HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa" • • • • ' -:. ·-. ._ ..... -'I t i t ' I . • ·-. . ' + • r ~· ' ,. • • LI·.. J All' 4 , ::1 '.··~·-:·~·-~I ' ' . . ~ . :: .• l .:..' • .:::! ~ i".: : ' -• . .. ' ' !"' .. -' .. •~ ... ,, f ~, ••• 1 ••• :1. ., .... . · -._~,:.r~~•t»•t .. :UIJ:i __ :··· • ·• .:. ;.;,;l....; ....., ..... • .. • ·r • ~-.. 1 ·.• ••• • ·-j .o .. 1 +. ' l .wf • ' ' ~- Win. Ne•:~,t~•isa -1--. S-_-eh~.; -~,\~~~ · As·.'.-.B ; tm·-~~~s.-· tell ·, : W:i18on;. • -~ . :-.. ' .. ~ ' •' • • • • .. . .... - ... '. ,, ' ' ,. : •' ·,,;. -. . :. , • . , r ' " . ; < ' '4 lncumbents Returned " , . ' .. ' --~ ~· • . ' . -<•• - - '' • ' . • '' .. · , ' . -Harbor, TOrO -Air ; Noise: .:;1.-•' _1,t '1 ' ,, /' 1 • t ,,, t:"'.-· '' I o >, ·"' l~·,1· ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ..,.. , . I , . - ' ' " . . -" • ' r . ' : r. : ·: f , S,••· Ot . 'JaPa'n · I < ! ' ... .. . . r :1 ~~-'1 ·, i\flli ... ' • "1 f ) ' I ). -. • " • • ' , .. ' • • • . . • \ • • • l • I .._v l'l.OT s W Pie,_,. U., 1'6' Lagurians Reject Override~ Favor Wilcox . ~ · .. . n ··: llJlllCRUIDP.NALL ................ ·'a ..... .-.-..-..: ..... --tu: .,, ..... for tbear .... ~--­...... Dr. Narml9 Browm a Jw ...... ,,_,_ __ """ ....... wllldl llod -__ .., ... _ --lel. laot wllb l,"2 )'W ·-to 1,111 DO -By ,._... Ille delell .... 0 .1 pm:enl 701 and Kl prr<G ... ......_.-... _,.(I fells lodloo),llod •-... ,.....,.. Bowu Incumbents Lead .OCC ~ . Board Race l'I•• P .. e I HARBOR VOTE lop man "' lht totem pale with 2,llt -Dr.-.. -..i ..-" Ille --. .... -with • lize. ... le 1,111 ...... uwa-.....dodlll ........ ol thMI for the lt*d 111& tblt Trust• -'nltlW-to•l<Ole. "' .... inclncta rolled oJowly lo, Ii WU cloot between Mn. Boyd ... Mn. -l.octwll)'. Mn.=-· -·II< ond -" ();u =-Cllorllra Bl,d. ~ ... pa11-1Mn•aw•lllll•t111.- SITS ON TWO IOARDS Oooon View'• .... , DOUBLE SCHOOL WPINIR Wootmltlltwr'o Schmitt Two County Crashes Kill Motorist, Cyclist ~ 1-Bucb rnol«iol burled from Coal lll&lnrll' near AiiJO Beacll In tllll hil car u It mashed Into a telephone South Lquna ..._ . pole and • brick w.U oo a treacberous "1llen! wa ablloluteiy notbinc left ol curve and a motorcyclist who collided that car," said Mn. Lucy Wagner, widow :irltbacardiedollnjurielTuelday. ol DAILY PILOT nporter I.a Wqnt!', Roger E. Willon, II. of 3C*'2 s. c.out and one al the 'nm to arrive on tbe ac::eDe lllglnny,.ScMh ~ .... deod OD Of· afier the violenl cruh. , !rial ol -.Coal l>lnmunlty HOlpitol, _ California.llicl!!!•J..f•~I ~ where .hll .llrl -.. In J"lllcal . said ....... ......,..,.., ~ «i: c:ondiUoo ton, Ille ltlfl!I!·-imd b ••"°'di o aoi'b,' Kai J. -II, d La Hobn, died In =k ~ loto the Ulephooe pole and moriln WU IU poroen\ lo.....,.,,_ . st. Jadt llolpllal P'll1ertan, ol S:ll ,.m., ~ ~ by Orqt mdal1retw•Mcrrow'14U,...,.._ __ "'--'-Taalt _..-~ .. lblrtff', 9eputles tod11, to OlllJ IW --emlool _, ;~ 0 u;. Ttl M ... lrb tllO COia 'Ii Ibo <ar·Y.._ pndndl. ,,,. Jin. Mr. J-<>rrled ........,... -wblcll killed - elalol oplm&Mn. un, ...... .,lhem In _.,. ---.. ~ - eo.11 ... Mn. -anted --·-~'-.... -.-.. 1llo cir!... of a.. -. Linda K. lnlm -· "' tllll Balboo Penhwnla WlllciD-at 1tat1ry ~•·cl Van ' lialM. IT d ·Bra,-.pod lillUIJ In tllll md In Well Newport. Nu11. _. balll baried oat d ii. -. fotol' lcc:tdent ol ·Proopect Slreet and 'PllEl'TY IUllUl'IED' mon'1 cor ~ --"' Padllc 1mpor1o1 HJllowq. ~ lo fl<:lnrJ, said: "1'111 '-1 Ibo--fit to nturn me aolcu try lnbelpmoketbedllb1ct belier tloaa ll'a -. It lookl In me like tllll .-i .,. ~ .,,.ity uU.fied with the tncambmia," '""P'f made o lllat<ment, relayed by .... _...,,_Miami: •rm ...,. sroielul for Ille ..,... lwllty ·-oervlq-ocbooill'a.m ond t110 ........,ity. I have olwll" m- dM'°'ed .. do Ibo_ , could." Ho_ .... --llUpported blm. 1-Morrow said: .. I would Ute to extend my con.. pollllollODI lo Lloyd ond ID)' -to an ttme wbo worked '° hll'd on my -01 c:oune, I'm dlAppolnled, but I'm glad tbat ... made tbe llbow1n& ... did." Sold lbt Jin. Mr. J-: "I beiieYt tbe raultl llboald COll"1 a .......... tho -boord and od- rnlUlrOllan. 1llo -haft DOI 111- dlcotec! °"""""""' eanlldence. The -lolali d t11t clJa1leqetl In ___ _,,_lotbttoW Pdl• by ... '•''''""UtL" DAILY PILOT ..,.,, ..... . .............. --_,.., ·--· -01N1N CO'll f'UllllMINO <CllWAHY l.&.t K. w .... ---..... Le.toy Vlllt,,... .. ...,......, --·-T•" A. MwplilNI -·--(ate -..i • Wiit .., ..._ .._....--..:mt.,,.. ..... .....,. ..._ ... ,,,, ...... ._ ,, 111 9Mdl1••-- r CofC Wants More Flights But Won't Name Airport PLANE ••• -· ....,.__ """' 21 to --ularJ-wlilcbha•• DOI 1" -..... plbllc. Ill Ibo '-" Ille Ot611do Wlln. Aid IJllom. Ille -wtD .... to rdJ "' ••e11ed n'11ttM bit •· floa...W ......... ...,..~"·•c He said kb too sly to 01111Ja Ibo ... feel Ille ol'trl'lde failure m1cbl have cu -"'""'"""· ~ -tbal ... Umiol" Ille -111-to-.m!Plhave """' • port lo .. ..., ... -..... be Aid I --'man a 01m1-. prob1tm WINS Mn 'ftRM Boenl Pt 211•1nt ._tier .,,... P-.e I HUNTINGTON •• .. ........ d &ix OD Ibo -. meiYed f.U4 volel, Dr. ilmlerl'WM -with t,Gll ml Sclnllt,I....,. wl\b 2,lllQ. A!la!il'•--~ ... -.._ ... -Dblpoll. ---wffll J,IH. . . . . . Beolley, ............ "' Ille Clll!lpl!an, Bald he .felt Ille -d bbnleH, Schmitt and Bauer,_ who allO 1tnes on the Oceon View 8diool Dlllrlct boon! "indlcalel tho! people do have oor6lmce lnlheboord. ' '"They ire ..P.11! w .. ••ilim?•c new couns d olDd)' ml Glol n -~ -lnaclfve P. Ill. Tiiey -"""IPlhe llU .... -9dlle ll" Newly --Rolpl! ,_ said. "l'ft .... ... ptllfted with Cflllinc thal lla't • ...,, _ml I In- tend to -k -tho -boon! to develop tho -l>IP -dlolrtct In the atate." • Relultl" Ibo tlocllan ... -.. -by maD1 oblerv1:1:1 u a \late " con- fidence for Ille rdlllq ..... -and nwiqmeol d Ille - John ~ -deoplte ......... cm> palp with Dr. Slepla -ploced sevenlh, said be fell Ille -111 lndlcated ''voter prefereot't far the Mtm qao." He lndlco!ed there ore 111111 dboidenta In Ille dlllrict -will --to apt for cblnp. - • to an-..--·"nent witb rlllnc .,._iy ...... 11le ~ All! II _,..i cieor that --d "Mncinl pul>llc -will -to ~ , ...... He ......... , .... --pul>llc -·--1111 ....... lhe coonly. ,,,. 4,125 bolloll -In the biennial electioa were 1 11 .5t percent turnout of the rqlotered v-., qout •-for tho-•IMllMlidtho ... 11 yeon. --for --In Ille dillrk:l have nqed fn>m 2U4 I*' cent In 41.7 pment (In 11111). Lower Emerald Bay, fllllnl ol l!:I ..... ... -. .... the lint pnclnd counled. . II momentarily ebetred llCbool ollldols _,.. the override lid 4S ya •-to a no vo1e1. 'Mle ruu!ts proved no bellwether u the eveoin( dragged on and tbe otber II· proclncla Wilt In. ,,,. override lnClt its -clnlbbinc ol Ibo hilh -pollh!i place with m DO vo1a to 1a,... F,... P .. e I AIRPORT STUDY ORDERED .•. . lnlormatlcll, we will undoubtedly loot Ille fi(l>t. .. 11le _.,,, iilUcb' ll"IUP d five de- .,._..i -had reccmmended tbat: -Eight pnopooed nponal airpcri site• be relenocl In Ille Soutbtno Calll<l'llia JeriotlclJ d Gooa....mta (SCAG) fir olad)':....,. ---loa .. put ol. a. JI .aaty a •1 •t lludy. ......,i.d to Ille COW!ly airpri cam- mlsaioo al public bearing.< on Aug. a. 1111. "On this occasion it was ltated in part,. 'that the commandant of the Marine Corps and tbe Department of Defeme have rufflrmed tbe deflnile ond caan- tinuing need tor El Toro u a muter jet fleet 111joporl aktatber -On uu. basi!,EI,.... -be -,... cooventcm to c:tYillan uae.' _ ·~,t wu turtber stated that air apace . requlremeob, bale loading, lluibUily of flight operollolll, and avbtloo safety preclud<S comlderatlon f..-joint usqe. "Tbe preoent Department ol Defeme policy In ngll<i In use of El Toro Is Orm and In direct OIJPC>!lllon to the propooa1s which are presently before you for the · Phase II study of tbe Master Pian ol Air TrOblpalr•- I . • ''"'• To ... 1111 ___ _ ._liort ... -IOWll; Ma~ ""'' 1tyfe wtdi oer ..., I f tclw t fsu Nr4 •sli: • •bo•t oer f•MOU a..tMcwwa toe. , J. c. .JJ,,,,.,Iuw J-1. 21 TIAU IN THt SAME LOCATION Im NEWPORT A Vf. COSTA MESA PHONE '41.J401 I \1 !' ' " ' . ED·ITION Huntington Man's. Brot.her ()It A Huntington Beach mL"l whoee brotbtr was aboard a propeller-drivtm U.S. spy plane shot· down by North Korean jets today declined to discuss anything until more details of the crew's fate are known. "We donlt really know enouO,i of the clrcmnstanCes to make any comment at the1ll0Dlent," said Edward W. Greinier, ·.en of 1!111 ~'Lilli. Navy~~ the Greinen . ' . early' Tuesday· nl~ that Aviation Elec· trlcian's Mate -La· Verne A. Greiner was one of the 3l downed fliers. Greiner said ·today that be will be able to discuss the Ill'•"' lncldent mo.. freely aa sooo u U.S. officlall can be&ID to tec9DSlruct euctly what bapPODOd. . ' * * * * * * OB High Vote HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION _HIGH SCHOO~ DISTRICT : !Voti1'9,Show_n by El~mll)l.,y: Sct.,.i Dlotr1'jl) _ High Sc~I Ocean View · S.Oilooch Toi1I C•ndlcf•te1 HB City FV Elo. Bentley 875 779 1376 1194 41:14 Schmitt ~ ~ 863 ~ 21611 WUwn 361 380 490 653 1114 Bauer 634 526 1365 ~70 ~s Bentson 147 213 415 217 1136 Bolinger 41 54 139 50 214 Dingwall 437 551 824 232 2044 Herman· 239 171 488 284 1112 Kent 240 193 510 351 1294 Mitchell 257 256 654 455 1622 Sliter 225 206 -382 215 1921 Vos• 144 284 458 272 11151 Y alley Voter~_~tu·rn 'rti~ . ' . . ' Despite Ch~epg_es df Flye , ' .. Ti\ree lncumbeots running bl their lint elecUon were returned. to sutl ca the Fountain Valley School District Board of . ' Trustees, desplte a strong race by one of five challena:ers Tuesday night. A lotal of 1,231 voters -12.31 pereenl of a registered 12,081 vote.rs -returned incumbents Harold E. Brown, WDllam E. Crane and Sheila R. ~eyers to ~ to which they were all ;-ps)oinled I~ than a year ago. Brown received 927 volt!, -Crane 134 votes and Meyers garnered 196 votes. Challenger David B. Israelsky JUde a strong run at the incumbents, trailing Meyers in the final count by only M votes. Of four other candidates none r~ved more than 412 votes. District officials noted a slight percen- tage increase in voter turnout this year TV Setup, Found As Police Raid Sauna Parlor Police arrested three vromen in a Hun- tington Beach sauna early this marninl oa prostltution charges and confilcltld some cla.wd~ircult television equi11D9Dt 1t the scene Arrested at the Executive Salon Sauna Parlor, 17th Beach Blvd., were Paitricla Mae Shelton, 27, of T191 Slater Ave., Hun- Ungtoo Beach; Betty Jean Coetello, 11, o1 I.<Jng Beach, and Christine L o I s LeMasters, %1, of I07 11th St., Huntiqtan Belch. Police Chief John Seltzer said the ar· rests culminated two weeks of m. vestigation into activities at the sauna parlor . . Arresting officers also localed and c:on· (!seated a closed-circuit televiaton let equipped with video tape which wu boot· 8d to cameras overlookin& at.alls where m.llJllll!S were given. AiI three womeo are cumntly In cuslqdy at Orqe County Jiil. Detectives said the Puna parlcx' baa not yet been closed. ' 7% Investment Tax Cr~dtt Hit by Dems , WASHtNGTON (UPll -Hou a e Democrats went on ttCOl'd loday in favor ol repealln( the 7 perceilt Investment tu a-edit. callinl It ''tnflltianary." By voice vote during • clooed -.. the Democ:rata adoptod • -1 by Rep. Charles Vanllt (J>-Ollio), to arppirt ~ of the ....iii, •l!lch -•• 13 bflllon annual suboldr for """'i.ae of equipment by INai-and Industry. '\ ! ' -• • • ·~I·: ow the 191? board··--lll•Jlll', IUI percent ol the re.-.,i ftlen CUI their hallota. . ' . The three relurnoel ..... aU appolnled last year to fill .......,ies left by ........., who resiped. Two, Jolm lllrper (Foun- llln Valley) and Jerry Hainey (Hun- tington Belch) ,.eni to .city coancill, while Ille lllinl, ·Mrs. -Jonkmn, retired. 3 on OCC Board ---~~ Back iit Office -.. On 1st Remrns BEACH'-B'.4.NK .. ROBBED AGAIN la. twv otblr' Cal1fanda h o m • a., --..... bled. moi!ien .... qukk to llllc -tbeu, N•'!Y .men -· Perbapo Ibey hid to lllk. "We knew bis_ duty wu confidential and bad dangerooo·~· said Mrs. -H. McNej], ol1'lwuton, whole IOil "l'lmothy, IC:; bait-j1'lt mlllted kl< another lilt ylin In 1'ldar and radar -. -m--~ '' .. . -. . ' ' PO~PLACU Flroltalloo Lalro .~ lllltrlct'Olllol l'tiT7 Scllool LeBard "Scbool -School Eader Scllool --~ . -. .- ~n.· - '.:,r·' ---. . ' . ~--. ......... ~- ca ..... Qapp . -IJaetl ,.. • :tn1llu!a i:· !OJ . .. SI . ~7 SH • • • Iii' HI _us •• ·a .. ,IO . ., 44· . u 171 Ill Ill ...,. 115 !JI . 111 • Joi II II !Is 171 ' ' ··111 Ill 1• . " ~ • • u . JI 1,11'1 c .1,llS . ' Iii .'IVTAJ.B 1,IU 151 ' 'l • • --• '' .,_ I , -a11er -• • -. ; ..... :, .J -· :-.. ·--. ' • . . { ' , - -· ' . Naval_A1r·&1at1oa hol jton•lillr. "1111 )ollors ~·.an· ._ •.. aecretite;'' • aakl,i "be ,,.. jul&.:~ tlng the daY• until be mild come bollit. He's ®'!pr dlachafge In Aucust." .. · "He'a pinC' to eo oo to school and wart f(!f' •1 .... : ,in dectranlca, II lhe Mid, then~ . - "II' all"'•--' ·-' I ~·1• -· • IB • . Light Vote , Recorded • ~-Lo For Schools «:. ... " •• • j r ' ,1 OM.Y I'll.If • Wfs t21,At1r116..lM Downed Plane 'Far Out.side~ N. l(orek 0 PUIMO CAPTllllll Iii•• • Saa Of Japan ........ SIOHTIO MERI .. ' ... . u,. ...... , NEWSMAP SHOWS WHERI! DEBRIS SIGHTED Wroc:k°"' Northull of Point of Pueblo S.l,..ro Harbor Area, Toro Clash Over 'Superjet' Airport Br JACl:,SBOBAIX .... Dllfl' .... ...,. A IChlsm appean to be widening today between Harbor Area residents and Mlalioo V1ejo-El Toro bclneowners OD future loc:atloll of a 111perjef regional alrpori in Orai>i• County. Orqe County's Board ol SuperviJors Tuelday voted 3 to 2 in la•orlng ol stu- clyillg El Toro Marine Corps Air Station aa a poaible llte for Ibo future rq1ooll ~ --~ Surgeon General: Seeks Stronger -.. bealod .,.,...llcn .Gked by~ Viejo and El Ton> people wbo pocAd Ibo botrd room In Santa Ana. ~ El Toro study we r e -tlM1 DaYld L. Bmr of Garden Gme; wtDtam lllrateln of ~and Robert w. Battin of Santa Ana. S!rpervisor Altoo E. Alien ol Laguna Beach mounted an effort to broaden the _, to ..... rq1ooll alrpori aitea. Allen offered an alternate motion. It was defealed I to I, wilb lllnteln, Battin aod Bater lo cw-ttm ~ Alim arpecJ that to Umll the "ltr>ti to El Ton> leulbllllJ ffr jolol ....... )n. !aim llrpori --.. the_ ....... . --' _, '"Die Navy 1riD want to know lf we have studied «her possible lites " Allen debated. "U we lo kt them wtfhxrt that C W . . infonnatioa, we will undoubtedly lose Ibo ancer ammg fish!." 'llli oowdy'• ltudy gnx>p of ft•• de- WASmNGTON (UPI) -U.S.~ JN?_,t hoods .bad ==.~c =-~~~~~ =~J!it:Q~:: --,..... -lbt ....... , _, ....,.. and ~"""' ~ = -:i:.::.-the nnrlnc In "'.' J>l!"I. d the lkaunly ...-. """1· u At· pnam~ cJpmte mannf#brnn JltT4111,PBltllJllA • , , -..,..-·lei print the lollDwiq Oil -'llrl ooanty 'ftlala W.'L Per.ira and each pocl:: "Calltlon: Cigarette omokln& ""'cliCoo of Newport Buch to conduct -~be --to your health." 1111. illeoaha . ~!.i!>!I !II M!<M ·EI Said -: "Tbe' waminC ·now ,,;. . Tero ffr Joi!.>\"!' lllCIUcleP.-birl·bOl llmitod quind II ..ot.• . lo, ... f<illowtnc: .• TeitlfJtnc Jidin lbe Bouse Commer'9 -Eltabllil! IUbe ...-nmwq ""l- Omn-, bl·al<I, "It atatea only that =-~~ =~ cipfttle -ldnc .... , be·bmrdoos to ·--· bealtb.' In tbla nation ml ~--- . . . r."...pout lbe w..-ld ldentilJc evidence -lld.rmlne, in cooperatloll with the bu cooth'lled to .cc:umulate. to F~Avil.t:lm~, whether _. _ _.,_ and CC111f1rm the 1111 -joint la la I-le iD reganJ to 11r traf· ·---· fie tu>trol d --that cipnUe smotlng b, In fact. -U joint -ol El Toro b fusible • ~ ml .._,i ....... to publ~ ~ • achemallc -d eiacUy lleaJtb, -( ~ County woold r<quest In the ln 1111 • govemment report cooclod"I! WI)' of ' joint ... and """ lbe l}'Slem tbal dpretle smotlng WU reJal<d to '"1Uld -t lung cancer Jn men, that ii hu cod--Analyze. ml Juslily Or-County'• · ~ .:.un-ty .~~ :;i. ~ Med fer joint use of El Ton> under a ..,,.... -ohorl term cootract d JS ;ietr1. -WU uoodated th many --Oiodqcl detailed <"'11 and reY"1UI ardloYaacu1ar dlaeaaeL -es to deteimlne coot o1 fadllUes re- Slnsrt Aid the Departmellt ol Health, quired at El Ton> and ouqiested -- F.ducatian and Welfare believet tbat the fees to pay for those facilitk:s over the 1115 dprotle labeling and adnrllaing term of Ibo CODtract. law "bu prWed Inadequate to"tbe ID"l'"l neede ffr puter prosrw In adY!slng the DETAILED PLAN Am<ricen , publlc of the health "-'3rds -In the .....i the study of El Toro they -wben am.oking cipreltea." ...,..itihol:1<'!!\ uoe la nol.lemble; the • conooilenl ihoald prepare a detaUed ..-----.-,-, -----. master plan of °'"°" County Alrport ta Ulol!Y PILOT .............. Oflke lat•• StrNt M.itf111 ~ ,.o. ,_ 7'0. tJ641 --....... ._., tJll *"' ..... ..._. ...... , ... ..., .... "-'-"t m ,.... "- outline the -of -'to be pro. vided, Jmprotemtntl DIC?Kary ad how Ibey will bl linaoc:ed. -Idemllly ll*lflc Ille lociCkn for ""°"" ·-and u,.rrk r.ciltllet ... l'll>ged ill iprlarily ffr acquisition and developned. -~ ... ....,. __ -·.,......_and-<If ·-to ..,.ilate .. agreemont with lbe consultant for tile preparali«I of Phase II of the Y..aster Plan of Air Trensportation. The Marino Corpe Jed oa oppolltion to the board's adopted plan in a letter sign· ed by Maj. Gell. W, G. 'Ibruh, com- mander of El Toro MCAS. '!be leller noted that the proposal .. arbitrarily dllJIOIOI ol further ton· llderallon ;ol. lhe ........... pnvioully dilcuaod ~ airport 1ltal ucept El Toro." GllNlllWJl.tm'EJI Gen. nn.Jr'11,.ctar -: -··1a ldlltkJn,•tt ... recommeodld tbat dlnd altantloll be ct-to the proip1CI of dvil Joint um of tbla air atatioo. I Ond lbla -to -· par11cularty Ill -" ... llated pooftioll willcl> ... ~ to the -.ty airport com- -al public lltarbfp Oil Aui. 21, llll "Qr ~ O<'C&llllt h !'U llll<d in part. 'IW tbe -ol the Marine Qitpa .... the Depa..-i of - llrio -the -and --11rrrr11111-I« SI Ton•• -.jet -~~-Onlhla biiib,' i:i"Tor'o ClltllOI bl ....... ... l<f convenloa W ctvUJan uae.' W~ (tlPI) -'Ille Doi-'nlo Ntanwll I? 'i'"ted: "All,..,_. ==!J llld todQ "all""""'" -• .,,,; avallallll lo 111, lljcludllJ& Nor1h .htP1' M ....... U.S. ~---IJP'l p, !Mil ;::..." JW.i.• cw:.-:. T.: :..': :=.tt::= :,,= "llr ·•d•fl',,,... ltoNI air ' · -, , • ....,. ._has baen no w'btn attachd. (Retated Stort.,, Page I) repoi't ol llllrV!Yllll." 'l1le llllll1Ded NaY)' d<Ctrollle Jn. Eljrl!er this morning. Ibo Pentagon an- telllgence plone with 31 aboard has been nounced that a Soviet ship reported pick· mlsalnc al.nee abotrt mldnlgbt Monday lng up some alrcnft wreckage io the Sea and the !lortb Korean Commwllata of Japsn but lhere wq no sip of clllmad If wu Ibo! 'down after YloJalln& llUl"Y!vo ... ihe:ir air tpece. _ The lattr aanouac:ement said: ·But the Petttag°" doc1ared In a state-"Roconnaissance mlssionJ of 1h!s type ment at I a.m. PST: "From a variety of have bff.n (lown for mori than 3:1 years aourttS, some of them sensitive, we are in the Sea of Japan. There wu nothing able to cootlnn that at all times durlnl; unusua.l about th1a mium ttl miAloa the aircraft was far outside "In recent yean, thPa missions have any clalmed terrifllriil air l)l1C< of North been •-ed b7 Jilgb government Korea." aulhorlUu In the State and Defeme Three Incumbents Retain Seats in Westminster -- Raymood M. Schmitt, MIS. Neomla 11111.-a.d MaUJiew w""*"...,. Ill nlun1d to the w-1.-Sc:baol Diltrlct Tueoday. 'l'1ley were among eleven candidates who battled it out for three seata on the flv....-ber governing board ol the elemontary dlltrld. Weary election workers pendled the l1nal tally sbeel in Ibo ..... boon thb llllftlbi. . " Sc:hml1t lar outdistanced Ibo field wilh hla 1,4JJ votes. He WU a1IO I w1Mtt in the Hunlingtoo -BJgh -Dlllrtct race, retainlnc bla seal on that boon). ~ liebind Schmill ln the d'!flenlary -race WU Mrs. Wllhnore, who received 1,121 votes. Weyuker ran third with 1,G07 -.. Challenger Roderlrk Cruse, a publica~ lions analyst, ... fourth wilh 939 voles. Another-contender, Ml'll. Marion P. Aguirre, followed closely behind with 919 vota. Other candidalM finilbed as follows: -Daniel F. BagJloile, Ill votes. -Earl IL Carrony, 239 votes. -Bublra DePrlest, 3411 vom, -Natbln Fetndeln, 91 votes. -L. Jean Later, 203 votes. -DontbJ Peckllam, :J&I votes, School offJclaJo deoCrtbed Ibo turnout ....., the dlalrict's 11,1134 ,reglmred Valen U ......., ligbl." CofC Wants More Flights ' But Won't ~Natn~ Airport dq>artmenll, the Joint a.Jds ol Slsff aod Ibo Wblte HOiiie. Eacll of -..... ociztll~ ... llwfW ... af m. 1 ..... tfona1 air apace,» Tbe statement wu the f.lnt offk:W acknowledgement by the United Stal<a that the EC121 wu ahot down, aa North Koreans: claimed. Previously, the ~n­ tagon said only that the plane was miss- ing. The department would not elabonta on ' what type "sources'~ enabled it to tell tbal lhe plane stayed 9u\Side North Korea's claimed 12-mlle territorial llmiL The North Korean Communists claimed they shot it down Tuesday after it violated their airspace. The United States saya tbe plane wu ordered to stay far off the cout and wu later reported about 95 miles fii>m Ch"ongjln. A P<ntacon anJllJllllCOll1Dl llichtlY ---........ bef<n Pr-1111- ... --a top.leval -.. of diplomaUc, mililary and lntellJgence ad- vilerl on the lliu.uon, said: "Direct communication baa be In established between one of the Soviet destroyer-type ships in the area and a U.S. aircraft from Korea. "Tbe Soviet ship said in response tO questions that Jt had not recovered or seen any survivors, but that it picked up what it reported to be aircraft parts." This was the second report of some debris being found in the generaJ area ·of the aearcb, in whicll. a Jqe number of American shipo and plone>, togelher wilh both Russian ships and planes. were participating. Garden Grove, Anaheim Oust . Four Trustees By TOM BARLEY Of t11e a.ttr Plitt St.fl Garden Grove and Anaheim voters pro- vided the biggest shocks of county schooJ board elections by dismissing from office four of five incumbent trustees. In an election that provided an almost unvarying pattern of new terms of office for incumbenls and a Ughl voter ~~ Garden Grove Unified School ~ volers decil¥ lhey had had _,...;,: trustees (If LciyaJ H. Barker and Jwi H. Tonk.s. Topping the poll in the eigbkJndidale, 11.7 percent turnout were Dr. Walter c . Ralston, a Garden Grove physician and teacher MelY!n R. Colllngs. John Barlon was the only ooe of~ !ncum~ls to get !be nod of 11.J ....... of the voters in the hotly -ec•1 till Anaheim Union High School Dislrlcj niQi. Fourteen candidates vied for voteil~ffr-i DAIL'r PILOT lt8'1 ~ tally that saw Robert Bart, • ~ state investigator and systems Dlbit' Jamt:s P. Bonnell take over tbe~.14iio: W.Uhlng Returns Dr. John R. Kent, unsuccessful ~~c.:1a!r :~e=~ ~ candidate for Huntington Beach EARLY ESTIMATES , '-" Union High School District Tw •._ · _.... Id fer loncutad Iner...., In board d D 'd II enty five of 30 lncumbenb '" .14 -.,.__, 1 an son, av1 , • county school di5tricls _.__. -• matloll and alr tr-""-In watch .....,_,y as voting results were •-..... Oears 'Co-op' ' . ' Tax Relief Bill .~.. -!""'-....... 6 ....... Y Early estimates indicated an cwftlf CJNnce COmlty,'' Mid the chamber are tallied Tuesday night. \"oter turnout of a little more than 10 ~~ reaolutkm. cent. • ·, nre Item apem by noting thal a Olher school district resulls Included ;· mimber ol airlina blve applied to the Unruh Points Out -Anaheim City !three ... 1s1, Jn. Cl'lil M!nDl&dk:I Bolrd to provide added -, , .. rumbents Lewis R. Mote and ~~ air eervice to Of'snC! Comty. • Skla r are joined by aUt.imey E. ~ Oppo6n "7 lhe -of SUperViaon $235 Million Tax ~:'::!t."' the board. vo1er tUrno!t to senolce out ol Orange County Airport t , . -~ , · -Bru Olinda Unified (four Rl~)~jn. il>df clue to Inability to handle much 'Goor hy"-»eagan ; ~Is Leo E. Ptantonl and Alan G. l ~~·l','f:.1"'"'1--· ¥ =~-=Ras!;-.: A relaid ·-lno wPc -b!W>-SACRAMENTO (AP) -Assembly trustm. Thirteen candidates ~ ment d 111 airpGrt d unapeclfied but 01>-Democratic Leader J...e M. Uhiuh said 'lbe race. Vot.i 1urnoo1 il:i.I )ler'Ce>L. l'j:oully Joeal-need capacity in the Brea today Republican Gov. Reagan made a -Buena Park (tbree teals) s,,.. area was al90 passed by the Orange $235 million "goof" agaln.s( the state's cumbelll3 Robert Perigan Georie N C<lulty Chamber of Commerce board taxpa}'fl'S in his proposed MW inc:otne Wedemeyer and Frank 'M. stewari Wednesday. tax levy. . . returned. There were 11l:r candidates. . Tilt genet"al aviation facility would Reagan last week announced he would --Centralia (three seats), unopposed fn- A: bill )lrOVlding praperty tu ielief for have a good economic impact on the en--seek a new one percent levy on adjt.llted cumbents Marcel LaFont, Harry .S. the•rnidentl of cooperative housing cor· tire northern «Xange Cowty area, notes gross income. But Umub said the bill in-Markarian and Walter P. Tedrahn _.;..,~,, -~ as Seal Beach'! La"un"' the item, suggesting it be developed in traduced by Aaemblyman W. Craig Bid· returned. Voter turnout U.5 percenL !""'_.,..., ai.a;i:i e--lhe Olinda land refuse site. die specl!ies a 1 v, percent ta:r. . S PERCENT VOTED Leliure World, ha.a cleared the Assembly 'Ille city of Brea had earlier asked for 1 Unruh said the difference between -cypress (three seats) lncumbenl CGmmittee en Revtnue and Tan'tion. localized •irnnrt facility and the R ' t and the fi · 1:1 .. ~ K. ' Introduced by slate Assemblyman -,.~ eagan 5 announcemen igure in ...... .,... Hines joim businessman Waley Robert H. Burke (R,Jiuntin'"""' Beach), chamber's re3olution calls for the the bill wouJd boost the ata~1 take from Phillips and engineer Gerald A. Wlltt on •-· Department of Airports to fel mto tl>e the new tu from 1711 million annually to the board. An mimal<d $ perc<nt ol tba the meuure is intended to include the master plan quietly. nearly $1 billloo. voten cut balloU for al:r candidates. senior citizen development in the voter· r----'----·-------'------------':..:..:=.::::=.:::.===:::::_ approved Proposition lA providing pro- perty tu relier . Burke said the group was inadvert.enUy excluded Jn the proposlUcm's deflnldon of the wmt "dwelling." The bill comes up before the Ways and Mearu: Committee on Tuelday. Burke said, .. I am confident the bDJ wlD be ap- proved by Uila commltlee. Tbe -- lndical<d bis support, and tbla ph•cos tho ~ill In a good polltloll lo< pusage." He added tbat the attorney 1eneral'1 olfice hu aasured him that Ibo c:omctlve lepJatlon to aolve the property tu relief problem la comtilutiooal. Sirhan .Bouyed By Jury Taking Time for Verdict LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Slrbln B. Sirtwl la _...,. becauae llre-lrrtY iJ laklDt .. llille~ln raching a ....a.i· 1or !be kllillli of Seo. Robert F. KenoOc!y: "They must be looking it over," he lold one of his lawyers. Courthouse observers at the thrff. month trial of the young Arab were in- clined to agree wnh him to the estent the Jury did mt quic~ go along with the pr03eCUtion demaild for fiftding a ftrsl de~ murder and rejection of defense tlauns Sirhan was lftentaUj confuaed . The seven-man. five-woman pant) ntlr<d to loct<d "'°"" In Ibo Blllmore Hot<I lale Tueadq after i fUll daJ of d<liberatian. TbeJ ·had opont one hour after the 1rial ended MOlldq llul did Biiie """' than pick • lcrtman. ' '!be l1r1 --~ In • n>Olll jlllt ...... Iba fortzosi.Jlh oourtroom wbere Ibey bwd 10 wit- ....... locllrdlng ...... --pit who -Kennedy lhot down In the Am~ HoU!I el the peak of bla drive for Ibo pmldtoc:y. U.S., Ruas Ships Jlit ISTANBUL. 'l'4my (UPI) -An A-1tap ~·-s •Jovlel ~ -WIJ toii.r la .... DenJaollla but both were •hie · lo '-" Turtirli ---·-~\ill!llllltllll.'Jbera were no cauaJUa COIMNIEHT TfRMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAR&E $lll.OI ''"·" iT•._IW ___ ,,_ 1----.. """ It. Match your style with 011rl """' dbdndfw -.... Nd isle us abo•t o•r fa .. oua· 10nnfe .... IWW11L ~ ;;. c. JJ.m,,~ J-t, J Ill NEWPORT A VE. COSTA MESA • ll YEAltS JN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE '4i-J401 ----------------------------------------,-,--,-,,-----------------·~-· • ~ _1 ;Men in Service COpt._E. _ ... USAF, bu Ileen --.. wttll .. Dlotiaguilbed Flflat I>' J er-fcr --W acbiev ~'!' .... 59'. ; Penoif•f , ,, ' Ila~• - .. ''ha . ! ~,,. ...... ' ii!_ Vietnam. • . ,, 1 • -~ Tiie SOil of J.lr. llld Mra,, I &!word A. Randolph ol 11' 1 Catalina St., Seal Beacb, ..,.. • . f ., . ' . ' p c:w.11 ,.. •••• 1 •' • I ~ the award for his air BU~ Port in ~ defense of the city of 'Can Tho. He is. ~ ala-· Honed at Williams AFB, I Arizona: • 1 i • • -1.C. Larry w . stotPelm0or, IIBCG,, ol llG61 Drake Lane, Hunt.ina t on Beach,' ts serving aboard tbie U.SJ Coast Guard cutter WacbuseU oU lbe ·coast -Gf Vietnam. Seaman Apprea. WDUam W. Orloif, USCG, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,William N. Orlolf or 1ssa ; Garfield. Huntington Beach, is L serving aboard the Coast Guard cutter Wact!ipetJ Qf! the coast of· Vietnam. l S t e'e twor ter Coutrac-. ti•mu Paul W. ztmmennaa. . USN, IOn of Mr. and ·Mrs .. Gerald /r. Zimmerman of 1'71 Lower Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach, is serving at the U.S. Naval ~~pport Activity in Danang,_ Vietnam. Znd Lt. Don E. Aakbul, son of Mr., aM Mrs. Dong µ .. ' Aakhus, 436 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach, has been aw,rded Air Force wings upon graduation at Randolph AFB, Tex. A gr-®ate of Newport Harbor IUgA School, be receiv. ed · bis B.S. degree in e tronic engineering f r o. m 1,,, California State Polytechnic r:, College. '· Seaman Appren. Norman R. R11dtcill, son of Mrs. Mary L. 2· Rudicill of 76&" Hudson, Coota '3, Mesa, is serving aboard the i ·· attack aircraft carrier USS Hancock at the San Francisco 3;· Naval Shipyard, where it is under&oing minor r e p a i r s ~-4-after eight month! in the C.·· Western Pacific.• ,_ '· Lance Cpl. _, L. Abbott Jr., son of Mrs._~ge P. Griffith of 314 Robin Hood " Lane, Colla Mesa, Is serving ·'' at the Marine Co,P. Ait Sta· 1l tion. Cherry Point, N.C. His 1 ~ . unit ii part of the Fleet 1 Marine Force, AtlantJc. ~. . . , 1 Stepbea ~·Tiler, sOn of Mr.-1 and Mrs. Gordon A\ Tyler, · 7931 Ronald Road, Huntington Beach, has been awarded Air \ Force wings upon graduation " at .Moody AFB, Ga. He has 1•: been aaai gned to Dover AFB, Del. for duty with the M.ftitary t Airlift Command. ... ~ I. ~, Alrma• Grtpry J. Gamer, _, USN, son ol Mr. and Mrs, Maurice J. Gardner of 3019 Zell Drive, Laguna Beach. Is serving aboard the-attack aircraft carrier, Oriskany. ~ i • The ship is participating itl ": Operation Bell Jangle ~he "'· third major naval exerc1Bt 'b this year. ' ··" !" Seaman Appre1. Micblel L. Waller, USCG. son of. Mr. and ·~ Mrs. Jack Waller of 520 E. •1~ Oce.an Front, B a 1 b oa , (•: graduated from basic training ·i' • at the Coast Guard Training , and SQPPl.y Center, Alameda, ,i,. Calif. _,, I' commtnarymaa S/ Wesley '11 n. Rowe, USN, son ot Mrs. Clyde N. Ki~g ~f 1911 Cor~I ... Circle, Huntmgton Beach. is ·_, serving aboard the destroyer ~' USS Wllt.sie. --ti• Airman Crall R. DotP ty, fl son of Mr. and Mrs.,Robert. W. ,/ Doughty ol 172> Thurston ·. Drive, Laguna Beach, has • • 1 completed basic trainln& at ".· Lack1and AFB. Tex. He has '' . been usigned lo Lowry AFB, 1'' eoJo. for intelligence training. " He is a graduate of Laguna :; Beach High_, -- •n. MariDe PVt. Stepltel L Jer. rar, son of Lt. Cot (ret.) Fraok R. Berrar of 951 Cheyenne St., Costa Mesa, has . ., completed tbe Voice Radio , operator Course at the Marine I• Corps Recruit Depot, San ,,, Diego. I• , DHald a. Slllvaaen. son of : • G. A. sauvag.au of Tustin, Tl• w11 amonc Air Force ROTC , cadN who aUmled the 21111 5 naUonal Arnold AJr Soclety cooclave in New Orleans. He I: -is working toward bis B.S. ln , mechanical "'lineering at J1 Nerth Dakota State "" University. Ji --• WO Cnd141ate Rellert L. ' ' Puhr, whose parents, Mr. on4 Mrs. Robert M, Park.er, and wife, Kathleen, live at tSU Baker St., Costa Mtsa, 1/ baa completed a helicopter 1 t;' pUot coune •t Fort Wolter.a" 1n Tei. He will undergo actvanced rt· Olaht 1ra1n1n1 at the Army A vuUon Schciol, Ft. auc:m. " Ab1. ,I, 7' i~ . 11."'8 ' - ' 'in Val~! L.f. Mono & St~reo ~g. 59c to •1·29 .. Record -Al•ums Metal Document s~ Women's - Cirdigans . --s3•• ............ aisleyLugga ' ' . ., DllUXI Blended . Whiskey =~$2" Nowpciad ~'"· crduou,~ lllidcount p rice cl .$3.19. Reg. '1" Brown & Haley Almond -Roca 9t 4 -~--Women's Sungla1H1 · .-Wo•n's . Wide Ilg Pants· Dli.i..t P• s3••. az.11,_,.,.._ IHnt stntcll Puts "'""",.... 1wit& o;.i.·si· n :iipper. ''" t.Otttwl aod , · 2'% J17bt, Colon. . lleg. IUI Clllrtl luf , Hair Setttr 5 jumbo nlltt IWing Sf H 1d:tt:r. Comp1ct dunibl~ plastic USt ! · 11•1 ictdct '. Ctllllttit H1lr DrJtt F-0 u r ttmptrtturt $1 '" ttttings with bouf- ftnl hood. No. 307. 1 Frame~ .AKOfttdsi~ ' c!otumcot ftame1 ••• 'x7" ••• 81:10" , , , llxtf"I Cboit1 of black or -.mple <Olot finitlies. Ide1l for In.min, photos,· «r• , lificates, dorumeau; · pictwa.r - $Lii DellfhJ lraJ .1 llute Mlglc Olilamgl.lllon$1H brdimt for au lypa of ... ; altln. 1~~. $1W Gl1111our Lltt- l1k1 Up Mirror Four rcfl~r ltttl• $12" sed Jt:mps Ji.!flt JOUf /1t.e· with ao &Lue or shldowl ·-,, ........ SIJll SllH Hilr Dl'JW Lu10 bood, fou• $16" Jteat~l!Od· , '• lions. Qlaictl lutl l!fficitntJ ' . • illllnt Ptrllllll . - lllil Hair Dl'Jlr Compt.et. poweduJ foe Sf" ' dfJinJt hlir, nailt, fin&• crit.· Tt&Td tonipanion. .. 'J3.ll Mayfair Tape Recoriltr ~7 Shell No Pest l1111d Strips ~;:;: $)79. • • .. • -DAll.Y PILOT 1' . ' ' • .... ' . .-,s,:Pfim•d Fniil o1 -i1ie LOom Pillowcases ~~PACK OF 2 'l~VllH! 121ndl O~ld Veined· .................. _ All or .... """'" (1Dtf print1 I Jk1utilul prit1t• .ed muslin •• , ·.cortlpletely color f11.t and wuh. able! 100% cot• l1ppl 1111iillfed PlcnlC lags ,.,,.,.,,,.. hpmd ... ~ s1 s• FiMr glass inrnl•ttd. J.r. · . infom:d btndla, ,.inrl linin . T1bltltdtl larbeeae Grlll ~c•vr dutr. fittbo'!I, 1d· ·$Jt9 , )u,t,J;le height J;nll fot" perf«t tesultJ. Dm1 I lllCll Thick -~-!Miii Pad _ c.o....d w;.& ;.w.1 $594 ,.;,..d •"1LT0P1 ;,, • .comfort all!f ~I~! _ Sl.41 Valull Ti'Jltn 30 Quirt Ice Chest :I•plodtdpoJ11"ilbmold· •. 1 ~ ed. hlodlcs. Xffps food . colil foe .boun: . $9" Value Spaldin g lox of 12 Golf l ulls _ "lob GoalbJ" . '$6" tlqufd ocnttr, h j ~ h YtJocity, • h_igh ,COfnptel-' Mon, Poly.maic CO'(ftiQtJ • ---- 9x12' Rug~ ' s0ud ortw"d 19'5 Home..fuhioci cof,._ 011 ,.ith ,fo'lM 'hackiorl 5er,ed. all around. Dim Dmllr :f1c1n1s Bd&J>t bold >kd)'pot· 4 F $1 tcra. in 'tibrant color. 0 • For bot ot colcl food. A lie Gl'lfer I lowl Com"•llon ·No kitchen mess, rinstt 59c dQfl. 'Jdc1l for ca.nots, , p011ton. Kik hen. colon I s1.1&v11u11 z Cup Hot or Cold Stntr c.arr. W p.in bttt proof w-mvtt a: beat pl'OOf plastk ha~c. Gold ~tionl 11c 11. lox -di IDO Pektr Chips .Plastic, , • wipe clcatt 2 F $1 'W i t h • damp clot&. : Bu1 2 snd Save ·;ac. 81c I DD% Pl1stlc PlliJlng C1nl1 1 on~ J1itin1, dunble. ·5, aJy 10 cl~. Vse for bridge ~111e1 I ,SS.II Ylluel P111Hc Ire• Utt Doer ••t 'Grm-likt hi.pile-with '294 m.t1ic action. llx24/' in .&Old Ot Ffftl·. SI.IS to SS.IS Y1lutl Chlldrta'1 l1tk1 Gru't assortmttit',from. " juvenile publithtt!' All MW", dtan,lf.uh! . SIM F~·A·Shell Pl..,-ic let Fluk ' Mah' :rout "mm: ice, fill ,. , .. ~t pimic'cooltn. j UJt liU with Ti'lttt. , • ' c,r...ic Uk1 , Potltd Flowers . folip _ o~ Da.f.fociil$16t Dtcorr•;vc.,, 12 Ju~h. $J9'5 Value Kodak lnstalHflc J24 Camra $1311 g1t.tsvahNii a Plaitlc lall' \I _ Swag· I , lamps $1484 Exci:liac kiJht colors.C.. __ ,..,_...,..;: <la;.. • •12.99 Yallll 3 Pc. Wainut Snack fables ~, s999 · Bucket Style Bed Rest $333 Orenli flotsl J>rinta in: m a a 1 · , .,,._colors. 1\&abo -J7xlh:ll" aiic l Codortablr. · ' ,,~oano. asolln1CM -• • I' af-IWLY 11LOT H "LEGAL NOTICE Job Hike Sparks Southland Gains , . • ···----·-., "'~· Aloll 16. 1969 H Wednesday's <losmg Pricei;-w~plete New ._Y.ork Stoek Exchange List I• LEGAL NC11'1CE I i Wtdottday, APtil 16, 1'169 LEGAL NC11'1CE T:loi. TV Plans Changes. For Tonys II)' JEJUIY BUCK ' NEW YORK (AP) -This 1' the time of the year when ahow bua.ineJI poli.sbea up its golden atatuett.es and silver medaJUone: to reward its fines& perf ormanc.s. VC '"''ne Protf_petlon .. I I ' 'Catulli Carmina; Masterflll . , I .. Staging of Med~~~itl Ballet ' By TOM BARLEY ., .. ._.PW,..., ~ ~; Mrln&. ,splne-llOl!ins . "Cobdli Clnnlna,. t1oo1 11111y medie .. 1 bym8 to jlle ... _.ed, ml Eupne JarillC'• .. 0 d, .... boob, un-1.Party/\ that 'i:lwtta1. dOUble time dedlailon to the 'lbete were the Oscan last Mooday, night, Hie Tonys April 20, the Gram.mys W.:ay 5 and the Erfunys :rune a. -clliCiotiiiquo • ..i--biCI:-to resistance of "The Party." A mock ballet ~oe in wblch Ricky Harris as Auntie La Mom and Les Watanabe (h!'-lf the 1it.e of his partn~) as the prtmier WWeur lifted us off our chalrs wit.b a "Swan Lake this isn't" routine which was a miracle · ol clowning and a masterpiece ol timing. The memory ol the Utile Watanabe's gran~ jet,. (flying leaps) over the prostrate body . of bis partner will live with us for a long time &o come. So will the sore sides we bave to- day and we'll wager that most of that delighted UCI audience suffer from the same cont· plaizlt. All nl. them will be seen as television specials. . Perhaps Ille be3I ci them is the tw~year-okt Broadway Tony ;mr, with mucn of the credit going to the husband and wife tenm ol 6]exander Coben and Hildy Parka. Cohen Ro11ar Boredom produces the .show and his rl · 1' th wire writes it. Costa Mesa's Fred Sutton t e1 vainly to. w -n e ' favor of Carol Bunker in this scene from Shat~ l:Wdy swears there are three speare's ''Twelfth Ni(bt,'' opf:ning a fiv&nigbt run versions to the ICript. ''The tonight in ·tbe Cal State Fullerton .Littl.e Theater. one you write, tbe one __ ..::.-------------~----. .... -everybody chang~s and the one in the ultimate terror ol standing bef<re the CaJMl'a when they say somethina en- tirely different. "You want to puncture the bubble,'' ft said. "You write something funny, putting down the whole thing. But the actors won't say it because they take Salesman Tarns Star· lnHitchcockThriller K so aerioosly." By VERNON SCOTT Two major ~hanges will be HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Cin-- made in thi3 year's show, derella stories art reserved which Will be eeen on NBC for sweet young t h i n g s from 10-11 :30 p.m. Sunday, diseovered in drug stores and April 20, from the Hellinger made stars overnight -but Theater. would you believe a fO.year· "The first twO years we old Czechoslovai:ian presented coly music a I salesman? numbers, but that gave a Well, it's true. lopsided Impression of the ,,, theater," Hildy said. "This This man named F.rederic1t year we'll include dramatic Stafford. w~·t ~verecf in sequences." a drug store, but he was a The second change is the pharmaceutical peddler with elimination of pretaped ac· a worse territory than the ceptances by winners who guy unloading icebo:res in the could not be present. Arclic. "That was really a subject Stafford's r o u t e was of confusion tut year," Cohen · Rangoon, Beirut, Bombay, said. "People thought that Karachi "Bangkok, Saigon. because Mike Ni~ls taped an ManUa,' Slnppore, .Jakar.ta, a~ptance he ltnew he was Hong Kong, Taiwan and Tokyo getting an award." with.headquarters in Sidney. Tryouts Set For 'Tender' From the .boondocks or the Orient, to a few pictures in Europe, Frederick StaUord currently is starring l n .. Topaz" for Alfie Hitchcock. Selling pharmaceuticals in the Orient came to a halt -· for ctnderella Stafford when Aud It I on s for Max ' 1i"e1Tta1Tied a beaµtilul actress Shulman's comedy '1 The ·in 1964 _·Austrian filln star Tender Trap·" the neit pr~ ·· _Narlanne HoW _ ap1 decided duction ~f the San Cl~ente -travewlg wai tor dulJil-dums. Commumty Theater, will be . the couple went Ul Europe held Sun.day and Monday at h e Marianne was making the Cabr11lo Playhouse. w e~ · Tony Brandt, who has stag-a picture. A producer too1k ed. plays at a number of a long look at Stafford s Orange County theaters, will clasaical!Y handsome profile direct the show. A cast of four and decided he should be an women and four men all actor. between 20 and 30, is req~ired. "~ w~ interes~ ln t~e The lryQuls are scheduled business side of movies, rats- for 3 p.m:-sundaj and a p.m. ing money, producing,'' said MQrKlay at tbe playhouse, 202 Stafford who fled his native A venida C a b r i I I o San land as a youngster. Clemente. F-u rt he~ in· "But this producer said the fonnaUon may be obtained by best way &o learn the. business calling Relen Bunting at 492-was by• acting, so . I could 6161. earn money while I eumlned how motion pictures were pit together. "I bad no idea of becoming ii movie star, much Jess dream of working for Hltcb-- cock in an American movie." Stafford Is r~. He does not approach acting - as do our misty eyed method types -with the fervor of a man with the holy grail in sight. Instead he addressf:s himself to "acting in businesslike fashion, learning all he can about performing and applying what he learns. "I take my job seriously," he said. "I work at il like I have every other position I have taken -very hard. "Outsiders ask me why, after only four years acting in Europe, I am working in a multi-million-dollar Hollywood movie for Hitch- cock, and I can only say things just happened. "The first part was luck for me. But execution is not luck. It is hard work and application." Stafford has . traces of a European accent. but his years in Australia a n d determination to learn English gives him enough versatility to play Americans. He is tall -Moot 3-inches -has brown hair and ..eyes and a direct manner that is al once disarming and at· tractive. Ir "Topu" p]ays back to Hitchcock's better films of the past, ,S'8fford could becomt a eenuine star. He's ready for it. "1'd like nothing better," he said. "I'd move f r om Swilzerland -where 1 live now -to Hollywood in minute." back! . ' A talall)'. lmp>aible muelcol , ADChricbt·kcruy •tlonqlt to -... i.re -fllh lllld chlpa Jn a WI,)' out Jll'Oll'llll that :WU doomed to derisiop 1 Thal wu oor opinion ol'lbis reyolatiomry staiJng Salllr- day nfP.tOt Ille University ol Callfornio •t Ji'Vine -before .. -_ -·~"'" t Our 'bi Ull: I.OU WW1.. 1PeD • up, ,. gesl ---ofter u. !"<Ill ~atlng evening ~ in mon: jhu qne artistic ~ T we've ever' pit at UOI was 1o not a~ .~°" daY1iljilit ~ Mil go back W lite ~ fot··mort of this magnificeot ~. What a task' we set om'lelf when we try 'to single out for special acclaim personalities from bolh of these glit1uing productions. But major honorS cannot, our dedication to the cauae ol mulic notwitbstan- ding, be withheld from the very obvious star d this fan. tastic Crawford Hall pro- duction choreographer Eugene Loring. He wfl! responsible for a dance deaign that lhorooghly captured the earthy, free. wheeling spirit of an age aptly described by Orff himself as having "little rtSpect for honor and p:messions ... more devoted to play, women and wine •.. " IMPECCABLE Lorlilg's message of lhe Middle Ages was impeccably delivered in a beauUfuJly stag· -ed, immaculately danced con- tribution to Orff's breathtak· ing scenic cantata. And Robert Fletcher's inspired designs provided the iaeal backdrop for Ulring's gifted dancers and were very much in keep- ing wilh the 13th Century overtones of Qrff's tumuJtuous score. And adding luster to this superb Ofl-6lage presentation was director Maurice Allard's glorious University Chorus, delighting us with a well nigh faultless rendition of one of the most demanding choral works in the books. Make · no mistake about It, "Catulll Carmina" is I back maker and a work to be avoided by any but the most ac· complished choral group. ~ Orff.s 'work is .. writ~ in what he 41ys him.9ell is lifimi· tivelyl-wlgar La Un but ~re was ribffiic vulgar about this fine dioir;a deliyery of this complez, delpand!.ng w o r k. Very1'ltable;!n a growing pre.- seniatkia. were t.boSe eUective iliiii'lile' ~ges aild that" ~iioa;J clear, high soprano voice;:dear to the heart " (/rff .. tmnen-doual1.'effeCti . , in its addition or an etber<BIJa~osph.,. to the more meisured portions of the work. So much for this superb "Catulli carmina." Looking back at what happened while we were s t i 11 blissfully relishing the afterglow of that electrifying oUering, it is bard to believe that the audience , surfeited as it was by the sheer physical beauty of that almost overpowering cantata, could so quickly adapt itself to Loring's zany, somewhat psychedelic "The Party." COSTUME CHANGE We are well aware of the many weeb of long, painful rehearsal that have gooe into a few minutes of inspired buf· foonery but believe us, Miss Harri,, and Mr. Watanabe, It was well worth It. You left us helpless in our chairs in the high spot of a magnificent and memorable evening of theater. PRICELESS After some more priceless pirouetting from this ideally matched couple -ideally in terms of the devastation they wrought io our concert hall composure, of course -it was back to the frenetic, free-for .. all of the discotheque and more of that frenzied dancing by Loring's young men and Vi'Omen. Where in heaven's name do these high gear UCI performers get this kind of energy? Our only brickbat is reserv· ed for the audience. Certainty, i~ was a delight.ed gathering anc1 there was no qllstalting its A mere IS minutes later the appreciation of a piece of young ladies who had so theater that -and I hope we fascinated us with their clever have made it abundantly clear interpretations of t h e -reflects tremendous credit lasciviou.!, drooling old men of on every person named in that Orff's work -incidentally, program. these costumes by four UCl And how t wish, ladi es and members were superb -were gentlemen, that I could name back on stage, mini-tkirted you all. and glowingly attired. And But the ovation they receiv· they TOCkeil and Delted their ed was not sufficient. 1bty way through Loring ~tines should have been brought back that had us agape with _the lime and time again for the ~heer, t~ndous pby~:al extended accolade they so unpact of 1t ~ll and the ability richly deserved. of these tireless Y .o u n g A final note lo those tn performers to cope .with . the charge of UCI affairs. Do not. Jlui<· demandl of this:.£1"1 we l><~·r ypu, let ljil& .I-. choreotrf~· . : , .. t nigbt s : of ·a, supeijl:-.. Lei .. ,!1llllle, this I)>'! .,.,,,. ... last ap~ln cteor, ·ll\!l ·irj(er has"' ft. .·OOr· ar a. II woukl '.II!! a finity for ths. type of 11\~ lragedl!to 1<1 this splendjd.'ol- and the gomgs on . tha fering [.gather dust in1 .your e,-nanate. f~~ it. But it Jirou Fine Ans rues. , be-churlish indted to say thaf., Give us more. UCt give..11:1 this interpretation of a typical more.' Yoo rang th~ bell · Oli discotheque bash,~ anything Saturjiay·nigflt ind all we·~ other than magnificent. a very-happy audience wantlli Then, the ple~e de more"-much, mud! morer- of the same. . GWC Choir to Perform Jazz Mass on Television -------------· for KGO-TV, the . Saft. Fran-J. ci.sco ABC affiliate, on'Ma$ 1.· . . , OOPS. WE' GOOFED! . . IMAGINE!! WE SHOW A ·PROFn IN 1969! TO DATE OUR TAX CONSULTANT SAYS: "Give Some Back This Week" . so.~. fOR FIVE DAYS ONLY We Make The Following Offer: HUGE 200 SCj). FT. PATIO ,R•OOr,\ A~DITION lncludlnt: Pl-It i>ermlts • llve Prints Completely Weather Proof W•ll• e Cement Sl•b• Plus + IMul•lod RoOf + UGULAR $1150 NOW ONLY . $120000 DELUXE ROOM SIZE PA.TIO Includ ing : Plans• Permits • Blue Print• lnsul•lod Roof Plus + Complete Sc...., In FULL PRICI -:~~Ni:;s s5950o =~ ALL WORK DONE BY OUR CREWS-NO. SUISI '18 YE.US EXPERIENCE • GENERAL COt(IRACTOR CALL NOW 546-9563 CALIFORNIA PATIO SUPPLY 7691 Westminster, Westminster lmy The Way ••• DISPLAY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEIK PAY NOTHING TILL AUGUST After two successful ap- pearanct3 in the Huntington Beach area, Golden West College's A Capella Oioir will perform "The Jazz Mass" over San Francisco television. Acccrding to G e r a I d Schroeder, director of the 50- member choir, an-angements have just been completed to tape two JO.minute segments One aegme'1I will be tel<Yi> • ed. the rotlowing Sunday morn- ing with the other scheduled to be shown later in the week. The choir and the Orange County Jazz Ensemble presented the mus twice last week to large audknces in lhe College Center. t\,(lrnesa ' . . ' . •.· •' . ·,·, ·• ' ·• ''>··. ''l5t. 1111Pt1CllU 141 .IW fOI INfOIMATIOll ..... Comody c.Hlt --- Motl: ONI SHO-• IACH M STAm 7:11 "., •• , ..... ,.,,. .. 7:11--....;... ... 'h •" t:OS Csatl a a ...., W a S. ,,_ J ·P.M. Jtr9'mY :;t1d1 ''THI U6LY ONIS"-M All Coklr 5how fl-•111 ............... , Auollmr Aw•" WlnMt S19wMc~ "IULUTT""-M --~ "HOUSI OP CAlDS"-M All ColOr !.!low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . -• . F~Utaln fil fll·O.N ~ ....... . ~ .. · N.Y. Sfoek•·-· , YOt 62, NO. 91', :f SECTIONS, 64 'PA&ES . ' . .. .. :rEN ·CENTS • •• -· . - Huntingt9n Man's Brothe:r on Downed -Plane A HWltin&ton Beach ma:t whose brother Wu &board a propeller.-tvtn U.S. spy plane shot down by North Korean jets today declined to di!cusl anything unUI more detai!l!I ol the crew's Cate are known. "We don't really koow eoougb ol tbe cireumstances to make any comment 1i the moment,'' said Edward .W. Greinier, .en of 11111 Bartlett Line. Navy ......,_ noti!lod tbe Greinen early Tuaday nlPI that AYlatlon Eleo- trlclan's Mate LI Verne A. Greiner WU CllO ol the !l d!nrl*! fiiers. Gre!Mr aald lodf1 a.at lio will be.able to d!lcllll the ...... --. freely u IOOll u U.S. d'fidtlt CID beciD to .......wcl ewtq mt Uppclod. ' .. ' . -. * * * * * '* HD High Vote HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (Voting Shown by Elemtn11ry' ScMol Dl&tr~I) High SchGOI C•ndld1te1 HB City FV Elt. Oc1i1n Vltw SHl.llMdl ·Totol BenUey 875 779 1376 U04 4114 Schmitt 536 536 863 925 -Wilson 361 380 490 653 llM Bauer 634 526 1365 570 3095 Bentson 147 213 415 217 1116 Bolinger 41 54 139 50 214 DingwaU 437 551 824 232 2044 Herman 239 171 488 284 1112 Kent 240 193 510 351 -12M Mitchell 257 256 654 455 1622 Suter 225 206 382 215 1021 Voss 144 284 458 272 10sl Valle~ Y ()ters Return Trio Despit~<;lt~eages Qf Jive . . . • ,,,,.. Jncmnbt1Mf1Dllllng 1\!h'ir flnt election Wert f$rned lo .. <ll the Fountain Valley Schoof Dlslrid -ol -· ckopit< a atronc race.by one ol five challengers Tuesday night. A total of 1,231 voters -12.11 percent of a registered 12,087 voters ~ returned incuinbents Harold E. Brown.-William E. Crane and Sheila R. Meyers to posts to which they were all appointed ltss than a year ago. Brown received 9XI vol~ Crane &'U votes and Meyers garnered 895 votes. Challenger David B. Israelsty made 1 strong run at the incwnben&s, trailing Meyers in the finaJ count by only 66 votes. Of four other candidates none received more than 412 votes. District officials noted a slight percen- tage increase in voter turnout this year TV Setup, Found As Police Raid ,. ' '.i Sauna Parlor Police arrested three women in a ffkln.. tingt.on Beach sauna early this ~I on promltution charges and confilclted some cl~-circuit television equipment at the sceoe. Arrested at the Executive Salon Sauna Parlor, 174.14 Beach Blvd., were Patricia Mae Shelton, 27, of 7191 Slater Aye., ffun.. tington Beach; Betty Jean Conello, lt, ol. Long Beach, and Christine ~ o I 1 LeMasters, 21, of flJ7 11th St., Huntmatm Beach. Police Chief John Seltzer said the _... rests culminated two weeks of in- vestigation into activities at the sauna parl<r. Arresting officers al.!O located and cm- flscated a closed-circuit television ·tet eqllipped with video tape which wu hoot-- eel to cameras overlooking stalls where massages were given. All three women are curreoUy ln aistody at Orange County Jail. Dttectives said the sauna parlor has not yet been closer 7% Investment Tax Credit Hit by Dems WASHINGTON (UPI) -Hou u Demoeratl went on record today in fawr ot. repealing tbe 7 pen:ent ln-nt tu credit, clllinC tt 1•1DftaUooary.'' By voice vote during • cloold ..,...,, tbe De_.-at1 ldopted a IJ<-1 by Rep. Owlcs Vaoil< (D-Obio), to "'-' ._i of tht crtdl~ wblch -• • P bllllOn annual sublidy for purdluo of l!Cjlljpment by bulillCI' and IDdllllO" •• ~TON ll&lCll CITYtlCBOOL:.DlllllCT POU.ING PUCD Fire Slation Llle 'Cl-Diab1ct Olllct l'<rT1 School LeBanl School PetOnon School EadeT 5chool --TOTALJI . . . 3 on OCC Board Back in Office On 1st Returns 3 Attorneys, Newcomer -; . ,/ Incumbent.a Wortli Keene, of Seal Beach, and George H. Rodda Jr., of Corona del Mar, appannUy iwept to electkln Tueoday In the Or1111e Cout Win OV ScJWol :.PQSts . Junior CoDeao Di11r1c1. "-· -to!all "'"' partial with retmm fram the 1Weal County.....-ea DOli 'l1ne aUomeyt1, w a neweomer, were y« aftllable. . , ~Into office by a moderalt .surnout In ·Newport Beach and Ci>i1tO Meia, ol .-. In tht Ocean View School -~ K,..., nimi1nC ._. Dtlblc\ Tuaday. (>Ollid, -1ved 7,413 -. Rodda In .Geoqe G. Lopn will be tht -f"°' U-Amt cltfils.piled.., a-~~ oo lht·boorcf. He fllll the -vocatld'by ...,. challenger Jolm L. V1111\11,.'1,IK -L<onard Shane who dido~ seek votes to 1111. · -to the -be -1...t by ap- Rodcla, 1ppolnfed to tbe tiootd twO p<lnl-1 twoyetJS qo. · -·.---.. -..... .Iocambents Robert"' Knoz and R. full four-,..-!erm. 11 wlll 1io ~'a · J-Sblller woo tllllr MOia by wide third four'J*'lerm. -/ The C01111ty'1 School ElectiOlll Office * /'-k. * did not ba" 1vllllable today ---' · · .•' ':. :. (-.;) ~':.-!' . ;1 HuntlJ!lloo Btlcb. l'oulUfii VallOr, ltll, . ' BeacbOfll'-. o~ean ~JB>~..rt= .. :,-. c V • .~.'~.,; W1'?-; '" :,tr ~ •~n .. ·y :Oae., lllah . -·-,.. -' -!ts lor -....., But B>dlnctoo . "t, Dlllrld Wcnn c:t"iUIJ'dld oot. -=~:;= Scbeol Dlllrlct. ·"""1 ......... -....... ·a v ....... ::...aCalllft .... -for a Society ISDll) chaple!" .. e&mfllll! 61 '"" • .,,.., to be much cl a 111r91t_i' ouaw Rodda'• 15 to l lead lD 0.,-WH(M iod ...,_ BEA.CH BANK ROBBED A.GA.IN DetA!cli,.. ocrambled from tbe Hun- linaton Belch polkro l>todqomt«I • 11 1.m. today In ....... a ._tel m....,. ed --, 111 tile a.it ol -at --ndAdlmlAW 1ltis -the -time lhil y- that lrancll ol tbe -ol -has ._, -by armed -lldalll of the n>bbory _.IOI avoillblt al - time. • ·-, . Crest View Oak View Rancho-View Sun View Westmont Pleasant View MeaclowView Villa&• View .Rollinwood Havm Vltw Circle View Siar View Callese·Vltw Sprlna Vltw Liorl< "Vltw ari>Or View Vitw Vltw MarllttVI.,,. 13 IS 10 21 11 20 43 17 JO 21 21 l3 47 so · 15 81 • %Z • ,,. . 1 • '' ~ ... --· . OclAH VllW SCHo0L 1;11ST,IUCt · · • I '" -•' ,. . ·15 11 . 10 35 ·23 11 39 2S Sl 21 '7 $1 65 u 41 35 39 2S 29 50 34 13 124 51 51 114 IO • .. ' 82 :, :1115 101 117 128 'IO IOI -m · -1• ·i:.~: .. , f ' l2 . • 21 21 211 43 211' "14 · 7 JP 29 ·a . lf T .1 ·1?, 61 · M 39 'Ill .. 35 35 21 21 52 36 • . 31 16 Sl • 52 M. · 'It 51; SS 1111 .. ' ',JI !.JO~ 11 ~ 55 71 1 •Ii "lll 24 17 Jill ee '"· a 41 ·n eo·. I t • 'l8 ! : •49 IJCt .. • .,, 47 42 . 21 211 . S2· lot Ill 11 47 J~ .122 lOI " ··II 71 1 ·m 11 74 51 11 fl5 .. ,,, ' • 411 • •• 224 75 15 '47 .. Ill n • .... » . · 29· n t II .' ; fl I I I jl l ' @ t ~ ·• 1119 . '1114 .. . ....... ~-1 > -·--.. --. . . . -.. . ... •" . ' . . . ---·· • j : • • • ( t • .. . • IG Light Vote R-ecorded For Schools 111 WILLIAM llBllD ' (If • ...., ..... ...,! Jolut J. Bent!ef toPPed tU c-dalt• f~ three pooltlonl ... the ......,,,.. __ of the ~ Beach Un1oo Jllib School Ilfitifct Tueaday .. be and. r.uo.. lncum6eiit Raymood Schmlll wt r • ~ to the board !Gr lour ~ Newcomer to the board will be Dr. Ralph Bauer. • lllcumbent Rfuhard WlbOn w u umeated, pj:lclng fifth In the lleld o1 U . caodl<!at.J. . . Ilel1>ilj brlcht . wetUier """ abdii(lii pefun(~ ,;w:iy' 'll.Gllll = wenl lo the-polls, Many 1CD1o1 of. ... =·='to~~~~~ bori hod a d-1 • .; -may = . ..-,~:-.-1111',.,,... ~ ' ' ', ' • /' ' r • : who bu served. ~' boord ,Jll'~}!·;i-· tine,...... ol 11111,lalll ~al; ·tbo';boord. received t,IJI votoL ~~ -Wlfll ,I,• Ud ~·-.. ":!illO. . . -..-~ . _,111¥P*o .wtt1i: l;!li. . . ·~ 1l'll!!llt -pal Bentley 0 cammeotl I -• -· be '1e11 the' e~ theo1C:: Scbm1U and Bauer, wbo a1IO ...-en the _Q!:un View School Dilllicf boord "lndlcaia that people di> have COllfldeuoo In 1the board. . . .. ~ are aware .we are Imp1einmtfnc .... -of study IDd lbal ... -~ beenJnactive at aJJ.• ~ ait ,......;.IW .UU and appredait H." Newly elected -tluil<e · RaJiib "Biiiier Nid, "I've never been Atisfted ,._ .. uythlng that isn't the very best Ud·re t..d to -t with the achooJ. boonf to develop the fme.t high ochool d1abict Jn the ltlte.'' llelulta ol the election w.,. lnterpnted by ' many obaetverif as a vote ot con- fidence , for tbe ealsting --and management of the district. · John Kail, wf>o despite I llrq C&m- pflln with Dr. Stephen . -placed .. vmth, said be fell the raulb Indicated 0 vot.er preference for the statu que.· ... He lndJcated tbere are lltiH -.,. h> 1be dlltrict. Who Will -to llghl for clwi(e. • Steele llf-lceu NEW YdiX (AP) -'Kiiioc£ marid ntnated on a wide fropt a . cloeed with sharp Jou today as many investors grew cmoerned <Wtr the posklHle cOn.ttquenoes !hat cookf iesull .from . North Korea •hooting down a U.S. Navy 1plane. (See quotau .... Pqes 20-a1).-. 0r .. ,. . Weedier .. 'Ille ~ ...... u ... 'lbu-111 !llllShlne, a whole 4-Y•ol It 11 11 b temperaturu ellqina to the mld- IO's ~ODI ~ ~ qout. , , INSmE 'IGD.t.Y For o d•tof1'd ;!vi.,. ofUCI'i "CatuUi C4rmina" and a wtc of Ilic Wttnd'r IMovr fAri!riall .....,,clltclo, lhc n--..i ~ .. ·~ .. 123, todap. -. . . --. : -:.::....~ -~ ~Clrflw ~I ~ ..... ,-: c...... ...... ~-.. c.ms. r. • • .._.. c.mr ' 0 • • "" • ........ \ ' ......... --11 --,..: _.. ..... ' ..... , ... •• ,.,,,,,, 1MI ............ ~ ..... »ft T ..... • .... 3 " ,,....,. -~. --............ " .. '""-!I-... ,._......_' M ' JMt'f-WJ1111re. Nfl 1'. lM .· ... Dowiled . Plane 'Far Outside' N~ l(orea· PUlllt.O CAPJUllD Hiii Ml. S•a Of J•p•n DIBRll llGHTID HERi · j (lll'lj -TM Dll- $11 "Ill IV" 111 tt ... a rJ "" U.1. _.__....,..., ,,...~ lll(lltllllllWM ··~. oUl.sde""" Narth Korean air ~, -llUd<ed. (RelalA>d Slarlel, Pqt 4) 'l1>o _,_ Navy -.... t•IU&enco plane with 31 aboard "-" boea mlulng linc:e about mldnliht Mooday and the Norlh Kortu Commlllllltl <lall\>ed ll·'!U shot down allu ~ tllalr· alt -· .. au1 iiil Pontagon dtcland IA a 111at. mtnl at I a .m. PST: "From a variety of aourou, some of them sen&IUve, we are able to conf1rm th.It at all Umes durlng it.I mJWon the aircraft was far outnit any cll!mtd terrttorW air opoce of North Korta." I 'l'bo It&.._ -•llOd: "AD evidence -a-............... -. Kc-.dalaaoddlllrtl_,,., .... !-. m/10 -.. ... Ille lircralt WU llJol ~.., -ir--altcralt. Al ol tbla bu, nrcrelhlllf. tblre bu bten, no report ot tutYtnn. .. Earlltr ~ -..Jnc, the Pen._ . ..,. nounced that a Soviet &blp r<portod pick· ing up 10me alra'aft wreckage 1D the Sea ot Japan but there WU M aigo of IUl'Vivora. nie later -.. t lllfd: . "R ....... luance ml!skwl ol lhJl .IJPe have been nown for mort than 20 yun in the Sea ol Japan. There WU nothing unusual about tlUa: miasion. ...._"In recent yun, these m1ssloos have 1-1 approvad by bllb Sovermnent authorltiea IA tho Stato and Der .... Three Incumbents Retain Seats in Westminster Raymaod M. Schmitt, Mn. Ne<mla -"""' WU . Mrs. Wtnmore, who 'lllll.-and Mallbew 'lleyuk«,..... all ft<eived 1,Ul vqCts. Wl)'Uker ran thlril departments, lhe Joint Chi•!• of swr -.lliO 1llllWi --ol · -m-. -a lawfld -ol 111-temaUonal air apkt." The staterrient wu the flnt oWdll acknowledgement by the Ualted Stalel that the ECl21 was shot down, u North Kon:ans claimed. Prevlou3f1, the Pen- llgon said only that the plaae W8' miss- ing. The dtpartment would Doi elabotate on what type "sources" enabled It to tell that the plane •tiyed outside North Kol'ff'I claimed lJ.mile terrttorlal llmit. The North Korean Communbls claimed they shot it down Tuesday after It violated their airspace:The United St.ates says the plane was onkred to ltay far off the cout and WU late reporied about 115 miles from Ch'ongjin. A Pentaion -t llflllllY -111u.., 1iour wen~ m. on · convmied a top-l•vel hleellli& ol cliplomaUc, mllltaty and intelUceoce ad- Ylaen CID lbe lltuallon, lllfd: . .. Direct communlcaUon bu b e e n. · establbhed between one of the 5oTfef • I I demoytz.<ype 1hlps In the ma and a j U.S. aircraft from K~. · "The Soviet 3hJp a&ld in relPOllH to · questlo!ll that ft had not reoovered or Men any survlvon, but that it picked up · what ft reported to be alrcralt partl." 'Ibis was the second report of &0me . debris being found in the general area of the search, in which a large nwnbet ol, Americaa ahipl and planu, together with both Russian ships and planes,. were participating. Garden Grove, Anaheim Oust Four Trustees By TOM 1l4JILEY UPl-"""'JlllP . . . NEWSMAP SHOWS WHERE DEBRIS SIGHTED Wreck11• NorthH1t of Point of Pueblo S.llUre ntumed" to lfjf-'lleiliillllltor SdiOal ~~th-1,GO'I .,,-.· -• "7 .,, , Challenpr Roderlok' Cruse, a publlca- DJstrlct ·1uesday. tions analYtt, nn fourth wtm 939 votes. Ol flle IMllY l'lltt St8fl darden Grove and Anaheim voters pro- vided the bJgg~st shocks of county school board elections by dismissing from office four of five incumbent trustees. Harbor Area, ToI:o Clash Over 'Superjet' Airport By JACK BRoBACK Of .. Dear "" ltd A aeblam appears to be widening today between Harbor Area residents and MiMioo, Viejo-El Toro homeowners on fu-location ol a superjel reglaaal airport in Orange Coanly. Ormlge Coanty'1 Board ol Supervlaors Tueaday voted a to 2 In favoring of - clylng El Toro -Cor1'I Air Stolloa U I poaible lite for the ~ rqlonal airport. fliipenlaorial • aetloa cam• desplto Surgeon General Seeks Stronger Cancer W arni.ng 'llASlllllG'!ON (UPI) -U. S. Qqeon General 'llllllam Ii Stewart ..n.I ·ea;. .,... today to strengthen II)! wll)llng "' dprette pacb: about tWJ d1 I I id omottnc and 1o requ1re 111o wanilic 1n an clpttlte' advertlainlf .. . Al -~ dprette manul'•--eraa ""' requfcOd to jJrflll Iha followln& .. eac11 p1ct: •eauu...: ctgarette......., may be hazardous to your health." Sa1d sie.ut: "'lbe warnlnc now ~ quired II weak." Teolfblnl belcn lbe llouae Commen:t c;omrntUHi he m.t. .. It ltatel cmly tblt cipn:lte ll!IOldng 'may be -to your bealth. • In thla nation and tluvoglioul the world aclenllflc evidence baa conUaued to accumulato, t o llrenglbea and confirm the lllM con- clusion that etgaretto lll1IOklng 14, In fact, a proved and -1 dall(<I" to publlc health." In lllM a IOVermneat report concluded that clgartlle mMkiDI WU r<lated to lung cancer in ...._ that It baa con- tributed to -bronchltla and that hJcber mortality -c t 11 rt t t a anoken wu asaoclated with many cardlovuc:tilar diaelHI. Stowart lllfd the Departmtnt of Hfalth, EducaUon and Wettal'< belleves that the 11116 clgarelte labellng and adv..tlalnr law 1'bu Jll'OVed inadequate to the \U'lenl needs Irr areater proflrtll in advtling the Amerlcap pu\llc ol the health bawds they aaume when smoking cigarettes.,. U t~ILY PILOT lfftrt N. w .. 4 PNlllllftf 11111 ,.,....., J11eir •• c ... s., Viol~ ....... ....., n_,, IC11tofl -n-A. Mw..i.I•• MM91111t 1.iW Al'Mrt W. ..... W1•i•11t 1114 .......... ...... .. ""' SWfll lllltw (lty ..... .................. Jot .... Stre.t wn.., .....,,. .. , ,.o. ... n .. t:rMs --........ 111111111 Ull ......... ..._. C.--I M w.t ..., ..,... "-...,.m_.,....•,... .. =::~i .... :.. .. ~· =.=c-~ "'='~ ,,., Ill ..... •11•.., ~ .... ----~ ...... ...,..,, ... ~,,.., .......... . _... ....... °'9191 c-. ......... . i•.,n• ~ .. , .. nu ... ""' ... ~ c.t• ~ .... -'*': f fTI4, '4J~JJ1 .... W. I • la Clil l<Mo1111 o n ,.,..,.11•1 MaoN11 .~•.o...c...~ ~ .. -,,,,, ... p ....... 4 -.. ............ --.. ....... ...................... ,1 .. ·--· --·".&.':'.:'--... _am ... 111 ••=•.., .,_..,.._..,, bJNM _ __,, _,. Jwp ?II fl.JS ~. ' beatad -1Uon vnfcod by llllalon Viejo and 1:1 ,...,, people who packed lbe board room IA Santa Ana. Fl...m, 1:1 T... atudy w tr e -•IM• Duld L. Baler ol Garlkn Gro'lo:· 'llllllam lllralein " TulUn 'and llobtrt '11. Baltln·ol Santa Aila. SUporvlaar Allon I!. AlleD ol Laguna Beach mounted a effort to broaden the llludJ lo .... rqlonal :i Ille•. :::ri: ;," ..=.m. Baul!= -·~· Allen arpod lllol to llmlt lbe ltudy to 1:1 Tdro feaalbllltJ Ice joint .. u an in. -airport would -.. Ibo eoualy'• atand. • 1'1be Navf wU1 want to know U we hive studied «her' poMible alte!,11 Allen debated. 0 U we to to them. without that infmnatloo, we will undoub•···.n •• Jose the fjghL" . , ~ '111e coualy's aludy group of five de- partment -had nc:onunended that: -,El(jlt Pl ....... i<alooal.ilrtiiiJt iltM be refen'ed to Ille lioatlMn CalilCll'llfa ~~-ol Gooernmenla (SCAG) II< ....,.,., ilriil,.U -ftlCOi!i!!WD:llltkm~ part of Ibo .~kolaJ nstooa1 ~~ •r llB'I' &111 'Pl!Rl:DtA .. . -Tba "-Ir -11 .. L. i'Oreia and -'-Im ft Newport Beach to conduct .... ._... inv~ ol MCAS .Er 'l'cl'O fir Jalilt.-fllciiided --to;tie follawtoc: . -Elllablllh !I Ibo ~.runway -flluratlao can elfecttvely and elficllnt(y ~ commerdal air cam... -· -D!Mnnlne, In cooperat!oa with the FederalA-Admb...,_ w!ietJ>er joint .., la I-la Jn n:prd i.: air lral· Ile c:ootrol ft aln:raft. -U joint UM of El ,...,, la leaslb1', preparo a achematlc laJOQI of uactly -t Or .... County '"'1ld nq.-tn tile "'Y ol joint ,.. and bolr Iba l)'olem JIOOld -t. -AnalylO and juolily Crance County'• need for joint uae of El ,...,, under a llhorl term coatract ol IS yUn. -Ccnduct detailed ccllt ml revenue atudleatoctetamlne-oll-.... quired Ii El Toro and 11-"'1-ated fees to pay for time fadUUes over the !!rm ft the ~·ct. DETAILED PLAN . -In. the e,,.i the study ol El Toni reveala that !ofnt ... la nol feaalble; Iba omsullonl ohculd . pttpire .•. dUlled muter plan ol Orange County Airport to oulllne the ocope ol aervice to be P">- vided, bnpro ...... 11 ~ and how they will be financed. -Identify opeclllc: aite localioM for general ·-llld airpark faclltllea ar-ranged In prlorllJ I« acqulsil!oa llld devel-enl. -Authorise b county admbtWrjUve olflctr, pJaonmc -and -o( aviation to neaotWe an qreemeat with the consultant for the pn:paraUon ol Phue II of the l'luter Plan ft Air Traosponatlon. The Marino C<rpo l"1 ofl ·-to the board'• adopted plan In a·l<tter llign. ed by Maj. Geo. W. G. '11irash, com- mander ol El Toro MCAS. The lelter noted that Ille propoul "arbitrarily dlspose.s ol further <On• slderaUOll ol the numerous, prevloosly dlscuaed rellonal alJport altes Ucopl El Toro." Gl!NIRAill L&'ITll:R Geo. 'l'lltub'1 ldter c:ontlaua : "ID tM!Jkm, It was recommendea tblt din:cl attention be g1.., to the Jll'OIPlc! ol dvU joint -ft lhls air llelloo. I find thla dlfllsult to unctentand, particularly lo ..... ft tha. lletad P,Ollllo!I Wbich WU ...-to tba c:ooiity atri>ar:t com- -at publlc heartlip on Alic. 18, Jiit. "On tldl ..... a1co tt -utad In part. -Ille lllllllriwldant " the -Olrpl lild tho Departmeat " ---mad the -and -tlimhll -for El ,...,, u a -jot -~---Onthla -. m Two cannot be -for conversion to clvtllan ust. • • • They were among eleven candidates Another contender, Mrs. Marion P. who balUed it out for three seats on the Aguirre, followed clostly behind with 919 five-member 1oveming board of the votes. •-.Y dlatrtcl. · Other candldalea flnlabed u follows: In an election that provided an almOlt unvarying pattern of new tmna or office for incumbenla and a llgbl voter - Garo.a Grove Unified SChool Dblrltt voten decided they had had ~ o! trusteea of Loyal IL Barter and Jeaa Ii Tonks. WMl'J e1act1oa W<rUn -1lad the -DonW F. ~ 444 volea. final 1aQr -In the wee houra lhls -Earl B. Carrowayr231..tes. ""'"'1Ds. -Barl>ara DePrleot, 141 ...... Sc:hmill far outdlaianced the field 'l!ith -N-FeJmtefa, IS votea. hll 1,41.S votes. He wu allo a winner in -L. Jean Lester, 203 votes. the HunUngton Beach !Ugh School -Doralby Pecklwn, 261 votes. Diatrlct race reta.lnin1 h1I 1e1t on that School oflld•I• dllCl'ibed the turnout bou'd. ' amcng the dlltrict'1 19,SM registered Topping the poll in the eight-candidate. 11.7 percent turnout were Dr. Walter C. Ralston, a Garden Grove physician and leacber Melvin R. Collings. llilbl behind 5chmlll In lbe elementary voten u "very light." CofC Wants More Flights But Won't Nam~ Airport John Barton wu the only one of Ulrtlt ln<:l!l1>beais to get lbe nod of IU perceDt. Of the voten in the hotly c<11tt.ltief : Anaheim Union High School District ra:e; : Fourteen candidates vied for ~.I": tally that saw Robert Bart, • · : W.-•-Jaing Hetu-· state investigator and sy11ems ~: MK: • ·-Jrunes P. Bonnell take over the ..W- :Qr. John R. Kent, unsuccessful vacated by defeated fncumbentl Wlllllic4 candidate for Huntington Beech U. Almand and 1"lng Pickler. , · · · Union High School District EARLY ESTIMATES DlraolGn " Ille . = CGotpty (Jwnber of Quntr«'CI ~ D3 IM!1 alr aerrioe Tuelday, but dlltlDcllJ .....oed ll>elr ,...._to avoid _,, °'""" Cooimy Afrpart 11 .. tt. ..,.,...-1uUon aJoa argM tbe Oraage ~ Boord ol Supervloon to uplore all PO!llible inethodl ol. ~vel"l!in&. re- qirir«I airpori flc:lliti.ts to ~ e r v e .,.._., and freight -· .. Net c:mly fer such ptoposed new air Assembly Group Cleats 'Cd-op' Tri Relief Bill ..... ._, ~· 1-1cncateci 1ncre-In ~-~ d D 'd II Twenty five ol lO lncumbenla IA I( -&11.a -1NCUu, an son, · av1 , , county school diltricts were · returued._ gment aviation and air tramp«tation In watch ~rimly as voting results Early esUmates indicated an overal' Onnp County," llkl the chamber are tallied Tuesday night. voter turnout of a Utile more than 10 per..: l'fJIOlution. cent. -; _ha Item .,_ by no!ing that a Other scbool districl raulla Included: "· number ft airlines have applied to the Unruh p Olll• ts Out -Anaheim City (three aeats), tn.:. cumbj!nts Lewis R. Mote and MartlQ A;~ Civil Aeronautlca Boan! to proVide added Sklar are i·otned. by..,_ E. • ,-n..;. .. airoenlcatoOtqeCollllly. $235 Milli' · T OverboltJr.oath;~'vo1ei--~· <>p..,-br tile Bo1n1 ft Superviso<s OD 3X 1u percenl : . to semce oat ol Orange County Airport -Br<a Olinda Unlllod (four aeato), ~ itself due to irloblllty to handle much '" --.. r . by Rea· g· an eumbonla' ua E. Plantonl and Alan G, m<re tralfl\:. J>8rtiIW and lerminal imr1 \rtJU Weot joined -lalotralor Ra D. Gaedt Is at.a -· . and _, Annelle--. Harvey ... A -r...iution qqlllc <lllablisb-SACRAMENTO (AP) -~bly trustees. Thirteen candldat>c, c:ooteateil· m"1t ft m alrpcrt ol umpeclfled but ob-Democratic Leider Jeaae M U lllfd the race;.V.. lurDoul D.I ps-. : . vioQaly local-Deed capacity in the Br<a today Republlcaa Gov. Reaian· . a -llueM ' . Part (Ihm. ...la), t.· J -.,... was allD pllSled by the Orange $235 million "g<d'' apinsl the state'' cum~ .ltoberl Perl{ln. George 'fl, County Chamber of Commm:e board taxpayers in bis pr_..i. aew I.come w.,_ and Frank M. st.wm:: Wednesday. tu: levy. .returnecf.'.'l1terewere Iii candklates. • The general aviaUon facility would Reagan lut week announced be would -cen~ (three 1e1ta), unopposed In- f have a good economic impact on the en-seek a new one percent levy on adjusted cum.bents Marcel LaP'ont, Harry s. A blll ,provlding proP¢y ~relief or tire northern Orange Cowty area, notea grosa income. But Unruh aaJd the bill in-Markarian and Walter P. Tedrahn the resJdenta of cooperative hOwing cor-the item, suggesting it be developed in troduced lly Assemblyman W. Cra.11 Bid-returned. Voter turnout U.5 percent. porationl, IUCh as Seal Beach's· Laguna the Olinda land refuse site. die specll1es a 11/4 percent tu. S PERCENT VOTED Lellure World, has cleared ~ ,\.ssembly The city of Brea had earlier asked ror a Unruh said the difference between -Cypreu (three seats), 1ncumbent Committee on Revenue and Tuatlon. localized airport facility and the Reagan's announcement and the figure tn Ralph K. Hlnel jolns bustnemnan Wesley lntroclDced by state Asstmblyman chamber's resoluUon call& for the the bill would boost the ltate'a take from Pbilllpe and engineer Gerald A. Wilke on lb>bert H. Burke (R·Huntington Beach), Department of Airports to 1et mto tbe the new tax from 1715 million anouall1 to the board. An ullmated s percent o1 the the measure is intended to include the master plan qulckly. nearly $1 billloo. voters c•llllloU for ab; candidates. smlor clthen development in the voter-1---"--'--'--·-------'-------------------'-===- approved Proposition IA providing p~ perty tax relief. Burke said the group waa in.advertenUy excluded In the propos1Uaa'1 dtflnlthm. cf the word "dwelling.•• The bill comes up befon: the W1y11 and Means Committee m Tuesiay. Burke said, "I am confldent the bW will be ap. . proved by thla commtttee. The IOftnlOI' indlcated hls oupporl, and lhls p!acfa the bill In a good position forJ>&""ge.• He added that the attorhey general'• of.flee bu assured him that~ C<llT'eCllve legt.laUon to aolve the property tax rellel problem II COl!!lltuUonaf. ' Sirhan Bouyed By Jury Taking Time for Verdict LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan, B. Sirhan la enc:ow'ap! lfecaaae the jury Is tUlng Ila llDie in reaching a ftnlicJJar the ldllhl« ft S.O. Robert F. K'.oonedY. "They must be looking~ ow," ht told one of h1a lawyers. Courthouse _,..,.. at the three- month trial of the Y'OWll Arab wue in- clined to agree with him to the extent the jury did IXll qulckl.Y go alq with the proseculioft deinand for fmding • nm degree murder and rejection of defense claims Sirhan was mentally confused. The seven-man. five-woman panel ~ to Jocked rooms in tbe Biltmore llot<I late Tueoday allot I full day of deliberation. They had apent one hour alter the trial tnded Monday but did Diiie more than pick a fomnan. 'Ille jury resumed deliberallom today In a room just above the fortma-llte c:oortroom where they hunl 90 wt~ .....,, lnclUdlng men Ihm a dolen peo- ple who "" Kennod;y ahol down In tho Amb ... ador Hotel at the ·peak of bto drive for tho pnolidency. U.S., Russ Shij,s Hit ISTANBUL. 'l'utloty (UPI) -AA ._.,.., fftJcbt<r and a --collldad wly today 1n Iha -bu& both Wer< lbia to noch Tutllllb ha(tio<> 19' .dom• -nto. Tl\ln '"" no cuuaJUes. I $125.0I ''''·" ITolhept..i.o-. .......... wants but llClit ....,_ to find ii. Match your style •1th our) many dlstllldMI ~ And I ;1sk us about oor famous • 10... .. ------· J. c. J.l.un,,!uw J~t, .I Ul NEWl'O~T A VE. COSTA MESA 21 'YIAltS IN THE SAME lOCA TION PHONE Ma.l401 --~------------------------------------ 'I ., I I I I • , N.Y. Steeli• ~ VOt:. 62, NO: 91 .• 4 SECTIONS, 6•f PAGES TEN CIN'l'S . ~ . .. . . ... --.. ,. ... .... _In_· c_u_m_h_e_n_t:s-, ___,,B_oyd ____ W_. __,_·in_· · _R__ _ac_.:·&e_ ... ~ un·~a -• ·;l ·.-•• .-.. •• Three Flee Blast .Fisherm en Rescued Off Laguna Beach Three Newport Beach men were pulled • from the ocean this morning after their boat exploded an dcaught fire wb.ile they W!re fishing off Laguna Beach. . \he three were rushed to South Coast Community Hospital and were believed to be in good condition suffering only e1- posure and I.bock. They Were tentatively identified as Paul F. Dunham, 64, 112 W. Coast Hl&)lway: Herman Conway and W!lliam ~. all'from Newport Bayshore Park area. Dunham was said to be in deep shock and Conway, suffering 'from ex· po&ure, .had a .Previous hist,ory a.f heart illness. Sandon was apparent1y only ~lied. Mission Viejo Blasts Board . • J : f ' ! . . ·---rr:..:.'..:;::.... ·~~ ' By-;.~ BROllAClt -I!,.. llW19M·.,._ Plllt 11111 ' I ., JI. tchlsnt ipj>eari fo be wkleiilni today between Harbor Area resident.I and Mission Viejo.El Toro ~e;ownen on future k>cation ol a .superjet regional airport in Orange qitmty. Orange County's Board of Supenilon Tuesday voted 3 tQ 2 in favoring of stu- dying El Toro Marine Corps Air Station as a pc:mlble site fur the future ~I airport. , Supenisorial action came despite heated, opposition voiced by Mission Viejo · ap~ El Toro people wbo packed the board room in Santi Ana. favoring Ei Toro sludy w e r e supervisors David L. Baker of Garden Grove; William Hintein ol Tu&Un and Robert W. Battin of 5anta Ana. Supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach mounted an effort to broaden the study to seven regional airport sites. • Al1en offered an alternate motion. It was defeated 3 to 2, with Hirstein, Battin and Baker in opposition. Allen argued that to limit the study to El Toro feasibility for joint use as an in- terim airport would weaken the county's itand. ''The Navy will want to know U we have studied other possible sites," A1lll debated. "If we go to them wltbou& .... information, we will undoubtedly kilt.. fight." • Th~ county's study group of fl~ •· partment heads had recommended um:. -Eight proposed regional airport lites be r<!erred to the Southern Calilarma Asaociation of Governments (SCAG) for study, analysis and recommendatim u port of the lkounty regional study. JIETAIN PEREIRA , -The county retain W. L. P~lra and Associates of Newport Beach to conduct ~ intensive invesligalkl:i of MCAS itl Toro for joint use included but not limited to, the following : ·-Establish if the present runway,con- figuratlon can effectively and eHlcieatlJ 1t1ppoft commercial air carrier oper.- Uom. -Determine, m cooperation witb tbl Federal Aviation Administration , whetber joint use is feasible in regard to air tral· fie control ol aircraft. ~ -If joint use of El Toro ts feasible, prepare .a schematic layout of exactly what Orl.nge County would request In the way ol joint use and how the system woolc! won. -Aftaly:r.e and justify Orange County's netd for joint use ot El Toro under a aborl term contract ol I~ years. -Conduct detailed cost and revenue -·to ddmnine -of lltciliU.. ,... quir<d ot El Tbro and llUqested operated Itel lo pay for U-!1Cilltles-<1ver the lum "' the contrac~ , bETAILEI> fl.AN . A -Jn the eV<lll the stud)' o! El Toro reveals that joint use ia not feasible, the <ci\5u1tant should prepare a detailed IDuler plan of Or1111< Coonty Airport to catUlnt the scope of oerv!ce to be pro- (See AIRPORT, P ... 11 Ufeguard Jack Lincke plowed through the surf to the rescue off the south end of Crescent Bay Beach after the three men ju1J1ped into the water to escape. the fire . All were nonswimmers and fully clothed, said Lincke. They ~ayed afloat by holding on to two flotation cushlons. Lincke managed to get two of the men on the lileguard board and left the board to iwfm" to · tne. oth'r who he said ,ap.. pe~ aomewbat-delhious. 'I1l'e .boat 'began to wash toward the rocks and younpten on the beach helped fend it off and assist Lincke in bringinJ them in throuib the aurf. Some of the young men 1 suffered cut feet from the rocks and mrf. Two that helped were Baltazar Rey~. 18, and David Santangelo, 11; both of El Monte. The youths said later their problems were complicated by a · big jelly fish that was floating near them. Llncke said the boat apparently blew up about 200 yards off shore. He said he did nol beUeve any of the men were seriously injured. One of the group told Lh)ck_e while waiting for the ambulance that they bad been off Salt Creek and decided to try the fishing off Lagana. Both U.S. Coast Guard and Orange County Harbor Department boats respon- ded to the fire. A Coast Guard vessel toWed away the apparenUy dtmollshed boat after extinguishing the fire. The open boat was about 20 feet long. f 600,000 Budg~t Cut Capo Tax Override Fails; . . ' fi .. , ' Incuµihent .Tmst~-e ·tpses A tax override !ailed -1JIOlli,., ,a , night, District Supt. Cl*la F. K•oney !600,oOG badlel cut -and one Incutnbeat , tried to be phllotOpblcal, but lndlclUd be tru!leO -clamptd Oii! ol office 1" a would a!IO try to · IJTOt!I'! another" tai chaOeoger fi'om a larger commtmlty election within to ~. ~If in·tbe'Capisttano Untfied 'School "The people have spoken, that's all Dlstrict electlon. . there is to tt," he-commented, -''we'll do MotU1!1i>i the emerging trend Tuesday the best with what we've go!." Saddleback JC Trustees Voted Back into Office • By JACK CHAPPELL Of 1111 ~111 ,1111 Sid Saddleback Junior College District voters have decisively returned in· cuinbents Hans Vogel and Patrick J. Backus to the junior college Board of ~ 1 ••• - J ' ~ • ......., .. his nearest rlval, JloDUI S. &e!lrnM 1 in the field ol lix ,,_ .... "" Ibo ~ '°" -b7,. ltiarpl II ""'9 ...... 1o -. Vopl WU Ul'll4$ J laiMI ellidian \o tbf Area II teal ,.-' Anma~~lbat .. expected,, Baciioi ran ~ lo 11bo· Tusa. area. Tbmo, bls lllllflllt itriad ti> thrtt and a)llf lo one~ SlllMrul ~ StMtmlll ~ 1 t r o n.1.t 1 t 1n Ulia Capil1nmo Uttllled Dlstr!cl; bat loll -too. -I Tbe linal -tally today went like this: Bactul, 8,tM votes; Steelman, s_aa ...... Jalll & Knlto!. l,lfl ..... ; ,_ M. Knopp, lit-: Cloarp W. 8'Dlw, . ...... ... ..... .. ,,., . -' ' Tbe ~ A!'tJ "'"' la wlllcll --·-. >•• Sao ~ Nnt ant[; Capistrano !1 1..V. II iii OD1 el two ' •m '~t in,..m;it q.o lollla--tlleJ ...,a•,1111r .. __ .., ...... at larp. ', ne eoabo•am.1 Bactm .. wM just belo,.. election lwltcbed bis stand on federal support for the jwOOr college - from pro te con-won in all three voting school dlltricta, Capistrano Unified, Laguna Beach anct·TUIUn area. In Laguita, the v0tt wu Bactus, 1,830; Steelman 721; lCl'Ule, «; Knapp, 188; Ballew. 11, and 8o11<, 11. In Captstrano, Backul, 2,111; Steelman. 1,3'0; Kruae, 1>57; Knapp, 213; Ballew, 2'1 and Sayrt, 111. In the 2$ precincta of the Tustin, San Joaquin, and 'I'rabtlco dtllrictl the vote wu: Backus. 4,lll; Steemlan, 1,Zlli; Kruse. 518; Knapp . 11J5, Ballow, 107.<and s.,r., .: About '° ~t of the a:oot · · voters in those' artu• werit to the polls. Voters in ~ 158-square-mile district encompassing San Clemente, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo 'and San Juan Capistrano, turned down the SG-cent over· ride by a 728 vote margin. Laguna Niguel reald<nt 11J>b D. Hurst - whose cbmmunity is twice· the size of Dana Point, voter-wise -defeated in- cumbent candidale Manin Bandoll, ol Dana Point, to become the new Area Siz trustee. Officials said about 40 percent of the registered voters in the dirt:ict cut ballots, returning incumbent trustea (See UPSET, P11e Z) Two Countians Die in Tra ffic Crashes Tuesday t A,Lquna Beach motorist hurled from bit car. as it smashed into a telephone pole ad a brick Wan on 1 treacherous ar91 111d a motorcyclist who collided • Wtlb ~ear died of injuries Tueaday. ,~~ E. Willon, 31, of QOI S. Cout JD&lnrl1, South Laguna, wu dead on 1r- lnal ii Sooth Cout Community HOlpltal, ~ bis girl passenger Is in cr!Ucal -today . · Kt!ti·J. Beebe, 211. o! La Habra, died In SL.,4ade'Hospltal Fullerton, at 3:15 p.m., Bii Coanty Traffic !NI a lleatll Toll « . -'1 Ihm hours alter his motorcycle and•-collided near bia home city. . Jflhill and Kathy Cunha, 211, o! Van N.,., ,..,.. both hurled oot of the dead nian's Car Tuesday afternoon on Pacific Coast Highway near ~ Beach Jn the South Laguna area. "There was absolutely nothing left of that car," aald Mrs. Lucy Wagner, widow of DAILY Pllhl" reporter Lea Wagn<r, and ooe of the fll'lt to arrive on the aceoe after the violent cruh. CaillOt111a Highway Patrol lnvesllgators sakl Wlllon's southbound car drifted off the traffic lanes and bounced oU a curb, then veered Into the telepllo.. pole and brick wall. Inveati11Uon continues by Orange """1ty lh<rlir1 deputies today, to ddtrmine the cause of,, ""1car-venos- n\otorcycle 1ccldenl wbl,it'kllled YOWi(\ In Lal[Uha Be,och, olliciall estimated · that 31 percent of the district's vtlten ac- tually voted and In Caplstrino Unilled, about IO percent of the voten turned Oii!, olficlala Hid. Beebe. r lh. .--t' ·• ~ The driver or U1e auto, Unda K., Haigh~ :r1. o! Brea, <1eapW litjiry In the 0 latal ac<klent al PJ ~ Sired and hnpertal Hl&h•RJ· -.. ' ax . . , , ' -· 'WUlilioua.mR rlrur • L ... 1Mr1 U181W• WI .... • ' - " -----·---~ or __ .,. .... --. . ·--. -_..._ ' RITUIHl.10.ot.AD L..,.. Un111Cl1-••• ' · • Wileoxen .. To.ps List For ·Board . By RICHARD P. NALL . Of .. ~,. ........ _ Laguna Beach Valen turned lhttmb& down iJn a 51-<ent tu oyei'ridt )or their schools -~day and eiectod "1Jllam Wi1CO%en, Dr; Norman Browne and Jane Boyd to lour-yur -........ ' 'l1ie OvmWe. .Which bad -eadoned by au ..;en·~ candldal0s, 1qo1 wltll 1,m yes votel to 2.292 no votes. By percentage the defeat was 43.1 perctnt yes and IU percent no. Wllconn, a towering attorney (I het I (CotDpkte 1-a Iletmu, P l(< I ) NEW YOBX<{AJ') -~ -kd retrtated oiil Wide front 11111 cloted with sltarp Joa loUY'u miny lmWtors smr concerned Ofer the poulble- tbat could result, !tom North Kena 1i)ootlng dowp a u.s: Navy plane. (See quotations, Pl~es ~2~) .. oru,e· ....... The s.crit 1">l'd lot'~ is , wmbtne, a'wbole dl1 GI' H w It It lelnpeUtures Cl~ ~ ail.i.' I to'• a1on1 t11e orana. ' ' • • t ' • I ' INlmE TODAY ., _ For a detailtd rtvit10 of UCl's' ~CatulU Comaina" ad a U&ltc of th< tor1krlld',. IMoOJI, tlloalriall """" •cilc<~ lh< ,,_,...1 ~'' ~2 and 23, t!Jdall. ~ .... . ,.,. . ..;....;. .. ...... -' ~ ...... 1!- 1 ~-...: :":." 1"::. i: Cl:li.""' . • ...... _, • ' er..... u ".. • ........ , . ...., __ .. -·~ .. . e ::r •. !'!.... .... .... It p = ~, :.·. ¥, .-f : ;:~ --: ...... .! --.. ..... '--............ \ l L .. DoWned Plane ''Far Ofitside? N. I\ore DIBRIS SIGHTED 'HERi ' WAllllNGTON (UPI) -Tllo Dol.- Dlplrtlllll Aid -•111....,. _ aYillaWt" ...-a ,..... u.a. ---pluo ...... """"by Norlll -. afrcrafl lllld M It wu ••far ' outa:lde" North Korean a1r SpiCfl when attacked. (Related Stories, Pas• 4) The unarmed Navy electronic ln· telllgence pllna with !I aboard has been mtaalng sioce about mldJlllbt Monday and th' Nor1h Korean Communlats claimed. It wu shot down alter violaUna lhelr air 1pace. But the Pentagon declared ln a state- ment at I .a.m. RST: HFrom a variety of sources, aome of them sensitive, we are able to confmn that at all times during Its mission the aircraft wu far outside any claimed territorial air space of North Korea." · ntot11 ... ~;:....w­.... -It !II, , I '1!illll K.-doll!ll ... d*Jt llllb!lnP,'""' Ill to ....... thei'tlll -alr<rafl WU abet -b)o-Hol!h x,..u alrtralt.,As al this hoolr, ...,..lfullY, tlllre 11U been no report ol aurvtwn." Earlier this momtili, 1111 Pentagon an- nounced thal a Soviet ahlp reportOd pick· Ing up -aln:rafl wrecbp ID the Sta al Japan but theTI WU DO 'sip of aurvlvora The later --lllld: "lleconnalamlce -cf this 13-P< have been flOwn for niore than 20 years In the Sta GI J 1pan. Thero was nothing unusual about tbls mluion. .. "In recent yun, these mlu1ons ha\lfi he•n approved by high iOvernmen\ aolhorlUes In the State an4 Defense ~II, tilt Jolnl Cblals al Stall aiil ltlJa Wblta -· SiCb of -mlsllons eonstttutu ~ lawtul use of ln- ternalional aJr tpee1. ,. The statement wu the first offic:l1l acknowled&enent by the United States thal the ECUI wu &bot down, as North Koeew claimed. Previoualy, the Pen- tagon said ooly thal the plane wu mlos· lni· 'nll .-wwld not tllborate 1111 ' what tne •'IOlll'oel" enabled tt to ttn that " the 0 plane otayed -North Korea's claimed Ilomile territorial limit. The North Korean Communists elalmod they lhot It down Tuesday after It violated their airspace. The UnJted States Sl)'J tbe plane WU ordered to 1tay fir ofl the coast lhd was liter reported about 95 mUea from Ch'on&iill. " ' A Pentagoo announcement more than an hoolr bel.,. ~t on convened -a top-ltvel i:oeeling diplomatic, mlllt.ary and inteWcenct" a viser1 on the situation, said : "Direct commwUcaUon has b,ee established between one of the Sovi destroyer.type ships in the area and U.S. aircraft from Korea. "The Soviet ship said in response quesUons that it had not recovered o seen any survivors, but that it picked 1.1 what it reported to be aircraft part!." This was the second report of some debris being found in the general 'area of the search, in which a large number-of- American shiP5 and planes, togeth!i' With both Rwslan ships and planes, were participatJn&. PUllLO CAPTURID· Hlll From Page 1 AIRPORT. • • Laguna Ele~iion Besolis NEWSMAP SHOWS WHERE DEBRIS SIGHTED Wreck1ge Northeast of Point of Pueblo 5-l&Ure Down the Mission Trail Old Capo High Likely Civic Site vided, improveml!rlts necessary and ho'if they wUl be financed, -Identify apeclfic site locatiom for general aviation and airpark laciUUeo ar· ........ ta. prlmjlJ~acqullitlQD-- developnool. · -Autbarise Ille -~ -~-...... a11~ .. GIOC.., plannlna director and dlrectm' .of aviation to negoliote an --witll the C0111U1tant for the --GI ~ JI of ll\I ~ P~ al Air Tr~.. ,, .. Tho Marine Corpl led,oll Ojlplllitlon to the hoard '• adopted· plan In a Jetter'~ ed by Maj. Gen.. W. G. 'lllnlll, COID• manlier of·EJ Taco MCAS, • " • 'The Jetler-nqlo!I thal 1111 ' propooal "arbitrarily ~ · GI further con- Blderatian of the ...... 'privlOUliy dlscuaed regional airpol::t lites except El Toro." ' "'/ v --• - ' 'llENEJl"1-'S LETrEI\ Gin: Tbraab11 letter conUn.uu: "In addition,. Jl wu ncoinmeoiilld that direct allention be gl•en lo the Pl'OIJllCI or civil jolnt use GI this Air ataUon. I find this dlfllcult to understand, jorti<:ularly jn vie"'. of the atated P!O!Uop whldi WIS praented to , the c:oonl)' 8Jn>oi{_c:om- mlllllon at public bearlnp lia .\iii. 21, 1168: ' .. TAX INCREASE l ~ ~ I ' .,; ~ J Precinct J,oca~ . ~ ~ "' 1111-IO 1 Lower Emorald 237 72 u 21 31 50 2 Emerald Bay 967 419 1111 212 211 296 3 ·Lawler Ins. 868 ·m 93 161 125 180 4 ·Hoover Ilea. 714 U7 us 147 138 174 5 City Hall 937 250 97 147 13% 181 ' High Sdlool 951 310 tU 223 213 270 7 SluartBa. 911 260 lo& m 116 119 I Garner Rea. 121 3S2 165 193 17' 246 9 Top of World 611 316 1'I 156 195 212 10 Klrlt Rel, IOil 364 202 UI 197 274 11 ~~ 811 260 110 IU 1'I 183 12 715 241 17 115 13t 140 IS K<>lds Res. 732 269 105 151 174 181 II 3 Ard> Bay 776 315 137 IM 217 233 Absentee 76 21 .. 35 38 GRAND TOTAL l0,172 f,135 l,'m l,JIZ %,JC %,Bit Supervisors Okay LAFC Request for Full Staff "Ou tllll occasion It wu stated la part. 'that the CODU11a11dant of the Marine Corpl and the Department Cof Di!- ' 11 .. e realllrmed the clellnlte uul' COWi-CAPISTRANO -The old Capistrano tinulng need for El Toro u a muter jet The Local Agency Formallon Com-Richard T. Turner ~ execuUve officer High Sehool lias been tagged as • "ptime -fleet aupport-aU-weatheT atatlon. On this misaio•(• request to employ a lull-time and Mn. Jnez·Hayeo·u secrttary; spot" for a new San Juan Capisb'ano bui.!, EI Toro cannot be CQllJ.idertd for staff was approved Tue9:!ay by the Board dvic center in a commiUee report to· tbe conversion to ·civilian u,se. • of SupervilOrs. Turner bu been aerving the LAFC on a city counclL A"';.,,. th LAFC est hi h ... _... part·tbne buis wbile carrying out his "But, we &till have to come up with a 0 Jt was. further stated that air space ..... ,. on e rtqu • w c UlaQ few more .answers than we have at the requirements, base Joading, .flexibility of the suppc:rl of. eilbt citia, the county duties as. he'ad of. the ·countywide present time," said Councilman William 'DAILY PILOT'"",_.. flight operaUons, and avtation .safety board alai approved the appointmentl of c.oordlnation Division of the Planning ~'!,~,.8."te• chairman of the study com· 'BUDGET CUTS COMING' pr!!_~~-=td~~I~ ·~~e. Department .... -·--... ...Jli'*.,...,,.. Explllslono(theLAFCstalr lvas bakk- Several unanswered questions Involve Capo Unified'• K111My policy la rqu,i to~ GI El TOI"! is !Inn Saddleback GOP ed by ,county Adminiltrative Ollicer cost&. The committee was told that., -$1' ·• and In ii1 to ti" -" Robert E. 'lllolnu bOoame f' " · • .. 5 l ~ j ~ :E 37 II 32 IZ 11 177 78 161 u 19 . 114 69 112 2$ 54 96 7& 110 46 53 ' .. 71 .. 31 78 138 67 155 50 107 105 71 109 38 = 183 123 110 49 13% 81 123 59 76 199 110 85 38 70 126 70 87 33 43 77 25 147 26 30 139 12 93 37 30 161 51 116 46 47 23 6 « 9 2Q ; l,IOI Ill J,116 S4.'I Ill From Psge 1 LAGUNA ••• ' reacUon to young adults lhrougtiout the · county. . Tho 4,125 ballots cast In the biennial ' ' election were a 37.S9 percent turnout of · the registered voters, about average for .. : the district on the basis of the past 11. years. Turnouts-for school elections 1R . the district have ranged from 29.24 per~_ cent to 48.7 percent (in 1958). Lower Emerald Bay, voting at El Mo~ · ~::i School, was the first precinct counted •. · !t momentarily cheered school oUiclals. : because the oveITide led 43 yes votea: to 28 no Votes. The rtsults proved no bellwether u the :. evening dragged on and the other U .. preciacts came in. Tbe override· toolt it!· wont drubbing at the hllh school palllng· place with m no votes lo' 141 ye1; ~c.,n<nt cost f<r'the .W: .-,~ -~ ii . ~ !all ~you~for the '' creaoingwdloed."··r -::r 0 "'\·'"" umoooanct '-J .. ....wt" · "·! ... , ,!i '"fj(i ' T ''·,l ,> ." . , n ; .r-, ,n.t·. • ' Oppo~ Airport· The commlsaioo's -'-·.-·function is "'""' • •" . , "\I··' .. .~-~'l \ :f l~ ,. <;;~J.';:'!~:::.;i;.......... ... ... ":"/ • ' . . ' 1 , PllOl'OIAL-' " ' Oppooltlon to the GI El Toro M ' 1 to aCreen anneuUon requ..iS from clUes · B~sters to Meet . : •, . : .,. ,,_~-..... · ,"i<!D'*~.,..pooa1 CorpoAirBueu'!8°commtrc1a1.= :!~~==sf:r=t Torpado Deaih Toll :· MISSION VrE.10 -The MisaiCI!> V!eJ9c · ::1. 'l")nlel.~~ :·f~lnfoi'.lliO ~vif·"i!•~ ~ has been voted by the Saddleback cU High ·School Booelera Club wUl m<Ot !II -' ' • "·~" ... "•,,--,-·111 IG1fjf " ~ '".""'""'', Republican Assembly. a n:.n .. also noted thal under the.... Estimated at 1,000 7,30 ,tonlght In the· lecture mom ~t the' jfqlsl·whlpped Bailcl01I !01 ,to ~5 for .IJl,dore Scludeder of the Unl•tnlty Michael Collins, president o! the south plan the staff coold prepare a llllller high i c boo I, :t= Qirlaanµi Drive, the ""'° ~ lnlat4"bl~~t PU'lt Community' Aasoclatlon .led Ille county group. termed the proposal by the plan of local government developm<nt DACCA, East Pakistan (AP) _ 'l'lic! MissiOa Viejo. dil tft'.IJhlrt, both .. . .. --·' v=of.ioutb!COW'ltyreaidentaiaoi'-Board of Supervisors "wholly llnlC-which~·LAFC---'da""~asagu1'deto J--~ordeathhungover·""-geson~·. The achool's track and baseball te.ams received 319_ votes and JM votes r~ 6n to UM of El Toro. .. ~· •. ceptable." w~ UJUJ WI.I}'• ir;i.c.uu.i VU!d W1C' · t19eho A.: . future coonty growth and pursue the out,,kfrts of Dacea today as rescue' will be \ntrod~ed to the:ctub and door . · Y• •, • bt in all b · aald his·ll'OciJ> suppori;·ltQdx·ol:~ An approved resolutioD stated jn part, agency's efforts to resolve aituatJons of workers dug out more bodies arid the · prizes will be awarded. The hoooters sup-The tu owrrtde ~ 111 airport, that all lllllf -lites "the assembly Is uiialterably oppoled lo double taxation In the county. estimated death toll In Monday's klllet · port the school's athleUc prgr..,. and ~of !Iii!~ ;:1 = ,.... '!Mil Ht doUbted the eounty CCNld the co111J11<rdal use of the airoort and Th• LAFC stall will move soon to n•w tornado rooe to 1,000. other student acU9ilies. ~ b p1U with ICboi>J. -pt · uae of El Toro ,llllf U It did wUI reconsider aupporlbia uy elected of. quarters on the Oral floor. GI the county More than 500 persons w<re killed lo • 5 Camps Planwed age ~ :J: il "thousancla of reoldenta :'Id scoru of llcW who enclone.! the propoal." admiriltraUve building. the industrial suburb GI Demra alon<. MISSION VIEJO -Five summer camp programs are planned by the Mlsslon Viejo Presbyterian Chureb of the Master. Scheduled "°' Family Con ference, Indian Village for grades four through six, and Rancho for grades seven throuih eight from July Z7 to Aug. 2 at Foreit Home. From Aug. IO to 16, awnmer camp for ninth graders will be held. High llCbool summer camp will meet Aug. 17 to 23. Reservations should be made two weeks prior to tbe start of camp, said the Rev. Richard Bush. The church. congregaUon has . been rncellng at La Par lnt.ermedlate School, 2Sl51 Pr.aeia DriVe, Mission Viejo, pen- ding coMtruction <i church facilities. . --' UAll Y Pll OT ORA.NOi COUT PUtllSHING COMll'AJft Tho111t1 Ktt•il .... Tff111t1 A. Mor,hl11t ~Mltor l lch1'4 P. Ntlt l..,,.,. IM<l'I "'' -i..---121 F•111t A••· M11n~ .u•,•u: P.O. his: 6", t211:Z --C..I• tMl.lr -W..1 arr '""' """"" -.0.: 2tll Wttl ..... 11w1N111! .......... ...,.! ... .. Supl Kenney lllld today that its fall= schools would be affected. 1--------'--'------------'------------------ wm result In 1 !800,000 s1ub out of next Ht .was backed up by Harvey Stern, year's budpt with the cutbacks possibly Pl'¢dent of the Saddleback Area allectlng the dLstrtct like this' Coordln&Ung Council, who argued, "ll -More cbDdren per classroom. you drop an airport onto w: you will tum -short« jUnlor high school days. an oasis bacl< Into a desert" -No money to rent buses and portable · He plUUed'!or use of Oranp Cowity cluarooma. Airport during the lntel1m J*iod, u- -No purcllase or library boob. paneled u necessary, and threatened -No increase in needed mallltenance .. conUnaed counteracUoo lf our wtabes personnel. are lgnored." "I doni know whether the fact that Tueldly was income and property tax dtadllne day had an effect or not," Ken- ney said. · "Th«e were quite a few parenll thal were' not reglsttred," be added. ~ He aaid, in view of the niagnltude ol ~ ~i,~u In~.aervl~~ that he will ut the board GI trualeel·et theli nm -Ung to can anolher tu election wltliln IO days. . Joe Wimer, admlntltrator of the caplstrallo Unified School District, 8'1d a definite trtnd in older areas develitped toward .a 1» vote on the tu. Basically, the district voters supported Saddleback. Junior Colleg, T·r u 1 t ~ e Patrld! J. Backus, who received 2,iGI votes more than Ronald Steelman, bis clOltlt rival with 1,)80 votes. Incumbent Trustee Hana Vacel 'l!AS unopposed llllf won with 3,879 votes. Viet Commander"Set SAIGON (UPI) -LI. Gen. Wllliam B. -will replace Gen. ~ l . Goodputor u deputy _. of Aamicab.'-ln V!elnam, the U.S. ----today • OOodpalltt loft Vlttnam last moqth to bocel!ie the eOmmander al Nor1h AlflntlC Tml)o OrJanlralloo I-In Europe. - ADU'ORT FOE . ' Thia broulht longtimi airport foe Dan 'Emoc'J al Ne1iport Beacli, chairman of the Noise Abittement Comnj!"", to hla feet. "The 0Pertlra Phui I nport aald i:t Toro would ,._t llUQO~~ aa a regiOMI airport but ' iiOUld ' ~ .... .9r ..... CooQly Airport is out ,bocaUH.'of physical llmltatlooa," Emory arpecl.· · '"l'hli joint ue Idea II -.. new. People in lhe soulh cotlli.ty ilea ex- . ,erl-jet,l!jlbe of I to t li!l!i -~t of the county eJoolt. They '"I!!' ·il!nied of the safety factor and noise ~ they moved there." . ~ Stveial olbar -..unty riiidenls -to the dolp ol the ....... One. ---tllgiMW Carlton Rhoades of Unl..nlty Park, llald Qier< .. ... too 1111111 -In the way al use GI El Toro, referring to hlUa ln the area. . Ill Clffend I 11LltUe .Phue Il" Wblch -.Id Include "ltudlll GI an off~ alrpo<!, the San Jooquln HJlls atte near Lapla Beach, and a new· IOUlb OOllllly alte. Richard -· vica prealdoot for plan-nlnl a1 the 1n1na ·eo.-...,i that an ~ poeed regional altea be ltudled. H• lllld 1111 llPOIUlbt llbould nol be put .. 1111 -lilt. Losing Candi~ate Nabbed Ronald Stoelman, dtleated eanilldate for the Saddleboct ~Ullb" Collece Bolrd ol ~. -• .,_ In Lqana Beach al 11:111 p.m. ,.,_..,and charpd wtth "'1mtfD drivillf. Stoelmlll wu ~ at lhe -cltr llmlll lollowfnl a ldcll opted chM along South ' a.a lliClnra>' fmll the fl)o tenecllao ol Blutbltd '-Drltt, ac· '· CONYINllNT llRMS IANICAMUICARD MASTIR CHAA&E $111.0I To ... ptwho--lho -butM>I-to find IL M1tc;h ro•r 1t)'le witll Mr """' -........ And ast •1 •l>o•t o•r fa110•1 0Mf'll lllaeoi9' I It a. • J. e. J.lum,!uus j.w.t., I SJJ ... EWKIRT A VE. COSTA MES,to. 2l YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION J'HONl ~··l401 " 1· '1 ~ I I . . 'l= i; . '1 ( ' f I I • J YO!:. 62, NO. 91, 4 SECTIONS, 64 PAGES . ' TEN CENTS 1 I I '· l' ..... I ... . .... .. _In_c_u_m_h_e_n_,__ts-'--, __;:_Jl_oy·d~··.-·~ _W___;_:_. ". ___:.iµ_R::::._, .. a_· 'Ce___;.·-.·'._· s ~, ? ,. . - .. • un-a c 00 Three Flee Blast Fishermen Rescued Off Laguna Beach Three Newport Beach men were pulled from the ocean this morning after their boat ezploded an dcaught fire while they were fishing off Laguna.Beach. The three ·were ru,,bed to south Cont cOmmunity Hospllal and were believed to be in cood condition suffering only . ex· posuce and shock. They were ·tentatively Identified as Paul F. Dunham, 64, 112 W. Coast l-Iigh\.\•ay; Herman Conway and William Sandon, all from Newport Bayshore Park area. Dunham was said to be in deep 6bock and Conway, suffering from e.x· pire, had a previous history of heart illness. Sandon was apparently only chilled. Mis~iQn Viejo Pla~tsP~ Action on To10 ll1 SACI BllOBAClt • ' Of ... IMllY '1111 St8ff A scliism appe~s to be wldenin1 today between Har6or Area residents •nd Mission Viejo-El '.foro hom'°wners ·on future location of a superjet regional airport in Orange County. Orange Collnty's Board of Supenilors Tuesday voted S to J in favorina: of stu· dyina El Toro Marine Corps Air ~lion as a f>OSSi:ble lite for the future recional airJ>ort. . Supervisorial act!on cam~ des1;»~ heated opposition VOICed by Mission VteJO and El Toro people who packed the board room in Santa Ana. ~ F&voring Ei Toro study w e r e supervisors David L. Baker of Garden Grote ; William Hlnrt.e.in of Tustin ind Robert W. Battin of Santa Ana. Supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach mounted an effort to broaden the study to seven regional airport sit.es. Allen offered an alternate motion. It was defeated 3 to 2, wilh Hirstein, Battin and Baker in opposition. Allen argued that to limit the study to El Toro feasibility for joint use as an in· terim airport would weaken the county:1 stand. , "The Navy will want to know U we have studied other possible sites," Allen debited. "If we a:o to them without that fnfonnatioo, we will undoubtedly IOle the ~ fight ." . ·The county's study group of five de- partment heads had recommended that: -Eight proposed regional airport lites be referred to the Southern CalijGrnla Association of Governments (SCAG) for .tbdy, analysis and recommendation u part of the llk:Ounty rtgional study. JIETAIN PEREIRA •-The county retain W. L. Pereira Ind Associates of Newpcrt Beach to conduct an Intensive investigatim of MCAS E\ 'foro for joint use included but not limited tb, tile lollowlng: -Establish if the present runway COD· fiJu!atlon can effectively and efficiently aupPOrt commercial air carrier oper> *"'· . -Determlne, in cooperation with tbe Federal Aviation Admtnlatratlon, whelher joint use is feasible in regard to t.ir traf· fjc control of air<:raft. ·-If joint use of El Toro is feasible, prepare a schematic layout of euctly 1fbat Orange County woold request in I.he way of joint use and how the system .t.Uld work. -Analy,. "id ju!l~y Orange County's need for joint ust of El Toro under a lborl tenn contnct ol 15 ,.an. ~ detailed -~ ....... to clet#mlne -of lldlltles ,... .,itm et El Tero end ouaedecf oper1ted fees. to p., for thoee fadutia over the lino of the qdncl. . DITAILED PLAN • '-Jn the ~the 1tucly of El Toro '"veail ll\lt l<li1rt JIM Ii not fusible, the .,...ttant· al1oold " Jl"'P"'e • detall«I -plan of Oriilp Coonty l,irport to -tbe -='= .. rv1ce to be pt<>-1 (!tee_~T, 1'1pJ) Lifeguard Jack Lincke plowed through the surf to the rescue off the 110uth end or Crescent Bly Beach after the three men jumped into the water to escape the fire. All were nonswimmers and fully clothed, said line.kc. 'nley stayed afloat by holding on to two flotation cushlons:. Lincke managed to get two of the men on the lijeguard board and left the board to swlin to the other who he said ap-. peaced somewhat delirious. The boat began to wash toward the rocks and youngsters on the beach helped fend it off .and assist Uncke in bringing them· in throuah 1he surf. Some 9f the young men suffered cut feet from the rocks and surf. Two that helped were Baltazar Reyes, 18, and Dav.id Santangelo, 16. both cl El Monte. The youth! said later their problems were complicated by a big jelly· fish that was floating near them. Lincke said the boat' applrenUy blew up about 200 yards off shore. He said he did not believe any of the men were seriously injured. One of the group told Llncke while wailing for tbe ambulance thal Uiey had been off Salt Creek and decided to try the fishing off Laguna. Both U.S. Coast Guard and Orange County Harbor Department boats respon· ded to the fire. A Coes.t Guard vessel towed away the appartnily demolished boat after extinguishing the fire. The open boat was about 20 feet Iona. ----$600,00.0 Btidget Cut Capo T~ Override.Fails;· lncumh~nt Trustee ~?ses A tax overrlci. felled -speillq a M00,000 budget cut -and one lncwnlient trustee wu 'dumped out of office by a challenger from a larger community Tueodily" In the 'Capiltrano Unilted School District ·election. Mourning the emergin. trend Tueoday SadCllehack JC Trustees Voted Back into Office By JACK CHAPPELL Of Ille Dallr PllM SI.it Saddleback Junior College District voters have decisively returned in- cumbents Hans Vogel and Patrick J . BackuJ to tbe junior colleae Board of Trustees. Backus defeated ' his nearest rival, -S! Sleelmln, In lhe field of Iii cabcHdatel tOr tbe Area Four telt by a OWJ)n of men thin two to oile. Vogel WU unoflPlMd ln bit e1eclloo to the Area II teat. ' . .. An 'area breUdT ladle-that u eljlecled, Bactma tan• lltroqeOI In the Tu!ltlh area. 'Ibeft, hb marp spread to three-and a half to Gile DVtr' Staebqin. stfttmaa flll I t r t D I e I f in the ,..-o~ lllalrict; 11u1 looi there The final vote tally todaY went like lhil: -, 8.464 votell; Stftlmm. 1)31 •olee; Jolla E. ltrull, I..,-; Jomes M. Knopp, Tl9 vot..; Gearn 1'. llallew, 411 votes, and Palli Sain. fil.ftla. The -~ Ara, Four In which Bactlll Wll eleded, ..... San ~ llalll """11 and/ CapillrlllO 'V.,..r,1 Am fl. ii ..,. f!I two Tmtll-. •t Altliilulb SlddlebaCk in-.. nna111ve In llie-, wlllcb ~ l'411:Nonl, they m eleded by votori 11 Jartl.-. The coilttoveniaf' Backus, who just before election switched hll atand on lederal 111~ !qr the juolor coll'le - from pro-to COO-.-WOA Jn -11 three voting school . <!iJVidl,. ·Caplslr111<> Unilied, Laguna ~Ch end ;n&alln erea. · Jn Lag\lnl, tJ!e· VQ\e WU BaciaJ>, 1,l:JO; Steelman '12Z; Kruee, 401; Knapp, JIB ; Ballew, tl~ and Sayre, 17. In Capistrup, Backla, S,111 : Steelmon, 1.380; Kruee, 557; Knapp, 291; Ballew, :Ill aod Sayre, 171. In .the JS preclncll of the Tustin, San Joequln, aod Trabuco dlllrlcll the vote iru; Backul, 4,J13 ; S-1.ln, le: Kruee, •: Knapp, 1115, ~" 107, and • Sayio, a Abc!u\ l0,......,.....f:t11e.A,O(i voten In !De ereu ""'I to tbe polls. • In LagljDa' .Jleacli, ,-..allmatod thats& pereeQt of the diltl1d'1 voters ac- tually voted Md ln Capiatrano Unl!ied, lboul 40 percent of the volera lllrned ou~ officlala aaid. • ni&ht, District Supt, -Cheri" F. Kenney ttled'to be phlloiJO~~ but bidica\ld )le would also try to ~ge another tax election within 90 ~ys. "The peqple have. ~ken, that's all there is to it," be couimented, "we'll do the best with what we've cot ... Voters in the 15&-square-mile diltrlct encompassing San Cleroente, Laguna Niguel, Mission ViejO and San Juan Capistrano, turned down the SO-cent over~ ride by a 728 vote nlar&(o,. Laguna Niguel resident Bob D. Hurst - whose community ii twice the size of Dana Point, voter--wise -defeated in- cumbent candidate Marvin Bandoli, ol Dana Point, to become the new Area Six trustee. Officials said about 40 percent of the -,.qistered voters in the di&trict cast returning incumbent trustees (See UPSET, Page Z) Two Countians Di~ in Traffic Crashes Tuesday A Lquna Beach motorist hurled Crom h1I car as it smashed into a telephone Pole and a brick wall on a treacherous curve and a motorcyclist who collided wtth a car died of injuries Tuesday. '!Ulitet E. Wiilon, 36, of 3080% S. Coast ffl&bwly, Soulb Laguna, was dead on ar~ lrNl al Soulh Coast Cilmmunlty Hospital, Where his gJrl passenger is in critical -Uon today. ~ ;J. Beebe, 20, of La Habra, died ln St. Jude Hospital Fullerton, at 3:15 p.m.1 t• ' c..un,. Treffic 1• f:I Dellll Toll 44 lWlll11 Ulree hours after his motorcycle and a car collided near his home city . ,. Wlllol and Kathy Cunha, 20, of Van N1*YJI,• were both burled out of 1he dead man's car Tuesday afternoon on Pacific Coast Hlchway near AlillO Beach ln the South Laguna area. "There was absolutely nothing left of that car," said Mrs. Lucy Wagner, widow of DAILY PILOT reporter Lei Wagner, and one o( the first lQ arrive on the scene after the violent era.sh. California. Highway Patrol investigators sakl Wilson's southbound car drifted of( the trallic lanea and bounced off a curb, then veered Into the telephone pole end brick watt Investigation contlnuel by Orql county llheri!P1 dePl!l¥s today, to , cletermlne the ....U0. GI the Cli'·V~ motorcycle accidnl' killed '°""' Beebe. ' .:t. ":) ,. The driver ol !1lii !aito, 'Unda ](, !Wgbt, S7, of Btu; t1eaped lnJW'Y In Ult fatal accident at fr9spect Street and Imperil! -ffjghway1 • - -~ .- • • ~ •. • ·~·~· f •• , .... II; • ''.:_~~,S:1'NI:~; ii~HT_~it· .:J~i. 1s;,C~iJi.ArE·~ .. o.;:: ·\!!!:~'!'-.~ ..... ~C~l"'°"-Wlna ~ lloanl,S.,!· · ~ .. ' 4 .'. '. ' . .. • . i. I , • l\Vilcoxen . . Tops List · For Board By RICHARD P. N.11.L Of IM Dlltr l"tllt 111111 Lquna Beach voten lurlld -bl ilown on a ·lkent Ill OYorrlile W their lcbools Tuesday eod -'ll1ll1lm Wilcoxen, Dr, Norman Browne end J ... Boyd to fwr-year trustee tenm. The "DVerrld!, wllJcb bod been endoned by all seven·tnlstee caftdk11tes, lo.<d with 1,772 yes votes to 2,292 no votes. By percentage the defeat was 4.1.6 percent yes and 56.4 percent no. Wilcoxen, a towering attorney (8 feet 5 (Complete Lapna Returns, Pa1e Z) lncl><ll. had a towering pl~. He"'' toj> man on the totem '* -l.G9 .votes..; . ,· , · Dr. Browne, a iVnti'd Ind Jl•'dV el tlle-"chool. board,-=-~:llllb,..A -~le s.111 votes. It WU IOmethiitg of a cliff ~I im.., {<II\ Ibo third -·thlt. -.Tamer chole to.v~ .... . nlled ·•-1 In fl " .l'.!! '·, ._.,.y t wu..- . Mis. Boyd end Mra. -. ay,~------~ --.,Boyd, mother, hou!ewile aod wife ol ~ Cl)ar&.~ beca" to ·~ '~' utlle ..... . ·~ la. She. had -17 • ~ I.IOI to Jin. .. .. . ._ ··~wwem. Jerome IM<, 11 : 111ri. "ShlrJet I! "1fcCllla; ,Ill; :and .Mrs: CillllrlM M~;KJ.1 ' ' . , . The Iµ override to ,.. fH),IOll ad- djtooal -1!1•for ~-.car­ ried oofy . three of the II JUdDQW. Dr. .\lllll#I! Ul!Om. dlatrlct _ ....... t. uid the bOard would -?.-, lo review its posltion. · -~ -meetlni Is -...... teachers' repr-Uffl AprU :II tl; dlscusl their aalaJy demands which bave not yet _,.... public. In tbe fact of the override failure, aid Ulloln, tbei district will have to n1y .on oeeaed : valuaUon 1ncrew. tlnfti•'I ........ llld. budpt trimming. He Aid It ii too early to·anelyie tlle ef. feet tbe overrlile failure mllbt ban on district programs. UllO!D conceiled Uiat the Umln(·of the election in rtlaUon to taxes might haft played·• pert In the defeal llow<vilr, he laid it teemed more a comman J'l'Oblem to •lhchools, votor·dllenchanlmeftl with rising property taxes. · . 1be superintendent AJd Jt 1etmed clear that. new method& of" lbianclng publlc ochooil will have to be found. He Ald ailo elections aulfer from public 1$ee LAGUNA, Pap·ll Stock Mer,,_.. NEW YoiiK IAP) -'lllt lllocl; merket retreated on. 1 wide front ml cloeed witb sjlarp ~ today .. numr tnveston .,.,. concerned o"vi.r the posSible COll!lequencel that could result 'from North Korea shooting do.m a U.S. Navy ·plane. IS., quotattons, Pa&es 20-21). · - -{ I I, ' ' ' -. PUIMO CAPTURID Mill 6•• Of Japan DEBRIS SIGHT ID HERi • --- •• ·~ ~~·· n.A111a11111~:"Allt¥idlnct 0 .....-ta .. lh6 Joint Olitl>" 5111f !! ;111 illl_~ . "Ill~--...._.to -. 11t!141oc -_. tllt"WW!I Hoqie. ledl of time -~~'Wi u.a. · ~~--.....-........ mlulw coaot!-••lawllll ae of i.. • • tl!!l1I tw · "" to ......,. tbW 11iJo .u.ro11 wu shot. iemo11ao.11 11r .;...• · 11.(:~ IMI' ti .... 1 ...... 1W111 ...... 4lrmlL Asollhla ' Tbe statement wu the first olfiatal "far outalde" North K.,... olr ._ hour, ..,..llully, 1IMro bu been no ocimowleda<ment by the United SW.. Whel •tlicked. (Related Slories, P .. e •> report " abrvlvon.. that tl>e !!!CUI .... ahnt down, .. Norlb The unarmed Navy eloctronlc lft. Earlier lhta J!!Or111q, the Pent.goo an' Koreans claimed. PrtvlOusiy the Ptn- 11.Ul&a><e plone 'wtlb !I aboard bas been nouncod that a Soviet sblp reported pick-tagon said only that the pian.' wu mlso- milllnc aince abool mldnlgbt Monday Ing up -aircraft wrecbge In the Sea Ing. and the_ North Korean <:.oounmiiata ol Japan but there wu no· sip of The ~ ~4 nol ~"° on clalmed it wu abot down after violating aurvtvora. wba& type 'loureel" tnab* tt tii6 tell 1l>elr olr lpact. 'Ilia later IMOlll>CODltlll llld: that lltl: (ilane atoyitd OUUldo North But lbl Pentagon declared In a llote-"Reconnaluanco mlaalGoa of lhla type Korea'i clalmod llinlle tmit«W Umlt mept at I a.m. PST: "From a variety of ti.ve been flown tor more than 20 years The. North Korean COmmuniN claimed IOUl'CN, some of them selllitlve, we are in the Se.a of Jape. Tbert wu nothing they shot it down Tuesday after it able to confirm that at au times during unUSU1l lbout this mlaalon. violated their air1pace. 1be Umted State3 tts mlsak>n the aircraft was far outside "In recent years, these miasions have says the plane wu ordered to ltly tar off any claimed territorial air apace Qf North been approved by high IO'ft!'Mlent tM coast and was later reported about ts Korea ." authorities in the State and Defense miles from Ch'ongjln. , A P~lqoo IMOWICODIBnt al!Ptl1- ..,.. lbln .. bQoa bolere·~~­ on conveft&d , a .J~evtl metu.qi' ot diplomatic, military and intellicence ad· vilerl on the sltuaUon, said: . "Dlttct communication baa been established .between one of the Soviet' destroyer-type ships In the area aiid a U.S. aircraft from Korea. - "The Soviet ship said in re:sponst to. questions that· it bad not recovered or. .seen any survivors, but that It picked up. what Jt reported lo be aircraft parts." • This was the second rtporl of some , debris being found in the general area <it., 1ht search, in which a large number of, American ships and planes, together wi.th . both Russian ships and planes, were - patlicipaling. . ,•" Frem Pafle I AIRPORT. • • Laguna Eleeiio n ·R esults vided, improve~t.s necessary arid bow they will be financ<d. -Identify specific site Iocatiom for "~~"*~~· general aviation and .airpark facilities at· >I Tiiril0d1ilti''*lt)' tor ~acquiaillon-llld deV<iopnent. ut•--- l PreclDCI Locat1qa _,,- 1 t l<>wel' El!lenld 2S7 i TAX INCREASE ~ l ~ ~ n u " • I I t I 1 1! "' .. IO ii! !I 50 37 II 32 12 ti" NEWSt,v.P SHOWS WHERE DEBRIS SIGHTID Wrtck•ge N\>f1(MHI of Point of ,PuOblo S.li:ure -Autborize the county admin!Cative ollicer, plMming dlreclot and -of aviation to negoliote on agreen>ent wllb the comullant for the pr'epar-of PhMe II ol the ·If.osier Plan· ol Air 2 3 • Emerald Boy 917 Lawler Ins. 1118 HOOM' Res • 711 419 201 212 258 93 Ill 2e'7 115 117 2tl 2911 177 78 JH 41 ;: I ti> 180 114 69 112 25 138 174 96 76 110 48 ~- Down the M ission T . . • ··«·•'-' r a 1 Tr~- Tbe -Corpo led oil -""'" to the boon!'• edopted plan In • letter •i.i- ed by Maj. Gen. W. G. 'lbrub, com- muiler ol Et. Toro MCAS. Tiii" -noted' U..t Ille propoal •1arbUt.rtJJ diSpoaei GI-furtller COD- ·liderall!ll of the ......,.;. prrilOUaly dllcullod iqionol llrpmt ~ -t El~ .. -. .. -~ ---.,.. ' ' -GENBIW.'1 lBl'l'ER . -Geo: 'l'llrul!'a letter OOlltiQues: • "In addition, 11 -wu --lhat dJnct altonU<>n be 'given to llie .,...,,ee& 5 • 7 a • JO ll 12 IS jf City Hall 127 High Scbool 95t SluarlRes. Ill , Gomer Res. 1121 'l\ip of Woehl 811 Kirk Res. 900 Wlnd~J au Allio f 725 Kotds Res. 732 3 AJdl Boy Abaentee 771 GllANI> :roTAL 11,l'IZ 2M 97 117 132 t81 370 JU Z23 223 270 261) !Oii 151 115 lllll 3CI tl6 113 t79 :Ht 311 Iii t50 195 212 36{ 202 15t 197 :r7{ 261) 110 141 181 113 . 247 87 !IS 131 110 289 t05 151 174 IB2 345 137 JH 227 233 76 21 41 3$ 31 4,1S$ 1,771 l,IO 1.m l,IZt ::!.i:Lr:llo~~~ Supervis ors Okay LA FC ..-nted to Ibo county alrpcri com- mlsaion at pubOe ~ on )u,a. a, 99 71 99 31 7&" 138 67 t55 50 107 '. t05 71 109 38 ro· . 113 123 110 49 91". 132 81 t23 St 'It . 199 110 as 38 70 126 70 67 33 48 77 z; 117 29 30 -. 139 72 93 37 30 •. JM SJ 118 .. 47 23 6 .. 9 20. .... •••• 1,111 lfl 1111: : Front P11ge I LAGUNA ••• Old Capo High Likely Civic · Site 11168' R f F l l s ff reaction to yOIQlg adults throughoul tlit : . "On this 'occuion it was stated 1n part. eques t or u ... 19 county. '!hot Ibo commandant ct Ibo Marino . U_A, The {,125 ballob cast in the biennial ·. C«pl and tbe Department of Defeme election were a 37 .59 percent turnout Of · r•~ .. ,.,.~o Tb ·'d r •• , .. __ Ila .. !Olfllrmed Ille deltnlte llld"""" the registered voters, about averap liit · ~-·~· ,-e,~ _.....,.......... tlnulngneedforElTcrouamasterjet The Local Agerrey Fcrmation Com-Richard T. Turner u ezecutive officer the district on tbe ·basis of the~ 11 · lllgb ~-11-t·toued .. a "prime, lleet.liUppli'I an ..... -lllallon;-(ln-lhta mlslloo's-,...-to employ a lull-time years. Twnoutl for school elec!Jona lri . spot" fer a new San Juan C&piatrano' '--·'1, Et Toro ·'·-t be -~dered for ~-" ed ~.~ b ~'--1:1~-i and Mn. lDtZ Haya u leeietary. . •• d le -•· lo a 'K rt to the" ~ .......... .., l:\11:1111. """"""was approv 1.WCBQay Y w-=: PUtllu on.--'---~ -.i.. .. ·-LAFC on a the di8trid have ranged from 29.24 per·. city v =~~-comm.i1o1oee repo conv-•·n to c1·vi·i: ........ ._. ~ s · J.wuc:1 nu~ ........ ._ w.1111:: QNIJl.;U ~-.. Wiii ,_ . U1 upervuiors. cent to 41.7 percent (in 1951). ~ · "But, we still have to come up with a ••1t 'hi further "stated; that air space Act.Ing on the LAJl'C request, which bad part-time bl:sis while carrying out his Lower Emerald Bay, voting at El Mor<!. few mcn,answm than we have at the riquiresfmrts, b"8t loadii' fi~bi~ of the support of eight cities, the county dutlel as head of the countywide ro School, was the first precinct colftted. present. time," said <:ouncilman William Dilll .. Y PIL.OT ""',.... fllgllt . operations, and ' · iaf.i, lifety board allo ,approved the appointments of Coordination Division of the Planning !t momentariJy cheered achoo! officials; .. t llitlip!e, cliaifii!an ·of'"the-Bludy-com• ,8.U..,.ET CUTS-..-""f""G' preclodoa cnnsiderali<111 I ~ ..... -' Department. • ·' -because tbe override led 43 y<s voe.a-to .. mlU.. -"""' "' "Tbe p..en! Do~-W'Jllf..,. Expansion of the LAFC otaff was back-28 no votes. · ~al unanswered questions involv"' Capo Unified'• Kenney policy in rePrd to~ of El Toro b firm Saddlebaek GOP The re!ults proved no bellwether as Ule-. • <ON. Tbe ~It:"'°'~ llloi .-_ ~ ~II -·Oppoal'::ethe~ ed by county AdmiJtistraUve Officer e~. dragged on and Ille other 13 . " ni>*-1 coal lot 11'1 --~..< ' ilm • I"" --.. ' Raber! E. Tbomu b«f<"'· ol ;"an ,ii!-prec:!iifts came in. Tl)e OV<rrlde tool< 11,1 : -1.:iit!il, · •, · ''.~ /tJP'''"~ 1, , • • · · OppO!U'il, Airport croulng w ... li toad." ·• • ' c w~dn!bblnll at lbe,-lugh scllool p01lln( \\ ... ~. ' ·7 ' · 1l : ~ • ~r-.,,_ commlloion's •m•-•-M'-is placewtlbmno..iesto'tCyes. · ;, ' ~ : ! " ~ < I : "l " .. • '• ~ Ji .... l • ' to'.:;;l... ...... at-~:::. !=...,ict'tielS ·• B " ' " ·, . • • •· lfie' " . Ibo olEI -~ ~·-.-Q-·) · ·~~ te · .., · .ii:c;,,_,' · •• ,-. ~--~~--•·i._..-........ K°''' ~s.':. .. '!"".......i.im;<;~~ and r..--.. oc11 T d D th T U"· MISSIONVJEJO-.The~v1e1o· J.l!l'iiio!!-;i;,.,,.... .... rnau"mtti1ililt'~:ioi{lblr<llll.· .-, -•· _..,., casetolbeBoordolSupervisnnforflnal oma o ea o :: , High School-. ctu11 'lilil .-at io illl6.'' ·''?.'--:Zr".~ . : ..• ·.,jj~ inlh;Gl(;caiflailif .. " t ~pu.:C:. .::!,Jr the Saddleboct acum. 7:!0 t<inl&lit In lhl-~ room at lbe Huiit !'filpped Boniloll 8IJ1 to 511 for · ~ Scbnloiiir of U..-u.tl.niir Michael Colllns, president of the llllUlb Tbomu a1ao nnted tbat imder the..,. Estimated at 1,000 hlgb a-c ~ o o ~ l50I$ ~ Driv~ Ibo ~ l!lJ; ~~lil~ jVmget Part; Community Aaoclatloo 1"I Ibo county group, lermed the propoqt by the plan lbe llall could prepare a muter Missl•. YJejo. '. ' . ' . llld;~ •llolb ~i :-vandlnl of -cillmty-In.... Boord of Supervisnn "wholly unac-pion of local government development DAOCA, East Patbtan !AP) --. ~ Tbe idlopl'• ~ and bueball ltama -~ Sit • .-and !M ~ respeo-. JIO)llljo to use o1 Et Toro. .. ctptable." wbid! tile LAFC CUlld adopt u a guide to stend! of dealb bung over villages on lbe will be lnltoduq<f ~the club and door U>oq. t '. • . : Ho '-'d bis ~m ,........, ....;;\of.. An ........,. I · led l future county grnwth and punue the outsl!lrts of Dacca today u reuue· ' prizes wllj. ~ .a"'.lfdtd. The boolten SU~ -~tu override ~~In all but ofb~ airpcrt'.-~t r ..;s b::s lhes •Pt" UY ..... mo Ution Ila D part, agency'• efforts to reeolve ~Uons of workers dug out more bodies and tM· . port the acbool'C athletic prgrams and ttfrtt cl. i1he dllarlcl • 12 votm&· p~ ••. , wen out. He doubted tht cmnt:J coold ••the asaemb1y is unalterably oppofld to double taxation in the county. estimated death toll in Monday's killer .. other -lictlVltlet. · :0'1.!T;' ,!~tl!!_mlreUlea wi~e:' ·:,~et _ U.. •f Et TOro and u· 11 did the commercial uae nl lbe airl>orl and Tbe LAFC staff will move aoon to new tornado ..,. to 1,000. · . u' ,,_.. ...... r th lk.:uvur will reconsider supportiJ11 any efected of. quart.en on the first floor of ~ county More than 500 persons were killed t1· · .• S C•mpa PIA-II qe cblldren IUpportinl IL 'thouaands nl resldenta .. d scores of flcial who endoraes the proponl." admlnistr.Uve building. the industrial suburb of Demra alone. SUpL Kenney said today lbat Its !allure achooll would be olfected." 1--------''--'-----------.::..-----=-=====--=-==-== MIS5JON VIEJO -Fivo 1U11U11U camp programs are planned by the -Viejo Pr<Sbylel1on Cb11r<b ol the Maler. Scheduled are: Fomlly Con- 1......,., Indian Villqe foe grade& four tbn>ugb six, and illncbo for grod<a oeven lbnJugb eight from July :r7 to Aug. 2 at Forest Home. From Aug. IO to 18, IUl1llllel' cllllp for nlnlb gradoro will be beid.' Jllih acbool summer camp will meet Aug. 17 to 23. Resetvatioos should be made two w..ts prior to tlie itart of camp, said the Rev. Richard Baoh. The chutth congregalian has been ~ at I.a Pu· Intermediate School; 25151 Pr*ta Drivt; MJS8ion Viejo, pen· ding -ol c:burch facilltie!. fl ~'l i PllOT l•Mtt N.Weff ,.. ......... "'*'"""' • Jee• a, C.tl.y \lb,,...., .... oei..i....., n ... , te•••il ·-n.-. A. M.,,hh11 _ ...... lidiar4 ,: Neff ·--,,,., . .,.. .._ __ wW result Jn a $800,000 tluh out of ntJt He was backed up by Hmrey Stem, year'• budget. wllb the culbacb -.ibly prealdeftt of the Saddieboct Area olfocting the dislrlct lite lbil: . Coonllnatlng Council, who argued, "II 41,... cblldren per clalllroom. 'Y.Oll drop an alrpcri onto us you wlll lurn --junior blgb acbool dayl. .. -bock Into a desert." -No money to rent -and portable He plugged for uae· ol'Orango C«mty eluBrooml. Airport durlnc Ille lntorlm period, a- -No purc1we nl Ubrary boots. panded u -.ry, and threatened -No lncreue in needed matnlenanco "cootinued counteraction U our wlsbes penonnel. are ignored." "l don't know wbelber the fact that . Tuesday wu lncnme and property 1u AIRPO!n' FOE -. -- deadline day bad an effect or not," Ken-· This brought fnnCllme aJrporl foe Dan ney said. _Em<ry ol Newport Beach, cbalrman of "'lbere ....... quite a few parents that ' .the Nobe Abotement Committee, to bi> were not reglttered," be added. feet. He said, ID vitw o( lbe ~ ol "The Pereira Phue I npOrl laid El the possible culbecb:ln 1listrJcher:vlcea. ·Toro """1d i!l)!S_ell\ • dlllloullla u a that be will ut the boon! ol-at• regiooaJ aJrporl ·but eould be -· their llOJI .-Ing ID call ..-1u Orange C«mty Airport II oat becauM ol election wltbln IO deya. pllylteal llmltatlons," Em<r'y ariued. Joe Wimer,, ldminlalrator of 1be '"l1>!1 Joint ,_ ldia ta no1b1nJ ""'· Caplltnno Unllle<! School Dlltrfct, lild a l'eople lo Ibo IOuih county area IX• definite lrepd fl)., older areu developed . · peri'""8 Joi ..,.. · ol I to f tm. IUi oi . toward ........ the tax. the CllW!ly alrjlart. 'Ibey ..... -of • Basically, lbe dlstrid voters supported the aalety factor and noise beloro Ibey Saddleback .Junior College T r u 1 le e moved there." Pslrick J. -· who received 2,201 Several: otba: ooutb counly HBidenls .-more than Ronald Steelman, bi> rose to tbe ~ o1 tbeJIU. d-rtval wtlb 1,ltlO vole.I. One, Pbllc<>i'd engioaer C&rlton lncumbont Trustee lions Vnael """ lU>oadea of Unlvenl~ p t .. u ·~ uno.......o and won wllb 3,879 volel. " " ' -·-· ...-were too many obotadel ID Iba way ol Viet Commander Set SAIGON (UPI) -U. Gen. Wllllom B. -will rel'l*» Gen. Alldrew J. Goo4puta' u df4luty -•f ~ '°""' In Vlelnam, tlie U.S. .................. today. Go.ii,.~ .. loll Vlelnam tut -lo -1111-ol North Au.ntlc 'l'rellJ <qmilp!ICll -ID Europe. use of El Toro, ,.ferring to hilll In the ..... He offered a "LiWe Pbue ll" which woold lnclllde -ol .. -airport, Iba San Jooiiuln Hllil alte - I.a-8eacb, llld a .... -COUllly &ik.' ~~~=":upl,: pooed regiooaJ __ . ......, ~. Be said Iba apiilfal<I sllallld llOI ba pit «l 1111 am lltL ' Losing Candidate N$hed , ...... • ••• To .. ..,. ___ _ _ ............... It. ~~ ,..., "71• - -..,, •• tdhc .,. rs a Md ••Ir: n abowt "' , .... , ~--.. -· 11 ruu IN THf SAMf lOCA T10N PHONf '41-l40f . . . . .-I . . ' . . , . ... .. l J /Nell! Ban · Wod....,, April 16, 1'169 L . . ·.1 Asked on Cigarettes Only One Board Member-Hetur .ned in 1''1-Vo Districts 17 ~ llAJU.iY ~ o(Lofll IL Banlr IDll JMD 11. rourtao0 cmlldoloo v!od far -ID a Join -llobert E. llullt aii tllo Incumbents ! • °''"' -''"' -Toob. tan, that --llor'1 a -""' board. -Jaba II. Nfvlllt Tvppfna t11o poU j!i Ibo olllll<tf!dldota, 11111 l!l-..w ud .,... ~' -one ol U... ---,.. ·1 WASHINGTON (UPI) -U. S. Slltleon G<nt[lj William H. Stewart med Coo· ll"ai todl1 to ltrel\gUlcll 11\1 WJmlllf Oii ciprol!t pacb about the cianprl ol •motlnJ and to HqUJn the warnlnc ID au cipnUe 'ad.•etlbin(. Dr -J._ P,·IGmoll ialit ·-tlio -jactadlnalpm:ont..ter-. · . U.fplmlll-""9 • C. •oc;:.!:.f-=:i•Wlllllm ..,.,_Joint Ulllon HIP' (tbno .\ll'tbrfl._.Bood)lnculilbeatlwon !: ~ a --,_,_. ud U. 11111 lntnc • · aeata), locombenta Joan D. lllplcb and ..-..i to. tbl tllJpmlary dlatrlcl -11o1t1a11.enin. • EW.Y81111Am" · '· . J.rrantllnlkllllvanJotrui~-aiotda1-Tuad.o,. :• Jallr llaitai W:U tbf _.,one Of, -. ,...,. a.. GI.'• ·IDcanlboato In II c. llauta on Ibo -board. P '•lmalld • Tho cbaU....e expected to come !nm lncuni-11 fll Ibo nod cf IU P'ft*ll count)' odlool dlolltcll ·.-. rtlniUld. .:,: r:Te'~~bleaJa":"'° out llaUoct the only olhor contender, unlvmtl)' ,.,.. o1 Ibo -.. ID Ibo ~Ml EariJ --tadkatad• Ii ... an .;.LI Habra City Ctbrto aeati) ti. • 1.-John J·, lleed, did not matartalilf, · ~ Ulllon lllP Scbqoj ....,. · '* IUrmul "!I lttlle --10 ...... curnbanta Rlcbard W. Finley Jr.' and ,.ndlnf JICk T, Calms, Ruth H. Dlllly Al Pffl<llt, clprett.' manulactunn are required to print ttle following on each ·pack: "Caution: Cigarette smoklng may bt hazardous to your health .'' Sald Stewart: "The warning now re- qulr;td ia weak." . CofC Wants More Flights ca '. . -Mllltld!Joln...i-Cllflonl,D nc!C • ....,,_.,_ ltb"·"-' Otberaellooldlllrlcll'llUltalneladed: Cannarront11a-boonl.An-.tac1i 8 ymro,...,....-·•• --• -,Anoholm Qty (UU.0 -), Jn. . percenl "' ~ -. caal balJota In ahare cf Ille _._ cwnbentl·Lftla fl -IOd -A. 'the 'alx<anilldata ilt1:Uon. •. Mra.'t>un). drew tbe tarim allan of · Sklar are Joined by attorneJ E. ~ . • • • • the vot. -1,141 ballcu. foUowed ca. · Ovvllolt Jr. on tha boanl. VQ!a' t.uiiout R&TAIN ""Tl . ~ _ ly by Call!lll wttb l,471 and Sbepont-Testifying before lhe Hou'e Conunerce Committee, be aald, "It states only tblt cigarette smoking 'may be hazardous to your health.' In this nation dd thro"lhout tbe world llclentlllc evld11pe1 has continued to accumUllte t o 5trengthen and confirm the 11M "°"" <fusion that cigarette smokJnl LI, In fact, a proved and pr<sent danger to public health." tn 19&4 a govemme11t report concluded But Won't. Name Airp~rt . . lllrecton cf tbl Orqt County Chamber cf Commerce ltnlqly endGnad incTWed air -Tooeday; llut diatlndl1 wordtd tbelr -to mlid . 17.1 -t. . . \ . -Loo ~ (tbne Mila), tbiee ,,,,. t,383 -· -Bria Olinda Unified' (faur 11111), Jn. ·ouinbertta reWned tbelr Hila In tbla IJ. Reed, who was trailing lu behind In au cum-Loo g, Planlolll ud 'Alu' G. , candidalo oltetloa. Prtlemd by voters ol tbe sb: prec:Jncta, pthered only 113 Weol jolUld ldmlnlatratGr Ila D' G-....., •. Wllllam T. Andenon' U...U J. votes. and .....,. Alfrle!lo , 11'""1 u ' J~andl!:dmundJ.RUllDek.Avoter An,unusuallyheavy·t,urnoutf«aachool -. Tllli'taon (ianclldiloo ...,t•led --.11 had not bee• fonMcl by board eleclloq kepi ballol counten busy tbl race. Voter IUrmul D.t poromt. dlaltlcl· olllc!alt llta today. • unUI tbe wt)' mO!'llnl boun. --Patt·: (tlna ·· -)~ Jn. -Bav..,.· (~ Mita), lncwnbenll cumbmla -Porlpa; Gtarae' N •. •Jolin J, 1!4lrd·IJ!ll .Patrick v. Ochoa join The IOtal. Wll not hirDed In untU ll:IO WeclemeJar .,.i . ll'rollll M. llfnort aocounllJll ~vld E. Pleler . .., tbl new un. today wt>m the Jul ballot wu nlwUld. ~,....ob candldat.s. board. Ali oltlmatad 11.7 -t of e~ countad ,al McGauafi School poWnc place. that cigarette smo1dna wu related to mention of 0Nnp CGunty AJrport itaelf. Junrcancecin men, Uiat tt""'hil con~-ftt~a11o-urp1 -tbl-Ol'111p trlbuted to chronic bronchJU1 and that County Board of Supervilora to nplore higher mortality among c I g a r e t t e all possible methodl of. dev~ re- Beach Man's -Central.la (tlna .. ta),~ 1.. ble vot*a caal balJota _oo .!? ~datea. v·~_!! ~Y.l'. ~lltt..~ --~ Mitcil taroo~ S. -Tra_..-Cfio lllti), Kiltli Inman, ~· --··-•~ -Markaritn and W1lter P. Tedrahn an area carpenter and Jimmie L. Mills pmltlOns on the Huntlrigton Hlch lcbaol sm~ker1 was associ.1ted with m1.ny irtd ... 1-rt facilltia to 1 e r v 1 cariliovucuJar diseases. qu .., rv S~wart "id the Department of Health, puaenger and fretghl -· , . Education and Welfare beJJeves that tbt "Not only I« such propoeed new 11r 1981· cigarette labelln& and advert111n1 services, but for forecuted increua in law "has proved inadequate to the ur1ent 1eneral avlaUon and air trwportation ln noedlfor great.r"""'"" In advll!ng the orange Coonty.. •aid the chamber Am.encan public of the health hazards . ' they assume when smoking cigarettes." resolution. 3· on OCC Board I.lack in Off ice ~ c • ..,. On 1st Returns Incumbents Worth Keene, of Stal Beach, and George H. Rodda Jr., of Corona del Mar, apparently swept to election Tuesday in the Orange Coast Junior College District. However, vote totals wert partial with ret1Jr'ns from the West County area not yet. available . II}·, Newport Beach and Cotta Men, B~d President Keene, running unop· poaed, received 7,453 votes. Rodda in thoSe same ciUet piled up a deeiatve lead over challenger John L. Vauglm, 1,524 votes lo 528. Rodda, appointed to tbe board two • moliths1 ago, thu! apPeared to hiV!.v.:On_a" _· full four.year term . lt will be Keene's 1 thlrd four-year term. 1be item opens by noting that a number ol airW. have applied to the Civil --to jlrOvide added alt oarvlca lo Orlllft CountJ. Oppoaltlon by tbl ,Boan! al Supenoialln to -out ol orange County Airport ltlelf due to illobllil1 to · bandle mllCb tnof• traffic; parkli>c IOd terminal mm laalaomentiooed. A relat"1 m6luU<>a ut&inl eotabllsh· menl cf • airport cf umpacllied but ol> v!oosly local·need capodty In Ibo Brea ll'tll w u a}fo palled by the orange Coonty Chamber ol Commerce board Wedneoday. The general avUIUon facility would have a good econondc tmpact on the en- tire northern Orange County area, notes tbl tt.m. sUfPll!ni U be developod in tbe Otlnda land -alto. 'Ille city ol~Breo bad eorlier aaked lot a TV Setue, ~o~d As , Police Raid . II.I ·'-'' ·~ Sauna Par.lRf..~. .. . Kin Aboard Lost Plane. A Huntington Beach 1111:1 whose brother wu aboard a propelllNiriven U.S. apJ piano a1ro1 d°"" by Nortb ~ jell today· ctacllntcl to -ll!1tblnc ualll men detallo ol tllo crew'• (ata are~. "We clooi ruDy !mow ~ QI.the eirCumstances kt make any conlinent at the moment," Aid Edward W. Greiner, of 16661 Bartlttt Lane. N1vy apoA:smen noUlied the Greiners early Tueada7 night that Aviation Elec- trician'• Ml:tf La Verne A. Greiner was OM of the 31 downed Oltr:i:. Greiner nl<I today tbat he will be able tc dl.Jcuss the grave incident more freely u aoon u U.S. officials can begin to r.....iruct-U,. what happened. In two other Cillfornia b o m e ~ , -· --"'"quici to 1a!k about lbolr.NIVJ mm~· p ......... ll!ey ..... ~ talk. "We knew bla duly. was eonftdlllllol and bad ~ •!*II." said Mn. Robert IL McNatl, ol Pleuanton, wi- 1on 'l'lmatby, 14, , Jiad.jull .enlialed for another •ix yean In ndar and radlt The county's School Elections P;mce did P.ot'~ave .ayii.Uable today returnijpn, Hdtrtington ~ach, Fountain Valley,'~ Beach or Westminster. ·~::'ITJ I. i \ I f , ~-~(.. .A Pollco irrealed llir!&,....... .lo 'a Ht\il biun!, !.u: ~. \ '~ back.': !~...is:!. =~~i:! "I'm just real proud ol my Dovld. ne•h IOllll cloaed·drcuit tiolrvlaloa aqulpmeot come tbroqll," llld Mn. Mltllo. L. at the aceoe. on.....,. ·~• Arreotad at tbe Executtva Salm Sauna -.-. cf rural ..... returned. Voter turnout lJ.I percent. were electld in tbt four candidate elec-Board, keeplna the llghtl on in dowldOwo · tlon . HunUngton Beach unW the mornJnc u I PERCENT VOTED -Yorba Lindi (three seats), in-Well. -Cypresa (lhree seats), incumbent cumbents Ann C. Flatten and John C. ApparenUy all candkla~ tn the Seal Ralph K. Hines joins businessman Wesley Middleton were reelected and join Beach Elementary School Diltrtct decid· Phillips and engineer Gerald A. Wilke on gtologist Thomas D. Hays en the new ed to get a good nigbt'I aleep inst6ld of tbe board. An estimated S percent ol the board. Voten racked up tbe worat waltin( lor tbl cooml. At tbl ad Gaqll voters eaat ballot& for ail candidates. baUotinl .noord in the COllDty, when he8fiquartera wu due.r;ted escept for -Fullerton (U.... ... 11), lncurnbenll !ewer tliall I -t tumed Olll In, 11\0 throe lonely _,.en porlna ovar otaqa·tf Alvin M. Berlowe and Stewart L. Johnsen election. green ballots. ' ~ani.$& t i-vnit\Jf'~ ' Junior college officials said they had depended upon Huntington Beach Union !Ugh School District ofllclab to tabulata reiult.5 ror thole areas. But Huntington High District Workers apparenUy did not. The Newport and Costa Men ruults were compiled by Newport-Mesa Unified Scllciol Oiltr!ct. Partor, 17434 Beach Bl•d., ww1Pali1do a..:..., A-EllctrGlllct - Mat Shelton, 17, ol 7'111 lllatar Ava., a... din David M. Willll, .. LI - ttngtoo Btach ; lletly Jia Coolollo; It, cf . Na.,,.,.an -fall todl1 LI untmowa Lona lleadl. · aild Cbrlalbw Lo l'I and for wllom offlctal tolltttl' hold Jn. ". ' VauaM, an Oranae Cout Collell" 1111- ·dent wbo hu been trying tc or1anl• a l'stu<tan11 ·1or a DemocraUc Society (SOS) chapter on campus did not appear to be much ot·a threat to overcome Rodd1'115 I"' i )ead In tbl unreported arou. LeMuten, 11, ol IOI lltll 11., llmlllncton cruainaty ll!Ue bope. Beach. "David can' be dead," uld ••· Police Cblel Jobi -Aid 'Illa ir· ... mb culmtnated two -a cf In· -· v..U1aUoo Into actM!loo at Ibo ..,.,. "Tbat ian' pooalblt. Hurt;maybe. Or l pri-in North Korea. Bui not 4tad .. • parlor. Mrs. GllleoJlle llld bar ton ~ Ibo ! Nixon Confers. ~~'°:::i:C: :!:."" .'::.i1'!5..'":'111~eartoo1 ti:"~ equipped wttb vldao tape w111cb Wat-. Naval Air llalloo two ,..,. lalor. On S Pl eel to -u ... -.. 111111.... "Illa -"" all ~ ••• Py ane -... 111.... -..· a11e nld, "be -.11111-An u... ......., ... cumnUy in t1u Ibo dara ant11 be could .... homo. WASHINGTON CUPI) -Prtaldant C\lltody at Oranie Coutrl>' JaU. iii"a due for dlaebarp In AUIUll." Nb:Oll conferred today wltb bla top ad· DNctlYll Hid tbe lllDll porlor bu "He's 10in1 to go on to acbool and won viaets to discuss what actJon. if any, can not yet been cbled. for a dtsee tn llectrontca," abe II.Id, be taken againlt Communllt North Koraa. t!I"! ~tlnued. · f(l(' $hooting down lft unarmed American · • a '11ft!i.all. planned , • ," reconnalssanc. plane -an lncidllll c U.S., RUBI Shin11 Hit , . deicribed by ooa U.S. olHclal 11 · : "' 1 :r.-:. · " "deliberate murder." • .JST~UL. 11lrllof (UPI)· -An 58%. f T tin" The meeting ol the Nslional 5'<:urlty Amortcan fr.olclltar,.,.S a lori.t tankar • ·; .• 0 US COllllCil convened at the Whlte H..,.. at .~ urlJ IMiJ In Ibo ,DirdalJa 7,05 a.m. PST. accordiq to !be .lrlil llotb ..... ablo to ..... Tarltlob' v· T Ou Pre~dent's ...... .,.11ry, Ronald -bertrora ford••"'"_ ... 1'119 ·oters urn . t Ziegler. · -!""'at cuualdli. "' · ' ~ .: . . . ' . ~.!!!l!*~~-:s~~ ., , ., • ,. ...... -'~ 1 , -• 1ffB Unified Vl>ters Nanie ~~~=~· . • -' • Mora -a.oao fttan tumed oat In Bentley, Schmitt,, 1Ja~1.. £~=~7;:· ""-' :n:m· J,flt; phlrmaelll 1'11111 r. . 17111 ""°1ldl W11, llil!&· .. ;lbe lltreb -ber .... ; .... t$Uld ,lo -·a.tor o. Brtnar,. cf Mill 'l°lnW Clrde, -Vlajo, Illa u-llotsl.-ta,.l,N. -lor lbo·otllor 10 candidalu ..... u lollon: Howard L. Sellack. ,,._; s,i..io &ab, 1,111; aitrlto T. 8aJI, 1,111; ..., L. -. 1,177; -w. hw, IMi Clflord B. Jktlhzns, 747: • Dona A. ono,. 4'1 ; Arnold -. 411; Jdm R. -· HO; 11oJiib L. lcbla>one .... • Congoleee Air Force Plane Craahea; 45 Die FISHER 700. T AM/FM STEREO SALi l'lllCI Tape Stereo Systetil IALI l'RICI 526800 .... -... UNIVERSITY 3-WAY Bookshelf Systems SALi l'lllCI 537°° .... 174.lt DUAL ,1019 AllfOmatlc Cbanttr SALi l'lllCI s9400 I ALTEC 846-A VALENCIA .... $333.00' e ~ 11" W..-wM I" Y•• SALi "'ICI 519600 . .......... .... "' ..... -, ....... • .............. w ........ CLASSICAL 33% LP ALBUMS DISCOUNT! "SWITCHED· ·~333 ON IACH" ....... I ' ' 1 • • ' I .. • l .. . , .... ·--wliM/doJ, Ap~l lfi, 1969 Thirteen-year-old Robert Rix of Glen Ellyn, m., ate eight jelly doughnuts and. pert of a ninth in : ·five.:minule'l! :.JQ . :win a· Napooal:·· ·. 'l>oughnut.-Ealin' Contest in New · YcirL.Robert skipped breakfast be- fore'ttie .• 10:30 a.m. contest, and 1atet.dk!11ed he'd skip lunch and ·~,--~· t . .. ~ .. ~ 00. . -._ -· ·-··--. . ___ :;_ .. Citizens Wtlh any kind., of a ·beef about Joliet (Ill.) city government ...,. .a water bill, a broken ¢utl1. t\le tax Tate.-.. nOlV have a pJace to· go for a quick answer. 'Th~ City eqw.: ~~ :· ~it .PQ~ into~operation-a. comp181ni ' 1· center uniler orders to ·handle all requests'llrcomplaints0 w}tl1\n"five days, iDCrtidiilj .a .. written·~ to lhe comprainiuit. lt will W mlllill~ e1 i-ia;n Sam pan ., ' SAIOON 'UPI) -•A ....U U.S. Army. government control, a jump d. U •. plane accidentaUy fired rocket.a Into a cent .over ·the totJ.l at Ute )..end , groop of' sampans ..... tJie cambodlan February. 1 border Tuesday, klllieg ei&bt South Viet-Meanwhile, CommUnlst gunners hit namese -clvllianS -and' woundina; ·11, provincial' capital and five diStrtct to AmerlcaD +military apokttmen d.laelosed in carrying out 25 new rocket and rnort today. , attacks in Sooth Vtetnim•ovemtgllt. The Jncident occurred northeast of Tan raised to 1,580 the number of such Chau, a town 90 miles ftst cl saigon, · since the ·offensive • ~gan, spokesm when tbe-.lingle engine p I a n-e opened -said.- fire at •,ferry landµlg. Tbe wounded were remo~e<l' to • .boSpital' at Can Tho, 75 initet •wtot;ol. Salgoa. • • Tbe plane b nor'ri1ally used as a spotter aircraft or, to assess ground damage after bombing mission!. The raid in which the .civillaos were killed:-was one of se'ittil flown ,Tllto!laY in wblcb· spokesmen satd at least 20 Viet Cong ~ere kllled. Tbe communists.mate uttrwive use or · sampans-1in transporting ammunitioo and supplies. · In · 8JM>ther deve1opment, U.S. Officials said today ihat the nunl~ of Souttf Viet- namese Peasant. living In "relatively secure" areas reached a record blab last mooth-diipitrtlii-cqmmunlSti' ~lnter- spring otrensive. . USS Kitty HawlC Sails on 'Alert' l19WG KONG .CA,!') -Tbe:U#l. Carri J(itfy l!awt irid!twi> d<stroyw will leav Hong Kong today on an alert caused by missing Am~rican reconna~nce plane ~t No~ ~ea(\spid:lt ~ot ~~· U.S. off1c1als said the Kitty Hawk and the dstroyers Black and Knox had no sooner arrived in Hong Kong Oartior from stitlons off-Vietnam thaDlhey were alerted to leave. N3vy 0ff1cials refused to by Anthony Mackay, a long-Wn, employe in the city's finance de-.; .. partment. After hours, an elect-\. • ronic secretary will record calls. SOVIET LAUNCH LE.WES MOTHER SHIP TO RETRIEVE PIECES OF DEBRIS Tl1iy said the S@!gQ_n govel'nplent ex- tended its control to 82.1 percent of the country's 17 .5 million people in the month of March. The Communist offensive give their destination. ' The alert apparently was· widespread. . . ' . -Infonned sources in Korea said the U.S. Air Force and South Korean military units were placed on a special alert Tues- day shortly after North Korea. announced it had downed the plane with 31,aboard. .Wreckage Believed te Bt From U.S.-Spy Ptant Mi11lng Near Noifh k'orN • It uw ;ust a beatup looking 1957 Plymouth, and Birmino- ham, Mich. police su.spected it uw sporting stolen tires -but whai it really had was: rocbt launchers, a ?Mchanism to 1q1drt <nOUgh oil out ih• back o!ld to eot1er a four-lane kightOGtl for 50 jeet, another-gadget to 1et up a smokescreen, a do.o-dcd to put on a psychedelic light 1how and a: 1eeret compartment in ti~ sttering wheel hub. Tht otonlT", Ronald L. Crone, toa.t crn:uftd, with larce'ny in conntction, with what police said wet'e 1tolen tires. Crona explained he had planned on making a M .. 001"· type movie. ~~.......... . · North Koreans' Tactic: 'Porous War' on South SEOUL (AP) -North'IX.(lfea is engag. South Korean . from fast 9().foot boats ed in what military men .hi ·Seoul call disguiaect as·fishing cralt. "porous watfare" against South Kbrea. The DMZ infiltrators have aimed in re- Balked at invasion by an ami)" of cent months at the narrow segment man- 560\000 South Koreans and 5"\,~0 'Qo ned by the Americans : 15 U.S. soldiers Americanl, Its objective is to aoften -.up were killed in 1968 alone. The objective: the»sb\rth through subversion, assaSsina-' to shake American determination to stay lion and infiltration. in Korea. It . has a military establishment cf' Elsewhere, they cut through barbed G ,000 ·men, fourth largest in the Com--wire to strike at South Korean troops. So niunlst ~rid. There is a 390,000-ma!) • careful are their preparations it is dif- army, 130,000 airmen with 750 modem · ficult to locate the crossover points. The ...... ~.and a navy of 10,00011J-en. ·7-cu'·wife is lnet.ieulously rl!lplaceil~ · :In·tbe bacqround is a ~~tia-; The east coast commandos, landing at -~-""'"''""'~-""_J' . ., ... <U.!.m~l[oo men, 400~;f<~f$i<ll" nill!t, carry hand BT•n~es, .!!!1;811, armo ------;--ferregularduty. '·/ • .; . -: arxJ propaglrida Ieafle.~ .. Thif"~e at · ~'rhe Demilitarized Zlllt' ~~~'\~poet offioes and communlcaOoo 'centers, .~ J.{ettan peninsula in ~O'b<ld riJl;h• an.ii~; l<iU village offlciiiJs, ! soldiers a n d -~· SOuth Korea at an ~'butTllltlvely ·~ ·r 1cemen. ' ~ j,l.aceful arm's ~ from !Ji ' i!53 · ' · 1.' ,f : · , '~ean war armati~~il Jan,uety 1~. ~ .f 1:f "j,/ J ,ftl \ 1 "if::. tllat mooth N°""':Jlorel!! Prea!1et . ; " . ~!~:~i:..~=~ ~ U.S. c.o:z· tesSinen .o-.; ' . ,,..,,,.:. ' ...... '~ , ~ . . . t;&;; "~· . ~•';~ ·n,· , . -;W' .. "l/egan to: · :.. and to land . . ema:Q cuO».f ·,. the , coutof .. !. . • i -+ .. ~ ... f \ o·"-tf *-'·.~.'tf· ~ .':;.Over Plane Loss~. ~rth"·kQ~eJi)r). ... ·.;~ .:=::..c:N =!.;en~~~ · ~ J; ~ , .. today that the United States tUe some Ask f-Or 'M ' . ting" " type ol 'actCon Jfgainsl North ~-llA';· .., •• , .• .• ;•.the downing of ·a U.S. reconnay:aance Caroi Poland, u; ofleo~M. ..., pn111e111td :·.~~r· ~-~~iit. Club' 'f '"' . ........ ..... s ct azena,,..v ,._ , ,,, aitiii ~k.... ·,plane. · "f d ~.;'~·l:JL Fil.i.. ol.tod;,~~~ Although leaders kept silent, ·11e111n1 : • ·~ . , '1 . . ~~lawmakers made speeches ,denouncing f K ·-__ ~ ~IJCi:immission,.,_:t.the incident, complaining that nothing :i. vtntion in Atlaiita. '' L~\Jfright (right) makes tM pres~ ¥iss Polanc;I won ~~he aU1QicS J9f·:utw'°JJing more than 500 -houn" "'' '1oiunteer community strvke lart ;11eOr~· · · ca ·.•,,. ........ ' The ·Air ;rraining Co!'PI Band of Corb)f,, Eng\and'•WllJ .!'il"'de· In full reg&lia -.wilh some extras. '!be drum major will carry a•dead nit instOa;d. ojoa baton,, an(fl>e ' cirull".. mer Will Ile ,a · bit' of rteU; ·,to .hi! belt. Tile bliDa u trylJil :'to• lure Apollo, its missing fal~~t; back to lb~ perch he liilt ~·week ago. Besid.. a natunl "taile,19r oteak ·and dili4 ·nl$..''Apaliod oves· aparad~~;;'f ., .,·.•. appartpUy to.'' I _.ivith· .. S: a~ U.N. """4 bftn learned rrom North Korea's ~ .tbe ~1cari ,. re:t:O!lnaissance ·· 'seizure of the USS Pueblo. plabe·the Comm\DU&ts claim 'to have shot r. dOWn':"· • , . , . · •• Rep. Benjamin Blackburn (R-Ga.), Atnetjcan mil~"8p(l):..men jn Seoul ca!,Jed ~e North Koreans ''barbarians" : ·d!scloSeil"Oie Gom.Jnunist demand for .qlj ~.;and said the only ~~·~ response t,~ey meeUng but declined to.'S&y W¥Uler Utt would unders~ ~WJd· ~ that or an ~ .. ·Uriited NatiOQS ~ {1.$dl "hid eyeforan~ye~.tw,atooth." •• a.,...i to ·a meeting at'!he. lfuce village , A non·mlll~liaUoor:!Oi;tbe form of Panmunjom. on the Demilitarized 1.or'te _,Of an eco~ q~anw.,.~ North (DMZ). The~ JapaneM. news agency Korea was propCWlcl. by lWp: Roman Kyodo said tbe UNC bad:agreed to meet. . Pucinski (D-ID.). ' .It ...... quiet atongitbe 15l·mile truce .. ,Rep. William L Die~..., (R·Ala.), Iron! dividing North~and SOuth Korea. •· rocatled• "1'•lileoLl':ltxon'1 campaign Military ofliclalll cdilerred .through the Pledge .that tie' W<lUld 1'JI let U,, ni&ht on tbe ~t llllious incident since ·..AmeriClli flaf·be a "do«mlf fer anyoiief, NOl'.lb Kma Mlbed·1he U.S. lntellfcenc< .. : a1 home er. ·abroed,_H ,anit ilililondr ••we 'Sl!ip Pueblo oli Wo11S111, Ncr1b Korea,., ... are wijtini for ·Yoll., Mr {~t;:. o.. ·.ian. 21, !Iii!. • Yll'lf pioj\Use. • . -· • ' . \ ·;: . ·" . .,.. -~-·..:-·~~ . Rain Sy·stem · D4'11~~ens:-~·, ·.~~-\~t. . Rocky Califorftlti . t: ~·· r-"· . ~ ··: t • ~·, I •I ... • •·. •-1_• ~ ... ::;, .... ~-.l!..l • ,. Mountain Snowstorm Whitens Eve'rgr.een Tht'1! wtr• "'-" •llOf ttwrl*r• .,_.,., Btendlnt f,..m MklllMll •11111 Htw y_.ic " l'lorkll. lltltrfW "lrl ,... Ill -""" M'*'91t· ·---·-· .. iM'M1r 11:odQitl. 1_._ c11111:. ,.. etlwd ~r ~ Tt~ wtt11111ft • 1'i'!M11'14i11 In :tffiKf lrliht "*'II. .. ,,.." "°'*"t" C.llNN thll .Milllwlrll Wyf. m""' A rtltl1\llfly -II twl!IM follchM eoWI'! ""'"' ne-r c.Ml'WllMr. Midi~ telltlt ..... (If "" nool' oft Mt 11o11 .. •!Id ltll0dl"'8 -ltf !fflt °"' ...... ....,.., .... ~ ... lftdt el NIH tnd r • I 11 ~11lc4 1Jr t1111M ·Al~ AlldlorMt A!lt"!1 llM1....-lllld lll rTll rdl; lo<st ·~ .. c11i.c." Cli!c:l~ll Citwl•rld. Oei Molr.1 -E11Nlk1 .. ,.. ..... -· ... """'" . Mltr'l'll 1ft<!1 Mllwlullt .. MIMtt.olb ..... OtlMfil Hw V~ N"'1111'~ ~; "-·-'lllli4llpf11 ........ ,_,,,, ...... ... cu, Jt.., llvfl ·--· SI. 1.e..ill 111111 \.•. ,r.<, " ... ... .. '' .!' M U 15 .\' " ~ '1 53 .01 " " ,, Sol ·°'. " u· ·• 1• S1 .4S M '2 » • .01 .. " .. 71 n " " .. ~ ~ u • .. .. .-.... • "' .. ~ • M " " .. .. .. n " n " • • u * " u .. • " • .. .. " ... .11. • M •• .... .... S:M ....._ ... •:M '.M. -s.11,..., S.lt I.ab CllT '-"Di... ~ * • 4 .. • ... lltl ......... •:• •·'"- ... ""' •• • ,.,--..... 'f: /IM. ,. AJ>r, 24 ,,,., I !MY I ,., h ....... _.. ..... 11¥ ,..,,,., ............ lllN. Melt " ~ ClllUllft'\' "" • ,,.,., .. """'"' t,..l'ld. Se• , ____ _ ._ ....... """''" " • _., .. " • .. " •• began Feb. 23. 'nle new figures marked ari increase of 325,000 people under "rf:latively secure" 4 DAYS ONLY. ' THURS., ~Ill.,_ SAT., $\INDAY . .. ., . . . ' .,, -, ,, IMllllATE CLEARANCE ON . ALL CARPET DuPont 5.Ql .N.vf~~' hlro heavy Hi-low :·pa~ 5 ·93., tern, many d•liciou1 col· ors. A ra,. bal'tlain •. · Inst.:. sq. yd: NYLON :SHAG Extra long nylon llhaf. A · . lvsh loelr but a b..U. ,. 6'' dean, hard to w.ai.~out., Choote' frpm •l•v•n t1klY· lovely colors -plaint and tMt. n...., duo tonn. d ON Ii POAM ' · "l:Y ' -Reg. 10.99 "IQDEL" POiyester Shae =~· r.::: ~~,, 0'5 wlill ltlt !NI el """ ; . · · · drim luxury In "''Yi . Inst ,,.,, ...... lo111 WHr•01i.! ·-sq ·,., l Int c1rptt tfttt requlr11 ON ~· FOAM · llttlt cml ' Reg. 15.95 SPECIAL CLEARANCE REMNANTS SAYE UP TO 'J0°k ' flt1lq0 Oupo"t Nylt l'I •111• Gr•en TWMd 110 1q, f d1, 1111 12xl2'7" Aeg, 550.DO 'ft21t4"01ip1nt 1&1 lh•a. •\.!.nzt Gold 't'~ S4· 111-)'(II.· Siu 12x21 F.l•O· to1i.u .... ' ' . flt3l72 Nylon HIL1 Avoc1d1 Gr1111 ia . ..._ yd1, l lzt 1h22'x5'" Ata. 1&0.00 "2174 Contm-111 Htat l1t.Avoc1do G11en '4 "· )od1. &111 12x57'7" l'leg. m .oa QZITI Dupont Ml1 Tip lh"r Gold 0Wtoe1t a yds. 11ae 12ia1•r "''•· ~.oo QISS7 Du,ont 601 T ip lhett Corfnthltn Go14 II 2/1 )'di, $111 tllxJl'10''. Ft•i· 41S.31 Qaa Comm-Jal Meat Set l111"9rl'I . · '° yc1., l ln 12x22'5" flteu . soa.oo Gff A$rJJ111, Sh•! 2" 1on1 Fre.ndl •1111 ~ U'/1 )'di, lzt 12d'I" flt•t • 501.11 P1N7 100.% WMI Mertll'll .. yd1, S1a• 12x40'1" ll.19. •32.0Q ~N7 1007' Wfl'lll. l1ut1rn GrMn ' • 1 · --... .' 40,,,,. Jd• 8111 1br:SO'I'", Pl••· • .,, "1P 1H2 Dutonl Nylon Gr1el1n Mot• . s1v, rd•. 111e 1211n'•" ,.,,, 220.JO D1M41.0upont NI.Ion A.n tlqu• C•td .. ,., •. ·' • 1:ZX4''1" ..... 121.00 D127S C.1t1m•1"1:l1I Tw1H Go1• «. •~n1e • "!V• 'yd•. lln 1b:t7'~", . A•g. 217.00 01151 H•llyt~a; C•p•lt• Kod1t Ad T•n•1 . 40 z;;s yd1, Sl11" 12'1:Jll't" 111•1• IOf.70 SAU 356.90 ' )~.00 99.00 139.00 .149.00 258.35 159.00 ' • I ' ., . .. ' I ' ' ' I I ,, '" ·' An•~r Dig ~ •oair!I .. ~~a, Pri'ncess Da~es'·on 'Stlige ' U~S. Renew LONDON (UPI) -"Hair" if·• m~ with a nudt 1etne and ..,,. lottr·letter .. on11 aDd"'tlldl 'lrllh'• lot of \'<"Pl• on atqe. 'l'IMG1 nl&h\, It ended with Brllalo" Prlnceu· Anne on · llqe. Dancll)I: Wltb the <16l. ~ apparently rather en- Joying )leraelf at the musical whleb the Lord Chamberlain Brital4'• atqe censor, one~ found unaceepteble. - The 1a.year-old p r I n c t s • with a. pony tail showed uP with two unidentified young men and a gifl ln a~ surprise visit to London's Shaftesbury ·-· I; $lie •potted an old school chum, &ban McCulloug, 21, in the wt. Midwest Rivers Rise; Worse Floods to Come By United Pre11 lnttrnaUonal A crest on the Mouse River headed out of Canada todaf toward Minot, N.D., wtiere 12,000 of the city's 34,000 residents were driven from the.ir homes by fiooding. Engineers prepared today to · open a dam built in 1939 and Gov. Warren Knowles Tues- day ec ared an emergency situation in 13 w e s t e r n Wisconsin COJJ.nties as the Mississippi surged above flood stage at Prairie du Chien and lhe St. Croix Riv er caused more problems at Hudson. i""'· -send th ree feet of water flooding through White Rock, S.D. They said the weakening dam would burst if it were not opened. The town's & 7 residents prepared to leave. •• • • i I • . . The upper Midwest had at least 22,500. llood rdugees to- day, 14,500 in North Dakota, 4,IXKI in South Dakota, 3,000 in !Minnesota, 790 in Iowa and 600 ~ Wi$Consin p Sn<J1!-swollen n vers welled ,•out of their natural· ~s and fought their man-made bounds. • • I • l ! : I • I I I I • l I The Mississippi River swell- ed toward a three-day crest at St. Paul, Minn.1, where hU'll· dr«ls ol .Uburblinites alnaily had been driven from thfiir homes. The mighty river was fed by 16 hours of rain in the area, and more wa.s forecast. Pop e Plans we e Visit • 1be Red Riv1:r of the north 1rote thniigh Dikes at a coun· trf;(:}ub in MOorhead, Minn .1 floodjng a number of homes. The same river sent more families from their born~ at East , Grand Forks, Minn., while' crews~ worked to i'aise dikes to 50.,feet. The ttver was rising' above 451n feet. · Constitution Nixon Wins · 'Cautious' Press Praise WASHINGTON (UPI) - A prestigious committee of newspaper editors cautiously praised the N i 1. o n ad· VATICAN c1Tv (UPI) Auctioned Off ministration today 1or its Popt Paul VJ will visit the freedom of i n r 0 r m a t i 0 n predominantly Pro t cs tant NEW YORK (UPI) ...:. ·A. 'PQUcies but said '<th(lse ckiee World '~ncil of Churches first _priDt!n& of t1le U.S. to. the .Cene hllV$-t~ finger1 (WCC) a!!d . ;attend~. a. w,orld .. Con~tit~tion; ~notat~.by ~ C~· tor~ future. , · labor meeting in Geneva .in . ~jtssd.s~:s· ,sold! ~1$ c',_._t rfpoft by the f reedom • Jo' t t +""'" a7"~' on y :""9 •,.,., ,, . Ju_r>e, int announcerneOts for $15t,OOO ·-~·-. eif ~Of '. formation and Prtst-_Bar u1d today. price ever paid for~l,: historic Commit.tee of the American \... The· announcements w,~r;,e , U.S. d~Jne_nf:-· . :~-;;f }_...~ $8ety o( Newspaper F.ait«s made simultaneously by ~ 1'~ .. "".Jnn1111 .J:111 ·tlJei!" ~,QNE) incl~<led rav:e rtvie~ PQpe at his weekly.ge'.neral iu-· ~tutioft a~ se ..., _ ... '-!' ~Herb .Klein, President Nix-. . . , . . o~ notes ._written , , alpet "·<M'I ct,u-.eclor of com- dience in St, Peters Basilica Pierce · Butler cf Sou·~h mlfllic ati on·1, by t~o and by the WCC in Geneva.· Carolina~ was put ti\.-i:t '{he '.WUhingtOn liaison men· for The Pope will make the Parke -Bernet A \i,~ t•f o n::. the ·fommit.tee . Geneva trip June lb, a 1ew Galleries by rare book ~jller · .~-~~itfe:e,also.cl~e4 -• Hans Kraus of New York:. It .Pf.'.OVesit In ~lfeSS ·battle·to weekS before he laves for a was more than five times, the aVol<I: ::rit;t.tiCffve rules on visi1 to Kampala, Uganda, Ju-galleries' $30,IXKI estimate Of . refeale 'Of inlonbatlon a"bout ly 31-Aug. I. the value of the papers.·~.. · crfminal trials. · - ' . ~~ . I I I ·WANT iNTEUIT ON YOt$ .:Qtlt CHECKING AC.o0UJllT1 I I ' • ' • ! • I I ' • ' I ' ) ' • ,' ' ; . ' I ( ' ' ~ ! ; • \ . ' . l • I • • . ! • '·--~ . ' WMM!daJ, April 16, 1969 DAILY ~ll01' 5 t ' ' . ' ' ' \ I i "You know we _wouldn't interrupt, dear, but we do have to make a call" . . It never fails . Every time you need the phone in a hurry, it's tied up . Either it's your kid when you 're trying to call out. or your wife when you 'r-e trying to call in . vvHy not beat the system w'ith a second line? You get a separate number and a separate ' listing. Who knows, they might even let yo1:.1 use it once in.ci while . . , .,. . Genenµ Telephone • \ • • • . c I DAIL y PU..OT EDITORIAL PAGE l , A· -M-eritorious Plan Lasuna Btach and i~ downtown IMuiilaumen are oyein1 new parking miter ~eads that woii14 double the price of on-street p~rtlng, allow two hour1 Instead of one and provide • tot en system for shopper , free park· tnc. , . ,~ , .... Coot of downtb"!•· parkinJ would be unlforful=O · cent& an hour. The llilo:soP.hisUcated meter. h .. ds ii take pennl01, nlckel1, .dimes, quarters or tokens wh! h' merch•nll woUld purcbase at cost from the city. Coun- cilmen may take 9p :the proposal .to nigh\. Although far from a panacea for the ~ltyja parking Ills, the plan has merit. Parking should pay Its way. Laguna Beach land is expensive and a permanent park· ing structure Is going to be needed. 'fhe addijionat revenue would start a fund for such a fa cility. The city cannot wait until this source of revenue builds into a sufficient fund !or parking facilities. That would take many years. In the interim, businessmen and city officials should look into formation of a parking district in which as· sessmehts against benefiting property would pay for parking. Sad.Jy, the parking proposal doesn1t have anything to offer the downtown \vork force, just a return to the meter-feeding ban. · . YMCA 's Fine Services The South Orange County YMCA Is raisin1 Junds lo conlin_ue and exp111d the Qrganization's..iuany cornmun ity ,.rvices. The Y ~eeds to raise $27,000 through priv· ate donations by June. Headquartered in Laguna Beach, the South Orange C6unty YMCA serves the communities of ~1ission Viejo, San Juan Capistrano, El Toro, Dana Point , Lagunil Niguel and San Clemente as well a s Laguna Beach. The YMCA ~perates t~e county's largest youth job pJacement services, provides career counseling, the Canterbury Fair, SU:11lmer camping trips to Yosemjte Campus Riots Jeopardize Federal Aid r Alle11-Golds111ith \\' ASHINGTON -It is squarely up to !ht college administrators of the COUJltry •hat Congress doea about voting more nillions for scholarships and loans to- 1eedy students. College authorities will have only hemseh·es to blame. il Congre115 angrily •ields the ax on such educational funds. The widespread pussyfooUn1, tem- '<>riling and in some instances ootrl1ht ·efusa l of college; offlcials to vigorously Dear Gloomy Gus: Those who peddle anonymous hand· bills giving false and m!Sleading in· formation about an election, as has just occurred in Laguna, not only are cowards but they give off the odor of those frightened extrem· ists who are attacking our sc hools and churebes. -D. T. T. T~ls fNlur• rflle<U rtalffl' -1.-Ml _...,,,tr ""•1• .t ,,,. ,,...,,,"•· s•• """' "' *" " 0 19ttriy G11 .. DtUr Plltl. Both the mandatory nature of this pro- vision and the responsi bility of college!! for its enforcement were strongly stress- ed by HEW Secretary Finch in his recent letter to college administrators. •nforce measures passed by Congress "IT IS 11\f PORT ANT for all concerned ast year to crack down on student rioters to understand," Finch told them. "th.11t nd a~tators is seriously jeopardizing Congress has spoken and that the law ontinUed · 1ar'ge:SCale rederal aid to must be enforced .... Under this legisl a· 1udents. tion, the burden of admlnlstration falls That's the ste;rn warnJiti of 'Jlep. uPon the instituUons .... I would suclest Vllliem Scherle, R-Jow1, influ~li1l_ tha t these provisions be fully discUNtd nember of the Education-and Labor by aJI parties at your inslituUon - :ommittee, and author of one ,of the trustees, administrators. faculty mem· 'iscipllnary provisions -Section :ilM{b) bers, students , and where possible. •f the Higher EducaUon Act. · parents. ' AN EDUCATION and Labor. 1ui> ornmittee, of which 'Scherle. b a nember. is making a detailed study of he effectiveness of this and other latuteli designed to deny federal aid to tudents engaging in violence and ~S()rders. Under Section 504(b), the ~ithdrawal ol such funds is mandatory, ~ith respor\Slbility for enforctment tirectly up to colle1e authorttia, as ollows: "If an institution of higher educ1lion etermines, alter affording noUce and pportunity for a hearing, that an ln· Jividual attend.in& has willfully refused to ibt>y a lawful regulation or order of such ast itulion, and such refusal w11 of a erious nature and contributed to a· ubstantial disru ption of t h e ad· oinistration of such institution, then such nstitutioo shall deny, fOf' a period of twr> 1earli, any further payment to, or for I.he lirect benefit of, such indil'idual unde;r my of the programs specified in (this aw ).'' ''THE AMliRICAN taxpaye;r is willing to subsidize eClucaUon,'' said Sherle, ''but not agitaU09, turbulence and mindless rtvolutionar; eicesses. Colleague;s in Congress tell. me they are get Una a buvy mail from con1tttuents d e; n o u n c J n g litudents OoutJag the law and demanding forceful action qaimt them. One mid- westez:n colleigue, who represents a distrk:t that-!Deludes a Big Ten un.i~rsi· ty, told me; that in response to a special questlOMaire, he received thousands of replies overwhelmingly favm-ing denyin1 federal aid to students taking part in campus disturbances. '"There is no Jack of law to curb these. disordera1 if college administrators wlll exercise the intelligenct and coura11; to use it. And they had better get some starch in their backbones and begin en- forcing the law or there is a very real Possibility that public financial support will be; drastically reduced." By Robert S. Allen and John A. GtWJmllla New, Bulls It Better? rhoucbu at Large: The most illogical implication In l'!odern lhinking is lhe proposition : "If ll's OCY.', then it must be helter'' ... for A'hile many prod ucts arc lntroductd or :hanged as an lmpro\'emcnl, an f'(lUal ,umber are introduced or changed for the sa ke of "nc1\•ness·· itself as a selling· point. • • • The ifCat mt1Jorlty or. mankind has always desired ~ace, just as we have 1.lways desired health; but we ha\•e nO\ understood the preconditions of peace any more than 1\'e ha ve; understood the preconditions of health; now the rise of preventive medicine has drasllciUy cut the mortality r9le in illneS!, but there has bctn no similar rise in prt:'·enlive peact:m11 bJp to reduce. tht mortality rate In war. y,·hi ch is our mosl prfssina -· • • • )1)' chiktttn were amused to learn in ltbool that the ancient E~ptians wn~ ped tbtlr JJtmsils along "·ilh the C'Orpltl, lor possible use in the aflef'\\:orld : but i1 UUs any more 1bwrd than our cumom of buryioa lhe outworn husk of the body it&e.U and rn·eretitl)' "'honoring"' the d•.,.ft..t -by fttding him to the -ms! . • • • - Sidney J . .I larris ' · .. ••• 1'freedom."' but the irony of te<:hnological changt ln the last two decides Is that the major industries In our economy become more and mo r c interlocked In in· creasing interdependence, and tht call for freedom sounds dissonant Jn the Aac ~f Mer.ger. • • • "Charisma" has probably become lhe molt. de;blsed word or the last cOuplt of years; orlcinally a theological terrn lit isn ·1 evt;n llsted In the un1brklg"1 Webstu-fl.1trrlam 1nd Edition, lhou1h "cllaritmalk" is), it is M\V made to ap- ply to movie stars. 5Ccond-rate pollUclans and pop sinprs. • • • we .,. tUI ch•n&ina lrom • "proctuc- t1ve"-oriented tocltl1 to a tnowiedp· oriented M1Clely, but only the specl1\isU in IOCi1I systtms sttm to be aware of It: and the real gap, which threatens unemployment. I!! between our declining nttd for productive workers and our In· creasing demand for !hose scarce t-mployes "''ho can coordinate and In· lql'ate tasu. ' and ·Blf Sur and bas sta1ed d111Ces Jn Lacuna Buch and El Toro. ' Th• Indian Gulde lather and eon PfOll'*lll of the YMCA now bas more than ao ntlfbborhoOd ll'OUpl ln communities from El Toiy4.,S:e:.I\ Cf-le a.a LIP.• Beach. Th• growing Pr~)•lln«-. busy fathers IO- gether with their son& 'in .camp,IJlg, handlcrafl, Indian Jore and other acU.vltles. · . The Y hopes to ·expand its programs for boys in fourth through sixth grade !iljo lhe San Clemente, Dana Point.and San Juan Cap~no areas. " All these comm uni if~ services require adequate funding to pay the organ~Uon'S staff, rent, insurance and other expenses. Of lht'Y'• total budget of $42,000, the Community Chest pays about 2$ percent, 1111taining memberships about 20 percent . Private donations must provide the rest. YMCA-directed proirams are a real benefit to the community. The orgaoization cerjain!y has proved it· 1elf worthy of community .au,Pport. Worth the Effort In the spring a sell-respecting community's fancy turn& toward lhou&bts of beautification. And spring is il1 tht air in Lafllna Bt acli. The city is makingJts annual effort this we~k, pick· ing up unlimited bundles of cUpplngs and trash as long as-t.hey-fit siu and weight speclfication11. The chambe r Mermaids are preparing for their third .annual beautification awards luncheon May 19 to honor those who have mad~ Lacuna a more lovely place. Mrs. Valley Knudsen, creator or Los Angeles Beautiful, \\•iU be a judge. The chamber beautification committee, with many Iron s in the fire , is working on a tree-planting project to shade and beautify co·ast High,vay. Keep up the good works fo lks . It's worth the effort. L THE fAt:>IN<3 BUI.$ Extrettiists' Attacks on V.S. Institutions 'Schools Are No Place for Politics' To the Editor: Animals that cannot adapl to change die; out ; so do institution5, and nations. The people who feat change, constantly warn against Communists, often assume the vi:;!ble trappings of patriotism with great pride, may in all innocence be the people "'ho destroy our nation. They are the ones who quote the Congressional Record as authority, not knowing that any Congressman can insert into it any untrue and inflammatory material that he wishes in order to please; what may be his ignorant and uninfor.ned con· !itituency. They are the ones who cancel Stl~ip­ tions and are not ashamed of having Se.nator Schmitz. a John Birth member, represent them in Sacramento. I!sUSPECT THAT part of the problem is the influx of people from the South who are the product of an inadequate education. It is quite possi ble that In the future Orange County may demand bet· ter representalion and cease to be laugh· cd at. Years ago when the Anti-Communist Christian Crusade was in full swing, I got in the mail a large brochure printed on expensive paper, te;lling about the Com- munists '~1ho had gotten intc. our schools, our churches, and our government. I was upset and frightened, but decided to take it to one of the lawye;rs we knew •,rho was prosecuting a group or Communists ror the government. HE LOOK.ED OVER the material with gre1t care and asked to keep It. I w1s surpriled and _.,,anted to know v.·hy. He said...Oe btUeV9d it should be elven to the FBI 1s ft iepresent~. a good deal <If morwy and was an attack, really, on our acbools, our churches,· IDd our govern- ment. Since. I have wondered if the John .Birch Society and other extremist groups mia:ht not be infiltrated by Communists In order to undermine confldenCe in churches and the government. and to dry up support of education. TO ME, PATRIOTISM is not only the pledge of allegiance, but supportiri,c our schools with the money the;y need even to the point of sacrilice. The ve;ry survival of our great nation depencb UPoft Wa. To- day our California schools have fallen to eighth place among the &\II" In f~I · aupport of schools, and our clauai• .. latfer than in many other states. M • n1hve C1lifomian, thb makes me ad: but there ls another concern . for Utt political involvement of school boards hat not been part of our tradition. A GOOD SCHOOJ., system cannot be maintained if it is invoh·ed tn politirs. No man shculd be elected to • school board whose background and primary intere!t has betn In politics. Whtn political ideology gets into a school board there is trouble: witness Saddlcback Junior College. Let us give the sc hools the money they need. and ltl us elect board members who do not injret their political ideology into school busi~ss. MRS. ROBERT McMASTER To the E.ditor : It is somewhat mJnd·bof;gUng to rtallte lhat Utrillo, 1\lodiglian1, Van Gogh, Gauguin and a Jeaion of rare.ly 1lrted artists would be branded as "raunchy" by the lmptteablo dollar-chaaera who control the Lagun1 Beach Festlv1l or Arts. (Rf': article "No Raunchy Artllts;" DAILY PILOT. Aprll 9. 1!1119.) That annual salute to personal hygiene , tidiness and haberduhtry may now be competitive with stores and plleries, but the creative elan hAs long been gone. T~ dlly the unaware art enthu~iast pays cash lo view a glittering corp.st. HArr114v. TllE ART spirit h9s bloom· ., ~Jailhox • Lette rs from readers art welcome. Normally writers should conveu their message in 300 words or less. The right to co11dense letters to fie space or elimiaote libel is reserved. All letters m ust i11chule signature and mailing address. but names may be withheld on request if S11ffieient rea- son is apparent. cd ane 1v from that mulch patch of dollars. It is called the Sawdust Festival -a return to the free-wheeling. fun-filled CT>ncept of artists, paintings and public coming together. Rather than pristine viewing cubicle., (eminently suited to the display of ball bearings, orange juice extractors or allied industrial art forms) the Sawdust people dazzle the eye with highly pe;rsonali~ booths, some of which are so · "untldy" they are downright organic. And the welcome mat is out for shoes. bare; feet, sandals -and e;ven old socks. See you at the Sawdusl! JAMES M. MABRY Appease me nt To the F;dllor : In reference to your Saturday, April 12, htadline, "200,000 Homeowners Ignor ing Tax Windfall," in which Orange County AS!lf;'80l' Andrew Hinshaw state.; that it is beyond hi1 comprehtnsion that there ha s ~ such a tremendous mounting furor over property taxes these last fe1Y years, yet when a little relief for the homeoY.'ner comes along he doesn "t apply for it. Has it occur red to you that the $70 of· rered ia an appeasement for what the property owners mi&ht justifiably feel they have coming. I am one; who reluctantly waited until tht last few days to mail in the papers for this token of LITI'LE RELIEF. I felt that It is actually costing me money to gel the $70. t never mall my creditors btfore the due date . R. SALMONSON ·c~11"• ntr. Bh11h•w' To lht ll<llto" °CaWng Mr. Hin shaw, County Assessor ... " -Just like he asked w to In his April 10 letter in lhe DAILY PILOT. be-cause I become more and more confused "'ilh the operations of our pOlltica l offices and puuling proccd~. As a long-time Orange Counlf ta:s:· payer. I received my "invitation" to ap- ply for the $70 refund on my 'A tu . Which. on the fonn provided, f did -in good time ; it was mailed on February It, far ahead of the April IS deadline. Today. by_ chance. a realtor frltnd In· qulred why l had not filed becaust thtre y,·as no record of it -and better I do somethln1 about it. So I did : again 11 !\Ir. Hlnabaw suggested. by callint his or. flee to lnqu!re where is my application "'hlch was malled in lo' these ne1rty two months ago'? How come I 1ppear to be a proc:ra!Unator and mJghl just lose out on my refund enUrtly! THE VOICE at 1'1r. lliMhaw'1 otrice · was very ple11sint and patient but could only suu:est that "most likely mJ ap- pllc1tlon was In ont ol the hundrtda .lftd hundreds of mall urks plltd up ln lbt of. lice aw1IUn1 opening and contents pro- cessing ... 1nd, of coune, It would bt di£Ucult lo check all of the-m al thi1 time for just one Iii' ol' application •.. " lli·i·i· ghl! So, as of this writing, htre I stt know- ing that my ')JOmp\ne&s" was ap· ' patently ot no avail because I am ap- parently not tallie;d in on the records ; and the records are; not all available because; they are still in the sacks and v.·on't be processed "for some time." WITll ALL THIS whoopededoo, the query comes to mind that might ha\•e si mplified all this bureaucratic mumbo· jumbo : l (along with some half million other taxpayers) paid my 1968 taxes when due. The assessor and the tax col· lecfor each has my name, address. For years, my checks have always reac~ them safely 60 why couldn't a $70 check have been issued and mailed to me without all this monkey business of fo rms, applications, deadlines e;tc., etc.? Or am 1 being too naive to cope with the self-gene;rated c<implications of our modem political (and expensive) modus operandi? C. S. YARNELL Respenslblllty To the Editor: War is something that has been an aspect of man's behavior 5Jnce before he was Homo Saplens. No one knows what re5trictions can be expected of man. when asgress.ion Is ao lundamenlll a part of his origins. But for tht first time in his history . man's technology has devtloped weapons far more }ethal thin he could prev iously have; conceived. '\'e are no longer in tht: e;ra of simply "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." The blow to the head of an op.. ponent was a contained action. Either the opponent attacked w a 1 knocked ~ conscious, or retreatttl. TllE SArtfE CAN M said of most modern y,·eapons. The outcome; of the ag- gression ca n be foreseen . But would man continue to consider the use of, biological "'eapons (for instance the; spreading of diseases \11ilh no known cure) U he could fores ee the ends they lead to? Dclense and offense cannot be separated In biological war. The: .11g· gressor may be subject to his own ag- gression. In addition, pure research can- not be separated from the application of such re51;arch. THERE IS A NE~D lor rtopONibllily on the part of lcientists. Thi ruearth he is involved ln should be subject to criticism by his colleaptl, ind perhaps, as well, by thoae colleague• who are not primarily scientists. The men who {ay the fauDdatiom for the "'eapons of blolo1lcal w1rf1re, lhole 1nen who are respected u txperts should move to fdrce non-university researchers lo re veal their work. IF THE BUSINESSA!EN-tiats 1'ill not accept the rellJ'O"llblllty of their work , then the sdtnUsts who art more humanistlcally centered must fotce them to do ao. There it a need fOt education mt rtspoulbtUty. ' PerhaIJI nbn'fdentlals c1n 11ici help to open some ol the 1uqlcl0Ully closed doon. DAVID GOGGIN UCI St- i..-r Vetl,.. At e To th& l!:dJIGr: 'l'lr«I ol lht INrtlucraq! Want m°" honmy In polllla? !low -lllh Ctn- Quotes Carl R. Tmlu. L.A. -"We ""' as~td to stomoch lhe llum!U1Una behavior of malconttnll wbo offer only crlllcism Cbut) most Amtrlcanl art anx· lous ,today to employ' their c1pablllUes in service to their fe.llow min." • tury thinking in your schools? And can we throw in moderniuition of your com· munity, state, and nationtl governments"? Evtrybody wants that. And the secret • may be the 18-year-old vote. PETE ENGLANDEfi Crime Dete r r ent To the Editor : Re: the Je1ter to the editor of April 9 against '"indiscriminate" gun ownership -obviously R. D. Seymoure;, OCC stu· dent, is a male of the species and has nothing more precious to lose than his "material wealth." Confronted by a criminal se:s: deviate in her home. car or on the street. I suppose a woman Is e;x- pected to outrun him "on foot~" A great deterrent to liUCh crimes and many others would be the fact that the; criminal knew full well that his intended victim was well armed and prepared (or such an emergency. I, personally, would not be without the gun that my husband pro\'ided for my protection and that of our two small children in his abswice. IF THERE IS one thing that makes sense in Mr. Seymourc"s letter, it is the statement that our police forces and laws need "'updating to cgrrespond to the changing norms of modem society, in a peaceful manner." Never has crime run so rampant in the streets: never has the criminal bt;en tre1ted with such restraint !hat he is only encouraged to commit further crimes. I should llke to make the following sug· gelitions . in light of the afort mentioned "changes" in our society : t. THE UPDATING of our lav.•s should req uire lhat every citizen be armed and skilled In using liuch arms (much like our system of issuing driver's license permits to persons skilled in operati ng 1n automobile which is, in itself, a deadly y,·eapon when used as such.) 2. Our police forces should be rein. forced and strengthened locally to the ex- tent thal when the campus criminals start rioting, there will be enough men left over to answer the calls of individual emergencies for "'·hich they were In· te;ndcd in the first place. IMAGINE THE resulting "peace,,.. If you will, when tht would-be criminal becomes convinced that society will no longer tolerate his weird behavior ; and like the · potentially destructive; child iln the face of stern parental disapproMJ and d.i5cipllne, decides lo do somethint less reprehent1ibl1; to amuse; him.seU. (Of oaorse, th1s analogy Is not entirely tc"! curate, for it takes more than st.eni parental disapproval and discipline to deter a criminal) . As far as looking to Enaland {or ltUtrahlp (as R. D .• Seymour. sut- gestcd) In any Held , perhaps we "1oul~ first uk them ta turp ow-re.publk: into a bankrupt, aoclallatlc nation . • ,NANCY COOK Fom;itr OCC Student . ,. -~--Wednesday, ApJ1116, 1969 !'ht fdiloriol -if CM DaUf f'ilol l<tb IO 111/...,,. and rim. •lolO rtodm llr pi....,~"41 WI ""°""'""'' opl"*" """ ,_. ~ Oft lopie1· 0/ fftkrtlf osd ng1dfiarnco, bt'~ • '°""" '"" 111• npr-of our rtodnt' opfttlOftl, and by pr,1sc,.uno u.1 dlotn• tMw-. pofnts of i1'/ornttd <1b1crv1r1 mtd •Poktflnrn on tl)p(c1 of th , dey. Robert N. Weed, Publisher - • - • II V.PL. 62, NO. "·· 5 SECTIONS, 72 PAGES ORANGE .COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • , . . • I .... .--, 4 . NewpOtt;;Mesa School Trustees Re~elected By THOMAS FORTVNE Of .. et.ilr.Pillt...., :AU four incumbents won elecUon in Newport...Mesa Unified ·SchooJ .. District ~·balloting Tuesday Willi Lloyd 1!Jan. piOd J,r. edl!nl Gonion C. Morrow in the .. ., cklot "-· • Re-elected wtre Blanpied; Roderick H. 11\ICl\IJW.., Donald A. Strauaa, and Mrs. Eliiabelh M. Lill • . -. ' y, a_~ .... a victory celebrljiim. ,j1 waa ~d -Ii> Mlaml, na. Blanp!#I, . . RETURNED TO IOARD . 1---~ s .. ...;. J . "'!u~t _tl'.~I _ , . . . ~ ETAINS SCHOOi: S ,._. , l0cumbent MKMHHa..:_ . < ! WINS FOUR-YEAR ~RM Incumbent Blanplad • aACK'•FOll•.ANOTHllt'-TERM lncu ........ t Liiiy- Area 4 -Blupled ( elecled I, 4,115. Morrow, 4,111. Alea 5 -8'1'1111 (elecledl, 4,lt!. Mn. Mary GT Martin, Z,111. JtU W. Chenell, 1,131. JOlui L.·Vaqlm, lie. Terry W. Bay, :ut. Area 7 -MacMilUu (eleded), 5,113. Paul E. Maney, Z,!tl. Voter turnout was 15.7 percent, fat hel9w the-41.5 percent who vojed in the acbool bond election two months ago, but IJl!ll'e Ulan the 11.peroent who voted oo a. rainy Tuesday ln the 1967 trusr.ee elec· Uon. 'Ille Blanpied veraus Morrow race went down to the wirt. Morrow ltd for about c.m,i.i.- --Papl ari hour in-early returns and then Blaii- pied pullecl ahead. The declslve precinct was EutbluU, cme of tI>t very , last to report, • where BW.Pla!I woo 211 to 154. Both candldilea live in Eutbluff. ' Blahpled won al l8 polling placea, In· eluding 11 of D In Newport Beach. Mor· row won if 14 polling' places, includin& IO ol 28 in·Colla'llaa. The lncllmbenl . · attorney's vlcfoly ma~gin ~ Sl:S:per'Ct!n&,to,hual~rnan. and .. -, Morrow'• w f!'Zceol. Oiiiy two other coiiteoden Wrted. IJIY p.-.cinclL ·Tile. Rev. Mr. Jooes ' carried· ei&!ll 11ainsl-.Mn.-Lilly, ..... ol lhtiJ) In . . . Costa Meaa. Mrs. Martin carried line from Strauss, on the Balboa Peninsula 4Dd in1 West Newport. Slrauss, in victory, sald: . ''1'111 happy the voters saw fit1to return me ao I can tly to help·mab !be dlilrid beUtt lllio lt'1,been, It loolls to 'me·likt the -.. .,. generally. p-etly oatlafted - with. tbe · tncumbeots. ". · Blanpied made a statement. relayed.by (Seo ·IWUIOR VOTE, ..... I). \ ' -~,A -Fight for Surviva ' Emory Gwomy About El Toro-OC Airport PrQbe By JEROME F. COLI.INS • Of tM DallY ,.IW Staff "Frankly, the ouUook far Newport Beach Is now pretty damned grim.'' • 11lat's the gloomy view today of Orange County Airport expansion roe Danlel Emory. 1be 37-year-old chairman of the 2,300- member Noise Abatement Citizens Com· rnittee is "not at all happy" with county supervisors' action Tuesday requesting 1 feasibility studies en use of El Toro * * * Marine Station . . To Be Studied For Joint Use By JACK BROBA'CK Of "'9 O.tlr ,.,. Stiff A achlsm appeara \0 ,'l!e wldenlDg today between Harbor Area ,residents ind Mission Vie~El Toro homeownen: on future location of a auperjet regional airport in Orange County. Orange County's Boanl of Superviws Tuesday voted 3 to 2 in favcring of stu- dying El Toro Marine Corps Air Station as a possible site for the future regiOnal airport. Supervisorial action came despite healed ~Ucn voiced hy Mlalon Viejo and El Toro people who pacl:ed the board room in Santa Ana. Favoring Ei Toto study we r e supervisors David I. Baker of Garden Grove ; William Hirltein of TUstin and Robert w. Battin or Saota Ana . Marine COrps Air Station as an Interim rtgional airport. The county hqard's ru!Jng, Emqry ez. plained, 1159 canec1.ror a dttaUed ~ plan of County Airport. in the event that joint milllary-commerclal use or El Toro is found not to be po~ible. "'Ibis is the whole point of the issue, as far as I'm concerned," he said. "It means that our citliens committee and the city cf Newport ~ch ·are now pilled qainst the Oooolderablt pollllcal p.....,... of the Marlnea,1he ~Co .. 30,000 people in the MIAlon V~jo -area, Congreaaman (~ames B.) Utt,. Se!!Jtor (Georp) llla?flll1 and all<tlit ~-Who don't want El -Tm>-uied hy the.bill com-mercial Jets:•• , He said supervisors, in votiuc S-2 .for the lwo-pbaae st~. ~ .cohlroilted lhemaelves with an e'"'1full C1i9ice between El Toro and Cowify '/iiiPort. . •'They completely abdicated ·th!eir ~ .... . . .. mponsibiLil¥ r9r selectinf a nctooll . ~ . . . _airport site by turning Iha! decllloa over to SCAG (Southern Calllorma A.rt- (Jf .Gov~ents).'' SCAG ii conductlnJ a study to-develop a Jnf!ler p~ of air uae for 10 ~ counties. • Emory, · a free-lance technical writer, ~ the county board sboUld have . laWJChed i1-oWn investigation of p:aible (See ~ORY, Pa&e I) ... "'·· ... -"'·"'~·: :+,•,i+·~1~.;::_,,t; .. •'-!•tr.~-·::'1 ~ • "· ..... ,_,.... FIRE ;llOA"l'. ~RS' WATE'R· QN~'wotiD1itlilo< 1HU~K·'.O;, ~FT DEMOLISHED· Pf.I' LAGUNA Exp~"' arid '9:'1t.a ,f'or..-.. T!il'~ N ..... rt l'lihit'-,llllo'Saa -·r Creocent lliiy ' . ". . ' ,; . ; .. . \ ! . ' . Spy _P"fane'Fai:Outs~ Supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach mounted an effart to broatlen the study to seven regi<Jnal airport· sites. Allen offered an alternate motion. It was defeated 3. to 2, with Hirstein, Battin and Baker in opposition. Allen argued that lo limit the sludy to El Toro feasibility for joint use as an m.. terim airport wouJd weaken the county's stand. . .· . . '"Ille Navy will want to know if we l!ave studied other possible sites," Allen debated. "U we go to them without that Jnf'GnDatioo, we will undoubtedly lose the fight.." North Korea:-Pentagon . . J • ·'-WASHINGTON (UPI) -The De1ANe Department sakf today "all evkience now available" indicates a miss1ng U.S. riconnaissance plane was Shot down by North Korean aircraft and tlW it· was "far outside" North Korean a.Ir-space w.11'11 atlacke<f. (Rel~ Storiea, Pap 4) ,Tbe unarmed Navy eJectronic,,,.Jn. ~·nee plane with 31 aboard bu been missinf alncO about midnight Mooday and the North Korean CommuD!sls <loimed II was lhot dowo after ~ llieir·atr --,Bui the Penla(on declared in a. llafe. meat at I Lm. PSI': ''From a varietJ" d IOUl'CeS, tome o( them aensttive, ft Ire able to coollrm that at all times d1l!lal • • YfJUR COMMUNITY l HAS THE ANSWERS f !11'1 that lime ol year egain. ff JW'V• .... ·-.,, wbo to call about --;,...ration, where to ....U the ~In • -1'91.nOjion ..... lfm!I, whal to do 10< l'l"i.f1 ... -.. jUll Mw to "' iid "' Ille ...... -""''aot the , .... bi& .... ""' lo the curb loo lato for olOkuP ••• :iw..-no ..n. '11't llAILY PILOI' 'Dinctat wll --!ta -1 free -to -· Ille YOUR QOM. l'(.UlllTY ~ --up b>--ai.IUl lheJlrior ~In a 44- -tahlold IOCllon filled yffll !.:ts, llcum plioiJe --_. .,,__ You'll -lo keep it handy . all -'" """"'""· Wafcl> lw ti tomorrvw In the f!AIL Y PILOT. • . Its ~'the ~It WU ·f~·"'1filde IDIY•c:Jalmed1erri1Gftal air lpice.af l'lclrtb KoreL'!.. .... '· , ~~-11111:"~~ --ilia¥!> to· us, lnc!adh!lrJ\lc!ijll IGrUn daiml and clelttl lf&hlinP,~ .c: ·'to· beJtM' thti t11e aircraft was shot do~ hy,NOl1b Korean aircraft.. Al of !lib hoUr, ....,..uully, there bu beoo .. report'CI( .......... ,,,,. Earlier 11111 _.in,, the ~ .... -lW•-llllp~~t­ ln(ap -aircraft ......... In !hit Sea of -1ipu llul 11\119 Wll DO 'alp of IUlfiNI. ' • . . • . . 'lbe county's study group of five de- putmeut heads had reccmmended Iha!: -~ ~ regional airport sites be """""" to the Southern Calllomia -of Goverrunenls (SCAG) for llady, analysis and .-.commendatloa .. .• (See AIRPORT, Pap I) _Steele Market. NEW YORK (AP) -The stoc:k market retreated on a wide front and c1osed with abarp.bs today as many investon crew .conctned over the possible consequences ~ «iuld rault from N011b KO!U -,,, down a U.S. Navy plane. (See ~uotallom, Pagea 20-211. -. . ·-,arho~'. Breakup :B~cked 6 'J . ·•-' ~ I• T • '~ • ~ , · 0,'i:arige · Co~nty Chamber Favors D~sqlutwn;, J9;~· · '· VoCiJiil II. lo I, Oral1ae C-t Oiamher of c..nm.rce cllreclon Tuadq urpd -ol the~-County Har1Jor Dbtrld and ablllloi "' ill funds to ..... paneled Counfy Pulls Deplr1menl. Their compnbeml,. ,..,....., at f1rll carried a line li1lnl no tu - ...Wd -11 """' the JH!ructurinl. Tllil y11 ddded before the wte, prlmv1l7 Gfll>DIOd by dlrect«I who live in Newport Beacb and 1-a Bddl.. Tbe ._. ... Ille -.Dlllrld luu< ••• eompll<d aod aubmllted hy 111e ~·· -..-ue.. pmenled "le Newport Beach raldent Paul White. The rcsoluUon recemmends three _ad· .. I ' ' lying within clly boundaries Would be ~by the dl!a ~ ~ ,..; .... · igreemenls,. wllh a choice !Jelweep !'fly• q< QOUnly rUJntenance ln ~led · ' . • -----~-----...... '----·~--....... ··- • .· ..... • I I ' .!l!....::Dl:=&::.Y..:.PR.«=---..:.•:__..:.W..:.""'="'::.:"•..:..1"11:.;.;..;16.~. 1~:-'-• • ·i ... . NeWpo~~Hesa Vote " HARBOR VOTE · ' Lifeguards Hit • :· .. . bis secrotary from lliaml: •rm ...,. sntoful f0< the -tualty lo COlltlmlo llUV!n& OW' IChool tylfOm and tbt cunmunlty. I have alnys en· ........ lodothe.'bllt I~• lie ........ -""' "'pporied blm. Loaer llortow old: "I would like to utend my con-.-lllla lo Lloyd and my tbanU lo all 1hooe who WO<ked so bml oo my bohaU. Of COlll'lt, I'm dltappolnle<I, but I'm 1lad that we made the abowin&; we did." 5ald the Rev. Mt. Jones : "! believe liio multi lhould <WIVIY I m_,. lo the IChool boanl and ad· ministration. The voters have not in· dicated overwhelming confidence. The combined totals of the challenger1 ill most cues come very near to the total ..-lved by the incumbenll." He thanked tbOle who worked and voted for hlm. Bender conun<nle<I: "Mr. Jones ran very well I thoulht.'Jt'1 jlll( too bad that cme of us couldn't nm better. that'• all." Mn. Martin and Massey declined lo make a ltatement. · Members <i Morrow's wnpalgn I.am, headed by Ralph Clock. IO, and Pekr -·Rabblt~-31,kept u~ taUies and hung oo every ret.uru, trying to root their 29-year..(lld candidate home. Mrs. Loren Heather was wait!ns on final results at midnight to place a call to Blanpied in Miami, w"bere it wu J a.m. Ironically. that trip to Miami ts about tlle onJy reward for elected board members who have won a new job that wi11 require lOO's of hours of their time for which they will serve without·pay. From Pflfle 1 EMORY •.. rocks and yoonptan on lb& beadl bolpoll fend It off and ISsl5I Linck• In bringing them In tbroogb ibe 1wf. . Some of the '°""' meo llU!fered cut feet from the rocks and IU!f. Two that helped were Baltazar Reyes, 11, and David SanllD(elo, II, both <i El Moat.. ' The ynuths Nkl later their problems ,..,. complicatod by a big JellY lilh that :was floating nw them. Lincl<•. ,.id the boat appuenlly blew up ·-:tOO yam off shore. He sa1a be did not believe any of the ·men were ....-ioustY Injured. On• .of the pvup told Linck• ,'whne waltlnl for the ambulance Illa! tlle)i bad -oil Salt Creek and decid'!'f. la !r1 Ille llsblng off LqunL . . ' IJAllY PILOT OIU.NOI COA.11 PUILllHIH ~ANY R•Mrf N. Waff .........,, ............ J••li L C•rlty Vlol """"""' .... ~-"""'9et ---22 11 w ... ••lk. '"'•••" M1ilb11 .Yfinu P.O. I• 1111. •JMJ -- · Tl'l!lfw ~ 2 , ' Pell ,._ • • Cook r .. ldence, Balboa Newport School Watson residence, Weat Newport Hornung realdence, Weal Nl'!"POl't NeWl!Ort Shores Community Bldg. Banner residence, Lido Isle Lido Isle Community Clubbou.e Mesa Verde School. Horace Ensign School Newport Harbor Hi1h School Mariners School Mariners Library ' Collier residence, Wellcllff Stuckey r .. lden~1 Back Bay Co!WA de! Mar High Scbool Jone• realdece, Balboa lllend HoUJton residence, Balboa lalend Bayalde Vlllqe True realden.,., Co!WA de! Mar Corona de! Mar Elementary School Harbor View School Fire'Statlm1;-eorona-ae1 Mar Pease residence. Sborecliffs Calliomla Scbool Ne'IVport Helghll School Thomas realderiCe, Southeast C.M. Harper School Brace residence. Eastside C.M. Woodland School . Heinz Kalset..School Lindberdl School Monie Vista School Mately residence, Eutside C.M. Bay View School Paularino School Killybrooke School Bear St. School • ' Sonora School (. Orange Coast Colle_. · College Park School Millar residence,' Mesa Verde MoNally School Whittler School Girl' a. Club. Central C.M. · E. A. Rea•Scbool Pomona School Wilson School Canyon School Balearic School ~School ' ~ J l ' 121 24 77 107 37 91 69 26 78 311 11 30 M ' 18 81 78 11 83 160 21 85 100 23 54 117 15 64 96 17 42 117 19 89 175 23 87 103 If 72 137 24 61 284 26 62 69 23 47 82 24 35 85 6 66 118 22 64 103 26 65 99 15 62 169 29 65 76 5 36 103 23 60 107 27 77 62 16 76 67 10 47 102 20 IOI 64 10 59 59 17 61 53 15 78 70 13 45 29 8 57 54 9 34 103 19 60 104 25 53 42 14 18 !BJ . %1 86 :·1zi 18 • 42 130 25 106 55• 15 45 25 13 68 w 10 53 39 14 35 48 6 62 40 12 30 60 13 30 38 8 29 104 14 53 118 23 63 48 9: 41 Abtent .. Ballou .. TOTAL~·~ ... 4.aJ-...192 .. 2,955_ . ~-· ... 7% Investment Tax Credit Hit by Dem8 .. J ii 1 :! v 116 102 95 8 110 121 88 40 !! 106 74 16 .. 33 37 14 44 59 56 11 67 42 73 15 152 113 187 4 86 89 112 27 99 97 139 12 85 71 96 20 125 99 158 12 193 94 186 22 127 60 142 14 139 87 167 19 218 154 m 29 57 79 79 16 88 51 86 13 87 80 94 11 104 100 110 14 93 85 98 19 00 82 108 26 128 124 170 18 6248 81 4 70 109 106 33 107 97 109 31 61 72 66 17 52 73 69 16 JOO 123 120 33 62 66 68 28 57 67 62 25 43 95 65 18 62 65 73 20 37 47 39 14 39 55. 5.5 11 101 80 100 37 86. 87 110 34 28 45 44 15 178 ·112 167 59 .99 83 112 26 138 . 129 152 51 ·49 65 67 16 30 . 70 48 18 40 46 42 15 43 42 37 11 50 62 57 8 38 39 47 11 50 48 57 19 34 40 38 10 79 93 105 24 103 87 138 30 87 28 56 . 17 4~. 4.0JI--4,922 1.031 ' I • • c 1 ,.. I! :! :f ~ 3 115 2 7 92 10 3 75 4 l 12 8 3 26 5 0 46 I I 81 l I 29 7 4 40 4 0 36 3 ' 2 58 2 6 64 7 l 31 0 3 40 I 6 50 8 2 40 I 3 35 2 9 59 1 5 71 5 2 64 l 2 24 I 6 58 11 0 31 1 4 31 3 7 56 5 0 48 4 l 38 'I l 60 9 2 29 3 2 38 2 2 50 7 2 31 3 3 30 2 4 22 2 6 32 6 4 28 6 0 13 0 4 53 9 4 34 4 I 52 9 2 26 3 3 35 I 2 27 4 3 29 6 l 48 2 3 14 4 6 15 4 l 25 l 0 39 l 0 26 4 1 22 I 130 2,121 190 T'""IM "'"" 7. ·By Heavy Surf · • • ! I 153 63 138 98 95 71 41 :n 70 13 88 39 192 •64 140 35 149 48 116 3~ 170 48 208 76 147 34 179 53 310 5Z 89 47 10~ 33 H>avy BUrl borne .. blcb tides again poonded at Newport Beach Uleguard headqwten 1111& ....,.,., cMwing away m<n ~ and d~ two ~ dciriel 7 w¥ remained of t11e 'office I front steps .. The hl&h ,.ater 't<n tJwouib a part of an emergency bulkhead built after the last erosion siege last month and washed <if tons of sand. The !i'1llng booll, pan <i the NewpJ dory neet, were wubed away from bigb ground ao;I came to rat 100 feet away. The city has aulhorited emergency meeaure1 !or the area, tu ~ they llJ Cl"llJlle\eCf, lempci<a<y ,...,.... will ba'l lo be made, chief Ufeguard Roba1 E. Reed Nid. A pennanent bulkh""1 <i pilinp and · heavy plant. ;, · upectod to be . built aroond the oflJce by May 15. DOsplte . tbreols <i mon ...-i, tbe date camd be mpvfid up, eky aid~ said, ~use ordered materials have not yet amved. ' "Until then ," Reed said, "my men will· " have to eodw-e the strained backs, i lacerated toes and abnsions makint emergency repairs." . . 1. Tbe present bulkhead is made <i pilings. and relati.Vety thin planks which gav way under the beavy poundinC today. The new strocture, wliicb will Ue under the satKI level, wW co6t en estimated 18.500. ~ ~ Sup· ervisors Okay LAFC 130 40 '186-T.l, ____________ .;·~ ~~ ~ Request for Full Staff 86 48 91 26 155 61 94 33 90 36 88 51 91 35 58 28 73 21 147 32 137 38 58 16 215 71 148 30 178 82 83 26 59 44 55 31 51 33 65 44 5.5 27 65 36 54 20 131 38 165 34 75 20 . 5,993 2,201 ...... The Local Alency Fcnnation Com- milllon'• request to employ a tun.time staff was approved Tuesday by the Board of Superviscrs. Acting on the LAFC r.quest, which had the/ aupport of eight cities, the county boanl alJo approved the appolnbnenll of JUcbard T. Turner u eucutive olftcer and Mt.. Inez Hays 11 aemtary. Turner )w betn aerving the I.AFC on I part.time buis while weylng ool bis duties n head <i the coontywlde Coonllnallon Diviaion of the Planning Departmont. • ' Ezpanaiila of the LAFC stall WIS back· ed by . county AdminiatraUve ·Officer Robert E. Thomas because of "an fn- creasfng work load." 'j'be comm•-·• primary f1mctioo II lo screen annuaUan requests from cities and tcnrard recommendaUoos on each case lo the Boan! <i Superviion for final Marina Singers Due At Harbor Council ''""" Tolhepl ... .._ ........ -but ... -., l'ind ... Ma~ your style wftlt our "'Ill\' -dellgN. And ;iisk •• about our famous -...----- :J. e. J./umplucu Jft!I!., 1111 NEWPORT AVE. costA M~ action. Thomas aleo noted that under the new plan the staff could prepare a 'IDlltei_ plan of local government development which the LAFC could adopt ., a guide to future county growth and pursue !hi.· agency's efforts to resolve aituaticm ofl 1 dnubie tauUoo in the county. The LAFC staff w1ll move IOOD to new • quarters on the first floor of the oounty ~; administrative building. j. ' • ~ ... \j Berry Returned · · 1 : 1 In San .Joaquin · .· , San Joaquin Elementary S c b o or • District vote.rs returned l n cum be D t· ' Edward Berry to office with 1,MO votes' ,; ' in the t.rustee election Tuesday and mo· ~j elecred finandal comultant Robert L:'> Dameron, 1,808 votes and engineer James ;r• L. Nelson, 1,194, to the other two vaca1r cies. -1 A total of 8,632 voters turned out, more-, than 50 percent ol those regj,stered. -·!-, Vot'es for the otbtr ~tel were.:-~(. Charles H. Boulanger, t,049; P.afrf~1A •. :o. •• Strat~n. 853; Pat B. Brian, 541; ~ ~ \V .. Livingston, 447; _Vincent A.~·· f Jal, Loa Young, 365 , and John F. llDgei, 155. • 2J YEARS IN THE SAME LOCA T!ON PHONE -· • . .. . ' . j ' • . . . ' . h ' ·. '• ' Wolnt!day, A""1 16, ~'69 Anne Digs 't;Ua • r~ . Ca~a, ~ "'.( ... Princess Dances o'ii ·Stage U.s· Renew LONDON (UPI) -"Hair" ia,. musical witb a nude acene and · llODle four.Jetter words and.ends whh a lM ef ,,ople on stage. . \ Tueeday night, it ended with Britain.'1, Prffittss. Anne en atage. Dancing. With the cast. And apparently rather en- joying herself a~ the musical which the Lord Chamberlain Britaln's stage ctnsor, one~ found unacceptable. The 18-year-old pr i n c e s s w!th a pony tail showed up with two unidentWed young men and a girl in a surprise visit to London's Shaftesbury Theater. She spotted an old school chum, Rohan McCulloug, 21, ' in the cast. Relations After the ahow's Customary clOlin& invitation. to tht au· .diehce to join io the dancing, MiSs McCulloug looked up -PHNOM PE!ij{, Cambodia and spoUed Princess Anne, In (AP) -Cambodi811 chief of the fourth row of stalls, mov· 1 t a t e said tod8y he~ wQUld Ing to Ute music with 150 other resume: ,diplomatic. relaUons people. , • . with ;be United ~t.. now "Alter all the iqoney ,that that the· U.S. govermueat has w~ pa.id for your ~~;" recognized Cam~a fr9n· MlSf McCulloug, aalil Ille told tier<. . • · • •· Ute princm, ·•jtaney findinc ~ Prince Norodom ~Ir '.; s;, · • "", you in this k_ind ot allow." . said cbataes d'allaires ·-ld N;xon's .B· ud· ge·t M·ee!s When ask'!d later whether he exchanged, a ·~·llhbfl of " she en)Oyed.it all, the pripce-. ex c h a n g I n g amblsaldors 'd "Y 'cb"' ' 1' sai • es, veq tnU • again. • .. ' ~c .... . ... Su~z Duel In 10th Day She was 'not the firs> "We thank the ·u n It. d B;partis· a'· ... n· .. 'r"t"C·" "m. princess to see "Hair." Her ·states President . Nixon and " "" " " ~ aunt, Princep Margaret, took the ~at Ameri~ 'pt9Plt. for ·BJ United Pren lllenaUonal In the show f~ months ago. this gesture of equity and WASHINGTON (UPI) -foited a '6 billion spending cut J:aritlan and Isttell troops Anne was. the first princess to justice toward "eam~," :President NiXon's '4 billion as .~;~· of approv:ing ti"atiled acroas ·lhe Suez·Canal dance in ·1t said the prince. •budg. et cut ran into high-level JobnJon's tO"'percent increU& for. lbe lotb straight day to- The S a i g on government in taJ.ea Midwest Rivers Rise; Worse Floods to Come swung into line with' us allies bipartisan Congressional com· Chainft.aD Wllbuf D. Mills Gf df,y, Ctiro radlo. said. Israel Jn Washington. 'lbe' South plaints today that it did oot go .the Hdu&e ·Ways and Me4ns :!iS:· !~8t'!oJ=,J= Vietnamese s al d they were rl~ti enough: His ·claim of a __,COpunlttee ,,said. a ~ore 10 strike at. Ar&b -itions .. "ready .to recomlder" .tbeir ~SS.8 billion surplus . also was t.eallltlc~•ccoontinc w ct>"U I d -- fronUer problems with Cam-challenged. as bogtiS: · 11hoW ~· '5;1 bfill:on ~Odt in-1be Cairo radiO tieport said bQdia. theii' neighbor on South 0th er we 11 ·• p'l aced stead Of a $5.8 billlon sufplus the new cross-carial duel Vietnam's southwest: lawmakers, howeveT,' ex-in pro!ipect lot tlle''nfw.fiscal started at 10:35 a.m. with DAllV '1l0f If BJ LINDA ' . A CQMmunique.. from the ,pressed doubt tha\ Congre&.$ ~.... · . . ·artillery, tanks and other Gov. W~JlJ5no_wles Tues-Sou~ v~~~~ese ~Fofe!B!L would s~rt the specific ,!h!·,..1qQ9M!iai~..A,g~DSas~w.{ae_omd~a!_.Ulngbetw~~ei ~-i~. ~ !>'. United Pre_ss Intemational day~ declared an emerjency -~laffifei:l .tHe sfitiifient reauttfons Nixon proposed ~If .ctlliif ;for an ad· C1 Y an· ffie Bitter ti i: es • • ! . ! i 1 I l ! l ' . • • . • • . • • • . • • • . l . . .. • . . ) < " :· . . · .; ·, ' . .. A crest on the Mouse River headed out of Canada today toward Minot, N.D., where 12,000 of the city's 34,000 residents were driven from their homes by flooding. .t 1. . 3 last. Saturday 1n which ih'e Tuesday in the· budget for ditkmal budpt cut of $S ~Ill ion region. . s1 ua ion m 1 western U.S. gqvemment said it fiscal 1970 as drafted by Presi-and'propOstd' a new legal ceil· · A Jordanian m·111 tar y Wisconsin counties as the · reco~ "the sovereignty, dent Lyndon B. Johnson. ing o~ spendjng to enforce it. spokesman !aid two French- M~sissippl surged above flood independence, neutrality and The conflicting assessments The proposed Nixon budget built Israeli Mystere's at• stage at Prairie du Chien and territoda1 integrity of the pointed loward a n o t h e r for fiscal lt70 beginning July 1 tacked with rockets a n d the St. Croix Ri ver caused kingdom of Cambodia within congressional economy battle would lotal $192.9 billion com-napalm Nashan and Um TUta its ptesent frontiers." comparable lo that of last pared with the $196.9 billion for 10 minutes . There was no Engineers prepared today to open a dam built in ·1939 and send t h re e feet of water flooding through White Rock, S.D. They said the weakening dam would burst if it were not opened. The town's 6 7 morP. problems at Hudson . The upper Midwest had at l~ast ~.SOJl flood ~fugees to- day, 14,500 in North Dakota, 4,000 in South Dakota, 3,000 in Minnesota, 700 in Iowa and 600 in Wiaconsiit u snoW-swollen rivers welled t out or theit natural · channels and fougtit their .man-made boll\'.lds. The ~th Vietnamese state-year. 'Iben Congress finally suggested by Johnson. mention of casualties. ment did not go this rar but _:_ ____ ..::_ __ _:_='---'-....'...-'--'--'----==:::...::..::=.:::=:::... __ :__ _________________ _ residents prepared to leave. The Mississippi River swell- ed toward a three-day crest.at St. Paul, Minn.,· where by~ dreds of suburbanites already had been Wiv'° from their homes. 'Ibe mighty river was fed by 16 hours of rain in the area, and more was forecast. Pope Plans wee Visit said 'Saigon "is ready to reconsider the problem con- cerning the two countries and welcomes a n y_ suggestion suitable to the two countri~ intemt." ' ••• _ ·µ Nixon ·Wins 'Cautious' • '!'be Red River of U>e nortl\ wru:e -through Dikes at a coon-- try ..;club in .Moorhead, Minn., flooding a number of homes. The sarne .. river sent more families from their hop:ies at East Grand Forks, Minn., : · w)'n• •rew•~worked _to bise , 'Press· Pra;"., dlkes to 50 leet. The nver was , · ~ rising Rboff' 451k feet. ' · ~-· · · W ASmNGTON ·(UPI) -A prestigious committee of Constitution VATICAN CITY (UPI) ~ A' . .d. Off Pope Paul VI wifi viSit ti;;-·UCllODC newspaper editors cautiously · praised the N i x o n ad· ,rnifti8traUon -today---for--!:ts freedom of information .... • '· predominantly ·Protestant . NEW YORK (UPI) -: , A ~t;!i, buj sai;d , "~ c~ . W~ld .Council of ~hurches first .~rint.ing of the .:Y.;_S;,',ll>.ibt.·~ene hav.e,their'fm.cera' <WCC) and attend .a world Constitution; annotated'by'·~·;;~!"(or tt.J.~··· ·. · Ja~r meeting fit ' Genev~ in ~~a~!1'jnets~1~l~w::~·~· ?.~~·?;~-~ {'-~ '. · ... · .i· June, joint announdements for $155,too _ the·-~ .... of Ibfocmation and Presa-Bai: :. ·" .. . ' ' ~" J: s.a,id today. price ever paid for•~ :~ittee of the American ''The announcemenls . wer.e . 1},S. d~nt .• · . !-N;'.~.~. ·, ,~Y of. New!pllJlef ~itoni t ~J\ made simultaneously ~y _th! , The. ~1~g . b1 • .. i';'1.f~E) incl~ded -ta'l.t reYle!ft ' ~-,t 41 f Pope at his week1y general au-~tutioo,.a!fd le ,.: ..• ;lierb Klein, President N1:1· di . s· P , B u· , o~ notes . J'fltten , , . ,.,..-; • 'i director of com· ence m t. eters as 1ca Piere~ B'utler of···.9'.rt , ·tnun1c-ation:1, by two and by the WCC in Geneva. Carolina, was put ill~:~ '.YI:~. Uaiaon. men f<r The Pope will make the 'Parke· Bernet A il.1~ta,1'p M~!(fonnTuUee. G t · J f Galleries by rare bool-deiiJer··~: Uie commiUet alse•claPned. · eneva rip une 10, a ew Hans Kraus of New 'fofi;.n:,' :~.;fn ~;;ess bettle·to· ' . weeks before he leaves for. a was more Utan five um'~ l:VofiJ· ···~fv:it \Vies ·:oft , " ·• visit to Kampala, Uganda, Ju· galleries' $.10,000 estimate· Of relea'se-...of iiiluinatioa' ·aboUt · ' ly' 31-Aug. 1. the value of the.p.apers. -;· ~ :,.~' ~lli trial!. J. . . _ . ' -('f • • c . • • .., .. p 'lillAll.111111!1_,.. ..... ...., .... 1/4llld-• ••I'•• •• 11'1~•-"'u'• il9 •ntlll 11111. • . ' '. ' . . Int ... Ill ,.V 1111111i ............. 11111 ~· "' 111 ,, uy· . ........ ... , .. ~~-· . ., .• ;i:, ., .. ! t ., • , ,, • .. • , ... ' ... i.'·' ' '• ., ' . i \ .• r .. . ... "You know we wouldn't interrupt., dear, but we do have to make a call." .. \' lt·never fail s. Every time you need t~e phone in a hurry, it's tied up. Either it's your kid when you're trying to call out, or yo~r wife when you're trying to call in.' . W'P.y not beat the system with a second line? You get a separate number and a.separate listir)g. Who kn0ws, they might even let you· use it once iri a while. • . . . General Telephone • ----·------------~·----------------------. ·•· , ·-t .. L . I l)t\ILV PILOT EDITORL\L PAGE I \ Unlocking A. Lau.renc• Wilton, ~twPort B•••b;• new p1a,\._unr Director, was handed·• stanWcant assignment bis ·rst day on 111• jGb lut week. Ht was told th!! city councilmen l'•nt. top Pl'! rity &iven to • study.determlnln& Newport's ultimate. city limlll. . Right now those bouhdarie& are unknown by the city. They may be known by the Irvin e Co. It will be Wilson's job to unlock the secret. Vice Mayor Lindsley Par&ons put It this way: .. We've got to work with the Irvine people and find out \Vhat their intentions are . Right now, we're com· pletely at their mercy, as far as ultimate planning is concerned." In the future, Ne\vport may be able to creep a little bit west and little bit north. Major e;v:pansion in those directions is blocked, of course, by Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. To the east and to the south, the picture is enUrely different. There are thousands or Irvine acres out there -I that are in no One's city. One day, they \viii be annexed -but by whom? Newport co1'IJQ!men want "an expre~~lon o!_policy" from Irvine officials on how much of their Jand they expect Newport to annex. It is the kind of infonnation that would be helpful not only to Newport as it prepares it.self for tomorrow. but to Laguna Beach and Costa Mesa, as weU . Knowing Irvine's long-range intentions is obviously one way the coastal citif:s can try avoiding the hodg e podge development that has beset t6o many inland con1· munities in Orange County. the Secr et "We should start out·wi~ tll• 111umpUoo that this Is a mutual probittn. lnvciiVilrl oilt' ooilhbon," 11ld Newport Councilman Robert Shelton. 11We won't be 1ittinc in our Ivory tower to decide thls on our own." Where wut -ultimately -Newport Beach eod and Lasuna Beach begin? The answers to tough municipal policy questions hinge on Newpcrt planner Wilson 's findings. Ebsen vs." Dougan 111 propose to fight it out on· this line if it takes all summer." These were the words of Gen. U. S. Grant, but they could well be paraphrased by yach1'men Buddy Ebsen or Pat Dougan in ,thei'r abortive battle for the Kimberly Cup. In three attempts in the highly publicized match race between the 35--foot catamaran Polynesian Concept and the 12-meter' Columbia there has been only one official race, and that wasn't very conclwive. l.P.Jhe first two races the wind &ods just wouldn't cooperate. In the !hird; off breezy Alamitos Bay, the breezes blew and Buddy proved bis contention that the Polycat could outrun Columbia downwind. But alas, the race committee goofed and neither yacht could find the leeward mark-making it more of an Easter egg hunt than a race. If things keep up along these lines trophy donor Jim Kimberly may !ind his beautiful cup is tarnished before it is ever presented. L {N) THE f At>I N<l l3Ul$ Campus Riots Jeopa rdize Fede ral Aid Extre m ist s' Att~ks 01a V .s. lnstit11tions Allen-Golasmith l !r, •.. • I W ASlUNGTON -It ls squartly up to the college administrators of the country whit Congresa does about voting more mUllons ror scholarships and loans to needy students. .CCllege authorities will have only ihemstlvu to bllme if Congress ansrlly Wields the a'I mi such educaUonal funds. The widespread pussyfooting, tern· porlzing and in 10me instances outrlaht refusal of college officials to vigorou1Jy enforce measures passed by COnsrtas last year t.O crick down on student rioters end agitators is seriously jeopardllinl cOnlinued lar1e-scale fedtral aid to 61.udenl..9. That's the stern wamin1 of Rep. \Villiam Scberle, R·Iowa, innuenuat member of the EducaUon and Llbor Committee, and author of one Of the disciplinary provisions -Sec:Uon 5CH(b) of the ffi1her Education Act. Al'I EDU CA TIOl'I and l,abor sub- committee, of which Schute i1 a member, is making a detailed study of the effectiveness of this a.od other r;latutes designed to deny federal aid to :;tudenls engaging .fn violence and dlsorders. Under Section 50f(b), the ~·i1hdrawal ol such funds ls mandatory. with responsibility for cnforctment directly up to colleae authorlUes, as follows : "If an institution of hl&her educaUon determlnes, af\eT affordlnc notkle and oi)portunity for a hearing, that an •lfi· dividual attendlnl has wlllluUy refUJed to obey a lawful "gulaUon or order of such insUtution, and suet\ refUJll "aa of 1 serious nature and contributed to a ,;ubstanlial disruption of t h e ad· minist ration of such institution. thtn such lnslituUon ahall deny, for a period of. two ywa, any further ~ent to, or for. the direct benefit of, 1uch lodlvidlJll' under any of lhe procrama specUled In {Ulis law )." Dear Gloomy Gus: Ever try to walk •long the beach in the Balboa Peninsula Point area in the morning? Better not. All thoge dogs people let loo.5e on the sands might come and getcha. They're pretty spooky, those lea:;h- less hounds. Where's the dog catcher ? -Cat Lo\'er Tllll-......,, ,,.,_,. n ••tn' "i.-""'_ ~-r!)f !MM ., "'-n-•»r. MM ""' "' ,..,,. .. •IMrn'I' o-Dell'/' ,llM. Both the mandatory nature of this pro- vi1Jon and the responsibility of coller;es for !ti enforcement were strongly stress· ed by HEW Secretary Finch in hJs recent letter to college administrators. "IT IS 11\IPORTANT for all concerned lo understand," Finch told them. "that Congress has spoken and that the Ja\Y must be enforced .... Under this legisl a· lion, the burden of administration falls upon the lnsUtutions .... I would sug1est Uiat these provisions be fully dilcuased by all parties at your insUtutlon - trustees, administrators. faculty mem· ben, atudenls , and where possible, parents. ''THE AMERICAN taxpayer Is willing to 1ubsidlze~educaUon,11 Ald Sherle, ''but not agllaU~, turbulence and mlndless revoluUonary . excesses. Colleagues in Congress teD me they are 1etting a heavy mail from consUbJ.enta d e n o u n c i n g students floutmg the law and demanding forceful action qainlt them. One mid· western ~leiluf, who represents a district th.It includes a Big Ten universi- ty, told me that in response lo a special questloMalre, be recel\·ed thousands of replies overwhelminr;ly favoring denying federal aid to students taking part in campus disturbances. "There is no Jack of Jaw to curb these disorders, If coUeae administrators will exercise the intetllaenct and courage to us~ it. And they had better get some starch in their backbones and begin en· forcing the law or there is a very real PoHJbillty that public financial support will be draaUcally reduced." By Robert S. Allen ud Jolln A. Goldsmllll New, BU:t ls It Better~· 'noughts at Larae: The most illogical Implication in modern thinking is the proposition : "I( lt's new, then it must be better'' ... for \vhile many products: are introduced or chant::ed as an Improvement, an equal nlimber are introduced or changed for the sake or "newness" itself as a sl!lling· point. • • • The great majority or mankind has always desired peace, j~t as wt hive il"·aya desired health: but we have not understood the prtt0ndiUon1 Of. peace any more than we have understood tht pricondJUoos of health: no"' the tilt of prevtntl\'e medk:lne has druUcally cut the mortality rate in lllne5s, but there has been no "'mllar rise In preveaUve ptaetmallllatp to r«luce the mortality rate hi war, which is our most pressfn& .,..,. • • • f111 chJldnn •·ere amu!ied 10 !tam ln '· that &be ancient E1Yplians wrap. -utellfU aJoat with lhe -. ~ 1111 In lhe afterworld: but ii tbil ..., rncn-.ablurd than our custom of 1Jlir7llW .... ....... huslr of lhe body tlllll, -.., teveraiUy "booorlng" the dtflllled -by lt<dinl him to lht .,.-i • • • lnd\JJlry k-c.tlllnl fer more .. _______ _ .,..,.,.. .... ~-----···-;p f • I ' • l • ' ,Shbiey ·J .. Harr·is \ ... ?' . ..1...:.'"' _..,_1 ~._....."'-·- "frttdom," but the lrony or technolo1!cal cban&e ln the last two dtc1des Is tbJit the major lnc!ustrl es ln our eeonomy become more and m o r e interlocked In in. creuJn1 interdeptndence, and the call (OT freedom sounds dissonant ln the A.ge of Mtr1er. • • • "Charisma" baa probably become the moot debosed worn of lht last Clllijlle of years: orl&lnaUy 1 theologjcal term (it isn't even listed In the unabtidgtd Web6:ter•Merrlam 2nd F.ctltlon, thou&h "cba.rlsmalic" b l, It Is now made to ap- ply lo movie stars, seeond·rite pollUclans and pop slt1gen . • • • We an tut chanitn& from a "pn>duc· Uve''-oritoted oociety to a knowleqe- oritoted oocltly, bu\ only lhe speci•lim in social l)'lte.ml IHm to be 1ware of it: and the real gap, which threatens unemployment. ll betwtel) our declining need tor productive work&s and our in. creaslnr demand for those scarce employu who can coordinate. and in· tegrate tub . 'Schools Are No Place. for Politics' To the Editor : Animals that cannot adapt to chanac die out; so do institutions, and nations. The people who fear change. constantly warn against Communists, often assume the vic~ble trappings o! patrioti sm v.·lth great pride, may in all innocence be the people who destroy our nation. They are the ones who quote the Congressional Record as authority, not knowing that any Congressman can insert into it any untrue and inflammatory material that he wishes in order to please what may be )Us ignorant and uninfol'!ned con· sUtuency. They are the ones who cancel subecrip- lions and are not ashamed of having Senator Schmitz, a John Birch member, represent them in Sacramento. I SUSPECT THAT part or the problem Is the influx of people from the South who are the product of an inadequate education. It is quite possible that ln the future Orange County may demand bet· ter representation and cease to be laui:h· ed at. Years ago when the Anti-Communist Christian Crusade was in rull swing, I 1ot in the mail a large brochure printed on expensive paper, telling about the Com· munists who had gotten ink our schools, OW" churches, and our government. I was upset and frightentd, but decided to take it to one of the lawyers we knew who was prosecuting a group of Communists for the aovernmtnt HE LOOKED OVER the material wilh great eare and asked to keep it. 1 was surprised and ~anted to 'know why. He said he believed it should be given to the FBI as it represented a good deal of money and was an attack, really, on our schools, our churches, and our IO"ern· ment. Sinct, I have wondered if the John Birch Society and other extremist r;roups might not be infiltrated by Communiats In order to undermine confidence in churches and the government, and to dry up support of educaUon. TO ME, PATRIOTISM is not only the pledge or allegianct, but supportln& our schools with the money they need even to the point of aacrifice. The vn-y survival of our great nation depends upoa this. T~ day our California achoo11 hive fallen to eighlll place amoq lhe .Uta In flnancUll support of schools, and our clusa "an lar'er than in many other st.ate.s'. M. • nahve CaWornian, thli: makes me aaia, but there Is another concern, for the poliUcal involvement of school boards has not been part of our tradition. A GOOD SCHOOL system cannot be 1naintained if it is invoJ,·ed in politics. No ma n should be eltcted lo ~ school board whose bacKground and prtmary intms1 has been Jn politics. When political kieok>gy gets into a gchoo\ board there is trouble: witness Seddleback Junior College. Let us give the schools the money they need, and let ,---·s,, George ---· Dear-Georit : Your Sideways Thinking al"•ays sends me. (Where, I'm not sure.) How do you solve your own pr~ blemst I ctrlalnly would like t.o know the name or y o u r psychiatrist. BEFUDDLED Dear Befuddled: Actually, I don'l use a psychfatr!JI -I tried one. but he wouldn't allow me on the couch. I use • phrenologist. He just pushes the little bumps: on my head until everything looks rosy •aain. (Why let little problems ruin your day? Stnd them to Georat and ruin his day.) · • ' -t 1\failhox' Letters from readers are welcome. Normally writers should convey their me.tsage in 300 words or less. The tight to condense le tter.! to fii space or eliminate libe l is reserved. All letttrs must include signature and mailing addre ss, bttt names may be withheld on requt st if sufficien~ rea· son ii apparent. us elect board members who do not inject their political ideology into school busint.ss. MRS. ROBERT McMASTER Appecueine11t To the Editor : In reference to your Saturday, April 12, headllne, "200,000 Homeowners lgnoring Tax Windfall," in which Orange County Asusscr Andrew Hinshaw state; that it ia beyond his comprehension that there hu been such a tremendous mounting ruror over property taxes these last few years, yet when a little relief for the homeowner comes along he doesn't apply for it. Hu H occurred lo you that the $'10 of· fered j1 an appeasement for what the property owners might justifiably feel they baYe coming. 1 arri one who reluctantly waited until the last few days to mail in ijle papers for Uds token of LITILE RELIEF. I felt that It .is actually costing me money to get the $70. I never mail my creditors btfore the due date. R. SALMONSON ;Calll11g iU r . lli11•ham' To the Editor: "Calllnf Mr. Hinshaw, C o u n t y Assessor .•• " -just like he 11sked us to in his AprJI 10 letter in the DAILY PILOT. becauae I become more and more confused with the operations ol our Jl!OUUcal offices and puzzlinl procedures. As .a lon1·Ume Orange County tax· payer, l received my "invitalion" to ap- P1Y for the t70 refund on my '61 tar. Which. on the form provided, I did -in good Urnt; il was mailed on febl'\lary 21 , far ahead of the April 15 deadline. Today, by chance. a rcaltor friend In· quired v.·hy I had not filed because. lhere was no record of it -and better I do something about It. So 1 did; again as Mr. Hin shaw suggested , by calling his of. fice to inquire "·here is my ap pUcaUon which y,·as mailed in lo' lheSt nearly two months ago? How come l appear to be a procrastinator 11nd might just lose out 011 my refund entirely? TIIE VOICE at ?-.ir. Hinshaw ·s olfltt \\'as very pleasant and patient but could only suggest that "most likely my ap- plication was in one of the hundreds and hundreds ol mail sacb piled up in the of. rice awaiUn1 opening and contents pro- cessing ". .. 11.nd, of course, it woukl be dlfrlcult to check all of them at Ws Ume ror jult one lit' ol' application ... "JU+l- ght! • So, as of this writing, here I lit know· Ing thRt my "promplflts5'' waa ap. patently of no ava il be.cause J am ap. P'rently not tallied In on the recc:ftl: and the records are~ not all available because they are still in the sacks and won't be processed "for some time." WITH ALL rms whoopededoo, 1he query comes to mind that ml&b& have simplified all th is bureaucratic mumbo· jumbo : I (along with 50me half million other taxpayers) paid my 1968 ta"tes \Vben due. lbe··assessor and the tu coJ. lector esch has my name, address. For years, my checks have always re•ched them safely sO why couldn't a $'10 Check have been issued and malled to me \Vithout all this mon key business of forms , applications, deadline s etc., etc.? Or am I being too naive to cope with the self-generated complications of our modem political (and expensive) modus operandi? C. S. YARNELL R espo11sil>i ll1y To the Editor: War is something that has been 1n aspect or man 's behavior since before he was Homo Sapien&. No one knows what restrictions can be expected of man, when aggression is so fundamental a part of bis origins. But for the first time In his history , man's technology ha! developed weapons far more lethal than he could pre_vlously fl.ave coocei ved. \Ve art no longer in the era of simply "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." The blow to the head of an op- ponent was a contained action. Either the opponent attacked w a s knocked un· conscious, or retreated. THE SAME CAN be said of most modern weapons. The outcome or the ag· gression can be fo~a. But would man continue to consider the iw of biological \\'Capons (for instance the spreading of diseases with no known cure l lf he could foresee the ends they lead to? Defense and offense cannot b e separated in biolQgical war. The ag· gressor may be subject to his own ag· gression. In addition, pure research can· not be separated ftom the application of such research. THERE ts A NEED for responsibility on the part of scientists. The research he is involved in should be subject to cr:iticism by his colleagues, and perhaps. as well , by those colleagues who are not primarily scientists. The men who lay lht foundations for the weapons of biological warfare, those men who are respected as upe.rts should move to force non·univers1t1 researchers to reveal their work. · JF THE BUSINF.SSMEN--tdenlists will not acctpt tht re.spunaibilky of their• work, then the 1eienUsts who are more humanistically centered mu!t force them to do so. There is a need for education and responsibility. Perhaps non-sdtntlsts can allO help to Quotes C1rl R. Tenlu. L.A. -"We· i re asked to stomich tht humiliating behavior of malcontents who .offer onlt criUclam {but) moot Amcricanl llt 1111<· ious toc111 to employ their cepabUiUes in service to their ftDow man." Dr. Karl , Me•al~~!~t...._f a• e • ...,.Watrisl, • Callf • ._ vlott - "I don't bellt9e violence ia the lnlft:r to .vtoJence . . . -or even ltljustlce." C.Uforata Tupayen1 Atllclatiol 11 A ntgaUve income lQ Ii often offered II a IOlution to wtUare pttibltms. The first stata to try ll it New Jenty when an ~t it btln& run on eo tow income fomWe~ The controlled Uperlmtnl is btln& ·llalactd • by • $l mlllion federal antliJO'WI)' grant. Undtt lhe mttm a minlmllltl lrfol ol lnoome would be .. tebltolled. FomlH11 below that would bt palcl lrom tu mooey to raise ~ income to the minimum. The erperlmtnt will take Uvet years and i;hould be watched by an eovernmen- 111 en11tles concorned .. 1lh taJdOI or wt.lfare.·• open some of the suspiciously closed doors. DAVID GOGGIN UCI Student Lou:er Vo ti1111 Age To the Editor: Tired of the bureaucracy? Want more honesty in politics? How about 20th €en-·~H--1 tury thinking in your schools? And can "'e throw in modernization of your com· munity. state, and nationr.1 governments? Everybody wants that. And the 1ecret • may be lhe II-year-old vote. PETE ENGLANDEfl Cnbleciaio t1 At1s 1oer • ro the Editor : With reference to your "POOR COM- MUNICATIONS" editorial of April 2, respectfully solicit your appraisal of th following points : I. Enclosed is a copy of the "Dear perty Owner" letter that is han delivered to everv residence in Ne Beach three or iour days prior to t commencement of any work in a giv n~ghborhood. Twenty thousand cople.s ff this letter will have been distributed bf the Ume our work has been completed. 2. J also have been swamped with t type of inquiries you mention in editorial. When asked about the letUf, rolks ottm say they thought it was sorOe kind of sales pitch and discarded 1 without reading it. 3. PLEASE NOTE tha t the letle.r '*' only describes the steps that are about 6b take place but it also includes a local phone number with a friendly lnvitatiap to call coocerning any comments or pro- blems. 4. Rectntly, the cable television t. dtl3try has receiv.ed an unusual amount pl attention in the public press. Theit feature articles are often roup!ed with all the amazing electronic advaoces that a~ just around the corner. r..tany citizerw who desire the benehts of these marveJir are dismayed to learn ttiat it is sUll necessc\f'Y to cut and dig in order to mefl the required codes and standards. Wi. too, yearn for the day when we can use 1 magic ray gun or perhaps paint a stripe of macne<ic paint that will obviate WI annoying and costly phase of our oper uoo. 5. We HA\'E BEEN delayed by unusual winter rains and are straining • make up for lost time. There are ctrtail areas where we must make deedlinel be-fore the heavy tourist influx forces 1f to abut do\\'Il for the summer. We deeply apologize to those who havt been temporarily disrupted by our ~ ject. I feel sure that the many com~ munit.y ltl'Vices rendered by CablevisKn w:llJ soon attenuate the few fears and angen that we have created ,o date. FRANK HERMAN General Manuer f'lowpori Beach CabteVilion .. ... iitiliiiiii-. Wednesday, April 18, 1969 Th< 1dltorilil -of tM llcilJ Pltot """ lo lnfOfll' and -Watt rtodcn bf iwtstnttng Chis MWipapcr't opjnioM and com- mtnta"" on toJ>'cl ot nu,,,,. and liplfimnu, br ~ • f"""" fot IM ~ •I ""' read.,,. opllrioJI!, ...i bu pr•t nttno "" dJvtTs• t111t0- potttt.s of Informed obteniert and ~ on toJ>k• of '"' dou. Robert N. Weed, Publisher .• O.Sia Mesa .,..,~ N. 'Y. StidUF. * Yot:. 62, NO. 9 f, 5 SECTIONS, 72 PAGES r TEN CINIS . ' :y-·-r,-- 4 Newport .. Mesa School Trustees· Re-~l~cted . . . I By THOM.Ill FORTUNE Of ... .,..,,. , .... ,..., ~·four incumbents won election in NeWport·Mesa Unified School District board balloting Tuesday with Llot<f BW.. J»ed J~. edgmg Gordon c. Morrow in the only close race. Re-el~ were Blanpied, Roderick H. M~cMlllian, Donald A. Strauss, and Mrs. Elmbelh M. Lilly. If tl)e~ was a vlc:tory ctltbratian., il wu beld In Miami, ,,.. lllanplod, .RETURNED. TO BOARO r· ' Incumbent Str11u11 . ' .:. ElAINS SCHOOL SEAT -f..U...bont MocMlfffon • llacMlllian and Mn. Lillrwm Ihm ,al- lindlng thi amwal. Natlooal School .Board& Asaoclation coonntion. Strau51 WU present at Newport Hatbot Higb School where ttturm' •·• re tabulaj~. Fl .. ofdll\t loslng.cindidales 1'3tched mums come •in. Final retllrn! from all 50 precincts showed : Area z -Mn. Ully. (-). c,m. a... ~ lt J-, l,llL AMI 1'. ----.... ~. . ' - WINS FOUR-YEAR TERM · fncum-lflnfllod .... ~ ....... •· BAQ(·FOR·ANOTHER TERM'· fncumbont Lfffy. Area ' -B[npled (eledetf), 4,JG. Mwnw, ,,bl. Area I-Sir-(elected), f,111, Mn . Mary G. MarUll, Z,UI. Job W. C.....U, !,Ill. Job L. Vaapa, Ill. T'"Y W. llay, UI. Area 1 -MacMlll1u (elected), 1,113. Paul E. Maley, l,itl. Voter turnout wu' 15.7 percent, far below the 41.5 percent wbo voted in the school bood election two months ago, bu~ men· tbaa the 11 percent who. voted on a rainy Tueaday ill the 1117 trustee elee- Uon. The Blanpied vmus Morrow race-went down lo the wire. MOIT'OW kd for about Coioplele -lletlnl .•Plpl an hollr la early returns and the Blan- .pied pulled ahead. . ' . The dU!ve pnclnct wu Euthlull,. ooe of the-very lut. to :report,. wbo\A . . ' . . B1anpled WJlll Ill IO 111. Bath cmlldata llff 1b JWtb!Urr. . . Blanpled won at • polllnl placeo, 'Jn. duding II ol D la Newport lltacb. Mel(. row won it M polllq places. ioclncttn, 20 of •. ill CQata -The lnaQnben\ au.mey'1 • vjdory mafJln WU 11.5 percent to•hua!WRMn and.a·~ Morrow'14U-L Only two other conlenden omled any pnclndl.. ~.Rav. llr. J-Wrtod el(bl apJna! Mn. Liiiy, llVID ol them.ID . . . -' Colla M•·· Mrs. Martin carried. - from stfaua, ·on the· Balboa P.\Mul.a llld ID w•Newport. Strauss, in victory, said: "I'm bappy the vol<n oaw llt to .-0 me to I can trj to belp make tho·-.t better than it'I' been. It looU to me like the voters are 1enera0J preUJo - With tbe tncumbents. ·~ . Blanpled mide a stattmea~ reJa,ed by (Seo JIAllBOR VC!TE> ..... ll. ' . 'A Fight for Survival' Enwry Gloomy, About El Toro-OC Airport Probe By JEROME F. COLIJNS Of IM o.llY 111191 Staff "Frankly. the ouUooi for Newport Beach is DOW pretty damned &rim.,. That's the gloomy vlew today !If Oranp County Airport upansion foe Daniel Emory. The S7-year-old chairman of the 2,300- member Noise Abatement Citizens Com· m.iUee is "not at all happy" wtth county superviaors' action Tuesday riquesting feasibWty .studies on me of El Toro * * * Marine Station To -Be -s1udied For Joim .Use · By JACJC llllOJIACK " Of .. Delfr "" "'-"' " ,. A IChism appear.1 to \le w~ today ""*"""' Harbor Area 1, "alledls and Ml>lion Viejo-El 'nlro ....,.,.,. ... future location al .& 1111*1« rqlanal airport in Or .... County. Orange County's Boord al SupervlsOrs Tuesday voted 3 to 2 In favoring o( atu· dying El Toro Marine Corps Alr Station u • possible site for the future reg&onal airport. •"pervisorial aclioa · wne deJpite ~ ~tlon voiced by Mlmm Viejo llld El Toro people who packed the boanl room in Santa ~· Favorin& Ei 'Toro study w e r 1 mpervlaon David L. Bak.,. ol Ganlen Grove; William Hinttln of T111tin and -w. Battin "' Santa Ana. Supervisor Allon E. Allen ol Lq\&ni Beach moonted an llifart to brolden tho study to seven regional airport llt.s. Allen offered an aJternate moUon. It wu defeated ! to 2, with Hirstein, Battin and Baker in opposition. Marine Corps Air Station as an interim re1iooal airport. The county boanl'r·rulin(, E!DO')' ez. plained, allQ calle4 for a deWled .....,. plan of County Alrport, in ,lhe mot that joint mllltuy-commercial u.e of l:I T..,, ls found llOt to• be possible: "Thia II tho whole point of the luue, u far u I'm concfl'ned," he aal.d. "Jt meana that our citizens committee and the city of fiewpori,Beach:·11< now pitted aplnst the -political pruaura ol the Matlneo, tho·lrvine Co., 30,000 people ill tile Mlllll>a •Viejo -~;m:,.2,-;;.1/i>~~= doo\ want fll.T)n-b1·the bil CJOIDo mercW jet1.11• • lk said rupervllon.,ln votln&. 3"1. for the tw .. plwe . stadjt, hid . amlroated thelJllelves .,.)fh im ..... tual c)\olc:e between El Tero and Cow1ly Airport. "They completely abdlc.:ted lheli -, ·&• • m:poosibilil) !or , selectina a ~ airport site by turning that dod.W offf to SCAG· (Southern Callfomla -· of Governme:nb).'' · SCAG 11 'coriducttna a lludy.to.dtftlop a nWter plan•of alr.UIO filr.10 SoolJ>llllif counties. Emory, • free.lance technkat writer,· said the county board · sbotikl· b:avt launched Ila own tnvutl(atlon of paathll (S-,llMORY, Pare Z) · - ... ,. -~ • r I i t > t '. , , t . Bfit#·:BxpJMes,~~p,p;r;i: .. ; ~~~~·· M~ ·· .. :.· ··:· .. , .... ··.· ··· : T--drs 'R,;;~.J.y·· .• 1 . • • • l.:lell e . VAU Mesa Golf Pro Defendant Allen argued that to limit the 1tudy to El Toro feasibility for joint use u an in· terim airport would wuken the county's 6tand. 1Trio· p;·eL ·~d. From Sea I •• _. Ml:J>o:.'. · ~.,De,· h', 1 i_ . ""''~ . . . . . . • . J.'" . a~, . , , ' . . " • • . 'i :: ; · ' • ' ' , '1" ' • ••• ,. '. I ·. ·:: l ~' . . .. . . , · ·.....: • · · • · Fbtir~r,pt.kefs: ·Win' :take a ~lod~ ... t· T!N'Ne\l't>Ori:~~=~·-~ p.ip~ l»lil1ni.oo tc!'t.,. fl/'14tfon:<u;J1Jons. · Oralll', County~ fhuriday !n eoita • In Failure to :P<;iy Suit "1be Navy will want to know if we have studied other possible sites," Allen debated. "li we go to them without that lnformatJon, we will undoubtedly lose the fighL". Costa Mesa golf pro Ronald D. Heit has ' beeri named u one of six de!endantl in 'lbe county's study group ol five de- porla!enl heads bad ....,,.,mended that: ~ propooed reliooal airport 1it.s be refa:red to the Southern California .._ of Governments (SCAG) for llladJ, -1ylls and recommendalloa .. an Orange County Superior COurt lllll that charges the group with failure-to teep up payme.U on a $40,000' pn> mlu!JY note. tlmt that $2,IOO W<IUld he palol'laat>Sepl. 1 llld that 15,000 Wllllld ho paid Oii ·the flnt day __ of .• each iucceedills 'Mardi mi So!>fe•"1er. RaU and'hll _,N_ faW,Jll·..a t/lt Mardi iioJmollli-. c:onJIDfto.tlie _,pl.mt. {Ille AlllPORT, Pap I) Novel B. James, identilied in the action u the former operator of the Costa Kea Goll and Country Club's oll-lhe-greal flcilltiea, demands that Reif and the other> barned pay 137 ,500 -the balance , wins on a note allegedly signed by the lll'OOP on April 9, Itel. James ,claims it was agreed 'at that Named with Reif as defendants are bls wile, Fnnt ~·Norinan otlvr..r llr.•and Mn.' W. R. -.r, It II Ii-' NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market dlcated ID tho tull that the ~ retrutod on a wide front and cloled with toot ...,. the -rdal upec:ta of the lbarp loa today aa many Investors Ill'"" city-owned --tram Junes for 1 total concerned over tht possible consequences ~-that could result from North Korea of 11~,IGI ol whlch 1115,llltl waa to be lhoollnc down a u.s. Navy plane. (See paid Iii -at the c1ooe,o1._. quolatlom, Pqes 20-21). It II tlli .....t timt Ill .the put "*'tli ' . from the ~'thli:~ afler theif • 1Jnck..,1w1ared to 1•no:o·of the m•n ;: ~~oHan~~hlle they on the l~e~ard boanl·anci left the .hoard ~~T ioou .at the Oran&• Cofmfy The three were nuhid to ·&utii Cout to "'im to the other ·:who he '*Id .al> Airport Problem," Is the title . ., Ibo Community Hoipltal aiid Wiire believoc(IO peared aomewh•t• dellrl<N!. ' . ~ Jlarbor Atta Ralur<h Teom be in -". coodlJ)Oo -"'"-"·• on'• n· The boat began to . ..,.,h toward tile breakfast meet•·· at 7:30, un. ln the .. ..,.. -•--.......... ., (!lee 'BOAT, Pare I) ... poeure and ~t. Costa: Meaa ·Gou and Country Club. They we~ t.otaUvely ldenUlied u PaiieU.U will Jnciude Newport - Paul F. Jlunbam, "' JU w. Coal! v· w H ....... A~-~ ............. ~~-~-~~=·=t'L;'l~ 1et . al'I ero Chn,b;';( ~~~d area. l)nnbam' wu .Aid to hl~lit deep Hammett. Oraqe County AvlaUon·Dlreo- ahock llld .Conway, ou11er1ng 1nm u-To V. iSit Mesa tor Robert J . Bresnahln, A'1Jorl Na1se pooure, had a 'pmoloua. hlat«y al hoort Abatement QimmiUee Chairman Don illnesi. -was •flPU<llllY only '" --kieJifters' . Emory, ind' u.s. Marine 'Corps d>l. chilled. · , . UJU Robert Llabergh o1 El Toro, MCAS. . JJfecuanl J oc:t· L1ncte plowed thfOlllh the aurl to tha rescue oil the south ex! of erncent Bay llOach atier lhi throe men jumped Into the·nter to .,..pe the lire. All were D001Wimmen and fully clothed, said Llacte. '!'hlY ·lli)'td alloat by • • YOUR COMMUN1TY HAS .THE ANSWERS that the Or-. Cout aolflq i--lltJ baa been -ID i siipnr:Qiarf ... Uon. He,,J>urcell, llld Oliver were llled•JMt Mardi lS .by W. "R. and llaOftcE. 'llli*r -alUoil'~;!hFm•U.d14~ln, Ill< later act1o!o ,-ID a, «1111plalDMq6•q the uusters··-.to be dli-ted "1th their CH1-s ol the pnm-, .... Spy Plane 'Far Outside' Weadle,i'. The ..cret. wofd lilt' Thanday Ji sunsblne, a wholi day OI It w I th ._.......,...~·to tho - IO'r alonl tho Orantlt· CoMI. · ·1t•1 thlt time of ~ar again. If you've ~ wonderq who to can about ..... rigiltratlon, where to enroll t be younpt«s jn a summer recreetion pro- gram. what lo do fer family e. ts1alnmmt or just how to ... rid ol the trash becouse Y"" got the lour bl( cam out to !be curb too late for pk:kup ... 'Wonder no more. The DAILY PILOT 'lburalay will dellm tts IOllUll free blln.. to .-.., lilt YOUR COM· Jv.UNITY pu-whlcb wraps up Jn. formlllcll .-lhe Harbor Area ill a 44- -lablotd -filled wldl !!ICU, n..,.. ,i-numbm ml~ You'll wat-to h•P It hand7 an;r;; tor n1-. Wlicb for It -~ ID ·tile DAILY PILOT. That auit -the formation bf Rd!, Purcell and Oliver last May J ol PRO Ente:rpriaes 11 a "lhell and a sham without capital, ....U or rightfully is- sued stock." The maneuver, sa\d the. Busw's. WU intended to 1'1Ub1Ututie a financially lmsponlihle CCll)IOnlllon in the place and -"' flnanclallJ -alble do!-" The -med Relf and bis CO<lel ... daals for tho 111,IOO -cfalmod by James. They .... that the Reff group luued 1,4111 lhares In PRO at 110 per llhare whlch ..... fmmedfatafy -to Relf, l'llrctll and OU... on the bull ol J ,l:IO aham each. North Korea: Pe":~g':'n WASHINGTON (UPf) -The Defwe Department nki today "all evidence now available" lndicat.s a missln( U.S. reconnaissance plane was ahot down by Nortb Korean aircraft and tblt it WU "rar outside" North Korun air apace when atllcted. (R<lated Storta, Par• O The unarmed Nevy electnlnlc Jn. taOl(ence plane wHh II aboard bu been mill!ng· lince ahoot mJdDlPI MClllday and the North KmlA Communllls claimed H -*11 .""'9 aftaroflolatlq lhelr air....... . Bui the l'ellla(oll c!eclmd lo a lllte- mml at I a.m. PSI'> '1'nm a •arioly ol sourct.S, some of tbtm ...Wve. ft are t INSmE' TODAY For• dttol,.cir<vlet• of UC/'1 "Cctulli Cor.rtMM"·aftd • CcuU of Ille .... -·. ,._ lllcolrltal mm,u, thee~ the cntcrtainmnt ~·· ,, ·""· 23, toddf. ' r..... 11 ............... " • :a·:n. ': =-awl c.... c:ww t4 ...... ,... • Clllllllllif· ""* ........ ..... .. ~ ....... """' ; 0 • u "" • ---,. ........ ~ ...... ~-....... ... . ...... tr • ., ...... .. arr 11s an ----... -·--.. ~~It ...... .. I .............. . ,:.-.: == A L l r;::::::::;::::=::=;:======::;::::==========:;::::==;=::=-:::::;:::::::::~;:::------. • • • w......,. """ 16, 1'69 ........ •.J. J HARBOR VOTE NewpOrt•Mesa Vote Traffic Craslles · bis SeordarY ,,... lllaml: "I'm 'fflt1 ,...WUI for di& -bmjty to cxmllnue Rl'Villl OW' ocbool 11114m and the ctlDllllDllY, I h4ve >!"'71 eo- -od lo .. "" 1!1•11 ..-· - He tlilnllod --.. ,,..w ldm. J.,oett Morrow said: "l would lite to ertend my con- gralU!atlolll lo Ll-Oyd and my tllankl to au tlloH wbo worked so bani on, ~ bthaU. Of .,..,,.., I'm dinppointod, liul I'n:a glad that we made the a:bo'!r~ we did. .. Said 111• Rev. Mr. J'""" ''I belleYt lhe nsulta should convey a -to the 1ehool boml and ..i. ministration. Tbe voters have not in· dicated overwhelming confidence. The combined totals of the cbalieD(UI In most e&1e1 come very near to the total receivtd by the lncumb<ntJ." He thanked those who WCl'ked and wted for him. Bendet commented : "Mr. Jones ran very well I tboqht. It's jUI( too bad that one of us couldn't run better, that's all." Mr~ Martin and Maasey declined to make a statement.· Munben of Morrow'• campalJ!l lum, headed by Ralph Clock, :Jll, and Petu Rabbitt, 28, kept up-J<Hlate talli<S and hung on every ......,,, trying lo root lbolr 29-year.old ca.ocildlt.e home. Mrs. Loren Heather wu waiting on final reaulls al mklni.<hl lo place. can to Blanpied in Miami, wliere It wu I a.m. Ironically, that trip to Miami b about the only reward for elected board members who have won a new job that will require 100's of hours of their time for which they will serve without pay. From p .. ,, 1 EMORY ... l i b .. '1 a Coot realdence, Balboa 121 24 77 116 102 95 18 Newport School 107 37 91 110 121 88 40 Wataon residence, Weit Newport 69 26 78 158 106 74 16 Hol'llUll& realdence, West N-rt 88 II 20 34 33 37 14 Newport Sbore• Community Bldg. 54 ta 31 44 59 158 11 Banrier rellidence, Lido Isle 78 11 33 67 42 73 15 Lido Isle Coltlll!unity Clubhouse 160 21 85 152 113 187 4 Mesa Verde School 100 23 54 86 89 112 Tl Horace Enlli111 School 117 15 64 99 11'1 139 12 Newport Harllor High School 96 17 42 s,; 71 96 20 Mariners School 117 19 811 125 99 158 12 Mariners Ubrary 175 23 87 193 94 186 22 Collier residence, Westcllff 103 14 'Ill 127 60 142 a Stuckey residence, BacJc Bay 137 24 61 139 87 167 19 Corona del Mar High School 284 26 62 218 154 277 29 Jones residence, Balboa Island 69 23 47 57 79 79 16 Houston residence, Balboa Island 82 24 35 88 51 86 13 Bayside Village 95 6 68 87 80 94 11 True residence, Corona clel Mar 118 22 64 104 100 110 14 Corona de! Mar Elementary School 103 26 65 93 85 98 19 Harbor View School 99 15 62 90 82 108 26 ,Fire Station, Corona clel Mar 169 29 65 128 124 170 18 Pease residence, Shorecliffs 76 5 36 62 48 81 4 C,alifol'llia School 103 23 60 70 109 106 33 Newport Heights School 107 Tl 77 107 97 109 31 'lbomas re&lden<e, Southeast C.M. . 52 16 76 61 ,'Ill 68 17 Harper Scliool · 67 IO 47 52 73 69 16 Brace residence. Eastside C.M. 102 20 10! 100 123 120 33 Woodland School 64 10 59 62 68 68 28 Heinz Kaiser Schoo~ 59 17 61 57 67 62 25 Lindberih School 53 15 78 43 95 65 18 Monte Vista.School 70 13 45 82 65 73 20 Makelv residence, Eastside C.M. 29 8 57 37 47 39 14 Bay View School -54 9 34 39 55 · 55 II Paularino School 103 19 60 101 80 100 37 Killybroote School 104 25 53 86. 87 110 34 Bear St. School 42 H 18 28 45 44 15 ft1icm1 lila, will1 El Ton> but one of' Sonora School 181 , 21 86 178 112 167 59 them. · Orange Cout Colle~• 123 18 42 • S9 129~ 112 26 He made It clear· ~is han!Jy op-College Park School 139 25 106 138 152 51 l:lmisllc obout the oul<mt< of lhe El Toro Millar residence, Mesa Verde 55 15 45 49 65 67 16 feuibllity probe, which is upectod to McNally School · · 25 13 68 30 70 48 18 lake about lix monlbl to a year. Whittier School 29 10 53 40 46 42 15 "Evey btt cl oolillcal leverage will be Girl's Olub, Centnl•C.M. 39 14 35 43 42 37 11 UIOd to .... El 1'..0 ,,. lhe Marinea," be E. A. Rea School 48 6 62 50 -62 ' 57 8 said. "We're in a llrugg)e ,for aurvival, Pomona School 40 12 30 38 39 47 11 not out ol desire, but out of ~ty." . Wilson School 60 13 30 50 48 57 19 II a master pbn far County Airport i& Canyon School 38 8 29 34 40 38 10 3 115 7 92 3 75 I u 3 21 0 46 I 81 I 29 4 .j() 0 36 2 58 6 64 1 31 3 40 6 50 2 40 3 35 0 59 5 71 2 64 2 24 6 58 0 31 4 31 7 56 0 48 I 36 I 60 2 29 2 38 2 :iO 2 31 3 30 4 22 6 32 4 28 0 13 4 53 4 34 I 52 2 26 3 35 2 27 3 29 1 48 3 14 6 15 I 25 2 10 4 6 5 I I 7 4 3 2 7 0 1 8 I . 2 I 5 1 I 11 1 3 .5 4 I 9 3 2 7 3 2 2 6 6 0 9 4 9 3 I 4 6 2 4 4 I Trv11ta Area 7 IS3 63 138 98 95 71 41 ~ 70 ll3 88 Sfl 192 64 140 35 149 46 116 'Kl 170 48 208 76 147 34 179 53 310 52 89 47 103 33 120 42 129 27 116 64 130 40 186 73 85 30 141 36 131 70 85 48 91 28 155 67 94 33 90 36 88 51 91 35 58 28 73 21 147 32 137 38 58 16 215 7l 148 30 178 82 83 26 59 44 55 31 51 33 65 44 55 27 65 36 54 20 KiI·I 2 Countians A Lquna Btldl·motorist hurled front his car U tt snwhed into I ltlephone [ll>le and a lirick wa!J OQ I ~ c1lrve and a motorcyclist wbo colllcfed wlll1 a car died ol injuries 'l'llfsday. Roger ·E. Wllaotl, S. a( lfJlllll S. Cout lligllway, bib Laguna, WU dead tfll !!,- frval et South Cout Community H .. pl_ where bis Ff _,.. b In crttlcal condition loifay. Keat J . Beebe, 20, of La Habra, died in St. Jude Hospital Fullerton, 113:15 p.m., 1• c.inir TnflIC 1111 IZ lleatl Ttll 4C nearly three boura after bis motorcycle and a car collided near his homt city. Wilson and Kathy Cunha, 20, cl Yao Nuys, were both hurled out of 1he dead man's w TuQday afternoon on Pacific Coast m,llway near Aliso Beach In the Soutb J.,quna az<a. "There was absolutely nolhing left of that car," said Mrs. Lucy Wagner, widow of DAILY PILOT reporter Les Wagner, and one of the fint &o arrive on the scent afier the V)oltnl-<ruh. Cailfofnia Highway Patrol investigators llid Wilson's southbound car drifted off the traffic lanes and bounced off a curb, then v<Ued Into the telephone pole and brick wall. Investigation continues by Orangt county sheriff's deputies today. lo · determine the cause of the car-versus- motorcycle 1ccident which killed youn1 Beebe. Supervisors Okay LAFC Request for ·Full Staff • '!be Local Ai"""f Formation Com' mflolon'1 request lo employ a lull-Ume "'811 wu approved Tuesday by the Board of Superviaon. Acting on the LAFC request, which had the suppcrt of eight cJties, the county board also approved the appointments of Richard T. Turner u executive officer and Mi-a. Inez Hayes as secretary. Turner baa been serving the LAFC 111 a part.lime balls while canylng out his dutlea as bead of the coontywlcle Coordfn&llon Division ol the Plammig Departmenl Expamlon cl the LAFC liafl wu back· eel by conntj Admlnllirative Ollk<r Robert E. Thomas becauae of 11an in- creuing wort load." The cmnmfM!on's primary funcUon 11 to screen annexation requests from dtlel and forward recommendations on each case lo the IJoerd cl Supervisors for f!nal action. Thomas aiso no<ed that under the new pbn lhe liaff could prepare a maltet plan of local government development wbidl the LAFC could adclpl as a guide to · future eonnty growth and pumll the agency's efforts to resolve situations of double taxatloo ln the county. The I.AFC ILaff will move aoon to new quarters oa the first floor of the county, administraUVe bn!Jding.. • Mesa High Youtli Wins Optimist Speech Contest developed, II would, In eff<ct, transform Balearic School 104 H 53 79 93 105 24 c..ta Mesa HJgh Sdlool oludent Mark lbe fidljl\' 1n1o "IOIDelhlng that ww111 be Adams School ll8 ;13· 63 103 11'1 • 138 30 Marina Singers Due 0 39 1 131 38 0 26 4 165 34 llD ll'tiiJaul a!rpart," be aald. Absentee Ballots 48 9 41 r;r 21 56 17 Toto will comp«e nert week in Orange ~l.'!: ~ 11.:::-~::,i::;: ~~T'-'O'"'T""AL ..... -_..;.' =-====4"''"''""'-· _1n.:..;_.:.:2. __ m.--__4:::::12'::5~4.G""1"'1 =4::o,m=-.::'·::D3::.r .....:.=..:::..::::_...:.:::_:.::.:~'.'.:'..'. At Harbor Council ~;;n:.~::i 111< C::Ju.~ l 22 1 75 20 130 2,121 190 5,993 2,201 yeon, OOmdJ Airport wauJd ha.. lo amooc -""""""" Clnllorical C<Dest -the pou-" be auertod. Mualc will be oflued tonight by t1'< v...-- "And -we're talklnc .-11· 111 S ddJ b k. JC . Marina lllgh School Marlnen, as the -· airport tba1 mmt buo the <ap1C1ty lo 8 e 8C r. '· Harbor Area ~ Co u n c i I "Respecl 10< Law, C"""'1lf<lnlt of -!Omllllon to llmUlloa Pll-1"' ~ ' ;;• P .. e J loculaonlhe lalenb cl youth at ils April Citizensllip," was the topic of tbls .~'s .,. •• ,_, ... 1*ed._~~ T-........... Voted lRPORT meetlJ>&. --in -Toto .... ludfled btlt 1, ~-by Wllllliii L. l'<nlril... ! liUC~' • . ,,, . A "B SPUTE GROWS '!be -tlngto· Beach slngua will Aiiiae+-;--tbl COllDlf'lair mlitlr j1I&-...... ' -~ I • • ' • • • perform lo the Hoag Memorial Hospital amms five Costa Mea entrants. . £! , conferen<e room at 7::Jll P·lll-Abo DatillC beck to 1928, ocholarobips lolaJ. \1 ~ AJrpri' •.•• _ :' ack • 0 i aJ1!( in mr.ci opposition to th• propo>a}s -during 111. !Meline i. ~ ~ •.ooo ... ·-.....ny 1o boya I ~II-' w~· !I d which aro presentiy belcn you for the cnachangeln'thecolmcn'llliylawitru<> ~iiationol competition al Mimm,,,"",,.' >llili8'ij JI " ' • i .. > l, '~~~ of,_ ' .\to :, Phan U, lil!d1 of lhe ldUtlr Plan cl Air W... ~ J -' .,,-11"-'"tntirtDi ' · ~ , • ~ , · "< · ~ff El TranspdtratiOn. ca"U lft:, 1~1 "'-l :.. ,,,.,... --cl Iba MOM ' -• • t 'rlriflt -but not limited DISCOURAGE PROPOSAL -place In the local ~ ----1n•-_,.·-~-· --J-,~-""""" ,.,_-. ', . . ' ... ____ posa1 Chamber m· Mesa wmbyllobortMitdtell,witbc1 .._.,,, ·--........ _,_, ......_ · <"-' ...... .l.:.f:...lo. -T:'?"-.., --., 'l can only---.• any pro __ _ ..,,. fcir Caota Maa. -·• •'"'"°' . .,...." '*""'*-'' , ·~-'"": :i!:.W11'«1i:;::;i1 l\mWai' eon-far study for the civil use cl El Toni on Rmald Aquilera liking • third "Wbllerebulldlng,"heaplatned, "lhi7 ....-Ham Vdtel· ml 'Patrick a. lfcurallon can If! · anc1 elllcfenUy either an interim or permanenl basis." To ·Discus_ s Reports Both are from Te Winkle lM«Jneclla """1d buo Jo llbul clown~.._.,, and Jlacll)lo lo the Junior eolle(e Board of ~ ~. air carritr -·· Isadore Schnieder of the Uoiversily Sdlool probehlJ 1"llld a temponry -Gii a Tl-· • ,< · Giis, · -: Park Community Association led tbe l!oaor -were wm by dlaganaL 'lbla -19. !Gr potalblJ u Ion& -. .ieit.t..t c Ilia ~ rt'w, i-~ 'ln C<XlfO'!t1aa. wlU! th• vanguard or south C.unty resldenls in op-Committee reports and projecl miews Homen an! Sig Fldyke, boU1 ol EMmria as two,_., aend jet flllldl.,.... Caota JltGald fl. SI ,., k 'the niid of m l*lenlf, A-~' wJiiollier p0sition to u..e of El Toro. are on the agenda far 1be Colla Meas Hl&h School. M .... • _,., · · I Ull la lualble m ,..gan1 to air traf-He said his group lUpJlOl'b sludy of an Chamber pl Commerce Tburaday et Its Judges lncluded Costa M... · --for the Artf Four 1<11 by a contrO! cl aiicralt. offshore airport, that all Janel based sltea monlbly bi>ard of director& meeJlng. cliie! Roger Neth, Orange County fiber. I Fro• P .. e 1 BOAT •.. rockl and younpton .. the beach halpecl fend it off and Ulbi Linck• In bringing U1em in tl>nlullh 1be turf. Some cl lhe 1fJ1J111 men llUflered cut feet from lhe mets and surf, Two that helped were Baltazar Reyes. 11, and David Slntanplo, II, boU1 of El l4mW. '!be youlhs said later their problems ......... plicatod by • bl( JellY lllh that WU floatinc Df.11' them. Unck• said the boat ,.,_uy bin up about 200 yards off ahore, He aid hi did not believe any or the -..... S<rlouaJy lnJund. One or the group told Linen wblle walt1D( !or the ambalance thal they had been ofJ Sall Creek and decided to try lhe fishing ofJ Laguna. I DA il! PllO I OU.NOC COMl PUlll&ttlNO CQW>Mry l•'1iert N. W1M JT.llllNW ..... Tii-•• Ktt•il .... 3JO Witt lly SttHt Mtilt~ A4Ut11u P.O. In 1160. ti•M --........., lud>1tJll.,.. ............. L..-lll«fli m...,_.-,.,,._ M¥llt•llldl1Ma .... marpa al more -lllo 'ID _. V!IPI · ' ~If Jo1n1 -·cl EI· Toro b ltas!ble, were oul He doubted lbe county could The -is scheduled for noon In t1'< ifl'a Departmeol c:rfm!nalbl Bob stelller[ wu llllOppOled Jn bll-lo the ;v.. prepare a acbetriatic layout or exactly get use of El Toro and il it did Cosla Mela Goll and Comitry Club aod Ken L<wil, ~-Unlfled! II seal what Orange County would request in the ''thou.sands of residents and ICOl'ts of restaurlJlt, according to chembtr Pmi· SdJool. District d:trectar al tnformatlaa An ~·· Inell··'·· •"' way of joint ~ and how the system achools would be &fleeted." dent Jack BammttL ' !el'Vicel. arta Dn1Ar.uOWD ~ i.uat as would work. 1~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~; expected, Backua ran lfzot!lesl in 111• -Ana!yr.e and justify Orange County's TU>lln area. There, bll lll&l'lln sp,..ad to need for joint u,. cl El Toro under a three and a half to me over steelman. · shon' term contract of 15 )'W'3. Steelman ran 1 tr 0 n g e 1 t jn the ~uct detailed coot and . n;venue Ca•'"lr Unified Dbtrict, but lost there studies to detumine cost cl facilities re-.-ano I quired et El Toro and ~ -atod too. fees to pay for tboee facllitlea over tbe Th< final vote W!y loday wait like term or the ci>otract. ibis: Backua, 1,454 votea; Si<elman, 3,331 DEl'AILED PLAN votea; John E. ~ l,lllil . .-; Jama · -IA the e-the ll\ulfY cl El Toro M. Knapp, 7'IO votoo; George W. Ballew, reveals hi joint ... b qo! leui'l>le, the 113 votea, and Paul Sayre, m votes. c<llllllll-liloold prepare a dtUlled The Sadcllehack Area FN" In wh!Cb ~ plan cl Orange County Airporl to · ~-, , ouUme the scope of servtot to be pro-Backua was elected. includa San vided improvtmeet.s beCeS5ll')' abd how Cl.,._, Dana Point and Caplalrano tiiey ;.m be flnanced, Beach.. Vopl'1 Art&, ll. b one ol two -Identily specjilc site locad.im for Tustin areas. general aviation and ~t ficlHtles .,._ Although Saddleback trustees musl live ranged In pr1ortty for acqulsltioft Ind In the aru whldt they ,.._..~ they devdopment • · ar• e1ecUd bJ wtel'I al large. · -~ the -, admiiilotrativo The cootrovualal Backua, whe just ~Piam\1!11 director Ind dir<\Clcr ol before olec\ion l'tritched his stand '"' a , : lo nOiollete an ~ with federal ~ !Gr 111• junior college -the Conoul.. for lbe [II~ of from pro lo con-won in all three voting Pbale II of the !(.stef Pbil. <i Air achool 4btrlcls, Caplllrano Unified, Tr---· Laguna Bdcb and Tu1t!n oru. '!be.-cor,,. led of! oppolillon lo In Lqw>a , lhe vote wu Backus, 1,830: the bollhl'1 ldoptod plaitln a letlU •"'1· Steelman 'ID; KnDe, 401; l(napp, Ill; eel by Maj. 'GfD. W. G. Thruh, com- Ballew, II, and Sayre, 11. mander of El'Toro MCAS. In Capllinoo, Backua, UOt: Steelman, .. '!be lett.r .noted lhit Ille propoul J,31tl; Kruae, llli7; Knapp, :193; Ballew, arbltrarll;y daspooes ol further con- 211 lnd Sayre, 17&. stder1Uon of the numerous,. previously tn the 25 precincts of the Tustin, Sill dlscu~. regional airport sites except Joaquin, and Tral>oeO diltrlcla the vote. El Toni. wu: Backua, 4,113; Steunlen, 1,11$; GENERAL'S LEITER Kruse, •; lnlpp. IDS, Ballew, 107, and Gen. Thruh'1 letttr-etittlnu•: Saytt, a About JO pomnt or lhe a,ooo "In addition. It was recommended !hat ..attn In tbotl aru1 went to lbe polla. direct attention be given lo lbe prospect of civil joint use of tbis air stat.ion. 1 find Thieves Dama-ge Homes in Mesa tbis dJlll<ult lo -· partkubr'1 in vlew of the ltaied pClliUon whlda was pnsentod to the oounty · aJrporl com- mbalcn al public hearings oa A111. IS, 1111. "On this occasion il was llaled In part. 'that the commandeni of the llerln< cor,,. and the Dopartmenl of Dtf<nae have reaflinned the definite and .,.... Unulng O<ed 10< El Tore u a master jet neg -aJI.-ata-On.Ulb bUI&, ltf Toro couat lit.-for coavll'llon to dvUian utt.' "It wu further lbtod chat air IJllC'!' roqbll<inenll, bait lofdllll, llanallll1 of fllPI opmUono, inil a'll-· 1ii1t1J pallllla coolidno.ill !Gr Jofa1 iliap, • .,,,. pl'tllellt Dtpartmtnt or Dtfruo policy In rqan! lo use ol El Toro b f1nn COIMNIENT TlRMS IANICAMEAICARD MASTIR CHAR&E Sltl.00 $Ul.ot $161.ot- ''''·" To tho pl---· -but .... -.. fiod Jc. M•«ih yowr style wttt. 011r _,, -ICIM ........ Md ask •• abot1t o•r fa•ou °""91 ... S 77 , J. C. .JJum,,futu ).wJ., 112J N&WPO•T A vt. COST" MESA • !'HONE Ml-J"4t I , , I c I - I I I ' ' .f ! An•e.~gs ·~ll~~r" ~ 1~ :,. '~ Princess Da~ -on Stage LONDON (UPI) -"Hair" is 1 nfualc~ wlttl a nude ec8ie and .. -four·!elt<r wQnls and end& with a ljl al people on stage. · ~ Pi&hl, It ended wilh . Dt:it.tin'i Princess Anne on 1iage. DoncJ4 Wilh lhe cu~ ~ !PP•renUy rather en- JOying her9tlf 1t the musical lvhlcli the Lord Chamberlain Britain'• stage censor, one~ , ' found unacceptable. • The II-year-old pr l n c e s s' wilh a pony \a.ii showed up wllh two unidentified young men and a girl In a surprise visit to London'• Shaftesbury 'IbtaLer. She spotted an old school chum, Rohan McCuUoug 21 in the cast. ' ' Midwest Rivers Rise; Worse Floods to Com~ Pope Plans wee Visit 'Cautious' Press Praise WASHINGTON (UPI) -A " prestigious committee ·of Constitution newspaper editors cauu""'1Y . . praised the N i :a: o n . ad- VATICAN c1rv <UPI) Auctioned Off ministration today for Its Pope Paul VI will visit the-freedom o( in?o·rm&tlon predominantly Protestant NE\V YORK ·(UPI) -A . ~policl~ but aai4, ''~.~ ~ World Council of Churches first . pr~ting of the U.§. -Ylj, ~&eerie have their· f~ . (WCC) and attend a world Constitution, annotated brqne : croesed" I« tbe'futllre . . . J · · Tueidall ., .irly two , ·'>< , Y • .. labor meeting in Gen.eva in or if:s_li~ sold at~~, .. ~~t~ b the~ · u.ne. 101nt announcements for $lS5,000 _ the -~~Uon and J'h9.Bai' i said ·today. .. price ever paid for a r::t·· ·' ~ of the American r 'nle announcements were· U.S. document. • J 111di$• Newspaper,. Editon made ·simultaneously b7 t~'.1 The. ·'!i~ bid ~ f .... ,;~ .incl~rav.ert~ I Pope at hi.s weekly general au-, ~itutiob ~ ~Y~ . f!IP,. _ -.. Klein, President Nix· dl IS. p · , B ... bf,.h:>tes W['IUen tiy 1r'i1-4,-·;'d1~ o f .com-.,.., t ence n t. eter s u1hca . Pierce Ilutler .of .S!O' _,,.Jri.u;Q l':~-atlon1, .by .. two arid by the WCC in Geneva. ' Carolina, WU put in I:! ··~~ Uaf8on men for • • : ' l ' . . .. ' ' f ' The Pope will make the Parke • B~ A u c t ~ fl. j,f ~-.... . Gc nevil trip June JO a few Galleries by rare book de et' Tt)e ct;inmJ;ttee alSo claimed . ' Hans Kra.ll:S of New York. It -~~bi' the prtM·battle·to' W:~ks before he leaves for 8 was more, than five. times the 1void ' resUicUve-.i"uJel : on· vmt to Kampala, Uganda, Ju-galleries' '30,000 estimate .or· ~ ol. futonnatioo ;.ibout ly 31-Aug. 1. the vaJue of the pipers. · crktilbal trials. WANTINT ON Y01JR . CHECKING AC~OUNT! YOU CAM'T GET J'l' BUT 'WITH PACDtC1i SWiTCB 'N SAVE Aceotnn" ' .. ... . : ' . Yoa e1n do 1l•Olt • Wiil lly -..1i1 llt 1111 ••llY ii yalll' d.111 "11MClilM ... Ilit_.ia7'1'\'Pldlic.8" P111boii Accoalt 111d slllildi11 llllaly •dc.m ,.,_ alftll.• yaa •· -' . . . Beea-. I . . ner~ dollar eUlll. wer, dar,lt 11 la, " to•• ............. ~ . .. · ~· ...... ..-• m .. , ~ ~ . . . ·.nrz \ n P1 I *•'411 ft .-,. ... AlllJ ... t/4'1111-' ...... ,ui~ili1••--·- , ........ r ii~z9' .a."8nli'1 ... ~ ftt• th 111 11 Hf .. m ... n11 ... .,11iia . . -• DAILY l'ILOf 1J ._,.. - J • . ' :t:,. t .• c. I ~.';ff, . " .. 1 ! ... • < .. ' \ i ! ,,_,. ; . ' " . ' ' .... .,;"'-. ''· ' "' ' . 1'~. • • 11o.i• •I"':\"' .... .._, " " I t ,_ . I ~-. • ( .\ ., ' I l 11 l r f - • . ' • • ' • • > .. ·~ -' • " • • .. t liT - ' ',, . .i. ... ·-·-~: t ....... ' • . ;. "Yori .know we wouldn't inte~pt, dear, . butwe do ·havetomakeacall." It never fails . Every time you need the phone in a hurry, it's.tied up. Either it's your kid when you 're try ing to call out. or your wife when you 're trying to call in.' Why, not beat the system with a second line? You get a separate number and' a separate , listing: Who knows, they m.i~ht even let you use it once in a whHe. ·- General Telephone •• • • l .. Q. I nmY PILOT EoITbniu PAGE No Excu_se for Secrecy 'I'll• Co&ta Mfla CJty Council Is exhibt~ns kne•jerk nocll0a lo a proposal that would broadeit the Brown Act -a body of law protecting the clU.ens' rl&Jtl to !mow wbat coea on In !hair local 1overnmenl , Tiie councilmen read the worst Into the propoaed ammdmoall. They eoncluded that ii Ibey are llC!opled . the -ll will bt hamstrung in its week· to· week operation. . j l Tllo Brown Act· alrea<ly sets up rules that l~rtUY. aay a city couDCll muat hOld all meetings in publiq, un· leas th• iuue coocems hiring or firing of perso nnel or municipal lltlpUon. But there are loopholes alld one of them ia brought out by th e amendment that drew J.~o Mesa COWldlmen's fire. ,...._ Much of a city business often is conduct~ council committees. I! such a committee has thrH or more councilmen as members, it fails 'Wlder \he Brown Act, because a quorum is represented. But many cities have carefully placed only two councilmen on commit- tee, then sent them on their ways to investigate, an. alyie and draw conclusions about city affairs. These committees then reporl back to the entire council. The Costa Mesa council ts considerably exerclied about it. Tbe conclusion is that any time two co~ get together and discuss city business it wou\¢ be We1al unless a formal meeting bad been called. The 1ltuaUon would, said Vice Mayor Robert Wilson, destroy ~· effectiveness of committees. ~ What he and the other councilmen miss is answertct In this question : \Ylly shoil!d any meetings he held secretly? , Councilmen and 1upervisors and school board mem- ber• and planning. commissioners Often a:ufJer from a common oversight. They 1ee their jobs as imJ)ortant positions, which they are, and they want to perform them in an efficient manner with the fewest number of participants. This may be fine in a private business, but not in government. Government is not the city council, or the board of supervisors, or the school board. Government la Ibe people. It muat be ruponslblt lo lhoao people, even II lb• ay1t1m erowa 1 bit unwieldy al Umes. It was •UQHled that If the Brown Act amendinent becomes law, ·Cowlciltnll Geo~~;:;uclter could not cet a haircut from Counci!Dian W St. Clair or buy a cup ol coffee from the ·~or, drvUlll A. L. Pinkley. It Is .doubtf'll that enforcement of \lie law would enend to lhla level, but even ii ii ~d. our reacUon la, so what! . If two countjlmen are •ex oii f 'o.elher to dlscuu city bus~ness, there ~s no reas n w 'I it Is not the public's busmess. '1'1!• Costa Mesa council appears to be buying the 1tah<lard Uno of the League of California CiliOI which long has held the ~lew that the Brown Act b a fi ght between Joyal government officials and nosy trouble- makers. The attitude fl \!nlortunate. The Brown Act and 1l4 extensions merely JU&rantee the public the right to know the public's business. Re- sponsible ~overnment bodies abould 1upport this altl· tude, not d11COurage it. Looking for Fire Hazards No one would distribute matchea to children as toys, but many p'eople igftore obvious fire hazards in their own homes and dillC!ll!llt the ,possibility that others .. isl• outside their knowledge. Costa Mt1a Fire Chief John Marshall has announced the department's annual Spring Cleanu~Home lnt5pec· tion program-a free.voluntary service designed to save lives and propertx. . · Beginning May 12, men detailed to offer their train· ed service in sp<)tling potepU1J lire hazards wlll be making visits to homes throughout the city and res!· dents are urged to welcome them. The friendly campaign Is not one in which firemen hunt for violations. It is designed to assure that Costa Mesa residents contribute ai little as possible to the U.S. death and prope_rty damage losses annually result· Ing from 1,500 structure fires each day. ICJ THE fA1'1N<3 BUL$ Campus Riots Jeopardize Dear Gloom y Gus: Extret1iists' A ttacks on IJ.S. Ins titutions • · Federa l A id 'Schools Are No Place for Politics' WASHINGTON -It la IQUartly up to the college administrators of the dlunlry wlu.t Congrea does 1bout votift& more millkma for ecbolanhips and lolnl to neecly &ludent.t. . C.Ollqe authoritiu wUJ have only lh<moelvu lo llllme U Con1rus angrUy wieldl the u on auch educational funds. The wldOspread pussyfootln&, l•m· porilin( and In ..... instances outript refuAJ d coo.,. ollkials lo Yigor<Mllly enforce meuura passed by Conpua laat yur to crack down on student rioters and •litatorl Is aeriously jeopantlzlnf c:;pnUnued lar1e-sc1le federal aid to students. That's the stern wamin& of Rep. Willi~rp Scherle, R-Iow1, lnflutn.Ual mtmbu of the F.ductUon and ~­Committee, and al,lf.har of OM of the dieclpllnary provi•lon1 -Secl!Gu IOl(b) of the ffllher F..ducation Act. . AN EDUCATION ind 'Lebor IUb- committtt, ot which Seherle 11 a memher, ia making a detailed ttudy or the effect.lvene&S of this and othir alatutt11 de5igMd to deny federll aid to studenb engaging ln violence and disorders. Under Section 50C(b), the withdrawal ol sueh funds is mandltory, with responsibWty for enf~t directly up to collece authorltia, u follows : "lf an lutJtutJon of hl&her edueaUon detenninel, af'tlr 1ffwdln1 notice and opportunity for 1 hearinl. that In in- dividual attending has wllifully nfuled to obey a l1wfu1 rqulaUon or order of such instltutiOn, and such rtfuaal wu of a Hrious nature and cootributed to a substantial disruption of the ad- minirtration of such institution, then l\:!Ch lnsUtuUon thall deny, for a ptrlod of two ye&n, any further payment to, or for the direct benefit of, aucb lndlvtdu1l under any or the ptOtrams specified in (UU.1 law)." Who 'aubltdizes those lnfem~l cul· vertl on Fair Drive 11 the Harbor and Faifview Intersection!, the . . auto body repair Industry? G. W. T. Tllh ftatw. ,.,lltl'I ,_.itn' Vltwl, "'' .,..._ll'r ...... lit "" -1111tr. SW ,_, Ht ,.._ It ....... , ., .. CMllY rUtt. Both the mandatDry nature of tbil pl'C>- vilion and the responailallity of colleps for ill enforcement were strongly stress- ed by HEW Secret.ry Finch Jn his recent letter to college administrators. 'Tr IS IMPORTANT for all concerned lo understand," Finch told them, "that Congress hu apeken and thlt the law must be enforced. .•• Under this ltgjala- tim, the burden of ldmioiltraUon falls upon the institutions. , •• I wouJd suge.st that these provlalons be fully di(cusled by all partle1 at your lnaUtutlon - trustees, admj,niltraton, faculty mem· ben, students, and where poss:lble; partllts. "THE AMER1Ci4.N laxpayer 1' willing to aubli~ educaOen," qld Sherle, "but not aJitaOCll, turbulence and mindless rtvolutionary a:cuaes. Colle.ques in Congress tell !lie they.art ldlJni 1 heavy mail from· eonatitutntl d e n o u n c i n g students floullnl the llW and ckmlJldi"& forceful aioCloo .. -them. One mid· western e.tDeque; who repruenls a district thliJncJ;udea 1 Bi& Ten qrdversl· ty, told ipe that in response to a special questionnatn, he received thoudDda of repllt1 6" .. belmingly favoring denying federal 1ld"" to students llkin& part in campus disturbances. "1bere1 ia no lack of law lo curb these disordua, If college administrators wlll e1ercJ1e &he lntelUge~ 1nd coorage to use iL And they had better get some starch In lhelr backbone.a and begin en· forcing the law or theri is a very real PoSSlbiUty that publlc financial support Will be dtuUcally reduced." _ lly Robert 8. Allen and J.U A. Gold1mJth To the Editor : Animals that cannot adapt to change die out ; so do institutions, and nations. The people who f~ar change, constantly w1tn against CommunistS, often assume the vi::iblJ! trapplnas of patrioli~m with creat pride, may in all innocence be the people who de11troy: our nation. They" arJ: the ones who quote lhe congressional Record as authority, not knowing that any Congressman can insert into it any -unlrue and inflammatory material that he wishes in order to please what may be his ignorant and uninformed con- ltituency. They are the ones who cancel 11Ubscrip- Lion1 and are not ashamec:! of having Senator Schmitz, a John Blreh member, represent them in Sacramento. 1 SUSPECT THAT part of the probJem Is the influx of people from the South who are the product of an in1dequate education. It is quite possible that in the future Orange County may demand bet· tu repruentation and cease to be laua}). ed at. Years ago when the Anll-Olmmunlst Christian Crusade was in full swing, t aot In tht mail a large brochure prin\id on ei:pensive paper, telling about the Com· munists who had gotten ink our schools, our ch,urches, and our goverpment. 1 was Upjlel and frightened, but decided to t1ke ft le one of the lawyers we knew '~•ho was prosecuting 1 group of Communists for the 1overnment HE LOODD OVER the material with great care and ask~ to keep it I was ~ and wanted to know why. He said hi be:lleved it -tboiJ.ld be liven «> the FBJ 'IS it rtpre.senUi! 1 gaqd deal of mQney and was an attac'I, ~Uy, on our !Chools, our churches, and our 90vtrn· lllent. ' Since, I have . wondered if the John ••1!irch Society and other extremist croups ml1ht not be infiltrated by Communls4i Jn order to undermine confidence In churches and the government, and to dry up support of education. New, But ls It Better? TO ME, PATRIOTUIM ii, not only .lb, pledge of 11legl1DCe. but 1uPP.Oftli11 Ouri 8Choola with the money they nffd iven to the point of sacrifice. 1be Vtr)' survival of our great nation depends upeq t.hll. To- day' our Callfoml1 ochoot.t haft fallen to •ighlh place amonc the ""tea In tiJllnclal suppm of schools, lad our cluaa are l.tr'8f thin· Jn m1111 -ttat.1. A> a naUve Californian. th1a ma~ in.. 11d. but there Is another coocern, !tr tbc ·oUUcal lnvolvement'of achool boards W •t been pa.rt of our tradlUon. n..pt.t at wrp, The most illogical implication In mode.rn thinking is the propoa:ltlon : "If It's ntw, then it must be better'' .•• ror while many products are introduced or changed as an itnprovement, an equal number are Introduced or changed for !he sake of "newness" itself as a selllng· point. • • • The great majority of mankind ha~ always desired peace, just as we. ha\'C aJways desired health: but we have not understood the precondldt11 al peace any mort than we have understood the piecondlUoos of health; nsiw the rise of ireventivt mtdlclne hu drutlcally cut the mortality rate: In illnes1, but there has been no slmllar rise in ,.-evc:11tlve peace .. nd:lp to reduce the mortality rate in war, which Is our moist pr£1Sin1 need. • • • My cNJdren were arnuaed to >earn In tchoOI thlt the ancient El)'pt4an& wnp- ped thdr uteulls aJonr wltb the ..._. !,.. JIOlllble uae In the all<mlrld; but II lllia 1111 more absurd than our CUJtom d burJinl Ille ......... hulk d the body ftldr. ~ reuereully "honoring" lbe dlpor1*I -by feedlnl him lo tbe _, • • • Jnchdlry hepo cllllna for mort "freedom," but the irony of techno1ogica1 change in the last two decades ls that lhr major indwtries in our economy become more and m o r e interlocked in in· creasing interdependence, and the call · for freedom sounds dissonant in the Age of Mu(fr, • • • "Charisma" bu probably become the ,-i dlbl.ocI word or lhe Jut coupli ol yearr: orillnllly 1 lheoJoclcal term Cit isn't even listed in the unabridged Webster·Mm1am Ind Ed!Uoo, lh<nllh "charlsm1lic" isl, It ls now made to ap- ply to movie stars, steootl·rate politicians and pop since.rs. • • • Wt .,. fUI ch..,hia from a "produc- tlft"-orlonlad aoclely lo I -Jedi .. orlenled aoclet)'. but only the 1ptelal11t1 In social l)'lttms seem to be awart of It ; and the real gap, "hlch thrtattns untmploymtnl, ls between our declining need for producUvt workers and our ln- auslnc demand for thoM scarce employu who can coordinalt and In· ttgrate task.,, A GOOD SCHOOL system cannot be 01int.ained if it is Lnvolved in politics. No ian should be elected to a school board hoae background and prtmary tnttrest 1a~ been in politics. When political ideology 1ets into a school boud there Is trouble : wilnas Saddleback Junior College. Ltt us gi\"e 1hc schools the money they need . and let ,---B11 'Geor11e ---, Dear George : Your Sideways Think.ina always sends me. (Where, I'm not sure.) How do you 30lve your own pro- blems? 1 certalnly would like to tnow the name of y o u r psychiatrist. BEFUDDLED Dear Befuddled : Actually, I don 't Ult: a Pl)'chlltrlll -I tried one, but be wouldn't allow me on the much. I ust a phttnolOllst. He jUJt pusllt• the llUJe bumps on my head until everything looks rosy again. (Why let little problems ruin your day! Send I.Mm to George and ruin hi• day.I . j Mailbo~ -~ ~ .I.·' Letters from readtr.J art welcomt. Normally writers sh~uld conve11 their message in 300 words or less. Tht right to condense letttrs to fii s-pace or eliminate libel is reserwd. A.IL l.efttTs must include signature and mailing addre.s.s, but 11amt1 may bl! withheld on request if .suffi~1 rea· son i.s appart11t. us elecl board members who do not inject their political ideology into sch&ol bwintss. MRS. ROBERT McMASTER Appeasem e n t To the Editor : In reference to your Saturday, April 12, headline, "200,000 Homeowners Ignoring Tai Windfall ," in which Orange County AsseM<>r Andrew Hinshaw state.; that it Is beyond his comprehension that there hu been such a tremendous mounting furor over property taxes tht.t5e last Lev• years, yel when a little <relief for ·the homeowner C{)mes along he doesn'I apply for Jt. Has it occurred to you that the $70 of· fered Is an appeasement for what the prope~y owners might justifiably feel they have coming. J am one who reluctantly waited until the ha4t few days to mail in the papers for lhli token of LITILE RELlEI". 1 fell that It Is actually costing me money tD get the $70. I never mail my creditors before the due date. R. SALMONSON 'Collh1g Mr. llln•haw' To the Edltt>r : "Callin& Mr. Hinsha\\', <..: ou n t y Assessor .. !' -just like he asked us to ln his April 10 letter in the DAILY PILOT, becaUH 1 become more and more confused with the operations of our poUtical offices and pUf.ZUng procedures. As 1 lon1·tlme Orange Cowity tax· payer, I received my "invitation" to a~ ply for the f10 refund on my 'A laz. WJllch, on the fonn provided. I did -in good Ume ; It was mailed on February 21, far ahtld ~ the April IS deadline. Today, by chance, a realtor friend in· quired why I had not filed because there wu no record of it -and better I do something about it. So I did : again as Mr. Hinshaw suggested . by calling his of· Uce lo inquire ~·here is 1ny application which \\'as malled in lo' these nearly two months ago? Hov; come I appear to be a procrastinator and might just lose out on my refund entirely~ TllE VOICE at ~lr. Hinshaw'I oftict \\'IS very pleasant and patient but could only 1u1geit that "most llkety my If>" pllcallon was in one of the hundrtdl IDd hundreds of mail sacks piled up in the ol· flee awa!Ung opening and contents pro- cessing .•. and, of course. it would be difficult to check all l)f them at this tfme for jQll one Ul' oJ' application . , . " IU+I· ght: So. a! of this writing. here I Jit lmow· ing that my "promptne~·· WU • parenlly of no 111v11il because I 1m .,. panmtly not tallied in on the r....u-; and lhe records are not all avalltble because they a.rt still in tht sacks ud won't be procesaed "for some time." WITH ALL Tins whoopededoo. lb• qutry comes to mind that m!Jhl have l!impllfltd •II this bureaucratic mumbo- jumbo : l (alona '<''Ith some h.aU ml111on other tazpl.)'ers) paid my 198t tazea \vhen due. The a1seuor and the Lu col· lector each has my name, address, For years, my checks hive always reached them safely so why couldn't a 170 check have been issued and mailed «> me \vithout all this monkey business o( forms , applications, deadlines etc., etc.? Or am f being too naive to cope with the sell-generated come_lications ol our modern poUtical (and expensive) modus operandi? C. S. YARNELL R e•ponsll>llit11 To the Editor: War is somtthing that ha! been an aspect or man's behavior since bdore he was Homo S.plen1. No one knows what restrictions can be expected of man, wflen aggression ls so fundamental 1 pa.rt of his origins. But for the first time in·hi.s history, man's technology has "developed v.•eapons far more lethal than he could previously have conceived. We are no longer in the era o( 11lmply "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." The blow to the head of an op- ponent was a contained action. Either the opponent attacked w a s knocked un- conscious, or retreated. THE SAME CAN be u.Jd of most modem weapons. The outcome of the ag· gression can be foreseen. But would man continue to consider the use of biological u·eapons ((or h181'Dct the spreadlng of diseases with no 'lhown CUtt) if he could fo resee the ends tbeY lead to? Defense and offense cannot b e separated ln blolo1ical war. The ag- gressor may be subject to his own ag- gression. In addition, pure research can· not be separated from the applica.Uon o{ such research. . THERE IS A N8ED for responsibility on the part of sclenUsts . The research Ile is involved in should be subject «> criticism by his colleagues, and perhaps, as well, by lhoSe colleagues who are ,not primarily scientists. The men who lay the folJndatloM for the weapons of biological Warf1re, those men who art respected its ei:perts shou ld move «> forte non-university researchers to reveal theii work. • IF THE BUSINESSMEN-scientists will oot •""91 the .....,..,.blUty ol. their work, then lhe lclenttsit who art more humanistically centered nl& force them to do so. There 11 a need for education and reswosibllity. Perhaps noil·sclentists c:an also help to Quote~ Carl R. Tenlan, L.A • ..!;. "We ire asked to atomll:ch ihe humlllalina lxhavior of malconlents who, ofltr onl1 ciiUclatn (but) moet Amerlct'8 tre ant· IOlll toclly lo eil)ploy their· cap1billllcs In service to the.Ir rellow man.,. Dr. Karl ?M.wapr, If•• e d ~ • Calif. _.., vlalt - "I donlt believe violence ls the w wc:r to YioleDce • , • or even injusUct." Cdftnla 'falqieftn' ..Aalld1Uw ~ •A nepllvo tnc:om. t,n II dten offered U I lotullon lO -problmi, The firat aate lo try It 1 la New Jtne'f where an e.1pe1 h1~ '9 btJnc: nm on IO low '-lamillal. '!be cootrollod ~hn..a II heinc -by a If oo Ieclenl an~ pL Under Iba -I rntalmum lovil al -.e would be eslablishld. P'aml!Jn btklw that would be paid from tu money to ral.M their income to the mlnlmum. The experiment will ta•e three )'WI and should be watched by all ,...rmn.,,. IAll enflliel concerned wltb lUlnc or wellare." open some of the suspiciously closed doors. DAVID GOGGIN UC! Student Lower Vo ting A9c To the Editor: Tired of the bureaucracy'! Want more honesty in politics? tlow about 2mh Cen· tury thinking In your schools? And can we throw in modemi%ation of your com· munity, state, and nation.&! government~~ Everybody wants that. And the secret · may be the l&-year-0ld vote. PETE ENGLANDEf. E.ta nclo Pro l>lenu To the Editor : I am writing In regard to your article concerning Mrs. Georgiana f.fcLeod , Estancia High School educator. I have heard no complaints about thr smoke bombs from my fellow students. I have heard. though, a great many sym· pathetic comments directed towards the "ll-year-0ld girl class.ditcher ;" IO da y,, suspension at the close of a quarter is by far too harsh a punishment for .1 harmless prank. She is also a class of- ficer who. is extremely well liked and respected for her outstanding efforts to accomplish something for the good of the student body. This may seem easy, but in a bureaucratic society. such as the one existing at Estancia, it is really close tn impossible. TO GIVE YOU an idea of lhc red ta pe the administrators employ: nothing may be done next year which is not placed on the calendar thi s year. This includes dances, money-raising activities, etc. Nothing which wasn't on the calenda r last year was allowed to take place this year. TIM::re are certain arduous paths of celling around this, of course. but I think the Whole idta is very close-minded anti rerlects the. attitude pre valent among the adrninlstratDrs. In my opinion. the faculty at Estancia I! exceptionally fine and with all due humility, the student body is more lhari adequa te in all respects. The only ele- ment slowing Estancia down from beini:: a really excellent school is the ad· ministration . 1T ts NEXT TO impossible for A member of lhe fa culty lo have a nt'\v course ldmltted to the curriculum . H would take three pages or writing to ex- plain the ct'lmplicated procedure a teachtr has to wade through , the number ot people his ideas must be explained to, and to reaUy top it all off. the teacher who planned the class is not even allowed to explain It himself. There will be several new courses of. Jered next year. and very worthwhll~ ones It that. Bu~ this Is due, almost tot.ally. to the efforts of the facult y members against tl}c ldminiatration. ' NAME WITHHEL D ---.W- Wednesday, April I&. 1969 fllf odilOriol -Of lhc Dm!v Pflol ICaQ lo illf°"" Cllld - lll4lc nodm br P'••ntillg lhil .._.. .• •Iii•"'"' a!ld -"'"torr Oii IOpi<I of ......... o!ld .,_.,..., P"O"ldb!g a '°""" tor !Ao ~· of o•r rtodnr' .,,.,.._, 1114 bv p<e1nlillg ~ .,..,,. .. ... point.I ., ••lontWd ~ cr!ld <PD~• .. IOJ>lco of ,,._ dav. Robert N. Weed, Publisher w p ii • • I ~ I 'd • v p I y y I ( • Sex: -What's ID Store ' . . Sclwols Expl.ain Family Life Course.· .,. ., JUJDI NIEOZIElal or "" ~ ,_ ,,.,, Stx In Huntincton Beach high school classrooms? "Unbelievable," &aid 10me parents when they hard th,t.l the di&trM:t hid· 1 plan& for iDcludlng a family IUe """'" In its curriculum thia: summer. They wanted to see what this COW'3e was 1D about and achool of(l.clats have obliged lbem by releaalng a 104-page lei> taUve course outline to a ciUzw com- 1 mil.tee for evaluation. 1 Hert is what they found : 1 -The projected course is a thtte-part devdopmental sequence for n i n t b • eleventh and twelfth graders, completely vohmtary and will run for a nine-week period dwing each year offered. -It is an ungraded course, 11ubject to annual review for at least the first three years after its inception and every two years thereafter. REVIEW SET -The COUrse will be reviewed by leadens in the community, such as the clergy, women's clubs and the medical aaaoclaUons. -Parents will have acces.s to the . course of study, to the teachers, the cluari>om and to the instructional materials and aids. -Teachers recruited to teach the ....... would pr<ferably be married and p&mlt.11 and provided wlth a thorough in- ,.rvice trabllnr-ol .,,........'1 40 boon. At the nlnlh grade level lllUdonll will be famillariaed wllh the CGOCepl ol heredity, bow tt and -r... ..... shape peraooality, and lhln -lo a study of plly!iCIJ pwlh aod developmeal. llurbla lhil port ol lhe c:ouna ·-members wW be involved in a det&lled study ol male and female reproductive org1n1, coltlon, fortlllzatlon, .,.taUOn and birlh. 11 lloo lncJuda a dlacuulclo ol -AD ol the clusroom ledura wUI be supplemented ' with dllcuslion aec:Uom, film strips, models and alldes. MANNERS, MORALS Concluding the coorae wUI be a study ol pbilooopllies and nlum, lncludfnJ - manners and morall, ...ual derialfoos, physical lntlmaey, ........ pettlnc. lechnic:al vtrginily and inlen:oone. The elevenlh grade ..,... II Intended to enlarge the student's awareness Ind emphasizes the role ol the lndMdual In relation to others in hiJ aoc:ietf, oflidall say. Il begins with a diacusaion of tamlly. IUe lhen turns lo sexuality and lhe dll • terent kinds ol. love. Under a aecUon, tlt- tiUed "Mate Selflction" the ltudentl WW learn "where to loot fw the rlebt peraoo" and "bow to noopiJe the rtcbt one." Sleeping Aquat~ Park County's Sunset Aquatic Park near Huntington Beach is quiet during week and, on weekends, only a few boaters are taking advantage of its capacity for launching eight boats at a time. However, with warmer weather and con1truction of dock facilities later 11>11 year, quiet perk i& upected to become bullllng marina, serving yachts near Anahrim Bay entrance to 1ea. Buttram to Head Beach Teen Club Shut Police Benefit For Hunting ton For Repairs or Danger?; Syndiat. 3000, a .,......., nightclub In Pat Buttram, cowboy comedian cur-Huntington Beach ii eao.t toctn. '1for renUy appearing 1n televbion's "Green , repaln.,1' says qWner GilbeJ;t cm.ue but ' Aerts" show, will be one ci the city Dlrtdor of ~ ad ~ Ollin headliners in the Huntington Beath c. "Jack" Cleveland allega tbe dae1wc iJ1 PoUce Officers AS&Oclation beneflt !how '1becauie it is a dqeroul ~.''" at 1:30 p.m., Saturllay at the Long Beach The city buildJnc:~clpled the Arena. old brick buildinal al !be -Cl Third Radio and television personality Jact street and paclflC Coat llllhnJ in.. Smllh will be master <I. ceremonies. day by poatJnc ill tine ...._ -· Tickets are S5 per family and may be noticel dedartac Jt t1D be '"a dlJIPl'OUI purchased al lhe police ataUon 0< al the IMdldlng'' became ol aDeaod vlolallom ol L<>ng Beach Arena Saturday nig)lt. lbe Unlfllrm llulJd!!W Code. Olher entertainment includes Bach · ''nleJ -a fiol!dlaw porm1t for Yen, a traveling V'tetnameae singer, and •repairs to 1wiDC the fire exits and,~ lhO acrobatic Llooa Family. up lo the code." uld Cleftland .• UnW Proceeda from the ~nefll show ~!lie work ':.!;':=. ~ awo•ed !be toward the auoclaUon • youth ml . ;no ..,.. wa the ,_ -·la a loog berievolent program. /...res ol ba\llel -"'* Ula dlJ and· / """"'"lha ....... -Holland N. S ll Talk' Ow ""'1111.,.._,bolhill~Alla 0 ma and Covelle. • C.velle has Complatnad ol .,.ace Over Small Lo ts small Iota -bonus or bull -will be lhe lopic ol a public heiring when the Foimtaln Valley Planning Oommiasion meets at 7:31 ton I g ht In the City Hall, lllllllI Slaler Ave. Planning Dlredor Stanley Staffon! has pr~ared a staff report on tbe values and drawbacb ol allowing houses lo be built on :)ots ksa than the city's 7,ioG aquare fool m!nlmwn. A large group ol citizens, moolly ap. ~ lo amall Iota, Is erpeci.d al the .,.ung. At laue In the public bearlnl will be a (l<1l)Ol«f change In the city'• load use oriinance lo -lloh "" abeolute mini-mum lot me In planned developmlnll. A planned developnent 1' currently Iha onJ1 way a devel-can build on Iota lea than 7,11111 ll<IUtre feet In a!Je, wllh lilhter building rutricU(IOS lmpooed by the city. • batuamtnt and bolh be ud bll -bave been 111-an .-.....,. ~lndudhli ooaoplraey to libel Ill comielloit 'Wllh a cla1m a polk;man bad tlna1eoed lo till Covelle. Covtlle uld lodaJ lhat Ille "a-1 ..... Repaln"'llp .. up and -ed tho Scottish Dance Clm ses Slated Scotlilh country dances "111 be llqht at the Wutmlnlttt Community Semca eeni.r, -"""""-"' A• .. 1>q1i•nc Ibis _.,.. Bo,. and lltll elpt 1114 older may recll1'r ,... !lie ""'""" -,_ by pqlaw a $J fee lo Iha W-Parb and -Depttbnenl The -will be laolhl al lJ·"" each Salllrday by C&rol Goller, -lht two fully c:OrU!lcated i.acbers I~ Ille Royal ScotUoh Danco Society. trio of sips saylnl "Ulllale lo Occupy.• "I upect the repair& lo be complelad and we will open in about a weet. In the moanlime there's l oin& lo be a bis r... dance Friday night for all the teenqera. I ..,... I have lo bold It In the parking lot ~·~~!:I the band will be Polntlnc to a "benefit dance" held Sun- Negro famlly, -ol Covelle lalcl be would lo llO ty meellnc Monday aad "!Olj --!be """ reall7 lhlnk ol city 'olllclals who would not support a benefit fot tbe vlcUms of blgotry." lie lalcl $1 fJ 11'U ralaed from the dance, "lncJOOmg $31 donai.d by nwmben of • motorcycle club ... Clenland uld lhe clGoin& wu routine ucl -not ln'IOlve polke action. ''Tbo> fin doplrlment has lnveallpi.d the -tlllll and f<lund important dell- clencle•i nquJrtnc •lollnc until the rtPlh in made. No one can occupy the bQlldlnc 111W lbe repolr1 are made. U U., do. that ts a mildemeanor and a PoUct mau.. ... Girl Hit by Car In Westminster A ......,_ W_.....,. llrl WU llnlclt and aarioualy 111Jure1 while waJk. lq 111 a .,_alk -her brother ,.,_ da7....mw. Darlene Lanfon!, ol 1104 t Willow Lane. waa ....... Uoe -at the camer of W•n-A-and Wiiiow Lw wltll "" brotlllr Kmnelh, II, when Ille wu bit by a cor drlnn by Jerry Thomaa, 17, ol Dll Camphor st.,·-· She WU bolilltalbed al 0ranp County Medleal Center lllflerlnc a llhll fracluro and .....-. 8be II listed In aerlooa coodltlon. Tbom.u was cited. -11. April 16. 1969 (5) DAILY PILOf ~ Seal Beach · Re-elects Incumbents AD ~ Seal Jleach Incumbents wer1 rtelectod lo the elementary dlstricl -ol Trua1oes Tudday. . The c:hallenp ezpecled to come from the only other contender, university pro- fessor John J. Reed, did nol mat.eriatp.e. sending Jack T. Cairns, Ruth H. Duffy and Cycrus Shepard home with the lion's share cl the votes. Mn. Duffy drew the lar(e8t share of the vote with 1,548 ballob, followed c1o. ly by CalrM wilh 1,111 and Shepard wllh J ,383 votes. Reed, who was trailing far behind In all of the six precincts, gathered on1' 113 votes. An unusually heavy turnout for a school board election kept ballot counter1 basy, until the early inomlng hours. The total was not tµmed ln until 12:30 a.m. today when the last ballot Wal counted at McGaugb School pollinl place. OAILY PILOT 11-'f 'lie'- Seal B<ach Elemenlary School Dmrlct voters a1ao cut ballots for Ulree vacant positions on the Huntington ffi&h School Board, keeping the lights on in downtown Huntington Be.ach unW the morn.In& as well. Polluted Junk of all descriptions has been dumped at edge of Talbert Lake near Talbert Avenue and Golden West Street in Huntington Beach. Late is one of two. to be incltld~ in city's future central perk. Clearr up crews are on the way -at p~blic expense. . ApparenUy all candidates In Ille Seal ..each Elementary School Dlalrict decid- ed to get a good night's steep instead of waiting for the counl At the eott Gaugb headquarters ns duerted except for three lonely womtn poring over ltacb or green bellot... ~raniJ'h t l' vni tutrt- FISHER 700. T AM/FM STEREO . ,..-' •'' .. ~ SALE PRICE Tape Stereo System SALE PRIC E ~6800 .... UH.II UNIVERSITY 3-WAY Bookshelf Systems SALE PRICE DUAL 1019 AutOmatic Changer SALE PRIC! ALTEC 846-A VALENCIA Reg. $333.00 e "-11" w-wM 1• ,.,.. SALE PRICE e :'..,.,..,_ ff~ Dri-.. s19· 600 11" JTtw. ..................... .iu CLASSICAL LP ALBUMS . "SWITCHED· ON BACH" 33% DISCOUNT! $333 ......... • f I ' I •1 ' 'I .. 1•;. Thirteen-year-old Robert Rix of Glen Ellyn, llL, ate eight jelly . dollglnlUta :anc1 part of a . njnlh :in-- five minutes to win a National DOuibnut.-Eating Contest in New Yid-Robert skipped breakfast be- fore the -)~:30 a.m. contest. and later decided b(d skip lunoll and diiiner, ,too. · • Citizens with any kind of a beef about Joliet (ID.) dty government - a water bill, a broken curb, th'e tax rate -now have a place to go for ~ q~ answer. The City Coun- cil put into operation a complaint cenler under orders to handle all requests or complaints within five days, including a·writ1en report.to the complainant. It will be manned by Anthony Mackoy, a long-time employe in the city's finance de.. partment. After hours, an elect.- ronic secretary will record calls. -SOVIET LAUNCH LEAVES MOTHER SHIP TO RETRIEVE PIECES·OF OE BR IS Wreckage Bellevtd to Be From U.S. Spy Pl11ft! Mlulng Ne11r No r.th K'oru • f: •• I 1' . ..,,or L • u~s. Plane H·its Civilian Sampan SAIGON (VP!), -~small U.S. Anny plane accidentally fired rockets ·Into a gri>Up of ...,_ near the Cambodian border Tuetday, tllllng ·elihl South Viet- namese civilians and wounding 11, -.. military .•!IOkesm<n dilclooed toibiy. • ' ' . The Incident OCCW'Hd northeast of Tan Chau, a town 90 miles we&: ol. Saigon, . when the single enclne p I a n e opened fire.at a ferry J.andinc. Tbe wounded were ren)O•ed to a hospital at Can Tho, 7$ miles west of SaJcon. The plane Is normally used as a spotter airttaft oc to ....,. growx1 damage after bmubinc m'llirm. Tbe raid in wbich the cl.~. were killed was one of several Down Tueaday in wt:\i.eh spokesmen said at kut 20 V.iet Cong were 'killed. 'Ibe commwtista make ei;tensive use ol !Ulinptl\I in transpocting anlmunition and suppUes. - In another development, U.S. officials said today that the number of South Viet- namese peasants living in "relatively secure" areas reached a record high last month despite the COmmunilll!' winter- spring oflensive. 1bey said the Saigon government eJ.· tended its control to 82. I percent Of the country's 17.5 million people in the month of March. The Communist offensive began Feb. 23. government control, a J\PDP of J .I per· cent over the total at the end of Febni.ary. Meanwhlle, Communist gunners hit I provincial capital Md five district towns in carrying out 2$ new ~ and mortar attaclrs In South Vietnam ovemlg)lt. This r8.ised to 1,510 the number of such raids sfuce the offensive began,, spokesmen said. USS Kitty Hawk Sails on 'Alert' • HONG KONG (AP) -The US. Carrier Kitty Hawk and two·destroyers will leave Hong Kong today on an alert caused by a mis.sing American· reconnaissance plane that North Korea said it shot down. U.S .• officials said the Kitty Hawk and the dstroyers Black and Knox had no sooner arrived in Hong ·Kong harbor from stations off Vietnam than they were alerted to leave. Navy officials refused to give their destination. The alert apparenUy was widespread. ~~ ·----.• ·-··-· ·-·-The new figures marked an increase of 325,000 people under .. relatively aecure" Infonned sources in Korea said the U.S. Air Force and South Korean military units were placed on a special alert Tues- day shortly after North Korea announced it had downed the plane wilh 31 aboard. Jt was ;utt a btatup looking 1957 Plymouth, and Binning. ham, Mich. police iuipecUd it uw sporting sto~n tire.r -but what it reall11 had was: rocket launchirs, a mechanism to 1qvirt enough oil out the back end to coDtr a four.ram hiQhwat1 for 50 feet, another gadget to ·set up a .mi.okescreen, a doo-dad to put on a J»Jlched.elic light show and a secret compartment in 't}14 steering whtel hub. ·The moner,. Ronald L. CTona, · . .,., charl/<d with larcent1 in connection with what police said were 1tolen tire.r. Cron.a tXJ,llaimd ht had planned on making a M "001"· type~-- • North Koreans' Tactic: 'Porous War' on South SEOUL (AP) -North KM .. Is engag. South Korean from fast IG-!ool boals ed in what military men in Seoul call disguised u fJShing craft. • "porow: warfare" against South Korea. The DMZ infiltrators have aimed 1n re. Balked at invasion by an army of cent months at the narrow segment ~~ 580,000 South K<reans and 5 0, 0 O 0 ned by the.Americans; 15 U.S. soldiers Americans, Jts objectlye ls to soften up were tilled ln 1918 alone. The objective : the south through subversion, assassin&-to shake American determination to ltay tic:ft and infiltration. in KoreL II bas a military establishment of Elsewhere, they cut lhroug)l barbed 430,000 men, fourth largest In the Com. wire to strike at South Korean troops. So munist wurld. There is a 390,000-man careful are their preparations it is dif- ar:mf, 30,000 airmen with 750 modern ficult to locate the crossover Poinls. The R.Iines, and a navy of 10,000 me{). • cut wire is meticulously replaced. ln the·backgrvond II a~ iliilitfa 'Jbe Uil coast commandos, landing at ot:J.3 mllllon men, 400,0llO ol•them·rud1 n1«ht. carry hand grenador, small orms fer regular duty, · and pnipqanda leaflets • .They strike al The Demilitarized Zone which c:W the-· ,post olllces llllf communlc:ation center., Korean peninsula In .two held North IJllf Jiill village ol!JdaJs, llOldien .a n d sciuth Korea at an uneasy but retauvety policemen. peaceful arm's length from the 1163 .KOrean war armatice qnU1 JallW)''~· ~ . 'In that -Nortli ~ Pranlet Kim D SOn(, 1llioie 57th . bh1hdaJ .'WU TIOsday, Jaid -the l>lnepillC,b' the "'"""' war. i . * ~ * U.S. wngressmen ",,..S.:to~ira::'~: ·Demand 'A-ction'. on the rocky, indented hortheut of * * "~ i Over Plane Loss . ' ,. North Koreans • . .. \ WASHINGTON . (UPI) -Republican •; and Democratic congremnen demanded today that the United States take IOIM ~ · type of action against North Koru for the downing of a U.S. recmnaiaanc6 As~ Jor ~~ting Carol Poland, Jf, of Col~ Ind., s~ (~) -rwtb.iXO!U today .. -~~.: .. : ... "' leaden: k~ silent, several 1D<U pnanalcd Ole N--Girlr demaildill'-a ~ Prlda1' of the ~ • ..,...., ''" Club'• citiml.!hfp o.....i ai ilr "°"" -'MIJttiry •Aniilsu<t Canmiasion, -rawmabn made speeches denouncing ..,.tioft in Atlanta. Llltjll< Wright a~·discual wftb U.S. and U.N •. Q,le Incident, complaining that nolhin,& rnaht) maket the pretentation. Miss ott!cilJI the American reconnaissance !\ltd. been learned from North Korea s Poland '°°" the award for taorking plaDe tbe Communists claim to bave shot Jeizure of the USS Pueblo. more ·than soo houri in oo!untctr down. . . Rep. Benjamin Blackburn (R·Ga.), tomm1'nit11 stnrice ia.Tt !ltar. American milKary spokesmen 1n SeotiJ · ·.called the North Koreans "barbarians" ~ • ~ ..:.~ .. ~medunlll\to-dein~!~ ~~ :U~:OO~~~~orbe~tris:, ~any The Air .!,l'ralnin« Corps Band of ·--. -· =• .aay w•~= ·~ -·--Corby, England will parade in full 'Unfled Nat!cm" Command (UNC) had eye fer an.,. llllf.a loolh fol' a•tooth." regalia _ with 50Dle extras. The tqreed to a rneieUng at the truce villatt A non-militarj retallatioo in the form pl'PanmunJ"!ll on the Dtmilltarized :zone of an economic quarantine .of Not'th lnnn m&ior will carry a dead rat (DMZ)_.._ The ..Japanese news agency Korea was proposed by Rep. Roman Instead of· i b.at,cin, and the d~· K.Yddo ·salcf the UNC bad agr<ed to meet. Pucinski (O.llt). iner will tie a bit of steak to bis· 11 wu quiet along the 151-mile truce ' Rep. William L. llkikinson (R·Aia.), belt The band is trying , to lure ' front d!vkllng Not'th. and South Korea. l'<Cslled President NI'""''' cllllipalgn ~polio, Its missing falcon mascot, Mllitwf offJclals confemd through the 'pledge that ·be woulci' 'not lej the , ~k to the percb ·be left ~ weelt hJcbt'Clll ltie DlOll oer1owi Incident since Ameri<&n fla(~•·'-f«: -' · ago. Beoi,I ... a patural taste for • ~orth •Koreo selsed1he U.S. Intelligence -at home·..-.allroad," llid ~: ~W1 • rteak uil lllld •ttts, Apollo loves;' .abip l'ueblo off Wonsan, 'Nilrth Korea, .,. waiting foe you,. Mr. P.Widtiit,'4 a parade. Jan. 231 1911. your promise." Rain System Dampens East Rock y Mo untain Snowstorm Whitens Evergreen Calltortdc ... ""'I -·-... , . ...,,. klr ... llelll '""""' .... ·-.,,._ Clllcin1t1t1 < ...... ...... ........ -· ...... ·-H.-..i!I:~ 'L• "'-tiff Mltnll 8-'t M,_ .... ""-• " .. " . " .. .. " .. • " " " " ., .. n .. .. " .. " " " .. .. " .. .. .. M " n .. ,. " .. .. .. • " .. .. .. .. a .. .. " .. .. .. " • " .. .. M " .. .. " n • " u n " " " .. .. .. " .. .. " " " .. .. n ,OJ ... ... ... ·" .. ... ... ,ti ... " ,. l 4 .DAYS ONLY THURS.; ~I., SAT., SUNDAY l•EIATE CLEAIAICE ON ALL CARPET DuPont so1 · Nylon· ExlN heavy H;.iow .,.._ 5•2 t.m, me ny deliciou1 coJ. lnlt.' ers. A rarw bargain. HEAVY II" FOAM P~D "I· yd. ' .NYLON \SHAG Extra lon1·.nylon sh~. A ::!n~'tl ... : :...~.:. 6'' •C1-' fNm -.n "°Y· io.w;. colors -plolno . ond !nor ............. _ "".,i • _OH II FOAM !'!tg. 10.99 . . "IOIEL" PolJester Shir h .... ollWy Jl'iacl fw ·1 O'S tWt 1111, Heny ...., wllti "" "" of ""' ...... 1....., lo ....., ,~1 ,_ ,_ Ind . • ..,. ...... , ..... ..... tq yd IOI ...,., lflot ,...., · ON II ro~ . llttlo en! . ·11~; ,T5.95 ~ • SPECIAL CLEARANCE RElllAITS SAYE UP TO 70°/o • ";i1«10 Du~nt N1t•n •1.N °GrMn T'tffe.i ' 111 ... y&a, lit• 11xU'7'' ""· 650.00 NIM Dllp...t IO; 11111, ...... ~ Go141 M US ,. .... _.lz• 1ldl Fl•I · 241.M R91l N)"l•n HIL• Avotado G'"" IO ~· )'di , a1u 1b21'Jll" "''· 1IO.OCI ftll14 C.mmel'Cl&I H••t Set Avocedo Green M -. yd .. •1n 1ix1rr• Rq . 241.00 Oll71 Dupw11 IOt T iit ahHr Giid Wh11t 21 )'d .. •111 12x21'2'' "''· 224.00 G1W Duponi I01 T ip $h"t Corlnthl1n Gold 11 2/1 yd1. &I.le 12•31'10" Rtg. 413.M •2312 Cemmerd•I H11t Stt S1utern JO yd&. Sl11 1bZZ'I" Reg. 3Ql.OO .... ~"':.i!. .. ~~l~;.L~f."· x::nl~;. Qn.11 C1mm11'Cl•I H11t l •t S1ut1m M 2111 ,..._ Slit 1b2S' Rts. S!0.00 '91rN"I H1it let Stieo·Meto11 fl-9 M 2/1 )'dt. liiz. 1tdt' Rtt, 117.00 QD7I Acri11n Tip , Sheff' AYOCtdt Grttll 111~ 1111. · Siie 12x2S'7" l't11. l!2.00 Ql:Mt Acl1l1n Sh•t 2'' Ieng F'rtfteh Slut uy,. )'lit. S111 l2x21'1" Fltg. 501.15 "15'7 tOO'JI, Wool MaM lnl M 7ft. l l:r1 '12x4q'I" ~1147 100% Wool S1ut1rn Cretn "''· ,~.to 40 2/1 yo:h. Silt 12l<JO'I" 1\19. "'·~· ~1U2 ou_.nt Nylon Grecltln Mo11 11Y,. .Ydl. 1 110 12x2S'I~ l'l•I· 220.KI D1Mt D11pont Nr,lon Antiou1 Gild 16 )'dL I U 12x41'1" flt1. 325.00 D1m Ctmmtl'Clll Twt1d Gold A 8Ponz1 4"h y dL a l11 1b'S7'1" "'": 217.0D 01111 Hollytex C1prl~• Koehl Atd T'"'' 40 2/3 yd1. Slzt 12x30'1 .. Atg. 40t.70 s~ 356.90 140.00 99.00 139.00 149.00 258.35 159.00 222.5p 159.00 139.l!l> 199 .!JI> 3 46.9~ 270.0I! 203.3$ 110.2;1 221.1111 138.sb 244.~ CUSTOM DRAPERIES SAVE UP TO 70°/o j ; " ' . . • FOR .TOUR. IATJtlOOM . .......... \Veft.,..tr.. .............. BUDGD' nR~S · · . . , _ . • -· · TO SHOP AT HOME .. L & J ENTERPRISES INC.-... ,~~.'~ .. ~~~ ... ,, .... : ORAllE CO.'S URiEIJ WUILE .WARElioUsE ff~'i:~~~~'!:::~:~:~!t¥ 2• s. Ma11, ~'~1·•• Olli="~°' .!·i:C::L~;;~.: HOURS · _, "" -• DA~~:.~~% \r'° •• Phone 549.3349 •• ::.':,;CM,,~'" • ''"" ttrm• - IUN. U TO 4 •r-of ier 1ve ya me Lnd no om ,,. I to ad. r.s. ll'}' ... 'ed ' • . • . . • • . ------=---------~-------------------------- --- LONDON (UPI) -"Hair" is a mu.ical wUb 1 nude acene and IQfne four--letter words ... lldt with a lol,ol people ••.flale. TuaQy '""t. it ended with Britain's Pri.Dcess Anne on stage. Dancing. "W\\b the cast. And ·apparei)Uy rather en- joying bmel! at tbe musical which the Lord Chamberlain, Br;ltain's stage censor, once !Oljnd unacceptable. 1be 18-year-old p r 1 p c e s s with a pony tail tboW'ed up -with two unidentified young men and a girl in a surprise visit to London's. Shaftesbury Theater. She apotted an old school chum, Rohan McCulloug, 21, in the wt. Midwest Rivers Rise; . Worse Floods to Come By UElhed Press International day declired an emergency situation in 13 weatern A crest ® the Mouse River headed out of Canada today Wisconsin counties as the· toward Minot, N.D., where IZ,000 of the city's M,000 Mississippi surged above flood residents were driven from stage at Prairie du Chien and their homes by flooding. the St. Croix River caused Engineers prepared today to more problems at Hudson . . open a dam built in 1939 and The upper Midwest bad at send t h r e e feet of water least 22,500 flood refugees t1r flooding through White Rock, day, 14,500 in North Dakota, S.D. They said the weakening 4,000 in SoUUi Dakota, 3,000 in'"' dam would1burst if it were not Minnesota, 700 in Iowa and 600 opened. The town's 6 7 in Wisconsin as snow·swollen residents prepared to leave, rivers welled; out of their The Mississippi Ri ver swell· natural channels and fought ed toward a three-day crest at their man-made bounds. SL: Paul, Minn., where lrun· ' 1be Red River of the north dreds of 3Uburbanites already wore through Dikes at a coun- had been driven from their try clul> jn MQOrhea~, Minn:, homes. The mighty river was fiooding a number of homes. fed by 16 hours of rain in the The same rivet sent more area, and more was forecast. families from their homes at Pope Plans wee Visit East Grand Forks, Minn., while crews worked to raise dik~ to 5tl fe;et. The river was rising above· 45% feet. Constitution Auctioned Off Nixon .Wins 'Cautious' Press Praise IV ASHING TON (UPI) -A prestigious committee of ~·spaper editors cautiously praised _the N. i x o_ n a_d· ministration today for its free:dom of informat ion policies but said "those close to the scene have their finger.s crossed" for the future. The report by the Fretdoft'! of Iofonnatibn and Press-Bar VATICAN CITY (UPI) Pope Paul VJ will visit th e predominantly P r o t e s tant World Council of Ch urches (WCC) and attend a world labor meeting ·in Geneva in June, joint announcements said today. The announcements were mlde simultaneously by the Pope at his weekly general au- dience in St. Peter's Basilica and by the wee in Geneva. · NEW YORK (UPI ) -A fi rst printing of the U.S. Constitution, annotated by one ol Us signers, sold at '°1:1ctioo Tuesday in only two miootes for $1 55,000 ·-the high<sf price ever pa id for a hiltoric Commit.tee of the· American U.S. document. ·Society ol Newspaper Editors The winning }>ido. ltr the" · (ASNE) included rave review& Constitution and sevfl'at paces · ftr l!erb Klein. President Niil· of notes written ti)'; &W · oo's director o f com· Pierce Butler of S.o.Ut·h·,mun ica tion s, by two Carolina , was put in j t the. Washington liaison men for Parke · Bernet Au,c.tio,o the ("Olllmittee. · '11le Pope will make the Geneva trip June 10, a few weeks before he leaves for a visit to Kampala, Uganda, Ju· ly 31-Aug. L Galleries. by rare book .dealer 'I1le committee also claimed Hans Kraus of New Yor.k. It progress in the press baUle to was more than five times· the . avoid. restrictive rule.! on galleries' $30,000 estimate · of reJease of infutmation about the value of the papers. criminal · 'trialst-• WANT INTEREST ' ON YOlJB BANK. CHEaaNG ACCOUNT? YOV CAN'T ~B'J' 1T . BUT W1TB PAClftC'S SWJTCll 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Y1a an do 1lmlllt n Mii lly bllill 1 lilt Im 110-r in ,_ lh •i 111 •cMml .. 1 lut -ii,_ hcHic 6" P111•1Dk Acclallt 1nd awitdli .. llllllllY .... ••·flltll • oflln • ·YGI •· Beoaase eYUJ' dollar ._... n·-!"-1 daf It 11 la ,. ......... ~-' -............... .., .. 2 • : • B•iilllf•P• '11tA11 u 1 uz;n 'IMf ... 1/4"111- . rllillll 11 •• ;.r ..... awn•• wll'llll lllW. Snl1p iii.,.., .... It .......... -flt• th 111 If .., ......... n11111•-t111J1$ •.. .: ' . . ... .. •• ,. ... 1, .. .. l • • 1 ' • ~ .. ·f . ' ... 1' • . . . ·. "You kriow we wouldn't interrupt, dear,· but we do have to make a call" It never fails. Every time you need the phone in a hurry, it's tiea up. Either it's your kid when you 're try ing to call out, or your wife when you 're trying to call in. Wr:ry not beat the system with a second line? You get a sepqrate number and a sepa rate listing, Who knows , they might even let you use it once in a while . .. General Telephone (I • • \ ' Both HunUn(~ Belch and Fountain Vall°!' have , witneased conaiderabte dtb1te over the siJes of re.tdenl· ia1 Jots. •• Hunlillgton Buell City Council takei up a p,. development o~ Monday and P)N!n<n,JI!; · . lain Valley,' where~arrecall of three c~Um'en hl:J aun over lot slzae,,dllcuss the matteia~ 7:30 tonill(it The quesUon ii over what concea'sions the «llY/~ill r:rant builders o! plaJllted developments, Maily resfdents have expressed firm· opposition to reduction of lot alzes f~r single tantlly b:omes.. · • Should the residents of a communJty have the tight to determine the minimum Jot size for residential Jots? 'ntat's the question which remains unanswered with many city ofiicials saying "no" and citizens saying ••yes." -· Huntin~ton Beach Councilman George McC~8Cken oaid be beheve9' that any home that I~• a iilngle• family home should meet the city mfnlmUqi IOI.' size. " In Huntington Beach· that could be 5,000 square feel·, ' In Fountain Villley a Ja~ge ~roup of r~l!i"'lt& - opponenl.1 of the reduce4,lot Sizes 1n the Lal"W)n tract - feel strongly that th.ey do ni>tiw.Olli.Jiom~s on lot.I leis than the city minimum ¢ 7,200 square. feet. · . ' Principal complaint lodged by the homeowners:ls a fear they will l<ise r,roperty value Wllh iln1le fanilly homes being bullt:on · ess than standard lots. While' city officials argue thlil planned developments include g<een arevs and parks, t.he homeowners say they wOuld rather obtain parks in a more conventional way. In the past, planned developments mostly have been condominiums, cluster homes or houses with shared walls. Today a developer may build tract home1 on Jots less than the city standard by giving the city park land • ' an<I averaging the land and deye!opm•nt Into the loll! lot siu.. . Resldenu have pot complained ifNtlY of develop- ments that look d!Ue r...t1b.im atn&Je family realclentlal, deveJopmenl.1, b.ut they aie ~o/•lng now. JUJt how effective they wUl be depends on tow well they attend meetings of planners and councilmen lootine at ordl· nance propos&a. .. .:J • , • i lle<ause of pulillc'<Wnand 'and because ~I recalls and protest&, the maf;\ir will be discussed~ public meetings In both cltlea. H Ille public want& to atabllsh a meaningful minimum Jot size and st!ll pro e room !or jnnovations in homebuilding, tt must act noW. LWV's Good Work " Many school board elecUon campal(Ds are marked by apathy with candidates often llndlng audiences rare and "candidate night&" sparsely attended. Th.is past campaign in West Orange County has been different. The reason is the League of Women Voters; they brought the campaJ(D to the voters. Five candida!e nights were set ·up. Valious civic groups were ln~lved m planning and condtict of the sessions and the Girl Scoi.tts went door to ddor passing out literature on the meetings. Candidates found comparatively large 1udlences. An4 the listeners were those seeking information on the candidates in order to cast a more intelligent vcte. It 'vas a worthwhile effort and -fortunately for good goverrunent -typical of the volunteer efforts of the League of Women Voters. (5) THE fAt>INIJ BIJI.$ Campus Riots Jeopardize Federal Aid E~tre1nists' Attacks on lJ.S. lnstitutiO..s Dear Gloomy Gw: 'Schools Are No Place for ·Politics' WASHINGTON .._ It is squirely up to - the cOHege-administrators of the country what Congress does about voting more millions for scholarships and loans to needy students. College authorities will have only themselves to blame if Congreas anifllY wields the ax on such educaUonal funds. 1be widespread pussyfooting, tern· poriz.lng and in some instances outright ttfuaal of coDege offldals to Vi&Ol'1>Ully tnforce measures passed by Conireas Jut year to crack down on 11tudent riot.e:rs and agltaton iJ aerioU!ly jeopardizing conUnued. lariwcale federal aid to students. That's the stern wamina ,ot Rep. William Scberle, .., R·IoWa, Jnflf;enUal member of the EducaUon and Labor Committee, and author of on6 J.of tbe disciplinary provisions '_; Secllon ~(b) of the 11iJber EducaUon Act. Automobile wrecking yards have to f)i;' fenced for beau,ty'11 sake, Why ·don't the same regulatlon11 apply to used washer-dryer busines!es on Beach Boulevard? There's an awful lot of rusty junk sltting in the open. -D. V. P. Both the mandatory nature or this pro- vision and the responsibility of colleges for its enlorcement were strongly stress- ed by HEW Secretary Finch in his recent letter to college adminimrators. "IT IS mtPORTANT for all concerned to understand," Flnch told them. "that Congress has spoken and that the law must be enforced ..•. Under this legisla- Uon, the burden of administration falls upon the in!UtuUons .... I would.auggest that the1e provlsions be fully ~ussed by all parties at your insUtution - t.rustee.s, administrators, faculty' mem- ber1, students, and where possib le , parents. AN EDUCATION 'and Labor 11.1b-''THE AMJtR!CAN taxpayer is willing commit\ee, of whicl:i ScherJe · Is a to subsidize educa.Uon," said Sherle, "but member, is making a detailed study of not agllatiOn, turbulence and -mindless the effectiveness o( ttils anCI other revolutlQOll')', excesses. Collelgues in To the Edilor: Animals that cannot adapt to chaflie die out; so do institutions, and nations. The people who fear change, constanU, warn against Conununists, often assume the visible trappings of patrlotism with great pride, may in all innoctnct ~ the people who destroy our nation. They are the ones who quote the CongrtS!ional Record as authority, not knowing that any Congressman can insert into it any untrue and inflammatory material that he wishes in order to please what may be his ignorant and uninfonned con- stituency. They are the ones who canttl aub.scrip- lions and are not ashamed of having Senator Schmitz, a John Birth member, repn!sent them in Sacramento. I SUSPECT THAT part of the problem ls the influx of people from the South who are the product of an inadequate educalion. It is quite possible that in the future Orange County may demand bet· ter representation and cease to be lau1h- ed at. Years ago when the Anti.Communist Christian Crusade was in full swing, I Jot in the mail a large brochure printed on expensJve paper, telling about the Com- munists who had gotten intc our schools, our churches, and our government. I was upset 'and frightened, but decided to take it to one of the lawyers we knew who was prosecuting a group or Communists ·tor the govenvn~t. statutes designed to deny federal aid.to Con~·me they are getting a heavy students engaging ln violence and mail froal'~tUents den o uncing HE· LOOKED ovi:R the material with disorders. Under SecUon 50f(b), ijle students-'Doi.atina the law and demanding great' care and asked to lce1p It. I was withdrawal of such fund1 is mandatory, forteful :Ktkla. qainst them. One mid· surprlaed and wanted to kno,w why. He with responsibil11y for enforcement western .cOileague, who repraents a !aid be believed it should be.given to the directly Up to collqe authcwiUes, as diltrict tbt Includes a Big Ten universi-F81 as it ·npresented a good deal or follows : ty, told me that in response to a special ntariey 'and Wu·~taek, really, on our "If an inatituUon of hl&her education queiiUo~, he received thouaands of acliools, our chu ' , arid our aovem- determinel, after allording not.Ice and repllea overwhelmingly favoring deny!Qg. , menL opportunit.J f!)r a hearing, that an in· federal DI to student.s taking part ln· · Sinct. I have '!fO!ldertd if the John dlvidual attending hu willfully ref~ tO caml!s disturbances. 'Birth SQciety_ ~~ other extremist group~ obey a lawful regulatim or order of ~ ;..., ''.Dere, ii no lack of law to cw-b these might not be inl1ltrated by Commu~ insUtution, and such refusal wu 9f a·-cttoorders, •if college administrators will in order to undermine C1>nlidence 1n serious nalure and contributed to . a exerci~ the intelligence and courage to churthts and the government, an~ to dry substantial disruption of the ad· use It. And they had better ge\ some up support of education. ministration of such institution, then such ~h In their backbones and begin en- hlBtitution shall deny, for· a peri~ of two . fcirclng the law or there is a VtJl'7 real yean, any f\JJ'ther payment to, or for the .; pei.slbility· that fl\lblic financial 1Upport dittct benefit of, sud! iodlvldu~r will be drairti<:ally reduced." I any of the programs specUied in (thlS By Robett S. AUtn law)." and Joba A. Goldsmith New, But ls It Better? Tlloupll at Larg" 'Jbe m06t ill9gical implication •. in modern thinking Is lhe proposition: ''lf it's new. then it must be better" ..• for while many products are introduced or changed as an improvement, 111 equal number are inlrtlductd or changed for the sake of "newDes.s" itself as a selling· poinl • • • The great majority of mankind has alway1 desired j)faCt, just as we have always desired health; but '!e have ~. IUXier1ltoOd the pr•••••lltloll1 or pc""' any more lhln we have understood the: pe«:OnditJoos of htaJth; now the riM of pttventlve medicine hu draotlcally, cut tile monallty rai. In 111n.,., bul there his been no similar rUt: In prt'ftadve fllCt .. atldp to reduce the mortality ra&e In w.ar, ·whJch I.I our most pressing need. • • • M1 chlld.ru wtre amused to learn in IChool U\11 the ancient Egyptiana wrap- ped their l1la1sl1I along with the corpou, for~poaible me In the artenrorld; but ts lltls 111.y mare absurd than our custom of bw'11DI ~ outworn husk of the body ttaelf, --reverently "honoring" lhe depor1H .,.._ by feeding him l<1 lhc -! • • • (or mote " I ., ----4 ;~ ~iGey J.,'itar1ls . ' . _.... t ... ~ .. -.... i.rreedom," but the Irony or technOloglcal change iD tht last two decadea b that the tnajor indlut'rles in our eeonomy become more and mo r e interlocked in in· creasing interdcpendeDCe, and the call for freedom sounds dissonant in the Age of Mericr. • • ''Charilma" has prob3bly become lhe lllOlt debased word of the last couple of years ; orlgln1lly a tbeolo(lcal term (it isn 't even llsttd in the Unabridged \Vebatt:r·Merrlam 2nd Edition, thougn "charismatic" ls), it Is now made to ap- ply to movie mrs. second>f'ate polltlclans aind pop 1ingers. ' • • • • ·Wt ~ rut Cha11a1na from a "produc· Uve''-orltnt.ed soctety to a knowledge· oritnted sodety. but only the specialists in aodal systems sttm to be aw111re of It; and the real gap, which threatens unemployment. Is belwetn our declining need tor producti ve workeNJ Ind our In· creasin' dtmand for those scarce employe1 who can coordinate and ln- tegral.e tasks. TO ME, PATRIOTISM is not only lhe pledge of allegiance, but aupport!nc, our schools with the money they need.even to the point of sacrlfict. The very survival of our great nation depends upon this. ~ day our California schools have falltn to eighth place among the ltatu in financl'1 aupport of schoob, and our claut1 art larger than in many .other 1ta\e1.JAI a native Californian, thia makes JM' tad. but there is another concern, 1 rOf, the po\iUcal involvement of school boards llu not been part of our tradition. A GOOD SCHOOL system CIJ'not be maintained if it is involved in poltttcs: No man should be elected to a school board whoae background and primary lnterut has betn in politics. • When political ideology gets into a school board there 11 trouble; wltne!s Saddleback Junlor Collegt. Let us give the sc::hools the money they ne,d, and ltt us e.lect board members who do not inject ~--Bu G.,org., ---· Dear G<org!: Voor Side"·ays Think.Ina always sends me. (Where, I'm not l\lrt.) How do you solve your own pr. blems ? I certainly would llke lo know the name of y o u r psychiatrist. BEFUDDLED Dl!ar Befuddled: Actually, 1 doo·t use a psychiatrist -I tr~ one, but he ~·ouldn't allow me on the couch. I use a phrenologist. He just pushes the Uttle bumps on my httd unUI e\·erylhing looks rosy agai ln. (Why let llttlt problems ruin your d11y? Send them to George and ruin his day.) Letter& ~om readers are t.0elcom.t. NonnaIZu writers should convtt1 their message in 300 toord.! or leu. Thr riohi to candense letters to fit space or eliminate libel U reservtd. All lttters must include .rignature and moiling address, but names may be tcithheld on requlfrt if $Ufjicient f'ta · son ts apparent. , tht.ir poliUcal ideology Into school busl.nr.ss. MRS. ROBERT McMASTER 'CalH119 H r . lll11•haw' To lhe Editor: "Calling Mr. Hinshaw, C o u n l y Assessor .•. " -just like he asked us to in his April 10 letter in the DAILY PILOT, because I become more and more confused with the operations of our political offices and puzzling procedures. As a long-Ume Orange County laJ. payer, I rttelved my "invitaUon" lo ap- ply for tbe $70 refund on my 'U tax. Which, on the form provided, I did -in good thne; it was mailed on February 21, far &bead of the April 15 deadline. Today, by chance , a realtor friend in- quired why J had not filed because there v.•as no record of it -and bitter I do something about it. So I did ; again as fl.Ir. Hinshaw suggested, by caJllng: his of- fice to inquJre where Is my application which was malled in lo' these nearly two months ago? How come J appear to be a procrasllnator and might just lose out on my refund entirely? THE VOICE at Mr. Hinshaw's office was very pleaaant and patient but could only sugest that "most lik1ly my ap- pllc.Uon was in one of the hundreds and hundred! of mail sacks piled up in the of· flee awa1Ung opening and contmts pro- cesslfti ..• ana, of course, it would be difficult to check all of them at this time for juat one W' ol ' application ..• " Rt-i-1· .lflll So, u of tlUa wriUng, here I sit knO\V· ii\& that my i•promptness" wu ap- partnlly of no avail because l am ap- ~Uy not tallied In on ~ records; and the rtt0rds are not all available . b«aUle they are sUU in the sacks and \tt'On't be processed "for some time." \VITH AU. THIS whoopededoo, lhe query comes to mlrld that might have simplified all this bureaucratic mumbo- jumbo: I (along y,•ith some half trUWon other taxpayers) paid my 1968 taxu when due. The assessor and the tu col- lector each has my name, address: For years, my checks ha've 1lway1 rt1ched them safely so why couldn't • $70 check have been ISIUCd and mailed to me without all this monkey businm of. forms, applications, deadlines etc., etc.! Or im t .being too naive to cope wtth the self·pne:Milted compUcatlON of OW' modern poljUcal (and txpemive) modus operlndl? · .~ C. S. YARNELL ApfH!GH!tnf!n t Te ,the Edil<lr ' In ttference lo your Saturdty, April U. h<1dlloe, "200.000 Homtown<n Ignorlna Tax Windfall," ln which Orange Coutl\y Autssor Andrew Hinshaw stattJ that It is beyond his comprehension that there hu bttn such a tremendous mounUng furor ovu property lasts thtse la!t fe,, years, yet when a llttfc nlief for the homeowner ,;o:omts along he doesn't apply for It. Has ll oe<:urred to you that the $70 ol- fered is an appeasement for what the property owners might ju!tlliably feil they have coming. · · I am one who reluctanlly waited until lhe last few days to mail in the papers for this token of LITI'LE RELIEF. I felt that it i1 actually costing me mbney to get the $70. I never mail my creditors before the due date . R. SALMONSON He1po11sl b illl u To the Editor: War is something that has been an aspect of man's behavior since before he was Homo Sapien•. No one knows what ttstrictions can be expected of man, when aggression is so fundamental a part of his origim. But for the first lime in his history, man's technology has developed 14•eapons far more lethal than he could previously have conceived. We are no longer in the era or simply "an eye for an eye and a · tooth for a tooth.'' The blow to the head of an op- ponent was a eonta,ined action. Either the opponent attacked w a s knocked un- conscious, or retreated. THE SAME CAN be said of most modern weapons. 1be outcome of the a1- gressloii can be foreseen. But would man continue to consider the use o( biological weapons (for in~ the spreading of diseases with no known cure ) if he could foresee the ends they lead lo? Defense and offense cannot be separated In biological war. The ag· greasor may be JUbject to his o~'n a&· greaslon. In addition, pure ttsearth can- not be separated from the application of such research. THERE 18 A N'tED for responsibility on the part of scientists. The research he is involved in should be subject to criticism by ~cqJ.league11.1 and perhaps,' as v.•ell, by those colleagues who are not primarily scientists. 'Jbe men who lay the foundations for . the weapons of biological warfare , those men who are respected as experts should move to force nof'Hllliveraity researchers to reveal their work. IF THE BUSINESSM£N4clenUsts will nol accept the responalblilly o! their work, then the ICitnUs:l.I Who are more humanisUcally centered m• force them to do so. There is a .need for educatlQ.n and responsfbillty. ~ Pe.rhaps non-1eienlista can also help to - open . some of the suspiciously closed doors. DAVfD GOGGIN UCJ Student Law.,r Vo tl119 Aue TO tht F.dltor : Tired .Of the bureaucracy? Want more honesty In politics? How abcklt 20th Ctn- Quot~s Carl R. Tenlan, LA. -"We art asktd lo stomach the bumlUaUni behavior of makontenta who otter only criUelsm (but) mosl Americana are wto lous lodoy to employ their c1pabllltles tn service to lbe1r fellow man." Dr. Ket M.....,., fa"' ed pty<:b!IUlll, .. (:all! • .,..blq vlltt - ''I don't btlitn \1lolence la the answer to violence , .• at even lnjustict." a. F. Blagbll, SP pm., oe ft1tlttrbed- dla1 -"We netd to find ways lo motivate the average employt to relate himself persona.Uy to the cmt and ilf'Olit picture ln the business for "Whlcb he works.'' tury 'thinking in your schools? And can we throw · in modernization of your com· munity, state , and natlone>I governments? Everybody wants th~~. And the secret • may be the 18-year-old vote. PETE ENGLANDER C:r lme De1er re11I To the Editor: Re: the letter to the edilor of April 9 against "Jndiscri1ninatc" gun ownership -obviously R. 0 . Seymoure, OCC stu· dent, is a male of lhc species and has nothing more precious to lose than his "material wealth.·· Confronted by ~ criminal sex deviate in her home. car or on the street, I Sijppose a woman is ex- pected to outrun him "on fool!" A great deterrent to such crimes and many others would be the fact that the criminal knew full v.·ell that his intended victim was \.Veil armed and prepared for such an emergency. I , personally, would not be without the gun that my husband provided for my protection and that of our two small children in his absence. IF TllERE L~ one thing that makes se nse in Mr. Seymoure's letter, it is the statement U1at our police forces and law.t need "updating to correspond to the changing norms of modern society, in a peaceful manner." Never has crime run so rampant in the streets; never has the criminal been lrealed with such restraint that he is only encouraged to commit further crimes. I. should like to n1ake the followini; sug. gestions in light of lhe aforementioned "changes" in our society: 1. TllE UPDATING of our laws should require that every citizen be armed and skilled in using such arms (much like our system of issuing driver's license permits to persons skilled in operating an automobile 14'hlch is, in itself, a deadly weapon when used as such.) 2. Our police forces should be rein- forced and strengthened locally to the ex· tent that when the campus criminal~ start rioting, there will be enough men left over lo aris~·er lhe calls of individual emergencies for which they were in· te:nded in the first place. BtAGlNE TlfE resulting •·peace," IF you will, whtn the v.·ould·be criminal becomes convinced that sociely 1vill no longer tolerate his weird behavior: and like the potenlially destructive child in the face of stern parental disapproval and discipline. decides to do something less reprehensible to amuse himself. {Of counc, thls analogy is not entirely ac- curate, for it takts mort than stern parental disappro\'al and discipline to deter a criminal ). As far as looking lo England for leadership (as R. D. Seymoure sug. gesled) in any fleld, perhaps we should first 1sk them to turn. our republic into a bankrupt, socialistic n_&tlon. NANCY COOK . 1-'ormer OCC Student --~--Wednesday, April 16, 11169 Thi cdiloftol -01 thr Daar Pilo& tetka to t11form. and ltf• Mlo:tt f°todnt bJ' presenUrtg thia n.notp01)C'1"1 optnionl end com- Mn&o:f'l' on. ~ea ot htttrt1& and ,;gntfiCO..,, br pr°""""" • ton1m 1M 11\C . 'fl"""°" •f our ,-tQden• opiftfofu, 8ftd b11 prestnling the dlwrs« ote10- pot11ts o/ in/onnfd obsenien ond 1pokurnt11 on topics o/ tM da.11. Robert N. \\1eed, Publisher • ~ __ .;.. --· ~-.--~~---.... --. , _ _,.,,., -....;;, ....... u...-. a.-,-.... r.-.. ~at<:a""~"' ;:o.,a. ...... =,,.a. -.-... "'"'"'-;--.;:1.,::, ' ' 'All' Penney-S..-rH>Open-ii:.rery: Night.MoftdAy Through Saturday'"' AL!:S~!!f.'11 ). The -·be.st ._c;:atc;hes in town! . .. . . (OUR. PRICES ARE-:REDUCED THllU SATURDA'Y!) .. .. -,.. . . -. ,'Vatlflf~ (j-. . Stop at P•nriey's sporting goods department ancl · pick up your free ~ price , • · coupon for· a sport fishing trip at .Davey's locker .dur- ing May! · · •Y .. mn ....... your fi9hlnt -lk.n.. In ~M'fl Sportinti GoOds Department . save '3 on our spin cast rod and Zebco reel 6%'-rocl ho~ Positive' 'locki"Cf oc:tion rttl seat. Zebco reel is dcellent for beOinnflirs. All-corrOMon resistant. · . . . 5~' spin cast ' rod and reel ..• :ii ~ . Reg.10.99 NOW 8.99 We've paired up oui great Foremost spin ·cast rod .and a Shakespeare spin cast reel for great fishing and savings"! .... I ... plestic tac•le-ltew. NOW 6.9' NEWP.ORT . BEACH (Fashion Island} . Foremost 6' glass rod /-Mitchell reel I Reg.12.99 ·. · Nowl0.99 Our Foremost solid glass rod and Mitchell spinning reef are quit• a Combo! Corrosion resistant reel, 3 sets·of olite ~ar­ lngs, positi_v. anti-revers,, tak• down handle. Copacityl. 200 . yd .. of 8 lb. test 1;no.""" · · · · .... ve '2 on ~ our spin cast rod and Zebco reel Reg.10.99 NOW 8.99 Save '2 on fly rod and reel comho nowt Reg. 9.99 NOW 7.99 Foremost BY2' hollow glass fly rod perfedly matched to Per~ rin• fly r&el. A great combo at an even greater pricel • ... 12." "'-'·w..i.n NOW 10.99 HUNTINGTON BEACH 0 (HyntingtQn Cent~r) .. • """ . -~. -" \ AH fAnne~ :st~epeatvery.:>Ni~MOn.CMy Through Saturd1 ~-.. :-; .. , ... ·- REDUCED THRU . SATURDAY! 7 pc. 'EL MAGNIFICO' family room set ' . Reg. $691 ·NOW •• Magnlfl.:.'.,., 1qys ol .. anco ia boauUfully. Sohr •••· $21' NOW •19:J': s A ...rully d;strolHd . dark oak ftn1~ av• 'H; back chak-.1 ... $119 NOW 'IOS .. .. hari!Woodframt1. Shr.ddod polyuroth ... ham low bade chalt .... $119 NOW '107 . anhlon1. l lack expQndtd Yiny1 upholstery, •--. I _ 3·5 Hsy to lako caro of. ·Sot Incl'"'-oofa, bigh Otteto., ..,, ~9 NOW , • ba,SC chair, low back· chair, -•· oo!foo Co!fH to!.le ,... ...... f6S NOW • 58 tablo and 2 tnd tabla1. ' fnd toblo _ .... $tS NOW .~. --·-· --- Pay it llttle u $21.75 per 1M11lh 'NO MONIY DOWN TheseY~dditionaf pieces also.;avaiJable SAVE 519 ! "ill leg.$159 NOW '140 IQ!=K-A·lC~UNGER-Ol;vo oxpc;ndod ' .v(nyl over 1hredded pglyuretban• foam, Dork flnistl, flardwood framt. .HI le1 recliner Rat· $149 NOW '134 .... $70 NoW ...;_ •62 " c:o•.• JM!L..Stmulellod oloto 1o,' " .... -· lani1nalff ,._, --· ~ • R ... $169 NOW 'ISO LOftlW~:"'-·­flHod ..,.,,_ e I ~ ,.i.oi- lfory oml hanlwoo.d.- NEWPORT BEACH, · (Fashion Island,) HUNTINGTON BEACH· (Huntington Cento<) ' • -~----· --· --·--=-"'" I .. ., • 1 ' I I t l ·I -I 1 . " -----. . • • • 2- - • I l -.. .. , • ••• ------- ·~ All P•nn•y Storff OfMn Ev•ry Night Moncloy Through Saturcloy • • 7 YOUR -·-. -. CHOICE29.77 Our great Penncraft•7J4" circular saw! Ho• 1% H'; 10 amp _molor Ito• •l••v• ond nffdle b.arlngt, 5200 lPM. 90° to •5' •"Ill• ffjllllm•nh ........... , .'Reg. 36,99 Penney's terrific Penncraft•% HP router! Motor 20,000 ltPM. %" col/et helds Nondord bit1. Cuti to l H cfepth Jn lncr•m•nts of .oo.4" .•.••••••••••.••••••• , •.. Reg. 36. 99 --Our great 2-speecl 7" sander polisher! Mi HP, • ... motor $400 ond llOO·ltl'M. N...u. ond lnnz• ""'• ...... .;, teol Ntt, ...oolJory Mintlte • , , •• , • , , •.•• , . Reg. 36. 99 " :w= . ACCOUNT ~ TODAVl 1 :;; YOUR CHOICE 19.77 -" ~<1.221 ~- ' . ... . <-:;. I I OAUON SHOP YAC -Powerf11I " .. inotor ~Pl up dirt end cleltrk on ercllnery 'f'lfcuu,,, SAVE4.221 21 PC. MICl.O _, __ ,., ....... ..-, 9rlntl1, pelJ1h1t, rou11, 1n1r•v••· c.,....dean'" lj( '.,l--. ~ -- ......,.,, .... »."····NOW l9.77 •H. tt.n .... NOW 1t.~7 YOUR CHOICE 12.77 SAVE 2.22 .JAIRI SAW-!·~ HP', 2}~ amp mator dt- ,velopo 2700 ... SPM. PennMI .. finlth IOW cutl flush, has bronze Hcuiftp. _. IN. l4.ff .... NOW l2.77 NEWPoRT BEACH (Fashion Island) ~. SAVE 4.221 20" MECHANIC'S TOOL CHEST -2 drow•r tfelux. 1tMI <h•t with tote h)' PMGIUres 20•· JC 11-S:" Jl 10%·. •to. 16.ff ,, .. NOW 12.77 . ' (S "'°"....,. _ 36" • n · • ll"l The '1r••t •r1•nli:er'I Hand1om• peloblo grain ftnhh ""Iv••· Splh JM)ll• ,.,...,. unllmitff un1t orranee· monl1. 7.88 . """ , .. -' .. 36"' Jl 72" Jt 1 I H .............. -• 10 oholl un h-lJ 9I T'J!' x nu x 12" ··············-• .. "'°" ••• -'¥'/ 91 301 ' x 60" )t 12" ··············-. • HUNTINGTON BEACH tHuntingion Conte<) All P•nney Stol'fl o,.n Ev~ Nftht Monclciy Throu1h Saturday SAVI 13.101 TURNESA OR JAMESON 11 PC. STEEL SHAFT GOLF SET PLUS BAG · 66.88 REG. 79.98 lton ovt your 9olfin1 problernt with m ... prof.tssionol 1tyle 11tiel thoft .. tf clulN. Wood• hove top ktmf· noted heads, Irons come In new ,hrome flnhh. f'orem0t1• bot holds 1-4 clubs. Set 1nc1u.r... w ... (1·3-~). ,, ... (2-9), ·tao. M.r."1 or ktcf'te1'. SAVI •111 TURNESA OR JAMESON 11 PC. ALUMINUM SHAFT GOLF CLUB SET 88.88 REG. 99.88 Won't 1urn you Into a •winter but "411 llMlk• you owing I•• • pro. Ti-llthtwolght 1011 cll.lbt, mod• eapecfally for Penneys, ore full the thina for lhe fast 1wtngin9 golrer. lfeht olvmJnvm 1hoftt pr°"'M you• Mttw l4l'M •.. maq you fffl l'*ce a big shot ••• every .:!Of'. s.t includet; Weeds (1-3-4). Irons (2-9), M•n'1 Of' lctclet" .. No clown pCIY"'•nt. , • .,.. .....,,.Y• Tmt. ,oyment l'ten ,__..,a-INll lhll tlM• you'll reany hGYe a Hiii Cut """ dllp _, .•• wlMondt beotinQt hole _ ..... 6,96 ....... Foreme-*9 1h.tt M"et INtt Ho1 Hparate compart!Mntl for each club plus full ....... Md• pocfft. A"aiklble tn blue, rowhld• or block, 14.99 • • .__.,.lolfcort Caddy on wheol~ A 1ilent mMlant whlle yau U., th• boH rolllng. fe141 for "'1 etorog.. 14.88 PtfG.NO 9tTli .. • • . Al leather .. If ...... Thl1 tor. grod• 111111 leother glove 1 great for on the cour11 action! M•n'• S-Xl, Jodi" S-L 3.98 Met\'1 Certun• .. If ...... ShleW Wi"9 ,.n.rn golf tho•• with full ~ huol• h..t. t• toe. lleck/white, Nd ahtny / white •Dur.nt ,ONmeric 1n•nMede lll•t•riot Men'• . ... 19.99 NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (Fuhion Island) (Huntington Cente<) 0 - J ' , -- - ·.1 r • Columbus A Basque Pirate? MADRID (AP) Christophtr Columbus revered as an Italian who dbcovertd Amtrica for Spain -actually was a Spani!h BaJ.. que pirate, a Spanish historian maintains. The b.lstorian with a neW \'iew or hlstory is F'emantlo del Valle Ursundl. who presented his surprise theory to the Spanish Royal Acad· Italian experts called the lheory "silly." Del Valle argued in tht ritadrid newspaper ABC that Columbus was the nephew of lhe French Basque pirate, Adm. Gulllenno de Casenove, whose exploits against enemy shi pping brough t him the nickname or "Colon." l'iO RELA TJON "The name of the discoverer of America," said Del Valle, "has no relation to I.he Genovese Colombo, nor with the Columbuses o f Pon- tl!vedra, nor ¥: i t h the Col- umbuses or Cocre1a or of. otJ.r Levante lands, nor whh any other conside red unW now related to the discoverer. "The Co l umbus of Christopher is, s i m p I y , another fonn of the nic kname nf "Coulon," or "Coullon" by 1rhich his relative. the vice ad· miral of Louis XI, GuiUermo de Casenove, was first kno11•n in France ." Adm. de Caseoove. said Del Valle, WU I Spanish Buqut, probably born in Navarre, along the border w i t h c:uipuzcoa Province, or in Guipuicqa· ltielf~The.hiltorian theorizes· -I.hit-Guillermo fled Spain to Francei ha'riq taken the losini : 'Sl'de tn · 'I filht against King J'obp II of Aragon in the middle of tht ISth century. ?\AME 'COLON' The nmnt "Colon" was given him by Brenton and Norman fishermen and ht 'lt'al variously known as "Coglon", "Coullon " or "Coulon." In later years he signed hlJ name "Guillermo de Caseno,·e aliaa Coullon." In the baltle of Cape SL \'in- cent near Lisbon in Augwt 1~76. said Del Valle . Christopher ColumOOJ fought 11·ith his uncle's pirate n~t against ii fleet of Spanish ships as "Colombo Junior." Del Valle says Columbus felt guilty lhrougbout his life for his flaht a1ainlt> bill OWll coun- trymen and ' 'that prompted him to add a·cildicn to'his will bequeathing money to certain ind ividuals with the stipulation that they were not to know their beneJactor'a n a m e . Amq the recipients were many of lhe owners of ships attacked at Cape St. Vincent. Del Valle uses known histodcal 90Urces for his claim' and cit.es a letter writ- ten in 1500 by Columbus to the housekeeper ol Prince John which bitterly criticizes his imprisonment and nys, "I am not the nm admiral of my family." ORIGINll MYSTERY The pirale background of Columbus, Said Del VaI!t;~·» counted for the rd)'ltery surrounding his appearance ln Spain, his name on the SpanWi royal payroll, and his Spanish accent. His family background ac- counted. too, said Del Valk, for his PortuiUese weddin& to a noblewoman lo whom a sOn Diego was born, and the abill· 1y of his brother Fernando to stay ln noble quarters in Fran- c.. The son of a Ctnovese 'fl.'eaver couki do none of tbe5e thlnp In the 15th century, Del Valle said. Christopher Columblls dted ln Valladolid, Spa in, ?tfay 21, 1506 as Admiral ol the Otcan Sea and hero of the world. But his rlght to be called th! discoverer a a: 1 I n • ' the Nortt.men ind others has lone bttn argued. Now even his humble llallan be&iMinr ate thallen&<d. '.. I . • ANAHllM 444 N. Euclid ns.1121 Mon. thru Stt. 10 t .m. fo t :JO p.m. I ' ' \ I I NIWl'ORT ---., F•1hion ls l1nd &'44-12 12 Mon. thru Fri. I 0 •·"'· fo 9:30 p.m, s.t. 10 •.m. to b p.m. -· . DAii. Y I'll.Of 7 ' ~-y ANNIV.ERSARY .. SALE SAVE 31.95, SERTA~s FAMOUS POSTURE CAPR I SLEEP SET Ro g. 119.95, twin or luff set $5.00 monthly 88.00 Decorative print tickirlg, quilted to· fo em for extro comfort and fine nights ' sleeping . 3 1 2-co~a to the full size give e: firm support. Now, for a li mited time only at these low prices. reg . I 39.95 queen· size, 119.95: reg. 219.95 ling size, 169.95. Sloop Shop,' 69 RICHLY CARVED MEDITERRANEAN FIVE-PIECE GAME SET Re9. 359.95 16.00 monthly 299.95 Graceful, carved · peOeslef ba se and ·4a.:nch octagonal teble ellow .extre seating spice when nseded and rich oak fin is h Neva-mer top goes from 'serving to games without a feor of scratches. Four ch oirs ore upholstered in block vinyl wit h deep diomond tufted styling end coordinated cerved leg, smooth rofting ca sters. Fu rniture, 92 • HUNTIN•TON llACH 1117 E,1,,., A.. 192-lll 1 Mon. thru S.t. 10 o.m. to t :lO l!""· 'l• • I ' ... ·~.-·' • ?:: . ,. By Phil lnterland l 1 Stanford Anti-war ·-........ "-::-·· ' ----...., ......... -. 1 'Mi.schier Revealed - I -,...·· ........ --·-. ---lh Oit..o r-..,,..._ ... i....;1..,t. -;-:__~ 11 . 1'·•...-A • ............... _.. ~#[~ STANFORD (UPI) -Anti-cesses" lo md lho dlonipll<lo. war student& engaged in a Reagan, speakiq& al 1 week·l<>ne occupation of a Sacramento news confem'IC:e, canipuJ 1aboralory ha v e suggested Stanford olOcUUs . broken Into desks and tam-"do what they dl4 at ijarvard pered with personal cor--go in and get them out." respondenct. according to a School spokesman said m. i. school o!ficlal. statement ~ord>"inteod.s L01 Stanford Provost Richard make e'ltcy '6ort. (o use Ip Lyman 's report Tuesday was own · intci:Ml j~ial •proo the first lodication or physical cesses" ~endina: the sit-In. mi5chief since militants oc· ''The riiU.ltl of uslng of.f. cu pied tile applied electronics cam~ ~ • to . e n d laboratory last Wednesday disordeJ-.'~e ~btye •1nOt ' Jght. been especlaUy Mppy or en· Santa Rosa Ousts Priest About 100 sit-ins have main-cooraging," he continued. But tained a peaceful. sometimes he conceded that "sometimes" I · di ,. of Jh civil authority ill necessary in nen Y occupa iOtl e such matters. SANTA ROSA.-Calif. (UPI) ;:rt:g~=ahg~e !:° ~~:,; 1be militants clalmed Tut&--A high scbocil cbapl~. who reinforced by about 600 others day that lJOt Campus_ suP,. officia~ at the weddihg of a at the 1,1niversity, which has an porters bad signed a solidarity Canadian priest and a fonn. er Jim t I I 300 Th petition. Meanwbile, an in-enro en o l, . ere nun, has been relieved of his have been no arrests and no fcnnaJ poll of enginee::ing .. • violence. students and faculty showed a duties in the CatflOlic diocese The demonstration is ainied ~o-l opposition of the camp-of Santa Rosa for "breachiof Car Bits Pedestrians I I -. • - 3'Killed'inRushHourCrash • ,, t . ,. SA!(,F!WjCISCO (UPI) -t11rou1b the ~. -tlllld ....,.., WU ae n I Thr,. persons w .... killed and klx>cklnC three WI'"' JO feel • cruhht& .,.wt Ille car'• at least live injured Tue>day lhn>lll!h the air. then rammed windobleld. when a ........ n.... car rf...-.4 into the side o( a bua waitin& The-other vletbDt ftrl Carl •...--.. ,..... !or passengers, Colla~ ~ 65 S.. Franc:llco. through • crowd of nW>-bour troo1 aid< of the larger~ lliuck"doini .mn. waltlng for pedestrians and imaahed Info and knocking out one of the the 1>111, aod \Walllr W. Eisler. a loaded trolley at a downtown 'bus wJndows. a., SU Fnncillco a pueenger int.ersecUon. the front of the auto-was in the JUrer.i cU. ~died The driver, Robert Rivers, deltiollihed i nd articles of 1la&er at a ~t11 clothing b e I o n I i n c t.o At ilut flVe 9ther people ~. San Francilco,was ~ed pedestriani Uttered tbe 'in-were il\jured. aome of them on two . cowits of felony tersect.ion. pasaengen on the bus, and one mans14ugb1u, two counts of One of tbe ·dead, an uniden-was in critical condition. hit~, speeding, failure to;==================== make a stop, and driving urider the' influence of drugs. Police ?icf the car Wu movir!g west on Miss.ion Street .. the """" side of the -about 4:30 'p.m. 11.,rusb hour crowds moved through the Sixth ~treet intersection • Tbt car 'lirst ploughOd at getting Stanford to Jn. canon Jaw.'' wilbdraw from WaJ"-relaled The Rev. car~ Grespino, B ild. Cod research. Protestors Marc Probe Urged ' chaplain al SL Vincent's High u uig -es Sapir and Connie Iverson were married in the laboratory SACRAMENTO (AP) -School in Petaluma, was ex-To Heed Faµlts? · Video Tape of Sit-in Tuesday night. "Why this is just ,wonderful," pelled from .the diocese Tues· Gov. Ronald Reagan has said Gov. Ronald Reagan day by the Most. Rev •. Leo T. LOS ANGELF.s (UPI) -, suggested that force be used when presented Tuesday a Maher, Bishop of Santi. Rosa. 1\ht Board of Supervisors bas · : Shown in Army Trial · t• FORT ORD (UPI) -The their lit-down demonstration to oust the anti-war activists, petition with an estimated The' Bishop said Falller~ ordered formation of a master • \prosecution rested its case in at the San Francisco Presidio • the mutiny trial or 14 army Stockade. ·~prisoners..~ 1af,te:.sho~-, Ma}, J.olin·F~ Novinger, chief but Lyman reP.fated Tuesday 260,000 signatures demanding Grespino was in viola'tion ·of that 1 the school "intends to a legislative investigation of canon law becauR: tbe priest plan tha{ would prohibit con- make eve ry effort to use its anyone engaged in college Who married had ni>t formally structiOO. 'ot buildings aIOOg ' ' • . ing a 16-rriiaute video tape of prosecution attorney, did not own internal judicial pro-campu.! disturbaDces. left lhe church. ' koown earthquake faults. 1~...,---~~~~~~~...,--~--=.::.=-=:==-==-_c.._~~~~~~~~~~~ Resig11ation Raps Yo11 y make the usual closing argu- ment. Defense A l t o r n e y Terence Hallinan was schedul- ed to begin his case today. The video tape, filmed by Army intelligence officers, showed 27 stockade prisoners si tt ing in a circle and chanting LOS ANGELES (AP l -"freedom " du ri ng the Ivan Smith has resigned as the city's traffic commissioner in protest of Mayor San1 Yorty's campaign tactics. Smith, whose term was to expire July I, said Tu'esda y he 's quitting because Yorty has used "distortions and in- sinuations'' in his campaign against Councilman Thomas Bradley. The two face a runoff elect.ion May 27. In a letter to Yorty , Smith accused him of injecting racism into the campaign against Bradley. a Negro. and criticiied Yorty for labeling Bradley "ant i-police.'' "Your attempts to ust' the police department -perhaps the finest in the nation -for personal political ga in have been the source (If distress to me personally and to many of the citizens u \\'ell," Smith 's letter said. demonstration last Oct. 14. The defendants claimed they v.·cre protesti ng conditions al the stockade . and the fatal shoot ing of a fellow inmate during an escape attempt. Hallinan said he pla nned to call all 14 defendants 10 t e s tif y . a long· with psychiatrists. He also claimed .he would expose an army scandal in hi s prese ntation. AF Discloses Pla ne Accid ent ED\\' ARDS AFB. C a Ii f , ! UP I l -An accident in- volving l h e triplesonic SR7L spy plane during takeoff Fri- day was disclosed four day~ laler by the Air Force, and then ~only , in response to a query. {:r * Facult y Takes Stand STANFORD IAP) -A faculty organiiation at stan- ford University, w h e r e students are staging a sit-in at a laborato ry, called today for a policy against s e c r e t research. The recommendalion, after 4 1,~ hours debate, caroe from the Faculty Academic Coun- cil 's senate as the students' April 3 Movement sit-in en- tered it.s eighth da y. Recommended is that a: s l u d ent-facully committee draft nC""' policy guidelines "11•hich could prohibit research \~'hich involves secrecy of sponsorship or results." Students, who named thei r 1novcmenl for th e day they dra ft ed thei r demands. arc protesting wa r -r e late d research on the campu! and al the off-campu~ S la n fo r d f{esearch Institute, which .is university-owned. Now That . We've Completely Stocked Ou r Store With Brand Name Merchandise WE INVITE ·YOU TO OUR . ~111~ D DP ~11 1~ ST ARTING THURSDAY, APR IL 17th, I 0 A.M. MICHAELS STERN CLOTHING * WindbrHk er JACKETS * LORD JEFF SWEATERS * Van Heusen SHIRTS * WEMBLE Y TIES * Middisll1de CLOTHING * DAY'S SLACKS * COME IN Ale-- ·II ' McGREGOR SPORTSWEAR * CHURCHILL OF LONDON * LEVI'S * Ch rlsri•n Dior I HOSIERY 1 1 AIDlt&SlllSOtllY Pl•~oy of Miami SIZES: 46 REGULAR TO 66 REGULAR SPORTSWEAR 46 LONG TO 60 LONG * 40 EX. LONG TO SB, EX. LONG Arnold Palmer Jockets-Sl•cks fVfRYJHING fOR Jfff * BIG AND JALL MAN PURITAN lEfRESHMENTS FRff G\fTSI SPORTSWEAR 1912 HARBOR BLVD. * WINGS AT 19th ST. SHIRTS * COST A MESA COME IN AND SEEi DAILY 10 TO 9 • SAT. 9 TO 6 CLOU:O IUHDAV PHONE 642·3177 All 'Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday Flare legs, straight legs ... ALL THESE . FASHIO-N. PANTS REDUCED THRU SATURDAY! REG.'5, NOW .G. •7; NOW Kt G.110, NOW 3.99 5.99 7.99 I ' Su oil 'f°"' fCl'l'Ofit• fabrics, c:oion. styles in one piece, at pri<-cut to MM! 'Pl" montyl l"o!Y.91ter/coftoft bltnm, polyuter knih, rayan/Uitton b'9ndL, cotton/nylon stretch denim& ••• in plaidt ancf ~ ccMors Fe-, . many Penn Pr.st-for no ironing eaw of cent Ml,MS sizn in ~ ""'($ tcll lttngth. and i"'"'°" si1es. le· ' I COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH (Horbor Shop pi ng Ce nter) (Hu nting ton Center) NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion l1lend) .. '.r . .. ... ' " . -· Botwmkss Bar Ban to Remain • MEETINGS That's Planners' Population Goal By TOM BARLEY Of IM o.il'J Pitlt 118" SANTA ANA -Planners love t a r g e t figures and 0 range County's · planning commission is. no 'exceptJoiJ. The commissionen' eyes,..at this moment are on a figure that will, very soon, go into the records as' .Orinff 'Coun- ty's population -t.S:millkin DEATH NOTICES ' ~'TZ MORTUAl\IES 'flOlol!D'del Mor OR J.Na co.ta.-)!... Ml f.Wf BELL BROADWAY MOR111ARY llt Br11dwa:r, Coit.a Mesa ~ .. I LI a.SIS! ' r:~ DW>AY BllOTBEllS HolialM Valley ~ 17911 Beadl Blvd. Haatlncto• Beach serm PACIPIC VIEW "IEJIORIAL PARI: Cemelef1ea_.., Ollpel 25lt hdfle: Vin Drive Newpo<t Bead, Calll..i. • MC-!IW • PSllFAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL 'HOME 7111 llolaa A ... weltmlllater m • sMITD'S MOR111ARY a7 ,Malo Ill. , Rutlnctoa Beadl • Lii: Mm penoos. All the county has to do in 1989 is repeat the markup of almO&t Iii percent that was registered in , 1111 '*'1cl ._ plannen Will have a new tally for the ~d book they ,. .,.iduOll!ly keep. It could bappen .._ , ..... . "" Orange County ts "°1cl!ml!lc newcomers at lea.it bl tbe YOUR OWN BUSINESS i Pot111lill """u""' l .. Wo :offer llnuclll. ISSlsl1nce . It•! .. •y.11tt. ..IMIM1 Qil11hilt11 111 Y•vt Jr..M.. S..H ,...,.... -.i1t. C.111,et. tf1lttl .. ,,.,,. ••• We11't ltiterl'en wM ,,... .. k C1111tiet1, ..... YlffS,. ---·-Unlvenal Chinchilla INeden ,,Jt ....................... ollt. ~t 1.1141171o1MIM C4Mtl C7t.41 UN16t MAIL THIS Al ' \ W1•••· All!lf 16, 1!69 . • ·a.,.1ce· SllJtllorh L WV • • -·~-. / Ballot Book.Revision Urg ~II Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday1 • • • uarr •.• ~m GIRLS' SP.ORTSWEAR: REDUCED THRU :SATURDAY! Collecl<these cool striped po1y.;.ter knit ~hirtsl EOI)" II -. t.r striped Clft neck topl that.,.,.., ,.a.,,.. ilt a wink "'"--""'~ g1,r, ,_.,., ...i _, ..,,,,,. """""' Stvdc..,. ._ ..w1tthoy' .. .,...11ypri<od1 "''°""'"°""';, g;,r. ,;," 1.16, (5-M-IJ. , f , I Now2/$5 Ptnn PNSt" 11 .. tch denim ankle pants Cll'I fun.· •. I. St...!y, good looldno _,.,...,_ panh.ln MnH IOlon lo _ ............ -lcoit-......... ,..,._"" ............ . ''"' .. fut-. .... -......... ood a.,lovl ..,,_ .. ..... ;;:;m7-~6. ~ow 2/$51 lizn 3 .. X .......................... Reg. '2 NOW 2/'3 • .~ • ' COSTA MESA -(H1rbOl'-Shoppin9 Center) HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Hunl ington Center). (Fuhion lsl1nd) ,( l ital ~ COUNT'I" MAa&IA•I ,LKINlal tUUIO .. - Statistie.s Births Sf. JOSll'M MOSl'ITAL "''" J Mt. •rid MrJ, MlchMI Bur-1, )~111 Dttl-. MlulOll Vltlo bt'f ..... -~·!!!!' . ··-· , .. , 11, S.. ~I :"C:lntlll'. llirt Mt Mrl. J . 11.,_,. !Ill ftl • H Mr IMI Mrs, Mlf'lllPI 1.u11111, '6112 ~· il\tMc& D!'fW,a~1r \llele. M¥ M'-'~ =~~ 1~etlla. S4501 Mr. lrlfll Ki;.."'~I.~~ =--A 111 . M~tr~T:. ~~J.i '«i :Trf""• Ult! Divorces DIVOl:CIS PIUD lt•tlll Allft frill ¥1 VI ArtlUU' NIVI Mld!Ml ltlbHI ~bt YI hftrll' iu~'*'i:."'T'--Vf D.,..111 l. T,_,~ "'''"" •. "n.""' "-f.'"'c"< ~':" """tlvl""911 ¥S Kil Ill v gr:rY Flllltr YI 011'YI l.l""" HI• . "''""'VI Harold . ·11 ... ., .. l!em W1lloll Al/llW "* JotlWI Mult ~I~ Miidred Grlnlllt ¥1 11-141 "°'""" Grlndlt S1r1 P. Ganlllej Vi Je144 ~lle1 Lll'ldt Rulh 1(11 lk VI lllcl\lrd Ht"r'f st!'~':-n11 JIJlfllfl Kori'! 'II Plttr Mac: "'1t!ur JMrTI. 111 C..:1!11 ~ P'1v111 YI DGn11d l'evt P1v1n Chrlt!IM I . "iclirtl Yt J~ Lt llOY PIO.rel Gall Holllt ""'"•Ph¥ vs Edw1rd JO!tllh otoc~l'f M<Cr1ck1n VI Mtr'f E. Con1te~~~\~u1rl vs Edwlrif Iii. Sl\<1r!, wp1r1te m1!11te"1ru:e W~lltr Fr~1rldl; l(enrkll Tl Vlr1l11l1 J. l(enrlc:ti · Dtlllli ftYI NY1 on J 1m11 Ectw1rd Mv;tt. l, f YI l.ldill'll G. Fry Join K11eM 1,...,,,,_ Yll Alllrl llO!ll kl 01T~ ll~rf c. 11-r ws CMrvl A. llosstr -llubY Vlolli Hedtls WI •.O..t J, l~ F. C1rCIOftl v1 Jevne• l. J.\~f."1sP111 .. •obtrt Jarnu """" ~r11lflll GrlClf .... lrt ¥1 GIN LM •-1"' . Traao EllM H1r1tr ¥1 WllUMI w.1/111 K1rter ~ c. Hnter Tl Etllllf I'. Khl•r c'-"ror LY-WIY!lt VI Dlllflll Mlrtffl Mwt."l . ...,,_ " Josttofl &. JOll"llOll T~ •. ""! VI Frid M. _Gclhs S1 rl Lll'/1 I( 119 ¥1 JKtll C1rl ltl11' Mir It C111tr.ll VI hbbY Lee (I.,. Ire I J 111'1 Otutleu yt II-Htnry C.rol r:.i lutffl VI l.9Yffttl'ld lvllrl Debi'• ltll \':I •1ymond s. Srnltll· '•ull.,. M1rt1.,.1 TS Ptter •0s111s Mlrtlna SlllrllY A. ltyan VI WllU1m D. lty&ll o~vl!I e. '""""'" VI Riii J. Pit· tt•ICll D•l~Y MM McArthur VI P1ul °""''" MtArt~...-r Oli ne S1nd1>bv1 G1rv LH SlndoI Auror.i L. I Aburlo v• J1ime V. Aburlo · Jam.1 O. Mr.Vey, Jr, VI llrD1r1 Ann ""'w G-Y• Morion Tl lr..ilord Docbon Morton Jr. Martfll jl.tllt VI WtYM At~ Pell;!! J1nl1 ltMur "' 11Dd9rlck Sllctr LtUtt J•n Hlt'l'l"Y YI CttlOll ~trrt .. ..., SfM.rrtl L. Otlf n Jdln JOH~ 01ly C~, Htnl.ct. W Mb' lllT ""' ... " "" ·-..... -=.n· Muweu. Jr. vt tc11111tt11 L. Ptf:1111nll .... .ltl'lll c.,f'lr 1 :' =:.· Gutll,_ ''Ti'"' .,. ....... wuf/-,,...., .. ~ YI EM1*11'1 vi!?. °'l"H\'U,•t* A. H•l'tt It~ $, VI Gtf"•ldlne M. l.;;;Nttn'll •tttilfo w Wettw Jdln ·-'""Iii: l.. c11/la1t on .-.., I.. He'i:! 1~ Coak T1 'r•tltl• •NC.I C~=-MU~· TtHntu1 YI Jldl E. ,,.!'11!,lli_..,. w ....,.,.,,. C. 0-••r• G~:.l' i:F.''"" YI lltlll«t LUCI I · Gl~Ju M ¥1 Arfhur M. Ml'*" f. ~,..., .... JIO; W, Ltu•llblrW • E_,., D. Wl lCIOlll ¥1 llutll M. W1ac.om Clllrri L.' GHNlir vt .i.q M, 0f0Tlf" El1t1btlll A. $\'M.• .Tl A .. rt JL.SYJVll :r~~ ~:I;.,;;· . WlilJ:'~. A,. '_,,~ "' Nor1111 F. .... ._.~- Alv'ltlll F, M1n1111 YI Jt1wi INC.I Mtrl!Mll, _,_ l'rlllnl•Mntt ~-r,•w v-111no .,. Allllrt '•ul v-~,,. DllN • Al!ln .,. llrw IJl!n flllb\t . MIW; Tl Tl\citml Otvl• Mt u-, ••• ~fw I.. ~ YI OtnlW H. DaMlt T'w1 .. Slhullr WI l(lrk Wlllltl'I ....... \'Ir'"'"' M. MlllltWI VI Ot1n E. "fMlhi ' •~~ ~a!:n.:..-... r ~ ~~1!:; T .. f11t,Jr. l~lt:r MM Ml111r ~ llk111rd ETln f:i11l:rt1 L Fr111 YI llftl•mln H. ~'• c.'Gomtr.,. GllMrt 1. Gorowr ,,.,.,.,. l!lltft ll•lllovldt .... , .... "-Pt! C~1rc.11r Mi ll YS l•rrv S1mu11 JNnlne L. MWl\lf" YI Mlnlt'I LH G!+:'tl11t1 .,, s11n1r1 Mii" ~. Lwl1 rov1n v1 ••rHr.i JHn Tl rO'llA C1~1 llft#I , .. 1 w M1r11rel Yvon111 ""'~ A~!,!Z' YI T~'L J. Fl"" FrJ-;=.:., ~frk Mc uk .,. Jlhn Jv1nlt1 M. Steul v1 lllcll•d 0. $1ctul List M. Gaw vt Wl!11tm •. (';1w C1r.r Lvllfl Smllfl "I lllobtrf Smltlt ,llfldl AM Ow1ll YI l '"11r Thon\1t Duv•tl "'~ LN Jol'NIMll ws L1r,., L•WitllYn ' -llr ••• Jane Ha'"''' Y• llobtrl Cltt Htrlnlf" 'fi l llrM M1ldr11t Tl M1rcr1 111ne Jl.•l:F'" \!.;j L. "I" n Cl1r1 M. K1ff t .1olf.n . J11rd1n vs Dorothy '· L.,. Ann Crur "'Frid Cru1. Jr ha c"t.,z.-~ L, Cll rlOl'I \'S Mic ti J. Dtvld M!c~1el Cummins VI Oerl!'t~ Jl lll! Cummln1 IMT!llLOCUTOltY D!CAEES DIH'oll!I Vlr~lnlt Mekl lf vJ l illy GtM Mtlc1ll Btrtllr• M. (ll1,m111 YI (1rl E. Chi ,.. ... N1ncy llhoen1 5tierrlld VJ Sl9'fl111 J1mtt Sll.,rld JOYP. M•rllll Orlfr YI """'°"' JoMtlh °"" L11c!le 1111 VI llotlt •I Edwtrll 1111 llontld W, Wlll!e YI N1re' E. Wl'lllt Jeck Et rl S!ndtr VI Pttr1Cl1 llo .. Slnder "'""' Lou!i.t Ml!lel1t1tc!I VI ou .. 1• Everttt Mllltbt11dt Juf!tfl Anl\ Co11 v1 01n!tl l ruct Cox CMrtll l . Fllclt VI LtrOY 0, Fllfh l(ly L .. tct Gullll1ms VI lt01111d '•ul Glulllll!IS Jtrrl Ann FOu "' Mtx Edw1rd Ft» C1rol Miry Ek1tr1ncl Vt Erlf Eks1r111d Srlv!1 l(r11111r "' Lton1rd Elbtrt Kr1.,,1r Oerlt J111t HIMltl!lln VI IVlft 1 .. _ H1~tm1n Tht lml V. 51111~1011 VI PIGrd It. Slmp1on Leslie L. Pierce YI N'"'' LOYI ,llr(t J&nltt Ellrfon Wt ldm.111 vi w11n1"' EC!Wlt8 Wt ld<n1n _ Oorh M1rlt M•1en vs WIHll m E1rt Mllllfl Mtrle l . MeMltt v1 Joiepll C. Htn11et, "' Atnts Mar C11dwtll VI Cftlrla W. C11dwt ll N1"clt Must,.Vt VI A!frtd Mu1tr•vt Rou e. 11 ... ~ v1 1111y Sue lltn .. n 0•"''' M. ftlton VI ,.,,., P. Fetloil Gotneldt Loul .. Wllftn YI Mtir Wirt.II M.irf!I Anne 1...-fltlrt n Wllllttl'I Thtm•t l 111klrk if you buy an electric range With a self-cleaning oven now.* oj , •Buy yours before June 30 from yout local panicipating dealer and the Electric League of Southern California will mail you $25 if you choose any of th..., brands: with all that drudaerT when an dccttic self-cleaning o\.en will clean itself for less than a dime! When vcur n ... ranae ii electtic, you can cut way down on cleaninc vcur kitx:heo, too. With a ilamdt11 range th..., are no by-produca of combustion to dirty walls, Windows and curtains. Besides a cleaner kitchen, an cleclric ranae meana,,o cooler ldtthen. Electtic heat aces into the food-not up the lidcs of J>Ot$ and pans. Ela:ttic taDll<& now outsell po ranc .. from coasttocout. Youcanaeewhy. Frigidaire. General Electric. Hotpoint. Kenmore. Thcrmador. Westinghouse. You're tired of scrubbint, scouring, and scraping that oven of yours anyhow, arcn 't you 1 Why put up BTBmPOUT See your local particip1tin11 dealer. Give him vour addrtss when you buy a range. The l.eque will mail you a check. sfE Southern Californl• Edison . DRUDOBRH now! ,. Orange ~ "! A~ M1tlt , .. tt.i. 0, EWll I • ¥ '? llobfrt D. ~~ ¥1 """" l . Collllll1 t;.__.:.n;d,1111~" lw . .i-"llri. .,;.,,:~· • -t"ltll• l . T. I\'•"°' AIJdr•v J. ,j ' . l'ntu •Dac•us E-...11 f V. llldtlt•· W Wall1e1 A, •kfllnll 1 -, ' Al)r;!!!• ~· G\t-ar ¥1 Ol!e A. 0or.w."'~~I"<! * c..l S .• , loKI Jll'.l'IH rd Tt IW 'ft E llllMot'l'I ""~~ ' . -iirMn, ·~ .. ~~~~1• Jo-~il t~-.,. Jcwolitll C•j='Mlrt JoriM Tl ~'fll ''lllCl1 r:""'~Otbll& . .,. 11vulr11~ ort*s ' oM· tu "' c.nor.,,_ ~"""l ...., •r-r · ..-o1 -··-Mlrltflt C. S111ltll vs Dllwr ClSmllll c1111.,1~ M. Perf«I .,. '"' &. Jl:~ll fl .. rl VI Joe W.,,11 f'ltf- llL L. FrHmen w Slit.., l . -Tr9.i111111 ,.,,,. •r•'" n G1r•1• '"'1" Mwrs M~= V, Welll*r YI llobtrt LH l(fftlllt~ o. f'1rry v1 '1frlcl1 ll!t1 ,.,. .. ' .. E-n•~T.£-L ll.111t1tM-.... C\ofttflll K. .... A. S•vnd9r1 Vs Giibert 0. 1C. G1ulden 'II l'l!llt J. . ' G• I vt Gr_., 'arealll Seflle!I ti llftl YI Joltn t°lertl: JUl>OMIMTS ·1111.10 1 • fr"1C EllCl.ldtro v1 Ctrlll Etc:lldero 1111 .,,..,,I) Ul!Je L~ Mot,._l vs WUN-I . 'fi~(M .. -s, 'I, y l(oltll Tl ...._ Mld'ltll l(o ,n 111nulmenl) Ellt ON Oir.1ndtboufio vt l'r ... 0.· PEOPLE Th1t'1 whtt 1!'1 •II •bowl. On• of th1 111011 popul1r '•ily f11tur11 of th1 DAILY PILOT i1 P1opl1 Seine. lt'1 •II ,Hut •1"91, co.,,mon1rt, kook1 1MI. ch1r1ct1rt -p•opl1, COSTA MESA (H1rbor Shopp;ng Center) Area. • STEREO SENSATION! The colorful. sound of Orange County Music .... RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island. Newport Beach HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) Sum1nerin knit shirts and casual slacks I ---llil--_,..., .. ___ _ houn lit IOlid C'Ofl'lfortl ,,_., IM l.&. 3.98 T•irtVNti .. tllt9medt:MtleU. ....... tHrttfor ............... ..., ....... .-w-1 M.n'1 sir• s.NtUt. 598 ............... -.. --..., ...... __ """ __ ------___ " __ ,.,,. _,.,.,..,,.,.. lolond ""--.. ,....... ........ Iott! ..,... .. ,,.,, ..... 898 NEWPORT BEACH (Fathion lsl•nd) • ---------- . Po,st ~ffice to . Give Up· OM Letters WIClll'rA , 'x.n, (UPI) -C. L. Lewll, bad JDO¥td Ille Postal offlclAls are about to 1tructuN,• ~ Co 1. h • dell Ing four le rmrvalr alto ...t rtcOlltJy bad give up oo ver t· a wall tnoclled out to ealar1• ters and a postcard lolJailed one of. the rooma. Oftldala more tbu a quart<r of a said the leltas a_..tly bad centuri l&O· Unless lb e filtered out ot a mall 1k>t writers or the intended reci· and lnW ..._ .!lll ' pl..._, can be found In the Earl NiCtioi., "'""'8o <f Ille next few days the five water· ClaimJ and Inquiry Branch slalned and laded pif<'3 of of the regional poot office mall will be destroyed. ' . heu.'aaid "Wt will -probably Tiley were malled during end op destroylnc -klt<rs 'Vorld War II at Vance Anny becat11e the mllltary ad- Airfield at Enid, Okla.,· and .. · drwa involved~ don't even ·were among a total of 11 exist DflW.'1 ' letters found recently during One of the five was to a the remodeling of a rertaurant civilian Mias ~Y Pean at Canton Rn«volr I D . of E..i t.inom(; lilch., !tun Oklahoma. · Air cadet Robert ·Tanpnan, Tile purchaser ol t h • serial -ber 17111118, elm· ondime airfield pool ·o111ce, HP' . al .V .._..;: -. IO ll>al ackirffs, tbe letter was return- ed marked "not hert. '' 11Mire was a "V-matl" Wter to Cpl. B. Swlenton!twlkl, IOllh Sig. Co., WinC Del. APO IOI San Francloco &om A-C E. J. Swientoniewskl, C1us 440 A-C Det. EAAF, Enid, OlllL Other l«Ws were from A-C David MeekJ, 17141199, C1als 44G to A.C 'Ray Moote, HP' Pilot Scllool, Garden City, Kan .; froor A-C Grady D. Lobley, )1!20707, Claaa 44G to Pvt. James Btowo J r • , llt3071\\l, 21sl TIS, Lowry Field, Denver, Colo.; and from Tangeman to A-C Arthur G. Larsoo, lath Ilallalkll, -Barrack!, St. Marys €ollege, Ca!U. Moon Flight May Be Televised in Cowr -~~-----. --- .. ' .. ,• --.Alltl .. lM ' . DAILY """ Jl . , •• • Students :· . Wi~Honor ~ Twenly·lline ~ c..· .. area llbldtnta ..... -...,,. .• ed to the Dean'• Ult for the ~-• fall q\W'1or al Clllfornlo State .• : : . Polyteclxlic eou.,., San Luis.":-: ~-. ~ -l<Cdved .,..i. &vtrlld' ol .. B" er better . !Drat-IJ . .-Gt-y-~· lndode : HUNTINGTON B E ~CH : · Donald L. A wry, 13582 San ' • Soucl Clr<Ie ; Daryl R .; '.:·' Franklin, 1117 I Woodstock " l.Me; Ralph J. Lff, D • · .:, Cleveland Dr!ve; Reginold L. · · Pate, IiZ2 14th S~; Jllllice E." . -· -La-Laoe; EllJabeth R.-S.venon, IM21 : Florenco C!rele; m-K •. ·:" .• Simmons, *' W11ner Ave.; · 01&rles R. Smith, 1117 Z -.. . , Mariner Ave. · ': WESTMINSTER: DqJaa' '. .' L. lllen:henko, !Im - White House Hospitality Improving? ~ -,. li: Elilt1tiiiil, Jail . -- CAPE KENNEDY, Fh. aeen," said Stanley Lebar, cantillo Drive; Kalllryn L. '.: (AP) _ Space officials say' program manager for the UPI T......., rverson, 7781 Leo Place: : : -• WASHING TON (UPI) - e White House under the ixon administration has an proved hospitality image - t least at the 1lde door. there ;, better than • OOM wes11ngh..,. Electric Corp., Tried, Tried Again Rooold G. Tabl!a, um< " builder of the color camera. 1'Jcust St. chance that the descent of. SIMILAR CAMERA The Queen Elizabeth II glides slowly into port at This time, however, the liner averaged more than IRVINE: Frederick F · · Visitors at cherry . blossom rl),e last week found1the gates two Apollo· IO astronauts Weighing 10 pounds and Southampton EngW!d after successfully completing 32 knots for six hours and is set for a maiden voyage • Keller, ll80:I SasJnaw. toward the moon nm month about 12 inches looi. the eight days OI. sea trials. Her first trial did not go so across the AUantic Tuesday BALBOA: Je!lllHer E . :_ '. . will be aeen m home televbion camera 11.timllar to ~ CU· well, having to return because of.. turbine probllllUI. MiUer. 310 Fel'na.OOo St.;· · ' the executive mansion did ot clang shut promplly at oon when there were stlll ng lines of tourilta waiting t the east entrance. in live color. ried aboard Pre v 10 u • --''----=-----------~------------------------Donald c . stine, llt Emerald '" It all. depends on whether spacecraft which re I aye d · Ave. The official visiting hours re still 10 a.m .. &o 12 p.m. esday through Saturday. the first color TV cainera black-and-while pictorea to kduw H • w s COSTA MESA: Penny M, . designed !OT a manned ea:~ modllied the Drug .cr·ac n its . r_ ong . ource Livingstone, SIS Wake Forest ,, .. apacesbip will be ready in Includ Road ; Marcia K. Slebelo, mi .. ' · time 'or~llo lO's scheduled system, however, to e Indiana SL : : · • a filter wheel !hat dlvldel the . May 11 ff. image Into various colors WASHINGTON (AP) -The chief and JuAict Deputment and marijuana we are focus-environment. lhey are ln, I LAGUNA BEACH: Kethlffn~· ;· . ut when "the President or s. Nixon are not en· rtaining in the social rooms, e White. House doors are ·ng kept open a little longer, metimes until 12:30 p.m. to ccomrnodate out-of-towners. With two black·and·whlte TV which can then be ncon1tltot-cilreej(Jr of the government's olficlal, wu pot In command llig our al-"'· aa high really can't anawer. M. Giblm; sm Temple Hills '·" cameras alBO aboard, Apollo ed at ground receiving ala· war on narcotlca tnfflcklng last Auguot ol !he radically a level of trafficldnc within " ... I think !he best thing Dr.; Rlchard J. Krantz, 505,:,.-~1:!i~Ightedl toyet~ the most tions. !hat says federal agent.a have spent shaken up U.S. effort to com· the country_ u we can get, r c_an ·nHanty is that tu;~ .. !! GSchoerace~~-:f ~ veLS~ u r a A new lfound converter too l1lUC4 ,time in ,the past plua . we're going to. make a a s1gn1 c amoun ....... 1~1 a , Air Force Col. Thomas P. can make incoming li&nals "chasl.n& Mdid-pw1her1 down· bat increasing traffic i n greater effort overseas, to traffic amlonglsothe!<knowpeoplle. "ed N E W p 0 RT B E A C H : . -~. Stafford, AP o 11 o 10 com· suitable for home television the streets" and not enough ::~c:ie b:ds '!:'~re:: reduce or eliminate the source Ingersol a ac edg Devron J. Donnelly, 2011 :.-_ · mandtr.Wd,"Iampushing sets was built by National pursuing the major ofthesenarcotics." a change in the tra~tional Dl.ana Lene; Kirk w. hard" to get the color TV Aeronautics and S pa c e distributors of illicit drugs. by merging the Treasury pattern of hard narcot1ca use. Ha··-~. 2140 Ba~..-. Way ;··, . • HUT AT NOON camera aboard. Department's Narcotic! Bu· As for the relationship F s th use of narcotics ,........ J"t--• • I th t the gates clanged Admlnlstration engineers at The "stated approach" was reau with the ne-...__.t of between drug use and the re-likor yheear. e llmi ed the TlmoCby B. Hogle, 1 7 0 1 , u~ pr~~ly at noon, causing MANY PICl'UllES the Manned Spacecraft Center to cut off drugs at their Health, E d u c atti ;;-;;-.. and cent wave of c a i;n p u s e rom was t to Antigua st.; Sbeldon.A. J,Avy,, '. -· ch di Int I • If d 'll Joi In u-~-Te· aliuree, said.John E. I"." ersoll, Wellare's 5 .. -au of Drag d -~ 1· Ing-sou said slums but now, be aaid, a • ......., S.........,. Way·, .......... · , u sappo men among ' we o, you Bt!t s· """"""''• ... head ol 'the J~~t i ce ..... emou,,wa io~ "" "a considerable amount of R-Lond"""':70••1 •--~......,..Dr-.. Ut Out visitors. ' of pJ~-. lnclu"•• ""'!e'of Befort giving final approval Abuse. "there's an asSociatlon-that th dru beln · • " ~111 .; • "uu-....,. board Department's · Bureau of ese gs are & con-David G. Muran, 121 S· -' 'The man who has subtly the lunar module (LEM} un· to carry the camera a Narc otics and Dangerous "We're focus.lnl our efforts Ls, a number of the kids who ~urned «_>Ut tn the suburbs, Redlands Ave.; Cirl , S ~ -L . tanged the rules is affable docking and starting the des-Apollo 10, the space agency Drugs. But, he added, "l don't on the major traffickers -, are active in these dernonst:a--in the middle clna and upper Sdu.maCher . l50l..-.JillriberJ . ohn S. Davies, .1pecial assis-cent," be aaid. wants to le.st the system to ID._ the c;ase _o!____drul!, the ti°')I an_d tbing1.al&0 are U.Sl.111 middle class --..iattoo.0 ---1 • th Pr Id t ho I · make sore·· 1·t· will work. think-it was implemented." I • ·ked ~s.'.""'er the Mafia Dr. nt to e es en , w sin PlanJ call for the LEM to "What they Rid they were operators of eland e 11 t n e drugs . ,...,, w-~1 arge of the office of White approach within five miles of-Whether this can be ac-doing and wbat'they were ac-laboratorit.s and the major "Whether the drugs are wes responsible for narcotics SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO : ouse visitors. the lunar surface. A landing complished by May 11 ill not tually doing .were often two distributors," be said. causing them to be acti ve, traffic, Ingersoll said "1 don't Kathleen J. Nesbitt, P.O. Box "We think this presents a will not be atteri:ipted. yet certain. very different .thin 1 s,•1 "In the case of the Im· or whether they are using think there is any question 884 ; Jen'y W. Tucker, ~ tter image to the American The camera-to be carried A black-and-white monitor Ingenol~illifli~lft:inteniew. partaUon of bard narcotics drugs ,becw11e of the klnd ol thtt their money ts involved." Chino Drive. pie," Davies said. "It's un· inside Apollo lO's three-man with a three·lnch screen is "Ttiey' weft cbaalng .~ct.l-''.:::==....::....:::.::..::...:::.::..::..:._ __ ;:_ ____________ -'-------------- air to people who have waited command ship _ could also to be on board the conunand pushert down the strota· i.l long t6 close (prompUy), be ..•• , to·•-1 •·t ea ship so astronaut.! can aee ...... _ _,_,,,._ •_~· ·.·'""""hi =-.. -. artl·cularly families who have uxu !N.Nft' co or P~ ur -1NU11S....-,,_,, wt:n: .... ,._ of --~• from the vicinity of where the camera is poin\ing. ...... to ~•ha ......... :...k.o.i ome long distances." " -w ..,. ._.....,,,. .. ..,.. ..,.... The springtime invasion of. -tbe.mocm ad from various In preyious televilllon shows 1ons-·~~~~~· e White House ran t ,000 to diNnc~·. ea between earth and from apace, crem depended manf~Pf"J _ . ma: 000 dall ~-~-g l:'I....... on verbal cues from the· made .... ,...,. , ;callon wl.t. ";i'U. a 'h:';; Siil!ord and Navy Cmdr •. 1-:;;;grou=;::n;::d;::to;::aun;::· =th;::eir=cameru.=·==;;::;m,..;::::;;;.:illii;::•;::',=· lormer===;::poli::::'ce:;I lay from slghl·oeeing school Euc!M A. cernan art .to .... • ' hildren. cooiile the LEM from the A Molher'1:DDycll Moly11 The crowds move through C'QllM'DAnd lhlp in moon crbtt, : · ~ e mansion reverenUy. 'Ibey ·.then'.,. pilot the spidery craft · ' · ' re told the White House 0 11 00 ill delcent.. • 1 . t and fomnott Ille realden-i.6 the command ship, enneg1 : ·.· . '. ' e of the President." Tbe Navy Cmdr. John w. Young ~ liceman making the an-could aim the color camera ALWAYS FIAWT GU4UTY . "l ouncement adda !hat "It· ii to abow the departing LEM • museum or a with. the moon In t h e ausoleum, it is a living - esidence and the President is bltcqround· about ~ miles nxious to share it with you." below. Visitors are also told that Equipped with a zoom Jens, e White House Is "the only hlvilll a vvllble local Jenc!h, esidence in the world where the camera eould •!low the he public is invited to the LEM at considerable dlltlncea home of the President." from tbe command thip and give clole-up views of the OUSE BEAUTIFUL lun~ surface, officials aald. "Lovely," and "beautiful" "The color lboulcl be ereat re some of the one word -as good U not better than escriptions visitors utter on any standard color televlllon eaving the mansion. The lines ave been so Jong these days ne woman, called out to a asser by "if you want to ao to the end of the line you'd better get a cab.'' Davies said that the Nlxons are bolh "warrn1y interested" in the history of the house. Davies also accepts gifts from visitors for the President. Rotarians Serenaded NEW YORK (AP) -If you plan to buy a bouae thb spring, forget about lat ytlr'I prlca and don't laugh when the salesman te::s you "this place Is a steal at MO,OIXI." Higher intere.t charpe on ~-. higher wea and insoranee and rising <Olis of lumber and other mater\ail have lent house pr Ice 1 akyrockellq. Mare incrtaae1 anln~ ' ' ' ' . ,, ...... ' ORDER THIS WEEK! ' ., 20o/o OFF « " .. ., ... ( 20o/o OFF .. ·. ·, Among the preaenll Davie& has accepted for Nb:on were rose bushes from San Diego, Calif., a plank from the original R o s e Bowl seat in Pasadena, Calif., a scrap book of news pletures of the Nixon campaign prepared by a group of aiJtb gaders, and a plaque commemorating the IOOth anniversary ol Sauthen Illinois University penonal.11 delivered by thtte S 1 U. students who m1de an llodlJ bicycle trip to Wublngton. "C..U --ap 10.,.,. -In the 1111 :rear.. -¥ Mlltoo 11roc1c of If. J. llloct Mother's Day Ma~! ". Home Costs Take Jump Twenty members of Colll Mesa Rotary Club w ere serenaded and handed "thank you" notes recenUy when.~ visited Canyon Elementaiy School. Students of four educa· tinnally handicapped (EH) classes we.rt showing thtir -lot fllO pm>Jouaiy li¥tn them by the -fo buy palnla, paper, models and 1th1etlc equipment. The Rotarians heard Mrt. Marita McNutt's flrllt lhrouch t b I rd graders demonstrate their French ability. They also visited classrooms of Miriam Kerr, Judy Alee and Naooy M>1'11. "Soos, LooAnplea -· BmlardJn,prealdeotof Janis Corp., of Mlaml, Fla., e9llmated the COit GI a fSQ,OOll home baa risen 20 -nt In the put :rur and will rlae 10 perc"1t more to about fll,IOO In the ntlt slz -· .. ,,.. -of lumber .... lO ~ In lbe put slz montba::' he llid. .. Wh,t Who'• the .... pusblq It up! · MOii Gt oar lumber comea frllln the big Dooflaa Or mllll on the Wut Coal; and they're aeIUnc to the government and Japan at Inflated prlctl. We've cot to PIT their prlca to pt the IJ'l\tr11Jt ft Diido II -llol1pfo Corp. ol Dttroll oald In Ill aemlannua1 survey that :ioday'a house buye< will pay, -pared wltll • year aeo. 111 averace 10 percent price increlle, I Ill pen:ent rile In lnCmtt rate and an I )1'1""11 lncreaae In taxes tnd lnsuranct. 6 FIN~ P_ORJIAITS OF 666 YOUI CllLDREll,ONLY , ......... ,.., ..... , ,., .......... . ,,_ ,.,_ • rl1t • fw ..., a • hnll . 5,,.,11 •44ftl..;. cfi•r1• hf"'•'• th•n tw1 ,..,1 .. ' ' . I Like. tick., the -.k.wcmd, yow•"',. ..... -""'""· -.. ,_.,., -.. ~· -. """' --lo -•114 .., .... ..., ' ,.,.,,,,.,._ .;w toQ lt tr.. there, You'I rtaM ila ,..,....... -···· .. H..rifvl !hey ,,..ii· ct"1 tiff tht•191"'1 .-way. ht na ••tier hw _.,,.., &tow ... ,_w._,trrllM illo la!O lot_..... """' o1, • r. /llolhor'1 Dwy. ........ ., ••• ,.. -cfwae ... ,.,.,..,.,, •uu.'•'°" Of"•••lr c..ntw ,... , ..... 171..od HUNTINOTON llACM Mllllt~loll C'111tf' ..,.. 11eor, m 117'1 fllWPO•T ll~i;lt ,.,.""" hie .. '"Ill n.cw-, ....Ull OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DIAMONDS REDUCED FOR 3 DAYS ONLY! Wlior • .....-.i "!"'Y ol faohkwl __ ._ 10 ch-f.....t &lch of tho --of ... mood -;. ·deotgnod and fioltlied lo porftctioo. fOR THURSDAY. fllDAY, AND IATUI· DAY ONLY oil ol ouftllcmiond fowohy 11 boing offo...I I• 'I"" " -nliol ....... -iwt •low of !ho...., ...r.., ""11'"" 1io ,..... ·: ' -.• .. ~ .. VCAMPLIS1 • " , ~ 4·Dlamond Bridal S.t Reg .-11Q.QO'.< '. \iNOW ILOO " S.Diamond Cockfall Ring Reg. 49,p,s , ·NOW 39,'6 12-Diamond Heart Pendon! Reg. 99.50 NOW 7:9.60 Diamond Stud Earring• • ' . Reg. ''"° NOW 47.60 Diamond Sol~alre Reg. 2'5.oo. NOW U6;00 CHARGE IT .AT YOUR PENNEY'S FINE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT FULLERTON Or•ngtf•it Cent er Harbor at Oran.9ethorp• NEWPORT BEACH F•1hlon l•l•nd M1cArtllur .. + P•cific Co.it Hwy. ·, ' . I • ' ~ A . ~ " • 1 < STO A · .. ; • , ' "I • "i ,J I cl I cj ·~ j • ! "' I l .1 I ' "! c. " ' .. "' Ti " 'I .. • •I ) • ' • • Wet' tw .-16-1969 t ! ! ' ''· 'f j .. ' • . ' .. • .. • G.E. Washer With Mini-Basket ! 99.ilS -_.'. save ·30;00' F.-aturea multi-speed control and mini-btsli:et for. smell 0$.'J.~ial care_:~~ 5:,-.k.. cycJe,. ~.,Of"'Appl1 •• 1. IO . ! ··:·. , ' .. ... i ,4 , .. .·~ '). ' .. ·- . ' . ' ; ' . , '•f, ,- ' ' General Eledr;i.c Ste{eO ·. .44.88 . 5.00 monthly Tekei big 1auncb Wh1r1v.,. it 90.1. • · D1pendebl9 l'ofid-stete emplifier; 4-s~td - .Utometic drop down record changet. ,..Y" 6 et. •time. Rugged c•••· Built by General El•cfric. Tel1vi1ion, 7:Z - .. ' ' .. If .. • ' ' .. Polka Dot Canisters • 5: 99 r19-'LOO D11pley thi1 colooM 4 ,;.c. ~ 19~~· If • · MY ,.rt of your kltdt'9• !1t ~t ,,, 1 ' lecqu•red-were celon...._,tfiy~. ·· • · H.usew•,. •• 19 . .,. ·i ~ .. ... t • . • .. -. ~ • . ' . ANAHEIM +4 N..E,uclid. 53~121 ' Mon. thru S..t. 10 e.m. lo 9:30 p.m . __. . ...,.._.. .. • 't'·-·~l ,, ~· fl{".~ • , • -.. ~ .. • . ' ·~ ' > ' •. je ~ •• t . >JJS& 70111' 'roadway ' Charge Ord "" . • i. • ' t lo speed : your shopping . . . and '• ·• ~ . . ~ ' reliiinib'et that your Homemaker . .. 1 • • I . • i.ltCRaf -'<makes large purihaies ,, 1 • • . ·ii'-·'~ • easy I! t ~' '# ' • I ' . :"' :i -· RCA New Vista• Color 270.00 15.00 monthly I '4'1.di19onal has super powerfu ~VHF tuner, one se't VHF fine tunin9-;-color quick RCA · ,Yicf9r .'.~portabout CQror:. ·· 369.9'3~ ;.:. _ 18.00 monthly -• -, ' tunin91 picture sharpness control. Television, 72 · I ' ' \ . r -.Fondue~ .lri Bright 1Colors .. • ' , f 7.99 10.98 value Fondu1s ar• com,ing up coJors ••• ,.vocedo, mustard ind or1ng1. Alc.ohol bUrner with trey and .f color coded forks. Finish•~ in biked en1m1I. Housew1r11, 39 . . Hand Mixer By St/nbeam 12.99 , , . . IS.'8 ·•1:U. Sunbeem tll chrome,"l 1p11d, 'tltumb-tip spied control. INt.,. ejector for added conveni1nce. 'Model HC. H...,..,.,,95 . • 110 aq. in. picture ;., i-1"-cfi•gonel for 9reet color viewing. Solid state UHF tuner. 90 d1y.1 Cl'fY'i" 1ervl~. I year ptirls WMNnty . T ,levisiCHJ. 72. ' . "' .. > " ,1.l ,,1 ~· . ' ~· 11!f:t:. . . . ' .... '':. ' ,. .. \ ., 12 Bottle _Spice'.' ~ack . . 7.99 . ,:, . ;9.98 V1lue • ., "Spic•~• fjur'•itchen. Herdwoocf reek inchMles I :Z'l>ottl-..-1.:SH.fs·eftd 2 sfor•g• dr•w•n. Attrecti:Y9-MYincie,I Cl1sign. i Housew•r.e1i) l9 ,, · ~ Su11beam 2-Slice. Toaster 14.99 19.99 VIW Sun~ edjusfs ih1lf to etfk;ttds ~f tw' .. d. Hes seep dow• cnnnl:t trey, 'Perfect toest ,.,,,..y tllln1. Moclel TIOOH. - . H.usew.r1s, 95 J • NEWPORT 47 Feshion lslend 6+4-12 12 Mon, thru Fri. ,10 e.m. to ·i/:~O p.m. Sat. '10 e.m. lo 6 p.m. • •• • • . , ' ' \ ' RcA'l81' P~rtable With Cart -.1"39;9.S-· 8.00«n;,nth~ li9 'screen fee turn, Ext,.. s1nsitiv1 solid stet• : tuner end sherp, cleerr.ictures. TV cert so .. sy ' to tnofl;it it seems tp ollow you eround thli~•· Tef1vision, 72 'j ~ , . ' :l', ~ .,p , 1 -, '· . . ' • •t " ' .' . '" .. . . \ . :-. . ' .. . · Carve Board W/Roast Holder -. 4,99 8.00 'valUe I . ; D1Hghtful I Ix 12" walnut fini'!t•d. board heS, chr'""• rne~•t hold1r.thft edj~st~ to 1,Jy ro••*· hem or fowl. Keep_s .1t from sl1pp,1n9. · Hoa1tw1res, 39 ·~al_ ·Avocado fry " PQI!·.: . '.19·99 . 24.99' ..... '· .. . ' . ' ~ f;y pan in evoudo Ms N•stick .' _ TeflH,.. liRifl9. King sia:e hotels 4 qt1. C-.. "f}th or wif'1ollt f.+s oi·oils. · ; Ht,h•w•et.· tS HUNTINGTON BE'ACH 7777 . Edinger Ave. 892·3331. Mon. lhru S..t . ·, ·10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. • r ' , ONN t IUNDAY. : 9'1111 OFflCsAL -~ ' ~AIR STA'rloN ' ·.FOR . ORANGE COUNTY * PRICES DFECTIVE APRIL 16 . TO APRIL 22 • ' . . - See Grant's E~citl~~-New Dlsplay c,;--: • :~· --"· · ·· -'· .·. ~9w~,,:.t$1J " · ~;CAMP .. ltilLERS':' .. • · EVIRY.THING ••• ' htclucl"'9, lh /cltchen slnli. .... . .~.. . . ' . lllo'1 ~~~ii lolAful!y 111 bl-..._ · 1111-,'4i llldlloi·w i!Monttn lohrilr "'"'' ~ CT ~~··~( (riio4. Tho tlllin ''"'Pl"I , ............ ...,,.... .... ., .... '"' 2.,...r .. ..,. S ... ,,,,....., fhl· CT ,,0-1· 11'"""'""' ,,_ 1..r lo1poct tho ~ .,,_, '°"''· SH 1'lllm All of Grant's! ' ·$7·95 ... . . . . :ro s~19s BIGGER S~L:£€TloN! BiGGER SAVINGSr ••• at' G~NT'S! •s.'' ~ ~· t • ./ I ) -. J. -~1~ . :OYIR'20,000-:PAIR .• 'iEYl'59 IN STOCK ' N·O·W AT GUNT'S!: . f ·-• • '8 MRY SIZfl • • ·-.fVfRY COLOR I • '<1v11r STYUI . -~ -- • •6. 'J6'5 ·•-·• 51995 ...... .._ ..... "CHllllE IT" _.at IRUT'I . SU.llPLUS ·WI MON01 ' Ml MAJOfi ·a~ BE • ' I . ' . W1~1s'.t.:,....1';:1'6r-• .:.. tlliXT DO:'ll AT • t-• I ' .at"'°T'S! ·IMMEDIATE DlllVEltY ' . . . • ,. I. VAGABOND TENTS .. . . ' WITH EXCLUSIVE ' WllAP AllOUND FLOOR ... , • LOCK~MATIC DESIGN {£., ;7'~ ,, • ~' .. CLOSEOUT :· i' · ) ' NT'S GULF NOW! ' • SOME MODEL$ SLIGHTLY SCRAJCHED • IAU , , IAU , ' I .) UMINGTOll 700 ~-3,0l-22-250 $f9'5 CllAaUS DALY O/U 12 p , 1r 20 '249" , · UST l'llCI $1'4.tf ........ "" " .. " • LIST l'llCI -.00. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . • .. · ljOILI RIOf 12 j1.' ' . ' ·. . $59t1· ARMAUTl'12 II· Aoto. Sf9H :n. ~ ~;i~ i"iiiii .. · ......... ,129'' :'ST'::~:·j~liii · .. ·.... " . / LIST PllQ $115.00....... ........... LIST l'llCI !."·95 ............... : ..... '74 , llM~Y°" 600, 350,& 65 al. • · 179"' 'WJKHiria' !AM. 6lo, 270 ul'. . .a.i.5 ' ~ Piia $144.fJ ........ ·• · • · · · · · • · LIST -$119 95 'IJ'J' ' WlNOIUTIR Mlolo ,1111 'Sf9'5 UM;;;I u.7 ............ : ...... s 5 US'( Pll0.$!'4.'5.' ·" · · · · """'"" UST l'llCI ••t IS 39' . ~. . ......... ._............ ' CLOSEOUT LIQlllDATION! · '. w1stiitW: ~;L;.1 •, . . ' ' . 22~1 .. _s.1111 • ·: .• 3 .. ,, ~•s Ont~·""'· ..... ',$;. r , r . ~ . . UST nta $49.H ...... J.. • .. 4 .. ~. L.... ~ ..... ,•ff. DLX.~COMllNA~, llO~~t...,S ... -• ._ ... ~fJt.~J.. Entire St0ck fo .UG • "'' ' . .... ...... I I -------~------'- ' JI llfAYIUr -s .. W' tc,.,,.~lM ' ----__ .,_ -- Deaths Foree Safety "-Eilloree•nent By' SAJlL GUllUY .............. Tbe pm1111N ... llfdy btll ml boliDet ... ......_ al ~ Comly _ _..,_ been lllllleoed slJ>CO Ibo -.... 1111 wllb Ito aecond drq ndnr death and Ont motorcycle f111lll7 WI -k. A driver ._tnc 11 the ltariln& line with 1n aqboobd ale!J bell or belmel llrap II IWn all lhe Fld and pieced 11 lhe md of the line of -walllol to ,_ -• llrinC -........... of JllO can. TM new IDellllr8 ,,.. instituted by OC1R .-al manqer Mike JOllOI -II wu .....ied lhal ln WI Wecfneod17'1 lalll O'llb of GIHert _ ... -lflt -op.-la AllPll. .. . "lh lllld w -..,. - .._ wllll aal -lijarJ ml -Ill of a.-,,. -a f11all17. We're ..,i., to lllld.Cllll wilJ.• \1lbfle J--....... Int -the_ .. lllt .-of 1111 w- doy, ._.w DIYl\t Galnel. of Loe AngelM died .., OCIR'1 llllllon:J<le .,.... prts -!lund"7 -°""' .•• nporleil lhal Gllneo •Po pured to -• -too fall and be loll -.i of bfl YllDlha llOoc machlnemd-tlnwnllltoablr- riclde .. fl., -and • -fence. lie died .. llkulJ and noel: IJ>o juries. "We cbecllld out bfl belmel to !Ind 11U1 ti 11-•JllllOYOCI budfo• ... II cNtW.()lt.ftftl ..... MW.BI jall 1111 lhal -too qulddJ.• .,,_ lllmlll _,... r..io, II not lhe .., .. ofitcnllloaal- ''Let'• 1-II -11'1 ami. ~ Tbat wu oar iii~ maloreyclo coune e-Ull we - yet to have --~ bun, woond 1IP wllb -.. -. But -leJlon c1r1 .. --• owntnaurance. ·u we .... , provide a pi... tar them to noe lbelr bib1 lbe7'll do II ICJIDeWben I.. and WI feel CIQf' """"' and ladllllel ... Al .. -lllOll." Lui_., -al Onoie cam.. 17,-.lhe ___ lalhe lrtdl'I • '"'*ll>s.. .... " n. tint cMDt ta .,.., ... , -· ...., __ .,_..,.."-! ta 1111 fMI dropls, ""161 1111. -la 11111111 •..... • "-'baa --Illa - -llllely and ·----. -'""·--al ~ ~~ ::r ::t='11W.'":! -----lato liolinetnotnlal. "11'1 -.11111 a put mamber of auto ndac ..U. oeeu:r 'IE'IWI of drlven'illldo._.. __ -........ -.. -. "li•--be .......... to- --·--•lolof-· OCll!. MANActiR , MlkoJ-• • LA.Blasts Hawks Still Alive., Down LA, 99-8, San Diego Ni.De, 14-0 Dodltfl to a lf..O victory over newcomer San Dltgo In the home opener ln Loe Angeles. . The 11,lllO fllll .... the Dodpn """" more rum than tbeY liave in any lame the put n .. ,..,. ml.K.-drlve In m of them, two With 1 -In the eJgblb Inning: Sotilhpaw Claude o.t.en -• lhree-blller lar bfl -pllcblng vJc. tory of the young cunpalp and Aid, •'This Clu'b bu Jll(ft enthullaml m:l deteruiln:iUon thin it bu had.'' "I ,...., lrylng to pull Ibo ball, but when I toot a loot at Ht I ltM1r It wu going au~" sil<I KDoco wbo blalled the ball Into the left field povllloo over lhe 39).foot lip. BUI Blnpt, who I-Dick Kelle7 of the Padrel tonllill. . can Ollly hope to pt tho hllllng blip aflor<!ed Osteen. And Whell· did the IOUlhpaW gel lhll kind of baltlng support before. "I jult can't remember," ht answered. SM .. IM LOS AJtellLU •rllrtll •r•rM DllVMlll!lt • 4 I ~ d S I 1 l .... -. • " • ltlllltll,. rt J J 1 • Goftl•IR. " .. 1 '""'*'· ,. • J 1 • O.lnrwn,rf 4 1 K..ct.11' ltJ' Geiron.d' ... l~· .. , •• C1lbttt, 119 J 1 Sttcltkllo. A 4 J t I Spleilo, • J I tt.l'lw, e I 2 1 I CaMl&Hr9t c J t T ..... c I I I I Podrw.11 1. ,~ .... ,,,, 11~. t I t c.o.1-. 11 I t I I McCool, , I I ' ,.,,.,., .. 1 • 1Mld1d\Ull. .. • • Tol•la lt J Tott.. • 14 11 14 left~ 111111 ---• 1.0I """"" .. Ill Ga-14 lOI -SM °"'" S. l.. Mfllet 4. JI -Kot<O. a -M1tll. Hit -ICoect {1), tMller 111. ,. -.......... ' -....... c. Ot'""-., fl It llt II IO ,...,_ IL.\.U I f ' ' s I 11: ......... l-lll JSJl1 Mee.I VJlllll ltlillWM! I J J J I 1 C.o.t.I fW,M) t J I I I I Pl -c-t&Uf'L TllM -2:11. A~ -n, ... Plante, Blues Blank Kings In Opener ST. LOUIS (AP) -J-Pllnta, one d hoct:tJ"• elder Utamen, bill a keen memory alJout pis llDd ,..U... shutoull and near ..-. It n1 thole mnarill that let Plante ........ '*' tooltJ -the 1as1 n .. mlnuJel ot the 11. Louil Ill-' ~ victory Ovtr lhe Loe Aocelel Xlnp Tueodl7 nllbl 'Ille victory can lhe Bluel a I.f lead In the beot.of-7 N-.I Hooli:a1 ~ West Division ftoall, 'Ille lelml pll1 apln 'l'lnmlday night In st. Louil. ' UPIT ........ HAWKS' STl!.ONOMAN -Zelmo Beaty at Ille At· Jania Hawb )'8nb a nbound away lrorn i.ters' Keltb Ertcbon Tuesday nigllt In 'tbe third g11ne of Western Division playoffs. Beaty pulled down 15 re- bounds In the game which Atlanta woo ~ to narrow the playoffs to 2-1 In favor of Los' Angel;,.. Brunet Goes Against A's OAKLAND (AP) -Maoqer Hank Bauer ta worrled •bout enemy lellbanded pilchers, .. he 11)'1 he may dwlge bfl lineup le< loolght's aame against viaillng Calllomla. "We're going to have to do IOmethinc," Bauer said Tuad1y alter the A's dropped ' triumph ..., tho Twtm lul Friday. lo lbal conleot Ille journeymeo loulhpow, who booke Into the pro game In 1113, rocelved hlUlng belp lrom bfl Angel teammata. Tbe Angell bave -averqlng better than eight hill per game Ibis aeuon. In past yean, lncllldln& 1111'• IH7 rocord, Bnmel bas bad lnluble geWna the hlltJna help be needed to - His lifetime earned nm avwrqt la 141 and Brunet bu W'Oll u aoc1 iolt n m bia major league career. The Angels stand. at J.l after one week of Western Divillbn American Leque competition. The A'• are • notch back with three wins and four defeal$, Beaty Sparks Atlanta ' 1' '~ ,• As West Hel.d to 13 r ! ... •• ATLANTA (AP) -Ze11no -y 1171 .... lllII .... , lhoollnc well, but be may .,.,. dllllcully coavlndq the Loe Aqelu LUn lhlt bi's of! tarpl. Beaty poured ln 17 polnll In Ille - lla1I 'l'uellda, . nlOI -belnc beld to five In the llill H mhldel. 'Ille Bnlm, mumrlllle, beld Loe Aqela' JSTY Weol lo IJ points. Wltb llelt)''1 JIOl<l!l ICOl'lllJ, the AIJan. ta !lawa drilbbed Ille Lll:m -In lhe rqbl'1 ooiy N•lloaal Buietball Allocla- llm pll7alf '"""'· lo -· Beaty pulled down IJ re--wlllle BID Brlqes bad IJ u Ibo Hawa -~-the 1111er Liken all lhe -Loe Aogelu held • 114M7 edge ln -..ids. 'Ille Victory lei! Allaola tralllnl S.1 ln the bert.<>1·7 ..ne. for the wm.m Divialon cmrn. 1lie -......,.. here 'l'!wndly I n1-hl and ...... In Loi ~·~· att.rnoon f<r a llljll &ame, wblcb will "t natlaaally i.teviled by ABC. , • . . . lo the baW. for oupreinaey; Jn ~ Eul, Bolton bolta New York l"d~. ,,... Ctlllcl lead lhll ~f.7 .m.., u. ~ Atlanta ColCh Richie GIM<in Aid Be'- ty "dldn~ loll hll confldence" ln·a 3 boll where be .. a d e ooly ... QI .. . field pl attempts. "But hll tnmma " otuck ~.him ~ he bepo ~ well later, Guerin said. , ·• "' Beaty bad eight polnta ln Ibo lln4I qwter as the Hawa surged to ,a conil IDllidlng lead In the final four ~ ouacorlng the I.Um In !hit :IPlll !~ .. ~ Johnny Egan paced the Laiera with tl polnla. Wilt Chamberlain flnllMd, with If polnla. after being beld to seven !or the !Int three periods, and pulled <!own 21 rl' -· u-..rmg-(;Oanty vtstt Sifford Reveals Goal: Qualify for Masters · J ~ " ' •. Cbarlle Sifford II a IDID who spew hll _.. Bui be'• not 1 IUD you could ell! biller, delplta hll ..., ~ f .. ~ lnp about not belna -to wtJclpate In lhe Muten golf clllllc, wblch wu coocluded over the weektiid ln Augusta, Ga. stlfGnl, ,_ ., paid an lnlonnil viail to Or-~ 1'llel!!l1 "1lbl to par1lclJIOle In lbe Fl!ld 'I '"" of Willie -•Dmlqll-.lnA•lbe!Ql, WUllo -11 lbe -..... 1111 pro at -Verde Coa11ttJ Qub. And be ii a white man. But lo SUlord, a N..,., lbe eolor it Wlllll'1 -lln'I Wllll COllllU. And lhlt11 wl\Y _CharUe came down !tom hla Loe ............. "*""' WHITE WASH "*'"*****'''*''' e1.1•if •M!J!I Angeles boole to belp mako Wlllle'1 open. ing • succea. "I doni lee! aoy billemesl toward Ille white man -bttt«ntu WM't 111tve IJl1lhlnl." Oiarlte lnld lhll -In .. ac.lulive ltrtervitw. , "I accept a 1D1D !or what be 11. U he _ · treail rne:.oby1 we'll bt friends . u Charlie does mab bfl feelinp known about not mUfna the -field , -... "! !eel r Wu left ool --of race -no other reuc.t." be ttvull. lie'• ebvlouslY reflftlnl ... -acerodlled to MISlen l«mdit _,. Joa11, wbo suppoeedly Wd, .. No Necro will -pl17 In lhll tnurna.-, and .. white man wlll tver be a ealdy." "I doa, 117 I'd --the 11astan, but I'd lib to bavt bad Ille -.. Pla1," he lb.tu. 111 don't nw want aeylhlnc r _, timid. !llil 1 lblnk r . eerned the ri&hl to be In the Mutan .. t :- WM amoq the top 25 money winners Q\..;. 1111 Clla,000) and I woo two maiot.:; tourn1111eota (the Hartford Opeo ln 'il ' and tbe LA Open thJa year). . • .~ "I'll tell you Uus, I'll play 1n th)"· Mutlr1 belore I rel!Te. I hope to qull I~ , pro tour In three or four more years an4_'~ become a teaching pr1>-l 1ove to Wach. • ~ "But before l hang up my spikes, 1•n\:.,. loin& to play In the Miiiers -11 Joag aa ·-< my beallh ml lllrellatb bold Olli ml ~·· cao keOp oo golq." Slllonl -lie ..... "1"11 •boot moklq IOlf 1111 • .._, ... IW 1111 Giiiy un.._plbflecf 11at II meilng tloe Maiten field. However, ile admit& U.t by IOI beln1 ~~led M tile Maiten -w.· ""'°" ......... Uyncieled. "] pt -• f-felta11 e...,. dq from people a NJ I w11 wroq:ed. • .they bow I'm• pod Amerlcu ud tat I sboald ••Ye played Ml tbe Miiiien. IC seem &be pabltc natl me ie ,..,. mwt tlaa I do." . Claarlle abe admlQ lte't Urtd .llf tour We, wtUt tbe CGU&ut travel, and CUt be drel notictably after 11 boles of action. Bul be atiJJ has his heart RI oo pll7Jnl' In one Muters tournament and be u11· i" he11 do II by meeting one of tho quatiO;,· lytn1 prmquisiles. "li I qualify, lhei they can't keep me out," he polnta oal.'" He could qualify by winning the U.S,:< Open, or the PGA, for ewnpie. The North Carolina naUve who aats .. v he'll be • Califorol1 resident until ill(''" days of morlality come to 1 close, Ill('' bas an eye oo Charlie Jr~ · . His llOCl is SI and attends cat State'1' (Long Beach). He hu • chlllce to mllii>·'' It In pro 1o11, llY• the elder Slf!oR!,. ~· y...,,, Charlie ,... 1 -ltllnr pltther ·hi bueball until be bn>ie hlB ltg twice bl • 1154. .,.. Since lbal milhlp he'• been lellllnt • mc:n toward goU, W'lth a built-In prtf~' taicher. Charlie Sr. alao gUlded hi .. • nephew, Curtil Sifford, 111 exceuent"~ player. -.~: 'Ille winner of llie aerill 111171 lbe wituler of the 11-.8-Eaal lll- •illoo flnall. Montreal 1eldl lbe belkl· 7 Rli• st with Ibo lhlnl game In -too 'l1lallA7 nigbl Plaate wu thinking about lamed a M COOiest to the MIMelOla Twins. g .. Jle '1'Uri< Broda'I career .-.! of "-lzlng I good lhlac Wilen 1he7 aM 13 -In lbe ployol!s. 'Ille •1""" II, Ibo Angels trill start lefty a-.. old Pllllte -.r ezpected to lie lbal BNoel, 1.0, agllntt Olillnd'1 Cb u c k Masters Blasted by Trevino Al you Wk to Charlie, you realise lhli m1n bas been tlvougl> tho mill. And yoo•'. also inow lhlt -he11 lldlleve hif"' ::::::.. goal-quallfylni !or • bel'lh ~ .. Em! u be bas top187 t111Je•1is. ·;· ~ llut be did Tu<ld.ly nllbL Dobeon, .. 1. Pl-bid -lnlo -Iller • -1171. ''Lellhand ... ~ illllnl. pil11ne with -I ml New Yllt, -. • and tbei'e .,. lew wbo """1d doubt but come tut tllll )'Ur to Join lhe -It ...,,Jderine Ill lour Alhlellca' i-. He ml -oldltar, S7·)'0INlcl _. """'1 by loull!pa* pllcblng op. GI..., Hill, lned Ille beot ~ pCIMllla. Ina ••-fa tlie league this ,..r. "lla7bt we'D bave to bench our two So tbei'e Pllllte WU, two ebutoall ·~·-~ blH-.~ rt ..... •~ " alf'lllll11 • ldl ard; IA the temUtDIJs JCS~. -· •nu Qle au .. ,_,_,,•• -..... ft!Iajtlpllla, and 1 third lbe A I lkipper lald But lhoee two ba~ .....,=-allrlM 111111 fn the lace. tan are ootflelden llegaJe Jackpi and "I lo lhfnt.""'I tt with lbwt Rick Mond17, two of Oaldllld'1 lllOll po. n.. , ..... to ... • PI-. said. "I rot tent bllterl dUrtn( the 11111 ltaJOn. a 111111 mn M-. , Should JICDon and Mond17 gq to tho "! ,._ .... I 1.i .. 111u1outs this bmch, Jqo N-1od Tommy Reynolds yur ...., 1-lben ._ mlJlatal to go, """1d lake over lot them In tho outlleld. a couplo --to p ." Brunet ...,, hll 19111 debut with a l..l RANCHO LA COSTA CAP) -Lan&blng Lee Tr<vlno, who OllCt Aid he'd play goli In a rnveJ pit U tile price wu rich~ nean he'll never again pl•f In one ol the world '• 1D01t flJDOUI klurnament.s - tbe Maten. And Ille other S7 proleulolllls who hive gslhertd !or tho $150,000 'l'ounla- meol of Champloill, simply .,. IWMrtnc -•l llle deep, cllnalna rough of Ibo 7,ioo. yard. par·71 La Colla Counll7 Club course. "I hJI a couple of baU. In the ....,ii.• Trevino ukl after 1 pr1ctice round over the w11tt.tottad counoe, "and ftushed wt • couple of tigers. Then 11117 bave been I slrllie there, but I couldn 'I be 11n He ..... , laD enoup to gel his head ..... the lfUS." 'lbeo tile 1Wartl17 cbaractor -Ille desoll~ Tew -.-ry -dead Rrious, "Don't talk &o me about the ar---." be said. "I'm never ping to'Jl11 U- qlln. 11•1 just not !Ill' kind -... I ... , pl17 It. There just aln'I no "'7· ''Tiley can fn~1< me 111 lhl)' want, but J'm not golnc back." Gary Player of South Alrlca suqaled lbal Trevino, the rtlplll( U.S. open dlltnploo, mU!I he joklna. "I'm not kidding," he Aki. ''I'm eorma do wbal I ll)d I'm -... I'm ...... (Olnr to pla( Iba! ...... apln. I drtlJ lhe ball 11 lhe bole, bit ft Iott. '1111rt Y"'I '°I to 111111 bl(b. I dooi hit II hlP Ind there jQOt a1ni .. point Jn ... -...., there apln. Nut 7111' I'm .... to take I Ytcat$on CID 1'llUrl WMk." 'Ille llllllen, .... lbe ww!d'I ,.,.. lDIJor t.11, WU -by GearlO Archer WI !andq, n-., -1 ill, seveo ed lhe 71 bolos onr lbe rolJln( hllll ol lhe • fn his flnt liutarl I 7'1r qo, flnilh- uod" par. 'll'mno, wbo bad 1 !Ina! round All(llila N11loaal llomw In Gwlla In a t~er par no, nJne 11rom back. . " . CORONA POLOIStS,. . ' ·t' EYE AAU CROWN NEW YORK -'Ille Corona <lei Me:.' SWlmmlng ml Water Polo ~­ ta&m m)Vld here todl7 In queot ol a..~· MU 1111loaal Indoor watar pelt cbl!li'" pionship. • . '! Owbed by Ed Newland, the Mm cap;..J hind the MU wt4oor cnnm In 00 .. : .I Mald!ed up with II olh.-M-ln Ibo'' lournll1IOlll 11 the Hew York Athleilc Clllb, Ibo 001 OUUJI b!iP11 ~­'111unday. ) . ~----------------------------:---;;-------::,---,--:-=:::-:-;::-: ' ; DAILY Pll,DT )j ' ----- • Old C~r .M~seum· In · Wide Search · oseuin Hakes Old Can New ~ ~ . . . ' . . . ~-..... ., . For ~lljz~· Lights ' . . I . ' • Ill' EA,RL:ourn:EY -' a '/79-Cll~ 1nch: nioooler 11111 the • Of ............. a.it ' • ;j whetlba~ ii 170 Jncbea. ; Do )'OU. happen to have a pair' ot·1rn ' Several· ;of the DIUleUD\11 an an Hllpano-Suiza lall light.s lying arouhd'the leatund In lhe current. luue.al 1'1oyboJ house! ' JDallllln•·. . U ao, yciu ml&hl phone tlte Btl&P .eun-. Here's a ro,ster ol ...,,. al tho nhlablm AutonKlblle M.,..m )ll .Costa musewn's prized aul!Jmobtles: Mesa, which II looldni lot a pajr ... : llU ~ 8""a, Alplnru :mt •It's lite kind ol problem laced dlilly b1 Model . -µlie olher turn«-~ B r lg g 1' and· Llura 'CunnhJ&ham, who Can, this one has acetylene be..U1p11 ......, and cHiJ>1a1 vlritage automobiles Jokingly, Burresa la1B they bave the II> at' their muaewn. tensity ol a laser beam. . • • ····-ThO·dllpliy 'of dmlc machlnel al the 1111· Vulllll -"lbe first' opor1r ru football fleJd..aized niuseUm It "l9J1 Baker -{·ever guaranteed to hit 100 miles pel' boar, st. repreRnta what car fanciers like to ~ 1m Rolll Re)'ce Pfau• -A V·ll call tlte auto tnol&lley's r<natssance, ' this model II c:onsiderod/bY -lo Museum dlreotDr Jolln' Sur1 ... ~,· be t1te ulUmate ~U.. IU .prlce tq In '37. pointiog· out tealura ol tlG-Ylll'f'llld·<Ut , WU $13,000. whlcb Detro~ manulactlirm'!oday -00 m._ 8alla -"Problhly the off u the latest word Jn ' enghieering finest car ever built,"' Bw1el!I llYL It refloemenb:. cost $3,000 more than a Rolle in ·lll'l-. He uwe ban a 1902 Purnell • French car also estimates the car't btakes u blkig .... wJroctloli-:ad-~•~ent.over.bulll ' -· r '~ "' · · ' Burgess drove !Iii car llOVenl y ~ . . T • i, , ~;.. ·' ~ : ; ·r ago and when he touched the brake pedal ;.'·'1ia~~{~~~1v-~~ I at 50mpbbe,V(0\11\dupon111e·..,•1.~ , ( .wheils 11\\f,!dllJ' ·1cW.inls; ~"'."'' . ', 1931 Cadllloc ~ WOuld you beh Ii ' .' ~-!Ulp.,.llalo of,·Al!!er!o'•. <ptus" •pedal~ oo the •Ide of the car r.. a mactitrw9 ~ · yesteryear r e .v e a l s goU bag · · m:=J~~->:!'.,.,fouiid,tu-.todq's 1 1135 Daeaeober1, Model 11111 -· Oaoil . ; '., ~. , \ : .. own~ by Gary c:;;ooper, the, car hu In "!Mn la·lliinioet'eljloililn AlnOi1'con., autorqaUc chaSSlll lub~ llJllem can today~'* Bur8!11 ·uplalm~ ''the )tt.1-w~ aatomaU~y lubricates II lube erinJ on the·Cll' bodies 111 chrO~ poulb every 70 miles. )>lllitic. '1l>o aid .. Cll1fll were lilvW 1 0r Brigs ~bam; who built a ntckel.plalOd.• • ·"· -. ! ... ; · fortune In meat pocldn(, baa coUected Tbo aid,~ IJOllll dldn' bring cars!..-over 3D ,.an. Tbo CUnnlngbams • ·-banllnljll<:f at repatrfllme, ellhlr. moved from . Coonedlcut lo Newport "Whett Iba Newport Fnewrt ,.,_.i., Beach In ~and bad their cal'l lnlcUd ' Op, the first Car to drive on tt·wu.lo be, to a Costa ~esa wareboule. our 1911 Ammcan Uoderslung. We · They opei1ed their loolball fteJd.cbed itat'ted ii up im llour beforo parade time museum in February, 19115. As,a Dlll>jlrOo . · and found It hid ii lticky valve. We filed fit endeavor, the ~ of.fer. It in 20 mtnutea." . museum memberahlps to belp delral t The showcase c·ar •on .. eihiblt at the operating coats. A $20 membenhip en- mu.seum -which is OpS-ated :on a non-titles the member and a guest to a year's profit buts -Is a 21·fOot ·l917 •BugatU ~n. · Type 41. It once comtnaiidOd $101,IGO<at "People In the area who bave oul-of· ~n auction. It was a cBr bUQt itrictly fat town visitors generally take them to royalty and of the aeven that ...,. built Disneyland and. after that they doo1 Y , · , ' . • ~ '~ ~. ~ , ' DAILY ,.ILH,......ll!J;IAlli.,..~, «EIUILDING 'JOB -Mechanics in the restoration departmen~at the ca~;ev.-,WJt:. ~t iwill be re.ady for dls!>lay ln about a month. From · iirigg• Cunningham Auto Museum carefully put back togethe~ an ' • left:-·Ridlaid Ford,, Gust Johnson and -shop foreman (:hlp'les-S~y •. Hispeno Suiza, called by museum director John Burgess ''the finest . . · · ~ ·1 • only six exist today. , ' ' knoW what to sbow them,'' aay1 t.ura Pinter, Leech , Spark Pirates To I~ -6 Victo~y By JOEL SCHWARZ • Of lllt OallY l"lltt SI.ti Th e British, according to legend, won t lt:e I~ empire on the playing fields 'of E~ but Orange. Coast College slm06t loCt an East.em ConferenCe baseball t ime Tueaday on the campus' basketball iaod baodball court. Pirate coach Dale Wonacott had a few ytli C!men words for his athletes on the ' evtll . 'of noon-time baskeQ>all and handball on game days when his club -fell behind San Bernardino, 6~, alter just <d!;ana a half innings. Wonlcott•s lecture worked because the • 1 , IASTlllN CONP'•ll•NCE WlllLMITIM ~. &I •,"'!I. Slol1 Antonio 11 I I 1.000 - ~ .. , • • 1 "'' l~ :Fvllert?rl 1 • • .636 • 1 G:olDl!N WE3T 7 s I .SU, 4" ll'-:l!Dt ' s • .J.15 s "'le"lf9 '. An1 ' S D .SA~ S P.«ANGE COAST 6 , 6 I ,a s~ Ctrn.f ,' 5 61 .&6 ··~ 1-rdl!lo l f I .fSO I "'li:lo ....... l • • .uo .• c;ypr.. , 10 • .)67 • ,· T...U~11t1H1t~ Goldfn West J. Cyilr"I 7 « Or•..-Cont 11, S.n lem1nllno I ._ Rio Monde t. lllvt<111R 4 , Sllnt. Anl !, C!trw I a..tt.y 4 Ml. S.n Antoni. l It .. ) . ,,..,..o...... • 8o!Mn W-' 11 CllTU1 ....._Or...-(m1I 11 Mt, lion An19nlo Ollff9'f 11 l'ulftflon ' ltll!l'DW. II S.~ lffMl'lllllftO s.nt. ,,,,. •I lllo Hondo piRJe, eaploded lot 11 "'"' lo pa;t their thinl-slralgbt conference victory. · l'bl Wbi at home enabled Orange Coast to'evenita EC record at M, but it wun't an-QI)' task. The Pirates bad muy heros in the big. O'W"blck )>ut pitcher Steve Pinter and ~lllkt Leech-• u.. alfiwlmds Pinter relieved .tarter G a r r· ~lhlrger in lhe top ol lhe S«Ood tn-IJIW ..i. ~ to burl 7 l..J frames. ~ball · Uo-lll.11ei:l the Pirate comeback " o· tiro-run lln&lt In the iaJI of lht aec'1ncl. Tblt leCOnd lrmlng wn a fiasco, with ea'Cb team commttting three errors. In all. the two clulll were cbarfed with 13 , f'·"'•·· . · milllk!e, nine by Sa n ~fno. ~ wielded the big bat In the -tell. collectln( lour run&-batted·ln with· a · pair of ... home ..... 1.{_a' flnl al hin loar-maalerl came in tbe' boitom of the fourth, on a shot that rolled lo ibe -coater-field feoce. It cilt the lndlam' margin to "' !tick.Selbert pit the Pirates In ~I in .ti'inth -• *'lie that cashed In Mike Bailey and Roger Wblsller. ,.. ~---"' °"""" c... 011 . • r llfW •tllrtf S""""""' d S t I I _...._ • t I l I Ur ... ·~ I 1 I I LMdl. 2b _. I I • Wiflliu, 111 l • I I .,._ » _. 1 1 II .I' S IJ1a.l ... ,lf _.111 ,. _. l •I 1 ...... Ill J I I 1 •••t '"'"""'·c 41•• ~· , .......... d 1111 ~· ,., ........ ,,. JllJ ~ c • 1 • • Dliflk9llotl .. ' .. • • • • ,,.,.~ c 1 I I I "'""'· • I I I I All*!,: " ' I I I I 111c9,,..,., (Ill I I I I ~ ... 1 ••• ... rt' t' TllM't. 1111'tt ft :t41'4' Stw9 l'f ...... It M e ::IM' """'"'"-.. .. .. -' • • Or ... C..11 ... 2«-1111 • • . • A_ LOT OF -~,\II· -Mrs, Laura Cunningham, executive secretary at the Briggs·Cwmincharn Auto Museum in Costa. Mesa, iludies the interior o( a 2'·foot llqgattl Roylle·with Museum difector·John Burgeu. The , , It sold for $15,00!I in 1917. Tbe'Onllne.11 Cunntnsbam. "We think our museum baa a lot to or~ fer." " Gau~hos Droe I 0th Straight ·" . . To Fullerton Fleldjng a junior colle1e baseball tam from &c:ralc~ 11 about u palnful u 1'ft" lnj ~ expanflon major league ~ Saddleback College, which ·la a~ pertencing a dismal first owon . al baoeball stagsered to Ill lOlh straigbt loss Tuesday allel'llOOll, dfopplng. a 5-1 decision at Fullerton Junlo. Coutge to the Hornets. · · Coach Doug Fritz'• team, which hun,'t tasted a victory'~ Marcb I when the GJWcho& wblppfd ' tlie Cypress College JV'• IU, hoped to eod ifs skid this al• temoon In a home game against Su Die10 City CoiJe&e. . . Fullerton racked, lour . Saddlebaet •~ pitcberS for. 11 hits Tueaday and tbe Hornets w~ _helped .aloof by ball ·, dozen Gaucho errors. • 1 Fullerton look a :HI lead 'Into tlie l seventh, when saddleback scoftd ill nm on Don SweeUand's single, a ucrWCe and another 11ngte b1 Ed WUU.ms. ._..._.01 P ....... l'I . , •rllrW DrlllM Htl-. ~ J o 0 D Gl>r•rds. at _. 1 J I L-'*"'1'. cf 4 O O O MN1, 2b _. 1 1 I s-tland, c: 4 1 2 t SlnMrd, rf 2 I I I Slubbt. u I t o e Sfltl, rf I I I • I e .. 11, lb 2 o. I I OW..., cf I I I I Wlll11m1, rf • l I 2 I klwrlltz. cf 2 I II t Noon, If• I O O I Wu~, 1b)1 1 I , 0 Oerll9'Wilr1. lb 1 t o o wi.r. 1t1 t • • • PtlV'f,p 1001 S.kldo,lf.lb4111 =:t"';.1: ~ : : : .. =ll~c: .. -~ : ~ l 11r---.r0 ,. J 1 I • Cotllnt, " 1 I I · l Tot•1s 21 1 4 1 Totlll ll ' II 4 _,,_ • • • -.. .,.._,~' -machine oncf commanded $101,000 at an auction. Built s!rictly f<jr l -royalty, onll oeven were ever produced. Only 1bt telnlln hl'fexllitence. --F,utllttola ' fJ\'!"~-4,H • ,, •.. ~~k"ey;.(,age Two More· R u8tli!rs Hurt C11uningbam Named MVP . I , . , ' P,Iayoffs .Hospit~l Corps .Wins, 3_-2 .. . By GLENN WHITE °' .. o.llr , ... "'" Al Golden Went College baael>all coach Frod Hoover gloOinlly admlU, ...,..,,. down to 901unteerl DOW," And that's j~st~ about the story of bis Rustlen-u they continue to play the role of a boopltal brigade, piqued b1'an tn- aedlble aeries of injuries. So It WU Tueaday night 11 Goldm Wtlt played ill llr&t ~ -in ocboo1 history, ddeatinc Cnn*. :1-1, at Anabolm'1 BoyMI Park. You mtpt NY tblnp Fl off on a !iilft .... u &borHtop -'DlGeer -1tnee1nJur7 drulnc·-wirriiup. -fern that DeGeR will be oul lot the remainder al lhe -· Blow No. 2 for tbe Rustler boss Came in the fi!th Inning wben calcber Mike Sbellnt dialocated his thumb. He too may be out for the-remainder of the cam- paign, But the advene sequence of event!, .. t!le Rwitlers were able to h~ on for the . Pitcher Gary Markt drove In the nu& win. · •, 1 scoce with a perfect 1queeae bunt. : ·They broke a acoreless Ue in lhe top off And the third tally came home when 1 tba/eiglllb -tliey ptcHd ·up· all their lhe Cbarger catcha Jclot the ball. ' nms wtth one oul Bob Hemtrldge got the cypress boUnced back in the 1ul Of (be rally opening by, starting the frame with ninth wben the Cbargen got lo Marki, a walk and Myron Pines sacrificed him to who was coming back for tfle '~ &!me atond. since an injury a monUl ago. • • Noel Paulson singled to Je(l to send A double, a pair ot ,....._ and a. aln&J9 Henstrld&• lo thlJ'd. then Ron Rlcbard.>ln produced one run with on!)' one out so pl a hit dOwn third hue to bring fn lhe Hoover polled M~ ind nptace.j the llnt MllL • soutbpow with rtpt.bandod Mlb. Wood. ......... (II .. cnr.1ft) .,.,.. .,.,. ll•llMMI. J'f ' 1 • • ~. .. J •• .. .._. cf J I I t l"k*tlr, a I ·I I ..._...... • • I I • ...,,.,, • • • 1 1tkMnillrlo • , I , UClltlwt, ct • , I lil'llnlw. .. ' • 1 ....... • • • Shtllne, C I I I I ,.....,, rf • 1 1 ,..., c. 1 t • • t•••~-•• 1 11 ~1• .Jiii Dl&Mll.c Jll Wolld, .. • ••• ~ M.9111'11, .. ' •• -1t.N •IJIMI,._,,. 1._tl •-1... ' ••• ·~· -••• Tol•lr. 19 J 1 I T.ittl1 14' I 1 -""""" ,I ' l NI Ooldln Wat OGt MO l)t -J 1 I (}-pr---·-· 1 l .. ' . Junior ,;.:..ard Jell eunah,p..,, ...... scored . 5lf points lot UC1'1 -ball. team lu& IUlll'I, ... namea IDOi&: valuable pllftr at1 tbe •tnm.'1 award.a banquet Tumday nlgh.t. ~ , 11,i A' &-3 !Grmtr ltar al ,,,_ 0 llitll School, Cunn.tftlbam 1-aied n '"'*111' • per 1ame, "lade • pon:ont 'Jf. bla - and snmd IJll -dm1DC IJCI'• It-·~ . Nick Sudon, M -llarter '""'1 , Saota Ana, was bonond as Yll'lllJ capo , . lain. Former If""'" Barbor lllcll ' player Dave FontlUI w11 named tDOlt J bnprvved Md llall ....,. ployer. • '· Fonttaa ...... the.,.._ INrl1' at tho NCAA'• coll&P~-........ at Lal v-lo .,_.,, lllM -fll Gimdaio, tllo ' llll1lnC .. --· --tllo ~ dub'• tap-· He ball ft ..,_.. coacb Thn Tiit "'Pl __ _ ....... lid .-p1111n .. -.. 11U1n1 Gary P'oz from Vllencla lli&ll. SIM Wlllt8, H lorwanl hoe ~ tamed the other coaptoto'a -I .,,,. UCI -n .. 'm4l1 I • IM fteord. TWo al Iha - -..... lllldelested yso fl-Giii, • .. tft 1111* in overtime. • -· ------------------------- ' I JI GAILY PUT 1\\F :• ... 14.1,.. siws•re LNd Vike• Nip ~ ' l . . '• Sea Kings Whip (:osta Mesa,, 5-2 Schoettl r Hurls SorprillJl( ConlOO del llllr lli,h School -lo share • portloo al llnl placo In Irvine Loque Naball llan- diDCI with Anaheim powtn Mqnolla and Lolra alter 1COriJ11 a H vJetory over Colla Mesa Tuesday afternoon on the wtnner'• ctilmond. n.e win, the fwnl> ....... for eaodl Tom Tracer'• outOt, 1)1'9 -• f.J league mark with • dale with Lolra Fri· day nilbl Other Irvine Leap action ..,. lnvadlni Maplla lrip- pin( Estancia, "3, and hOll Lolra belting FOWllaln Valley llhl, with elghl rum In ·the Ont two lnnlnp lo wrap up the 1ame early. ConlOO de! Mar llCOl'Od throe !Ima In tbe third Jnnlo1 lo take on early lead 1plnat Mesa. AfleJ" two ..... GOL Kim Wllbrecbt olnaJed, Doe 'and Ra Snyder reached hue via Mllllao& erron, Wllbncbl ICOring on the second error. IDd Dean wi... doubled to left 0.Jd lo ICOl't lwo ....... Sine Leed! WU tbe wlnolJia plld!er, 10ln( the dlatanco anil allowln( five hila. Tars to IJ ROOD CAllLION °' ............. Newpo<t -High 6dloo1 stormed lo an wy 1-1 ~ over I n v a d I n 1 lltlDlln(lon -Tueaday --lo hJghllgbl !iUDf!e1 LUg... vanl- ty buel>lll adloo. And, 'Mll1Jll loot the ·meuun al w-. I.I, with • lally .. the botlom al the nlmh JnnJnc giving the nod ' lo tbe Vltblp. Victory for Newport keeps tbe Tars a ball ...... behind. iequO leading Wealer\>· wblle Marina -I -ud • lillf behind. Newport Harbor's wy win I Win I ..._~pocod bJ ll!ldlor Sieve :-: ler'I Off-laaloc b )Ob. IJcbdolllor l1mllld the Oilers lo anl1c ........ atncJt In lacJna tile mlnJnwm U ballers durln( bla atJnL A double pJq alld it lino defemlve. pl&J by lholt llep Paul Holmll apt lldloelller out ., &llJ -"' ...to lo the .ictory. Bob Leavy If the Sallon' hitting attack r . -and two ain(lel · ,_ bjpi te tbe plate. ' Calcber R o=n:Mll'!in bad a key lllaile Jn llnl bmbii lo knock Jn hlo ~ the Baseball Stan~"'" ~s Dave Barlon loot the Joa for Meu, but pined -., ........ al-with a tri-ple in tbe fourtli laaln(. He ICOl'td Iaior. cm a atnp. Sallon aalled fiom 111&1 point Artist Nine ... They added anotbu 1a11y.1. MllJIO)Ja -..i foor times In tbe fourth innlq lo aall &Wlj' .Jta ab:lh -wln~ol...Jlte lrvlDe -Pllcn. - --~ the third IDd then cubeil In . r· . for two more in 'the fourth ms ~ .. st when Scboeltler .waited aftet' -ll -... out IDd Jeff -- Estancla'1 Steve Vallm' homerejl In tbe . ..Venth ·over tbe ceni.r llel~1 bead with no ooe .on. M1,..U1'1 Dour Omer Ni the distance ,.. tbe win. Fountain Vallq'1 D ave Clarbon doubled heme ooe run for tbe Barcm 'Ud lllb Roberts had a 1wHun linlle In the aeventb fer the only brtihl spots In the IH 1ac1n( Lolra ldmlnlatered them. * * * c....•Mera> '''"*'• ;, M r • rM .... ' .• 1 ..,,lllndtf, d 2 1 1 D. lln'dW • .:-2 1 • IL lln'dW, ._ 2 I t Wini, I& I t 1 Ct..._1. I It ""'""' 1~ 1 0 0 Wen1,a 2 I 2 1(1l1t, rt 1 ' • IMdl. • 1 • • Mrf<tr, » I t • Tot.II. U J I ---QI .. , . ,.. .,.,.,,_, ,., 2 • • • 'ltllNr, JD 1 I 0 t DAil Y PILOT ,_,. H ltldlft bll!IW Loop Game Laguna Beach Hilb won ill first Crestview L e a g u e baseball 1ame of the cam- paign Tueaday afternoon when 'the Art1sta grabbed a 4-3 vic- tory from host San Clemente. Mlssl.on Viejo, meanwhile, dropped a S-Z verdict to Villa Part wheri the latter scored twice in the 1lxth inning for the come-frozn..behind victory. Laguna's victory came on tbe heels of Denny Schmitz' two.nm 31).foot home nm in the third Inning lo give the Jn. vaders a 3-1 lead. Steve Shapard was the win- ning pitcher, striking out nine while walking three. Cltr1l, 11 4 t J I 5: ~ l : ! ! New Eagle Grid Boss f<lfftlt. rt t • • • Mission Viejo scored twice in the fourth Inning to take a 2-1 lead when Doug Citro singled, Tom Gardner reached first safely on a fielder's choice and Mike Gray singled home one run. ~~r • .,rt 1 • 0 • Estancia High football coach Phil Brown (left) ch--ks .....,...,_,. t I I I """ ' Glendale College last season, was once an assistant coach1mder-.Jobn Lowry at Estancia. Lowry resigned last month lo take a coaching job in Antelope Valley. Two free panes forced in Gardner for the second run. l!dw1111 .. c a • • • out tbe 6Cbool'a grid equipment while Estancia prln-limPIOfl, lb S t I I 111111 1cwt" -24 1 1 2 cipal Floyd Harryman (center) and Eagle athletic , 11 , director Joe Wolf look on. Brow~ head coach at Ct111 Mtee • 1111-I J t ---------------'----------------------------~·I fMr , •11111-I I I * ........ """ 'A .; I\' ~~e 'll:i:"' Laerl (11) ~ .. ,ll ~~· lj . '" ............. :ti I ,_,,,," v1r"" • ., ,_r ~, L°'n mlll•-1111 t * ......... , ,!Md, lb W111l.r. ff HtnrY. e 111c....-r, u L ... ,..a.,., • G~, 11 P1111~, er Omw, • c~.a T•I•" .. ,."' ' • 1 • • 1 1 • I I I I I 1 1 1 11 I I I I 1 I 1 1 • • 1 I 1 1 t 1 • 1 • J6 • 1 1 1.-...cn °"''"t.. rt lvller'll, M ,_..IL lb COmulll;e, If v"""'· "' lwnll•. ,. ''"· cf l-11'1.' ,_, Smllll, , Toltll "'""' • • • • 1 I I I I I 1 t t • 1 • I 1 1 I t • • • ' 1 • • 1 I I I s • • • 1 • • • n s • o ,_...,, ..... ••• • .,.,_. 7. •• a-s '· • M .. V'9lt 111 11 I' llrM HOllTll$, d l 0 1 0 T 'be v· j;llfo.~ l I 1 O r1 1es ~~r::t; ! i 1 ! M•rtdlll\. rf 2 o o o HIPll. P.11 I 0 0 0 MOAN. 111-f"I 1 • I I A NBTC Pel'lf, rt 1 ! O t a:wlt.2b I zg .llfllCi. (l\~1"fl~) Ml.... =lllSh~'~ ~M~ ~ ID&t ~=: ': ~ I 0 D -Du,.lori. -"' 1 0 0 0 s~· l"' llllCI l(JllM CCdMI "' SlllNkl lot•I• .......... ,,, 26 2 5 2 . ~~Iii' -:' f1.1it H· tt-tM ,,.,..,,. ICMI ..... H, bl .. Gciocl-... ... Mater Dtl High School drop-r-~r1111 ,l"i"\!,i.ui ,r;t u ..,, m....,., ~""'* .... u. :P..fembers of St an ford •~ r 111 r11 ped f.~~r Into th · An J .., •> Uru'ven1'ty's ten·'-team will •-. •"·· ,• ! I ! IUW'll' e ge us •.rnih (E) loll w. 0.1, 1 .. , -... 1. 5'1,CIMnMtt Ul•I CM) LIWlll 1u;s ~lion. 1 -League bueball cellar . Tues-~ perform in a special Indian R~~Tl. \'.. j o ~ g day afternoon after abaorbi.... WQl!lnJ' .. •'tJ MnMn IEI won 64. ... , PlcrwOtrl csci ::':labtW'lld llll"' Day exhibition Sunday at the S!~, 71 ·1 ! ! "'6 l'ler.;'fl11d ir,t M•rtln Iii INllll U. '-11 io.t to kllolf!i.Mr Ill) s.1, HI KTnci • .: l I I a f-2 defeat at the hands of In. ,, =!i~i i~'"' ~ 0 .,,..." .. !Lili., kl'lltt tLI!. 6-4. Newport Beach Te,,,.,is Club. ~iv. 2b , vading St. Anthony a t cri~ 1 '· tol"' ''r w1 R•lll fKJ dlf flltibowlkl tLe1. '"41 Action begins at l p.m. · l1!'DanM1t Ht j g i ~ Memorial Park in Santa·Ana. iuc. 1• ' J wi. ' rKY k•o "' SO.-.llllff ILIJ ,.., llel'. The exhibition, \.11.i.ch is • 'lotii. 1 .. " ,.11111 2 ' 1 1 --J-• WU "· third Jn a 1"tJi .\'"\' def. t.o.to IWJ, M l DWNllM llll Hi 611', satltf tlll" ,__,_ db th Or 0 • • 'IJe ....... UIC '"'' .... ' Tr KY CWJ .... ~ t. u.:uig sponsore y e ange M1tl1(111 \fltlo 000 "'° D -j ' ' row for the Monarchs. They'll 1"e:iw.llC!Nm 04 H1 clef. t•t\ijWI t s.. 1sc1 1mt " Wltrllawar 1L11 "' County Indian Booster's ·Club, v11111 P•rt DOI 002 11 -1 2 try a11in Friday with Servlte. ~ J.~l. "'°' Tr1e'f' • .,: • '' dot. ~·• i~L~ clef. will feature members of Stan-..._. .._ 10 St. Anthony jumped out in 111~~1'J,'4..i.J:it.n':-':..l'fJ.~ °=:111\l!lt.!1i'Wlfi IL lctk~ ford's varsity and freshman tloV9 Sctwnltr. d 't ~ 111 ~ front in the second Inning with 1wi. EJ · t:J.:r .. 1tfrn~ ~ltf1l1iriw. net squads. o-1 kllmltr. u a 1 2 2 a pair of runs and upped, the ,~-"' ,-, c111r NHl 11t11~ 1.r; ~i--.Forr!1#".,11ei ., Frvtr Slanford coach Dick Gould ~,.'!.:,', ,, ! : ~ 0, count to U after three in-~ " -se " cw ' J t:11tl1t111 'i'' '"" n ,..,, ..... s11r: listed Stan Pa.sarell, brother of &;i111s. .. M 2 o 2 o raullow·!•-•i "°· . IEntittd IL l w, w. f """'' • , 0 , , ntngs 111..,;11"~""" "'~' Mcl.avo~lln-l.mt>tr.--kllwer1t1t...tt 1K1 dtl'. ormer NCAA c h a m p i o n · , , , ' S.ltO!Mn I !, "'4 I' I., , ,...,.,._1!1'191•1'111 fLll 611. '41 dlf. S!•r· Mcooi.r..11, :lb 2 Mlt Dtf «;r•ul)OW. c " • -ENll•td ILIO •1, "'· Ch8rlie Pasarell, and Dean Mt.M11rr11. c 2 1 o o "' Ol ' '~, ,_,, -~<•>-• Sc J 1..-s11•1ctw, 2b , o o o '" ·~ ," u • 'I •• · ~... ,,....,.,, IMI ~~'"""""" l•dl h obo1un to head lhe Indian toll It ,~ • , • " I l J!:1!!'l!..."!"'o -w ... ,. 14• M. • i INHJ :'.( , • 1H1~1 0e1 netters. s •• c""""" 01 ~n l -.f· .. 1, •1, 4-0· K °"'i "' ·P' 1!' l"!'l,11 •I r II rM : 111111,,, 111 1 "'°:~ 1 .!:..mi ~~.t;4'.;1·,_ 1 ~l.!''I lh br. 111 K".nt Other players Include Paul Lom111ri11, c1 • 0 0 0 -.. I ,, -m ....... ~ Wiii ~l ..Oi Marienlhal of Los Angeles, ~:~bu : ; ~ : ;~,.·,.'."",::;r •.'.'._ <•> J I • .. "'1tc: '"" c1o1 ( 1 -u , "a. "' I j rf tr, 'I "'" formerly Southern California's tllll'l'll, p, rt , o o 0 ~r,r. 9l'ld ~1o11i11 IC.Ml -.... w. HJ: ?:, ~ 1:,.~ 1 -iv• No. 1 ranting player in the 18 ~=M~ rt : ~ J ~ c.e. -. 01~) UN) c-... m,.,~'t.r,'"'t.".nt _._,", t\ l tit and under group, John Spiegel Prout, ' I •• 0 •ii;"" • "• . 1 ,,.. 1r::r.,. ,,..11 "1H1i1 1 , 1o11 1o :n11 0r:.niiiiil of Berkeley, John Wright of K.~~~·:,,",, ', •, ', •, . N• ~OM"> """'".! ICM! 1-HI) S.7. -• -• u I K. '"" ·-·--..... Fullerton, Chris Chapin of San It-. 1tJ 2 , o 0 ~ 1:.c1o11 •1. 6-11 tied ..,._,,..,.. ~~~"' .f~l clef Mlll•r· Gabriel, Rick Evans of La To1111 ,, J s 2 k.~-· !·1," • 8el'tlf'I (CdMI 6lf l(vmlmO!o tCMI ~r~·r;,, ~Hti "!t M l ilef Fl"*""" SC.A " 111111~'5 ,,...... .. !• c1ow w. Moor• "11 m1 111 IMIK ~~·~11£ 'irllHl ., Mllltr· Jolla, Mac Claflin of Florida , 11 • J t1i. N'ttutl' 1cc11111 clef M11tic rc1111 "' H• ["" 1•1 w' "' l'l•n1t1n-and Paul Gerken, ·'~.-~-,,.!! i1111 oot o -l J ' Hoc :f.~ lb I ,, Cloll ._., Nro«• M 1 loll '°'•--"-"~A~~·~·~·~~·-•~·---------L•• ·~ ...,, l:KI 100 x -' I 3 l!,..,:'IZ~· ~ l(~::ll"1t1M1 Olf Cloll (CMI .. h kww ft lllfl.... II~ Moore "41 Inst to Kum1!TIOM I... •, . J!i..~~ 0111101.!l/1 ,,,.. , ... _. DI! IOO IOI JC -, • ' HOllemtll .... P"'K'1~ (CclMI ""' Mater Dei Prep Net Result,s F~4-2 PRE-SEASON SWIMMING POOL SALE GIANT 1-POOWILTU-GlOUND PAD-CHEMICAL DISPINSU Major League Standings \t.\t SALE SALE No_....,.. Amerte1a League EutDMll• Eut Dlvtsloa. W• IMt Ptt. GB Woa Loal Pel. GB Chicqo 7 I .m -5 z .717 PHtaburlh s ' .as z Balllmott 5 3 .625 •.\ SL Louis • 4 .500 3 New York 4 3 .511 I New Yort 3 5 .175 4 Detroit ' 3 .500 II\ Momreal 3 I .175 4 Wubin(lon 3 5 .375 Z'I Phlladelpbl1 I • .JIO I Cleveland I 5 .117 31\ Wt1t-West Dlv11loa Allan!a ' I .'llO KIDSUClty 5 2 .717 Loa Angeles 4 3 .171 Iii CalUomla 3 3 .500 II\ Son Diego 3 4 .at Iii S..We • 3 .500 II\ San P'ranc:Jeco 3 4 .at II\ = 3 3 .500 II\ ClnclnnaU 3 • .at t• HOUiton 3 s .175 ' I 4 .at 2 -·--I 4 .w ZI\ It. ltvll 4 """""'"' ' ,.....,..It ..... Cll::T. '· 'lrtMlvrltl ' """'Yn L W ..... ltfl J Nnr ~ " MlllelNlllMe I =::: , ....... CllldMtt4 ti, S... ''lllPto 1 .. 11 11111• C S. Dttrtlt I .___ 4 Atlente l ....... s. 0.:191111 • lM ...,...... 14 ~ °"" • °"" --tdllfll .... -·-Mn Y"91 llteM/Nn .. n .fl i"lltMwtll C-... I.fl, T ...... _ -WMll .... (~ 141 tt Nn Yft (Stottttm,,. ,......... (cinnt 1 .. l .t '111~ IWM t.tl1 .. , ..... Cfll""'ll CIMlll •41 •• °'kl91(1 I~ •11, C:lt!Mlit (Jlllklrl• .. II •I St. Ut.rli lc.HMll 14)0 . ..,. '""' . ~' l~I •I Sffllltl fltll 1"l, nltlll "'""" c• ... , .. , " ...,. .... 1~ •n. """' SU... City I ••II •I OIU,. IKotiM 0.11 .... °"" 1-.ar 14) ,, ..... ...,..... ,...., , .. ,. ::::::-. CMct.'111 1·11 .. CltWIMI 1119'111rt N J, ,...., -IMC.•""' 1 .. ~ st .. IM llretl H I . AUTHOltlZID PULL.llllVJCE AND ,AllTS POlt ALL JMPOllTID AUTOMOBILIS AVllllable w/Autom1Uc 1'rsnlmtl51on GOlD SIAL USID CAIS fJNIST SIUCTION OI' u•D SPOAT CAIS. IN SOUTHUN C.~LIFOINIA . ' 11110 -T COAST HlelfWAY -NIWPOIT HACH " • .;J?rtt1po11 .-Jl111por1 •, • I 64i.f4ff 540-1764 _.... M• • AUSnN-HIALIY D .... r A-l'DAAll D-.. Soltt • Sonlct .. ,:-s299 6"' UPllGHT NOW ONLY POOL TABLES 7 FT. I JT. 9 FT. • ...... llWAID T.UUS '295 -1H,_..._ ... onH 1 DATI JI TO 7-SUN. 11 TO 6 1~1 • ._ flNAMCINO ~ci~~ KIT.::w s629 MWUll T~ TAii WOWI LR TIME SLATE ~~289 1Jngled him lo third. He came acrou the= • puled ball and f eventually ICOl'ed m Howvd Stnihle'1 ljaae hit. Coach Andy Smith, with Marina High on lap Friday, pulled ScboeWer with a alx· run lead. Andy Blanton OJdsbed out the game, allowing one run in the alnh on two walb and an error. Dave Campbell'• inf I e Id :single scored Tony Cnecl with the wiMing nm In tbe ninth alter the Iati.r bad -first on a wait and moved to third on pitcher D a y e Klungresetter'• aina;le and a passed ball. * * NIW!llft 161 ... ,.,II C\lrf"f',Cf 4110 Mttlnoll, lb ' I 1 1 $trubl•, 2b • 2 2 I l''"'' #I A I I I W1rne r, rf.Jf • I 1 I M1r'1", c l I 2 2 F1~1n1, " l O t t Holmes, u l I 1 O Scllofttltr. ~ 2 t 1 I 8 11nton, ' 1 O O O Tott11 J2 ' 12 I Hlllltlott. IMO UI McQl,IOWft, lb Murl>llf. 2tl aell!. u A....,.r, c Symon1, If R11J1, cl Wll!l!lt ld, 3b Sllubln, rl 81noe11, p HOrYll, p Etl'ly, 111'1 C1rr1bt1u, • TDl1l1 .. , . ,.. t 0 • • l 0 1 • l 0 0 0 ;) 0 0 • 2 • • 0 l • • • 3 0 • 0 :l 0 0 0 I I O • • 0 0 0 • 1 • • 0 • 0 0 J2 1 I I SC.. .,. 1111111111 ' .. Hunl!ntton lt1dl 000 001 0 -I I $ N"""'1 Htrtlor 2111 210 • -' lf I W'9tntlltltW Ill HIYMi, lb Hot1n, n w. McC1rtn1y, If P. McC1rlnlt, cf M. $1nel'le,, rf Membl'llt, c: Mick, c Dtdrldl, lb J. S•l'ldltr. lb lllM, P McC>on1td, " MJ1M, ~II> 101111 • r II rM A 1 I I s 0 1 1 4 1 I o ' • 2 t ' I 1 t ! D I t 2 0 1 • • 0 I I 2 I 1 t 2 I 1 I I 0 I Ill t 1 2 er » s 14 .. MtrMlO MMn, IS Soul!!, 11 Wltlld!. llr Flun!nt. 1b Ciwrtn, d Moll, c Crt11t, If Crt<I, lb AncltrMln, " KlunertHtltr. p lieu,,, rf $Mm1n, rf Nelt., :lb C1mobt11, 2tl To!1l1 W11trnln1!•r Mltllll .. ,.,.,.. s I 1 o J • 1 • I t I I I 0 0 Cl J 1 2 2 l • 1 1 i O I • l 2 2 • I I I I l t l I I t t I • 0 :t 1 2 1 • 0 2 I 1 I 3' '·12 1 ' .. 110030 000-SU 1 OJI 100 001 -' 12 I Prep Net Summaries • • ----i-----------------~~---,~~·-~,~~·-, --- • , 1 :• ( ,, " , COUNTING 'tHE SEATS -LaguDa BOaCb citr , c.ouncilman Cbarltorr Boyd . '.. (center) ha · obvious happy hopes for Harvard Club ol Orange County-spon- ,, . sored profe ional tennis tournament to be played at Anaheim Convention Cen .. " ter April 25-7. Joining tbe buddle on seating layout are (from left) Ralp~ Clark, _;,,;. mayQLl!f-~; Boyd, counJy-l!ar-vard Club_presidOf!!,-"ll<LGflQr"Jdac-_ ". ' ' Call, preside t of tbe National Tennis League. '. Trito Rip Lagun· ns For Track Marks Area Stars Make San Clemente .J{i School !' ripped Laguna Bea ~esday afternoon, 78-1~, 1 n a CIF Horwr List "· Crestvie'! Le~gu.e ~ meet •• 1 at ~ wmner s pool, ,, Corby Lloyd, a j~r. led :: -the Tritons io ·variity climpeti-Dave HustwJct, L a g u n a tion with a 4:11.0 400 free vie-Beach High half-miler, re-~ tory aloog with Scott Reofro. mains on the elite list .of CIF : Renfro was a double 'tp'inner Southern Section track and taking the 200 free. in l :S0.8 field athletes with his 1:56.5 and the 100 back in 1:02.0. clocking. 200 Me<111v Retev -l. S•n ttntnt' He'll be going after Com· sin c19,,....1, 1Y.,'1'il> ~ .. ktl Hustwick Js seventh. fBrouohlon. 8urr11. Sc.hftle, tJ1ilnal. ·• Tl~=F1T.·~ 1. Rentrtt iscl!.l:i..cii., plon's Viet.or Moore's leading ; cs'lc1 ~ ... ·~ \SC(~'i~f/ Hol"' mark of 1:54.5 Friday and IL~ ~~·:~{si.!e.:il~OM'.;.: 1;JH•r1~" Saturday In the Laguna Beach .~ ~~~?·,~{,.Th1lon tSCl 3. Rifkin (SI:!. Trophy MeeL ctv11111 -1. HM1m1nn !SCJ 2. G•nttt Estancla's tandem of Rich csc1 J. v.n Dfil.Mft lLB/· Points~ .. J. Wood and Dave Loufek con-·, 100 FIY -1. Scnttle SC\ t. Mo~•n ., 1sci l . aur11$ ILIU. Time: '°'·'· tinue on "e list w1"' Wood 100 Frff -• Atwood tL8) t. LOdes 1.u "'' lSfJ, 3e,f~i-:1~~~1~"1ltis.1i~ Sabi-tltd for ninth in ~80 low 1sc1 J. Holm fLB). Time: 1:02.0. ·hurdles with a 19.4 king, ~· Mlil FAe -1. Llovd \SCJ 2. Htrtmln , (SCI 3. G. Smllher (SC . Time: •:11.0. Loufek has a 1~ effort in ·, 100 8re11l -I. Burris (SC/ t. R11kl" th "'· f ' la ; ISC) 3. Conred (LB). Time: :11 .1. e uuCUS Or eighth p ce. IL-:,.:,•1!r1~~~~ R;,J;o,s~~ ~,,!~11~ 1 1Marina's 440 relay quartet Time: J:ll.6. •-\ o Dean Kitano, Joe and Tony r sin ci.n ... 11 1v1 u•1 lffill11 •Md! Venlimjglla ind Dave Lacy 2tlO Meclle1 Rela1 -1. S•l'I Clemtnt• ~ · I ''~~fl~,01~1.119, tt1u•n11. _ aeu111l. tied or :seventh with a 2lll Fr" -1. C. W11r1 (LBJ 1. .1, ~ MlllW (SCI 3. Mluwmll'I (SC), Tim.i: t@ 2:~"},... -1. svm,,.,. (Lil 2. Pr119Pe ~~1t1111 ll•I fl· Vlc;ll; fK). T1mt: 2~.!. G 11101'(1~! .. S!'lfrl " • 100 ncllvlO\lfl Medin' -1. Solt \LI) . Ji Ct-7.t l '· BHlln' {SCI 3. No mlrd, TIM: ii:riclr."Cotnoi., l::&:rFIV -1. D w ... (LBJ 2, Vick • Bl•lr (SCl 3. No third. time; 1:09.S Ill, 11;~ .~, 100 Frte -l, C. Wert ILBI 2. Vicic, rt'. f.~I r • !SCI 3. Sumner (LB), Time: 5.4 • .f. if-J!\:l o .,,/", 10!t BKk -1, Sutton (SCl 2. M1th11 ~/hfii.. •~r1 Ar:" . ISC l 3. MCCan1 (LBJ. Time: l:Of.O. 1c~orkm1! ' ..00 Fre. -1, McC11t8'11n (LBl 2. 1u ~ Ce11 ""I" • Mlllft" (SCI i_ Bryan ILB). Time: '" ~nt) ~ 4'~~0·Bn11t -1. Solt fUJ '· Klnt ~~ne,IJ.!~\f,, «lO Free Re1av -1. $lln Cltmtnte Lak.....aod (SCI l. Hm1rd tSC). Tim.: 1:17.0. ~ f~ort IG. Smither, G1rr11t. MllllU. Vlclll. f1<N 'jl1kn _1.,.....1111no .. Time: ~:oo.o. Ho11ls. 11:.ow.. ' Big Bass ' , At Irvine ' G•rrer, 'j,:1:''' '""'~'' "" l'I 4 Phlll 1$, ! I. ....,.. Wlldr eQ9I Fonte ...... ~~~\, ~__l~Mon'-rv Und~'J:ith T..-r1nc1 Fr1nft, loit~ i~=~ifn.~'.\'!-1notlde Hrntw1c1c.Sn'~,.,. c~, G1bl'ltl M= ITllll Roblr JorlliUI MILi! Uncltrwoocl, = Torrlntt ·· Lunker bass have taken over ei~: t:'~11 .~111. ·; the fishing spotlight this week ~"J.I!:-~~~~.·.·= ~ at Irvine Lake. &.m.r. ti·~~ ,_ Two anglers, James Treub ~i1~r.:.. ~~~o . • of Anaheim and C 1 Y d e Limb. '°"' 1'~1LE : Dingman Jr. joined the Whop-~~·~·•:•~ per Club with six-pound 13· ~5/;~r."· 'ii 1 ndti 1>11 ounce and 6-pound 12-ounte r~=~ '1.n~l ~ .. bass, ,~~" rm" Dingman caught ltis beauty Ch•ffln, PO ' I B hll Ch•o""" XM1&l1s with a Jungbie' bum ~th e J~~· !.iv., • .,..-rv 1,.1 tA.A llj ll '" :!i '!" ... ... 'l" "' A3.1 n.> n.> l:1t.O 'l!" 3: .I l:1l.A :13.f 3;lA.9 3:2A.t 1:7,.2 3:2'.) 3:2'.5 ··~ f f Treub hooked s ass WJ a ~-... i~.2 purple Warnt, 51 1": r.~v!ii-:M 1'·.:.1 ,i 'Cattisb, crappie and trout ~ .., l I t f s. 11111 111 V111fY \U '-----------'I also are providing pen Y o 1_;,;•-=·.:.:::om::~::"':...._:.'----"'"""-----------I action for fishermen. "'• The cats are supplying ,.Jimit.s to many anglers and •:m06t have ran ged from 2-8- • pound. Several 9 and 10- pounders also have been land ·".ed. : Crappie, which have been htttin& in weedy coves, have been averaging about 2 : pounds. Trout have been biting on cheese and red salmon egg&. 0 Biggest trout landed last week was J'n pounds. Area Sports Calendar l\.e111 •uro °"~" \ SPECIAL I " BAYOU COUNTRY 'CNll1•11 Cl•rw ' ONLY 4" A groat ,,_, IOUllCf on8hocktDpocor- trld91 to llljoy GI ~drMI Co11e lllfo '"My's A.to C.11ter nd '" ftr 9,..+ Mlectlon of tape ca,.,. trklves•wl . . ' W....,, A11i1116, 1'169 County May -Be Net Cap.ital cUIJ···,. .. a -MlcCID,wtio'•br1a1 181 " -1111 beoellled )'<IUlb IN FY MEET, SPIKE ACES llJ 0000 MILl8 ~_.Jtorta l!dlw -~-· Bollttle "Wltllln 10 ,..rs, poaibly n... 0r..,. County w111 be the acknO#\edced t e n n i a capital ol the nation," Hup Stewart. former Davia CUpper and current Jll'O at Ille P.iulh Balboa Bay Club, pr<dlcled while meeting with Georp MacCall, prelident of the Na- tional Tennll League, stewut and MacCa11 bad huddled to dllcuss the April :1$-37 pro tennis tourney at Anabelm COnvention Center when the topic of Orange ~-,_.-up. ......... H ... !.por "-llo --·" Or C4un1 -' -.... ,.. ,. ~ -Ulll lltwporl ..,. y ,..._ -~~~~.~ :. ,;:_ u ... lo Olrqoa 11111 Ms)' aqd lllP'• cjuld< rloo to CU: pq;rer will be vylog tor ~ l!Orai la ~~-• ~-11oy-= •(~-lil cubelrocedblcl:loa~ theSoutbera~ ty hid two '-II c:lubl 11!'1 a Nfll'J1Jlfl.Bladl) lo pr., ii. 1111 pia1W pocram .......Wlly Municipal Alhlello Feder., total" --""""'· llowil'• -..... -... --five~ ... by the tloo trlCI: and llela -Ill bard to bop up wllb the er lllld la oraap Caunty, loll>-Balboa: Bay ClllJ> "and· there'• Cerrltoo Coll• a -- growth of facll!tlel. eel Stewll'l'I -by, pol!Jl!nl DO•<ioUbl • 0rup County · ce wheo they moel ~ "l!• ban IS cour11 llm at wt the r-.1 inP no!'....... ' -llall -·Ill the lloelt at Founlala Valley HIP the Balboli Bay Club and the cl aucb ldp -., New-inP'-""' la the blUGa." School !or the 0r..,. Com>- lltwporl -Teanll Club port, Fiillerton, Loan a a d · Stewart. wilo 11 v •a• a ly cbompionshlpo. bu II ~ and we're bcllb busy Corona ~ lilt. bockMJN! lhot -from ' Three entries la udl all·year-rouftd. And }aj)t at • 'IS o u~h e ~.'' wwld ctwnplon Laver, HeS event will advance ~ the bow active the clllbc at MacCalJ "a!readY lti Ille the ._1og pro ~t Southern Callloro1a . llaall. Full¢aa, AnaheJm, Tultln basla for -i.1a. the at Anabebn u a "wat , The meet la open to and Red llilla .,.. IWdaJI, W!>fld. A1ld Ille ltrqlh ~ bnaktltratlh" for -ntOIJl!tloo quall!lers II, tbeir cUla The growth ol teonla ii anw-vloullJ II lhlftlnc to oraap ol Orlqe Caunty'1 -i. ·pro-meell from ages a I a• 1n1." Comity ,wilere Ille ---' lhrougb 15. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday AUl ~-CENTER FOREMOST' P~L.M. WHITEWALLS WITH _ DEIPE~, WIDER TREAD ••• AND TOUGH . FULL 4 PLY PO.LYESTER CORD! 36 MONTH-GUARANlE 18 MONTH FREE REPLACEMENT white tubeless ,.,,_ Sizo Orig. loll ~13 ... 23.95 ••• 1.81 700.13 ... 2$.95 ••• 1.92 695-14 ... 25.95 ... 1,95 white twbeless Foci. Slza Orig. tax ,735-14 •••. 27.95 ... 2.06 775-1' ' .. 29.95 ••• 2.19 • 715-15 ••• 29.95 ••• 2.21 815-15 ... 31 .95 ' •• 2.36 825-14 ••• 31.95 ... 2.35 white tubeless Ped. Sin· Orig. tax 855-14 ••• 33.95 ••• 2.56 885-1' ••• 35.95 • '. 2.85 '845-15 ••• 33.95 ••• 2.54 NOW . NOW •25 p1 .................. .... NOW •21 , .................. ... FRll tt .. rotation .,.ry 5,000 miltsl fRll tire mounting! fRIEpunctu,. rapalr for tife of treadl _.. ... -··-·-··"· --' -................................. ""''l'" ............... ,., ....... "" ' ........ 'I' •...... ftol7 ...... "" ...................... ...... NEWPORT BEACH HUNTING.TON BEACH (Fashion lslond) (Hunting ton C.ntor) ,\ I I I • IWLY l'JltT . -' If you wish to go ol. .;, lut- ther, you might alto ifOlll,M)"O'W hOnds os being the arro,,w. L.t them zip throudi the hitting orem , ond out toword the targllt, Jld as ,;'Ii iftheorrow~beenrel-.d. La%11 Dag on Lake Bavcuu. Newport Beacli restaurat ete Siracusa •Prowls due' more hoadwayl.on windless d~y during Lake Collision Coarse • Pat Carriker .(NQ. 150). tacts astern of comi)eti Or ~ in Desert Regatla·as. competitor drifts by on wind· less port tack. Carriker plac9cl second ih finalirace • on the deck of his Hobie Cat in vaia: ~ort lo pro-. ' Havas!! Desert Regatta. · . ' l Colwginns=8ee1i _. -~ ~ Kennedy Trophy By ALMON LOCK.ABEY Washlngton College. '°'"" •'"-There wUl be a m*matory C.Olleglate sailors will take practice race oli Friday. The to the big boats thi s weekend a c tu a 1 regatta consists of with the sailing Saturday and three races "Saturday and two Sunday of the ftfth annual Sundiy, 1lsin/! a modif"4, Gold John F. KeMedy Memorial Qip coarse with tlJe lat r.C. Regatta at the U.S. Naval each day being over a wind- Academy, Annapolis, ~f.D. ward leeward cour9e. -"' ~ , Competition will be in ff.foot Judges for·ftie event Will In- Naval Academy yawl!. elude Robert M. Allan Jt. Of The . two ¥"eslem schools Newport Beach. partlclpaUng in the event are l'be John F'. K e11 n e"d y ~--'---' ~lemorlal Tr o p b y was USC and s~~~ dedicaled In 1965, with the Skipper for the USC team permission of th~. Kennelly will be Tim Hogan of Newport family for a regatta in bonOr Beach. of th«; late. preside~. ~t is· the · Stanford is the defender of f i r s t naUon'flde cellegiate the trophy, winning Jt in 1967 competition to be held in "big with Skip Allan at the helm boats. but was overall wirther oe: tbe' regatta. ·· ' ' and in 1968 with skipper Tom The U.S. Nava) Academy McCarthy. hosts the regatta in coDo Previous wlnners were junction with · th e Dt•Udf '.llorrie tat Skipper Harvard with Edwin BuUer in lnterc.o1JegiaW: X;ICbl Racing 1965 and Navy with Robert L. Association of Ncrt.h America. Hamilton Jr. Jt is an annual Chesapeake Other teams chosen for this Bay early sprjng event. year are. Cornell University, C. Robert Yeager, presldent New Ycri: Maritime Academy, o[ the well-known jewelry University of Michigan, Ohio manufacturing firm of L. G. State, Ya1e, U.S. Cout Guard Balfour & Co. designed and AcademJ, and Western donated ~ JFK Memorial Trophy to-the Navil Acaedmy. MerCruiser . , It ls a custonHleslgned, 11and.(abricated trophy ln the shape.: of a· bdwl beariilg a -. repli<;I or the Gr:eat Seal' of D I E d the. Prtsident of the United , ea er ll 8 State~ II Iii of sterling silver and lt kar~t gold with a base of hfgfl]y-polished ebony.· Sur--Stern Oass Mel Woody of Mel 's Mesa MarSae, 220 Victoria St., Costa Mesa, has recently completed a Mf!'Cn.lisef' stern drive traiJKng course at the Santa Ana Service School 0 f Kiekt.aefer Mercury, a division <l the Brunswick Corp., manufacturer of MerCruiser and Mercury out- boord motors. The coune Included in- stallation, tune-up work, ae- cessories, trouble-shooting and complete motor and stem drive overhaul procedures. MerCrui.Jer units combine four-cycle marine engines with stem drives as integrated power plants to give larger boats the advantage of out· board drive. 1be po w e ?' packages range. from 80 to 32.S honepower-. rounding the ba:se ar" lZ shield-shaped plates u po n wfiich the winriers of the trophy are engtaved. DDT Ban Shows 'Get Tough' Try WASHINGTON ·(UPI) - The Agriculture Department. reflecting a tough~ new ap- proach to the use of Pesticide!'!!, today canceled authority ~or the use or mixtures CODtainlng DDT 9n cabbages and Jeltuce which are near maturity. OHicials said they acted to preveol buildup of. dafti:eroua residues. A ban on the ute ,of another pesticide, toxaphene, on near-mature cab~es and lettuce v.·as announced la.st mo 11th. Neav Boat for Scotds Leon Lyon (left) ol Linda Isle passes over registra- lllln certl!lcate of his SChock·25 sloop to Doug Mur- cloch Sea Scout Base manager. Lyon is donating ... ftve-year-old craft to the Sea ·Sco!JIJ. Seouls in beekground are from le!~ Kent Duvall, .Joe cam po. btlsso and Dennis Bouche. Sharon ~\er, wife~of _HOble_Alter, designer o! .the- 14-loot ·HObie cat finds that . even a little wifely charm, can't mo".e .the craft when . the !'ind dies. Junior Regatta to Use BYC Launch Fa~ilities · '. •I • • Balboi aclrt Club's lll1lll . uodir. Courses wilt be lald out boat holll and other JaWK:hlqg On both the upper and loftr facilitles "111. be in operation 'bays, this weeUM for the .SOutherti ·~-Three races are scheduled Californla Yachting ·Auoofa-·satutday .and ·lwo-0n Sunday. lion Junior Regatta acootdipg Classes scheduled to race in- to Commodore Dav~ sini1ey. · elude IJa0-14, Internatlonal·14, Sharon competed with her husband and 4-0 opiers in Desert Regatta at Lake Havasu . The hol'1 soon will' b•neb!-·· ·Naple>· Sabo~ Win'ard Sabot, porarily removed during the G~ppy, Finn, ~lying Junlm', BYC expansion •and ieklcating Kite, S,n .o w b 1 r d and any or guest.docks· and bulkheads. o~ which can come up fi'.'~i[~ The SCYA Junior aegatfa w1tb a class of four or more. will draw yooUtful skippers from virtually every. sailing port from San Diego .to Santa BarbarL .The compeUUon ·is· open to young sailors w:tio will . not have reached their .18th .birthday by Sept. 1. ' · · · The regatta will be Sailed Jo . one-design boats 17 feet ·~. Soling Pick In Regatta At Alamitos The 27-foot Soling Class is expected to top the five one- d e s l g n fleets sailing this weekend in the Olympi c Classes Regatta at Alamitos Bay Yacht Club. Ebsen Vies In: Dougan Rematch The long, drawn out battle between Buddy Ebsen's ~foot catamaran Polynesian Con· cept and Pat Dougan's lZ· meter Colu:mbif. is expected to resume this weekend in a mat· ch raci;: of( Balboa. The three-race series for the Kimberl)' · Cup was started more than a month ago. Columbia was the victor In the first race which ws sailed jn light ain off Newport. Both skippers then agreed that a race would not be officlal unless the wind was 10 knots Trape%e Artist Jn a brief momerit of breeze on Lake Jfavasu Sun· day Rich Carriker takes to trapeze on hi s brother Pat's P-Cat, winner of the Desert Regatta. Mom· ents before and after the cats 1rcre drifting Jist· 1essly in no air. 'The Soling was sel~ted as 'an Olympic Class this year, rtplacing the 5.5 meter. Since galnlng Olympic status It has become the fastest growing one-design sailing class in lhe country. Nearly 40 are ex· peeled to be on the starting line at the ABYC regatta Saturday and Sunday. or better ~ a force that gives [':'.°7:::::-;;;;?S""J~ the catamaran a chance to develop its best speed. Other Olympic claws ex· peeled to be on hand ln force are FlnM, Stan, F I y I n g Dutchman and Dragons. Yacht Book -Available On the second raCe the wind was so light that neither boat could finish the course within the time limit and the race was canceled. The two skip~ l h e n agreed to move the course sile to the Long Beach area where beUer winds prevailed. On this weekend the wind blew so hard that the leeward mark went 'astray, and again the race was called no contest The race ls. being moved b a e k to the home waters ol both craft this weekend In hopes that the weathennan will cooperate. U weather con- Yachtsmen who mWed out diHons are fa vorable . the on· the first edJUon of the series will be completed with Soulbem cantomla YIChting _tw_o_rina1 __ ,_•ces_. ___ _ Aloodali. Y61Tbook and~---------, ' 'nwler eolendar wUt be il>- temt.d to·-the book bat bad • -prlntlJ'C. ,_ wbhlna to rectlvt a copy JOuld mall $1 to Com· ~e Millard Roolng, t065tl Sealer St., South Gate. The boot ll1ts all yacht club regauas and contains other peiilfifhl 1 lntormatlon BOAT BUFFS All'IH t.c••~ h th• •11ly '911 • tl1t1t .... t111.9 •'it°' w•r~lftt tll. •ll'f 11.ewtp1p1r lfl Ote11.91 C•u11.ty, Hit ••· cl1tl¥1 co••r•1• ef "''"" lilt tft4 yeffiti119 ,._, It • ct•lly ft1t11t •f tht DAILY PILOT. rt1ardin& Soul.hem California '----------' yachting. .S11i11er Stalled Dan Elliott and hi> crew Pancho Edler both from Newport Beach, learn th e meaning of frustration as they gaze 11aross Lake Havas,u (1) looking for pos. slblc win d ·nflplcs apd ·(2) \rymg to locate the coin· petition. Elliott scored third in the Snipe Class In the Desert Regatta. ,I f ~ follow this. Low end arrow princiJ>:fe, 1 am ture thot y'OU' will.find )'9Ut.honds finishing ni ce and ht~ ti the ~pletio,n of yet.Jr swing. • 0 Hif NA1'. *"'-.,. .. LON SCOIESt :HIGH POIIDI. Get plenty oF ~lfi~ help In Amold Palmer's baokl1t, "Tee Shoh ani:I Fairway Waodt, wnt'c:t ot~= for ...m.n of thi1 cal~. A copy is your1 for 2()C: a . • 11elf-oddreaed et1wlop1 •nt lo Arnold Palm1r, c/o thl1 nep+zr-• ~· -- AroUDd Area Greens Lawlor Scores Seacliff Victory . Robert Lawlor took men's lo\)' gros~ honors al Hu n- tington Beach Seacliff Country Club's· second annual Hun- tington Beach Boy's Club tournament with a 71. ·one stroke back a~1 72 "'ere John Bitting, Willi am _Bonhall and Dennis Foster in the eight-day event. Fred Eltrich took t~e low net title with a 62 followed by Shel Rosenfeld's 6.1 and Ron \Vanamaker and Ted A\'eram at 6'1. · • finals or the Cypress Point flight \\'ilh several golfers still vying ror the other. half of the nnhls. · ' . A Jack and Jdl tourney ts shlted April 27 and the \\'omen's Club championships Will get und er way April 23 and run four days. The ann ual Bob Fernandez J\.1emorial Spring Stag ia slated April 30 with an 11 1.rn. shotgun start in men's club The calloway division "'as actirity. won by Ron Favria. George • Chel0no and Ed Mprtin, all H1111l1119ton Bea<!la with 72.$. ' A C'riss-ctoss S e o t c b Byron Hok\lf WM -secqnd with 72 lf.r:. At 73 were Randy Partners best ball toornamenl Karcher, Gary Mariani; D. S. is scheduled for thi! wee.tend Benedict, Richart. \Vilt berger, at Hunti.ng\,on ~ea1;h Countrj Frank Dominik' and Cordon Club. · · Howse. 1 Patty Scflottmillp;r won the ladies low gross cyent wj!h an 89 followed by . Th 41 n1· a Garlord's 92. · I . Jn the callow~ division, Betty DeLaneY scored1a 78 to nose out-Ethel J..oodiis and ' ~1arga ret Lewis al 79t Ra11<!ho SI · Henry Duffie 1 apd J i m Dooley lied foI'I the. string to u r nan1ent chan1pionship Saturday at Raijcho San Joa- quin Country Qup with sos, one stroke a~d of J oe Paioletti at 61. ! ' Tied for thirf) we.re Nels Stafford and N¢ Trahan at 62 follo.,..·ed by F~k Beckman. and Hal Shaw at 63. 1Uead....,lark The ~1cadowlark L ad i e s Club luvi1:&4onal, with 180 pla}·ers from Southern California eipected to com- pete, is scheduled for Friday \\'Ith a sh9,111'.un start: The S o u \ h e i' n California Nisei Golf Association will conduct it~ annual toarpey at J\lcAd::)I~ lark Sunday. \\"inners in the class A division of the weekly tOum a- menl In !'Omen's club•action were Hefen P..toultoo, Bonnie Nuccio, Pat Eorio arid'· Frank Beatty. ! · _ Class ~ winners Wel'f Kitty ~1ullens. Norma Bee~, Fiora Ji.1oo~e and Vickie •Hubbard Wh!J1.~arion '"Cleall 1*1 Bea And \:Vere the ltai:lers in clau · actiYity. The Larks flnlshed 2 1 strtkd ahead of the Meado\\'S tn the 'wtapup of the Mta!iows ~ .'fr'a t~y, ·, s-t• A••· CornpeUUon ts down ' to the ~all· in the cham- p! Ip Olfll! of IWoident's Cup . If Santa Ania Cou..i· try Cub. In the upper braclctt Jack Wild<r and Wally 8'0mctt are slal"I to met!. · Keni, .Nowling will. meet the w!Met • ol the L.. Metzger- Floyd Weavtr battle for the ri&hl to -the aorvivor of the Wllder-ll<onett bout for tlJe ti~.. . . The Auium flW'l iJ up fro grabs betw~ JOhn. Rutan, Paul Renlul; "Harry Martin and Pete Mathey. Lloyd Stocker -,vilJ meet the winner of the ~ Evans- J<"'reemarf Kendre mat.Ch for the Balustrol Flight title. Dr. Harvey Spears Is In the El Niguel Don Dempsey .made his first hole:iq-one at El Niguel on th~ par-three , 168-yard fifth hole. Dempsey was playing in • foursome with Oscar Kum mer. Louis Latt and Ralph 111errill ~vhen he scored hi! acc. 1'1issio11 Viejo The inaugural Alice O'Neit A very golf tpurnarrient will b4 played April 25 at f\.1ission Vi& jo Golf Club. The tourney haJ been posti::oned twice earliet in the year because of wef \vea ther. t.fore than 100 competitor! are expected to 1ee off in tht shot gun tournament at 9 a.m Open lo all members of tht Santa Margari ta Women '1 Golf Associalion, the 18-holt event will feature low grost and low net winners with tht perpetual trophy going to tht low gross victor. The association · lnclud~ participants from El Camino Fallbrook, San Louis Rey, Sal Marcos and Shore<:lif!s coun try clubs. Included in the hostess nigh for the tournament from th! ho!t club, Mission Viejo, an Anne Amlls1en. Am Blacks'9ne, ~e Erith1 ~oa1 Evans, Lllllan Ferris, Lyru Fleck, ·Mickey . F o h r m a n Mildred Hammonds, Le 1 Ramsay, Valle)'· Reilly, Kai Rivenes, Millie Smith ane Peggy Thomj>son. ~le•a Verde Cha.rite Hall and Gleni Jones teamed up for 1 net I to capture the i>artMrs best ball event Saturday, t\111 strokes ahead of Fr.an I Farmer and Hfre>kl Peterson. In a Ue fer third 61 63 we11 the teams of C.Cil lloyk an Ed Ikenberry, !!ms G<Ol'(I aod Paul Buckles and Geora and Don Wood. Sunday's Mr. Ind Mr1. best ball tourney -the fint hall • a 36-hole event -ended wtd Paul and Lela Stadenn.1 leading the fi<ld wtth a net II · Final 11 -wW be pllQ'I April l'I. lr.,l.•e c ... c Irvine Coast Co.miry ChJ wilt be at Sanla Ana CC Frt day In the bomHnd-hom team l.ournamtnt between th lwo. Best ball of two•o·m1 prtvalls. ' Men in:1 ' ._.,, " Serviee ' ' ' 1 ClpL-E.= USAF,· 1hu been with lllO' ~ J'l1lnl . c..u fO< ..naJ 1<$Wvemool • ln ~Vietnam. " . Tbe .., " Mr .. -M1'I. Edward /!.. .l\....i.Ipli " •ii I Cllallna ljl., Seal Beach, ._ ed the award for bh Ill' '"I" Port in the deleme al the c11J " can · 'Ibo. 11e 1a ,_ ,...: tiooed a Wllilams AFB, Arizona. • I ~ l.C. LuTy w. ~. USCG, ol '110111 Drate·LUe, H:untlagton • Btacb, ts • Kn'in& aboard tbe 1 U.S. C.out Guard cutter Wacbuletl oil the coast al : Vietnam. Seaman Appren. WDUam W. Orlciff. USOG, son of Mf. and Mn. WillJaOi N. OrloCI ol 7152 Garfield, HunUngton Beach, ta • Serving aboard the Coast ~anl Ctlttdr Wacbusett oH t a::.::~ eouw.~ - lloomlaPaal 'W.ZlmmuJaaa, , USN, son of Mr. and Mn. G<rald A. ·zlmmennan·ol !Tl Lower Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach, is serving at the U.S. Naval Support. Activity in D~, Vietnarp. Ind Lt. Doa E. Aakm, son of Mr. and Mio. Doog G. Aakhus, 43$ Santa Ana Ave., ewport B<ach, bu been warded Air F0ttt wings upoo aduation at Randolpb AFB, n. A gradu;.te ol Newport . Halbor High SCbool, he rece~v­ ed his B.S. degree in elec tronic . engineering f r o m California Slate P<iytechnic College. • Seamaa Appmt. Norpau R. RadtclD, son ol Mrs. Mary L. '. Rudlclll ol 7641 Hudson, Costa .;. Mesa, is serving · aboard the . attack aircraft carrieri USS· ~-Hancock at the San Francisco Naval Shipyard, when 'It is undergoing minor r e e a J r s after eight months in the " Western Pacific. Luce Cpl. Balley L Allbott Jr., son of Mrs. George P. Griffith of 314 Robin Hood Lane; Costa Mesa. is WYinl at the Marine Corps Air Sbt- Uon, Cherry Poin~ N.C. His unit la part " Uie Flee! , Marine Force, AUantic. •' ' ' I I · I ' Sttpllo R. Tyler, son of Mr. and Mn. Gordon A. Tyler, 1 7931 Rooald Road, Huntington Beach, has been awarded Air Force wiql upon graduation at Moody AFB, Ga. He bas been ustgned to Dover AFB, Del. for duty with the Military • Airlift Command. ;, Afrmn Gftgwy J. Garda<r, USN, son cl. N'u. and Mrs. Maurice J. Gardner of 3019 Zell Drive, Laguna Beach, is serving aboard tl\e attack aircraft carrier, OriSl<any, '!be lhlp la participating In " Operalloo 001 Jangle the third maj«' naval e1ercise > this year. --' Somu A-. MlcU.t L Waller, USCG, -'°° ol Mr. and ' Mrs. Jack Waller ol 520 E. Ocean Front, B a I b o a , gradualed frcm basic training Ir at the Cout Guard Training and Supply Center, Alameda, •I• Calif, CommWarymaa S/ Wesley D. Rowe, USN, son of Mrs. Clyde N. King of 1911 Coral Circle, Huntington Beach, is ., serving aboard the d<stroyer ., USS Wllt..le. --" Alrmaa Crate lt· Dou1•tr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. :· Dou&hly of 1725 'Thurston Drive, Laguna Buch, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He bu ' been uslgned to Lowry AFB, Colo. for lnt.illgen« training. He ill a craduate of Laguna ., Beach !Up. --Marine PvL Sie .... L ll<r- nr, son of U . Col (rel.) Frank JI. Berrar of 911 Qeyenne st., Calta Mesa. bu -completed the Voice Radio 1' oper1tor COune at the Marine , , Corl" Re<:nllt Depot, San Die&•· DooaNll.--.sooof "' G. A. Sauvageau al Tustin. .:. was amonc A.Ir Fotce ROTC o cadell who attended the 1111 t nUooal Arnold AJr-&oclety conclave ID N.,. Orleanl. He • la wwktn1 toward Illa 11.S. In • mecblnlcat ..,,;-mg at ~ North Dateta State c:. UnivtnilJ. --c WO C1r*d1te ~ L. Pukr.--Mr. and Mn. llobert M. Parm, and wtle, Kathleen. llve al 1141 J1Wr SL, Colla Mesa, ' bu compitttd a bdlco!lter ,. l>llol COOl'll et Fort WoKerl., •' tu. Hewill uodtr&O --" ruaM tralnlnc at 1he Anny Avtatloo School, FL Rucker, .. AIL Wtdltfdaj; .... 16, 1969 . h_,,1,\ .... 4 • c ............. ,_.,:.._.h.w.,..., 'e ANIJtlkilM.-H ............... ,,.11,C....M ...... •W. . , e JJff H ..... llM.-tt.t-'ta,,r IC...., C... Mw L(, I • 1'811 .............. I ..... w ........ c-..... .._ • ., ... I ........ w-.w. •••• , .,,,,,...., ... a., A-. ....... ...._._..._ • Jll)l .......... "' ..... " ............. . ' 1¥,ry.· ' Re9!·59• Re9 •. 79' ..... Loffto MIW ~., Personal Glcide Raid ' . •ir$"'' .Air, F.rishentr Ant & Roach A$pl.lf11 -, a.:. ........... ,. Killer ........ , .. '" .. .; ' 7 . 1J ••.• .M..J 6t ' ' c 44' 63c Th11ftr. ' ,,.. . . ' .. '. . ,, ' $1M Value! . i LP. Mono & Stereo eg. 59~. to 'lit .. :•:1 n Printed Fruit o1 11ie Loom Pillow~ises 'I" YalHI 12 Inda Gold ·Veined · Record ~Albums- Metal .D.ocument • I I ero ... ,,, Design tnd Modem l1~s. MIUic jrt ·this · K1cctiOC1. fOr ' HtZf blbil .imaginable. Femi~ top l«Onl• ,iiw IWS I J.Odc. llir• tbm aDd. ~~. Wat• -· Di....t Price s3•• Jet or R1111Jar . isleyLuggag · •1r'W14"Mlr •15~"•1~ ......... $3" ~­......... $4• lll• DILUXI Blended . Whiskey ~,=-$2'9 NiW prM:ed ntl )(Mio et than ou;r ~ discowit price r:i i ).19. Reg. •1so Briwn&Haley Almond Roca 99c · . ,:·Women's :•~.Wide Lig Pants· Women's Coloml Pateat ' Smdals ·· '".:::$1•. sz.11 w11111111 DtUI l•lrH.stntcltPni. Pftinc pm:s w i I h 1ide '2. . ·27 2ippcr. 7'% rotten m:1d . l,% nyloa. c:olott. Ilg.,, .... Clllrtl . lutut llalr Sttflr ' ;..Lo ,.u., ...... ''9" wtn. ColllJ*t dnnble silaitic 0$( ! LldJScMck · CHMllllt Hair a,,. F-011r ttmpmtun: $1 t22 1tttinJS ..,,.ith bouf- fant 1iood. No. 307, ' ~=PACK OF 2 ~- Frames .Assorted aiat-mttal , docummt f DJta ••• ::IJ.7" ••• 8110" .... 1txl( .. I Choice of bl:1dc ot mtple color 1il:iishtl. Jdeal lot framing ~. ttf• tificata, docu.m!ents. pictiim_!" . FIEE .BOTTLE OF 30 ·(ify:L' Iron · Tonic 11d. Vll1iiln C • "!"' VH.11111 •.c.nipl1x $.2. 59 With Purd..M of Mo of 100 . · =-==· 'J.ilfliJCd· ti~ offrr! ·' . lapi-t1Rlltld SZ.11 Dll'lthJ Gnr -z lllut• •act• . Clei1111l1g Lotion f J SO · httllnlt (qr all types of .inn. to.ounce. ' Plc1lc lap !7t10J7'' tt:pettd :tizr, $1••1 Fiber Jius illSlllcttd. llt· ._. inforccd. . ba.od1n, 1'in7l untn . Sl4.ll Gllmoar Liii &:all• Up llrrtr wicl Junr. Jisbt your ' ·-"°""'' ...... $12·· lll.e 'With oo 1l1rr Orshmdow! Prollalo11l Slfle SalH Hilt Drrar I.tt1• bood, '"'.' ., , .. Ji c It <oatro1 pclfl• .. ticw.· Qu.ic:ti lut! F.fficieu I · ·• SW No Pest l•1ctStrlp1 ,._Sift •T.v.-..-1 .· Tiblllldll larHcle lrUI H"" d"'1 r.-1. •"-$3ff 'justablc hti~t gill foe perfect rp:saJti. Dlln1 a Inch Thick Ch ... Lolllgl Pad ~4 :-••• i_qiod,t $594 Jmnted 1'UIJJ. 'teps I.II amfort tlld. "1•! tl.41 Ylllllll Tl'JIH 311 Qarf lee Chall bplodol pol1 with IMld· 81 C rd haodkt.. .K"Pf food cold lot houn ! • 9x12' Ruga __ Solid o< ,,,,,& 19'5 Home fuhiOft col. , . 011 ..,ith. fOltlt t' b1 ckia g! Sttgcd. · I ll 110\lnd, ' DlllJ. Dwllr Platlclowls B"1b.t bold O.i'T P"· 4 ' 1111 mn 111 TJbnnt <tJtor. o ., • Foe hot or cold food. I. lie ll'lllf ( lowl · C.ulatl11 ~~ &;_t~ mm, rinlrl 59c cian. Junl for anots. .pOtlton. KW:hea. colon ! SI .II Yalllll Z Cup Hot er Ctld Strtar G>ry. ••p-in M t pmof •994. . cover a he.It proof pluiic handle._ Gol.f dta>qltioa I 71c •· lox ·of 100 Pekar Chips .P!uti•···"'"'""'2. $1 w i t h • d'imp cloth. : · Buy i UHi S.'e lSc. lie IDO'/o Plntlc PliJllC Cards Loni lutint, d'llnblt, 5f ftJJ' tit <Inn. Use foe liridgc Almn ! sa.11 Yal111 Plalflc 1r111 Uk• Door tat •<;1111-Iilr:e hi·pift' -with ~94 inqic •ction. 18124'' ill JO}d. or .lf"ftl• SI.II ft SI.II Yalutl ChDd,_'s ... k1 Gmt mortmcftt 0 f so m w juvenile pulilillw:r! All 1J("lf.t, 'de.n, freth ! . SI .U Fna:·l..Sllelf Plllflc Ice Flllk -"""·-'"" r. .. 96c lllOlt piaik "'*"·}Ult. Jill with waWr. ' ' fJ9"Yalve l1dat: l1at1•1ik 1H C11111ni 1311 • 119.9$ , ...... gPlutfc 1111 !!I Swag lamps $1414 fJ2.99 , .. , 3 Pc. Walnut .: Snack Tables . .$, .. , Hi&h ..;....,·J ~P nilstl ~ . •l~oboL I.~. lqaate•-'*· 1J'' kp. \ Bucket Style . Bed Rest. ' s3n °""11 flor1t ptiots ;irt •••J' (1)!otr. J•aaho · 111*11 .. U! Coaforttbfr. • • " -ft •• • J.1 0-lll Y PILOT s I I I I _:Uh Hike Sparks · Southland Gains • Invest by the 20th :e Earrt from the 1st on 12-ui tun paid l"""-t lbrift Ce!lificates. • 511% on l'lssbook Accoants on any alllOlllll. Yoar llillldmnls honnl immediately on demand. Join the thoUllndt WhO .,.. mcMn1 "1tir ~nda to Cll·TMtt. Clll or $top in. W ... &1edly answw your quntiofls lltd tea Jou hOW wa can tranlfwJOUF prnent funds by phone. • nwll without botf'llr to ,.:iu. F'or JOUr ........ ..._ maw ,._. fmllll ..., to our &'Int I ..it CALIFORNIA . . THRIFTs-LOAN ~70 E. 17th St., Cost• Mo .. -~So-45 C.lebraUna: • deeldt rA MMe• trith oni..1 In princlpol cttln thlOIJlllOut Calllomlo. llbllOD AMUrtCM ~AL INMUS MIOCUinoM' . ~-Aaxu.T»" Of INOUITWIAL LOM COM.W.ffl . .. OVER THE COUNTER . . .. -A· I t •' ' . ----------------- -- Tuesday's Cl~· Priees-C'Atmplete New Y~k .. Al It& lnlllal lllOTt lnlo the noort hotel lndu1tr7, Denny's -..... loc., llas -all qreemenl Ii> "'41!lre the -ly-<pelled. 2'7~, 410. ,_ Imperial Hanll Holt! 111 Waikiki Buch, Honolulu, Hawaii. 11M announcement w a a llllde jointly by Denny'• prtd· -Harold Butler and Fled x.IMr, vice pnol-al Imperial Hawal1 Hote1, Ltd., -" the hotel Demay'1 will a c q u Ire ldlporlal tluwlh the UClwlC• " .. undbcloood -" CCkOOb atock. Tu~'-. l -1. '~ , ... ., .. i + ' -· > "' 1: fl +1 ~ ~ • • -----------~'-----·-------------------'-~-------------·--~---------·------'-..... ----~ I ·LIGAL llOl'ICE-_..NO'IICE I ~------------ 'fV .PJans· L ' Changes For Tonys ' BJ ISUY llUCK • • . ' ,) NEW YORK (AP) -This ls the tlme ol the year when ohow buSlnesa pon.bes up Its 1olden >latuetta aod silver, medaJJJool to nwanl Its finest perfonpances. There were the Oscan last Mooday ntg!rt, the Tonys April 20. the Grammys May 5 and Tryouts Set For 'Tender' , RoyalB,or~ Costa Mesa's Fred Sutton ttte&' vainly to: wiD Ui'e' favor of Carol Bunker In this' 1Cene from Sbalt!"' speare~s ''Twelfth.Night,•• oP.!nlng • fiv&-night' run 1 tonight in -the Cal State Fullertov lit)le Theater.. · V€ lmne Pr-4t1.rtloP' ' I I ' i,( f I ·~ ' 'Catulli Carmina' Ma8tedul ' . • . ' - ' . ~taging of M,edieval Ballet ' . .,,...~ .......... ,....,.. rWlllllce ol "The ParlJ.4 A _.. ballet ..... ill wbtda Rkll:1 llanil .. Auntlt "" , • earl <ldl'i --., "*'°' M'"" and Ia Watan.be (bait ·~· • "<>all c-... ,. the Ille al bi& porWr) .. the ' .Ilia! -a,mn, lo JftmMr -lilted us off •• tb1e , ' and. &..-. our cha1n with a "Swan Lake .......,.. m o cl, -... I/Mii.: thil 1soi• ..., .... which wu a ~_}.nyr .. ~........ miracle a1 c1own1n&: and • -· ·-<dlcl~lkm 'to di. mulerpJec:e al tlmtne. ~~~-""I.""' ....... -~ ,19 The -ol the little -· -watiiiilii'lgruH11<!>0 <!lylnc ' A 'IGlallJ lml'!'IJl!lble -k:ol .-. ~~ • ...._ ludwlcbT A' ' ' aU1Jmi>t lo lupl) 0"" •• .--··-...., b~~. caviiui. "'!t ~ .~ al bis partner will live with ua -'AIQ -for a long time to come. S. c~ In 'a ,,..,. qut ~ will the ICft aldel we have to-~:-.~·to derildonT daJ and we'll,..,... that most 'l'bot' -.our ~,al Ilda o1 that delighted UC! audlencO nvolutlona'J. ~ Situs-Orfl'i .wort ls ·wrf....,. ill llU/fer from the same _.. day ~,at'ule Unlvenlly:al hit be · . -U 11.......;, plailll Callb"nfa "\t'. ltvlnit -bifGre '! "YI' -,. .. ...-We are well nare of the 11¥:'*14ln·'Ollill:lil!. Our blJ-_UvelJ'\'Ulpr Lallo but ,tpere many weeb al Ione. painful ,..i. ~·-·the -.... notlilnt yuJcar. aboUt this wiilaratmr · evening· _ ID lino . dloir'a <lelJl"')' f11 this rellearsal that have -Into .,.r. --~~·-· ...,,P..,demapdiq 1'ork. afewmillu..,ollnlp;,.dbuf· _ .. we~ve ever apent , at UCl , Very ~ tn·a growing.pre-foonery but belieV! UI, Mill W• U 'io Oat a·bbdon cm &mo sfiitatlOn were tJloee effective Harris and Mr. Watanabe, it ,-··~--.. ikluDll! iilld wu well worth It. v .. WI m Salesm· an Tur'". ·s·.Star ay~IJil>rofliTgo ·----_.... .. help .... ill OU( ehain 1n the If, back lo the cimpui f«, more that "'''irfial . clear,' hiib high lpOI ol • magnili-and of tllil m1pifictnt of~. ·IOpl'IDO 'Voice ID. deaf lo' ~ memorable eve.nine of tbeatef. ''· ·Whal a taiJr "''le\ °"""II hwt'ol.(l•ff and·'IO .tnmei>- I H . he kTh .1,_. _ ·1ry ·1o~ ... ,. dooillJ .. -.ID·Jta ·-PR•CEIJ!SB n itc oc ri rer : ..,..,w"e"'!'lilm _nu: al ... ~ .•"-fhere to Af1e< ..... more priceless • _ --lr<m"both-llill<rinc the DMttJDNllind.poiilomal-prrouettlii(!rOiii tli!S taiiH1 By VERNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Clno derella ston. are reserved for ~et!t Yc!ung t b i n g s discovered in drug storea and made stars overnight -but would you believe· a .~year­ old Czechoslcvakian salesman! Well, it's true. This nian natned Fjederick Stafford wasn'~ ~red in a drug stare, but be was a pharmaceutical ~dler with a worse' territory than the guy unl~ icebo1es in the Arctic. Stafford's r o u t e was Rangoon, "Beirut, Bombay, Karachi, Bangkok, Saigon, Manila, ·Sinppore, Jakarta, Hong Kong, 'taiwan and To,tyo with headquarters in Sidney. From the boondocks of _the Orient, to a few pictures in Europe. Frederick Stafford currenHy is starriJlg i n "Topaz" for Alfle Hitchcock. Selling pbanhaceuticals in the Orient came tO a halt for Cinderella Stafford when how motion pictures were put together. · "I had no Idea ol hecmiing a n\ovie star, much lest dream of working for HJl.ch- cock in an AJnerican movie .'' prod.,uclioM. But mejor bonon: the wcrk. mitched coup1': -.ideally in cannot, our dedicaUon to tbe So much for this superb terms of. the devastation they cause _of music notwitbJtln.. ••eatum . Cannina.:• Looting 1'"'0Ught in our concut hall 4Jng, be withheld from the back at wbat happened whlle composure, o1 course -It ,.,. Very obvious star of this fan-we 'fti'e st 11'1 blissfully back to the frtnetie, free-for .. taatic Crawford Hall pn> relishing the allerglow ol that all ol the dlseothequ.! and ductlon --choreographer electrifying olferillg, tt ls.bird mono ol that frenzied dancing Eugene Loring. to believe thlt the audience, by Loring's young men and Stafford is refreshinJ. He He wu responsible for a IW'feited u it wu by the womt.n. Where in heaven's does not apPfoach acting -dance design that tharOulblJ' lheer phylical beauty of that name do these high gear UCI as do our misty eyed method captured the earthy, free-almost overpowering cantata, performers set tlais kind ot. types -with the fe:f\'.or of w~ spirit or an age aptly could ao quietly adapt i\8e1No energy? a man with the holy grail · desdibed by Orff himaeif u LoriBC'• any, •om t w b It Our only brickbat is ft9el'V" .. in sigbt. Jnstead. be addreum havtni '"UttJe respect for psychedelic ''The Party." ed for the audience. Certainty. him5ell to a ct in g in honor and possesaions . . • COSTUME CHANGE it wu a delighted gatbtr1J11 businesslike fashion, learning more deYoted 'to play, womeri A ......: I" _;.., ... , la•a-''"a and there was no mistaking· Hs all he can about performin& and Wine ... " · .. -..... " ............ ~ un;: appreciation of a piece of and applying what he learns. IMP't:VV"I' •T .,. young ladies who bad IO theater that -and I hope we ,,1 take my job serioully," ~IUla..c. lascinlted ua with their clever have made Jt abundantly.cle:ar he said. "I work at it like Loring'• message "'-the interpn:tatiom · of the -ref1ecb tremendous credit 1 have every other position Middle Acea wu impeccably laacivlous, drooli04" old men ol: 00 every pers0n named in that I have taken_ very hard. delivered D\ a beauutully Ras-Orlf'1 work -mcidentally, proeram. . •·-··• h ed, Immaculately danced -thele cootumes by four UCI And ~ J wish, ltdlOI and "OUllt~it ... me w y, tribution to Orff'• bl'Ntbtat· members were superb-were gentlemen, that I could name ~ter 9nly four years :19Cting ing scenic cantata. And Robert back on stige, mini-skirted all m Europe, I II!' w~king in Fletcher's inspired desWna and clowin&IY attnd. And y'Sut f.he OYa&ion they_receiv~ a m ~t 1-m 1 111 on-dolll;I' -prov-Nied ~ileil ba.Ciiirop ~y rocked and-belted 1belr ed was not sufftcient. They Hollyw movie for Hitch· for Loring's gifted danctts way through Loring routines should.have been b ..... • .... t back cock, and I can only say nd b that hid us •• pe -'th the '"""6'-' things just happened. .a were very muc In keep--ea ... Ume and lime again for the "The first part was luck Ing with the I.3th Century sheer• tremendous physical extended accolade they IO for me. But execution is not overtones of Orff 1 tumultuous impact of it a11 aqcl the abntty richly deserved. score of these tireless j o u n g A final note to thdee In luck. It is hard work and And adding luster to this performers to cope with . the charge of UCI affairs. Do not. Aud 111 on s for Max ,he married 8 beautiful actress Shulman's comedy 1 1 T h e tn 1954; _ Austriari film star Tender Trap·" the next pro-Mariarine Hold _ anq decided ducUon of the San Clerilente traveling was for dum~. Community Tbeater, will be , "('he couple , went to, Europe held Su"!1ay and Monday at Where Marianne ·was making the Cabrillo Playhouse. a lctun:. A producer took application." superb on-stage presentation huge demands ~ this ~~~ we bq of you, let UU.. p... StaUor~ has traces of 1 was .director MalU'k:e Allard's c~eogr1pber. ,.'.;·~-I •night .atlhd of" rwpem:·~ European accent, but his glorious University Chorwl, Let us .""ke Uds ~-11'111). ~~ti lat .. ap~-, . · ·;t Tony Brandt, who has stag-~ a ~Ong look at Stafford's ed plays at a number ~ cl ·cai1-handsome profile yean in Australia a n d delighting' us with a well m._' de•• .lll!r< •~--bu J: !"" .., It ' ,.-~ ~ determination lo learn English fau!Ue11 nndltion of one ':;; n,iii'f ~~i';Pe .i · · '.'Ir~ i0·1e1• tlils~, .:, gives him enough versatility the most demanding choral ~ the 1omP, on ~ t , ferin'D" --:gather dl&R In· ~ to pla,y Americans. works in the books. Make no erDana&. ftom ~ But it , . _ • r1rle1' Arti files. , , • ,. ;.i He is tall -Moot 3-inchu iniltake about it, "CatulU be_ churlish 1ndeed to uy . t Gi!t ·us more. UCI, g1W_.11i) -has brown hair and eyes Carmina" is a back breaker tbis ~tation'. ol a typical nlort!. You rang the beb a and • dJrect n><mner that is and a wort to be avoided by ~ ~ Wll anythJn& Saturday 'night and all we .1li4 at once disarming and at~ any but the most ac-othet'than mMD1ftcent. . a veey·baPP'Y wd~ wantiJI Orange County theaters, will ~. .Y direct the show. A cast of four and ~td ,he shoul.d be an women and four men, all ac.';~t· as Interested . in ·the tractive. If "Topaz" plays compliahed choral group. 1ben, the piece de more...;. much, much more..;..} back to · Hitchcoct's better of the Ami. between 20 and 30, ls required. . w -'de ol ~ · The tryouts are scbeduJed bwllQell ·a.i m~v·~ ~ for 3 p.th. Sunday and I p.m. ing mo~. prod,uc1~g, ~Id Monday ·ar the (>layhouae, 202 Sla!~ •who fled his native Avenida cab r i 11 o , San land 11 a Y.~naster. . . Clemente. r· u r t h e r ln-"But this producer said the formation may be.obtained by best W~Y· "?~ .. the buslnels calling Helen BunUnl at 492-was by adlitg, • So :t· could 6161. ~ nioliey wtill~ I ~ films cf the past, Stafford ·==:=======;=; could become ' onuine star. GWC Ch • p r£ b ""' ready:for It. ' . Oir to e orm "I'd like nothing better," he ; said. "I'd move f r o m · t ~:'.~ 1io1~1 ~·e Jat,z Mass on Televi~i~n OOPS. ·WE : GOOFED! . . . ~ . . ... 'IMAGINE!! WE SHOW' A' PROFIT IN ·1969! TO DATE OUR TAX CONSULTANT SAYS: · . I "Give Some Back This Week" ' 10 ••• FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY ·We M11ke The Following Offen . • HUGE 200 SCjl. ii" PATIO ROOM APDITION lnclu-'fng 1 •PIMtt • Permln:e. U. Prints Complotoly Weolfler Proof Walls •Cement Slabs Plus + IMulotod Roof + _, 11•uLAa $ieso NOW ONLY $1200°0 fULL PllCI DELUXE ROOM Siii PATIO lncludlnt: Pl•n• • Ponnlts •Bl .. Prints lnwletod Roof Plus + <Comfll<!k Sc'"" In ' • ~~~LA:::I $59500 : ALL WORK DONE IY OUlt CREWS-NO SUISI 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE • GENERAL CONTRACTOR CALL NOW 546~9563 CALIFORNIA PATIO SUPPLY 7691 Westminster, Westminster luy 11ie Way ••• DISPLAY 0,.,. 7 DAYS ~ Wiik PAY NOTHING till AUGUST . Afte-two succe61!Jful ap. pearancea in the Huntington Beach area, Golden West Coll~e's A Capella O»ob' will perform "The Jllf.J: Mus" over San Francisco television. Accordmg to G e r a l d Schroeder, directo< of the 111- member cboH-, lfTangetnents have Just been complated to l>pe two JO.min~ aegmeols for KGO-TV, the ·s. Fran- c:i900 ABC tfllljate,ioii.Mly l. One oegiMJt will be teJeri&. ed die following Sunday morn- ing with the olber ICheduled to be stiown later in the wett. The cbolr and the Orange County Jau Ensemble preaented the mm twice last week to large aodiencm in the College Centtt. AIM c-, C..tat --- 11011: Olll SHOWIN• IACH m STAm 7111 "'l'loMt '11 lh A,_• 71H-....,... 1i111ll •" t:tl Cutia-• SMw Set I S.. Prw 2 ,,M. J..,._,.,. S!Me ''THI U6LY ONB"-M All COior "- •-• ntslel ,_..........., __ ,. · "IACHIL, IACNIL"-M A.len Attclrl "THI HIAn ts '"A LONll. Y HUMTll" A.II C.. Slww -... -·-·--······-.... • 0-Mwtlrl "ftlC-Caw-_., , __ "'PUm' POllON"-111 . ~ '• i . " &;:;!.:_~ •. l ' ...:-! -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . '! 1 -.. -·---.. --·--.... - • 'J''ftNter Notes · ·· ---·· ~ ·· -'6lf 1;u' ·· ~-s · Add ···''i, .. {fg .· .. • ·ro ,,!~.~*!'i··.-~.-t. "· J.,'·: -· lt __ er TOM mus Of .. ..., , .. tteff ; A palrc ~prodl/dions ,awep '!hi .r,.tu ,'!l.;openinc· Jlllhll .iii, O,.ange 11Gunt)'. lo tjiree.lbh !'~k .. wllile •no!ber . .ahow, IOf!I. on the, tiqar.d8 1t~a Long Beach theater . . ~tai:ti!'I. the b•lf rolling Is , Pa! Staht1. ,..F.ul!erton's ~ p uction o f S~kespeare's "Twelf!I! Nig)lt," .open i)l g tonl1ht for a five-day ,run. ''l'!>flnday &ddleback College_ .i>r..Ol)!s . ill f~st ~pus sbqw. '-... The, Solid G o I d ,Cadillac," tor. two nights. only. 4lip [&laing )ts cUr:tain Thunday.)f. tl)e ;;an Clemente CQIJUnWlltY· "I'.lteater, with the 1o 'llO!iula.J: CQI!\~ ""' Thou.sand ' Clowns." And Frfday, Long .~'s. Fprum XI Theater ta~eS .the Wraps off _its vedlon rd 1"11le Lion Jn Winter ," . ' 1.'Tw,elfth N;ight,,'' th~ fi~t .$}\akespe~an Production ~l· CSf in seVerar years , is fii*ted bv JI. Klrk Mee, -J:Olllfer1!~:-1iieAS1t1and, ore;» S~kesllf'are f~Uv.i· J<ihn 'BOrtley, Carol. Bunker aiid '!'red · Sui/On. 'the latter from Costa Me~. head the ca5J,.. .. , .. ,, ' . . . •• .cF,ive 'J>et:f~ wiU be .giVen tonigbt throui1' Sunday at tb'e 'ttttle Theater or the college's musi&-sl>eech-drama • building. 1 Tlcket.s may be MEXICAN STANDOFF IN .LAGUNtis· 'WAIT UNtil DARK' Pi11ul Wilson {L eft ) Fai:es Phil lftt!rl,ni:li;<~•nter.i • .AJ•n Hi11rt resq,ved by.,ealling the box of· fi<tt at 81G-3371 . * ·* "* -Saddlebatk-'s "Solid· Gold Cadillac," playing Thursday and Friday at a: IS p.m., is dire;eted by' drama ·instructor Bonni! Cogbill. It details the: plot of four ·scheming directors to:taJre over a cOrporation and a littlt" .old lady who. thwarts their designs. · · Gary Dobson, Randy lUes, Johri Onlsko "and Bob ·Yount portray tbe directors, with Cindy Fel'flald as the lady in qul!ation,\•_Edward McKeever., Pam Downs and D e:nn is Mullen ;aka take major roles h1· the comedy;· others in the cast arc Tena R~icbeltt ~~11:4n ~llionk Fr8nk VaJJeji , Jm!' Nembac , Bob Dugan. and Pat Mor.gan, Tlie curtain rises .at 8 p.m. in the music toom theater of the col· lege, which is located on the Croyp Valley Parkway east ot the'. San Diego •Fre·e way . Tickets are $1. · , ' *' '... .. uA ThotiS'Bnd Clowns," Herb Gai'dner's ·successfu1 comedy of,the· earl}' sixties' which pro. du Ced an' ·Oscar for Martill Balsarrf tn the movie version, opens a three-week run Thurs· day at the San Clemente Com- l!l!:J"ity Thea~er. R t.c .~ a rd Andersen· is'. directb).g· -. ·Ron CQristy o~ $an ·c1e~~nte stars" as Murray Burns, with VVo_.nne Kendley j:iia"yfrtg SoCial worker Sandra Markowitz. :the Jove fnterest or the· show. Scott Dyke, a sixth ·gi;:ader, ta~es the · role Of Mliitay'i young newphew Nick. · • COinpletiriB the cast are Stev· erJRiedl s 1fie OOtase social wor.ker, J8ck Keilsoo as the Practical biother and, Richarc;i Wilsori as , tlie, kfddie shoW star, CliuckJes the Ch/pmunk. ,. Performances will be given . . . Thursdays through Saturd ays Uhtil Ma'y 3 at the Cabrillo Playhou~. 202 Ave n·i· d a €~brillo, San C 1" e rh e n1 e. RCserVati ons are being taken tit 492-0465. -) . . .. . ' \ ' . Over .. in Long. Beach, the year-old . Forum XI Theater niOun~ its fifth prodUction - ahd one made even more notable by the success of the movie verSiCln -J a rit e s Goldman's ."The Lion i n Winter-." ~ , Kerry· Johnson. directs the historical ~ra~ ¢·the power strugg,~e. for the throne ,of J<ing Henry 1-J •. Thor N-i e.l s e n portrays the aging monarch, w.ilh-Kathleen Rogart ca.st as his discarded queen, Also in the cQt ar~. Dick Johnson, Philip .Ri chards and Geoffrey Blake as. UW three sons lusting for the crown; John Hanson will enact. King Phil.\p QI France, while ~a)lne JtiuWl pl'U'S his Sisler, Alais. '' ' ... . Laguna Play~ouse ls the • Frederic Knott thriller "W~t Until Dark" under the direc- tion ol Kent' Johnson. ·Sally Hayton; 'Alan Hart anti Paul Vlilsoi'l art spo'tligh(ed bi. the , pfoductiOn. 'PerformanCes are g I v·e n Wednesday· through Sattirdiy at the playhouse, 319 Ocean Ave., Lag\ina Beach, with ticket reservations being taken al 494-8061. • • • -At the Huntington Beach Playhouse, ·Neil S I m o n ' s "Barefoot in the Park'' is on lls waf toward a box office rerord. It_ continues Friday and ' Saturday · under David Majville's direction. ~-Mike Skinner, Rita Kisnir, Paul Sullivan and Annabelle Quigley head the cast of the· comedy. ·rickets may be ordered et 536-a86l. • • • Also going back on the boards FridQy is "The Family • Man:• at th~ Long Beach Com· 1n~1Y~ P~yhou~. R a I p h Ri~ '&n;d Ann. Leverett are c'ast in tht principal roles .. John Williams directs the · Fo~WSOUTH COAS~ · ~PLAZATHEATRE San Diq:o Fl'NWfly at Bristoi • 546-2711 ' Mc.1'91'91'•1',_ P'wtllltt ... Office 0,-. 6:U1 SMw Sl•r11 1: .. IJ.'"• '~hi ·r~r>,; A WOMAN WITH A ; . " , !I PASSIONATE HUNGER! ·~ ,, I ~· . . The ,·play runs for . four weekefl&ls at. l)le group's fifth rtoo~ playhouse at Morg,an Hall,. 83S Locust .Ave., Long B'each, Tickets ,may b e ord~red. by calling ~e box of- fice <!t (213) 43~9229. *·. * * Resuming tonight at the sl1oW at the playbQUSe, 5021 E.lr~==~~~~~~~=======::;:=11 Ahaheim-St., Long Beach. I Reservations are being taken I at the box office (2131 -· Something Bothering 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-11 Yoµ Baby?? .. • . (:rossword , Pl1zzle ACROSS 52 ln the vlc.lnlty . ~1 lranlan VIP 54 Downy· 5 Strol l coating 'Kind of bottle 55-0l·bred 14 Vi gorous , person 15 "Gra~s of SB Funtte1I Wrath" 61 Not ' '< ,lfAlllj) · . Jt,;,!Wp1UUCbinond doesn't quite know ~w .lo i!l:fe Gb~tta C•usey a li~ht'in thii scene from ... "The. Family Man" at .the tong Beach Com· IJ!1lllity Playhouse. characllt 1oulhful ... 16 Hau1ss •3 Certiin' 17 "ll1n -111 -·foot bonts: 19 -· 81y Co•lh iofCll 20 Italian 65 Monetary ·<O•roser unit ~. 2~ c,1 to 67 Uselessly: attrB't 3 words · attentlon 70 Power •\ · . d ., • ·-A' .. d 23 T'"' of supplied to 12 Nlrase of uito 3' One with i1 ·i· t•<r1<ns· . ·nnounce ""''"""t • ""';" ''"'"'d'"'' ,,.1.Q. ·141 ""'· . . , 14 Noun or ad-71 Bawl 2 words 43 ''--WondeJ . ;!.:~.,ii:~\',.·• )'~.'•I•·• • .' , ,•:J•>·'-.,, -~~'' " '_ul:~:~··ii1:~ -~ii;-; ;,:S i:i~ Opt:~•'' ~U~~f!d": F ''S d f ..... ,;...,_..'!:'\• ~, '· itbttfer:.'° · 74 1 'ftfd pilitt ~ 4• A dl11111-0J: OU·n 0 +riJ;4:~l,~.;'.;P~:~,~ ~T·~if i 21=''"""'' u~': .. \~.i ~ \ 1. ,.· · ,. , :J.lJ/·~l' f ' ;..,..' :S'.t~wot( ':{ .. ·,. 26!lipres1lon prefix 'A~.n's.. for'~. ~in~~s ·W will Provide-t·;~~Dttt;. .' .Ji·~=l~ • •-f°M~ 11..::•rii" 27 ifj;=ss 50 Hang down ap~ -;1n the 'L~c , oper£ ! Youngsters WUlf·be auditiOned · .·~sour.c·r~ . ·2 Asy,l~~ 29 •• 53 ~':'c!'t1:t Aalociation prodllction.or "The Saturday fi'o~~ p.'mt "to' ! · 12 w01is 'j AUllUdf ldl1n 55 Bird $Ourtd, pf Muiic" will be held : p.m. 40 Way over i_~Mlt!on ·~~er , • 56 llfrestrvt S p,m. at the trvme Bowl .. will be .heard _bY,., a conµnittee Broadway · .'ift "4!str,~la 31 .. ,_ .• ••• to 51 ~~~,srn ELKE GARY SOMMER LOCKWOOD LEEJ JACK coa.s PALANGE DIE\'aMEm -ROB .... WU& GINA LOUOBRIGIDA . : >~. ~Etlf.Y Wll(rlllS·· · . ftlllilJ.VERS PETDl lAWFDRO " ' . ... bosed on the Pulitzer Pri~<-• . " winning nC>t<I by l!i' · : ' Berndrd Malamud. ._!l! : : . -Starrint- ALAN IA TES DIRK IOGARDI ELIZABETH HARTMAN HUGH GRlfflTH -Ak- Met..,,.GolcfWYn·Mayet" presentS ' fl Mildred Ffff.d Alberg Production*""""\. Peter Ustinov. Maggie Smith Karl Malden .. · THE GRANDEST CINEMA .OF THEM All . ' ... EDWARDS NEW~ORT 1 T"I T •• • •• •••••••••• • • COAST , llW¥. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. .~~WPORT BEACH * 644·0760 THE BIGGEST HIT. IN TOWN! ACADEMY AWARD WINNER 2nd Co-Feature .... :!~ ,, "Coogans Bluff" St1n Mc:9-11 '" "BULLITT" '"' LH M11n<i11 ••• "POINT BLANK" Also At · N THI! WESTM1Nstt" ciNTS" .. _ ................ D_H_• _ _. ... l llWClll GARDlll lllM • tMI -nJ'IL .. ... .. :1 .. . .. ... -... ... . .. .. ' !·turday ilnd ~unda1 from t .Prospective·~~st ·~~, •t 8 i~~~r on ; ~illg~up 30 ~:5111ers. 57 An~ish Laguna Canyon· R~d. . ~ea~ed by ~g~ Ober, l>f'G-4? Asian city '6 -qtlltn!-I~ bf •..• ": 59 Exctlltnt: -'The ·-, J\odgett'f· al'ld-l Ham-duction m1,1~ ~or.. Ober .. 44 Man's. nam.e:, , knofnt·~S . i •ortls 2 words I ' HELD OYER AliAIN (fttrltein·\ mutt·a1 ""Will" bC said in addition -to selecting' 45 Out'on ,•'_,-·: ~!\-:' · 33 Make angry ,.., 6t'Oelude , -, ~ ~ri ~IB .. ~pt.)~I ·· the "~ of M~*"·cast, the 47 ~r-:O'd/~~l'. ·',~.·~.\OJI}~~·:.. 3~:0,";wful 62 Roo111 1;·12;·and .t3. ln addition lo · committeewliitie'tsteftltlglor . w1g:n· :•:~-,f~dnt JS!flned ,4 ~~t~r~ •• Cl)ree adtilt lead r o I e s 1 ' good v.oices for-_.1q1 coming ti.49 tt · ' ' ' ' New•iiili•· 3• ' sman' s 6b·Aeorn Seven children and 12 sup.. Lyric Opera ;iiOn&rt.eupper c~ hl!attd land cMy : tstlon •·V· ' pO,rting and minor roles must · event~:, · . 'J 51 ~·:~t.".~ ' 10 ~i::':1'coat 31 Jn ,:if9i:r~~ ''·~10::': be; filled: ~ ' · ,, . · ~udu1on de~1~ .. J nay be .q.b; . , Btcomt 11 Housdiold __ ii.t .. 69 Havl~ th e ~.All SlJllUS ... sfi~~ bring Uuncd .from Mrs. •Velma Sun, ·.1 :~ ,a,s1nor: furnishing . •31 Whert Dublin effeet9ot: fJ!eli',Qtfll_mu-'~·~lJJ!tc.~}r execut1ve d~llt~. ·~t:,2.won1~1 .-, 1 lt!llls Is Suffix .\ ~ • 7 101112 i· ., ,. ..... , i ..:tw c .. ,,, .... , At.SI., ••. " I ' ---~---------- ·ACADEMY . AWARD . WINNER! CLIFF ROlliRtsON . lit .. CHAIL Y" SELllUR PIClURES in collalion\iollwiln R08ERTSOll ~TES Pl'sW ,,,f CLIF f ROBERTSON. . 6 . ~ C#A~l)f ....... CLAIRE·BLOOM ., 1n-•·nmat· nlf'IG ...... "'···-c-·iiool . . ' Alio:rLAYINIJ---------AC~t>IMY iwARD WINNER 'Jic1 AL•RTSON , S.p,....l"'I A-Iii "THI SUIJlc:T WAs ROHS" •. H•ATR• llttl W ... l11 T9Wll f IMIOt•~COUA~f'llOICS4 .. l lll ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ... , c1......,..,.,.., &-..., ~ llMI !WI. llMlllll"1 I'll llliA/lllllAll llllt,llW lldJill' ROMEO I . <fjULIET n ...... . Z PIRIT IUNS SHOWN TOelTMft l PO~· THI 1ST 1'MI - .. . • . • • " ' ' • -. ii .OAll.Y PILOT \'I~: ~l"l!.16, 1969 , r . ~Are :yon · Pregnant and Worr~~d AbQut . D:iahetes?; ... ,,. • .l r i 117 l'Olef SC.lacnU, MD ond la!µ -.. lave it Ill bl! My doclor baa had me on 11n be •W-1\o. ~'to refer ,. L I am very lnterutfd hra diet-Idea. What do you think! -smillowtt oeed!'ll 1* time ~~~; ~: =icALf:rrES 'o1epnei.. l~'\1/,.'1°"h':\i'.~~~~ .. ~~: r=;~~~~W:~ tt~ l1•J:•lN:1•·1.~ L~ ~1 .'.:'_!:0..th J.f'com.,.;,oop1"r,rJ;m:=. '°M'~"E:~·•-·.~I!!~. ~~l;yv;,:,.';'"OX: i1 I ,,..ried use dilbetel haa Readers): ' doesnt take time to lilten. He eepeciaUy ~ Uaat.r.* Ir. re l ~I ua... aau ~.. --· ......... Ill" WI lake or fats and starches ...-.. ... iD our r·-"·: u . Deor Dr. Stetncrot>o: 1."am d..,,,, give 1me muen mare have a iludledftvieW: of )'<iir OWJd -· "'··-prlnJ a diet good none lstands r11J>t As for your dull complexion: ~~ _,. .... ...., ... .,, wrt"·• you about something than five mlnu.., In "e·otnce. ~ .. ,_ ..1 .. , • ..., ....... ..._pill." ~-...-him. this commoo comp'"'-.t or (randmotber, who is over 60. ...'6 u.i ivqUUll;:""" --. \Dill: , , ol ·bealtb loads such as behind When the nurse is uuu has it My doctor says it's wlllch cooctrm me very Andbeteepp,prescribing tbr: La.telj,.we~Nve come to circuJdaD...M~ha\ttttti!:te. euntlowtr,..-.,carrotjulce, right, tbe lood doc:tOr barks growing•youngsters..isi&J""" nattiiAa to be concerned about. much. I have· always bad poor same pllll. What does one do1 btlieV.e pm . Jt 'sboUld aot ~, t tlllrik you ap 1 et.c.1 J dOn't wish to give up her up. ing thing. Moreover, it is more M. 1 blye heard different. circulation in my ,l_q;t J,.ately .-Mrs .. Y. . , ' be' • ta.ke!> "~ ~uJ ""*8' c,ndklltlt for • co&-,• mat mdell.it ls necessary for J'm -rigN beb1nd your quietly overcome by a well-AWiN&h nobody else In the ~50ha:2~Jh~fn;~~rel Is ~jv!r~, ~ 1~, lrl,':2AUet!:. Who, ll.lllalkil ' • ~ ' iiuef1.a ~· 1 ~ .. Jru)thtr. t do not believe that balanced diet ol proteins, fats,," famUy h,_, had diabetes, ,. ·1n , ~ • Cciq~J~Q(§lf"4~ cbel . • . •, My mother iJ a registered youareapropercaodidJtefor carbohydrates, vitamins, and d,.oeso'l the fact that myl-he_a_dac_&u_. _;_ _ _,_ ___ thatl __ nv_e_m_~·-'-'mr-~-'_;_•m._.c;.;..;."';.:•~lplb~:='"1~W:::ilh=..;;tl!O:;:lr:.' .;lec::!__DEAi:;:. =:.:Dlt:·:.:;i*:;•lllNCllOz::::::;::BN;. ::'_:nano.:!:· :=:.;-She:=::· do:-::~t..:.Jil<:::.•::• the::__:ilpecial::::'::_:d;:le:ts:_e::.o:n::.:;ll:;l:;n:;l.::n.!g....:.m:;:i:;:ner:::•;:is::.. ------ graqdmolber has it make it herti!ltarJT -Mrs. D. . . COMMEl,'>1< Dial>elOs ls he""hey-limi~ ..... ,JI._ ~ you· are worrying yountlf1 ~. II one " -parents ls cllabOtic, I'd ,., lie oo guanl. U both of "'"' porenll havt. cllabetes, J!d advlle you lo be diabetes· oooscious over the years, i.e. have toutine urine tests and blood sugar detenninations. Ji'or it is true that when both parents ha ve bad dlabetes, the children are prone. Some say there's as much as a 50 per-cent chance of getting it, too. IN YOUR CASE. however , l : doubt-that the likelihoOil or :·developing diabetes is much ., greater than anyone else in ; tbe general population. Your •: doctor will be taking routine ~tests during your pregnancy- :; Try Career In Student Counseling ''Ban'' 'llffff,..ts' I y ' ., C•Hst lr•JI t it 4 1t. SPllY. tit 1.5 11. llll IN Y••rC ... ica 66~ Pllls hi! in d~ll. dry ' )lijf. ur 93c: ·~ •.Z. Sire '; "P·~~.1--; J. ' . Si ' c., .. ,,,. ... ,... 3·99c lik" If lie .. ...,. ' . • . 0 ll1J" • , , 'IQt c~ I . Alka:..Seltter Tlll(TS -l11i1111 .,111 sac stluck, sf1111l1 •edlc••· 1.831'• I "Bond Street" I: l/1111stial 1rornatic blend! . : C PIPE JOUCCO •&J 111. llc· - "Mixture # 79" ~ PIPE TOU.CCO 1 09 _ MildandMellow! · •11.1.11111. • "Roi-Tan" "Robert Bums'~ CfGAIS 9· · CIGAIS Plhll I!!. l'.foorltlo<, . & n,~rllfo. 49c ~ . ::~ 25c. I ' . ' ' ' . • I 5PnfMt ... . lints ) ' '· '· . ;::r.;;r.!'::"..::ie ·aac j ltflJW.S.':, ! I •; I ..... .. :••s"'°I'' li8s 1Sltcs l siails. 99 Spocjol -Pabp: c I ·-I . • I :, ' uWTIOll ~·slender'' ... •lltlt t:atrll 0 0 I ...... 5 ~1 ... 1.~:11 ~~11....... • 9c . "L I" I ~0 UQUID -ICfAltf =-~7:3~ .00 24" Po~le BBQ WITHOVIM ·~ llC llY-Cllfllrre ,iated revolYiRg ~3=1629 sp~ mtdles. lll root. • "Hot Char" <HAICOAL ~IQUETS lO!OOC 'Crest' I TOOTH PASn wltlof!Mrisl" . t•11St frail leplar ••• lfilt. i~U. F1•llJ Size. 1 "Vi.~arin" Sti•1l111Tall11J Mdically ,lff11nl U1411s 1111rs 1.883.49 l!::c==z==:z~1i ... ________________ ~ Pin Cushion w~sr-w1r,,.,, Stmilo!J. I . 29C cottDn covered CllSllion· w~ flexi- A. -Thanks for suggesting a.JL.inter_esting fidd,_____qf~n overlooked. I suppose the satisfaction.s of working with students outweigh lhe personal grief of dealing with violent c.ampus .morders, but it's a point to consider by anyone in- terested in becoming a student perlOMel educator. Fortunately, those who are more interested i n con· rrontations than solutions are in the minority ; the overwbelming number o f students on campus au: there to get an education. GROWING PROFESSION. Some JS,000 people are work· ing in the student personnel field, and mmt must like it or they would get out. Far from shrinking, the profession is ex· pandi.ng at such a rate that the U.S. Department of Education estimates that more than twice today's number will be needed by 11175: SAL&R.JES d i f f e r con· siderably from in.!lituUon to institution. to 1961.Q, begin· ning positions paid from ia. 1,000, while those requiring ad· vanced degrees (beyond four years of college) and ex- perience r a n g e d from $7,1$,000. Chief administrators rteeive SU..25,000. and a few earn over '3),000. Graduate study, prefe,ably a doctorate, ls important to move up. JOB DESCRIPTlONS and educaliooal prtparation for e1ch att contained in a just published lli>are b o o k I e t , "Careen in College Student Pe noonel Administration." This publication alJo describes bow to find out 1bout financial aids and ~lists member UIOciations of the Council of student Personnel Associa- 1..ions Jn Higher Education, IClml ol which may provide >iJU. wttb 1ddltJon1l in- tdrmatlon about their rapec- U.. apedaltles. This boolllet COltl 2$ cents, aod you can «der il from Dr. George W: Jcma., Ball State University, Mllnde: Ind. 47306. PERBONAL QUAUFICA· TIONS o The student personnel ptO(esslonal must be dedicated i. helping studeni. meet their llldividual .-la. Also. the Ooancll ol Studrnt Personnel -'-latlom 11171: "The stu- *81 ...,.....id educator must I lie ph)1liclll7 bealtl\y and •motion aJ I y rn 1 t ure . ~ art frequently a..,_ and may require his llDctJonlnc at t rr 11u 1 a r ........ lAOllS' Shells • Slower ""' *' slo! ,.. tt mtort silft slin ••• alt crter '"1.:1¥, 2.29 GriJS l 'tdiasli. to ¥iY 79c scou1in1 pad or spon11~ tor cleanin1 pots, Pl!~ Hair Set Tape Vacuum Bottle ... ..,.Jr' .., TMllMOS I 8ruk·JesiWl1~ • s...11as • ~lief. lclkpool s-. c., wijj Uml• I "'Sc1tc•• Createlf tspecial!J IUl!T lmhall'·stJliac!Holds 49c bm1l1 ••. comes elf emir. *"1311". 1.59 ANCHOR HOCKING Glassware "fl11•••i_.. TWSIT Bold 5h~ to kttlp •1tb lo41y"s mli!'r1 trn .. , IMI toior stripn Oii »· otle colaf. / Ironing Table "111-Jll• • , • Wlli ~tolJlald .... "' tlat ·~ ms\ hut &• dowmrd: 8 88 illj++stil• i.;g1rt. . • ' 'llllllns' , IEER !llllM ll -Sitt Con ... S... llL 2.19 ible wrist band. Assort!d colofs. HELENA RUBIMSnlN "Skin Dew" "Ogilvie" '"ST.IXI Rainbow Pins lllSION -Card f:Olllail!S 4gt dressma~er pi~ pins with colorful heads l safety pills. Mtisbniziag Eslsi• COHOITIOMER w/YITAMllf I Silkens hair to lash, full· OOdied fivelinru • , , leaves Wal slleen. lloistllril ... 3 50 bly ••• f ~-lll'rlSr • 2.50,4.00 TIAUM -giYes huilt.i~ , Moisblrizing Cleanser I i<K!k to dr!!SSes, bathing 1 149 ~Is, etc. JZ to 34 Silt.>. •, •.. lit. • l c•.. d..,.do.,. 2 50 Tracing Paper 1sue :;heels 1~ assorted col· C TIAUM-Pk. of 9 assocled 29 ors. Wonlsmear. fres~ener & Toner R~mowes s•ille, 2 00 gnme ••• 4 11. • HANDY HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ~· • m I till • FHI Crb,.r wit~ •se1·nr1• Slilillf C.nr • 1! Qt Dis•111 • \11 Bl: Utility T1b • Or1w1r Ditiler • l y, ••. l.Ji•dry hslet • JO Qt Waste lasiet • 4·Pc : Mi•i11 ltwl Set . t• Qt UtililJ foil ' 24.111: Intl 111111 Ytar Chi Cl II l'llCU 1'1£111\, TlmfiJ: ltfrll: 11111 '"' SI...,: 11!11 2ltlr 77~ _, .... ~~~~;. HUNTINGTON llEACH 1121 llflNI IN WISTell" PU.IA NEWPORT BEACH AIAMI I UOOIHUIST HUNTINGTON BEACH Sf'llNIDALl & IDtMlll Eye Cream Specially f1lnnltlat. 5 00 ed for delicate e~ .._._ aru .. ·.~11. 1 · Contoar -Lilt &i :::ar~ ~~: 4 00 2 II. I "Lady Esther" '-•UtPOSUACE ClllM '"' • i..itr !mt· i me~ts1 i• lS 79 Ol. Jaf. C i . lD 1z.J1r -~~-r--v-o .......... I 1<...• "Sun Bath"f yussvj DeOdorm M1lst1rizi11 la11ia1 L1ti11 !~~s :'~"': ICtiol pntecti:a DZ Non·greasy ••• formulated · lo give1<11a del!p, de!p llln. • Cream • R1IJ.t1 .11 I ' I L1t111 l t f. 1.11 u. ~· im;;l - a•i ~~'i.;""2 .... 00 i.. • Sti•k .50c I 1r. Sizt • U. lee1·T1niq Oil !.DI 2 00 l1r. Si rt • •Spray •. ,.75c 1.51 "Speed Stick" "Zonite" SNAP-ON Shelf Trim •Y MDINEN ·~ I .- !!!!! Gives al ttte fklWl!fal deollnlt lfDl:ectio• a fllilll i:: Relfll• ~ Dry 59c 1.11 2JS 1r. Sin lADllS' Tennis Shoes INe ii UJJ. -. :a cottGll ~JS ..-lft '" • .,.. colol, -~ ---Sim lb I "J.69 Ptn.••I Aatiseptic Adds "'sparkle" 1D 1#1 f'Klme. Au't aiklfs aria for feminirie fresh designs. aac ~gienc and Pak113- Giber personal li" le•rt~s . uses. "' rw11c Rod Cover I 11. Size Color coordinated '" closets 59c and shower. 5 It. 79 length tul$ to /Kly C Sil!. 11 Water Pik" Combo far c.,1111 Hallle lnl Hygiew An 1111 .. uc llttllml tlet eperaln ~kectly 111• 1111 Wallf Pik a11liaec1. It's -r illllll • COIMOiell." ~~.::E,11!---·--1311!. . :' 29.84 ··~ ---- t • :' ' :t; ;....r .. -. ---------------------·-----~----------~ -·--· 7:GO !Q Cll ....... -(C) (30) Wtltlr Cronkite. ·--.. (C) (30) 0 WW1 MJ U11t? (C) (30) m-tc> (30) IDCIJY11Allllllll tw n m 1" .. cpl """' (30) "Chld Cl:l...,ltlon." Two lllclltf1 of Ptrltllt·Pmchool d... bl 1boUt the fftlll'llM otlN 1.S shoW .films te illustflt. I 4.ly' -Qt(Jj--(C) EDWM ~t(C) f!)Jtd.,-, ..... ,, .. ,,,. __ (t) m T..a « C1111q ua (C) (30) ID""' -(60) m-••-(30) llllllJllllll-- 11) I c.tl MMll1•._.. ID .. 'fir Yow Liit (C) (60) r ~1 U R '-D fl r' o~mME MOVIES m--..-. .,. (rollllnt.e) '46-R--•• O'Orlte:oll. Ill! C1J 11:1 (I) Qt (I) - ll:lOI)-.,, ,_. -) '" -Jof'ln Pay111, Sttrtint; Hqdt11. D llJ (I) I! r--(t) ,. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Qu1ftty Prl11tl11f ell4 O.pe'"'•W. S."'lc1 f•r _.. tfl•• • Quirt. 1f 1 C.11tMry. lJll wnT IAl.IOA ILW • NIWPOIT KACH .. • ly Cliarles M. Scli1ll . ...,._..,.... ___ _, . -. •• ~=--.!-"-1~~~~~11L-I ~~~~~ .. Olf,.1 '91fe"SWIW\/S- PIOJNT Of \/1~, MOOll- 1 SU?POS• ALI. <ii,..~ AAJ! lHS _,_ ~ I'. TUMILEWEEDS . . . ···~··-···· ..... _& __ .... --- MISS PIACH-' ' . - 0011 --DC»> ~ -CHAii-~~? CMtf ' HS l'ft'OllS T>flM··· MANl'lbl KCCl<·All!ACJIA! >Ill's eot-IHA . MAICllTTO 17111 MIXJN, .sooN/ • ". t~-1,C' 1 -I °'11M .•. I ,11 .·,, ( , " I (I '·r·fl/' 1 rrf ,. t • i • J •• I I COMEDY OF ERRORS~ Doris Day and Rod Tay· 1011 ~'bove, star in toatgbt's motion picture, uno Nol Dliturb," oil Cllannel 7 at 9 p.m. The story is set in England and Involves British currency, Doris Day's hu1band's ~ec~ry,.her own love of antiques and other nonsense"for a.lively two hours. TELEVISION VIEWS ·-Rise and Fall Of TeleviSion By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -'11ie latest issue of "Ac· tlon, '' the magazille. of the Directors Guild of Amer- ica, contains a special report on "Television Drama -The Unkept Promise." And a major article in this report is a conversa- tion with one of the chief figures of video's early days, \Vorthington C. Miner• described by 11 Action" as 11Cr'8tor, aroctuCer, writer, cataJyst and idea man for a bolt of memorable telecasts. His· dra- mat,Jc series •studio One' provided. much of the lus- ter oC>television'~golden age." Miner, now tirO.ident of the Ameri~an Academy .of Dramatic Alta, ctlscusaed television drama with l)\e guild's FrilOOin Heller, and folloivlng are ex· ce11>ta from 'their.' conversation: Quoallon: Wiien did telovsion really break through? _ Answer: The world .series of,1947 really blew the lid off. It forced CBS, within a very short time, to abandon its insistence on starting with color and to recognize that public demand fQr .t.~e:vi.s,i.on was _go- ing to make it essential to get into the picture. · Q.: What was your approatjt \0 tel~vision - drama? • ·' · A.: My whole decision renrding).he tiaining : . of directors and the selection of actors, was that: .. ' primarily .. , the prime capacl.ty Of television WM a1 a reporter. Therefore there was a tremendous. acl:ont on lnta,1rity of performance • , • . Q.: What about Actors' sBlaries? A.: Our top salary In the first year of operation·: (Of "Studio One") 'was~-Margaret Sullavan got that for the first' iliC)w. But she was a remarkable' lady and she wanted to be in on the start of some- thing. The price went up to $750 uqtil my last year: on °Studlo One," when we increased it to $1250 but used It very sparingly. ' Q.: What started the decline of live television . drama? A.: I think clearly it was "I Love Lucy." ••t Lov1 Lucy" was .an, excellent show within ill gen- eric type. It helon'gid in any program schedule; there was nothing against it, but the evil of "I Love Lucy" was Uiat ~t started the trek to the west toast. That m..,.t !hat C911trol of the program was taken away frtlm the creative people and put back into the control of the agencil!s. From tlUs time on, tele- vlalon· Juit •tarted to go down hill. Q.: Why did you deplore the move of TV to HollywoodT A.: I think every_, astute observer recognized the profound danger ID-all respon1ible programming ' in a wholenJe aumndef of theater standards. . 1 What ml<le the golden age of televi1lon was the • people who Jjad come ~ the theater and who at-.. tacked the dramatlc part of programming on the . buls of \llea.ter 1tandards, theater quality, . _ Of coune the monjent it went to lfollywood that disappeared; it hec~e slick and It became ,aafe, and the content becahle of very little inil>Ol'l8nce. And thls of course is the •4 man's delflbl .Dela•u tlae Mencee - II I l -I / I I' I I ( ";'':;;:==~~::;;:::::::::=======;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;=;:::::~;:::;;:::::::;:;:;:::;:1:;;:::;:;=;:;~·~-~-.------~-~~-·· ~ .., ..... , .-,.· ~·······-··••\'' .-..... ... . __ , .. "'!! ___ _ l ' • ; ' • ' . • • • • ' • •. " .... J! · DAILY Pll.OT ' " ONE LGW PRICE ~ 30 .. tl<>NTH GUAllANTJI• EISK CUSTOM 360° ""1·3n' • ~I llYloH OOlt ""' , • • , • ... . A!:,-tJ . ....,:lmllHr 12/31' THAo 0,..,.,' ..... c-"· • ·AIO/JMlhTIEAO lllf ..-,111 "-'• l 1.t t.J:. . ·~ -·~o. )'.;,j ..... lllt.ttw•u. . ' . ) 1\1 .. llll tt9iii:.t.t • '"' Hn l'fllCI. L 'lLIS 'fO l;AC'~ .... ICI l.Oo-11 IACH fl,,fAr', "'°·?• ' fAClt lllf. .. ~·-·,. • IU1. · J,,, '·•:•-1• . ,21.~ •• ·1:11n 1,f6 ·~~" ' 18 7.7s-1c l,f/' "" 7-Ts-11 • JC.ts 11,77 ""' ' . 1.21-14 2.21 ' 1 t.2•-11 11,111 2a.•s 21.n ,,, .. ... , _ ,. . ,, .. •.s1-1s r•.ui . 21,f J 2J,77 2.!17 . ;l.11..:. ,,. "" .. ,,~.... ~2.tf 21,77 \¥1ii .. ,..,,:;,:i, .... I bciM Tac' ,,, . . . ...._. -'""""' """•-Uo...iy, I ·n•s •·uans. PlUS lltl1AllATIOlt All ~w 1111it fc;ourc~ 1h11111tt wheel C••nlruls. lbr !lilfcty. l·uHy IUtUm;tlio; PJ'\JGl':lmmini: f,IC' either 4 or I 1r.ict. ·~ IUl42T-O 1' ""' 2.J• "" .... ..., .... ........... DALY 10 10 10 SUNDAY 19 19 1 01r. ..... S~DAY, API. 20, 1tit .. 6.50-l :S 16.95 ANY 1:19 SIZE • usrm ,7.7,'.-14 17,95 .s1.2· 2.20 '!:f5'-1S . ' 17.95 2.21 FISK lfo~~RCiAi .15 . .,.,,,. C°" C••11CU11 ., .. ~ " . . ~. I fftflf$f ,. ' ' · •·~er TtactiDn _21.q .... "••<• ·-' 20;45 ' 22:45. 'lUS1fQ. · f.(.;JA:r )'AQt.111r 2.40 -. ':2.~z 1:•,,.s ~Cll'WAlL• ' .f:•at. Tq •lts, •r.u'"• '"'' ,,,, l'S1t1 , Plus 1to IACN ,.,"' J.ao.,..,, IACll f.11'. r.1,x ' fACH 11~l Jt,ts ,., ...... , ... Sil£ 1.7, ..... tr.ma Alf .,.;.01 ,.1..,, $15 '·" WJ.;1"'"-111 Sl 00 "--• r.,; .. 10111 -. ..,., .... 26.~ ~2.85 ' ' ' ,....,., f-:.. ., ' -.... •,.; • hl1H• ... frHI .. ffli1, elcer,w..,...iii:clffe4 • Allj•I c11t1r eH c~··Nr 4 DAYS ONLY! 777 • All 4 tires r9telM ASCOT FLOOR IAT ·1 OAYI OM.YI 1" -· tloor m iils p~id• new color h•rmony 'for your t'•r'• inlf'rior, • 1et tw.i• ,..; , • .._.. . ,.,,.,,,....,.. l l ·OUHCfS 0 lkltr&t lll rcsi~1an1 -"'""' n'llllic >;it \l.'lUtlct Cln"I r~u ii! l "lcans, •• W11xu ., . Sltitkts! l111i:(ud~s, hi•SJIC'ed ~pplicllt« ,,iu.~ air Wash! 27-2U!,f7 • Air CNi_ti"'" (1r1 $% .. H . BR•,CE OVERHAUL 20j000-MILE GUA RANTEE COMPACT CARS ·~z~s. 22.88 AMlllCAJI F••1 ONLf STANDARD CARS -t:s 27 ';~ .88 .lM•tCAM 'CAii· ONLf BIG Cl RS ' «PGllMSi, llllCU. 1 ·~· AMDICA~'CAIS OJILf 32.88 CHl'tlUI NODUCTS MAYINO 6 WHllL C't'LINDIKI ' ' SOo"HTLf HtoHll Hlll"I WHAT WI DO: FISK. FlASHLIGHT TACHOMETER' SHOCK AI SOUOIS .~~1~c a·· •1<.U.N .... , .... 4 DAYI 9tt\.TI II... . Dot.ll Olf\.YI ~· ;; , , t OAYI -~ ' uw':J.i~~m:-:-34.)Q()O • .,. .. ,.,. "".;~-~7·301! • THISE SP CIALS' -GOOD AT TH·-·--·1.ocAnONS ONLY . : ·.WESTMINSTER i UENA PAlK . • ; BUJ N~ PARK ' COSTA MESA SAN TA ANA 11,440 IEACH a VD. at~ 5115 LINCOLN AVI. at Yaloy View 5301 lllA~H •aVD: at LlrltW~r 2200 HAltlOll 11!-YD. at~ • • nz.2011 ' . 126-SIOO • -523-3040 54l0 20IZ • ' • •• 1400 IDll•D., 1111'91 ' 546-7123 \ ¥ ' l ·i . • ' • • . ' ' t • 1.Y " \-~·- .. • ; . • ------~----------------~---~---------------- ,,~ ••• -----~· • • . . ·. · . I Ji I' ~ lllo!LY PILOT Husband Los,ks Ex{21anatioh arid ·val~aPleS 'Sa'fel _y' ,A.way • DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1111 biMIMod ond I hive bffu marrled IS ,_.. We ha"e fcur flDe chUdren and a com· l<lltable home. Our nwrlage is far ln>m perfed but I CGOSlder It as good as • aald Jllol. •-•• a -luvn hll II )ult u guilty u the kld Who 11teab keys Jn the lpldon ol his car be II IL How cruy con tbe IOClologiltl (ti? ......,..,.. some "perfectly nice kld" -BORN TOO LATE to be a lllld. DEAJ1 ' IJORN1 I a.,.., -klda OI al( tbe crachot ldeu, lhll' -_, -ti -.. a -· kays lakes the eake. Whit \In lbe ~ bu w ao1, Ml IM """ ti IM arllek away. Nudlly II reltlol to be a blc lat bore and •I llnnly believe that p<Ople will get llck of theat<r carbage, movie 1ru11, pornography -the whole rottaa scene -and 1beJ wUI fade Into ol>Uvloo. -· Last nJa111 v..-JmulUd me in a Wll' I lilall -l«gd. lie bl<qht hame a safe with a lock on it biaer thin my bead. When we: &!:It ready for bed, Vernon tool< his billfold GUI ol his pocke~ scooped up his mWl clw!jie, nmoved his cull 1Jats and watch and put everytbing in the safe. He didn't say one word the wboJe time, just gave me IOrl or • triumphant look and IUmed oil the lighl wouldni dr"m of anooping tllrvuih Vemon '1 pockets. Why he chose to iMUlt me this way is a total mystery. Our house has never been robbed so he can't be worried about burglars. II ~ 1lnqe bebavltr ~. wp him .. -• dodor ftr • dllcbp. Aad be .... lo i-.. '" -·-yeu.r •bud'l 1traqe beUYler. Veno1 mlgbl be plaJ -,.. IM male me•1,.w. hlppeaed to pod ~ 11cioe9'yl -1UI we .-•1 male ear """"' T....-. behave ~to the ttaO-: ....;. Meias ..._kids are .....,lllt.n danb 1beJ ara Rlloclj_by. Tbo .....,. u1-...1m~. , . learned u young -are daePq · No -., .... ?.'It loot at II, lloere llllflllnld by lbe lfma 1beJ ara 12 ,_. , Mo1 -a , ..,.,,ar · laataae la ear ol ere. -I WU II '1 w'1Uldn1 bave 1ta,U., ,_ !""'1 Iii -t ti all touched a dollar K a mllllan ol 'em car -lo 1111 wwe ,.iJed t11 by were lb!cked up In front ol me almply teell'SUS: ~ .... ...-klullltT fl It Wroag? __ Hl .. ~llmib- tlla a.1 tr Oe pi! 'Cea ~a •Jtotcua weddlq -eMJ -All LalOden' -.ei, ~ Be•. -T .. Weyt '&9 Ceel Jl H 1e9d JI Ce9t.I .. col.I udl a loo(, 1<H-'IQmped ....... Vt.moo always bu been on the quiet side and kept to himlelf. He is 52 years old and seems to be in good health. What do you mate of this'! DEAR ANN LANDERS : I read an article Jn the paper lhal burned me up. It went acmethtng like this: "Art you responsible for makin1 a thkf oui or a perfectly nice kid?" The article ....,.... I wu taQlllt early nol to take . thlnp that dldn't beJoor to me. CONFIDENTIAL TO OPl!jlON NEED- Now they've twilled thlnp up '° the ED: Par&IJI"! Now meant Jall Letor Au ,...-. wlD be llM lo ..... you wl~ year pnblems. Beod ...,,. lo be< la c.. ol !ff DAILY PILOT, odoalnr a .. u-. •lamped aveltpc •. Ann, I have ~·er taken a thing in my lite that dtan't belong to me. I -MYSTIFIED DEAR MYS: ne man socmds unwell. person wbo leaves the keya in tbe .car for aome of ~ acton wbo aot carrJed Newport Resident Screens Designs • Cinco de Mayo Preparations Ar~a Theatet ·s Bill . Change~· Yachtsmen Fling a· Fandango By JUDY HURST Of .. Dltlf .......... •• . ~ Serapes, sombreros, sailing togs or fiesta dress wi1l. be approprla\-e attire when Bahia Corinthian'-'\'acht Club flings a Fandango U! celebrale.th .. Cinco de Mayo race, ' In conjunctioi\-with their Enseriada tune.. up to Dana Point, the.party will Wte place al 1':30 p.m. in the new cN,!J Jocation, 1601 Bay- .side Drive, Corona del Mar. A "South of the Border" atmosphere will prevail as \enors and senoras are creeted by the fieota'1111Dded El Trio de Oro mariachis serenading for street-dancing on the lorch·lit blacktop. Serving as chairman of the fiesta is Mrs:· A. J. (Jean) Devirlan of Newport Beach and Pasadena. Refreshments will include Mar- garllf,s t!Qual to any served down Mexico way; a chili-pot dinner garnished with en- salada, cheese bread and Cervesa will warm all hungry sailors as they return from tune.up activity. In chfrge of reseJ"v'.atlons is M_rs.:~~ Bandy assisted by the M~rt Ma· th'ew.s, Vince Gurley and Howard Fisher. The dinner menu i. in the capable bands of the Mmes. Otto E. Schroeder, cbalm)an; Lorin Weiss, James Johns, Edward G. Mac- kie, Sam J . Garett, Terry Mulligan and Doug Morris. FashiQning c.olorful paper flowers ~d other novelties are the Mmes. James Garner, Jack Linkletter, Geotge Ari:J.es, and Robert WiUts of Huntington Beach; John G. Granath and daughter Tanya, and John W, Wilson of Laguna Beach, and Marcia Holyoake. CandJe-lil tables interspersed with char- coal braziers will be dotted throughout the street cafe and patio areas. Facing the possibility that the present of- fice may be demolished to make way for the new marina now under construction, mem· hers are planning to provide background scenery by decorating bulldozers and trucks \Vitb flowers and paper streamers. Entered in the tWle-up race will be the club's America's Cup contender, Columbia. Owner and club commodore Patrick T. Dougan and Mrs. Dougan will have as their guests Maj. Gen. and Mrs. William G. Thrash, commanding genenil of the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro. All Bahia Corinthian club officers, direc· tors and guests plan to attend the colorful evening celebration. • 'Movle&Ottl tiiiiaUY onl7-ri0tlttl'iiil Newman •or Rachel Welch ••• the com- fort of their aeat.I ••• too much aalt on the popcorn ..• the ptl'IOD'a laead in front GI them ••• the mua;, amen GI smoke. But tlmel !!IY.ulw>ced. Much ol the credit con fO to Mrs. James Edwards, l>year rtaident 'of Newpcrt bland. Her husband is the owner of tht Edwarda Theater chain in Southern California. Their lateat cinema on four acres at Fublon laland features an unparalleled view of Catalina, a small pool. an art gallery, thousaods ol partdn( places and tht perlOnll touch of Bernice Edwards. When 'palmis welk Into tbe theater, whlcll ii aet on a pedest.a1 bJgb upon a bluff, tbey note lhe maplllcent view. A panorama ol colcn ina1de IDd cutside to entice every theaWJoer. The vibrant colon and comfort ls all the handiwork or pem.ict, an amateur in- terior decorator and yo u th f u I grandmother of six. "My butband used to do his own decoraUng 40 yem qo, but he ubd me to help out these pMt yeara. I love cok:r but I'm not I decorator. I coordinated the colors and fabrica while James worked with the architect." Speaking about tbe· SOth addition lo their chaiJI, B<e not..i tile troubles she encountered. "I wanted red, orange and gold which are warm colors. i. ended up having to dye almost everything to· match the wall paper. Tone qualities make col· ora diffemit, abadon and npt ln a room will change the color." l\,••••••••••----------""--""iJm.,.zs..,.,.,.. ________ .. Her husband still remembers when .. their borne was cluttered for mootha witb Stop! Halt! Caught in the Act "Stealing" a cookie while his wife is engrossed in conversation is Sgt Les Chapman. His wife (right) chats wtb Mrs. Richard Hamilton about the Ne"·. port Beach Police Wives Auxi1iary's third annual rununage and beke sale next Saturday from 8 a.m. Julie Strech's Troth Revealed by Parents 1be elJllltmeot of Julie Am -and MJrlln J. Zel!lo, bollt ol Newport Beoch. ---by her pana1t, Mr. and Mn. Ken- neth Slrech ol Sao Bernardino. Our L01!J ol ML Clrmel CIAollc Clurcb. , N e w p o r t .-. 1'tll be Ille aalllnc 10< _ _..l_SI. 11111 -lo a gnduate ol Im -dlno Valley Collqe ...... , ... Slale Collap -.... WOil the Betit Coad tllit ud w11 a member oC Dtlta 7.eta -y. The f~ Unlled A i rl i nes sttwarci<•, president of lltr lralnlog Cius In Qilcqo, did graduate wort at t b e Ualfttli'Jof Cal tlorn i a , Rfloenlde. The bridHled pmenlly is teachlnc Jdnder11rten in the Fountain 'Valley S·c ho o I Dtats1ct !!!Id. workJni on her mulen at VCJ, The ... " MJ1. Edna l:aldo of Tualln and the late Col. Wllllam T. l:aldo J r . gradual.ed from WtSt Point Military Acade!!I)' Where he lettered In batf:ball. He now Is • dlstr:lct engineer for •n oll company in AnJhelm. .. her drawq1 ol cfraperlea and fabrics. When lint meellnc Bernice, abe ap. pears Ui he em.mely shy and reticent to apeak of her accompllshmenta. She more ollen is praWll( her husband. But her love of the theater and people soon become apparenl She wants the Newport I.beater to he an artistic &how place. She succeeded. M1rrors r e f I e c t thf: brilliant reds In the hro mammotb, furry, cimllar rugs, the IJ"Hlll tn delicale blue pots. the JumriOUJDeU of the red vt.lvet curtains -.ied Jn (Old and the styli.sh outllb worn by the patrons. Attired in a TOie red A-line dress which complemented the theater' a interior, Mrs. Edwards confided, "the red carpet ln the lobby will probably not lut u long u the patterned red aod gold carpet in the mez:wtlne and art 1allery." She stated that busy patterns wear mucll better than 10lid colon, aometimes lasting as 1oog u 20 years when of good quality. "A solid color ii more luxurious, but I hope to get the ulUmale effect with both." On the meuanine are two delicate iron cha.In with light blue velvet cushiorui. ''111e bou.sewife came out in me when I saw the chaln on sale," said the mother of lwo mmied daughters and a son in law school. "Tl.e more sturdy chairs in the auditorium are built to lul In our Allwnbn tbeator, the lop chl!n hive luted for 49 yean. Today, chairs are larger, wider, softer and even rtcllne." Everything in the thealer is fire proof Fine lor Beach ART GALLERY BOASTED Mra. J•mta Edwards or fire resistant. The heavy gold curtains shielding the screen are made of fiber glass. In the Edward! theaters smoking is prohibited except in the lobbies. "DecoraUng is a matter of personal t.ute. It iJ adopt~ for each person's way of liviog. I am not a professional and have no secret llp,s." she confided. Bee, may not have graduated with a degree in inlerior decorating but she does study. Take: for instance the seemingly small detail of steps "I did plenty of research and lost several pounds as J figured out how many steps and what kind we should build. I looked at hundreds or other buildings, climbed thousands of stairs .until a decision wu ~ached." F..dwards, a naUve Califomian, wbo has come to his wife fOr decorallng s'ug- gtstions, a1Jo asks her-opinion somttlmes when booking pictures:\.. Married for 37 )'ears M:it November) Mrs. Edwards said, "we don't go to the · theater u much as before. There ls not enough good products to go around, and not enough selection." Her favorite 1novte was "Sound of Music.'' The Edwards strive for the best cf everything. An enormous, polished pro- jector stands in the lobby. A small note was attached by James Edwards: The price (ol this equipment) equals one Rolls Royce, with white 1kle walls and a telephone, Bernice, a Canadian born brunette, is not too busy that she can't find time for Otina painting. Years ago she worked with ceramics and now owns three kilns.· She also enjoys boating and belongs to a group which studies Hawaiian culture and dancing. Their home features a green house with orchids. "That reminds me, I've nealected them recently ... " Pantsuits Not Favorite With Mrs. Pat Nixon By HELEN 1110MAS to 5 p.m. at 194 Boise Way, Costa Mesa. The women are not only emptying their closets and cupboards but also are lighting their ovens to cook up scrump- tious delicacies for the customers. Further informa· tion may be received from Mrs. Chapman at 546-0293. WASHINGTON (UPI) Pat Nixon isn't overly fond ol panlll,dta for women. Her hus- band la!'t either. • Mn. Nixon was guest or honor at a Cherry Blossom FeiUval fashion show lun- cheon called Blossoms on the Moon -the first ful!ioq show she Aid sbe atlended in yean. 'Mie "pan\I look" and the "bare look" defmite1y were the fashion at the luncheon. Moot were .. ,.. through" sheor-outlltswW!bare mldrUl1 and bllclnis. So!M«oo ubd Mn. Nil:on what she thought ol them that turned out t o ~ a negligee. The "at borne" gown was a long-flowing craUoo by California designer Luciwm made ol layered trlcot lllk jersey witb • rhlnestooe bel~ a V·neck end llt1le Pulled sleeves. e1& blue wool dl'eSI with a matching abort jacket and a double strand ol chalk white beads. She wore no hat. She llid aince movlna into the White HOUie -"we've on- ly been here two months but it reels like 10 years" -she bu. had to curtail her love of win- dow sboppln(. JULIE STRECH Junt Rite• South Pack Coast for Juniors Convention Members o( Soulh Coast of the Fountain Valle.y club, Junior Women's Club, Foun-will be 1 apuker. lain Valley. will be In at- tendance w h e n Los c:e.mu. District, Ca.lllurnla Federation of Women'• Clubs, Junior Membership, convmtJon is gaveled to ordu Friday and Saturdl)', AprU II and 11. Awards will be presented •nd ... --dur-in( the 7' 30 p.m. banquet, and Saturday'& actlvltla will bqin with !0:30 a.m. rqillrall<Jn followed by woRlhope. Sd>olanhlp and -'""' R<glstralion ..uJ hqtn et 10 "'"• the Mlle Teenap Cltben a.m. Friday In the Saddltbeck nd Cit'·-~ ••--~ a l.KlMJl"",..y•r awards Jnn, Santa Ana, .•na Mn. Jack will be sented f !lo 1 1 Thomas. dJsttJCt president, . prt 0 " na will be llonot<d cutll dl!rin&' tl.30 p.m. lund-. end the tilt 12:30 p.m. luncheon. Mf1. CU..lrlct pmldent'1 report will R. Bond Thomp900, president be htard. "I th1nk I'm too old," she said with a amtlt, and as fOf' her husband, "he doffn't like them." Sbe said "" thought the C::. ~ was One .. for lbe Mn. William 0. Dou(laa, M, wile ol the Supmne Court Julllce, eald tl!e lll!ed the pantaulta but not the .......... Mn. Winton Bloonl, wife ol tbe Poltm.lller Gtneral, llid Ibo hid -pantaulta at -"but I don't hive the coutlft to wear lhtm on the atreet~' Mn. Nixon preferred what the thought •·as • ior1eoo1 flowln1 white tve.ning gown Mrs. Nixon was wearing one ol her Easter outfit., a robin'• Riviera Club Sedions Mystery, Art Probed Mystery and an. are two topics charted by. sections ol Rlvttra Club at upcomln( gatherings. Book Section memben ..uJ hear 1 m1ew ol "The S a ) Z b U r I Conntction;1 I mystery lhrlller by Helen Macinnes, Kim> by Mn. Ed R<od, Monday, April 21. The to a.m. secUon mttUng will take place In lht Laguna Beach home or l.fn . , Bess Thom-and ell Rlvlerens and their l\!Htl ere Invited to attend. Meanwhile, e.: for ao D door eketch and -' cbeon 00 the patio ol the N"'J'O'! l!Mch Elb' Olb aw11ta Creative um, -memhen 'll!esday, Apr11 21. Skelchen, dmeed In caprls and swuten, wlll convene at ·the clubhouse 1t 10 a.m. ancf are tnrtruded to bring llltlr own materi11ls. -~---~c~·~·~· ~·~ ·--•---:i .., "I..,, --!--J--J.----~~--~-~--~---------------- I: ,; ,. .. ' I. i.- ... r -------·------~-------• . ·~ I Spri!lg Shapes Up for Fashion Gettlilg 8 few pointers on shaping up for a Swing Into Spring from Mrs. Gwen WUllams (right), are Mrs. Warren Johnson (left), and Mrs. Carolyn York, presi· dent "abd War.s and means chairman of Omicron Rho Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. Mrs. Williams will comment on fashions Crom shops in the Harbor Shopping (:enter When the chapter presents a fashion show and luncheon Saturday, April 19, ii') \Jl.e Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. Tickets, at $3.50, are available at fPe 4oor and the proceeds will be given to Cystic Fibrosis. Horoscope Capricorn: Romance Due ) THURSDAY CA!1CEll (June 21.July 22), legal document i.. concerned. Acceat On-how to 'obtain Avoid premature actions. Best : . AP~ll , 17 heart's deiir.e ~ may, , lje to remain in background. : ,.By SYDNEY OMARR e&!ief."tlian: .Y«I ~Key avoid trying to be your own • . is to &'e'""~le.~ ~ aW)'.er. : ~ SHOPPING GUIDE: vitatiooB. .Qoe who lS Im' SAGMTAHIUS !Nov. 22- ~ "_rsltloa makes Ws portant to )'<U' welfare pe.ys · Dec.21}: Stick to basics. -time .for buying meoningful ~ Complete chor..,. You will c~~cuttiq out gaonea&.<i. LEO (July , ~): Jt:· want to be frtt la te r, Bef.•Valaes art·lll farm ud diplomatic'111· •.Jrll'h' 'Em~ on new contacts, lar'lle:etttlll. 11 e f: ti ace•, those in autbority. ' ~ independence. Ga in nec:WINrud a1dflen. • .1 • for dining lfWa. ~ -f-"";-D'i.W-understanding of co- : ~~ 2l-April' ll): _~line ambidons. ~~ ;.ala wSt«, auociate, Hubor no .PD collecting ml' can be reKbed. ~·J'Od· 'lfU!il~- de!Jls Spollisht iJ on ,&iwd get• groeo•Jlill( -" '1J'A!'JtlCORN <lbec· 22.Jan. -fou ..,; and your paten-'· VIRGO (Aug. '13• Sop!. D): . 11~ qood 1iur Mp<cl . tocay Ual ·to 1ain what is needed . Travel may be on agenda. ~es wi_th ~ m• ~ )lert/Opportunity presents But be sure you know terlilde, ~e riceJ>t!ve~ Member i....,lor definMe cash·.gain . purpose ol journey. Be in of oppooute sex ~ intrl"1ed· ~ · . tau.Ch with ooe at a distance. Be· erac1ous. You re a wmner '.1'1'URUS (AJ!ril 211-May :JO) ·J DOn•t neglect ca 11 11 • cor• and you don't have to prove ~· ~ new &tarts, pro-respondeoce. One who 1 bOlds a tblnl. fitlb1e1 cootects. D.f I•. m. ma opposite views pr 0 v 11 8 • AqtfAJUU8 (Jan. 20-Feb. CJ\ u I d be solved. Key 1s to atimulating i. J.t): Coacstrate on basics. ~ ~. Be creative in · • t~t.•e tempted to scatter YF tNnAng. Drop ootmoded UBRA (~. zs.oct.D)' lore•. ReaU.. that home, methods. Clloose P r o g r e s s Other people s money may family obHpt:ions should be oVer sentiment. Try. become your .concern -could fullilled. Reward is due if GEMINI (May 21.June 20): specifically mvolve m.a,t.e. persistent. Don't throw away Get out tonight ; a t t e n d partner· Accept responsi~ility · what you have earned. theater, be a~.e in c I u.b · g:r u~ =~e~ PISC~ (Feb. lt-Marcb 20): group, ~garuz.at1°'."· Broodmg eli ble ~ Be calm in de a Ii n g with accomplishes nothing. You are r 8 au ... _,.. relati 'gbbor Se of creative. Know this -utilize SCO~~ (Ckt. 23-Nov. 2~): hwu:es~~ u:· ~. special taleW:. Secret is con· Play '."U:ing game :-~pplies You may fird it difficult to fided . upecially where signing of check details. Don't force Child Development Linked to Art Forms yourself. Walt -and when refreshed, do the i ob. IF TODAY IS YOUR emm- DAY you have innate execu· live ability. You can guide and direct. Key is confidence. A new project will prove suc- cesolul. h I childre dlvidual mee11...... may be T• flf!d 011t who'• lilldl." -,; YOU Elementary SC oo n -...... ~~~·~,. ~~~1",[1; will have a chance to Jeam tG purchased at the do o r. ~::I' :,.. _ ~·~:=i :~~roif:"' become spontaneous a n d lnformation is available at the ~ S:: iAn'.." Pt LOT eox E~. · ffi -uu • ' . tr•I St•lkln. flew on: develop their h id.de~ per·,1 jiiOi~;;;;;nsion;;;;;;o;;;;;ce;,;~;;;;;;;;;;'·;;;;;;;;;;;iiii;~;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'il sonalltles in a Un1vers1ty of 11 California Extension series, Child Development 'Mlrough the Arts. Regiltration for the series, to take place in the Litlle Tbealer of Corona del Mar High School Saturdays at 9 a.m., ls open through April 19. The series began April JJ and will end June 14. Irene Bland of Laguna Beach coordinator for the . . . class, will direct a sewon on eurhythmJcs. the combined use of imalinaUon and bodily movement . Another session will feature puppeteer Betsy Brown, who has, appured on telev\sion channel 28. A thlrd ln the series will be presented by ·Natalie COii, author of "Arts in the Classroom." On display during her sess1on will be huge blockprint.s which are on Lour for the American Federation of the Arts. Other I p e c l a Usls coo- tribuiting will be Miriam CU, associate prof"'°' of Eqllsh at California state College at Fullerton. 1pe ci11lst in childrtn'1 literature and myillology, and Mary Ann Enn&n and Martha Wamp1er, Bellflower teachers w h o studied the Orff-&:hulwtrk concept In GennlllJ'. The l!ttles i.. beinl offered for aedJt and tickets to tn- 'Stocks It to You' ....... __ ... .,...._ ..... SOUTH COAST PLAZA IUpp•t Mtll Ac,•u frOttl W••lwerih'•I Brl1tol at tho S•n Ditto FrNWay COSTA MESA 540°7187 u.. .................. ci... ........... ... M-C:O- May ,Rites In Offing DAIL V I'll.OT JI New , Spring Fashions ' Selected From Menu ~ •• • . Our 4"!l' ~ o! ~ . Cllholk Church wW be the 1be F1lbtnnan rtstaurant. ~Belcli,wWbethe ..Wng J'rldo)', April ti, fer a membenblp luncheon of Or- ..,. Coul Chapter ol B'nal B'rith women. calendar ls a Joint 1nQIWlon 1 ~· and dinner duct with the Men's 1..Gdae. • 1~ • oeWng fer the May II wedding l1nkln( Margaret Ann SWnbaua and Steven J. Gotts. The SberMoo Belch Im. . .. ') Bunlln&tm -· will be tho · acene of tho April • eYent, . ,. The brlde-to-be,«l•ugbler of Mr. anci Mrs. Edward Steinhaus of Newport Beach, la a gradU1te ft Corona del Mar , High School aDd will gradua.te from UCI In June. A spring laablon lhow, coordinated and commentated by Fknllce Sma!M, will be compltmeoled by door prites and table favors to eomplete thel~procram. when new chlp(r ollicen will ' ' be Miited. " . :J ~ '~ Talclng olllc< will be the • -,f Mmes. Rmald Frllll<, pral· dent ; Irwin -hers. ftnl Her fiance, 90Jl of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Goetz of Pasadena, is an alumnus ol La Salle High Schoo~ Pa,.d..,. and UCI.·l'r<sently be la IUV- lng with the U.S. Army at Fort SW, otla. vice pn!lideot; Jettr.y Kane, · • ' styles will be seen from Sean, the Wd. 'Seal, Marlene's and Gene's, South Coul Plaza; Ann Folger'a, Lorraine SUtha;land and Jeu Dolll, Newport Beach ; Sylvia's Pant second vice pre1ldenl; Seymour J{lugman, third -pruident; Albert K 1 p per. tl 1 Tree and ShlrJey'11, Costa Mesa, a n d The Olis)' Patch and Jeanine's Boutique, Hun- tington e.ach. liMncial secreLary: lltrtiert Goldstein, treasurer; Akn Steinberg ,COl'Tf.lponding _.wy, and Dovie! O..lolf, ""'°"'"" ..-..,_ Pasadena Lunch Plan Blooming Also on the group 's April HB TOPS Club The iroup recfdly Ac. cepted, for the aec'tD:I con· secutive year, the HJahe9t Donor Achievantnt A ward for fuod raising o! all chlpten In Orqe County. Mrs ... Slanley <;dlao> • f Sa-rong 2 G<in TOPS Club NewpG<t Biac:h, oat 10 I n g meets ev.ry Monday at 7,30 precjdent, occeptod the ln>(lhy p:m. In-Smith ElemerUry-aFan-awll'dl-hmchecm tn-J))s Looking forward lo their an- nual spnng 1tiiiCJiii5ii in--ttie Huntington Sheraton Hote.1 in Pasadena nut Friday are members of Forest Home Women's Auxiliary. "' Vocalist Gloria Roe will be the guest speaker. As a child ~io*:::;o;..;.:.;;;::., she worked with Al Jolson, Eddie Cantor and Rudy Vallee. Among memben attending: from this area are Mn. Marsden Lemon of Laguna Hills, Mrs. George Wiley of Corona de! Mar, Mrs . Frank Tarbell and Mn. Willard Brown, both of N e w p o r t Beach. The group is an auxiliary to Forest Home Christian Conference C.enter in the-San Bernardino mountains above Redlands. Further information regarding the organization may be obtained by calling Mrs. Tarbell at MW2$8. Favorites Described Favoriterbrsculpture a n"CI painting will be Mcribed by memberi ill Gamma Alpha Nu . chapter, Beta Sigma Phi. when this group meets at I p.m. Mooday,. April 21, to the Fountain Valley home of Mn. Walt Davidson. MRS. ARTHUR GARIBAY S.IKt• Coste M111 Home Edith Mrs. Cornu Arthur Becomes Garibay Dressed in a Ooor length bridegr'oom's uncle, Garibay empire style gown of peau de Ushering guests to their seats 10ie, orgallUI and handmade we.re Vicente Lopez, Ramiro French lace appliques, Edith Garcia, Roberto Garibay and Cornu of Costa Mesa ex-Sergio Comu. Martin Cornu, changed wedding pledges and the bride's nephew was ring rings with Arthur Gar:ibay of bearer. Santa Ana during a morning Hom O' Plenty restaurant In certmony In St. Joachim's Santa Ana was the setting for Catholic Church, Costa Mesa. the reception. Special guests The Rev. Alejandro Negredo were Mr. aod Mrs. Francois performed the nuptials for the Mages, the brides's cousins daughter of Mn. Margarita from Mexico City, and Mrs. Comu of Costa Mesa and the Bibiana de Jb8rra of Tecate, late Mr. Pedro Cornu and the Baja California, the bride's son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso grandmother., . Garibay of Mexico City. The newlyweds will honey-moon at San Francisco, Lake The bride was given in mar· Tahoe and Las Vegas before riage by her brothtr, Hector h · ho · Cos! Cornu of Mexico C i t y . making t e1r me in a Mesa. Completing her ensemble were --'-'---------1 a cathedral train of organza aodFrencblaceandatiaraor Gloomy Gus Tells ii «ange blossoms and pearls to catch ber 1Uk ii~ veilini.· As You' See ii School in Huntington Beach. Angeles. 1 I ASK Mr. FOSTER TraYd Service ROBINSON'S The program, Sculptutt and Painting, will be ir-n!· td by Mn. -Emory. and members will explain why they 1ike each particuJar piece. Mn. Lloyd Crain wUI serve as co-hostess. She ~ed 8 bou,quet of wbl'le_,/-NEWPORT CENTER FASHION ISLAND (71~) 644-1661 roses and camations. . :--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mmmmmmmmmm. Honor aU'!Ddants wer& Mrs. I AUr~ Garibay ~ '1'ruico, the ~IJ"OOm',>i"aunt, and ' Ml~ Isabel ~ of Mexico · Moose Group women or the Moose, 1158. City, the )11\de's niece. They assemble the first and third woce ;iafit pink noor length 'lbursday of each month for g~ of crepe and lace. meetings in Moose ~ome, B~es~~· dr~ lo long Costa Mesa. The programs · eoral pink crepe gowns:, were begin at 1 p.m. an(s Mr'· · the Misses Yolanda . Yero, William Callowa7, M&-4241, Cuba; Hortei:icia Urqutta ~f may be called for further 1n-Mexico, and Georgina Lamkin fonnation regarding· mem-of Costa Meaa. benhip. 1' Belt man was the WI HA.YI TOUI 1111 JV1 TO IJ NO axTaA CM.Ulff ~ IJZ•I OV•I. TIN ..... •II .-yi. In fflll 1tn: rente . THE HAVE-A-FLING SLING by SIZES, 4 to 10 WIDTHS: AA. I, C ~~ SPECIAL PRICE EVENT (ONE WEEK ONLY) WAS $14.99 NOW $1199 YOU SAVE $3.0G Sunthin• •Bl.ACX Thit hird to find HIGH HEEL • "8JTJ! •BONE ....... •ORANGE •'IE.EN •GOLD •SILVER •YELLOW So 1irily comfoit1ble, its fl11tery is 1 btlvtiful bonus-like its price. Come Ml hoW m1ny w1ys we "'" to ~ Y"' off. 0 ck Shoes • -S.lllTA NIA , .. Wllf ...... AYL 1M WT 4ftli If, .............. WM14H1 • • Lile-like FULL COLOR portrait *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. Babies, children, adalu. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! One per s11bject, two per family. · El\IDS APRIL 20th LAST 4 DAYS! PHOTOGRAPHERS HOUIS: NOON It I PM .DAILY • SUit 1111 I PM .... ~· ..... WHITE FROIT COSTA MESA 3018 IRISTOL A VINUE I .. " • • ( 1 1 -"I j _, .. ~ I I I I . I -' ' . .. • " ' . . ' " .. " • ' " .. • ·' • • ; ~ • ----------~-~-------------------·-----------------------------~--'~-"------" -- ,, .. .. g t:. ~ ·1' ~ ~ ·' ' -, ... • -¥ ~ z -,;. ~~ t ~ i ~ I . ' .. f " 1: , " ' I· .. . . ' .. .. ' • ' .. ·•••.-•-~r . -_;....,........,. ........ __ ... ___ .., _____ ._ .... °"'~'f PILOT " Sunbu rst I· I -·:· ". " ~ • Wt<l ..... 1,<Aftil 16, IM .. • . ' • \. • l • ... ·~ your ll))rin(tlme ~ ripe olJv.. and red pepper ,....Ding. lllld 'r~"Wilh ·Ibis ar-~ ·11lced eelery c:hlll Wllll portWly thickened . rv llf pretty and cool •!•, 2 tabi.-, <bopped pl· Fold ill oliv,., cucmnber and ~:t:;.,-t.;'::~1n11.:..1~ . . ~ i!lley·...; ~ '. panley. Turn ~ kup ~ , :il:~oiiva -• cte)jptluJ 111 tabie..._ lolmi.1iiice -;-q,w uatil firm. uamold • , &n,<)ltriocl ·-for • I lei,.,..., ....,. IC· ' ,• .,W........, u delired. Makeo ~!Y i n-f o l'·tnta I eo-1 tMapoon pre p a red e HA'lnp. · , ·ter.ta1oq. . ..., •· mUllard ''\ HOYel ' ~ baskets 'lfi ~ ••·· .. '-~RIPE OUVE bold a rdreahing tuoa •and Cut ·p:ape!rull into halves. £~~. SALAD grapefruit salad, f I a v 0 r Using grapefruit kafl~1 cut 'lbii ' ..,r, ealorfe molded highligbled wjtll the meaty fruit from shell In ..., P-. •lad wilh ;u oatioly!q com. textured ripe olJve. Taslily then .,._... ~ frOm • ~ o1 vqelables and cot· . dmeed wllb1;.e 80W' cream membmnel. Cut fJlfae ii: lbitll ~ cheese is flavor em-mlxt~ lhiJ "1lad is a perfect i(llo odollopo, .Dnill lunA aild phaolzed' w 'it b Calilomia'a , __ ,-.e.·11. )'ill' k>ok breol< j* larP ........ o.a.. n.uv. fruit; 'Ibo cmined ripe partlctlarly •gay · with radish blne npe olJves ciit Into..,,. olive ~ and glossy black olives pieces, gr1pefruit led.Ions, 1 •·cup canned p J t t e. d for a ,contrasting garnish with tuna. celery and pimiento. Ar.· California npe olives the pale l!a~ shells. ~~ io grapefruit ~JI. T.op 2 envelopes u n f I a v or e d Add. the Cootineotal note to With 90Ul" cream ID1J.ed with ~ an ~ive cool Cucumber rttnainint tnrredlf!nt1. 1"' cups water salad ring with a ctnter of Garnish as desired. Makes 4 3 ~ vinegar ~pasto. California ripe servings. 1;\ ~·salt oli•<!· '1 -. cooked .• g ~ , ~V"'E V)I, ·.Y• .._. liquid red pep-~~/and ~""··~· ,,,.... . ..,...,,_' . ' .. ,.per 8->ning ,..,. .-.,'in!".t)llt 'a:''f:ewo\~ ..... ·' ''i • ~ • • ' ~ 2 cups small curd cottage ldeoa fur an· exclt;ng choice Gloay canned ripe olives cheeoe• of~ Served as a.Juncpeon frDn_l Calif~. accent 'thia L(a:~,~~, '~buflii_.l'!l.id".Jil::,is ;'!?' coolinc'.~.l" u cumber ___1 ~--_ #n*' . . •' ''l!!.Pl<W au-lii<&ti.1 .• ii!!i<J;~nitilty texture iiiiil * <!Jl>sllcecl·'"°"'"""°" . ~liced ~· ·tlP< oli~s. ,..i,like nav ... : ol ..... oUv.. ,. cup ---~. ·• ftlr;ip·• ~c etrhmd·atop! ~ .tlje de l 1 ca~ e Thinly ·slice oivesrcrosswille, ·• tlelidoos · CeroWteJ:...·SaWd. wcumbei\ ' Arrance eetter &licee· in circle Fresh as the spring see.bl I cup canned pit t e. d in bottom of &-cup ring mold· Jt ref!~! ttU molded sa}?d Ca·~omia ripe. olives _prellf ~finoJY~ m~o J d : Ji.a_·«ijiciOUl ·ctmblQ8.c.ion o( 1 medium cucumber . , SprintJe Platine cmr 1 cup :.tdf.N'e ~. tueumber,1 1 (3-0Unee} package lenion water to 'Qt.en. Place over · lr<li>. -: and "*"''m>Bs. gelalln low b5t an•f.W until gelallne The low calorie value o( ripe 1/1 teaspoon salt is dissolved. .RemoVe from olivm makes their addition to I ~ cups boilJog water heat. · this sa!ad ~ially appeal4c.. 1 (3-0U.nce) package ohive Stir in remaining water, foi-· ~ght7'-tebm. 'r ~ ·' cream .cheese vinegar, ~I and }iguid n'ld- " ~-l • 1'4 cup vmegar pepper• seaeoning. <;:oo1 .urtil ,,.iGe-1.e Jt OUVE IVi teaspoons prepared mixture rDounds ma spoon. • . ~ . , BASKKJ'S. horseradish Fold in cottage c b e e s e :CaJ.tfornia .. ripe ~ I i v e s Dash ~quid red pepper mayonnabe, cucum~. onion: JU&tiligbt thlS refreshing tuna seasoning remaining olive slices and grapefruit salad so invitingJy 1,.;. cup chopped parsley green pepper. ~ in 1Cflllapld g:rapefnijt · Cut olives into wedges. Pare Spooo mixture into .·mold l<~:. ! · 1 . and shred cucumber. Dissolve' being caWul to keep olive ! lal'ge grapefruit gelatin and salt in bolling slices in place. Chill until firm. 1 (7-runce) can solid pack water. Add softened cream Unmoki on crisp salad greens tuna cheese beating until smooth. and garnidl as desired. Makes 1 . cup canoed p i t t e d Stir in vinegar, horse.radistr t servings. " .•, .Br·itish Que~·n 'Caters':,, ' , To Hungry 2T rq,v·e t~r ~·f ~ :.· . By ~tARIS ROSS LONOON (UPI) -Queen Elizabeth 11 is going to sell tea to tourists. Slie will not dole oul the cups personally, but visitors to her country estate of San· dringham will · be able to buy a roytil.·<cuppa, a bun, a light snack~ of an ice cream in the careteria which will open next spring. , Tbe queen's venture into the. catering business i3 part of the improvement of tourist facilities a t Sandr"1gham, where 'the grounds art' opened to the public: to raise money for charity. record 64 dafs between May The Royal Family always 1 and Sept. '1. spends t~e Ntw; Year there So the 1~ next year will and makes olher visits. Prince · ' Philip, Qu,een B~~·~ hus-be the cafeteria, built by the band, goeS' for the. shooting. Royal estalt.workers, and an Thousands· of pheasants ~ even great~number of public partridge are shot by the days -mt!IU;ures which other distinguished partie! thal g9 . British st.Mely home owners out each season. as well as · are taking.r'tu so well. pigeons in the woodland and Some ~ly homes have mallard 1duck9 on the · salt · zoos, f~s. even lions mal'Shes. " roaming ~n<I. Sandringham Printe Charles the 20-ytar· i has no gllamicks bul f<:r ,.a old OOr to the 'throne u5e3 sou~enir t?nd which . g,Jves . Sandf¥tgbain as a w~kend tour1s.ts" µie <lpport_un1ty to re.treat· frim his studies at boa!t., !;Uu~ht th.is at the. CalJ)Widge University. Queens ~e. Tbe house is not open to ,. ,1 • But the ~JS (ell off this year by IS;OOO vlsitois, drop- ping down to S7 .odo, even though the gates opened • Sandr!qgham ls .a 365-room the public but they can wander mansion, :standing on a ·1s~61JO.. through the grounds, where acre f_BJ;nting and spo,rting vast lawns s~·eep a\1ray· to estate fp Norfolk near . the landsca~ trees and an English .eBst coa6l,. J~ ~iles artificiat'·n.ke. Fonnal .flower from LOiifJon. beds are . Wd (l\lt in fr'Onl 9156 SIZES 10-18 ~ 11f,,.;.., 11f ,,..'T'- Sunburst tucks light up the pre&ty,cuf! collar. Below, all is quiet 1111d smooth ttiahks to side-dart shaping. Choose this for . sun-bright' linen or knit. Printed PaUerp 9 I 5 6 : Misses' Sizes 10, 0:, 14, 16, 18. Siu 14 (bust 34 takes 231, yards 3S-inch fabric. SIXTY·FIVE CENTS i n coins for eedl paUem -add 15 cents f<r each pattern for firat-c~ IQailing anQ special hand line ; odll!rwise third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Mart.in, the DAILY PILOT, 442 Pattern Dept., 232 West lat.h St .. New York. N.Y. 10011. Prini NAi\1E, AD- DRESS with 7JP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Spring Send • off~ More fresh , ~m~..aew $ly)H In Spring 'P•tfm' catalog. Free P'tllero coopon. IO """· Flapjacks' II Make 'em Flip Pancakes made with dairy aour: tream are said lo be • tender as snowflakes. So -to do. Ill! kill-IV. Cllpt floor . 1 ttapoon sail. I ieaspc>on IOdl. Add I cup ( 'i pint) ~ aiour c:re•m. then 2 well· H11e11 -Mix thorouahly Ind tu' an fklt. pancake grid· die ...... '"!iY ortt. ·M•k" 1.2 oanc•k•· ·l~ of the Jtouse.. . Raisin Cookies'l Gett ing ' •' ,. . King Edward V11 bboght the estate ht 1861 when bis mother, Queen Victoria , was on the throne. The priCe then : 220,000 poun$ ($528,000) for Rise Out of Ch ildren 7 ,IXXI acrts. He added to the acreage, pulled up the neglected farms, and pulled down the old house. U ypun is a household full or chiklrtn. he.re's a cookie recipe that may appeal to you. When you make them, your yoong.Sters can have the fun ol adding the raisins that decoraie the cookie tops. ~ cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup molasses I Y, cups cooked cooled . · l In its place went the rambling, red ~ mansion that stands ted•)i di!,_ of,~·· chimneys and Var !late 1'o0fs. oatmeal, The Royal Family always Raisins, rinsed in hot waler and drained. used to sr>end Christmas there, in a fair amount of discomf~ ~use· the. ~inter wind .,o!J» bJo'o''Off jho •~Orth Sea and through·the hlgh-ceil· inged rooms and k>ng cor· ridon: of the house. These Ginger SoflieJ have good flavor and a soft texture. All our young tasters gobbled them up .. Thoul:h the dough may seem soft when you mix it up, after its overnight stay in the refrigerator, it will be quite manageable.. Sift together flour, soda, salt and spices. Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs. one at a lime, beating well after each addition. Add l/• of sifted dry ingredients to creamed mix· lure ; blend W!ll. Stir in molasses. The 'imprictkality ot such -\ 3 · #1 a nuge 00,,. for bri~ vlllll _______ N_O_V_E_L_G_RAl" __ E_F_R_U_l_T_B_AS_K_E_TS_F_l_LL_E_D ___ _._ ___ 1 But please do use a prepared pastry cloth and a stockinet<0vered rolling pin for the rolling out. Put some. extra flour ~in lhe. center of tbe pastry c\otb and roll the. dough lightly from center to edge. "'e used a plain round cookie cutter to make our . Ginger Softies, but a young mother to whom we passed along the recipe tells us that she . used 1 gingerbread-man cutter so he:r youngsters could add raisin reatures and but· tons. ' G GER ~JES 5~ cups sltled Door I lea•poon-!>&iilll! 5odn • ~ ttaspoon 1111t I !JlbleSJJO!O~ gUli" '~ teaspoon allspJce ''-twpoon d!mamoo ', cup shortening Add halt of remaining dry ingredient.S; blend well. Stir in oatmeal, then remaining dry ingredients. blending well. Cover and refrigerate. Oft:m1ght. . Work with one41alf of dbugh at a time. Turn out onto heavl- ly rloored pastry cloth. With floured hands, pat into a nat moond. With a we.ll·flou1ed stockine.t<0vere.d rolling pin, roll dough to ~inch thickness. Cut with floured 1\i or J..inch round cutter. Place on gruse.d cookie sheets. Firmly press 3 raisins lnto center of each cookie. ~· Bake !ft JJ""'"'ied 350- deJret oven 11 t.o 1$ minutes. With • wide spatula remove from cookie sheet.a lo wire rack to cool. Y.akes S to 4 doien. depending on sizt of rutttr. led the 4'een las~ year to renovate Wood .Fa'J'Il'I,. a foot. bedroom house that had be.en let to the local.Royal doctor, NO)I! • J;'ince. Chai:la slays there Jfhto. he 'invitel·rfrie.nds for the weekend from Cam· bridge instead or opening up ~main-. Another decline o( the. old estate IUe. klok place this year when Norfolk fire service absorbed the private San· <friniham lire briaade which King Ed\farcf· VU formed from tstate workers. They hod ....,.,, a Royal uniloitql· tnd.·lurned out once every ·\wo ft'eb to practice with a 32-year-old nre. engine bearing the coat or arms on ilt tide.'-· .... J .-). ' • • . TheJr main calls to duty were tor 1ocfa1 chimney and brush fires but once they tack led • blaze. that damaced ~ of Slndrlngham '• 211 rooms. • ' ) "' . -• ., ' I . . • • Change Menu Pace ' Tuna ·Good Su bsfifut~ • 11 Jo I • ...f .. 1. ' When you re n:ady for a matched for ease of prepara. -Coot onaa 1rt .. t114ter until change o( pace at ~°':" lry ' lion. • ·, ~lclen hi ~ Add garlic a me.alless spa5hetti brighten· lo •-·•· Jui tomat ed. with cheese' and t'\sh: TUNA BLUt:. c ve, wu...w ce, o Spqbetti ha Iona 'beeo a CHEESE SPAGHE1'11 past., ~i ~ lnd ,..,.._ favorite in A· m e r i c 1 n I small onion, minctid if\&si bousebolm because it 's i,, cup butter "Brinl to a boil,•then simmer economical, COftveoient Lo use \)! clove garlic 2t mlnuU.,· s t i r r I n g oc- and tasty. ... '· 1 I 12-ounce can tomato juice casiooaDJ. Remove garlic and Dr!$ftd up WJth •two other I kunce can tomato ~le . family f1vorile5 -American 2 tablespoons chili sauce discard. b/.ue <lleeae an4 tuna , -the "' pound spaghelt~ ca<cJ. . Add tupa wilh oil and coo• pasta dlsJl i3 b6lind to 'win I ttaspoon IUgar tlnue cooking 10 minutes even more raM lhan it's had 2 tcaspo<w sill IO!lger. Stir in blue cheese. in the past. ' pinch of oregano Remove frnm he.et and serve Part or the beauty nf I 7-ounce can of ~un1, naked at once over hot. cooked 11spaghettl for supper'' is thll cup American bfue dteeH spa.gbetU. Garnish dWh with ll'o 1 -.meal Served ca)>oulilO OUll<.'U,•crumbl· tddltional p._ d crumbled , with • pff.n salad, 11'5 un· ed) cheese. Strves C. DOGS HAVE A 1';EEI( . SO DOES alJZllE ' AND l1RE PREV'ENTJON AND SECllEl'ARIES Lut year Lawrence Welk compoaed a Jecfttut.11 Polka and danced to it oa hb .. _..,.,, __ Secretaries w •• II;. Alnacty thil year, Ruth Aefnn ia,en- nounclrW owr u.'B.Js Newa . . "Apil 21 tmu l6 . is Secretaries W 'e le and Wednelday, ApltJ 2! is =-~s::~~~ wu oriclMted bJ-the Na • dona! Secretarils Aaocl· 4ition.----t7-ye·a-rt-aro. o brine recocnitlon',. all ~ ~ •. and Jet 1be public know of the ~ CDn· trlbutlon to ed~. pro- fCMinNI, and cl\ite crowt!t lo""" .-.n>""11Y ,.,,. IDcOl Cbapld II coll«I Bahia, which if )'OU're all llt'Onditring, rne&ril· i.,. In Spanish. AU 62S ch.pt.rs GI NSA "do aornetbin1•• Secri!'tarie.s Wttk .:. • • 10 •.. COME ONE, CO~ .ALL , 8EOU:rARIES AND FRIENDS . To the Picnic Grounds on the Former Irvine l'amily Home • • Come on. Saturday 'April :16 at 11: 30 • • dn:1.~ casually and brlnr your· own blanktt ll(J' you cul· start of[ by enjoying a delk:ious box lunch while )'OU )isten to mu1lc • • Then you. will be loaded on chart~ busses. each with a bo&te.lil-from tM .frvine ·Company -.ho will conduct and narrate a 3 hour lour. of the Irvine l\anch • . This ill Calilornia'1..2l0lh An· ni~ .• •• Htv abou! ~~t~~~ ,.... -!or .. ~" $4.50. If you want to ~.about it call Betty Strutt, CPS at thf' lrYine Q:mpany. ~ Ol' Mickfe Price, '1 n I t e d CaWoml& Bank Ml-2m or .tnfi ~l'e r 6'T3-63m1•And Iii'. bOla re.member W~y. April 23, be nice •• or. ' WHILE Di>WN ONTHE' , awtD'S RANClj .• Next Saturday-,;ft. 19th. we're havinr the 17' .Annual YMCA ~akfast. ~Au you can . eat ~ the Wl9'. of hot ~ q.uaage, orarlp juic:e-W ~1e_s for $1,'1 with a rrpecial· ticket for .anybody under lS for 75 ce!ts • • , Begins at 7:30., enfts at ll. 'Thel'e will be entertainmen1, fun and prizes. Qu.itt!: a thin::: having breakfast in ·.a pArk- ing lot.. U you havep't done ii once, come on over and be prepared to :i;tait t h ~ weekeild oU ~ith · a fUll 1tomach &nd the fetlina; that you've contributed &Ct a VN'Y wonderful cause •• '. youth. Our local YMCA facility on the Back Bay ts a ttal swinging affair for 1irl1. v.-omen, and men u 'weU as iq., .. WHILE OVER ACROSS VIA Ltoo·· ... Next door to 'Barrov.·~ Sportswear a new bp has opened. One of rt h e 1 e beauUlul, litUe one .« a kind lihopa, which )'OU ,ittk out when you're looJdni Jor aomething 1pecial. Greg's Fabric Boutique hu been one of the Lklo ~ for :Z years now located • on Vla Oporto. An over QCffS Gt water some how or anothel' Jound ita way in and damq· ed a lot of his brand MW 'Prine fabrics plus hi, carpets and tixturu; So tht big ITIO\'e ii on. Blc• sale al Jesg than cmt in the aid loca- Oon, dam.a.red f ix ~u r • 1, carpets. the worb. Acnw the parld.ng k>I, at the Dt\V location, a brla'.ht llrn.:f ot many o~ of a kind dtll&ntt fabrics lncludlnr )l u d y Gemriech Ga.llanos, and Bla.ckwell. I'.. saw aome. S w I 1 • em~ldend fabrics, made Mpeci&lly for Greg, IO abdutely nobody else hU them. tn ~. pink, -· .. -..... Whijo .• " lnche.a wide and ltGrde:red with a 4 °inch eyelet trim whk:h can. be. tiftn dt and colored .rfbbcn run housh tor a eoft'!Pletely d~ et'· rect. • Gris'• Fabriclt • a awoonnlUe ~· of the umuual m beaded ~ line . lacel, faril\ls ll'lllt mUe )'VUT bead sbln. and a complete bridal department. Boy thf' maklnp tor tt;ie. wll and haw what p1 ;.Ith it custom done. Fealhm. tun for trimming, lulldma but· torw. Vape. Spada and M'i""' Royal .. It'll'"· lo ~ng clrclH the ~ know thne. &rT hard to ~ by. Here al Rlchard't, the ~ st6re, ·p-...... , Cornmunlt)r are our most Important bull~ . • ----~--~~- ________ ..._ _______________ _, .. Iii , Welk -· .. iw. -· -isian. ·ew1. 6 . is ... l ·is .... Week , Na. !la>Ci· );-"J O I O!C· ~blk con- , pro--:allod ' all . '" n of , .. 0 •.. L i!I 0:1 unil;y """ dtt~" '•OW!l • off I box n to " "' ..... .... will how- •h •• 1 An- lbout and 11." 14.50. IUt it .t the If or '" ~ 01' I Bir. llday. !>th. m11al yoo I hot jui~ ith • ·body lt ll. nenl, thin~ park- '"'" >d .. th • IUll th•l wry outh. °'on ,.,, rirts. 11 ·~ TO\I'~ ' .. , '" kind ; out '" reg·s "''" ror 2 Via :s ot ,.,., ..... MW hi~ 'the le at ,..,.. ... ''''" "'" 'I of """' .. , and u w ''" ..... body ,ink. ... ,..., -and """' 1t ef· •• .... """ -;tltle "" and ' it tun l>ul- and l!I "'" ..,. ... ""' nos! ,. ·<(<.- <1'!\:"'! """ .,,.. t •" ~--: 1.·. .,,,. ,j,.;r• "' -,,, . '"''' . ' :',,·· 0 .. r,r.1 '··nl .. ~-!' .,. ... ... 'i:\ .,. ..., .. ........ ··~- ' ' ... 1 ·" •'HI "'Ir-: •• ; .. i . -.• , "·- .. , ' . ~e: "" '" J~ . .,. ,. -..; - ti:•- ' ... •• .... ' • •• Of •... r. '•. •;!l . ,, .. .. , " r i \ ,, •• ,. . . . ' -~ --· -----.... • • ··---·------·• r-.,. . .,.._..-_..,,..............-.,.---... -~--~---·----... ~.,..-,------------------------------------------------..,....~- • .PRICES EFFECnv,e APR)~ 17, II, Jt i ... .> I . . ~ ·~ I ,. '" " ...... ...,, .,,. 16, 1'69 MEATS RICHARD'S VARIETY OF FINE MEATS CUBE. ·srEAKS Tonderl...i Top llound ' . BONELESS BEEF STEW TorMlor Cuboo of Le1n ... , lean. Ground BEEF For your f1..,lt1 Sp11hottl N<lpo. DAllY l'llOT 31 1.39LI. 89¢LI. 55¢~ .. 98¢LI . • \ Organ Sereno de For Your Plea11" by Bernie• Foy LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT B~VD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE Turkey BREASTS ~Mtri~...= :~, .. Turkey legs or · Thighs BEEF KEBABS Tonder ... r L~n I• Cuboo 49¢LI. 1.39LI. • • ---PROW~--' FRESH, ~NDER, FLA~RFUL LARGE E>.RS, GOLDEN CORW-.. SWEET, FOLL OF. JUICE. ARIZONA-GROWN ' Grapefruit • 8 LB. 4 CELLO BAG GARDEN~FRESH, LEAFY GREEN, TENDER BOSTON ·BUITER LETTUCE HAVE 'E~ ON HAMBURGERS .. WITD 1'111 ITDI- FLIPPING PANCAKES FOR YOU Will BE GENUINE • • NOVA SCOtlA FINN'AN HADDIE ..,. .... RICHARD'S MILDLY SEAsONED, -I 00'/. PURE PORK SAUSAGE MAHI-MAHI STEAK Merl .... l11U.. .... JONES DAIRY· FARM LINK SAUSAGE ,..,._ Exch.isiv•ly Richard'• , , , custom cuts of m••t, c•r•fuUy prep•r•d end s•esoned, Elegent at.hem• dinn•rs -with non• of the work! · ' LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS Marinated in en Oreng•-Win• Sauce. NEW CROP, MILD, TEXAS YELLOW ONIONS .· 3 Les •. )9¢ * DICK LANE * HARRY. BABBITI" * AL JARVIS * JACK ZAREMBA STUFFED ROASTING CHICKENS 69f LB • Z.cky Fehn1 California Chickens, stuffed. with • special p•r•l•y dre11in9. .. ' DIELICAtlSSE.N RICHARD'S ~1NEsT cA rell1Ni ou~ri" · CARROT 'AND PINEAPPLE , SALAD . 14 OL . '3 f~~ $1 .-, . ' .•· ' OSCAR ~A Y~,~}L)~µ,T:'f.'l·:fi!\~ JE_EI' BOLOGNA ·i2_~~ • 65¢ KRAFT SLICED '12 01. American Cheese 6«1 REESE TERIYAKI MARINADE,...: .39e STEIN FIELD'S HOME STYLE SAUERKRAUT .... 23c FOR DESSERTS, ~UNCHEON DISHES PEPPERIDGE FARMS PATTY SHELLS 1101 49¢ -end· more cel•brities · HOT c;~~G: J:c~SAGE COFFEE • MILK SATURDAY, APRIL 19 7:30 to 11 AM ;, p k' Lot Richard's West ·5~ QQ · [)O!ilAllON j, . . '"(" Swimmin9 Pool d .. •" y for ,;ew Proce• s _,o, ,p• . d tM• ••"'"'""ay · lic1'1erd's hes sponsor• n W• believ• •-· I r 10 'l'e · event or ov• y M.C.A. KERNS SLICED 1 ; , '/ in th• IJoels of th• · STRAWBERRIES . ' .... 4 ""$1 ' IJOC llc EGGO ·WAFFLES SARA LEE . CHICKEN LIB~Y'S cut ' . . ,/ . .. s•'" . ,, -. 1Ya~ . ~ ~_,. .. : .. _./,,,. ' 11 ... 3 ',t.if ,p /.' LIBBY'S /,f ' CUT COR~ • _;; . .-;:.,..~,tor ~1 . GREEN . BEANS LIBBY'S ."··~ •• ::.,. I' .. - Mixed Vege olsfes · tt .. ,a-~ 51 LIBBY'S .. PEAS -.. ·~-~ 11 ~...,.... • rn ......... ---ree •w:-·- The "Y" Builds Character HELP SUPPORl OUR '( ,tJo,.C.A. ...._,,,,,_ BAKERY No S1191r or ShOrtenin'9, IUCKWHEAT • N' HONEY 'IREAD 45c . I GQOD WITH SPAGHEnl French Rolls 6 ,..29c FRUIT FILLED LUSCIOUS, FRENCH· VARIETY BUNS 6 ,.. 41c COCONUT PIE 89c CANIW FRUIT· FLAVORED . BRIGHTEN UP. A ROOM . HARD CANDIES ~ • WITH A COLORFUl BUNCH ~ FUN FLAYORSI Weterrnefen, &rape, Apple, Strewkrry • REG. $1 .00 1 LI. IAG 79¢ OF SPRING FLOWERS • ; .. MIXED ·BOUQUETS 2.98 IUNCH MARINATED MEAT BALLS 89f LB. With Chill S.lse Seuc•. . STUFFED PORK ROAST 1.29 LB. Stuffed with 1peci1I dr•11in9, prun•s or apricots. GROCERY YU8AN ·.COFFEE I~. 69¢ YUBAN COFFEE 2 lb,.cen 1.37 NABISCO Premium Crackers ARDEN AA BUTTER SPRECKLES 11 .. 79' SUGAR 5 LI. IAG A -: STEAK SAUCE , SCHILLING BLACK PEPPER BEECHNUT STRAINED ,, .. 4n. 59c 33c BABY FOOD 12 FOR $1 LIBBY 'S FRUIT COCKTAIL LIBBY'S Cream Style Corn LIBBY'S GARDEN PEAS LIBBY'S I 5 1/i oz:. Corned Beef Hash LIBBY'S Vienna Sausage LIBBY 'S TOMATO JUICE 9-LIVES, ALL TUNA CAT FOOD SOFTWEVE Bathroom Tissue scon1Es FACIAL TISSUE IOI 5 ... 51 IOI 5 '°' $1 111 5 ... s1 .... 5 ... s1 ••·• 6 ... 51 ,.,., 4 ''" s1 '""'· 4,,.. 51 TODDY COFFEE MAKER A cold water coff••·melrer, to m•k• your own coffee conctntreto •. Store in refriger· etor, •dd just 1 'h t. of concentrate to • cup of boiling weter-pres+o--freslt coffee. · 13.00 Hlfls•s•r sn2J£2 JtsrrunaqF&u z lhsmrz 121•1stuzsri_auuzwara. ,? D 1 _nu_ ,_n•z __ •r=1 *'1 •1 . _ ........ nnsuamu•• a o ~-v __ _ '£;.J...,.AL'-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILJ 9-7. SUN. 9-6 .OPEN DAILY f .6 OPEN DAILY t-6 DAILY t -1:!0, SAT. 9.5 OPEN DAILY t -6 DAILY l :l0-6, SAT. l:lO.S .. ,.~.~ .................................................... ~ ................... ~----~----.-......... ~~, .. .-;...-~.-;;;;;;;.;~;.;~ ~ I ' - - ------------~~~ · 1 I I ,, I t 'H . I -1 .DNlY. PILOT Wtd"""'1r, Apnl 16, .1969 Fairs., inc lhe honorary life Jun- . cheon were the Marine.rs Si'!Bers from Huntington ~ilch Hlgb Scl\ool. Awµ<ls were yrt'.sented ·to units for· PTr COl.tse~ lfl"ie._:s,e tl e·, parllani~tarjan •.,;id" ,pro- grarp bookl~t&. S:p p, c i a l .. a\\:ifd . wa,., ~n~ to · ·Robert Stri&eit 'for un- i. <1 _-. ·.: • ~· bulbolljl-R&i'OJITI!: Members voteil ta .ye1r, Guettt were Dr. lpepd '300 for new and \llelll William ,C ~• n I ';J ham • 1>oMo for Ille llbrar)'. Boolli superinttndenl t h ~ may be donated by caUW: Newport.Mal U • I fl e'd Mn. Robert IDow"'y ·al SChool ~.Kennel~ S4Ml9Z. :-.. ' Lewis, dinl::tor o r iJt. .. ~ ~ formalional se r v Ices, Colle9e Pk. PTA ~ "!" Miu Judy . Mil. Barlefp ~ Hurst, lllDCIA1'! s o e 1 e t Y ~ Preaident edllor of Ille .DAILY P~. COMING U P · Asaociatl111' Officers elected were the meeling and ~tallaUon lt 7 Mmes. Jolla Clark, pres~ p:m. Tuesday;-April %1. dept; ~ arid Vl<lor Open house and Ice cream Claoflone,, vli:e prealdl!nts; social from 7:30 lo ·t. Nigel Balley •.nd J. H. REPORTS: Try-oots (or Ille Foster, secretar1~; Ralph talent show will take place Stevenst trtasu~r; ~ l th~ month, re Ports Mrs. Ascbenllerg, ~u~1tor, , and Glenn Graham, chalrman. Grant Bertolet,.historlan. Adams PTA Copre School ·Mil. J.U Poat ill"· Clli Lnck President PrtsJdent COMING UP: Classes in Ac· COMING UP:· Members at· tlOQ is theme of open house tending the Fourth District taking place at 7:30 tonight. meeting are Mrs. Paul Parents are invited t o · Ohlaen, Mr1. Charles Lamb obeerve-teacbin& processes. a:nd Mn:· Carl Leuck ... Ice · Tliuiid . -~~_n ~dM-Ele. , ' ay, ~P ·. Mn. Kel~ W- I• I . P ·c1en1 " A 110 Ee. PTA COMING u:"!ipe1t'11ouse, ki• ·Mn. 'l'liMdore · ~ cream social ind band con- President cert from 1 to 9. p.m. Tu'es· COMING UP: -Afiimal Fair day, April 22. Executive f lo · 'to z· .bo&ri:I membefs and ram a.m. p.m. Saturday; May_ 3, Ftatµred hwbands will hOllt. will he pet display, pony rides, dog cart r i d e s , animal r a c e s , merry-go- roUnd, <.magic show, bake sale, skate board and hat CdM High PTA rtln. AJuandf:r Black , President ·''Take It Easel,' Each Student's Represented ·. COMING UP: Open house and .. ' • 1 contest.' Boutique I t e m s • snow cones, popcorn, hot dogs, ice cream and cotton candy will ~ available. spaghetti dirmer from $:30 . An· art exhibit is planned in conjunction \vith open and Glenna Anderson. Coordinating the event are to 7:30 p.m. Wedntsday, ·house at.Marinera School Tuesday, April 22. Each Mrs. Charlotte Goforth, third grade teacher and April 2.1. Tickets are adults, student will display one work. Readying their offer-Mrs. Wilton Gale, PFO exhibit chairman. $1.50.and students, 7$ cents. ings are (left to right) Shari Gale, Jamie Bergeson • • . Bear'RFO · Recognition Given . RObtrt 1,!adiiuJtt Lou Yantorn , executive direCtor Of ihe' H~rbo~ Afea ' .! ci>MfNG.{f;~J ~se and Estancia PTA Mrs. Mark Goodyear .• General meeling•and open · President house from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Dirk Eastman, recipient ; Donald Jackson, president- elect; Kenneth Thompson, past president; J o h n Arclwlela, Keith -Kellogg, Richardson an'd John Kelly aloog with Grant Belnap, vice principal. Boys Club, was cited for his: B~vite to youth .~Y cl&ssroom visitation at 7:30 Harbor Council PTA and received the cou,aCJl .s p.m. ,Tuesday, April ~- COMING UP : Senior parents Tuesday, April 22, in the night at 7:30 tonight. Year's multipurpose room. Brownie activities will be discussed, TrOop ·1249 will lead the rlag highest award, an honorary life membership . .Rf~. Mothers of students in sen ting the pin is Mrs. Robert Sorens~_n; ,tcou~il ·~., fourth and fifth grades will and refreshments served. • salute. Mothers of first REPORTS : Chairmen ratified grade students will host ... president. tr, ., ·~~· are the Mmes. Marlo Pren· c;:amival workshop at 9:30 tice, parlimentarian; Harold a.m. Wednesday, April 23, in Ole! It's Neuman , publicity; Robert :itis,home of Mrs. James White, publicity r e'c' !J~r d REPORTS; Mrs. Mark Morris book: Lloyd Baker. maga-and Mrs . .....David Goodsell ~; ·JIMerWingei't. radio . were appointed as delegate' and TV: Robert Sorenson, and 'alternate to the itate school education: Walter conveiltion. Gayner. parents' representa· 1 • five: Charles Lamb. junior N.eWport Ele. PTA hieh representative : W. S, O'Hare, AFS represent ative:1 Mrs. John Scapple W!lHam Sutton and Richard President . Gibbs, -,hospilalitv.: Robert COMING UP: Open house al 7 Kless, dance; Clifford W11l· P·ll.l· TuCSJiay, April 22, in "-ton, juV.enile ,protection and ~ caleltria: . Mothers of president's reprt!ttntaUv'e. .tlurd and fourth grade M~sa Verde PTA !'i1rs. James Mups President COMING U P : Association meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesda;, April 22. Reviewing in· novations ol put years, ex- hibit of students' tlassroom 'vork and projec~ Will be • · students -will host. Newport Hts. PTA !\In. Elgle Armour Presi dent COMING UP : Ice cream social will highlight the open house from 7 to 9 p.rn. Tues- 1 day, April 22, in the cafetodam. ·Homemade pie. cake and sundaes will be St. John Aux. Mrs. Robert Reid President COMINC VP : 'Great books leadership training course will begin Friday, May 2. Mrs. George Johnson al ~6- 0140 may be called for further information. , . Last paper drive of the year will take place Saturday, April 26. REPORTS: Appointed to ,,erve on the nominating committee were the Mmes. Victor Clarke. Jo s e·p h Devlin, J ohn Harli, Henri Bouraet and George Carlyle . Classmates To Unite featured. 1 Lindb-er9h PT A Mrs. Robert Vlrtclk • Preaident served.\ Holding a long list of miss· COMlN!'l UP'.: Open house with clasroom vl!itation at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 22. Refreshments will be served ~m 1:30 to 9 in the maltfpurpose niom. ' Monte Vista PT A R PT ing people is Mrs. Wayne ~a ~ ·' Clawson (Judy Tibbils) who Mrs. Ket1'·. Kellog1 is pWming the 10..year reunion Presidf'ht of 1159 gr~duates from A1 ira COi\fl NG UP : lee cream Costa High School, ManhaUan social a~ 7 p.m. Alone.lay, Beach. April 21. Jack 'Richardson Graduates of the school wi\1 will &\..'Clion the prize win-gather in the Jump 'n Jack ning cakes from t h e reltlurant, Torrance, Satur- decoralinJ contest. day, June 21'. and add itional REPORTS: Attending the information may be obtained Harbor Council honorary Ji(e by calling Mrs.' Qawson, 897· ,South-of-the-border fare \vill be prepared and served by ~stanci~ P~A from 6-~8 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, in the school commons. Tasting a k1n gs1ze tac~ to t atisfy their kingsize appetites are Peter Pyle a~d Cheryl Rose. AU app,et1tes twill be satisfied, promises Mrs. Raymond Ceccann, chairman. Mn. 'David Gtodldl President COMING UP : Board meeting from 9 to 11 a.m. tomorrow, in the teachers' di~ room. luncheon were the Mmes: "011&. • ' \,. < . . Groups Chart Active.:.·~ourse fE41kl"'• Nott : A i>l!le lleYOll!d. lo f OU<111ln V•ll••· 11untln9Hlll l!K ll, Ckelin VieW, set! B.M"1 1rd W~l­ "'IM!er Seliaol 011tritt p1~l·tt1et1er ... nlu!lon1 w\11 IPPetr 111 !hit OA!l y l'ILOT etcll wftll. l11tom\tl)Clo mu1t lllot rKtivl!ld 11'1' Mr~. Wllllem P111for<1, 17Jd0 S1nt1 l 11<l1, Foun\1111 VIiie?, bY s '·"'· Frid•~ to• 1>~blit1tlon wed~•­ .,.~.) FY Council Airs. Ronald l\furpby .. President COMI NG UP: Spelling Bee in all Fountain Valley schools, S atu rda y , April 19, sponsored by Frithds of tht Library and Parks and Recreation Department ... National Pub I i c Schoo~ \Veek. April 21 through 25. REPORTS: VolliMeei" ptil-' gram in library an<f visual aids for the ~tricl Y'.er~ . discussed al syperliil~l Parent Coundl' ~:. Officers elected 'ftlr the cmn~ Ing year art ~ 1 Mme'S. , Gerald Hix, pres id e\n t : William Kowaleski a n d James E ll ena , vice prcsidenl!; Vern Dart, t'OI'· respodding s e c r et ary; Eugene Mooring. treasurer; Cbarle6 LipOt, publicity. and Douctu Meyers, historian. ·for ·PT /r pcojtcts for the coming •year, report s chairmen Mrs. Wi 11 i am Herbert and Mrs. Keith Corbr.i~: Cook PTA William Gamboa President. COMING UP: Principals fron1 Johnson and Stacey junior high schools will be guest speakers at unit meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 21, in the cafetorium. Report! will be glvep by auditor and historian. Officers to be in· stalled for the coming year are William Gamboa, presi· debt : 'the 'Mtnes. Gamboa, Floyd Collins, A n l h o n y ,Her~.~ _William Nor- 111111, vlclo"P'<51del11!; E. O. y11a .. anc1 si.ptNoi Sipe, Secretaries, and R o b e r t ;tal\li;, · hll1«1an. Roger Anderson wi'll be installed as audltor. FY High PT/< ~frs. William M1so1 ' !!rWdent and punch will be served at 1~,l·a1. drive Frlday, May o~n house at 7:30 p.m. 2. Pr<ICtlee& to~b;e. use:<1 .for r-.~onday, April 21. library fund. REPORTS: Officers elected Gisler PTO Mrs. Pete BarbOlak for the coming year are President Dale Smith, president ; the COMING UP : "Breath of !\Imes. Brue!· BUUard and Life" film and demonslra-\Villiam Sm lt h, . 'Tlct ': tion of rnouOW.o-rnouth presidents: Bud Be 1 sit o, resuscitation by Engineer Dave Hefner of Founta in secretary, and D • v j d Valley Fire Departrrient will· \Veimer, treasurer. highlight unit meeting at S . PT A 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, in the 1,gu~1~. 1 learning center ol building ·1 tory lalN E. Brownie Troop 12« will Pr esident present the flag salute. COW.ING UP: Of~cers to be Budget will he ~l!r '.1' inlltalied lof1 llhe eomlllj! approval . Ch1ldreu . .'f >~ ... . , , , .i.. vited to meet.inc 'l'D'd '· ea~.~tt 'f'.;:p.m> Monday, refreshments will be terVtd. Apt11 ~~ .. In • t~ Mmes. • · • Jemes · Blaser,\· president : Harper PT A . .. · ~~ :~ ,.°:~~ Mrt. Cllarle1 Upol President t,rtrbl. V.iee 'presidentS ; COMING U P : 1nspiraUon . ~Robert" Fkltella and Robert Th r 0 ugh Chikiren's Ac-Weeks. secretaries; Fred I. b ts . the ol Kubackl, treasurer, an d t'Omp is men 15 me Koshi Ktmura, h1Slorian. unit meet.Ing .at a tonight. Clawoom visitation follow· Charle! Lamb will be in- ing a short bu 1 i n t ll , stalled as auditor; Open meeting. Bake sale will be hou.91! and Wpcake ule will featured. follow mefl.irlg, Tamura PTO TeWinkle PTA Mrs, A. A. Jobn50D President COMING UP : Open house .and ice cream social at 7:30 p.m: Monday, April 21, Jn Boswell Hall •.. Rummage sale from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.RJ. Satur· day, April 26, in front of the FAD store, in K,Mart shop- ping center. Victoria PTA Mn. Fred Woodworth President COMING. UP: Open house, election of officers and ice cream social · at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 22 .•• Paper , drive from 9 to 11:30 a.ru.· Saturday, April 26, ill the , sch90l parking Jot. .• Board members and ch air m ei n voted to attend the mass in- stallation of offlce.rs at 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday, April 29, at the Villa Marina restaurant. REPORTS: Mrs. Alvin Hem- mer was awarded t be honorary life membership. Whittier PTA Mrs ... Robert White President COMING UP: Open house and instillation of officers at 7 p.ni. TueSday, April 22, in the multipurpose room .. Dr. Will~~c~·n n in g b a.m ,, superintendent of t be Sea Sirens TOPS Sea Sirens meet in Killybrook:e School, C o s t a M~. every .Wedne91;lay at7 p.m. Boos PTA . --..... Oji_ .... 'Hot Diggity Dog for Good Old Hot Dogs • Newport·Men U n 11 le d School District, will speak. Jee cream social will follow. Woodland PFO Mrs. DuJel Fawcett President COMING UP: Mother· daughter tea .and fashion show at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, April 19, in the multipurpose room. • • Book Fair and election o( officers will highlight open house Tues- day. -April 22. Meeting will begin at 7:~ p.m. followed by classroom visitation and vi!wing of books written by students. Mrs. E I m e r Anderson is librar y chairman. ' . ·Spelldown Scheduled An old-fashioned spelllng bee for students in the third through sixth grades will be e<rsponsored by the Friends of the Fountain Valle:Y Libra- . ry and the P3rks and Recrea· t.ion Department. Competition will begin at 9:30 a.rn. Saturday. April 19, in' the participants' schools, and the contest is o~n to alt StudenU Within the Fountain Valley School District. Winners from each school will compete in the finals tak· int place at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 25, lh the library. Mak- ing arrangements for the com· petition is Ml-s;:,Ronald Mur· phy, president ... Ot~Friends. Presid<nl COMI NG UP: Boos wlD • b< open for inspection from 7:301ol p.m. Tliadly;April COMJNC UP : Rumm age sale ln coo.junction with swap med, s.tu(doy, April 26. Mtt. )9., J. lrectmw and Pf.rs. Jtek "Krull are chalrme11 .•. BO&rd mtet.lna: at 7::.:1 p.m. tomtn'OW. in lhc admin1straUon bu.ilding. Student comlnlltee 'II 111 prmnl the propoecd drc8' code ror commenti ... Cake Lake View .PFG Mn. D. K. lleller Pruident COMING UP : Rummage aale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 19. In Odd Fellows Hall, 211 Main St .. ffuntington Beach ... Pl\pt r -~­Prelldtnl REPORTS: Ulllt tpOllSOfed Family U!e film for boy3 and Cirls in firth through eilhlh crw, .... with par· tnts permission. Hot dog! A1gClocl ·~ay to .s.-l·r-e-t-c-h 'lhe;budg1\ is tO for Arro:Vbear music schola rshi ps and P•t~ls ,,. bring all the lamily to Tamura School !or a hot dog Invited to silly lot open house. Michael Slelltn\on Ocl • .22. Proc:ud& lrom bake Alo at oPm houto Will he u.ed I I ' au pper tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the school. Hot dog• Jo Dean Urban, Tamura students, are racing lo de- will be 15 cenls, and potato chips, coif .. , punch and vour a more-than·a·foot·long dog while Mrs. John dessert. five ~ents eac h. All proce~d s wilt be ,used Huff mu~tc~s lhc m·1~~"fd. l I • , ------·--~~-----------·-·--.-----------...-~----• Classical Pops Musical Booked World · Tour on Weekend A mu.11<:11 I.OW' cl lbe world bu been pnlll'ammtd for the fourth pair of concerts prt.sented by the 1 Symphooy Orchestra ol · Orqe Counl~ under the batciil of Daniel Lewis. The classica.i pops proaram will take place Salunlay, April 19, at 1:30 p.m. and Sunday, April JD, at S p.m. in the Chap- man Co 11 e g e auditorium. °'lllll<· Appearing with the Theta Rh.o President Installed Sbttr/ Wara ol .Hwltlngton . ~ ~ -llM u pnsJ. dent cl .• tlio '1beta Rho .&iaembly, ol Calllorni& during, ...... oo1es conducted In BaWslleld. Mias Wild, daughter ol Mra. 'Larulne Wm! of Gmlen Grove and mtmber of DorerN Tbeou Club, carried ralnbOws provided by members ol her club. Theta Rho, an alflllate of t&e Independent Order of Odd' Fellows, is celebraUng its 10th anniversary in the U.S. Uilil summer. Candlelight Ceremony ' Carol Fer~usoh Marries At bome 1n Newport Beach Wlllllm Duval of Los Angeles, folloWlnf a H1wall1n honey· ¥rs. Peter Dean of Newpon mooa are Mwlywedt Mr. and fleacb and Mias Marilyn Mrs. Sll'lrari Clifford Flsbtr, Mooie of Costa Mesa . who atlw!&ed weddlnJ vows They were attired In pink and rinp fn the Lafayette-or1anza over silk sheath ~ Presbyterian Church, gowns trimmed in pink velvet La(ayette/ and canied old rashloned 'l'he early,evtnlng ceremony no.seg1y1 of white daisies, pint was performed by the Rev. carnations, pink tea roses, Jam!s staples LitUe for the blue forget-me-nots a n d Harbor Aru teacllen, the gypsophllla. former C.01 E 11 z a b e th Ronald Fisher of Laguna Ferguson and the son ,of Mr. Niguel attended his cousin u and Mn. Clifford A. Fisher of best man and guests we.re Downey. seated by. Dean, Jamea , The bride, daughter or Mr. Looney of Anaheim, Willlll'D ·and Mn. J. Carl Ferguson Jr. Upton of Lakewood and John of Orinda, wu given in mar· and D av i d FergUson cl riage by her falbe't'.~ Orinda. brothers of the bride. Wtdntsdl'f, AP<tl 15, 1%9 Beach Babes Every Wedne!day al 7 p.m. wmbtn ol TOPS Beach Babel ~vtne al Huntlngt.on Beaok HIP •School tor ~ gran11. b.lll V PILOT p HB ·TO~S-..Club Allen Scbool II the meeting pi... ... -.. ot -Unatoe Baell '!OPS Paund Plocben al 7 pJIL ovort lllllDo day. SAVE-BY-THE-SET. STIEFF STERLING; - orcheitra will be Miss Delreen HalenrichtF, winner of both the Orance Coonly Musical Arts and Orange Counly Sym~oung Artl1t'1 A In 1961. The soprano began SOLOISY Advisor for the Huntington Beach club it Mrs. Agnes Mat· I !~0.:~J.lf.iJ thew. joint youlh committee t membel' of . the Rebekah MR.S. STEWART,flSHER She selected an organia Mrs. John Looney was solo- over. 6ilk IOWD with a princess ist and Kenneth Mansfield line and cbapel train, trimmed provided organ music. with alencon lace and a""bow. her tr.in I at the age of 5 in Oell'ffn H•fenrlchter the Mutlc Pre~ SchOOI al The. progrom win lnclude Assembly. Hewliil•n HOneymoon Dlablo Country Club was ~ Her lace edged cathedral veil setting for the reception, was <;aught to a sell-head-where Mrs. Katherine Madar, North Central College In the It.an.an Caprice b y Norlbem Illinois. Sbe earned Tchaikoor>q; "I• the st<p'pes her ~ra and masten of Central Asia, by Borodin ; qq,:ees at the University of Five Folk Songs from ihe·P.l1r ~ 'tt<ently appeared~l>l'Avverpe;,<Fr~-.,.. ~·the UniYWsity of Ca1ifomia.. ranged_ by J. Cante:\Oube, ~. prodiiction of"Coei.'' Delreen Hafenrichler, &<>,loist; Accordlllil to Lewis, "The the Espana . Rhilpsody by prdsr4m fof April 19 and.20 is Qiabrier, and An American in ~gMd ttf attract t h e _ ~~~ Gf:O~ GershWin .. ~~ per•n. Those who do Anyone wisfima: information 110t enjoy lbe longer, more or tickets fn,iY . can the strklUI masterworks will like Symphony· Association. ofP~ ~ popular· concert selec· 777 South Ma'~ St., Oranie_ tions. •• phone 54.7 .. 180 or 547..SleG. . . Fifty Years Celebrated Celebrating their soth wed- ding anniversary are Mr. and Mrs. Albert B&W"ers of Foun- tain Valley. They have two dau~ers, Mrs. Edward J . Rehnstrand, a t.e:acher in Long Beach, and Mrs. Emert Moak of La Mtrada, a surgical nurse. Provisionals Whirlwind Mrs. Colin W. Reynolds , president of the Assistance -League of Newport Beatll. welcomed eight new · pro- visional members at the Chapter meeting yesterday. ' The Mmes .. Robert Fulton, Orrin W. Wright Jr., Robert L. Unger, Allen Meyer, C. Paul DuBois, Robert Lucas, John Lieb and William W. Dootson again will be honored tomor- row at an orientation brunch in the Assistance League Service Cent er. Mrs. Reynolds will offer a brier history of the Newport chapter and Mrs. Joseph Have Schedule piece, and she carried a bou· · 1 ol the b id quet of cardenias, roses, lily SlS er r egroom, circulated the guest book and of the valley, atepbanotis and h Mr and •1n 'T."~!~enlal touch the O:n~r.l 1:.'wru..: " . s LA ....... VI c K'S ' bric!-! wore an heirloom cameo The new Mrs. Fisher Is a d t f -u · It I 'J~ ... rsSince1917 brooch belon&lng to h e r gra . ua ~ o Lue n1vers y o ..... tnaternal crandmother. Cahforrua, 8_af!la Ba~bar~. 11 F1thl011 hl111d • • j Foster will explain the operA· The bride's aisler, Mary l.,u. where ~ af1~1ated with Pl Newport 9,,,h-644-1310 ~ tton of the league's Thrift einda -Ferguson of Orinda,...Bela Phi sorouty. ----~our Cl\lirg, ~WI ---~JCMI. Miiter Ctllr,..,.. Shop, wfiire donttedC lothiog y.·as her maid of honor and Her husband is a graduate .,. , .• ' ,, •·• and household goods are sold. b id 'ds M 1 Wh'U'-Coll o"" M ,,., ,..,,., 11111 • '·"'· ~~r~es~nw~~_::_w~er~e-~r~s~-~·~~.1~~~~~eg~e:· ___ ..:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==~·===:=:=:=:=:=:=:::::l!= A.tour of the children's Den-,. tal Health Ccnt.e:r, led',by .Mrs. Joe Earhart. will follow. The dental center provided treat- ment for 350 children last year, according to M r ;:i • Earhart. Concluding the program, Mrs. Robert Crowner, first vice president, will outline membership requirements and ~1rs. Wilbur Reynolds, past president, will further discuss policies and procedure.s. • 'l'he couple were marrM!d Jn Michigan and spent Hve years in Oregon before retiring to Fountain Valley in 1957. In addition the Bowers have four granddaughters, one grandson and three great· grandsons. .-----VIRGINIA'S------. Kitchens Open for Tour SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 333-4 East Coast Hwy. e Corona clel Mar Phon• •71-1050 Spring i1 1 ••••on fi!l•d with "''ny 1p1ei1I ,,.1nh1 H1"1 yo11 · ,h1c•1d your 1oc;i1I c1l111d1r l1!1ly1 M1y we h1lp y111 pl111 1 ,hie eo1tum1 lo w11r lo w•ddin1J1 111.I r1,1plion1, gr1d111tio11 1•••· ci111, l1111eh•o11 p1rti11 i nd 111 tll1 1pri11g 1rwl 111"'· "''' 1¥11111 1t our v1rio111 t1nnii.. ,olf 1"4 y1,ht (.!ub1. W1 ••• 1till 1'rivin1 ,,,,, 20 v••tt in lu11in111 to g iv1 you not only q111llty 111.I 11J1111111r 'f1bri-c;1 ! 111 g111r111l•1dl bvt p1no111liz.d 11rYic1 4rom ·tlle 11 l1ctio11 of p11t1rn1, y11'111g1, plu1 ltf"9Plf 11otio111 111d tritrn, 1•ndin9 y1u ho"'' with 1 c0Mpl1tt ~·~•· ·~· to er11t• yo11P v1ry own 'originel', Se• yo u soon, VIRGINIA QUALITY AND SERVICE! SPRING El Camino Real Woman·s Club members are planning a Kitchen Booquet Home Tour, Art League li-1rs. Lila Mclntyre has been selected the new leader of Costa Mesa Art League, and she will lake the reim during the May installation meeting. Elected to serve with her arc the Mmes. Grayson McCarty and Hans D. Lind- hardt. vice presidents; Fern Miller and C. E. Taggart. secretaries, and Jack Schinner, treasurer. Directors are John Burgess and the Mmes. T. M . Beckwith, Ed Hendee, Charles Liebbert, Alvin F e r n a r t , Richard Ingram, John Poag. W. J . Scott, Paul Friebertshauser, Jean Say and Pat Lederer. ,/ CLEARANCE ' SAL~l . .-: . .. ../ Perma Press Prints Spring Voiles ' 45" Wklo Mochlno Wo1hoble No-Ir-Rog. 1.49 ... 88¢ r Dan River Shorts ' .-vf 'Mooy No-Iron 59¢ t~~~ ......... . Hawaiian Prints Mlnl.Care Color Fnt l1rge hlectlon ..... 98¢' •S~· WicM Mlchine Woshoble N•lro,. Rog. 1.49 ... Spring Leno's 45" Wklo Machine Wathable No-lron--R1111. 1.91 $12~· Polyester Crepe ~398 45" Wicl• Machi .. WM111ble No-Ir ............... . Buutlfvl Sprl"I S.!Ocilon Serrano Prints and Matching Vo.iles . ~~~~"'Al~~°;~~ ,45~ ~Id~ ...... NOW $1 ~ --- ~ ' ~---- COSTA MESA Harbor Cent94' 2300 Htrw Blvd. COSTA MESA Meta Center 221 E. 17th St. • v•hich will be closed with a card party Friday, April 18. The fun will begin with a \•isit to the Dana Point home of Mrs. Carl Jensen. the morning coffee hostess. From there tour participants will go to the Thunderbird Estates-residence of Mrs, William Warner for cookies and breads and then on to the home of Mrs. A. A. Peliza of San Juan.Capistrano, luncheon hostess. Dessert and cards will be enjoyed in Dana Point Com· munity House where hostesses will be Mrs. Arthur Sewell and Mrs. ~lubcrt Jones. Mrs. Seymour N u t t ls general chairman. Reserva- tions may be obtained by call- ing her at 496-Sl92 or by con· tacting Airs. Anthony Man- cuso, 496-5141. LQQK for HAIRSTYLING by the area's TOP STYLISTS! M:::;,~~~~~ i~o · APrOINTMENT ONLY. WIGS .... 49" WlGUti .... 4" '· CASCADES. ,,.,. 1491 FALLS .... 26" Sale Prk .. 1 Now In Effect! VIVIANI WOODAaD COSMITICS ' ma/&,.;:. _: WIG & J,OUTY . SALON . Cell 5413446 250.D E. 17th Hlllgren Square Coat•- ·----·----------------------. -- Tempting! Tasty! I ,,. " ,, . , . Coffee Cake Week at Van de Kamp's Iced Cinnamon Rolls There are loads of raisins and cinnamon all through these old-fashioned family favor'ltes. Heat 'em right in their own foll-lined tray, then serve 'em worm and fragrant -fresh from your own oven! Save Sc. Pkc. of I 35•C IRer. 4lcl lear Claw Coffee Cakes These · melt-in-your-mouth goodies ore great for breakfast orn:I · o welcome treat orry time cf dayl They're rich with d iced almonds, ground walnuts and choicest ground raisins, topped wfth maple icing and choice nut meets. Pkc. If 4 39c IR11. 49c) NIW P~ho leef Coffff Cok• I j OL {log. 39<) 33< lutterhera c.tf" C.ke1 Plcg.of6.-.#ilo.4'9c) 39' NIW Pffawt l11t .. r Ceffff Ceke I 0\17'°",, ........... : ............... ~. 39<) 33< •••pb•r,,. .. Or•n1• c.H .. C•k•• Pkg. of 6 ............................. (bg.43c) 35< Chec•l•to C•ke 2·footo<s ........... (ho. $1 .29) '1.19 NIW lett ...... tch c .. hw l•rk ltk>L "" • • "•" • · , , ,, •" •.,, ,, , • (Volue 98<) 89< C•k• •f th• tReattn ''"h ............................................. 98 ' · Rosette Coffee Cakes • • .. ! • { • .• ., ., • • • • .. Here's a back·~bosic;s blend ~f :pure .creamery W... !er and farm-fresh eggs that combines with othet first quality' ingredients to give you extra tasty cakea topped· with slreusel and sugar icing. Dellclcusl ., -~ ... ,, _,... . . ' ~ It;, < ') IRof. 41c). { • ; ~ .. ' Dutch Ring Coffee Cake This peekaboo pastry lets you see right into its tasty filling! So you'll know for sure it's pocked plumb full of chopped dotes, walnuts, cinnamon and cloves, and ground oranges. ll·Ol, 35c !Rec. 43•1 Walnut Swirl Coffee Cakes l ats of brown sugar inside is what g ives these delicious cakes their distinctive flavor. Topped wit'1 choice walnuts and o sugar Icing, they're sure to become one of your family favorites! Pk(. ol I 49c ~.,. 51cl Loak for the 8111 WinDlill ~~~ps.~ We bake the way you W1!Uld. If you had the time. , • l " I I . w •• •~ :'j9!j., ' . .-, "'9•,rl:A'~l.Ow. FtA~.J.u~_: "f ' I• • '! . .: • P:' 1Molqsses Ma~es .. ' ' -~ ;• Big 6·iffer~~C:e .. ~*\: Molasses and spice and everything nice ..• that 's wha l little fruit bars are made :of. l t's a classic combination for the usual reason foods become classic ... they taste greaL .S,1>iced baked goods sweeten· di rw.ilh molasses are an American tradition that goes back to colonial days. Up to the early 19th Century, molasses was the common sweetener th~ country over. Molasses went into the spice cake and fruit-bar pastries early American sailors packed in thei,r sea chests ... pastries made ~ib rnoJ.assri ·retain their "Ql"oisf.ure and st:Ore be a ti· tifully.'"' £asses Fruit and Nut are just the kind ol -t~t voyaged wilb tac ear.Ji seimen. Dates, nuts aM cinnamon go into the baller and the bars require only 25 minutes baking lime. ·The cake is made of everything nice. too ... nuts, raisins, and even more spices ••• cinnamon , cloves, nut- meg and mace. The topping is a simple no-cook mixture. Youngsters love the taffy· like flavor of molasses, and the mellow cake and cookies are perfect for the after-school milk break. For a change o( pace, serve wiUt a Taffy Banana Drink: Mash a ripe -banana well and stir in 1 tablespoon u n su lp hure d mot~ and a dash of sail. Add '4 cup milk and blend ft ii. Molasses-milk drinks find high favor with nutrttion-<:<>n· scious mothers. Molasaes is an energy food having a high conlenl of true sugars ... and it's one of the foods highest in iron. 11\e spice cake and fruit bars are great with coffee, too, for your O\\'n snacking or des;ert fare . MOLASSES FRUIT AND NUT B•RS 1/3 cup shortening Cream together sbortenlhg; sugar; bakil)g iooa. ult ii\') spices. B.lerid in molasses: Stir . . 1n ~ cu p ol Ute floor. Beai in eggs, one al a time. Add milk alternately with re~ maining 2 cups flour. Stir in the nuts and raisins. Turn into a greased and lightly floured 9 x S x 3-inch loaf pan. Bake in 325 Oejree F. oven I hour, 15 minutes. Cool; remove from pan. M i x together confectioners' -sugar and w~ler ; 1pread-;0n .top of loaL. Yield, I loaf. Tiaveler I/, cup sugar v, teaspoon baking soda \Vear as a 3 piece suit or 2 l teaspoon sail piece dress for smart travel- 1 ttaspoon cinnamon ing. 2/3 cup molasses Graceful raised leaf design 1 egg dramatizes 3-piece suit. Knit 1 y, cups · sifted an-purpose jacket from neck down in one flour piece to top shell. A·line. skirt . 1 cup finely cul dates Use sport }'arn. Pa.tern 74~: 14 cup chopped nuts sizes 16-16 included . Cream together shortening, FlflY CENTS (coins) for sugar, baking soda, salt and each pe.ttern -add 15 cents cinnamon. Blend in molasses. for each paUem for first~lass Beal ln egg. Stir in sifted maillng and special handling ; Oour, dates and nuts. Spread othenl'ise third~lass delivery in• greased and ltghVy {lour· will take three weeks or more. ed~f.lnch square•pan. Bate in ·Send to Allee Brook! the DAl- 375 degree fo'. oven 25 minute!i. LY Pt1.m, 105 Needlecraft Cool. Make 3 cut.! one \\'SY Dept., Box 163. Old Chelsea and cro.55 with 7 cuts. If StaUon, Ne"· York. N.Y. 10011. de.sired, sprtfiklc ~llt d>n-Prim Name, Add~s1, Zip, fectlooers' sugar. Yif!ld : ft ·.Patten NllD!ibtr. Giant. new bars. 1911 NttcUecraft Catalog - MOLASSES. SPICE cAKE0 213 cup shon<nlng · J cup sugar l'i teaspoon baking soda over 200 designs to choose, 3 free patterns printed inside. Send SO cents now. • _v, teaspoon salt ~~~==:~g NEW! "SO I NS TA.NT Glrt'S" -fabulous fashions, toys, decorator accessocies . ~fake it toda y. gh't it tomor- row! Ideal for all occaslons. 50 cents. 1 \i teaspoons clnnal1lOll I teaspoon ground <:loves \t cup molasses . ,J\.i cups sifted all-pu~ .,,. flow, divi ded .. i- • \l ""f mllk "' , .. 1 mp chopped null .. 1 cup r•l&lnl , ,.,, ~ cup &Hted confectioners' ' sugar i io f teupooru1 water • • ••11 JUfy &p" . to knit, crochet, wea ve, sew, hook. so ct!llll. Boot ol U Prize Af pu1. SO cents. Bargain! Qolll Book I h>• II boa ulil\ll polterm. IO cents. Muse•m Q.dJt Book z -pet- ttrru1 for I! SUJ)t'rb qWhs. 50 cents. ' Book a. 1'Qullll for Tod1y11 LfVla1." 15 pettttns. 50 ctnts. I lff"'Rv,l:s'~~.OTCH .·. $ 5 ~! • r-'"."'."'. --·,·"·,-" .. ,·.a·,·,N-G.,N.U .. ,N.,·,-.... ,N.G----...._ ii'il"iPoRK cHoPs 891~ · . .:AMP , cao.·es ... · i '"'"'"&c".toP's',. · · .·1 ,_.w,~ ...... , , . i '·. . . J ~ · SMALL LOIN -· · ••• cHoPs' sHC:IRt•las or•l1r .. ·~ '·s119 S"c p'oilCs•u•Aa1 ·, 4 ' UI•' · 7-1b. .I PRESE.4.~!0. ~AOY ta-14'7 .II-I . ~.. 6 MEAT I.OAF c.' . ·· ,~ •.• ·"1 I ' ' ' ... ~,.., .. $29if ., I ~,~NCY H:fMIUM (6!PA:K 79t) PILSNER BEER , ... 01" , 12-oz. cans . i TOOTH PASTE . . •I.OS SIZI 61c fAMH.T Siii SHAMPOO CONCENTRATE ,\'IT ALIS . •s· ·6· ·. -:l·OZ. H•lR,DRHSIN._TV••, · . . -· .. ... . ' ; '' ' . . . ·CHllCICS«CASHID '& AMBl\ICAM _. ~r:ican Express . . . DP ...... Money Orders . ,,OP ... I ·' s..a .. r;.e1 · 'sift Steps! l«r All T 111 I ills wi1' . ' ... FRE SH KIST A pplesauce HEINZ J VARIETIES ;. ··1 I . ,,~• Barbecue Sauc.es 1 ~1::•" B & M l_N. OVEN P_ROOF :JARS · i' , .;... , 1 . a·ak'ed Beam · :· , . . . .... ~N ECA APPLE' JUICE . -~ .'• •~RT 29C : . I ' ~·, ' FROZEN FROZEN I ., f lOZfN . .YAN DI KAMP : MORTON'S , : OH DOT TRllSWln . iNCHILADAS i MACARONI : /CHEESE ~'·'·· ORAllll . :~·· ··~~~=:t•i j' . ~ CdSE ! i ; t l!.IZZA~ ,; : ~;, .. ~UI: 7'12·••·3,7cc ~o·•s. J:9c: ~¥··•····4Jc: •·••· 2 pkt. · ~ I •kB• . I , pk9. i • 1 ' ~Clll I I ;·: ' I I , , .• r 'I · lr,. •. I I ALASKA coo 9--0Z. 55c I 8-0Z. PKG'. T.!t I DEL1JXE·SAUSAGE 9'rl·OZ. 5l c I ' 11·0Z. ~AH, s1.;. ) r-;:::;:-~~~r-~~~IS;;;;c;:k:'F;;:;;;;:::::::;;:-;;::;T";;;::;;;:-="'""."":;;::-r.::::::::---'~\'~~,·~~:::::::::--~··-··~I~~\ """' Scjf •. Moaey'' I 1 Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie Mix (Incl Sc off), COFFEE-All Grinds · · BUTTER-NUT · ' l·lb. f•n BUTIER FlAVOR ··WESSON OIL , . ' lki. 31< 32""· 61 ' • bll. b!. . lnq..toOff Intl Sc Off, Hunt's Chili Beons Hunrs Red Beons Hun l's Solid Pock T .,,..,, .. , Hunt's Solid Pock Tomatoes Hunt's Stewed Tomoloes folge(a lnllonl Coif•• 2300 Barbor. Blvd. at Wilson St., :l'tOI ~ .. 45C .... :. .. , .. 33c "':1~"" J lc "'·JOO• 25c -~\,_ 33c ""JOOr"" 25c 1o..r.1er .$1.39 DfTtRG[Nl' 5UNSH1Nf LIQUID '2<L 59 c VANILLA 1~~4 ·JOY 1-!QSI!' WAFERS DIStfWA$HER HEtHZ .CASCADE '~OL 45 c HAMBURGER 16•3 DETERGENT p>.9. Dill SLICES ~· . ~ .. c I • ' ' • , -c • --,--- ' :· ' ' • LAUNDRY DITIRGINT GAIN GIANT PKG. (hocl. 121 Off) 6Jc MAGIC CHIP SALAD OIL • • 24·0J:. "'ft.. DANISH IM'°•TfO !>llCfO 39c ANOLAHAM ....... ,5c .... Hunt'& T omoto Cot sup · ~"'-l 39c C Hunt'• T omoto Saooe with Onions, Chu se, Mushroom s or Tomofo Bits 2 f J I t..: ,... or c Eveready Nestles Cocoa 1 111. "'· 59c IC Soron Wrop ~11o·• 65c Ho~sco Ritz Crcic:ktrs .. ., 4 it ;Pacific. Cracktr Honty Treat Groh om~ , • ,.._ 3.7c ----... -------~-.. ---~-.. -...... -.. ...-· .. ·~--...........--.. -....... --------.-..-··-........... -........ ----- PHI!' PROZlll OINUllll IPRlilO rl.am1t~1houlde ROAST . -A~c .. Ti ... WILSON CllSPllTE SLICED BACON ALASKAN KING CRAB MEAT PAN lEADY FILLET OF HALIBUT CElTl·FlflH flOZ!N .. BREADED SHRIMP HONfYSUCl:l,, fa<lZEN WllH GlAVY SLICED TURKEY ~:65c $298 lb. 691i.. •. ,.,$155 p~g. "'"$169 pk9. . ....... " RUMP --- ROAST • · ~ YPUNG T~EY DRUMS1'1~KS ' · .. 33· u.... ,. ·c .a.,.\\ '- IMSPICTID . ' .... . . ' PRISM LlnHl-LUGE HEADS 2 f2tc COACHILLA VALLIY RO ... AI' NI 0 ' RUaYRID ftl · 11 , ..... c · ~:: . ".. MuiiiiiooM"s 39c PAPER NAPKINS SCOTKINS 2 .~, .. 34c 1"1 of 50 k Otf flAVOR ENRICHER ACCENT ,., ... 33 c s1a 1 ·~·OL 99 c $!l l r \ • I 2300 Darar Blv~. a t Wll•a St., Harar Shopping Cent.er, Costa Mesa I W~, Aprlt 16, 1969 . j 1. oAJ(v mai' ;;;1. HOT FOODS GAIN ON LOW-CALORIE DIETS Won't Leave You Cold Empty Feeling Can .. Be A voided With anyone ea\ing for a lOS&, the winning diet is tht one it's easy to stick: to. That means a diet that tastes good . It also means a diet that leaves one feeling fed. Nobod}' quite knows why, but somehow hot ~ood always teems a little more satisfying than cold . So it pays to take advantage of ttUs curious fact and put permitted calqries into plenty ol hot foods. Jn making a diet extra ap- petit.in' condensed s o u p works wonders. A b i g . delicious. peasanty soup as the main' d!Sh at supper can really make 1 meal. SoJJps like this start wlth a flvorite condensed soup as the ~'perf~ly ' seasoned base. \Vitb the ·addition or meals and· vegetables. they become a filling (albeit low<alorie) main course. Hunger pangs b e t w e e n mealS seem to fade out better with hot snacks, too. A 0 souper" snack of one of th e so-called "slim" condensed soups ta.ie wonderfully good and weighs light in lhe day 's calorie allotment. There are only 22 calories in a 7-oonce bowl or mug of bee£ broth; .only 28 calories in consomme. Chicken broth counts ror 36 calories. And a heartier soup like old· fashioned vegetable with beef stOck is only $3 calories. MEATBAIL SUPPER SOUP ( 7-oonce bowl, 212 calories) ·(ti-ounce bowl, 319 calories ) ih poun d ground beef, seasoned y, teaspoon dried minced onion Dash horseradish 1 clove garlic, crushed I can (IO~li ounces) -~­ densed chicken and ata.rs soup 11 soup can tomato juice i:i soup can water ~J cup cooked cut gree n beans · 1.1, teaspoon oreg"ano Combine beef, On.ion and horseradish. Shape into 12 small meatballs: brown slowly in saucepan. (Use a little sllortwing if necessa:-y.) Add garlic, brown lightly. Pour of( a n y excess fat. Stir in re- maining ingredients. Heat: sUr "now and then; simmer a few minutes. Makes 2 to 3 servings. GYPSY CHOWDER ( 7-ounce bowl, l?a calories) (II-ounce bowl, 187 calories) 11.1 cup diced cooked ham ~l cup~tiopped cabba&e Z tableSpoons slivered green pepper t tablespoon butter o r margarine 1 can (10% ounces) con· d e n s e d old..fuhioned vegetable soup I soup can water 1.~ teaspoon carayiiay seeds Brown ham and cook cab· bage and green pepper in but· ter witil teQder. Add re- maining inare4'ieot.s: Heat : stir now an4 then. Makes 2 to' 3 servings. Hot Dog! Pups · Given . Snooty Sophistication · We've yet. to meet :.he mother who woukt want to go on livin&' it frankfurter s ever disappeared from tht market,. ~ ~evt{, many a bousewift 18 eagtr for new ·ways to serve the okl stand-by. \ Hert'• 1 rtcipe wilb a touch or 1opbl 1t tc 1t i on cmly American b 1 u e chetSe c a n add. , , Try ll for your n•xt lhop- pinc4'Y clinnet. or as a anack meal that iJ deflnilely out ol. the ordinary wben unex- pected company drops In. You'U need only the .....,. lnp Ind condlmenll alrMdy on -yoop alltl,..~ -are 11 quick t.o fit as they •rt good to eat SNOOTY PUPS z tablespoons mayonnaise t tablespoon vinegar If, teaapoon aupr 14 teaspoon onion salt in cup~ blue cheese (about 1 ounchel~ crumbl· ed) 4-frantl\Jrters 4 frankfUrter buns lt ix mayomabt, vtnep.r. sugar, onion s&Jt and blue cheese tocether. Sel uldt. CUI frankfurters I en Ith w i 1 e wilbout tutting an~ the w11 through. FW franl:a wltll blue , l:heele mixture. Set on cootlo thee! and b)oll M 1-. f- tOUl'Ct oe-be IT aboul S mtnutes ot until c h e i s e browns. Makt.a 4 tervinp-\,·· I ,, --' l! N OAJLY .rLOT C.~ T' b I f h ? Favorite' Dessert ~\ter 'hry._·.Brai.sing ·Veg.eta. .es O .( -~. C: ange,,. ·Grand supper Find/.(!, .,.~:J"\i .... lable& add &arm ,,. .. ., oomea. - , ''• celery in an olive oil ll~ w,t.\' \. nto a 1 ruilch. skillet turn muahroom liquid to reltl'Ved Ardellcklus dessert repiated •. boil; -~e ft'Olj '911. 'JW" ,. ~v '<' __ • ..I. by hqueol. I 8'Jr· fn • -· aOll lid to -."f"" al IOY Umo ol The celU)'·muohro\JrJ> com· white wine vlneear drelsl II .Up, Inly ·•liced onion the.celery~ bellll, onion, veplable llqtild; add ,,....,, M!lllNGUB Wl'lll· <OCOllll;.eoo(sltpUy. J 1,~ . binltiOll. ii dc\Jc-.J served and offer ~t on crisp roma· , • (1 ~um) .·, salt and ~ water. Botl; milk to make 1 cup. 811\AWIERIJES Beat ea .__.., cNilR Rlf>I•-.... ,_ • .., wtlh111cedineat lCOldilr hol l ' leav°'.·'"!11 .. a lgambb ~-.AM ' <~ver¢,_,liii!II celU)' and lllal-qulttuucepanovir 1...,m111< ol taner>lllllil sllii; lord 'to _ ,..,. • r . L , _ ' ..,.rlet •pilJ)ftilo. <Alone •llli 1 C1IP q water • bt11n1 .,.-....ci.r --• ll low hul, melr llle.-lnil( J fatli-comalli<h cooled· ""ce. nli\I lnlO I bet~,.tliia to.~• .... with IUUJllJllrgtrs or him pat, r>ltandpepper,youmay'want I cbicMll batilllon cube m l nut 11 otain 0\_. a z ~ bulWr; at1r In V. ""Pmcar unp<a>ed (I ouse) c:usWd teratial -ol lrlll, tlea, or ·with 11!11 (broiled; to add a ouoplclon ol d r 1 . l lablespoOna butler or meuure~_,.,1111 ll<juld. Set Ille IJaur. VJ cup llaAd .,_1 cu po. Ploce in a pon o1 W ed ,.«......, with I • • h: frild or baked). [OU'':lrd to !ht oil and Vlllejar ' ,....gar1., veptablet> ulcle to. keep . Add the milk mixture UICI 11 cup egg whllel ' water. -In r llow (115 mus'hroom sauce. No salld ts needed. But hot dr~ssinc:.) · » ~ mushrooms, ·thinly warm. Add bouillon cubt 10 cook and stir constantly unUI y, teaspoon cream of tartar degreea) oven untlJ puffed and Because tbl!I combination· blicuits ItaliJR bread wit h Serve plain braised cejery sliced verctable liquid and set this thickened. Add d r a l n e d Sweetened sliced ttratrbtr-slightly ~ -about 40 '..... Is F A•'-wilh a cheue sauce and ltul· 1 teQpoon f"rcsb, lemon•ju~ aside mushrooms and ttbeal rics miootes. can be so l!ftW11 arranced sesame ~. or er p re"'"'-' · fed t!g:gs for a main coune MUk In the clean skll'et; melt Pour sauce into aervinc Ill • a medium saucepan. Cool: c:bUl Run a ...U -tbe tt1'tY ribl SUcUd atop roll& are 1 ~rthwhi~ •c· for lunch. . =';Gi flour 3 tablespoons of the butter; dish. Arrana:e celery, onion gradually stir the milk into spatula around edael &Ddilm'n the· .aauci -it mabs an companemcnt. "1 -M celtry that add mwbrwrm and lemon aril _ veen beans over sauct, • tbe comstan;h. k-e e pin I out;-do --not....,trJ "'W---.W attractive di.sh to offer for Braised celery may also be BRAISED CELERY WITH are ainllli r ln • siu: remove juice; "'Coc\ubtll mushrooms.'· stacklag the celery in I por· ~· Cbok:J l!XI stir con--the merfrwues tmdl •clfU: lunch or supper when com· used in other dclijhlful ways. MUSllROOM SAUCE leaves and thoroughly wash wilt"-pliOUt.Sm'inuf.M: Qrain, t~ and using a green bean,, ~ p~ heat Wt-ln1. Sern wtdt t,_..d. Herc are two suggestions.· 12 ribs tender celery ribs in cold water; cut into re~ muahro<ln,, liquid. u a Sarni.sh tw each stack. t1l ',:mtx:IMre ls .mbotb and sliced s~ .... f , .'I 'Eggs-fro' ' • Stirred In o·ishes Use of-e(&!·-a.ates from prehbt.orf .#l l iq:it,1 . 'Ille discoverw ~·ve been a woman with ·.Mt(-_.o,.. people atthetable! 1 • •••• Few •r food-delicides art ao easy to prtpart and so available. It isn't euctly a diaadvantatt that eggs are ine.ipensive. When you buy egga, the grade stimp on the Cll"ton ;. the quaUty .-_ In California moll egs qUa}Uy far Grade AA or Grade A. Be iure the ~ are top qua)i. ty aa marked. Buy them only from a clean, refrigerated case. Egg si1c hu not.hlng to do v.i th e" quality. Slu ii based on the wei&ht per dozen ew. A dozen SmaD, Grlde AA egs is the same quality as a dozen large Grade AA egs. There are recipes a n d recipes for using eggs. Maybe you can use 110me "eggstra" ideas. Heat bologna slices in a hot frying pan until ~Y curl into cups. Fi11 with i:;crambled or poached eggs. Ad<! diced ,avocado t o scrimbled egp just before the ea:gs are sel. Top ~ese souffie with langy frmh orange sauce. Line 'individual ramekins with loail points. Add devilled eu haJvea or 1lieed bard coolted egp .. Top wttb dl- sauce. Heat under the broiler until cheese sauce is bubbly. Top wieb crisp bacon slices and aa1e immediately. G~est'll Love 'em ~ .'cooltics taste \\'On- dcrful. warm from the oven. M bake them the morni ng "tbe'pi:t.s" come for a snack. • ""RIVER ROAD MiN'CEMEAT COOKIES I clip unsUted flour, stir to aerate before measur· in( . ~4 ~ btkint: soda ~~ teaspoon salt ~~ M&rpoon nutmcr '~ teaspoon cinnamon I/I ,Cup butter, at roon1 tt,tnpereture . 11i Cop firmly packed dark brown sugar I large egi; ~• cup ready-to-use min- cemeat (with brandy and rum) frnm a I pound, 2 ounce jar I tablespoon brandy on wax paper thoroughly stir loSeUler the nour' soda, 11.lt and spices. In medium- llize mi1ing bowl cream butter and su1ar; beat in egg. Stir in dry ingredients. mincemeat and brandy. Drop by I e v e I tablc- •poonfull, a few inches apart. onto greased cookie sheets. Baktd in I preheated 400- degree oven until ~ghtly browned -about I() lll..IDUleS. With w1ac spatula, t cmovc to wire racks to cool. ~lakes abOut 2\~ dozen. • Mmm, Good. Nice to know cotta1c c~ Is to good for you, for usinl It is a Vtr)' inexpensive way to ftt an estra ration of p~ tein.. One hall<Up .erving of cot- tage cbet::lc aupplln 11 much protein u a Uiree-ounce 1en·- "'I of ,_ eool<ed l1ab. llleat or poullr)'. A ball-cup or uncreamcd cotiage ctwse has Ii tram s of prokln. but only • cal· wM1. With s w e 1 t =r blended In for flavor, -r .,pol mamed COl'tll• en .... only • mott caloria .... Ull cup. · QUICK Cetc.11 .,, 41 vle.•t, •" l~•I •••llf., kte4 ,.., cem11•cl, ••m,r•he11e.i•• li e111•few11 e4i. 11.-. ef ffMo OAILT 'ILOT. I { Marinate plain brai s ed 6 snap beans, tipped and about ~hl<VtC'pieces. Se&~ llW!bfOOml uide. Add Makelllll'Vlllp. •Njiibf iu?d ·.CllillDel just to arvinp, ~' - TltlPLE 'I BLUECHIP ,, I SJ4MPS ;a . GOES WHOLE ii ~~.,•-JJ ........ Lijj HOG! ~.:.ii -.. ·!.ae.'~-2'-~~ =~ ...... I ~ u . ,, POR~BUTIROAST-... -.. 5~:~IJ imJ(l:J~f)iS)tEt~~ :J ~ PORKBUTTSTEAK. ..68' m:aias . 50° LOIN PORK CHOPS _. 88' ,,. .. ,,,.,,. .. """' -··-·-···---•. RIB END SHOulQEJt PORK ~~~~~~~~~·~--~:~~: F.;.!'_~ .... ~~~---··-· '711°' · · ROAST n9'9fls PORKSPARERIBS:'."._.68' TAVERN OEAOY •t 28 SMOKED P,ORKJOIN ~~ •. 98' !!~!... .... TO ~-. • . PORKJENDERLOl~--·· l ] II SMOKED fWY SHAH< .. ~ PiC3NICSTYLE:UAaN-.T"': sa:. SlAB·ftiACON~ .58' !!~~!rr"°"1<>•n1 5k~'"._~~ ..,~, BACON SQUARES ___ ·---···· 38' BACON ENDS l:"'..,...., ____ • 28' lb . . '1 HOFFMAN EASTERN pOllK SMOKED FRESH LECi p--IClllCS PORK NECK BONES ·--··-··--··· 28' PIGS FEET _ .•. 28' PIG TAILS ___ .. 28' SMOKED PORK HOCKS ___ • 38' OF PORK ~-·sa: ;iii: FRESH SIDE OF PORK __ • 58' SLICED BACON ~:~~~ 68' PORK LINK SAUSAGE !W!. _ 28' SALT PORK _______ ,. 48' PENN . SAUSAGE :::. ~---,. 68' POLISH SAUSAGE ~'"'" 88' s;w FINE FOODS MIX'EMORMATOl'EM • nUIT COCKTAIL • CORN WIQI ·-OI c:n.u. •GRIEllPU5 • APPUSAUU •·· ,,. •uss LARGE EGGS COUNTIY HIDE LAIGl ~UDE AA DOL MA YFllESH EGGS . l.AIGE 41c MEDIUM 37c lXTIA LUGE 43c G•ADE AA ool GltADE AA ooz. GIADI AA DOL --majjl'air fruik I Vt.gt.toMc.s-- ORANGES LAllGE $UNICIST NAVELS lb. 10' FUERTE AVOCADOS \AKif !lllor!frt ---------·---- _____ 5!51 ••n·~ .. ., 3'39' unva 2'29• Hloll)ft., , ~ .... .:. ' 'lD lfAf OI: .... mJ ---f , .. TOILET TISSUE "~Y~~ CORN FLAKES "\~·· M. J.B . COFFEE ~t~J.:~: _ KRAFT DINNERS ~:~~ GRAPE JELLY ~·_ lll\11\fl ~ llllllllf Van de Kamps 5'ECW.S JHrs..s ..... ,.., 11-21 P1lm Lui 33, Ctftt• C1kt ..... II w. Iced Cl1na11111 Rolls.. ......... ..._., 35c ~~~~~·~'~It .... •, 39c W\WIW\IHWPIWl\Wf VISIT TOUl l'UIUC IC-I PUBLIC SCHOOLS wtEK APRILll THRU !5 llOW AID llH'POIT ro11 "lltc ICHOOll ADVIRTISll PllCH EFFECTIVE 7 PULL DAYS·TllUllS., ANll 17 tlor• WED., APlll .2l MAYFAIR MARKET-175 EAST 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA 2030 West 1st Strfft, Santa Ana 9892 Westminster Avtnllt, Garden BONUS STAMP SPEaALS! SMOID PICllCS 48< • HOfFMANSUCIDANOTIEO ---········· .. ··· ........... . PORK LOii ROAST 68''7 lOIN fNO __ ............... ·-····-··· ...................... . . LEG OF PORK 68' aun END -·-···· ................ -.................. --·····--•• !~~ .. ~...,~~c~sF!!!!S G111£TS --lb. 58< ,---zm~ Dd.4$t«sm-- M!,N ... C!fJ,,E~.tFOOD . =~... --· 45c MJ!19[q~~~!~ ...... ~r:;: __ . ---5gc ~.~.ill.!!!~~~1 ~~~~ --__ age ~!,KYi1J,R§J~R RIN_C _BO!O_GNA_ 4gc ISCll MATll Ill ME.II fllNIS '"·"G ·--75' PIUSllll llSClllS~='"-----'"' ""'u. II' llllCACIE°SUCll Clltl!I llEISI _ .,,.. ,.._ ll' lOICACIE SllCEI IUllEI HEIST --·-->«""' ll' IWllAlAlllSllCIS --'*'I.It ' ,.--~ Liqua: MILLER HIGH LIFE BEER ~~. •2 22 wtTH TWIST OfF • cm ~-.. ' ROYAL OCCASION VDDKA :~-····------s3''. BLENDED WHISKEY m.~~:.~ ·-""" 134' ANTIQUE BOURBON ::·:'°'""" . 1111" EARLY TIMES:!'~~ ... '°'"""·-·--s11• ANCIENT AGE :."~~::; .. __ 1111" Grave • I ,. ,..,,,... ... •-··-~ I . Wodotsdq, A"U 16, 1969 DAILY 'ILOT IT . .. . TOP SIRLOIN STEA-K U.S.D.A.OIOICIOISTATl' llOS. ca11Ftm - GROUND . BEEF FRESH GIOUND HOUlll. Y LEAN, DIUCIOUS .• ·1~!, .. '~45! .. .. ~ ' .. .. SLICED B!.~N 1·Ll.PACXAGI ; 3~: : ~ ~}_f ;f;. sltl,.;r.s: c··,-> _ .. ,ii-. • , , t'"ac"Gc ~ CUBE ' " '. . . STEAK . U.S:D.A. OIOICI OI STA 'Ill ··no1, C911AllflllF 98!. ---'-.,--1 ~'" ' 'POUND • PKG., IUCID ' BACON • U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER BIOS. CERTIFlm BEEF LB otCAIMAYR " l·U . 'ACICAGI )'. BONELEsS ROUNQ STEAK. LB sgc 6~ CHUCll ROASJ RUMPTROAST ....... L •• 79' PDORTERHOUSE ; ... L1.s1 19 •=-.~~~ClOISTATll•OS . 53' 'jD.A.CMOIQOISTATH•OS.HOllH s 1" 09 pEEF llVAST ........... LI . \iLUB STEAK .......... LI. ' 'C i~llOS.Al.LMEATOIALLIEEF ' 3• U.S.D.A.OlotaOISTATElllOS.STIAK ' 98 iUL·OGNAsucEo ...... 12.oz. '7-SIRLOIN 4TIP. ........... LI. . C LB. ·nu·SlGi ............ oZ.PKG. 59' POii<"·iiiEk·S ........ : .. ~ 27' ROLLED ROAR IOlia ns'!Moui;1111-93 f MOKtE: LINKS ............. PKG. 69' PILLSBURY 11.S.D.A.OtOICIOI. C ~-STATll.OS. La. ·,CllTifm).., 3 ' l:IANCH MAID. CREAMY OR CRUNCHY PE · UT BU 'TER ...... 1-L~·JAR AMERICAN BE AU TY ALL WI DTHS EGG . . . :2. NOODLES ... s-oz, PKG. WHOLE BEETS ~:t~L~~D• ....•.......... 303 29' "" - sLICED BEETS ~.'t~S~D-·······--··-·· 303 26' . .DiCED BEETS DIAMOND • ·-·-... -.... 303 18\ .cfflll MIX·MoATON HOUSE. ............ 20-0< 25' MESTLE COCOA ···---·· .. -·' LI . 45' MEINZ KETCHUP --·· ___ 140< 24' TOMATO SAUCE STOKELY .. 3s.oz. 33' LBS. MIX OR MATCH ( 9.!!~"MIXES FROSTINGS I F,_OR ; WITH THIS COUPON LIMIT ONE CCU~ PEI! CUSTOME" Good Onlvn1 STA111-. ll"eok •/APllL 17.Jl SPECTATOR-PLAIN ORMES~ NYLONS 2;;1 •• 69c CINNAMON Of\ BEIGE A.SST. s1zEs •ICK CllUlllllSI .. 4•9c l4·0Z. l ·OZ. ~le 18·0l.S1.49 'SUPllME PAITYHOSE ASST. _-9ftc SIZES .,~ COFFEE • CINN. llAL •ICK llOIOIAIT SllAMl'OO G.RAPI . 2: ~·; JELLY.... . . . . ~B~~AR ASSOITED FLA vOlis ' : Hl-CfRUIT DRINKS.-.46-0Z.CANS . t • ' HUNT'S "FOR THE HST" FRUIT COCKTAIL .... • ' ~~y . 79' .~·~Z~· ·~ . 1.oz ~OLLON 59c e.oz. 11c; 1e.oz. s1.5 ASSOITID YAllfTY ;GOLDEN GRA IN BEEF OR CHIC.KEN HEINZ $ FOR , 300 $ 'CANS BRIOUETS :b~'l.': .... 1:; st11 _ /1; 98' PORK & BEANS ~.. 2ciig. 35' ORTEGA HOT PEPPERS -••o• 23':' AIR FRESHENER ~i~~· ... :__ "o' 54' GREEN BEANS ~ii'.'LY-·······--···· ,~~·25• ORTEGA TACO SAUCE · •-ot 27'. JOHNSON'S GLO COAT ·-·--"ot 1141 GOLD CORN ~~~\r,~~'.~~'"-c'.!'~ 23' l!UNTS TOMATO PASTE;_ IMZ. 31' 'DIAL SOAP ............ ..:::21• __ , 2 :~~. 29' FRUIT COCkTAll STO"LY __ .. .l.f~ 25' POTATO C~ISP i:i~~; ..... --'0' 39' , 'RAAl§JS MAGIC SPRAY SIZING~ IJDl 4f STAR-KIST TUNA .................... ' CA N 31' BORDENSJIRINK ="'"'" 2 ..... 2t' DOW OVEN CWNER ~-•• , 79' CIH SUGAR ~~~~t.':J> ........... 5 LIS SI' TUNA 1."d~H·~~'~'.M.~ CAN"'-J/4CAll 4f WATER SOFTENER ~~~~.~r• __ 1 I" MAC: & CHEESE g~~?J"..._2 ""D' 35' PEANUT BUTIER Mf,''.":,._ ,. ... SI' NABISCO PREMIUM "'"'"" ,..ot3S' ROYAL PUOOING ;,.;, •• , __ 2 :rn:25' HEIN'S HQNEY -"'.,.'"" 2 ... 79' NDWICH SPREAD ., • .,.·-,.., 47' CHILI W/BEANS ~&:i~"..._ .. ,. oz. 39' BURGER BITS ~t.'Jl~, :~. 1111 _ ,':;. 12" c . I f.tll~--·· ~~~37c ~tJ~L 3 '°'$' ~~~I _,_39c ~ . JCla WllTll Q.OTHlS PUREX BLEA(H FOLGH'S COFRE LBS. t.AIGIFAHGYDHllTSWEET R 39' GRAPEFRUIT ....... wYaa. 5' L.UGIFAHCY llPIFUERTE ~ 2 C . ·avocAD05 .......... .. l·LB.69' CA N 2.us1>1 3-tas 1•• 10.ozs1n CAN CA N INST. ' BORDEN S SLICED AMERICAN ' TWIN · 9' • Ill.Al P.AOcAGI • CHEESE .. c........ ... . aa.7 39 8 61 ; ASSO•TED-HAlF,,NT 22C ; . IZ ' GIAllT PK8: ,. CHALLENG~ YOGURT '' - HALF ,. PRE SOAK . HYG••o• 2 25c GAL • • . POnEDMEAT . . ""' VAN DE KAMPS * 'll~ 1,0d114'1tt4! * ........ . Al~ ()(Cf PT ROQUEFORT ... !! .. · , Y 5 .,!!.!-· 1' OZ. 69• 3 $1 ·ru•t11PO -... 1 CRlllKLEcun .. _ 2 ... 33' IALAD D•llllNGS 1-()f ltllDllfl~-5 ,1 ... SSOllUDMUOCl.N 6111: ,,,.. J•n' MUSTA~EEllS.~ .. ,. OH-IOYDli.tn _ ... ...-"' 11llOI lYl l •O!i. OH•IO'f~UO llO-T ... a o.. .. ••• flfllOHlllllS --2 .... ea' UQ.O·PIZZA -'""' 79' ·: .• ::1~. MM t PIES ~-5 ·-.I kfrAt O 3 s1 M. 3,.,:I a:.US -u.3f SL.Aw ~~''°" tll..l IS • JI 'I MACAIOHI 15 ·Oil:. WU DI ~Cll -1 " IAllS -'ft 0< '--,,,~:::-:::--' sor£'1ium _1-u ' mli'i T ... "'" ! ·2o or.11 •' -: • -:-• ~ ---~ -• - . ·•-: • • _; . ~ ' • • -• • . . -r ,\~•' iicitTLADAl _.~3 .... ,:· COFFll~1~69i • 2.u,s 1n3-t•. JJ tt 10.oz. ,T. s 11 \ CAN • CAN ' , INST.AN •'I ' . • , • I l c •. . . . \ - _ _.i...__ --- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-FULL DAYS. THURS thru WEDS .. , APJJL.1~~· ANAHllM . COlTAMISA . SANTAANA 343DW. LINCOLN AVENUE 21 80 HEWl'ORTllOulEVARD 2130 EDINGER AVENUE 2564 WEST BAOAOWAY 1 707WEIT19TN STREET 2903WUT17TH STREET 1175 BAICtR STREU WUTMINSTll HUNTINGTON lllACH 1522 WESTMINSTIR llVD. GAR DIN GllOVI . • 588 CH APMAN AVEN UE 6862 EDINGER AVE WHITI10-14212 MINESJ.VE • ---------~ OtAL !'KG DnUGtWf iOUiMnSH•lMP -• °": • k\lllNG 99~· flC*.JITAlltDIOllffH ' ~!,UJP.llT01 -­&1C1Dti!tm_:_ a .... ~1 . I ~I ' ' • . ' .. • I I I fl I • . ' . ··.AHAS r BAN.... • AllGf'f:ANCY GOLDEN RIPE , .-..ORAL AMIRI~.-!:" . .. ~.... .. . c • L -f".,. .. ' ~-' ..,. ... •; ... (', AQUA.NET.· HAIR SPRAJ . LB. TOP SIRLOIN- . ~STEAK U.S.D.A. OIOICE OR STATER IROS ~~ '···· ·-·~-··$ 49 • '-PILOT·ADVERTISER ~ , U.S .IJ.A. CHOJCE OR STATER·BROsttil:Rl ' . • CH R·o ·' . ~: ' ~· .)/: ' \J,., -• KERN'S . GRAPE ' ' I .. JE •~·Lv · .. · .. · II ,r.~-.c · ....... I\ I I BRIOUETS KINGS• '.20· s1s9 10· goc ID QinK' & e· EANS VAN ;. j, -FORD ................ ..LBS. .. ..... LBS. 0 r •n . . CAMPS ................. :;: i J AIR FRESHE~~R 2~~~-E. . .... 1.Dz . 54c GREEM BEANS ru~~~~~---··· .... _;,!c; JOHNSON'S G'LO 'COAT . s142 GN ·D CORN sroKeLvcREAM : c: ...... -46-0Z. UI. OR WHOLE KERNEL .. ~·· ; DIAL SOAP ... : -~~i~21 c .. . 2 ~l~s 2SC FRUIT OOCKTAIL sroK~Lv ... ~:. c MAGICSPRA·YSIZING .. . .. 1J.oz. 4gc STAR-KISf TUNA ..... '. ..... :.... . ... ~·c DOW OV-EN -CLEANER ...... , ....... J 9-0Z. 7W ~H SUGAR ~~t~~1f;if¥..... ,, LE WATER SOFTENER w1J1TE.KING s 1oa M. A. C. ·&·'CHEESE GOLDEN 2 .... g., KING SIZE ................ . GRAIN ........... I, R NABISCO PREMIUM CRACK ERS' 16·0Z. 3SC ROYAL PUDDING INSTA~T ... ;! p. sANl>w1cH SPREAD KRAFTS ...... 16-0Z. 47t CHILI W/BEANs ~8~~r........ ; 15· -_ r.~lUl~~ ...................... 6~~37c ~~~~~oL ----~--~ ... 3 ' M.J.B. COFAE · i:i~· 3·LB. $199 CAN .... 6 .9~.--. SALE PRICES _EfFECTIVE 7-FUIJ, DA 1 I .. ·1. ANAHEIM COSTA MU4M .. J430W.UNCOLN~VENUE 2180NEW T T 10.QZ $11f 2564WESTBROAOWAV , 707WEST~~ El 1 S .NT • 11 75 BAKERfl.'w N TA GARDENGROVE HUNTIN<iTClff ~.( 888 CHAPMAN AVCN UI 6862 EDINGlR A i~TIFIED.BEEf I' -. . FORWHimtctOtHH . . :c . PUR~X . . HAL; . ~j " •.. BLEACH. · QAL. - 1 » : ,; · r;>W. PAaCAGE · COLD -P·OWER . ' ', "'•· BIJ :·~l~NT PKG. . lfilPAST 'JE,SOAK . ""'-__.. __ ..,, . Ol ~a3 c ASSQ;;.""''!i""'NT • . ·2·2· c HlGR~DE . I ' •. ·. <'.,2: 25c . '· "' KIN:EA~ P9KG. D ET9ERGEN~ ,. SIZE I • , , , · _ LI. OHAtlE~Gt:.YOGURT •. : ..... ,_ .. , POTTED .M~T .... •" 3.oz. · , 1-L~ .. CAN :.~-!·.' $ . ' . . . LARGE 40-0UNQ PACK4GES ~F15.HER':5 · . BISKIT. MIX ... PKGS. ALWAYS FRESH " . •·: $ .. i.300 • bl 11s .. ST A~·C:91·5·p 1 GRACKIRS ... 1-LB. ' $ CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KIRNEL I ~~ .. LIBB:Y : r ii~:s · : ... G.Oi'-·AJORN .. ;{il~ 35c ORTEGA .HOT PEPP.ERS.; .. 3.~-oz 23C ... ~2.r 303 C ;.r;i cAN 25c ORTEGATACO·SAU E .................... 7-oz. 2"F ·::;" c32~ 2ac HUrtTS TOMATO PASTE ......... 12-oz 31c ··::r 303 25 POTATO c· RISP BIG "G" 31k ..f CAN C · .. · . FRENCH FRIED .......... 5-0Z. ;,· ... ,..,.... · DUTCH ... '.. ~-CAN 31c BORDENS DRINK. C:H.OCOL),TE 2s.s-oz. 2gc 50c TUN'A CHICKENO'THE'SEA 4& ... ~LBS. o· UGttT -.......... .,N0.1CAN69c ..... 3/4CAN ;,· . CANS VAN DE KAMPS SALAD DRESSINGS All EXCEPT ROOUEFORT · 3 •~01.s1 · JARS IOQUEfOIT ••. I Oz ... 49c AUX SALADS • ! "' 1&:oz 35c PEANUT BUTTER ~~J.:Rlr ....... 1s-oi. SSC ·~Rg: 2SC HEIN'S,HO"EY ........... CREAM STYLE 2 LB. 7gc :ff~TO . 3 SJ ·~ 3& BURGER' BITS ·wALTER 10.. s139 25· Sll!lt MACA10N1 1 s.oz. ··~ 1s.oz. ;,· . ' . kENDALL· LBS. . .... LBS. L' 3BJG . PAYS OF Fl!ff & PRIZ~S FOi! EVlllYONE ··st.aiem-~Jt&l. . ...• INVITES YOU AND YOUR FAMl:LY . . to the all new St ATER BROS. MARKET at 1175 BAKER.ST?in'Costa Mesa. Doors Open at 8 am. Thursday, April 17th ..•• Prize Giv~ways .start at 9-a.m. The latest in shopping convenience has been planned for you, plus the wonderful food values that have long made STATER BROS. a·favorite, place for big family food savings. Join us this week-end in a big celebration . that i!ICludes: many prizes, refreshments, or.chids an~ entertainment. . . . . ' ~sr-AGE CO~H · RIDES\'. FOR THE YOUNGSTERS, THURSDAY APRIL 17th FRO.M : ' · 12 NO()N TO. 4 P.M. REGINAS MIGHTtLILLIPUTIAN . · · HORSES PULLING THE GRAND WESTERN.STAGE-COACH: · RALSTON SQUARE-CROW ' THE SQUUE-Cli6WCiOWN MAKES HIS APPEARANQ SATURDAY, APRIL 19thFROM 9 A.M. TO S P.M. GlmFOITHllCIDS. ' . --·· •. . , ., ' . --· -. ' . , . . " -.: 1TtltJRS., FRIDAY · ·· & SATURDAY , . FROM 10A.M. T06P.M. BALLOONS FOR THFKIDS~ ' • ; : ICE CREAM CONES• SODA PuR ... FREE. BAGS OF GROCERIES , DRAWING ~R G~QaRl~S.FROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. · . . ' . .. ' --- OVER 100; I , .. . V ALUASLE ' PRIZES NO,~lllOtASENECE~~~y •. . .. ,. COFFEE & TEA SILVER SERVICE sm. PORTABLE "'.'JPEWRIJERS BICYCLES• FOL'D~AWAY CHAR B!fQ.lLERS ,!.FJ~$TA RADiOS . • . ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKERS.• PICTilRE FRAME!ie PICNIC JUG$ , .". PICNIC COOLERS •-STUFFED TOYS!. !:ADDERS·• LAWN SEEDERS'.,.: HAWKEYE. INSTAMATIC CAMERAS, WlnDSOR CAWJ.~RAS •PATIO . BIG. BOY ·~.RTABLE BARBECUES• ELECTRIC C~CJCVs •TABLE MAKE . · CORDLESS TOOTH BRUSHES ••. PLUS MANY MORE TOP PRIZES. ,, REGINA'S "LILLIPUTIAN" HORSES v Appearance Thuroday, April, 17111.·A new breed of horse from Argentina. The" hor-are 23 to 35' inches urll at the withtrs (~ouldera). They ha.;' reached .full growth and weigh from 70 to 13& I '. /_.., . "1 TEA·~· . J .J~ . 39' IJOADEN'SSLICiOAMERICAN ~ 1~~~ :....-................ ---·-. CHEESE /:Z~~ ......... -..... 1-u. 79' -pounds. lJ1ev have won many show awards in So. 1 URS thru WEiJs.:1~NIL 0 1ith-23f1'~. W~4 ~ULEVAAD p REET 19 t4 EET rnG'wlA,CH 1T6R ~~.' IGlR ~ SANTAANA 2830 IDlNGER AV&NUE 2s03'tWIST 17TH STA~ET WES MINSTttl 1!22 WESTMINSTE R BLVD. WHITTID-1'212 MINES AVE. FOL~6 , COFfEE 1-LB. CAN 2-l8$,J7 CAN 3·LB$,9t CAN . 10..0Z. $1 lt INSTANT I Calif. E. El HAWAHAN ·flt ·ORCHIDS ~-· t . FOii THE LADIES ' THURS .. FRI. & SAT. FROM 10 A.M. TO 61P.M . I --· . -.. -- -.... ----------... ---. . .... -----. - ----------------------------' ~ '_., t 49 DAii. Y PILOT Wtdntld11, AptD 16, 1969 ·~,~~ • ... . :~«·~~~•1·?·lm • • • ·?,. Diamond A . .. .. ·• 1'.tppei;ldge F«nns TURNOVERS c e Bi..4WERllY • c~ ..... :'· ... ' .. e PEA(li •I• ' ' e R~IUY .. ' , . I CE"TIJRESH ~ BR.Ill'""· .. ' .. }"~~~ ·' ~ SO(~:~-...-.';.. . ;t. SPRliGFJtLD. CHOPPED -10-oL Pkg, BROCCOLI 2 F 25c 0 R MJB_, ,~., •• ,., RICE ~;: • ... CO'D WADR..-·Glant lox ~LL . DETERGENT .... ' . ., . •. ; ~11,GE . ~IZE ~ • UERTE . ivocADOS . . li25' . . . . Extra fancy D'cinfou P.EARS '. -'; \ c lb " • ' .. . ' . . ' . • (;,' '-. ~ ' < • II. • - Folger's 1 lb. can C.O~EE 3 lb. can 1.99 2 lb. can 1.37 . t ' •' . ' US Grcide ''A" Wliole Bodied FRYING .. :. C.Hl.C .. KE'N. · 303 Cans FRYING CHICKEN PARTS Legs &. Thighs . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 59:. 3 Meaty· Jreas,r ...................................... 59:. ·legged fryers, an Ready ........................ 39~ · Eastern Grain Fed Eastern Grain Fed ' . PO'RK ROAST "Lean and Meaty" • F.AMlLY· scon lG-1-LiI--T-l-S S:U-E . . ' • ~5!!1! ---........... 4 Roll Packs FOR VIVA TWIN PACK P4PER TOWELS .· . • .,_,. ·;i_ . . . " • • I<: BAR M WESTERN STYLE ' BONELESS LEAN TAVERN lb. HAMS I BAR M WESTE~N STYLE Hickory Smoked Whole or Holl SLICED BACON ~~!~. 69~ BAR M WESTERN STYLE LIVER SAUSAGE ~~;1:k 39~ •• BAR M WES TE RN STYLE POLISH SAUSAGE 69~ OSCAR MAYE~ WIEMER) An .,.,.....,., ..., ...................... 59~ BOLOGNA iic _ __., .... ,, ................ 59!. SMOKIE LIN s AH ........ ,_ ............ 69!. VARIETY PAC.K ,, ........................ 98!. . PRICES EFFECTIVE: Thu15., Fri., Sat. & Sunday Aprll 17, 11, 19,20 Prices subject to stock on hind. ' WE GIVI BLUE CHIP • STAMPS 19th incl Pl1centf 1 11 o w. Chapman \ W"""'1, Aprtl t6, lM California · Leads Nation in Production of Golden Apricots .Wbol\ J-&lah. ~ cup.111....i almoods (oi> c1qr..,) ror 11 minutao, •p j ... 1wo ~ balva lo 1 <11p cold -piece " -... a -bal•-. dulo1t ti"'Uc:::r. -=-u!'; llonal) reduce heal to 3IO c1e,._, etch d foqr dea<rl -Cocnblne apricol j u I c e , d · apple -Ill -· \\ M wblllolu -lt.lllfilil~tll•-!\ ...... Nit • bake 30 m!,nutes lon&er or Pour &elatln mlJlure over •lnectr, sugar aod splca In lnlWod d be1nf a "b1fle," Combine ilio """'"" 11111: APllWOI' 1'111 orr!::' l"" ~a!: .:: ..';fit ~~1~ ~.!7." ii nicely browned. ::!.:':;Ith°/!'! c':'~ie ~~ Bn:U::P:'\.Ji'.'M.i ~~ ::....";; .:-=~ :::: ~ :.·= c:: Utt -;;;::-:... fmb frulti· It be 11 .yf/J1l chill.-. combine APRJCO'I' DEIJGllT .~~· J'":O:;: :ai':r'f i:.,~~ ~·~·'"· uouptCladthe.-=":-.i:.'"· :I.' e"po'~ ~ -, _ -•117 apt. -~ I aprioot baiv., and nl<r in •-••·j 11 _ . ~•• p•--•· ~ 1, AM I ~ --· \\ r---a 11::,cr· .....,, to a bo'I 2 -1._ raap ber ry (wJ••-·• •-•·•) in •uw.,dual molds. Str ..-... -... ...... .. t11"oa" .... , .. ..,,._,,,, Apricot .~ w"1 ' ... u'6 a. ....... """"'' ""l'I'"•. dlep ..-~ ·-•-t~ n-1....,_ Stir In , Slllllr, nutmeg and Davoredi platln SPIC-J-, ~~ •Jl'UP· !'tltJ tJIOUllh bot water APlllQOT TllD'UI: .mas dlab ~~-• ...: mollod -, w lil a ._. d•unnN~I 1•.::. _::;,1.=,. ... ·-·-;::. sa 8 1t. Dash o salt .lllU r..w..a.c.u to ma .. e· one cup. Dissolve I package vanUta paddinc Pnu tbe IQllUmm llAU ..-spoo19· 1emoa Jaict ad )Mt, ~•!y ;;.-tla,iJ~ .. to the..,., pooo into a buttered 1•,.r,. Dash of cinnamon APNcOrs gelatin in hot liquid. Add cold and/or pie filllnc ma elkL enough cold water to IUb ~ . ,-quart aha.How baking dish or 2 cups bot water ~ cup canned apricot jWct water. Pour over aprieols. 2 cups milk About one hour before lltrV-1 Ntter lift Mil')' ~ -wile, "'4 :ti-tor -Dot with butler. Sprlnk.lo 1 drained canned unsweeten· II cup vlnfpr Chill until firm . Urunold and I baked a.Inch •Pon&• cake inf, llftad the jam on top llult aprlc:Gt balvu -Door the 1* season iia: bitter· ilmonds over top if desired. ed apricot halves ~; cup sugar place on coltqe chew. layir tit lhe cake. CUt· the apricet; and dip 1D bder. F'fJ ill_, With frtsb Ql1eDb in the Boll OUt pastry to cover dish; Combine · gelatin, saU and 12 cloves · Makes 5 servings. in cup slivered blanched halva in quarten and II'-cookln& oil or lhortlQbc. m.arket, here 4fe, ,IOme liP6 place over the frult , crimp ciMamon. Add hot. water and 15 canned...apricot hal ves The IJrlUah have Iona:· • almcmda' · ranat on tbe jam. Spoon pad-Drain ll'td dlllt with po'trd .... from the ~ Plod-. edges and prick center. •Ur until gelatin is diaolv<d. I pactqo:appli! or orq• cberiahed deuert called "bi· 113 cup rupbeny jam c1Jna over aprlcob. Wblp -· Top with • 1111' JellJ ol Californfi·.., what.to '°'* _ _:Bl~ke:,21D~hot~_.?.OV~<n~(~lll0!,_5'.,Chi~ll~Wl~tll~sllg1!!b~U~y ~-~· ~~· _ _,!lla~vtftll~,!lelallo~~--=-~fle=:.'~' One~ww~l~d~e1D~pe<~l 1~sm~all~_:1~can~~(l_pound~~)~1ptlcol~~· ~crum~~and~,pmllh~~~JIOI~~~·~·~· _:l<r~•~dl~dtl~d ~lllr~od~llon~. __ for wbtn bJyjns. •, ,,r:i Fin~ they lbould 111' fairly firm, plump and well fonntd. The color may nm h"om deep yellow to gMka.,lf ·they have a greeniah cast. they are not ripe. 'Ibey may be ~ ripened by putting them in a paper sack, sealing it and leaving it in a warm room. Ripe apricots lbould always be kept In the re!rlPr•tor. -AppromnaW, 15 pm:eol ol the nation'a apricot& are irown in CaQ&aja, while all of lhe nau,.ii(;iW apricob come from.'lbe Gclden State. This bu ml!lt. l;lHfomia the le~er in worJd jfoducUon of apricots. ~ '}, Here are •v'if Pf recipes us- ing both fresh , ind CIMed apricots for~ dtllght of your family and ~: FRESH AP~COT DEEP . ll1811 PIE Putry fcW1a'' tiftlle-crust f- inch pie '. 31/: cups pitted apricot halves 1.-l cup watef l 1,~ cups sugar 1,2 tea.sJ)OeD nutmeg l lablespoom buUer Luxurious .. 7077 t,Q6.& B ... 6& Tramf«ua plain lintn11 into proud -with dainty flowtn, bOwl, elegant ocrolla. Embn>lder your favorite ,flowers -lazy-daisy, rose&, cn:hld! -hi natural colon on cues, Coftl!, scarfs. Pattern 7(fl7: 'Iii 4'\» :s: II" motifs. FIFTY CENTs (co<ns) for each pOilem -add 15 ,,,.,.. tor eaeb pattern ft.-lint-class ·--•pe<ill handliq; ~ ifinklua delivery will take tbttt weeb or more. s...t to Alice llnlolal, the DAI- LY PILOI', 1115 Need!ec:rafl Dept., Bo• 113, Old Oltlta station, Ntw York, N.Y. lOflll. Prirt Name, Addre11, 7Jp, P1Ulln. Nam.bier. Giant new 1• Needlecraft Cataloc -over llO desig:m to cbocle, 3 -_,,. prinled inside. S"1dso-.now. NEW! "50 INSTANT GIFl'S" -fabulous f- teya. decGntor ICttMOI iel. Make It today, give it tomol'· row! Ideal for all occasaions. iO cenu. 0 11 JUfy Ra11" to knit. crochet., we.ve, aew , hook. 50 . .,...., St!Jdies Show Surprise: IY\jllc '$()lid' Milk ,,_,... blivt IUCo' ceeded In __,!or_ 1• chemJcol -~ which mat• up die II perctnl IOlldt lit weJa!rt lo • ~ d whol& mm.. It comtJ .. a IUrprile "' mtny that milk contalnl man -than anions. -O)'llen, spinadl, tomltoes, ll!Uuce Mt many olh« frulb and •er«abJeo. N ... 1 Wtl(lll and caloritt are not ·~· For tJ:· *lftltle 'Jtlmlns and mJnerala have weicht but not calorlel: ~'tine fat i1 rel1th·ety light :-nd yet Is high in calories. c.orr.lll'• INfWl.odlt .... k -All...,__ Pticn a... Discounted Except on Fair-Traded and Go...mmenf Con· troll Items. IAIT FOOD ::::.""~--·-·-·8' JUNIOR BAIT FOOD~---12' SWIR'S DINNERSl:::'.:1.. .... -..... 18' HlllS·llOTllllS::.'..69' HIW lllOTllllS::'.'ua11'' !!l!!S IROTHERS::."..-11" Aills IROTHERS.:"-11'' NESTIA INSTANT TIA .... -.11" ~· ..... ~B.y/. atEAM OR WHOLE lllRNR DEL MONTE CORN 17-0UNCECAN 20° Flllllf.JREATS :::.'-35' , , Y-J APPWAua,_ ... ___ ,,_,_..19• HARVEST DAT PEARS .-w.-37' DOU l'flAPPU z, .... ___ ..24' APRICOTS ="U:.~~-~-29' CRANBERRY JUla=~~-·-·55' GIAPERUIT JUICE=t~-·-·--39' DE1 MONTE DRINK~~~' ElBERTA PEAClllS:::'1l! 29' .rr.,, ..... ~~/.-....., 'l;7' DI!. MONTE STEWED TOMATOES 16.QUNCE CAN 22" TOMATOJUICE:::::"~-·-·--33' ... SPINACH::O."':t_,, .... ____ JB' CLAMATO JUIQ=:.'U& .. ___ 25' VEG.AU:::':::'..~--··· .. ··-.. -.. _.21 ' .,.. UMA IEANS:r.~~~-23( l&M BAKED BWIS-... _ .. ___ ,39' Dll MONTE PEAS· .. ~----.22' POTATOIS ="'~--57' MUSHIOOMS::t'.~~~--28' rr., ..... ~~/. W wnars GRAPE JELLY 20.0UNCE JAR 3?0 DIESSING ::'~~--... 42' SMAD DllSSIMG::&. -. 43' iiiiiiusH..... 31' DIL MOll1I PICIW:::'.:::'.'!---·47' lAIGEGMS::.·--.... _46' ..fVan dt l<amp'sw• • 'All OUTSTAllllNG Y AlllTT Of fllSJI IAlllT GOODS (AT MosT lUCKY STOHS) ............. • IN Tit MONTClAIR PWA-51511111. PWA I.All, mm:t.AIR · _ UICllY'S --n11w1•w11is111110 Y•, •-1 .. .., -mn -111AT-wan-•••rauz STAMPS, SAMII Al9 -llMMICllS llACll • lfN 1111, WAS W.T Yll ·~ --AT '119 - NSSllLI NICI.~ IF -US Ml_,,_, -lWl IAv.el If llllll'IZl If .. IAll A YU11 AT .._,,, T1WU( 'I'•, Alm UST ASS-111A1 WI WlU --Ti• -llAIZ • UIW, IYaTIAY llSCOMf NK•5' Al ~lllmLT llO SAtalFICI .. tullff. fsHY!R~,;:;:. ........ 2~ '!S~l~~~.!::= .. 29~ ~~~U~~N~.~~§.! 45~ CHUCI ROAST ... _ ...... ~ TOM TURKEYS TOUM U......_37c .. .:::a..:.. . lb. ·' "' . SAUSAGE. ••••• -~-••• lie SAUSlGl •••• -:=-.:-... 29' Our LOW Ever)llayPrice! UICIT Mii.ii RIB ROAST~~::79c ·' CHEDDAR CHEESE ' CHUN .. UNDOM WEIGHTS . IWCllJUSIU.S.CUEIOUWto........... ~... as 0 . !~!.a1~i~.~~!:~. l9!. ~~~~~.~~m~ .. :65• !9.!~!ru~I!! w79.~ lUCDllAND ILICID 57c 1-ll, ====--"'=" Plt8. ~~~!'!!.'/..'~_ .. ___ . ..:SS' lATH OR HOIMll IACOll 67< u..1.,_,MlltMI. ... --· ........... , .. _,,_ ~=~,!!~AC~ ........ 73c 22~~m.·~t!.~ .................. 73< THIN SUCID IACON 89< elUll ... Yll-1·,._ .......... -................. . -GROUND ROUND ••••••••••• 79~. Ill STIAI ................... 19.i.. Siii.GiN STIA1 •• · ••••••••••• 91:.. _,.. -'I" r\Rll lillllVVH•• .---• • • .. CUIE ~····· ..,., ····~··•1: .. T-BONE STEAK Dl!!_<ilOUUIOtUI $127 Ol: .... K.... Tb. .. -nas suao IOLOGllA 69• .............. 11d .. ..,_.1MI._. ~~~~_,. __ , ...... 83· AMDICAll ClllPI · -64< ....,.,._,, • .,. YJ: ....... __ .... NAIYIST NT liSCUm 8• ................ .. ... e:~~~!!.,~P!.._,,... ,..89• WllSON MAIN MW MEATS ~ ._ ••=~u,. COllNll -lllSllT"t: ... •411 SMOUD POii Lillll"'lr •.. •2" ... ~B.f/.--. DILMONTf TOMATO"CATSUP 2CJ.OUNCE llOTN 88° CUTOlf .. NCI! 16-0Z.cAN :aao ' ROSAlll'A DllllS--... -ollM _,...._. __ zucam STR~ . ,.. Cllf.aAPOTATc8#.-.. FISllSTICllS:: ft' PllCH FIWlS:=" "' OlYGE JUICl:=:r,___J7' MACilOll & QllSl;::r,;-JS• ... ~a.,t. DILM01111 FRUIT COCKTAIL 17.()llN(ICAN 23° 111W1m::-.. -w DllY Miil W/<IDM:r--!J• UPTOll~~=.. . .. rr., .... ~B.y/. W TOlllT ·· ZEE TISSUE ORCHID'S NAPllNS --...--53' KLEENEX FACIAL ~~-·-27' GAU TOWllS :::., ___ .32' IYlllY SNOW.=-.. -79< DASH DODGDn'--...-.74' iiNiNAS:t IWSlll llWI ::=:,._. __ .13< 11 Our LOW Ever)dayPrice!. HARVEST DAT SPLIT TOP BREAD White&. Wheot-2.t-ovMll LMf SALVO PIUm =""--·-· 75' IYlllY F1A111S ::;.__ 79' DUZ IPlnBfT :ii':::.':'·. , 13' I CASCAll :r 69' JOT LIQUID ::r.L I W ... PUllX IUACH :.. 12' /OUK FOR KEY BUYS 'UT lftS" • -............. _,. ... --·--•-.r ~ ............ ti ... ~ .. ........ ,._ ..... "' ......... "'ll'f..,. ............ 1BAm U.S. .. 0.1 IVJIR -C ' 8 POTATOES •• 10'=4 . .• ' ... ,_ LOW IJISCOU PHI CFS ON llUllSfWAflE S 1: 11: :, , ; ' : PRELL UQUID SHAMPOO ---------------- • • ' I ' I • I l I • I • • • l • j • I • l i ! i • : • • ' • t • • I ' ' • I " • ' M OAILY 'PILOT • L • • . ' . '~-'"" If you 're an El Rancho Super Shopper 200f*BLUE CHIP S.JAMPS: • and your neighbor isn't, don't . ' keep a good thing to yourself ... .be a real friend . . . tell her about ·us! Lean tender rrain·fed pork from the corn belt country ••• for a tuty nutritious roht·that's sure to win raves. End cut 3 pound average! Whole or Rib H·alf .~~.~~.H.59~ For even more deliibt ••• buy tile bigger size ... enjoy the roast, and chops, too I Center Cut Roast ... ~~~.L~1~ .... 89~ The tenderest. most flavorful cut you could wish for ... lean,' and trimmed El RanchO style ... for value ! Fresh Spare Ribs _F~n.~~~ .. ~r.v.~E .. 59~ So much lean meat on these .••. ap.d don't for ret Heinz BBQ Sauce ..• specially priced this '"eek! Ciround ·Round ...... L.~H.' .. ~~~' .... 7 9~ So veratile ..• economy dishes are even more satisfying \\'hen the r round meat is El Rancho's ! El Rancho's Meat Loaf 69~ Selected meat. ... precision IfOUDd and blended ••• perfectly seasoned! l\lade \vith fresh "·hole eggs! Red Snapper "'"""""""""'""""' 69~ Little Fryers . .. . . . . . . .. .. ... 79~ Freah .from the ocean ••. ru5hed to El Rancho! Oscar 1tfayer's delightful little l ink~! • Super-Shopper Produce Specials! A1p1r1gus Tender stalks from tip to tip! Extra fa11cy <iuality ••• there is a difference ••• and you'll detect it at the table! Larie 1talk11 ••• compare and save~ Fresh Corn .................... 3 : Tender Kernel!, buratini with aweet roodnw! antaloupe .................... ~~ .. ~~~ .......... 3 : $1 co1•mi ..t eo 1weet and flavorfllll Serve h.tlves, mounded over with velvety Royal Host Ice cream! - \ /, . I . . .. .. ; ~·). ---!,--- Here's a chance to be a doubly good friend. Don't juat tell your neighbor about El Rancho -clip thiJ coupon and give it to her: It's \Vorth 200 extra Blue Chip Stamps o.n.. any purchase totaling $5.00 01· more (But only one to a neigfibor .. please). Void after Apl'il 20, 1969. If your neighbor afreaay.lju a coupdn, why not use this on!,yourself! .;. . 1 • .. I I I . ' , ' 2ftc ' ~ .... Bake a layer cake for the family ... and choose their favorite flavors! And save lOc on each! Hucoa ... ...... . ............. 4 FOR $1 Northern Tissue .. .. ............. 29, The name stands for margarine! ... l-lb. pkg~. Package of 4 rolls! ... stock up and save. Noodles Romanoff .. .. . 43' Finish ...................................... 79' Kraft makes it easy for you! ... 7-oz. pkg. ~re\v jumbo size .•. 50-oz. big! For dishwashers ! Rice-A-Roni .. . 4 FOR $1 Biz Pre-soak . . .. . . 59 ' Beef or Chicken flavor! Regular 39c (';t, Stains vani sh . , enzyme action : (;k:nt si7.c. Heinz B-B-Q Sauce . .. ... 39~ Tide Detergent . . . . . . .. 99' 16-ouncc bottle .•. and gpare ribs arr on special! J\ing-size ... more cleaner po\ver ""i th XK ! Folger' s Coffee .. .. . .. . 67~ K. f d B • t ll).Ll llAG 79' 1ngs or nque s .............. . 'f,vo-J>Ound can .. 1.33 Three-pound can .. 1.93 :Fi\·e-lb. bag ... ~9c Tv.•enty-lb. ba.g ... 1.53 Super Shopper Delicatessen Oscar Mayer Wieners ............ 63 ' All .meat for mol'C flat·or ! .... 1-paund package. Oscar Mayer Franks .......... 69~ All beef ... barbecue this 'vcekcnd ! ... 1-ll>. pkg. Oscar Mayer Smokie Links . . . 69, Super Shopper Liquor, Values Crown Russe Vodka .. "1LF·~.L ... $f.29 Entertaining? ... the half~gallon s.izc~ farther! Old Taylor ............ ''.~" .......... :., '5.59 Straight \Vhiskey ••. SG proof • , • quarl-6.6S. . ' El , Rancho Scotch ..... ~.'~" .... ~. '5.79 LittlC sausage!' with a difference ... 12-oz. pkg. Bottled in Sc~tland ! ·case of llve·Jve ; .. 62.15'3: ' fresca ........ )0:~.':.~~t~.'.' ............ 6 ,H 59• I P rice& i 1t tff~l Th,u1·s. through Sun. · April 17, 1·4, 1'9, !O .... No ao les lo denlerlf Ask the manager about our convenient Charge Accounl Service . HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St.· NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ' • • --- ---..-"'l'T-r·~~--r•~•~•~•~• -• •~·~•~•·~•-·-·-·~·~• ~·-·~• P~•·....,---.,.·--------------.,.-..----"""" Huntington Beach -15511 So. Edwarcl5 Lq11na Bead! -700 So. Coast Hwy. · Fo11ntain Valley -16042 Magnolia Hllllfln-·:Beach -8911 Adams •:' cCIFOllCi .... '-:..:.. 3049 coast "Hw.,:· • CROSS RIB · ROAST ~!:: .. ·'." lb 93e 80NELES$-.HAM J:W:: 1:t~ lb. 1.19 . GAME HE' . lb. 55e FRISH . FR~ERS ~:: ~: .• , ... . .. lb. 39' LINK .,SAUSAGl· .. ~.::;:~:-'··' ~9~· HALIBUT ,4~~lU"'1·~:: -;j ~( • ""· 7qe < ~ . I . ('' ' . ' . .. ' , ' . -" . . : ~ ' ,, t ·\• -' - . p.. f. '. _ -: Fteth lork • ~ . . c· • ' , t HenMI , , · ~ ~ ~.-!' l . -, · e lllERlBS •.. ,,., ,,,,, ............... lb. 59 SLICED1 BACON ... ··~' .......... I~. i9 . f INNAN llADDIE .. ' .'.: .. " ..... lb. 69 ·---~-·-· 'I r.-t: J "DOUBLE DEAL" G S ' I So'°ho\Voy. Bio rocery pec1a s Ch'I' Stm'I'' & 0 ""' Poco 1 --~ : I,-!-, .,f, Tomdto Catsup ~.:..~.··t~ 2se n. I J • Doi Mont• 2" .. ll!llneapp e u.1~~ -. .. ij.. :11" T ' t J • Def Mont• 2"9e oma o u1ce ... o .. ,; ..... P~rex Bleach . . ., .~: 34e F 6 Pac:k resca 10.0 •. a..1.. . . . , 55e Bath Tissue z .. 4·Ron '"'k , . 34C \-:· ' . Health and Beauty Aids ~·tj .~ .• ·• ,. ! ', . \,_, r,"' ,j • '' • '' ,. MIB Coffee·· ?l'.,ii~ h.. ,(»JJ¢. :, ...::...~ MJB Coffee ~i~; 137 !,·:: 199 · • 'i . Bin Dry Deodorant MJB Coffee 1n11ant ... 10.. ... 1.19 1 -' ' -' Redwood •o;k • ~. · M;l<h .. boo l::69 t. ' Chlorine t•p• Pool Nfli a.11 ••.. 48C . ' ' Acid T•ps Muriatic NJ R Gallon . 690 ' !' ~·. -~,··~!' ~ -~· Reg. 49c Vitalis ,: '') . ' . -. . '"DOUBLE DEAL" Produce Specials cl .'::. 101 :: I .:.>·:. ,, . \ ~ ;~ . ' ~ ' ORANGE·S ... SWEET -JUICY SUNKIST VALENCIAS • . • ,, . 6 Pcidt Eskim,o .Pies ... 56c A11Nrtl0n'~~¥.I 'cj.1, ROv~d Ice Cream . 69c ·J LEMON MERINGUE . , . ,• • '!-I . < • ·~ i • I ) ' l ' I ' , ' . ' l 'f4 DAILY PILOT ' -.. SPRING FEAST SPARKLES WITH GLAZED LAMB Special Glaze Glorifies Lamb . ' ' ' " Spring lamb is in the markets just in time for i;pccia\ feasts. Succulent and tender il's a fa vorite at this time of yea r. A special glaze of ch utney sauce, spearmint and fresh lime juice that is baked right (Jn it, is a pleasant change Breakfast, Lunch Surprise from the pro verbial mint jelly. You could even double the glaze recipe and pass the ex- tra at the table for the Inside slices. Particularly good and pretty too when you serve this lamb .was buttered asparagus and fluffy rice - Garnish your holiday platter "'ilh kumquats and lime slices for a festive IOUC'h. CHU1'NEV GLAZEO LA :'illl 5 pound leg of !a1nh V4 cup India brigade chut- ney sauce 1 leaspoon garlic salt 1~~ teaspoon spearmint 2 teaspoons lime juice "'"""'"""""'-- \Vipc leg of lamb well. Place on rack on roasting pan. Com· bine all rema ining ingredients. Brush one-half Chutney mix- ture over lamb. _Roast jn a moderately-slow oven (325 degree F. J 2 hours, Brush \\'ilh rl'mainlng glaze. Con- tinu e to cook 1 ~ hour longer. Makes about 8 servings. -·· "S'.,.,. ·1'frau:1.~ Ham 'n Cheese Unite Delightfully The Earl of Sandwich never dreamed that ham, Cheddar cheese and bread could be anything but a regu l ar sandwich. But when yoo bake them with mustard. mushrooms, milk and a few other in· gredienls, you have a fabulous main di!h casserole. It's an attractive, easy casserole for t.:' breakfast or brunch. And if r~ you know you're going to be pressed for time, you can wh ip up the complete dish in ad· vance and refriger at e o~might. A great pitcher of icy milk and a big boYil of fresh fruit salad makes this meal nutri· tionally balanced and refreshing. So keep this recipe handy. And next time you have one o( those days when you have no idea what lo fix for lunch •.• presto -Ham and Cheese Strata to the rescue. It's a terrific way to m a k e something extraordinary out of f~ that may sound rather ordinary. HAM AND CHE~E STRATA ':'"r 3 slices white bread 2 rups (I ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese l'k cups ca ounces) sliced chopped baked ham l can (2 ounces) sliced mushrooms, drained 1,.4 cup chopped parsley 21n rups milk 4 eggs, slightly beaten 1 teaspoon salt y, teaspoon dry mustard 1 • .-teaspoon paprika' 0aM o( pepper Trim crusts frotn 5 slices brtad; set aside. Place re· mainlng 3 slices and trim· m.inp in bottom of buttered 3quate bating dish, 9-inch. Top with cheese., h a m • nuhrooms and parsley. Cut reserved 5 slices bread in half diagonally; arrange on lap in two row1. In a bowl combine mUk, eggs, salt, mustard, paprib and pepper; poor aver. Cover; refrigerate for J t,..a or overnight._ Bake In pnlloll<d 121 degr.e oven 4'e minutes or until •knife ..W near center comes out clean. Let stand ror 5 minutes before serving ~18kc!li I M'1'Vinp. HAM AND CHEESE GIVEN NEW STRA TA \ j . ' ' ' . . . . r ·n l icensed Saleways l hurs. thru Sun., April 17 thru 2Q . "~"Scokh . $4 99 MacNairs--86 Proof Fifth. . ~!~~a im•$298 ······ • $ 98 !!! ,..Gan"'" 2 !'?~~y,,. $ 4 79 Bourbo'!.11$1149 Early limes--SG Proof Gallon Whiske~.11 $9as ·Ten High Bourbon-i& Proof Gallon 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South La guna . ' ' . . . ' . • . ' ), ' • ' • ' ' . ' . . ! ' . -) . •• , I ' ... Notice liew ·-ny ,.... .. - nachln1 ... ~ARWAY M ...... THE SUlE WAY TO TOP . QUALITY I. USDA CliOICE BUf MD LIMB. E"'l su1k, ci111P 1od "''I Iron botf . or limb 1w1rded lhe USM CHOICE vade by impri1I penwnent rr1ders. Z EXPEil MEAT AGING. Dur bieflod larrb ore Mid ill "'1 rrir<0n~lionod •&inr rocms the e.uct time elth cut requires to dewkip: pe1k te!lder----· lClllll\lMWi.aMl~O...-el""°''"'lliws,_ more'tlliti: ••the bble beclusl excess htlld M •• n..1 off before the nielt k: wti1hed . La E . -··---rge 991 =·==:. w ·.·· GU~Nfrr Raisin Bread Soda Crackers :..';.1;.'!= 4 ~ $J ltl·Alr If ever a p~ fl 8-feway Meat fails to P*-YoUlor~-....... just UIJ UL '\Ve wiO.iifanrlJiririDOj>oy~, coor• 1"oull,y. '1'bn'a .. """'lo nlilm Ille oat. 'flldifWI,_. ::'Lo_,_ Fm '*""""r..if • esasw""'* Canned Soup ca£'!$ 2•:.-27c . Fruit ., .. lie. 29c =i:::.:.=,1i . 1111 ::.:.""-Draft '~··· ... ...... ·, Call• ;. : . '. $1 . '"' 'l -.. •/ ....... ··'~· Prlserves ·.!==~d 2: 59' . .' .. , .. Crackers ":!fi ~ 29c 4 1 .. L $1 ;' ' litfftlt hllfoOik Mllp•1111••·· ...... ,,.. -c -· ,. ........ ih ...... Detergent • ' . f ._ ._u,,..a1J ~ ... 85 Fabric, Ht:tenert:t · ·c ................... 3t Brlcatle =··· . : = , ............ ::w 1;: 591 ci....=~ c.. Lii.W II••• = = Sf lil•W Chner = . . . ::; 45' F-..rllii : :::w O.C11111r ~· ~­ llln1• Cl1•1r : •:: 5t' llllt Clu•r :::-;II!'.. ::;; W • ' ~ 1. ~ . " . ' " . ... ..,.,....,..:::... ;::. ac-.· :r. 1t' Crest. a:: . ' 66' T•l.,•le lies* ar "1tnt . Shaving Crta111::..re::.1!:lr Lavorl1Mouthwash :;•1 11 Krona Chrome == :i1 •1 11 ............. ==IOI '.: 79' UltraMe =f:...a.u '::'71' TV 'Dinnm . ........... _ • leJIHhl'l'J. ·=··--3 •1 .... u=:--"'= ~ . IWct W II r.y T1·S.. ·-...... ._,_,__ ........... ,... ... ,,.... 111..w. Orange Juice ':!' 'D' _, __ ,,.._ Ire• Peas ·~ If· Is 111 ''·"·'"'°'I , I • , ....... -.!hr. . . 5''1 • ..... lloa. •t• I ' .:':I:.,,. Ill lfrmb.f..... I ~Bananas ':i!.i'£'i" Red Apples: ·~·:~~=:r . . . .... ..... _,....., P . otatoes · i:~:= 1o~stc Crisp ·Cirrots -'.:.~:...3~2tc ' ' FnitJui•L=. ;::. 1r .llii• ::..~ J: W lvte1~• t::. ':"..., I ... '111 ZDWi lates ::-11/2~ W ' Otil•lfs =.= ·~ w ....... = ~·· LET'S GE T GROWING.' . •rs I•••• ... 1.•• IWlft'I •C ,. .... ,,. .. 1 . .• , ., :t' ..... . a11w ... ,,. ..... •• \••·.. • .... ·-.... ="" =t-_. ~99' ~ 5 ~95• ' I ~, SAFEW A Y Purify Mouthw~h ': 7r Sudden l11uly :., 11::"63' PreH Shampoo =..-:-!: 79' ... P ..._ __ . __ 61' -~···1•·171"1LHllllU .. J ....... _,_ • 1111.• i/l"ILHllllc:' .. 211 E. 17 .. St:, c-. Mesi 1000 llyslde Dr;,"'""'" ... "' ' ' • I ' • 24 Mon1rch Bay Plaza, So. la au11.1 636 H. Co,sl Hwy., liauna Beach S.nli Ana freew1y al la Paz, Mlsslo1 Viejo Fairview Ate & Wiison .Si. • 11 _,. I I I I I ---------------------------~-.------~-------------- ~ ~. '1' '/ · --- ' , - · Actres ·s C·reates Cuisine Before Each P~rfor~anc~ .:7u!.~ti~o;,=~ Sprmclbnel0dug<ta14"' •pdm-1 .. IOltdrink J·~ J~-.11ol11Dl1-·· ·Scoopers' ' '·New. Tip t Tasfe ol the Tropics Spri)'igtim.e Calls ·for Sodas - ,_ ---•--•-ol Iha· troples with Cllllled lo have an tee durlnc 11\o MarUchino c11e~ ,~~ •'.Add a '!Obl-~ryrup UNf'~ ' • • ' ' • ' slice if removed hom the ., .. .., ~ ~ve ..,. "'6 season. For 1 uart vanilla lee cream itC.11 •·-.,._ , I,. JIWOOl LESEM ~ .... m'N.., York :x: homo near Port Jervis NY "'°'"" a -w l<OOf' or "'-apple j·"~. 1~• ....... ..,. •··• to ·,--• .,, •• •-" a cloublo the nJi ol a -ploJ Is ' &lie also tries lo keep thlnp For pint color stir in a ,,__ pnuns and gradua· q . scoop ol ice cream., Fill glass NEW YORK (UPI) much limited to llmp)e f~ simple unless they b a Ye freezer for a few minutes little maraschino cherry tlon parties, pineapple juice Ginger alt « sparillng' .:with glh9"-ale ~ sparkling Actrus Maria Kamilova gives W«e-1erving. syrup. ~ ,p,i n e a p p I e ~ claui<;puncb ingredient. water water .... ~w&zle atk:i. lb< Im-·•-_, "-'•• such u lllulll, cbopl or ll&h,t guells. Allow about IO nilnutts for chunks, marJISChipo cber, rieJ • Canned pt.0:.p•'-chunks liibobs b' a . pineapple .,,_,., ., '"'"'" an but ahe IOlll~ makea •• But when Ume pmnlb, lhl and llme slices make p-etty . PICAL J'·I N f: APPLE ' Cherrioi ·r ,.... , chimksr .cheftles d llme "l'tfre'caol ol ~n in lllulfed abllqo\ Ir !ll'dfed alsomak.,tr~·Ramfan ~~.;::?~~ lwlule1Uck gamislies. IODAS Llme.sllctt · -sljc<s GD air_..,. bamboo bplhrtallileudlllttboaler. peppen. At ~r counlry dl&hu. llalltllll-lorsllclnc. Canned pineapple. juice. I& I(--) an pineapple Dividecbt'lhdpU...pplo plclcs.Malill~loOodaa. Cumntl)'~~tbe,,~~::....:=-::::i::.-==::-=:::::~~~~~-====-===:...:::::::!:.~~.::::::::::....::::=~~=-=:...-~.===:....=.:..!:::::!!::...-..:::::::...:.:.:..:.~..<:::~:.....!::=::;.;.:;;;;~-·~.-. ~- _..., muo1ca1. Zorba.·Bbe I , still· llndl Ume lo cook f • , \~ . . ' ~ .. her family, work on a large crewel embroidery wall bang- lrig for their new apartment, study piano. bake holiday 1ifia '"' ,friends and even grow uparagus fem and ivy to ~ on &lft wrappings. MW Karnilova in private life ls the wife of actor-singer George S. Irving. They have a 'daughter, 18, a married son and one grandchild. Jn an interview, sht said her buly scbedule doesn't stop her from fixing dinntt for h«r husband ind daughter befort she goes to the theater. Eiperience Is the key. She'• been cooking since the age ~ ~!'m~~~ :~o~: mother's final Illness. ''I was the youngest child, ' " too young to earn money, .tie oald. "I learned !rum my mother's bedside. She &old me what to market for and how to cook. Jneipensivt, hearty thinb like borscbl and cab-· bege-soupo. •'The only holiday cake we ever ate was kulleh -it's a bli babka, a yeast-raised we, A Utile tlme<:onsuming to mate but not diffleull. ti Yoa won't find kulich al the lrvings' dinner, abe added, because "none of IT\Y family like it. It's too dry, and a eoocr. one shouldn't be sweet. They like the paskha -it's Wll1 sweel" (Putha is' a molded pot cheese dessert lraditlonally served with slices of kulich at Euter.) ~taste for park and game ari:f •more than one main coune reflects her RU&Sian herttlge. She was born in Hlrtford, Conn., to Russian lmrnWrant parents who took her }>ack to Russia briefly durl111 her childhood. Returning tO the United sti~. ahe soon became a """1ber of the Metropolitan Opera'a Children's Ballet and went on to become the Opera's prim& ballerlnl. •WbeJt I WU In ballet, you had to be a glamor girl," she recalled. "They think billet dancers are willowy, wilpllke ladies." Sht aa1d that dancers, off. stage, are far more likely to be wives who go home to cool and run households for their famlli ... Mia Karnilova said her Tasty Dips For Dunks Tiree dairy foods, sour cream, cream cheeee and tot.-tare dJe-. probably go into more dips and dunb, spreads a"!f lhe like than any other type of food. Here are three cottage chfta rpreoda thot are likely to 1Drrease the PP even further. Combine cottage cheese, finely cut-up anchovies , paprtb and a duh of cayen- ne. Serve on tiny crackers. Combine cottaae c h e e s e with flaked aa1mon or tuna, lemon juice, chopped stuffed ol!ves and/or chopped pickles, nmc9d persiey and blue cheelt; 9etVe cm rye bread, prd<rably the buffet type. t.a.blne finely cut.up dried bt#. crated onion and finely d1'!>f>ed picklea wKh cottage ~. Serve on crackers or buffet rye. Cole Slaw Dressed Up With Raisins ' n..ty grated cabbagt and d*' IOUf crum hive been rioJ 1oge111er r.r a 1ooc time, mitmt: a cole ••• ltr"Vtd ane.i In ...., families . F« a .,,,_, add a handful ol raisins or a hall cup of ......., carrot « both. u ... 1 mixture fl t cup dairy ... Cl'llm, 2 luapoona cider flt' tlrTop vinegar, II lo I t 0 'f"*I l&Jt, dllh o( pepper !Of-4 c:upo -<ab-.... Toll lichUy. Sent oo W... leol or othtr creena. BEST TN DAI\. Y ll'tLOT •ff,,., .... ., ......... f•••11t••· .., ., .... """" •' , ..•. , .. .... n.w. ltt IJfff MWIP•P• '111 ... 111tf••· 12o~ECESIY THE WOil.D'S UEATESI Alllm W IOI EIWCE YOll HOME! SAYE UP TO SOX Oii FWlES , ... ·-., .... .,..QT llZD • -::-""' ~ ................. ,..,... ...... _ .. ::.::-.:. ............... T• .... .... ._ ............. _._ ........... ..... -llD • ......, .. .... PKTlllWIM ' ----==="' . ' . . ' t!J! n=-COUPON==" i'!l!I :: DOUBU BLUE CHIP II . II STAMPS with this ~ 11 coupon on the lolal 11 r.i amount of any pur-11 r~. cllise excluding Ii· II quor, lobacco a n d ~ .. fluid milk producls. 1 11 .. :: coupon per customer. r. Coupon good Thurs· day thru Sunday, 11 :: April 17 lo April 20. f:il ®" " II " " I Iii) ··o;;;;q;;;iie'"' : • : • • : l!OYAL • YIJ •• 'lllST : : • IO'Y.A.l vnvn SPfCJAL BOURBON :-~ 459 : SAVE Ille """ : • • • • • . ' . : ..,. JW GoA9ii ' s.N s ; SllllllOff AICHI ACI ; i YODD I IOUllOll l PllftCT 10 . noit OI llllKll I~. • • • • . • • • • • • • ., • CHUCK STEAKS ' Boneless Round -: 98~ . Boneless Chuck w~ ... 89~ Choice Cl1h Steaks = '1!.' ,oc.l GAME Shoaltler Clff :.~ 98~ 1 Family Steaks ,~"'ii'.. 98~ c.ot.~\SY. HENS Fresh Biisket ~~ 89~. i j '"•"• -89~ I '°-'u ~ '1" J i 1sUCD1AC01 VM"'""" ~ ....... 69' I ' l "'°'°'"'" ~ ·_ Ulltl. " -Sill -u. • 1_...,,... _ aladcHowli,Homi.lorW...Cuollty, 1~ . . : : t:~· 4 c-.tionFWi.sticb •~11.-. ..................... 91k =--Wlllo"'-SAVI 69c o,,nr~Slic-d~ .,,,. ... 1 .. -. .... "'n;, : • Hit Comatlonhoded!llih5t11C1~U1.-. •••• _ .• s1.ot i lillkSawao-ct<; ...... ...,,.u."IG. .................. 89c: : TOP RDUID -I lJ. CarnatiOll fl'11 Co~n 11.oL PIG: .................. 45c ~ 20-0l. a• Jones Dai')' fCIO'll SIQd lac.on 1-U. ............ -.,., : : IJUll • • • u. CorllO!lon ~. fihtt. 1..oi. -·-··-··········· 7lc MINIMUM wr. EA. I "-·-&.Swvto ScrllSOGt tinkl l.<ll. rcG ..... $c : : CamallM Coil Flll1• 1.oi. -............. , ... , 4k llread.d Vtal C"""1i 11.1m -•.... : ......... 9~ : ............. -.................. --.-........................ ·-····-······································-············-·······-············-·············· .. ·····• FOLGER'S COFFEE ll'MlrJm QllOflfy, J-6. Coll .,, 2 i!, •12' 3 ~ .,,) r.t..,.wi.MCoffw .... N •.••• , ••• $f3f WESTPAC rEGETABLES ..... °"....,... an'°"' MIXED VEGf:TAllfS Rich & Cl*!my Ttxrure .. .. ""' "WHEN IT MIN~ fT l'OURS" PLAIN OI KlO\ZID • U..0Z. Sill' SAVE 2oc 11' HEINZ BABY FOOD Slic Pineapple "'w:.~~.. 33c ; Morto" Cream Pies ~¥~ 25c : WestwOod lceCream~~~~~59c Miller High Life Beer i ~~ s222 ..... ....-~, .... ~.,.. ... l"'!'-SAW CASH WITH THUi nooua SPlCW.51 P/ut .•• -. owm.lu<T """ ..... ........ Fancy Grapefruit ~ ... 3i49' Large Awocados ""::;,."". i4i'I Golden Sweet Com 0::: 10:- :,...... ·-·,.: : ...... 11-•OAL '10 I • s-t1J6 V ._PA • . . . . ··-. ! OlbTAT\Ol•a-. ... _ ... __,.,. : . .. ... : GI.RY"$ Glril ..... '"'-·-·--·; --: : al.IN'f scdTof· .................. *'·" : • • ·······-··········--······-···-····· SUQD MEATS =.=:. 3'$) CMC91·-• -•-ML• I Fruit Y 0gurt ==.:-: 5 i 99' English Mufftns""c:."~21' Sour (ream .. ~.=. ':."'-..... 25' -"--a.or. (,loft,, ••••••• _,_ ••••••••• -... $1..G ...,._., ~ .... -Ult. ................ -.... ,,. $lot.N ~ .............. llO. ... n•••••••'* &.N hlwk ""*-" ..... llQ,, ............ ]h '-"q Miq.h .-At t4. OIL ................ !Pt ..... , .... ,... .... Wt. •••• -·----"' cw.., ..... ~~ uot.(.19t. ............ ,,,. Qlllf ..,.......0.. i.,..... IHIL<.UI•.-··•••••••• 'l/C cw~.,.....,.,, ... ~··• .... ~Ql ·M41.-........................... lh ~ c-lilts_ .. ,.-. ·-.............. asc hci tWr s.t llllit"loMIO.. ••• ft.lt -. .... St2' OlOOOMNT 0.-~C...•l!MIL(,flll ........ -.7Jc II.di ..... -. .......... -................. 12.u Dial Soop °"""" ,.,...,,_ ---.. .... Cllll ...... "' v. c-. ..... ' .... -'1t -Wt.2/Uc , ..... T ..... ...n.-.._. ..._ oww,_...,.,....,,, ........................... -451: -i:-·2o29f' ..... o..t. .._. "-, ""*"ll•..-. ...... .UC Wd ..... ""--~ ............................ "' "'"'·· • l • • Pvd°1'ng ::":;: ··3: 35• 1011 Adams Ave., at lrookhant, Huntington INCi • 5722 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington leac:ll 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Yaftey I • ---------. ------------. 1 I I "· up >le .. ng ck >le •• 00 ley --;--- LMur 1 COUl'ON "' .AiiJi.T.CUSTOMll · OllPllGOOD AN. 17 1'1MWUAN.2J • 1 ELU5 HOLi.AND 12.0Z. .. I LUNCH ··~·· MEAT .. _ ........... .. IHCHNUT BABY .. ........... "' FOOD ___ ............... - . ..-11QUAUTT \\GAL s• ICE CREAM .:~~~-~-~·~·~' ..,. CltClllA -ON'S)·-•<I 59' DINNERS ............ ~.'.'.'. .. _ .... . ~'-5·s1 DINNERS ......... :.~~~~ ~ ' UlllM 'SflllJ Pill roan llJll •• -.. -... --··----2h l£lTllAlllllUTPIES -----·MLli11 llWOll!lfllCIS--. -u«.CI' IDSAllllCIClllll TACllS ---n«.ae._ ' lb. GOLD MEDAL S-11 •. UWHUI 6Jc UMlrlCOllPON.. . c ., 3· 91 .ADIATCUITOMll I • ' °"a GOOD.AM. 1'7 1HIUAPL n ... I • lb. ELSEWHIRI 71 c ' llMIT l COUPONPll . . ·55c ADULT CUSTOM .OfFRGOOOAN.17 . ' ntlU .... 2, . ··~ . ..l ' " ---~~ ... --. ··-··-···-·-----·-··-----~--------~-----------~·-~---- -.,, Apttl 16, l'169 " • lb . f)//. I< :A Tf:~~F \ , , ' . 'fl! DAILY PILOT Simple Tricks '· Crea te d " Sometimes the 1 l mp J.e s l trlckl with everj'da1...; gredieots crule ....U, ....... foods. _ I Take the favorite · tam-, bination, peanut butt.et nd jelly. Add a bit of ptaD!Jl butter to quick-leavtnt4 doughnut dough, fill with je:lty ''Bismarck·style" and delp fry 'tit golden brown and crisp. A simple idea but one which is lruly delicious. Another trick turns a simple baked custard i n t o a memorable dessert. J u s t spoon a bit of crushed peanut brittle into the bottom of the cups before pouring iA custard to be baked. When baked, then chilled and turned upside dov.•n, the candy drips a caramel-like syrup over the cuslard. 1''ew twist on an oJd-fulOOn- ed hot bread is Swiss Peanut Spoonbread. It's a pluaanl accompaniment for' rrif:at en- trees, or filling enough to be the main dish for a luncheon.. Salted peanuts and Swiss cheese are the flavor in- gredients. So next time you want to perk up a menu with a dish that's just a bit unique, check your cupboard for peanut prt> ducts and see what unusual dishes you can cook up. PEANVT BUTl"ER AND JELLY PUFFS I~~ CUJll!I sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 11, teaspoon saJt I egg 'h cup sugar 1h c:up peanut butler 1,) cup milk I tablespoon melLed butler or m&r1arine 1.2 cup jelly Peanut oil for deep frying Confectioner's sugar Sift together flour , baking powder and salt into bowl. Beat egg; beat in sugar, then peanut butler, milk artd butt.er or margarine. Stir ~lei In- gredients into dry ingredients, blending well. Tum out on lig)llly floured board or ~ cloth. Roll out to *-inch thickness. Cut into round! with biscuit cutter. : Place a spoonful· of jeTiy in center or each round. Fold inlo half circles and seal edges carefully, to resemble small pillows. Fry in deep hot fat 1365 degrees F.) until golden brown; turn to fry on other side. Drain on absorbent paper. Dust with con- fecLioner's sugar. Makes about 1 \) dozen puffs. PE ANUT CA RAMEL CUSTARDS 2 cups milk ','f. OJP augar 11 teaspoon salt 2 egp, well beaten 11. teaspoon vanilla 14 cup crushed peanut brlt· Ue Scald milk with sugar and salt. Pour slowly over be.a.ten eggs. Add vanilla . Beat until ""efl blended. Divide peanut brittle among six custard cups. Poor custard mixture on top. Place cups in pan of hot water in slow o~ C32S degrees F.). Bake •bool 41~ mlnutes or until knife in- serted in center of custard comes out clean. Chill . Turn out of cups onto individual serving dishes. Makes 6 serv· lngs. S\1'158 P E A N U T SPOON· BREAD % tablespoons butter or marprine 1 cup corn meal I/• cup atfted Dour 1 tab&elpoon b'Ui&r . J teaspoon baking powder r;, te•sponn salt J ea. beaten lli'-CUpl milk J cup lbrfldded Swiss Cheese II cup chopped s a lt < d peaauts Melt butter or marprint In boUOm ol'. a or t-inch square pan. SUI togel.her com meal. flour, supr, baking powder and All. Add •gg and 1 ~ milk and beat ...U. Stir Iii •I cup -and peanuts. Pour lnlo pnpored p a n . Sprinkle With r e m a J n I n I <-· Pour nmailllnl ·milk over top. Bake tn rnociel'ltt oven (lit· degrees FJ tor 21 to II mlnutta. Serve bot. MU. f 10 I arvlap. Greens Seeded --li8'1117-ed In -plus a ,........,. aque<ze of lemoo c!Ve srem buns a new flavor twllt. A •'tlcome chMtce from the evtr·prnent Green B e a a J A 1m'!"'1in•· • Wed~, Apr11 16, 1969 frull fry1119 0ut•en .,. Fryer Wings •• ·" 35' I ruh frying Chicktn-frytr Ntcts rr Fryer Backs .•• ·" 12' Oitar M4vtr ~Little frv••" * Link Sausage .. " 79' Sto Pak fmzrn 8rmdld 1 Ct • Fish Sticks ... "· 43' I '-OZ. PKG ... JJc -20-0Z. PKG. .1.07 S.O fokfr~1e11 trO Sole Fillet ••• '..._' 79' ~. ..,.... . ... -. .. ,IL Ill® ID !RI· Dftl® ' . BAllJllll 11 UALln FllD9 . . ' .. ) tr.ft C°"V Oletw LongllOm ........ as· ~bff19!foted Crescent Rolls~~'.38' Krah Noturol ~~ 16 O ' Swiss Cheese ,;,.'5117 K~.tk!tunil .\llc.d B~uieese. i;.°: 47' J-Ol. \l,t,ttJftl PACK, Jt, .....to • Ri•"""' Cheese~'36' 16-oi.'JiG.•1,. 'i Morhef'5 Choc:olott Chip, Suvor. ,,._.oon or lemon Crt"I" C k. "'""47' oo 1es..... r-~,, . hrty Cro::Qr 0 0 I . 'k ''46' 1squ1c ..... ~. h tty '(nx:lrr B~ntrm•lk (l~d ' ·At off LebtD 18 0 ·Pancake Mix .;,.' 43' Slll'IOflll Urti;we Fl W ,,,, 11•• oor-ax •.. 111t SIOl:lEY'S Gat •••••• 1k . ' A•rrtN<-wilfl lean1 -1 ~lol.·OL Co~ Chili Con ,Carne 39' coiuiED BEEF H.-.sK.J2c . Armovr Vienna Urld. 2c off lobtll S ,.0'27' ausage •.••• o(Oll ~ frw111 Bttl. (hidl;111 or Tllfby M t P• •·0·1a• . ea 1es •••• ~g..· Son:t lee Frozrn PfC'Oll 12\'r-O Coffie Cake. "'• '82 ' lob's froit11 16.0 Chili •••••.••. "•' 65' 1:, tie Kolli,'s fron n (h11:~1n, .,,..... 7'1 0 Enchiladas ... ,:,' 36' i.Tt:;;s;;.,. I I~' 58' Orq1orGl'oPl'fn.ll Wagner's Drin lf.!;33' lmperiul !Ml Soh M . ..lb 42' argarine ... '". , fle1idlll'GM'1 Soft l lb. • Margarine .... < •• 41' Nollt'(s 2,-0 • Beef Stew ... ,~'59' (lndJcotflobfll -12-0 Armour Treet c.' 511' · FAMOUS FOR DEE·P· CUT DISCOUNT PR I CESI e COSTA MESA-::c.-• • e HUNTINGTON BEACH-1::!.1~;::.,..... e SANTA ANA~!.""'" e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-'!'~·='· NEWPORT BEACH-.llOO lo!bM II ... ., Jl-St . 11 50 l"IM A.e. IWntcllff Pl.rrl ' I ( ·~-~~~~~-·~·-·~·~·~-=~·~·~·-·~•~·-·~·=~·~•-•c••~·-·~··~·~·~·-·~•Ttr•_,..~=~-.:._,-•:-=..,.-;-~·~=-=-•-.,......•--:--•~"-*•'-'~~~~~, W.......,, A,rD 16, 1'169 DAil V "1.111' 4f ) . fBOZl!N MEAT DEPT. SPECfALS · • 'M11~· FrWty'1 .... ,... 1.1a. , 4t TENDER ·LEE FINE QUALITY ~11w• ...................... "•· .,. · , · .,, ~"'"" s..M., flth • ., · ,..., 7f' O·KED · ~~~~""""""·-~-":·"""""·£ .,. , l 11,..+ FriMI w/S•-n a... 69" HAUIUT \..... ... • , , • , ••• , , , ,.,, ·-re-•. . 111\o!.: --5 · "-..,..;1, ... ; ... , .. ...,.. • ..... , .. , TUIKIT , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pkt· • ~ Turek Ir.luck l rtt4M •t Plti• Ptr 7gs VIAL Ctrn.m • , , , , ;, • : , •••• , , 1-.. ... ·, SE.u'OOD r CRY-Q.VAC WR~ED SHO~T SHANK 5.7 us. • ~ . ' . ' I c . SPECl,\LS Frc1h Filltft ff Per fl• ~--:DO_Yll_IOLI ,, • ,, .•••••••• , ,,, 10. Fr11h C1u9ht 11 .... Mlr1.I • • 39" U.INIOW TIOUT .••.•• ,,,,,,,, .11. Finey NMihtr~ White Pur 7.,- HAlllUT ITIAll • , .•• , , ,, , • • • I~ 6-0Z. FROZEN TINS 00 W.AC noDJi •. FAMILY 'I iiGRiiAuii:is . . ; ~~~~.. . NORTHERN' · I 0-0Z.~O RETURN BOTTLES EXTRA LEAN 3 • 4 LB. CTN. 1.cr. 39c rKG. BATHROOM TISSUE ,1 COCA-COLA 6·PAK 69C • • • • • • • • • • .. , PKG. , / 4c OFF BETTY CROCKER-ALL VARIETIES-LAYER CAKE MIXES ..... 3 18-0Z. '1 BOXES 4-ROLL . 2 9•· / INCL. IAltlAltA ANN "VERl-IEST" WH IT E or WHEAT 2 5c SLICID BREAD .............. ,6~'; ARROWHEAD & 0 PURITAS SPRING OR DISTILLED WATER C1LEiNG PEACHES5 "~~ 51 i0MAT0 _ JU ;ICE . 4 4~i~l" 51 . . 4 1/i-GAL. '1 00 BTLS. · JERSEYMAID CATERING " • ICE CREAM .. 1/i-GAL. 69C CTN. · ••••••• AL~ 6Rl.NDS . FOLGER'S l·LB. TIN COFFEE 65c LL c. I~ lif;. MAk&AklNI INCL. 2' OFF 25c NUCOA .......................... !;,'~: JERSEYMAll>'-FARMER. CREAM AND LO-CAL COTTAGE CHEESE c!~~~N 29c ----OSCAR MAYER ALL MEAT or ALL BEEF ' LIQUOR DEPT. BOLOG A sco~~~~~-YR. ...----CALIFORNIA FANCY PURE GOLD NAVEL----. . ~.SCOTCH GES ' f '4''· . C FIFTH c .~ ,. "-lnwooG llO!<D , 4'' IOUUQN.-.. : .. ;.. "~ LL • 19ALLO ITALIAN CHUIS 89c i OSCAR MAYER 65c SALAMI 1:1::: : WIENERS ~t!: 2v •• u . IOX 't'OUN6 TENDER EARS 10 C CORN... .. KRAFT SLICED DELUXE 65 AMERICAN . CHEESE '~~~ · c ANGEL CJTY MEAL .Ol.rELLETS 6ftci 6ARDiN-'h"xMI' '1" · QTs. FOR _SNAILS.•• !' 7 j HOSE• • • • ..: .. 2701. HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. ·1hru SUN., APRIL 17, II, It, 20 e 13922 IROOKHURST. GARl>EN ·GROVE · 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH ,, ( --~ ------... --.. -----------~~----------~-~- • • ' 1•· W. IDINGIR, SANT.A ANA , -- I 'I ) .,. ! ' ~ I' ·' •• !:;j '·' h "'I .,., .. ; .., "" . ')~ .,..,, .,, .... ... i • . .. , !' "' ' "" "" ., '} . ' I ~· 1.:11 ''a "" '" -~i 0 • • . .. ., " ' " .. " .• ' n .. .. "' " '" .. ro ... " ) " ' ' • • ,r • tr ·• 111 •• fa f~ bi f j, ..... bo t. di . ' •·1 ~ fr .~ Cl ;,;. ' iJ b1 m 'I bl Cl to ' ct . di Cl Cl " S1 a( tr ·~ Si cl 81 P' It ~ . . Y• di .:;-di •. ' p B p OI 81 bl I' cl It bi In lr. ' Cl pl " b1 si I" 11 I' p ' • • • b < • ' ( 4 I c ' • I ! ' • ' • ' •"1t!MM· • iLJT~, b•)L0UNI~ • f "' " 61/a-WNit;CAS PLANltRS COCKTAii. • •. PEANUTS 39c 38' . Sloat HMS< MON. t11n FRl.-10 A..M. to 9 P.M. SAT. lflfl IUN.-10 A.II. ID 7 P.M. ;r11~l DIS[ OUNIS ! 1 r l(V [IA y .. . • • ' . ' J · Viait' Your Public Schools PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK April 21 thrv !S , • ...................... \.~\ •'''.• CHIOWfll • '• 4:c •. • • ~· • •" v. • ' ' . )'A .. • ,, ' I .. ;GA&lri1111:* 3 • , • • . r • ' I " , \ ' I • ' " ' . l , l , .. . 1 .. ' ' ' l I • r\,, 1.t I 1·1 { ' ~1 \' :f ' '~ I:· ' \ \· \· ' " r \l ''l ' ~ ' I •/ ·~ .a ~1 ~ • ' I ,. ~ .J, L- , PRICE WAR : s .. DISCOUNT.~. . . · ' ' ..... ,....,. OfllL,_f' . " ~.'. ;, 10 .. UllER . ~­ ~ .. ;. IJEIDQtrAITEIS · • ~ .. 4 ( ' .F-A'-1..-1' , . UK \. ; .. · ' . 'ORANGE'· <OUNTY -· 1. · "". · 11,1, ~. I . ,V , r ' vow,.. 011\l!llG ~I VOWMI SAVitm • • ... • .. ' I • • • ; l ' ---+f'<-.. f •. 4"P . --""I ... -' .., ... !" ' • i ' •' ' . , ~· '.' l 1 .. \ ~---~--~ ·-----~------·------··~-~-~-~-~-~·-··--~ . ...--~-~---~--~-..··· .... -7~····· ·---. -' rh · B f h y .1 . -EBl&aBitMXl VAWT·LOTS ~YE.o:i.~ .. ~.":lde~~ ' ~ fi. .. fl . 'J. I · 'fl, 1,.;;..;.... --~ e :. uy· 0 ·t e ear: Well loca~2" .:..:. * R-l E.dualve. sr. HU· ~"~.:,_ ':,..';i,li· . ·v u_cco,la:J (.nf1'141i ' .. fl..lf.l q.tJ11. .... , •• ,. . ' 3--wlth BERT WOOD .... $15,960 lBll.By...,.., ~% PHA ." RANCHO LA -:CUISTA '--"-It you've •· ... T -•... \Iii I tf ' ._._.,. ~ ... :· amoll_ .. _ 1*R-l UPl'EllBAY ~,loan. Full...;"'·"""'- .,,, missed the ·cl~eoul '<>( 'RANCHO LA 16•:'.I!' u_attn ~,/t10 • • " . .' ; .... I •" <:,.. · lfooie ..,,. -*~~;'will'~~ ....-Ind. w.2103 'CUESTA'S','3' oilier unit§ • : : :.P~'T Most bom~~ln ~~~tp .ontr·c1aud191 In : V1i•w . o· f Ca1111·11-a1.I-Bav ~.:.;.with UNll'S .: ........ 111.tltlJ -Ool--1111 ! ·• MISS THHJl · . mind. We, pve a,. bomea deslintd for th6., "' • • , a ,_. ..,.....,..,.., . * "-1 -~for unall • ' Each ~g unit cosi. more, so oop>for\a alld,tun of 'adullic Be~ to look 2 Bedroi>n!. t ·11ath Clumnel Ree( . . ~ • -......., room * ~"6~ ~~.:: ::: B~.,;..,~ ~ lt t~fadvanter• of lhese:prlces. Come & at, room fOr liOl>.bles, prIVate of!l<>o,,Stpjll'ale , 'Ol"n yotir Owll'.1't11tli0iue Apartment • ..... """ at * c1 ,,. x: ""' HARBOR ...,,...,,,._._ • see our models on Brookhursl at AU!!l\Y! dlAlng rm, ,,_i,room willl batb,,~ car ..,f;';; ~ · . -i-llb qieplace;ta2,IOO · Keni 142·"° , BLVD bn"'e tJa-a to ~ I _· · in Hunllngton Beach. There· are I & ~ ' ,..ge, w~J cll.llance lo .Cf'lll'chN, Wes , ; Ask l~: -.. , · Cal! ~: IWNll2 htlCI< 1treet ...... 175.000 Moaa Vordo lilt -· stories, 3 &. 4 bedroom homes with ·2-·or , •hopping, restaui:ants. , · .· , , ' • ""'--~ ,. _,, b ' * It-I '"•trl<ledl 2111 Ae. ~·: 3 balbs,'Mllsion tile or shakti 'ro<ifi 'flre.·~ ' ~with~"""':.,. 7~% 1!'1tb'10%_Qn;. . ~I ·1 ~ -•.I ury • -OCEANSIDE, Plie<d to PAY 1111 mo! 3 Br,'.._ .:. · places, concrete driveways, heav)" rough · , . no 2nd1 r nO 'pOlnts -2''.Yr,.. ... M~ ~· ,., ~ \,. ' f • •••ltw ' aeli &t Only $5,000 iot. 'f/rm, pan1 den. AUWiw: l "'"cut beams, built-ins. family rooms & · , .Prlc~·,,... $30,tlO. to $_33,91(1 , 31~ Marine A-, tiU... Ii. •JUM · '.:,'50o,•~ w:~":IT.~ ' ~ dining rooms. Clo!• to. Hunlin81<>n Stale ' . . · E•lutl .. At-rt ~ t -Beach. These beautiful homes are priced .n.. a. . ........ r inco-"...Oted 0-rol 1ooi Genorol 1000 ' _RqL TOIJ~-• BDRM, Ill ... "'°" .. I •• from $24.!IV5 lti J33,795 with VA or Col>' r;· . ~'1:!. .~ '·I""• 67·3-4400 IClloob. lhopplnr.·•-~ velitlonal financing as low as~ dol\'!J.. '· • · ..,, vu\ LlDO , • 3 BlipROOM By """''· 04&-ml. Prln- "'"No 2nd TDs at 7.29' ·intarost Call • roct-Ph: 54o.51Q f;om L.A. Coll· MA~ PLUS °'-'l!JT'UNIT NOW! ai.iJi. ._ dpeloooly.123.900. 1 "· 968-2929 -or vl!lt any day 10 AM'to' 7 PM. :uot --~ th&! Jn.law lW£ IQPllNI 3 BR. Ill BA. 1atn ·rm. • "W!th ' plenty of --' STANCO -I-nvn ~~~'175 e!ic:DI""'· ..., patio; - I""' I 1000 Shake mot' and """ brick Bulldoro Inc. UJ>I!er Bay Dol\lxe •BR 21! C-ry Club E1toto """'"" $25,600. ,.._2'J91 ------------------- Gin•r1I . iooo Gene~I · 1000 ~•I ·-~ --I~ ,,......,,,_,, clwm locatM on a .qaiet WILL BUILD A· bath home QuJt:t ~cul-de-aac lmmedta~ powton. Love-: WANTED to I.VY: J;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ a d ""' lined cul.de-aac '""'' VALUE·PACKED otreet. Try llOlo m option v ~-·'LAKE ARROWHEAD tOI moor in tbe ~ Height.B .Jy bi& 4 BR near Mesa '4 or 5 BR home .Me.aa t~ I !Sf£ tut MNHftvU EXECUTIVES 'SHOW PLACE.' !..,..; A· Horbor.Vlow Hlll1 .,.._ •·-•~'""'lot. tlOME OF .YOUR ~ ..,.,,,.,nts _of l250fmo. Verde Country Cub. About to $45,000. ""'®! -llK """'I Located tn ·a presitge ana Frirlie en Ir& Jot· Exclusive ~rcbed on the top o1 H&rtior BrlJht "d:er:kitchen with CHOICE ON _..acant I: read)' for )'OW' oc. 2200 Ill" tt. CorpOrate owner ='=:;."'====== ... , ; ' . : ~ j'hat this wller hu A. ( : •• .while )'OU'~ there )'OU can look ·at the:ir love!¥- ' :.;;;borne that w.'w :1Ult ' : Jbted. Lookl be.rdly,Uv. , ed Jn. W/w caniettnc. .-.·dinirfa' room, 3.bdriris, hardWood floors, cove"' :\ ed paUo, beautllul.Iand· scap\Jll'. Fu I I '" price "'1;24,700. NO Dom( VA : 10R I.JJW 00\VN FHA •• ~~tluny hllfl')''' · · "' . . • "1.'0A~, •••• WA,WC! REALTORS 5464141-' (Optn lhonlnpl · I . . '. ',pie BaneH RNlly :. ¥ ... PreMnt1 -... · ' -~ . . ~ ::Attr:.'~1~:r~ ·. ; -4 bdrm• 2 bath' W.• ' _,_ -"l""' ii'. t '.with firettlact. Beau°': ! . 'fUtly !............ . 16" ~ •. ' i>OOl with . another I . ~te b'Hl filled gar. ·;:pen. Call for inform&~ Uon. , ' -, 1111; Weitclill Dr. •t -" .· "' : NEWPoRT BEACH ; I 9,>/..4,, \ ·~ 642-5200 ·!· ,,_...,~ l .. ''fllttsii'Vn•;,' • Trul)' a:n ufl:utlve 1home, 3 ~ a:iganUc bedrooms, 2 IOVl!ly • ~. tropiclll · landsc:apin&: . -.um>-the """' li&h"" ' waterfall adda atmOiphere'to ) the feattvities ot your lltlm-l' ---............. _ , .~ ildded lam .. rm. ~ a t cabana penonallt<; with an &.stool bar and pool access. . ' -~tter built-for 14),'50. ! ~ UU..""'1oo:tlv< . .s bdnn,.31! ,_.. ...,. .,.._, Sil•·"' Hilll. VIOw !< ocun. bay, bllllt ; loi and d!">wuher. YOUR LOT* eu-.. lnnil•ri'td •onpioyff out· Collot0 Park 1115 .... n. hOme wm ,ma .... .-. 'tlnlnd. new ·double dock. ~ria.~4 bedtom1• family ~· ·1 ,, __ ,._,_ 2 •J ~-"' of..tate. Needs paint a:~ .. """'' 11'";7""'; ~ ..... Hu-" . ~ Tin \,.. Pait .,.,pe ~· .... _.....ut, n moet "'' .. •" anty Ne-rt deoliraf-1-. vue ou.r 00 f BR ftdec. 21' llv rm. w/w , feel lite, a ~.rn r;ii,'kl..,. •• llv ' / RP&J?.le .dl.ninc. llie ~plicts, Ji,t baths_ • ~·!50 and other approved attu. ~-1i.t-1 ... -;p~. ii:Jo. crWdr]ls. 1lpij:. dlb pr, AJii-Oomiareltrael:ialrJ maillw ItplcJ>'Central patioand-rearyard.$59,950. ATTRIMENDOUS at ....... ,. oru. tncd.S25,950.ANU.me4'12%'.1 Immense lfv*1w' room. .r..ml hff&tr & ell. util. Bfliut. N S OU •:..i ll> -'1oni>el.· illnllW fUrit. 'DelkW• !Dr ,.., Would You BoW... i!!v;.,: J.O ~ Vlct.na: SALESPEOPLE J<EEPED om"""'" 646-........ room. Swim ppol & -n ~ llvlllK. WW •<>lllliltr 21, '\ IO ,Rum""' room with by ~--•, ~-•-pow. '46-8111 . •-ch 1- loi tbe •j&ltin\<k la ...i-ti.de !or --"' mm-IJ&n~l'l'Ptace and bai that .,._ ~ ~tlon ~ 541,5110 Newport """ · ..,. ·l!vina:. $79,~. Q p·ai iJ Y parillle ·.value ·in,' Newport. .eats 8. 4 bedrooms + fam.. and. DW1)' years cf ex· f_.CinmltlM!lt thrughout, Llve ,.;,.-"' CdM uea. Pllee 169.n. n; "'°'l'· 2400 ,._ tt. In all. . . bwld' 1 , __ w.:... E RN~ WoatcUff VIII• enterUt.in 'l'O)'ally.. : · · " 846-211.I .-·· 'l5x2QJ Jot' and a 2Qx40 work· perience in 111& ou • Four leclrooifl • ._ If "' Enjoy the Ocean View from ... _ ' N..._ -_· , I .• Ire Fin~·· $~.ooo. ' ~p .'°'. $29,"?>-You ean =~ v a I u. "''" $17,250 ~:~;:;.;'.~ thi!:J'."1.:i ~ ~: 5 Bodl'OOml CHOOSE FROM OUR Move Into this ta,.. !amily Baylront Holel of ..... ..i Unli. bU on ... . R-E A L:'TY_. , ewport_1'paniJ.h Men dal Mar DESIGNS,· STYLES, "?me todhoolai. aose to shop. prox 21,4 acres in NtwplWb 2ori w Balboa ~ N 8 2f00 sq. ft . Sparklifll' clean, p1na:, sc s and churches.. . \. • finest area. Property Ila' . •1· ~ . . . e.aut ""'""" •• BR, lam tile. dedrie kiteb<n -3 IW<-ELEVATIONS Thil .... woo'ttut!!!! 1145 In f.loulous Aw1lon rounded by I""'°"" -·' -· · n.._.i_,B.\ ·tiome.dn Jarae 77 wy b&thl. ~aed boat and "For A Wbe Buy" per n1onlh includes taxes ., sea.ping, including pine A x 'Ui arntr1'1ot 2 frplca, trailer, • ~-· • $37,950, Col-o"'"' & co·. Stanco offers many home a.nd ina:uranee? !? ONLY $500 Dinin&' nn, 2 ban.· 35 roomJ palm ttt!s u v.·elJ 'as ~ '· :· '-·;"" --·--· crptl. drp1 comjlle~. 2300 ,..-.....---NW llllJ designs Jndudlng Co1'-DOWN!!!! plua View owner Units. min&: pool and l'!trelltioitl ()II RlllP. AllEAD ' oq, !Hr/ all ~ ~--·-Wo1tcllff ;,. ;..., OPEN EVES t<m...,..,,, Ranc:h, Mad• WE SELL A HOME BURR WHITE, Rltr. area. 136,500. • , t'Tl\: "1" . Ellmlna'to """'"" • ....._ c.n V·'"'." t ,. B·. -~-.-. 2 ~ .. •. _ .. ,. · · ten-anean, Split-l•v•I .t .V.aEIRkYe3rl M&INULTeESe U16-Cl 01 other hOmes in ~au'tilid ' · " -" ........ , " '""'f~·· Dll Colonial. 290'1 NeWJIOl"l Blvd., N.B. PROPERTIES WEST WestclW. 4 W.. bedrootnl, 549.0507 -~t!,'t'Uo~ ~tine= • h · .1 ·; b ~ 675-4630 1028 Bayside Dr. 675-4130 2 foll ..... + ll ..... °"' 10 n. maCf'.IG PLANS CAN BE v ARIED ""!"''!"!!~!""l~'!:!'!~I standlrc "'""'n . a11 built-" ... OCEAN-' " -1ble.-l39.SOO. , _ro ·surr YOUR ~EEDS 200 Westclitt "'· $i 1,450 Full Price *'FRY COOK- lnl, dwhwuhor. tilo spluh, y ' ' ' ; •• 7171 ....... 1'3' IRV"~E TERRACE ........ T711 ........... ·""'-·n,.Eftl. ....... I 3 bedroom, l baOL '" V.A. separate service room,·sep-'1• ; • .. i.~ --u ITT F'inanclng _Ayailable _Joan to ~e. CalprtiJW * Ftn..LTIME DAYS* arate !onnat -room, . I ............. ...,_,~ ·:",··;>-."' -"".'~~win:·~-Maui' Ha'wa1'1' throu&hout. """'"d Patio. M"'I .. over 11 and ......... expensive · w/w cazpcta & harbor anu·..... ' CALL 537-UIO Lots more Ex~! Fu I J able. Good Jl&Y I: bene!lta. drapea, Price $53.950. ·E 2 Bedrpom and den, 314 monthly Payment 1134. P.L Apply ln penon only. batha. !omia! dining room. °"", 0ay, 3 Bedroom P1"' lamll> nn. HUNTINGTON W .. \ ................... $82-'00 10866 We1tmlr11ter Ave, near new home on FEE ~v, Pt;v. 962-76S9 or oi Catallnl, San a;..,;.\, • lot. Property "' -and SEACLIFF Garden Grovt: =~::.~:7"~"7."i lfORJlt COSTA MESA c.n.'j,i,ii.'64'2.1~35 ·. Balanced-" Hom" ~~ar;0:'!.:'a11to .,:0..:,'";., w! PENINSULA POINT Country Club 1~1ci,. an' immaCUlate 4 · · · ' 901 Dover Drive, SWlt: 120 liable party or trade lor Paint, decorate for chann! 3000 P~lm Ave., H.I. --""""""' __, d--" Good 3 BR home on 50 x 100 room Mme tn a ,.., Pft• ·$20,995 Nze1 B<aeh C•n You Bo•t Thl1? •-...,.,~ tnat =· •"":~,.! 11.'• •,.:"'"'.".'·"':·" """"" Lov<'1 3 6 lamll>"""" w;th SA.LISIURY ft. lot. XI.NT loe. 1-12,!00 Lido ---~Nor & . .Slip ar ~· _ . . 3 B]l,).11,.l>t'!!'--'barp. ,..,,, • ·$l'I 99, -POOL. 0 w n" BalbtNt Roal Eat•lo Co. P"EE ODmn' lot. belt loca- lloo, $28,!lllO 4 a;.. 314 batb.)*1' new ,hoine. ~Uent cupeung · • • movirW eutol arri le. might REALTY ~ 4 m.4140 Sponuh on 2 Jot.. Walled lhloud>oJ!I, .Nou May<». & 4 Br + Family Rm --pt si•= UNo~· FHA 67U900 :roo E, Balboo Blvd., Bal• 3 BR • lam rm w/POOL. .... ""~ _, Sl!lf '"' ~ Ti.l<e 5~ ~ GI -~·· ~ _, "'!'!!!!!!:!!!!"~!!!!!:!~!!!~ lmeJ 5d tiollt. J~ qUality ""'ara, $15 "ver '' appraisal of $27,400 or $25,-315 Marine Aw., Balho&-Is. ;;; Y famlly home, near J~ruauClart~ ........ n~.~· • .. ... LAaom-"" .. ':'~ ~%o ~°!; J::ymt:Ilts r: ~m ~'wi~ 950. Only $1400 down. if vet. _c;;eat;;;;•;;Mou;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;';;l;;OO ¢n'i~~ WntclW Shop- ... .....,. ·• » . · ·, 29. 3 E. 17. S,t., :_i. ·• ; .• 94, 1;~· ' t1 ' huilt-ins and bn!aklut bar SALESPEOPLE NEEDED GI Reiale ~ • \VAi.KER RL.TY 67s.520Q ~ Newpo':f for onl,y SlS,999. New c:u.stom Tako over 6% GI loan of SPANISH HACIENOA z::i=mlll:llSlll:=:i·t·J drapes,_ "'.all to wall carpet. $18,600 with paymeilt,a of Plus rental, plus room for NEWPORT ISLAND 'Colclw1"11',.•-'~. ,. ,_ coum .u_ VIII, , ~t . Ing, Fo=' ·air . hoattng. ~.~...:1:....i $157/mo. incl, tax " ""· • more unit~ Fl>mlshed ~--·~, -w. Vlctoro·i Room for boat and trailer. LTV BR" famil)' room .qn.CIOI'-161 Mesa Drive ... ...,. .,. L='l::o. . , "'-und 100 ........i ·ta i.... true? OLLE~11R-EA -,._.. ~r . room for boat, trailer ....__ $39,500 - ' in thls •unusual 2 BR home .,., ........... ""' •bcaAI ~ tc Lil"•• '3 --~ ..._,, VV'Crlooking beauWul Pf 3801 CHANNEL PLACE "---' ' 1..~1.. ••11 Come~aee for )IOUl'lf:ll. e · ... ,. .,..,'¥'> .uu ltl.Nllf•· .Dll -with a.dell.__ ·autll roOm. __. ~ make otter! Owntt Oregon. ~ and lans. Aikin&: OPEN WED thnz SUN 2 _ f , .,.,"'9!~ · <Mr .2 c:ar l(al'qe. 111-g h bound' S58 <m. or call: Don Bohler, AKI : WE , UYERSI balmed ""'-& knotty l !!!!!~..,...,.~-!!!!!'I :roreot E. Chon Rltr. BAYCRESJ SP£CIAl · D.;,11 Roalty '42·7000 m6XX> !or 2 BR 1 bjllh .,.. "°'' pine interior. HUGE 51 x Costa Mna . CDM-· COTTAGE SALESPEOPLE NEEDED to Newport Bljd. on . the 263' lot with ~ 1&rge REDUC!DTO Eul>tlde bat. 1 th "' 22nd ·1ree1. Approved p1ana for, 2 Chormer-$22,QOO 2 liR ...,-,. w/lnc an1t _,. _s:::, "".::":::;:: '::::: ~ $201950 Street&. Call Us rigbt;1'19W! more units included. JU got rierything >'.D" heed,, BOme TLC. Walldna dlltance larae patio, space for pool. ne1:!:~) _ ... BRNl1£. · $26,SQD 3 bedl'ooml, 2 bathl! doubi<! to e,.1')'1l>Jqi, $33.50!! • ld•al '"' biK 1.mn,. Own-LEGE li~TY 'CLEV. ELAND garage, covered patit, large terms. er moVing 'Eut Hurry' ..._. QL lo~ ; ... 1 painted inside, ... By .... oo11 A old . ,. F 'd . ''""' ex~u.,. '" Glloon or CORBIN·MAllTIN m reu -----· ----=~--- DUTCH COLONIAL QUIEi' NEWPORT HEIGHTS Protec~. ftnced yard; al· Iey ac:cess; private loan available ••••••.• ;7SOO Or! 3900 E, Cout Hwy, 675-4392 ( • ORANGE COUNTY'S !· · • · U.RIOEST !1 .. ~293:!.:E~. ~17:th~S~t-~1=46~4:494:0 1 143 B )I~ . Ev11. ; Jwo nORv RUST1c 6~0=N=111~ no down to ~ts, min down REALTORS 388 E, lTth St., CM FHA. Hurry. Realtora 646.77"'15 3036 E. Coo1t Hwy, CdM ~'!""'""!!~!!!!!!"".!''!""!''"I .67S..1"2 , YOU owe it to )wtll'Rll to Ul- DUPLEX Near Ocean. 3 BR 2 ba, each unll 3 Frplcs. $52.· POOL • 3 &Inn -Fam rm. $130/mo PlYI all -5~ ~ Int. R•nd R••lty 645-2340 BY OWNE."R 3 BR lam rm, blbul, hdwd lln, patio, trplc, d.rps.. Newly rteo~ dltioned, feind. $23,500. 3093 Fernbeath Ln CM, .. ..,,,. BAYVlliW DUPLEX·· on Balboa. Juat .reducrd I0,000 : ~ 2000 Ml fl, 3 large BRI <1rui,ooo · R~ to Bund ' .t:. family room +· heated '#tN ' pool, spacious living room ~vfQ1_tnt to all. . s10,soo ' With Palos Verde rock fire. tulr. &12.'m() EVei, 5'&.ono In .LagW\11. Beach, unob- 1 • K~. Y Slnurted ""''" .v1'w lot ' ' I ( ' ' • i I )lace, 2~ baths, oul.Btand-" DAV,DSON Realty int kitchen, buDt-lns & dish.. · • 546-5460 Eves, 5*3851 washer. Price ·$37,500 • EZ ...,.,_ Near COUNTRY CLUB -w1sTcL1FF I . . 4 :SR, ~ rm.., 214 BA. J' \I I • \\ 11 I I I ~· \H \ \II\\ TU!t'ful larle 3 BR 2 bath NE:ar new. c:arpeta ~ dn.p-famlly room, 2 fittplac:es, es. Fine _corner. location. entry ball. Huie patio aL-$52.500 ~ t ' I I 1 • ' ""'tive walled yan1. l3i."°, LIDO REAL TY, INC. • Prlnc:lples only, 545-8155 MOO Via Lido 613-8830 ~ HUNTINGTON BIAC)t :OFFICE ·~ ··~ft ' 161J ...... , t1U"1l,..TOllf ,cUTt• . ~Pf!!' 1'911. ' A WHAU 0, A IU'I' ' ,. \ ~ Beautiful 3 Bedroom home with LARGE ad6ed lam(b rOom. 2 Baths. Complet.ely c:arpcted, custom drapes. ~lze to't add~ fo'r your boet 'oJ" Cll'DPfr. Lovely · erca. MUST SE:fl!! Pi10ed; at'9ftb' '2f,8'0. ti ho ,dowopt low down F}(A.. ..... t Jlt. DICUTIVI . · • • ' Elepnt contemporary. I~ the ·~ 2 full be.tin. cw.tom Cll"P@ta L drapes. Front Patio, 1ifi4 aeparate plil.J roOril 'fCith ~. Eleetrle liutlt ins in· -rh.~ double oven, Hot Point 461~, Bltndtr, etc. Walkins 'diltanct: to i Bf.ath. 53.500 Dl"AA'n or U.Jc.e ovtt e,Wt 5"'" loan. Paytnenll $189 per mo. Ask-ing $34..000.. SulJnl' ,our ofter. ' · • Hlll'S A SUlP~ISll • Aslume"B" ~ Gtw'l Loan. AnyoM qUailftfl with 1mall down pe.yment-Uua:e tv.'O Atory, 3 Bedl'OOn\5. Beauutul aha& CU'P'IU, f:touble dn,Pftl. Tow Pl)'mfnt $17& Le!JI tbln rent! • Lllll A PllY A Tl P All . .f:'detl)' One Block tram roartnc wrt Tbl1 cov cottq11 11 llUn'OWlded by llllh tro!)k91 brUllb and • huae tcnt;t ol ~ Lift. u1 •how you the fabulous tea ..,.. dt.n. Prk'ied tn Hunttnaton Beacb at Plt(IOO. R-2 Zonlnc. ' •• • .. . .. • ! QllA/!IGE .COUNTY'S LARGEST 29l E. 17th St. ~94 Rare Find Custom biJIJt ldtchen. East· side, C.M, 3 BR 1'.4 hllth, -4-BEDR.M-dbl garap, tara:e covered FAMILY RM patio ftlr enttrtainln& sur- It sparkles! 2 baths. Elegant rounded by beautifut ahrubs natura.1 brick flreplaCP. All &. Oowera. Exc:ellent flnanc- elcctrlc: push button built. ing avallabl~. ins. DelJghtfuJ patio over· 1860 Newport ~vd .. CJ\-f Jooklng a park like yard. Rltr. 6f6.39'23 ~. 644-1655 M<>mo * LACHENMYER TARBELL 2955 ,Horbor l>AlLY·PllDI' WAN!' ADS White clephants? Dlme-a·llne . DW .MU571 Vf'tticate our 4 dilferent trade-In Pf"OIZ'IJJIS. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2H E. 17th St. 646-4494 A Privat'9GllmpH or the moat excluaive Back Bay rmdential 8tttk>n &: new outstanding 4 BR ~ Roy J. Ward Co. (Baycrest Office) 18(2 Santiago Dr. 646-l!l;O "10. . ' George Wnllamson R<altor Evea. flS.1514 Newport Beach Realty 675-1642 . FIXER UPPER 3 BR 2 ~~\!'!'~~!!!!!!~'!""~! bathl. Prlc:ed under a.II oth-BACK BAY Cu1tom 4 Bdr, Steps to 8t1t IHCh en at $21,750. Good location. Ba, t/rrn. din, Ir PI c. 4 BR, 2 ha, 2 car gar, 6 yrs CALL Ml)..USl (open eves) l\todern 2200 a/f $40, 700; Y'O\U'lg, onl)' $29.000. Herltait Real Estate Owner/evei. 646--1542 Caywood Rlty • .S0.:1290 3 BfiO 2 BA HALECREST. 3 BR \\'aterlront No. 62 6306 w. Coast Hlwccy, N.B, Auwne 4~~% GI or no dn Balboa C.oves. $ fi O, O O O, BUILDERS A'ITENTION! Choice 35' lot at 118 35th St. SUbordlnale part. Barp1n U aoJd at once! 67l-5693 to vets. Low dn FHA. Prefer trade for acre~ qj $23,950. Owner/qt. E•n will coruider other. 54&-mt 5411--m5 --. ' New Duplex, 301 32rx:I St. r ta&tefUJly dee, w/w crvt1 ' 153,000, By ......,., 548-0m' • • • flDd #HI buya in to-~·· Ouslfted Adt. IQQOO.nor•I 1000 General 1000 Gener1I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646 7711 2043 WHtcllff Dr. ot lrolne Open Evonlnp ' llAUTl,UL, CAlENll LIVIN• Ahnoet new. Growlnc are«' of Unlvenlty Park. Faces 2 1reen bt-lta. 3 bedroom, 2 "bath, ·large living room. White brick ftN!plaCe, beauUfUI patio. Pool fac:iU Ues. Many extru. A muat ~· .At $29,!KX). this beautiruJ homt with all lta lmprove- mentl la priced bet1'? than the ~ new •onft. Submit your 1malltr home on our suarant:ee llile Jilah. - . • . l'SUTlitl ' W• fpund • slee.~XIOO lqUll'I: feet of lusurioua lMhl tn bffutltul Wf!'ltClilf ll('H of NewtJOrt b. OUr baut)t i. all the pol1att ol a trub' well conatructed home ~ ta 1'11 ~-for ')roU to bl.1Q new ownu. Oh )'ft, 6" ~ avallalilel!l 1 ' - TlUS-TIDS IACI IA'I' Ol'le dne of our 1ovtlltt1t 1trttta. Exira tarn lot with room for pool. Ph1sb new ca,.: pellna. OJstam «IN,~. Klna:·•be beitroOrM. Quetn-atu kltchtn •nd family room. Jlllt rf'4uctd to.$3419!0. Quick oce\J.p&noy. ~:!P4" loan. CaU today. &lbenit ~r ll'N.lltr'l:lome on out cuaru~ Sale Pl&ri- MWPOlT llACH POOi. HOMlllll 7or 9f11 $46,500 we otfer )'OU a 5 btd.:::t S beth, pool home netUed amo"-tow- erlnc_ tres tn a ~ a~ of N , 'ltkh. The court )'&rd entl:)' •t.t the mood to ~ enttre ~ With pr:tnq whkm we an deltr.. Larrt. WJt fun. Uy room and kltdWn Ovulooldns the pool arta. Maaltr-tM>droom wt\fl b&k:ony • thls ~ Is dtflnl\tlt Ohe of' kln4. lust put on the market. Betltr see T'ODAY'. ~ Su):lmit YoUr amaUtr h9mt: on our suaruttt ale plan. - WI SILL A NOMI IYaY 31 MINUTIS •• l • COSTA MESA OFFICE 545-9491 27" liADOl ILVll; 0,.. hwl~ '111 t P.M. $21,HO HOHi llANCH IN OllANGI COUNTY'S · J'.lrlme ana wlUf'ltliNY, MANY"FRUIT TREES Jn ·luah rollin1 hllls ~ from It all!~•EAMIDcm..ING and JJfne paneling home With apadOUI bedlooma, carpet. A dlueL &_J>Brale SEWINC ROOf\1, PLAY ROOl\I FOR TH& KIDDIES and private WORKSHOP FOR DAl>! NO DOWN PAYMENT GI'1 and 111,,\ ~~ft • . . IN•DIOll AlllWTIOlllD 4 PLIX-UNDU LIQUIDATION ·Two 3 ledloom PWS Two 2 Bedroom wtth 18t;E. SPENDABLt plua equfty bull4 -.p on intent LOW rtnta. Built Ins I. \l.'l.U to wall carpets. Lendf!'rs llquldaLion _prlc. 8 Tttnn-Gross. ONLY $37 ,000 VA l9'0SllSSION $1,UO DOWN I llDIOOMs Of' 1'1111 LUXUlYI ' 't!\l111pldOU1 beeuty boub1 like NBW CARPE"I' THROUGHOUT! Custom STONfl _ FIREPLACE! ~nous ALL EL.ECl'RJC KITCHEN and DISHWASHER! Or.~ A Oiipboards galore! Localed ln PllESTIGE AREA of ft.,e ahaltt root ~ hocnt'I, Duk under the!-l'llll't' c\Wtom ALUFiUNUM COVERttr PATIO 1WTO\indt4 ' by neat I: trtm landscaping in It.I POOL SIZED YARD! An unheard ot n.950 Tar AL Pl!ICE. • .,-. $20,00G TOTAL PllCI ONI ILOCI TO THI llACH Thia old@r home. with tl'lf! Padbc ~1n u Its Pool, ts for tM oenon with AN EYE 10R 111£ FUTURE! One llodroom l 2 Balhl and ZONED •OR 4 lrnJTSI ,A f'ant.ulk: Land Valut!I ) .,k ••• --·--··---··---·-··-------··•a.oadA .. dnoo ___ ._. ..................... M• ... a•=--= .. =••a.a···--•-=AM:O.OCMA ... -...... ~ ... ·~-~-.... A~O-OMft~a~•-=a•·~·~·~---~--·~-----•'---------------- • - • ·- RI NTALS • U lfTAU RMALJ ltlNTALS . . N.wjlWt ~ 491 11._ , .tlo•11• ~ . Homu .u.r,ur~ . ~ ••~ ~ Un"'""*" , 0-.11 . ,ry ,1 I .· 1405 ''f';t ~. t'.~ ~nt1,,.h.:. ~ C..W"•t flW; 4251 ~·i-, '. 1 1 ,.isif! ,llie'2!..... '"' Offloo Rwntil ,IOA,,To!,;\~, •. 'AMit-T I-'"-"'----~-J'IQ: 3 ~ 114 1111, sar.2 BR. alOdO. °""' -lllAu.-ontt.otB.Plld. Vll!oFbio·-.),1111, ftl0r ... ~c1&\llllton --y1ey ol 8let; Bdrm, -IO -.... ~·~ ~ "';;'. ,.llo. W/w. Ulawoient Joe. b!tns, wshr/..,.... Patio. no ..... Ill mo. call Ulif. Cllnam WdOo!M ·• .....,; •1• t 'lll ... In ~~ UMO.ts baU.. _.,.,,....dbl ...... ~211i,.tt.S1U: Qroktr~ , , Pool.Mii~~ ~ ~ '74W.OtllJl'er·~l CM.,1\.1.«~areu; ONfUIJD"l •t'ZN'm•• ' • 11>1<:; 1ieir .~ A11o IQ' oo .wn -1 lllll: 5 BR. 2 be. Ina!, yd., j BDRM T-!\Im ,.. . 2 BR, lJI. Bl. Pallo, apt,. -Jillle .hi. Will, ,., DoU --t, · :"';". 1 .... "Jlltlo *""° r.,... S Br. 3 Ba., dock. dr]>c; chll4reJ> 0'1(. Bm.r Ulllllm. Pool. dUb· -· ...... 4J!IO -bl .... Ad!'ta. .. pelL up '1o·Jlilo ......C.U -- -..... ·l,l)t1ta~£stat1J 351\~·~·'.';"-!:'.~,_,,.. ~ ~~~':-'.~ .. -~w8:..~".';' 111:,~~";":'a:J,Rll..,.:~.~ =:,.-.=..·~ · iJ°mo:-1xiw1« • C..ta Mou \ 3~ ,..,nt1in Valley 1410 l15'E. Ball!o& Bl"4 drpo, bl .... 11&tlo. .Jilo~ "'1>. up In .n101mo. :::';.. =..._ioiTiiieiiill! ~bdrm., I,,., ~· .....,.;. Liiio tile , . 1n1 -•I• Viottoy 1410 RlEJ R""'TAL' • -. BALllOA 113-s915 Mita, no"'" SllO. 51Ml6' .C:-. .,..._, .. l -1. Ii~' S BR., den, Wn<lln. rm•,, .. BDRM 2 •· 1-•e • ..._. n~u 1........,, b. t• ~ lmmedlata 'p o u II o.n -' EXECUTIVE {,,." ........ $215/mo11th,1 L<uo. BAGfaOR ,Apt '"11 -• ''r' ,.:-·~ '..-.;-" ~-• • . .-•-.. ., • ·~ A1"-, rur '4),319'1 . , llQ'BAYFRONTr Fk!!•tboh SElVn.E Avall.ApM120.~i65 l'IS ."Jo.·ElMu-r ..,...,aawt~l150.Mo.~ Jiriltra'l(Y • ..,~.mo11tl!. Munctpol puklna,_, SY o,,..n•f'; r&d.-.e~d A Joe on Udo. WW Kll 40' H(>ME IUYERS ror e:u,mp}e, 3 bedrooms 2 Slp,E. Balboa Blv, 81.U>oi• lbC&brlllO. 5'8-f691 Olde:r ~·mu. 1tds. Pf': mcmth tati1..- -;. ,..._ C.,,. O><l or 80' 3 or 6 unlla. ldeol... WHAT '1te do! you WAN'l'l "'"' 122$.<XI per mo. can· Laguna N'9uol 3701 s ' ' . . 2 BRl .. L do'\'M-. clw>, l1Wali, lj!r. JordaJi. , Ud cl>lln ·-~· -·~ 4. Br.,1 ~· Clll after. s Home & tnQIJl:ne: "®% * we lowered the pri~ Hwn14"8• IMch '4.oo crpts. dlpe. blt.w. tnq tm-2 &CUuW. ~ tOr s .IUl.lne11 bou:r11 • PM; s.tC1T ' deprec. 29% dn w/ carry *WeareoHerina:Gi or 'MONARCH BAY AREA • ~· . . A~Oiriander.5*-6» BRhoUlew/DOOl.Preter~ Rl"Vke avaDUle ilr SIL L~OB;;:;,TI,;.,E~"°""'""'-. -=Bay~"' ..... ="·' ='•l ·~~!· 1~.-'..i w~.: nIA tmm· ADULT COMMUNITY OO~RARY Uvftw • QUtET ·deluxe 3 Br ltudlo. ~ ..... m:.1n1 uk AU atilltm .... tbe-~tnaula. nt.aio. .,.u.~ .... ¥ * We ha.vt 2500 sq tt with ORANGE COUNTY'S 3 BR, den. 3 BA home, 1 Bein. A &chi. Uf81aln.-Adult.0 ooJy Htd ~ tm for Biid. ' · ~ ~ Dr-(15-m6 as dn pymt. Drive bf 320 l or 4 Bdrma, tamil.Y room 'llARGlsT blt·ins. frptc, betted pool~ AU newty dectlftte4 pg 91.bta Ana ~Ave. ~ e LANDLORDS e DAJLT PILOf lz:±:=o:.,;:,=::;=:;::-1 ~or ~then caU & fonnaJ dinliv room 292 E':'l7th'St.'"'"44M . $ZO mo. 10 to 5, 496-UC octan. virW', tn:im noo '° . . ' . l'ltEE RENTAL SER.VICI: 222 l'ORDT A'Ynltm • ......._.. 1223 * We ha\lf: a ....,., " '4 f ALS $DI. Sutnmfr «-~ round LOVELY l BR. crpts, <tr,I. . LAGUNA BEAQf: _, •• _, CHARM 1• ~ YA •-·-sl-•• rentall. A.os 53WS'IO, GO -"""· mo. '""" --· -* :.~;.~ea corner tot with _,..,__. Oft Aph. fumhhelf Padtic eoqt Hwy. 8fnWQOd.·CM. Mi-C198 WANTED:' 3 BR Ul#Urn't.c. -S41. ft, Offb Owner Mint Sell ~': :'.' 2~"'-~..J * W• hav, an.,.;'""' FHA. ~:'..!:CA~ Go-•• -QUIET &·il[AUTIFUL _,.,. _,,_ S200 >T• -·=or... O<X!SrA~~ME~~AA~=,::~~ Lovtly C.Olonlal fa.mf]y tiorM, rm plus f.a.m nn. Lovely low lllterest uswnable 54().1151 (open eves) Heritage Adult. onb':·2 Bl'., util. paid. '*' • * -: Q>olee . -· location. St/St ..... .,, home • ioe.soo. ..... Roal "''"''· S'1ngle Pool. ~. 117~ • 2 ·BR, newJ>' dee, dips, w/w ...... ,.. Liit 5"5 .:c...,,.,.::::!:!:;::'.!::11::.•---=~ F·-"' din. •· . 2 7 ' ' YOU TELL "S. 1761i ~--H"·-9~ ' BR, • 90 ~,. s-" . "::'!'"' "" roqm, =n. Wilker Riiy. 675-6 6 Y COZY 2 ~ · t --• ~· -• ' -~ -4 """""·, Z fitt. •'"""' "'"'" TRADEWINDS RL TY, ~~"" JUS "' 213, 98l·'IOl9 · PRl'VATE Room I< bltl! NB .. _ ,,,,... paint~. <;a.tpeta cle~. BACH. apt. tum.: water &:. area, __ .,. .... .,. wk. ~ ~Ut-~. 3 car aaraa;c, Huntl~on 'a.\ct. ·1.0 ~ or Mm! c1n •140 y ps pa.hi. Adult only. $15: 9U 2 BR 2 Ba. pvt. patio; each ...... _ .. -bolt or trailer access. ' '-'=-"'='""===-;...;,.' I ~ new peg. • mr mo. ou·ng al H I ~ afttr s p.ID.. • • Rea.I Esta.ten;, 613-88ll or P m, unL Beach 1ar. W1,dorap. No peta $115, Roy J. Ward Co. P""11'1~ ,i4 •Hor• YA l""R AY.ll'lible ..,_nn. ~• ., ·531>4919 UIS Hu.rt..: w .... -CORONA del Mar. q.p.1 rm. 646-1350 ' 64&-<rn8 Sharp bomt! CD.rpets thru· "" ., R 2 BA pool. d1x 1x empl'd man ~r '21. Priv. I ~ out, drapes, conmi patio DUPLEX, lge. 2 Br., patio,-... B1_.:.,_ Ad·ulcf.s!twhr, N'Pl' Is. . dp ;_.3 "' 2 cnt $50mo MMIJ95. fndUltrlal Rent• 8ay orea 1 5 with brick BBQ, lots of deck-Many 'extras. Call n<nv! $13a Mon\h, 5 .f 8-16 7 3; $183. 2320 Florida 53Fr.2730 refrir. Pier, .Jlp. No NICJ; . room tor ~ed. FOR le&SI Lqw. Nlsuef' -l!ih 22 Gorpous l) BR 3 b&th home. pr .• stow & rebi& .. drps. Adults bi! ILl"Ullo ts, no 1 pets Ba. Cpts, drps. "I' .. INbw. • . • . .. BAYSHORES inc, tuttt, b.eater, dressing . Custllne ?48-5218 pet'.a. $325 !Aue ~. ma.q; private entranot. ott San Die&O!hY~~·~! ~"S 2~Bft,. 2·balh, 2--pa.Li9;-iamily ~~iy ~ = ~ ~ 5364'm -'.i.i6-IS66 VERY clean 3 BR 2 bath l"JJgun---.1a"iiCh~705 . , .. ' Cl!l:'"tt5:!1119 --::.~ ~::u~a:dal horge,.ne;wty decorated and more e.xtn. features. Vacant 1'fesa. del Mar, huge lot. Luxury single, 1 &: 2 LGE. 2 ilR. duplex,. nr. Vie-l•c.k Bly 5240 $50. Lovely nn. P'1-home. t&. Daya _ m-t«Xt. .- a· "m111t see ta ,apprecia~" •-p"-• way "low the mar-$2lO/man ......... 546-4loll bedroon1 apartments, tor u...-....,., ,_, , .... ,' = , , , Emp ;en~ ,or. c:olk&e _ ·-.,_ ~ ,-' • ·-~ oc L19un1 Be1eh 1705 ,...,., furnished and unfur· +"~ ~ -L:AR.cs· ") 11IR.. •tove • abadent. F;.ve M&-t 'l'll. ........ ~ $45,500 •. 646-6475 Ovmcr. ket at $27,Q:ia. GI or F!tA ;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3 Br. Hou~. $175 n10. nished, with complete ~to., • rdfrlc, GIJ'l.te. Avail now, ""~;;;.c+.:.::=,,;c=:-,,,.,- tcnn1 -won't last! Better l-omo Uni·ts 1944 Pomona Avt:. c r.t after . d 1 d $135/mo. Act .. &42--44.22 ROOMS tor rent. f u ll y l.ols -::;;: _____ _:::::.:;~ Wutcllff 1230 call MY.', .... 3:30 pm. privacy an an seal>" RENTALS _ furnl&hed. fr>1G33 .... ISP=ARKLES=;:.;.;-.-, .. -._-'~~.,.;_I MlJTUAL REAL TY H1ndymen Specl•ls ed country club at-.ADtl. Unfurni.1hlil Ealt lluff ~ 5242 2212 \V, Ociean ~nt, _NB '"' •w~ """"""' 842-14.18 anytime Loe. on Oceanside or Hy. s BR 2 BA, crpt£. dl.'Pfi. Nice mosphere including I-.;;.;;=;..::,;;;;;;.;;;;::;;::::._ ;;;;;;;,..:;.=;..,..--..,;;;~ e VIE\V of ocean, ~ out:' 'IJvinr rm I: dlnln&1-~--~-:c-~--150 yds from Beach. 4 lge nel&.hbo&:C·all~ .. ~~ease $750,000 w 0 r t h of c;.Mr1I 5000 • .NEW i>aLUXI • Guelt ...._. · · ·sfti rm; aeTVice porch, e~ Corner--3 Bedroom ........-w•;io L ,_ •· • Apt units, nttds pa_lnt & \recreational facilities 3 Br. 2'11 bl.. ~ u.-..-acut :;,;;:==:;,:====~ bitns. Clean crpta ·" drps $1950 move-in • $159 per _...,..., a•-ral cl''""P .,,,.., 3 BR. 2 Ba., '"'C. tam. rm. ed d , RENT •-_,. _ _._ -·u A dla HAVE vacancy ln com--thru oi.it this 3 BR. 2 Ba month incluchnr taxes k •""" '"" · rv--. design an operav ~ -r--r ..... ~ ..... oc.. fortab!e Uctnsed home for ltin·•-TENTIAL I NC 0 hf E EX· \\'/Jpl., cpl.,, drps, bltns; d . t f . l l Roema funtlfvre l'IQ.· If' dbl. pnce. auto. . , . ~;;;;.._:;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ home. Prof. lndscpd A ~-Built-in rana:e I: CEEDING $lO,OOO ANNUAJ... dbl. gar. $22.i. 5'19-3532 eves e JUS or s l n g e daOe optDet avaa.; Pool A ddeiijr lady. MuSt be am· .i ~t ·,., ,clill""•',•8 pla, ovon, l l< bath, c-ls & LY. Prl"' 169.950. llEDEroRATED z BR un-people. $20-$,25•.$30illo. ,..,, ,...,. Nr. cathollc bulatoi'y, ptlvai. ro o ~, RANCH. ~ ~~tes ~ ~r;'1;~c:,'~:,:::· i!: htI~O~".R~(Y, 1 A.:~.0731 fum., utilities pd. Vacant. GARDEN GROVE (~~~:1!NA~~:) · 2.~ .. ,~~.-A Corona =~"pm~~::. -~-•-ho-B ~--,_ 6 old • ~ ~ -· SI55/mo. 286 Knox St., CM ·~< ~ ~ .-· ••• -·· COUNTRY cua.nn.,.. """'• Y vw•~ scap .. ,., yean · '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""""""""" 13100 Q\apman Ave. No deposit o.a.'c; . ,e ·ONLY $210 e r -ra.a.w.. ' 2 Pa •· I 33 ~ "2,950. 60-l598 SANDY ANKLES • \1111 be l B~ 2 ba Condo, cpt;, (4 Blks. \V. Santa Ana Fwy.\ mm ........ '-w N.B. PRV in li 'd board It ~ .... one 0 • • l fJlll'INl_llMJAI bit ins disll\v dbl ~ 2 H.F.R.C. . ...-·'6-1¥., nn c $2,250 per acre: the . 8~,,. ~qi~•r;u.a; ~~ fo~~"it~:r~7~s~~~ ~ls. 's1001m~.~· rn.t} 636-JOlO Furniture rt.ntal1 CONn• '9I Mir 5250 =::.,: ~r~~ :u::r &.:,!~·:;,~-. a•.tf!ecl 9eCtlm. SlTC tal Units. 11.~ bl 10 bea.ch. FOR Leue l Br. 2 Ba: hua:e NEWPORT BEACH 517 \V. 19th C.?it. ~S-34!1 f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOim I Ncyrtshine meals, ~ hie tbo~hbred ;;;~!I ..,._,., Ume I: effort. i.oot tmmed1'afe Units will .pay $15,000 or fenced yarQ. $22.'>. h'\'in~ and 16th St. 1563 W, ~ln(~ 174-2800 I1 . a~. Ll'I yrd I; are. Beautiful, rollliW 1 llO'llf'ltl ... your mortgage cost. Total call 642-5294 (71tl ~ Philadelphia ?i<fainline, lllh-~-' •patio. Avalh "°"'' 541-6225 country jmt SoUth et ROME -Jt..2 lot. Excel price $40,000. Jl35 -2 BR. Close to .shopp. lease 2 BR 2% ba apt. \Vasi!,· ~ , • . • Elsinore on 395; f~ Wt•stslde, 3 BR 214 ba, room ·POSS8ssi0D Los Padres Rily 494-8833 ing. Gar, crpts. Furnished !\lode.ls t!r, dryer. ttfric. ept,,. drp1, I~ Pt1,1rff 6000 lnfonnation. pleue cal for f, or 5 wilts. 549--1623 627 So. Coast Hwy, Lag Bch 642.-6392, aft 5 pm. Open Da1Jy all util C.M. S'8-5700 alt I GleM Thompeon with eve·1: . ASSU!\IE 5% % LOAN $3S.OOO .DUPLEX, 2 and l 3 BR . " Den. New 11\ag, Immediate OctupanC'/ p,m. ON 'tEN Aa.D ' ••11 ,. r..-II I Eckhoff & Anoe., .,.,,. ' k 1237 Room for b:>at It trailer BR, vJe,v, just remodeled, drapes, paint. 2 ba, dbl a:ar. South Biy Club $145; 2 BR:. f.~, w/W, 1 A 2 Blt. rm:..,,6' UnAlnri , "I" ~ UIS ma w. Oiapman AW:-f Peol-Tr.tlls-GoK HAFFDAL REAL TY _ VIE\V 3 BR, 2 batlt home Ap~rtments v.~lcome. Broker SU.-~ '"Contnt1 Bldlt. ,_ · Slfl:t_,wmlnc ria:bt now 50•2621 Ews-wkndi Un.ivtnlty p_.-Lovely 3 BR lam nn, 2% ba. pvt, v:ild kitchens! 494-91-iJ Closets! $210. S48-9536 drp:s, ranee 4 ovi'1-Fam!J1 ~ I priv. ~ ' · 11 ~~· ~OW..~;;·:c.I~ll.~~·C~~ S""-'lng·UCI-) Min, 8740 Wamer, F.V. 342-4405 $45,000. Sale or e.xchanre. NftpOrt IHch ' S200 tina: sreen. • ' ' for ~t .Y'ar'• tu shel-. ' ,..,.,. y OWN B'-,~ ·~1 •· •••n&l $135; 2 BR., all utU. paid. 800 SK. Lue. OIM '"-""11 tl!r. by looldna at this -·-· · 2 ea,· )& liv roorth ..• $2.1,900 A NO D . .....-. ·~ nxs. l'"amil.)' \Velcome Co1t1 Mesa 5100 (~ar nr, O.lt Hwy) 1hitp "00STA MESA 1 ... rt Preperty 3 BR 2"' ha , 2 story •• $24,950 Or assume S~'% loan, 4 BR tll;NTALS B/8 _ Broker 534-6980 JJ.UPLEX''. With u tit- 3 BR. atrium • ....... $l7,500 2'ii b4. sep, 14xl5' fam. nn, Houses Furni1htd TOWNHOUSE $120; l·BR. Coastal &reil. XLNT loe neu China Cove 1 tle u lOo/o doWl'l, tM 2 BR, den 11&1 fam •••.• $32.950 raised frplc • Pa,los Verdt" -·-...,... Split l.e\'Cl ·3 bdnns .. baths Tot O.K. HAR BOD • BR apt, F'rplc. SIT:; mo. incomes from the~ Doug Jey RE 83l-0504 stol'll', custom drps/cpts. Rt· Rent1ls to Sh•r• 2005 Doutre ; a rage, carpets. Bl'okcr 5:W41'98D q lease.~ aft S pm. units will pay all ex· decorated • 01vncr trans-E l d ,. l , l , • ' ~~~====--pen$1!S with a little Jelt ,e::•:;st::.b::;l::u"'ff'----'1;;2;;4:21 fl'rred. ~~W~D 3 \~~an I~~ b~lr~. ,J;tiL~~·ONLY ~:1 (0~ • .--M;~ 4100 GREENS Balboa . • 5HO . over\~ prlee $2S;Sllo. ' E AS T B L U21'" ~ b ' ~n-S-11-8531 Jo:ves 5U-24·12 0.1. 548-8824 litn. FQ" l• BAQIELOR. • UNFURN, • • ~~ , aae1, U1 down A ' $3f BRASHEAR REALTY \\'/same: Pomona"-19th, ................ ~/month.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ·· • -';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, •• ~-.i "4A·n BY Owner; 2% view ·.;: :::":'it !. ', >;,,;: ~ -9,-.. Ribbon Spoclof ='ROO::..C,.MMA:C:.:T=E~' -.. -.. -;.,,-.-m-al< Bay & leach $27.50 Wk. Up from $110 Nr, 10th .St .... ~ WAI.LACI montl!ly. 0w .. r den, 2 BR' & de.n. ,Extra Inviting: 15."30' pool, loads of er female. EUicient I. Ruhy I • Roollt!I $15 wk., up ALSO AVAILABLE 3 Bedroom, 21 bath. plllA d!n . llAL·TOIS j,;548-6355=:::;;;=====::il deluxe Condition wl choice decking:, encl, patio. 2 story qUalitl.ed. 83rr2100 901 Dov Dr ,NBnc&iite 221 •Studio A Bach,4pts. 1. 2 .i S BDRM. ,,~_,.5.,1.,.4,1141 location lz. view. $51,000 " 4 BR', Jltestige I.tea. ffif..bir, cW:.:ANTE::::;~D-, °"H'"-=m:,.lll~,~.roo-m· er .. • lne1 UWs I: Phone sen.-. Healed Pooti, CJUld:Catl apt. Newport .Be•~ unturn ~ ·! ~ . '=-' by "/d lull . and • -~,,. 645-2f00 Eves. S48-69Qi e Maid Service _ 1V avail. "--• .. r, Adj. to -_ $300/i:no. Wfj' · . 10,.. n•I...., $67,500. Shown appt. cp._.. rps, Y 1 SC. ,,... mate. Costa Mesa area. ... c nu: IUltlt ITll! ltlt · ' ' 1 1t1ark t.n lUtr. ~ 51.4 % GI loan _ O\vnet' . •New Ode le Bar No pets 'alloll(f!d _ • . _. . ·. , ; , r. C.M. Jl\Veltment Co. S48-77ll will help fin. $35.500 .. ' I ===="='"::;1880==== ~':, ho::O~~~ r~~ H~~ ri76 Newport Blvd. 54S-9ra5 2100 Petenbn W-.y, •t· Hir--(~ 81Vd., N.,, OFFER: lt.emoval, bY, Apfil Paul Jont1 lh•lty C'olf• MHll 2100 Charles, 3 BR, lam, 2 BA, i=z:=l::=:l::Z~E I bar I: Ada'ma, ea.ta, Men. •1S-46Jo · 30, 2-story 3-room a,.n:tnent ~oron1 dot Mir 1150 647-1266 ""'· '68-31'7 1300 mo. R"by L l oyd SUS CASITAS ~ · l•G!!!RA...,Cl!l!O!!!US.,.•A&!'ul!Otm!!"Llvb!(-·. li1.,....buildlng Jn>n>;C... Ev..;.ut'1ve.-...--.-;..., 2 BR., gar., patio, quiet. 213: 6104601 "'-·• .............. -• ..1 ... , IJtrano Beach .9 ub lite. r.:_ Paint --""··-Tropical settin& for adlts, l F1JRNISHED u= ...... -... ""' ur:-\.._. Otters J'i Wrhiii, .tO '<:&Pia; -: 3 ae:!:~ 2 bath home, ~ ~~~ 0~~~~~~P~~c?. Blk &hops. n~. 54+4780 i:1s·~ BJ>t~' 2 ~ ba:c ~~~ ~~N~~':~0~t:: Ol(LEA~~ f ~ !to:. :u;a .. C::t. .~ :r p':ff"a1;!:~:~.~ Or•~r!:""'' ·.;· ~ blt·ln kitchen & FA heat extra11 ga1ore, Park area. Newport -.h 2200 lacllities. ,2l4. ProBpect· St. Medallion by Hotpoint A"5. , ' 1 draperlt!t: ~I •. Boat '!lPI lsade.t, ""11' so:m S ~ •"°' ,;;H~d~•~-~3290~~· ~~~-=l~;i;jffi;'p:;;i;Oii'°ij~~ · · • for tenant& Subterranean · ·==t '· · · •' 2tl E. 17th t. lw .,. ~ t!~ ~~ u:i;~ed ~i~D~405~T~, Rltr. SUMMER RENTAL ~WNH,OUSE 3 A8_!.~· lpl2% ~tav:~~~-:.vc:~ t'!:t 3 IR STlJ~l.C ·:: lpaBrrklns, 2 ;_'73-31;1Jl+ ~.,-mo s;:11cr::;a.M.:;rk BUSINESS AandL -.-i $42,500 841-3519 Eves. SJG-7840 SwTimer ' and year round ~w:uo~~~iec '"'bttns 2 luxurious apta now rentinc· 1 • -_.,,......., With 2 8Rhoule.'BPtndJi~ l'INANCI ~,,,. • O.L:.1ncty Reil Est.tte HOIJSf + r1111nplfX mervatiora being laken. car gar~ $273. &u-7ii.s Furn le unlurn. Adults onb'· POOL '· :yearly le~ .. , . mo with $17,@db'Wn :lsad.. IUI Op,ertvnltiea 2828 E. Coasl Hwy., Cd>I IVVK PROPERTIES WEST ' . ~ . "" pets. 11'0 Pomona Aw., IURR ·WHITJ, llhr, °"' tolal prico, J1Un>1 Sl\'I • -~ · ·-613-3Tl0 11128 Bayside Dr. 67~ lrvlnt 3231 ;lust aoutJ\ of 18th St. ADULTS ONLY 2901 Newport Bl\'d., N.B. financlna. VENDJNG ~ Al\ large 2 BRI!. $50,00J -I ;;;;;;;;;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;.;;_/ HOLIDAY PLAZA 17MAI EYtl 142-22.53 \VALLY 1'£d:oY, Realtor SPARE TIME 1NCO~ I UNITS $7500 dawn -6·6% loan. -__ ,_ I• DELUXE, spacious l·Bdrm. 1741 Tustin Av,,nue 8C&U7 ·. );vea 56-4412 KEEP YOUR PRESENT · JUat "'''"·.""old, 3 blks Paul J:RHltya. __ ._ .... _____ n_·_oo_ Yearly Lease >Urn. apl. 113' Pl"' uti]. off 17111 StrMt HunH""9n--<h S400 51,001 ... R2'( ..... 114) • .CANDY ~sNAc.~: ta beach, wlkn& dist. ta all --=-c-=--,--="'"'"7-SPECTACULAR Ocean View 2 BR, 2· bath unfum house Heated pool. Ample parking I C~•:•:I•:.~~~. :. .... !64:2~4:1:4!1 I ;;;;;;;;~fjj;i~F-clean u/ E. ol 1'tbr. $18 lit, Re!i&!'le man otaftd7n:I shops and stores. Income $I 34. p .l.T.I. P111i111ula Point 4 BR. 2 Itvine Village $230/mo. No children. No pets I• EXCLU•IVR: xlnt terms. Ltommer, hl'lcr. CU', to coUeat " .,.,..... BURR WHITE, Rltr. 1965 Po1nona, Cltt ••• 646-3$0 r me. manufactured by AUf ··~·mo. ' b•droom. """"'""" balh.. llJO/mo. 675-5660. " ON THl .. "ACH . ~ -~1 ·-.. , Or•ngt Coast Property thrOughout. Cbvtred Patio. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. BEAUTIFULLY FURN 3 BR 1!4. ba., "'t·in ranee • : ._.. · *NIW-fiotiR-PL~X* own company.,. .. _.. , 33l Mafsuerite 673-8560 All bit-ins. Many more e.x. ~~y'by3 ba:::.,.;heri~ 17>41» lmrnac, clean! 2 Br, p;>ol I: oven. Wifh f'IJ'IP, $lli0. 2 & 3 Wrtint A"ptt Neu Beach, Huritlnaton =J~ty~P~ , tras $21.450. F:P. and you students. 5t6--9574 Adults, no pets $lM. 2272 Luxury Uvtnr 1o pleue the Beach. $65,.900. U7t31}1 · hlch income. We can~ OCEAN VIEW,LUSK own lho land. Priv. Pty. -======== C , l u. -OA Mapl•. !540-M66, 64Z..!07 yt1lls-McCardlo, llHn. "'°" d!"'1mlnlhnl· N"' g ""rr•. 0 • ,•·"'t •••-,, l •-•-·, -·w·-, '°"""" 4'br, 2% ba, l car pr. 962-7689 or 968-4640 Dupltx,H Fu,m . 2975 oron1 •• ,,,..r --!...6:!! 1--Br. 2 Ba, J>QOI, $125. Utll. lllO Nc~_Slvd .. C.IL availablt at ~,('j tu o>; ...., tn)'" r"-" 1 ___... .......... -~ "''"':".J A11~e 8·6% loan. 3 BR 2 bath, shake root, 2 BR., cptJ, drps, frpl, D/W. pd. ALSO Bach. $105 Utll. •!!!!!!!!!!!!Sll-!!!!1'129...,!I!!!!!!!!!! lh H nfj .I 8 ~.; $l Pf!!" n\o. , ""' in& )'OU1' record aitema wo:::i Prin only. $59,000 w/w c JI ts/ d r ps 1 Nr SPECIAL. 2 Mos. rate. New. No pets. $195 Incl, ulil. 700 pd. Mature adult11 only 2ll5 e U ft11f'ft come . .., ,500 F:.P. 8'6-4039 :1~:!. ~~lory, .~ 1 3lKJ1 Topside 644-2521 everything. A!sume S% % ly tum, Deluxe 3 Bdr. + J~. f13.;siot ~, Placentia f>4S.2407 * Villa PollOll lu,i:TM. p..e,.tty 6050 INVEST WITH -: • • VIEW • Pool. Spack>u5 2 BR FHA Joan • wil1 fin , part Den nr. Ocean 629-1492 3 BR, 2 ba, cpts/drps, stove Sl\tALL 1 Ba, nicely furn. H" rm _...,.. __ --REAL SAFL-TI r suite. Owner. 644-2'24-4 BY Owner 2 sty 3 Be f/nn. Hou ... Unfurnlahtd ~2222 Blcr. drps, no pel!I, ad u I t•• Juxurlom apts now rtntin& 1 ., ~ , COMMERCIAL SET UP FOR YOU. home 40' Uv nn. lrg master of $3700 eqty, 892-1507 REN1'.,LS -retrlg. Lse. S2JS mo. elec bit-ins, w/\V crpbJ, Costa 1.fesa'a newest&: most Pac· it ULJ HlGH TlltA.,l'IC lU)lJl'ES COMPLETEU~ :;HORECLIFFS. ~ a BR Nwpt West tract. Assume XLNT loc Mar China Cove 3 549--0412 e\76 &: wk.end!. Unfur. l I: 2 BRJ. Adults ru Ocean Av~. H.1 Choose fllmn 2' difffrent Cl $1.49'3 CASH •:.- 2 baths. Fee simple. Under loan 5!4% $29,950. 96l-8Tl9 General 3000 Br. 2 Ba. Frplc. S300 mo OIATEAU La POINTE ()nly No Pf!ll. 1760 Pomona (7lf.) SZl-1417 zoned ·~ (in· h!Ch Write or phone for inte $50,IKXI. By owner 613-3681. BY OWNER 4 Br, bltns, $1$; 4 BR. l% ha.. Condo. lease. 613--5224 aft 5 pm. Lovely 2 Br. furn, apt. Pool, Ave. jllS1 south of l8th St. I ~"""!!!!!!""'!'""''!!"~!!!!'~ I traffic stretla 1.n. S.A. at factory. ! 300. fenced. Dutch Hawn area. W/ llo '"' ,..f,,,I.,. carport; adults, no pets. ~HE GABLES''-cm:;; ORO APARTMENTS 1, 1919 W •. 11th St .• small TltANSICOM OORP, ~ lalboe PenlnsuJe I 5881 Terrier Dr., Hntg Bch. ~re~ OK. ~·r 0 k:~ Huntinyton lt.tch 3400 •Utt Pomona, C, ~I. 2 BR. 1% t.. w/priv. car. 123('.ttSu'lta air-<ond. ottQ ()f' It.Ott. \rendtrlc Diviaioo ; DAIL~ PI1DT Dl\SE·A· 5l4"69a) WATERFRONT cwitom 3 Df:LX ~pt, spacious 1 Bdrm. Adlt11; cpte, drps, bltns. priv. ~w 1·2 a.ctroami ·Ply ~ SoOd puldna, only $3.\000. ,.__!filta ... ,!!!~,·,St~.·:, PE1ITf PRACJICAl '~ Y • ..... -3 •• Lag Fa R pool, ideal for bachelor. patios $140. e!tctrte only 2.' 1920 W, 17th St. • Lute """" .... _ .......... -.._,&.> • c. mt $13.1: 2 BR. 4-pll!X, w/w, °'-· --.. , m. m., $12> 1993 Ch h 548-9633 2439 Ora:we Ave.. 536-39!7 or 536-27%? , 51'.5 X 25.5' lot {with older ~) 642-9000/(213) '35:§1! ... )Ill -a ...,, Dial ...... bltno, pat~. , Avail. docl<. ,,,.,./option l600 Mo. · ""' ' e .631-112' e PooLW.,,,...n.y.,. ea boqooJ, Ten1!le Joc:allon tor CANDY SUPPL y <, ~ now. Broker Sl4--'980 S92-599I 1-BR. Comp. turn. Mature • Private Ganaes -:s""f pod trancbileaitreestand. ROUTE ~·, Dill &U.S618 for RESULTS OIARGE IT! \\'hlte elephants! Dime-a-line cp~c. or "-oman preft'ITed. NEW GARDEJlAl'TS. s••~ ~ 2 • S BR inC •tl:lrti •·olli• Must be ""'·" .,.._A_~ l"'~""'""''======-!.x,=~==~~==_:=;;;,;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:===o1 $Sj, 131 Jo"1o\\'U. ~18&3 l·BDRM. Modem Jdtcben w/ ,.,.,.,... ,,.,.... • • .:>li:f priced uftctft' ma.rtaet. (Part,« ., ~ .. ,E."£:1 Gentr1t 3000 General JOOO O.n'1'1I 3000 F\JRN. Bach.. uUJ. paid. ranre I: oven, dlshwuber, ~~Nr":.:.aCph.~·,7.i:r,· · Rick Alde~tte Rltr . '~lettt"J~.Jor(-u-DliCnV 'i~~ •. ,, .. ' 2 &droomS.~1¥ ti.~ Mar l!a, ~ o.:.an ""-l'l!nlMula Poi .. . nt. Only $31,2'0 ' IUltR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 Ne:wRQrt Blvd., N.B. 675-4630 Eves. 17Ul59 Oceanf111nt, · ; llcteh and .... Paetl!<: at YoW' front door. 2 BR bocne ovt:r bipM prqe R,.J 1l>l'le -$58.,$00 ~ ear NB Post Ofc, 641-)114 -~---....,..-- , Adult only. NI'. O.C.C ett:. f.'nclo9ed pt .• Olymplc ·W:-2: _.,c -~ '54.t~' . hrs. wet-,,n:V,,,',,-,._ • S46-M79 site pool. 8-8-Que le laUndey 1-DUJ\111; .,t') ,.,th '~" ()r ~s.). nc ._.. ~ S«:il~lA.-l&"E~s· ' Solt>f a Simplt SCTt.mbttd Word Puzzle for .. chuckle • t sn run, a!I uW incl $135. l>ool. AdUl\11 646-5211, 968--1140 e N"&.~L lll Palms e I &: 2 ER. · Pool 171 E. 2'lnd ~f. 642-~5 la~ Elee ~ wai.r pd,~ ~A~·· 'liiatnoa !ont1I '060 <oneetioi: money 1lwo9! $135 mo UJI, Adlilts only. itr.~ * , J : 1 1 Co l.n Operated Dtlpe~' 241 W. WU...., CM 142-5401 . lallioG lsiGnll '"' In Coola M ... -~ surroundin& a r e a. N VNl". 2 Br. ltwilo; t\• bl... l.'ni ... S7JI ,~·~··Or office S(!uq., (Hand.Jes n a m , \\'/W ~ptc., drpi. 'Mt•inlt $150 WW carpet. snacb.f 1140 Mo. Adi.IL :aM-8 1IO CL_!!!!._DlllViE llltr: ~ =.::ta:~: Fountain WQ"Y/,aat <WU.On L~YJ'\IKN;:uNFURH ;,_.._ D.,_,. .... ,...,. ·., For ·more '-'·-'---1 Obie \vlde mobile home ;\lay Garden Aptl,l (W. of Hll'bcr ~ t...i.t.LJ 6 t 8dr-. "'.!.....~ :..i...~ ~~fer. and ...... n_ ~-'i, to Oct. Adults only. Compl on \VllAOnl . -to-=-.. •--.,.,.... -v • --•" ....,._ ,_,,...._ 'fUt•n 11u. mo 545-2436 · ' • • _..,. 'taldrW ~ dM. Ca11 address uxl p~ numit•· "" Gr1cleu1 Muif Llvfnt Oceanv1cw bun f!Very AIL 54M411 'Evti" . bet; to '-' Bach Apt. men only $61.:.0 f Bdrnui., w/w cpts, dra9e•. from SlSO mo up, le• •·~ DEPARTMEN'I\ '(ery nice l Br lrlr. S0.00 pool. Studenls O.R. · ~ im1't ""'-_• _ _.al to70 P. 0. Bax *' _:r 132 IV. wu.,., CM ;,~>.;;r MESA EAST' Af\TS, BR, d""°"· new cpb. U:.."'!l'C ,...... Aoahelm. Cllll=la -· t BlL Util paid. \Van! older lG E. Uth, C.M. $C.3CT4 ~t 11' ~ fu ~ PR..'VATE ' OFnCE w J t ti SAW UKUIMll 1in_a:le man on!y. $9'J.ZtO. Call all _,__ 2M Falrvie'IV St. Ot)'I: reeeptlon room flZlmo. 4 ,' att S. 6().G197 l-BR., pciv. pat,los; a=., 41M-1111: eYell 0) 53W2SS room aulte A00 I mo. Ah' epta, mp.. cup>rta, prtv. I: nd.ldoahw ~ tt: MA11A&911f 1-BEDROOlt, FURN. quiet. ~t~ aihaltl ~1~ Al) 998 El Camino Dr. CM only. Ill~ 51g.132:1 Dono l'olnt 1 , 57~ Ontiic• c...itJ -8Jdr, • * 54--0451 * LGE. 2 Br. aplit level S1SO 230 E. Uth Slnet , t.i NE\Y 1 Br Dplx, lf:P by Upper 2 Br. $133. No Pt"bl DELUXE 2 bdrm, 2: bl, Cotta Mesa i(2..]4fi LookU\a: Jot a no llknua• cant!-L QuW:t. AdullJ ro 211S Mtnd<u • ' ~ ~-.arti oman vtew. • NEWPORT ~ CENTER. t'Mftr. and a 6.tw. ... pell. 24611 Eld.n, 541-ltrll. ADULTS,' I lldnli. coUrt, ,_, -!"'" 1"" om,.j SllltaMa lor Com-.,..,...., ""1 lioclilr"!-..t ndee $1;.' -..... Ill~ fnly, ,. > f I · ...t.J ~ Deoliol )'OU mlallt .... lo Nowpert lllch 4200 Apt ci, C.M. !l48-393t ' 142-4192 or 496-4319, all $'30 :l......i .. cqit!, .i...,,,. ""blle -~ • --~ · 35t PER. SQ FT , ment. U'CICIUftt1nr, w rlJRNISHED • Bit. Ynrly, &SIDE I bf, ...... beams. tB QUJc:D:ll YOV CALL, . ...,, 'i)ll ~..-kffplJw ....id lit a II! Blk to bud>. patio, w/ti. ...._ 1 ldolt "' Tiii C111JCKER YOU IELI> 111 = , , e:=,. !:J.1teot ., ,..._ -... m.t351 or 5Cl-07$1 pet.I $l.2s t,r. m..7129. FOR• ntrtJUG .• NfWllOl1. ,... are 1e1ktllc • 2 BDRM, 2 ,_.,!\Im apt. util DELl'iXE • Bil 9tudloL DAILY PILOT DIME-... Blvd. lei< ... .....,.._, mab1U.GOO. lo $1$.~ pd, llll! mo. )I blk lo ,b<adt· P,,~. drpo, pool. I ehllil m You ... -u.tm ~ tar Of ~t >tar« m-. Clll lh. "4-Ml9 OK.1130 l Up, Call-' )lit,.-0 ~ DllJ .....,,., -.lian~·~a11~~c1ay!·~·~·~·::._=: IV!tlt<tD .. hanttr -· .. _ -. • iiO& IT TO £11 !Ttll . .. - t ., l \ I .~ ' I • • • • .. . • ' • • • ' • • • ' • • • •• '" ~ • • .. .. .. ... •: -•· •• •• .. ~· ·' _, .. ~. ., • ~ • -.. .. - ·- ' ' . ' Wr• rt C114"'16.1"9 . ' • • . ~. • Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Y ~"' Fingers . See If You Have .. Any ~ Of These Things A ~· : DAILY'. .PILOT -•· . . ·w1'NT .. AD Will Sell .Fastl I. Stove 29. l icycle 57. Eloctrlc Troln 2. Gulllr 30. Typewriter 51. kliten 3. loby Crib 31 .... SIMI• 59. Clot1fc Auto 4. lloctrlc S.W 31. Encyclopedlo 14. Cofloo T1bl1 5. c.-· i3. Y1cuum Cie1nflr 61. _..,.,, 6.W ...... 34. TNl'lcol Fish 62. Acconllon 7. Outbllr\( Motor 3S. Hot llocl lqulpm't 63. Sklo I. S-Sot 36. Filo ColllMI. 64. TV Sot '· c.vca· 37. Golf Cl• 65. Workbench 10. ClarlMt 31. Stornnt Sliver 64. Dl1mon4 Wotch 11. llofrl .... tor 39. V1Cforl1• Mirror 67. G•kort " 12. Pickup Trvck 40. loclroom Sot "· 1 .... r 13. S.Wlnt Mochlno 41. Slldo Profoctor 69. Comp"" Trollor 14. Surfboonl 42. L1Wn M9w.1r 70. Antique Fu'1111vre 15. Moch1111 Tools 43. Pao! Toblo 71. T1p1 lloconlor 16. Dlsh!r""°r. 44. Tlrtt 72. Soil bool 17. h..,Y 45. "'"° 73. Spo rts Cor 11. Cololn Crvi11r 46. Fur Coot 74. Mottrou, In S,.- 1'. Golf Cort 47. Drop11 75. lnboonl Spoodboot 20. laromotor 41. Lin1n1 76. Shot1un 21. Stomp Colloctlon 49. Hor11 n: S..Wlo 22.. Dinitto Sot SO. Alrpl1n1 · 71. Dort Gome 23. Ploy """ SI. Orton 7f. '"""""' ... 24. lewllnt loll 52. i xlr°Cycr.. IO. Isby C1rrlo11 25. Wotor Skio 53. !lore INolcl 11. Drum• 26. Freaer 54. Ski -12. 111111 27. Sulk111 SS. Hlth Choir 13. O.k 21. Cleek 56. Coins 14. SCUIA Goor • 11tn• or any other ~_xtra things around th• house may lie fl!fftH hlto .cash with a DAILY PILOT WANT·AD so ... Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRICT 642-5678 (YOUR CRIDIT IS GOOD> . - DAILY 'PILOT WANT ADS Will WORK FOR YOU! . Get . In On The Action Today! --·-------------·--- . ,,,.,,,-.... ' '., .... 0,partunltiea m CAJ!~~~t"'-y (NoSe0U.llM>l¥od) Extollont -lor "" .._.._...,. ..... ,""' .. -lnsil. IW!llt.w ' col-----... erited dbpemen in Coll& Mell a: ll\tn'OUnd1na lftL Wt e.t. ro.ae. CHll.lldln name b r • " d candY ·1 .. . .. "' . * i ··= -· • • ; ·' •• --~· ---r--1-• --. . - • ~ OllllCIOIY1 i '* c.w,... ... , .. r - ::l~O:: :=..i~,:::; wlloMvo Wont? Whocldvo Got? 1n Ooota ...,. ....., ,.nd SPICIAl CLASSIPICA TION POii ...,., add-lpbonenum. NATURAL IOllN SW~lllS .... to. --lo<., I01I Special .... E. ~ ll.,., llolmo7. 5 LI--5 11--i lluckl Qlllf. MO auiu -AD MUST tMCltJOI! FR""-ID 6 IRE' t-w"" "" ,..,. "' ,,.. '-'Mlolt ,.. ... "' ,,.., ""' " "-'°"" -_,. -' ._. ,.,..,_.., e CUITOMP.<TIOi e .......OTHIHO !'OJI: SAL! -fll/.Dll OHL Tl • · J lif ACTION . •HONI 642-5671. · ~:: :!._"": ~ ~1l,, m,;:-iZ:..!'. To Ploco v-Troclor'o P""'llo /W * CONCll!:tE ...._ bOllQ 30 J"riaidabtt do tbe work Have 5 bedroom Balboa 2 Indutl bldas on Place?). it· lie. ODncrtle •friai&. ot 40, ~ min. wuhen. Find P9nlnsula bomt, S'71,SCO. tta. CM. Value 1150,000. Pbilllps OtmtnL .... out how e..,. it h to own Want 3 bedroom, price $30,. Tiide 11' d $$5,0ll) ~ty for Cement Woric--all litMI a Jll'.Yin& laund17. $3.5.CO>. Newport Beach prop. ln)'Where, % TD er Gardin Grove, 81.nta Ana, Really, B,~. '? 5*-JMZ !'fwe* ,!'~4 le* ruattn, orance, A.nl.helm ,,,.-.... ==:=.--=== ~· Col 0 M le 11 Ft. fibor .,... ........... u i't outbo<ol "' ... llonCEM ~=ENT='"w"'o11<,""'::..,:-jo1>~= ... ~I II-•11' and bic wbMl tilt trailer. ncon or au.to ot. equa!_\'ll. sm&ll, nuonable. r r • f Equ ipment, Inc: Will tnde '°' ludscopt..:. ue . l'hont ,MWIT, , ..um. H. siulJlck. """15 - 23341.4 W, Valencia PHO&iE OOUNTRi' CLUB home ========""•I Nltrton nt: 525-T&'U 6f4-4S87 ntar vuta. • '*'· tam.ily c.tr1cten Mii OlSTRIBUTING BUSINESS Palm S!'rlnp -larfe equity room, % acre. 127,800 equj. AlJlS wrI'HOUT INVESTMENT: ln 12 units for borne Bel Air, ly. Want home in. at neat AD~~~ l'!otlonaUlanulactum...wlll .~Ills. "'"" ....... ~ ~.--~ Plann' provide C!:omp]ete . procram Palo Verdes or .Lrie yacht. * TIUDE: 12' Olu& boat ~:e:thl, de~· dillbibutin& candy, drur I: Rua.McCrea, (213) 847-5983 & trailer FOR Doua:hbou.Y Lic"d I. Bonded. Fl'M est. ~~~ speclallate, snack HAVE: Beaut,Y Shop in surface awlmmlns pool. A ._ e CONSTR.ucrtOK ,IAIUll, etc., to tavnm, ,._ . CAU. • rt•tauranta, all type •torts. v.ta Neaa, 4 1taUons. W1U S46.fi068 1122 Paularlno, CM. Direct factory connection t~ for Camper ot what * 543-4941 * eanJnc hiCh dally cuh have YD!' f Fun in IWl pl.u.a income. 'ADO.-A..Jtaom apt wUi.. mmmisalona and monthly 8J9..56.l2 or &4.6-52S.l Dts•rt Hot SprlJw:s Dupltx. cut homes', ~ lterf ovuwrite. No ace limit but BAYFRONT" dock, 3 Br. 2·2 br, SU,000.eqty, For i specl&Uat, trre layou t, must be bondable. Part or 3 Ba ., val, $89,SOO. FOR br house nr shopplnc Oleta · dHlp. 20 Yrs ill tbt flll1 time. Writt CHEX, Inc., T.D. 'a (COJllldtr Jte/opt. as Mesa Atta. 642-Jnf. · buainnL PacWc C e a• t 2910 N. 18th St., Phila., Pa. trade for '!' 11) 2 Balboa Lovel,y View Bl1 Btu lot, 8Jds. flS..n!l. WeUdQI. 19132 Coves. Owner 67$-0JJ cabin size, year arl:!und Sat a Sun at your lff'YW WANTED: Man to do fumlture at:rlppina " wo00 bltaehine 1f01'k on 70% buil; rtmove all finiM frGm modern & antique turn. Portable &el-up, from Palm Springs to Beverly HWa area. $1500 req to enter bulineu, can average U5 day attn 2 wkl ot prof. know-haw. Call 5-7 p.m. nc~7963. Elect clothes Dryer, car, pickup,, sailboat, elec add macb. Will trade IM motor. boat or Van with windows le aealJ, or ? MS-0011 ' open at. for waaon or ~ QUA L 1 T 'J· rertiOlitiJlli .!IP to 68. win take or Jive cuatom detip 11mc.. Rd! d\Jference. 540-m --"" M -,,,---.,..-=-.,...-~~•on req. r,..,.,. . a \VMt used Pol"9Che; have 2 Conah' Co., l•t• aft btdroorn home on R12 lot. 4 pm Eaallldt, Jean Smith Rltr. "-'Md"""tions--•,-Re"-m-,..."'"u"",.- ..,._ Ind H. Gerwlck, Lie. Trade deluxe olc bldl in m.«Kt * 5fl-2l10 HANCOCK STATION for UQ.2 BR unlta On.nae Cnty, leue, Newport Beach. Good no vac, $180 M tnc. 10.000 ac N. Calif on hwy 395 nr aallonace mw, &'()es hl1her SU&anville. Trade all/part in summer. Available now. Garden Gl'OVe for wtrfmt res. bch hm or aubmlt. SlOO,cm eq, can add cash. lolike Collina, brkr 537~ HAVE View 3 BR, 2 ba home l..a&'una Beach, equity $15,000. WANT Unit1, Town. bouae 9r submit, Bkr. Care! CIMnlnt '6U carpet l Uphol Ooulns Ir it'• done ril'hf: .••• It's "DUNN·WELL"! Frte Eltlznatu ••• ,... PrtMnt dealer ltlina: North. for T. Owner. 675-32~ • Some financine avallablemm ---"'------&~l Rt•. ot-n61 CerpotLoylnt& with p:id. «ndit. Ca I I 53l-1319 CANDY supply ~tt, put or full time, day1/ne•. · Refill '53 GMC Van Campu, will trade for Pick·IJP of elfual value or Dunt Buay. ll1pelr"2• Ii; collect money from coin oper. Dilpe:naers in Coata ..&. :r.1esa &: vie. No sellil'll. " * 64&-3688 * * * &.Ide home k Inc, 3 BR + 1 -----"'--~I 2 apta 127,95() nI. & E>11dt C'4'tPrl'S c~. woola. unlto 157.000. mo Inc Jm. -.) V"'11o ond '111- Trad, lo•"' s. Ca1il """'°· -... l:iMt-,.,ie.""" oolooL Lemmer, brkr. •3750 ~and JlaldentW. ----* BLANICINIHIP rulCillS llG-1403 Hl-1'81 * * $1650 Total caah req. Send l lll!!!!!l!llJl!!"'~··- name. °"""" ~ '"°"' "" F NANC • -,,_ .... p 0 Bo -·· I IAL Gordon..... -nuute Dept., ' ' x ~ ' IUS~Nh5 •nd I---"'",.-=-----· I AnaMlm 92803 ANTHONY'S MAIL ORDER Auoc111e/ln-Money Wontocl '350 BUSINESS ontl Gonion Sol"flce "·estor wanttd. c.M. area. FINANCIAL . '46alMI Address TAB, Box 30, 801 CALVARY (baptl Clureh ii LRG Oranp coin pune, vie TIM but, coda no min! Bulb, Santa Ana srnl'1 OU · 7,,,,_ ,_,_. --"" Center St.·CI' Wfttdlfl arta. .._.__ .,. _ _. --ennc n Ul>q~ O!lJ~ Return aehttm'l COJ'lteritl .r,1,1,1a:;' •' C'Mll~' • • <> ··-· WANTED: oU-l&le liquor l!et'Ul'td notes. Fc:r men ift.. keep money Sf&...&IU ' Monthly Malnta1'lace · ll<enle, Ora,.. Cow>1>. lo, call Clwl<• SmiUI. , n°" . Exp. H- .Clll; 1C>1J39 ,.._2lll "' w.m3, .... ,-t' Glrla PNICription Au.EN BllOS 6. , &lute•. v1c. Woodland Sehl, GAkDENERS Sl'UDl2fTS 6305 PAY 10% INT. on well Costa Meaa, ~ Wllridnz' their WQ' tin mi- ---------loan, 1100,000 lep. ---· PJ\lV ATE party ba1 $10,000 ~ Personals '405 REAS! ~ caah down p1yment + ex· ecutive abilll> lo """" In ANNOUNCllMINTS 7% INTEREBr TAKATA your bust~. 'Write in •fMI NOTICIS Write for free bncb.n JAP~ HtJlt!D1' complete confidence ID Dai-:--:-:::-""".:"-:''.""'=" deac:ribinr i" int• r e a t ~ Comp!ete PrdlDbll 1y Pilot Box M <10. Found (Free Aft) 6400 ch~ bond• botna aold b> oemoe. ~ tor Valley Baptiat Tempk, P.O. all )'Om' ruaery DMda. lnvntmont Opper. 6310 FOUND; •hlalY doc. buff colored; vie. l' a I bi 0 ft GROWING Mfr. co. need.I 115land, Newport B e a ch , private investor, interested Well mannered. Call .l kt.en. in caplt01 invest. ot up to Wy. 675-2291 After 6 PM $25,000. Pleue reply in-. Bax *2. San J o 1 t , WEED control, lawn care, Caltfumla 95150 · light haullilz; Expn-'d. Jtr. LICl,NllD "'or More; - Spiritual Readlnp, &d'1ee e JAPANgE GARDENER on all mattm, lOI s." El Maintenance It Cleanup Camino 1l.eal:, San Oemente. Call 511-2512 >19Ul36, 10 AM·lO PM JAPANESE Ga.rdecer, com. dicafuw terms etc. Box p. FOUND; Pre1cr1p~to·n ~. Dall)' PUoi !::s:~ N'~~-~ a: ~~ SPECIAL $2 READING ple~ yard 1tl'Y1ce. free -M).Jm u.-_. le LNn 6320 Pl., Costa Mesa. M&-9502 _ .. ---~'-·-----After 3 PM Attroctl .. Export "NEW 2nd LOANS AR-~SM"AU"'--,M"oJ:;t:-o:do(:::-, "'.w"hl°""tt· RANGED" Tbp cuh tor w/bl&ck marldnp, weartnc •..:med lndl ~ Bk:r. blk collar. Vic Bolaa Chica YOUNG WOMAN dancer will ttacb you an latest It.rps. Call Ardell 213": 591~ 1-10 PM COMMERCIAL l -.,. tial Lt.wn maint. Lawn • prqe cleanup. M&-MtJ & F.dinltt. HB. M6-:n1H It.tel Estate' Lo•n• 6340 BANTAlil Hen Yellow .l CON~· •ln&lea; lonely! • ew tn area.T Join the swtnr f •fll M rf em. Vic. 16th • lrvl"' lo tun • pleu.,. Raliable lawn aervkt, mow,edp, trim. * 531-1«M. * .,. er o g1ge ~"" • 61'>9291 • LAWN SF.ft.VICE Mow..edp-vacuum Compeny Inc. 336 E. 11th St., C'oata Mesa -Oronae Cnty 20 yn. &G-nn 5'5--06U Evn. 613-7165 6'12-llST FOUND Pu1 dos -vie. ALCOHOUCS Anonymous McFadden le Bolsa Oica Phone 50-72:17 °'' write to Road, HB. 8'7-7519 p .0. Box 1223 Calta Meaa. BLACK le While Doc' Vie. -------- 15th l Tuolln NB. M>-:M39 SlllVICI DIRICTORT LI US46 afttr 8 PM EXPEll Ja,.._. GU'dlntr Monthly eervlce. r • a a • m-0105 er 540--7MT FOUND Jet Black Part Sia.· Applltnce 1t.,.1n Morft_, T.D.'1 634! """ "1 Vic N.B .. Red col-Ports 6510 lu. 642-7753. -----'----"'.;,; JOHNSON'S Gu.lonioa -· FlnHl ...... ....,. ""' care! Reul 90-alS NEED $16,(0).$19,IXKI will TWO G~at Danes, 4114 SUPREME Retrtreratlon I. pay top interest + polnll; Male It Female, v 1 c , Appliance Repair. Aak for 3 yr pay off. Prime Lido Harbor I: Victoria 54&-300. Tom. Ml--1.3S3, 5fT-41S91 Cut I: Edp lAn Maintenance, Ltcrn.ed 548-4SOll/64~2.n0 aft " AL'S Gardenlna; l•t v lee 6S50 Lawn maintenance, tarde~ tnr A clean ups. &ti 1129 Isle bayf:ront 4 BR home, I -"======="' property va1 s 1 2 o . o o o . a.1ays1n1ne l'ftltnt i.~ bo1ance $>3.000. L11t 6401 p~ · principal pr t., 1 _________ <XlSTA Me1a Pre-Scbool 6T.l-Ml2 * Rewml * IJctnood ..... U ; "'"''<S H1ull"1 1730 • -1 ._ r---dd ..... to 5:45; m Ptr wk. NOW'S THE TIME FOR · QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 142-5&71 '(b,~' .~,,;;:;;.. ....;;;;: COMPARE! 511-9!03 OINlllAL HAULING &l'll!wtn to tbe.name of. San-S38-5231 & CLIANUft dy. Pteue. nturn. rm ques-Babyaittinl, in m,y home. $10 per kil4. !'NI 1anae tiona aaktd. Rl:ward. Phone Fenced yard, hot I~. d!Ulup far uabl• items. 646-SJOl Lovifw CAN. Vk Be&ch It 9IUBtl after l P.N'. LARGE IEW AID! D1la, H.B. "'~"' HAUIJNG, Gmo"1, Top, 5mall browa.. ht tt. I BABYSrM'ING In my home, . trim. mnova tnu ,, _... _., vc-wN MN'!_!'.,. Harbor I: Vlctorla, CM. h!dfa. Bia J~ ~ ·~ ...,....u. ..... . .... _. Jtealonalilit. ~ Blvd., NB. CID IC-3222 or BABY!l'ITING home Hewac ... nl"tl :1225 ca..,.. Dr. f~ CM. vie. .......,& •""'Gu!l<t.: PLEASE find our doc. Sbac· F v 96l-M31 CAllP£TI. w-.., tin, r:t Blk/Wht male CocU:r ' • ete. lttDda Cll' <:ornc1. SplnW. We&r'1 flea collar BABYSnTING in my home, Xlnt 1llUtl' Reu! ftd:a. onb'. V1c -, """ 14 ~· su.;w S.A. -"Dub" Rewud! 6IU728 FLOORn;;;;;;-;a-i,.<==:-."'.po1="·""I su..snt .tb11 or eves. 81.BYSJmNG, ?ifY HO?ilE, !!!pitdalilb. Home ~ ifto LOST: CblWrtn pievlrc: lndl.lr-.polil le Beach, K.B. dullrial. l'JlEE tit. Samoyan Huaklt, white, S3l-«l3 Swtdlah Maintenance !tr. female, 4 nto1. old; Tic. I 1_., -~-m:·Li-Wiii'i:il<ii:"iiiiiV:' I FounlaJn Plua Condo .. r.v. r 11..ftf ry, etc. wn1J•M1 cum. aotv. Rewud to llnder.-= _ . 'f.O C..,.11>-pl i... LOST: BJk. min. Poodle, aun..n. ltcmodel, Repair am apt. clQI. ICUlN ans. to "BnndY': child'• Brtck, block, co n c r • t • , e H~ .- peL Vic. """""· or. crp....,, no Job "" omoJJ. ExcoJlent -. 11.0G "°"' Rew. -WI Lie Contr. mau Cali -. BLONDE -..... 7 tn ~;;;L=~~ old. Lie No. :on Vic w. Corpoo!!:'!'!.."' 6590 I-Tu •740 Uth St. H.B. Rrtrard U ... ~ m--... l&'W .,...,._.. carpenler, $4 per "'-Y?'IC.. 1'axflll PAP'Ved .bour. Remockllna· n.,.1n. ,_ -""" ...,. ..,.. 64U<Oior ~ btilod. m <H-3'n --------- - I I •j I ~ : I - II I ~ I I t -! - I - ~ ,J ,_ •• -IJ c ' ( J .! 1 t l'l t ( ' Fl " g lti I E: " p HI "' D • l Ill 44 °' " Jl I • ,,_,_ _.,OYMINTlOIS A llWWY!!f!.1 ~~!19 """&.wt.o'lMINJ· ~ W~ -7200Holp w.....; lliW, 72eo l!ol• W--7200 Help W...i..1 ~ 'MROTEK CORP. ;,·· NEW~~T 0:11ACH = ._:: "'~'l'lillii~·~-..:..·:";,;~~~.,.~,~,..,..~,~-~w,~i~~-~9""'!!1"'1"!!1"!'""'..,:tlAll.~~r~'1lOJ:;:~~·=·~ AdvtrtiMrt mar pa.. tNlr •• 1111 ttl.....,a. ' , NEEDS "' • BUILDING PLANS 1'>6i.~_· logan Avenue INSPICTOR AID• Exciir..¢•111,.,..,, ~ • $60.S. to $116. per -· ~fl 1Mesa, C lif. =. '::"::.: B= ' ·~ ,Deplprinwily- ' I --n . ~*"""' .. 1· ·•APPL¥-• Po-I0111C9 Third Floer AlillOlncing· Our Mewl : % C:· = , and either 2 ytt.ra or Modern-Precision , Mechine . Shop. bulldin&' conotNctlon ... _ inapeetion experience or "" Bro1n11 ' NEWPORT BEAOI 47 Coum ef PoaH!on F.\SlllON ll!IAND Nowpert...,. 1 Equipped with now 1969 niochl-2 ,...,.. of ooJlep ...in. HES Troceil.athes New Jmpectlon Equip. in&' m ,,._ « v •rll<•U 11U1s • .ll,elcbt 11u1er • archl• ...... •Pl>l> •• ""' COmporator """"""' O!llo<, 3300 Salmp Horizontal Milla Surface Plate . Nowport Blvd., Newport Salm "D ~,. Mills G Mik tc 8'"ch. Calli., mo, Tl<-p .. n v...., 8\lfH , OS e • m.at!, befm-e 5 p.m. ,,.,,,,,. '. 67551-------P-lol1n Worit Dono -April 22• ""'· . . • '"Yf' ,All """""' wm tab kw more .U-and .20 Yo1119 Fry Cook ... Open Hours Avllilablo - Let Us le Of Service h You. * CARPENTERS CARPET LAYERS Coll 54o.361 s --;Nnhorlol : 6790 ki>ARI!LE Jontitirui s.... :~:-re.aid., ~c o m e ,, •&i cleon!· -~-fl1 EXPi!flT" Janitorial SnVice lndU.l .. 1e .!Qmrft~_.._ . 531.7636 Or 546-1194 6110 LANDSCAPERS ATTf!NTION 1....i.........,..,u<1wm ~ a lt ft outbo&rd with big ~whftl ~er for .your teerViees. Lets get tnrethtt j bdOO. your busy R.aa)ft. ;Pbaoo- Kitchen Tral- ............. lull -job. Cll.nce for advancement APPLY IN PERSON Bob'• lit loy _lS<_E-llUI. ~t a.ta ~~- --------~- DAmME KITCHBI llElP ANOENTMAm p.~ .. Painilnv . 6150 2607 W. c .. n Hwy EAiNTING '"' ... , ·". t. Newport ...... ' Laweat' conti:acted prlca. Boat Mfg. .....,. Ins. SatiWctlon ruar. ERICSON -------- ~i:t. can Jlm'Weeb, YACHTS e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE * Bcaat Carpmten: ,JOB. :X~t v.wk, re&, free *iliaJdwve Men . eet ·JIM •. -54~, M&-31'G * tlbertlai Laminatora INT •. I: EXT; Pabrtine.1 U *·Wood shaper Men seaaon raa Free a t: llc'd * Cabinet Shop !: ins. can ' CbarUe. Mf.;0405 mW men Hol, Wontool, Mon 7200 KnowledKe of ha.sic elttb'M- ica, one to three years ea-......... See Luke WOOd COLLINS R·ADIO CO • 3324 W. W•rner Santa Ano, Calif • Mft.i\ °' EXt; PAINTING, * Rudder 1not.J1m lMMED: SERvtcE. "Local EXPERIENCE c "REER .ro~ ffiEt <ol. 548-1627 •. A .... in ""'°" .. l>Anim.c Pa-1• ,,. m w. -. """"• Ol'l'ORTUNITY! 1o 11arbar ...... 1.1c .lbood. *FRY COOK 1 ... __ _ ed. ~fl furn. &G-2356 * FUlL TIME DAYS * ~Mahlll nm4 ala 'PAINTlNG A 1nahrt:enano!, MustDe OYtt 21 and dejend-No~ nece-..,..· .fnterklr ·a:· exterlor . able-, Good pay Ii: btntfitl. We traia.fuD orputtfme 'fteallOnahle n.tea. 646-U85. Appl;y in perwon only. Mutull Fund Advl ...... HUNTINGTON Inc; · SEA.Cliff'• "' ~i_>§ \~ 'J'. ~-ii~~: .Country Club 517.im Pta...,lng, Ropoi• 6llO ,,:Call:=~:=:;S;:b· :;:-,::'·:;:··=::.f;;:-3000~;;,;:;P•~lm~A~•o.~H.~I.~ FAR WEST SERVICES ,_ e MECHANlC e "'11 time. NC ~"! . · .. .,. Mun. be. -""" I .. , oporohrx ol PLmmniG REl'Aji\· havo .... tnols .• 0.. :15. Sneck ~. c-·s. I•.· lia job ,.;, small _ _.... Exp'>L -timt •Reullon'a ond R- •+ ·e SC-3121 e SERV. STA. HELP. No & ' LH Restaurant•, REPAIR t>OOne-calls. Jllchfitld, 0311". ~,. now •cc:ept'"8 ap- Help Wonted. -.7200 • -.with motor home experience. J . c. Penney Co. Fuhlonlllond Newport Beach llu FULL TIME openinp ft# AUTO SERVICE SPECIALISTS ,Excellent co. benelill, •• APPLY IN PERSON EXPLORfR MOTORHOME CORP. 3021 Newport Blvd., Cotto Moao, Calif. Recent experience in bn.kf.11, front end aUanrnent, air-·' eondition installation and tune-up ~. COmpeti-llvo ....,.,, .,..,,..,...... FRY COOK Must be experien~ Appty 1n peraon Top flight -condl!lano with MWftlt and finest equjp. ment. Genemua bene.tlits in- d-botpllal!D.Oon, ..,. ' ployff "diacow:lt and profit DBINY'S No. 121 12'24 leaclt Blvd, G•1 den Grove -· APPLY IN PERSON 10AMIQ 5PM --So-- J. C. PBINEY CO. J KENNEL MAN, over 35, I live in Laguna. Appl)' in . penou, SPCA, 20612 I"..aguna c.n,.an Road FULL Time service station attendant, days o n I y • . :Andel'llOn Union 76 1645 Adams, C.M. ~1206 * 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunit)' employu 'A.genci•s, WolMft 7300 * BKPRs.SECY'S.TYPISTS Enc. Sir. Boo< ... pd) lo $13K Worth Moro? Aceomttant (t.e rdinb) $l!K Call or send rHl!JM. ~ into Dra.ttsman Arch. (~ job) . confidential, Our teMCe • - -tablished over 20 m . can ~:·w~;k~;."(i;·~b~ -be!P )'OU earn mon!! .................. •t $369 Superior Ag.ncy M.rchants P•rsonnel 1857 H~ Bl, Coata Mesa Agvicy Call first 6'2.-nu 2043 \Vestclltt Drive Comer 17tll • Irvine &ts.mo -MS-5685 DAY * DISHWASHER * APPLY IN PERSON REUBIM E. lff Help W•-Wointn 7400 SEC!lETARY II $451 to $557 Two Y!:&rl steno experience, '.SH~ ""°" \YPin&' 45 ..,... , U.S. cltizemhlp. Appl,y a.t: ~=~G of 19~. :.1: NN'pOl't Blvd.;· pllcetlons for the Ir Westminster School Dlnrlct 14121 CEDARWOOD ~ ar 5t>7217 C.M. '!'emt. tral-P,... 151 E. Coan Hlthwoy ARGUS AGl!NCIES grom. Plooso apply In Newport Baoch NAT 1 o NA L "°"""'lion WESl'MINSTER, CALIF. RomOdol, Ropeir, '"° -~ Acceuntaata ,.,_ 11n Raynolds, SALES d ...... n •••• attractive, •. -· . -· · \,;Ndlt Manaprs Senf• A,te, C4IH. well qu&lified e :rec utJve ROOM ADDITIO N le Aclmlnl.+ratfve .Tmeu Ex • ........Ung. A It ... ti .•. M•. BOB, ·~ ...... * DRIVERS * KutiY• type ...... tary tor Vl<o """"'"'' Call ...-....... "'°"' ,..,, N tional sales anJu · Sales &: General Sales Mir. =.Free ·attmata lJ8IJ C DNt!'W'COOix: .... ~':!" CM. NO Experience .!a OPf:ninc• in~ S::: for new offlcff opetUng in -N "'-25 sal6 Newport Beach Financial . ~ Keum:J! .,...,. or over wt.lb Plaza, N.B. Write c/o Box Sewlnt · 6960 f'ARKING ATIND'T Malt baw cJeaa. Callfondl background or public a»> -No. 352, Daily P!.lot · . Full or put time. dQ' or eve. drtvblC record. Apply tact Will train tor manqe.1.0.;:;..::::.;;:::::...;:..:::'--- • Dreu:tnakfng..A.lllll!l'atlom 18 or awr. lie •. cam. dliv· YELLOW C •a CO.· ment po1iHol\ Send brief re-. TELLER Custom DeaizM er. NNt' ~. rm. ~ sume to Dally Pilot Box M-S.vings A: loan needs IPrl \ * GtS.&116 ~ . ;,_ can 6+4-1700 at 5155. 4 to 116 E. 16th st. 320. for Teller I New Accounts , Alteriitiona-4a-514$ & pm. . ' a.ta Mesa If YOU Clerk, Worlclnc experience Noot, °"""""'• 20 ,,.. op. e CARPENTERs DISH MACHINE and load typut ....,,md. :;;:=:=;:;:==:==::1e FOREMAN OPERATOR Excellont wwldne eo00• TrH S.rvlee · . fflO e. FIBERGLAS LEADMAN Union 9Cale, Hospital, surrl. lions. Apply World Savinp -'-'-;;.;....;;.;-.;.;.;;.. ___ . -I Day Nilbt Shift cal, medlc.aJ. dental pian, Ctn manaae men and op to A: Loan. 292 S, Cout Hwy, ~ATE · Ma.Int Tl'H ~ O!'Apply paid vaca&n, over time pay. $500. per wffk (and more) Laeuna Beach. \~~ & trtmminp:, free 1631 Placentia, Costa Mftll 4 pm -12 shift. Apply ir. per. doesn't scare )'OU too much, COMPANION OR ·est.~ ~2993 e REPAIRAlAN e lllOn. call Mr. Kaplan Cn4) CX>NVA.LSECENT AIDE Upho·w...~· How.ard'1 Re1t1ur•nt 537-8590. for linile day, Llte duties. ,., .. , . 6990 ~~n;!t! • &ood «IOI W. OJut Hwy, NB •Shlppina/Stock Oerk Llve in or out. Short or lOllg c Z Y K 0 SK I'S . CUltom -pay, benefit.. Sch:>ck' Boats, Sales R•pr11ent1tlv11 with desire to move into IJ9rt term. No fee. Uplill · • · nzro N wport 673-25> time draftlntr. G e n e r a I Apply . stery. pean e $150. Salary ha-. ....... With ---" ""'w HOMEMAKERS Craft !pl.A n 1 h t p 100% EXP Service .station at-Plus c:omminion while In 1 ,....,,:;..... ... ...... ••" · 1~• E 7 FUJanc?nr. ~1454, 1831 tendant, l1Wlt know tun&Qp trainizw. Fratm'l&I orprU. fl&' cectronics company. ....., . l th St., S.A. ,N,e~Blvd.,C.M. &: bnhs. Union station. zatlonestablished.1897.Ap. S2.50 an hr. to it~rt RUTHRYANAGENCY .. 11 ................. , .. L.. 25. General Monitol'I lhc., 3019 n-..,.._1 ~--k ··-JOBS & EMPLOYMENT =nor W"""' a "•'"°'la, ~--~ over Ent-c 1\1 '~ ··~ ~· •••••• -".;;~;;~;;;'~~;°;jjiil!HB~.'---===-_:__ Xlnt manqtment opportwl-' · • Girt Friday •••••••••• S350 ;lob Waw\ed1 I.NJ 7020 EXl"D ;t;y. HJah ......_ potentiol. PLANT EXPANSION secn,tazy .......... 1o 1500 SET UP .. • .,. ........... ,.,. Call pe~ manqer. Opportunitin for ~raJ. OUlce •••••• to $390 El<PECTAllT . -nd• • . • ~-· ~ --Al bl ( le u... "'°' I'-""" bab)'siltnc,: lltt h1 e·w r k. ~ ~z:1dlnc Jllant. u•-•u .. ::ncl~= rs 1193 .. ~rt, CM,_,.~ OWn lh.hs:. 1Jdo area. : t 8 am I: 5 POl1Uon open In tub-LUHRS BOAT 00. 17931 Bd.ch, H.B .. 347-9617 fm..3010 , pm. lonable NewpOit Beach -""'-"'=--~-'--~I SERvtCE STATION SALES; mtaurant tar ambWous. 849 W. 18th St., CM. HOSPITALITY HOSTESS b 11.00RS. •~'& "'ftJCH. . pertonalile )'OWIC man. e ASSISl'ANT MANAGP;R.. 1ooklng for mature womm Q 't cleah!:fW. Will( ~ MAN. 25 ~~ or ~. experknced In ruiaurant for mitaurant. Youiw, nett, to "'~loome Dl!lwa:Jmen to '4;d. G~teed. 531..(l"Q · Full ~· Anlll ahift. See manapmtnt Reply to gd. penonallt;y, ambltiou&. the canmunl.t)'. Must haw · I Qyde, 2590 Newport Blvd., ~ ~ at·'-. •-·-·--~ •-~ Q..EANINGu p•int ·b1~ O:llta Alela. ~ .,,. ... 'K resume. Exptt. not nee. Full time . ..,...,.....,.,..,, .. ,car .... ~.,.,,,. It~~ exp 1Ic11. Bar: M.Ql, n. Daill Lil Pai&ano's, Huntineton dable. Apply Z E. Main, 'IW'nftnees. 53S-8l6'9 •. BOAT Carpentu'I, Cablnat Pilot Harbor. 8*'«193 Suitt-7, Tus:tin, CaW ..::;;;;;;;;.=-"':..,;.=·--, Makul A I" i b e r 1 I a. 1 · 5K-6n5 ~· n~ desires P.-Worken'. App: 771 W l&th. DRIVING lNSTRUCJ'ORS LOT Man, rz:qast ,be ma.turt". l-"~=-=,;;,;~=~- tlan 1o·;dQl;'9''.1 •'!'fe or c.M. ' r« s1ai. 11...-IChaol. New cor' ....-,. 1o • DOMESTIC HILP private ctutf, .~ 1:"Vbt:'n•o Excdltflt opportutUtty. Muat Be a.ch a. r.e a,. J a. c k At! kinds! Houtebepttrs. -$2 ..,.........,...., • pam men PU1 St..te wri~ exam. ~ Biiick. 234 E. Coob, MaJdl le ~ HOUSEWORK. 4lin at hr. rnecbudcs: marine aper. wm train. Aee 25-.35. In 1'nh Cotta 11~ 541-1165 bterence1 req. J'ee le Fee Local. onl)i ~ed but not niecaa::ary. -· · • n..1 .. J .. _ Can •n bby ..... 6'2431. BoxP"'80Da"UyPUot penon oni1Sat April 19th SERVICE station . At·~~..... •Yu• A • 'F==d====~ I.==:;;;;;;.:,.::~:,;::=;::.,..,,_ ~ll Lm. 1212 w. S)'camore, tendants. Prefer 25 ~ _.,.,," -•'"'""' .t Rodia -· Santa Ana •:· "' ARGUS AGINCllS !:::!!::::.!!..:::::I:..-..;':,;::-:: I llf•" ~ t I n... oldtr. married. To thin u .__ C ' ,.... ........ o o • • ....... CX>OltS: Saute, broiler, reUtf mir'1, w 't mar'1. Urich.'1, .._ Ntwpart Blvd., C.M. <Mieia-llft.hill. Olet'l'flll.::' pcrtunlt)' P 1 • i ·. ANH ~ Jftp man. Ste Ernie no Harhot ol · Sh C ft-I _.._ ___ ........... tenmd ... ·--· 1741 NfWl: ... t • .,, .,.., -• UIGlllll Y NH.DB> •• • Clerks • Typists • R•ro Typists ·~" •· Keyptiiicwrs • P~~ o~: Work w\..i.n &+•r• ·yeu ~anti .• 4U I . 17th St. l'llo111 Ate OpH 1:00 ._.. -5:JO p& 9 to Noon S.tu:.i1y Ooood Sundey -4r . t DIAL PIRE ·642 -5678 ., .. •• WESTMINSTER & NOR~H l:JHTY DIAl FREE 540-'12zJ Huntlnvt..,,leoch 540-1220 Llsu111 leech 4'4'4H ~ •• H11ur1-Re9ulat . tecllln•a :;: .. , ~ &JllROft&1 AdWirtftlN thtt.tli' .... tho!, .. ptl)' aM Nptrt tmMM .... 1, .,,.., ~" mltlltllllfloatlN& THE DAl'i.V •ILOT •••"* lldlllty ,,,. .,,.,.. •llf1 ft U.~xtlnt et pulllflhlnt th• adve~t ""'°'"Y HI \IJN. ' . " Dl ADLINt..-011: COPY A':f O KILLl l l:M P.M. tftt...,. Mhre pulllllltltn, .-.,e flt • W•kencl EdtUM afttl '18,nda1 ~11i. whlll of•lflll """ 11 l :IO l'.M. P'rfolaf. YOU MUIT HAYll.KI LL NUMllS .. 1 w-... ....... 1111lllMI•et11Ulek ,.... .. lllt ,.,. tt maka 1 W'lf .,,. ....... 1•111kc ...... ,.. lllp ,.., M tabr • YertftMttM et )1ur •IL -'~ ~ • .,.,,. '1hft It ma.• tt krtt W. artrY'tOt a ... M 91st -~n •P'lllttcl, ... WI J flat ... ,..Mel to H .. until tfla •ti ... ~ I• tr,; ,.,.r. » . -. OIM ll·A·LINll A• Ire lll'lotly .... .,., ........ .., MillU •c It Ml ... ., .. ,-""" Ceoto ~. ColH. ~' NO ,...,,. •f'll~ ~ h "-~~ , : "'--• Tht DAILY PILOT ,_Net t he r'8M:·ti e1-.nr. Mtt. ..,._, w,...... tiR1 ..... tliltmet1\ llM to 1Nn11 ttl ratip ..... l'lllfllltlw'wrv.tut ,,_.--. ----~ lntorvlowlng Moo). th"' Fri. • a e,m. to • Ptll't• _ Equal oppartunl\Y ;;.....,...., EXPERIENCED -.-.:SC-Rowe- SECRETARY Mall 'Addrut: l•x 1171. N.wpert ~ C&Pt. ~ ! CLAhlFl&D COUNTl.re ,,.. ...... 11 f9rt.wlr . Daily Pilql Cle11ified CLASSIFIED-fNDIX • ' -· . HOUSES FOR SALE 1111WOn .. ...,,. ""' •L•CT•tW. UNtTEDn<;ANLKl,ORNIA =-~u:,~. ' = ~~=~ .... u = ·==~ri::"' 19fTAU U-" MI U. DIL MAa 11• llNIVlllll'" •Alk ft» PL001t1 MUA VlllDI Ult &ACK IAT .. PIM-.C:I lllPAtlt. .... 3141 E. Coan H,.Y Co'°"" Clil Mor ,n.n40 COLUOI PAK 1111 UST ILUflfl .. PUllllrTUlll llaTll.- NIWll'Oh lllllC" 1• COllONA Ml. MAii , = a llfllllllll .. lfl~T Mll...-rl •lt ~~':....,. ... :=:-.:."....a. U.LAOA CWll mt <<OO -·· GI> N -MhPOIT IMOID 1m ,. IMDI .. D--U'l'CllllT llll AAUOA tll.Atrro Gii OLAU llA'l'IM«Mtll ,. NUNT....-row IUC:M ... ····" TMUMa EquAl opportunity employer 00\1111 IMOl:U ... HUNTAIN 'IAU.1:1' ...,, .UN '"°" ..ITCUfl, 1Sll 'llAL ••M .... NU.LTll Cl.Mii MAll.IOlt MlltU.AlllDI tm LOff aUCN .. NAUUN• UWIYlll.ttn' , ..... • tm OU. .... etotHfT1' 4Mll MOVllCLUtl .. 111.YINI 1111 9ARDIN HO'tS .. II mTlll• ...U.T• UCIC U'I' 1MI WllTMnnT'811 4'11 n1COM11 TAX UITILU'' Ila MIDWA'I' CITY 4'11 lllOlll, 0... C ' .... CM .... OIL MAR t19t SA"1'A 'AM tllleNTI ~ INIVLAT ... U.LtoA 'IMIMlllLA t• TUUIM ' *" llllUllAllC• SE<RfTAIY .. lll'llJll TlllUCI D9 U."1'A AllA _,. laOM... i llACOll'a.t.Y 1J11 <MITAL Qtl llNllitu.T ......... To Geoerat Manqer A: Con. .... ., llLMIDI '* LAMIMA llACM -MNITIMtW. ·-~-Ad-·-·-~· Good LIDO nu ,.. LA•VllA .. ,.Ull. 4111 ISWILl:'I' •• ,... ... ..-u....... ......... ...... or. • .. L.OA Ill.AND ....... CUMINTI .n• LAtllDICAP .... shorthand &. t)'ping, and at llUNTIQTOIC •IACll t• DA.MA N in' ..,_ LOCICIMITM .. .kut' five ._.,......, ex~ MUMTI...,.. KAl:IOClll. · 1• T..,u:r. *-,,...-, , • MAIOMRY, 11a • .,~-¥ ~ ~·· . ...., .... YAu.aY 101 COllDOMIM..,. .' ' .. MOYINe & ITRM• j ence ~ ~tary . .;requ~. ·11AL. aUCM tfM RINTALS . PAIMTIM., hli«"I 11 1 Contracts ~ dellf· .suM141T_:;aucM u• ·~ ,,......... ~~ PAtNTI.,.. ._.. ed -Ull.Dlll • 011.0YI •• .,_ 'vnrurn~ '"''" ' . . . LOMe llACll IMll •INI · -llM PHOTOOll.APNT Please wnte, glvmc full de· LAKllWOOO •• conA MllA 11• PLAITI•• .. ,.... ...., :=I tails ot emWoYment his-OllAN•• COUNn ,. MIU. YllaM 1111 ':rr"':~ ... tocy lncludlnc salary to Box :~ := =::• ~= ::.-;: .:;:.. =: POO&. 11a v1c• M.&23 The Daily Pilot .: ITANTOlf l•n Ml........ ...... Int :=:·,~- REVBIUE ACCT Buie bkkpg bocqrodnd, will train. Leading private club, beautiful surroundirvs. Lunches Jumished, good benefits. Start $450. MISS EXEC ·AGENCY 410 w. Cout lli&hway Newport Beach 646-3939 WllTMIMl'f911 'MU wtl~ • IUI llOOPll .. MIOWA'I' CITY IN UflllYlll.llTY ....... Im UDIO:, ·--UMTA AfllA UM aACk IA'I' h4t UMTA AMA tint. lGI IAIT ALU~,. IMI lllMODeLt•• & 1-.U. OIUfllOI IQI COllot4A ML MAa ,_ 8.IMOOIUN. llna.s. runn1 , .. tM.MrA "" --,,.-"°"'" TVITOI 1M IA -· ••-... AMAMllM , .. , U:0 ,.iili"'""' d1 ISWIM MACM .... .,,, .. llLYelL\OO ~ 1Mf Ml.IWl'ltWnllf leACll ..... lll'TIC TNUllo ...... .. MAVAIU I.Aki 1•1f fOUNTAIM YALUIT S41t ~~~=-COWTaO&. UOUMA MILLI ,,. AAl.IOA rsu• .. Tn.a. c:.-k. U OUMA I RACM 1711 llAL ••ACM ldl TILi, ......_ a ..... LA•UlfA NIOut:L 1m LOM• aucM -,.. •• s1avtc• = ~·~ITll.AJIO :: DllAM•I COUtm' Mel Tll.ft'•IOll. ...... CA,llTll.AllO &UCM Int ... IOlll ....,. NII ln'MCIUTllY DAMA 11-0INT Int WllTMIMITIR MU WIUllH uaua•o t1• ::rt1:..'" :: JOIS & EMPLOYMI ---------·I:..--:. ~= ......,. .. AM Nltiim --..... .....,. ... - •JY91t1ID9: COVlfTT ,. =r.. "" .... ...,.. ... - * HOml:HfS * MCM.1111 ft a1 Ml"lle Hit LUU111A tlACll ~ P11 =-:~ 'llU.I COJllOOMlllNM 1tM I.MUM llMlll. SJW IU' =r.-Jrm ... .C:-~ = IMCLe-..·1~ .,.. PM=:... NIGHTS RENTALS . ,-=~u.=.n,CANm.Ue. :: ::f'J~~ · ~ · • Hou .. ·furnlthed REAL ESTATE, MIL.P wMT111o - DAYS ... ~pply 11\ person ••N•l"L .-Gener•I -:':~ ~ ._. 11.INTAU: TO 1"Al:I -Tl:l,LIX. lfc. ... ICHOOU a 1........ucTtON REllBI E •. lEE , .. 151 E. Padflc C.t. Hwy. Nowpo>1, leach EXPERIENCED STENO ...... UNITED CALlFORNIA BANK 3CX2t Harbor Blvd. Com. Mtsa 546-2ll13 F.qutl opporflmity employer . ' . *Colllnv All C•rHr Olrl1I* U you are a typist, PBX op, Gal Friday, or Exec Secy, and want BOITiething more than just a job, come see us M1rch•nf1 Personnel ,,....,, 20t.1 We11tclltf Drive Corner ) 1th A Itvi~ 645-2770-~ Brldol COC11ultont Attractive woman. arnbft. iota, &ood personality, me ol car, over 21. Some eves pttf@n'ed. Avera,~ p a r t lime $Si9 week, fu!J time $llf WHk, No experience b!Ces. sary. For Interview caD Mr. Whitney' 5t4-8550. ATl'RAcnvE • Wooitn to train u 1 niuJ"t r.oun.tlor. Must haw: slim figutt, like to work with public. '*' houri per day, 2 Sal per mo. Starting aaiary $270:n.£ C.ll tor interview &u-3Q) BEAUTY COUNSELOR. fm. mediate openln1 1tw personable woman. Na Go perience ~-F1exiblt haun. "' ~-can before 10 am or tfter 4 ~-847~ "";' COSTA M.... II.. Cot4PDMINIUM -IOA Pll.IPAll.ATIDtt MIU DeL MAii tt• NT ·--MllA VlllDI ltll II AU•-••• TMUTl:tc:AL COLLI•• PAIK 1111 llOOMI ,... ••• , ... MERCHANDISE POR " .... PO., •uc" 119 ltOOM •MA•• .,. s•LE •No T··~ HIWPOAT M•TI. Hll MOTIU. TIAILll coum '"' ,.. ~ ~ OUlff NOMIS ... PUl,U1'U81 M....OaT PIOllJ ml MllC. AIWTAU • "" °''kl PU•ttH'TWll a.\YJMo••• ml IMCOMI ,..._.~. -.,,,a ...,.,.. ... DOYlll 1...a• _, IUllNIR HlGP . . -fTIMlll IWUlf'MUT WllTCLIPP 1111 f1tMUll fl.l.lkl -CUI. lllTAUllMT UIOVllll.lm PAll.k tm' IUSIN ... atwTAL . ... 1Mt ..... ..._NT ~~~~· .... ., = °''ICI RlllTAL M1I MOUS•MOU MODI IAIT ALUl'P l'Mt HIOUITll.IAL PIHN'llTY -.._... MUI ~~v,::: T:IUC9 = =~llf..a.IA:L.IWTAL ' = = AUC'Tl9ll A II. MAii &,eTS fl• ..,.,. ... , UL&O.a ml llANCNIS '111 AWlM9 MACMNa ~:o ':,'t:DI = CITll.UI •IOWI •111 MUia&. """'UMUT •ALIOA Ill.MD 1:: ACll.U.•a dtt PWIOI & Ol:-.utl MUNTIMOTON &IACM ! LMe ILlfllGltS '* aADID l"OUWl'AIN YA~'t M11 ::...so:. 'co.QP~ITY--= TIUYllllll l lAL AIACM MM OUT o• na~.·:: .. "" '* .. .._. & fTlllO LOfl• • .,.,,. ,... ·• . TAN aecoaoeat OU. .... COUMTY ,.. MOUlfTAlll & T tnt CAMSllAI a NVtfl•n" SANTA ANA Mii IUIDtvfttOlll LAND mt MOHY IWl'Lm w•ITMINITla 1111 •IAI. llTATS·IRYfCI •tll IPOI,,,.. 90001 MIOWA'I' Cm' ' .. , ..... IXCMA.... . •m a1JM1CVLA1t1, ICOl'9I .... ' •• -... IL I. WAMTllD ' .. MllCl~9UI cOAJ:AflA 1•" ... .,.. BUSINESS Ind Mttc. WAlfTID LA.UNA s•AC" l7tl FIN·NCl·L MACN"'•••· ... LAOUNA Nta"ll. tm ~ ~ LUMlll IAN CLIMIN'tl mt •USl .. ftl ~ -ITO!tA91' q UM '"""' t.Al'n~..... .,,. aUllN••• WAWlWD '* •UIUllH .... TSllAU CAl'llTaANO a-...Cll Int INYllTMIMT Dll IMI.. fltl SW.vii OANA NtlfT . "" INYllTMINT WANTID 1111 PETS Ind LIVESTOCi 11.tvlllllH COUNTY -MOtillY TO I.Ult '"9 YACATIUM 11.INTAU ..... P•llDHAL LOAMI &Ill PITlo MMIUI. ~DOM ... IUM 91i •IW.Ll:Y IAIUll• • , ._ CATS OllPLIJCll ttUllL 9111' COLLATIUL. LOAMI ml DMI RENTA'-S =~~~ !: ~ .,!!:'"' Unfumlthed ANN'oUNCiMINTS ... ~~=:= LIVINO...a ~ ... m..... a •nd "OT·~~~ ..... ,. :a MllA 'lllDI ltll NUNO ( ..... ..., ... AWNIMI .. COL.Lii • PA&IC tltf ~IOtlAU = Y-.U.T... .., :::::; =" :: AM NOUJK:IMINTI '411 TltANSPOITATtON ,. NIWPOIT lltOlll sm 1111.Tltl '411 IOA1' lo YACllTI •AYlltOllll -l'UNlltALI .. 11 IAIUOATt 00¥11 INOllh 1111 PAID OArtUAfl'I' '411 l"OWlll Cll., .. 11 WllTCU ,P -l'UNlllAI. Dlfllnotll "1' 9"u-&lh Noln llNJYea1m PAll.K mJ l'LOlllfn .. 11 MAT TllAfl.1111 tlYllfl -CAltD OP TM.. Mii IOA.T ~ &I.Ck U.Y, -llt MMtltlAM "'1J IOAT u.ue.tlllH aMT aa.u,, -CI MllTlay ~ '411 ...... 191.!IJ'. IAVIW Tlll.11.A(I • M CIMITQJ~ ~ Kit MAT ILfP, MODI .. -- CRIAA11Nl f > l ._ W.T •IYICll C A OIL MAa MIMOlllAL I • lfll u.t.T 1tl"1'MS &ALIOA -AUCTtoltl .. IOA.T CMUTll ~ ~ = AYIATIM 1SRYCe '411 ll'llM .. MATI ULIOA llUlfD ml TIAYIL Im MAT MD'f'*9 lltftPOCT Wlff )DI Ala TllA#IPOllTATIOll ... MAT ltOllAn MUNTHM10it llAttl .. Mlft ftAIUNnATIOll = :::.:w.A#T'ID ....,.....,. MltMlft .. ! ~-:w,.... ... 'I.Tiff"'"°"' ~'::c~ALU'I' = SERVICI DIRICTORY :=-.• MDMllt ........ •""8 IOI ACCOUtmlfe -aW.Tnat .... L .... IU.CM = ~ ...... , ... Ut\ICll -IUCTll.IC CAM -.....• c:o9l!f'T ..,,.,..._.. ••• ,......_ hrtl "'' MHll a111cn ~--u.rna MIA .... .......... 11· ... MOTOl:CYCLll '- ......,... • Alf'lillLt .1G1a • ,.. MOTOUCOeT1a M .. A,f C~ ... AUT9"'11NtU' • f M2' AUTO •n'tnl • Ml'h ~TA. ~ Jf•tMTt -AUT ...... ,~ .... ftL ... AWTO TOOU & .. .. ~ dlt/ IU'llfrftM .. Ta.AIU ....... .... ~ ==· :1 ~.:.r.::::tr.:.. = ;::u. _,.., ~" -·•·--·~ -T°"'" 1lalaunnt, EXP'D IJONtri MAKER lllc\Yt. Qm Typlota, Gal !ltr ,Eut ,._ -ICflO! Bl~ 9'1a Mola 15&1 S. Oaoot Hwy., Lqurw. .~~ ~···"' ...._..., ~ -Bldlpn, cl4ii\ie Alloli1111ond 4ebq WANTED: Sonnee Sta-llftch be-. 5 ol I pm m'8 ~SL llN• A LVN~ -fee A loo * WAITRl!SS * Neat ~am. and exp'd. Ap ... tn ....., .. ...,,. Cl.9Mnft '"' ,.,., ... , ....,as uu J•Dt CM'1ITaMO ft I UIL8IU aJI CAM,.. .. CM'llTUMO NACll .. CATllllJM _,. CAMPllt l lWTAU DUA '°"" IHI C.U....,.AWC!Me .. DU• IU99IQ · :~.....,... p.,s r.. em.,ud -. u po><& . '"':'"'d ~' ~.-. ...._. ..., Jobi. Top .,.,, c.n lll6Jl E. !ta>. SA 517""5 .,._ llfult ha,. _.._ i rlonci&\I F R y "-·-·~ , Dom. 5"-'l'llS BOIS'S BIG BOY .,,..,._,_~ .., .. _ noa ~c..:i:.~ ~.·;..Stai:;; c~ •• Apply JOLLY ';:,':'~la drlv< = ARGUS AGIN(;ll5 ' 154 E. l7th, C.M. ......... ·""..,, ..... .....,...... .,. ~ ....... ~ uwuaa. C....,., c-. ... .._,. CMS ltlNTALS anLO'aa•, u.-.. ,.. ..,._..CUllXI hh. Pumlthtd ~... : =: ::,,••• rl rt ....... ... • n..wa, ROOllt p.,_, °" "'"'be "11able ~&. m c Nowport Blvd., CM. DISHWASHER ; :MTROTEK C!ORP.' WANTED: C..-....,. °" fleo, 12'7 ....... Ave., -.-~ ' · . "'?IJSEICEEP_ER a eb!Jd 2JOS w. ~ <M:rciD -· IA..... mlll ...,. .... .,,,.,_, ..... ""' c.... -EXPEIUENCED rr. Qlm. ...... -··· ..... rm. • from PW ... Dary n..o . Top,.,.; .W ~ oolf, . bw. -' """'"T. :;, ·YOUNG MAN iot""l<d tn bor -In Btobop, Collr. :: ~ Wk., 511 di> BAR MAIDS. "'11 timt, 1Ml.c8U A'f', ~ pa"d. Lquna. Btoach --.. lt&ftllnc &.ck. M1att haw Elm SS.00 hr. C7MJJ9 .-· nlchta. Must be fttiaYe "t 1tfM'MEL· HELP QJ.-'tOT3 # eood reftre:Dtft. Good.-, YA.RD ifAN g M'!aN-,.D_!:N TALC~alr-1Jde App, K1>ott:t Kfc. ......0 IV~-...... NI ..... * AlridiiAnc TRANS-. "-... -......... -K••wl.d l;e ........... Expclo H.B. OF· C.M. . )ffl!0.8111< 11411 Dl1ll' Pllol MISSll»< SPllCIALIBT also """'-MS-T721 HIX S 0 N ma-ls i.tp!uL Co 11 ~Coll ~ SAWYER Home Dud 1 i iirll!; bJUNTERMAPf OEHEJUL MECHANICS * MP:rAL nNISR'tNO. 646-0SB ~ WANT£U Ma.hn llv.4n matur• women tor lo CITY AIJTO PARTS " Coot& M<lll'. Auk> W-* a>oK * ooi1wry "w.,.bouiemoa1 cill art' .............. 5 ~ ... a -~ -0.11.· "20&! PlOomtla, C.I<. mu:AKJ'MT·WNCH can for --· .... -. F.V. lllM2ll ....... \!!: 6<6-0TlS .-t!z!a• ......... 'daJ, • M:iCiiiiiE SHQP TiAlNa: •• m-•• ' ,..,,... GENERAL ornc., \YPO EO. WA~ w~. ~ ~-U ot o,ver, ,Apply .SW11'J'.1'1lll t;2.00 per. l!r. UDO CAR W~, 481 ~ STUDENT, part time, ov.r . Good on the pMnet Over 21. Apply In penon. Dt..nandl. !lo. i Fuhlon LOK.FAST, INC .. W. lllb. Col .. M• J.,. U. ll Kutuck> '-·0.ltl<en, ~. -Miu B&rnll<l Rancho Son J .. qum Golt t~lt. • • , 16th K.B. AJP11 tn Pft'IOll, 693 S, O!iQt. fhrry, Ur Bctt., OIAROE )'(KU'. want •d now. Course. .. Mfti.&.--CAltPft UTlll9 • llPAtl .. Q'l'OI Wtrna !COnA ~ -............ ' • .. ... CAltl .: ... -r.:.c.. :: ~ .... I = = !::,M ::; I HAYE YOU LOOKED FOR. i THE HIDDE" DOLLARS i ·1N YOUR . 'HOME 'LATELY? I 1: IE!llE!ll I .... I : t •, \ '" i 1 ' I I MlllCKAHDIH' l'Olt ' llllllCIWIDlll• POil MUQWCll.. . , . . , , ' t!f!!. ~g SALi ANO~ _S,LI ANJ1..iyDI SALl ,AJCD ~ !':!!' , -_ ll2t Molill9...-- ~llo"<,!O 11!! c_. 1 ~ aao ~.... ... AL.Ism Mo•·-... -$111-. -MlllCMAHDISl" l'Oll' SALi AND TIADI ---IOOO .. DISNEYLAND ~ J • f'rlcl<loll'o\ iufo ...-. llOµ.EJJlJllr ~ :u ~y '-· -A di!', -'I". Ion lfoo. AXC , 'f>l'!." · · $<5. -• 1'rflldolN, -...... ·• • V/11111 -•• $15 ~ ~ . ~ Ja1e.-> . .x1nteon11.-p.1" T~llll.l;)Wcb.,11\l ~old .~~~·~. lllad< u Wi.R ,_ ·' Spani8 ··~ wuber, l'OOd ehafr, ct.c.,~ 'mi. ~ I , • I •• • • • .. S' 51'.ENO.S ,,.. ,..._.. """' 13$. 111.fll!i le!!~ .,.. .,. MAllE •Cl& ,_,, a • _,_oit - 8-ht 'Monvl-ror'. 1 UPRlGllT 1-. ~T5, GOU',.,, c 0 m >I• le, Mloc. W..... 1610 ""'"-f11 =-1•\i ,n. ~ , fl-1 • " $ K•nmoro CluEc c;., S-, ""'"""° (~ Modd W-'WI MY -· oi ...,.I ' ~ ., • ..:.....=r=:.':'t"=., ~~Victoria, • B, :!"~~i:r.:·~ CASH 1 ~;.~= 'HOUSB .. , • f'1 I • • . • • 11 .Wood carved arm dlvLD, lg. • th~ o·KEEll'E •Merrit~ ..U-$15. -"""' 5!S'$ « 13'1-193! • , • • .• 1 or Jove ... t ~ Pc Octagon dlli: . .,.t din set ,..,,.., , ,..., c1eu -MOYER -' •1 .. • . ,. Omit ., '°"*" aod • lwc-SECY.iSTiNOS ' I ' •• ' 1'714t 5Ho4456 Ext. 678 19 A.M. to f.,P.M. "'fbl•ct or avocado trained chain; e -~ BR dltlon. $30, 64W357 ...., ...., ..... 1111 ' • r... . UIOd -~ , 1130 ,.,. -ot -1o '°"" set ~ Mr. & llln. W-er, 1-mirror, 2 • ~,,.,, ._:',!!, ":".!..:" or-•~ ~ Sh ti d lJliot<. E-"'~ '!"" commod-dl!(Ot'ltive helldliod'!n S..Onish Antltil* 1110 •• .,. ·--.-,1:-i-• ~ . , , 0 ~· OW .,.. deonrioe ooJe .. ~ .... ·-------~ ed'T\T'o, ...... -Ol'' • 5\1 yn old'. Oloci>lat• all ........... ~ oak de1lgn wilb m&U:bln&, box ilPriDP.-mal-* T .. "S'I Curw Ml-, "~ -.-,_ntrtpralorl. Palamlllo. Make Oller. priced'° ..U lnuDcdi&ldJ. ' tresa'lc-· ' . ROLL TOP.DESKS ...._ ~,dlnhw"""" --Potbo-bl<lnoD"'°"' 5...;. ~ ~,·=-~lly -· USI ANTIQUES AJ<PER&ND * •lUCllOll' * ·~T$' rMHSPOaTAT-ll,Y Ho ..... ,..,. oriiMi ii "'4·N""'°", C.M. &e.3069 i "' ' C< -,..-his ~ Mobile -Sola , T•1dClf tlirv ~ · 'VALYE•tat5.9S -FULLI!_ 5529•95 NOW 'OPENl .'Dolil, col· FRfDAY-A,PRILllTH -•.••. · , lol!t&Yec l<;ZSBalltrSt Hllp Wonted Hollo Won!M . .,·-~low01""'6pll'-k loclot'o A GHt it•mo. 7,. PM · · • • •• \lblockEalltof-Bll>d. . ·;. W-7400 W-• 7400 1Jte 0Ur Store "Cl>arlio Pim Ot Bint Finalldnf HELEN'S ANT)QUE5 >1>1 FuntiiU?O from un<lAJmod I co Baker .',;,.... ... R_E_P_R-:0-.... ,-1 SECURITY No~ Front-lllJT ~·v11ue1 Inafdo :.:."::.Bl.!,'::,';;:"~ :.,~"~ $WE IUY ,$· -:_-,;,-~SC:: ' clockl. Lury Marean ,..ti-""· mvano, rove -"'· oce '$ I FU~NITl.l~E $ , -r.10at , ShDw "<· bo. Comp!el<IY qpl'~ • · ~ . . • IATROL qUes. 2428 Newii. Bid., C.M. chairs, l!OlJft tablea, cft. APPLIANCES !'l'N adml.Woll,daily, 'l'hun. • ~~4r,a~'1:\': 1 denw, cheat) of' ~w~. c.i., TV!":""'.J••'-s.,.,..·, da,y tmu .Saturdq, April to bch. $3.. mike " TYPISTS Over 40 )'1'8. ~r,m. Radio Sewing ~chfrin 1120 oUlce de~. ma~ 1'-bJes I 'i•e. •r"H"•.hQ Dtb• m, Hlltrti.iclon Center over ~bl or ' •• • . . AND ALL OTHER OfFICE SXIW :; WE . NEED YOU • NOW ' . " car ~ .. .._.. Non amoker,1 with captai.nS 'CbairS, • pk:-CASH IM 11 MINVTl $ air condltionfd Mall. Beach cub offer, 536...t3l4 .nili'.:'."U.uonn all'ncc. ... SINGER. Zl&·us, auto. ....._ D)lf!wo; famjlo, mat-• -r·•1.•53"'"'. '' ~-.~.· at, San Di,.. with. walnut .cablr.!t. Take _____ .. _ TV' :>"t ,. ' I --~ aa-..-a-f3ID App; 4 PM • 5 PM, Rmfii!i!i!!'!!!!i~~~~~':'l!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!~~"!! tresses, UJ1111w......,1, a, Ftftway, . (YWl'I_,, .. ,_ · · · 405 325 N Broad ay Santa over 5 pymnts, S't25 mo. radios, pool table, refriger. Lwikey. ~ ' Ana." • ' w ,' , -. BS & EMPLOYMENT "' -Call Sll><616 anytimo. " m "' •· •-· · .-.v fumltuN · IOOO 8 ~· s ye ... wti,1~; Ul.J• ~···~Beach, San' 17 lT. Pettonner: (alander 1"'' YAMAHA 351 cC '. COMBINATION, Sharp Bar Jobe-Men, Wom. 7500 ~=="----'= Muslal l.nsf. 1125 en, I: MUCJ{ MO .. · Oementr:..~ Deluxe ....w.1 (all fiber. ...... ,,. Go Go--SPANll!ll -Roturned ·llom ==;.;.;:.;;,;,,...,_~,;._1 <XlME Bl\OWSE AROUND .16~~~ ,, ~ .a..... ' ES ' ;.:._ ';T fol' 11~ ~ ~t!>O~,:.i,,':'b',,,:; Gultor Hoodquortero W.f~rf4UCllOll ~~ j~t: I io) if n 1 ~dciWn ii/"'.. ~ iiliffl ONLY ... ~IL ~ Ablllfies lnclUde. beautiful 96" ..: .. '::~·~~-· , · • • ·-,,_ tf\l .~.,l!Otorbellt ,ofl.'l)llabll<efloonevul>ffn,on SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, quilted sofa " low aeat, ~ Newport.Wvd. --.er.,Pb0ne.6";4687 .atter7pm lbe ·dirt. Just like Jt q.me. C,M, ' ,3 -oak decotalor • GIBSON • MA\<Tlllf llel!iod Tony'o Bl<i&, Mat11. ~REE-TO YOU 14' BOAT, 35 HP ..-. ·6 orru;. ...,..,..m --tll\ll LADY p,.,1o..,., I b." Unl1'm1'ted '"ency .• IVlL9'.lN • ,YAMAHA """ M ... * m .... ., -'·~ldln• -·--· Buy A '69! Private --. 'ill b>.bles, swq or table lamps. D ·H~..a ...._ · QPEN n•rn v ' t · .,._... .-_..,, home Jor light house~p-· . wall plaCque, king, quern, rum -qu•r1•n ~..... o 4 VERY lll~althy Ger i:n . door! $20 each. U.ed brick! can 83G-Ot03 or ~ ing, companionship plua. Admirl Trainee ••.• to $800 or 1ull ,&iJe bedroom suUe • NEW and USF.D •. ~ itnt.le l friendly, $15. ~ • • 1 '66r.llOND.A. 331 ScrunNtr. (with car pr e fer re d ) Store Mgr Tmee ...... $600 complete . lncl box springs, LUD\VIG, ROGEP.S, ASI'RO O'.>MP,, Paint •pray rig, U.. JoYes e ~·ti d r e'n , · eood 64-21' "OflUS Craft, i xln& · ,. cam. new.s.i.tt .Q'*1i, 646-7087 or ~2838 Branch Mgr Trnee .... $450 mattress, li1l$lS " boudoir Large teleetion •with lll!'\9' 4 d~. compre~. 2%. inJ. watchd~; 6'i:t yr. old male; oond, ·Full c;ov~. oulri&:· Fut ·•k.,~t'J' .ftlan BABYSI'ITER needed 3 Car .lot Malnt Man •..• uoq lamps. Spanllh oak 6 pc pc, .sets and C)'lnbals start-wt. i aun. 1 new h9ses: $"11 , u1\!St find .IQOd b o m e . aers radio bait Wik: $6000 'the DltW 350 ~- ·•"•-o, .... ,, my ho, me, Chemical, T~ • , .• $2.55ht .ii .. :-t rl-' _, ___ ..__ ing at $99.50. Pedals, hi-bats V~~ •• SJ:75. Hu~ duty 14" 5.11~ 4JJ1 -· U.;. ..!..l.. a • .;"""" - UlllUI" U<ll,J' HUI&.-....,_,...,.. 8e P ~ CUM:WIJl:::fe .,.,.a .... --1-.t &ft --11 drill M ,0 ••~, .... M ., ]J)" ' , ~ ~· • Own trans. stS-Oi:32 alt 6 or Production Tmtt •· ............ at $1195 00 ALL ...... · • .,~~ AU au.... .,. _._ .,., QUAL ho f 3 Bea l .~==:-:=""===·f • .. wknds. guppin& le Rtt Clerk $2.!ll»u' apprm. · parts, acceuoi1a I: eymbtla: Tbl. saw, motor I: '!&tuid,1 • mes or u OUUS CRAFT 17'' Corsair, '61 HONDA, l).j Scrambler, ; I 1t1 I :o==::;---,.--,, Janit.or ............ $2.25bt !JJ99R °!!'Y.$399.,k. ~ down.uf or· in 1tock • . . , xlnt. $110; crtnd«r Wlmotor AWitralolidan RB"'ln~, .. ptl~ ... ~ 108 drive, nG HP. WI 1200 ml, exlnt cond, belt oC· --___ I ·--~-1(!. DRAPERY operator, exp'd, .,.., r-1 0 EVER.~C IN MUSIC A:, 1ta.od $16; heavy alum. m 01. · • wu '-""""'J American trailer. T 0 P fer over WlQ. 96l-2ttl -~~ ~~1c ~s. 488 E. i11h st.. swte 224 :'~t:i:·ciul~~ sale~~!~ Beach Music' (eater ~nst.Mil wheeluktt~i-bvy. Bears. 633-9535 ft-~ sa.wE im. &U-7988 YAMAHA 2SO Needs na;;r ., .. 178-i w. Lincoln Ph. 540-0325 2'100 Harbor ·-• ~ An Equal Opportllllit.y -r ISS EXEC AGBKY FM Pold llept Asst (split) • • to $650 es 1'rnee I neg) •• to $600 ec Sedy (neg) • ••• 1D $GOO iy!L<gal l"'i) .... l5f!l ~tary (Jplil) •••••• ~ )\«'epl ("'i) .......... $351) · e Oerk ... : . . . .. • $346up • 'Applicant Pays F .. Exec· Seely • • . • • • . . • . . . $6111 Girl Friday ••••..•• to $500 r. Seety ............ to $450 ~lg Qerk • •.• • • .. .. • $403 General OUice , ••• , • to $350 .~fl'. Geal: Dqlce • • •• iL65br 410 w. Cout lf!lhway ewport Beach 33939 ffMALE ClfH -. · Costa Mesa 642-1470 Ce ,_ ~-i•-9 , 7 2 , duty ,wa __,....,, $10 BABY brother rats, """'"'Y 23• OWENS. 2~ )Tl old. repair $140. 67l-Q.62 aflil:r 6 * 546-1431 * n .... ,,. s: .uu '"""· · rotary mower $10; f Wbl. le Clyde, Blk &: white, 7 wks n.....i-marine radio. p•f. ~ Garden Grove B 1 v d . , s--... -. Sain le: Service all ·--• ...... ..., · '°""' ..,.. ... _ .... ., " EXPERIENCED boulekttp. _... "'""""''" Si.a:.a u1r • ....,; rrusc. le: cute. 'Vant a:ood ~,e. Good ccnd. GH-012& Tony. Experienc-or Garden Grove Daily 16-9, Daily 12, ,bOOn 'lll 9. Sat 9-S L._ ... •-1-•· ,..., 16th St °"~8 ' er v..-anted; 1 d1iy week in Sat ,"~ SUn 12-5 Come ,.., .... ...,_,., e.,. .. ....., ·• Call aft,6 pm,~ . "'" -·-. Motoncooter1 9150 Newport home. Pho n c Qualified Trainu In or·-;Q (n4) 530-5240 1j:(mJ~ :nvd~\1-:! CM. ~1634 • . DbG: Smnoyc It~ c, S1llbolti • · 9010'1"'='-"~-~· ----::.i~:::s mAINEES * TEWR * 17 P:~~'"!. size Hw·"~F~=sAt~~ New Jewelry Stole ~~\J :~ ~r:~ BARGAINS! 1;!:?:' APlllY Lari:e9 drawer "'""'• m,.. J>J.,, Jtt-2, C2, A-100'" M-W All!TS TO IUY TC'iP born•, 2 wlu, •"01 Aut. Services l&n Placentia. Costa Mua SECURITY PACIFIC ror, 2 bedi.ide itands. kine lOO's, L-lOO's, M•l. A J 1 0 . Ca11ro Persian ~t,-3 ldttem, 21 ,· ISLANDER I P•rtl f.4oo BABYSl'ITER for 2 yr old. NATIONAL BANK 1izebeadb:>ard,trame,quilt· many pianos. Steinway, UHd&Antl .. ueJew.lry, ~PP1~93• ebo)Cf!ol~~~ Ae ne\v,,alps 4, plley $1495 CHEVY ~~. 8:30 to 12' noon, Mon tbru ~ mattreu, &beets, 'blank· Wurlitzer, etc. u-ee. · · ·• 2f' (OL;UMBIA ~ . s:, ........ • Fri. $22 per wk, must haw 196 E. 11th St. ets, etc. Open Sunday 12 to t Silver or gold. Pb. 6'J>l0ll BE Au T J FU L you n 1 5 Salls, inJxlU"d. plus lots did front ule l stemnr own trans to CoiJeee Park, Costa Mesa Ololee HAMMOND to ltor&. 3419 Via Slamtte fl!ma\e. F?tt to 1 , ~ per. $100 or best offer. 1687 C.M. ~T or Mod in OORONA 'DEL MAR ~Lido I.it !iwpt Bc:h. SoOd ~ 61~ aft 5 more. 1 '36~: SL.oo·p·· Tustin St., Apt. l. ~ LOCAL la w rinn ....... _,F.qua1opportunityemployer. All -•'E ~--H--~· pm. • 4111 Mesa.AfteriPM -~ .... ,,, . ~ . .....,_, .. ,,.., "'~ Radio. tp/F,, fatho, 5 sails, pan time typist for.automa-' lw.QIQNp •. s~~ 11 • ., FRF.µ:~. $12?:-2. (!Ve!J BLAc;x P~e, wry p!ayfill, wheel. diilj:hy, try •• $12,500 2 \VEBER iS OC'OE Carber- tic type\vtiter. Eves pre-.NOW' IS-mala.-ne'\"ll:uJed pJanm a19Ye .S275;.relri1-.. P?;.-;Fr. ne·ed&!cb'l'ldren lorePACIFlCYAClfl'SALESe ·ra.torafor~TRMCompl'tet- ferttd, hoW'!. to ~ an-ang-of pn maJces. Belt bU)'I in Prov. din. rm. tble. $SQ; ·3 piayfnates. ~5 o: r 3.fMi Via Oporto, Newport · 'Up. can 548-6156. evei ed. 642·9900 So. Calif. rfgbt here. ll1bt llitutl!, new; $14: ·nia: '968--1740 4/11 24 Hour Phone •••• 613-1570 EXEC. Sec. ' Ga.I Friday, 600 w. 4th St. Santa Ana SCHMIDT MUSIC (X)., 13.5 XJ2, Sold, $35; a;fttn FREE to you. Large Bamboo Com.Ing CUSI'OM DLX K (I: Trucks 9$00 tough job with top pay. THE TIME Open Daily 9 • ! 1907 N. ?ilaln, 9X'1 $16; drapes $9 I.: $10. 30 ft tall. You cut canes or 26' !'AIRLINER cab crus n.esume & rer. req'd . s.t9 -6 SUn.11.6 SantaAna 548-8914 dl&Pl~ntsude•i:red. enc1heaid,,.plley,~oo!':SCRA·M-lElS Locatro in lrvino fod, 20 PC. "MADRID" THE BESf DEALS KNITIED f.&IRl(S 518-4"'5 lD gal O.•h water, Twin . • C.Omplex, N.B.' 114: 546-2.tl4 Thl11 product not only sells G On Pi•nos & Ort•n• PART Cocker pU.pa ID-home Chrya mar ena. nu s:; watt ANSWER~ POWER ....... -""'" but " -3 Room roup Are Alw-., ' "FOR $ALE with ctµldren ooly, Ev.. Syn-nd. T•ak deck. .• '. opera.ton: for .long eita~ tWe! '11 you thi.11.k $250. per FROM MODEL HOMES •r• A Remnants, a.mpleJ A: MiD and Saturday only. 1i5 E. Recent survey, Owner mov. - ed .u.il maJdl!c ctlftlPUIY; week is bl& money yoo are ll;dudea: Quilted .:it.: I: eDds Sai. On1J I iLm. to 2 Esther,C.M. . ". 4/lB inC 'eut. rilust ten fut! Bakery-. Otute -Brave - Hanna Sail ~n, 161 W. in for the ihoct-of your JIOt,) cMir -2 end tabln 1: reof.. WARD'S BAlDWIN STUDIO · _ n-•· ,.__ · KJTI'ENS.· ... __ motlli!r. 6 Red~ to_ $3250. T~. Brooch --EA~ Ol'lq:s\- 18th SI r-1a..... ....:!' bl 2 •·-•--1801 N-C.M ..... •••~ p.m • .,.., ~er, ...,.ta Men.. ......,.,. ., ... """" M~m •·•··•·~• ,-.,....,..) ... es&,. (That'son\y p~tiJnt)call ,.,.,ta e-·4aWPI -.... .,.... ............ · VM'O'IO'I -. nmn"GE SALE e week101d,bealthy -.... ~ .,.,._, uui: ~~....., ...... ~N CLEANING woman % day Mr,Kaplanall "da.yl:tvtd-· er}-mimr-headboard-FENDER Ba.1sman uuuUA b>me 54&-0452 ' • ~1 O'OaylT' thatpeaplewoWdjUltallotlt or oni!! day Wkly. Own in& (1l4) S37-8590. ....,¥ ~lted ~ Qrir1c I: matt-amplifier 2-12'' Jen• en American tepln Hall, 215 N. • DAY SAILER Ji2s:;. rather look at all)'thin& than Apply In Por·-transp. Refs. Ea It b I u ff MIDD' ~AGED -J.... • ..:i... ..._ rcSs -S pc. dlninc room; speakers $250. Al9> Cipher 15th St:, NB. Tburs 10 'ti1 !. OOBER.ltAN l"lP • Jled HOURLY Riifl.AI3 at EACH OTHER." . ! ._, """' ....,..t"'T ,...., t&'" • 4 h' back .__,_ Clothes, books, j e we 1 r y , kmale AKC free l9od ,..,..,.."'...._T _... -.__ .• area. 644-2834 nlibt motel clerk. Apart-l,ILt; ..: l· .CUILU,., bass guitar like new $50 or r~ plants• M~-horn• ,..--Ue. ~..LUii ,..11 •RHODES 19'i * 1962 ~vnu_,..,, .r...:~ D ' f L" EXPERIENCED'WAITRESS ment & llalary. 499--2005 COMPARE AT $749.i'i both for $275. ~ """• • ...,... • ....,.. ~-+ Fun Zone Boat Co Ba1bca % ton plclmp tJUet. t' ~· nve n rquon for new c.otftt . S hop, BAKERY Mies lady, ews ,.$399 }"ENDER 12 strlna: elee. s~~;E ~bor p~~o =~~ Celumltl• 5.5 ;.,..,. -=u~ii': HOTEL LAGUNA. Ca 11 2 to 10. 318 Marine, Balboa No down-Pmt1 only $16 mo. cuitar; ~autlful cond. R•fo-T-ple s•-·~--_. 1 ... r~ .. ~""'• 4115 FIG, A-1, prlce:1 flehl! -·b~. -~a1er. ·-706 P•cific Coast Hwy 4M-)15l T-•-...a. or..-. """" $195. 646-S302 .. "" """ ... teTnooa v -... ....,. ~ ....., ~ .-H tlngton Be ch U>&allU v•.rooou WW'S WAREllNlfE ---==-=='-~ 690 19th Sl, Coat& ?.tesa snm,Dy Cardboard Packing tl4: 'm-4341. 213: ~ Beach Blvd. Hunt Beach. -un • SALESL.\DY, ... f\ill• time, .,. CALL TODAY!! Leam how Ul~ ANTIQUE Stradtvartus v» FRµ)AY;APRIL 1'1~ •"Movtne •ciartons. AU':Sizes. 28' CAT. Choy de a an,,,,,-"""'=~~~_,.,,_ ~ H COVENTRY bu 3)• to 45. Cblldren'I 1ton. YOU can e'"'"' with AVON. lin. $85. Best in tolvn! -.,.__ __ _._ .. ·-~-•-1! openingt far full or part 650 D Street, 3\ISl!ft. Call ~704i~~ ~ 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana * 646-2638 * PETERSEN Twin stroller, 54?-3828 'ut ... • ..,......._»v~~.E.>1--...... 'M CHEV. "-To·n pick-up; time &ales. Min. age 18. Open [)aJ]y 9-9 ======== de I u x 11 , w I t h pa d S; DOG _ Whippet, AKC, male, vai, sac ~ 'rnJ'.893-1019 enii. recenU,y O..' Ja au l e"d ; Pleasant wnrk. no lbYtat, SalM SUnll-6 064~ "; sell $25. 3 yrs. to aood bmne. Gd. c;q~NAD02i • Helper 'Bprp. I: )oad bO deliveries. For interview Jobs Men, Wom. 7500 Agencies, Men & ' ?ilATCHJNG Pair beautiful Pl1n01 & Orp'!!_~.~30 I--~-~------w/chiJdren. 646-6249 4/l!l F\&DJ Equlppetl Je\>tlerst..$U5. c.11;,,.MI--~ Can 540-00.4/ &37-47491 * Women 7550 p.rnet red old QU.6ese • • CARPETS. Vi.eyls. Tiles, lat· GERMAN Short Hair Pointet' (213)) ~ ! Aft. s,rM . . 141-8950 Oriental rugi.. 9"12. very New Pianos est stylea and colors. C.Om-pu'ppies females, I wkll. ~AL 28. Fully. ~Race or '64 DODGE v.n RAH, .. puet. ASSISTANCE HOTEL thick, like new. Large cot-\VURLI'l'"LER • BRADBURY merelal & Residential. Ex· Good ~lille does. 962-5313 1 Crulie! SJcrWcr:! · ed, .Cl'PI~ f1J15 Good cmd. '!::k. ~ ]~.:. ~~~~ -• $40 . .20' TV. Misc. 541-5056 American made, 88 note, de.I w_.J_t-03 _____ 5<0-_"'2_ \Vorldn&: CQtlljlltlon,. door PLASS SABOT, rowin& ls VAN·RENAULT 1960. Needs DESK CLERK· ~ newpon . fee tab)e..cost $l50 &acrillce All al)ile1 ~ finishes, all pert installation. SERVEL Gas Relrigerator ' Call ,84U061 ' ~·eva . por wk. Call Mn. N.-CASH IER persoon. 20 PC. MODERN w--h • tuned, Prk .. tut-N E A R L y " • w G • E . guk<t ...... ' 4115 salllnr:, NEW .. m 195, lit11• ...... 1100. n 1 at 6C-8S60 betlrt'een 2 and• ___ agenl"V ina at S499. Americana elec stove; 2 1 .... ~~ 2 ·-.·. 1 blk kit· • 673-0512 * Hamilton, 646-69U AM'. h' .... rsonal interview. Heavy experieDl't on NCR -"I 3 ROOM GROUP Pianos rented opt tn bUY ovens & rotiunie 1965 ~.,...~ :r•• 1 Ju ~ 4200 Good ···-· 5 .... ~--· -·-hair Wnrl"tz•r o ..... ns YAmaha 125 cc, x1nt rond. tens. 6 wk!.' 67>1821 !(15 µ· Metcalf F beri . Cowr, • & ...... ,,, ......,., Prof11sJonal S.rvlce lncludes: s:MJ111111UU1&C • I ·";1-64" AC"16aft6. CUTE. ,,_,,,,.. ldttewi, 6 rtrailer._ Excellent $29S. JHpl 9510 PBX Apply in pcraon. Only • walr.at tablt1 • lampa • e NEW e _.,,u u.......,, 673-3185 Answering Serv. needs wo. experienced need appl,y. for the employer complete bedroom with quilt. litany other makes. h1any e VACUUMS .-\\'eeks old. 847--0691 4/15 1 '61 JEEP WAGONF!ER man over 30, :Z to I PM. and the •pplJcant ed mattma . 5 pc. dinette, 1tyles &: finishes. Prices $lO up. Repairs 1e:·par15. BLACK A Wblte: rabbit, Power CruiMn 9020 Low mila, cuatom inttrilr, 5 dayl wk. Exper. onb. Sfl. THE 133 Dover Dr., N.B. etc, All for... start at $595. Rea.90nabh!. Coast Vacuum. adorable 646-6$1 . 4(15 4 wheel drive, automatic '1'177 NEWPORTER INN '42-:11170 54 .. 2743 $277 EVERYTHING 1N MUSIC 333 E. llth, C,M, 612-156) 3 KJTI'ENS. box -2 J4' l:HRIS CRAFT -VI -Nodown-Pmt1,only $IOm~. Beach Mus1'c Center V\V Reclining' camper seats long haired. IJS-7211 4/17 $7,tSO P?Wtr steering ~ hrakta, ,_GENERAL PRODUCTION ~ Apply in penon • 1987 Pla~ntia Ave. .. C..ia""- E Opera., with -· lor -firm, '400, Pleue contact Mn. JJv.'&l'd. 673-7005 ""Cro\1.'eil Weedon I. CD. ... Oxona dd Mar ®'£ .......... app\y In Prnon S.12. Mac Greior ~cbt Corp. H3J. Placnti1, to aJd in' all pl>. ""1 mid. Net llbr. Op. Sun. B<n< M .... DallY ll'ilot iART-Tlme Hosten-Seely. New homt1; must work wetkm:ls. ssg...1991 u To ' RM; scs-tIOS After 6 PM. 1107 Jamboree Road Schools·lnitruction 7600 C::::"-':::;.=-=~=--.,,. BR., stateroom A: plley; LU', tin~ 11a&s, new nib-Newport Beach WW'S WAREHOUSE $50, 23" Packard Bell color RABBIT w/~, white rats flyin&'' brldp; e'na. xlnt ber, radio &: heater. ShOw 644-1100 LIFETIME G l J t, Factory Salts I: Service TV, make ofttr. ~B-V~ for pets only. ~76:19 4111 cond, By owner. 6'lS-45'70 room oobdlHon. Uc. TYXJ52 t,;ypewritiric. Children, 600 w. tth St., Santa Ana Dally 12 noon 'tU 9, sat 9-S toria. Of. , 1. TOP SOIL $34$ grandchildren. or >•W'"ll! o,,.n DallY 9 . 9 11401 &acl> Blvd,, <HWY 3'l STAUFFER Roduclnt t.qu;,. Beach 49U118 S~ood Ski lolls 9030 ~ ' , Ind Iv id u a 11 y tutortd Sat 9 • 6 sun. 11. s 1% mi. So. San Dleao Fwy. MACHIN~. 3 Kilt 6 w•· 2 o--• _ Chilcoat 10 leseons typing HunUng!oti Beach 341-8536 Coll ... ••J7 ens ...., ...... ~. '66"Gt.lsPAit. 1'' Avalon.!;) • ' -~--• Del "1miturt returned !rom dis--1 11"1 891-0651 4111 M:JIUUI. 113 Mar, CM, 1_.. tudl mod I · Men::.-Top ·&: 1ide c:urt&lns. -2'59 p~ • ... • ...... MOYDIG SA' El '' QUA!. """ 51" bed "' PETS ..... LIVESTOCK ~ with ....... 11696. deroratoni eancellatlon. W qullted .. m at t,, ecmplete --~ NURSES Aide• are needed! Spanish & Medlmrane&n etc Never used $911; •wtb 1250. peh, o.ner11 llOO ~ · · · · ::::~~l.o~~nl;:: RD FURNITURE Electric Orgon AIMC Ml-!>!06 , RHESUS •!Mk.y B<audM loll Slip -r:lnl 9036 VO'KSHAW~ABGOUE''• INC, Institute 4016 \V, Com-il44 Newport Blvd., CM GUUlRANSEN ORGANS UPHOLSI'ERJNG • {Euro-a.._.._ t ·~· .. -ol -• "· merging with craftlmt ) Free st • "'"''"'.,.; pe -or •~ • SLIPS to rent for boats for Authorized ~;1th· Fullertori. l· every bight til 9 le•ch Muslc Center :~pickup, m Main. euii fer. 54~2$38 . Ale. $1.251'er It. Boprdus Sale.I arid ' Service • Cooks • Hostesses Apply In Ptr'°" Wed., Sal Ii: Sun 'til i WURLITZER Bernard's tJphol, 536-6405 ll20 · S..:1592 18711 Beacb Blvd. IG-4435 1555 W. Adoms GOING To"""'"' tbb year! * fulhle box -• 114tlt &och BIYd. GIBSON ' -Coll WANTl:D boat '1ip for 43' '66 WAGONER 8nlsh up l'OW' French mattzus, like new, reason. 11unlington Beach .,.._ Qul8er 5*.(t'J64 1-5 ""'-=""C"os"l=o=Me= .. =~-1 "'--·---· ..... in my "·--•bl•'· BaU fll T"· Crt, Sp with Hardshell case. LEAVING for Europe, Must . ' ; I ~ drl ' REUBEN'S COCO'S ., • ...,,. .. ~ _....,.. ~ •.. All organs &: pianos marktd 11 be t. Himalayan w,..,.,l vt, power ateer-e WAITRESSES • .:-""""':;.c"""=~~--.,,. 61, S.A.. down drutknll .. ! ! s EE -i320 new, $200 or offer se -~u-k~Bf point ·~ -.v-lng :'\'.,_ Xtra .... a.... • "-I ' Call 531-3150 ,. .....,. Erie, fn5.fil60 after 6 PAL neute~ m-ue -' · ~.., .. -l'· ~· e IUSIOYS e ViOlJN Teacher, quaU-BURG stereos, ~d pianoe 4M-231'. CMrters t039 svt 388 nit~ mndttka; A9-= :~ment spec ~;a~~ IO~\U.: ~I~· 1 New .El 1 Ueed ,. .. ex:~.~~-2 ADULT Sltmlew. ·.cab, BLUEWA'nlt CHARTERs $2595 . THE FISHERMAN best In lnoinlct...... Call '°"" ,.., 11>-"''"""' 64M033 C.M. '"'° ., ' Hoitor crWiw-' n.h. ply in pel'DI aJtet 1 ptil. PIANO Leuon11· The veey dtguarded SU5: matchlnc 3l3 E, 17th St., c.oata lilesa $8.95. ~ 3030 Bristol al~~=~ 11-Drlve Ail or pn~r boats. th LIJ>U EXPERIENCED •t the Pier, H.8!. 6ff-XJ9 LIGHT Oak tormlea table tr; (ln back of Pancake Houte) SEARS Exercycle, ~ new ~73&1 aft·I ' , Da\1¥. W~ * 546-900) l'lii=*::,~::,AITRE.:'°""3-'=::0SS:CES,;;*.:*.,,...,.. REAt ESTATE. SblNldn't MERCHANDISI FOi 4 cbaln,; ~ * &al'iy 1969 '""''' 143'can alt~~ o;;-", ,112$ ii1M111t1 'lolll · 9040 llf'OIITS · iiCY-Ute BKKP'G to hr ::a be H:~I~ the =: ...:;S;;.A;;;Lc:Ec.A'-"'N.::;D_.;.TRA"'-.::;D.::;E_ Ilf!FJUGERATOR, o t n 1 n & Solid c:~ ~R:!!'~. REFIUG. )'tllotf, 1eP ~ ~: ~ .AK C • _., 90RT ~ plus slip 1* Hutior, ~~·= IL lnte:•~ork. Ca.I.I Phil ?.feNamee Vlllqe Fumftu'11 8000 tbl A: .chain, 2 roomi of chimes, I.Hile SpMkerl. fb'· $100 White clreuer I: nlte ~to . dlyl SfT':Q· !t ~ e:Gll'Ped.. $4 O Of ''5 JEEP " Rtal Estate 96l-fm « ;..;;;===-----bedroom furn. &ti.3324 tVU. Spinet It; theater models at itand, $«1646-6216. ~1740 " ~ - !llH103 ' 20 Pc. ~...... NYLON ..,..., •PP"" 1Cx16, ............ now! • • FIRE • Burglar Alann 49C-JS1S • • --'400 PlcJo.U .. ' <)I. s ...... . ' Owr 30. permanent ,... ..... ,.,.,.1 ..... '.il,15 ... ---.. -...... '.PrtUmt.BallloebloDd-.. ...,. .. C<P'D.PR--h<WY ••~H.B.** •• • e COOKS .r-Good condlUOn. $G. Call Once a Year Salt Systems Installed Q tow u ·AKC. REG. ..... W1nte4 · 9050 ~ lood • drivel llle a • WAITRESSES l ROOM GROUP -™' WURLITZER PIANOS 199 Call -Dochlliund .pupplH a.,.i., truok. Rl865! e BUSBOYS Includes' Uvq .,.;,. °" · ROUND , ...., or ~lolng Low 1.,...,. . no down ""''" ~-dlamdhd and IIil * m,,,0 1:i.. TDo ~JU! -Iott, $7fl E•po-tobln. lampo '.'bedroom tobl• l ChOln, Iii). Rouod ClpenSunl2to5 ...,...,..,,,,.tllf;O. CllA)IPIONotock;AKC. ec-U: ,OOllcleorboot. JOHHION;&SOH .. -'It's c---a.-Bet. qulltld roattrell -rQlo tob'· with '·al •11~ ....,__.,,... fllon '"', l"tt ,-'Ill 9. • st<J.'7212 • rntn. Schnalllef'S, •boU. trtm.-. • , , , ••• .....,. -.... 1 d' 1,._ AD f . .., .,. ....,. ~ • ~._., ' _ __., 8 .... , ... -'fM \Y.3'' BOlttwl WhlJa' W/ Uftailn..._-, 227• Hor~-1~, CM Pc m .. '4 room. or ' · ' · --Gould Musk Com-n.v BEA·~~-dbl .,. .. -""""' "'"" -~ "" · tut ~-·7 • -·-$449. llll5 N, Main SA 547:uin' "' •~• •~" IRISH Setter Pu-AKC J-er""""""° molar. """Iladler llhd. ' ~ HOSl'ESSES• COCKTAIL Offlcw Fumlh... IOIO • box ~ -$75. Qwnplon ....a. H;d lllOtl m-m '01 MWlatY .,,;. joep, "" WAITRE.'!SES• w;.m:n: Nodown ·Pml>....,.$18mo. GliSON'U. ··-~·•--~ $CMl89 AJ ~ ,100 .,.... •-.bod),...., l<lna'• -·«>I w. Katolla Wfll'S WAIBIOUSE RA{lE Sal" Geouioe 'old with Uan11bell'cuc, ·~•D '"•-· ·-~· .. • MDllA'CURE -,.,~ a1>apo. llUO, ,cu be - A\., Anaheim, Calif. =::~~rte! $320 new, $200 or otrtr. ator, ~ fl", 4d MtJC• pup " Sd'irllmiet ~t ltud. VGtb ~.of Clana ahtr 5 •pnt w e.e. ~•a J't!. ffOUSF£LEA?'fIN0 He Ip a:t \V, flb st., Santa Ana tbT"1 Item. R:.u_ 499-2447 Eric, 87s.516'J after f PM bn rue $60. 675-0045 call rm)~ 1110. Call afttt> I pm ~· 22TJ ~ wanllld. c 0 u p I e. £:t. ()pm Dall,y 9 • t Pl.ANO TUNING I: Repair STEEL (llitar $35. Sa1lin& * SCS.1900 * , • -6 rdlable. Call Sot I .' Qin. 11 • 6 AflPI_ io-llOO Expm. ....,..hie! poddleboard $1S. AKC R<r. Pood1n. Toi'• 6 MIUTAllT J .... O..V V-1. ..., '*'"" QUA!. Kns Sile bed •I Albert ....,_ 61$<!161 '3Wl1l3 Mini'~ ISO ... ,..,...., Ser. n..1., L-9150 -·uo. • 1$ llrn. ,...,. SMALL gataurut needl quilted ma~ I , 1 com.P1t le \\'ASHER I Dr}w Rtpalr. KIMBAU. ColllOlette piano. NO ma.,tta wtMI d le., 10ll 541-3151 •NJ.. ~ more ~bu. WW ~ ' mature 1n1n Gr ._'Oman, NevtT\Lltd $98, worth $250. Xlnt.guaranteed1 erv t ct Llehl finlah ; likr. new '615. cma d tc "1th• DAILY WAl'.Cal"OA FLYING 1S EASYI track. 6'.:;...2380 ..., 21. ..,._ !l45-Slti3 •..:c".;.'-=------,..., "'I"-M14 115 -PILO'l'WAltt AD!I 642.,"11 'TIS OPINING •OON 1'?1. lnll!Nclloo. 560121 DAILY PILOT WA.'tT ADSI O I . -------- IT'-5 .:H·1· a ·E,:1 ..... ' ' ' .• .. • • .. ' ·-' ' ' " • ' ' . 1, ' ' l" I· . ---·~ . -• :-•. · .. ! ; ' •. ' ' I :·FORD : . ' ' '. • . " " " ·.SPECIAL DISCOUNTS THI$, WEEKEND! IJVl>'il> Jl'W AltU l'l!Hl~ ll'CIUHl!ll>LI" U lt/ . ' . \,. ~ '1 ' . I ; · MUST.bt~S . • · T-Bl!IDS FAIRLANP I .• • TORINOS -~ GAl,AXIES · • .CUSTOMS ; IT'S A LITTLE 6AS! ' ' ' ' . · G•t. [tr~I): Unusual Savings ; .: . 011 Over 300 New '69's . , . ; _.., . During· Tliis. llig c1,ar11~ct! ! ' " . ' ... ". "'' ., ' ~ A BUIL'T-FOR;.;AMERICANS · KIND . OF . CAR!' .. ~ pm------"!-~ .. ~---.. ---------_--.,..., " ' ALL ~E~ING '1964.· SHELBY Gh. NOW AT •. ACTUAL .'fAC.TilRY IJ'iYOICE, . ' , _ _,_,, . . . I , . 't, " -' . ' JOIN OUR SALUTE · 10 THE fjllST OF THE · ~70's :LIMITIP . .fiXIC A.llD DIMO CAlS . . . ' ·-' ; AT '6,Q, PRICES. IN OUR • " -· . l .. Ar 1vr~ GauT11-.sAv1N_.,, -'t . SHOWROOMS TOMORROW, APR. 17! ' . "!' ~ • , • ·' -~ RENT A VAC.4.TION CAMPER: OR MOTOR: HOME !<!EASONABLE RATE S RE SER VE NOW! ' . 1'67 VOLlSWAGEN · · · ·I dr; ~.d. hq11itii1, J111f o.-~;h1ul•d. 1i.JQL 3011 201. dO"fll 01 tr1d1·. . . . •, $·1595· ..... $58 ·-)0 " ' PllCI _. · ~t_llflil 1968 FOR6 ·4 ·-VI , · C\nlorr\, J90 eng., 1ulom1ti~: 1'11ick w/whH1 'top. llJ51Z fl49 181 Blue BoOk ~ic1 :$?irs." -· . . ,, ·:· ' ' ,ANNUAL ORANGE COAST ' ' ' • Y.M.C.A. PANCAKE YOUTH IENEFIT IREAKFAST ~,.,, APl'll It, Ifft, 7:311 lo II a.m. •t Rk'9nli LiOD Markll, :Mll VIII lidO, Nftrl>Ol'I 'Stach. ENTER· TAIHMEHT -PRl?ES -PENNY CARNIVAL AND TUllKE.Y Sl;IOOT, 4 F~ILY AFFA1R1 fµNSPORtl,TION SPECIALS Now •••.ra9ln9 15'cart per wlttk that can h Nttlled at wholnalt to the _pvbUc. lut th• tlealer1 .on thtM oldtr ,.,,, . , SAVE!!., 20 %.:doW..·-tr1d1. , · • 1964 ·LINCOLN CONTINENTAL ·s'-5" 'NLL , · $39 '"i J6 Fully ~11ipp1d; foll pow1r, .. ir cqnd. 1ulf. W ·7 · PllCI • •. ....... I 7791 ,l lu•. look' pri ,,. 1995 20'1. dow11 •r 1'67 TOTOTA CORONA · · . 1r1d1: . . D1l111t,. 4 Dr. f,.cfory· eq·uipped. !SUY"l2Sr sees FUU ·. • $39 '" JO II.-fook.pric1 $1415. 20'1.:do•n or tr•41 •. , 71, :PllCI M¥fU Slot~~:~. $46 ::..: · • ' 1 '66 IUICK LE SABRE ,\ 1 tjt • , j ,1968 FOO Y•I. · · . Full po-r, f1clo!l" 1ii. ~Dr, H.T;.!R.PM160 ) 4', . .U,. iilf,_ ''pow1r 1t1trin9, r1d!b l h11l1r. 20 'Yo ~own or tr•d.. ' • • • IE119. No IJ512449 1~1 Bl~• 'ook J1~ic1 ·$1. 695 .FULL . . $58 P~ JO S~i'795 ;;LL"' or tr,.d1., t"A9 Pw J6 r. PllCI_ _ Me1tlis _1 . 'Pa'ICI .,.. MNN . . . .. , • 1,'64 CHRTSLH NEW ,YORl[JR . '67 FORD COU!ltRY SED.AN W19011_ ' piiu •. Facfory ,.;;., full piwer. RIH. PS, Atr. C~ UM1r 14,000_ ..,,111. F~c·· _ IU.C.K6l.61 .10% do·w.,, or trad... ~ , tory •1rr1~~· IVOF 49~1 . '$1295-~~~j $47 :"°...:! ~2495· ~ PRICE . . . lH.l oFAL<:ON WAGON"'. • ... , . 1'•7 ~UStAflG Fully 1quippl'd. _llSP7J71~. 2o i tlow11 ;or. ~j;· 11110., PS, f1clory 1ir .~I H. !TRH4!9") ''$4 • • 1 -, "t• io '% ~OJ"ll DT tr•tl1, 95 .. uu " ~,, •• 2l s~ 79.5 •• ,. $49 ..... . -fllCI ~ M..... 'I . · PIK:I M ..... ' ( \\4~~~ SA'I ~IC~ 0 1Pf'ICTIYJ 41 fiOUU UNLUI lllYIOUILY SOLD .r.. , J .!Ii ... •• .AU. PATJflNTS fl&UllD_ Of;I APPIOYID CUDA' 1 • TRUCK • CAMP~R . SUPER • CENUR PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK 'SPECIAL NEW 19~9- f • 100 PI CKUP . Fl•r11ide. 115" W.8., ] 1pd. 1ync10. fr1n1. 1055 F-1prin91, 995 R·1pri n91 ,11~. ORDER TODAY! • CAMPER Sl'£CIAL!. BRAND Nl!W 1969!' · f.250 PICK.UP ..... .. " SCOTSMAN C,i\~PER , .,. ~~ s3495 • l·fltf. "•· f25111:1tfJll Scehll'l•J' .. mp•r ;, c11,mpl•t1ly !ur11hh•4 with.'lce b.., 110¥1, 1lc. Sl11p1 6. F-250 picliVp h11 JOO ""''" 1fl'tp & oil 9•119•1, 1950 lb. r1•r •prin91 !SJ l .OOr.16,5 l·~Y tub1lnt tirt1, dJii:, h11t1r 111d d1fre1tfr, 1tc. M111y to choot1 from •t fftit pric.11 s • .-. 011 . ador1do, Fourw-i11l1, ~"ldli"• ' Scohm•11. o ... ,, JO ,.,,;u 11oot pl1"1 ort• dltpl1y •rtd rMdy for l11tm..di,)1 il .. 11¥11'\"o " ) ·~ ~' ·t. • .. I •.a.'M t I·"" M.n·Fri e 's,.1 t ... .._ te 6 ,.fl, ,f • • -.- Sltfl it"*·""' .t• 6 p.M, . • PARtS & SERVICE HQUl{s ' PARTS ONLY .1 .... ..,, , ••• M111 • ., •• Jiii, .. , ''"'· 1,,,.rr1 1 '·"'· '' • '·"'· s .. 1 ' ______ ..._.._ ...... ...... -. .,i. ... ~ ., .... . . • • • 0 0 0 :Ii z a •• ~. ~ 411 ... ...... -:.o '""° ....... ... ... >-· • • -, ' • II( .. ;~. 0 u ~ .. ~ z • .. .,,J.,.. .... •• •' .;1:._ a . ..... ' - • • 0 • a • en en ·-M !:"" ....... ... -· IU u z ~ cc IU ... u ~ u -::> °' Q , .g!'.I c .. :~ .. -~ ~o~ -~~= ~-1-~ ~~~ ' I .. • • \ -:~ I ' ' l ' \ 1 . I ' ' . ... c ·/ .. ' I I - J I a a . ' I • I • • • ·-p •• ·-. -·· ·~-·--- CHAllUS WOODARD, SRVICI MGI. TllANSPOllTATIOlf . T A After:the~sclle service is ourbestassurance o a.s~i~ value. . . El· ..... • • • THIS IS WHY AT JOHNSON I SON WE PLACE PAllTICULA.ll IMPOllTANCI ON APTEll·SALE SERVICE. IT'ScONE REASON WHY MANY OF THE CARS ON OUR USED CAR LOT Altl ONIS THAT WE SOLD ORIGINALLY. TO US IT MEANS THAT THE CAR WE TAKE IN IS IN OUTSTANDING MECHANICAL CONDITION. TO YOU IT MEANS YOU GET· A MUCH HIGHER TRADE·IN ALLOWANCE! • WE SOLD THESE RNE CARS ORIGINALLY •••• AND WI SERVICED THEM. NOW WI HAVE TAKEN THEM BACK IN TRADE. TRULY OUTSTANDING BUYS! 1967 COUGAI GT Aot••• bro!li• finish w/po1rchlfl•1tt colfl'1>ri Wt•" l•oth I bite L...:lot1 top. A111to tr1111, r1dlo l 1t11110 tip., h••l•r, f1cte 1ir. 4 111w E·71id4 tir11, ,S, , ... ,, di1c l1r1li'l1, co111elt. A Me11tifvl 25,0GO lflile ctr. TlH 715 $2595 1967 COUGAR .Attr1dlv• litht Aqu1 lllut 1Jd1rior with lfltklii11t t11t1ii1r • co111ol•. Auto h'1111, R/H, PS, Fief 1ir, 4 11•w tlr••· lt1utif11lly 111oti1t1i11ed, 24,000 1ctu1I mil11. TXU 190, $2595 1967 COUGAI GI Arctic white with blt dr inl1rior l bl•c• l11'H11u rDOf. ltO Cl •11ti11• with •••~duty h1ndli119 p1clr•9•. Auto tr1nt., R/H, f1"I 1lr, PS, po-r :tl1c br1k11, wid• ..,,f tir11, 1t1rto t1p1 1y1!tm, •rid tilt 1!1•rl119 wht1I. TXS 164. $2595 1H7 COUGAR Ulfl• Fro•f •:irt•rior with 1.., 9old i11t1rlor. Auto tr1n1, 11/H, PS, f1clory 1ir, 4 n1w tir11 I driYtn 011ly 22,000 ll'lil11 by ori9i111I ow111r. TXV 522. $2595 19'7 COUGAR Pop11l1r lim1 fro1f •Ki•rior with ~lick int1rior i nd blec• l1!1d111 top. A111tom1 tic tr1n11ni11io11, R/H, ,.S .. pow1r di1c br•k•1. Fie fory oir cond, 4 111w wid• 0Y1I tir11. Show1 •llc1lt111! c1r1. TWZ 211. $2595 e ALL PRICES PLUS LICENSE & TAX e 1 '67 COUGAI D7 a.•riifvl 1111• fre•t fi11ill1 wlf• ~••fr l"Y le.ttitr l•t•rler. A11t. tre11s, lt/H, PS. F•ct.,y •Ir, cOflsole. F70wl4 tiru, clriq11 e11ly 24,000 lflll11. UOF 114. $2595 1'6' MllCUIT S.55 SPORT COUPE s ..... ...,-,..11-fi111th with Mclret •••hr wliffe-1•-'•• roof . E1uip,-d with .A.T .. lllH. r.s .. , .... '·wiiW .. , .... ,, sporh COii• 1011, 1tc. 26,000 oritl111I 1t1ll•1. Loo•• 111d drlv•• Ilk• 11ow, SVY 12l. $2195 1H7 MllCURT COLONT PAU St1tio11 W19011. lttv•I ll'lt roo11 1111t1llic fi11i1h w/M1khl11t Inter- ior. Fully f•ctory 1quippttl includi119 otuto frottll,. R I H, pow•r 1t11ri119, Pl, d111I t1il 1•t.. TrtdM Ly oO,i111I ow111r. TRH '1ti. PRICED TO SELL 1963 CONTINENTAL 4 Dr. Golcl Mi•f r111t1lli• witli eff w•if• l•1tlier lllftrler. F11l1 pow•r •qui pm•llh Sl11ri119, brotk11, wh1clows, •••t, f1ct.· ot ir, R/H, 1uto. tr1n1. LGP 77•. SALE PRICED AT $1095 1967 CON11NINTAL 4 Dr. PoW1i•r llue fi11i1h w/d1rk lilu• l•1th1r t11f•rior. F11lly lu1- "'Y 1quipptcl. Auto fr1111., R/H, P.S,. P.I., 6 w1y 111t, ''"'· 1ir, pwr. willClow1. 4 11ew tires. A r••I toocl •••lflpl• of l'i111 c1r1. TEY 961. PRICED TO SELL USED CAR DEPT. a -$- 1~00 © ruJ WJ YI 0 © ® ruJ@& 00 I 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I . v '" ~~por1 __ oc1_A_u1_ .. __ 9600_ Imported Autos 9600 ' FERRARI MERCEDES BENZ • FERRARI ........ Imports Ltd. °" .uze Count)''• only author- ,,_. deal.r. &\LEs ·SERVICE· PARTS • 3100 W. Coast Hwy. ;_ Nnr>nrt Beach --540-1761 • Authorized MG Deall'!f HILLMAN 'f3 HlU.MAN Hu.sky, 40,CXKI Innes like new. $800 cub.. Call alt 6 PM 675-2568 MERCEDES Dem: fill. "The 'ultimate motot car". 4 door, atr •uspension, diac brakes. power noerythin&, a u t o, ·FM /AM nu:llo 4::: healer. Will , take trade for late model American aute or aubm!L Roy Ward 64&l1228 M B '61 23'.I SE Coupe (new body)'. PIS. radio, beige v.·/black leather, 4 5ped,, Xlnt. $2395. TI4 871-5685 MERCEDES '61,. DI, 4 dr &edan. Sll.50. ~ Ol" 833-6048 I MG MG Sales. Se~. Pt.rtl Immediate Del.tveey, All Models J1rlupon 3l111por1~-, . lllJlO W, Cout ~..,., H.B. HMMOS 1 SfO.l'IM Autboriied MG Dealer MGA }·or sale 'S9 MGA, good shape, S&OD ··~·· OPEL DRAITEO! Must Sell! Low mi. 69 Opel Kadttt Rallye $500 dn., T.O.P. 83J..l267 Eve~ WE ARE ONLY #2 so WE TRY HARDER FOR Youn '69 TOYOTA From $J770 4~% BAllK FINANONG WITH 15% DOWN 0. """"" .t C....ut 48 MO. BANK RNANCING AYAILAILE WE NIED YOUR TRADE INI .. L.WfNG AYAllAILI DEAN LEWIS • ltFal'JS646·930) ~ TOYOTA-VOLVO 196' HARIOI, C.M. • " . ·. ' Imported Autoo 9600 Imported Autes 9600 Imported Autos . 9600 Im~ Autos . ~Imported Autos 9600 Auto_E.;..•.c•_ntccs ___ 96_2_S Auto l••sing 9810 ----PORSCHE ~62 Poncbe Cab, new '63 S engine. $2500 496-3102 Dana Point- 'fi6 PORSCHE Euro 912 Ex· TOYOTA '61 TOYO'l'A Corona 4 Dr Auto • R..H - Local Car - ..J lWE 'EM ./ '23 T Street Roadster, Hem! powered; UIXX) or -beJ.Lof. ier. 646-1556 .:=:-ut:Ooo=i.w~.'=n;:i.cl=;::::=:;w;.,00;;;; '68 Cad Cpe deVWe, full pwr, 1:.,..;:.:::::::...=;;;.;;;.._.;.;..;;.;· . al<, vinyl n>ol. Driven o"'9 WE PAY •.• eel cond. $3850 Private par-1 11 BEACH BL VD. ty. 111' 142-?589"" 5 PM Hunt. Beach 847-1555 11395 #TYX251 CASH ---n:soo ml. Looks new, 2-4 moc lse at U49. mo. New '69 Eldorado, full equip. incl air &: vinyl top, $220.87 per mo. 24 mo. Iae. alao 18 Eldorado n'19.40. RENAULT PRE OPENING NEW SALE "WI CAN'T WAIT fOI OUI" GRAND OPElllNG FREE RADIO INSTALLED l mi N. of O>ast Hwy. OD Sch TOYOTA $ SAVE S Executive Car Sale Hurry While They LHll LIBJU IMPORTS TOYOTAo-YOLlO , CM. 646-9003 TOYOTA HF:ADQllARTERS titu LIDJU IHPORTS TOYOTA-YOLYO 1966 Harbor, C.M. 64f>.S3m '67 TOYOTA CORONA SED. Auto tranamiaion. white w/ blue int. A fine ~pact at a mini price. ULY4SC $1395 JOHNSON & SON Llnoo~Mercury l!MI lla.rbor Blvd. 642-7000 lfilJ:1UllJ '1297 POI /~~66 MPG + '31) equip, $14.50 Freight, $49.00 Handling $1390 + tax & lie. delivered SURA RI/ MAKES SENSE ' SUBARU of Calif. Ret•ll Division 1000 W. Coast Hwy. -Newport Beach 645-0050 * 540-2733 fer med can & trucks just call U1 fot tree estimate. GRODI QIEVROlfl A!k for Saln Manaaer Ul2ll Beach Blvd. HunUnaton Beach Kl ~= WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING 300 W. Coast Highway 64.5-2182 Newport Beach *AUTO lfASING* .,/ ALL l\W<ES ./ COMPETETIVE PRICES Cort Fox Auto Le11lnt 224 w. """" --Newport Bu.ch 642-84411 Usod Ctn . 9900 100 GALLONS OF GAS ELMORE TRIUMPH with P=hue o1 &fQ' NEW /===:;:;:;:;;:;:==:/~lm~po~rt!!ed~~A~uto~s~_.::9600~ Imported Autoo 2828 Harbor mvd. Co.st& Mesa 546-1200 9600 1 ...... """w•A~N~T~EDiiii .... CHOICE: '67 Rlvi«n loaded. Xlnt mnd. '61 Jaguar 3.3 Sedan. A~to. Ex oond. Of. fice 838-1294, home 675-TIOO RENAULT In stock durinl 15".XI Bead! Blvd., Wltmnstr '65 TR 4 Olll' ·~"'"" ..,... Phone 89f.J322 Rd I • ~ . TRIUMPH VOLKSWAGEN Low Mll••a• BUICK .rt!', d r, "t'''""• 'Wl~I --------$195 Wiii O.IJver DAILY PILOT OIM&A· wheels, Jet black ext. new r • I--------HURRY LINES. You "" ,,. them ""'· good n>bber ell around. '61-2000 f dr. TYV·760 '63 or '64 ,63 VW, xlnl mnd. New Ford, Chevrolet or Rambler ---..:. ___ , BUICK '64 EJectra. Ht, J/pwr, fl air, Orig, owner. Xlnt cone!. PFF I :l O. 546-JOll tor lua! pennies • d11. Dial Xlnt oond S'IS cul> d<lo or •61 Spttll,.. UNJl.J.S9 0 Time Limit Oller" 642-Sll · BRING YOUR TRADE-IN l--..0,:-,.~~-..,--1 trade, LB RIV 291. Call Ken, •st TR..& SJC681 6 cylinder, auto, In good trans, make offer! Pvt par-operating condition ty. 536-0108. approx $500 range. -OVR NEW , ~·TION Whit. El~ta'!' t94-977J or 560634 '64 'J'R..4 fVG-892 •u ~ l '=====-====~=======-1 '&1 Splm... OXU.S.1' '61 VW Ruby red, radio, new caIJ: 837-4239 '60 ELEX:TR.A. excellent. orlgiNJ <:0ndltlon. Nu tires etc. UIS. U 3-3587 B&Z IMPORTS 410 Main St., Huntington Beach S3MM Sl'RITE '"SPRITE. perl. -. 11.oso Or best otter mt 705 Mom. Ing or Ews SUIARU SUBARU Refill Dltlslon 1000 W. Coast Hltlhway ~Beach 64-*540-2113 DON, stve It llfl.1, ... quick cub ror u wlt.b • DafJy Plklt want Adi CADILLAC I-led A-9600 lmporlod A-9600 ~ lf.miA iiC·l'•~iE ~r.~~~ Michelin tins, Xlnt cond, betv.oeen 6 p.m. _ 9 a.m. must sell! 54frl539 tBy private party) '68 VW, R A I~ Xlnt cond. .,....,,!,;,...,..,;...;;,,,,~ $!6!S ~ 1'."~,.\';1-•"'· Will Buy VOLVO '63 CHEY. IMI'. ILMORE MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN-VOlVO Yaar VoDrlwqen Cl' ~ 6 pt¥ top dollars. Paid for or DOI. Ct1I RAlpl> 673·1190 SS CPE. 327 cu. in. v.a, auto, P.s.. white w/blk. lnttrlor. In FAEE·FREE I.ls Vecias V1e1Hon 3 CAYS 12 NIGHTS POR TWO Ne ,_,., .... Htc.•....., 15300 BelCh 1"11. Weslmlnsler 194-3322 OPEN 7 DAYS '13 VW Sedan, f'xct.l coOO. $ $ Ut:PORTS WANTED excellent condition, OJS69'J Rebuilt OJW. New paint A SAYE Oranp °""'tits $1095 upbo14C m.m aft 5 Encvtlve Car S.le TOP S BUYER JOHNS "5 CONVERTIBLE Hurry Whllo They Last! BILL · MAXEY 'roYO'rA ON & SON Ex::i:~~~ fhL•...:1 R. s.:1_~.:~ ... OOl~~?ttio 'SB VW, pod eneint. UUll A L I HlO CAD 1964 Cl>upe de VWe. Air u i. 11 TS. 11PORTS uto •H ng • ell pwr • low ml • linll• 548-3164 alter • PM Ownl!t • liquidating estate • 1968 VW, auto thift. aun rvot, OTA·YOLYO LEASE • RENT prv prty. Beat wta oUtr o/ wsw tires. Xlnt co nd. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 64&-9300 ALL POPULAR $1400. 961-7126 m.6196 '6.S VOLVO I• S MAKES .56 CAOllLAC Sedan do 'a VW ClmPff' with pop Sport CbuJ>e, 4 spd, dlr, buck-FOftD Ville. New p.ru, lftds top. Good condition, etaeats.Brownbttuty! $15 AUTHOlllllD work.$50.&Q...729f Reuonabl•. !l6Un12 CUii de11, ttko oldeT ,.....,, LEASING '&S CAO. Cpe. o. vw. 2 dr 'C3 vw Sedan, low miles. car in tnde, LB SAD 625. SYSTEM pwr., atr, new tlrtt; n,;; Xlnt mnd. pvt party, $900. Cllll Ken t9f.9Til or 545-0634 Get OUr ODmpeUtiv. Rater cond. f.155(1. M&-1748 6£.1018 '68 VOLVO 10. '7tOt mi. 'TheodoN l9M Cad Coupe de Vlllt. ~n -,-,"'~. s"'u"'•~N~~V~El\~.u:rs-~.. radio • m """· Pio"'"" ROBINS FORD r u LL y LOADED? ssioo. Oaulfild'a act.Ion PG"9°· al'lape. AU:lnc S 2 8 5 o . 2060 Harbor Blvd. Bluebook $6200. $40.490$ For lD ad to If.II arouDd ~ CoslA t.fesa SC.0010 DAILY Pllm WM'T ADS !!:!~!.._ ____ _!l""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pll th. clock. dial 6G.$?I. DAILYPilDJ'WAm'ADS! '"'""'"""""'""'""'""'""''' Alwan 1 (';o.{'.at ll<l-S678 ~--------------~-------------------------------------------~------ -·"·-·-,,,.. .... ., • ..__ __ ._ _.--.;..1 ••• , •• .,.~ ... _,_,___. , .•.• ,_ ... 4 ••·• ... ' • .--~~-··~ ........ ··-......... .,. " ......... .. -. ·--. ·-. -··"·-·· ·"··-~· ,.,,, -·· -w~. Apr1116, l'l69 Df.ltV mm • fAANIJIOlTATION TRANSPORTATION TIWISPORTATION TRANSPO=RT=AT"'l""ON,'-""""'""""'-'===--'"TRA=N.;,;;S.;..PO"'R.:.cT.:.cAT.:..l~O.;,;;N_.;_TRA;.:;.;NSPORTATION -..T.-RA"N"'S""PO"'R"'T"AwTnlONm---~T""RA~NmS"PO~RT~A~TmlON-. ..= noo noo ______ :..;.....;.c.;...=.c~--"°' --'CADILLAC' for lNINETEEN SIXTY-NINE--. ' . ~ ~-- JVV/ST£RPJE,C£ FROM THi~ aba:rs:MDV ' -,. .. ON DISP~AY AND READY FOi ' DELIVERY . TODAY! ------OVER 80 .QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SRECT FROM--.-------· ----- 1967 CADILLAC 1968 EL DORADO • ~- Normandy bluetduk blue padded roof with matchinr This lovely Sedan·de Ville hu all-PQpular power.umts including power steering, power brakes, powa-wtn~ dows, power •eat and C&dlllac's hmoua factory air conditioning. Very carefuJly driven and •hows only the finest of care by its previous owner. CYPI'397) $3777 .-ttlSiJ'tLP $6333 hound3tooth cloth and leather Interior. run power, factory air condltiOnina, Wt wheel, power door ~ etc. Local ooe owner, exceptional. (YTPOIM) 1967 CPE. DE VILLE ' Ol)"J'!Pic bronze flremist ""A'ith saddle leather uphollt.erY.1Full power, factory air condllian- tn1, tilt whtel, door Jocks, etc. Drive it -and )'OU wlll i>':U' ~t. (ULC321) SPR~~ . $3999 SAL E 1966 CADILLAC CPE. Hampton blue with matching DuBarry inter. for trim. Full power, factory air conditlonini;, tilt Y.rheel -all the options for the di&cerninj'. buyer. <Serial No. S:i99J , SPRING $2999 SALE 1967 OLDSMOBILE The Custom Delta 4 Door hardtop fini&bfd tn a metallic blue e:lteriOr with 'black vil1)'1 roclf and blue interior. Fully eQulpped with power •leering, power brakf:S, power .windows, ulro .eat, factor)'. _air .wndJtjODIDJ:_pJua many other luxury features. Shows m¢ti,culow care by previous owner. (TYY 744J SPRING $2777 SALE 1966 SDN. DE VILLE Strathmore white with allver t.apestcy cloth and leather upholstery. Full power factory air CQndltionlng, tilt wheel, etc. ExcepUona.lly clean. (SYJ004) SPRING SALE . 1968 CPE. DE VILLE Normandy blut/blacic ~dded top with blue cloth and leather interior decor. Full power, factocy air conditioning, plus much more. Low miles. (XSS785) SPRIN.G $4999 SALE 1968 CHRYSLER Newport 2 door. Dc-ep water bl ue \\'ith black top and black matching interior, Air condi- tionin1. power steering, powtr· brakes, radio. heater, automatic, while i;ide wall ttrn: (WAM.137J SPRING $2888 SALE 1968 EL DORADO Beautiful flremlst rosewood brown with brown padded top end aaddle leather interior. PD"Mr ·st.eer:lnf;-powtt· disc brakes, power windows, powtt seat, Vogue tyres, stereo AM-FM rad- io, rear window defo1ier, power door locks plus much, much more. htust &ee. (XSR SOIJ SPRING SALE SPECIAL ' . - 1965 CONV, DE VILLE TREMENDOUS ·SAVINGS DURING OUR • 2nd ANNUAL . s·PR·ING SPRING SALE 1967 CADILLAC Convertible de Vila-. Beige/beige top and 1&11• da!Wood leather. F\111 po"''t'r including factory air cond!Uonlng, tilt wheel, A!\f-FM radio. U>w miles. (XSP692J " SPRING SALE SPECIAL 1964 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. SllvPr blue exterior with ma.tchlng: cloth and leather tnterior. Has pow- er steering, JXM'et brakes, power window1, po'A·l!r seat, white ·side wall tires. Mwt sell now. (SRP 359) SPRING $)333 SALE 1965 THUNDERBIRD Shimmering u.tln .Uver. with matchlnr vin)'l bucket 1eat lntl!rlor. FUlly equipped with~ l!r •leering, power brakes, PoWtr window•. powl!r seal!!, factory a.Ir eonditionine &nd white It.de wall tires. (PDP '90)- SPRING $133~ SALE 1965 CADILLAC Tl>< ~ de Ville model finilhl!d in , .... lovely with black vinyl top and od · black leather \erlor. His power 1te:erl.ng, Co'm' a In T ay• pow<'r brakes, power .windows, Wt stH>ring ·Samoan bronze/beige top. Bronze leatht'r l.lP'! . ti-' •· . whee.I, .AM·EM radlo...and tac1ory air condJ- holstery. Full po\ver. factofl' air condiUonln&,. tlonlng. Thi• is a. beautltul automobile that Wt wheel, many extras. (0\VNU3J ~ .... .,..._. Sar Ii q\liak uJc. CN~lCl 1966 THUND,UllD The •port¥ 2 door ,hardtop ia fully equipped OA1th powe( •tffdbg. pov.·er brakn. power window1, PoWff teat and Ford's famous tae- tory air condltionlni. A beautltul satin aUw:r exterior with black vinyl lntuior. M:Ult be sten and driven to full,y appttdateJ (BTU• 3J!)) SPRING $1999 SALE 1967 EL DORADO Finished ln phantom _p:een with .-clotb and leather interior. J'ully ~~1;"1 wilb pow-er ateerinr, power disc b p<nftr' Mat,, power window1, tilt and te:Jncopic •teerinl: wbeel, woodtrbar radio factory afr condiUODoo Ina: plu. rriany men Cadillac opUonal features. (\>XII 168) SPRING $4888 SALE 1966 CPE. DE VILLE Exdtin& ••hie black with ttd leather h:lterlor, full ~r. factory air condltionin&, tilt wt.el Looks ilnd runs Uke new, (SBB714J SPRING SALE SPECIAL 1965 PONTIAC Bonneville. Shimmering maroon with white all vinyl Jnterlor, automatic transmission, r&• dio, heater, power steering, power brakes, factory alr conditioning, tilt ateerinr wheel. 36,000 miles, Iocar l owner. CPIX 973) SPRING SALE SPECIAL SPRING $2888 SALE SPRING $J9t9 • IA~li ". · . ,. .,._.:·· ' ,, ", ' • -.. ,RI,,; $2333 IALE --------.....,.....:SALES D~4BTME!Si}:OP~':'""· ~'~, ~·· ------- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROU&H TUESDAY, APRIL 22 , 196'- 8:30 AM ta 9:00 PM VISIT OUR COMPLETE 11----+---VOGUHYIE SAW l SDYICE CENTll . .' WE ALSO STOCK ALL ORl451NAL FACTORY E9UIPMENT THIES. $37!.~ INCLUDING WOUNTIN .. IALANCIN• I UCIU TAX • FRfE PICKUP AND DEUYERY Uood C.rs 9900 CADILLAC CHEVROLET CONTINENTAL MQNOA Y th ru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM -sATORDAY and SUNDAY -. ~ ... Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer serving Tfie Orange Coast Harbor Area NAB .ERS 2600 .Harbor Blvd., :Costa Mesa 540-9100 MERCURY MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE RAM BUR DODGE FORD 195.j OfEV Jmpapa 2 dr '66 CONVERTIBLE. whit!! --,-l j .::::::--!---.:..= ---'64 RMlll '63 CAD. CPE. DE VILLE Full poY1o-er fact. air. A beauty • white with white landau roof. NYJ..Sa) Hard!Dp, E xo •Cl • n t con-on beautClul ftd ,.,...,., 11't DODGE '66· FORD GAU '65 MERCURY Parklane 4 dr. H.T. ditlon ln&ldl! .t out. E~-Full power, fac air, stereo ttllent motor. Auto. Tires&:: tape. Immac. Below book. DART 170 2 DOOR JOO 2 DR. HARDTOP v~. auto, P.S., P.B. and '67 MUSTANG HT Goddess aold ext, plush black int., pwr tlttrlng, dlr,. auto, . exctllt'nl cond. $90 '61 WAGON, air conditioned, fuJI power, trans ruar. Re. cent overhaul. ~-549-3139 STATION WAGON · "-ulomatlc tran•mluk>n, ta· '. dlo & healer. (C/fW "3) $1395 JOHNSON & SON Llncoln-Mel'CW'Y 19«1 Harbor Blvd. 642.?tfiO '66 CADilLAC C.Onvertible, Z.000 miles. Rl!d w/blk .... Lood«I, """ cond. xlnt tlrn. IU-2171 '59 CPE. DeVille; p>d cood. New ·trt.N:.. tittl, bll.lt'ry. $381J. IU-41'1'1 Altft 5 PM CHEVROLET '65 OIY WGN. t PASS. llL AIR v ... Radio, Healn', 3rd IML Excdlent 11117. XTO 82 $1095 ATLAS aniYSLER -PLYMOUTll ' • 2921 HARBOR BLVD. A M:E.sA 546-113' Open Dally 'lll 10 p.m. •ii cffEv. Van. like new med»JrlcaJlr. must 1ell! -~UIS .., QIEV. GOOD SHAPE IS'll-'* $f9.01D * many new acce5!0rics. Thia Prv prty. 673-8169 Radio, heater, w-!·W. Real V-8, radio, heater. Nice con-fact, air. Turquolae blue w/ car ill Topi;! Even hu Co~ 1'oo="'co""°NT"'lN=ENT=AL.,,.-..,B,...I,,..-<:!ean economy car. INYN· dltlon, WXP' '62. matching Interior. Complelt'. u .. nw "''· "'5. ,.._,,., ""'·black'"""' >nt. "'" "'' $795 $1195 If """1d1$11oln«145. OPRG543 alt 5 PM p)Wer I air. Vf!r'Y cle&n cull dela, or """ '"""" PLYMOUTH car. Fine paj prty. LB __ .._ _____ _ ~o~ c.u Kon 491-9713 '67 PLY ST AT JON \Ya& on , 9 $995. Call aft 5. 494--9.lO!I N ,,....,, .. ,, '63 Chev , '86 L!NOOLN, lmmac oond. s ATLAS JOHNSON & SO OLDSMOBILE Fury 1114-0r. Hdtp, !=.~~~e:rt:.°~ ~~~~~pwr, ~. AJLA ,. 1M1H=;,:~u~-1m0 --,6-7-0lD--S-8&--~~~0·.=~r·e=~ ly $650. 494-7168 Lquna I======== OIRYSLER -PLYlttOUTH OIRYSLE"' -PLYMOU'lll Factory A1r Condltionina, !~ El c.m1no. :m CORTINA oo:r: ~R BL:'!IJ3! co:': ~~R BL~IJ3! MUSTANG "425" HOLIDAY CPI. ~'"':,tic Trana- '"'· Bucket ...... alr cond.. '67 CORTINA Open Dally 'tll 10 p.m. Open. Dally tll 10 p.m. .. '65 MUSTANG v~. automal1",tranlmlalo~ $1795 C\lllt ,._.. tonneau cover '"• n...t-•--1 6 1 66 fOllD radk>, hta.ter, factory air, Loa<ied""•-;..,exQ.I. moo: 1SOO .. ' IPffd -radio. Low :..ns.~~·;kes,e~ ~~ c tit-I rutbtClr, 289 VS, automatic, poMr flleerlng, power brak-ATLAS Days 54S-ln7, Home phone :fl~~~ -~ls~~ tires. Excel cond, $9lk) or OUfttry -, .. te ndkt, heate;~c. RGKOOO es, waw, vinyl top, (XCJ449) lr>l~ $1350 ........ cycle, 61>$14 With"""~~ ...... --Ill•'·-~-$2395 COMET JOHNSON & SON FALCON Equljll with tact. air. p.s.. 1410 LU0l4 ATLAS . CO ...-Uncolrt-Mercu:r)' ,,. F• • ........... P.B., power ~ etc. ' 1~ '62 11~· S.:12, buc:ftt 00-llhd. 6<2-1'JIO ~·-ltaftl. SVX711l ' llT'Ultll>. OIJ\YilLER-PLYMotml ...... auto tnlla, -Jires. ~ ruJy equip. ll9 v4 0111· $1 f95 ' IOYCllA--1'0 ait JWUiJa BLVD. OJRYSl.ER -PLYMOIJ?H 2929 HARBOR BLVD, • OJSTA MESA 5*1134 Open Daily 'til JD p.m. PON11AC $795 ATLAS OffiYSLER -PLYMOUTH 1929 HARBOR BLVD. CX>STA ME&\ stl-19.14 Open Dailjl 'tD 10 p.m. ean -•· . CORY .. ,. 38.000 mL Xlnt cond. °"' • -C/11 -'&4 COMET, 2 new tlnl. new .... owner. ~ -alt 4 JOHNSON & SON · ' ·. a>srA MESA.• 51&-1J31 braka. .Ello cord. Value 186< MONZA. Ooawrt 39,!GI PM Llncolll-Mtm117 "5• -Oillv. dUc ()peft Dally tD· 10 p.m. l6l!O. ad! $495. -actqa( me.'"""''· ..... top :.i FORD Falcon Slatkin 1111 Hut..-. 642-'IUfO ~'.~~·~ -llllYllSll'Y 'II PONTIAC c.w1,. 2 dr, T-llltD . Jt A H, alllO, PIS, W/'f, --------1 CONTINENTAL mo ..... 64>-1'60 ~ ..... New ..... a\wJ19 '6< FORD -v .......... Wed ..... 4, •• 7 t Im. '6.i <DRVAIR. Station wqan wq IDld cxnl. "50 wlc-tndL ___ U_N_C_O_L_N_ MAKE OFFER 5ei1121 . . 1~'l!""'MUST""'="""'c"',...,,a.,.,-1t1,.,.ck. '63 ....... , or 6<64M2 l'ORD '62 FORD Falcon SIL Was. I Tlh!te vleyl top. mo l lalte CONTINENTAL ,63 RANCHIRO eyt suck. Oood condJ!loo. .,.,. oir;ni.. Prlvt 1"'11· 4 dr. Sidon. 1'Ull t>et. tquJp. COUGAI Owned 117 litU• 'olt ,... fZO. !HI-mt alt 1 ZTP 191-1219 Leather bit . Stk. #425-A trom t.quna. 3 Qld dlr all t961 RANQIERO, V W '65 MUSTANG. Fut Back. $1095 '68 COUGAR oriafnaJ pa1n1 a ·w.rl... Yellow w/blk lnl Tap"""'· .l+2, 6 Q'L I opted, lmmac. ~ -blaclt padded .... RuDI lib I !Dtl l!O CMll + HMllO 1r -Oflor. 145-aU JOHNSON & SON Loadad..., a1r-1111oo1re. ci..., .,..... Pt·• -11111 iOllli 2 -. 1 qL 'I! NIJSl'ANG o.w. v~ iaoo. 1• . ....,. -~Call xan, 4"'111 <1 $mean .itor 1.,.m. air,""' p1y-. m 4 a E¥n. IG-11ti8 ·560CW. +541-1581• MT..Q741i afttt I J1CJ1 l!Mt H~.~7050 only :.600 ml. imo. 546-3501 T-Bm.D Landau, 1117, flJll1 , lol6ed. 30,00I llllft. Pric!d I ., .. u -· Prrt ....... -SALIS I 'llRVICE OlDSMOlllf IAMIUR 'tl METROPOUTAN, SoOd r. T·BIRD J..andaq, Ftt-1tr, , 2llO -Bl~ "'"""""'*" cott 115. Call l/pwr, di»: -1mmac. , Coota Illa MHllS Wmty. Pr1v Pf> -• -UMd C.11 -'ll RAMBLl!:R Oo!lvt. FUii '"' T·Blrd, -REPO. -~ • 2 Dr. poviu, a!Mond .• auto. hew Id.Ult '" to ..: ., .. ,.., _,, Am -ali ....i. tlnl. $3l0. 5ll-Oll3 SIB 1111-Tm run ,..,.., 411,0lfl) mt 11oo1 'II IWIBLER 0onvt. run ·a T.aum. """"· ""· ""'· elllr. ila>I: _, _. ...,., aJr.cond, aulo, ,... ~Y"'1 Cloanl --· • a_, ac.11>15 ..... $3lO. -511-211< .,. C11WD. • 1 f • • ' I~ •. ' ' I .. i ' j • I < .. ' ! -,., I ! ' I I I 1' .. , ..... . . ' •· . . . . . . • !fl:Y ,PJUf ' • -~ ~ ' ' I New 1969 Gran:d P,rix Be•utiful limelight green with m•tchin9·9Nen iriter}or. I urbohydra- m•tic, power staering, r.ow.,. dj1c. br~ke.~, pushbu~ton r•dio, de· IUxe se•t belts, tinted g •ss, 678 x 14.~liite w•ll ·.t1res, 400 C:I.[?. engine, hidden windshi!ld r•~i~. ~ntenn•, •tc.' l !6579P2l 1753 · Brand · New 1~ Tempest ' S_port Coup•. Ch•,mp.~gne with ~old i~tiri or, •utom•tic tra"!sm is· s1on, pushbutton t•d101 he•d rests, 1e1t belts,· decor 9roup, , ... cess•d V(inclshield wipers, delUxe wh'e•I: discs, ~eluxe -steering whHI. 233.279260092~ · • Bran4 New .1969 Fire.ird . . This beautiful carouset red automobile is •quipped with specie! pai nt, B-70xl4 red line tires, deluxe Wheel,covers; deluxe steering 'wheel, wheel opening mouldingi, custom metal trJm pl•tes. 22ll79L601492 • •. . Brand New 1969 Tempest ~Wagon . Custom S. ·Decor group, 350 engine, turbohydrill irl•tiC:, pushbutton rac:J io, poWer steering, dist:·br•kes, titt. 91•11, Piteil gate window, du'!I ·king• tail g•te, Y".SW, E~pres~o -brow." w/gold int~rior. 23535921 l& 107 Wndow,st1c:k_er pr11~·!'-~~7? . . . . . , , I ' , '66 BOlilNEYIUE 4:,Potir H~!itop ' . • .. . . ~. '. l'lLOT-Al>VIRTISl l-4.C ', Plat -·up -~~~·.· . ·. ·vguR :_KEY:~ ·. , . TO BREAK~lWl·Y DRIVING! ITS THE BEST TIME -OF THE YEAR TO TRADE. ENJOY MOST OF; 1969 tN THE 1969 CAR OF , THE YEAR ••• PONTIAC! ... . ' TIMlllST ·CUSTOM STATION WAll0'9 :-11'5-THE-STAllON-WAGON·-11 . ·,,....----- " . . 'sPRING rs HERE, SUMMER IS AROUND THE · -,,,; . C9fl.NJiR -~Np VACATIONS ARE COt.111-!~ \Jf>c .. ~t.~;;", wAAr ~1'.l~;W, PICK. UP YOUR NEW WAGON .. ·.~ · ·•:,. .. AJllOI.;~ FOR THE OPEN ROAD!_ SERVICE liEPARTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 A.M. lo 6100 P.M; • SALES DEP~JNT OP!N 1:00 t.."'f., lo · 9:30 P.M. EVERY DAY ' . : I I r o • • ~ , t Hvtlr•1t1•tic, P'.S. r.uli•, he~ter,. whit. title w,111, f•ttory •ir, ISIW 296 1 • ' " . ·' ·'65 TR-4 Ha.._p .. R•4io, ht1ter, 4-tpttd 1hi~~ INNA 1451 • . 51677 . '67 MliSTAN~ Hardtop 6 cv' .. t llh1rt1tic, ,ow9f' 1heri"f,:t,.clio, ht•f•r, whit• wt11 tire1. ··~· Oltl ' 5 1~977 .. · 20-.1968 PoNTIAC:S .. . .. ,; ":,,. .. .. .,. ...... ._ ,, ' ' . " -. . . '67 PONTIAC LI MANS 2 Dr. V.I , H>r:dr1rn•tic, pwr, tf•er .. rtdro, hHt"-, .,.hilt .,.,11 titt t. !TUP l 161 '66 PONTIAG B9NNEYILLE '-4 Dr. H1 rdtop, Hvdr11r1•tie, ,P.S., P.I., ~~lj .. wl!it• .,..11 tir11 •nd f1ctory •it toridition. !S'Yl,29.6) : ·: . , 51977 " . ' "'~;~1 l