly endorses the tax over-He added, however, that announcement Parsons recalled that Sirhan had Pasadena school board official testified already trailing the car that beat him and ride measure. of an upectd $1.3 million deficiency is an sought lo fire him and the other two a~ to tbe de~endant's absences from class ' ~':ir '!,inner only clocked l08 miles per ~';:1:1!J°~h~~f~O: :: illdicatm tbet "it is high time we eot a defense at\(lrneys Grant B Cooper and Sirhan rose m the courtroom to protest. J · 'd th !9.15 Ch 1 1 had school to 20 and from 825 children to good financial accouM:ing in t b i s Emile 1.ota·!ftrin~ .. er ~J·~"" had~. Parsou-taid Sirhan remained hoJnt .... ones 581 e e~o e an district." ths In · _.!,;~· *Yd 1 °""'"i from school "to •·'-care of his sister altered fron~ , e~ su.spena1on, but the 13,QOO since 1959. He said-that growth moo prepolll u1g a e ense o r--• . . custom modification JS a common one dwilng the nert lour years should be in Or. Henn an said that "last night I "diminished ~acity." . , i~aa 1Yf=e· with an mc:urable and could not be blamed for the ac:c:ident. the scope of the educational program. heard that we had a $1.3 million deficit. Paraonsaald the~ and~... · J!~JJ!, ,.,, 'bPokey 10 tend, the 1 EachWednesdaytht racevia)r.features: All the)candW!ates appeared at the TorQ:htlhelrthatisisnotture,butlflt doctors in the ease all had qreed that wants of rus ·d -sJlter · You can t be amateur night. Nielson hlld nOt competed League oi W om e n Voten-spmsortd Were true that it would be illegal lrlyway. • · Sirhan was a sick man and "hit conduct v~ bad when JOU do that. locally before arid was making his fini meeting. A standJng room crowd in eJ· It look1 true to me and the district ad• in this courtrciom has demonstrated his t•He even had some ~espect ~or Mr. run of the evening when fatally injured. ceM of 200 persons attended the session. mitted it Tunday night." sickness Jn Itself.'' Kennedy. I'm l19t condoomg the killing o! '"f~~~;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:--Paraon11 reviewed Sirhan's ear I y a hijlllan ~ ... I'.m against the death , Ii childhood in Jerusalem and said he was penalty. I don t, believe we should take a an innocent victim caught up in a slrug· human life. I think only God can do gle that had been going on for decades. that." In it! summation Wednesday the wo.-The attorney told the jury that Sirhan secutlon depicted Sirhan as a liar trying ''is not a candidate for lirst degre.e desperately to duck the crime of murder. murder.'' Parsons reviewed the troubled early "We admit be took a life. We have not' life of Sirhan in Palestine where their offered a bit of phony testimony. The family was forced to move from its com-state's own doctor said he was not faking rortable home because of the Arab.Israeli in his outbursts." Solon lfrge• County Must Run Harbor By JEROME F. COUJNS 01 tfle DllrJ Plltt Slllt SACRAMENTO -When and if the Orange County Harbor District is di9SOl\I· ed, all of Its assets and functions should remain under the control of county supervisors, Assemblyman John V. Briggs (R·Fullerton) declared today. . A long.time foe of the 35-year-ald di.strict, Briggs Wednesday introduced legislation he says would insure the coun- ty board's jurisdiction over harbot affairs -in or out of cities. The btll, AB 2003, provldet that the board of supervisors of any county "has any or all of the power md duties of a harbor district with respect to the ac- quisition, improvement Md management of harbors of public beeches within the county."· Newport Beach city officials who have argued that in 1he eftnt of Harbor Dis- trict dissolution some of I.he district's as9ets should be turned over to the city, declined to comment on the meuuf'f:. MUST KNOW MORE "We have to know mort about it first," said a Newport spokesman. Huntington Be.acb officials were al.so mum on the subject, for the same reaaon. Nd. so Assemblyman Briggs. He was asked whether the bill, in effec:l. woold make dissolution ol the district a waste of time inumuch as its fUQCtiOnS would continUe under supervisors' ,..pomtbill- ty. "You're putting me on," he told a DAI· LY PILOT reporter. "Haw long have you been covering this subject?" Told it was months, Briggs finally ex- plained : "All this bill does is to remove any lingering suspicions in some cities' rniOOs about what powers and duties, supervisors will have in the event of district dissolution. "Under AB 2003, they will maintain control over the Harbor District's present lunctloos. ALREADY DIRECl'ORS , "They're already operating u directors of the dlstricl l.f.'1 ju.st that now they do it through a pseudo.agency, \11hich has long outlived its usefulness." Briggs emphasized he would not press for passage of the bill until the county's ·Local Agency Formation Commissitln (LAFC) recommends breaking up the district -if the LAFC ever does so. A hearing oo the matter will be held by the LAFC April 23. The hearing date was set at the request of the county's League of Cities, a majority of who!e members favor dissolution of t h e dl!ltrlct and absorption of its f\l'dions by an ex- par.ded County Parks Department. Brtags said if the LAFC o p p o s e s dbsofutlon and the Leaue of Cities gives up Its fqihl, be would withdraw Ills pro- pooed legislation. f'rom Page 1 WHEELMAN REMINISCES AT 92 Anaheim and then head south again." Duvall came to Lot Angeles in 1886 from Higgi.n1•,rilte, Mlaouri at the a1e oC ttn.. Hi& mothtt wu wonied about the $100 train fare ls was going to cost her for the 2,000 mlle trip. RAILROAD WAR 1'1ben the r&Uto&ds had a rate war and tho pri<:U sot ldwtt and lower unUI the fare from Missouri to Califomla was me dollar and tha t's what Is cost for my mother and me to come out here.'' The retired painter, who will celebr1te his 93rd birthday next October, aoes surf fish ing just about every day and never ~pent a day Jn the hospital until he had to have a cstaract removed from his eye earlier this year. lle now has new glaues but says they don't help him in seeing thin&s any belt.er. "Hell. I (Ian see more. wltb Utt glasoes I boulJI! :!O yean ago than the one« I've got now." a nylon shag that's young • In looks, young • In price! $8.9 5 sq. yd. Youns ideu iadllip- • unique fourocolor e!ect from tpecial dyeinJ t.echniqua And )'WnC ideuiu tatur...rich. bouncy W.1 U.t matcl:w your OWD hi&h .piritL l!DlliMaivinrJOOrfamib the trodi""1 ...i ...Utr ot K.uuWs for Mii the prict Yoo. miibt tlll*t to"1. In llooW ...ti•liom 1' our /•vorlft cltriqnn 1DilJ be happy Jo asNl JIOU , , , PROFESSIONAL H.J I GAR REIT fURNITIJ~~·HARIOR ILVO. INTERIOR DESIGNERS o,.. Moo, ,...., I. Frl. l•n. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646.0275 646·0l76 i ( I' I l I . I I t 11 -.... -. ' . ""'1dly, A,m 19, H6t, DAll.Y Pi.ff Jf . -MEETINGS Budget Cuts Studied "S::..~a.:a 1i County Acts After T ax Hike Threatened ut:==..i •. ~ QIW ~ "° . ---.. ML 1~ Ex-Deputy Held In Rape Attempt 1· • ,?",::.~ rty~i By JACX BROBACK deputmont request. lo the creua wm lo calegori .. ~'!"1ililtW~l~• •t:· °' a. ~ Pi• •• bone there will atiU be a where the cotmty hu little ~~mf ~:,J1%i...:..'~,i SANTA ANA -Faced .wlt.b revenue PP of tl mllllon," control, such as rtUrtmeot ~Al-~ ~~~J:rt k:; a polSible 11 per~t lncreue Tbomu llkl ''To ba1apce tbe funds, insurance, bu I Id In I ..i:=•• in the county'a budg<t for 1119-budcet would requtro lllUllve loues and other n01M>perllin( r,~ Jo~tl=~· :e'.''lof'l\;'; 70, the COW>ty ac11111nJ1tr1Uve cull lo the quality of coanty budgeta. .. li'tOriii~" •·n;.. Mv•~ staff toct..y plunged into two service to tupayen.." lD auggtltiool u bow to cut c::i•! knit Mil l.r::.. ~ months or conterences wttb Figura preaeo~ lbow a 80-Called 0unavokl.able'' in- ll:GM '''"ta. ';'' ~· 1 it.m. various d e p a r t m en t 1 to $4..1 miPJon difference between creuea were such phruea u SANTA ANA -A lonner Orange County deJ)llly lilerlff accused of attempllnf! to rape . . a 401'0lll'<lld go-go dancer mU.C face a Superior Court JUry trial May 21. tavtm 1d&Dce:r fi'am th• .......... Oll1con oalcl Ku!Yt .... -to latenUJ watdl dw dlDCU'I ped-an~ made his -aftor n betded for the d r • 1 • l n ,I room.a. He JI tree on "'8, Hunt1nafoll 11~ r,1t1•rv S 1 u •, altempt to cut u:penditurts anticipated revtnQel Ind re-'4postpoae " "cut aervfoe •• ~'.!'°'l1:~~. ""' Hu 1"°'°" "to the bone." quested gmera1 fund u~ "'deny " ~ 1 ' c o n t in a .. e M~~ ·n-~~ ~~11~ As presentt<l to the Board of penditures, « a 15-cent l•P on opeiailn, with existing equi~ 12:iWm. Supervisors in a snview the tu rate. · ment but expect hi 1 be r DEATH 'NOT I CES Wedne!day, funds requested A report on the budget mainttnance cosu." by the departments wwld situation to 'Ibomp by staff Tbomu p 0 1 n t e d out total $175,685,760, an incrtue member 1bomas M. Corbin significantly that the previeW of A6.8 million over the cur-said, "Oelpite the fact that we b.idget incl~ed no provialon rent budgeL cam~ oat of the projected for salary increases fot coonty GRAY ..._ l . Gnoy. 111 Vie L* ~. H_, ~ O.le ol .. tit, Nril t. ~ F,....y, 11 AM. St. Je!TIH E.i-t Ol\lf'd\. NewllGrt BMC:ft, '""""*"• P.cltk VltW Mwnorl91 l'-11. DINdR by Baltz Mormry, mt E, C.rf Hi.n-y, ~ dlf Mer. ALEXANDER Robert E. 'ltomas, county deficit quite well I.Qt year, our employes. They got an in- adm.lnistrat!ve officer. who cun-ent fcncut ls one of con-of prqeoted the prrview to the aider able pea.imism." He ad· crea_se 6.S percent last year board saw very little chance ded that ''there appean to be costing more than p million. of ~tures being cut valid came for this gloomy Board Chairma~ William LEl~==---------_.!"'~~!!!!~ enough to meet projected forecut." • Hirstein Sigbed, 'Cuts will :-• .. 2';--~ Judge Robert Gard n" r i>su<d that ruling Wednelday to Carl P. Ku!yk, 13, of Garden Grove. Kulyk, flr<d from his jail divt.sloa duty en the day of bls an'ell, pleadecl oot guilty and no1 guilty by reaaon ol. 1osanity tc char1es ol 86llu1t with Dent tc com- mit r1pe, usault wittl. a dead- ly -· IUllpidoo ol tld-n1pln1 and burglary. Ku!yk wu arnst.ed by S..ta Ana police laat Feb. 10 alter he 1Uepdty tried to c1r111 a R.rtltlOlld Altlr•Mlitf. Jm C.tlfwwi. st .. tf\NlftNb'I IMdl. 0.tll of ..... #¥11 1. """"'by .... lll:Odly •rid o.n. ~-~"""Int •t Dlldloy 1"""9n ""'""""""' v.u.., Morf\lllry, NEENOS revenues under the present Jn an analysis of the pro-have to be made beca~ae county tu nte ol $1.A. bleml it wu pointed out that som" salary lncre.ases are m-Dime A · t LETS BE RllBIDLY ll you have new nttahbon or bow ot ~ movlnl to CW' lftL pseu. 'talJ U1 so that we may e:xtend • frlendl1 welcome and beJp them to beccme aoquatnt.d in tbdr new aurniundlnp. Huntington BeKh Visitor HMMt P"9f' 0-.. ~-toll Elllwer'h on.... Hu11t11111ton 9Nch. Otte ft/ - "Even If"' were to cut the $3.S m!Won In requeated in-evltable." F h D } d Guil 8 ppom 8 .~~··~inB.:; at er ec are •-ty Medical Advisor Costa Mesi Yisffor dMtll, A!>fil '· ~b'I' ..... jrfw;. 1nu. ~Ice will bt Mid 111 ktn. mcNT, N-Yorlr. Dlli:My llrot~ Morfv9ry, forwlintl"' dl...ctoo. SCHMIDT c..~ A. SCflmldt. 1,,,.,. Robson c .. rt, FCIU .. lln v ........ SuMY'ld tty rnotllw, Mn. 8-li Sdlmldt; 1l1tff. c-i. Mc;l(ln9nll111 .... /'ldH~ts, Mrs. MM MU.Hl1ilf' 1nd "'"· L-H1rm1. G<1...-lde ~le•, Frldloy, t AM, Good ~ ~. H1111llftPMI 8-d'I. Dir.did by Pt* FamllY Co- ..,,_..I Fu11tt1I HG"N. PEL10N Rav .... nlld JI:, ~. Sr. JD Hari- fonf ... .,,. ... Fuller'lerl. Survl'lld llY W'tft, ~I ~ 9111\t, M/s.f, Harotd R.. Jr. .,.. DMfl l"elton1 dau9tltln. SMrtw K...,..rt, Mef'i. Ffll"llle and Don:1111Y e.on.wttr1 M~. ~r1 ~· 16 -*l!JldNM. Sff'tkln. 'nlunodlJ', 7 PM. .._. FtmllY Clllonllll Funtnl H.,..., BOYLE Wiiiiam J. ~-Na Deity A~ .. Fa111ttln V1lleT. $11n11Wd by wile, J-1 -. WllllM11 ._ dauttlMn. #.MY Ann Mu...-.W, ~ Swart> _.,....., dtllttltotr-lft.lew. eennne t10"t1e1 1111w. J-Mullln. 111 ..... rv. F~v. 1 PM, PoWk F""'Uy Colonl1l Fu_..I Home. Recrulem MIA, S.tvrdlly, ' AM. SS l lmon •nd Juclt Ctlholle Churdl, Hunt1nwton eucti. NIELSON lv1n A. Nlttson. 1Dll W. 81y A.,,.., NwwPort 8"cll. Dale of d•lfl, Allrll I. surv11'td b'I' wlft, J•ni dtU9111er, Mrs. ,...rv N:Ollt, al Mllldoc'lllOI _,, ~I ill1'1w!', Mrs. ICtnnetll 811t;..,., Or•-· f1!tler, Ptter A. N!l'lton, Or•Mll •nd -wr1nddllld. s.tv1m11 wm bl held F~. 11:30 AM, ln tllit OllJTdl of lfl9 11:-i-1, for'ftt UWll Gi.. cfW, wtltl fr. JCll'ln Ull!fW •11111 Eidlf J. Tt!IMM J-of tllit OM.of'dl fll Jn.11 avt1t '-"""" on s.1nts. dftcianr... ,..,,,.., Ml99t'ltl "'- Wl9hlns to rMb -'91 eontrlW-t._..., ,...... aintrfllute ,. .. LAl'll• ... 11:-""• Ollis-H-IUI, L.OI "'-'"· ot~ .,.,. 1>1<1fte vi.ow .... ,.,. HORNUNG Elmw HOr'Tll/ftl. 11121 Eldortdo. L.efi- -W0!1d. SRI kadl. Slrvk:a pend. 1"11 •I sm11t1s Mor1111rv. EVANS ~. ARBUCKLE I< WEJm Weatcllll Mortuary U'1 E. 11th SL, Codi Meta - BELL BllOADWAl MORTUARY Ut Broadway, Cotti Me A u J.34U Oil.DAY BROTBEll5 Ua:aUntie• VaDeJ MorilwJ 11111 Beach ei.d. Banttnsto• Bt1cll SC.Tr/I PACIJ'IC VIEW MEMORIAL PABlt Ceaeter)' e Mt-.r Cloaptl llll hclllc View Drive N...,.n .._., Cdlonlla -PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME 7111 lltlla An. Wettmlaller m.aa SHEFFER MORTUARY Lqa• Bet<• Uf.IJll Su Clemt"nte -..11t llMITll'S MOllTIJABY l!7 lhlll SI. Dallo .... Budl Lllf Miit Sand Pit Operators Fil,e Against County budgets lnC!ud<d Welfare, 19.S ORANGE -Dr. Edward J. m!Won or 23 percent; Medical In Infant Son'. s Death Pollloske ol Orange has joined Center, $3.f million or t.8 per-the medical advisory com- cent ; Mental Health, $2.2 mlttee or the orange C:Ounty million or 108 percent; Cllpltal FULLER10N -A Fu!'-~on tri I that •~mid ~-chapter, The National Foun-'ects 11 6 '!ti 25 = 1 a .x.•• t may 1ldve proJ , . m1 on er -"n ac-·~ when he was ar-datlon March ol Dimes. ~~e t ,,_ .. ._. suffered "adverse reactions" r--n • ed ol ~-•--b b He is a graduate of , the ~mas··•• the cap1·1a1 pro-rest un; muru.:i-Y a use from drugs he was taking u · It of N D nd HMl4t So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 · Harbor Visitor ANAHEIM -A 119,540,000 damage claim agaimt Orange County, the Orange Couoty Waler Distriol and the Couoty Flood ConCrol District ... been lil<d by the openlon ol Ille Burrio Sond Pit cliqiac the county with rdpOllSillility for "a dmlgsoos lituaticn" in _l Suspect Sentenced In Fraud SANTA ANA -A Philde1phia lmurance 1gent'1 pleas of guilty lo reduced charges has cut to 15 the num- ber ol defendanta scheduled lo appear in Superior Court May 5 oo insurance fraud charges. JLidge Robert Gard ner sentenced MurTay Richard Frank, 40, to six months in COW>ty jail and immedialely . suspended the sentence. But Frank was placed on three- years probation following bis plea cf guilty to a mis9e- meanor county or false iid· vertising. Frank was one of 21 employes of Ref en cy lnveston Inc. of Encino who were arrested last Dec. S on conspiracy and UIDd theft charges. lt was alfe,td by the district attorney's offlce that the salesmen bilked Southland residents of more than $2 millicn by misrepresenting the nature of Ille ins u ra nce policies sold by lhe agency. . Five Regency agents have been cleared of the charges. Among those wbc art' achedu1· ed to face jury trial May s is Cleo Marvin Johnson, SI, of 1901 Kings Road. N"'P"rl Beach. 'Ibe Regency firm WIS in- dict<d by the Orang<! County Grand Jury followhlg in- vestigation of Orange County homeowners' claims that they bad been victims of fraudulent sales pract1ces. An earlier in- vestigation of the firm by the California Department o f Insurance led to the refund of $650,000 in premiums ex· tracted from allegtd victims or the sales plan. A :llkount Indictment bsued by the grand jury claims that Regency agents sold Ule in- surance policies as "highly profitable, profit sharing con- tracta wblc1I woold become sell«ipportlng ••• and mum a substantial income wtlbtn • relatively few years." Tnvestigat<n claim t b e pollcles are not worth the paper they ore printed on. the mile-Jone pit on the west .... .., ;:wuu of. his 2G-month-old son was -n1ven Y otre ame a side of the Santa Ana River. jects total figure of $8 million convicted Wt'dnesday of vclun-prescribed by ph)'lician! -at Temple Univer!ity Medical 494-9361 might be cut by $1 million by ta~ m•••!aughter. li~the~tlm~·~·~ol~th~e~ba~b~y·~s ~de~a~lh~.-~Sc~hoo~I~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~!:!::l: 'Ibe clliTDMlts are tisted as .........,_;..,. some pro 'ects •1 -"' ....., • .,.... ..... ,. 1 · Supericr Court J u d g e Mn. Mll"j<rie C. Towmeod, Other figum shown: Howard cimenin ended the TownRod Truckinc Co. and -N~ber of employes re-. tr' I of V'ct n--Burrie: s..d Pil, a limhed quested, 5,897 up 941or15 pt"r-llOll·Jlll')' ut 1 or .iwur cenl ' (Major porition ·tn-d6ll Schmidt, 12. by ordering -~•-. The clalm, which -··-·-at the Medical Ille defendant to return fer ...-oug._....-c.-... w .... '"' 91!11tencing Mly I. Schmidt did could become a lwsuit, has Center, 321; Wellare, 209; not testify in the court pro. added to the corWsion air-Proba.Uon, 96, and Health, 36. eedin rounding the sand pit. 'Ibe Anticipating a carryover of c ~t ~ a poMible $7.9 million from the eumnt county Board of Supervisors budget, general (und income: ls sentence or 1-15 years in statt' has been wrealtng with the estlm ted t m 8 Ull fr prison. . a a ...,...,. m on om J!e was arrested and booked problem since late February. proi>erty tues, an d $80.2 I then ~---• h nu'llicn from ether sources for on a second degree murder S nee """" Cvuu .. y as count 9hortly after his infant spent $50,000 to repair the 8 total of $t'3,llS,B2I. son, David, died lest Jan. 21 in Requests are at $147,T/6 ,699, hi river levy between Lincoln or the $4.S million over the an-Los Angeles C I d re n s Street and Ball !toad .in the ticiDaled income. Hospital. H05pit.al surgeons Anaheim area, pumped water The property iu: Income IS said the baby died of internal from the nine pools in the pit based on an anticipated eI1ht injurlee caU9ed. by a blow to percent increaae in assessed the stomach. and filled d~ slopes of valuation from $3 billion to Doctors testified during the the pit which threatened to '3 3 billlo S d C collapoe IDli ckmag<! the levy Alter U;. c 0 u n t y ad-un ay oncert and bmnre11 in the area. ministraUVt' staff completes IRVINE -Violinist Mary In early March, supervisors budget studies with t b e Lou SJl"akt'r and pianist Allen various departments, t h e Greenberg wlll perform works declattd the pit a public supervison will get their tt'tth by Bach, Brahms and Bartok nuisance m:I legal •ction. bas into the problem beginning at a p.m. Sunday in Fine Arts been taken to J"eCO¥er county with hearinp in mid.June. 178 on the UC Irvine campus. m;i:~~:. ~ .. !ff, d&..~.-?$fP.A-l£1·tl~ auese thlll the county waler ~..,. · ·..,.,-qy = ca":.. : :~:; f Daily 10-6 Friday 'Til 9~ down the river bed to a point \JI adjaceol to Ille pit, 'that H WU 'I.\" !i:"'11~ ~ i:i~ i SPRING ~ The dammed up water 1$'. per<Olated tlrouah the river _. levy and tlllooalt the un-i!'i derground ,...,. ...... ia1o \i\5 ALL Dresses the pK, """""1in( lo the lli" I • ctalm-. ·~ ~ ·:.~:-= =~ Et Pants & Blouses . <vs th• county for the past six m .is weeks wu perfonned "in a ~ • negligent manner and not in li 200/o to 60°/o off keeping with good qineerlng ?t. to g1'eal heipta on the · _ c!almant.s' property." ,-!_.ion w. Owm, ....., .. of Ille county ...... diltrict, said the di!trict'a baud '"'"1d deny the claim. Sup!l"Vioors t;!J,, ~ are expectt'd to take similar ~ i· action i[ Fair Spotli ghts t ~ Me dical Careers J ~ SANTA ANA -The Orange :flt. ~ County Heal!h Fair wUI be ~ ,I'll, held at Sant.a Ana C:Ollegt' i W :.:ii 19 and. 20 from noon lo 4 <I• ~ Spolligbtlng future medical careen f o r Orange Coonty ;9 youtha and their pema, the f fair will be sponsllrod by the Orange Cqmty Medlcal Auocilllloo and Ila auxiliary. • Open the season with a new Sylvania and have ·a Box Seat every weekend. MODEL CF611W-BD<lget priced C.on~ temporary eoMoleLte ~nished in rich W&lnot. Deluxe AFC (Automatic Fine Tnninr) insur~ a perfect picture e'Yery t ime you turn lhe Ml on or change ita· t ion11. Hal'! Lhe largeHl color 11ereen avaiJ.. a ble ; 295 !'IQ. in. viev.·1Lble area. 5529 . 95 'l'V RECEPTI0?-0 Slt.IULAfJ'ED .I (Dealer's name) brings all the action right into your · own living room with a superb new SJfyanil Color TV. And baseball is just oce ot"numeroua sports nenta comi.D.I' 10Ql' way th1I ~~er-All three networks ha.e many boars ot sporbl )Jr'OlramlDed ••• .1n l1v1ng color. Hone racing, ear racing, golf, wMer sport.a and.many more. You can havea front row eeat to itaDwith asmutnew Sylvania C.Oior TV. Brand new! 1970 Sylvania Color TV is now at DAVIS-BROWN AFC ( Autumati.c Fine Tunin u)*is featured in these qreat ooZua frr:rm S11lvania. Tunea a perfed picture wilh the push of a button. • TV BECEP'nON SD!ULATED Black Historian Sets Keynote Speech at UCI ~ '* I l i JR~ -John Hope Franklin, regarded 11 as as the n1Uon'1 leldfna black blotorion and -of the -. ....... 1 Calllomla -~k "Land of Ibo Free. .. wlll be tieynole -- .. I UC Inme ""'-Saturdlf oa Afro.Amerte.1 m....,. Dr. Franklln, d>llrman of the d<partment of hlstor)' .. the UDiveraity o1 Chicqo, 11 slsled lo speak on "'Ille Future o r Afr<>Amtrlcan Hlltcry" at the confeftnee luncheon. About 350 hislorlanl Ind lMCbtr1 from C al l fornl 1 unlvmiU.. and collqel Ind Orange County high lchooll have ~ invh1Uon1 to attend ~ Ill-day CGll!e,_., ICCOedlnl to Prof....,. O.:alcl White of the UC! departmeni ol history. TAlKS AT UCI Hl1torl1n Fr1nklin Th~ PUT ON "Sltf AJIT APP AJIEL" 18582 BEACH lat EDls) ~ Town & Country-Hulltlngtot1 leach ~ 962 -3121 ~ . . 11 1 ~~ef~~~~_,. Years of -.joymmi.t areyoun with tbia portableC.olorTVM.ooiLCB!MW. Fron1 tbellD&rt WalnulrratnftJilah pluUc cabinet to tbt 102 aq. In ........... Sra e"fm'71nch a depaaab1e Sytnnla. $299.9'!i $ylv•nl• D•lur• Color TV Co11tolo CFSOSIC. E•rlr Am•rlc-11 ttylJ11f, M1,lo 9r•i11.4 fil1ld1. 2tl Sq. 111, 1cr1111. 01!11"0 Color Tu1f19 Ch•ul1, C.loi lo•ol M•ttit.r, A.ttltl•tic D991u1ll11t c1tc~ltty, ' $489.95 YOUR HEAD9UARTERS FOR SUPERI mvANIA HOME ENTERTAINMENT INSTIUMENTS · 411 E. 17h ST. DAILY 9-9 -SATURDAY 9·6 COSTA MESA I '46.1614 '· ; • . .... . ... -•• • ... JI Dolll.Y PILOT 'H • LP.lCIAL NOTICE OVER THE COVNTER -A· • • . .. . .. ... . ··-.. Thursday's ·Oosing Prices-Complete H New York _Stoek Exebange List ii•·~~;s .._, ..... ~OIL -.. .. • . •. • •. 9.9 ... It lull Wldlh 43 lb. free- .. cbest • Eltra · CllJICllycfeor star. •a• for bottles egp • Two rude! out, tip proof ·sta11re1 • full :g,_1-ilii • AM/fM plus m1rine & 2 lhort wave bands. Separate tu.ning con- trols • Tone c:ontro1 1witdl • AFC for drift T free FM • Bulil·ln 1n· -Ind AC lint con1. KING-SIZE FOLDING PADDED CHAISE ,. Heavy I" folished frame. Double tube arms. 74 lenith, 26" width. Button tufted pad filled with shledded f0tm 4" thk~ Fab- ric bacled ¥if01 floral • ""'· 11531. ' •AllGl IT •""'•IKAll IODDYDELUD CAMP LAllTElll Bright btlnillC douflle.mantle model.·Hat•ltlll-clobe ind hllltfJ"~ llladle. Bums ca1111rfuel. repllr or while gas. #WF2200. ' . IO~J •BR-Ult ·--lllCAll, • NEW! ANTl·PERSPIRANT SECRD IEODOIAll I '• • • . 3 t11.·-'•Clft•lhlleclM ,A1oas1ntly scented deodorant :~ti! Ille added lJlitlctlon·ol " In 'antli*SPirallt 5·7:c SAVE HOW FREI . ' a/NancBtl Personna· i:te~llLMle DOUllE soc E~E·5'S · LESS so · MAIL·IN REFUND REFUND COUPON WITH PURCHASE Gre1t selectloll plastic modtfs et cars, sllip~pt,nn bfAuln, AMT, -.,.... MPC, P)n, Re- velL Spring T•: Jransotrlnl's ,Ball & Bat Sol. ns11101 Set and Jr, Gardnll' Se~ Ven --'1, Garden s.~ ~i.r. uie. side Whipper S111pp1r 111d Hasl!,olo',Gelf.Stt. C YOUI , CHOIC£ u. EMERSON-ADMIRAL PHILCO *22" TABLE TV •Piel me1strel di11an1lly PllCED SO LOW WE ClN'f MENTION THE FAMOUS NAM£ - DOMINION HAIRSETIER . • Thermasbticalft,conhol- led heatl111' posts' loeit •ll·nillers riiilultaneovs· ly. 3 sizt rotlirs.for WI'• aatility. Plastic tipped steel clips included. Compact, floral pat• terned 1inyl carryint iii '-· WEST BEND COOKWARE TEFLON ® COATED DuPon!Teflon®double coated finish. Outer sides pol ished alurni· num. Muffin pan, cookie shee~ "10" fry pan ind 8" saute pan:. ' YOUICBOICI I~~ t A-308LIRISTOL AVL • JUST OFF NtwPORT AVE. BnwEEN SAN DIEGO FRWY. AND IAKR ST. * STOlfHOUIS * DAILY 1i TO t SATURDAY lD lO f SUNDAY 1l TO 6 .. . . ;,i . -. " " , \ I I • .. --~ . . .. .. • .J'.'oon ~. VAiiey ' . . . 'EDITI O N Today's F lna l I i N.Y• Stoek8 VOL'. 62, NO. 86, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES • f ! l • ORANGE COUNTY; CALIFORNI,( .. • • THURSDAY, APRll '10, '1969 :TEN CENTS School Board Candidates Clash Over Budget llJ' WlWAM REED Of IM MllJ Pi.t ltaft Campaiping I""' heated Wednesdoy night as a dozen candidates for three seats on the Huntington BeaCh Union High School llll\'rlct'• govei:nlng board f~ their lint' solid issue In tbe cam- paign which ends with Tu:eaday's elecUoo. The 'beat began when Robert E. Dingwall called annowlcement by the high school administration of less than anticipated assesaed valuation riaures "a budget gimmick." ,Dr. Ethan Fullmer, bu si ne ss superinteodent ol the·blp school di.trkl, told tnlsttts Tuesda.y that the district faces a Sl.3 million deOclt tn 1~71 because· assessed valuation figures a.p- peat to be substantially less than an· ticipated. ·Fullmer said he had pnijecled Income bMed on a yearly increase in a.ssessed valuatioo of 15 percent, He claimed that the figun! would be 4.5 pl!n:e1t In 1969-70 -- and less than 5 percent the followlng year. . "Fi>cal hOgwash," s a Id Dingwall of Fullmer'1 report "The asses.wd valuation figures, which are not final until the fall, will lndicate an inc~se over last year which wu up considerably thanks to the efforts o( the Huntington Beach HOME Council, Coon- cilmen in Huntington Beach and Fourtain Valley and Orange County Assessor An· drew Hinshaw. .- "Thtit increa&e," he clalmed, "will be near the 15 percent mark~' just as be had Jlfedk.1ed last year when he was leading uie di.strict to I successlul tai increase electlon. "That budget1last year, which he 1ilso claimed would be insqlllcien,t conlalned a contingency fund of $657 ,000 -an e1cess put aside for those· projects ad- ministrators like to pl1y with. ''The assessor says the assessed valua· Uon is going up and I believe him. He has never faJled the people ol \his school district." He accuaed two clnd1dates -On. John Kent aod Stephen Herman -of reiwlni a statement lndicatlnc financial disaster for the district with the aim of "talting over Uie school district." Board President John Bentley said, "We b'a v e to function wlthin • the framework of the Education Code." He indicated that lbe trustees were "not - about to panic, but the situation · ls grave." Trustee Richard Wilson told the au- dience at the fourth of five candidate nlghbo IJ>Oll80l'«l by the I,.eague ol Women Voters that "all I know Ui that oqr average increase, ls 4.$ percent. The tugh school district will not go bankrupt, however. It's illegal." Candidate Fr<d Voos, obviously Ir- ritated at the interject.loo of finance mat- (S.. CANDIDATES, Pap II Override Debated Ocean View Candidates Square Off A pending tax override meuure and school finance overshadowed dilCUSSion or school affairs Wednesday night by can- didates for the Ocean View School District Board of Trustees. Campaigning in the district has been particularly vigorous with voters being asked to approve an override or $1.~ per $100 assessed valuation in a special elec- tion called for May 6. In addition, with three seats open, only two incumbents have filed leaving a Ire& Nixon Offers Peace to Reds In NATO Talk ' ' WASIDNGToN.(' -''llix-.,;,.i;...wo.11 '! •.• ' 'rtacty11J.!~.1 I C , •• ,.,•...:_'to tum the "fist" of dil(en1e 0 lnto a hind Or lriendslllp" toward lhe Soviell Ind their allies. for-all race for the third position. John E. Jordan slid there is no way to avoid paying for education. "We m~1st support. the tax increase." He said the district, however, must demonstrate to voters that money is being spent u it ahould be. There's too m1teb emphasla on special programs for the children and not enOugh on the children in between," ht · asserted. Incumbent R. James Shaffer said that ''we have a product to tum out. We must prepare the children for tomorrow. To do so, we must be willing to pay, but there are limits." He added that he fee.la Ula district's program is "excellent for the amount of money we spend.'1 George Logan, saying he is not opposed to the district getting money, said that he i.s for academic training and oppoaed to courses such as musiC and family life education if the baste academic program is slighted at all. "I would recommend in· (S.. OCEAll VIEW, Pap II * * * * * Poverty Proje~t ChiWren , Educa tion Her Pe ts "Ocean View School District contains one oi the Primary poverty centers in ~gton J/ei\<;h," MrL ,Alke 1M0\1\na,. ~· ~Jiit HunlliCtOD'-W'•.~· nruii!!\o Ce!lter, decllred · W'ediielday A thi~mlttftgtorf Betdl YMCA:'t fteklY ' SpolllJbt oo Juues series. pJanning course, to help the famlliea plan ahe!'l(l better," aa!d ~· Medina. .Commwllcation ·is ,one of the biggest ·drawbac:U •Ill""' the Chlc-•JIOllll)a- Uon, sbe uplalned, becaUM ~ doa1 speak Engllab. . • THE WA'lf 1T wAs ~ .ti• t'•oMIED Ti> coacijiA LoNG AGO ~x John V. Duvall,. Oiio .Jlf the Four Otl9inal Wllfflman of PH I Canhl'l' ' . -· At the same time NiXon, in ·a polfey speech for the 20th anniversaey con- ference of North AUantic T r ·e at y Organization ministers offered 1 three- point plan for lightening political coordination among \J!e 15 NATO naUom. Mrs. Medina' Wd the area bounded by Beach · Boulevard, Warner and Slater Avenues and Gothard Street, constitutes · one of the poomt .oectiof!s of the city. "It 50)lllds l1U 1 Ultle ,-on1 (com· mlllllcatloo) " she says "but the lack of ' ' ' jt ia reapom.tble for mo.st of. our ~ blems." ~ Old Tiiner .,Vas '"Big Wheel ~ He proposed: . -Periodic meetings of NATO deputy foreign mJnlsters "for a high-level review of major, Jong·range problems before. the alliance." "Children and education are my pets,'' she said, u:plaining he! wort wit.bin wverty areas. The area outlined by Mrs. Medina con· talns many 9f the fann working families ail<! two migrant farm labor campa, Su nset Resident, 93, Recall,s-Distance Cy cling Feats. -Creation of a special poliUcal plan- n1ng group to "address itself specifically and continually to the I o n g e r • range problems we face." "Rains during February cut doWn farm work so much," she explained, "that many of the men earned only MS that month , and with Iii or. aeven mouths to feed." By RUDI ~ZIELSKI OI. tlM Dellr ion.t SI.ti' Who would be crazy enot,lii1 to ride a bicycle from Los Angeles to Corona and back? There's a 92-year old man in Sunset Beach who did just that -in less than ,;even hours -and crazy be isn't. He is John V. Duvall, one ot California's few remaining old-time bicy- cle racers, who used to get that tricks out of charging down dirt roads at what they considered to be breakneck speeds. Duvall, who has lived al 16915 S. Pacific Ave., since 1965 doesn't have the firm legs of a championship bicycle rider any more, but he's still in ~ good sfiape for . hls age and can 1pln good yarns. "The bikes we used to ride in 189011 and 1900's weren't anything like the obea we have today. We tried to make then\ as light as possible and they dktn't have any brakes," be said. "I' wouldn't give yoo a dime for one or the new ones wJth brakes and fenders,•• · he aided ruefully. He recalled trying a modem verBion not too long ago but said be became ao confused by the "°""'er devic< and tile brakes that be was depolited in ~ mid· dle ot the road -rather ungracefully. The bicycles he used to race, which in- cluded Hoffmanns, Thistles and Ramblers. had a direct dt1ve between I.he pOdals a!jd the rear wh<d and when you wanted to stop, all you had to do ia stop moving your leg!. Most of the races be competecl' ln were distance contests in ,SOuthem California with noot other than fcwmer Lei Angeles County Sheriff Eugene Biscailw:, his fteroest competit<r, furiously pedaling beside him on the long hauls. There were ether m<>n! unu!Ual races too, such as the time six men on one bicytle were pitted again&i a haybumer at Ille old ExpogltJoo Part. "We pedaled lite hell but we oever dld ~t that horse," he recaCed. "Every time we were geWng ahead we'd hear him breathing down our necks and then we knew that it wu all over." "We used to race with motorcyclel loo ot the old ve!odrome In Los Angel ... That wu just 1 short eighth mile track and we used to tuct tn bel!lod them Ind ICoot beat (1De though." • T¥ same velodrome. • whtclt w111 tocllled at 10th and Main · Strtet in towntQwn Loe Angeles, wed to be the ...... ............... -Formation of "a committee on the challenges of modem society ••. to U· plore ways in which. the experience and the resources of tbe Western -.ations could most effectively be marshalled toward improving the quality of life of our peoples." In lhis connection, Nlxon sald the Western alliance as it enters its third decade needs not only a 1trong military defense but also "a more profound political dimension to shape a strategy of peace" and a "social dimension" in which lhe allies would pool their skllla to meet social problems. The formal anniversary ttremony was held in the same Comlltution Avenue ball where the alliance against the Soviet threat was created in the Cold War days after World War II. Now the foreign mJnister1 are weighlng what might be done to improve East· West relations and what respon1e might · be made to the Wanaw Pact's d1I 1-Bt month for an East-West conference on European security. Nixon did not refer directly to the pro- posal Issued by the Communl!t coun- terpart of NATO Jn a Buda~t com. munique March 17. But he recalled the latt Presi-Dwight D. ElaenboWer had spoken of need for unity In addressin1 the NATOtmlnlsterJeil group 10 years ago. Elaenhower had noted there is not much 1trength in oqe finger of a hand but "when five fingers are balled Into a.fist, you have a very COMiderable instrument of defense," NiloD recalled. "We need such an instrument <If defenae; the United Slatea will bear Ila fair sMre in keeping NATO atrq," Nil· OD added. Through her efforts, Mrs. Medina managed to get a government grant for food , amolUlting to $56 each for .some of the families in her area. CUrrenUy, lhe leader of Huntington Beach Mexican-Americans i 1 cam- paigning for election to the Ocean View School District Board of Trustees, in an effort to bring a different view to the school board. She qWckly emphaab:ed Wednesday, however, that lhe center was not operating solely for chicanos. "Poverty spreads through all 1evel.s,'' she pointed out, "we try Lo help everyone." Emphasis ia placed on self help at the center, explained Mrs. Medina, ''We try to give them pride and identity.'' Several progranu have been iruUtuted In the city to help the poor &ince abe came to Huntington Beach five years ago 4'om 1east Los Angele•. She complimented the Rev. Roger . Bellworih and the Communlly Methodist Church for the local Head Start program held the,., , 0 l've also aent · several yoths to the Neighborhood Youth Corpa trailllng pro. grams In Sant.a Ana," she say1. At the center Jbelf English classes and SpanJsh classes, crafts classes, sewing in- ltruclion, and other inltructlonal courses anolfmd. "We also hope to Institute a budget W)tlELMAN NOW RECALLS LONG AGO DAYS II.Ill,,.. .Sunset llMch P1lni.r Tums H In OctMer State Asks U.S. Clear Oil Permits Property Taxes DeadJine Today Today ii the , last day for payment of I-second lnslallment property lam wlthollf penally, Orange County Tu Col· sceM ilf I ...,..latly Uied U<lay bike race which Duvall entered once. ''I trained for that~ for weekl and WU dotng Ill right when I IUY cut in front of me and we went down lti 1 lan,gle ol Jep Ind lpoltes," be aald . "! hJt I post and bled llile 1 stuck p!g -thil•wu the end of tbe race for me." DuvaU UleraUy,ran.oot ol ,11lod ~!!'i!)& flis lait ~raCe, '~ ~'e(ientJlt,Reno, llovada. The a10tude ol the deoert city was a Utile t.oo much for him and he couldn1 keep up wllh the leaclero. "I SACRAMEllTO (UPI) -The lllta lector Doo S .. Mozley warned this mom. knew I'd had it then." Legislature asked Prtsklent Nlxon and Ing. The bike was put away and ll!Jvall Coocress today to set ltlta IAJl'OVll Thooe who f1lho pay their taies before · began a lengthy career 11 painting con-before granting e1ploraUon or develop. 5 p.m. at the taz c0Uecior11 office1.~ N. tractor, putting finish coa1a on aome of ment pennlll for fedtrli ollshon oU B~1.,y, Santi All!I wW be l!l~JOC\ 1o •. the 11nt homel m the SeaI Beach..... 1 c1riu1 ... ., • •,;_~_:_r;!,' ~ ;, .. ; ,!1,_rer,~·~'""·l~\'f"!'~·~ty;' '"There were no roads here at"all:and 1 B'y 1 tf.A..,:lte, the ~ ·adc:>Pttd., u....-ie: • . 'I .. ': ~, , ... the larthe!it you C0\1141 ,go.K ~. '(Ve'•r l 5'm\(e i~> to L -1lrtlmi b!' l!OZ!ey urmt .. <\lJOn. r.l!YlnftO \olr comi11g)rom'. Look ~aclr w1s ·tnalleim ' ..,.mb1,nw,;,, El~ .'i.: iZtB<rr; 'ID-,, , ~id"4\Wt;'w.''mlillng '¥,pa)'11!<1i!.s. Landing" ho reealfeii. "11100 '-~ to Sacr,mentol. lt.11 hitepcfed toiO!Void:a· •'1'1eY mutt .. !J! pos~arQd itoday, A~ril · go to NOwport. you )¥ld lo ~o cl<ar 411> lo rei!O\l!IGn 'of tbe'.d!wlroul :oll .111Ct.in.; "JO/or peliallitt will'!>' ~.,tie,,!'•11!· fS.. WllEELMAll, Pqe,.r ;;-: cident In the Santi 1iirbar1 pwmtl. ,. ~.. ; ·~ ; .. ol ,. r«i• 'l ~ ,• ' I .: ,..,_. • ~')'' I•~ 11 •• • Pt~grams Mrs. Medina would like to ~e in tbe area in the future include low cost housing and food siamps for lower inCome families. How (Ud abe get into it all? "I take after my mother,'' says the organizer of the center. "She always lik- ed to help people." Meet Candidates For. Sc hool Posts Feeling slightly oV<!rwbelmed by the plethora of school board carxiidates you'll be asked to choose from Jn nm Tuesday's elecUons? Feel like you can't tell the candidaes without a program? Breathe easier, voter. The DAILY PILOT today offers, In easy-t~read form, detailed summaries of school board candidates -"ho they are and where they stand. You 'll find the information on pagea: a, 9 and 10. Steele Jff-kets NEW YORK (API -The lltDck market had some of Its ·early avdance trimmed by profit taking today and cloaed with a moderate galn. (See quotations, Pages lf. 19)'. . Trading was active near the close. Weather Sunny skies will prevail Friday. with the mete1.¥Y shoot.in& up into the low 70's alon~ the Orange Colst. INSm E TODAY CountM oJfidcl.I a.re fadno their annual uu1te with the budget and ft appearj U&c coat of Qouerning 'Orcnge County ~ Qofna not01tfre buc up. Read Jack Broba<k'• •toTJI, Page 11. ·-, ....... ._ .. =--=·-z:ql =::-s.~ .. '~­.,... ... lt .... • "41 ..... .,.... " ,, ............. "" • ~ e..zty ,, ,, ......... '*'" 1 ~ t ~ .... '4.. •• :.1 • .:l ~, ·~I ' . ,,.....,., . ,, ..... 4 Ill • .._ WM1i1 a r ..,..._. " " l '.j •, ' ...... .. -\,_, .. ,, .. , ' I ---•--- •• . ~ -.-.. -.... -• :r · ' ' .. • ''" • ...... - I · DAILY I'll.OT H ~ ..... 10,19&9 . ' ~~ ~-,----~~LY~ Quits LA Force ' -• I Americanizatio~ ·M~de ··. Easy .by TV . . . Reddin to Trade _, aiiaat CIMUI ............... lt'1 nice lo have a wife who can make yw ·lau&b even at the moment abe'a handtd you a 1111 ltlephone bill. She llad -callln( btr mother. Actually. that's not u much pbonJng u you J!llght sll!ped. You see, lier mo&blr UN in Pan- ama. That b 1llo my· wtft'1 native land. She mll!ht sudden- ly relum, also, U she praeatl me with 1n- olh<r ol those llO ta1tlnC bllb. . ...,,. .. , - k"' 'f I ...._ Thero are com- pwatlq cin:uJn. atmca, however, beaUle t.bll la 'ttJ1 wife's fJnt two monlhl 1n the United .,.... ..... -..... ""' ..., ____ ..__ . 11111r-.IO llll UJ.: "-* bU a number of tmpl'Mtw cl. GUI' country and 1n j(lme ~· lhe'a not loO greaUy lmpreutel. For example, we don't arow enou,:h mangos here. And 'ba.nane.s are too ex· pensive. Televlsioo Is a great help, ~ever. It teachtl her Englilh, IOl't ol. C.m- mereialJ are best, but her ptonuncla· tlons are a bit odd . at tima. That flaky white 6W.ff in your hair comes out "Dranfoo" instead of dan- drull. But she can say "Yoo get a big delight in every blte" with better ernpbasl1 than my IChooHraiaod lllOOWICer evw hoped for. Peanut butter and jelly undwiches pre9tnt a ireater ~fem than lhe can cope wtth. I IJl<e om fU' lunch -ohe .. ' LOGBOOK thlnill I'm cruy. Md ldexlcu food -well, a lot ol pee. pie here tblnlt tacos Ind enchil>du are unlvertal throughout Latin America. She thought this American food was qulle Ill oddity, but not Vtry ~ood, "Jl'll never c«ch on with tht Latina, 'lhe aaJ:d. She went to 1-1.,. nlsbt meetl.,i with me 1t flnt. Really dlslppointed -dull they were.· ln Panama when people oppoee the govemmeat they throw ltOnel and bombs at the police. No real danger -the • 1-M --_. -M lillnp <Ill bt 11111 lllC I !M o/ ...atlao. • Ono tblll 1 -· ''"'"' -.... PtMIDI mild S. a few -are Cheevu, • tiny busea (Latin surl wagons) that dp tl\rouih the city !Iller than the Tijuana Tall. And they never co1Ude. People in Panama are adjusted to lunatic driving. My wife can bowK't across tbe strett in Panama CJty, dod&e three cheevu, sidestep 1 confuaed Amll'IClll, ud nover blink an eye. But she won't luve the house here - it's not safe. Sooner or later she'll adjust. Already sbe'1 gettln& used to apples instead of manp. But· binantg are still too expenaive. Te"l/ Coville met hta wife tohilt with the U.S. Armv in PGMma. He U currtntJ11 a ata// wrlttr M t.llc DAILY PILOT'• HUntfnoton BeiJch office , Badge for Mike LOS ANGELES (AP) -ChJel of Police 'lbomaa Reddin, involved without his aBk· ing in an electioo for mayor, says he wtll r«lre {r(m law enforcement aPCI become a televll:loo newacUter and com- mtnt.ator. He saJd his decision after 26 months as head of lhe nation's fourth largest police force has "nothing to do" v>'ith the May rt runoff between Mayw Sam Yorty and 'lbomaa Bradley. Shortly before Reddin '• announcement Wednaday, Yorty tWlled a newa con. ferenc:e to pndlct wl>oleeale police l'el!gnatlcn that woold "really dllrupt law enter.cement ID thil community" if Bradley wins. "I'd heed llOllle time ago that il Bradley were e1ecttd mayor, Reddin would rul.gn,'' City Councllman Arthur, K. Sbyder said. Bradley, a Ne11'9 cl11, counctlman, far outpolled Y<rly lo thlr. cenl primary. He boa aacuaed Y«ty ol resortin& to "dangerous Ind d.lvlaivt:" tacUcs by trying to involve police lo the mayoralty contest. AJ pollc:e chief, Reddin, 52, stressed police-community relatlcnl "'but he said, "I feel that I CID better r<adl the public with the pn>blema ol the community 11 a new1 commentator. And I am piftScular· Jy a!Woue: to improve nlatlom between the public """ the police dtparlm!:rL" •• In bis oew job II KTLA, Racldln'wlll succeed a man r<pOl'tedJy paid more than '200,000 1mullly. Tbe pollce d11ef II paid '31,IOO. -Badham Sees Oil Warning Bill Approval SACRAMENTO-Ass ere b I y ma rt Robert E. Bldh11m (R-Ne1'j)Ol'I Beach). said todly he expected "no trouble" on a proposed bill compelling the State Lands Cmunission to notify local a;encies in advance d. actkm on olflbort oil dri1llnc requelll. The meuure, AB m, wu ec>-autbored by Badbam Ind State Sen. :.otm llc:hmltJ CR·TuJtlnl. Amondmenta to II were ""'11Uy 1dded •t the requeot ol Se>I Beach City Manapr Lee Rllner, npruenilnl the city mlllqel'I divulon of the c.ufornla League of Clttea. The Assembly's Naturai Reeources and Conservation Committee will cmdud a bearing on the bill today. Newport Btacb cny offlciau, anxloul te assure pamp, bad plaimed to beive repre«itatlon •t the ....ion. But Badham Tuesday told Newport City Manager Harvey L. Hurlbun th1t the trip wouldn't be neceaaary, Badbam Mid he anticipated no problems. Tbt Newport leafllator'• optimism ,..,.ed jUllllled by oupp<rl l!oln on Jn. fluenti>I IOll1'Ce, Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke. RMnecke, chalnnan ·of the Lllldl C.m-mllikm, told the DAILY PILOT in an tx• clUltVe int.lrvtew tbrte w.U. aco thlt be would favor gtving coutU. clU. and counties proper notlce/fc~mmilllon hearln&• oo offshore ot1 ,. IL •. "U nectllary I tt llld Lt.. GoVlmor. "I woold tettlfy In l1vor ol'¥.-mbl7Jlllll Badham's bill. There abould\be adequate notice anytime public uae<a are put up (Qt drllllna:, el}lloratlon or whatever." AJ 11mended, the blll .i'9111d roqulre tho Landt Commisllon to: -Notify coastal agenciet 80 dly1 in Id~ vance of coJTUl\lalion hearinp en oU1bcre cil exploratiOn applicaiU<N. --Notify coattal qencle1 eo day1 in ad- vance ot heariJ'lgs on Udelandll on le11e (drilling) applications. --Compel prospective le!llff! to submit detailed plans on subsidence and pollut.im c:ontrob IJ1d te include the - among l<ue condltlont. Risner succeeded in winning Badham's approval of the 86-day noUce and drilllnr c:ontrol odpuJ1Uoo.1 when the Seal Beocll c:ity manager made a special trip to Sacramento two wee.ks aa:o. Orillnally, the bill merely c>lled for advance nd.iflcation to cities and coun- ties, with no time period specified. The measure is the dl~t ruult of Orange Coalt prote!lltl over Land• Com- mission approval of oftahore explotato1'7 probes by the Shell Oil Co. lut January. No county agtncy had been told of UM plan until alter lhe commlulon act- ed. The Shell pennlll have 1lnce been rescinded. UAI IV PllOI OltAHOI COAIT P\llLIM411'18 COM .. AHY •oMrt N, Weed ""'*"' 1M PWUIMr J•d1 It Cutlty \/IC. Prni.nt lflll o.-.r Mini,. 'Tiitlftt• 1Ct1"ll ... IOI' Tho'"'' A. Murphl111 MtM11111 Editor All11rt W. l1to1 Willl1m •••4 AMOdti. Hllllll11t110!! I~ Edllol' City 1!:411tw H•lltlftff'N ..... ~ JOt Ith Stteot Mollins AddttHI P.O .... 7f0, t2,41 o .... , Off!.- ...,.., ·~clll t!ll ... , .. t .... """"' c .. ,, Mtll: no w~ '""" L.MUN a-"! Pl loll'llM First Ra~e Teen!'s Last Novice Driver, 19, Killed in County Raceway Crcuh From Page J OCEAN VIEW •• crtaaln1 the property taxe1 to whatever degree neceeury to provide th~ trllnln1. alter cutting all overhead expenaea and "Reddin has ID innate ablllty U a TV new• broadcuter," aa1d former cowboy actcr Gene Autry, now boud chairman ud praldeot ol Golden Weal Breod- cuter1, which own1 the Cblmel I tta- tlon. nie former newa lllChorman. Goor(e Putnam, 11 rxw wHh rlvll Chin· nel 11. • Amateur night al Orange County International Raceway ended In death Wednesday, when a teenager's souped-up sedan veered off the track and rolled over several times on his first local run. GlUert A. NlelJon, 11, of Norce, was thrown !tom the car and died of brain in· juries suffered when his head wa11 crush· ed, succumbing at Santa Ana Community Hospital at 7:40 p.m., one hour alter the crash. AuthorJtl1s today are seeking to determine what c1\l.Nld the mO<lilled 1955 Chevrolet to hurtle off the straight track at tbe 1,000-foot mark, but IO far are t0elal adjuatment couraes to the abao1ute m.lnlmum.'' mystified. Mr1. Allee Medina called for a better "We checked lbe car ovtr for about an relation1hlp between parenll and the hour and there J111t wu no cause for lt to school dlatrlct. Sbe _pointed to dru1 abule veer oU like that,'' said Mike Jones, u an arta needlna: mort: attenUon. general manqer of the El Toro speed 0 Ed11e1Uon 11 number one In my book," center. she tald, polatfnc out that the alternative Inve1U,1tor1 for the C a 1 J f o r n I a is unemployment and people on welfare. N~ther the 11tdon oor Reddin would -hta .... Nlary. "I've heard the flP" 1100,000 -ud th.It'• hard to tum dOwn,'' u.ld Bradlq. hlmoelf I lool-pollctma before turninC te polHla. Hl""way Patrol took an accident re.......+ Carl Mandeman empbulud a need for "' """ lndlvlduollad lnltruction. He propooed at the 1et1ne of the dra1 race fatality, but new proa:rams Including mualc and do not often mike an offlcial detennina-remedial Pf1)1Z'&m1. In anner to 1 que .. Sirhan's Outbursts Prove Y<rly Ind Bradley -ud .... biP police olfidw ud Racldln'a wife lltltJ - aald they ""' aurprlled by tilt Pollet chief'• announcemed. 1be two C1n- did1te1 for mayor called hini In excellent cb!ef. tJon In such caet. The track Lt located tJon, he said, "I am opposed to unloniu.· just off Santa Ana Freeway at El Toro. Uon of teachen provJded the public Jone• uJd today that r1ceway olllclala: alll.lmtl ltl rt1pon1ibllity (for fair was• N and wor1t1n1 condltlonl)." and the aUonal Hot Rod Auoclatlon are Kennith E. El1efaon uJd he atronaly alao checking for a 'cauae ol the mllhap, believes the district needl a fuller and He's Sick,. Lawyer Insists From Pqe J LG8 ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan's outburst in court in which he asked to plead gullty and go to the gas chamber ia sufficient proof that he is a sick man, a defense attorney told his murder trt.i jury today. Rutaell Parsons, 89, opened the final arguments for the defense by saying that "we are not pleading for your sympathy, but we •ant you to hear the facll.'' Parsoos recalled that Sirhan had soua:ht to .fire him and the other two defense aUome)'I, Grant B. Cooper and Emile Zo1a Berman, alter they had 1pent monthl in preparing a defen1e of .. d.1mtnilhld capacity." p.._ utd the -"'" ud the doctor& in tht case all had qreed that Sirhan wu a ai~ mJn and "hla condi.ICt in this courtroom bis demonatr1ted bis aickneu 1n ltaelf." P&l'IODI reviewed Slrh1n'1 e 1 r J y chJldhood In Jeruaalem and said he w11 an innocent vlcUm cauibt up in a stru1- 1le that had been a:oin1 on for dec1du. In ltl summation Wednesday the pro- aecutlon depicted Sirhan u a liar trying de3perately to duck the crime of murder. P&non1 rtvlewed the troubled e1rly life of Sirhan in Pale1Une where their family wa1 forced to move from lta com- fortable home becauae ol the Arab-ls.raell Solon 1Jr9es second l1tallty in the f1cWty'1 hiltory. broader educ1Uonal progr1m. "We need, war. They took refuge in a convent and Nationally known dra& race driver too to put the diltrlct on a bUllnea-Uke CANDIDATES • • then in an 8()0..year-old house and had so Mike Sorokin waa killed there in b~ls, u1e consultanll when needed.~ He I .•• b th u 'tA"' December, 1887, when hill hij:h-powered u1d he favor• a "yea" vote on the tax ten late in the ..... ---., llid thlt "for subsist on food supp tcu Y e ru cu dr t lod·" d In 0 .. ~de measure. ,_,.,...... •II er up cu ur g a race. v~.rri dree n!gtlta I've llatened to thlH Nations. InltJai rtports listed N le I 1on'1 Jamel D. Muon, de1crlbln1 hlm1elf N "There was flahtlng goln1 on alm01t e.11Umated •peed Wednelday night at a "hard cruJty engineer," aald he doe• ~W~e not runnhlc for the llttD'lb1y. daily," Parsons said. "Sirhan saw this about 100 miles per hour, but the not believe major changu are needed in It ls the tmtmbly wtich eet8 tu rates. period. True he was a young boy. It mU1t r1cew1y man1ger dlscounted this today. the tchool program. He ura:ed I ttrona:er It's not a matter for the board (of have left a acat on him.'' "He couldn't have been IOinl: more appl"Olch to dru1 abuae education and tl'Ulteel locally).'' Parsons also recalled that when a than 80," Jonu 1ald, "becauae he wu that he atrongly endonu lhe tu over-alre1dy trailing the car that beat him and ride measure. He added, however, that announcement Pasadena school board official testified 1 1 mil 1ncum•-t Robert Kno· pointed •· the of an e__." "1.3 million dAll .. 1-. la an .-. deleodant bae lro 1 the winner on y c ocked 108 ea per ......._. .. "" '"t---• ~ ..... 1 as to Will:'. 's a noes m c ass hour." growth record of the dlltrlct from one indkaUon that "iC ii high time we 110t a Sirhan ron in tbe courtroom to proteat. Jones said the 1955 Chevrolet bad an school to 20 and from 115 children to aood financial ~ in t h l 1 Parsons said Sirhan remained home altered. front end suapenalon, but the 13,000 since 1959. He said that lf'OWlh diltrict." from achool "to laie cart of hil lister cuatom modification 1a a common one during the next four year1 should be In Dr. Herman II.id that "last nijht 1 who wu lyinc theR with an Incurable and cw1d not be blamed for the accident. the acope of the educational program. heard that we had a Sl.S million deflcit. dilease. He played. boo key to lend the Each Wednesday the raceway featuru All the c1ndldate1 appeered at the Tc:mltht I hear that ii la not lure, but if i( wants of hll dytna: alater. You ctn't be amateur nl1ht. Nlellon had not competed Letigue of Women VoterHponlored wtfttnlt that It wou1d be tlleall anywayJ very bad wbtn you~that. locally before and was maldn& his flni meetln1. A It.anding room crowd In e1.. It loott true to me and the diltrict ado "He even bad . respect for Mr· run of the eventna when falally injured. ceu of 200 perao111 attended the teulon. mJtted it 'I'Utlday nJ&ht." Kennedy. I'm not condonil'lg the killing of JF~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:--a human being. I'm a&ain11t the death , penalty: I don't believe we should take a human Ute. I think only God ctn do that." The attorney told the jury that Sirhan . "is not a candidate for flr1t degee murder." "We admit he took a life. We have not offered a bit of phony tesUmony. The . state's own doctor 1a1d he was not fakln1 in bla ootburall." County Must Run Harbor a nylon shag that's young • . By JEROME F. COLLINS 01 tilt D•llY Plltt fllff SACRAMENTO -When ud ti the <nnc• County Harbor Dlatrlct ta diSIOlv- ed, all of It. ... .u IJ1d lunctton1 -Id remain under the control of county supervisorfi, Assemblyman John V. Brtggs IR·Fullerlon) declared today. A long-<ime foe of the ~yeeMld di.strict, Brlgp Wednelday introduced l~latlon he 1ay1 would lnsllrf: tht coun- ty board '• jurildlctloo over harbot affairs -In er out of cJUee. The bill, AB too.!, provld" that the board of 1upervlaorl ol any county "h11 any or all " the power and duttea of a hlrbor diltrtct with -"' the lc-quWUon, tmprovtment and manapmtnt cl 'harbors of public blitchfl within the county.'' Newport Beach City olfldall who have ergued tbat In Ille •-of Hmor Dl1-lrict diMol.ution some of the dlltrlct'a a.Meta lhould ht turned over to tht city, declkltd to comment on the mwure. MUST MOW MORE "W• have to know men about it flr1t," lllid I Newport opolt-ao. Huntington Blach olf:lclall were alao mum on the aubject, fer the same rtu0n. N« '° Allen'lblymen Briw. He w1s a'ked whtther I.he bill, in effect, would make di.slrolution ol the district a waste ol time inasmuch 1s lta functions would -under OUptn'laerl' "'J>Ol»tblll- ly, "You're putting me on," he told a DAI· LY PILOT reporter. ;'How long have you been cave.ring thia subject!" Told it was months, Brlags finally e1· plained: "All thia bill does is to rtmove any lingering auapicions In 1 om e cities' mlnd11 about what powen and di.lites supervisors will hive In the event of dlltrict dluolut.lon. "Under AB 2003, they will maintain control over the Harbor D1etrlct'1 preeect funcllonl. ALREADYDIRECl'ORS "Tbey'te llre1dy opertllna u dire<:tofa ol the diltrid lt'1 just that now they do it through a pseud<H.gency, which bu Jona: outlived ltl Ulefulnelll." Brtu• emphu!Jed be would oot P"i• for -of the bill unW the COW11y'1 lAcal Agency Formation Commisskln (I.AFC) rocornmends bceakilll up the dlattict -If the LAFC ever does to. A be1n111 on the matter will be held by the LAFC Apnl 23. The hearing date was set at tile requelt of the county's Lelgue cl Cities. a m1jorfty " whole member• favor dltlOlutlon o[ the dllb1ct and abllorptlon of tta f\11Ct!on1 by an ex- ponded County Porks Dopu1rn..t. Br11P 11.!d If the LAFC op p o I e s d1110luticn and ~ 1.Mue d. C1tlu aJves up 11• flsht, he W'Otlld withdraw hta pro- pooed l<glslation. f'rom Page 1 r WHEELMAN REMINISCES AT 92 Anahfllm and thtn btad south a1ain. 11 Dllvlll CUM to Loa AngelH In 1181 from HJuinavU1t, Millourl It the llt Of tat. Hla mother wu WOJTled about the ,100 train fare ii was eotng to cost her for the 1,000 mil• trip. IWLllOAD WAii "Then the r&llroad1 had a rate •ar 1nd thl prrc:e.1 set ldwer and lowtr unUI the fart ftom Mluottrl to California w1s one dollar and that's wha! 11 cost for my rnoeher ud me to come out bert." The rtttr.cr p1lnter, who will ctlebnte hlJ l!nl birthday nut October, JIO"I aurf fishlJll jU.11 about tvery day and never !!f>'nt 1 day In Ille lloepltal unUI be had lo have 1 cataract removtd from his eye· ~arlltr thJa )'!U. He now bu new ,,_. but •IJ'I lhty don't help him In Mtlnc thiltll• 1ny btttt.r. "ltell, I C8n M more wlth the glo"'' I bo~ IO yelfl lfO than tho °"°' l'Ve rot now." In looks, young • In price! $8.95 sq. yd Youna-Iadlalsn-....... , __ -eptdll Q.r., ---ldwl:e~rieb, ........ ., ..... __ ,..., ... i.;p IPlrl ... ---fmtlr the boditloa """ croall4' of Kanatoo 1 .. hall the -... --.. ..,..1a11-- Your /4t10ritt d'rignn IDiU h 1iam "' oullt ~·· .•• PROFESSIONAL H.J. GARREJT fURNITTJ~~·HARIOR ILVD. INTERIOR DESIGNERS Op.. MH, Tflon. r. l'rf, IYts. ~OSTA MESA, CALIF. 60.0271 '46-0276 l l. --------- I I I I I I 11 Saddlehaek EDIT.JON _v_oi:._' _·•2_,_N_o_. 86_·_, 1_sE_CTI_o_N_~_; _1•_,_A_s_es ________ o_RANG __ E_c_OUNTY __ . _:'_c_A_LI_FO_R_N_~_· _______ r_H_U __ RSO~AY. APRIC ·10, l'" JEN CSllTS • acewa I s OU • Down tlae Mission Trail Rafferty Baclis r-capo Override SAN CLEMENTE -An unus· ual endorsement from on high -that of State Superintendent of Public lnstruction Max Rafferty -has been picked up by Capistrano Unified School District for it! S<kent tax increase vote next Tuesday. . The state school chief today issued a statement urging passage of the override measure. He said be did so as a private citizen and San Clemente property owner· Rafferty owns a Jot in the Rancho Margarita.tract. He remarked in one talk in the county during his senatorial cam· paign last fall that he might one day retire in San Clemente. Rafferty Jent his endorsement after being cootacted by school officials. He :;aid in a release he was advised of an- ticipated heavy enrollment gains and a "" decline in assessed valuation increase. The Capistrano Unified Council of.. PT A's also has endorsed the SCkeM school tax increasE request. So, too, have parent groups at Crown Valley , Richard Henry Dana, San. Juan and Palis"ades elementary schools, Marc!) Forster Ju3k>r lUgh. and 5an Clemeo- te High School. Dana Harbor Talk Set DANA POINT -A proposed SQ.cent tax override for the Cap- istrano Unified School District ~d the educational role of Dana Har~ will be Wpics of two speakers. a~anng. at the Dana Point Civic Association meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Comm~ity Jlouse 24642 San Juan Ave., Dana PoIDt. Sc~I Board Prei:ident 'Iliomas Win~el will discuss the school tax override which would raise the current tax rate to $3.7719 .per $100 ol assessed valu~on. If passed by voters April 15, the increase "'OUkl amount to about $37 .50 yearly for the owner of a $30,000 home. The use of Dana Harbor as an educa- tional tool will be explained by District Science Director Philip Grigon. A proposed oceanology center at . the harbor, pushed by Grignon, has ~e1ved a Ford Foundation grant for planrung. In- creased private financing is being sought. Ttie Thursday meeting is public. * Ping Po119 Jtfeet D11e LAKE FOREST -Table tennis -or ping pong -will be a big sport here. The Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club will '!tick off the activity with a special ex- hibition from 9:30 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. Saturday at the club. All residents are 1n· vited. Storm Drain Planned SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Construc- tion of a storm drain along Del Obispo near Marco Forster Junior High School here will disrupt traffic along th<: major roadway for about two weeks. A bridge at Del Obispo and Camino Del Avion will be tom out as the result oC the new drainage chaMel. The system will run from the intersection of Camino Del Avion east to a storm drain at Dana Knolls. Prope11y Taxes Deadline Today Today ls .the last day for payment of 1963-69 !!econd lnsta1lment property taxes without penalty, Orange County Tu: Col· lector Don S. MOi.ley warned this: Jn01"noo Jng. Those who fJll to pay their ta:ies before I p.m. a( the tax collector's offjce,.'30 N. Broadway. Santa Ana will be subject to a p per parcel and si:i perceat penalty charge. Mozley urged caution In trying to beat t he d<adllne by mallins tu parmentt. They mullt be postmarked today, April 10, oc penalties will be a.wued, he warn- ed. l Election 'l'uesda11 11, P1111 1;,1.r11n<11 Laguna School -Needs Outlined By RICHARD P. NALL Of Ille INllb' l'lllt ..... "Because we have not. employed panic tactics of crying 'disaster' in asking for voter approval, does not imply that needs are not very real and extremely great." Dr. William Ullom, superintendent of Laguna Beach Unified School District, spoke of the 58-cent 1U override to be decided Tuesday. The 58--cent override, if fuDy levied, would produce for the district an estimated $HO,llOO annually. It would COBt the owner of 1 home appraised at '4(1,000 about $5 more per month. Toro Airport Plans Blasted Bv Residents .; By .JACK CRAPPEIJ. Of tfle D•l" Pli.t tllff · Establishing a commercial airptrt at the El Toro Marine Air Satkm would only be shifting the problems of tiQise, air pollution, and congestion ,t.rc,In one. spot ·m. thecountt·to~ ... J·,' . Thal is the -of -Sad-dleboci< pa homeowners' group that. ia fighting any bnplementation CJf cmn- me~al jet service at the military bue. J ooeph cOhen, a ftsideUt ol El Toni foe three years and membir d. the .Allao Homeowners AllociadCld Airport Com- mittee calls th.! county'• Phue I atud7 of airport lites a "shun." He contends El Toro wu the only coun. ty site given real c:onsld<ratlon from tbe start CJf ·the study. Other coastal areu were included ool,y to ''the rut of the coonty weuld give & sigh of relief when they choee El Toro," be says. Cohen ICCIYed Coo!a M,.. and Newport Beach d. applying poliUcal mu. cle to have· El Toro take over the com- me:rciiJ function d. Orqe County Airport. The aJrpart site otudy did not 1ive ade- quate ccnsideratioa to off-theft airport construction, Cohen aaid. He laid hil group is also oppoeed to any con- sideration d. temporary commercia1 use of EI Toro. "We are oppoeed to the temporary con- cept for 11\f! U8e of the El Toro base because the word 'temporary• means 'permanent' u we all know/' he argues. He al5o contends that the senae of urgency inspired by planners b non- eilstent. "Orange Count7 airpar( could eallly accommodate many more ·\Ima the flights it now handles:' Cohen says. He ldd:I that, if the runways Wt!'e ex· tended over the fretway, much the same as at Los Angeles Intematlonal,and Ken. nedy lntematlaoal In New Yark, all typel of jell could be accommodated. The cCllt, he says bu beea tllimatod II about II milliaa by County A fiatlon Director Robert Bmbnaban. Caavenlan al El Taro would OCllt 10 times tha~ Cohen ..ma. A petition cam)llip amaoc Saddleblc:k .,.. ""1d-la beinl met with •boul II percent approval, he 11ye. · Areas of basic need, aaid lhe 1uperintmdent, include : Pupil-teacher raUo: Thirty-five new teacben have been employed ln five Years to handle groWth and keep the class size proper. Mou will be needed to maintain the ratio, prepare for an I to 10 percent enrollment increue aod handle aalary increases. I.Jbrary Facilities: Thert js need for more books, reference materials and audio equipment at all achools. A survey showed that district library ruources are a;ubstandard in.quantity and selectlOn. Tral!lporlatlon: The dbtrld .n<eds a new bus. Annual transportation coits per student in the hilly terrain are $29.11 compared to $12.25 in Orange; $11.07 in Newport; or $8.31 ln Santa Ana. Field Tripe:: This necessary education.al adjunct lncludel tripi by auto ·mechanics students to assembly lines,. vill:ta to museums,. fire stations, city hall.. . "Summer's Coming end I'm Getting That Feellng Again -I Don't Wi1nt to Be In Laguna i1nd Yet I Don't Want to Go Anywhere El11." Furniture: El MoITO and Aliao Schools are badly ln need of fUrniture. Much e:i· - isling fumltun is 15 years old. Good News and Bad Painting: El Mi>rro Scbool needs a complete paint job. Auditorium : F« 3C years . this Lasuna facility bu ""'ed civic and cullural events. llelplla Upg!'lding,. tt ii -dard.and ~new ~ts.· · ' Free Meters, Doubled . . . ,' Sci""" Cl'!ll, Rooms .IJld EqulP,m'Jll: Facilities dillSl .be douj'le4. tr... ~ ~ fom: rooms. . .-,.. • 4 ·, .. ~.: 1 · · , ·Growth: Addltlaaohaboolf"'""* Will be needed In Ute nut Dv, lo eliht yem. Site plinnlng.Di\llt bO tarrleil an n6W. P.ar.kiud.;r:o.8fS.:~za"'~~,;J ;, • • • ··~ ~ ,, f ·~ Other. N-: 'l'bt7 lilclude 'demands far mare """pelllhoe ulary IChedules, cuniculwn develppmen~ uwecJIDg tbe lnllrilctlonal JDlfliflJ with a praluaJonal lib<ary, film llrlPt;. mmlcal lmlnunen!I and music education recordl. Abo, addJtlaoal Iulo oilap f1clHtle1 for vocational student.a, a lkra,e area for athletic gear, paint and rtplacement of windows, outdoor f u r n I t u r e and playground equlpaent at Tap al Ute World ScbooL Meet Candidates For Scliool Posts I. ,t,. meter-f~ng . .;;; arid doubled cClls for curbslde :parking wett ID the mill today for downtown Lag\lnl Beach. 1be contemplated double whammy may bl!l bl!lfpre councilmen Wedneaday. in the fonn ti a parting committee recom- mendation. The proposal would carry some good news for Laruna Beach shoppers. They would be given tokens to park free by particlpatinl merchant&. But it wouldn't be such good news for downtown workers who have com· placently fed meters since · Judge J. Parley Smith shot down city anU-meter- feeding enforcement ln his mun1clpal court (because of no signs advl!ing the unwary). SCHEME WORKS Given neci!l.Mlry council blessing, Feeling 1llghUy overwhelmed by the here'& how the new scheme would work, plethora of IChool board canciklates you11 according to City Man·ager James D. be aaked to chooae from ln next '·•Wheaton: Tuesday's elections? -The city would replace 380 downtown Feel· UU you can't tell the candidates meter lleads at a .~ of ~ eacn or without a program! $18,400. Breathe easier voter -The new sophJsUcated machlnel The DAILY PILOT· today offers, in would take pennies, nickles, dimes , easy-to-read form detailed summaria: of quarters or tokens. school board candictates -wbo they are -The length of allowable parking Ume and where they ~nd. at curbside would double from one hour You 'll find the lnfonnation on pages a to two. . 9 and 10 ' -So would the cost of curbside parking ' Increase from a nickel an hour to a dime. Auto Crash Injuries Claim 16-year-old Boy A Chino 7))Uth died Wedolda7 of ID- juria IU!fertd April I ao Carbon Canyon Road ntll' Valencla Avenue, the Orlftle County ear-?'• Ofllce ftpot1ed. Ernest Younc, 11, died ol mualve bead lnjurieo 1t Sl Jude Hooplal. l"ullorlon. He wu a paaencer in a car wbk:h collided with a truck. '- -cost of parking .. on municipal Jots would also be a dime 1n hour which would be effected by adjustlng Ute mechanism of existing meter heads. -1be meter beadl Would carry lime· limit •i«ns prohltntlng meter feeding, which meets prohibitln1 parking for more than the designated time. Tires would be chalked. -Extra revenue to the city after paying for the new meter heads -which would probably take about a year -will bt e~ked for eventual Increase 'ot olf..ireet· pining. City Maiiqer Wheaton Conceded that the plan bolds no immediate remedy for off~treet parklna sborta,.e. IMPORTANT FEATURES One of the most Important features, he said, wfi:I. be the UJe of tokerui for downtown merchants to give t o custoplers in whatever manner they decide. Merchants would buy the tokens at cost. "They'll be able to advertise that downtown merchants are providing free parking for lhetr customers which has been an overriding objective as far as these guys are concerned," Wheaton said. The recommendations are an upshot of regular meetings .since late last year ol c!ty officials :and the Downtown B.usineu Association (OBA). OBA representatives have included Gordon Strachan, Joe Bushard, Bob Ben- ner,' Ned Blaokmarr and Bill Marriner. The city has been repruented , by the mayor, Whea,ton, public works director and police chief. Wheaton said it is impossible to estimate the additional revenue to city coffers yet but conceded that '2(),000 an· nirally might be as good a guess as any. Parking hu been about a break~ven municipal busintu tn Laguna Beach, Wheaton explained, taking in about $70,000 annual!~ and putting out about the same give or take $1,000. Stock Market• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market had some of its early 1dvance trimmed by proflt taking today and closed with a moderate gain. (See quotatlona, Pages 18- 19). -· Tr1ding was active near lbe clruie. Monarch Bay Plans Bring Protests Lquna Niguel Corparatlan plaM 0 lo make the buch and dubhoUle d. ti· cltlllvt MODl.rcb Bay available to tbe fflt of the carparatlaa't planned CGmtDunity are making .waves. , Maoarch Ba7 raldentt, who Poid handtomey far tbe1r --· <I> ject lo the pooalbillty lllot Ibey will loll camol of tbe club memberablp and what they have looted on M Utetr 9"'"' ol bell<h. Maoerch Ba7 .,,.ldent Wllliam Shit11 m cl<lcrlbed reaot mtlatlan of oor· poratian planl as aomethln& of a "bombshell." The matter w11 lhrllhed oot r«:<ntly at 1 mH!lq of the MClllUci> BayAlaacUlttoo. The upehat wu fonoaUori of thrH committees that will feed l!ionnatlaa back to the alSOcladon for a dt&lon On bow to pn>ceed. I Sl:ilrM h e 1 d 1 one committee on polllbiltty of acqulrinJ the clubhaute. The -atlaa bat tet I p1co lq al '4111,000 ... tbe fadlll7 and ill por~ng lat. "We hiveo' decided that'• tbe right ftp'O." WI Shlr11. "I thlnlt Niguel 11 ..-q puUIDc aporot.lnf -into tt and capllallllnl tt GD Ille bllance lbeetl." He aald Ute price·aucJ!t to rtpr-.t Ute C09t of 'the facWty 0 and a. ~ we can allord." 'lberei 1re 2J1 UIOdldon memben IJ>li Shiru ..iimaled 1bout IOO famltltl in the club, IOlbe from 11 fll away as Pasadena. Two other commltteea will loot !ito tegal avenuea """ 1o Monlrl;ll liar ...identl and ·-by lt1enil7 pmulliorl." . wllliam Beck. uecuUve vice.. prt1ldtat . . for Laguna Niruel Corpor1uon, Mee the Plans even can for an underpas1 matter in a different light, as a bualness beneath coast hlghway for pedestrian and Judiment in tbe camplu -of mll)l·bua use to bring Inland N!guel developing a planned community. dwell@rs to the beach. The economJc1 Just attn'l thtre, said If. ~ Monarch Bay residents don't Beck, to allow Monarc.b Bay to cOWol teach financial agreement to take over , the clubhouse unleu they art w1lUn& to the clubhoue, It would serve all Laguna PIY fa< tbe right. Niguel mldenil wba woold J1<Y en IDDUal PointJn1 to one or many maps of the membe:nlp fee. 1pproved master plan for Laguna Niguel, · If· lhty do reach agreement, said Bttt, 8'ck polnll out·lhat the clubhouse la one yi. mCl!le)' would tben be used lo develop of teveral planned "lerVioe-centtn" tha~ Other service oentera planned &1oo1 the would. provide laod and b(vera1•.' beacli frontage. storap. area, UleguaM ttrvlces It.Id. • 1'be corporatiota1 which hu purchased a lolletl and lbawert '•Joni the 'Niguel mue1af beach frontage (the Capr0n pro, I lltacll """1fHe. • .. · · .. · • , " r $ l!,1iiq.,.,-. .llol~ot, 11p blq..-1 l Al Utt planned conun\µUtJ 00.itn;,W ~ ti.~ ~Bay ~· ..... ~, ~ter· .1'!.0Q{ll • lie ' , j ••• J . '' • ' d ... tl'f.'d-IO. hondl! .wllll1~en!•IJ!y;~\o\· \. · ~-' · ii all'eft.h..' ..:0..Wullr lilcludt #,lillll tesldents. , ,. . : , ~· • · .~ . Alldl,;111ice 11 . 11 '·· . l.i... . . ' . , " . . 1 "+' ·,.•..,.JI ··:: :t tt "" tit "~: •~,\ 1 :i · ... ." '~ ~ r )T ' .. ' ''·" J1t .. .., ~ '!' ... . . " ,Teen Dies In 1st Local Race Try Amateur night at Oranae County International Raceway ended In death Wednesday, when a teenager's souped.up sedan veered oU the track and rolled over several times on his first local nm. Gillert A. Nielson, 18, of Norco, Wu thrown from the car and dJed of brain in- juries suffered when his bud was cruab-' ed, succumbing at Santa Ana Community Hospital at 7:40 p.m., one hour after the crash. Authorities today are teeking to detennJne what caused the modified l& Chevrolet to IJ,urtle off. the stra)&bt tract at the 1,000-foot mark, but so fir are mystliied. "We checked the car over for about an hour and there just was no cause for it to veer off like that," said Mike Jones. general manager of the · El Toro speed center. Investigators for lhe C a I i f 4 r n i a Highway Patrol took an accident report at the scene of the drag race fatality, but do not often make an official determlna .. 1 ~on in such cases. The track Is Ioc.ited JUst off Santa Ana Freeway at El Toro. Jones said today that raceway officials and the National Hot Rod Association are also checking for a cause or the mishap. second fatality ID the laclllty's hlBtory. NaUonallf known drag race driver f\.tike ' ~rokin was kllled there iri DecemlJ:er, ~967, ~hen. his hlgh-po~ed dragster exploded daring a race..· · Wtlal ~ liNd N·i'll10'11:'1 estlinatid Sp&il Wedhesday ftlgtil 1t about 100 miles per hour, but tba racewoy m-~ tllls tocfar: _ "He Couldn~ have been iolnl· men than~," JODM;Wcf,';beca-bi-,,.. already trailing tlle car that ~him llld tbe winner only clocked 1111 milea pa: hour." · Jones said the 1955 Chevrolet hid an altered front end suspenaldn, but tbt cus4m1 modification is a common oile and could not be blamed for the accident,; Each Wednesday the raceway featurt1 amateur night. Nielson had not competed locally before and was making' his fint nm or the evening when fatally injured. Booth Payment Time on Weekend Artists admitted to tbe 1911 Laguna Beach Fe«lval of Arts must pay f<r their booths at the Festival office between t a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday or Sunday. This applies to arti!ls wbo were on the grounds last year and did not have to resubmit as well 11 to artlstl selecled by juron at the March 15 lfflli.on, AKI Salb'' Reeve, Festival spokesman. 'nle Festival of Arts and Pa1eant ol the ~faster. will run from July 11 through Aug. 24 this year. 'Almost Good as New' YUCAIPA, Calff. (UPI) -A carpenter whose left arm was almost severed from his body two weeks ago by a power saw wu home from a hospital today, and hls arm was "almost as good as new." Thelbert Francis, 31, said his doctor told him "I won't ever be a coocert pianist with it. But I'll be 1 carpenter." Orange Sunny 1kle1 will prevail Friday, with the mercury shooting up into the low 70's alona the Orange Coast. INSmE TODAY Cou11tt1 o/ficfo!1 ore focino their an1JUOJ tuisle with the budpit' Ottd it 4J)pt01"1 tht Cod: of gou1rnino Orange Co1171'J' ti going noto~erc bui up. 'I Rtad Jack , Broba<l<'s 11"'1f, POiie J 1. ·-· c ..... ,... -... .... _ --1 •• .,,,.. ...... ·--·-.... _ :::.-::::.. ...... - ., l ,, ""' " • " • • .... a ,. ,, , " • ...-~".'9'!:-··· .. --------- Z DAILY rtLOT ... ,. • 1 . ,, American~zation Made . Easy. b,y " • It's nice to have a wile who can make )'Oil i.u,b even at the moment she's handed you a. '80 telepllone bill she had been calling her mother. Actually, that's not as much phoohtg as you ml&ht u_pect. You see, her mother liYee: in Pan. am&. 'Ibat ii also my wife'I nadve land. She mlJhl sudden- ly' return, a!SO, U she presents me with an- other of those $60 talking bills. There are com-\ pensaUns clrcum- stance1, however, because this la my wife'a first two .months in the United TV • ' I >' 1111111 ""' .... 11111 ..... ft "91'.· ___ ._... . Bolas -lo a.. u.e.1 " _. • hu a ninnber di lmprtul<1111 t1 our country and ~ lf!lllle llillancea, ahe'• not too greatly impreued. For example, we don't grow enough mangos ber-e. And banana1J are too e1· pensive. Televiakn ii a great belp, however . It teaches her Engu.ti, -ol. C.m- merclall a.re best, but her pronuncia- tions are a bit odd at time1. Thal flaiy white slUfl In your hair comes out "Dranfoo" instead of dan. druff. But she can say "You get a big delight 1n every bite" with better emphasis than any school-trained announcer ever hoped for. _ Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches present a greater probfem than she can cope with. I like 'em for lunch -li>e ·,~' • : 'I I =~=-.... ~· ti~~\llllllp •1L.... a..· tll!ic )eeks 1. and P V • , Plilml c'Ould .few -are Cbffvis, LOGBOOK lh!nks I'm cr•JY.· And Muican food -well. a lot of peo- ple here think tacos and 'eochlladaa are 111\ivmal throughout Latin America. Siie thought this American food WU quite an oddity, but not· very good. hJt'll never catch on with the Latins," she said. She went to la few nigtt meetings with me at first. &ally disappointtd -dull they wen. In Panama when people oppoee the government they throw stones and bombs at the police, No real danger -the till}' 'butet (J.!illn sUrf WI-) that zip through the city futtt Ulan the Tijuana TaxJ. And they never colllde. People in Panama are adjusted ~ lunat.ic driving. N.y wife can bounce acroM the street in Panama City, dodge tfiree cheeva.s, s!O<step..1-.oor~ .l!Dtrkan, and l!!V~ blink an eye.~ But • wcm't leave the house here. - it's not Ille. . Sooner or later !he'll adjust. Already she's getting used to apples instead of mangos. But bananas are still too expensive. Terry Coville met his wife while with the U.S. Army in Panama. He i.! currently a 1taff writer tn the DAILY PILOT'• Huntington Beach office. LAGUNA TEEN CORNER Viej o Reside.nts . See king Damages From Builders By TOM GORMAN THE WEATHERMAN SAID lhlnp would be hot In Palm Springs for Easter vacation. He was right. Bob Kronman and I took off for the desert oasis t.o take a rest. School and etreet dances had worn us out, eo we decided we should find some quiet place to take it easy, to get away from ~crowds. Well, the first night in town we found ourselves amidst hundreds of police, lbouaandJ ol long hairs, and a handful of fellow newspapermen. Pity the newspaperman. What he goes through in covering the typical riot few realize. Police bad billy clubs, tear gas and mace. Longhairs had stones, bottles, and good aim. A gas station owner had a gun. All we bad was a little card with big let. ten "Press." From Page 1 MONARCH •.. fhus far, its acquisition from the county -through abandonment-of the old Sa1t Creek Road which ran near the beach. The abandonment is under legal attack. Beck sees the property as a recrea· tiOoal adjunct for 80,000 ~ that will fill the planned commg· , "The beach is the biiftit crqi of the argument," ht aaid. "Unleu it'a owned by a public agency someone has to take the responsibility." Beck said, "We are detennined that being private property, the destiny of that beach is for a t.otanornmunity." · However, Monarch ·~y. residents are just as anxious about protecting their property values and keeping the beach and clubhouse relatively exclll.11ve or at lea"st selective in occupancy. ACQUIRE PROPERTY Shiras maintains that It had not been the corporation's intention t.o open up 1'1onarclt Bay to the extent now planned "until they were lucky enough to acquire the Capron property." Conceding that the exclusiveness sought by Monarch Bay dwellers isn't in their leases, Shiras and others maintain that promises were made by the Niguel sales force that tbe area would have ex· clusivenesl!I similar to Emerald Bay and Three Arch Bay. Beek said it was never in the cards economically or topographically. Future decisions by the Monarch Bay dy,·ellers w will likely be based on the recommendations of their commlttee.s and consultation with Beck or other com- pany officials, DAILY PILOT Ott.ANGE COA,-PU8l15HING COM,.AHY Robort N. Wood l'rotldtnt Ind l'Vb'lllll•r Joek R. Cwrlty VICI l'mllMrlt lltCf G,tritt.r ,,..""tit Thom•• Koo•ll EOltor Tholl'l11 A. Mvrphin• Mtn1tfn9 EOltor ll.iel.1rd I'. Nill lttWM lttth CllY EOltor Lef•M a..q Offk9 222 hro1t "'"'· M1il1n9 Add,0111 P.O. loa 666, 92612 o ..... Offtc.n CNto M111: no WM! •" llNll N......,, 1 .. c.11: 2211 Wt1! ltlbOt ......... ,. Hlll'!l!,.ton ltKll; JOf SH\ '""' OAILY l'IL01, wfftl Wllldl i. COll'lbl"" ,,,_ ....... ,,_ la 111/bll.,.. ... ,,., U(fllf klfl. .. , lfl ..,•rot. .ChlOftf fW Lt111111 llMtfl. .....,..,, ,._,., CO.I• .wi... Huntfntloil fltitdl ..,,., "-111!1 V•I...,, tltnll WI"' lwo ,...,,._1 tdlllolll. Ort"" a.ti l"\$11111!"' ~ 11t11111i.:::;: .,. If mi wn1 h lb llYd., 1-'I. .,.,. )311 Wnt lff ,,..._,, Cos11 Mfu. We were also armed wUh cameru. The , militants loved us, "Want a g~ pic- ture?" theY 'd ask, with a bottle in their cocked ann, ready to unload on a patrol car. One officer claimed my flashgun blind· ed him and he couldn't see the rocks comJng at him. The rocks dldp't always find the in- tended mark, though. At one point, Laguna's daring duo had to take refuge in a restroom at the cenler of combat - the gas station. :Qob peeked outside, found the place surrounded by the law, and was hit by a missile. We decided to sit tqibt a bit longer. We finally built up our courage, opened the door, and darted outside' just in Ume to see the police Jobbing tear gu int'o an unruly mass. We felt safe. being on the same side of the street as the police. But the wind blew the tear gas back over towards us. And another bottle shower poured down on us, · · · "Who's side are you on?" one officer noting our age quipped. "The safe side," we told him. All the while, a police helicopter hovered overhead, direcUng a strong beam of liiht on the longhairs, keeJ>lni track ol the hot spots, The militants would look up, extend their right anns, and give them the peace sign. In their left handr were bottles, awaitn;g a mission. "I hate those filthy pigs," one boy in his late teens told w. "U I could, I'd kill all of them. What goo:l's a rock when J need a machine gun?" he asked himself. He was serious. He made me aick. Soon the action began to cool 'down. Rob and I went inside to the city. spomored pop festival. Several thousand teens were lying on the grasa of the Angels' spring training camp, grooving on the heavy music, the warm night air, marijuana, and themselves. They were not aware of what had happened outside. They would be, though, when the ones with bare feet would have to stroll across the glass-strewn sidewalks and l!ltreets after the copcert. The last group to play was "The Can· ned Heat." Hopefully it was. But one question will still plague the establishment for the months and years to com~: "Wheri and where will it ex· plode nei:t?" Disposal Firms Scrap Over Service in Viejo A garbage hassle between two Mission Viejo trash disposal companies is work- in.g Ks way through the Sttperior c.oort grlnd<r today. Claiming more than '300,000 damages tn the rubbish scrap ls Toro Disposal Inc., 24141 Larkwood Lane, El Toro. Company president Charles Waltman claims Jn hi& action that the n<!wly f<rm· ed Viejo DI.spoon! Co. is attempting to squeeze JUs bu3iness liom the fast developing Mission Viejo area. \Valtman states that Viejo Disposal is an ofhnoot ol the NJssion Viejo Com- pany. He identities the officers ci. his rival as Thomas Trolio, 'Ibomas A. Forster, Philip s. Reilly, Richard J. O'Neil, James. E. West , Anthony R. Moiso, and J. Jerome Moiso -all, he says, coonected with the Mission Viejo property development corporation. Planners Okay Use Variance Richard C. Massen haa been given a uee variance to conetruct a S,300 sql18re foot building for commercial and light m.anuf' acturing businesses on t h e nor1heuterly aide ol Laguna Canyon Road, jlllt nor1h ol lhe Laguna Beacll ci· ty UmJq, The variance was approved by the Orange County PlaMing Commission Wednesday as an amendment to a previoo.s permit gr.anted on Aug. 14, 1968. Mas!en, who has as one tenant a branch pol!ltdfice, Aid a prospective tenant Is • ·-c:<>mpeny. Pot Raps Jail Tliree La.gun.ans Three Lagunans were arrtSt<>d late Wednetday on charges ol pos!tnim ol marijuana' with inllllt to sell. Laguna B...it polk:e said ,...., ...,.... ol mari- juana, a mnall quanUty ol llaohlsh and as30rttd paraphernalia were siued. Ttn> Dl.spooal clalms that It provided garbage services to more then 90 percent of homes and businesses in the com· munitl.es of Mission Viejo, Gapistrano Highlands, Laguna Niguel, Irvine and El Toro. But that established busine9S ha.s been particularly damaged in the last three or four months by Viejo Dispo31l practices which "combine acts and capital interest in a manner intended to restrict trade and commeree," the com· plaint alleges. Viej~ Disposal, the acUon assem, is getting the garbage business of incoming hxneowners through service contracts provided at the time of home purchase by the Mission Viejo Co. "as part and J>Qrcel ol the purchase arrangement." The plaintiff points out the J>OS!lble future damage to his e!tabUshed business by prtdicting that the prMent population of 8,000 persons in the mushrooming area will expand to 80,000 residents in the next 10 to 20 yeata. Next year alooe, Waltman states, an estimated 1,000 to 1,200 homes will be built in the area by the MJssion Viejo Co. -all. apparently, to be !IO!d wlth buiR-111 garbaf!e dtsposal COl!tracla. The actioo. state1 that buyers of new homes in the area al8o receive literature from Viejo Disposal Co. 'Ibe company is unlawfully exploiting i1I! fin!! contact wlth the public in the area, the compl.aint adds. Lo uise Grantham Services Private Private services and lntennent ~·ere scheduled today for Louise Grantham. owner of Grantham Talc Mines In Death Valley and a Laguna Beach resident for is years. Miss Gratibam, u. died Tues- day. A Newport Be'ach develoPment com· pany is .today accused of "planned misrepresentation" in a Superior Court suit filed by eight Mission Viejo homeowners. •amages totaling $96,000-411,000 per home -are belng sought by the residents of Spadra Lane from Deane Brothers Inc., 420i Birch St. Their complaint states that land ad- jacent to their homes waa: developed in a way that has destroyed their "scenic view" despite an undertaking by Deane Brothers at the time of purchase that this would not occur. Identified u plaintiffs in the action are Robert R. and Doris S. Brouillette, 24776 ; Richard D. and Janet E. Core, 24712; Joseph C. and Gwen Lee Haegeman, 24712:· James and Ellzabttb Johnstone, 24412; Morlyn A. and ~erly Lokken, 24802 ;' Joseph M. and "Genevieve K. Moore, 247G6 ; Lee M. and ~ Offutt, 24742 and William H. ' and Pauline Wagner, 24822 all of Spadra:Lane· Their eight homes ranee in 1-!alue from $26,000 to $36,000. All were built between July, 1966 and May, 1967. A Spadra Lane homeowner today told the DAILY PILOT that the eight plain- tiffs were assured by .. Deane Brotbers that vacant land behind the homes - since developed as Embarcadero Lane - "would be at leut II feel below WI and would not interfft with ~ur view. N ewly Chartered Pat Piatek, eighth grade English teacher at La Paz ~hool in M~­ sion Viejo, and Ed Romeo, Orange County representative for Cali· fornia Teachers Association (CTA), display charter granted Wed· nesday to San Joaquin Teachers Association, county's newest CTA affiliate. LA's Reddin Res igns Post LOS ANGELES (AP) -Chief of Police Thomas Reddin, involved without his ask· ing in an election for mayor, says he will retire from law enfurcement and become a television newscaster and com· mentator. He sald his decision after 2f! months as head of the nation's fourth largest police force has "nothing to do" with the May '1:1 ruooff between Mayor Sam Yorty and Thomas Bradley. . Shortly before Reddin's announcement Wednesday, Yorty ·called a news con· ference to predict wholesale police resignations that would "really disrupt law enforcemellt in this community" if Bradley wins. "I'd heard some time ago that if Bradley were elected mayor, Reddin would resign," City Councilman Arthur K. Snyder said. Bradley, a Negro city ~.far outpolled.}'<rlyJ!>.lhere- ctllt primary. He h8I a~used f)'"Grty of resorting to "dangerous and divisive" · tactics by trying to involve police in the mayoralty contest. As police chief, Reddin, S2, stressed police-community relations but be said, "I feel that I can better reach the publlc with the problems of the community as a news commentator. And I am particular- ly anxioll! to improve relations between the public and the police department," In his new job at KTLA, Reddin will succeed a man reportedly paid more than $200,000 annually. The police chief is paid $.12,800. "Reddin has an innate ability as a TV news broadcaste.r," said former cowboy actor Gene Autry, now board chainnan and president of Golden West Broa<f.. casters, which owns the Channel 5 sta- tion. The former news anchcnnan, George Putnam, is now with rival Chan· nel II. a nylon shag that's youn g • In looks, young • a1n price ! $8.95 sq. yd. Youq idf!u in deliin- a unique four-color eld from apeci.al d.yeiq technique. And rounr ideu in texture-rich. bouncy .has that 111.1.t.cbel your own hi(b 1Pirit&. lmqine rivinr your family the tradition and quallt1 of Karaata.n for hall tht price )'OU mi1ht mpe(:t to pey. In 16 color c:ombiutiom. Yottr favorite designer wiU be hopp11 to culi.tt I/OK • • • T1l1;' al IJ14J 4t4•t4'1 Clrul ..... hpt. '4:1o4lJI e.,.ri.M, ,..,, 0r.,,.. c-1 1'11911111"'9 c..tnr. Ho -••'"· '"-'"''*""' ~I fl'ltfm° ti efYlr'llMIMf'ltt tltrtl11 _,. bl j .... ·""' """"'°"' dtdll ...... -.ion • _.,....,.. ...,.,, ,__ '""' ...... Mid ti H"""°" ... di John WiUord Smid!, 24; M!chltl GMven, 20 ; and OtrJ.9tJna ll.1118, II ; .tll ga~ addresses of 273 Cajoo Street, Laguna Beach wl\ert the am9ta Wtte mlde. Lt. Jcfut Zelko Mid burned hand rolled dprettes believed to C«Mln m1r1JU11111 p1Pe1 with resld!Jt, a lt!ather pouch con .. talning Qpect marijuana seeds and mnn.ant1 and otbtr material was found . W.iss G*'1tlwn, wbo lived at 1935 Ocean Way , eupported many community o'ganiultlono lncludlng tbe Chamber of Commerce, the Ms'lattance Lugue, tht Red Croes and aided tbe Lqunl Beech Hiib School graduation nllhl party, among other acUviUff. Mlss Grantham is surv:ivtd by a brother, Wllllam Grantham ti Lapa Beath and a slrter, Joiia Martin, al&o of LagunaBeoch. Interment wilt be In Pacific VJtw Memorial Park undtt dlrectloo ol Sbd!tr Lquna Btach Mortuary. PROFESSIONAL H.J · GARRtrr F URNrru~s·HARBOR ILVO. INTERIOfl DESIGNERS OPft M-'lllun. & r.t. ''"' COSTA MESA, CALIF. • • .... , .. ,. .... (;tl"6tn••. l\/11Kfiol191 .,. arrltr fl.n rnoflffl•11 tlr '"'" 12.JO l'Mfl!M'V mlllltl't' .._.,1nt11aM; ll.1' "'°"™'· I • 646·0275 646-0276 • Laguna • t Beaeh EDITION • TGday'• n-1 . N.Y. sterlia . ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALll'ORNIA: THURSDAY, APRIC 'I 0, ·1969 TEN CENTS _acewa Mission Rafferty Backs Capo Over1ide SAN CLEMENTE -An unus- ual endorsement from '11 high -that of State Superintendent of Public Jn.stTUclion Max Rafferty -has been pic ked up by Capistrano Unified School District f<r its so.cent tax increase vote ne.rt Tuesday. The st.ate school chief today issued a statement urging passage of the override measure. He said be did so as a private citiien and San Clemenie property owner. Rafferty owns a lot in the Rancho Margarita tract. He remarked in one talk in the county during his senatorial cam- paign last fall that he might one day retire in San Clemente. Rafferty lent his endorsement alter beinC cootacred by -olftcials. He said in a release be was advised of ~ ticipated heavy enrollm~ g~lns and a decline in assessed valuation imnase. The Capistrano Unified Council ol PTA 's also has endorsed the 50-cent 8Chool tax increase request. So, too, have parent groups at Crown Valley, Ridlard B...-y. Dana, San Juan and Palisades elementary schooM:, Marco P'ortte!' Jwlicr Hlgb. and San Clemen- te lligll ScllooL Dana Harbor ·Talk Set DANA POINT -A proposed 50-eent tax ovt:rride for the Cap- istrano Unified School D i st r I c t ~d the educational role of Dana Harbor will be tiipics of two speakers appearing at the Dana Point Civic Association meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Community House 24642 San Juan Ave., Dana Poinl Sch~l Board President Thomas Winget will discuss the school tas override which would raise the CWTent tax rate to $3.7719 per $100 of assessed valuation. If passed by voters April 15, the increase 'tl.'Ollld amount to about $37.50 yearly for the owner of a $30,000 home. The ose of Dana Harbor as an educa- tional tool will be explained by District Science Director Philip Grtgon. A proposed oceanology center at. the harbor, pushed by Grignon, has ~ved a Ford Foundatioo gr.ant for planrung. In- creased private financing is being l!OUght. The Thursday meeting i:s public. Ping Poag Jtfeet Due LAKE FOREST -Table termls -or ping pong -will be a big sport here. 1be Lake Forest Beach and Tenn.is Club will kick off the acti vity with a special ex- hibition from .9:30 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. Saturday at the club. All resident:I are in vi led. Storm Drain Pfalllned S>,N JUAN CAPISTRANO -Construe· lion of a storm drain along Dtl Obispo near Marco Forster Junior High School here will disrupt traffic along the major roadway for about two weeb. ' Election Tuesda11 L~.guna Schoo~· Needs Outlined By RICHARD P. NALL Of .. Dtitlr Pli.t st.ff ''Became we have not employed panic tactics of crying 'di.sister' in Uking for voter approval, does not itpply that needs are not very real and utremely great.'' Dr. William Ullom, supei:inlendent of Laguna Beach Unliied School District, spoke of . the 5kent tu override to ' be decided Tuesday. The ' 58-cent override, if fully levied, would produce for the district an estimated $440,800 annually. It would cost tbe owner of a home appraised at $40,000 about '5 more per month. Toro Airport Plans Blasted Bv Residents " By J~~ CHAPPEi,-!. Of .. Oaltr ... .., ,, ... Establianc ·a commercial airport at the El Ton> Marioe·Air sation would ooly be ~ .ll'f' pr~ Q{ iiO!oe. oh' Jd]uticlt, and 6olW•··-oisa10oe spot In the qpiY to --. -n.t ii tDe n 111!fnt d. one -Sad· dl<bac~ --. ..... greup ihlt Is ~ .. Y biiplOmematloo of com- mercial jel -II the military bue. Joeoph Cobm, a ft>ideot ol El Ton> for Ufte years jnd member of the Aliso Homeownen -Alrport Com· mlttie calls the.counl)''• Phate I study ol airport sites a 11sham:" Be -. El Ton> was lbe ooly COlll>- ty site liven rtal consldentUon frGm the aart " the atudy. Oiiier coaotal ...... were Included only ao "the !<St ol the comti W'OUld eive a S&h of relief when they choee EJ Toro," he iays. Cohen -Coota Mesa and Newpolt Beach of applying political mus. cle to have El Toro take over the com- merrial func:tloo ol Oranc< County Airport. Tbe alrp>rt alte alucly did not give ade- quate consideration &o off-shore airport COMtnlction, c.ohen lllid. He said his group is abo oppDled to any con- s.ideraticll of temporary commercial use <i El Ton1. "We are opposed to the tempcrary coo- c:ept for the use of the El Toro base because the word 'temporary' means 'permanent' u we all know," he argues. He also -that the ~ of urgency · ibsplred by planners is non -"Orange County ali'port cook! easily acconimodate many more times the fligtJta it now hladles." Cohen sais. He ~ U.t, If th! nmwaya. were ex- tended over the freeway, much the ame as at Los ~ea lntematlonal and Ken· nedy I-Ill New Y~, all typu ol jell could be occommodai..t. The coot, he 11)'1 baa beftl eotlmlioed II -.i II millloo by County A Yiatlon Director --· . c.onvenion ol El Toro Would COit 10 Um .. that. Cohen ~ A petition~ Sodcflebock .,... reoicledo fo bellll " irltli al>out IO pen:mt approval, i. ...,. .. Arus ol basic need, S&id. the superintendent, includt: Pupil-teacher .ratio: Thirty.five new teachers have been. employed in five years to band.le growth and keep the class size proper. More wW be needed to 'maintain the ratio, prepare for an I to 10 percent enrollment .inereue and handle salary increues. Library Facilities: There is need for more books, reference' Rtaterlals and audio equipment at all schools. ·A survey showed tha$ district library resources are rub!tandard in quantity and selection. Transportation: 'I1le district needs a new bus. Annual transportation costs per atudent in the hilly terrain are $29.11 compared to $12.2S in Orange ; $11.07 in Newport; 0< $6.31 ln Santa Ana . Field Trips : 'Ibis necessary educational adjunct includes trips by auto mechanics students to u..embly line.1, villts to museums, fire stationl, city hall. Furnitutt' El Morro and Allio School& are bad1y in need ol furniture. Much ex- isting furniture is 15 yeara_ old. - Painting: El , Morro School needs a comple\e ~ job. , • . • Audltcrlum! For 3C years th1s Laguna facility has served civic and cultural events. Despite upgrading, it LI substan- de.l'd. and ·needl new 'aeatJ.,' . · F~·~~~J fQUr rooma. •. Growth' Addillonal l<JIOOf facllltles will be -ta·U. -ov.,. e!Pf 1-•. Site plannrzi. JiiOli 60 canHil' 111 'npw. other Neecl8' !!'bey Include demancls for :JOO'" competitive ulary IChecfuJes, curllculwn cloxeloP1Dent, uwadlng the ln!tructiona1 material with a profeasional library, film itripe:, mualeal instruments and mUJic education '!"J'dl. Alic>, aclclftiollal --111op fad!IUes for vocaUonal ltudentl; a 8'irage area for -""· paint and "r·lacern<ul o1 windowa, ·outdoor· f 1 r n tu re and playground equlJllll'lll at Top of the World 5qlooL Meet Candidates For School Posts Feeling slightly overwhelmed by the plethora of school board canciidates you'll be uked to choose from In next Tuesday 's elections? Feel lib you can't tell the candidates without a progr-am? Breathe-easier, voter. The DAILY PILOI' today offers, in easy.to.read fonn, detailed summaries of achoo! board candidates -who they are and where they stand. You'll find the Information on pages a, 9 and 10. Auto Crash Injuries Claim 16-year-old Boy A Chino youth died Wedetday of in· Juris suffered April I oo Carbon Canyon Road near Valencia Avenue, the Orange County Conloer'• Oflke r<ported. Ernest Young, 11, died of mlllive head lnjurlel at Sl Jude Hosplal, J!'uflerton. Be n1 a pu1enpr in a car whkh collided with a truck. • • I s LaptwlffrftlS ly Phil ln .. r landl • "Summer's Coming and I'm Getting Th1t Fetllng Again -I Don't Want to Bo In La9un1 and Yot I Don't Want to Go Anywhere Else.'' Good News and Ba,. Free Meters, Doubled OU Teen Dies 1n· 1st Local Raee Try Amateur night at Orange County International Raceway ended In death Wednesday, when a teenager's souped-up sedan veered off the tract and rolled over several times on hia first local run. Gillert A. Nielson, ta, ot Norco, was thrown from the car and died ot brain Jn.. juries 11uflered when his bead wu CfUlho eel, 11uccumblng at Santa Ana CQmmunity Hospital at 7:40 p.m., one hour after the crash. Authorities today are seettnr to deLermine what caused the modified.1161 Olevrolet to hurUe off, the straight tract at the 1,000-foot mark, but so far-are mystified. "We checked the car over for about an hour and there just was no cause for it to veer off Uke that," said Mike Jones. general manager of the. El Toro speed center. Investigators for the C a 1 J t p r n I a Highway Patrol toot an accident report at the acene of the drag race fataJjty, but do not often make an official determlna· tlon in such cuea. Tbe track is located just off Sanla Ana Freeway at El Toro. Jones said today that raceway ollicials and the National Hot Rod Auociatlon are also checkfni for a ca1111 of UJtml,lbip. second fatality lp lbe laclllty'• blamy. NaUonallv knOim• dras race drlwr Mike ~ Sor8Jdh WU killed. ' . theni in . I •~ ' ,,,_.,,. P '.. •\ I , , llecp)~l!f'"Awllen hla .~ la' ~ , 11c•,._ 1;..4-. e ..........-.. I net.· nne Iri1tl8l repart.s llattd N tt l 1·1 a' e tsttrnalelf' apeecl 1"""-taJ n!Pt. al about 100 mjlel per ..,,.., b\11 Ibo A new meter-feeding' ban arid doubled be eanD&rked for tftm:ual lncrtae of costs for curb!lde parklnl wtire in the · off-street" parking. mill today for downtown Laguna Beach. City Manager Wheaton conceded that The contemplated double whammy may be before councllme n Wednesday•in the plan holds no .immediate remedy.for the fonn of a parking committee recom-off-street parking shortage. mendation. IMPORTANT FEAnlRES The proposal would carry .some good news for Laguna Beach shoppers. They would be given tokens to park free by participating merchants. But It wouldn 't be such good news for downtown workers who ha ve com- placently fed meters since Judge J . Parley Smith shot down city anti-meter- feeding enforcement in his municipal court (because or no signs advi.sing the unwary). SCHEME WORKS Given necwary councn blessing, here 's how the new scheme would work, according to City Manager James D. Wheaton: -The city would repla ce 380 downtown meter heads at a coot of $50 each or 118,400. -The new sophisticated machines would take pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters or tokens. -The length of allowable parking lime at curbl!lide would double from one hour to two. -So would the cost of curbside parking increase from a nickel an hour to a dime. -Cost of parking on municipal lots would also be a dime an hour w})ich .rould be effected by adjusting the mechanism of existing meter heads. -The meter heads would carry time- limit signs prohibiting meter feeding, which meets proh.lblling parking for more than the des.ignated time. 1'ires would be chalked. -Extra revenue to the city after paying for the new meter beads -which would prflbably take about a year -will One of lhe most important features, he said, will be the use of tokena for downtown merchants to &ive t o customers in whatever manm:r they decide. Merchants would buy the tokens at cost. "They'll be able to advertise that downtown merchants are providing fl'ee parking for their customers which · has been an overriding objective as far as these guys art concerned," Wheaton said. The recommendations are an upshot of ~gular meetings since late last year of city officials and the Downtown ai.siness Association (DBA J. DBA representatives have included Gordon Strachan, ,Joe Bushard, Bob Ben- ner, Ned Blackmarr and Bill Marriner. The city has been represented by the mayor, Wheaton, public works director and police chief. Whea ton said It is impossible to estimate the additional revenue to city coffers yet but conceded that '20,000 an- nually might be as good a guess as any. Parking has been about a break~ven municipal business in Laguna Beach, Wheaton explained, taking in about $70,000 annually and putting out about the same give or take $1,000. Stork Marketa NEW .YORK (APJ -The slock markel had some ol its early advance trimmed by profit taking todl,f and doted with a moderate gain. (See qootaUons, Pqes 11- 19). Trading was active near the close. _.__ad thla !OdaJ •. "Ke couJdn't hive been loinf mare than IO," Jones uld, "because be w,,. already traillng tile car that beat him and' the winner only clocked 108 pillts per hour." Jones said the 19S5 Chevrolet had an altered front end suspension, but the cU.stom modlflcation it: a common <me and could not be bbmed for lbe accldeoL Each Wedneaday the raceway features amateur nighL Nielson had not competed locally before and was making his first run of the evening when falally injured. Booth Payment Time on Weekend -admitted to the 1969 Lacuna Beach Festlvli of Art.I must pey for their booths at the Festival olfice betweea t a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday or Sunday. This applies to altists who were on lie grounds last year and did not hive to resubmit 11 well 11 to artllta .elected by, jurors at the March 15 lellion, Mid SlllY. Reeve, Fffltival epoketman. Tbe Fe9llval ol Arts aJJd Papont of the Masters will run from Jtdy 11 Ulroup Aug. 24 this year. 'Almost Good as New' YUCAIPA, CalH. (UPI) -A carpent« iYbo.1e left ann wu almost severed triim his body two weeks ago by a power aaW wa11 home from 1 hospital today, IDCl bis arm was "almott as good u new." Theli>ert Francl.s, 38, Alcl. hla doctor told him "I won't ever be a concert pianist with it. But I'll be 1 carpenter." Oraa11e . Couc A bridge al Del Obispo and Camino Del Avion will be tom out as the result of the new drainage channel. The system will run from the intersection of Camino Del Avion east to a storm drain at Dana Knolls. Monarc.h Bay Plans Bring Protests Weatller SUMy at;ea will prevail Ftlcl•Y· with the mercury lhootinc up 1n1o lbe low '10'1 alq the Oranp Coaal. Prope11y Taxes D,eadline Today Today is the last day for payment of J96U9 second installment property tai:u without penalty, Orange County Tu Col- lector Don S. Moiley warned thlJ mar. Ing. 'I'ho5e who fail to pay lMir tues before s p.m. a< lbe tu <0Ilector'1 ollk<1.~. Broadway, Sant.a Ana will be IUbJea to a 13 per parctl and 11.t pen-<1\1 pWlty charge. Moitey ur&ed ca.ullon In trying to but the deadline by mailing tu payments. They mus! be postmarked today, April 10, or penalties will be as.ttssed, he warn- ed. ; .. . , ... ~\ ,. , '""" • 11'' Plans even call for an w>derpau be06..ath oout highway for pedestrilln ind m"1f·bus Ule lo brln& Inland Niguel dwellers to the beach. ,If the Monafch Bay residents don't INSWI! TODAY Coun1v-offic1411 art facing tMir annual tM11l1 MrlUl . a.fat ~oet and ft aPJ>(;aTt the co.st of QOV<rnfng Or1111Q< Cotmtw w , goinp nowhtre but II)>, R<Nll( ' Jack'BTobacl'• ltof\', n.. .. , 17 • •. I ·~ t ~ 11 ......... ,,. a..NJM ......... ~ • c-itt. 11 ............. ... ='*".... ~ =:: ..;:r:"' ,,,: ==. ':.' ,: :: ....... = ,..... , .. ,. ~ . '"' 1'"'"1 ti -..... • 5~. :~ .Er:.1 ~ t ' ,, ---- 2 o.ILY PltOT r Tllondq, Afrtl 10. 1'169 . ~--~·· .1..... ' I •, • ~~--w.----------~--... -----~ ---------------------------~-----------__....__.,....---~· Americanizatioft .. Ma~e Easy by TV . ' • It's nice to have a wife who can make you laUCb even i t the moment 3he's lwicled )'<Ill a .-i telephone bill. She had 60en cilllni her mother. ~ctuany, that's not u moch phoning u you mlchi luapect. Yoo see, her mother u .. 1n Pan-ama. Tbat i! allo my wlte'a native and. Shomlgbtsuddeft. ly return, also, if she present! me with an- other of those ieo talking bills. There are com- pensating cimun-""'1111!: .stances, however , because thlt is my wife'• first two months ·in the UrUted ' .. .._ lllld lilr ..._. "-M ,;__:_ I '< , ~~-·~. ~. ~,...,.\ .'1 '• BUc .... lo tbe U.S., J .......... . .. ,., - lw a oufnber ot Impressions ot our P• country and in some lnatanees, abe's not -------------· too greaUy impressed. · For example, we don't grow enough mangos here. And bananas are too e1- peM!ve. Tele vialoo Is a great help, however. It teaches htt English, sort of. Com. mercials are best, but her pronuncia· tions are a bit odd at times . That flaky whit. stuff in your hair comt1 out "Dranloo" instead of dan· drulf. But she can say "You get a big delight in every bite" with better emphasis than any school-trained announcer ever hoped foe. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches present a greater problem th;m she can cope with. I llke 'em for lunch -she LOGBOOK thinks I'm craty. And Me.xlcan food -well, a lot of peo- ple here th1nt tacos and enchlladas are universal througbo\Jt Latin America. She tbought thiJ American food was quit. ao oddity, but not very good. "It'll never catch on with the Latins," she said. She went to a few night. meetings with me at first. Really disappointed -dull they were. In Panama when people oppo&e the government they throw stoo.es and bombs at the police. No real danger -the • ---~ ..... pd' thlMS. coa bt alol for a loct ot education. boo lblll( Clltlornia lack.I -ID! Plnlml c:Cu1d1otn a few -art Cbeevu, tley bu.,. (LatiD surf wagom) that Jip through the city faster tbaD the Tijuana TaxJ. And they never collide. People in Panama are adjusted to lunatic. driving. • W.y wife can bounci! acrosa the street in Panama City, dodge three cbeevas, aide.step a coolused American, and never blink an eye. But she won't leave the house here - it's not u!e. -- Sooner or later .she'll adjust. Already she's getting used to apples instead o! mangos. But bananas are still loo expensive. Terry Coville met hi& wife while with the U.S. Army in Panam.a. He i~ currently a staff writer tn the DAILY PILOT's Huntington Beach office . •• •• • LAGUNA TEEN CORNER By TOM GORMAN THE . WEATHERMAN SAID things would be hot in Palm Sprihgs for Easter vacation. He wa1 right. Bob Kronman and I took off for the desert oasis to lake a rut. School and atreet dances had worn us out, llO we dec.lded we should find some quiet place to take it euy, to get away from the crowds. Well, the fits! nil!bt in town we fuund ouraelves amidat hundreds of police, tboosaods ot long halra, &Dd a handM of fellow newspapermen. Pity the newspapennan. What he-goes through in covering the typical riot few ""'"''" Poli«: bad billy clubs. tear gu and mace. Longbair1 bad stones, botuea, and good aim. A gaa station owner had a gun. All we had was a Utile card with big let- ters "Press." From P .. e 1 -MONARCH ... thU1 far, its acquisition. from the county ~tJ!rough abandonment-of the old· Salt ~ Road whlch ran near ·the beach. 'I1te abandonment is under l*1 attack. Beck see.! the property · u 'a recrea4 Uonal adjunct for 80,000 persons that will !ill !lie plaooed commwitly. "The beach is the blggesl crux ol the argument." he said. "Un1~.it's owned by '8 public agency someone has to take the responsibility." Beck said, "We are detennined that being private property, the destiny Clf tbal beach is for a·totat community." · - Hawever, Monarch Bay resident! are just as anxious about prCltecting their property va1ues and keeping the beach and clubhouse relatively exclusive or i!~ least selective in occupancy. ACQUIRE PROPERTY Shiras maint.a~ that it had not been the corporation's intention to Clpf:R up 1t1onarch Bay to the extent now planned "until they were lucky enough to acquire the Capron property." Conceding that t h e exclusiveness sought by Monarch Bay dwellers isn't in their leases, Shiras and others maintain that promises were made by the Niguel 1ales force that the area \\·ould have ex4 elusiveness similar to Emerald Bay and 'Jl1Tee Arch Bay. Beck said it was never in the cards economically or topographically. Future decisions by the Monarch Bay dwellers w will likely be based on the recommendatioos of their comm!Uees and <.'ONUilation with Beck or <>ther com· pany officials. DhllY PILOT OIV.NGE 'OA$-PUILl~ING ,OM,ANY Rob.11 N. Weed Prt11dent erllll PllbUINr J,,\: R. Curley Vic. Praktlnl eM Gt,,.r.i ,,...,... Thorri•• IC11•ll Eclllcr Thomt1 A. Mwrphin1 Wnffllll il:clltor ki,h1rtl P. Nill Lt•vne l•Kh Ctty Elllllor t..fno -0- 222 ,,,,,. ,,. ••• M1ili1119 AddrMt1 P.O. lo~ 666, '2652 ...... -." 1 C0lt9 MIMI ~ W"l • .., Strtrl ......, IMdl: nu w .. 1 lllbM ..,...,..,. .....,.._ 111C111 a flt! Sft..t We were also armed with cameras. The militants loved us. "Want a good pic- ture?" they'd ask, with a bottle in their cocked arm, ready to unload on a patrol car. One officer claimed my flashgun blind- ed him and he couldn't Re the roc ks coming at hint. The rocks didn 't always find the in- tended mark.. though. At one point, Laguna's daring duo bad to lake refuge in a restroom at the center of combat - the gas station. Bob peeked outside, found the place surrounded by the law, and was hit by a missile. We decided to sit light a bit longer. We finally built up our courage, opened the door, and darted outside just in time to see the police lobbing tear gas into an unruly mass:. We felt safe, being on the same side of the street as the police. But the wind blew the tear gas back over to~'ards us. And another bottle shower poured Jown on us. "Who's. side are you on?" Clne officer noting our age qu ipped. "The safe side," we told him. All the while, a police helicopter hovered ~erhead, directl."' a atrong beam of light on th,e longhairs, keeping . ' track of the bot spots. The militants would look up, extend their right arms, and give them the peace sign. In their left handa were bottles, awaiting a mi.!sion. "I hate those filthy ·pigs," one boy in his late teens told us. "If I could, I'd kill all of them. What good's a rock when I need a machine gun?" he asked himself. He was serious. ile made me sick. Soon the action began to cool down. Rob and I went inside to the city· sponsored pop festival. Several thousand teens were lying Cln the grass ol the Angels' spring training camp, grooving on the heavy music, the wann night air, marijuana, and themselves. They were not aware of what had happened outside. They would be, though, when the Clnes with bare feet would have to stroll across the glaswtrewn sidewalks and streets after the concert. The last group to play was "The Can· ned Heat." · - Hopefully it was. But Clne question will still plague the establishment for the months and years to come: "When and where will it ex- plode next?" Disposal Firihs Scrap Over Service in Viejo A garbage hes.sle between two Mission Viejo trash diSpMal companies Is work- ing its way through the Superior Court grind..-today. · Claiming more than $300,000 damages In the rubbish scrap is Toco Disposal Inc .• %4241 Larkwood Lane, El Toro. Company president Charles Waltman claims in his action that the newly form· ed Viejo Disposal Co. is attemptlng to squeeze his business from the fast developing Mission Viejo area. Waltman st.ates that Viejo Disposal is an offshoot ol the Mission Viejo Com· pany. He identifies the officers· ol his rival as Thomas Trulio, Thomas A. Forster, Philip S. ReUly, Richard J, O'Neil, James. E. West, Anthooy R. l\fciiso, and J. Jerome Moiso -all, he says, connected with the Missioo Viejo property development COi'pOl'atioo. Planne1·s Oka y Use Variance Richard C. l\1assen has been given a use variance lo construct a S,300 square foot buikiing for comm~ial .and light manufacturing businesses oo t h e northe&S.erly side « Laguna Canyon Road, just north of the Laguna Beach ci· ty limits. The variance was approved by the Orange County Plaming CommlMion Wednesday as an amendment to a previous permit granted on Aug. 14, 1968. Massen, who has as one tenant a branch pcM!dflce, said a prospective t<"llanl k a glass company. Pot Raps Jail Three Lagunans 'lbree Lagunam: were arrested late Wedneeday oo chargts Cll posRUioo of martJuana with int.U to sell. Laguna Beach police said seven ouncts ol m•ri· juana, a small quanUty of hltShlsh and anorted panphemalla were alezed. Ttn Disposal claims that it provided garbage services to more tban 90 percent o( homee and businesses in the com- munitie"S ·of Mission Viejo, Capistrano Highlands, Laguna Niguel, Irvine and El Toro. But that establidled business has been particularly damaged in the last three or four months by Viejo Disposal practices which ''coinbine acts and capital interest in a manner intended to restrict trade and commerce," the com· plaint alleges. Viejo Disposal, the action asserts, is getting the garbage business of incoming homeowners through service contracts provided at the time of home purchase by the Mission Viejo Co. "as part and parcel ol the purchase arrangement." The plaintiff points out the possible future damage to his established business by predicting that the pt'e9ent populaticin ol 8,000 persons in the mushrooming area will expand to 80,000 residents in the next JO to 20 years. Next year alone, Waltman slates, ari e.'14.imated 1,000 to 1.200 homes will be built in the area by the MJssioo Viejo Co. -all, apparently, to be sold with built-in garbage disposal contracts. The action stales that buyers of new homes in the area abo receive literature from Viejo Disposal Co. The company is unlawfully exploiting its first contact with t.he public in the area, the complaint adds. Louise Grantham Se rvices Priva te Private services and interment were i«:heduled today for Louise Grantham, owner ol Grantham Talc Mines in Death Vallty and a Laguna Beach resident for 15 years. MiSl!l Gramham, 69, died Tue&- day. V iejo Residents Seeking Damages From Builders A Newport Beach development com· pany is today accused CJf ''planned misrepresentation" in a Superior Court suit filed by eight Mission Viejo homeowners. 9 amages totaling $96,000-$12,000 per home -are beln'g sought by the residents of Spadra Lane from Deane Brothers Inc., 420i Birch St. Their complaint :slates that land ad- jacent lo their homes was developed in a way that has destroyed their "~c view" despite an undertaking by Deane Brothers at the time of purchase that this would not occur. Identified as plaintiffs in t.he action art Robert R. and Doris S. Brouillette, 24776; Richard D. and Janet E. Core, 24792; Joseph C. and Gwen Lee Haegeman, 24~2;. James' and Elizabeth Johnstone, 24812: Morlyn A. and Beverly Lokken, 24802 ; Joseph M. and Genevieve K. Moore, 24766 ; Lee M. and Mary Offutt, 24742 and William H. and Pauline Wagner, 24822 all of Spadra Lane. 'Ibelr eight homes range in value from $26,000 to $36,000. All were built between July, 196fi and May, 1967. A Spadra Lane homeowner today told the DAILY PILOT that the eight plain- tiffs were a;;sured by Deane Brothers that vacant land behind the homes - since deVeAbped u Embarcadero Lane - "would be at least 65 feet below w and would not interfere wit.b our Yiew. Newly Chartered Pat Piatek, eighth grade English teacher at La Paz Sc:hool in Mi~· sion Viejo, and Ed Romeo, Orange County representative for Cali- fornia Teachers Association (CTA), display charter granted Wed· nesday to San Joaquin Teachers Association, county's newest CTA affiliate. LA's Reddin Resigns Post LOS ANGELES (AP) -Chief of Police Thomas Reddin, involved without his ask- ing in an election for mayor, says he will retire from law enforcement and beCome a televisiCln newscaster and com- mentator. He slid his decision alter 26 months as head of the nation's fourth largest police force has "nothing to do" with the May 'n runoff between Mayor Sam Yorty and Thomas Bradley. Shortly before Reddin's announcement \V ednesday, Yoriy called a news con- ference to predict wholesale police resignations that ·.vould ·"really disrupt law enforcemeot in this community" if Bradley wins. "I'd heard some time ago that if Bradley were elected mayor, · Reddin would resign," Oty Cow>cilman .. ~ur K. Snyder said. Bradley, a ·Negre~Clty councilman, far ootpolled Y<rty in. tbe re- cent primary. He bu accused Yorty of resorting to "dangerous and divisive'' tactics by trying to involve police in the mayoralty contest. As police chief, R~in, 52, str~ police-community relations but he said; "l feel that l can better reach the publlc with the problems of the community as a news commentator. And I am particular- ly anJ.ious t'o improve relations betw~l the public and the police department." . In his new job at KTLA, Reddln will succeed a man reportedly paid more than $200,000 annually. The police chief is paid. 132.800. "Reddin has an iMalc ability as a TV news broadcaster," said former CClwboy actor Gene Autry, now board chairman and president Cli Golden West Broad ... cuters, which owns the Channel 5 sta· tion. The former news anchorman, George Putnam, is now with rival Ch.iln- nel ll. a nylon shag that's young • In looks, young ~in price! $8.95 sq. yd. Youn1id .. indaifn- a wdqu1 four-color e!ect from epecia1 dy-,. ..,_ .... , ...... id .. ia tedun-rich. boancy ohar that matoboo )'GUr own hi(b llPiritt. l!:aUine sivin1JOUr family th• tndition and qu&lily of Kanata.n for hill the price you micht npect to JJIY. ln 16 C!Olor -- Your favorite dttigntr win be ham to °''"' voai ••. John Willocd Smith, 24; Mlch"l Graven, 20: llMI Ori!dna Massa, 21 ; all gavt addresse1 d %73 Cajon Street, Llcuna Beach where the arrttU were made. U. John Zelko said burned hand roll•d clr•ettes belleved to contain marijuana, plpts With retlldue, a leather pooch con. ialn.lng suspect marijuana !ttds and mnnan(s and othtr material was found. V.iss Gantham, who lived at 193S Ocean Way, supported many community organiutions incll.lding the Olambtt of Commerce, the Assi.sf.anct Lequt, the Red Croos and aided the Laguna Beoch High School graduaUon nl&ht party, amoog other acUvltltt. MIS.!I Grantham is survived by a brother, WllUam Gr1nth1m tJ. t.aauna B<':ich and a aistet, Jozia Martin, also of Lquna Besch. Interment will be in Pacific View Memcrial Par~ undtr diNClion o( Sheffer Laguna B<ach Mtlrl.-Y . ·~'""'"H.J. GARREJT f URN ITU ~S ~·~ "" INTERIOR DESIGNERS 0,... Moa., Tlt•r>. & Fri. r,.,_ COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646.0171 646-0176 ' , • l t • 1. I ~ I • " ' . • • , DAILV PILOT )a Mass'. ·Murder·-Bared ·:~ ' ' ' I .. ' ' . ·Cong j • • 1 I . > ' ,HUE, Vietnam (AP)· -Jn the white most were clvillanl on • death Ult ear-chHdren wbo OJunl" lo lliar lklrtl. "'. 1san<11 east of Hue, ·volunl<er& !0< two rfeC! •by polltleal COl11JJlium of the in-She had a p~ of her bulband,..,.,.. -h&V. i>een d!Cf!lnl up tbe·vietlIN vadlng Norlh Vletnamae ll1d Viet Cong IOOO after Ibey wue murled. He Wlii!"• ol,'tbe wmt""8mcre•ol lli6-Vletnamese troops. lltrong, bandaome man, amllbl& at ..,_ 'l''1'· Surviv0<1 aay the u.t lilcJllded any... pbologropher. The remains of her ~ ·Tbest are the bodJes of men, women who worked for the Americans or ac. band 1.ly in a crude woodtq elfftn arid ~dren shot, Clubbed or buritt;I alive lively supported the eovmunent, in-wreathed in incense from srnoklnc.-jm by Viet C-O!lg eaecutlon ~ durilll the cllldlng police, political leaden ll1d civil • sUcks. · T~t dfenaive ti lat year tJ¥lt overran servant!. He had been a soldier in the ¥let· . . ' Eucution Victims Found Near Hue-.: ' part ot this old Im~ .capital. '!'he stale of the bodlea wu lllCh thal ao @.. rll)&tl'l_an<Labout laur._~e.u:L-_ ---::;-The--worken-duc-~~-from-far Orily If hive 5eeD ICiiitffiea. earlier, in fil:hUng near Saigon, WU .moaa graves 'l)lllraday, brfngmg to 441 One who made an identlll<atlon Thurs-wounded In the left leg, wbkb later waa ·,, • r Did ·Timer Was ""Big . W~~#I~ • •' ., .l._ ,. ' ' 'Sumet: Re'li.Hent, 92, Reca·lls D'ista:nce Flybig.~F~'ibi >', , .By, RUDI NIEDZIEISKI • Of'IJll Dllb Pllll·ttlff . Who ·would be crazy enough<.to ride ·a bjcycll 1rop1 . Los· Angel'°. to•Corooa and back? ,'Jb!re:s: a 92-year old man: inr Sunset B<ach 'wtio«!ld just tbal -in Iei!s <than .e~·bOurs·-and crazy he iSu•t. 'Be is John ' v. Duvall, one or Californja'a 'few remaining old-time bicy. clto:racers, who URd to get their kicks out ol charging down djrt roods at•wliat Ibey, ~·to be .brealmecl:.speeds. ''QU.\'.'an •. who has livid, at 18915 S. Paqifie Ave., since l965 'doesn't ~ve.the fliin legs of a champioosbip.bicycle rider apy , more, but he's still in pretty good lliiiipe !or his age and ~n !pin gOod Yams.'' "The• bikes we used to." ride in 1890'11 Md ,l900'a _wemi1t anythjng·like.the· ones w.e hllve,today. We tried to make .. tbem as l!Pl.aa.poeeible.ll1d Ibey didn,\'have any lj'akea," he said. "I wouldn't give you a dime for one of tbe·new 'ones with brakm and fenders,'' be adiled ruefully. ... · ... ~r?"«!alled rti;}'iqc , a modem version not too·long,qo bUt'sailJ'he becmne•ao con!uHd· by the ·-device and the lnkes1ilat'he was depo&lted .in:the mld-dJe·or,the rood -·ralhe!',uqgracelqlly. ;ttie.bieycJes .he ·med to ,race, which in- ~hlded Hoffmanns, Thistles a n.d J\a]:nblen:, bad a direct.dri~e;be;tween the ,e.r.i.'mi<M!>e' raar•wheel' ll1d ·wllen·you winted to--· all ·bad to'do '"' .. _ . -... you . . "'""'t" moving·yoor'leP.• .. ' ' ' .. Most of the races be competed ln,were di!ltanoe ·contests in Southern California wllh.nooe other·than !«mer Los·Angel<s CoW!ty 5h<riff ·Eqene Blscailw:, 'his -compeUtor, furiously pedaling 1W 11_,. hltdllfltlil . ' ' -..lilm on lhe 1ong hauls. WHliELMAN NOW RECAL~S LONG 'j\GO 'DA"S :. ' ' . ' ' . ~~ere ·other more umisual races too; such as the time sil: men oo one ~· wero pilled 4galn8t a haybtiiner R·etlrti:I Sunwt . BHch Pi inter Tur"'. 93 ·in .~tobtr ;¢'.11\e·old Elj>O<!ition Park. end ol'the race lQl. me." "We pedaJeCflilte bell but we never did · · heat·· Chi.t· hone," he' recalled. "EVery Duvall ·literally ran out of winer duiing " thtie we were ·getting ahead we'd .bear his 1 l'¥§t1r~, a .~,event "$·~1\9. libn breathing down our .necks ancf•then Nevada.•'Fhe ·alti.tude'Of the delert ·city '"'knew that it was all over." . was •a' littJe1too ·much• fer :bin( am he ''We U9ed to face with motorcycles too , at.'theoklvelodromeinLosAllgetes.:niat cooldn't keep up· with the leidm. '"I Was just a short eighth mile track and we knew I'd had it then." u,ed to tuck in behind them and •ICOot The bike wu put away mid l>Jvall tieat one though." began a lengthy career as painting con- .-The same velodrome, which was tractor,1putting finish coats on some of located at.' loth and ~ Street in the first ho~'in the Seal Beach area. doWntow,n •Los AIJieles, uaed to. be the "There were no roads !\ere at all apd ~ (l( a rtfUlarly staged sh-.day bike the farthest you could aO if. you · were nee which Dvvall entered once. ~ng from Long Bead!. was Anaheim_ !'I.traibed f1X' that thing fer weeks and -Landing," he recalled. ''.If yoytw~nt.ed to wal'<Cloiug all ricflt when a guy cut in go to Newport, you had-'to g<(clear up to fnlt at me Ind we went dawn .in a tang'le Anaheim and'then headl°sou.th again." • · of:!Qs and IJ)Olc".'' he aald. "I bit a pool DuyaU came lo Lof AJlleJes• In 1"8 aadibled like a ltuck pig -that wu Che from~HJgginsviDe, Miilour1 at the a-p of t ' " ' ' ten. HiS:' mOtber was iwor.rled about the $100 train far~ is 'was 'gOinl·to .cOst her for the 2,000 mile trip .. ' ,. "Then the rlili~ 1-d al' ate. wM and the prices got lower aJ¥1 lower until the fare from ~·to, €11Jilqrnia. WM one dollat and that!s what."'is ·cost~for·my mGl.her and me to come· out here.'" ·The retired ·pain~;.WhQ ~U.ce~brJte his 93rd birthday next 'OctoberogtJts surf fishing jut a.bout ever:y'-day and never spent a day in Ille hospital anill he ha~ to have a cataract removed from his eye earlier this year. , . " : He now has.new.gla~\~5'1,S ,~Y d1111 help him in .~: ,llJh!is · •">' better "Hell I "'" tee"~ With• the g~ r bo~ght. 3i> reals' ~f<r<tlian Ille <!116' I've got now.',' '. ' . ' " Sex . Conr~e · ,G~de ·~Sou·gbf . . . .. • I . • . . . ·state Facing l'ncreqsetl-· Rress~l'.e Fr.pm Big4t ·Win.get, ·,., .. Jr•. ·., .,, •••• ,,; .. ,,.,--.,. BJ JAMES BOW · 1 Onei .ti.rd t~be said, .~ re-'. ' cent publjca.tlon to uae:1&iitriiWUSt Cqn- . . " • ..,,.. Wl'ftw qUire(Dent for~~~on"t'o\dd i 1p1r,cy' of t6cl\Irie. 9'x:ih rthf ~cliools." SACJl>\MENTO _ Facing , growing vlrfuall,y,aboll!lues·~tlotll1<caU!e . ., In Nevad'!•~ bJD .~·to ,SChmi\I'• pnpure 'h1m parents and poUUclans, many ~rentl. · don It '~· to l\o\M. 'measure and backed l;f :tw,o ~rch~SQcte.. •'Stll.etBoard of .~ucation~ out to-from S:Chool... ..-_,_ -. ty memben was kilied in·a ilegista.tJve · ~!to fltlblilb•pidlinea for te~ing the Poss1ble_~rd"actlon ·would Include· a committee. ~:of~~e'in Califclrnia ac~s. · st.atewide requftment that individual But Assemblyman .. Floyd WakefielFJ (ft.. 'l~ttJew policy.on sex "'!UCation is' not ~ts .have veto power over sex edl.tt8.· South Gate), objected to:Commo'ns' ~le. ea~ted. to1 be u ~ve as the tion for their clfldten. ment.. Wakefield laid in Sacramento that . di:~ of' tome groupis,~iricludihg 1tbe . The subj~t .and the sources of the re-be is not• Birch Socie~y'~m~.' J~·Blrth-Soclety. cent-furor over sex education already "It would aeem Wit,if1tljn ~yldyal~ · 5'!>! ·John G. Sclunits (It-Tustin), a ha,. ,been debated by the board. a group ol concerned o\UiAolis ~ .. to BirCh Sciciety ·member,·has introduced a "I~~ is no secret thllt a number qt · r1search an.Issue.or ojpstse acu"li~al ~·to prohibit, leJ'. ed~Uon withotit orgahl~tiom·are 'flshln(j~ ~eie troubl· •ogram, yiJllare immedi1tely'Jabtlid1.Ms ~ · oennluion of pa,..ta. Mos! ed wa1'rs '" board m<'niber • Donnan a ·~lroher ·or tcouted OI /)j<;C&,rth~ " lli:lieOI ' dlltrfota·: ollftlng ·ramify !Ue Commons Oi , 'l'ilHKfuri ' said a\ fist • Wak·efte1d n ld. •, · , . ' , "''i, 1. CCl(lne' novr s*rmlt parents to withdraw month's meeting. '"The John Birch Socle. He has introduced 1 meas6re-fora tt~ thtilr-dllldra from the tll'O£t.lmS, ty devoted seven ind .'a half peiges iD a·re.-year moratorium on aei ec!..."tatt9n. " . --··· ~ number tJ)us fai ei:bwried. Allied of-day was Mrs. Nguy.en 1b1 XuAn Dao, Jt. amputated. The body of her husband Wu f.lsials aay u many u .,OIK> may be found A frail woman, her eyes red frOID Wfiep-the only Me found with a leg rniaain«. btfore the work 1-over.. . J.ng, she was dresaed in a COll'le wblte and in•addition, bis army ideutificatkin ~·&me of the victiml were soldiers, but garment ti mourning. So were the two tags Jay nearby. " ' $1.3 Milli'On .Afliativn Budget Coes to County An aviation budget of $1.3 million for 1'1'"'0 has been reconllll<tlded to the Orange County Board ol Superviron by cWnty airport commis6ioners. $f approved, it ~Id tap the cOunty . generi.l fund for $312,000. ·The propooed bud&"( includes $813,311 ro:· operating expenses such a salaries, , .services, supplies and new ~uipment. ~ital improvttntnts reeommended '"9Uld -1541.:IOO. ·Estimated airport TeVemJff from le'ases, parking, tie down and otller lees .... expecled to loUI $1,113,4'2. ' ' . iCommissioner Roger Slates ·of · Hun-Woo Beaclt aaid ·w $3U,ooo i<qudled (·i\n the ,Onera! lund' Is ' hi euec:t a .. ,ban." "Alrl>ort aperations will pay ii tilCk ·soon," ht stated. , :Slates said · any future ov~::~et ojiendirig ahoulil be .........r by ' g ft'om private 90lJree.S or tJie · county :"'itt>loyea reUrement fund. · 'Peru Marks Seizure :LIMA,,Peru (UPI) "-Peru's military . ~w=ment clrculated ..... llatnp to. ·4y commemorating the date of Its u- J!'OJ)liation of' an AmeitC&n;owned oil :•pany a f "dily of nauon.al '11gnity." ' Discord Over UCI Firings :· 1 ' To Flare Again -on Campus By THOMAS FORTIJNE Of .. o.itt '"" Stiff Finals and the spring breat passed quietly. But now the haggling over dl.mllsl!al o! two UC Irvine ...utan! pro- fessors of English seems about to erupt again. · Proposals that would give students a otroog voice In hlrlng and !1'1ng ol pro- fessors: were to be introduced at today's UCI Academic Senate meeting. But the extent or student participation suuest.ed ls unheard of and too radical in -the opinoo ot some aenior. profe.uors. · Waiting to ... how the !acuity handles • t1ie • proposab Is the student Commltlee for Reinstatement which six weekl ago set their nen ~ for Friday. The two assistant English prbfesaors who were recommended not to be ·rehired are Stephen .Shapiro, wlme contract ex· pire!I in June, .1970, and Donald Brannan, whose coo.tract expires this June. Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich has. af. finned the depart.ment's recommendation to terminate. A third figure in the controversy, aeai., tan! prolesaor of hl>tory George Kent, also has been recommended for termina· tion in June, 1970, but hill case Is still under review. . . " -Ibey adjoUmed !or finals 1lle pnUstlnc llludenta 14ll<ed of eacalaUng the protest wlth'a coofrootatioo to lead· to suspensions or arrests. The controversial proposals to be broujht before the academic senate ~e wr!Uen by a special commitlee ol tho -pnir.....,. and -lludentl. Pi'opila!I of the committee include~ -')'en p0rcenl·of all new pror.-s lo be -by • student hiring ·COii\• mlttee. RacommendaUons woo1d nol' be final and. lludent -~ would have to · meet regular univ~ criteria. ' ·-Any faculty member dlsaatillledllillli faculty review ~ appeal his caM'jtoia -commltlee. Again the ....... indatlon of· the -t .....,.. m ' . r-woold nol'be final, but, UH Is overlwjl\d by the ~ •. the ..... woulll;lio aired during an all-day campus· 'l'"" vocatioo. . •I -Two students from each of the ~ than two dozen academic ~r­ UCI become lull voth)g members ol tho academic senate, which cur re n t·I r. numbers 2*> faculty members. -Two llluden! membm to be added ·to ea<b ol the eight standing aenale cOm- mlttees. For this 11erVice the atudentl should receive academic credit. Is QuiitiJig ·Business ' ' ' In Costa Mesa Every Pair In The Store Marked Down To LO.W LOW ::.PRl .CES! ' ' ' WOMEN'S AND TEENS' ' ' ' DRESS SHOES-FLATS-CASUALS-SANDALS up VAl:UIS TO $9 Children's Shoe.s. $2.80/$3.80 Men's and ioys' Shoe-' $5.80/$6.80 AND. UP. " COME NOW! .~; ' .t\ ancl get yoijr Great $hoe . Bargain.II ' ' " l f . . ' ' . ' KABL~s ·'I ' ' -- ,.,.. • .._. FO.t"'eat' fot' the Fa•il• Wf HONOlt IAN~MEltlCAM> A MASTElt CHAlt•I ..J. 237 laat 17th Street, Colla .... ' ' STOll HOUU1 t:ao A.M ..... P.M. MONDA'f .l PllDA'f: t:JO A.M ... ' P.M. ' ' '6JLY PILOT 1-. Afril 10, l'M . Police· Stotm ·Harvard -.. -· ~ , r • • • 196 Ar.rested for Takin~ Over Building ' I ' ~ • • B1 u11i.cr ,_ la-Uoaaf bulldJnc DCCUpolion foree th• t lhe Slld ho reColved orders to mo,. In •the , PDllce obaried -tho com pit o1 ld>Dol't ReMtvo Otticu'• Trllnfnt Corpe <amp111 "lholily .n.r midnilbl. •If The 1i1rYat<1 Uni....it1 !DdaJ, arresi.cr 111 fl'Dlr1111 II< lbofllhed. flOlleo oetloo. bowtver, did not .,.... penoos who tool< DV<r the, ochool'' ad-The P11Jo<~1 of lbe 1tudtlll body •P. mence until obout 5 a.m. ministration building, c I e al t !I ~ parmtly oppQltd ~ , demonlU:ation Harvard DUD Robert Watson broucbt Jl'OW)dl ol SOO others, and bloodied which began Wednesday ai noon. charges against t.ht atudents, a~Uy more than 20 prolettori' beads. As the SDS· eroup marched toward aeon, on orders from Univtrsity Prts· Tbe police action touched olf reports lluvord Yard and toward the ldlninil-ldeat Nathan M. Puley. ~ w ... o.llir ,.... ,...,. that a atude:nt strike would be called aC ltatlon buiklin& they were boeed by Pollet used ts paddy w1gOD1, thrtfl . . , the univenity. A rally tn support of the other $dent!. blllel and 11 UMW'ked Can to cart away Yuri llca!PUhin's run-in with 'a protesters was 8CbOdu1ed for the nearby The cleojcntrators fordbly ejeelff the sUjdenls. Tbe police had been on •C!ooter In Iifom>w ended up-wllll.-MUllChlllolb-IDatilut6-oUecbODfccy-Jline.delm~d!!i&.wben they_,_. til.m m the Moscow cooler. Karpu· Harvard authoritits said that de.spite took over. Tbey carried two aaailtanc and cot the order 19 moYe in at 5 a.m. Jiln wu robbing a grocery store the bloody melee c.luies were in aeaion ~Bvrria 1:'.0U!'g and J., E. 'nlomn As the PoUce moved in, ~e ..;..._ he sampled the vodka wares and the school · was under normal -out <ii the buiktinc lilr:t 11des of beet Mayor Walter &dllvan shouted io the "1-:U • _ . operation. and wlstant Dean Archie EPPI was demonatraton: ''B_.!.~ bl the dmmJ a hit loo liberally and. stumbled .m-A Sheet Jll'OClaimln& "StriR"' hUll( thrown tllroogh a cloDr. thole who don't ""'!;).tO tel knocbd •• to a large freezer. Police found him from a window« a build.in& In Harvard Ckltside the administration buikliag out." • t • half.froieb the next morning and Yard, center m the undergraduate demonstrators opposing the SDS, burned Admlnistrative Vice Pf'•ldent EJ&ltt took him off to another type of campus. an effigy supposed to represent a mJli. WiUins. who obMrVed the entire inci-'! cooler _ jail The 191 arrested students were taken iant student. Others carried signs read-dent, said 'jlt will lelve scar,S. J:lowtver,, · • to the East Cambrld&o Jliatrict Court ing : "SOS Gel OU!." the educational !unction of a university where they wert: charged with tres-At least 20 students were treated at musl not be inltm.1pted by a ntjndity passing. the Univ:;,j!Z1:*1th Center for head such u this. • London referee Tom ~eynolds, At 10 a.m. rally in Harvard'• Memor-wounds._ aaid..,.Tw.o_aitt~b.OfP.it· "Some mel!Lfl'e of ~control must be who bas no trouble quelling angry lal Chapel was held without. incident. al1 also were treating injured studenlJ maintai.ned:--It's 10ne on too JOOc over ~er1, met bis match..jp a :JO.. The ltudentJ at the ~1 Mn ai~ but the aact number wl! not known. the country and 9Clntbody had to put a YftN>l4 woman. '!'be irate female--lril dem••ds by the adminWitlDn Cambrid&< Police Capt. F...t Marckinl •lop t• tt," Wlp said. soccer fan, who was not identified, jumped over the fence at a match cd downed Reyifnlds·with a Dying tackle. It toot four policemen to get her off the field. • Malaria Blamed Reds ~hatge f. Casualties Drop to Low 'Deceptloli' · ~ In Viet Spring Offensive ~~s~~~c~~~~!.~~ SAIGON (AP) -AmerJc1r11 South Viet- narneee and enemy combat cuualties ~ last week. to tile lowest level in the fint six W'eeka d. the Viet Cong's SJX'ing offensive, the U.S. and South Viet- nlmete commands announced tod-_y. the Viet Cong said foday statements by U.S. Army doctcn aa.id • type of. the Nixon administration about progress DEAN EVICTED BY HARVARD ROTC PR9TESTERS Dun of Students Archie Eppe It Forced QDwn St1ira malaria mown 111· faJdparum hN reach-In aec:ret ne,otiations were aimed at ed epidtntj!: piopOrti.ons in aome N<rth deceiving American public opinion. '11ley Stanfor Students Seize ·Vietnamest lDd Viet Con& uoib.and bas did not deny there were eecret talks but ''seriously ithpairtd ttieir oOmbat ef· they heaped scorn on repcx;s ol progrw. fediveneas." · · U.S. Ambassador Henry' Cabot Lodge If ·nothing tlst, thil Uttte chick tpaft"t h4vt cm11 worries.about .scratch· ing up food tohn it '1f'OWS up. TM eftick wa.t hatcht!d Gt Glen Avor nttJr R1verride, with four legs, Owner Ro'JI Kirkland 10111 tht chick is quitt htalth11. • St•I• Rop. Jock Poorboulh of Tallahusee, Fla., introducect a bill lo tu films in proportion to the amount of "smut" they contain. In -ucing the bill before the stete 1-egislature, be said the heaviest ~ aghlnst theaten would be for piietures with an "X" classification by ·tbe motion picture jndustry, Wjdch means no one under the age al 18 may 1ttend. • The lllled IMOUllCemenU l8id m U.S. troops.211SoothV.....,_IOldlenllld· 3.DJ Nori!! Vietnamese llld Viet Coog troops were killed in actioo. Military analysts sajd one reason for the sharp drop in filhtln« w• that a virulent strain d. 1111llria ii flittbC the enemy troops in South Vietnam Ind lhey are having difficulty getanr t h c medicines to curb it. Delpite the IJ)Utterin& of the Viet Cong . made a vain attempt lo guide discussions olfensive, now it.I 47th day, a apokesman at the Vietnam peace talks toward pro- for the South Vietnf.mle command Aid:, 'poaals desiped to de-escalate the war. "\Ve don't think the enemy offense is He ·accused 1 the Communist akie of over." negotiali'!I from an unrealistic position, The U.S. Ccmmand'a weeldy casualty Asked later if ~re bad been any pro- sununary showed a reduction of nearly gress he rePlied, "No, I wouldn't think ao, 100 American dead Jul week from the No." toll of 311 killed the weelr: before. But the Both Communist negoUators made the 222 Amtric1n1 killed last weelr: raised to charge durine the tallr:s that the ad· 1,940 the-number of v.s. troops who have minimation wu trying to deceive the died in oombat sinct the Viet Cooc Amman public and called tbe Nixon ad· Litton He rill• g laundled ttw;r of!llll!ive Feb.~. The toll miniltralioo . "peindloiio." Ajlerwanl, 8 S o1 Ameri<an bltllelield CUUllties alnce they repeated tlie slatemenLI t • Jan. 1, lMl, now rtaOds at 33,11.l, « SS4 newsmen, refusln1 to confinn or deny Go On -Dcsp1'te men than the 33,at U.S. troops killed Jeel'et~ Wert actually under Way. ~ _ durq the -.year K<rean war. ,,--AiP«fwi ollie!lls uid 1!ie' bri1htest i Tbe number ol. Americans wounded In ' deve'lopment camf: when the Communist3 State"De'partm· en~ action .wt -k-1,285-.1 .. W8' the referred , to the .Sooth Vletnom 1•vern-lowest du:r.ln& ttle: olfemive. ment ~ the 0 Saiion adlftinittration." .. The 141 Soatb Vietnamese troop!-PrevklUaly they tt.f~ to It' only as WASHINGTON (UPI} -Lltton \ repcrted killed J.alt week was 111 lesS : "~keys" or "puppeta" of the Industries said today the. State Depart· ) ihul Ute toll the previoua week, And the Americana. ment had intervened Jn behalf d.. the ~,230. enemy troops reported slain wu Tran Buu Kiem, "tor~gn minister" in firm , one ot America's largest militarJ man thml 1,00l•ltM tt.11 the 4,683 claJm· the rovermuent of the liational Libera. coo.tractor.$, to keep bearinp Into lta ed ):flled tbe nelr: -Wett. tion Front (VJet Ccq), said the peaci!: foreign in1ereat.s aecret. · The malaria situation among the plan mentioned by Secretary of State The Federal Trade Comm 1 s a i on enemy was reported by an Army medical William P. Rotren waa "make believe" neverthelea went ahead with a one-hour team which llid each month "ap. and a "perfidioua maneuver aimed at .. Lab to STANFORD ;AP) -N""IY 400 Stao- ford UJ'Svenity students held a campus electrooics laboratory tt>day in a l'it·in protest against scieOOfic researdl done for the military. Targets of the protest are both the classified ruearcb dooe on the cam pus in the university's .Applied Sieetronics Laboratory and at Stoolord Rej!earch Institute, an. off campus organiJ.ation owned by tbe university. ~~'SRI Coalition," l!I organizatioo of flv(ca'm~ groupe and !Ive from the ad· jacent comm.tnty d. Palo Alto, call~ a thfee.hour meeUnr it D I n Ir: e I 1 p i e I Audit«ium ' that led to the seimre of the two-story concrete and cindtr ~Tock -.. . ' Nearly 1,000 attended the meeting, at which it "as voted declaively not to dlmlge property « lamper with classified mtterials during the sit-in, .whid1 began Wednesday night. Student. laid-entry WU-gained by public bearini on whether Litton must proximately 10 percert of· the Viet Cont calmir11 down' public opinion." tell off a newly .acquiled. German firm:, and. Nonb Vietrwnw-troops are UI Kiem. rejected the plea for ditcussion of ~ means of a key mysteriously obtained In advance. During the night, the scene was calm as students and others qWetly sl~ in hallways or on a tree lined patio outside. Those outskle were awakened e.arly to- day by a university employe who w~ down the patio with a ho&e. Student1 helped pick up empty 90ft drink cans Md candy wrappers. In the building's basement, studellt.a found a duplicating machine arid prompt- ly began turning out a newspaper and leanet.s. One leaflet gave information on what to do if a1Tested and how to otu:ia Pail. Campus police, in the building all night. shared a snack bar and jokes witb demonstrators. Campus police cllief Thomas Bell said his men were in the building when student! arrived, but added: "When IUCh a mob comes there is nothing you c:ao do." Mrs. Juanita Craft of Dallu has ltarted a local chapter of what ls undoubtedly the first all-Negro ver- lion of the ~ In this case, how- ever, KKK stands for Kids Kan !Wnpaign, a youth group Mrs. Craft has organized to pick up Jit- ter In the city. A..Littm t!Ucutive ctartled the five with maJaria, and tht average time loet troop wilbdrawals and restoration of a NA · ~ member coouni&iOll by reading lloud a from duty i3 ...... to 10 day> per mooth neutrll demllllaQsed anne (OM z) TO. Pil, :·J!..•_.: s Land, Sea, A~ .... telegram ~ said we received at the fer each ~·" between North and South Vietnam. His , .tjl(J .I.I. , firm's Zuricb, Switzerland, office from The American doctors said the North statements made it-eltar there would be , • " John Hart, carttoktr of aban-~d Alcatraz Priscm in San FrcWco Ba11, gets his newspo:. ptrl trio litlicopter, tour boat a:nd dog. Ht's having troublt.s with tht dog. Iii$ morning papn- il thrown ashore at tht: island from c Harbor Tours boat and Ul.en fttched to Hart bll' hi1 doQ, Duke. ,.,.. fno da111 ogo,n HOT£ told Chro"niclt colum11i.!t Htrb C0tn recently, "1omtbod11 put a 10tenft lnride tht Chroniclt and Du.kt tort hen out of tM paper, getting at it. Since then, he ho! btrn ripping ~very one, trying -to /ind that second weenit." the U.S. Embassy in Bonn. Vietnlm.e had broutht the falciparum 110 appreciable P"Pll'UI at today's 12th M' d ~ ... pl:~~cL~~lli~~~.;c::: ~:~~~':!~~:: .. c:: ·:.q;.o1u .. ~.P;:;,pam~~ .• t~.!~efulad-J'. . e iterr,. ane. an Exercises glomente and the naUon's 14th bi1ge:st units t.s ranged frcm 50 to 100 percent. 1uuuow-ror ..-- military contractor, to divut itaeH ol seWement ol the Vietnam wir and -• · ' Cold Weat German typewriter inte?ftta known reports of secret talb outside the tilpinal LO?'@ON (UPI} -.NATO ~ers buildup in the Mediterr'l!ean wa1 In as Triumph-Adler. ff• k J p t Buff ) peace COJ\{erence. •· annouDC'ed today they W'ouli:I hold M· response to "war preparations'' by the Harry J. Gray, ltnior executive '\tict IC e ll S a 0 "Tbe Nb:on adminlsttatiOI is tryinj: to t~ve land, sea ~air ezerdaei in tilt North AUantic Treaty Or1aniution. president of Utt.on, read the commiasion make believe that it has a 'proaram tOr Mediterranean starting April 20. '!l'he an· the'tollo"ing telegr1h: Back on Official Seal the -1 setUemem' of the Vietnani.. nooncement coincided with the arrtvll •f "Despite two telez messages from Ult problem," Kiem said, "It continues to another flotilla of SoYiet Navy ships, in- U.S. Embassy, Bonn, to Department of WASHINGTON (UPI) -Secretary spread rumors about 'private meetings.' eluding subm8£!nes. St.ate 1D Washington µqUeatiftC no open Walter J. Hiclr:el Ii planning to put the This is but a perfidious maneuver of the NATO spokesmen said there was no heutng, the Federal Trade Commillion buffalo b9ck in tbe Interior Department'• United Slates aimed at dece.ivl1.g and connection between the Soviet sh.ip over strong objectionl of the Department official aeal. It wl! learned t bat the calming down public Opinion ... movements and the NATO .es.ercises. But of State ls holdlng open bearinp starting llWilch from the modem desiln that in Moscow, the Soviet Union, taking Tiote at 10 aJli. today. • former Interior Secretary Stewart L. of today's 20th NATO anniversary, said it "The U.S. Embmy is prepared to five Udall ordered "i1 in the works." U S R T }k was building up its Mediterranean fleet to any and all pos&ble au~tanct and sup-Sen. 111ark 0. HaUield (R-Ore.), who • ., USS a s counter Western "war preparations." port which Lltton may require in meeting recenUy called the new seal a "hfadison British defense officials said Russia problems in Germany whlch may l'ISUlt Avenue fantasy," said he was "greaUy Set on Nuclear sent seven more naval vessels iry::luding from the hea.riqs." pl•Jed." three .submarines into the Mediterranean today from the Atlantic, bringing to 44 Swings Across U.S. E • • R } the nwnber or Red Fleet vessels now ngmeermg 0 e there. DeBakey Urges Probe of Cooley Heart ·TranspW.nt WASHINGTON (AP ) -Dr. Michael E. DeBakey personally asked the National Heart Inslltute to investigate whether federal guidelines were followed when his colleilgue Dr. Denton A. Cooley implanted the first artificial heart last w~k. the Washington Post said today. The newspaper said OeBakey told ot- ficials of the institute that Cooley used an artificial heart of his design in Haskell Karp last Friday in Houston, Tex. Thunderstorms ~ominau/··Mississippi Valley GENEVA (UPI) -The Uniled Slate1 and U1e Soviet Union have acrfied, to negotiate waya to provide other countries with means of carrying out nuclear ex- plosions for such peaceful purposes as engineerin, project!, Western disarm .. rnent officials .said today. Military ~.pbservers said the move in· dicated a major SOviet Naval buildup ap- proaclting in site the fleet Mose.ow mustered iii 'too,,e waters aner the 1967 Arab-Israeli .,ar. U.S. Adm Horacio RJvero, commander· In-chief of Allied forces in Southern Europe, aQOOUnc«l in Napl~ more than 60 Allied Allied warihips and !l>O aircraft <¥rill take part in the NATO exercise, odde-nanled Da°"1t Patrol. The e1ercise wlU run from Apr~:io lhrou&b May 2. De.Bakey and Cooley have declined to become publicly involved in the develop. ing controversy, but the lnatitule said Tuesday night it had asked DeBakey for a report on whether federal funds helped develop the mechanical heart Karp received and1 if· to, whether federal guidelines for such pro;ects were follow- ed. l -doucll .,.. wtnlt 1ien. ""' (N it #Ill ""'" ......... 1111 -fl~ '"""" 111 ti*'-. WIMI ...,,_,.,. -lllf'l'll, U It 12 k"611.. Today't Jtifll, ta 19 ... • v-.............. "',... '. 11•. d ,...,,.,._._,,, .. ,. .. ., .... '-11111 --.-. ,..,.... -.. " •·' Tlls.,.llw~-· ...... Statt, M ...... Titles THU•IDAY Solcel'll Mell ... •:., ....... '·' ~.... lt;M •.ni.i~ "'ltlOAY l"ln.t llltti •:4' •·"'· •I "'"' '" ........... l h lol ·-••• ~ 1111' ............ t 1J1•·"" ... ............ • ......... II•• tt-lft. 1.1 ... • ................. ll:li '""" .... ·-f;1r t.t'ft. .... 6:• ...,,,, ..... "'"' •. .... ..... •. • .. ,_. .... """' 1 ...,. • .. 11.s. s ... ,._,,, A ,.,. trt1tt ctnrinu...i .,. •11 -"*''" '"lfti WW. tl'llt (.IWnlry, ""!"' elf t ctl"t -lt!w H II dlttl~ ""''"' MVMY 111'_.IMI Its •Ill..-T"""*'• ...,.,.., ... Ill ---,.._ ffll -tnl 1M ..,...,.. M._ ... V1lie1 It .. -'"11 OrMt Wltll. a--.. .._.., WtW Mii t!UU,,.... 11 l ft o:ft Ill A,.... ft """""-"· liltlrl or °"'""" .,,.., lllot -GAie! l llltl. ...... ralfl ....... !tie 'Kit!< CMll . ........... t'l'dfll ..-i.n.11 ... ·-" wwi ......... _,.°""'Mall!-""" -...... , ....... "" -'"*" ti .. ~,., ..... -_.,,. kif ... "'"" . .,,,.... .. ,.,...,.."'"' ..-..a. <:.I .. fl'll .. _ ...... _.,. ._ ..... W'lfll • ... m """"' ..,. ~--·- Temperature• •111u-,..,. -·"" ., ... l•llePWllHI ·~·m; ••• .... ~ "-Clrl6r!Nrt CM!¥111/lll --Del Mel111$ Dlfrt ll l'orl Wtrfll ·-~ Monolvlv 1-1 .. ,1 ... IC1-1 City l it V ... 1 , , ........ Mltml ~ M!""9vk• 1•11"""""' ... .._ H..-V'°"' H..,... "'ltlk 0.kl•llll °"'"' .... lilflllltt l"tlll ..... lt ·-· ·-....... llwlf Clf? llf4 I ll/ff ·-k<rl"'*'lt $f, l .... 11 ...... s111 Lelle C•f'f ... ..... ..... "··~ It'" ..... ,.. ..... -· -• Ml•~ ltw l"r.c. " " .. ~ 11 i i TP 71 JI jJ .Ill •• , ,, " ... " ,, .11 11 Jt ·'' " ,. .... " . . " 11 .IS ·" " u ... II '' . " .... " " ~ "" .. , " " It ••• ,, ,\I JP H 11 ... " . 11 !l ... J} ,, • • " " " " • S1 ... 51 II Al " .. .. . .. " ~ ,, •1 ,, .. " . .. ~ " .u "' " st ... " ~ ~ 41 ·'' 'l a • ., .,. • • The omcials said the negotialions will be startlng u earl»s next. wetk . Al first there wlil be a preliminary ex- change of ideu and informaUon on the science of nuclear uplos.ions for peaceful purposes such as engineering projects - the building or dams, harbors, waterway•, etc. 1be two nuclear ~uperpowm wlll then dlscuss arrangtrnenta under whtcb non- nuclear countries which signed tht treaty against the spread of nuclea1 weapons can receive suclt.aervices. Tbe United Slates and So v i e t neaoUaton al the Geneva dbarmament conference said they wW make a jolnt 11nnouncement Jater. Western offkials, however, said tha1 11tatemtnl will · conctm Ule opening of U.S.~ bllaleral talks on pttceful nuclear uplosions. Swiss Bla11t Kills 17 OOITIKON, Swlturland (UPI) - Pollet said t~a,y the dtath toll had reached 17 In an expl01ion that wrecked an up'°81 ves factorJ T\Jtsday, A police expla1lve1 expert Wd nearly fi ve tons " TNT blew up, Oltte:nini a quarter mile of an Industrial area and caustnc damaa• lolalll\i II.I million. J H«\ called Dawn atrol a "large, but routine test" of NA fortes . Meni'ahlps and plasj~ from the United Slates, Britain, llaly, 'f'r<ece and Turkey wUI take part In ~lated "arthne air strikes. air defense, a~phibioas landings by U.S. Marine unit&, anti-submarine warfare, surveillance and n u c I e a r optrations. ' , Rivero sa.i4. a new ~ATO comrmnd ~stabJlsb~ lalt Novemi;,r· to'·r:arry out MJrViellance on Soviet M a r t t I m e 1urvtlllance In the Mediterranean would take part in Uie uerclle. It lfill mark the first time the command. the Maritime Alt Forciea, Nedtten-anean.•111 take part in a joint txtrel8e. ' The exercise ls the lar1eil since 1,.st November'• operation Eden Apple, held In the eut.e:m Medk.e:rret:an with Cr~k. Yttncb, Italian and U • ships taking port. The British reports said t w o Soviet dmroyers.. three submarines, 1 1ub- marine depot ahlp and an oiler nosed pa.$1 Gibraltar ftom the Atlantic and tnto the wr:stem md of the Mediterranean today. tn a dispatch from Mo.cow. the Sovld. Flews agency Tass hinted tha t 1hc Soviet OeBakty's artificial heart program ha11 been supported by $1.5 million in federal money. Cooley's aides said his· devict had betn financed by the Texas Heart Institute and research grants from heart llMOCialion1 in Alice, Huntsville and Weimar, Tei. Because of this , Cooley said, feder-1 guidelines requiring the approval of • local committee or doctors btfcn ustna experimental pfoctdurea: on humans do not affect him . Man's A tte111pt to Flee To W. Germany Fails BERLIN (UPI)\._ A ma ntrled to 11oo Into Wut Btrlln Wedne!lday night but fell short ol. his goal under a hall of pnflr8 lrom Communist East German guards. A West Berlin pollce spokesman Hid the man was lr)'lnc to work his way tllroogh barbed \Wirt fOtUllc1Uons when the commun111 guan11 spo1i.cr him. Thi apolt-on said aboul IO shot.I wue fir~. , I, ___ ..,_ · -~--==;:;;=;::;;::;:;;:::;:::::::::::=r.....,.::=:::':'~'-!!'"l7.. ~.~~:: .. "":."':". -.: ....... ::--·=-·-,,..·~--· • ----·-'1·1".T. 7-'-· .Milita--y's Input ~ay .. ·Be ·Too Much , I To lhe Edllo<: • · CX~"!':'~';'i! 'Thomu ..,,.._ quotet me corre<lly 1n relilting. that my mind Is •more at ...... wilh reoptCI to UC! lndullrial Msact#H (Ne "Oefente 'No Big Thing' 16 UC lrvlDe _ .. , April 5). Thill ~ does noe.~, however, that my bnodee coix;en>a1lave -~yed. 1The J\eWlplpen; magaainea, · a D d -----tetoviaian.......V.., _lly •been tilled with dJacuaslmq ol the immeme . .,...... ol the "military· industrial complex." And well they should be, fer the riae of the war Industry is undoubtedly cthe m06I striking sln1le. clumge In the strlle- ture ol the American' econorpy ·in the past generation. As the noted·economisl Kenneth Boolding has sugg~. "If we a:re not careful, it can become a cancer within American society." MY CONCllllN with UC! IndUilrial Associates derives from the particularly difficult problem the IrviDe campuJ faces when attempts are made to link it wilh 1ocal induatry in "mutually beodicial" ways. The cause of this problem is the fact that the fastest.growing Orange County industry is aeroopacKef ..... electronics. The electrooics industry U• perlenced a phenomenal 400 -t growth from 1957 to 1116, and llC<GUllted for nearly 40 percent of tbls county's manufacturing employment. More than one-half of these employe1 work fer aerospace and defense ~acton. .Yes, Orange County has itl own "military·industrial complei:.11 One woukl think that realdeata here, wbo are DOlf.d for their political and economic con- servatism, would be atr~~ ~ about the growing depoodence ol the local economy on Uncle Sam's defense and aeroiPace 'eqiendibires. AS A FACULTY member, I am con- 'Liberalize Abortion Law' To the Editor: After reading the other letters about lbe abortion laws, I feel I must spe.ak out. AJ a native California woman, who had an abortion in another state, I believe my Opinions have some merit. Our ffrst son was born by Caesarean sect.ion in Long' Beach. My husband was in the Marine Corps and stationed at Cherry Point, N.C., when I became preg- Spend $50 Billion Some Other Place To the Editor: President Nixon has spoken in his Inaugural -of peace 14 times. Eric severe.id spoke in a recent editorial of more and more Amerians llO dismayed that the war in Vietnam has lasted more than any war in our histary. Can we "turn our nation around " as Dr. Martin Luther King suggested? Can we reorient American priorities? ($88 billion for military and only '28 billion Jor human needs.) Stuart Symington in a Senate speech - a few days ago estimated that an ABM System thick enough to fpil Soviet missiles would co.5t no less than $400 billion -a sum greater than ~ nationaJ debt. ft'OW CAN WE slop the pollution of our plundered planet? How can we use Ollf vast technology to do away with poverty? Glenna Johnson, former social worker, Phi Bela Kappa, present e:recutive direc· tor of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, addressed the community at the Little Theater at Coroni. del Mar High School, April 9 on these issues. She spoke of what could be done with $50 billion at home. CAN DEMOCRACY work ? Are the people willing to "stop shouting" at each other and start listening? Do they care enough to consider what scientists, historian.! -yes, and irtudenls -are saying and trying to say? Or will we conUnue the steady spiral downward? It was long ago that .General Eisenhower spoke clearly of the di.rection tn which we were headed via the military-industrial complex. Can Easter, 1969, mean anything? Can we start anew? ANN SHERMAN GORES nant the second time. Our first son was six years old and we both wanted the baby very much. But I contracted Gennan measles, when I was 2% months pregnant. I had taken the anti-globulin, when I knew I was exposed, but caught the Gennan mea.sl.es , anyway. A NA VY DOCTOR, a personal friend, did not hesitate to recommend abortion. My doctor called me to s a y I would have to caH to make my own ar· rangements and gave me a list ol hospitals to call. He aaid, "Don't go underground! This is a completely ethical operation. Don't go underground!" The flrst hospital on his list, Duke University Hospita1, said to come in the next day and br'ing a note from my Navy doctor confirming that I had Gennan measles. Once there, I was examined by three doctors. There was a consultation and the therapeutic abortion was approved and done. WHEN WE RETURNED to California the next year, once again I was pregnant and returned to the doctor who had delivered our first child. When I told be r about the therapeutic abortion, she was very intere,.,ted and said they were working for more liberal abortion laws, but even for so valid a reason, the abortion would be a crime in California. Isn't it bad enough to have to lose a w~ted baby without being made to f e e 1 like a criminal .•. a murderer! Your Mailbox contributors can pon- tificate all they \J?aDt about the unborn having the right to life, but there are many who believe that a woman with other children to raise is more important than the fetus. As it happened, that third pregnancy ended tn a miscaniqe. I AM THANKFUL that my cltlldnn are both healthy and that we did not have the heartbreak of bringing an ab- normal child into tbe world. If your Mailbox cootributors help in the institutiona to cart for the mentally retarded or physically deformed w personally care for motherless childrtn, bravo! They can hold to their views without crilicimi from me. . I pray for more liberal abortion laws so .that when doct9a recommend an abortion, the woman will not have to carry the added burden of being a criminal. NAME WlTllllELll Flirtations Sharpen Wits By L. M. BOYD • Artt ASKED the weight of the average t6-year~ld girl. It's 111 in. pounds ••• IN HIS ELFIN WAY, our Lo9e and War rrian contends every co«I, facing f.inalt, ahould remember old George Moart's sage observation : .. Nothing sharpens the wits like promiscuous flirtation." • • • ANOTHER ADMIRER of turtles re- ports her pair of pet! keeps the dande- lions down on her lawn .•. WRITE$ a San Franciscan: "Not just Beau Brum- mtl but all English genUemen shloed the 80~ of their 'Shoes, friend." That right? Didn't know that ... ONLY ONE BIRD beats it.a wings alternately instead of 11ntultaneowily. The chimney swift. THE NAME GAME -Among thooe nimes whlch mothers seem reluctant of l•te to give their daughters are Muriel, • Beltrice and f.dwina. Nor do fathen ap-pear to be much inclined anymore to call their som Sylvester, Ferdinand and Cllrence. Alltt Jel1ilhY llUdy of sour<:es, oil Name Game man says the enormous mijority of the alomuentioned are ~Ider than 40 although the ettOrmOUJ ma)Ority al cjlittm in Ctnera\ are even younger ~30. . FIRE? FIRE! -lf some enemy alien torched all of New Jeney, war would anaoe and budgeta would eome unravelJ.. ed. Ro doubt. no doubt. 1'1at's how much land wu burned over by forest firu last yur nationwide. But where were the I federal fleeli ol helJcopters? Tbe iOOnS upoo plal<>Ool of financed lgh"" ! The billions In ordnance to blow out thole blues! Nut time I ett to the podium, I'm roln& to •peak pauionately on thi& matter until the tut lilltel\tr drifts out ol the room. ClJSroMER SERVICE: Q. "WHY do 1"" keep ,,.!ding 1111 nquest lo rel,,.,.. N~• Game man to print 10metbin1 - I ' about the romantic attributes of girls called Patricia?" A. That's the ladyfriend'• name. A fellow has to be discreet, you know ... Q. "GIRl.S MAR- RY so young now, you just can't find any 1eft between the ago of, sat. 20 and 24. still single. Attn't there any? Or Jf there are, where do they hide?" A. One out of three that age is known to be unattached, young fellow. But her whereabouts are a mystery. I FEMININE SCENTS -A girl's sklo always does a thing or two to her perfume. tn other words, the same perfume on different girls amelll .'dif~ ferenlly. So say the chemists. Any )'bung man, buying such SCfllt u ~gift, ought to remember that. U the saleagirl dabl a little perfume on her wrist and pushes it under his nose. he may find the aroma dandy, but it is not necessarU, what he may e:rpect on his romantlc: interest. In- cidentally, It's Wd the palm of the hand. not th< wrist Is Ifie best p1.C. to tell the true fragrance of perfwne. ' KNOCK, KNOCK -Why elae ha~e we survived Depresalon, War and Govern. merit Growth it: not W..outllve tht knock· knock joke! Blit no. It agta no( a whit. Up spew the -Id lngenue : "Knock knock." Says I: ."Knock knock ;wbo?" S.)'l lhe: "'Windy." Says 1: "Win- dy who?" Sings she: "Windy moon comes over de mountatn1 .. .''The twirp. Y 01o1r qutttioni and COM1Mntl a.rt welcomtd and wtU be used whfut1tr J)(IJ'tlblt in "Checking Up." Addre.t.t mnU to L. M. 80¢1 in care o/ DAILY PILOT. Doz 1815, Newport Beach, Calif. 92663. W.Ckt 'Ill ....... 1'hr1H ... ........... 1111, 11111 • ..... ...i. c.,.i Iha~ ID addition lo MrYlng IOC!ety in many imporlult waya, the inltitullaos ol btper education in this COW1ty alto flmc:tloq aa Independent centen ol crtUclsm ol the "new industrial state." This crlUcal function is ~ally urgent at a t1me when °mllltarbation" it one of the central tendencies of American IOC!ety. The real q116Uon that my colleagues and I mull attempt to anrwer is whether the academic community thall resist tblt development, or become one of ii!! inltlumeni.<. - SPENCER C.-OLIN, JR. Alaislant "'"'....., ol History UC, Irvine Drug Problem: They Face It- And Now What? To the Editor: We read your Saturday Comment Page article on LSD and all .the articles on drugs with interest. We know what it's like because we have just been through il We'd like to 1hare our story with you. For nearly a year our IS-year-old IOll has been using drugs. For months we didn't know -we only .knew that he became sullen, rebellious, profane, disobedient and repeatedly truant from school. When we finally di.!covered drugs were responsible for his !:>ehavior, we didn't know where to tum. DF..sPERATELY, we talked lG everyone we could think of. 'lbe police were courteous, but they couldn't help. We made an appointment at Juvenile Hall. They were htuTied and overworked. 'Ibey said they had no counseling service available, bu~ they could lock him up it we wished. We felt he was sick and needed help, but jail wasn't the answer.· OUR DOCl'OR recommended a ranch- type .institution where we aent him for thrte months. This helped aorne, txJt be repeatedly ran away. • 1bis whole time we were tense and upset. We were amazed at the parents we met In the aame lituatlon -all ,..king help and 111idance and flndln& none available. Jl'inally our minister directed us to a croup of ei:~ Ditti In Santa Ana, can. ed the Hooae ol Miracles at 1831 E. 4th Stnet. Our IOO talked with them, rebJc. lanlly at first, but wtth incnouinl Jn. ........ WEU-A MON111 ·iao a miracle OC· curred in GJr ton. Hf became a Christian and you wouldn't believe ttie difference. He is now sweet; comtderate, happy - the exact opposite of what he was. Together we wrote his story in a little tract that he passed out on the beaches du~ Easter vacation. Olir concern is that there i.! IO little guidance for the parent.!. You've tal)ced about drugs, you've pointed out the 1ymplomJ and cW!gers -what de lhey do now? COULD A UST be publlabed of various guidance centers available -or perhaps phone numbers where parents cou1d ca11 for help? We would like to become involved. What can we do to help? We've been there and we know what it's like! You may print our letter, uae our name or phone .. (54Mnl) If any ol these things would help. JEAN and DEAN GILBERT p,..&ae for Baek To the Editor: I just returned from a tw~week recruiting trip and have read the booklft on "What You Should Know About Drugs and Narcotics." I wish to coogratui.te you and the DAD..Y PILOT on the com· prthenslveneu of the wblication, and also on the llmelln<ss of tt. We are constantly doing everything hwnanJy possible to prechtde the in- volvement of our younpten with drugs and narcotics, and this booklet will be referred to many times u it is all inclusive in its review. I usUre you that this kind of coopera· lion will uli.Jt us ln our on-going pro. gram to conllnuoully keep our youngatera alert to the dangers of drup and nan:ollcs. NORMAN R. LOATS Msoda .. Su_I NewporHieaa Unified School Dislrtel 'Molt Ettllfhtea1"9' To the Editor ; 1 have read "What You Should Know About Drup and Narcotic>." by Altoe Blak111M with much interat and offtr my compliment& to you for Ill diJU1bu- tJon. Membert ol. our staff in the area ol health ed11C1Uon partlcularly will find It moat helpful and enllghteelng. NORMAN E. WATSON Superintendent Orange _Coast Jwiior Colltp District ~ ''nM.ndlJ,• April 10, lM,·· More lltt Dialogue ' . • • • • • II.Ill.YI-'fl -• .. ,, • -.. What Makes an Ameri~a:d~ To the Editor: My fallh in the DAILY PILOI' bu been ·restored. There were Umes when J would wander down to the drugstore and push a dime · acroaa ,the cOunter for my eepy of the DAILY PILOI'. In tbolte days I would• ICaJl the-local news, amuse myself with the editorial.!, and check lbe classified ads .. You've come a long way, baby. In Y-~Y Mailbox secUon, I read Mr. Goo&ten's letter actusing the DAILY PILOI' of JIO!l'O'sing a "red copy ·room." Your editorial on Utt (although I did not have a chance ta see jt) must have really socked it tG the feal'-mcingers. I THINK THERE ts more to America than flags, eagles and the brand of paranoia pushed by a few of California's llngtring McCarthylles (Joe not Gj!ne). America wasn't born ln fear, but it stands a fair chance of dying because of fear. -- Tbere ii room for a Renaissance in American culture based upon a politic.'! of the individual in relation. to the tn .. dividuaJ and nqt power in relaticm to the mass. Fear and repre.!Sion is not an answer; understanding and' com- munication is the only answer. HOPE UES in people, not symbols. A "good American" Ja .good first, and 'an American seCond. Let 'the sun ·shine in! There is ·no future in \\'ar, hate, rep~ssion; and fear. · Mr. Goossen may feel the s'Jime al· tempting to engulf him, but then that's a question of where his head is at. America needs you too. Mr. Goossen, GET IT ON! Dig out the Amttica in YGU. , Rhetoric is cheap; l hope Utt, Schmitz, Rafferty, and my local (San Diego Coon- ty) Assemblfman John stull all grow . old and cold and happy together in their tiny,.. narrow ide!l of what America is and, wiu ,be in the. future .. Cheers to you, DAILY PILOT- MARK HINDERAKEI\ Beed lhe 1l'ur11h1g To t~'Editor : There was once a man named Noah who fell it his duty to warn people I of Impending .dan&er. He was llU&hed the aeen said R would . happen, a.d al and mo<ked and ridiculed. 'I1lne 1 havt ~n 100 perctnl conoct.la it!J. b •man Col lesser fame) named Kllaoo procnosticatioos. ~ Hahn of the Korean unde~ wbo Thia goes back a ... ays. Atiout aevM" warned the U. S.1ov~ that Hawall yen ago a preacher took ·1 hi! floet' was going to be attacted. ln.'both ·cues, to Arizona .to escape the wrath Al lhi;,.. people who were warned :tailed to whatever,. and. several ·years )fter l Cf!!: heed the wamlng. laded them a mile high in tbt mOwntai&'i In the Bible, In Ezek\al, cha!'I'< s lltll •ailing f0< the "happeiJlng." -· - and ~. It states, "If yoo see danger .• approaching and you fail to Waru the RECENTLY A sky pilot tOok bit grogp people. you will...b&-llekt ~ble~bac~east-aller pr<dictlng a·putiuaP- And if you see danger approaclllng, you for . the month of OctGber ('II). And warn the people and they fail to heed now the doom deadline -April 4 ;. that warning, they are totally responslble haJ come and gone with no quUe, for tbe results:." • just as I predicted . ; ~ CONGRE§MAN UTT souncfed,a·wam· Ing on March 24. lt went over the heads of most; angered a few who aeem to be much better infonned. Now J predict that on the 14.lh !Of Ulla month · (another date set by tie aeers) there will be a catastrophic ~ earthquake. And "business a,, wuil'~ will be the Cliche. .i. . AND I THANK you for equal apaee to rebut the "prophets of doom:• wlio Thank: God for the few. wbo will speak out and fight conunuplsm. Yo.ur liberal scandal sheet and asinine reporter who made the remarks have beard"'the warn- ing. I suppose it's sup~ to be com- forting to the ones who read your paper to know that we have such intelligent people printing the stuff that's put out, who know more about the world. hap- penings than congressmen and others. -with desultory energy try to build up a supem.alllral·~ ol lbemleha !it no other reuon than to ret into ~ public light. ... I HAVE BOUGHr my last DAILY PILOT. Thia la6l article WU just the final finishing touch. For nine years Cve witnessed the liberal-controlled news media which really puts out little that · · is news but work.ci fairly . well · as a garbage can liner. In the Bible, Jesus alao warns that In closing days of this age there would be wars, crime, viole~. people who would rather believe a lie. 'l'be rise and fall of lhe Roman Empire also parallels: Americit today. Jestlll could return al any moment. Thi! is also a personal warning. Are you ready should Jesm ~tUm? · LEROY OZANNE ' He's • Prophet., Too To the Editor : I don 't have a hot line to the Almight y as the "seers" claim they have, bul with my little crystal ball (91 cents at the store) I ·have sucttssfully predicted NO earthQuake on the datea I have ·been tao percent ri41:ht110 IC; but if the unes:pected happens, u ti\ Rich"r ~ It might, I will. atlll Ill! al least to percent COITecl, •and tliai is probably better lhan the · pen:eo1"" of Jeane Dbon. ;-! MILT·~ ... Don't Mies .. chance ~I ' To Get Your :$70 • .• .. ' To the Editor : "' ~ Approximately 200,000 bomeowaeii have pot yet claimed· their f10..p1~. tax refund nor claimed their boa~ property tax eaemption. Ool7 -·ol those homeowners we believe to be·· ble for the $70 refund have claimed it. ·~ . . CAN YOU HELP me contact these ~ payers arid urge ·them tG call my offft today? The ~lephone number is ls4-3llb. and my office is located at 780 Welt Eighlh Street. Santa Ana. Dea~Une is:J p:m. April 15. ANDREW J. HJNSHAf: CounlyAaessor .• .\ . . -·.. . .. . ..... ·-··-·--... -. i DAILY PILOT l ThurtdaJ, Aprll 10, 1%9 School Board Candidates Set for Showdown OCC IHnrkl On:moe Cooit Jvnior Col· "'lcgc Diltritt tncompa.s1c• ;:tJt.e Newport Harbor Arco '"·~nd tht Wc•t Countu. the • dties of Ccnta Me1a. New. .. Port B e a c h, Huntington "'Btoeh, Fountoin Val I e 11. .. ~We•tmhuttr and Seel Beach. ..... •• •. ORANGE COAST ":.~ UNJOR C OLL EGE '-~ DISTRICT ...... tWI board 1ealJ "":"1Mltdet 1 • ·Worth Keent {Incumbent) ··-5 · George Rodda J r . (in- •'16Jmbent) · John L. Vaughn ., . ,. • .::-: Worth Keene .. : Addreu: %31 !Ith · Strttt, 1ieal Beach • -Ace: 51 O~t•patle•: ·POltmuter .~. Cldldn:n and a1tt: Three ;i26, 23 and Iii . :.,.., WUt I• your priaclpal ~ for aeeklD& offlct? ;~th eight years of experience as a school board member ~ and with my experiences in 'California and nationally with ·associations dealin& w i t h junior colle1e problems, J feel . 11t!.at perhaps I might assbt p,. °'"""' Cout Jr. Colleae "'l>istrid al it meet! the pf1> • blema ol the day in providiq ' ·~ educational op. ' Jk)rtunitiel for the residents ·el our area. :";. lftlt II tile acltoel Dlnrlct11 : wa-i ,_.. ud -· -,.. ..... lle1p ...... It! -Finances. More support :Ji needed from the ltate level. . ii thll ii not forthcoming. ;.;<neral aid from th< federal ,..s.overnment mult be soupit .. io help support higher educa- • tion. ;,' ... Bow cu scbooh wil more ,,.blk: Appart? I do not know. , :l'he annrer to this question :ii cloeely related to peoples' n:actlom to th e many com- -plex problerru besetting soc ie- • IY lod.ly. • : .. De J'• believe sex edue1Uon ~cu • 1MPI Uve a nit 19 _. ldMctls? Yes -pro- v.ided the methods and manner "'di' illltrucUon ate compatible -With the maturity levol ol the ··:~dents involved. : . lllW. do yoa ntr Ott school ','71tom? Very good. • studies , forulll!, etc. and by i n c r e a s e d communication lhrouch the established newt media. De yoa bdleve 1u educad• ca1 er sltoGld Uve a role In ear acltoola ! Not applicable to junior c:o1le1e district eJec. Uon . flow dt Y• r1lt 1tie scMli 1y1&tm! Excellent. • N1me: John L. Vaughn Addn:u: in 48lh, Newport Beach Ap: '11 Oeaapadon : Student Ofldren: None Wllat J1 your principal reasoa for seeldn1 offict? MOit school board members are concerned with what the taxpayers want We need :llOIDe people on the school board who are conctmed with what the students want. I want tn see more student con- trol. Wbat. 11 the school d.l1trlct'1 hipat problem and what woWd you de te HIJ rnoht It? Student apathy is the pr1> blem, 'J1le immedilte CIUR Is irrelevant, dictatorial, bor- ing classes. 11\e deeper cause is a morally bankrupt society, which forces its outmoded, im· moral atandardt on young ~ pie. The remedy is student .. u detmnlDltloo. De,.. Wle•e tn. edaclttoe cu or sllolld Uvt 1 role II 1111r scboob? Yes! How do yo11 nte Ute 1cltoel 1y1tem? PoOr. ""9•-Vnillelil Laguna Btoch Unified School Diltrict 1ncomp<we• all of the incorporated area of Laguna Beach pJ"' South Laouna, Laguna CanuO'n, Emerald Ba11 and Crystal Cove. LAGUNA BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Seven candidates for lkree bolnl tells • Namt : Norman J . Browne . tincumbent) Addrtas: 410 El Camino Ott Mar, Llruna Beach. A1e: 40 Oceapadon: Cblldra and 81": Jamie 14, Dou1 12, Dave. I 0 , Stephanie I. WUt Is yov principal relJOll for aeffla& effict? To -• pursue the contJnuance o( pro-NDM:: Georse Rodda, Jr· I"'&' in the di.strict schools. .1 ' 1 Addrm: ttt Co 1 den rod I flnd the chan1es belng madt 'lvenuc, Corona del Mar tn educalktn very exciting and ;',: Ap: 31 0 c ~ • J 11I•1 : challe'ftllng and consider It a BuaiDesl consultant prlvileae to be a part of tht :. · CWldr9 Ull qn: Sue 20 ; change. Melanie 7; Rolaltt e WUt ii Ute 1cttool dl1trld'1 •. ~WM& la you priaclpal blpttl probltm 11Ml whit naNm for IN!tklal olflct'! Tht would yt1 do otbelp rt1olve ... cipportunil)' to ttrve a molt H! SCHOOL FINANCE -So ·d,ynamic educaUlooal system moch more could be doot for • wbicb ls seekl.n, to meet the children with more monty. "'Cllvtrte netds of youth and SOLlM"JON -Some kind of :.adult.I by optnlnc n t w tat reform t1ldn1 the burden mltural. 110C1a1 and ecooom1c oR or the local property owner 1lorisapl fer all. -however. thtre art many •·• ftat fa ... ac11oo1 dlatrict'• problems punuant with th1a. 'Waut ..-.. ud wbat flow eo 1.-will .,... -1d ,.. • ta lle1p reaolvo pallfl• ""'°"? Dllficult qu.,. 'Jt? To flnlnce activities for Uoo in theJt chanaiJIJ Umts. ':lrOWth and -Ion. Work l'nlllably ttuvuab beUtr com- 'kiw&H Conpalonal pauqe · mullcatJoo and public rela· ';ti tht Cornprdlensive Com-tkllll. MOit larltt dlalrlcl.! _ lllWlil1 Colle&• bUI whlcll employ a P. R. f>'-· I ..,JrDUld nllevt tht Overburden-wirh we could &Hord one. .. ed kl!Cll tut>l;yen by 1UJ>-De fM btUtvt lf:l td11calloa _)l>'ine ,..al fundlna. cu tt Pelld. •ave. a. role. Bew ca ldlooll win more 11 •* 1~1? Yu -All ::. fllllt ..,,..., By broadenln1 IC'bools start S.t . In kin· _,,.,ni11 parllcipatloo in dtl'Jlrlen with anlma b, et<., conllnue 11 subtly lhru the elemmtary grades in science counes and then stop it at tbe adolescent ages. 1 feel it shoukf be continued throughout the whole cur- riculum In the .science and P.E. areas. Tht soci1 l manifestations of sex, l teel, should not be in public ecluca~ tion. How do yea rate lbe KHol •)'tkm! Excellent to &oOd. Name: William M, Wilcoxen Oocumbent). Address: 499 Ltgion Street, Lquna Beach. A1e: 3&. Occupation: At- torney. Cblld~n aDd. a1es: Jennifer 8, Amy 15, Elizabeth, 5, Katherine, 3, What 11 your principal rUIOll for seeking office! My four yean' experien~ as a board member should prove useful to the district. I believe the office is important, and I know from experience that many leaal Issues come before the board. What Ii lbe school dlstricfs bl11eat problem and what would you do &o help resolve It'! Tile cost of educating an increasing number of student! with dollars that h a v e decreasecW in value. 1 have worked for an awareness of the need to increase our local tu base, which provides ao per cent of our financin1 . How can schools win more public support? .By listen ing to the community before policy questions are decided by the board, and b y demonstration that students are learning the things they need to know \n order to lead happy and product.Ive Jives in a free IOclety. De yoa believe aex ecluactlon cu or shoold bave a role la oar 1clloolt? Public schools seems to have great difficulty telling the truth to student! about things like drugs and sex. People need to un- derstand their semality, but it Is probably better to say nothing than to 1ie. And the trouble in the sex educatkln area ill that one man's truth is another man'a iullt and a third man'a Communist Plot. Bow de you rat.e tbe Kbool 1yt&em? Good. ' I · Name: ~trs. Jane E. Boyd. Addm1 : 1274 Starlit Orlvt, La1una Beach. A1e: 46. 0 Cc Y pa 11 I 11 : Housewife. Clllldtt:n and a,e1: StoU. 23. Alan, 20. Lucy 15. What Is your principal reuoa for 1ee.kia1 office? My alm is to wist in lift1n1 the l!Chool system from a aood rating to an excellent ratin1 In terms o( c ur r I c u I um . teaching, J*iyslcal pl1nt and financln1 . Wllat It tH scbool dJ1lr1cr1 biUtat problem ucl w II 1 t wvuJd JOU do le MIJ rttolve It? Dllllc:ulty ol flndin( fund• for ecluc1tion wi\tn other areas of concern are com· peUng and use ol funds mU3t be rt.retched across our most ur1en1 netdJ to cooserve the laxpay,r'• dollar. How cu tdtoola wll more ,.blle n,,ort! By improving the rapport with pannts and other cilium through 1 more formal public relatiool ~ gram a.od scheduling ol K · Uvtot• stressing y o u t h motlv1tion and participaUOtL. l Do Y" btliewe IU ed11caU. In ow-1cbool1? Yes. t feel strongl y that we need a balanced Family Lile E.cl.uca. lion program, o( whlcb sex education is 1 small part, developed carefully 1 n d coordinated with parent and community lfOUpS. How d• you rate Ute 1cltw. system! Good. • Name : Mr1 . C atherin e MacQuarrie Address: 416 Emerald Bay. Laguna Beach Age : 62 OccupaUon : Library administrator and consult.ant Chlldre11. 111d ares: 3 sons: 33, 29, 23 Wbat J1 your principal rea1on for seeking office ·! Interest in education, as I believe that well educated children are ot1r most im- portant re.source for t h e future. Also I am jnterested in school costs in relation lo the taxpayer:;' ability to pay. What is the school district's bi11e1& problem and wbat would you do lo help resolv e it? Sufficient finances to sup- port the quality of education desired. Publi city and more involvement of both parents and citizens not parents may help to solve problems. How Ch ICltoob whl mort public 111ppol1 ! Counes in marine biology and marine geology might be helpful since these are important subjects for a beach community. since Laguna ii famous for iU arts, more involvement of the artistic community In the schoob would be helpful. Do you believe sn education can or 1boa)d Uve 1 role In our schools! Yes, sex education is very important since parents no longer seem to function Jn this type of teaching. How do you rate tk school 1yst.em! Good. • Name : Mrs. Shirley McCalla Adclreu: 919 Bluebird Can· yon Drive, Laguna Beach . A1e : Mi Occupation: House- wife Clllldre.n and ages : Vince 14, Susan 13, Victor 11 What Is your principal rta1on for seek.In& office? t want to see that youri; and our children get a good educa- tion. Wbat I• lbe school district '1 blge1t problem and whit would you do to belp resolve 11! OM.lg abuse probably scare.!! me the most. I'm worrlclt about riots and discipline or some student!. I do want to help prevent these probltms from happening In our school '.'1. How c111 1cl!ools w I 11 more public 1uppor1'? I believe Laguna Buch school already has a fairly good Image. I believe our administration has avoided m1ny . not a 11. problems by tbtlr fine publle rel1Uon1 th11t they h 1 v e already establi!lh~. 'Oo you believe 1es education c•• or sboald ••ve • r°'e la our sclloell? r believe that 86 educaUoo shoukl be 1iven In the junior •nd senior year for juat a few hours. to trnc:h the truths ind eliminate lhe mlsconceptlons that 1rt: often picked up In gro\\ .. ing up. llo• do yov rale tbt •chnol •Y•lera? Good. Name : Dr. Jerome Klrk Address: 1350 Dunning Drive, Laguna Beach Ap: 31 Octapatioo : UC I pro£essor What is you.r principal rt a s o a for 11eekln& office? My academic and consulting work has led me to a strong interest in the school system. and I feel my training would be of value. What Ja tbe 1chool district'• biggest probltm and w b a t would yoo do lo help resolve IL? Communlcatioo. I don't think we ha ve serious pro- blems at present. but more coUld be done to make use of potential contribution.Ii from the public. How can schools win more public support? Citizens arc busy people. Except in emergencies. schools cannot lay claim to the talents of all segments of the community unless the school's themselves take the initiative. Do you bellewe Ki-education c1n or should have a role in our schools? Unless schools can ignore the fact that sex is a problem for most young people, they must take some educational responsibility on that area. The question is ex- actly what they are competent to do well . How do you rate tbt school 1ystem? Excellent. Na me : Pi.1rs. Esther C. Lock way Add~ss: 875 Manzanita , Laguna Beach Age : 55 Oc cu pat i on : Housewife Children and ares: Ho ward J. (Jim) Lockaway 24, John P. (Jack) '..ockway 18 . What is you r principal reason for seeldn1 office? My eonce rn for lhc presSures being put on our young peopl e. In our efforts to cram them with knowledge, \VC are forgetting the ir emotions. What is the scbool district's hlg1e1't problem and what would you do to help resol\'e it'! Liaison between parenLc: and educators. School b o a r d should serve that purpose. llow can schools win more public suppart? Convincing parents th ey are giving their children a sound base. Go slowly with new theorys. Spend money as lf was their own. Do you' bell eve ltI educalion can or should hive a role In out schools? Upper grades. Taught by professionals and not compulsory. How do you rate thr. school syste m: Good. Saddlebark Saddleback Junior C ol· lege Distric' takes in almost l1a/f of Orange Co u 11 t y. r><Jpidated areas along I.he San Diego f rt ewa11 f ro»1 Tus iin • Irvine sou~h a 11 cl beach comm1t11itie.s f r o t11 Laguna Btach sou th. SADDLEBACK JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT Stvt n c11ndidalea for h~·o board sents Olslrlcl t -Hans \V Vogel (ln· rumbtnt) Dlstrlcl 4 -Patrick J . Backus nn· cumbcnt ) -C'.eorge \V. Ballew -Ja mes ~1. Knapp -John E. K1U!< -Paul Sayrt -Ronald S. Steelman ' Name: Patrick J. Backus (incumbent) Address: 33382 Bremerton St., Dana Point Age : 36 Occup11Uoa: High Sl.'hool counselor Children and ages: Three Backus did not reply to the DAILY PIL01"s question but submilte:d the following statement : "A.s vice preskfent of t.he Board of Trustees of Sad· dleback Junior Co 11 e g e District. 1 have been deep ly involved in the development of the well·rounded program that the college has been proud ro cifer in iU initial years of operation. ''Moreover, I have unswerv- ingly ~'Upportcd the board 's action in establishing a firm policy for the regulation of student dress , demeanor and conduct on c:ampus. I have been most concerned. by the widespread violence and chaos that have recently disrupted so many institutions, and I am detennined to maintain sound, reasonable standards of muclenl conduct that will in- sure an orderly alrn05phere al Saddleback College." • Name: John E: Kruse Addrt1s: 2.5252 St a y s a i I Drive, Dana Point Age : 39 Oceupatlon : L4 colonel U.S. ~1arines . . ·• Children and ages : Sons 14. 13. l I and 10: daugber 7 Kruse .1lso 1ubmlt1ed a st.attme11.t: ''First and foremost -I tare. I ca re about the com- munity , the state, and the country . Secondly -I believe. I believe in the young people of today. ''Also -I an1 concerned . I am concerned that minule militant eleineats can cause the conste rnation and violence currently occu ring in an alarming number of our academic institutions. This can only be possible when such an element is highly organized. well motivated, and effec tively directed. By no stretch of the imagination can disorder in our schools be justiricd, nor can it be con- doned. "It is past lime for pro- lessi.onal managerial lecbni· qucs to be Injected lnto the ·administrative fram ework of many of our institutions o( learning." • Name : Ronald Steelman Addrt"" 26802 Vist1 dcl W."r. Capi!!trimo Bea<:h Age: 42 Occupa1lo11 : At· lornc.v Children and A1e1: Three <"hiktren. 386 8. 8, and 12 \\"hat ill lk school dlsb1rl'• rra.<100 ror see.ld11r office'! To h<lp mi,wove Ille ad· mind 111<11 w«klna -tM mlnlllratfon cJ Saddlebact othor boord membtn. Junior ColleJe, and particular· u .. tul tdtMla wbt mott ly to add an tndependeri voice pebllc aappori! By belna to the board ol trustttl. respomlve to the eommunlty, Wbt I 11tM ...... dfatriel'• provi41n& the educatloo the b1Qft1 inblem aad wUI community desfrU, and pro. woo.Id ytU tlo ta iltlp .. solve vidnf the facts CODC<!r .... It? Devdoplntl IOllnd pollcl,. e<iucallon to the community. in a period ol rapid growth, Do ,.. lltllav' -edDcadto and making turt that UteSe ea1 ti U.W ~ve • nit policies repreMnt the will bl tu ~? St.I edocltlon of the majority cl the elec-can have a role but only on t.orate. ---'-parental"CONIDt-bllil • How cu scllools wia. more Hew do )'Oil rate dte 1cbool pubUc support? By being 1y1tem? Good. mere responsive to the de&res ol tnpayers, sludenb and parents, and by exercising more tound mansgement over the funds that art available. De yoa beUewe 1t:1 edocatkla can or should ha\'e 1 role ln our schooll? I believe that the public acboob should offer well planned counes of this type, preferably at the Ume children art rt.aehing puberty. J believe a junior collea;e should certainly offer a tnore sophlsticated cour&e dealing with marital relatlons and the problems of parenthood. llow do you nte tbe school system? Avera1e. • N1me : Chester G. Briner (incumbent ) Address : 26311 Turquesa Circle, Mission Viejo, Calif. 91175 At;e : 48 Occ1patl1n : Stockbroker ; incumben t Tustin Union Hlgh School District • Clllldrea ud qu: Eleanor, qe ZZ ; Emmett, a1e lt Wllat IJ your prlltclpal reuoa for seekhl& office? A'!o the only incumbent running for reelection, I recognize con- fusion that might result if the majority 1s composed ol e new members. I'm the only Name : Paul Sayre incumbent living in the rural Addre1s : 25281 Seea Rose area. Court, Dana Point Wbat Is the school tll•trk:t"t Age: 45 o cc up at Io• : bluest problem and Rat Publications and graphics con-1"0ald you do to help ruol~· suit.ant 1.t! Retaining loc1l control · Child.re• Hd 11es: Craig, have, and will, 1upport 19. fl.lark, Tetti 10. those programs that can t(t~ What is yoor prilclpal aovtrned by a body elect~· reaso• for 1eeklag office ? To by local citizens. -{ provide thi6 area· with a view-How-cu school• win md point more representative of pabllc 1u.pporl? By being mori the majority of voters and re.sponalve to the communitt taxpayers -something that it nteds and desires and bf: Vi not currently true. demonstrating good m1na,e! What is the school dlitrict'• ment of the funds enlrualt4 biggest problem and what to the district. "' would you do to belp resolve1 Do you believe sex t'llucaU..-· it?· Domiq&tion ci the. boar(! cu or 1bould bave a role' by a ~ty view (politically hi our acboo11? No. i speakiqg} ~ . a total lack How do yoa rate tM: .cJtoo[ of comm.um~ with. tbe 1ystem! Average. taxpayers paying the bill. Jlow call acboolJ win mon public support? Presenting a more constructi ve program of education and a more realistic budget that the people un- derstand. A ma}or problem ts public appathy. Do you btlle\'e su eclucatioa caa or sboald have a role in our acboola! Absolutely - at least on an elective basis. How do you rate the 1cbool 1yttem? Average. • others in the race who did not respond to the DAILY PlLOT's request f o r in- formation about their can- didacy : -H&DJ W. Vogel, ill· cumbeat, contractor a a d former conece pro(euor, of tNIJ. Cowan Htl&ftb Drive, Sula Ana. -George W. Ballew , Capistrano Unified aroands supervisor, of S4'11% Cam..111.0, Capistrano Beach . -James M. K•app, engineer, of Jlf.71 Granado Road, San Juaa Capistrano. Tustin High Tustip Union High School District stretches from Tus· ti1t to Mission Vie;o and also takes in lrvi'nt, EL Toro and Loguna Hills. TUSTIN UNION mGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Tblrteen c111dldattt for tbrtt board ltllS • Namt: Clifford B. Boehmer Addrtu: ZSlMPac ifi ca Ave., Mission Vitjo Are : 41 Occ1p1tle•: Aerospace t ng i net r Ing manager Cldklre.11 and •1e• : Richard 17, Roebert JS, Terry 12, Sally 10 W ti • t la ye 1 r pthtclpal realOll for lf:dlq office? 1be b1s lc reeason is a concern for the quality or education that our chlldrtn rtcf.iVe, and whether 1 1ood ·education c1n be obtained In the .state of diicord now existing in the d~trlct. Wll1t i• the Khool dlttrkt'• bi11nt preblem ud ftat would yoa de to ltelp raolwe It? The dllCWd w h i c h ha.! penneated the entire districl due to the disharmony on 'Ute TUHS board. I will pnivide nannon;y by keepln1 an open ' • N1me : Paul F. Calhoun Address : 17631 Arbolida Way, Santa Ana A1e: 4' Occupat i o1: Phannacist Cblldrt• and 11e1: Paula age 17, Steven aae 15. What Js your principal rtuon for seekin& office? There ire some serious pro- blems lhat will be facing the district in the next few ye1rs. r have strong feelings about how these problems should be deal t with. \\'bat is the school dl1lricf1 bi1gest problem and what would you do to help resolve it? Lack or public supporl, partly due lack of confidence in the board and its ad· ministration. The schools must have funds with which to operate but must also proye to the taxpayers that these funds are being used ' to the best possible advantage. How can scbool1 win win mere pabllc support? The soarinJ tu load that every taxpayer must share makes mwit people object to any and all increases. The board must demonstrate in every w a y that they are dedi cated to ~roviding an adequate educa· lion and at the same time make every effort to put thole funds to. the beat possible U!lle. • Do yoa belie'Y• HJ: educ1dW caa or should Uvt a ,.Rt In our 1dtooh7 J do "C?~ believe stx educ.1tion be~ basic hygiene ...... ., haflnti to do -..1 t b personal health should be taught in putillC'. schools. Set education tut volvu moral prlncl pl ~' bellef1 and personal c mitments of every fami1y un and V•T)' greatly so. c1rinot.. and should not be within the' scope ol public education. Row de JM nt.t ttte lcltoot l)'lkm? Good. • Name: Howard L. Selleck AddrrH1 : 12SUC1t1lfaa Drive, Santa An1 Ate : 49 0tcaJMdon: Junior collt&< IMtruclor OUdru ud •1es: One boy IL )ltll'I I Wllat Js )'Ol:r prindpi1 ,..... for tte-ln1 otflet? .rro help and aid in th e rt· !Set Tl/STIN. l'agt Ill I t J • I ' I I [ I I • ' r ~ r ~ • ~-• l ' I \ •• • ' l • ' d ? • • " l ' • t • • I· t ' • • ' • • v • J t I > • \ ' l I ~ ' • L r ' ... -·-..... -.. ~. -· ... -~.. . . -··-· ----· . I --.,,,.,., .... 10. 1'69, l I~ .thi,~e 4 Seats in N~wp_or_,•Mes~ .1 Ba~e. . . Netopert-llfu• Valfietl . , . N'-* • Ifni! VIiified ldlool l>imicl ""°"'P<ll"' !lw !!"'b.,. A.re•, all of \;_w· to M'Mk 1nd'JVtwp0rt Btoch p1M Santa. Ana HtiQ'hU Ge Ille "-•<¥ of Ill< Bact· Bay. I NEWPORT-MJ!llA ll'81i'IED SCllOOL ~Cf , Twelve. cUcHdatn fer l lour board 1tall DistrlcM - Mrs. Elizabeth M. 'LIUY (In· cumbent ) Alvin F. Bender Henry E. Jones Dldrid 4 Lloyd E. Blanpied Jr. tin· cumbent) Gordon C. Momw District 5 Donald A. Strauss (in- ' cumbelit) Dr. John W. Chessell Terry W. Hay Mrs. MIJ'Y G. Mairtin John L. Vaut:hn Dltb1ct 7 '· Roderick H. MacMillian (in- cumbent) Paul E. Massey , ~, Nam.: Eliubeth (Mrs. Rob- ert) M. Lilly (incumbent} Addrus: 208 Dartmwth Place, Costa Meu Occupal.loa: Hops e wife- R.N. (inactive)': ~ Children and a&tf {it home): Barbara, 19, Stephen. 16. What is your principal reason for sec:kJ1g oHlct! My d~p concern ~,a parent and b<ialll memlitt l0r !he 'con· ti~velopme_!lt .. of the educa~ progranr in order to achinf the ei~lence desired by the comm Unity .• Whal is tile school district's blgge1t problem and wbal would yo11 do to help re&0lve It? Communlty understanding of the .. complei problems in- volved in management ~ Jlnanclng of callfornii ~~ tinder Jhletit1aws. Jlow can teltiols wbi more 'Public 1upport? There is no simple answer, but re sponsible and responsi ve ac lions or the board and school starrs and the involvement or parents at their local school level should have a comlnon goal -effectiveness 3nd er !iciency of the schools. Do you belleve ses: education can or should have 1 role ·in our schools? Yes -in the proper context as a small portion or a Family Life Program, approved and 1\lp ported by the community but not mandatory. I do not believe it is a valid Issue ·ln a school board candidates' race. It ia a curriculum mll· tcr and should not be used 11.s an emotional platform for determining ca ndidates qualifications. Ho" do you rate Ole sthool 11ystem? Very good. • Name: Alvin F. Bender Add.re11 : 211 We 11ta1 t )' Lane, Cosl.a Mtsa Ap: 43 Oce1pa&l111: lndultrlal engineer ~ ud °'"' Kim I~ Alan 1e, Larry 21 · WNI It .,..r p'11dpol reaMn fer 1etklllJ Ule tWce? I am disturbed at many of the. publiciied lrtnds of the educators, many that are +un- tried, but atlll 1'-trtnds itre to be used to cure ~ ''outd1ted educ ltlon . , ' -~~ ... . ·~ . _ .. _._ •'lcPi •• ,IP ... ~ w.OW,.0 .. lt--lt? tnadtqMla ........ Ind .,..._°"' lor k ' In· 1tallllloo 111111 lmptomet....., of new pnicrame If be -lf improve educ1tl1n .. U'lcrtue tbe boanl'1 puticlpa· Uori to' auure t b e lld-- mlolatrrton hove ldeq\lllely '"pored -......... (Or l!J«Ulful lllltallatioo. -e... eiililiiii Wiii more puJJilc ,._.r Be ·honest, face the facta, let lht facts be koown inclllcllnc the cool· to the public u well ••· tbe efiect on tho student -tho public will then support tbe effort. Do you beUeve tu edacaUea can or slttuld. Uve a nl8 in ou.r ICltools? Why la SU education so 1uadenly im- portant? Why not teach tbe full mllTiqe story with sex regulated· to lts correct place in a health)!, haRP)'.J family Oriented ~lap. Te a c h yocihg adult.!. lflW 1 happy marria~ ,can~ dO "f~or them •first., . '. ~ Hew d ')'OU TUe.1 tiw. acMol 1ysatm? Averagi.\o ~iocrt. ' • eu w aa..1111 Mve ·a rtle ··--1 Clrlalol1 tho ld'6oll. haft •• ioJe. ' ln ta eduicatioa. A.I to what form tbl8 ·m.iw:' tue Is a response belt dlclllled by tho wishes rr. u.. ""11mwtity Ind the needsoltb<tlm ... u .... ,.. .. 1c1Mtdeol IYl&e•f Averqe, • I N~f Mary E. (Mn. Mer- ritt 'tf!) Martin AddnN• 409 M SI., Balboa .. Age: 50 Occapatlea: Housewife, grandmother of 2. t'blldren and ages: Susan 26, Betty 25, David 16. WUt Is yow prillCipal ·run. I• seetlli1 .tflce? Tbe Board needs new bkM>d : school problems att getting out or hand. -Wlaat Is CM acltool dl1trict'1 . · "'""' pnlllem ud wUI -~ 1• d• lo llelp retlh'e • -lt? Lack ol graS.s roots,. con- trol ol ~ is a basic pr~ bltm. 11le a'llution is: a school district which .g e n u i n t I y reflects community wishes. He" cu scltoeh will more public support? when ta•- -payers feel confidence in the 'politjes ol. ~ district they will -t1ie disl{id. Lock ol suppport, is evidence of a Name: Henry E. Joqu: ·tact ti. confiltence. _.,. i Addrell: 1103 El Camino Dt ,_ Mltn ta.edfCad.011 Dr., Q:Jrta. Mesa ~ • • . 't~ cu ,flt U.W. U\lt •. rtle · A1•1 44 Oceupollon: PulOr ·hi •!"' -1! ,El¥00ally, CbUdru ud aces : Five a Dire m rn Im um . Con- childrtn -ages: 21, 20, 15, tei;npocary prob~ renect a i 4 an4 9 ' cr1:1e1, .in ldutt vaJuea, not What' ' is your principal lack "· su lnf°"!lation. All ow reason for attkllfc tlflct? I t~e . chi~~ .their cbUdho\Xl : am a repreaefrtative for all turunr 11 mtieaJ. the people of our district. How :• )'till nt.e lhe school Since 1981 J have served all •)'•tem. Good. segments of our society : e academically, school drop out.s ·• to space physicista; politically, the liberal · and the con- servative: and, economically,_, the poor and the wealthy. \Vhal Is CM: ICbool dl1trid'1 blggell probleia aDd ftat woultl you do &o Hip reath'e It? The school board and ad- ministraton eeem to bear a marred image. The citizens do not have confidence in the leaders of our di.strict. I believe improved com- municaUon with the public, and an earnest desire to con- sider all segment!: of our district will solve the more seriom pioblema. How can acllools win more J>Ubllc 1upport'! ::-Stop uam, stare and threatening langua&e. The people or our district are reuonable and open minded. Present tbe facts and the people will res- pond. Also, publicly recognize the dedicated teachers and principal&. Do )'OI belieVe aex edwcau .. can or llllMlld ·lane a rtle in .., tcbodh! I believe in a -1Pilrooiti lo ,., educ.. Hon. l propose I procram that Includes the family, church, .achools, add entire comrnunit)I. 'Thil pi,n. would not divide ouc community or bring IUSpicion of.our !!Chool adminl.stratol"I. • • How .. Y.. rite ~. odloel S)'slem? Good. "" • Nl.llli: Roderick H. M1cMlllian '(liicumbent) Addrt11 : 1575 An a he i m Ave., Costa Mesa Age: 41 Occapatlon: Social worter • ~tbofic Big Brothers ·CMld:tte ~ •let: Chris- tine, 4; Michael, 13; Mike, 15; Bill, JI; Tom,"2G; Pat, 22. WW.t 11 year prUtcipal reuc11 for 11eekllg afflce? To as.mt in establishing pro- grams and eervices within wise b u d g e t a r y discretion wtlich will produce functional citiuns; educated, 'lf'illing 1nd able to accept their individual roles. ( Wbat Ii tbt .ci.oo& dlstrkt'1 bW:t1t ,,.Wem ud wllal 'lt'oulll yoo do 1e ltdp resolYe It? FINANCIAL -Demand prudent ~nditure plaMing Ninte: Ttnj'W, Hey . I()(( controb; ea p Io r c Adh1: l1$P,i N"otth Bay a It er n 1 ti v t financing , Front, Balboa Island .... methods ; arxJ re q u e 5 t Ate: 22· Oecapadoo: Stu-legislaton to protide property dent, UCJ tu tellef ud lDcrtue tht ll'UI b ,_ inc:1po1 sfiore'ol stat. "'-· fUIOll rar •eekla1 tlllc.! it a.. oaa tcMili wta ••• Is my desire lo ~ hi ,.wle teppert? Crtale an at. tuidin1 the adjustments that mosDller~ where children love must be made in the prt~l 8Cbo01. AssiJt parentt: in sy9tem if it Is to acbie.ve ..... _ Mleit chlldrtn. Provide Its potential es:cellence. ' • •-• Wht 11 u.e icbool lllll&r'ld's bl'OllCI lelrning experiences illgesl problem Mii --~.wry frillJ ond w..W. yoa de &t ....a .. J"tltlft t:ltabllah rullAic W r1ts. -.. ..11. _ De Jt1 Wleve HI" ldllClltMI I&! 1be l•P between me eur-c• or ...w Mve 1 n~ ricuJum and lb. rtkvance to --'---•--tht ~1111 nt · id~ 111 -..-? YH, wltb a e 11" ~-tOO&oUte cooperitloa ot Unually. A pollcy ol •I OWlllg porenta. 1 .. i:brrt, cltr11 ond i r e 1 t e r lnatructiooal Ou· ~. Scbooll s h 0 u 1 d 1blUty to teachers would ao ~ve '° encourage family ~ lone WIJ' towarda allevial· dilklpe -not terVt to wld· int this prtiblan. -den the c<rrununication aap. Bew cu. tcllMll wta mwc .. Htw • ,... nle die aelMtl JM1Wkl ..,,ert'!' 'Ibe first step 1)'tlem'!' Good but there id la for I.he admhtlatrators to-room for Improvement pay mote than lip lttVlct to · communlt7 portl<JpoUon by e fomwlailn& wort ab I 1 pro- ll'lmt 111111 111n01ssfV1!ly .,.. Pb'!nl them. 0. 1ft llt\lef< ... -.11 .. Names John L. Vauahn -: Ila llt1'. N<W\)Ol'l B,.1$ Name: Dr. John W. ~I Address: 315 Alvar ad o Place, Balboa A1e: 25 OCeapaUoa: Man- agement analyst, McDonnell. Douglas Corp. Chlldreo: l1Qlle Wlaat J1 your prhtclpal rellOll ,., seekin& lfflct? I believe that ~ approacbes and outlooks art needed in education. Coming from a family of educators, I have taken particular intere.st in the subject. Wbat ii &M ldMtl tU.Aricf1 blgl'sl problent •uf WUI woold yoa 'd• le .... ttaelve It? Providifi&.qualit{ education for students, while avoiding unnecessary lncreues in &he tupayers' ~-J wauld at- tempt to bdng modern management &echnique.s to the school system. Ho'lt' cu sdteolJ win more public sappori7 By better in- romUng the public of the ~ature of ~ Ind lllOl>l•ms of tht lcltjlOI mtcn. Ind ol the virlQ\11: prOframs planned or already adopted. Do )"'II belleYt 1ez educa&ioa can bt 1boaJd Un a rtle la ear 1Uoo11'!' Yes, prov1din& classes are strictly cll.nlcal in nature, and t1U1ht by highly qualified personnel . The pro- gram should operate i n harmony with parent s' desires, where possible. How do yoa r1le Uie 1chooJ s}'1lem? Average. • Name• Lloyd E. Bf1npied Jr. (lncumbenl) A-: Im Alta Vista Drive, Newport ttadt Ap:: 45 OeapaUOI: Attor- ney at law Clllldren and aces: Clrol , 17; John, 15 WU& 11 yotr prtDdpal rellOI for tet_.11 office? As an incumbent, l feel a com- mitment to serve an addiUonal ' tenn. Our unified dlltrlc:t IJ new and many dellrable pr~ jectl are only partially com- pleted. ConUnulty at thie tJmc wou ld be bencllel1I. WU& b Uie tcMel •t1tritt'1 blgett problem ud wMt w .. w ,. .. di &t W, raolve It?' Narcotics is a community· W"lde problem, not ju.st a !Choo! problem. We should keep paice: with it educa· llonally Ind In workin& wit!{ the police, who hive been very helplul. School fi11"1Cln1 IJ moot critlcal; al tho locol levtl we must lry bonier lo 1el Nime: Gordon C. Morrow AddnN: 724 Aleppo, SI., Newport Beach Aie: Jt Ocelpltlon: Assist- ant to vice praldent, Global £ft1inetrinc Documentation; formerly hiCb achoo! teacher in diltricl. Wldru and 11e1: Wynne Marie, J; 2nd child three days O\'erdue. Wbat 11 your principal reuoa for seeking office? To fulfill a need I feel for com· munily aervice. With a BS, MS and experience in educa- tion, my naturaJ channels would be in this area. I believe the catch phrase is "get in- volved." Wh•t ii Ute school di11.rict'1 biggest problem ud 'lf'hat woWd )'OI do to help reaolve ii? Communication only seems to happen when bond issues or tu overrides were coming up for election and a crash information program is in- itiated. 1 would hope to overcome this by eslablishing a close rapport with citizens within the trustee area thal I would !epresent, keeping them aware ol current 11uc- ceuful programs and ob- tainlng their opinion on cur- rent problems, How cu ltcbools win more public npport? Same. Do you beUeve 1e1 educaiton cu or should •ave 1 i'ole in our 1ebool1? I believe that a comprehensive Family Lift Program, on a volontary basis, is needed in our schools today. I also feel , because of the sliima that hu been affl:xed to such programs recently, by some concerned individuals, that programs of this nature have been blown out of aJI )>Toportion to the total school curriculum of- ftn..J today. Row cit yov rate lht school system? Excellent. • NOie: Donald A. Strauss (Incumbent) Ad4reu: 101 Via Venezi1, Newoon Beaeh • A.&e: 51 Oearpa&ien : Vice pres1dent -Beckman lnslru· me1n.s, lnc. Cldldren •nd aa:es : Cordon 21, Naoc:y It, .Dunc•n II WM& Is )'tlr principal telffl for 1tek.ln1 olJlce? The Newport-Me11 Unified Dl1lrlct, now almost lour )'tin old. h111 areal patentl11. I wish to cohtinue to work loword achlevln( lhll J191en Ual. 1 • - -It Ille -dfslrkt'• Waa& "'"'•• ... #llllt -100 • w lltlp raoive U? To motivate, retain, aod attract only first-rate clus room teachers 1 n d 1d-- mlnistrators. Working ~h tbt supe.rinltndent, we must. set higb standards and tn!orce thqn. jf:uw CID , ICJtooll ft mote. pobllc: npport? Primuflr.by performance: by obtatnlng top-nlght instruction and doing It at costs that are reaaonable. Stcondar ily, by com- munlca\lng etfeclively with the publlc:. Do yua beUeve sel ed11t1tloa cu 1or sbMdd Uvt a role in • oar lebuol1? Sez education can .be Sllccessful. but onJy if lt is C011Sistent wl~ our Cotn.{ll\)Wty'1. d~ires, and i! the schools have teachers who are both competent and at easl!I with the subject. How do you n&t. tk-acMol Jy1&em? Good. • Paul E. Mueey, U.year-old retired Marine now working with the Calikrnia Youth Authority, of 873 Governor St .. Cost• Mesa, did not rC;Spond to the DAILY PILOT'S rr.- quest for informaUon aboul his candidacy. Sau Joaquin Elementart1 San Joaquin Eltmt'ntaf'y School District take1 in Ult communitit! of Irvine, Et TOf'o, Laguna Hill.! and !tfis· .sion Vie;o. SAN JOAQUIN ELEMEN· TARY SCllOOL DISTRICT Ten cudld1kl for three board 1e1t5 • ' Name: , Charles H. · B~an· i" Address: 17992 Mann St., Irvine A&e: 38 Occup1Uon: Ele- mentary school principal, Cy- pre:ss district C'llldren and 11e1: David «. Steven 5 What it' your prlnclpel rea- Hfl for seeking office? Every citizen hu a responsibility to act1vely participate in their local govem.ment. With my e.xperienct and background I feel I can mo.st effectively serve my community as a school b<iard trustee. Wll11 Is the school dl11tlcf1 btggest problem' and wbat woald YoU Ille Ct Nip retolve i&? Rapid growth requiring increaaed school construction and recruitment ol lelcbers. I would encourage long range planning, working with the archit'ed to make certain buildings complement the edu· cttional program, ind Provide salaries and an lnnovativ¢ ell· mate to attnct the best teach-cn. Bow cu 101M!olt wbl m•re putillc support7 Better com- municaUon through use: ol 1 monthly nenktter from the district office, regular repor ts on the local cabltv\1ion 1l1· lion, publlclilng' lhll parenl.!i are welcorM to visit the schools at any-time. De yoa belfeve tts edoca· tloa cu er sbtcallll Uve • role Jn tu~ 1c!tool1? Yes, If parents are Involved 111 plar1- nJng the Program and i( it Is strictly voluntary. I believe there la • need for • well planned proc1>m. tto" do >'" ral.e tM 1e:Mol system7 Good. mother In Ibo aiuncll. ll'Ul lt Ille -·--ldt'a'I blfplt ,....le• _. wMa -, .............. II? Problem-Rapid .,...U.-of lrea. Sohllion -InvolvtnllD!t 111111 MN!Uv!ly. .. , How ... -n.-. pobUc lllpport! !nVofV1! the voters in ow: area. 0.100 __ ....._ µ--or·ah=W ........ a . ..__ hi ... ..-r s..·ec1- Name: Vincent A. Lavertu Address: 243Q Fordview St., El Toro Age: 35 Occapatiol: Owner, ~.Television Serv· ice Children •ncl ages: Three, 17, 16, and 4 years of age. Wbat it yov priaclpa.I ,_.. SOD for teekln& tfllce? My llusiness has progressed 1uf- ficienUy that l may donate the uYe required for efficient and effective educ.a~I and govemmental guidl.nCt of the elementary school system . Wblt ii tM: 1dtool district'• biges& problem and what 'lt'ould you do to laelp rt10lve it? A common media of com· munication between the board and taxpayers does not exist All local newspapers publ!Jh. ing a report of the monthly meeting may be one solution . How can IClltoula win more pllbllc support?. -PublieaUon again, seems our most . effec- tive contact with the citizens. Complete, accurate infonna· tlon abou' every issue, rather than contradictory newsletters malled from various "citizens committees." De yoa believe 1e:1 education can or 1boukl tiave a r o I e In our schools? Se.x education on the elementary grade level should not be a mandatory subject. 111111 ahould tacllully be introduced lo student.! cmly with puental consent. How do y.. role lltO !Uool s)'ltem7 The school system hu inadequac:les, OI' I -1d not be 1 'candidate for office. ' • Name~ Robert W. Livingston Addrfts: 24191 Grayston Drive, El Toro A~: la Occupadoa: Certi- fied Public Accountant OlUdrea and ages: Martha 3; Julie ll/a and a son due in June. Wba& Is your principal rea· IOD for seeking office? To en- sure that our ,children receive the best education possible, but tempered with the fact that thue is a )imlt to our tax doUar. Wba& 11 the school dl11ttct'1 bl11e1& problem and wh.al W"oald you do tO help resolve il! Growth at a phenomenal rate, a man wilh my educa· lion and business experience v.'ould be an asset to • board which must be able io utilize the available fund!I to the maximum exi:ent. Ho" can 1cboola win more public 1apport? ay awaken- ing public awareness of the Inherent education problems which accompany our growth . A! an example, newspaper publication ~ the board's agenda tor each meeting. Al- though this may cost It is quite small when compared with public apathy. Do yuo btlJeve IU edUCI· lion cu • ••Id have a nle in. oar 1Cboo11'!' Yes, tu edu- cation does have a role In our ichools. But, we must keep in mind that this role b ltOt 1 substitute for tbe guidance the parents and the church must contrlbutt. Ho1' do you ra&e the school system? Good. • Na me1 Loa Young A.dclreu: 25471 Earhart Rold, Laguno Hiib Aae: -OccupaUon: l-1 om e- maker Cllllctrta 1ad aga: Victor ia · 12, Roger 10, Stanford I. Wlla1 It yov prlnclp1l rta· son for setktng off!«? J be- Ueve It would bl a 11'Ut Id· VJntag< for tht "bool board ti> ·tia v(l tht: perspective or • in the odioob thauld sl01 in th< Health Educali«I Deparl· ment and greater streu ahould be 00 --and narcotics. Leov(tht riclit Ind privilqe ol teochln.I till sacrednees of birth to wbo It righliully beloogs, tht Pl!'· enl&. ~: -uow do yoa rak tM tdtltl 1y1&em '!' Good. ... Others in the race who did not mpood lo tht DAILY PILOT'a request for iilf~ Ucn about tbetr candidacy': .. 4 -f.dwarll-B.ll<nJ,..,._ bt•t, ti Ml Alecute Drift, M11-.toa-~l1jo. .-:;: ..:fit .... -. I-·· %4111 Laa1Mn Place, El Tft, -Rohm L Dtameree, flDlf, elal coualu4 of %4311 0- St., t:I Ten. ::: ...JobF.U-.•.-, o1 llGI Iulo Drive, MJoo8i Viejo. ~: ... Name: James A. Ntlaon~ Addras: 2M75Pacifit"a Ave., Mission Viejo .. Age : 35 OccapaUoa.: Erflf.. neering manager ~ Children and aces: Mar- grethe, 9; Mark, 6 . Wb1t 11 yoar principal ,... aon for seekJn& office? Con- cern and desire to maintain and set high standards for eur schoola. The San Joaquin db- trlct must maintain high stan- dards during a period wllten rapid growth is abo necas. ~bat ii die scllotl dtstrkt'e biU'll problem ud wtial 'IYOUld )'OU de .. lleJp nail\'I I&? Maintaining high ~ (teachers, currlcUlwn) durGia a perind of rapid growth. Ade· quate planning is necessary' ii we art able to Lvoid half~y sessions and eJ:ctSllve bus~,' How c119, 1cltooll wla mWe pabllc 1apport? By providinl and maintaining better com- munication with the· pubijc. By giving true and accartW f1cts . Working with and im- proving communication chan- nel• such as JocaJ pa~. ·, Do yoa believe tu edllca- tioa cu tr aboGld have a Mlt bl our 1chool17 I believe 911 education can have a rol6. ia our schools, however 1he ""'° eral public will DOI Ind lhoiild not accept compu.llory pro- .. grams. • How ·'°""°' rale the sdtMI •• • Good. "'" sya..::m. , ' ~ •• or~ I ._, Narnt: Patricia Stritton ~ Addreeo: WI Seim ft4$ Irvine ' -··· Ac•• 21 Occ1potloll•'~ tor .:1.,..;. ~dren and 11t1: Kevi1'3 yn .• Sean, 7. mo. ..,-.1 ll'UI b Y'"' prloclpal ·:a IOI 'for aeetsac lfflce? I runnlog bee& ... I know our disltlct can oiler IL! dJlt drtn a more comprehen&N and more eff«tl•e educl"'-1- 11 prognm,lhan .... -"'"' I .know ol prlldical lllOflll wh'en!by we WI <ltabl1th :• e,dll<atlooal·-Ill -our deal!od ...... : .. :~ ll'UllllM-.....- btgttt Jr•••-.. Wat -ld100•i....,.....iw II! Our dllttict't m.i« prqb. lem is lo meet the hlsll atai>- dards of -opecttcf by the ........ the sludmlls. and the tu:Pl)'ers in our corn· munlty on the mlnlmum bud&· et and with the 1vailable ~ lessloo1I pmaonel. · How cu adlaelt wlli _. pobllc n_,r I claim lhlt·lt b IOI the object GI the -to 01win" public support, 'l'be schools are the sUJ.Uc: "ltlad up And support )'OUNelfl'' The JChoob. lrO I public....,., cy Ind ..... dlroct procbit of tht deirft Ind qual1IJ ol _. rnW'llty Involvement. ,, Dt )'OD ltellev1 au lllle:I· i.aatt.-W•.,.•nlll 1e oor .-r ''Su -. lion" hu al"'vt had ~ ,. In our IChoall, lnrt llillally not U I -Ible, I~ program within tbe: 9Cbool curriculum. Whal is lldd!lr iJ I PfOIJ'llD (I ''tu ,...,... alblltty." 11 ... • 100 .... a. -•ystemT '-'1cd locrt • ' • I • DAllY PllOT L """'41y, Ajllf ff,.~ . U'USTIN UNION HIGH " .. (o..inreiilf'lw~I) It! The lack,of sustained and A1e: U Occafatler.~ .~-•"·•--nl GI .._. eduea· vlgorooa community supPort Houaewffe --··~ •-for tbe kind of educatloo our ~ ... ---·&ilo . and community. CO& youq people need and duerve .... : &Ui~ fideoc< In tbe I'"'!""· Tustin il Ibey are lo meet tomorrow'• dauahter" U, II and 11 tiJah School Distl'lcl deserves cbaU WW la )'tW ,.llidpoi r be111r npitatlm ·fee the -~ -w1o _. -fer ..... -T My lutur< -Ilona! effort. d ' W1'll la IM .C-tltslrkt•1 ~ """""! B oar poal ...,...,, fee ibe edllc ... ~ •• _. .......,.._ ud. wbt member! ud educators can Uio· that "' are provtdtq .-~ r-and obolold do more In !akin& jirollW ,.. <lo to loelp rael•• the lead lo inform the public our youth. I feel • that the ft? The district f~ a ~rd as to the values of etcellent feminine Wluence would be . jold bock lo the pOlnt wbOre schooll. • beoeficlal lo our 1ovemln& . -the commun!ty feels Jt will De,_ beUeve tu edocadoll board. .lorillin&IY provide suppoi't both .__,. _,_ ._.al nd financial ... or •~ toave • ·-Wtoat Is tile ldool dlaljlel'• .,....... • · la ear ICWa? Yes. However, blaese pnltlea ad Rat : a.. cu sdlrMll w\li ...,e J favor se.:i • educatiori '.on a ~---·joolollc---'?--Oaly . Y-w!untmy1>Dli •(iilth-;pm;iili' -•oold y-.do ll~ve ~llsblng a long term pennlaalon). Teacher's ~ It? Drue Abuse' I sbould bope i e p u t. a. t ion for .fiscal be carefully trained in the to wor• clolely with thole -'h!ponsibillty as well as ~ ute of the t n 1 tr .u c-t I a n a I from the Bureau of Nll'COl.lcs lriding: &ood sound education materials. . in tindin, a ·better 'filY to ~void of frills. Bew do Y• n&e ta ICMrll deal with our Gffenden. ~ .J>t yoe belleve 1es: ed1c1tlon 1yste.m? Mediocrt. ~II or Poald have a role U Mr .U0.11? Absolutely not e ·~ the schools are not ~g: Name: Arnold Krea»., .fa v~ good job on the b~ Addra•: 18M5 ~-Way, J-eqwrements. Ses: education · Irvine · 1is a frill that many educators · Jrou,ld enjoy experimenting A1e : S4 0 cc •·P a;t l·,1.11 : HI!" cu ldlooll wla IDM't: pUlle sappart? Gain coo- fitlence by belq more i-.t in answerbii: questions on finance ln par'ticula r. Establiah better lines of com- with, diluting basic education Manager sales service :...... ·~-•~·-the fanu'ly CWWno aol '"'' Sal)r2'1, """' -~ ,, __ ,. Kathleen 2l, Tom II, Tho IS, munication between school and CGmmunity. tnf1utnce. . Peter 12 -.: , Bow do yoa rate tbt ltbOol WUt 1, your princ:lpll DI Y" beUeTt tel edacal:ion cu er UoaN Uve a nle ))'Item? Avera1e to mediocre. ftlMI. for 'lf:Uill oftlce? .',; • Deep concein of present educationll procedures WUt II IM IC~. dltbict't bluest prNkm ud wbt wCJl!l}d l_OU. de &o help resolve It? Lack of operat.ine capital. Prudent direction <d tbe board In botb pJannin& mhpenclio&. Better 1lalscn -the board and the community. ia ear ldloola? No, not per se. I feel that tbere lhould be ii concentral<d effoil lo .Wat. parents lo btlp them to teach their own youth. Bw do yoa nte dte ICMol •Ylkm1 Averqe. .. Bow cu ICbools wl• more pabllc 1upptort? One of the ways is to hive a superin- -who i.. penonablo .. well u dedicated to the 1d- ministration of his duties thereby tutoring: the com· munity trust. Do yoa belleve sez edacadoll cu or ~boald lllVe a role ht oar 1cbool1? Only 1at a certain level . and 1tressine hygiene instud of ae:x. How do yoa rate tl>e acbool • others in the race who d.id not respond to tbe DAILY PILOT's request far in- formation about their can- didacy: -Clwlel T. Bell, a. VKtor. el IMU 6-lf"• Suto Au. -Jolla R. Bree , poy.w.pt. el 1•1 TMrley J!ood, Suto Alla. · -Sylvu Kitz, pltyalcbt, el 1%la Red BJD Ave., Saata Aea • • ~NUDe: Ilona A. Carkey ''"""Addrta : 15125 Ericson Way, • l';,;guna Hilt. . 'Ate: 41 Occapatlom : '1iineer Pac. Tel ilnd Tel. 1y1tem? Poor. • -Ralph L. SUIJ.....,, tia1lneu admlal1trator, or UNZ Woodlawn Ave., TnUn • ')> .rc:blldren and A I e 1: 3, 8, J!. 15 ... What Is your priDdP,I) (iuon for seeking o{Jlct! ; lteving children in Elemen· ~ and High School has . niade me interested in the ~tent and quality of educa· iion givtn in our school ilJstrict. I feel thal all ciliuns itJould take as active an in- ~rest in our schools 25. possi· ~~ b \k ICbool dlstrict'1 Wu"t problem ud wbl ;.id yea do to llelp resolve . ti? Now that the tax override 'b\s been approved, our blg- ~t problems are going to JI! tht allocation of the ad· 41tional fun<b for new pro- , itams, etc., and to choose ' board who will work (ogether for the best Interests ii all the ·district. . ;. Bow cu 1cbooll wla more .,.bllc nppor1? The school can 'IP I n the public's support by tiieeping the public informed. Ail uninformed or partially in- ~ed public cannot make , Uund decision.! on the many dlmple1 problems confronting lb< school di..trict. :.:no yea believe sex education Cu or 1bould bve a rel~ ;·I) av tcboell? Sex education eu have a role in our schools ft cmctucUng courses which Will provide the students tht tfcta necessary to accept the "'8POOSil>WUes of marriage in 4ir aociety. ·-How dt ,... rat.e Ute 1cbool ~lem! Good .f • • Name' Ronald W. fiff!e A_, lll!OI Bayberry Way, Irvine Ace: 3' Oee•patle•: PofltlW lldenc< inltructor • • Cl1M'ell Jr. Cclllege. . CliDdrn ud qa: Kurt I, Erita 7, Anneliese 2 -t la yaar prlacfpal ~ .-, fir tttkill tfflc:t? I -I -lnlueal In bt!Jlinl ta *' elop quality education ·-,., 1111 ,..... people GI our Mrlct. _ ..... --·· 1'11111 .... tcMol blfrict'• . *9111 ... ,. .... Wat ftUI .,.. <lo " ll<tp mohe I I Name : St.anley L. Rosen Addrtu: 2241 Liane Lane. Tustin A1e: 4l Occupatioa: Ai· tomey OUdrtD ud qe1: Shit;on 13, Mithcbell • 11, · Phillip 10, Howard 7 • · ,J .• Wllal 11 ,... prf..ipal reason for •kine offlct? To bring a greater degree of analysis and reuo~ing to boa.rd decisions which have been marked by poliUcal and personality cluhn between board memb.ers, .. ad· minislraUon and t e a c h i n g staffs, to the detriment or students. What ii ilte ICllool dbltrc What 11 tH 1cltool dl1lrlcl'1 blgest problem ud wbt woold yoa di ao belp ruolve it? To better utilize eli!ting rund.!, coordinate programs between the high schoot. and the intermediate schools, and to obtain matching state funds for vocational achool, educa- Uonally handicapped, a n d mentally lifted programs. How cu tdlNl1 will more public ......... ? By better In- forming the public of 1 the achievements made and the basis for requests, ind the needs of our school• thtou&h district wide letters a' n d discussions, not only with parent groups, but with the residents of "Leia!tt WOl'}d, as well as businal -.aJkl. ~ fessioul . FCJUPS. De yea btllevt.se1'edlCIU01 cu • ,....,. 1*ft ~. role In ..,. llCMclll? Sex eilDcaUon is not a progrun given . in high ICbool. nor sboqld It, be, for by hip ICbool ,qe the students by virtue of JnltFing: _..,.. hive ellller loamed the faclJ of Ille fnlm ,.,....u. Intermediate 'Cbooll, a r frlenm. Howdo1t0-'-"- 1yrlem T The basic p)ant. tuchinc, admlniJttation and custodl&I staffs, are exct.llent, but wt atille -very talenll by «fvlq tbem elther GUldat>d or Insufficient equlpmtnt to work with. • Name: Mn. D. June Smith Aci*ta1: 14702 s 0 u th Proapect, Tustin Capistrano Vnlfied Ca.pistrono Unified School Dittrict takei in tM com- munities of Laguna Niguel, Dana P o i n t, Capistrano Beach, San Juen Cdpi.stra.no af14 San Clemente. CAPISTRANO UNIFIED •. .SCHOOL DISTRICT Foor Candidates hr du'tlt bOanl ff:lb Dlalriol ' -ThomaJ J. Win&el (in- cumben~) Dlsbid I -Marvin C. Bandoli (In· cumbent) -Bob D. Hurst Dlalrlct 1 -Fied t;. Newhart Jr. (in- cumbent) • Name: Bd> D. Hurst t'ddraa: 23911 Stillwater Lane, Laguna Niguel A1e: 35 Occapatloe: Elec· (ronic engineer C._lldrea ud. 11n: 1 daughters -•&d 13 ud 7 Wllat 11 your principal rt1110a for aeekta1 efflce! I feel a civic reaponalbllity to the communities in and sur· """1dilll Laguna Niguel. Our local government is com· mitted entirely to individual inillaUve, and it ls only through this lniUative we can pouibly achieve the kind of community we want f o r ourselves and our families.' What k Ute school dlltrtct'1 bige1t problem ud what woold you. • t. Jtei, rtsolve It! The npec:ted rapid rate of growth in our communities is the district'• greatest pro- blem. My empbam h a s always been on reallatlc solu· lions to the problems of •d· ditiona.l services without the added burden or high tues. How en scbook will mOH pablle lltppWIT Our school district should emphasize thal we have local schools under local control. Do yoa btlitve HJ eichtcadoli can or should have a role la eur dMll! Yes, J believe sn educalloo ahoukl have a role in our JChoolJ and the present progam s e e m s satiafactory. How dt yo. ra\e 1be sc1tool 1y1lem? EJ:cttient. • The three incumbents:, none of · whom responded lo the DAILY PILO'l"1 r<q-f., lnlorm1tion 1bout their can- didacy ' _,,.,.., J. 11111'1. el ma Pall Alie, Dau Pll1t. -Mamo c. lludoU, .r ism Sllyufl Dl!ft, Dua Polal -Fred L. NewUrt Jr., of s1m G&lut Way, Ila J111 Capistrano. ~ ---.-. \/Pl T1_,... nUN~ 'K!udi-ol~ ' .. I I -I Seawa9 Notes Decade The firat' ship tlirougb the St. Lambert lock of the St. Lawrence Seaway to open the loth aeuon of the international waterway is the Maj. Ragne, a Swe-- dish vessel. Official anniversary ceremonies will be held June 26, marting the opening by Queen Eliu.beth•U·and ·President Eisenhower in 1959. W•kllff P .. U ...... .... ,.,.. ... ...... , MULLEN BlUE~T . . ',. . . G::ROD:Il.'rS . . ' ' / Annim and Costa Mesa Stores! Sale Ends Saturday! Shop ·Thursday & Friday 'Til 9 p.m. MEN'S . SUITS $44.98 toS67.50 Reg. ~.95 to$~• famous brands inclu.ded ' SPORT COATS · $29.98 to $44.98 Reg. $59.95 to $89'.95. Forward fashion & natural shoulder .styles .;· · ., I. MEN~S SLACKS $7.50 lo $17.50 • Reg.$15.00 to $35.00. Belt loop and tab.waist models : ..,~ . . . Men's Sportswear and Furnishings Drastically Reduced! • SWEATER SPECTACUIAR Reg. $22.50 to $30.00 $9.90 t:ardigans and pullovers, newest styles, wool and other knits. FAMOUS MA'ER DRESS SHIRTS Reg. $5 to $7 $2.99 Short sleeves. perma press fabrics, white and colors. " ' SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS ..... 99¢ Reg; $11.0D-Includlng Nehru llyles . . >'· ' DACRON-COTION TURTLENECKS '2.99 Reg. $8-$9-short sl_,,, long 11.,ve, aolld colors WOOL KNIT SHIRTS ..... $6.99 to 58.99 Reg. $14 -elipenslvl! full faohlon detailing BEi IER NECKWEAR .............. 51.99 Reg. $4 & $5-varlely of patterns and colo rs BE 11 ER PAJAMAS ••............. 53.99 . ' Reg. to,.-cool cptlon9 and other fabrics • Big! Big Savings On Women's Fashions! DRESSES! DRESSES! •......... $7 &511 Reg. to $40-caoual, daytime & dressy styles SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES s3,97.S7.97 Reg.$10to'10-blousm, sweaters, lklrll lcaptlo NYLON'TRICOT GOWNS .......... 52,97 Reg.'6-Wlltzlength, lovelylacelrim LONG OR SHORT ROBES 59.97 to 515.97 Rig. $18 to s:zs-qullted 0look1, nylon fl-chiffon prlnll FAMED MAKER SHIRT sH1ns .... 58;97 Reg. $13-daerorM:otton, new 1prlng colora Ind patlemo lllSUllS <Reg. $50 to $711. Two and three piece~ , \ , double knit wools. and polyesters. JlllB Ill COllS '39.90·q9.90 Reg. $80 to $150.Many fur-trimmed styles, all famous mlll fabrics. ' BROADWAY-ANAHEIM CENlER, ANAHEIM• SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COSTA MESA ---------- • . • ' I . ..... ,.,. l'l••I * VOL 62, NO. 86, 3 SECTIONS, 34 P;.GES . . . THURSDAY, 'APRIL' 1a, 17/.9 ~· .. --TE N CENTS Six Citizen s -Act Against Bay Trade By TOM BARLEY Of .... o.llY ""'' u.tf Orange County's decision to exchange Upper Newport Bay land wilh the Irvine Company ii tmder fire again today with the filing ln Superior Court of a motion to intervene in the land swap. Filed by six Harbor Art.a residents, the unusual court action also challenges state legislation that led to the consummation ol the Irvine:county dell. Am It dmdemns appraisals that led county officials to predict that Orange County would be II million better off il the swap goes through. . Named as intervenors are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roblnion and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coverdale ot Newport Beach and Wesley and Judith Mari' of UniversitY. Park, Irvine. ' Their complain! seeks to prevent any court action on a writ of mandate recently filed by tlte county and the Irvine Company . Judge Clai.tde Owens set April 21 as the date for hearing of the taxpayers' action · -a calendar setting that would indicate the success of the homeowners' delaying tactics thus far. Both the county and the Irvine Com4 pany are behind efforts aimed at con4 summation of the land swap through the back door -by forcing county auditor V. A. Helm to pay to Irvine $13,l!JI', half of the cost of engineering and soil tests Clll'<' ried out by Irvine in the Upper Bay. This new action will provide backing for the reluctant Heim. For the county, auditor is awaiUng court action on a 30- page brief in which he brands the land exchange unconstituliona1. The homeowners' action claims that Heim cannot be compelled to disperse those county funds. And it alleges that the lancJ exchange contract which. pro- vides the basis of arguments by the COUfl4 ty aJ?d ·the {rv~ Company is "invajid and unenforceable." Tbe 1957 state legislature passed a bill permitting the land trade, provided 1ftat Orana:e County rectived the bulk of the benefits. That ei:change wu subsequently approved by the State Lands Com4 mission. But that is the pol~, the tax· payers' suit argues. Orange County will not receive the bulk <i the benefits but will be a party to a deal that may cost county taxpayers ''hundreds ol millions of dollars" if the exchange is finally ap- proved. If the trade went through today, the (See BAY SWAP, Pl(• Z) Sadd le back Area Resid ents Blas t Airport at Toro By JACK CHAPPELL Of 1M O.I ... l'lltt SltM Establishing a commercial airport at the El Toro Marine Air Sation woold only be shifUng the problems of noise, a.ir pollution, and congestJoa from one spot in the county to another. That is the auessment o( one Sad· dleback area homeowners' group that is fighting any implementation of com· merclal jet service at the military bllle. Joseph Cohen, a nsidentof El Toro for three years and member of the Aliso Homeowners Association Airport Como. mittee calls the county'a Phase I study Gt airport sites a "sham." He contends El Toro was the only coun- tv site given real consideration from lhe siart of the study. Other coast.al areas were included only so "the rtSl of the county 'would give a sigh of relief when lhey chose El Toro," he says. Cohen accused Costa Mesa and r\ewport Beach o( applying political mu,s.. cle to have El Toro take over the com4 mercial funclion of Orange County_ Airport. The a.irport site study did not give ade- quate consideraUon to ~ff-shore ~il'J>O!"l conslruct.ion. Cohen said. He s~ud his group is also opposed to an~ con· sideralion of temporary commercial use of El Toro. ''We are opposed lo the temporary con- cept for the use of the El Toro base because the word •temporary' means 'permanent' as we all know," he argues. He also contends that the sense of urgency inspired by planners is non- uistent. • "Orange County' a!rporl could easily accommodate many more limts the fligh ts It now handles," Cohen says. lie addJ that. if the runways were ex· tended over the lrffway. much the wne u al Los Angeles lntem.tional and Ken- nedy lntemaUonal in New Yott, all types ol je!s could be llC<OOUMdat<d. The coot. he sayo lw been estJmat<d Iii a1"1ut .,. miUlon by COunty Avl>tion Dlractor llDbertBreolulahan. Conv~on ol El Toro would COil lit Umm that, Cohen a.saerta. A peUtlon c1mpalgn among Saddleback aru resktt'flb ls being met with 1bout 99 pel'C6'lt• approval, he say1. I. ·' , New Harbor Bill Briggs Seeks Lock o~ County Control I By J~ROME F. COLLINS Of lllt, ~I" l"Htt Sllff SACRAMENTO -lvhen and il the • Orange County Harbor District is dis.wlv-- ed, aJI of its awts and functions .should remain · under lbe control of county supe\Vlsors, Anemblyman JoM v. Briggs CR-Fullerton) declared today. A lq·lime foe of the 3&-year-<1ld di&trict. Briggs Wednesday introduced leiisJatlon be uys would insure the COW)o- Nixon Offers . , R .-1 Peace to eds Blind Girl Arrives Little Nguyen Thi C<>:r1g, .s, blind in both eyes, is in San Francisco where eye surgeon w~ try to restore her sight. Vietnamese orphan was refer~ed to stateside surgeons by Navy chaplain in Da Nang. Doctors will operate free of charge. Gi.rl was flown to · U.S.· without charge by Pan American Airways. In NATO Talk WASHINGTON (AP} -·President Nlx4 on said today the Western allies st.and ready -"as cooditions change" -to turn the ;,fist" of defense "into a hand ot friendship " toward the Soviets and their allies. At the same time Nixon, in a policy_ speech for the 20th aMiversary con-- ference or North Atlantic Treat Y. Organization ministers offered a thr"4 point plan for tightening · political coordination among the 1$ NATO nations. He proposed: -Periodic meetings of NATO deputy foreign ministers "for a high-level ~view o.f major, long·range problems before the . alliance." ' ' . I . .., ' ··-1 J I '. Parking .Mete1· Es~llation ~eaUon of a special poutical plan4 · liii!g ~p ,l<t "a~~ ifs.ill 1~ilicallz. and 'cOiittmWly 1o Ille r.·n 'tu . range prob!~ we fact. '1 -l'onna~ of "a committee on the challellges otlDOd~m sotiety •• , to ex. plore-ways in Which the eiperience and the resourcea of the Western nation! could most effectively ht_ marshalled toward improving the quality of life of our peoples." Awaits Bal Streets, Lots . . · Newport Beach city 1ovemrnent plans to inatall more parking meters in Balboa. Action on -the proposal, however, won't be taken unW April 21 in on:ter to give ~perty ownen of the affected areas time to rerpond. Balboa Couocilman Howard Rogers told his councll colleagues this week that more Ume was required "due to the senslUve nature" of the issue. The city stall was instructed to contact hom.6JWner1' group between now and April 28 to explain the plan. The meters, according to a resolution in the municipal hopper, will not be in County Indicts Leary Family ' Dr. ·'11mothy Leary and his wife and son today were indicted . by the Orange County Grand Jury on felony drug char&'!• Dr. Leary, 41; Rosemary Leary, 33, and Jobn Bush Leary, 19, are accuaed of pc.meaion ol marijuana. Mrs. Leary and her son are also charg. ed wllh pouealon ol. LSD. The trio was amat<d by Lquna Beach poUco last D<c. 2'. Red Commandos Raid VIENTIANE (UPI) -A communist Patllet Lao commando unit raided a French w project north of VlenU1ne to- day, Jdllinc five Fienclunen, government sourca uld. · use the year.round. None of· them will operate between Oct. 15 and Feb. 28. Several of them will be inoperable through May 15. The meters, city oHiclals explained, are required bi traffic 1f¥1 parking con· ditions. Most o them will be installed on city-owned lots in Balboa. The proposal also call.! for meters for all spaces along Balboa Boulevard's me· dian between 14th Street and ISth Street and for half of the spaces in each of the other blocks. The latter plan would pro- vide permanent residents with unmetered spaces. Al.so proposed are meters along the 18th and 19th street curbs next to the public beach by the bay, and along the Balboa Boulevard median between loth and 15th streets. Meter operations, under the proposal, would be suspended at many spaces on Sw1day mornings for the benefit of churchgoers. Estimated city revenue from the meter installations is $12,500 annually. Anguillans Welcome Webster From NY THE VALLEY, Anguilla (UPI) -A crowd of about 308 carried Anguillan lead<r Rootld Webster on thelt -" today •·he arrived home to an island in- creasingly divided between. his sym4 pathlzen and those favoring the British occupation. BriUsh re~..aentatives were eon- spicious: by their absence as Webster returned from New York, after stopping olf in St. Tbomu, V.I., to make a raUlo appeal for help for Ills caute. In UU. coMectlon, Nixon said the Western alllance as it enters Its third decade needs not only a strong military defense but also "a more profound poUUcal dimension to shape a strategy of peace" and a "social dimension" b) which the alliea: would pool their skills to meet social problems. The formal anni versary ceremony was held in the same Constitution Aveoue hall where the alliance against the Soviet threat was created in the Cold War days after \Vorld War JI. Now the foreign ministers are weighing what might be done to improve East· West relations and what response might be made to the Warsaw Pact's call last month for an East-West conference on European security. Nixon d1d not refer directly to the pro- posal issued by the Commwlist coun. terpart of NATO in a Budapest com4 munique March 17. But he recalled the late President Dwight D. Eisenhower had spoken of need for unity in addressing the NATO ministerJe.l group 10 years ago. Eisenhower had noted there is not much strength in one finger of a hand but "when five fingers are balled into a fist , you have a very considerable instrument of defense," Nixon recalled. "We need such an instrument of defense; the United States will bear its fair share in keeping NATO strong," Nix· on· added. Stock illarlut• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market had some of it.$ early advance trimmed by profit taking tOOay and closed with a moderate gain. (See quotations, Pages 11- 191. Tradlng was active near the close. .Stude~t Transfer Okayed OCC, ~addleback Sign' Agr.ee mettt Without Fight With nary 1 complaint r..m either side, the Saddlebock and Orange Cant Junior coll'I' dlltrlcts thll .... t llllJlOd a stu· dent transfer agreement Orange Coul trust.eel acted m Uie agrotment W<dneadoy oipl alter Sad· dleback board members had agrttd to it Monday nlJlll... 1be amidlili> 1lgnlrip 1barp]!' """' truted with eTenta of a year aao. List year. board meinben of the t•o, junior coUece dlstr;cf.s fought tooth and nail from January to July before slgnln(. In the •nd, Saddlebock did not have to pay to Or1nge' Colst a 1300 per transfer Jtudl!nt stat tai:. In the agrttment siped this wttk for the acbool year bttlnnlnc i next rall It does not have to tither. 1 Saddlebact wtll pay the MOO or' so average cost of educaUnc ea.ch atudent from its area that att.tnds Orange Col.st. But not the ... t tu for amortizing coot of buiklinp. • . Under the attendance a are em e n t Orange Coast must a1so pay lo Sad.4 dlebock llOO per student llOlni the other way -UviJll in the Orange CO.st Dllltrlct, but aUencllng Saddlebock. But there probably wun\ bl .,_y. Sid· dleback residents at!endlng Orin(• Cqast campuses could numbft' 300, ,tsUm•tts1 Orange Cooot BullMif .. l\11•.,... Cor·1 rellan Thomptan. ; • 1 , Tl>ere-are IOOsucb tr~llud<nlo:!hb . year. including all the sophomores from the South County lerrltory taken In by Saddleback. fn lhe fall, Saddleback will cfler a sophomore curriculum. R e m a i n t n g transfer IJludtnts wW be lhope in ~lat' lleld1 auth u dalll pn:icessing, nun:lng, . cosmetolQ8Y, eleclr<Xlia or building con- .1tnK:Uon~ , Saddleback Superintendent Fred H. Bremer, Aid the con,.. neit )'tar wU! take anyone eu<pt ,_ In speclalbed P<Oar•m• the co!l•ll" can't yel offer. 1 Thompt0n' noted Orqe Coast wW cori- • tinue In lose mooey under tJie •-t -. llec.lim, the.. ... hlaMoil .P'PlrliM !Ste SEAT'TAX, Pap I)' ', . ... '' ' . ty board'f]Urls'dlctJon over harbol affairs asSets should be turned over to the city, -:. in or out of citles. dec\ined to comment on the measure. The bill, ·AB 2003, provides Uiat . the "We have to know rr.ore abOut it first," board of supervisors of any coun~y "bas said a Newport spokesman. any or all of the power and d!Jties of a . . . harbor district with respect lo the ~· Huntington ~ach official.! were also quisllion, improvement and manaiemept mum on the subject, for tht.same reuon. of. harbors. of .public be&cbe.t within the -Not so Awmblyman Bnggs. H& wu cQU.Qlf." . • • a!ked ~hether the bill, i~ effect, would Newport Beach city officials, who have ma~e d1~hltlon of the di.!trJct a 'fll'aste argued that in the event of Harbor Dis· of. time inasmuch as its functions would trict dissoluUon some of .the district's (See HARBOR BU.L, Pase I) . . · ·UPI T ....... ,_ HE'S 'PRESS' N!iW LA Chlif Rtd<lln LA Chief Reddin Quits Police Post -For Broadcasting LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Chief of Police Thomas Reddin, involved without bis ask· ing in an election for mayor, says he will reLire fr-0m law enfurcement and become a television newscaster and com- mentator •. He said his decislon after 26 months as head of thC naUon's fourth largest police rorc-e his "nothing to do" with the ~fay Z1 runoff between Mayor Sam Yorty and Thomas ·Bradl•f· Shortly before Reddin's announcement Wedneaday, Yorty called · a netfa COfl4 ference lo predict whole53ilt1' police resignations that would "really 'disrupt law enforcement fn this communitY" i[ Bradley wins. "I'd .heard IO!lle Ume ago that If Bradley were elected mayor. Reddin would resign," City Councilman Arthur K. Snyder said ." Bradley', a Negro city councilrqan, far outpolled .Yorty in'the re- cent primary. He has' icCust!d Yorty of resorting .to ~dangei'otis 1 and divi.slve" tacUcs by llVl6C 16 IO~olve poli<:e In the mayoraltx Contest. As police· chief, Reddin. 52, stressed police-community relations but he said, "I fee l that I can better reach the public with the problems of the community 111 news cmnmentator. And I am particular· ly an1lous to improve relations between the public and the police department." . In his neW job at KTLA, Reddin will succeed a man reportedly paid more than !200,000 annuaUy. Tbe police clliel Is paid $32.81111. "Reddin haa an innate ablllty u a TV news broadcaster," aaid rormer cowboy .actor Gene Autr)', now board chainnan and president ol Golden West Broad- casters, Which OWN the Channel 5 fta.4 tJon. The former news anchorman, Georae P\rtnam, Is now with rival Chan-- nel II . LAST CANDID ATE MEET TONIGH T · Toolgltt b the wt c1>1nce to hear cai>- dldates for the Ntwport·M•sa Unified School District board. Cand1dates will apeak at,a final forum at 7:!0 p.m. at COU,.e P.ark Scliool,.l3110c Notre 1)1me, RoaJI•. Colla Men. 'll'tl' .wlq be ~l~ed ''1>• lllll'(tr jlutl\IOM ffol1i lhf .•1141•.~... : . t • Novice Driver Killed in Crash At Raceway . Amateur night at Orange County International Raceway eoded in dealll Wednesday, when a teenager'• aouped--up sedan veered off the track and rolled over several limes on his lint local run. Gilfert A. NlelsQn, 18, of Norco, WIS thrown from the car and died of brain In- juries suffered when his head wu cnJlb.. ed, succumbing at Santa Ana Community Hospital at 7:40 p.m., one hour after tht crash. Authorities today are seeking to detennlne what caused the modified 19M Chevrolet to hurUe off the straight tract at the 1,000-foot mark, but so far arc mystified. "We checked the car over for about an hour and there just wu no cause for it lo veer off like that," sald Mike Jones, general manager of the El Toro speed center. • lnvestigat1rs for the C a t 11 e r n I a }ligbWay Pal!Ol took an accktent report at the sctne OI the drac race fatality, but do not often make an oUicial ~ lion In such .-. Tbe -k b localed just oU Santa ~Freeway at El Toro. Jones said today that raceway offlclals and the National Hot Roel Association are also checking ior a caue of the mlthap. aecond fatality in the faciUty's history • Nationally known drag race driver Mike Sorokin was · killed there In December, 1967, when his hlgh-powertd dragster ei:ploded dur,lng a race. Initial reports listed N I e 11 o n '1 estimated speed Wednesday nigh& at .about 100 miles per hour, but the raceway manager discounted this today. "He couldn't have been going more than 80," Jones said, "beeause be' was already trailing the car that beat him and the winner only clocked llm miles per hour." Jones said the 1955 Chevrolet had an altered front end suspena.lon, but the custom modification is a common one and could not be blamed for the accident. Each Wednesday the raceway features amateur night. Nielson had not competed locally before and was mallng his first run of the evening when fatally injured. Meet Candidates For School Posts Feeling sllghtlr Oftrwhelmed by the plethora of sdioo board cancildates you'll be asked to chooae fl'<lm , in next Tuesday's elections? Feel like you can't tell "the candidates without a program! Breathe euier, voter. The DAILY .PILOT today ofleu. In easy-t<rread loan, detailed summaries of 5Chool bo&rd cand1dstes -who they art: and where they stand. You'll find the lnlormatlon on pages 8, 9 and IO. ' Oran11e w~-..e~ Sunny skies wUl prefa.IJ Friday, with the 'mercury lhootfng up Into the low 70'• aloa( lbe Orange COast. INSmE TODAY Countu offldall arc facina their annMal tuttle with the budget end it appears the cost of gotJcming Orange-Couniw 1.t oofno now.here bMt vp. IWad Jack Broboc1c11 •torr. Page 17. f:!r,._: , .... ---••""'-! .... ............. ··-e~= -· -' ,f .. .... D • ., • • , .. ,. D .. .. ' " -. ..,...., .... " --.. ..... ~ ,, .... ,..... , .. ,, -.... ............. ,. ;:.:-: ::."" .: --.. • ' • t OAll.V PILOr N Thundf,, April 10, 1%9 • No Mesa MaP.e -' ' . ' City¥ May Pull Plug' on IBM Run ·A~ericanization Made Easy by tv . ' .IJ-AllTllllllA ~ ,. ............ ''Stt!I· rl(lllt ·up ladl8. ~ aen!I, let Snmi IBM 3IO peer lnlo lhe veiled. •lttnll myatlc tnlncl or past, pment and future, for your ~eys to health, wealth and romance u revealed by di.vine gift." Sound absurd! ' · Nonetheless", th~ Costa Mesa City COun· tll hJs necesurlly launched a study to determine ju.st where. -.:-if· al all - ·modem computer mqic and the ancient occult art.s line up in lllegaJ conjunction. Cily Attorney Roy June and· Polict: Chief Roger Neth have been asked lo 5Ubmit reports on the complex concept, originating in a recent South Coast Plaza Shopping Center promotional gimmick. June --pe<rlng In to the ·Latin or JawbooU ror a weather forecast -has tenned the mysticism versus com· puterization case a tempest in a teapot. He -·t allempt to read the tea leaves, however. Stewait M. Krakovet, president of Computers for Fun, Inc., initiated the ac· lion via letter, after his 50-cent com- puterir.ed character analysis game was bani:shed from the center last week. Police officers told Krakover to shut down just like they would Old Doc Heathcock 's Medicine Show and Snake Oil Pageant, based on a city ordinance barring.a variety of mystic arts and bun-co pitches. . The law carries a $500 fine and up to s~ months in jail upon conviction, but this wu apparently i!.s only application -"'"" .-.s ... lip al ... -nor Oilla 1o1aa.aqi ~ •••"11111. -...'. . ' • Knb'lw,llowe••,dmr-'Mpalce ..... --·~.., ... Pboml.s, Ari~, boliuw -Ulot who lost out when the Los Angeles computer firm w1a cholen over his by merchant.a. He said he wants a hearing bf.fore the city C<1uncil to stale his case and hopefully get the Costa Mesa wllchcrart laws changed, because bis business was shut down. 'Ibe spirit or the law -no pun Intended -waa not violated, he charged, but police at the time said they had to en- force lbe ordinance drafted back ln pre. computer game days. "There wasn't any problem at the llme it was passed," A.id Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley. Astrology, occultism, .spirituall!m and other such practices, disciplines and pseudo-science& are based on something beyond the understanding <lf m~ It must be noted. A computer which merely take. a card containing a per!on's sign of the Zodiac and other astrological infonn1Uon, then shuffles and 11pil;:I out pre-printed card! is something else. Computers, Krakover's Jetter says, are based on something beyond the un· derstanding of only certain men .· ' . . ..,_~ .......... . I 1• .... f \ ' I ll'a aloe lo bave a ·.v. n ... ~ you J1Ugh even at the moment she's banded you 1 '60 telephone bill. She had been callin& her mother. Actually, that's not aa much phoning as you might suspect. Y.ou Re, her mother lives in Pan· a.ma. That 11 also my wile's native land. She might sudden-. Jy return, also, if she presents me with an- ()lher of those '60 taltlna bllll. 'nlere are com- pensating clrcum· stances, however, because this is my .wife's first two moothl in the United Fro111 P.,e 1 HARBOR BILL .. continue under supervisors' responsibili· ty. "Yoo'rt: putting me on," he told• DAI· LY PILOT reporter. "How long have you been covering this subject?" Meanwhile, City Attorney Roy June to- day is perhaps bent over some thick, musty tome dating back to tht city's 1953 incorporation a/muttering his <1wn in· cautations. Re$.erve Officer Arrested Told ii was months, Briggs finally ex- plained : "All this biU does is to remove any lingering :;usplcions in ' o me cities' minds about what powera and duties supervisors will have in the event <lf On Hit-run Crash Charge district di530lution. "Under AB %oo3, the! will maintain control over the Harbor District's present functions. Nowport Beach police arr-one or their own reserve cfficers early today, after a bit-and-run driver slammed into an off-duty Costa Mesa patrolman's car, flipping it into oncoming traffic lanes. Leonard B. Yerkes, 23, of Orange, was booked on suspicion of felony hit-and-run and relieved of his badge and reserve patrolman status pending outcome of.the case. Yerkes was released oo his own recognizance without posting a bail bond Md Colla l't.esa police traffic In- vestigators questioned him this morning pr;ior to seek:iJli a formal complaint. iA paeeoger in Yerkes' car WM alao · attested when the vehicle was stopped on Npwp<rl Boolovard at 26lh Street, but no dftails were given about the secoQd in- dividual. . ' • -• Costa Meu. Police Officer Richard J. .Tohmon, 23, !Uffered lhoulderi ~ col· larbme injlD'es in the 12 :55 MD· eccident on Newport BouJevard at 11th street in ~Mesa. He did not require hoap:ltalizat'ion. . Officer Johneon said he was driving south oo the boulevard after going off du· tY ~ saw headlights approaching in his rearview mirror, then was sud( lit.ruck from behind. From Page 1 SEAT TAX ... with expensive equipment, while relm· buraement is based on average studeqt cost in all program.5. State law requires a junior college to pay $300 seat tax for each of its students a second institution must educate. But new junior college districts are exempted for the first three year11 -a grace period granted by law so new districts can apply all their resources to building their own facilities. Orange ~st made a strong bid last )·ear to ch3nge the legislation, but its bill was amended to reduce the $300 amount lo $15<1, and ' then finally died in the Senate Local Government Committee after passing the Assembly by the margin of one vote. Thompson said he knew of no attempt lo introduce a similar bill this year. DAILY PILOT OUHGE CO.I.Sf l'UILISHIMG COMl'AHV Jtobtri N. Wttd 'rnlltwll tftlf l"llbllll'ltr J.,~ JI. Curl1y VIU l'rtslcMnl 1nd Gtl!tl'll MIMMr l l.011111 K11¥il tdlllll• Tho'"'' A. Mu rphl,,, ""'nnl111 Ell'llol' J1rom1 F. C olliflt N-rl 9tadl City E•llor ---2111 W1it l1tbo1 loul1¥1ul M1ili"' Adtlro1t1 P.O. I•• lt15, 91,61 --COii• MIMI *M W.I llY ,.,... ""'"' llKl'I: m ,._, ... _ HUl'lflfletelll 11Md11 .. IHI lhlt DAILY "ti.OT, wllll ""'Id! It tomb!"""""-~,-. .. t111llll-'''" ,.,.... s...... II" Ill -r1t1 ldlllaoll fW L•-8Nci'I. 1'11....-1 ltKtl. (ol.!1 MfM. Hllflll<WfM aMdl tftlf ,_11in Vt lltY, llMI Wlltl '- ,....,.., dttlrll. O•llltl' C-1 "lltl11tl\H "'"H"' _,lllllftt Mt,,!f t tt 11 1211 Wot ltltiot llvt., ktwllfll'I ltl<.fl, ,,_ all ~ lh' "'"'• (~tit WWI. ,,,,, •••. 1714) '42-4311 ~ ~. 641-1671 CAf¥rltl'rf, 1Wit, Or... tM.I l'\llllltlllflt c:..o.e,,,. ... .... ..... """''''*-' .-1or1e1 -"· "' ...,.,,"""""" ...... .,, tie ~ Wltllolif -let ...,. .............. Wit ..... . .... 0.. ... , ....... , ............ Inf CMt1 IMM• (.lllfemflt, IWKrflttllfl IPI' Uflltr 11.n fl'IOlllfl"' .,. ""II u.so "*'"'-Irr 1nllf1MY 11ctl11111tic... 11n M'!tt1•1, ' I .... • . The small, foreign aW. he drove beonc· ALREADY DIREt"roRS ed over the boulev•d center divider and "They're already operating 111 directors roll~ ooto Ka side, as the <lther driver of the district. It's just that now they do it through a pseudo-agency, which has reported]y glanced at the accident acene long outlived its usefulness ." and drove ·oo south tow.'.!ld the beach. Briggs emphasized he would not press Yerkes told Colt.a Mesa police officers for passage of the bill until the county's following hill anest that a car ideotical to Local Agency Formation C<lmmission his own swerved In frua of him, causing ( LAFC) recommends breaking up the him to take evasive action. · di.strict -if the LAFC ever d<>es so. Jcllnson ae.id he yd.led to a truck driver A hearing on the matter will be held by al the crash scene to get the other auto the LAFC April 2.1. The bearing date was lit<menumber, lltor beini btlped out ol sel at the request or tile COWltY'• League his car by a pueerby. of Cities, a majority of whose members Officer Johnson then ran to 1 corner favor dissolution of th i' disil!ict and telephone boolh and called in to report aboorptJon of its functions by an ex· tbat he hid btea involved In Ille acddent panded County Parks Department. and a radio broadcast went out for the Briggs said if the LAFC o pp o s e s suspect vellicle. dissolution and the Leaue of Cities gives Yerku:' ~ w14...,,_listed u up its fight, he .,ould withdraw his pro- Orantl• ~ COIJOie• .. .-but>110 . pooed lqlllatioal ' meri.ion Wae..made in the reports of his FAILED WITH BILL police d~ent affiliation. , -, ''"'i;. The oul.i~n-Jegislator, who tasl year The ac~ cast l&Uin,,haidle41by ~ '~ed to w~JMlsag~ of a measure that Costa Mesa police. ""il-' would have dmilved' the district at tM ~ level, e!PJained \h,at his actk>ns <1n FroM Page J BAY SWAP • • • county woukl get 450 acres of Irvine shoreline land by relinquishing 157 acres of county tidelands. Those 450 acres are presenlly being held tax free by Irvine pending a decision on Ule const.itution;dity of the propoeied deal by the ~ -a ruling that is at least two years away. , CHALLENGE MANNER The Robinson, Coverdale and Marx petitioners challenge the manner in whlch appraisers arrived at figures. And they claim that the loss lo coonty taxpayers after extensive dredging and channeling work proposed by both parties is carried out will amount to hundreds of millions of dollars. Envis.ione<I by the county and Irvine Is the creaUon al two large regional parks on tile shoreline al Upper Newport Bay and the building al a mulU-m.illion dollar "second harbor" out of the back bay mud flats. Irvine Company officials have accepted county terms for the joint dredging agreement and ta.I re lief program. Two separate dreding projects pro- posed for back bay waters will be com· bined at an estimated saving ol $1 million. Cr!Ucism ol the deal once led Irvine to withdraw from the proposed contract. But the company renewed itJ int'erest in the 12-year old project last month when county supervisors voted 4 to I to go ahead witb the land exchange. Offshore Aii·port Repo11 Hearing Slated .. l\pril 22 · A report on lhe feasibility of offshore airport l.sland3 l.s tentsUvely scheduled !<Jr airing April 22 belore the Oran&• County Airport Commission, it WIS learned loday. The 1tudy l.s btlng made by th< Ralph ?i.f. Parsons Co., a Los Ang!les engi· neerlng firm , for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA ). According to Ron Chandler, asslstant direct.or of 1vtaUon far Orange County. tht study does not relate to any specific location ror an otfahore a irport. !( con· fines itselt to general research into feasibility, COits and other facets of such a project, he said. A time. and place for I.he: rtport has not yet been determined, Chandler said. Long Beach city ofliciaJs have ah01li'n -In a poall>le "Island" airport In the hllbor ol thll city and ollshore flcilitles have been proposed to aolve Oranit County's regional a I r p o r t dilemma. the Wue merely refled: the wishes of his constituents. .l'hey are, in this case, the county's inlaftd cities, ·who have long felt too much Harbor District money has been spent on CO!l!lal improvements while not enough public tax money has been spent on parks. "The advantage (of district dissoluUonl to the guys in the north end <1! the county is that there would be fewer recreational dollars siphoned off for harbors," Briggs said. "They complain to me that parks are not represented in a fair fashion." PRIMARY AThl lie noled that his latest bill is prin- cipally aimed at "consolidation" of the government. "The Harbor District, like the Flood Control District, isn't needed. But like all government agencies, they don't want to wither away. That's really the issue." He said with the Harbor District dissolved, District Director Kenneth Sampson "would have to fig ht with supervisors for a share of the tax dollar just like other department heads.'' As it is now, said Briggs, the district set.5 its own tax rate, which Is routinely approved by supervisors. "That's wrong," he said. "Funds for harbor improvements should be included jn the county's general property tax rate, without 1 separate tu: for an in- terim Jl8Ctldo-aYl.bority.'' The Harbor District lu rate ii now 8 cent.s. Property Taxes Deadline Today, Today is the last day for payment of 1968-69 second installment property taxes without penalty. Orange County Tax Col· lector Don S. Motley warned this morn· ing. Those who fall to pay their taxes before S p.m. at' the tax collector's office, 630 N .. Broadway, Santa Ana will be subject to a 13 per parcel and 1iI percent penalty charge. Mozley urged caution in trying to beat the deadline by mailing tax payments. They mun be postmarked today, April JO, or penalUes wilt be assessed, ht warn- ed. Chrysler Ends Strike With Uneasy Truce DETROIT (UPI) -An el&ht-day wildcat strike at a ke y Chrysler Corp. plant ended today under an uneuy truce betwttn 1 rebellious UnJted Auto \Vorkers local and the union's in- tem1Uonal es:tcUtive board. Workm rtturned to their jobs oo tile lint llhtlt today, tflm W<re no pkket line~. am production resumed, Chrysler said_ r -... bir llnl llma .... J-· . J!cm \llOllilr.., ,_ -~ .. ...., -to 1111 q.s .. or-... "" PILOT ..... -"' IJ1>praaionJ "' .... country and In some lnstince!, she's not ------------loQ areatl,y lmpras<d. · For enmple, we don 't arow enoogh LOGBOOk maTI.foe here. And bananas are too et· pensive. Tf.ievision is 1 irot help, however. lt leaches her En&llllh, aort ol. Com· merciala are best, but her ~ lions are 1 blt odd It tlmet. That flaky white atuU In your hair come.a out "Dranfoo" lMead of dan- drufl. But lhe can %'You 1et a b\t dellgttt in evuy blto" beltor ernpholla tban any ochooHrained lllllOllllC<r ewr boped 1 .... Peanut boltor and jelly lllJldwlcbeo ~ ..i:,. sr= r.:;; ::, Iha :: thinks I'm crazy. And Mexican food -well, a lot of pep. pie hero lhlnk tacos and eochlladaa aie unlvena11llrougbout Lalln America. Sloe llloqbl tli"Amerlcan food was qulta ID oddity, but not very &ood· "lt'll nevir catch on with the Latins," lhe uid. She weal to a few nlFt meetlnp with me al l1nt. Really dllappolntod -dull Ibey ...... lo Pllllllll -people oppooe the --lbey--and-bs at tile poltoe. No ....i cianaer -the Ivan Nielson, S_oft Drink Executive, Dies at 54 Ivan A. Nielson or Newport Buch, former board chairman for Royal crown Cola and a long-time executive in the soft drink itldustry, died Tuesday. He was M. Mr. Neilaoo, wh> came to Newport Beach nin< mondlt qo lrom La Canada, was I native '1 Provo. Utah. He WU • menber ol the Newport Hlltlor Yacht Club and tile Irvine Coast Country Club. . Airport Road Again Delayed A decision on a proposed Orange Coun- ty Airport loop road was delayed for lhe t~ird time W~nesday by tht county plm- n1ng commission upon req uest of Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan. Commissioners postponed decision <1n the controversial road Wltil May 14, despite <1bjectioll! from county Road Commlaioner A1 Koch. Koch reminded the commiS!ion that Wednesday was the third session on the proposed roadway which ht favors. Bresnahan objects to the road calling it • Sil~y halanland. ~ ~ent wan In·. stnnrient ~andMg system which will be installed nut year. C: 1. The rOl!dway~· wll1= l!>e San Diego Freeway, oo0~rlied JUU Road and MacArthur Botilevard at \~e north end <1f the airport. ~ ~ He leaves his widow, Mrs. Jnn Niel· son, of the home, 1038 W. Bay Avt.; 1 son, John Mellon (lf ~the home; two daughters, Mn. Kenneth Barker of Orange and Mrs. Mary Al.Ula of M ... doclno; bl.s lather, Peter A. Nl<lson ol Orange, and one grllldchlld. --will be canducted Friday at 11:30 a.m. ln tile Cburc1t ol the Recessional at Forest i.wn, Glendale, with Father John Lalhmp and Elder J. Talmage Jones of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints offi· ciatlng. Friends may make memorial contribu· lions to the leukemJa research fund of the Los Angeles Children's Hospital. Another Battle Rages Over Suez TEL AVIV (AP) -Another bottle broke out aJ911r the &Jez Canal today between artillery and tank units of Israel and Egypt. An Israeli anny spokesman said Egyp- tian gunners opened fire on Isiaelf troops near JsI®Ul& Jn the ncrUlern sector of the lGUdlle waterwaf idd beat Nit Tauliq..-.f the IQUtbem end,. /r ' ~ AboiiFa~ llhellJ'llad *1\' Imm EllYJ>l'.lf.Iltaeli trixJp< twJ earlier, bat the Israelis did not return fire, he said. ' .. boalla -....:t -..... ""4 lhlai• """ ~ 1!11'! for • i.ct ol .odll<alimk On< thin& Caljlarola lacb -and Pauma cou"ld IOln a few -are C!beevas. tiny -. (Latin Sllif .. _) that lllp t1uWib tile city futer tban the TIJ!tin& Taxi. And they never collide. People in Panama are adjusted tD ltlnatic drivint. 11.y wife can bounce across the ttrfft In Panama City, dod&e ~ cheevll, sideltep a confused AmeriCan, ud Dever blink an eye. But she won'! leave the bol13e here - it's nGt safe. Sooner or lal<r ahe'll adjust Already she's gett.lng uaed to apples Wteld er( mangos. . , But bananas are still too expensive. ' TefTV Ccwi.lle mtt hb· wife whil• with the U.S. Armv in Panama. He it currently a 1toff WTittr in th'e DAIL~ PILOT'i Huntington Btaeh office. City to Demand Sidewalks for Downtown Roads Stttets near New-~ Beach City Hilt have been without si';ltks ton1 enough, city officials have decided. As a result, abutting property owners. are expected to be compelled IOOll to financt construcUon of the walkways. The city staff, under a Cl!y CouncU directive, lodoy l>Csu notllylna the Jin>. perty ownen lhal thes< lmprov"1l<lltl are considered necf:ssary: • ~bl. gutters and sidewalk on Villa Way, north or 29llt Street. -Sidewalk on ~d Slreet oppoaite City HaD» · ·-Portions of curbs, rutlers and sidewalks on both sides of Balboa Boulevard from 28th to Xtst street.I. After the property ownens are notified, a public. hearing will be held ~fore the council for the bearing of protests. Coun-o ci lmen may Li!n, undef 1111 Improve- ment Act proceedings, order a start on construction, with the bills going to the property owners. Apollo JO Spacecraft ·Passes Crucial Test CAPE KENNEDY (UP!) -The Apollo 10 l1lO<llShip pa....i an important n;,ht readiness test early.today in a ker wtep toward launch ,io the moon May 11. . 4,..S~ Aa<ncy ,apo~osmon .aa!d the. three:d~y ~xei:ciae, ~ check oC Apollo IO's critJcal flight systems, wls compfeted without difficulty . a nylon shag that's young • In looks, young 'in price! $8.95 sq. yd. YounfidlU ind.irn- • uniqQa four-colot elect from 1peci&I dYtinc iKhniqu& And YoW11 ideu ill tutu.re-rich, ~.,that m.tdm )'Olli' OWll hi.sh 'Jlirib. lmasinesiviDIJOUrfamiJ7 tbetndillan ml quoli"' ol. Karataa for i.11 the price __ _ to su:r. Ia 11 co1or ....WMticw Your favorite dtrignn waz be Mppv to a.srirt uou .• , · H.J.GARRfTI fURNrnJRE PROFESSIONAL 2215 HA~IOR ILVD INTERIOR DESIGNERS , o,.. Mao., J1no, ' "1. Ins. COSTA MES,\ CALIF . 446.0Zll 446.0276 I { Costa Mesa ' . , A -• EDITION N.Y. Steeb . • .VOL 62, NO. 86, 3 SECTIONS, 3-4 PAGES , ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSOAY, APRIL: '10, '1969 TEN CENTS 1st Race His Last • Boy Dies in Raceway Amateur Night DAILY PILOT ....... IW ltkMf• K8111""' Cyclist Injured in Crash Motorcycli st John Pellino, 24, of 1128 Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach, lies in street at Santa Ana A venue . and Magnolia ·Street, Costa Mesa, after collision with truck driven by Hill B. Hollaway, 24, of 250 l\.1agnolia St., \Vednesday. Motorist said he d~dn't · see cyclist, who Wa's 'listed today in good condi· iton at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital with fractur- ed left leg. · Scouts, . Firemen Unite in Help For Cookielift What do brave, burly firemen and Girl . Scouts have in common? The Harbor Area 's We Care Cookieli!t project. said Mrs. Darrilyn Oliver today, announcing progress up to date in the mon~tonc morale booster for Gls in Vietnam. Popcorn to· cushion the cookies On their 10,000-mile Air Mail trip is being popped by off.c:iuty men accustomed to slav- ing over other types ol hot fitts, as hosemen and engineers. Members of Cadet Girl Scout Troop 340 ire doing the sa me as well as baking cookies and dormLing one week's dues foc postage to get the goodies overseas. Many Harbor AFea service clubs, stores and business finns, as well aa in- dividual famllie! are helping out with donations of lime, baked goods, labor. cans, cartons, candy, chewing gum and other gooPs. Mrs. dliver, whose volunteers are Y:orking daily on the fourth floor o£ the Costa Mesa Civic Center, said Harbor Area people also have provided 70 Army and Fleet Post Office unit addresses. The goodies will be mailed to each out· fit's commanding officer and distributed among the ranks. Property Ta~es Deadline Today Today Is the last day for payment or 1968-69 second installment properly too without penalty, Orange County Ta:r Col- lector Don S. Mozley warned thls morn- ing. 'Those who fail to pay their taxes before S p.m. at' .the tax collector's office, ~ N. Broadway, Santa Ana will be subject to a $3 per parcel ::ind six percent penalty -charge. 1'-1olley urged caution in trying to beat the deadline by mailing tax payments. They must be postmarked today, April 10, or penalties \Viii be assessed, he warn- ed. Sirhan' s Outbursts Prove He ls Sick, Says Parsons . LOS ANGELES (UPI) -S~ban B. Si'rhan's outburst. in court in whicb he asked to plead 'guilty and go to the gas chamber is sufficient pi'oof' that he is a sick ma:n. a defense attorney told hls !'lurder trial jury todtJ. ·Russell Parsons, 69, ope.[led the final arguments fOJ: the def,nse fl?.,. .. , that "we are not pleadini 'or you r 1)i1'tpathy, -but we want you to hear lhe £acts." Parsons recall(!d that Sirhan had sought to fire him and the other two defense attorneys, Grant B. Cooper and Emile Zola Berman, after they had spent months in preparing a defense of "'diminished capacity." Par10J11 said the p~uUon and the doctors in the cut all had agreed that Sirhan was a sick man and "hia conduct in thiJ courtroom bas dEmonstrated his sickneu m itlelf." Parsons reviewed Sirhan's ear I y childhood Jn Jerusalem and said he was an innocent vl~tlm caught up in a strug· gle that had been going on for decades. In Us summation Wednesday the pro- secution depicted Sirhan as a liar trying desperately to duck the crime of murder. Parsons reviewed the troubled ea rly life of Sirhan in Palestine where their family was forced to move from its com· fortable home because of the Arab-Israeli war. They took refuge in a convent and then in an «XI-year-old house and had so subsist on food supplied by the United Nations. "There wu fighting going on almost dally," Par&Ofll said. "Sirhan saw this period. True he was a young boy. !t must have left a .9CJll' on him." PIJ'ICN also recalled ... that when a P...-achoo! )>oant official testified as to the defendant's abJences from cla.ss Sirhan root In the courtroom to protest. Parsoos aaJ~ Sirhan remained home from echool ·~ take , care of his sister who was b'ing Uiere with an Incurable disease. He played hookey to tend the wants-el his dying sister. You can't be very bad when you do tbal "He even had so~ respect for Mr. Kennedy. I'm not condoning the killing of a human being. I'm agalnst the death penalty. I don't believe we should lake a hwnan life. I think only God can do that." The attorney told ~ jW')' that Sirhan "is not 1 a candidate for first degree murder." "We admit he took a life. We have not Offered· a bit of p~y testi1llQlly. The state'• O'Nll·doctor Slid Of was ~laJ<lnf ln his outbUrsts." . ~ ...... -"" _ ..... Saddleback Area Residents Bl.a.st Airport at Toro By JACK CHAPPEIL Of .. Olllr l'llft Sllff Establishing a commercial airport at the El Toro Marine: )Jr Sation would only be shifting the problems of noise, air pollution. and congestion from one spot in the county to another. That is tbe aSRSSnlent of ~ Sad· dleback area homeowners' group that is fighting any implementation or com- mercial jet service at the military base. Joseph Cohen, a resident of El Toro for three years and member of the Aliso Homeowners A.ssociatlon Airport Com- mittee calls the county's Phase I study of airport sites a "sham." He contends El Toro was the only coun· ty site given real conslda·ation from the start of the study. Other coastal areas were included only so "the rest of the county would give a aigh of relief when they chose El Toro," he says. Cohen accused Costa Mesa and Newport Beach ol applying political mus- cle to have El Toro take over the com- mercial function of Orange County Airport. The airport site study did not give ade· quate consideration to off-shore airport conrtrucUon, Cohen said. He said his group ill also opposed to any con- &ideratloo of temporary commercial use of El Toro. "We are opposed to the ttmporary coo- cept for the use· of the El Toro base because the word 'temporary' means 'permanent' as we all tno'i'l'.t" he argues. He also contends that uie seme of UrJencY inspired by planners is non- existent. Amateur night Orange County JtitemaUonal Racew ended in death Wednesday, when a t nager's souped.up sedan veered off the ack and rolled over several times on his first local run. Gillert A. Nielson, 18, or Norco. was thrown from the car and died of brain in- juries llUllered when his head was crush- ed, succumbing at Santa Ana Commurilly Hospital at 7: 40 p.m., one hour after the crash. Authorities today are seeking to determine what caused the modified 1955 C..'hevrolet to burQe off the straight track at the 1,000-foot mark, but so far are mystified. ·, "We checked the car over for about an Nixon Offers Peace to Reds In NATO Talk WA:;HINGTON (AP) -President Nix- on said today the Western arues stand ready -"as conditions change" -lo tum the "fist" of defense "into a hand of friendship" toward the Soviet,, and their allies. At · the same lime Nixon, in a P!Jlicy speech for the 20th anni versary con- ference of North Atlantic Tr e a t y OrganiJatlon ministers offered a tllree- point pliln for tighl.tnlng political coordination among the 15 NATO natlom. Be proposed' · -Pei'iodic meetings o[ NATO ' deputy' lon)an mlnilten •'(pr l hi~ ravltw C(f mljor, long-ran1e probletJl! btfQre the alliance." --OoaUon of t speclol political pion· ning group to "addr<ss it.ell specillcaily and coritlnually to the I o n I e r • range problems we race." -Formation of "a commiUee on the challenges of modern society ••• to ex· plore ways in which the experience and the resources of the Western naUons could most effectively be marshalled toward improving the quality of life or our peoples." In this . connection, Nixon said the Western alliance as it enters its third decade needs not only a strong military defense but also "a more profound pol.iUcal dimension to shape a strategy of peace" and · a "social dimension" In whlch the allies would pool their skills to meet social problems. The formal anniversary ceremony was held in the same Constitution Avenue hall where the alliance again.st the Soviet threat was created in the Cold War days after World War 11. Now the foreign ministers are weighing. v:aat might be done to improve East· West relations and what response might be made to the Warsaw Pact's call last month for an East-West conference on· European security. . Nixon did not refer directly to the pro- posal isrued by the Communist coun- terpart of NATO In a Budapest com· munique March 17. But he recalled the late President Dwight D. Eisenhower flad · spoken of need for unity In addrwing Uie. NATO m.inister1t1l group 10 years 1go. · Eisenhower' had noted there is not much strength in one finger of a hand but "when five iingera are balled into a fist , you have a very considerable instrument ~r defense," Nixon recalled. "We need such an instrument of defense; the United States will bear its fair share in keeping NATO strong," Nix· on added. Meet Candidates For Sc hool Posts Feeling · sligbtly overwhelmed by the plethora of school board caOOlda tes you'll be asked to choose from · in next Tuesday's elections? Student 1 Transfer Okayed Feel like you can't te!.I... the candidates \Vithout a program? • Breathe easier, voter. The DAILY PILOT today offers, in easy·to-te'ad form, detailed surnmarle.s of school board candidates -who they are and ~'he.re they stand. You'll fiod the information on pages I, 9 and 10. Red Commandos Raid VIENTIANE (UPI) -A communist Palhet Lao commando un it raided a French aid project north of Vlonllt .. to- day. klllin4 rive Frenchmen, rovernment JOurces w d. · 1 OCC, Saddleback Sign, Agreement Without Fight ' . . WJtb nary a complaint from either aide, the Saddleback and Orange Cout junior colJep dllllrlct&. lhb week tlgned a SIU· dent tr1nslcr agreement. Orange Coaot -..a lCt<d .., the qnement Wednnday n11h1 tit.,. Sad· dleback botrd'lnemben htd agreoct to tt Monday night. Tht. amicable signin1s sharply con- trasted with events of a year ago. Last year, board memben cl the two junior COIJel.' dbtrlc1I fought tooth tnd ntil from January to July before aliJ!lng. Jn the tnd, Saddteback did not hive to pay to Ol'angt Coast a. $300 per lransfer litudent se•t tax. In the agreement 1l1ned this week for the .tehool yur beginning next fall it CIOCJ not.have to either. Saddleback will pey the l800 or so aver1ge cost of educltlnc each student from Ill area that attendl Orange Coast. But not the ,..t lu for tmOrti2lng cool of bulldlnp. Under·the attirilance •free me n t Orange Coast must also pay to Sad· dleback MOO per student going the other way -Uving in t.ht Oranae Coaat District, but attending Saddleback. But there probably woni be lnl'-Sad· dlcback ruide:nts 1Uendlng Oran,e Coast campuse1 could number 380, estimates Orsnge Cout Bl.llinesa 1 Ma.Gqtt Cor· ttllan Thomp!IOM. ' There are 600 such transfer studenla thla year. Including all the sophomores from the Sout.h Coun ty territory taken in by Saddle back. Jn the fall, Saddleback will offer a IO(>homore curriculum. R e m a i n I n I transfer 11tudenl, will be tho5e in special fields 1uch u data ptocessing, nunlni, C01metology, electronics or bulldlna ooo- atrucUon. · • Saddleback Superintendent Fred H. Bmner. Aid the college nest year will tlk'e anyone except thole in speclallztd programs the collegti can't yet offer. 'Ihcmpson noted Orance COUl wW con- Unut lo lose money under the airttmen~ beca(lse lheM al"fl hi.:hicOst proar1m1 (See RAT TAX, hP I)" hour and there just waa no c&UM for'l~ to veer oll like that," aid Mike Jon&, a:eneral manager of the El Toro a~ center. InvesUgaton for the Ca JI for iii a llighway Patrol took an accident report aL the scene of the drq race fa~. but do not often make an offlclil detertnlna- t.ion In such cases. The track is located just off Santa Ana Freeway at El Toro. Jones aald today that raceway oUlci1b and the National Hot Rod AMociatlon are also checking for a cause of the mishap, tec<llld ~In u.. lacllilJ'a.hl!tory. Nat.ionaDy ~mown drag Jace drlVer Mike Sorokin Wu kWed there in December, 191'1, when Jlla hi&b-poweriid HE'S 'PRESS' NOW LA Chief 'Rtddln ' LA Chief Reddin Quits Police Post For Broadcasting LOS AJ.~GELES (AP) -Chief of Police Thom~ Reddin, inyolved without his ask- ing in an election for mayor, sa,y1 he will retire from Jaw enfurcement and become • television newscaster and com- mentator. · He said hls decis'lon atte'r 26 months as head of the ~atkwi•S fourth .Ja'rgest police force has "nothing to do" with the May 27 runoff bet.we:in Mayor Sam Yorty and Thomas Bradley. Shortly before Reddip 's aMouncement Wednesday, Yorty called a news con- !erence to pred ict wholesale police resignations th at· would "really disrupt law enforcement in this community" if Bradley wins. "I'd heard S'Ollle lime ago · that if Bradley were elected mayor, Reddin would resign," City Councilman Arthur JS.. ~nyder. 1aid. Bradley, a . Negro city ~man, far outpolled Yorty in the re- c;ent prtmary, He has accused Yorty of tewtiog to 1'dangerous and divisive" tactics 'tff !eying to involve police in the mayoralty. contest. As police chief, Reddin , 52, stressed police-community relations but he said. "I feel that I can better resch the public with the problems of the community as a news commentator. And I am perl1cular·· Jy arixious to lmprove relations between the public and the police department." In his new job at KTLA, Reddin will !uccetd a man reportedly paid more than $200,000 annually. The police chief is pakf $32,IOO. : "Reddin has an innate ablUty u 1 TV riews broadcaster." said former cowboy actor Gene Autry, now board chairman and president of Golden West Broad- casters, which owns the ChaMel 5 fta.. · tlon. The former news anchonnan, George 'Putnam, ls now with ri val Chan~ nel 11. . LAST CAN DID ATE MEET TONIGHT Tonight b the Jut chance to hear ctn· dldates for the Newport.Mesa Unlfltd School Dlltrlct boan!. C&ndldatt.s wlll apeak at 1 fiM1 f'Onun at T:lO p.m. at COlfep Ptfk School, lllO NW. Dl111a Rold, Coill Mya. Th<y will be 1sked1 to amwer quesUOns from the audi<nc:e. • ------ dragster exploded during a race. Initial reporta listed N I e 11 o 1l ' s estimated apeed Wedne!Clly night at about 100 olllea per hour, but the raceway manlger discounted this today. "He couJdn't have been going more than llO," Jones said, "because be Was • 1 already trailin1 the car that beat him ind the winner onlY c1ocked lOI miles per hour." Jones said the 1955 CheVrolet l.ad an altered front end su!pension, but the custom modilicaUon is a common one and could not be blamed for the accident. Each Wednelday ~e raceway features amateur night. Nlei(on bad not oompeted locally before and wu maklntl hls fim run of the evening when fatally Injured. Mesa Council To Probe Hike In: Ad Rates Costa Mesa City Coonc.llm.an William L. St. Clair n«ds ..me telepbone In- formation, but he 'll be doing mono tl>&n dialing 411 in the next two weeb. Colleagues have appointed htm to com- pile a rep!!l't on circumStances sur· rouncllng t !$.percent increase In Ptclflo Tele1lhone Co. yellow peges dir'edorJ. advertising rates. The action came Monday after a Costa Mesa rildiator repair shop oWner bitterly complained by letter and asked • coun- cilmen to check into the price. hike whlch, be said, forced lim to drop his ad. Streeter ·G. King, telephone company "'1 spokesman, wati present and aW ha cooJd offer a lorg< volume ct background material on the buis·for the increw. _ • Mayor A~ln L. PJollley, howntr, didn't want to spend ajendl: time cm tie· mallet· and .womted St. ·Clair .&o meet lGng and prtpOre • rtpclrt. Councilman George ,A-'I)Jcker said• be WU amazed that the Public Utilitie. Compilsslon (PUC). would tppro~e the rate Increase and none of the COUDC:llmen seemed sympathetic to the hlke. King said the ad revenue is bued on cln:ulation, but waa cUt "1<rt by Tucker who Y id magazine and n.ewspaper ads are based on Uie same theory, but offer a variety of choice. · Pacific Telephone Co., he note& is basl~ally a monopoly. · Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson agreed, noting that a separate yellow pases directory now being prepared for its members by th e Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce offers some competition. County Indicts Leary Family Dr. Ttmothy Leary and his wife and son today were indicted by the Ora.ngti County Grand Jury on felony drug charges. Dr. Leary, 49; Rosemary Leary, 13, and John Bush Leary, 19, are aCCUled of possession of marijuana. Mrs. Lury and her eon are alao chart:· ed with possesa.ion ol LSD. The trio was arrested by Laguna Beach police la.st Dec. 26. Sta"lc Marketa NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market had some or Its early advance trimmed by profit laking today and closed with a moderate gain. (See quotations, Pages 18- 191 . Trading was active near the clo!lt. Orange Cou& Weatlier Sunuy akJes will prevail Friday, with the mercury shooting up lnto t.he low 70's along the Oranie Coast. INSIDE TOD/\ l' Co1oitv official$ art facing their annU(ll uu1lt with the budge& and ft appear• th• coe-t of Qot>ernhtg Orange Covntv if oohig nowher1 bkt up. Rnd Jack Brobeck'• 1toru, Paoe 11. , " ... " • " • • 1•1' a .. " ' " ...... ,. --" .................. er-.. tMIWf' ,, .. ... '"'" l ).9' ·"""' .... ,... ,_... ... ·-" -. -. .• '"""' . --.. c UPITt ...... Blind Girl Arrives Litue Nguyen Thi Cong, 5, blind in both eyes, Is ln San Francisco where eye surgeon will try to restore her sight. Vietnamese orphan was re1etted to stateside surgeons by Navy chaplain in Da Nang. Doctors will operate free of charge. Girl was flown to U.S. without charge by Pap American Afrways. · Reserve Officer Arrested On Hit-run Crash Charge Newport Beach police arr.e9.ed one of their own reserve officers early today, after a bit-and-run driver slammed into in off-duty Costa Mesa patrolman's car, 4Jjpping it into OllCOll1lng traffic Janes. 1 Lemard B. Yerkes, 23, of Orange, wa5 )ooied on ausptcion of felony hit-a'lekun ind relieved of his '-dge ·and rHtt"Ve patrolman status pending outcome of the cue. ,. Yerkts was released QI his C1Wn r.cognizance without pollJni, a bail bond and Costa Jr.esa police traffic in- veltigatoni questioned him this morning prior to teeking a fonnal complalnt. ' A passenger in Yerkes' car was also arrested when the vehicle was &topped on ~ewport Boulevard at 28th Street, but no _ L f'rom Page I ~AT TAX ... with expensive equipment, while reim· bursement is based on average student cost In all programs. Slate law requirts a junior college to pay $300 seat tax for each of ils students a second institution must educate. But new junior college districts are exempted for the first three years -a grace period granted by law so new districts can apply all their resources to building their own facilities. Orange Coast made a strong bid lasl year to change the legislaUon. but il11 bill wu amended to reduct the '300 amount to $1~, and then llnally died in the Se(IB.te Local Government CommJttee after passing the Assembly by the margin of one vote. Thompson said he knew of no attempt to introduce a similar bill I.his year. OAllY PllOT O«ANGIE COAST PU•llSHINO COMPAIN RoNrt N. Weed Prelcl9nl .,... PuttUIMr J1c~ R. Curley Vl1;9 PrnlOl!ot I N G<IMrll Mll\I .... Tliom11 Ke1.,il fGllOr 111om1' A, Muq1h i111 MIMtln1 Edllv Coit• w ... OHie• JJO Wo,t l1y St111t M1Hint .Yd,..,11 ,,0 , 101 1560, '2l26 ..__ N..,.,.-t IH<ll: tt11 Wnt ltltleot leultwerll LI"""' lleld'I: 2U ,Ol'ftl ~'1'1111,tt HWlllMfron e..ctlr • Jt• llrwl details were given about the" second in· divldual. Costa Mesa Police Officer Richard J, Jotmon, 23, suffered shoulder and col· Jarbooe injures in the 12 :5S a.m. accid.e11t on Newport Boulevard at 11th Street 1n Costa M.,. , He did not requ ire hospit&Jbatlon. Officer Jblmeon:eai11 hi WU driving south oo 'tbe boulevanfafte~ ..... di ciu· ty and saw beadligtits approich!ng In his rearview mirror, then was suddenly struck from behind. The small, foreign auto he drove bounc· cd over the boulevard center divider and rolled ont~ its side, as the other driver reportedly glanced at the accideint scene and drove on south tow3Td the beach. Yerke! told Costa Mesa police officers following his arrest that a car ideDlical to his own swerved in frort of him, causing him lo take evasive action. Johnson said he yelled to a truck driver al I.he crash scene to get the olher auto license number, after being helped out c;: his car by a passerby. Officer Johnson then ran to a corner telephone booth and called in to report lhat he had been involved in the accident ar.d a radio broadcast went out for the suspect vehicle. Yerkes' occupation was listed as Orange Coast College student, but no mention was made in the reports of his police department affiliation. The ac<:ident ca~ is being handled by Costa Mesa police. \ $380 Golf Clubs Stolen in Mesa Golf club.s and cash tolalling $640 In value v.·cre stolen from a hairdrt!sser and a psychiatric technician \Vednesday in separate thefts reported to Costa r.fesa police. William \V. Bailey of 25081 EriC50n Way, Laguna flills. had taken a da y off from the beauty shop to go visit CMta. Mesa Golf and Country Club with his wife. Bailey said they left their clubs on the grass momentarily while \tis.iting the men's and women's locker rooms and a thief took his $380 se-t of clubs and ac· cessoriea, but left Mrs. Bailey's un· touched . Fairvie1v State Hospital t.ecJmjcian Dmald V. Bro\\·n. 2344 Newport Blvd., told police someone entered his unlocked apar~ whlle he was at work and took f280 in cash from a dresser drawer, Judge Faces Probe . .\fter Mass Releases LANSING. Mich. CUP!) -The lt1ichigan Judicial Tenurt COmmlNion has ope~ an inquiry into the actions of Recorders (criminal) Court J u d g e Georg~ \'I. Crockett, who frctd most of the 142 per800S tirresltd by police at a church &boot.out. The rtSpOnk of the commias:ion m•y determine whether CrockeU. 57, a Negro, is removed from lhe bench, censured publicly or vindicated ol misccnducl cbartu. 1 Americanization Made Easy ·by TV ' • tilfDJYllCIVllU ·----1~'1' • 1• .· \ • · I ~ 1 11•1 11ot lo 1-ft a wife Wlli can mau you Jaugb even a.t the moment she's banded you a "° telephone bill. She had been calling her mother. Actually, that's not as much phoning as you might suspect. You see, her mother livu in Pan- ama. 'Jbat is also my . wife's native la!\d. She might sudden· ly return, also, if she present.I me with an- other of those $60 talking bill!. 1bert! are com- pen.saling circum- stances, however, because this is my wife's first two months in the United • S1<114!o and ~ llnt • llme mr &WI)' flan -ilDd p-llelaa -lo !be-U.S .• of coorse, abe hu a ianber cl. impruslona: of our country and In some 1ns1ances. w·1 nol loo greatly impressed. For example, we don't irow enouab mangos here. And bananas are too ex· pensive. Television l! a great help, however. It teaches her English, at of. Com- mercials are best, but her pronuncia- tions are a bit odd at times. Thal flaky white atufl in YOW" hair comes out "Dran1oo" instead of dan- druff. But she can say "You get a big delight in every bite" with better empbasJ1 than any acbool·trained announcer ever hoped for. Peanul butter and jelly sandwlchet present a greater Jl!"Ohlem than liie can cope *Ith. I lil:e 'im for JllllC!I -abe 6 Citi%ens Act PILOT LOGBOOK thlnl:s l'm crazy. And Mexican food -well. 1 lot of peo-- ple, here lbink tacol and tnchi!ldu are universal lhrou&J><>ul Latin America. She thought this Amerlc&ll food WIS quite an oddity, but not vory good. '"It'll never catch on with the l.atins," she aakl . · She went lo a few nlglt meetinp with me at flnt. Really disappointed -dull they ...... Jn Panama when peopil: oppooe the lovenunmt they dlnnr ....,. and bombo at the police. No real dqer -the bombs -W«k -..... good thla11 ctri lie said for a lick ot educ:allon. One thing CalilornJa lacks -and Panama could Joan a few -are Cbcevas. Uny buse! (Latln surf wagoos) that zip througb the city faster than ~ Tljbana Tax.i. And they never collide. People In Panama are adjusted to lunatic drivinc. W.:y wife can bounce ac.rosa the itreet tn Panama City, dodj:e three cbeevu, aldestep a confused American, and never blink an eye. But she won't leave the boole here - It's not .safe. , Sooner <r later .i.e·u a<!just. Already she's aett.ini used to apples instead o( mangos. But banana.s are sUU too exptlllive. Terry Cot>iUt met his wift whUt with the U.S. Anny in Panama.. Ht i8 currt1ltlV a 1toff wriUr in tht DAILY PILOT'• Huntington Btaels. oftict. , • Briggs Seeks County Control • Over Harbor Bay Deal Unde.r Fire Again Dy JEROME F. COi.LiNS 01 Ill• Dallr Pllol S11fl By TOM BA~EY page brief in which he brands the land Of ""' ~b "1191 st1t1 exchange unconstitutional. Orange County's decision to exchange The homeowners' action claims that Upper Newport Bay land with the Irvine Helm ann t be compelled lo di>perse SACRA. MENTO -When and if the C ire "th c o ompany is under f again today WI those county funds. And it alleges that Orange County Harbor Di.strict is dissolv· the filing in Superior Court of a motion to the land exchange coo.tract which pro- ed. all of Jt.i assets and functions should intervene in the land swap. vides the basis of arguments by the coun· remain under the control of county Filed by six Harbor Area residents, the ty and the Irvine Company is "invalid supervisors, Assemblyman John v. unusual court action also challenges state and unenforceable." legislation that led to the consummation b'll Briggs CR-Fullerton) declared today. The 1957 state legislature passed a l of th~ lrvin~ounty deal. th land d 'ded th t A Jong-tiJne foe of the 35-year-old \ permitting e tra e, prov1 a And jt conaemns appraisals that led Orange County received the bulk of the district, Briggs Wednesday introduced county officials to predict that Orange benefits. That exchange was subsequently Jegi!lation he says would insure the coun-County woold be $8 million better off if approved by the State Lands Com· ty board's jurisdiction over harbo1 affairs the swap gtl!.'S through. mission. But that is the point, the tax· -in or out of cities. Named as intervenors are A1r. and payers' suit argues. Orange County will The bill, AB 2003, provides that the ~trs. Frank Robin.son and A1r. and Mrs. not receive the bulk of the benefits but board of supervisors of any Cilunty "has: l{arold Coverdale of Newport Beach and will be a party to a deal that may cost any or all of the power and duties of a Wesley and Judith Marx or University county taxpayers ''hundreds of millions Envisioned by fuelcounty and Irvine Is the creation ol two arge regional parks on tbe shoreline of· Upper Newport Bay and the building ol a multi-million dollar .isecood harbor" out of the back bay mud n.ts. Irvine Company ttficlals have aocepled cowily terms for the joint dredginf agreement and tu retief program. Two separate dreding projects pro- posed for back bay waters will be com· bined at an estimated saving of. $1 million. Criticism of the deal once led Inine to withdraw from the propoged conb'acL But the company renewed its interest in the 12-year old project last month ~·hen county supervisors voted 4 to 1 to 10 ahead witb I.he land exchange. harbor district with respect to the ac· Park, Irvine. of dollars" if the exchange is finally ap- quisition, improvement and management Thei r complaint seeks to prevent any proved. Anothe1• Battle or harbors of public beaches within the cou rt action on a writ of mandate If the trade went through today, the county." recently filed by the coonty and the county would get 450 acres of Irvine Newport Beach city officials, who have Irvine Company. shoreline land by relinquishing 157 acres Rages Ov e1· Suez •w that in lhe event of Harbor Dis-Judge Claude Owens set April 21 as the of county tidelands. Those 4.SO acres are tri dissolution SO!TJe of the district's date for hearing or the taxpayers' action presently being held tax free by Irvine as ts should be turned over to the city, -a calendar setting that would indicate pending a decision on the constitutionality TEL AVIV (AP} -Another battle declined to comment on the measure. the success of the homeowners' delaying of the proposed deal by the cour1..5 _ a broke Out along the Suez Canal today "We have to know rr.ore abOut it first ," tactics thus far. ruling that is at least two years sway. between artillery and tank urtits of Israel said a Newport spokesman. Both the county and the Irvine Olm-and Egypt. Huntington Beach officiah were also pany are behind efforts aimed at con· CHALLENGE MANNER An Israeli army spokesman said Egyp- mum on the subject, for the same reason. summation of the land swap through the The Robimon, Coverdale and :P..1arx tian gunner11 oper>ed firt on Israeli troop~ Not IO Assem_t,Jyma.n Briggs. He was back door-by forcing county auditor V. petitioners challenge the manner in which neat1smailia in the northern &ector of asked whether the bill, in effect, would A. Helm to pay to Irvine $13,197, hali of appraisers arrived at figures. And they the 103-mile waterway and near Port make di~WtJon of the district a was14 the cost of engineering and soil tests car· cl~~ 'losst&o coun~y taxpayers Taufiq at the southern end. ol time intllmuch as its functions would ried out bf Irvine in the Upper Bay. afler1 ~Ve dredain& aud chllmeling About a dozen shells had been lobbed Continue under tuper!visors' responsibii(-'11ils new action will provide ba.c~ Work~ by~ parties is carried from Egypt at Israeli troops two hours • tJ. for the reluctant Heim. For the countY. out will amount to hundreds of millionll of earlier, but the Iaraelis did not return "You'N! putting me on," he told a DAl· auditor is awaiting court act.ion on a 31). dollars. fire, be said. LY PILOT N!porler. "How long have you IF=~~~~~~~~~~===~~==========~===========;;::-1 been covering this subject?" Told it was months, Briggs finally ex· plained: "All thls bill does i.s to remove any lingering suspicions Ui: s ome cities' minds abou t what powers and duties supervisors will have in the event of di.slrict dissolution , "Under AB 2003, they will maintain control o\tfir the Harbor District's present fu nctions. "They're already operating as directors vf the district. It's just that now they do it through a pseud~agency, which has long outlived its usefulness ." Briggs emphasized he would not press for passage of the bill until the county's Local Agency Format.ion Com mission ILAFC) recommends breaking up tbe- district -if the LAFC ever does so. Airport Road Again Dela yed A decision on a proposeJ Orange Coun· ty Airport loop road was delayed for the third time Wednesday by the county plan- ning commission upon request of Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan. Commissioners postponed decision on the controversial road until May 14. despite objections from county Road Commissioner Al Koch. Koch reminded the commission that \\'eclnesday was the third session on the proposed roadway v;hich he favors. Breii nahan objects to the road calling it a safety hazard and a detriment to an in- slrument landing system which will be ins talled next year. Infant Injured In Ne\vport Crasli · A Costa ~tesa toddJtr suffered severt head cuta Wednesday night In • two-<:ar crash on Pacific Coast Highway near Newport Center. Spencer Kirk Johnston, 20 months old, wa& injured when his mother's 1mall foreign sedan and a larger car collided at the highway's intersection with Newport Center Drive. a nylon shag that's young • In looks, young • In price! $8.95 sq. yd. ,,. Younc idm1 in desifn- 11. unique four-color effect from 1pecial dyeinr techniquf!S. And younf ideu in terlur-rich, bouncy .bar that mil.ch. your own high apirits. Imagine rivini your family the tr.d.ition and quality ol Kuutan for half the price JOO zni&ht aptd to~· !ft 15 color onNuUw. Your favorltt dtsigntr will be hOPPU to a.sat.st ~OU ••• Spencer suffered a head cul that re. quired more than 30 stitches. No one else wa s Injured in the 7 p.m. crit5h. PoUce iald the drivtr of the other car. Rona F. Sedel, 50. or Downey. attempted to make a left tum. Her e1r collided with the auto carrying the boy and his mothtt, Mn. Jtnnlfu Johnston, 22. 211 20th St., Costa Meu. H.J.GARRETI fURNrnJRE PROFESSIONAL 2215 HARBOR ILVO. The bilby was treated al Hoag ~ltmoria f Hospital. INTERIOR DESIGNERS 0,.. Moo., Tllm. I fri. (us. COSTA MESA , CALIF. 646-0275 646-0276 ==~---------=---"-'~"------~--"=--'-'== ---- n...r.,, A,;,, 10, 1969, s DAll.Y IMT _t Jalley Recall Move -Where To F·rom Here? By TERllY OOVILL!: ' Of .. DlollY .......... On April S, Eugtne V•n Duk ol 11521 -Crui Clme filed -ol intention to recall thrte Fountain Valley dly «1111>- dlmlo,, toodili!J oil the curr<nt rtcall l>oW.. Van Duk eb&rgtd the three with con-- fUct ol interest on led development wl!hln II!" clly and lol!ure to follow tbe mondal<t of the dtlle ... With a peUlioo In, and a group frmed, where doeJ the recall movement go from Illa<? 'lbe E*Uons Qlde 1lves the Jega1 -· Finl roqulHmooll w.,.. i<rvini nollce to -In question. ln this cue Mayor Robert Scbwerdtfqer, Co u n c 11m1 a Donald Fngeau llld Councilman J.,.ph Coumga_ 'Ibis WU done. N<it WU flllng notice with the city clerk. Tbe April 13 action took care of tbal. INTENT PUBLISHED Now notice cf Intention lo recall must be published in a newspaper of general • circulation. Wllhln 1even days of the fiJ. Ing with the clerk ol notice ol recall, the olfldal in queslloo lw 1he r~t in Springti1ne • an Washi1igto 11 answer. Mayor Schwerdtfeger dld so this morning. An actual recall ~ltlon cannot be circulated until seven daya after formal publishing of the recall notice. The peti- tion must carry the copy of the notice of intention. its statement, and the official's answer if any. Conctming the present matter, a separate peUUon must be circulated for each of the three councilmen named. Signatures must be secured and the petition filed with the city clerk withi n 60 days of the filing of the notice of in- tent.ion. Failure to do so voids any recall action already taken. A familiar scene lakes shape along Washington's Tidal Basin as the famed Japanese cherry trees begin blooming in full force -just in time for the 1969 Cherry Blossom Festival. Jn the background is the Jefferson MemoriaJ. County Judge Sets Dare For Valley Tract Hearing By TOM BARLEY 01 1111 01Ur , .... Slit! iuperior Cow1 Judge Claude Owens has set April 29 as the date on which he will hear arguments in a tract map dllpnte between a Fountain Valley Mi.dent and city officials. Judge Owens will ask the city to show cause In the law and motion action why it ahculd not nullify the tract map challeng- ed by Eugene E. Van Dask, 18562 Santa Cruz Circle. At issue is a tentative tract map covering a proposed 500-home development between Talbert and Ellis Avtnues and Magnolia and Newland Strttts. Van Dask names Mayor Robert D. SchwerdUeger, City Councilmen Joseph J. Courreges, Donald Fregeau, Ed Just, John Harper, the city planning com· mission and the Larwin Co. as defendants In the peUUoo. He is also actively involved In a bid to recall Mayor SchwerdUeger, Courreges and Fregeau from office as a result of tMir involvement in land use !:s:sues atemming from the tract map con· troversy. . Launchlng the controversy, according to the Van Duk pelltion, was the Larwin Coi 's filing wJUt the city of a map wtrlch depicted an area being purcbuod by the firm for development. But, the complaint adds, no precise plan was lil~ •prior to the adoptioo of the ordinance on the tract map. The tentative map WB.'5 denied by the planning commission, but later approved, Van Dask states. A council vote on Van Duk'a subse- quent appeal of the planners' decision ended in a 2-2 tie with Mayor Schwerdtfeger abltaining from voting on the grounds that he had an lnternt In tbe venture. City Attorney &:I Martin also refused to participate tn the proceedings ror similar reasons. 'lbe petiUon notes that Courreges owns land adjoining the tract and that a cousin of tbe oouncilman owns property which is earmarked for conversion into access roads to the area . Van Dask concedes that if the city's ac- tion in the tract map issue were "proper and legal" the effect of the tie vote would be to aut.omatically deny hl.s appeal against the planning comm i 11 ton's decilion. But he wants court detennination or the !ego! stalwl ol the .Issue and argues that he would be "irreparably damaged" by the depreciation of his adjacen~ pro- perty if the Larwin group were alloWed to develop the 1ubdivision. Candidates Set For Valley High Election Day It's almost election time again at ·Foun- tain Valley High School and several can- didates are already acurrying about canr- paigning before voting day, wh1ch is slated for Aprl1 .18. Candidates for next year's auociat.ed student offices are: Mark Reider and Casey sPencer, president; Jlm Baker, Jean Howard. Rick Martin and Janet f..lcFerran. vice-president, and Robin Smith and San'dy Fukunaga, sMtary. Battling it out far the office of treasurer will be Unda Rothenburger, Kathe Meade and Nancy Fitch. Candidates for Girl! League president arf: Robin Plolyet's-and Cynd~ Crozier, while Jim Emery, Mike Marooney and Steve Yonekura will seek election as boy1 representative. Campaign speeches by all contenders have been scheduled throughout the preceding \\'eek. ~ock Hop Planned A sock hop and light show for an Hun- lington Beach high school student! win be held .Saturday from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. in the Westminster High School gymnasium. Playing at the dancf! will be "The Lov· ing Bunch" with the light show provided by "White Lightning." Children or Taxpayers? Ocean Vieiv Voters Face Choice in .Tax Rate Election By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of 1111 DllflY' 'I"' ltd Punish the children or burden the tax- payer? Voters in Huntington Beach'1 Ocean View School District will h<lve to face that uaplea11&nt d«ision May I when they will be asked to vote for a $1.25 Increase in the tllstrict'a operating tax rate. The ·-Is described by school of. ficials as the most critlcal one to date for the 13,QOO.pupil district. Follure ol the mea!Ul'e they say, will make the Ocean View district an educational dist*r ..... II wten decide aga!Mt the ovm'ide, •'hich would rl1af: the tu rate from the prestnt •1.so ., n.n for the next two 1"11"'· the diJtrict would haV< in cut bad< ... en1 _...,,,., ....,.1y d.lrnaClr'I tbe quallt1 of oduc1Uon It Is now providinl, llC<Ol'll'1& to school alflcllll. District Super!-a.,.,,.. Hall 11ys failure of tbe \upftyen to further OOrden them1tlves wtth the new lnc:reast "would reduce Ocean View to a subolM!ce 11)'11•m which -keep l<kb off the street., but nowhere neor provide them with the Kind of educaUon they de9erve." "We would be deluding the peoplt U we w ... in "' then> know tbat tbat t\'pe ol education would prepare them to face' tomorrow," inslstl Dr. llalt .. These are factl, not hollow threat.!-," he add!. "We feel an obligation to ac- curately describe llie altemaUva we 1-. We areo1 trying to blackmail a.nyon,," What are the facts surrounding Ocean View's financial crisis? WormaUon relued by a cltlzens com· mittee, wblch Is trylnl to JIUl the over- ride ovtr the top, lndlcata tbat the dlalrlct 1w -.ied undtt the,,uo tax level during the Wt tllht years, while lta growth ba1 op~aled upward by lllt! per· cenl In 1166 the district loot two tax •Jee. Uon.s, lon:ing · the ellmlnatlon ol lldd trip&, summer achoo!, cafeteria lef'Vice, Ult reading cllnic, Its music program and curtailing transportaUon 1ervlce and classroom supplies. Should it fall to win the M11 election, It Is pooalble th1t It would have to ellmlnate the entire tramportation system, all new 4!lusroom supplies lnc1udln1 tmbooks: .00 dlct1onarie1, all library boob, ill en- Ure :staff ol ruource teacher• and all gardeners and Jnainteoance men. And, 1ay sChool officlall, even If all of these cuts were made, a $491,000 deficit created In next. year's budget would aWI resqlt from failure 1 of the ovmkfe ' measure. Dr. Hall points out tbat his dialrlct apends only $426 per :student, the loweat figure among 17 OraAge County tlt~ tary school districts. Seal Beach ts at the top al the fut with '691 spent per pupll while Ole average amcu"lt b '415 . 11'11 money must come f. r o m somewhue, be say1, and since the Ocean View District does not c:ootaln much tz>. dustry, the hon.eowoer bas to 'carry the loid. The 1Uperintendeot av-lhlt tax- -plyert are being overburdened, but 11)'1 the dUemma "1.11 continue until the ltate initiates new tu reforms. "UnUI then, they wW have to face the deci•lon of elthtt digging deeper lnin their pockets, .,. Jeopardlzibg their chlldrm'a educaUon,·~ be 1111. Potltlonl mlllt blu the llgnatwu ol 25 -ol the Teliltend ...... fn the ct. 1y on tbe doY of U.. lillJ!i of the petltiont. In Fountatn Valley that meana about 2,ilOO algnaturea. VALIDITY DETERMINED Time allowed for the city clerk to ex· amine the peUUoa in determine Ha valid!· ty Is 30 day1 after filing . 'Wilhl.n five days or validation or Ule petition, the clerk must forward a copy of such vaUdaUon to its circulators. · Once the pt.UUon is validated, the city clerk must aubm.lt it to the 1egislaUve body (dty coundl) in Id an election -liloclloa "'' lnuot ... ad not leu tlilfll 10 -"'°"' thin 75 doyl Iller the coundl ......... the petition. v• ,will """''" at. leut !JI . days prior in the ·~ a 11mple blJlot and • printed cOpy ol the •tatemeiit by the pn>pilaenta o1· tl>e recall ...i: an annrtr bythe~lltberelaooe, Two <1,uUllons wW 116.., a .-n ballot. First the name ol whatever olflclol 11 named In the recall -and • -to vote "Yt:s" to recall that official or "No" not to recall him. . UST OF CANDIDATEll Soccod will be a lilt ol candidatea Sex Course Guide ·State Facing Increased Pressure From Right Winger,--. . By JAMES BOW AP 1.-C.HM Wrltw . SACRAMENTO -Facing growing pressure from parents and politicians, the State Board of Education set out to- day to establish guidllnes for teaching the facls of life in California schools. But new policy on sex education is not expected to be as restrictive as the d8mand1 of some groups, includlng the John Birch Society. Sen. John G. Schmitz (R·Tuslin), a Birch Society member, bas introduced a bill to prohibit sex education without written permissJon of parents. Most school distrlct.s offering family life course! now permit parents to withdraw their children from the programs. . One board member said any re- quirement for written permission would virtually abolish sei educaUon because so many parents don't respond to notes from school. Possible board action would include a Statewide requirement that ind!Vidual parents have velo power over sex educa· tion for their children. The subject and the sources of the re- cent furor over sex education already have been debated by the board. "lt is no secret that a nwnber of organizations are fishing in thele troubt.. ed waters," board member Donnan Commons or Fullerton said at 1ut month's meeting. "The Johno'Bitth SocJe- ty devo'ted seven and a half pagu in a re- ~nt publlcaUon to the 'ComntW111t ccn.. splracy' or teaching sex In t\Je schoob." In Nevada, a bi ll 1imllar to Scbmitz'a measure and backed by. two BircH Socie- ty members was killed ln a legfslatJve committee. But Assemblyman Jo'loyd Wakefield CR· South Gate), objected to Commons' state- ment. Wakefield said in Sacramento that he 11 not a Birch Society member. "It would seem that if an individual or a group o{ concerned citlzera decides to research an Issue or oppose any liberal program, you are immediately labeled as a Bircher or accused of McCarthyism," Wakefield said. He has introduced a measure for a ~ year moratorium oo sex education. Citizen protests at school board meeUngs from Redding south to San Diego County have blocked or delayed new sex education classes. "The teaching of moral! iJ the right of parent!, and parent! never h a v e delegated this right to the schools," uy1 a group called; VOTE. The organlzaUon is backing school board candldale!.opposed to sex education in Redwood City Elementary Schools. Opposlng almllar protest!, Dr. Robert Brledensteln told a suburban Sacramento school board meeting that u parent!, "We are all victln\J of. the far right - and you can believe that." He spoke of "near hysteria, created by miain- formaUon ." A na\lonol Birch Society alffci1l1 Wall9 Wood, said in Chlcaeo that a Movemen' to lleltore Decency ("!O'l'OREDE) "• orranlud in P:•Muaiy in ccmbat _ • I education programs. · · . Most Americans are "not awart: of .this filthy communist plot or or the tremea- dowl drive behind It," says Robert wetdi, Birch Society fowlder. ln acbool district hearinp. moriJ' parents don't talk of communwn. but 1or fears that sex educaUon, especially in. elementary grades, wlU lead theil: cbildreo ,inward illegiUmale births, venettal diaea3t and promlacuity. But some school officlala say the parents: are more shocked than their. children. "When the general public 1e11 • de!CripUon of aoual activilia and 111-o uality, they juat go through tbe root,• aays Gu.. BlaDChan:I, a Sacramento IChool di.strict offlclal. Dr. Edwin Kloli, 1tate school Supt. Max Rafferty'• liaison with the atata educaUon board, aay1 that some pro- grams seem to be "teaching premarital sex to klda." . Klotz 11y1 be favors aex education hu- ed on "hygiene and health edncaUoa, Iha way I bad h In IChool." · · Is Quitting Business In Costa Mesa Every Pair In The Store Marked Down To LOW LOW PRICES! ' WOMEN'S AND TEENS' DRESS SHOES-FLATS-CASUALS-SANDALS • up VALUES TO $9 Children's Shoes $2.80/$3.80 Men's and Boys' Shoes $5.80/$6.80 AND ur. COME NOW! and get your Great Shoe Bargains! KABL"S ' Fu•lett Foohoe•r for c•e F-Uv WE ..aNOa IANKAMl•ICAJID a MASTIR CHAHI 237 lad 17th Street, Cotta M ... STOU HOUltl: t:JO A.M. te 6 P.M. MONDAY I NIDAY: t:Jt A.M. le t P.M. • ~ ..... o.llr .... 11110 Yuri Karpuhln'& run-in with a cooler ln Moscow ended up with hlm. in the Moscow cooler. Karpu· bin was robbing a grocery store when be sampled the vodlfa wa~es a bit too liberally and stumbled m· lo a large freezer. Police found him half-frozen the next morning and TllurodoJ, ~ 10, IM Polie<e ' ·storm .Harvard 196 Arr~·fqr Takin~ Ov~r Building a,v.i ... ,__..._. Police dwpd -Ille campoo ,ol Harvard Uniwn!ly !Odiy, anw14d IM penoOs ""° took .... Ille -·· ad· mioistntion buUcBol, c J fl Ir fi d ·the grounds ol lOO otlien, Ind bloOdle.I more than 20 prot.elton' beads. The police ecllon lollche<I off roporta that a student strike would be calltd a( the university. A rally ln 1Upport of the protesters was acbedu1td for the nearby Massachusetls Inllltute of TechnololY. Harvard authoritles nid that detpite the bloody melee classes were in seaion and th.e school wu under normal opera hon. • bulldlnr occupalion !-th a I tho tdlool'11*erve om-•1 Trainlq c.rps procram be aballlbod. , ,,,. 11l1J<J11y· of the ltltdenl body '"' -UY -4 tbe -tratloo wll!ch be11n Wednelday at -. , As the SOS 11oop marclled toward Harvard Yord and toword tbe admbds· tratiolt buiktini they were booed by other lludeols. Tho -..1ora fo«lbiy ejected ., ...... -the bUtldlnr when they took over. 'Ibey carried two Uliltant deans-Burris YOllllf and J. E. Thomas --out o1 tbe building like •ides ol beer and assistant Dean Archie Epps was thrown through a door. ... llld be received order1 to l!lOV<I In .., the compua "lhortl,y Iller mldn!Jht." The polic. action. howevtr, did not com- mence untU about s a.m. Huvord Dun Boben Watson broucht char,. aplnlt the 1tudenta:1 apparently actln1 on orders f.nm University' Pres· ideot Nathan M. PuMy. · Police ll90d !I paddy wagons, three buaa and 12 unmarked can to cart nay the II-. The police had been on otandby alert since Wedneoday nllhl and got the order to move in at 5 1.m.. As the police moved in, Cambridge Mayor Walter Sullivan shouted to the -Ollltrator1: "Back in the dorms -who cioni Wint lo i<l knocked out." ;... took him off to another type of cooler -jail. A sheet proclaiming "Strike!" hung from a window of a building in Harvard Yard, center ol the undergradUlte campus. The 196 arrested students were taken to the East Cambridge District Courl where they were charged with tre.1· passing. OU!side . the adminiatralion buildiru< demonstraton opposini the SOS, burnec1 an effigy supposed to represent a mlli· tant student. Othtrs canied signs read- ing: "SOS Get Out." Admtnlstrative Vice President Elaart WIQ!ns who oblerved the orrtire inci· deot. Mid "It will leave ocan. However, the .-t1oaa1 lunctica of a uni...mty mllll not be interrupted by a oUnority such 15 this. l ' • London referee rom Reynolds, who has no trouble quelling angry players, met bis match in a 3().. year~ld woman. The irate female soccer fan, who was not identified, jumped over the fence at a match and downed Reynolds with a flying tackle. It took four policemen to get her off the field. • If nothing else, this little chick won't have any worries about scratch· i ng up food when it grows up. The chick wa.s hatched at Gleti Avor near Riverside, with four legs. Ou.mer Rog Kirkland .tat11 the chick is quit<! healthu. • State Rep. Jack Poorbaugh of Tallahassee, Fla., introduced a bill to . tax ftf'm s in proportion to the amount of "smut" they contain. ln introducing the bill before the State LegisJature, he said the heaviest levy against theaters would be for pictures with an "X" classification by the motion picture industry, which means no one under the age of 16 may attend. • Mrs. Juanita Craft of Dallas has ltarted. a local chapter of what is undoubtedly the first all-Neg ro ver· sion of the KKK. I n this case, bow~ ever, KKK stands for Kids Kan Kampaign, a youth group Mrs. Craft has organized lo pick up lit· ter in the city. • John Hart, caretaker of aban- doned Alcatraz Prisan in San Francisco Bay, gets his newspa- per$ via helicopter, tour boat and dog. He's hat.ring troubUs with the dog. H is morning paper U thrown ashore at the island from a Harbor Tours boat bnd then fetched to Hart by hia dog, Duke . "A ftlD days ago," Hart told Chronicle columni.T' Htrb Ccun recenUu, "somebodv put a tottnfe in.ride the Chronicle and Duke tore hell out of the paper. getting at it. .'iince then, he has been ripping every one, t.rying to find. that second weenie." At 10 a.m. rally in Harv1rd's Memo~ ial Olape:l was held without inctdtnt. The students at the .rally were support. ing demamk by the adminlltratlon ' Malaria Blamed At least 2.0 ltudents were treated at the University Health Center for he1d wounds, olflcials said. Two area hospit- als also Were treetinl injured students but' the ezact number wu not known. Cambridge Polq Capt. Fred Marckinl "Some meuure of control must be maintained. It's 1one on too king over the country and anebody bad 10 put I llop to H," WI gins .. Id. Casualties Drop to Low In Viet Spring Offensive Reds Charge 'Deception' At Peace Talks PAllIS (UPI) -Nor1h Vietnam and the Viet COQI aaid today alatemenls by SAIGON (AP} -American, Sooth Viet· namese and enemy combat cuualties dropped last week to the klwest level in the first sil' weeks cl. the Viet Cong's spring offensive, the U.S. and South Viet· namese commands amounced today. The allied .........,,,..Is said 22% U.S. troops., 246 South V~ aoldiers awt 3,220 North Vietnamese and Viet ConG troops were killed in action. Military analysts said one reason for the sharp drop in figtmnc was that a virulent strain of. malaria is hittinc the enemy troops in South Vietnam and they are having difficulty lettin& t h e medicines to curb it. Litton Hearings Go On Despite St.ate Department WASHINGTON (UPI) -LI t t •I\. Industries u1d today the State. Dtpart1' ment had lolervenod In beball ol the finn, one c:l. ~rica'a largest military contract<n, to keep hearings lrito its foreignintorestsoecret. The Federal Trade Commiss ion neverthe&ess went ahead with a one.hour public bu.ring on whether Litton must sell off a newly 3cquind. German firm . A Lltton el'ecutive startled the f i v e member commission by ruding aloud a telegram he said was received •l the firm's 1.urk:h, Switzerlmd, clfict from the U.S. Embassfin Bonn. '11le he has proposed issuing a com· plaint to Litton, a billioo-doDar cori- g1omerate and the naUon's ltth b!gest. military contractor, to divest It.self of West German typewriter interesb known as Triumph-Adler. Harry J. Gray, :senior txecutlvt vice president of Litton, read the commission the following telegrah: "Despite two telex messages from lhe u .s. Embwy. Bonn, to Departmul or Slate in Washington requeltin& no open hearing, the Federal Trlde CommJaslon over atro!'Jg objectJ<m of the Department of State Js holding open hearinp atart.ing at 10 a.m. today. "The U.S. Embassy is Prepared to give any and all ~le assistance and au~ port which Utton may require in meeting problems in Gtrmany whlch m1y resull from the heariJlls." U.S. Arrn1 doct0n Aid a . type or the Nhon adlninittntion about progress malui~ known u fU:!pl:rwn h• reach-in leCl'et nqoti&Uons were aimed at ed epidemic proportions in IOIJle Ncrth deceiving American public opinion. They Vietnamese and Vm C<l'lg: untta.and bas did not deny there were leCl'tt talks but ··seriously impaired their combat e!· they heaped 1Cm'D on reports of proifess. fectiveness." U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot· J;odp Despite the llplltt.!ring of the Viet Coog made • vain attempt to guide di.Jcussions offensive, now its 47tb day, a spokesman at the Vietnam peace t&Jks toward pro- ror the South Vietnarnse command u.id: ;io.uls deslgned to de.acaJate the war. ..We doo't think the e11emy offenee i! He ICCUled the Communist side oC over." negotiating from an unrealistic position, The U.S. Command's weekly casualty .Niked lat.er if there had been any pro- summary lbowed a reduction of neuly gress he replied, "No, I wouldn't think ao. 100 American dead last week from the No." toll of 312 killed the week before. But the Both Communist negotiators made the 222 Americant1 killed last week raised to charge during the talks that the ad· 1,940 the number of U.S. troops who have mln!stration WIS trying to deeeive the · died in combat .since the Viet Cong American public and called the Nixon ad· launched their offensive Feb. 23. The toll ministration ''perfidious." Afterward, of American battlefield c1su1ltles since they repeated the statements t o Jan. 1, 1981, no1v stands at 33,86.1, or 234 newsmen, refusing to coofinn or deny more than the 33,629 U.S. troops killed . -secret talks were actually under way. durinc the three-year Korean war. American officials said the brightest The number of Americans wounded In deveJ~ment came whtn the Communists action Jut week -1,285 -also was the referred to the South Vietnam govem- iowest durinc the offensive. ment as the "Saigon .ctministration. '' The .zg South Vietnamese troe1p5 Previously they referred to it only as reported tilled lat week was 111 Jess ''lack~ys" or "puppets" of the ttmn the toll the previous week. And the American!. .3,DO enemy troopl rep:>rted 1Jain wu Tran Buu Kiem, "foreign minister" in more thml 1,000 lea! than the &,6&l claim· the government of the National Libera- ed tilled the week before. tion Front (Viet Cong), said the peace The . malaria situation among the plan mentioned by Secretary of Slate enemy was reported by an Army medical Wllliam P. Rogers was "mike believe" team which said each month "ap-and a "perfldious maneuver aimed at proximately IO percent ol. the Viel Cong calming down public opinion." md Nonb Vietmmele troops are ill K1tm rejected the plea for discussion of witil malaria, and the average time Jolt troop withdrawals and restoration cl. a from duty ls St'Vto to 10 days per month neutral demilitarized zone ( DMZ ) f« each ease." between North and South Vietnam. m.. 1be American doctors said the North statemen~ made it clear there would be Vietnamese bad broqht tht falciparum. no ~ppreciable J»r?gress at today's 12th strain ol malaria down the Ho Chi W.inh sess.ion of the Pans peace talks. trail, am Che rD « the disease in some ~.em . ~mmented on t h e ad- unitl hll rtnpd trun 50 to 100 percen( ministration s progr11n for a peacefu1 · !';ettlement d the Vietnam war 1nd Hickel Puts Buffalo Back on Official Seal WASHINGTON (UPI) -Secrelary Walter J, llidttl ls plannin& lo put the buffaJo back In. the Inttrior Department'• official .W. It wu learned t h a t lhe 5witch from the modern design that former Interior Secretary Stewart L. Udall ordered "is in the works." Sen. Mark 0 . Hatfield (R-Orc.), who rectnUy c1lled the new seal a "Madison Avenue fantasy," said he was "greatly pleaaed." report.I of secrd talks oul3ide th' formal peace confert:nce. .. The Nixon administration is trying to make believe that it has a 'program for the peaceful settlement' of. the Vietnam problem," Klem said. "It continues to apread rumors •bout 'private meetings.' This is but • perfidiow maneuver of the United States 1imed at deceiving and calming down public opinion ... Cold Swings Across U.S. U.S., Russ Talks Set on Nuclear Engineering Role GENEVA (UPI) -The Unit.cl Stal<!s and the Soviet Union have agreed to negotiate ways to provide other countries '"'ith means o( carrying out nuclear ex· plosions for such peaceful purpoaes as engineering projects, We!tern disarma- ment officials said today. Tliunders wrm.s Dominate Mississippi Va lley Coastal l.OW C!Oudtl 11N <:ltiulii ...... ll'lt conf 1fl.I\ lllOl'lllow, lllcarT11r4 ll'IOtlll> ·-..., ~ wi..... -'"_.,,,. -i.rlv. U f9 2'I ~ TDM'1"1 Jilitll, ...... Yt~I ~11'11'-r t 11 11<:1 ,,..,,,,.1111111 .... ,,. ......... ... 111'1111 """"'11111,. '"'" -1 .. f9 D Tiie .,,'-' ~•hire -M Clttl'ft1. s .. .., Moon. Thies TMUltDAY S.CONll Ill"".. . .• 6:111.111.11,t hcond low lt:JI '-"'· t.l ll'ltlllAT "lftf ft!tll ... • •••• . .• !. '·"'-... ,.,,, .... • •••••••• 11:iM ....... '·' $nend ""'" ··-· . •:11 '·""'· •.• lt<:N .... .••.••• ll:M 11.m. '" ~ •IMI l rft 1,111. S.lt U:U tll.11'1. hllf lt!Mt I !" '•""· .... •:2t 1,111, MIW f'lnt 01 Pll" Ult .. ~. " llM-14 ~· I Mt• I v.s. s .......... ,,, A. CloW 1 ..... 1 Ql'ltlrlllM Ml 111 .. lfWtt• ••1119 .a.. !flit Cllllfttr? *''"' olt actl¥t _.,... •• It ........ -rll'I l'lluN'f tlr l llflll llt M fll. Tllv"*"' tfWll'll ~ "' _,.., "-"" c. ... lrtl t !ICI HVl'Mnl Mls111tl..i Ytlln-tto llW ~Ottfl Cff.t lelo;t1.. 10!ft1 _. _., l.e1'911 ... II _,..,. _. •'- Ill Atll.•,... ..... Mkl!MI""' J11l11 w .... ,"' tw1f"IM '"""'"' • law .,..."'"" Clfttet"' -"'• -c ..... t U11-. Allll rUI *""" !tit '"-Clflc C-lt, ~. _, "*1111'tllell *"'-" ... ... 1i.ri1. A lftM ~i.ail'f -llltf •(•,. _....u" .c:""' 11ot -'"""" el !"-tWlllfY, 1-ftt -.. -ltY '91r ··~· •111'1 • cemf«l'llli. tlt'nPffl fll,.. fl'llltrrt. Ce.I ,. ml~ --~ tlW .... t 1'flllt I ... ,,. "ffl'llt ... !NW "' .... .. T4!'Jnpera tttr es .. _ Ancfltr1M At111'1tl l•k11'111llr'd 111m.rck lei .. ...... '"""' Cl1Kl11111ll C~l111d °"'W' Oet Molfll!• O!lroll Fort Werlfl Fresno HIM'IOlulu ..... ,,.. "-c"' ~· """' , . .._.. Mlor'"I IN<~ Ml'""*" MW..,.ii. Nl:W Or1M111 _y .. HOl1fl ""-"' ...... ...... "'"' "'*""' l"fll4"tlllflllr -· 1'1 .... ,.. ........ 11 .. 14 C11Y "" l llA'I ·-S.cr""""" ''· l.•111 "'""'' ''" Lite cttv s.11 o;_. kll PrtM~ kllll •• ,....,. ..... -M ,,_, -- MIH 1._ I',,_. " u .. ~ 11 J.I 'f, " . ll XI ,Of i1 ,, . " '!I " .1, '1 !I .07 1• .1t .n d • II d 11 JS .It " .. . " " ,. It 11 i i ,. " " ,, !ol .ti .. " " ... .,, . " u " " . 'I JI ,, u ... " " • • 7l J7 " " 1111 JI ,11 JI '' .ti .. .. '' !Ill M " " ., '' n '' .. " " " ,, JJ ·" t! St ... ., " -" ii .t) " a ,. " .. " . The officials said the negotiations will be starting as early as nel't week. At first there will be 1 preliminary Cl"· change of ideas and information on the science of nuclear explolions for peaceful purposes such u engineering projects - the building of dams, h a r b o r 1 , waterways, etc. The two nuclear superpowers will then dillcuss arrangements under which non- nuclear countries which signed the treaty ag1inst the spreld of nuclei! weapons can receive such 1ervices. T'he United Staies and S o v i e t negoUator1 at the Gtntv1 disarmament conference said they will make a joint announcement later. . Western officials, however, uki that statement will concern the openina of U.S.-Sovlet bilateral talb on peact!uJ nuclear uploaioo.s • Swi11s Blast Kills 17 OOITJKON, Switzerland (UPI) - Police said todl)' the dealh toU hid ~ached 17 In an explosion that wrecked an erploslves factory TUetday. A police explotlve1 tq>erl said ntarly five t.onJ of TNT blew up, flat.ttnlng • quarttt mile of an lndusbi1J ma and caualng: damage • .... u., 11 .1 million. ,DEAN EVICTED BY HARVARD ROTC PROTESTERS De•n of Students Archie Epp1 11 Forud Down St•1r1 Stanford Students Seize Lab to Protest Research STANFORD ;AP) -Nearly 400 Stan. fcrd University students held a campus electronics laboratory today in a sit·in protest agaiMt scientific research done let the military. Targets of the protest are both the classified research done on the campus in the univers ity 's Applied Electronics Laboratory and at Stanford Research Institute, an olf campus organization owned by the: university. The "SRI Coalition," an organization of five campus groups and five from the ad· jacent community of Palo Alto, called a tJne.hour meeting at D i n k e I s p i e I Auditorium that led to the seizure d the two-Jtory coocrete and cinder block structure. Nearly 1.000 attended the meeting, al which it was voted decisively not to damage property or tamper with clusified materiahs during the , sit·in, whidl began Wednesday night. Students said entry was gained by means of a key mysteriously obtained in advance. During ttie night, the sce>e was calm as students and others quietly slept in hallways« on a tree lined patio out!ide. Those outside were awakened early to- day by a university employe who washed dOwn the patio with a hoec. student• helped pick up empty soft drink cans and candy wrappers. Jn the building's basement, stOOent.a found a duplicating machine and prompt· ly began turning out a newspaper and leaflets. One leaflet gave infonnation oo what to do if arrested and how to obt.ain bail. CamJlU' police, in the blD!ding all nigh~ shared a snack bar and jokes with demonstrators. Campus police chief Thomas Bell said his men were in the building whtn students arrived, but added : "When aueb a mob comes there is nothing you en do." NATO Plans Land, Sea, Air. Mediterranean Exercises . LONDON (UPI) -NATO commanders announced today they would hold ex. tensive land, :sea and atr exercises in the ?tfedlterranean starting April 20. The an· nounce ment coincided with the arrival of another flotilla of Soviet Navy ships, in· eluding submarines. NATO spokesmen said there was no connection between the Soviet ship movements and the NATO exercises. But in Moscow, the Soviet Union, taking note of today's 20th NATO anniversary, said it was building up Its Mediterranean fleet to counter Western "war preparations." British defense officials said Russia sent seven more naval vessels including three submarines into the Mediterranean today from the Atlantic, bringing to 4t the number or Red Fleet vessels now there. Military observers said the move in· dicated a major Soviet Naval buildup ap- proaching in size the fleet Moscow mustered in those waters after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. U.S. Adm Horacio Rivero, commander· In-chief of Allied forces In Southern Europe, announced in Naples more than 60 Allied Allied warships and 300 aircraft will lake part in the NATO exercise. code -named Dawn Patrol. The exercise will run from April 20 through May 2. He cafled Dawn Patrol a "1ar,ie. but routine test" or NATO forces. Men, ships and planes from the United Slates, Britain, Italy, Greece and Turkey will take part in simulated wartime air strikes, air defense, amphibious landings by U.S. Marine units, anlkubmarlne warfare. surveillance ind nu c I ear operations. Rivero said 1 ntw NATO command established last November to carry out aurviellance on Soviet M a r i t i m e surveillance ,in the Mediterranean would lake part in Ole 'ei:ercise. It will mark the first time the commaod, the Maritime Air Forces, Medil«Tanean, will take part in a joint exerctae. The ettrclse ls the largut alnce last November's operaUon Eden Apple, held in lhe eastern Mediterranean with Gr(!(k, French, Italian and U.S. ships taking part. ' The British l'!ports 1ald t w o Soviet deslroytrt, thl'tf! aubmartnes, a tub- m1rine dePol ship ind an oiler nosed past Gibraltar from the Atlantic arid Into the \\'tsttrn end of the Mediterranean today. In a dispatch from M~w, the Soviet newa 1gency Tass hinted that the Soviet buildup in lhe ?ttediterranean was Jn response to "war preparations" by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization . DeBnkey Urges Probe of Cooley Heart Transplant \VASHINGTON (AP) -Dr. Micha el E. DeBakey personally asked the National Heart Institute to investigate whether federal guidelines were followed when his colleague Dr. Denton A. Cooley implanted the first artificial heart last week . the Washington Post said today. The newspaper said DeBakey told of- ficials of the institute that Cooley used an ;:irtificial heart of his design in Haskell Karp last Friday in Houston, Tex. DeBakey and Cooley have declined lo ~me publicly involved in the develop- ing controversy. but the Institute said Tuesday night it had asked DeBakey for a report on whether federal funds helped develop the mechanical heart Karp received and, if so, whether federal guidelines for such projects were follow. ed. DeBakey's artificial heart program has been supported by $1.5 mil lion in federaJ money. Cooley's aides said his device had been financed by the Tel'as Heart Institute anQ research grants fr om heart aasoclation1 in Alice, Huntsville and Weimar, Tu. Because of this, Cooley said, federal guidelines requiring the 1pproval ot a local committee of doctors before using experimental procedures on humana do not affect him. Man'· Atten1pt to Flee To .W. Germany Fails BERLIN {UPI) -A ma ntried tn floe Into We11t Be.rlin Wednesday nlaht but fen short of his g01I under a hail o( gunfire from Communist East German cuardl· A West Berlin police spakesmtn said the ma n was trying 10 work hk w11 through bRrbed wire fortlficaUons '#hen the Communist guards spotted him. The Kpokesman said about !Kl 1hott wCre fired. T!.nd.,., April 10, 1'169, "Job Corps 1· . Shutdowns I Confirmed WASHINGTON (AP) -The . Labor Dei>arlm<nt has .... ftrmed pllna: for maalve cuts In Che Job °"111 program, an -Direly to ltlr ...,. l>it. ter cmcrellional opposition ~ .. --effort to ~theblow. A depeitment IJIOk- W-.y llilf>t canllrmed earllor ._.u thot '15 Job I C..,,. ....... will be abut down. DAILY "1LOT S Flood Wins Battle in Sioux Falls By Tiie Alloclaled l'ml Flood lllbtm surrendered an 18-squart-b!eiek 1 re a of Sioux Falls, S.D., to the surg. ing Big Sioux river today aft- er a nightlong battle to plug a 100-foot break in a dike in the city's Riveraide district. He did not esum.te the ay.. 1 .1 Ines but s.u. Gaylord Nelm ;t (().Wis.), Nid Chey would ..We dumped in more than JOO tons of rock, we threw in car boWea and anyUUn1 ela we coold lay our hand& on," said Joe Vanderloo, Minneha· ha County Civil Defense ditt<- tor, shortly before daybrelk. "But it was undermining fast- er than we could fW it up." amount to -· than $100 millioo, • figure also repon.d laot week. · The L I b o r ileplrtment ' IPOI<-Nici .. olflcial .,,. nouncement would be JMde Friday. Ul'IT ....... Another CanceUation "After eight hours we finally gave up," he said. At the same lime the ad· minietratlon will propoee set-t:inc up 20 to 30 "skill ctnlen" Dick Smothers, the straight man in the comedy near city slums to provide team whose television show was cancelled. by CBS daytime .,..,._, tninlng, last week, got another cancella1ion In Santa Monica unlike the fulltime residential Superior Court Wednesday when his wife, Linda Job Corps centers. Dropping Ann (center), was granted a default divorce. With of the 15 centers will result in Mrs. Smothers are attorney Morris A. Taylor and ~ ~ hall o1 the witness Sandra Church. CWftlht 35,000 enrollees. _::.::::.::.:....::=:=.:....::=;..:... __________ _ The entire area, which ~ tains a meat packing plant, the Sioux Falls ltockyards and about 50 homes, wu evacuat- ed and sealed off by road- blocks. Waters ·were expected to reach a depth of 25 to JO feet before cresting. Vanderloo safd pressure of the rising river -swollen by the melting of heavy winter snows -waahed away bould- ers in front of the dike early Wednesday evening, and the dike itself went out soon after. President Nixon amoonced Feb. 20 that effective with the end ol the flscal year June 30 be .... onlerlng the Job C«po and the preschool Head Start program trar&erred out of the Ollie< ol Economic: Op- portunity -the J~ Col"Jl'I going to tbe Labor ~art· ment and Head Start to Hea:lth, Education and Welfare. LEGAL NO'l1CE ....... c1aT11111C.t.Ta OF llUllMUS 'ICTITIOUI NAME Tiit \u1d1rst1rwd dau Ctrtlf'I' tie i. cendudl1111 I Minni ,, 411 Sindy line, Hu11tinlton ll11ell, C1lffor11!1, '21.17, vndW !tie tlctltt-firm n1me of HUN· TINGTON aeACH TREE S!llVtCE 1nd ...... ..Id "'"" 11 COll'lllOlld " !ht folklwlM .,.,._, Whnl ftlNl'lt 111 11111 lfW l'llCt of rltfdtMI 11 II lollowl: DONAl.D AOELIEllT CANFIELD, •n .. nd.,. La.ne. HMnllnmn 111e11. Dttld M1rd'I lt, lftt Dorlllcl A. C.ntleld STATE OF U.Lll"OllNIA I l 05 ANGELES COUNTY ) 11 On ).I~. bllort me, I NOllrY ,.ullllc In Ind tor MW $1111, M .. ofllll'I' I-red DONALD A. CAMll'llLD k-fe m4! fe IMi !hi M._ """"°"" MIM II IUbaulll-.. fe !hi •llflln IMlnl!Mnf Ind ~ .......... IJll(ll!lll "" """· IOl"l'ICIAL SEAL) l'1unne J. Ayr11 Hvllrt l'tlllllo<:a tlfer11!1 l'rfl'lclPll OtflCI In L• A,_.111 C-"' My Comrnluitn Eql~I MIYJl,1'10 l'llbfl"*' ON;n91 CM1t D1llF "llDI, Mtrdl :IO. 27 •l!d Aprfl 3, It, INI' llMt LEGAL NO'l1CE ._ C&ltTil'ICAT• O" llUSINUS "ICTITIOUI MAMI ,... ~ ... cwt!fY tie II anduclllltl I l:lln!flftl 11 ~ lo. COISI Hwy,. Lllllftl a1K11, C11lfor1111, under tti. ftctttltw ftrm Mrn1 of aALL & CKA.IN I nd !1111 11ld firm 11 coml'OHd et 1111 fellow!... HrlMI •holl MIM Jfl tvH Ind 11J1ce of r11!d.,K1 b II .. llowl: Alll:MAND l'EllllY, lit» MoorJOtrk. Shtrmtn 01U. C1llforl'lll, tl•OJ. D1i.t1 l"lbti.Nrt 7, lt't ARMAND "Ellll'f STATI! OF CALl,Olll:NlA ) LOS ANGILl!S COUNTY I u Oft l"lbru•rt 7. 1Mf, b9fe.. m1. 1 Noi.rt "ubnc '" 1nd fer Mid s1m, -llY ~ ARMAND l'Elllll:Y kllowll It "" I'll M !tie 1t1no11 WhoY 111"" II lubltl'llltd '9 f!lt wl!llln ,,,. 1frvme11t 1nd 1du111wlld1ed Ill neeuted "'-· (Ol"l'ICIAL SEAL) Ned!ne M. J1ckllll'I Not1.., "ubllc.C1llforn!1 "rlnclHI Offlet Ill C"""'r, el LOI Aftt~JPS MY Cornmlulon l!:nlrn DIClmbtl' s. lttl "ubllllltcf Or111t• Cots! D1l1r "llcol, M1rdl 1'G, 27 Ind April J, It, lfff SIMt. LEGAL NOTICE Nepotism Law Caused Nixon Job Rejection WASHINGTON (UPI) The White House has an- nounced that President Nix- on's brother turned down a :-a~-ite:a:~=: ~: pointment might violate a re. cent law against nepotism. John Erllchman, s p e c I a l counsel to the President, said he raised the question about the legality of Edward C. Nix· on's appointment when it reached him. He said he men- tioned the possibility the a~ pointment might violate a 1967 law which says government Pope Speeds Selection Of Saints employes may not put their relatives into jobs under their "jurisdiction and control." The law, though not clear, would probably have prevented President John F. Kennedy rrom appointing his brother Robert as attorney general in his cabinet. The younger Nixon, 38, is a geologist and telephone com- pany supervisor in Seattle, Wash. The Commerce Depart. ment ·had named h i m chairman of the Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in A1aska . But on Tuesday the depart- ment said Nixon had declined the job "for personal reasons." Top Soviet War Hero Some 90 miles dowmtream, the Big Sioux tapped at levees where she nows into the Mis- souri at Sioux City, low1, and residents nf the Iowa com- munity of Cherokee waited in emergency shelters for the Little Sioux to crest. Twenty miles upstream from the mouth of the Big SIWI six-foot wavtS threatened to topple a dike at the little Iowa town of Akron. "It's like Jooldng at the ocean," said one work g a n II'. member. "You look west and all you see is water." Some Rights Restored by Greek Junta ATHENS (UPI) -Greek.! enjoyed some ba1lc democratic rights today ror the first time in two years - rigtU to amemble freely, to fcrm UllOCLati<n: and to the privacy ol. their own homes. n-rights had b • • n guannleed in the country'• modern COD!ltitutim ht WU VATICAN CITY (UPI) smpended wbe1> the military Pope Paul VJ announced today Stricken regime look over in April, l!lteps to reduce by several 1967. ,. 1· ( Premier Geo rge years i.ue one necessary or a MOSCOW (UPJ) -Marshal . Papadopoulos announced Wed- Roman Catholic to achieve Georgi K. Zhukov, former nesday these UJree rtghtll were sainthood. defense nllnlster and the to be restored lmmedietely . He said he was giving Soviet Union's No. I war hero, He alto announced 1 judicial bishops throughout the world has sufrered a stroke which review or cues of the left him partially paralyud, regime's 1,800 po Ji t Jc a I greater authority in hand Ung lnfonned sources said today. prieoners, a fortbcoml.ng preaa of beatification cases and cut-Zhukov, who has b een Jaw that wilt relax cenaorshlp, ting tn half the number of retired on pemion since 1957, reinstatement of civil aervant!J trials that must be held at when fonner premier Nikita dismisaed far .p o I i ti c a I S. Khrushchev deprived him o{ re860!1I, a00 pr o c e d u r e s diocesan level to detennine 1 · 11 d o f 1 c e r o r a e g e leading to full re-establish- the sanctity of a candidate for "Bonapartist1' ambitions, had ment ol. the constitution. beatification -the first step the stroke several weeks ago "The government, in Jll toward eventual sainthood. and was hospit.aliied in the evaluation of the lituatlon, A-" Kremlin. 1·udged that -~·-· The new prll',.-.:uure was d f ·-· w--·-He was release rom the could oot imJ.uence prOf!llrHS spelled <>ut in a decree which h ·1a1 I d d osp1 severa ays ago an toward its objectives," said Vatican s <> u r c e s said is at home now. One ann and Papadopoulos, noting that the represented the m<>st far-leg which had been paralyzed measures were taken to mark caaT1"1cA~:':~ 1us•M••s reaching refonn in church are slowly returning to the regime's 1 econ d 1'1cT1T1ous MAM• 1 normal. niv_.., April 21. T,.. uNtt""'*' c1o cmttv ....., ... laws regarding causes <> Zh k ood r · nd __ , cendll(tln• , Ml"'" 11 ,. M011trc11 U ov, once a g rte ;::::;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;'=::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;= ,., "'-••· su111 J, )GIJ!ll L"u..... saints in 200 years. of Gen. D w i g h t D. c.11tor1111, n•n. und•• t11e nc1111°"" Under laws daUng Irom the Eisenhower, would have "··n ti"" 1111'111 of SOUTH C 0 A IT ua:: ttADtOLooY GllOUI" 1nd that "Id tlrrn 17th and 18th ceuturie.s, any the logical man to have I• com""4 ., t11e toi1ow1119 --b' ho uld for d h. t I whe.1 111m.. 1n 1u11 1nc1 1l1(Q Of 15 p co open a cause represente t 1s coun ry a rukl•nt11 ,,, •• 1o110": beatification and hold a Eisenhower's f u n e r a 1 in ALaEllT 9, COLE, M.O., 32'11 .J. h tr•aJ lo d le · tJj k Adrl•tlc, so...111 L11un1, c1111orn11. • .. :uurc t e mune e Washington last wet . Now it 1101E1tT w. l'ETElllt:N. M.o .. tllll:l martyrdom or holiness of the has "A-Ame clear why be lmtr11c1 Irr, L"1111e llffd'I, C1lltornl1. UC\.V PEOPLE Tll1t '1 wh et lt'1 o1/I o1b•11t. 0111 •f the m11t p1pw l1r ll1ill f11tiir11 •f the DAILY PILO h ,,,,1, Sc1111. 1t'1 111 •lt111t ki1191, c.•mmontrt, ••••• o1nJ ch•r1d.rs -p1tpl•. l'llAMK •· AND1t!iw1. • A¥tnu1 penon Jnvolved. could not have been sent. W, L1•unt lltKI!. C1lltomlL 1~::.::::..:::.:_:::.:::::..._ _____ .::_:..:::::_::::_:::_::_:::.:::_:::.:::...__.::::;;;;;=====:;;;;;=== Ott.I M8l'dl 11, !Mii ALllEllT I. COLE M.D. llOIEltT W. l'ETEll5EN M.D. FltAMIC I, ANDllfWS STAT! OF CALIFOllNIA I ORANGE COUNTY l M On Mll'(h n. lNf, btfere ""'· 1 N011ry l'ullllc ,., Ind fltr Mi. Si.It. fill -....._ "'"''" ,,. wl!Krllll'lll ".-I~ '"'"All Abrf a. C ... , M.D., ltelowft W. ,...,_, M.D. 1'1111 Fr1nlr ...,.,,,._ M.D. --'° "" '° bt ..... wm.111 lnll""'*"' •M lck_.,,. 11111 fhly t l<tcUi9tl !hi Mmt. COl'l'ICIAL IEAL) Jlmel F, Mn111nl J<Mi.rv 'llllllc-C.1llfwr!l1 l'rlncl"l Off!{I Ill °''"'' Ceunty MY CCl!fl"'ltlklll ~tit M1rdl 10, 1t11 l'!Jblltlfld °"'"" C..11 D1llr "110f, Merell 2tr, i1Md""'"J,11, lM Ml• LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC• INVITIMe l lDI 110 tT•M NO, lM NOTICE IS HElll:E'IY OIVEN 1111! 1•11· llCI 1'•-111 wlll ... re<1!Vld br !111 CIFV e1 eo.11 Met1, "' wll: TM c1rv Council. '· 0. Im TM, d fllt City of (111!1 Me11, '" ar Otto,.. ""-riovr al 11;00 1.m .. on Ftld•Y• Mtr 2. '"'· 1191 wm • Miieir --,..., rMf llllMI 11 11 :IO t .m .. Ot 11 -IM,.9ftWr 11 lllftdlctllll, tft Fri· ...... ,,,..., 2, ltft "' ""C-11 °""*""' CllY Hiii. 71 ,,It Dmt. C.lt M-. C1""""l1, ftor !hi flJrrilll\1111 d -(fl Mell 1Ht "'°*Ir "'·TON TllUCI( CAI AND CH.I.Siii. A Ml of 'tit -'11u!M ""' M oll-11'-el IN lffke 9 tfll City Cll,_, 11 '7 lll1lr Df'IW, C." M9t, C1ll'ftrl'li. . .... """"' .. """"""' ....... ~ of "" (ttr Cltttt. 111 • -1111 "'"""' '*"" tlfllll "' fllt 9'11hlill """ tfll IW ,,_ --"" ... .....,,,. ..... Eldl W 1114111 llHClf'J tldl ..... _,.., ltftlol • "' Mfll Ill .. -1fk.1""9. '4lrt lftlf .... *""" "' "" -me. ti-_, ... '"'"" ,, ..... Ill "" ftlill, ..... hlllunl .. Mt ..,,_ •11'1' lttm "' ..... -ltk•ttM tMll ... .,,_... "' .. ltclllfl "' "" Ml. IKll ftltl tl\llN Mt flrtll !I'll Ml 11tm9 •M mldlollal 9 1M ,.,..... •11111 ~ !ti"'-... "' .... ,,....1 .. ~-·11. 111 (IM ef CllrMf'llllftlo IM.Mll ft'll "'""' Ill' .,. ,..._...,.., l«nttrY. T,.....,..,. '"' fl\~t~ify (o,,oncll of ""' C!fy Ill Cet!I MINI "'tn" Wit "-"" to "Itel '"' tr 111 llldl. DATID! ""rl! 1, IHI, l'llb!ltllld OrlnH C..11 D1!1Y ~Utt. Atfll 11. I.., •7Mt STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of el-,. Orange County Music --~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach HOUSEHQLD APPLIANCE BUYS WATER HEATERS GARBAGE DISPOSALS • REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20 Gil. $42.88 30 Gil. U•.88 •o Gil. S•9.88 50 Gal. $6'.88 INSTALLATION AYAILAILI Tiiis ..-HIY Ollll'tll!Hd lllH IJMd W.ttt "'-!tr la -.VlllMd wllfl llhlty l1mp. 11 nq1,1lrtll tty MW, W• MYI .....,,. dl'f !,,. •llflllltft IYllll'*' ff you wl11l. AU nar• m11 &ollllllellln ... , .. lncllldtd. C•ll bt NOOl'I -1nt1111 !flll NY. AIM -r~r 1Mt.11ttloo!-ivtl111111, All worfr dOrll by IMl!tr PIUmblr1.. •l•h•mpaa IT'Y rug• far 1• • faat:I• BLt:t Lus1 Hl. "" ' '"' AS WY AS VACUUMlllG! RENT FOR $3 A DAY Old Century Cleans carpets buullfidlJ! Woll·fo. wall or spots and !riff~ pall!s. Flutts m1tted 1111J, brilhtens colors, makes carpets 1111 lonpr. Rent powerful llectrlc: sJwi..-just $3 I lily, WEATHER VANES Dill I 1111,_,._.wtltl..._....,. .. ...-ci....,....,.. .... ,... cilioft llult. ..... ·-CCII... llWi....,. ......................... the •r.ct 1ift. Mlnr ethM' ..... to dltoM Yorn • , • ....... ..,. .. __ .....,., (o~o) 497 WEfD.8.QON & SPRAYER K/lls -and -, plontl. Coallliaot ... and - IN·SINK·ERA TOR llODIL NO. JI~ s319s 11•. Sit.ti OUI PllCI •.••••••••.••.•• M ... JJl-1 Yr •• ....._ MODI\ US $4688 ::a :::c~' ............... . M ... 111-.J Yt .. ....... Moon NO. n. $6495 .... S7t.tl OUl PltCI ••••• ,, ••• , , • , •• M.-t 77-1 Yt. GHl'.tM l.NST,ALLATION AVAILABLE U,1~4 HUSKY ..... _ ~· .drill 1000 """' 1444 2.2 amp. ll5V AC. Drills 1""'·...., •;.. hMchtood. U·lOO VERSAmE Btiat-..n.,.... '° ............ buy. J.O ..,p. 2250 RPM.~HJ'. 115¥ N:;. IJ.367.J '-i HP COMl!IERCIAL H.D. ROUTER Kil' $69.99 *** • FHIUF99 vwutlf• U..s11 ~ •• , tMt ctn turn '" 1m1t.ur llltt 1 ,.,.,dl5oMI WNllwortltr. • o,,,..._........,.. kit boJC' ...,.. \. "8vt1r and J;oc1111n.. tt.ndy TRA5H CAN ... ..-... • e lfldudtt \I.IQ Rovttr, U·ltllf •~ •tt•l•ht •11d clrcular auld1. JJ6ALLON STURDY PLASTIC ', .. 6UAUNRI • ~ "' u.utl1 ..._. bit, I wn-tldMI. ""'"" Pl9' a.& ce&to ,.uttr -""''· • "°""'' ... wt. '"' n. .. Ml,. wt. 1714 lbt. $499 Uccent onc:fivocado" 1·11141.-$11.ts ~ l ll ... -... -$11.ff ~· ;.'" •. c ... ,. $11.tS e .l\ .. C' •• $11.ff l ~'l•--S!Ul West Bend'• new , cook ·aad ·ll<tTC'Wltt witbl~ lhrd-coatTEFLON' ···--'.,..,. _/,,_,/,,, t•l Jul A 10J to dan. No IOIGtinf. ~I Pot '•·-0...flUl tJ m,,, ••• arcat .. , America'• betiUjt. act ., ,,... ,,. leacL SttMtlH11istn1! ......,,...,.._,.,..... .... ... 1 ............ ,.. ...... .-....-........ .... .......,._..... ....... ,...,. .., ....... d • •r.., • .,,..... -.:t.t; •m • - ' . . . • ·-LS 494S!:Si!!!™3..,_ lnAn;y PILOT EBIT8BIAL PAGEi Missi~g a · J!l'oln Ula time wllbboldin& of state lncom• luu .,. llnl propoNd lo Gov. Rooald Reapa, bo lw been "'•maniJy oppoltd. He bu aald taxes &bould ''burt'' """ po.yiQl In lump ·IUDll made c!tiuns palDfuJly OWOR of the amount of their stole tu bill. • Now the &ov..,.,. hu pulled bl& feet putly out of 11>9 concrete of bl& lcleologlcal pocillon by propooing wlwituy wltbboldiQI. That's fine for yeor round residents who want the coovenlence and lower shock level and IO will volun- tarily !lave their toes withheld. But it completely misses a major point of compulsory withholding. Thal Is to bring into the state ireasury the dollars -esti- mated in the many mill.ions -now unpaid by tax evad· ers. Evasion is po111'ble for transients and otben who work in California a few months or all year, then leave the stole without paying a clime of state income tu. This Is patently unfair to all the ruldents who do pa,y. Pragmatism and equity, not theory, should conirol in this is!Ue. That means the ooly practical answer, in fairness lo all, is wilbbolding by state law. 200,000 Procrastinators Appare11tly some 200,000 Orange County bomo- owner1 don't care about receiving • flO rebote on their 19118 property taxes or the fl50 exemption on 190 tues. Eltller that, or they're putting off filing until the last minute. Forms for these purposes were mailed out by the county uaeuor'a office in mid-February, two months ahead ol the April 15 deeclline -the ume deadlioe for poyiJlg stole and federal Income toes. Major Point Procrullnolla& fosm fllera lllould come allve and -·-thtJ' llave -........,,,, dollan roming back In June, wbell the stato ii upocled lo pey the rebate. (Seo COWlly Aaoeooor Andrew Hinshaw'• letter in Mailbox Oii iile qppoClte pace.> .. . . , Tuition~ Pur}>ose.Is the Key ·-.. Studeats at Univenity of California, 'Riverside re- cently vole!! nNl'ly three lo one lo Increase student fees by $1.iiO each quarter. The money will be used'lo ·finance UCR's Educational Opportunity Pnlgram for CU.advan- toged students. The acllon will raise the quarterly student fee as- •essment from $113.iiO to $115. It will yield some $15,000 for "Ttanlition Summer.'' This ia: a project sponsored by students and designed lo develop study skills and provide rt:meftial assistance in English, mathematics and reading for 35 eclucatiooally disadvantaged students who will be admitted lo UCR next fall. 'lbe' referendum election was a student recommen- dation and was run entirely by the students. . ·This episode appears to ·carry a point bearing on 1 the larger issue of tuition, which has been a hot potato off and on for the past two years. This Is that the purpose of the tuition is the key to whether the state university syst~m should invoke it. lf, for example, every "tuition· dollar" could be 1 matched with a "state budget dollar" for scholarships and special-need programs on the specific campuses, a modest charge ("tuition'' in effect, if not in name) would be reasonably well accepted by students and the off-eampus public._ .. ;, 1 .. s. -•... :c . • ..... se ~ + •• ¥' , I '! , •-st , J~D~ Change: Short .Term vs. Dear Gloomy One I• 'Flexible· Dovi•li~' Other 'Flexible Hawk·ish' Long Ter n-&1111at!.orp: EVt!IJtGt ia fer chqe that will benefit him in the llhort-tmn, and is .. - dlonae that will -him in the llhort- t.m; and thll 11 why long·term bmelits ror everyone are to dlffkult to bring aboat, I« they almOll lnvarlsbly tnvolve lame lbart-Wm dllcodlf«t for ane ele- -.. -in IOciety. *. ·-• --we legitimalely object to the -Pnelpeecb" mov--at·coJleps, and the )lrOIDl>cuoul ... of dirty -.., pahlle placlNa. when our whole cuJture ii oriented lowltd the u- ploltatlon ol texuality u a commodity! . . ~.: . Our desperate .-·\.r public works -such u lr•Mlonah>a the modem dty from a link to ·a habitable en- Wonmml -may be occ:identally fulfil~ ed u a byproduct Of automation : if enough milllons ""' lfo:own out of wort by the cybernetic )lfOCtSI, they may have to be employed ID the public oector for the ftbabilltatlon of oor hideously dl!reaed urban areu. • • • 'Ille !DOii Ooorllhlng """10mics in the world today, with the largest ecooomic· ~ rate, belong to the two defeated nations ID World War U, Wu! Gmnany Olld Jopan, wbich ought to al!on! ...,. leuon In the rulltles of -mi1i1ary "victtlry." ( lrmk:ally, one of the chief rea!IOll! for their Increased produdlvtty and af. fluence is t h e i r lou of ''ttefeme" establishments, which permits tbem to channel all their mources Into pro. ductive mu J n 1 t e a d CJf diall:plliJI& t Gus: Watdl out that they don't make Orana:e County Airport'a runways just a UWe bit longer, in cue they have "a UWe bit" of IUl'facing material left over from the auth- orized murfaclng job tater tJu. month. -M.A. S. ................................. _ ---.............. ,., ..... .-----... ~ ....... men than half (aa we do) Clll destructive weaponry.) • • • Inauthentic people --w h o lie to themselves more than ii paycbicaUy peniilaible -are always lootiq for aome autbentle pncm who will love them, but their lnlledi ii_ lllat tbq con altract oob' limllar)J: ·--• people, wbe can m¥f1" .atwy tbem; what they ......i -is that they , -become u lood ·and · u seff·-u the kind or penon they are ... Jdnc, which is the lut thing they want to do. • • • It ls an or11D1c mw of the human creature that the more needs we uU!ff, the men needl we develop -therefore, the cloeer any group &ell to 1elf'..ac- b11tiution, the more inteue · become its effortl .. reach -rung, and the more desperote Its rulltanc:< to obstacles. · • • • Whm ii'• lllepl to -.. -u a gum wrapper out of a car wlndow .., 1 pahlle bipnroy, how -we llill ollow more U..O 1,1111 U.S. communities to dllchor&e their municipal aewqe and industrial waste Into the publlc waters without any treatment at all? . •. •. .t I Getting down to the boUom CJf Nature; there are no "particle&," cnly "p1t- terns .. : no "thlnp," only 0 proce11t1"; and llOl'OC! peoplt •till can themselves "rnate(lalisb;" ·and think they are modera.' Tell Hickel He's Wrong A pot.at eumple °' 1 "c:ommunlution pp" _.red In .. ilM<Vlew with 1-SecrelllJ' WalW J. lllctd 'llllich the N<WH'nll carried .., Sundoy. Jlichl refenel lo the SDI Jla'bera dmmel oil -• ·-" 'Ille ....,. illelf tt!emd .. the -oil aipil .. "nceat. .. Jtlllnotoo. We hll been llllved nlltiVe to .. c.-of the---dioamr, ... tile poaslblllty of --lo lhe !Wn. THE 00. LEU ii not rec.nt. It ts -. It hu boon wlUt ua ,_ liolo 1111 INrd month. It ii wilh 111 to a. -ol 1Jmooi 1,000 galb!s of audl oil 1 dllJ'. 'Ille eo..t Gull'd -~ !or Ill lllate Ind !eden! za a ... lnNttd -bis w.-aed that .... II no 'lli1MnUJ' Down way to ........ llierai.·ol~ --the ll'l'Olaled bead ol tile ~ Dtjla-ct the Interior A1 cw ...... ·-litulUon ball btai _, Quotes Ill c,.c 1' 1, 1 trrt' "·•~ ef "B;ass• ~ ...._ l8Je -_,.,.. __ ondkleu .., .. , ......... 11,..11er1 ....,. ,......_,..... .. ---.. ,.. ... liollor --,... ... talldng ........ What ""' Slota -....... their ~-me ........... ~ and ......... --ll1il """"try· ~ to do 1bodt tt? THE NEWll-PlllllS doeo not believe for one .moment thst -ry Hickel speaks for the majority of Americans wh<n ·he say< -go .., wlUt the Santa Barbaro awme1 drilling; the "haunts .-e m.lnknum." To make IUCb a state- ment, under Ille )Jl"""'t cin:umlllances, is to be patently bltnd to the values of natural mviroament which bil lnterior ~....i ii mandated lo lllfeguord. 'Ille oflldol blesolnp 11v"' to Ille oil ..... Into thl• chanod ii not a mere Sad.a Barbara problem . 11. is 1DSlbnr!deprobi<m. rr BAS BlllOME Incumbent upon Americans: e•a7whert -Americana who rwpect clean leNhorts., riven, kkea ..a thnberlandl ; clear air and clur Wll« -to -t out for<etully ..i '°"1lrlllll1 ID aipport of the~ -Secreta<y HicUl must not be 1U...ed lo tell lhe n1tloo thot UM Sonta lllrbora QJonnel oil probl<m Is IOlved, when k Ill not IO!vtd. lie Ill W!'Olll ml ht must be told IO, from one cout of ll1il coun117 lo the other. s.ta BlrNra NnJ•Pfttt Rogers, Laird Set a Different Tone WASHING TON -We have been seeing here a masterful e1.erciae in political hocus pocus. lt.s succesa so far illustrates why President NU:cm placed mast.en of this art in the most aenaiUve and responsible position&, in .government - secretary of state and secretary of defense. · Not that there is anything Wrong about il Jn fact, it is good becall!e it keeps Coqress-and the publ1e ....... bly ...,. tent while· NiJ:on .tbrealls bill way through the mue toward a Vieta:am settlement and some 11Dnd ol. a new ·deal with Russia, M4ybe Nban will nenr make .it thnlugh thal ~ but if DOI, the CllllO will not be the failure of 8ec1' o! Stale Wllllam P. ·~ and Stey. of Qeftnae M.trin R. Lo!Jid .. -...... bl• an1er -and quiet ao 1hat Nlxon CUI clO 'his best in this delicate work. ROGERS AND TO A lesser degree Laird have managed to convince . lllOlt of Congre.u that they are committed to policies which art flnib}e or revenJ- bl e. By slightly modifying the John,,on Administration poJ:iclq, and by setting a differen\ "tone," the two secret.aria have.gained some time for maneuvering . by Ni1.on before the storm breaks. The storm threatened to brtak this last week. The dovish senators were flutlering restlessly. They _ w ' r e discoot.ented with Laird and Nixon on the ABM and they feared that Nixon was e.sCalating or getting ready to escalate the war while talking about endin& it. · Rogers' virtuoso appearance be.fore the Sen at e Foreign ·Relati~ Committee dispersed Ole threatening clouds for a · . litUe while. Now it ;would appear that the monitors of foreign policy at the capi~I will allow Ni.loo a COl,lp)e ol months \o carry 90 .his .sec;rel. negotia- tions. ROGERS HAS SHOWN h i m s e I f to be fle:zible d o v I s h and Laird flex- ible hawkish. This is a reversal of the roles of. the secretary of deferise and the secretary of st:ate in the John~J) Adrnlnlslration, and more logical. ln the_ Johnson Adml.nislration the secretary of. state was adamant for a hard line while two secrtta..ries of defense lost confidence in continuing to pursue the lir¢ted war aims. Perhaps this more ordered stale o( affairs a.lone accounts for the better reception in Congress. A secretary of defense normally is expected to be rather war-like while a secretary of state . as the agent oC the President Js expected to have a broader international and na· tional view tempering that of the war· make.rs .. The regular order has thus been r~ and everyooe feels more com- fortable.' I BUT THIS CAN ONLY be a temporary cond.lliOll .. Rogets has only booght time by assuring the senators that if they were in his shoes they would be •doing the san;ie as be -allowing for I.be fact, Bogers . adds, that the senators do no( know what he is doing, The Nixon Adminislration asks. to be ·taken on.. faith .[or a. little while Jonger and, with a few exceptions, Congress seems to be !'illing to grant the time. A cl08U~examinalion of.what. Rogers is saying,. howeve r, reveals a little dif- ference with the basic policy of the Johnson Adminlstralion. Cessation of violence. A political settlement weaving ~violent NLF members into the politkal fabric of Sooth Vietnam. A division between North and South at the 17th parallel. ·inviolability of the demilitarized zone between North and South. lnt.ernalional inspection. Restora-· tion of the 1954 Geneva ACCQrd and the 1962 Laotian Agreement. Phased - withdrawal of all troops foreiP. to South Vietnam. Respect for the teiritorial. military and political integrity of ·cam· bodia and Laos. ' WHAT rr ALL ADDS ur to is a .. denial of the war airm of the NaUonal Liberation Front and the government _ of North Vietnam. What the Communist side gets out Gf it is the rigtit to shiff from mililary to non-violent political activity and thm attempt to galn control and reunify Vietnam via supervised elec· tions. This bas oot. been enough fer Hanoi. and the: NLF up~ oow. Il the setUement ouWned by Rogers were to become ef- fective, Jt wOUJd be a better settlerhent for us than the Korean settlement. assuming it were lived up to, inamiuch as it would pennit a complete withdrawal of U.S. forces. It n::iust be concluded, therefore,. that there must be significant variations on Rogers' theme before it could be ex- pected thal muc~ headway couki be. made in secret talks. It is little more likely than before that Hanoi and tht NLF will agree to Rogers' publicly outlin- ed te~ until they have had enough fighting. Irish: Shanty and Lace Curtain Whtn J reach The Pearly Gates, and the Great Recorder asks me to itate my origins, I lhall certainly have .to state, "Shanty Irish, born In Hell's Kitchen, and raised in lower Harlem." While I have rattled a good deal up and down the soc ial ladder, I cannot deny my origins. Jn fact, l 'm rather proud o( them. 1 wasn't born in a shanty ; but pretty close to il It was a slum dwelling of the kind called a railroad flat, since the rooms followed eacb other •llke the cars of a train, and aometimfs a cold- water flat, because that was all it had. A kettle WL'I forever on the ltove to provide smaD ~ cf bot water for absolute necessities. like a cuppa tea. THE IRISH KIM 1 grew up wiOt were till shanty. They had strong backs and quiet wits, as their fathers had. Those strong backs and quick wits have contribut.ed much to American clvllitation, from the construction o~ a transconlinenta1 railroad. to a recent Pnsident of the U.S. So it is with a eense: of deep regret and loss that 1 report the shanty Irish- man is a vanishin1 breed • He ls vanishing, and wlll vanish, simplJ because he is net wanted. in late 20tb century America. Our lmmllfatlon policy, sllrttd in llll6, .---•• Geef'le--~ Deor Geor&e: At Joe!( ..,. hlgl>ly publlco.d book bu _,. out swiping your tllOO<)' of Sidewll" ThiMlng. TV comedlons ore always stuling your gap. And ...... serious col· umnlstl ana lectiU'ers lift your stuff. Have YoU evtr considered brirtling Jeaal action against these people! JAMES C. T. DNr Jama C. T" I plan to. tf I e\•er get Lhrouch with my current litlgaOon. MiltOn Serie 11 Mlinl me for stealinJ his material. and fully effective last July, cuts the lrbh quota to next to nothing. DURING THE SIX months between July · and December, 19&8, only tiO Irishmen were allowed to Unmigr8te into the U.S. a! permanent residents. These were mostly "'lace curtain" types - doctors and other professional types, and others highly skilled . While il is true that the massive migrations of the 19th Century are over, there are stW sizeable numbers of Irish who wish to livi: here. In the decade before 1965, an average of 7,200 Irish people left their country to live here. The new immigration law, passed in 1965, replaced the old quota system with a new method based on family ties with U.S. citizens an<! employment skills. THE NEW LAW requires that the aspiring immigrant have a cklse relative who is an American citizen, or a Humphrey ls Unforgiving WASHI NGTON -·Tho8e deep wounds inflicted in last year's furious brawling O\'er the Democratic presidential nomina- tion apparently are far from healed. !\taurice Rosenblatt, founder and dittc· tor of the NaUonal Committee for an Effective Congress and a leading peacenik supporter of Sen. Eqgene McCarthy, is saying he is a costly victim of the stiH·seething factional feuding .. According to the sad tale Rosenblatt is telling friends, be attributes the ~ ol a $100,000-a-year job io former Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Details of the reputed axing, as related by Rowibl1tt, are as fo11ows : FOU.OWING HUMPHREY'S hairline defeat for the White House last year, he was made a dlrector and "CONUltant'' of Encyclopaedia Britannlca by his long· time cloR frien:I and el~on backer William Benton, fonntr U.S. Stnator from Connecticut and mulLl·mlWonaire owner of Britannica. Hwupbrey'1 wcrk for Brltannicl, for wlllch ht reportedly receives • l\Jndsome aalary, is in Jd. diUon to b1s other ldivities -·bu5y l(!cturer, newspaptt columnlat. book writer and member of the faculty of· two Minnaol.I coDegu. Rosfonbh1tt was Britannica 's Washington represenlltive for zome time. In addition lo be.Ing a Uberal r Allen-G9ldsmith, t • ' , . zealot, he h a s been in t h e forefront ol the agitation agaiMt the Vletnam war. In both roles, he playtd a leading part in persuading Sen. McCarthy to seek the DemocraUc presidenUaJ nomina· Uoo. RECENTLY, Ro8enblatt's con l r act wUb Brilanrtica as ii.I $100,000-a·year Washington representative (in some quarters it ls called )obbyLst} expired . 11. wu then, he claims, that llumphrey ued hJm, As related by Rosenblatt, the former Vice President •llegedly tokt his good friend Btntcn. "I can't wwk with that man.1' And tblt did IL .Rosenblatt'• contract wu not renewed -Ind the dltec\ lnfemice from the 5tory he is te.lling friends is that he I o s t his hlghly lucnUve job becawoe of hi1 ardent labors for the peactnik cM4llcloey or Sen. Mcl:ar\hy, ln other words. _. ~blatt tells It. Humptny ii· ntlUw roraettlng nor forgh1ng his· bitter peactnlk 09P0f'lenl,. By Robtr1 S. Alltn and John A. Gotd9mlth ' certificate from the U.S. Labor Depart· ment indicating he has a critical pro- fession or skill needed in the U.S. This pretty well takes care o{ the shanty. ·' The lrish pattern of immigration ha/ tradilionally been low-skilled and without close family tles in this country. Whole families seldom migrated. The eldest son usually left home, anc;i left his brothers in the old country to take; care of the family. With the decline of the shanty, there will come the gradual but sure decline of the brogue. I grew in the midst of that soft, lovely Ult, and cannot im· agine an America without it. I HOPE THAT some enterprising recordi."'lg company will one day soon make a tape of a typical Irish banoom argument, or family discussion, 90 that the desctndants of the shanty lrbh can know how their forbears talked. The o}d Irish saloons, which slill exist here in some quantity, are wonderful places, tG be sure. They are very like the Dublin saloons, as described by lhe late Joe Costello, the bartender who invented Irish colfee : You can go for a month without hearing a word 'or· truth. -----Thursday. April 10, 11169 Tht cdiior141 paoc c/ tAc Dcdtt Pilot 1celcl to mtorm ond nm.. 1'lak r1odn1 b~ pre1t11tlng Wt nnoipapt:r'• optniont end eo& mcntarv on topicr cf n.c..rc1& and lil1'1ifico7tte, by providino o forum for fhe e%'J)reafon ol our rcodtrt' Opinion.s, and bf - prest~tino 'Ulc dto1T1c •• points of inforf'l\C'd obsnwn ond tpelcetmt1l on lopks o/ tM "4v . Robert N. IVeecl. Publisher . • J. • • ' • Military:s . Ipput .' ~ . ~ " ' .. J\lay ~Be ·T90 M:uch I • . 'Liberalize Abo rtion Law' To the Editor: All« reedhlc the other letl8rs about the -Ja11S, I !eel I mllll ~ oul M 1 native CalU<nia woman, wbo had an abortim in another state, I believe my .opinkm have aorne merit. Our flnl ........ born by Caesarean ...Uon In ~ Beach. My bulband was in the Marine Carps aod ltationed at Oimy Poin~ N.C., wllm I became pttg· Spend $50 Billion Some Other Place To tile Editor' Presldent Nixon has spoten in his Inaugural of peace 14 times. Eric Sevtrdd: spoke in a receat editorial of more and more Amaianl Ml dismayed that the war in · Vietnam bas luted mort than any war in our history. Can ~e "turn our nation around" as Dr. Martin Luther Kine suggested'!' Can we reoritnt American priorities! ($81 billion for military and only fa billion for human needs.) · Stuart Symington In a Senate speech a few d1y1 ago estimated that an ABM Sy1€em thick enough to foil Soviet misJiles would cost. no less than MOO billion -a sum greater than the national de bl HOW CAN WE stop the pollution ol our ptimdered planet! How can we me our 'vast \eclmOlOa to do away witb poverty? Glenna Jotmaon, former IOCial worker, Phi Beta .Kappa, present executive direc- tor of the Women~s International League for Peace and Freedom, addrmed the community at the Little Theater at Corona de! Mar High School, April t oo these issues. She spoke of whit could be · done with ~ billion at home. CAN DEMOCRACY work? Are the people willing In "stop shouting" at each other and start listening! Do they care enough to consider what scientilb, historianl -yes, and !ludenta -are saying and trying to say? Or will we conUnue the steady spiral downward? It was long ago that General Eisenhower spoke clurly of the direction in which we were headed via the m!litary-indu.strial complea. Can EUier, 1969 mean anything? Can we start anew? ' ANN SHERMAN GORES nan1 tile ....,,,.i time. cm rirst ... wu sil: yean old and we botb wanted tile baby very mocb. Bui I coolract<d Gtrman measles, when I wu 214 months prqnanl I had takeo the antiillobolln, when I knew I wu ei:posed, but cauctrt the German measles, anyway. A NA VY DOCTOR, 1 penonal !rim!, did oot besliate In r<eommeDd abortion. My doctor called me to a a y I would have t.o caH to make my own ar· rang:emtnt.s and gave me a list of hospitals to call. He Aid, "Don't go underground! 'lbil ls a compktely ethical operation. Don't go underground!" The first hospital on bis list, Duke Univenity Hospital, said to come in the nut day and bring a note from my Navy ~ confinning lhat I had 'Gehnan mu&leo. Once there, I was eumined by three dodon. There wu a cooaultation and the therapeutic abortion wu •PP'OVld and done. WHEN WE RETURNED In Calilomia the next year, once again I WU prepant and -In tile doctor who had delivered our first child. When I told b er about the therapeutic abortion, she was very interested and said they were working for more liberal abortion laws. but. even for ao valid a rtUOO, the abortion wwkl be I crime in Californja. Im\ lt bod enough In have· In lose 1 waoted boby without being made to f e e l like a crtmlnal • • • • murderer! Your Mailbox cmtributcn cm:i pon- tificate all they waot about the unbom having the right In Hie, but tb<ft are many wbo believe that • woman with other children to raise iJ mcft impartant than the fetus. As it happened. that third pregnancy ended ill • mi!cMriage. I AM TUANKnJL that my cbildren art: both heaJthy and that Wt did not have the beartbreak of brin&inl an air normal child Into the -Id. U your Mailbal: cootributon help in the institutioos to W< Ior the mentally retanled or Jlh1olcally deformed or penonally can for motherless eblldnn, bravo! They can hold to their views without crlUciun from me. J pray for more liberal abortion laws so that when doctors recommend an abort.ion the woman wDl not have to carry the added burden o1 beilll • ~ criminal. NAME Wfl'lllIELD Flirtations Sharpen Wits By I. M. BOYD Al\I ASKED the weight of the average 16-year~ld girl. It's 11714 pounds ••• IN ms ELFIN WAY, our Love and War man contends evuy co-ed, facing finals, shwld remtmber old George MOCft's sage observation: "Nothing sharpens the .,;ta like promisc:Uous rurtation." • • . ANOTHER ADMIJ\ER of turtlel re· llCits her pair of pets keeps the daOOe. 1100'! down on her lawn .•• WRITES a San Franciscan: "Not jlllt Beau Brum- mel but all English ge:nUemen shined the IO!e~ of their lboea. friend." Thal right'? Didn't know that •.. ONLY ·ONE BIRD be<ts its wings alternltely inatead ol llimultaneOUSly. The chimney ... m. THE NAME GAME -Amon& thole .._, which motben aeem reluctant ol 1ate: to give their daucbtml are Murltl, Beatrice and F.<twlna. Nor do fathen: ap- pear to be much inclined anymore to call their !IOOI Sylvester, Ferdinand and cw.nc<. All« lengthy study or ........ our Name Game man says the enormous majority cl the aloremenlloned are alder lhan 40 althqb the _,,,.,... majority ol dU-ill aenoraI are even Y......, than !O. . FIR.E! FIRE! -U tome enemy alien &otthed au ol New Jf:f1CJ. WJr would «UJUe n budrtf.a w<llkl came unravell- ed. No doubt. no doubt. Tblt'a bow much laod WU burned ...... by ·~ fires WI year na~ kl where wae the .,.at f-.I lledl ol bellcoptenl The p1a1non1 upon p1a1oooa or linanc<d flrell&llterll Tbe blllloos In onlnanc< In blow out thooe blaull Nm timt I fol to the podlwn. I'm eolnc In ~ pudooatelJ Oii this -unUl the last lill<llet -out ol tile ""'"'· CllSTOMElt SEltVICE1 Q. "WHY do you tttp ovoldin& ftJ3 nqu<lt In pt yoor Name Game man to pint 10methtng .. , ~· about the romantic attributes d P'b called Patricia?" A. 'l'hlt's the ladyfrieDd'a name. A fellow has to be discreet, you know •.• Q. ''GllU-' MAJ\. RY ao young now, you just can't rmd any left between the ages of, aay, 20 and 24 still alngle. Areni th..-. ony! Or li lhett are, "~ do they hide?" A. One out of thrte that qe ii known to be unattached, young fellow. art her whereabouts.are a mystery. FEMININE SCENTS -A &irl'a skin always does a thine or two to her perfume. In other wonts. tile · same perfume on di!lenont prla smelll dlf. IerenUy. So soy tile cbemists. Any YOWll man, buying such scent u a gift, ouilit In r<member lhal U tile saleagirl dabs 1 little perfwne on ber wrial aod pl!bes it under his ooee, he may find the aroma daody, but U 11 oot oecessarily what be may upeci Oii bll n>mantlc Interest. In- cklentally, It'• aald the palm· of the band, oot tile wrist Is tile -place In test the true lngrance ol perfume. KNOCK, KN<>a -Why tlae have ,.. survived Dtpraaion, War arid Govern- ment Growth If not to IUWve &be ~ knock joke! But no. It ages not a whtt. Up speakl the -lnpnue' "Knock knoclt.'' S.)'8 I: 11Knoet knock who!" Say. Ille' "Windy." Saya I' "Wh>- dy who!" Sino """ "Wlrlly-. _.. over dt mwntaJn ••• " The twirp. Your qwltkms crnd eonsmcnll .n: welcomed and U7iU bf uacd tohcr.111tf' poiriblc in "ChteldnQ Up." Addrcu ....U In L. II. BOJl(l. n ccrc of DAILY PILOT, Bo: 1175, ,N<Vlp011 B<odl. Calif. 92663, ~· - W/'cP 'tit '1111'11 II W11" fw ... ...,.. .......... .-. .......... -that, In -to aervlq ooclety Ia may lmporWit ... , •• tba - ol bJper education In lhlo county -11mc:11an u Independent centen or crlUdsm of the "new ma.trial state." 'Illls critical lunctioo Is apoclolly oqeot a1 a .lime when '"mllitartuUon" is one ol the central tendetlcles of American society.. . Tbe real quesUoo that my colleaguos and I must attempt to anner ia wbetbtr tile acoclemic community lball resiat uu dev9Iopmenl, or bealme .... ol its inmameot.s.. SPENCER C. OLIN; JR. -Pn>f.-ol llillnry uc. lrYiDo Drug .Probf.em: They Face lt- And Now What? To tbt Editor : We reMI your Saturday Comment Page article on UD and all the articles on drup wlth intereal We know what it's like because we have just been through it. We'd like to abare our story wilh you. For nearly a year our l .. year...old at has beeo Ulling drop. Fatr montlis we didn't know -we only knew" that he became sullen, rtliellious, profane, dilobedient and repeatedly truant from ~I. When we finally . diacover.s . dru&s were responsible for 'bis behavior, we didn't know where In furn. DESPERATELY, we talked to everyone we could th.hit f!l. Tbe police were court<oos, but lhty couldn\ help. We made an appointment at J.uvenile Hall. 'they were hurried and overworted. They &aid they bad no counseling ""Ice a vallahle, but they could loek him up if we wished. We felt be was sick and ne<lled help, but !Iii wun't tile ......... OOR .J>OCTOa ncomrnmled a rancb- type -tution ..tier. we -him Ior --'Illls helped ..... but ... ..,,..iedly ran ·ony. 'nlil 'wide time we were tense and upoel. We w.r. lmmed II the~""· met In the ---all -tiaa help ond pldonce aod lindln( - available. Finally our minister directed UI to I .,...P or ez-dnJ& users In Santa Ana, call- ,.. tile IIooae of. lllroclel ot 1131 E. ltb Street. cm aon talked with them, reluc- ta!ltly It !int, but wilh increasin& 1J>. -. WELL-A MONTH qo a miracle «· curred in our DI., He became a a.iaUan lfM(·you wouldn\ .,._ the dll!orence. He is -....et. c:aasld<nte. ham -tile euct O(l(IOlite ol what be WU. Toplher we wrote bll llnry In 1 UUle tract that be puoed out .. tile beodlOI during Eute:r vacation. Our eoocem is that there ·u '° llttle guidance for the parent._ You've talked •bout drup, you•.. pobWed out lhe aymptoms aod dangers -what do they do now? 1 COULD A LIST be publiJhed of various guidanct centers available -or perhaps phone munben where parents could call for help? We would lite to become involved. What can we do to help? We've been there and we know what It's Ute! You may print our letter, use our name or phone us (54Ulll) if any ol these things would help. JEAN ond DEAN GILBERT Prcue fer •-1c To the F.di.tor: I just returned from a two-week recruiting trlp and have read the boo.tlet on "What You SboWd Know About Drup and Nm:oUca." I wish to c:oogratulate you and the DAILY PILOT on the com· prebemlv...,. ol the publlcation, aod also "' the thnellne.!ls ol it. We are constantly doing everythins humanly poaible In pnclud< tile in- volvemelll ol our youngaten wtlh drugs aod narcotics, ond lhll booltlet will be relemcl In · llWI)' times 1> it Is all lncl\Wve in its review. I auure you that tbl.a kind fl coopera- Uon will usJat u.. in our oo-roin& pro- gram to continuously kttp our 10IJllPler• alert In the daoett• " drugs and nan:otlc3. NORMAN R. LOA'ni Aslodote Superlntend<nl Newport·M .... Unified Sd>ool Dillrlcl ""Hf flid .. htn..._, To lht Editor: I have mid ''What You Should Know About llnlp aod N-." bJ Alton Blabalee wllh much lntenot Ind olfer ftJ3 compllmmll In you !or Its dJltribu. lion.. Memben ol our llalf ID the 1rt.1 ol beallh -putlcUlarty wtII fiod ft moot belplul and enlllhte\lnr. NORMAN E. WATSON .~ .. ~5 .. .. ' ' . ~Y,¥.!_ • -. • What Makes an Ainericad To the•Edi\of: of. Im_.., dang .... He WU Ia111bed My. lailh la the . DAILY PILOT be at aod moellod and ridiculed, ~. been l'flllnred. ........ w,... times wlg;i ;,, • mon (of -fame) named Kllloo •-Hahn ol tile Kortan uod<rgn>und who J would wander· down to tbe drugstore warned tbe U. S;19Verninent that Hawaii and JIUlb a dlmf: ..acrti11 the COUl\ter was solnc to be attacbd. In both cues. for iny COPY' o( 'the DAlliY PILOT. the people who were warned failed to In U-. days 1 · woold acan lhe local heed tile woming. news, amme myBelf· W\lb the editorials, In the Bltile, in Ezetia.i, chapttt :s aod chock tlle.dm!lied ads. • and j3, lt ltatos, "U you see dangtt You've COOM a· long way; baby. 111 approactling ·uct you fail to warn the your April Fools' Day llalibox .OCtioo, people, you wtll be held accoontablt. I ....i. Mr. Goouen's letter aceuslng And if you see clanger ~pproachlng, you the DAILY Pu.or of pawssing a ''red warn the people and they fall to heed ....,,~.-.? Yaar ' editori Oii ·IJ!t°-tha'l wamll>Curefit• toliUf respon!i!i (altbougb I did not have a cluw..-e to for the reaultl." see it) must have really 3CM:ked it to lhe fear....,,.,.. I 'i'mNK TBEJ\E Js more to Amerlca than nags. eagles and the braod of paramia pushed by a few of California's lingering McCartbyites (Joe oot Gene\, America wasn't born in fear, but It Stanch a fair chance of dying because ol fear; There is: room for a Renaissance in American culture based upon a politics of tbe individual in relatloo to the in- dividual · and not powr in relatklll to the mass. Fear and repres&ion is not an answer; understanding and com· municatlon is the only answer. HOPE LIES In people, oot symbols. A "good American" is good first, and an American aecood. Let the sun shine in! There is l)O lutW'e in war, hate, repression, and fear. Mr. Goos.sen may feel the slime al· tempting to engulf him. but then that's a question of where his head is at. America needs you too. '°fr. Goo~n. GET IT ON ! Dig out the America in you. Rhetoric .Js cheap ; I hope UU, Schmitz, Rafferty, and my local (San Diego Coun- ty) Assemblyman John Stull all grow old and cold and happy together in their tiny, narrow idea ol what ·America · is and will,bi! in the future. · Oieen to yo<i, DAILY PILOT. MARK HINDERAKER Beetl.,the W•rttln9 To the Editor: 'lbere was once a man named Noah who ~felt it1 his duty to warn · people CONGRES8MAN ll'IT sounded a Wll'D- ing on Marth 24. It went over the heads of mo8t, angered a few who seem "' be much better informed. Thank God for the few wbo will speak' out and fight communism. Your libtral ocancfal "'-and asinine roporter who made the remarks have beard the ... ~ Ing. I suppose it's supposed to ·be com- forting to the ones who read your paper to know that we have such intelligent people printing lhe stuff that'• put out, who know more about the workrbap- penlnp than C<JOgr<SSmen aod otbera. I HA VE BOUGHT my last DAILY PlLCYI'. This last article WU just the final flnbhing touch. For nine years l'Ye witnessed the liberal-controlled news media which really puts .out littlt that is news but works fairly well as a garbage can liner. In the Bible, Jesus also wams thal in closing days of this age there wouki ~ wars, crime, violence, people who would rather believe s lie. The rise and fall of the Roman Empire also parallels America today. Je!l\15 could return at any momenl This is aOO a personal warnihg. Are you ready should Jesw return~ • LEROY OZANNE lfe's a Prophet, Too To the Editor : 1 don't have a bot line to the Almighty as the "seers" claim they hive, but with my little crystal ball (91 cents at the • store) I have successfully predicted NO earthqua"ke on the dates ~-,- the -. lald It -1d bappea; .;,i I have been IOO pe""'111 -i.111 dlJ procnQaticat.kma. -, ~ This goes back I Wl)'1. N>!>ll ..... years ago a preacher took jl\t OoC In Arhooa In eacape tile wratb '/ii whatever, and ~veral ~ears laJer J coa- tacted !hem • mlle hll!h In lht lllOllflf'lib stJll watting for the u6appttilnc:'" ;; ' llECENTL Y A aky pi! .. took bis """" ba<k out oller predlctlog a grl.\t ~ lor tile monlh of Oclnber I'll). Ali! l)OW \be doom...d . ~ has come and gorte: with no quali, just II I predicted. .... Now J predict that on the 14th ".( lhll monlh (-her date IOI by 19' seers) there will be a catastrophic N9 earthquake. And "buslness as usuat• will be the clicbe. -j AND I THANK you for equal spate to rebut the "prophets of doom" wtio with deaultory eoergy lly In build 11p a supernatural im&ge ol tbemR!ves fl( DO other rtUOll. than to ftl into 19 public light ·1 have been 100 per<ent right "Jaij but ~ the unHpected bappeni, u It. Richter "!Y• it migbl. I will ltlll be at leall to -I -. aod lhfl Is probably better than lht ~ or Jeane Dlxolt. _ • ..:: MILT BAS..- ~ Don't Miss Chance :: ' . . To Get Your .$70 ... •• To the Editor: :. • Approximately 200,IXIO ~. have not yet claimed their $19 p<Ofl'lli tai: refund nor claimed their bomi!Ownen property tax uemptlon. Only .one-ball~ those bomeowoer1 we. believe to be eliP!- ble far the $70 refund have ~ it. ~ CAN YOU HELP me contact Utele '4i!. payers and urge them to call my. offa today? The telephone number iJ ~ - apd my office is located at 70& Wed Eighlh Street, Santa Ana. Dddllne 11'1' p.m: April 15. . . j .• A(ii>REW J .· HINllllA w· . eountr~ ~. r ... .. • • ' -,. .. . .. ·---~·· ... ,.. ..... -..... . . . . . .. ,, .• •• DAil V PllOT s School Board Candidates ·s .et for Showdown • I OCC Dlllrlf!I ... : Orange Cooat Jvtlfor Col· iege Di.strict eneompm:!ts 1he Ne1DJ)Of"t Jlarbor Area liM tM Welt Countu, the f=(ties c/ Cosca Me&a, New. wrt B e a c h, lluniingto1i -'Biach, Fountain Va l l e 11. Westmimttrand Stal Beath. ·-. ORANGE COAST JVNIOR COLLEG E meaningful curriculum studles1 forums, etc. and by I n c r e a s t d communlcaUon lhrough the eslabllahed news media. Do you btlieve 1tx td11c•tioa can or should hive a role l.u our 1chool1? Not applica ble to junior college district elec· lion. How do you rite lbt scbool sy1klm ? Excellent. ' DISTRICT • -11>-c--.:....:_-,,__,,_•ta·rr...------c:::::::-=:.----::: • . - •• two board seats Df•trict 1 ~Worth Keene (incumbent ) DUtrid I •'·George Rodda J r . (in- cumbent) John L. Vaughn Nlmf:: Worth Keene Addreu: 238 16th Street, .Seal Beach ··Age: 51 Occup•tlon: Postmaster ~ .... Children and •aes: Three • '(26, 23 and 18) ·' · Whit 11 your principal reUGG for seelda1 office ? · With eight years of experience ·'-as a achool board member :-11.nd with my eiperiencts in • •California and nationally with its.wclations dealing w i t h :.:"Junior college problems, I feel that perhaps I might assist •• ~ Orange Coast Jr. Colleae . District as it meets the pro. ... ~, .... of the da . ........ ••• .... 111 y m p ... ~ ..... 16 .-lnaful educaticnal op-·:)lortunltles for the resident> • ol our &reii. : ,,:.; Wlalt II &lie ICMoi Dfdrlct'1 bJaal ltnl>lem ad -• --~ JW do .. imp ftlOIYf! . h! Finances. More 1PJppcrt. ,;. h needed from the .... e love!. .-;If th~ la not forthcoming, ,, .Ceneral aid .from the_ federal aovernment must be sought M"to help support hl,tler educa- • · ·tion. •. ~.: How cu 1cbool1 wbl mott ~ ·pabllc support? I do not know. ., . The answer to this question ·. is closely related to peoples' ~· • «actions to th e many com- •. :Ple:a: probleJJl! besetting 90cle· ·IY today. .. " · De Y• belk9e IU education. cu « 1boeld biil'e a role 111 tar Kffob! Yes -pro- vided the methods and manner of imtruction are compatible with the maturity 1evel of the &tudenls involved. :. Hn .. f011 r•te lht 1chool -·.,'-sytlem? Very a:ood. • • . ·' • -~ ... N-: George Rodda, Jr. A.Mrell:MtGoldenr od ... -.Avenue. O>ror\I de1 MM 'Ate : 31 Occap•tlon : • ilu-COMU!lanl •• : ·: Cldldrtli al •1e1: Sue 20; · : Melanie 7: Rosalee 6 ~ .'.:'. WUt 11 yoar principal ·teut11 for aeekla& ofllct? The :·:•·opportunlly to .serve 1 most · ·dynamic educaUlonal system ..... _ Is Reklng la ..... the ' dJ vttte l'lffds of youth Ind • • .. adalb by opening n ew ..... cultural, aoclal and economic ,. ' • ...,._ , .. all. ,~... WW k tire iC'-1 ..utct•1 •• ' MUlll preltlma U. wbl& ~:· .-... ,.. • le Wp rnolve '-• Jt t To fmance 1ctlvlllts for """"' aod upamlon. Work .. ;.,_ ~1 ... 1 pwap "' ol t!le ~nslve Com· , • ·llllriU' Collqe bill whidl ·• """"111 n!lno t!le overburda> ._ ' • eel local tapaytn by IUJ>- , • plylns fodlnl fwldin1. ~., U.. ea lftW• win more , , J111r11e ,._.! B1 broodcning · _,.ky ,lllltlclpotion in ' .. Name : John L. Vaughn Address : 122 46lh, Newport Beach Age: 27 Occup1tioa: Student Chlldru: None What is YOW' principal reason for seeking oHJce? Most school board members are concerned wilh what the taxpayers want. We need some people on the school board who are concerned with what the students want. I want to see more atudent con- trol. What ia the school district's bigce1t problem and what wovld you do to help resolve it? Student apathy is the ~ blem. The immediate cause is irrelevant, dictatorial, bor- ing classes. 1be deeper cause is a morally bankrupt society, which forces its outmoded, im- moral standards on young peo- pli!. The. remedy ls studtnt self determinatiop. Do JOU believe aes edae1tioa can • UtMdd Uvt a role 19 Mr ldlool1? Yes ! How de )IOI rite Utt school •)'Item? Poor. Fl' Elftloefttarv _Fovntain Voller EU1'1wn· taru School Diltrict nw:om- passts mOft of Fountain Vat. I.elf t:i:ctpt a few northern parts and a section of Hunt- ington .Btach .north .of Adams AVt"nut and tlJ.ft of Newland Strttt. FOIJNTAIN VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCBOOL DISTRICT Ei&bt cudkll&tl for three board tellb: • Name: Harold E. Brown (incumbent) AddrHI: 19901 Coventry Lane, Hunting\on Buch Ace: 43 OecapaUon : LCDR U.S.N. (rtt.); teacher, Orange County Juvenile Ha11 Children aDd •lfl: Sandra , 20 What 11 your principal reason for teekhic Gffict? As an i ncu mbent , I am dedicated to perfecting the educaUonal system that the residents of this district have created and supported so co~ sistently. Wbt Is &Jae tcboot dllbict's blgest ,problem and whit woUI )'Oii te dt btlp resolve ll? ()Jr most urgent problem is the providing of school facilities ror our escalating student PoPUlace, even as we evaluate and improve our """"'' educatlonol procram. Dow a.a ~ wlll mort pobUc ~! Pllbll< support CID best be improVff thJ'oUiti dlecUve two -way_ com· munialUon: thereby, Insuring that problems .,. anliclpatod and the wlD ol the clllzenry lamanc!at.d. Do )'to bt:Jievt sex edix:atloti; can or tltouJd hive a rote In oar ldr.ools?. Sax educatlbn 11 not the rtspon&lbUity or lhe elementary a c h o o l s • However, desir1blt: a!Jpeci.8 or family living thal le n d themselvt.1 to curriculum con- tent should be reWorced. llow do yoa rate lbe school system? Good. • on the high school level Chlldttn: None Wbat II your ~clpal rtllOll for set.klag office? As one who has attended board mettinp for two yeart1, I believe the trustees need to understand the views o f classroom teachers. Al one with nine years experience in teaching. I believe I could rtnder fair ·judgment, based upon experience, that would benefit the district u a whole. __ Lil_tllo._acllool dlatrlcl'• bipest problem and what would you do to help reaolve It? Emphasis must be placed upon the recruitment o f classroom teachers with ex- perience. If this means ad- diUonaJ cmnpensaUon then permissive overrides need to be investigated. Name: William E. Crane (incumbent ) Address: 9559 Nightingale Avenue, Fountain Valley Age: «Occupation : Consultant Chil dren and ages : Stephanie. 12 ; Jeanett", JO; Rebecca, 8; Judith , 6. What Is your principal reasOll for setklng office~ Public Service is a responsibility and duty of qualified citizens; 1 believe in and want to support our excellent school philosophy and policies. What J1 lhe .chool ditbica11 biggest problem and what would you do lo help resolve tl? Our rapid growth requires improved planning, evaluating and controlling techniques, to achieve lhe individualized In- struction objective. which I will continue to support. How can acllOols wla more pub 11 c support? Increased c ommunicatio.ns concerning Jdeas and problems between parents and teachen, ado nrlnistraton and b o a r d members ire necessary to im- prove the implementation of school policies and philosophy. How can ltbooh win more pubUc 11;1pport? The board needs to bring its meeLings closer lo the patrons. It should rotate its meetings among the schools to enable the patrons to attend. Do you believe ses educaUon can or should have a role in our schools ? If the patrons desire a course in family life f!ducation. The board has the duly to study the matter and make a decision. Any such course must be thoroughly in- vestigated and reviewed prior to any decision to offer such 1 course in the district. How do you rate lhe school system ? Good. • Name : Jact D. BJ.own Addrtp; 19542: Occldenlal Ln., Huntinetm Buch - nectuary. Wbat 11 the ICMol. dbtrkt'I blgesi problem and what would you dt to •elp ntolve It ? lnsulfic1ent emphasis on basic shill!, inad~uate testing program (perceptual and psychological) al)d lack of departmentaliiatlon tn 'Upper grades are probJenw that leader.sh.Ip can overcome. llow can scltoob win more publie 1upport? We have demonstrated the willingness to f In an c e excellence in educaUon. Academic achieve- ment in proportioo to our taxes would win the .support of au the people. 1>o )'OU believe tel'. edUCltioa can or aboa1d bave a role In our schools? It is possible for su education to play 1 useful role in the acboo!J. Op- tional attendance and careful stl141y by the bo&rd are necessary . llow do you rite tile achool 1y1itm? Good Jn PtYloooP.by itnd average in achievement. • · Also in the race ire two candidates who did not res.- pond to the DAILY PILOT's request for information 1bout their candidacy: · -Jerome E. Balkee , en&IJl~r jroup manaier, of 16514 Sequoia St., Fountain \'alley. -Charles C. Barbieri, pro- fessional engiaeer, Of 11511 Se- quoia St., Fowitaln Valley. DB Elen1e11tary ll untiT1gton Beach City Elementar11 ScliooL District takes in most of the oLder s e c t i o n .s of Huntington Betu:h, the boundary bei'ng south of Adams Avenue, west of Newland Street and south of Ellis Avenue; Sun- set Beac'h and part of Hunt· ington Harbour. llllNTINGTON BEACH CITY SCJIOOL DISTRICT Five candidates for three board seats • Do yoa belleve sex edDC1tioa can or tltoald bve • role In oar tcllool1? Appropriate family life Instruction, screen.. ed and approved by parents, should be made available to elementary students with their individua l parent's consent. A&e : 30 Occap11tloa: Person· '. net executive How do you rate &be scilool 1y1U:m? Excellent. • Name: Sheila R. Meyer s (Incumbent) Addrtu: 8955 Swallow Ave., Fountain Valley Ace : 34 Occup1tlon : Housewife Clllldren and age1 : Jeff II, Greg 9, Todd 7, Michelle 2 What Is your principal reason for 1eekln1 otflce? I have ha!n a part of what eiists and I believe it has bee n beneficial to the com- munity. I would like to con- tinue. What 11 the 11chool dl1trict'1 blgge1l problem and wbat would you do to help resolve It? Finances. I would urge the community to support legislative reforms designed to redistribute the tax load to give better support to educa- tion. How can tcl:lool1 wln more public support? B y Im- plementing methods by which the communides and the scllools ~An communicate with each other. Do you. beJJe,·e sex edaation c1n or should lt•ve 1 ~e In our tcbools? OnJy with com· plett~ community support. . ffo• do JOG nte the scllool 1y1tem? ExceJlent. • N1me: A. M. "Andy" Bera: Jr. Addrt11: 1§412 FIJI La nt. llunUnglon lk.:ich Agt: 3 2 1:· <kcupatlon: Ttachcr (mentally retarded ) Child.rel ud •1es: William 6: &<>It 3 What 11 your principal reason for .ffkla1 oUlct ? I have a desire to serve my community in some fashi on. With children in the district this appears to be lht moat logical way. What is tbe icllool dl1trict'1 bluest problem and wab.t would you do to help resolve ll? Involving the high schools in seeking a soluUon to better preparation of our students from the 7th and 8th grades to high school level. How can schools win more public support? PTA and PTG attendance at every board meeting . Some board members as PTA and PTG meetings. Communi cation. Do you. believe sex education can or should have a role in our scbool1 ? In the elemen- tary level I can find no place for ses educaLion. At this level it is the responsibility of the parents. How do you t ale lhe school syatem? Good.y • Name : David B. lsraelsky Address: 17nl Walnut Street, Fountain V•ll•y Age: 31 O ec apat ioa : Engln«tlnt consullant QUdtta and ap:1: Stevt. 13: Bob, 10: Mike, 9: Jody, 6 Wb1t b )'Oar prbtclPJI re1101fot1ttkln1 ofOee ? 11\f! prtstntly appointed board acb A! a "rubber stamp .. for the a dm i nistra t io n. New leadership, dedicated t o scholastic achievement. I s Name: Jack K. Clapp (in- cumbent) Add~s1: 1210 Main St., lfuntington Beach Age: 38 Occupation: Bfach Concession Owner Children and age1: Ken 16, Dave 14, Richard 12, Laurie 9. Wbat is your prlnclpal rea· son for seeking office? I want to continue to be a pan· of the proces~ of educating our youth. I would like to hel p meet the problems lhat face our district and continue to provide the best possible edu· catlonal oppon·unities f o r each student. \Vb at Is lhe school district's biggest problem and w b a t . would you do to help resolve ii? The biggest problem facing our district is the increasing need for new fa cilities to ac· commodate the new sludenlS that are sure to enroll in the future. I would help plan tor new sites and schools 1nd also secure financing necessary lo build them. How can scltool1 1rin more public support? By providing a good educational program and communi cating the goals and needs to the general pub- lic. The program must be good enough to deurve the suppon' of the entire commun· lly. ' Do you believe aex educa- tloo CllD or should llave a rote in our schools! The present sex education program ln our district ls part of a general family life course or other ap. proprlate sub~. U it is ex· panded to be a mort thorough course tt should be on a non· t:ompulsory basis. How do )'OU r11t Lilt sc:~ l)'ltem? Good. • Name : stephen F. lloldcn f!ncumb<nt ) Address : 949 10th Si'., l!unt 1nKton Beath As:e : S7 OcalP1UOD1 Owntr in.,urance agency Chtldrtn and airs: 16, 12. l \ Whal 11 yo11r prfnclp<1I rea- son ror sttklng office~ In this period or rapid gnnvth, board member! nted to be familiar --------------------------- with community Jlf'l>ioms, llld be prepared 1 to 1dvlx on many bullding and currl<ulum mat ten. \\111t 11 Ult adlool diltrld'• bJ&fMt problem ud wbl& woaJd you do to belp NNlve II! I. !'rope< planning and lizwl\:e for lncrtUed ennrll· m«tl. 2. Adequate intmnecll- ale school foclllties. Stall Ume must bt allocated to accom-pllah these ;...,., How CID. scllool1 win more pul>llc .. _.? The dlatrtd needs stronger, "more active parent groups who are inter- ested in excellent education. Do Y• beUeve sn edttatlon. eu or UoGld Uve a rele t1 our acbooll! No How do you rate the 1cllool 1y1km.? Ezcellent. • H"' dt 1• rate IM school 111111m? Aver1re. • N_, WU A. Treat A-..: 9102 Carrolltown Dr1vt, Hwrtlbglan Beach ·Ai" ll o-pou,., Teacher audtn • •set : 1 ton. II yean old Wbat It y-. prllldpal - HD ft< ........ o111 .. 1 To give the district and the pub- lic the beoefll ol my years ol ~Ience, trainlnl and llnow-""B< In the field ol oducalion. To help mab this the very best dialrlct poulble In the field of education. Wbat II the ICMol &trkl'1 bllfett problem ud wllat would you do to W{I l'elOlve It! 'The echool district's big- gest problem ls communica- tion and growtlJ. We need to involve fhe public more in thtir acbools, inform them of \ our programs and advance-ments. We are growing rapid- ly and need the f1eilities now to house the growing ICbooJ population. Name: Iv.an E. Liggett (in- cumbent) Address: l&S&2 S. Pacific, Sunset Beach Age: 58 Occupation: Tax at- torney • Atlantic Richfield Company Children and ages : Two children -ages 17 and 20 Wbat is your principal rea- son for seeking offltt? A de- sire to "have a finger in the pie" with respect to local school operations. What is the school districfs bluest problem 111d what would you do to belp reaolve it? Growth. Build more schools -which we are now doing - and effect an orderly transi- tion from a relatively small, one school district to • medi· um siud, muk'iple 1chool dis- trict. How can schools win more pubUc 1upport? Establish that ; the public is receiving a rea- sonable education return for the education tax dollars iex· pended. Do you belleve 11e1: education can or should have 1 role In our schools? In elementary schools -no. In high schools, a very hedged -possibly. How do you rate tbe school system? Good. • Name: Belie B. Williams Addttss: 9362 Southshore Drive, Huntington Beach Age: 27 Occupation: Proj!cl coordinator for Clusic Devel- opment Corp. Childttn aad aid: None Wbat is your principal re•• son for seekia& office? A per- sonal commiO'nent to become actively involved in our local educational process, creating more public awareness and support in solving problems facing our district. Wbat it the school dlslrici"s blggelt problem ud what woald )'OU do to help rttolve It? We need to expand out u:isang schools and build new ones. With the bond iuue passed l would strive for more efficiency through possible standatdi:u.Uon. Uow can acbool1 win more pubUc supPort? Witb a long term plan which taxpaye.n can directly relate to mtasur· ing efficl tney and crt.ating !'llbllc a•,.areness through utl· Hz.ation of more qucstionnalr· es and scbool committees. Do you btUe\'t 1u: education can or should bave a role '" 6ur school1? Yes. s"x tduc•· lion definitely has a role, but this should be llmlled to the comcnsu11 of lhe communit y complimtnting the Inherent role of the pa rents. How can 1cbools win Jiiore public 1apport? Schools can win 1upport by involving the public In helping plaJ\ the cur· ricu1um, budget and facilities. Informing them of programs the district is underialring la improve the education of our youth. Better newt coVU'age. Dt you believe Kl education can or UoWd have 1 role in our '11chool1? Sex education sboold be Ulu~t only U lhe pub lic bas a voice in establish- ing the materiala to be used and the program is an e1ec- tive based on the request of the parents. . How do yoa nte tke school sy1ttm? Average. Seal Be...,h Elenaentaru Seat Beach Elementary School Di.strict encompa1ses essentiallt1 Seal Beach, in- cluding LeUure World ...• SEAL BEACH ELEMEN· T ARY SCHOOL DISTiiler Fo.ar candlclatt1 for three board seats • NAme: Jack T. Cairns (in- cumbent). Addrel1: 64& Taper Drive, Seal Beach. Age: 45. Occupation: Presi· dent, Cairns Engineering Sales Corp., L.A • Children and 1ge1: Tom, 16; Sco!I, 11; Krllten, 15. What Is your prillclpal reason for seeldng offltt? Interest in insuring top quality education for all our children. As the father of three, I fully understand the concern of parents about our schools. Wlla.l fl Ute acbool dlatrict't bl1geat problem and wbat would you do to ltelp resolve Jt? {A) The encroachments of State and Federal bureaucracies on the authori- ty, the perogailves and the linancles of the local district. (b) Continue to work f(lr maintenance of local control of schools. How can tebool1 wla more p a b I t c 111pport? Make t b e public more runy aware of the trtmendous returns tn public benefit from toundly planned a n d administered publlc education. Do yoa beUeve HX edac.tlol can or sllould '•ve • role In our sclloob? Only with pro- per planning, supervision, and parental consent. How do yoa nte &be seHol system? Excellent. • Na.me : Ruth H. DuUf (in· cumbent). Addreu: 1"50 St. Andrewa Drive, Seal Buch. Aft: -Occopatlto: Rtllred teaclier -Los Angelu City Schools. Olldrtla ud •au : Two - both publlc achoo! tuchora. Wbat 11 yeor prladpal reuoa f• tttld•J efflee? Every tcbool trustee 1ervt1 In I poslUon or public truSL I am dedlcattd to t h e strengthtnlng of education and for the re11iuUon of our democrattc Ideals. WUl ll IM -&lrlel'• Ml!'ed problem ad .wut would. yOll do t. Mlp retOlve it? The bigest threat to our JocaI sd>oola 1' the cootlnuod pressure of more state and federal control. 1 would ttrlve to work for more local COJDo munJty control ol ~tlon. How cu ltltoo1t wla more pu.bUc 1upport? More public iupport can be won by rec<>gnlzillg ckarly the ..... cern of parenta and usinC this coocem to develop procrams that flt realistically the pro- blems and intert.:11ts ·of today's youth. Dt yoe believe su educatloa cu or Poald. ILlve. •· role ht our 1clleel1? Yes, In a carefully developed program featuring well-trained person· nel. Program should be volun- tary. How do you. r1W; Ult 1cbool system? E:rcellent. • Name: Cyrus W. Shepard (incumb<nt). Address: 135 Ith Street. S..1 Beach. Ase: -Occupatioa : Retired employee of L.A. Department of Water&: Power. Cblldrea ancl . a1cs : % daughters -teachers . Wllat II yoar prlndpol reuoo for teekiq: oftkeT I have been 1Dvo1vea witn puanc educaUon a major part oC my life. Contributing la the oduca· tiom.l welfare of youth eon· tinues to be my goal. What It Ille tcbool dJttrkt'1 bl1gest problem ud wk.t would JOU do to lltlp resolve ii? Presently, Seal Baach bis no serious problems. I would suggest operating with the same effective program that has been so successful in the past. How cu tehool1 win more publlc 111pport? Schoolt can win more support. by having better communication · with parents -making the puhUc aware of outstanding pro- grams taking place within their local schools. Do yoa believe sex edu<:1tion cu or sbouJd ll1ve a role la our 1cbool1? Sex education could serve a useful purpose and be effective only if a substantial segment of parents were vt'illlng to support IUch a course. How do you rate the scbool sy1tem? Excellent. • Name: Jdln J. Reed. Address: 905 Fathom Ave., SW Beach. Ap: 35. Occup11don: History imtructor at U.S.C. Oilldrea and aie1: Olarlot-te, 9; Harrold, 2. Wbt 11 your principal re1so• for lfftiac ofllce? I was uked to run by YOW\I parents, who have children in our schools, as do I. Wt beUeve I could b e t t e r represent their views~ Wll1t Js the scltool dl1tr1ct'1 hlg1est prob.lem and wbat would JOU do to ltelp resolve It? Our children mUA Jearn how to Jive in a fut-changing world, me vastly dlf!en:nt from that of their lfandparmU:. I would favor grut emphasW on educaUon wtUch meet. the needs of tomorrow, not Yesterday. Hft cu sclaool1 wll mort pallllc 1u pp trt? By demonotraling to the public that they llihare the public's pl -lhe bes! _,ble educAtion for our communlty•1 ..-i -t our )'<llmg peo-plf. ~ )'OI \elleve It.I ~DclUOI cu or •lrGold b1ve 8 ro5- .. ow ICHola'l Parents ha ve the primary "'POnlllbUi11, rillin the tradllkN! family alruclure, la Inform theh" -"" the vll1l l\lbj .. t ~ ~x. School~ should, where 1nd1cated, assist the parenli In meellng their -blllty, How do you ratt tlle tchool •JU.em? G<ind. ' ,..,, Aiw111t, ""· s 12~ Co111pete for 3 Huntington High Seats. ;·i .. 81111t1119t.• '"'" , ll•ndnoloA Bcoc~ !Jnlon Rig/< Scloool llfotnc:l ftl<om- J>NN• oU of Huntfngton 8-A 4lad Stal B<oeh and 1-porlions of Founlclln V.U,, and Wtstminittr. lllJNTINGTON BEACH UNION mGB SCBOOL DISTRIC? Twelve Candidates for n... Bom1s..11. • Name: John J. Bentley (in- cumbent) Add,,.a1: 17381 La Mesa Lane, Huntington Beach ~ge: 56 ()ccgpadon: Fed· eral Hou.sin& Administration (civil service). Chll.i... ud .,.s, John Ill 29; Jaoe -21; Patrick -19. Whit 11 your priacipJe rta- soa for 1eeklD.1 office? I be- Jieve my continued pme.oce on tbe board will provide an essenti.aJ·measure of stability. I want to aal.st ln the most el· fedive way J>OSSfble. Wbat ls tbe school dtstrlct'1 bigges't problem and what would you do to bdp resolve It? Communications. The board ci trustees should provide the means of achieving complete rapport with all intertSied and affected groups. How can acltools win more public 1a.pport? By involving more people in its affairs, .so that undentandin( and agree- ment are established and the stature of the district' restored. Do Yoll believe sex education can or Qoakl Uve a role in our schools! Sex education can have a role in schools. Con- trolled clasarooms provide a ~tter climate than back al- leys. Marriage and moril is- sues should be emphasized. Bew do )'tu. rate the. school system? Very 1ood. · • Name: Raymond M. Schmitt (incumbent) AddNU : 3121 E. 19th, Wes t- minster. Age: 66 Occupadon: Retired Children and ages: One, age 32 What Is your principal rea- son for seeking office? My in· terest in education and com· munity affairs and especially schools. I have been on the high school board 12 years and the elementary board 26 years so have gained some knowledge of schools. What Is the school district's biggest problem and what would you do to hf.Ip reaolve It? Drugs. The only way that can be helped is more empha- sis in the schoolroom and co- operating with the Police De- partment. How can schools win public support? By attending board meetings and fin.ding out just \vhere their money is spent and learning to know that about 75 percent of our ans- wers ~ laid down by state law. Do you believe su education can or should have a role in nur achools? Yes because if it is left to the parents the chil- dren will graw up learning through other children and will find out the wrong way. How do yoa rate the: scbool system! Good. • • N1at: Rkhard B. Wibon (incumbent) A,.rta: 5202 Loyola Avt., Westminster. Ase: 51 OcClpition: Chlef In Saturn/Apollo enginee.rlnc al McDoonell-Douglu. Cblldren 1nd qes: f\-t 1'3. l\.athleen Andrews 25, Xellh 23, Shelley l7, Ktnneth II. Wbt 11 yotr prfnclp.I n:•· IOD for Mikita .meet I Itel a deep senoe fl •tilloc:lioa In participatilif In wort cl tbe Tl'ulteell, and.,, Gblll-U. the communtty to looter ..,. democ:rallc lnstilutloaa. '"'' ii 1M .....oi tllllrld'1 bll(Ht problem ud -I -Id J011 dt It llelp .-.e tt! P,,,vldlng ~ stall Ind material to lllatotaln an ui>t .. -currlculam and the !Kill· ties to ..,... Ill\ rapidly Jn. creasing student population. For the former, I seek first more state aupport; for Ule latter, l advocate voter ap- proval of a dittr:lct band-issue. How ca ldloob wla more public sappert! By better com· municatioo of. the district's problems to the voters. Do yoa beUeve au: edacltion eaa or alioald have a role in our schools! l bellevt that a family life" currleu.1um lhould have a role in our schools and I support preparation of the program that is curm'ltly un· der way. How do yeu rate tbe schools 1y1tem? Good. • Name: Dr. Ralph H. Bauer Addreu: 16911 Bedfoard Lane, Huntington Beach. Al"' 38 Oeatpodoo' Re- search chemist. I Children and a1t1: Boy 11, girl 7. What la your principal rea- son for •king office? 8ecause of my educational background and previous school board ez- perience, I belie~ I can bring significant improvements lo the Huntington Beach High School District. What ls the school di1trict'1 blpnc problem and wbat lfOUld you do lo help resolve II? At present the biggest prob- lem is the unability of the full school board and the adminis- tration to relate to the com· munity and marshal their sup- port. How can 1cbool1 wl.n more. pabUc support? Schools can win more support by stronger board leadership together with the willingness to provide a more up-to-date education per dollar spent. Do you believe sex education can or should have a role In our schools? Sex education is most properly a function of the home. When it is hand led by the school there must be total commwtity participation in curriculum design. How do you rate lbe school system? Averaa:e. • NIDlt: Jim Bentson Address: 11&42 Melville Cir- cle, Huntington Buch. Age: 41 OccapartloD : Allor· ney at law. ChDclren and ages: Lisa, 12; Jim .Jr,1 11; Karen, 8, Chris· lian 2; Kristina, t. Wbal Is yoar principal rt1- so11 for seeklq offltt! To change wtlat I believe to be the wning altitude ol the pro- stnt board and administntion concerning taxes and expensei. Wb.al la tbe acbool dilirlct's problem ind wltat WOlld y•· do lo llelp rettilve It? IL< od- minlstrator's unwillingness io live within the budget and mooetary amounts the tu- . poym and voten wish to 11- locate to high ICboola. RoW CID acltMlt n •re public tapporl? B7 abldln( by the will '° oft.rt ••prtmd by llle people In defeatJnc bood and tix increue eledlOM .• 0. 111 Wllff HI eftcadon can or abtaW laave a role tn our ttboots! Yes. if the man- ner and mtthod of pruentl.lion 111 ·stric:Uy J'tlllllted by the school board, I spoclo! ponnl& and educators commift.ee, or Olller policy mllln& body. How H 1• nle die scHci: !No llupoNe) • N•me; Harvey .Bol\na:tr Add_, toll Monledlo Dr., Huptln(loo BHch. ice ; II OccupoU..o Con-tractor. CMldna ud ,..., Tom, U.S. Air Force; PoQy, attend· in« Golden WesL Wbt II you priadpol na- IOlr fw seH:iai& .nlee! To be * Row ca teht1a wla mwt nu11 fer ......, tffteef A ptlbilc I I •• I r IT -tlon llillcft dtoir< lo ..... !he muat -a vital -blch IChool -t tho beet of Innovation and Interaction -!Ian ~ for the tu for the-. the-.. doll•-. the -lllllltutlom, WU& lo ... --. .. and the community. blU"I ,....,._ _, -Dt,........__educttlto .....W,..... It i.i, 11Hlve ~" -loan a Nit la It? -E1p1tn tll OU'_.., Yes. Veneril ell-· av«1111 ol 0"'*1clal ald uue, the leldina communl-a'l'lilebM ..s UM ewrt me.. ~-~O:.~~= to in... all._, potllble -forlbe-. y.roldqegroup. -ea -..,. ... ..,.a:_!' ~ 6e '*°' •bllc hll : lf ~ive for ex-.,. , Medi • C.u.nc. In educ-with ll<e1n View ii No. 41 u to Ille ........ of lllOll'7 beln( spent ptr cblld per Y-· I be- lieve tb1s ttct, ame. ftih OOt ol 44, dranallcolly eiplllns our plight. How eu aeltoola •la m•e ~·w-t?~by better Jll'OC!lllll ol ---tlon. Bui normally, Udl ,.. qulrel more money tbu is curreotly •-le. DI )'W Mlle.Te 111 tdaet· Uoa cu w ........ Hft a Nie la -....... ? M the ele-a lruo repretentad.ve of the ~ .. Ute tdtClol dlalrlet'• \ biuest problem ud wUt would YOll dt IO ltelp MMlw It! Communication and parti- cipation. When people are in- formed and participate all other problems will be solved. • __ ....,._aced to develop to hll lul! potentlol with porticullr ~ "' the -!bot la ... unlvenlt7 oritllltd. Dt,.._..._ ...... u .. •· cu or tllllY Un a role la ov ICMlll? Ye1. . mentary level, I feel !bot this . ,,.. ii primarily~ the ,..,..._ slbllity ol the ...... u pot· ffU do w1ab z 'rtaoce from the elemeotory od>ooil, I 1111· gest a voluntary after.hours How can tdtools win more public aapport! Presenting all fact! and flpres Jn the news media that con be Wldemood. Informed people will make the right decf!kNi. ' Do you believe su. educaUon can or -shoald Uve a role in our schools? What kind of sex educatlon? The people will de- cide. what kind, if and wben, or none at 111. I shall be res· ponsivo to the people. Bow do J'Oll rate Ute acbool system? Average, • Name: John R. Kent, M.D. Addreu• 7W Colg1te Ave., Age: 38 Oeeup1;tloo.: Inter- nal medici.De-endocrinology Cb:Ddra and 1ges: Joyce, 13: David, l!; Juilet, 2 What ii your prlaclpal re• son for aeeklng ofb ... "e? Our · schools are faltering under an assault from a variety of sources. The problems con- lllw dt,.. -lk ocllotll •y-? G?"' • , fronting our ~rd require thoughtful analysis and de- cisive action. Name: Fred W. Voss. Addreu: 18571 c.ottonwood St., Fountain Valley. Name: R, E. "Bob'' Dina:· wall Address: 19791 Estuary Lano, Huntini!on Beach. Age: 35 Ocatpation: Corpor- ation president. CllildrUI ud. 11n: Two boys 6 and 12. What ii your principle ru. son for aeetiag offtce? The time bas pesaed to "let GeorR:e do it." It is a iob that demands dedication. 'The challenge and netd made me decide to seek election. What 11 the school district's biUett problem and whit would yoa ·do to belp reaolve It? Financial crisi.. and lack of public confi~ • l would recommend appointing an in- formation officer to establish better communications with employees, parents. students, and nonparent voters. How can schools win more pUUc nppwt? I believe a board which is responsive to the public and ICilvely work- ina: with community leaden to IOl.ve district problems will regain the necessary support. Do you believe HJ: edac1tlon c111 or 1boald have a role In our 1cbool1? Common-sense sexual morality that will help guide youtb should be empha· sized. Religious leaders and other experts should be con- sulted in developing any se:r education program. • How do you rate the school ~ystem.? Average, • Name: Sttpbtn D. Hennan, M.D. ... A.._.: 15.211 Xavier Cir· cle. Westminster. Ag" 33. Oc<:tlpttloll' Radl .. 1ogist. Chllclrn 1Dd aaes : Ross a, Brian 7, Sbtiley I. ftol lo you )lflodpol ,... -'" M<ldt( tltke? Only twel~ percent ~ thme enttr-1"' hiptr eduullon Jn lbiJ dlttrlcl ouccoed In completing It; thettfOft:, an obvioos need elistl to TMValU•le the emt-inl educational pl'(ll.l'&m. llUtll .. --·1 blUt1t ......... _, wllot wtaW yoa dt lo "9p rnefve It? The odlool board muo( otop applyinl 011tr·1impllfled, par· tf1), ind (IUldattd vteww tom•· jor policy problems 11.hiclln( the dlslrid. What ii tlte achool di1trlct'1 blunt problem ud wMt would yoa de &o help molve JI! Tbe .-problem of our district ii to develop a mee- lngful educttianal experience; thJa is fundamental to revers- ing the present trend t'oward drug abuse. How eu zebools win more public n"°"? When quality education is established, pub- lic support will automatically follow. Do you bell.eve aex educa- tion can or slloald have a role In o ii r sclaoollT The. ilisti'eu· ing disease problem among the YOUDI indicates a need for this subject-providing quali- fied ]'.ll"OM.sional people are available. "' Bow de JW nte tile aUotl system? Poor. • Name: Carolyn R. Mitchell Add.real: 4m Pierson Drive, Huntington Beach Ase: 41 Oceapation : Educa- tional coosultant Cllfldrn and acea: son and daughter 20 (twins), girl 13, boy 10 Whal ts yoar prlndpal rea- son for teeklni office? To im· prove educatk>n for all stu- dents. Llfet\me ezperience In diverse areas of education ; consulting to ICbools and acen- cies, officer of Citizens Advi- sory Committee has been pr<p1rattlon . Wlaa& 11 &!le achool dlstrid's bl1rea1 problem aid wUI woolcl YIMI dt lo ltelp ftlellve It? Overcrowded condh'ionl and Irrelevant cunicu~'!Jn brought on by lack ol public -and ioldequate pl•n-ning by trultea. Bew a• sdtoels wia mwt ,.bUc nppGl'I? Improve llle Ap: 32. Oeeapatloa : Aen»paee management engineer. C'llkl:rta ud 1ges: Dana, I and Sean, 2. wut la 1M ICMol dislrict's bJual ,,_.. ud wbot wGald you do te •elp resolve It? 1be 1om d. public con· fldeoce Milch bu led to llle district'• failure to provide financlally for the 4 • 0 0 0 studerts who will be without desUbyl9?2. How can ac.bools wla more pubUe supporl? Involve the innovative power of the com- munity in creeling an at· mospbtre of trust ax! n!Sp<Ct between citileoa, educators and studera and convince tax- payers their mooey will be spent iesponsibly. Do y• believe aex education can _. al:iould l:i1ve a role la oar tehoola? Thia is a M!l'ioul Issue requiring close co-operation between the com- muotty ond llle schoo~. The home must have the ultimate responlibility f o r teaching moral values. How do you rate lbe school 1y1lem? Average. • Ocean Viem Eletlle1ttary Octan Vitw Elementary School District takts in parts of Huntington Beach north of Ellis Avenue and soutl~ of McFadden Avenue, in· eluding the inntr Teoches of Huntington HarboUT. OCEAN VIEW ELEMEN- T ARY SCHOOL DISTRICT Eight Candldales for three board. seats • schools and let the pubUc Name: R. James Shaffer know tt. Excellent ocboolt up-(lncumbeol) grade llle eotlre C011U11unity. _, llttl1 Concord Dt , .. -..... -.. •• ·-v. ........ _ ••••• Uoo eu • 11toaW Un: • nie _.K:o .................. ~' lo .. , lellool1? Scien(lllc Ase' 3'. Occupthl• Law· study ol human reproduction Yet· . and famlly J I f 1 education ctalldtt1 ind 11e1: 10 and taught by quallfl<d perl<llll>"\ II. should be Jn our ociloola. I will Wbt II Y'*' prladpol ru- wait to beat l'tlUhl d pilot .. fw Hlklac .met! My pdogram before final dtciaion. two chMdrtn we ttudents in ff•• dt 7'1 ralt Ille ""'"1 the 0cetn View District. ll 111te111 ? Avtrll•· la uecOINtf that your chi~ • Na ate: Mrs. Blr~a L. Suter. AdUellt Slll Y 1l1 Ave., WeatmlMter. Age : 40. 0ct•pat1 t ft: QUdru and •sa: Chuck, 111 teen and John 15. Dtvld IJ. drm and ?I\)' cbUdren receive 1r-.g at the elementary level !bit will prtpl"' them for lhl fut.re. Wloallo•--ct·1 blqut pre•lem ud wllat woald 1oa do tt belp resolve It? OUt b( 44 district$ In I.he lltate ol Ca!Hornlt, klnd"'lar- ten do""fh Ith 1tade. •Ill! Whit ls your principal attendance ol 5,000 or mort, -am. How de yoa nte tM: teltool system? Excellent in llaht of the ..... y. opeot per c!JIJd, • Name' Robert A. Kno1 (Incumbent) Addn11: mi Kenilworth Drive, Huntington Beach Al"' '1 CMldru ud aie1: Bob, 11 ; Sherry, 10; Tim, 1; Tracy, S. What 11 y-(11111dptl .... son for 1eeldq office! l have four cblldren who attend schools in the Ocean View Diltrlct. Having served on the school board for the pa.I few years , l would like to car- ry through the policies we are lniliatlng lo fulfillment. Wkat ii Ute aebool dlltr1ct'1 bfueat problem ud •hat 1"Mlld you do to laelp raolve It? To· provide the kind of quality educatlooel proJll'llTI tbat will prtpue our chUdren for th• kind ol oociety In which they will cooi.pete. The fint ltep wooJd be I COQ'l- plete reappraisal of our cur- riculum. How cu schools wla mere pabUc aapport! By fira pro- viding the proper educational procram and 98COIJdly, mate the community aware o! the program. Do yoa believe au echleaUon cu or dtoWd II.ave • role In eur acltoola! I believe-. at this time an ~ fami1 )' life educWon unit of ltudy sboold be provided al <Nfrf grade level in our diltrict: on • volum.y bosis. How do you nte Utt acbool 1ystem1 Good. • Name : Kenneth E. Ellefson Addnm 17531 Y.llt7 Lane, Huntl,.ton lleech Ase• 3'. Octtrpatltm' Gon· eral manaaer CllUdren and acea: Ken· neth. 13; Dermis, 12; Sheryl, 6; SUl8D, 4. Wbl la your prlaclptl rea-'°' for aettlq efflct? There are 13,000 rfll90lll why l un see.ting ttis offiee. n.t is the number ol children in our schools, and I am ln-ed in each and every individu- al's education. Wllat 11 lbe eclaool dlltriet's blgeat problem. ud what woald y .. de to Wp resolve ft! At preeent ..,... finand11. I plan to propoee a proaram to employ an individual, whose sole purpoee wW be to seek oddltioool stole and fed- erll fund>. Rn et• lldtoola will more pallllc .._t? '1'lnuah oom- municaUona. It ii impoalble lo gain public tuppOrt for any O'lanlzation without llle pub- lic belnl imormed of tbelr Pr<IC!'llM. their goal&, 1nd their pn>blems. Dt Y• Nlleve 111. tdaca- U• cu er allollkl •ave • role It -....,U? Yes. It Is bet· ter lo educate our chltdren t-8'1 • cantrolled environ· ment, than to let them be -· How dt yoa. nte di~ teltoOI •11temf Good. • N•me • Georae G. Lotan Addnm 1111 Sununerdale Drive, Htmlll18ton Btacb As<' 12. o-,otlti: Alto" .. ,. QDdrea aN qes: Four- Age I, t, t and I WUt Is you pr1eclptl rt•· aon for Htktal otnee? To as- 1ill in pwidfna excellence fn ac:tdendc training to tht lulin lettleu of America. Wllat la 1M ldoool dlllrkt'1 b1&setl probklll ud wloal -,.. ... lo llelp r...m tt! 'Ille dlatrld'I bigOll prob- lem ii lo pnMtle ocltlemic exceHence within kl muns. I """1tl Ille Id)' and all steps n-rto ._llsb this. Htw cu ldtotlt N m.e pabUe -! By demon-strating to the ellils>I cl the diatrict that tt la ,..viding the bet! possible education wKhln the ....., of the dis- trict. Do yoa JMUve 1u: ed1ca- doe ea. 1r AoUlil Ave • rele lo -..-.1 Soclll adjust-meol cour... lbould only be offered ofla' IC-ellCel· Jenee i! achieved and there is still a IUl'plua d. tunda to provide auch c:OOnes. How ff )"I "le Ille •-I S)'llem? Good. • N..,., John E. Jordon Addr'tn: 11121 Baliantine Lan" Huntlniton BHch Age: 33. Oceupatioa:Ccr· )>Otate ezecutive Childn:a ud 11es: Matt, S; KW, 3. What i1 you prlndpal re.1- soa for seekla1 Gillce? Edu- cation. should not be treated as a "spectator sport." I've stopped wetchina: from the sidelines. Wbat la Ute school dlltricl' s •oald yoa do 1o be.Ip reaolve blgeat. problem ud. wbat tt? Reconciling educatkllal needs/wants with public •P•· thy/recalcltrancy. Force the issue. Voters either 1ccept what we hive, « releue the funds 10 ntedtd for improve- m«!l. How cu ICMola wm. more public npport! By continu- ing to give a doll1r1 W«th or education for a tu: dollar spent. Avoid e1perimentlng (ar experimentation's sake. Do you beUve ae1. educa- tlOll e111 or ahoaW bve a role ha oar scbooll? Yes , if taught in tight of Its biological rather than sociological role. The latter'• retpO!llibllity rests on.the partnte:' ahoulden, not on a teacher's. Bow do yta rate die ICJtool sy1tem? Mediocre. • Name: Cll'l H. Mane.man A.Hrta1: 1171 St. Aodrews Ave., West:milwter "'" 33. Oc<:tlpttlGI• High tebool mathematics teacher aDdra ud .... , Qirig. tine, 11; Jeemine, I ; .Robert, 5; Gretchen, 3. Wloal !1 ,..... prtaclptl .... 100 for seekJa1 offlee? A rec:- .,,,iuon of the facl that your chlltlreo ud mine lbould be gettiJlc a much better educa- tion. Wlat fJ the seltool dlltrlct11 blaell pnbltm ud 1floal would you do to Hip re10lve It? Lack of a high quality progrun due to inluffident fund!. J would seek out every means possible to increase the mooiu available. How cu aeboola wt.I mwe pabllc aappon! By recognif- ln( ud medlng the ..... of each ll!dMdual child. Do yoa MUeve HJ: educ•· tioa eu or abotald lave a rele l• oar acboola! I object to a course <l purely vvt?n'u coune purely blol'lk:ll Jn na· ture, but definitely in favor of a coune that empblsi1.es human relati<nJtUJll!I and un- tlerslandlng of seU. How de you nll &lie sctr.ool 1y1ttm? Avua1£ • ' -. lo ... provided for -... tacl -....-llild e' oom lt!ldml. A JIO"' sram mllll be -.It brine the -.. k'rel cl ~ studenll up lo ........... U'ds. • •• How eaa xMlla d _,. po111Ue npptrl! By -111- intf to -the -ol tM lodlvldutl -ud ..S-ine for esoellmce In ..mo. ulum the -wW -public IUpport. Do yea IM:Ueve 111 .-... tloll cu ........... ".,. ill oar ICMoll! YMI I ~ lieve ,.. ..i-lloo lbould bl 111 impoiilmt role in Giii' -provldlnc the -tm'I are bl&blJ qutlitied. ... . 8"dt7'1ralt1M....,. tjllem? Medltlcr<. :, • .. Name: Jama D. M..:w Addreu• Ill Orlando Dr., Huntlniton Beach Addreu: 1111 Orlando Dr .• trical engineer •· Cblldtta and qes: Allen, 25; Stephen, 17; Jame1, 17, Barbara, lt; L1wrmct1 ll; Doua:Iaa, 3. Whal " ,.... prtaclptl ~· aon for seeklq office? I be- lieve that the preeent P!- pest Ocean View Scltool Boards have done a cre.41t· able job. l want an even more effective board for .lb• future. .. Wbt la lb< ocbool dlltr!<''1 bluest problem ud n.1 would you de tt Hip ruolve II! Money -I will ~ut lo work for approval of the $1.25 tax: override. WitnOut this money our schools must drulically curtail Jll'Oll'lin• and aervices. How eu ldtools wll IDtn pubUe aupport! Education· ol. tbe public -we must tell' tile story of school needs more effectively. : Do you belleYe ux .-C• lion (!an or sltould Uve a jolt Jn our scboolJ! Only if per .. ticlpaUon ii volunlar)', lbt currtcuJa approved by : th• stale, the school boon! and the participants pam>ll; ond classes held outside of IChoci hours. How do yoa rate ta teboo1 sy1atm.T Good. Westminater Elementar11 W e1tmimitr Eltmmtar11 School District takes in por· tiom of \Ve1tmi11-1h!T wt.st of Magnolia Street, M«11;00v Cit~. and porll of Hunh;!JI· ton Beach north of McFad- den Avenue.· :: .. WES'NINSTER ••• ELEMENTABY !CllOQ\!~ DJITJUCf ..,. EJevea eud&Ute1 fOf"'O ..• &!Inc Mani 1t1rts ., .~ . .,. ... Name:, Raymond :)1, Schmitt (Incumbent) .'•• Addnu: llJI E, llih, Westminster '• "'" .. Occupotloo : Rotli.d Clalldru ud .,.,, One,»t n . . ._._ What lo yGUr · ~ r .... for aeWaa tlUee? tfy Interest in educaUoo and ctjn.. munlty otralr1 ud "i10C¥1 1Cboo11. I ha.. been -on Tue blah lcbool boon! 12 Y"" and the elem<ntary bolnf 2' year• eo have gain~ aome tnowltds< of schools. What II lk tc11GG1 dlslri<t'• bl&s<ll ,,_.. ud ..... wooltl 7'I tit It beJp reNlvt tt! Dnlp. ,,,. only -tbal can be helped Is more en.. Ntm" Alice 0. Medina phul.s In the 3Choolroe and Address: 17434 Gothard StJ, cooperetfnc with the Polk:e. HuntinCton Beoch De,.,_i'. Ase• IL Ocelpll!Go• So-How eu -1 wla ,..._ clal IMl'Vlce .._i? By •tteNIJnl boon! CllUtlfto .... ,., Sevtn ~ ud fllldJnr tlOll jolt dlildren' Boy :a, Boy ll, . -their money fl lponl Boy 11, Boy lf, Girl I, Boy I, Ind Jurninl lo -tbal Girl 7. about \'I percent o1 ...,. Wbot Is JOOl p<loclpol re• ..,...,, are lold down Iii ao. for lltt...., tlllclf l have n.t'.e Jn. a b1lh retard for edlJcaUon Dt1W~111:1•1cztl• aotllwmttoworttoln> ...... --..... prove the q..Uty of Ille edu-la --I Y• --cation of Olll' ddldren are re-ctlvlni. If It 11 Jell to Ille parailt lftat 11 Ute acltool llll&tkt'1 the chlldten wiU arow up blw1t problem ud w••t Jeamlna lllrwiJI o t b • • w'"'ld yGU de to help ....ive children ud wlU find out 'the II? More opportu.ntUes need fSet Watmln1&er1 Pap; 11) " J • I -I I lf llMLY PILOT S Tllur>dlf, -11"1 10, 1969 WESTMINSTER ELEMENTARY ••• IPl<al'lp-tl . ~ .. .,. . -4',..rllellleodlool ..,....! Good. -· • -. ··Name: Matthew L. "Matt'' \!ieyuker (incumbent) '. Address: 133'2 McKinley Circle. Westmimr '..Age: ·ss Occwp1tlt1: 4dministrative assistant to Assemblyman Robert Blll'ke ~ self-employed inmrance nent · atlldru and •cea: Richard (2, M.aU 10, Steve I, Lori 1J. and Keith 6 .;.1'f'Ut b your principal 'VIGii for see.king office! I'm Stw!king rWection because I fil the experience I have nined these past four years i; valuable. l have a great stake in educaUon. • ·,vblt ii Uw: aclleol district'• llUcest problem and wbat 1'JGM. yo. do to help resolve I~? Improving educational stp!ardJ, especially in the azrrea of reading. Would ask t~ distrid's "Open Court" pilot reading program be ex- tijided to all of our schools. ~ow can acbool1 win more pilblle support? By b e i n g 191est, above board and com- !llWli.caUve w i t h taxpayer- Jt!rents. Concerntd and in- formed parents will support · 11ta1 schools. ~ you btlleve sex education * or should hive a role w;eor 1cllool1? It always has, a.-~ minor one. It should be tl;gbt at home, otherwise in sebool by qualified doctors, 1$1 as· an elective. )low do JOU rate tbt 1cbool 111tem! Good. .. • -• =~ a m e : Mn. Neomi phlloaophy rqaniln& the , ... ding of prngrams and their espanaloo Tbe gmed and the disadvanted represenl but two programs receiving tittle at- tenUon. The present board appeara to be to conservative to broaden ideas presently con.sidered to be suceessful in many parts of the C<>Wllry. How cu sclaoola will more publlc npporl! l, Better com· munlcation with parents. 2. An .honest el/net to fill the need.~ ol aU youth. 3. More community participaUoo by the professional stall. Do yeu believe .es edlcaW.. caa or ahoald have • role IA ou.r acltooll! All phases of family life education should be provided, with sex educa- tion bul one small part of the total picture. The school needs t"o train experts in this field, communicate w i t h parents in study groups and work closely with churches who believe this subject is important. • How do yog rale the school 1y1ttm? Teachers, salaries and currit'Ulurn -average. Buildings · and libraries - good. • Name: Daniel Baglione Addraa: 565Z Norma Drive, Westminster Ag:e : 38 Occupation : Com· puter systems engineer Cblldrtn artd a1e1: Toni, 14; Carla, U; Rahn, 11 ; Paula, 4 What is your principal reuon for aeektnc tffice? To inject new ideu into the school board phiiosoph y particularly regarding t h e education of gifted students, and, hopefully, to implement these ideas in improved educational programs. WUt ii the scMol dl1trfct'1 biggest problem and what would yoa do to belp resolve it? Lack of. correlation between the costs and the quality of education. Make basic salary rates attractive. Base teacher advancement on thorough eval- uation oC individual perfor- mance. How can schools win more public 1uppor1? By involving a larger segment of the public In school related activities. Dy organizing ei:tracurricular lee· tures and activities featuring talent drawn from the local community. Do yoa believe su education CID or should bave • role ln eur ldtoob? It can and should: however, the school lltwdo,.._IM_ t)'ll.emT Mediocre. • Name: Barbara DePr.lest Addreta: 15802 Abra h 1 m Avenue, Westminater A1e : st Occapatle•: Secrelary ODdre1 ud 11e1: Dtnnia 11, Stephen II, Christopher 7 Wbat 11 yeur priDclpal reuon for aeekb1J olflceT Concern for a better tducaUon foe the children In our district. WUt ls t!M: tcHol dittrld'1 biqest prGlllem ud - wCMdd JOI de to IM!lp rttllt• It? Problems of fmaocing the district with the property tu· es. Help from the state or help from the federal govern- ment. Study what-federal funda are avallable and see if they would be of benefit to the dlslrict. How c1a achoob will more pabUc npport! By the in- volvement cl parents in an advisory capacity to help . the board make wbe and accurate decisions. Do ym believe sex education cu or shoald ban • role in our schooll? Yes. It ha1 been proven in the past two years that tltl! program i.!i very beneficial to our district. How de yo. nte the school system? Excellent. • Name: Nathan Feinstein Adm...: 14951 Northridge Lane, HunUngton Beach Age: J5 Occapation: Office equipment repairman Cbildral and 11es: Rebecca, 7, Harvey 5. Whal la Y"" prlnelpal reuon for lffklag oIDce? All an interested parent, I want the best teaching facilities for our children. Wbat la the lcltool di.strict'• biue1t problem ud wb1t would yoa do to help resolve it? Failure to request more federal aid for our schools. I will fight for our right to receive more of this aid thll we are ~nliUed to. Purchuea of paper and equipment is being made with no regard to quality, and is coe:ting us more in the long run to main- tain such equipment. How can schools win more public 1upport? By bringing our school system back to the people and not leaving it to the few persorui: on our board that think they know everything and the parents know nothing. V(lllmore (incumbent) ~: 7721 !Ith Street. W..tminster :.l,e: 56 OccupatJ01 : Hgmemaker ~n and 1ge1: Robert 2&; Lovell 30 · program must preserve the natural and wholesome aspects of sex, an innate in· stinct for the preservation cl man. Do yoa believe se1: edaeatiOn tan or lltoald Dve a rok in our lclteell? Yes, but abould be 1pproacbed with caution as not to encourage se1 before marriage. :What is you r principal rtuoa for 1ttklng ofifce? To . help attain the very best ed}lcaUon for all students in the West.minster S c h o o I DlfltricL This is the reason I -have served 14 years as a .'school board member and mr concern for e~ch student's e®cation continues. ')\'bat ls the 1ebool district'• blqest problem artd what wqaJd you do to help resolve It~ To assure every child the opPortunity to fulfill his highest learning potential by pt.oviding e1cellent teachers and establishing a climate of teiming which encourages students lo be good, thought· Jul, creative citizens helpful to their fellow man. Bow cu. tdlools wln more PUUc aapport? AD citizt.nl must understand the complete sclM:IOI program. ( T b r o u g h publlclty, news letters eg. "The Challenge", tours ·of ~11, Pl'A meetings open houle, back to school nights, etc. Dt ,..i. believe 1e1 edlacailo1 ca Ill' IMa1d haw a role I• wr ldaooll? Yes. Family life education, including 1e.x edacltlon, Is a necessary part of education today. The ift. creue tn venetta1 disease and tbc number cl unwed molhen are jun two Indications of thilooed. Bow do 1" rate Ille llcllool .,-1 Ezcellent. • Nam£: Mrs. Marioo P. Asulrn -: 7711 16th St., w-Ap: 4" Ottapolloo: House· •11a· '+a ... sees: Chonit.a 11, C•11Wfra 15, Martt.. 11, -11 r-prlodjlal _,__..,llllce!To ..w pndlcal knowledge or .choOll to Ille much troubled dlllrfct. Wllh npld cban1es .... arowtl Ille district ls In -at -.ii .. Ideas and -~ ftol lo .. -dblrict's ...,... pi9'lm ud whll Wlllll ,_ • M Wp rtalve II? 'Ille dletrlct -•• cflaqo tt. COl1COpt a n d How do you rate the school 1y1tem? Average. • Name: Roderick B. Cruse Addreta : 15041 Sussex Cir- cle, Huntington Beach Age: 38 Occapatlen : Publicalicns Analyst Ctllldre11 ,and age1: Jill, 12: Gregory, ta; Richard, 7 What 11 your principal ftUDG for seeking oUlce? To atttm:pt to obtain the best education possible for my chikfren and all children in the district. Incorporate r~le· vant special funding pro- grams. WUt is tlle lcllool dl1trid's blgHt problem aad what would yoo do lo ~elp resolve It? The assessed valuaUon is e:rtrernely low. To provide the best education possible, v.·e must examine available state and federal programs and uUll:e those relevant. Jlow cu acltool1 wbt more public tupporl? Adopt overall lonf-range effort to Inform citlzenl. Prevent individual pollllcal philnsot>l>Y of 00.rd -. from interfering wlth best lnt.mts of chUdren In IChool district. Dt )'W believe ltl educ1Ucm ca tr .-W Mve a role .. --! In today'• compJez IOcidy, Jt ls im- peraUve that our youths ob- tain accuratt. f1ctual in· formation relating to 5eX. The clap,room Is the I o I I c I I soorce. How do yoa rate tbe tchool 1y1tem? Average. • Name: Mrs. Peckhan1 Dorothy Address : 132fit Illinois St., Westmister A1e : 39 Occapatlta? Housewife, registered Nurse, teacher C•lldrea and qes: Daugbten: Carol 12, Marian- ne 10, Karen t, Julie 7 What ls your principal l'UIOll for 1eeklng olflct? A desire to become more deeply Involved in the community, and a feeling of closeness with the public school system In particular. · · Whit Is tbe 1Cbool dlatrlct'• biggest problem 1nd wbat would you dt to belp molve it'! One of the biggest pro- bleins in the near future will quite probably be the IBSUe of unification. Studies have been made and the results weighed pro and con, but more emphasis should be m1de an the presentation to the voter. llow CID sthools wil more public support? By strming the positive infiuenets of education. By including the public with the r e c e n t discussions and films used in the Family Life program. By not threatening the taxpayer with loss of services in the event of ta1 overrides and bond Issues. Do you believe aex education ca11 or abould have a role in OW' schools? Yes I do . We have had Family Life Education in the Wtstmlnster School District for several years now and I feel It has been a valuable step in the right direction . How do you rate Uie 1ebool S)'lle!D? Good. . • Others In the race who did not respond lo the daily PlL<Yr's request for Jn- fonnaUon about their can- didacy: -Earl R. C1mw1y, cor-- J*'ll.e f:l"e<:Utl\·t , of MIJ We1tml11ter Bl •4., We1tmln1tf:r. -"lrs. L. Jt111 Lester, hu.1111wllt1 ol tM11 A1pt11 Clr• cle, llunth1gton Bfacti. Uf'ITe ...... Seaw•11 Notes Decade The first ship through the Sl Lambert lock ol the St. Lawrence Seaway to open the 10th season of the international waterway is the Maj. Ragne, a Swe- dish vessel. Official anniversary ceremonies will be held June 26, marking the ope'ning by Queen Elizabeth II and President Eisenhower in 1959. ..... -· ... OCC. StudentS Win Awards in Busines8 ~ Onmp Cout College •all:· l'rocedln, ~ L h d a Do<1alal er.We, Cos1a Km; ' eel oil with a major , share Low<ll, Huntln&toc Buch; 'l)piQI, Ont, 1.lndt Slulty, of the awardJ al the fourth Data Processing, r Ir• t, Corona de! Mar. lllUIUal Phi Beta Lambda na· 1p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tional busineu fraternity con- vention l)eld. recenUy a1 the Newpor!A!< Ion. Mort than 120 students from tbroughoot Cal~omia c<ml· peted In the three-day coo- ferenco. Award winners from OCC: M.lu Future Buainess E1- ecutive, fl.rat place, Sandra Kaufman, Costa Mesa: thlrd, Diana Beck, Newport Beach. Mr. Future Business Ez. ecutive, third. Dennis Nieham, Costa MesL ExtemporantOUS Speaking, third place, John SMets, Hun- tington Beach; P1rliam.entary Wnldllr f'leU H~ 11>11 tQ.1444 '*-11M Old World Mediterranean Spanish Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DICOaATOllS CANCILLATION aM ASTURNI fAOM MODIL HOMIS ALL IRA.ND NIW DECOltATORI DIU.M HOUSI ON DISPLAY Items a.s follows: Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterranean style with l<>p quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress· & box springs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. Whole HouMfull ••• "'lulllr $1521.11 ::ro~1~··~·:.~ __ . $698.00 Any Pleca C. le ParcllOled lad!....., Ttm11 Awollalllo -New._... to Callf, c.-.,_.,. fmmt.tlotely , J.j /] F••11it•~ At Harbor Blvd. 1844 N•wport Blvd. Costa M9SC1 °"'Y Every night 'til 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun.. 'til 6. MULLEN BLUETT G:R,ODI N'"S Anaheim and Costa Mesa Stores! Sale Ends Saturday! Shop Thursday & Friday 'Til 9 p.m. MEN'S SUITS $44.98 to $67 .50 Reg. $89.95 to $135. Famous brands included SPORT COATS $29.98 to $44.98 Reg. $59.95 to $89.95. Forward fashion & natural shoulder style,s I MEN'S SLACKS $7 .50 to $17.50 • Reg. $15.00 to $35.00. Belt loop and tab-waist models Men's Sportswear and furnishings Drastically Reduced! SWEATER SPECTACULAR Reg. $22.50 to $30.00 $9 .90 Cardigans and pullovers, newest styles, wool and other knits. FAMOUS MAKER DRESS SHIRTS Aeg.$5to$7 $2.99 Short sleeves, penna press fabrics, white and colors. ' SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS ...•. 99¢ Reg. $9.00-lncluding Nehru styles DACRON.COTION TURTLENECKS $2,99 Reg. $849-short sleeve, long sleeve, solid colors WOOL KNIT SHIRTS ..... $6,99 to $8.99 Reg. $14-expensive tun fashion detailing BE 11 ER NECKWEAR ............. ,$ l.99 Reg. $4 & SS-variety of patterns and colors ' BETIER PAJAMAS .....•••••...•• $3.99 Reg. lo $8-cool cottons and other! abrfcs Big! Big Savings On Women's fashions! DRESSES! DRESSES! .. , ...... _$7 & $11 Reg. lo $40-catual, dayllmt & dressy styles SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES $3.97..$7 .97 Reg.$10to$20-blou-SW8tters,atdrtalcaprfs NYLON TRICOT GOWNS .......... $2.97 Rtg.'8-Wlllzlenglll,IO'lllylacoll1m LONG OR SHORT ROBES $9.97 to $15.97 Reg. $18 lo $25-qullttd looks,. nylon fl~, chitron print& FAMm MAKER SHIRT SHlflS .••. $8.97 Reg. $13--on. newap~ng colors and pattems DITSUITS ~9.90,129.90,SSBJO Reg. $50 to $(6. Two and three piece styles, double knit wools and polyesters. FABULOUS WOOL COATS '39.90 -~9.90 Reg. $80 to $150.Many fur-trimmed atyles, all famous mill fabrics. BROADWAY-ANAHEIM CENTER, ANAHEIM • SOUTH COAST PµzA, COSTA MESA -------,-----------:----------'.""""""'~~ Texas ClaaJ'p . QUEENIE 11y flfln lnterfcmclJ Mutin y Defense Wins Poin~ Me xico Escapee FORT ORD (UPI) -'l'!lrt< Gts who saw a fellow priloner shot to death in an Heape a~ l<mpl at tile San FrlJIC!!<o Presidio Stockade w1U be "Now we cln bring In Ille lt .. t.d the 27. Ille !iicMt bnitality and the condllloiis In shorllg .. , everylhlq," lhe)l· tile •IOc:kade, bow lbe pardl torney Mid. • · Back ·to Hospital? allowed to t.."Stily at the trial of 14 soldiers charged wlth mutiny for a sltdown protest of the incident. A&W ROOT BEER .. i GOP Fails To Unite For Ouster SACRAMENTO (AP) - Senate Republicans -a divid- ed majority living under Democratic rule -fought among themselves today ln a growing stnlgglf' t.o replace Democrat Hugh M. Burns as leader of the upper house. Republican Gov. Reagap, meanwhile, m a lnt sined neutNlity in the contest, angering militant S e n a t e Republican trying to e n d Burna' 12 years as president pro tern. "I would hope we cou1d see bloc -a majority for the first govfl'OOl''S office," said Sen. How.-d Way oC Exeter, one of those seeking to oust Burns. "He, too, h<rll a stake." After 10 ballots Wednesday night the 21-member GOP bl<>c :._ amajority for the fir:5l time in 13 year• -failed aoce more to unite behind a 1lngle candidate to go.a1ainlt Bumi , who wields 1tt4t power thro<Jg!l frieodlhipc Ind hJa authority in determining the fate .or bills. Senator Way, a tall, creyin& member of a farm famil;' backed by youncer. ind more partisan minded RepubliCIM, had 11 VilteS. Sen. John F. McCarthy ol San Rafael, an e v e n taller Senate veteran who 11 friendly with Burns, and wants to wilt until next year to repl1ce him, had eiglt voteo. Two senators abstlined In the aecret balloting and Sen. Do n a I d Grunaky of Wabon- ville, the GOP floor leader, dropped out because he 11w no chance of him winning thl1 year. Like Way, Grunsky wants to move against Bums immediately. Tht GOP bloc decided to meet again on Mond ay and determine whether Way or W.cCarthy is able to unify Republicans behind t h e m • Chances appear~ dim. Huey Newton Ge ts Hea ring SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Black Panther leader Huey Newton will get a hearing May I on his request to be refeas~d on bail while appea11ng his conviction of manslaughter in the d e a t h of an Oakland policeman. U.S. Dist. Court Judge Alfonso J. Zirpoli ordered the state Wednesday to show cau&e why Newton should not be re leased on bail. LOS ANGEUS (UPI) - Dykes A. Slmmonl Jr. n\IY have escJptd from a Mukan prison oofy to face the pout· bUlly of conflno.mtnl In I T .... as mental holpltal. Franlt Colfty, dlltrlcl 1ltor- ney in Slrnmoas' home tow n of Fart Worth, said he w 111 "start the wheels moving" on the possibility of. rttuminl Simmons to the Wichita Falls Slate Hospital from which he escaped in April, 1959. Leu than six month3 later, Simmons was sentenced to death for '3 triple slaying in Monterrey, Mexico. The death penalty was later abolished in the Mexican state of. Nuevo Leon, but Simmons q>tnt 10 vears in a Mexican prison be- fore he escaped last Sunday disguised as a v..'Oman. Coffey said Simmon1 w a s charged with the robbery of a store in Fort Wof1.h Oct. 23t 1952. "He was found i111ane at the time of his trial IJld sent to Wichita Falls," the D.A. said,. "My records show there was not a leiraJ restoration of his sanity. He was committed on a criminal matter from my court. It's my auen h~ ca. n be extradited from Cabforrua in this mattflr." Simmons flew here the day after his escape accompllnied by his attornev. Dennis _Frl"(l- erickson. The lawyer said the Pottie Parade • Pay To ilet Protes t Set SACRAMENTt !UPI) - Assemblywoman March K. F'onl says she will strike. the fint blow against pay toilets AprU 2f during a i:nass demonstration at the Capitol. Mrs. Fong. an Oakland Democrat, told news men Wed· nesday more than l . 0 0 O pe~ns are expected lo attend the Pay Pottie Protest Parade to rilly support for her bill to outlaw pay toiletl In public bulldingS. When Lhe marchers reach the west steps of the capllol, ltfra. Fong said, she will use a ~ledce hammer to 111ma11h the first pay pottie in the hl1tory of California , •• thus 1trlking I VOTE TUESDAY, AP•IL 15 the first blow against the pressure brought on by pay potties." l\lcAteer Estate Worth Revealed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - J. Eu1ene McAtee:r, It.ate senator who died in 1967 while ruMing (or mayor of 81n FrancilCO, lert a •t mllUon estate to hia widow, court records show ed Wednesday. Included are homes ln &an Franciaoo, Mou Buch and in El Dorado County at well u interests ln two restaurants. A YOlt for 'Hank' JONES 11 A VOTI PGa SEX EDUCATION E.ICT "H•k" -TO THI fff..,..rt~~ khoot Dhtrkt SCHOOL IOAlD ,t ill .. .., .. C"*-"' l llCt H_., I . ,,_., by ~--. ~ ..... ~ ...... c. •• leclonl judpl In Loo Anltl• do nol N\'t I prior lnlol'tll In tht ceJtbrated Cut. ' ,, __ 1114 ol th. trill ud IUhMquent lnlanlty f!ndlnl : "He cOllOld I pin .. w,hll ll ......... to. He Wll lo the m 1 n h I boollllll for Ihm wllko. Ho wlfkod IWl1 from th1t pl1<t. You con't hll\Y call lt an llCI PI btcaUH bt wMl home to Fort Worth IUld continued to live with hil par. ents." U.S. Rushes . Fwod Work ~·JO ~~ • .€4' ............... ~ ............ ~. "I&"' the diltlDct !..U.C thlo oUloo II bqp!." Anny Law Officer (Judie) u. Col. James Hagan revers- ed himself Wednelday . and &rant.cf the request of tj'lfllan attorney Terence H&UJn1n, who is representing the defen- dants in court-martial pro- ceedings at this sprawlln1 poit 100 miles south of San Fran- cisco. Hagan had ruled MOftd1y lhe testimony of the three Gls was not relevant to the r:nuttny charge, but be changed his mind after learliing Hallinan plans to produce psychi1ftists to testify the defendants were too upset by the shoolinc in- cident to "form a s~ In· tent to override mwtary authority." , Hallinan told new s men 1lagan's ruling "really open1 the door for us." SAN FB.ANc1sco cuPo -Reagan 's Tax Revision eesr The Anny CorpJ of Englneu1 ls ruahlng completion o f R all Hil s u h Th. DAILY PILOT .11.,, 'Just in Cas e' Wl,000 In CalUomla Flood e y {e ays nru 10111• of th• ii••t f11 lurt1. Control project. to cope with by "'"' "my •' ""'"· • ' " . 2111 HAUOI ILY•~ ~ .. : COSTA MllA Cort TO OUR HAWAIIAN LUAUJ : ... • FRIDAY, APRIL 11th , •• . SPECW ENTERTAlllMBfT . ' FROM 5:30 P.M. TO 10:00 l'.M • MAIN SHOW AT 1:00 P.M. ·-~ FRIDAY, APRIL J1 th ' . t AUTHENTIC COSTUMES •• e HULA DANCERS· .. FOOD S'PECIALS ! ! HAWAIIAN HAM STEAK TERIAKI IURGER HAWAllAN ·CHEF SALAD TROPICAL DRINKS A&W ROOT BEER RESTAURANT 2155 HARBOR ILVD., COSTA MESA expected runoffs from the 1v1i11bl1 in 1ny 111w1p1,1r r«ord mowpack in the Sierra. SACRAMENTO (AP) -is h> boost lnco1ne and salesf r.;'~'~"~·~·~ti;o'~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;' Brie. Gen. William M. Gov. Ri:agan and Asllem.bly tares ir: order to cut property Glugow Jr. 1 •i d Wednesday Democratic Leader Jesse M. laxes, particularly those need-the projects include channel clearing, repair and erteruion Unruh fought today over ed to support local schools. of levee ay1tern1, development whether Reaga n'J tax revision Reagan acknowledged that of a spreading basin for plan is a tax increase or not. some Californians would wind surplus waters of the Kem Unruh said it raises Califor· up with a net reduction in tax- River and strategic stockpiling nians' laxes by $703.S million a es and others would have to of sandbags. A six·ytar-old f e d e r 8 1 year, although it also would pay more -depending on the emtrpney flood control law reduce residential property property tax rates in their "'pennlll U1 to make the taxes by $500 rii.illion . areas. Total income would be neceeaary advance prepara· The Republican chief ex· the same, he con tended. tlon that CllU'IO( be done when eculive countered that hil tax · Unruh, from Inglewood, aaid flood OOWI on 11ppln• al tile . he 1ot tile l'lOl.~mllllon In-t op I of our ltvW,iT s a i d plan, sent to the leg11Iature creue fiiurt from t h e Glup, who· added the corps Tuesday, aoesn't violate his Fr1nchlse TIX Board and wu "worktut Jn c 1 o s e pledge of no tax increaee1 Jn Ammbly experts. With the f l· cooperaUon wlth ltate and 1969. billion tax hike of 1907, 1t local officlall ln all areas." "It is an outright falsehood " would amount to a 15 percent Glaarow qld that if the re-lo call it a la.I hike, Rea1an lncrea1e In state taxe1 llnce cent run· of inoderately warm told hil news conference Reagan toot olllct, he said. dayo ud' cool nlpts con-Wednel<!ay. In roplyin1 to Unruh tlnuel, .. ,.., may make it to "We have made very sure cr!Uclam, Reagan 1 a Id July with a minimum of flood that this will not be used a1 1 Callfornla was in 111lmott a dimap." {. substitute tor a tax Increase complete dlauter sltuaUon Oil Firms Sue Over New Laws and we auarantee that to the financially" when he toot over people of California." from former Democratic Gov. The major e.lfe<:t of hla plan Edmund G. Brown. WANT INTEREST ON YOW BANlt CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOU CAN'T Oft IT BUT WITH PACMC'I IWITCll 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yn -do 1lmDlt IS Mii lly btping I lat len llDlllY in ,_ cl11 , .. 1ecwrt and a lat mo11 in your Pacific 5" l'lllbaok Aa111t •• auildiag 111D111f hick md forth • Dftln • fOI •· ....... n~ dollar eun• n•rr ••t It•• Ill 7oar Padlle Aeeoaat- even for tan•• daf. "' ,...,, ................ Fl ........ ..., .. ,,." ... ..... 11 •• !llf ••n -·Ill •llHl lltlL lnl• ii , .. , -·· It ~111111(1 ... 1111 fn• lb Ill If Hy ............. .,tHlllll. -----------c:5.__--~4 All you need to be noticed, lflherM r you go, is a pair o1 snobbish S & A shoes. You can afford them becl-S 6 A sells all their shoes at dllCOUllt pilaa ••• from $3to$121nalhln atapon- 11,. oto .. ! And whit'• moN you can be flttld, royolly, blc:IUH our illus ronp lrom 4 to II, MM to B. So IO to tbt boll ••• or hlye 1 boll, In styto ••• but come to 1ny S & A's 11 f1ney Slol'li flilt. These .$/4.99 strapping kid beatifies cost-$11.99 etS~A. Thi - -look wttll 111 lllOd -round tot 1M chuntcY, 1l1nted hfff. Twin ldJ-bll buelcJ. ltnope. Soft lddakfn uppers. Jn_ ~' •/•bitter • ,__ ...... Ito. rwl, 111'1)', --i -· ....... .._, 464 S. MAIN ST. ORANGE 333 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA LOS MlfJES IQOLY HfUS llES!QflJID 4012W.S....._ra lllO W."" .... d l5S.-M. SANn llO!llCA llOll1f llDUIWOOO SH-OllllS CAllOIA M lllm W1b111r1 IW. '"'"""-""' 14145 v.itwl l!Wd. an1.,....c.,.....,, Y!lllUU LWAllU· SHOP IWLY f:IO • t;Oq 2211) East Mait strtll ™ •. ,_,.,. ..... SHOP SUNDAYS 10·5 . • •· •• • • ... " "' ., ... " . ,.. .. ... .. ' •• t •> • ,, ... ,, .. " ••• " l f . JI DAILY PILOT ,Sappert Remains Combat Units 1st t • , .• :· To Quit Vietnam t . B1 DONALD H. MAY ·WASHINGTON tUPI J -If ibe United States reduces its f9r'ces in Vietnam combat Units coold be among the first lo come home. .' The decisioo on what type of rorces -combat or logistics -to send borne would be primarily up to military com- tJ).aOders. These art !!Orne of tne factors they would con-t\iler . ~ South Vietnam, in building llP its armed forces, has con- centrated on creating combat units. 'Tbe South Vidnamese , Gve iocreased their armed , for ces. including "regional"' and "popular'' mitiUa. from §00,000. to 800,000 in a year. South Vietnam has given a Jower priority to building its own military logistic and su~ port system. GREATER SHARE If the United States decides to have South Vietnamese combat units take over a :'greater share" ot the war, U. S. support forces would have to be around to make t h e South Vietnamese fighting teams effective. Thls support includes such t.tUngs as supply, belie~. and ground transportation, construction engineers and artillery. The United States thus may find it difficult to go very far kl cutting down its logistic system as the first step of troop withdrawal. A number « military men a r g u e , Utere{ore, that combat forces niust be amoog the first sizeable group ol U.S. !trees · 10 be sent home. lt also ls possible some con- slr'\JCUon outfits could _be among U.S. troops returned early since no major new ,con- "'1Jetion is being start.cl by the United States. Training schoois are luming oul 3dditional South Viel- n,a me s e con.W'uction bat· ta.lions. The supply problem has eased somewhat because 62 to 70 percent of the Viet- namese r ailroad system is ruming, compared with 10 percent after the Tel olfensive last year. SUPPORT ROLES Of lhe 540,000 U.S: forces in Vietnam, about 200,000 are in various support r o I e s . However. this figure is misleading because a lot of them are shot at. Two U.S. artillery battalions p I u s U.S. transportation, engineering and maintenance uftlts are in the process ol turning over tt~ir equipment to South Vietnamese units, newly trained in those flelds. These tota1 2,500 U.S. troops. But the Pentagon has said this does not mean a troop reduc- tion. These men, for their Lr dividual replacements from the United States, w 111 perform duty inclilding acting as advisers to train at.her South Vietnamese units. If this experimeot W1M'k.s, some hope it will begin a ''snowballing" proce:lllS in v.1Ucll more and more South Vietnamese units will be train- ed to take over the equipment and function ol U.S. wriis. One of the major object of t b i s would be to increase the physical fire power of South Vietnamese troops, .:.Demos Hunt Solutions ~:To Apportion Changes -.-WASHI NGTON !AP) -The -'Democratic party is drafting a : battle plan to apply the tools ,·and techniques or national '1>0litics to state legislative f'l!CeS .II a· long struggle that could affect the ccimplexion of Congress for a decade. At issue . is the process \hrOOgh . whkh ~ 1:19Use ol Representatives, n o w con- trolled by the Democrats, will be reshaped as a result of the 1970 census. Population shifts revealed by the census are certain to require wholesale ch a n g es in congressiooal d\strict booodaries before the lt72 House elections. Those changes will be made by state legislatures who5e members will be up for elec- tion next year. 1be st.ate races are critical to the future oC the Republican party, too , but GOP st.rate.gists are confident they automatically will b e n e f i t from any realignment of con- gressional districts. Backed by the most recent Supreme Court decision - that state legislatures must make a "good faith effort to achieve precise matllematical .equality" in drawi~g district lines -the Republicans are counting on the census figures to .increase the political power ol the suburbs, already a key source ot GOP ~rength. "It can't help but help us," said ~ party pffli:.ial. Democrats also see the redistricting as crucial, and that's wby the party 's natiooal committee is launching its na- tionwide, coordinated effort to elect more of their cMdidates to state leg\slatures in 1970. 'Itae Democratic national chairman, Sen. Fred Harris of Oklahoma, has handed the job to Mark Shields. director of campaigns and politi ca l organization for the com- mittee. · Shields' battle plan, more than a year in advance of the elections, involves two steps. The first, already under way, is a study of. the last election's legislative races to identify marginal districts -those deckied by less than S percent of the vote. Republican-held leg. islative districts on that list will be the target, with the emphasis on major states whose legislatures a p p e a r within Democratic reach. Legislature in Action • • } • I r T1MP A-l1tw ~ w ......... ,, Altrtt ' ' Gov. llff91n 1nct A1semti1r Dtmo. ~•tic ~ Jn.., M. U'V""' llwf\t !"' wlleih9r ltu11o1n·1 '-• ,evl1lon 1111o11 11 • 11• Inert•~ °' not. ~ · f'1cl1111 1r""'l119 P"ltM.lrt '""" 111-0!lltl ind llONllclll\S, lht Sl11t llN111' et Eduelllon ..._ GUI to ""111111!.h •Wtlldtllnn tar !Ndll1111 "'-1.c11 Ill li'9 lfl C1lllornll KMoll. A benlt ._.,_ bllWMn 11:....,1111- CM'I *'-Jlllln fl". ~rltlv of ~n lllflff 1nd .._,,, W1r 111 EQf>fr for ... $ffllff:'1 ,,. -'· THI: 00\llllNOll • ~ hl1 11• ...iarm pr-•I -lnll Oemocr1!1c crlllcl1m, .,.,.Jn~ II bentflll •II C1Htornllru. THI ASSIMILY I HIJ Plll>M , S.)11 -hnnll1 consu"""r IO UM ti 9'll'dlltt mint 000<-~ 11~,,..n 9Url ... IKC:ftd! ... ll'l......,1r Plltlod; All .1n, Fenton. o-...,...._110. Dnft -"tlll'llbf11 1>1>1rmtc:l1t tram 41~11nt 11.-.tc:rlptlon w!tl\Ou! Pl'OP<'' )Ille! lni;luCl!1'19 -•k ,..,,_ •nd ml,._ ,JrfKlur...-1 Al 527, Vtntr. R·8r1wler. Mlll«I" -Cll•ntn e1r!1!n hclid1r1 h fill on MonQ.,, r1111er tlltn on d<lflts tnO detetl>I l lnco1n•1 bll'lf..:llr 11 1 '"'' l>llllcllr •nd 1>o1io.y tor 1111, • VOTE • TUISllAT, APalL 15 -l~u All w, lrflsd\11, It·~ "'" "-"' -RtQ11\rt1 r1111er ltMln Hrmn1 1 toun!r o1 more #!In tour mll!lon ~lltloro lo Provide frtt 1r.- 1ttlmf!l'll 1t1C1 t1x-coOtcll111 l\Hltllol'll , l'Or clllff In 111 l11rltdJcllorl1 SI 71, Wedworth, O.Hawtllor""· ""°"''"" ......... l ntaol'-11 -Rt-11 1nc:re1sc Ill hdfftl IROemnlly for sltuthtered t... buwic:.li or br\lttlllllll1 ructl111 c11- 11e lo 11111 for t•llde 1nlmels 1nc:I '1U lor 011retwtd 1nlmall1 AJlt 1. lri. .. , lt-Fulltrton • THI Sl!MAT• 1 111 ..... Diver~ -~1111 1t11t dlvone law1, rrmovlnt r1111t 11 t round• Mr crlvDrCI .,..i prcvkll!'>I lo' '°""Hllnt 1 511 J5J. (;r ....... r . R·WllMlllYlllt. Corqliluli9nal AIMfUl-1 ....... ¥ti. -Pf'O'f!clel tor l!l!e'IOlde <l!'ltc· tlon on lowerlnt !flt vellne 19e trcim '1 hi If; SC" 2. Mosc:CllW, D-SI" Ft'1n- Cl0<0. 11111 IRtrlolluclf Oblttfllll' -lltY"'" lflWI 1011~11 orncen1tv1 sa l~lt, Htrmcr, R·Olt11- d11i!. O!'tl!tt-AdclJ c"" lll'IM 1'0 n. Or· ,.,.. Cou"fv SUPerlot Court1 51 lOQ, Wlletl!I0'1I, R•LI H1br1. A VOTE for 'Hank' JONES IS Avon FOi IMPaOYrD HADING PlCMillAMS EllCT "-k" JONIS TO THI N ... ,.n M ... .Uftffiell SchMI Dktrkt SCHOOi. IOARD ,. ..... " ... c1111-" l(tlon Htfltt' I ......... "" McC.tt ... CMlrlNI HMA .. ..,l'ff"I 11¥f., CM . pick a winner: a S-pc. game set with no-mar table top 299.00 Whatever your game is, you'll win with our handsome Mediterranean game set. Set in· eludes a 48" table 'with mar-proof plastic top Iha! resists scuffs and stains, and four comfort· able vinYl·Uphol stered tub chaits on casters. A !tractive dark finish on selected hardwoods. Modern style set also available -only 299.00 may co furniture 142 take a seat or two , , • loveseat or pair of chairs 149.00 your choice Mediterranean styled cane and exposed wood trim enhance this beautiful loveseat and the pair of accent chairs. Choose fruitwood Jin· ished hardwood frame with gold or copper cotton velvet upholstery, or avocado pa'inted frame with citrus cotton velvet. Only !49.00 buys either the loveseat or the' two chairs. The chairs are available singly at 84.00 each. may co furniture 14 l bookcase coordinates: tall, dark. handsome .•. and Mediterranean 149.0U to 169.00 Beautifully coordinated free • standing book- case uni ts with the permanent look of buill · ins. Sturdy birch hardwood with a hand-rubbed walnut finish. 88" high, 32" wide, 17'' deep. a. 4-door bookcase with hi-fi shell 169.00 b. 2-door bookcase with 3 shelves 159.00 c. 5-shell bookcase 149.00 d. 5-shelf armoire, with 2 full doors 169.00 may co furniture 144 Englander Aristocrat mattresses with foain or innerspring construction 49.99 twin or full siz• regularly 59.95 ~ Extra firm mattress with beautiful beige ticking .•• S" non-allergenic urethane foam that never needs turiling, or innerspring unit with rein- forced center section and sag-proof borders. Matching box springs provide the proper foun- dation. Twin or full size, mattress br box spring. may co sleep equipment 145 CC> may co south coost plaza, san dltcJO fwy at bristol, costa me111; shop monday throu9h 1aturday 10 am to 9:30 pm 546-9321 I . I ' ' " • • -- --- I j ' . ........ Nf'W .19.tNf • , ... ,. ' CHOC Benefits. 'Get Aw ·ay r • '1 F-rei:n -.. 11·' t . ~ ~.~ -•, ' A chance to escape the cares of today In a visit to.F!<>ntierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland and Tomorro\vland is being offered area groupo and orgaiiha.tio~s .. ' A Family Fun,N'lght at Disneyland Is being sponsored by the combi,Ded guilds which. provide continuing support for Children~ Hospital of Orange County. Blocks of tickets, at $3.75 each,,Jre available for Girl and Boy Scout troops, other youth groups and adult organizations. Tickets en· title the bolder to unlimited use of all the facilities except ~e sboo~ ing galleries. ' The Magic Kingdom \Vill be open for the benefit 0£ Children's Hospital beginning at 4 p.in. Mother's Day, Sunday, May 11. Serving as general chairman of the guilds major funding, 11 Mrs. ·T. W. Welsh, Little Mennaiq GUild, Huntington Beach. Assiiting are the Mmes. George Gartz, Littlest Angel, Yorba Linda, co-<:hairman; Robert L. Doss, Tres Osos, Mission Viejo , treasurer; Robert Lucas, Cinderella, Newport ,Beach; C. Robert Thomas, Punch and ' Judy, Costa Mesa, and Charles ,Robe!"ls, Queen of Hearts, Laguna Beach. Attendance at the event will be limited, and tickets may be oJ>. tained from any member of the supporting gUilds. , J -• ~ ' . l""'IT~TION TO FUN -A fanciful flight into the Magic Kingdom is being planned by the 13 guilds which.supp6rt Children's Hospital of Orange County. -Being ivelcome4 by Pluto to Family Fun Night at Di&neyland are,.(left to right) tlle Mmes. T., W, Welsh, Little Memw <L GqiJd, Huntington Beach, general chairman;. G., Robert Thomas, Punch -and Judy, Costa Mesa; J!l!ln Mcintyre; Mermaid. and James M. Ruddlph,~ and Judy, "~Anlong prizes which will be awarded.are a six-day trip to Hawait· fat. a faJDily of four; eight weekend trips to San Francisco and three weekends in Las Vegas. . -Winners' names' will be.posted al Disneyland, according.io'Mrs. ... ~, ._ . ... . , t -~J:' \. Monte Carlo Night Students Hit Kappa Jackpot Keeping pace with these changifig ;imes are Ka~pa Kappa Gamma &f Southern Orange Couqty who are calhng on "lady luck" to lend a hand to their new funding project. Transforming Bullock's Fashion square into a Monte C·arlo scene, alumnae are invitin~ members and guests to join them between 8 p.m. to midnight 5aturday, May 24. Partygoers will be temPted by the numerous gaming tables, and ~or· those whO don•t care to test their gambling skills a fashion show will be pres~ted-for en~ertairunent. Rounding out the evening wU1 be a catered dinner and dancing to the music of Ed Ransford's Combo. The real winners of the evening again will be graduat- ing coeds, for proceeds are earmarked for scholarships. This is the loth year that Kappas have presented a bene- fit for this purpose. In years past Kappas sponsored a dec- ora·to1 sboYi which has aided 36 recipients of scholarships totaling $17,200. Invitations to the gala soon will be in the mail, accord· ing to Mrs . .iames Casey, third vice president and bene- fit chairman. Serving On her arrangements committee are the Mmes. 1 Robert T. Nichols, cO-chalmian; Frank Fiorentino and John Nette!, invitatioos; Ronald L. Brown, tickets; Clifford Ehrler, programs; Harold T. Devick, prizes; Michael Slater, hostess; Duane L. Hillyard, entertahunent, and Gerald F. Doen, publicity. President of the organizatioo is Mrs. Richard Ramella. . ' .. Welsh, A-75, AND B-l:N-G-0 -P)aying the winning can! for Soutliern Orange County Kappa Kappa Garn· ma's benefit is tf\e g~eral cb8..lrman, Mrs. James Casey, who empl'iastzes. Ulat students ~will b~ the " . real 'wiMers from their Nlgbt in Monta Carlo lat. unlay, May 24, as proceeds will bt Ii.., In scholar· ships. , ' ' ' , Two E~~smokers in the . Family .Are .Better Than One Smq~er -~ DEAR ANN LANDERS : R«enlly Mom got out ol the hospital aftu a sertoua cue of pneumonia. She was hospitalil.ed lut year for a heart attack. Mom is ...,lhlng her head of! this very minute . Ind Ille -damed well 'why. She sm.oka Uk.e a chimney -agaimt doc- tor's orders. ' I'm a boy 17 and t will never smoke 11 long u 1 live. My sister, 15, alao hu made the decision. Seeing Mom couglt herteU purple in the lice and nearly go into convulslons ii lesson enouah for us. But it hasn't made her stop. The day Mom got out ol the hospital 1he Aid she woWd quit smoking if Dad did. Dad told Iler, 1'No deal" He ANN LANDERS enjoys smoking and ts in good health. He refm:es ;to ~give Jt up. U Mom doesn't <pdt smoking pretty soon, Ann, she's going to cough hetaelf l.hto the cemetery. Should we be'f Dad to st.op? -A SON DEAR SON: Voe'r mom 11 Pl•)'lll( • 1•me ulled, "It'• All Yoar Faall -Look W111t Voa Made Me Do." ' . -' Yea, I Wine yotr dad 1llould quit 1mokla1. Fin~ It w-be l1Mid for 111m ond belp 111m 1tay In 1ood beall!'· Second, yo.r modler wOllld tlln be forc- ..i to 1C<tpl l1llt lftJl"!llbiHIJ' lot ber 1mokj.n1 (ao tcapepatfto blame It on), And t.blrd -if yoor moQter don coup ber1eU bdo lter-,:rtve, your dad won't be tor1ond "1 pllL DEAR ANN LAND£RS : You seem ' • to under1tand. the convolutiooe ot the ' wl(pod mlnd. Will you please expllln why tome folu who are downrllht, rich insist oo crying poor moulh and talk .as if they don't have a dime?_ Thi! seems utterly rldlcuJous - especlally when they Jive in a mansion, drive two e1pensive cars, k e e p hired help on the place 'antt travel all over the world. Vihal'• With these kooks? -PEEK-A-BOO DEAR 800: Some weU-1.<Mo folks have &be trUf nodoa daa& people ol mean.1 a.re 11ppoted 10 beltlve ill a 1ped1l way 11111 Uoey "'1'1 feel -.all to IL So, tlley try to dlltvtw 1ile lolld. .· Of COllf1I h.'1 plloay, but aM u bid -THE BRIOOE CWB . u IN ,-'J rlda, wllo •-pl_to DEAR <:LUI: I -111<1 -1t; ......-, bepnt1 11111 k11 et plU.Ulo. I ..... -.. _.1 ~ "llf~I -IOL tee,., Mi 1 ...., W( -~ DEAit ANN LANDERS: What do you Alcohol ts no.-to 10Cia1 -~ tliink abouf a WOllllll (!IJvorCed) who u you lhlal< you -to drink~ sendl Dowen to heneU every few weeks occeplecl by )'Qlr ir-. pl a. ~ 11111 mUel up leader Ind ........UC wdt n ••• un--~ v F .._._.: whidl she cUlplay1 by the Dowen for' 1-" -·-:s.ou-or&--.-~ her frtendl to .... • Only, by Ann Linden. 8ollll • _, · in coin and' ~a ~' ltlf-.addi'1•ell.; When asked who 1ent the lovely llampedenv~IWllb~~ -: flowers, she demurtly aays,· .. A tetttt Ann Landers will• be~ .. ,.... to t....1 .. ~ admirer." . .-·~ )'oil with your piOOkml. Send u.n.·: •to her in care of the DAILY l'ILOTi ": lftclodnc a ltlt-ecldr1a1d, 1111111•°'_ ... envelope. The girl who d°" the billing f01' the florist told ua abOut this IO we aren't 1Ut1Sin1. May we hive an opinion! ,.,. • ·i I I I I r Even a Kitchen Sink Might Be Said Coordinating a rummage sale with the traditional spring cleaning time are members of the Women's Society of Christian Service, First United Methodist Church, Costa Mesa. Contributions will be offered to the public from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 15, in Thompson Hall, 420 W. 19th St. .Sorting and pricing mercbandise for the event are (lett to right) Mrs. Philip MacKenzie, president and Mrs. George Perley who is sale co-chainnan with Mrs. Al Charter. Hugh Jon List, Bride At Home • Los Gatos In • • • ' • ' • . • • . . . :' . • • -' MARLEEN LAFFERTY To Say Vows Betrothal Revealed Hearts inscribed with the names ot Marleen ltafterty and Steven Marx revealed : news ot their engagement to family members and clolt friends during a partj in the home or Mr. and Mrl. Marley ' • H. Lafferty of Costa Meaa, ' parents of the future brkle. The couple plan to be mar- ried in December or e.arly 1970 in the First Methodist Church, Costa ~lesa. _ ~Uss Lafferty and her flance are graduates of Estancia < High School, where they were ~ members of the band, and are enrolled at Orange Coast College. Both also are active members of their church , youth group and ,.1.arx. is a member of the YMCA. ' . He is the son of Mrs. Barbara Mario:. also of Costa _ Mesa. Linda Jean Mohler of Marina de! Rey, daughter of the Lee J. Moblers of Hun.. tington Beach. and Hugh Jon Lilt of Los Gatos, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. K. List of Saginaw, ~tich., exchanged wedding pledges and rings in Sett llealizailoo Fellowship Chapel, Paclflc PaJiaades. The Rev. Dr. Richard Hooper performed the af· temooo,.ruiplials • The bride, given in marriage by her father, stlected an original 1own of Victorian awisS embroidettd voile ac· cented by a yellow peau de soie underdress. A daisy head- band caught a yellow veil 1and she carried a bouquet of white daisies. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brandt of Compton were honor at· tendants. She wore a pink crepe gown with plnk illusion veiling and carried p i n k daisies. Ushering guests to. thtlr au.ts were Chrlltopher List and I.orin M o h I e r • broth<rs of the newlywed!. Jtrry Hyman was t h e guitarilt. 111e Santa Ynez Inn in Pacilic Palisades was the set. ting for a dinner and rectp- tion. Miss Am y Pulver of WhitUer, cousin of the bride, attended the bridal book. Special guests were Mrs. June Maxwell and daughter Paula of West Covina, the bride' I aunt and coua:in; Mrs. Margaret Mohler ol San Diego, her grandmother, and MRS. HUGH JON LIST Pacific P•lisades Ritts Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Mohler and famlly from San Diego, the bride's uncle and aunt. The new Mrs. List attended California State College at Long Beach and UCLA where she majored In English. Her husband attended schools in ~lchigan and is an engineer in Mountain View. The newl y w e d s honey. mooned in northern CalUomla and Squaw Valley before mak- ing their home in Los Gatos. .1 Distinguished Guests Treated Royally Costa Mtsa Civic Playhouse Patrons entertained vlsJUllg "VIP•" alon~ with the cast o! "The Remark- ' ~ Mr. Peiwypacker" at an after·sbow buffet in the Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club. Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Tolo (lefl) escorted Mrs . Lee Tracy (righ t). widow or the later actor Lee Tracy, and Charlie Grimm, vice president ol the Chicago Cubs, and his \Vlfe . Dr. Toto is director of Fairvie\v State Hospital. CdM Nuptials Weddings, Troths Wedding Told Pilbt's ·Deadlines . To llelp 1111 rtqulrtmonta" OD both Wed-d!JIC lllld q1cement alori .. , forms are 1vall- ab1Ai In Ill of. Ille DAILY PILOT offlcta. hrUier Queotlom' will lie llllWtred b SocW H-rWl memben at MU321 or :if'.-. To avoid ~1=potntment, proopedtvo • ~ are re to h•n their wlddbtc ·-with blllCk · llld white gIOll)' photo-. ....bl to the DAILY PILOT Sodety Depart. •I ::l'.t.l':"" to or wlthlll ODt week ~ the J'or eDPlt!MDt IDDOUD<ellllllll Ii ls .......... that the atory, allo l«OmplDled "1 ~ · blaet l(ld white cl:iJ,!1• t u re. be 111bmlttocl O!l'IY· 11 the . announce- ment and wedcUnJ date are six -or 1• a)llrl. 01111 th' wedcllnc photo wW be ac-cepted. Horoscope -Wb!el<r • f• Lquoa -became the ' -of Dr. Dale Edward J-of Wtllbln&too. D.C. durl!ll an aiw-wedding ln Ill. llldiatl and All Aqelt ~ Churdl, Conlna de! Mar. '1'bO Rav. Jobn 11. Davll, ·coua1n of the !iride. olficlated. Air Fotco Col. Wllllam E. I Dovil, .._~ at Clari< Ftt1d, riudpplnOI, pve bis daucbler ln maniap. Sbe --• budmade cut.out orpndy dml with bolero and llopr Up velllnc with ap- pllqued -b<ouiht from the Pblllpplou . '!be brl-aidl --11111( pale blue -and carrled •Jlrlnr bouquets. Au.odlo1 the former Miss Wheeler were her Pi Beta Pbl aorortty .-.. Mn. Jamea H. Mapj> of Arllnflon, VL, Miu Tere Smith of Lquoa -and Mn. John N . c , . B k L. Qu1no of Woodland !DU.. . ' ews on trms rea w~'.l)' .. !1-t,. •\.~kl:.!: ' Ulhertnc pall to thetr seats I M ' N t ' t • were DtWIOD Ellsworth Davis, . n a /Of ego IQ tons David Jolwon. the benedict'• brother, Rtchard Wood and FRIDAY Slay behind the -....,... Some Deony Bicker. • SpecW pall were Mn. APRIL 11 are eovlowJ, could l!>l'•ld Blaocbe Davis, formerly of Joulp. Take ~ Lquoa Beach, Mn. H- vlew. Cycle la oa upsrlde. Allen of. Puaden.I, Mn. Ethel But loday rtlaL Euelleot for Wheeler of San Gabrlel, Mn. aHeodlo& tbealer. Ruuell Bayly of Scotl!dale, By S"fl*EY OMARR MRS. D. E. JOHNSON New Bride the Laiuna Beach Country Club. The bride, also the daughter 0£ Mrs. Davi!, is a graduate of the UnJverslly of California, Santa Barbara, and her hus- band is an alumnus of the University of Washington, George Wuhington University and Wuhlngton State School of Law. 1be bridegroom is the IOl1 of the Arthur Burns Johnsons of Yamhill, Ore. 1be newly weds honey- mooned in Laguna Beach and will make their first home in Aleundril, Va. Lunar p>lltlon 111r..... the unique -lloe for dloloc out. behl( with frleodl who ahare unusual interata. Excitement ii in the air. News confirms that a break bu occurred lo tmportaot ne1ot1aliom. D' TODAY Ill YOUll BIRTHDAY f«J are tntultlve and a natural teacher. YOU Clll beilo Iiulldinc project ~ paya off in near~· Mr. and Mn. Adrien Sdnrilck of Palm Desert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butler of Palo Alto!.=========; and _ Charles Convu1e of. N . hftilul A~. Dollu. '!be ncepllon tciok place lo ARDIS (March ll·April 11):· of tm-'•-'· du Tt __. ,,._., OIMtr't ..._ !""" -e Jil e,. ........ , Tht Trvtll ......... ....,,__.,, of oppaaite tel p}aya .... 5' -'9 "' °""" IOlkltt, ho 1-111 a-" t-11:..-a of DAILY PILOT, .. aa, G"M ten- ELIC T GORDON C. MORR-OW 'Stocks if lo You' ~New,.n School INN 1 ., ..... Can• ro~. ~~ )'OW' tnl It.lien. Htw y.,._ N.Y, 11t17.) foocktt hopes, wllha could1......:::.:..:==:..::::;...;.:~::.:..:::::::~~...,.-~~~~~--!:================ be fuHllled. Dine with SAGIT· TARIUS lndlvldual. ~ ~ .. £ 3:tJ•/55'C. I~··~ t'f~3:J'1j.~,#-... st'(./~ TAURUS (~llril IO-May IO): ., ~­ Accept adde11 n!lplllllbwty • wtllt fOOd (l'OCe. ·Ga lo cooperatlan from r a m i J y : Qieck poalblltly of home im- provement Talk could center about poalble chan1e of residence. GEMINI (May st.June IO): Some plans are nebulous. You seek the faraway rather ~ the available. Strive f o r degree of pracllcallty. Keep cmunwllcation lines open. CorrespoDd -make known )lour vitwa. CANCER (J1Ble II.July ZI): Money could be rtleaaed to you. But realize obltgatlon 1oe1 with reward. Don't be In too much of a hurry. Steady pace remtlts in pro- gress. Get 1ood investment counsel. LEO (July 23·Aug. :!2): Public reaction to your efforts js favorable. You are able to put acron lone-range plan. Look to future possibilities. Think big. Key is ability to rise above petty annoyances. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. %2): Strtamllne methods. Discard procedure that crutes delay, added cost. <»-worker will cooperate. Don't be dbcourag- ed by minor delay. You are on right track. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. %2): Be pkuant in du.ling with chHdren. Instructive feeling today likely to be accurate. Follow through 'on hunch. Gain indicated throu&h speculation. Lady Luck appNrB. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Ent.ertaln tl>OR who gave you pleaSUJ'f: in past. Focus on objecllves. Avoid scattering forces . Family member may be conlu9ed about directions, in~onr. Doubk check. SAGmARIUS (Nov. %2- Dec. It): Sparkling con- veraaUon with ARIES in- dividual could raise hopes of oblllninl major goal. Short journey might be n«el!Slr)' -but It ls worthwhile. CAPRICOllN (Dec. 22.Jan. JI): Gu a r d possessions, especially while in transit. Be analytical where mooey is concemed. Some who make suggestions may be misguid· ed. Exciting evening in store. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. ti): Dining out with ram.Uy member produces pleasure tonight. Make decl.siont. Tim- ing ls apt to be correct. New -acqualnt.ancts eoukl become real frit:n&!. • · PllCES (Feb. IS.March 20): The Tee Tattler /'= __ Mey Rites Sherrie Wilson To Join Brides Plans for a May 24 wedding in the First Baptist Church, Costa Mesa, have been re- vealed by Sherrie Lynn Wilson of Costa Mesa and Claude J . Makin Jr. of Anaheim. The future bride, daughter of Vice Mayor and Mrs. Robert M. Wtlson of Costa Mesa, is a graduate of Costa Mesa lligli School and at- tended Orange Coast College. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude J . Makin of Santa Ana, is serving in the U.S. Navy at Los Alamitos and will attend Cali· fornia State College at Loog Beach after his discharge next year. ' ' Dual~Events Celeb rated .. Nero Bids ' Pa rtygoe~s When In Rome do ... the -do, and -11-tendlng the Neapolltanc -tacular planned "1 ! b • Mylltlck•Ktewe ol Kml!I, do the aame. Partygoen wiD"11GfttP ml the Loul1 Capalbd .• "Palace" jn Garden Grove cm(a.~. April._ II', .drelfled ln J!omilt_ tops, centurian ,-top' ..;· styles 'to aalirtJe;the ...... Roman feull and _. \ ' ' . lnvllattoos lie""'-I 5n1ii11r: character ·decbd out aa NG fiddling have been -· ,,,.. the gala," •ccordllli to lllr.• and' Mrs. Michael TryJDlo _., Garden Grove,~~ The Roman~· will 1 beiin at I p.m. liDil feature· a gourmet me:ntt ,91 1 Itanan cuillne ..rved cm' tbe · . atrok~ ol'ti For dandn& -. ·111 ' -' . 1em1n1'"""1 ailil· mq11 IDlll!fc • Garaen Oa fs Ma rked 'will be.played. , ..,, ' • t· , • , 1 · ~tloai ~for .",.:.b.h'. M'r .. •l\d Mrs.-, Ray. J · )Angpr~-~of :E.1C~-·~el"'­ anc1· gual;i may be made 1>y brated.thefr 11~!!.~~,.weddfng-anruversary at-a-l'ecep- oooiticlini Mr ...... -~:--tloo lll'the . Bay Clubd!oat was theil' .... -Bob l\iwrtl .Sh+t. . .., J\ollgpre of Unda. Tsl~. ._ , · A~ 50 friends and relatives. attended an open house .in the Costa Mesa home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Miller to help them celebrate their golden wedding an- niversary and Mrs. Miller's 76th birthday. Hosts were ·the honoreeS'·son and . daughtel'-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Miller of Costa Mesa 8nd theii daug_hters and son-in-law, Mrs. Joe Jenkins of Oroville and Mr. and Mts. Edwin.Noonan, Walnut. Special guests were their nephew, Jake Richardson of San P.ablo,and Miller's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mri. Tom Miller of Liv:ermote, ·The Millers, who were married in Pawnee, Okla., have resid'ed in Costa Mesa since 1927. 'Ibey have seven grandchildren and three great.grlincbildren. Among Ill>' guests will lie Mr. and Mrs. Mertill llaatlngs ol H)llllingtOli Beach. Bottles Uncorked Co nven t ion Calling ' Mrs., William Telkamp will be tbe delgate o( Orange County Alumnae ol Alpha Xi Dinner-dance Offered Costa Mesa Golf and Coun- try Club will be the setting ror a dinner dance offered by Bib 'n Tucker Club ·of Orange County begiMing with a 7 p.m. cocktail hour Satur- day, April 12. ~1r. and Mrs. John Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morganelll, San Clemente are co-chairing the evening which will include a prime rib dinner served at 8. Hosls and hostesses greeting members will include the Messrs. and Mmes. Paul Filer and Kenneth Dart of Costa Mesa, Robert Conquer of Fountain Valley and Duane Druckrey of Anaheim. Mr. and Mrs. John Weirick will host the next board meeting in their South Laguna home Monday, April 21. Doors Open To Parents • Delta at the Omicron Province Spring flowers will grace the convention in San Diego. tables Jn the Newport Harbor · Elks Club wqen the Officers' 'Ille gathering will take Wives U:ague of Orange Coun· pla<:e" Friday through Sunday, ty l!Ollts a champaine bnmch April 18-7:0, Jn the Town !llld on Sunday, April 13, al 11:!0 Coun1ry· hotel. • Interested parents are in-a.m. Elilible for t4_e aider ,......of J tnhA vited to visit South Huntington Husbands ill be ests the Rose ceremony ii Mrs. C II a.I"\. , Beach Community· Nursery well as m':mben gu of 't:! Alfred T.' Buni of. LltlUna '· ~ 1 . , ' School during its current open Retired Officers' AssociaUon Hills, who bu been a member Wtilklfl ,.C:--"...,.,.... • house which will continue of Orange County Chapter and.~~f~or~IO~ye~an~. ;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:iS~ .. ~-~~~~~ ... ~·~,.~-~ through Friday, April 18. their wives. · ·~ ._ • School hours are 9 to 11 : 30 • , a.m. daily, and i.mtructing the Making the event a gila children in the cooperative ef. one will be a musical pl'Oll'am. fort is Mrs. Glen Thomp!!!on. presented by Mrs. Bertla Mothers are· offered the op-Barstow of Fullerton, a noted portunity .to share their child's ~~~ en~=er~t% .;w~· first school experience by They're Here! Centimill·ionaire Wo~en League Charts Bus Excursion assisting at the school oni:e accompanied by Pl.n:. Vefa or tWice each month'. Gay on the piano and will The school is located at 9812 present selections by Mn. J. Hamilton Ave., and additional P. Aynes. . t information may be obtained Sharlrig the spolllibt will be' Inherited Their .: Wealth by calling Mrs. Ge rr.Y a barbershop quarto! '/ro'i' '" Busch Gardens is the destl· McClanahan, 962-6093, for 3 Newport Beach. .. ·~· nation for participants of a year-olds, or Mrs. RiChard Harbor area women iervtnf monthly bu1 trip, sponsored Davis, 962·5646, for 4 year· as hostesses will be M"rl. -FRIGIDAIRE GAS· DRYE.RS by Laguna Beach Ass~tance olds. Ayn'" and Mrs. F. A._~ .. Leagtle, to take place Thurs.jpO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;i;;;;;;i;;;;;i;;;i;;;;;;.;;i;;~ NEW YORK (UPI) fabulous fortunes bearing the running and those rtsiduals day, April 17· · · American women w I t h Rockefeller and Ford names ·teep piling up. The bus: will leave Boat Can· fabulous fortunes -$100 are Mrs. Jean Mauze, the That there's money .in yon Shopping Center at 9::11 rn1lli d d ••-public1·ly·shy only s15· ler of "e I gh'-· Id al +..... a.m. for• the trip which will on an up -ma e L.111:: u1 au .....,, cons er: sever ......,· include luncheon. ••centimillionaire" ranks five brothers Rockefeller, and writers and one producer of Mrs. Williston Bradway, through the inheritance trail. Mrs. W. Buhl Ford 11, whose the top-rated "Laugh-In" are projects chairman, urges ear· But when it comes to pass-maiden name, also Ford, female. Jy reservations for the ex- ing it on to their heirs, the displays quite literaJly an em-If Lucy doesn't make it cursion. They may be obtained rich women have something barrassment of r i c be s , ' ' maybe someday one of these by calling the Assistance in common with women of mo y t I will. Le ne .. managemen peop e · ague.House, 49f..6W17. modest means. reported: 1jiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiii~;;;i;;;ii;;ii;;;;ii;;i;;iiiiiiiiiiii One reason: the surest thing They also said the DuPont l I to these laWes, as aJI humans, name always has be en i,S death and, in these United synonymous with position and States -the hand of fel:l.eraJ power. The dowager empress estate tax collectors. of the legendary Wilmµigton The richest women i n realm now holds court in America range in age from Jacksonville, still active and 39 (Cordelia Scaife May of responsible-at the age or IL the· Mellon family} to 84 (Mrs. But the old wealth, that Alfred I. DuPont), says the smug and secure wealth, i$, fund. dying. The new very · rich Except for Doris Duke, at women will be a breed seeking age 55 one of the most their own fortunes on their celebrated of the " grande own terms. , dames, and Mrs. W. Bllhl Some working women seem Ford II (Josephine Ford) who headed for the cenUmillionaire is 44, the remaining richest club, Consider Muriel Siebert, of the rich women are over first female owner of a seat 65. on the New York Stock Ex- Capsule profile on some of change. Miss Siebert paid the wealthiest women: nearly half a million for· the -Mrs. Lester J . Norris was honor. a niece of the late Mr. John There is Mary We 11 s W. ("Bet-a-million") Gates. Lawrence , one of the top three When he and' his wife died figures in the advertising around the time of World world. .Mrs.1Lawrence started ·war I, Mrs. Norris became as an advertising copywriter sole heir to interests in the and parlayed .her agency's old American Steel and Wire billings from ierO to almost Co., now a part of U.S. Steel. $olllt million in three years. She now is 65 and believed One "new rich" might the largest stockholder in Tex~ be Ludlle Ball-who's headed aco with more than 1.4. million :~. way , along . the laughter shares. She and her husband let Weight W cltehers• help you reduce Trying to lose weight alone can be very discouraging, and often unsuc- cessful! With Weight Watchers," you meet with other people who are try- ing to looe weight •.• you learn how to eat correctly and you have the benefit of discussions with others who have encountered similar prob- lems. There are no pills, fads or star- vation diets. Come to Weight Watch- ers" and learn how to looe weight and keep it off' Classes begin Tuesday, April 15, at 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM. Tea Room, South Coast Plaza. Reg- istration fee is 3.00. weekly dues, 2.00 .,. CC> own about $125 million worth She's in the big money to~ of the company. slotted 'prime time network .. •••••••••••••••••• -Mrs. W. VID Alan Clark0_•po0-l._Anc1_·_her-.ol~d_oh_.,.._:._kee:...p:.__,===:-:--.,,.--,-----------ll Sr., 80, has a net worth of more than $200 million. She h·ad imbued her son and heir to the Avon Pro\ducts fon"une with· her fa'ther's l i re philosophy: "?eople who don't work are dull ••. vapid and stupid." -Mrs. Charles Payson, nee Joan Whitney, .bas. mar¥1ged to pool ber two loves, horses and baseball players, to finan- cial and a voe a lion a:l ad· vantages. She is a major owner of the New York Meb. Often she can be seen at Be). mont Park, blnoeulars trained on a favorite filly, while al ear a transistor radio. ketps her up to the moment on the pennant race. Mrs. Pay· son ii In the !200 to PIO mil· lion net worth class. -In the same money class Marjorie Merriweather Post, whose Post Toasties were parlayed Into General Foods; hold! sway over Blue Book tea! from Washington to Palm Beach. "Two ladies privy to E·LECT . :MAR:Y MARTIN NEWPORT MESA UNIFIED -SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 5 A Concerned Candi.date Who Will Work For The Best Interest of -Home-School-Community c • .-n .... -'"' M., Md• t17 Zllrk• Che ... N.t. 1 I CLEARANCE SALE.! BRAS PANTY GIRDLES SLIPS HALF SLIPS LINGERIE All. REDUCED TO SAVE YOU .. f BROIBI SIZES! All f AMOUS BRAND 1W41S' FASHIONS "FOR • • • tJ FASHION ISLAND e New,ett .._. e• '44-1171 ·..UflMffcM e M.-C-.. e wi.-.1 a.,.*"'• ' Porter Puts it Plainly • .~. , ., GASDRVERS ., .... get r . '"1' f .. .... CHECK· THUi OUTSTANDINCO FEATUUS: • Porcelain enamel drum \Von't snag delicate 1abr1cs. . , "" • Durable Preas~ · u.ves ironi1:1C -I -f I e Helps Durable Press -'keep 'lta no-iren pi'omi!e e ?;"o-fieat,.cycle •for . {luffli1g • , . '$·1§1,~;' . ' ' + •• MATCHING FRIGIDAIRE WAStlEJt . ., ' . .. , e 2.gpeedJelAclion'with '-'\ automatic Soak C¥cle '/ . r c . . . . • Small load Rttln& savee:iwatc and detergent · . ' ' •Deep Action Aaitator. , . 1; e 2-Jet Away Rinses ' \ ' ' r I ~ $198•81-'' ' EASY mMs . I .1 © Q /\ \' I 5 R R 0 \\ N ' • ' I ·SINCI 1t 47 ' . I ' 411 E· 171h St.• Coita Mesa ·" Dally 9.9' Sat 9•6 . - • I \. · I • . . UILYPUT HAIR'S FREE -For women of any age Who are relaxed and classlc·minded, an artless c•do" is the most glorious adornni.ent. The style above is more s1nlght than curly, beautiful hair that is shiiiy ~nd combed inti> place for an efforUeu look. Below, the woman who want.s to look dev8$tating will like the silky, mysterious look of hair that's braided twice over the brow to top a blanket of loosely waved locks. A YOlE for 'Hank' JONES II A VOTE FOlt VOCATIONAL TRAINING ELECT "ttc.li" JONIS TO THE Newpert M .. Ufttn.I S<hoolDhtrict SCHOOl IOAID Eng•god -c Wis,ped, Waved Styles •. . For . Letting Hair Down ' . llolr .. INol ...... to ... ~ llld -, .•• wropped ad tied ••• wtapod llld waved ••• laoa llld _._ •• or ..,, "them -loptlllr. ,,,. ........ "todl.Y,11 lno -lbe-wbalallkeo -. the 1111.. lt. • . -"' ll(t, la -'""' la bolrl Sbt ...... her .... mood llld her .... -ld. • .hlr oulward a p p earance comm11deates -the feels •t 1he -... 1he rule ii, If It feels rtpl, do Kl She's on the 10. )'OUDI In splril, livtly, Jotelllaenl. cbarmiac. inventive, . tmp1red~ ~llldlunedla111 today'• ca.1ualne11. Everytl>lng about hlr aeems artlea, but lhe~ ii ,.;y t.c!>nical. Above all, lhe'il an individual.· Fashion has relued • . • become -bulc •.•. Jeay • ing he!' free to personalize what she Ls wearing. But her penonal fl!hlon and beauty iniiovationa ate strong and well«tlned. And right this minllle, tbe cut of her halr tells more about her than the cut of her Clothes! llalr Is foag-thal may mean laoger than y..tmlay « longer than Jut year, bot ''"'· Long, my, natural, fastidiously clean and glorious • • • no matter what her age . .. no matt.er whether It's tethered and tidy or loose and flowing. Point , ii!!, it bas to apartle and dazzle every minute ol every day. It has . to move, gleam and lend out firtbeams that radiate great bealUI, wen.being, ..,~ Ill• llld spirit! It boa to com· munlcate! Effective. coosiat.ent, instant hair-care is the technical groundwork that ma. k es today'• hair poaible. The out cult " healthy hair .. ell and running like a fiery Arab bone. And Pantene has made it all ao wy f<r today's "woman on. the go" to keep her hair in ill optimum state with the world's finest hair- care produds . thll do !mtant good work. Swiss Conditioners b a v e been scientiflcally formulated into every Pl.ntene product, so while she is washing, treating, selfing or sP<.aying her hair, me a11o 1s keeping it healthy! There ts nothing more beautiful than natural, healthy hair, but like all good things it must be cherished. H .. lthy heir II 1he basis of Spring 1961'1 FREE hair - without it, JOU can't have It! In today'• 0 greit balancing act," living and dNaing·bave never been more lark-y or more cbance·y, but dramatically beautilul hair that flows like water and "aems to be one-third of you" llhoold he yow:a to do with what you will! Engagement News Revealed COIFS FOR THE GENTLE -For the woman who loves the put on, here are two styles featuring the springy curl look. Gentle shoi't wisps frame Q:Ie face for the ingenuous young look ior spring. The shiny Polished hair is cared for by Pantene, sold at J. W. Robinson's and Broadway stores. The kind or brush. you use has much to do with the qual- ity of your painting. When anUquing, for ex- ample·, a wide, flat brush is best £or applying the un- den:oat and tooer. Just use long, smoolh strokes and brush with the grain of the wood. ...... WAKI UI' ewry ,_,,with the IT'S A • • • freih, """" .._..,. .t COIT$' •cluslft .... anteod DRAPERY CLEANING! e Cl .•• I 11411'-I:; t ,..,, • ......, ,_., ....... y...,o.. ..... ____ ... _ ........................ ,,... '-........ ., .. DNpel ·~ ..... 01 t ftlt .. Ma.s.t.es.r.keWfttlUs. •ill i'• COIT Perf.c:t t•t•rilen .. :Mn. ,.... of the •t• of your n. ._ W.t 09' clr•r;l'Y· OP IOD'l Of ....., 0 I I I rel P •c~~ent ;f c ••1t•t>1•· ••• THE PRICES ARE A SECRET! Royalty Selected ~ TQPS Har1icr Ll&hhro renrdod tllolr cb•lll.P~,!D welgbt -for 1*, ..... Hunter WrJClll, wllb • ""'"' and the Ulla " -Rece!vln&-- were Mrs. -P-8, who loot tJ pouadl, llld Miss Sheryl Ew. wbi>,ncorded . ........... A five-,ar KOPS.,Mn. Mel Lewll, -a ruby __ .. necklace 1rm1 111e .. 11ooa1 Stewardess organlsatkla ol TQPS . The club a11o .w.d new wear Ing the .Uver cllicen roceatlY· leading the wings ot. an American club wlD be the Mmes. John Airlines stewardess ls Mlller, pNllldml; Cb a r le' Miss Judith Alln Red· °""~ -leader; Ear 1 ding, daughter ot. Mrs. Canon•', ~; )l'raJlk Tom Golden o1. Newport Pollzzl. tnuuno', llld Geori• Beach. Sbe Ls asst~ed Kolbe, wei,hl ........... ·--Lich"" -every to flight duty out o1. Monday al 7:1D p.m. in 1luper Nasbv1l!e. -- School, COiia M-. t========. Gadget Sold, Frees Ribbons Of Wrinkles Ribbons and btadbands -even wide belts and ties - now can be kept organized and free of wrinkles. These fashion musts are hard to store but a bandy chrome plated gadget which hangs over any closet door solves the problem. -r.enty- four prongs are ~inches THINK S,,la6lg Scarue6/ wide -large enough to keep w.-• ~iua N .. ......,. • everythina: neat and~Vlll~·~·b~l•~-~~=-===== ... =',.=~ Large Sizes RNdyl S.fl Head Into Spring In nlc•1 cool sportsw"r from Ella Nor'1 Half.Size Shop. Realdngy. TOfll •nd Bottoms • ' .._,.. ilbiild elf m i.ezllld eallmed loNl;r ••• '111111 oputllzlc d!- elup, 360.00. SHOW-OFF 3333 Bristol Street, ·COSTA MESA 22 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH PhoM64Ml10 SOUTH COAST PLAZA """""r ...... 10, 1'169, DAILY PllOf J Budget Cuts Studied -Ex -D epu ty Held In Rape Atwmpt - MEETINGS ---.. -~~!'~!County Acts After T~ Hike Threatened ' • • I ~!""W' ... '11.4 By JACK BROllACK ~--:r: '"· --~J••,. °' ... ~.,.... --i-.. .-.. lo ..-<:rellll wn in cateprles n~1•s_l •1~ *' bone U.. IWl bl a wbtre tbe <.'OUt'ltyi bu Utde N •="\.-. w. SANTA -Faced with ......... pp <i II mlllloo," -.i IUdt u rellrtmenl Fr.,1J•--ao.n;; 'il::.:'i" = ~ -1ble II percent 1-'11lamu aid. "To ~Ibo fuDdl i.-...., bu 11d1 n & ~'l.1"11\'! the county'• budpl for I• budpt waild requlN -l. ml Olbar'-•lintl , • 1 • 111, the county admllllalnU,. cull in Ibo quaJlty o1 coanty ..,,.._... ":J.'i::l ,.. --llaff today plunged into .... -.. ~" -- SANTA ANA -A former O..nge County deputy aher!ff accuaec( <i .Uemptlng to rape ' , 41).yeor-<lld &<>iO dancer must face a .Superior Courl Jury trial May 28. ==i~~~ ~ ~~-V.!=''= m;Ttha of conferenctt with J'lgurel ~· .,.. a ~V:~~.?° '": , 11 Jofl ,.,..., ' • • v 001 d e p a r t m en i 1 to $f.f mWcm .u«cnnce between cruse. were such pbruel as Judge Robert Gardnert;:===============-:::;;: Hl!1!.!.!~'°" ~ ::,-Hu~r'.::ti attempt 'to cut ~ antldp11tecl n•enues and re-,,_._ " "cut __ -... .. ~. lf:lrT.,.;: "to the bone .. q·~~ ....._, fUnd r-•rv--i _. ....... -,;;. M•rlMrl f'~IW. Sn.ft Stllrt JM1 • -...--G• "dcmy n and '1 C 0 ft t i D t \'i;\1~. H ..,, N-1 9_,., $u As preRD~ to the Board of pepditpel, Gr I lkmt pp OD opentin, with eliBtlna eqJp- ililued that rulinc Wednelday lo Carl P. )(ulyk, 21, of Gardea Grove. Kulyk, fired bun his jail division duty .. the c!Oy ol his ...... pleoded not guilty aid not BUillY by ...... ol imanlty lo -... ol ....WI wltl> -lo cun- mit rape, amault w1tb a dead- ly weapon, allpicion. of Od- naping Ind~. LU'S BE RllBO>LY ' W~ m • JnVfw the tu nl<. meit but ezpect b i 1 b er DEATH NOTICES eaday, fuDdl requested A report on the budl"I main!-""" co11a " by the departments waild oiblatlon lo 'l'homal by llaff . · ll you tiav. °"' nel&'hbon or lcn"'f d ..,... D10\'lha to OU!' U'N. pleue1 tell U1 so that we ~ extmd a trl.tftdly wt.ICOIDll and help themlobeccxneacqualnted ln their new surroundinp. C.1"¥91 A. ktlmldt. t5"1 llobloll Caurt, Faunt•lrt Vtllfy, &urvl'fttl ..,. rno!Mr, Mn. 1!.onnlt Sdll!'llclll 1i.i.r, CCIMl9 Mc:ICll!Wlltlll .,..._,...,..,. Mn!. ,,.,.. McAKrw •1'111 Mn,. L-H•rrell, Gf'•-ldt MtVlcft, Ftldrf, t AM, GfGd sn.Mrd Ceml+fry, Hunl111111111 lfltdl. DI,_,.,, 11'1' Pftll l'.mlly C.o- klnitl Fll!Wnl Ht.ml. PELTON lln. HeroW II. "-!ton. Sr. n:11 Hart- ~ /Jl.,W .... 11""1'11111. S11NIWd ..... wtfe, °""9tlit1 two 1m1, Mis.I. Ker.ild II. Jt. ... 0.1'1 "•lhlnl cle"""9f'1, Shlr1w K.,...,., M9<"9 FM'llWI Ind °""""' e-wl'bl llelP"'"'""'· l!"l rl Malltfntfy; 1• .,....:lctllkfr'tft.. IHVlclll. TI!urWly, 1 ~ ,.. ,.,,,,,., Co!Glli.I Furwr1I H-. BOYLE wm-., J. a.orie. tos O.ily ........ f<auntt lrt \111"°", SllN""911 IN wit.. Jffl'I/ -· Wllll..,,l """ dav91ttln. Mjiry Art11 Mull..w, T ......... ,....,.. W9kl«I d9\111M91'-ln-WIW, C-'-..,.ltl sl1!w. ~ Mvlnn, Rowry. ,.r1de.,, 1 l'M, PMll; F9'1'1llY Colclfllel F-1 Home. R-lem Mii•, s.tv,,..,, f AM. 55 Simon tncl Judi C1'hollc CIM.lrdl. Huftt\MfOn 8Hdl. NIELSON lv111 A. Nlflsoll. ld W, flty AW .. """""'°"' Bead!. DI N ol ct.th, Atirll I, SUrv1....:I 11'1' wlf9. J•n1 dtwl'INr, Mn. ~ry Amit1, d fMNjocilW)/ .an, Jdlnl 1lllfW, Mrs. Ktfl!Wffl Ba"'M"• Or-. r.1t1er, PWtr A, N~ Or9l'lfll _,,., -.... nddllld. SerVlon wlM ti. l'Mld l"rldey, 11:• AM. In 1M Olul'dl DI WW 11:-.ion.1, F°""t L.-Gllfl- _..,-'Ill l"r. Jllll'ln Lllhl"DP 111d Eldlr J. T111MM J-. ol ttie Oiurdl f/I Jftlll criri.t LIOtt" Dtv S.1111's, dfkl1tl111. F1mlly svntm f'- wllfllll!I to INlkw ~· coootr1• "°'9, ...... c:whlblltt te ,.. ~ '"'9 Ill~• Clll~ ..._,11111, L• ............ Dlreciold bv ,.Kffk vi.w -· HORNUNG Elmet' HorTiune. 1D11 Eldcndo. Litll.. -w.w, S.I lad!. 5et'Y1as pend.. irll .t Smttt. .M1M1U1rv. EVANS 1tci1i.r '"""' IEWML Jun C-1 Hi.tt- ...,., lollltt l--'· o.te "' .. , A1M11 r. luf'YI_. trf -. Dr. l!r1c f:-1 ,_ t~lldrwn. LYM l!lalM ...... ~ E_.1 two IM'oflwn end ,_ ......,.. ,rtnfrit _.,,._ ,, Slletrer l..ltUM &.a. Martu1rv. GRANTHAM l.llllM erw.t119m, 1m ~ WWf, ~N MMI!. Dn1 9'I dlolth, ""'11 L """"""' by """"""' Wlm1m G,.n-"""11 1l1W, JDlt. Grwn"°"m IMl"tln. bolt! fJll L"""9 ltedll ,,.,._, L• ~"'" Mluwrl, •1'4 DI'. f"n'* Ptym1,., Of'llO. 1"11.,.llt M'l'Yloll wll1 " tielol 11 SMftlr u.vn• BtltCh Mortu- ~. AJUIVCKLE i WBL5B w .. ldlfl M-1111' 417 E. 17111 Sl, Cotta M--BAL'l'li MORTVARIEll C._,, .. 1 111ar Oii~ Colla .... Ml 1-!CI BELL BROADWAY ldORTllAllY lit _._, Colla .... u l-lllS DILDAY Bl\OTllEIUI e--V•Do1 Mai'lllU)' 1'1111 Bead Blri. Batlll,_ Be•d 80-Tl'll P.lCIPIC VIEW "IEMOIUAL P.llll. ,,_ • ....,. e Mmoary t'apel -Padfle \'kw Dri•ti Newpen -. Cdlonla -PIE& FAMILI COLONW. ruNDAL BOMB --...... -- tota1$175,1581,'ltO,an1zeeue member Tbomu M Corbin 1b<mil pointed out, of $11.1 millim over the cur-said, "ilelplte the raci that we slpillcanlly, that the preview ront budget. came ool ol Ibo projected budge! Included no provlllon Robert E. '111o!nu, county dellcll qu11a wen 1ut ,.... our fol'. aaJary increases for county admhQtrative omcer, who current forecut ii one ot.'~ employe.s. They got an m.. preoented the prov!ew lo the oidenble pmimimn." lie ad-crease of 6.5 perum last "f'"' board, 11w very little cblnce dtd that "there appean to be COilin& more than fl million. J • of expendltureo being cut vaJld ca-for lhla gloomy Boan! Chairman William enough to meet projected forecast." Hirstein siihed. "CUii will L.;;-~·-~"'!!·::-;:::-:._ _____ ..,. __ _:~~~~~ Kulyt.was An'elted by Saala Ana police last Feb. 10 after he allegedly tried lo drag • revenues under the present In an analysis ti the pro-have to be made becauae county tu nte of fl.II. blems it wu PQhated out that IOIJle salary increases are in-"Even tt we,,.,. to cut the 1u milllon in ·IOCJUested m. evitabl<." Dimes Appoints ~-::.:.,-;i•iting~~ Father Declared Guilty Medical Advisor Huntington BNth Vis Hor '68-4149 Costa Mesi VlsHor Sand Pit Operators File Against County budgeb included WeHare, 19.1 mlllion or II percent; Medical In Inf s ' D ORANGE -Dr. FAward J. Center, IU mlllion or 21 per-. ant on S eath Politooke ol Orange has joined cent; Mental ~Health, '2.2 the medical advisory com- mllHon or 106 percent; capital mittee of the Orange ecuntY projectl, $1.8 million or 25 FULLERTON -A Fullerton trial that Sctimidt may have cha pter, 'lbe National Foun- percent. man accused when be'was ar-suffered "adverae reacUoos" dation March of Dimes. Tbomu llld the cap~ rested " the murder by abuse 1 d he He is a graduate of the 't61 ... 149 So. C~st Visitor 494-0579 Harbor Visitor ANAHEIM -A l ll,M0,000 dlllllie claim qaiml Orqe County, the Orarice County w--ml the Oounty Flood C<mln>I Di>trict bu ...... filed by the ---<i thellurrlsSand~ lhe coumy wilb r ty fer "a dangerous 1ituation" tn 1 Suspect Sentenced In Fraud S ANTA ANA -A Pbildelpbia illsurance qenl'a pleas of guilty lo reduced charges has cut lo 15 the num- ber of delendanb scheduled to appear in Superior Coort May 5 on insurance fraud cbar1es. Judge Robert Gard ner sentenced Munay Richard Frank. 40, to six months in county jail and immediately suspended the sentence. But Frank was placed on three yean probation following his plea of guilty lo a milde- me&DOI' c:o.mty of falte ad- vertbing. Frank wu one of 11 employes of Regency lnveston Inc. ol Encino who were arrested last Dec. 3 on conspiracy and grind theft charges. It was alle&ed by the dl5lricl ·~·· -tbal the salesmen bllkod Sou)b1and residents of more than sz million by milreprelent1ng the nature of life i n sur anc e policies sold by the al)<llCY. Five Regency agents have been cleared of lhe charaes. Among thole who are lebeaul- ed to face jury trial May 5 is Cleo Marvin Johnson, 51, ol 111111 Kings Road, Newport Beacll. The Regency firm WI! ~ dieted by the Orange C-Ounty Grand Jury following iD- ve.stlgallon of Oranp County homeowners' claims tbal they bad been victims of fraudulent sales pracUces. An earlier fn. vestlgation ol the flnn by the Callfomla Department o f Insurance led lo the refund of $850,000 in premiums ex- tracted from alleged victims of the sales plan. A -indictment bsued by the grand jury claims that llqeocy qenb llOld life In- surance Polldes u ''hi&Jlly profitable, profit llharinl con- Wacts which would become oelf-.upporting ••• m1 mum a substantial income .witbln I nlatlvely few years." Investlgat<n claim I b e polld.. are nol '""111 the paper they ... printed ... Black the miJe.loq pit Oil the ..... tide ol the SarU Ana River. ol hi M -~·Id rom ""'S was takina -Uni It ol N~ I. ecta total 1'1--of .. · · on s ..,-11~1\U'V eon was '-" --e ven y \IUic: Dame and ... ~. ~ icted w~-~ of prescribed by physictans -at T I u · I · might be: cut by $1 million by ccnv cwi=uly volun-emp e ruvers ty Medical 494-936' 1be clMmlnts are listed u Mn. Marjorie C. Townoend, Tvwnoend Truckillg Co. Ind postponinl aome projects. tary manalaughter. ,_;th~e~ti~·m~e~ol~th~e~ba~b~y·~s ~de~a~tll~. ;;;;;~Sc~h~oo~I~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ Other figures shown:--Superior Court Jud g ell --I'll, • limited partuenbip. The claim, which could become a lawsuit, bas added to the c<Dusioo sur- rounding the Blllld pi<. The COWllY Board of Supervbors Im been WTeltling wlql the pn>blem lioc< late Febraory. SJnce -the coonty has ..,..,. 11(1,000 to ttpalr tile river levy between Lincoln Street and Ball Rood in the Anlbtim area, pumped water from lhe nine pools In the pi< and filled dqerom •Joi>es ol the pit which threatened to collapee ml Mma(O the levy andbomeainthe ..... In eerly Mardi, aupervioors declared the 'ptt a publlc l1llilance and Jepl -bas -Number of employes re-HO'Ward Cameron ended the quested, 1,11'1 up !Ml or II per-non-jury trial ol Vlctor Jlan. cenl. (Major pooiUon m. dall Scbmidt, 13, by ordering creases were at the Medical the chfendant to return for Center, 321; WeUare, 209; senteJcing May 8. Schmidt did Probftioo, 911, and Health, 3t. noteedtesUfy in the court pro. Anticipating a carryover of c ings. · $7.1 mllllon from .the Cl.UTent Schmidt faces a possible budget, general fund income is sentence: oC 1-1$ years in state estimated at $54.8 mlllioo from prison. prwerty taxes, and $80.2 He was arrested and booked million from other IOUl'ce!I for on !. second degree murder total f II,. 115 "I count D>rtly after his infant a 0 ..,, .... · son , David, died last Jan. 21 m· Requests are at $147,711,699, or the $4.S million over the an-Los Angel~ C h I 1 d r en s ticipated income. Hoepital. Hospital surgeons 1be ~y tu income is said the blby died of internal baaed on an anticipated eight injtrits catmed by a blow to percent incrtaae in aaesaed the stomach. valuation from $3 bllllon to Doctors testified during tbe 13·3 billion. Sunda C t After the c 0 u n t y ad-y oncer min.i.straUve at.aft completes IRVINE -Vlollnist Mary budget studies with t b e Lou Speaker and piahist Allen various departmenUi, t b e Greenberg wlll perform works supervllon will get their leelh by Baell, Brahms and Bartok into the JS'Oblem bqinning at 8 p.m. Sunday in Fine Arts been taba to !'9CO'let comty wilh hearings in mid.Juoe. 178 on the UC Irvine campus:. money spent kr ttplln. .:..lhobt~·~'"!'.: ~,-,~~~-{f/""q =.:::~-~f Dally 10-6 Friday 'Tll 9,. SFJ~~~a i SPRING l 1be dammed up water , G percolated ttrough the river ~ JJ1 levy and ......... the .... ;.!l'i ~ d"1nJ1IDd -lev•ll 1"19 ~ ALL Dre e " :,;:,;,. . ..,..,..iq lo tile IJjo s s . S, ~ tt!'° ~ "': .::•:; °l Pants & Blouses ~ tile -kr the past oix JiI), "' weeks was perf<rmed "in a :y' ~""" ~.:=~~ .:\~ 20o/o to 60°/o off ~ pl"llCticeJ causing water to rile • ?~ to 11"'1 heicl* oa the -~ claimallll' properly." ~' I..,..ion W. Owen, manqer olthe......,. --· said tile diltrlcl'• board ,...}d deny the cl-Supervilon ([],, .,. ezpected to take llmllar ~ t~ adlon i Fair ~ Medical Careers SANTA ANA -The Oran(< Cqunty Health Falr wUI be beld at Santa Ana Collea• April 19 and 20 fnmt noon lo 4 p.m. Spollla;bling future medical Caretl'I f 0 r Orllllt County youths ml lholr parenla, the falr will be sponaorod by the Orange County M e d I c a I Aaoclatlon ml lb auDllary. Hl1torltn Franklin Tlte PUT ON "SllfART APPAREL" ~ ~ ~- ' ~ °<3 ~ i 18582 BEACH lat EOls) m f Town & Co•ntry-Huntlngto11 l1acli e; 962 -3121 ., -. -~ ,~--~if~~~~,. Open the season with a new Sylvania and have a Box Seat every weekend. M~ CFGIIW-Hudgel priced Con. te~porary conaolette r1niabed in rich Walnut. Oelu1:e AFC tAut.omatic Fine 'J.'.uning) insurui a perfect picturt. e~T t~ me rou t urn the set on or cha nae 1t&· t1ons. lla..<i the l.11rgei.t (."Olor 11eretn avail· able; 295 eq. in. viewnhle area. $Sl9.95 TV RECEPTION SIMULATED (Dealer's name) brings an the action right into your own living room with a superb new S,m.Ha Color 1V And baseball is jast one of.numerous sport& en!:Db coming yocir way~ ~~~er. All three networb have many hours of sports programmed .1n l1v1ng color. Honie racing, car racing, golf, water sporta and man • •• more. You can have a front row aeattoitall with a smart · 1 Sylvania Color TV. new ~rand new! 1970 Sylvania Color TV is now at DAVIS· BROWN AFC ( Aut=;atic Fine Tuning )*Ui featured in these great valua frrrm Sylvan'4. Tune8 a perfect picture with the push of a button. 'l'V RECEPTION SIMULA Tm Y ean of. -Uoyment He J'OUIS wt t.b thia port.able Color TV MODEL CB84W. ham the amut Wabn1t Cft,ia :finial! plaatie cabinet to the 102 aq. ln. ACreen .•• it'• every lncb •dependable Sylnni11 , $299.9 5 $yf•1ni1 D1lu11• Colar TV C•ll••'• CF5051C . f,uly Am•ric•11 1iyU111. M1pl• tr1!11M A11iih. 295 Sq. 111. 9cr1•11. 0.11111• Color Tunl119 Ch1uls. Color l•"•I Mot11tor, Autom1t:c D•91111ii11., cirt11itry. $489.95 YOUR HEAD(j)UARTERS FOR SUPERB SYLVANIA HOME ENTERTAINMENT INSTRUMENTS 411 E. 17h ST. DAILY 9 • 9-SATURDAY 9 . 6 COSTA MESA 646-1614 • 1 . ' • JI OAll.V I'll.OT s Thon411, Aft" 10, 1 M «!YER THE COUNTER ' ·A· I I • ' . . ' Wednesday's Cl .• OSJng =-... -c=:; ..... --_--.-,-,_--,--. ---. ·-·----_ _.:,. _____________ ~ Priees-· wmplete New York ·- -------'---------------·-------- . Stock :.EXchange List List -'" • --------- I - I I l • I . • ' I • • ' . B 11!NlY !'I.OT ~ • ..,.. 10, 1969 • SINCE 1929 ' ' . WH -111 '. ·FRONT ·· • 9.9 ... It lalf llidth 43 lb, fno. "' dle3t • &trl ' _.,,. -··· •P or llottles, egp • T111111 ifJdt-i •at, tip proof •llef,11 • f ull :r...~·bn llU l'llCl • AM/FM plus lnlri11t & 2 sl1ort ..... binds. S..,11131• tuni111 -trol1 • Tone control switch • NC for .drill r. ffel FM • Built-Ill '"" -Hd AC lintconl. KINI-SIZE FOLIJIJ11.G PADDED CHAISE 111"1 I' r,lisl1" 1.-Double tube inns. 74 len&l~ 26" width. -tullad pad filled with slndded loom 4' th lcll. Fab- ric baclied tiny! floral ..... #1531. 3 oz. llnlSOI can of elfedtit ple•SllJ!JJ.-deoc19rant witll. ti. added Pllllldlon of In lllllflnpirlnt. COMPARE AT 1.09 ' ' 57: A -SPlllll TOY ·&.MODEL BONANZA!: EMERSON•ADMIRAL PHILCO *22" TABLE TV • Pict •Hll'H PllCEI SD .... ~ CAIT tli111UUJ MElmDM H fAIOI$ Ull£ . ~~~:-:; ·•II rollers slmultneeas-o ty, 3 sim rollers for vtr• satility. Plastic tipped steel clips included. • Compact, floral pat· · terned °'inyl carryinf I case,.._#11170. ' . 'I ' • ' ' • I j Complete sun ramp unil J Ultra violet tanninc lamp. 425 watt capa- DuPontTeflon®double coated finish. Outer sideS polished alumi· num. Muffin ·pan, cookie1shee~ •. 10" fry pan. an~ 8" saute pan. YOllCHOICE • '.19! I , . 3088 BRISTOL AVE. •JUST OFF NIWPORT AVE. ~~SAN DIEGO Fl"f'Y. AllD IAUI ST. ' ' city. 3 position adjust- ment. Can) afford Hawaii? Use a 'Sperti Sun Lamp. #PJ67. 1·3!Z AT 15J5 * STOlfHOURS t DAILY 12 TO f SATURDAY 10 TO 4 SUNDAY II TO 6 ------------~-·------ Tri~_,, April 10, 1%9, . ·-· ... . :; DAILY l'lLOT !,J: USC Gets Belen Keller· -Letters . i ·; ' . \,, . ".. \ mem<J<Y !he qlllet evening _, wllh Y<KI and Ywr ~ 11111n. 11111 u 11 we weie members ot your family. I -lhanlt yoo fer such I btaut.iful OOnl- pllmtnt ln w-. I &Ill only rem<mber Ila lloc.nly and 1<KI? kJodly permltllnc ... "' touch your lace , . . Mia . • I· 50,009 Items · Sltow Deptk~ o-(1, Deaf., Dumb,. Blind Woman I.OS ANGEL®S (AP) -A letlor 1r<im earl Sllldburg lo Hdm~er : "I saw and beard you last nl"" at the Palace and en-jo)'ed it a thousand ways. It wu interesting to watch that audlenct m.iru.Ke by minute ome along till they loved you big and far. Fer my&elf, Ute aurprise was to find you 90nle\hing of a dancer, shil- tlng In eJllS'/ poo1ur.. like a good blood0.t race horse. I tbrUled aloog1 with the au- dleoce to yoor saying yoo bear appl1°9e llrilb-yoar f.cet gjstering to Yibnitioll of the !}!,.....-... " -l!ln Jett«. aloog with SQ,000 ~. Will DOW be available to scholBrs as the result df the bequent ol Helen K!Het's lif'elong cor- respondence to the University GI -c.Jil...Ua. Tbe be- Seal Bearer Pins Given Eleven Huntington Beach High School students have been awarded seal bearer pins by' the_ California Scholl!tic Federation. Tho8e who received pins are Allan Ortiz, Mary Davis, ruchard Derby, Roche 11 e ~amlqiky, Maureen Fraser. Edwa!Cl Jeffe1, La Donna Ea&tmln, Kristine D t 11 on, Ly00 Peterson, D o u g l a s Crosby, Brian Boocier and Demis Patrick. In ~r to qualify as a seal bearer, a student must have belonged to the federa- tion for four semesters and earned 10 grade points per semester. 'l1lree grade point& are given for an · "A" and one for a "B." "' -I I -quest WU anoounctd, at a te-- ceet diJuler llvell by the universily's fdenda ol 1~ libraries aod attended b)' Hollywood p<n<malitles. Mart Twm le Hein Keller, IMS -"I must steal half a moment from my WU'k to Marshall High Reunion Set The summer and winter class of 1949 of John Marshall High School in Los Angeles · plan a 20th reunion at the Ai.,,.rt Marina Hote 1. 'Ibe dinner ~ will be he.Id at 7 p.m. Sunday, I.lay 24. For more 1ntonnetJori, pleaae c-John MIU'SlllU High .School. KILLS SUCKING INSECTS BY 'SYSTEMIC' ACTION • ' Aphids, 1hrips, S<alo, MomybUgs, While Flies, Leafhopper1, and other Suckin9 Insects. ' Thoy DIE-fast, painlessly, whllo svcking plant juices from Ro sas, Sweet Peas, and other Ornamentals. In addition ii INST ANTl Y KIUS POWDllY MILDEW on contact -both siclH el foliage are sprayed. " ... ~ '- %one area is salurotod with Spray. Systemic action dou nol-h off by rains or overheod ter~. TERR-0-VITE t ., '( ~ Th• COMPlm l'lllalDI ,., i- . ,~ -AU. PlAHTS-hM c ....... °""'· • ":, .. Mat.: .. watw .....,_, ........ .... ~ lreoks ... AdoH -........ tie.-: fi1 11 'f" All<all ;,, SaodySello. ~-1,.. .,4 _ ... _. ... a-.. Qt. $2.75 Gal. $6.75 . I Ct! llW 1• compltte!y milad ldititll " "Doc" ct.Kem-Co's Horticultlnl 6ltfdt. flll II ,.... -n So"'1J dttltr • - 266t''HAIBOI BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA WIEiDAYS ·9 to 9 · SATURDAY 9 to 5130 SUNDAY io to 5100 PREFINISHED · BUCKSKIN PANELING 0 Full 4 11 •·9roo•1d, pr1fi11i1h1d po11oh. 0 Jud whop inlo pl1ce, end you '•• 1dded l11tino b1outy. 2••· 4 1 1r ... 1 PLASTIC 11tASH CANS 0 lu99od pl11tic with 1nep-loc• lid, w11thorproof, D Full 7 yo1r 9111r111loo lthor1 it 1lowly cll1into9r1to1.l1 0 Hold 11 91110"1 ef rubbi1h, indwdin9 thi1 od, 499 HAND ~WN llEDGER 0 Pwffo .. pwff1, il'1 • hefll etl9or, Meuclio. 0 Jwll roll olor19 lewr1 od90 101 ·• 1J11ooth tri'fl. 0 No t••· ~. 0 1tor190 ,,1bl11111, ftO ,,.,. ifl ...... 11.t, 1•• 21 PIECE SOCKn sn 0 All 1ll1y 1to1I witll l/I 1114 1/4 i11ch clri·•· 0 U1 0 Oii I Ufll, lto1h, "'i•i Iii••·· 111olort,cltt. 0 I ••tel It •11 thlo t'(p•wrllor 11141 If worlt f!no, w91•1 t;,..., worlit flr11 • 9aa ' and by the,we,y 11'1 the flrtl one l ever remanber clOi"8 Uiat. ·Whoo I ... tllroqh readlnc." h lt -~ RepubllC1111-bavt -Iba day bdore, wtiy /11Y d17 ll -over. Now I rem youn lPd tl)joyed .. ery mlmlle of tt . , • Yo u'.kz:iow Ithlnk y o u llld I will be better lrienda if ~ dm't meet, they· \ell me you cah feel one'• f~ and WI bow they lool:. I'll May out ol your clutcbes ••• !I "A~ct.v • M . " · .c.a ..., ... 1 m ovmg for the~ BEST MOYE of YOUR LIFE Cal: 494-'1025 HI ·BAC -HY! (HI yourself Maynard) Hl ·BACHI D All cad iro11·with adj1ufoblo trill tM &t nyf"t rlltflo 0 Sturdy wooclo11 1ttfld lo ptt l'ollf 111t rri11t al!lf tc1rrin9. 0 Ut• iruloon •t 011t, fi•• for lte•clrt ptrli11 ot 1111oft inti1nolo 111pptn ~n tho polio lif tho 111101 c.loatt up.I A11h·ertitecl 1peciel1 90M tftru April 16, lt6t l •11cl if 'IOU he•• e11y fl'loney left efter t•••• come 1pencl it with 111, they'll 9et it 11e.t yeer •nyw•'l·I ' • TUnED CHAISE PAD 0 o.~or.tor luf!td p•d i1 comforl•bl1 enou9h for Sund1y n•~· 0 Fih .1l1nderd 1i11 Ch1i1e 1011119•. 0 Choi'• of color1, 297 GLIDDEN ·ANTIQUING KIT 0 U1 0 on fur11 ituro, 'er1oling, picluro fr.mos. 0 Cho.10 fro"' 1 6 01citint colot1 incl wood ton11, 0 1 Slop •it i1. quic• i ncl 001y lquic•or i1 b11h in9 · with 1 h1 mmor.I · 297 ENTRY LOCK sn 0 Moclo rn tulip d11ign with br•u fi11i1h, 0 Double ••v1d with 111ounlin9 1cr1w1. II 0 l11d1llt in 1ocor1cl1, 111•11 2 or J houri lo op1r1.l 411 LAWN SPREADER 0 s,. •• o1. t. inch polh of cky fo rtili1or or in1octicid1, 0 Simple lo op1r•t1, iu1t roll 110119, it do11 the work. 0 Hurry, 'IDU cefl tlill c,1tch I f1w April Show1t1. 699 PNEUMATIC SCREEN DOOR 0 Pr1ouP11etic clt11111MI 9ritl 1croot1 cloor clo101 q\.tfotly, 0 111 10, JJ, tnd J' lr1clt wlJth1. 0 Ch••"9r th1r1' rop101l119 lflo lorn 1cro•11 i11 tho 014 011,0. 711 IAR·l·Q TOOL sn 0 Set·i11c:lucle1 fork, t11r11M eN ton91. 0 No,m•r• lturnecl pi11•in !ls.wt wo1tch your 1101• whe11 .,. •. ~"4 l o 1111ff •rome.I [] With he n9•1, he"'1et fM quic• ol<:CMI •• - CRAnSMAN UftX INTERlOR PAINT ~ ~ _ .. ,..i·c.,., ~ .. ,';4 ~~ 0 E11y to ep.,Sy !'ith ltr111tl et 1 roU1r. . · D Oriol In JO•-.liMltM to • flot, .,olwoty finhh. , 0 Qwic• cleer1 11p lfl w•rm, ••• ,., W•for. 4 47 GAL PLASTIC DROP CLOTH 0 Bi9 f-.12 1i" of cl1or pl11tic. 0 Protoch cerp1t 111d fu1nilw10 from p1i"t 1pill .. 0 for91t It, whor1 you're lhrou9h poir1thHJ, you'll w1r1I r11w furniiwro 1nyw1y, FONDUE SET 0 J~nt ri9hl 2 ci11ort 1i10 i• 1foceclO,.ore119 .. ., 90IJ • 0 M•••• 910•• ho1,t111 or Motltor'• D1y tlft,' 0 And 11• ono of our helpful hou11we10 9el1 fot ''"'' .. th1 90~11111t r•ci,•r we m~Jo MP 1peti1I .., ttli1 ti• ... t ' • • • 6 .'' • •• •• • -· ~­-- -i ---·-· -· -------·-· ---------------DMY llllOT 'llllndl1, ..... lD, lM . , I ljOw Bridge in Chicago% • Richie Allen of tbe Phillies ~as almost beheaded on ~is _play at third base Wednesday in Chicago. Cub )llinl baseman Ron Santo applied the tag here dur-il'g the •econcl tyg and had to leap over Allen , \Vho was called out. Allen lvas trying to reach third from first on a single by Cookie Rojas. Santo then threw to second to double up Roj8!. Cubs won, 11·3. •• ~ • • • ' • ~~­'l I , ' ' • Sports Clipped Slior t ~8r f' Masters Under Way • NuGUSTA, Ga. {AP) -Overcail Hiia:, carrying the ~t of rain, with ~ratures in the mid tiOI greeted ear- ly itarten Thursday in 'the lint round of &be '3rd Muter1 Golf tournament. Fred McLeod and Jock Hutchinson, two • Seals Can Cli ncl1 • Hockey Playoff toS ANGELF.s (AP) -Oakland coach Fred Glover aay1 it will be all over tonight if h.is Seals play the way they did in Ute last game against LO! Angeles. old champions from the misty past, were the honorary starters, teeing off at 9 a.m., with Ray Floyd and Peru 's Raul Travlelo the first in the field of 8.1 com- petitors to get away at 9:07. ... ... ... SEATI'LE Lucius Allen, onetime 1&ar at UCLA, Wednesday signed a two. year contract witlt: Lbe S e a t t I e s.,..-et el tho NllA ud tllte "1mly unouced: 11l'm capable of playin1 with them." "He dtfinitely will make us a con- tender," coach Al Blanch.I said. Sonic 1eneral mana1er Dick VerWeb termed the solid 175-pounder .. The second mo1t valuable pl1yer ln the college draft." ... ... .... LONG BEACH -IL wu a great night fOl' Te xa1 and Indiana University Wednesday as Cynthia Pottu of Houston and Jim Henry of Dallas won women's and men's springboard diving titles in the AAU National Championships. ' ... ... ... LOS ANGELF.S-Wel t er weight hopefuls Oscar ··shotgun'' Albarado ol Teza1, unbeaten in 15 fights, and Uedgemon Lewis of Los Anceles, loser bul once in Zli, clash tonighl. Tile Se.alt meet the Los Angeles Kings bm't in the sixth game of their Nationa l dod:ey League quarter.final playoff eeiies. Lave r Dumps Drys dal e The Seals took a 3·2 edge in the be.st-Of· le'fln West Division series with a coo-1-...J vbtcirli 4-l victory over the Kings in JOHANNESBURG, Sooth Africa (AP) QU1and Wednesday ni1ht on the strength -Corona del Mar's Rod Laver, the top- "-two goals by Bob Dillabough and ex· seeded favorite, and Holland's Tom Ok· <elltnl &o.al tendini by Gory Smith. ker reached the final W~y of lhe ,If, the Seals win tonight, they mttl the South African open tennis champ\onshlps. St.. Lou.is Blues for the championship in Both are professionals. the west. Ir the Kings win, the seventh Laver trounced South Africa's Cliff pme will be played Sunday in Oakland. Drysdale, S.1, 1-6, 6-1, 6·2. Okker had an easier time. He moved up by default when Australian Tony Roche had to drop out because of a tom lhoulder muscle. .. . :,. Newport Beach's Roy E mer s o n , Laver's partner in doubles, withdrew and left (Or Australia when he learned of the death ol bis father-b..,law. Jn the best match of the day. Ann Jones of England and Francoise Durr of France, upset tot>"seeded Billie Jean Kini of Long Beach and Rose mary Casals of San FranciiCO, 6-3, 4-6, Pr-S, in an aU·pro doubles semifinal. South Africans B ob Hewitt and Fred P.fcMlllan overcame their major obslacle oo the way to the men's doubleS finall when they easily beat Spaniards Andres Cimeno and Australian Fred Stolle 6-4, S.. 6. 6-2, 6-1 in tile qu arter finals. Following the scratching of No. I seedl Laver and Emerson in the men·s doubles events, Hewitt and Mcti.tillan ~'ill next race the eig hth-seeded Australian pair Richai-d Crealy and A. Stone. Where Are the Fans·? ,, Halo s, Pilo ts Split; ·ttvim.Due Next :· \ The Angela' record oo lbe Oeld oo for ii M'..-..... 1111 lUlneY figures will be a doublea, two by JobNtone. rr.1..i went 1-1. Tllo ltont olftco w t 1h1 • Ille at-..........,..ol lbe !tam. "Thal'• probabir, -for-five and Bobby Knoop went llodancl re<01<1 wu thlt 1ood. tho W&1 we· on lolna to be do!nl h, ' !hnHor-foor to IHd tbe Anlel attack. A till)I lhmil ol $,U7 ohowed up at \RllDeY aid, "Bocauao wa have oo much •·•houn' Sladlum W-'-A• .. night to . VmifJUty. • ·, llATTLI CALIHMllOA ·~ _ _, ,.,_ .. ,111"4 •rlllrM Jee the Al1fell beat SealUt, f-3. Tbe~ate "()ur bullpen ll' do~ & £!~·job/' he He,,.r, ft I I I O Dl'lllHIO, rf J t I I fotTuesd •s,....no-wull ---" -o.tttr. cf • 1 o o L.~ " • 1 o o ay "'°'".,... t -T.O.vtt. M I I I I "'"°''' all J 1 I I the smallest opening night crowd ever for 1 AJWGEL SU.TE MIMW. "' • i 1 1 "°""''--ct • 2 t tho ~· ' Alli, 1~ " #.""*"91, 1:11" .,,..,, KMl"C Jlollltla. :hi • I 1 lttle¥rft, If 2 I I 'Jbe 'II take I day olf today after t11t>. , Wl!Mkfr, rt I l v .... rf 1 I 1 ·A.,, ,......_... ¥1 M ......... lt:iS •.m.. KMH: S.,a:'°' c ; : :=. 1:,. ~ : : eaminc a tplh' wtlh upanaionist ~atUe tn•1• H~ •:.., 1 1 WllhtlM. 11 1 1. o Wedneti:day tllght. 111~ ,......,.. "' OI ...... 7:U ,....... KMP'C """""' II • • A..lltdr)Vuft.. 4 J • 1be A n c e rs host Mlnnesota for four p~' '"""""""II .. Oekle"'-l':U .. ~ = :.. ~ : ~.!:. ... ,.,' : ~ : games over the weekend, starting Fri-AM. 11-MDelt " M....,...,, 1tiu '·""' KMP'C MarWll. 11 1 • ... ..,.,,.,, • • 1 • d 17111 •rt11otr111111r, D I I CMMI. ..,. I 1 I . \ 't;,, tlil --..&..W .. I .. \bl ._. iidlijt f'lf Ill& • mi COU1d dO It :=r. ":. I : :.::.: ';' ; : : ........... ?':1 ;..._. """· -~ n ~, .. 111 t I I l'tDef ~ bill,fo --.,._ ., • • • Tolllt U I Toti,. ~ II 5. _.,,..,,__....., ...... 1 TM _.,._~ on starter Mike s..t110 021 ooo •-1 I . lnnU.. ,outtiunt to defeat ........ m bltl. In the fifth in-c.1111rni. -,. U.-7 .. _......, • .1-· 1 I UM• ~· 1 J • -Mnwwnlltl. H•MY i. wtilttlttf' %. ci-tbl Pilotl, · 7~. f . ~ w J ' ' ..... .,. I ay -1Mll!1 1. LOI -hl!t!e 7, C.llfotnll , .. ,._ Tltelday, Clycle Wrlgbl, Edd>e Fisher ~~ with Jim . pd on _ Mlncfler, 1t11ct11r.i1. A. 1todr1tuei. JIMlllMt t. and Rudy May oornbln(ld for 11/S innlDgs Y baM., Both when rltht fteldtr 1t1111ni1. Mil -Minch.,. UI. II -H1nov, ~ al lbutout bueball. Wednelday, rookie stft'efWlll_. ,.-nmlUld a lleldlJll tr· L JMlllOn. 1 -Amin . Pedro Borbon and veteran Boyt Wllhebn rw .S a 1bfwta1· trrOI" oa. the NIDO 111 M • •• •• "' bltnbd the Pilotl after starter Andy play. :,~=.:' ... 1y.11 i ~ ~ : : : ~. Mea11mnith tpotted Stattle a S.O lead. Tom Satrtlp0'1 ain&le drove ID Rick Morr,. 1-111 1 1 1 1 1 Borbon, a J.1.year-old 111btbander from Mcbirdt .... &Ill SHhead run in the =•"""" ~ 113 ~ ~ ~ l ; torY. bbl nm in thfl major Jeques. Callfanda ' battered rour Pilot Wllllt lm ' 0 • • • ' thel>orii!ilkan JtePubUctelmei! tbe ytc.; aame111nbtc1 fl It +3. 90rtl0rl !W,1.0J l I 0 0 1 ' ·'the Angels used 17 players, wblch pitcben for bijs, 1 D c I u d l n I four. .. w~" -Morrit. Tltnt -t :". Attn•11c. :. " -.NY Calls Russell Greatest After Celtics Romp, 112-97. BOSTON (AP) -"Bill lluuell ii a greai defe.nalve baaketball player -he 1s the greatest defensive center who ever lived." Tha.t was New Ycrk Coach Red Hotunan's first comment 1n lbe quiet Knlcks' dreaing room W-ey night I after Ruslell and the :so.ton CelUCI bad won a .~.no cont.eat" 112-97 declllon in their National Baaketball Auociation playoff game. The 3S-year-old Ruaaell, dQmln1ted the Tolan's Bat Gives Dodgers First Defeat CINCINNATI (AP)-Bobby Tolan, who hit only five home runa all last year, cracked his second in u many cames Wednesday night, carrying lhe Cincinnati Reds to a 3-1 victory over the Loa An- geles DodJ,ers. Tolan 's lwo-run shot in the seventh inning against Don-Sutton &napped a 1-1 tie and eave the Reds their fU'Jt vie· l-Ory. Jim i.-taloney worked the tint six ~ nlngs for Cincinnati, allowln§ one run and thrff hits. Bui the Reds ace wu forced to leave the game when he pulled a hamstring muscle rwm.ina: out a grounder. ... "'!~'!ne Granger relieved Maloney and Dotl9er Sla te ••• 11-Dodt"" .. Houtlon • J:U .. ...... KFI IUOl :r.· 12-Dodttr• .. Hou•lon, J :JS .~. .,, " ' 1 J..-Oodttrl II Hou1ton, 11 :" 1.rn.. ""' ·~· "'" opened the ~· seventh with a walk. Pete ROie lorctd the pitcher and Ulen Tolan tagged his homer. The Dodaer& hid taken the lea.d aga l.n!l Mafoney ln the sin'h when Willie Crawford singled. moved to :second oo a wal k to Len Gabrielson and scored on Biil Sudalds' hit. T h e Reds tied it In t h e bottom of the sizth on Lee May's n.in-scorlng lingle. Other than the sizth inning, the Dodg- ers posett few threata a o d managed onlv three sing'Jes. t.1aloney held Los Angeles to only one hit through the first five innings while striking out three. The Dodge rs belt 1.1aloney in three of rour decisions last year and were 14-9 against him Ufetime before the game. LOS AMell.11 "r II 11>1 Crawtonf, cf ' I 2 0 Gt b<ltttorl. rt 7 I G I 11te.,...r. p o I I o S'°'1kh, lb • I l 1 F1!rly, lit • I 0 I ICOKO, If ~ I I I Hill..-, c I I I I t..i.,ovn. 211 l • • • Sill "'°'.. I.I J I 0 I SU!lton.P ti I D CIMCIM .. ATI '"'"..-t lttM.d J1 2 1 l •Ll11o rf .,,, A.J,1111-. H 4 1 1 0 Pertr.lb •O t l LM1y, lb ~ t 1 1 •-"·' ,,,, H1Jlflo. 'lb l I I 0 W-w1'11. M l I I 0 lfllol.....,, I 7 I I I Gr1no-<. t I I I 0 .......... pll ,,,. Tot1t, It 1 J I Tlllll 11 J 7 l Loi Antt'-llClll IOI IOCI -l Clnc:1-tl toe WI •-I Dll -Clndt!Nfl I. LO• -..... ......... 4 CIM:lnNU 7. ta -ltOll. Hiii -l tllfl ttl .•• - "'· J-. 1ame, scorinf 14 points, martni n re- bounds and 1iitlmldalin11 lhe Knlcu on def-an lilll>l- Tbe Celtlct' plafer-coatb got ·• atan- dlnf, n>artna nation from Ibo crowd ol 14,133 In i111t1m Garden -be loot hlmotll oul wllll 1'13 remalnln1. ~ victory pw the CeWcs a U lead In Ille belt4-Eutem Divlaion llnal 1<1111 wblch~· back to New York for Ille tlifrd I ~ay night. Ruaell !ill club wun't doilla anythina tban d u r l n I the regular • ._ wbmr it klst six of aeven declalONI to the AIM KnJcb. "l can't ao- count f0t It," Im said. Holzman, however, said the resuJat lea.sort record WU mllleadiq . :·You have to Joca at the games," he said. "Some they could have won. It wu no indlcaUoo el the closene&s of the aeries.'' "It was one of DW' ruJ. eood aamea," Ruuell said, "but you heft to odmlt Ibey m1atd some euy abcU. We can't take Becaue of Fadglng ! Tennis' Honor System May Need Revamping Tennil' honor l)'ltem among coachu may be 1n for nvamping if UC Irvine'• eiperlence with Pepperdine earlier thiJ week LI being repeated elsewhere in eol- legate circles • The way the honor code iii set up, each coach 11 suppoud to seed bis players by their ability IO that when his team goes qainlt an opsiooant the two best players will meet, the nut littt two will collJde, etc. However, tht desire lo win aometime1 produces a bit ol fucl&lna on Ille part of over.zealous COICbta:. Take the UCI·Ptpperdlne contest. John Loveleaa, al Pepperdine is ranked among the top Ia pI11ers in Southern •LI.MM VrMITI' WHITE WASH t ......... ,, ....... . California. Yt,I 1111 coach bad him playing in lhe No. 5 pOolllan, prohebly fiaurinl en easy win over tbe !lo. I UC! pleyor. The 1lratea ol havJna Lovelar (who is probably tbt fio. S player for the Waver, at wont) r agalmt UCt's No. 5 man wu to obvioUlly itve Pepperdine a bl1 ldvantage mt a vital point. However, Bob P1yan upMt the ap- plecart and Lovt)fu. Wuhington State's schedule for 1969 ln- cludes gamea wilh Illinois, Iowa, Oreeon, UCLA, Stanfonl, Col, use, Oreaon State, \\'ashington and U. of Pacll.ic • A record of I.I mlllloa trout ecp were llJd ta tllree day1 at Mt. W1d&ney'1 llat· cbery to double Ute prevlou reconl for production i.y Ute Department of Fis• and Game's fidl. Some 3,0M fiU JI"&" dDCed the eg1. One million of me ens aree teaed for sblpment to Korea a.s part of an Jn- lmaltlonal e1daan1e program. , A 15Y•·pound largemouth bau was eaU,Jht at San Diego'• Miramar Lake by Dave Jacobi, I San Dlea:an. It wu the lar1est bus ever cau1ht in California by three ouncea. The 2t~lnch catch was ba1ged on a tiny No. 18 treble hook , whJch wu baited with cheeae. ~tacobs was H1hln& for trout when he nailed the huge bus. Vallely Honored John Vallely has another pre•tigious item for his trophy CBle today. f ink, Hewitt Swim for Gold Tonight Thus UCl wu Jble to prtHrVt a M victory. !Ugh school coochu UJed lo suffer U>rooP thil ~ fl unethical lhufllinc of talent which .... cbed -. playen qaiDst wtU _. and t h u s mMllpul1led Uy "'"11L The Helms Athletic Founda- tion has named him Its March athlete of the month for his' role in aidlni UCLA's basket. t.11 team to tho NC/iA chlDlP' lonshlp In Louisville, Ky. Vallely wu r..i,bot In tho semifinal game against Drake and poured In 29 points whtn moat of his teammates had an off-night. ""' ·~ .;""" BJ CLENN WHITE .:• ! Of ... 0.1" P'ltlf ll•ft '&ii>NG BEACH -Two Orengo Coe•l "" owimmin& Nrs are expected to "C!ive UdJ momlnl'' prellminarla and =hoot f0< BOid medala ionlgbt in the I AAU swimming and diving plon&hpl> at B<lmont Pini Olympic "'1. hcrt. ;l)mpotflloo ht&lnS at 7 o'c.lock. 1'oe ·m• duo Is Greg Fink. former <ilOna dtl MM High ...,..lion who now .. for the Unlvtraity of Southem Qi1fomlal:!~""t Hewitt, a 17·yeaN>ld -at de! M.-and member of ~-U.S. women'• Olympic team. if'lnk aoes on the 500 Creestyle where he ls.'l'aied KVenth GD Lbe buiJ of entry .. llmes. Mi~ Hewitt vies In the night 's first event -the JOO.yard butterfly and .she i1 placed sixth on basis of entry time. Fink, with a best of 4:39.8, goes against such stars as German Hans Faunacht (4,33.2), UCLA Olympic 1,500 fr..,tyl e gold medalist P.like Burtoo (4:38 ), defen- ding champion Trevor Charlton (4:31)1 Canadiai1 ~·hiz Ralph Hutton (4:31), usc·s Greg Olarlton (4:38.2), UCLA's Andy Strenk (4 :311.~) and Yale's John NelJon (4:39.7). P.fike Martin of UCI, sroall colleae NCM champion, 11 not aompetlna bec1uae of ••ler polo wor lcouu. ~flu Hewitt, American record holder in • the ZOO.meter buUerfly, lot.I against her old biller rival Ellie Daniel of Vesper Bolt Club. P.fiss Daniel's 58.1 ls near lht meet record of SS Oat. held by Sharon Stouder. The Coron• del 1.tar flub has a best ot 59.4. Other top performers are Sari \Vylie ol Foothill (58.9), S.We Harvey from Ari· lngt.on. Va. ISi.O), Lynn COieiia ol Washington (59.3), Becky Walton from Florida (59.3), Sheryl Lawrtnce from Atlanta <59.4), Kathy Thomas of Arl- inaton (SU) and LyM Vid•U of Santa Clora (II.I). Miu Hewitt w111 re turn to action Satur. day In the 200 rly. other events on tonight ani the 100 breast.stroke and 200 backstroke for men'• and ~·omen'• compelillon. The r e s t of the "A'eektnd acbedule b thus: The swimming ochedule (pnllma at 1• a.m., finals a' 7 p.m., idenUcal procrama for men and for women): Frldoy -:IQG.Yard Frttstyle, •Yard lndhlldual Medley, 400-Yard Medley Relay (f'rotvorn openo wllh -·• platlorm dlTlnc finals). Saturday -:IQG.Yard Butltrlly, 11»- Yard Breaststroke, 100-Yard Batkstroke, lll)G.Yml Freestyle Roley (~1111 ..,... wltll mm's ptal/onn dMnl ftilall). 5undoy-Il•Yard rr...lytt, hYard Individual Medley, 400-Yard Freestyle Relay, 16»-Yard Freestyle. But lhe """' ridded tbeml<lv11 ol lhll honor oodl vlo11tlon by pteytn1 round-robin ~ Tblll OVG')'Onl tVtn• tuall1 ptayod ....,.,. and Ihm eaulttn't be eny ovmlalJ!s or miltaltu on lllldlna ol talent. Sllere €iret1lu o.kl -la • f,... .. plklllr at GolirlllP8cliall,Nonr ... Y-Du·~ ........................ .w .. , a.e.. at IP I, ti t 11 Ll ... W1 ' --, Jock W.,..., former quartarbock II M-Doi Blah lchool, movu i. vanl(y compotftlon llll• 1prlng al WHlllogton Slate. He could move into the No. 2 poa. Uon lor the Cougora, behlDd Rich Oilon. The Balboa Island guard , completed ht1 junior year 8* VCLA a1 the team'• No. • &corer with an 11.l average. He played In 28 1ames. Vallely Johll two other, 1port1 notablu who have woil- 1961 Htlms awanlJ. Tbt J1nt1- 1ry wiMtr wu 10Ut? Char.Ile Sil!ord and boitl Miil"! Ramoa wu !ht Fabru"?' winner. ... --------·------------- Vallely' s Decision . The 'J>1"tVailing topic ot discussion a year ago amona: Orange C-area !lpClris nW .,,.,,, "Wh<ft Is Joh> Valltly ~ lo 10 lo echool MB year?" The oo&lime Corooa de! Mar High .U.CIFer bad brol<<11 every record an the books in two seaB008 at Onnce Cout Collqe. And ao at about this time last year the scholarshp offers from four· year ochools were filling up Valltly's Balboll laland mallbol<. Would it be UCLA or a m.idwestem outpost, such u Kamas? Coold he play al UCLA? Vallely quickly grew weary of hearing· that latter query. He had played mo!tly al forward at Orange ea..! and not • few .,.. hoop follow>en maintained Vallely cooldn'l cul tt at guor<I wilh lhe national champions. · "Boy, J got tired of hearing that," Vallely said over lunch rectt'IUy. " "But it really got ·to me when I itarted getting it from my own mother. One day last year 8he said to me: 'John, are you """you con play with lhoM UCLA boys? - I think they mial>I be too quick for you.' "Well, that really made me mad and we got into a reel ahwting match over it. I told her: 'Listen, I'm not going to even talk lo any ..,... ol U-guy• fmn other liChoolo. I'm ~ to ao to UCLA and I'm going to play!" * * * Aad n It turned eat, Vallely made beUeven eat Clf Ills '•me ton detractors, Vivian VaUely and a Pasadena sportswriter wla• once declared: "1'ere 11 ao way that CUY will play for UCLA .e:rt ltlfOD," He 1tarted virtually every 1ame ud iced the cake with a great D-polDt performa1tte against Drake 1t LH11vllle tat put die Bralu lnto tht NCAA champion11Up same wtdl Nortll Carollu. . Ttaat wa1 thl'ff weeks ago and Vallely, who la lit yoa111er days shot buketl at Ills backyard. boop for ap t• lt boan a day, . Nifty 440 Relay Quartet hau't aJtot a basketball since. -. Marina High's classy 440 relay team-ranked among "I toucktd one U.e other day but I didn't shoot,'' lie lled1ect. the fastest in the CIF Southern Section -is made Tony Ventimiglia and Dean Kitano. The foursome has already posted a 43.1 for lhe distance. """""'' ¥11.0, 1969, Tied ·for Flnt ' •• ' Errors Help -Cd~; ~ Edge Eagles, 4.z; • T•king advantage of a pair Klm Wilbrecbt b o u n c e ~ ol COOily errors on double play another potential doubte.piJf. balla, Corona clel Mar IIJgh ball and this lime the ~ SCl>Ooi 'tripped bosl Estancia, ended up in left field wiil 4-2, Wednesday aflemoon in Euell and ¥ayer scoring tJ?e ~ League baseball aclion and ah _, ~-­and moved into a · flrsl·place tying go-e-runs. ,,...,, tie tn the loop standings. Snyder squeezed in the fiba;l The sea Kings are now tied ruEStancia scored its two JUDI with the Anaheim ·tandem ot in the first on a single, a walk, ~ Mlg'oolia and Loara with 1 4-2 two errors and a sacrifice fly. r~ Corona got one back in the se- Thursday's game W a 8 cond on Stan.Crippen'a homer makeUp contest after the tw.o to center. schools bad ~IUed to•~ Ue--------- two weeks ago Jn a game that t' tal WU bAited by darkneos. con 1nen ca !I.. =t~r*~~ORllD the fifth inning W>th Estancia ;,*'~~;~= -RIX. ·1·1ap2r'o11 Bill Mayer followed with a · • nubbu down the third-bue line which he beat nut for • RIVERSIDE · hlii.,0 Snyder then drilled a International Raceway perfect double-play ball, bul • .-i-1i00; 5 lllf. L 11 iti.l'lilll the Estancia infield threw lhe Advance Sale Tickets ball away allowing the Sea $ Kings tq load the sacks. 51· in9ludes *' * * , both days "Our•ntt, •f I. e~111rd, 11 Powfll, Jb Cornuke, c: V111"1ft, 2b LOitlll, .U •~ r 111111 3 I 1 0 ' • 1 0 1 I t 0 l 0 0 0 s 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Fret Grandstand Seats & PMkin& WAl.LICHS MUSIC CITY STORES Hollywood · T opanga Plaza Torrance -l.al!ewood WesttbYina ·Costa~ ' lnformatioo 213/466-3553 Riverside later11atl1ul . lacewar 714/653-1161 "I wu waiting: for a PY to tlve me a ride tt the Macll: and I up of (left to right) Dave Lacy, Joe Ventimiglia, was Urlnking abeat going eut back and 1hoodllg a few wlllle I was------------------------------------------ wallill& bul decided opln1t IL" Lernkt, 111 Pyle. d $11111, •2b Mt~., Tol1l1 ' e o 1 2 0 • 0 ' 0 • • 1 0 0 0 21 2 3 I * .* * Vallely who will be the only graduating senior next year, for coach John Wooden's Bruins, now looks ahead to the 1969-70 -· "Wlthoot Lew, we're goi.n@: to have to run and gamble more ne:rt year," he c«nmented. Saddleback Drops 8th Straight, 9-2 UCI Sophomore Whiz Named Top Swimmer Baseball Standings "If we were On a fast break last season and there was any chance at all we were going to lose the ba1l we wooJdn't shoot. We'd just wait for Lew to get under the hoop. Next yrM, we'U have to take more chances." Looking back, Vallely said tie was satisfied with hi.s rookie year in major college baBketb!lJ • "I think t did pretty well, consi.der?ng I bad so much to learn. Wooden's system takea: great discipline -you have to learn to n:ally discipline younell to do tbings euot.Jy the way be W3tlt,,: them done." He said the most difficult adjuMmert be had to make wu m defense. , "I had 1o play defense oo 121< quicker player ml I ham I dooe that at On.nge Coast." Vallely now faces a spring and summer without «I~~ basketball. The NCAA prohlbils a players fmn cunpe;mc m AtUnmer leagues so Vallely faces a leisurely IUlnDltt, aipiced, perhaps, by an oceasionaI pickup g~e at Orange Coast. . "There's going to be some great pickup games at Coast this 1ummer," he said. A summer job? "What I'd like 00 do is go to work for the Orange Coast YMCA ml t.ach kid! bow lo phiy ball. I think thal'd be fun." Davenport at MSAC Willie Davenport, ranked the chairman, 0 we hope to have world's top high hurdler the several others of similar past four years, has joined callber." the parade of Olympic Games Now In his seventh year gold medal winners in the 11th annual Mt. San Antonio of major competition, the &-1 , College Relays, April 15--26-27. 185--pound Davenport had by Previously announced en· far his best campaign in 1968, tries by Hilmer Lodge, meet despite several severe set. diredor, are BUI Toomey, backs. decathlon ; Al Oerter, discus; He equalled the world 120- and Bob Beamon, long jump. yard record of 13.2 at Knox.· VisitingS outh we s le r n College of San Diego exploded for six nm.s in the fifth inning and pinned a 9-2 non-con- ference. baseball loss on Sad- dleback College Wednesday afternoon on the Gau'cho dia~ mond. Southwestern jumped on Saddleback starter Greg Pen- nington for a pair or runs in the top of the first, but the Gauchos got Ulem right back in the second with their on1y offensive fireworks of the day. The loss was the eighth straight for Saddleback, which returns to action on its hcime diamond Saturday afternoon against San Diego Mesa. N1lev. u Halt, LI Grll'tt, e Mortin. 1b JoMIOl'h lb CfleW, d Redon<lll, rt Gr.n, 2b klbbe •• Rockm•n, p Tot111 ... . " ' ' , ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' s 0 •. ' ' . ' ' . ' , ' . . ' • • • ~2 ' 10 .... ~ . . ' . . ' .. ' .. ' • • • . ' ' . ' . . . ' ' .. • • • • • • 3S 1 • "And that's not all," says ville, Tenn., on Aug. 31 'and Loci ho lso th U S SC1r• ~' lnnintt ge, w was a e . . went on to capture the 1old • ~ • As expected, Mike Martin was the featured award win· ner at UCI 's swimming and water polo awards banquet Wednesday evening. A sophomore out of Corona del Mar High School, Martin was named the team's most valuable performer for Irvine's NCAA college division champions. Martin won three individual races and swam on two win- ning relay teams at the NCAA meet in Sprir.i:tield, Mass., last month. It was the greatest individual performance ever for the NCAA meet. Bob Wilhite, whe> won the three-meter diving crown for the third straight year at Spr- ingfield, was named the team 's va rsity ca ptain. Ac· corded ca ptain's honors for the freshman team was Jim Cooper. UC l's nationally r a n k e d water polo team, which com· piled a 25-2 record last season with victories over UCLA, USC and Stanford. was also feted at th e banquet. Bill Braly was named ca p- tain, Ferdy Massimino was honored for being top scorer and Pat McClellan won the "heads-up" award . ' Massimino, McClellan and Martin were named as All· Olympic Games committee medal at Mexico City in 13.3. SOulhWf11.,.,, 200 °'1 000 -• 11 * __________________ ;._ ___ ~·=~~·"""=·o=-="'~"":::.;""=,-;;;;'~·--· .................... .. Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE Eut DivW01 Chicago Pittsburgh New York Montreal WLPcLGB 2 0 l.000 SL Louis Philadelphia 2 0 1.000 I I .500 I I .500 0 2 .000 0 2 .000 Weit Division _ Atlanta San Diego Los Angeles Cincinnati Houston San Francisco 3 0 1.000 2 0 1.000 I I .500 I I .500 0 2 .000 0 3 .000 WMl!lftdlJ'I fltslifh ""' YM t, Monll'ffl S c11ic-11. ,.,,n...,11111111 1 (lnknnlfl J. Los .t.neete1 I Plrtlti.'111 '-St. LO!.!'-I I 1 2 2 AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit Bosloo New York Washington B1IUmore Cleveland Kansas City Sea We Oakl1111d Chicago callfornia Minnesota Eut Dlvllfon WLPcLGB J 0 1.000 1 0 1.000 1 l .SOD J,2 1 1 .SOD ~i O J .000 I Ol .0001 Weal t>fvi11lon 2 0 1 I 1 I 1 1 l I 0 2 w.....,..,.. ._,,. J.000 .500 .500 .500 .500 .000 1 I 1 I 2 Chk-J, Oiki.nd t W11hlne""' '-Ntw 'l'ft'l 4 + Tax & Uc. Ali.toll ot. S.n Fr..wJ-I .. ,, Oleto J, Hotllton t TMlr'IO._ fCll'lfll ClfY 4. M1-.o!I 1. 11 lnnlntl C.111on1i. 1. S..ttlt ) Ol'llY Olmft Wltdllllill. Available \11/Aulomatic Tr811Smliiston MentrMt (J111t! .. Ul 11 Ntw Y"'11: (0.M,., Ml ""°'*'°"' (Griffin IMI' 1• S.n Ollloo OCtllfr M), ••M '111..0•IJlll'-fJ...._ ... , ..t tllk.llto !Hon_,, 11..i1 fltttRvrt~ llllll ... n tt St. l.toillt {W1t111tvr11 lff.I OrllY -ldlldUIM. T...,...._ N..,. Y1rk l"""-U·lll n Wl flll"'ton tHtrW!ln IH flt' MtlN U I I MIO!I !Cur. lM ..t l1Hlmo,-. {(..,.,lt r .. ,1) Cltvfl1"" IMcPtwtll lJ..10 If ~I (ltlkll lf·f) Oo\ty •etnft """""'""'· I AUTHOlmD FULi. SUYICI AND PAITS FOi ALL IMPOlnD AUTO MODELS GOLD SEAL usrD CAIS FINEST SELECTION OF USED SPOU CAIS IN SOUTHERN CAUFOINIA • .t:llll PL11 I .~i ll! LI L1 I!., JlOO WUT COAST HleHWAY -NIWPOIT RACH J1rtupo11 31111p Ll 11 '., '4Z.HOI S40.17t4 A• ....... M6 e AUSTIN·HEAUY ·o ...... --...... , _,._ . , ...... American waler polo performers. Nine members o( the swim team who brought the NCAA title to UCI were named as All • Ainerican selections: Martin, Steve Farmer and Rich Eason in five evenLs: Bob Dalee and Dale Hahn in three ; Wilhite, Duane Olson · and Bob Dowell in two, and Cooper in on e. Ml, S.t..C F11ller!Ot1 ,~.., R\llffllck Cllrus GOLOEM WlST s-....... ORANGE COAST Si n 8~n1r<lino Rio Hondo C n>~H Martin was the key figure in UCI's victory over 81-other schools. Irvine had finished third last year and second in the 1967 meet. He won the 200, 500 and 1,650 meter freestyle events and had the fastest legs on the winning Anteater fOO and 800 free relay teams. Prep Golf His 500 and I _.650 times 14:41.3 and 16:37.0) are na· tional records . (•1'1111 6'1 l'Alt 1111 tn LMtl ltNhl !CdM), ... S.01 Fre.s (C<IM) 1•·, 5--01 IClvtr ICdMJ, 11, S.0; Qwtft ICdMl, 71. Mi -CllT'rol! (dMJ, l5 S.01 , Colv, •· 2.J. .. • SOX Sf ... tt11S COTION SOX. • Sf-tte 15 WOOL MIXTURE SOX. ,.., tto 15 90% WOOL SOX. • • 11 .. t n11 -11 te IJ-IJ .. is 100% ORLON SOX • 100% COTION TUBE SOX. • • .59c .75c .$1.50 • $1.50 .79c .95c to $1.25 Wlclt DRY UNDER SOX. .69c • • .$1.75 F.r T ... h •4 ••If -OtlH If c.tt.11 LADIES PfDS • • • • • .95c lo $1.45 RALEIGH BIKES PART~ • TIRfS • TUBES • REPAIRS SC91'9 ty l11nl~1• C-de! #Nr 010 O:IO II-' I S E$1•ttel• 20C1 OllO o -2 2 save*2~ REAL g1PP1N'WlllOOY ~ IN~OAUON~ ----- c:::::==i ----·- TENNIS OVER 400 RACKETS TO CHOOSE FROM WILSON • DAVIS . • BAHCROfT DUNIAP • · CRAGIN • SIMPLEX WILSON 12000 STEEL RACKRS CHILDRINS RACKm. .4.95 lo 12.95 ADULT RACKETS. • .4.95 to 45.00 lADIU TENNIS DRUSlS 14.95 & 16.95 MENS TEJIHIS SHORTS. .4.95 to 12.95 MBIS lENHIS .stflRTS. • .5.00 & 6.00 BOYS lENNIS SHORTS & SHITS MBIS. CONVEIUE TENNIS SHOES. • lADIES CONVERSE TENlllS SHOES. .7.25 MENS JACK PllRCB1 TEllNIS SHOES l 95 RACKET STR11161116. • .4.00 lo 15.00 ·------------·-----------· " " I ' Th_,, Ajwll 10, 1969 J)CC Gridders Toughen Up ... • . In Modern Dance ' Oass ·Not IQ YfrJ lq llO lootl>oJI p)ayor• car- ried !he lmqe ol being pnU7 toogh bombru. . But times ... changlng. -lliey ...................... ..., delea~ N , lo El CUllM. Tiie C<rrltoo ,..-, -.... u .. ..,... to Its credit ~ · A couple ot weeks qo ChRrlle Britt, a ~ lilpe defemive back with Ille Rama roceived ,..uoftaI publicity when he made his debut u a baDlllC dancer. Crrrtio., IK , lau • "m&rbb&B MI- ii "" ud .... lloce It _... Ill doon la 111&. AfW a 11-H netrd dartq Ille '51 IUIOI, lite F*-' went year WU 1 ... wbta Qley P.t tottdlu 1 .m mart wl~ • ~ 11 campalp. ~ .. orange c.ost Collet• three foolboll p\lien are trying to stoy in canditloo durtll( the aft'..aeuon by doing 1 little modern dan- cing. . 1be trio -halfback Ray Ricardo, flanker Br\lce . Hkks Ind linebacker Mike Kuhn -* * * REI.A Y NOTES -Jim Seymour's 11-nat "'"""" •• "". ""**' JOEL SCHWARZ "". '"" '"'.'" * *"." anchor leg in tli6 lllO relly llot Friday in the Southern Califoa>nia Relaya wU 1 mnarklble ~rrort considering circumstance ol the race. Golden West w11 dead even with San Bemenlino and Bllenfield flOinl iDIG !he anchlr leg. Seymour and Pbll Ac• maaed up Ille handof!, forcing Seymour "' """ and .. back fur !he ba!Gn. lie IQol at Jeut aeven yanll .. !he handof! but roared back. claim they Wert drqged into the dance cla.ss ~ day when they were-walking down the hall. - In the 1ut 15 )'ards of the race, Seymour tig-z..agged his way between the Bake:rsOeld arxl. San Berdoo aocbor men to win by a step. However, the RU!tltn were dllqualified beceu!e lhe final hmloll wao ·compkled out ol lhe passing zone. However, wilh several dozen YOOl'IC gab ruming around in leotards, it didn't take much arm-twisting to have them join the ll'""P· Rustler coach Tom Noon figures Seymour would have clocked at least 20.7 with 1 aooct exchange. · They were adamant on .one point, bowever, nrusing to wear dancinf tights. Rleardo, Kuhn and Hicks go through their routines in bell-bottom trouseni:. * * * NIGHT NOTES -Golclu Wut'a l•lmJ·rl<I· died bueboU l<•m will ploy Ill 11n1 llJPt same la llll!Oey Tuttday oplul Cypreaa •t La Palma StadiWll, ne RaatJen abt u,.. uother a.lght game, ~ M1y I wldll Fullerlell. ODe ol the trio, who shall remain nameless, claims Ille dancing hall greatly Increased bis 6ttength. After lifting a somewhat overweight partner for several weeb, he Says his weightlifUng JrOlram has j m p r o v e d rneasureably. Fred Hoover's GWC c:htb Us r .... -m.t liners Ol &lie iajary Utt. Dortdep Mite DeGetr Ill• ton bee llpmu&I, 1..t .. ,. be rudy for ac:U.. ad: week. CatcHr Mike SbeU.. .... aimllar lojary, bal .... - 1ble to see llmJted. daty. * * * DIAMOND NOTf3 -Mt. San An&Hlo CoUe1e'1 Ii-game baseball 1tn1k was uaap- ped but good lilt week Jn lhe Casey Stengd to.rra.tfteat wbea Cerrlkll bombed the Mou- tiet JM. Pltcber sieve Grittld:t h sUll out of actlon as the malt of an aato aecldeat 1nd Gary Marki, anotht.r tip llllttler, Us been anable to pikh becau.ae of 1 bad arm. Oerrlloa, 1ow If.I 011the1e.a1on1 probably ls the' strongest team la Soulbf:ni C.Ufomla. Tlte Faleons have outscored their opposition, J3'-11, la 17 games this season and line of the Wltltoat CirlfflU. ud Marks, the overworked Rustler mound corps his yielded ft ran1 ·111 the last foar pmes. (;ounty All-Stars 4th Gymnastics Ticket Sales Under Way ' ln Cage Tournament lost a 61-52 game to tourna- mf!lt runntrup Palos Verdes tn cvertime. Bcb Tuvell cf Tustin made the all tournament team. Boys on the Orange County all-star team included players frcm Dwyer, Davis. Rea and Eiisign jtmlor high schools. The Orqe County alktar team was coached by Ron Starkman, athletic director at the Harber Area Boys' Club and fonner Santa Monica City College star~ The Orange County fi ve posted the biggest rout cf the tournament, waxing L a s Veg~ by 7&-lS. Jf!n'y West cf the Los Angeles Lakers is a director and founder cf the National Boys Basketball program. Tiell.els (or Friday Nahl's Wayne Crawford Memorial Gymnastics fr1eet of Cham- pions at UCI are available by telephone will call and will also be oo sale at the door. Tbe Crawford Hall event begins at 7:30 1nd features some of Americ1 '• finest gym- nasts. 'The $2 adult tickets and 'l.25 student stubs can be , reserved 6y callfuia:JS.mt-. Michigan St.ate NCAA cham· pion Dave Thor is one of a dozen contestants. Chatsworth High Sc b o o I junior Steve Hug, who was on the 1968 U.S. Olympic team with 'I11or, is also ezpected to be on hand. OP TWO HUT DD .... TIRES I Wl~~ .. ~AL ~15~!~ W'lrl~1 .H.,._lu ... lrand Hew CusteM u .. ANY SIZE IN STOCK D-70 Sen... 14" £ 15" • ,,_;..f ............. DOlllU ACTIO~ Shock AllsorHrs • K.4'oo --- -...... ....... .. ,... -..................... "'"" ... -.......... ~ .. ,...-. ...................... CONVllTllLE VllYL TOPS • c..t.. ........, "' ...... • ,, I a .. ... ..,. ............................ . .c_. ................... ... ·-· lWANT • MUFFLERS ....... _ ................... .,.. _ .......... ,.. ......... .......... .. • .,...a ..... ,... ...... 4 WHEEL BRAKE REUIE c-.... ····-'· .....,.,._ ....... ................ CUSTOM RECOIElllG .................. ..... ... ......... °""""..... ..... ·-.. ......_ """" ...,_ a ....,. -- s... .,,.. • .... ... , ..... I ...,,, • """' ...,.. °'" .. 11 • I j.,__... ........,, V-" """ ........ wotM!JJ ""' ' ''"'' • NO DOWN 'ATMIHT COSTA MESA JHo..--. -54~170 !hi-... .,. .. Aff!Ml ' 6995 ·-•w ••• 19!~ ...... ANAHEIM UHW.Uocolo ""°"' 774·14U Palmer l'UCTICE l'lllTING PAYS Off ... ''"""" ..... .,._ HB Youth Track Titles Up for Grabs Saturday Trad< and field. ,_, foe bo)ll and flirla from thin! "' elgbdt grades will be held dur· ing Ille nut four Salurdoy• In !he u-.ion lleacfnrea. Tile Boyl Afl.Ctty Cham· piowtrlpe: wtD begin at 9 a.m. Saturday at Marina High School ~1111.e a similar meet for g!rle will be held at Marin• and Huntington Beach lti&J> schools at 1 p.m . The following Saturday will feature the Orange County Kiwanis boys meet at 8:30 a.m. en FOOntain Valley High School's athletic field and the G~ls City Clwnpiomlilp meet at I p.m. at M~ High School. On April 26 local boys will particij>ate "' Ille Southern Callfcrn!a Boys' meet IChedul~ ed for 1 p.m. at Norwali'.s Cerritoo College. A flir)I' acbool meet bu been _scheduled for 1 p.m. at Marina Hljih School in the same day. Closing out the series ¥ay 3 will be a beys" school meet .t 9 a.m. oo the Marina HJgh School cinders and · an alJ. Orange Coonty girls meet, also at 9 a.m. at Costa Mesa Hillh School. MCl'e :lnfonnation a.bout the scheduled evf!lts is available from the H"'1Ungtoo Beach R=eatkm and )'arkl'Depl at SM-2573. .kin California Thriff,s GIANT 63 if you want more of tftal JOLLY GREEN! '""" bJ the 20Ut and um ,_ the !st on 12i!IOlllll luft Plid lnveslnieat Thrill Certifiates. Or 5'11% on Passhook Accounts oo _, -'. YOlll wilhdmllls ~.-..! iMnled'lllelJ on de1111nd. Join tM thousands who '"' mDYina their fundt -. c:.i-Thrift. c.n or stop ift. We'I S(9dly anlWllt )'Ol.Ff' ciutstions 9nd tell you how we can transfer your prnent funds by phoM « m.U without bothtr to yew. For 10'll' intwnt'• .... mow :rour funft ... r to our P:nt 6 nowt CALIFORNIA THRil7'&LOAN 171 L 17'11 It,. C.... M ... 646.IMI c.1.11,.+i,,, • 4tc:t4a ., ,,.,.;,, w!th tHic:•a i11 ,,1,.c:1,,.1 c:ititt thr•11tll•11t C•lif•r•if, Co:r;ona, Mu~tangs Recor4 One-sided SWim -Victories eor-del -ml Qlala Meli '~ -rippld Ibo ~.mw~1~ ~X::.~ M--ll'linmfllc F-.U. Velie,, 'lJ.tti ~.in the winner's pool • Qlala M-, preppq for !ta _...,..tat-__ [,eape pc!Wlr' ,._ llllh FrldJJ' lliglll, hjd lltlle -ble la cliopoli .. GI> FOUlllaill VU. ley, wlnolJlc every varaily event -.pl dlvtoc. Dave Wbllaker' w• the Ille lndiYljlual for M-. ......... lhe t10 free in l :QU fur a acbool --oatt1q • pool -"' ..... free -I 2U clocldllg. Roa~ -mi CUrl Plumlea iJ8o wen double wfn.. oen ia Jodtriduil ev-for coach Dan Utter'1 crew. Mesa'•':'Dave ·Ge mm on rwam ~ IDl1l-.i race -lh•dllO fly where be took first with a 15.Z. The V.ualonga' 31111 medley relay learn oped' lo a..,. pool r<eonlof \:44.1. Deapilo Ille lopelded acore, F.stancla pcsted. three vie-. fDriea . In varsity competition against O!rma del Mar. ---------!QI Weller loot Ille 100 breul ia 1:1111.I, D•vld DeGruee the 100 back in 59.1 and Ed Clllford Clocked I 52:2 in the 100 free. GIRLS' MEET SCHEDULED JO lrt'~t -I~ ,Ilk II) f, ........ IC:dto!I >. fl""' 11 m TllM1 lU.: -_ 100 free bltr -I. ·c-<ft! M•• (Ono. R•l!'lwt. l'lofYMll.. Wt rC:), l1""9! 1:'7.1. ...... Ctdt ~ (1') (It) ,..W. Y•llir 1 iM'lOO M:c:Jrf fttlt~ -l; CMi. Mu t w~iai.•.\ =t .. Lt-' o • 111 ma•", , rte~'{..; ~T.1~/sTO• (CMI I. ,,.,. -(CM) ~. NIMll (l"Y), Tt1n1: 1:M.'-C~ F .. e -1. W~ttkl!' ((M) l . !tat :J ~f:l~-1c:..ii:.,""!.: r-5'""""'"' ~fi-rt 2. LliiOfi l"Yl. S. Ho flllnl. 1jlmc1• 01Vll'le -1, ?Im""'""" (FVl 7. 11:"11 ICM) 3. aerl CCMJ. Paints: !.1.60.., IOlll Fl'r -l , G-iCMI 2. lol•lt' ICM) J, oYd.Nma l l"Vj, Tim&: •.J. IOlll FrM -1. Mblollk ICMf L llOI' ICMl.j · Holl! ll"Y I, flmt: t11t. · 1Jf'A Kie -1. ,~~le (CM 2. P•'fl• :iJ ~;.;;.~ {'"~'1!::'1ft.1.l J ...... --'""J 2. Halt ltMI. CSdloal f I), T ""9: 4:02.J. 100 a .. 11t -1. 1-i. :CM ) J. Netoon IFV) l. ,,.,...,.ldl ll'Y).Ntl tlntt, .. f1" ll:tlav -1. C• M eet tFlov. G..nrnan, 11:911Mn. l'ltrtwltl. lme: l: ... 7. C..I• MtH lffl ~m '"-""" Y•""' 20I Mtc:Jtr ll:Nr -1. CAM ,.,.... !King, O'•r1.... G II II r.'"."'. ~IJ. Time' 11$7 ... IF~ !'ra: tb.tf.1Vi:.~.! ~.1~· loll JO Fr• -1. Wi.1'9 J.Vl l• Schoenmetil (CM) s. ,._., (CM , Tlmt: J4.1. • 111'1 1Nllv1tt11al Mec:le'I' -\ llln (l"VI '· Klfll CCM) S. H1rtion i"FVI. Tlmtt l :OS .. I 100 FIY -1. Klnvfl!I ICM) 1. Ille• IFV} 3. W1Jl1 (FVJ. Time:. k0&.4. .; 100 Fret -1. W11rslt• !fY/ >. Eflld.thl (CM) l. Joh1111111 FV). T l'Ml .53.t. . -. , 100 8tcll -1. ICll!I (CMl J, "''rbM (FV) 3. l~Mtt lCMl. Tlm:;_lAfl'< 1 MIO Fret -I. Soll {FVI 2, .. ea M l. CIH'I' (FV). Tlmt: ~:36.5. UXt 8rt11t -I , O'lrltn ((Ml t. l a•rwi1'n (FYI 3. C•rrall lfV>. Tlrne: 1:1'7.4. <1)11 Fr• Reltr - 1. COit• Mew IE~I, GllYremont, T1W11n11, llot1). t1m1: ~;,P • .t; c-. Cnle MtH 16'1 1111 hlllll•ll! Y•tt.r ·. ?00 Mt'dlrf llt1a'I' -1. Cnl• 11WM fC•rPff'ltri O'Ntlll. Wt Ide 1 I c !I .. M<"AM~'I' • Time: 1:!.S.t . ~ FrM -1. ae1t !CMJ t. ltlcller (CMJ 3 .Wulff (CM). Time: 2:01.I, 50 FrH -. 1. M(.An....., ((M) 1._ Gl'ft• ICMI 1 cum .. [l"Y). Til"tl: '~··· loll 1nc!l'l'kMI M.dltr -I. W•ldtlkh !~Ml 2. N'WI! (FVI 3. G"""" ICMl.i' T ;•:F~°'·!: 1. W1ld•1ldo /CMI 2. ;~~rc'rt (CMJ l. NHll (FV , Tlrt'IU!::: Kurt Knunpholz won twice fO< the Sea Kings, taking !he 200 free in I : 55.4 and Ille 400 free: in 4:08.4. 100 l"r" -1. &~l fCMI t. GllM A P-la track and field meet (CMJ 1 currlt IFV). Timi: •.o. will •· •.u t EJ·-• Hi h 50 lad< -1. C1~ ICM ) t.~ uo:;: UCA1 ·A :>l.o&llUI i Hinson (FYI S. Fll lrnart ICMl. Tlrntl. School April 26 with registra-31J· ltr•••' _ 1. o·N1111 1c"'J '· v.,.1,, lion slated for 9 a.m. Rkhe, (CMI 3. Pf'illb!n (l'VI. T rnt: c._ ,.. ~ <'41 m1 1&1111K1a ».•. · · !00 MM!ff 11.:1•r _ 1. c-• c!tl Girl!, up to 16 years old, are 200 Fr• 11,11v -,_ Coit• M••• ,,,.., (Ii.cl<, F•rr, Hlllrn1t1, l r.c:bllrn). ,. lbl f lh .J that Ill f~. CltPfflltr, hit. "~'-.. TlnM:.1:.o.a. e 1g e or e m.,,.~ w ·:=TI=:•:;",:':;'"':='·======;;::; * f,.. -1. Krvmllhotr ~CdM! '· qualify .four in each event !or1r ~.a~~t IE_) 3. krrww (CdM . Time; the Oringe County M~clpal C~M~'r cu,,!n.·~ (CC:~I ,, Fi rr AM.l..U,. Association m.,t at 200 lllOl fkll.o•I j (~(t, Time. r.·4• W>Ktn< N. hllllHI A.,. ELIC:T _ ~'i~':! t':·i:'f.ifi ~l ;: Jtio '{!::~ Orange Coast College later In ' cuvr,~,= 1. Gerntr (El 2. Hart (E) the Spring. GORDON C. MORR-OW Mu.1~Newport School IMrd C11111nm.. ~ mt C•m,.,.. N.I . ... a "•u. Points: :in.10. Each girl may compete in a 1t&1Ft 0tt. JcJJr.' tjCd"!ll '· .Laur total cf three, one field event, 1c!taf.M:~1i ~~'!..T'.r~Y.~i:r.wur ooe running ev!hl and a relay. ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii SPORT NEws· -•BASEBALL Little Le'aguers are getting in shepc for a big season -We have the new multi cleat shoes In Stock now -canvas at 4.75. We stock the famous Rawlings ball gloves, come in and see the new fast back look - Also new batting ttta to improve your batting. e EXERCISE EQUIPMENT Come in and see the \Vonder RJn1, a com· plete $10.000 gym In a tiny box. See the new Tone-0-l\,atic belt, just wear it, firms and reduces waist llnl!!. Don't forget TwUt Boards, Rollo ~s. Doorway Gym Bars. Chest Pulls and Bar Bella. Slant boards give you a yoga treatment the euy Way -Reducing and jogging suits are our spe- cialty. e SKI SALE Our Sid Sale is going strong -with fi rt. of snow in local mO\lntalns and 20 rt. in I.he Sierra resorts a~ 4 more mohths or skiing, you can ~ an expert by the end of the season and 58\'e a Jot of money, too. Head skill, the ultimate, are on Ille, too. .-e GOLFERS You may have reed in the $porU: illustrat- ed and other maguines i bout the ~file• Greger spring special fee.t~g Jack Nick· Jaus aolf clubs with a tree p·ro golf bag -Total price only 109.00. We have a 11.rfi'.e &TOUP or Jl:flg gifts for golfers -like a golf ball thfll goes 3()0... 400 yards (no fooling, It does), Also in &tock now -the golf ball you can't cut -if It does, bring ll hRtk 'nd get a new one fr@e. We h11ve a great buy ln Corfam golf shoe$ at only 16.95. e TENNIS ~1etal racket• a re .. in" There Js no doubt about it -the ball speed off lhe met.al frame l.s 10 to Xlo/o 18.lllt'r . Don't forget our spttlal price on ~st grade \Vilson tennis balb, only 1.79 a can. v.'l' don't make any money -but It sure builds triltfic -this b our price alwaya. New ln ()ur tcnni! dcpL are Pro-Ked t•nnlt shoe,., \\ith nylon tape that breath -It eliminatrs that hot canvu fttlln1 -y.•e also carry Converse and Top&iders. Want to pracUce tninla by )'OUtlf.lfT See ·our new Theton Tt"nnia Trainer. Glvn you eve17 shot in the: book -Mb' 11.85' corn· plete. Ttnl'lit \\'ATTn·UP ault -nylon v.'Qi"hl,., Wltl'I zipper lep tor eaa,y ou_t1 are beiai \\'nnf h.)' pros and amatturs aJlke • Gall. we ha\·e a MW Jtoclt of ltnntll drn· stt In no\\'. · •FISHERMEN lr you have always "·anted to learn to tie flies -noY/s your chance -we are hav- ing classes starting this Tues. Colt ii on17 4.00 -cl.uses are at nlgbt at our Fuhioa Island store only. J-lave you been in to see our Fish Lo·K·Tor "'ork. U not you must 1ee this amuln& eleclronlc machine in action. HoW maey times have you dropped a line 1n and hop- ed a fish carrle by -and then beard of the fish caught on the other aide of the· lllk_e -you should have been there, with a · Fish Lo-K-Tor this won't happen to )'OU -you find the fish and then fi&h. Makes sense doesn't it! \Ve have made a special purchue of an'. ocean fishing rod that we usually 1ell ror ' 24.95 that we can now sell for only 12.95 This rod is fi rst quality all the way. ;J matchini:'. fresh waler model is only. 7.~ • Here at Neal's you'll flnd the tamoUJt Browning Silaflex rods and the new GarJ cla pro llne of rods and reels, these · are sold in pro tackle shops only. I eBACK PACKING Ir you are interest.f'd in getting away from ( the asphalt .)ungle and into the huh air of the high country, v.·e are setting up seminars on how to do it. Come in anti ' 1!ign our mail llsl Neal's are first ln back p&cking -we ha\'e al;1 the great names., not just some, but ell! Gerry, KeJty, Temp. • . co, Cholnard, Moutain Products, Alp Sporl, 1 Plvetta, Lowa and Eige.r, just to mention ~ I'& ft'\V. ' •·\Ve have the amating: dry pack and frteZ<' dry foods -~ust add "'Bter and fun. for the IJ'l'atest meal of your life. • Set! our sensational 2 man back pacJcl tent. for only 26.95. • BACh:: PACK RENTALS, Too! e SCUBA AND SKIN DIVING I Scuba clAMes are forming now if you'"' v.·anted to learn to dive v.·ith a lunR' _ Jump in our cleu and comt out a certlfled· scuba dlwr -e.xplott ttMl fbdnat!nr world undel'\\'ater -pick >""U' own lob- sters and abalone. eBACKYARD SPORTS \Vhy not have YoW' own sport center Just a •t'P •~-ay. J'un for faml lt and f'ttt"ndl -a family tl\al pla,ya tofPther S'-l-s toe-ether. f Some fun gam" are atlnffipbollf'd table ttMil, badminton, hn~ 51lotti, 'te~r· dart&. croqupt. volley bill.I, tcoop. and m more. NEAL'S SPORTING GOODS -• ---------------------------- l ·-. ------~-------·-~ ~-..---------~----,.---------~--·-·-·-·-··------~------~ ------~--------·----~ -- Marina Stars Dominating . " . . Area in Sp~g Athletics . . ' Oullllnd1or lndlvlcMla ... ......... "" most. eornmoplace in 1prlng sports at Marina Hlgh ~ -the Vltinp claim thi:ee ol !lie belt lo the -In ln!<k. lllM,boD and awlmminc. l ' In md DOD LipPaldt bu-sllnlf. Inc the Loque . Ill Ila -willl 1111 r=nl llt'eUIN· ~ ID -II eventl. To date the HDjar Jiu• the top mart In no Jess than ~ indivMhaal events for the Qfqe Coast.,.. - Lippoldt ii ·eztrtmely, versaUle. His 2:0$.7 in the * lndlvldllal medley Is nearly live ROGER CAfilSON *********'"*"". aecond.s faster than bis nearel!t area =com- petitor. But, his 3:59.2 In the 400 freestyle Is bis most impre.ssive mart. In baseball the Vlkes have a sophomore who is bitt.in& at a .469 clip to lead area bal: tors by a lllbslantlal margin. · Tony crei:l is the player wbo has been leading coach Ray Allen'• butball crew lo a 3-2 mart in Sunset Ltacve action and an uverall M record. · Allen bas ·been utilizing three "rl'homore infielders in the starting lineup. Besides Cresci at third base, ht's got Paul Fleming at first base and Dave Campbell atl second. And, the Vikes lay claim to the best . sprinter in the area in Daye Lacy. Lacy has no equal in the 100 or rm. wifl.. ning both events in the Beach Cities Invita- tional. IDs 10.1 clocking in the 100 was overshad· owed, however, by an earlier 9.1 timing to his crediL * * * i Orup Cout CoUtre basketball coacll : Herb Ul'H)''I ......... saow Valley llla!ttqtoa Be ... mp twlm 10.-1 Peali tUe a trt....._ stride fonrud -IM rellhadoo tbt 'frubmaa a.,. Evon o1 Marin .mp, billed u IM swimmer dttu.ed t. lnU: all of DH Uppoldt's 1cMol recerd:I, will lte at tJ.e Oller ludtaUon whea ldtool ruumes hi Ute flll because ti district reaUpmaL * * * Prep buffs will be afforded an opportunity Friday night to take a-good long look at Marina and Costa Mesa high achooJ swim- mers when the two collide at C06ta Mesa in a night meet. . The event is scheduled for 7. Between Mlflo lnll's Don IJppoldt and Mesa's Chris Gazn.. mon .arid Dave Whitaker. along with each school's ~lay teams, they hold every firat place time in the Orange Coast area. i 15 Lakes, Streams Area Sports · C.alendar i; To Get Trout Plants ' r -Trll:k -CCI.._ del Mtr 1t Colf1 The Department of Fish and in Orange County and Piru Game plans to stock Reservoir in Ventura County. A nqmber d. fishing access · catchable-size rainbow trou( roads are also under repair in j in 15 Southern California lakes s ant a B'a r ba r a, San 1 and streams this week, nine of Bemaidino and R i v e r s i d e .j them for the first time this Counties. Elf~ It Ma1noll1, L r1 ~"nl1ln \l~llY, Santi ..,_ \l=r :J. H:;11111i.. a..ctl, NtwMrt Hirt.or " .t.fllhfim, M1r1111. II WHlltlll "~· Aftl ,, WIC1mlnsl.,, Or1ne1 II ltl,1111 ll11d'I, Ml11Jon VllJo 11 T11tt1n, Sin Clemento 11 filoolhlll (111 It l :lS). Ttnnl_J -S1nt1 .t.n1 •t Golde!! Wu'\ lll'<'ltlld1 11 Or11'1P Coul (both 11 2 , El Dorldo 11 L .. UM ltldl {3:15 • sw1mm1111 -E11t1r11 Con+ertnt't dl1mplon$hl'1 11 Rio Hondo {1), &:I Dorldo It $1r1 Cltm1nt1 U:lSJ • year. Following, by county, are ...... The big spring planting push the Soutllland waters ocbedul- has been delayed in many ed to be stocked this week: .; areas because of winter storm -LOS ANGELES -Legg damage to mountain and can-Lake, Puddingstone Reservolr, yon r o a d s. County road San Dimas Refervoir (from departments report it.may be Foothill Blvd. go. north on weeks before the public can Wheeler Rd ., 1 mile east of use the roads to llOrne San Dimas Canyon Rd., which Southland ti:wt__wa~,._,.--isvclosed}. l11tb&ll -Orlnte Cotst 11 ll?kt Mondo (3), Cofon<l ftl Mir 11 Founlt ln Vt!ler, M11noll1 tt Cost1 Men, v1~11r11 11 H11nllnoton ltldl, NtwPOrl Mtrbo<' lit Westml"!ter, S1nt1 Ant 11 M1rln1, Ll11•m1 11ch 11 Ml1sJon \llelo, T11stt11 11 Stn Clemtnlt! (111 :~Ji 'th. E1l1ncl1 YI ._,,. •• ,, &orun Major recomtructlon is Tl!· quired on roads to the San ORANGE -San Juan Gabriel River and Tujunga Creek. Sw1"'mln1 -E111.,.n c ori+erl<'lee chtmplonsl!IPI ti lllo Hondo (l), l"'" 111111 Y...ailN .. Ert•l'ICl1, Nun! 11eton ·~ •I Fw11l11l11 V•lllY, Mtrln 11 It Mos1. N-P<lrt Hlrbor 11 F ft l.:l'l;llM ndl-lt-S.-nt1190 (ttl ,, h. GYmn1stla -N~POl'f "41rbor ti Coron1 dtl M,r 11:30), Wntml1111., t i M1helm l~:ISJ. Creek in Loe Anples Coonty, SAN BERNARDp!O -Ar- • Trabu<:o and Sllveriklo CreekS -..,..i Lake. Bi( Beor Lake, Trtc:k -Cllrul ti co.ld911 West, o,.,r, Cont..~' s..= Ane lbotli :: s!:i~tWi\1~) ' llit 01- Ttn11l1 -UCI •-s .,.,. 01-Stile 12l. Feuntlltl V_tllW .t Cor-lltl Mifr, l.otrl! It E1t1ncl1, CMlt Mett ti Mfflllllt. HVllll,__, lktdl 11 Witttrn, .Wntmlnsttr II Nft'l'WI H1rbor, Mlirlne 1t Sal!tJ Al\ll, Sift Cl~te lll T111t1n (Ill• ti 3··15). Gregory Lake. ,. The ' Orange Coast's Most Compltle SAN DIEGO -S a.n ta Margarita. River, Sweetwater River. SANTA BARBARA-Davey Brown and N.:amana Creets if roads open, Santa Ynez River from Boys' Ca'mp up to first crossing. Golf -~ Wnt ti i,.._Hllldoj f:~t'&"cs&' 1t &T nf.fl:IJJ.~~ .. T. lll Ot•llH• $11'119 AN It MtrlM, '°"' Mat gt MlllnoA•, w_..r1'1 It Hunllntlon ._a.,_~~ Htrtlor t i WISlmlNler ~.ii It 2J • PRINTING SERVICE ...... ,, lastb.111 -Ill 0'" Meil It Stdcll8Jdc 1111. ;---. ,._ 64:M32 I VENTURA -Malllija Creek, Reyes Creek, s.nta Paula Creek, lower Sespe River. Track -Foulll1ln V1l11Y, .Cestt ~1. Muntlnttofl l"dl. N.w-9 H1rbof', WM!nllf'lllet' 111111 eor-dtl Mir 11 cr..n.v lnY1ttlllntl It 1.m.I. SWlmfrlln~ -E••f!!!.... ~ttr91Q :~.:T.r:,:t.rL.. ~';neni. Ct:• cnw -c.i l'tlld t.oyo11 It uc1. Or1fltl Golt!, S.11 Ol!ltO Slttt, UCSO 11'111 :it. Mlrv1 tt Siii DJ91o. 1967 CONTINENTAL 4 Dr Pew••• ltut fi11i1h wl••rlt ltl111 l11•th1t l11te,ier. Fully l11•1ttY .•11ui,,..i. Atit• tr1111, R/H, P.S., r.I ., t w1y 1111t, f1ri, ,;,, jlwr, witMlew1. 4 MW tir11. A ,..1 t•M ,., .. ,1, ef fill• c1r1. TEY 9tt 1966 CONTINENTAL t Dr. H1Nt.,. l1111tiful lu111tt "'•t•lllc with 11•rchm•"* l1•ttlet IM1ri1r. E11ui,m•"' tht ~fl· e1ti Avte. h•11s., l /H, 11.S., P.I., '""''• ••~· •••1, • w1y jlwr. 111t, f11ct ,;,, t!1lt lt11r, wh111I, 4 •• tiret. leek1 entl tlilfl• l1k• """· SlW 4tJ $2995 1966 CONTINENTAL f Dr l icll ftl•11Y 1111• fi11l1h 1f/1111tch le1th1t fllfl f. I l111•1u ro•f. lw•llr'f' ·~·i,111tl. Attt•, pwr,' llllf, f1cf, t it, 4 lllW fif•I-Tiii1 .. llUfl• ful llllt i1 11'11 ef ••It fiM'lt• Mutt ••• t1 •it- ,reci1t1. lPL IJ4 The Greatest New Cars Attract The Great~t Trades! HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY THAT OUR GREAT NIW MARK 1111, CONTINENTALS, MERCURYS AND COUGARS HAVE ATTRACTED. 1964 CONTINENTAL 4 Dr. Afu1Cti'<'1 111.,-1' tllue met•lllc with 11111tchiJ1t ll1t1fi.,, F •I I y 11j1tlj1j1etl. Auto. tr•11•·• l/H, r.s .. P.I., • ""''' ''""''' •••t, 'wr. wl!Mlewa. Herl 11 • r11I lt11Y. IOZ tJ7 $1695 1963 CONTINENTAL 4 Dr. Gel• Mi1t inet1llic with .ff white l11th· t r i11t1,ier. Full 11•••r 11j11ijlflllllh 1te1rin9, ltrek1s, win••••, 111t, f1ct. ,;,, R/H. ••t•, tr1111. l6P 77•. SALE PllCEO AT $1095 I H2 CONTINENT AL 4 Dr. llel1t whlt1 2/9el• h i11 lltterier, 11111. h 1111., 11:/H, ,,$., P.I., jlWf, wiMew1, t w1y ,.r. 1111t. f11c.t, 11lr. NYW 411. SALE llllClD $995 JOhDSOD•SOD UICILI C~~llHH&L• llillDl• llHIEIY•Cl lllAI J6J6 HAllOI ILYI .. COSTA l!IDA 540.5635 DAILi" 1'11.0T ii _Tar Swimmers Dump Lions, 59-36 ( Giii---=',. 3/99C. ... \ . •Leading Americen ! -Menufecturer 1 • Solkf-center for t long life. •Super tough cover , .... inacuta. BFG Long .. Miler * New tires at retread plt111I * 4-ply nylon « cotd construction In sizes listed * Popular sizes ~z• F£DT•x •12•& HURRYf 1 7.75-14 $2.20 S14a& SUPPLY UMITEDI 7.75·15 2.21 8.25-14 2.36 8.25·15 2.46 -··· ll&._, .. .., ..... _.....111.i ............... __ .............. .. ~ ........................ _ ............ _ . ...._. ....... ...... ......... ., __ CllOI .......... --. .. ......,_ ........... ., ........... ..... .................... -. ... . -·---........... _ _,, .............. ..,.._. ................. . .. _ ................ __ ........ .. ........ _ .. ___ " .. --... _...,.,._, __ __ Brake & Alignmenf Special • 'INCLUDES: s 95 • ' • FRONT WHEEL BALANCING • FRONT END ALIGNMENT •BATTERY TESTED & FILLED • BRAKE INSPECTION & ADJUSTMENT MOST AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CARS T orsic,.1bor adjustment & pam ..ma COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At Bayl 7352 WESTMINSTER AVE. PHONE 540-4343 or 646-4421 PHONE 893-5572 DAILY 8 am· 6 pm • Sat. 1115 pm ~AILY e am· ~·pm • Sat.,1115-,m OUR OWN BUDGET PLAN e IANKAMERICARD cM21 • e MASTER CHARGE ... MISS ftADIAL A~! pttttflt Mond.; a Tunday Night tt tht MOY!u. Tht Heme of the: G1m11, Tht Olltlldlt, Md honlidltGft "llC·TV. B.F.Goodrirh .·· , .. • ; ., ' ' .. ' • • ; • ,. I I I ~ • -• -~ -- ·~-~ ~ . • ... . .; •• •• ~ ... - ·~-~--~.,.......~~-~~~---~-.......----------~-----------· • ears I i f ALLSTATE PauengerTire Cuarantee Tread Lile Gaaranlee Cw • • Apiwt All &ilw m die rirc MWLiq; fna .-.-! roM a..rda _..,._ 9 ..aMI orwark. -.. ·-.... ........, Par llht Uh " ..... miai8ll tr-.1. ......_ S... WUI Des l.tpt.ir ...a pwKt1llh ar. ao chirp. 1• chit~ « fai lurT, ill ncba11p fut die ri~. «pt.re ir,. cUrJilll oalf die proponioA cl CVJTC'lll' replu 11elliq ,..ice plus Fed.etal &cite :ru rhat rcpnam11 rrud ued. Trud Wear-Out Gauani« t Cw-111feetl ~ Trad ..,..out. Fce-1.-.inr__,«.,....-:if.N. • ,,.._ Smr. Wiii 0.1 I• ncb1ar1it for die titt, -.i.. it. diqiiw cbe nrrem ,.W 1efli111 price pl111 f-.& &icR Ta: Jm tbe followUI .UC...U: ..... G.....a..4 ........ ~ 12 1D 2, 10% 27 1D 39 20% • Thenn011l•l •utom1tLica ll1 m1lntaiM the lempn-1· ture yoo aelecr • TI1reHpeed air·Oow <onlrol and two 4-way ad· ju!iltble louven for perfl!ct dnn-free air circul• tion • H111deome chrom&pl1ted front panel Regular '199.95 88 Model 5772 EXPERT INSTALLATION AVAILABLE . Guaranteed for 33.Months Nationwide Every San T°U'e Pa.rebate Jndudat f'REE ChcckofYOlll Wheel Alignmrnr FREE AUttate, Tirt Ror11ioei fftrf 5.000 t.tiln t'REE Albt8 Tire Momicins R egular '18.95 Trade·in Price 6.50xl3 Tuhele .. Blackwall NEW Diamond Pattern Mean• All-Road, All-We•ther Safely • Contour Sarcty Sbonldcrw. •Wider and deept"r 1b1n "'"P new cir lirT• • Thoauntb or tiny t.ipu cluteb Lh• road ••• better lrtelio11 e•~ on wet ro.d1 Av ailable at Sears •.. STEEL CORD RADIAL TIRES Atk Yoer Allrtale Tire Sale&man About Them! BATTERY GUARANTEE SIZE 6.SOxl3 7.lS .. 14 7.7Sii:l4 ..... ,. 7.7Ss.l5 Plm 1.79 F.E.T. AodOJdT'ue Rqul11· Trade-lo ~c• 118.95 $21.9S ..... , $26.95 123.95 12.81 ·IS.811: 17.81 ..... 17.11 TabeleN WhitewaU. Fod. Ell.: Tu 1.79 .,, .... U6 2.21 6.SOx13 t2I.9S "" ·L79 6.951il4 $22.95 , ... 7.l5ii:14 ...... JUI 7.7SJ.14 ...... .. ... 8.lSs.14 $29.95 23.'8 8.S5J:14 $32.95 ..... 7.7Ss.IS $70.95 ..... s.1s .. 1s ...... "-" NO MONEY DOWN When You Boy Your Tint and Au tomotive Noech ot Sean on Cn:dit J.96 ~07 ..,. 2.36 2.57 :UJ ..... Fits 97% of All 12-Volt System Cars 36 MONTH GUARANTEED Rep.l•r 118.99 with Tnde-ln 13 ~-~ 61-63. 21-37 Whh TNde-i• 42 MONTH GUARANTEED SAVE'6! Fttt rcpleccmeM widii11 90 'd1y1 of purchue if bi11trr prom ckfttti~. Ahcr 90 dayl, we ft'J!IKt 1he barl'l':l'J, if dcfc•ni•c .rid chwjc JOI' °"I' fut-the period al°'"""" dLip, based on rhc ttpj• iirice lcu uMlc-in u 1br chne J murn, pro-nrrd °""" nwn- ber of mon1h1 of iuannttt. Batteries INSTALLED FREE by Sears ~ts I ,-------------------------------------------------~ IUEHA ..... TA 8-4400, 521-4530 a MONTt GI 3·3911 lONG llACH HE 5·0121 "co WE 8..j262 I CAHClGA .... 340-0661 GUNt>Alf CH 5-1004, a 4-461 J OlYMPIC. SOTO AN 8-5211 l'OMONA ED m145, NA 9·5161 , YU 6-6751 I C-HE 6-2'81, NE 2·5761 HOU\'WOOO HO 9-5941 ORANG! 637-2100 SANTA ANA Kl~-3371 COVINA 96Uil11 INGlEWOOO OR 1·2,21 •ASAO!NA MU 1-321 I, El 5-4211 SANTA fE Sl'RINGS 9.U-801 1 UPl>.HO 915-1927 SANTA MONICA EX 4-6711 VAlltY PO 3-8461, 984·2220 SOUTI< COA.U l'lAZA 540-3333 I V8MOHf Pl 9-1911 TORRANa 542-1511 I I .. :t • , ______________________ _ ---------------------~ "Satlsfadlon Guaranteed or Your MoneyBack" ' llAkS. ).Ofluat AND m. I Shop 6 Nigh rs Monday through Soturdar 9'.30 A.M. to·9:30 P.M. __ .._ ___ ._._ --~-----~ ........... - ---------~--_, ________ ,, _______________ _..___....,. ...... APllL 10 .,,. I • "EYlWIT!j£SS NCWS"I * Bill ·-/Stu Nahan ' ". r..:.li. .. -(C) (Ill) Jonr •• ...., .... ., (C) ()0) .... - -(C) (OI) lir•lll ........ Willilm ....... 1w .. HWt1 _, Ullllt ..... •.. ..-·-.... .., !Iii .... Wit' <•·fl) '56--'""T'l' °'."I""" '"' ...... DllW t<l till) ·--(C) 1:•e w n n *' CQ (to) 111 ... "" (30) __ .... _ .... iii (q (IO) D (I] H I s l1IM11 (Q llAmME llOVIES ......... ..,. PNt II (4n111e) '45 -~ """"'· Wiit" -·· ""•"""' ,_ w-> '52-u.. .......... w. MetTll -.ltll hit a...lnc JJltl Fl# 1M lllPCiflC In 'I PIM 'If ..... IL ··-(C) ~ ... -.. .......... IQ ! . 11 II 'Ult .., Liii"' (4n1N) '5) =-· Ctwiy, ca-. O.Ujflill. ,,,. .... -...... (lql .. ) " .=\'lcllir llltUrL -~~" (WIShrR) '5~ill Wtnllifts. z:tD. :::T. -l:-> '45 -a.. 1i111. an1 11. J •• ., ...... -• ...,... (4'1Ma) '50-«lrk &lull• ....... ...... (:31 ....... •> '41-·-..... (wtlf· -·-,.,__ • :JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS 1 • NEWS'f PERS O••Ptr rr111H•t •114 O.,.MQlf S.nt•• hf ..,,. A111 • 9••thr If .~,.,. MIWftOIT MACH PERK1NS TUMBLEWEEDS AH·All·All! BUCOUCBOFFALO, DON'T Y<1J OARE TOUCH lOl'SA LUCK, OR OUR DATE'S OFF! GORDO MISS PEACH OTAV ... ME NON TUTS By John Miles l By Harold L.. Doux TWfY SNP SHE I.DST ™Bl ftS .• TM'-T'S TOPAY •• wHILE HAVING LJNCH MIAT TWEY fMYE WITH O! THEY MllSr" WIST MA.VE t4Avt WST.u&l IMS-l'Ml'.Y: ! FOC 'SOMEONE Et.SE- ' f ' By Gus Arriola By Mell ThUndl!, Aplll )0, 1969, UNHAPPY WOMEN -Efrem Zimballst Jr. stars in the motion picture, "The Chapman Report," t~ night at 9 p .m, on Channel 2. The plot revolves around the lives of four unhappy women in suburban Los Angeles. C<>-stars include Shelley Winters, Jane Fonda, Claire Bloom , Glynis Johns, Ray Danton end Ty Hardin. TELEVISION VIEWS It's Money That Talks By RICK DU BROW . HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Everyone in television ts talking about how the networks will lose the youth audience if, under pressure, video is forced to clamp down on new attitudes a·nd the new free. dom. But, in cold financial fact, the networks will not be the biggest losers,' nor will youth, whicq can get its diversions eltiewhere. The big~~ loser, by far, will be big business -the advertisers Who are try· ing desperately to reach the most significant buy. ing market of our time, youth, through the enorm· ously potent instrument of television. IF THE NETWORKS are genuinely interesUd in protecting ·the youth market they have doggedly wooed in recent years, they have the most powerful weapon imaginable for such a showdown in a free enterprise system. They have the advertisers, who have the money. And in this society, money talks loudest. · It's fine to talk about the artistic necessity for new attitudes on television . But that won't throw much weight when the chips are down. And it's fine to enlist vie;wer support, but that influence will go only so far. As for the networks th emselves, they are subject to nervousness because they operate oii public airwaves, and so the' are reluctant to com .. bat the current pressures with too much brave talk. TELEVISION'S big business sponsors, however, are not subject to th'e same kind of heat, being much more free under free enterprise. They go where the action is, and the action today is in the youth mar- ket. And so, of aJI things, we have nowadays a na .. tural alliance between the bedrock of the establish- ment -big business -and youth. It is a grand irony, and ·a usefuI one for televis.- ion to employ. For if big business wants to get youth's attention on television, it-must present the kind of programs youth wants to see. And if youth itself. and the networks, are not powerful enough today to defend this programming in key places of influence, big business is. IF IT HAS not been don e already, ll would seem basic, common sepse for the networks to carefully let their major sponsors realize thei r mutual inter- est in maintaining concern and protection for the youth market a,gainst pressures. Some sort of joint advisory committee on the matter would seem logical. As for big business protecting its interests, no one has to tell big busi ness how to do it. To he perfectly blunt about it, television already has only a minimal hold on the truly significant part of the youth market -the intelligent part. For the brighter youngster of today, video has little to oUer. He is much more likely to find intellectual, social and emotional stimulation at the movies, in books or on the stage. For here is where he will find involvement in the new world he is building. IT TOOK TELEVISION a long time to shake 11· self-free of its old~folks attitude, and ·finally in re. c~nt years the new attitudes began to show through, with some relevance. Of co urse there were mistake~ and periods of tastelessnes s, but the same held true in the old' era. It just depend s on what your view of tastelessness is. Dennis the Menace . . • 0 Q I ' .. • • ·-... n.Jndif: Ap!fl 10, 1'169 'wait lJadf Dark' ·----------~Laguna Thriller ftddsOwnSuspense •• Ill' TOM 1TnJS .................... too whit• or too\black. ·-ts Interrupted for a an lnapired touch. I.A JURJSTA Paul Wilson brinp a touch brid. but unsettllnJ scene "Wall UoUI D1rk'' t I Ld ,.,_ ,..,,.,.. i• _ n.n...., kt. • .. ... _ ..... Wait Until Dart" ta ac- curatef1 classllled u a -thrllltt, but . in the prodtlcUon which o p e n e d w~ n!pt at thew,... 111 Pll,yhous<, "the sus-w• btln& !elt .., both sides " the locitllPll. of Brandoelque (:O(lfto bis role cJtance. , sub5tanlially worth the w1it, •1• r.M...a; ~'!!:!ts~:_;:::J!:.:" ~'* rincleader of the trio. His portaot in this play, are thrill of Ml&s H .a y ton• s as "the crisp and conunaodlng ~Llahtln& effects, particularly portlcularlf for the electric: If~~~~~~~~~:::::::~~ n wu noon on the day of ihe .,.rung --lttnl J-..... notified that 'Pllll tntirlandl, who J>la13 one " UJe 1r1o o1 aanpten 1n °"' -ICnotl cframl, I.ad been nllllecl to the bosplW with a kidney stone ailment Johnson, who .... pressed Into emergency service on ....uier Laguna opening night two years ago, had little t~me to panic -and even less tune to learn Interlandi's lines. Wednesday night he went on stage and delivered a com- ~able performance in an unfamiliar role. preaence evol<es 1 sharp ell handled by Paul Toft, performance. "The PI a Y lowerln& oC the (emperature, a who bu provided a most reswnes tonight for three smoolb. subtJt performance realllticandfunctional'setfot ,\\Yeeb .•t tbe La·1una cubnlnatin,g ln a shocking the sbow. And the "h~· P~bouleo-.'3~1 OCean Ave., ahowdown. effect ol the cllmadlc ""!"' ~ ~-~1 • ! ID• briefer assignment as1~;;~~ii~illlli-i-~=~~-~-~~=====11 the Wlderalandlng but d~· ding tuaband, Jon Law .p&ints ,_ , hi.I charader a triDe too sym- pathetic, leaving 11 t t I e justificat.ion for~ Haytoo'a primary motlvaliOa ~ ~ '• /U4/tJl ~ ........ ~ -· d succeeding to please hbn. A cun ~ 111 could better "CHA.11 r' sterner approach PM set tbe .stage fCl' tbe drama to ''THI PlODUCllS" fol)o.,-. wllll J'-Molt.I Suwme McQuade as tbt"==""='=-==-=='='=··="=~=='i bratfuh moppet from upstairs I-• ,. who joins forces with the blind ~_,. heroine: lends a fine touch of almost comic relief, swing~g ~ j ~~~:l~~u:~!:i 'C-\f:tabJ' plot. • . fl"!' 7 EXPOSITION -·· n 1•111• "Wait Until Dark" Is aptly • titled, for the audience must ·-.G-... -~~ wait through some necessary but heavy handed ei:position THE before the story begins to take hold. Onct it is on its way, HIGH howeve~, there is . Ii t t I e CO•ISSIONER dramatically to stop 1t. Technically, though, th e &- Laguna production is maned .• -_ -,.,---- by the elimination or the =··IJ...---------:1 PACIFIC [~ f'l.US--COL.Oll "'AN•IU MOM HILL" ._,..,.,... ht Ml•lhl Georllt f'tPPl.-O-COLOlt "PENDULUM" O..n M1rlln-COLOlt ''THI WUCllN• COW' NOW-ENDS MONDAY THE BRO'l1IEllHOOD ALEX CORD · IRENE PAPAS WrHERADLER ~- Paxton ·Quigley is: a prisoner of Jove.:. and complete!J exhaas(ed! W TO, FIATUIE Ide.,.. Fri. • Sat.J ThUs the "Wait Until Dark" unveil~ Wednesday was a bit longer wait than might be ex- pected, an uneasy building of the tense situ.ation brick by brick as the ca.st accustomed itself to a new face. But, by the crucial second act. the groundwork was laid for a shattering climax. tain to divide the scenes, bringing prop girls w i th flashlights uncomfortably into play. 'I'his drawback is most unfortunate in the second act When a moment · of peat L.1 Merwin--An9i1 Oit..inson There are few moments in theater to compare with the desperate battle of physical and mental e·ndurance between the terrified blind woman and the sadistic killer of "Wait Until Dark." And in those few agonizing minutes, the Laguna Playhouse gives us the eerie, pulsating thrill of a small child lost in a funhouse . MAGNIFICENT .~As the beseiged heroine who diaws the battle lines and enters the conflict on her own tenm, Sally Hayton I s magnificent. Her in- terpretation is an exercise in eontrolled panic, a breathless yet calculatingly intelligent portrayld of a resourcefuJ woman drawn slowly to the brink of hysteria, bulldlD& her pe·rfonnance solidly'" an<t ac- curately toward a t.eirlfylng p>ak. , Ac1demy Nomi111• Cliff R•\t1rt101t "CHA~LY 1 IS A SUPERB llCJVIE!" ...... ICWIMIMM' >pq ALSO "INTERLUDE" NAl'IONloL ...... flllCT\RI ..,,_ GREGORY· EVA MARIE PECK SAINT ' ............ ..._ .. Ttlfi SfAl.l<fiG MOON TEOt«:a.°"· • ,~ .• [!Jo . ~uo .... _ _ ....... ·"HOMBRE" .......... Stem 7 , ... CMt.s.t,IS..~z,.-. JOl'ln Wlyne--COLOlt "HIWIGHTllS" f'•11I NNTMn-COLOlt .. NAIPll" Sit.VE MCClUEEN AS .... ....... I "E>ULI ITT~ LM Mervin-COLOR "HELL IN THI PACIFIC" llc?tective u. frank Robff1 Fuller-COLOR 13ufliU • • S()fTIQ "SINAI COM•M-AN•DO.,.,.S"_,: ()ffK1r .kind of cql. --·-"'""" .................. ~ ... "POINT BLANK" HELD OVER ' In a role which at ~·must convey skillful dece~ion ~nd genuine concern for . the :~lind girl's safety, Alan Ha~ &trikes the perfect balance.' His con- science-stricken con ·man is played honestly, avoiding the ntremes which would j>aint it IY. Sll•w I'-" 1:41 C.•. s ••. ,,.. J '""" nh: 11 • ..m ·,.. w111 ... MtJ won te ... •K•, 11 .. hrrti -' ttir.e rifttft. AM tfMtM ri• "-'" "DAZZLING! Onc.e )00 see i~ you'll never again piclure a.&&~ 2nd SMASH WEEK Crossword Puzzle ,, ACROSS ~ 5Z Ual..nl'1 1 INMlo f 54 ~!"°61 of a cul 55 H1den9Js 5 Unpapul• 59 Soft.I I ...... , "Vlbl Stanv statistics 10 Weignt ult ftt• 14 Tiit WC)' lleSt '4 Rece1.s 2..a ~· salary 1S Old . :) lnet"•sr. TesblMnl 3 wards .IA.MIS •AIMl._,OAN.HAC•m-WALTll lllNNAN boot 6& &ICOffl -ALSO PLAYIN._ 16 -··· r ly 61Walk... -_, · · • ~ i=. ., ~=~.. 4110"' ~ 'ThiB8ades -' ! . ~I tl'll!f ttcessones 11 Genus of 4D U.S. IMdkf-·~ •• o.;..L-~· ~ tl•t••i 20 L•ts off '' H-tr lileed prfct:IJ Int flf mur '""""" ~IU Am11s 21 Klad of part shrubs decision ll=~;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~\11 turlfp 71t In a retal lZ Shatt 41 Golf cbtlt I 2J Did lht llllmft' --··!: 44 lib .ore SIM 7llel-t 2 .. ds •Ifft F_,,._ S 25 "'""'"' ,,,.... f ll ,...., Hess 47 •-lo ~ o• SOUTH COA T •t«lal , 11 Fon::n to 4• Elllst ~ PLAZA THEATllE 2'u.ts .. _, DOD ' •ottlWIJ 51Swcn Sonnt-.frMWl"atlristoi • 546-2711 JD ARtlled a , 22 Easll!n ...... ..,... 1 ll!•sanlng 1 Pouchts '9tt9itl.tt 53 C.-t. Acres of free P•rking 34 Tltr 2 Enclosure 24 •111t1iy r.:,.iorw. ~~i':/:1 '~:,••r 2,:.:i::,-,,_~ ONE COMPLm SHOW ONLY ,._. 4Cobld<O¥W "'""'Isl S•T-1 -BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:45 ->I C..on 5 Pvnaeid Z7 T._trlcal tree 7 15 c::ontrK:tiOll • Ccwmlt a ~-... 51 ~ SHOW STARTS : 3' Tilted feloni l8 .. te ~ sllthft ¥OllblJ 7 E. tnililn s_. __.t 42•-.t ........ "-""""''" toe : In--grass Of~ • ._. ... ,_... I Bills ol )·;.{" Cblflotte .. Strw:llft,_ 41 Slstss "' fn • • • • • ..... ... 45 Yo-of :Ii t I•-31 lelodle ., ....... , Eu10P1! bl!harior: ~blect •1 T°" .. 4, Flblr 2 wanls ,,i 32 Rtcf Qt ttllr 41 S\'COlllll...C 10 A.tel of . I " fCtOltd •2 Taitt • I y Sloci· llttl• ' 3' P1illl l'lltJ ~ llrobr's nilll'ftl: .. llfic:llllN's '5 YtNo• • wCM'd 2 ... JWQdlct edlet I . • • .. .. • • • 1 I • " u • ' 20TH CENTURY·FOX PRESENTS CHARI.JON HESTON ~"~P..Wms~ "·..NIEi' rftapa RiXiif~·~EVMS . KIMHIMER·W.1ES~ .w.!ESl:WY ... _... _.... -~ .. -~ ..... UNIJ\ HARRIS00::...,.."'""""""'·--·-1·-·<••-··.. -.._.. .. ...... _ .. _ ...... _ MICHlr£I. wtSOll lllXI UL.Ill ,191 -. ,... ..... ·.. ..:. Also Comedy Co-Hit _._._ - 'Romeo & Juliet' quiff the way Y!lll did before!", -LIFE --~ ··-ftwtoobmREW -· 8oMEo .B'JUUEI', ol'dln lo"8 llfory .. _ .. UAUTIFUL" TECHNICOLOR. ••• • : CO.UT ll'#T. AT ...... I j -~-·~ Second Action Packed WHkl A P1r1mo~nt Pi~t11r1 DAILY .PROJ' WANT ADS HOUSES FOii SALE HOUSES l'OR SAL 16th l Tustin -C01t1 Mtoa ADULTS Most homes ""' built with onq chlldren IA mind We have five homes designed for the comforts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look · at room for bobbies, private office, separate dliiing rm, guest room with bath, 3 c~t':i rage, w~g distance to cbilrches, We shoppliig, and restaurants. 7"/. with 20'/. down -7V.% with 111',4 0,.. no 2nd1 -no points -29 yrs on INl11nce1 Priced from S30,950 to $33,950 Exclusive Agent . p. a. palmer incorporated 33n VIA LfDQ Troe! Ph : 540-5113 From L.A. Call MA ~ ·-------. 1000 Gonor1I 11ioo Pele Barrett Really NORTH COSTA MESA Presents For the Large Family 5 oversized bdrms, large living room wit!\ fireplace, secluded pan- elled den or office. Bay. crest area of Newport Beach. Excellent price -$47,850. ~ l liai \Vestclill Dr. NEWPORT BEAOI I ~... 642-52.00 ACRES? Almosll Attractive Mesa del Mar 3 Bedroom &: Family room home, Huge well·kept yard. Goll green out back • Would you bcliPve a 5% % FHA loan? Well-ericed at $27,500. Call tftoie ''Good Guys'' 646-7171 • 546-2313 ---- ~0 THE REAL : '-ESTATERS ' • ' " 111 ----- $20,995 3 BR 1% baths, shaJi>, sharp home. Excellent carpeting throughout. Near May Co. & Sears. Take t.ver 5\4 $0 GI Joan of il5,000 -payments $114/mo includes all, Newport john macnab DOVER SHORES Panoramic view home, 4 Bedrooms, .family room with wet bar, new carpeting. Lux. urious window treatment, new Anthony pool, Par-llo outdoor heated. ExcitiJW ~r. race on Bayside. Sill.500 By Appt. Only (714) 642 .. 235 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 Ex cl u SI v E-I l!!!!!!l!!!!!N'ii""°"!!!ii· "'iii!!""' !!!!!!!I Excellent 3 ·BR l*. bath home Eastside C.V.. CUs- tom built kitchen. Er1trance to family room from 15x20' patio, beautiM landscaped private yard with lots of Dowel"!!. 1860 Newport Blvd., CM Rltr, 64&-3928 Eve. 644-1655 * LACHENMYER 3 BEDRM +FAMILY RM. $21 ,9Qt) ?ilost sought after location - walk to Swim Oub & tennis courts. 2 baths. Dream kitch. en • built-in appliances. New ca!l>'ting. Inviting fireplace. Freshly painted. TARBELL 142-6691 ""' Salos Opportunity Opening for one · experienced salesperson. LIDO REALTY, Inc. Call Ken Brittingham, Mgr. 673-8830 DUPLEX Near Ocean. 3 BR 2 ba. each unit. 3 Frplcs. $52,. 500. George Williamson Realtor Eves. 613-1564 Paint. dttorate or charm! Good 3 BR home on SO x 100 ft. lot. XLNT Joe. $42,500 Balboa Reel Estate Co. 673-41~0 700 E. Balboa Bl vd .. Ball<!a OPEN House 1 lo 4 Sunday Immaculal.e tri-level 5 BR with family room and large 18..!tl'r bedroom, 2~~ Ba.th, w carepting. l blk to ex- lent school, 2 blk! to s ping. Only $34,500 . A nl. 534-8484 or 534-25.16 cun 2 BmROOMs \ In Nl' rt HelghtK. Fin!- place, lol • klea.I tor couple. nly $22.!J'IO. OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 1·5 PM 237 BROADWAY, C.M. 3 BR, fam rm, 1 ~ baths_ elec. kit. with dishwuher, dble garage on allf!y. Ex· eel. VA, FHA or Conv, fi. nancing. --'aERNIE .... _ CLEVELAND 1RMltor, 14J Broedwey '45-0111 Evoa. 642-MSJ 646-4579 PARBITS RfTREAT The silence is KOiden in thi~ 24x19 ft muter suite. 3 ad· ditional bedrooms plus 3 baths, Large sunken living room with dramatic mimlr. e<! fireplace v.·all. Boat port and double detached garage, $29, 750 with a low interest FHA loan to be assumed. "'For A Wise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. 542.rm OPEN EVES. 4 Bodrm + F1mlly Rm $23,SOCI Elegant natural brick Jire- pJace, all electric built.Jn kitchen. DelighlfuJ. patio, 2 batl\s, park lib yard. 544). 1720 TARBELL 29SS H1rbor DELUXE DUPLEX New 3 BR Units ~nirulu11 adjacent to Ocean ' & Bay $59,950. 1'7o financing. Balboa Real Estate Co. fi7J.-4140 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa 4 Bodrm. -$136 1 mont~ 2 baths, Tiled enlr)' hall. El«trlc built·in kitchen. Ret brick fln!place. Covered 4 , enclosed patio. $25,500. 54G. 1720 TARBELL 2955 Ha rbo• BUll.DERS A'M'ENTION! ChoiCt" 35' lot at m 3S\h St., N.B. Plarui &-extras incl. if desittd. Subordinate part Bargain if 110ld at once! 67HJ693 DAV SON RHlly VA Re-session S4G-5460 Eves. 642~ ~ ~ _ S9'IO ASSU~1E n\' 6%% Fl!A-VA down. 4 bedrooms. C ALL loan. 11-1US1' SELL. Nr ntW 5-10-llSl (open e~i) Heritqe beaut 4 BR & fam rm home. Real Ealatt. S5!m total ch\ $2'lT per mo 1 ,;c:;.;:;;~.c.,..-~-~ pays all. ~ &SIDE CM 2 Mes, home + .. BR, 3'S ea:JiEDAUJON Inc:. Xlnt cond. 2 BR f!Jl. ~r t-lcctrl~ home. DJvtt Shorts i hops, * Owner !>lS-l7!7 are&. SSS.000. ~7991 BUSIEST marketpttct ta 1-fO~tE -R-2 I' . ExctJ OUlilled trectkn. S I •• \Y1•1tslde. 3 en. 2!l , room tnOnCJ dml A efbt.. Lool for 4 or 5 unll.t. 1623 town, 'ni. DAILY PILO? ...... .:-:::.•::l.:.t ~-~=~~ THE QUJd<iR YOU ~ nl!:"QlhcKER YOU SEIL --------------~ . --------~---------..,-,=;-:-.,-----------____..... ~·-~----~---·'T"---------------------~---------- , Thumar. ~' io, 1"'"' ~~PD.OT J9 ~ HOUSIS PDR SALi; HDUSIS POR SALE · HOUSIS FOR SALi ... ~~-~~-t!:_OR SALi HOUSES FOii SAl,I HOUSES FOlt SALi , RENTALS t<~N AU KIN S • J. o.;.ra1' '1•-··· '* -·I 11111 c-.... r Mar· 12:11 c-a .... Mar UM H"""""°" ...... 1400 HOUI• Pttmhllod Ap!I. F•mhhM . """' """'~ • ~~ ~~u.:= OPEN HOUSES * =t:r-=-~~!;~iii;;:-,~;· ;;;i1~:;:.;;;,~;,, ~;;~;u-235;;;':\';~f ;;c;::;::7 M;::;::·;:._==~~~ioo;;liciiii'"'iiii0iii"iii11iii11iiiiiiiiiiiii5iii1•~.i .......__and boluilfuJ SAT,.SUNl..SPM rn.,,...~-,car-Lltflell\'!'L~Mo.c:.n e n.om.$1!W1<:,uj. . HARBOR • f6 fool ·of loyf,.nt 'Oith.plor and fl..i. . 9 Bad-. 5'111th,-1 ! w .. w·.,...wiaw $It•·* Full Prtc.1 ' Excfuat.. with IAUOA IAY ~TIES IOl .M<foddon Pl1co, - al lbe Newport Ocean Pier 'f7~ . . ' . t7~9)27 • -_....._ -------------!-.. ..::...._~~ --~---~-------~~ Ga-•• ' 1000 -··· '1060 -A thldr ohlloe root 112' GotdonrM, H1rbor View Hlll1 oednti. tmna or VA. 111.,.t p.m. ~) m-8615 e Stlldlo lo Blcll .,ll. ' ...... _and.-to NEW LIJTING Se< A otlu. • tnc• \JtUa. p-... ,.. 0· IEENS th!a .,.. ..... -with -View home, S BR & lam rm, Igo. pool and · •. 897~191 Sunoet hKh 2455 • Maid Servfce • TV avail. · ; beet yant to 0 ~ al· patio. • .................... ; ........ $61,500 * llMch lie I lorpln WANT Someultos dJllerelllt e Now Olle A Bir BAOIELOR, tllmJIU(, • -!!I Llrp bid-Veiy amart bodt orieJ>. • :IJ)tNewp>rtBMf M&-m5 fro!ft $110 • room>, Quou -i.ths, SAT A SUN l·S PM led 2 BR with biM>ed cell· $ otory Baylnmt, , BR-' . ud te:rific all eltctrlc built. 2500 Ocean Blvd. Ina & cu.toin 11nillbed den. 1891'f Park Ave., SWl.t!et ' HOLIDA.l PLAZA ALSO AV4JL,\81JI; in kttcbm. SN today111 LUXURY DUPLEX1 Ocean View. thmla:hout • Ony #1.500. Btaeh. Boat dock'allo avail. DELUXE. apaclouA 1-Bdnn. l. 2 • 3 BDRM. ~ $&.1,000, Submit )'OW' smaller Terms, Evet:. S41J.132:1 L IMc.h 2705 Furn. t,pt. $135 P!u.a utll. Heated Pools. QaDd CaN ' home on_our auuantee tale "u"' , Htated pool. Ample partdnc Center, AdJ. to Sboppilw -• · SUN ONLY2·5 PM N ch1ldlen N No peta-"'W£ StLL A HOME 4121 Cortland, Cameo Hlthland1 SEA COAST VIEWS ~ ~ 'd;" mo Potenoo Way, 1t u... . 3 BR, Ocean View. LG. CUSTOM HOME ' bor &: Adami. (l)sta ..... : Sil D&P EVERY JI MINUTES 4 ·BR $ bl huce Hv nn * VIiia P-.. Apt1. lllM31tl Con Yau ... , Thl1?' Walker & Lee r~. ~ ..... .;.....; Calta ......... -"moot 1.ove1y 3 " 1.,.u, room w11b Don Y. FrankUn, Realtor poo1 .tbto ieoo ;"~-twnirtowo .,,. now ... ~. ------ ORWllS APTS. PROFrr PRODUCING unill on ~ ao:e within walking distance of tbe new YMCA on 1lEWPORT UPP E R BAY1 TRREE, Two bed· room 1 hmnes each with pM- vate patiof, play yard and attacli_ed garages PLUS TRI- P~ all bordered by lawns and Niade trtes. What a joy! 1 ~.oo gross moitthly income and tix :sbelter too!! Your oj)portunity for MAXI- MUM LEVERAGE with 11 $0,000 Initial Investment; owner .wm belp nnMce - Value Packed at only $59,500. We ~ve the key -CIURRY! -POOL. Owntt 200Weotdltt!>v 3250E.CoastHwy.CdM ollf""°i.bod FUrn6 ....... Adulblooly. moving out of area a. might t•:nu Open Ew•. 673-3222 RENTALS • rio pelf, 1780 Pomona Ave., accept SI.SO UNDER FHA -==-===~-=:=::•! =========-:-========:--' I jUJt south of Utb St, appraisal of $27,400 • $25,. , HOUMit U~rnlaJl.!d . A'ITR. tum 1 bdrm. w/w 950.0nlyS1400down.HVet. Oii Al4P AllAD Mesa Verde 1110 Corona del Mi1r ' General 3000 crpta, Ip cupboard~. • • . Peclflc Sl)On• RHlty ==;.;..---=·;.;:I close!L 185 Loue %138 6'Yo Loon or other bomea In beautJlul *CUSTOM HOME ·* LUSK-HA!UlOlt Hu"11~ ... ch 1135: • BR. 111 ba . Newport 81..:.i. . 3 BR STUDIO POOt: .. Good mer home 'th m -Westclit.f. 5 )Up bedrooms, 81 owner, large ' bdnn. VIEW IDLI.S 147"""' townl»ule. PaUo; w/w; $92 • NICELY furn 1 BR. I boco "' ""H 2 tu1l baths + "-bath, out. (cottverl ~). 2!.i ba, 4 bdnns, m ba. oc.an view, 'wiiiiiiiiiiii,..iiiiii• I chlldren OK Broke r or at, camper e:te. u -ki'-" all built acrou st from Mesa Verde prof landeca--' 3-car aar I' · · apt Garbage displ, drps. 4 nice bdnns + family room ""'"'" • ' ' """' ' ulllftft ~ No pets, adults only; lat A: best of all -a 6% GI loan ins, diahwuber -tile aplaah, Coll course, Many CUAtom many extras, 8 mo old. llllUI $185; 3 BR. 2 ba., w/w, le lut mo'• ~2962 , that tak ·"lb se--te aervice room ,. .... bit-in&, priced below ~ 6.6% Joan, prin on I y. bl )'OU can e over w• ........ • r-~t. Larr lot $59 000 :m7 . drapea, tm. Children It BACH. Apt., fUl1 kitch., no increue! Only $157/mo. ~te formal dif\in& robm, . e , -room tor ' , Topside Ln. Divorce Jorces a quick We pets OK. Bkr, ~ bath·, clean & attr. •111:. uW . iilcludes taxes & insurance. expensive w/w carpel!! I: pool, Call owner 545-MS9. 644-Zi21 ~re. You can be a wpiner ....,. Listing is $22 650 but owner drapes. Prke $53,950. CORNER. lot, 2-Jtory, 4 tlR VIEW==·.-:poo=t-, -, .. -c"'iou.-"2"'BR"' I -U you burry.•4 bedroohll. $].'IS; 3 BR, 2~ bl. condo. paid. 642-4014 . anxious to ~ to Oregon IO 21,i BA, den, din rm. fncd home, 40' I~ ·rm, lg 2 baths, family room, 5 Gar., bltna, refrig. 'Children $80-BACH. apl tor woman; make us that otter! ~ pha.y yd, nr entry Club, muter suite. OWner 844-ye&n 'olt1. lmlLD. Askin& .ti pet O.K. Bkc'· 534-6980 uW. paid, Carport; avail. ~ extnuJ. Avail July ~ ' only $28,500. ~ 3100 ,4115. 181 B'way. ~6 . 3 BR 1'4. ha, blt-in range SALESPEOPLE NEEDED $48,500. Ownr. 545-8519 OPEN 1-5 SAT k SUN Coat• Mela. $115; 1-BR. furn., util. pa.id. l: oven. With ruaae. $150. 1003 Biker, C.M. 5<6-S4<tl PRIVACY + land.cap'& + Balboa PanlNul1 1300 : ~'RNR WHIBITEd, RNltBr. $210lmo be 3 BR Townbouoe ~MgarageDr .• ~~~Adult. Well1-McCardlo, Rlt-S.Cl-SUO 3 BR + den + fam +' -ewport v ., . . cplll/drps; blt-ins, pool I: ~ ea • '"°"'"'-Ml , _ 1___ uswnable FHA al 1177 mo LOVE NEST •75-4630 Eves 642·225.I r.c. cent.r. No main!. EASTSIDE: Qui" 2 Br. J8IO Newport Blvd., C.M. DI.LEGE REALTY Corona del Mar (PIT!). Val al $26,500. Adultr. $46#11 . Elec. bl.... patio. Adulla 518.7729 ADULTS ONLY 1741 Tu1tln A..,.,. off 17th Street ' • Costa Mtn _, •Mllcllmlll""'*I'& Custom Quality Home 546-4722 1:~ ~ ~~n;:i:;, formal Dining Rtom s BR, drpg. 11 1enc'd yd., only. 36l-B 0g1e 642-1298 i "'""""'l'i!!!!!"!l!!!!""-d. 1-z~==~:=i:=i:=i;·I Parklike setting, you cwn the AITR. 3 Br. 2 Ba. I: fam. 1% bath dollhoUSe near end atove, refrig. Children &: BACHELOR Apt.. l adult NEWLY I' land. 3BR, bup game room nn. $25,00J, Asstll'M 5%.% &: of peninsula point. OWner VACANT. 5%% LOAN pets OK. $170. 968-2950 only. $60 Mo., ulil. pd. 2110-DECORATED • w/frplc, A rare find at ~wne;:"A tak! • .,2nd1170· 3246 arutiOUl!i, $38.250. Close to Beach VERY clean 3 BR ~ bath 8 Orange Ave., C.M. ~~'.Bg~~~r • .,.sns:,..-; $69,500. ew ve . .,_ BU.RR WHITE, Rltr, Lovely 3 BR 2% bath!!. hfesa del Mar, h,,...,, lot. $125 Clean furn 1 BR bach .. ......,.... • 3 -~ paid. Near school. -Don V. Frenklln, Rltr. BR, 1%. BA, !am rm, 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. HAFFDAL REAL TY $210/mon. Agt, 546-4141 Utils inc. w/rar, No pets. 2176 Placentia Aw., Apt. a.· Evenings Call • 673-6116 P.\8QRAMIC VIEWS Tip top of Harbor View Hills -spaciQUs: custom home w I trg papelled fam rm, "-'tt bar, 2 fireplca, lanai and protected patio and pool. * FAMILY ROOM * FORMAL DDllNG 3250 E. Coe.st Hwy, CdM elee bltlns, cov patio, nice 675-4630 Eves 673-5122 8740 Warner, FV 842-4400 E-SIOE 3 bd, 2 ba, w/w crpf, _548--0522-=·~-~~-.,,--e 636-4120, e , ; 1'!!:~~..j.!67J.~2222~!!!!!!!!~!;:""";;::"'P~·;1:':25'=,·"":=·=5"1-=22!1';;;l;':l~~~~'!"! ...... !!!!~IWATERFRONT -by owner yd, patio, 2 car gar. adlts, • Nauau Palma • I; C II p rk ti 3 BEDRM. 2 Ba.th, Garage, • 4 BR. • 2 BA., dock. no pets. $200 yr, 673-7629. I &: 2 BR. • Pool * VIiie Pomona A:pfs ' : FORCED SALE Large_ 6 BR a 199 I 15 Nearly new. 30x100 Lot. No 55• on water enclosed patio NICE 4 BR 2%. ba home, dbl 177 E. 22nd St 642-3645 C.oata Mesa's newe1t A;D'IOlt · ...................... $89.000 Mrs. Harvey. ~ Coldwell, Banker & Co. 220f E. co.st HIDh#l)0 N9wPllrt kid!. Clllforftl.I Kl f..Dll .Git NIM TWO For The MONEY 300 Ft. to best beach in New- port. Almost new 4 BR &: fAm nn, wet bar, frplc, ~ tisserie grill, formal dill rm, trg. kitchen with BI and .eat. ing area. ALSO, doll house rental that cuts t he pay· men!$ in hall. All this on large double lot can QUICK! . Coywood Rlty. 541-1290 6300 W. Coast Hwy, NB 2 BR home w/ine unit needs 90riie TLC, Walking distance to everything. $33.500 • """"' By appt on1y CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS This lovely 4 bdnn MESA VER.DE home oilers every th.Ing for great family living. Prime Jocation. Many extru. $35,950 • C04TS wAL'LAce REALTIIRS 546-4141- (()pM Ew.illgl) Peint and Save - Exclusive neighborhood of fine Mesa Verde homes -3 large bedrooms -formal living room -duble fire- place -family room -cov. ered patio -private cul-de- sac street -very Jow down payment if :you want to do some painttn• &: tixin'. $2s:,95c'FHA or GL Call the ''Goad Guys'' 646-71'71 •-546-2313 \O THE REAL '(' ESTATERS home .with near new aha& • OPEN HOUSE • broke~. Seen by appl o~. $74,500. Also 60' on main ...... , all bltins. 1200 mo. Bkr. QUIET Deluxe bachelor, 1m luxurioua apts now rentq:~ ; carpeting, cu s to m I 2 e d 673-2439 o nt A .. ~ I •·-3 B • Ba .. -Furn k unturn. Adults onl)r .. kitchen, huge family room 12 to 4, Sat._& Sun. w r. ...,,..nne ........ r. " :, MG-7414 Santa Ana Ave, C.M. No &: excellent residential area. 2569 Oxford Lane, 3 BR., 1 %. BY Owner 2 Br. 1 'Ai baths, dock, $110,000. Co n s i de r pels. 646-5.542 J:sf,!~7: ~ .Ave.1., Adume 5%. % loan • $165 ~.. !am. nn., frpl, New Jge. patio; rm. to add on lease/option ~ Mela Verde 3110 DELX apt, spacious 1 Bdrm, mo. including taxes. Full w/V! cpts, drps; lovely 40X100 lot. Balboa Point SOUTH Shores -2 BR, cpts, ---------1 pool. Ideal 1or bache:lar. OCEAN breeze upper Apt! priee $28,950. CAlL 540-USl patio k garden. Det. gar. location. 673-40'n drps, bltins, FA heat, dbl LOVELY 4. ~. 2 ba. ·+ $la>. 1003 Chlll'th, *9633 1ge 3 BR 1%. ba• Avatl1 (open eves) Heritage Real Assume 5% % nIA. Top gar. $14,500. Wood w a rd Wn nn. Carpets I: blt-ina. $llO mo. incl util. April lS $19l/mo. 22M CaJ Eotate shape. $24,900. --------·I Realtors, 962.-3343. $190, per mo. on lease nyon Dr. Apt 5 betwn OWNER 540-5566 Lido Isle 1351 644-46'n Furniahed l Bedroom PM A 3 PM or pboae: OCEAN VIEW! 4 BR"" 26, li I Huntington '-::===·1>-6846====:. 2..2222 CUSTOMI $39,5001 crts/rui:· frplc,v ~·;.;: Sh1rply Reducecll Harbour 1405 Newport leach 32001 ~ Gracious Adult Livl"I; 2 baths. Built·in kitchen. Fire-tncd. $25,950. Assume 4%%. Handsome baytront in select --------Newport Blach 4200 2 Bdrma., w/w cpl!!, dn. place. Electric itU'8&'.e door 2'l78 Cornell 646-2309 Agt. area. 5 B<lnns, 4~ ba, pier, CL lt;' llNTG HARBOUR 8/8 SINGLE Young Adults Lux· pool. Students 0.K. , opener. Patio. AJ:tisticaliy l========''= slip. Complerely appointed. 55' ATER.FRONT w/ 40' TOWNHOUSE W')I garden apts with coun-MESA EAST APTS. ·1 =~ 540.~rio Estate Wed 1 ;"°';.;;'";;po;;;;rt;;B;;u;;c;;h;;;;;;;';;2il0;;; Price $315,000. . ~~ ~~· ~~~~='. Split Level 3 bdnm .. baths try club atmosphere a n ~ 14.7 E. 18th, C.M. &U-34~ I• R. C. GREER, Re:atty $72,cm. 3392 Gilbert Drive. ' • comp!ete privacy. SOUTH 2 BR, ne:wly dee .drpa, w TARBELL 2955 Harbor PINE TREE 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 847-3724 Double & a race, carpets, BAY CLUJJ AP'J's_ Irvine at cpts, blt-ina, adWta. $le; Furnished Duplex View from YoUt' muter bdrm d."'8.pe:;, Fittplace, e 1 e c. 16th N~wport Beach 642-2550, eves 54&-6116 -, Newport lalancf ·' k li·.1-.room in this 3 bdrm, -• E ythl ? bullt·ina. ADULTS ONL'Y' ·· · {7l4l 645-0550 v.,. Ne~ ver ng L a. h 1705 ................ $265/month. Villa Fino Apts. 3 BR. , 1 Br units. m au kits. FA 2% baj:b home in the Bluffs. Like an immaculate 3 BR.1 ;;;";;;';;";;; .. ;;;;;;;;;;";;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Mrs. Fay . srEPs To beach; mod. 2 Unt Children Welcome $15Q heat. Just redec, in XLNT Spaniah inflUMCe with many 3% be. home, 2 frpla., din/ 1 • Ba & •--h Br., fp1., beam cell's, Ill 874 w. Center A.pl 1 , cond. $39,500, Have Joan extru such as wet bar etc. rm + tam rm, ST/ST Jot lncom11. Units Y VSUIC )lt111; adlta; · yrly. lease 1•2 &: 3 BR. apt., unfunt. • commitment. $39,950. Immaculate. Don't Only $59,500. Handyman Specl•I• Realty, Inc. $JXI. 64~90 998 El Camino Dr QI • RALPH P. MASKEY, Rltr. wait. Walker Rlty 675-2676 Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 271 SUS PER month. Modern 1 * 54&045l. *' 673-600) -150 yds from Beach .. 4 lge ~ Eves. 548-6966 bdrm apt. May 1st to June 6 UNITS llD N'lllR: WOO Isle, Via Ol'Yleto, S Apt, units, nl!eda: paint le 15thbetwttn0ceanl-Bay. 2 BR. studlo apt; ll,i ~; ~ bdrm~. 3 ba, Im rm. din good a:eneraJ cleanup PO-5 BR. 3 BA; %. acre. * 673-9357 * :cl ~·ttr! ~:; ,,;:;:;~ R E A (Ty rm, Ige patio, sep. maids TENTIAL I N co M E EX· · Afleolute 1 e cul s Ion I: · ·~; eves' M&-09ss , $60,000 -Will Tracie 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. rm. blt·ins. 6~ for CEEDING $10,000 ANNUAL. gorgeous view of hills. $450 N-pon ......_ 4210 ROOM TO BUILD 675-6000 appt LY. Price $69,950. mo on lease 646-81.lM· or • ..,... _ DUPLEX, 2 Br,; 101 Rltr. 642-9730 Eves. 548--07201"Z:=iim:=i====c MISSION' REALTY 494-0731 646-1550 DUPLEX Apt., 1 br., tum. Bttidway. Cpts. I: drapes. • KENlffDY Ji Huntington Buch 1400 985 So. Coast, LagUna TOWNHOUSE 3 Br.. 2~ W/W cptg., drape 11; ~1_m,,.=53l:c~-;,===--I 2 Units·$23,000 OPEN HOUSE bl. w/w op!•, d,,,., fpl. di•po"1, tilo; doan. Adulta. i BR. Unturru.hed Close lo Beach &: Channel Fncd patio; elec. bltns, 2 No pets. Working woman \~125 Month 646-0f46 ; Li,;.. 1 .. 0_ & Rent one SuDl.lay 12 to S I l:INIT .APARTMENT car gar, pool. $275. 642-7219 pm. 308 catallna Dr, ey"~l~t. 2> Shalimar .. Qi_ 1100 3024 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 675-1662 ' 3 BR 1 % ba, hid pool, Eul· y ...... 0"° MR EXECUTIVE WIPOOL that pays ·lor ttaelt. Nr new 5'8-n65" - aide CM, Elegant entry, I ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I dbl frp1c to cellinc. $29,990, 10% dn, DO 2nds. 0 cozy ...._ 32x18 h.f, pool. cond, close to all amenities -=-:--::-:·-::----::::::I;======== ~DE l br, frpl,c, be:aml: 6000 sq, ft, of garden living. of city. Produces a GROSS Cofana del Mir 3250 Bilboa 4300 patio, w/w c'rpt. 1 adult no N. E. Costa Mesa 3 large bdnns. 1% baths, h:'.rdwood Doors, large kitch- en k service porch area. Double garage:. Big yard with shade Ii: fruit trees. $22,950. WeU...McCardle, Rltr1. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-T129 Eve8, Mfil684 HONEYMOON con AGE ARE you a trade man? Have R-2 7.0ned level Jot with cute borne at rear. Ha8 alley • excelleot eastslde location. Je1n Smith Realtor 400 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa 714 -64&-3255 like to Entert1ln? cau to see this 675-5200 2 BR C2, Eastside CM. $18,00J, S2000 down. Corona del Mar spacious, attr. duplex, only 4 yrs old. ea. unit 3 BR l %. ba, partial ocean view. $00,000, lo dn. SA HUI. 3 BR, bdwd flrs, $21,500 -$1300 dn • no 2nd TD. 3l8 E. 16th St., R-2 lot. 2 BR, hlt·in R & 0, $18,900. Frank Kingaard Real Estate ' MI 2-2222 $21,500 Sharp 3 bdrm 2 bath Condo- minium in choice location across from pool It club house. Call now for appoint. ment to see. •• lpERRON :.1 •• -...... -~~·. * 642-lnl Anytime * CORNER ;, ALT y conAGE Near NB ""' Ole. 64~2414 Hett's a bright livable home with room ta add units. SCOOP II Close to 17th street ahop-The prime S unit apartment ping. Three bt-drooms, two on the entire peninsula. baths, Lot 90' x 150'. Try $9!1,950 -worth every pen- $35,000. ny of it. Will trade for in- BURR WHIT.E, Rltr. dustrial. Exclusive wilh 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. Newport Beach Realty 67$.4630 E vos 47Ji0859 6'15-1642 · BOAT A TRAILER THREE •TWO •TWO Plenty of •••"' 4 bodroom 3 bath. TelTific view of Back Bay, Exclusive. 646-4414 D1lt• Jlnl fstau Attractive triplex on quiet Ea.stside: street. Good record -all filled. Only fG,500. BURR WHIT~, Rltr. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 675-4630 Ev,1 642·2253 BAYFRONT 3 Br. Beach "ii~~== . house; prlv. b ea c h ; • TOWNJOUSE Ba.Yshore Park leasehold. " $13,500. ~S.-7391 Near new, lflbt and air)' MOBILE Home, Bay Front large bedroom, 1% be., cus. on the Peninsula. $19,500. tom drps, ~ .. Blt.ina, dsh-~ or 675-3226 W!!hr. A tt;l ~ie! $19,500 BY bd 3 ,_ -. ~-fl~ ~. ,,...,.,., ... 4 large bedrooms plus fazn. INCOME of $13,000 yrty. tl"' .. ~--.r• Uy room. Take over 6.6 % loan" own-LGE 2 BR. . fDrm, din. nn, CLEAN Bachelor Apt!. CLEAN -Spacloau l Bdra( 20282 ADRIAN, H.B. er will aid in financing the new deep pile ~pts / dr'pK. All utll incl $'15 up Garage $115 mo. ~ so. of Adams, W. of Bushard balance at 7%. FULL Be all by yo~se~ on this 315 E, Balboa Blvd. • M0-6998 e REAL ESTATE By PRICE 1110 000 Xtra lge:. lot, Nice patio. BALBOA 673--9945 ' ' ' .... .,.,.,., $275 mo, inc. &dnr. Bkr. · 2 BR. apt., newly deOX" McVAY Los Padres RllY ~ 675-5726 BACHELOR Apt Util paid. GVage, yard; nr. 1 • 545-0451 !lll~=:=:=:=:=~C 2 BR., frpl, stove, d/w, 703 $75 mo. El Mar ?.fotel, 310 qule:t location. 541)-1284 -~~~~~~-Wh1lew1tchers Delight Jasmine, $195, util. incl E. Balboa Bl'(d, Balboa Nlef; 1 bdnn apt. Pool Time 11 Here Otttstandlng new duplex, Ax.so: 1-Br .. $155 plu uUL drp1, $125. Util IDP'•· Extra clean & sharp 3 'BR 2 coastline view to Dllna Pt. 51, Marigold Huntlngten BNc~ 4400 548-8428 or ~7'i65. bath home. Almast new car. N!!ar stores, Trade/submit • Call: 673-5109 for app't.· coNTfMroRA. rt.v li'""" • LARGE 2 bdnn duplex, pets, custom drape&, alumi. .., ·~-.. , $10,000 Dn. CAMEO Shore& Prtv beach 1 Bdn: &: Bachi. upstairs. garage, w/w carpets. num covered patio. lot of Hal Plnchin &. Assoc. 'beaut ocean view. 3 BR i,, All newly decorat!d plus 2234 B. Pacific. 548..QJ66 ""· cement work, Sparlillng blue pool with tilter k heater. 3900 .E. Coast Hwy 615-4.192 tam nn. Avail· May 7. $500 ocean view, from $100 to Probably the best buy of the mo. inc · a:ard. NO PETS. $200. Summer or year round Newport laach year, Only $24,950 _ GI or OCEAN VtEW-· Bkr. 673-2222 rentah. Agtilt 536-2570, 420 FHA tenns. Won't last -PRIVATE BEACH 3 BR. 2 ba, cpts/drps. stove Pacific Coast· Hwy. better call now! 2 Br, 2 Ba. Open beam, teak, -refrig. Lse. $235 mo. QUIET "9. BEAUTIFUL MUTUAL REAL TY glass, Quiet pvt road-low 673--2222 Bkr. Adults only; 2 Bl'., utU. paid. 842·1418 anytinie taxe1. $32,500. $4000. down. =========I Pool UlO. 847·2125 LIKE A VIEW? Shown by appt. 642-0047. HuntlftlfOn lelc~ 17676 Cameron, Hunt Bch. Only $25,950. ':Rem~ D~ ~~~1 3 BR. 2 ~ .. bltns. drps, Garden Grove 4610 Lovely 2 bedroom plus sep-vt' wtt'dwki, ..... A r: Ml.1 97•48 • fenced yd. Nr. stores •. 21--....--'--"'-;_--"'--' $115 Month ,, 2 Bedroom Duplex -, Stove, relrl&entor & utililfls; furniahed. Adult. prefer .. Rltr. . erale dining room on 66xll2 P • """"na. "'.,.... Children ok. $175. 962-4391 SINGLE Youna: Adults Lux· I 'th --" t vt ot -~ ta ·th LARGE 2 BR 2 ba up/ -. ot Wl ex"""en ew S Cl I 71 O eves. ury 1 ... ven ap Wl coun· , Huntington Beach. In 1mtnt1 2 BR. Condo. Crpts, drpll, tr)' lcub atmosphere and enclosed garare w/storqil. ASSUME F.H.A. LOAN HOME on golf coune:: San bltns, whr/dryer, patio, comlpete privacy. SOtml =~ cp~~·W/I blt-~, $4900. Down Clemente: 5%% mortgage: pool. Adults. 5.17-8559 BAY CLUB API'S. 13100 $l7S/mo lease. &t&-687f •• 3 BR, plus 3 Ba, cozy dining/ family rm. 2 frplcs + play nn. Enclosed pool separate Play yard, $52,SOO. WOODWARD Rltr, e owner 4 r, """' YOU owe it to :twnell to in. -·~ A•·-· H .,_ Bch large den. $40, 750 Call eves vPst.igate ®r 4 dlUeftnt -~•'"n · f;ol&.1542 trad~illprograms. 1 ~""~~';;:;;;;.~~""'IN~~~~~~~~ REAL ESTATE BY Sa1e$37,SOO. (213)431-5127 Champan Ave:., Garden , McVAY KENTALS founl1ln Volley 3410 Grove m41 6'6-3030 2 BR, newly d<c, drpa, w/w 3 BR. 2 BA, fplc. 545-0451 HoUHI Fumlthecl 3 BR., de1>, fa.rn~n. rm·.; Laguna BUch 4705 :-"..,!,,: ,..981..,·,..7039=-=:;;--:-=>I TWO STORY Rental• to Share 2005 bltins. $215/month, Leue. 2 BR. 2 BA $175 II $l8t S BR 2 bath, built-in range A I---------Avail. April 20. 839-1665 CLEAN 1 Br. apt nr. beach 3 BR. 2 BA, fplc. $23i. Walker RHlty I' douCED TO N-p0r1 Shores 1220 $20,950 Bayfronl Tripi•• LIDO ISLE 3 • Bayview apartments 2 with fireplac:ts. Good }OCa· tion. 40' on Bay. See ·today? $155,000 LIDO REAL TY, INC. 3"° Via Lido m88lG ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'3 E. 17th St. 64M4M lm19lne • All Thl1 For $20,500 Centrally located in CM, brand new home w/rlch Iha& cpts. m, FA heat, •-~t Beauty fully fncd rear. lndacpd, dlb 'l""J•••• gar. 2 BR & bL Call now! 5 tidrm 3% bath cwitom built Paul Stuart, Re a I tor. borne with numel'OUI out• £1S..4070 standing features. Excellent 1.:.:;,:;,.,;..==,,.==-11ifft. Phone for appoint. ''0$" DOWN $14,958 ment to see. Texu stud bedl'OOm8' 2 A old & F-•&~ bath.!!, hl'8t' llvinc N)m, rn •'"""' Lovely rear yant • 1...i.cao- 388 E. 17th St, CM ed to perfection. J11gh block Realtors 646-1755 fenee. No down O.f. 540-1720 TARBELL 2'55 !l•rbor "'I CouW Write A Sonner'.. $13 UI abdul the -thtakinc vtew ,- A dramaUc 4 Bdnn home 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, doUble with atrium ht lw.r: Wella. garagf, ~ Jot, dQlle to 17th Ray J. W•rd Co. Sll'eet shoP.pinc. <Ba3crest Officel Leon Vibert, Reahar 130 SantJaco Or. 646-1550 548-IXi88 &l'l)'tlme $1',900-NEAR BEACH SEAL Belcll: ....,.,,. 5%~ 3 bis bedroom~ 2 pUllman G.t.: 3 bib. to beach: 3 baths, etea:ant ftttp~ 1r1 Br. 2 Ba., bltna, cptd. Frpt. Wp livlnr room. Built-in New paint ill I: out. ~. n;np A oven. Uttd brick 1ep. party rm. w/fl>l. paUo. Exctllent l'l~&. $37,500. Owner 213: ~ TARBELL 141-DAILY'PIWl'WAl'IT ADS< 4 BR 2% BA. Nr beach, oven, lqe living room with WOULD like to share apt I: ~ !~~~ Nr. 213: 981-7039 ,, club house, pools. Just fireplace, kitchen I tarnlly or hM with girls (age 25-35). LlgUf'.I• Blach 3705 new. . tlo redec. Per!. "°""· S""' b · Ch't•-k Bch f ~~------RENTALS 2 BR 2 Ba, pvt. .. : to tree $32 500 642-8086 room com ination, carpet&. 1 w-.;n ° · area i>n!: • 2 · BR. view, remodelled, gar. w/1t.orart. No pefl , POdL. 3 &Inn_ Fam rm. 5 t. ' ' $1300 down. MOVE FAST! Call Joyce Cl) SW pluah ~a:., blti11!1. Unf. Apts. Unfurnished 4245 llilarta Way, 54<MJ113 11 RS130/ndmoRpaylsall.S'i'% lnt. W•tcllff 1230 ~'~0 IJMP ~~ED apr1 toses~ $195, turn. $250. ot-9748 General 5000 Ealf Bluff 5242 a H ty 645·2340 SP'"~ -• ·••-1.~.. ----, -•• h ASSUME 51'% FHA loon..~...:;,;;.,-; .w.; , ~=·ev.":'"' area. L.,.naNl ... I 21o7 RENT •NEW DEL\IXE •· 1$1~~ month3 ~ ~ !:~ rm; servioe porch. elec 6% V.A. LOAN GIRLS deiire girl f'f.21l to MONAROt BAY AREA J Rooms Furniture 3 Br. 21$ bl.. apt. for ln.,!! .~ on ~' ~· ·~~ l>tnL Clean apla I< drpa 3 bodroom. Wall to wall CU· lhate 3 BR, 2 BA boacll ADULT . COMMUNITY $20 • $25 • $30 ftlO, Incl. ,..._ matr • ..ito, - yard, redec. 540-7562 or thru out this 3 BR 2 Ba _.1 .... ~'--·-bout. Covettd · t 673-(16$ 3 BR. den, 2 BA home, , rm. A: dbl• 1ance. auW: 548-52'17. home. Prof.' '~·--' •-,... ... ., .... ,,"l!t ap. . bit-Ins. -i.. ,healed ..--fuLL OPJ'ION TO BuY door opener avail.· ho& A u"""'....-• patio. All electric kitchen ROOMMATE --• .... ,...,.. ,..._ m..-"""--..._ A •·bl ) $20,500. 10% Down maint. w/ clilldrtln's play wllh built-in refrigerator. lel'Ylce. 11-e $250 mo. 10 to I. 49&-00 ,~_,..,..,, .. ...,,,, va ... e rec. atta. Nr. c:atbcO: New 2 bdnn housts, bit-ins, )'nl " pet arta. Heavy Loll more extras and your or female. Efticlent " RENTALS No deposit o.a.c. Oil.lT'dl 4 ,ldlQol 6 °"'"'l crpts, landacaped, Ml • 885 ahakHool ciompletes th18 full montk•·• ......... ent la 0 .. 1-.. qualified. SJ5..2lOO •-a... • 1_,__.. H.F .R.C. deJ MAr Hlab. '"' Wnt WIOOn 548-86G channlnl home. By Owntt "v .,.#... ...., "'I'•• .-,urn -Furniture Rentals · • ONLY $280 • .!' SALE or te~. Eaaf Side, a $42,950. '42--1&98 :lt·d::,; ::,:.~:~ CO.ta Miu 2100 General 4000 517 w. 19th CM. 54Wa1 &31-171 Amfcoi Wq, N.B:; bWm. l%· ba.·Xlnt 1oe E bluff-1242 Perty.&'1889or968-4640. $190 ·lBR.lacd)'anl.uW& 1115' BACH I !di "68W.Lncln,AMmTI~2800 C-• delMlr Large 5~ % Joan. m.soo: 1-"-'-' -------Sparkling Blue gs""2111"~Rr·_!!· PIA"!! ~~~! chtnette, -uui. i!1~ .• ' • $150: 2 BR, ear. fncd Pf.tlo1 I ~~ii~ilii~iiii~ijf 203 Susannah. 54&-1<$ E AS:r B·LV FF -Con-• ...... • v•.-u;;o• .,, Broktf 534-6980 w/w. Jtedee. Avail. nOw. /1 OOmlnlunu. 2 ,,. by ''""· Fiitered Pool s pm. or a11 • ., Sat or SUn. """'" 534-69llO • _ • ••• • .-.r DO aq. ft. ea. 3 BR Ii with lots of decltina: to sun-2 BR.., pr., patio. Trop w/w. Avallablt now 'Q.. -. M D I u. 1105 ' !cal $1<0; 2 ·BR.' ....... pr., ~ FINEST MHt. Ml 14.ar den. 2 .BR It dtn. Extra bath. Gleamlna: kttcbcln, tilt'C" 1ettma fOt 9dUa. 1 Wk 8roker 53+6980 Cotta MIN' SIOO -,. home. With t BR. l" ba. ::.u:n °:1!:. ~~ ~ %b:~n_a·$2~.: 2 bath. 2 u:· ~ ~. Cott MRI 4100 l Bli 2 bath. Condo. W/w ON TD ACR!3 ~cc~v~ "';~t;m"ur1: · S67,SOO. Shown' by appt. R. D. SLATES; lltr, pool . Ir recreational priv. • ~~t·IJ'I~~ n.nae · l A i BR. Furn a ·~ • ' M&rlr: Les·Rltr.. '47-3519 Evta. ,962-7369 AdUlts. Call &16-3265 ALL tJTIL PD, 1 bdnn hm. • w r. u aar-Frplcs I p:W. pa&s/Poclll:f Acent. 675-4070 C:M. Invtstfttent O>. MS-ml ==========.•I Mature adUJtl. flNI, 2335 qe, 2 pools. N'o pell. $190/. T•--'•. ""tat1 ·~ -3 BR 2 bath, ll\lke roof, •~ mo 546-5580 _.... ""'"' · u-...1. ..-. t.\tN V•• 1110 c-=..--::-,..1 ·u.-r l2SO w/w cpts/drps, Nr New,,ort'leleh 2200 El<k!nAve.C.M. . ' tlnssntn. ~ -'---,..,...,_ Jn. evtrythin,. AllUme. 5%% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 2 DtoROOM a.i:it with pool, SplJt ' level 2 Br. l ~ bl; 900 Ste a..u.. CldM ...._ R.E:PUBlJC htlrM, I n'\OI old. OWNER Will Fina~ FHA loU -wUl th~. part SUMMIR RENTAL chlldren O.K. no pet.. as Upper 2 Br. 1 ba, c,ta, ,;'!M!acA~rlb!ii!iusii"'~.'O:liii~ot--il 2 •t:ory, ' BR. 3 BA. fam Two story, two bedroom of Sl'100 eqty. 192-1507 Summe:r and )'Ur round Canyon Dr. '5'5-2104: drps. 2885 Mendoza. 545-M21 ~ nn. r1treat nn. 3 car aar. tlomt, BY OWNER. 2 it)', 3 BR. reservatioM 1*'11 Wttn. m -rOUJl AD IM a..ASSJ-l BR grdn apt !Pf. cpt.. LGE. i Br .. fpL, cp11,, ._. l42.900. By ow,,.r. M0-4ll00 Big Corono Beach .... $1',000 .l•m nn. N....,,... W..t PROPERTIES WEST FIEDI s.m-wtD be drpt. bllno. petio, poo!. bltna. petlo: So. ol -. f'or Da1l7 PDot Want Adi. °"'~ Cout Proptrty tract. Auumt loan 5\4", 1023 ~Or. 67$ot138 ~ lot ft. DJa1 ~ Adlta, no ptta $11>. 546-61831 i;$l~IS.'i;m.1191M~i'ii;~..,i;if!;;::;:;::,I BRING umn.m 331 ......,,rt,. m.*'511 129,950. 96H771l I .,...,;r.l!l!!!!!l!l!!!!!I"""' I ..!""'~-!!!~·..!'!!!'"~<!!;ln!!t..!-~!!!IW~hi!!!'!!'..!"'!!-!!~"'~' ~n!!!r-~~ DAILY Pllm WANT·ADll ' I ' ' . • ~ • . . lllw>dq, Apii1 10, IM • ·-... It L UTAT •u~IHUI and IUllNISS w ANNOUNCIMINTS SlllV1CI DIUCTOllY * l.l.~~~~~~I -ral FINANCIAL PINANCIAL ..i NOTICIS c..tr-6610 Off1a -ti '070 luo. Opport"""'---~ ._ J ;-;:;:= ... ;:-"---:;:-;;;;ll~ADl>ITIONIHIEP~!!!!;.!_ __ AIRS~!!J JDU & IMl'LOYMINt Help w.-. -'* Day DIU-•w Full Time a.Br, ~ ht, + den. $l«l mo ... f\y,...., !BURR WHITE, Rltr. 129C1 Newpot1 Blvd., N.O. Os.46IO E .. • '42-2251 ~unH-._h 5MlO EXCWSIVE !ON-THE·IEACH I 2 & 3 llodl'<IOm Apto. lfD'"'l' Uvlnr< to p1..,. the ~ dbcriminatlrl;· 1'I01' availahle •t liie Huntington Pacific~ LAGUNA llAat l" J:riiEIWlt Jl!:MODEU?lo Air Condbr.-1 L k" F A w· . r? .wrllo .... -""""""' -" PlaMlllc ONrottatAYENUZ 00 •nr, or 1nne a d<ocrlb"" l" !Dhreit -etc. """ _.. ··-.. church bonch, bo....... ... Llc'd "-· Ftee ..t. new.a otnee bufldlns at JF you do no want to be a pioneer and can Valley 8aptiM: Temp&., P.O. A I: B OONSTRUCTION prim< 1oc11lon 1n --1reoognlze the many advantagu of U1tm1illl Bex ""2, &n Jo ••, 1112 Pauluino, CM. '-Beldl. Air -. ownership of /Ill ellablbhecl, profitable oper-Calllomla oruo * -* tkmed. ..,,.lod. boutllnl aUng frant:hlie store In a fantulic growth DIVORCED, ....,....,, ...,_ AJ>D..A,&om, •Pl. uni1'. .... ,,. --T w 0 aroa ... Thl5 COUid be the opportunity you o...i or unmurlld. &ii> '"'1 bomeo, ""' •toey tntructil: Froatap • 1... '---I .,_ t scribe to the o.c. S1nPt tpeclalllt. tn:t I a yo u t, J'orett An., rear lcadl to uave ~n ooa.wg or. Guette, $4.75. SOO Pllcu to dealp. XI Yn hi the ~ MundJlll putdna '*' S50 IF you can qualify ••• you willJ.°\:, the El ao. per.onai ad1, artidta. butlne111. Pacltle co._ st ~ per month for IPlee-Den p Candi &Gilt Sb st hlcb ~ Puk Aw., Bids. ~7191. Weelcdln. WhHdv'• Went? Wlliddy1 Get! and chlln ••lllahlt lor 1$. oco e oppe ore w Gamn Grow SatASW.at,.......,,.,. SPICIAL CLAISIPICATION l'Oll ..,_ !tours """' ls one ot the !arrest In the specialty •tore !.vice aYallalllo °:' SIO. field. Two exlatlng hi-traffic ~ange COW1ty e TENNIS SEA$0N e Addtlono * "'moclelinc NATURAL -N IWAPPlllS All tlllts. ~ cxccp1 1tore1 are available Immediately u well as Join the fun! 'I'bll ad WO'l'tb Fred H. Gttwick, Lie. S,.&.I Rate ....::... other locaUons thru-out lhe Woalun staies. 110 "" new .,...bonhlpo. 613-<0CI * l49.n.11I S LI-- 5 tr... -S bucks .. o·~y _....... Corona dd. MarTennll Cub •U&.&S -AD MUST fNC\.UOE -'~' IF I t -·ru e •-ww,.. tw¥t tit.,...., .....-... ,.. ..,., ~.,... :m FORar AvoruE you can nveat 18,950 cash and begin at • 111~ Carpet Clunlng 6625 >-vou• ....... ..-, ... ....._ ....., ._ • """'4ir... LAGUNA BEAal once call 642,..2713 for a na_,,,naJ, conlldenUal LICENSED t-HOTHIHO "°" IALI -tRAou ONLY• -Interview. ..--Splrttual ~ -.. Cupot I. Upbol Ota•'"" PHONI 642.5671 * M_ .. _m Offl·-.. .u ---~ s El 11 lt'• done -• • • T• Ploa Your T•-· PorHIM Ad vvw -· IF you pre.fer, you may write about yourself ._... · It'• "DUNN·WELL"! Sinai• « aultes. Air colld-in detail and include pbone number to: Clm1no 1lu1. San Oemente. n.e F.sttmatu su.asH 17 Ft. outboud for itatlon 17 Ft. Ober a:tau outboard itionl.na:. parlcib&', aecretarial 492-9131, 10 AM·lO PM • • • wqon « auto ol equal val-and bla wtwel tilt trailer. """"'· central !ocat!oo. U l I Fra hi E cha SPECIAL 12 READING ue. ...,., -WID trade tor ,, .. .,....,. C. Robm Nattrea Raltm n Yersa IC H l[ nge Attractive Export Carpet Laylnt & BAYFRONT I< docl<, 3 &. PHONE 230 E. l11h stnet 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE, SUITE 2IO YOUNG WOMAN Repair 6626 3 Ba., val. 119,500, FOR '""681 APPLY Ill PERSON REUBEN'S COCO'S • 1555 W. Adam• Cotta Meu Enu>loymen! URGBTl.Y l&D£D • LAIORERS Interviewhlc Mon thnl Frt., ~ P.M. INTERIM , P•rtonnel S.r~ic. 445 E. lilh. CM '42·7523 C..ia M-612-1485 NEWPORT BEACH, CAL"ORNIA dancer w!ll ,.acl> YoU all C.'JU'!:l'S -....... T.D.'o (-lclor "'/opl u 111 Ocean Aw., H.V, OFFICE RENTAL 1a,:;;t ...... ~ A:dall -> Vhl>la and TU. trade tor T?T) 2 Balboa (nt> 536-1411 3300 Sq, Ft ottice bulldlnr. B : 5Sl~ PM es. Latat ~ and colon. Cows. Owner 6'lM331 '60,IO>. equity in Comm. fn>ntqe, Yucca Valley, """ '°" -.....,,,., Owner 544-3666 eves. Bo:c MAN, Young, amblticu. tor route u.le• with e:cptndinc, establ!abed tervlce com- pany, Salary $3.00 ht + car allowance, free h 0 • p 1 t • 1 ins., comm, bonu.t, vaca· lion. We train )'OU-l:tut at once, Apply 9:30 AM only, Tues. April 15th. 12'l90 Western Ave., Garden l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I All or pa.rt. Suitable for us. Opportunltft1 6JOO Mor!f••, T.D.'1 6145 ALCOHOLICS ADOb;fmoUI O::mmudaland.Realdential. 2% to 20 Acres ranch lites C11EZ ORO APARTltlENTS medical, dental, laboratory, NEED $l60004l!OOO will Phone 50-72:1.1 er wrillt to Expert IDltallaUon. adJo1nltw &ncbo CaW'1 ' . 8234 Atlanta archltttb, law, etc. Top k>-_ EU:JNORE Weit marina., PIY top 1ninut .f. polntJ· P.O. 8oz 1223 Co.ta~ BLANKINSHIP FLOORS ~ ~. tndea OK T9.-MDiT COND 153 MftCll!!dM .lfew 1·2 Bl!drooml • PQ' ~ t:ation. ~ only opm,ttn& marina 3 yr pay ott Prime ~ SIRVICI: OIRECTOR' Mi-1403 540-7262 macula ~ ew1. Bai 2'JO.S 4 ctr, leather int, tilt "' Tuotln Call!. Gn>w. : ~1: ~2'721 THE FOX OOMPANY after ~ tremmdoua Oood Ille bayfront ".t BR home, 618 Tuattn. .eats, am I fm, auto, air, TUBE Bender 0 Per at 0 r . 613-9t95 or 642-6969 waters mcteue<l the depth propttty val $ l ~ 0 • 0 0 0 • Appll1nce Rlpaln El I f 6640 Will tra4e Lake Arrow Head 21 mil1a1, $1825: FOR va-Must have ~nee A: J>ool.Waaher.Dcyen NEWPORT OVIC CENTER of the lake 20 ft Ovtt 4,000 Pre-sent lat b&lanoe $58 om Parts 6510 ec:tr Cl A-Frame cott.ap with lake cant prop or! 49S-Z31 lmowledp in machintry · Private Gara.pa omces 1111table tar Com-ac. No competition. 1 Phone princtpai pi-t y SUPREME RdrlcuaUon A: ELECI'RICIAN Ucentecl, priviledaff, $22,CXll, eqUlty Trade ior income unita. Two operaUon. APPLY Tuel, =D ~~ 2 ~~ =·· ~~ei~°:taL =~ar.v~~ aei:= ~~,,;,,°""~~---= Appllaoce Repair. Aak tor bonded. Small jobe Maint. I: for beach area property, ~~ ::;-t.'f'n:,":~ 4~~INE HEADER CO. dishwuher. Nr Be a c b. 35e PER SQ. FT. up to dat@ park w/ the $2T,<XXJ ht TD, Jl9.)'ahle $210 l~T~om.~-~~1'6:~l~,,':51'1~""9l~=ol'"'~p&Jr~,="'8-~' ~"°'~==="'1~(2l3~J;;'i96-"'5i;i;;;~~· ~:'T;;;j2 7585 Acacia St. &n-395'1 5U.:i032 OR 675-24&4 finest tacUltlel inc. 100 month, 10% due 3 yrs. 10" Oceanfront duplex, 4 and 2 peta, etc. 548-86C2 travd tralltt 1 pace 11 dl100W1t. 49f.lll7 llbysittl"I 6.SSO G.rdenlnt 66IO bedrooms, $n,000 equity, Trade 'If Oldt •. 2 dr, HT Garden Grove, 39.1-75M .:..Una lleadt 570S Commercial I ;;;;=;;;..;:;,.;..;.;,;;,__..;.c..;,;. 60IS launch'g runp & many ron.-1 _________ COSTA Keu Pft.&bool ANTHONY'S -::-:~ ~~boaLla;: full pwr, air cand, nu tires, ARGUS AGENCJES- cea&ions: food, d r In k 1, u..-.. Wlftted 6350 Li.oeued. ,,_ U; opon 6:4$ Girden Service i>-..n ...... ,-. Xlnt cond. far tn-Uer, or Accountints ' 100 CLIFF DllVE FOR Leue ~L acre o1 M-1 gTOCtties, pme1 &: rentals. ,._... .. , ,....... 1.•1.19 .. •....-'""'"· u• .... 'UV acreaie. 536-llll. Credit Manaeera ~ Will ll _,, ...... n..... to 5:45; $11 Per wk. -41 0 _ 5 ~ Bal~-T i.t.JxuRy FURN/lmroRN property with amall ottice. se ..... or ..-U" r.iup. Bua Mrr for pf'ClfeuionaJ COMPARE! 541-88(13 The best. coeta no Jnaft! nave ......uvum .....,. Equitin totallnc $65M in .Administrative rntel ·Y-~~ Le:ue. 1 I: 2 Bdrma. Completely fenced with 2 oonailts of 28 ac l tee cllentele dnirH to borrow -......... ...._,_ Plant -.........,_ fUlnrula home, $79,500. Motel, T.D. + ~ for CALL BOB, 543-7716 ~..., and Lake Elsino~ Ule _...__.. t•nn _,._... .. .__. ~• r •......, · · · ." • • r=..-'° Want 3 k-A-,.....,_...,. L~ ~ to Shen 6: ~ large &ates. 548-6304 ....... ·~~ ~· Monlhly Maintenance ................ ., .,.. ...... _,.. CU.tom o:Jtne, income-er 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. ~fromnu,Apt. permit from the State of from privind.lviduallcrlPt'-REPUI'ABLE party with Ex Horticulturist $35,000. Newport Beach .!!? O\flNER. USED C u.l : frtm flui. mo "" -.. ncf I ~ Calit Finn price $560,000 clal lundl. We have btt and m'.t!ftDCel w:lll babysit Mon p, Realty, 675-1642. 541-2164 or 6'1J..$J9 ar e~, U · -6ttt16t _.. I uatrf1I Rentl .v7V cash. Ala> haw additlonal clear prime propertia,,, a tbru Fri 7 to 5, v.ttkl,y, dai-TAKATA Have small R.-4 lot rood ,56 Ford, % T, P·Up. Big ~·&: s!,°n ~ ~ lr=-..,!!!:!1!?_ ___ 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I 1000 ac. for SttOnd home million doUa.r + 1'nanciaJ ly or hourly. 642-4386 JAP~ HURSERY am. OOl!e--in LA. Value ~ :e;_; bl':.~ to c~h'. IMMEDIATE =... ~U: o!ide';" jo~~ statement with sb'olll; cub MOTHER Demel babysit. =~!:=em: $11,000. Want R-1 lot beach ~ow'ex~.~de au1:; ~== B~, ~~M~tA:; ""4 Fairview St. Day" OCCUPANCY ·-n--In t•-d--lopm•nt 11ow, Write Box M50t Daib' tin&' in her home. Mesa -" • __ _._ atta or boat, approx equal Corvette or '!». '56 T-Bird. in pet901L. 9 to 5 ~: eves Ol S.32-5283 ... ''""' •-= "¥"' Pilot or phone ~ Verde area. $15 wkly. ... your nuntJ')' ~ value. &M-0255 ews. 54S-s889 UAL ESTATE ! Gen1r1I ltant1l1 Wtnl9d 5990 l,OOO Sq, ft. A.JC. S.A. Fwy. :!.,, bo=~· ~ = CALVI.RY <lmpe1 Omrcb ls Before 5• 54G-l!M8 ALLEN BROS . Have l&Dd in BOOMING =P&los_;,.;;~y~,-.. ~ .. ~E,-ta-1-.. -. ~Vle~w-I~) ~1:. == ~~~·:. ~·:;: /;::· ~Box M.&X or phone =;:tettnt~ton-: ~y~~;. l:my~, =~:~~-~GAS. WantBayfront pool home foc waterfront exper, Abo, MACHINE K W Small wlHI m1.~130 • or ~ ' • 1-r--,,.· -· u---__... or duplex with slip. N.B. S br, 2 '-frplc, Jae SHOP TRAINEE. LOK· · • Jo, call Chuit1 &ajlh. F.V. '"'•"'· ~t"'" ,...._, ~. (213) '173-5282 -. 16 Eclcltoll & Assoc:., Inc. SPARE TIME INCOME 515-2!2! "' 64U'll3, alter ~ REAS. 646-0lJ 9-5 t>la>rm. '""' rm, 2'50 ,. tt FAST, INC. 161 w. HI/ 1818 w. C:lapman Ave. 6. CHILD cane my home fenc-AL'S Gardenfn& Ser v 1 c e Stll,CXll equity. 213-375-4844 ?:.B. teM Executive, wife &: 2 Ora.ore. Calif. New QUALITY FOODS J)I. • • Lawn maintenance prde&-Trade Dlx otc. bldc in Gar. HAVE Palm Desert "Sand· ./ TWO men 18-30 yrs for sponaibl Hl«hl tud ta SU 2'i21 EVl!:•wlmds 53S-59'1l vision w:lll be tntervie'l1'inc WANT $20,000 mllatttal Joan ed. yard, nap, lunches, m, 6: cl M6-362!1 den Grove for wtrfrnt res piper'' condo. val. $'10,000 lawn cuttina: route. Must ::;e~ire 7 emo Jeue 1 on en 3. .R ,.:___ in this area dm1nC the next' wi~.<XXJ b"J:1o°" lll1 •cmd ~00ble rates. Re 11• APAN•:,E•PLGARDENER. bcb hm or aubm!t. $100,ooO tum., ~.ooo um., clear. have own tramponaUon.. :• or 5 BR. 2 or a Ba ro -Laruna Niguel, two weeks fDr a qualltled oce ew P an • ,,,._ • J · £A:I ell. can add cub. Mike Col· Want home this area. Mr. S~ pay $400 mo: Apply •home or apt Will provide o.HVall Se Ditto fWy at~ distributor. Modest cub In-C94-ll37 OIILD Care tor mothers Malnte~nce sc:25geanup lins, brkr 537-56C Irwin, Bkr. 646-9661 I a.m. at 26<116 C.tty Dr, t.n.. ~ocal rr1I: & post bond. To ey, new commercia1 « vestment of $2000 nqu.lred to ANNOUNCl::MIE'NTS wm have to won I: don't Lovely desert home with 6 durtriaJ area, Lquna Nlpel ;$600 mo. Uni. or prefrr :.~ ~~~.:. = start. Immediate hlah earn. Ind NOTICES want to leave their children JAPANESE Gardener, com-acres at 29 Palms. Take !!:'t~Ji' w ~~ SERVICE stATION SALES. •flJm. 644-4059 fnp servicina machlnet jult anywhtre. 646-8662 plet. yard Rl'Vioe, free mobile home income prop. WANT trail bike in es-!\IAN. 25 Yean or older. RESPONSIBLE retired cple. -499-4198. wndlng candy and snacks lo Found (f,... Adi) 6400 BABYSITI'ING, Your home. estimates. 56()..1332 erty, T.D. o~ ?1 ?. Full ~. awina lhitt. See ~desin furn, 2 Br. mobile STORA.GE company establlahed. ac-YOUNG hlacll: A tan &male Referellea, dependable. ~!able lawn H'l'Yice, 499-1331 ~e* 646-289'.2 ** Oyde, 2590 Newport Blvd., ·home, by JUDI! lit. on yrly, f40 Sq. ft., 7 ft. O.H. door counta. Abllolu~l)i no aeWna:. dog. No LD. O:lu1d. be part Prda Brookhunt I: Adams mow, ~. trim. $16,500. 1 acre home site. c:o.ta Mesa. •teue. Bayside Vlllaie pre1. Newport Beach. 6G-28C8 For infonnatlon and intf!r. D oberman p In 1 c be an&. Permanent 962...(1162 * 531·140f * Covina Hilblands, feind 4 Elect clothf!a D~r. ar, e REPAIRKAN e :673-6(27 550 SQ. IT. g ar.-ty p e view appointment, send Ptdi&'.l'ft. Found Vic. ol MOTHERot3childttn,New-LAWN SERVICE horws. Nr. So Hill C.C. ~~~·w:°:~fD~mo~ e FIBER.GLAS • loUNG worldnc couple 'fJIJ'ebooae. Ofc. apace Jor NJM, address and phone 22nd A Newport. c.M. port~ wishes to cane Mow-edp-vacuum Trade for clietel boat. boat.orVanwlthwindows" EKperimoed, mature, IOOd :desire 2 BR unfum hoU&e Contractor. M2-21l19 numbu ~CJFIC "6-4714 or 6£.3545 for onei pre schooi child. U ~ afta' I PM • 6"'.aoM • aeata, or ? 660071 pay, benf!libl. Schock Boats, 'or apt, CM area. Must have Lota 6100 INTERNATIONAL YOUNG black 6 tan male &C-159& EXPER Japanese Gardener Twitin aru 3 BR 2 ti. Jam. Der W~l"IChn:imI, 1951 Newport 6'13-JliO :~!;,,.Up tc $130. Rm. --------INDUSTRIES dorF_:_ .. nc. -~·~· W~ ~~ RNHO-ME"n:-~.!SITE. CMMY ~n~ ';~....;.... re a i. ilJI' room home, Wp Oowr. Hartm, CM. Land ~bid&. NEED 4. boys to aui1t Ms -~ VACANT LOT ~u ·~· ~· -• ~-.. u~ • ~·w'"' -·~· .. patio, trult ...... 11500 '""""•ISOOmo ... L "5.000 maN&<r, alttt -.. 1 BDRM Untum AJtt in 354 Twf!nty.Ftnt Street Blvd &: 32nd SL 17>-2016 HJ..1510 J.,.,,. .. G•rd.,.r equjty fot beach trailer or ? uf'1 tor lotJ Back Bly Saturdays. Write Student ·&each atta Jor employed Hantington Beach. 100 x 80'. Oakland, Calli. 94612 -213: ~1033 BABYBlTl'ING In""" home .......... -..i --' .uvicef canon ReaJt.. S7$-35l1 ~ .,.,.,,, • • Coonaelor, box 1 o1 o, "'' '°""' ...... Im-~ CANDY SUPPLY -. -~· ~ ,_. v •·~ · Jady up to $110 Imo• • ,......, y•v~"" BLACK Cocker/Poodle, very Good llll'lChta A m.i-. expert Free nttmate. 5'11-'nl58. * Westminster, Calif. "" -with ,;d....n.., """" l[UC ROUTE ~•.. VI ·-· _. * * * '* BOAT CARPENTERS r:.•-'0-'=~-..,.~-.,--~ I tera.& utilities. $10,500 frie-.,. c. ""'w 8 t • care, reul 511--2531 cut Ir. Edi[': La.wn '1' ~ •ExecutfYf!1 Jookina:., ior 3 BRASHEAR REALTY (Part or Full Time) Btach, South Laruna. BABYSITI'ING in my home, Malntenance. Llcenled F'or CUiiom yacht COllltruc.. .BR house w/pool ~ im-M'1-85Jl Evf!. 536-2!23 Exh Cf!lien~~.~merklor(dtew 49'-8305 or 499-3656 Harbor a: Victoria, CM. :i48-t808/M5-23IO aft 4 SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVIC! DIRECTOR'Y tion, experienced only. Top ·mediate ~ .. 833-lnT uk n, wee....., WO BY• FOUND, Irilh Setter pup, Reuonal:IW Sf&.800'3 pay. Willard Boat Wmb. '/,o"-;,,'.::B.::ud:;·-~----IWHALE watching,ocean\liew or eves.). Refllllna and 'Wk~nd or Mar. 2bt Vic. • JF~HNSOt N'S1G~ ~ f_n_c_•me--_T_.1"-x----'6"'7-"'49 Remodel, Rtp1ir, 6940 1295 Baker st .. C.M. -""' lots, Lquna 8e&ch. $5,950 collecting money from Hunt Bch. Female. (213) U'le1 equ p, .,.._..~ ,,. ...... ROOM w/privste bath with small down payment. Coin Operated Diape~ 92?-nO'l Irick.. Mllorlry, etc. care! Rua! 962-~ TAX Return Special $15. ROOM ADD IT I o N A ASTROTEk CORP. pn!ferahly. By the month. .f97-1Crll aers in Costa Meu. and 6560 COMMERCIAL A DomHtk: Form liHO 6: S«>, your home remodeling. A t t r a c t t v e Openillp; Lathe mill J.D. Older bu.sineu mUI.. Rds. FOUND: W h I t e , like or ..... _...__ 23 y·--· ~ -Top .. ~v A l machinist ""'" 675-1095.Mr.Jordan. •VIEW o! ocean, comer illl'TOWXlinc area. No Penian,cat.VicYorktown BUILD, Remodel, ~pair Lawnm~~,:m&:carace tax:~"';;t and~~ pncn.£~ ... a tea.Call ~·. _...,.. bluff, possible 6 • t y , sellinc. (Handle• n • m e 6 Pltcaim Lane, Hunt. Bch. Brick. block, co n c re t e • cleanup . ...,.........,,. a claim for deductions -~======== 1,.:,1261""'1.opn:::;::.;,;•.:,•.:,· .::C.;:.M;:.. --~ • LANDLORDS • medJcal or apts. Will build brand candy &: snacks.> Call: 96l-6)3I crpntry, no job too small. 730 d'··"-.. ..... ...__ c-~. -EXPERIENCED M!l'Vice 1ta· 'i'REE RENTAL SERVICE to au.it. 536-35ffi $1650 total cuh required, Li Contr 9fi2.'9C5 H1ulln9 6 WIUU~cu. -nuu.r oJ'UV S.Wlnt 6960 tion man. Neat appearing. • Broker 534-6982 For more lnfonnation SM. Lonc..IJ&ittd tiny puppy, c • 6U-<>622 for appt. -'-""""-----;..;..:..; Over time after 40 hn + YOUNG worldni:couple need ~~~cl=rM:ve=. and details, send name. Bik/Gry. Vic. Harbor Hf IUIJMM Service 6562 GENERAL HAULING e TheT1xAclvlsor1 • Drtumak:inc·Alten.tiom comm. call for appt. '~. o-•·-l•>""" Wfil nav addreas and phone nwn· Tennis Crta Mon. p.m. & CLEANUP Year round olc. 32S No, OJstom Deap &M-4131 ·.1. DI ,......... ,,.._ Colta Men. 213: 75.1-2396 646-ttl82 * "~" "~.uo * ;;;;,,.=:.:..._ _____ , 11p to $115. 67S-6723 ber to: PHOTOSTAT Sttvice while $10 per load. Free ranae NWpt Blvd, N.B. Reul ~ RETAIL n,...,...., salesman, S6500. Good buildinc lot. "ROUTE DEPARTMENT' FEMJJ..E tr! mlored .._,vie ....,, wait Politive1: 5 :c cln.nup for usable items. Call "~"....,... Jar •"pt. Alltratlon-~2-5145 __ , WANTED: Around May ht. 1500 H t1inf! ...,. .3...... -~~~~~~'-;:cl:=~=~====~~::: --ovtr 25, minimum 3 yr e:c-.tlnfurniahed 4 bdnn l df!ll, ~~U:· Cou P. 0. Ba:c 3346 Lldo Ille, Sat 3/29. Call I: 'l, S2; I x 10, $2.50; ll .-:: 962.fi8.46 &tier 3 P.M. Neat, accuratt, 20 yrs. ~p. perienct, salary op1n. call 3 be. bowie, 673-4253 Anaheim, CaWornla 92ll03 id.f!fltify. 67~14 ~~: 1765 Oranp, Yard/1arap clean up. Re-,_l_ro_n_ln"'9._ ____ 6_75'-"S Alteration~i.JMS for interview. MJ...6902. 3 Uc[ 1 A 6200 DISTRIBUTING BUSINESS YOUNG Blk/Wht Cat. Pftl· move treu, ivy, dirt. Trae.1· Nea• accurate, 20 ~ ........_ openings. YOUNG coupe nttd crffge wmtOUT INVESI'MENT: ty. Vllta Drug Stare. tor, back hoe, cradina. SQ.. IRONING, Mend_inr 4' " -1·--,-* _;::A.::UTO.:;:::e::MA_Tl_C __ TRAN __ S. :.=P:r.·~~ mo. UC 10 ACRES bl'. Palmdale vie. National Manufacturf!I' will 54&-S583 Carpentering 6SM 1'145 ~~~Brine own TrH S.rYlce 6910 MISSION SPECIALIST allO l-"="'-'"'-''"u,.:..;.I,:_ __ 3 Lake Los Ant;eles. Mu.st provkle complete prorram FOUND Pigeon, banded. Vic. e SAVE MONEY _ before . GENERAL MECHANICS * WANTED: n urn • sell, E-Z Terms. $3,000 per dl5bibuting candy, drug A: Edlnaer A: 8oha Ollca, CARPENTRY yoo ~ It to the dump. L nd pl 6110 ESTATE Mlint Trtt Sf!rv Costa l)fesa Auto Works ....,..CM, m, l%64,_B!.~f to $165. Ac. Ownf!l' 84&-2019 novelty SPf!clal\sta, anack H.B. Call Ml~ & PAINTING Call 642-5666 eves. I SCI ftt Removal 6: trlmminp, free .ni6 Placentia, C.M. . . area. .l.JO"I r-•· •le to ta--• ,., "" .. -. ••• ~· \IU\Jlll, ' 1 ·-·-. SMALL REPAIR HAULING, General, Top, LANDSCAPERS ~ ~ au-~ BOAT Carpenten, Cabinet itoom1 for Roni 5995 R-rt Property 6205 FOR RENT Fum Mammoth .BEAUT. Room. dbl bed, M (I u n t. I n Condominium, .pr., patio, liv. rm. privll. sleeps I. &75-4IXI 160 Mo. 5lil St.nta Ana, NB ======== ~ restaurants, all type •tores. Lost 6401 Dittcl factory connection OR RE?.fODEL trbn, remove trees le ATTENTION Television, Repair 6'IS hlaken &: Fiber g I as eaJT.ing high rlally cash I.Ost: Ladles card i 1 an REASONABLE RATES hedg!:1. Big John 642-4030 r ~ landlcaplna:, and will .;..;;""'"'-''"'--"'="-'~ Workers. App: 776 w. 16th, commissions and monthly sweater; white, cable-type 54f..2613 trade a 17 ft outboard with RAINBOW TV Co. No St!'r--_c::."M'-. ~----- o\16Ynite. No ege limit but knit orlon. bu collar " Housecle1nlng 67l5 big wheel tn.iltt for your vice °*1p! Expert work. e t'OOKS e E:tperirnced must be bondable. Part or Broadway label Will• CARPENTRY nooR cleanln&. polishing: .ervice1. Lets ret together cohlr, blk A wbt or stereos. APPLY full time. Write CHEX, Inc., preclatf! return: p~ue call MINOR REPAIRS. No Job apedalists. Home 1c; m. bdon. your busy aeuon. 5tlNl'20 anytime! FL YIHG BUTLER MS For rent, fully furnished. 67> 7633 2212 w. Oceantront. NB 2910 N. 16th SL, Phlla.., Pa. 642.-3589 aft. S: 30 p .M. Too Small. Cabinet in ,...... dustrial. FR E E eat Phonf! 6f4-46l1 Joas " EMPLOYMENT =~~"''""'=::".;,_ ___ , ~~~ ~~o r:rcre:ie:: 19132 LARGE REWARD! ~· 4 other cablnet1. Swed1sb Maintenance p ~-1 J-• W ~ Mo SERV. STA. MGR.: Owr VENDING ""811$, Uno answtt lravt Service. 675-0951 ept•rni"I ftl vv in,_, ft 7000 21, mamod, m"'t ha·-hou1e. 49'1-lll.O Small brown I: wht mutt, w/ p I I 6l50 • ., neome Prcip1rty 6000 I========::. ~d collar. Vic N. N~ msa at '*'2372· H. o. CARPETS. Windows. fin, _ 1 nt "I COLLEGE •tudent needs aorne mechanical exp. Appty ILE. Wanl9d 6240 10C CANDY·SNACKS Blvd., NB. Call 642-3222"' Andenmi ,,., Rnld ..... c.mc·t PAINTING Int ,. Ext. part-lime-"· Odd Jo"" :ms N•wport Blvd., c.M. BEST BUY·ML15l StO! 1---------2225 C&nyon Dr. #3, CM. REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS X1nt wmi1: Reu! Reh. Lowat ~ prices, prdenirw, paintinc, etc. EXP'D l~l 1:;3-fi'R. i:i~ ~~ ~ =~ :~ LOS1' S&t btfr F.uter, Hntc 25~~ AitY aize~ M8--t111 Fully ins. Satld&ctlon euar. John. 53&-9806 SET-UP&: LEADMAN' 400 w. Ollve, La llabra Bedroom home jwlt under Reliable man or woman with Harl>our, 4th Jal, Altered • · WILL1AMS Cl.NG. SERV. Free est. Call Jim Wffkl. for plutlc moldlnc plant. OPDf. (213) 98S-&l:ll $25,000. 1 will ~ m,y own car to collect A: 9f!1l machll'lf!I male aealpoint Siamete. QUALITY Rep&tra -Altera-Your turn can be new apjn! ~""-=-'ll,_66,:_~-~~-JO W1nted, LNy 7020 Ph: Strr33i0 bet II am le 5 :t,,=;:=;~~=:;;=:~;o; I C:O.ta. Call my Broker: manufactum:i by our own Mil)' have rotten Into boat Uona • New oonll. b)' hour Ona: &: repairlbg. &424164 * Painting Paperhanaina; * GENERAL HOU8rM>rlt 25 :•m,,.·=~~----1 : BvtlMM Rental '660 wai~-•• -at 80-44$ company, or workman'• truck. or COlltract, 6t6-M«2 • HOUSECl.EANING • Color matching, WO 0 d $2. SERVICE Sta. Att· 4 to 12 "g • -NO •ELLING r-.. -·----~1 ••r ,,_ per hr. + transportation. & • b'-k '• 1y t' • e LANDSCAPE an:hllecta • ve ,..,... '"'w~ o.--.... CARPENTRY -npaln. also Excellent work. .$2 hour. Call rdiniahina Uc., U.. eu&r· Rd Exp 642-6311 an 3 rug "' a Y.' • PP n ~ DESIRE unusual olDCf! BUSINISS. eno Tra.inlna: at llctory, Start u TERRIER pnp clean-up. Free esl 546-5995 Larry ~ ' ' person 2l&o Harbor Blvd., • apaee, commercial or tn. _F_IN_A_N-'C-IA_L'----kiw u "95. Wrlte for inter. Silvtr lr&Y Uny puppy. Loll Call Jett &IM-tM p A INT IN G .l hPtf'-FLOORS stripped le waxed. ..:C:::.M::;·=-~~=~--1 ' du.strial, 25IX> to 4000 "<I Bua. Opportunltl• 6300 vtew: Tranllcon Corp. 851 Bucknell Rd • CoDeae Park, REPAIR, Partitions, Small Income TIX 6740 hanging, int l f!Xt, quality ~_'tG~=.~~..(r;6~uh-Plant Man $121 wk. z ft, Corona del Mar, Newport W. 18th St, Cotta Mesa, or reward! 5&-ltt2 or 545-1839. Remodf!t, etc. Nit@ or day, RESPONSIBLE --tlon work, free tit. Morpn Steady, ~anent, sober. , Beach. Costa Me1& •ru.. SNACK VENDING I =....,.=="=>0000==·====-LOSl'-&nall Schnatlm', no Call KEN 540-4619 A fiUnr of all ~-tax 53()..34.12 DAY work, ~liable, up., SERVJSOF?' t ~~~ Mr. ROUTE AVAILABLE ~---Wtnt.d 6305 collar, 9 moe., vtclnll)' San. returns by Certified Public e INT .. EXT, ANY SIZE ~':e':;.P~~tmel,,=;.S06:;,:3::;h;t..:S:::t.,_, ,::NB,::·:_- : ' PART OR FtJU.. TIME Dw-t1ago and Aabtord, West-Cement, Concrtte 6600 Accountant. Available to JOB. Xlnt work. nfl. lfte: :.;;,~""'=':~7'"---,,, J YARD MAN for plumblna ' FREE DESK SPACE in Man or woman nttded ~ lJftrY ATE ~ has $10,000 clUl.'Max.' Reward. 842-2239 M!rw the need• cf Corpora. est JIM. 642-t669, 646-3749 WOMAN wants OOuae"·ork 1hop. Know I e d re of 1 amaO &hop tn c:xctuanae for 1eniief! vtnd(f'I& route 1n cuh down ..... -ent + ••· • CUSToM PATlOS • St.turda.Ya-. $1.15 per hour. matttiala l'lelptul. c a 11 ; ... 1r1 .... mellqt!S. d'I. Call b ,_,,.,., Shephmt Malamu~ female, concrtte sawing" ttmoval tlona, &mall bu.lineu en· INT. 6: EXT. Palndrw. All Call arm-S:CXI PM. WS-sm li646--0509,;;,;;;;::,.,.,,,..._~--• ,;:;-.:~ Eves. your area. completcty esta 1 ecutive ability to lmie1t In silver/black. Balboa. Stab! Uc. • 80-lOlO ~ and lndividual& Ruon rates. i'rft t •t. lle'd • ~·• tlrclllhed by company, d~buln your busll'lf!n. Write in Reward. 5'5Q'14 * CON~-£ ___ ~...a Your complete utilfactioo t. tns. Call Owiie. 54S-0«>5 nBERGLASS mo Id t r 1 • ' '"70 NUMBER 1 LEAD....,, complete confkknt-. to D&J. ~' '""'"' ""'"""" ii llW'&Jltted Dllneltlc Help 703.5 labortrs, le: assemb).er1, pa.y I Offl~ R.nfll ""' snacks and candy, E:cttlknt ly PUot Box M 470. °!! ·~cl.~ = &: Uc. Concttte aawtnc. <DRPciR.ATE INTER or Ext. PAINTING, awn. live-inL CheertuJ top wages. 959 Wt1t 11tb ~l:BE=:A:.:UTIF\IL;:;..;= . ...;;.Arco<le;_ __ Olllm.;.;.,.; Snmn'll part.time or tull. NO BEE1t BAR St., UJI. .. w. _, .,...., evn Phillips ~ent S&S-6.lllO IMPROVEMENT ~J'REESERV:£El·627Local ~L c--...-.A ... _, St .. C.M. t SELUNG. Rtq\l1ru ttllahlt -u.~ CEMENT Work, no job too COUNSELORS rT.l. est. _. ~.-....... ~ t/ • far rtn~.~1~-c. emr,, )ocal (>el"IKln with J..T houn Bc~MAami~ ,!!1vaatt" ... rty. LOST: Black Min Puodle, small, reuonable. F re II! • 6eS93T • PAINTING. PaptT1rw JI )Tl Far F.ut Areney 64U7G3 11~ .. N~-~IAN .... pply .. as.,. • St. C.w. -per 0. -irt.. -• and ._ -·-tt ma!•. •-lo ,,...__ .. , Vic In u-~ Lie .. ...._. r-Allen Dula.nd •--· .._. .. na. ' 51)..9611 ... ~.car, 1ueftDC8 ~-~.. estlm. H. Stufilck. M3-861S • FEDERAL a: srATE . """'.......-area. • --.__... U;f ..... .....,. pttlOn, SPCA, 20612 i..iun. .. $791S to$!&:$ cub lnvutmait Rnl l1t1te Loan• 6340 !".V. Reward! tG-.llllO $1S.. Call M2-0620, ed. Refs tum. 60-2351 Em..,,.,. Pa)'I Tee Can)oon Road t WATll\FRONT ofUoe: I: lll!CW'fd by inventory, Write: LOSr lt!Hes diamond .... tch. ChlW C.re 6610 60-9591 or .,,,, -1Ql.8 !!. Uth. SA 5f7.(J395 s~V!CE ' desk exch. PAl1 time: itee. Snacb. Inc., 210 CU. Undl April 646-il03.. -"'=-'-"-'----'-'-"'I ·~;::.:;:;:::;..,;:_;~=::::;:,•w,_ Pl•sterlng, ReP1ir 6180 c..r>. Sta. AtL FWl or I ""'· Yad>t -0 I I • Plut, &>tie 35, Dallu Tuu s.ttler Mortpae :.~ ~ EXPER. .. bobyoil your .... Wallor II. Fal!rtnhoh p .A. Hole Wfftl9d, -7200 part -· All ......... ~ : ~1!93 mi.8. hdude phone number. 1Ct11 child. Refer. avtll. Income Tu Stf"rice e PAT C ll PLASTERJNG. 200 W, <:out Hwy., NA • 11. PROmARLE 2 ...,...,. Campany Inc. ,.......1, 6405 Food In yuO, hot luncho1, 6l>Oll ot ..S.1391 ..,. All ~-1""' nllmat" * DRIYEIS * JANTI'OR .. IHARE oake w/ 1 Income Tax m. t rnnth1Y rtnt. J.Di • BM. CM-IG-TJll Rf.al. ~aub' &bop. Good leue. 336 E. 11th St., C"osta Mesa Wu.in a: Pomon., CM. INCOME Tues prepandl ,;:c.u:="""""':=::=:::==== No Ex--'4tltCI VhamlM a..u,. plit.nt Nwpt Ntwpalt. Tennl. ~ Smii,. 0rarrp OU;y 20 yn.. a>lJPl.13. shwln:: londyt, &G-lMO )'OUf hocM Jorw term com-,_., for appl ttll 646-3:9JI -Sot. fl, Off1ea ' (X)STA MESA -.mo WANTEI>. ott-liquor DOllW. Oh.,.e C.OUnt)'. ' oowr ..._ • ... .,, sec r-=_;c.u:::;,:'"&Cm9;.;..;=-=~ " --.. a wUb a ATl'RACTIVE ._.,, Salon, -l'tlot -.Ad! -'°" quiet ..i.. -Call (;loriL !IQ.Tm • 6<2.llln "'5-0lll N"' In.,.., Join h IWll>I b....,, 11'-·-~"' "'° Neceu.yl o.uv"" " wa""°""""'" £\Its. fl1.186S &GU57 to tun 6: pltMutt CfifttrK'tWI "20 MACK HARRIS Tax Serv. PLUMBING REPAIR 1'tust have deai. Callfomla Ca.II tor appointment $4!00 lit TO, 8% yrs. l~ dllmunt. 4'7·1710 due J • 6J5.f29t • Q ll AL J Ty ftmodelJns, 9th )T .. 3U7 Roose\'tll, No Job loa lml.ll dri\'lna 1"9t'Ol'd. A~ !146-72-M e OMNI PHI LOS e cuJtom do'1(n -·Rd• C.M. Appolntmts, S4<>.ml e .. :a.JUI e YELLOW CAB CO. INCOME t&>e 1"lp n...W CA ''1¥ of tlft) on req. frank M. Barden e JNOOME TAX e PLUMBING REPAIR il!.!: 16th S1. tu 4/15. Pa.y dePf!ndl Cll'I 2 to JD pm 6'i.t678 O>rutr Co., 1.Q9..14'6 &ft Ool'll! In )'OUf borne DRAIN CLEANING -..wia Mesa ttptl'itnce. 642-2221 Dial IOai1 ror RmJ'LTS 4 pm $Sand up. B39-29JO &46.2311 ar Ml>-121T DX rr TO 'Dft CH.ARCE '."CUr ..... nt ad now. I I 1 ~~~~~!.!T!!lion&f!!j~·~A!>l~!:IO!, l~M~, ~!!!!~' DAll.Y "-Of aJ" J'>U-& llUIUn'MINT .IOU A IMl'LOYMINT IOU A IMPl.OYMINT IOU A IMPLOYMINT JOIS & llMl'l,OYMIN'I JOU & .llMl'LOYMINT I.!°" A IAIJ'L_ • . • ~al . , Ifft - '1ole W--7100 ""'" W......._•Moo, 7100 °At-los, w-73111 Holp WMIM Help Wontod Holl' W~ ""#. W•"'°" tto,:r. W•-Joi. Miio. W-7JOO l UNUSUAL l • • HUGHE·s iln.t .. ::;;, ....:...-:. .w....... 7400 w--,., ;" e ~-_. !., JNr~";~ NIWPORT aucH J>llag~ URBLY llDEQ. • il~=~ * Q11K TYPIST * TEWl * --~· ~ bu . .,..., ~" fer --• r llM Mt/ST ""'1•1on ·-1n _ , ... FULL ma: u,... ... 0 --• Clerlis agancy Immediate .,..i,. In Min TYPIST O..ta ., ... -.... - SWISS ........ --de-L -...... -..... llhllt. --ble. ---Opportunity I ... -fer SCREW C•"''"' IBM""''"""""" • Typlltl 11uque114uqv.115a EPr """" "' IBM -.. oi-deslied. Yldual. Teller-...,.. AUTO SERVICE ::'.~1!1'"'~°!!..~'! e R-Typists -"' ''""""'I"' """""'""1" ,.nlllad •"\*-•w...t. n-Indte mnt Order ot. Ji J'or"llltml Mve opened • new ottlot tn ~ Cou~ MACHINE ~-• ......,...., -e -r· -rf '°' the QU4lilled ,......_ APPL\' !)<cellimt worldnc -SPECIALIST OPE· ·T--s . -... hllS eu.m to Secnta • Slatiltical a ....... $500 EPF Coll por~I clopt. . ~ lrtnr<• ........ Pkut t;v, Req1lft inlellJ.rent man .... .... the --• K __ .. _ Type :ill wpm. ... e&Jcula-17141 4'4-'401 . MARSIWI. jppl,y In .. -In Mr. Lnl> R.ectnt experience bl bn.ke1, 1· Tem--Dtvldoo lmmed-•r....--.-.• ..__ th Mn N _, """ •"" .u..,m.n~ '"" ~-· • PIX 0 ·~ ...... ma • "' • "~ oondltlon inllaliotloo and wlll>'l''"''"""'"-· Abtl• lalely. (No fee to 10U of • pen. General Ottlce •••• $03 EPF HLONIC 2:li • 58. Collese not neie-euary. Sbould haven.. Pl'rlence ID meeUnc public. "to do own,...,. 1a,.. .....,Ill Type 60 + with .int tele-COMMUNICATIONS .. ....,. .......... -..11-quired. UJ Devor Dr., N.B. Work whoft & ....... .,_ ability. Glendale Federil ~Yinp Dllnilled ur. -"°""'"' , -.,,......,. __ l i!: ~=== '42-3179 -2743 you wont I Girt f'riday .... 11 1315 !'.PF Mth•wt1tandtwstequjp. =..on l'int and SfJc.. DOME~TIC HEL, ~ ~·0d~i::uty+torV: m<nt ~ beneftts Jn. AD kinda! --llln::lllM c1·~·-~•taJbat1on, ,,._ n1uu .. c1t1rc ... ,,,.,., BIGlllERING CO. ~ ·-~ Plew apply In -O>ob, Maldl lo°""""'-Girl Frid'Y $400 EPF .--· ... profit -·-.... , .. ,, ,... ..... r ...... R SERVICE Some rea1 ~~~-~XJ><ri<Dc< L"'""" B .. ch alwtnc-H U 6 H E S Paid Jobi. can l4lll Abby, ruuvnn .,...._ ,.,... 50, muat have · . . ..._.,.,,. m•""' &ttltudt. Equat op"'"""'" •mpl.,,.r IJ'PLY IN PERSON ARGUS AGENCIES 445 E. 17th St. S.C..1My •••••••• to$550CRF 10 AM to 5 PM NEWPORT BEACH 1'1t C N ....... BIYd •• CM. Cost• Moso, Coll!. Must hav< top akt11a + J>W'!h -------- Mot><lay -Saturdoy 500 -Avenue 642-7521 bkgmd fur &n Xlnt comp<ny * ESCROW CLERK NewPOrt Beach, CallL Help Wan,.._ -in bea:i ottict1 with a ()pportunib' available tn oar J, C, PfllNEY CO, EQUOI °""""""" emllio>er-w-7400 lntervlewlftt .~ Ne""'°" Beach oHl<:e '" • At IF UNIGARD Mon. thrv Fri. A~·~~o:AP~ ~. mature, ..U. 24 Faohlon llloncl An equal opportunl .. emJ>lo><r B b 2 p.m. to S p.m. """'°"" able to work with ""'°med Individual_ to ....tc * Us · oys . ~-bli<: with "" -...... '" INSURANCE GROUP Eq""1 opportunl" em>1oYer +' :,., .i._ '"'""'" tn>l>w _...,.. o1 .,,o1 estale i.*""'!'!!'!! .... ~"""~-..· * Dish-~t-LONG ACCOUNTIN&--ru-~ -RK ~-~~·%·;~$550 =~1;.;,: Boat Mfg. Unlprd lnlurabce Group ll l..pi office tor YOWW cb'· SO wpm. El:cellent worldnc • • 1133 Newport llvd • Cat•- late!>. -.id be In .._ ~ of ~'...u:ty. " • --------1 Equal opportwlltiidlployer Tdephone between t AM • ij 1 PM Mon. thru Fri. t AM • '' ll. Noc:a Sl~ 1or ap. :j pomtmenl • Newixrt Bcb, ~ f9'l-8700 ~ 0>tta Mea, N°"" 534-11111 'C RN DIRECTOR OF NURSES EXPERIENCEI> ~ ~~1-"'!!!!!!!~~1 ~ to work bt Art Studio A: e COOKS iO; handle all pape:twotk 1nc. e WAJTR~ Canvaletoen~ Ha.pit.lo collection.. ~. saln e BUSBOYS Newport, Comiderabllt tu keep tab of ltocboocn, Experienced ~ ...,.....bill.,, """""" 1>PJ>w, nm ·....-eo. lllorrett's Colfoo Shop : u -. S.neftts ex· cuional --to 2273 Horbor Blvd CM '. ct&nt with 1111limited po. production. S100 wk to start. HOSTESSES· ~AIL ~· tentiaJ. to a trull'-cap&Wli ... J~tten :ruumt: _,_Bo;J,, ,.W ,,,,__....:,... ~ ~- pro!tulon&l. No. P""22 Daily Pilot -·~: WAl'I'ER: •' SALESLADY Ml time . I Kq-!1 ~. 409 w. Katt!U. : ~ to 45. 6iudren•a ;= Av., Anaheim, Calif. ~ r. ~0030 ~~€~~ washers :--... ~: :=-.:; A position"._ •voilabl< ::~ ·~.:·~ ~ ;~ ~~~~ "!u~ ~ April, In Huntincfon Beach, In our A.cwuntine Depart; ahillty Litch tor appointment. -------- • Boat Carptnten * Hardware Men on ~ at Beach Blvd., ment that ftqUittl IOmt • EPF • employer Jl9Y5 rai: 673-1S50 650 D Strft.t. Tua~ -.,_ Aftncfel, Men & ~ Jobo-Mon, W-. 7500 Womon 755~ ,: * Fiber&)u Lamlm.tora * Wood shaper Men • Cabinet Shop mill men Apply In por-just otl the S&n DJeco Fw;v. lmowleda• ot experience • ' 'Ibelt posl&n. will require with pe,yroD, cub receipts APF, applicant payi fee a lhort trainUw ..-.... <il and other rela.Md duUea. • CRF, oo, relmbW'9ell fee --833 DOVER DRIVE approximateJy one month In Expert~ with a b:ioldl:!e~ NEWPORT BEAQI """"--tie. pUIJ •• $600 : Girl Fridl¥ .............. $i2S ' ~ ~!~~ "m':e : * ASSEMBIOS * Rudder 1nltal1tts EXPERIENCE APPO' in Pt-non 1l06 W. Shuck, Ora,,.. REUBEN'S COCO'S 15!S W. Adoms Cotta Met• our Loi ~ ottioe, be. irw macblne such u Bur. 6G-3810 fore the move. ~ rouahl or NCR would be -------- tloo will be provided. h<lpM. EYUURVE nu. pollHon offers • rood un Nlary with attractive frhwt: lmmodloto Openings In be"'"" includln& luUy p&ld SKRETARY Glendale Feel-I Savl119s UU E. Coast Hwy. Newport lllooch An Equal Opportunity EmploYor Pl:lalltion open for pttlll)n&ble !ndlvldual w:lth experience or wlWnc to learn. CAIL for Appl ~ F/C llldo>r (loe jObl •• !500 ~ Electrocnechanlcal ~ Aooount&nt (rwim fee) 1$UK ~ ot microwave componenta. E'nr· 0esree .... , , to $13K • Ono ,.., --•Quality Con.... ••. • ...... : FRY COOK KINNEY SHOES HELP WANTED • Newport Nlt'I Bink ence. Driven ............ to $3, hr " Mual be experienced Apply in ptI'IOn DBINY'S No. 121 12924 BHch Blvd, Garden Grove * Doytlmo Busboy * Night DlshwHhor APPLY IN PERSON RiUBBI L LIE 151 E. Coast Highwoy Newport Buch LEAD MAN CABINET SHOP Exotllfllt oppmtllnity -tor rta:ht man. .Experienoed in traila'I, u.mptta, mo t a r bomu. Appl,y RV lnduatrits Inc., 2220 E. c.mitoll, Ana· h<hn. 633-84fll Position open in fuh. ionable Newport Beach re1taurant tor ambitious, penonable young man. experienced in rutaurant management Reply to box # aivinc ruume. Box M""1, The DailY. Pilot WE OFFER: Generoua Salary I: Benefits ........ 'l'r&ininr<- Rapld Advancement QUALIFICAnONS: High School Graduate Good Appearant"e and Penon&ll .. Aptitude for Salesmanship EXPERIENCE Nor NECESSARY Apply in Penon at~ KINNEY SHOES ~ Harbor mvd., CM * CARPENTERS * CARPET LAYERS with motor home experience. Excellent oo. Mnl!fita. APPLY IN PERSON EXPLORER MOTORHOME . CORP. 3021 Newport Blvd., Cost• Mao, C1lll. OAmME KITCHEN HELP the following •re•a for medkal and Ute insur- ance eovttaat. three week! To Gentral Manager a: Qm.. vacation after 3 yean. etc. tracts Adminirtn.tor. Good * Waitresses m suporlor Ave. POLICY SERVICE Pttler at kut one ~ el .ftre, cuualty or multiple line rattiw experim:e. Plea.. ant phone personality ff. sentia.l. Exctllent opportun. Icy for advl.nCeDlent. POLICY TYPING ExperleDCed tit trainee, mul- tlple line p:il1cy t:ypllt. 60+ accurately on the deci:ric. The Ideal position for ane. one who likes to type. Apply in penon at the shorthand ~ typina. and at DAILY PILOT 1•ut ove "'""' °' """ri-330 West Bay Street,· CM ence u 8tttttary requ.iftd. Aile fOf' Mn. Greenman or ;:itracta backzrotmd deslr- call ~ tor an interview PleUe write, rMna: fuD cJe.. ---------1 talls of emploYment ~ EXPl.ORER MOTORllOME CORP. NEEDS tory lncludJna aaiary to Box M-62.1 The Dail,y Pilot. EXPERIENCED STENO *ASSEMBLERS* UNITED CALIFORNIA Exeoellent ~ benefits, life lnlurance, paid bolldaya, et<:. BANK 3029 Harbor mv<1. Coata Mesa 546-2033 Equal opportunity employer Apply In por- REUBEN'S COCO'S 15S5 W. Adoms Cost• Men DENTAL Ottlce Secretary, (Tustin). SecretaJiaJ akllh n e e d e d , Camprehtn&ive knowledie of the deata.I en- vil'oaJMnt I: patient needs are req'd. Minimum ex.per. of 3 )'t1.; d~ 5 yn. or more. Must meet situa- Uorui with judcment,; ease, flrmneu It poise. Top APPLY IN PERSON 3021 Newport Blvd. Coste Mesa, Cellf. --------1 aalary tu right peraon. Call: 714 : 544-5.193 Newport BHch Nightimt Cockton Woitross Apply In person REUBEN L l.H 151 E. Coast Hlghw•y Nowport llooclt * NURSES AIDES * Ntwport Convele1c1nt Center Good worklna: conditions and bene!ltl, 393 H01pital Rd. NB Excelll!nt fl'ff bv1etitl. Per. manent, steady \\'Ork. Our polU is promotion from wlt,tia. YoUI" fut\ln! ia deter. mlned-·bylJW. N"' --------* HOSTESSES * Work Noor Homo e .\ccountlnc/Bkkt>I e INJEC'I10N' MOLDING e .-,,, omc.. -· .......... _._ EXPERIENCED DAYS NIGHTS e ~tuial OPERATORS OR e Receptloa TRAIN~ e Typilts Graveyard Shilt. and Apply ln pttSOn Coll por-1 dept. 1714) 4'4-MOI TELONIC ENGlllBllG CO. ~El DESK CLERK· CASHIER Hl!avy experience on NCR OOl, Good salary, 5 days. Apply In p!!raon. Only experienced-apply. THE NEWPORTER INN For Deta.ila and App't, R Superior Agency Apply in pel'llOll: 850 West Cali Colle<:! ElllEN E. LEE Eslablllhed 191<1 18th St., c. M. ------1857 Harbor BJ, C:O.ta Me• e CREDIT e CHECKER 110? Jamboree' Rold Newport Beach 1144-1700 PERSONNEL UNITED CALIFORNIA n PLEASE Holp Motha• with e (213) 384-1213 BANK ISIE.PsclflcCst.Hwy.1--eau-1_1nt_M2-_n_~ __ mo-··" b&byUUlna e Newport Beach abt. JO hn. wk. Nr bch n:111:n tn c d M. f15..tOOl 9 am UNIGARD 2712 W. C'oul Hwy, IU&U to 9 pm INSURANCE GROUP N-.... ~ Collt. S.e Bettyllnice.&t CdM. Exporlonco HAIR Slylot WUlled; """ Coob HostftHI Apply In porson Open • In 12:30 ·-: -ohonts Por......i , I Aaency• : _ *" We1tclltf DrWe t Comtt 17th a: lrvtns ~ 615-1'70--.. SchoaJs.lnotrvctlen 7Mlll: SCRAMlETS · ! ANSWER i Mt,.le -Crue -Belle ..,;;i 1 ~ Rellah -CRIME , • : lo~:~~~! n::; ~ oent. I say take yoor mooq : and lnveat In CRIME." • The Newport . ,. : School of 8u1lne1a -. : • Electrlc t;vpewrlt.erx . • • Dlctatina" equipment -~ • Modem oWce prooed~~ : e Bniah up Gtta Sbortband r e Perwona.J Dewlopment : ~ (Ask about our tpeCiaJ ott.:i• """"" -free 1>Ptiw " .• -. ... ) ·'. '4Ml53 < LIFETIME Gi ft,. tn>e:wrlttnr. Ch 1 l d re q, gfijidehlldren. or )'OUnelft , Ind.lvldual ly tut.and Olllcoat 10 Jeaons tn~ K'ha!)1. 173 Del Msr. CM, ' 548-2859 : GOING To ~ .. tblo ...., Brush up. J'DUI'-Fracb ~ In 1111 duri -·. Af!1Y~?i:n Work ..... , Home m fl Pr1f1rred ·~le 1peclal~t. buay REUBEN'S COOKS 1 ""' .................... .,.;I Eq""1 opportunity em~ "16 C.Xec 675-5010 N.....,... Shop, - All Shilts 1 ~ * Ar'"'>' tor C...... Girls P~ "":::.,.~-MERCHANDISI FOR BELt~Y'S ANCIENT MARllR _co~.?"""""· N. e. 'A'"''M'RA="'==,,.....,,w,,.oman=-::1o "EXEC.=.-.s.=,,.., "•-,GaJ'='".-,,=. COCO'S SALE AND TRAiii J. c. i'<""'Y Co. BE THE FIRST "' •~t """939 tnln u """"' eoun..1,.. lnlltlh job with top ..,.. USS W. Adoms Fumltv,. IOClll 1400 W. Co.If Hwy 2607 W. C04l1t Hwy Fuhlon Island Murt have allm figure, like Resume A refs re q • d . -·- Newport Beach Newport Beach Newporl Buch M SARAH COVENTRY ha& to work with public, 6~ Located tn Irvine Ind. Cost• Mis• EMPLeYEIS PX v _ cDONALDS is h Ir In 1 openlnp fat full or ...,,,.. hours .1... .. Sat eGROCERY KS JOB OPENING: Aaaembly NEEDS PART TIME COUNTER Womu to work time aales. Min. &it u: S'~I "'"":~!. . .,.,.,0 per Complex, N.B, 714: 546-2414 CLER Public bntlt:td, New, 11.qe ilr. Shipping. Some ex-M ~ ... ••-· ~ ••• 11 tn0 • ...._., ng e.a ..... ,, ..,, mo. nENTAL »--p1.u-•• -,, eMEAT CUTTERS home "'-•·h'---..i-, CAREER SALESLADIES 0·~ ..... u ... ....,,. am-Pleasant work, no in., • ..,, Cali r In I .,,., """"' "' nc\."'C .......,...,., &_,_......., -..-..... perlence requ~. Mature 2 pm. Uniforms furnished, m deliwr:lei. For int~ or terv ew ~ Previoua exp only. Ale 21-35 eBOX BOYS drapes. deooratq ~ lndlvid•ol pret.,Ted. OPPORTUNITY! free mo&lt. call 540-0614/ 837_,7191 NURSES AIDE yn. Ph. 54&.W btwn 7 . •I Ad.I. Aulonett.,,, :we rour> TAPMATIC CORP. HouMwlves & Mothen APPLY IN PERSON 8f7-l!r>O 1 TO l SHIFT pm-10 pm only. Stiter Bros. Marketa tafn Way, Anah. ' 845 W.16th, N.B. Jointodaysfutestcrowinl Can you lp&l'e a few hours McDONALD'S --;;==~====--! PARK LIDO MATURE woman needed to CornerofBaker&Fairview e m.1253 e .!. 548-3404. "'°'elDoo-Mutllll l'und .U. each day an::l add to the 6561 EcllrJcer SEC'Y·RECEPT. Convalescent }lospita1 babyJ.lt. my home oc-Costa MHI I AM to s PM QUAL. Kn&: Slzt bed 'Cl DOORMAN :.0 ~= Ol'aiec~;:. tamU,y income at the 111.me HunUnatoa Bu.ch for ~tic office. Bua:i. 1445 Superior cuional wkndl during ye:ar. T'llelday thru Saturday quilted m • t t., OCllbpltte PARKING ATIND'T Mutual Fund AdvllOf'I, timer Schtdules convenient ---....:.;;;.;.;:..c=-ne&a exp req, Dental exp not Newport Beach 542-2410 546-0066 SMAU. Rntaurant needt ~~-UMd $98; ~ ~ Full or pert time, day ore~. Inc. for yoo, rnomirws, alter· EXPERIENCED eaaential. Must be intelligent I HOUSEWORK in Lquna. WIG 11~lilt il countn sales. mature man or wotnan, '"'.......w 18 or over, lie. Calif. drlv· Npt B. um Weltditf MUm ~~·o!eveallnlngWs ~ ~mbi1n&. & attractive. Age 25-45. Top Do not take your time or Exp'd only, 5 dly, 40 hr over :n, days. 545-9863 LOVELY 8' llOf.a, MVU' Ulfld, er. Neat appearance, rd.!. roadwQ ......... · 0111• u• • un e ESCROW e ulary, 642.D mine unleu )'OU h ave week. 5904 Edlnaer St, H.B. I ;:.;;;,;';,:,""'i"':=.,=.i~;:-quil1" t Io r • I; sco..: Call &&f.1700, ext 555. 4 to S.A.121.2~.a:. sto~ .. undeandr the finest or SECRETARY LADY To do houaekeeplng refl!rences and willing to _812-=!21;:;3;:;::-=====:l~~=.f;r_!~~~ chguarded, $U5. MatchliS g pm. cor .... 1ti0ns top aupe~ & aup!!rvi8e 1 yr old Kiri. work tour 8-hr days/week PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD Box :li5, C.0.ta"'Meaa. Cal. love seat $75. 537-8032 HELP WUtted In l!ffia<Jr&nt YOUNG & LANE Ion. UNITED CALIFORNIA Noon to 4, M~ thru Fri. •t 121"'-Cali <9'-389'1 E>cp'd. Scnenen A 1""cb-up =;;;.~::':::'°:=i=::,.:::::-RA'ITAN tab!H 125 °""' bullneu. Men 11 years or TIRE CO. APPLY IN PERSON BANK Own tn.ns. Lido 11le . Secretary/Girl Friday girlL Apply: 851 W. 18th EXPD ihoe sale penon, cba1n $50 • s,15. D~ over. Muat be responsible, Hu openlnp tor ma.nap. 613-4956 after 2 For bwy execullw, 1 girl St Costa Mea part or full time. 33 Hun-set $45. Dftuill& table ST expl!rienced pr'l!ferred. Con-ment trainees. Top wqe1; PENNEY'S FULL CH AR GE BOOK· office. Muat be ambltioua, H0srmY A: ~bag saln. Unrton Ctntl!r, H.B. 6G-Zli6 • tact Frank O'Neil at paid vacations, free major J lCl E. Coast. Hwy KEEPER Thru tinanclaJ well sroomed, wry attrac-Mann woman 3().5iS. LHdJ OLDER part time Engllah DESK A: chair $50 Doutll! 073-327~ a.tween 4 pm A medical plan. Join lo tlO FASHION ISLAND Corono dol Mor stalemon~. Mwttp&l .,,,... ttve. No "P. req'd, Call Shoo store, So. Co. PW.. ""'""· Sm&ll priv&te ffllb box ·-A moltrols 12 5 pm daily. ahead with-. Apply in per-lO AM to 5 PM 67J.92AO porallon. Xlnt. Wary A 547.-6460, 3 to 5 pm only. Mr. Phelps School. f73..&t10 Double 9CNen QI u...s; Plant Expansion son"l88 E.17th St, SUite i.e. Monday thru Friday benefit.. Call (714) &17·2020 GENERAL OFF1CE CAKE OEOORATOR. Part BAKERY Ale11 lady, l!Vtll board as. Ml-«n.4 . - OpportwUties for: eo.111 Mesa. F.qua1 opportunity empkr,,w Ext 267 for appointment Immediate opening. Typlne or full time. App: 1 to 2 to 10. 318 Marine, Balbt:. TV, bunJr: bedt, cheltl, etllU'I A1Nmbly Carpenters e SALESMEN e AD 1tudent positions fi~. --------BLIND man, age 77 will SO WPM, fil ing. Agel »-40. 11 AM or call tor appt. Island. m..86116 table. Miac. f15..U75 aft LUHRS .OAT Co U URI ....-... w.. with 'I:' ...... --. ....... u .. a-"'--supply Mme, meala, $100 0 pp 0 r t u n It y for ad· 548--2880 or 548-3031 CHARUE rr1 pm. Sat" SUn. • bUl-.op..., •• -.. .,, RL _ ..... _.....,_ .. ..., ~·~,,..... a>NVALESCENT AIDE per mo 1o competent vancement. c.al1 for a~L:'"."'":"';"'==:=7::::.-~=======:-":"'~;;:.==:=:===:..I 849 W. llth SL, CM tional concern, for man wttb * or a>MPANION woman· drive car clean pointment 64&-1757 1-Schooltalnstrvctlon 7600 School I I 7600Sdtool I r&MI w·=ANTED==~,~a..n=--rn~m11-=-... -endre foundry or ceramics I .*..,...,!iii .... I!!!!!!!!,.,_! I fo~ single lady, Lite duUes. bir, ~ ..... meala.. ~ ..... ENTAL n~~oNJST • nstruct on • nstrvcffon ~ nudentw/owncarfcrpert. industry~ Col.-1 · Live ln or out. Short orr:-"""-i··_,·~:.,·==-'-=-" v ~=.. ' time eve. delivery work. 500 Jeae. ah or appllc.ation u. Joni term. No fee e w A IT RE s s : Good Ma~. J"Cliable w om a n . , ; W Cl H NB perierx:e desired. Send r. SHH R'°' Appl.y • penonality, attractive Mtu1t have rood exptr\ellOt ,, • t "'1• une to P.O. Box 4n Hunt-Al,U Ir HOMEMAKERS 21-:ZS. Full time, top salary. to work tn bmy O>lta Meta •• TRUCK Drivtt, C1ua 8 Uc, lncton Beach. Caltt. Out:alde u.16. Must Jave 1'38 E. 17th St., S.A. Lil Palaano'a, Hwittncton otflce. 646-2634 Q~ "O £\ "tt. f -f) "C f),,Q.e ! ::i ~ :.r ~ a:::l •:~llECllANl===c'"e""'FWI=°'tlmo.= own tramp. WU1 covu Qr. SEAMSJ'RESS nptl1enoed Harbor.~ PLEASANT, neat IAdJ, tor \:)~ l.'QtJ ~J. ~ P<rP ; r......nctaMe.4M-O'l'flli3-5pm Kut be~ and anae&L.A.Countiea.Hlah powr machine operator WANTED Lady 1Dr general~ CoffttraffctlGardltloen SolvtaSim..iltSma-mbledWordPunlcfaraCh••,.kl• ..... vc haw own took. Al8o need. level aalel. M Uil haw pod 913 Electric Seal Beach. house cle11.ntng, 1 day a '-AJ\ll•ter. A WI pol n " - SERV, sta. Att: Need Nil Elcperienoed SERV STA wan!ro~atrilff7 to dNl 21.1: 598-4461.' · week. Fridays preferftd. for semi-retired. 673-2740 lime nlcht man.. Apply ill lttl.P. Both Oftt 25. No with , and. att:ractlvt. QIM>n ~ Reft. 16282 Santa Anita, BAB Y S I TT E R, mature penon Mtla UrUon Service, phoDe callt. R.ichtidd, Cor. No ulH ~ ~""""'TORS. Expd. For H.B. 847-4651 after 7. "'-'on'Wl, my bme. 3 days 2281 Newport Blvd. CM. d 1'th • Newport mvd,. aary, -4'-' lales tunm OYH ~ar. Full time. Top PAR.T-nme Htllteu-Secty wk. Own tranl. 5t8-8997 aft WANTED: )'O'll'C m&0 17·11 c.M. a:.~ par. salary. "50 ~i.: ~ !·08~~.B., New homet· l'llllSf. work ,.'.,'"rpm==-::-=== 1or lltwty, Jl(...time kllAde FACTORY Tn.lntt/N.llrnaJI.. per mo par. he nes. · weektndl . .S.1997 11 To 6 GIRL nkla.Y to aalat ttn . wortr.. Food to P & 5GD 1Qs: tr.ck. Gd. opp. tor ad-MISS EXEC AGENCY MOTEL MAID PM; 5'5-4.105 Mttt 6 PM. office 11\11'· ln dental olfict. W. Cout Hwy, N. Jl. vanoontot in ladUldr7, .f.10 W. Oout JUa.l'lway EXPERIENCED DRAPERY opttt.t« e "d Cood twlna: • s 1 en11 a I , MORNING DISllWAIHER. HANNA SAILMAICERS Ne""'" Bud! -m w. Cout Hwy. N.8. a l&hl<r. Clusto ~ ""5<&."'"=229=1 ==--...,,-.....,. Mon-Fri. App.I)' 9'1.W llth.,c.M. WANTED Mature lfw.-fn 3853Blrch$1.N.8. SALESWOMEN. txp'd. 1r1 Bnchciombtt Jtett., X13 'ff, ~ TYPIST.a.EJlK dtll4 care hotlMkl!t'ptt. !i * 546-14.11 * ready-b>wear-' 1poctawear. Oout ""'·NB SMALL c.ta x. ura. Salary $3934411 day Wffk. F.V. 96&-mJ SAWYER Home n e II! d s Part time. C.M. 5464462 SALESMAN--Oentnl hdplr. firm Im optnil'C for full Rtqt. equivaltnt al RIP Sehl Beauty operator fLIU or mat u r e w 0 n:t en fo r BABYSITI'ER. ?tty BaJbo.I 0 R11C1rrang• &ttt•r1 of it.. -. fo.ir 1crc11•nbtitd word• be-. Sow to f«nt IM lllmpl. worda. l IGINMEL I' .'11111 . ~ZrArC"lErR-r-T-11 ! :1111_1 .t I ,, . • ' ' ' " ' • • ' • •• ILEl'LE I I I I. Ii Overheard In 1tock mar•et . . lobby, "Crime 11 up 20 por cenr. I 1ay take your money for C.M. Nunery. lhM 1ANITOJL Haun ne. diploma, recent exp or put time, Balbol; 1llard. haueekl!t'plng a P'letical borne; •'kdaya. t to 3 PM. Call -tble. Cali Emde Mall:rtall tm'r, tn>e <o WPM. Appl> ** 615,1701 ** ......... "'4118 Call: m.&<n m-FI llJel tral.na. Salary, I::""'=· -======: by ..f./14189, Oty of ~aJ BEAUTY oonsultant. oUlce GENER.AL Fa ct or>' il EXP'D. PRESSER . ' xlnt fllhn. Call Mr. Van 1 • 8Ncb. 2U/4!1.z2'f work. For app'L call: apemtq wmit, Specialty SpocUwtf.r FaciOr)' btwn K l4$-8BIS 'A!:!it!!S!!ilC~ios~,_!W!!om~*!!n!!_!;7JOI~ WANTED Ex pt r I 111 c e d stl-2li91 M°'6erl, ru y 0 r kt 0 w n, ** Sff.'8B6 N.8. ** 8 USBOY/DISllWASHER.-~ ....... rod home..,....... EXPEi!. denial ,_pttoollt II""'-8dL MAID Ow• 30, pemwomt -t --~ Shof1 Co,_ Gols Giit A Glltl, 2ll1 V&lle> Sffll ......., In Bas IM'13, WAlTllES.ml. NI time • put """· 5 ..,.. / ...._ ,._ --a.rtt '!»1st-. Gal "4od. C.M. 5IMUl Dall1 Piiot Pitt Ume. BeUll!I)''• a.a.. $L 15 hr. - MECllANJCS.lnboordlooot· ,_,.., -JWopr,, RILIE~COOJ( FULL time, experienced S1>o9,1400W.C..Stfflw.,,,NEEI>2-wlvutorp1tt board. c.Jl 6"--4SC5 bttwet:n RN14 LVN .. Both hi il 1H Experienced llMlklr tlCfOW clerk. P.O. Newport Btach rime di!llwry, k>cal dent.al 9 A 5 pald Jo1>a, 'l'ct co'ol Call -Box 100. San Clem<nle EXPERIENCED ........... lob. ll4&-l'>Oll3 * DISHWASHER. • Dorfl. so.ma tlL\L dired I04f7I. Charp B.EAUi'Y operators Jor' al· er w1,11ted; l d11 .wk in --.EXP=;;;EIUEN==CE=o,---1 ~pply In ......,, 3.156 Via ARGUS AGENCIES """'""' -oil -Md -Voo's Shop'f center N ........ home. Phon• hooMkff"''· • In nnc. 1 1Jdo, Newport Btadt. Dflt C N~ 81""1., CH. Usttn to tbt pboM.ru.t u)M. Call K.,y 53(1.o.CJ4l (J 13.\.2811 wee.klJ or full day. &44-0i39 rH=E-:-L-:S-:-l-:R---....,1 ond lnvo11 In -. • • 0 r-'-•· ~-.L~ .. ,;::d ' I I I' I I "'";;;; ;;;i.. ":'I.... -• • • • • • yov dtwlcp ftOM tMp Na,. S Mlow. •"'NI """'"<0 •m... .. 1' r· I'. 1• r 1 fHfSE §9Y"!fS . _ . . _ • 9 u~~~·~N~~;t Ln111s I I I I I J ~CRAM-~ ANSWER IN CLAS~IFfCATION 7600 . ' : • I . ~. ~I .IQ, 1969 . , -M~~ISI ~ M ISi poa MUCHANDISl .l!OI .• ~ICHANDISI '°' Mlac:NANDISI PD•-MTS 1114 LIVISTOCK T~ATION TµHSl'OllTATIDN ' I .' ~ TIADI ,SALi AND TIADI W.l'AND TIADI SALl 'ANQ TIADI SALi ~ TIAD~ p;;" qu Morino ltulp., ~ Trucb ., . ~ .• .,........ ,, .•• ca.. ... s.1o . I0221~Ml::;";'"'~ ... ~-~ ... ~-·~-~~M1~·~ .. ~·~1·~-~Ul~-~-iiiij~.w1nt.il MID. MINIATURE ' Sdu>aUIUENSENADA -iw.. New • lllD CllEV80IZr ._ ll1lNl'INGTOll ~bourl • WI.PAY Mel.I'-'"' "Scltno••or at lll>ld. mu lilt n1t + liuiti!.,. ll)Dn p1ckuJ ""'1c. 1· bed. ~t~~;'.F ·u -aN ·1 ~TU' a·, E CASH· =~:!=~if::=~~; $39" ..... ~5'.f5 .. iH of Our Mlny llrpinsl . ' MID111RRAN~N SP,A"ISH New · Showrilo111 ~mpl11 • 1 ' • • Will Sell Any Ploco lndlvWUllly 8' Wootl·carvetl ftm diven, lg. man's chair or love aeal 5.Th: Octagon dark 01k dD! set w/ black or avoc•do framed chain; 8 pc BR aet. M Mr. &· Mri dresser, lg mirror, 2· com· mod.., decorative h .. dboard . in Spanish oak ~ ~eoign with matching bta 1iJrings, m1tlress & .. ,ame. . u .. ONLY $529;95 --$1fl5;t5=Y••I or TERMS as' low ... '4.66 Wiik wr etera ch1f'911· ·pJan er benk fin•ncin, c Approved .Furniture (No Piney Front -IUt Quality V1IU1a lnsido) 215' H1rloor Blvd., ·Coot• MoH 541-9660 Open f·"Dllly-Sund1y 11·5 12 y .. ,.. am. Mcatio.,__..me ewhers --··---~-~- , ~ ,., __ ' ~. mo, Call Jler $nm ~~-Blvd. HunL lloldl. PRICED TO SELL ..,..... ~ r -_ m:i6 Swan Dr. Meaa ~Vetde. ' --• ror a!Q'·bel.I' w • U.S •3Yfold0AKCDobtrman. *-982-3951 * ,,.j v ........... ~ ..._ .. CM -Frt-Sat&n, IUnli""* ap-'°""' Obed!<,... Finl Jiace wJo. ~ FORD ~ •--- !>S .. A u c T I 0 N eel TV'~· ........ -.... .... -· 1Nt 51lp -... _9036 't:..rload Pwr "'= :, ~ CUB SCOUTS GAR AG E ~· '!~era= QREAT"Danf! puppiu, tawn. BOAT Dock llmlttd to u·. lb ~pu. 29.000 mllu. SALE -6172 Kimberly Dr. ~~~'t;:l ieee I w~ AKC ~ tired. n~ per tt. ,l:~b'· tfear 545-4166 HS. April 11th A 12th 10 : boUMtW. :>t,y, niJt or &U-22514«> ll 11th St.~ Newpor\ Wei~ c.,=,:::CHEVY~:,.·=. ~P~tu~"Sak-,--or ,., 1100 THURSDAY NIGHT ~~·•MA ~p~~s:-~ ""·~~~i..... :i-.:.i',.°'J-= .. ~:. ~ppll•~----_;= , UOQ•tJ1£V 5'7..aast or 54T.fl591 , 28' ctWaer. ~ see to apprec. llOT ()r&np, (2) ""GE Fr lrldalre • G.,...,. .......... _..-_. ...... .,..,. CM~ " :::,:;'.!•;;.;'~ ~~; 7 p M SHARP 11 WA N. J E D •"'.'=k.. -~.'$25. INI S.nrl<H 9037 GM~ Piclmp. Alr, ~ Food ~b-eezen, ll cu ft e e e e 495--4869 Ori;.ie (oast M-riM :"~ O~. SO 2lM ··•t $98 W H .. nhouae WI! need quality tno junk GREAT Dane PupP.Jel, •how Comp~te .dariut S:tvi.ces upn.,, ' eau.._ plea.st), Furniture, co Io r quality, champion ltn.-d. by: '1:'..-....rle---', u:-b 53 CHEV. P!CKUP. eitt range 30" • $99.so. l111na.ct EARLY tawn. 536-f15ll or m 1933 ~.... ~ ...... to m11ot Whirlpool 2 1pee:I washer r-TV's. 1te~ appl\ancts. -QualltY Marine Permnnet Very · Clean! , • $119. Konmott, 2 •pend As Wt Sell Cj)UICKL YI tool• and oflke equ1..,,.nt. WAnJ!I J'OB ·. e Haul outs, .all 4 power Now pamt 4 -M>-:1912 .wawr. $124.50. Fri,idaire TOP CASH IN 30 Ml<>nta!' 'TIS OPENING SOON e 2f Hr. tmeipncy Sorvi« •50 FORD Ranchuo PU, delx 1l.iundry pair) utec 531-1Jl2 * 893-0005 * ~ * very Clean. $395 . ropper. 1179. o.vts-.... ,.. AOK Commi. ssion Gallery . "--IUO '"Bayside Drive, Newport - 646-1684 MIChinery, etc. 1700 -675.2460 or 615-264J REFRIG, 2 DR, Iott hand 7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;.;;;:;;;;;;;,1Q UART ER HO=' t===;==='=::o '-9510 $1!. Gu or olec dryer li6. I Block West of Beach Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. FORKLIFT SALE 1.Wbit. face w/ wbt ootP 1Nf.Y1dit 1967 B"ONC. O Auto wu~r $51. Sm cheat Towmotor 6,000 tb Wt, 14' $150. l-Bucksldn markli\c Cldrter1.~----'-'--" . b 1· ' . ~ $150. Appaloooa Stallion. -• "~~• DRIVE trttzer, looks ter.r1 e , mast ..••.••..•• ;·:·····~"""" reg; very JOOd. •tock '65(1. BLUEWATER CHARTERS .-"~ · \\'Orks swell $50. A 1 l P_i•MI I o-·-1130 MIKell•neout 8600 Ford Tri.ctor 9 ma.at, aid~ 897-7350 ti-Drive sail or P<>wer boa.ts. J{ardtop. Red with white mi:· guaranteed. CUb or terms. • -1 ;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;I ahitt, scoop •••••• , , , •.• $89;i • . Harbor auiaes/aport fish Radio, heater, rear aea • Coast Electric s er v i e e • New Pianos • 1 • Qark 9• or 6' mast 3 ooo lb G YEAR old mare with 6 Daily \V kl * 646-9000 6-cyl Sharp! MAKE OFFER . Dept., 642-0240 * AUQION: *-lift • , ............. , : • .'. $900 mo old colt. ·(Appey bred • ee Y · Can be iteeb at The DAILY \\'lllTE 2 Dr, side b)' ..1.klo. ~ER&:li::n~!URJi .AUto~e-l'eetr..ie,-l500 lb ~·~ ;vaU.-$300. ii. ft 9100 Pto:Yl'~t~ AdmTral retrlgerator. Xlnt FRIDAY'--APR IL llTH Jilt .................... $425 7. After · i:..::;..;r<:;.r;:c•c;._----'-"--'-days bet~ 4 pm~ 7 pm cond. 842-6153 after 5 PM 01. American made, 88 note, del , Prices G9Qd Thru April 14th. REG~ thorou1hbttd l)Sth ownership of Cessna ~o=r..;c::all:::.::8:::79-6088.:.::::::.=~-- Sun. w.bench.& tuned. Price •tart· 7 :~ PM 639-2G91 or eves 897·243.1 ieJdini, 7 yrs.old, gentle. lTO. Call after 6 pm '65 JEEP ing at $499. REPOSSESSED & 1;1ANK. l==~=====~I * SG--2600 * * ~26CMJ * MAYTAG gas dryer, xlnl Pianos rented opt to buy RUPT FURNITURE: L<>vely J -300 Pick-Up. C eyt. l 'llPfl(!d, ,,. ... "'·~ * Wurlitzer Organs Bedroom "''" •••an•, "''· FRE.E TO YOU _rKA_NSPDR.TATIDN Mobile Homo• 9200 RUM •""" • drives like • * • NEW • fee table$, commodes, win-truck. R2865T FREEZER,-•. ~ tbnd. 'El'hest Many otlier makes. Many dow che!ts, ptct\Jtts, lamps, FREE To &:ood home. 2 lotfl I Y.cht1 ~' BAT HAfllOR --· $795 type, $125, N<•t co . ec. mirrors, chests of drawen;, _.. ••-Lil H 5 I stove $40. ~T:a60 •,tytartl"at~~i.nishes. Prices occ chairs. rnath'l-11.!el, tools, BeauL .house cats 1 ipayt:\I 26' FAIR.LINER. cab. crus, """' • "1'e •ea JOHNSON Ir SON _..., fe~ -1 altered male, enc.I head, plley, Ice box, Cua Loma • Roll-AY(ay • \VASHER &. Dryer Repair. EVERYTHING JN MUSIC 4 Dra\ver National Cash Reg_ claw1 removed all shots -30 gal fttsb water. Twin Sheraton Manor . Homette . L~M'ettury Xlnt-guaranteed a e r vice Beach M , ( f ister, beer parlor stools, cool. s b OU: 1 d go to a: ether Chrys rnar eng, nu 55 watt Kit .· fyestige. Sahara 1941 Harbor Blvd. 542-7050 Reas rates. 847-3115 USIC en er er, refrigerators, f reez er, 962-1718 4/ll Simpson rad. Teak deck. ALL SIZE$ MILITARY Jeep. Chev V-8. ' · 1lftDn IOOO G.E. Auto washer, xlnt <.'Ond, ~~~~ ~~~s, dcyers It f PUPPIES, mDtture of ter-ft.ttenl Slll'\1ey, $3950. Owner NOW ON DISPLAY New -UO x 15 tires. Many 1r,_·u;;rn;.;·:;llu;.;.;re-.._...., __ 1;== 1 ~F.;;u;..rn.;;l_tu;..re_-c,._____ guaranteed. Factory Sales &: -SC,rvitt COf.IB BROWSE AROUND rier ·&:: poodle. Also a mall! moving eut, niwit sell fast! 1425 B•ker St. more extras. Will consider 20 •c MODERN SPANISH · Rl!turned rrom $35.' * Ml-8115 Daily 12 noon 'til ~. Sat S.S PQOdlf!'. Free to good homes. 545-0865 11~ block East of Harbor mw. trade. 645-Z380 r • Model Home. •Of! u.le at KENMORE Auto washer, 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) WINDY'S AUCTION Loves children. 160 E. 19th 17 FT. Performer. Islander on _Baker 1956 3 ROOM GROUP Jess than wholesale! Group late model. xlnt cond, l~li mi •. So. San Diego Fwy. St., P,f 4/11 Deluxe model (all fiber-Costa Mesa (714) 540-9470 285 hp Chevy V-8 ~ CJ5 iDcludel: l'Jonl 10fa .a: chair includes beautiful 9 6 ' ' &:uaranteed. $60. * 847-8ll5 Huntington Beach 847:8536 2075~t Newport Blvd. LOVING, l'Ull grown male a:Jass) outboard. Oistom 8X50 2 BR., 14X35 Cabana: ALL NE~ ~ ! • walnat tables • lamps • quilted sofa le love seat. PIA.NO & ORGAN Behind Toll;l's Bldg, Mat'ls. tl_ood refugee needs ~ snap down cover. B!i whttl must be moved. 1.fake ~tebedroom wtthqullt l Spanish oak decorator :.:A:;nt°'iq1UH=----•-l_IO BARGAIN HUNTERS! Costa Mesa * 646-8686 home, Small sized black till trailer. $700 or beat oH· ridlculoµ.soUer! Ask for Bill ..s mattreai J J·pc. dlnrette, ta.bles, IWll&' or table lamp!, Orange County's largest OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 . Setter, intelligent, trained, er. Phone 644-4687 after 7 pm Wrijht Or Dale Reeg. 51 JEEP Wagon. 4 W.D. New tires, brakes, clutch. Runs well. $4(.(1, 14'"'"5 &.. .All tor wall p1acque. tins. queen, ANTIQUE Block or new .l used devoted. 833-2M8 f/10 12%' BOAT It trailer, 16 Jim Cooper Trailer Sales , ····7.-7 or .full aize bedroom l\lite SH800~~&hib•~~E Pianos I: Orprui 110VING Out of State. 2 hp motor, canopy top, Sll-1066 531-1069 ' ' ~ . .., . complete incl box aprlnp, """ ...... Spinet Pianoa from •• $388 New Jewelry Store mama cats, 1 li'!ed part windahield. Xlnt COJKI. $450. MOall.E 1:ome 24x43, 2 '65 c 5 J Jeep, 22,000 mile•, *Noiifs··l'lnWbAR,onlyEflOIJSlOmSoE. ~ttrel3~~ !ic bo~do,; Ar>ril 10. ~ "1~ol3th Baldwin Orran •••••••• $388 Persian. 1 part Siamese. 962-4159 bdrml. i 1h batilR, awnings, . dini:· set priced elsewhere Thurs, Fri, ~ • p.m. Chickerlna: Piano ••• ... $74.5 WANTS TO BUY Hopefully to go to loving * * 23' CABIN cruiser, akirtina:. 962-0642, 962-5983 C :;•m~JIO;'":;;;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';5;;2~01 · at apprmc. $1195.00 ALL =~m M~ CoM Caprice Orran home. 849-l266 4111 O\ven.s. Radio, bait tank, f'ves • excellent. $1350 ' * 499-Jlll * AO W. 4th ' St., Santa Ana FOR ONLY $399. $20 down, 300 w. Katella. Ave. Save ................ ·•• $400 Used & Antique Jewelry SMALL . blonde terrier type fully eqitip on trailer. $2600. '·· .. -, -,.~x;o~--~2-Br-.-,.~. -----,, : Open ~ 9 . 9 $4.99 per ·,.eek ;-out or Across trom: Disneyland all Wurlitzer le Conn lloor doa:, had shots, .friendly, 545-ll41 days, 968-3090 eves. adult park. $3,750 CAMPER lltt .• I . S:an.,11 .I stale cmlit OK. Wil l samples greatly reduced! Silwr or gold. Ph. 67S.1011 ~A~~!, ranch hofl_!~~u· BOAT&: trailer wt 15 548-8680atter5PM S•le1·Rent•l1 Vast 1tock Amer/Eur furn l: Low bank terms ~ ..,...,. A thorittd Dealer separate tot quick l&le. :Dth or come to store, 3419 Via HP motor. $125. u r.IAi:-TOllN•· ~ Pairotd ~~~.. Century Furniture, 917 2 clocks. Lam Morgan Anti-No down payment Oporto, Lido Isle, Nwpt Bch, GERMAN S hepherd -642-8529 aft 5 Metter Homn 9215 Eldorado -Four -·· = ~w• G-~ G BI d quies. 2428 Nwpt. Bid., C.M. Gould Music Comnany H-· 6 ,._ 006 \Vinds • Scotsman ta! ...... ~.. .,. ... en rove v • • ..--pupp1e1. wee..,., CANADIAN SO!JNG ONVERTED . n lib rup, ~..:..... vj Garden Grove Daily 10-9, 2045 N. 1'Iain, Santa Ana BOY'S Stingray bicycle 3 Center SL, Costa Mesa A allabl in 6 ks! 37' ?.,., ,. .Bus, :;!,11)." ",30,000 Feet:ot Camper thick, new ......... "' co· Sat lG-6, Sun 12-5 Come Sewing ~1chlnes 1120 so. of Freeway 547--0681 Speed, hand brakes, like 548--0567 4/10 v e wee · ple=.r seu contained............ Displays tee table--colt ll?O aacrifi_·ce """' '"'"' Open Mon &: Fri eves 'ti] 9 Schock Boats, N\vpt 673-2050 * 6'2-5294 * Th-~--, ko 20 TV M1!c 541-60a6 in or call <n4) ~ '63 SINGER, Zig-zag, auto, new S2S. Heavy duty 1o\v KENMORE Washer, com-J:::::::::::::-:::::::':=::::= - "OVJN. ~ ~k :Eut-must i--2-0-.--M--le-\Vith walnut cabinet. Take Sunday 12 to 5 bar $35 complete. Delta 4'' plete. Call alter s P1.f S.Jlbo ts 90lol---------ROBINS FORD i-. .rC. ap over 5 pymnts, $7.25 mo. HAJ.IMOND ·Steinway ,. 1-Jointer stand & motor, ne\v ~l 946 Senate, Costa _ 1 Motorcyclel '300 2060 Harbor Blvd. tfs furniture. 309 . Monte ] . ROOM GROUP Call 526-6616 anytime. maha • ner1 I: used pianos $99. RCA Color 21" TV" Mesa 4/11 eoSta Mesa 842-0010 ~ ta.CM.~118latt9am. Includes: Livina: room aet . ----------ofSo~-•z:!ak~s.htBebst buys in ~~..;.! ~~~•~w=&$go11td FATHER .unknown: 6 pup-'BARGAINS• 1964 YAMAHA,. b~· cc,~~ """"""""""""""""'"'"I · · ............. ng ere. • ..... " -pies 3"M & 3 F mom is e~. ires, 1 ..... es, x JNT'L Va.ri camper· alps. ,,17 •c, KllMI •t-. tables• lamps· bedroom Muslcal lm.t ... ,_ _ _;1125 SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., lamp, turned \\'OOd. base$80. • · • cond. $250 or best oiler. · • r ""'II ...,_ aet. quilted mattress • ma. --. -1901 N M . 646-0681 Co c.k a po o . 6 -wk s. 549-3714 · 4: Chev. V-8 eng. All.kl. · -''-.a: .. :~-All f · G It Ho·, uart1r1 · am, 892-8116 4112 1 ~· -===~~~"" tratui. Compl. blb1S, bis .' ltd-mlJ(l P• ....... 'II> room. or'·. u 1' -..q San!Jl Ana BIRDS of Paradise. *** _ . 21' ISLANDER 1965 mnn!PH 650 cc •-ltAAf e NEW and USED e ADORABLE L<> »-•w kit <u" ti.n's; nds. outside paint,' J _L_e 9 drawer dreaeer;-mlJI. ~ Healthy bloomina: we 11 . na '""' · As ne\\'. sips 4, gaUey $3495 cuatOm. Must see! Xlnt k $600 548-6021 wr: No down . Pmfl.. only $18 mo. Fender • Vox • Stanciel -05 established 2 plants lo a tens, PY with blue eyes, 29' COLUMBIA cond. Crawford m/c repair, enr. wor · · T?r, J bed8'de IWIMf kina EU( S WAREHOUSE • GJBSoN • MARTIN Television .,, 5 gal. container. Only a tre.,3-681' • 8to good home . 5 Sa,"'· inboard, plus lo_ts 548-5744 J968 V\V Camper wltent. •ize heailboud,'trei.~uilt· W ' e Wll.SON • YAMAHA '_."-===~~~-= Jmmac cond 1 owner $3000 r-lhee blank l\.IAGNAVOX 18" Color few left At this price of . . more ................. $99;.0 1;68 KAWASAKI 1'0: xlnt ' aood. cond, :'b. r:;:r-· . 1':rJll--;-· ; Drum HeMlqu1rter1 $199.50. Zenith 23" Color only ·$5.00 for 2 planta. Call ' LARGE mixed breed 8 yr 36' SLOOP cond Only 900 rni . must i~oo.~iv:s·party. 646-li ; , tbOICt"of flfta""-' 60(; \V. -4th ~ .. Santa ADI •NEW and USED • (remote) $285. Packard Bell after 6 P .M. oi· all day old dog, lovable, ~eeds good Radk>, D/F, failio, 5 sails, sell. ·~1'35; 642.-8001 86 9_to 5..Mon-..Fri. :---=.~ Open ·Ddy 9 ·I · LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO Color 21", Early Amer Saturday and Sunday. 1212 home good w/childttn h 1 d' hy try $12 500 - ' : or-h.~1& f Sa.t.. 9. I SUn. 11. Ii Large leleetldn With M'.v 4 cabinel \\'/ lambor doors. So. Ross St., Santa Ana. ~993 , . <4/9 ;P'..:'~~ YACHT 'iAu:'se '68 .HONDA 100-CC; only 140 * PAM-TOPS, all •tee I ; Al · f , .A~ OLD Vinta&e wilnut desk, ~ ... ':.t~~ ~:sh~= $99. ReYere auto cartridge ELEC. Washer & dryer, din· TWO while le black kittens, 3446 Via Oporto, Newport mil;;;~Mcond.546-I375 :;ie, .. l!!; .. ~~oAry"=·= No dqwn •. ~t:IJ, .oN:t ~.tna. 36xTlx30". need.11 to be ~ set;" repaired. All small ta.pc!' recorder S 1 -4 9 . 9 5. ing rm set w/china cabinet, 1 wks. old. Need gd. htne. 24 Hour Phone •••• 673-1570 · uiq "'ELI'S WAREHOUSE restllred, incl .~ather chair. parts, acces&Ol'ies Ii: cymbals _D_av_i_~_B_ri>wn _____ l684 ___ 1 Dual tivin headboard, dble 546-6643 4/ll Coming CUSTOM DLX K 41 Auto ServiClil So. Harbor, S.A. " Call 675-«187, JnOrrlillcs. in stock. MAGNIFICENT I' itereo, bed. I drawer m ah o g LILAC Point Siamese Cat, 6 MIDGET OChAN CRUISER & P1rts 9400 1968 CHEV. Sp or t • van ~ w~ ~i.. ~·~1~ ~~~~cu= ~c; EVERmtlNG IN tfUSIC ~/~a'.nu~:S~~k~~ :n:r, !~rraw;, ~::; ~j~~d, female. Hu s~':l ~ps~;v~:~~~PA:. EMPLeYEES PX ;:![,e .. ·~08• p~~t~$ r.~~~ ....,. piece sectional •'WI. 546-0636 Beach Mus1'c Center sew; ..... mach .. Electro sink Ra"'-,_, . • ~.,~ • SAL I • I &In. :U -I -·• FEMALE cat, callro, 1 \I •"· ~~ .. sotm "· 40 000 mi Po'Yilu famous hmiture returned~ dis-F Sal &: Servl Spqrtint Goocl_;;c.• __ 1_500_ 1_=--•-"-·=.,....=-"'====--yn;., vel'y aileCtionate. dir. tinder, llOV Gen, rect. n:.me tires. 4 for $99. Rad!-Cirilper Rentiis ~522 'S:,:atuctioe. tWk!l hoanea, Office Furriffure 8010 11.ctory' e• ce SKI boots, 9ize a, good ron-KNITTED FABRICS 673-8479 ] 4/ll mooring-stor. coven. dino als, wide ovals, macs, Indy11. · .Daily 12 noon...!tll 9, Sat 5-5 · cust. tlr. $n95. 646-9000 On Autoneties Parking Lot, COACH • '?RAILER : ton cancellation. y l E ,•--J , __ ,_ l _.__._ 174CM Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) dition. double boot $2S. NEED. coed home lor Jong b(dg 235 , -·•-· ~A MtcSitemne&n etc ""' <n:IJIUI ll;fllW""8, 646-9539 ..,,FOR SALE hai~ guinea pip, 842-8141 O'Day Mariner CIB rear · 1 ..., .... ..,un. RENTALS . ,·. RD FURNITURE misc. equipl. 615-3sat or 1% mi. So. 58:11 Die10 Fwy. ill 4111 Demo ... , •• Save $500 630-1253 • • It'• -ne too early I<> make -1877 Hw1tir.gton Beil.ch 847~ -Remiaanl4, aamples lz M HOURLY RENTALS ·-~ NeWport ~vd.; CM .,.,..... -0·1·asON J .50--Miscellaneo~•-•c.... __ 1600 end11 Sat. Only 8 a.m. to 2 NEED a:d. hme.· ror lov. pure. * RHODES 19'• * ·:~~· !~· c ~P~ ~:~•lions for Sprinc Hot:. " every nlch~ til 9 G•r•ge S.le 1022 with Ha1'.ishell a&Be, HALF PRICE SALE p.m. 9'l9 Baker, Costa Mesa. brd. am. tan. fem. Boxer Fun Z.One Boat Co. Balboa 536-2051 WEEK-END OR. WEEKLY i· Wed., Sat&: &m 'ti1'6 $320 new. $200 or oUer. CARPETS. Vinyls, Tile1, lat. pup•3 Mos. old. 847-9817 SABOT 1,:=:======= 546-lll!ll ;0 ..... • .. ·"M.ADRID'' LADIES Quality • u 1t 1 • Eric, 675-5160 after 6 PM Hours 1o to 4 est styles and colors. Com-2% MONTHS old Cockapoo Fibe-u hull Dacron sail Trailer Tr•vel 9425 ===;.;;;;;:;===-I P" r.., _ S\\'eaten, top, · C 0 at•• April lOth I: llth mercial a: Residential. Ex· puppies Call after 6 Pl\f ••• • ' ' Du B •, 3 100· ._ G'n1up dreases, blouaes. capriH:ize F ENDER 12 strina: elec. liarlxir Key Thrift Shop pert installation. 673-2.513 oars. Good condition, one 1967 ROLI.5 Royal Travel ne ugglft 9525 '•n 10 to 12. Hats, plll'lles, a:uitar; beautiful cond. 6421403 54fl.'l2G2 owner. $225, 548-8765 Traile 16, Sc!U tai ed 1 VW ~1 J'ROM MODEL HOMES je\\•elry, dishes, hair dryer, I==='="'=·=·=-==== 1570 Newport Blvd., C.l\f. · 2 -SERVEL Refrigerators CAL 20 bargain to . r • -con n · '6 Dune BUUY, v er ~ Quilted sofa A shoel-6!1 7~~ N. Come .~--------\V Ji OLES ALE S gal tree. You pi ck up ' r quick Stereo, sleeps 6. Like ·new! aharp .. High nibber Ii. low 1cbair -2 end table1 Ii cot-tee, come sigh. Cheap, B E Au TI Fu L. Be i 1 e marguerites $2.j() ea. 15 gaJ 646-2663 4/10 ;;1~, ~~e :~ 0 :~!: =~:~: ~86:M_~87 mileage. 54U1'45. :ll'ltable-21ampa-dreu-cheap, cheap • .Atf. <C PM PianM & Or9•na ll~ Tourmaline fully let out twisted junipers, $15. ea. GERMAN Shepherd puppy, 213-~16 eves. 17 , FIELD l Stre , , 66 , ?.!EYERS Mame VW: xlnt •er-mirror-headboard-daily (except Fri). All day THE BEST DEALS mink cape-stol~. perfect variOUB other plants. 466 E. u \\.'eeks old. 1-~emale. , apt , cood., top, hitch, many ea:. "q1,lllted boz aprtna: 4 matt-Sat. 2080 National Ave., On, P lifto. & Org•ns cond. Orts. cost $1300. Will :'~'~th~S~';-· C= .... M,.. .. _·,...,'""""""'° 536-4897 4-11 KITE No. MO, 1 yr old & flush toilet, gaa/elec. ref., tru, $1596. 540-36(2 Ew • I pc. dil:aibC room Coiita Mesa. seU lat S5()(1. 962-9790 MAPLE Drop. leat tbl. $95. trlr & extras. Like new, new tires, perf. cond. $1295, DUNE BUGGY ;:;. A 4 hi·back chain. ; 4 HUGE sun porch windows Are AIYll.JS Al • VACUUMS • Refrigerator, \Vhirlpool $90. TOP SOIL $900. BtiJCe · 673-272'Z Tues-incl. E-Z lift hitch & elec. M.et.alD.ake : COMPARE AT $749.95 ~ frames, doors, all $20. O'Keete & 1'tleITltt gas ~Beach 494-8178 Sat 1-5PM. brake ay1tem. 540--4032 $750. ~ :. $J,9 SJO up. Repail;s " parts. c t 3 ('k 4 CUTE kitties ""' •-good Columbl1 5.5 "·tro 1967 Pu-· Toni -••· :;::;=======~! Toy bike, cages, old furn, WARD'S ~Al,p\VIN STUDIO Reasonable. Coast Vacuum, sloYe, on empo , 1 e new .... . ....., .,_ u-.. , .;; ; •---to··'"llfm" chairs, table1,clothin1 , 11lll Newport, C.f.t, 642-3@1 333 E.l 7th,C.M_._64Z-_ 1500 $295. LI 8-891-t home. 968--1219 4/12 F/G, A-1, priced rieht! excellent condition, hardtop, 1;.,porttd Auto. t6od oBl--~.s. w··AREHOU-· S-t tont~ rond. Sat. 2151 • PETS end LIVESTOCK '"' 79""' 21.1, --all bit-Ina. sleeps 7. lll50. ~ 519 WURLITZER 4500 EARLt Am.r. roucb • <hr. "' HAND-.!•" •hag ""'' ........, ·~ Call !16>-'1854 · N.B. 64&-4 2 end tab(o" roppertone ocange & white: pd. llSO 2 Go I HOO 28' CAT. Choy d" g n, ,;::::;;;::;::.:..,.~~~,,-AUS11N HEALEY FRIDAY & Sat. April 11-12, Console ora:an, like new, ,~~d·'-. --•. tabl• • wks. ago; sell $75. 675--0M5 Pett, Mr• Ensenada vet. Extras. $8000 19' KIT Travel Trailer, fully rm w. 4th .st .. , Santa Ana 1 . Open llal1y M ~ :· Sat. M SUn 11-1 flASSJNET w/mattreu. · be&utttul. COit $45. ~ for 1 $11. HIP Chair S6. Car .eat : fer bucket teat, almoet new, ·-$15. Sell for $7. ~ ' l •o PM N Cost $2450. 1.fust Sacril! ··'4' ..... " '""" ·-.a 11 6 Ilk ....v • Near e \V $1'25. * 847 0~.,6 clu-s., etc. ;,46--0653 eve. YOUNG Tame Ahican grey val, sac $5995. 7141893--lOUI sell COlllalu<=u, ffllf! , e Articles. No Junk. Boutique -'62 'ELVINATOR 14 ft •• ~ ft new call alter 5 pm CM QUAL. Kng Site bed w/ K c:u • _. .... t; utnt talker age 23' STAR Class SNlboat, No. ' ' Items.~ 3187 Collete. · HAAU.fOND A 100, walnut, quilted m a t 1 . , romplete $50. Virtue dinette set, wood proot $295. 53S-Jll9 2070 w/trailer. $ 9 0 o •1.:;""519::.:· ='=-====--~74711 pet1eet cond. Prl party, N<."Ycr used $98; 'o'l'Ol'th $2&1.1 ='gra"-in""'l<"'0.'-6~1~>-3~1~66~~·~--6T3-6275, eves or wk-ends. TENT TRAILER '67 SPRITE, pert cond. U750 GARAGE SALE 499-1139 847~ BRAIDED Old World rug,C -.;;•""'--· ----..c•c:nc:;o GLASS SABOT rowt " After 6 or WttlH.ndS any Or best offer 6'f3.17Cti Morn- '60 A.H., rblt q., Radkl. "heater. xlnt c:on4. $115. 642-<;006 Bo)"I Ii. girls clothes, toys, PIANO TUNING &. Repair oval, 9 x 6. Gold & burnt -' nc time 892-4166 lfl& or Eves etc, Sat. 315 So. Flower, Expert.. reuonable! UPHOI.SI'ERING • (Eur!> orange tones. $75. &42-6480 SIAMESE cat, 2 )Tl old, Wllna:. NEW from ,$93, !-"'==· :=:='='-:-::===!.=""==:::;::::::==== S.A. Phone 5G-S'1l1 Albei'l Aaroess 67~7 pean crattmienl Free t'Sl., HO blue point, spayed female, * 6 7l-05ll * li~m;pof't911;~~A;ut;"~;9~600;·~1~m;tf14!;.rl~~~~A,~u~ ... ~-;~MOll!~I cif'~, picJ..'\lp, 215 Main, HB PROFESS. ,Train set, $25, 645--1892 ' Bernard'!! Uphol. S3614(S gauge, on tabl!!, dual con-SIANE.5E Sealpoint kitten, 8 Power Crv_i.~i:!._9_'.020 KN ITTING Machine, trol. Sac. s75. 54~2929 \\'edts, female. Trained. $20. r E ' Strlgomatic, dble bed, like 9' SOFA Ir matching chair, 546-2127 $4500 3J' Cl.auic Cruiser • •u. • ' I · new. Co6t $300. Sacrif. $100. Westinghouse roaster &; Ii='======== llM7. Good cOndition. Ss ..J• 548-1675 after 3:30 Phi cabinet. 494-5146 ~ 1125 ~io. 1''lholne1er, all -GIBSON J.50--H.O. Exercyclo, ps trplc aJam oqu i pmoct 110 hp ' ELM. ORI MOTORS "itll J1ardihell cue, IQ&, Grey 6' couoh, \Vebcor ALASKAN ·M ute1, for Graymarine, llleepe 2. 6. . _.. ""~" .,.,..., .oo_,, or breeding. AKC 547-C""" $320 new, S200 or oU"r 'WIJ'e ''"""r• ~ 1 ,;"--'=-=-~----- Erlc. 61'-5160 after 6 PM. SLOT car track 8Xl~ ~1::d, ~ .. ~~ 22' CAam . cruiser, ~ KOFL.Aot Ski boots, 1izo 11 ~: $30, size 9 $22.50. Hard.rock ma.pie cradle $20. 962-4159 32nd scAie: lU'. new. and up f9j...JST3 some work. a. real buy a.I ~lake oUer. ~1375 · $250. Call: 642-C50 MULTI.COLOR Tlper n~x BASENJI. Barkltss d 0 g I - wa.ler JJki, ne'v $50. \Valnut trom Afrlea: odorless. short Bolt Ml1ntenanc:e 9031 .hair; A.KC ~ line, v.1ll•f--'---=--"--'-'-;;.;;ll CURTAINS I! drapes $1 • 11.mp tbl $5. 644-1352 coft$\kJer tra.de; tr ms, 18. ElocC fittpl ... , $8. =======16=1 O =642-4l50;::.,;;:;' :.,.______ SKIPPER for !URE li>felal frame window 50x74. ~ ~n~ ---• CHAtlPJON sired, AK C, BY HOUR OR DAY 115· M>-268< $ WE BUY $ mlnl&tu,. Sohnkuun. ""··l----'-"-----"--34" SQ pecan cocktaU table BoJton d3¥11 &t7-atl eves __ _,,_, !40. 4 •helv.t $12. Li•h< $ FURNllURE $ 494-.1513 Marine E'l"lp. 90U fixturrt S2 • $10. 64~2684 A"PLIANCES " -,-totO.ING. must ~II. 2 pure: NEW··-Winllow H fn.. • FIRE Ii. Burzlar Alarm c.1,, TV'•-'i•"•'-St•t••'• bN!d white to)' poodlt'" 2 . man " Sysmn. lnltalled u tow u 1 ••·~1 ~ ~11111 J:i1ll yrs old, $50 tor both. Must ft&tul& llte raft. Purehutd $99. Call 64:J...3490 CASH IN JO MINUJES 5"11 togelher. ~U92 Oct 14th 1968 •! Nl!WJIOl1 l\tarlne &!ppl)I at cott Of 21" KJNG ... l&wn mower • • 541-~53 I • AFGHAN $243.9> lncludl"< "''' tu. ~lcOaln edpr, $125. 466 ll month old female Hu SIU'Vival kit. $lsb. Ne• E . 18th St. CM. Luskey Cris.t>~ Dlrec-SIOO * 833-2967 No. 3 bnmic \Vlnch, 2 \VROUGHT tron patio toft & tcries • Newport Btath. Sul lRlSH Setter Pufl&i. AKC h&ndJu. 500' 311" Sl.n:lpeon 41/2% I•~• A11e"c.l"t •••ll•tik • a.111k ep.pr1••I •f (,.iillt. REE • FREE 'i us Veqas V1tllion 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FDlt TWO N1 1'11rcfl1M N•c1tttry t5300 Bad llYd. Wesllllinsfer 194-3322 r ' l,bl $33.. Metal t)lpeY.Tit~r Oenw:nle. 492-433? Champion ltred. lttd 1hota: Yacht braid · line' -.PI tJ • tbl"' '44-13.U roa< 1T ro 'EM! 546-478' auonat pam. etc. SG--6024'"'""""'""""'"1"""'""""""'""""'""""""""""./I I OPEN 7 DAYS ~:--:::::~-""='""''"=~----==~------------==--------------- •. " ' • = • fllundaJ, A,rll 10, i .... ' rRANSl'ORTATION rRANSl'OltTATI ~~~!:::!!~~~~~~~ lml'!'1"" A--HOO ·lmportWA-.ffOO lm;o.ted:AulOI 9000lilm~""'~';°"~AuN~.~~-~~lm~port..ii;iiji~AAJ~lol~r:-~I UMdC:."'· _ .:::;:::.;::::,::__..,::.:::,=::.:::=--...:.:::;:! • I CORTINA .MERCEDES IENZ SUNIEAM I• __ CAD~l;;..;Ll;;..;•_e_1 -'----- oo "'°RTINA GT, nm-. M>:J!CED~ '<I. llO, • cir '59 RAPIER ,SEDAN, ti<>Od • CHICX la~· IC. II '62 CAD. '63 CORVAIR -auto FINESr$' ElEalON 1 .pd .• Xlilt eood. $1 0 9 9 • .... .... ..,.. Gr ... tar.. tu!.._ ... .... tnm. ,..., ..... ~ H.s. ~ ·: . ·-1 ··--, OP1'11U THiii Cfl. DI YI.... • I a -.' . ' OUTSTANDING ll'ICIALI NI_. and fl<l air. Do • . .,ll , '.DATSUN MG TOYOTA • IUGS Ir •HIAS ~ wlllls, 1'>rlYo lo 1111'11 ,.COisVll ti ' OF ' · 1969 DATSUN -.· ~ -• TOYOIA -· S]99 ,. S1899 . ·a-s 99s • i~·:zc .. . ~' • Door. Demo. Radio .... • • ......,.=-=...,· . , • .: .. ·. , i . JOHNSON .. SON .~. . ..... tt... i I:; ,.. EViou· sll· .. · htattr, white wall tirts, war. AJ ~ '61 ~ c..,. SIJff ''61 ,,,.... f11 i sai; atnilt clnr ran~. Only 1""'"'9 Ctr ltlt • ·ronctwl l11erte111etle flo1"1111IMl111, • \ l.4neoln-KeMaly Gr ' $1595 Hllf.'lt Vflllle 'Ille• "'"' . , '"''"' ,1, """""''"' lNl Ha:W BIYd, 6t2-'llllO acrWle. ~. loo It a> . ., , ''"''"'"'"' tY"'"' FM ,,,, .. ••Mo. ..... • •• eH1V: IMP •atfllr ·•"" ';,',, ~ OWNED """' mo .. to """' from. -Lt.ON ~. ~.· ..m.:-"'" ';" .~::te::.;;;:~! . ' .. c;.~ . 1! I loue'! 'II i ' ' DOT DATSUN -·•• --""' 'M vw"' ...... ,,.,, 311 c:u. 111, v~ ltil!. '" · • -> • . ~~~..::.~~ .. ,:r.;;:_., ~ ... ~..i,: imuu ~;wt·.!:':'.'..'."."~~:;: :!\:~,J!.111..:-., ... COUIAI '6~'67. ··'68 ,188351l<achBlvd., ........... ~ -CM, ilPlll .. , _ •11 14fft . ' •• M._. .. , tN91'1ll · . ·a1ot1 ' Ullolritlli419JIMM~ Hun"=.,"""" ·~~~:;._"1)o•/Wi =•i17 TOV&Tl" 0 i~r'J::i~ ~~ .. :~'v: ''~E:~·~~illi•:~:' JoHNSON&JON ~~:...--= ' 'ff2000DATSUN 61Mlal CORONA IJD, ' Llncoln.Me..,.,,, -IQ.'11111 CADILLACS ~~::;:, ~:.~:. o'pn ..... "'-""'""' wblt. w/ CHI"' rumr1111 DIC 00 -BIYd, "2-'lmO IS.SOO ""'"· l .ownar, a~. . . ' ' ' ' ' ~t seats, radio, beatl!:r, 1---'iw·lnt. 4""' 9l'Jl\PICt at I.ft ' llUUUftr • Uh CAD Coupe 41 VWe, Pob-ttrtir. NW bnlctl, wsw'~leathanl~mlUn. ,66-ft .•~"'-'!.Ul.Ylll VOLKSWAOl.N 67~1 podOO<ljllo-i: )'ellaor ,::; vlnyl top, der ""' wan-. Toke older """"" """°" -.... ' -91191 a .......... -"." • Zt!W :t·::: ~ rso· ' ~ I IN' .lft CALIFORNIA :-."'.":~~:i:·;ri~ps:;. .... dlr, ndlo, ~I JOHNSON ,•ION U07H•norllvd.,Ceot11Meo\ •• Ulllc dlliiWl!llff," CD1JCJC an.r.•.1.1 ,.,._, lB YNW 485. Ca 11 Ken, hl4" exterior. AU ' ~ ~ S),IXXI mtlet. Red w/blk WI, !1!Jl tDt;, lo Jl.l, lUll ' ' * t>l-9!13 "' 545-0634. '""no" l50 C<l!I:~ 1141*"°"111~. Ml-111110 • 9700 ""'· Loodad, x1n OOIJd. x1n1 pwr. poo nn. . p.A.c Pr. 4 IOOR - 2 DOOR' fine prvt p,1)>, !;I TQYO:+A l'l!!!l'ltll AUlw "°'· Autao Won!"' tint. 844.2811 ' _!Q<· "1--a!lJ Nff1!l "l!; . ' ENGUSH FORD ""'tor Ke• • 'I · YOLICIWAllN WI PAY · ·: · '63 <;AD. Conwrt,"Jhi1e. bile. 'I llll!IGO\il llliiid ""' • I llarados • C1l11s rRANSl'OllTAT10N . TRANSl'ORTATION TRANSl'OltT ATION TRANSl'OllTAT10N TRANSl'OltTATION j j • l l i ·' • O.M"IGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER 1968 OPEL Kadeti -. llllACOllA~J:N • CASH lthr, air, fUlt p..,, Ne., 1D9. 1'!NO !f'.t:..1o.llll ff -"" ~~·~-:Cllll . lM011E ·-11 ~·~ ~ --~~...,,,,.,_.,::.".-.....~~-.Coupe de-Villes • Sedaa de VIiia -. ' *' Wiii 1'11· Lo II\~ 1968 c.d Q>lljtiji""vmf. 1 _P~O~CH• -~~ XllllOOl!llo!lnl,~ :.t' .. -=.:=~ l'llLloY.=1·1lllO' DODGI PRICED ' FROM ~3495 } COMPLETE SAL,ES -SERVICE PARTS CENTER · NEW. USED Thoodoro ROBINS FORD '!Iii PoRScHE '~ w1. 8 M+xvy 11 vw v&r1P1 """"-~' "'ftl llllVMlfT 'II 111>PO~ Lan<er cr ... v.,,., · · Beaut!lul ~ ,u..,. ~ A ""' lltlM, Mllll ..U._~. llllV "ll'"v ci.ua•o "'°" ::_llllfT '""ear. •Pedal. taeto<y 11n1a11 ~·l =ir m.• .,., "" ...., ~ "-..... ~·-S.me Carry New Car =m~~ .. · ,. vw -.. r:lltll: ,,.,~~r ·11 c.uwt0. Aulaoiott.1 iillloUi1f*:tiil.ePaao. s Year or 50,ooo mile Warranty "Rt_., -~·-.. :. '-:yan-! t,I •I-... A, itt'Wi ..... ~' v~. rn, .... X1n • eyl. .tin, -1 ~' 2000 >Wbor BIYd. -1.600 mJ] .. , llli "· 11 Cllll ""'·.. "' .... --WUI ..... '" c,ulARQ Ill .. .-. .... • lllfl, 11/H. ' ::;;~=a-·~ i::::·~jj.,~ ..... Call_ ... ~ .f!!!w!Ul!".... A'LLEN eo.ta Mesa 642-00IO PRICED TO SEU, ti 'fOVOPfi, iiii11 liiOO\. 'flVO\iiWllOn. , Q.. 11111o .. , t Ip\!, PooMIWlon; xJnt. ""· 9 ' Lo 1llL Ono . .. . • . '67 CORTINA JOHNSON&SON fll"4.,c1aan.aa;1-l'OOl,wl4• 111o1, ~.1111 r........_.,.,. 11¥t1 ..... 11t11 """""~ LINCOLN-MERCURY -. """'•· llGIO. MM4n a f"1 '!!.tilM hlll ., ill't'.UrMO."lo:.; i!Uii&IO. •ALCON 1600 • 4 speed • radio. Law mill!~. Thi! di! lux model with buckl!:t .eats. WFVl.96 $1350 JOHNSON·& SON ' LinCOln·~fl!:tcury 1941 Harbor Blvd. "2·7~ VW rn --• aot. ~ ~ _ "1nt 01Ht4; 'MU1t •Ill r 2626 -~ ... M... TllUMPH lwu1 '!:."k!w-ui"i 673°1190 ~ 115-JiOT alt ~ . 'II '1lllNT ra1con, btlclatt ~M,:0~s.osu°;o.,0;J Tlllll~'\:, ~~ nni~~\IN 1:!"Y~ "cHMOiif"' :'J:.\":,"Q;j;,.~tis~ 1110 SOUTH .COAST HIGHWAY' tu choote from. Red oo ;;ru W ·pt\1\1. --llolll. TOP I~ -No !llvd. Nowphl LAGUNA BEACH · ' Sllvtr. All the ex tr a •. ~ ~ SYt ~ MAgy TOYO?A '6' MAL 1 IU · u..&Qb. · OLDSMOBILE = CADILLAC :;';':'~=.Blvd., ' :J~'CiiTllof J.~'i~~;. a.=~1ii-~:;~~·=·= tra••l•;y:rt1j.~"1i'~l''"l"!'l.'~...,1,1 4f+.1~ • 547=3'10) FERRARI 1968 po". c HE 912. "voFusw!tlN Jl"" <;all alt .,30, ~ ,tktz.i ........ ,.11 .... 1168-3f'15 a11 . • • ... • 1-----.:;..--r.,,..rtne '''''"• 4 ...... M\ " 'Ii vw 'C¢ger, ""°" 0<>>1'1. Aut. LN~!!J . flto ;..,.. f,,;.l:'J".. f.& •.=; , I ' , • ~ ' ! ! ' • Newpm/~R,:.RILtd .• o.-~~tmil.:"'·to mi:.~: . ,.~· ' .~f:. ~~· Now "":'. t/ llAJE 'IM / ~ uzni,i. Call Ill• •POI!,, ..i L{t!f!.S~ra . 9'00, I~~;, · ~·d=~··-author-=E-~~ .. 1600 ir.;,.vwilhl'ir'""~ ~ '68CadCpedeVWe,fUltpWI', 1irxtmyt1on, "I Ill67i5RD,LTD JAVELIN ; ' MUSTANG ' . .I ... ~s SERVI~ p•-s /Ml •-11n X tire1 "· • air, v'"'1 n>OI. DriYOn onlr -•fl.. 13 Cbov. COUPE · ! noo w. ~Hwy":"~~ ~:-. ~~673-QjS . ttrti. •. 14500 rpJ LQgQ ""'' .. ""•·"'RP •nc .• power """'"'· IAVIL!N '&8 390 AMX q, ·e MUST~G Conwrttbie i Ne'N'lort Beach •66 PORSCHE 912, 5 •peed HAR BOU Ill 'ti WF~wr. · )&C' llflC11 mO. lit ll 1 •IM. nio. ' •tlmflf. Prl••:rn· Oftt ~ ..=:1~ -MJ, PIS, ~ID, Air. maa: PS, auto' truii, radio •1 I 642-Stm 540-1764 beige/ blk inl. 28,CKll mi. VOLKSWAGEN, l.,C, fl86Q, T«)l•,wner.tt•, 'tf'NllrdL&Mlttldr,klld. lJ •. • ~"'it-le. htitlri ~. "1tift Racine Pale. $350 a: heat,r, .cle1.11., '$1250. 1 Authorized MG Deal -·~· .., ~ llolc!I .. Cid ~/IXll'll, tlf. Drive• Olllit lleooh · •· "" llou., 111mu .. '" _., ha!. 64>-1131 alt ~ , : 1==..:===o:;;'""r"" "'1! . ..,,.r, 6'~ Authocl•ed 'PVW i!iflZ; •. IJOd 111t Im IOI. iM roo -· •I •ft 'CllJIW"ll liiiftlfiit ill' ftiaso. ).llOW w!ill blaclc i:,,_ !:Ill '66 MUSTANG, R&H, FIAT ''5M:~. ::...--11711 "=:'iii~~ Xlnt oont pvt -· lllOO. SO llUH mo. '"I· llucbt -"· air cond., .,,.. n>OI., BUI' ol the ....,, rood, Xlnt rood. Must odl• m-<936 Aller 6 PM 64&-1078 UT COAST ""' tlqla ...,..u """"· No c1ea1aJw pie-. (TXmfl MERCURY 67>-1"4 aft ''"' "foldF!!._T 1100 .. a .. DeLuxe, -m4 ~!.:::======= '6SV.W. BUG ·~ ... ~; ~!,cond. ~~ 300Wce~~~IVNG ~M&-Uf;:~ = $18115 S'VE MM '65MUSTAN~4,Xlnauto,r "''6 '""' ...,.-RENAULT Guaranteed, ready to IO! ~ ........ -............ ... eve1, -.r• • .,... .. "..., ~1038 n . ..,_ 1967 MERCURY h, air, vinyl • ......_ t Cl:IQd. •urfboud. Fino School car. #""A 131-UU tlf5.2l!I Newport Beach •ii"ll!PAl.A Clflrl.,ik aiioi, . "°'11 Kcll•y Bl!.f l!<>il< . COLONY PARK : ruoo. 548-31~ • New"""" IISO· -. PRE OPENING '66 v.w. BUG "' vw, ...., v.wtr o• Ll!ASI 'RINT •11·111 auto, 1191. 1.Aavi"I JOMNSON • SON STATION WAGON SHARP, Jato 66 M ... ta. v.a.· i Gual'llltHd. soow room con. tranll., otherwbe cl!!:an! ALL POPULAR. fQr HawtJ.l pWtt '4 J(on UNOOLH-¥ERCURY f\Dytl Al&roon .mt!talic finish. hd tp, AJf/fJ"!r. 1 ·°"'* ISO RIVOLTJ; NE.W _ _ d!t!on. Lie. UJD 419 Gd, tirel, $000, 642-4115 MAKIS ..... , C __ · ,'8111' ...... t Cli>a4J ~ wtlhma_tchtlW lotorior, f""-Sl&lt"· wk-eod. ~- !SD "65" Luxury 1+2. Body $1395 '63 vw, 11111 roof, top -· PORO 'II ClltVY, ii111t :iii. sipc1. . . ~ . f.actory aqwppect ' ....,....... . ' by n.rio"', cburia it> ''3 V.W. CAMPER thruout $850. *1155 AUTMORIZID lllnt.mech-. lltw """'-(tl ,!!l~ol '°'lllPJ'l"""t\ ,auto. trano., Allio.' b<ator, OLDSMOllLE • Bmamru, 310 HP b) with aw"'"" well equlpped. LIASINQ .... '11111 • 1lllT 1'1RD XJ;Allll power.teerlng:pOW<r hralc; -. -l. Corvette, Air, AM-FM-SW, Lie. UKJUll9. . VOLVO t8 CHEV Btl Air 4 dr J'act • &QO es, dual action tall ~g&!e; ?,111)11 ... IYERSIJY ~ ~w x tires, Custom paint. S·ALE 1 64 v.w. BUG Get Our s~~li~ R&tea .,,., etc. &auttM ' ocnltf. 2 ch Hardtop, • .4,tfto.Un' ... ~~ ~!.~t1'"· ~ ' . . . ) l4llOO or Trade. 546-5387 Bua. G""'V'teed A oxtra YQl YO Thoedort . llBl!I ~ hua hltao "'"''''" lrith two *"'95 ~AL°ES & SEltVICI ' JAGUAR lhan>. RCF 892 S '8'1 CHEVY 1-la SS, 2 tone matghloa tntor!or. Allto. •~ , , lllfttUft•llf · i "WI CAN"f WAIT .... OUI" '65$G99HSIA $. s· AVli I ROllN FORD cir hud top, R&H, Pil, ..... 'Mii, P,s.. P.B., JOHNSON 8c SON ~l:".ll'llllJ ~ GRAND OPENING m1 -111,., Mil.!!!! 1110;-.mo 'lll1wn Gtllf ai,oao 1111111 by UNcout~RY , '67 JAGUAR XKE Coupe. 1Whlte opalescent beauty ·With bticket seat interior, Afd·FM radio, air con- ditioning and low mileage. ftrf u 1 t Stt. Dealer. 18835 Beach Blvd., Hunt. Beach. - S~f,, w;',':. b=..IJt.i:::: H!;;c:.:r;: ~YS~~'ott c..ta M<aa ~ 'I !liiif W'.'fan, 1000 mr.· ·~~~-= :Jl'J."" 2628 Harbor~ta M•sa t FREE PDP981 " L • ~ LIAll IT ' ~·~-· ..... ~ •iii ' (IMi,llo.olSanDlogoP'Wy.) ,, RADIO INSTALLED '64 ooi1J'; ~ART fall UDU NEW l9til Fonl LTll, v-1, I 1 JOHNSON I l~N 11167 MERCURY w/ blk tnt Must oa11 -1 S w.,o •. 6 cyL, p/otffr., auto., IHPORTS :.i -::::..~.,:t= co--NENTAL ~F~ ' ~ ·, .~Y~ ... NE. L>g"GhTt ••""alt""'' ~ "ll"· l ...... ' ~. ~°! ~~~No~ : ·~:W air, Extra, extra cleah. Uc. TOTOTA.YOLYO trim, vin1l roo"ilm.D mo., _, 11 ... _Har &i; ';tth black ·buck;t -~~,,·~=~=-·I ~ RENA'"T ,., •tock d""-No, OPK9' 1$61195 ·~ u.~. cu ... 9303 2f mootha I,.... 'tie CON't'lNENTAL (lM!~ifW!llaaoP'Wy.) •all. •· ~·'"·' b<au•• 1"' OLDS 412 ~ '6,1 MARK x, Pb/•, ••. "~ --~ -·--. "'•' -SOUTH Co,l•T :.e· , "."' "T--~.D with .. ;;;;: ~ -~ Good at • 519-l!"J ~ autn """'· •le wnd•, • .,, ""' ........ """' da.Y•. '64 RAMBLER '63 VOLVO ... 8-l! ""'· CA· L1••11111 ·---Ian ..... --'~ ' ., d l -"-'T 00.U t bric&-4 whb, x!ot cood. HURRY Amcrioao han!lop, I eyt., Xlnt """ radio-lelll oria· "'° W, ea;, Hta-"t;;; """ Ill-~ Ce""'1 •'411lrt ~· ~~-~ ';.; , PLYMOUTH 6'15-3682 ''Tlm,e LllDlt Oller'! auto., IWf. huclcet ..... owner. ,,..._ N...,.rt Bolch -ljonl., AM FM !Mtf. ""1' . ',~II . w ,llrl, llO GT·en. ~ '' . • Lie •. No. ~r 1961 voLvo "' s AUTO JWRrr ,., i.m...,...,. -.., · ' , , 1t11 -'66 PLYMOUTH ..... • " KARMANN GHIA BRING YOUR TRADE-IN .,, '550. Oriatnaf owner * '"'* .,i., '°""'rt·~ 11'1!11 dual ..., '""' -· ~ 2 Door han!top. 1--------1 TO OUR NEW LOCATION '66 TOYOTA * 141-1335 * ' lilolco•:-"'• I -Ill ,.,r_lli, p,~, · , b<ator, vtnyt lop, faclar>' '68 GHIA, dum whb, AM-'c.nm w,...o, ~. 1tlck. I AI.lo IU>KU ...,, .... , aoal. ( llll ~r -· Ill. JOHNS & SON a•, o""' 31,~ mil•• w..,. ~ FM, nu paint, 16.~ mi. B&Z IMPORTS """""''" p!U1 , ~. Stk. bet C•ra, Rocio 9620 'c COMPE'ITl'IVEP A ' ~CE! $2ti11!. , LINCOLN Y ""'"' In •tfect 117 P. ~ MOD~. T Roacsa er, ., • .._ tat w Cout Wa"1r(Q -,.._ loOk . I ~Harbor oms Men. 61>-4119 aft" Pl99 · :~·495/ . ·-1 -.~ •rt ox uto -""' SAVE ... 05 · · $1995 ·MERCUR o.ater. 18835 ""'"' m,;i i '66 DAT N WAIDN V. ';:! ~,'.• "1otll4o Mt•MI •Beoeb 1!IM "'°"'11~.IJfa '.IOHNION I ION ~. . Huot. ll<ach. 54...,..2 ( MERCEDES BENZ 4 •peed, ndio & heater, w/w,' WU · ·· 'L(nooln..J!•rt"'Y (I Mt. l!o, o! Sao D•""' Fwy.) MUST Sell ''68 P,,..,..th n ck '" top. CULic. Lio. No. • • !/.1111 Cora ttOO 18t'JJ>o11ft\1Zf' Ull llat1!Gr O:Yd. 142-~ 1966 Mercury S-55 ~ .~~ i.,1 ~.'.""'95 ~ ~· RGF663 Atitoo \Yontid 9700 CHOICE·, '61 Rlvlora loMlt<!. g.,. llllillUJl!lqrllti -'41 l'ORI;> COUNTRY ' · Sport Cpe h<•t oHer. tm--0119 alt ·I 11 ITS Bet.ch bau1e time. Bil" pst telectliob evttl Se.J 0. D~Y PIWf Qaulfled RCtion "'lCW! 410 Mein St., Huntington Beach 5~m SUBARU SUBARU Retail Division 1000 W. Co.st Highway Newport Beach -50*54G-27» lmportad AulOI 96001mpomd Aulal CHICK IVERSON,. INC. "ON COAST HWY." NEWPORT IEACH Finest Seledion Of C)uht1ncllng UNCI VW's On The Gold Coal! • Flnffl S.lodl°" Of c..,nv,,. Condition Uiod ,.._ ~ .,, P..-. 1HI siml''I VW.. t11., 'c,.. Ab1ol11t•"' flko Hw. htr• "'''" e.f9r II• f'll• fWYW211l lew. fll1Xt4t) ''6 r.nct. tll Mitt .. 1p1o4 .tt.-f11111ittl•11 12 •• <h•••• ft.111) CHICK IVERSON, INC. VOLKSWAGIN 445 E. COAST HIGHWAY , • ..,.,. Driftl HIWl'OIT llACff 67''°900 $119S -X!nt ooncl. '61 ,_,; 1,1 ioo._ 111_ 4ute .r... Sl!DAN Suony yellow tln~h w;!h PM. ; ~ WE PAY WH SedllJ. Auto. Ex cood: pi. !WI, P.a,1 P.a;, lactory .~: Sta""'' dlr, V4, pwr ,,..,. buckot ,..,., whit. landau '65 PLYMOUTH .at.tlon·....,. i · "" -.me. home m.!1111 llMI -adlNt!led th!& toa, Exc:allont condition. llO ""!. Equipped with A.T., R Fury I, full pM, "'"'"""'I fOR YOUR CAR low. ·au Tt5. Cu• d•" or take 1malU"" • II, P.S., ~.B., P. w!od., Local ..,., Sell !or low - HARBOUR VOLK~WAGEN, INC. IUICK fl095 •Ian car. Fine prvt pr!Y. $39 P-1, ·'"°"' oonaole, etc.· 1.=""°=:· ;:Owner=:i!J6'8936:i:::;: .. ::::::;;:;·1" ---JOHNSON & SON Month. LB UEV .... Call >l.000 0........, milOI. Looko I CONNELL 11166 BUICK WILDCAT Ken, 545-0634 or 494-!ml. a00 dri,., Uke now,SVY828 PONTIAC I CHEVROLET 4 DOOR LINCOLN-MERCURY •ii RANCHIRO , '21915 ' . 1 2828 -Blvd. Sllver m!ot finial> with btaclc 2626 ~ta 14"" Owned by lltuo 'ole man JOHNSOl\I & SON '111 POm'lAC 'GTO 350 ... i srue!u~rvicc O>lta Ml!:a '5'&-WJ ~~.~~.~ :,.:·:i; (1 Ml, So, ot San Diep Fwy.) ~~~t3 r·1n~:ri~ ~=~!a auto ~r.:: ;t!~: ~· l8nl ~ch Blvd. 842-4435 DAILY Pll.OT OIM&A· condition, Orlginal throu&h-'63 LINCOLN Runs llke a top! $50 Ca.sh MG.5635 · BRAND new Ftrehini f&b ·1· LJNEs. y"' .,.. "" them ocrt aod prieoc! tor fut oale. CONTINENTAL deb. pymoi. $29.86 mo. Cl Ml, So. oI San o;,go Fw;.l 0,,., pym,..,Only LllXi '!nl'~ ) DAJLY PILOl' WANT ADS for >ut """'"a daJ. Dial Sh!C 001, $1195. . 08025 Call "'"· 494-9713 or '65 MERCURY Lea""" '""· ......, . ' Aln.ys a Go-Go! 642-.5678 ' SAVE '570 4 dr, Sedan. Full fact. equip, ·,;,545-0634:=:..:=·-=.,.----,,,I , From Kelly Blue 8oolt Leather Int, Sil<. #<»A BODY Meo attenlioo; '62 Parldcmt 4 cir, H.T, RAMILER ' WE. ARE ONLY #2 SO WE TRY HARDER FOR YOUU '69 TOYOTA From $J770 41h% BANK FINANCING WITH 15'k DOWN ... _ .. ~ 48 MO. BANK FINANCING AVAILAILE WI NEEO YOUR TRADE INI llAllH• AYAH.Alli DEAN LEWIS ' ' ~ IMPORTS 646·9303 TOYOTA-VOLVO VOLVO 1966 HARIOR, C.M. JOHNSON & SON $1095 Galaxy 4 dr. hdtp. V.S, v.a, au10, P.s.,, P.R. aod ~ UNCOLN·MERCURV JOHNSON & SON aUlo,, Mii, a•-cood,, t1<l. fact, air, ""-i&e blue wl NEW '69 Rambler, !)l!I .... 2626 Harbor Colla Mna tiret, Jo ml., b'Ollt epd match~ lntmor eom,Jete. compact, $200. ' ~5 J.Jnooln.Ml!:rcury damaged, Malm off• r • lY recondl~Md ~ n Ml lo, o! Sao DlqoFwy,) llHl lla:1>or ffiYd. ....~ 962-!45!1 ' $14SO '60 ·BUJCK 2 DOOR. '66 CONTINENTAL 2 door 1960 FORD, P/S, P/B, Sharp JJz concl hard top. Luxury equlpP'd R/H, x!nt oood. New tlm JOHNSON Ir SON $2'19 · ~ with lull power including It brakes. $300. M&-37') Uncolno~ · •Ir conditioning. leather in-· ....... • ._ . terior FM radio wtth iterec 1959 FORD, .9 pua, ita ~Harbor mvd., 642-TlllO CADILLAC i.pe 'docl<. Beautiful wqoo. Completily .....,., '64 MERCURY =======I _____ _;. __ I n. uda )'ell w;th hi.de Full equlp, $'25. llfU!ll , T-llRD '6J CAD. 1aa':. .... .::. $ 29 9 5' '53 FORD Panel ·Sta "'=-MONTCLAIR en. ------ epE. DE Vlw Phone 675-4448 "" ls lllll or bHt • V.$. auto, feet. air, P.S,, T·BIRD Landau, 11117, fUlly • '69 CONTINENTAL Brand 548-04m P.B., etc. The 2 dr., H.T. loaded. 30,(0) Mlln. Prtoed : J'\til powtr • fact, air. A new, lta.se for S159 pr '62 FORD WAGON' model 1n 1lnt condition. . to 1ell $2!500, Prvt Jrt1 , beauty • whlll with whitl month. Phone sand>' Sharp. ST,000 ·ml. an,tnal. lOXllT ~ 1 962-.9683 ~ 1 landau roof. NYL5al Sanden. l<alO Mar· &U--0981 Owner. 54M63l ' $'95 , 111 T-BIRD Landau. fie. air, · $1395 or 54(>.56311 '58 RANOIEllO JOH.,...., & SO' N flpwr, dllc b..i... -JOHNSON & SON '63 ' Dr. Air.' Blk Uher, Rebuilt -Ion . =~ Wroty. Priv Pty - Uncoln-Mtre\U')' !t.~::S-tro1.' 0: ,61 FORD ~N'VERTIBLE 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-'TMO '~T·B:: ~dean, ... 19UllarbotBlvd. '42-7ll50 owner.$1145.613-7549 $2TS '69 MERC. Marquis with W..OT'i'ar&a-oao COD,, ' '61 CAD. Fleetwood·, fUD ., • ., .,...,... fact. .1. n--> ,_ ..... '66 LINCOLN, lmmac rood. ~.L -~· IKIUIU • T-BIRD ft Ah' an pwr., Rood~ $.W5 Jaw mllff. Ml pwr, $2995. 1960 FORD, T.Slrd ena, 4 iuo Pl' month: Phone Sand)' etc. Cle.;.! iia = Call After 5. 536-9234 Aftt!t 6. 644--2859 nu Um:, Rood trallt car. Sanden. LMte MI r • 5il-mtl61J.a29 f DUE to deeth In tam. mutt $16S. 645-87 &U--0981 or 540-a · fldl '65 Cold Ca,dlllac, tully dUSlE$T &Oatktl)Jt.te It. '56 T·Blrd, 'lllltomadc.t"* aqnip,..i. 1141~15 CORVAIR "' FORD PICK-UP ""'"' Tho DAILY PILOT Muat -lo ~t ---===·-... -Excellent C'Q11d~Uonl Owlfted ...,... .,. -~ m.na DAJLY PILOT 'I/ANT ADS Dial- 'ii MONZA. J •pttd •·540-18'9 e m111ey, tlmo A_,. t:oo. · DAILY PIL<Jl'..WAi/f 4111• 1315 + 17&-t~ White 91ephantll ·Dim..-Hnl now111 BftJK9 JtDO'L'TS1 •• • ' ' • !· \ • ,, , :::~ ... :::;'~""';;;;;.· ___________ TI\'"dl1;;i;;;;;;;.;.•'~Apfll;;;;.;'l~~~·l~'l69.;.._~....,.....,..,,....;.·--.~,..-.,.......~~.,..,...-..,.~~ ...... ~~~:---.~.--~~~.,...~~~~~:---r---.--:-:-r-:-~~~~~~~~-i' ~ . . . ~ • ' ' ' ' • • • • • . • • • ' • • ... ' • • • • ~ •• ' ' • • • t ' < • • • • • • • • • ' • • ·,. ~ . .. --~·~ .. ,...~.,,,, .. , ................. '1._ ..... -r• ... ~ . ! • f ... .. • ' .. ! •. , • ) .. , . .-........... ,, J • _ .. ' " ~ ,-ilflfrll ..-...,._, . ' I. . ! I : •r., J" .. :;; '6~¥1f!--iJ2<:., . i!!,,,,>!1,,,l\llU1 ' . ' ~;;,_if i•:..:J"' .. ·· .•. ' h" ••. , . :·:v.it'''~" :·m~ · an 1c . .. c6.iltlrl'Uing ·.~iciirii'n9' :prog ' ·~~~~': O.f . •.th, ~· autfioiiz;KI'. n•w ,/ . ~ '"' • " . \ . • ' .• ·.t . . ' · ·· ~; ~Iii~ :ar~ . ~Qr.• .thctn : ~q~l;>te · Q ~, ·•t.~ •"' ' '.·''-. .., I ' . . ... ' , , , . . . , . . . , .., ·: tna.·:.englqes .. Using : .the ;most modern. au ' \f)I ~"' .,('. ·11 ' ' ~I ! • , ' r ; •' 1 ' ' '' · .. l, "J1i.QtJ>(i flesfing· and . re?air . equipment,, their ser-' : 1 .... ~~ •. '-.'1. ' •• ,. ·, • • . • ' . ' ( : '\· ~ ' •\ ' ' · .. POOLE IUICK . . 2i4·.e •. 111.~ s1~·c.;.to ·Me·~· u1:11u .' ,, JOHNS9H & 50,t' UNCOLN·MIRCURY . 26~'. H~tber·ll•d., Cost• Mei•;'_540·56l0 ' BILL MAXEY TOY,OT.A ·11111 lti•th .11vcl.~ Hu1tti"tton l•ech, 147-1555 . , I ' ' ' I NEWPORT IMpORTS . . ' ' . ' JIOOW.C,.est Hwy., Newport t .. ch, 642'9~05 . • I I \ ' ··GROTH CHMOLET Iii) i ,IHch, II.<!., Hunlintle•. leech, Kl t -l l l 1' . ELM.9.RE M4:>IORS 1 llOO· IHch li..I:, .Wes!Minsler, tf4.Jl22 . ' '· '· • .. . ' • -· . ' • . . , -'' • " ' -' . \ • ' ' .. ' ' ... '( ' '·'~ ... 11 ' ~~~-~-· ., • I • •' " ' l f,., t .. • • ,..{ w'<' , I ·-.. ' . " . . ~. . '•• : '·.) '.;) ~·:i: ·.~ .. i . '. I .'' : ~ :1. ! • , : '. l . ! I ( '.'.".'ft.-· , '· '' ',t 1 I ,' ' f ' ,, " •, i, I I l j ) ' ,. ' i 't