HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-12 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-• -----· .. ·-~ .. - . • . - -- = ' ... ' .. --. -· . ... ' ' . ·-·----.---- -' r' -' ' . .. ··""~~ .j... .... . ·, • l\• . ti .· . HOme6wner.- • ' ' ·"" ) , , ,. ' r · ·: '"~tes '. · ·70. ' .. ', • 'I.,-' • "" • "\ ..,. • ! \ • • • ' l 1 Tax -~lier ·· . ' •' '. ' I -- )'; ~ .. ..-.. =_., . ...;-_ ·;:' r ·t:~ ;:.: .... -·- ; -.. ' J --·--. . . ' 1 "' ···r ·71",.'lil r .. '""01~ ,·•\ • 'I ~· f ,:"',I., r;.fi ' • ,-. . . . ' .. ,..... • t ""·~.:-·:;t--. J . ., '\I : ' ,• ') -----._. -___ , - ~ • ------------- --. . .:;· _,. : .··. ... .. -·-..I !. ... _• · .. ' ' . . . ' . ' ~ .... ----'•• . ::::· .. .. ... ~ ' ---- j : .... ,. _,"!' ;.;, .. __ ....::: ---· -·---. ·--·~ ! "1 _.:. • ... ;._ ' -· _.. ~ -~-It ::-:: ... ~ --· -·--.. •• Jud.fJe ·· .. ,J'etls. . . • ,"'I ~ • .. ~-. • ... .. ' . --. . -·-_. t< ,..,. ""A .. --.o..;ro ....... _ ...::._. • .. ~. ·--· --· • "'.!:: ... .: .• , • .. ~ _,,.,. ,,,. I ,; . ----· ---.. . _ .... -~ ................ ~ . , ' --· -· ' . • ,, ..... I ' ·----. .. _ -• •j -= .. ...:' ~ .. '~ t= . "' ' ~ . ' . . .~ .-' . ' .. ' ·~ • I I 1 l I , I "· I I I I ,. I ...V.._t --s M~~es~:-...... Delta Ar.ea, ... . . ..... ---. DMZR~dsl . . . ••• • 'u • SAIGON (UPli -ti.a. ~ • ~ QJlnlmJllilta 1oe-· .. domillllir-L -(D=. m1tillr7 .,....iift oOld toiloy. Alliocl ........ killed II ~ .liiuniot· .,idierf ·In ......... _ .. fjlbrll ~the .oMz .. tbt.Mekouc ~. ·0amm--•-llllll-.,. -nldq nlPI 11111 -ly ,-, ·---·ol .a.cli:I.,,,. .amm ...... 111<11.-11111-. at .. -poOU hie pr<Vioul llliJil. • 1151 boml!!r'a •°""" -IT • mllUoi pcmli '" bombs ... OObunimlll 1"1op" <.1Jl>Cftllritionl, bait CllnJll, tiuntei'·Com- ..... 111111 ... J>CN poiltlonl tolhw<i!t ..i .-"Salg<m Friday nlgbt and -IJ CXlday, miliW'y ~ -- Four ~ wa"e kmld Frldl1 -~flrlobat~. a U.S. --alll l....._.la ~-• Nam proi>lnce In ... Nlil<a't nc:Ctliift. ~-'!be-....-~..­ ed el(ISmilet~ollvA ·S.. fhen:.~~ .. .==.::.· ...... Nordi and~i::.. alter Ill ~ lloopo --opotted movtni Into Ille. bulla-""""· . .. ,'\ ,. . . ...w MMiDe ~~l)MZ ~ftb. Com- ~ • ~-mile. !ml!le the ICIUtbem <idpd,the --~ -·-...... <I Con .1blen. AD aslil oi-- .-S IJ b\ldlOll -the -.. .. \ f 'I t • JACK E. HART OF CORONA OEL MAR·IS 'A' MAN OF MANY SHIPS A Tempora.ry L1yoff B~ht Eltcfrlci.irl aft ~vocti'tlon of Titr•• DK1de1 Layoff. ·P.r.,..._p~ed Bobby . . . . . -. . · ~Meei Slaied . ·:.{in Offshore ._ ...... ----..... -·---*!rport Pfu~ • ~.:dealp and co~i>f . -·-:.Ill~ . iQ -:-r.;;,.~i;o 1.;. • «-. . .. preaiDa -' . . ~ -qr-. :::!.O'llmmn ' -.-..-.. -~ ~,,,_..,. --~· ..... M~~lf-soW:t and coDIUl!lng flr!n; will inUe the " inoemau.n at T·p'.m.·m'tbi·Beaid of Supervisors hearing ,_., SIS N. Sycamore St, Santa Ana. Company representaUves Forrtst Six and Chari.., Loni will dlaaJSB airport COOlJllunlly pw.na u It relates to .ti! adYlnlaps'lllil ~Mt0gea1"·""1ii!'• alrports, the leclmical '-"' ol ouch • . . ' ' .:fr...._,;. .. ' • t .. :. . om~---· .... -,.."' L::.:.=-..Jh.:.., ~a:~~;;;.T:ij; senate meeUna whether inv~ted or ool and speak when · they feel like It ~1"1 of rullnp by aenate Cbairu>U KeoMb.Ford. • ; ·'!be llO -i. have orunbad In pro-test to the reciont llriop ti UCI aaslllant po1_,, Donald Bnnnan and Stedlen Shapiro and the the threatened di.!mlsul of a third assistant professor, Geor1e Kent, whose cue i.s. aWl UDder review &y, campui authorities. Krisman said the anti.cs planl'ltd by protesting students are frantty aimed 1t displaying disdain for the UCI Academic Senate a 1 decisioo-ma.k.lng body itnce --.. lqet take the . !acuJtY. organization seriousllL Dissident slu(lenls WbQ I It OJI cle d Thurlcl.J··--senate~ .... fhe facultycledilV.1y vote downPii>Poal by • joinl f!i!denl facultY. committee tbal'. ltudenta 1MuaDy be allowtd t ct. partldpalo directly lb the hlllng or 10 pe«eot ·<1 .all new f.culty members at. UC!. From Pllfle 1 AIR ROUTE ... ·uwthe7'1b""1'""•it"trw,;.Wjtn c del .... _, . -ild 'F1-~ , . JB!)O t.J::~..:"~S::-~ · or-ona ·:_ Mar 1rian /Jegan. Bu· ing ~et .in 7o s airportl and a trief review of existing fl nsWdy of the action by one of bl! and ••• .-. -proJ<cl<. ; White . . r--·. . . -"--"'I ~·--.• jlOU!' wistan\s, .R9llel!. EU.. ; 1"' P"'8io! ·i:o< " •'-""Y ~ worf!i,.·c:.. ~" :.:.:.-::. .~ ~ ~ contrecl to Ille SW. <i Hawaii, ln the ~ in turiiC~· 'Ii "ii I ......, ""'--aold. By JORN VALTERZA .. "Peciple al~ ask il U-models are ~~Cine of .. ('1111M'iM4 \Dllr wl'dt•t:r• Of .. DMlf ..... 1191f - illerPt-Lyndao B. --. Bad< ln'the daya ·'lrllen a Wilmington carved outer ha .. plallU,.alld all I can «I lie ........ hall Ylli a'halt In -of llUpyanl was building a replica of H.M:S. lnswtt b have )'<>U ,,.. aeen a mhhip lie INZ l'llr mllltory ·ll"lioc. · BouDty for the 193$ Gab1 .. uuia-that was carved out cl a ooUd·bloct?" Jn --.a.ca .., tooN ...i ....ie epic, an electrician for tbe llnn To 'Illustrate tbe teclmique <i lmnea -· the Cmnn.-blaltocl Vinb 1-wu repllad for a lime by atudio and lanki' the &!ij!lt iiruloos man has .... 1 7! "Dolia -K'-"'. -~ .. . ' . .. . ""1111\;'"""*'liiClkili oi~·~·l lidl, -p mi1rt1o lln..The .....W ilnded "° . Tp_iobUo a~I the idle ho1111, Jao~. p)ele with a ma$1 and iluing, showing .. totii'i . p>llCi Uloln, :tillOtg °"' · ~~ fl'COrollll d'1 Mor, deck(id'·~ boild the' frame, 'anif planks. -aM wOOndiri("tbi-ee -.. hia own ships -only to scale, instead ol The attempt Is so·reaJlattc, that there 1be O:nwnunillU tUJJed JO perm11 and lile-siJed. are even . wa\ef cub,. in minialure, ·Injured 11111111Vlnh1-'lburdl1· n-days more than three decades secured below decb. • ago. marted the ~ of a Jong. "It's dlincult to estimate the hours it luting avocation for the now rtUred takes to make a model lilte this galleon electricil engineer. Hart has bullt'models here, and it wou1d be downright im- of nearly a dozen ablps, power and sail, possible to try to sell them," he says. Poles Get Pill at Last In hia home. .. The selling price, he ezplains, would be • WARSAW (UPI) -'l1lo tint ~ 1111'1,.Cl Doreuter Road, ii -inc too prohiblttve. bde cudr~ plill went cm aale bil·-k tbll~--al Corona dd 1o1u "lmn H I calculated the price al JS • FridaJ Ila -newt._ PAP Dnry, · • . cenl>'an·boor, tbt moclir-rilld be tio ex-~ lodoy. q,.. pillo, oallod ''Fem-For the most part Hart's ~ pensive to stll." l&On Forte," .. lo be oolcl cm _.. -n.• -ol ''-wly buildetJ oi -al •·"·• .ru~ take Hart a~-'-·-~J"-onl M od-cil Ille ""'""" . . .• ..,, ' ., -.. ~ -·-P j;ji;i.";"'belil,1' .,. ~ac 1!11!1. ;ti~""1 P\11lb ~.Qf .i>abt to~ lhiPI rRo jin)e ~ ,.-.• , • .,-. • ~ · 't'. ·' f.! ~~ *".f Y.h1a• ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ -: l't'OM P .. e ·:I · ., Hl~W:·HAS~ TU. .. tfi.t.lEF:w~ns~.~'.:~~ '. .. ;-: \ .. ~ .. 1 ~l.i' .• ' .. ... ~· .. ... .. .... . . ..... 1'1dlioenntumeci,311,411o1whlchJpd · ifdh,'~·uncier·conicaclol..Ii 1u11. n.e re1una wm be ·• ..,.,ate been proceaed for lllbm1sMn to , stale and mobile homea cm led on the trwmdlon, · completely ·divtrced from ~ala. as:Sessor'a roll, if they're not licensed by any other IX~ tu document filed by '"ll>al leavea :1111,ID," reflected the tbe Deeanm<nt of Motor Vehicles. yourseH for that year." -.... "rd IOft tp knoW who" and :&::es '~ targer multl-horiie Q. For the. r«ord, only one -. they are and ·why they haven't · · p clo not qul!ily." · · homoownir'• exemption cen apply to l:lptberedtorflurnOQfforml." Q.''You talk ~ "a slightly leaser each dweJ.llnc, ofcour91t? :Jt,re ~eligible for the $70 rt.fund that amount in 1970." Is thl! a two-year deal A. "Yes -ol. courae." -wanobWaJ ... ·youtn.facta and.clowehavetoapplyqalntben! Q. no.. a .iw.uq occupied by a ,Ou need may be ecotained in this qoe... A. "Yes it ii end Do you don't. But I prnon receivir:w a veteran'• ei:emptbl .~ ...... --with th -.u look qualify? .,....-.....--.. -e "1JUIU warn you, not .to for Ute ame A. "No." aDe11cr: · · $70 -~ -· Our -nUy N•b'~ ;~. Who-,.ii ~ m i.!iuid? · · ~·~!1. biidB« ·~-~ :".;;'. in~~~ ~w':t u!t ~~· A.·~,... ll the dwellini wu Int of the liiifier taxes we face and theY A. "No., ~•· his -'-. ..._ ., p!Oce of oWneci and occupied by tblon u . lhelr wllU•k• ~ piece out ol nut yejr•s pn>-...., ,.,_,... pjnclP.Oi'realdenct on !.WQ_l, 1111." per1y .tu relid, .for""'· reo!Q~An~;,,.. •-... ;,~. , ·~an--"'••it' ·• uun...'.. ha • l '"..,>etS!C,l"U . .nu&:lol .. W', '.-""' are we a--. , • •-, )'<>U ve , got bun the A. "'Only that I'll . b< tile hlppleat A. u1t•1 put ol whal. JOU could all .. !.IJ:."-I office-JM if you hlven't IOl e&Sf90r in Califoria if you CID bring <i'ov. Rooald lleq~'I cwer-aubacrlbed them pilone ~ lut-:-an iw, __ f~,.. ---.......,,perm!.farmsln to bllliGa clollar tu procram In lllrl. Yw "'!' l<r the l9SU9 rebate and tbO oec<in<I me before Tueaday. I hale to tbink d the 1D1J ieca!I· lhe fanri ...n.u..JJri( tbO · nr Ille ~ yeer." work !bat's involved but I equally bate to ---00 how the atta· 4tlO • Q. Our house is nwned jointly by my 11\ink of property owners pwing up a million could he-to the pohllc. · ~ ~Who ~ ~pply! chance like this." . •nm Is :what ~-It was -• • Q. Is there'"" ~ u tho Q. I filed my form cm the very lint to rebJl'D ti .... n ... N•bllc in the form of a· • 1-; ti any r~~h•I rheceln Yh auJ'• ber-day, Mr. Hin6tiaw. Has it been Jl'OCeseed, ~"'{ "'~ r:; , · -· . ~ exemp on o w c s ou u can you tell me? P1QoSJf!t1 ~~ol bom. ~ ... ,_ aware and ,for which I should file? A. "What 's your.,,,.....,,,, · •'"'--··-....•~ A "Y the•.-ri•JJ ed -~· mean just. ~ of boulei'" . , · . es, -.IY"' aoure approv . an A "Nb · r . ..,.~. <I .~..;pal. . .exemption ol rnD jn asaessed valuation. • . . m ........ ,..~ 'Illa! must be claim<d ily·the 91/11f !lmll<---tr f(.'.'i:i residel'lCf.S if they are homes or duple:a:•· · who art eligible for 'the f70 Tebtte each ~lnimna. ~11,.. dll(tlligl year frcm now oo unltm the Jaw 11 .. ~968 Tax ~e!>~te, -. ,..., -changed. . · · · · ~·AJoo, the state has elim!natedlu on . -lumlshings and pel'BCllBI of. 1969 E • ·: ~-".: ~ .. z./s,re: . . . xempf:ton " DAILY PILOT ............ -1lwlk••• .... ................ , .... . ' --. ....... ~lio'. and 'has diul>Ied ~: ; : l ' • . ' ; · ~ ;;;;;;;n; 1n-lncoriie-lai-'llow-to's' ·Told '~ ... _~·.; ~ ~I .(:OUT ,.,..........,. COMIANY ; ' ......... w.w ~-~ Q. ll'blch of tboae lotr tu relief pro- -visions a-'· to me ·-'"""• J will 1,. Here'• holf property owners can apply ·tile l?9 ~• · ' ---.... :. for IN'tU !ebates·liicl lllll'mmptioos: A.:~~-$1So exemption, ttfe 1ban--Sect.lrt·fmns from COW'lty U.tator's "°'-"·-tullloo and the ' office. 70ll JV .. ;lth SI., l>otlta '?· ,,,, 'ltate iDCame.&u...ldj~ ·Jb•111P~~ .. as.sa.sor's. offkt wUl be open~ unUJ 5 Jae• L c.,1., :with a ti:a:i.bTe' inVintOry on March 1, 11189 o'clock today in 1n effort to facilitate late vsc. .......,. • °""'"" ,._..., lien date qualify for lhe ts percent red'* fiJers. . . n .... -.ttHril . tion. 11leY doft't hive to make •·special {Noie:' Ther! are 'tWo sei>&rat.e: forms ·-• ·~; tl)e usu.i propertrllaement . -·one·ror mt.bite"" 1961 property 1\•N& A. M11,11'hf11• is AU We need for this office t~JtC\, .. talet 8J)d··one for f150 ~nt el· .. .......,.. ...,..., · · "By tbe way, you don't ttave to .own . emption on 1989 property tases. U you · OM.oi ·• · •your proptrty to be·eUglble for •Umlna· ·expec! to get.both the 11111 .. bate and the c:.11t-., .. ,,... . .,.""" ... , .. ,Umllfta:tOlll\Jmllhlngs~tf-1999 ei~ptJon you Jnuif mt out and •---·'"'m_. ..... -..i...,.. _.f«:ta..A1.bouleholdlJr1.ownera.or:n.n-·tumln.both!orms") ·-• '--• ,.,.. ._ • --....... UtcWed and ...... don't bl . 1tw!l.1•• aNc•u • • ....., ... , _ ... -:t-:. 110,_ " -:r · '"'·to -Mall, or deliver tu·~ Com.pitted I ~.,, '\,QQ .......... • , ~ "fotitl) to-a 11or's omct Jrior to s p.m. ... Q. Wiim will I gel 1111 $'19? . 3'Utlday, A!"il u. ~,. .. .. " -• -. 4. ---J-!Uhll ,_, . .Jle,.•1 ·lilt lnlonoaliol ~ ne<il In : Al -~' wm. be ""'°"" by the -~!$ .. !Iii out the fonn1· . 0:"tt"~··lil 11e bolcler "' the • -'I'~ name · p""" .!hoi · acldrtss, .,...... .., my homt. ....,. •parcel-~ and description A. "No, k -'l ,_ checka win be <I Y* JliO!lfrtY· mallod dlrt<lly to clalmanll " -YOU<IOClal ....ntt immbet. or. In Q. l beard the -day~ k's pretty the cue cl joint ownmhlp, .the ooclal ~ltt the 1711 becluoe what '!JC"ril~ numben ol both husband and 1 he npoicj bym e or 1111 .wl!o.. • .. ·al • latet elate. Any tritb'. In tbatl '!be ,....,,.r • parcel numbe( and the • A. "eenalnly riOI. We've. htan! the 'clescrtpUon cI·your property an be foulMI mne·nmw nl there11 rio loGndaeion for : 'M fOQl"propt.rty tu btlt II. r hope k ltnl stoppq poop1e irom op-• H you have additional' _.,.,,, or plylnjt !llr thlr n!und." . • aren't ,.,.. a!ttt ·rtadlac tho· ao- Q. wm 1111 ..,,.itcatlm far. .lbit refund c;orv~in& utlcle whether er not )'<>U • tia\Oi afi'J <llect .,.; my 1111 pn>peiV tu ·aro· tliiible for one er both <I the pro- ·-pilj'menli! '· • per\y tu ttUcf mtaiurta~ Uitn cill the ·1.: "N~. You >nllSI poy tllose-tuis bl • .......,.., t>!llce at SH-all. I I Slllpo and -010 Ion <I the sea hava ~Alrpcxt--. -''='-~ "-'-and-lotheHooololu ~*· t ........... ~--- playedalal'Pparlll!Hart'sllfe,andhls lnA major port .ol Ulll .... ~"':; :,. '.'".'~~'-\ii. :b •nee.tors; he says, are l lcngJi"""· -~ and ~.-lc rn.tblllty tration,-had.;~..;'.~ seamen. stildf!or the deslp ml_ <I a .. -~ot.alrlln "One of my grandlathen sold a farm propoaed runway on a r..r olfabore. a 1~~'1ii.; J~t iD ~and and beqme a .cu~ ship then.Fe _c:?~AJ"att""'on· ~!~~ionact !~ for. bT11~~nc._:.,apriW "tratti~~Woold maiter,"<aklnr Carg. to"ind froiii:·111e -ti .. =•~wti w ~ • British Isles... • prepare a atudy to evaluate ol!shore ~~~J:.es!la!,*tes He, himself, is a yachtsman, having airport.pl•m'nc and co D 1.t r u ct lo D 0 'nll~-·~'-....wi-" ·w-1M'N· owned a locally built 4G-foot sloop for methodl. : . .. .. ;...,~ .;~~tn~ :f-=:•:11°" several years. . Jt ii tbla littat atgdJ wblditbe county : are~':'" .. ;,;,,~,':;:' ' - "We aalled far yean, and my ,.. Airpoit c..nmt.ion hu particular ·1n--Disapproval of Jobnsoo awards !or became an active competition sailor, then ~ Clipentel-l&kl . • the "great circle" route to the Orlent my job at U.S. Gypsum Co. forced me to 11!e cholrman bU ~led all i.-from Calllornia points. Pan-American travel a lot. We sold the boaL " ,1Dlll'lberl of the ·p.1bllc to litud tlll wW retain the . authority jt n:ow bas to Would he ever go to sea again? , ..-0. . . fly k fram Califamia, but rejected was "I've been trunking about it quite a · &be J<ilnloa. '!PfX'O\'ed award to North- bit," be mlllel1 "but I think 1DJ aa1Ung . ~ -6:r fU&btl clmi1ar to Pan Ameri- days are over. 1 think we'll get a power " • • caD'•· boat thll time IO l·ean jUJI hop In and 'Aircraft Group r-lllaaPJliOM Johnson awards to Pan turn the key on." .. American to provide "great circle" His sailing days will be around, too, but Iii Fli h J • • fli,bts from Pacific Northwest pcii.nts. ~:.~""~-~~ll.•-~~ .. ~ts .. : •g ~. ~J~lt N-lli-:p;::.: ~;,,:vi:ar.i.. to '1~r.q.: :.i;,... ~ • · WA'.slUNGTOM <uPI) tu.. 'lbe Aircraft Contioental·:to establi.ah a second route ~tudents.Stay.ing . . ~' '"'"'~ • • ••·' "•I" •h•~M· Sl'ANFORD (AP-) -StulOnl. Unlwr- Sity llit·in demonstrainn· prepared Fri' day nlgl>I to ~ the weekend al an elodronlcs laboralcry after being w..,,. ed that they face disclpllnary aclloo un- i'"! they rt.!• up Ille occupotion. . About :ISO-la milled In ml.-.! the bulldhlll, boldlotl meettnp and lry· ing to "'"'"'' for a -to Pl"'ide entertannent. Owners and Piloto -(AOPA) (lorn Call!ornia ·to the South Pacific, <barged·Jn ,a•suit<·fi!N.,,tn U.S-!llltrlcl P~i~,ie!NAs 1Joi4 .wyi'lf. Ntz.i 6oarl Friday-a • ...,-,plau 10 .. lilllit on .Skec( ll!O .CAB w.".'C011l11lOi> -.ci!-fli&tttl at flve f#· ~·natkm'• bulltlL-air.· rler to serve U.S. F.ast coast and :Jllid.. pxta wu illepl, west co-t.enninal polnt.s. 'I'1it JQbnson ~t aclinlt the Federal ~Aviation authorization had envisioned CooUhentat AdmlilUtrllioD ald•the propoied "II'-originaUng points in the midwest and 1atknl, lwbicb. tieeome effective Jane 1 west. · it OicMo~ 01kre. Wllll:lblctOn'a Na· -Disapproved the Johnson awud to tlapai, and J.F. 1tllllledJ and LaGuanlla Barnill to carry stop over passengers to la lift Ycrk and the N..,..k airports Hawaii via Mexico. vlolitet the rilldl o1 .., public: to ,.. -Dbapproved the use of so called tbe .ilnr111. satellite airports allowed under the or· Catalina Steamship Now tginal Johnson award. TWA and North- west bad received permission to use 1atellite'"&irports at four Californiai points -Ontario, Oakland, San J<>1e and Long Beach. Nixon said "use of so-called aa· tellite airports in Ulil case appear1 un- wise and should not be required." Ready to Resume ·Cruises By ARTHUR R. VINSEL or "" DlllT """' ""' . Tradlli"" die hard and '""· the hiatortc Great White Steamslip SS Catalina, threatened to take ao much aloiia to the acrapjard grave that life is now being pumped back Into her ldle bulk. C.onunitted to history one year ago and scheduled for cremation by th e junkman's cuUing torebes, the 4>yeat· old vessel is being resurrected for con- tinued summer service between Avalon and the mainland. BegimJlng June. -IS, the gleaming old ship diyclocked by • Ululllpie-uDICll labor dlapule lul ..... " clDe to .,. .. the """'Y elaytlma and nimaotlc -1J&hi auiJel wblch 'elate heck i<venl cloc:odel uNION.PARLtf . Only ooe more barplnln& ._, the Marine Engineers' Beoellcial. ~ Uon, mnalns unsatisfied today and spokemeo were locked Into conkrenco J'OO!l1I !'Ith MGRS Co. executives P'rldoy on f.be issues. char1ty Stillwell, owner of the ship routinely carryin& 800 visitors to Catalina and back daily, said two weeks a.go that be will be a happy man when negotiations are finally concluded. Attorneys far tM f1tm, which operates out cl the Catalina Terminal beneath the towerfnl Vincent Thomu Bride• llnklng Terminal Island and San Pedro laid Fri- day 11 will b< 'l'lle9d.ay er llttt be!ora negollallcm are wrlJIPO<f up. Under. fhe pment plan, U. SS Cataflna'a cm-wtU lDclade M mm. rtCOlflnl • 11 per'Ctlll bulc pay ralle, plas a flat• ~ niJe ~ the new June 15 to sept. lS RUDO. Stillwell b1ed to reduce the ...... to the Ooall Guan!'• minimum requlnmenl ol 44 lut ytar. faced w1lll r11fn1 union coots and a IM'I seuon lealurfnl financial '°"" Oii the big boat. • Apnclet tnvotved ln c o n t l n u I n a barraininl -.. rat clurin& ~ pu1 yeare mo '!be Muti;r1. Malta and Pliotl Union; Marine Cooka and Stewards Union; Mulne 1!remeo'• Unloa; Sailors ·uiton ol the Plldl1c; Aliiel1cail llodlo .W..ClaUon, and the Lonphortmen'• Union. AVALON BUJn'ING Lou " -by the hilt«lc ·-1 for a -time Itemed to spell economic c11au1er for Avalcm -and other llrml diftctly eannectell with Santa Calallna laland. Unupec:tedly, no one fcnsaw IUCh an effect. "We are allll gelllna a mat many peo- ple· anti probably -~ notice the can· e<UaUon of fhe SS Calallna's dally trlpo." Avaloo dOllJl1 city .clerk Tburaa ~miley said Ironically .... -..... . . • Boat and airline """1ce by other COID• panlea ... ezpected to boom by picking up the MD,000 Gnat White Steamship 'VO)'_. who hoobil ',..... biCI< lil<I -laU.1117·- . 'JlaoJ jult -the lalalld .... ,,... PlbUcl1 tnacc: 1110* • PAfl'BJIN~ "OUr -'ico baa <lec:rNW, pOople ju!I don't -that there .. other .. sys to ret there,.. Catalina Matar O'ul8 Inc., vice pmldenl June G-said Jut Auauat, u the patten deftloped. Bus!nea dldnl boom too much tither 10< Calallna Seaplanes Inc., 11Jin1 out of the MGRS terminal. or Catallna Airlines, both opeia!lng JO'minute !llgirts hourly durinc the summer daylllhl seaacm . Tbe lkrw econ om 1 c ltraqulaUon following cancellatloo <I SS Catalina's lriPI wblch put the Island • miles olllhcn on the map In musk: and roman- tic tradition lid to A-dvlc adtoo. BEACllll LONELY ''W•n d:linc onr bare. Tba beaches an looely ud tballlopo aro emPIJ!," Aid Paul ~ thW tf~• btwlma• wns' .,..p Ut1od SOS, for Save ·o u r Sleamlllb>-• • 'Ille ._,t . comminl by !ht SS Calallna'I corporate .oldpper Qiarley Sttthrell that he win Indeed be h<ppy when labcr dlff.cultiea an nsolYed b more than echlled hy the lllml tour1st In- duatry. . "If all gets 1fRPped up u expected, Catalina ll coliw In be • ...., plact (his JU'," uld tba man 'fholl-stop. l"'S• clroppeci the A-lnurist ralt by 12$,000IUI-. .. Amill:," ~ the t00eetlve voice of AY~f" commettlal lntttests. • -Disapproved the Johnson award of a new route to Continental for servictl· from the United States to Samoa and Okinawa. Nixon told the CAB to take a new look 1t tbiJ route segment u part ' of the pending Paci8c l!llnds local service investigation. "Otherwise, President Johnson's decil- loa cl last December b approved," Nill' on said. .. nus referred among other things to some domestic aspecta of lntetnauonat rout.es approVed 1ast year to become effective-May" 1. Among these·~ do- mestic routes for BranHf and Contfnen. tal ·mm the eontineolal Unittd States to Hawaii. Mesa Firemen Out in-Force For Trash Fire I' ...... P.,e l -BUDGET ..... l , ever, it wu learned recommen.laU. which followed tbb onl<t totaled nearlr $S billion ai>Qve the PIOJIC)led bodpU . ., The Pmlclenl, lul month, - I MIC.'Clftd nvitw · . ~,. • · , 1 ... joleanwblltt ii wu 'ltanied ~ ~\lat--'• ha .. -, •• , .... 1Q11af~ ..... ~ iclmhllstr tax consuJiants tOr COD'Jmt"f' a ' · plan of minimum tu Pl)'riitn . · " -.. - • - ---.L.-• r . ' ~ ' .:· < - • . • , . • ------------!==:. =. -.::..:;. ::.. ":. ------- YOt:. ,2, NO. ~~. 4 SECTION , \ .. P~&IS .· . .. ~ . . I .. S.ytlRDA Y, APlllC '1.2, 1969 • ' -- . . - ' -·· --... --~ """ 2Q0,000 . lJQiJieo:W!i~t~ Ignoring rax WindfaII ,. .... . .. ·-·.. . --.. -. ·---. . --. :: --·--•• ,__ -· ' -f .. -~~-~a 'J!lile-·~ fcr :!hl l<rtliotlp' ..... li;.illllt1imi111oy..,.., "Wt-ban -.!' lllld lllle -. , llll lldel--llld•J'rtdq 11111 ... ~-aJonibl'~'llPP.!l' .-,0 •~'* 7*'1· '71 'lllld wbot t-. lbl-!ml•-Gl•proo bod --nturnod, W.4111 cf-·i.t torn.:.-· .. ~ ·" · _ .... Hladmrbdl!•wllbl'•llilbUJ,ltw perty-taea and IM:ciaeoltDll'I' and beeni--oc!11edforaibmllllOlll.:1o1t1te JI ;jull 10 )ler«lll'cf llle •pilople .who -Ill ll'lt.-------. -....,pt .... to-With 11111 -. -- baveii'tappued f• Uie tu ftilate·do aat 1k> ~ ; 1111,,., wlio -bu con-mamh,"' -.up.w. "Ttlil ii a Jot of •• •"Jbat ·leaves »UDi'1 nfllclld Gae fcli .tt-niw';""Hllilbri"1-Cllflc9• bes • a..u,·~·UW-anlla1ilJltTaf tbe ........... ...,.e.e1t,.. tM afetlte lllllB'. "I'd. loft .. to bow •·l!d delage "' ...... tMl ·mo;.~·111 ... tar._:aa .. ..,. 1llo ....., feoll ....._ lllld ~ .. ~ wi.e lheT .... lllld wtiJ:: l"'1 ""'""-'1. cupon11..,;.ldni"" a IMxm'lioi!li!" · 111a1 Ille oooice.itnllao cf 'rllJlir. 1i1J: .-11111 haft led him to·o•eiloc* ..._ed to mun. __ .. Fer then! an only two ~ dl)'I maU..Sln April 11111 bl" led mmy proo lbe '79-." . . An You tlillble !Gr the 1'11 nftnl lliot left ¥lre the dtodlJne ........... And.if pety--'llh6Mlool: Qili -proo -"slid IM,ID forms bav. been llllllbaw cu obllln>!Gr ·,..! Tiie -th(~ble ~·,(~applied ~lu ·...W· malled bJ_bil olllce In <Jr-.<:ounlf. ,.. need,JDa,Y be Cllllt•lned In lhlo-----=-~ -----... ---~. -------' . ).( ----· -•• . -... -- . ~ --with-ti• • ,. NiXOii Junks Air ,Routes • ,Rebata,Exemptiom Pr~r~;To'bl . lfono'I llow 11-tJ _.WI apply larU11ture11o1es'm1umenmpttcm' :,_Secure farms fnlm ~ u1r1,ar's Cilllco, '1911 w. «II SI.; -Ana. Tbe .......... olflce Will. be -until 5 o'cloct today in an ellor;I to lacilltate late filen. (Note: There are two separate forms -one for $70 rebate on 1111 property tu:es and one for $750 Ulfllll'M'nt tt· emplloo on 119 pr_.iy tues. If you upec:t to aet both the 1911 robate IDd the 1919 exemption, you m• fill out and turn in both forms.) -Mall, or deliver in peraon completed forms to .w11or'1 office prior to 5 p.m. ~;Aprt!U. .;"'~~~::"'ii:~::.: -~··pared Jl1llllber lllld deoa~ ol your lll°""'I>'. . . . -Your llOclal aecurity number, or1 in the cue • joint' OWMJMip, tbe IOCial security numbon of botll.-IDd wife. Tbe .......,.., pared n-and the descrlptiGD cf your prvperty can be found on your property ~ bill. • If. you have addlUonal quertiona, or aren't sure after reading the ac· companying article whether or not you are eligible for one or both of .tbe p perty lu relief meuuru, tben call the ........... alllce.al IH-llU.. North Dakota's GovemoF. -------·· Egyptians GiiUm · Israel Military Chiefs wounded ·By Ullted Pre. lidtl11U1al A lfOUP ol top Israeli mill~ ollic- lals were wounded by "po'ftl'ful and concentrated bursts" of Egyptian artil- lery fire in Friday's two-hour duel across the Suez Canal, the seml<>lfldal Cairo newspaper Al Abram laid today. Tbere WU DD report of the incldeot from h- rael AI Ahr Mid ·the i.r .. u m1111ary Ull ' . leaden .,..... Oooferrlng at an advance pool wben Egyptian ---in Clll tlian and -lirlnc. '"llley .... all JIQmed," the' newspaper laid. "Pow· erful mil eonc:aGated bUr9tl " !!C1P' tian ~ fire '"'1lllliOll tliem." Eaili<r ' .. _.._ mDlliry l(>Ollesmen -. • -"jj; had kiIIOcf lllld ln- jlncl ~:=r'"-In the ~which otrelibed • -alaog the fron. .j Mesa ~Fit.emen . . Major ,_Changes Made _-in Johnson -D~ci-sion :=:r:-polloe -elpt ~ nr -.. *IY lodaJ· lo 1 wild,~ at·a·Dtlaw1n1 A....,. haloe. ' ' ' AzT-., -ll1il druo lllld the pa .... ._.. to be Dilq tliem ·-flYlnl'·out cf Ille .Windon u we moved in.• Tiie' .,W~ bcu ..red with f-·-·blhiC· -Into Ohnge County Jail &lld four .male """P'•lao• """"-to Bli ... 'llGB •Beaeh ·dly jail All ""' d>qed wllli IUlplclon cf ..... 1e11lao ol marijuana. Polic& cooflacat- ed .wtiat tbey. llid, WU a "CODlklerable quantity" of the-fGrbidden weed. Booked Into !be <OQllty Jail .... , Corot Ann Mdllo>llo<r, 17, and Kalhleen --ion ~. 11,.of 25.lt .Delaw111re Ave.; Helen .-Dennis, 11, ol Woocl- al<fe, cauL and Carol Sue Gra..., II, of La .IGlla. . · iloobd-inlo dly ·Jall wen: 1.-.rd Jad! N ... ...,., .. 6'ry L. Pelly, II, 1114 hllo VIQor ~,II, ol Jill Deln•o .... llu&O Peter Abboadl, II, -..-.. em..-. . - . -.... _....,. their .. -. -plloa·GI 1Jle.fnoidml. . ..... would-lllYe·ied &0--adoplioa·~ -............ by ·for<lp __ meats to protect their own carriers.. They also stressed there had be<n no evidence of any impropriety in the or~ iginal Johnoon awanla , adding Niuo ad- vloen bad-!Ooliecf Into certain allecalions raised in January when Nixon~ the onlel" and foond nothing to support them. -Sbortlralt.r-Nizill.-·olfloe"br.te- ,.t.d tho> iolmaoo onlor ·lllld callod·jor a restudy ol the actlon 'by one GI bis White House 8'Sistanta, Robert Ells- worth •• Ellaworilt ·1n turn brouiht in aa a special expert adviser, Paul Cberln&fon, an ~lstant secretary of tramportaUon. who before joining the Nixon adminis- tralion, had serveC:I as a consultant to -· . ' - :~'-'-':White Ship Sails Again . ---- Catalina St.earner Pumped -Back to. Life a namber fl afrltnn . It .... ddormlned that the fonast fat transpacific J)Ulenla' traffic woukl be u to 33 p<reelll below tm -originally made by the CAB. Changes pJ'O(IMed by Nixon lnculde: . -Disapiroval of Johmoa. awards for the "'great circle" route tO tbe Oritnt (See AIR ROl1l'E, Pqe I) Meet Slated On Offs1wre Airport Plan .l.1'::'1~r will~ ==:GI~ in-ta~ al 1'lelday'1 moellnc Gttbo ~ Qiimly Airport ()wnm-. ....... Delill C8rpeatel-••'meed lod&1. . At· the Invitation of the commitsicm, tbt llal.PI> N. Panoos eo. an "Cf•-ln& and consulllng firm, will ~ tho !ft30lllaUon at 7 p.m. in the .lloonl oC SUper:rison hearing room, Sl5 N. ~· st., Sala Ana. Company ~V.. Fomat Sis ..i. Charles Lani will -. airport .,.. .... rm11y pl.tnnlng u 11 -to tho ~lllld~cf­alrporta, the _ .... , apecU cf, audl alrporta and • ~ review oC -.. ml pbnned -e projects. Tbe Parlona Co. la ..-iy - -to the State GI Bawail, ID tho dkfln and -fo the Honolulq laternatlonal Airport ------A maj<o" port of tilil ~ork ii 111 engineering and economic l•aa!l>illt1 study for the deliln lllld·conotnJcli!>n cf 1 pnpmed runway on a reef off.sbare. Tbe company 11 allo under c:ontr.acl Jo the Fodera! Aviation Admlnlatra1ion to prepare a study to evaluate oll!honl airport planning and c o n s t r u c t l o n --. It la 11111 latter aludJ' which the coon11 Airport Commilalao bu particular i .. -. Corpenter Mid. Tbf chairman baa Invited all lm....i.d mmibers ol the publlc to . ·-tlie -... . Plane Reported Lost LAVERNE (AP) -A linlJe ..... pllDe with ""'i>en--.... , .. !>'l1ed mlllilli Jl'rldily ... • !Ygbl froos Ille v...-border tO llollyorood-Bur- bank A!li>ort-• ! '!1le plane ltll ~k:o at I p.m. ,,.,,._ day and 1111 repol1<d lit poeitlon .... llallning, Calll-1 about an hour later. tlie F~ Avlotion ~ llid. 0r..,. ·-.. - -:0-.,'1 • 111 tr I ~ti .,. ........ "' -~ ll -. " -. ::..-...:-· __ .. =---.2 ' -.. _._ ....... . JACK E. HART OF CORONA DEL MAR IS A MAN OF MANY •SHIPS A Temporary L1y0ff lrought Eltctrlcltn 1ri AvoC1Hon o1 ·'1'hrH Dtc.!l'lta . . .. ' . .._ . ' . "· . ' ' . Layoff 'Prompted Hobby ~orona' del ·Mar Man Began Building 'Fleet' in 1930s , J!y JOHN :VALTEllZA , Of .... De1tr Pllilf Slaff •Bick· bi lhe dafi wbeh a WllmlnllOn ~--blilldlni arepllca of H.M.S. BOulltY lOr tile· 19!5 · Galile-Laughton movie epic, an electrician for the fimi was replaced for a Ume by studio employes .. To .lfhUe .away. the idle hours, ·Jack E. Hirt ol,Carona de! Mar, decl~ed to build his OWJt· sbtps -·onJy to scale, instead of life-sized. Those days more than three decade& ago marked lhe beginning of a long· lastinf ·avocation for the ·now ntfred.. electrical eosJneer. Hart has built models of nearly a dozen shi1>51 power llnd uil. In bl! bQrne. ~ . -. ' ·;Har1;·411l~IM'oewter. Road. ls lhowtn( his wort this month at Corona deJ Mar Vbrary., , " ·1'0<0tbe-· --part Hart's technlqaes • parallel those of lhe:early .laJllders al· ml lhips. Fr&ml!S and planks made of balsa ore placed vu the oat Umben al old. ' \• .... .. ~th!)lic i'Ue!' Were.held today for a 2~ year Costa Mesa reaidet_lt who died, Wednesday after a career u a race hone .-....; .veierlnary specialist and Scout- JlWler ol the oldest troop In the clly. ; Tbolpu W. Wlenenga, Ill, ol I055 lrvlne 'Ave., leave, his wife of 29 J:ean, Dolores, :whom tie met while ra~ In Havana, Ouhl•befa<e World War I~ three '°"'• a dlugbler alid bis 113-year-old mother. ;The IODl ·are Mickey, Tom and Mirio alid tile .daqbier II Mias Georgianna .Wlenengl~ ~.for the lonner Scoutmuter of &iia M-Troop 8, w1-health bad been declll!ing since lut !all, wu Friday and ~ Mass w~, celebrated at St. Joacblin'• Cburch today. . -·-~ . . . Pol~s-Get Pill at Last WABsAW {iJJ>I) -~ 1.irst Poi411- made j~~ve pills went on sale here maay IAe Polish news agency PAP reported today. 'rhe pills, called "Fem- igen F«te," are to be sold on doctor's prescription only. Mass production of the pi!Ui ~ to belin llOOll, the qency Iii~., DAILY PILOT "'"*'.._. N ............ ---· .... eo...- CAUPO•NIA ' OftAiNG• COAST PUILl~IHO CDMP'ANT · Re ... rt N. ·W-" President 1111111 P'ut>lllhv • J,,k R. Cutlty '\lke,..,.lflllf ""' °"":' .. ,.,..,,._ Tli1m11 K-1•il .... Th111111 ,,,.. .~1111 ......... ' . I "People alwaja ask if these. tnodtls are cahed out or have planb, Ind an I can amwer is have you ever seen-. real ship that was carved out of a solid blbck?,.... To illustrate the technique Of frames and planks, the slight, garrulous man has built a cross section of a ship's hull, com· plete wltl:i a Q\<l!t. and rigging, showtpe the ·frames and plants. · · The attempt is so realistic, that there are even waler casb, in miniature, secured below decks. "It'• dlUlcult to estimate the boon It tabs to mab a model like lhll gallaon htri; and It would be downilgbt' lm- po&lible to Icy to .. u them," be ·11ay1. ~ aelUng price, be uplalns, would be too:prohibitive.1 -• • • "Enn·ll·l-ealcalal<!l lbe-Jlrice·•t 15 a!llll an boor, the madtl would be1oo ex• pensive to aell." .. ··. _ -_ : . ~ llNI>t·~ llort about IJl!i.1¥lllrl tq.!INJ!jf. .P-,ohipo nqulre lell llma"" perbapl a,., .. i, .. ,, ~~ tirt!',,. ~,~fn Ships .OO the lore of the sea have played a large part In Hart's life, and his ancestors, he says, are a · long line of seamen. "One of my grandfathers sold a farm In England and became a clipper ship master, taking cai'go to and ~rom the British Isles." · . He,· himself, is a yachl!man, having owned a locally built 40-foot sloop for several years. "We sailed for years, and my ICln became an active compeUtfon aflor, then my job et U.S. Gypsum Co. lon:ed me to travel a lot. We sold the boat." Would be e¥er go to Ma qaln? "I've been thlnicing about It quite a bit,"-~ muea:, "but I think my aalllng d•YB .-. ·Hhlnt ,..•n-.,;.a .power boat lhll Ume ID I can.just ·lt>p'la llld turn the tey on.1' - Ills aaillng d•YB will be around, too. bu! ~=--~ ~,. Dvint~.- \F«eM,'-P-1~1 )"" ... . 1 1 .. • m~~W\!W If'£$:~ WiRiilii; °'~:':'~"~'" m.Y rectll'Uie'"!Uiiii. ~Ill ,~. e1'111plion:.f f;i01n aa:Mld valllation. .. veral .,._ ......... )low the <W• $ii0• '11111 malt be clalmtd bJ 1he ame poople millloti~be~ to lbe"pu~Uc: wltQ U.'ellllble"f« the $79 rebel< eoch "Tbla is whit happened. It was decided =~ .~ on ~ the ~" is to return It to lhe public In tbe form of a "AbO, the lllale baa elimlnet.d W: on p...,,.rty W: relief." . ' household .lumlsblnp and perional ef. Q. You talk ol homeowners. Does this f<da, It has authorlied a 15 permit mean jUJt ownef«CUpanta or houles? reduction tn Ule •=•!led v&lue or A. "No. I'm ,...... of principal bualnees in""ll!orlel and has clrubled .......,. !Wxlard deductions In lllate income lex- residences if they are homes or duplexes, es." c0odomlniums, houseboats, ~weriings Q. Which al thooe lour tn raliel pro. being purchased under coo tract Of Ale v\ss°"" ·apPly to me, uruming I will get and mobile homes carried on the the tJ'O refund? aueuor'a roll, U they're not lice.need by . A. "The. f150 exemption, the aban· Ute · Department of Motor Velllcles.. doiiment d furniture letatloo and the 'F\'IPiexei and: Iara,. mul(f·hom • ;i;te lilcome 'W: adjuabnei\t. Bullnesses buildings do not qualify." w1Ut a taxable invenkr'y on March I, 1969 Q, You talk of "a sUihUy lessr llen ·date qi:lallfy for the 15 percent reduc- amount in 1970." ls thil 1 two.year de tion. They don't have to make a special and do we have to apply again then? 1ppllcation: the usual ptope1ty 8taement :, all we need for this office to act. '· A. "Yes it ia and no you don't. But "By the way, you dm't have to own 'NOOld warn yoo not to look for Ule aamt vou r property to be eligible for elimins· $70 next year. Our recently publisheC lion of tax on furnishings and personal ef- record county budaet is sufficient warn-fecta. All householders. owners or ren· ing o! the higher taus we face and lhey lers, are included and they don't have to will take a piece out ol nel\ y~'s pnr c{o ~nv fonn fWmg." _ ~y ~I relief,'°'= surt. .. . • Q. When Will I' get my t70 ?, . + What you hav~ g<t from ~ _. ..t. "Soottf.time after June ts this vear. a.9$e$SOl"I olfice -and if you flaven"t got All checks will be mailed by the ·state them phone me fut -are t~ for,m.s. i.O>ntroller's office. one for the 1968~9 relyate and·:tbe teeond : '"Q. U '.ln!ght-. go· to the. hOld<'t of !he for the ~g year." . rt\brtgll1t't1)1l rh9 home . · - ~· Our house l! owned jointly by my A. ''No. it won 't. Those checks ,~·i11 be wile aod·t. 'Who should apply? mailed airedly to claimants.,, . A. "Either OQt of'you.'' • : ;Q~J ~() he other ~aJ lliat i(s prtlly Q. ls tbere ·any Otber recently aflt l'tor-useless applying tor the $70 because what !zed exemption of which I s~oold be t iet \vill have to be repaid by me or my aware and for which 1 should ftle'! heirs at a later date . Anv truth in that ? A. "Yes, the Legislature approved an A. "Certainly not. \\'e've heard the i.ame rumar and Ultre's no foundation for iL l hope, it isn't stopping people from ap- T J -y N. ea . plying '°' th•• .... rund ... ~ . , rs: Q. Will my. application !or thi3 refund have 'ansr enect on my 1~ property tax AU Taxes Du"e" par."·;~.1 You· mll!I 1"I)' thooe tares In _ , ,. . lull. The re!Und will ·be a ..,....ta •• Tullday Is T-day. ira..,.cuon, completely diY!lrC<d from . :J'bt·dudllne !or filinl ol locaJ..oncl any otlicr J>IVPSIY W: docwn<rlt flied by federal tax retorna, A&il I~ II last ·ap-youneH la< !bet year." ..-ma, ud ptnone who let It allp Q. For' Iii.. rec:Ord, only on e p.a . .,.. m lor still ptna!Ues rl&ht whtre ·homeowner'• e-ptlon can apply to It 'hlUla the~ -In the pocketbook, each dwelling, of coune! The l1no for1ata filing al the Ca!Uorma A. "Y"-d course," personal Income tax return · ls an hn-Q. Do:es a . dwelling oceupifd by a modlata penalty d live petten!, ancJ ad· pmon receiving a veleran 's eremptlon ·illtlOoaJ peoaltles of five percoot !or each qual!ly! · 30 dt)'s d dellnqueocy. "1UI a mu1mUm •• • A. "No." deUnquenfy pmalty ol 25 perceOL Q. A friend d min< spend& a lot d time state 1noome tu mums must be filed in a v1c.aUoo home. Would thlt qmllfy! bJ Individuals w1-adjll!lod 1"'111 In-.. A. "Nb. Only his ptinclpol place of mme uceeded II.ISO llC 1111; Married • reoidonce. . couples wllh a combined adjusted lfOll Q. Anythlrc elae, Mr. lllnohawl Income in e&-of 11,lOO are requlnd to .. A. "01117 that I'll be the btppitlt tt.;,.-~· -· . · '"'"'ZA,in CaWomla il ~can bring • I!> ~:lntemtl: ~ • 2!».IJllQ.mi$0ing peraoos' (Ol'!l\S In to 111rdoe, the penalty !or lllil1&. 1 lale me ~,.. 1\Jtj!day. I bat< to thlnk of the federal tax return II fivt ,....,~ • montb · -lrlhat' ln'fOIVed but I equally bole to . IO:.o.-'.GI 15.percent, ml an ad-dllnk d pap.icy ...-paaiag qp a : dilloaal In-Qf,111 perceot a·year or chaoce like lhlJ." · , .. • -H pan:en! .a. month oo lhe ad· . Q. I filed "If. lorm ca the. Vtrf flnl llJUQll&I tat: · · • -~ "(lay; Mr: Hlnaliaw. ltaa lt'lit<n pto<tllad, TU'fonnfillat beolitalned il'flif Slil--• a.n yooTeirrii<? • • -. -· ia Ana office or Jt any post ofOce. A. "\Vhat's your nam~!" I W: conaultanb !or comment 1 -led ' plan of minimum tax -ta. -'Ibo~ Invltld --and 50 Student. .. Front P .. e l AIR ROUTE . • • from califomia pGintl. Pao-Amtrlcan will retain the authority it now hu to fly it from California. but rejected WIS the Johnson approved award t-o No~ west ror flights similar to Pan Amert· can'•· _ Disapproved Jolwon a•ards .to Pan American to provide "gut . circle'• flights from Pacific • Northwest polnta. Northwt.St retains Ulis service. ·-Disapproved. J_<iuison award• to Continental to estabUsb a second route from California to the Sooth Pacific.. Pan-American retain• this aervice. Nix- on asked \he CAB to recommend a ca r- rier ta !el'Ve U.S. El!t coast aqd mid· west c~terminal points. The JQhnson aulhQrlzaticn had envisioned Continental 01iJiaating poinl.s in \be 1 mldwest and west. , _: Disapproved the Johnson award lo &arniff to carry stop aver passenprs to Hawaii via Mexico. -Disapproved the use oC so called satellite airports allowed under the or• iginal Johnaon award. TWA and Nort,b.. west bad received permission to UH sate~ ~rt.s at four Callforniai points ~~~ OU!and. r~ J ... ~ Long i Secret UCI Meet Hatches 13 Reds Killed Moving in DMZ ~Y..". ~arln.e lJID,i Plan to Disrupt F acuity . SJ.ietm!!UPI) _:.. \J:s. r,!arinft killO!I IS'COmlililllbts ;,;.l,m; l!ICO-demllltar' lzed ,,..,. (DMZ), military spokesmen oaid·1aday. Alll«I trvope killed II Com- ,_,,,,.ldier>1.In,Al.,offfllli"!d_,,.. tion&Jtun ,the DllZ.to~Jl~~lti, Comrmfnlsts blaaied 311 towns anif,aUJI. tary bae'"· Friday nilht and euly ·todoY in lbelr intensilled eerl'" Ii atlac\I. '"1e Communists fired rocim..oncl ~ at 45 such points bta previous· night. B52 bombers droppad nearly a million poondo of bombo .. ·Conunwiot """" concentraUonl, hue cam.Jiii, bunter com. plexes and weapoos position& northwest ond -d Saipl Fridty night and eorly today, military !JlOkeomen -· Four Americaru: were tilled Friday when C<>mmuni.st ground fire shot dawn a U.S. Marine CH46 bellcopter in Quang Nam province in the Nation's northern quarter. nit twin-engine chopper crash- ed eight milea north·northwest of An Hoa. The Marines were ordered k· lire into the stx-mlle-wkie demllltariied zone se-p. arating Ncirth and South Vietnam after 20 Communist troops were spotted movln1 into the buffer zone. Amer:lcan spokesmen said U.S. Marine artillery fired Into the DMZ at the Com· munlsts a hall-mile h\Side the southern edge Of the zone and six miles west·SOUth· west ci Con 11tlen. An aerial ab&erver spotted 13 bodiea after the barrage. Tt was the 78th "siglirlcant" inddent in the DMZ since the" United States halted bombing (Jf North Vittnam last Nov. ,1 military spoke.smen said. One (){ the conditions under which for- mer President Lyndon B. Johnso!.'l .i>i:dei-· ed the bombing halt wu 1 halt in U.!e of lhe DMZ for military staging: · Jn U1elr latest attacks on towns and ha,;es", the Commun.Lsts blasted Vinh Long in lhe ~fekong Deka with 34. ~ o( 82 i\li\1 mortar fire. The rounds landed on the town'• police 'statoin, killing one civilian and wOJ!Dding three others. The Oommunillla ldlllod 20 pe.....,. and Injured 100 In Vlnb Long Thur&day. Fifty dislident students at UC Irvine Friday met in HCtet and then liter an- nounced plans to 1Uempt disruption of the faculty 's academic senate meelln_g next week. The dissidenf.s; led by·student Ml.chael Kr1Sl1lan. dt:tlared they' would enter .b senate meeting whether· lnvlta:t~cr ·mt· ;nd:1speal ·whc11 ·:,Jhey ... fee! like it regardless of rulin{is by senate Chainnan Kenneth Ford. · , . , . "-" The 50 11.udent.s. ha ve organized 1n I:!' o-~t '\o thi rlc:iiit 'firlngil"OI \TC\ ·a~istant im.iressori I))N.ltl'lfrai\iliti arlH S\tp~b Sliiii>\ro aridlri< 'ltte' thrdtAined dlsnlllaal cl. 1,: third assi.Stant profeMot, George Kent, whole cue-Is still under review by Woman Accused Of Two Attacks On Infant Girl A Santa Ana woman accused cf beating, biting and mauling her eight- month old daughter in two separate savage attacks muat face a Superior Court jury trial June 4. Judge Robert Gardner set tbe\rtal date Friday for Elizabeth Juarez Martinei, S2, who is charged with three count! -one of felony child abuse and two of lnJllding corparal punishment on a minor. Mrs. Martinez was arrested In March when doctors at a Sanla An• Medical center called police · ta lnve1Ugate: the condltioo of her little girl. Of,flcera uld the child had a broken Teft arm, bite marks on one ,ch~k and h•d suffered head iniur1es which muat hav.e rendered her unCansclous. ~lrs. Martinez was convicted of Iden- tical charges In Januafy. 1986. A Superlar Court jury Nred that 1ht Was gullty of Of. fenses agaJnst a four.month-Old baby - not the same child-by fr1ctiuing: ii..! skull, brelking both lep· and tnUing several riba. SUpertor Court .Judae. William Speirs reduced her felony conviction to 1 misde· meanor at 1 later date. She served six monlhl In or.,,.. County Jail !or lbe ol- renx. on~ •Keep Pants Bo.ttomless Dancers W arn.ed by Judge "'1'!11 your clients lo keep lbeir pants °" and lhey'll Stay out al Jall over the weekend.'' That 10rnewhat informal sommatlon by SUperlor Court Judi< Claude °""" end- ed a bearJn& Friday In lri>lel\ a Santa Ana blr """""""'uly · ooulht Ille lt!Ung d a bin oo Its alleJ0<111 bollOmleu en- tertainment -and tt allo, illcldental17. broughl lhe -don. Attorney Ron Stealman, reiw-tlnc the Apu1ment Mlo-Oo, .....-from Ilia ialllhl« IOOC ~to_. Jldp °"""' !bet be --tbe 1-1&-cheek ad.tee. "Ylit you CM llf this for ture,'• replied lbe iudl•· "llelllllll tbe Jllrb to wear their peni. at an llll)tt flld they ..... , be lo ooatamP!-" • -. ~~ by Judi* 0went I'll an at· ttmpl l'J 'Ult ii.r ...... to lilt mtrl<-__ lliu>nlod ~· JUdp Bm,n IC. McM!llal1. that perventa !hi her from atqlng bottom danclhg, bot- 1 tom1eu movlet and th< •dvertiaemeat ol either form of entertalnmeoL 1, 1'te Apertment-A-Oo-Oo w11 one cf thttt county ban eloted cknm last week by Dtstrlcl Attorney Cecil Hicks with lbe Illini d a. civil action which brands the staging of "bottomlesa" -females perfonninl ... ttlred In the Qeiller reglona -u unlawful. Atlomtl'I la< the three ban then "°" lhe order lnlln Jodee McMillan •hlch allowa U>em to ope:rate UDdtr Ult coo- di-be llaled llllW the -" beard llalDonAprllll. "Prldoy'a 1>tFina -IOllCl>t b7 tbe Apartment A-Co& -· Steelman said, the bar ii loalng money under the ~ restrlellona. But "Judn Owens declined "' """"""' . ,... Judie McMlllan-ile .Iha mril <I tbe earlier nil- Ing. ---Ir ·IJ"ped that nudtly Itself 11 not ofitcetie anil Is not a publlc nullance. ( campus authorities. Kriamaa said the antics planned by prote!ting studenls are frankly aimed at displaying disdain for the UC I Academic Senate u a decision-making body since studeW no longer take the faculty organization seriowly. Dissident students who a t t e n d e d Thursday's acaderni.Aenate meeting saw the !acuity decisivelYvote down proposal by .a joint student faculty committee that studtnts .~t.annuaDy .. be , aJJow,ecl., to partlclpate .. dlrectly In the 'hiring of 10 percent ol all new tacuity membm at UCI •. Pollution Talk 'Absurd' Claims Clara Clara Warner Is pretty upset about all thil talk of contamination along the Hun- tington Beach shore line. For one thing, Clara notes that the pollution talk isn't true and in the second place H'a not doing much good for either fish or the fishinl business. "Our city beaches and waters are as clean as a whilt.le/' Caira declare s. "All that contamination is clear up there by the Santa Ana River mouth -a Jang ways from us." Clara has a real interest in people com. Ing to \be beach because she ls manager of Verne's Bait and Tackle Shop out on Huntington Beach Pier. "Families like to come down hert and the old~ man leav.es his wife and kids on the beicb to eujoy swimming and und. Then be comes out on ()UJ' pier to fish all day. ")Jut when they hear a11 this talk cf foul 'faters, they stay home. Then the fish.get hungry and there's no bait In the w1tez:. Nm thing we'll know, the fish will go away." Cllta notes -and authorities have agreed -that Huntington's city btaches have been checked .virtua11y every day two or three limes a day and have been given a clean bill cf health. "We're gettin' lob of fish out here on- olf the pier," the lady u}Q: manager declared. "Lota cl barred perch, a few ~~Ina on the end of the pier and tome halibut •nd bonlta. "But we haven't bad too many visitors cut here catchin 'em." Now 9oUnds like the Ume when the fisherme n can enjoy ideal cond!Uons rn Huntington Beach, they may be0 out. numbered by the fish . Brea Man Killed In 2·car W reek A Brea man died Friday nliht In a l\\·o-car collisian 500 fett north af the Orange County lint on Bru Canyon Rood. Dead on arrival at St. Jude's Hospi. ta!. Fullertoa, WU Jooepi> Ralph Seaton, 111. ol Ill Ethellnda W11. CalUom!1 Hlgbway PaU.tmen said his southbound auto was struck by • car driven by Jerry A. M.i>oon, II, of Pomona . M-Is being btld at the aamo hoaiptal with a lrtclurad right 1q ind numerou1 tut.I and brutsu. CllP offi· cer1 11\d th6 adoldent Jt under fnvesu. gation. ------...... -----------------------------~---... ------...,~----~----~~----...... --.... -.. • • J i.!_.,1 •' 1 •.. J .. 1c..--w -. °""" '"" ilMft \ • • • !. l am v-k of Boston,' who once had • midget pinch hit in the big Je8~eS ·and wbO set oft live fire-- WorkS. w1len members of bis Cltve- land teem hit home runs, hcis a nmV promotion goirig. Veeck, presi· dent ·Of Suffolk Downs, has C9rral· led eight ,lady jockeys to compete in ·a '$10,00.0 6-furlong stake race Ai!l'!I 19. . VeeCk ltas dubbed the rac& the Lady Godiva Stakes -wbat else? • _IQ Richmond, Eng 1 and,. .two ~· ~\ 12. 1969, DAILY PllOI'· f Oil: -;How ·..:ltig. a i_ RiSR~ I ... ' ' ., I ~ . . ,.. • f ~ ·says~Quak~'{J:ouf4'.. ":..:~-· rk ·:B~k Ti&~ Ill JAC{~i.'.' . 11111.111~~-~~I '. _:!!!__•"°\.,-•~~~olli.~ ..... '"'!'1i~, ~e~~lbi'-· :;"'pio11tabJ..:;B;;.,,,~llll1 The (Ir .... c.o.t. , ,in I <• ·~·~ ~~•-L~' ~ -_ _, all tep cl oil" tbcqd a . -. 1 ~e ~=1=!'!...~-uw.. · llll'VIYWU ... ~ worth more than the under..,- ......... ··-·· ol m oil -...,.. .. ·-...,. liiiPiilo·-muves becaUJe ol the tu Jooflllole-~~ _,,_ "°'!L-w · ....... iillndi oiJ the -WOlllil =-· well&, in me ~ B . re-bi-·-, , ~,-. Andnws urged that oil Collfwila oll -.llll:O.ol . trqJ.c oil •""11<1Jl :"°" '.': wtlla be rtmo•ed ~ --=1 apewMIOOotJ,r~ll!loqu lilllaol-· -~.1¥.would(blYo!il ID plaCfd inland. Sia,. drilling, w • ~Tllat is uli-.• !nki!ii',. .. .,~ .<; . • ihp' •. ~ mi..-.:.i;:.-=-111(; would P<m!lt ·-·• · . , l. Andie a• ·-.J.!' llMdl iit01 olfllhore lsliilldl illd, there would bi ~ prOiNCtloo of>lbe UdtJandr• withoul · :::_ o11.ijf!u\nc. ~I said' be bad;-~t ~lfocola. . · -! : , -·':"'' d~ing the coutal 6<111ty, ond ...,..., with oil ·interelta fdr ovtr !O >""!I' in · No , -· ca!llOl'Dli; ·• .10 J a UCe, he sakt. • dev~~ ~ many iaod bit..-esta hi Los Callfomlo. It would.~ be ~ """'-He ooted· that U.S. Seu. Alan CrooMI; A""*4 aod Q:ange coul)llp., of "!/,, wicontrolted1 , he lilct. _ ( D-Clllt. I bu • bill ID , the. hopj>or tbof • ~;.., <llirced that ii Jlle Oil,-· A..1n1Jar eartl>\lllke )l'Uo_nll.IJit .!II"' would ban all offlhore; <!rl1Uol ,in . llil\ Pa'nies. had · sperit one-tenth. 11 tn.Ch dari'~,--~d. , . • ".1• -_., ,.._ ,. ..... ~· atate. It wlll die,, .be AJd. wltbout a money In develop••• slanl-drillina lechni Aftdms hit .lederil gov·•• a mt et citlien J1U8b aod v"'!i .,_t. ! · _ ••~• 85 they J;d on ~ rl!llricliolll on the imlJONtloo ,a( ffl' ".Gdd help 111 ii we ckll't acl DOI'', '~ar.i. 95 per<ei>t of the oll pklled up ,E'.l!t .oll..1!hich be aalil, 'cOuid bed ro· cport~~ty tow~1..e.!1a1n,~ -~\-~ .O!r,i.;,.. •lt,tl(!(Dlllcould,,be loll<O'by, ~tot '1.!0 per ~I ieos tblll, oil ---thll -• -~ ' .. .:.. .• sed <-• , , can be·~ Ill lllt ..ie._. ·, oald., , , , • _ ~,,.a 11tes. , • · .. : .: .. '-a .. .-... -At'"a bearing after the Santa Barbara . .. · '' ' • ~'; "'· 'itiiUtfr, Andrews. said. oil-1spoliemnfn M• ' · s ude ,p .,,i, -,;;..~~~;:!1=~~1'."t inor,i~"·· ·t . n~ (,tit , ~ ·'"!"11ler4 waa a great sileDCt. Thin, they . 9! J;·~ # • l:&ld;'"..:W~ ~!e can:~. that 1 , · ,. .. -'~ -:; .. • •• '! • ' ' -.,, neighbors each claimed a blue bi- cycle as. belonging to their .sons and, finally took the matter to court. The ,judge found no evidence of pnio~ either way so he decreed half of the bike should go to each child- the pedals, saddle, bell, chain, tire valves apd handle grips t9 seven- year-old · Gatr Ceri'li' and the frame, wheels, tires handlebars, and mudflp.ps tO: nitighbor'!f~~lon, Stephen Thomas. "' ,lbJ!,wbD't happen again,', " .. h« said. s ho l Q • • , • '· "~· called the M l!&t~· ·c 0 ' . ueStWnnair.e .. ,HOW TO RELAX -"UOl linguisl Richard Barrutia fingers centuries-Channel,,"one of the moot g<0lo;tcally · , f) id ~~-· st t h f nd · Q ·t E d 1 ft Smith · unstable ports of the entire world. ·) =~ .. o -:1"w1;1.1g ·':" ~en . e ou 'ID . ut o, cu~ or o . . son1an He, said, that the wella: .there wefe e:t· Institution identified it as a sarangt from India no longer in use. •· perimental and that Gulf' ,of MeXico wbat t!le queotlonnaire is intended':,Ci ve Uose at a l'!CeOt boud of ' ~ Meet the People techniques were used to pull the oil oµt. Human failures were responsible for the Wsaster, he said. • :... QD industry .representaUves corilacted "by the DAILY PILOT fOr comment on Minority otudenta in the Huntlnilon Beach lllgh District this fall will be asked to fill out a 57-ttem questionnaire about their r~j\J>acqrounds and their ruture educau · pl•~ , · · !. •. -a..61-..r • ~· n=wog. ·· • UCI Linguist at Ease With computer-or Guitar l Andrews' talk declined to enter I.he fray and indicated, it was an emoUon-char~ed battle ~ey could not hope to:~n. · · Jim Gil.strap, an executive with the G. E. Kadane and COmpanj. a NeWport Beach oil firm, said Uiat individual oil company spoktjmen could not · anBW.11' charges without going out on ;a limb and that they were unwilllnl: to do so .. Andrews, who· now heads · Lquna: The survey hu been provided through a citizen's 1dvilory committee on more tffectlve ~ of l$lol fadllUea and is in· tended to aid the district ln provldlog census Information on its ·atudenb. · ' Appro:rlmately ten percent of the minority otudenis from the lour big~ schools m t.he district will" be asked to take the questloMaire. They wllt ,be selected on the ba!li Of their llW'l\ll1lt-. Coiislderable c:onluslon abollt e111ctty Dr. Loren ld•ll, ~tor of ~; and recordet for threhhenl c:oriinitte!ll:,.. Aid, "I am the -tor thil ~­and even I am not c:olnplttely eertabf' what the questionnaire is for." ~ Trust.< MattbeW ·weyukei', whn ::a: against1 ad(lpting &he IUtVtY,, nw:y ;_' his dissatisfaction wtth 1the ~ say!DI(, "I think there is an nful JGt,at overafress oi ui!S mhiortty lllli!i: l ,~ uieae thins• ~ to magnify ,IJtuilloiw> and Create problems where there aren"t- llflY· .. V.i..iting an exhibit at the National Congress of American Indians, former vice president Hubert Humphrey loOks at some jewelry '!pith thl!: official hostess Marti Thompson, Wi1rnebago tribe (left) and Miss American In· dial\ Thoma.sine HiU, Crow tribe. Fif· teen tribes 'from the U.S. and Alaska a.te repretentect at the industrial co11· fereni:e i'IJi .CliicoDo. p ~· ·~· • •• •I• H f" •An ·ll"Ye&Mld··newspape~~aliv· efY '&OY ·li'l':.Auttin ··Tex, ·ran into' a pa;r.¢ ~~ers l\vo,'leeft'~li~:·gfrl i in lllil!l.ski.l'ls: ~rte wiefd.e? ~ .2Z. caliber pistol. Police ·said · Poul Lonko. told them ·the .. gJrls, 'about 15 or 16,' steppe<! from b'eliind· a parked car and ordered the boy to throw do_wn his money bag. One held li pistol,'on'him. Lenke said the girls, both 'blondes, then got into a car and drove off. Their take was $14. • Jolln1~111 •. C~h. the count111 ahd 1 wt&tern music star, has won·a1~ ! "honora.r11 Life sente'lice" to the • Cumins Prison F.arm, Ark. The award was made by Wade Eaves, . editor of the pti&on. 11ew,!pa.per, afierCash and a troupe of JeUow entertainer.s · perfprmed for 900 inmates. The &how wo.s taped bl/ the A17terican Broadcasting Co. ' 'for.viewing June 1. . . · i .., .... _.....,, __ ..... • . Charlie Bartlett, typewriter trou· bleshooter, was called on to pe r· fonn a delicate operation on a ma· chine after a three-foot python woiind itself into a typewriter. Bart- lett, employed. by a Tucson office machine products company, said i t took him nearly an hour to remove the snake. The snake's master was Identified as U.year-old • Bin Glr- clen. Bill's mother said, "I've heard of a kitten on the keys, but never a snake in the typewhter.'' • It cost Frod 8'trror1 of St. Louis, Mo. $275 to get bis 'single engine airplane qut of T_ower Grove Par~. Barrera, 52, a student pilot, had landed ilr Tower Grove Park last weekend because he was lo.w on fuel . He had to have the plane dis· manUed trucked away and reas· sen\b100' -t:ost , $275. • A recount confirmed that Archie 'NNI and Rlchiord Vlohmo"' were eJ'ected trustees oJ. the vUlage of piamp, Mo., WI.th 100 ~·'!'e~t J!)a• jonttes. Each got 011e vO!i, the Oiily valid ba\fot cast. '11lree 119iderits of tlie biilusirlal village west of St. Louis 'voled but the St. Louis' Coun- ty Election ilo!'.rd ruled two in- valid. ..... ~ ~~ .... • ,, .. Jly THOMAs FORTUNE OI The OlllY r~lot Sl•ll UC Jtvine Associate Professor Richard Bamrtia says he is a linguist, not a polyglot. It's an important distinction . A polyglot, he says, is one wbo speaks many JangUage s. Besides English, Bar· rutia speaks only Spanish, Portuguese an<f Basque. A linguist he defines as.one who deals wiul communication in all its forms. That he doeS1'It~: -BirruUa bas designed a foreign l~guage ~lf~arfing ,m8:cbine usinj -N··-.... ~··~-• " • ' ~.><Y'Tll'll"'I •.. M '"-.:·._,: • , • • • -He is arrangiffg for UCl black *tdenta 1to< be ·ta"ght-"".the; African 1angu~e Swahili. . !~d he tta! just · returned ·from tea"ching in Brazil· where ht studied the impactof the evolving language Guararu. Thit, as he says, makes him a linguist. Tht ·shori, easy-grinning, 43-year-old professor ·also is colorful of speech and outgoing. Yes, he has a doctorate. But he is not 'the reserved, preoccupied, pipe· clutching type. ENTERTAINER Before he came to academe he spent 10 years as a professional entertainer, pleasing audiences with his guitar playing and sleight of hand. He gets a kick now from show'ing off his multi-talented teaching machine. Barfuua is working with a $11,800 UC Regents research grant. He is in the se- cond' ye:ar of a three· year project to pro.- ve the worth of·his invention. His ~aching machine employs a tape reCordlng to give a vocal language lesson, just as in many high school language labs. But that is Where the similarity end~. Imprinted <ln the Lape are .not ooly eight tracks of voice impressions but digital computerized directions for selec· Ung among them. When a student makes a wrong' respo~ to a multiple choice questiori, the computer clicks lhe tape into reverse down a track of remedial work specific to the err«. Then, after a time, the com- puter clocks the tape forward again giv· ing drill work leading back up to the main-line track. 'AN SHOW SUDES As auxiliary equipment the teaching machine can run a television set, slide projector, computer ty:pewriter terminal, or paper puller for writing answers on, all coordinated to the addlotape. 1be machine Is called Ampex Instrinsic Jlev(ce (AID). fnfrin.slc, becau!e alt the information to drive it is on the tape, Ampex, because Ampex Corp, built the equipment. worth about $20,000, for Bar· rutia without charge. Bamitia hu no compunctions about setin3 machines relieve teachers <lf cet· tain. taSka. "Can we really teach?" ht asks. "Or is the primtlJ'Y tole in learning played by the student! 1r we do teach why do some in'the class not learn?" -namrtla 11' chairm.i.o of the campus• ~ressor program in linguistics. He 1190 b director of English as a Secood Capo School CWef . Wins 2nd Award -. -· ... ~. Readings on ~ ridaficreeiJs et SAN JUA!l CA p IS TRAN 0 iAJ11bei't airport in St. Louis, had Coplstrlll\Q t,Jnilled'a Schools s u p,t . llOlice and firemen u~ a tree. A Charlu F. Kenney has received his ... lite broke loose from its pilot and cond oworo rrom t!Je' Ff«<loms Foon· Jod'ged In ll tree near, the airport, dallon o1 Valley forg•. \railing l ~ feet !>f st~ng in lhe His m<ll!it recent award is for a 1968 ad· air -;,iid interf~g with lhe·ap. dress to 4,000 navol reservisis at l,.o$ proach pattern of Incoming air-Alamltos on the American way ol tKe. .craft. 'Police aoc1 ~remen w ... ou~ ... 1;1P Kennedy is a e1ptain in the naval reser· lhe strtn~ and clunbed 1he 1ree to , •n. lie allO won an American Educaton •et th• te out. 1116$. ' ' ~ ' .. . Ir ' Beach's light agalnat expanlion of oil Language and Non lndo-European companies into protected. state tidelands Languages. . south or the Santa Ana River, saUt ·the '-.:· Newport Shoves Park. Site'. May Bring Property Fighti The first such language, Mandarin public, thrOugli the stJte, rectlveJ about Chinese, is being taught this year. Bar· ,25 million from the oil pumped from the rutla is looki ng for a teacher of Swahili state tidelands. so it can be taught next fall in tht new "How can you square $2S million with Black Studies Program. all the dangen that drilling brings," ht A course in Swahili, tbe ,African lingua franca, was requested,by members· of the campus Black Student Union, he s&id "Black students," he ramarked, ''have a need for traditional roots , identification of their culture within the greater scheme of world affain." English as a Secood Language also will bt offered in the fall, especially for Mex· ic11..n-~rican.·stuctents ·recruited in the Educational Opportunity Program: They also will be taught Spanish. "They knOYI acceptable k i lc.e h e n Spanish," ,Jlanulla.exPtained:"~'l'lle balijo dialogues of beginning .Spanish Would be too insip\d for Ulem. But they'.d.be_k!d in a high·powered. Spanish 1 It er.at u r e course.'.' ~ Barrutia's study of Guarani, !lO Indian language that is one of the three 'tongues of Par~g\lay, was done .while he taught at a uni versity in Sao Paulo, Brazi1, the winter quarter of this school year. INTERFERENCES He said he · investigated the in· terferences caused by the tri-lingual in- put in to a child 's brain. To explain what he meam by interference he gave this example. • "Thees roon hass jello gualls." He said, "That is the Way a M~an would say, 'This room has yellow walls.' Ht mispronounces bec•use the 80Un4s are different or the letten are ~ poai· liontid jn the same way in Spanish as in Englifih." . Barrutia was asked how to proi:>OUnce the double "r" of his own last name. "You produce the trilled 'r,'" he e:r· pained, "by making a double tap of the toqgue al:aiiist the aleveolai-ridge (behind the upper fr9n~ teeth). Our pro- nWlCiation of 'edited/ in which we tap rapidly for the 't' and 'd' on the roof of tl1e mouth. is a l006e equivalent of the trill ." He assured that with practice "any human being can make any noise of any language:" FOLK SONGS Years have passed since Barrutia walked table to table at Tahoe area nlgh1'pots pulling car& from behincl startled patrons' ean. But he ltllt likes his rriaglc. Mostly though he spenct.. leisure Ume playing Mexican folk soi:igs on the gWtar. "Those are my release'periods. tt Rtl a different pace for me," he rtmarked. Barrutia, recently divorced, on his return from Brazil moved into one of Newport Beach's new South Bay Club apartments for so-called "svringlng singJes." He doesn't feel he needs all the pro- grammed activity, but thinka "mafbe I'll disc<wer some soCiologlcal Heret that makes this chlb Uck." Ttmrsday he attended his f i r s t Academkl Senete meeUng since his return and wa:!I delighted with the fireworks. SPIRITED DEBATf; For three years he wu ae:cretary to the faculty Senate seaaioos and ne-ver.beard oucb spir!kll'clebata u provoked by the """'1t rirlng of pr<>!....,.. aod atempb to ,refonn the tenure IJlltem. During the height of It, when Student RepreartntaUvt to the Sen1te P1ttl Nelson Was tongue..laahlng the profeiSOn, a colleague leaned ovtr and asked Bar· roUa ... How ~ould you 'like to have a daughter Uk:e that1" BartuUa surprised with the answer that he would lovt It. ' "Can you tmagl'ne having her wosa the dlnnei' table every night," he remark· ed later. "She'd keep you youna and on your toes." Math Teachers 1 Meeting at OCC Newport Beach City Atlorney Tully uncertainty of the Pacilie Coalt Frt<way Seymour today began an effort to unravel route. ownenhip of a praposed park slte near The freeWay's adopted ~ Newport Shores. which the city has long pr~·;·~ For' Conference Se~_ says tbe title·~, ear ch, jua\ inland of•tbe highway..... · f · . aUthoriiecfthi!·weel(by City'minciima\; ·,., · '': • -· "": .,. nu.fWtiid up' in a ~·Nltte ................. ~ :-::~ :"· "'"'>: ~~).7': '; • ·, Mathematica teachers from tm. The property, he explained, 1a clalm«I New Church Wtng dergarten through cottea:e levels will by varloul people. • gather today at Orange COiS1 Coile'~ _ -0.C. ..;,,.,,hip is .. lablished ~blY-· --:T --s '· -· , in Costa Mesa for ~Second ~ -.,ie; li)lgation, the ; ~I)''. wJ!J'. oeek ,., : Dedieat1oii : . et :. ( at;~ge ~y Mathematics ·~~,. purchaae it as a •'temporary" .park lite Creat1vit)'. in Mathem.lticl, 1S the for res~ents of Newport Shores and keynote' speech to be deUV<fed, by Dr. nearby aitu. Ernefil Ranucci, ,profe.uer ol . ou1·d be ... third .. , . W-" mathematics at tbe State Univusity of l~ w ute' plla. in , ""'!' New York. Newport. . , . Foliowlnl Dr. Rlnucd" I a.m. speech, P¥k5 ComnuMlon Chairman Walter The · new , wing -of. the Communit)'~ Pmhyter!Oli 'Clnltth; 4t5 .. ,.._·'AV.,.;; Laguna Beach wilt be _dedicated,Sunclq._ following the. IO •• m. aervtce. the cowity educators ,Prtid r Otit to SemeruiJl: recommended the UUe sear~ special ...Sons geared for their level o1 notln1 that West Newport is deficient m teaching · , public parks. The addition hu·beell buitt and fumilb. ed. with an accent on youth Ind' fellowship. . . . , "ChrisUan Education -No Option" ii lhe topic of guest apeaker, Rev. Huchlton Payton at all servicea at the Commlllllty' Robert E. Eicholz, author ol newly The site. under ~ideration la located adopted fllate elementary IC ho o I on the mlancl oide of We.it Coalt mathematics textbookl, will be. the Higl;lw~. between Newport Shorea and leaturtd -ker at the primafy·in· the Afmit!Onl OU Co. Jeuehnld. termedlate..aedion meeting. . c;t!ii officials aald . the aite wvuid ,... Several hundred eduCJ.ton are eipect~ qutre -~e. ~ to '!Jike it .W~ble for to attend the c<l!ilerence, in wi1ictJ topi<s park JllD'PO"S. l'lllygrnund equipment, run from mall! !or tlJe low ocl!lever to they Aid, 'lni&ht be ,donaled hy .ne~ the pow e,. ·of motion Jeometly and homeownera~,~tidna. Permanent ift. Booleon aJiebra '&pplicaliOlla In the real llilJaUon of par) r,dlJUea, they ldcied, world. · would pr<>bahly ilol be wise ln'view cl the Presbyterian Church. • This Sundly, a new schedule o(' servlcts will-be initltuted .. At 1:30 1.m., a· hair hoot family .worship for chtklrtn and parents wilt be held !or thoae who prer.r a itiOrt informal siervice. At 9 a.m., sw.~ day Cliurch 9Chool for children will IHI· hekt and at JO a.m. and 11 a.m. mull· one hour worships will be held. Will the President , , proclaim it ''Buy-· From-Bidwell Week''? Ua(-...itely for my cloctor, I'm not t!ie wOl'l')'lng type. If I eoald loara ,to bite my fingorriai!t, I'd got' -•I· cerl. lit 1965 there were 14 men'• ·•loret within. a r1din1 or ten, mlloa from my .. -. BatiMN here at Bidwell'• wu pod. I wu happy. My wife wu happy. Ever,.body -happy. Tlien diey ,...t and opened th•t bruted Newport Cenie. or Fulalon lolaad Or ..... ..,..,. it'• ealled laloJr, •p lhore •• the idU. . , ,....,...... little ollop1 were -1"' reuon 41111i-11orn wne ruahln1 to Newport e..e&. u I lhouPt ... rd 11e ,~~, lpoia. .Bat today 1uteac1 of 14 .ompetlton I have S7. Same ten niile ndlm. Flpfe 1.t oqt. .18% lllOl'O p0pwlation1 118% more men,!1 lloree. That. dear frlend1 and follow pbl1- phen, la what • i1 knowa a modern math. At lint, when all lboM new •toree epe1lea, it ,.... real toqb. FO. e>W)'body. B•t now my bu1inea1 it on the up api.D. :ftfy talet are running~ well ohead each week aplnat the corresponding Week lut year. Tboup I forgot· 1'ho iaid it, lnlly "the a-of ad'VUl!ty an1 tweet.'' The 1evere eOm.• petition actually made thU a better 1tore. Another thing, It bu made me a more &gre11ive adver- tiler. Since I 11a11ed W ad.Yer- tlse 52 weeb a ,_ I ba"' 1tarted drowlng buhieto 'lrom an area.J never dreamed po.. alb le. I have e h a r I e e'lllllom•rs who live a1 far awaf 11 La lhllro. Unheard of Iii 1965. And from San Jaan Copa.. trano, Huntlag(on Uarboar, e10n Rlvoralde. Tbat'1 wby It woald ....., be niee if the l'Mlclenl would , proolaim next woek "Nodonol Buy. A ·Solt. From. BW,..,D'1 Week.'' 1 could -a few "°" tomera from Cincbinad, Boiae, '1d Bohlmonr. In -you'ie one of~ ond ,.U•n. otayiDI •t ilie N.,.. porter Ian, my 1811 prleeo nm from SSS to $1~ llfyd-.~llt•~· y ... 1ioa1d-.111te-·1 •to,.. (and dep01-t.atore men'• depv1mm11) jut . la that one 1 la• p p,t. a I eenter •lone. 'lhere'1 Tiie Br.cl.way, BnH1UM', Detmoa4fia," How. ord'a, Map'" "-f'a, Bi>b. iuon'a, and Sll•erweed'1. ,. ·Jack Bidwell Eiflii ol ihesn. ,_ I'm ..,. !bat _,. ......,..,.. 3461 via Llclo. Jut ...,_. t11e A...r. ··~·•• ..... helBe r-t HJ,,lnny. Telep&.. 6~10: Drhe bet•wil Lido Tliwtor I: my ollne I: part. Ill .-. c.pyript 19'9, Jaok lllohriill • --i ' . -----~ ------~- . • ' ' t ' 1 ' l ' ' • ' ' ' • t • ' ' ' ' ' ' l ' . ' ' • ' ' • • ' t ' . t l t ' • ' • • ' ! ; • - i • ' ' ' • ' ~ ' ' I , • ' •• '/ I ,. I • • -f Nll.Y 1'11.DT -· . -P::0·I AD GPbWll Jdl • ..tli.Jll.llMI! t tf•lta'ttli-U.....a.t .......,.,'-_ 11 SUnc111. 10:• 1.m. ne churcl> meeta at Ille Amortcan LtliOD HID, 1A1iOD ' l n11 cmnn1 Slrtltl. Tr. •"'** will be ..,,.n.cf' .t the Na- tional Coovtatlon ol .t h • n i t aria n · U.n I versaliat Association slated !Or July. ScbooL for P.l•!.•t:hool, primary and -~._&(• chlldrdl ta held' coocumntty with the adult RfOIZ'Am· Rtsarnetloa L • t • ' r a• ~rch, 91111 HanllUqn _Aye., Huntington Beach, will hold Sunday school and adult lludy group meeting· 1t l;·L~ ·Sun- day. Momma -~. 10 :30 • __ ._.-; """""' ;· ~will .be ollend a.m.,'"'rtt111 featurt1 ,:, ~ al t:ao and 111.m. tenk:a at Artlw R. Tl!lll~ldnl ~ Pini 11-Me1¥1t Clmdl ''Wh.V ls-Thlre-.to.hy!', of F-tal> Vllley; 11116 N_, we ii~ . Bualwd st. CliUrc:!I oChool and -.ir -clll\lll liiit ,,..U. nunerj care are· aile btld 11 ln>trucpon will b<Jin •U p.m.I bolh lfoun. and tbe cliureh council will The admlnialrltive bou\:I of meet at 7'p.m. · ~ · ~ • the church ~•il4 meet 'l1mfl.. --· " --·-~ .. cloy, 7:111 .p.m. -Lac!'_nl:~'a.Flitf "' '' .. tin a.re., ~-~:;'1.iei~t t.\ Pastor James E. Piercy, ot will hold an Easter after&low Fint Qrildaa ~.,a, 7tt servlC. !hi! 'Siiliiliy i t t•:cr \!lctorta~ ~--Mell will LnL. The aennon, "The Bible l>O&IJt a ""I' ~iea ol' t'rtnonl Spew ol Two Way Streets,'~ tbil ~ 'l'he .ulle of the "111 be'dellvertd 'by ~Rev._ series Is 1·1The Risen Christ Bruce Qishing. Spea~ to ·111a Chutch". The B~le claises -1¥.I~ held at first 1ennon of ·the 11eriu, t:it·ti.nt. Ind e-Krw·veapen: ·"You Can overcome Fear," Q,tsarwtP1.,· "ln·SWcb ol' a Plot• wlU he Westmont Cc>!l•&•'• Male Quartet (friim left) Dick 1111 litmday .aennon topic of Phlllipa, Jett Roy, Tom Sancllez and Paul Johnson ... a-a--r--•· ,. -and accompllllll Rusty Biscak .,;ll perform al the -•-·-~-~ nw•~ ·it ••• 7 p.m. SUnday service at Harbor 1'rlnlty Bapti1t Col'nlllyltt":f. a.rdlF·'-'-'!.!Md Chureh, 1230 BUer ~ .• co.i._ Meaa. The q"•"'•ls ~-i:i;:. ;'.;;.ip "':nci are a '25. year tracllflon al the Seiita Bar!iara'Cbri .. churdl llChool. will be al 1::¥1 _u_an_'Co_ll_e_.1"•_· __ · -~-·----,.~·---' __ a.m. / · • Hakhn ·Jamal, a COU!in o( 1lnln N .... leedor llalcolm X, wiU speak Swday evenlna to Unttlrtaa U i lTer1all·1t FellowlM• o1 Lapni Beadl. - The meeting II •laled for I -o'clock at the home of the , Tom Lyestera, $!O Diamond St., Laguna Beach, Jamal IJ>OU at the New Belllel J!apllst Church In Detroit, Palm Sunday, the day that a shooUng of a pollcem8n outalde &et off a 11hoot out in- side the church. He 11 also a principal ol a · M<fnte~rl -ScMot &1comp1on. Tbe publle II invlled lo the 1a1k. setihic :a!i&1'tiu.a wfti '" u Evange I is m Sun.di y , Redeemer LaU.ru CbrU, 16S51 Springdale St., Hun- (ll<e-PlJLPIT, Pace I ) ' ' ·'Rftigion';:; ._.. -~ : . ~- ... :·N oi ~c~f!l , ~afl " , 11J ~ C.US!U Uft~1'"'°' . Public -olficlals In 1houll1Dd1 · cl· American com- mmiltler have oveittacted 1o tlli llllprmw Coor!'• 19'3 rul· tnc·on 0-nlii!Olll ex-_ .... . 'Ibey have Interpreted It IS a ban on prayer and Bible . readlnc. It is not, and 'never wu lnteoded to be. Tbe court went out ol 1ta: way to make that clear. All· that tt b e l d un- CCPltltutlcml w:u the former- ly wldeo!ned F•cUce of -"1nc each ..chool day with • inlnl-wonhlp.MrVlce, which 171Jicolq ln<luded a devoUonal 1'611<111Jt· lnlrn -the Scriptures Md um.on recltalion of the Loni'•~- . rills .l'R4C11CE,, the cou."t .llld. lnlriJ!led rtllgious liberty and .tr...,.......i the line of HPW•Uon between church ... ' l .• ... -••W. by ·the·Flrft A..-ent lo the ~ tion., ~r1 : . -Deli>lte the care with -wblch the court fotmulated -lta rul- ing, one sun htars -ettn from school ol'ficials -the F'JIOllel<IUI llatoment !bat it's now unconstlluUonal for chU<lren to FIY or read ·the Bible whlle thty 're on JJChool property • In an effort to dear ·up such milconcepllon> Ore,.., s t 1 t e Superintendent or EducaUon. Dale Parnell, lw iss ued a set of l\]idf:Une11 for public Khoo! officials in his state. THEY ARE a.EAJt, aentl· ble and enUrtly in accord with the· spirit. and letter of tht Supreme Court rulinf. • 'l'bty Could become • ·model ror similar action by ot.hlr state department.I of educatl:m. Here are the Ore.(OJI guidelines with ~Mlme (See SCBOOUI, Pap I) ORANGE COA·ST CHURCH Dl·RECTORY l . . . . . LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? fry . . FAIAYIEW BAPTIST CHURCH IA. L C.l Fllrvlow Rd.· Al Ftlr Dr. Costl M•H -. 9 A.M.-Church Scheel 10 A.M.-Worahlp °'9.. l1wlllltll i D1ptll .... ...,...... , ............ ., C::11•••1 •••. , .. 'lft..4611 ' HAUOR ll'RINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1ZJO .... It . .t .. lftlnr, C.... ..._ a ... C.-. WI•, Pesto!' Sunda.1· ScbOOI t :45 a.m. Morning worsblp 11:00 a·!D· Baptlll TrllnlDC Union 6 p.m. Eveninc 1ervice J p.m. Wedneada7 Blblo Stuey • Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 6IO HAMILTON, COSTA NIU , Ri,. 101' Sc.h111tltokopf Sn4.j Sc.t-1 , ••• , •• •:41 Tfainlnt Union ..• , •.•.•• 6:00 M I W 'I JJ ·OO Evo11if1 t Wor1h1i11 ....•..• 7.tlO .,,. .. •ttn , •• • • • w•. m~i"'I s.r.-1 •••••• 7:00 ,.,.,.~!11\ ... ., N~ ~.~~ ·•• UNIVERSITY IAl''itS\"ClfOlC:H''" · · ~ 2211 t . -.. fAUSADn 11 ..... 1 ~·. ~T 'iatoci:l:t~~-"~~ .. ~~!f.l.~ .. ;i.~~ , •• ..x· ... ......... WOl:IM1, .................................. 11 AJlll. llVINIM• wo•otl, ...................... ., .......... , t , ... ,.,,,, Mlt>IQIK Sl•Y.K• WIDMllDAY .............. 71• P'.M. .... "' s. '"'*-' ....... . . Cllri ...... 14N117 ... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE _ · CHURCHES llANCMIS Of THI 'NOTMR ClfYICM TH• PllST =CH OP CHltlt, ICllMTllT '-" A "· MAISACMUSlm "ARE SIN, .DISEASE, AND DEATH REAL?" Subject of Leason -April !S Cotti Moae -Flrot Churtll of Chrl1t, Scientist . . 2111 M.,. Yl'Ne ~ .• C.n .... .. ...., Sdtff--.t:1 I A.M. Chtc• Senke-:11 A.M. ....i ....... '"' ..... ..,. "· Huntln--li-P~nt Chutch of Chri1t, Sclonli1t . -';.1f.:ett..· : • 1• .. ,,, • .., ;. ... ~ c•_.. & a.... kJIMl-9:JI & 11 :00 _ ........... a .... · . -. -Laguna lo1Cli·-~l"''Ch--.,,.Chrht,'Scitntl1t 6)1 " ...... ., .... ,. ·~ .. .. .. • .... ~ .. = t~~U4t!::l~· '•'"~ ~ • ~ ' ' • J • N1wport . !lltM~ ~(Of qitt,.?, Sclontlot "" .. ~ .... -=:, ~ .. ,,,.._, _.,j~a.... 1ni;.-~·11 '-1,""'·· -. -. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH -. Welcomes You. ST. JANIS. lltt VIII Lw.~ N..,., IMclo ....., ..,.__7;10, 91ot, 1110t ,....., 11111-"'-"*r 1:11 p.ira. .. M•ly hctlwht & H ..... s.Mcts ._ .. ,, lh .... JHa, t..Ailo.y II; .AIM., n. 1 ... ,Dn14 CnMp Phone: 675-4210 . :5T. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Fadllc View Dr. at 'Marguerite, Corona de! Mar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Days u announced IKtft, Tiie lrl. ,,.._ a...,. Dftll-....... 64....WI ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Tburadays: 6:30 &: 10 a.m.j Holy Da ys as announced "'-· n. a..,,. ... w. D1111... ,.. ... 141 .. 126 EPISCOPAL ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ... It. ol CMJill LIM -~ .... ol l'fvii' ..... ""'""""' ..... ~ . ................ c. COWJ. ...... Sunday Sorvlcn -- , I •• A..M. ...., cco .. ~•••.,•• tr• AM. fl-ltr l«wt. a Clwc• 11• P.M. .,,...,.... I I ~ • ~ · .. , •• ,~ .... ~ .. ~. ~,.,,.,n :•~~w..,._,,, •"1•J•" ~-Cllciidim• • M~ C',tl9 ,.........., .. , ., . . . . '. . . ~" Nawport 1o1cfl.Soc6ncl Chun:h of Chrht; Sclentl1t Flnt Anembly of God Church ·-1111 ,...,. ..._ "" c-.. ---146 E. 22nd St .. Cosio Mesa 54'-3761 FIRS~;u~~~IAN . -,,.~'::.·~~.'i'c!:.t'.:'.+.--'--'--; " . ,, .•• r.fa~i .. ~~~¥.i .. ~~i:,Jhc ' PIUT llAPTlST CHUaCH .,_,_ ~..,itltJ ' 17~11 w ....... -·-... 0.. ....... Victoria & Placentia Ave. I,;· All are cordially invited to attend the churth oervtca SCHIDULI OP HIY>CU Costa MUa ,~ and enjoy th•.t>r1Vllepa ~ the Readlna Rooms S111fff-Ch•n:• Sc11H1 •••••• , •••••••.••••••••• •::Jfl •• ,... ......, Wanlllp ~·· •• " ••• , 11:11 •·•· & 7:00 p,., ,,_ I . l'leny C ... J.c.. ........ •T A\L SOYICft Ch,,.lri Ckoir -Sh~il p,.i .. n, Diro•t•r . IN!llllw ; ·I_.·' • ·~ ·' • • . .• YWtwl ...... -"...., A,.... D\•.=-,.~rfJ11 .. STA.fl UCINSU Hl0SCHOOL-hll Wiii.._ DINctw s .. nc•v Sch••' •• :. •110 111 M•miwg Wonhi, , • 91)1 & 11 __.,A ....... olllW'*- '"" .................... ''" 1'"'" .. CHURcuor. CHRIST ---... ww =t:.~::::::::::.~?;:.;: ;1 ~:;~-.,~-~ ·!!Jn~~on• WIA · ?~ ; .. .,......, ~·-• ~ 'Nbhti,o-can Prii•1:i;; · ,.,~ ~rrdi6."":;;•&•m•W • · :·-·.··.I ·a · · · itARioR-moRtil m00 · 1 142·2421 MM7Ji . . '4M141 · SUNDAY MOININ& 111\.E STUDY •..•. , •• , ••.•••• •:41 AM '°';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;~FFFFFFFFF(ft suNDAY MOININ& WORSH IP a COMMUNIPlj ··~~AM .. , -.-. meetin at I: " SUNDAY EVlNIN& WORSHIP ••• , • -• , ,, ••• ,., •• ,; P.M. f 1 .... ,._ • .. SI FIRST CHRISTIAN Church of ttio Doily Wor4 ~ WtDNESDAY IVINING 111\.l STUDY •. ." .• h · ..... , • , .io-:»M :;" t"r"": St. James Epiacop1I Church : NUUllT CAU PIOYIDD ,• ~· ~ . . • .'~ :· 3209 Via Lido, Newport h1ch ruuRQI NEWr.fll.T UNITY ' ~ -o. M-: t .. 9£'"". . ·~-S-'Hi\TH ·i_QVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL . \.fl URCH '~ ....... ... ......... w. ..... .,, .... l.llNOW • ,Oil IN,Olt#.ATIOM• CALL m-s.o I Mein I Alll•m• Str•ets 1; L.,. :-.:::.""'-Phone: 541·5711 D1y or Night · · Hu~tlr1gton le1c:h llfh'I frvlno, N•wJlort lotth i'-!ft -... N Mornlnt W•r•~;,. I 11 10IAM 1:411~~= ~:~:;su~::,1 : ~ ... ~ti'Nm~' ~ ;-.\ •l • C~RoNi L~t.tAR' I -~ \ii . A··o: ·Tl u ; I . G:S J . Y"~'~ '.,''"' •••••••• "'' •,.... "'" A.M .... ,,;, .. , ,,,,;., ! • lllLE Cj!URCH I H . ASSEMBLY OF GOD I OllTn to1p1 •••• • • • 6:00 Evo11i .. Wouh!JI ••••• 1:00 PM o'''c:r: aw. cout H!tll'lll'•Y· "·'· .;l. 15th 1..Monrovll:··~1wport Beach ·::-:: =~:=~~u-::;; ~: .... 11•1 .! •: t,1)..~W•flJiH,fllrM .... i} 6"64,.,,~14'·,,t.: ~. Offkil1 D-JllJ .. Olal o-ttari.5N-tUO DIAL-A.fttAYll...,..'46•16:&• 'l T~ ,ip"':K"l';' "Pf_.....,. -.· r;. llMll M.11~ JA111Ut ~ • . -' CHURCH OF llRLIOIOUI SCIENCE tf'M..,.... a...w ---a.ro • thlfltlll OMdl """ .... ~ .... uttht SLINOAY SlllVICI •.• 11 "A/I. Mlnlli1"' ••.. Albert 81111!f, •.t.c..P'. .- O!f;ll'l'ITM C"Al'll... Of'8'lf9 CM1~ YMCA. not Ultl.,,.ity Dr. GO AHEAD! SUIP IN ~NDAY MORNING! ,,. .......... 1 ................. CALVAllY CHAPE.L llllW ........... NIWPOllT HlilllOll LUTHlllAN CHUllCH .... (llt................ ' ,... .... ~~.._. .... ,....w._._ ..... r Mllik. blliWf a.-It .. If F I .. I P Fl rlll QOr'll ..... ,... , ....................... _....... • f '42.67U 646-'512 .JJa,./,or (!/.,;,lian C!urcl OP NNfOllT IUCM Clt:4lf:l•l ........ ••u•z'l_~·• ,., . ....., a11.1-• .......... Church Scbool -9:45 A.Iii. WO!lhlp -10i45 A.M.m · "...,. c.. Pi1•W•• -67~5 Minister: Dr. D. W. McElroy - A fuR Youlh Prcamn Cm. of 0nnat end 2Jrd. St. CoollMtll ''*" H. L jontll; lf<:A Mtw. COMMUNITY I CON&REGATIONAt . • ·-_.... I 611 HILIOTllOPE lllLIOIOUS SCll~E. ••• w __ u ... A.M. 420 10th St., Huntl..a Q 1, ;a.id. i.•1.i ~->:M. rh•n• ll6tJj20. ;: '. .. •·,..it,~,...,.._ A411lt I '1'1,th S•ruico..._ • IMl...., ....._ 'o.c.1. IRNn~· ·o:~·~·INlml 67s..t000 c.y ·~dve'ntlat cmChei ---'-"""" 171 ............ .., .... .. Joh11 Show"''~'• '''''"' ..... -....... °"'* f'ltM.1 ,..,.61•6 •. Atfl c:..Mr~ ......, ~ ~ : .. • , ... ~ • _A. L .. w.i_,,,4 -w.....,-.. 11111 AM -t•ll-~t'U ................ t ill ... --·-·7 ... Pll--.. ll•llAM • TEM LE SHARON All "-"-.................. " ....... ...., lftlll!lli"lfl SAIUTM IYIMIN9 IBYICD .... AY • 1111 P.N. ........ """"~-................. ~--...... . ............ a:w_......... ..., .. _ .. .___ ---a:x _.·~ ' • .. " ,.. Q • .. ••• 0: ft41A .......... ~.....,~fit....-y·--r ~ ''Tlloa 90tll ,_,. 9f M""" .. ~ ., hlr.t' '' 00 '·"~SINGSPIRATION :: "'"'With -i'h-11.:r--;-siJii"s=fffri·~:Sifigei-'s~ : CWr SI.fl .. Mfli S..., S...... rroyar Mo•tl"', S1tur41y t :lO A.M HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wllson, Cott• Mai Y. L HlllTWICl, ,...., CA•L •INTIY 14M7M ............. ~UNQ ... Y S!iRVICES .. t:U M.0:. s.hrr'.;k .... .. , . ·-·---;: ·:~ \ •· '!.., ..... 11:11 A.M. -"lw l11111•r-.• Of M•'" s.r...., ,..., 6tHP.M.-Y ..... Senk• .. sa·tx~ ..... ;,._ 7 111• ... ltTtdll Mi.111_,. ....... COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ~ -1( ... ...,.. -• ......, -cw (#1 • FIUr ~HRlmA" atURCH ~ ~ IHI ,...., A-. tt .... • 111,.1l1J, FOUNTAIN° 1AWY UNIFllD SERVICl • S1t1llloy Scll•9' •:l~WOa;SHIP • lt :J .. ". · )Yorttil,# ')'..th"'"' . 6:lO """· J'll"''l ,,..,WM It •"li 101'\'IC.O' a ca:.,._, aiW.ai'-·'IWl.n .G. Afnn • ...,.. Trinity UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 6f2 W. l .. Wf9t. S-. A" WORSHIP AND E.S.P. -~-''"•'"· Mr.Mil ·141.6IJI YI• lolll\'9 h1 Etof~ll Llf• •nlll Provo Ill . •• .. Iii f t -.= • • Newport H1rbor Lutheran Church -CllH Dr. lJ 8--4293 ...................... ........ ._.. .. ,......, ·-·-• .,.. lortito ...... -.,l .. •1• ...... ,......, Sdlool ...... t 1&1t14 ..... ..... """" .... 111•11:• Nursery care available at all aeivlcea · WILCOME -. . Luthoran Cliurcli , of the M..ter : 2900 Paclllc View Dr.· COl\ONA DEL lllAR ' . ' Dlt. WILLIAM It.' ILLlll Phone Olt UOH- ·'-.1145 A,,_..-folft!ty w ... lktll t i41 A.!-f.-S1IMl•j Cini,.. Scho•I 11100 A.M.-Ftrflwe Wdlp " ..... - CHalST LUTHIRAN CHUaCH A&sourl Synod 760 Vlcterla It., C•t• M•N Lethtr v. ,.,.,.., Patw 541 5404 ....... ~ l:IS & II A.M. ._,., ldlolf1 ,, .. A.M. "*"' 8illle ci-, ,,. A.M. CHlllTIAN ILDllNTAIT SCHOOL MMIM PRINCI OF ·PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ~.·~ ·y~ ·Drivo I lok•, Stf••t, Corl• M11•, Cal~. '• · ·• ., . ..MOlllW C• U OIUON, ,....., Montll'W """"'"I t :QI. f:30 1.11 rtt ......,, ildlMI: l :CIO, t:• It 11• 'tine:• •f '-• luth1t•1t Sclllool -.• Mi1• l1fflor Oh~, .,,,~l:IP•J ,.,Off&.• rt..Mi. 141..ffJ I '· · -:: 5Ch•.I ri.1no0 1 149.0162 . . . . . ~ .W• laliovo 111 Yo• , . UNITARIAN UNIVllllALIST CHURCH IJl9 Viet.ti• St,. Coif• M111 646-4652 1:;"~ Attend the church of your choice on Sunday A Cordie! Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l•ID01 hlan4 COMMUNITY MITHODIST CHURCH 111 At•t. 675-0•lo 1:11 h1form1I Wor1hi1t •:JO Tft41tlonol . Wofthil' I S1111llloy School CMto M••• FIUT UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH !•th St I Horbor l lvtl'. Wo"hlJI & Ch11rc:h Scho•I •:JO 111 AM 141-7727 C11t1 Moat Norlh MISA YIRDI MITHODIST CHURCH M•M Vof4o I l•k•r St. 549.27" W«thl, I Clt1n:h School •:OO I 10:10 AM H .. lltlltflM lotdl FlllST l/NITED MITHODIST CHURCH 2721 17tll St ••••• IJ6.JIJ7 So,,.lc.ff -•rlO I I I '·"'· N .. n.,., ttirv J n4 tr•lllo • 11 CJt .. rc.h School -9 :JO •·"'- H11ntln9ton l11c.ft-N1rt• COMMUNITY MITHOOIST CHUaCH 6662 H._1il Avo ••• 142-44•1 Wi!r1hi1t I Chu,ch Scho9{ 'I 10:10 AM ll'¥in.-f1st Iliff UNIVERSITY MITHODIST CHUaCH Word!i, •••• l :JO AM • IJJ.12JJ M111!n9 tomporodly In St, Mark Pro1ltytorlt11 Ch11r~h lolfbluff D,, I J11mb&fOO 11:·111, L•1un1 ... c.h · LA•UNA llACH · METHODIST CHURCH 11612 Wodoy Dr I• So. lA9•11• Wo,ahlJI t 110 I II ~ Ch11rck School •:10 Ahf . 499.JOll No~it l••c:trl CHRIST CHU.CH IY ntl SIA' - 1400 w .•• , .... 11¥4. •11.1101 · w .... h;, & Ch.irc.h Siit..i t I 10:10 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church PreabYftrian 11111 ...... .,. CNMr U-1 N ........ .._. ... ..... 0.---....., W ....... : •:II AM ca.di sa..i: 11141 A.M. 0... 11 I W St. ,.._ tlMMI Dlllmunlty Presbyterian Ch 411 -·-t• loC tt.l, ~ ..... " -D~ TUUU. PAITqtt W ... I a.. l•aat· flit AM • .,__,, .4ffo7111 ' • (Coo-,.._ Pqe ti u.,ion lldch, .. m h o 1 d • ~at I and .10:6 ,.a.m. Pi..!\.or Eti(tne Schramm will speak "You, Too, Can Wit- neas." SUnday school and adult Bible c1assea meet· 1t 9:31) a.111. "Know Wllat Witnessing 11" ls·the Utle ol the.flnl lesson In a Bible etudy aeries al•ted to bqin Wldortday, 7:». p.m. · . - SL M a r II: Prelbyterian CP.rt•, 1100 MarVisia Ne.port ·Be.eh, Rb aervites it 10 a.m. Sundar wilh Ute Rev. James G. Kirk preaching "A Peace With Strings At- tached." Child care 1 n d chw'ch school are scheduled at the aame hour. • ,;-« • ~ 81.....t .,_ the Mm:lful." . -. , Tt.... -00.W _,o I «>race Coa:atf,1wlll conaqci the monthly family sabl>llh evening services on Friday at 7:45 p.m. at the Community ~ o n·g reg a tional · OJurch, ~attlla· af11! lltoomfield avenues, 14 AlariUtos. '1be services will be conducted by Rabbi 8"1l8Td in conjunction with Cantor Harry Newman. The Ontg Shabl>ll aod IOCial hour following the service wlll be hosted by Mr. and ¥rs. Joseph Malin ar<j Mr. and A.In. Maurice Malin in honor of tbe b>lby naming ol Mitchell Bruce Malin. 'Gt.est 'LIM' •• "Wonderful W o r I d of. Grace Be mi s CUrtis, ?i-1issloo" is the taJk that C.S.B:, will lecture on ''The Vision oI God" is the Pastor Hugh D. Nelson "Loving to Liv..:_• at the sermon topic of the Rev. of Bellflower will deliv-Second Church bf Chris\, Norman L. Bnnm, at 10 a.m. er as guest preacher at sp.entist, 3100 . Pacific Sunday services for th e p I y m·1 11 ta. CoegrqatiouJ St. Andrew's Presby-View D r i v e, Newport Churda of Newport Harbor, terlan Church. He will Beach. She will speak 3262 Broad Street, Newport speak at 8, 9:30 and 11 in the new church audi- Pl ... eer Fir'1 A&sembly of God Church will· hear Mis- sionary Kenneth Short · speak Sunday at 10:50 a .m. ·and 7 p.m. He will return to Indonesia soon to continue his pioneer work in gospel broad· casting lhrougbot1I the far East. ·-Ministrv . . .. ~S~s.Mix .. ' • In Trends ' NEW YORlt (AP) -MIHd u9ida are al wwk tod1y In ' tlle ordained mlnlslry, with aome ol lhe dOwnwlU'd indeus causing llharP anzlety In !lie Churches. HQWever, other ln- dicaton a.rt on the UPlf'lde. It's a &Cl'ambled p I ct u re. Roman Catholic leadl!n 1 a y lhe _church Is sulr.rin& a "vocation crifil." Among Pro- testant, Orthodoa: and Jewish bodies, tht manpower auppl7 ranges up and down . Over·all statistics, ol varying currency, suggest that there are about 25,000 fewer men serv~ as clergymen than were dOinf so two years ago -. a I pen:enl drop possibly stemming in part · .. Cotombii Conflict and Con- quest," a missionary film , will be shown at Warner Avenue Blpdst. ,Cbur'O, W a·r n er Avenue at' Gothard Street, HUnun'gtoo Beach, Sunday evening, 7 o'clock. John Whittle, r e g i on a 1 secretary of the Worldwide Evangeliz.ation Cru~ade will Beach..-Stmday school is htld a.m. services. t~rium, 3 p.m. at the -same time wilh baby------,----------------------------silting service provided. from departures from the ministry. The total exodus of Pro- testant minlsters apparently his been greater than the more recent, widely reported deparliJri; of Catholic prle.sll, of whom about J,OOObave been rec0rde.d as quJttinl in this coontry in the lut two years . speak. . The public ls invited and nursery care is provided. • . fte .Finl Untied l\lethodist "Are Sin Disease ~ titled "T8tung a Stand" will Death Real?;, Js .th~ subject ol begin this week, also held at this week's Bible Jesson. · 9:U a.m. sennon.to be heard Sund8f in The sennon for the two all area Cbriatlan Science . morning worship ru,urs mu be churches. '•.ch ristian Perseverance" CIM&rch, 2721 Seve.nteenth st. hh• the D I JI. i n e Huntington -Beach,1 w.111 con-:. Eplsctpal Chun:lll, 20\3 Orange duct worship servlfU>at 1~30 ;!°'Ave., Costa Mesi. wiU"ol:iBerve • and 11 a.rq, Sunday .. 1he Rev . commitnion at 7~J:t a.m."Fam- G. Russell Shaw wili preach ily service will begin at 9:30 ''Lel"l·See It!" Church school · i .m. with the Rev. Walter Mil- Classes also meet .at ~:30 and Ier prefching. Classes for all 11 a.m. The Inquirer s Class ages, nursery through high meeU al 10:4.5 a.~. school. .during . the . family · Beginning al 1:30 pm .. lhe · service. dcllvered by Or. \Villlam R. ~lier .. 'l\lesa VenlJ Unl\ed Me1hodt1t aam., 1701 Baker· SL, Cost.a Mesa, will held Sun· day worship seMcea at I and 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Joseph t-1 c S h a n ·e will preach '.'Highways to Zion." Complls&ion on Evangelism will have their annual can· vass. Tbe Youlh aroups meet at 6:30 p.m. Preaching "'Mle Successor," Or. Henry Gerhard, n:Unister. of the· Lapni. Bead' Charell the Rev. Philip G. Murray will of Relilfoa• Sclen«, 2006l speak at the 10 a.m. service Laguna -Canyon Road, \\'ill for Community C~gadonal speak on ··the tiubject ~'The Church, 611 Hehotr.ope Ave:• Goal of Life" Sunday, at ·9 .. Coro~a del Mar. Child c&Te;1~ a.m. and 11 a.m. services. provided. · sennon to be spoken by the Rev. Thomas Ray. Primary church wlll meet at II o'clock. Nursery care is provided at both h o u r s . Regular Sunday school classes with training for all age • groups meet at 1:45 a.m. The Rev. Lothar V. Tornow.. will speak on "Peact -A Mark of Faith" to members of · Chrt1t Lotheran CIQutl, 760 Victoria, CO!t.a Mesa, at both the l :15 and 11 a.m. service!. Sunday school and 'Bible Clitsses will fneet at 9:30 a.m. Holr Land 1'rip Slated with nursery cafe provldeid it all services. Meeting ·at Senior Citizens Building, 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach, Newport lhll- ty Church wil convene ·al 10 a.m. to hear the Rev. Loren Dile Flickinger speak "!ipring Forth." • Orange County Chapter of the Natlonal Auodatllll M Evaa1elak will hear a representative from th e Evangellcal ·Welfare Aillocia- tion and view a new film iresenting their wort Wed- nesday, 11 :30 a.m. Th t meeting is slated at the Four Seasons Cafeteria, 1363 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim. "You Can Be Happy" ts the However, there still art about p5,000 active American clergymen, totaJliQI both cur- rent and past demminational data gathered by the research department ol the N1Uonaf Council of Churches. Also, Prqttstant seminary enrollm~t ii at an alJ·time higl!. 1be American Auociation of Theological Schools, including 158 seminaries, Says the 1961- 69 student bodies -total 28,033, a 3.7 perctnt increase over the comparable figure a year ago. , Junior ·church and the 'hig,, school youth meet during the 9 o'clock service. sermon topic of the Rev . Dr.1r=====:""r==== Vincent Gottuso Jr. as he QUICK "Panic, Panden1 oni u1n o( Pastor and f\.1rs. And.v preaches to the Cburch of the Power -\Vbat Shall It Be?" Crossroad1 meeting al the C•+ell up 1111ickly •n Ioctl Anderson of the Prince of R d t will be spoken by Pastor P. G. Chapel, 3500 Pacific View •••11*'· •• Y011r comp•c ' Neumann at the 11 a.m. Peace Lutheran Church, Costa Drl N rt B h t fl co111pr•h•n•i•• h•m•tow11 tdi. 1 OAILV PILOT k -~ .--..;~Yolce ) ...... Newpart-M-Ulliflld Scllool Dllfl'lct Tchool Board ., · ,\.,c~ Hen n E. ·Jones •• * Knowledge~-. · * Responsible . ......., r ........ 'Hank' takts a stand cin: CONTROVERSI AL ISSUES '\ Tho School Board should retain· full authority for ' . . . approval of repr-ntotivos lo appear on cAmpus .• to pres_ent th,ir'views on controveniel issues..·' TEACHEtt··' QU ALIFICATIONS , A very, 1irnple fo1112ul. 1hould bo ap~liod: Obtain the bosl Dorn.nd tho most Pay tho highest· CURRICU LUM CON TROL .· -• Tho scholar should be challenged and the non-· schol.-should be trained for tho 'World of bU1i- noss end lobor in a well-planned VOcATIONAC PROGRAM. Tho noed for moro remedial roading clouos on tho high school love! reveals • woaknoss . in the reading progrem al tho elamenlery i..vol '""' mediate sl~ps MUST be token to correct this weekn9ss. TEXTBOOKS AND .suPP l;EMENt AL MA nRIAL. The School Board MUST provide dering .leodet· ship to insure that pro per text books ere made available. AH minority groups should be consider .. ~ ed when selecting supplemental material. 1 "A Law for the Rich and a Law for the.Poor?" is the talk tO be delivei-ed by Derek BeU, Direct.or of the W e 11 t e r n Center on Law and Poverty at the USC Law school. \Yhen he speaks at the Unitarlaa Unlversallst Cbureh, · 1!59 Vic- toria St., Costa Mesa, at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. The Social Concerns Com· mittee v.·ill meet lt;fonday, 7:30 The church also sponsors ThUrsday lecture s in Clubhouse Two at Leisure \Vorld, 10 a.m. The public is invited. ve, ewpo eac a tio11 •' th• DAILY PILOT. I v•orship servict at· Flnt Bap-Mesa, are to lead a special a.m. _ _ _ tist Charch, 301 Magnolia, pilgrimage of Harbor Area ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;.11 Costa Mesa. residents to the Holy Land. :. SEX EDUCATION Tho School Board MUST supply sana objective leadership in the acceptance or rejection of • curriculum for sex education. This includes care-. ful consider~ttc;;n of ALL points of view. The sane-" tit.y .. Pf.Jrnli'vii!iiil conscie~_!".!_r6n~lo1JT-con- p.m. at the home of Mr. and "A Soul Jn Bankruptcy'" i.s Mrs. Leo Allen, 1332 Susses: Dr. o. \V, McElroy's sermon Lane.. Newport BeaCh. An sutiject at Harbor Christian open meeUng of the Board of-Qurek"-meeti:Og ·'lat Harper Trustees ,.Ill ·~ he)<!.~-Elementary School,· 425 E., at 8 p.m. ..... , ... , .. JJlh St., Costa Mesa. Chureh • -. • 1 ..... school. begins at 9:45 a.m. Evening service, 7 o'clock. The 22-day trip will include will feature a ,program en-a tour of Europe with visits to titled • ' S t e w a r d s h i p 1n such capitals · as Athem, Perpetuity" .presented by the Rome. ·Paris, London and ~t ·p~.am · of Baptist Copenhagen. In the Holy Land Bible Colle gt: Nursey care is.·-the.· tour will journey lo provided for both Mtvict6. calvary, Bethlehem and Lake Ga Klee. DISCOTHl.QUE DIMOS -,_. LESSONS e LIVE MUSIC ·-!ilMB e SIN!i • ALON!i WITH 'LID IS 'nte Fint (UattM Metbodial Worship iii: at 10 :45 a.m. The congregaUon of 'Ceatnl The dales ' for· the trip ar~ 0,~~.~20. \f..;. l~ ~l., Cost.a.~1. i · · • '·'·· · _...._. 1• 1" ~ 1 BapUsl Ckftll;· '1111 'Watriet" ·June 21 through IJ\ity·'12: wltb 1\1~. ,will .~hold . duplicate Returning to its:.regulal~n.' A:ve., RbntJilgtoh Beach, will the 'coSf. inclUdint _holW, "'orshi.P sery.~. at 9:3Q. and _ day schedule,· .L • i.111 e.r a.a n\eer at-II ·a.in. and 7 p.m. mealB, and transportalion, at 11 a.m. Rev. Richafd J. Cliarclri el the Muter·, 2800 Sunday. ''Who's Hogpea Are $1,195 .. li you want to know Dunlap will preath the fotitijl Pacific View Drive, Corona You Jn?" Is the morniitg more, call 549-{lj21 oi 549-2754. e SNA CK IAR -JUIC&-·-·" t Hl'WDTllOO'i'>WILCOMU · ...... ISomethin~ New and Oiffer•nt To Doi '·1'11""· 'ntlri' IAT011tlY"NfOffr1N'~1.1 ,J'.o\ I,_,,,, te Mhln'9hf •.• ADMllS:tbN ·f1.M 61 0 WEST 1ftt,"$i'H1.T:.cl)$TA"NISA (2 blocks West Newport Blvd.) of a series of sermons based de! ?\.far, will hold wonhlpt'j~~~ijii~~~~~~ijii~~~~~~~~~~~ijijijijijij~ijijijijijijiiiiiiiiiiii~ on the Beatitudes, services at 8:45 and 11 a.m~\ "Righteousness and Mercy : with Sunday !Choo! at 9:45 ,.,. lnformatieet ~~ ff 141~t07t (lat. nltftt) Blessed are those who hunger a.m. and thirst after righteousness. A new adult Bible class elf SCH OOLS • • • (Cont.ln11ed from Page 4) bands and orchestras may ac- parenth:?ticol comments by cept occasional invitations to this reporter:. perform at non.5Chool religiou'.s I. The teaching of religion fWlCtioos ooly on coodiUon is to be dlsiln ist,~ .from that ahy member or the group tea¢llng fac:tua~ • and. ob-may be excused ·without jectively about r el l a: i 0 n . penalty of any sort at bi:' Reli'giOn Is ofteh 'a factor to request. be constdered in history, arl, 6. No publiC school funds, I it e r a tu r e and music. property or other facilitiea: Religious h!>lidays such as shall be used for devotional Hanukkah, Cluistmas, Raster, display of. religious symbol~. Pasaovlf". etc., should be ei:-(Christmas crech'es are fine plained tO students. for Christian homes, out fJ.. place in , s t a t e suppork;d Z. INSTRUCTION in morali· h 1 ed t' h'ldn at ty. e' lhi:... """ values is en· sc oo s uca mg c 1 n 1· ~ "'"' many faiths.) · · couraged, but instruction shall 7. Religious baccalaureate nol resort IQ parUsan religious services shall not be required. sancUol\11. (In other words, a school activity. Student teacher aboWd tell children repnsentatives of graduaunl: it's wrong to steal, but she classes dei.iring to have a ba6-' may net say that you will calauieate $t!l"Vioe ~y e- go to hell if you do steal.) range wilh a clergyman for 3. Bible reading f o r his serv~ and for suitable ru..torical or 11 t e r a T Y in· facilities.· (thiS disposes of ~ .strudional purposes is en· nonsensical idea -n ow cqur1a:~. but it ~. im.Proper prevalent· in "irrl n·y-·eom- to reqwre_,pra)'ers 1n cla5Se11 munities -lhat the cowt or ~IJ!les, lo MIY. grace • ' o u tlawed" baccalaUrtate before~ meals or to distribute serviCes. The. o n l. y ~ to indi'iidual atudents.reUgjous .quiremeot iS that they tie Uw-at.ure, on scbool property privately ·arranged and con- for l{lY purpose" other ltw! ducted -like any other for clearly identified school worship 9e!"vice:) cilrrlculum JIUl'1IO!M'S. (The • • supreme Coart ea: p Ii c I t 1 y I. A PUPIL'S .religious recommended that p u b 1 'c belief shall be honored by ex· schools offer objective courses cuslni him at his or hia In Biblk:al literature ilnd parents' req~~ from school religious history, and ·1· ffw on his own religious holidays. already .i.· i!Olng !O.) • • -. .• The goJdeJJDel wm be put 4. Schbol books, films, into practice on. a trial basis newspar,ra blllletins or (?Ublk: In 15 Oregon school .districts addmll ty.'.wns shill' ~ be before . final adoption for UJed tiO promote or encourage st.a~de .use . Experience --~•-'-_...._ II_...,. IDOY •deoli/¥ ...,. pointa at •-<> .. -•,..,..-.,rt ~--wllich Ibey' Med darilicall<>t parllsan r<u,ioos Vl"""°iall, -~-~ But " . •·~ religious FOOJJS or parti&an or ~~•<>•· .. ts ·~ u reUgloul aclivltia. ~ f~ .!\lt~am:! L •!ICll()()L QIORU5ES, itt COll!litullcmllty. -·t ~: t ~ • · pwn ftemorial perk .TIH Snl,,,_,,s Mosi '&lfllli/J Mmo.U/s MMllOtlUll ''• 't:~UM • r C9Q1Ri -~'El~a.~~~ORLD ·--&-. ..... o..p ' . FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION THROUGH STRONG BOARD LEADERSHIP ~I . . ' ,. ' . E·t ·ECT -· or. :Ri)lph .. -. TO .. • BOARD OF TRUSTEES -. ' I HU!ntlngton leach Union Hlgh:j~h.-1 :-. _., ... , .. I • •• • ' -Let''S ·Put The PUBLIC Baek Inw • • l . I ,,.. • PUBLIC .EDUCATION , • . .. • . • • .. . -~ I 1:... ·-.. ·-· ' - <-t.~, " t,1R101 af., CltfdM·ftt Dr. l1f"" H. l1vet, 11tt1 ...... LolMt M ........ R ..... , vicfion1.-mu1t. lie respeCte . -- The foftowing :Concerned clti2ens fr• jus+ • few of those who hi'V~",;le"ged ;helr·sopPl'd to.'1"11nk' Jones; · Mr. I Mr1. lotd S. l . Fr1it19 Mr. l .Mr1. P.trr'f Land Mrs, Mlldrtd Fi1h.tr Mrs. Wllhtl111i11• J.1dmt11 Mr. l Mre: Ow•n A_p••ny 6ltdy1 Laudt11btr91r T1rry Ttmpl.t Mr1. D1phne M. M11ncy Mr1. ltont M. Towftt.tnd Mr. I Mn. Hud1011 I. Stff,U Or. I Mra. Dick Und.rwood Mr. I Mr1. Dontld k. '''" Dr. I Mn, kob1rf k. l••tti Dr. I Mu. Willi•"' k. Kint Mr. I Mn. Willi •"' D. Ki"9 Mr. I Mn. J . H. S1nd1n Mr, I Mr1. Jo1tph E. TI!omtl Chtrlt, M. ltud1,,b1r9•r Mr1: E"''"' J. Ch1.,,l1y Roll•rt 0. Chtmlov Mr. I Mn. f . 6. l11rlin9h1"' A11•i••• lu1lr kay M. fithh l.11111'-rt w. ~oh"'' Gt.1111 W. Crofi Norrn•ll Mani kob•tf L Wil10" Mr. I Mn. Al•11 L. ;.,,d1r1011 Rty' lallfilt11 Mr. I M,,. Phlllp Pitt Mr. I Mri. Mi•• Ayt11 Gtry D. latt1 Hti11• W•11trm11111 M,,. l. R. M1rti11 Mr•. E. A1ch Mn. M1rv Ptt1no11 Victor S. City Mr1. Chari" M. Ftr,111•• Edith I G111t•v• Vtll• '••+or Alldr ... C. A11dt11t11 Or. Wm. R. f:llt r Or. J. Cal•i11 Holii11t•• Ill Jove• M1rtin Mrt, Poldi Sitoltlr Mn. l11rlo11 A. Wi1dtr Mn. L..ont«I I. HyHet1 M,., Rich1rlll Moelltr M,... C1lho1111 W. S11111rtlt Mn. Fay I. Rtbor Mrs. A11111btl S. Mo11tgorritry Mr1. E. D. 0111ntr Mr1. Wilbvr Jtdol•ll Mri. Alan C. St~11t11'11 11 Mr1. Nt•I V. P1.;.,. Col. I Mn. Wllllt111 Jont1 Mr. I Mn. lob ll119t11 Mn. Johll H•pwo~ •••• Jtll'ltl lltift Mr. I Mn. k1lph Wahon Mr. I Mn. l11c• 1!:1bbltt • Gl.1111 C. lt!lov Mr •. I Mr1. Roy k. McC•rGlt Rov•' o. w,11, IUch1•d l . o v.rly Mn. f:vttif••" J. V111 Sloottn Mn. Httty I. lart1•1 Mrs. Shirl1y M. Jtcqwti. Edwtrd J, Jtcq11•., Jr. " Joh" Smith Mri. l1rb•r• W. Adar111 ' At~111a Si111a••1 Stnil <ertwf6rd Mr. I Mr1. C~F. Col11worthy 'Mr. I "'"·Clifford P1rkin1 Mr. I Mr1. lllly Stila1 Mr. I Mr1. 6aor9• l•ll Mr. I Mr1: 'Wtlltr Ilic• Mr. I Mr1. Howard P•t• Mr. I Mrs. Frtd 9Hn.tn Mr. I Mrt. A. 6 . Catf1r Mn. Joh" kt~i111 . M". f.r.t11lrll11 K.w•i"' .Mr, I Mr1. 0.. J •. ktciti Mr. I M'n , k. f . 1111111 Or, J•• Upico111b D.n,.i1 P. Seit.It SMrt• H. Sritfer;Jr. Mn. C. WiUi1111 w-d D•rotliy 0111111 Mr. I Mrr. Ed ltn111tt Mr. & Mr•. W•odr•w Pittltl•I\ Mr. & Mn. M•r•art lu,nht111 D•I• l M~rian St..rlint . leell•~ I F.tyt Kl11t EnlMt l J••11•H• 0111,.1 Mr, I Mn. Jl111 Ptrlrtr kll l D•rl• l•t~hl•v fl'r, I, M11.~•• Davi• .. raid f . K..,- l•• l1i0fllpt411 M,, l Mn. C. W. Kirlrpt trit.lt J.ty lt"'4Joty a..,.. llcltie Mr. I Mr1. Sll.14•"'1C1rk,.trick Mr. I Mn. H.H114 M.•lkii11" Mn ....... ,1y H. Ritt_,• .. Mr. I Mn. T~ lel\Mtf W•r4 I Fl•''"" S.r1'ild.tt.tff-' * * ELECT . Mr1. 6'1c• Sttw•rt M11. l1rbar•• l111tlrtr Mn. Editli Rtitd M" I Mn. E4. H111l•11 Mr. I M,,. wun.111 I . S111itll Mr. I Mr1. L..011 FYt11ci1 M,... G.ry l•t11 · Mr. I Mr1. Rich1rd Howlaltd Mr1. G•ltri•ll• l•m•• Mrt. M•rt•r•f Mcftrl•lltll Mrt. Aud,.y IEHlffMll Mr. I Mn. Mtrvi11 6i~win Mr. I Mrs. 0 . Palf-• Mn. 1Ctt+irv11 Mamt Mr-. DoJO l ltui119 Jr. Mr. l .lllr1. Chtrl11 A. ltclr, Mr. l Mu. 6•n• ltHi1,.1tl Mr. l Mn. To"' Gilm•r Mr. I M11. H.11ry kutli Mr. I Mn. D11t11• 6 . Pip•r Mr. I Mn. lob-rl M•wa~ Mr. I Mr1. J .. I . S.1111d""" Mn. Ctth•ri11• Hirt,... Mr. I Mr1, •oy S. Cr.ttt Mr. l Mr1. Cltyh111 ltl•"tl ... MFI. D ... E. ~Mllllt .J Mr. I Mni leMW l•lli"fltl' Mr. I Mn. l.,~ W. $•~ Mr:..LMn. aM.D.i .......... Jl'- Mr. I Mn. I. C. De- Mr: I Mn. L..1111 Mitt.." Mr. I Mr1 ....... W, C.ltt,,t Mn-Jot.fl A. Coe,... Dr. I Mn. Wt11. s.tlll•I Mr. 6 M......,,, J. 1- Mt: I Mn. M, L C•l'ric• Mn. _u,,,.,.., t-_. ,,.._. Dr. I Mn. H...A '"'II Ntt. ...... ' ... * * 'HANK' .IONll VOTE Tuesday, Aprl 15 ' I J ! J HINRY .!!: IOllJl:· I x I c-.. .. l'9Ct tt_., L ,_,""' ~ ~ . -~......,, ....,,0.. -cf'Mt I I I I . e ' -· ' . -' - THE CHANCES FOl PEACE AS YllWID I Y 7. CRIMES A .MINUTE " ,. ' • • " .. . . . . WICKS Behind' ~ost ·of _'f,~m ls ·a Gun, Say~ FB;l ;f gen~. OTC From ARMY DIGEST ' ~t campu6eS across the country, ' uates in oap and gown sooo will be · ivlnc dlpionw frun c o 11 e g e . , ..,.._Its, villUnc deans "' VIP'• Im· • commencement speakers to part -ol wisdom ts the fledgllng tt:~I of industry, commerce and the ti .prot ....... ~-ol -eampus<s, some 17,000 men will be ezchanging mortar· I« milJlary baCI, and acad<mic robes for jaCkets with gold shoulder bar1 denoting brand new lieutenanta. These •e the studenll who, for the most part, elected as sophomora to enroll ill the ad· vanced Reserve Officers TrainJng Corpa 1'1'.'91fam. Some of tbeee young men wtll make a career ot the military aervices. Each year the Army alone needs -in fact must have -at 1e.ll8t 15,000 to fill its re- qulrementa for kadera educated in a wide YS'iety d. fields that go to make up a modern, progrtlllive Anny. Others will meet their minimum frulitary obligations, tben return to 'vllian pursulta while rem a i n in g • 'labJe for duty via the reserve forcts . any « th11 year's graduates will have acholan!Np wtnnen, thelr tuition Incidental • ..,.,,.., paid through programs. M111y others will have a!15114ed to a greater <lr Jes.wr . lt ts safe to say that many hun. , of tl>est: graduates would never Ve been able to attain a college educa- . were It not for ROTC assistance. ' !-48 SOPHOMORES UJeR men volun- -joined despite current criticism outcries agaimt the program that ROTC on many campuses - llDl and outcries that appear when one considers that for ii."11 years &he millWy servkes were CriUdzed ror not having a "rapport with world event.,'' for "Uvlng hi a world of their own,'' with IHden whofie "military mind" and thinking were simply products d a "trade ld>ool." Today Ute corps of over 150,CKKI is the SFeeat and least expensive precom-- mtsiioning ecliqtiooaJ iyatern in the Army. ltl graduates represent all Kidemk disciplines. They come from !Wied •lbnic bttkgounds, from all parts ~ the nation. They can be found on ac- tive duty from aec<IDd lieutenants up to ti-tgaieralJ. YET . TODAY the system is facing c:riticlSm lrom Mveral s o u r c t s . IronlcallY, much of lhe critlclam comes from ..., . ...,. people who Just yeelerd1y -wtre complalnlng · that Ulla Anny was hldel>aUild oqd -.! leaden oJ greater depth . ..i bruclth al vt.ioo. Tod•y these same, people would do Jway wllh the very .,stem tllot la Jl!Odiiclnl euctly oucb i..denblp. '--evklencee ol this at· Utudt : I -Somo memben ol alalfl and faaJIUes -~-- Sat unl a y, April 12, 11169 1be Comment Page of Ille Dally Pilot sew to Inform and llllmulate ruden "1 prtMllUlll a varlelJ ol cam- Dillal1 Otl~lca of 'lniez-ut and canoe from ' 111f1111nell rnrs • • 11 lpOUlm• • Rahr! N. ..._ l'uMW- . . 1J1 1llliuw G. GllAP)> , Spedol Aplll fa Qorp • IM McolM DMli'!I. Fii. Since 1930, the Federal Bunau ol lnv.stlgatlon has compiled a monthly reeord ol arrests for serious crlmes: commlu.d in the United States. Each ot the I , 400 law tnforcement agencies cooperat.ing wtih the FBI submits a report ol arrests made in tbe followin& aven categories: murder, for'clble rape, robbery, aggravated usault, bur&Jary, latttny in eict&S of $.50, and auto thtfl Tb1I information i• incorporated in an annual Uniform Crime Report and made available to other government agenciel and ts the public. In 00 -the most recent year ror whlch 1" have COQ!,ple~ di.ta ., there were S,750,000 terious crimes commiUed in .thi.I country. And we estimate, -on the basis of preliminuy hifonnaUon, that the figure for 19'8 will nceed c million. Crim• is Jncr<ulng four ts five Umes tutu than the rate of increue of our population. GUNS PLAY a significant role in many of these crime&. They are far and away the most common weapon used .in murders and non-negligenl homicides. Of the 12,000 murder• repOned in the United States in 1167, over 7,IOO wue committed with Orearms. Guna wut used in over 7S,OOG armed robberies and over U,000 aggravated asnulll. Murder involving me.rms has increased '7 pen:eol lince lllM. And, armed rob- berla and auravaltd ' uaaulb with flreanm have 1ncrtued u and 71 per. cent, rapectivti,, alnce ltM. The FBl'1 lon(«andin( pooition con- cernina fil'Ul1lll ii UW touih. ...,. prehenalve, CUJH:OOlrol ltcialat.lon is im· peratlve for the public's safety. 'I'tlere can be no valid objection to the enac~ ment of. auch laws, 11Dce automobiles, airplanes, motor boa1-, aod.~ even clop have been subject for many year1 to ,.g1straUon and ltcenaini. Sta.UsUcs clearly Jndicate that we are expert.nolq an epidemlc ol crlrite and violence, which is affecUn1_ virtually every segment of American aoclety. Fear ol venturing outside tbe home at niaht has become 1 fact of urban We. SEVEN SEl\IOUI crimea are com- mltted each minute ln this country. And, on the average, one murder ii committed every "1 mlnutel and one forcible rape every 19 minutes. It baa been esUmaled that the economic coat of crime in the U.S. amounU to about $Z7 bllllon annually. This is the equivalent of more than $1U for every man, woman, and child in the nation. It repruenb a colt of approximately '674 for evtry family, For evtry dollar pt oa educaU<1i, we spend $1.11 on crime. For every dollar contributed to churdltll, II - io..., ... _ ' What la balDd tllo upaurp In crime! 'II• Jmow lbai.a dlsproporllonate lhart of utl111al crlalo la oommltled by ptr10111unclar11 JOirs al a1e. Forty..tn. percent ol -......... for -a1mt1 in 1117 wen in thla q:e bractet. And, atW more alarmlnl. the arrest of peraom under 11 bas increued 19 perctnt from 19111 to ltl7, or more than tine~ u fall u the population 1Dcreaae in that ace bracket. TBB VIOLENCE ol the cr1mlnal, often coldblooded and calculated, ii especially felt by la"w enforctmtnt olfloen. In IM'T, 71 Olflcen wtre killed. in the United States; while performlni their official duties. Thls ral.Hd the total of 1uch deathl 1o '11 I« th• oJ1h~yeor poriod beglnnlng 1n ltlO. nurteen out ot every 100 police officers In the U.S. were physically UIA\llted In 11171 Some loadinl crtmlpoJosjlts have blamed the rilinc crime ratt on various fact.rt includJnso -The failure of society to rehabiUtat.e delinquents. -The failure .of parents ts diacbari• thetr rupontlbllttlet ts their cblldren. -A -al decnue In telf-diJclpline. --e.rtaln Jqal clecWool. -Fanure o1 the J1'lbllc lo "'PJ>orl Jaw enforcemeM. Wbetber tt8t v t • w 1 are correct or not, two o:inclusions appear to be inelcapable: Finl, our efforts to nbaWlltate crJm1nall have ..ndeDtq fall- fld, tnumuch as our law enforcement authorities art ream!Ung 1 b.l&b percen-- tage ol the cr-alJ ill this country. Second, the roots of crime 11)11'<1111 early; we must wort to prevent our ~ tr.m pursuing criminal car<er~ Efljey· tight percent of the aduIU arrested tn the U.S. atarted out u youthlul oft.-.. WHAT CAN we do to halt the rising crime rate! J would propose that we follow three basic guidelines: -We must ertend the infiuenct or the church. The stabilizing force of religion is needtd more today than ever before. A child who bu been tauPI to respect the laws of God wJlt have litUe dlfficuJty Jn respectlng the laws of man. -We must strive for greater efiiclency in our schools. People have talked about juvenile delinquency for so long that the subject has bec«ne trite. But you would be surprised, I think, to find just how very few people there are who are sufficiently motivated to do something about il Many will give money to a worthy cause, but it ii far mort difficult to get people to con. tribute their personal effort and time ln the ~k of teaching and tuldinc yOlDlg people. -Finally, we must strive to improve the home enviromnent. Parents should remember that what they do ls far more important thin what they aay; a Jood uample ia the best teacher. · Turmoil: Some Words of Defense of various insUtution& of higher learning claim that Lbe ROTC curriculum is below academic standards. -Demands are made to wilhclraw academic credit for ROTC countS. -The rank ol the Professor al W.llitary Science has come under scrutiny. Some educator! feel sincerely that only the col· Jeges or universities should have ~ right lo -desip<to prof..,.,.,. Some feel that the entire idea ol military training on campus is in conflict with the purpoHa ~ ideals of the · Ameri<:an system of. higher education -disregarding entirely d1il nation 's tradltioo and history of dependency on a ciUzen army. Some of the criticisms come from Dall i;)IJt highly organized and extremely voclf~.dissident groups. One group has actually prepared in great detail a complicated printed plan to "smash the railitary machine in the schools." These students carcy on actual campaigns of terror -revilinc other ltudenU, defiling uniforms, carrying on ~ense campaigns against incoming studenta aimed at brow· beating impressionable newcomers from aigning up for the ROT'C. YET D~PITE all criticisms, tbe senior ROTC enrollmemt today continua lo thrive and grow stronger. This sprinc even laTger numbers of young men than usual will be completing their COUl'8ell to enter the Army M second lieutenants. Admittedly, the peak enrollmtnt today may be attributed in part to selective eeMce accompan)'ing the V~1l6m con- flict. .Many of the criticil o( the program for obtaining ~· l;l<jen do not ~ that j ... u the Anny hu dlanged from the old da)'I ti:-onler drlli, " ~,. the ROTC chqed. It's a far cry toliay from the era when most tfforis went into an boor or two ol drill a wetk, combined with a ftw dull l«turN on m1Utary courtesy and a stilted courae or two on military history. The ROTC cuniculum has kept pace with the cheging needs al an ever more t<chno!Olfcal Anny. II actively ..W to develop fledgllq I......., wUh the educ .. lion that makes them aware of political, ecooomlc and sociological conditions, that produca fulure loaders with the potential for contlnufng arowth in many fields. Altboogb ROTC liad ils formal beglmlnp with J>QSlle cl the NaUonaJ Defense Act of 1916, training in colleges and Eas y Answer to Car Theft: Lock It Vp, Take the Key TimN are 1etUng tou1her for the Cir thief, who last year made otf wtth "50,000 cars. Some al the moves manufacturtn have alroady made or acheclule<j ts thwart both joy·ridera and profeslonals, are fairly common knowledge by now: buzzers on some can to warn driven they're about to leave the key in the ignltion; steerln& or tr-Jockll; inn« door ljandltl that can't be hooked from outsldl, and oo on. Others not '° obV10UI include iden· tlfkatk>n ownben "' engtnea and transmissions, armored Ignition cabl.,, and riveted metal -plates and other guanll to make ignllf<ln-jumping dilflcul~ CAR MAKERS have been working for yean with law enforcement agencies and instlrance companiet to cramp thieves' atyles. A numbtr of Important cooperative procrams have rt!lulted, mMlly technical and administraUve in o\&ture -a theft· detttrtnce chapter bl the UnUorm Vehi· cle Codt, adoptlon of a common fthlcle ldenUficadon number 1)'Mtm f\ltnl.lhed regularly ts the Theft Bureau, detailed manufac:tur<n' •ta-al «lain, and the l!ke. The c:umn1 ~Joel aimed al the largelt target, howev•. bi the one t.h1t's most tantalblng. Jt'a aimed llral&ht at driver carelcaneu. The FBI ,.ports tllol mora than three al eVf:r)' four ran stoitfl wtre ltft uoJocktd, and · •rctnl had a kty Jn the Ignition. The>< , drivers lolled only lo run up a "Ukt mt" fla& to tMUre trou- ble. THIS ASPECT al m theft haa led half h llot8 ts mallf ti JlleCal ts leave fl· nlUoo keya In p...,. In on empty car. -,. aft<r !be car Is..,,,. can bt cold ...mart, 1io.,,vv. And tt la the aodal ooot Jhet 11 napj111 more and more _.., deeplte the fact 'th.It bsta lrvm Ui theft have rt«lllly topped half a billion douln 1 year. Near· ly two-thirds of all car thieves are 17 or wlierl Car theft ia noc Just 1 petty crime, and I!! frequently a felony. 1'lat's 1 stiff charge to have on your record the first time you get into trouble with the law - and police rt<:Ol"ds show that car stealing ia frequently the "firS step" for tbe younpter who may have been pointed wrong, but who badn't previously nm afoul ol. the law. The stolen car is also 200 times as like- ly to get into an accident u the ordinary car. . GIVEN tht. youth ol. tbe averagt car thief. his unfamiliarity with the car, his nervousness and the fact that he doesn't have al)' fiftlDC'ial stake, add U. ever· poulble police cbue, and you hove a po. lent. formula for troobl6. lt WIS with all this in m1nd that the theft prevention campaip was started last year. a.uiu ill the !Int )'Mr hove been hard to meuure: Dltionally, Clf tbeftl were up another tTpen:.-ent in 1917, but lhert.s went down or held llUdy ill ...,. of the btg cltlts that worked hardest on the cam.ptign. A m151ive effort conUnues -throu&b pm:s. radio, ttJevislon, liJnbolrds, ._.,.., booklets, mobile dllpllll'O, "'· -almed at convlnciJlc driven to TAKE YOUR KEY -LOCK YOUR CAR. EVEN 10, IT may bt worth notinl that accordin( ts •-ll• clubo, oc· caskinl <1i whk:fl they have to bre•k into a CIJ' In •hidl a mfmbet bu Js.. advertently loclted bll Jre7 are :Ill limn ~ numerout thlfl ctr thefts. ,,.. Indicates that It -not bt practical ts make can too dlfllcult ts l!dM when locked, or the resuJUnc .....,. _ coot~moretllan -do-. r univers!Uea datel back to 1119 when Ca~ tain Alden P•f'tridF, former .upeJ"in.. tendent at We1t Point, establlehed Norwich Univenity, Vtrmont, as a military colJei• . The Land Grant Act ol 1162 prwided foe military traimng ts be roquind at the 1<><11Ued Land Grant Collqeo, mootfy state !Wvenities, in rebn for land con- cf.oslons Norn the federt] 1ovemmail Thus the nation save pracUcal oprtllion to Its tjme-h~ phllClllophy--<lvllian cuitrol of tbe military eotab-bu- 81 oo a l)'ltem that opects every citben to be a vital part al the national defeme, subject ts call for military duly In lime ol war. THROUGH THE YEA RS followinl World War 11, &tudiea -have C<llllt.aDtJy been made ts keep cunicula in bme with tht ch1111ing needl of an Army 1n tr1111i· tlon. With the ROTC Revitalization Act of 1964 came the be&innlnl ol. what has become an entire New Look in ROTC. The act created • platform for a caro- plete mtructurlng and moderniJatloo ol the enUre program before the prut.nt \vave of criUcism was even a ground awell far out on tbl horizon. Principal f e 1.t u re of the act wu the scholanHp procram tmdu which 1,500 will aMU&lly receive tu.IUon, book and r.. C<lllo, plul ISO per m<>oth subsistence. Many of. these ROTC scholarship atudenta would never be able ts atteod coJlep --· ltacipieota aro commJUed tor-yem ol active du- ty following graduation, and must ac«pt a Regular Army commis!ion if offered. Another feature 11 authorization d the two-year program , that provid• f<r junior college srldU1tt1 and tl'lalfer atudenta from ...,:ROTC lnoUtut!onl to• join the advancod couno _.,. in theh' junior "' -)'tin. Curriculum studies and reta.Uormg ot course content mftlves a continuing pro- cess ol cooperat.i«I belwet:n the Army .and educational imtltaUons. Ila a -· "' INilJ -ol alu<l1 Clf c>mpt14 and Army --· the .., t1re ROTC curriculum is now being revamped to add mort nu:ibWty to mttt ~I times and ts become more academlcally oriented. Some critics of ROTC point to overall reductd enrollment as a &Ian that the ROTC program Is fading away. Betweta 1965 and !Ilia total .,..llment did -.. .. Jrom 1117,000 ts JI0,000. But at the same tlme enrollment in the ad- vanctd course. or the producUon tnd, in· creased from ts,320 to more than 37,CKKI. D!MINiBHED ENl\OLUIENT ill the basic coune WU to be U]IOCled . U the trend toward elective ROTC procrams becomes mott prtvalent. Some acbools have exerclsed their options for elec:Uve programa: -and once. • school does '°' tnrollmeit in the buic course U$Ullly decllnt1. There ls: a continual dtmaod by cot. leges and un:lvtrsidts to enter into con. tractl to provkle ROTC. In the Jut two yws alone, IJtpartmeJll o1 the Anny has &ppf(lved 30 new unit&. JIOTC wfll conUll\IO ts be the maj« source or newly ccrnmluklned o!fletrS for ttie Act!ve Arm1 and the rt~.une Forct1. The Arm:/ will coottnue to meet the cballen11 ratted by professional educators by maiflfainlnl Ill flexible 1J> proach In dt:veloplna protres,Slve pro- Jll'arna thtt mutuaJl1 bmeflt flit AflllJI, ill" hoot ~ ... -and, ill the lont run, tht nation. •-----our ltf•n In S•n Francb co -----· 'Hello, Leo, This Callis NotColwc i' ·; By RERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -Leo Glorstttl, boss of the Iron Horse, drove his brand new Buick Electra convtrUblt, c:ompltte with phone, to Bimbo's. While he was enjoying the show, somebody stole hill car from the lot across the atreet. Yesterday morning, Leo rec'd thls phone call: "HU I'm the IUY" who atole your car. Jutt w&Dted yob ts know I'm ruDy enjO)'inC tt - especially the phone. Be leein' ya!" Click. AND AT DAY'S on Eiits, Glenn Dorenbush was teWna: about. the latelt Real Loser: "After be wu divorced, he Jelt a l!Ulo -Jy so he went ts a Computer DoUl\I llervice -and WU matched with his tl·Wift." YOUU. BE HAPPY ts know that thlnga are .Wt Quaint & Colorful on the old cable car linea •.. Here we are on a C&Wornla job, and midway between Larkin and Polk, the con· 4"ctor IUddlllly dtng-dinp for a halt, jumps olf and rttrlevu a lady'• white &love frotn between two puked ~an .. •'Coogratui.tlom, Bill!" 1boutl the crJpmu. '"!llal'a flve for you this • week!" Then t""!lnlJ ts Puaenpr Dot Texeira, the crJpplt uplainlo "BUI bu very m10IJ banda -and he needl a &Iovt, you know. to operate the rear brake." A BACHELOR who m a k e 1 pornographlc rums rww ad1 Jn the Berkeley Barb as 1 way ot contacUn.& pottnUal "actora and actre.es" for his pictures. To handle the calla, he now has three phonel Jn hll Marin pad : a red one for "ntnctnc couplu:." blue for "girls who llke pit:," and black for 1eneral calla. When they alt rlnc at once, whfcb II lrlC)Ullltly, ll'a like being at 1 John Cqe coocert. C. B. DeM1LlZ'I "Greatttt Show on Earth,'' an Olcar winner ln 'll, waa on the t<llJ the other nl&h~ and Jack Abod faithlllJJy rtc<1<11ed .... of tba cllaJesue (BeltJ Hutton to Charlton Heaton): "You.don't need mt, Brad. You've lot 10 you neff-the drcu" , .. "I crlpplad The Grut Se!>attbn. Brad, just u IUr<ly IS though I threw him off that tnpeae myMll". , ."You crazy wondetfol fool l llrad, you'ft - you're-Cl.RCtJSI" .. .''Take tt euy, Brad, or you'll ftnlsh UUs petformance under UW bf& top In the skJ" • . . "Round up eTtrf antmal thlt ean walk or cnwll You heanl, Brad - we're eolnl to lfve a abo1rf", , ,1lley don't ma"ke 'em like that anymore and now you know why. OH, B~ our readers, l say. Our item the other day aboul short poems ("Thurs .~Hers," "Adam-Had 'em") has produt:;ed a rash of nifty contributions, among tht best of which are Arminta Lambrecht's "God's Word: Leave, Evt" .•. Omar Barktr'• "Brief Essay on Things 'Illat Turned Out Worse Than Expected: Few·Do'' ••• And Paul Hubbard's "Philosophi~ cal Reflections on the Rea.son For My E1lstence: l ?·Why?" WE ARE ALSO indebted to Paul for the perfect palindrome, tiUed "First Encounter" and read in I •'Madam, I'm Adam." Well, perfect uctpt for the apbstrophe. A pailo-- drome, as we all know, is a friend at lht airport, and these days, nobody should be without one. QUOTESVIU.E: Police Officer Leo 4'Mauie" Maguirt, rtmlniicln1 about the 1olden days .of the Huhbury, his old beat o "My favorite characte< was a red-btarded guy named Kiley who slept in a coffin. When he: wu evicted, he bought this bi& old steamer trunk and put it in a meter soot on Haight. He cut holes in It for hit head, legs and feet, and lay down in it, wllh the lid closed and his utremilies slicking out. 1 tellya, It Wal I sight. 'Look, Kiley,' f Hid, 'A trunk ian't a vehicle, you know,' and he said 'Not even U I keep feeding the mtterf! He wouldn't move so I had to nm .. htm in, trunk and ail Wonder wbitever happened to h.im" ... Ac.DCo Oliver .Hook, Pm. al the Peninsula Stock It BoM Clob. bu a talkative barber, and last wed: he: was trultd to thJ1: "Y'tnow, Mr. llool<, I leld "'11rilt that whtn she rtacht.a 40 I'm J'Onn& tradl her in on two 20s -hlhaha -and yoo know wbat ah< &aid ts m<T SM Mid 'Liuen. sport, t baYe at'll'I for you -you 're no Jongtt wltlll for DOI" ·' • -CHECKING-OPJfl\t DAii.\( . IO.JO; SVN,, Jt t• 1 · ,. r · con" Mis.A ONLY ' . . • up~··· ~ .. . . . That Bachelor Wed I • '• "\ ':.. ; ' -_,_ A~ ;Uk~Iele Pl~yer ". •1 L. iL IOYD wbert does Pll<t'• hat rank . . ---· -• .•• • -~i,;: "'-~ u 'led -. . JW~~~u,; =·"-mNo.!5 ...... SP.JCIAL .PRIC~S FOR SUNDAY,"MARCH 23, 11 A.M. T0•7 tulMt beir in mind that was NAMES _ Wbm the uvey· · · the !Int voice .. elrtb. • • • laken uk _,. ..... -r' ;::::==============:i 'l'll1INll OUT the ' ' M o d wide whit';;;,:. nime ·eadi Squad" mlA coiled Pew would prefec if p... 1 cbolce, Llplon is aJao I de41cated J11011 lllll ,.Y John. Second ve .. llrian .. , . MISTER; IP • JllOll popular is WWlun. Third YW're two IDches blifer · la ~rt. Tenth is JOlepb.· around the hi!'.' than around Tbooe namea liked 1 .. st are the chest, lbat • aver.,e. • · · Albert, Frank and Heory. rr IS THE CUSTOM . among JopaQOle pi~ls in the WlllTll! I Cumlchlel, Cal., 1-able Qdat to mail baclt • 11<1¥: "I lee! tenlbJe. Yoouald . eYlr)'thinl bUt the money. • • • tbe ave.rqe 1tGftWl klllll 71 I nNll 1!IO CAIL to que.tlon men. Countlot ftvt JGUlbl .:!!: A. Loa ~·1 rapoat be juv.U. paftJ-··twO . . once knew a fellow wb6le true nlaUvea, U...u.t ol. men I've namewu w-1 Wlldcll>. ·-GOJy -tollll a . Wbere • did I fall!" ••• ID\, WHEN -. . PACKABLE SLIPPERS .LOVE AND WAii -Do )'GU 1..U., under the -lber are recall Iba! Mlchlpn badlolor· ·you apt to pollpo!>e a11&Yinc? · who Wllll<d I JHr!rlaod "'lllat Is ... of 'the !Int llgm qualifted. to nclte Japuese I watch for •• llYJ an eminent paetry, cook bouillabaise and medlco. "Ii 1·see a man with nm~ to tr8v@l and worn· write her lip code in Roman more than a 12-hour atubble, I en can take alon1 pretty 15.0 nuinerala! Our' Love and War usume ht'11enutnely ill." foldlnil'. vinyt slippttS in' man found him one. She aent a · . plutic cany cue. Lovely, 1Daptbot. Very pr e t t y . AN OLD AD MAN, who colon:. S·L., Unfortunately, the fellow NY• speclalllel in TV com-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ he'• no Ionaer interested, hav-.merciall, tbld me the other inc rot enp,ed lo a car bop &!07 he n<ver rum. an ldrtll wllo playl lbe ublole .-. . with a broom In her bud. _........,. and ~ "People bite ·""-'.' .be stuffed teddy ' beara. So now . Aid. "Broams · mMt lhmn our t. llld W .man Is -11 lblnk of l1nd11c!la who bite wllb I I~ canclidAte kir dop and hap Who niJ ...,,._whowrlta: "I ncite butbandl and wltcbel who veno and coot -c11sbes ride in • the nlpt. . I ' I t well _.p, but 1111111 •dnlllJ photosra* an actrea wllb I write Roman -als pootly. mop tit 1 plun1er er 1 llOlbt . Howtftr ' J learn quicllt ahd ot · tllhheadl, yea. But never have ad~anced de,nts In the with a bromn.'' care and upkMp of a lin&le • -"PID REP y y Mr and ..Wini lt01ale, XXJ:VI· ~ L : "· · S. K., if you're a normal CUSTOMER S E RV IC E , lfOwnup, yoor skekton wojp,I 0 WHE!lE did that ei:preulon about SS pouncy. 'Love me, love my do&' Your queatiom and com· orta:Uiate?" A. -SL B'1nird menta are welcomed and WU the etn~ whO llid toilt br Wtd tPhffftJcr ~­ tb&l. •. Q, -"WIL\~ Allll: 'b'· . "C'· '"-U "A' the lbree 1llrJell chllo stGno II ~ lft •~C~g p. ~ tn the eountr)'? A. swJ;~ drch moil to L. M. Baud. in P8miey'1 and the unl!iii} .. ,. of DAILY PIIfJT. B.oo: stifAla Govarmntnt'1 PX'1, , 1875, N...,.. B~, C<alif: , Q .-"AS. 'IO DIOIIT.'.,<.; 9254$. . ;. ~ i : : . . .. " .. Mexico D~tor lfi!lt1 l·) (:~1 ' . . I TODDLERS' COVERALLS .. . l ~-.. ., Otdirt . . .. 3-3" • • • Pre-cured cottall llOlllln,iand v. '" • , .. , • .~.;, aHnucUr coveraDa-in. ut, . . . , le mint. NO r n• :::; ~-, .... WL ..... , ..... --.. ,,.., .. -"l"" ~ , ""';""JI'.,. -' ~ • • -..-::. ';. .......... ~~-- 11 :14 Ml>. Cntr1ll1 ....................... I.Ji t·. --. . About New Birth Pill =====s=A=vE=o=N::;::TH=m==-'· SAN Fl\ANCI$CO (UPI) - A Mnican physician says ht bas mccmsfully tated a new birth -pill tb&t need be taklll only once a month. "Wt believe lbat the llmpll· clly of this. m~ will mde lt acoeplable In prolflllll of popJlitian cCmrtl, H Said Dr, M...,.i 111-r-.. chief of Iba Rl!U>OlolY department at the lloipltal-De Gineco (lb. st,trlc;!a In Muico City. 'l!ie pby1lcian, who 11 v e hlJ r,J!Ort to Ibo 1tv"'tli an- nual mOettnlr of the Amtrlclri Alaoc\ltlon of P~ Pirelil· hQod l'l!Jllcialll, aald hi tell· ed. the new plQ on 259 womer In the Mtllcu capitll. He found the plD wu'eitec- tive In praven!JnC .unwanltd· 1"tllftl11Clll, lls patient ICCOP' tabiHfy Was '"Ytlj good'' :md·' sulls of his ruearch lhowed tb&I oome Of the aymploms ccanmooly UIOCl1ted wllb tbe currant ooco+dly variety of lbe pill -· i... lrequd. NIUIOI -lr\lllaUJ i.poat. tel bJ 1J percent of the """"' tested; but . its lncldeloce dt- ~ rapllfly. "Other aide effects 1 a eh u clluhws 1mfplinllll 1WaJl. · Inc of Iba breuts wore, ml1d and Infrequent," the doctor aatd. "There wu no 1lintf1· catll chonc< in bodf we\ihl." He uld 1potlh)g iJ\d br!aJo. thn>ll!ll bleodilljl .... ~port­ ed by 1111 than ft•• "'-' of of his palienls llld mlsHd m;enstrual periods were re- poated bllrtquonUy. "There wu a tendtrlcy tor 1CA11twliat proloni'lf bltedlnl In 1 11111n _11 ... of l!I: ttentl," be alld." a4dlil that !he cycle leqth -\non ,.... ular and durttion c« memtru- ·al now -not chlllCed. It reduced some of the lide ef· !octs .-iated wllb conlr•· ceii>Uve pills now In u9e. Maqu,..To\>el• iald the eu;,,1"...,.....,._ __ ...,...,..,1 ol llkll>l Iba pill onlv once 1·1t TflOOlb tnotead or daily wouta BUSINESS ANO be ~1cu11ri7 -uJ .. tn 4t-PROFESSl.ONAL privtcl popUlaUons." Dls!lil• ih1s 11mpuci!y. Iba GUIDE ~ ftllClf\ld. ... "hlll"'"._. ..... ..,..~---'I =:.~=·llld. MAT:TaUID • All.it ""°' t1111 error; Illa-MATTRDnl queo.Toptll la1d, theN ..... -· llOMili ..... • tbnll ether pt"tCl'#flM, ta••-... mMlnC I ,...,-Y rllo of -......... CIO, I.I pofi:tnl ""' lftf)r .100 -........... -•who took the pill for a lull LHMrty .. 1 IOJ year. . · 111,.--...,;-.~-.--!!'I '!be ""! plU II a «<nblna• ' UPHoLITll't_ . 9 tloq of .. ummial uu.pn,i.---------.1 wllb pro!Ollltd actlvlt1 caJl. ""~1-i • _..11. "'SI U•""""'"" cln called qu!nettraval .... ...... ...... ' late. It CID be tal:en OOl'O II apy tlmt In Iba month ..,- 1111 et 1--1.,,.i.. . ~,..,... llid tbt .. BfCJ . Ubirty M711 .... -'91r II.ft; DI. JOHI CHEIHLL . .. TU-AY, ANIL. 1.1 MllA·N~TICHOOL~RO C:en·11n-Hao~.,...n...1, JU Alvar..i. '1. 111~ . ' ' ' ... ' Now in Our Family: Family Weekly SHAMPOO -SPECIALS Head• a Shollldtn 97c Prell ConcentraM 96c ------ • lPOllT SHIRTS IN SOLIDS AND PlAIDS • SAi.Ei SwlMlaw Otdir! -.. } 22 Reg. 1.88 '' l SECnoN ELIVATOR TRIPOD lie, ..... \' ~.;. .,,..., 7~97 Eu.ends to ~4" -Quick tt• leue le . SPl(IAll Y PRICED fWID· RJll ~1£W ' - ... A'•"•IPQOR:."~ l ..s"!~!I. ~111 "' • . ' Reg. 4.11 1 Now It ~e time to save on 11''~" tull vt~ mtrron wtth l'" nJ tural wood frame., So LOlORFUL COTION. PRlll1$ · · · S •*· ior '==~·:::" 1.00 s ...... ~·' kv. OD au..ctlve kapok ·AIIttl pillOWI In IOlld color llO-ecmluroy or floral pettom lllOIWr. Jdmiio cord ode• &lid center bllttoa. • - ... ·. ' : Sale! Nylon Sheils For Warm Weather .. IOI HILL .,. AUTOGIAPH :" GOLF ·a.us ;~ Sua. OlllS 'I J ..... " 1.97J ,, ··"· ·" ... Limited SUpply < 32"x80" FOLDING DOORS ,, (l l'Qllr ellllke s.,.,.••ir Otdr! Quality _., with troclc, hard· ....... °""* -wood door or ltffllte door tn belle. f!'ul-Clll1'p IL CIESTUNE WA&ON GRILL lie,. 11.U s ... o.iw 16.88 66~ ... ..... I, ·J • " l I I 1 ' ... , .;..r -~.)"''lj. l'IM NEW YORK ~~~~~~ .J • ' .. • ' ' .. ii . \ ' ; ' • • ' I • ' . . . " ... t--.• . '· : .. • • .. .ft I Id I r ,, '1 · f, I I . l I J 1 \ 'I ~ I r I I I I I .te DAILY PILOT -Sallmlor, A,rll 12. 1'169 Real Estate Qu.IMns .... com ..... t By R .. ltor ' R•ndel McCerdle What .11 .. 1enc1 ._ • rNI fftltt •.-nt have to rn1, 1 potentlal lwy1r? th. Miier piy1 his cemml11lon. ... hies, he wants .. m~k• the lfle 1M another Hiier. Therefore, it weuW '""' .. me th1t there are tltint• that he weukl ''for .. t" h tell me alMut • ,,.,.rty. Is there • pollcy en 11111? Con ho reolly tie 11111? a .S.T., HUOlll"""" a.ech I guess there must be people in all professions that \vill attempt to deceive a client, regardless of the la"'•s qf the land. So cbooee all your professional advisors with care, this should oot be too difficult, about 90 per· cent of those in the profe11ion are bonist and at least try lo do !he right thlnf. 11'• lhe five or 10 percent lhal gives any group a baa name.. The factor ·to keep in mind is that aaents, including real estate salesnlen ~ brokers, are Wlder a general fiduciary duly 'lo the people they do bu1inffs wilh to make a full and complete dilcloeure of all the facts (which the agent knows and whlcb mi&ht influence his client in making a deciaion) regarding the aale of prop- erty -and that duty is owed to the buyer in a tranaac4 tion as well as lo the seller. Your realtor bas the duty to disclose facts to the buyer materially affecting the value or desirability of the property where he knows the buyer is nOt aware Of these facts. * * * You mentioned that real estate taxes. must be paid by S o'clock, April loth in order to avoid a penalty. I wish to say that the present condition of my bank account makes ii almOI! impoo1lble. My financial con- dition is due to federal laws, atate laws, cotmty laws. city laws, corporation lawa, mothers-in-law, bruthers·in- law, sisters--in4 law, and outlawa. Throuah th•ie laws I am compelled to pay a busi· ness tax, amusement tu, head tax, school tax, food tax, defense tax , gas tax, light tax, sales tax, carpet tax, income tax, furniture tax, water tax, excise tu: .and hidden tax. They even tax a man's brain; I a~ reqwred to get a business license, car license, truck license, not to mention a marriage license and a dO&" license. I .am also required to contribute to every organi za- tion of relief, including Women's relief, Near East re- lief, World relief, Unemployment relief, Red Cross, Blue Cross and Double Cross. For my safety I have to carry life insurance, prop- erty insuranCe, liability insurance. burelary inaurance3 accident insurance, busineas inlurance, unemployment insurance, old-a&e inaurance, and fire inturance. My~· is regulated IO that it ia no euy matter for m01toiftl!d out who. OWDI it. I am inlpected, upecl. ed, sus~, diare~. rejected, examined, re- examUMf, 1*rmed,. 1l"!llired1 llllDmonod, ·lined, co~ manded.idJcompeDfd, until I pl"O'Yide . an· inezhaus~ ible supP)y of money for every known need, desire Or hope of the human race. When I refuse to donate to 1omothfn1 or other, I anl boycotted, lalked about, lied about, held up and held down, and robbed untU I am almost ruined. I Launch Ramp At Dover Dover Shores homeowner& pl ...... beadl perti'5, family picDics, aod b o at l n I e1- ptditiona, will IOOD have the tinestrecreatlonal and llUllChinC !edllll'" evllileble, In their own blct yard, ac- cordillg to Dr. lloyel Tucker, presideol ol the Dover Sher,. Homeowners "-ociatlon. Tucter, who aim eves as chainnM of lbe lfOUP'• water committee, r.,...U that lll< an>claUon approved t b e design and conatruction o< a launch.ina: ramp for hoe.ts and trailers, u well u the in- ttallltion d a rack for small boats on Beach Lot B, as an added cc:mvenitoce for the tar1e number of Dover Shores relidtntl who are b o ' t ....-.. - 'Ille c:balnnen ol 1111! pwp'1 beadl cmun-. A I e < Robertloo, -the ~ will tnclude pl•Yl'ound equip. mm! !or the younpten on Beech L<lt A. Fln rinp end refUle rec~cles will also be provided oo botb beaches to enhance everything from beach parlles lDd family pic- nics, to community s i n g s around a campfire. The com- mlttet will purcllase the newest, stroo1tst, safest, and most modern p I a y Ir o u n d equlpmerit on the market to accommodate a more ex.- lave Ult of the be9cb area. It ii beUe'Vtd tblt tbe ad- dition of b private rec:ra- ~ faclUliee end playlfUOd equlpnont .. the beach, ~ -Ille bool llun- -· romp end perk, trill lltnl>llhtn Dover -.. pclli· ticn 11 one of the molt ex- cllllive aelf-contaJned l'tliden· till communities in Newport BNch. Families Rate Homes Granada. Sc?res High With Residents AtJ eval1aticll cf the new GrllJOda Homu In Mialloo Viejo by Ill lemlllel elrea<ly liviq in the 11,000.acn new io... has confirmed Mluloo Viejo Company's c:onUnuinc emphasis on ext e n s ive research and p11.M.inJ; repor&s John T. Manin, vice president of marketing. "The con:ipany's research and planning really peld off," said Martln. "Our metlculowi research and tubaequent choices of feelura to include Ill the Granada Romeo hove proved correct." All i,OllO !dies -living in Missi.on Viejo were tovlted to evaluate tbe models. An amazingly high percentqe, 3SS, were able to accept the invitation during the one-week evaluation period, touring the models and completing a detailed evaluation card. ''EucUy rt percent, 240 families, rated our new Granada Home as better than any other Uiey bad seen," Martin noted. 1be evaluation cards lilted five architectural features for each home and asked the respondents to i n d i c a t e whether each was "very im- portant," "deairable,'I or "unimportant." A number of other questions were also ask· •d. tn the three-bedroom, Plan 100, Segovia, the infonnal utln& -· In the kltdlon trdl, the seperaU !amlly niom ,_ bl(!>eot with fl pe...m •Wll' fnlOI the lonnel llvlnc indlcatlq it WU "••'1 tm-toODI, "very lmporlaill" to 17 portanl." A majority fdt t.adl f::'at ::1 rear~ .. ~~ Of .tile other !OUT litted . """""'" to 44 ........ and reature1 ., a ' "dellrable:" r.dtlii1iblt" to another 4.5 per· lerp COVmd pol<lt et enlzy, CQI fot • tolal ........ 1 -low•ed~entry and. double en-ol at percent. Allo" l'idi.trable" try._ doors, en~ ar-were the tw<Hlary c:elllnc In ran;ement ot ~ h~ room tbe llvin& room, ·the teparate and diplne roo~. and •loped dresaing area in the mast.er cellln& In the llv"" ""'"· bedroom, 11111 the pllvelt rear The Jar1er three-bedroom, dect off the muter sulte. the Plu :ieo Santiqo, roted 'Ille lerpst home In the even hllber: four of tbt flve ltriel, tbe Plan 500 Barcelona, lilted featuret Wert termed available wltb or without "'very lmportull": ru.p!ec:e In -room, bed four ct ib the family room instetd of the five I i 1 t e d architectural livin&: room, 1tPUate formal features in the "very im- dinln.g room, paUo kitchen portant'' column: curved with outside bar, and accea to stalrcue fireplace in family the garage from the. family room tmiead of living room, room·-area . the walk·ln Elzy, (7' perc:enl In the one or two-story , J>lan said it wu •vuy important"), 300 or SlO, four to siJ:-bedroom and tbe bonus room. Madrid model, one ftaturt~ Granada Homes are In the bonus room upatalrs, rank· Mission Viejo's Phase Two ed above all oth'1's with .ff development area, overlooking percent raniini it "very tm-the Mialon Viejo Golf Club: ~" 11111 enoth" 44 pq,. ~ azid <Pr ~ College. cent. i a f In I 6° wiS Tliey' tney be reecbe4 by .laJ<.• "dealrable,' for a total of II Jog the Santa Ana--San Diego percent approval. Two other Freeway sooth to Crown listed fe1tures, a front parlor· Valley Parkway, crouing onr type liviDJ: room and ~ living the bridp into Mission Viejo, room'• sloped ceiling, were and followinc the slfns. termed "desirable." T b e split-level CuUle, which is available as a three-bedroom model, the 400, or a four- bedroom, the 440, bad two listed architectural featur~ which scored exceptionally Large Lots Offered at 15th OC Home Show Baycrest Ivan Weill and Soni Inc. bas announced avallebillty of tile largut level Utete aize view lot.I e:nr RleUed ill the Newport S-Cb lrff. · Scheduled for Anaheim The 15th -annual C?r'8P&e r.ounty Home and Decoratbra Show will be held under the joint sponsorship of t h e Orange County B u 1 l d er 1 Association and the Orange County Ctiapter ·of t h e Building Industry Association, accordinc to George ColoclN, 'lbese prime locations at producer. BAYCREST offer I b, e n.e !how, scheduled June 20 ~stige of N e w p o r t 1 througti June 29 in the famous \Vest Bluff and Anaheim Convention Center, private beaches, together will be planned by committees wilh fascinating view ofl from each organization. yachts and boats skimming Since founded in t955, tbe the waters ot the Back Bay Home snow has be e n and framed against the sponsored by the OCBA, a peaks arid foothills of Sad· COl.Hltywide, n o n -p r o f i t dlebact Mountain. <rglfllatioo of builders. According to Don Wells of The BIA. Colouris said. ts a Ivan Wells and Sons Inc., by ~ orpnizltion combk*1g a reallocating the available home buiJdenl ,orpoi.llition b u i 1 d i n I l a a d a t and a builc:Unt i.-ootrtdors ~YCREST, tbe compey ...ociattoo. can now offer juat four -pion.! dD for eetalHiJe porce!ll of lend Rm:lall R. McCarcUe, a foUowillg the aame 11Mral ~ch cmipfile. level view of --o1--y-., but -~· Mesan Sets Confab Talk Costa Meea Retltor, ii one ,_.. .... 1_ widll upamioa in some 11H1S Never before in wu prime six eq:ierta Who will be ad-to gtve the show ~ ·~ prestige location have aucb drtuing a aeries o( educa-peel to both the public and ex-large level lots been tional sa~ coolereoces April hibitxn, Colouris said. a v .a i l a b I e f o r t h e 14 -17, co-sponaored by the 11\e show will be held tn the discr i minating home California Real Est ate Convention Center'• 100,000 purchaser who requires a A.!sociation and real estate square-foot exhtbits hall which custom built home on an boards in Southern California. will be fully dec<rated and estate-size view lot. The all -day Je:Ssions are draped in colorful silks. The four Its being realeas- ... _,. ..-·~···-. -- OIST,.FF CHAMP a.-lyCreedon BEACH'S BllT s..ttHudd,_ Top Sal£smen Feted By Walker and Lee A former boo«ieeper and a is "bird work'', Di ol bectic but .tisfytnc." comparaUve newcomer 1 0 H u d d I e 1 ton came to Soutbenl Cell!ornla hove been Celi!ornia fnlm Kallles In 1111 named taleaneo o1 Ille y...-w11en bis company trafeued· fer wt1t .. lixfLee olliceo Iii him to Looc ll<ech. He wu eo.u Mesa and Huntingtoo Chen an i n d u 1 t r l a l fld- mizistrator and a 1 I 11 t • n i Beach. plant ma._. 'lbe lo!'°'""' Hooand ti the COOlPlllY'• year, l!uddleston IWitcbed to 2ltb anm&al a.....U dinner •t real estate sales. Ille Jlilneyland Hotel ...,. HirJdleslon Olid the Nies Mrs. Beverly Creedon, sales volume which wcm bfrn the agent f<r the W&L Oostl Mes.a Regional r~ w a s olfice, and Scott Huddleston of "over $1 million." He mid b1i tile HunUngton Beach brsnch. approach is one of "honelt1, Both honore es were and sincerity, tryiDc to do. a ~esented wt.th iD&c.ribed elec-good job for the people .,.;qi tric docks to mart their whom we deal" acbleve....U by William "·I;;::=======-. lo!cCebe and William T . Oltney, xnic:r vke sretidents ol Welker end Lee Inc. Mn.~. the molller ol ftve, Aki she left - to 11'1 into the reel -!ielcl _.ti .. _,!_ ol lllweys trented to do." Sellllll reel eatal•, she said, FAVORITES N1tie11el •11411 IMel rM4- .hil" ,.11, 'NW the DAILY 'ILOT c1nlM "'" ef tfte ....t 1to,11l1r ce'-'i1 elltl n.tv,.. • ... n.w. ... .., 11ewt,.Jllff M .,_ U1M st.tu. I See By Today's Wanl Ads: THAT ws OM A Liii DAY Ill Sympathetically yours. Mr. Tu Payer Newport Beach IEOITO••s HOTll: ........ 11 II. Motl,..lto " 111 ...._.,,WNll 11111lr-t, .... Mlttot "' the "'"' IE•"'-I all .... ltdur• .. I 411"1C1t!' ., ""' CellfM'lll• A11Kl1- Construction Total Bared scheduled for Paadena Aptil Wally Boyko,' 1 en er a I ed, according to Don Wells, 14, Santa Barbara April 15, m&Dager for George Colooris have 100 foot frontage and \f~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Inglewood April 11, and the Product Jons, aaid ap-are up to 200 feet deep. r: ' San FauanOo Valley April 17. proximately 59 percent«. ei:· BAYCREST 511.les OOice tltn "' lltM IE1tet. TMdltn. •""'*' llf "lt•I .... 111 C.llttnli.''. SW y1ur _,.._ llM _,. f9 llenoll11! Ill:. McCa,..11 cl• "'9 OAll.l 'lLOT, ... IMO, C"'9 MIM, fttM. McCardle wiH d l 1 cuss hibit IPICt has atre.dy been is located at 1"2 Santiago Construction 1n L •I u n a "Building 6 Clitctele." reserved. Drive, Newport Beach. TM ee.ch cturq March rwtted The ocdtl"mCte lift part of "However," he a d d e d • BA YCRES'l' homes ranee in 4 VSC Students Win an eldmatcd f74S,l50 for new ti being held llltewide this "min)' n:cellent locations are price from: tM,950 to d""lllop, .-end ad-.~aixinc=~·;:::======lll=ll:av:eila:. :b:le:."=====$120=,ooo=.===:;;;;;-:--J dW.S and buildq ol walls I and f...,... CREA Scholarships A lob( ol 19 bu!ldln( permit& were issued by the ci- ty bulldin& deporlment. 'lbls compor .. to 51 p<nnb -Four Univenity of Southern CalifmMa atudtnb Wert each awll'ded $ 7 5 O ICholanhlps Mettli 11 by the C.llfunla Real Estate Aas o cl at l on Scholanhip Foundation durin1 a meetill( ol 111< CREA board ol dir""4n In Loi Anc•let. Frank A. Dutra of Los Anaeles. Frund.aUon chalr- man. made the presentatkJn.s Rain Delays Construction In County Jtuilctiq corwtrucUon I n mlitlCCI parated are• o f Or-. Colmty d u r In I Februlry MQed beceuae of the · UIUOlllly hNvy relnfall and Dool CUJdit\ons, F. G. McLellan Jr., director of bulldlnl and S1fety reporl>. Vatuat.IOl'I o( permits for F•bruu)' reached '5,114,074 wbich ,.., 11.1 mUllon belotr P'tbnW'J of lut ytar and •t mUlloa leN than January ol 11* 1•· 8ulidlal In Supervleqrlal Diltrlct .,.,,. Wll boliUnd bJ ........... to R. -,.. DuflJ lar • *-"'" ~ to be -at ~ McAraa' 9aWmN -Jlle OrMlo County~ 'l1le -.......... -" ..m be .,_,, .. the AlrporWr i... lllot<I end 11 valued at II.I &llllon. TCllll vlliuall<a for lbe -th In the !'11th Dltlrlcl -11.114,717. la the other 0r..,.. Cout .. Pl"'llorlal .... the 5<cGl1d Dillrld. bulldlnf ,..,.u to4ail ........ ....,. 111 fvr rtaldentlel con 1 lt u c LI on , Mc:Ltlllll ....... to thtle atudtnts: in March of 1911 f o r an Bri&nfta Y. K. Lee, of ta -.!mated e v a 1 u a t i on of AJ>celesi. .• juoiar. On th• 11.111,000. deon'• oo, lhe -eel Ill< So fer tllll year, l• permlb • Ullivenily ol C.lliomie at Loo have been llool¥ by the dty Angeles before trlniferrin& to for an evalultlon of $2,W.'130 use. Slit has • real estate ---to 115 permlto aMesman's licenle and is hlvinC a vabJe of •t.7'7,449 worttng part time 1s a during the ame period Jut tale!man. The awltd WU yeer. spcmored by the CREAL.::~==::====~~ll Women's Divi.ton and mldell ,.,., ...... , ~- in memory of Irene Alinlon llTAIN Kayt, well known Loe Angetu llOlD E lle~tor. • Janil E. Brinley of Culver WIPiED JR C"y, • junior. Slit •lteD\l'd I , , Senta Mooi., City College 11111 Cllll!Grnle Stole Collete et Lcq -end ia eiao on the .S-'t llol el llllC. Hor award .... m memory • Glam D. -· former 11e1e -,. ol CREA, In -.-, theF....i.tlao " ............ T~ 0. Gilmore, ol Loo Anplee, a tenlor. He bu boon 11:c•pt«l In th• USC Vaduelt schooJ where be inteMs to pursue ltudies leadln& to a real eat.ate tarter. HJ1 ward was in memory of Pet.er -ol Glendlle, who --the Foundtllon In 1146. <llcar M. -ol Loi Allploe, a ..----,111.l-Ja ........ ...... lin Jl'W... -.....,. . I.I• h Oilloit. wllor. ....... the -'i ·11o1. Ille n<rd -In _,. Gf Ar1hur G . Mupcro ol Lon( -. """ llen'ed .. .,. .... _ -" -,.,. "'°" tllu Uyeera. ' . The acllolmblp ltrerd "'~ 1ram tru -~ IO h<lp lludonlo l>lennlol cer.,ra In rtal fllt.ltt. 'lo datt, il has anrded more Ullo '311,llO IO . ......... • APlllL 1 ... IMI ==~ AllD COMIMllTT Li.,.I L 11.ANPllD, Jarxi l••YMMftt IAI CeM-t.r LI.,. L llt..,aM, ''· ................. Hti11h L. MJ118tf, o..r.....n 2'11 MIMI ..... Dr. C.M. IT'SA PREVIEW AT @SANDPOINT&. 3-4-5 Bedrooms From S27,395 r:===~===~i;:;=:i ._....,.,,.,T ... _ ~ AneF_to __ g . i ...... .. Fl'W#l1. Soutt1 on Newport BM:dl F'NtWaylO MeoArttlur Blvd. exit, and fOllOw llont. Or take San Diego F,...,ay to Bmtol SC!Mt exit, and go ....... _ ....... S.ndpofntt SllM Oftlct: 111•1-11 llltCID Cll'ISTIDD Land of the Dons UNSPOILEQ, SECLUDED 2'/, to 3 acre rancho sites amid the grut oaks of Cleveland National Forest Deep iA tbe lftll.C Olk rqioa Saa CJcnmtio. md Kftpat .-.oi tH Clavolud National Beac.h.o.Iyl3ec:eaic.a., -n.·--cl 1-s...1 ... ~ ........... .....,. ad -~·-· - - ------pdced-S8,!Jll)fD SlllCIO, ....,... ... v • .-cltho ..... 10%-.,1s,..... Mlilanll&ns~ma pz. · -ill -r-. • san"s-::.S.=~ Goftnmlnt-o:""ed buUer RmnidePwy • .-11,.lftrJ'H ~.:::i ~· """ _. wcJt. From Comu: HWJ 71 •-w g~•~mem. 110Utb,Hwy7"-.0r-1o Rancho Capistrano 1rill belonc fabled Mission Su Jaaa Clpit- 10 juat 133 owner•. in /•• trano, tben cut on Hwy 7f A 1impl#. Each of the ll lo follow wigas, You'll be 3 acre .11itcs is cl eared ind wrlcomed ! accessible to utilities and anded rOlld. Anci ent Spanish O.b ailJ atmd OR mosl. of the situ, This private prncne, once 1old1 cu Defer be duplicaud. "' -c.;.;.o-,.... ..., __ ..... 1or.. "= __ lllo_,of .... """'"' -led labs, ......... ,..,<Wlidcl- at lXll>fL cMmdam. and » mlmate IOCCll to COl.1ta1. ~ •lloo ., taa-no.. Po;,,r; 'Vrilc tor our frtt, iUustram:I bnxhure. llRCID CIPISTIUD •~11> Campus Drlve, Su;1e 2, Newport 8-, Celt Dill) 1· --------~----..,...--------------~--------~--...... ~ . . -. r-• • -:"r .. a<fsWho ~· .. __ .. MLMVM , ' • • 1 Shouldn't Drive ,:.. • '¥ ' ·• D~ ANN ~OBRs :, e are plalullff our an- n 81 tliCatlall aow. In IUlle tllf buband and £'an4 our l'!'O. teaage children ...W Jl!lil,'in llill car and drive a~r,o.o ''the ~-Wl~e dioie '1hl.s every year for !lie ~Iii ye~ ~au I can u:y 11 it'• a miracle l'tn· to wrtt;., ••t It. ~f.t;,..·~.16.':·~; --------- -when he starU ®!, lbal II. ol ,_ al ,_ ':f:. •-_ But ht teemt to think that _, vacalioo meua. beet~ cru&d: by peeple wt1t .. lime. Believe me, I wouldn't sleep ., tMrt ud fell .n. mind if after dinner he had several beers. Or, even if he had 1lheru at breakfast, if he'd Jet me drive. But no. He in- sists that beer is the next thing to soda pop and a person can't get drunk on it Virgil has had several cloet calla on the road which be didn't even notice. · Unwr• GI .,_,,...If .. Nte Wllet'• rltlln WMt'J •-? ~1111 ~t SM11ldll't v-u? lend for Ann L•nd•rt' lloolcll'f "0111119 DCll .,..., Olll'tl.~ ·~ dollnl wltl'I your '"'*' :SS ttfttl In coin 1nd 1 1ong, ult-.od,eslled, 1111nP· '"' ... ,,.11-. AM l1nOer1 Wiii W l ltlll lo hell \'611 wlrll l'Gll" 1rolll1m1.. lend ~ h tier 111 u,.. of tt1e DAIL V PILOT, tfldin.. ..... • 111f.edcl-Md. llll'lilled ... Y1!1oH. He readl your column every•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-d.ay. Pleue 11y 10metbin& on this subject. And tell mt what to do. -SAN ANTONIO DEAR SAN: Pny for aa ae-- cldtnL A tmall 4IQC -ID which nobody geta killed. ~opeful1y be'U lff 111 e handwrtllq oo *'< wall 'l\ree bottles If beer coatabi •• m.ucti alcollal u a 1111 mutlDi. Ptople wlle pt loaded tD beer art jut u dJimk u H tbty had ht<a drtnkl11 Ktomcty IJIOODlhlnt. Fartlltrmort, Utt expetU say beer druab are the wont kind becUH tltey kid dw:JDHlves m. beUevb1 they ll•ve no p ....... ' ' DEAR ANN LANDERS : ~Vhen I ro to churcll with my grandmother she insilta ·on jierfect atteution ond abtolute 11ulet. Last week I had a he.ad ,::old and sneezed a couple of limes'. Grandma said it ia im- polite to sneeze in public and Jha\ the well·bred pr:rson ttl ocks his no,,trlls and has a ~ulet "inside sneeze." , I tried this once and I felt like my head was coming off. .My gym teacher says it is not ~!thy to sune a sneeze. Will u check with your experts. ase? -CODE IN Pi.tY SE • • DEAR CODE: Ont: etiould Lot attempt &o 1llfle • aneeie. it coold banl an eardrum. tJnttlt la a bald.kerchief -1s ruieUy •• po11alble. • DEAR ~; I know you ~n 't run an etiquette column ut I hl.ve a feeling there are ore than just manners in- olved here. When se veral couples art ~ving d inner at a place here there is music and dan- ng, for some mylterioua ason a man or two always anden o£1. When a man is 'ell at the table with two Nromen (one of whom is his "'ift) and lhe music starts, should tM man ask his wife to dance or lhe othtr woman? Which Is Polite! -MISSOURI DEAR WALTZ: Neldltr. Ii'• poor JnUDtn tt leave a womu alone at • tablt. Coast Area Mee~ings MOfllDAT '-&• 9l~1rrw'll':U.:r "tt!llll::: n~ a1111 0r.,,. ,,,..,., ~111111en lffdll. 11 •.tn. ""!rii S.111or Cllb•ns Cllllt. SM .... Cit 1-c~ IJtl! Sir"' •rod IA' nt A-. N--1 lktldl. lO 1.1'1. "I'-·"" T(MIJ!mellwl .. C.al 11. .. 1 "'eu~lftt, »41 Herber iv•~ C.11 e:~ff l ;:i11, B1bcoclt EIKfl"!."'" 8-~•rf.i'tt Nt1. 1H. 81bcock lK· ~ ... ');l"fD'. .H•rbor Blvd., o.tll 0eMollY1 H1111i1'1111ton lllloldl Cl'llPllf, MlllOlllC TetnDlfl n.. \..ette Av•~ Hu,.. "~ l..c:ri. ;lR p.m. 'efiEr,'•111 V•llev Junior" c~, " ~-•I memo. , c 11v 'I/· lrna; ~tw AYfl~ t1Untl " or:-"•~·~ Cit.Ill. Merlnlf• ~t:IF....,,'*"' Drtn. "-1 C.11 ,.... ,..,_,. u,.. .... tt. Oclll ··~~ MU H""'-1 81¥C., y.f#1,.., ' VPw H1IL Vert'-! 4S c':..,.;'ll:E:i°S:!~'::.i r~~:~4~~Ji=. AYfl., Gerdlll TU.IDAY COlll MKI !:1"=11.1,,.. Clutl1.. CDf"l l ftltlf fiOlllUflnl, :MU HlrW •IYd~ Coll• Mn1, 12 llOl!n. ' Ntw-1 H1rbDf AC!IW •• Club, Vlllt11.1 IM, 12' MlrllHI, Balbolo hl•nd. 12 l'lllOll. Corona Ml Mlt Klw111ls Clull. VIiie !-!Mn, ~ E. CG11I Hlohwev, Ol-•1 Mir, 12:10 o.m. HIJl'lll!Wllon Bffd'I lloltt'I Ch1b. HOllh • FllfJr WI,... rtitleurent, lt-121 Boll' Cnlu ltoH. HunllnoTOll 8e1d'I. 12; S 11J'n\"1rion011 81ech Klwt111h Clulo. Hllll-t111111011 S..cllff Col.lnlrY Club", JOOO "•Im AYfl .. H11nll11AIOll 8udl, 12:15 W80flllSDAT P'llDAY Uftllff Fund Fl114'1Clll w ..... mtnr C1111nc:U, Unl!ld Fur~ .. !let. 111 w. WOJ00oi· Coal• Mes., 1.m. Hunt nolOll Beath ol•tv c I u •, She<l!On !Inell Inn. Hu11t lncr1Dn 6tK~, 12:10 P.m. Merino,. Lions Club. s1un Slllrt, 22•1 w. Co111 Hla"w•~. Newoor1 Beech, 12;U r.•· Mir \11!1 M11onlt lllllot, Ml ll!f\IC TtmDll. \.101 11th Strut. N•woort 811ch. 7:30 p.m. V.F.W. Poll N~,. UJt, Am1rk111 Lui"" Hi ll, S.S W. Ith Slrffl, COiie M$, 1:00 o.m1 u.5.1. Fo " <llN;INI. C•mou• H•!!. nlYlf"•lh of c.111er1111 lrvln<r, 1:• o.m. Sl.TUltDAY C~rbll111 Busl,.lfnffl"s Comml!IK. 81lboe B•v ciw, Nt wpor1 •••'"-1 ....:;:;;. Lltdll, VO.I.. Senior Cltl- ltt<t .. Tlen Clllb, Ulh Sl,MI 11\1f ltvlNI Avenw, Ntwe«I klc:h. I o.m. ~ of 1111r '" .1.m1rk en, .....,, Vltr• Lodc;1, l lh Strlllt 1n6 Ot11>111 1.venut~Hunllnp!.911 B••jhc I •;r:· Ot•llllt h REl.C1,, 0111 •r-G"'YI .. Gerdln \;DYfl, : 1.m. Chw·ch Tries Teaching N~ Herber 0ournr11 Club, VIII• ~· 10'j B•vslM DrlY•. N.-r "Each ont teach one" Is C i:'"'Me!!'1 I~ Clull. Colll Mn• ~' •rod CDU11trv c1u11, eo.11 Miu, the key to a literacy training •1~~ 0J\"'u11 of ees11 Mel•Nortn, H•rbor·L1t• ~:~~r:f5'Y 'M'""' 0ntr• program conducted at the ,,. ,;i;;.. Golt end Cwnttv Club. C1tttt1rl~Futr10ll 111 , "'-•• y ;rst Mtf.hodist Church In 1 Golt CllfJrM Dtlve, Cos11 C111ter ~ ... , 1 m .. , n :1e 1.m. ,.,~11ik :f''i:.' t lub 04o Fm••J:•••· Costa Mesa. c5•1 M..-Exc,.,.l'IOI Ctui,, Josef'• ~=~,filMf• ~~~~~ '~"'· •P'llor C lied the La bach Method · 1:1t1ure11l, 2121 E. Cc•HI nlohw1v. l-•O -··~ "o--HO[l::-a U , •I Mir, 12 -'· --,. _,...,, · · ed u-[)r Frank H~~'!"I'"' llMeh Notlll Lions Club.• C"T• MMe, lllM ..., t b. it I! nam In.a . a;:F="'i~' i:*-"''l._._S!,"'.~!~~~ w~:lJ~M'lcll. m. IC.tllll'• Tlllte Laubach, who invented the V ~ '"' Hi-•i'-eur111 "•tmlnster,·11 ·=· ':'.:."' ,,, .1.m..-iu 1 tff-1 unique program to ttach hun- L..., H• ~. ~ l•n SttWI, Co.II "'" ~~ llftlMJr.1111. -1 dreds of thoueandl in India, M-. •:OD ii!m-~ ludl;. • Ktvtl~ ~.:"'ot Celle M1J•Nor1n. !'lot.,., CM! et ~ B•lbOI. 1rv11111 ~I ~ lltnteurem. :aws twb« Southeast Alia and Africa. It c ' ~:==-J.~ .~. ?,:.' Ntwaoi-"t H~~i:a-lfh.!:~: 't~. VIII• is widely uRd by the Peact c Mell -H•ttlor LI-Matlr., 1445 e.Vflii. Drlvt.-H-t "-. MtlM C.ountrv Ch1b. BtK U:lO o.m, '"""'t""· -,. •e.m. F1111nt1 n v111.v ll:lwjnl• Clull, Fr1n-...r..----..1 • the H •-•. 8 y (.!DM flliiub, Vllll Merine, ~Dll', 11151 Beldl LYd., Hunllncrlon 111'11' l.....U m &fUUI" n..i ta 1D4J .. .,. ... Ort'll, NifWDPl1 B•Kll. ' we:~~·.1l!i:.! 11R.':11'"" Club, o.11111.,, is for literacy trahUnt: for ... ·,~.-'---·~-,... ,,1 11J1 Br 1101 $!' CMtl MHI 11. --r··'d-'· -~ h • v • 1"m· ,.,,. ••• • O••-COi'' clvlt11.11 Club, '"i!e1 cl•no'•• """ 'Cl"""' wuu l!r,~v"!':I.!~· _1n11JO PK!llc C011t 1'11 W•t<;llll Orlv1. N 1w11 er t migrated from Mexico and , i •o , ---''' Buen, l':lJ P.m. ...1.-I Hunt llllhlll I!: I .........,, I Cuba, WO~ may be iterate Lltdll. '°' Oclln ;....._, HUMlnoton HW''''i:"'se:C,,~ CL~"' ctY~t.. 't:..\l; l.B•,~~· ~ 'i:· Pr•grvellon Incl :~~ Ot1ve. H11nl~ton e .. ch, i1f in their native Jancuage but '1ri-':1·tt:i~ lt'.l-' ... .,....f:~"''w5c:'l H= 1.y:-,..Toel::,aJ!,•r·~1;~~b c'::1~ needE i:.!8'ista.thence in ~ng ~~-Ho(•""'•' o0•0~ C00 .,,,.,,P-r~,-.•.. ''' M'JI. > r·'"· ng~1, SO f can '-"'.,..,ue .....,. ,,,_ .... Mv. u u.s. '"J s.u c ... t coris, UU B••· their education in I o c .. J _ ci.rn. r•nc• ~-•. Sift!• An1, D.m. Odd FtllOWI llldcle No. lll . Ocld Or11><11 Cllurmr Cl'tld!I Unloll U1oue. schools F1!lowl Temple, 2» Mtl11 Srre1!, $111kl1tbldr Inn, S1nte 1.na. 1:JO p.m. · Hunllneton e..ui. l :lt '·""· M•00oik Loa" LOOF H111. Classes art offered a t L.0.0.M. MofH NO. 1151. 4lJ "· 1ni. Wes•mJnsler AVlllUI ,, Otlvt SlrHI. rtgular intervals, and people .. ~~· ~··~~· \i~~r Inn, H~f1'r!;l~'~~~:IOJ~·:sor °'lmller of lo'~ed 1"n •---i..:,.., .. ~ New::;(~'="' l~ nommtrcw, Shfr1lon l11cll nn. Hun-la i::Dll. i.c.cn:1u • .., "' 11t1111r:.,,. 1twm s.~,.-t: ~~~; H•~~ ~:~ l 1C.'"Crub. flk• l.edQI, learning Engli"!h may call Sf8. 1111 .... ltOll sfr..11. Si n• J.111. 1:11J )45' VI• OPorto. N•WOM 811ch. • 17'11. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm\;~·~-·~·::::::::::::::::::~·~-~=::..,:-=~· -==.,::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ a high school student (boy) who wondus if the.re .re an,y more r e 1 I opportunities around 1ny mOre. n Helm like nerytblng tbore is to lo, I IDffll everythlitc b I 1, ·~.bu --· Thls mllht IOWld lllle 1 dumb qu11- Uon. but I nMd an anrwv. Ctn you &1ve mt one? -·A KJ:NTUCKY CAT Dt.u!' CAT: ;..;...., plW1 ' • Smog Ban Course Set A new HCtion ln a course In, amos -I licenllq will _. April 11 II Golden Wat Collete in Huntlnct<•i Belch. Olle!'ed ...,., --through the ..-r, the c1-II cleollDed IO pr<p0re studentl to toke the 11ate __ _, ... amlnatJon. 111e cloll, laqbt by Mr. Kmdlll TouF, will mffl Wed· neoillY1from7to10 p.m. Enrolllllenl la llmMd .. 30 -.-.. ~ wll1'11e conducted "' t h • ,t,d. mioillrllloa BuildJl1', lnlm 1:15-1:15 p.m. ~Mon­ day. -"" ! The c1-il-. le Golden Wtll'a new ..... Tndt and =. Ceiiler.' For '"'" . ""°'=:T~ =-:"'-con 11t,!vtnlrc (jolle« __ • •·1111. ·Newport Youth Gets Honor ELECT MA -RY MARTIN APRIL 1 5 NIWPORT .. MISA SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 5 PLATfOllMa * A Board responsive to community direciion. * Keeping our school cosh within bounds set by the community. * More emphasis on the 3R's. * Greeter emphasis of our American Heritage, * Extreme care in the selecting and hiring of teachers. * Hiring of the most qualifi ed teachers with salaries commensurate. "' A more careful end ruponslble Board •p· praiaal of all pilot programs. ltlln -1 hllri<..;,. GI Mr. and Mn. Jot>n $to!O!tk. US trvtD1 Ave.1 Newport Jle•ch, bu Ileen named to the 1n'1 List at Duke Unlvtnl-c...r.owtlltt t. .e.t Mery Mirtha. , 1M1wn, N.C. for the fall U...Mn._a._tt11wfc11Clftlo.N••,...- t.r. !'-------------------~-------------------- k.....,, .... , 1z; 1961 DAILY PILDT 'J------------ Arrest B,ough-~~ght. Charged Witli Ra~"e, :Man Was Co1npletely l1uioce11t FORT WORTH, Tu. (AP) -111e)' -Danoy Brew jllll befort down. He .... taknl\ to Jail, flncerprioted "°" p11otosr•P>-ec1. . Helook•U.-..... He WU put in a potice lineup. He wu ideotifled. And be was cbarged with rape. That wu Ile betilJmln( GI a ni&hlmore for the •y•llHld l!llchinist tbll began Mardi 25. It lMted JS d a y 1 . Authoritiies say now he is in- noceol It was, police say. a case of misitakm identity. It wu a matter of being in the wrong place at tht wrong time. For Damy Brew, Jt wu hell. HARD ON WIFE It was no better for 'his wife, Lindo, 24. Or his P#<llU . "It's really iodelcrlbable, I guess," met Danny, back at wort ot bis Job Jn an <Ill equiP' meot ftnn. "It is a bird emo- tloa IO eaploio. Help! ....... , I -· "I-couldn't tiilfevt it. That kept ruimJng thniugh my mind. I ClOUldn't believe this was hllppming." &t it did. Here'1 how Dan· ny tells K: He .(ot olf work at 3 o'clock ttr -ming. He ''piddled a an hour or so at his h~ .n suburban Everman. then started across town to pick up his wift at the home of a relativt. A patrol car stopped him. "I didn't know what it was. They . said l wun't usmc • risbt tuna (• l 1 n 1 I or name aod Mart. all over, t We rttelDtile: neb otblr somttbtng." guesa. vaiuely. 1 gueu l w11 kinda He wu dirtcted t.o the ''And that awful feeling. of in • 1t.att of abed. f(eedJu pa trot car. btlns tent up for someunng and pt111. A lol o1 people ''J beard an aMouncement you didn't do." wouldn't nn 1.1p to belD& over 1 the rl!<llo describing Alter he spr:nl nearly 3fi 1"rooa ••. aomebody. I dida'l knOw who. hours in custody, hi1 lawyer • "I heard her U1 'No. 2' ••• But Jt fit me: 1-8, blood and won his release on bond, J don't ~ boW ( felL I felt dirty -l 'd just got otf tile Job IJ0,000 on the rope cbarge IJ1d , jlrotty damn 1oOc1. I ..-. " and I wu ditty. IJ,500 for carrying the plato~ .1 • The~ •lf«llel" uld be "I knew something Wils up. Police meanwhile 1 llld a.: would drGp U.: ~ tiPlnst POIJCE ARRIVE resttd a suburban Hurlli Danny. tt _ • ,. ,_ ol youth, Rober\ Wayne Blacli:. With-· llll)'en &ad '" COUPK • police ''" 17, Tiley char&ed him !lith othet; npe-, Dlnllf eeld. pulled up about lhat time. three cues ol. rape. tbe ordeal wUl cost bbD They proceeded to lit.arch my The IChool teacher spotted ~· , " car. They found my ipistol. Black . ;.;1:.,,._'-cc=~·~=-That wa.s tht big foultJp." in news photocrapM Y m.uu concern. He said he had carried the and on ttlevlllon. She decided said. "b cleartni my name .•• f. she might have been wrong in They're really down on you. P~I ive ye.an. her identification and told the the general' public. In the back They took him to the city d. tr"ct u • rr. n -.. u ja.11: "I tbougbt It 'llo'as just for ts I a orney so lice so. of their minds , we ' 'He wuiu carrying a pistol ... I was A !J~~-Jl~up ~a '1 ar-ha ve dont It., " Im ho kinda in a state ol shock after rang , lnQ time with B ack And tht rape vict w and DllUly side by side. ldtntlfled him! l was told 1 was up for rape.'" "He was No. 1 I was No. 3. ''She Aid she was IOITf·"' Then came t h e lit detector 1 ~;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lest: "Ail l know is that itl 1 didn't turn out right (er.mt." 1ben with hit wife cryq out ~ Uke, "He didn' do it," Brew was put in a police lineup. And the vidim, a 25-yeM-okl school teacher, picked him out. She identified him as the man. who attacked her at gun- point in her apartment between 3:30 and 4 a.m. YOUR OWN BUSINESS Earning Potential UnlimHed We olfer lin1ncial assist1nce "I couldn't believe it. lt •i11 <J•nfl• oclorl•1• Chi11chillet i~ y1111r hom1. Smell 111v1tf· ''\~'hen they transferred me me~t. Comp•+• lr•inint pro9rem. Won't l11ferfe,1 wifh ,, ... ~t to county jail, 1 lhink I really •ccup•tio11. woke up to "-hat had happened SIND THIS AD JOI flU llOC.HUll- arnl could happen. Having 15 Universal Chinchilla Breeders doors close after yoy really 1120 •• .. _. Stnet, .......,,.,., c.llf. wakes you up in a hurry. C•ll: 17141170.I06J., c.IMct: t714112t·2161 "More than likely, I figured,li~~~~~~~~M~Afll~T~H~IS~A~·~~~~~~~~~ this would ruin us. My wife would havt had to change her ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT Take Your Own Test On Heart Attack Risk HAVl1HA1 SINKINci FEELING LONDON (AP) -Two British· doctors have dra wn up a questioooalre that they say could ttll if you are running a risk of a htart aUack. Drs. H. Eric Wright and G. Pincherle framed 15 questions about One's daily habil.!I with the blunt warning that "if tht answer is yes to three or more -watch oul ! " The questionnaire was based on findings from beallh e:t- aminations carried out at tht Institute ol Directors in Lon- don. It is dt.!!l&ned to forewarn poteOO.al ~art casts and to adviie employers how to keep their staffs htalt.hy. The 15 queries ask whether you : Work 60 hours a wttk . D r i v e more lhan 20,000 milts a year. Take less than three weeks' holiday. Fail to delegate tasks lo others . Get steamed up. Smoke 20 cigarettes a day. Take no exercise:. Weigh more then 14 pounds over the limit. Feel tired and tihausted. Sleep badly. Neglect your wife and fami· Jy. Plunge str1ight into meetings and offi~ work after oversea.!I travtl. Take more than four drinks a day. Have a high cholesterol count and ascend ing blood pressure. Have no interest in outside work. The doctors offered thl1 con- solation: "It is never too late to reform aQd you wµt find you workl>ttter ilfterwilrds," Big Brothers Get Pledge The Talents Auxiliary of the Big Brothers of Orange Coun- ly has pledged $5,000 to the Big Brothers. The 100 volu nteer membtrs of the auxiliary havt pled1tc1 lo earn a minimum of $50 each to help support the work of local Big Brothtrs Agtncies "'hich provide counstl and guidance to fatherless boys. about your INCOME TAX Soil .. clown to YiMlf ll«lir\y H & R ILOCK offk..-aM •Y "Ion V°'°"" ,. yeut t.a ..• trouOIM.. w,·p ~. ~ bi...o..d:. oltd tu0roni.. th. ''~of .,... ~ .. ()ur ¥Iii,. aflft )I .t ,._ ""*•· IOTI s flDIUL All! sun .. COSTA MESA, 1175 Hubor Blvd., '4UMI CORONA de! MAR, 2435 E. CoHt Hwy., 675-0362 Wiiii: Dtry1 t 1.m.-t •• 111.1 Sit., 'u11. t •·"'··· ..... NO AP!'OINTMENT NECESSARY ATTENTION VOTERS! TM elected member• of the Newport·CO&ta Mna Uri1fl.t School Di1trlct Burd ire obtlgM by Olfh of efflce to uphold the STATE CONSTITUTION, STATE EDUCATION CODE •nd tho PENAL CODE of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA . THE STATE EDUCATION CODE SECTION 13556.5 states: ·''Each hacher shall endeavor to lmpre11 upon the minds of the pupils the prlnciple1 of MORALITY, TitUTFI, JUSTICE AND PATRIOTISM, And • true comprohen1ro.. of the rlghh, duti11, •nd d;,nlty of American cltlrenlhip .... to teach t hem to 1voW WleM11, PROFANITY, and falsehood, and to i,,.. 1trucl them In MANNERS, MORALS AND THE PRINCIPLES OF A FREE GOVERNMENT.'' • and • THE CAUllORNIA WELFARE AND INSMUTIONS CODE 1300 stotas: "Tho child'• well•ro 11 peremount" "REMEDIES .AND PROCEDURIS SHALL NOT II IN DERO- GATION 01' PARENTAL RIGHTS AND RIQoONSIBIL!TIES" ELECT CANDIDATES WHO WILL UPHOLD THI LAWS AS WRlnlN. OTEAPRIL15 FOR Mrs. Mary Martin Pastor Henry .lones . Mr. Gordon Mori ow Mr. Paul Mas .. y ....,..,.... '1 Cltlnns PrMMtlflf a..,.,,.1-.inty. ch.etnnaft, Mre. AlllBM c•rl1twMfl, h4 lern1nl, Ceehl ~ I I I I' •I • ·' .1 ·~ I I l I. \ I , I . ' l/ I ' I I I, I --------------------------~-------------~ [! D,t.llY PILOT ·'Man1:rlx' a Pussyq~f . Overreaction on Violence ·Curb Hit By BOB '1110.11"5 HOLLYWOOD (AP) '-. The television network.a have over- reacted to lhe outcry against vloltPce, sa,ys Mike. Conners, whole .. Mannir'' ~es has been prolOWKily aff<ct..r '~y ~ curb& on rugged action. . Connora, as the hard-bitten private sleuth Mannix, wijl be bacll:. for a third season oo • CBS, bUt he a!lmJts that the, show almost didn't make lt. "I was never in doubt that ~·e Would be renewed, as far as the ratings were con- e r: r o e d," he commented. "Mannix" held its own in the first season and then took off like a rocket in its second season. But. despite t h e ratings, I feared that the show Y.'OUld be canceled as a gesture lo impress the FCC and the Milton Eisenhower commission on violence. "Then the network would be able to say, 'See -we had a i;uct'ellful show-In "Mannix" aad we took it o!f because of its violence.' " King Jr. and Robert F. Ken- nedy. "During the last season the rough stuff was cut down to an almost ridiculous extent," the actor said. "Now 'MaMix ' bas alwa,ys been an action show that features a great deal of movement. It alSQ. requires oc- casional rough action -how else are you going to ap- prehend a criminal? "Yit I would estimate that in 15 out of the ICUOft11 2S shows, I didn't even produce a (lYl·" Connon declared that the anti Violence. move became "a witch hunt." The cllmu came in one segment when Manni:r wu to get sluued by a man he had caused to be wrongly imprisoned for seven years. Jn another scene Mannix was to put an annJock on 1 hood to di!<over who had poisoned him. Botb the slugging and the armlock was ordered deleted by the networt'cerwor. "I blew my stack," Connors admitted. "I telephoned the head of the network to ten him how ridiculous the things ftl'e getting. I said they should either let it remain an actk>n show or else take It off the air.'' His 11gumcnb made some headway, but Connors expects the antlviolence campaign to continue, especially since the recent hearings by Sen. John 0 . Pastore ~o.ap.). \Vhile not defendlng violence In television, Connors believes that the campaign against it has reached absurd pro- portions. Kate Greatest W Q,mah, "All right. so you \Yant to remove all violence from television.'' he propounded. .. That means no more foot- ball : what could be more violent than knocking a haUback six fee,t in the air? "No more boxing matches. Consider the violenct of tv.·o men trying to beat each oth· er's brains out. and for what purpose? TO MAKE MONEY. At least the fistfi ghts on 'Man nix' have a more worthv.•hile reason: the triumph of good over evil. "And if you 're going to do away with all violence on the home screen. that means no more news shots of ca1npus demonstrations. And no more coverage of the war in Viet- nam." Connors admitted t h a t ''litanoix" border ed on violence during its f i r s t season, which featured a rub- ber-hose beating and other bits of strong action. But all that "''as changed in the crackdown that foll owed the assassina· lions of Dr. Martin Luther QUEENIE He Says Convincingly Helping Ba1ad (?) 'By VERNON SCO'l"r HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -It takes a courageous man or an outright fool to say in the presence of bis wife, that he th.ink s another female is the greatest woman in the v.•orld. Director Bryan Forbes is oo fool. and his wife, Nanette Ne\vman, is an understanding woman, Forbes made his stalement about Katharine Hepburn in '·The li1adwoman of Chaillol." Last year's Oscar-winning a~· tress, in fact, was directly responsible tor Forbes ·un- dertaking direction or the pic- ture. which also stars Da11ny Kaye, Yul BryMer, Charles Boyer and Paul Henreid. It should be added that Nanette -Mrs. Forbes - also is in the cast. The movie bad been in pre· production for many months. There \\·ere delays and dif- ferences involved among pro- By Phil lnterlandi clucers. directors and Warner , Bros. Mike Skinner doesn't know quite what to make of A scant J& da ys befort Paul Sullivan giVing bis bride a neighborly boost in shooting, began Forbes was this sCene from "Barefoot in the Park," now on called in. siage at tbe.Huntington:Beacb Playhouse \veekends "One can't resi!lt t he through April 26. temptation to direct Katharine ---"'--''----------------- Hepburn," said Forbes. his wife demurely listening during lunch at the studio. "Any director would feel t.Ji~ same. I think she is the greatest woman in the world. and certai nly one of the very finest actresses who ever li v- ed." Nanette. both fe1ninine and \Vith Juliet Prowse ap-continues Into spring. with an actres.s, didn't flinch. pearing at Mclodyland this such stars as Johnny Carson, Forbes is a youngish week, the Anah eim Eddy Arnold and Ray Charles Englishma n "'ho won t:.is on the immediate agenda. showplace·s celebrity scric!i directorial spurs l''ilh "The The Jong-limbed Mi ss L-Shaped Room," "Seance on Pro~·se, along with the Four a Wet Afternoon" and such Dan & Di'ck Tops, will be at Melodyland other outstanding films a.~ through Sunday. and will be "The Whisperers.'' followed April IS-20 by the An unpretentious man , he Ed Ames Show. l:lelping Ames Is deceptively strong-minded Visit County wrap up the April portion or when he's on the set. He the ~ries musically v.•ill be · refuses to a c c e p t len1· his special gucsl star, pianist J peramenl from his actors in· "Laugh·ln" luminaries Dan Peter Nero . I eluding his talented bride. Ro~'an and Dick Martin will Johnny CarS011 returns to They have wOrked logethei:: bring' their show for the Orst Melodyland May 3-4-5 for his ti;.,.,.,. to the •Aaabeim Con. in four movies. ....... third in-person , appearance "Bryan is more objective veift.ion Center"Saharda;f. 'May there with an all-star show directing me than other ac-3J, at B:3G p.m. that already .inc 1 u d e :?i tors," she said. "He knov.'s They will bring several of trumpet.er Doc Severin.sen. me so \Veil, how I \\'iii react their "regulars" wi th them -Then comes Eddy Arnold, lo thi ngs, that he is aware including Ruth Buzzi, Alan S!nger, who will be seen the of when I'm doing my best Sues. Henry Gibson. Inga weekend of May 9-10.11, along work-." Neilsen and Dave Madden. with Hugo Montenegro Forbes 11miled benignly at Dan and Dick have alsO sel. Comedian Buddy Hackelt his spouse. rlirect from Las Vegas. the comes back to Melodyland for "It's like Laurel a n d popular team of Gaylord and two one-nighters, J\.1ay 19 and Hardy," he said. "I wouldn 't Holiday. 26, with fellow funnyman Jan hire Nanette if she weren 't Tickets for the Rowan & Murray sharing the stage both .1 fine actress. It v.·ould ·be Martin Show, \vhich will be nights. di sastrous personally and it presented in the round, are To wrap up May, singer- would be injurious to both available now by mail order pianist Ray Charles comes in ~Wint.er' . Schedllle(). At Forum "The Lion ln Winter," Orange Couhty'1 'top stage success of 1968 and the ba.sls ' for ~ ol ,~year's top-rank· .ed movies, will be the next production o( Long Beach's THE ·~ Forum XI .Theater. ,..,.,_ KerrY Johnson is directing 1WOW.aa.w.N:TUM1"'-HIGH l'OM'•flll the fames Gold/pan play, Ille •GREGORY, EVA MARIE COMMISSIONER fifth producuon o1 the Long PECK SAINT Beach communrty group. She "·----· •--Gi---previously staged another cos-THE STALKING MOON twne dran1a, ''The Lady's Not TfCHNICO..Ofll•. 1>.t.N.AVISIOH' 4!i AND Al 7:51 ONLY f~:::i~.g~ King Henry 11 [!Jo 'C'.il~~. ~,.' will be Thor Nielsen, best ALSO :JI": known to. Orange COunly IU· , ... ,....... dlences as Lltilechap 'in the ,...,._,lhrd JtCIDLa' IBW"' Anaheim Pl~ouse'1 "Stop '-'HOMIRE'' -G·---. .W the World -I Want to Get 1 .. s,a,.,. Stwn 1 , ..... Off." Playl.ni opposite him as~~c~-~·~'"'~·~·~-~~~~-~·~·~~~·J~~~~~~~~~~~ Queen EleanOr is. Kathleen Rog art. otbera .-;t.n the Forum XI •st ~'Dick •JohJllCllt' Pllll Jlichail!ii.-.oo ·Geolfrey Blue as He'niy1s lhre~ son1, John Hans'!!\ '°"Y9Ulli KlQi ~lill1P. of F~ ~ Jayne ·llamil as P~ Al&is. "The LiOn' in Winter'' will open Aprll JI for f o u r weekends,. F r I d a y s and Saturdan. on the fifth floor •1 MorgA11 .HaJ1. 835 Locust Ave .• LOog .Beach. Reserva- tions ma1 be.obtained by call- ing 432·9229. " HELD OVER A~1d•"'v No111in11 Cliff kob1rho11 "CHA~LY 1 IS A SUPERB MOYIE!" • TlSHN !COlOfmTICHN IKO~i JI ALSO "INTERLUDE" KJRKDOOGLAS . -..... .. __ niE BJIOTHEIUIOOD ,..,. h .... 1. , •• wjff .... ..,, " ... ta .. a-., b11t twto -4 .. ,... 11_,_ Ask thaH wh• ""9 Pa xton Quigley is a prisone r of love ... and romplelely exhausted! our l(rofessional lives." only, from the An ah e i m for a week, beginning May11,~~~~~~~;;~·=·11 Forbes and his wife are Convention Center Box OfJice, 20. among a growing number of 800 \Vest Katella, Anahe;m. Tickets for all Melodyland husbllnd·wife teams currently All seals are reserved and attractions are available al making fihns: Paul Newman ticket prices range from $4.50 the box office. by mail and I•• Show S'-b 6:41 C•. 5111, fr-2 p .... ALEX CORD IRENEPAPAS l.Ul'HERADLER !!le - "Ron's Drugstore? This may sound sillv. but alt my spray cans went off at once .:." and Joanne Woodward, Rod 1_to~$G~·;'°;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~a~t-;;a;;ll;a;g;;e;nc;i;es;.;,;;;;;;':-I Steiger and Claire Bloom, Lh:I .,....,.4 ,.,. ~~~s=-~ 7 Academy Awards laEsr"PicruRE few . ~"'"-'fl'INE-,...wco..._..uo "U the opportunity present!! ..... O""OOL€ HEPBURN itseU," Forbes concluded. PETER '1• l<>JHARINE "Nanette and I will work fj~ LION IN I '""''c•',-, ,,~ ...... ;~~ together , again. As r or _ Katharine Hepburn. I'd be WINTER J:=N! f-s~0 delighted to direct tha t great .. ~,.o!,_:0::-•• ::_::-:"7.,ii·-"'p:iu:i; • .;,;;_:= 1:» · s a•:» aclress any time. S h t ' s magnificent ." ' IESU'IU !UT$ .. al 111 lfflCl NIT Ml t.u amtf ....... , IJ -" • "' '" ..... ,.,. •t So. COii-.... co._ l!J So""" ••I 11-1 1;<~ ..,_i.. ~ -~ JJJ.171.uu .. 11t-•n.-w -~"1 --· --. FiixsoUTH COAST PLAZA TllK&TRK Sao Diop F_, au.-• 546-2711 Ac .... .t PrM P11r1clnt1 BOX OFFICE OPENS 12:00 SHOW STARTS 12:30 20TH CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS CHARIJON HESTON 111 t11 ARTltJI P. w::t:l!S JHod~ "•.JIEI' ··~--·I m ~All•eims KIM HlMER ·.!WES 'M1IMlR£ .LA.MES lWY Alao Comedy C•Hit STEREO SENSATIONI Tiie coloi'ful sound of Oran1e County Music RADIO KOC 103.1 FM .,. From Fashion Island, Newport Beach lt.ce'""*""" .. .,. Mllllbl lh lllll Mttl<tr-COLO"- "THf DfflL'S llGHT' PLUS-COLOR "ANGEL$ PIOM HELL" Al.I. DIUYS·llf ITAITI AT •:Jt . ...,r.zR&I-' { 'J ~ ••• ~ .... , ---S4"31l PAULO I ·-~,.,. ........ Gtor'Ofi ~d-COLOa "PENDULUM" Dun M•:lln-COl.otl .,.HI WIECllN• CllW"' R«tmmend..i l'1r A ... lhl Ste~• McQutt~-COLOR "IULLITT'' C..oroe P-rd-COLOR "HOUSE OF CAaDS" w.,"'1'W. 11 l•M~ . ••7·1591 •-1 •Mhl'W.I llt•lllh Mllkw-COt.0111 ''THI DmL'S ll•NT" PLU'-COLOlll "'AN41LS ROM HIU" . ' 2 OUTSTANDING HITS STIVf: MCClUf:f:N AS •f>UWTT' I PLUS-Lil MAIYIN IN ':::.INT &LANK" ''""' S.r.I !-SKI I 00• ..................... KA*'9: ol AO.\JolS, COSTA .lllU., l'llONI! l4~1et .,. _______ ,,,_., __ . ''Beautiful & Touching'' "DAZZLING" • • •ucH a: • AT ....... • liUMTINGTON •llAC;H o a47-e .. ENDS TUESDAY LEE MARVIN TOSllAD ~ . '~· .. Pill&YIUtWt • lCC .. IC'Ol ... CC (!l 2nd ACTION HIT' . ....,...,Q: ~~ --- ' ., • ~e.~~Jin, ~.tt .p~r ~1ieit at , . . ·~ Masters ' "' . ... .C'°' ~ {'-\.; , '""' ~.lf . ,~~. J"~ -• t-;1'""'1'.'' .•· I I AUGOST' \ Go. (AP) -"I wu 1"st ,.....,l>l!rl:~\l!od •l 140, with nine Favorite Jldr Nie , tJvte.~ ..., .... ~-,...,. an 1 tJllll nln. ·' &rive "' Che mlddl• on the OO-yard trylnf 111 pi.4ownJo.two." _ • . pla)'.fl1 ~;C~ l ~o, '~ (three ol the lnCo!ning &rfflll, 1kled11o. • A Wi,i ~ :•1• that be l\"1'blnl bole. Jt .....:.•t the moot dra\iia\li:< thin he fitilit! bacl<.et~U. 7S fell 113. a., Pllyer o1 South Mrbl< wliiiod lllej qUll to !din Ht puJJod out• fow--lroo and Hnt the ""'.':' . ,ll. ' ~·wilild be elq>fcled to •Po callJng the pin pillettllenta ·the toqbOo\ a ~oa't h111111• ...... rm ball ocmming to the back rilhl o1 the could' .. ~tit 'l'•~m1'!1~oneat for P.!1~,!ert even lorther out ol h•'d ever,.... ralllld with 1 ll.for.1M:1 tryjlll'lo forpt' ~;, • loud roar gnen, 1volding • ttucherwl trip at the quiet, ~.Pluct ~in o(.Austr,lla, rt~:."'~~ Palmer, the four-time PGA champJon J'ullua 8oros, wlth -a n,\· went up ir1)ft; .,_ ltfl tt wu a toqb 40-foot downhUJer ~ho 'si!1~,.f. ..... ~l'lLM-Joot..P,11tt on~ W~~l-.aaf_~Utel people's sentimental was al 145 ind U.S'.. open Kin& JM ,' "Now ttll us 'it1fetJa 1ffbt ttect tor ccimtng back. Ima!. ~1day'fb''tl•IJllll ~asper for ch0lcj!1'/~ qli>g in there at 118. Trevino, ~ting five greens la I i, · the 1"4r°' a IU~ ·byotanjit ~. • Devlin tmild have btln a hero Jlllf had the ~1!,ole Jead in tl_ie B3rd M'aswn..goU 1 ~·~.frozen o,n jusf one 'more was at ,tff. : -~ 11le ~~ ttta.'f?evUD11the wanted to,._y: "I went ror IL" • touniamea.t. • lhlCt, putt, he''"woold t\ave mlJaed the Tht warm,• tiumid day was dull '!'tth nt' wll')' Al.lllle wbt c.r;tes a p bu.'1 tlrd He dJdn't. HI! said, 0 J'm alsld Jt f~ Deflln'i·blrdle llnish gave him a 70 •"1 'llllfljey • ~ « be did a ·year ago. one making 111 ~ptlonal move .v.r lllO in hl1 tleettt, lold' jut 'iii< list '. I'd have betQ happy to Pl don a t;o." Casper 1bot a at.eady 71 rlf.~".dcadlock •t 'la'NIMl,»ieYb one of 41 wJtbln 10 rain-dampened l ,.,..yard Augustl Jr(•· bole to~ Ute Ue. ' · ~.-.. ,,JOt., 111 .,. .. ~ Golf 137, lf•tn 1lnder par, f'~irl!l.to the final 1h0ta cl first l\lac• whO wtll keep 1oing. tiorlll COW'lf illltil late in the oil.,,_ : "I'm ulialled' with I am." T'\'1~ ' !l'jg'" t\VO rounds of the se14<11'a11lrst major '1'M.Y hip),S f~9J better tuld as long as Then Casper, tpe , 0ian •' W)tll ~the Cuper retpbnded QU}e~. . rvce '"lNfie, ~ 1;: ll ~ ch~, -( p • • Ifeelok.Y,l'mlofngtok .. pontryingto •llergles,Cllllftntotha_.t,ntlOllla Devltn, one ol the lut 'llhi"1, ad· •:..., !t.' lo The, wer. llir .•~ei<F their close•t win," the ;.t'ptan1n1 mllllooa1te 111d th; 1nquisi11on .... ...r1111 the ne~. m11ted !hA~be mew w1io\ M. w c1o .a ::::. ~..: m·i pursuers, beanstalk George Archer ,00 detennlntdly, bow ht had manag<111. •loin to h>"!. ~ he walked up the falrwar belling a .,.:= i 'i • • ' ' '< .... , '( 1( ' 11-n-1 ,, " .M~;: I~ i:;' i:l!I' ... The Bored Hotisewife Finds VfllT ....... . Diversion ::,; . itll:l3 ill= ii ~~ii -"'"!, ,, r ...... -t:oiints' Shot INGLEWOOD -Mel Cowita dropped In a .mt follolf lhot and • fne throw with 24 -loll Friday ntcbt to live the 'LU:m a lut·ll!P 16-13 victory over Atlanta tn the opentni 1ame o1 the 11na1 . ' . western .dlv\l!On NBA playoffs. The t.lten were nearly caught at the buuer but the Htwk1' Paul Silu mlaaed an uncontuted layup with a !eCOlld rt• matntna. Charging Atlanta reU just short. The Hawk& -paced by Ztlmo Beaty's 29 point.I -out.ecored Loa Angeles by a 24- JI JDar&ln In the ltnal quarltr. The ICOl'e was Ued five Umes In lhe fins! quarter alter Atlanta had trailed by u much u 13 point.I in the 1ame'1 early &taiol· The Hawks captured the lead !or the flm Umt 1t 77-71 tn the lost period. W'lth tight minutes \o play, the Lakers had 1ooe cold and had been out-pointed by 1 U.I i'norgin and had• ~77 lud. UPIT ...... ANXIOUS MOMENTS -Billy Casper studies a crucial putt during his Friday round al tho Masten. Casper shot a 71 Fri· day b11t his opening r o u n d Thursday was 66 and he shares the halfway -lead with Bruce Devlin at 137. Asked to com• ment on his po1ition In the field, Casper said: "I'd say my pool· tion is very satisfactory." . CdM Aquamen Eye New Yo.rk Polo Crown The Later1 had a frigid niibt at the The Corona det .Mar Swimm.inc 1 and !ouI li.rie, mak!ng only lt ol 32. Water Polo Association, 1967 outdoor na· , Beaty was, Atlanta's prime movtr In tional AAU water polo champions, tries ~~"'":i~• KOring lf,,11\'\'\lf!F1i1'« .~ ... i;aoo at indoor polo thl4~!d<New Angels Notch Wills, 5-3 Decision, Elgin Baylor lied the-game. at n:n Coach Ed Newland's nine-man team with tv.:o free throws with 48 seconds left. files Wednesday to New York to take on a Beaty made it 93-92 with a foul 11tot,wttb · 19-teain field at the New Yotk AthleUc 39 ltConda remaining. .Club. The team will compete Tbursdar, Counts dumped In his short one on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Stifle Rally great J!!lllS ft9m Keit~ck1onc Co_unts Defending champion b the--Downey was fouled by Bill Brld1es -hls sixth Aquatics Club. persooal foul -and made the charity Newland is taking Fetdle Massimino, toss vdth :24 showing on the clock. Pat McClellan, Bill Leach, Mile Martin, Two-run homers by Tom Satriano Ind Jay JOhnstone powered the eaurornJa The crowd of 11,190 erupted with a Mason Philpot, Dale Hahn, .Doug dearening roar when Counts scored. Schaumburg, Dan Christy, Jim McDonald S(Qbcrn California's defending b_na-LOS AljGELES _ The Lo~ ~nge\es Slate captured the lnnaugural Wayne Angela to 1 5-3 victory over the willies,, The Lakm lry to like a '..o lead. in apd Erjc Carson. · ... the bat«"«vtn set Sunday nilht at the ';All ai'e UCJ aquatics staN ..., lt'bere tional champion track team races its ig-Dodgers are interested in re-acquiring · <Crawford Memorial GymnasUcs Meet ~tl.Me!Ota Twins Friday night. gest challenge· of the season today when a t-.1aury Wills, their former captain and of Champions Friday night at UCJ 's George Brunet. the Anftls' top win-Forum. . .. Newland is head water polo coach-ex4 pq.weJ1ul ~~oup of .Qucks'inVad.e~ the Los .record, base-stealing shortstop, from the Crawford Hall. Angel Sl•te ""'"'• ...... u..lliil· :-.. :.~ c~ £or Christy and Schaumberg, who • ' T • '· T play for Orange Coast. Carsoa ls a ,Ang~les ·Col~ 'for .. Pac1f1c-8 dual Moolreak E:ii:pos, a source cme to the Thor posted a point total or 55.10. Rich· """· 12 _.... ..... 1 ..... Mllll!IMT .. I '·"'-· KIUC: .meet with lh1e 'Trojans. The'mect will be club said Friday. '.i.~':" . y\ ·ant·r.Gripby of San Fernando ValUey C'l°s!r. I~.,. Ml""-'•· i~ss ,.m., KM~ :.=,• 1 ?:: :; ~~ : ::4 :: . , Plsadena City College perfonner: '"1v u ..._. n c11'*' • • >-n n . Newland coached the lrvine poloists to Wills, who did lhe ! le" by Sta.Iii.Mas second with 54.ZO and USC's (1101. teieviSed .at 1:30 on Channel 11. et.ea.ling lM •b&ses 111J -. ... ~II intd JhirBetters posted 51_15. (l~fi'."· 1.....,...,,..1,"' Ollcffo, 7:55 ,.m .• KMl"C ~~'!.1i ~ ~ 1~ =-:: ' ; !.:: ~: ·. a 25-2 record last season. Oregon has "''on three straight tr'ack disfavor ""ith President Waltet'O'Maller l diilisby posted a 9.50 total oot ol a n~,'!(· l'-A1111111 '' O.k11r.o-1:2$ ,.m.-l<MPC 0111 1 1-1 s Erctu!'I • ..._. 1 The coach thinks his Corona de! Afar ~:~, ~ ~ ; enlry will be a bona Ode contender. mc{l:ts th\!> season by large scores, and when he left the team wlthout-permiaiao -POMtble 10 in the mp bar e~en\ t~ high· ·. 1'-A""'' •I M1".-..i'. ll:ts i ,m .• KMPC ihe unbeaten Trojans have won two dual during ·a tour of Japan jn1it66. ~ .,,.,,,. . f~-:tlle evening's cittnpetltlon, witness· ¥ 111~• .. : 1,_:.(ng',11 ~ Mlnttttol-. 11 :10 1.m., KMl"c re11i. ,, u-21 " Tof11t ,, 21-15 " The swim club bu raised a p- meets and ll triangular. ~ SOOn ,' after Wills fw:al frad'ed ·,to '1il'1ti a crowd ol 7,ft8. VA~. ~11 11 MIMIMte, 11 :u 1.m.; iw.l'c "'l"''• u n ,. )II _,, proximately $1 ,200 to cover trip costs and ~:ii!"'!~_ All•~i.. ,,r:ee!~ ts 1' -·~ Newland say• it needs another '900 In 1'he~meei 11 oniy4 one of eight mijor Pitbburgh for Bob isailey ·anc1 Gene ..., ..., ..., "'"' '-' -----·---"----- 1cluaj. meeta OiJ the west o"t~ast today. Micl)a~. . I·,,. 1 ner la~ season wUh 13 victories, held Tott! tou11 -Atttnt• 2., L• Allffln "· dOnations to cover all e1~. ,UCLA'1'hosL1 Stanford, Cb1uorilia ll •'at Moritftal, it was said, need1 pitching OSWEGOl N.Y. -James A. 111Up" Mlnne80ti. to four: hit& uaUI tbe ninth, 1 \Vashington and Washington S(ate is a\ ~elP hn'd the Dodgers '.leneral manager, Collini, a member ol baseball's famous when h~ was tagged for Nccesslve horn· ~Oregon State in other Paclflc-8 Jneets .• · Al Campanis, reportedij' ls dickering with Ou Rouse Gani, dtt St. Loal1 Cardi.lat era by TOl)Y Oliva and Bob Allison. 1 Cal Poly Pomona vi Slts Cal PolX at the new club on this ~ii.-· -jea~of Ott early tt30I, wu reported Jn Hpyt Wtlhelin,' the Angel's U-year-otd 1 Freirlo&ate,.Westmont is et Los Angeles Wills, who still has blil.liess interests In fajr ,"'dltlon today at Oswego Hospilai reliever, then came on tg get the last 1 State 3nd 'the~thern c'aliforni• Striders Lo& Angeles, bas mad~'no S~et of a , ~rf be 11 '"'!'f""C{Jtnl. a heart· at~ three ' <*.!ti. and Athens Athletic CJub 'meet ~9re to refum to the .DOOger1. He and tff: t •1 ...... t\IM'llioTi. J.L1,01t1<11• • Bakenfie}d in other ~·t Manager Walter Alsto"n have remained Collins, 15, wla "oved<frt.m Chicago. to To'flr ~ ~: -,": oev.ii1o. 11 •: • •o": I TM """1il.ns appear 11Pbave •sure· Win-good personal friends since his departure1 nearby New Havft . I•& 1Ummer, wat C•l'dfJI•., 11 '• o. 1 o "'"oei. 11 • 1 1 o ,:•f<."" 1 --~ -""-'-~ ly ""'-'-' t bi bo ·~lllfl>!'tw lb I 0 I 0 Jel!111fef>1, cf • I 2 t Sizemore's 3-ru~ Triple Gives LA 9-3 Astro ~in r ners if\ ·sprinter .LA:&tu;IA· '·Miller •1 Pole ..., ..., ,... 1u-n:.-1n ear • --•Y a s ~e. ; o11n, rt 4 1 1 , 1te1C111rlft. 1r • • 1 1 i vaulter· BOb Seagren '*' high jumper Opening ceremonlet-for the flTd anM&al Ctllina. played with the Ci'rdlalls !:U::.:..1c1~ c ! ! l J =..'~ ~ ~ ~ : : Park K_,nedy. Ba~ 1.,tht mlgijty Ducks CaDf~a Women's Stf.le g 0 w I I I I .. ~f,_ 1131 to JG: when St. Lo.us won lwo Qllmci, » 1 0 , 0 ...._ llOllrt•r 1t1 • 1 2 , HOUSTON (AP) -Rookie Ted, 'have anJocredlble dlltanct stable. . TW,''rnUnent wW ietirMler ,.,y,ttn•·tal I&. NaU..,I Leape,~,jaats. . -,.;,_., ~ rf· 1 : : : ~:·,.,c ~ ~ ~ ~ Siicmqre walloped a h¥!M-1Mded bi#· .. • ..,._' · , , , , that keyed, fivHWI ,...,~ r-1100 10 I Toppin" the UltJ! tlne·mlicr Ame COda.Men'• Kona Lanes 1t1rtlng at 7. ..., . ..., ;~. 'J(."• 1 ' 1 1"""'·' "'!J!.::::... ....,. e _!!. ""----~, "' .;.t • o t-w1in.1m." • • • • the fifth Inning and Cll'JWlll _ Dbdaits-1 Kvalheim allQ • · n~vc: Divine. ~osta Men mayor A. L. Phtkley and It. c , '~ l '• •1 • ·• • to.I W vlctor;"oVf!t the Houston Asltos j X\·alheirn hu cp. three miles in 13:2S.7 ~ii~~~ SL Clair will p.arUclpate lndt~~e EllllfVIWOOvDed~ ~~~h .o~ u{~~ i:J ~!~.',;. ~ ; S--; C\olU-......... j this year and Divine has run 4'e mile, ia ~·-w.r..,,, ·• • • 1 1 6.J_-i •W&"-, l 4:04.5. . .: ~•t(,• wvenr bowlers fre.11'1 sco.red a mild upset 'fic:tor'Y Friday in lhc Tm• u ' • 1 T11•t » f 1 11 Jrb the~ strlilht Jou for the l The meet might come dO\\'n to the mile ·tlifodChout Oll)forala wtll K competfnl'--"--.ef,J4it Premiere ~and1cap as Hollywood ~=: ::; : : :. ~ ~ Allrol, who manqed jwt rive 'relay, In which tilt> Trojans are three In Ute summer.long event 11 Kot& Park launched its 30th thoroughbred .• J. ,.,;,., 'i .. o.i ~' s•: a1a ~· t1o hltl: .. ainst Claude Olteep. I liecond:!J faster thin Oregon. They'll be sb00Un1 ror casb prlits ln er· "~~the heavily bet favorite, Rising ~n::\~ r!·P/ f'. ; : : : : : the~:~=~= ) th~~ia~ :::.&a~:~~-1~~r~~s ~fc tess of"°·°"· Y.ark~, (inisbing third, jockey Don Pie~ :'~~· w.1•. ·~ '~~ ', : l : : : : loaded wtllrt• tht Dodcft lefty momtn ·aultef' Dlck RailSbact. shot putter Steve ..., "'"' ..,_. guided Indulte under the 1wire about a w1111e1m ~ . 'J,. •_•Gr~. tartJ;.~·Jill control: ·r.,1· ~-... nw-Wayne Collell .all As expC~led. Dave Thor of f\lichlgan length io front of longsbot Title Game. . .~::. f.,1';.~ ,. • But S~'I dOllliJHl up 1 Dodger :fkiuldwfnt~et~togainvic. .,:'1 ri' ,· ;•.: • 1{ ·~. 1es.~th7.0 hljti~t"•eterBoyce~ ·, ,. , ·"' f'f-t"~·,,_,. '"1 ,, :~;.~~4!Fr;7~7:!i\~~.: Ga~den Gvove Youth~·sliatte ~ ·Mark ~ fticcs a WnshlnJton team with surprising . ,t t , ., '~.' -'depth. The~lfe.n~ best hope ap. , ~ "· • , .. • l pears to lie In btll JllllJr Jerry T•!lt>oi · · ~-.__ • j whose LslT raiflwek.was a IUilimi · By GLENN WHITE pun.a away for the' rtmaindor ol !ht LJM' Vidal gralJbocl the ....,..., 400 at Hl&b, with her l :llt.L " 1 rs'· "lo":' :l ~ 6f'" DllOr rnet Ml!f r.a.ce. The wildly ~heerin& crowd of 1,900 lndo in 4:31.71 wlU. .Beppy Walton Jeoond Miu Hewitt ..,,, fourth ID. lllt year's ) . · · · LOitO BEACH -Toni llMKI~ G,.,l . ,. .. on its feet lhi final 10 ylrdl, hoping 11 4:3Ut Ind · Miii' Meyw third al ntlionoll, behind Daniel, '1"11ton and I • .... ..\ t F~tate their best M'-\1 ~ i ~!'!a su~rour;;mlnute timing. 1 4:a7tl. "fl'', 1 Kendil Moore. ' • · ';JiUi.~· "p the NaUonalMU short...,.,; swlillmlrlg HIOI r.-, tbe clusy German And dlvlnl "°""* -t lo ~onada'a Fink, form Coron de! M H13h ! McK ;'";V ' EAK ch;irnpionships at Belmont Plaza Olympic wbo'·held 10.. pendllil Amtrtun record Btverlf !oyl, who took the pld medal ace, ge~ hit "work ~alnat ~!ymplc I ~ ,., ~:..~if._ Pool, litre, llS Mjss ftewltt aoes tn the 200 (4:07.7) .;r. in 'Hall's w•ke, ... WIS on her last dtvt to ectce Tbertu .. m.• We Burton ol (Jct.A and I TO .• Q~ltfl/D9RE$ ~~'J: ~:J.;oo Fink vtft in Ufe l,6!0 th-. rtrnal"l*,Jll jlle field. Da•• Johnson Brookbank. Mw BW• had 111.Jt pointa ,.__, wllo upeet Bla10i\ Thurodoy ) , Friday night It """ Gary Hall of lonlsbed ~.:Y' 4:10.40. while the ruMerup iirtlod 15$.11. m&h( in the 11011 fr ... I U~ ·~n McKay ~Ill be Gorden Grove'• ~ho Alamltot High • J ISSnacht wu 1blo lo han1 on for lhlrd er.ch Olympic 1old m<dalltt Mlltna Fink told the DAILY Pllnf he fttt he ) Ile 1'¢ommodorCI ~b whd'sltle.lbe spout t oaJie biased to a (l:W.72). •• , , . Duchkov~ fUllerinf;:an ear lnfeclion, Htr. r.J.*l •"""'1 lhot ot thlrd Jn the 11Uelling l ill>letlc Ju-at tilt Balboa Bly b 1:1111.85 for the 11111 lvtdual medley If ,4 iJ n Oll\Or results Undt 01t.'tsvson •dded !< ~t<l 1'f Id wtth,?".lG·polnta. 1• nkN>y a! M'l'I• •' olliitereale oib •known rkonb for !hi Debbie Mey<r'1 ,. ... •by wlnnin( tho 1 M&o Ht~ltt It AMcled to gel by thl •J .C<ilnpe ltion in the m .. 1 conUnues l'J'he commoaores• C'Ob. a d.ivl~lon of diatanCe LJy seven llConds. ·200 rrec fn, 1:54.41. M1111 Meyer_...waf morntng's h.ata. !ftlrtt entrantc lllt tonl&ht wlth men'• pl1Uorm flnall 1t ?, 1~~:. -~-' ... . ...... -.. -,..,. ,,_, ... --·-....... -..... ~-. ~. "r.· 11111 b"'"'· 11111 ' 1'!!!~ ~ acholar·•lhk>I•• swim, thal in the butterfly wh.., Phil (!:II.le) 11111 ~ Krlllf (I:~ 07 Olm~. Ellie DI~. 'finner ol tht. 100 bkk 1nd 11111 ffff re ay. Sundoy, with 1 t.:;• bl ~·~ and Corona dcl H..,... I{<! otter .IO yard1. But Holl nn<nliceM betoNll. > . • ' rly'T!iliriday nlglil1'°"'"' 1 t :lll.I, U dots flnala 1lao &oln& ot T p.m., It'll be the 100 f --silver nleda!ISI In !lit J961 Olympics "'4 Prank Hedi! 911llast.r Dan O' Ll>yn Colltl• ol C&aclldo, Wuh. f,.., lllll lndlvldu1! medley, 11111 lree reloy • t!titelit l"tn tcll for $3.!0 defendln& natlonoi "bi~ll\, iiltfl"I' la· In till men'• loo lfff, J:ll.tt to 1:&. Mist 'woll<ln Is lhlrd-sHC!ed wtlh a and J,llO rr ... All •vt11ll or• r.r meo'1 '-· ' ' front at about 75 yards and toallj!Ually with Gr11 Charlton thin! 1n,-1:43.!i. 2:0U, then com" M1f Hewtt~ a senior and women'• dlllllons. '. run In the fourth and then Los Angeles eiploded in the filth . Sln1les by Wes Parker, Andy Koeco t 'fM1 Jini Lefebvre tied the score and Tom .. ·· IHllflet· Slete All!'. I~ If'. Htu11011o J:IS .. m., K'I ( .. 0) /'Jr· l:tOodltct' ·It tlM""" ll:ll 1.m .• 11:~1 I t. ,.......,._.,, at Mtwtlll. S:IS 1.m~ tc,I 11!'1€:. IS-OOClllll't \It ... n 01 .... J:t$ ""'·• kP'I I I ,ti{· l'-Oodler• VI a.n , Ollff, 1:15 jt.m .• ""' Haller drew a two-out. w1lk1 load.Jn& the batef. Alter Sbemor•'• triple unloaded \hiem,1the rook:Je tried tb lt.eal home and wu safe when" H~ catcher John Edwitd1 droPpet;I l>tMy Lemaater's plkh. Bill )luasell, 111Gthtt Dodgu rookie, , homered in the tll<lb, Los Anjeles added an unearned ""' tn the •l&hth and Sizemore linlkd another run acrou In the ninth. LOS AHe~IS ' HOUt1'" i:.::i:'.1" ·I f i~ !:.':'.:..",. •:I' f ~ . """II' I I I ' ri~. \1. ! . i :=,:" ' I I A':!r ... ' I ti:.~·.. I 1 •I';".:;,~. l 11 ·l •·~··" l 4 IM .... c • °'""" , , • • • ~, .. ., , I l ~~.:l'i,ill'fl f ~·· w;;;:;;:. • • ""'.. ,. , tt , C"' 2' • I ~ti...""'" 'ii I i-i. a i J:: ..... ._. ..... M ..... ··-··"¥.! AM•lu 1, LOO-Lo. llfl~ '·''°' • . Alot.I, 11~ lllferv. l. nfl'lltt, tll- ttws•ll '· 1-f;. Otlltn. • • ll'Mftl••·r ~~ .... ~·· . '.I C o.i.en w.1.. • ~ u .. 'to.. I ' I ~ ' Hll'-W C. 0..'""-M, M\!11,, 1"' C, W•I~ 811k7 Lll'nulir; T..;..ft41. A-11.tlt. • I ' - l ' I i I 1' • ,, I ) . . . . Rttns Today at. Chaffey Newpo rt Harbor High 's Dick Jaffe Will be J'.llllning lfle ~ today at the annual Chaffey Invitational tra~k meet 1n On!-3r10. Fi~e Orange Coast area school s are represented 1n the meet. Finals begin at 1:30. JC Spike Roundup Golden West's Shields Goes 6-11-7 Feet Next? Don Shields. quickly evolving into one of history's greatest junior college high jumpers, is only one inch away from seven feet today. After clearing 6-1 1 in Golden West College's 88-f.16 victory over Citrus o~ the Rustlers' track rridav afternoon, Shields set hls sights on a· seven-foot leap in Golden West's annual duid wer ~·ith Orange Coast next Friday. Orange Coast tune1t up for the test by losing at Santa Ana Jo'riday, 8<1-58. Sad <l leback tied Mira Costa, 76-76. in a triangular al Oceanside. Barstow trailed with 25. The Gauchos' iron 1nan was Paul Cox. who entered seven e~·cnts and won five iif them. In one of them. he broke a school record by tossing the ja\1elln 173-9. Jon Johnson accounted for another !iehool record with a I :07.3 clocking in the 440 intennediale hurdles. Saddleback's next outing comes Friday in another · triangular with the Gauchos meeting Gr°"mont and Pal omar at Mira Costa. ?!like Pomeroy scored a double for Orange Coast Friday. winning the high hurdles In 15.5 and the intermediates in 56 0.t. (;olden Wesl's stelle1r hurdler .. Jirn Seymou r, v.•on his intern1ediate race Fri- day In a breeze with a 53 fl1tt time. He Woman Jockey KO'd u1 Mishap MIAMI -Petite Diane Crump, first wc*na.n jockey to ride against mm at a major Amtrican track, was knocked un· CXINCious Frida1 when ht.r horse went down in a bad spill in tht fourth race 1t Culfstream Park. Miss Crump wu aboard Mlsquola wbcn the horse apptartd to clip the heels o( Mk ke1 Rabltro and 5tumble Mlsquola fell. pltchin1 the dendl!l' J::lrl to lhe ground. Miss Crump came to Jn an ambulaflef 11 1he was rushed lo the flrtl 11d room at lbLiro<"--At the first aid room, Mrs. Be11.v Waterbury a.a.Id Alla Crump'& Jnjurics didn't appear to be ~ . .., has a best of S2.7 in the event. Seymour also won the high hurdles Fri - day, in 14 .9. Ml" c .. 11 H , s1..mt~ H ..... ,_ 1S 100 _ John!!Oll fMCl 2. J1.,1n (~I ~-Co~ t5) '· VIUl!<>e CMCl. nme-10.2. no -1. Jarr~ll t5l 1. Johnson CMCI ). Vl!lll<I• !MCl ' Yunl !SI. Tlme-?J.3. S> UO _: 1. Mo\cowltl CSI 2. P1rH (I I ]. JohfllOn 4 •· Skl11t1er (SI. Tlm&--S•.2. lllO -I. Hcl1t cq (MCI 1. flenlro 4MCl l . twtnion CS1 • Moscowlh {$). Tlme-t :IM.6. Mllf 1. Nol1,co (MCI 1. Urlltl (l l l . S1lr (I) 4 • Nocn IS), Tim-•:«J.,. ,·,, > " ' 2·MI~ -1. ll•nfro (MC) 1. Urll!I• . ,.e 1.ce IMC) •. S...h {I'll. Tlmo-lO:Ol.S. 1:111 Ht1 -1. Notilt C""Cl 2. Smith IMC) no llllrd or '°'.:~11'1J1~1."Xlj~nson C5l ?. t1•Pll'l•I (l l 3. Noble '"° 11tet11 -1. S10Cll.,.,.,k i ce~. nYut, Johmon, JarrtlO t. MlrtCO'ltfo J. l1r1-. Tlm,.......U.6. Ml~ retaY -I. l•r1-2. Stddlob.tck no llll•d l l~'ri·e·.n1.,. CMC/ '·Johnson !MCI 1. JIO'ISINn !5) • NOOI\ !5). t-eel11ll -64'~. lJ ·-I. C~ !St 2. Johnson Co¥1CI l. J1rr1!t IS) 1 Litlftlnoer II\. D!Sltnre-11""'"· "V -1. Wlllaml {I I 1. Nl'blt IMCl l . Smith IMC no ,founh,.1o111p.,~1'>f. Javlill -1. Clllt tSl 2. 'Jlnl .. IMC\ )"-JO!l/ISloll IS\ • Thelrlfl!I ca r. D1s11nc-i11Ai I,.,."",~ r...:•nll . SP -I. C... ($1 J, Ollllll' 4M ) l. V1"ie. IMC! I. y,.,.1 (5\. D"isltM"-41D. lJ -I. Coo: tSl 1. J•rNM (SI l. V!ttlee if'\CI I, NOO'I IS) 011to~l·41T. DiKUS ._ I. Co~ !SJ 1. Df'lle\ (MCI l. Vllllll IMCI • Tllffrl"ll Cl l. OlstlftCe-131· . f'1111 AN IM) Ull ) Or•-CNtl t1lcll Jirm11 -1. llktr tSAJ 1. Mlllw !OCCl >. L•~ fSAl Hflolll: ~2. MO r111' -I, "'°"I AM. "Tim~: "2.11. Mlle -I. $1radt ISAI 2. M\lth CSA) '· Sltlrilt Hl]~1HJ1~j. ~ !OCCI J. Hiii 15AI l . H1nMft (DCCI ,,,,..., 1~.J. J~Yflr" -I. ~rtlld'l ISAl !. (.llM....., tSAl l. E1dlf !OCC). Olst~..,...•· 1-1.1 ""'° -1. 6tk•( (OCCl J. Ven OYfl' ISAI l . Kf!ltY ((V't:). ti-··~•. "V -I. Ell•" ISAI !. l !t"" !DCCI No !lll!'tl. H•;ohf: u ... 100 -1. ""'°"'' CSAl J. S!t wlnl CSA! l, S~loltY (OCCl. Tl"": 10.0i 00 -l· Da"1' SAi 2 S~llmlTI (OCC> l . "ulll\trt IOCC) T mt• 1•$$.1. •-0 IH -I. P<'lnltrlV COCCI 2. j.0\1 ISAI l. Lovt <Of,l<:Cl:_Ti::i'i,.~'" \SA) ,. ,,._ ... !SA! l. SMlltY ( CI. Tl-,· 21.6. Sl -I, r~ll IU.l 2. Mlrf-IY !SA) ). E11:e !OCCI. Dl1t1ftCf: '1t.. Ol'CllS -I £•die JOCCl 1. l'•lllCll IU.l l. C.>r,..•dle IOCCl. Olst•Kt 11$-1, J Miit -1, Mll'111 IU.1 2. M-v !OCC) l $"•cit 1D?f':....'i;.-~T1\!ti.1occ1 2. o.11v 1SA1 1. •1•"" !OCCI. D1'11t11tt: '1-5 U -I, H...,... toc<I 1 Dall¥ ISAI l. •11n1 IOCCl. D&teta: !l·t. ...... W"' l•l <ff1 Cltm ~ 11ttll¥ F.~Ge:'!~l'f-·· _,.._: .•. M•ll' -1, I'll ¥Cl , ,.... IG"llKI J, \ti" •ai; IG'NC . ~.,.,.: 'r=i H -I, Sii \Gon.1 1. Mlilfte~1er IGWCI l, Eflll ICI. Mel ~· "-11. 18 HH -I, . IGVJCI t. MviMtlf !Cl 1. t ... !t IC\ T™U, t4t -, !Wiii tGWCl t. 11:111111-IGWCI 1. MclA<.11'111 ICl. 1 ll.6i JtVflll•\,.-1. MC.'r!\ (C L WllMM «Cl J l..,..._" fG==!.:_ 'i''i:~ 1(0Wc1 1, Aw !OWCI I. ""*" fCl, 01' Ii.I, "V -• tfttff .. fOWCl 1. l'DrMttr I() No tll!rd "-:J"Jll; l ... iWi: -~ 'Mo:.Fatt tel '· ••111 rowc:1 i. lvl..- >G\" !.:_,I: .,.fl"fltr_ IGWCI 1 •ot" !Cl 1. ... ,.,.. It . Dl~ttlltt: ....... G~'t -I, ttH\ !Cl t .• ,,,._ !Cl S. ""9•.-. (<~ o;t';'R:~ l~W(I t . I.Kille I(') J, Sc: .. IM.!... 'fl l--.L~r ('~I '· 5c~"'l4'' •ti J. ''fr<ll jQW(I "f'.~11.,1. J -l,; MCfrt14.;.J l . L1111111 IGWCI 1. Mfr•!!! ~WJ1l! _!~• IGWC) J, C111111' ~<.I l er, 'J:'i~,7~:11~) J. AM IGWCI J, Mll"b.t,_. (Cl! tHM~J(r.' ...,rui. "''"° -t .... w.t. flfl'I•: J~t•.1, I Oiler.~ Win, ~-0; Vikes Lo·se, 2-0 _,I .lo ~ ' ...._ .... ' Ryder iu.. -~ploy boll but tt ,&...., a nm. MIU $1J110111 lil\llOd to '"left to --aiur1'h1. •-·· ooly lhreal came In tbe lhlrd --•t-&1111.thlrdwilh-ool but Jolld pt 111e ant two wui.m ' I Mwllt lfl ~ -Mt-' ' ... ,.,.,..., ~ .;.,... ~. .. • • • • ' Si!MWlf•. d ' • ' • Cc-Q.,,a ,;. J t t t ', 11.....,... u ,s t 1 t ..Wu;-~ .a t I t 'ay~ • s t t c C....... tfl ~ t t •t ' ~--J •I t t Cll'1'9'1. Cf J t J t WIUI-. lll J t I t '"""""· • J • • • AfWll. " • 1 t ' 5-ltll.111 , •••• ,_,rfJ t•• McQ_..., rf 1 t II t ltoNnl, Ill t I t t Wlttldt, IM' I t • • I"--, • 't • • • Kll.Jnll'1.ft!r,,I t 1 • ~-J t t' Htllt , "' • • I t Tait It JJ ' I, ' S,.111• AM ........ Tot11t JJ J , • • • • •1• 100 ,_, 1 ' t0t•t-•J t bolsmtn. Cuiru hid two cl Marina"• three hits. 'Jbe Salnb coUeeted leVID bita. The Newport · WtG>IMI,.. 10-lnnlnl -"" • pltdlor'• ,..... Lion pKchor Ed -lltruck out u Tart and * * * ....... ...,11) .. ,. fW Stfldl•~ rf ' t 1 • Mli., _,, • t • o W, McCl"hw, If t t 1 I I", IMC.-.cf a • 1 ,., McOtMlll. Cf J • • • w.i ..... c ••1• Miiek. I~ ' I t ' 11· o.trldl, Jll 4 • 1 • ~· J ••• H11111oa t1•11 ·-• 2 II • II T_,111 )t ! S J ' .. H ... _, karillr I" -.. •-t I I W"l!lllfll!w Ill -.. t -J j I • Newport hllrlm St.ve Slletler 1- wrea in four innlnp and Demy Beu hid nine wblffs in ail frames. Wa&.minlter hid a nmoer at second bale In U!e lOt!I but SheUer suuck OUI Don MCDooald to end U!e game. W•ltrl (Ill ... '",.. Mid(, a . ' • • • Htnllll'I. II 't. t • ,.--.!, c J II • t WINI.lb .J t J t .. ...,.,, rf l ••• N.,,.1'1, a I I t t ~··" t ••• ltoef,tf 1 11• ltlY ' • • • t l-r.. i ••• .............. (11 .. ,.,., ~.lllll 111 ftW,......,Jtl 1 I 1 I 2 • t I I • 1 I 2 11 I 1 J ••• t II • ' t II I O 1 •• 0 """ 2'''' To!U _,,_ • • • • .. -t-• .. I -.. •-1·4' Mesa .Tops Vikes -58.-37 . ' ., .. ' ,. CdM Only_ Area Irvine -winner, 5-1 G.ains. Area Swim Prestige .. ·• By ROGER CARiiloN Of "" D.itr , .... ...,. In jU first-iveeoia:ht tWim mtet, Coa:ta Mesa High unleashed a depth-loaded ag- gregation to easily deteal invading !larina, &1-37, lo hilblicbt Oran&• Coast are.1 nra-Jeague action Friday night. Victory, pac<d by two relay victor~ and t*o double-winners in individual ract11 (David " 'Bannon and D a V e Whitaker), ""as before an overflow cro\Vd of 350 -1aton. Other area &'lion Frid1Y afternoon saw lnvadlnJ Newport Harbor h a n d I l n & Crestview League power, Foothill, by a 5H4 count, Fountain Valley nlppin& rival Huntington Beacb, 51H5, ill tho -·· pool llld Santiago ripping visltlnJ Lqun1 Beach, 16 27 ._ -\ In a triangular at Estancia, th• Eagles ~6:1 back Sierr~ and Yucaipa with 86 counters to Sierra's 5 ind Yucaipa's 15. Vlr.lty 111t1Ml1 1u 1. Sltrrt 0•1. Y~" ns1 ,,~1.MNlrr Jltl•Y -1. E111ncl1, 2, Jlll"ra. Time: FrM -1~-c;_•rl!Mlfl (S), '1 GoOl!nlr IE ) J. Jll,... d• 111!1. 4. M""'"" ISi. Tlmtt !$1.J,. 51 fr" -1· Cllttord fEI 2. Sindt,_ (l!I 1. SllV11'19 151 4 Wllllt Y), Tl'IW:: tJ.t. . , 100 ll'ldlvld111I Mi.le¥ - 1. O. Willlfl'" (El t. E"llllUI "b3. Lut:rtlll• !S NO tourtll. Time: 2:22.0. !vino -I. ,Wt l • !S) 2. Cllrt. ('I') l . Hi rt U:). •. l rltn (YI. h inh: ·.U.'5. lOll 1'1¥ -1. OIGr1s1t IEJ 2. D. Weller CEI l. L1Arofli1 1s1. •· Gt1nv1111 IS/. Tl.,.,.: 1:01.11. .100 Fr" -l. Ctlttord Cl I 2. Goolll' .. r !El J. C1rl1e11 ($). •. Krlt "s ($). T"il'NI: 52.J, no. l•~t -l. DtGrlf,Sf jEI 2. M. Ktw.M fEl l. El'>Ollll'I <SI.•· 5"\'dtr (5). lme: l:Oll .•• KIO frM -1. 11tand1!1 (!) l . Miiier (Sl l. J-1 ('I') 4 l . KlwMt CEJ. Time: 4!ot.2. • IOll l r .. 1t -1. k . W.11.tf" IE}.2. Graiwlllt ISi. No tfl!nl er~ T!mt: l :ot..I. , .tao Fr .. -· lltlt l' -I. Ertlncla 2. 5itrrt .• Tlm1: ~11&.1. • (-' . l1t1Jldt UO Sll<n tlil Y~IN Ull 1:1:.'e.'-''l'·l•V f'L•Y, .-l. Ethoncl1 2. Sitrr•. Tll'M: 100 "'" ·-·1. Sl'l'llllweed llE:J '· lft'.~iet 'l. Hor111v IYl 4 ~P!Wurf1111. ('l'I. 1: "II: 1· u . ' St frM,_ .1 ••• , ..... (YI 2. Lewb ( .J. a Jn.ht rt !SJ •. "™'1 {JI. 1 lrne~ H.•. . 1~ Inell! utl Mldll'tr. -1. Joh"slon !El 1. It. l !tl· term111 '( . l. l~ II (S) •• Androlll CSJ. Tl,...: 1:01.t. 5t FLV -I. ClrH~ (YI 2. C1rlln (El l, Grtnl Ill) •· LudylcklOll (S). Tlmt:~, 100 FrM -I. Sm•~'' Iii 7 Fosltl'" II) l. Smllll ('t') '·Gr~· ".T ml!: :01.7. 50 lick -\· r•llt J 2. ,.ustn l!l l . l1lter IY) 4. M1r1l.y !Y . tme: 32.4. CS~ ~r!JJ'~fiii~i~o:"~~l~l:_ ltNdv_tEJ 1. L.1wl1 t :!r.'i.'r• ltt1•Y -1. E1t.11Cle 2. V11e1lpa. Tlmt: lltl1ncl1 IN), s~~IU), YV<tl Ull lOO Mldlev fltltY -I. E•ttnclt 2. ~rr1. Time: 1:51.1. 200 Fr" -1. LltttH 1ws1, 2. v .. ''"' 11!1 l. ,.llllOl'I tSl 4. EMls IY). TllTll: S: I .D. JO l'rH -1. Gr111 .. IYJ 2. Mcl'trltl'lll tEI J, $ml11! !SJ 4, L" (EJ. TJm1: J~.S. 100 Ind YldUlll Midlno -I. ,..rson !Yl. 2. "· a 11t· tl~m•n tEI J. JOl'lll60r\ IE) ,a, Schlt m,..., ISi. Tlmt: 1:0..7. 100 F1( -I. J-IYI 2. '"-r&Y \Sl 3. L. l •I· l9r1Mn El 4. Jlltmon ($). TlrN: 1:0! .• ~ F~H -1. ltl \E'I 2. MtF1rllnd (E) l. Sml!ll IS 4. 1lc.t>mll (SJ. T me: 51;.l. lek -I. "'"'°" (Sj t. Ltvl"ltr II! I J. C1rP111t1r IS) 4 Grt-(Y). 1.,.,.: l:Ml.:J. «IO ,,..,.., -I. Llnt!ll <El 2. Vllntlll cE'J l. Jol'l~•n "/·" e111s \YI. lln't'!: •:n .o. " '"I' -1. a.,.11.. !El 2. H1rrlltn !YI J. Jol'INO!I t l 4. S<ht lm.,,... 151. Tl"": 1:1•.0. ..oo Free Rel•¥ -J. En1ncll J. Sltrr1. T!mt: ~.ol.•. Oller•·B•rons V1rtl1¥ 11'111nl1I• VtllliY (st) (ti) H1111llnt .. " •111:11 Jr. Mldtey llHI)' -I. t1\lflflnt19n I~. "Tlrrlt: l :~•·Fr" -I. Wur1t1r IFV) 2. L.lmbert tMal J. St~(/.~· ~~·s~~··(HI) 2. DtvlJ IFV) J. Edd1 tt-1•1. limt1: 24.2. 200 lf'ldlvld1>1I Mld\tY -I. Nerrll !Mi i 2, HOlll (Fiil ), l lpa1 !FV). Tlmt: 2:11.t. Dlvl r.o -I. Zlmmerm1n (l'VI J. Coktr CMl l J. "'1't.o"'~1!M!1i.'t!~1:i-s!~··cMB) 2. Il le• (FVl l. W1ll1 !F1'tJ·FT:;;•;_lj~1\ZUr111!!r {FV) 1.. Sdlll (Ml) J, Ed· d~ (HI). TIMI ! Sl.2. 100 l1tk -l. Soll (FV) J. DfYld (FV) l. lltol (F~·;:~·.:...1i~siit (FV) J. Ltmblrl IH•l J. NOi~ (F1'U· .:-:::; ~·J~i>1111~on (M •I 1. Du111111 CH •I J. C1nel1 {l'V). Timi : 1:12.1. U10 Fret Rel11' -1. Fount1l11 V1lley tltuUt ll, Soll, l ob fl.let, NOllO, W1,1,..terJ (sc:heol rtcortll. T!mt: l :U.9. ·-P'H•H 111 Y•ll•Y un !Ul Mullllfllll" •Hell 20ll Mldlt'I fltl•Y -I. f111nt1 l11 V1llrr. Tlmt: 2:03A. "I < lOll f r .. -I. P..-1 tMl l J. Jol'lmO!I (F· l. ...... (FVJ. Tlmt: 1:11.l. ••·~ 50 Fr~ -I. OtHi.rff tM•) t. Eich (FYI l. --IM1:J· 1=~cl""t Meclkr -1. H"btfl !l'V) l. Mldltll-l~l l . ClteY \l"'t'). Tlma: l :•J. UICI Flf. -l. N<Mlh IFV) 2. Kr-. tHal I. Jol\nMll IF\*V).1r'::! 1 ~\i~. OtHllff '"'' 1. Eich o•v) 1. St Cl'Vl. lint: l:Oll.... HO\ ' I BICt -I Ht rllion ll'VI l. C-.r-I Sdlmlclll tl1VJ. t i"": 1:10..._ 4DO FrM -1. Neeh (FVI 2. Ct tt'I Cl"V) l. Klnt (Mil. TlrN: J;03..). "I lOll llrttlf -1. Smdlldt (FV) t. GrullCIY (I',,. I. Merrk1< {l'VI. Tim•: l:lt.t. .tao ,..,.. ltt!t Y -l. t-111nt1r111ton auch. Tl,,,.: •:11.6. H1111tlet'9tl •Nth (~,.,U) ,tlo"llllR Vtllft 700 MtdltY Jtllav -1. Ftu"I''" Vi lle¥. llm" 2:0$.1. '"'' ' 2'00 Frtt -I. W°'I (HI ) 2. 1t1VW1n • J1c~'°" 4FV). Time: 2:ltA. Ml Fr~ -lj Htrrerl (HI ) 2. C11rrlt (l"'t'} ), Miii (~~· lM~i: ~l1"Mc:dl~I' -l. G1!!11her ll"VI 2. Ablhler (FV . Kl"'J tH•l . T!mt! 1:1S.J. lO Fl¥ -• H"rttl 0~•1 t, Wilt IH•I l. .Olt~ton lFV). Tlmt: :19.1. loll ''" -11 Hiii (1:11) t. 1llO'l'tdon IM•I l. G1u.-. tFV). lmt: st.f. '°'"\de -11 •r11111 CH•) :t.. Kt"''" f'VI l. flvt.r IFVI. lmt: 3 ·l ' > IF"\ • se ''If" -r\; a ro....,.. (jlV) t . "" II• • "•"~.,~·~.~.:-..:.. ~-.1• Hvnt111tl9fl IHdl. Tlmt : 1: ... t. ... ~ ...... ,.,I = r{':e"_! r-~i;° 1\11" 1 Ji"?\JJ.tlrv CL) • ·~·~~: :.ti>~ t. ""'" IU L l lYMl'I fl) J.. AtwMlt C lftCI : .... M..i -t ........ It) t. C-.- Cl 1111 I _,../,l~\!'i'r.i~ l\ .. ) 1. ll:tnl !\.I, ,,.'1f,. -I ~Mill 'l\f t. '*~,.fill,.., Tlrtlt: ·~ l'rM -I, _..,,.... tll t. l r1ctt ISi l. kMeB "/•· Tlrnt: JI,... 0,, 1•1 "" ••CIC: -11 .,.,., ISi t. Ot>kkw ISl 1. ... Tllnl• 1•01.I • ··Fr~..:. 1.r~tl ISi L N .. lli.n Ill J.. WllLl.trl' IL). lWnt: ~:". H t"I • M-100 lt1'1' -I 10MI (SI t. Ctllll' " ... ... •Ison tSI. !mt: :ld.., 400 l"r11 111e1ev -1. •P.iltOO· fltne: S:At.t . r ~'"" Ii;:~:~ 1r :IJ.'.'1'1::1. '''l:'; Tii'" -r.· Smllh I I l. 0. Wtr1 \.I """~ ll .. i;;i !_: j~' C, W•N CLI 2. .__ !L) J.. ""i:!f"" IS), TI"'t\ a.cl • IN WJW1I N . ..ilf't -1. Otllllt Il l t . hnlc'I ISi J. . jLI. Tl""l l;tt.ll I 100 tt -t. O, W.rt LI .t, -1111 Ill N Ill r.. T!,,,.: 1110;1. l• '"'! -I\ t . Wert l\J t. lll!Wltf ilJ 1. ('\lrl'Y It . TIIM. u.t: ;' fL~OCl--':!_c_k -I. SlllClll (SI 2. McCtll9 tl l ~. ,..,._ T'""''.~ !:.1,~·1rown ill 2. Smlffl tsi',. 11111f . ""· 4:4'.4, (Lt•Tr~t.n .. ~· O."lco (I) 2. W«ld (l ) 3. SIO!t ~ Fr .. il:tltl' -I. LH\1111 •11ch tlr-11, O. w1,.., Sum,,.,., C. W1r1). Tliftl: J:il.O. , (-1 , .._ '4Slmll , ........ ..i1o<r ltlMIY -•1. Tl · 1·$JO '·r~~r .. -1. :J..;n" 1 1. .,. "tr.1 i sd rter•n • lm1: 1:07.f. · vnt csr.frim.': 'lowlli:r Ill 2. Vt" DtVUll ILi J. N ., ,. l:'i/il'i'~ -'· r•-'"· • 1'1:1/:~lt.f(.\,::, S. ~l.:i'l1 :~~·TOl'll~ln (SI ,.:t"°-,;i-:t~lln CS) t. Fklwsky (Ll I . • • 57.4 Ti • '" 151 t. McCle111Mn Ill 3. ~1r.i~ -""'. !--. CLI 2. Kren (LI s. $010 • =.r,r.e JJiv -, 1,,u~JMcCL9111fl.lll. v11r1, I '• VtnDtllltn • I ...... 1 • .4. Tara°Knfghta ' ,, .. ~ NIW..., 11 l. f'41 l'wtfllll • , J! ,-1•,',•;",'.1'C. -;.:.:nlt:011~\1· 2~1T.'~1i:x1·iN'1 1. Mn • 1imt: l:Sl.4. I 1NT's'~·~~~"Y,.-I. l'r•~ci. (F l J. J. Wl!QI( ·,~~¥~~ !:.V.t•~J.o. 1~i'2~~1n oo s. cuf!ott1 Gr.,;.r r:ri. ~riiln t'N/,· ti:...-:. '3.i. Sllll'lfllllrt IFl 2. 100 1'"11' -I. J. WI co• (Nj t. l"Ut1P'l!Or1 (Fl 2. Jol'l"'o" !NI. TllYl'I: 51.6. wi~ '-"rcNT ,lr~~'.Vs <Ml '· Lock..-.,,.., '· •1U"i1c~ -1. 5. F11rnlu IF) 2. W1rrtn tNI s •-fl'J, Tltnt: -"·.._ • . cNf'{i,'" -I. •lllr (N) 2. Wlllllll (NJ i JOIUISM . .,.,., 4:11..1. • '".011"1M1I -I. S. F11r"lsl !Fl 1. Wlk;u iNI l. nffth !N), r 1.,.,., 1:1~.1. olOll Frtt lttltY -I. Newport. No time. N ..... " 1:1rr., """'llf Jgg MedltY 1ll1IU'oc; . oclhlll. TllYl'I: 1:.U.t (NI . .fr~: l:~i4. (F 2. Sl'Cler IN) l. Sttftm.rv '.~, •,,r" .-I. Smilh !Fl 1. O.rnor IF) 3. Ttlmage .. . ... •. 24.4. ,,1.00 \r:.IYldut l MNlllV -I. Wt~r If") 2. Dwlsc:ll "M· ~Ollt\11 (I'), T!mt: 1:0!.I. (N) "•I'(:-, 1 .. North IN) J. t1Utlnp (,) l. t111dson . TllYl'I. .02.1. sil'!i:11 ofi ~I 5!'1llh IFI 2. T1lm111e !Ml l . "''t:"I . IT\I. 51.7. · j"'.lio T .:.~ ~OJ1.\_Ml10n (I'} 2. tl1rt.son !NI J. '!f (N ), i:: "';:.'..!. n¥dl r IN) J, Weber Cl'l l. Sa1r!1!;5 1 ' ·~ ..... ~·-:•,' -I. llltllOI' lFl '· D11111cn IN) 3, ,.iOl· no ~· , ""i 1:11.,. a , .. lteav -J. Ne::'rl. T!mt: ':15.•. Ntwjlll't IUI IUI ""111+11 = 'ttdl1v lhltY -1. H-.wpen. Time: 1:54 3 ' T rtf -I, F1rrer C'll 1. SllOlel (Fl 3; (11iti' NJ, lrn1: J:ln.O. '.~. fr• .-.1. l•tchllltr (N) 1. Nell (F l *· Atllt • Fmt. 1. tM.5. 10ll lnctl~ld111I Mld!tV -I. Sm!lh (NI 1. 81tlhen ll"J l . ,..,t1111 on. Tl!!'ll: 1;~•· ·T.:.f•;r,.;r. 1. AIM 1r1 2. Wiii IN) l. Jol'IMlll "tfO, CF1tlif:!!: -1, ll"'•rrw 110 J. loM1'9 U•J J.. l i.nr.n cli'. •==~· l i.ttltn 11'1 t. Snr•w (NI !. Grttn ' 'k •-.,.! -;, S-U'I 2. ltrilth CHI l. Gnihm•n HT. T • n..s. \ ' •. ,.,... ltelt l' -~"l. ..... Tlrnt: t :AJ. Viejo Tops Artists, 5-3; San Clemente Tied, I~ I Mission Viejo tacked a >3 IOM on Laguna Beach and San Clemente played Tustin to a 1-1 tie Friday afternoon in Crestview League baseball action. The Triton-Tiller game was halted beCause of darkness at the end of nine MlullR Vllll UI lllrllrM Hotm1s, cf 1 I I 1 Cltr11,lb 3 11 0 G~ntr. If ' O 1 1 Gr'1~.c:. JOJ O llll~lr, 'D l l I 0 H1r1",lO 100 0 Martne, rl J I D 0 M1"n1lor11. U l 1 l I ltrce,• 1 0 00 l .. -a.tell (1) "'""" Do. khml!r. d 4 I I 1 De. SchmllZ. 11 • 0 0 0 Sht111rd, rt l I I O Bolt ... ,, 2110 Kulltr. If s I t o Mdlonfltll, 31:1 2 0 0 0 Mteltl'""'' " l e o o Mc.Mwr1y; c:. J 1 2 o Mission Viejo beat Lafwia by scoring twice in the sixth inning. The Artist.! scored tWt> in the final inn.Ing Wt by then it wasn't enough Viejo had scored twict m the smh. hR (*"""e (I) .. ,.~ LomblrtJ, i:1 l 0 ! t A ........ 1b400ll Cl'N"1-l!O, 11 • • I 0 Ttumt, c I 1 I • JonH.lb 1 00 1 Oflm1111, II 2 t I o 0.flbtlltl\, If I • I 0 ll:olt!1, rf 4 I I I lt•ldlt ft, lb l • I D ,.rout,, 40110 Twtlclt II) Jtoc:co. 211 Galltthlr, rf Mol-,tl Otnrtv, ill $1.,.,.nltl, ' ....... IOIH1ttl, c;f ...,._.,, (. Sl>olltt, Ill T011li all r .. ,.. 4 ' I I ' 0 II D ! II I • l 0 • 0 4 II II II 4 I I 0 ' 0 0 • l 0 0 0 l • • • .Sl ' ~ 0 c.nx.. del Mar's Sea Kinp emqtd • ,. the ooly wlnner Friday amma Orqe Coast ,... Irvine wgU. teams; lmld· illg Fountain Valley a >1 aetbaek. Co5'a Mesa WU aocked around an Jts ctiamclnd to the -,cl IJ-1 by Mapolia mi Estancia wai efub~, lO-t; in • night game .in Anaheim by Loara. C..... del Mar ICCOODt"1 for all the runs it needed in tbe. tblrd imin& when Ollis Thompson walked and Steve Pal· mer slugged a J70.foot home NI. 1bomp- 500, up for the JeCOOd time in the frm:nt, grounded to lhlrd to 11C11R Blll 'Wtnl . Fountain Valley 's onJy run came in the sixth lnnin& whon Diffil< poked I Ct!lllor- field homer. The Costa Mesa-Magnolill cont.est WU · a ICCftless tie through three innings but the Sentinels plated three runs in Che fourth and six in the fifth. Bill Henry socked a tw'o-nm homer for Magnolia in the fifth inning. Loara scored 11is: times in the aecond inning against Est.andti on three hits and lwc Eagle emn. The Saxons posted a two-run first inning oo a run-scoring tri· pie by Rudy Sgontz, who S<Ored himsell on a passed ball. Clltl Mif.11 Ill tll rllflll Tow111r. 711 l t • Flt ldtr, 711 a II 1 CltrJt; u l 2 e ,.,,.,_, cf 1 2 0 ,.ll.1mrr1tr, d I 0 0 ••rtlr!.1b 2 II t1tr.....lllV, 11 1 a l -llnwr'lt, If I I O f'•rr11'r rf 2 D II Llutlir, rf I 0 D Addtm1n. lb l 0 0 Edwtn:I$, c 2 O O l l..antr. • 1 o o Knklllt. p 2 • 0 TOii !$ 2• ' I ,.,...It 1111 Flood, lb Wt lkt r, 11 ....... , Sdlftltdtlr-, .. Gt11,,_ rf Ptnl'IU., cf L-nktr, » Omtr, • Klrl1111ln. 211 }1111. ' """'· rf 1tynl1-. cl Tott I$ ... , . '" 4 I I t J 2 I I J 2 2 ' 4 2 I I J I 1 ' l I • ·I S I 2 ' • • I ~ • ' 1 • •••• ' . . . 0 0 0 • SllllOI Jctrt "" lllllllllt• M1;noli1 C~ll N.e-.1 CWMI llllM1r U! Hrll"1 Pilmlr, II ' ' ' ' WHbrHh!, d • ' ' • 0 . 51\l"dl<, t • • • • 111.~.?b • • ' . Wiest, 11 • • • "-· " ' • ' ' s1mue!s, " • • • • ~I'd. Jb ., ' ' • Kelly, " ' • ' • T~-. • ' ' • ' lohlll " • ' • . ' . 000 3'0 '-11 10 0 OOCI 001 0 -1 6 $ l"lllRlt ltt V111ty Ill· . '""' Arlldoe, "' ~ ' • illoberll. 711 • ' • 'Clrroll, d ' • • ci.~ion, rr ' • • D!ff I, K ' ' ' l oyll, lb ' • • Wllknllell, < ' • • Hell. •l ' •• S.llt ...... ' • • ,,,..., .. ~ • • • St1"1ty, p ' • • D1l'I._ a • • • v,....,_,p11 ' • • Tot1l1 " ' ' letrt •• llllllllft • • • Corol\I d!I M1r .., "' ·-. ' ' Fout,teln Vtt!n ... ... ·-' ' • ...... !1111 '"'_ .. 111 •llrll rM .. rllrtf a111 Dvr1nte.rf ~•11 ,,,, l 11ll1n:l,t' l••• 01 0·0 Powell,Jb 3''' 3JI' loH!f\,p,cf 3 •11 lJ ?? Cemutc1,11 30't l 4 071 V11!1rt,2b 211' 4 I 0 0 $11nlt,211 l O •I 1100 le-mke.111 1 oor1 lOOO ,.¥11,ct l•t I 1 0 0 Mtl\onlY, p I O fl I I 11100 5mllll,• I OOl f SlrtloV9, ?ti 3 I O D Toft lJ 1J 5 II Tiit h "l1 3 • • TOlt b JI 1 6 I Lee, lb Wehrtrton, rf St1ln1, rf M.tnl\111, cf Seonll. c Wllktr. If S!tndly, 1,711 LtlJl~HY, H WtSlllY, lb Gult>ert, 2b Elt l!"'· ,~ COOkHY. p ·TOlllJ 0 110 0 Power1.c J ll" rll t rll• 271:ct~~~=lt :•111.'CI L11u~• le•c~ 100 llOO 1 -l • I l ullkl 011 ., llOO -I 3 I Est•ncla 000 010 1 -1 ' 4 I -_._,_ .. _ ... _,_,_,,. ____ .. _., __ ._-_•_:• ____ c':':'_':':~:~::::" __ _:"':_:":' c .. :::-~•:...:·~· ---;:":~:·:::::::':":""::-:":':':i,' ' I I Major League Standings I I l NATIONAL LEAGIJE Eut DIY11ioll W• Lot& Pct. GB Ql.icago • 0 1.000 Pltt!burgh • 0 1.000 New York 2 ! .500 2 Montreal I s .250 3 St. Looi> I 3 .250 3 Philadelphia 0 • .000 • "'est Division Atlanta • 0 1.000 Sat'i Dieao 3 I .750 Los Angeles 2 I ,1167 '" Cincinnati I 2 .333 2Y, St1.n "1'ancbco I 3 .250 3 Houston 0 • .ooo • AMERICAN LEAGVE Eul lllrillioa Woo LM Pcl.-Ga Wa~ 3 I Detroit 2 I Booton 2 I New York 2 2 Baltill)Ort I 2 Cleveland 0 J Weit Dhisto. Callforni:i 2 Kansas Clty 2 Seattle 2 Oakland 2 Chka(o I M-..., • 0 .._.,_ "'"" Yorti t. Dtt..n • a.."8ft t, C111¥11MMI I, (16 111111"1•1 ... me 1, ct1ic... • w..,...,_._h,..,,_.t I I I I 2 i :;so .... I> .1167 Ii .500 I .333 I ', •• .000 2~2 ' .1161 .1161 .1161 .1167 .333 I .000 2 1969 Allldn .America 'l•n ,,., . . ' • .. "' •• . '· ·-,I{, 51885 • .. l • ' l 1 ' •• • ' .. ~ ' • .. "< l ) ' ... 1 • OM;,_ l. IC ...... Cly t CttffwNI J, """"'""" I ~~..,. .=r:.:-:;-r-t'-1 '°"""" "41 Available */AutocnaUc Ttansrn1alalt .l ) llr.ll I M / :1 (.Llfll'~ (Mty M l, 1," ~~,A••r:,:rt.L::,. ~ ~~1·1.:C'(!!111 GOLD SUL USID CAIS ~c•mt~ ci-111111 twnn1m1 M l FINIST SIUCTIOM • .. . ; • .. •• HI • ""' ( N I "' ••"'-" (MtNtllY °' USID SPOIT CAU r _________________ ..... ___ ..J IN SOUTHllN CALIPOINIA l ..._ ____ _J ~- AUTHORIZJD , FULL SEii.ViCE AND PARTS FOR ALL IMl"OllTID AUTQMOllLES j ' ;t J:1 ttq11·,1 i .ii 111 ti :i I '. . 1100 WUT COAST H .. HWAY -lllWPOaT lllACH Ml·-Mt-1764 A_.. M6 e AVITfll.HIALIY Daolw • 1 .. ,....., NU¥'1-:w.. a s .. r.. .; J?rtt:~ILl l I .11111 ~1 lll i " . ' 1 ' ~ .. ~-.-/. '. ~ ~ ~u ~~@f.f!rqiio~ _. ,_ Ski , Conditions Still Good ,. " " 1 • ' ...... ,, "l .. , .... • " > ... ~ ~ .. Tb..,, are dayt wl"'1 ... can IO frdm l to aid in a dty~lnd·ha\>e gl'.ea( COn· !Uons at · bOth o.tr'eineS. Weather bas noticed lhil'' 'fteklliil. 11 ~11 annual F.W.S.A.,.Skl'J.nstJuctws AasoeiaUon COil· vttttloit tfini. • · · , · • ~ ~ This ytar lhe seminars and certlllca· Uon uamlniUODS wW be beld~1t Squaw balmy in the flatlands, while aki iUons remain very good in the moun· . ,., •• 1 • t.ocal ski COO<!il\OM, olflf ·sprln'g-lype •kilns. with all areas plaiming to operate this weekend, ni, li~,10c41 skf rq>orL is availlble by Cll1lna tae Ski Tow and Li4 dplrators'. "Q( s®!hem 001/ci'nla recorded 11'porl al (Ill) AT 14111. • • Blue Ridge, Hollday Im!, l<ralka ~·· Ml Blldy, Rebel Ridge, Soow Summl~ and Snow Valley, a.re 1D daily operation. Gree/I yalley, 1(-ldge, ML. l'lnoo,~IL. \Vatermao, Snow Forest, . and Table J\1ountain are operating weekends whil~ 1:1now lasts. . . . *•**AAAAifli\•AAj • . . . , Billing~~ ' ·~·A••AAAA0At Valley, wtlh rqlltrllloo-• Simday Ille forerunner <I 1cllv!U.. runL11J>r throUCI> ThurldaJ.· ' · · · Blue Ridge, wit!> L\lree ~ elgbCf~L of linow, has set it.s '~eosturDe'iconttst for this Sunday. Dodge RJc'lge Ski School Director Ray Patton, completing his fourth year as F.W.S.I.A. president'" 1an<L 1 2:0-year meinhtt of the As~atlOn, estimates that 1bout 500 instrucl<n lll!d ~-. will particlpale in1the Ove-<liy event. All six chairlift.! ,11t Mammoth, as well as both T-b&{C ~ ~r16ndolu . .,_bl operaUon. Snow.-&Odltioas 'are jeoer*1ly "spring,'' but temperatures are con- sisteotly lo'f eJlOUI)> to offer "paclled powder" ~-~ ..,,. •••o;•<L' Ffporl. . ["'<"' The candidates will be 1triving to achieve "asaociate" certification, wilh ...,. out.tandipg lnstructora ium•••• immedlalely •• iuU'c.rti!lcatioo. ~· ~Srlit ·tlilctl ~·~ "cbevy• pin letterw <IA!So&te'.J having to wait another year "to win the right to the pin with their own names engraved upon it June Mountain offers similar conditiom and ....Uent·lliilng, An ~.of skl'lmlruclon al.all Far Wesl Ski ~!11' area •J!oul!I be instead. . l'erl/aps 1101ne will be. disappointed in .Ba~ball ... Will Fill Tel~vision • ·. v Soulhlud bu<l>ill rans· Will get a full dose of televised baseball' this ·weellend- 'Ille Dodger.ffoustoo game from the Astrodome will be TV'd to Southern California Sunday and the Gianls·Padres game from San Diego wUI be televised today at noon. 'The weekend TV menu: . . TODAY -UN {t)CL ~Ill 5~1ALL -S.!'1 Franclll(.O M 5.1 0 . Curt Govrclot, 'Ton)' Kl.II~ I IHI ~ Sin Dl-SlllOllM'I; I : lolton 1 I CIWWlll'd, J m ITIDtoll. SI""" l(ouf111; ' m lU.lde 11 M1mlcl.ptl icl 1 i ' um. ~~111·,/11&~! Tro~~~~ em ~!1.;.-: 1~aa'tlflt ':1~~..Vm O. T~a1,1 >~.m..._12 C -\AST~llS :11,' -Flntt I•>< 1111 Drd 1ler1 Tour • r ''' f!Vl'd, .. '§ f,Qlry M ldd at 11 It 11 Au-•• '~r~I N•T f Cl ~t . v1&!"~n ~~;r, ·cw~!~:'""" ..... ~ D f!'I, (2 1 .->GOLF Cl..USIC - LM E1~r. 8111« c.t~IOt>•YI. *11n-f l011 clllmplorlli Al lberoer, O.v. .~Jf"-~ Wh•\ ·1· ""'··e.: ~r.1 :1~. 1~···~~=~r14i" "19 11r UI GP " , · 'i'l"' J"[, -GMND PJUX -" "1 "'' ~ ;o"fa'£<"' -J1dt DolHI I' ~"1'1ihlno n ,1fn1." S p.m, JC ~ BOWLI G -Ted Hottm111, ud "''· 11.1, e1wrh, Don Glower. 5 _11.m. UlCT -WIDE WOl!.LO - W01'11:1 11,1ri cMmolonihlsia. 9 111 Fltmtr!lnti kit 11 II.Inc::,; Pvtrlo •"'' A<~ "" "'\iT.:-'" li'm· "i!Slm. K1 "' J1 !M' " H y....-...dlHKhl'lol nF . nd : N11· I Al~ Rica. IC.II JMt.$0n IJllt• 119"irt-~"'"' 5 o.IJI. IM -FUT&Ol -fllKN tit wccor cit •~o.) · Mf~im,,,/t ~s. Ois.t1 e,.\\~~os - · ,, 11.m. i.MlF -lly[CEO -fAlreo a. • ...... 111• s°UNHAV . 10 •·!l't· !210.. -STAHL~CUI" -Dim Kt!IY,. 1111 Mir.;· H1,1ll kh~ ... ·-~ ,., ' ' 10: 1.m. IJICL -5K BALL -l"ll Olml to be It 9Clfd 11:•0 1.m. flllCL ":"! BA~EBALL -e ' 11 HQO.litoo. vln ScvUv. Jw rv I mlkHlde 11 lhl . Mlf"OdOmll, · ,;;:i.,.,.;;:12/?t.:. o1"'1::EM oa~r,.n r au ..... msnt. Jolwl o.rrUF•"* G11tord. Fr1nlc Glltb«, tnn t,· Clrv Mlddltc:off l"tl in-i1J). I llO. II A~<W~::. i'fttc' .H~ oii'r~s u!: erno cr:.tiv, ~(1 ~1rth t ttnd "'°"'11. Plltr Ou<;~ln,= ultf ll1h In Norw1v. Stt... IT"!n ~-• llhlrlt 1n ~r . 111,,.uv Kl'«l\ltlld for \Ill 11111 w., ~H-"' .. 0"> '" ,~o.> • 5 "fr:· ~!lCf' -llHG -'lhe iJ~-~'f~1rc ,..... TOkOS -!PINI d1 l'\'\, o~ffll.. -COMY.ENTARY _ . .,.Ml ... ~ttt •1 ~b-. I , RENT YOUR YACATION H9~E ON WHEELS! Go wtMre~you Wint. 1t1y wh•N you w1rit without '1:hodulff'll' M<rli•lion1; I CHOOSE A l>«l>XE I PICKUI ,. \ CA".,! '69 .... YI. ... ~, ....... ·-·---~~ .......... .c ... " ·-~t~ l 0 ; ·~ _ .. 1 C~~ITJL Y • I SELF.CONTAINED I CONDOR II -~. , "~li.. '19 • . I .,.'~~'.;) : Rj(il;fu11l~~. 1 DATES y:u',~ '! REASON~lf ' .. COME. 1i1 '61i CALL TODAY FOii FULL I INPbllMA TION l " . lt.Dt POR-· ' ~ 1M~ ~Le;~ l!ID. ii '~'" II ..... ~•r·. ·uornets Extend Lead \' . \ ! 'I ; ~ Swenson ·Cracks ' EC ·Fly Record . ' ' , .. -1, 11:.W. O•l. 1:50.lr J· WHITl'IER :..... The Eastern COW: 1:21.t. Conference ·swimming cham· R 11S11"1:1q,1 • .l:i.5!.fi" l-''"N': cF. pionships wind up i three-day ·rt?./.v ·~i. l!~_,, ... :lr1L-1o~r·tc.icct stand at Rio Hondo College to... ,.1~.~l~O. 'f:Z.'f'~MIUr.!.f.'\fe,,, day, but the team ti.tie was m" 4. 11. Ja11t1l1on c CI; 1:1Y.11 s. virtually salted away Friday •l.llnbtrtl cocci. l: Ai '· Moulin • l :CllLI. afternoon by Fullerton Junior ~~·,~.-lt.1i,'1~'"'tti~W'lF::-·~,j'; College's school of swift 1· •'-r;.:1 .. : s lhl• c , : Ji;'· McC1itfn I =1, 1:6:3 .. splashers. ~ tr'od. !i!~_i.v -1, ~11T.'1 iJ:'' The Hornets e:rtended their 1 Ji. 2il:~'t'"".~ 1:1 1 l1'2IJ-· ~ . l··• ··--• I O , ·•i· s. 'Um1 lF , •'7".i1.o1 " h t:aU over lM:O..vuu pace range 1,1, :ao.•. • Coast from 3311a points to . '&:~ -.i:r 7~f~:f.:!1 more than a 100 after the day t:i~11~j;.~~frw:,:fl.l~ or competiUon. T .. ,,. ~· -·"u'~"m' Going tnto .. ,this morning'• . 8'.!= ~~~J,.f.ii;r .. ,.~i "heat competition Fullerton had . l,~11 • s.n · knrilr.. 2'. 3501k points while tht P.ira~ ·, · -· were a clear.:CUt XConcf "oft · ·· · -23!~ Golden west s~·t~ · 8 .. · · .1-. · aJl fro"! -third ·10 'f?Urth' 'Ftlct;f'· UCS y ,wWl l21 1f.!, ·seven and a Mil -~,... ~·· 1 ; .,,.· beh.tri.d third-place s..nta' Anl:'1 ·; • ·.. •• • " Finals will get undlJ'\•ay:at ·3;;;'·To" Whi' •p Utls ·afternoon. · • .. Gplden West's KrlS SWenson ·~ · was the individual 1t3.r Fri· Ri H d' day, stroking his way to vie-0 on 0 tory in the 200-yard butterfly ~d _gtting a ne Eastern Conference record in the prir cess. His time of 2:04.1 was more than two seconds under the old mark of 2:06.2 set by Orange Coast's Pat Glaspw in J955. Swenson was the Only area winner Friday, a Ith o ugh Orange Coast's Paul Hughes broke a college record in Uie 400 individuQl medleycwitb I • third-place finish in 4:S9.3. Orange Cout's 800 fne relay quartet was the only ·other high area tini!her, grab- bing second plac.e ,ilJ 7 :4~.6. 20t "1¥--1. S--,IGWC), 2:M.JI '· C&rOlll'I l~h..1'05.21 I K~t14)F1< 2:13.61 'bcC~"~';m ~ ), .':J~ Wll1ol'I ( j, ; 1-, . K .•• soft touch.I ..EW OZITE CARPET TILES I lf..:in&h 1q. ft. of ctrpet with ' '( t\lbb1t b111. Soft, ••!;"'· rfi1t. Ne "'••int .,. polishlllf. •ii• of i l•in·r11 i1f111t V1,fr• b1r, 16 color1. U11 1., d1111, liit&h1n1, r•C·rOO"'I· rt1t+i1 . .... ,,, ._,.. .. '57c l2"112"'1ia , Ozim· · . K 111art HOME IM,l.O~riNT .DlPT, 2200 HAR 'II.YD. c;osr+ M1f!A I Baseball Standings DAILY I'll.OT J/S ' ( ' II ·1 I~ . ' I I • " l • t I I • • .I ..,. ~ t oJJ -4 ", • • : ... ' -~ • .t. -·" -- Overseas .· ·Mi,itary , :f:aper ·~·Rapped ·fi>r -. ehrist Article J f DAii. Y PILOt • r-, ~·-• • . -" -~~ -...u.:o••,.._'rtsmrl cl "•:..tcaaidj·, WtiAdl and,.._..,, Bil .... ~toGod ••• u. ... a.ta,;... c ~ ....... -.. ~--· ... _.waa'Dropout."lm addreUed vcunelt IJe) the ... IOd ...... lllbepoW-1'}:.;Jio.lild trWf!t !Im to ,...to , :;:r.:.tnieo'Wllo midi 1 • .,,rt 11 ' ·--~.· 11 wof111r ..... to deloci IQ1lbfioc J••lhtui, ~ed lhe ..UU., oew1p1per ,~ao ---1..._. ~ • .,! ~l ._:~:!up"~~ ~-~al if•1hl!c ~-•11W•m ...... IOd" 11.S.l'llrf,wllal(lllll-al ·:/m-Olll·lilhlt. '11><1 orlide m~:: ~tbeededhlm ~.·com-el· pl ...... la. TMyo, .... been v •. -... "' -wm -wun. -....... -~ .. re ~·~·· -...... flt ... ~ tbl: tmrd af.•t r'zhe fl. an ...... •·at eo 011e1l .... .._. ,.,.mirodedr.r....,....,..., .• .I hla." · 1 Clull<s. •• Ille ert~•--c:rtmlllll.-diolll -t the..,....,.,..,.. --~al which I fec:livei,. With ev~ jood 111fdeobou1Qlrlol'lllllch11 Tho ftllclooil folk al•llll 'fhe-,lhelkk,ondthe deddedllewu1~ ·~---•Iii<• lorudthe.....,;ond_..,.,. __ you m tun, wloh IDd pr1yer I !lOd'• Arm1 pnenl felt wu not la home town wm ,tamd•I"*', out.cu& "tbougbt He was a radical. • •. . • lilll tW? • 1 , .._ 11& "'*" 1 "' ........ But then. whit brief bleasing upon you, JJ •m aood Lule. the colomn uld. • tlllir .,.,..., hecr• Ho, -, ."P,.._.11 lll'd-·1 • "1lllt .,_ .... ,.._ 1*11 ., "llMi' llr. ca...,, Hovln( _._our UinJ wou1f m.c....ly yours, Jllllell w. Thlldloclaourelollowedlhll learDecl He ""*"tlil 'wltb clelf17..,the1tslde-llebod bd lheJ woolil hive let Dim lor-171,°",..,.llllfllill ....i Jour ·Clrillmoo ortid<, not!· '!.-I K>lly, R<ar Admltlli,'CHC, teria al.,...,, ••!!.,,!!!1 .. ~lheJ~~l'll~Md~-~lnu~"'~Ml'~ll~lhl~ ... ~!''~fo~•~Y_!!tho7~!"~""~~oll!_wi~lh~·a~l~•~1!?!,.....~~ln~'!JllJ~.~I(~· ~ldr~'8.!_!j .... ~m~--~·'li~~!Jtt_. ~ld,!L_~ld!IJ~-~-~":,!C~. 1~zr~tfll~-~l~H!2l~e±_i .:_. l"..,~-j~-~1i~'1~1011~·ll~lhll~~~. ~U~S'.:N·:'.'." ____ .:.::_ Liit Cbrl1tma.1 day, 1~ t .... ·-~,,-:.··~ •hoal. lbe ·.,,;,""'1-tl'L....J.:.. .... :r-:-~ .. .. ,. . . ~ , ::::"·.!L!~co:;::;,,:· ~;,~'~!-.·.-•.•. ._!'-,..lilll!~~~~iii. ...... iiiii,._iiiiiii!i-~._~~~·--, ~ m ..up. .Ir ·I · .. u.-. .._, I ,.,,,, Jt :::. :.m:.-ti::r .. : --Wlllo ,.... ,... pie. 11 lf<llidod J-• a YOlllll man whii ~ out al the "5p<Ctlble sodely " hll time, left home, ..... not ......, •bout the -he kept, .... irrJ!aled t h • rellgloul -by daring .. .., tllat lcrrhlc other people, hejli ldDll • I 0 • thouafitlUI, --lm' • pol1lnt ..... lriieplO( ..... . Amoni tbe ....... l. prinled .... --.... Poclllc 8tlfl and fllrlpes, l ~­publicalloa " Ille 11.S. armed 1 ...... 1n the I'll' !art with al· flees in Tokyo . 1¢ 1 re1dmblp al .-thin .. -400,000. PRINTEli AllTICLI! · On Jl:ft. ••• tbe ·ctki.tian Beacon, a weekly newspaper of Colllnpwood, N.J., ediled ~ by the Rev . Dr. CUI Mcintire, reproduced Ille !root pqe al the Stan llld Stripet lhlt car· rled the colutDI updf; the headline: .. "1bi J)ropOat' - Alter 2,000 Yun He 8W1 Uves On." · '° In an accompanylni lirticle, ' headlined • • C i 1 i e 11 Scan- dalizes Jesus Christ ,'' Mclntlte said the column repraented ·JetUB· In the role or a hippie. waa: blasphemous, and that "Cawls is using his position· to promote a concept of Jesus wh1ch promotes revolution and certainly will help the whole Communist caUR throughout the world.'' On Feb, 4, the c11n<1« of the Olllce of lnlon111U.. , .. the onned ,....., ln the p ... tapn. . Iii waded to t b e Pld&e ....,..,nc1 1n Pearl ,. -lelllin -.. the Pi~ ....... ~., deleme b)' Jolin W. McC11111 of ~·• <ob,lectlni to I < ~te:~ ouee routinely hall'. Ii itJtdltter .. the p.,,. tagon, ancr-the latteri" had f""-'1lolh to the ..... m'anil dlreCU, over th! PacHlc Stan and strl.pes. Reached later In Amarillo, McCann said he wu not a sublcriber but aomeone had aent him a reproduction of Stars and Stripa. He did not uy who. SENT REPRIMAND Lt. Gen. C. E.~Hulchin Jr., chief d llaff to the com· minder in clllef Pacllic, on Feb. JS sent a reprimand to CoJ. Pe~r C. Sween Jr., the edttor, u follows: "Mr; John"W. Mc:Cann has written to the President and to the secretary of defense voic- ing •trona objections to an article. • .headlined 'The Dropoot.' 1be article, by United Press International, compared Jesus In b I 1 mhlisltJ to hipple·llyle4).uili of the cur:rent era. "Such a comparilon b nol in 1ood lute. While the editon ol Paclfic Stan and Strlpe1 have been altorded freedom of .-i.1 Judament. k ill .... n. tlil ' thlt they exercise thi.IJ freedom of editorial choice within the framework of fac- lulllty and good la!te. "'lbe editorial staff. .. has an exoeUent rtCOrd ol avoiding pubUCaUon of wire service stories of ques:Uonable ac- Clll'IC)I IDd lllte. The println,! al mie , 'Dnipoot' lrtlcle WU u aceptJon to Urls fine -· Hutdlln 1loo wrote the Pm- llpa. N)'lng .... edilo< ..... hll Judlmtoll In decidini whit ....... -· lhll the eclitorlll -hid .. ....U..t recorU. """ lhlt .. the ........ " Oefe. departmeWt ln- ltl'UL'tlrlm: w 1unc religion -the ..i, flllld•nce -.Ill he Ille roqiiltemenll lhll wrtuns he· llClual, ob- jedlw, lmpartial, and in 1ood lute., NO Rln!IENCE t =~:.;~~ hiJllllo ine 1111 lo 1111 mh•nw )l llmted: I, ' ·'Once ..... time, .... ,.. ..... .... ........ -. ........ . ·11111* ........ ..... abWI& a' t& el tt111; ~t::~:i .. ...,, -· • toot Dim --..... 1ceo •""l ..... 111111. •• lo ......... " 1111 ...-, He tumod Mio blct .. Ille airnlorllllle flltlln 11 .. , lllad _.... f\r Him. lie ldl .......... ,,,t out °' ; -·S~DlliRg OUTF~T f11 F1111 !wa11/ ;1 · ' ,.,.... -&YI It. 2 .. eu tlliMli allss 1 ~IJI ' rod w11114 spilWllnC P.ides· Ctll:er f9mi1E• to"' 95 15'' cork llilldle. Pnp11 .2t2" reel . hltds up ta 250.Y~ ti 4 tb. llDllO line. ' 1 """ dulJ· llil will -· ""'·1 • • "" I I !ft COIT I-OP .Percolator HOCTH"llM<i" Ironing T allle •llf--1-1'11 ... •llrolloeot l>p for __ , "''"'° llleolr, Ellt-. 8 88 tic .. Gii CMf .. SllllS t11M ti!. • ' llD'SlWllll' ~ ~~~= • Clllll • 1111141 • -• ~ ~ ·. ~ .. 2.50 1L "*--........ ----COii ii ... -trot --i~ "Ills" .'IJ&llllS .. _ •. Cloart ............. '. ·111ot• 0 " · !·~· .~ .. 0 -. ' . ;;,'""' .:·• .,. . " ,, . '1inl•" ' ... ~ .,f ,IN i8@1C•fUll-', ---,,-.... ·-=· . ' . ' ... -~. -'":-,; !W UI sJir' ' lilttlll = ... -'2.49 4~29 . \ J.:ij!;~.;;S .... . ... ,.... ..... trpd ...... 1-~--.=..;=-__________________ __:_ __________ ..:._ ___ :..::___:_~:_::·::::.:: ____ .:__ ___ ~.:..:.: .. ..:..:.·.:.;.;c.:..~ 4 • I i ' .. - , • .• .. .. ' I ..... • ! "\.' " • ~l•\ t .. bitf\ :,.."'.{ 1.ii » ;1d b.\1,;\,\ ... , • ; • f • ~:'! l . • _. . I ' :. 1 ."'.'. :."'~ ,.:. E TO OUR SF!ECfAL ,fACTORY -VOLUME. llBATE -··~'~A~~w. D•FY ·~lo!!~~P~PETITl~_N _TO-·:iEAT .OUR PRICES . DURING THIS !RICi.:WAR. , , I !!!!!!!!ll!!!J!!ll--~l!!!!!!i!!! ... ----. .... ltt9 ... , .' . •' •• ' : ' PRICE WAI , DISCOUNT -. , . ,. . . VOLUMJ $RUNi .. ...... j' ,, ,._ VOWMI SAVINGS .. t••--•OM.Y'; r 5 ACllS Of NEW & liSED.·Ws TO ·CHOOSl FlOM I • 1! I f' I t l ' I I ri I • l I ---~-------~----~------~--------~-~-----,,.,,.....,._. -~-~ -----------~------.... DAll.T PllOT .. Hello thtn, """ ~ lllflt. and welcome back ttJ a.cJe Len 's Carner lot another ,SaturdaY. It loob llU some of you ,l'oung>l<rs are setllna Uncle · Len mixed up with Aat Andy. '1Some of Andy'a mall wound up •itn Uncle Lat's hands this week. Remember lo check the ad- ~ in today's Ask Andy column and send him your question in a separate en- velope because Andy gets questions from boys and girls all over the country, while tUncle Len's .Corner Jl only for kids rilbl bett oe the ~ ,Coast. • THERE WEil.DPT t 0 0 many letters in Uncle Len's mailbag this time, ao let's see if we can do better ne:d weet. Next week, boY> one! girls, , ~ the annlvenmy of the .. ...... -;: ... ·~· .... ~ .... ~ of the Revolutionary~------------------------------.! 'War. Jt was on the lath ol * PRIZE WINNER * .. pril in 1775·that Paul Revere de his famous ride, and the xt day the colonies were at ar with Britain. So that's the subject of next etk's art contest. Let's lff This week's contest wi nnet is Ear1 Alworth, 10, 8431 Indianapolis Ave., tiuntington Beach many good historical we haye, HONORABLE mention wj.o. in this week's al"t'contest . Mary Gusla!IOll, llunllJ!lton. Any child under 12 can enter Uncle U:n's Art Contest. Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51h inches wide and 4 inc'bes deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your o\vn work. (3) Put your name, age and addrus oft back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will reeeive Kennedy half dollar . ach; Mary Edmeier, IY.,l--------------------------~I Mesa; Cathy Sweeney, ta Mesa: Terilyn Kelly, 9, Mesa , and Raylene gas, 101h, Newport Beach. BIRDS Birds. birds, birds, • They soar so high in the sky, Flapping their wings, • Doing their thing, Birds' sweet chirping ~To wake up to in the morn . ' Al they perch In the tree. 'J'ust kloting forlorn. ----Caro/~ SINGING Of speckled eggs the birdie sings And nests among the trees; The sailor sings or rope and things In ships upon the aeas: The children in far Japan, 1'he children over in Spain. The organ with the organ man Are singing in the rain. Corne·------ RIDDLES -AND JOKES * Texas Boy : Daddy, l think l would like to study the stars. Father: Good, I'll buy Hollywood for you. -TmlY~ K1ll't, Zit Yltll 11r1, Cnll M111 Kenny: What's the last thing you take off before ; you get into bed? . 'JOOll O~l ffO IHI AW :1A•o~) . • :crossword l Puzzle ACROSS 50 Unusual In quali ty Part of 5Z Field of lht Mad 1r&ble lan:I USC's Sl "DOA'l •ak~ , foe --·---!": E11•I: 2 words .c-. -s•-. rur. H•r **t 2 .ords I• U• S7 Rtptesealao .. s •• live: Abbr. --GH: LO Faralhl• 1Corr..,_. •t:er's j lftl •actly: a atalal 2 words flZ Walt arouMI lrlrw ••••• &4 Chemltal Apiece compounds: Now's pWtntr Suftiii IMm's nldmallt34 Particular ExpMCllture 45 Mlquelm , CJ Bother phase I r. O'Casey for ont' 10 Alloy 40 As soon as Kini b& Kind cf dcwn 11 Aril1Cld«" 41 VlfY bad Qulntuplels' 67 Shar~n lZ Costa ··-· 4} L~al birthplace 68 In lhe ll Not h!p flrtt111ent Mias• vicinity 19 E11tr•e'1 45 om away T., &9 !!':t..°' 22~,:',t-~ 1~ = ~~sb !=r 24 Gtt*n pest entertainer VlNI ... • \ DOD 2S la!led1X1 51Getbaek Arm_.. · · 26Sbtb ... :5JF•le- lt ... ,. l ....... ..-541949 --.. ..,..,tr. 2 Vcle1no 27 Solaum Mnt: Abbr. " tflf.,..I fon11.Uon 21 Solitary 5S Expose to • _.. J P,Kim ' ...... •le• Nlftltr 4 '. •• go!'" 2' Ot;lltitltlt' S6'Cartl•Mef t Elaltonle 5 Displaying 31 Armadlllo drink ,_. ,,.t 1 JZ RttUor's ~I '1 Actor Ray T elepltote dlyrrsllJ lllfllness ~ 51 Khlt of w.n~ ttt OM ' •Release •Jtrl: Z 59 lce•ory lot An'_,.. frOlt words Engtllifl 11.118 111 twos tens iot1 33 Chtllleal 61 Having: 'B•"• •• l Bit.of .sufllx . I Sol .... 1• fool trouble '' C~on fhriQ 2 • u " .... • • -... • • THE AWARDS On the night of the Academy A\vards Movie stars come in Lincolns and Fords, They come all dressed in tuxedos and gowns From different cities, states and towns , And the viewers who sit·and watch TV Will wait and wonder who it will be; Will it be Paul, Richard, Liz or Susan? I wonder which ones will be losin' And when it's time to name the winner The nominees get nervous and upchuck their dinner. A kitnlltoll'I' 11111 dllH1r -te Gin• l.lmoft .. MI. 11, ,,, YllLIN¥1 RtM. Ctttl Mini ter ffM ..t11111..t .... ..., In .... 1twy Ind -COll!td. Mlll "l'OUf' _,,. Ir 1l1ry It UllClot. ltn, 11• !MG, Cllll M r'"'• C1llfent!1, s.M JOit lllM'fl•• to "" AMty, c/o e>rn,. C... Dollr Pllet. IP 1560, COIN MIM, Collf. Andv M'Nlt 1 20-¥11!umr >el ct/ the Wtrttl hM E11ey,......,ll la Robb~ But11r. it• 10, of Princeville, lllllnoi•, lo• hit question; Have they figured out the size of a'n atom? The assorted atoms come in various sizes but all of them are too small for the human eye to see. No ordi nary microscope Is powerful enough to enlarge them to be counted one by one. Electron microscopes that magnify two million times reveal separate molecules as sh ad o w y pinheads -and there is more than one littl e atom in each little molecule. Our clever scientists have figured out severa l ways to 1neasure the sizes of the bitsy atoms. F'or example, suppose you have a pile of sq uare bricks, each y,·eighing one pound. You want to figure their sizes Y.'ilhout measuring all their sides. Stack the1n neatly lnto a square container, then weigh the box and its contents. Subtract the weight of the box, then each pound of the total weight equals one brick -so you know the number (If your bricks. Now measure the sides of the box and figu re out its exact size. Compare this overall size with your number (If bricks and you have figured out the size of each brick. 1 Before they could figure the sires of the atoms, scientists had to find and compare their weights, one with another. This problem can be solved with gases. A pint bottle holds the same numbe>r of hydrogen atoms. or oxygen atoms or molecules of carbon dioxide. 'Th.is reliable number makes It possible to compare the wtlghl!: of the different atoms. When you know the weighls of the basic atoms. you can estimat e their individual sties by e.stimaling them in bulk. Ji owever, this is very tricky work thHt calls for delicate lnstrumcnts and precise con· dltlon! of prtssure a n d tt:mperature. A sparkling whit e grain of ordinary table salt is made of many tiny cube-shaped crystals. Each crystal Is a neall)' Interlocked lattice or molecules -dnd e a c h j mo"'Tecule contains one atom or sodium and one of chlorine. There are about a million atoms in each neat row, a million rows in each neat layer and a million layers in the neat crystal cube. Each atom, then, is about a million. mill ion-million times smaller than a salt crystal. The number or atoms in the crystals in a white grain of lsalt is about 10 plus a tail -0f 24 zeros. \Ve can neve r hope to see the infinilesimalty small atom. But maybe we can use a scale of measurements to im· agine it. You know the size of a football . It is about 1,000 limes bigger than a grain of salt. The grain of salt is about l.000 times biE?;ger than a ti ny bacterium, which is loo small for your eyes to see. But that tiny ba cterium is about J.000 titnes wider than the infinitesimal at om. And¥ wndl t W .. W .... .&.fin ~,}~~~ p~~~~h..~T:. ~ ,::, : lion ; \Vbat land rorm1Uons are under lbe Antarctic 1now? Until a few years ago, geographers thought thal the Sout h Polar lee fields covered one huge continental land mass. Now they are not so certain . We now know that at least some of the frozen snow fields reach out from the land and sit on top of the sea. Several coastal areas thal seemed to be soUd land are actually shelves of thick ice covering tbe waters of ocean bays. ScienUsts have begun a serious study of Antarctica on- ly within tht last ten years or so. Testing the thickness of I.he Ice and the depth of 1he land or sea below it Is 3 long, tedious job. The surveying is far from finished . We know that a range· of 16.000 foot mountains ctoSset the continent and that other mountainous format ions are burled under the frozen 1now. We Susptel that several illlnd chal.nl are al10 under the ~ap -but al pmenl wt cannot give a detailed pldure of all Ant.ardJca'a laod fonn• lions. ·~ STIYE ROPER Pl!RKINS JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS .......... -_,_._ MUTT AND JEFF BUT, SIR, >l:>U MAOE A 1'AXABL.E INCOME ALL .,.HESE YEARS! WHY D-:l::;D~--.J YOU STOP PAYING YOUR TAXES IN 1'HE LAST TWO? GORDO MISS PEACH ! I J ! • WELL,L.OOK YOU'RE AN INTELLIGENT AUDl1'0R- ...1tvo BEl'N MARl11 oD FOR 3'> YEARS, ANC> I'M STll-l-IN LOVJO ... OK .... LE'S PLAY SEVEN CARD LOW HCli STUD, HIGH-I.OW, ACES SWINGIN: DEUCES, RED NINES AN' ONE EYED JACKS WILD, NO RAISE LIMIT, AND ANTE 20 GOLD EAGLE TO START Off! 4.1: · By John Miies By Harold Le Doux SURE I ME,.,N fT! !'Ve-BEEN ll-(INl:IN6 A. LOT ,t.&Olf YOO THE ,,.,~T COllM Of PA.VS! By Ferd Johnson .,.......,..,..,....,:,,_.,.. ••-::--=:t::::Q,.• Wit'/, Yot.1 OLD SO·AND·SO·· Wl-4o'S TI-16 . GIRL?. By Tom K. Ryan HOW 10 QUrT, WHEN YOU'RE WINNING, IN ONE EASY LESSON! By Al Smith I'D STOP! YEH WliLL,-n;osE "TAXES GAVE MEONE81G HEAD>'.CHE.' MV 'f'A'Tlj~ llAS LOTS OP BUSINESS PEc:>t.iCTlONS. • By Gus Arriola DINNeR MVStC/ MV ,,..niflli l'AIS Hl5 TAX IN l!ASV INSTALLMENTS. • By Mel ., Ir " Ii fl 11 .1 ,,, ,, of ·•" L.' •• , ""' .. , .. ::: .. ' " • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 General 1000 General 1000Genera1 1000 THE,REAL ESTATERS A HAPPY FUTURE ' l Jn ti1e very best area o( t.tesa Verde with a large fai11ily roon1 (rooin for pool ta ble), formal dining room, 1narble glass atrium entry, large patio,. buiJt .. in gas, BBQ, bea uti- fUJly landscaped end co1npletely sprinkl~, with four big bedrooms, this is it. !)riced to sell at $39,950. Owner is tired of c:on1muti..11g to San Fernando. EXPANSIVE NOT EXPENSIVE Bul}t for an active family so ~lean and neat it fairl) sparkles. -Extra large tile kitchen every electric built-in. -5 bi g bedr.oon1s a nd 3 baths. -Spacious yard plus roon1 !or boat or trailer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... $37.950. WALK! DON'T DRIVE To super-markets just 2 blocks a\v ay. Dand y Eastside location. 3 bedroon1s, 2 baths1 hard,vood floor s. O\\'Der 'vill pay pts. for GI no do,vn or FHA .............. $29.950 HOME + R2 LOT -$18,000 Choice Eastside location -2 bedroo ms on a large R-2 lot. -Roon1 for 1nore units. Giriera l -~ - 546-2313 -646-7171 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY 1000 G!!neral ' .... ' .. . ,, . . . -. ·. . . 16th & Tustin -Costa Mesa AOULTS 1000 !\1os t homes are built \vith only children in mind . \Ve have five hotnes designed for the comforts and fun o( adults. Beautiful to look at. room for hobbles, private office, Separate dining rm, guest room v,1ith bath, 3 car ga- 1 rage, walking distance to churches, Westcliff shopping, and restaurants. 7~~ with 20o/o down -71/2% with 10°/o On. PETE BARRErt presents IRVJNE TERRACE, Delightful 4 bdrm 21f.i bath home plus dining-room, 2 fire· places. l{l'eat enclosed yard for privacy &/or childr:en . 1412 Serenade t:•rrace Open Sat/Sun 1.5 · BOAT LOVERS ATTENTION ! Fee sim· pie waterfront. Out or state OY.1ner \viii· ing to talk price. See this Custom Con- emporary 4 bdrm home. Large living room \Vith \\'alls of glass opens to a \\1Cll designed patio for outdoor pleasure. Pri- vate pier & slip. Plus many more bonus features. LARGE ACTIVE FAMILY? You can use this ran1bling 4 bdrm...3 bath home, sep- arate dining room -extra Jarge game f?OJTI \Vith fireplace opens to a pool - s ized yard \vith family orchard? This home is sunny, cheerful & spacious -ex· ceUent condition. Price $58.900. Baycrest. THIS WARM & INVITING executive home is located on a quiet street in love· Jy. Baycrest. Be proud to own & enjoy tl11 s lovely fresh home. F'or1nal dining roo1n . coz.v panelled fainily room with fireplace. !arg-e living room overlooking pool. 4 bdrms. 31h baths • not lease hold. SEE IT! OFFICE OPEN Sat. & Sun , P.ETE BARRETT REALTY ,1605 Weslclllf D,,, N.B. 642-5200 General BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 46 feet of Bayfront with pier and float. 9 Bedroom, S Bath home! Would you believe $116,000 Full Price! Exclusive with BALBOA BAY PRQPERTIES 108 Mc: Fadden Place, Newport Beach at the Newport Ocean Pier HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 EXCITING OPEN HOU~S SUNDAY 1-5 Pf\t CORONA DEL ~1AR: BayJronl, Sandy Beach 3 & Fam. near Yacht Oub. S2500 Dn. 1915 BAYSIOE DR . Bright, chte.rful <-'lirnel'. 4 & r an1. Pr?tecred l'tu'tl. S14.9;,Q 1301 BONN IE COONE NEWPORT HE IGHTS: Con1plelt' Coastal Vir\.\-, .i I.: .F'an1, 4 Bth, Suhm.it $5:'>00 On 100 KINGS ROAD Dutch Colonial, active family sizto yard, big rooms. S8500 Dn. 308 LA JOLLA BAY CRESf; In1mediate occupaney. 3 6.~ F'anl. Room for pool , lt'ai!er. $4200 011. 1831 TRADEWINDS UN IVERSITY PARK: Squeaky clran. nl" stores, golf l'OUrsc, private patio. $26,;,oo 4355 SATINWOOD Suhniit Your P!"l'lo.t'Ht Jlon1r In i::Xl'hange Hal Pinch in '75·4ltZ A11ytl1111 '41-24'1 ::!JOO ·E. Coast Jh1'y. WANTED ' no 2nds -no points -29 yrs on balance , riced from $30,950 to, $33,950 ' i 1 Exclusive Ag'9nt : .. 673-7420 673-9127 ~ ;, ' VIC .. BLURTON .p~~ a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LI DO ~ for bcing ·ToP sALESMAN General 1000 General '· 1000 or Coast &.. \Vallare Real .. .... I ;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;,;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Esta.le AGAIN! Vic Blurton, Prestige Living NORTH COSTA MESA aH>IB Sammy SideburM, tr Tract Ph : 540.5183 · F'om L.A. Call MA 5-8034 M V d you see him STOP tnM he esa er e can help you \\'ilh any & all _ __ -----~-·-~ Truly a11 executive hon1e, 3 $20, 995 your real 1•stalc nt'rds. You Gene ra l 1000 I Gen eral TOOO iziganlic ~rooms, 1 Jov~ly can find him at COATS & I ;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;.;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ·~iiiiiiiiii~iiiiimmml bath.-:. 11•up1cal landscaping: 3 BR 1 ~~ ba!hs, sharp, shat"p WA LLACE REAL ESTATJ:: J• .~un·ound;; the ix>ol. lighted hon1e. Excf'llen! carpeting 54&-4l41. A Prl·vale Gf1"mpse BRICK COLONIAL walcrfal_l ~~ds atn1ospherc lo !hroughou1. Near ~fay Co . .ti:=~====== Into tl•e exciting \\'Orl1l t'Jl the n1ost exclusive residl'n!- ial section on Ilic Back Bay. A llc11' hon1e o[ outshinding design. 4 bdn11s, 3 ba1hs & family 1f>o1n, pill<; <itri um 1vith rile floor & 14' b€arned criling. All this. ,i;. an un- obsti1Jctcd view of !he Back Bay, too. Roy J. Ward Co. IBaycrcst Oflk·r) ~~:~a: _o:·_ fi1fi-1.i-5n ! OPEN SUNDAY 1 ~5 f II r I l r Scars. Tak• 1,ver 51~ ~{ GI -Jn ashionable Baycre.~t ll' cs JVJ ics o your sum-.. al !SOI Ti·adC\\:inds Lanr n1er evening dinner par ties. loan or Sl5,000 -payn1cnts $21,500 Builders own hoine \Vil h ·rhr addC'CI tam. rn1. has a Sll4/mo includes all. re.ii qual ily 1hrr,ughout r.abana pcrsonalit; l\'ith an :: RN!rooms. 212 baths. II stool bar ;u1d ix>ol access. book lined fan1ily roon1 PaL't!SC1ter built for S41,9'"JO. OfX'llS onto privale yard \1•i1h cxpen~ve nu:tsonry and planls forn1al rlining 10001 lovely living roon1 \1 i1h 111a1·hlc flrrplaec OPEN rrou~~: TJl l::i \\'i::El.;£'.\'D S6.1,95ll ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St 646-4494 Call l\1'111 l\in_g-sl!•y TAX BURDENS? Res: 5·10..8812 Can br relieved by these nc1v uni!s locn1erl in EI S C.M. J:; . 2 BR unf, blrin kits 1v/ <11v, <·pts/drps, priv. pa1 io~. Grossing $22,000 annually. COMPANY <.:an he-rfelivercd at 7\2 x G 1us~. Fo1· .~how and exccl-R EAL TORS lt•nt 1<e!u1·n on .cash invested 6 73•4400 + excellent tax shE"lter~. To l!!!lll!!!ll!!llltl!!!l!!l!!!ll!!ll!l!!!~I sC'" rhcSI' units, or larger Newport at Victoria 646-8811 Weslcliff Channer Nc11· England slylr wi1h 3 lxlrn1s I ~~ balhs & rfining roont + 0U1er cusloin fea- tures. Shown by appoinl· 1nen1. Sharp 3 bdrn1 2 bath Conrlo- miniurn in choice loca1ion across fJ 'Om pool I.· club houSI'. Call now for appoint.. mcnt lo sec. OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 140 Lexington l ane, CM i;J;i;l·'k' REAL TY COMPANY * 642-1771 Anytime,* LRG SPANISH 4 Br Family Rm Jmpressive 4 yr old Newpo11 homt' w/ ,·ustonl sh.'l'eo & v-.icuum system thru-out. 2 frplcs; crpls, drps compl~tf'. 2 back yrds. $54.000 $aturdq, .Aprll 12, 1969 _H~o_u_sE_S_F_O_R_SA_L_E __ H_OU---'S~E~S ~F~O~R ~S~A~LE~-H~~SESFORSALE HOUSESFORSALE G1n1r•I IOOOGen1r1I 223 Poinsettia, Corona dt l Mar $11 9,000 THE MOVING SIGN ., IOOOG1neral 1000 ' 2716 Windover, olle of the thre'e (inesl llomes in the heart of Corona de! Mar -only steps to the Main Beach or Little Corona. Large tree shaded lo t \vith Badmin- ton Court. 4 Bdrrns, 41/; baths plus Captains Cabin family roon1 complete \l'ith Pool Table & Bar. 0£ lANCY Coron• del Mar -$69,950 liard to find Broadrnoor tfi- level 4 Bdrm -Family Room Home with decorator line wall· paper & drapes. Large formal dining room, harbor & ocean view. Sparkling new and clean, ready to move-in lo. -REAL ESTATE 4527 Tremont, 336 Chtrry Tr•• Lane, . Corona del Mar -$83,500 Bdrm & den Beauty in exclu- sive Cameo Shores. 2828 E. COAST HWY. Newport B1•ch -$55,500 r..·Jore Home• for the money than can be found anywhere! 5 Bdrms -4 Baths -Family Rm plus huge Game Rm. A MUST SEE !or \he large !am-, ily! CORONA DEL MAR SOLD 673-3770 1969 SALES TO DATE $2,600,100 General 1000General 1000 General 1000 General ----- FINER HOMES CAMEO SHORES· EXPANSIVE VIEW 4 Bedroo111, 3 baths, family room, dining room1 heated & filtered pool, large patio. \Vonder(ul home for entertaining ..... $86,500 Call for Appointment DOVER SHORES· FINEST LOCATION This large 4 Bedroom. family room, formal circular view dinjng room, needs redecorat· ing. Save $25.000. As is (or ............ $115,000 OPEN DAILY 1380 Galaxy IRVINE TERRACE -Magnificent vie\v <>f jetty, ha rbor and Catalina Island: 2 Bed- rooin and den , 31fi baths, formal dining room. . ... .. ....... ........ $~.~ Call for .i\.ppointment ------- DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT -Beautiful 5 Bedroom home \vith pier and float. large bayside terrace, handsome exterior, fortnal dining room. sunny breakfast · room with view, large Master Bedroom \vith walk-in closets. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$142,500 By Appointment Only -------- BE AC ON BAY -Immaculate 3 Bedroom home in this desireable commun ity. Private beach, community pier and float. tennis courts. Apartment may be added. · Asking . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . $59.~ OPEN SA T & SUN 26 Yawl Rd . DOVER SHORES -Glamorous 2 story view home. large family. room , 3 fireplaces. :J Bedrooms and den , room for pool ... $84,000 OPEN SUN 1-5 1518 Antigua iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Or., Suite 120 642-8235 General 1000 General -===;;;;;;: 1000 LEASE/OPTION Upper Bay Deluxe 3 BR 2~ bath hoine Quiel cul-dc-~ac s!J1'<'1. Try $1000 !or option Sr payments of $250/nio. Vacant & ready for your oc- cupaney. Newport •t Victoria 646-8811 --- 1518 Dolphin Terr Spotless 2 BR, 21;~ ba. dl'n, clce kHchcn, PLUS huge covered boal-port, min. Ja.nd- capc maintl'nancc. Rl'duecd. lo $42,900. CURT DOSH, Reaflor 1730 W. Coa~t Highway 642-647'.! EVC!f. 673-3468 Prime Commercial Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: Open House -Dover Shorn Sunday 1-5 225 N. Star lane Custom Spanish Design. 4 BR's, din rm, fam rm, md's qtrs. Upstairs living rm. View. Pier & flo at ........ $129,500 Mrs. Raulston ALSO Spacious t'vo-story 3 BR 'vater!ront home. Formal entry hall w-circular stairway • Dining rm. Paneled den w-frplc. Pier & float . . . $155,000 Mrs. Raulston Spacious Custom Home Executive borne , great for entertaining. Lrg formal din rm. Pa'neled de n w-fire-- p\ace. Fam rm \v-vie,v . 3 master size bd· rms. Garden entry ............... $87,500 Mrs. Harvey .; A \Nice Way of Ufe Li ve on the waterfront with you r own slip and pier. Charming 2 story 3 bedroom (tnaster BR has 555 sq. ft.) 2 BA's plus cute J bedroom apartment . , .... $79,500 1\1ary· Lou Marion A Reol Swinger The finest Bluffs 4 BR 3 bath home with vie\v. Upgraded beyond belief with custom 'cabinets, Roman bath, Bar etc ... $52,500 Walter Haase Westcliff Charmer 3 BR -1 fam rm + pool + sep fenced play yard. Beaut. decorated & immac condi· tion. Min yd maint. Owner leaving area .................................. $48,750 J oe Clarkson View • Pool • Dover Shores This setting is a dream of beauty and de- signed for effortless hospitality. 3 BR's, convertible den , forma l dining. 3 car gar· rage. Unique pool w-,vaterfall. Mary Lou Marion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 2200 E, COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH 2395 TUSTIN AVE , <just So. of Santa Isabell Tired of plain plaster? Con1r set'! Uiis pine panelled 3 bdrin 2 bath homr 1vith 2 family rooms + 16x35' l1eotcd pool. Only $~0,950. :133 E. l7!h S!., C.M. "'8-'508 OPEN SAT 1-5 $--2 I 450 _F_l_I p , compll'Xf'S up !o 36 units. ' u rice CALL TODAY : :; hed~m. 1 batn. 6 '1~ V.A. CHIL T ROBINETT Corner 19th & Pomona, C.M. loan lo as..-;tnnr. C'lrpclini; REALTOR 64 )-0128 INr Irvine & 22nd f SEAL Beach; assume ri1.4.% next to 18 story bldg. Five Kl 9-3351 Roy J. Ward Co. IBaycrest Ollicc 1 1hroughou1. Covered Patio.1..,..., ............ ~...,,.. ASSUME my 615{% F1-IA-VA 405 Francisco Or. G.I.; 3 blks. to beach: 3 stores fully leased at SI~/ !.<>ls n1ort• Extras! J:' u 11 -~·-oR SALE 'BY OWNER loan. MUST SELJ... Nr new Owner. 549..0507 Br. 2 Ba., bltns, cptd. Frpl. mo, Potential unlimitt'd, mnnthly PAymenl $13'1. P.I .. 3 bedroom Hunti~ton Bay beaut 4 BR & !am rn1 home. ---------_ New paint in & out. Lgc. $110,000 F /P. 29'j;, down I. 'I.I. P riv. Pty. 962-7689 or Condominiun1 $18,9.10. Phone $5900 total dn, $227 per mo TiiE QUICKER YOU CALL, sep. party rm. \\'/fpl. owner will carry l sl TD. 1S4l Santiago Dr. 64C-15:J() ~40 962-65~ pays all. 962-8042 THE QUIO<ER YOU SELL $37.~. Owner 213: 430--4097 Genco Rlty Co. 642-4422 ='========.!..=========oJ"==========~=====-==~~;:;;;;======:~===== General 1000General 1000 General 1000 General -·~·. ·- Small Home On The Beach \Valk in the sur~. Fish and s'vim just steps from your door. Q,vner \Viii finance at 7'/r in· terest for 30 )'ears, no loan charges. I d e a I ho1nc for sportsman or artisl. Bring your scu - ba gea1 and check· book. 4 Bedrooms + Pool + Fomily Room $23,300 5 1/4°/o Loon Rare val ue. Delightful living roon1 \vith plush carpets, and drapes. co7.y family room \\'ith bea m ceilings. Four bedrooms. Sparkl ing heated pool. Covered patio. Take over 71/.i ~ loan. Thi nk thi!i \r ill last loner?? Call in1- 1nediat.e.l>'· Build Your Home High Above The Sea IC you're the uncom- 1non 1nan who wants to build his own - who enjoys contemi>' lation or the changing moods of the sky and sea -Who enjoys li· ving high above the city -if you are, then come out today. to see a h o m e s i t e you"ll never forget. 1000 General INVESTOR'S CORNER This week we have two properties 'vorthy of consideration. The first consists of 2 houses and a fairly new duplex on a 75x230 lot There is room (or one more unit. Present QlODthly gross is $460 and the price is $42,000. The area is en- joying a good rate of appreciation. The second property is an older home that could rent for around $130f month. 'fhe lot is zoned R-2. The area is good. The price is only $171500. This could have considerable potential. Come in soon and let's talk real estate. 1000 Gener11I Cozy Home Far A Cold, Rainy Night Two huge wood burn- ing fireplaces. Modern convenient kitchen. Three a m p I e bed- rooms. Family room opens onto very large covered patio. Only $26,950 with low FHA or VA down payment. Don't \vait for a rainy day, Call now , 1000 General $18,999 4 Br + Family Rm Imagine 4 bedroo1ns. 2 baths, modern kit· chen with built-ins and breakfast bar for only $18,9119, New custom drapes wall to wall carpeting. Forced air heating. Room ror bllat and trailer. Sound too good to be true? Come see for yoursel f. 1000 General Hunting Lodge In The City 1000 This is the most rustic house you'U ever see. Rough hewn beam cei- lings. paneled walls, Swedish fireplace and as a coocess1on to tho women -A fine mod .. ern kitchen, with four bedrooms and family room. If the man is the buyer In the family -Don't miss this. Only $2.4,500. 645-0303 28 OFFICES e CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST 2299 HARBOR BOULEVARD T •I• hone 645 • 0303 • ' ------·----~-'--· rt • • 11 .I --• - --~ ... .-·--- - -. --"f ~ .. -·--·--~ ----... ---·------------------------------------- • t ~ ...... . -.... ••• # t. • ••• .,...4, ......... j •••• ' • • . . -. ·-. . . . ' ... . ....... . --. .. -· ... ~ . . " . . . • ~. •pr11 12, 1969' .Of 11IE 'MO_ll11I _,,-~.''~-:..·;'.:1)-f. . ' -•. >. l t , ,i::· ' "'\:.· r -,P.; ~ P.S. I LOVI YOU '', And you'll love this 7 unit Palm Springs Apt- Hotel at first• sigb~ Located 2 blocq ofJ of majn street behind Bullock's & neax1Fa.shion Plaza, in the lee of the mountain. A_ttractive setting with sparkling pool. Priced at 7 limes annual gross -$92,500. Largely repeat cllen- telle. DANA POINT 8 attracti\•e apartment units just 5 years old. First tilne offered. Total asking price $95,950. As little as $12,950 down will buy. Monthly income is $996,000. BAYFRONT Big beautiful custom built 3,000 sq. It. 3 bed- , room home only 7 years old . Dock for 60 l: loot boa~-Priced at $139,500. ' OCEANFRONT RESIDENCE I Oceanfront corner location provides dream:{ 1 view . Permanent bay view from carpeted sundeck. 3 bedroom, 3 baths, dining room, I double garage. Extremely attractive appear- / 1 ance. $69,500. Enjoy Ille here. I I REDCAll'ET 11$ P~ WI l:IOUSIS-FOlt IALI HOUllS POii IALI HOUSEi POii ~LE HOUSll FOii :!ALI HOUllS POii SALE HOUllS POR SALE 1000 General l•O.-•I 10. Oon1r1I ICIOOO...Orol IMO Chnorol 10000.noral 1000 llAUTIFUL. CAIEFRll UYING t\lmolt new,. o~ area ot Unlvtrtlty "Park:· raeta '--· "'11A. ' -· 2 ha!h. W.. 11"'11 mom. wtilte brick JirtPbet,.<bt&U- lllill patlo, Pool lacllU... Min,y exlTu. A mus~~. At .$29,950, thil ti:eaudllll home with &ll it 'J improvements ii priced bttrer than the brand new ones. submit your smaller home on our auarantee l&1e plan. WE SELL A HOMI 1!1/ERY 31 MINUTIS Walker & Lee ~ WestcliH Or. •mt Open Eves. COUllTRY LIVING ln this \1.(lUiUal 2 BR home with additional guest rooms over 2 car jarage, High betmed ceiling & knottY pine interior, HUGE 58x203' lot with many Jarge trees. Room for ~ units. ONLY $26,500, OPEN-SAT/SUN 1·5 540 W. lkrnord St., CM .. --_ _....___ PEl=tl=lON y_,. •"""'"' ,~,... UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU · To own one of th11e homes. He'll even help you with the financing -VA or FHA lenns available on all ol lhem plus, we have OTHERS. Check these over then call !or further detaU•- SPEND YOUR SUMMER ~T YELLOWSTONE Ho':'!\By owing lhislsbarp 4 bdrm 2 bath home on Yellow Stone Drive. New w/w carpeting, newly painted, sharp land- scaping. NO DOWN VA. LOW ,DOWN FHA. Total price.-,,, .' .... ,, .. ,, $25,800. S-T ·R·E· T ·C·H O·U· T Need more room? Check this GIANT! 2 storys, huge recreation room, massive covered patio, concrete boat or trailer storage yard with E·Z access. Panelled walls, w/w carpeting & WOW. Better see it! All for only $30,500. VA or FHA terms. "SEE THE MONKEY" That this seller has & while you're there you can look at their lovely home that w•'ve just listed. Looks hardly lived in. 'v/w carpeting, dining room, 3 bdrms, hardwood floors, covered patio. beautiful landscaping. Full price $24, 700. NO DOWN VA on LOW DOWN FHA. Hurry, hurry!! .• ,. l'l"S STILL A IUYllS MAIKn AS LONG-AS WE HAVE VALUES SUCH AS THESE! $25,900 $23,450 $27,450 $35,500 $41,500 The llilurts e Spaclou.11 2 Wroom condomtnium..St'.*S'kling clan. h:- oellent view ot '--Ct'Cf'nl>dt. Only $3,000 down. Hal~t. Coata Meu • 3 Bed· room 2 bath homt. f>inlng Rm. f ireplatt. CORNER LOT. Try 10% Down. Irvlnt Village • Veey ntat-3,Jdrm. 2 Bath hon1e. ~~-Blt-lns. FLteplc. Lo\v down payment. University P~~-i..• 4 Bdrpls 2,,_ Baths. Extra ~b' Thruout!! At.· sumable loan at 5% %. Just re- duced $1500! Co1·ona Hlghlandi e 3 Bdrim. 2 Bath.'!. 2 11rtiplace11: Large Con~ vcrUblc ~n. Ownti: u1l/ help "n flnanl'ini'! Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 2407 E, Coast Hithway Corona dol Mar-675-3000 ---------------- Parents Retreat The silence is golden In th!J 24"19 It. master suite. 3 addlUonal bedrooms plus 3 baths. Large sunken living room with dramatic mir- rored fireplace wall. Boat port and double detached garage. '29,750 with a low interest F.H.A. loan to be asswned. Harbor Highlands Prime Newport Beach family l.ocation. 3 bed- room and hu1ge custom family room . 1314 baths. separate service porch , detached gar- age. Close to We.stcliff shoppinj?. Mariners School, Library, and Park. First time oUered. $4,000 down should buy. FOR A WISE IUY Colesworthy Ir Co. 642-7777 OPEN EVES ·····~---··-•• General 1000 General · Rart B•yfront Hom• Prin1e location near Nll\'C. !v.:o lots. 70' ftunlg. Large older mission-style homl'. Completely furn. $300.000 RAIN or SHINE OPEN HOUSE 3 BR .. ,Assume 4~j % loan SAT/SU N ll-5 General IOOO G I lOOO Cali Hazel Jones, Assoc. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ tner1 Louis W. Briggs, Rlh'. '.!'!46 RALEIGII ST., C~f Rltr. 642-9730 Eves. 54g--07zo e KENNEDY 1• ---------675-s110 673-4037 JUST LISTED I YOU owe it to )"uursetl to in-REDUCED $1,0001 Dramatic 3 BR 2~~ ba con-\ff'!tigale our 4 diflen!nf 'POOL''. $26,500 -4 Bedrm + Family Rm PSSSTl!!llll shake roc>f, plaster w:lll~. Ele,ant. natural brick fire-,, y * M2·1n1 Anytlmo * ~ COATS & WALLACE llf.AlJORS :;,m;,:;;~~';,~:t:;:.,;;;_h~ ~., .. ,. progn.m,_ Haro to find• home. H""" $23,500 1491 BAKER STREET vie1v of ba)· and oceao , N•-il • • Fittplace, bu " t-in kitchen. place, all electric built-in \Ve found a sleepe.r! 2000. W 5•6·4141 merous deluxe appoin!ments. 2 baths. l-leated &. fil tered kileheii . DehghtfUl patio, 2 t f I l Call 10 '"· ORANGE COUNTY'S pool 540-m R E L A T '· 25 W. Balboa llvd., Newport Btac:h nt•I• -673-3663 S.111 -67~ neral 1000 General 1000 *";;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;. ---·-----OPEN -HOUSES OPEN HOUSE$ 123 President Piece over payments cf $157/ _ including taxes 4 iru;. I01v-lnterest Gi loan. 4 nu; & fantlly room on cor- r. Owner extra anxious for er. Sun. afternoon only. IUO M•ui Circle w listing. Large custom 1 home in Mesa Verde ntry Cl.ub area. Fully ·pped Royal Pool with board, ladders etc. A I , at home for entertaining! '' 152 Co.,..try Club Dr. ick po.!Seliiillr! on vacant. J'le 4 & family room 1vith dinins room_ 80xl20' t • room Ior a pool. or two! ' rporate owne1 desires ' "ck sale. I ~, S•lespeople Needed 1' 5~&-5810 I: (nNrt.illtlfattomTe) I OLLEGE REALTY ; 1500Adams atHartior,CM. ,000 TOTAL P-RiC-E JI lock To Tho Be.ch Ior the person 1rith h.N YE FOR THE FUTURE! Bedroom & 2 Ba.ths and NED FOR 4 UNITS! A antastic Land Value~~ WE SELL A HOME VERY 31 MINUTES Corona de! M•r Sat, _ Sun. l to 5 HARBOR VIE\V HILI~S. Im- maculate. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large fnmily room, breaklast nook, dining area. Beautllul carpets, drapes, and landac.aping. 3414 Sea- bl'eeze (Take P.largUerite to Sandcastle, left on Tiller lo seabrcezel. $46,500. CORONA HIGHLANDS. LC>-- t'Bted on 2 fee simple. hill top OCEAN VIEW lots. Large pool. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, den. Guest apart- ment. 429 J5abella Ten-ace (At the end of Seaward Road off of Coast Highl\·ay) 197JEAN SMiTH, Realtor 400 Eu! 17µ,, Costa Mesa n4JG46-3.i55 4 BR & FAMILY GORGEOUS square eet o uxw·10118 i_v-COSTA MESA CALIF Delancey Re•I E1'tete . 1 baths, park like yard, 540. ing In bee.utirut Westclilf ' • LARGEST TARBELL 2955 Harbor· 1720 area of Newport Beach. Our ~!J!~!l'~~'!!!~67~~~377;;o~!!!!~~2~93~E~.~1~7t~h~S~t~. ~M~6~4~4~94:log1~a~I ~642-567~~~·~10~,~RES~U~L~Ts TARBELL 2955 Harbor beauty has all the polish of ---· 1 ~ a truly well constructed General 1000 Gentr1I lOOOG I 1000 General IOOO General 1000 =~oan~ ii~ j:~v ':~~;:. ~ ONLY $1 650-,DOW __ N., 1--------------i=========e:n:o:··=======================~11 yeg, 6% financing, avaU-r 11 ab!<!!! ' a 'M (4 Bedroom) WE S.LL A HOM E Th ..... bedroom•, !I( both•, f '/JB'/I ou.rseis NB I l • d • {;s ¥. 1415 Santiago, (Baycrest) EVERY 31 MINUTES e ec nc range .. oven, 111,.. f • 1 51 washer, FA heat. 2 car iar-64~3255 (Sun • Walker & Lee '";:~il'P~~. $11,soo ... 11 THIS WEEKEND ... ~~il.r:!Jlhland <sun ~5~ 2043 \llestclilf Dr. • • * * 363 Vista Baya NB 64~mr Op<n Ev••-COMMERCIAL ZONED ' 2414 Vista Del Om 675-4130 (Sun 1-5) Newport Buch *l"'• Ht"ghland Dr. <Westcliff) NB M ! u • N M"P ttll• hndy dlrectert wk\ '" tfil• weeH114 • (,.m' SU M R ru PR!CEOTOSELLATONLY Beautiful View , ...................... 1 ....... ,,_ ..... 642-8235 Eves: 644--0762 (Sun 1·51 Around th is sh.lmn1erlng $17,500. Tu'o bedroom Mme .,. lllacJlltff IA ... ,., detail -., ~ .. •I• 468 Serra Or., (Corona Highlands) Cd ~I pool y,·ith BBQ & pool side and bachelor unit presently Deli'ghlful "E" Plln whet• h1 ,.....,., DAIL1T ",.,LOT WANT ADS-h~ 675-3000 Eves: 646-5227 /Sun 1-5) \\·et bar. Dellghtful 4 lxlrm bringing $165. month. Locat-d1owh19 ·~ "•"* er • er ftl mt .,. •• .,.... Baycre1t home with family ed just a few 1teps from 1• 11" '"' 1"'°' .... t~• i. ""' c•ltu• "'' "'"'' (4 ,Bedroom &: Faniily or Den) room & formal dininr room, NEWPORT BLVD. -easily * Spac/Uving rm, din/area 2065 Flamingo Dr. (f\.1esa Verde) C~1 conwrtcd to numerous sn1al' * 3 King s~ BR, 2~ ba (2 Bedroom} busine&S u&uaKe. $2,500 will •'Lee walnut pan/fam rm 540-4905 (Fri-Sun 1-6) 417 Belvue Lane Balboa 3807 T ·d L c d IM r handle_ Let Us show you this • Ideal for entertaining: ops1 e ane, orona e a 5 bdrm custom built Baycrtst sleeper. * Professionally decora.t~ 6734077 (Sat & Sun) 644-2521 (Sat & Sun 10-6) ho1nr. Excellent location. * • * • *Luxurious crpts & drapes '*-1100 White Sails \Vay, Corona del Mar 2021 So. Capella Ct., (Mesa Verde) CM p,::.ne for appointment to r\UORAJRR NE£0£D * Wet Bar, mirrored doors 644-2244 (Sat & Sun 12-4) 545-4025 I Open Daily) Fr cl K\ V: *Loads of Cupboards •»~AH I' c 'd IM 8072 Driftwood, Huntington Beach Arnold & ..... . .... • * Many eualom features .t.Ut e 1otrope, orona e ar 1 ') •• Loclf.t~ In COtJ...EGE PARK *\Vaned patios ..... • 675-3000 Eves : 673-0554 (Sun 1-5) 675-4630 Eves: 64i.2253 (Sat & Sun ·" 338 E. 17th St., CM is lhis shake roof three bed. * Nr. Poot'& Cabana'~ 881-885 West Wilson. Costa ·Mesa 223 Via Quito, (Lido Isle) NB Realtors 646-77".JS room, l~ bath, 1pacious din.. *Priced below Market 54S.8642 {Sat & Sun) 673-8830 (Sat & Sun 1·5) zmm====m=I ing room and modem built-$53,000 .. ,ooc1 terms •429 Isabella Terrace (Corona Hilands) ASSUME 511,% LOAN '"'-Walk to o.c.c_ and cos. 644-ll33 644-0233 Evos. CdM. 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1' TA MESA CIVIC CENTER. 12 Bedrooms & Guest Rooms) M DO YOUR O\VN DECOR. 322 Cabrillo. c . No costs, no extra charsea. and SAVE, Full pi·ice ONLY 540 W. Bernard St.. Costa Mesa 548-0588 !Sal & Sun 1-5) payments $159 per 1non~ $24,000. Assume 5%% FHA 642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1354 E. Ocean Front (Balboa Penn.) NB include11 all. 6 years young, -loan -$158 mooth -includlng 645-2000 (Daily 1-5) 3 +family room,!% bath!, taxes and insurance. 3 BR l% ba, htd pool, East-'1it-•1380 Galaxy. NB built-ins, carpets I.: drapes. side CM. Elegant entry, (2 Bedroom &: Gue,t Apt) a,. ... 235 (Daily 1.5) P · s2· -50 dbl lrplc lo ceiling. $29,990, V""tUo lmmaculale. riC(' 0•1" lO% dn, 00 2nd!!. ••320 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 1412 Serenade Terrace (Harbor Hilands) l-turry! 2 BR C·2, East.side Ci\l .1 673-0305. 675-3243 (Sat & Sun) NB, 642·5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) U!: 1w1• Co~~:OOdef~a'!.°~Pacious, (3 Bedroom) 14U2~~ners Dr., (Harbor Hi!~~~~) 1~5~ M latl atlr. duplex, only 4 yrs '*1842 Santiago Dr., <Dover Shores) NB old. ea. unit 3 BR J ~l. 511 Avenida Campana at Vista Del Oro ~1550 <Daily lO-S) b&, partial ocean vic\1•. (Bluffs) 675--6000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ,..225 N. Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB 160.000. lo'"-4821 Cortland, (Cameo Highlands) CdM rs 15) 51;2 0 10 SA Jfts. 3 BR, hchvd fiJ"li, 675-2000 un · 11 BAYSHOR"'• 673-2222 (Sun 1•5) -B k Ba l NB GI I ~ 121,500 moo '" . no 1 2341 lrvme ( ac y Assume existing oan n-2nd TO. 4909 Bruce Crescent Blvd., NB 540-1720 (Daily 1-5) anyone qualllics_ $138 per -t-" S•t. & Sun. 1.s 5 %5440 1093 Baker, c .t l. Evenln&s Call 646-1050 alker & Lee month including taxes & in-2505 Vl1t• Dr. :as E. IGUi St., R·2 lot . 2 6i5-4130 (Sun 1· } 2622 Vista Dr .. (Bayshores) NB ""'!"."!!~~~~~~!!I surance, 3 BR I~i bath, rusr LI~ED _ Lovely 3 BR, bit-in R & O, $l8,900. 254 Driftwood Rd., {Shorecliffs) CdM 642-1771 <Sun 1-5) LAKE ARROWHEAD hardv.'"OOd OOOt!l service "\';""-2 bath. lots of chann Frank Kingaard Real Esiate 673-3681 (Sat 1-5) 3067 Trinity, Costa Mesa I SHOW PLACE. Large A· •11 2 ~2 I~ open ·1n 9 Pi\' Frame on Irg .lot: ~t'iu111ye porch, FA heat, modern NLY $39,500. "'' ·u.s-3715 Sea!ihore Newport Beach 642-1771 {Sal & Sun 1-5} Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-9491 I IEDRM + FAMILY Nonh '"°"' ...... ~Ip In ki""'" ,including all built-WESTCLIFF l """"'c!'0""1t"a~M""o"•"'a'""'"il 675-4130 (Sat 1·5) 9651 Landfall Dr ,_ <Rancho La Questa)HB brand new double dock. ins Shingle roor. fenced, • 96'8042 (Sun 10.5) 'I RM. landscaped Just redecorat-Area of fine home• -Spacious •2510 23rd St., Newport Beach v I $21900 Jlugh liv-din nn w/ cd $23 950.full price 4 bdnn. & ram. rm. 2,i Charmer-$22,000 646--3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) •1908 Wind\vard Lane (Baycrest) NB .~t ' inassh·e trplc, Central · ' · baths, cpt. & drapes, POOL Its got everything you need, 646-7755 fSun 1·5l ~~u~~~~u~~,:~~n~ lit-atini: & 1111 utll. Beaut. •• ~· ~· -~1\1 w/ Jacuzzi . 01vners_1uaving 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, doubJe 510 Via Lido Soud (Lido Isle) NB 2006 Holiday Rd., {Baycrest) NB , . 2 •-1hs. o .. am kit ... h. furn. Desirable for year __ _.:,. a1·ca. PRICED at $55,000, gai"nge, cover?.d patio, large 646--2414 (Sat & Sun 1.5) 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1-5) -. '· round li1ing. \\'ill con!ider WESTCLIFF I -"" E th St C t M .'buill-in appliances. NC\v trade ror house of cont--01• just painted insidf'. As-*'"" 5 er ·· os a esa 2715 Wavecrest. Corona de! Mar ting. Inviti"" fireplace. bl I . N p• ·~ y , th •---t II swne existing 6% GI loan or 646-2414 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 64"7171 • 54"2313 '~un 1·5) . ..,. p11rs e va ue in r1vport, ...,.,....., your \\"lllll ad wbett ou ~ m1ss1n1 c """ no down to vets. min doivn u--u-- shlv painted. Cd"1 area. Pri~ $69,500. thtJI are IOOkint -DAILY you haven't seen 1200 SOM-1''HA. Hun)-~ 359 Ramona Way. Costa Mesa '*1901 Kings Rd .. (Newport Heights} NB TARBELL '42·6691 84&-2916 PIWr cJa.,;lled "'·"6'lll ERSET LANE . A beauty 540.1720 (Sun 1·5) 646-7171. 546-2313 (Sun 1·5) 1-f;======-====-~-;"'-;==-=-=====~=="'======"= "'101 POOL -OPEN SAT,&: 107 Via Dijon \Lido Isle) NB 1408 Dover Dr .. Ne1vport Beach 'f==-::;;;;;;;::::IDOO=G:•:•:•:":l:::=:::::::::l:OOO=G:o:n:o:":l:-::----IC:OOO.:.:... SUN. 1 -5_ 615-3000 Eves: 675-7046 (Sun 1·5) 646-7711 (Sal & Sun 1-5) I -NEWPORT O"ANOE COUNTY'S •5301 Bruce Crescent (Lido Sands) NB IS Bedroom) C.li'il-0 A\-.. l 1)-C ...,C.• HEIGHTS ~ 642-4927 (Sun l·Sl P~ 1-'"U ~).. -'!1 P(/" \:) HELP! JfELP! HELP! LARGEST 1935 Tustin. (No. of 19th . E . of Npt) C.M. 1103 Corona Lane. Mesa del ~tar • I l f ' ' 1 f I Solve o·Simple SCTcimbl1d W.ord Puzate for a Chuckle l0 1Arlr " 1 I i 15EWTEF ' I I I I; I I I I IM OI E j IPI j I' I Fred Allen liked to 1el1 .._..__,1_._..__ -"·-'-eboU! the young man who ' Loci{o-s ,, took •o •long· to get . 7 ·I • through Hervard thal ho j I j · j I had Ivy growing up --..... I .. ..,.1.,...1------., i.-\j S A 1 l _ 0 c....1o1o '"" "'°'11. ,,....., "''""'J-"lllj'lli~ll"""Tl-rl -! ~ l1Ulng 11'1 th. miUlno word1 -• - -• -)'Git d...,.!QO l'*!I .., No..3 ti.Jo .... ·--......... ---• •· 11 r r I' r I'. I' I' I' r· l •!hid I I I I IF.I I I I I SCIAM·Lm ANSWER IN DIME·A·LINE --------- 'Ve have ·a fi-.:er UPJ>llr, 3 293 e. 17th St. 64M4~ I 545-9491 (Sun 1-5) 646--7171 -546-2313 (Sat 1-5) bdl'ln. 1 ~ baths,~-lot 1vith "OPEN HOUSE exoeUont pat;, _ SEE THIS · ll Bedroom & Family or Oen) IS Bedroom & Family or Oen) 127 ooo SAT /SUN I ·5 PM I ''"C" ,THOMAS, 237 BROADWAY, c .M. ' 2569 Oxford Lane (College Park) CM *2ll8 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB 3 BR. tam ,m, rn bot,,,, 540-5566 (Sat & Sun 12-41 642·2598 (Sat & Sun 12-5) REALTOR elec_ kit, with dl•hw""''" 1126 Goldenrod (Harbor View Hill's) CdM •2788 Mendosa_ Costa Mesa 224 \\', Cout Hwy 548-5527 dble 1aril.i;~ on alley, Ex· 67a.2222 (Sun 1~5) 67>4130 (Sat & Sun 1·5) N~WpOl't Beach Eve_ S45-5Ml f'el. VA, FHA or Conv. Ii· 3414 Seabreeze. (Harbor Vie\v Hills) CdM •424 East 21st St .. Newport Beach nandng. 646-32.15 (Sal 1·5 Sun 10.5) 646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1·5) HE-Rl'S A-SURPRl~Ei 2121 Leeward Lane !Baycrestl NB CONl)OMINIUMS FOR SALE Assume 5'4 % Gov't Loan, ERNll!: .,--646-3255 (Sat 1·5) Aeyon. qualities with ""an CLEVELAND 2043 Calvert Ave,, rMesa Verde) CM 13 Bedrooms) do"'" paynlrnt. Hug" 1""0 546--3081 (Open Dail)") 140 Lexington Ln ., (Monticello) CM !lory, 3 Bedrooms, ~auli-Rultor '"' •hag """'"· doubl• 1318 Estelle Lane I Harbor Highlands) NS 642·1771 (Sat & Sun 1·5) drapes, Toi.ti P&.)'mcnt Sl 78. 143 Bro•dway 645-0111 642-5200 (Sun ti.5l . L"' tMn ,. • ., . , Evos. M2~3 646-457' 1147 Gleneagle. Costa Mesa DUPLEXES FOR-SALE WE SELL A "OME 540.1720 (Sun 1·51 (I Bedroom) EVERY 31 MINUTES BALBOA ' •2395 Tustin Ave .. (So, of Santa Isabell 3801 Channel Pl ace. Newport Island Walker & Lee PENINSULA POINT NB, 646-1550 (Sun l·Sl 673-6000 (Thurs-Sun 1-5) 3 GR home in quiet area. 2612 Redlands (Back Bay) CM 7682 Edl"I" P•i"U"" • .... ,.u .. wlil 546-5460 Eves: 549-IOM (Sat & Sun 1·5) 12 BedrootTt) 8124455 ttr S40-St•o r.!'ra~~i~.~~~ 1~00 ~: t743 E. Ocean Blvd .• Balboa Peninsula 2500 Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar. Opon Ev.._ ..... _ Tty ou.,_ l42.5tl) 1 673-5972 (Sat & Sun 1-51 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1•51 Beautiful Home Balboe Rul Est•to Co. **3301 Admiralty Dr .. (Huntington Har-1201 W. Bay Avenue. Newport Beach >:a•'3ld•. CM 3 BR J!l ltolhl. J°"'phln• W•bb, n .. 1tm· bor. HB 1714 ' m 9730 (Sat & Sun !2-5) 673-6210 or 673-5690 <Sun all day) u,-M In by adults only. Dble 700 E, Balt>O«i Blvd., Balboa • 2607 Oce:ln Blvd.1 Cnrona del Mar '""''" i • .,.. ""'re<t patio 613-(140 675-3000 Eves: 675-5764 rsun 1-51 INCOME PROPERTY for tAfertaining .~ 2±W£_ e _e www 22Q Princeton <College Park) CM 13 B d & d by beautiful '""'"' • now. lmoglno -All This 646-8811 (Set 1-5) • room 4 Se room) era. Ext.'f'.ll~nt fil'lllnc.:irq; For $20,500 2725 San Lucas. h~esa del Mar 31~ • 3120 Seavit"' Ave., CdM av.II_ S2<,"'10. Com,...ny louted lo CM. 646-7171 • 546-2313 (Sun 1·5) 67~3000 E ves: 6711-0554 (Sun 1·5) 1860 Newpo11 mvtt., CM · brand Jl('W hotlU? \\'ftlch 390 La Canada, Costa Mesa IU!r. -I'M. 644-1"\I •hag ..... Bl. >'A ""'· 646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1-5) * LACHENMYER fulil' '""' ,.,,, 1""""""· cllb 2033 Paloma, Costa Mesa pr. 2 SR It ba. eaq now! Sa •- OAU. Y PllDr WANT ADS Pllul Stuart. R. ! a It 0 r . 646-7711 ( tu; Sun l..S} . , ... Alwan • Go-Go! 67l"HO'in -'--'--'-----"-'-'---' ------------ ------ • Si11ur1M1. April 12, l~ DAILY ,ILOT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ~-~-~~~~-~-'-~ HOUSES ~OR SALE I HOUSES -~O!t .SA.~E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOU$is-fib1fil"CE HOU$)i fib!\ Lido_'_·:,. __ ~ l ~~M~IO~N~do~l~M~ .. ~~1~1~o~s~o.~-~ .. ~··~lb~~~~11~11~0~-~-~ .. ~I~~~~~ li-~iiiin~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l~OOO~;;~e~neiiiira~liiiiijiiiiiiiii~l;i®O~il·C~otl~•~M~M~•~;;;;;=l~l~OO ~~)_M•r_!1SOCoron1 del Mer 1250 T~ .. ~~~;;.P~~! OPEN HOUSES . MODEL "T" HOME Bul loa~ed wllh •·CADILLAC" ap- pointments. Just listed . Popular T-Plan with separate "'OWNER'S SUITE'• separate living roo m. load- ed "'Ith accessories &-all in like-new condition in one of Costa tl1esa's finest areas. All for only $29,950. BAYCREST 4 bdrn1s_. forrnal dining roo m, !am-. ily room, service porch, large pool & yard. 4 patio areas. 2450 ''I. ft t.:UStom home. Ideal for family liv ing & entel'!aining. JUST REDUCED, NOW ONLY $00,000. Call fo r more detail~. ln aiobuq larnll,y's We ~ SAT I SUN 1-5 PM ta1Uy attainable wtth a pool, 1126 Goldenrod, Harbor View Hills 'Bd,,,,,, ram u, room, and NEW LISTING ' baU.. 1• ''"' °"" '!'" View-home, 3 BR & lam rm, lge. pool and =· 139·""' ' patio. . ............................ $61,500 PROPERTIES WEST lCUS Ba,y&lde Dr. 675-4130 .S ANISH HACIENDA Pl rentaJ, plU& room Jor rn 1'l! unlbJ. 161 Me111 Drive Ove~lookine beautiluJ i;oU course and Jakes. .Asking $58,000. D1vi1 R111lty 642·7000 SAT & SUN 1-S PM 2500 Ocean Blvd. LUXURY DUPLEX, Ocean View. I SUN OH L Y 2-l PM 44121 , ortland, Cameo Hl9hl1nd1 . 3 BR, Ocean View . Don V. Fronklin, Realtor 5250 E. Coasl Hwy. CdM 673-2222 OPEN SAT & SUN 1-S ZZl vi. QWt11 Bis: WniJ.Y home ~ 1 BR. 3 BA, tam un., lar;c patio. lmmac condition. X I n t terms. Stt this "ttkcOO! S79.~ LIDO REAL TY, INC. l40C Via l.ido 67l-8830 COMPARE-- AT ~s.wo 129 Via ~liic(' \la co.lit and1 Ready For Fast Escro1v l)rlve By then cflll LEE SHONEK, Rllr 673-J;SS Also snug 2 BR @ $43.950 Tremendous Home For Uig !anuly.' 3 Bd, fan1 COATS & WALLACE R~l~ REDUCED TO $20,950 College Park 1115 rn1. 5 be, din nu, boat or Westcl iff 1230 31'!1 ('Br space, \\tkimlba. 3PARKLES & shi~!'! inside I S<r~~'C.~~~C\t!!~~~ 1491 BAKER STREET , ' 546-4141 • COST A MESA. CALIF. 4 BR redl"C'. 2S' !iv rm. \V/1v POOL -3 Bdrm • ~·ain rn1. crt.s/dt-ps, frpk , dlb ;;ar. Sl3Q/n10 p..i .. v~ all -51, ~~ 1111. fncd. $2i.9.i0. A~><llm<' ~1 t ';. Rand Re1lty 645·2340 2278 Cornell 6~6-2311.l Ao;:l. I-out. Living rm & dining 33!"0 Via Lido Gil-9300 rm: service porch, ell'C General 1000 Gener ii Corona del Mar BROADMOOR HOME DESIGNED FOR HAPPY LIVING With Assumable 6V2°10 LOAN 1000 J<.:njoy life in this lovely home \\•ith 4 Bdrms, 2112 ba. pan fain rm \v/frpl c. sep din r 1n, brkfst nook. Landscaping speci&lly designed be autifully done pool \\' /sep Spa. \'ie\v of niountains. S64.500 Call for appt. to sec. CHE SHIRE REAL ESTATE 675-2503 $26, 900:-5-BR Newport BHch 1200 e,.;,,, .... ..i""" 1:1100 do. Lw<. Clillhavenr Newport features, ll'g fam rm, hrd1vd firs. f111Jc, bltns, 2 J;JA, Xlnt 601 St. James Pl. prestige Ioe. 1 blk HiUy· OPEN SAT & SUN brook(. gl'11,dc / SChl. E. ol 4 BR 3 ba dining rn1 fan1 Harbor., N. ot Ba~er. Prtnc rm. An ide~J hon1e fol'.'large only. 13ll Stonefield. O\vn-famllv Shake roof 2 J1ut· rr. ;J31·2700 11·a1t1: i1ca!Ct'S, 20x2'2\,· beam CON D 0 ~:1JNT~1Jn-c.-ciling Li\•/rm & Fpl<·. ~r n11•tli01tf' pnswssio11. :1 BH. 2 cor lot v./ xtra paved D.l'l'a b;1th.~. fully <'at'J"ICtcd & for c11n1per, trlr or hoa1. freshly p.ii1111•1t. E:':<·rllcnt Plenty of room for Pool. invcs1n1ent at only S20,9j(). \\'alk 10 Ha1·bor Hi or 1101~,u:e ~l. Jll~ll,jl IOJl('n eves/ Ensign schools. PriCT'd at lle;rit.age Real Esta.I<' $43,500 -and you 011·11 lhl' 1000 General -· 1oo0 SPACIOUS 2600-~fl. 4 BR, _ 21!: ba. lan1 nn, :! frplcs + land. r-.tr. Robinson, sho11·11 by Appl. Li-.:27' ~ rm, brick palio """ Sales Opportunity 011 h'i; at1r;1c Int. Con\' DAVIS REAL TY b~tM. Clean crpts & driis thru out this 3 BR 2 Bit home. Prof. lndscpd & main!. w/ chlldrcn's play yrd & pct area. Jteavy shake-roof oomp!eles 'Uris charming home. By Owner S42,950. 642--1598 BUSIES1 m<tf't.etplace m town. 'l'hli DAILY Pll.O'l CIAssilied sectloo. Savr money, Ume Ii e~fort. i..ook now'!! l!Oi\11-.'. -R-2 lo1. Ex<:t!I \\'1•stsi<!e. :l Bil 2l\ ba. room fur 4 or 5 unit~. 54-!1-1623 =====· Bac~_!Say __ 1240 BAC K BAY BUY OPEN HOUSE l:.!·3 OCEAN v Opening for one locatNL experienced Open Occupancy Uivcly CU.'<! bit qual ity home, beam · ceil.,. mas.s11>"t' stone CHERRY LAKE-, frplc. :!ti 11 U' lrn1 nn. stols I I E w /or Ca!ali na . ,1;an C1"n1rP!c \and ahno::;t l!~.1va ii, it's ~r>ec- 1 tacuJ,1r and ii'~ 0111~· 1 ) r:irs pld. a11 imu111c11l;111· 1 l!!•r!· I 1·00111 houir i11 It n•;1) llll'.~· ·fig<' iu·ca. It 's a "niu~t .~c,." l al S37.500. I ' ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST L 293 E. 111h _ s1. 646-4494 • CDM • COTIAGE 12 BR hon1c iv/inc unit needs 'F.On1e TLC. \\'alking distance I 10 eYerything. $33.500 -I te1111s. • By opi;t nnlv .,CORBIN-MARTIN I•! REALTORS · 3036 E. Coa st Hwy, CdM 675-1662 N. E. Costa Mesa 1 3 large lxlrms, 1ry.1 ba1hs. h-.rchvood floors; large kitch· P.n .".G service porch area. l)ouble garage. Big yard \¥i1 h shade &: fruit trees. S2'.!.9j(}. Wells-McCa rdle, Rltrs. 18.10 Ne11.·pot1 Blvd .. C.M. i18-i7Z9 Eves. 641-068-1 OCEAN VIEW ! CUSTOM! $39,500! 2 ba1hs. Built-in kitchen. 1'~il"f'· plr.cc. Elt'ttric garage door opener. Pa1io. Artisheally landscaped -Jr. Estate sized grounds. 5~0.17'20 TARBELL 2955 Harbor DUPLEX Near Ocean. 3 BR 2 h:i. each ur1i1. 3 Frplcs. $j2,· 500 George Williamson Jle<1 llor 673-4350 El'rs. GTJ-156 1 S13,500 2 Bf.DROO~f £10USE, 1louhlc garage, R-2 lo!. close 10 17th Slrel'l shopJ'lin;;. Leon Vibert, Realtor 5"1.~0588 anyt in1e BY OWNER Salesperson. S:.'9,500 by O\\T1r r. &12-0896 ? LIDO REALTY, Inc. BY 0\VNER 3 BR fan1 rm, 3 Lt1; BR's. 21Ar Ba, lrg fani oil hd. d 11 . rm, 2 stone lrplcs, n e 1v Call n.~. I\' I~. [lallO. crn(' Over 200 ri r · · "I [rp\c, drps. Newly l'f'COn-• ., .g. , sq. 0 Ken Br16U7'.!'g8v~30am, J~ gr. ditionN!. fcneed. S2J.500. deck OYerl~kg Iresh 1v~11"r <}-1 :10'l:.: Fei'nhealh Ln CM, l~k~ k pnvat.e d?Ck· Sale """"~~~~'!""."'.'""''"'I ~~i:;..:::,.10 fish~ng & ~~1ng 1n a rural ACTION ,.-__ _ sc111ng : within ¥~ mi. qf . .• BR, 2 B/j, HALECREST. Ba.ck Bay. Loan can be as- Ass11n1r ·II ~'· GI or no dn sun1ed & owner w/ htlp Tha1's 1vhat 01vner 11an!s lo vc1s. Lo11• dn I"~lA . finance. $52.500. 646-35-13 :: BR 2 balh .~~3,S,\:J. OwncJ'/a~L £vcsl '"""""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Ne1vpo1·t Heights .... S27,500 5•!fi-780.i 2 Units-$23,000 " ~~VIDSO~ Re~lty $20,SOO. JOo/o Down-Close to Beach & Channel .Yi6-~0 ___ .l:.\'C~._::i.:S-85S4_1Ne1v 2 bdrn1 house~. bll-ins.·. _ _ ~ Live in one & Rent one 4 Bedrm. -$136 a month crpts, landscaped. 881 • 885 2 baths. Tiled entry hall. \\'!"s t. Willkln. 548-8642 ~0 El~1 ri~ built-in kitchl'n. Red f'OR salr home + rental M.l'L brick fireplace. CovE'red & inl'Ome $32,500 Open Hou~ It ...., C'nrlosed patio. tlS.500. 540-Sat & 'sun 1·5· 1761 Tustin E A t T Y 1720 Ave., 0.1. 548-62S2 Rltr. Nl'ar NB Post Ore. &16-241 4' TARBELL" 2~5S_Harbo~ TRI-PLE.'\'. Nr College Park.I;::::::::======= BUILDERS ATTENTION! 2 BR each. kit bltins,. encl FEE corner 101, Ix-st loca- Choi<.'l' 3.Y Jot at 118 3jth gar's, income S340 mo. lion, S28.000 SL. N.B. Plans & <'lClraS $32.500. Owner 642-9192 incl. H desired. Subordinate 5 BR Near Cathor school :: BR & l<un r111 1r/POOL. parl., Ba~: iI sol~ al Tak~ over 5~ ~~cash 1~ Lo\'ely fan1ily 1 hon~f'_. near ont"C. 673-.JGR, ., loan. will consider lnd. ~·hool!I-~~ \\('stchff Shop. $19-900--:-NEAR BEACH 549-210.1 . ping. Sa~,500 • . \\',\LKER RLTi' 67;1-5200 3 bi~ bedroon1s. :.? pulln1a n SALE or lease, East Side 3 \'l::~:=i===~==~ baths, elegant fireplace in Large 5\' 'ii loan. $26.sOO. Ii largr-!iYing roon1. Built-in bJrm, 1~ ba. Xlnt Joe. SCOOP !! rwigc S.: oven. Used brick 203 Susannah. ~1059 The prime 5 unit aparllnenl 1iatio, Exccllr-nt arr.a. BY O\VNER. 4 BR 1~ BA on I.he entire peninsula. TARBELL 84&-0604 5*S1i GI l~n . $99,950 -1vorth every pen- fu0RPLEX * 642-0070 • ny of it, \Viii trade 1or1n. T1vo bcdrooni coch unit, dustriaJ. Exclusive with builtin kitchen, \\'.w. carpel, Newport Beach Reilly drapes. patio. assume ex· Mesa Del Mar 1105 6T>1642 Isling financing, 1Yalk lo ;1NE;:;M d I M · - major ~~1~~11ing. S37.500. honie. \Yith e,:a BR.e 1~ ::. LIBRARY 0~ OEN? Brkr. &lw-!l.lOJ;, lge liv. rm., fam. rm. + Back Bay view. La:i:c Ptrfect for family. S27,950 lol, room for ~t k trailer Agent. 6T:i-4070 Very Be!!! location. 64&-4414 VA Repossession Evt•1yonr qualifies -S9j() rlo1l'n. ii bedroon1s. C A l. L 3 BR, 2 BA. OPEN HOUSE 5-10-1151 (open eves) Heritage Ne1vly derorat«:I. Lo down Real Estate. $25.950 owner. :.15--1740 Costa Mesa 1100 Mesa Verde · 1110 1ltlt• 11to1 Est•tt lovely lido Sands STSIDE * CUSTOM HOME * Huge Jiv. rrn, frplc, 3 lxlrm. EA • By ovmer, large 4 lxlrm, 2 ba bit-ins w/w cpts dbl LARGE LOT• (convert. den), 2~~ ba, gar 0Sa.fe lli.op pool p·~rks $19•950 across st from Mesa Verd~ walk l btk 10 beach. S26.o00 golf course. Many cwitom by owner 642-4927 Closr to Nc-...'port Heights. bit-in~. priced below mar-----·------ Charming :.? bedroom and ket. I...arge lot • room for den Fully carpeted service pool. Call owner 545-5459. DOVER . ".ILLAGE 2 s tor,y · · · 1 , Condom1n1um S29.500. Own J>Ol'Ch. Qu1et cul de sac strec MESA Verde Pare11ettf'r ; 1· I od Ad It $1~ · I 'th · 'f'd . xi· Hug 1 1 a . u s. "" 1110 inc w1 '?1an1cu1 ya1 s. e eve , 4 BR<' lge paneled taxes. 2 bdrs 21~ ba be 1 lot 1v1th access lo r boa!. den: scp. dining area. Quiet lio land ,' i dbl a.u · lrailer. or v.·ha! have you~ street. Yd. fully tncd . & pa 1 ' M ."1ap 0 125g, ,.,. gar, N t" ~ ·'-i O"I>· .._ . poo . 1 a1n . . v,vncr 1 e11·_ on •ie mrur1~·. .....,auhful!y ~ lncl!'!Cpd. By Bkr. 64&-19-IR $19.950. owner. S36.4:JO. 54~ -• WE SELL A HOME "121 So. c.,.11a Cow-t TAX SHELTER EVERY 31 MINUTES CORNER kit, 2-story, 4 BR Duplex • I BR _fur~, 1 blk W lk & L 21,li BA, den, din rm, fncd ocean " bay, S3500 tn('. (~-8 er ee pool play yd, nr Cntry Club, Pr 60% tax deduc) Ternf1c many extra&. Avail July value at $3L500. 642-1272 2!H.'J \\lestcliU Dr . $48,SOO. Ownr. 545-8S1g Ownr-Bkr. l :&J6.:;::~7ll~Jiiiiiiiii~Ope~~o~Ev~•~•~·18ir-,Q\i'Ni;jl,-,.,;;-y;;;;,'~~~~~~--~-c d I M BY OWNER: Mesa Verde BACK BAY ~tom 4 Bdr, 3 orona e ar COIY Pacesetter. 3 Br. k tam. Ba, firm. din. fr p I e . Cuttom Ou11ity Home 61.4,,_ loan. S30,500. OWner/ Modem 2200 sit S40,750. Parklike s<"Ulng, you 011'n 1he CORNER brier. Owner/eves. 646-1M2 land. 3 BR. huge ~ame room COTIAGE 2043 Calvert Ave 546..lml 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 slef'I kiL, 2 FA htr~. 2 1 ~ ba, insulaled. Good value at r.G.500. 334 Dcln1ar tU nivcn;ity Dr) 642·1272 (horner-81ukrr Eastbl uff 1242 EASTBLUFF Con· don1iruun1~. 'l ~idc by ··td<'. 2'200 sq. !t. ca. :I BP. & dl'n. 'l BP.. & tlf'n. i::xcra deluxe condition w/ choice location ,-;, view. ~>l,000 I. $67,500. SIKJ\\·n by appl. Mark Les Rllr. C.f.t. lnvestn1enl Co. 54R-7711 Corona del Mar 12l0 OWNER WILL FINANCE :! story 2 ER homr. Hit: Cororlll Bcnrh. s1:1,000 * * * * JUST LISTED 6 Units, 9 yca l'S old, 3 block!'! 10 beach, \Yalking distance 10 all i;hops and stores. ln- conll" $1040 month. ALSO 2 Separatl' houses on 1111e lot. 3 years old. 3 Bedrm, 21£ bath each. Car~~ drapt>i; and bltins. $64.500 -e;~~t. 332 ?>targucrite. Cd~! 673-8550 LlJSK-1-IARBOR VIE\V lilU.S 4 hd rn1s, 211 ba. ocean view, prof landscaped. 3-car gar, 1nany ex1ras, ~ mo old. 6.6',; Joan, pn n o n I y • S59.000. 3807 Topside Ln. 644--2521 BY 01vncr: 3 BR .. den, .1 ~~ ba·s .. lgio. view lot; avail, July 1. $42.TaO. 520 DeAnza, Corona Highlands. 962-250'1 (Call for appointmenll 1113 ACACIA AVE 2 Stoey Colonial. 3 BR, 2 BA. Fenet><I yn:l, fruit !rt"C8S. Nr park. 0\VN E:R * 673-92'11 INVESY'OR'S ~PECIAL 2 gOOd hscs on dbl lot S. ol Hwy. Owner. SSS ,5 00 . 67J.-4169 VIE\V • pool, SJJacious 2 BR home, 'IO' living rm, lg master suill'. Owner 644- 2244 SHORECLIFFS. eozy l BR 2 baths. Fee 11irnple. Under S50,000. By owner 67:h1681 B1lbol Peninsul• 1300 \\'/frplr. A rnrc hnd at PRIVACY + landgca , + Balboa Cuves. S60 .0 00 . S69.!'l(XJ. lle1't''s a bright livable home 3 BR + d + f pg + Prefer trade jor acreage or LOVE NEST Don V. Franklin, Rltr. with room to add units. agsume FnZ" at Sl;,m mo. will consider other. MS-77n Ideal spot for honeymoo~ni ; J2:-i0 E. Coai'i1 1111')'. r1t:\I Close to 17th street shop-IPITil. Equa111 value al AfOBILE Home, Bay Front cu1e and quiet. 3 bedroon1, l • .., ... ,,,.::":':'73~-m:::'':"'-""''" i ping. Three ~roo~i~. two $26,500. 54G-4722 on the Peninsula. $19.500. th balh dollhouse near t nd ba!hs. Lot 90 x J.IO . Try 61!>-3808 or 675 ,..,,.,. · I · a SHARP! $35.!XX!. REPUBLIC honie, 8 mos old, ~D;> or pcnn1.11u a point "'nP.r 3 BR 2 h111h Condo. adull S£'<!-BURR WHITE , Rltr. 2 story,,~ BR. 3 BA, fam New Duplex, 301 32nd SL anxious. $38.Z'il. lion in Montlcello. Elct·tric 2901 Nt•i\·pnr1 Blvd .. N.B. l'ffit tttreat nn. 3 car gar. tasfetully dee. \v/w crpLo; BURR WHITE , Rltr. garage door & many more 675--4630 Eves 67a..oe,59 $42,000. By owner, 540-4~ $53,000. By owner. 54&-0272 2901 N~wport Blvd .. N.B. !'Xtr'J~. 0-.vntr ntovln: 1o -::::;::::;::::::1BY OWNER 3 BR, 2 BA, ?tfODEL Home, 3 BR +den, 67s..t630 Eves 67~5122 r,orlda _ \\'1u1!5 qull'k AAIE'. iii Superb cond! Carpeted, new prof. lndsc:pd. 6~% m~. CALI~ GLEN QUEEN Open Sat & Sun 1 to 5 tile. S27,000. Assume Gs.ti Pool/tennls ct1. 83.l--0319 e POINT e s.IO-IJ5t Copen f'vt'Sl Heri-4-16 Esthrr SI. VA. S27G Dakota, 541)..8849 Large J ~m. 2 btith Ul£e Real Esl11le Sr<' thi~ pool. & 3 BR home! ATT'R. 3 Br. 2 Ba ,\ ta Newport Shor" 1220 home on 114 loll. Plenty of h ·' D I A nice, qu1l't ~lrect. £:..Z · m. --·~-------sunny PAHo & landscaped Furnis eu up ex terms 1\·ilh 1011,· i"'"'"'!ll loAn rm. $%>.900. AS!IWl1e 5%~ &: 4 BR 2% BA. Nr beach. fenced ,yard. Nice open noor Newport l1land $26.!M. ~wnery~WA take!.46-~lO· 3246 dub boust, pooh. Juat plan. s~clow. muter bed- 1 Br unlt5. BI gas k!ls, FA ew ve. redec. Ptrf. cond. S!n!tt room It bath. Paoolled fam- hl>AI. Ju111t rcdec. lfl XI.NT 9f® L 3 BR, 1~ BA. Jam nn, to strttt. $32,500. 642-m lly room ""/big flreplaCf'. oond. SJ!l.500. Have loo.n -d""C. tlec blUr., oov patio. nice Como JiCe this v.-'t!ek-enc.H ronimllmt:nl, t 1 A L T T .andscp. SlS.600. 540-2291 81yc,._st 1223 174.1 !-;, Oc.'t"an BIVd. 673-5972 RALPll P. Ml\~KEY. Rllr, BY °"'flf':r 2 Hr. 1\4 baths. fii.\.0000 Near NB Po!il Ole, 5'16-2-114 Collea. P•rk 1115 S BEDROOM --2 lOO ·~ 31,2 BATHS _ POOL I~. P,'\llo; rm . to ad<I on 4 BEDROOM. $2 ~ e OPEN HOUSE e 61,ytn'sl, Ivan WellA bull!, 40XJOO lol. BalbQa Point Nothtng equal ~I lhl.I pli('('. THREf. TWO -TWO 12 lo 4, Sal. i sun, Del Pbo entry, lgt llv nn loaitkin. 613-4077 tsol.lt t.td l't'&r Jlvil)Q room. 2569 Oxford l.Ane; 3 BR., 1" w/frple, formal din rm. I-========= Brick pa.1lo wllh Ras fln>d ba I ~1 N •--t k 1 h Lido Isle 1351 Al l-"11·-l"p'··· nn q•·lel ., am. nn., .. ., • ew uun nn, ,. I ( c n l-------BBQ Dream kitchen v.-•lth ... ""'id~" .-. ~....... "..J b II ·1 •-lTlfl r,l)i'l{S "street . ........,... mco'" w/w cpta, drp1: lovely w/tabl. atta. util rm. 2 car u t-nJI. ;mr -all ruled Only.$~000 pi:illo & garden. ~t. .-ar. taragt. custom drps &: TARBELL 2955 H•rbor BURR WHITE, ·Rlir, ""'""'~!ti' n<A. To o crpbl. owner. 642-• DIAL di.reel 642-~71. chargf' I 2001 Nr\\ pnrt 81\'d N B lhllpe. $24.flOO. DIAL dtreet 60·5678, Otar1:• your ad. 1hen F.lf"Oicl( and 1675-4630 £vu 6'.u.2i.sJ OWNE!t G4G-S566 your ad, then aft back aad lhJ:M to lh<' honci r1111f -· CltARGE )'OUr 'want ad now. lilfm ·w tbe ~'-rlnZ~ ,.., ' 80' BAYFRONT. f"fnei1t bch Ii loc on l.klo. WiU &ell «I' or ~~ J.6 nnita. ldf!l\I lor H0f.1t; Ir JN00t.1E. Drl\·11 by :m Via Lido Nun"!, Ulf!J1 eall 6'3-0.)0.1 or 67>-.'243 Need Everything? Like an immaculate 3 BR, 31,~ ba honie, 2 [rplc,<;., d in/ rm + Cam n11, ST IST Jot. Only $59,500. Walker R!1y 675-2676 LIDO }!1IE', Via Orvit'to, ;, bd1'n1sL3 ba, fm rn1, clin rn1, li.:c patio, sep. n1aid's rn1, b!t·ins. 673-0482 for appt. BY OWNER 2 Br. I b:.1 , fq)lc, b11ns, Best Lido 714/67}.j()i.~ pl~·tu1 ,i;, hi!. buy S 1'1.~.00. Balbo1 Island *LOOK* DRIVE BY: 310 Ruby Brand nr1l·, lll'<tr ha~. $1 l'ik· ing :.I story 11\' m 1. lush C'ptg. Swcchsh frplr, 3 Bd1111, 2 bath hOilll'. 316 Ruby Channing large Jiv n11 \vi1h bcan1rd cri\in~. hcau! frpl r, pun drn + family rm. sc- elurled p<11 io. ExceUcm c-ond . .Jusl steps 10 bay and sandy beach. 605 No. Bayfront • Expansive -use of glas~ in th is n1odern home v.·/ beau1i. [ul view, on Bay. 2 story, 4 B<iMTI, 2 ha, ricn, -1-lovely 111!'0/llP apl, THEN C.\LI.. . SALISBURY . R.EAJ.1'V 673-6900 31;, ~larin<' Avf'., Halboa Is. Huntington Beach 1400 *Anxious Owner! Elegant \Vestment \vith Bon1lili _J'O()m, custom hit. ins, Jovf'ly draperies, car- pe!ing. FHA temui or V'A, See & makl' offer. Eves. 897.4191 *Beach ~oy's Bargain! Vl'r)' sma11 beach orien. tcd 2 Bil with beamed ceil· ing & custom finished lhrouglKJut -Ony S21.500. Tl"1ms. EYes. a46-132'l Pacific Shores Realty Huntington Beach 847-1586 l ike-A Private-Park Esactly One Block il'Offi roaring surf. This cozy 1:01· l<1g<' ls surrounded by lu.~h tropical brush and a huge forest of trees. Let us show you !he fabulou.s tea gar- den, PricOO in Huntington Beach at S20.000. R..2 Zoning. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 8·124455 or 540-5140 Open Eves. -~O~PENHOUSE Sunday 12 to ;, ~1 R E.'CEctrrIVE W/POOL :!:.lxlS h.f. pool. 6000 ~. ft . of garden living. 1 \a_rgf' brdmom.~ plu~ tam. ily room . 20282 ADRIAN, H.B. so. nf Ad•uns, \V. of Bu!lbard REAL ESTATE BY McVAY 545-0451 ~S~h.~k-.-.ROOF;-Rl~.-,~tt~.- very clean 3 BR & df'n, 2 baths, gleaming hardwood nool's, large yard with 2 patio!!. A.S$Un1' lilA IOln - total pyn1nt!I Sl-40/mo. Pric. ed to 11ell al S23.5IJ'I. MUTUAL REAL TY 81%·1411! nnytlmc formal Dining Room VACANT. 5*% LOAN OOIH.! lo Stach Lovely 3 BR 2\t ba1h~. HAFFDAL REAL TY 8140 Warntr, FV 842-4.1(& OAJL.Y PIUJT W~T ADS~ BA.l'NG RESULTS! Our 24th Year . Crowded!? fry Tiiis!! $24,500 4Blls-1 batht--wllh L8x 18 st'parate family room, has s"·edillh fireplace, bean1 t.~iling, lC'l'l'lfic !or the kid5 10 romp In. Carpeted thruout n'tOSI roo1ns-nicr kitchen 11d1h gas built-in ovrn l: range. Spotles.>1 condition. Large cornei: lot-room for trailer. VA NO DOWN PY~INT-rHA n1inin1um du\\'n. Call now for sho11·· ~· 546-5410 -1-. A YA Repo11HSlott Sold As Is $22,000 A 1-cal Iixel' upper. Needs SO{l;1e {l!tint and<de1U1 up, '3 '"blirni. t~, ba'tti, hardwood !loons, firep)ace bulJl-in ki t chen, tlish11·uhe1·. disPoSal, ~·A heat, lar;c ~ar. liG;h1<'d yard and patiO. ChoiN' llalr~·1'i'sl location: OK for 1101)-Vl"t or Ver Io purchai;e on V 1\ 1e1'Tl1fi. Full priC't" is $'.?2.000. YOU ~!UST ACT F'AST! !P.\V.C. ii' a VA Sa.Ir!! Broker I 546-5440 5 l~drooms-3 laths Beautiful Tri -I e v r I Republic Home. Funr- ticinal floor plan hll!l Ocl Pjs() tile entry, lovrty 27' li\•Wg roon1, fireplace, 11 /1v carpels & drnpes. outstanding kitchen with 1:as built-in!!. Scparn!c dinini;: roo1n, too. Shake roof. \Veil landscapf"d. Pri1..'f' S 39,750 -EZ tern1s. 5'16-5-i40 larqain Huftters This :\ BR. & (amily room home in Mesa Vercle is loday'!I best buy. t'unctinn1d floor pl11n ha!I I\ bntlL~. all electric built-in uven & range, nict' ~Cl"\•i<.'f' 11 o r c h , ri}aeiou~ living' ·r 0 0 4n ' 1vlw carpclii & drapes, rcn<.'t'!d rear yard. Good LocaUQl\ • near • sbciptli"i' ocnler. ONLY $25.950 - I VA or FHA terms. 54&54.W l + Fomlly Room Mna Dtl Mar . QuitE' dlfletenl Is !hi!'! qualily \\'ell maintained hon1c. E.-.terior &. interior appointmcnls .spe&,k or comfort, ease. 6. dignity. 14 .. ~ths. 11~a.ti •h.Qr ·tr, lovely !~land kitcfien with a.It bit-in!'!, 11hining H/\V floors, fenced yard. room for boat or trailer. Priced at S7'/',9j() -Call for gho1v- ing. 546--544fl Results thru Se"ice Lor1e loom& Trffl • TrHI • Trffl f J+-lly+2 laths Old S<•llhtrn charm ,,.,. I This. neat shiny homt-In this trtt ah ad e d 1 has what every buyer i'f'Otlntll-~ attractive' ' ""anl&. Con\'enient loca· , Hon-traffic free Jiving 1700 8Q rt, l BR adult oe> 1 roon1-fireplace-likt'-new l.'Upied home In a good 11'1"'' carpets & drapes-location. Separate fonnal ,, lo\·t'ly kitcht-n \II i I h dinin& roon1 with slidini' I bu i l t -in oven &:.• ' • t range-bn:a.k.fast b a r -; glass doon opefWW' OA sliding glass doors open to patio It lovely land.:aped U pal~ v;eU lllJldsca.ped. yard. P.IILllter BR bu owft ·on1y 1S26.~. EZ 'er:ns--bat.h. Spacious I i v 1 n c I. Hurry. 5i&-~O room, fireplace, w I w , ... carpels &i: drapes, newly .t d ecorat,e d intel'ior. Steps To Tiie Ocem Sprinklers tront .I: rear. ) Asking only Sll.950. irood.l / terms l down. ~ 1> Owner a1t-.lous to 111ove 1his 4 BR -2-slory ~·rench Nonnandie home. 4 1~ )'l'!l. young, 23 ft. lil'- ln:;: rooin 11•ith n1arble /1re11laCt' S.: hearth, scparatl' fonnal dining t~Kln1, tlelu~ kitchen 11•ilh hit-ins & large breakfast area, 4 large BORS. with loads of closets, 3 baths, 11'/\\' cpts &c drapes. A!k- ln;: S.t.11 ,950 EZ \C'rn1s. 546-M40 Executive MansiOft of other · homes i n beautiful \VestcliU. -4 large BDRMS -2 full baths &. %, bath DUlstanding kilchtn. all bit-ins -D/W -tiled ~plash -separate servict> rnon1 -separate formal dinlnf; room • cxpensivl' w/w cpts and d\'apes. Price -S:il,950 546--5440 · Sweetheart Speclol .tus1 listed -Vacant - TPrrific 4 Br. & Family Rm. home, over 1790 sq, ' '°'"Jiit -M ... Sal • Charmini: 3 BDR A: Jo'arnily Rooi;rt home in i\lesa Del l\1ar. Ideal loca· lion near all schools and St. John's Parish. Hu w/w cpl. 1 yr. old - Built-in oven and raiwe ... D/\V loo. t battis • se r v i c e por e-ti .~prinklers. PRICED ON-' L Y S26 .!1 50 10 C,~· down . St6-M40 Ao Addr ... of DlstlwctlOll <l. in Ne1vJX1rt Beach -Solid 3 BR home, hardwood r floors -2 batM -lovely I' spacious living room, haa 1 fireplace -Wf\Y ept!I & drapes -step -s av e r kitchen -~rvioe porch -• ' II"~ yard plus covered patio. Low price a t ,,1 $28.500 ~ T•r Stletter ' I 4 -T1vo bedroom triplexes ·I that 011'TW:r must sell 1 quickly. 11~ ba1M each • 1 cpl~. & drapes -1 ~a rage!. North Coi;l& •1 f.1tsa location. PRICE •I $33,9l0 EACH. C&ll tor particular~. 546-5440 l ft . -interior has bttn t·o1np!etely repainled, 11ualily ny\011 v.'/w cpts. - large Jiving room, slidinr doors opc:n out to patio. garcl!ft 'ltffdf!n 11.·ith elec- tric bit-in f ft:leve! range &: double oven, dishvrasher. l e p a r a I~ n1astcr suite With OY.'n bath, pullmafi top o\·aJ ba!'!ins. Fine location -Thou911tfulfy DHl~'4 Priced at SJ(),750 -Call Thi!! wiw;ual 3 BR At; now! ~6-5440='--"""'e Eamily .Rooni.bOmtL.: l ll-1 ¥.lath $15,500 Inspect this cute bo1ne In a convenient area · near schools & sbopping. 5 yrs. yoong • all electric blt·in o~-& ~·ample clos- elt,...~ alr ... t -good quality w/w cpts. &. drap- es . fenced yard. Ca 11 no11•! $15,500. 546-5440 in Costa Mesa Is so warm -friendly and lnfonnal. A i t large tralli.c free livin& .. '" room with quality w/Vt ,, 1 cpt!I & drapes a n d fireplace. Wife \viii low '! this bright kitchen with··~ bit-ins -1 % baths --stall ~· shoy,·er • many extra·, ft atures -Only $30.950 -: Call for showing. 5'&-0440 CONDOMINIUMS 1 Delu1e 3 BR -2\~ bath home - near ocean ln lovely Lido Park' -Be!li loc8.tion q!Jiel area yet close to 'ihe beach -tdtal r.a!Jy liv- ing fnr active people, lop quality w/w carpel!'! in large spacious livllll' room. Fireplacl", bit in kilch!"n-Private patio !hat Clp(!m lo pool -See this for s ure at onJ)' S29.500 fl.~40 High FHA loo• can be assumed at 6% - elCtra nice 3 BR - 3 balh In conv locaUon complete bit in kitchen -loads of closet spa.ce -large fenc- rd palio -...·anna sell -Now only S22,000 $145.00 month include1; all 546-5440 No Toni W0<k Laugh &: 1pluh & pl~ tn lovely pool &: ~eation hall- with no upkeep. Fine• . .1 BR horn~ in cboice'" location near all schools a: tJ, shopping. 1% baths, . sparkling kilchen with bit 1 '. in oven. range a:f' dish\\1llher loo. Beautilul like ne1v shag w I w - carpets. Also drapel. 2!' car garag'e. Patio. Only Sl9,9a> -EZ termg -call for showing 546--MIO * We have 21 Condomlnlilms to show you NOW! * Ol'IN HOUSE ••• 21 JI AS11W PLACE Drop by Sunday betw@en 12:30 '-5:30 and inspect at your leisure a truly wonderful 3 BR home 9hu1 .den and family room -Over 2000 aquant feet -2% batha -Beautllul Uvlng room -Palos Verde stone fl~place -Large bedroom" -Lots or clolet apace -Heated pool -Ideal home for entertaining. See this for sure.! , .. DirecUon!I : SRnttt AM Av~ to Li iac, V.'l"llt l blk. to Aster Place-In Enstridl?<' E!ita lrs. A" ~~ent $12,500 Fil .. 1 .. A llUll'l (lid 1 Bft ~mr on • n~ R-2 lot In e:iccellen )f'MCIJ are•. Owner relirlng. Prlttd • tot llfll, Lew down paymt>n1 wlll handle. l-+HNta4Pool JUST LISTED -In Mesa Verde. Otvncr trunsfcl'rcd and wants a quick 111Jt>. NPwly painted Interior. all eJec> trlc built-In kitchen with dishwasher, 1 "-baths -1tall ahower. 14x20' Jlv. ing room with ti.replace. Low m&ln- ~ance )'&l"d, Terrltie cuat.om pool with· automatic sweeptt. Price o~ 128.500. Exoellent nnanc:1n1. 548-MfO * * WE'RE EXPANDING * * Have 2 openings for sales personnel, men or women, with a 24 year old company • 2 openings now • Complete training program, (class room· on lhe job). Profit sharing. Bonus-medical IMurance! CaU for confidential in terview. 546-MtO PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN Ile.it• Ce. 1093 IAKER mm. COSTA MESA ' ------~~~~-~~~~~-~~-~-~~~--------~~----~--~---~-~-------------------- I ~ 1 lo°AJlY PILOT S.t~, April 12. 1%9 SIS l'OR SALE H()\)SES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE iC11~; ...... ch 1400 -a..c:t. :400 L1pn1 leach 1705 • DlCU1M HOME Oii 1M£ WAlER TOP ot war.Id; 4 Br. 2 Ba., l&mlly room. SmAJI down. ExoelU:9t vtJ.ue ._t $ll.!M. Mmt 18ell. 49'1'·16d $35,CO> DUPLEX, 2 and 1 BR. view, jusl remodeled, pvt. wild kltcbent! ot-8748 FANTASTIC 6\lt% -30 yr loan avalloble. MagnllicenUy decorated. Luscious new honey color w/w carpetin(, new wall paper, your personal 40' BOAT SLIP off the patio. 3 lari:e bedrms. 3 baths, over 2000 sq ft, mod· "ern all electric kitchen with new bronze kit· Condominium 1 chen carpeting, formal dining rm with exqui· 1950 1ite crystal chandelier, huge family rm & \VATERF'RONT Beaut viii!"" : Jiving rm "'ilh wet bar & beautiful view o! 2 bdr 2 btl., pool, ooat slip, the bay. t")i11 price $88.500. CdM """""' 67$-"ml ~·· OPEN HOU_SE SAT/SQN tt,l . iENTALS ~IBECTIONS : Paeille Coast Hwy lO ;t.dm1ralty. Hou-Furnl•hed RENTALS RENTALS Apf1. Unlumlthtd Hou-Unfurnlohod AptL Furnltlot4 -eNTALS RENTALS Aots. UnlVml---..;..;.;.:;.;;.._ __ _ Newport llooch 3200 Colla Moot 4100 Corti MeM 5100 Huntington Bolch 5400 S BR. 3 BA: " aQ"f?, Ablol.utr S(t ~ula,t1n " ~ view al hills. KIO mo on leue 64$.bM or 6'6-1550 2 BR Clean. Cpll, Dr'pl, Din ~,;! .:i: ""'· Jt>5. EXCLUSIVE l BR 1" ba, blt·ln ~ SUO mo. Incl util. • even. With ,.,..._ ma. ON• THE-BEACH '~ Bednoom 2 & 3 Bodroom AptL NE\\1 house for tent Har1>or Wells.McC.1rdl9, Rltrs.. Luury livif1l: to plnae thr View homes. 007 Port Newport le•ch 4200 I 1810 Newport Blvd .. CJcl. 1llOlit dlscrlmlnatq:. h09' Charles, 3 BR, fain, 2 BA.\---'-------_;. i M&-77'29 ~. •vailllblc al f.:' 67~ ""'' L • 0 ' d stNcLE y,.,,. Adu1~ 1.w<. ""'""'""'"""'""'""'"'"'.'The Huntingl~n TO\\'NllOUSE 3 Br., 21.;- b.'l. W/W cpts, drpi;, fp.I. Jo,oc'tl paUo: elec. bltns. 2 CIU' gar, pool. $275. &12-7219 W'Y ,..,..,., ''" with '°""" * Villa Pomona try club alm0&phere a n d comp!et~privacy. SOUTJJ BAY CLU APTS. Irvine at 16th Ne Beach. 1714) 645--0550 Pacific GB * * * * * * tii1ji N. across the bridge to 3301 m H.B. (714) 172-9530 Rent1l1 to Shar• 2005 Coron1 del Mir 3250 STEPS To beach; mod. 2 Br., {pl., beam ccil 's, all bltns; adlts; yrl,y. lease m . 642-3400 Costa to.ft:aa'1 ntv.'"t & most luxurious apta 1>0\V renung Uf.lur. I &r 2 BRs. Adlllts oQ)y No ~II. 1100 Po1nona A'le. jWll south of 18th St. NEWL'Y 711 Ocea.11 Ave .. JI.fl <n4J 5J6.1487 Wh•ddyt W•nt? Whoddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Speciail Rite 5 Llnt1 -5 tlmn -5 bucka ltULES -AO MUST IHCLUDe ••·MORTGAGE SERVICING ASSOCIATES l~!.'J'~!!!!~~~"!!~~":"~~~!!"!:~~~!!!~~i ROO~tMATE service, male I or female. Ettide:nl I: M~tington Beacti 1400 Laguna kach 1705 qualilled. 33>21DO _ \VORlGNG pt to share lovc- 4 BEDROOMS l,y apt. w/aame: Newp't. 3 bltM, 1704 sq rt kitchtnl ~ Beach. 66-0.184 : 642-5ri06 fa mily roon1 •'Ombination, Costa Mesa 2100 bUUt·iO 1"3Jli:e, O\'l'M, dist> "'uht'r, Sl?rvlce porch, ta~ $190. 3 BR.. lncd yard, uli.l &. ron lp . IM~ room "'ilh fl""' gardener pd. Avail I.ii July ~. sliding cla.u doors to !... 6, 71n Rural Pl. 67!>-4092 aft patio. Large v.'U'drobt. '!"i 5 pm. or all day Sal or Sun. Room for pool. Carpets & dntpes, landscapinr, curved driV'e"'&)', double &arage, s.lfingle roof. S3000 below rt!l!trel • $77,900 tull pri~. UNTIED SANDY ANKLES 2 BR, ..... patio. '"'"· Cari br yours tc wash when Tropical setting for adllli:. 1 you arri~ honie from a day Blk shops. $175, 5'4--4780 in the sun and surf. Truly a 7 BR furn Condominium, remarkable home situated pool &r recreational priv. jltflj l 1r. blocks from famed Adults. Call 646-3265 \YOOO'S COVE. Newport Bolch 2200 En1cr double carved doors f .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;; 10 11 ~lass e_ru:-losed entry a_nd SUMMER RENTAL spacious llv1ng rooin with panelled v.·alls of simulated Summer . and year round v.·orm infested \\'ood. An ov. reservahons belng taken. t>rsizM dining rooo1 is the PROPERTIES WEST rentral hub of !his uniqlK' IOZB Bayside Dr. 675-4130 C}.MEO Shom-Prlv ~ach. beaut ocean view. 3 BR " iarn nn. Avail May 7. $500 mo. inc prd, NO PETS. Bkr. 673-2221 SPACIOUS-"·/view 2 BR duplex, te-<lec, c-pts, dpa, ran£C', retrig, fpl. gar, patio Adults. no peu. Leas(' $210. 673-4989 2 BR., cpts. drps. trpl, D/\Y, No pets. n95 I.Ml. ulil. 703 Jasmirr. 6'J3..5109 3 BR, 7 ba, c;pts/drps, i;tove -ttfrig. Lse. $m mo. 673-2222 Bia. Huntington BNch 3400 WATERFRONT custom 3 Br. 3 Ba. Lag, Fam. Rm., dock. Lease/option $600 Mo. 592-5998 3 BR. 2 Ba., bltru;, drps. fenced yd. Nr. slatt!I. 2 Children ok. $175. 962--4391 f'V{'!I~ AtODERN I-Br.: 11riv. palio, carpor1; adults, no pels. $100. 3l20 Avon St. 673--6006 Newport Hgts. 42t0 DUPLE.\'. Apt., 1 br., furn. WIW cplg., drapci;: disposal, tile: cll'an. Adults. No pel!i. Y.'orking woman pref. 308 Caralina Dr . ~7165 .. Coron• d•f Mar 42SO $145 SPAC. sgle., rrplc. Privacy: S. ol Hwy. No pets. Business man. 6754859 Balbo• 4300 ==-----CLEAN Bacht'\Qr Apts. All ulil incl S75 up 3\5 E. Balboa Blvd. DECORATED Large 2 BR w/aa.n.ge Stu. Disposal. cardencr & v.·a.ter Paid. Near school. BRAND NE\V 2 & l BR tron1 $150/mo. Cpts/drp.s, dishwasher. Nr Be a c h , 847-3957 t-w.,.t '°" ,,...,.. to tn«. 1-WMt 'IOU .. "' i.. , .... I-YOUR l>llOtlt 11141 ... '°°""'' T -~ n1111o °' .Ov•rlhli\9. ~THING F<lll SALi! -TRADES DMLYI PHONE 642.S671 To Plac• Your Tt•der's P1r1dise .Ad 2176 Placentia Ave., Apt. B • 636-4120 • -"THE GABLES"- 2 BR. I ~, ha. wl pri\'. gar. Adlts: rp1s, drps, bltns, priv. patios $140. 2439 Orani:t-Al't'. • 636-4120 • ---- L11gun11 Beach ~ 17 Jo't. outboard for station 100 CLIFF DRIVE wngon or auto or equal ''&l- LU>r.-URY .~uRN/UNFt.:H.i'll ue. Phone 64-4-4687 Yearly Lt:a.se. I It 7 Bdrms \\111 trade La.kc Arrow Head steps to ShO~ "= Shops A-Frame cottage \1·ith lake Oceanview from every Apl priviledges, $22.IXXI. !QUity from SlSO mo up. lease for beach. area pro~rty. 6ttZ"1'6f· 1213) 79tt--64fi1. Split -level2-B~l\3 ba; Upprr 7 Br. 1 ~· cpls, 1 BR. duplex: 1'1l'11• cpts .. Oceanfront duple". 4 and 2 drps. 288.i ~!er.doz.a. 545-5421 ilrps, pain!. l blk. 10 heh. bedroon1s, S71.000 equity. 214 Fairview St. Dll.yi;: \\Ian! view lols in La.guna l BR grdn apl. fpl, cpts, 494-Sl.88; evei It 1 532-5.283 Beach area. Balboa Bay drps, • bltru;, patio. pool.1:::::=;:=~~~~~;;/~P~ro~"'~'~lic='~-~6J3.~7~420~~~~ Adlts, no pets $121'.l • .546-5163 D an• Point 5740 llavc 5 bedroom Balboa 2 BR, tlf'Wly dee ,drps, W/w cpls, bit-Ins. adults. SlA"'. 2 BR 2 BA dlni Peninsula home. $79,500. ...., ' . "I: room. up-Wan1 3 bedroom price S.30-642-2550, t'Vf!s 541).€716 per ocean 1'1<'111 ap1, pool. SJS 000 N ' t o-h n 55 I Ano ""~~ , • ewpor ocac Villa Fino Apts. 3 BR. =='-'-s.e._ .. _0~_:_""" Rl'al t . 675'1642. Unf. Children Welcome Sl50 REAL ESTATE -~'-~~~~-~ 874 \\'. Center Apt. I G I lhnc small R-4 lot good enerai area. C.1ose·1n L.A. Value 1 BR. studio apt: 1'• ba, $18""" \\' t RI I t b< h Rent1ls Wanted 5990 ,UlllJ, an · o al' 17 Ft. fiber g\ru;s outboan:I and big whecl tilt trailer. \Vill trade for land.scaphJ&. PHONE &1~687 Trude for mcome units. Two ne11• :! BR house5, \Ve.stsidl' Costa lilcsa. Built·itl5. cat· pets, etc. ~ Trade '64 Olds 98, 2 dr, ITT lull p\\T, air l'Ond, nu tire8. xlnt l.'ond. for Ir.o iler, or acreage. 5J6.UJ1 Equities lotaling $651\1 in hfotel , T .. D. .,.. home for Custo1n home, income or '!' '!''!' OWNER. 5~1-2164 or 67l-59'l9 Olvorce forces a quick sale here, You can be a \\•inner -ti you hurry. 4 bedrooms. 2 halhs. family roon1, 5 years old. LSHW. A.sklfll: only $28,500. noor plan and fron1 lhis Fountaiin V•lley 3410 room, r .... .Q fully carpeted WATERFRONT lrg 1 deluxe 1------....:.-..C.......;. BALBOA 673-99'15 BACHELOR Apt. Ulit Jl<lld. S75 mo. El Mar li1otel, 310 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa l'ncl. gar. & patio; cp!:s, ::.:::;;::.::....:::::.:::::::.,__.:~~ area or hoa1 , approx equal drps & bltm. $140. Days: JBi\1 E>.eculil·r . .,.,.1fe & 7 value. &14-0255 e\'CS. 542-3524: eves 546-0089 '56 Ford, ~~ T, P·Up. Big 11·indo1•·, :90 eng . auto. J\tany !Xlraf'., lradc !or Corvertc or ':ii . '56 T-Bird. ;).l&l$S9 OPEN l-5 SA'I'. Ii SUN BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 Newport mvd., N.B, bedrooms make their entry. 3 Br. duplex. Channf'I near A nc\\•\y decorated kHchen orean, boat dock, lndry, and 5eparate maid's qUar-gar. Avail May-No.,·. 2 v.·k ters also lead to lhis C"entra.I min. 673-7861 or 673-1758 3 BR., den, fam'<lin. rm·.: bltins. S215/month. Lease. A\•ail. April 20. 839-166.J Huntington B••c:h 4400 &SIDE 1 br. frple. beam.~. patio. w/11• crpt. 1 adult no CONTEMPORARY living • J)l'l!I SU8 yr. 673-7629. resi:ionsible Hi-sch! students Have land in 800:\IING desire 7 mo lease on J, LAS VEGAS \\'ant Bayfront 4 or 5 BR. Z • or 3 Ba home or d~plcx with slip. home or apl. \\111! PNl'1de 121.J) 77J.5282 ~ Eves 642-2253 LIKE A VIEW? room . B•lbo1 Island 2355 Midwai y City I..:.;;-'--;_;.;.'---'-' Ptiv~lr m:.ister sw!t v.•ith 2 BR braut palio, avail now outside entry, k>ads of clo5-'Ill Jun 14th. i1a Crystal. <'I~. tv.'O ~ baths and 8 Little Island. $250 Mo. Call 3616 1 Bdrs. & Baehs. upstairs. 1-'=""'c::_=c.,::::c,:=:....- All nf'l'o'ly decorated plus * LRG 2 Br. Studio Apt. All ocean viev.•. from SlOO to elec. newly dee. Near OCC. $200. Summer or year round Sl40. 962.-5(00 local refs & post bond. To 9-5 S600 n10. Uni. or preferl~~~~..c..:....~---furn. &l4-4059 Trade Dix ofc. bldg 1n Gar. Only 125,950. Ltwely 2 bedroom plus S('p. erah! d~ room on 66xll2 )ot with excell<'nl view ol Hur11ing!on Beach. ASSUME Jo".ll.A. LOAN' $4900. Do11n REAL ESTATE BY McVAY S4S.0458 --,-o/,-,--v.A. LoA_N __ 3 ~room. \Yall to ll all car- pc'l.lrl£ throughout. Co\"f'red patio. AU electnc kitchen with built-in retri;el"lllltlr. Lots mott e11:tn.s and ~ full monthly paymen: IS onl)' $134. F.P. only $71.450. Stl~ mit down payment Pm-a~ Party. 962·7f2t or ~V. private readmg room rom-plrte \lrilh. upper section ot after 7 p.m. 1213) 691.stm 1h1s stately home One bed-27 , room kilch<'n a~ent in lnun• B•aich ~ ti.-~'"" ''"'· "'"'"'"""' SEA COAST VIEWS S{'p&ral<' from lhl> main hollk produces an ir'IC'Omc LG. CUSTOl\1 HOME suU1Clf'nt to carry $15.IXXI 4 BR. 5 ba, huge liv. nn. of the nl0l1gage. Frplcs. Spa rm. & sauna, pool Ible. $000 month parti· \\'ould )'OU IW to ha\·r s.a.nd ally furnished. 4S4465.1 on .)'OW' ankles alter a day RENTALS ill tlr sun. and for a cos! Houses Unfurnish•d ol c.n!y G.IXXI l'quivalent I--'-'------,;_ 3000 pr1tt'~ fl so. cail for an ap-Gen•rail pou'.l~nt 10 st'C! this J'('-maricl~ borne and tt-$1 75: 3 BR. 112 b&. 1'11house. mvtable bu.). Stovt, re r rig ., "''/w. Children &.: pets OK. Bkr. :"4-6980 2 BR. duplex; fncd., gar., water pald; $105 ~1onlh 962-1966 rentals. Agent 536-25i0, 420 CLEAN -Spaciou.s 1 Bdrm RESP01''SIBLE !'red 1 den Grove for wtrfrnt res .. . re 1 cp e. bch hm or submit $100 (XXJ desire lurn. 7 Br. mobile e<l, can add cash. Mike Coi. honie, by J~ne Lo;t. On yrly. l in.~. brier 531-5642 Pacific Coast Hwy. Garage fll5 mo. 370S QUIET & BEAUTIFUL e 540-699S e lease. Ba)'l'Jde Villa~ pref. \;:c=:;:...:;,_::.:c7:.___..,,,_0 67J..Q.127 Lovely desert home with 6 LOVELY s. Laguna hillside Adults only; 2 Br .. util. paid. hon1e, 2 BR, 111 BA. niaid's Pool. S200. 841-2125 room. xtOl'f'. ttfrigerator. 17676 Came11ln, Hunt. Bch. sv.·eeping ocean view. $250 F'urn 2 BR apt. 222 3rd Sl. lease. Refs. 499-205.'i Nt".vly dee. 1~1 blk ocean. 2 BR, vie\\', remodelled'. 1 ~ blk lo town. Call 11'knd OJ' bc<f 8:30 AM . 536-6311 plush cptg., b!tins. Uni. $195. furn. S250. 494-97·18 BACH. apt. furn.: water & \ -==========. \ gas paid. Adult only. $75. 918 Lagun11 Niguel 3707 IJONARCH BAY AREA ADULT COMMUNITY 3 RR, den, 2 BA home, bit-ins, [rplc, heated pool $2..ill mo. 10 to 5. 4~1243 rt c:N rAL~ Palm. Hun!. Bearh :-i364618 or :J36-.4979 2 BR, 2 BA. dsh.,.,•hr, pool, billards. Ac!ults, no peb S\85. 2:i:lO Florida 5.16--2730 Garden Grove 46t0 5200 1 BDl"f " I . \ t · 8C'l"CS · at 2'J Palms. Take • ., un u1 n , p 1n b'l . DELUXE 2 BR 7 bath, near Beach area for f'Tilplo)'cd mo J t'. home, ~n~mr p11lp· Hoag Hospital & Lido Bldg". lady up ro s 1 1 o I m 0 erry, 1.D. or · ~ Avail now Sl80. Couple or 642-0086 499-13::1 professional v.'0111an. No $16 500 1 11cre home ~1te R00).1 w/pl'ivalr bath '. · . " · pel!I. Mf,,'T. 4201 Hilaria Way, preferably. By lh" nionth. Chov~na lhg0•.hla~s .. r.cncrd 4 NB 6424387 Older business 111an. Refs. on;es. N ·. So 11111 C.C. 2 BR, newly dee, drps, w/w 6(;)--1095 Mr . Jordan Trade for diesel boat. '.l BR 7 BA f I """~ ' . * 644-006·1 * · · • P c. ....,.,, 2 Executives looking for 3 ::--.,.------- 213: 981-i039 BR house w/pool. Prefer im-Tustin at'l'a 3 BR 2 ba, fam. 2 BR. 7 BA S175 &.: $18.i. medi<irl' are11. 833-1717 ask ily roon1 hon1e, large cover- 3 BR. 2 BA, lplc. S235. for Bud, ed patio. fruit trees, STJOO 211: 981-7039 e LANDLORDS e ~u.ity tor beach tra~!er or ~ 2 BR 2 Ba, pvt. patio: each FREE RENTAL SERVICE Ca.non Realty 6T:N58I gar. 11·/slorage, No pets .Sl85. Broker S.'W-6982 Palm Springs. large cquily . Blue R;bbo.. S pociol-494-1133 I~vtting li."30' pa:t, b1r.s t1' LOS PADRES flMtin&;. encl P1t». ! SQ)· REAL TY . :Jl95: 4 BR. 2 ba. fncd yd.1 __ A_,p:.,t_~:_F_u_rn_;_sh_e_d;..__ frpl., bUns. "''/w. Children & pets. Broker. 534-6980 :J150: 2 BR. fncd yrl, wfw, sto\'l'. Avail. no11•. Family v.·elcome. Bkr. 534-6911(1 SINGLE Younl,! Adults Lux· ury gan.Jen apts v.·ilh coun- try lcuh alrnosphere Rnd comlpr!r privacy. SOtrrll BAY CLUB APT'S. 13100 Chan1pan Ave., Garde n Gro,·r <TI 41 63&--30?.0 4245 Hilaria Wa y. 54().00J3 \\'Ai'lrrED· U 1 3 in12 units for home Bel Air, . n urn . D-t <Jill B DEL!JA'E 2 BR, 2 BA, cpts, hedroom, 111 BA up to $!65. ot.·ver Y • s. rent\\·ood, drps. blt·in«. $185. ?Ito. CM 64z._2584 Palo Verdes or l4e yach1. 4 BR. pl'?li~ ua. Bll·rm. IL.'7 So. Coa.s! lh\y, epew'drps_ f11ily Satdsc . ..u. Laguna Beach ll.(.IPe :;;.. rN GI ma -01'-ntt \ ~~~~ a·ill help fin. ~500 J • 1:-P•ul Jones Re•lty 8f1-121i6 ~\'f', 96§..316i $134. P.l.T.I. 4 BDRM. & DEN $95; 2 BR., lncrl yd .. gar., Stove, reJrig. Children & pcl5 O.K. Brokrr 534-6980 Gentrail 4000 $1;15; Z BR . All nt'W furn. wl"'" Available nil\\'. Broker 534-6980 $140; 1-BR, V"/V.'. nictl)' !um. Ulil. paid. Available now. Bkr. 534-6980 4100 Jlcrf''s a spacious, ~arly Costa Met1 3100 Cott.I MeH Calif. ranch s!yle home. Lo-\;:;::::..;::;.:;:;: ___ ..:_:.::.; cated in a seclud ed S('Cti~n FIEE RENTAL Laguna &each 470S LGE. 2 BR. duplex, nr. Vic- tor Hugo· s; frpl.. gar. $225 r.10 .• yrly. 64&-0732 Dani Point 4740 lease. 6i:ir.2370/5-\8-2873 · · area. Russ McCrea. i2l31 847-5883 REOEC 2 BR. refrig, bltn Room1 for Rent S995 HAVE: Beauty Shop in stove, crpts, drps. No Pf'IS. :.;...;cc.:.:..;,c..:_.:.:;:,:;:__:.:.:.: Costa A1eli8, 4 stations. \Yill 54~07fr0 lDEAL r·or employed man trade for C<imper or what on day ~hift . Costa Mesa $12 have you~ N'PT 111. dlx. dplx. :: Br. 2 Pf'\' .,.,.k. 548-7969 839.j631 or &46-52!1:: Ba. Cpts. drps, lpl. bllns. refrig. Pie r, slip. No $15 PER \\'eek. \\'orlting lady BAYFRONT & dock, J Br. pets. $325 LellSf' 642-3425 prefC'rred. C.tll . attfl. 3 Ba., val. $89,500. FOR 642--7697 After 4 T.D.'s tconsider IK'/opl, as DELUXE 2 bdrm. 2 ba, trade for ? ? ? ) 2 Balboa cprts, drps. blt·ins. 2'l7 A Guest Homes 5998 Prospect. N.B. 213: 244-3119 ..:.c:.:.:::...:;,c..:::::;_ __ :.:.:..: Coves. Chl•ner 6(:)-4331 Palos Ven:lt'S f:stal<'S, Vie\\' pool horne for .... -aterfronl N.B. 3 br. 2 ha, frplc, lge playnn, lam rm. 2450 sQ II $48,000 equity. 213-375-4844 lfAVE Palo1 Desert ··Sand· piper" condo. val. $70,000 furn., $55,00> uni., clear. \\'ant home this area. Air. Irwin, Bkr. ~9661 llav, good gas welding & •·ulling ouUit 11· I tanks. \\'A:-JT trail bike in ex- cl111n,c-r, • * 6-16-2892 * * Elecl clothes Dryer. car, pickup. sailboar. elec add n1ach. \\!ill trade lor motor. boat or Van Y.'ith ll'indows l scats, or ? 6~5-0'.177 Der Wienerschnitzel, 1951 llarbor, C~1. Land & bldg. Income $500 mo, ne t. $45,000 equity for Jots, Back Bay. 6T;r6130 2 Indust. llldgs on Pla~n­ lia, C!\1. Value $150,000, Tr.ide \i of $95,000 eqty for prop. anyv.·hett. 111 TD or ? a.IS-1542 COUNTRY CLUB home near Vista. 4 bdt-s, family room, \1 acre. SZ7,000 equi- ty. \Vant home in or near Laguna. Bkr, 494-1330 * TRADE: 12' Glass boat & trailer FOR Doughbo~ surface !Wirnminz pool CALL ~16-6068 J h e d r o o rn. CarJJ('ting (hm1.1ghout. Covet'l'd Patio. +µ, bit-ins. Many more ex. ~ $21,@. F.P. and )'OU ~ the' land Pnv. Pty. 9684&10 •-'---- ol Laguna BeaQh. Rustic cxtefior or rl'd t>riCk, rt'-SERVICE sa11•n cl'dar. lo\v s11"eeping for ex.ample, 3 bedroom~ 2 roof1ine11 w/extendtd over-baths S225.00 per mo. Call Westcliff S230 2 BR 11: ba Townhouse, PRV rn1 in lic'd board & • * * -* * '* l'Url' hon1l' for eldl'rl y, an1·1 '!!~!!!!'!!!'!!!!\!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""!!!!!!!!!!!iijii!!!!!!!!!!!I!! I bula!orv nuin or woman. Ii f>iourish1ng n1eals. congenial REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ' + FOURPLEX •·' lf.l ; l&rge l BRs. :J:'i>,00} ,1500 do"''n. 6.li'' I011n. • P•ul Jones Reelty 847.\266 3; BR 2 bath, ~hakr roof. 'f'IW c pt s/d rp s , Nr f'Vl'.rything. As!umt' 5* •,.<, FHA loan • 11·ill fin. part bl $.1700 eqty. 892· l!'m QY ·O\VNER, 2 s!y. 3 BR, tam r m. Nev.·porr \\'rst tract. Assumr loa.11 :116"i, J29,950. 962-8779 'ifuntin9ton : J;;11rbour 1405 ~TERFRONT • by Qv.·ner .,,,_ BR. • 2 BA.. 1lock, on watl'r l•ncln~rd pelin :soo. Also 60' on rnain ~l large :l Br. ~ 8<1 , ~k. SllO,OCXl. Con!.t d ~r Jllreloption ~ E ATERFRONT 11'/ .. o· . 3 Bdrm. den, tam r1n. nn 2 BA Oivortt' salro. Ja!XXI. 3392 Gilbert Drive. g;-m• ,_nt•ln V•ll•y 1410 -i.. EXECUTIVE '•HOME BUYERS ~T e!Ae do )W \\'ANT! ft 'Wt: !~red the pti~ f'.~Ve an! offering GI or .f™ lerm:c: ~ \\' t: have 2aoo IOI! fl 11 UJ1 l or 4 Bdnru, family roorn & lorn1al dining ton"1 * \\'e. have ft pool .,, We bavr" 1.-01·ntr )'11 \\llh boat gall!' • \Ye have an l"xiatln,-~'/IA, low lntl':1'fft auumable :-io.n. • YOU TELL U!oi. lrRADEW~N DS Rl TY. or 8(2.5012 i.m<uTIVE HOME ' " FHA Joan. j BR 3 ha. tiepnl, A boel )Ard. Coutlint! Realty .,..,,.. ... ch 1705 -OCIAH VIEW ,PRIVATE llACH • 2 Ba. Open bt:am, ll'e.k. . Quirt pvt n>r11d-Jaw taxt&. m. am. '*"""· Shown h)' i.ppl. 6C-«Mi. hang. -arr~~ Spra1vling 4 BDR!,t. & DEN F1..00R PL.AN, WITH FOR. ORANGE COUNTY'S Gen•rail 5000 t.lAL DINING R-,1. Rt!ar Jiv. LARGEST * Villa Pomon.1 Apt1. 1.0.=::.:;c.._ ___ .;:,o."-' mt. has MASSIVE BRICK Cosla Mesa's ne .... -est " mos! RENT FIREPLACE FROt.1 293 E.17th St. 646-4494 luxurious ap~ oow renting. FLOOR TO CEil.JNG, ilid-IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Furn & unfum. Adults only. 3 Roomt furnitur• ing &i&s!! door opens to COV. 4 BR 2 bath hon1e new car· no pets. 1760 Pomona AV!., $2Q • $25 • $]Q mo. ERED VERANDA A: LGE. pets & drapes. all built-ins. just south of 18th St. FUU. OPTION TO BUY GROUNDS COVERED Vi'/ Quiet stre(!t. $230/mo. CAU. l~-H=O~L=ID~A~Y~~P~LAZA~--(Refrigerators Available) WEEDS. JACK liAMMOND 541J.ll51 Heritage Real Estatr DELUXE, spacious 1-Bdtm. No depoi;1t o.a.c. \\'ell designed ranch house .,.,., •·-3 }'um. apt. $135 Plus uW. H.F.R.C. kitchen has Bll..T·IN RANGE .,..~Olmo .,,,.,. . BR Townhouse Heated pool. Ample parking Furnitur• Rentals & OVEN. DISHWSHR., EX. cpls/drps, blt-1n> pool & No children. No pets TENSIVE USE OF DEEP rec. t.-enter. No niainl . 1965 Pomona, CM 317 \\'. 19th C.f.1. 548-3~1 Ad It 516-8074 1568 \V. Lncln. Anhm 174-2300 S T A I N E D 1-IARD\VOOD u ti, TOWNHOUSE 2 BR. 2 Ba., I $150: 2 'BR. Gar. fncd patio. CABfNETS. The home Is be-VERY c ean 3 BR 2 balh prlv. yd .. alt'd. dbl. gar.; ing redecorated Inside & out. Meiq). del Mt1r. hui;:e lol. pool. clubhouse. Dish\\'f'hr, \l'fw. rangt> &-oi·rn. Sc-11Pr will install new drap. $210/mon. Ag!, 546-4111 \\lashing n1ach . au utensils, Brokt'r 534-6980 cril'!I. RERF:'S AN OlIT· $135/MO. 2 BR. Garnge. dishes, linens. 549-391:1 STANDING BUY FOR TH.E carpets. Nu child1•rn, p<'ls or J,ARGF.. clrRn 2 BR. 'l BA, fltAN \\ITTH A G R EE N hachelors. ~'2--6392 a11 :,. pool. util's pd. $140. Mature. TllUr-.tB. Offrored !or E-SIDE 3 bd, 2 ba. wt"w crpl, adul!:< only. 211;i Pla.Cl':ntla $33,900 Full Price d · , di Av. M.~2407 )' , patio, • car gar. 11 ti;, low•r On. Pymt. O.K. no pc~. $200 yr. 673-7629. $92 • NICEL\" furn J BR. SEE TOUAY: 5 BR 2 BA. crpts. drps, Nice apt. Garbage' disp!. drpii:. GONE TOi\tORRO\\'' ne ighborhood. $ZiCl lea!lt' No pets, adulls only, l.st MISSION REAL TY Call 540--4179 & la.st mo's 646-2962 985 So. Coast 1111)\, Laguna I~=-~--"-"-~~~ BACI' full I 1 BR !'"' rm ki'-h • " Apt., klteh .. Phone in4 494--0731 -.. ~· ·• "" · · Cotta Mesa Sl OO HARBOR GREENS BACHELOR . UNFURN. from $110 p ll ti 0 s. epts/drsp, & adults 54JJ.....65Jj ~wim pool, bit-in!!. No pets only. $190/mo. atmosphefl'. Lrg yrd & General General patio. Avail no\\. 548-:>225 l----------1----------·I Offict R•nt1I 6070 ·Lots 6100 ~ln:::c:::•:::m:::•:.....:P.:.'_:•!:po:::':.;'Y!-..:6000::::::1 ·--------- Eiltt Bluff 5242 LAGUNA BEACH e VIEW of ocean. COm!f BEST BUY-1\tust Sell! Air Conditioned bluff, possible 6 gt y . 4 UNIT APT. $48.500 e NEW DELUXE e 1.3 BR, 3-2 BR. Big lot ON FORES'l AVENUE medical or apts. \Vill build 3 Br. 2~~ ba. apL for lease 400 w. Olive, L8 Hllbra Desk spaees available In to suit. S.16-3555 Incl. spac. mstr. suile, din OPF.N. 1213) 985-8320 newell offic e buildblg a: I~========= I rm. & dbl. garage, auto. ------prime k>cation to down.town Ranches 6150 ctoo~ opener avail. Pool &: *NEW FOUR·PLEX* Laguna Be1cb. Mr CODCU-1,;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 rec. area. Nr. Catholic Near Beach, Huntington tioned, carpeted, beautilu1 ChuI'C'h &: school & Corona l='"'=::•::oh~.~·~65;·::""=· ="~'=""'==·7~ paneled partitioning. T w o dcl Mat High. entrancel: Frontage oo e ONLY S270 e Business Proptirty 6050 Forest A•e., rear leada to 83i-8n Amigos Way, N.8 . --lt1uncipal p&rlting lots. S50 HIGH TRAFFIC per month tor spaee. Desk Corona d•I M•r 5250 COMMERCIAL and chairs avallab!e tor S.i liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I C.."hoose from 2 dilfcrent C·l BuaiMss bour1 answering t zotlM properti<'s on high service availoble tor $10 . (S~;~~ O'.'< TEN ACRES 1 t: '.! BR. rum &: Unlum 1-Tplcs I priv. pa.Llo.s/Pools . Tt:Mls • Contnt'I Bldst. put- tin&: green. t1·affi(· ~!reels in S.A. All u11lit1ea: paid except I. 1919 \V. 17th St. _ i;niall lelepl.une air-l'Ond. off.lcr or s10l'C', DAILY PILCYr good parking, only ~.000. 222 FOP.E57 AVENUE 2. 1920 \\'. 17th St. • Larg<' LAGU:\'A BEACH 6i.::. X 2jj' lot (11 Ith older 49'1-!M66 house\. Terrific location for FOR rent 1842 A l'\l'\\'Jl0r1 good rra.nehise or free stand. Blvd. Ideal for insure.net', ing stol't' or oUice. Must be incon1e tax or employment sold -priced under market. agency. 548-0588 RANCH COUNTRY 7 Parcels. one of 33 acres at $2,250 pl'r actt; the other 3& acres at $120,000: fl(!ar \\lildomar. This ii; where The bii:;: thoroughbre<I ranches al'<'. Beautiful. rolling farm eountry, just South nr La.kc Elsinott on 3,q,;; for more information, p!ea.~e c 11 l I Glenn Thompson \\'i lh Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 1818 \\', Ch.flpn1an A\'('. Orange, Calif. 541·2621, Eves·'l''knds 5.18-6777 £Ol SN Lane, OIM 6#-2611 llifacArthur nr. Coast Hwyl Rick A!<17er;,.i;.,e, Rltr. ,,. .......... Comm•rci•I Resort Property 6085 6205 '"!!!!!!!!!!!!"i:'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I bath, uni .. -plus Sl'p. 1 Br. & ,..tia~.; ~!8!i! attr. ~. util. -b&. $150 54S--3206 .............. 2 BR. fireplace, n e w 1 y Partially furn l BR apt. ALSO AVAILABLE 1 • 2 Ir. 3 BDJu.f. tteated Pools. Orlld au. Balbo. 5300 Bus;ness R•ntal 6060 5200 Sq. Ft. BldCJ. e LANDSCAPE areh.itects Zoned C-2. Lot 150xl.."O'. \\'ill DESIRE unusual otflef! sell as going business or ? . sp.e.Cf'. con1merc1al or in-Ov.•nf'r 1'1'tiring. Easy lertTll!. dustrial, 2500 to 4CXXI sq R . D. SLATES Rltr. F'OR RENT Fum Mammoth Mount a In Condominium, sleeps 8. 6T';,.-4ll> • decorated Sl;,5/mo. 1 child 25ai Elden Jnqui"' 2&11 Oc• '42 .,....., ~"""' Elden Apt B. 'J~~!l "'· Agt. .......,.,, '""""'59 I ===~~'-o----- 3 BR h • -d hi S80-BACH. apt. for v.'Oman; , se, £."<>l "· tns, xtra . lrg f'm rm v.·f Jrplc. dbl u111. paid. Carport: a\'ait. RSAL •STAT• gar. $225. 5(9-3532 4/1:1. 181 B'\\'a)·. MS-4ll6 l BR. duplex: priv , Jllll\o, ALL UTIL PD, 1 bdrm Furn. *fJ-lllC.•-l•tl'•.a•1.ac,, • 494·1177 g11r. Inran! O.K. 1140 l\faturt" adul1!1. SlOO. 23.15 1>4l-i!R9Ci f:l rk<n Al'e. C.l\f. E~IERALD BAY . l..ovely RF.DECORATF.O :!AR 1111• 2 BEDftOO~I A"t \\'ll h pool, ocean vle.,.,·11 rroin It t.'OY..)' 2 hll'll .. ubli!Jt's pd \ th 'll!ll chilrlrt'n 0 .K. no prts, 2265 bc<lnn home 1vith oonvc11i. $155/mo. 286 Knox ~L. C.:lol C:1nyon Dr. ~:;.210.1 1111• de11, 2 baths, builtin Dt~LX apt. !!.pacious l Bdn11.' kilchE'n, vtev.· deck, oonven-Newport S.ic h 3200 pool, ideal for bachelor, ientJy k)ca1ed S48.500. 1=::;:;;;:;;:;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;; I $120. 199.'i Church, 548-9633 IRYtNE covr:: . Dramatic.' B/B conitmporary home \\'ith TOWNHOUSE clauic fla\vr. Extra hli;h Split Levd l bdrm5, : baths eelllnp throi.whout,. radiant Double I a r a g e, carpets, heat ln home It pllUO, mar-ape:. Firepbre. t' I e c. bl• entry. d1nlns nn for 12. bullt·ins. ADULTS ONLY •• tnlc nhin.tl. Jn ldrchm. , .... , .......... ~/month. lar&e family nn y,•/FP, 3 ~tn. i.·ay bedrrna. 3 baths, b<autllul Ba & B h YitWB of bf.'arli & IUrf y eaC: p m.IXXI. Rulty, Inc. TurMr As1oclat•s 901 Dovt.r Dr .. NB su11,. 221 68'l No. Cout Blvd. 66-2000 E\"l'S. 548-6966 lAcuna &ac:h tf141 OC.U77 2 BR C ltARMER 8F.AUT4 BR 21 2 1-h1'1n11~. • Stt'ps 10 ~. f1i!ly tr>ld 4: t•'decvralrd, """ Ml\& ept. drpd. 2 car gar. $425 mo, df'tfpes. S2'1.950. 0 w 1'1 er . yrl)'. Can b(i f\Jrn. 4!H-M63 PropertJr• \\'"'"' SOCK rr TO 'Dti um ~sldt" ,.,,, 6j;)..(J.".O 1-BR., ulil. pald: pool No children or Pf'l.8 1801 Whlttlt:r SI. 646Q22 BAOlELOR Apt., 1 adul! only. $00 lifo .. util, pd. 2110. C On.nge Ave., C.1\1. FURN. Bach.. util. pitid, Mull only. Nr. O.C.C ........,, 1 BR fun. aU utll loci $135. Pool. Adu1lo; 646-52 76, ~1740 f115; l·BR. turn., util. J)tJd. No ra~. Single Adult 223 !llt'!lll Dr-~9509 • N"ssau Palms e IA28R .• Pml 1T1 E. 22nd SL 642--J&(S SOCK IT TO 'Dll Cen1er, Adj. to Shoppine -No pets allowed GRACIOUS Adult t..Mng. 7700 ~terson \Vay, at •tu-Ot-can & Bay view. Spacious bor ."1: Adams, Costa. Mesa. 2 BR. 2 BA.. walk in 546--0J70 closels, beautiful arpeb &: "!!!!!!'!!!'!""""i!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!Jl I draperies. Pool. Boat slips ': for tenants. Subterrmea n ORLEANS ""'"'"" 6J3.300.l J Br, 2 ba. + <kn. S.100 cno APTC' yearly lra!ll'. J, BURR WHITE, Rlt.. 3 BR STUDIO POOL ADULTS ONL\' 1741 Tustin Avenue off 17th StrHI Cott.1 M•s• 642"""41 NEW GARDEN APTS. 1-BDR.\f. Modern kitchen w/ r&J1&'t "Ir. O\"f:n, dlshwashe.r. etc. El'IClo$00 1ar. Olympic: siie pOOI, S.8-QUI!' & l1undry lac. Elcc l ~·ater J?d· From S~ mo up, Adu1t1 onl,y 241 \Y, \\'llllOI\ Ci\! '424401 Gr•cioua Adult Llviftg 2 Bdnru.;., \\0,V.' L1KS, df'llP<'li. pool. Stud1•ntJ 0 K. MESA EAST APTS. lo&.> E. 11th. c r..1. trl2.J474 1901 Newpol't Hlvd .. N.B. 67S-46.l0 Evos 642·2253 Lido Isle S3SI 2 BR 1 ha. frplc, IO\\'cr b&yfront. Charming plllio. Bryan Vi'iest Realtors ll5S VIA Lldo, NB 6i:)-m3 Huntington Botch 5400 OlEZ ORO APARTMENTS m1 Atlanta r-'ew 1-2 Bedroonl.3. Pay ~ t'l('('trie only :~'of...JS27 or 536-2721 Pool-\\'as~Oryers Q Private C1n1:cs OF.LUXE I BR bllins. cptg, drp!!., frplc, pr, J)lllK>. Vi'/D hkv11. Adults. no pt'ls Nr Eilwards I Warner W..:!.33.1 DArLY Punr WANT AllS D11l &U-M'7I fl , Corona dcl Mar, r\'r"''[lllrt 847-3519 Eves. 962-7369 Beec~. Co_sta Me~ Arf'a. FOP. Lease '~ acre of M-1 L~~\SE-P~~CHASI·.. /\1 r · propl'rty 11'ith small office. Dtke, ~l Con1pletely fenced \\'ilh 2 J.'REE DESK SPACI:: in 1:1'~1' gales. f»8..-6.104 ~mall ~hop in exchan~ for t11king n1e!Ulai('s. df"I. Call Industrial Rental 6090 546-4478 Eves. SPACE ., .. bl ~ t FOR lear.e Laguna Nigll('I, t1vai ... e. ,.. ........ oca-oU San Dieeo Fwy at Crown hon, l020 S. COii.St Hwy, Valley, new commercial & LaR. Bch. Ideal for artilts Industrial unll.$. Della Dec- or cratt~men. C94-6848 t:rk. Da,yt _ 131-1400. Eves Offic. R•ntal 6070 -•"'--098. P~VATE OFnCE wlthl_L,..o..;t•'-----~ """""'" """" 1125'"'°· ' VACANT LOT room suill!' S300 / mo. Air cond1lKlni,., p1.rldf'IK I Huntinglon Beach. 100 :c 80'. M'Cn!tarlAl 11ervl~. R·I comer, f\l1ly improved Orallgf' County Bank Bldg. "''l th si6ew11db. curbs. RUt• 2JJ E. 17th Strttt ters I. utllillt'S. S\0.500 Costa Mesa &U..148.i BRASHEAR REAL TY Nl"\\'PORT CIVIC CENTER 8-17~1 E\'P. 5.36-2123 OfflC'e! irultable lor Com-\\'J-IALE \\'&lehlng OC'f&nvirw 1netclal. Medleal, Dental. lot~. Lquna Beach. SS,9rll A!N.'flntl .. cri1l•. i:levittor •.l'!lh ~mall dov.11 ))fl.yment 35c PER SQ. fol. <197-1001 5'11-0032 OR Ri~I 1.-i=-i;--::=-:-=-,,,---T,~;:...:;;..-'~c;;:c....-l.ARGE t<omcr lot near 300 Sq. Ft. Office ro11ntry dub in lo!r.q Verdt-, COSJ'A Joi~ f>.fG.:1130 Cnst1 lof<'sa. 213: 75.1-2396 Mount. & O...rt sr-.IALL Cabin near RO\l.'HEAD. $7500. "46-6068 Exch•nges, R. E. 6210 AR· 6230 EIGHT unitl4. all 1 w o bl't'lroom. i.....1l buildings on two separate lot! v.'ilh tn- dividual f.ina.nclng, Rll with builtin kitchen, wf\v CafllCI and drapes sn.OOJ f''<change $18,0CKI equity for thtw bedroom residence lo S25,00) Ora.nae County Bria'. 64:1-9$.i $60,IXXI TD on 10 ~~ ol oceanvit-w IR!ld lor clear t'IOtuie. 497-1210 R. E. W1nttd 6240 WANT TO SELLJ Call farrow ~ start padc- 1~! Or•rtfii County's L•l"f"•t 213 E. 17th St. 646 UM {11ARG& JOla' want ad now. l!U~~ -BUSINESS and ~NOUN~IOMiNTS SERVICl 'DUl.ECTORl; S.""d.11, A"U 12, l'l69 DAILY PILPT Cl~ 1 FINANCIAL • Md NOTICU Getdinint '6IO S'RVICli DlldiL 1p~v JOI$ a. IMl'liOYll\IHl JOI$ a. iMl'LOY JOBS a. ~LOYMeNJ ;~a 9T a... ~p!111oc1lllj'1;.-0 .... W~ 6111 'Po<awll ,.,MOS 1 _____ ~--Paparh1 n1lnt Help Wante«. ·-72IO Holp Wentad, Mon 7200 Palnlint 6150 --·-----• ~"~' ~ PIUVATE,1"111: beo ~ODO N.8. Tt~ OUb >'amlly ~ u. <llliis:~ auli -~ +'e"' .,_ lo< Aie. """ '46-IMI. -"'* , -e<uuw ibljjty lo i;..;.t la oHu. Clll -'fl>e boat,_, .,j •,_, ......., ipcrrllt:l .,. )'llllr' ...... Wrtlllt ill 1rE·av1-DlltEC:ti-....... __ ni. n..... ' w .. i..nd Spaclall ' """' -'"""' Quality -· """ job! Firat COl'Dt, !irlt Jrnoed . •lID . ' TURRET LA THE MACHINISTS THE DAILY PILOT • has OPf!lift91 *°". • 1. c. PflfDQ a.. ' ~ ............ ~ Newport 8eKh ol ~ IW II ft. Dftr , -• -·•·te· -~~ • "'"'' • ~• -Y n~~ .. .,~nL .. ,.,..,. .... """" ...._, .• ..-~noc ., -...... • t; \! ' Moathly Mainttn&nel! Eves S31.JOJI, Da.>'• ~ PAINTING tm • E 1.1 . ~ coot:ramd pric:Q. f\ally 1na. Satilfacdon SUM'· Free est. Call Jlm \Vedca, 673-1166 ac. "o CIOIN!'Jition. 1 b Pilot Bax M '19. ... _:.. Appflanc1 a.;.ira Exp, Hordcul~ mlWob -......... Perts '510 ""' -. Tblo ~ •,..,....., RNI E•I ... L .. ,. 6340 u51 lo dmte put w/ u_, ,..,.. lacWU.. Inc. 100 trawl .tn.ller s p' a c e ii , 1aimeh'1 ramp • many atn- Sattler Mortg1ge ceutona: 1ood. d r I aka ,, C,omp.ny Jnc. groeerits games &: "-ntUi. "336 E . 17th St., t'\'ista Mesa WW ll!ll '.u ot part, Prop. Serving Orange C'nty 20 yrs. constsU ol 28 ac , f~ ~n 545-0SU and Lake Ela:inore use Eves. 613-7865 642-UST perm.It from the .State ol Calli. Finn ""'8 !560,000 Mortta .... T.D.'1 6345 aub. Abo have additional 1000 ac. ftlt' leCODd home bJdn within % m! of marina. Will oona~r joint vcntuft in the ~veloproent of both prop. Our equity two million. Write 0&1J.y Pilot Box M& or phone OYm!!'I'. !)45..SJ30 CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE NEED llll.Q00.119.000 w111 pay top lntl!resl + pointa:; 3. )T pa,y ott. Prime Udo Isle bayf:ront 4 BR borne, property val $!20,000. Present 1st, bal&Dcr $58,000. Phwv-principal p r t >' 61>-9<11 $77,000 I.st TD. payable $2'10 month, 10'µ, due 3 yn. 10'A discount. ~U37 TAKATA SUPREME ~Uon A JAPANJ:SE ~y A9pliance Repelr. Ask fi;r 566-0'124. Cb'ap!ete rardenirw Tom. ~ 5f1-{i691 .. rvice. ~~ tor ":~'.'::=:===o;;;.:1~.u~,,...,~~·......,.~~~-~~-PA INT IN G &: Paper-81by1ittlnt 6550 ALLF;N BROS ha.ngi~. Int &: t xt, quallty --~_....;::. ____ ;..; \\Orie , f.!"'ee "'· Morsan • CJJt.DENERS S'l'UDENTS ~3Ch34'12 OOSfA lttiesa Pre.School;$ wotiring their way 1hru roJ. 1 '"""'"'-'----=--Licensed, ~e1 21; open 6:45 lep. Experienoe.., lioensed. e .INT -EXT, ANY SIZE to 5;4a; S13 Per wk, REAS! ~ • JOB. Xlnt y,·ork, refs, free COMPARE! 548-SSOJ AL'S C·~·•-S i est. JlM. &t2-4G69, 646-3749 1138-5.237 r ............. .., erv ce . . Lawn maiDtrnance garden-INT. Ir EXT. Painting. All OW.O care, tnY home. fenc-i(lg Ir cleat1 ups. ~. se~n rate&. Free e!I. lic'd ed yard, nap, ll.lQC:he11, ~ llll.. Ca.U. Charlie. 5'8--0tOfi rea.sonabJe rates. R e J 1, • J'~ANESE GARDENER 6'6-.SlOO Maintena.noe II: Cleanup CHILD ~ for mothers Call 54&-:llT2 who have to wort Ir don't JAPANESE Gardtter. w11nl to leave their children plete yard ten'ice, just anywhel'I". 646-8662 estimates. s.f~ll1% RESPONSfBLE fl.fother lo IU>liable la"'n SE'n'11..~. babysit for pN.'-«hoolcr. 11\0W, edge, trim. Riots avail. t.fag/ Adams -~~•=5.'ll~·=''°'==*=- 968-574>1 LAWN SF.RVICE INTER or Ex1. PAINTlNG, IMMED. SERVICE. Local rTf. FREE e1t. ~1627 PAINTING. Pat!er~ 16 yn i'I Harbor area. Lie Ir. bond- ~. Rel" furn. 642-~ Plasterinq, RPOilir 6880 . . e PAT C H PLASTERING. , 'lt<lllCWIS Kno\\•kdL'l' of buli: electron. lr11, one to three y~an ex· pcrit'not. Ste Luke \llood COLLINS RADIO CO. 3324 W. Warner Santa Ari •, C•lif. Equal opportu1111y cmployrr ~enctld in ctpi.ir JOI. C'IUCO ' with abU!ty lo make R lupl, Steldy trn- ployme.ot, I hour day • <Q hour Wttk, Profit shar-1,._.. J. C. CARTER CO. 671 W. 17th St. Cotta M••• 541-3421 DlYTIME KITCHEN HELP Apply In person ~twttn I~ INo Selling Involvedl ;:xcellent lncOme for few hours Wffkly "''Ork (Daye: or eveniJl&s). Retilllns I: col- lecting money from coin op. Pr&.~ disptnstn in Colli.a Alna I: llll'l'OUDdin& an!&. We e1L -route. <Handle11 name b r a n d candy A: 1nackll. $1CO Cash requlr- ~. For personal interview 1n Costa Meu an!a, send name. addresa A: phone num- ber to Multi-Stale Inc., 907S E. Imperial Hwy, .Dow~y. Calif. 90'142 $4500 1st TD. SCA. dur 3 yrs, 10% discount, ~97-1210 AU types. Ftte estimate. __ _ Ca.II ~0-6825 AHCIENJ MARIHER ~fOTHER of 3 children, New-P.fow-edge-vacuum >PARE TIME INCOME ~rw QUALITY FOODS Dl- viaion will be intt-rviewing in th!., area durin& the next h\'O wtelu !or a qualified Money Want.cl 6350 CALV ARY Chapel Onltth is ottering 7% interest on well secured rotes. For more in- fo, call Charles Smith. ~2121 or 642-6783, after •• WANT $20,000 collateral loan \vith $50,000 TD on 10 acres occanview hilltop I a n d , 4M-1137 PAY 10'/ii INT. nn -11 secured b.n, Sl00,000 """"" ANNOUNCtMENTS and NOTICES diltributor. Modest cash m.. Found (free Ads) 6400 vestment of $2QXl ~ tn 11tart, Immediate hi&h earn. WHITE German Shepherd inp mervicfna" machines pup. Female with choke ve~ candy and snacb to chain. Hit by auto at Harbor company eatahllsbrd ac-le \Vilson. 4110169 May be cow:ita. AbeotuteJy oo 9ellin&. picked up at Bayshore Fur intormation and inter. Animal Hospital, Harbor view appoinbnent, se nd Blvd, c.M. name, address and phone 'l:VUNG black & tan female number to: PACIFIC dog. No I.O. Could be part Oobe r tnar. Pin11c h c> INTERNATIONAL Pedigree. round Vic. of INDUSTRIES 2200 & N"''"'"· c.M. ~ Twenty.First Street 646-4714 or 646-3545 Oakland, Ca.Iii. ~12 BLA'X Cocker/Poodle, \'ery CANDY SUPPLY-friendly. Vic. 10th S 1. ROUTE Beach, South Lag una. (Part or FUll Time) 494-8305 or 499-3656 Excellent Income for few FEMALE tri colored dog, vie hrs. weekly work (days Lido Isle, Sat 3/29. Call & or t-ws.). Re.filliric and identify. 6Ta-4914 oollecting money from FOUND, El Toro area. 10 port Beach. wishe11. to care ==Ll="'646~-"'-'-'..,',_P7M_ !or one pre sclKM..J child. E>..'PER J apanese Gardcl"lt'r 642-1596 Monthly service, 'r t' as . XI.NT Q:illd care ewry day, 832-0'105 or ~7867 wkendal & yqur holidays. . JaJMneM Ga.rdener College Park as,:ea. 5'i5-3988 Exper, compl yard 11ervice! RN-WILL BABYSIT MY Free estimate. 548-1958. liOME, ANYTIME. E. Cflf. cut &: F.Clge Lawn 64Z...15l0 P.'lalntenance. Licensed BABYSITTING in my homt', M&-4808/645--2310 aft 4 Hurbor & Vic1or1a, CP.1. JOHNSON'S Gardcnllg Serv. Reasonablt'. a46-809.l f"il"lt'st equip. expert yard BAB\'SIITING. my ho nl<', care! Reas! 962-2005 vie. Magnolia k G11.rfic>ld, 00:\t~IERCIAL & Domtsli(' .-.v. 962-6438 Brick, Masonry, etc. 6560 L:110.'n malnt. Lav>"n & ,,:ar~gc> clc>anup. :J..68.5SJ9. Cut & Edge 1..a."'11 :\lainlcnanCf'. LI~ BUILD, Remodel, Repair !="'=""'=""="='~=23=10='='=' ='= Brick. block, co ncrete,,._ I crpntry, 00 job too small. ""nera Services 6612 Lie Contr. 96U96 HAULING, Painting hseclng, Bu.I ..... e--nice 6562 odd joM. You name it, v.·e -do it! 642-3398 PH~AT ~ce while Haulin 6730 you 'va1t. Positives: S x :.:==.:.:9~----'"-'..: 7, 12: 8 x 10. $2.50: 11 GENERAL HAULING x 14, $3.50: 1765 Orange, & CLEANUP cr.1 &1:.-1962 SIO per load. Free &arage cleanup for usable items. Ca ~~e~~r~~g ___ 6_5_90_ 1 !"162-6846 aJter 3 P.M. CARPENTRY & PAINTING SMAW.. REPAIR OR RE~IODEI. REASONABLF: RATES -2613 H.AULING, General. Top, lrlm. remove trees & ht'dge11. Big John 642-4030 Housecleaning 6735 CARPE:I'S, Windows. On, etc. ~sid~n. or Comc'L --~=~==~-· • Xlnt work Rea.!!! Rel$. CARPENTRY ><S-Ull C o i n Operatl!d Dispe.n-.......,. d -" b"-· """" •-left 1n Costa Mesa and ~~ e ...... er ""'· ......... "' MI NOR REPAIRS. No Job FLOOR Cleaning _ polishing aurrounding are a. No Identify, 8374468 Too Small. Cabinet in gar-specialists. Home & in- G.DU.S Bike. Vic. Pinehunt ages & o th t' r cabineL<i. dustrial. FR, EE PSI. =:·:: ;:c:.~ &: Summerdale, H.B. call to S45-81.75. if no an.'S\ftr lea\11' .Sv.·edish Mainte~ Ser- ~.i,n~''---~~68~9~0 PLUMBING REPAIR No job too small • 64.2-3128 • PLUMBING REPAIR DRAIN CLEANING 546.2387 or 541). Tll 7 Remodel, Repa ir, 6940 nooM ADDITIO N " tt'n1oclcling. A t t r a c l i v r prices. Free estimates. C11ll """"" Sewing 6960 e Dn-~aking-Alttralions Custom Design<: * 646-6446 * Alterations--642-5145 Neat. aceurate, 20 yn:. exp. Alterations-642-5145 Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. exp. Trff Senice 6980 EST ATE Maint Tree Serv Removal & trimmings, free cs .. &12-6300, 842-2993 Televi !ion, Repair 698.5 RAINBOW TV Co, No Ser- vice Olarge! Expert Mlrk. color, blk & v.·ht or s!creo5. ~anytime! JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wantad, Lady 7020 CONY ALESCENT AID PRAC. nurse or companion - availabl~ full or part limt-, long or short term. Bonded and insured. 1-IOMEMAKERS Sl.6SO total ca.sh required. identify. 847-7671. llUig al 64'-2372. 11. O. vice. 6T":Heil For m o r c in.formation TOY poodle, male, charcoal Anderson e HOUSECLEANING e FLOORS •tripped le waxed. Atld. details. send nam~. grey. University Park. Iden-CARPENTRY : repairs • E.xcc>llenl "'Ork. $2 hour. Call Cp't cleaning. Walls wash- address and phone num-tity. 833-2817. gen'I (ix it. Quality work. 546-5995 ed. Guaranteed. 53l..a'J6l ber to: Ca.II J eff 00-8464 e\ll's .;WILL"":;.::lA'°'MS=-:CLN~"c"."s"E;;R=v. DAY ~vrk, reliable, exp .. "ROUTE nrPARTMENr' Lost 6401 REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS c I I h Own tran.<ip. P11.r-t /!im c .....,. arpets-~P . se. ..,...,., P . 0 , Box 3846 CABINETS, Any size job. and apt_ clng. 642-KIS4 Housckf'e.per. 541....,,.,.,,,. Anoheim, Calllomia 92803 LARGE REWARD! 25,,,.,. •"P"'· 54S<713J==="'=====JHOU S EWORK. C ood FRIGIDAIRE small brown & \Vhl mutt, w/ QUALITY Repairs • Altera. Income Tax 6740 references. Own transpor1a- TION red collar. Vic N. Newport Uons • New C1)nst. by hour RESPONSIB'" -~~lio~ lion. 836-5766 aft 6 PM JET AC Blvd., NB. Call ,642-32'1'2 or Co tra t 646-3f.t2 u.:. .--.--" i"riaidaire 18 min. cyclt' ls 2225 Canyon Dr. #3, CM. or n c · . . & Wing of all income tax ••-...... , in the i .......... _, REPAIR, Partitions, Small ntums by Certified Public ~~Fr~ ldalre do .;;-";;k LOST Sat be!r Easter, Hntg Remodel, etc. Nile or day. Aet."O\Ultant. Available to "" Ii 5 w Harbour, 4th Isl. Altered Call KEN 541)...4679 ol 40, 30 min. washers. Find --•-___ , . 1 s· serve the. needs of Corpora· out how easy it l.s to own uMUC" · ~poin uunese. tions, small business en- • payq laundry. May have gotten into boat Cement, Concrete 6600 terprises and individuals. Card C San .. A or v.ulcman's I r u ck. Your complett'. satisfaction en rove, na, Ge!M!rous reward! 846--1009 • CUSTOM PATIOS • Tustin, On.nge, Anaheim b i1J8.MU!tced. Col 0 Ma • APRIL 9, Newport Center, concrete sawing & removal CORPORATE ft• • ttC diamond clwiter e11.rring lor State Llc. e 842-lOlO IMPROVEMENT Equipment, Inc. piereed car. Libe™ reward * COf'iCRETE \.\'Ork, bonded COUNSELOR.~ Domestic Help 7035 Chinrse live.JM. Cheerful PennanenL Experienced. Far East Agency 64U703 George Allen Byland Agency Employer Pa,ya Fee 11>&-B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 Help W•nted, Men 7200 2334\4 \V. Valencia for return -no questions & lie. Concrt!f4!: S&1''ill&-e 642-9937 • runerton n4: sz.7833 a.~kcd. 494--6947 Phillip!'! eemenr. 548-6:l80 l".:-c::--::..c:::...c....;;--co--o C A DlSTRIBUTINC BUSINESS UlSL ""'· blad< Poodl•, Cem'"I w ... k-all kind,, Smiley Tax Service NOW HIRING JAM IT OR EXPERIEl\ICED Excellent Employee Banefits APPLY Personnel Office Third Floor The Broadway Nt;'W'PORT BEACH 47 Courts of Fashion FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach . An Equal Opportunity Emplo)'l'r 2607 W. Coa st Hwy N•wcrt Beach Day Dishwasher Full Time APPLY JN PERSON REUBEN'S COCO'S 1 SSS W. Ad•ms Coste Me s• --SALES -- Executive type National salr~ O!"Rani?.aliol\ has opening~ in this area.. Age 25 or over with saln baciiground or public con- tact. \Viii traln for mana.ge. Boo~-1 ~Ml-.-.------1 mcnt positkln. Send brief re. ERICSON sume. to Daily Pilot Bo.x M- 320. YACHTS * Boal Carpen'ters * J1ardware ?-fen * l>"'ibergla!l La.minaton; * Wood shaper Men * C:ibinet Shop n1ill men * Rudder lnstallers f;XPERIENCt: *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! ~1usl hnvc clca, cai1ron1IR drlvl~ IY(.'(Jl'l:i. Aooly YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E . 16th St. Costa Mesa Apply in Per.tOl'l 1206 w, Struck, OraJ"l&t" ?>.tAN, Young, arnbitloW1, for toolr sa.lc>s with expandlrlg, NEED 4 boys to usist sal'1I established se.rvia-com- man.agt"r. after school & pany, Salary $3.00 hr -I car Saturdays. Writt' ~tudent alJowa.ni..'l'. Jrep h 0 1 p it a J Counselor. box l 0 l 0, im., comm, bonu11. \.'tlCB· Westminster, caht lion. We train ~ al * DISHWASHER * oner. Apply 9:30 AM only, Apply in person, 11ffi Via Tues. April 15th. 12'r.!O Lido, Newport BeaC'h. We1tern Ave., G arden * AUTOMATIC TRANS-Grow. MISSION SPEX:IALlST a.1so1·TUB='°E~-~~,-O~p-,-,-,~,~.-,_ GENERAL ·MECHANICS * Musi hu\"r cxpcricnct! lr Costa Mesa Auto Works koowll!t!ge In maC'h.intry 200i Placentia. C.M. operation. APPLY Tues, BOAT Carpenters, Cabinet Makc>rs & Fiberglas \Yorker!!. App: TI6 \V. 16th. C.M. e COOKS e Experienced APPLY FL YING BUTLER m-0977 SERV. Sl'A. MGR.: (Mr 21, married, must haw 4/15. JARDINE HJo:ADER CO. 7565 Acacia SI. Gardc>n Grove. IJ93...'l!JS.1 ARGUS AGENCIES Accountants Credit M•nagers Administrative Trneet CALL 808. 548-T196 1869 C Newport.Blvd .. CM. llOme mechanical ~p. Aw1¥ USED Car saleaman, ex· 2175 NeYt'J)Ort Blvd., C.M. perienced. lo sell at EXP'O J ohnson It. Son Lincoln I. SET-UP le LEADMAN Men:ury usl?d car lot. U4l for plutic nlOlding plant. Harbor Bvld., C.M. ApPly Ph: 546--3370 be!. s am &: s In per50n. 9 ro 5 pni. I TWO men 13-30 yrs tor SERVICE Sta. Atl; 4 to 12. lawn cullini: route. Musi 6 nights a ·wk. Apply in ha~ own lr.u1Sportation. penion 2160 Harbor Blvd., Slartini: pay $·JOO mo. Ai»Pb' c .P.1. 8 a.m. at 20086 Getty Dr, i~ dustrlal area, t..a.iuna N!pl \vtnlOtrr INVESTMENT: male; red/blk. patent co.I-J."rec Eslimarr National Marnduturer \\!ill la.r. vie. 356 Rochester St., * 636--0374 * ESfABUSHED .lO YEARS WE TRAIN Plant Man SW wk. -"~ p1 lo CM ,....11 "•o om1 . -Rcuonablc Fees -NO EXPERIENCE NEC. • C ~• P•vv....., com t' program . }{ey,·an:I . .._.. : ""°'°"" CEMENT \Vork. no JOb too 230 E 17th St CM lSuite 211) * WORK WITif HYDRO.AIR Steady. permanent, sober. ARPENT~ distributing candy, drug&: TERRIER small, reasonabll'. Free · · SERVJSOIT e FORE11-tAN now)ty apecia.llats, snack Lo L estim H Stufilck. 548-8615 (Orangt' County Bank Bldg.) FILTERING SYSTEMS S06 3lst SL, NB. e FIBERGLAS LEADMAN foods, elc., lo taverns., Silver gray tiny~ppy,p:x · . 20 Margaret, Npt. Sch. *CHEMICAL SUPPLIES MAN fo l b" Day or Night Shift res"-urants, all f:yJ>e atore11. !=~ ~l4zi o:8~!839: ChiiiC;;..; 6610 \V. A. SMILEY C.P.A. *DELIVERY WORK YARD r ~um , Apply Direct factory connection i----------646-9666 anytime 642-2"221 •DISPLAY WORK shop. K n owle re o 1631 Placentia Cosla Meaa """Ing h: .. ~ daily cash LOST: Female Siamese cat. EXPEIL to babysit """ur P"' TAX "-·-Special ~•s. * ADVERTISING WORK materials t-elptul. C a 11 ' ~· ,_ ~·wu -* ELECTRICA ......,,, ASTROTEK CORP. commiMlons and monthly 7 mo!! old. Friendly. Vic schl child. Refer. avail. Form 1040 & 540, your home L overwrite. No age limit but _lli=l~S'-t.-", =C_M~. _54U843-=-c=-'7.' Fncd in yard, hot Jwich~. or our office. 23 years a EQUIPMENT FIBERGLASS mo Id e r 1 , Openings: Latht ~ill J.O. must be bondable. Part ot I.DST: Blaclt Min Poodle, Wilson & Ptimona, CM. tax consultant and nevt>r TOP STARTING PAY labor!!rs, &; a.!!Semblt!'nr. pay Top pay. A-1 machinist only. full time. Write CHEX, Inc., male. Ans to "Tar". Vk: 642-1940 a claim for deductions * FAST ADVANCEMENT top v.·aae1. 959 West 17th 12ti'1 Logan Av, C.M. 2910 N. 16th SL, Phila., Pa. "!.V. Reward! ~llBJ d~~ 24 hour Serv * START WORK AT ONCE SI ., C.M.. WANTED: Constn.tcUon of· 19132 LOST ladier; diamond watch. Contractors 6620 642-0622 for appt. For interview call ,/ KENNEL MAN, over 3S, lice Engif"IN'r ; shop draw- CANDY ""-'"-"to part or Slh '" ~03 Th -a T • --1'-1onda,y It Turlday live in 1 ~-·~0• Apply in ing, quantity :o1urvey; ex-_,......., ....... • Saturday April . '""""~ • ADDITTON'" REPAIRS • e Tax MUVISOrS 77• -·1 ---"d ·-h full time, da)oa/t'.vt'll. Rdill after 6 pm. Reward, R.EltIO;ELING Year round nlc. 328 No. .-1~ persoo., SPCA, 2()6lj Laaunll. per . Laguna oo:llC area. a: eol1ect money from coln B R , Canyon Road 831·11173 . oper. DispcMUS in Calta LOST: Vecy lge. blk. Poodle, Oe~ng le Plannin& NC&llwpt .. ~!v:!100· N; . eats . e REPAIRMAN e Delivery &o Warehouaeman BOAT CARPENT£RS M... • ·"-. No -·lllng. vie. Harbor le Bak~r. 'Oil; Kitchens-Baths, etc. V'W'V .-or app • FIBERG LAS • « ·~ -ma! .,, __ _,, M&-7887 Call lor appointment ."ar custom yacht oonstruc· Sl550 Total cuh req. Send te e. n.o: ... lln.I. Llc'd & Bondt!d. ~ W. e FEDERAL & STATE e 546-724G · tion, experienced O!lly. Top name., address A: phone to: WST: Rabbit. very lge., A Ir. B CONSTRUCTION SlS. Call H2-CUJ, ~r:e'::is. ~=· =. e DISHWASHDt e pay. Willard Bolt Work&. Route Dept, P.O. Bax 3846. brownish color, vie. Dshlla, ll22.i>:~~·.CM· 642-9591 or ~2100 Newport 673--ml l""\oo.•-7 ""· ., __ "'-1295 Baker St., C.M. Anaheim 92803 Fmtleat. CdM. 673-5609 ~ Walter H. Fal:ftnbolz P.A. I~=""'__,;,_;:,,:,:;._=~= ~ .. "" .,......, •~•:r ni DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS! ~ E . 17th St. CM CHARGE your want ad l'OW· Classifie~ Advertising Salesmen Se,·er;li ten·itorifll whJ1 eft: t't'llcnt busUW'!ll! potent.Jfl a~ open -auturnohilc ~ q~h't'<l. D.pcrienoo p~lc~. bur not lle\:es..'\ley, Good salar-1 :i.rd commis· s Ion plan plui compa.t\)' benefttg such as vacatloos w11h pay, auto allowance. ~ il"OU.P inSW"ancf', cn-d-- it uniQll, reti.re1nt'nt plan. Ir you are • ~ saJe11· n1an arwt 1''D.nl 10 jOln thr f(l:Slf"51 Jrrowifl; !)('\VSpafK'r in lhi:s al'f'll call or wrirr for an intcrvW-1v ro Horatt Blanco or C'..a rl Ca.rstenS('n, Good Pay! Good Incentive! Ac-, Now! Engineer F;ngit!C<.'ring derre(' prr- , rcrrt'd. lndividual should ti.ave> n1lnimum of 3 yearir l'.1>perienct' in Jasl- "ner or relatC'd induslry. Prf'frrcnu-v»ill b!' shov.·n to lhose having addition- al background in testlna" or mt>tal lurgy. < Exr.oeUent salary and be-n· r.lit program. Send resume .and .a)ary requiremen1 to: l'hto Daily Pilot Bo.1; # P.1-624 MERCHANTS PEl!SOHllEl Nted.s AC<.'Ountants, Sa.le!!n1cn k Quali!y Control Person Merchants Personnel Agency 2G43 Wl."S\cllU Drive CoMX'r 11th & lrvine 64.S.2no-~ FRY COOK DENNY'S No. 121 12924 Buch Blvd, Garden Grove * Daytime Busboy * Night Dishwasher APPL.\' IN PERSON REUBBI E. llE 151 E. co .. t Highway Newport Beach LEAD MAN CABINET SHOP Excellenl opportunity 1or ri&"ht n1an, Ex~rienced In trailers, carnpen;, m o I o r homes. Apply R V Industries Inc., 2220 E. CerTil06, Ana· heim. 633-84<1.? SMALL Costa Mesa Mfg. lirm has opening for lull time JANITOR. Hours oex. lblf!. C.all Exotic Materials Inc. 545-9425 SERVICE s tation mechanic w/ manageriaJ •bility Wio Exp 11ervice &ta attendants for new Shell tnvy station. 837""35 SERVICE STATION SAL.ES. MAN. 2S Ye&rS or older. F'uU time, n>i.ng sb!IL See Clyde, 2590 Newport Divel, Cosla Mesa. lnsr.llers or treinHs for CA'rV ~m ·-* 'White Elepbanbl? A. p ART M EN T Service ADD-A-Room. apl, u ts, Income Tax Selvice I~===="'=====''========= bu&inKs-New. uniqu e• ..... __ '--_a_l•'-----64()-S cust home!!, two story 6G62CK or 545-1398 e\.~ H4ln W~nted . Man i'?Ol'l-' ... , ... •"~ .. ~ .. ~ , •• " 7?00 Help Wanted. Me" 7200 Help Wentect. Men noC> rewarding. Oesift s;+5,000 7<:0 INTEREST specialist, h'tt I a yo u t' INCOME Taxes ~ 1;;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;:;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,1;;:=;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 financial partner. Write P. Wrilc for free brochure design. 20 Yrs In the )'OUr home km& form com- 0. Box 191, CM do5Cl'ibi"" 7% In IO" 51 b'"'""'· Paciliow':':,?,'' 1 binOO 115 ·.,._3422 SHEET MET AL QUALITY ASSURANCE Ing Id b Bld!!. 6'5-7191. .. ~ay11. ==~· =·=='°"---;"'°-PROFITABLE 2 operaror church bonds, be 90 Y Sat & sun at your 11ervice MACK HARRIS Tax Serv. MECHANIC 11A11 bc:auty !hop. Good lc11.ee. V11.lley BAptl~t Tempi~. P.O. QUA L 1 T y remodeling, 9l h yr., Jll7 Roo9cvcll, RfPRHENJAJIYE Newpor1. Terms. ~ Box 5002. &1n J o s '. C'Ustom de!!ign servit."!. Refs c.M. Appointmls, 540-2971 Needed immediately. liigh school plus eveii. CAJUom iA 951~ on req. Frank M. Ba.men • INCOME TAX • 4 or more years experience in layout, HANCOCK STATION for e TENNIS SEASON • 1 CoMtr Co., l-639-l~ an Done in your home lofting, fabrication, and assembly of it&JI!, Newport Bu.ch. Good Join the fun~ Thill ad •'tlrlh ,1 pm $.'i and up. ~ "heel ;nctal Hrtl and assemblies in the pUonaae DO\\'. P 1 hiaher S10 on nflw memberahlps. aircraft or missile field. Must have ba· A--"-bJe now """ ~-Addtion" * Rl::'mo:klin1 I • 6755 in summer. va»a ' O>rona del Mar ,.,nms Oub f'n'd H. ~rwick, Lie. ""';;;;":.:'":.9'-----'-'-sic ktJOWledge of minimum bend radii PrHtnt dealer golng Norlh. • 6'7S-Snt • 673-6(Mt * 549-2110 -IRON!NC. -an..___ and bend allowances and of m aterial Some tinaocirw available LICENSED .,....; ,..,... with rood (ft(llL c • t 1 Pleue ~ hangtTs specl.f.icatlom used in sheet metal work. sn-tm Slllritual Re:adinp, advice C•rpet CINning 6625 2$1.S Avoca.do. CM 548-8227 Can layout, plan, form work from tern· on &D matters. u. S. El I Ad in th of sh MAIL ORDER ~at•/ln-Camlno Real. San Otmenic. Cll.rpot ,, Upbol Cleaninc J1nitorlal 6790 Pates. b 2.t f e u se power ea rs, I wtt« Wllnttd. C.M. attL 492-8136. 10 AM-10 PM If 1r1 done right. . . • 1:::::::::.:.::'-. ___ ;.;..;c: power r es, oot presses, squeasen, ,\ddrtM TAB. Boal: :I>, 801 SPECIAL S2 READING It'• "DUNN-WELL"! &XPERT Janitorial ~ and all other machinery and equjpment 'Bnb.·Santa Ana CJOl Attr•ctlve Expert •·rtt f.ltlmatH ... 54UK4 lndust. • c:oft'llMf'C, used in sheet metal work. SEMINAR YOUNG WOMAN '31-76.'16 or 546-l'fSI Cell o• Apply te Pata Halfrlch on Stut.&llkl·Promote Your dancer will ltach )'OU all Carpet Lay ing & (714) 54' IOJO,. Ext. 15' Own Bnainell. 54S-M46 lll.tett tkJs. c:a.u AtdtU _____ R_.,.~_1•_66_26 Land1eaping 6110 3Ul Harbor Blvd., C0tte Mui WANTED: oU4llle lk1\IOr 213: 591-4.';38 '1·10 PM r .R.PETS (nyklnl. wools. LANDSCAPERS . Ml11lla Systems Ofvf1lon ·-l ·"'"""" County. OOuPLES. ,,,,.,,., lono(y• '°''~"•n.1 VhtYI• •"" TU. ATTENTION ~ AT' umc MfEARCH can: so.all9 N•w ln area? Join u.. h-irc; ea. I.At~! 1tyles and col~" 1 ilCCd lat:ldaca.plnc. and .,.m LAnll &LI A'TTRA~ Brauly S&lon. 1o tun It plt-UUT"e C.ommetcial and ~~n11111 t.radt 8 17 tt outboe.rd with CORPORATION priced for qu\cW .it. • F.\S.9291 • F.xprrt it'lllallaUon.. hil whctl trailt'.r for your A Div. of th. Call CbiL 96J...T232 ALCOHOLICS Anonymout BLANKTNSRIP n.ooRS 8(!Nlcn. Leta rtl tosrethtt Sus.queh1nn.1 Corp. (THE QUICKD YOU CAU.. Pbobe 542-1217 °' write 1o 00..t.tGl 540-72&2 b8tot\ )'O\Jt btlly .euon. J 1~ 1 "/F fTHS QUICKER YOU SELL P.O. Box 1223 OMta. M8L DAILY PILOT Wit.rfl' ADSt rtion. fU..4611 A,, •t111• •P_!_.rtu11 '' •f!l.P '!_Y•r "" lligh school graduate (some college pre· £erred). Experienced in quality control p~dures and familiar \\'Ith mil specs in QA systems. Will meinl1lln Quality records and analyse trends, perform mi· nor statistical calculations, vendor SUI· veys and initiate or evaluate corrective actions. Call or Apply to Pat• Halftlch (7141 511 IOIO, E ... 152 l3ll H•rbor-81\fd., C0tta Meu MiuUe Systems Division tn Atlantic Research ~ · Corporation A Div. af Tha 5u"!uohama Corp. An f'!QU&I ~tunl t;t ~me!9t.tt.M •• <6-UTO SERVIC~: '. l SPECIALISTS ., , Rtt<'nl t':XllC!rlCnct In btaltit. ftoct end ~Nne.nl, alt- condtUon in&tallation lune-up J1!qUlred. 0>m tJve ll&lary arranaeroe .,.. 1 Tilp" llli:bt -COltdi wltb J'le*('lt and Uheal eqWp. nwnt. Generous bmellts cludin& hofpltall&atlof\ ploytt dlacount and &hart~. ·,- APPLY 'IN PFJL'EN IO AM to5PM P.1nnday thrmch Sl!unt..f' '' ~. J. C. PENNEY C~ ·-· 24 F11hlon Island ... • .\11 ~Ul\l opportunity _ ,1 rmployer , • ·II *Busboys *Dish- washen f I ,. Apply in person REUBEN'S " t COCO'S ~" 1555 W. Adam• Cost• Mnll ; * CARPENTERS ,. , * CARPET LAYERS-: with motor home upei~.' Excellent co. bc:neflta. ~ APPLY JN PERSON )j; ! ' ' l EXPLORER I MOTORHOME CORP. ·; 3011 ·Newport Blvd.,~'. ' l Costa Mesa, Calif. ; I • ' 'CAmR OPPORTUNITY la Join todays fast.elt ll'OWtll& profeuioo-Mutual Fund No experience mcemt""! We train· tun or part ttma , Mutuel Fund Act.Ison, Inc. n I I I Np! B. 1603 WetcUtt '°'* S.A. 1212 N. Broadwq' ~ 5'7"331 PART TIME TOP STARTING PA'f• NEW BRANCH IN ORANGt· OOUNTY. WE NEED J5 MEN FOR ADVERTISINQ AND DISPLAY WORK. EXPERIENCE, WE TRAlltl. . WORK l>"WE DAY Wf& 6:3() TO 10:30 P .M. 1'0R JN. FORMATION CALL Q. .1 JAMES. • ... -: I MONDAY l: 11.JESDAy;: J 774-n!I Position open in raift.1 ionablc Nc>wport Budl' • tesla.urant for ambitious;.""' personable youna: ma~' } experienced in restawuf · f ma113JtCment. Reply lo-~ !j box # &iving ~· . Bo.x r.'J.Ql, The DdJ',r 1 Pilol. f!. I YOUNG A LANli " . ' TIRE CO. '" Hu openinas tor maMib ment trainees. Top ~ paid vacationi, free ml$cr medical plan. Join A p ahead with us. Apply tn 1on 188 E. 17th St., SU:lte 11'\ Cost?. Me!lll. e SALESMEN e ., Unuaual opportunity with nL, Donal concern for man wtltll en~ foundry or eoeramkll industry bll.ckpou.nd. lei'e. sales or a.pplit-,a,tlon • peril'nce desired. StDd 1t11ne to P .O. Box m. J ~ Beach,, C&lil. 1 ' e MECHANIC e Full time. I Must be experienced ap have own tools. Alm ~ """"'"""' SERV stl , HELP. Both over 2$.~ phone calls. Rkhfteld, • ot 19th & Newport , C.M. COOKS All Shttt. 'I Apply BELLAMY'S 1400 w. c .... Hwy· NawpottllMd. : DOORMAN ' PARKING ATTN~r 1' :run or part time, du er ~ 11 °' ..... 11c. caw. I er. Neat ap~, .... 1 Call &W-111Xl, est a 4 ,\a 1 6 pm. I TRUCK Driwr, 0..· 8 )4;, I ... 30 -40. -. <xii w I dlffcl, miftr I: ..... .,. ........... ....,,. w "" SERV. Sta.. Alt: Need fldl time nla:ht man. A.pply 411' penon Mta Union Sttv~ 2281 ~-Bl"<I. C.M. ome&machn.~ • >la/wit. !:»a. ~ ()Jim. 4!M-.96U . ·' • I l •, ~~•-,~•~J<~•r·~~~~~~~·7•,~r.;.,~••,T1-~~•r•-.•;-1~·~.•~~-.1 ·.-.•-·~~:-,•w~:~·~-.-·~.'-:""'',~ • ...,,-,-.• .. •.·.---~.-.• .. • .. --~•,•.-.-.•,,-.-.~-.-.. -.-.-.~-c:.~ .. ~ •. c--~ --...~. ..:· .. llAILY llUT S&turd!r,.,Alltl.J1,,lM . , ,,_a -DY-I: .•~ """.:-C'"' _W\.j!.)'16fNl Ml-&.~==YM"'illlt=j !JO~IS~&dt!IMl1l~!:JOl~ml~~Nt~!JOIS'.!:!~&:~1!1M!!!a!!:!O!!:~ ..... w--~ HolltW ........ ~ ,,• Hoi.W-lw-"""'Wa-"#~-...... -:...... *" ~ w~"'~ -7400 11wOIMft % , 1~ '!';••: .. ~ '~ 14: . ~· -·'*r"-'=;;; ··-..... ~at \ • I ,• ,• "" 1 V .• 4. l •\lftlt 'H •r.. '· 4• ~ ... ta.~ I ' T~ ,. :;..:= ::..er/td. i! <0 '.t.JIJ.l'~ .:.w• "' wa ·• f; \. ". ~·," , :;\ ~,.;!."".\!~~N:m,.. '• i((UUllllllTWllll ' · ~-. : . 1ai MT/Sl· ~ £Git~ 5 pm-· A,:,.,... .a;.-~~,,,.-~':1'"-11 . "(:: ,'.. Y"(PIST ~-- Plont E•pantlolt fa' .. our. _...,.. -· ~ .. 'L.A., Hlah' t:::s ~ · Iii t ·14""1' tO'D ' OppartWllOO for: mot thJt requira llllillDt Jewl. aka. Jt1!1Mt -. ' ' .r ,..;t. , ·~ , JU;*-' u1 "*'1P $ZS. table! -•ft.9, ! JI lllrilo" Assembly Carpenters ·~'"°""·~ wardrobe, al:inibr ' CHi&I -• -• VUSOa~ ~· tn' Stnce' iittcf. 54S-45C · lam.pa S1 Wattle lron and L::O~.s~a.!':.~~ .~~~~~.:II:~~=-~-· ~P\-Y -!.~"it~:~.• Src...il1 ~1 , ~rfnini..lrr ' .. :..0 --·7~111, .. ..,.1 ~ ~~-"r.l~' £XP "'"""' ... tton ··-"""" ... ,:n::;e."/~.~~ .. -·" ..... '" ..i., .,,.,,,.....,_ MAISH.All ,.... a11.6!e_,. ~ ~ .• K;p•cllrn •. * ~·' IUllU , · -·.,.. i l8. ·Dpuble b>d .....,.,..r '!5o. GI .. ..,.,k • . •~~ •"':" ·~· '" abo .. fxi'.. 1&W7, -The .. l>Oiftloaowtn --. , ,._ . ' ' · ' •• •' $111: COOi ..r lto....,. fl.SO. ... ~ $!<I Utility' table $1. •oodant. moat know ,......,, .....,. '!' NCI! woul4_ .. ..,. 'l"' y,. • .,., J , : a lho1t b'alnlna period ol vR*n• ., wpm--· tlO..,... ......,., .... ., " -'.' M>Q1 111p illd' ,.·"'2 B · k -;~~"M:;..."':; holplul. .·• • ' MISS EX CAGINCY C~OMMU~I AT.IONS ·~llllp "" ···., · IYPlnllBMd<cbjc,.illn.2 "' P<p'l>fer C. - """"' 'lblr· ........ '•lftts • &Cod . llO W' Cout llllhny . . •• \ I• ~ • "" ... -i;;; •' Wor~ -.. ....... )'?I, ...... tui&l .... riont0; ~· .,,..,..,c ...... ......, ... :Ptiar~· (r ltB. • . l· 'tllJary wtlh ~,!tractive~-Newport 'Beach ~ · ~ ~-* the •. r.i .,. VMl'W•ntl . • · .. ·1· ·.• '• ;!~ldOll ~ Man'~ -·n U..·b uilelt oi Sale1m•n·:MM1'1$hop ~oetlt&incl:lklinclil!yPAiif -·· ' ... ·, ',..flrOt £iahwi11•'1 ' #,,-* . * TDDVllC . breWii mt•lfie '.>~ long -~ .. 1 ""("'• ':- Steady job, cood bolln,..&ood for medical Uld life· inlur.. . · (114} 2820 • -~ • ., •illll'iM . 1~11 n. ··..wom !Ol\Ce'1 ... '24) or ;;Jo "lift, $4. ~3 PllY· Write partieutars ta ~ ooyera&e. three~ 1 .• Skarp-C·•reer G•ls ' An1Equal Opportunlty IRICllM J •, . •. • • \ .1.' ati t'lllM"~ ·Apt i COUCH fl5. Qtt.PmJll $1Ji0. ""'M 419,,ll<lly Pilot. vacatton ....... ~-··"'· s.c.,.., Oerk ~Gal Empi.,et m~ ... ,. CIPHAIOR c.-.T'. ·: -. 0--.ti ... table u.~ •. •COOK~ ,A•* in~/' !ht ~Vi;~~ • •, • . . . , .. r PERSllKB.JERVl(E . I' itfrR!Gh=R. •!!'•"· ~ table ~'1:;•. sREAKFAST·LUNCH DAii: 1 . p,.oy ..,.. Jobe. T,. .... ,, Call • ~ u ~ _ , Mlnlmwn .... ,.., >riv•te: iii\. ; ...iw. SIS each. old . · ** 831.sotl6 ** 330west&yStrttt..or 00~·548-77'96 ,,,, ··1C-· ' " l 445 E. l~th St. :,ne.;r~~ chain u .so,-$C8-5150 ~uy ~ -.,w Agoncias, 'Woman 7300 Ask for Mm. G..,,,_ «. ARGUS AGENCIES * NURSES AIDES * POLICY Costa.-. Coli!. am to Mo pm. • o • 9 Um.,.ll> ·1ent, .....,, 13. , &rdui&l, , c&ll 6C""'121 tor ~.n interview 18$9 C NeWJIC)rt Blvd.; CM. SERVICE ' 642-7523 . =· .:~: S f,~ ~· Pbealanl5 BKPRSSECY'S.TYPISTS Expttienced, All &hifta Pre.ret at kaat one year ot In .. -... w'-Cont.let ..l..•em•• 2 ~--Ian"--_...., ~ . Wol1h ·Moro? DOMESTIC fiELP IS .YOUR· AD IN a.ASS!· '. """ p R I ~ -· ~~ ~· -rn:oT •-----~ be fire, eaaually or multiple Mon ~ f' • .It ro tum -~1 CRt;Y Anoj .· •-.~, .built·'· Call or send resume. AU info All kinda? HoultWpen, ·~ wiu .. .-____ C I line ra.i-.,,,_ricnoe. Ple~ • f"!.lru r1. 1··--. n.q u i confide.ntl.aJ. Our tenrice"d-'Coob,MUSl6ComMn..._ _loc;q far tt. Dill ICJiB"ll newport onv.1 •acent ""'& -.-2 t 5•r ' · 41,11'<), W•ter sof'lener S25. breakfaat nook ~ labliWd over 20 yn, Can ~ retr. re:i'F; lor,tuldtSetftdmt nllUlta-,.. and .::i.rr ~~-""' p.m ••. p.m. Bline "tank '$iS. Pipe $25. MatchIDI table SlO. fi>ld "''P ,.,.., ""1 Jobe. Call llliu Abby; ,.,."" ........... ad ...... 'i:.!n.. "''""·NB' .jty "" ~~~· ,E'quaJ "" ............. pla)<r COLLI NS . B..,,..." """'""'"&! ""' . . ............... -SupertOr Agency otf.'.7796 . u.,1ft....,. ~DAILY . ~ t I~ •. 1{' 1-." ~ ' Rtt".$15. ~79;' PM . :·:bed 'u;. Double _pl· 18.\7 Harlm8l,O>otaMeoa ARGUS-AG~CIES ·~~q!W(IC-sll S ARY II ''''' ' * ClfJl JYPlST ' ' RE,MODEiED Home, _,..,...,115.Cleanold Call fint 642-nU ll69C N.,....iBIV\I., CJI: , · ' $451 to$557 POLICY .• RADIO ·:CG;,;>~~1..;;~~~..;;. wllhbo~~;.; Deily Pil~t Clo11ifled ""'years steno "!l".!P'""'· I.' .~~ Ci"· · · ., ·" , ' · .. ...,., ..., ...,,, ·0iiii ;a1;i;; -110.. i1e11 ~~ -" ..,.._ .. , , SH-90wpm,typ~wpm. E:xpe)le •Or ·•1 )mut. Jmmedia'e opepina:tnWes 't'7o"oJ Ito '-~· ·$21).~JLWT •... -~~.weaten.50c;to$5. . CLA·SSIF.IED ·'IN.D.EX ·· U.S.clti,.,....p,Arr'at" ~ N 60+ ••-l ,Jlluit.,type 58 . •m ~ GIRL'S ";., __ bik•' \.1181..,, $2.!0 ~ $1. -~ We1tmin1..,._ -,," wpm on IBM e)ectric. Di. New(llOrt IHch ·. · ~· ...... '6 • .., ·, "°~ 111&ht bag" tn School Di1trlCt ifY olf"'L e c. verallied diatiea. ' 1 •.. ~~~ 11~eH and basket i:.'N:___,1056 · •' The jdeal position for llOlll~ _.. .,._ ''" ~~-;...~~-,-,.,--,,.,.,::-:; -_14121 CEDARW,OOD one who likes to type. • • Equal opportunity ·employer · · . lS1' flO takes Coo d HOUSES FOR SALE NIV(,01T ..-~n ., .. 1L~IC"AL · GRNEllAL 1t• ... Wl'OllT SHOltS ~ IOVJ,MIMT· •9tt'TAU COl"fA M•U ' 11• WUTCLIN' ·. CDI P•Nc.111• .... .... ... ... •• WESI'MIN~ CAJ..IF. Call per~MI ct.pt. · S.~iJ"·"~· ~ $15. refrigerator ·10-2 · suixlay. BEA"'".' . (7141 494-9401 . . . 591% w:wu.oo CM.i .,,, ' Excellent lree benefits. Per. ..~ good conditlon.$20. Waring.2 · 1 oalle t Ol'l'ltkTOR manent, •l<ady worl<. °"' TELONIC DEl.URRE' "'S REMINqTON _.bl, type-MAYTAG, ~"· "' ~. Ml.SA DEL "MA• 1111 .'t .. IY••ll'fY ,Alli:' .ur PlMU MIU. VllOI.. 1111 MCC UY · G4f l'tllllACI 11 .. Al•I. lko ~ •LUPJI · 4W •U.Jln"UJtl lllSTOlllNa ~~L:':r .. ~.. !: ·i~A D~L W.1 . oflSll a 111'1 .. tsllllle . "11 ::~::~oi~l:NTS :~: J, .II~ = ::-:..:::~el\'1CIS = T . '" .. -,.,, ~'. -"'tioo ~. ''"''""°" -' K.• ~'" ~ '° policy i~ promotion from w• • •""'"' ......... ..., .,_ rtPair Fully Experienced within, Your future Is deter-\VariJ'la 2 speed blendor., 'vasJ,ler, lle!Jds nunor . . • rniMd entirely by you. New Temper•ry like new $15. Instamatic • Both $25. 67S-2012 ..... m olli", hi<odly, EJIGIMa"JNG' (0, ' -10! K-. wqd<• -$8. $0 PROOF "to· $]i, ~ •• w ... T ... ~~., 1..100 tSL1:. 4lSI eu.Dllf9. 01ac111a '"' aAYCIEST-1 lftl IAl •O.t. ISU.110 GM •LAii, ' "" •AY1HOllS :: "Nu"MrHMTOll "NACH .......... TNUM• '* pleasant atmosphere. n~ We ·have a few openirwa Swivel rocker; ~ upbol. Proof aet '$12.50. B.U. Lin- for experienced power stered, .medium . sUe. good coin setl :ss to '69, 1CdeCI in Gu•r•nt ... lenus 00¥11 INQl:D 1211 JIOU.,,Artl· VAL.UY 401 ,1911• IHOP 6111 W•nCLl .. f' 1UI SUL llACll ~ lllAL"TM a.u•s tfll NAllMll MtetllAlllOS tta LONe •UC:H .._ MULi... 61M UlllV•UITT PA.II( 1m Oaule• COUllTT 4"I llOUllCL .... IN• d IRYIN• IDI MIHM c•ov• 4'11 ..,.. ... HCOIAT111• .,''!! NAT [ 0 NA L Corp:iratioo UCK ... T 1J41· W•ITM1"1"fta 4'11 lttco.. .,,.. .. UlnlUflfl IMI MIDWAY CITT 4'16 .... °' ..... .... 61M deaires neat • attractive, =::.-1::.!"J:. ::: :~: ::_: "',."'' = :::'l:~iN• !: y,-eil qualified e x e c utive •Al•OA '"•lllNJulA 1.i TltlTIM ,... 1111uu11<• '"' RCrefAry for Vice PttsJdent ••ACOJI •AY '* COAITH. 4"1 llSVUTML\'111 ......... \'4 SIL!e11 & General .sues Mgr. ~:C, •~1LL'1"~ ~= ~=~=: :.~~1!'1 !: =~:~~•IA! .. ata. :: fur new otticell opehing in •AL•OA .ISL&MD ,., IAN CLIMlllT• "'"· ~~~f~"· ..,. Newport Beach Financial =~=~:::~: ~~~~~IHI ::· .::r..t.":.':lc.. ~ ::: MAsoN•'I'.· ._.JCI( ' . :: PlW, N.B. Write ¢/o Box J'OUNTAlll YAt..LIY 1411 COptDOMllllUM ., .. MOVING ' n'oaA•• '"' NO. 352, Daily Pilot • .- Sl .. .l •t ACH ..... ,. DENTALS .PAlllTltl..._ ........ 11. . .... IUNSl!T •1t:A(N " PAV:TIJ!& .... •UI oA•oeN o,1ov1 1•1s Apts. Vnfyrni.,hed ",' • .!21.,,,,·, ::;: LONG •EACM IMt elNl!tAl ..... "'"'" UKIWOOO 1SSI COSTA MESA SIM ;..'"!~':.::· .. ltdl. ltN~ = O•ANG• COUNJY IM Ml.IA YEID• 1111 ••T OOOOM .. I "" Call 545-1570 See Betty Bl'\K.'l!' al For Details and App'L Call Collect PE!tSOHNEL 12131·;llt1213 UNIG).u INSURANCE GllOUP Work Near Ho~ ' EXPLORER '\ ' Laguna Buch CITY OF. NEWPORT llEACR' POLICE ClER~ I $452 • $549 por menth } ' tool deburttra. Duration cbair, ~IJ!ld upholstery $10. plastic, .$1. ~ mint 11et ot @mployment 3 to & Baycn1t area:.:~ SL'7C 1961 mint set. 11·"-. '""""'· Day shift. •• CAR -cmntt l!I. B.U. rolb '.cenb. C.D, '.!'; · "Boy's ~ize .~6 cl?lhilig ~~ §(. 68, fi8 •· !?•' "f; ~ J t WJEl (0 Twin· OOx springs., mattmss availa~ ~J .. ~ .. ~ ~-·' · .. • ' W: 545--11138 ' · · • lo 7 pm.; "16-3021 " • 671 w. 17th 'St. Cost• M••• S41-342f An eqUal opportunity employer 1 • s-~lrrl'fUl. ·siaiRese. Seil N"•"''w"""'"an.i-"'.m=•<atc.o.-:;d-:y::,m~o· Poiht ki.~eTl!l . .'$15 each, can tapewriier (fl)~ ¢[). 110~ Weel(en4& or after 5:00 p.m. i,)" erQ~ng ~tie SOc roll. 64G--59515 • _ mim~ph with counter FUR.Jacket,twostoles,good $10. good Remtn1to_n OUT O" COVNrT Utl MIW1'01tT •t~H SHI POOL SllYJCE ••1t OUT Of' ITAT• l&M N•Wl'OIT Hll•HrS SUI ..... ......... "11 •~ency for Career Girll srANTOll 1'11 N•Wl'OIT lltCMlll Sl2t ~ WISTMINSTllt i.u W•ITCl..11'.. lnl PUMP SlaYICI _... 4J.0 W. (:out Hwy., N. B, MOTORHOME CORP. I R~~11 SO wpm typipc, high school diploma, one year ol recent experience Jn typin& and/or sent:ral olfice work. Final wi. date April 18, 19&9. For application and ~ inlonn&tion eofttact ~r. sonnel Offtee. ·3300~New­ port · BlVd., N e·w p o-r1: RN DIRECTOR OF NURSES · $10 each. Hanging lights $3. portable ~writer $7.~. Antique coal oil.lamps $3.50. Argus C3 Dash attachment wa.me irm,, good $3. t:Jni-Sl. %." heavy duty elcctfic que bottles J and $3.50. drill $22.50, as ne\lf 1926 Oiihes· .from Sc· to ss. Unive'tl!li~ of Minne10t.a Drapel"l' ena· 50c and $1. year book $12.50, Eldon'alOt Fonrials aize 1-t and 16 SS: CJl' track lOc, 58 Ford MI DWAY Cl"TY t•l• llOOf'llle B •-•U • u11ivaas1n PAlllC 1211 uo-,.,.in. -. ..,. y a-mt . ~939 ">;EDS SANTA ANA u• IACK •AT . Jttl -,..,.... n 1ANTA ANA N•Tt. u• 1.ut •Lu"" .ia :-.:::t:::. •.M':.~:. ·= *ASSEMBLERS* OIANGa IOI <OIOllA DIL MAa ... Sdtetn ..... ' 6111 . TUSTIN 1641 JAllOI. .,. UW1N• • . IMI TEUfR :::~:o!u•TI• , :t: •AY dLAJtOt ,_ ~---.ac .. 1111 ••,A•s ""' · E:cef:llent ~-benelit.s LIDO tSLI: UR ....,.11;-T.Nll(I, S.WW.. It.. .. """'5"' , ~~::::~:•YON ~= N\if!TIHT'Olf ••AC• = 1"AM.011'* • . ..1.t life insurapce, paid holidays, LAGUNA Hl\ .. l1 1,_ •eUin"Alll VAll.JT It T•IMIT• CMTl:OL .,n CdM. Ex,.rience etc 9>1JOA m.AllD• . ... ·.,.LS.. c..-..c .. , I "'t t::~:: :~.. Int UAL ••AC11 • .. ..... TIU.:U...-. Mrie ·,m . Pr• •r.red . ~ : l!-t IAN CllMPT• . . = LOMe ••Aat · " _..Qlll ~Uia1'11C• "!!! 675-5010 APPLY JN PERSQN S-"1 JUAlf °''"'ST•AN• , 1""' ::::: :.:Z· · / , . := .iiNY aY •IMln. ·••&. !;;; .-· • ~-rt Blvd. cA .. 1n11tAlfO INlCN ' n.w. w"1MINST•1t _. -"" .,., •. }'._ ,·.-1 C Ill •, • ••• , ...... ,1 .. ! l"' Ml'QWAY Cl'IT • ' • ' ·~··. ~n.a EM. PL"VMEN ... lrt>~PITAJ..IT.Y HOSTESS . , • • ~ SAlftA ANA\•• .. , ... L.' • ,, ....... Iii..:• .. "'!'-.. .,, IL.-..· f tllre .. OCAANllOI ,.,. UlftA '"" ~··in:·· ...... .. AllTIO. ,_. -' ,. ~lfll or ma women\ . • • ttiN 01Eoo ··· -• 1m "TUfTlll · . , , .. , .19el .Ml.T•~..... ·.Mp _to ,welcom.e newcomers to llYlt:ASIOI COUNTY ,. COASTAL. I .. ~ .,. •• w.t.ttr•o. ' ' . ftfe co~v Must ·have ~g~~i:iu·: MOYIO :;:: UMMA 11.tCM .,.:1 Ma'•..,... mt l:ypewri ,, .:;:~ ~·bon l)U .. LEXEI f'Ofl SALlt: ttPS l.MHINA Nla\111.. S1C' DOMIE'ftC Hlt..P ,. b . ~-... • ...... ,MENTS •O• U.LI -SM CLIMINTI . m'I •••rc•n. MR . 11• . da le. A ~-'28$' E. Main,' RENT .LS U.lill ,JUAll·:CMtll'T1WI• ms HlllP WA,rTID. -1211' Silite 7 !tiri. Calif . '"' l!IAllA l'OIHT 11tf AO•MCllS. ·-7MI ' ~25 . HouMI Fumi1h1d ,it:EAL ESTATE, =~:p.~ :: A~'ITRA==cr=rv~E=""'°---G•N111AL Hit Gentrll AH 1u. ,._ • ...... ,.. Wo~ to I ENT ALI TO IMAlll =' 'f'l!:ll"l•X.... "" KNOOU & llllTll:UCTIOll '"' train aa Figure ' Coun8etor. ~~ ... •• .... ·,·~... ,,. CONOOMlMIUM .... I09 ......... ~,toll "" Must havt t1lim fi"'·-like .., -l•llTAU WANTID .... 'lt!IA""'~ · .,,. . •-~, ~:~1::•::11K ~l: aooMs ,oa "'"" .,. MERCHANDISE FOR . to woty with public, 6% MIW .. O•T ••ACM 11• IOOM & ·~· ... s·LE 'ND TRADE hours per day, ··2 ' Sal iliir N•WPOllT MOTS. '111 MOT"•LJ, "tlAl\.111: COUlft '"7 '"' '"' mo St~..tl.-nftlft-• .....,-0 ~ •UIST NOM•S .... l'UlllllTUI• -' ....... ,. -.-.:1 .,..., · · NIWl'OIT SNOlllS !!?! MISC. ltlllTALS '"' Of'f'ICll flUll•tTU•• 1111 Call for interview 6'2-J630 •AYSMOfl:•I· ,._ !MCOMI PllOf!ll1T ... O..•d IOUIPMINT lflll ~==-,====-~ DOY•• SHOtl~ m1 1u11M._U ••Oto••n ,.. sTO•• IWftl'MIMT 1ttt SARAH · OOVENTRY bu W•STt:llP• • 2PI • ... -, ... -lf14 UNIVEllSITY •••• """ ftMll• AIXI e:Altl'. ................ openings for full or part ~(~lh~.· .. i .. \ "._,.l < I 1 e CRE6lf'e CHECKER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 2112 W. Coa.st Hwy: ~ Newport Beach, Calil. 64&-2j3l .. , . Equal opportunity employer lltYINIE mt =::~:~.~'lr'"' = ·=.::~. = time sales. !-tin. llgf! 1&, ::.;: :t:,,.. = INOUS-r•tAL Not••TV ... ,.,. •• SALi m2 Pleasant ~ ..... m ~inve3t. ! llYIN• T•••Ac• tMS ~ru.;:f:" •• ~M.. .:: •VAlllTUlll AUC1'1M " :: .., delh.'f:rieS. For interview "BE' w' ,,,FIRS COIONA Pl\. MA• = Lon -"*' =~ . llU call ~4/ 837-4749/ T •... , .... ,, ... · .. "" llANCHIS . f1• ....... MAClllll•S .,,. ..... -~ ~ . .. '. -L• "'' CmtUS UOYll. • . •l1J MUSICAL •SftUMIMT flJS o•u-o:JoN 'cDQN' ' " to' ' ~I.JOA llLNllD ,.. Ac1u.a1 '* PIANOS a ot:•AHS 1.1• .SEC'Y RECEPT M A S Is h t r Ing MUllTINGTOfl 11 .. c11 M1t ~;i.:=~1'Y = ~~II-= I O-"~ "1. --B-~-• COUNTER Women to work •OUllTAIM YAL.L.li• • .,. OIAN•• co. PIO .. llT'f nw """'' • ST.... llll O! .-.. ....... on IC Oua.--.:. UIS'" Mond.ly thN F\"idq 11 am-~:~ := = d\n °" !TAT• ... o... Ult '"" aKOIDlllll :: ntll5 exp req. Dental exp not 2 pm. Unifonnl furnished. OU.NOi! COUNTY '"' MPUNrAIN • DllS•IT '"' CAMlllAS • •OUl .. Mltn euentlal. Mwt be intelllient free meal&. SUIPIVlllOll LAND ..,,! MG••Y "'""'In ... IMTA ANA •11 ••AL llTAt•·snYK• ,,,. Sl'Oltflll• fllDOOt .... attractive. ~ 2>-t5. Tot APPLY JN PERSOl"t -.. ::~i:iNr.;:. :~~ 1.1. sxcKNM1 '"' •lllOCULA•S. KOP•' "" salary. 642~ McDeNALD~ IL •• WAllTIO ... MttC.u..AlllOUS -... · • ::_::,.~ KE1•Kts ,":':BUSINESS and Ml~,WMT•D .. ,. FULL CHAR,GE BOOK· 656l"!F.dlnrer .. 1· UOUNA 111!AC1t 179 FINANCIAL MACH1111aY. 11& ::: KEEPER ~ .financial, Hun_t.Utlton Betit!! UOUNA 11 .. U.L 1111 LUM••• tat ts MUJMO.AI f'l ---,-...,., ~. ~--.... -SAii CllM•NTI ml •USIN••s Ol"HllYUI(~ .. , '* ST0'9:A•I l77f I emen • ...-. co VII JUAJI u,1,,..,.No 1121 1u11w.ss wAwno .,. 1u1LD .. , MAT11t1Au , :;: poration. Xlnt salary ii; EXPERl,ENCEn.,~ C»'llTllANO l •ACM tnt lllV•STME.lff ~Hip "11 DlfAN, btnefib;. Call (714.) 8J1-2WO -1-'i "Ji DANA P01111' • "* tttv•itMIJCT WANT•o "11 PE'tS •IMI· \.IVESTOCK "'-t. ,.7 !or •P-''"tm••t ' a1v1111101 CiMlfUY tlM ••Y to't.0Nt ,,.. INl••L -._ ,,_., ..... .. •ESCROW i' VACATION llNTALS ~ •••SONA\. lOAlll ... ::~ •.. .,--· llM NURSESJilDE 't CON°°"'INtUM .. ~ 'EW1t:LIY L~Ns •:sw ooes .., ....... _.. ., ._,SE. Cf\ETARY ... , oUPt.Ulf .. I.NIM. •H COt..UTlllAl \.OAlll .,."" •o&Q• , .ant 1 TO 3 ,;,nu-l' RENT A 5 ••AL ISTATI! l.OAttl .. 0 . . I ....!. .Unfumiih.d =~~::;,.:~ ~ !i:' (A'{i;c)RNIA Ll'#ING eo!~'!!n~~pital UNITED CALIFORNIA e•N•ul -ANNOUNCEMENTS · 11u1••1n "'' 1445 Suptrior • ... ~K COIYA ... ~. 21• d NO'TICES • SW"IMNl ... -..OU ... " jo M•u Dlt.. .. MA• 11• an ..... PATtOI . :: Newport Beach &G-2410 1 3141 E•tCoelt H =.::~ .. -ri:: =r0 .,.,., .--!: ~~~..'... • WAITRESSES ' .coroN ct.I M.1":°' tlnl"OllY' •IACW Ml "•MtllAU ~II' TRAN$.POltTATION . .-..._ ... a~-..1 N , po. l ....... . ........ ., ~...:, 1211 ::ai;::llC.,..SlfTI •Ol WW I YAClf'n ,_ Lllt"C< ROO>L~ e•._ ...::ua!I WoP"N'MJ' ::~:.. ~·· = .UllllM.I . , .n1 .SMl.IOATt "" Ex~Uent Salary I Worlrin& ..... ~ .., f'AID •rTUA•t. . tnJ tow11• c1u111aa ,.. Condition1 540-7200 .u •••• ' ... •~•-Mi• .......... llOATI ... • . w•11cL1,,: aaa '". ·-·~ lf1f W"Y 'ntAllfft ""'e WAITRESS : Good v .. 1v•1t1rtr-•Ml• ., !'LOlllS"n • .... .... , MA1WTllllA!f(8 -. •••• .. -u•o w _.,....... ,., '°"'' u.uNCw... ,. iienona111:1, • t tr a c t t v e EXf(UJIVf UClt uJ IM' Ill MIMOltlAM -•,,., •i..""'' -CIMn••t t..on .n1 flWllltl .... II,, 21-:la. Full time, top alary. ...... f•auci tt4t c:.MITUY Clll'+''"ft = =~ ~:.mM~lt.. = Lil Paiw1o'1, Huntin(ton coaou oat. MA• *"' c111MA1011u1s -~ aw.·r •• .,,AU ,.,. Harbor. 846-0693 runrrARY UUOA -MIMOltlAt.. Jl.UCS _,, n "" .JU.HI F.tual opportunit)I enqiloyer ' ~escent Hoepita1, Ootbing frun $1 to 25c. Day •potlight $5. ~ Newport. Considerable ~ ~ 'Antique· wash bowl NE\V l.9C and 1963 ••ce•: respomlbillty, authority pitcher-I and chamber $25. call boQks $2, .Sb"1'0 ··~·· • u C!&l'fted. Benefit& ei;:-Y~ chain SL Table · $3; desk mike $10, · ·General cellent.wtlh unlimj~.po. J.ewe}z'Y 1$1 •to 5c., Lawn staidin&: wave brld;p · $25, teiitial to-a trulyrcaPlbfto 1 1"Q9Yo'f:r ..U...Large .fisl_1 boy.lis teltphone type l,e v' t proteulonal. . • " . · i~. 1~ 25c •. '.AUto ,..ai,r cbn-· awitctft 3 tor Sl. 11ilot ~ --~. ,, • 1. ·, di~~F.·:l':~~s _n :to.:·Jndicatur .ll&hts 3 b:'.tl.· Be a c k. Cali!. (7f4> """"' . ""MS...-' ""'' ... '5c. ~I,jj\-~t.,*'~~""" ~ ............. '""'°'~~'!I' ·~j " I' · • • · .t '?den.. .-aod . fat '" ,.· ... ' "·'·· i!"'"I ·.,..,. ~'J-"ill'18;Pipg'$1 no·· ~~ ?.;; . ,, •. MitttANis . . .... ··~ ~ ' PERSOllllEI.. - NEEDS 'fypills, G~neral OUioe and s.cr. ....... Open 9 to 12:30 Sal"\n"d9.y M.rch.1nta Personnel Agency 20tl Wettclltf Drive Corner l 'l'th 6 Irvine 615-mo -545-5685 'tjEmpCED_Booj}(efpef ·.a'rrab~meritl $3 _tQ ·S2. ~r. t ~ 1 or '2 c .. .. -'in . ..,. Sllldlo II!' Suoih "$2. (;!(rd.~" tools ':ff . ""tall,""'"..--... ~ batxUe all' paperwork itnc. Good etectlj)C •kill.elll 12:~ hand p:ilke $4, ~1~' ~ ~ections, payroll, D!u and "" Comer. Wilcox 2252 mike $2%.50, 53fi-302l ·• · 1, tax keep tab of 1tod9'00m, Cohln\bia Driye fi1LL Size mattress JZi. box typ~ng, run m'IU1da. Oc-· COMPLETE Double bed and spring S15. ~hite-. and ~014 casional participation in ilreaer ·$2(1 Saturda onl twin site headboard S15, production. $100 wk to start. 548-4896 ' Y Y brand new llvin&: rooi;n }J'mp ·Handwritten resume to Box -$25. 2 twin size bedspread• No. P~ Daily Pilot AUTOMATIC wa~her $25. si5, 2 twin aize bedspread• Electric range '$15. ... 15 -•Mg TELETYPE Operator with Relriaerator"ai is nil. Dciu-ct,Wdren ~ea.gns '.,_.......... DENTAL Office Secretary, exper. for brokerage firm. ble bed $25. 'Boys bike ·no. OLD Pidurts and ctanware 'Tustin. ), "--•--'-' -'""'"-$400. Please conta.ct Mrs. ., ;__ ., __. '""""'"'.....-,.... ~ Alward. 6Tl-TOOS Lawn mower $5. Maple table l.Oc to .,.., NUuP .,., carvv-i n e e d e d • Ccmpn:hensive Crowd!. Weedon I:: Co. $5.' Office chair s 1 o • llhtU $i. 25" spoon and fork knowledge of the dental en. cOrona dd Mar "J)pewriff!r $15. Vactium $3. Typewriter $2, Sn,art vironment It. patient needs 1 ~=-~~-~~~ clea.oo-no. m~w. attn st., drum set ·ns. '1S61 JUUne are req'd. Minimwn exper. HAIR: Stylist wanted. tYzh C.M ... , · !.' · Drive H.B.141~1496. of 3 yn.; ~ 5 yn, style • .speclal.i.lt. ·bu I Y B-~.~ or more. Musi meet situa· Newport Shop,· following .,....., ~ $8. twin bed arid WHEEJ..C»A1R Pwnn:~ mn- tlons with judgmeilt. eue, pre.ferred but not nectlill')'. spring $3. tQASter $2. Shoes dition 'sis.· Mens' la:p firmness & poise. Top Call 646-lMS 25c·SQc. .157.flit ~ .. C.M. · · · · leather ~I~ $10. Git.on salary to right penon. Call: GENERAL OFF1.CE P 0 LI 6 HE D .. American JtefrlgeratOD--treezer," ~ n4: ~ Immediate opening. Typlna: nlainesium·wheela S25 each. offer. M&-8807 ~ 5 PM *HOSTESSES* 50 ·WPM. filinl:. A&e• :IG-40. , Chevy. AFB Cll,fbutttor and BABY stroller S1.~· Jx10 O _p po r tu nit y f.or ad· manifold m. ·540-6994 wool bnJded rui S& l'Ole vancement. Call for ap-.W..UCRAFTERS s x 25 · lamp, ·~ld but workJ ·s,t50 DAYS •nd pointment 646--1757 :radio ~~-·.speaker t25~ Sat alt~ I. Sun after 10 NIGHTS DENTAL · RECEPJ'lONIS"l' Kelvinataci ·refrigerator $10. AM. 540-lln9 Mature, reliable w o m an • 54.\-1989 22"·"'' """'ELECTR=="'1"'c,-,tan..--,1'=.so Must have good experience USED ~ting. nylon, good New aummir ~ bqs, to work ln busy Collta ·Mesa condlUon 'Sl ici,.. ~ 12 ft. plastic ti.50 each; 9' x 12' Apply in person REUBEN E. LEE ollice. ~2634. ~th, ·oySt'~r color. 549--1582 gtty. bro.i.dlOom Tur $25. OVER 13-Babysitter lt Radio $1~~ Ce r a iij l c 151 E. PeclflcC1t. Hwy. mothet'a help!r, live ln. ~,!~1t>~_$511·7 EIS!i~ planters 2Sc Wfcker 'dot Call 9-6, 545-8~ aft 6 "'"" ........ r ~~-· ·, · P. . basket and pad $3 Bei&n Newport IH<h ' """"" llO._Sludio..., 15,. I '-•-' ~-Coo ~u EXP'D. Medical thsu:rance Secretary Wanted . Fu 11 ti me, salary open. Contact li-tn Bothe, Bri!tol. Park" ?ifed1cal Group, 'i22 Baker, Coat& M~--~-~ DRAPERY' 9peritori exp'd. I-tabln-. CluslC' Draperies. 3853 Bi"'1I !lt, 'N. 'B. * ~1431 * 54D-6349 · l;histol._ .Ii: Patio · ahait 1~ Step end amp ::u ... q,e •;11;. VO)', ... Paularlno area •-' ~ ·cart s'to Used w'alter H~n ~ble '* OwUr §4. New Jath matched iroi\s, 2 ttiru 9 pl\la EXEC-b'.joSttb, wikthGaltoP~. ,' $1 .. ~ cabinet ,·$2, chippitJi iron1$25. 4" kif.m ......, Table aJmpg S2 e-a c b . _, __ n 1..,. lteaume k rdl re Q 'd . twin mllttl'f:U. U<Jal• -""' • -'"' "' '~-Ind,· Gvde!f-· ~ '1· MU5T4· cubic tt• Frigida\re .,..nte &NY!~ ........ .., 5319 Bruce -crescent, ,......, ledio sz.: Fo141n&: Complex, N.B. 114: 546--Mlt m~ _ '_ · :~ 00: with.·2\' ril•t· MATURE woaWi -iileiiifd· to ·BOOSn:a caw-50c wiµ~ -trf.U, bew $7.51>. _:-Floor -~ my ·h.•·mc OC> Nupl\rde skd $3 Yellow metal 'lihJe Plntt, eltctric. cuional wkndl ~)UI'. tria.ll&le' tal»e S3.Salt watU like new ·M..50 -Gtdlt: Mke Sl6.{l()66 -outfit 115. llarfteu .ii;" 15 Wood ohtlat lo<Jrce, e ASSEMBLERS ; S3 Sand spike S2 LP record! needs ll&lnt $l. 3.IO ·JI-11 9 FIBERGLAS TRAINEES fiOc. Y~ (if Ale ~ p motorcycle titt, excellent App).y &W-0672. 131 Amigol W1.Y, condldoa $5. l45 x 15 1631 Placentia, Costa Mea Apt IE. Newport Beach, tubele'ss wtdte-w.11 $ 3 • U'+' ISUllDI ml AllCTIOllS '• t4al IOAT CMAaTTI ... =•=•-=•;ER:--,,--,.id;-~. -.. -,, • LIDO tlt8' tall AVIATio,I Sll'ld Mii "lt!IJ .. MA o-v • <,JJ. O a lll ••LaOA IS\.Nlo ,. THY•\. '411 ::l ~:~::. = depts, sml mkt. Npt. Hbr. To P'ener&l ~r It Con. SAWYER .Jfo"me need a illPPOAt .,., sm All TltAltlP'Dlt:T,.TIDll ::: '°'" ·wANT'llD "" Op. sun. Box M-625 DaDy tracts"" Admfuistrator. Good mature women tor OPERATORS. Expd.. For IPOrin~ar. Full time. Top pay. 4001 F. Bird, Sr .. N.B., 1 blk E. of O.C. airport. GIRL Jo'rlda)"-apply" In Ea5tbhdf. Vacuum cle~. it worb SJ persm 3-12, Mac Grep POODLES, .rare Ctxicolate, 2 Brau mqu.lne n.ck SL r;,. tacht CorJ!. 16.U Placentia, female• ps. Both very in-6 volt battery charlR' $3. 1 CM telligen,t, AKC' papers us. meta.I bet stools with ba~lw MUN"f1NeTON ••Ac.. ,.._ ~~:l'==TATIOI' '""' AllCllA" 'I• Pilol shorthand I-typing, and at llUNTINO.,t,Olt llA••oua ........ ..,,..... .. .• l .......... OHS '"' t t ,. I housekteping I: practical P•>11NTA1N VALt..•v Mii SIRVICE DIRECTORY MO•lt.•• MOMPs '* l'ART-Timc Hoatess-Secty. eas ive years o expert. nursing. 646-6716 ilAL llACN ,.. MO'TOI: ...,.... m1 ,,. ...___ . ... ence u aecretary _,,,ired eAlllDl'll ell'O'V9 aol ac:couNTl11• 6"' •1CYCLI' '"' ,.ew •ivurc!I, musl WO"ra. • ·~.,,y . ' EXPERIENCED house.keep.. PLEASANT. neat lady, lor LONG auat -... , ... ,... ••IY1t1 M lllC'TltlC CAU "" wttkends. 96S--1997 ·11 To t ' Contractt background dcsir-Danish Coffee G a rd• n OllJ.MOI COUNTY WI ~PL••*'•, ............... ·~·· ..... ..... 'tul PM · 56-4105 After 6 PMf ed. I er wanted; 1 dQ' week in 642--0326, H rio anS\\>er can S4 each or two Jor $7. Ulce 6~ to antique-try I.be follow\na:~ • ' \t II ' " r ( I ' ... ' • .1 ,, ~ ,., " A "' • ,, .,, .q ,, ., ... ., ·•· ., .. " " ·~ ' " ::_~~~.:~:. :: =~~~:., :: =~~.,. = ' t'lease ~te. cf. full de-~~2818rt home. P h o o e ~1~:;i.~~~~~tion MIO-Y' Cl" ... AUTO ...... -· AV1'0-lft\lte•s • 'A'"' ,... EXPERITRESS!ENCEESD •la.iJ.a,r'. t>! emplayrnent hi• I -~----~-=~- Duncan Phyte table wlt.h DlSHF.S ~ utensils lc--$3. leave11 It 4 chain $2S. Chnf, ,New hardware le-SL Finn -of dra-'UI S'7"·1'w\n ~ •.: h.1n ·bed l2$. \Vo o d f:•n board $3. Wlcktt love _., u• drapei"f .rod 1'ith hatdwart, 11 ..,, ... Dr ~ "' • ft. 11 l!ljO .... ~. 15, 11 ~-. ~ r. SAffTA .......... ,.. .. ~o. -.... T-. ... 6141 ."'° TOOll • IWIP. ,.,. \VA . \OI')' tnciudlng lalAry to Box EXP'O. PRESSER BAB y s ITT·E R, mature COAIT4&. ,.,. 1A•Tsm111• • .. TUR-• .. TllAYlt.. MU * * ~ .. • .. ...... The Dally Pilo ~----"£\......__ woman, m1 hme, ;l da.Yll u.e~ '8AC" -IOAT MAllllPTl'tU*9 .. l'&All .... .,... ...,. ,....,_, . t. ..,..... ..,>T.,,.. 1r --.,- ... ~--~l .. •i<K. .,._........ # n.~ ""OR'IHOOONTIC Aaaistant. *'* 6G.Wi6 N.B. ** w)c. Own traQI. 548-1991 &ft .,. .vs111Q1 .. 'lltai _, '''" n11 ........ time No e-. _ , $:~ pm cutlft#tO -fU"'"U M c~lltt "" _.. ' ...., ·~.,,. • EXP~ ~AIDE · DQ I-.,,..., 1 '-~~=~-~~~ CAPllTUm NACM ft GAT'lla ... • ._,, UMH• 1al1'1TA\.I \. tnt Call ~· • ~ . ( ,1 '7 ,< ~, ,'" ahift. ~-,.ZL@fnted. BAJIYSrrrER 6 ~ MilA' .....,, .... CMtwnMA•_. 4i9 =•..,..llll "11 '· :._ ._....., ....,-~ J ~"~ 7 '18 -• "-QMIDDllll•-• tt.aJIGfT'll•• • ,_,o AllTot .,.. SECY-Lite BKKP'G 40 1 • ·' • ,.""'NO !:: ~ · ~n .._ ··-""""' OUP\D8S'V......_ ... WMIWT, c.-9 ~ w,M't-tAH •1t •k I ta-.... --. ~~Iii . , i~ -Ro&nob La. CM. •fftTALS' :> aoU> c.u• ......... "" "'"'"n. CUSSICS MU 11 · .n "'"'""• .... ,. ...,.,... BABYSITl'ER, NITES.'Tbn-546-8211 "-CDln"llACT04ll .. "uca uttt. "°' HM IJS...3875 or 525-3381 UNIT s.• .....,_ --..:-Aiits.. fft..._, ua .. n a.1AJ1• • AWft •v1111n ,.. =""·"""==:--.,.--.,.---,-, ED CAllfORNIA .. vwn .. ___ ..,.., ... ...._ · , .. ca._..n u-,• a.., ... ...,. ADOI """"• me CXX>K WANTED. Apply \n IANK Donna 646-Z!l86 =:t.:. ::: ::"~::... . = :::.~\.... = pel'900; ~-~Ave., ........, llMClit _. MAf'"TIM ~ , em Ulli9 CJ,RI "" Colta P,f~ · • 3ll2I 11.artJcr 'Bhd ' r HAYE YOU · LOOKED. FOR RE==K ' ':ii::....., ... ~ .... -. -THE HIDDEN DOl~ARS: IN .. YOUR ROME"UfT~LY? -- FULL t Im e , ~ WANTED Mature llve--ln .enior escrow derfl,_ P .0 . child ~ houekeeper. s Box 100. San Oemtnte day week. F. V. -...CU BEAUTY optraton tor at• "trac Voi.'t Sbo.P'I~ ceotu &&""1-Call. Kl>. $!MIU - ?atAID Over 30. perinanent part time, I days I .,..k, $1.75 hr. - TELEPHONE ........... Ser:viclt'. Will train. For appt Cail ~ SEUISTRESS, ~r. in altera.llonl.: full er part • lime. 675-.Ull GIRL Fliday \o Ulist pn. office mit. "ln dental office. Good typina: • 1 a e n rt a I . SIS-2291 SA!ll\VOMEN, ezp'd. in ready-to--.ftl'• I ~ur. Part time. c.M. ~ Drapes l9 tt x st" tto. Newport Beap;-'""· "'"' , 1 rtret. S.ts i '14, 3 tor $18. Sun. ,.., Qikr1 ..,,~ rec-ord AUTOMATIC Ke•nt•r• A.f . ' 'i!ih --.... -llton $13. ~~ ~Window. n! Xl18 Kiloibrooft Line, .CM. -: 2 z J..fl .. 2~~ll: kft~~ 'S&-tm m ~.d:,i:·"~:i." NOW'S ti& Bedspreatk-SW3. Old ptc- ture fl'amn llc>$2. TV ~ SCk. GI Eltbtr, oft" TUltin. Sat.sutl.____,___ -. 11ME .f01 .. ' 9UICK CASft THROUGH A DAILY Pll;OT WANT AD · I . .. ·Jt .,, " "' <I "' "' ..... 1 " • \ ' .,, .. ' ·,_, " " '" u A " ., 3 .,, ,, 3 ,, . ,, ·1 ,, ... •• ' ., .. ". ., " . , .. ·' . , ·' "' "' ~ I• ~ ,. :• " t • '" ,, • ' ' ...... . .. ;, sr~·~~,Jl,io .• , ... 64&-21 4.. • ' . • . ~- :URT AJ:Ni u · .d'r.'a.; e 1 .;...-. '.lh'o• u."D ' 'Ubl• 31'' lf Small 'tdri •for . ..., f. of 4 etere!e~~ikm ~· $1~. . ti.chic ,iii.-• Auoked . ,,..-· ~-flO. lop $8. Metal frame-~ -Good TV tube!'I ' and parts dOw S2 x 14, $15. 66-l&M _50c to $5. 1960 Rambler ~INGJ\AY Type bl~. Very nidie wma: kood $8. 36" 'X good tondition · $20. • .., 28" mirror $8. Hi-'.Chair.-$4. stools $5 each. Dre"Uer JUI. Car seat $3. Ironing boa.rdl ......... $2"'43. Naturtl wood ao-- rlL,'AL Typewriter table $5. cchlian .door: $15. Cabinet Walnut Jamp and .rupzi.ne gas he.ater $10. Very. iood· table $5. ~ lamp 15· Patio table folding ,legs UJ. Electric heat~ $2. L1J1e TV'il $10 each. -BeaUtiful 5' oocoa :tath tut! and c:xrvtr' walnut """' TV cab~t $1. l..f}ge· dri' C'Ottee maktr m : "'""' 12--$4. T&ok $.1. Large roaster $L Ladif!S vm,cuwq ,$4. Hoover alim'1~· dresses. sb:e 18, Hke ·riew $5. ; vacuum no hose $4.. Metal La<ties •lidii · 13."'0imm -~writrr or dlild'1· ·desk- drape~• $10. T.V. itanJ ~-u··helv~~· :"Pe:f:.~ 6#-1351 · I ... s r and Ilgbl , :· . :El!'C)ric n.... lK>liibd .$!. \'ELDER And hoed1 $25. Air ~W" drive. IOCkets Sl each.; eompresaor $20; E n g i n e '..'IA_" el@drtc drilt With drlll· ij5. 383 'iio&'. Wlill rl!Jir, Pft1S at.net $3. 5 pllon ~ps . pistons S25. Crank-cam can p . 4 draWl!r-d1esttSU,. lifter :ft anm $%;. H~ 15432 ' °""' Ord>~ . H.B:· exhaust 4 V .manifold With. ~76 1 water ),ump,' (IU JM.pp ,Pd CHlLD'S · 2-Speed· r.·e co r'CI pan $25. 646-171.f ~ i:NCYdQeEDJA. .Sot ·m·· player 12. Children '•· records le each.' Bldcb; tQ: Child's·. 'Junior,,, !ti , . I. dolls: ball "bat and , ottter Bookcue fJ, Cre~.t ~of toy• .10c to f.b G1r1.a· the Wesitri\ World year clothlna: 1ize 6. ·b o y ' • boOka p.50 fach. Ttrt1 $'2.~ clathlnt~ size 16. lOc to ·n. each. Bril&iinica A~. $6. · Chlld's 'ind adult bQQb~tc' Dtctlo~ J7. Worlli ~ lo j()c: t.t.adles IW'ri.~. Atlas bi, Bible $J.1. All,ex. lario $2. ,,,.,.,,,..,.,,. .. 11; ctllent barpinl. ~· .: . .' ~ pots le. 4 li&hl nnbh \RTIFICIAL \f'irelaee ~ c ' ·i1s. Hair 'cliPiier ilet Eloctrlc 1dr 'l'I· Hit • aod ' $UO. "8'm7 . • m1u bl'i.MSN · r ti I . •P-Nf\v~· Tlme-Da~ S, i ~P prcxirlateJY 12 ;."_.!I· >'2$.· ~''price $25 . .t·x.,. Dl&liait armtcbatr Po. K~~ .• ~jection ....... -..... ~-~ 'lh'uti lainj, M. F<Hilh """ WaJnui awNtl TV tabla S'. tion •-...... tot ... Provlncial rc:onee talM ,$1. ""' S21. ·'44-139( .. . . ' ¥tiqU6~-C1Ccaa"""-1 '. tale 'l"(PE\\'RITER Rebullf a..i sio. Bathroom vulty, hlftf ·,;,,,i. 11"" ' "$25. URd · With antique ch.lM .....,~ ·"""· fm.t $25. O:r*r storqe ~ kir GE,.~1.~ """" $1$. -aod - c11uan. MS-;n&S . 50c..c25~ Plaa ·ii.a. mlmlr ~ R.emrd •ts perfed. St Utllil;! ..rt $4. HMnpa' ulnd!Hon. -"Down M.em<l'y $4. 2 lawn Cbain. $1.~. Pie-Lano" 10 record. $12.lQ . tures 75c-$25. Oi.lntse. book· -°"""' • -S9. cd rug, apprOxlm•tel.Y t s t F.noch , Llaht < -IC, $5. Sm~ Walnut table ... 21 · Otbtr LP Albunu. 50c to.$1 PlayboJ '"""'"" $S. 10 eacb. 2671 OranJe, t'ffJ',. pl """ tank $$. <lid -c.M. Silt. or1lY bdoie I PM .... --·-11 • MIµIEl,lN "X'' ,.,,.., ... 1D $2S. Oril!ntll b r a • • J:i>-ll "" " vw m. po.Jr • SHT."1:"5 D -OI 4'Bunl COrbo ~ ...i TN. Wcris 11~ Dtll<'IJO. i o.eyy ~ • • • . J'oN chalill II nch. Jl.tdlnct.110.. .flatbNd .tull cam , am, I.amps • ~ .,, .. w..,. • ~. Jltim ,· ,..., 3;-2 t:'t' 'Mi_ll_· 'tnaoliald, new cOncUUoo "" ""'""" '111:' SrM11 ..., ~ i.1. ~u 'l'llbolal! -NJ·---... ~ .. ; iihel~ 3 WIGS,_..,.,_ $S. Hi • p. . ll> iich: DraM U\I. Art .• ·CM :.. · , °'•"' ... ....i.n1 to 15. 11 SEWJNO 'Modiloc'"il.io. lb. -""11 aod .... $0. Almoot ~ ~·"" rod~ 3 p~a-antique jewelry p , i:.a .......,., .~""""' s .... , ....... $3. ~1.119 ..... 11.50. f ~~ ANTIQUB -$25. IT' fl.50. -Pl'olli. • Tablo .-! TV SL\. S Knowell Pl., Colta Mata tablo 11. Com« llble 11. REOORiil: ::dil\e !Cii I ill 1 Reeord cabln•t $5 «l't. No vocal. 13'1. ,..L Brown4IDat bn:act b • x ~~~~ -...S-rn<k. w. S>mboam-'7J.45ll ~ ..,_ _ ..... ~ ........ --- ------------- SCRAM·L~TS ANSWERS .. ' 1t •• with 'a .. , ... , .. ,,~~:-n11~, . ~l-! • ' .l.~.. ·r1r;u1 ·-- PENNY .PINCHER Classified Ad . A New Kind of Want . " Ad That· Really Gives .,· ! '' You .. E~ery Penny's . .···~ w~rth · · NEW! SPECIAL RATE! ' , 3' ·LINES 2"TIMES -.. "' 11• ~ . _,,$2.-00 ''•' . ._'" ... I l, ' --~'!'Y lf~·~r. .Sal.e ·sso· L · • · · • . .or ess _...,, 642-5678 ·Pl.LOT . . ' .. ' . . . · P--,EN-~· . --N ¥·~,:. ' \l. ' .. ~ I• "I •~ tj, r ' 1 PiNcllas: Will Work For ·Youl, ' 1 \! ... YO:u1t· 'ca~ .1s GOOD . ' ' ..,. . " lS I ol-L ' ,, . ., ~ -'311 ''"' -~·· ' ' .. -:vii "' ' •t. J I, ) ' • ' · ' ~---.... _. .... _,,.,...,,, ......... ..,.. ................. .,....-~.~-.. .--..-.-= ....... -••• -....... ~,,,,,_,,,_ .. , •• ,_, .... _, .. , .... ~-~··-··--~---:::-~----·-·--~-~ .. ~""""'.'.l'.1]ftif'if1:\q?UC<••trcsx _ "''"" ,•ca .. \¥$0"i ? \ *" .. _ , . . •• ... -··. # ..--.. • .. ... ·~· ,, -~ ••• ,. •• • ~· ............. •••••• •• •••• ". _j~i,v r11or _ ~111fdi.r, ~llril 12, 1969 • , • . , • Y-~1 ;o&J a..~PLOYMtN1 moR(~Ddl POI . Mll.OWllilSI fOi'.. MllCHANDISI POI Mlld!AHDISI ,01 MllClfiHDl$i.l!Cla Pl.TS aaol..LlVdTOC" TUHtftOiU'l'leH --Jo~a -· -. 7J00hlio Mon. Wem. nllo -IAL!._A.NO 1""" IALI AHD TUDI _ 1,\1:~, ANO fMD. _ . SALi ANO Tl.AO~ ·SALi ANO TIADI ~ Im ~ ... h -· toll . Fu~ ,, --~~~~L".!!l!!!!!!!!!!! ' _!!! z:'"';;j'~.= ~'i =::•·,! •ARGAINS! ,.. ~ ' • • • a· -•loaonei. us . ....Umtd. boollA!'~ - Ideal Orange County iocallon. Theft are Ull top level open~ for top porionnen, Wni- lJar wllll llWIU>U.Y.v 'f C boar¢1, with mlcro- logk: components.' Prefer minimum of four years expe.ri""°" " · Fu R 11 T. u· a E r....-;... ... ·1$,Q· :.\\'bl .. ~·· 115 2··1SLAHDIR . M•::.':,... . ,I ' Eh.i.,1=· = =~~.,w~Lt=rA- • llou,llt Monullcturw'• A U C T ~·/a _ . vAt\lliMS • --511""61 -• -......... pbll .... ,., .,. . .,, .. ......,.... ' N . ao ~,...,,. ...ssn .... , ................ i.-..,_._, __ e;.-· R,...:,,,. c.utVacuuni. uJs,, Solla Pupt, AKC '6' SLOOP 8~ Wood catved. arm divan, la. man'1 chair ~ mE.11tb. c11. aa.um a..~r'sn·tllftd. Hid** Radio. DIF. ~. 5 .--MOS -IC DESIGN£RS or love ... l a J'c Ootaron duk oak dln ·~ QUA!. ""' Size bed w1 5IM'll9 ;';Zk~.<~ ·~ ~s:~7.i::5~;*E~:~ S, ruaDAY~ NIGHT .. £U::~,-I~ ~"!=~ i:1e:·~ Able lo-do i co~,le MOS layout from logic dlAJra111i w~ a ijewly organlud MOS -1C aclll'ily. Sal~;"°"'"ensurate with exper~ eD!!O '1!d abllltr., ,.ien1y or opportunity for growth ana adv-.menL u.5. cit~nsllip required. · oU: dwgn wllh matclthl( bo• sprinp, mat.-• r IL 0 l UPHOLSttRING • a:w... • yr old AKC Doberman. New 12' ~ $IOI ir ... & trame. 6• t. i ps II SHARP 11 ....... -.!'! ~ .. HB, .. or:'=-""' ...., ..... s.hom ...... "ii~ lloms Sold lndMduolly .~ t' ~ • "'"'°"' ~ -Glau snowb!N ........ 1115 Shop A--lefore ywu liuy IN USI • e Bemud's Uphol. '3M<a5 POODLES, 9 -a. $ZI 6 New 0-1 ............ 115 VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE '52'.95 GIBSON J.a $!<l. 811.., a°"""""· MANY CATAMARANS ........... Ol low .. $4.'6,... -l•pect IAll. y wtlh --· ..,.,,.. TOMCAT BOATS Send resume lo Phil Cbamberlln or call' Doug Harris; (714) lm-0600 Ext. 2654 Use Our Stor.. Charge Plan or BUlk J'bwlclq & W '"-" ll2l -• ..,. or ..,., AFGHAN au Npt Blvd. NB ~ No Fancy Front -B.!JT Quallty va1u .. lnlfde . ~· • -9UICKL YI Eric, ~ -I Pll. 11 lDOlllh old '""'"" CAL 2'J. -... - ' CLASS Door, lt'ftell door $5 83S-:a3T IU!, include oat board. AOK Commission Gallery' each, Dre ... r ........ lloor 2 YR old fomal• Welt SHiO. (2J.IJ -"""' poliahf'r VD f!L 60-8027 ffi&hl.ud white Terrie r, ~6 eves. m2 GARDEN GltOVE llOULEVARO 1.1 cu • electric nfria<ra.,. AKC .... $125. Call..,...,,. Columbia 5.5 Mot .. COLLINS RADIO CO. . ... . 1'700 JAMBOREE ROAD NEWPORT BEACH . . l Blpck West of Bea~h Blvd ., off G.G. Frwy. 1511. 1" exoellent vtoUno 21 GREAT Dano pupp .... tawn, FIG. A-1, po;.,.d rioht! cal rifle $30. ~ I wka, AKC Owap lir@d. 114: 79U341, 213: 799-am !l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!I flD. Drercycle, ru frpk &C-2251 4CI E. 11th St. CM An equal opportunity employer ~~~~=!I!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ Planoo ' Orpns . Ill!! Ml1ceJl1.,;;.;;1 a Jog, Grey 6' eouch, Webcar AKC Re&. Poodle.. ToY'• A a;;;-MaJnten1nce 9033 wire rodr. 541).3283 Minl't. $50 up. Toy StQCI SU.1------"--'-''-' I WALNllT din. set w I • SLOT cu track 8X15. 5t7-38Sl or 511-$1511. SKIPPER lor HIRE chain. sa>: blk. wrwabl 32nd acate; ar. new . WIRE hair Fox Terrier Jl\IP-BY HOUR OR DAY Help Wa- M•RCHA,.DISE FOR • SALE AND TIADE "ft!lla~---·•_100_ New ~ • SchMls..lnstructlon 7600 WUlUJTZER & BllADBURY """ din. "t ,,,_ '"' " ..... -· 51&-ll?S -AKC. • wt.a ..... , ==,,""="-==l=== I 4 chn. l40: ~front USED Brlclcs dW>Od, I -1'156. u. bookcue $15; 6' ~ $10; cents each U..ffaul. 9B:Mlll LABRADOR RtlrieYer ~ m.rlne Equip. ~ _;w.;.; .. ;.;."';;;'°';;;" ___ .;;7.400 GOING.To -.. ,_., Fumfture -IOOO REFRJG. 2 DR. left band All -.Jn I: t1niabr K" $78. Gu or elec d1)'ft' S56. •v a, .... 20 Pc. "MADRID" Auto """"°' $S& Sm cbelt AmuicaD uwlo, 88 "°"· de! ./ HOUSEWORK In Laguna. Bruab up )'OUr Frtncb Do not take )'Out' Orne or r.o.:twnatian in my c1ua. min11 uni~ you have 64J.Q60 ::;...-: ~ ~ 1 'ME=R"'C"HA=N=D"IS'"E'""'FO"'R--- freezer, looka terr I bte, ~A: tuned. Price •tart. 3 R m G work.I swell $50. A 11 1-' at Hit. 00 l'Ollp ...,.ntoecl. Cash ..... ..,.. ........ ,...., pp! to buy wood &: wroupt iro~ CQffee ======== UH. SUI; mtry.w-.y tb!e. bUt, AKC f15. Gre&t f:amflJ ENSENA.DA ftace. Mew 4 $15; antlque-l\iUte rattan Misc. Wan~ _ N..,!! dop I: hunten. m.5737 man life raft + h&nlware ~ ~ vti"l!t choir is; WE PAY MORE GREAT Dane Pup-.-6 -...,. p,., ""1· Ura"·er wallilt .deal: c quality, cham~ alttd. MW ofter. 56.mH w/cbair SZ; ~ WroQcht troi ASH fawn. 53S-4751 or Ul-1933 18 HP Johnson outbaud, •l $2/br. c.u '9h1892 SALE AND TRADE FROM lfODFJ.. HOMES Coast Eitttrlc s e r v I c e Wurlitzer Owns Includm: Quilted .. • • ~ chair -2 end lablt1 A cof. Dept., 646-2486 e NEW e Jobe Min, Wom. 7500 * ASSENBlfRS Electro-mechanicaJ &11tembly, incluJ!ing IOldering, Experi- enoed or will train. Cali porsonnol dept. 17141 -'401 TELONIC ENGINEBllN6 CO. Lagun1 Be1ch Equal opportunity enipl~r ·* HOTEL DESK CLERK· CASHIER Heavy experienot on NCR 42(11, Good u.lary, S~L Apply in peraon. Only ~-.... \y. THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 JamborM ROid N""'°" Beado 6"-1!00 • Cooks • Ho1teues Apply in person REUBEN'S COCO'S ' IBS W. Adams Co1ta M.1a eGROCERY CLERKS eMEAT CUTTERS eaox aovs al Stater Bros. Markets Comer of Baker It Fairview C.oata Mesa 8 A1'1 to 6 PM rue.day lhru Saturday e rooKS e WAl'I'RESSES e BUSBOYS E.-fperiel1<'ed Barrett's Coff" Shop 2273 Harbor Blvd, CM SAlLMAKERS -Expuience M~ operators le bench men. Ap,ply In pel'llOJ1. FRANK RICE SAil.MAK. ERS, 900 Lido Park Dr .. NB. MANAGER for 1mall units retired c:oupl.e prele~. PO Box 21Ri, Q;tsta Mca, Cal. BAKERY &ales lady. r.ws 2 fn lO. 311 Marine, Balbas hland.~ U()STESSES' COCKTAIL WAlTllESSES' WAITER: King"a Row, 409 \V. Kattlla: Av., AMbrim, caJlf. SMALL Restauranl need• mature man or woman. OW!' n. days. 5f5..M63 "':;<*· Mon ' -7550 newport, personnel 1118/lcy Furniture IOOO SPANISH Returned from Model Homts on saJe at less than wholesale! Group include• be&utilul 9 g ' ' quilled sofa &: low aeat, 3 Spanish oak deqn.t« tables, swag or table lampa, l\'&ll pl&cque. kine. queen, or Jull aim bedroom aqite complete incl box llC'blP. mattrea, linens • ~ lampt,,Spanlsh oak' .. dinlnc aet iriced danben fe"t table -2 lamps-dreq. GE Refrigerator, bottom Many other makes. Many er -mirror-headboard_ free:ztt. Frost free in Jood styles & Jinis~s. Prices quilted box spring A matt. sectioh. New compreMOr start at $&15. resa -5 pc. dining room; unit 1 Year llJarallle!! on EVERYTIIING IN MUSIC &: 1lau end tble. $10; wood W.A.TCB PO& reblt., S115: 3 HP Joru.:.t, '"" tblo . fl; ig,. ar-Cop 'TIS OPENING SOON =155=·=543-<==""==== raclc $10. 118 W. Stevena. i'or any near new or ued S.A. 5'S-4965. , lurnlt""· ~. col°" -A30 loot Slip Mootl"I 90U eel TV's, atereos. piaJlOI, or-Q U A RTE R HOR.SES: NEWPORT Slips Available ..... • • hl·bacl< chain. ""01« """· inuna""1a1e. Beach Music' ( I CO!.IPARE AT S149.95 white. Dunlap's, 1115 en er $399 ~ • ...-. -, Costa Me oa . ......,.., ,00 Factory Salee & Service llew Jewelry Store WANTS TO IUY p.ns. stoves. re~n..ton. 1-White face w/ wht aocka Clean b:latB priced lo sell ~ te ... ~~ ~ $150. I-Buckskin. maridDI Bogarctua: 548-2592, e y 1 ' '!!0-ollice ~-1 ..... $1SO. A-Stalllon. 49<-26'11 No down-Pmts an.Jy $16 mo. -~=~~==-Daily l2 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 WEllf•s WIDEllllllrE WASHERS ~ DRYERS 17404 Boacb Blvd .. CH"Y "" Ull AllUIV\U Several from Model Homes 1% mi. ·So. San Dieao Fwy. Dunlap's. 1815 Newpcrt Huntin&:ton Beach 8f7-853C Cc:Jta :P.fesa 511-7711 PIANO TUNING 6: Repair • •bouliefld. Dl:f, mpt flft ftl; Wf)' eood stock $650. BOA.=°'T,-:Docl<-..,.-llml°""~tod~ .. ~11'=. ~-. I 897-'1350 $1.SO pa' ft Yearly. Near till w. 4th St.. Santa Am Open DoilY ... Sal 9-6 Sub u.c at approx. $1195.00 ALL 2 CX>NVERTED kl!l"09ene FOR ONLY $399. $20 down. tabl~ lampg. 2 keroee~ $4.99 per •eek , out ol hanging lamps. ~gold 1tate credit OK. W 11 1 leaf plam stool; excellent. separate tiJr quick sale. m Le 1tlll life oil painting. Century Furniture, 9 T 12 lilaple hutdt, miac. 575 D Gard~n Qrove B l V d • , Victoria, CM. Garden. Crow Daily 10-9, Sat J.G.6, Sun l2-5 Come MUS'{ sell! All \\'bite king inorcallf714)530-5240 size BDRM 1ult~: posta.pedic foundation, lrg 12 20 PC. MODERN dra ............. nlle tablo" 3 ROOM GROUP :S!';:;_ "!°::::'~ 141, u~ lncludes: l'Jonl ... chair ..... ' "--'CU pc. Ull""tte sets $21; -pt. · walr.at tables -1alnll • Cll Jampe; S9; mattnu &: complete bedroom with guilt sprlna:s m. H . F • R • c . eel mattrm; • $ pc, dlnntte. 5'8-M81 etc. All for • . • $277 PAm Modern. upholstered arm1... blight hlue chain. No down. Pmta. milt $10 mo. 675-7241 ewa le weekend WEll'l WARfllOUSf 1:::f:',,,. . .,.._:~;~ ..... ~ ..... ~ .... -cu1~ ... 600 W. 4th St., ·Santa Ania Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat.9.8 Sun.11 .6 MATCHING Pair beauWul garnet red old ChlnHe OrienW JU8>. • ibcJJ, _., thick, like 'l'll!w. Large cof· fee tabllH'Ollt $150 u.crifice $40. 20' 'IV. Misc. 541-6056 17 Pc. Khlg Siu led room table. Misc. 675.Jm aft 6 pm and Sat & Sun. SIMMONS hide a bed, 6'. brown tweed . good oondiUon SlOO. 642-'1360 CREAM Colored brocade better bullt davenport. $50. Xlnt cont!. 548-8201 SOFA I ClfAIR • New, never used. Make otter. 5'8-0025 °' 962-3009 Offlq Furniture IOIO Y & E ab!el desla I< ch&ln, millC. equlpt. 6'JS..35Bl Cll' '30-1111 R.C.A. Whirlpool e I e c l r i c EQert, reuonable! dryer $40. SCS-1989 Albert Aarness 615.6967 Antlquo.s 111 Cl R•dio 1200 ~.=c"-~~~-~~,..-~~-=:.:o::: ANTIQUE AMATitJR Radio, Swan 350 SHOW & SALE lnNciev". Xlct cond. 1215. so Exhibitors Hy-Gain 18 AVQ vertical all April JO, 11, 12 & 13U1 band antenna. $30. 646-1686 Thuni, Joli, Sat 1·10 p.m. Oayi, 83.l--0«7 eves. ( 631-3821 REGI9'1'ERED' fbcrou&hbnd Newport IM. 175-S551 Silver or &old. Ph. m.1au aeldinl. T 111 old, pntle. WANTED Usod I Antique Jewelry or come1D ..... 3'UV!a s WE au·y s *~* SllponBlgllcylor °""""·Udo Islo, Nwpt Bdl. -• TIANSPOITATION ,. • ...-. - $ FURNITURE $ -* AUCTION * A~PLIANCES lolls & Yachts *'loot s...i-90'7 If you will sell or buy Colfll" 1Y-"•"•'-St•re•'• .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;~1 U-~--·-S I - give Windy a try I '1•c• or HovM F.11 DAVID L. FRASER ~..,jobt. 8!¥J-;,:sp Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. CASH IN JO MINUTES 32' P Sloop, tJsJs i ...... S950I) =========,J Sunday 12-' p.m. Anaheim Marina 8CXJ W. Katella Ave. Windy's Auction .Bam • 541-4531 • 12 "''"Sip,"'"" below .. loot-Yacht ~.dis "'~Tony" Bldr. Mat'L COIN COLLECTORS 32;·ii~;!if;'.j;:.S35.rm Chartors fCQ9 CO 2075%1 ewpoprt, CM 646-86116 Orange Cout C:Oin Cub .............. under $20,CO> BLUEWATER OIARTERS Toloolslon - LOR 'IV's • GE Ii RCA KNITTED FABRICS · meeta Mon. April 14, 7:?.0 47' DieRl Ketch •••••. $22,5(1) U-Drive aail or power ...__.._ Trade In's I ~~ns 40' Dluel ,......_ ....,..., -* Two "$'' Curve Choole trom i modela, }(iD.y PM. Ma.rinen Library, m \..WUl';'r, clusk, aft Harber cruisesJsport n.h. Across from Disneyland Dowr Dr. Rattle, Auction, cab •••••.••••••••••.• $24,000 Daily • Weekly * -.am ROLL TOP DESKS ~t~~-.:r~ .. 1~t ...,.FOR SALE Prma. You Art Welcome! 40' Os.I ~ch, attcab.$30,tal CAL le._ .....,,.ft....,... ANTIQUES AMPERSAND q c -""'· ...... ._a, n----i.. --.. i-,_ ... :n Colum.ba 21 • -~ -.._ .... ~·~ 1815 NeWpOrt CM 548-7188 ~u.ua11 -....... ""' .nuu Luskey ~ Dh'eC-• " -, • $Z day. $150 wk. 2624 N~rt. C.M. 642.Jm9 ' ends Sat. Only I a.m. to 2 torles • Newport Beach. San at.mi. pu]pits • •• .. • • • $9(XI) 846-2957 Vast.stock Amer/Eur furn I: MICRO T.V. oomplete with p.m.929 Baker,CoataMeaa. Clemente. 4!1S-4337 4Q'Q,ftn10J.tber,n1ce$17.5111J:====~===J clocks. Larey Morgan Anti-=~·:1 ~arger $75. Si:EEPE~mo-cab camper CAIL: OIUQ( AVERY Boat Storl9I • 904I quies. 2428 Nwpt. Bld,. C.M. 1 n. 9674 to fit GMC of. Cbnr. % ton MKhlnery, etc. 1700 30C Via Oporto. Newport ----:.:..~_,..;.;;.;.;: 1928 R.ADIO/rtt0n:I player, TV:~: 19" Portable $39.00. hide bed tnick. Hu cooker, ,;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii m.5252 * e&-39lfi Ewt. S&il « IJWU' up.:, JI' );llOl!d boa~,.Jlll cab""~ ISO. ~ .;_ $35.00 Wori< xlnl ;.,. box Ir ....... .... PORKLI" SALi!'$ yard. N...,_. ~ 6J5.h.:~ -r-Best of er'. eai1 bf! -sttn at 26' FAIIUJNER c.alt. Cl'UI, MOlltbly rates iaclQde. •• Towmolor 6,(Q) lb wt. lf' --• head' -11-,__ box, · I 1120 21:: . _ mast .................. $995 ,,.. " ... '"""'' ... _ ""'11' , • h~ ' fi. MAAMIFMGNtnCENT 8' ate:N!O, 334-8 Victotj~ ·C.M. I • ,,, ~ _1 ..:..~ ... .:!.'i-~ .......... _ U.1e of hoist 'Lf" • tape deck. color 10" BENui'UW w /'MOt:Ot, Fon:I Tractor 9' mast, side Cbr)'I mu q, nu ·55 watt ...... unc .. ,. · ·· r ~, , ·'IV. Spanish. IUOO. 548-4595 mo.t hand too•· I•• -b'-t -••1 ·-Sim C&ll .......,,.., '68 smam,. .~. aldD. Q "' .... """ ...... , acoop • • • • • •• .. • · • ..,..... Jl30ll rad. Teak deck. &'&2:181 wl.~'walailt~ ~ Sr-Ml"I Goodl; ISOO making. Planes. AM etc. Clarlc 9' or fi ' mast, 3,(0) lb Recent 11Jl'\.'ty. $3950. OwnerJ-=========-J 0 $ ~ $T.2S mo ....... , New 18'' 'iftsman reel lilt •.••.•........•.•... $995 movingeut,mU11tselltut! Aircratt tlOO c.an ~-~: GOLF Set, com pl e 1e. ~werW~tmins~ BBQA":"'e. •• Auto e 1 ec tr l c, 1500 lb 5<Sl.>-Oll6>~~;;;;:==-.:.;::,~l~~~;;;;;;;;;-:;~:;;:1 ==='====°"'".=" l ~ <Pr!> Model Wilson 543-Tai lilt • .. · · ·"" · •·" · · ·• • U2S if IT. Pmonner. IJlander 1/Sth ownership al Celma MuSkat tftst. 1121 atafl}. a,,n., wtdge It put-Pri~a Good Thru April 14th Deluxe modd (aD flb«r-110. Call alter 6 pm ---------1 ter plus large bag " new CARPETS, Vinyls, TUfS, lat. 639-2691 or eves 897-Ull zl,ua) outboard. a.tom * 5t5-2600 * Guitar Headqu1rters golf cart $75. 545--0906 est ab'lea and col.ors. eom. arap dawn oowr. ms wbtell=.=======::.J •NEW and USED • GOLF """"-8 Iron" 3 merclal 6 -tial. El<· FREE TO YOU' tilt trallu. flUO or -all· MObllo HornH '200 Fendar • Vox • sa.Ddtl woods. Ben •• _.r ·Pro.line pert lnatallation. er. Phone M4-m7 after 7,.. • om~N· • MAltTIN OQgllD &a.1403 540-1262 1-----------==~~--.c..;,;;..;,=1 e WILSON e YAMAllA men'• clubs; good shape; FREE To Good home 1 14 Ft. Gius runabout, but ctfu. ~ fO PIECES Wataon Rose old, blk. le white iem~ 50 hp, Evinrude, trlr, Derui::w ~~:O":' SKI lxJota. aize S. good con-~~ern1900Stor.,llng flatware, malamute. 60-8817 afh!r I cover. Xlnt cond. $11196. LUDWIG, RCXiERS. ASI'RO dltton, doubl~ boot $25. ;:na. liJce ~wlOU~ p.m. 4114 TOMCAT BOATS $10,000 MOllLE HIM -OR- l.&rp 9 drawer dttuer1 mtll- ror, 2 hedaide stands, kiJW .... beadbouU, frame, quill· ei:t mattrea. sheets. ~· els, etc. Oolce ol Span!~ or Modem S1yle Larp ~ with mw 4 646-9S39 546-9674 FREE to you, Loup Bamboo 2&lf Npt Blvd, NB m,.Jb) ' Office Equl.._. IOT 1 pc. aeta and cymblls start· H :.0 ft tall. You cut canes or 12~' BOAT I trallu, 16 ,. .. ,....... l11g at $99.50. Pedals, bl-hata MIJCellanMUt 1600 UGE Moving SaJ~. tools, dig plants as de • ired . hp motor, canopy top, $35,000 All For $249 No down • Pmta. only $9 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE U S E D I • B u r r o u g h 11 and sets repaired, AU ~ aome furn. you Mme it we 543-4305 windAhield. Xl.nt cond. $450. HOUSE! IK'Mamatic F 500 Book· parts. accessorie1 Ar C)'Zllbllla BEAtrrY Res t dbl mattress ~~ 880 W. l9th St. CM. CE!tMAN Shl!pl\enl, male, ~!IU-41S9-,-,:::-==,-~­keep~ macbhie, 1-S.W',Ytt in stock. le box springs, frame S75. 6% )Tl old, iood with dilld. * * 23' CABIN cruistt, projection machine No. EVERYTJ-DNG lN AfUSIC LindtM·eve white c r p I 'It BUILT-In dining unit $25. ren, very playful, 100 d Owms. Radio, ball tank, Come in today and .ere Jux-=!'a~~ ~. ~~ ~ Beach Music Center ~~! · · ~:; pc 9:· at;ir; ;~re ~~ c !~·n ::iecri0~ watch c1oc. 642-5891 4/14 fully equip on trailer. UIOl. W)' uv1ng at down 1o ~ tonnalion contact Bob Eh~ Draperies beige textured 60-8021 SMALL blonde tenier type l65'5-TRAU4l days, 98&-3090 eves. prices. Especlally now dur- 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana 1 n 4 &u-9650 Fl\ctoey Salts A: Serllce 90x8T lone 17 673-D.l dog, had shotK frlen4Jy ' VELER. FamiJ.y Ui, me our clearance aa.le on Open Dally 9 • 9 nger. : 0..ily 12 noon 'lil 9, Sat f.5 · as HAND-Mad~ •har rug, good ranch' hom.e'. tishln& boat. 81 HP all dlspla,y rnod&-tbey're Sat 9 ~ S SUn. 11 • 6 174<M &aCh mw., (llWy 39) t SHOTGUNS. •. rifles, 2 Ol'a¥ &: white: pd. $150 2 548-6303 4112 Evinr'lldt. Xlnt cond. llaD)' priced to RU immf!diately. Furniture returned from dis-Garage S.'9 I022 1% ml. So, San m.p Fwy. P'ltols. 6 hlmling case wks. qo; Rl.I $15. 675-0645 f!Xtn.a. &454)839 Parks available in all areu pt..y studios. model bomea, Hw1tington Beach &n-8536 watdiet!. ·55 Chevy Pick Up eve. ~~ ~ ~ CANADIAN SOLING Bay Harbor decorators cancellation. PATIO SALE-4 families. FENDER 8 $175. 3 h~avy duty CP drills, EARLY Amer. couch &: chr, 54~ Available in I 1"eeb! Mobile Home Sales <.'-.... I.sh i: Medi Maple hutch, ',» moon panot, . .. a a• m an 2 ))O'Wr handsaws. 1D Vien. 2 end' tables. coppertone · Schock Boa... N mm 1425 ..,._., W!'anean etc d venport tabl rted amphller 2-12 J e nae n na ~euJaton cloc:Jo; . ida1tt FEMALE Guman Shep 1 -. wpt Baker Sl RD FURNITURE i:b rum'· tun: ~ a5l!O 'form speaken $250. Abo aphrr mo Orange Ave cM nice. Frig' • mod. lab&H • Yr. old, had shota. Wen 16'-1961' Gl1UpU, I) hp % bJock Eut al Harbor Blvd. 1 1 ' • • • ha.Mi guitar like new SSO « ·• chair, etc. 546.Q153 tmd ~-<fl< ~. raarcy extra • • on Baker 1144 Newport Blvd., CM ~:»,~r:.· Sa-:&: J~ 0~ both for $275. ~ WESTINGHO~SE Roaster CX>UCH, needs recovering. · .nor IM-2!00 after 1 PM Costa M!U. <n4) 5tO.M'10 .. l.. • oven .1: cab1nc:t mnct S25. Naugahyde recliner no. P /GERMAN .Shepherd' pup-J.989.••·~·''"' c:'U'V1.m • • every ._ht til 9 2169 E. Ocean Bl\•d, Balboa .GIBSON J-50 Roto-Broll oven broiler $35. pies, tree to good home on-~ ... ~ .. •u..w1.o 2 BR. Wed., Sat.&. Sun 'til & ~'1!15 1v1th HarclsheU ta!'le, Like new! 5t6-9674 ~n 26" bieycle $ 6 • ly &42-4558 <(/15 S.lfboats 90lO Irr hL Completdy apt'd I 20 Pc Ma...t. PATIO Sa.lP-Sat &. Sun 8-J $320 new, $200 OT oftw. , MAYTAG . . . .,,__~-,.._ g drps. Bl.lns, lndstp'd. % blk • ...... pm. Clothing many ahieis, Eric, 6i~ilJ after 5 PM washer. 11.ntique 9' QUILTED Sofa $6(1, blond LILAC Potnt ~ ._.t, MIDGET oe&AN CRUISER to bch. $3,fi> down &: take 3 ROOM GROUP few tools, lot& of odds &: range $15 each. Plants, Ol,ympic stereo, radio_. TV, mos. CIUI, !e~. HU shots. 11' Kapn. Aux. SkJop "4 over payments or makt FENDEl\ 12 strinc -~ tr'ftl 50c ea. EI k hart combo, good cond. Best of. ~l 1 4112 ~ (. 1 Bap u.n.. Aux. cuh oftt!r. 535-1324 Includes: lJvinC toam wt • eooa.17391 Waal Circle. HB. zuitar; beautiful crm4. tnimpet $37.50. S48-3677 fer over $100 KI $-Sl94 l1..UFFY blAck kittens 6 ft.~•-••• i:;:;:';;;'=:ii:::=::=:::::::;l tables'. lam{MI _ bedroom oU HOlland Aw. $195 &t&-5302 · ' pwr, ~...-LC1., aoundt:1".IMl1 I Ilk ....• -·n~ ma...._·._.._ · . · RUMMAGE Sale: Apr. S 9 CDPPERTONE KU ...... weeks old. Male A female. dir.•finder. llOV Gia. net. n .. 927J ~ ... .... ~ •~ •·-FURN., di~hes, taU men's Early 1969 Modill T M ·-•~ EVH 67lal •114 pie dln!nr room. AD tor • • • clothlnl'.. I~ •izn. dolls, c'ONN. ORGANS ' '~..:.. .. P·!:;, w· ",:?.~ iSts t ISO. range hood $5. 3 bu . ~l ·llr ~-~~-dlncY MINI BlJm. CUL -·.t.. W/-· $449 ...., .. "~... -· . :ou• ., atoola, 25.. high '5 ~•ch. DOG • Whippet, AKC. male, ...... ~ -• ._ '"' lamp shad6, other Items. Solid 118~. all bpes perc., CM. 5t0--06i9 · Bri&ll A $tJt. S hp trw; N •-PmlL ·-"· ~· Sat-SW.. 2'0< Miner, CM. h' , --" •-~ · 3 Jn. tu """' homo. Gd. • SAllOT hand ""'-jad< shell. ms'. o ...,...,..,. • ........, .-mo. 548-10 ~~!'1"e1'·.._ ~""1' mod""°7-"•1 PATIO arbor. table I: FACTORY II.au camper w/ctdklren. HMl'249 4115 P'\berslu hull, Dacron aaB, 54S-!193 "t'me • .u""a"' ' e .. a benches $50. MagnaYOx 'IV Bhell tor '!II Ra.bCbero "5. SERVEL Gu ~tee' oua. Good ~ CIDlll':::==:===;=====::::::;I WU'S WAREHOUSE D~~nt~':ta. ~ e ~: greab:~v:VSw $50. Philoo TV $15. MS-3627 rc. 2 atqe comprmior * Wcrldnc condition, nda. door owner. $225. ~ 1 M.tercyclee ,. ' other Hems. 548-4222. 2573 WURLlnER PIANOS ELErrRIC auitar le 11.mp $40. ~ pJk~t. 548-2898 4/15 Gt.A.$ SABOr, nrwtiw a 196!5 1'RJUMPH 850 CC IX: W, 41th St., Santa A,. Open Dolly ••• S&t.9.6 Sun.11.S EMPLeYEES PX Public invited. New, line homl!l 'furn.Wilnp, carpet~. dna~. dtto~ting aerv'4le. AdJ. A11tonelia, U!l9 Founo ta1n Way, AMh. • 631).1253 • Elden, CM. Low temui • no down pymnt ~. Slftl ,Wtar $35. Saillna MOVING aWQ; tun aa. bed. DICHONDRA 80Cf, Come A -.lllrw. NEW from St5. custom. Must et! Xlnf GARAG E Sall!.: Man)' very Open SUn 12 to s paddleboa.rd $35. 536-2683 comp,; ~erobe; dttue.r, tel It. 2m 2ht 9t. CM 4/lS * l13.a512 • a>nd. Crawtord m/c ~.: nice things! Small f\a'TI, pie. lifon & Fri eves 'til 9 WASllER $2). Dry~r ~ china cloaet, mile. items. l.SIAMESE, 2 yrs.; 2 blk kit· U' CAL-CAT. Fully bat· 548-6144 luret, airls clothing, misc. Gould Music Comptiny Dlshwaahe:r $35. Maple tab!~ lOG Misllton, Apt.~ CM. ten!, 6 wJca. 615-U21 4115 tened ; 130 IQ. ft. ail;' J'OOd tJ6t Yamaba DT-l EndurO S.t only 9 to 3. 968-4354 2(>15 N. ~fn.ln SA 557-Cli&l 115. 643 Darftll. CM S?AUFFER "Posture ReM" CUT'E:° fluffy kittena. C aond. tm. '13-110 600 KMH. N Condltioft GARAGE SALE Uted H1mmond REF'RIG. fellow, &ep trew!r Home Red,ucirv Mach. Orte. weeks old. 8'7--0681 4115 •• CAT. Qioy de• 1 n, with Cover. -~~S 8o)>I I lirla clothes, ton. ORGAN SALi dr. $100 Wll1le dttlser I nite Price SlZ. Now $ 1 2 5 . Enttmda vet Eltru. ._ ,.;;;;;;vm;C.,;;;;,;;'-:=.;°=;I etc. Sat. Sl5 So. P1ower, B-3·s, RT·2, Cl. A·lOO',.M. ttand, S40 Ml-6276, 968-1740 ll6-M09 ~ble ~e ra~ nl, sac $Sl!l95. '114'1!Dal0ll :J!~~ l~ wlQrlt S.A.. Phone SG-5711 100.,, L-lOO's. M-3. A 110 Holiday Spa Membenhtp G.E. Double door rtfrtt SlOO. TOP SOIL , O'DQ tr ~FIRM. Ml-lST5 r .. 'GE Sal '"" ll -·•• p;·-Stein-•, 14 mos left, Heavy dul;y PJI mowtt Hl. DAY ••n •• ~-~ ltun~~ ~w~! Wurli12er,""ek'. ~..., $11.2i mo. 6'3-55'73 ~ Laiuna Beach GMJ.11 HOtMiY" UNTAU" '69 Y ~ IO. • Huntington Beach Open Sundly 12 to 4 IXlJ SHAO re. eoJds a. SN:. portable DC Are weldtt 4 CUt'E kitties tree to iood. * RllobES tt•a * It/~ nu. • • S2l5 HAMMOND ' --pod; al.-flO. <rode ... pd SS mm -.. a-ua "12 Fan ,._ -Co. 8a1boo .,,.,. ~ in <DRONA DElt~ .... $100. m.usa camtta/JW'Ojector. ~ UDO .H 28M ~-O>aat Hwy., m.mo WROUGHT rro~ JM& 80ra 1 t SPEED truammlcm '90 or PITS ancl LIVESTOCK 2 Itta a1lliMl .-mvs P1wf111WI Service QUAL. Kiii ·S'-bid w/ AppHancN 1100 ~tho I quite< ,. a tt .. ---------"" emp oytr Nttvtt used nl: worth l250, WESTINGHOUSE 'R t ft I 1 Miii tfte appll~nt Ml-0408 lllte nu 2 dr, 14 cu tt. In ~ Dr., N.B. l PC aect -$125 3 .--• 1rtt. ..... ,.,,.., '42-Jm 549-274J .... ..,; ;;: ~ Ill. Set ====~="----­ -bl.lold ~ ilrl • ll5. ELECTRIC eu r a n c e , ScMoi.IMtrvcti,n 7600 &I0-1817 • ......,,, •• , •be ""· 2811 --~ ·--.l'rt..ncla t.n CM 546-1740 LI.l'ET IME G iii OLD Vtti""' wal.nut de"k, • · · t)'peWrttJ.rw. Ch rt d r ,· n, lbTixlO'', ~ to be WASHER I: Drytr Rtpatr, J;J'Udmldml. or ,..,.._1t! lfttared, Ind lt:athtt C'hair. Xlnt.cuarantffd s er v l c • 1 n dl •J d ti a 11 1 fUtDrtd CaU ~. momlrcs. R.tu na SC'l..gJ-15 OdJcxi.1 10 SeuDr» ~ DOtJBIZ time ~ a al· WHmLPOOL auto .,,,,her, ldloOI. Jft ~ Mar, CM. frtu., IPll: new ~ 2111 xlnt cond. 1\11.~lte<I. -,,,,,,c1. Lo, ot 5*-11411 la. • * Ml-8m ... ,::-.. = HAMMOND • Sti!hrwQ' ··" glua tap table $35. Metal 14, SM. El«trtc meat alkler ;;;;:; Ge I llOO 1fM15t mah& • MV• a UMcl pllum typewriter table $5. 144-1.'.m $50. '46-5a6 1 nera zs· STAR Cius S&Dbot.t, No. i..~t-'5'7 Ford S«, p of Ill mUee. Bat ~ In BRISTOL PLYWOOD GAS ttnalnt prden tractor RH.ES\JS Monkey. Bu.uUl\ll 17m w/lrallitr. t t 0 0 . ~. floor lhlft tnna.. r So. ~-rflbt Mn. "'. w· Dou(. nr. Jllywood, -S:'IO. Jmp~mf.nts: plow, diac .\ o:otic pet. $50 or but Cll· cn.G'B. nea .. ~ ~nt. '«I Ford 2 dr. a: saOmnMUSICcn.. &ec.1195.SC5-QO Ascraper.$Z.646-M86 fer.?149-l&.13 1,.. 1 .-..... _, """""erwtne.bumbod)'aftlftn.n 1901 N. MliDr. ' "'"'''"',' •• i ..... .,, Both for $100. tsky Cam U! i San'4 Am TV Oonlol~. e f1RE A Burxl&r Alam'I C1t1 H20 lhbd. Aux. S1tt111 5. Fully ''7 312 t~Blrd '-_..nt ~ THE BEST D!AlS good =ni $50. Syatem11 Jm:talled u lo• u lqlllppm. m.2l36 '59 a:! Unrotn t.;,;: .,.;""'~' On Pia"°' & Or--$99. Call &42-34'.90-2 BUUTtf'UL SNlliotnt U' ~ w Ir o ad ud bll. crank. Ducal:~ •-·-ELECl'RIC orp_n US: brekt· 62 CORVAJR 500 COUPE Siam~. a!tend, $25 each. tnt.iltr. GOOd ~ s.m. and S300, n PIU1l tor Art AlwlJl Al <d NIS $2): < dicing """"' BODY l30 54M29I * m.fll'l * Cash ...... ftrm. 511-- $JO; nn wat SS; M8-6Mll &d-IS21 BEAUTIFUL purebred PLMS,_ ... ., ..... so OU:V. pa.ru, Aif'-clOD WARD•s BALDWIN S1VD?O ,._, • Glu'OemtqleT Tor o,ilY PDot Wam Ad&. Pttstan ldttt:rw, whtte &lid .., ......... -DAILt dJtkirdfW unit. Che a··" lJOl NnJtort. CM. MU04 l'intl tt wt$ a _. M l t>W toM'TI 1Dwr, SS0. amt PILOI' ct 1 ¥•1 ...... 5.1f.ai ., ·= -IO -'I I 1. • 15 ' ,.. .... "· ... 16 ... ll. " F. u :. ' :s L . G I d ) • . ' .. ------.• ~ <•~...-.·..-~~-..... -............ -............ -----------------.------------... ---""'----""'--.. -... =aii .. • Sllurdat, APIR 17, 1'1&9 llNSPORTATION TRANSl'ORTAT IQN , TRANSPORTAT,l9N TRANSPORT~TION TRllNSPORTllTION TRllNSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION rWSPORTATR>N OA!l Y PILOT # flllNll'OlfATICIN, r1llor, Tnvel • ~ c.m,.,. 9~ Im~ A~ KOJ ROW< ~.,.,..wl . ' FU· .... lmportW -. -Im,...... AulM -lmpo<ted A,,._ -I-·-iilill l~P""IW! -'-, - MG -SUNIUM TOYOTA VOLISWAiEH"' VOLKSWAGEN -~ C..... __ ..:.;H..,!! r-"-· !P< ..al CAMl'll ....,.. sii2 .-;;;;;; Satrilk.< 12100• c.n ..._1987 S.IH • Ront1l1 PIRRARI bel<n 10;.~ or alt. 8 PM. Aulhoriled DtUtr N-:wport lmportl Ltd. Qr.. Eldorado FOUi" at:1i9 CountJ'• anb' audio"' 1' FIELD A SIJ'eam '66; \Vfnds • Soollman lnd dealer. flu.ah aoilitt. p.t/e,c. tel., 30,000 Fee.I of ~r SALES. SERVI<% • PARTS 'MMGB 1 2to~bun SneoW1"1s-ad ~·1 --~ '1att1 • '59 RA'PJCR SEDAN, enc. Ura, SUS. - 1lf!\\/ tiru. perf. coDd. S1295, O!.spll,)" !100 W. ll>aat Hwy. Incl • .&~ lilt hitch I elec:. Theodor• New~"rt Beach Think ' ! TOYOTA HERB FRIED~ANDER l -------- 9625 Carden Grove BJ\'d. '61 'IUYOTA ,,.., .,,.,.m . ....__ ROBINS FORD 642 • ..,. $40.1761 1961 Puma Tent tralief Authorb:l!d MC t>e.1ltt ~-ellenl condition, hw'dtop, 200) llarbor mvd. nil bit-ins, 61eeps 1. $1150. Costa Mella 642-00'lO Call 962-7854 $ SAYE $ ·*"-3.m Corona 4 Dr Auto' • fl-Ii • OPEL 1.ocoi ear · FIAT --..,--·-· '""' 1968 VW Camper w/tent. 61 FIAT llOO ~Luxe < Or, 1968 OPEL ~dett wacon. #TYX25'7 19" KIT Travel Trailer. fully 1 $3000 ...,. in wamnt,y: like new Call fl L self oon~lned, slttpa 6, Hke mmac eond.. 1 owner. • folding seats room Jar _9621196 ~ : ' • .... 1,..: 1 new. call alter 5 pm. JJ:l&j VW Bus. IOOd omd. aurfboard. Ftn:e School car. Mlfl. WllO stS.5191 11100. Private party. 646-88-New v.1,,.. 11'5 _., P""llSCHE : . TENT TRAILER 86 9 to 5 Mon thru rri. '62 Flit wtExfra Parh ~. IHPORTS 6 k --·•·· * PAAf-TOPS, all st e e I 548--0088 evea I wknds. 1~ PORSCHE. · Su-, -TbYOTA~LYcf After or "l!t? ~.a any she4 Sales I. ,..n;aJs. ncs """ ,.... 1" I. -.,.. ,, ======== Road•ler ·---, oC-·-·t 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9~ ime. °"..,...... up. Buy factory direct. 10101• .u•awa 1.1u-v ........ So H ~-S.A. HILLMAN w1a11 •=•mes. Would TOYOTA · aruw, cons.ider clean VW &: ca.sh. rr1i~.'!'• Utility _ 945~ 63 FORD F-100 VII auto. ~ir '63 HILLMAN HU&ky, «l.000 214 Lu&onia.. NB. 642-S078 4 6><' B T ·1 "'_." Pullman Camper. Slki1nr miles like new S8XI ca.sh tl'IL'U ... x Y:O: ox r11 er .r-· roof. Boot. SlBOO. 642-3851 Call •• 6 PM r:..:. ~D • =<JO p 0 Rs c HE 9u. Cali 592-5923 Eve " "'..-.wgo Talll:'.erine color. 4 speed, Ex•cutiv• Car $11• ·-low mileage. I.rnmac ~-Hurry While They L11tl r __ ru_c_k• ______ 9_5_oo C1mpe< Ren1111 9522 ISO RIYOLTA ~,";;,.,, .. , P~_. .... fl'"• L•...:1 '67 RANOlERO COAClf · TRAILER ISO "65" Lu.'Cury 2+2. Body '60 PORSCHE 1600, new '411\. Ull'O VS. Stick RENTALS by Bertone, chassis by cn~inE', paint. lire,s, ' IMPORTS . s It'11 none too earl,y to make Bizzarrini, 370 HP b Y reasonable. 833-2369 Pl . SR-II. reservatimts fot Sprmg' Hol-Corvette, Alr, AM-FM-S\V, '66 PORSCHE 9". 5 •peed • . TOYOTA·YOLYO Tarp -hai-p! new x tires, Custom pa!,nt. .u '""" Hae~-C M ... ~· V35519 Sl.89'J idays! $4950 or Trade. 54&-5387 beige/ blk int. 28,000 mi.----~---'··-·...;·-~-~- L IVEEK·END OR WEEKLY O•x. ownec, ,,,,__ '67 TOYOTA ~POR~ :~:~~:~·.:.:•:..:~-1 -8-.-:"":~...:5 · -:3-;,-.M-~_A_,,,_G_;-,~-~-~-,,-,:-J-1~ -c-_RE_N_A_ U_LT_ ~~:~~~i~";.~~~~ TOYOTA·YOLYO shortened frame. Sharp! brks· 4 whls, xlnt concf. PRE OPENING a mini piice. ULY4M ""6 """"" C.M, 640-'303 $350. 170! Pork St HB . .,-,..,.,, NEW $1395 100:: rnEvRoLET r1ectstde 536-268..1 ======== R ENAU ~ JOHNSON & ·soN '" ''" pickup wc1c. s· """· '<ARUA.,N GHIA "'' """""·--,· :,",.,,·.~·-..,.-automatic b'ansmisaion, V8 MEYEH.S Man"'\ V\11; xlnt •..-, ·111 ......... ..,. ,,...,.,~-.. corxl., top, hitch, mBny ex-,.. en~ine, radio, heater, big 'ira.s, $l59a. 540-3642 Eve '68 GHIA, 'c'iimt whls, M,(. '64 TR· 4 ruUber. $995. 'Dealer. 18835 Fi'--.... l••• VW Bnu .. v Flit, nu Pa'intr 16,0IX' mi. SALE Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach. ""'b ~ ....,_.. 675-4119 aft 6. 541)4142 for Street and Trail "WI CAN'T WAJT FOR OUR" :;..~, ;:~iocSalviv ':, --D-*U-N-~-'-:,""-~-G~G *~Y--MERCEDES IENZ GRAJID OPENING 2 lo choose from $1499 • Th.ink Flat! cq1. \'al. in gtl. shape. l\1ust Metalllake Sl'C tc. apprec. 2107 Orange, S7~JO. 548--{;651 Cl\1. 646-75<.i Gl'tl 67 Pickup. Air. Cu111om ;.;lm'-po=r'-'tedc:...;A~.u'-to-'-1--­ "'· "'· 0 w" "· 12395. AL. FA ROMEO 541-216-1 01" 633-3667 '63 CHEV, PICKUP. Very Clean! Lo miles. New paint & tires 645-2982 1 '59 FORD Rancbero PU, very clean. 1395. 968-2389 Jeeps 9510 '66 JEEP \VAGONER Low miles, custom interior, 4 wheel drive, automatic transmission, VS engine, power steer1ng & brakes, air. tinted glass, new rub- ber, radio &. healer. Show room condition. Lie. TYX852 l34il5 '61 ALF A Sprint coupe, very good condition. New paint etc. Sharp! $895. 615-3334 MERcEDES '61, DI. 4 dr sedan. $1150. 642-4926 or AUSTIN HEALEY 833-<i!48 ------- '62 AUSTIN HEALY 300) lmmaoulate conditioo. MERCEDES BENZ $1499 --·------- Think Fial~ '66 220 Diesel Think 4 Dr. r\ir, Low miles, Lie. HERB FRIEDLANDER SVE 991 9625 Garden Grove BJvd. $2995 89W333 '62 220 4 Door '60 A.H .. rblt eng .. Radio, heater. xlnt col'ld. 1815. ..,._ Lie. Oh.V 572 $1495 FREE B&Z IMPORTS 410 Main St., Huntington S.•ch 536-4292~ @ '61 SPRITE, pert. cone!. SlT;iO Or best oner 673--170:5 Morn- ing or Eves llflll L ,,.,; I wn UlllG SUBARU HARBOUR VOLKSWAGEN , INC . I Authoriz~ Sales and Servirr ( 18nl Beach Blvd. 842"4435 IMPORTS -- -------1 TOYOTA·•OLYO SUBARU DATSUN "'66 """"'· C.M. &1S-93tll MG •69 20oo DATSUN Roadster, 5 spd trans; 135 hp, dlr, honey-gold yellow, blck l-------- bucket seats, radio, heater, MG wsw's, leu than 1000 mi. Un. Sales, Servict, P arts der fact warr. Take older Immediate Delivery, foreign car in trade of $175 All Models Retail Division 1000 W. Coast Hlghw1y Newport lkech 64S.00.SO * SI0-2733 SUNBEAM Think HERB FRIEDLANDER 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. ""-1333 ·rr -2000' cir. TYV-181 '67 Spitfire lJNB..l.M 'U TIW SJCQI '64 -Tlt.4 lVG-m 'M Spitfire OXU-934 TOYOTA·YOLYO 1966 Harbor, C.M. &£S3Q3 '61 TR ~9 WI.ta, overdrive, U,CXXI mlles $27'9 Think Fiat! Thi"" HERB FRllOLANDER 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. 8> TOYOTA '5S VW Bui w/Orvam q .; """' '6'5 equl)>'d. !hCI. Ill thil brand new: 110 HP c.rvai, .,.., "'"' .,.,.,.... trar8.. paint Job, dull tt- HAR It hau.tts. ttvy. dut) dutch. VOLKSWAGEN, INC. •IU'ler motor, nv """""· Aulborb:ed other exttu, wide tires It Sales and Service rims, bucket seats.. walnut 18711 Beach Blvd. 841-4435 paneling, Koni a!'lc:>cb. 20 'H DATSUN pt. ... "'\II ~ p .... Station waaon. Ra.dlo, heat.-$1295. 6M-f.110 • er, white wa11 tires. rack -'--------on top. Uc. RGF 683 '66 VW $1,1 H Whl,. waDa, ndlo 'M FALCON SI29t 6 eyl., stick ahltt, 2 door. Tblnk J'lat!' Radio, heeter. Perteet con· Think dltion. eo,,., drive tbla one. HERll FRIEDLANDER Uc. .OXX 699 9625 Garden Gf'O\l'e Blvd. $7'5 '64 MONZA 891-3333 1967 VOLKS, SWnof, AM· FM radio. Ork blue ext W/ wbt int. Lo rniltqe. Xlnt aind. $1475. ~2389 Coupe. Auto., radio, heater, tinted 1lus, white wan tires. One ol the nker on"' $7'5 ·rr --R<llll'. V11W11S '6T-SOJ1te ·-W--lldltr..:t:~ .._....,. 311 '51 -3000 Rdotr-Wlll'tll l,.,q llf'arrS TOYOfA-fOLto 1966 Jlarbot, C.M. 6*MOl Pone•• 28 to ci.- _l~rlupu1 1 jl 111 p Ll l I '.• 3100 w . .,,... Hwy, Newport Beith ..,__ 51>11'1 Authorlttd MG DMlf.'f '6' Alla Sprint GT ODe ol a kind •. #- $25t5 E'LiiiE 'H CAMPll PICK·UP wot Beach mtd:. Wlltmn&tr Siudeb&ktt wtth Chevy '62 VW Convert., mut 11dl. New en&" .• tire11 I: batt'ry. Best olftr takes. M.,y trade Jor 11ta. wagon 546-!ru fGllium Phone Df;3!ZI T". V8, Powualide tram. Ex· , • , tra nice all customized. 61 TOYOP!:f,, .. l(IOd '!Dech. Musl see. Uc. C9813T '64 Vollmwqtn, blue, sun. roof, w t d e dtta, air • lift shocks. SlCM, 642-34n lll'aITS concl., clean. Belt Olfft' $12ff TO'tOfA,..fOltO '"'""'' 'H INTEINATIONllL 1966 Harbor, C.M. MS-8303 TRIUMPH Scout. 10,000 milts, Jooks &: run~ like new. Uc WWG 5.'l4 Ric• Cal'I, Rods M20 -· _, $1295 '68 RED Spitfire. Pert. ('Ong. , ...... YW •u• 1967 vw, Zenith Blue. Xlnt cond. 4 map, new tires. Lota of extru. Call "2-Q3C9 1957 Conwnlbie -$lOll New top I: bkrks. Radio Call before 5, 968--3768 MODEL • T Road1ter, smde Low mi. $20Xl, or bst otter. -833-273..i Real rood IJ'&nlfPOl't&tion. V8 !Ill". Aft 6 IX' wb!dl anytime. m.ct66. ~~----~-1Come drive this. Uc. EMK· '62 TR 3, mint condition 607 '56 CHEVY Wq:, 'ff 375 hp Veit. 4 1pd. Many utru. ' 213/598-5633 be1ore !S pm. l-1ll&t see to appreciate! $795 $750. 833-043' '65 SUNllAM IMP 1965 SUNROOF, chrom~ wheels. xlnt cond. $1100, pry prty. Call before 5. 968--3168 TRJU?i-1PH 065. red Spitfire. O..\•ner in Alaska. As is. 548-7811 VOLKSWAGEN '68 V\V. Perfect oond. M&r11 extras! 546--0357 eves, day1 831-1441 Low milqe and a l'l'll sharp car. Lit'. RGY 948 $6'5 VOLVO Autos W1nted '67 OHL KADm Well cared for. In top con· diUon. Must stt to ap- preciate. Uc. UKS 132 $1lt5 -----'---WE PAY •.• s ~~!: s CASH 'H TOYOTA Crown Wagon. Radio, he.t- er, white-wall tlrn. Low mllaee. Room plus econ. ExecutlV. Cer S•'- Hurry Whlle '11'ey Loni l.tmU omy. No. P199 Alk for Seln M•...- $14'5 lS2ll Belch Bhd. """--. TOYOTA·'fOLYO KI s.3lU 1966 Harbor, CM. MS-9303 ---==-==~-- '61VOLVO11"'9 WE PAY CASH '61 VOLVO $489 HARBOUR • All '69 Models FOR YOUR CAR VOLKSWAGEN, INC. Authorlnd P1rt1 CON' NELL Authorized & S.rvlc• Sales and Service 1•y y I ~-I " EVROLET 18711 Beach 81vd. 8'2-4435 our 0 vo ..... a •r CH · '68 YOLKS. 7 ..... Top co<ld. Herb Friedlander 2821 Hafbcr B!Vll. AM/FM radio. Ste-aft 5 13750 Btacb Blvd. {Hwy 391 l-~C:O.::la=-::M=H1=..;.141'=12JO:::...-I pm. 514% h1arlgold. CdM 2 blks So." G.G. f'wy, $2500. 893-7566 537-6124 Wiii iQ '59 VW BUS. new enatne, 1'5 VOLVO llOO S YCl!Ur Volbwqm _. ...._. trans. $850. 436 Can,)'On Sport Coupe, 4 1pd, d,lr, buck· 6 pay top doUus: Paid ... Aetts Dr, La.g. 494-7457 et seab. Brown beeuty! S15 _.not. Call ltllpll '62 VW Sedan, excel cond. cuh del1,·take older faref&n. 673-1190 Rebuilt ens. New paint A car in trade. LB SAS 625. -===~==-upbolaL ~2250 a:lt 5 Call Ken «H-97'73 9f' MM.634 IMPORTS WAN'I'm 58 VW Bus. '64. fO HP $450 Cl" '68 VOLVO 142. 'lQJ) ml, Onz1P ~ trade for Bug. 61 Lambtttta radlo A air, cood.. Perfect 'IOP S BUYER J50cc $150. ~71'40 shape. ~ • S 21 5 0. BIU. MAU! TOTO!'& . 494--6205 lS88l Buch Blvd. '64 VW Camper, 1001:1 cond. 1-;;,63;,==-=-==-= H Beacb. Pb. 117 .... Clean a: extru. New tires. V~LVO ~ B-1! ~· • nWo. 543--?Bll Xlnt tires, rad,.,. $650 Ol'll· N ~. owner. 545-8060 ew _,. tlOO '68 VW. Blue, sunroof. Still under warranty. J].650. * 54().1969 * HOLIDAY RAMBLER 't~ ~~l ~!~~~~!~ ing, xtra, xlta sharp. Lie. I SVE "' eon Lemi6 1 If T~~~~~~LYO cash dels. Will fine priv prty. LB YNW 485. Ca 11 Ken, 494-9773 or M.5-0634. ENGLISH FORD j~rlup ott 31111µ011 •:1 • I ·wait? '65 vw ~. Xlnt cond • $1950. 7t> Brow ncro ft, Llgun&Beuh '68 VW Camper, 16,000 mi. XL.NT cond. $2900 96Ul85 IN COSTA MESA AMX and JAVELIN HEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTY Offers you 1 FREE 1Mmbenltlp lo Or1- Counfyl l1rge1t AMX~•nlln club with car 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '65 JEEP J.~ Pick-Up. 6 cyl. 3 i;peed. Runs good • drives like a truck. R286.57 . $795 JOHNSON & SON MILITARY Jeep. Chev V-8. !!!!~~~~~~~11 New 110 x 13 llres. fttany '67 CORTINA more extrns. Will con.sider 1600 _ 4 speed •. radio. Low lt·ade. 64.l-2.180 mlleage. The de tux model 1956 C.15 wi th bucket seal5. WFV196 28:"1 hp Chevy V-3 ALL NE\V 5'1~ 31 JEEP \\1agon. 4 W.D, New lire!!, brake'!, ch.1tcli. Runs "'ell. $400. &46-M4j '65 C 5 J Jeep, 22.IXXI miles. excellent. Sl350 * 49S--3001 * $1350 JOHNSON & SON Lincoln-Mircury 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 '62 MG Midge!; radio. w/W, good cond .. 2 tops. $650 613-fltll Trucks 9500 Trucb SEE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE REALLY SHAKING-UP TRUCK PRICES! SEI THE LEADER UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE-GMC 2'50 HARBOR IL~ COSTA MESA PHONI H40 , 15300 HACH II.YD. WISTMINSTER H4-3322 ··~ link fin1nein9 ••1il1b11 1n b1nli: 1ppro•al of cr1dit. REE-FREE Las Ve~s Vacation 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO N1 'urch••• N1c1111ry 15300 Beach BIYd. Westminster 89,·3322 OPEN 7 DAYS 9600 ~ WE ARE ONLY #2 SO WE TRY HARDER FOR YOUll '69 TOYOTA ,....,, $1770 '%% IAllK fllAllClll6 WITH 15% DOWN 0.Af••· ... .,~ 4B MO. IANK FINANCIN~ AVAILABLE WE NEED YOUR TRAD I INI LIA.SIM• AYAIU.l&.I DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 646-9303 ~ TOYOTA-VOLVO 1966 HARBOR, C.M. '63 VW, 1un root, top cond. thruout. $850. 6C5-1'1S6 '61 VW BUG, NICE. 11400 """"" '63 V'IV Sedan, '40,000 mt. Xlnt cond, pvt pvt;,y. $1.D). 640-!018 '65 VW SUndlal Camper 1600 En&. $1500. ~2067 9610 THINK "FIA 1"' * SEE "FRIEDLANDER" 30 E x T R ·A s· at no extra cost y Test a Fiat. tM8SO Spida ONLY FRIEDLANDER:FRim.Y FIAT 537.TT'fT RAT TRADE-INS IM-lUJ . 'llY ..... 'HIM I ...... ·--'lllNll 'II NII --,, __ ;;; ~· ---.... 51499 '1399 51899 52799 ·--'II YOl.IO '11 "" '17 "'' 'II NI 'II M6I --.. ..,,,.. .... --.,.oe, ~-:.*::::: ---·-'799 5t.tn 5899 '1499 51699 . s399 HERB FRIEDLANDER IMPORTS 9625 GAIDIN GltOVI ILVD., GAIDIN GltOVl * Camplete fore9i Car sentce * 'I purch&H. 'H AMIASSADOR Dl'L _Own•r's person•I cer. 2 door Hardtop. Ev•ry concaivable •xft•s, includin9 •ir. Come Jn 1nd ••• thitl FA.NTASTIC VALUE PRE·CHECKED USED CARS '66 Dodp ~t'= 5,l ]95 ::" s'U.. '1. 595 _,, c•M. • nr.76. , ... '65 Classic . Pl'"' ...... ,..., ....,.., ....._....._Pl. a llw9laL INU 4J1. • '64 Forti '65 Mercury ~;.!: '995 t:!":.:'::0~1498 ,..._.......,. 4tr,H.t ,fl. OWCHt. --.PS.Pl.•. '65 Dodge '66 Ford ·-· •1095 ='·-$1695 ....... ,.. ..... ..... .,..,. ,... ,.... ........ Lia. ..... ........ ID Wt. IPLllJ. '65 Mnt•t '66 ~s..aa-••·""· '1595 n•n u.. '1995 YI. .... ., Ne.IUJIJ. · ......... ,...... ... ...... .,a rMf.MHA171. ............... . '63 'Rambler '66 Ra111blei .......... $085 .-... '1595 .... , ...... V7 1•.HT.W. ............ ....-... ' ,...., .... m,... n..a ....... u...1M1111 '65 •-w.r '64 Rallltrler ~ '89 .......... 1599 ••. __,, 5 --··· ......... --"""'· . :::_ ____ ~ .. ~IF~~~-~·--~-................................... mtwti-. • .,,,.,_...._. .... llD cum SllYlCI FOi TO.UI c.u HOLIDAY AMil_IOO_ Siies & SerTlce -1 IA'll AMIMMilll POIYOlllCO- 1969 Harbor, Cosll M1S1, MZ-602J 1 ' . l • , r' I I . ·-• ~ • U~Y •MT ~ .... ~,1~ I. I ~·""'"'""o'" ~~~lTIOlit_ rkANSPOllTATION I,~~,. . ~~ Autv LUil{"-~ Ulld Ca,. . ;;Qii ' t TRANSPORT.A TION TIANSPORT .A TION ~: Utod C•n ,9900 u.,i C•!\; . ' 9900 TRANS PO UHd Co,. RTATION 'TRANSPOllTATI 0 N -9900 l/ood , ... 9900 1 ' , LWE 'EM / cAoi£i:Ae· ! •L• C'""· CORVAll"" . COUGAR ~ • RD ',J.;.. FORD --FO I '88 Cad. epr· deVUle, f'\ID pW'J, V6 ""' m, "*"" "!Pl· Pri""" ..., crE !'}; VILLE '63 CORV.AIR-Monia, auto fftnl. rwjiO, beater. $550.' tsl-1185 '68 COUGAR ~~~e';ii:-.:1;: C:-:~n:: '62 Ford . VA.N. Econolln• '66 FORD 616·11111 Counrry . $quire . 1t,30t ml. ~ new. a~ • a mOI lie at 1149. mo. full jlO\\'er fact. •ir. f;r. '62 ~RYAIR Monla. $11;. Dealer. 20'li Harbor Blvd., Costa l\1r.aa. &ts..Jm 'GI foJ)RD Sc dan, v .s, auto .. IRAND '67 T·Bird LandJ.u, 2 dr, load. mine white, Prive 'in a;tylt NEW a ed w/extru, air. Driven only for - smoo. J •. Stott• 1t2 .. ~. EYl'K. SGZ.'Hli6 ond. S.)50 ' very good t' ,... ms 9 pass. i;la 1969 • 191.12 por mo. GHB6S6 , aotoal ml, 1 .....,., """ !Dp DODGE w,.on. Com \ • >1,000 ml. 2< mo lease. at $995 ,63 LINCOLN 1964 MONZA Coo"rt "·"" 19'9 nJRD IUICK • SOUTH COAST 'OHNSON SON CHEVELLE CONTINENTAL ""'""'" 642-!550 '"" "'"'"· pletely recond. C•R LEASING " -------1 '61 MnMY&· 3 ,__.-DOOGE D•R'J'S "" Lincoln.M , . • dr, Sedan. Full fa.ct equip. .....,,_ .,--"" $2%1. S48-5Tn D WAGON $ a 300 W.Cout Hl&hwa.Y J941H-~Bl· UICUI')' ... ~ ...... 66 O l~E•Stl~i-'9'11 teol.hcrint S!k #~· •'.)'-$215:--lt~+M i 'Q;'"-'&17 ''ti2FOR ·2444 • &<1>21,82 ,, ........ lk<!:h . ~-~ •-~ w~ Radio, h"'(~r . $.109.5 " l "l'r;i • • a.. ane, ~t Sel«lloo ~.'., . ""o~~-_'J;~. mi. original. •' • -; '63 · C •IMP,~. ato1natlc. $J tM" Dealer,"""'" J::ff ''C' ""U~•a l Dllkt' ....... ~ • !,EASE :.RENT "5fi. l..:i-i::~; 11.rbof Bh;j,:'eo.,.· ~·=JOHNSON &'SON ~ •• "! ~, __ ,,.. H.m.-'81.d(.~ ·' '68 RAN I CH ERO lransmiuKin IMMIDIATI DIUYt•Y ~ ALL POPtJ~' ' _. r-~' ,( ~ J.c ~1812, 1 'I":· ' Unroll\-1\~I)' l96S COUGAR xn{\ ..,,._ ,•i '45-J872 l Rebullt • MAKES ?17 cu. In. V-8, 11.uto::P.s~' !,~-...,,.-~~---Hiil llarbor Blvd, W -705ll Courie: towner 19.000 origin-'m OOOOE Llultlet'GT. Vpty 548-66.i ., ---NVERTIBLE I FORD ~·hilc "'/bl~. lnlcriu1', In C[ofEVROLET al owner mil~. factory air, good end. XLNT 2nd car. '61 1''0RD ·co S AUTHORIZED e:.l'ellcnr eondllion, OJS692 '66 CO~'TlN"rnTAL 2 door radio, 4 ~peed trans, color $400. 6'm-769'J DllYI tT HOMI TOOAT 1 1 LEASING $1095 'G·I OIEVY II &t&ti011 \vaion. ~~~ ~~j ~~": :~~~ me yellow with black vinyl '6.i 4 dr Dodge Oai1. R/H. 6 ---~':.:~ • SYSTEM JOHNSON & SON Radio. heater. auto1narlc, air . conditioning, leather i; lop & black leather inlcrior. cyl. SUck. Lo mi. One .66 GALA.'(lE $27;i '1 •' 500. 2 dr, ~·ac. r mpe! t1\'e ates Llncohi·fllct'C","' .· <'l'IOJ', ,. ,, ra "' with 111("' · Theod • .., • app~lalc. Dealer, ""'.?' t d ,. 's 117'0 64"'~ ore l!lU JJ<fl'lx>r Bh'CI. 6l:?·7!Ii0 ...., .. ,. OfX' cc · ea u t I u I ' · ..,..,,...,.,., . Low miles . Gel Ou Co 1 · n I air condlUoning. t.1us l K'e 10 1 ~·i d" ~ ow/'ICr 548--J724 au·, Pow/S ROBINS FORD 1 Jlnrt>oi· Blvd., Costa ~1caa. B<>rmttda yclkiw \\'ilh black ft ~ ·;is llDTP c , • 1962 CAD Coupe de Ville, 64j..J872 leather interior. S 2 9 9 5 . \t~~ o FALCON tran.~. Sa $ ' 2000 Jlarbor Blvd. good cond ln appearance: on. '!111 CHEVY 2&'t Big 327 HP PfFle 675-1448 t ' s Barbados P 2444 •. ~ta Mesa 61UlOlD ly 72.000 mi. Prv prt)' $995. hc.'ads. 4 bilJTCl 411 rear '66 CONVERTIBLE, , ... ,-,,-,. ~ B ·~ FALCON Squire sta wag, 547-€776 8-4 • ~ ~' ,Fully eq.uip. 289 V-8 f'l'l~. '64 FOn onv, clcCln. gd crilicf'! J 1 0 7 I. CflI. D PICK-UP AUTO pin. • ·Jt1Wtcie 4 sj)('ed All S.W. on bcauli(.ul red leaU1cr. ~. ,, , .~.~ m1. Xln! cone!. Orig E.xc.'<'lll•nt cond1hon. •. * "lfASIN6* '118 CADll.l.A~ 'Coovcrtible, ~U.~l!. Black lac. lhruoul i't,l.IJ pcw;er , iac air, 61ereo i ~ O"l\'ncc. $1200. 548-4667 aft 4 · • ~2819 • 20.000 miles. Red \Y/blk Cl<romc rims, ma.gs. Sec. to lupe. I1nmac. Below book. 67J.OtDO ht.' ,,7 _P~'-'--------• ' $199 • I/ ALL ~tAKES oOWN • I COMPETETIVE PRICES Cort Fox Auto L ... lng Plus l&x & lict'llM! on ap-a · 234 w. c.oqst fiii:hway lop. Loaded, xlnt l.'Ond, :dnt App1~late. ~lake o f I c r · P1v prty. 673-8163 1970 HAllOI ILYD. tires, 644·2871 S.fS-SSG.l ,66 LINCOUN. ·•mmao --•. '&I FALCON Futw-a 2 door. -•m ~~°""'C°'O'=S~TA='M:::l=S=•~~ Radio, heater, automatic. '63 CAD, S'TA'PJQN \Vagon, 9 low milca. lull J1Wl' $2995. DAILY PIUJl\WANTAOO $79:> DeaJer. 2026 Harbor pa,socnger:·~ '63 C.h e v . After 6. 644-2859 ' G a'IN:'f n ' Tl-IF' Sl lN NEVF.R ::iEl'S nn l'.lassffi~'s -i.dion· p.-1Wff· ror an ad to srll around the t'l11ck, diaJ 6<12-5678. ' \11/agon \\'llh dual lac1ni; 11'a1· seats. IX[uipt. 11ith fac!. air, P.S .. P .B., [>01\'CI' 1l'inck1ws, •"'· SVX770 $1995 JOHNSON & SON 1..inco\n.l\1c1·cury 1941 Harbor Blvd. 6'2-7000 '&1 GALAXY. 500 XL l dr. hell[>. Buc:kl'I Sl'Rl/I; .air, PS/PB. Rl·H, Takr '"" """ ol ron1ract. $1090. 51S-7920 CAD 1964 Coupe <lr Ville. Air • all pwr • !011' mi • ~ngle ownrr • li11uidalini: f'~late • p1v 1u·1y. Bcsi .::ash oUer O/ $1'100. 962-7626 '64 t'A lRLANF. cui;tom Sta· 1inn \\'agon 28fl V8, 11,ulo P/b. Radio. 1ra11~. P/s, New ti rr s. Super clean. ' 5~8-47·10 '{i() FORD Station 1\•agoo; 4 Or. v.s. au1on1aCic. $125, or best of[er. 96&-2li05 DAILY PJLCYI'\VANT ADS! CPE. DE..,.VILLE Impala. z;5 Hl> '"& .. 11!>•'<" "RIJ ··~~TSc Bt""., eo.1a M• ... ""''""' lol.1U power • "lncr! ajr, A i>t~ri~. Private party. On-~Cars 9900U.ted Can 9'00 I 1-.~ C•rs '9900 Und C1rs 9900 Used Cars ~ bcauly • \\'hitc W/k) \l'hlte · •ly-~JO. 49-1-7168 La:;una :;;~~iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii;;i;;;;;;~~~---o;i~~~~~~---iiiii~;,.;;;~~~---,;~;;;;;;;~;.;;iiiiiiiilii~ proved credit for this• Newport Be11.ch jG8440 New Bufek SpedaJ. No.. - . 433279Z600349. UHd C1rs 9900 THE FAIULOUS OPEL GT's , __ __;, __ _;_ • '6.l RA~181..ER · Convt. Full 1 P~T. air~nd. auto, new tires. $350. ~4:: • CHOICE : '67 Riviera loaded. Xlnt cond. '61 Jaguar :t8 ARE · HUE • Sedan. Auto. Ex concl. or. SEE THEM TODAY! • lice 838-7294, home 675-7109 L1ndau roof. NYL.505 .c"oC'~""'"=~=~~-= 1 i $1395 'G7 Cllf':VY El Can1ino, 3Z7 I.... en-:.:. Bul'kl't sca!,;. air co1\ll., JOHNSON &.SON · ""' 11 .. ~,, 10""""" .,.,.,,, Lincoln·Mercury I ~111dcd \1•/extr,11,. $2300. 19~1 Harbor I}lvd. li.t2.7050 l>ays 548-1717, Hon1c phone 675-1026 ENGLISH f ORD~· 1969 I . ·~ •I=:::::::::::::::::::::=::: POOLE'S FI NE USED CARS '63 CAD. Convert. \\'hitc, blk. lthr. air. full p1vr. Nc1v· top. $1Zi0. Orig. 0111ler 530-4960, &14--0661 CVCl'i JUST ARRIVED! ENGLAND'S NO. 1 SELLER ••• AMERICA'S NO. 1 IMPORT BUY! GT AND DELUXE MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. '66 CAP•ICE :· Cpe. Pow•f ~llteri n9, f1cl. •ir, 111h:l1T1elic.~ fSIM l7tl• $2295 • 1111------·1 '66 TEMPEST : C11lfom cpt. RIH, •11!0., P.S., fe~tory eir condition·~ intj. <STDl77 1 • $1595 • 1------1 1 • '66 IUICK Wildcel '4 door. fec .. ry • •ir, eulo., powtr 1!1erin9,I RlH. ISVX 016 1 I $2595 • '65 IUICK Eleetre eoirpt. full power,. feetory eir. 1 $1895 • , ______ . '6S OLDSMOllLE • Joor H.T. Ftctory •ir,. pow1r 1le1rin9 I Dr•kt1, •11to. IMOY 1461 • '' $1595 . 110~~~~~~-· • .. .. .. ' .. .. ' I . l " •• . ~ l '66 OLDSMOllU! n• l..itury S~•n. full pe1rtt,• f•~fory eir. !SUP 511} 8 : $2295 • • : 'W IUICK .• Eleelr• eonvt. Full power,. •feetory eir. IOWY 7071 : _.,$1 .~95 : • 'H MERCURY • l•11y P'•rlr w19011. Full. •!MW''• feclery •''· ( ~TR·8 19711 : $219$ : =-·~····-= • JAOUAR • , . :"IWOUARTW • .COmplefe Solas· Serv-1 ,Joa· .. d -l'•rh· O.p•rt-e ...-f., JAGUARS. • ... 1N """"'• • lt6t J•t••r TMer I ••••••• ! • "'f; 17t ST. I • • 141·7765. OPEN: 7 DAYS AND ~s • I • • • f)a/8 !. UI CK : . ' -; I c.OSiA Mt ',.\ < Imported Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 @; THIS IS NOT A @· .. 1' TIRED BUG · , . tlllCI IYllMM UltMOf lfll 11111 IUQI. IE. II lllTltOll:IJll 111 tD. Mlml Of •Act Ill ClllCd & II· Clll(lS Ill llSll tA.s SINS Tilllll TMl:outli ...... n.1n111 UJMI( ...... Tllll '" Tillt fAM041S ,, POtlft QltO:.op Allt iMT t1•Al.S MlfOlll. TillM Ill Cl!ICll & .tlClllCll TillM AGAltl AltO llllll 111111 WIUol't fll l'VU TMIM Ill Tiii PAPlll "' tp.S. If A U5 IS roo TIUI 10 Mlll TOii M"t .•. llf fftS ltl9 TD "•;'°~';:";:'~":'~":''~---•• '61 PORSCHE ,Wnrlf, ,.,.,, •• ,l!!t ln'9rlet. .... , -O..llit 11..,, 1011.i lhl!HUI. lk. ..... WTW21J ...... 11•.ts ... tt.00 lk. 2i40.ts 400.00 Do., ••. 2J40.95 •• '63 vw NOlCK SACK Sll\otr wllti m1tdilllg 11111rler. ~ tondilion. l k. Mt. 11".W "·" ... 1t.to lie. • 1t77.tt ............. 1077.95 .... '66 PORSOI ftl ,,.., 111\ll!lt "...... •11d: l~tttl­ " ell-wheolll -.. ,,.. :lft 1110•-Uc. Nt. SIAm -· tt•.•• ...... ...... ............ 4170.95' IA..: I '68 vw SQOAftE aACK '114, •lldl lnttr1ef, tccinaml· <I I JllfMlt' M ctr. lk. ... ·-...... lt .. ts ••• l .OCI 111 2411.ts .JOO.OI h . hit. 2116.95 '66 K. GIA COUftl ''"·" .. ...... ..... lie. 1bi.k ... ..... '-'· 1532.95 IAL '63 vw ..... 1191.11 M.tl ltl lt.Ol lk. i:aiiH UO.DI ... '°"'' 1132.95 UL. RARE '68 VW 'cCNVT. l .. ded wit~ 1~!1n. Al' cOllO., ~ ....... ~ IO"I ptefitf ,,,.,._ lie. Ho. VZr0'22 "11tt.• 111.ts t•J Sl.00 We. tii1.ts 400.00 ... , ... 2261.95 UL '65 PORSCHE 1 .. COUl'I Sllv1r, w111'1 bletk lnltrio!', FM r8dlo. RI .. mod.i, Lie, HG, OYHfM. '"'·· , ..... , .. .. .. ... 4141 .ts ....... '-'· 3641 95 IAL '62 vw Ciol""' I '-· Alf the ut•H l111:lvdl"' rtdlo, hff1110 W/ .... 11 .. lk. Nt. 'Yl73'1 1 ..... M.tst.J I.DI Ill. 11$41.tS Vll.00 ... ,_., 886.95 IAL BRAND NEW 1969 VOLKSWAGENS •197 7 P.O.L 4 -TIJ lllWICllffl AYAUlll I < Ii • 'J' SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ~W 1969 "AMEklCAN" FQtDS! e MUSTANGS e FAJRLANES e T-BIRDS e TORINOS e GALAXIES e CUSTP1"5 Slielby tlearante I \ltfl '''' Sllelbll -.11 ""'°, ',..tory '""''lee. .t eetir• TRUL y UNUSUAi. A ;.$COUNTS IN THIS SPECIAL Cl.EARANCE GROUP OF NEW 1969 FORDS -L1MITl0 IXIC. AtlO DIMO CA.lS t10W AT IVIM •lU.Tll SAYIN6S JOIN OUR CELEBRATION! VISIT THE FABULOUS BOTl(j)UE IUS HERE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY CONTINUOUS MOD FASHION SHOW 10 A.M.-6 P.M. BOTH DAYS MEET THE MOD MODELS Seit. & Sun. FR.EE Pepsi & Hot Dogs For The Big Kids Mom & D•d, Too. All day Saturday and Sund•y. .. IT'S.A ~IOD SUOP ON tfJJEELS ! A unique cfe9t sho~'featui-lng' the'1a'test in modist, botlqu• ltem . .\.from mini dresses 1o Qiklnis, j l)n. glasses·to·tote bags. You may actually buy in ttii.• different store which is complete from 9uildecf wallpaper to dressing rooms. FINAL CLEARANCE DISCOUNTS ON 1968 MODELS! --------~---~ Fun For Th• Whole Family STILL A GOOD SELECTION OF BRAND NEW 1968 ENGLISH FORDS 'rO CHOOSE 'FROM. PR ICES SLASHED TO CLEAR THIS WEEK! ~-~ RENT A VACATION CAMPER OR MOTOR HOME REASONABLE RATES RESERVE NOW1 1'6J PONTIAC HARDTOP C1telin•, fwll power, evto. RIH. tSEMOlll Blue look price $770. 20 % dow" or h•d• . $395 FULL $21 h< 2' PllCE Me11ths 1968 FORD 4 Doo• VI C1rlio111. 390 tng., •irto"111ie, lil•elr w/wh ite top. (I J 51Ztt49l ll Blut l ook price $21 15. 20 'f. dow11 or tr1dt. $1395 ~. $39 t':..!: -'--~1~,-,.c1""'To-=:,,YO~T~A~C~ORONA-- O.lu11 4 Dr. F•ctory .,quipped, I SUYl251 Blu• l oelr pi'ie1 Sl415. 20 ,., Gow111 er tr••1 . $1095 ;~~~. $46 ::..:.: 1968 FORD V-8 4 cir .. 1ulo, P:ow tr tleering, ••Cio &-h11 ttr. I En9. No, IJS 12449 I l I llu1 l ook prict $2 150. 20'.4 down or t,1••· $1795 ;~~~. 1964 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER W19on. '9 11•11. f•etory •ir, full powtr. IUCK6l6) 20 'f. down or tr•••· $1295 FULL $47 h< JO PllCE M•"" 196J FALCON WACOON f111ly eq uipp••· llSP7971 20 '.4 Ct Wlll ,, tr•••· $495 FULL P'llCl $21 :-:..!: COMPLETE LE .l..S E AND DAILY RENTAL Df PARTMENT ALL POPULAR MAKES TRANSPORT I. TION SPECIALS N•w avera1l"1 15 cer1 per WHk thilt can H r•t•llM •t .m. .... a. to tM pvltllc. l .. t tM dHl•rl M the1• old1r cars. SAVE!! l '64 LINCOLN COtmN!NiAl Fu0"t.91Jui,p••. full pow1r, •f'·~;..)\JCF,.. 7791 Blue look prict $ 1995 20 .. tlow'f. o' '539 t ...... $995 FULL PRICE 1966 IUICK LI SAIRE F11ll powe r, f•etory t ir. 2 Dr. H.T. IRPMl601 20 % •own or trtdt. $1695 ;~~~. 1'6S MUSTAN• HARDTOP Full y eqwi pp••· !WXSl•SI. 20 '.4 down or tr1dt. $895 ;~~. $31 :-:..!: 1967 MUSTAljCO \'I, •ulo., PS, f•ttory •ir ,RIH. 20 % •own or tf'•••· $1795 ~~. $49 =..:.: USIO c•• SALi r111:1cn lfffCTIYI 41 HOURS UNLllS l'lll:IYfOUll.Y IOLD ALL P'AYMINts fl6Ulll:ID ON APPlOWD Cl.IDIT '"•NttrtMrl ..._c...r,c'" Hl-1211 OPEN SUNDAYS o!:~c.JI TRUCK • CAMPER SUPER • CENTER PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL NEW 1969 F·I 00 PICKUP Fl1rtti••· 115" W.I ., J 1pd. 1yntre:tr1n1. 1055 f ·1pri1191, '9'95 R·1pri"91 ,etc. t' ORDER TODAY I • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 1969! f.250 PICKUP . .. SCOTSMAN CAMPER ·~: s3495 flllf. Ne. FHll11HJIJ Scohm111 e1101ptr i1 compfet1ly futnithtd with iet bo1, 1lo¥t , •te. Slt1p1 •· f ·2!i0 piek11p h•1 300 eng., •l'lp & oil 9•u911, 1'9SO !li. rt•r 1prin91 f5J 1.00•16.5 l ·ply t.11b1 l111 tirt i, •I-. h1•l•r •ft4f •1f101t1r, t ic. M•fly to eh1>01• fro.,, et this price ! s • .,, 0111 El•••tdo, Feurwi"••, Soldllne Scoh1r11111. ()y., JO v-.rteJ .floot pl1n1 0111 clispley •rid ,..,,, Mr im111Miele C•llv,,y, I•·"'• t. t '·'"· Me"·frl e S•I I 8,,.. 'ft • '·"'· Su111 10 '·'"· t. 6 fl ·'"· ,AltTS I SERVICE HOURS ~ PARTS ONLY 7 •·"'· te' '''"" Mei e 1 •.m. ·,, -, ;.111. Tue1.fri I 1.m. to• p.IT!. !iel I _, t ."lSc r ±·e . K:£1iiE*&S 1?2C · 7 ' F en b ) e • r r I .. -rt '· . • ) I " r ' ' I • r . ..: ~ . ,. " ' ' .] ' • . ... . . : . • J , ...... .:. ·• ' ' ' .. MllSTER]>IEff 11{0Jvl THt CRJIF13MEN. , • ,. ' ~ r~·, ' • !;;; ....... ···"" .- • • ~ -' J ON DISPLAY 'ANb READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! ., 1., .... ·-__,.._..,..." :.---,.------OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM-----· -· ---' ---· '-----.·· . : ....... , ·'\- =~~~:E;:l; .. ! ' if ~4.:!l!F .. ' • , , co , ~,Y.Yt=IUl4' drlytn and~--•.&· ·<"'· ,. "' ' UM! t ~. ' ;orn1oul owner. ~j -t~ <'W: • · •• •.~ . 1 ~~ . !I , : .. , · , •· i-< :.. '•1 ~ SPiJNG .f;,,J '141!1 ,1 ~·. ·; '~-·;. ' • .!j •. , ... J -,) • ' ' •' . ... ' ' . ..; .. " • $PRING $6333 S'ALE a " . ' · 19'8 EL· l)ORADO - - -to Normand{ blue/dark blut ~root wltb matchln1 ~~th cloth ~ .leather lltertor. run power, factor)' &lr concHtionlnc, tilt whffl. power ddcr locb." ,tc. Local one owner, ---~ (~ '": ,.,, .t. -~ iu. · c ~11. D&i~viU1 " .. 1~ ..... ·-·-~ ... :_:_·!_._. ___ _._,_, 1967 CADILLAC Olympic bron:i;e .firemist with Saddle lt'lalher Normll'!4>:: bl\l_e/black padded top with blue 'upholster.)(. FU!lff,;~, ffci!ry &lti;1c.9i14M.i~..... ~th ~1"Jtttr interjen ~. i)U.lAtc>Wtr , ing, tilt wheel, t~~~'?·~ , . D11-.;,11tt :.J •&qdt 'r.ta.tJ.orxAif ~tlonifl&', pllJI ~u~more. Low you will buy iti.' uqwn ,, 1 ) ,;it..;t\\i t l'f mllts.-1U~•) r 1 • ·'Ji. '1' .,, SPiliNG , $3"9 SAL{,' ,:.' :-{~ SPRtNG • $4999 $ALE VISIT OUR· COMPUTE 'VOGUE ~J¥RE ; ; ·SAus & illaYI~·~ , , _, , ' ~ e . <IS.~M'.U: "'I WI ALSO STdcK Ml', '. 1 ·• FAC.TOl'( lfUPMINT TiltlS. ,, '37!.~- lltCLUllff MOUNTINe IALUICIMe I QCIM TAX Hlf.PKX~ A., DBJvfRY .. ' . SALE • ttEMErfDOQS SAVINGS DURING OUR -,7 l ,,. 2nd ·ANNUAL . ··.J/I,/ ; SPRING ,. Convertible de Ville. Bei&elbel1e top and .._n- dalwood leather. Full power. lncludlna factory air conditioning, tilt wheel, AM-FM radio. Low miles. (XSP692l SPRING SALE SPECIAL 1964 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. Silver blue: exterlor with me.tchinl doth an4 luther lntmor. Hu pow- tor ateeriftt power brak~\. power windows, Pt""U -. white aide: wau tires. Mutt MU ll9"'·. (SRP 359 1 SPRING $)333 $ALE 1965 THUNDERBIRD .Sbµ:nmerin& satin aUver wt~~matdllnl: vinyl bucket seat interior. Fully equipped with pow.- er steering, power brakes. power windows. power seats, tactol')' air condltlonin1 Mid wblte ~ wall tirft. (PDP '90) 1967 EL DORADO J'\nlthed tn phantom lften wltl)i cr-.n. dotb and lnther interior. Fu)ly equtppaawttbpow- er 1teerin1. pawe:r dllc bnlceia.; power ••t. · power wlndowa, tilt aftd telneoritc S\eertnl wheel, wonderbar radio tactory aft condlUon.o ing plus man)' more cadillac opUonal t~ (VXll 168) I $PRIN~ $4888 SALE 1966 CPE. DE VILLE i Used Cus Uold Ca" ' 9900 9900 . 99GI : FORD MElqUR:f -MUSTANG ;,;;=.O.;;.;LD;;.;S._M_Q_llLI..;:.-T·mllD . T-llRD i=~T·=-..tut,_-D--'-'~. r ! '63 RANCl:;lfi:RO ' f '64 MEJlCUIY '67 MUSTANG HT 1111umrnv '!16 T-BJi.!, .. ..m.ue:.,' "'r.e_!RD_..;:Llndau..::.:.:.:_~11161 ...... -~,_i,, .. .,.T.mRD_.;,. __ ..;;1 .... =.;.. ..... rac_W!_ai._. GROTH . ~.H OtlT STOCK IJID~CTIOH . USED CAR' SALE . ._ . · 1967 POllTIAC CATALINA -i.lli.2Af ' V.f;ill~'jowar ............... ·~ 7 ' • Owned by utu. •oi. mall Ul'\NTC•'lll•T,;:-.. Oodd"' ro1<1 ·••t.,· p1 ... • . tuui1r _,,..,.appncldt, loadad. so.ooo w ... Priood t1pwr, clltc brake•. 1m ~ from J.Apm. s .,d, dlr, .Ui ~tw..r· ~ .,~~ black int., pwr ~ dlr, I. $1650. 675-1711 ( , "'to aell ... Prvt r,rti wrnty, Pl;l• Pty 9D-3IOI 3 ~ orlalnal pain! 6 Interior. V-1. auto, 1~ a1r, P.&, -r excellent ....t llO $A IS & SIRVIC:I '!16 T-B!RD . ! 9G-all3 t ._, T-BIRO, POWtr. Air. et<. 4 Runa like a ""' _, Cull , P.8 .. etc. TIO 2 \Ir. H.T. l:Ub·deb, or tUe lurelp • OlDJMOBIU Goad""""-~ Spd. Ilk. MID 1-BIRD' M. Iii, all mr:u. V"f ~lo -Onell. ~ dela. pymnta '29M mo. mod.din tine.~ car. nnc prvt. prty, LB , , ~, ofter. 6'134ll9. _• , , ;_etc. Cllanl l1Sli.. -..... , IG-Jlf4*eG-38ST · . W 0 00025 Call 1«0, ~ « , IOXUT • $.;,.I , ,, . uoi;, 3!;1;, ~ .Ke• "'-8J'3 2llO ......... , -~ : , .:M>-0634. • ' T7 . .. -~"ih.. '" l!lilldt --.. . . " . , ':-.l"J'~-~ -"°°'· BODY Meu··a-: '6l JOHNSO.Nii "'"N .''6Muito-Sfulrpl ~ UiadCan-..,. __ ,.,..,. ~""nlulll>EIUil.'V1!7 'A1i "'Jd. eond. hdtp V-1. U ·~ DAILY ~ O '.,,. ad.....i.'V<l'Stl&-"f0..ll!Tot1G--0411 ' ' Golax> · 4 dr. • • Llncoln-Mem.,, V'I; ,m. amd., 1uU po...,., , IH6 OLDS "42 -NOW! , SOCK IT TO 'EM! BiilliG. RlllULtiil • auto., RliJt, aif..cond..-Id-00 Harbor Blvd ta-TmO Deluxe panel ememb&e. Yel. ,_Goad-"-""''--'"''-' -'54&'-'-"1•=.a1t=.;• tlrtl, )o ml., front end • • low w/ blk hanltop, 38,000 • ~ ( ~. Mm o 11 er• l1m Mercury Wqon ml l~r. Make otter. ' ~71!16 Ntw -..,., • m1C!7 PLYMOUTH .C P'ORD '65 Fairlane 500, 4 dr. * 5tO-l362 ., ,, sedan, 8 cyl. auto. P/S, ---- -·A · MUST Sell '61 ° Jl\J'riloqth IWI, x!nt """'· ~-Odo MUSTANf vLDSMQllU Fwy m 2 dr HT. Rl<H, : pYt pty. 6~24Z> PM" 1tt, tct atr. '3195 er JAVEUN 'II MUSTANd Olija!Nt .REPO. '85 D>namle • 2 Dr. -clter. 891-alt 5 PS.. ID -.... .• led ....... ~. air coad. ,.PM..,.='"='=...,..,,_-bt•..:.• dsOn. uno : -=~··S:.':. ~· 'liPLnmifrilillG~. ')JAVELIN '"-~: .um. ... 5A-m1 ~ 11 .,fii11tidl'r•1Ulli' .-.~ .~Ltull£r"~"= , "(! ~Jl.ii.Alrimio"'1 'lll~ANC<'••.l<.,.f.k ~ ,_;i, •• •' ---w boL l4Wl3'I ,oft 2+!1, 6 eyl, 3 tllll. ln!IMCI 15 OLDS, 40, ' .,.; Yallow ----------_, -.u.r. •lllJ ''ir fll 1111 1!11,~'"'1 .. _,_ ........... .._ • ..,_ 3'30 .511-4311 • 11e1t al!U.'1 m... ,._ ·PON11AC 'ff ....,ANG 6lllftiii -oil t., . ~ 1·..,------._ MllCUIY .,,.._.._ AD -S1*lll ,.. oLbiMoeil ll)mamle 'If PONTIAC cro B 11p., -~="-'-""--'--•·! or alltt. ll4Ul61 , 88. ~ owner. Nwty -1nn1. Bat oll4r. I '65 MEICliJA1 'II tllJSfANO, Ii\!;' all: now , tins; -6 'Hl-7291alt5..,., ~ • t. T oood, Xlnt cond. M..t l!lli tnnsmldlon A·l. l<etdl UMPONTIACCatrll~•· · 8 P...tilii11e 4 • H. • 67).1m an 1:30 · -,,..,., ,.,. .. '"" ,..., n0 Spor\ Coup., ~ llltO. ti V-8, auto~ l!.S.. P.a. ~ '15 MiJ!J'ANC vll autt r A tr.des. 844-Cft? 14T'"'791 · · !act. air. ~ blJ!I w/. h, air, vi~ -X1Jit dni, 111!6 OLDs J•/'tar• whl.. B::RAN=o=-.... -=nre'""""blrd,,.,.-"111ta'"'"'n ~ matchfnl tnteriot. o;n;plete. $1.SOO. Ml-317& ' w/red interior, PIS. P/B, otter. 0n1 'f ~ 'ai'a. b< ....,r411lonad. PllOl43 loct.U, -radio. Now -., !Aayq .ta•. -' $1450 lltllll:ft ..... ,.... "' lnl!ta, lb .... $lll60. ' n••.., -1... w.ie11 ' RAMii.Ei ' . .... ~ . JOHNSON • SON - -.. -. !Ml 'II WAGON, air """''!lor!!'lt -~ -1'a DAILY PD.or Ml -· lnlrw l\IOf, IW' ~!llt~W~'411;:ilam~.~blor:::_. l'ull~~ .... '.:11 __ ~~~~~~=~~==~==~~~~--J lM.1 Harbor Blvd. fC.i'llO ....;.-.;;;,;11.;.I -----ee11t OW!l'hl.d. a. 50-3139 ~t. $200. alt. UQlJ~l'n). I • '· I, ''* ;;r.,,, . 1M7 CAMAIO C .(' •• ., .... ,~, ,,,. hot .... Fulb<,......,, ~ UC( 110. T IO--·D ••• 1fl6 YOUllWAllN ' ' ~.4-99- Mw a IOOtl dune buar, • Mii r..J .-SJW tllj;· • -twi•gm•- GROTH CHfYJ«)LEl ~ 1a11 ....., "';'· "''ff M! .. ., -·---.:;..,,o..· L;.;:~ ·•J, • I ., I f --------------- I •• l I i 1 l -I I I ' I I I I . .. •c "--•,..A_iLY_Pll,Gf~•'-----Sit.,., AptM 12, 196, ~ ( l-j,,, rt 7 • • • t>' -f 7 ts -was·· I ct re wac-szzs - • ,, .... •• :, -~,!·~~!'..~.s.2 .. MYMBIT· PATMBIT , . . · . TOTAt PllCE. T TAX & lfC""' 19~9 DARI .sW-.tll: BRAND . NEW 2-DOOR HARDTOP -~ " . I I FullJ laory equipPed. l23A91:119626 ~., . · $6· 6 TOTAL. $66 TOTAL ~2· . ,., ·-· · -· MM!ILT .. ' : .. TOTAL . PATM!'fl', ", PATMBIT · • , . PRICE :.::;;mtlll i.:i:!..-:.. ·.=.·~-It. • ·~ t . . ;+ T,Y:. LICllUI ..., ..... ...,.. .... "-(Ser.11''3211'"9) 's7ae:.'i'. s2~ '~61.11:\. . Q+'ta l llc. ~ '' ,6 """-· . ·---' ~ - 161MUSTANG11.T~ , · r . , . ·Air coJ:;radie I hMttr. lt#Pt71) ·~'i. I ( .. * .-. .. • • -• • DAll-Y= Pll:Ol ·~. OllANflE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA . . 1 ' . ....................... ._. ... .__..._..._,. ________________ ~----- Ask Them Yourself 'oa rEIU¥REa YON BIUVN, ::::.r..,, llNt ~ •r-ce ... ,.. lie ...... •lefl i• •p•ee1-Jl.iu K.erea Dr«~a. Wllllwl r oial., Ore. • An embr,.onic apace 8tation, called the Saturn I Worbbop, will be 8own in 1971. It it made from an orbiting Saturn t1pper at.age and bu more than 10,000 cubic feet of interior space where the astronal116 can work and Ji¥e. Modu- lar space statioDB a.re only in the study pha.e. when they will fly depends upon the fWKling that NASA receil'a for this program. 'OR DON Dal'SDALE, W. A111,6f:/u DH«e'• pitrlier ..... , Nil ,..,,, '° ,... ~Ulib dae ....,,_,,.,." .,_.~mu.c~ • IU. • I would say the Ciacimaati Reds' ball park. Thank heaYeDS. they are clll'ftatly building a new one! POR SHEILA Jl.ACRAE 11 ... .-....MJ;,.~ •pr'-6 lla.1 JOa .ere 10- ia« .. MN • ...,. ,,,. year Nie.,..,······~ ..., I MN ae.er.ee•.,. ... ••••°"...., •f ye8r......., IL r1t1 ...,_Jl.n. ,f. C. Bo.ell, Jefenort, Olaio • The rumor was fa]~. POR BIU PRANCE, pre1idtn1, r. • .-.. Au.cicli.0111, .for SkK'k C• AlllO R.citt~ I ,...U lll'Mre 0.~11 I.Ur_,.,.., Reee.,,,,y u ~-~~ . .., alNle ii aJao.U llOC be llHd for CNftd N.11e..-rwea .. ,. .... er. r;u di.ere k .. ,. J~ rece. d.ere1- Br11ee Free .. .., F •terloo, lotN • Darlington Raceway hAl! been criti· ciaed H a ooe-,;roove track, but tbia is oot necet1Mrily so. One groove through die third aod foarth tu~ is faster than the other 1rooves, and top speed cani cou.ld DOl ~4'Arily ~o through there aide by aide. However, they can pass the alower cars. There are portions of the track where can of equal speed can pau. Leed dwaga have been frequent in races at Darliqton. proving this poiaL Dar- linstoo Speech•ay official.& have an- DOGllCed pl&n.11 to iacrea11e the degtte of bukmg oa thr third and fourth lUJ'llS,, which would make the track much faster. Grand National raoee arc scheduled in 1969 at Oarlinpoo. YOlt DL DON.4LD A. DVUWF, :i Amerk.1t Mr:JiaJ A~,. £1Jaa JCe,...-,. receJtdy luul #Mr Ji/tit C•e..n.11 ~ .,..., i. &lte pwrt.. al -•liier o/ c....n.a Nedolu dtai '-"e bee11 •~faU1 ~-pulafMI oa •• , .,.., ., __ ,_ Mn. F•IMr L. BurW, Sealilr~ Ito. • Aa far as i9 known, the l2 Cae.arian deliveriee experienced by Mn Franci. Madden 'of Oak Park, DI., the last of them in SeptembeT, 1962. would certainly come close to a record. FOil EUZMJETH POST, eliquu.e apert I• ii proper /or • Wy "' .... r ............. """ ltier ..... ._..., •re freft"-6 dte eluuda ~ffidoa1 -lira. L.rry Bir"-11., Morrill, NefJ. • It is perfectly proper. ln fact, it it im· proper for her lo remo•e them. FOR llOBEllT D. BL.4SBEK, o«l'titte 11ice presUlmt, D. L. BI..ir Corp. Ful •re clae c:M~ of •i1111iflf •••••er• ftlleepdaira U. • ... , •• ~,_,,,.., C. J•ne Finn., F iUo. C~lr, C•U/. • The number of winners is directly (lroportionate to the number of people who respond. U... the pen:entage of the people or the total circulation who send in their 1u1JDben to find out if they are winners. It i3 rather dif&co.h to give you the odd1 on an average .. lucky number .. sweepstakes becauee the odds wiJJ vary with the number of prizes offered and the total circulation. FOil JAU FEBB o/ .. Dr..-t" ...... floe. llae ... ,.., """ ••••er poa11~i111 dae ............ ,,..,. ... "4HJr •• llNt .U o/ eoery "DNlaa" ....... rd/y1 __..,,.._ Rielwnl S•..wtn, .S-W.- ~~ v .. 1a • They signify my .. Mark Vil Procluc- tiona, Ltd." company. I wu impreued with the arm and hammer on the soda box when a child. The iron door also aigni6ea atrengtb, but, specifically, the~ is no great meaning. FOlt BnuJ,fJU F .4LTERS o/ 1/t.e ·r.-, Slto111" .. ,.., .. ,,,. ..... ,,..,. elelU1-Mra. A.. F. Ku.., T orNJllCle., Celi/. • Yes, she is adopted. ......... ._,,_ •• d '1' __ ....,... .... ..._._. _,. .. .. __ ,_ .. p I,,..._,...,._ ... ..,,., ... ,...,....., __ .... _... te .... ...._ Y--. F.mb ,,....,., 6tl '-' .... A-. N.w Y .... N.Y. J.-S. W'e ...... .... 0 ts 4 11 I 1 ... fl ,,,. '1e .... ·--ta W .... WHAT ifiE WORLD! Swpri•I The youngster wt.o hen acne and oily sltln during adolw.nce wdl probably hav. a younger-looltlng tlcin for many years than thole who newr had acne, according to a der- moeolow 1eminor apomorM by Wln- tftrop laboratories.. So hang in there, unhappy teen-ogen, yow kwely time is c:omtng. Propetfy Shelf.Nd French model ~ Gitles hen turned Americ:an mo¥ie dar at 22, in a tbart tubied, "World of Fashioft." She was schoo&ed in a Paris convent and befiwes that COf'IWf'lt strktness ('1t'a not a ;onr1 is GenevieYe Gilles the only way to raite a daughter. '1f I had one, I would lteep her at home. Not too much make-up or dotes too soon; 18 or 20 ia okay. The boy must aslc my permislion to ... her. He Clan· not tab her to dinner in a reataurant before they ate engaged." Gel'9'fielle soys of her future dqughter's future father: "Maybe I will propote to him." W...tr Week Anoth« mmpus dem- onstration? But tttis one will have no occupying of build'°tng1, no vandalism, no pidteting, and no violence. Instead, atucMnts and faculty at MolSOChuteHI' Springfield College railing money for the IChool's new expansion-ore detn- onstrcrfinv this week their g1JGrGnteed readinesa to take on any odd job the cocnmunity will offer. They're leaving the fee up to the generosity of the employer. They're de"'onttwaliog also lo make the statement that the majority of American students are him dwottc.ing, quiet, and law-abiding . A1Mrican Damon and Pythias lu kids, Thomas JefJenon and .. besl friend, Dabney Corr, climbed around Little Mountain near Charlottesville, Va., and mode a poet: both would be buried beneath their favorite "" atop the hill where Tom intended to detign his mansion. Years later, according to the booklet "Thomoi Jefferson Still Lives" (Arthur Price Foundation), Jef. fenon left to become minister to Fronce. Dabney died and was buried in the Yillbge cemetery. On Jeffeuon's return, fhe statesman arranged for the dual gR,ve, and thus they lie at Mon- licello today-which, not Incidentally, is Mr. Jefferson's birthday. Hello, Doggyl The venerable Cob Calloway, now singing the role of Mr. Horace Vander- veldef in "Hello, Doftyr hen always owned a large dag Cll a pet. Then Mn. Coflowoy got Muffin, a Y cwbhire terrier, os a present from their oldest daughter. Somehow Muffin woofed her way into Cab's heart enough 10 that he agreed to take her to the Barbetta Masquerade (a dreas-olib fashion show for mmtw and pet) en route to his show, her costume being that of Dolly. When Family Weekly atlced him what woa special about Muffin, Cob reprted, "She's ~ llftal1est and funniest little thing we ever o\med." Cab and Muffin April 13, lHI IOlllrJ RnOlllOH B~4-I Mac IYAN ,,_,... •"'- llAllUI N. lllNQUI An DhdM •• ,_ DI PIOff '-' B4llM' A_... B4i.Un: a..lyw Mavue1s. ............... ......., PwJ.O,. .......... c... ~O/IW.:Mt &.. ..... ._, ..._T..tt.N.Y.l.n © 1"9, MMILY WlllCl.Y, INC. ........ __. Y• .. i.ttM tD IMH ,_ •slims or cee:1211b .i.t _, lrtida • ~ tlllt ...,_, la fmity w..tJ. Your letter wff1 rectM 1 proinpt lftlWlr, Wrttl t11 Semce Editor, F•ff ~. 14I 1..u.1111Dft-.... New Yort. ll Y. 10022. And It you decide to keep the set, $1495 It'• your• for only THn'u not writiat love IOftll lib they uaed lo. They'q writiaa them better! Great aoap like "Ooiaa Out Of My Head;' 1'ha Look Of Love;' .. L Devid ...._;' IUld "Can't Tab My Eyes Oft You" -dnalQY, buutiful baDMll like "MllC:Altbw Part, .. "Honey" '11wre'1 A Jtind ol HUlll;' and "Turn Atound, Look At Me" -memorable tu.a from movie IOUDd tncb lib "To Sir WIAb 1..ovc;· "Mn. ~ .. aod "rec,.,11 ... 11-e.,. IOllCI 10 ft . ..-ber. '· 10, even 20 yean from now, they wiU live u du- aics al their kiDd -be remembered fondly • ti.. 1oap 111111 and ..,..__. over by tocllT• '"witll if' ...,.UO.. n.t'1 why Cot..,.. hu put ahem ell totnber in onr of the IDOlt Pdtint coDecdom of populllr ..-e...-recorded! It's the oety record coOectioa "'ks kiDd _,,_ _,, ., "'"" "'' llN "now" 11111 ol '°*"1: Aod thllt's why it beblp in 10Uf family I penonal mmiCaJ- memoriea aRMa '° lftwn fornetl ne till9 al tbe let is TIN Look o/ Lov~ -and it'• the luahat, "'°'* romantic record set )'OU°'ft ever bani. AU tbe top pop com- l'C*R uw lllere -Jon laDola, Paul Mc· Cart11e1. Burt a.ctwacla. Paul Simon, Jimmy Webb, Hal David. Jerry Herman and manv inott. All the belt 1«1p. too -""1'hme Weft The Days;' "Up. Up And Away:' "By The Time I Get To "*1th:' .. Love Is Blue!' "Key Jude;' "This Guy's "Tr•:.-:.=,:.: ... _ ....... .... .,, "*' ..... Miil =· ::.r'" ....... . -g"" ... --... ........ '"-.............. '"'' ..-nl•• '' 1. l , .......... .......... ...... t. ..... . .. • Jlt&lll 1 .,.. .. .... ...... u.u....-.... la Lon With You." "Harper Valley PTA" aod ICOIU more. That's risbt ... lbere .,. IO beautiful sonp in aU .•• recorded ill the lllUlic Cftlkra or the "Wrld-Paris, LOlldon. New Yort aod Nnllville-by the Anal IDU· sical talenll of two conrinenu. Aod lhe aouacl is M MUbPlUOUS a you·d ~ fl"OID any Coiumbia Muaical Treas- ura' collec:doca. Recorded in ColumtM's eiu:Jusive "Dynamic Dimtnsion Stereo " all 12 lidcs of this pal let aiv~ you "fuil- aound spectn1m .. -.a11 the~ and au the lows in perfect steno fidelity. To audit.ion Tl" LooA: o/ Lo111 in your ~ FREE for 10 days. ~ ftU ID and mail &be coupon. When lhil swinlias. ~ record aet arrives.. put it on your phono- l'•S>h and sit down and relu -if you c:u . Or let lhe music tct under your skin .•. ID with it ... tel up and dance. Then, if )'OU can bear lo pan wilh thil maaniftccnt MM'll llftSUl'1 ol the sixdes, jus& return it co us -,WI/ 0-""'°'""'''' ""'"'"'· On the other hand, if you decide to tet-p k, TIN Loolt oJ Lo111 ii yours for only s 1 u' < p1us • smaU PCJIC.atc and handlina char.,e)-all ol which you may pay in l comenimt moochty insl:lllnwnts. So act today! (Remember, whetMr or not you willl to audition The Look o/ Low, you are ldll disible for our U .000.00 cmh prize Sweepsaakes..) COWMllA ..,.CAL lllAIUllU OM-t/D.U ,_ ............. '°- --................................................. .. -Pol.t> ..... -llltltlel ..-·-...... ................................................ .. OVER 5 HOURS OF TODAY'S GREAT LOVE SONGS '~R ..... ....... ,.: -Tiiis Clly'1 Ill ....,_ Wltll YOI -To Sir Wltll Lew -Wlllt11MWWN ..... lllwlslfte -MacAnllllf hrt I -TM fflll Street lrW&t 111111 -TlloM ""' n. °"' -Uwlallw -Tiie root o. n. "'" -WIMJ ....... -..-~OlltofMJHeM -n. "-* Of Lowe _.., -1 .., A llttte "-'9r _,.,._ ,,... ..... .., •• ""Ditti•" -YOllllCll1 -Ion! r,.. _,.,.....,... "£Mn ...._ .. _......, _...,,... ....... , n.. a.-t"' a.. ............ In ..... ., ... .. COLUMBIA MUSICAL TREASURIES, Terr• H•ut•, 1ndl•mi 41101 0., .................................................. . ~::tL-l{S ~ ... ....................................................... =· 'C =-. Nit UTllA MVINGI ched: 1wn _. ,..... I :r&':',f JCE Otto~;:-=;:• of saus. we wtl ..., I .. _. m~ "°""" • . ., ...,. ... ...._ ,...,. .. All : .......... .,. for ,.,..... I • I ., 1111t wllll to ..... ._ T1w i.-. o/ i..,,. I ~.tr.. 0~ ....... ._,.._.._1111 ..... 111'°"' ==r:&: • $5,000.00 nib prlle dnwhll _,..,.. L--------------------------- t ·' l Yo!~ .... b ...,..._,.,....>-ti) .. ,_. -.e.. m •.,..;. ,_ • ..,._-. ~ -Ean ..... ,.... ........ ..-.ral. ~-doills .-hod re. )'OU _..._ ,,_.. r ... • Doll' qlMI ,_..,,,_ ........... !*-... ...- to fall .._ .,.,._. ol )'OW' -.. ••• lie,_.. own --5 lilt!ll,... .... ... ......,. ......... ...... ..................... ... t.,, .... £ildri. C•I tr99Me ahMter ... wltll tlleae llits rou wilt ............... _ ...... MI ICW9 fll>e fUW .... GJ.•U .................................. _.. -...,,... .... 1&17'. • .,, [mt ...,_,,_u,. ~ tiCI059 : : It.--.... FN:f l'W:lt. .,_ -'-I _. : • _,, -..,., "' Ooctric.11 ~ ....... flelO.• • • • • :-.. : • • :AM~---------! :"''----------: :sa. : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dentures or•Bridges' Must Be Cleaned like fine jewelry Testa prove that modern den- tures are 15 time. .o/t~r than natural teeth. Thus they are eu-~ ier to acratcb a.ad ct.m.ge from harsh hnllhing or abrMiws. That'e .why more and more dentieta now eu~'!9..!s,..~inl dentu.ree c:J.n in · in- etead of hard brushing with aluasive pmtee or powders. ..., ,,.,. Adioll ,ICulamw'• triple-ection for- mula-(1) ~ftlt; (2) osi- dizer; (3) aolvent -cleans ybur denturee like fine jewelry. It helpe 80llk away stains -pene- trates even toughest tobacco etaina.. Helpe reetore original whi-... to teeth a.ad true pink c:mor-to gwm.. The difference it ma.be will amaze you ! JM~6~: To clean artificial teet e fine jewelry. get KumflTS to- day atall dnac c::owden. He4psl9flote ........ $. °"fli't0I whilwteal ENTERTAINMENT AN OSCAR-AND DIVORCE? W hat Went W rong with Barbra Streisand's Marriage? B ARDRA 8TREisAND, a su- perstar on Broadway and in Hollywood, may win an Oscar as best actress at tomorrow night's Academy Awards' presentation. And she may soon lose a husband as well. The answer to her triumph and heartbreak is tied tosether, u I learned in talking to her huaband Elliot Gould shortly bet ore their breakup. He waa cudid about the troubled star of "Funny Girl" "She went to a psychiatrist but didn't atay Jong enough. If ahe ~ she'd be happier," be told me. Elliot himaelf, an outspoken, yet highly sensitive young man, bad bet- ter luck with psychiatry. '1t baa taken me three yeara of analysis to atop being apol~tic for being what I am and doin&' what I do," he explained. The fact that Barbra earned a Gar- gantuan amount of money and could get anything she wanted continually embarraued him. "I used to edit what I a.aid, even what I thought. Thanb to my psy- chiatrist, I began to realize that it ia far simpler not to care what other people think of me." The reeulta paid otr handsomely for Elliot. Once be crawled out of hia shell, h is own career zoomed ahead. Aft.er years of minor activities, he juat ft.niabed one of the four etarring part.a in "Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice," WU aiped to star in a ftlm for 20th Century-Fox. and made a deal to produce a film at Univenal. But his marriage to Barbra went on the rocka. although they iuued a joint statement aaytq they were ..,_ arating to save their marriage. End of ezplanatioo. lwn before the eeparation, there wu speculation that the marriage wu in trouble and the reaaon aiven most often waa her costar in "Funny Girl." Omar Sharif. Knowin• him. I doubt the validity of such rumors. The pl'Oblem with Barbra, at least a.ceordinr to Elliot, i• more compli- cated : "She bad no financial problems aa a child. Her mother, who worked in the New York echool system, made enourh to support both of them 4 Fo,,.il71 We.1''11, April U , 1111 By PEER J. OPPENHEIMER quite well But Barbra bad an emo- tional problem.. She never knew her father, who died when ahe was four mollthe old. Thia baa aiven her a feel- in&' of inaecurity that ia still ao much a part of her." A eecond problem ia the reault of her drive for ablolute, uncomprpmis.- ing perfection. Barbra had always dreamed of fame and stardom. But she ia a perfectionist who bates to work, a girl full of uncertainties, yet determined; inqui1itive, yet 1by. Elliot Gotdd n4 Btirlwa tna"dl«i with I uort prior to tlu Hpanitima. Her belief WU not abaken by her early, if brief, cliuppointmenta. It wu only a lhort ride from her home in Brooklyn to the cuUns apnta on Broadway, -but after two days of maldq the rounds, no one lilteniq WU bnpreaeed. "'Jt WU dqndiq," Barbra benelf recaDa. "No oae abou.ld have to -{or a Job." But abe did. "-rheJ wooJdn't audi- tion me or even talk to me. But I knew I wu cood. and I made up my mind that they would have to come to me." Which la euctly what they did tbe moment 1be appeued at a small nia'ht club, "Boo Soir." Barbra believed not only in her talent, but that total perfection waa a neceuity for •~ in every phase of her life. Even when she'd ~ve a party at home, ahe got upset if everything waan't ju11t right. .. At home. Barbra never loet her t.em ... "I think she ia afraid to get an&TY." Elliot told me, ''because of what it might do to both of us." It wu Barbra who "enlightened" Elliot about perfection. "Or rather," be says, ''that there ia "° perfection -that everything can be improved upon. Yet thia attitude baa it.a draw- bacb becauae one ia never f u1ly aat- iafted. She never ia." latbra'1 other problem is her in- volvement with maintaining an image. "I think she i.a too involved with image," Elliot ~1.ained. urrhia baa nothing to do with her work. She would be a good actress even if she weren't a star . When Barbra and Elliot were fint manied. they lived above a ftah store on Third Avenue in New York. Moet of their meala consisted of tv dinners because Barbra was a poor cook • "Thoee were some of the happiest days we bad together,'' says Elliot. "We met when we both opened in 1 Can Get It for You Wboleaale.' Bar- bra was getting $150 a week then. I made $200. We were both very young, very ahy, and very vulnerable and defenaive.0 But the p.reaaure kept increasing, and time for themaelvee became more and more rare. The tint time Barbra and Elliot managed to take a trip together to France after ahe Aniahed "Funny Girl,'' she wu kept buay with tele- vision shows and interviews while Elliot tromped around Parla with old friends, talkina-FreDch, not ahaviq, trying very bard to have a· good time without feeling 81Jilty that his wife wu working while he played. Dur .... the past few month.a, the tension ha.I pown wone. Barbra wu world.na-ftve days a week on a film and record.ing a new album over the weekenda. And what little free time ahe had wu devoted pri- marily to their 10D Juon Emanuel, who recenUy ce1ebrated hia eecond birthday. Said Elliot, "lly wife ia a typical Jewish mother, full of worry. If Jason aneezee, ahe falla apart." If Barbra wins an Academy Award tomonow, it will be another mile- stone for her. The question is, will it have been worthwhile? Will ahe win an Oscar and lose a husband! • A totally new development for ~~Id cleaning! Janitor-in-a-Drum the first industrial-strength cleaner for your home • -Tllllll CHIMCM.l, lllC. NMd lnduetrllll *-? c.11 free (800) 845-4451 To clean up Industry la a job for experts, peopte who can't puasyfoot around with dirt. They use an Industrial-strength cleaner, a stronger cleaner than you use at home. But now you can buy Janitor-In-a-Orum Industrial-Strength Cleaner, the same concentrated llquki uaed by Industry. Think what this can mean. The cleaner you're using probebty cleans your home. But, how much of that cleenlng action ia you and how much ia In the cleaner? Janitor-In-a-Orum cuts through dirt a lot faster than conventional cleenera. For tough jobs it's strong enough to get oil apota off a garage floor, even clean a greMy car motor. And for big jobs, noon, walla., all washable aurfaces, It gets you through In record time. Try new J.,ttor-ln+Drum. The lnduetrlal-strength .,,.,.,., cleaner now aold In ~ -')i convenient, 1-quart drums. ~--· Ifs urned the Good Houaekeeptng Se81. ~---------------------- 20C 8TORI COUPO• 2QC I DIAUR: Te...._ .............. ft. 0 . .. -.ae.., ..... y ......... ... ...................... W:ftl1a ,.. •• .., ........................ ..., ...... .,........ NM 11111R111". C r ... ,., .., ....................... ,.... .. ................ ..., ..... , ...... .., ... , ........................ ,..... ................. ,.,,, ..... , ..... illMMM .... II •ut11 ............ .. l ............................ . ..... .. Mi ........... c. .... tlll .. ,.. onDIJIPIM8~t ... 20C 8TORI COUPON 20C L-------------------~ Family~ I April 13, 1969 How Jeane Dixon She has predicted three assassinations- and an explosion in space which experts have yet to verify; does she truly have ESP and, as she claims, "divine revelation"? By ADELE WHITELY FLETCHER J EANE DIXON still remem- bers the day a friend of her mother's came to their house, worried sick over some valuable jewelry she had lost or mislaid. It waa then that Jeane made the first of her utounding predictions, doubly amazing in the tact that Jeane W-!8 only eight yeara old at the time she made it! "I kept aeeing a dome-shapecl pin, formed by strands of gold, that looked like a beehive," Jeane recalls. "Right away, I told my mother's fl'iend, 'Find the beehive, and you will find the jewelry.' They looked batned, ao I concentrated harder, and I saw the jewelry tucked in the toe of a lacy, embroidered stocking in a darning basket. "The woman went right home and found the jewelry exactly where I said it would be." Jeane continues. '1n her cue, the woman waa over- anxious about the jewelry, and since we never f orset anything-it just ainka below the level of memory into the aubconaciou&-1 got the eenaa- tiona through telepathy." As ..._ explalns her l'itt. her propheciM emanate from two ae~ rate and distinct eourcea : extra-een- aory pen:eption (ESP) and divine revelation. Her ESP precognitions, which she ofta credits to telepathy, are cbaDaeable. But prophecies that re- sult from divine revelation...-eucb aa her now world-tamous vision of the U1UBination of Pneident John F . ~ u.aaJtenb)e,, Jeane ma.a. pndktiona IO quJet- ly and with l1ICh understatement tbat li.tenen frequent!;y are caught on.aware, not nallalnc that what she hu uld 1houJd be reeonled. Kore- 6 fi'taffti/w W~. A,,..U II, llli over, Jeane neither takea her l'ift of prophecy in a big way nor ii im- pressed with henelf for havins it. She can only be deacribed u upt, however, w~en she talb of a revela- tion, tell.a of her three days of Pl"fll>'- aration when she feels as if "touched by the winga of angels." Then comes the fourth day when the vision ia revealed-end ·~ knows henelf to be in Bia presence. . for more thCllt one year before Sen. Robert F . Kennedy waa mur- dered, Jeane repeatedly announced it would happen. But not until Jan. 17, 1968, u ahe entertained friend.a in her Miami hotel suite, did ahe predict the time and place. During the queltion and auwer period that followed her luncheon speech. she wu uked whether Rob- ert Kennedy would be elected Presi- dent of the United Statea. She an- awered unequivocally: "Senator Kennedy will not be President." When she wu asked how ahe could be so sure be woukJq't win the White HoWle, she answered aoftly: "He never will be Preeident becauae he will be shot. In June. In California." Jeane believea this prophecy, like the prophecy about ReY. Kartln Lu- ther Kiq, which ehe made to Con- gressman and Mn. Frank Boykin of Alabama on the Konday before Dr. King waa shot. came about when ahe picked up the vibrations of the usauin. In the cue of Doetor Kin.r. ahe distinctly rememben receiving the vibrations of several volcea. SIMe her foreknowledp of nei- ther the Robert Kennedy nor the Martin Luther Kins uaauinations came in a reftlation (u ti.at of Jolin F. Xen.ned7), abe point.a out that both mirbt haft been amdecl. She ftnt became aware Doctor Xlq would bi' ahot Je&ra l&'O when be Jed the march on Wuhiqton ... I r&- member," Jeane aaya, "when he de- clared. 'I have a dream .. .' I turned to my husband Jimmy, and said. 'Be will not live to see his dream come true. He will be shot.'" Jeane does not ftnd it atrange that many precognitiona come to her aa ebe watches tv. "Jut aa you briq pictures and wicee out of the atmo&- phere by turnin&' OD the tv aet, IO do I, psychically, tune in to the th~bta of those on the ecreen." ~ _. ... bow ebe ta able to tell whether a precopition ia immi- nent or destined for the distant fu- ture, Jeane aaya, "I can feel the dif- ference, just u you, turning a corner into the wind. can tell what direction it comes from." I had my ftrst meeting with Jeane Dixon and her ESP just after the publication of "A Gift of Prophecy, .. a book about her. During the int.erriew, we talked about Hildep.rde. the ehanteuee, who ia a mutul bimd.. Bari.Ila receiwid an aiNDail Wtm-fraaa Hildeprde, p09tmarbd Lonclca, ttM day before. I tolc1 .Jeane that JJDMpnSa would be away another eix monthl. Jeane abook ber belld.. "Hildep.rde -·-·-·· ·---. .. --.. ii now in New York City." I did not eee hew thil could be poaible, but I decided not to arpe with a seer. The next day I learned that Hildeprde had indeed been in New York-at the ti.me Jeane and I had been at lunch in Waahiqton. When I questioned Jeane u to how ebe had known Hildeprde was in New York, abe said aimP7: ">.. we talbd of her I sot her vibrations. And they ~e from somewhere fair- ly cloee, not acrou water. r Mme the proximity of a vi"bration in much the eame way that I aen.ae the time element of an event." All...._ example of Jeane's ESP concerne the death of actreu Mari- lyn Monroe. She WU tra~ by plane with her friend, the Conte.a de Versea, who expreued concern at the Ukellhood of someone they new takiq her life. Jeane, eloaiq her eyee to meditate, uw th!fr friend alin and ~ tmialoned tM uidde ot Jlarilp Jlamoe. "'I .. cmtam.,. leae ..,., -u.t I picbd ap llari1Ja'1 anotional criaia throqh t r'mreftq .• There are countleM Dimn predle.- tiou, however, that cannot, by any ·~----~,----------------~---~--...-.----.._._. ________________________________ ~-- Makes Her Predictions stretch ot the imagination, be cred- ited to telepath7. For example, Jeane CADDot explain her p:ropher_y of the traaic Apollo diauter, deecribed in her new book. ••J(,y Lile and Propb.- ecies." (The Apollo D burned on ita launchiq pad duri~ a preftight test on Jan. 21', IMS, Ja1linc utrOnauta Gu Grluom. Ed White, and &pr Chaffee.) She bad thia precognition at a pre-Chrtatmaa loncheon with llra. Fred Stout, whole huaband ill now third in command of the Apol]o project. When Mn. Stout uked leane what 1he eaw for the upcomi~ ftil'ht. Jeane inltinctively · reached toward the bq which lira. Stout bad placed 011 a chair between them. "You have aomethiq here." she said, "a cubicle of eome kind, that is pertinent to the Apollo. Could I have it, pleue ?" (Jeane rarely ub for 07 related object and doee not usually work through peychometry.) a u ••1ln1 Ila her bag, Kn. Stout brought out a plutic cube that held a miniature model of the Apollo Jeane, cloeing her hand around it and shutt~ her eyes. proceeded · to re- late exactly what waa to happen- and why. To quote · from her new book. Jeane says: "I ftnd it straq-e that I, who do not underata.nd how an ordinary U.bt bulb worb, ahould have had 1uch a clear picture of the Apollo'• wirba' that I could have drawn a diagram of It.•• Jeane's ae:naitivity to the Kennedy family bu been marked for a lonr time. It may be tbeJr prominence in the newa that trlnen-her psyche. Last~•., .. beliepd by news-- papen u to whether Jacqueline Ken- nedy would, u rumored. marry Brit.. ain'1 Lord Harlech, 1he had said 1he did not eee thia marriage anywhere in the toreeeeable future. '"Their channels," ahe said, 0 never met." She did. however, eee a marriage for Jacqueline Kennedy before the end of 1968. And said ao. But this ptopbecy received little attention. Over the put decade, .Jeane'• pre- diction.a about Jacqueline Kennedy have been on the incredible aide. Aa far back u the 1961 Kennedy Inau:- gunl, ahe predicted J aclde would add stara to her husband's crown, while the brilliance of her own crown would fade. Following the auuaination.. ROie Dicbm, Jeane'1 friend and mani- curist, preued her u to whether Jacqueline'• popularity would wane becauae of something ahe did or didn't do. Jeane 6nally told Roee that What's Behind the Boom in Astrology? Todoy ostroiC>CJY enjoyl perhaps the greotest boom in ib 5,()0().yeor history. look on any newutond, and you'll find ollrology cookbooks, dating and mor- rioge guides ewn astrological advice to teeo·ogen. And, too, there ore nu- merous periodicols directed at the astrology buff, which sell 01 fast as they con be put Into print. Editor & Publ;Jter recentfy noted that 1,200 of the notion's 1,750 daily news- papers now publish horotcopes (20 years ago there w.. o scont 100), musing such amologers as Carroll Righter, Shny Spencer, Dede Mc.ConahhJ-and Sydney Ormnm to become notionally known. Jeane Dixon, too, now writes a syndicated astrology column. The question most often osbd b-why? Why b there such interest in a "Kienc:e" so uniwnolly condemned through the ages by the scientiftc CCWMtu- nlty? Many psychologists explain the phenomenon as o reaction to today's fantmtfc M:Jenlifk ochiftemeolS>-spoce explototion, biological re•c1r·ch, nuclear physics. Othen behew It II merefy o recurring fod, similar in many ways-ff not in degm ee to the recvrrence of y~yos ond ouita boan.h.. White communk:otions expert Marshall Md.uhon calls mholuvt o "media for our electric age," New York psychoano~t Or. Donald Kaplan calls it no more thon "o pop science, employing magicol thinking. Since our cufture is to scientifically oriented, it it liU a direct 111ub, much the 1e1me os pop ott b to ocademic ort." Although a~ buffs often hove found themte~ the obiect of rid~. they remain steacffa.st. The reason for this fl silnple. OCXIOfding to Prof. Gibeo.t RecrYet of the Unlvenity of Southern Collfornia deportment of Oltrology1 ''Peo- ple toy they can't understond haw mtrolovY mn work. Well, no one hos "'"""' that h doesn't." it would come about becau!e of a book-u it did. From the time Jac- queline Kennedy threatened suit over William Manchester's "Death of a Preeident," which he had under-- taken at her bebel't, publlc...apinion polla have shown her popularity to be on a decline. And there's little in- dication her marriap to Aristotle On.uaiJJ bu helped her public ima~e. While preparina to write tJ1iJ 1toey, 1 asked Jeane what her moet unusual ESP experience wu. Unhes- itatingly ahe answered, "Lut Wed- nesday's exploeion in outer space I "I did not feel the reverberation of the exploeion through my feet, as you do when it ia an earthly blut. Jt came from far, far above me. And u I felt it, I saw a tremendous ftub." Upon ex,.rlend"I this distur- bance ahe. concerned that an explo- sion of another spacecraft might en- danger our then orbiting astronaut.I. Walt Schirra, Don Eieele, and Wallv CunniQbam, 1be telephoned Fred Stout of the Apollo project to report what she had felt and seen. A project engineer agreed and said. "Maybe your exploeion accounta for the fun- ny vibration just reported by the Apollo crew." M yet. there baa been no an- nouncement of any outer-cpace ex- ploeion. "But there will be." Jeane •111 with quiet conftdence. In eftf}'day life, Jeane, in con- trast to her fame aa a seer, 11 sim- ple and industriou, completely com- prehensible. She ia a lovi~ wife, baa a German bauafrau'a dedication to cleanlineaa in her home, rood food on her table, and color and f rasnnce in her prden. She worb lonr and hard in her husband's real-etate Ann, never takiq a •acation, never wanting one. She Is aleo a ref reahing)y unapol- ogetic "do-gooder."' Her charities are many. And all earninp from her psychic gift-royaltita, newspaper, magazine, and speakina-revenuee- ro to her pet charity, "Children to Children." of which she is founder and president. 1eane Dixon can be summed uv in just a few words: she'1 a marvelous rnyater.J'. • Mote A9azl"' ,,..,....._ ~ ww.1 ,. noci "'°"• •"-' J-.a. Dizn GM • .,. JWMiotiov MOfi •ftMI /oir ,._ ... ~,book, "A <R/C of~ ... llail "4.60 to l'.W. Boolu. Drpt. A116, Bo:t 701, Gn11ul C""'8l St.ein, NftO York, N .Y. 10017. F...U,, w.-i., AJ"'il JI, UH 7 -----~---- Tiller Users! .._ _______ ... __ _ nn•.,. .,. 1a.&m I 1 -.1111,• ... a.••-.-. .. , ..... I ..................... ..., .. -.. .......................... , _____ ._ ................. ,,._ ,,... ci.tJI I I._ ..................................... 1 .......................................... I ::.;.; ... :.-·;m;,-;a.·~ I Li;_~~.!".!'~"!--.J "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved '"' "' tt111111lls n1 '""ir' llutitr AD antipenpirant \.hat really worka! Solve• underarm problema for many who bad despaired or effective help. llitehum Antl-Penpirant bepa underarme abeolut.ly dry for thoueande of pateful wten. with complete gentlene• to norroal akin and clothing. Thia unusual fonnula from a trust- worthy 56-year-old laboratory ia guaranteed to eatiafy or dealer will refund l>urchue price. So get the pomtive _pro- tection of M!&ebum Antl·Per-splrant, Liquid or cream. $3.00, 90-day eupply .Available at your favonte drug or toiletry counter. · 'HOTO CIEDtTS 'oee 21 CIS; Mee, Al &..vi-, fobion lochroch; C>oytono Motlol\OI Speed. woy; lips. ---... ·----- I. I ~ I I ~I ' MYS I IC LIGHT. ' ' " ••• Insects and F"'ying Pests-OnlyT..! • Eliminate pests that ruin picnics, patio lounlfna 1nd outdoor livin1 with this new Mystic Ulfrt Electro Rey 8u1 Kiiier. Foraet fly twitters, spreys, chemicals end tnlpal • Aua In this silent klller for instant ICtion. Wot'b Hke 1 mini 1nti·mlaite system, ettrlctlna mo1qultoes, ftles, 1n1ts to Its tlntellzint reys, then klllt them with low power electric ch•l'le. • Keeps wide 1ree fr• end dear. Yet It'• 1 boon for pet.a 1nd people. Doesn't bu& 1nyone -just the bup. u... no powden, no chemicals, no liquids. • Smart des41n looks like 1 colonial lamp. Golden ch1ln lives It the atytlna of 1 hiah·f1ahlon tw11 l1mp. Meesurea 71h " tona 1nd 4'n" ecroa. No movtna perts to wear out. Reedy to plua In 1nd hena the moment It'• 1'9C1Hed. • At. this low, low price you owe It tO yourself to enjoy the new way -the auerenteed way -to enjoy 1 but·fr" life. There's no risk. If you for 1ny .... son 1'9 not satisfied ;.tum the bu& killer for I prompt mund. l - - --MAIL 10-DA Y NO RISK COUPON TODAY - - --t ' GREENLANd STudios ' I 109!5 Q....,,'-'d BuMdq, Ml8ml, F1ortdll 33147 I I ....._ r111t1 me tt7490 EJectro Rays • v ·• p1u9 "' tor poet. • hend1. I I 1 .......... If not ~ d111afDd. I may rwblm lt9ln wltHn 10 d9ys tor • fun Md I ooiu•I• ~. Endoled la cf-* OI m.o. tor------- 1 O ..,... c.o.o. I endoee $1. ICIOd wtfl dlpaett .cs wot ~ poltmlln '6.• betance ptua I I a1Polt9tc:fwlet. I I I I L ~ -- -- -- - -- -~ATE_ - --~ -- - --_J -----= --~~- FAMILY WllKLY COODOOI'. Southwestem CooKetfY M1LAM1 DI PROPT Food Editor • 'nle aaa1 pe11lee wt.. ••ft eome ta U.e la tlae S..tlaweet .. ft ...... t tlaelr owa eaUaarr art le tlaat of tile ladlame _. lledeam ne were tlaere I.rat. So ..._,.,. eoolr•• la a ...... -6laap eolorlal _. lalPly ..._ed •part of tlae sl•woar of die peat s..dawe11. Beef and Kidney Beans Soathweatem-Style Tiu Gtl4Uiot& of OM to tt00 toble- .,aou CCll>ft'I •tirnd '" ,,.,,,,.. lrrftflll iMpelrtf iflUnftiAg /fafJOf' to t.114 bHf. Z taWe.,.... .Un .U ... ~r~.U 1 ~ .... Met~ steak. etlt ia fleeee 1--.eoane17~ J ...... dine. prtic, ---1 teu,... ..it 1 teu,._Ac:eeat ~ ................ 1 C1lf Met ....... 1 ea (8 OIL) to.ate A91ee 1 caa (1 DI.) te.atee. J UM (a .... t l .. Md) . .... ldDe7 Mue, • ., ............. l a.a (I~ -.) .W-rQle olfT-.~ 1. Heat oil in a· larp, heavy skil- let. Add meat and brown on all sides. Remove beef with slotted spoon and set aside. %. Add onion and prlic to fat in skillet and cook until lishtly browned. S. Return meat to skillet and sprinkle evenly with ult, Accent, and pepper. Add broth and sim- mer, covered, about l lh bra., stir- rin• occasionally. '-Stir in tomato sauce, tomatoes, and kidney beans. Continue 1im- meriq about 1 hr. or until meat ia t.ender, atirriDI' occuionally. Durio• ftnal minute. of cook.inr, mix in ripe olina. 5. Ladle into bowls. . Abowt 8 1em"l1' •Ki.dur becau WMIJ "• lpOOt&4d itlto H1'ftfl&g bOtOla, f'GtMr tktt blnd«l toitA tlu flUGt Mizt"re, ad flUGt la.dled over tluM. Guacamole 1 ~ au,. •HllM rl,e •YOCaM Z to I t•IJ••• le• .. jlliee Ya ........ 1t I talt...._.. ataee.l •lom ~ e1l. •-o dioJi.-1. ....... ........ ripe t.la1te Mix tborou•hly. Cover with moia- ture-vaporproof material and chill until ready to aerve. Uae cera clalpe tor dippen. Abotet I cteJ>• I F•fltilw WNklw, A'"'111, 1111 Ba.I mid Ki.du, a,... SotetA.- wutn t.'f"Mdr to ba ~over ,,.., ad "'"""' toitl tortillu. Soup Mexicana l ctickn keut a e•,. da.ldn It~ z-....ca......m 1...,._Aeeeat 1 taltlea•ooa ktt.er or •ar- prille 1~ teu,....snw..- 1 a.,. ....... nedda1 l aip draiaed euaell wltole bneleera % e.p t.laato ,.ne Z -. aeua dleeM. ellt ia ....Uaa"- 2 Hoaidoe.lllieed l. Cook chicken 30 min., or until tender, in the. broth with the chopped onion and Accent. Re- move chicken, dice, and aet aaide. Reeene broth. 2. Heat butter or margarine and onion in a larp saucepan and blend in succbini and com. Cook about 6 min.. stirrin~ occaaion- alJy. Mix in the broth and tomato pune. Cover and aimmer about 20 min. S. 1uat before sening, mix in diced chicken. cream cheese, and avocado. 6 to 8 1rt'ft11111 Note: Any remainiDI' aoup ID&1' be atored.. covered. in the refriprator even tboqh avocado 1ll&7 ban been added. ASTONISHING NATURAL HONEY & EGG FORMULA GUARANTEED TO MAKE WRINKLES 1 '11 ISH FROM SIGHT WITHIN SECONDS . All signs of age instantly invisible or instant refund! Look years younger in minutes! Tightens sagging, "firms up" puffiness! Masks out lines on forehead, crow's feet, lines around nose, mouth, bags under eyes! 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Enclosed is 0 S3 thrft..month supply 0 SS DoubJe (six·month) supply CITY~~~-STAT-E~~-ZW~~~ . ............................................................................ . r-··-········~·····-, ·I 1~ NYLON FOAM I ... ~I SI REICH CARS~T: : CUSHION-CO"ERS : ... __________ ... .I ~ A • r.-------~----~------, I 111....-11W111,11•...._.~......_..._m41 I Endoeed le cMdl or ni.o. for .._.. "'9: I I ... c-. • $3.M (Md .., ...... -.) I ,__.,,-nuMW: I I NAM I ~ I an ft'Aft .. I ~------------------:...1 How Yo•May '• Never Take a Laxative Again! Hoepital.T eeted Replatm Help. Relief Came NataraD1 New Y.t, N.Y. (Sfledal)- Reaearcb h.u dilcovered a won- der-workina aubstancc that helps correct comdpatioa wit.bout laxa- tives! Docton uy most comtip&tion OCCUR when W&lle loees moisture ia the colon. To pw relief, lua- tivea often force action-cause pipina. crampina; can become habit-formln1. This hospital-tested aubstancc works in a completely different way. It belpe natural moisture in the colon wort men eftectively. TbUI by worki.ftt Oil the problem. DOl oa you. it hd !31 corftCt con- ttipadon u no laxative can. Thia dilcovery is now available under lbe name Rl!OUTOl. •. It is noc tu.bit.fonain&. No wamin1 on tbe label-DO llftltriptioa needed. Try RIOUTOl,.-you may never tab a luatiw apiat NOWt Rtd~homeof mice completel,r with d -CO ... .... ~ .............. mouM ~ tt\et'S- WT UHCT1WE .•• Ma twtce •• much mouM-tlllnC ...... nt_....,....,__ bnftds. It'• en in.redlenl ~"'tJMu.s. GewmtMnt. CLEAMUT .._ USIUT ••• ~-belt, ... 841· SAFEST ••• wMft UMd .. .......... erouftd chit• -...end"'9. ... ..--It ~ eutsoUa au ~-.,_.4..,-othor• co"' blfted- cHDt llOOSE·PRUfE DeWitt'S Pills .. , ..... ;:-.. :::.::: ..::..-..=: "'"-------" .. ,.. __ ,_.._, ......... ... ----·----' ....... ~ .__, __ , .. _ _, _, _ .... -. ., Miia ,,.. .. ,... ... ~ ... Eada yen •y darling waxea recldeeit Wida talk of mink or dia ..... 4 eeelLIMe. E.ela year my ehitdren hint at delteb To verdant Wee or jungle tltleketa. £Mia year I amile and let al1~m balldy W ord.--wlalle I unwrap die ea..ty. --Beny 8Ullpp I QUIPS AND QUOTES I The staunch captain was going down with his sinking ship, and his young fh11t offtcer decided to remain with him. "You're in the fine old tradition, my boy," the raptain said and offered him a ciga- rette. "No, sia', thanks just the same, but I l'•Ve up smoking a week ago, and I don't want to get into the habit again." -Cltriata Allen Modet'tt parent: lie let• ltil dauglttef' demo,urtf'4te agaiut her selwol, a1 l<Jftg tu alte get• tlte fa1Hil11 car lwme befrwe dark. -Stephan.ie t1011 EBie A man was disappointed to find that hi1 usual deer-hunting guide in northern California bad switched to guiding parties for fishermen. "What's the matter?" asked the sportsman. "Don't you like hunters?" "I like them fine.'' replied the guide. "Do fishermen pay you more?" "Nope." "Then what's the idea of takin.1 up ,with them T" "Friend," the veteran woodsman replied. "so far, none of them mistook me for a ft.ah!" -DGA Bennett Tho•e worki"g hardeat at adult edu.cat«m ore tuu~ allr cl1 ildren. -Kn aw Pat Krt1.ft ~:. .. 1t Fa,,.ilt WHkltt, April ll, IHI • " ............. --'""' ~.-.. I W.. I~ a.. "-YM, N. Y. 10019 --................ __ ......... _ .. .. £~ Today 1a is huac:ed by mories, magazines. boob, aad ~. Sexual "freedom" is defeoded m cenm ~ disanay ... aod sputted by .. the pill" Y ouog people IC0'1 at old rauaincs. Aod be- tween them ud their pareatl • pp widens which neither 1eant able to bridge. Sa: ii the silent bettlefield ol the genentiom.. ''They doo•t uodentaad," .,. the boy Ot girl ''They doo't uodenmod," dhf' the parencs. Aod 1H>1b are right. Yet both teek uodenuodiog. .. the young pa-.,o .uuggles m his inoJ.r, aod hit eldea ding to aochirdl of a puling geoeratioo. Sa ;, natural, woaderful. God-gheo. But it can allO be datruai~ uolell fwodled with care. This frank booklet o«en io- lights fo~ l>o1h -geaeratiom.. It .... nolft a meaningful am. tiu app.IOKh to tez aod ma.r-- .riap. lc may help IOl..e tome ol 10fll' problem I CO ind uocfer- anding betweeo ages. or he- r..... pucnen. 1(1 hee; taMI f« it. MOie than 100.000 peo- ple already haw. WHY NOT FINO OUT LITHUI lAYlln llASll llfl. • 1111 .......... lt. a..ia. l t.ae.t IJ1H ,._.,..,,,,,.,.,..,., "1EX ._ T11EMRT IWOl.llTIOr lll'f.;._~~~~~~~~~ lfMW.--~~~~-"'t!lll!E Are. Mutual Funds for You? This type of investing is extremely popular; here are the reasons from an expert-and a look to its future An interview with JOHN R. HAIRE, Pott ChoW-", '"_,_ .. C...-llY ,......_ By TERRY SCHAERTEL M UTUAL FUNDS are one of the most popular means of investing for the nonex- pert securities investor. Mutual funds, of course, are basi- cally organizations which pool the money of many investors with simi- lar investinr goals. Thls money is manared for a fee by full-time pro- fessionals who buy securities in the beat intere.t of their shareholders. By investinr in many stocb, the mu- tual funds leeeen inves\miU\t riak.s. Some funds are conservative; oth- ers take certain risb to achieve what managers hope will be rreater gains. Make sure you know the objectives of the fund you may buy, its history, goals, and manarement before in- vesting money. You can learn much through it8 proepectue. ' F AlllLY WDKLY baa interviewed John R. Haire, put cbalnnan of the Board of Governors for the Inv~ ment Company Institute (the na- tional association of the mutual-fund industry) for answers to current quea~ioqs about mutual f und8 and what the future bolds for them. B~ are hia anawera: Who buys mutvol funds thete day•' Many difterent kinda of people. Traditionally, the amall investor pur- chased mutual f unda becauae be wanted to own a share of American industry but did not feel he had the t ime or knowledge t6 analyse indi- vidual companies or to follow stock- market trends. Nowadays, many sophisticated in- vestors, representing corporate pen- sion funds, union welfare funds, as well as wealthy individuals, a1ao place large bloca of money into mutual funds. About 4S pe~nt of new money going into fund8 last year ranged in units of $25,000 and up. At the end of 1968, of the approxi- mately $53 billion invested In funds, about $9 billion or about 16 percent repreeent institutional money. There are now about 9 millJon individual accounts with almost 5 million people owniq fund shares. 12 Fa"'"' WHklw, April 11, IHI Selecting the right mutual fund should be done carefully and with a good deal of thought. Some people prefer to do their own investigating. There are th0&e who study an the new models before they decide on an automobile. These people have per- haps less need of a salesman. Many believe, however , that inexperienced investors feel more secure dealing with a trained mutual-fund sales representative. The Investment Company Insti- tute, 61 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10006, offers booklets, at no charge, whlch explain types of mutual funds for epecUlc goala, such aa "Investing Made Euy," '"A Woman's Guide to Mutual Funds," "Planning Your Re- tirement through Mutual Funds,'' and other publications. The fuftcls' 9 percent commls- slou hDYe come In for some aitl-m..., though, ha..Wt they! Let me explain why we in the in- dustry believe that our commissions are reasonable. Most mutual funds are considered long-term invest- ments. Some people who trade in and out of individual stocks should not be in funda. Many fund holders keep their shares 5, 10, and 20 years. The tlgure of 9 percent i8 bandied about a great deal, but actually that is the maximu.m figure fixed by law, in the cue of so-called contractual plans. Often com missions range from nothing, in the caa6 of no-load funds (ones from which shares are pur- chued directly without involving a salesperson) to about 8¥., percent on smaller purchuee. The commiHion decreaeee aa the investor buys larger unita or purchaael on a regular ac- cumulation buia. ln addition, a grow- ing number of funds are sold at a decreasing commission rate based on all shares held by the investor, no matter when purchased. Remember, too, that when you hold a fund a long time, the commis- sion figure becomes relatively insig- nificant. I would also like to point out that the commission charged is on- ly on the buy side. There is no charge to 8eU your fund shares, as there is when you sell individual stocks. Fund shares are simply sent back to the fund itself and a check for its cur- rent value is returned. Would you care to comment about the Securities lxcha .... Commission report comparing funds with the Dow..Jone1 aver- ages? Thia report studied the perf or - mance of funds from 1957 to. 1963 and noted that "the average fund did no better than the Dow." Actually, this meant that the aver- age fund doubled in &88et value dur- ing that five-year period-which the Dow also did. But how many share- holders owned the individual stocks making up the Dow-Jones average? Many investors owning individual stocks found their securities worth less in 1963 than in 1957. Tbeae are the risks you take when you invest. However, the gnat ma- jority of funds at the end of 1963 were worth substantiaUy more to the investor than in 1957, taking into ac- count dividend and capital-gains re- investment. I keep coming back to the point that funds should be considered as long-term investments. Judge them over 5, 10 and 20 years. (Ce>Mi"'4ed °" page JS) By IMIU Pl.AND (Al TOLD TO 'AUL ITAi) H ete is how I catch moro lsh than I nu cauabt in my life before ... Moro ftsb than I eftr dteamed ol -lad BIGGER ftsb chaa I ever ~ pc>slible. Herc is bow you can c.tch bat5, pike, perch, bram, trout, salmon, crappie, Jlictercl. ~and many, ma11y other Unck Of frail Wiiier pmc and pen fish plus many salt Wlter fish •.. dae same ~ I do. Since I invented 11\Y fithina lute, I caldl IO mMY ftsh, IUdl 810 ftsh, and catch them IO FAST, peoPle ptber to watch me. I've becD fol- lowed FOOR TIMES in ONE ct., by a fish warden to ftncl out if my mctbods are lepJ. But my ~tire IOCret is my fllhina lure that's GUAR- ANTEED to CATCH PISfl -or it cotC1. you nochina. Ya, GUARANTEED co catch fish ewa when o«hcr tum or even live bait fails or no COSI. MJ lure worb in lakes, pond$, •reams, salt wate.r, sa~ you time, work, money and disap- paint.ment, is ideal for ama&eurs. upcrta. troUcrs. casters. llloie fishermen. My lure cacctaes ftsb di&~ly rrom anythift1 you've~ ICCft befon: in fresh and salt w.ter. EYm veteran U. S. flshinJ au.ides h&\'e been 1Urprilod at its attonl!hina catches. And IJae Prcnch IOftmme:nt iUdf has certifted my lure by 11etuaJ patent as UNIQUE. An Underwater Discovery I am a Frmdunan, a science teacher, a skin diver and I ha~ fhhed all roy life. For years I have studkd fish underwater -WHILE FISHER- MEN AllOVE WATER. wre tryiaa co catcb a . .-... .. ••:-. ~ ··----.! g !, ! I My Secret Is My French, Patented Lure that Works In Lakes, Ponds, Streams, Salt Waters, Sav .. You Time, Work, Money and Dltappolntment Perfect .... Ail ................... , ........ , c ........................ , Al .._. ef ...... W.._ 0...... ~ P9R fish .... Seit w ..... Rahl ec:.tcMs .. .,. Fillt eCetcMI MIMlt All ~ el Fillt ...... ,_...., .. __ ......., lait ......... ...... ,_ W9ltl .. c..tcltl ....... ... ec.tcMI IM Fillt tllM ... , •Me en ......................... c..M ... ,... c.t .... .,.. ... , diem. What I dBco.ered ch-.cl e.ery *'-I ever bad about fisbin1 and 8slt hara. Lures C.n Fript.n Fllb Away I Wllcbed UNDERWATER cucdy bow filb ~­acted to evuy lure, li11e beit. Cftry llshi.aa ma- ncuftl' and trick Uled to c:alda tbcm. I Wlltched fish approach ewen the best perfonnJn:a lum, seem ABOtrr TO STIUKE -then aUddeftl,y TUKN AWAY. SotDdhina about nat IJae best pcrformiq lures was obviously often KEEPING TIIEM FROM CATCH1NG fisb. Ju for the IVCfaF lure, IDOltly they teemed ectually to BOllE tbe ftlb -• tboush they looted to the 8s1t u daey looked to me UNDBllWATEll - sbiny, s*nted bits of metal, pllltic and wood. I saw liYC bait after it .... CMt tum white and die before my eyes -and uw fish often approecb, prepare to atn'kc -111EN TIJltN AWA'Y. . Minnows lnuistfltle Then I saw the 1&1111e filb ~ .au.I live • · minnows and without caution or sus-~IK.E RAVENOUSLY. I &aw the aame ftsh that rejeded the lures auin and apin .au.ct. witboutaNtioDLIVE SWIMMING MINNOWS. In face. tbete little minnows teemed to ORA W many fish from a distance -~ before bdfta ICICl'I. Why Lum Often Fail My talks •&lb ftsh scientists and my 01"1 It~ convinced me it WM the •wilnmina motion of minnows. pvticularty the nrillMns tail that ai- tracced many ftsh. concluded tltat oo lure I had ever used had SUFFICIENTLY dupliated che livin1 minnow and ka motion. How, I asked mytdf, could a filh lure be cre- ated that would attract ftsh jusl as the ac::tu&I liv- iq awimmina minnows did -and that once a&· tr11Cled would 8C'l the same rawaoua STRIKE as live minnows -WJTIIOlTl' IJae a.e.Mtion, IUll!i· don and PE.All arOUled by tbe hara I aw utedT t M'1 Man-Macie "Minnow" Altu 19 years ol .wdy and teatins. I ~aft fiaaUy cRafed sucb a mmt-flUlde "millnow," IO lite a Jiy. ins. awimnliq minnow in lbapc...L..!C?rm. teature and modoll tfut filb rawaously ~I KJK.E -with- out aiutioa -and I c:aldl more fisb, Waler llh -f..aer than ever before in my life . Because my man-made "fish" looks, dart.I. wiaSes, evea "feda" like a milmow ••• beu, pick- erel, pike, pcrda, trout and mall)' other kinda of fnsb and aa.lt water &lb attect vondously -nbout suspicion or fear -e\left wllen they're not birina for lllOCher ftsberman on lk lab . Astenllhin& C.tchff Reported I call 11\1 hue VIVIF. Once I perfected VJVJF I mrted dins them to other ftshermen. Soon news of astonish.ins c:alcha came in~ftnt Prance -that rrom ott.er COWllries. Ya, from aD oftr come rqiort& of amuiaa caadaa -of ftllt bitinf wheR other lures failed -of tbe surenas, the ~. the e8ec:Uvmeu of this VIVIF lure. And what does this mean IO you? Simply this. No• YOO CM 1tt more out of ftshin1 than ever before. Now YOU cu catch more ·ftsh. bluer ftsh tbaft ever fn your life. It is OUAJlANT£ED -or you PlY not OftC penny. It means oow no lonsier need you come back with an empty creel from a Ions ct.1'• ftsbint. It means no lonler need you spend boura ol work di..-.1 worms and catchiftl minnows or otlter ba1L It means you can a&'WI the endJeu uperue of con· tinually buyina eJ1pensive apinnen, Ilia, piup. b8i1 and lures. It mean.a you can often catch the fhh that &n1 not bftlna on worms. bufS, piup, spoons. canned bait. fHea, cut baft or apinnen or no c:osc. It means you C9n troll, cast. or ibore ftlh AMAZING TRIAL OFFER wfth 11'1 lure with equal IUCCell. It means you 11 .... -It ,._. el ..,. wwti •uhi' • • can., out after and come back with l&lfC mouth ........, _. ............ VIVJIP .. .......,. ..,. ...,. ba9s, tmall inoudt batl, pike, picterd. perch. ..-It .... ,_-. .... die aa111e ..,._ fll V1V1P bream1 .trout. ....,._, aa.lmon, red tuna, atrfped ,_... ....._, ,..._ • .,_,-, VIVIP ..._ ... ball, ai11ue fish. weak ,.,. and do k time and a.ell ... ., ...... ktt ,.. -.. -,_ ... "' qain -or your money wfl be refunded at any ...,.. _ ..._ ,.. _.. -M. time. VIVIP is aitdlin1 ftsll in 15 countries for Al ,... •It ..a die _... tdel -.-w-. ckljpted flsbennen. 3,000.000 VIVJF's have been w... ,.. ,....... ,_ VIVIP, -It ~· ,.. ~ ~-Alrudy reports from U.S. fhhermen •• ..... """9 111 ,........_ ~....., u .. tt MY VIVTF Is the ~ lure they haft ever te _... a.... INlll. .,.m., ..._.., .a.. ~ uted. I predid VJVIP 1riU be the wortd'1 fucC!lt •• ,..,, ...,. w ,_ ... ,_a. .. .-., td1in11 fish lure. But 1at lite maP: pawrr of ,,... V1VD' 1e..,.,., tell. u ,_ ._, ..-tt la VIVIF younelf widllout ristlns a pmny. tt. ..... lwe ,_-... -...... fl ll .._'t 4'lltda Es LIMITED -....... ....., .... ,_ ........ It ...... SUPPll art free. n -·1 _. ,.. • ..., ..... ---. ....., Te ... ,_ V1V1P -· ... ~ Trial C..· .. "' ....... ...__ .... ti.I ........ -........... OrM -.. __ l' ....... ,.. .. ~ ~ VJVll' .. u.. ·-,_ Ovw ~ ~ VIVlr• ...,...,. .... ..,,. ...... trip. o.1y M ,_ act .t -•• -'llota .. ,., 11w W.W. .. n.. f'lral Ill Y-Arn ........ ,. .. U ,_ ...._ I• •ttl.tel)<. To OW. 0... O c-e, t• ... .-MAIL AMAZING 6 ~TH TllAL cou~ TODAY--. I IPOWl'IMAll'I WllEI, ._. ._ I 11110 L 18111 c-t. M1•1 rtt, .... ••u I I I ~ ~r GUARANT~thet VIVtf't .............. lftOf'9 flllt, bl ......... eM flalt ...... aN ~ ...... .., 1•1 I II 9" ... NW I ....,_., INt ---=I.... VI lf't Wftftlft & "'°"°'9.., ..... ,...... I ..... ......... .. .. of tftMe , .....,. VIY" ,.,,.. lft .::;:'°'· "'"' I I ........ t9tuN •nd ............ COior ............ wHtt Motion ~......._..,..,sue CM.IS-...., I 0 ftAYMDn' INCLOllO csa.• c:atlh -. or M.O.) lfllp me Mt ef I I VMP9 ........... ' ....... C.O.D. dtefllM. I I 0 " DIPOllT fJCI OKO. ...,. c.o.o. .,. .-r ..-emen ti.• ,..,. I C.O.D. ....... .._ ....... e.dl Que,.,,._, J I I ADD9tOa I I CtTY STA I ---------------------~ . . NASA llEPEI &IDl•mll ~ ·~ ONLY83.85 n WW.• JllU ..... IQI WMTM*S De•tu1d tor *M ............ _.... '*' .... IMOOllllJ, ......,, .. ,."...., --.,., ..-. . .... 11p.elde doWftl ... led certtktte ._ .......... ..., Ille o4 -. t• ,_,.. N I ...,,,...lt-tt'llWftte ...... ... ........ '°" ...... GM pre. IWtziM ,,...... ..... .,.,.. ..,, ...... .,., ...... .... '°" .... --.,... ... Oft rout beet "' bed. Won't ... ..... o,.... s ........ _,,., of ~ MAI .,.... Appfowd In MAIA ,.._ A ,_, ...---... ;,.,-ct-'°' edlool. IMMM, otnoe, pul'M. In .......... ._ ftftletl, Mt 110, noe..,-....,.._a.., -;l•ttt;ta•llL ................... ..., ... ........................ ..... ..... _ ......... --.--~~ ...... .............. __ ......, Dell-. ...,. M 11111 ,.._ ,_ ----~-........... ........... ...,. :. ,.,...... -·····---····-..... . .,..... -····----... ------ N O ~~:~Ro ~~~~: JRU-HEALJH BELT _,_ • .,..v~LS _..•l'Mf ·neaa1am10P __ _ _,.,_., .. ,. """""'"" ,.,...._., _...,..., ,_ _,LTll a.Lft lllllEDIA1ELY MUEVES MCICACHEI •wr-::=..:.:t ~-:....,:.:"" tf ......... wound )'OW llllddle oi-'°" • llllltlr ..,.,..,.ce '°" -" -----.. to ,.._., to lrJ the Wllfte TMl-ffEAL lli le..T. a.Ir ._ • tdlarlkJ .... ......... 'TMJ.ffEALTH 8El.T IUPPOf19, Md .._... JOU to Ngelft )'OW ,.._,. .,. I ':ti ii ........... DOCTOM _.,WOW 1RU-MUL1" .._T 10 MUIYI UC81:ACMI ..,......,,_ rKOIUllUed tfM TRU-HEAl..TH BELT to gl¥e tfM lnll....,.. to ...... 11911111 llN9Cllee. needed In 80 '"8"l' 0.-to ,... .... bactlllclle ....... . ,..., ........... _. ... ~~ ..... Md ..... ...,., .... ..... .. ........,. Md coMIOl, In__,...,.~ to......, ........ ~ IMecllal:Me. llMl9 fW1W .-T ILUTICIDD M..ce ..... ,, ..., .... Md c.e to PfOll9' di••..._, ~ "'"''"*' ""' ...... ...,. ..... end bed!, Zict-aio eltlcMd for '°"9ef ...,. Won't wrtMle, roll °' r.-•· No blflcllng crotdl pleoel -..AY tmi: Dl•mouL. IM*IY Mal.......,_ ..... 'JNM4EALTH IRT for 10 -,.. You""* ..... NI09lttt palne"' ,_, llleolr ......... , UN4, JOU look Md .... I ... your' JO'lfll eeff ...... Of ....... TN>.....,_TM IELT for fuU Nlfllad of pwdlw pttc:e.. PLEASE SPECIFY .... EN'S" OR ''WOMEN'S" AND SIZE. _...,.._ ..... ,.. ..... ..... 1 ... 11.• ....... ..,.. .. 4 loftll• ca.rtene. AdfU .. el* 11• hoetl °'*""91-....... .,N ..... ...... lflorttUI NOW! Run Your Car Without Spark Plugs ao .,.,.. 1toraepo••,, • ---,.,,.. ,,., ,,.,'°" • ., .. °"" ,.,,,,,,,, ... , THEY NEYER~ OUT ~-...... ---..... ~ ...... ............. ,., ..... "' ... •edtl•ID•..,._.,1,aawlO,ow ...... ........... ,..,,.,,.., ,..,.,,.,,.., .... ,.. ....... ., •• ,.,... "' ••• *'-' S... ffOO • YNr W• ..,_,_,,,,...,., It )IN drift 15,000 rrtl/H, )'Ott CM -.Jly UN: • 160 tl' ~IO,.,,_,., fM· ..... ..,.,, .... .,,.... • 110 tl' lflOf reOlec#fte ,,,,,.. • r-+fi.B·ilii.liii.J.'1111'·''":'493"i"·''·'iii'"i·' -, I JAY~ C.. ""-l ·17 ,,.... "*' .... UM to11owtne: I I S1 '-Aw..Ffllllll1.l.Y.11521 a-. ,._ 11a Pflce I I E,.._,,,,a..-a_,..,,,,,.__ • I (AM 1ft lw,.,,,.... & ,..,,,..,., I a..., c.o.o. , _,_a-. -.,,.1t. 1 I I T""' P#ll ,_,... Md c.o.o. cNttM Ofl ,,.,,.,.,.,. ' I I ,,....,MtCJ • I I 1 I IMMee ' I I e1t1 Add '°"' '°' ,,_.,,. • '-"""" • I I .... p "",,,,,..,.: y-TOTAl. • t I ,., 11fUoHEALTH NL1:Specltf I .. ........ ., ............... -"....., ••• llleti • "'°*' "'-· L---~-~-------~---------~--~~-~ ' . . . . .. Are Mlltual Funds for You? (CoMi....d f1'0M PC&QC JZ) Would you MY there .. some people for wlwn ....,._, funds would llOf lie the rltht '""'' ... "" Y ~. there are aome people who are temperamentally unaulted to ha~ profeuional IDADq'tlDent look after taeir ftunclaJ iot..t.. They love the "action" L 1 tndlna and peycholoeicall1 pr.ter to do it them.selves. Funda are for peo- ple who can put their certiftcatea in a safe-depoeit vault and not worry about ftuctuations. First and f oremoet, though, a man muat be sure his family. i8 protected. "Deatb0 protection (aome kind of life insurance), health imrorance, and enourh in cash aavinp tor emergencies should exist before he inveets in anything to overcome the erosion of our constant inftation. Wiii "glamour" Issues lie,.._ plaeecl by more conMl'YCltiYe luue1? There are always_ certain favor- ite stocka and favorite industries at 1pecitic times. Tbeee groups change aa investors find other types of stocks which may have more growth pot.ential. The stock market goes through cycles. Solid growth, in earnings, must often cat.ch up with overexuberance. You can"t take a stock, run it up 50, 60, and even 70 percent and have it keep on going. This is what occurred in 1968. Many of the great growth stocb of the previous year eimmered down in '68 while other iauea, good sound ones that had been neglected in the 1967 market, came to the fore. This is the reaeon why many conaervative fonda bad a very good year in 1968-because the more conaervatlve stoc1al which they owned were ill demand. What about ........... .. w-.a•le• whlc9' IMIY...., .... ............ ....., Lookiq at life inau.ruce, OW' two industries are drawina' to- gether. lt'e natural One often death protection, the other pro- tection apinet the continual rie- in&' coat.a of livtnw. People need both eafeparda. AJthou~h llf e-il19Urance com- panies atill control the sreateat amount of ueet. of Ul7 aiqle in- dust:ry in the Unttecl Stat., their 11wwe of eavinp ia ahrinldna. In 1946 insurance companies ~t 46 percent of the dhlcretiona.ry or saved dollar. As the public realised more and more that ftxed-dollar reeervee (of which a llfe-iuur- ance policy is an excellent exam- ple) could not be a bedp apiMt in1lation, cutrently runniq at more than 4 percent a year, t.bey bepn puttina a peat.er amount of money in equitiee. The lnaur- ance induatry now receivee about 17 percent of discretionary in- come. No wonder many life com- panies have entered the mutual- f und field. either by purchulnr existina companiee or 1tartiq their own funda. I am sure that the almoet 6 mil- lion present mutual-fund investors will grow in numbers, and I be- lieve their inveetmenta will ~ preciate in ftlue. The more than 400 funda now available to the public ebould 1nc:reue to about 1,000 within the next few years, with even &'ft&ter aervice to the investing public.+ Comparilon of Various ScW""ll Mllhocls ................................... $10,000 .......... ........ ..,. ...... 1~...w Kept• --5 , ..... ......... 11 ..... . ...,., ..... .... .......... TotalDMdwls <>"-Ac:crwd Orlglnol Ealrniftos T oeol Dolcw ....,,. t.iuucad Value DK. 31, 1957 During '9riod Dec. 31 , lCM.'711ft.- $10,000 10.000 10,000 11,852 41,617 .. • Anywhere you look you'll w a waterfall, a torrent or a cascade. Running~ This Spring promises to be the biggest waterfall season we'Ve ever seen. Last WlnWs snowfall was the deepest on record. And now that snow is melting Into a spectacular show. Don't miss it. Come up and stay at The Ahwahnee. Ifs the sort of place the lrdans might have bultt. tf they had built castles. Or stay at Yosemite Lodge, the cen1er of family activities. For reservations or Information, call (209) 372-4671 or write us. Or ask your travel agent • Plan to come up soon. our Spring f.SI 9USOn doesn't last all year. Nor will the green meadows, the uncurling fems and the budding wild flowers. Send for 1 color folder on Yosemite and see for yourself. - fW 5 ·--] -·· • • \ "., ...... _. _..Bow ean you write three 9e and three 8a IO they add up to 91 (SH Atut0W Boz) HI••• tllm1 Bidden ln tbU .. tenee la~ thins that we'd all lib to have happen in the embattled areu of the world: Tbq hope a central loeation can be 1eeuncl for the new bulldiq, nen if it meana 'lariq dawn 80llMI old bui1d.iq1. (Su AtutHr Bo:r) (SH Atu10w Ben) ......... To a four-letter word for a mu- 1ieal iutrument, add a flrtt letter and set IOIDethiq that pricb JOU if )'OU handJe a plant that bu it. (Su AUtOW Ben) oryournew You've passed out the cigars. And whether it was the first time, or the fifth, you want that new child of yours to have the very best. And that's where New York Life can help. With the right type of life insurance. Insurance that can help guarantee your youngster financial security, even if you're not around. That's important when you realiu that it can cost about $25,000 to raise a youngster to age 18. And that doesn't even include the tremendous costs of college. The need is clear. Butwhyus?Whycome to New York Life? E'lperience, for one thing. We've been around since 1845. Then there are dividends to our policyowners. We've been paying them for well over a century. Right now they're at an all-time high. So the cost of protection for millions of our policyowners is at an all-time low. Talk to your New York Life Agent. Remember, you want your new baby, and the rest of your family, to have the very best. New York Life JnsuraOCltl Company SI Madiaon Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 Ute, Group and Health Insurance. Annuldea, Pension Plans. Our 125thyear ea111Wlwt B• An' Dnt4otct It it. tnab Or an II for llama, = 0.. From a flv.letter word for a cereal, tab •W&T the flrtt letter and set what you clon•t want to be caqht out in. (Su Auww Btn) Or ma,.t>e a eameJ Who loob part llama 1 Amw-.Xa 'UJW.1-UJW.1!) :M() •9JJ( ·woin-wou :a.o •Id 'w.>t.I ~ :u atHjli MA 'a:>ftd :Mnjli-~ '6 =%+%+% :1 ... ,11'1WJI 'ID ...... --------------------~----- • gu1z What Has Science Learned About 1 • By JOHN E. GmSON EVERYBODY gets mad now and then-yet what do we really know about an- ger 1 Here is a quiz to check your ideas about anger against what science has learned in recent years. Read each statement care- fully, then indicate whether you believe it true or false. Nut clteck -your ideas against scientific findings. 1. If you watch a pereon's face, you can uaually tell when he is getting angry. 2. Husband and wife argument.a are usually won by the one who get.a the maddest. 3. Neurotic people are more eas- ily angered than thoee who are well balanced. 4. Women are more inclined than men to provoke domestic ro"8. 5. Tenae people are eelf-con- trolled and don't loee their tem- pers euily. 6. When eomeone hurts your f eelinp or causes you to feel re- jected, it's better to get mad than to feel depresaed. 7. The time of day when you are mott likely to blow your top is midafternoon. I. In a domeetic free-for-all, it's the woman who is most likely to go from hurlin&' verbal epithet.a to actually throwing tb1np. 9. When a person yells at you in anger, the best way to cool him is simply not to answer him. ANSWaS 1. Falae. In one univenity study, studenta were shown pbotoS of people taken when they were in the throea of anger. The majority of student.a identiftecl the &JllT1 people aa tranquil or happy! 2. False. Peycholotical 1tudies at Harvard UnivenitJ have ehoWll that husband and wife argument& are uaually won by the one who does the moet tolki"f. So take a tip from the experts. Beinr artic- ulate and expreuing your viewa on the subject will ret you a lot further than blowing your top. 3. Falae. Columbia Univenity paycbologista found that anpr re- action of the normal individual wu much more intense than with the neurotic. 4. True. Studies conducted by psychiatrist Dr. David Harold Fink have shown that women not -only need attention but become emotionally insecure without it. Thoa when a woman feela excloJed from her hua}>and'a thoushta ~ cause they eeem to be riveted .on business or other matt.en), ahe ia likely to provoke a f racaa debO- erately in an attempt to get her share of attention. 5. False. Northwestern Univer- sity etudies have shown that teD88 people have a much lower boilina' point than people who are com-1 • paratively relaxed. In a relaxed stat.e it ia very di&ult to suat&in ci•r unpleasant emotion. 6. True. Studies at the Univer- sity of Rochlieter echool of medi- cine have shown that depreaaion tenda to lol'er physical reafetance to virtually nery form of di.eeue or afftiction and make. you app~ ciably more auaceptible. 7. False. Studies show there are three SO-minute danger perioda during the day when tempers are more likely to explode than at any other t.im&--juat before meals. A penon ia inclined to be moet irri- table when he's hun&Tf. I. False. The male of the apeciee is more given to apNMill&' him- aelf through physical violence.. Women. because they are the weaker sex physically, have condi- tioned themaelvea to employ other methods to pin their ends-etrat- egy, cun.nina-, wile. 9. Falee. Not making any reply at all ia likeb' to make him feel even aqrier. The best way to cool a yeller ia to answer in a lowered TO.ice eo that be baa to Jean for- ward to bear what you sq. When he anawen you, be wiD automati- cally lower bis wice to meet the level of :roun. And preeentb' hie anger will diminish acco~iqly. • F••Ur W..ldw, April JI, 1111 11 INSTANT FLOWER CARPET 15 FT. JUST UNROU AND WATER ONLY 98c 15 FEET LONG! ... And ~with 1000 healthy, hardy flower seeds waiting anxiously to bk>oml Just unroll and water! A multitude of annual favorites in sPendid colors! No special arel ~ bother! Enjoy professioNI landsc:aplng results with ,..... ....... ,, 14'" low border varieties: Alyssum, Callopsis, Marigold, Phlox, Portulaa, And mo~ ... ot the 36'" high giant assortment: Centau~, <:osmos, l.Arkspur, Zinnia, Snapcfoagon, Petunia, etc. So nice for cut ftowets. Mats an be cut yp; pieced together; designed into rour own artistic OQtions. Bloom afl summer long ..• right up to frost! a• wide. 10IZ7 CiMt 15 ft. CMpet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• !le JltlSJ ........ '°1S"ft. 'Ma .................................................. ~ lnst.andyl ·No paste or tabsl Lift transparent film oover, place photo in, put OIM!t t.<X- that's all. It dings to moont and protect photos. Remove; iurrange them I Le.athet-like covers. Regular Album: 16 pages, 91/a,, x S'/1"; Deluxe: 20 pages, 111/1'" x 91/t". For extra spaoe, order 10 page Refill Pack. Mowltlbelf~: •1• .......................... :$1.•; Deluxe ..........••.....•..... $331 lellhd~ 2511• ............................. ., ... Dellae ....••...••..••••••.... $1. .----4}tllf#41i•1uit•1¢i(•>•!f•------; .....caa l.,.._A,.,. ,.._ ............. CHr, N.J. ..... l 1 .a-< > ~ • < >,..._Mier tor--------l9M7 ... c.o..D.'a) 1 .... """ ...... .__. ... --#JlllZ1 m.nt 15 ft. c.pet • -plus Z50 ,_.... Md handllna. ___,,.,.., ...... lS Ft. .... ·-..... -........ .,... ........ -----#20110........, Mount HMH Album e tu• ptue 50C ~and hllndlln1. ---1251M......,.._ .... Piie* e SL00.._15¢ ......... Mndllnc. ----#34546 Dllu:1e MDunt ttletf Albuft'I e t&ta plus 70C ,..... and handllnc. --#15121.,._""-R ..... P9C* e SL•,._ 15¢ ........ 81'4 flaoclllns, I I I I I I I I I Add..-I a., .... Zip 1 .._.,.,..,....... ... ,.__..,,. ..... -. I IA'l'mACI' .. 9wwwnD • WY Ml'UMD I • 1M, ..._ OWll. ~ ARANTtC on. NJ. I ------------~------~------~------------· -, _____ ..., ...... 11_191Y __ LAKELAND NURSERIES SALES, CHECK OffHS Dlpt. l-372 DESIRED tt.nowr, P9nn1. 17331 ,... ......... ~ ..... ~~ I 11•ll1ntlnf~lb ....... It ....... .... ..,., ,.,__, ............... . ---~ 1 .......... ..., ... • .,. ,., .. nu .......... ,.. a...,... l l o•c.0.0.1..-.,1 ............ .., •. -...._ .... ,_.... MllC.o.a.. .... _, ......,,, 0 Clleck ..,_ti ... ,_.... Mii C.0.1. I lllCtMe fllll ,.,... .. Cl ....... ...., .... -- ..... ~·~~~ D~ o l2W$ S.95 o 24fer$U..50 o 3' for $15.50 0 roses. .,, ... a 1 twS 4.915 a 2ter s 1.915 a 3 tor $12.915 a ••tt5.50 ---------------------Why wait 'til September? These Chrysanthemums Start Blooming in June A gardener's dream come true! Now enjoy hundreds of glorious mums this very summer from this fabulous .. June to Frost" Collection! TMI -· lllw ,.. .. ,_ U.. " flood ,_ ......... fiefy coW Md INiHlllllCe" ~ t..,......_ ltllt ._,., ua't •t •tit Sw• :ihf toawtb ....... 7 . ThiM of It. HIN Is I ...... ,.,...._ ~"., _ tlltt 111rt ........ ,_ 11.,..c.,. .-~....., tf coloftllb..,..-IMl._W-... Md ... by tM ....... rllM 1111 ti froltl , ........... ..,.... cetlectlel" ..... ,. - " """" •t:lrtlac .. ---.... ...,.. ...... ~·· .... .............. ,_ after ,..,. Who ever heard of June-bloomlnt mums? Y• reiPbon .. •t ........ tlllfr .,_ CW Mt. n.,'11 ltn .. -II Mt M ... tint ............ " collr .. felll. Md wt'rl llOt ........... I IClt• ass a -----~ (o':';t 12 plMta -IMWillc "'9 MWttt ...... , ---wrietiea -... fW I NUht •II of flewlf'I 24 .......... ~ ..... ... .................. .,"""" ................ . to30f9tt ..... Olle....,,lll ...... c1w, ... t11 _ CSMtta Dl6sJ> ... hlt'e,IMntsllttl .... b ........... , 4 ..... ltrtll stlrtill "' ,.. -Md ..... ,.. ...... ~ ....... of .,. ..... ...,,,.... ...... .,,, ~·-s..--. Up to 5 months of breathtakln1 beauty yur after year ... tlllt'1 lllfy .. ........ ., tllla ,..., ........ ~ ... •ltty ............. ...,., ..... ....... ~ tr.. ..... " fell. Still ... .,... ...... celoffltl ................. , .... , .. '"" Ill till ... ~••lac ...,_.. ....................... IS IOO Wi..._t Ill.__. tlle "'1 flnt ,..,. ....... ~ cWt "',.. .. .,... ......... ilrt ...... ........ tlllt c•ttr llltll ....., ... _...,.. ., .. ~ feot .,... ___ ........ .... tl6M of told ., t9 I "911 I ftet .,.., - ,. ........ of -...... rtd tlllt ..,. .......... -... ..., rlatrt•~•ll--.. ... .. " ,......, Mt rtee9tly, .... WMdln dbcolef'ld .. """ of ..,,. ,...., -· n., ... ht ... c..,... ....... , , ....... ,.,.... - c•trelled by tlll ... Thrt • _,.illlt .,....,.._ ...... _ .. lllritad --.......... of ..... c-.d ............... . n.. botllMata diK4MfM • _, daisy-llir no-tllrt -KillllJ I prirlttM tar11 tf dlil;wa Y9t. Get Double your money's worth on this special "1et acquainted" introductory sale from Lakeland t.Htttlld ....... s.i. .. ICWll!r .......... ,......, ....-by ........ '9 lttrltt I ltltctad ,,.., of p,...,.. .. ~ .......... , ... ., tllls dllrKtlr '""9Miifor11P to $1 to $1.50 lltfl -OW OWi catl ... lilts ..... It $1.15 NCll -IM!t ............. ..-S It I •tso~....._ · Y• 1tt 12 .... ...,, a1llnli.,.,..... ,..... fer tilt ,,a ,...~ ,........11 llfJICt t. ,., for jlilat I . Thia 8"dll ......._ c1n1ct1•" " ..... tD hit ,..., ... -ii ..., $5.15. •Ille I~_., It d*'t WIH -.tM •••••••••••• S.••ar ta ~ -IMlt ICtllltly IMnt latoMoGMi.-.. ------- llllile! 148-flll HllSe Cnnl WD &IANT RED ROSES fnm Dae Single ... ~ How's this for a "livlna Wall of Flowers"? ,~ .... IHd lltW fH tll trHtl ...... ............. , *-'tic "'S ....,..,-..,. ..... ., .. ,... ...... mazmg rose 1scovery soars up . 1g - spreads up to 20 ft. wide-spreads across bare walls like wildfire with blazing color from spring to frost. ,_.,. llolllC It tlll llllZill ,.. cti. ... , ......... by ... Rev. w. w. .... of ........ tfllt .... bttr called ... ,........., ,... flctDry'' ...... tbe lllfy of I ......... tllet Strub aQwwd 11--11:1-...wttk-IMOMe • .-R.w rwllls fl9tastk """* of 20 felt Ill I ailClt --sorNds 40 f9tt ........... 1.-.. .. tretliMa. .... tilt lfory of I AIMIMll tlllt bunts In &ilMtic .._ up to 5 Inches ICI......,_ IO ... to biooM Ult Mtirt ,.... .. CO\llftd witll ...... of llwistl ..... It ... Maclt titnt -fOlft tut ..... lllto ..,, ...... of ...... 'Iii• Md ....... Mr. Alpat. s.,t••'"· October -.tll .... atlrta .. tr . Turns your house Into a showplace from June to frost ..... Md~ oa "'*"or tr.ai111 _, ...... ...., .............. . ,..... ,_ ~ wftll ......... " color 5 ...... ,,, tM ,.., . Yes, row JOI QI ct..ea I .... ~. "" kJlld of lnisll ...., ,.. .... ..... ........ cw ......... ... tilli of llfr ..,...... tlllt caa lie ... for Wocb -Md do It Ill It • iecrltlMy low COit! Exceptionally winter-hardy and disease resistant. Even blooms in partial shade. Cllltcl ... .., .... ''Sarlet ..... H lost, It Illa ........ ol IWft bitter-cold ............. witJI llrloat ... Pf9tto- tior ·-----1• .. di ..... ...... •• tlllt It ICtulf!J wi~ blldla .... . Mort ---It ._ ..._ Ill ,.a, l1&b il9cnal•t1 ,... diaclMty Illa .,._ allldr locatiw lie lln . ._.., tnt pj. ICdlllltd IS I ... florll MMltior by dllls wlltrt practic.111 llO oflllt fllt QI ...._ ..,.. lllUloritits. Ml • .._. lllniw. 1A1 1itUt aa 3 ..... of ........ dtrl Witfi ,_. -. '""" pi.t rou ca ......__ ......... _ of ....._ • "cwtai19" I wtsDfe '*-nll a.d llfM• ,.._ '•••-• ....... -RJ witt1 --. of roMS -t,_.., wi. Tllia II tlll WOllCllr ,.. tut lttv ..... ..... .. .,,..,. witll ..,.... oJ ....... ., = -........ tfter .......... Hert 111 roses tbet 1W1tP "" 32 ,_.,..Of . • Now JW QI 111w It "'9 roofs of rWIClt ..... lftd trail t.. blooi¢lilll ill ,_ .... for I lifetime of ..... of .... tn. .. aide of "" .... ......, If ,. °"* .. -Wort -.... to tllt otllef. IONS Ullt ICI... row itM ...,,.... •• .......... GIANT BLOOMS UP TO S" ACROSS TMa ii "SCARLET SHOWERS" .. ..Va ....... ............................ tlltJ, ..,..,....2,_ .............. ...,. Md .. ~ tllla fllltasttc ~..,.., of .,,.. ti fNtt colDf -rott eet ow .,ecilt...., 11 .. 1.111 l-eoiw c~ Attlf,..,. °' ma-b,...,... • ._. 1:~w~-~x~~h~~~~~·,~~·-\\\'~-~k\~~\m•w~ .. ~~~~·-~~.;~,,~ I ~xx'-'!~ ................ Of tlPlfNMttb tMy "'~ 1111 t111taatit -..,. -Order 1ow 112·WIJ 1111ey back para.tee lllfe. LN, lieM, ~ '-'ties tlllt ';;-111w.,. .._.ti" ... _. f tf ..,.,.. .. 11 ...._ ltlTUWI trs I floral ... CCWlt trw. ....... -tlllt , .... .,. frOM,.. ,.. ........................ , .... __ _. .... Nby!Mlk,c .... collr ....... ,...,_,.,...,.._ start ....... Ill Ml-...,....,._... t: .., "...,.....,. .._ UllelMll ......_....., llt .. .... In ......... -..... ''-' ~ ~':.:C .. e..:r:•:.:..=.-:;::~.·:·.:. .. ~ ....... Jiiiy, Allpst. s., .. ...,, Oc· : ..... ...,, ,.., ........ W.-lfltlll_,.,......... ~ M ................................. _, t~(l • • ~ .... ,_.,.. ....................... ....,.., -· .................. ~.., ... ,...,.,,m1 ... :: ~ .................................... . :' ---.., .... 11$1 &••~ .. .... .. ... ...... ..... ... ~-ill~\W-\v.~x\'\~'iik~\\~W·~'''w~~w~~\'\~,.-~~:~'~\\'~~ ~ .,,. .. , :·., ·;:h ·')Jn'. ~rf'•". ·~ \ t 0us 111 t~~ fa~uious F 1 • ,i. · ··· '" :• "4 ° .. ·, :''Pre~ on :~' ~J~e ~ /. I ~ ; i1 t L.' ~ : .. 6 L [ G u A RA N T[ E c 0 u p 0 N A s c I E BJ cal tel me an: 12 FV Tei tio1 EAi anc t.abt mo1 C.On or I $1 Yor Jul) bug Lak ., .. BABY'S SBOBS bro•H f)lated. i" aoli4 1ll«al for 13.19. Aleo all-...td por- trait 1'4fld.I. bookn41. TV lampa. IUal familr gift.. Send ume and addru• f<¥r ft.Ul detaw, ~aawn,.g certi~. atl4 bur 111Gil- if&g aack. A.mtia• Brou- iflg C°"'pa•r. Ben 1638- A!I, B~. Olio 43!09. LAIVD lit UJNOOlf a bolo- if&g utiw -tlOt a -.U ""'1'iatl PodotJt...ftu, M01NW Nfttlg book Am fa.f>llf'tt. reltaacra•t•, •lC>J>• of a.U kindt, de., freqwn,t,ed bw ""'' ~-ltldtula ~ dilcoNtltt at all plaou. ,,.96. Lorllloarx.oo.. ,,_, lHpt. FlV--'· P.O. Bo/JI !OU, Ddroit, JlicA. UU1. Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE 11.EAD 11NY PIWft' Vf!r/ euib' with these handaome half-frame magnifyiDI' gluaee. All YoU have to do ia aim~ '"look over" the top for uual, normal viewing. Specify men's or women's black with silver thread; brown with gol<f. black or brown tortoiae. $5.95 ppd. Order from Joy Optical, Dept. 872, 8'& Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10011. BANDY, CALENDAR -Small monthly calendar attached to your watchband tells the date anytime. Start with any month. Champagn~lor met.al, flt.a any band. Set of 12 calendars, $1.60. 12 set.a. $12 ppd. Send order to Handy Calendar, Dept. FW-4, Handy Bldg., Scott City, Kaneu. LEARN TO Pl.A Y the guitar in· one week. No tedious practice or exercieee. You get S20 eonp, guitar tuner, com- plete instructiona with chord leleetor. Picture! and words guide ft.ngera. Fun for the whole family! $8.18 ppd. Terry Elliott, Dept. FW-7, Box 1918. Grand Central Sta- tion, New York. N. Y. 10017. EAR-LOKS keep your eyegluaes from annoying slipping and sliding. Elastic tabs fit over the ends of ear pieces. No more "push-in-place," tabs ftt all framee. CA>mfortable. Invisible. Eliminate cold-day or hot-day slipping u well. 6~; 2 pain, $1 ppd. Dorsay, Dept. FW-.f, 200 West 57th Street. New York, N. Y. 10019. COLOKFVL FlLll OFFER -Kodacolor film developed and Jumbo printa are only $1.48 if yoa send this editorial along with your film. Guaranteed excellent quality! Failures are credited. A limit of one roll per cutomer. a.fer expine July 1, 1969. A great opportunity for nery avid camera bug! Send )'OQJ' order to SkrudJand Photo, Dept. FW-.f, Lake Geneva, Wis. 53147 . .,..,._. ~ .._. _.. f'lor ............. I/,., •reor ..... ,,,.. ............ .,.,_,.,.,, ,,_ w ....... Fo..U. w..iu,. April ll, 1111 " J Ct. .... ~i.:.:.~ ~ ."T -......... , ..... , •• .............. ..... ..... --····...., .......... ........................... ,._ ...... .. -._ ... •ff•••• •UT ••• -......... ,.. -...................... . Jct .............. ~ ........ ..., ......... u.~ . ............. ··~ ...... llff-r ........... ...... ......... ._.. ..... ..... ............................. .......................... ........................ &$ ._,._ .. .._. .... .................. ,.... ........................... ,. .. 1111 ,...,__..,, c..,.. o..t.....iu .......... ~ ~-........ -..... ~ . . ---------------------~~ : mlY IWOIT CO.. ... Ar.al : : ......... C-.1 ... IYCmll • ................... .,,... ..... : 1 M .)rnH ... U 11i1t ~ t1•11t ... 11'11 1 ........ JO~-...... . I , I I.._ I :...._ I I I I . I ~-~--------~==~==:J OVERWEIGHT? If Your Child ii a Poor Reader s..-. T .. Saal .._,, T9 ._, ._... callllilp•to.-mdlPllbaCW'irl• ..., ...... ,,.._, ..... bdorial COUIW driDI 10'll' dli.ld ID pballica md pboao- snph NClllld9 md c::wdL It ..... ,,.... art ia rmdinc to cMldren wbo .. Diil Bmhlc ader .. prc11naaitt0 twldftl ....................... npartc:WI- ...... tlP to• Id,_. ....... ,..... .. ill ....... wida The Soaad • .,. To &My Readiq.. UDivenity tested ud ........ u..a la °'9' 15.000 .-. ad 1111 ir ol ....._ Wdla b free m.. Ua.d toldw. ..... • .... ........ .,,..._ff.2U, Wll s• t. ... -·· FlllST LOW COST JET 10D FLAME GUN ,,,, ~ ./ ' I ~ ·Why don't you fiecomea prof esSional Interior Decorator? It's a high-income field where a woman rs in her gtory. The demand for decorating-services is at a peak, and opportunities are unlimited ... even if you use only part of your time. You can train at home without interrupting your regular duties. BY JANICE TRIMBLE ~N'T THINK there is another profession .l today that offers more pleasure or greater rewards to a woman than that of interior decorating. It is the ideal place to put your natural love of beauty to practical use. You can prepare for one of the many attractive positions avail- able or decide to go into business for yourseH. Do you enjoy doing your own decorating? Ra~ you ever helped a friend solve a dec- orating problem 1 Then you have the makings fdF'iuccesa as a professional decorator. Even if you'.ve done no decorating, you may be one of many women with unsuspected talent in this direction -talent just w1'iting to be discovered. You can now train for this work at home, in your spare time. No previous skills or ex- perience are required for this training. Why not look into the many opportunities that in- terior decorating offers you 7 --A tremendously expanded fi eld It uaed to be that only wealthy people em- ployed professional decorators. That's no longer true. Increasingly large numbers of homemakers now rely on the services of dec- orators. They know that a decorator can pro- vide beauty and individuality-and can often saw them money, too. Your work u a decorator is varied and in- ter-Cina. It frequently takes you and your clim'I into plush showrooms and exclusive shops filled witb treasures. You move in a world of fashion, creativity and ever-new ......... ~and fumisbing even a single room can earn you hundreds of dollan;largerass:ign- ments can earn you much more. Many women do extremely well in just part-time work; their own homes often serve as showcases for pro- spective clients. But decorators are busy in many areas be- sides homes. Their talents arc employed in dec- orating hotel rooms, busincs.. offices, bwlding lobbies, clubs and insritutiom. That's why the profession has grown so enormously. What the LaSalle Course teaches you The LaSalle Course in Interior Decorating has been prepared by experts to give you complete and up-to-date preparation for this most ex- citing of modem careers: Lcs.wns come to you by mail; they are as fascinating as the profes- sional work itself. Much of the study material included is absolutely unique in a course of this kind. For instance, you get an attractive, simple-to-operate slide projector with color slides that show interiors as big as life on your wall. You also get profemonal sketching equip- ment, coloring materials, stencils that make it easy for you to draw room plans and furniture arrangements, and much more. Step by step, you are shown bow to develop your creative ability. You are taught the p1inciples of color and design-and the historic background of todays decoration. You arc trained in the selection and use of furniture, fabrics, accessories, lighting. You learn how to achieve beautiful settinp that will delight your clients and build your reputation. Even before you have finished the course, you will be able to apply your new knowledge to glori- fying your OWD home. At each step, you~ given practical assip- ments which are then carefully reviewed by your instructors and returned· to you. You are coached with thorough~ for your work as a prof~ional decorator. The LaSalle Course in Interior Decorating is backed by more than half a century of leader- ship in the field of adult education. More than 1,000,000 people have trained for success through home study with LaSalle. Mail coupon for free booklet If you are seriously interested in the new opportunities offered by a career in Interior Decorating-if you are prepared to devote a few hours of your spare time each week to conscientious study in order to achieve your goals-send for the free booklet offered in the coupon below. You may be surprised by,_ Jow cost of the course. LaSalle, 417 S. Dear- born Street, Chicago, Illinois 6060S. ·----------------~ LA SALLI! l!XTIENSION UNIVIERSIT't <tfl 8. Da.....,.. ...... n.-. ....... OS.111111, ...... _ Please mail me your free illustrated booklet "Careen in Interior Decoration. .. dacribins the LaSalle home study course. Mn. Mi.. .............................. Ap ..... . (C#rde ~,,., ...... ,.,.,, ~-...•••.......•••.•..•• Apt.No. •..••• atT ........................................ . Stat. ........................ Zip N°' .....••• L 1t1 ----------------~ COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BIA.CH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY LAGUNA BEACH IRVINI WEEK OF APRIL 12 • APRIL 18 •' WJl:Jl:KO~ BPBCZAL• .. , .. s25a lf'ORTI lOOP l'tt IOWN ......... k f'llll Tu & LlclnM On ...... '** CNdtt h.cludea ... ~ ....... ,.. """'"""' S.ve $144 on Galaxl•. Pop Qptlon Sale . •VI •NGtN• I IODY MOULDINGI AIR CONCMTIONING WSW Tt••I TINT•O GUii W'HHL COV•U . f'LUY•DYINYL T•IM O.LUJCI ln•RING WHm• · Save $54 on I HOODICOOP TA,.l ITIU .. l t e •11 WSW Tl•H MUSTANG ·1ranc1 New 1969 F-218 . s2~eo WITH THI PUICHAll Of ~ ANY IL IOIADO CAMPll HAMD.NIW 1H1Va $2089 CORTINA* OT. I DOOR SH DOtfM "4A• W.. 0n .......... aedlt '99 ......... -VI _.... ti:. ttyle ............. ,...,.._ ........ __. ... ,__..... ....... -8"dM """' ~ ............. wlllrl. .... ............. .......... . lllW FAIR LANI* 1tM $2288 I DOOlt HARDTOP ~ IOWll . "" .... f'MTu&Lec..e o.. ............ credlt IM ..... Ml~t ....... N ... llllMM Saw $111 Oft flalrl.nt ,.,.,.o,Hon Sale a '(INYL ltOOI' 6 o.I R.ldnl M"*9 WtNTI • I Dlllme--Cllwn e TAn ITRtf'• WIWTIRU ...... .... "" $2088 FALCON*. I I D001t UDAN '"'° .. ............. f'M T• & LlclnM On..-. llMk credit· tncllldll •II IMMfKM'WI alw.iNnl ..,...,_.. . Save $52 on Falcon P.a,tlon Sale e TUTONI P'AUO' e COLOlt KEYID WHEIU • TAf'I! .,..... ' WME•L cov••I e l•IOHT MOULDINGS CA•,.RTI llAND MIW THU .... $3988 llRD* HARDTOP S" DOWN S.116 ... H Me • .... T• & LlclnM Oll-...W • ...,. c:ndlt • c.1.0. #ti, erv'""o.M•tlc, ..-.r .... .,.; ...,_ ct1sc ...... ...... ....... '°" •Ylttm. HlerNtlc ""''"' llr•lt• ........, Mectrlc c:oct, AM rtctlo, flltlht blndl ..... wllll •rm ,.... • ..... MN ,.., • ..,.., •II Ylnyl trim .. ,_.. ""' Nlty ~. c:eurteiy lllMI. tloft llOll, tNllk, llnl-tlllll, 'Mii & tw11 1~11. Nmole CIOnttOI mlrnir, llody Ml'( ........ _.. ~ .... ,,., ... tlr& NIW 1t1t' C S27D* IJllHI ~ + TN & Lit. ...---- FORD --------~ s99 TOTAL 119UlllD DOWN PAYMINT ON ANY NEW CAR OI ON APPIOVID CllDn At 50,000 MILE WARRANR FROM fORD JUST 2 MILES SOUtH OF THE SAN DIE&O FRWY. ON IE~CH ILYD. 18255 BEACH · BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BEACH . 842-6611 IALll .. ,. te..: .. 1tp.a. • 7 .... llnlCI OPIN , ..................... , .•. Me:t., ....... ', ... I 6:0C 6:31 e * 7:t 1 SATURDAY APRIL 12 fVfNING student at UCLA, decided to take a r1ft down the Colorado River end film the episode. She shares her adventure with host Bill Bunud tonight. I Loa Caudlllos 1:00 l~mc• S•art <C> C30) m ne .. ...,.... a.. (9 ( ) b Eubanks hosts. 6:00 fJ TIN Ila Ntws (C) (60) I )@ @ m Hulltlfr·BrlnkllJ (C) ~· Porter We,_.r (C) (30) IS._ City (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. m Mowit: •'JM Scartet Pi•,.,..,.. (drama) '3>-Mer1e Oberon, Leslie Howard. OJ Allttric.tn West (C) (30) "Real life Cowboy." (R) 6:30 OJ The h•Vlders (C) (60) Qj Ci) Cltn Cattpbtll (C) Ell) NET Festival (C) (60) (R) fl) Nodte cit Estrtno 0 NEW DAY-NEW TIME * NEWS CONFERENCE •• I News Conftftnce (C) (30) MelodJ Rench (C) (60) Jay Silvertieels, Grey Otter end little Eagle, and The Jobie Fields Indian Dancers guest. ~ ROMJ Chltt (C) (30) \::! I love Lucy (30) ~ De.ttl ValllJ o.,. (C) Portrait of Petula ( : J1n1 the Culbr (30) (~) • Hert CoM HM Stars (C) • Sim Farrar (C) 7:00 fJ ~Ci) C8S Evenl111 Newa (C) (30) Roger Mudd. CJ MIC SurvlJ (C) (30) Bob Wright hosts. U Tiit Annlverury Geme (C) (30) AJ Hamel hosts. fJ Death ValltJ o.,. (C) (30) "A Full House." Two carefree bech• lors decide they need a woman to look after them, so they play a pok!!r aame, with the loser havinr to marry. Dennis Whitcomb, Murray Macleod and Jan Zachary star. m I l!lc!M I CaUforaia: Slaakln' AwlJ? (C) (60) The clairvoyants and JOOthsayers predict doomsday for Californians this month. Channel 11 newsman Cnt Kirk .narrates !h,e ~..... Wltltcomb ud Retell program that deals with. scientific va..-.. porU'lly ,,,.... lo•~n la as well as mystic revelations about "A Fun Rouse." color epllode ol the predicted disaster Dalli Valky D1y1, oa KHJ. Claan-m Wondtrs of tho Wor1cl (C) (30) I Ml '· Saturday at 7 PM. ''Monsoon in Pakistan." In East Pakistan, the linker family travels 1:30 fJ Qt (!) MJ Tllrn Sons (C) (30) down the Ganges River to examine Steve meets an attractive widow the strange way Jute is harvested. who seems to be very lntere.sted in I (!) Passport to Trntl (C) him, but she suddenly, Inexplicably flrr Journal (C) (60) (R) turns cool toward his because of ElltolNtro Uncle Charley's backwards attempts * 4 OSCARS! GREAT! to make Steve appear younaer than 'L t Week nd' J ·lO-ChS he Is. Wanda Hendrix guests. OS e . D Ci> 00 m Tiit Ghost end Mra. 7:30 IJ 9 Ci) Jecklt llea10n (C) (60) Muir (C) ("30) ''Treasure Hunt." Charlie Manna, Groucho Marx. Jane Plece.s of a treasure map found in Moraan and Mickey Rooney auest. different placas send Claymore on D QJ 00 m Ada•·l2 (C) (30) a wild repairing spree at Gull "Loa One." Offlcen Malloy end Cott!J!. _{_R) Reed become involved in a high· D fiZJ (})@ Tiit Lawrence Wei. speed chase, the capture of two S1iOW (C) (60) robbers and an emergency e1ll to m luct Owens (C) (30) save a suffocatlnr baby. (R) 9:00 II Qt (j) Hopn'a Hll'Otl (C) (30) II BEST PICTURE! Hoaan sends N~lrit to a rendez· * BEST ACTOR-MILLAND' vous with an ally operatlnr under • the code name North Star (Fay BEST SCREENPLAY! Spain) but the meetina turns out BEST DIRECTOR! Classic! to be ~ trap aet by the Gestepo. CR) D Mowie· "lost Wt1bnd" (drama) Cl QJ (i) 8) NBC SamdaJ M"" 15--Ray • Miiiand, Jane Wyman. It: (t} "Cfutraclt'' (suspense) '64- 19 (l) G) l't Dmit Ca• Cart.Grant. Audrey Hepburn, Watter 130 Jim Lan e hosts. Matthau, James Coburn, Geora• 1 ~:mo.; $ ...=..: (C) "Mo4alln Kennedy, Ned Glass. When Rtaina _. (drama) '52-Jose Ferrer, Lambert retumi homo after a Colette Marchand French Alps holiday, she finds her m Wlf1d of w..;.,, (C) (30) "Ride home stripped of furniture and h~r the River." Susan Setter, a cinema husband murdered. Her husband s A revea\ing documentarv o~ sense an Se Psych\cs nonsen , 1 t d scient1S s, an · hts spectacular s,g and Shango sound\ tx·ercnfes tyY to make fttf rw.t the whereabouts of some money har llAOuse stashed before his de1th. (R) OJ lllJ Abder1011 (C) (30) m gi<14M Atttr F11111 $cflool ••• Wiii ( ) ( ) (R) 1:30 II a Cl) Petticoat Junctiolt CC) {30) Theatrical agent Ted Swf~ (Sid Melton) ctn't wait to meet the Bradley Sisters slngina trio ht signed sight unseen for the Buddy Buster television show. He Is shocked when he meets Betty Jo, who is obviously in a family way. GIJ (I) a) Hollywood Palece ;, ( ) (60) Richard Harris. Jamea Webb, Mort Sahl, Marc Copage and Michael link join hostess Diahann Carroll. (R) B Newt (C) (30) Larry Burrell. m Tiit S1ottt111an Fa111ily (C) (30) 9:55 IJ Wonderful World ol S,Ort (C) 10:00 IJ ~ Cl) Mannix (C) (60) A wounded young man stumbles Into Mannix's home and aa'sps 1 cryptic message before he passes out. I Tllo Dtfendara (60) Twillaftt Z... (30) Nawa (C) (30) Ernest Tubb (C) (30) NET PlaJhome (90) (R) Box de Mexico 10:301 T.H.E. Cat (C) (30) • What's MJ Unt? {C) (30) Maurice Woodruff Predicts (C) i ) Kitty Wells (C) (30) (3) SaturdaJ Nit. Flldl: "Anat- omy Of a Murder." al Hollywood and lite Stars 11:00 I! a) News (C) Movlt: "Tht Suspect'' (myste,Y) ' harles Laughton, Ella Kaina. B Movie: (C) "Creemrich Villel'" (musical) '44-0on Ameche, Wll· llam Bendix. CD Ravtrond Fred Jordan (C) t)JJ (i) Wtok1t1d Show 11:15 'IJ rabulou1 52 Movie: (C) ''Tlaty Ca•• to Cordura" (adventure) '59 -Tab Hunter, Gary Cooper, Rita Hayworth, Van Heflin. Richard Con· te. Six soldiers and one women make the difficult trip to Cordura, a military outpost. U Saturday Nlatrt Mov11: "Satur· day Nl&tlt and S.ndq Mornlnl'9 (drama) '61-Albert Finney, Rachel Roberts. A young man releases pent.up resentment in a wlld week· end. 11:301 m Newt (C) h•llPt (C) Tht uprta (C) (i) Spotltte n .. tra (C) "Navy vs. the Night Monsteri." 11:45 m Movlt: "Make Mint Mink" (com· i ) ·~Terry-Thomas. 12:00 News (C) 12:30 ~ Tonlatit Show (C) • Movlo: (C) "l-lllt Men WI~ the X·RaJ EJta" (stl·fl) '63-Ray Miiiand, Don Ricllles. E7 Sullltt Strip 1 :GO Movlt: (C) "Saadia" (horror) Rita Gam, Comet Wilde. · U Movlt: "Ghosts on Utt loose" (liOrror·comedy) '43-Bela Lu1osl, The East Side Kids. m All·Nlaflt Sllow: "Thay Won't Believe Me," "Wolves of the °"9'' ind "Return to Warbow." 1:151 Advtntares ff tt.e SeltPtlJ (C) Cinttna Saturdar. "The Black Ip." ,... 4 SUNDAY APRIL 13 ·.~ 0 f? N I N l , 'TH!. DAILY PILDT, TV WEEK, .APJlll,...12, .1969 Development Aid." Second pro111m In a four.part ..ne. polntlna up the need fOf Justict and dMlop. ment in poverty ar111 of the wond. Donald Barnhouse rtports. p, ~ Cil m 1 ...... * AatRrJ 11:00 Tiiiis 11 die Life (C) All stations reserve the right to change proaram- ming without advance no- tice. IFlitll tor Toar (C) Hollttbuym' .... (C) (i1J (I) a) NIA llall&etblll (C) (6) Arst B1ptlat Cllurm IFJna=dl~ ~ Ho• (C) &:15 &:30 1:55 7:00 TM C111i1top!MB CO•pau (C) TM l lbll Anwm 11:30 CrHft lefttl (C) "Roses." Ct.. U. Titia D1y/N1W1 (C) Movie: (C) "Tiit Malle Swrd" To• end .ltny (C) ntasy) '62-Basll Rathbone, Es· Sunday Funnies (C) telle Winwood. 7:30 Aqu•1n (C) ~ m A Ntw Kind of Hero (C) "Ml· ...,_ TllMmld1 Qolr (C) chael J. Pollard." A focus on th• S111day stlfJti• (C) star of the new flick "Hannibal CJ) DMJ and c.liltll (C) Brooks." 7:45 frt Cluistlplttrs (C) I Sunday Matin• 1:00 9 Cl) Llllp U1to My Feet (C) ll:AO Doqtrs W1n1·up (C) "Holy Images." The meaning of 11:55 Dod&trs 8mblfl (C) Vin Scully ikons In orthodox tradition Is ex· and Jerry Doaett call the action plored. between the Dod1e11 and the Hous. · m The Qriltopb•s (C) ton Astros. Cdtedrll ef To.orrow (C) Qalll111• l\ F T t R N 0 0 ~~ Alnft1irt Cartoons (C) Wonden.111 (C) ~ (1) Allen Revinl. Hoetr (C) 12:00 I DI•. loeues la Art (C) Ced Is tilt A.nll9w (C) Clftt AlltJJ . lculblrll Report (C) lntelll11nt hrent 1:30 took Up 1nd Livi (C) "Reflee· @ Feature: "Four Girls in tions on a Decade." A visit with Town." Archbishop lakovos on the 10th al Cine en SU Casa anniversa,y of his elevation to 12:30 Primate of the Greek Orthodox O PREMIERE-"Characters Church of North and South America. * in The Arts" -Provoca-1 Profile • • h ted @ @ m n.1 8tttlts (C) t1ve new series os Mowi•: "hatp 11 M111tfflts" by Dr. Mitton Stern (adventure) '44-<:laude Rains, Sid· D PREMIERE Clllr1ct1rs In the I Greenstreet. Arts (C) Performing artists from KatJlryn Kulll111n (C) Cal State at Los An1eles (from the Ci) Full Cospel Rtwlval department.s of drama, music and &Cu1la KMEX (C) dance) exemplify "characters" In 1 The Answtr (C) life that have been personllled 9:00 Clnttra Tllrtt (C) throu1h the 1reat arts In all times. My FIVOl'lte S1nwon (C) Dean Dr. Milton Stem hosts. Lloyd Gillmett, St Paul's Episcopal D Movie: "lost Horizon" (drama) Church of Los Angeles, guests. '37-Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt. ~ of Dilcovll'J (C) m TV Worship of the Wast (C) (11) (1) EIHinus (C) 1:00 Country Music (C) @ Kattlryn KMlll•1n (C) II CADILLAC PRESENTS Cl) Tom and JtrYJ (C) * Masters Tournament • lmpactos Muslcalel live from Augusta • New Testa .. 11t and Man 9:30 Convtnations With I Psydlla- trilt (C) 0 Acrfaalture USA (C) O Movit: ''Scandal In Paris" (myste,y) '46 -George Sande11, SI ne Hasso. (}) ED lln1 Kon& (C) r11-io1>1rts (C) Aq111man (C) · el Norte • Tllil Is tht Ufe (C) 10:00 ~·Ci) NHL Stanley C:Up Pl•J· o s (C) the Eastern and Western Divisions' champion teams compete in series of seven playoff 1ames. Youtll and Police (C) · ~ (}) al Bullwinkle (C) Movit: (C) "Sunfl&trt at Dodp (western) '59-.loel McCrea, John Mel ntlrt. I ~IF=: i211 (C) CM!tt Sin Hlstoril Winas to Adventure (C) 10:30 @ @ m Frontiers of flitti ( ) "Challenge of a Closer Moon: I)~ Cl) m Muttr1 Open Coif Toum1111t1t (C) Closing rounds of the fo~r·day, 12·hole tournament, telecast live from Augusta (Ga.) Na· tional Golf Club. Bob Goalby Is de· fending champion. 8 m MHt lllt Prns (C) (i1J (1) Directions (C) "father to the Man." A dramatic explora· lion of the morality of chan1e and contrasting values, bued on Wll· llam Wordsworth's lines: "The child Is father to the man and I could wish my Days to be bound each to 11ch by natural piety . . . " I Clllrlie Chan Rniv1I Fim (C) 1:30 On Cl•pa (C) "Art Buchwald on Campus:• The famous satirist recounts hifhllahts from hlS un· usual life and Is questioned by Immaculate Heart College student$ and IHC Regent Steve Savin. U @ (I) DiKovllJ (C) "The Con· stitution." The people and events of --iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii ............. --------~--~- 69 •m up • Id. C) f" :.S· II· ht 111 lly >n 3· In ·s ·- II m It Id in id a. 1) If >f t I· !· tr I· d I· n h d t , I f the 1787 COftVtntioft •rt l1Cllltd at lndtptndenca Hall, Pfll!MelpNa • ~Vela If Calwlry {C) • (I),..... (C) "HlwlU-tn• n>ads of the Padflc." '~Mr * tM C9lelll 2:00 lrlowte: (C) Mf-......... I v I ~ I ~. I' ho" (drama) '61 -O..nl Phillpe, Maril Ftllx. I Prea c.t .... (C) l:m 11 tit (I) Tiii Diil c.ar, (C) .... °"'J (C) (lO) ~ In the Sky." &clllllft CJ)~ ...._: "The fir· film of new mllltary Hflll ,... ~ rontalnes." nalssance communications nttwofb. t! Cl>.... ,.... c.w-11>00 eu. Clllp .... I E CUrtl ......... · tld&tt (C) (30) • "' bt ,... (C) ti ~30) 2:30 C.-"-"t (C) •• , ........ lllewlr. (C) '111 If All ....,. An~t Funallo II (1dwnture) '52-Tony c.&rUa. PIPlf hosttu of cololful 111.C.llfomla Llur1t. fuhlon show. Leadln1 Clllfomil II Ill .... $ lrlewlr. (C) -n.t EH-desl1MB Biii Trtwllll, lillry Ann 11J ...,. (1dventure) '57-lobert Dt w..... Ells Porter, GecQ• Mitchum. Bullock ind SydnlJ North pmtn (I) r... Hal ......., the upc:omlnr summer ind flll . iJl. NIWJ fhl (C) fnfllons. hid Forces HllMllMs (C) I lntllnlltleMI ,...,..._. 2:45 ......... ScilrtllNnl (C) IMl lelt (C) (30) (R) UIO r .. tM NdH (C) Ila ,,_ UNCU {C) T• If tlle letdta Wiil (C) 1:30 ~ i. (C) (30) Ollter U.lb ~CJ) Wiid ....... (C) c.... ef IMb (C) ( 0) 'The nnnted Coupr." In (I) NIC Elpertmtl't t. T...._ the R~ Mountains of Britilh Co· (C) lumbla, 1 year11nr coupr cub di• : Let's Tall! Allctlon (R) CO¥trs that he mlllt fend for him· ,....., (C) self when his mother rives birth • O'T.... to 1 n"' titter. 3:30 /OtltlMttr (C) II,,.. 8afJ (C) (90) Judy Clmt, Hm I•, Wiit Tmtl Gliele M1eKenzle, SU11r Ray Rob· : RID R..., (R) lnson, Robert Clary, Gre1 Monti, • TIM Dlbtal Leonard Birr ind Heda & DonM • In• (C) pat. 4:00 illt (C) fJ Fubtre (C) (60) "Hollywood, IJp (C) Biil Leydon. My Home Town." Ken Murny Mr· Cl) m ....... --... rates stories behind his latest ( ) B n1 Ctosby and Phll Hurls "home movies." hunt Slnd vouae, Peter Duchln and I Hull (C) (30) Let Wulff fish In HOfWly and stM ...... i2 Sanders hll'llOOftS 1 sh1r1t In Nie· · TM Fttndl Clllf (30) 1raru1. (Rescheduled) Cl>..,, (C) I Min FrHI UNa.£ (C) 7:00 119 (I) laalt (C) (30) Lissie ,,... and ~aitiy, the do( of two youth· ~ Tiit W...W We lM 11 (C) ful moonshiners who have set up F1e11 till Nltien (C) shop In the national forest. become lltM.1 Sebrt los Hiies f11t friends and Lissie tria to 4:30 II 11....-. (C) mrt the youn1 men from becom· D m N1C Expert..t 111 TllM-lnr victims of their own foollsttnm. lioft (t} "BJt Bye Butterfly." Pro-~escheduledl gram on the prel)lratlon 1nd pro-@ CJ) m Hid Fhln (C) (30) duction of 1 .llP1nae film takln( " Irate Tsl1nd." The younptm a contemporary 1pproldl tD ttlt hide from (lant 1pes end treuure- M1dame Butterfly theme. setlliln ,.elrat• (R) 111 ... <C> D W. m Lllld of t111 11n11 Ci) I Dru9 ef Jullllt (C) (C) ( ) 'Shell Game." Giant fish. lllitnpn' ~ud (R) ennan T11f e1ptum tht Earttlllnp (I) ,., hndt (C) and means tD tum thtm In fOf 1 Maica y hllbnl nlWlrd. Guests lrt Llrry W1rd, Jan 4•55 .. W11d1rf1d W"1d " -(C) Shepard, Toi lfttry Ind Gary Dubin. • ~ .....,. lTrwllt W C..•lllCll (C) (30) 5:00 I ""' (C) Clete Robtfts. r..,.rt " T""' (C) (30) Thi IOl!r .,.. (C) • I Mexico!" Hal Sawyer hosts. Mewte: (C) """" llrf' (dra· 1· SpeaddH (60) (R) ma) '66 -HlllJ Mills. l1n Mc· AMe'ta s~~1'$t1ppy tit• ..._ """''"" (C) 7:JO 11 ~(I) ll!£ID C •a r I I 1 ' H " Ski "'-ifWi 1 ~-(30) Good okl e on~ners. PPJ ur Charlie Brown prowes once 1pln to comes the victim of •n attempt haw been born bthlnd an lllht to make her Into a fur coal bill, this time of th• pnua hone· I Thi LDCJ HMr hide, when hi pltcllll the "hi· TIM Mdam fltllly (C) nuts" pnf to their 999ttl strllaflt CI) S.. ,.Alts TllNlrt: ''Bott-toss. Written by Ctllrt• Schutz. )our Trlstestt. Orl(IMI muslul blc:qTound tcOll I =.:=~ (C) by tm mualcltn Vinet Guaraldl. (R) Wilt's Ntw1 <R> a U Cl> m w11t DllllJ (C) <80) 1.,.. "Medlttrnneen Crullt." ludWft 'loil Ran for Y11r Ufe (C) Drake conducts • cartoon and true· s:• a ClJ Aalt.w .... (C) <Continued> The cast and crew of ABC's The Joey Bishop Show gave the comedian a wooden plank signed by all of th'em to mark the second anniversary of the late night series. The Joey Bishop Show is two years old on April 17. Traditionally, second anniversary gifts are mode of wood. · ----------------------------IU~Y (Continued) D Lucille Ball, Rowan & llf• tour of Medlltn'IMH c:ountrita * Martin, Diana Rou In ~:::.:. ':~:'= ~ (90) Dinah Shore's .. LIKE ~ Price lftd Edie Adams HEP" A TIMEX Special host u vt ... n call 1n votes '°' 8 9 Ci) m 111:1 I Ult .... their favorite' nominee In uch eat• (C) (60)MUllC:il·ft show stir· aory of tile 1961 Acadtmy Alnrda. nna Dinah Short wltll rum Lu· Ei1ht upcomiftl stlrilt:a tabulate cille 8111, Dan Rowan lftd Dick tht vlewtt'1 vottl for comparilon Mutln and Diana Roa. Ftaturtd with tht otrldal ltltcticMI. •rt humorous sketch• about 1 m lltrY lrlffil (C) (90) Pem sln&ln1 dthctlvt, 1 labor stnU lft cau. The Dntttrs. Hemy Morpn, ftlry·t•I• land and a trio of slniina Monti Rock Ill, Maxine Gr1tn and sisters rroomin1 for stardom. Cam· Jim B!Jhop autlt. eos include Lome Greene, Arte m Tiie Qltt1-r., See (C) (30) Johnson, Grta Morris and Tom and ''Goodwill. flrstl ' ill Burrvd and Dick Smothtn. hb fllm Cf1W tab viewers on 1 D l11J CJ) Q) A1C s..-, MtM: 2,000.mUt race from the Mainland ~) iiflM War ef Ille WtlWI" (sci· to Hawaii. fl) '53-Gene Barry, Ann RoblMOn. t1J lie Pldllrl A apint·tl111lln1 account of an in- ti) Liit CHiltl.. mion of Etrth by MartilflL Ftcln1 a:ao utinctlon by dimlnithiftl ~n II Monsanto Ni~ht nre-and tallln1 temperatures on their ,... · own planet, the Martians covet the * sents .. Dick an Dyke · rich atmosphtrt and fertile fields and The Other Woman." of the planet urth. She's· Mary Tyler Moore. D Mewit: (C) "Wllllll" (drama) _.. .,.~ '«" -Aleundtr Knox, Ch1r1ts Co· .:. ~ 1 ~"'t/t Dick Y• burn, Geraldine Fltzaerald. "" a.. ... <C> <60> m s,1ett1stit ... ..., ..... Tht reunion of two of television's ~) (60) Shani Wallis and Encef · favorite performers. lfter three bert Humperdlnck ruest. years in MP1rlte carttr1, is etle· ~ f ...... (C) (30) "Instant Sul· brated wlttl an hour of sonr. dance and comedy when Didi Van Dylle de!" With the cooperation of Bob and special auest Mary T..atr Moore [fan. Buildln1 1nd Safety Inspector 1' for tht City of Los Anaeles. and perform. his staff, the proaram shows how 11 ROLLER GAMES-live! (C) simi>M it is to klll yourself by a * T·BIRDS vs. New York sllitit mlstab or accident. llfTJ 11 hlltr C.-(C) (2 hr) Dlek McCormick is host Ind narrator. Lane calls th• action between the 1,..., , .. ~m~~irds and the New Yortt t:JO :-:::.,~• C. (30) ~~~~~n:C.o~CW: 1o:t0 ~~: 1-.mn111 <C> intensifies the hunt for Mike Riley, ( ) Cinnamon and Rollin btcome a Mafia n.iMtr who esuped an cabaret performers In 1 plot to tr· FBI roadblock. Mafia captain Frink ranae for • der1n1ed man (auest Willl1ms ordtf1 Rlley silenced. F~ltz Wttvar) to _fall In love with Susan Stnsbtra and Dean Stock-Cinnamon, then kill htr. well pest. (R) II tD Cl) m MJ FrteftCI Ttay (C) Q) Wandtdat (C) (30) "Ska I to ~). ''Jiit lWenty·M"-9 Joa." Pat Scandinavia.'' Bill burrud visits 0 Brien 1nd Dw1yne H1ckm1n auest Sweden Norway Anland and Den· In drama about a one-time POiiticai rriirlc ' ' boss with a tlmllfled pllt who ti) De n... flllilJ hires Woodn.iff and Novello when fl!) Pll (C) (2'n hr) ''The Violent his son is In trouble with the law. Univer1e." A report on the dlscov· m Ntwl (C) (30) eries that bave molutlonlzed the Ciber Rtt*1 (C) (30) science of utionomy In the last Maaloa Fon• few years. To handle the up-to-datl 10 30 =::. &S:,, ":C, (30~ chan1es In the field, PBl devised : Jtt ,,.. (C) (2 h ) ways to film throuah optical ttlt· ..._ (~30) r scopes and to film s11nals ,.. ceived throu1h radio telescopes. 10:45 ~· Nen (C) Cameras vlslt ob•~atorlts throuah· 11:00 . (C) out the worfd. Pulurs, infra-red ti of To..,,.. (C) 1al1xles, red slants, white dwarfs. '!owlt: ....._ ti Duce" (musl- neutrlnos and cosmic rays are ex· cal) 37 -Eleanor Powell. a mined, as well • the first motion I]&~..!: (C) picture of 1 quasar. Carl Saaan, lMS . '1Tlit Al't*" (drama) professor of astronomy at Cornell, • , Will~m Hartnttl, Mary Moma. ;r~ Mtlkut U:JOflMovit: (~All Flap" ,.30 a 0 CJ) m • ........ -Law <adVenhn> • 1 FlyM. . <i> <ll>>1bi 0Hot·So-Grud Opera.'' D GET IT TOGETHER with Eve and Keye """ Into an tmbu· * LOHMAN & BARKLEY rassm, sltuatiofl when they mlstlkt 1 l.H•an & .__ (C) an opn star fOf' an amateur. Ci) lulOt (C) Marni Nixon auuta. 12:00 Wedd f...,.,.. (C) m • Sti a.. <C> c3o> • ...... <C> fl) De World r ... nw (C) 12:30 NaUd City t:OO 119 Cf) s-clltr'I t1'9111tn (C) 12:45 m C... SUIU,: "Twenty Brave (60) Pafl>1ulsen, M11on Wiiiiams. Men." The Ike and Tina Tum• Revue. 1:00 R Movie: "I W•t You" (drama) Blff Rose and Ralph Story auest. 'Si -Oana Andrewa. (Rescheduled) D NfWS (C) AVOID THAT OLD SUllDAY lllOHT LETDOWll THIS· WEEKI " The Lohm•n & B•rkley Televlalon Show: ~· ~ -· ..... 7 WANTED IOYS ancl GIRLS AGES 3 to T9 TO AUDITION FOR TV e COMMERCIALS and Movie Presentatfon NetMI Heltyw ... ,.._. C:..... ....., .......... .,.. .. ,..... ........ ,... ..... lty ...... ............... FOR FREE ON CAMHA. AUDITION IN YOUR AREA CALL NOW 547-6251 JllM\Y LLOYD f•mo111 Actor, 'roducer, D!rec· for offtrlnt opportvnity to klcl1 •11d yo11119 •cfult1 to be repr•· 1e11ted i11 Hie TV I FILM IN· DUSTRY. LLOYD HAS DIS· COVERED ALMOST 500 KIDS WHO HAVE APPEARED IN MOVIES I T.V. MANY OF OUR LUCKY KIDS EARN OVER $1 00.00 'ER DAY. ,,R. CO. MAKES ,ROFESSIONAL CON- TACTS FOR YOU IN HOLLY· WOOD. TAKE I PRODUCTIONS 6671 SUNSET ILVD. HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. ,.... ',I () P N I ~ (, • 2 ~I.ti-:.<:.. (C) !:ham Kerr. ...... ,.. ...... , (C) 1=.. "::.(C)(C) l:JOl~t.... (C) 11:158 ..... (C) Douc DuclllJ. T...., l..snc. 11:25RQt(l)CIS .._ (C) Douataa ~ F..-. rawird&. Tedllllcal C... 11:3011 Cl) Se.ell tw T-.w (C) 7:008CIS ...,_, Ntws (C) Joelpll (1)9f)t ·-(C) 8111 Bentl, John Hut. Hulhel Rudd. llen. II 9@ ft3 T1te Today Sllew (C) Hush Downa lM:mJ. I £urdN wn Cloria (C) I Mr. WbllbeM (C) F.UX UN Cit (C) C..IMditJ R.,.rt 7:15 fJ) Std 11.ut 7:30 u n.e ...,., ..... (C) Ed ..... son. 1 ........ hltwtl (C) th ,.bl ... (C) ... .., (C) 8:00 R 9 Cl) Clptl.. IC.Mp,.. With Bob Ketsh1n. Ml&fltJ ..... (C) I AbMCt I CNtelle c.,-.. (C) ll8cUt ..... Heed (C) 1:15 @ (]) Yidee --(C) 1:25 II C..••ttr ........ .... (C) . m ,.,.,. c.r-. CC> , •• .., (C) 1:30 I Still.,., (C) (])W.._r WeM..t (C) COMIC OPERA___.,.w helke 9:001 nit Uc.y Sllew (C) MllWI ...,_ • ~ nu 1ut • @(1)1.Dlt Tll• T .. (C) w111t lle4 ...._ .. a..W pat n Scully. apparuce • ne lte4 8kdla BL-. It to 1eaww Hoer, ~ at 1:31 PM, .. llewie: See D1ytlme Mowlel. coloe' ot1 CBS. Jacki• Joseph Is hostess. 0 n. .... ......, .... (C) Al I Diel TFKJ ClrtMa (C) Har1T1tl. (HJ CJ) Jlcl ... ..... (C) ~ 1ed Mil fr1ellda (C) ~~ (C) Bob Domin Ind RGJ Fri. Cl) WJ Crlfla, AM ..... , 0) M AMwlllie, (C) Mon. t:-,,fE._ H..._ (~ Wed., Fri.; TIMI Wltll DN ~ _, -·.r Mtila, (C) Tua.. ThuB.. Mr:M:tto~ C..C.lilUN C) ll:U D Ntws aed ,.........., (C); CIM- fl Mewie: See D1ytlme Mowla. lilt Wiii Centi. (C) Wed. only. Jollnny Grant hosts. ,\ r 1 I I? ~ () ( 1 •• I Mowle: See D1ytime Movla Detinls tlle Mt!llU Ion (C); EdllCltionlf f ....... 12::00 8 ..... (C) steve oUnnt Incl @es.ci>rl"-•'• .....,...., (C) IWhltu-:n :=· F-(C) 10:00 8 Aa'1 Crtffltll T: See Dlytlme Mowla. a C1J m ,........., <C> 1to1t ~mm 1w11thd Llny Bljden wtlc:om• iuata M•lt1 fliwi (C) Allen. Joan Rivers ind Dlater Mor· tf Ill Pt•d..t ril who 1ttempt to ruess the Inner Cl) Ulllltts Sllllw (C) person1litlel of Shelley Berman, U:J011r1AI tM W.W nns (C) Connie Stevens: Witter Brnla1, · Im 0.,. tf Olf' U.. Sh.1ni W1llis, and Georp C. Scott. •.Id C1rey .Ur&. m Tnitll or CN11qHH1a (C) (HHI> EB F•., Y• ...... U @ S.i.J Toa, (C) (C) 1.1oyj Thaxton. 10:15 11J EdiatioNI Fl-. Mon. m Mowie: See Dlytlme Movtts. 10:3011(1) Diel Y• o,te Ben Hunter hosts. oo m ,..., ... , .._.. m ota1t11 r.r Deflsa <C> (t er M1rshall hosts. Na11tltt fJ) Tedlalcll C... t:1bray, Keye Balllrd, stu Glllilm 12:55 0 (HJ ma> Cllldlw't o.ct.r 1nd Peay Upton peat. (C) lues~u11. Lendon H. Smlttl, I Fr. Ill , .... Ost (C) M.D. .., ..,.,. 1:00 II ta Ci) Lewt It I ...., --- 11:00 •a CI> Lewt tt utt <C> diftdTlilic (C) D U Cll mn......., tc> 0 !HJ (])&)..... ..... (C) MrkeD1row . fl) C..ISedffJ ... S1lld ~ 1:30. 9 Cl) Tiie ,..._. Li&M (C) auoo m......,w.w <C> IJFdler._a.t D lHl (])ED Ltt's Milt • Deal (C) Monty Hin. ll)Tbt ..... (C) 2:0011 a Cl) s.att Siona <C> II ta 00 8' Y• DH"t s., (C) lom lrennedy hosts. Jaye P. Morpn ind Rod Serlinr auest. R law 1Ut lob; Cloki111 An9ed tit Werld, (C) Wed. n tm @ m .... ., ......... <C> &b Eublnks. II) Mewit: See Daytime Movies. 2:30 8 a Cl) 1't f.dp of Nl&llt (C) D 9 00 m n.. Matas.. <C> Gene R1jtium. II Clff Tilt (C) Virginia Gr1h1m. U ~(])EB Dat1a1 SI• (C) Jim Iln11. 2:45 D News (C) Ted Meyers. 3:00 I TIN U.~r Sllow (C) • P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James. ~Petrol (J1) CI> EB s-nit HoltNtll (C) • Mowie: See Olytime Movies. om Fr1ndsen hosts. II) ftllx U. c.t (C); blora .. , (C) Mond1y only. I ~ Mati111t: Don Rodewn!ld. Dlali111 for Ooltan ,..... atiMt: Don Wiison. 3:301 L-*1 hit (C) Geoff Edwlnb. MIM Deqla (C) Shirley BmeJ co-hosts. ~~~°:.:::.To U.. (C) I DMrce Court (C) HMW,(C) 4:00 ti Mr. Ed; MeN: See Olyth111 Movies on Thur1d1y. I Oale Md Harritt ~~=(:,ldews(C) 4:30 MM: s" D1yt1lne Movies. Mltllr .....U (C) ..... (C) Biii Bonds. a-.. ,. ....... (C) len's Iii Top Sllew (C) ~E!)MIM Doqjaa (C) ...,.. Pim ,.,., .... T• (C) 5:00 INIC N ... mc. (C) mANtws (C) . n. '""' ..... (C) n. Mdam F•IZllJ W ••• ., ........ (C) T1lt LICJ n.. .... 5:3018~~~;~q~ FnM ~..,_'s I I (C) TNI 0., lMI (C) ......,. (C) I F I 1 t t ' I (C) (C) rpn (C) I {C) 11m. (C) (C) ria. (C) " (C) MONDAY APRIL 14 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES (C) (2 hr) Gower Champion wlU fJ @ Cl) &HJB'mlJ Cuti 6m ll•IMa produce and direct the "Oscar'' Ciuii111 ~~ .. lO:JO D al,! CJl m n. ,_, ..,-(C) telecast live trom the Dorothy Chin· SMa .,..., Sill (C) (60) Clrot's ~) "T~." stMd and Tl,. dler P1villon of the Los An1eln 1uats for this spQI are Danny DeCOmt llM>lwd In 1 plot 1111nst County Music Center. Thomn and Carol Burnett. The offlclala of aevtnl fortlrn coun· 0 W11at'a MJ Unt? (C) (30) Wally •ven sins portrayed are Envy, lust. tries whllt on :heir vlCatlon. Bruner ho!ts. Wrath, Pride, Avarice, Sloth, and O Mewlt: "'flit Ww L.....-(dra· m PllWOl'd (C) (30) Bu Bent· Gluttony. ma) '62 -sttve M~Uffn, Robert deret and Eddle Albert pest. (R) ! hn ftr Your Ult (C) (60) Wa1ntr. ~ @ Moedly Mowit (C) "The NET Jowaal (60) "If I Don't I "'" (C) (30) Chalk Guden." Deborah Kerr and ee, Must I Go Away?" A study IHWatiella (30) John Mills star. of a youn1 Canadian woman who Sntl Sill Hllttrie m u.... AWtrtl (60) Ed Moreno chal~n1es ~bllshed aod•I mores 11:00 I a ., m..... (C) hosts a live discussion of Mexican· by living with a youna filmmaker MredHltdtcocl American political conscloUSllesa in the East Villa1e. U.n r.t• (C) Rod Serflnl from the East Los An1eles Coll•&• 9Cl)111111 Frot1 UNCLE (C) hosts. !lick Gautier, Ruta L•. Pltlf student loun1e. @E LI lf1IJa Maldlb Marihall and Betty White suest. 9 Ci1 fa•llJ Affair (C) 1:30 1J Fallity Affllr (C) (30) French II) MoN: "CHflr9 w .....,.. (Id· m Cilar'a Wttld (C) stars as Heniy VIII in a movie venture) '41 -Don Amtche, Join g:OOU (C) "A Fartwefl tt Ann" Part 7:30 f)Qj(j)C•....a (C~ (60) m1de by a cheap underaround film Bennett. I (drama) '57-Jennifer Jones. Roell Stof~'eM1Fnonorren'! •plaruthya I~~ tfitast''·dtroawle producer (auat Joe Flynn). and 9@9(1.)Newa (C) Hudson. ._: hoo ........ F._. st Is arranaes a British benefit premlm 11:30 11 Mowil: "Albtm l.tlVel" (SUS· 9,30 _ "TIM Cotlrtnep of Curzoe SlrNt" 1~nman Wnu s ts _,us, ~a to show the picture to his frlend1, pen•) '56 _ Join Crawford, Cliff · (~drima) •47-Michael Wlldln". Anna h(R1s mule and terrorizes Dodae City. unaware that It has been edited Robemon. • @ Into I bam·pants burlesque. I 0 00 m Tlll&td a.. (C) "i"!!!~,, Two Can •~"" (com...t..) 0 m I DrMa of Jeaaait (C) (30) 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Movie: "Rt ... a O.tr .....- v .-,., .,.., "Jeannie and the Secret Weapon... a> leriab M.._. ( rama) '47-Brlan Donlevy, RDb- • -Peter Sellers, Mal Zettetlin11. Jeannie chanaes one of NASA's se· 10:00 fl Qt (i) Carll 1......U (C) (60) ert Cummlnit. 12:00 D (C) "The Ctut Jeae Ja... cret weapons Into a b)y and upsets Michele lie and Flip Wilton auest. U @ Cl) • ..._ (C) Raid°' (western) '54-Willard Parter, the militarY. 8 m ..... (C) (60) ID DoNll O' ·-s• (C) Barbara Payton. R lost in Space (C) (60) (l7l (j) m ,.,.. Placl (C) 12.-00 u @ (j) m ...., ....., (C) 12:30 m ''The Marnlfic:tat blbenona" Millioa $ IMle: (C) "U~bfll· (30) Marsha and Sat Walker find l2:ZO 0 llewit: ...... tf bl" (drama) '42-Joseph Cotten. ''1111 lu of CblttMtllft' (mu~ial) 64-Dr. Roal with the unconlcious (SCl·fi) 'SJ -Peter Grava, ,_,.,. Secret of Treas.re Moontain" (west· Catherine Deneuve, Nino Castel· Fred; Dr. Miles and Alma discuss CastJe ern) '56-Valerie French. nuovo. the detective's report; Dr. MHes · 2:00 m "'Escape In tilt Sun" (adven· I Tnrtlt ... c:.u.q.ttlCIS (C) (30) 1ets a C.111 from the ~bl; Dr. 12:30 m Adita l'Hltrt: ''Miranda.• ture) '57-.lohn Bentley, Vera Flftllk. PtrTJ M .. n (60) Rossi tells Mal'1ha that Fred's con· 1:00 I SpeMltli f....., (C) 3:00 fJ (C) "Tiie McConnell 5*MJ" El Cuno M..W•itnto ditlon Is crltlcal. C:O....., ....._ ~ (C) (drama) 'SS-Alan L•dd, June Al· 1:00 m ' '"lWi I 33 1/3 ...... I .... , Dlf1oe (30) ..... (C) lyson. titftl Per Monk" (C) (60) Tht n.. ..._ So-4 (C) (30) 4:30 fJ (C) "PUnfHI of the Opera" Monkees spearhead a psychedellc J1tt Crut War (30) ''Gambl .. " 1:15 II Mewlt: "Meet tf tlll .....,. (horror) ·~1aude Rains, Nelson salute to the 11YOlution of man and The Germans, afraid of losln1 tht (lntriaue) '57 -Sheldon ~ Eddy, suunna Foster. his music. Micky, Davy, Mike •nd war, launch 1 despeme 1mult Eric Pohlman. Peter are joined by special 1uests. ------------------------ fVf N INf. 6:00 fJ lb• 1U1 ..... (C) (60) JerTJ Dunphy. 0 m H1t..U.,-lrl1lJtf (C) (30) 0 Stlw Allea SIMM (C) (90) Captain Kan1aroo, Bob Blasar and Peter Lawford auest fJ "CALIFORNIA SINGS"! * Presented by COLGATE Robert Taylor and a host of talented young people in a tribute to our state. D I IPICW: I Clllf•llil Siio (C) {60) Governor Ronald Reapn In- troduces the show, and Robert Tay· lor hosts. • IS,, (C) (60) PIJ Canta (C) (30) llbua (C) (30) CJ) Merv Srlffill (C) : Wfilt'a ""1 (30) Muter-Sin btor . QUI """ (C) 6:30 I KNIC Newsarvlc:t (C) (60) I L9Wt Ucy (30) vorare • ttat Botta• ot Ill• Sea~ (60} 6 Hmley-lrlall., (C) ii ttCl Girt (30) "The Trto." ~Cl)e>ma>""' (C) 7:001J CIS Evenln1 News (C) (30) U 41st ANNUAL * ACADEMY AWARDS brought to you by EASTMAN KODAK CO. u cmmmrnmm n. •11• Anft•l~~tf Mttioa Pfdltt Arts ... SdtMlll m 11an1 CC> (3o> EI!) I 16c!l(i £Jllnito1 It Cott D'Azur (60) From the French Riv· lera In Auaust. 1966. comes se- lected excerpts from a Jan festival featurin1 the Ellinaton Orchestra. m eo.1cos , CandoMs 1:301J Qt Cl) Here's l.llCJ (C) (30) Kim develops a sudden interat In household bud1et.s and thinp do- mestic, causin1 Lucy to suspect marriqe plans. (R) 1J Soldea Voyap (C) (30) "Hl1h in the Monashees." I Mtrv Srtmn (C) (90) lut tilt Odds (C) (30) Johnny G lbert hosts. eJ TY .,.._, Ollart t:OO 11 lhJbtrtY lfD (C) (30) Mike 1ets In trouble with hi$ f1thtr when he sends for an ~xpenslve copyin1 mldline on a ''free home trfar' basis. then breaks It (R) IT f!t~S. ":::!!co=> '66-Rock Hudson, Claudia Cardi· nale, Guy Stockdale, Alejandro Rey, Jack Warden. U DISTRICT ATTORNEY * gets LIN KLETTER CASE! JURY OUT! n htr11 J...ra ""' ea.. •• fiin (C) (60) Art Untltttlr Is ro1sted by Evtlle Younier. Dorothy Manners. Jack Balley, Ed1ar Berpn and Charil• McCarthy, Betty Kean, Gene B•ttos. Bob Blas.ser, Maml Nixon •nd Susan Barritt. U Carol Channing Proudly * Presents the 7 Deadly Sins: guests Carol Burnett & Danny Thomas. "We had so many monthly installments to pay on our car, color TV, appli· a nces . and other bills that I got behind in the payments on our home. and was afraid we'd lose it. "Then my wife went to the hospital, and more expenses piled up. I was so worried I couldn't sleep, but thank goodness I told my troubles to our Church Minister. "He advised me to call Union Home Loans-and right on the phone they arranged a $3,500 loan that paid off all our bills and saved our home -with ~sh left overt" HOMEOWNERS - BORROW $500 to $10,000 OR MORE -BY PHONE! Peyments n low H $6.61 monthly• I No payments fol' I monthsi UNION'S PAYMENTS ARE AS LOW OR LOWER THAN ANY OTifER COMPANY IM CALIFORNIA. Only $6.61 per month• on &ach $500 borrowed includes both principal end Interest - repays your loan In fulll Cash In 24 hours, on requHt, with good title • • . whether your home Is paid for or not. Your understanding loan coun· selor can approve your loan on the phone, and arrange for you to make no payme11t1 for 6 months. So call Union DAY OR NIGHT and get out of debt! G •1..o111 matures '" 10 ,..,.. Sllort•r a Mr. l.M.K., Garden rove 1oncer term lo•ni av1ll11>11. In GARDEN GROVE call Mr. Miles ........ 539-2122 In LOS ANGELES call Mr. Ralston ........ DU 5-4141 TUESDAY APRIL 15 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "A faf'lftll tD Arm" Part II (drama) '57 -Jennifer Jones. Roell Hudton. 9:30 D "h•lllOIUI llttlllon" (adven- ture) '44 -David Niven, Stanley Holloway. 12:00 D (C) "Nort!Mst TraJI" (adven- ture) '46-John litel, Bob Steele. 12:30 m "tpitflre" (comedy) '34-l(atJI. arine Hepburn. "Crlcl .. p" (drama) '37--f>eter Lorre. 2:00 m "HMdin' for Henen" (comedy) 'fl-Stuart Erwin, Glenda Farrell. 3:00 B "Suton of Pasion" (comedy) •fil-Emest Borflline, Anne Baxter. 4:30 IJ ''She Couldn't Sly No'' (com· edy) '54 -Robert Mitchum, Jean Simmons. EVENING 1:00 IJ 1H lie ..... (C} (60) Jerry Dunphy. .Jane Fonda Rod Taylor ,...10 I m HmtllJ-lri8'1tJ (C} (30) Sflvt ..... .. (C} (90) Woody Hennan, Kttn1n Wynn, Joan Gerber and Pit H1rrinllon (!!_est. U Sil O'aoct MM: (C) ,_..., In Ntw YoR" Part I (comedy) ·~ -Jane Fonda, Rod T1ylor, C11ff Robertson. 11 Spy (C) (60) Pq C.nlt (C) (30) llt•n (C) (30) CI> Merv Qrtffln (C) EI!) Wllat's New? (30) "Junite Life." Part I. Muri Deusinr visits the rain forests of Latin America to study jungle life. &!) fllUitrn Sin AIMt m ...... ....,, <C> 6:30 0 DIC Ntwsttvlct (C} (60) m I ~ LMCY (30) m Veyeae tlD tlM Bottom of tilt Su (C} (60) THI!: DAILY ,.It.OT, TV WED(, APRIL H , lMI 11)-....:11111 ...... ~B9(1)1M ...... (C) (60) MaldM1rian (Patrice f11Uft911) pleb Fonoottl (SUiton) -tM dumbest Merry Man In ShlfW'Ood Fomt -to poae n her flanc., Robin Hood, when she learns the Sheriff of Not· ti11Jham Is out to klll ttlt real Robin. In the Silent Spot. Skelton pantomimes "Th• Siln Min." dletown Plpe11 and Honn C.., salute .ina on the c.mpus a they take 1 musbl tour ti ill ctmP\IMS. ID tu tor Y• ute (C} (60) fJ!) NET Festini (C} (90) "Bartok at Tanalewood-Concerto for Or· chestra." A c:ommenlO(ltion of the 25th 1nniversary of the Bartok work. NET compared a performance of the wort by the Boston Sym- phony Orchestra with a rehearsal by the Berkshire Music Center Stu- dent Orchestra. II) ClllllCM Awtfl..t (C) t :JO f) 9 Cl) hlls DIJ (C} (30) A Benral fll•. on the loose from a travelinr carnival, finds his way to the Webb r1nch causinr panic and chaos until the family dlacovers he Is as time ind harmless as t housecat. ID @ Hu•U.,·lrinkltJ (C) fE Rtadlal Wltll Your Cllild (30) ~ ... :om,.. 0 !U' CIHB NYPD (C) (30) il'Jiothln11 Is Real But the Dead." Part II. Samantha Upton and Jack Shoem1klf, Greenwicfl Vlll11e hippies who can identify the sleyer of Paul Orden, 10 into hidinr out of fear. (R) "Teachinr Non-English Spealdna Children." City schools teacher Vir- ginia Dominruez discusses some of the problems facin1 the non-Eng- lish speakinr student In grade school. ~:..iJI:-; t.ii oo m mm N1W1 cc> I:::' (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 10:00 R Qt (() CIS N..s Sptdll (C} (60) "The Collete Turmoil." Eric Sevareid, Harry Reasoner and John Lawrence are joined by a panel to dbcuss the collere situation. 7:00 fJ CBS Evtnin1 News (C) Walter Cronkite. 7:30 I Wht's My UM? (C) (30) hssword (C) (30) (6) America! (C) iiii Fl'9ndl Chef (30) Julia Child prepares the main coul'le for a dinner party. I Ci) Tiie Good GUJS (C) 1•nd1 in tlM Sun (C) Trvttl or Consequtnces (C} IJ A Nat'I GeQ. Special-* "POLYNESIA"-sponsors: HAMILTON WATCH and BRITANNICA fJ ~ (j) NltioHI Gto1111Plllc ~ dltJ s,IC\al (C) (60) "Polynesian Adventure." An eyewitne.ss account of the exotic South Pacific isles by an American family that lived and worked there in an experiment with nature. Alexander Scourt>y narrates. The broadcast revolves around the year spent on Tahitl, Bora Bora, Raiatea and Tahaa Islands by the Stanton Waterman family of Prince- ton, NJ. 0 ~ @ m Jeny lewis (C) (60) Peter Lawford and Nancy Ames guest. After the opening songs and a comedy skit entitled "The Come- dians," the show pokes fun at sev- eral of the major motion pictures nominated for Oscars. B Lost ill ~ (C} (60) Ci}) (]) W MM Sqllld (C) (60) "A Seat by the Window," The Squad is split up ind asslflled to three seperate charter vacation buses to hunt the slayer of a man found In a bus station. Julie Greu and Bo Hopkins 11u~ as Willa and Tom. (Rescheduled) B Miiiion $ Movie: "At War W'itll tlit AflllJ" (comedy) '51 -Dean Martin, Jerry ~wis. Polly Ber11en. I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Pmy MatOtl (60) Clllciotl de la Rau (30) £1 Curto Mlftlf11111tnto 1:00 m Hazel (C) (30) EI!) WOftd Pms (C) (60) - CD Ntw1 (C) (60) (ll) rn m tlilat'a lift (C) (60) e Honeymoon." Kay Medford plays the weepy mother, Alan Kin( Is 1 maitre d' who makes acid comments on marriage and Robert Goulet as the featured attraction at Irving ind Sophie Gutmeye(s hotel . CR) I fllri1I Dllltft (30) Tiit .... Seand (C} (30) M1rl1n1 10:30 a fllowlt: (C} ''Tiie lafbarian 111d Ille Qeblla" (drama) '58 -John Wayne, Elko Ando. I Ntwl (C) (30) D 9 Cil m 1'1111 CC> (30) ''l°" ....... ..._ Conftfeace (30) Is Many-Sr ahted Thin&." A af rff rlend 8t"'9 Shi Hiatllrla asks Julia to help her meet I fef. 11:00~0 D ti) 8' (E Newl (C) fOlf she doesn't know Is Julia's boy· ~Hitdlcocl friend. Ketty Lester and Don Mar· Un a.. (C) shall 11uest. MeWll· "lllclHt" (mysttfY) II Jlllllle ...,._.. Slilow (C} (30) • lnah Sheridan, Maxwell Reed. Bud and Tntvls auest. @ (j) @ Cl) Qt Cl) Nen (C) D lll' Cl) m It Tu• a TIIW (C} (60) "The Great Chess Gambit" 11:3011 IMlt: (C} .. .,_..,_ &iW' When a SAC bomber cmhes In (adventure) '58--louls Jourdan. Spain, the top secret device tt11t R 9 Ci) m ToniPt Sllow (C} receives the attack order from the liOvle: ''hid tf Nlllrt" (hor· President and judges its authentJ· ror) '42_..ichael Redarave. Sally city disappears, and Mundy is u-Ann Howes. sl11ned to recover it. Nehemiah Per-I !U' mm ..., IW., (C} aoff ruests. DtMTl O'c...r SIMN (C) m Mn Clriffln (C} (90) 1Z:20 B ,....: ..._..._,. (mplllfJ) m ltat die Odds (C} (30) ·~achaty Scott. Sidney Grten· 9:00 0 @ Cl) m NIC T...ay 111..W. street ~) "P'rllCt'tptiH: .. ..,.. (mys- tery) '60-Gene Sany, Peter F1lll. 12:30 Q) AdiH Tllutlt,, (C) 'The Cour· Katheri~ Justice, William Windom. areous Mr. Penn. Nina Foch. A police detective pains-1:001 O Ntwl (C) takingly searches for a flaw In a tiM1111tJ 11116 INrd (C) "perfect murder" case In which 1 J'rt• tlM lnlidt Giit (C) psychiatrist Is suspected of killlna l '.l5.,. Mo¥11· .. ,...... •--- his wife. (R) • .., ·, - ---D SPRING IS BUSTIN' (musical) 59 -Jo Morrow, Brfan Donlevy. * OUT! DOODLETOWN 1 •)0 m n Soltttt strip PIPERS visit Prof. ~30 m All·Nictrt ao.· "Men Are Not NORM CROSBY NOW! Gods" and "Mr •• Dennlna Driva D saiewca. 5 (C) (60) The Ooo· North." Di· Mon! highl "D start: reun as o prod N NBC and Gre1 as a sing sing ~ cl us the pio1 .. oft and I son a I "3:! gut Lei I nir Th Se· a ! the 7:: co liY w B< ill a V( cl tr o· (l " (! p e '<I l \ I ( f E A WEEX OF SPECIAI.S ::e Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore, Dinah Shore. The :j Monkees, Carol Channing and the Academy Awards are the u-highlights of this week's specials. "Dick Van Dyke Md tbe OtMr W___., (Sunday, 8 PM, CBS) starts off the week as Van Dyke and Miss Moore celebrate their A reunion in a totally different fonnat, and for the first time perform • as comedy entertainers in a variety of musical numben, danoo to productions and comedy sketches. td Next comes "l.Ae Rep," starring Dinah Shore (Sunday, 9 PM, ra NBC), with special guests Lucille Ball, Diana Ross. Dan Rowan • and Dick Martin, plus cameo roles by Lorne Greene, Arte Johnson. >) Greg Morris and the Smothers Brothers. The bour special is billed ., as a musical-comedy romp and includes comedy sketches about a id singing detective. a labor strike in fairy tale land and a trio of ze singing sisters grooming for stardom. er Monday night offers the Academy Awards (ABC, 7 PM to coo- ut clusion), live and in color from the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in the Cos Angeles Music Center. Producer-director Gower Cham- pion bas given the awards a new look ibis year. There will be oo "official" emcee. Instead, a group of top stars serve as hose,, C) and hostesses for the event and also present the awards. 'le At 8 PM Monday (NBC) all the Monkee fans will have to do '" some channel switching to catch the zany quartet as they spearhead lo a psychedelic salute to the evolution of man and his music in D) rd ,, id 1rt at !I. "3311.J Rnolatioas Per Moakee." The Monkees are joined by guest stars Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger and the Trinity, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, Little Richard and more. Immediately after the Academy A wards on ABC, Carol Chan- ning takes the spotlight for an hour, and with special guests Danny Thomas and Carol Burnett, "Carol Clwut~ Proudly Praeaa tbe Seven Deadly Sina." It's all a spoof and each sin is showcased via a special comedy or musical turn. The best is an 11-song bit by the two Carols on "Gluttony." ) Another National Geographic Society special airs Tuesday at 7:30 PM (CBS) with "Polynesian Adnatwe," an eyewitness ac- count of the exotic South Pacific isles by an American family that lived and worked there in an experiment with nature. Tbe Stanton Waterman family of Princeton, N.J., spent a year on Tahiti, Bora Bora, Raiatea and Tahaa Islands, and during the special they illustrate how a typically American family met the challenge o'f a strange and rather primitive environment. With Waterman, a veteran filmmaker, were bis wife, Susanna, and their three t.eenaged children, Gordy, 17, Susy, I .S, and Gar, 13. The purpose of the trip was to give the family a first look at a world other than their own and to establish an esprit de corps within the family unit (that seemed to be lacking stateside). J) id. t" •r-Uy y) Ill· tr• C) ,,. in lot 'IS On Wednesday night (9 PM) The Kraft Music Hall praents "Johnny CMh ••• oa the Roed." The country and western star (soon to have bis own series) plays host to Kate Smith. Don Ho, Paul Lynde and Browning Bryant. Carl Perkins, the Statler Broth- ers and the Tennessee Three are featured. On Thursday (7:30 PM) CBS repeats the 90-minute musical version of "Cinderella" by Richard Rodgen and the late Oscar Hammerstein Il. The all-star ca.st includes Ginger Rogers and Walter Pidgeon, with Leslie Ann Warren as Cinderella, and Stuart Damon as Prince Channing. The CBS Thursday Night Movie (9 PM) is "UMC," a medico pilot movie from which a new CBS fall series was derived. Richard Bradford, Edward G. Robinson and James Daly star. For those Simon Templar fans, "Tbe s.lnt" returns to NBC, Fridays at 10 PM for the summer months. Roger Moore stars. DO WISH the NBC Experiment in Television series were moved to a later time period on Sunday evenings. For those who can catch it (4:30 PM), this Sunday's offering is titled "Bye Bye....,... fly," and concerns the preparation and production of a Jap&nele film that takes a contemporary approach to the "M1ldam Butter- Oy" theme. In following the making of the movie, the program contrasts Japanese and American mores and attitudes of the past and present. Filmmaker Pierre Gajsseau prepared the program on location in Tokyo. lnb8INIUCIRI ·ThaH•lhkR .. lltlnle-Blke" ••• Thi 111-181100 / Tl'lll Ind snow Bike '•w•r frelfl ffie e11fl11• ia trnaferncl j,y chel11 te thl1 •• I( 1.50 ......... fl .. taHOt1·ty,. ti,... 1\e ,..1111lt It liith atebllity •-' ,.,,..,..t.le trecti•11 •'"'•' ellfl•tf •ll'f ••rfeo C9"• 41tl0fl. THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION s ... ~ 011 .... eptl011el alil •cc•u..-y •-' tile t.a. la r•-'Y •• rv11 •v•r Hrf •114 wet H"cl, •• well !' 111•'11f. 1\e Ulflbi11eHM .f tlie 6T·ll'• 5 Hr •11· 9i11•, 2-tpeecl tre11t· Mlati•11 e114 91\11t rHr tire 9lve It telflerh j,le trectlo11, 0•11 vp steep hilla eitcl petilt. 14HI for h11111ten, fiaherlfle11, ot j1111t plei11 fu11. Ne 11 .. 4 te ,_t the & T ·II •'-•Y fer tlie wl11ter . . , l~nt """"t ' the optiOflal Slrl Acc•n•ry. 5-lept e11 t11 .. co114a wlfflout ua-, 1119 tool1. Ute It for wl11ter h1111t· i119, fiahl119, tewlllf 1lilera e11cl ..... ,,.11.,.. I FRE.E 'Send for Our Hug• C.t•lott lt'1 ..... te YM ht ... AllrJet. ] HEATHKIT® au,....1c·c1wt1k ._.._. :.:"•ti ) I I Te r••ch HHHililt Electro11lc Ce11tet tali• Herkr 11¥4. te lell A.,.. •••• 011 lell • few ahort l.locli1 to JJO I.at lell ., teli• Se11te Alie hHwey te Herlt.r llvcl., Hetb•r llvcl, to lell, • fow allert bloclra e11cl yH'r• horo SAUS I PAm HIATHllT 776-9420 JJO 1AJT IAU, ANAHllM SDYICl 77MW Plpll r JOBS WAITING FOR 1 I MQtel I I Managers! I WEDNESDAY APRIL 11 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve t he right to change programming with- out advance notice. 155 other interesting jobs I in th~ hospit.a.lity field; no DAYTIME MOVIES expenence necessary; ex-9:00 o (C) ,...._ s., ~ .. (dr1· I cellent salaries often with I m1) '56 -Rock Hudt0n, Cornell Borchers. apartment included; age t:!O a ,,.... HtA" (adventure) '40 I no barrier. Openings for I -~uetas Fairbanks. Join Bennett. 0 "Secret ..,.Id U.. Deof" (mY"-men, women, couples all tery) '48-Joln Bennett. Mlchatl over continental U.S., Ha-Red1rave. I . . . 11:00 a (C) ........... l.W' (adventure) wan aa chains expand, new I 1-S-3-Macdonald Carey. Joanne Dru. motels, hotels, resorts are 12:30 m "Tiie str11111f's Hud" (mys-• • tery) 'SS-Trevor Howard. "1111· I bemg built every day! I roedecr' (mystery) '47-.lohn lrel1nd. 2.:oo m "TM lti&lwt Hand ., .... o.wr FREE BOOK ~b3c!~~~. ·~am Katcher. Lisa I I 3:00 0 (C) "Carnival 5'1NJ'' (drama) tells where the jobs are, '54--Anne Baxter, Steve Cochran. what they pay what you 4:30 B "Star In tilt Dust" (western) I ' 156-Richard Boone, Mamie Van need t.o qualify, how Lewis I Doren. has been training in the I home or in our resident school for over 50 years, I how our Lifetime Place- fVFNING I 1 ment service at no extra I charge works. I Send for the free book; look through it. If it seem& I like a career you'd be I interested in, w. e can ar-1 range a personal interview I in y;~;:;~;·a I I or eend poatc:aid to: I lewis Hotel/ Motel Schools I !Rqlonal Admissions Office) I 7080 Hollywood Boulevard Suite L-1697 I Hol-. CallloN1i• 90028 I I Approved for I Veterans' Training L .. ..... 12 1:00 II n.. 111 Ntn <C> (60) Jeny Dunphy. I m HuntltJ-lriakltf (C) (30) 1\e Wntarners (30) Sil O'Cloct MoN: (C) "SundlJ Jn flllW Tort" Part II (comedy) '64 -Jane Fonda, Rod Taylor, Cliff Robertson. 11 Sp, (C) (60) PIJ Cants (C) (30) laban (C) (30) (])Merv Crlffln (C) W11af 1 Ntwf (30) "Junate Life." Part II. Muri Deus1n1 studies the anfm1ls livin& in the upper partJ of Latin American r1ln forests. ti) M ujtra Sin Amor GE KfllM Ntw1 '(C) 1:30 0 lNIC flltwlerYkt (C) (60) II Win W1tJI tlle S1lfs (C) (30) Judy Came and Paul Lynde ruat. m I Lfft Lucy (30) OJ Vopp tD Ult lotto. of U.. SH j9 (60) 0 (!) HuntltJ-ldn"9y (C) Ell) Ltt't T1lk About THM (30) "Teachers Speak Oot.'' Marion Mar· shall talks with three teachera who work with the teen11e student They recommend parents know what their children are stu<!l!n&. 9(1)tl)@DaJ """(C) 7:00 II CIS £venln1 NtWI <C> (30) Walter Cronkite. II EXHIBITION NO MOREi * Regular Season OPENER! OAKLAND A's va. CALIF. ANGELS! • An,.is w.,. . ., (C) (30) .... ntE DAILY PILQT, TV WEEK. APRIL 12, 1169 I WUt'a Mr lJM1 (C) (30) Brownlna Biy1nl Clrt Ptftlna. The P.....i (C) (30) Statler Brothera ind The Ten.,._. Ci) TOI AIUd fw It Three ere ft1turtd. flit ,.,c:e,tM Plffft (30) IJ ~ CIHIUIC WthH••1 ''Child Observation.'' Two tucht ~ (t) "'lit W .,....,... (com• of Parent·Presdlool dims talk HY) '6$-{)oris 01y, Rod T~, •bout the pro1r1ms offered ind Hermione Blddlle,, Stfllo Fan- show films to illustrate 1 diy' toni, Rqinald Gardner. Younc ueo- actMlies. ullvt of 1n American wool comp1ny I ()) IMtty HiHblllitt (C) Is tr1nsftmd to Enlltnd, ICCOfll· Walldtrtuat (C) panied by his wire-who put.a htr· r...-°' eou.q ... (C) self In • bind when they encounter 7:l0 Gi. CulpbtH (C) (60) Al 1n antique de1ler. (R) Martino, Nancy Sinatr1. Tim Con· I ''"' fw Yow LI• (C) (60) way and Robert Goulet suat. """ i11 PwwpecUw (C) (Go) D @ Cl1 m TM vq1a1aa (C) ~ill J brtque (90) "The H11rit1ae." Buffy Sainte· t:JO Qt Cl) ,,.... Acr1I (C) (30) Marie 1uests as a Shoshone maiden Hollywood producer Boris Fedor II who must 1ccept her reS4)0nslbllities stunned to discover that Arnold Zif. back on the rnerV1tion even thou&fl fel Is a pl1 but decides to tat she has been educated 11 an Eaat· him In order to brln1 the areedy ern school. (R) aaent of a horse-actor Into line.. U An1ela ldeball (2'h hr) Cali-Second part of a two-part epilOde. fornia Anaels vs. Oakland Athletics. (R) Dick Enber1 ind Dan O'Neil call the fJ""" (C~ Ted Meyn. action. 10:00 IJ Qi (j) F1¥e4 (C) (60) D (ilJ (]) &J Here Ce•• th McGarrett pfOba tfle delth of en Irides (C) (60) "The Oudly Trade." official Influential Jn dlan&)nr the The accldent1I duth of loger Will f1ee of the islands. A native'a lovt Harmon durina Jeremy and JoshUI of his unspoiled homel1nd, 1 myt- Bolt's horseplay brinp his kinsmen. terious woman with a camera, 1 four routh trappers, to Seattle for man with a briefcase and a mil· revenge. R. G. Atmstronr ruests as lionaire lnd~rialist are pieces of Uj1h, Jacqueline Scott as Linda, 1 strange puzzle confrontin1 Mc- Ross Haien 11 Jobe, Ron11d Fein· Garrett. (R) ber1 IS stoker and Murray Mac· D 9 00 m Tiit Outsider (C) leod as Dome. • (60) "Throuah a Stllined Gl111 O Miiiion $ Movie: (C) --S.Uet Window." David Ross trails 1 rt- hivaien" (drama) '64 -Stewart cently paroled convict in hopea of Granier, Raf Vallone. recoverin1 a fortune In cash stolen Trvttr or Coneque11a1 (C) (30) years before in a robbery. Perry ...... (60) I m ...... (C) (60) : Clllden de la Ru1 (30) • M..UI Dllloa (30) Ci) lllt of HolfJwtod TIM Ntw S.11nd (C) (30) £J Cuartt M1ndl111itnfD : Eastllrn Wlado• 111d Moden 1:00 H•Zlf (C) (30) l ife (30) "Thlnas and Thinks." A11n : Spectru• (C) (30) "Science Watts explores the axplanation of and Politics." Part I. David Prowitt the Indian idea of "Maya"-tht be1ins the first part of a study division of the world into separate Into how much the rovemment con· thin1s and events as a work of trols federally-funded scientifte re-human thoulht. search projects. g) M11lan1 ti) Mlercolts Mak:tl 10:30 fJ Movie: "TM Mind ...... 1:30 II TIM Geo4 Gup (C) (30) To (drama) '63-0lrk Bofarde Mary attract truck drivers to Bert's Place, Ure. ' Rufus persuades Claudia, Bert's II) ..... (C) (30)' wife, to pote II Frisco Fritzl. a hip· eE) Mat11• OPtft 1tou:lt (30) "SUr- swin1in1, 1um chewinr. sharp-realism-SetkeB of the Or11m." tonrued w1itnm. Alan Hale 1ppears Russell Connor visits the uhlbltlon as truck driver Bl1 Tom. (R) of Surrealistic and Fantlstlc Art 1t D @ Cl) aJ Tiit KIRI f1•11J (C) the Museum of Modem Art in Bos-{30) ton and the Guuenheim Museum. I Merv Critftn (C) (90) I c.t. SID Hiltlria a..t t11t Oddi <C> <3o> 11:00 o o m m m ..... <C> loH Ifft (C) (30) Host·critlc WreiBIAC (C} Robert Cromie talks with John Lilrs Club (C) Brooks. author of ''Buainess Ad· Mevle: "0.W. Mlaourl Wat' ventures." They dlxuss amusin& (romance) '46-Roscoe Ates M1rthl boners In Bi& Business. lncludin1 O'DriscoU. ' a $350 million mistake like the (i7J Cl) @ 00 9 Ci) ..... Edsel. 11:30 l'I Movie: ,.0 ,_.. (western) '49 ti) Sonrlus -John Payne Sterlln1 Hayden. !J:OO 8 IMflJ Hillblllla (C) (30) The D 9 00 tD TOlllatit Sllew (C) Hiiibillles fly to Enatand, tllkln& 12.-00 II Mewtr. ,.All Quiet en U.. W.t- their old truck and their pet turkey 1n1 Frott" (dr11na) '3G-law Ayre&. buzurd with them. Jethro ttles to Louis Wolhelm. smuule Daisy the buzunl aboard I ~ CI> m Joey ..... (C) the pl1ne ind then throu(fl British Dtnlld O'Coll1tr Slllow (C) customs. Aimed partly on location 12:20 • Movie: "Sllor• W•mlnt' (drl· In Enaland. (R) ma) '51-Glnier Roprs, Ronald II KRAFT MUSIC HALL 1Z:30 3j~ Tlltetrr. "Elitrteen and * Johnny Cash hosts Anxious." Don Ho and Paul Lynde 1:00 D IJ ,._. (C) D ~ Ci) IE lraft Mldk Hall (C) m t;0. tile lntlde ht (C) (60) "Johnny Cash . . . On tht 1:15 II Movll: "TM S'llDr• Rider" Road.'' Johnny Cash is host to Kate (weltem) '57-scott Brady, M1l1 Smith, Don Ho, Paul Lynde and Powers. .. .. ,, l· "· l· > IY J- r· tr ~ f. it 'I .. '· ) n I • ;.. • . f ) I -f 1 c BEAUTIFUL MEDITERRANEAN STYLING AT A LOW, LOW PRICE! CURTIS MATHES Genuine Pecan Veneen and Solids THE CASABLANCA -62" Long Complete Home Enter- tainment Center with the World's Largest Color Picture (295 Sq. In.) Eight (8) Year Adjustment Warranty on picture tube ($12 additional) a CM Exclusive. Stereo Hi- Fi and AM-FM Stereo Radio ....... All at an unbelieva- bly low price. Availabl e in genuine Maple Veneers or Wainut at same price. Curtis Mathes combinations & stereos are available in 62", 72", 86" and 60" upright de- signs. No money down. 3 years to pay 0 .A.C. SAVE $200 rrimagination ... in sight and sound " WITHOUT TRADE ADD $20 GUND OPENING THE ENTIRE MONTH OF APRIL A#er J 5 years of serving the beach area, I have finatly realized a life t ime dre am. A beautiful new store in a central loceti on with the finest products a vailable today • FREE DRAWINGS FOR PORTABLE TV & OTHER PRIZES • ml ADAMS HART TV HUNTINGTON BE1ACH (Next to Albertson's) 962-3384 f t I ALL THE CASH YOU NEED-FAST FOR JUST ONE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT! For •ny Reason! You ~n pay off bllfs, take • vacation, Improve your home, etc. Red~ your monthly peyments •nd h•ve mont cash for yourself. 1. CALL HOW, confldenti•I consultation with a FRONTIER flnancllil •n•lyst to det.rmlne YOUR belt Int.rests, •nd UM loln value of your property. 2. CAU HOW, and FRONTIER will combine your vuious monthly obllptions. 3. CAU NOW, the FRONTIER payment plan will be tailored to flt YOUR budaet-no oblla•tlon, of course. Oii• CAU TO 937 ·2500 00118 " Al.LI Frontier MORTGAGE CALL TOLL PltI& Lii a.Ill.I ...... 1117·-IM PUMl91 YAlllY • 1 ..... I09Tll.l&Y MIA •••• U.1• Ult UllfEl YAU.IT ••.. 1* lla.lCMm .... ....... 24 .......... 1 ..... ...- Home Office: 5100 Wllshlre Blvd. Los Anc• ... 90036 THE DAILY f'ILOT, TV WEE<. APRIL 12, lHt THURSDAY APRIL 17 For momln1 and afternoon llstinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the rl1ht to change ~mminc witfl. out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES t:oo D CC> "All tut ....._ .,,,,,.. {ailma) '56--Rodt Hudlon, Jane Wyman. 1:30 D "Tiit L1411J Yut..._.. (myatMJ) '3i-M1r11rtt Lockwood, Mlclllel Redarne. fJ "'Tiie ..., Helf1" (dnma) '50 -bald Relpn. P1trlda Ntll. 12.-00IJ(C) ,......, ......... (Id· venture) '58 -steve Co!:fl11n, Lio Gordon. 1Z:30m.......,_ ...._.. <~ leJY) '35--0\lrles Blctford, Skt Bl1ekm•. z.-oom "C-. of "' ,..,.. .....-<liOm>r> '58 -Rlch1rd Andenon, El1lne Edwanta. 3:00 D "'T.._ of •lllldla" (drama) '42--Rill Heyworth, Ch1r1u Boyer. 4:00 8 "Sidlf "-"' (drema) '4&- Rosallnd Ru.fl, O..n Jager. f V f N I ~. I, l:e. fl lllt II( .._. (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. I .,"......,......., (C) (30) stM .... ... (C) (90) Jane Ru•ll. Ken Gntenwalcl ind l#flrf Schrtiber 1uest. D Sb O'Cloc* Mtwit: (C) "Toma· hawk" (watem) '51-Van Heflin. Yvonne De Carlo. I ' -(C) (60) hJ c.rdl (C) (30) Art James hosts. *" 5rtffta (C) 1 ...... (C) (30) ~1 ~ (30) "Bala." A look at how bala wood la proc- tald from forest to finished prod- uct. Rimed In Ecuador, South America. ., ........... EJ)UUI -(C) l:JOIU.IC ...._ .. (C) (60) I left 1J1cJ (30) y.,.,_ ........ of .... Cl (60) ! M..U.,-lmt-(C) for , .. ....., (30) "Your ldldne C.blntl" Two ~· attv.s ot the food and Drua Ad· mlnlllrltion offer suuestioa for (!ttl.!!( mof9 fnlm your drur dolter. ftCIJEmm-<C> 7:t0 R CIS &.lq News (C) (30) filter Cronkite. fJ W111t's My Une7 (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m h1111fd (C) (30) Allen Luddtn hosts. 0 @ Hl&tl -Wiid (C) fll)....,... ......... (30) "Notes CAROL CHANNING PROUDLY PRESENTS THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS If ain seems •n unlikely topic for a musical televiaion special, the Seven Deadly Sina would aeem . . . well . . . a deadly choice. Deadly, that is, unless the show's star ii that lady-of-tbe-inoocent- stare. Carol Channing. Asked why they chose to deal with sin for an hour of light entertainment, producer Saul llaon and Ernest Chambers simply ahrua, "Why not? Who's ever done it before, and who could sell ain on 1V and get away with it but Carol?'' A point well taken, ao ABC follows ita live coverage of the 41st Academy Awards on Monday with "Carol Channine Proudly Pre- sentl the Seven Deadly Sins" (9-10 PM}-and Envy, Lust, G luttony, Wrath. Avarice, Pride and ever-popular Sloth, never had it IO goodll ,...14 On band, to help make light of man's wicked weaknesses, are ' guest stars Carol Burnett and Danny Thomas, self-described on the show as "Wholesome Carol" and "The Lebanese Mister Clean." Admittedly, some reservations are expressed at the outael Danny tells Miss Channing, "It's okay to do a show on the Seven Deadly Sins. but do we have to be proud of it?" Miss Burnett seconds the motion: "Yeah. What are we--a bunch of hippies? It should be 'Carol Channing Condemns the Seven Deadly Sins.'" Miss Channing erases all objections with simple wide-eyed candor: "Well, I look at it this way, Danny dear and Carol darling. U we condemn them, nobody would watch." Another point well taken. Sinning may never be the same. Take Envy for instance. U keeping-up-with-the-Joneses seems a gripping problem today, consider the .P.light of a typical· husband (Thomas) in Biblical times, coping with the problem of bis wife (Channing) casting status-conscious eyes on the neighbon' Ark. And Gluttony-a disaster area for millions of snack-munching television viewers. The two Carols throw high-cholesterol caution to the winds and indulge in a madcap medley of eleven songs about eating-ranging from "Food, Glorious Food" to familiar tunes with somehow unfamiliar lyrics such as "Hava Salami, Hava Pastrami" and "It All Stays Under My Skin." Thomas delivers a Wrathful put-down of nose jokes, and Burnett offers a lilting lament to Lust. Indeed, each viewer will find bis or her favorite sin not only present. but most musically or comically accounted for. U the program sounds a bit out of the ordinary, Carol Channing is a bit out of the ordinary, as attested to by Mis,, Burnett after the taping of the special. In bidding goodnight to the studio audience she tufDCd to Carol and stated, with -mock aolemnity, "You know Carol. when I was singing in your ear a while ago I could see li&ht on the other side." • Miss Olannina simply beamed. 0) IMI II· In, ur rt· d· or If. 0) '" re tD .. iy ly te >e r: IC a id re k. tg •D Jt :h i" tt >r ly 11 IC :e w lt on the fourth Strini." Aft« prec· (C) "UMC" (dra1n1) '69--Rlchard tlcin1 with three notes on the Bradford, James Daly, Maurice fourth strinr. Instructor fredtrk:k Evans, Kevin McCarthy, Wiiiiam Win· Noad focuses on the tifhth note dom, £4w1nl G. Robinson, Kim stan· and the count of the "split b11t'' lty. An excltln1 behlncMhe·sc.nee In a -* of meeaum. drama set In 1 larst univtl'litY I Cf) lldlale'1 ...., medical center. Dr. Gannon (Brad· frie Adwt1W. {C) ford) and cllltf fl stiff Dr. Loch· Trdll er Cl••""* (C) ner (Daty) tleoome deeply conc1rned 7:30 8 9 (I) I IPiM I ~ when an elderly doctor, cllalnnan {C) {§O)One o iha most tndeerin1 of the department of suraery, faints and 1ndurin1 of fables comes to while Ptrlonnina a dellc:att opera. life 111ln when the Rodltf'S and tlon and an examination l'Mlls ad· Hammerstein version of "Cindtfefla" vanced heart damqe. Is rebn>ldcast tonirhl The cast In· O @(I) <iD WUt'a It All Abotrt, dudes Glnpr Roiers, Walter Pld. htdt (C} (60) Shelley Berman 1eon. Celeste Holm, Jo Van Fl"t. ruests. Pat Carroll, Barbara Rulck and Les-ID R1tt1 fw Yow Utt (C) (60) ley Ann Wuren es Cinderella, and fm EJ Mllftde Esta Loco Stuart Damon IS the Prince. (R) l:JO D (jJ 00 m Drlptt (C) (30) 8 CiJ@m Da1lll ..... (C) "lntelh1ence-OR·3"." sit. frid1Y {60) "SWeet r.Aolly Malone." Barba· helps a rankln1 member of a par•· ra Bel Geddta ruests es a crusty military 1roup 1et 1 federal run. former army w1eant who becomes sellint llcenae In order to aet a the tar1et of Dan's matchmaklnr. lead to the recovery of 1 tarp He Introduces her to Herman cache of stolen weapons. Bloedel (1uest Jeck Kruschen). but fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyn. his hopes for matrimony dim when 10:00 B 9 00 6D D11n Martin (C) Molly refuses to respect Herman (60) DQn's 1uests are Orlon Wella, because he has not been a soldier. Caterina 'Valente, Jack Giiford end I Ult la~ (C) (55) Leonard Barr. @ CI> • flyin, ..... (C) I m .... (C) (60) 0) "Soni o Bertrille." Hopin1.to Slllptna ThMtrt (C) (60) rai• money fOf' repalrln1 the con· • 1111111111 Dllloft (30) V9f'lt, Sister Bertrllle writes a son1 Tiie New s..ct (C) (30) and turns It over to a rock 'n' roll 1 CI) Tiie Mayor ..,.,... (C) artist ind fofl'nef classm1te, who : T1leatn INt (30) The cast of turns it Into a totally different tune. "Halr'' presents scenes from the P1ul Pttenen iuesta.. (R) American tribal lcwe-rock musical. a 1111111oft s Mowlt: <C> "April 1n § 11ao111a hril" (comedy) '53-0oris D1y, , hapoft tt Trawl (C) Ray Bolter. 10:30 • Mowia: CC) "'flit Rains of R1• I Trdl If c...qlllftCtS (C) (30) cklp•r'' (drama) '55-Lana Turner, Piny 11 .... (60) Richard Burton. Caltdeft .. la Rlll (30) I ...... (C) (30) E C..rtll Ma~1men• CI) ftatul'9 l.'00 0 fm Cl) m 111.t Qlrl (C) (30) : If Yo1 Wert rr.iclant (C) (30) •'{ Mum Day in Central Park." "Would You Relinqulsh Our Bases l)ofi dresses IS 1 detective's air1· In Okinawa?" Dr. Edwin 0. Reis. friend to research an article on the chauer, fonntr Ambassador lo Ja. NYPD's parll detail, and Is spotted pan; and Dr. James McBride, of the by Ann's father. (R) Center for Stratqic Studies, Geor1t-m Hant (C) (30) town University, debate the necet- &i) NET ~ (2 hr} "Nnt slty of U.S. military positions In Timt I'll Sln1 to You." The Theetre Okinawa. Jerome Cohen, profts10f' Group of Ua.A performs 1 James of l1w at Harvard, examines thtlr Saunders pity that focuas on a stances. Lyman . Kirtlpatrlck hosts. hermit and probes the meanin1 of I~ Sl~..!'._illlN txlstanct ind the anatomy of isola· · u.-~ tion. • The theme Is bated on a book 11:00 D mm ...... (C) by Ralellh TrMly1n, "A Hermit 1 1_ a".... C) Disclosed.'' ...,~ - ( E Fellda..i (C) Mftit: "Miraadoa Joumey" a:zs IJ WM1erf91 W..W If Sptft (C) (~~enture) '48--Roiy Calhoun, Vlr· 11n11 Grey. l:lO D 9 {l) f!.3 M Hope Spedal @ (I)@OOa CIJ ,.._ <C> (C) {6o) Pa~ ~11e. Sef P> Men· ll:JO IJ Mewit: "JtbaJ Aqtl" (mys· du and Brasil 66, Jack Nicklaus, tery) '45 -680(11 Raft. Claire Jane Wyman, Maureen Arthur end Trevor. Tina l.oube ara Bob's ruesta I @ 00 @D Ttnlfld Slllw (C) this fin1I Hope special for the set· Movie: "H1111W" (cframa) '52 =:· .... a... (60) T H --Oirll Botarde, Jon Wllltely. ~ -... (C) om annon I Ci1J (J) m..., • .., (C) and Mlcke, · bmes are rin1slde. Donald O'Conntf 511ow (C) Tht main event is a lllhtwelaht 12:30 • Mowil: "11lt Pltd Plptt" (dra· match bltwttn Jimmy Robertson ma) '42 -Roddy McDow1ll, Anne and Mercer Smith. Baxter 0 (jj) CJ) m INltdltd (C) (30) 11J Adton TIMetrt: "Beast of Mar· •1Sfmanth1'a Shoppln1 Spree.'' Sa· seilles." mantha is joined by Cousin Henry 1;001 U Ntn (C) and Endora on a shoppin1 trip that CollllunltJ lullttin Board (C) becomes 1 dlore when Henry de-fl'Olt tltt tlllidt Otrt (C) cides to have some fun. Jack Snow 1:15 Mowit: "Yestlrday's £nMf" of the LA Rams tuests. (adventure) '59 -stanley Baker, m Mtfv 8rtfflft (C) (90) Guy Rolfe. m a .. t .... Oddi <C> c3o) 1:30111 s.111t strip ti) MUlica y Estrtfl• (C) 2:30 All·Nipt Sllow: ''Crime, Inc.." 9:0011 Qt Cl) CIS 1'1IUl'ldly Mtwlt: "Heartaches." and "Poet' a Pub." 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ._I t I• May be used on envelopes as return address 1obels. Also very hondy as identification labels for marking personal items such as books, records, photos, etc. Labels stidt on gloss and may be used for marking home conned food items. All labels ere printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed paper end packed in reu~ble magic seal top container. Mn. cm.ti.. hwn M Post Ro.cf Costa Mesa, c.&f. f2'26 r--------------, Fiil IR fflla CHpoft, cRp t11d lftall wlttl Sl.00 fer I Pil.+ ,, ......... LAbel Dfy,, ltnr 1171, I I N~ hedl, Calif. tun. I I I I -----------·····-·-···········-·-·············--·····-· I I ........................................................ I I I I ························································ I I le •11t• te •M Yffr Zip c.40 I '------------' L-------------..J FREE BONUS WITH-EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WIU INCLUDE ... SET OF PACKA&E MAJLIN& LABELS. ,. ................. ..... 15 FRIDAY APRIL 18 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tlons reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O (C) "MqnHlcent Obsession" (drama) '54-Rock Hudson, Jane Wyman. 9:301J "A Place of One's Own'' (dra- ma) '4~Margaret Lockwood, James Mason. fJ "The Gifl-Cettars" (drama) '66 -Oliver Reed, Jane Merrow. lZ:OO 1J (C) "DeU1" (drama) '63-Joan Crawford. CharltS Bickford. 1Z:30 m (C) "I DJeam of Jeannie" (dra· ma) '51-Ray Middleton. "Relllrn to Warbow" (western) '58 -Phil Carey. Z:OO m "TM ROAiW C.M'' (mystery) '5l~elen Shingler, Stanley Baker. 3:00 fJ (C) "11-Ywitn Queen" (dra- m•) '5~ette Davis, Richard Todd. 4:.30 II (C) .. An Alllptor Na•ed Daisy'' (comedy) '55-0iana Oors. Marra· ret Rutherford. f vrNINC 6:00 II Tiie II& News (C} (60) Jerry Dun~. 0 II:' Hu.U.,·lrlnkl., (C) (30) 1J Stew Allen St.ow (C) (90) Allan Sherman, Ron Princa, Peter Maas and Hoyt Axton guut. 0 Sii O'aodl Movie: (C) "A Prf. Ylte's Affair" (comedy) '59 -Sal Mineo, Gary Crosby, Barbara Eden. 11 Spy (C) (60) Pay C.rds (C) (30) Batman (C) (30) CI) Merv Griffin (C) Whirs New? (30) "A Day With the Incas." A visit with the present· day Incas in Peru's villages and mountains. m Un Color Para Esta Piel &) KPLM News (C) 6:30 I "NBC Newservice (C) (60) I love LUCJ (30) Voyaie to tttt Bottom of the Sta (C) (60) @ @ Huntley·Brinklty (C) ED Circus! (30) "Canvas." A return to the pre-Depression heyday of the circus. Films show preparations in Chicago for the 1929 season as Ringling personnel describe changes in the more than 35 interwning years.. ~oo mmm"ews <C> 7:0011 CIS Evenin& News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. ! Whirs My line? (C) (30) ,assword (C) (30) 00 Cinema Showcase (C) "fair Wind to Java.'' Fred MacMurray and Vera Ralston star. fE CMllenps (30) "School Votun· Sultry meuo-soprano Lainie Katan, joins handsome Tom Jones on the A BC variety series This Is Tom Jones, Friday at 7:30 PM. WE PAY MORE CASH For any near new or u\ed furniture. appfiance?o, co~orc d TV 's, stereos, pianos, organs. stoves, re· friq r raton, bedrooms !.l'h , dining room sets, of. f icC' furniture. 1 piece or houseful. Day. niqht or Sunday. 636-3620 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, APRIL 12. 1969 teer Program." Mrs. Sarah D. Davis, cure. Guests are Nicholas Khoury, Office of Urban Affairs. talks about M.D. and chairman of the L.A. the vital work being done by vol· County Medical Association's alco· untears in public schools. holism committee; Paul Logan, M.D., a Ci) Mayberry RfD (C) and on the staff of the Kedran m Allericln West (C) Community Health Center; and Rob· t!} Trutlt or ~nsequences (C) eft Dorris, a founder of CARl}- J:30 &'ll ~ tTI Tlte WIJd, Wild West (C) Coun~lors on Alcoholism and Re· -~ 1-tJ lated Disorders. (60) West and Gordon and a wanted ft!'I E.ltll 34 man who is their prisoner must es-~ ares cape a town in wllich the entire 9:30 0 @ CV EB T1tt Guns of Wlll Softnett (C} (30) "Joby." A bar f°h pula!ion is hudnting ~~e'!'.,_to ftree swamper named Joby creates trou· e pnsoner an to rqui .... te he ble for the Sonnetts because he two a1ents. J. S. Johnson guests. enJO' vs watching aunflghts. Jason (R) (Rescheduled) , 0 m Hiatt Cllapaml (C) (60) ~=e7. and strother Martin are fea· "Follow Your Heart.'' Rane~ fore· fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. man Som Bulfer (Don Collier) re· fl) fatival tn Madrid turns to his native border town to avenge the death of his dauahter 10:00 0 fU@ m PREMIERE Tiit Er Begley, Miriam Colon and Abra~ Sa!nt ., (C) (60~ "legacy ~or the ham Sofaer guest (R) Saint. The Sa.int turns thief and 1J Lost in Spice (C) (55) ~eats one million. pounds in gold. . Sunon Templar, ahas The Saint. be· 0 @ (I) fiE Tltis Is !0111 Jones comes involved with one of Eng- (C) (60) Mireille Ma.tth1e~. gu~sts. land's most Infamous gangsters fJ MUikin $ Movie: Stmitit when he !earns the man Is golna Jrckef'_ (suspense) '64-Joan Craw· to pull off a million-pound robbery ford. Diane Baker. -even though the man is dead. m Tru:h or Consequences (C) (30) Roger Moore stars. m Perry Muon (60) 1J m News (C) (60) m C;ncio11 de la RUI (30) D @ rn al Judd for tlte 0.. m El CUlrto M1nd1mlento tense (Cf (60) "Thou Shalt Not a·OO m Hwl (C) (30) Suffer a Witch To Live." Judd. uses • • the beliefs and effects of witch· ED Rainbow Quest (60) Pete ~ee-craft to defend a client charged ger's guests ~re The;o<k>re B1kel with assault with a deadly weapon. and poet Raslud Husain. Betty Reid, Linden Chiles. Patricia 6m lttaelta (C) Smith and John Lasell guest. (R) 1:25 e Wonderful World of Sport (C) I Marslnl Dillon (30) 1:30 II ~ (j) Gomer Pyle (C) (30) Tht New Sound (C) (30) Carol Burnett 1uests as a lady Ma· : RID Review (60) "Apollo VIII rlne who clashes with Sgt Carter and the Art_ of Space Naviga.lion." when she attempts to recruit Gomer Dr. Albert Hibbs and .rue~ts d1sc~ss for a camp show she is staging. the Apollo VIII nav1~at1on equip· (Rtscheduled) ment and namite ftlms of the D @ 00 ~ Name of Ute G1me fliihl. (C) \90) "COiiector's Edition." Jeff fiE M1rlana Dillon and Peggy MaKwell try to 10:30 0 Movie: (C) "House of Wu" clear a friend of a murder charge (mystery) '53 -Vincent Price, -although they're not so sure he Phyllis Kirk. is innocent. John Salton, Senta m News (C) (30) Berger, Nina Foch, Paul Lukas, Rob· fiI) Gentt Sin Historia ert Loagia and Don Gordon guest. 11:00 I 0 D m m m News (C) (R) AJfredHitdtcodl 1J Across ttte Seven Stu (C) (30) liars Club (C) "The Wedding." Mevit: "Carnival in Costa Rica" 0 @(3)(!) Generation Gap (C) (musical) '47-Dick Haymes, Vera- (30) JackBarry takes over as host. Ellen. m Merv Griffin (C) (90) @ (I) ~ 00 ~ (j) News (C) m Beat UM Odds (C) (30) 11:30 II Movie: "Wllthtritlc Heidlts'' m Ntdl11 Tapatln (classic) '39 -Laurence Olivier, 9:00 tJ fB Cl) CIS Friday Movir. (C) David Niven, Merle Oberon, ~ From fort Bravo" (adven-0 @ 00 m Toni&trt Sllow (C) ture) '53-William Holden, John IJ Movie: (C) "Dlkota lncldelll" fof1ythe, Eleanor Parker. A group (western) '56 -Dale Robertson, of Confederates plan an escape Linda Darnell. from a Union stronghold, racing the 0 @ (]) aJ Joey Bishop (C) desert, hostile lodians and the m Donlld O'Connor Sltow (C) wrath of a Union t>fficer. l2:00 ~ (j) Friday Show 0 SHELLEY BERMAN 12:15 fJ Movie: (C) "Biaer nan Utt" * rides BUDDY MILES (drama) 56-James Mason, Bar· EXPRESS with HEF bara Rush. and JOANIE SOMMERS! 1Z:30 Ill Action Tlteitrt: "Tampico." 1:00 0 0 Newt (C) 8 Playbof Arter Dart (C) (~) 11 Movlt: "Tlte Fall of tltt HotlM Shelley Berman. Lou Rawls, Joanie Of Uslltr" (suspense) •53 _ Kay Sommers, The Times Square Two. T .z and The Buddy Miles Express guest. endeter, Gwendolyn Wauord. D (i7J m G) ltt's Mue a Dul m from Utt Inside o.t (C) ("t) (30)Monty Hall hosts 1:15 IJ Movie: .. lure or t'-t Swamp" m Run for Your Lift (C) .(60) (adventure) '57 -Wiiiard Parker, tIJ) $ptcAllati011 (60) "The AICtlholic Marshall Thompson. Generation.'' Dr. Keith Berwick and 1:30 m n SHiit Strip 1uests discuss the problem social 2:30 G) All-N~ Shor. "Lady Luca" drinker and new approaches to a and "Eureka Stockade." I ;g y, A. D· I., In b· 8· iJI llr U· 1e m B· •• 1e 1d d. !· 1· rs ,, ry d. .. ot !S "· !d n. ia ~) II .. >S 0· 1e (' e, ... 3· ... • r, I ... n. r ,. • y •• r, I L All types concrete work fOI' the home. Patio., driveways, pool decks, sawing, etc. Licensed -Bonded Exoert work. Reasonable. PHILLIPS CIMINT -·-IEST IN CONCRETE Walks pool decks, floors, patios Concrete Saw Cutting Any size job, work guaranteed Reasonable! Servin1' Har bor Area 642..a5~4 (after 4 p.m .) CRYSTAL JANITORIAL. & WINDOW CLIANING Complete Janitorial service. Business, residential and construction cleanup. F'ree estimate. 541-1727 Howie Cleaning Quality Work Call Us! IROOKS CLIANING SERV. 11JI Clay St., Newport ... ch 642-2112 anytime ADVANCED CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Work Guaranteed, Fast Service Very Reasonable Rates. call SU-1456 CARPET & 'URNITURE CLEANING For l Day Service and Qualit) Work . . . CAIL STERU NG F'OR BRIGHTNESS! 642..as20 CARPETS -VINYLS -TILES Latest Styles and Colors Commercial le Residential Expert Installation BLANKINSHIP FLOORS 642-1403 -540-7262 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5671, ext. 325 YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR RE·MODELe REDECORATE Cleanup Speci&llat-mowing, edging odd Jobe and light moving. keaaonable. all DICK Gardening, lawn renovation. Complete garden maintenance! Reasonable ! JOI CORRAL 1tJ02 S•lrnen Lane ttuntlngt• IMch H2-4764 CARL GAIRllLSON GRADING Dump Truck, Skip Loaders, Back Hoe, Remove Trees, Ivy, Dirt. Trash & etc. Also Cleanup Yards & Garages.-Llc-Bonded Call Anytime '624745 101'5 YARD MAINTENANCF. Light Hauling, Odd Jobs Cleanup-Reliable, Reasonable No Extra Charge for Weekend Work ... CALL 1-4ff-20lt anyUrne HUNTINGTON IEACH TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming, E¥tractlng and Ornamental Pruning. EJCpert! Reasonable! 846-0779 v1rs IONDID PAINTING Free estimates, Ucensed. insured. Small jobs welcome. 642-1427 Painting, papering. 16 years in Harbor area. Licensed and Bonded. References furnished HAROLD C. WATION m7Avalon St .. C•ta M ... 642.-2J5' THIS SPACI! RESERVED FOR YOU CALL '42"5671, ext. 325 ClahUIM dlllf lt ......... 1 tM ~.lnc 271 luckneU C•t• M .. 541-7H2 IUD HALDERMAN 'LUMllNG 24 hour service, Beach area. Licensed bonded. Expert wor k . 20 yea~ in Or&l\lte County. Discount prices! '75-MU DIAN 'LUMllNG SIRVICE 24 hours. All problems. Work guaranteed. Licensed -Insured 4711 W. florl Circle, S•nh Ana SJl-75'6 anytltM CAL'S PLUMllNO Plwnbing Repalr No job too small '424121 A&I DISCOUNT PLUM•ING Specializing in Repair and Service. Reasonable Prices! Complete Line of Plumbing Fixtures. 724 W. 1tth St., Coste M ... 642-1 WILLIAMS CLEANING SERVICE Cleaning & Repairing Your Furniture Can Be New Again! 6424164 IURGIR QUALITY U'HOLSTERY Over 20 Years Experience Satistaction & Workmanship Guaranteed. tst W. 17th, Cotta M ... 541-1'53 CZYKOSKl'S Cuttom Upholttery & Repair European Craftsmanship 100% Financing -Do-It-Your- self Upholstery Classes Start May 1st! Register now. 11S1 Newport II., Coste Meta 642-1454 HART T1V -15 Years In Area - Servicing All Brands! our DuMont, Curtis Mathes Dealer for the Harbor area. GRAND OPENING SPECIALS DURTNG APRIL To Celebrate Opening of Our NEW STORE! "21 ADAMS (Next to Alber tson's) HUNTINGTON llACH Hl4Jl4 ROY IULLA'S STIVINI T.V Quality work for 16 years. Home or ahop service. AU makes-Color or B.lW ttsJ New,ert llvd., C•t• M ... 141MM RAINIOW TV No Service Charge! Expert Work Color, Black Ir White or Stereos ~720 a.nytime Remodeling -AddJUons Fine work. Lie. and Ina. LOI PADllll CONITR. CO ( U cenaed Contracton ) •27 A. C:out Hlthway LA19UM leech 4'7·1"5 ... 4"-4151 .,, ... WOODY CONITRUCTIO .. Company of 'ountaln Valley Licensed contractor. BuUd. remodel, repair. Brick, block, co~rete carpentry . No Job too small. H2"""5 Repalrs-Alterations~blneb1 Any size Job 25 years experience. Work euaranteed. call IOI HllSIY ,.....713 aooM ADDITIONS Licensed Contractors ILAUTIRIACH & Auoclat.. 114 I. 16th St., Costa M..a 646-17'7 Pap 17 SUNDAY, APRIL 13 9:00 a @ CD ''The W•r of the WOftds." The spine-tingling account Of 1n invasion of Earth by M1rtians stars Gene Barry and Ann Robinson. Facing enJnction by diminishing oxygen and falling temperatures on their own planet. the Martians covet the rich atmosphere and fertile fields of the planet Earth. As the Martians scan the terrain with flaming eyes and spit deadly heat rays that reduce everything to ashes, the Earthlings evacu· ate to the mountains in a last desperate attempt for survival. Sir Cedric Hardwicke does the commentary for the 1953 film that was produced by George Pal and directed by Byron Haskin from a screenplay by Barre Lyndon. ~ MONDAY, APRIL 14 9:00 D @ (i) "Blindfotd." Rock Hudson and Claudia Cardinale star in the 1966 Universal release that co-stars Guy Stockwell, Alejandro Rey and Jack Warden. General Pratt, of the National Security Agency, enlis~ the services of New York psychologist Bartholomew Snow to treat emotionally disturbed scientist Arthur Vincenti. Snow must be blindfolded before making the trip to where Vincenti is being held to prevent an international ring, which captures and sells top brains to highest·bidding countries, from kidnapping Vincenti. TUESDAY, APRIL 15 9:00 0 QJ @ "Prescription: Murder." Originally a "World Pre- miere" movie from the Universal studios, the flick stars Gene Barry, Nina Foch, Katherine Justice. and Peter Falk. Dr. Ray Flemming devises an intricate plot to murder his wife Carol, with actress·patient Joan Hudson acting as an accomplice. Police Lt. Columbo, Who believes that Flemming is guilty, pains· t:aklngly begins a search for the flaw he is sure exists in the "perfect murder" plot. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 9:00 U (fl) (]) "Do Not Disturb." Doris Day and Rod Taylor star in a romantic comedy with an English accent. Miss Day and Taylor pl1y an American married couple, Janet and Mike Harper. who are transferred to England by his employers. British customs, Mike's business pressures and Janet's well· meaning but often meddlesome ways head their marriage straight for divorce court. The film was produced in 1965 by Aaron Rosenberg and the late Martin Melcher, directed by Ralph Levy from a screenploy by William Fairchild. THURSDAY, APRIL 17 9:00 8 Qt Cl) "UMC." An elCCiting behind·the·scenes drama set in a large university medical center has its world premiere to· night. Richard Bradford, James Daly, Maurice Evans, Kevin McCarthy. Shelly Fabares. William Windom, J. D. Cannon, Kim Stanley and Edward G. Robinson star. Two doctors use the heart of a man who willed his body to the center to save the life of a prominent doctor. When the donor's wife learns of the action, she institutes a suit for malpractice that has surprisina results. Boris Sagal directed this pilot film for the new series that will debut on CBS this fall. Frank Glicksman produced the MGM film from a screenplay by Al C. Ward. FRIDAY, APRIL 18 t:o0 R Qt CIJ "Escllpe From Fort Bravo." William Holden, Eleanor Parker and John Forsythe star In the action-packed adventure set In the Civil War period. Union Army Captain Roper is a man more feared by his own troops than by the prisoners confined to the stockade at Fort Bravo where he is command· Ing officer. Only beautiful Carta Forester senses the tenderness that lies beneath Roper's tough exterior. But when the chips are down, Carta deceives him to help her Confederate sweet· heart to escape. Relentlessly, Roper pursues them. The party is faced with perilous desert and hostile Indians. Nicholas N1yfack produced and John Sturges directed the 1953 MGM release. Frank Fenton wrote the screenplay from a story by Philll' Rock and Michael Pate. SATURDAY, APRIL 19 t:OO D U (j) "The Ru• Breed." James Stewart and Maureen O'Hara star in a drama set against the background of the 1884 National Stockmen's Exposition in St. Louis. Don Gal· loway, Brian Keith, and Juliet Mills co-star in the 1966 Uni· venal film. When Britishers Martha Price and her dauahter Hilary come to America to sell their prize Hereford bull, Vin· dicator, saddle tramp Sam Bumett is hired to deliver the anJmal to Its new owners, Alexander Bowen and his son, Jamie. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WED<, APRIL 12, 1969 g !PORT! H!IJHlllJllTI SUNDAY, APRIL 13 10:00 AM 8 Qi Cl) NHL Stanley Cup Pl•yoffs ~C) The Eastern and Western divisions' champions of the National Hockey League compete i n the best·of·seven playoff series. 11:00 0 @ Cl) al NBA Basketball (C) Third playoff game of finals. 11:55 m Dodgers Baseb1ll (C) Los Angeles . Dodgers vs. Houston Astros in first regular season game, hve from the Houston Astrodome. Vin Scully and Jerry Doggett call the plays. 1:00 8 fij (:j) Masters Open Golf Tournament (C} A select field ?f International professional and amateur golfers compete rn final rounds, live from Augusta (Ga.) National Golf Club course. Bob Goalby is defending champion on the par·72, 6,980-yard course. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 7:30 0 Angell B1seball (C) California Angels vs. Oakland Athletics. Dick Enberg and Dan O'Neil call the action. THURSDAY, APRIL 17 8:30 0 Boxine (C) Tom Harmon and Mickey Davies are ringside. SATURDAY, APRI~ 19 11:00 AM 0 fil Ci) Major league Baseball (C) Oakland Athletics vs. Kansas City Royals at Kansas City. Curt Gowdy and Tony Kubek commentate. The new face you see at the helm of the Kansas City club is manager Joe Gordon. 12:00 8 UCL.A Spring Sports (C) UCLA vs. Washington. Dan O'Neil is sportscaster. m College Baseball (C) USC Trojans vs. Washington State Cougars in Pacific·eight conference. Tom Kelly announces. 1:00 O @ CI> Tournament of Champions (C) Winners of major golf tournaments in the last 12 months play the $150,000 touma· ment at la Costa Country Club in Rancho La Costa, Calif. Finals will be covered tomorrow at this time. Golfer Don J1nuary Is •~n1 for bact..to-blct vktorlff In the Tour· nament of Championa, at the La Coat.a Country Club In Rancho La Costa, Callf. Third round play Is t1l1vtsed live ind In ccltOI' Ir}' A•C Sports Saturday at 1 PM ind the 111c1tt.,. tourney c:oncluslen 1lra Sunday. Chris Schenkel, Jim McKly, 1111 Flemmlns ind ptf lf'Mt lyron Nelson a,.. the A•C commentators. Don January is defending champion. The lanky Texan won last year's event at the Stardust Country Club In Las Veaas by one stroke over Julius Boros. Virtually every top pro Is set to battle for this year's $30,000 first prize. 2:30 IJ ~ (j) CBS Goff Classic (C) Semifinal match. • Planet of PrehlllDrlc Women" end 8 UCU _.. _... (C) Du The -"·flMI mmti. SATURDAY ''Tiie N ...... " m.111 call -tM ~n Ktiol M-, .... CfJ 11111 • twMfl the Bnllfts 1..t WlllllltalH. S:GI Clllllr • lO:GI '1Cl)t11t ._ ._ (C) • ~ ._... (C) The USC ..... sa. a.. APRIL 19 (l}t:IJelr'llJ .... C:.-fiOlana meet ttle W11hlnl\Oft State S:JO MIN: (C) "1111 lal Wiii TM tlr a. fMttl (C) Couprs In Pldflc 8 1dton. Tom Wiil" (wtlttm) '4~Yvonne l'J ...... : (C) .......... lllW' llelly 1n110U11cea. DI Carlo, Scott Brady. =) ·52C-G1 .. '-· PllYll~ l2:JO lf1~ H (C) !.. '!I--(C) -.... 7:00 ~,...... .. u.tq (C) ....... (C) °'ell .... " c.- 7:25 SJ'= "Clllldrwl In Ptrll : "No w., cir." (wattm) ·~ ~ Stact. 7:30 Swill s ..... (C) -Chlld." F1f'lt part .. Jolin Hodllk. ea.,.,,.... al 1 twHly symposium oa the l:OOltJICI) lllltJ Diet (C) .,... Prtl 5 (C) llltiq tlat Melt If .. ...._ ~ms al rehlbllltltlq c:Nlclrtn Im Cl) GI T ... 1m 11t If ~ .. Tnlll (C) 7:45 Sla'el ltMrt (C) phystcally and mentally dlmapd ...... (C) The $150,000 tour· 11e11111J (C) l:OO u ..... ltpMra (C)' It home. nament-amlted to aottera who 4:30 Tiii OIMnraH (C) I s..., Sii (C) I Lia Ellnllll J U11M hive won major tournaments In the Olltr lJllltl c..., (C) 10-.JO D ..... , ........ (C) lat 12 monttl1 la cownd llwt .... UM (C) & C-... Clrtlla ('C) .. e.,... (C) from the La Colla CoullttY CIUb In 5:00 Al Amlrlcll Cllllt ._ (C) T.._ If Well F... .,-.,. lie -...W-(dn· Rancho La Colta, Calif. nla James hosts. ~ ...._: "'Tiie 5'11· ma) '31-£.dward G. Roblftsoft, OltlD D lleN: "Cry If lie ._,. (dt1· 8 lfa Aclll1mlc (C) La Cantell • .. Ind "Bombay Wltlffl'Olll" Knlftr, ma) ·~Victor ... ,., Rldltrd James Monroe ..... -R...... hllh 1:JOll9Cl)hcl a..,/llM ._. lft(f)GflMlltlc fW (C) Conte. ~la compete . .. lliW (\!: ~ 11111...... ,....... BQ•I••• ....... (C) S. ca:~ 11:GI tJI Cl) ........ LMclt a.. Z.'00 ~ lrew SedltY (C) ''Should Fulo Ind Frtd Lenlq. 19 (I) T., Cit (C) a.1111.. . 1:30 8 Cl) Tiii I.Ht bqw (C) Rica and Biiiy Welu meet Buzz @rn m• ..... (C) .... (C)~rt QowclJ Ind Tony Ku-• Ltpllze wn f1pplq1'' SN· -~(J)aJAIC'• ......... Mewle: .......... i. ... SW' bet call the ldlon b9twttn the dtnb from Temple end Notti Dime irs.ta (Cf (tel.fl) '56-KJeron Moort, Bryan Olk11nd Mhlttk:s end the Kansas f IC:Mols debit. • tM llaue. CD Mn1tm s,edll (C) .. .,... Forbes. City Rorlls. Sllm8J DMMt F..mr.: ''Uz· land, one of Southern C.llfomll'• I .,.... I (17) (l)Q) ..... If ... -. " 1tarrin1 EJNnor P1rbr and molt lttl'ICtlft and ,........, EICIMll lllEX (C) (C) Richard Boone; and "I, Mobsttr," "must·-·· placa, plfYI holt to t:GI 9 Cl) ID Flllrbl11• (C) Awwd 111utrt: "Two-Gun lady." at1nin1 Steve Codlran. Southern Clllfomll'a mOlt popular iiwli: .. Ts.., ............. ll:SOU Cl),.. lltraltlda (C) 11 Mewie: ""' ~ Dlllll " dlllclrtn'I pel"IOn1llty on lV, Hobo (dt11111) '4S-Shlrtey ~ Birton Cl)&> Alllfkatt I 11at... Aillf HltW' (drama) 43--4.udwlt Kelly. um. · cl can. Donlttl. lfhlW-Secar (17J (f)&)SpWlr .... (C) ....... : (C) "T1llMer...... • .... "'Tiii ..., .... ...,.. ..... la La IiHt (C) (watem)-Rlndolph Scott, {iiiysttfY) ·.Sl-ltichanl Conti, Julie S:JO = -.., (C) (R) _...... T1-ln Phytlls Kirt. Adams. ·--('C) t-.JO ,E .... i~::-..:.•; •=n::.:.;'B~,.!:;; ~ .... (C) Doi ..... Spllta (C) r: ,...,_.. I Tiii .. ,....., (C) Flltlatlc V.,... (C) , .. ., lrlffll (C) 11111 Ff9ll UllCl.E (C) (C) ''VOJIP to ttie lZ.'00 IJ Qt Cl) Amnl (C) 2:IO 8 Cl) CIS W Cllllic (C) ..... hi ......... (C) (80) Georp SchMf•'• dirac· tion of "My Flther and My Mother," the CBS Pl~ drama, has earned for him the 1968 Directors Gulld of America award ialutln1 his work on thlt production as the ~ tekwl•lon directfn1 job of the year. The award was pr_esentld ·to Schaefer, wt.o aJ90 pro- duced the· dram•, durln1 the 1uild's an11ual awards cere- monies. Paul Boprt received an hon(>rable mention In the television direction cateaory for hit dlrectln1 of "Secrets," the CBS Playhouse broadcast of last May 15. Schaefer now holds the dis- tinction of bein1 the only ln- dMdual war to have won SUlld dtrectlna awards In two auccesstve _.fl and the lfllnd tot.I of four such awards. He won ~ televi- sion directin1 awards for 1967-for the CBS Pl•J· house presentation 11Do NOt Go Gentle Into Thlt Good Ni1ht"-for 1963 Ind for 1960. ~~~=-==-•'FLANflG MUSIC · WE SPECIALIZE IN COMPONENTS SHEIWOOD910CHN9PISHEReALTECeDUALeA-ReUNIVERsrrYeLANCR MASTDCMA•• • SYSTEM of the WEEK • IANIAMDICMI ~ tlW..AllJ' .. ...... ........ ....... . ".LT.) ,,_. W. lea C:en11l1 ............... ~ ... ,. l'l'-e .. SH .. 117W C:.111•11 • LANCD tlJ• 1r1..,.~ ............. .............. ,. ........ ...... 5456 9~ S1U.H SONY of the WEEK! . I SPECIAL SALE ON THIS SONY TAPE RECORDER 512950 I SONYllATIC TC-I mtlO sou• ITATI loTIACI CAITl ... I llCOna Now with the H w elHll Hciti119 So1ty TC-I , you Ult Hloct •-' rocorcl . yo11r ow1t liltrery of stereo 1-tred: certricl9e1 for euto11to1Mlo .r h-• e1tjoy11tHt. U1e e1ty sound 1011rco -ho11t• tepe recorder, '"°"• ., FM Mvlti,101 -So1ty'1 feltulou1 recorcli119 ficle1ity is i11t11t9'ietely oYiclo•t. Se1ty•Metic Rocorcli1t9 Co1ttrol 11telto1 rocorcli"t lnol 4'eci1IH ............ elly -,.rfectly: e..cl •1t i..clicetor li9lit i4HtifiH tho treclts ltolltf ,.. cor49'. l1t1tHtlY co1t1tOct1 to your ho11to 1y1te11t for recorcll"' .r ,Cey- lteclt. Certri4'901 1119' ere the 1te"4ercl .... la 1-treck ..to defoo •ltltl.