HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa--.. . ---------·--..... -·- i I t ·} ' . . " ' t r .. esa . ' I ' ' ,. . . ' ' . ' . I ec· . ' ' t : ' .. ' . ' . I l· .. ' . ' . • ' L -T'. ... .......... 1:~ ... , . . . , ' ' . . ') :Taeht5mitn I ! I • ' ' ., ..... ' . '. . ·. ~ • i. ' • . ., J " J'c·· •. 11°'1'· -I : . . 1 . . -1 Fishiu ~ ':Tiille -. ' , ' " ' : ' • ·u -IJ,:Y->a...., ,..._,... '""' ......, Thla anll~< 1110..~·<!>Bfined fa·whool'Clbliri'~'t 'let •lil1'hiin.!lc1p ~~ lllii1 #OUi enioy!ng a favored-pastime at Huntington Beach Pier. Bright spring sides and wann temperatures are just riltht for hang· Ing a heavy sweater on· the rail aJ\d a fishiDg lli\i over fbe side. ' ' . ' .. ' f a~•tcy· '~~e ~-~g ., ... ,\~· • -. I Shouted . D~wn~By IJCI .. Dis8iden1s .. · ... ,?·· ... ,,· •,. ' ' . . • ' .. ' . . . ' . " .. ~ .. , ., '. ."•'.''\':J ,r, l'-'":11 ! Vt<'~':. ·1 t '-·-• _;.,_ • ' , • ! ! . f ' .•• ~ "' ' : . •I !ti !<, -U :1 :~ !,r1 • :-· ;''>'t' ·* '. :-tf . * * -~ .. . *' ,, '* ; * ,, .. , ........ ' . • • ·,_.._ .• ·, .. jl r !. t.' .t ;.• ,I; '· ,. _;1.J!· ·~,,~\. • 1;4..:Jtl ' •• " ·1. ,_,.. ,., ..... Vietnam Peace '(JDanees1 ' ' , r '. r ~ . ~,.. .. . ' But President N-· . ' lxon . ' .. B. '·e··.,1: :1·e· ;v·. e·· a -.· ... " ~I ,'i! .. ·:.~ '! ' . Lag on an (;hinese • ' ' ; ... t' . ~ ~ . Qff!£erGambk~, Dis~r~. ' \ • . INSm E TGD,\Y ~O!'!ller HUD •cr•tarv ~--~ lfc· • ' •• •• • block 1tud<!ll¥ • Q10!1«otu -• l eoot i.g;;, i. wil 1a 1rva1< tcmpu.t~ Pao• 9.' • • , ___ {. __ ; ,,~ I • ' I \. •,' ..,... , • tr ...... ,.. • ~. ,, ---~ ... ('"91f!iM ' ... ~ ~ .• Ctft\IC;I tf • = ""91' M (......,.. • .,,. ~.. f--~· •• ~•I ,t ......... • ~-.... ', ....... , .. ' ...., •. ,, ~ ........ 1 ! ........ ...,, ,,...... -· M,=' ' ,,.. ~· 11 ,. ' i.! ', ,...... ,, ......... -\' ~ ' ...... ... Ml'rin .. • • • • • s ' Plane ShootiQg Called 'Aci of A . ' ~ggr-ess1on Maj. Gtn. Rl Qioon.Sun at tb1a truco village between the two Korus. It eoded abru~ 112 mln~tM aUer.._ It blPa. """"lflllW -" a. .-hot meetlni with Rl Mmandlng to know: "What WU the belooging al the EC121 air"aft?. • ,Why do )'00 not ttll UI the belciOliol? ••• Tell QI the belooiJnl." Ill appartnU, 'ria trying to pt Knapp to uy the U.S. Navy plane WU boled In Japan. The Korean Military AnnlstJce Commission, uncle< wbooe authertty Rl and Knapp were metlfng, does not cover lcllvlUea outalde Korea. . ........., ... ·--·-the Jncldeot, l(nopp climbed Joto bis Cit and headed IOI.Ith, hla s t a t e m e n t delivered .. It said the U.S. Navy EC121 reconna!sunce plane wu well outsidt Norlh K,.... ts1Hory, poHd no threa to the Com!nuollta and wu "1gaged In ii "complettly ltgitl.mate" operation. .. ,_ Roving Around Moon Ford Motor Co., which introduced new vehicle this week, bu no1bin4 on Natlooal Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which bu awanled fiOJ),000 contract to Grumman Afl'cralt for study of a Dua\ Mode Lunar Roving Vehicle. New lunar compact, being considered for UJe in early 1870'•• could provide tranJportation for America's moon men, or openite by remote control from earth. Anti-war Camp-in At Stanford Ends Mter. Nine Days STANFORD (UPI) -AnUwar ~ l<sten today ended a nJne.day alt'in at a StanlGN u~ l•l•nloiy. Tbe 11111 -ta who (lad participated In Ille. oc<upollon ol the applied elec- tronics laboratory voted a Imo 1 t unanimously to '1temporarily 1U1pend" the protest and leave the building. Doroo Weinberg, one al the protest lea-. 181-~ Kenneth S. Pitier bad agreed to keep the bulldlog clooed lo all but maintenance pen<lllllei fO< ... week. The demonstrators, who marched Into the Jab April 9 to protest war-related reoeei<h at Stanford, Nld they would bold a mus meeting AprU 25 to cowider !uttn tactics -Including "ttoccupalion of a university buildlng." In deciding to abandon their camp-ill, the students talked of "not being prepared lo llaod up again.st police or . federal troops ... 11le university had repeatedJy aald It -1d not call ouTalde forces ll the pro- test remained peacefuJ, but warned it migbl not be able to prevent "federal troopt" from onterlng the lab to prol<ct secret government fllu. 'lbe end of the sit-in came a few how's alter the Stanford Judicial Council .gave Pita« emergency powora to cope with the protesters on the campus. DAILY PllOT ......,.,. ............... ..... ----c-.- C:.WOOINIA Olt.MGa COMl l"U"-ltMINO ~Nf'/ a.a.wt N. W-9 J .... l. c., .. ., YllOll ,.,......... ...... , .. ~ ............ a-l'hM•• A. M•rp\;.. ---C..-... 1 ........ .... ..._... IMdll ''",.... ....... .... u......-1., ... ....... .......... , ....... ..... Froill P .. e I UCI SENATE MEET ... decided how to Mforce its decWon. He said the e1.ecutive C<1mmittee will consult with Otsncellor Daniel G. Aldrich since "the possibility ot -di!cipllne is involved and that is hi~ affair." Ford said he was prepared to let the lltudents win Thursday since they hadn't befcrehand violated any rules ci the Academic Senate, but bad olily threaten- ed to do so. 1illl\VED N001CE Memben of the Committee for ReiMtatement of Kent, BraMan and Shapiro had served notice last wtek they planned to at.end the Senate meeting and ..,..t when they fell like it. In a letter to the executive commlttee, the dlaldenb reaoned that if the Amdemic Senate was going to debate matters cooceming the entire university community, they, the students, were going to exercise their democratic right to partlclpal<. Chairman Ford reed the letter and then a handbill calling the Senate meeting "Faculty Follies, in wtUch daring acmnedlclans will attempt deaUHlelying feeta ol mental ltlll." "These documents are in one se.nce childish," said Ford. uln another sense they ~ sophisticated in that they have 11 a goal to annoy, rldicule and provoke the faculty ." D~tAGOGUES He lashed nut against a few wmamed student dlasldents aa "demagogues of the worst type." He said their totalitarian viewpoint bad Infected other students. He IBid that be recocnJm behind them stand a large number of coocemed students who want a greater voice in the aflalra·ot the university. St U d I D t disaklent-appolnted ~ cbalrman of the Senate meettnc with Ford, Michael Krl!man, said "students have made use of every lepl voice and now have rucbed the eod, there are no more legal cbanneil." Darnell Roaten, a campus librarian, appealed to the students not to be rude, Water Continues To Rise Through Midwest States By ne A-tied Praa High waters conttnued to wash ICT'OSI the Mldw-. flood ""'"' today. Volunteetr, 'Including a group o! cm- Tictl, worked I°"' houri to stem the rt,. 1ng riven that had forced more thaq 15,000 porlOlll from their hom'8. P1~ ._. 'tlrtlcly topped $$ million wttb lbe W«ll poalbly ttill to '""'" The !edertl govemement prepmd to make dlouttt loans to hard-hit busineall and public facilllles. Amonf the volunteer flood r11h1Ara ...,. 15 Inmates ol the Mill....ta Si.to PrtJon la Stillwater. They p a ck e d Hndbqa to help hold off the SL Crol• RJv1r. SaJd StlDwater Maya< Ray Smith, "They have put In between IO and too houri doln1 the hardest wort. We fttt In love with them." tn Dubuque, Iowa, 100 hl1h school \'Olunletn were 1Jvtn typhoid shota befort reporUna ·to ht.Ip eitend a 111-mlle dike. not to boo and hiss the faculty. He said, "lam aware u you are there are senior faculty memben who are not the most desirable people in the' world. They are nanow-minded, rude and ar· rogant. But th1s is no reason for you to act the same ,.,.. J EXEl!Cl!E CONi'ltoL "You students of 20 or ii are· called upon to exercl8e more control than your seniors are capable of." He was applauded by the students. Student discontent has taken the fonn of a mill·in, ait·fn and even live-in in uni vetaity bulldlnga in recent mooths. About 50 students have been consi.stently involved, • The discontent came to a head last week when the facuJty voted down a pro- posal to give students control over hiring of 10 percent of all new professors. . The proposal came from a three.Btu· dent, three-professor Committee on Stu- dent Participation in Promotion and Fir· ing, which was the tut legal channel Krl!man apolte ol. Superior Court Appearance Set For Leary Family Dlstrl.ct attorney's inveatlgaton today scheduled a Superior Court appearance for Dr. Timothy Leary and his wife and .... "nte UiD cultlat, Rotemary Leary, S3, and John Bush Leary, 19, have been ordered to appear Wednesday be.fore Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner to anawu to drug charges. The family recenUy wu lodlcted by the Orange County Grand Jury on charges of possession of marijuana. Mrs. Leary and John also face charaet of possession ol U!D. Laguna Beach police urested the Leary family and confiscated what they claim was ten ouncu of marijuana and 40 LSD capsules tn:m the family'a station wagon. , The trio ii free on $1,500 ball each. Their pr-.! addral 18 llJl<d u Star Route A, Mountain Center, JUverakle County. ,.,.... Pqe 1 YACHTSMAN • • and Mias Dooald. Hoog Kong government offld al H<clor Ro&,,, ane of thole held in the incident from Ftbrullr)' II to April I, oald Baldwin added to hi• dlfflcu1\y by throw- ing his passport Into the m . The famliy In Ltgun• denlad Baldwin would have Uken IUCh actlon. Mainland authorltles naturally found out he was 111 Amerlcan lnatead of a citizen ot tho colony where he b In buslneu and S<pll'al<d he and Mias Donald from lhl othen. Th Moruum alJo carried erte\llve electronic n1vlgallona1 gear uatd for ocean !tclng, but not needed In the coaml crulst """' Hiing K°"' to 'M11<10, adding to a Rad upJaoara illv..ugaUon. 1 ' . "It wu not ottacotrw .f"'I « _,,,,, to attack you or 11.1pporUng an attack on you," KnlpP'• ata~t. aid. '"l'be al!oollnl ~ ol lhll UnlW ......... WU not an ICt o( Rlf-defeue. It WU a Oliculated •cl o/ aggmaloa. '"nllJ act ClllJIOl be justified UJ1der io- lamatlaaal ..... Oii the ca>trllr)'. the - turteHld tndllon ol -" the .... and the -prtnclple .....,.nn, -ol the airlpace ovor lo- Frot11 P .. e I NIXON •.• fPICl al reducing the Amerlcao com- mltment then uotU lip>IOcaot ...,._ bad been mac!< ill nduclng the lavel al llgbling, training the South Vl<tnamao trmy to usume more of the burden of npii., tho ''""'· aod ruclllnl .. ..,. commodaUon at me peace talh. -He said the level of U.S. casualties in Vietnam was down "either because the (Commuoirts') spring olleMlve ha.o run lta count or ta at 1 lllbstanUal lull." -A-· Jll')l>OllJll lax reform wiD be 111bmlt'*1 to ~ Mooday or Tlleaday. He -1d not-II further. -He replied "no" wbln liked whether the admlnlalrallcm intended to keep the 10 percent lncome IUl'tu in effec:t GDCe b war in VWnam is over. Tbe Prmidmt Nld Illa SoYlel nuclear llftngth, Jn both milllles and sub- marines, had incrtA!td eo percent slnee the original deci.sklo wu made in 196& to . deploy I U.S. antiballiatic missile (ABM) system. He rutflrmed his intention to fight for • llmlted detenae milllle system to pro:' tecl the U.S rotaltalo!y ca(>lbllity. Asked whether ... felt Republican lltllltors who ....-the .l!IM •bould, out ol potty loyalty, ~ blm, be .,,,Ued, "I ctrtaln17 do not." '"J want to make It ct)'ltal clNr my decision on the ABM wUll't bll.t on Republican vs. J;>emocrat. It wu baled on what ii best for the countiy." From P .. e I FLIGHTS ••• bulky with emotional teMlon. Ni>on oald the --fllcbta wue -tmmedial<ty IUIJ>Ollded tfter-tlit EC!ll waa lost but that he bad ordend lUCh mlulons l'elllllltd. He empbaalle<I tht few nights would be made with pro- tection bul declined to uy what type of protection would be provided. He stressed that the decision to con- tinue .Oights with protection w a s not necessarily the "final" U.S. step. "Our actions in this matter wiR be determined by what happens in the future," be said. Two bodies have been recovtired from the Sea of Jap1a liDct the EClll went down and DO hope ll held o1Jt far survival al any ol the other 29. . Dr. Barnard Performs 5th Heart Transplant CAPE TOWN, s..ith Alrlca (UPI) - Dr. ChrlJtlun Barnard performed bis fifth heart transplant operaUon Thunday night, reliable medical aources at Groote Schuur H08pital said. They said the recipient was Dorothy Fisher, 38, a CQJored woman. 1be donor was al9o believed to have been colored. or of mixed blood. There was no an- nouncement u to the condition of Miss Fisher after the operation. appros.-late meuum to prevent 1tnillar IDddnll In the fulUT<. I have nothing IDlft .&o ~_at WI tlme." _ "" Knapp _...i to ....... bis aldoo aet up cbarta abowlng the locilion al lat four-eDllDe American aircraft when taJo Norlh """""' .11101 ahol It dowo. Dtbfl• '°""" ...... Sao " J1p111 pul the ..... 1111-t IO milel alf the Communlol ... tJ6o'1 abort. * * * ··* * * Russ .Skipper Gives ·U.S. DownedP"/ane·w reckage WABlllNG'IQN (UPl)-Tbe lkippar II tb1!1 oouotry'1 air _., u cWmed by a Rus!ia.n destroyer turned over to an the C«nmunlstl!. But some ol the American naval captain today aeveral wreckage was said to be drifti ng from far pl ol •·· and _,., out at sea toward the North Kortan eces wrec&a6e ...,.. .......... gear coest. plcDd up ln·tho Sao II J--~·. 'Ille -... ni>ot:I loday said the liw llill'ch lor 1111 IT.S. N"1 ... llllt· ~--.. -ibout ID miles -by lid -.· · . · · al .. Norlh ·X-. -. wtlll "no . Tbe Ptrllap llllll tho c..,t... o(. " -1,...,, lli!Md. -lhlp, ldaoUlled .. lb• • v-...ry,ptisodoobla"-.-. ~ .. llald11a1.;;a!ilil~·'·" ~~ts in B~ ...... ·ll:CW a -... ........,, •.. • . ::V:orth-i::·i;;~":-t!J .HeJSt. Remanded alive. bo lXxties were picked up Thurs- day by the USS Tucker, the same destroy• that today rendetvomed with the VdoimoY<my and toot aboanl dehrta picked from the sea by the Ruufan vessel. The Pentagon uld the Kerns included one of the several rubber life rafta from the EC121, three leather jackets, a pwachute, some aircraft seats and tw,o '1expcllUl'e suits" of the type that the men would don, U they bad tlmt, Jn event ol a landbw ill the -. The Tucbr'& captain. Cmdr. Sheldon D. Kully ol San Frai>clsco, -eel bll Ruisi.an counterpart for bis uprellion of -aod !er the help that the Vdotnoveooy and a lllCOl1d IWalan ddltoytt bad 1"1t In Ille ........ tile p..,. taaoo Mid. The -... tool: piece about ea nauttcal milts eouth of Vladtvostot, the bl( Ruaa1111 l'ar Eut-....,.n. The Tucker wu ordere:d to return to ill -In, s ... bo, Japao, with tbe two bodiel all<r collectioc -delirla fmn the millill( plone picked up durlnl the wn:h .Ii. wh1m ltree ctber' deltloyer1 an! at lent five American .,-,,.... partldpolln(. . . Tbe p..-_ llllll 1be EC121 w• -.-ID mlle8 rwrt fmn the Norlh Kcnm COlll 1111 nwar penetral<d ~" Egyptians DOwn Israel Jet Plane ByUllllldl'.-- Egypt llld Its MIG jell -down mt Israeli jet and damaged anolber In a dolf1lht over the Suez Canal tada)' whlle 1 .. a.1t and F.m>llan -aod trlilltrJ fought a duel below. It waa Ille-air blllleo!lhe-1<. The new fig!ltlog Clllle u the captainl ol 15 lhlps marooned In the Bitter LlUa recion ol the c•al llince the llfl June war complained In Coiro thetr veaela """ being eoda...,...i by the arUllery bottles now In their 11th c:..-uMn day. JOriO .i.ASS TOP TAIU 'I•" THICK To FBl's Custody Federal authorities have taken custody of two bank robbery sUBpects arrested Wednesday In Huntington Beach after they allepdly engaged In a brier gun bat· tJe Wfth Fountain .Valley detectives . Det. Gilbert Veine, Huntington Beach, uJd Raymond A. Vigneau, 43, a Lomita janltor, and Kenneth R. Werner, 41, of Lon( Beacb, are now In the band.I of the FBI. They wlD PJ'Obably be prooecul<d by federal authorities for armed robbery of the Baot of America branch at AdalllS Avenue eel llloothunt Street Jn Hun-tlniton Bllch. . Both men art 1t11pects in two robberies at that braoch ol the Bani; ol Amtrlca 111 Wednuday and earlier on Feb. 2;1. Fountain Valley dettctlves Fnd Nourae and Jack Trott anrwered a Runtlngton Buch ctll !or help and cornered the J>lir ln a residential area in Fountain Valley. eicbanglng shots with them belore the suspect.I surrendered. Both men are In orange County facing charges ol armed n>bbery and auault with intent to commit murder fil<d by HuolJniton Buch, FOOllllain'Vtlley and the FBI, police llld. FBI autllQriUt1 wue not available fer comment today on the cue. Detective Velnt said both men are 11ap. parent profeUiiiall. We have racelved wonl from Sacramento that they mJrht be Involved In other bank robberies ill the ltate." aoth men are federal parolea for prevloua robberies and · 8hoollng io- cldents, police Aid ThUnlday. M_, taken Jn both Bant ol America n>bberles amounted to more thOD 110,000, bani: olllctals reported. Wedneaday, two lUl)llCta atalted into the bank weartor ltocot,. DWill and toot 11,700 at ,... potol At the arrest acene, police oald they conflacated the money, • 45.ca11 be r automatic hand gun ammunition, nylon stockln& mull, a list <1f police radio aJcnals and two stolen lice... plal<s, from ~ atolen car allqedly uaed by the !IU8pOCl.s. '""'""" ...,... ........ .,.,, ..... ~ .... ,, ... -" ..... .., -Doo't • ... ,...,.., ..... .-1'1 ... , •••••••• price. A-lo Tllo-.., l'ltlsbo: Atltl ... lhW -Oltl s,_ltll -D""a-ot1>e ---Y-- -·~ T-. ' IX CL USM DEALEltS POitl HIH lllDOH -DllDIL-HlllfT AOI 90 DAYS HO INTlllUT-LONGIR TERMS AVAILAll.I OH APPllOVID CRIOIT NEWl'OAT llACH 1n1 WMtcllff Dr. '42·2050 OPD PllOA T 'f1L f INTIRIOU , ......... llnloftor Dool,-. A•allalile-4.ID-lllSID L.AOUNA llACH M$ -Cont Hwy. ONt ,...., ,,.. ' .... 1'11 ........ " .... e..tr ..... 1261 • 494-6!51 • " ' -· __ ,,..._ ..... __ _ + ·;ountillgto~ Bea ' EDITIO'N VbL. 62, NO. 93, ~ SEt:TIQN$, 42 PA~ 'If • . • . • ' t ' I • ' ,. •.i....;. .... ' .... . ' .,,,. ... . ..W..Y.:~.-...-...... . • HUiir.iNGr'ciN·s ,:·i N oult N, "'°• l'A~ POR 'tlUP ' · A ' JU11lor.· Miii ' . H~ iif.o,Uilt..t " . I <. > "', 'I-! ~1 .,'• . • '•I 'f "TT ,~'":"· I J •. ~1 .. "'';i,, .lf.,,,,.1.1, • . " . l "' • ... ,. •• ~ •• ,,. • • ·;.. ' J. 1 ' ' Jickie'Ber:i~~on Beach's Vies for U.S. [uni or Miss . ' . ' U.S. Labels ~hooting·A~i ()f Agression · PANMUNJOM. Korea (UPI) -The United States today accused North Korea of a "calculated act 'of aggression•• in shooting: down a.n American spy plane and told the Communists they must "ac· count for lhe ~uencts." The first .face-to.faCe . meetinl of U.S. ahd North Korean Officials since the plane went dowb wWl' 31 men aboald Tuesday pitied U.S. Air Fore< Maj. Gen. James B. Knipp ag~ North Konan Maj. Gen. Ri 'CIJoon.SUn at this truce village-between the two Korus. It ended abrupUy 41 inillutes after tt began. Knapp stalked out of the quonset hut meeting with Ri demanding .to.know:. "What WU the belonging· of the ECltl aircraft? .•• Why do you net ten us the belonging?., .Tell m the belonctnl.'' Ri apparently' was ll}'ing .lo gel·~ to say the· U.S. Navy plane was hued id Japan. The Korean Military Anntatice Commiss:ion, under whole ·authority' Rl and Knapp were meeUng, does· not C!JVer>- acUvities outside Korea. •Apparently~·orderl ·no1 to·debO!e !be incident,. Knapp climbed IJito !Iii 'car• and belided ioutb, li1a s t'tit em e'n t ddivered: 1t A1c1.ilil,;u.s:N1>Y· ZCUI· reconn~ plane· was .well OfJtlicte. l!orth ~~ilo<Y. Jl!led ·~I !\I~.~-'~""""'"''"''"' *~~!::;~ ......... f!?I I ' '' ·W• -.: lftllieldli,~iar ~ .!\1,--.......... -... -11-oil you," Kn1pp's ~t-II.id. "The •hoo\1!11 ~.GI ibis 'llDlloll.Sll!M plane was no\~ ljil if. iollf<lelma ll"inii'a c:~<(~~ aiider hi. ~~~t~~ and the newer princi!J!e rqinlhlc . freeodm . of , the ""-••!< Jn. ten;iational lf'llerS clearly make your I~ tion illegal. . "Ihtemationil law and custom call you to account for the ~uences of your violation of t~-prtDdPles~" Knapp referred to the North ·Korean By TERRY COVJU.E not always conveniional opWo~s on our seizure of t~ U.S. spy ship PUeblo" in °',... o.i" ,.1.., ;,.. . pro~s. Janau.ry of 1• u e~ of the C4rn.· .. J.ack1'e Be"'""'on flan\.an a bright, ha;._ munl!ts •aggresalon." Re conclllCld:l ,bis ....... "'n;:..:> r On campus disorders ahe feels that, statement with: · '"' · ·1 pf face w~ever she goes. "Whenever they. try to.b~ ~ "We of course expect tbat_you wUJ tate National honors may await Jackie.,May' up' With police f~' ~ert.a~ more appropriate measures to prevent '.liinllar ' 1·1n Mobile, Ala .. ··-Problems. If's better .. 'to rucli-a'Pel~tUI'' incident! in the fUtuie. Tliive ~riiitliinc M california 's Junior Miss, the pert setUemenl" more to say at this time." Huntin-'-. Beach toena-, will compete , .,......, ~-. ad! ••-.. left-" .. ., ••~• A> Kl\app prepared to speak, his aides l~ •-, · .. ~ ~"' Ctu1t ·ln!' ··~, .. ,, .. ic: set·up charts ahowtng the location ·of the for the hationaI Junior Miss title against c~rxt. ~·there aren't so m~.· But four-engine American aircraft When two girls from ~e 49 other states in the . when Mrtside force-ii ~t in it .wlltes North Korean MIGs shot it down. Debris Jaycee-spoTisored contest. t.he •e ,atudbt',body ;qfitsst the ad-f~ in the ~a of Japan put the :crash Tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orchard mini!iraUon ... T&t ' studebia' 'are .more in· s~te ,about 90 mtles off the CommWUJl na· Berilngton, 6191 Gumm Drive, Jackie . telligent ~lban ipeople" realize, ·but tbe.Y tion s shore. already has gathered enough honors to react to administration overbearanCe." fill her memory book for several years. As a senior at Marina High School she · Sbe-lii:es the youth. of today fw &beir haa managed to maintain a perfect 4.0 franknesi,' ·bui -dlslikes ihein tof their, grade point average. "inability to· mate up their own minds Scholarship and a bright .smile helped and being easily swayed by outsiden." Transport Workers,. PanAm Make Pact · ber t J · .,._ "U · H International themes are not forell!> lo carry o umDr ~ " <S.m. wr Jailit' ettllei'. '1lbO apent a ·~ 'in WASHINilTON (!JPI) -Nqolialors tington Beach, Orange ·County and ·~·~HoodW'as, u a lor~e., for p,. Ametjcan WO(ld Airways llld the . C:"'::~,., April u Jpr •, tour oi. ~ llUdlnt Incl wu lm~b}·"~ Truaporl Wor~ U"'l'" reacbe.!1• !'"· · " ·: 1111t!Yd' "liirprjslq)y py ·-~ ~"'\b'JC(~ nunutel ""°" Washington, D.C., with.Ille OUJO' stale· lbOii&bllll'l'OundedbypovavJ: .• , .,_a-~'.•'IM. slflke dUdllne, willnen before the May I -.,which .()n be' di&ncts in Mobile, Jae& .. , .a~,~-a&iJMt !be sprawJlni wig be televised natio!18lly. . veo.tUre .1;peaa, bul she doem't Lick.... alrUfti. .. t ~ . ' , Bui dall't lei that brJ&bl, liniDo fool you.. f-r Y , , ., • • 'l'llo ul-.-otiJl be approved Jackie is a -gir~ andlll• mllllY of "You've iot lo baY,e a Utile bit GI -'1 Ille fJ.lllO'TWU memlieri who work the1)'ooth of today' she bu --seriOWJ, • f-ln ~. liut'.~ dOn'\ p lftlo for PaaAm. -mid IO -11s of the two- ·' it")CJKlo wm," abioays. • 1'ir ..i ,. ... mode public. ' • . • . ' , ·' OAI\ 't Pit.OT ,... IW'T~ T. . . . . . .. ~ 1·'~ "I' 11 ' ·' I ,., ' >-• -.JJ.-.~tt .Mv;:e ' 'iilni Alit!e~ thoQgh ~Dfined to :whffl·cl!air, -n·t.let his )Ulndlcap keep1tlin ftomijofJ a !&vored pa.slime at fluntington Beach Pier •. Bright sprll\f ·es lv'l"h · temt"ralllrea ~,jwt right.for .lulDI ing a heavy 1w ter on the rail and a &bing linl! over the sjde. .I I ' ~ ' s -. 'i ,._ . ~ • . . .. . # ,· • ' State ··:A .. uthoriti~ Nptified: Of Beach Prostifutio:h Rap _._, ' . . , . . A clo9'd clt'cuil television l'lt hool<ed to v\d~ ~.television . c' a.!" e.r.~ s overl~kinl_ ~la 'r~ ~ea.. ~r1e given is in the custody of poUce and may ·lead ~o further chargea,detectlva1w~. Officlak at tbe' oaulia ParliJr !Old police 'the'tel~visioe'~'lq .n.r.11. 11"!1 to ieep ·control of"the~ girl! 1 ckiD:>a -the~ .Wof.k. I • 1 · City Attdrney Don Boola wllf'l>e•~ .t~t?,~u.i~u~ O?. the. S;&Qn~. Wmt~·tt ·be ;Jat.ed to·cJ,ose.1t11<1wn, !lid~'.. , . .1'b~ , arr~fts , foUowed twq '-.eb qf undercover inv~Uon concluded by llunlingtmr Beacli detecttvts. AddiUonal .cWges ,have, not been fQed in the cue. ~ mi&bt be in the future, invesligatO~ 'added.. . ' ' Another Helicop · To .j6m ·ne~Eye .o~ 1&ack ·Fo~· General Phone -Rate Hike Nixed · 'Diss.idents Shut UCI. Se,nate , .. · ' r I' • , 1 , ' ' l ' Steek•, • ue '. .Nixon . Giv~ ·warning to North Korea I NlilW YORK (AP) -The · -mm'et: lfvlni 1111, imldi 'oil Jta·Oilf Pljls · as invOll«a -ca~ doled .~ at almool Ult ~~p&ac. K bad ....,...: • (See quota~ ~. Ul·Jl). 'lbe · Dow 1Jonef, tndutrilli •ftl'al• ~•l 1,30 p.m. wu olU.16 It.RS.IT. • I ' ......... '-. . ' ! ' .. fel!IC f .. • ' BOOKMOBILE -Lake View School Principe! Bernard Elmendorf welcomes 1tudenta (from left) Stephanie Eaton, l; Pat Ford, 10, and Shane Conway, 10, to Huntington Beach's traveling llbraey. Beach's Mobile Library Brings Books to Y outh:s . What do you do when the chlidnn can't come to the library! You take the books to the children. The HW!tiogton Beach IJbrary II doing jUJt !hat at 11 ol the city'• elementary ochoola daily during ochool houri. "The responee to tbe new program hu been just tremendous," said Librarian Walt.et Johnson. ••Last month we iuued more than 2,000 cards. We issued only 363 cards the month before." Schools~ reaularly ATVlced by the bookmobile include LeBard, Limb, Lale Vlew1 Olk View, Sun View, OW. Schroeder, Haven Vln, Rancho Vln, Pleuant View, Clwt View, Hope Vin', Cleg, Sprln( Vlew, Coot ud Sjlrincdalt. Jobmon ll1d !lie -wtµ PRbobll'· not be est.ndad to other acbcoll llnce the bookmobile II already bilng 111111 II fuD capoclty. · . In addltjoo to Ill llCbool runa the vehi- cle oenes major lhopplni oonten In the atternoOn and~ In the ..... In( houri." - The bool:motille carrt• aboul l,lllO volumu and a ltaft of. two. r ..... P .. e J ...._ ---.=av~ ~-.ar_,____~-~~-------rc . . . Ars0n ~-ConVictions ·Bard . . ..-• -\ . • Huntington Raid Detectives Follow Noses, • Nab Nine on Pot Charges Sniffin( around for hrn allelled desenm, HU!llinCton JIOcb detedlves -and Oranp Countr m1lltary police Tburt- day night Jicked up • cfllttnot odor that led to jail for the Gia and alao aev111 other ,..tha u well. A aweelllb buralnl omell aman•led from a Ollcago A-.~t and Jnvellf1aton ...-a pulY In proaresa by crawlln( tbroqb a bedroom window. Btoldea roundlni up the two otllJnailY llOllahl IUl]IOCla. lnveltlgaton claim they CGiiltacatod • plaollc . bag CGl1lalnln( • marfjuana-UU -· 10 clpnllea, a brua ptpo, eiCbl pllia ud • powdered onnat•ll>stanc'e. 'Iba --~ ol balnff ablenl wtu..it IMft and deaertJna were ldantlflad aa Kanab M. Trentadu•. 11, of 1811 Rocbell~ Ave., and Galen J, Co111n. 11, ol 5703 Rochelle Ave., bot b weotm1N1Aor.-. ln...tipton did not AY what branch ol the oentce Trentadue ud Colpn are In, nor wbat pool they ll)lqedly loft. Trentadue. younpi brother "' • WeotmlNIAor llJ&h School track Illar and Joni diltance n11111e1-, laces military charges u well 11 civilian proeecuUon along with hil buddy. Way, Buena Park. --Oay D. Wudel, 11, l!O Cblcaao Ave., Huntington 1'each. -Bm.Q D. Neqebnu, 11, 210 Wcqo Ave., Huntington Beach. ....Jelhey L. llGnlvlck, 19, 7171 McFad- den Ave., Midway City. · -David B. Alou, 11, l5t2 Ginger Lane, Westminster. All wlll be charged with aeveral narcottcs violations, includin« posaeulon of marijuana. The two alleged deserters have 1 mWtll'y bold plactd an them and will face addlUonal charges from U.S. Anned Forces peroonnel. Valley '69 Class Hopes to Donate Sign to School A largo, Ilghted ~ will grace the """'1alu Valley Iii&!> School campus next year H the 19911 graduattn, clasa: can raJise enough money to purchase it for lhe for such a gift. ... ,., LOGBOOK Police Sgt. J. l\Olnholla wba headed the lllrth for the bolriber,•determloed. that a.a... was •• suopeCf aoo m•lclied ll"a•rprlnta. taken from ltagm<111ta '!f tile lM!mb w!llch matd>ed thole of Chavez wblch yere OD fili. with the FBI. Thret weeb after the bombinj; Chavez was traced to Statue, Washington, where UPIT ...... Berieged Sirhan B. Sirhan'• chief defense attorney Grant Cooper is beset by microphones as he leaves court where he preaented series of motions following client's first degree murder conviction Thursday. (See story page 5.) ! to Find ;: , . he was taken into cu.5lody by det~ from tile Sealtle Police DapartmenL -... Wai.ad ud Cllnil was bcought baci lo< arralgruneot In Well erinae CoWltr &Jperior Court ·oa ' cbargea of anon, burning peraonJI i- perfi and possession or a fire bomb. He was tried and convicted in Superiqr Court al Santa Ana and !OW!d guilty ola all thr~ cowit.s alter t.be jury dellbera~ [or about 25 minutes. After Chlvez hu ltl'Ved his first ttrm he will be Sentenced on the other chargu. which could add four more years to hil prison term. Beach Holdup Suspec_ts Now In FBI Charge Federal autbor!Ues have taken custody of. two bank robbery suspects arrested Wedoe!day in Htlntingt.on Beach after . they alleaedly ena•ied In a brief 1W1 i)at.. tle with Fountain Valley detectives. llet. Gilbert Vetne, Huntington Beach. said Raymond A. Vigneau, 43, a Lomita janitor, and Kenneth R. Werner, 41, t:i Long Beach, lll'e now in lhe hands of tbl FBI. They wlU probably be prosecuted by federal .authorltles for armed robbery of the Bank of America branch at Adam.!I AvenUe and Brookhurst Street in Hun- ltngton Beach: Both men are smpects in two robberies at that branch of the Bank of America on .Wednesday and eaPJer on Feb. 15. Fountain Valley detectives Fred Nourse and J1ck Trott answered a Huntington Beach call for help and cornered the pair tn a m.ldential area ln Fountain valley, exchanging shots with them before the Mpacta surrendered: Both men are in .Orange County facing charges ol anned robbery and assault with intent to commit murder filed by Huntln&ton Beach, Fountain Valley and the FBI, police said. FBI authorities were not available for comment today on the cue. Other orrealees Included one juvenile UCI SENATE ML'E.T and the following adult sua~ts. bOo?ked . . . . "" ·-~ . . . ·~f ·~If~~\~ "nN! sign woold be med to publidze the vorious adlool actlv!U.. and will be located near the lootblll field. Spelling Bee Set For Valley Youth DetecUve Veine said both men are "ap- partnt profesaionals. We have received word from Sacramento that they might be involved in other bank robberies in the state." feats of mental lklll." .. d. a mill· in, llt-ln and even live-In tn _:JUcblrd D. Sdnulm1~ 1 7 14 1 "'!11eoe docnmmi. .,. ~ _,. unlveralty bulldlnp In reoont montha. StlllhlrbOr ~; lflln_titi~ 'Ibe structure carries a price tag of $1,500 to $2,000 and senior class president Know how to spell ''Podocarpus David Carlille. huiidou~ta that the atu-Elongatus?" ~lh men are federal parolees for previous robberies and shooUna: in- cidents, pollee said Thursday. cbildlm;• Aid Ford. "la ~-aenaa About 50 lbldenta have been c:oosiltenUi -lta*1 ~ ~ .: . ~ales they are oophiltlcalad In that they have Involved. dent body wiD.-bl Ible 'to raise enoutb Several Fountain Valley youngster! funds f« it. think they can am:r~;wtll show Uietr · Money taken in both Bank of America u a 1oal to lllDOY, ridlcult and provoke · Thie dilcontent came to a head 1ut the faculty." week wben the faculty voted down a pro- DEMAcoGui!z pooal lo al•• lbldenil control over hirlnl He 'lubed oul ••ainst a few unnamed ol IO-td all -prolesaort. -The pr_.i wnt !tom a tbteMtu-ltudent diuldenta u "dema&ogues of the dent, three-professor bomrruttle on Stu. worst type." He llid tbttr totalltarlan dent ParUcipaUon in Promotion and Fir· viewpoint bad Infected other tludanll. Ing, which was the Jut ! .. al channel He aaid that be racoplsel behind them Krllman _,, of atand a large manbtr of concerned .,....e • lbldenll who want a areater volca In the alfaln ol tile unlveralty. S t u d e n t dillldent-appolnted Cl> chairman ol the Senat. meeting wttll Ford, Michael Krilman, said "'lludenta have made UR of every lq1l voice and now have reached the end, there are no mofe legal channell." · Darnell lloat.n, a C1111pul librarian, appealed to the lbldenll not to be Nie, not to boo and hill tile faculty. He Aid, "I am aware u you are U»tre are senior faculty mtmbera who art not the most desirable people tn the wwld. They are narrow-minded, rude and ar· rOKant. But this ii no reuon for you t.o act the same way. EXERCISE CONTROL "You studentl of IO or 2Z are calltd upon to exercise more cantrol than your senlon are capable of." He WU applauded l!y tile lludenll. Student dllcabtant bao tabn the l1>rm Uli ll V i111 or '.Amateur Films Slated at GWC Several ol Huntlnglon Beach's amat<ur film maker• wm display their ... .,.. for the Judi• at 1:30 p.m. thiJ Saturday afternoon In Ille Golden Wet! Colle1e Forum. Awardl ol mtrit for films ln the win- ning calaf0rle1 wlll be made by Ille lllm- lln(ton Beach Public Library. The event, which is a culmtnaUon of the a millimeter film cornpetlUon sponsored by the library, ii open to tile publlc without charge. Included In the progr1111 will be "• Day with Timmy Pqe," a film Yillt with a U· year old who hu 20 films to bla credit. In addition there will be a screeniol of two award winning films in the san Juan competition held by the Oringe County School l)'ltem. Water Continues To Rise Through Midwest States *1 Tbe AnK!aled Pml lllth wa...., <Cnllnuad to wub acrou the Mldwllltm flo6d .... today. Volunlaen, tncludlni a "°"" o1 con- victs, wmked long houri to Item the ft&. In( rtven that had forced mora than 11,0lll -lrCln the~ homts. Property 1oaaes already topped '5 million with Ille _. ~ly llW to come. The federal 1ovamtmtnt pr.pond to make dlsutar lnans to h a r d • b I t busineaes and publlc facl.lilles. Among the volunteer flood. fllhtero were 11 tnmatn ol the Ml..-,. Sta!Ao Prlaoa In SW!water. 'lbfy packed aandbap to help hold <JI! the SI. Croll River. Said SWlwater Mayor Rar Smith, ''They have put In between 80 Ind 100 houri dolni tile hlrdetl work. Wt fttl In Jove with them." In Dubuque, Iowa, lllO hip ochoel \IOlunteert were alvtn typbokt shots before reporting to help n:tend a 1l•·mil1 dike. Library Mounts Massive Book Retrieval Drive The present policy of the Huntington stuff this Satilrday during tile city's 5th Beech Union Hilb School District Annual Spelling CharriplofUlhips. restricts a aenlor clus treasury from col-Saturday's events will coru;tltute the Jectq more than •1 per claas member preliminaries, with the Champions from for sucba gilt. each of the eight locaUons competing robbeftes amounted to inore than $10,000, bank officials reported. Wednesday, two suspects stalked into the bank wearing stocking maaks and took $4,700 at ,,,,.._ poinl ·- No more tb11t $700 could be raiaed from against each other April 25 In the Foun- student sourcet, lherefore, Ind Carl.lale ls lain Valley City Hall Council Chambers. 3 E Pl C h now seekln( donaUons from privat. Locations of Saturday's spell-0ffs will Scape ane ras 'Uzem be Los AmigOI High School and Allen, Cl · Nieblas, McDowell, Tamura, Fountain DANVILLE, Ill. CAP) -A Sb'ategk: 1'.e HunUngton Buch Ubrary, tn con-Orntributlons may be Mt to tbe C1au Valley, Harper and Gisler elementary Air Command B58 bomber crashed near junction with two }ocal elementary :school of 11199, Fountain Valley, lli&h School, !chools. Danville Friday after its three-man crew diitricts &M· Boy Scouts is sponaorin& a 17111 Bu!barcl St. Starling lime at all locations will be at parachuted to safety. The four-engine maul.ve book retrieval program. Acccrdlng to C.lille, all contributors 9 a.m. H!Wler, costing $8 million, crash~ and Both paperblck and h a rd b o u n d wW be formally recognized by having All children living or going to school virtually disintegrated on the grounds of volumes wlll be accepted, accordln1 to their names engraved on a plaque to be within the Fountain Valley City Limits, a gravel plant 10 miles from Danville. Ubrarltn Walter Johnt0n, whole 1taf[ permlMJ'tly ditplayed in the 1Cbool'1 ad-who are in grades three through alx, are Pieces of wreckage were strewn for will have 1 truell: parked at the Hun--miniatrat.lon builciln&. eligible to compete in the spelling bee. miles. Un11on Center Saturday whtrt books 1--------=--------''---..:... __ __:__;:._..c...._....c==---------- may be turned in. Tbt book drive wu «aaniled wtlb the Intent to add more volume.s to the library ahelves ud wlll be held In conjunction with tlle Scout Pinewood Derby, also scheduled for Satunlay at the 1hopptng center. Boys and girls will be on hand to receive and stack the book• at the center and will also pick lllern up frolll prtva!Ao homes. Anyone wlshln1 to make a donaUon may call tile library at-· Pair in Shooting Get $300 Fine Two Loni Blach men arrested u thty pumped bullets tnt6 a Jlunlllllton Beach bulldin& have beell fined more than taOO .eaeh tn W•tmlnltar municipal court. Flnm: were ltvled after the conYl.ctlon of Merle Timothy Anderson, 28, on dtargea o[ being drunll: in public and fir~ Ing a gun on the hlghw1y. Frank Gerald Miller, 30, pleaded guilty to drunken drtv· ~ men wn arrested lilt Feb. lt u they bllal!y flrtd sl!ota lnlo a bulldina at Pacific Coast IDpway and Brookhurll s-~ Ii• one wu hurt tn the lhoetinl Incident. Milltr was fined $310 and liven six monUu probation. tDi drlvtng license was ..,;-for ll da1J. Anderoon WU fln-ed !$. Students Hold Faculty ~aptive in Oakland OAKLAND (UPI) -'!lie otudents madt the teacllen 1t1J after IChool at Merritt College 11luraclay, lockln( about IO faculty memben Inside a meet.Inc room for Ill hours In a D01>•iolent In- cident Prto!dent Norvel Smith pel'IUlded three carloads ol pollce summoned to the campu1 to rtlreat while ht '°"ibt a peaceful aettlement. Clllfornla11 ont7 Nqro Junior colJest pruldent -· lOdO GLASS TOP TAii.i-¥•" THICk SPICW. s 14450 UG. ''"· l -""' ...,w _, ..,......, 4 ... n.., 11111 11 ,.,. _, 1 •• .p 1op Nll:lo. o..~ .,, ... • .,. Fl_,,, te ... ....., ., e r11111llll1 price. ,,. A-ta Th"°'"""' Flol .. os: ~ - -ON Spoahlo -Dla-.4 Olha ---Vttde --~oa T-. IXCLUS!VI DEALl-S FOii: HINRIDON-DRIXEL-HIRITAGI 911 DAYS NO INTIREST-LONCIER TlllMS AVAIL.AILE DN A'PROVED CREDIT NEWPORT IEACH ' 1727. Waotcllff Dr., 642·2050 orQ Pi!DA Y 'TIL t IN1RIOlS Profeulon1I lnterler D .. 1,...,. Anllobl~ID-NSID LACIUNA ll!ACH US North Cool! Hwy. OP1N NJDAf 'Tit t • 4944551 • •• ·. I ••• ·------ For The Record Jtfeeiin91 rtlo.lY #Mr Vl1l• MlllOnlc: lodllt, Ml'°"lc T-11. 1401 1Slft ll••t, ~ '"di, 7;30 •• m. 'l.1'.W, l"ott No. UX. Amtrkwt Lttlon twt~ 5'J W. ltlh StrHI, Colli MtM, l1•1J."'. u.c.1. ''* dlncin.. c.-"""· U"lw r1lly flt C1Mlw11l1 lrvi..., 7:• ·•·"'-lATUlllOA'f Ch•l1ll1n 11111,...-·1 tolflll'litt., .. ll:M hr Cll.lb. ,...,_. IHdl. 1 '·'"· Anellor l ..... , VOA, s..i. Cltl- lll.crMt1911 Club, 15111 Slr-.t 111'111 lrvl111 A'tftlw. tte-1 IHdl. I ··"'· $oo\s el lt11V In Mwrlai, Mir VIII• loOtt, lllh '""' ..... 0r .... AV'I_, HY111l"lta1 BHdl, I "·"'· Or-C-l't' ~ACT, 101'1 G1n:lln Grow •Ml .. Gwdtn Grw1, 7:JO '·"'· Pilot Visitor• ,...,,.. ,,.. ·~ Morldtln ...,. Fr!Qn for ~I cl••-el flflll 1rad1 lwwl ...., ~ or l'ltMr _.. "n1u11-'ff 11 1H1t ,,.., -iw.. el. tnr..-.t.d 1rou" fn9Y c1H Mr. Dud11., lltldl. UMnt, Ellf. 27'. DEATH NOTICES ADAMS •Yrll Olrlev AMnu. Dile al dellll'l, AprU U. ltnllltftt of 3:27 N1rcluu1, COf'Dllt dtl Mtr. Survlvtd by hus!Mlld, Edw9rd J. Amlm11 -· 1!.,..rett I!!. A"-1nl, Coron. del Mir, 1'111 J....- 1!. Ad1nu, Ct""" Hiii. "enn1v1v1nla1 '"" """ 1rlJllllldllklr9n. $otl'Vk9s, Frl<My, April 11, lod1y, 1t F1lrltWft Ce""""", Oil'Qtvr, I lllnoll. 11rtt Mor. tu1ry, 1520 E. CNll Hltl'IWllY, COt'Olll 11111 Mir, f-1rd!nt1 dfrKtM. DE'M'Y Phf!ll• D. Detty. 16'Jl 0.1e Vlst1 l11oe, H1,1~1IM1on 11-.dl. Su,._.;..., ,., wile, J~lllltr 1l1t•r, Mrs • .Y•rrv J'-'I. llONry, Fr\Oay, 7 p.m. Se,...kn , S• lunNv. t 1.m., llot'll 1t PMk F1mll'r Colonl1I F1,1111r1J Home. FAIRBANKS H1v1 M. F1lrlltnk1. AH n. ltn!«nt of HllmlMond, C1tllornl1. survived try h1,1.i..nd, R1lph1 dMl9h~ra. Vernell• """*'°" I nd Mlllll~ OePpr, bolt! of I-; Loll kllplleftbuf"9, Wnlm!Mltri _.., S'9vt F1h1r•nk1 of S..n!1 An11 two 1l11ef1, Mra. Zol1 W•lk•r, kllho. Ind Mra. Gl"rtrvclll Trull!, of Mluourl: 11 .... •r1ridc:1llldren: four ''""'~rind· dllldnn. s.Mcw, S.turd1y, H 1.m., !lft(ftlli CMJll/. llllttmefll, Wftlml~ 11-r Mi!'MO~I P111!. DlrKlld by Sml"'1. Morfv11y. JOHNSON Gerd1 Jahru0... AH 7J, ~ 302 Hirt· fcird, Hunlllll'°" llM<h. Survl....cl llY 1111"1, !111 JCll'IMOll: dau9hter, Mlrlf'fn •"'""' ~ ol M.111dluset111 d•ll'I"' tw, E"°IYn (11!1,..., Hunllft9lon Bndli IN'frfher, Jolin llllon, Connedlcu•1 111- ·tera. Miidred 1r.d Soni•, bo1tr ttl sw.den; I tranck:h!ld~n 1r.d 2 1rul· 1r11'Mkl!lidnn. S«vktt, Sllurd1,, t 1.m., Smith1 (.hapet, Pr1v1lt lnler· """" Jn SI-lie. Smllhl Mortu1ry, II~ """"· Wll.LSEY Jlllll f . Wlll.-v. "" 5'. of IMll Sa~ ,,,..,, l i ne, HYnl1119ton BtKll. 0 I I I el ... lh. APrll 11. S..rvlwd 11'1' h111- bollld. H1rald I(, WlllHYI two dlU'lf>. ""· Betty w. wuise, 11..i Lindi t . TMl'Ol"rl 1...:I lh,_ 1r1...:ldllldl"lfl ... ,._ lets. Slfllnllv. l p.m ., Smiths ChlP91. '"""""""'' PKlfk Vint M-llt P111!. DlrKI~ 11'1' Sml!h1 Momr1ry. HUFSTEDLER Wadi H. H11fll9dl..-. Ave '5, OI' 31t '"' St.. Hunl!n1tot1 Bead!. S.rvke1 pendlll9 11 Smltti. M0<11,11ry, ARBUCKLE & WELSH Wettellff Mortuary U'7 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa 61Mlll BALTll MORTUARIES Corona del Alar OR U'5I Coit.a Me11 Ml f.UM BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Co1ta MeA u a.sm DILDAY BROTHERS RunUnflO• VaUey Mortuary 171ll Beach Blvd. HunUa.ctoa Beacb W.'17'71 PACIFIC VIEW "EMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Mortuary ·cu,.1 3SM P1ctnc View Dri ve Newport Beach, calllornla 144-!70t PEEK FAJlllLY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 1111 9o1Jo Ave. We1tmhlsttr llS4US 811EFFER MORnlARY t..apna Beaell •H-IIU S. Clemente 4twl• ~ITB'S MORTU AR'i m Mala SI. 81111tbl'O• Bea9 LE MAI . ' • DAil. Y PllOf i Co•fro•tatlon a t 1JC b v l•e .. Black Students Fail to Ruffle Weaver THANKS • By THOM.IS FORTUNE OI' .... .., , ....... IRVINE -Robert C • Weaver, the first Negro to &erVe on a President's cabinet, refused to be ruffied when quizzed by a n g r y black students and white polltlcal activists this week at UC Irvine. He coo1y countered the students' emotion with logic. Black student Tom Watford asked angrily, "Here you are top dog. Why doo't you use your influence to get thlngs dooe the way you feel they should be done." Weaver answered Watford's and other studenta:' questions, saying, In shorto "I am one man. I limit my aspirations to what I feel can be aecomplilhed. I don't w41te my time trying to change the political or economic system. And within those limits I have been effective." Weavei:,...Merelary oC Hous· ing {llld Urban Development (HUD) under Presi d en t Johnson, was Charter Day speaker at UCI, the day of commemoration of the uni· versity's birthday. He spoke Wednesday to 250 studenta: in the campus gym· nasium in the morning, telling them the uhimate solution to the urban crisis lies with peo- ple inst.ead ol government and the haves must le.am to share with the have-nots. In the afternoon he met with a 1malle.r group of students, point ol view blacks should "that the very people who now wllh que3tionlng dominated by never compromise on their call upon moderate Nearo the Younc blacks and wblte ao-demands:." leaden to stop vanda.Uam and tivtsts. ''That's 1ond rhetoric," violence damned these aame He explained bow low-cost Weaver responded. ''But I leaders a decade ago U left· houslna: ls provided through don't think it works out very wing and extremist. Their~ urban renewal. with the federal well." grams have changed but little government ~aylng for the In his mornini speech, he during the interval, but wbl.te land, but using local public blamed Nesro militancy on America now finds great housing agenc\es or private white Amerka's indiffertnce statesmansh.ip in their pro- spohsors for lbe demolition and reluctance. He suggested grams. and new ~\ruction. moderate civil rights leaders "Had they been permitted to violence.'' were undercut anc1 accused of aobieve the goals that are to-. He said I o n g -o v er d 'u e "You pay a profit to the No; .... _ _.__1 ... a wi"tb pr••••(. d pal '"bl •-hi! --' .,_, 'ed t I 1 ........_. ~uo:u...,~ ......... , ay so a,,. e ...., w e 1-aorms are uc:ing carr1 ou supported.-To everyone who my canaidacy f 0 r Area 5. Sincerely 1 · MARY G. MARTIN • , .. sum ord, a profit to the con-day nu"li•·-the ,.,ult. • . _,.1.1 .. _ .,_,. an! " •• Ir and . ,._ ._....1 "mer1ca we ~ 11i11.Ve ....... now as a p c reac on w actor, prov1u-c; a tax. --·~·~:~··:~~~;!'~~·~"~~:_~ .. ~~·-~~:1~~-·~··~~--~--_!"~_'.~·-~·-__ :_ _____ )'::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: dodge for the slwn lord to buyJ-uo: ai or er Y c, .... '6e raUICr an r1~. • it back?" asked student David Heskett. "You have comp I et e 1 y distorted the process,'' Weaver replied. "We never sell back to a slum lord. We sell to cooperaUves that are limited d.i videot or non-profit groups." Student Michael Krisman asked, "How did you work with thoae crooks who say they don't have any money for you because It's all going to the war? Did you come hat in hand and say 'How about a lit· tie for HUD?' " "I did as I knew 1 had to within an existing system," said Weaver. "I had no poliUcal muscle. It would have been a waste of my time and money to do otherwise." "You netd a Black Panther Party in your organiiation," said a black student. WaUord remarked, "In my APPLIANCES is a · ' • BUY THEM AT ---CERTIFIED SERVICE ~;::::~ ' Water Dispute Settled After 5-year Squabble • SANTA ANA - A water dispUte which has cost the .arguing parties more than $4 million over a five year period ended Thursday in Superior Court. The settlement, carried out under the gavel of neutral Judge John P. McMurray of Inyo County, will guarantee Orange Cowlty an annual 42,000 acre feet of Santa Ana ruver water plus all the nood run r.J.f stored in the Prado Dam. And apparenUy delighted Orange County elements in the negotiated agreement said that first benefits of the new· water division wi ll be fe lt here next year. - The action was launched in late 1963 by the Orange Coun ty Water Disbict and accused water agencies in Riverside and San Bernardino counties of takin1 more than their lawful share of up stream water. Orange County a g en c I e s were being forced to Import Colorad!> River water anc;t store it in underground bas.ins to maintain a safe water level here, the complaint stated. Attorneys for both sides to- day said that Lhe pre-trial set- Uement has saved. taxpayers in the three involved counties "million,, of dollars in ad- ditional court, and attorney fees." ............................. • • lllH'llOST'llE ... REFRIBERATIJR.FllEEZEB No -Mr lo Mr Ill ... ft. nf-sJlllJ 117•.too-.. ~-k<Mollr. F.....,_., ____ .. , ,..,... ___ ,__ ... ,.., ~;;;;;;;;;;;;v, '1hlrlpool WaW R 3 llltollltlt c,tles, 2 speD mil W.W temper1lur1 Cllllrof ........ -,.,.,_ s llllt HlettiOllS. Botb futvra toO ..... Clll for l'\i IP nt ..... ftbrict. luy ... llllr-. $1Vtli1111,·wan,,_,l . W•l'let Model LTMIMO D,,.., Model LTE:alOO MO-FROST COllotSSE1111 twl REFRIBERATOll-FREEZER c ~ .. v .. .. .. No defMQ!ll ew, tldlllr.W. w:eal-Mii ~ : 32"' ... J Tli li11-ti• tr.. lloldl 117 lbs. f..... .::. upante '-Ptllbn CGltrlk, JltCDN ..r ,. .. .., --r. ~ ,_ ______________ ,~ •Whirlc::.• • poo1 (F-REE ic PC. lltf11111A11• -. ... ): !( wiflJ ...-al DnSN Rolllpi• ;: "---------------~~ and, to make .MEJTffEKS f).AJ more complete ~ either a ••• · ·· ~ or a.. will do it ~ 1'bmpool Whm,.001 Top-Loading Portable Fronl-laadln1 Porllbl1 = .. .. " •' ... .. .. " .. THANK YOU! rear 1Ublnltlc CJOllS with pusfl. button oontrafl IOlf two rnoMnc spray inns "lcnlb" dlsl!IS spotless. lnclodes self-dllnlnt fllter, dual 11tl111anl llld rinse condllioner 4ispmen:,.dual sWillf't.IP racks, lamiftlttd WOik lop. fu tur1S IUIC1Utic puslillllon control willl 4 CJ<les, two molwl111 spray tnnt, llltornltic n ... conditlollar di.,.nsers, -Iii• enameled tw, Clrvl"I bolld lep. W1ter flow fuh1r1 flM' f1t1tll 111t while dis-r is.....,. wp. • .. •• :: .. ' .. To my hardworking supporters, t., my patient family, and es,.daly to you loyal Newport-Mesa voters. -- CERTIFIED 333 E. 17111 ST. COSTA MESA • 64Z-.024ll 4113 llWINDALE ST. COVINA • 962·6631 _.,.... SERVICE 1616 W. 5111 ST. SANTA All(~ • Kl 7.&791 11662 E. WASHINGTON ILVD. WHITTIER • 521·2274 • •• .. ~ • • .. • " " " •• ~ " I I .1 It DAll.Y !'!LDT BofA Tells Increases Bank ol America ac•ln abowed a substantial Increase In oarnlop d""'-the lint qlllrter ii 1911, Pmlcl<nt Rudolpb A. Petel'IOO revtaled today. • Consolidated ntt operatin1 • earnings fCl' tbe fint quarter .mOUlll'4l to 138.lilt,llllO .,. ti.OT pe:r share on t h e :if,306,953 sham outstandln&, •$ compared with $32,"5,000 Or 96 cents per ~are durln1 Ole sarr.e period last year, aftw adjuslmtnt for lbc Oe<:e.mber l968 stock dividend. 'f11is represents an Increase ol. jl.5 percenl • '.Other opera Ung results as of March 31 were as follows : . -Total deposits Mood at 121,071,471 1000, an increUe o( 8.8 percent in the post JJ inonlhs. • -Total reeoorces reached W ,993,089.000, an increase of t .8 percent. LEGAL NOTICE , .. LEGAL NOTICE •••·1S1J MOT1CI! TO C.ll!OITOltl SU"'EttlOlt COUttT 0" THI! STATI! OF CAL!FOttNIA 'Ott THI COUNTY O' OttANGI Ht. MH2S ~Eti.M ol MAltJOIUE LEE CUMMINGS, """'"'· f.IOJICE 1$ HEllEllY GIVEN tt "°" <•C'dl1o~ ol ~ tbo¥e 11o1med dtadetll 91\M •11 HftOM l'l•vll'll <'-Imo -in.I !tit ~ d!'C~I ••I l"e<IUlred to !lit lhffr\, With l1'lt nttftHr"f """"'"'"' I" 1'llt elflCI .,, ll'tt cho.ti ol l1'lt I~ '""'ltd <OUrt, "" to •"-tllem, wllll the lllU'IUrY udlKllWI. lo llM Ullclo'll<tiMll •I 1'M offkt d' hit tllor~~. GleQll E. "'""" m Nor1fl '11'1 Stret!, GJ'O\ler Cl", Ct lllorn!•, ..... idl II the Pl&Cf ol M l-o1 ""' u"ller'111...cl 11'1 •II m1Uer1 Pf!rt11"1"' Po '"-PSl1te ol ukl d~~l'lt, wlll>ll'I flWr molllltt •"91' ll'lt f!•sl oubtlullon ol t~b nollte. Otttd Aorll 17. lfff . , ~rv L. Cu,,.,~•l•nd , , Admll'll1lr•l•lo • DI '"" E1ltli o1 !llO •boYt "91nf'd ftnoOel'I! OLl'.NN I . •l'.Tl:ltl • ....,..., at~ n2 • .,,., fll'I SITfft ~:o.-... ,.. O..._ Cl", C..1"-"'lt Tlf: l•O 41MMI ~ !<tr' A*"lt111tr .. 1'11 "'!Jbll1'"°" Ort-Coe11 Dtll't l'llot, ,..,.11, 1&, U •l'ld ~~ 1, f, lfH 7«·H LEGAL NOTICE .,. •t1•EttlOlt COUIT Of' THI &Toi.Tl 01' CALll'OllNIA FOil TH• COUNTY 01' OltANOI. ....... ...,.,. (tOTICE 0" Ml!AltlM• 01' •l!TITIOM J'Ol l'ttO•ATI! Of' WILL AMO ,Ott l&TTEttS Tl!STAMINTAIY E'tti. ol FlOltEMCE ELllAll!TH $HUPP, Decf1K°d. 1'10TICE 15 HEltEIY GIVEN Thel S4<uri" P1<ltk '"'*""' 1kM. • Ntllolwll llJn~ll'lll Anoc:l9llol'I "-s lllfoll i.1111 I .tf!'!b<i r.. Pl"Clbe.. of win tl'IO for htatl'ICI of ltffeMI Tn!_ll,.,.. le PPI!· ·~· •tit~ "' Vlfllcfl 11 ,,,.,,. lw llll'lller NrllClllt~. -flle;I 11>., JI-ll'ld nlllcf" ol llM•t,.. the ,...,. flt• llttfl oti 1or M•v t. l'6t, ti ':30 1.111 .• lft ~ <QWl l'OOl!I ot OePll•lmel'll Nil, l tr1 1tlll <"ourt. ti 1llO W~•I EltM~ 51rfJtl, !ft I~~ CIW of Sll'llt """· Ctl!I01'"1t. Dtled -..rM It. I ... , W, E. ST JOHN , Coufth' Cltrll T1tlw a larltw •ll """' , ....... """' Sll'lti ltlll'l'IMf" 1211 Uoi """""' c.111v1tt1 •n T~ ftU) 6N-"71 """"""" .... Plftt*Mr 11" .. bll!MCI Dr11'1ft GM1t Otlh' 1>11111, A ... 11 fl, It, II, lMt A17·ff LEGALNonCE . Gloomy Gus Tells it ·: A.s You See it ~. • H By SYLVIA PORTER How can you, an a.tlrlCl.lvt «Odil ~·· bold doW1I ,--, . ii: -GI bo<i'oWinc "~ a mortgqe can COit, you u mucll as Ill> piroenl. a ..wJ loan from a ttputable I oa b '1 company can cost you 11 much as 3S percebt 1 year, a ne• car loan tro"1 '" f\pance ('(J(Qf*IY can eo&t 11 mUch u 14 percent and a used cir ~ ,u much u 4l ptrcentT What rules will gukte you in this brutally tlgtit money market? This ~ cmalnly an Jm. portant enougti st..-y .., tu own and it could be of even more vital ~Id-and-butter lignili<ance to you II -ratt1 are now in hir peak range for thla era. IF TRIS 18 SO -and l suspect it is -you mUlt make sure you do . not commlJ The Man from Merrill Lynch looks at the .stock market and tells you what he sees Make your forum nserwiitlons todlly Why monetar}' policy will be the key to the business outlook for 1969. From an economic standpoint why 1969will be a year of transition. What the outlook is for military spending. For housing starts. For cor· porate profits. How has the current speculative boom affected the stock market and what bearing will it have on the market's future course. What is the liquidity of major buyers of stocks and why this is an important market indicator. To find out w~at Merrill Lynch thinks about the curri"nt economic and market outlook, which stocks they consider at· tractive at this time, and what kind of an investment strategy they suggest, come to our : Martet Outlook Forum Thursday evoni119, April 24 Sheraton leach Inn 21112 Ocean Avonuo Huntington leach, CaAtOrnia starting at 7:30 PM sharp Th 1re'1 no cherg• •r obligetion, of cours•. Simply cell M". l1vith 1t 547-7272 or m4il in tht coupon shewn htlow. r---------------------·------------·--·•••••••• • • ' ' ' ' • rlt••• , . .,,,.,, .. , ..... •••h fer yo11r •~ A1uil l<t, i11 H~11tli1tt" "••k. ' M1rk1t 0 11ll11k F•r11111 ! • • ! Namt -------------------- ' : AddrHS------------------- ' ! City&. Stat•·------------Z•P--- ' • I Ptl0119------------------> !9 MERRILL LV~CH, PIERCE, F•NN•R & 8MITH INC ' I 1001 i NORTH IROADWAY, SANTA ANA 92702 T•lephofte: 547-7272 • • • • For tht C'OftDCftif:n« of h'LN1tor1 Ollr office b open daily 7 AM...S PM ond Sa1urdav19 AM·IZ Noan . ' • Arrowhead, 'Coke' Merge Arthur D. MacDonald , presi- dent of Coca-O>la B<>lUing Co. of Los Angeles announced that the merger of Arrowhead & Purita1 Waters Inc. into Coca- Cola Loe Angeles has been concluded. Each share of Arrowhead common slock is exchangeable for o n. e shirt of Coca.Cola Lo:. Angeles' $2 cumulative convertible preferred stock. Mason Joins Board Of Merchant Group William R. Masoo. prt!ident ol the Irvine Co., is one ol,foi.lr Orange County b u s i It e 1 s leaders named this weei to the Orange Coun ty Advisory Board of the Merchants .and Manufacturers Association. V.ason. a rts.ident of Lido Isle in Newport Beach, 1l9o Is president of the OrlJlle Coun- ty Foru,m of Town Call of California and a member of the Chapman College President's Council. ~ announcement w a s made by E. 8. Buster . ex- ecutive vice president of the Townsend Co., Santa Ana, and ch.airman of the advisory boa.rd. The new members win be officially Introduced 1t a luncheon m«Ung, Mmday, April 21, at noon in the sad- dlel>lct IM, Santa Anl. In addition to Ma90n, Ule: new board m<!mber11 are : John F. Bishop of Fullertoo, president, Dana Laboratories, Inc .• Irvine. President o( the board o( dirtttors of tht UC Irvine Found11tion, he is a member ol many prof<!ssklnaJ societies. James f\1. Day of Santa Ana , pre&ident of Buua-Cardoza, a divisloo ol Glboon G,...tlng Cards, Inc .. wlth offices in Anahe1m. Jle i:I in hit second terni as president d Die Brothen o1 °''°"' Coonty, a paet pr<OldtnL ol the l"rlends ol UCI and a member of the Development Comm.ltttt of the UC! Foun<latlon . James A. Vunktr, presidtnt and chairman of the board, Astrodat1 Inc .• Anaheim, and ELECTED TO BOARD Wllll1m R. M11on • • • • • { • • • l l • • ' • • • • • • • • • " • ! .. l •i " i : ' % • • • i • • • • ' • i ~ ·• l • • • • 1 • • • • • • • . , • . , •• ~ " .. '• •• \.._ Friday's Closing Prices·-Complete New • York H Stock Exchange List -.1-i.ci.o.. ·11111 ... ' k Exchange List OAllY Pilot J~ • • • .... ,_"-'_ ... -• 1iii ". ... ... • I t I I • r ' ' • · . .. J! DAILY PILOT Frid», Aprlt 18, 1969 I ' pnce by Sea·, Once by Air, the Red . . y Ko~eans Are ·coming ~ WASHINGTON CUPl) -Russia have grown ac--Now Pentagon officials must naisunce planes could be with destroyer tlCOrt was that govcm.mtnt authorities in lbe: te11igence .:tvisory boat d North Korean ~t wOUld be ·With the aeizurt ol lhe PuttMo customed to tolerating in· recqnslder whether, in the given armed tighter escort. wch • step wookl b e S t a t e _a n d D e f e n s e vt'hlch is supposed to review conllnutd. case ol North Korea, these But the E'tl21 shot down was "provocaUve'' to counlrie.s departments, the joint cbM:fs lnten1_;,..j,, operaUons to see 1be Pentagon said nt 'lnort lb.an OPt ytar ago, North telligence against each other offshore flight.& should be con-on an a hour and 30 minute near which they sail. " staff themselves and tbe that~ .. .,. i>IY with naUonaJ civilian lntellli,ence agiqneies :lorta effectively halted U.S. by offshore airetafl Rights and tlnucd, whether the in-fli&ht. Ftabter escorts would Of rs bore reconnaissance White Kouse. policy. were involved the filshl. IJ ~nee by ship alon( spy ships. formatJon gained Is worth the have to be refueled by tankers fiig!:lls art controlled by lhe Bllt the P.enta1on dkl not The , House declined to said the plane and crew were .iis couta. , Sovjeti, planes. Rooti~ly Soviet risk, wbether there ~other in fUght. Such an operation Jolni chiefs of staff, through say when such .fliehll tut comment the extent to under Navy command .. DO • Now, by shootlng down a a~reraft 'fly a!oosside u .. s. ways ol getting inte ence, becomes vast and expenaiye. their j o Int reconnaissance received review by t.bo8e whlcb ent NiJon. knew rniulons for the Cmttal U.S. Na" y reconnaissance atrcra!t operating over I~· and whether planes be • In the cue ol Pueb~ype center. Above that level, the groups. ; in advanCe bout tbe1flilhl on Intelligence Agency « ~ .. plane with 31 men aboard, it temational waters in the11 protected. surface ships, one reason for Pentagon sakl, these missions lo addition there ls the whieh Oui p wu shot down tional 8tCUJ'ily agency were ut- hls challenged 8 second · \....!part:=.:~~::...:lhe:.::...w~or~l~d.~~~~~-T_h_•~•-r_e_ll_c_a_l_l~y~recoo~-·---'d~ecl~din-·~g:.._nol~~--'pro'--v-w_e_lli_.:;•m:::.._~ha=--v•:....:cbeen:::::~•~P~P"':.:...ved:.::...=by'.....:hl~·gh:::..._~P~r~esid=·=en=l=~~·-1~a=r=•=l~g~•::_=""::_~•~r=w=he=ll16==-=1=h=D=l~gh=u=d:.::...f~lhe~-•~ol_ved~·~~~~~~­ portant intelUgence gathering method ln its area. The nl.ane's loss was the latest 1D~ series of cold war lnteliigenCt incidents, going back to the shooting down of a U2 spy plane over Russia in 1960 during the latter days ol the Eisenhower ad- ininistraUon, and including the capture ol. the Pueblo in January of 1968. ·The Pentagon said Wed· nesday that since the Pueblo incident, surface ship recon- _n~ _ m.lssions have not l!kn flo!l<lucted along North Korean coasts. !'!UST BE AWARE After the Pueblo, Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, chiel oI Navy operation, told the House Armed Services Committee: "The security of the United States requires that we be aware of and understand fully the military capabilities of potential enemies." Military officials believe in· telligence should be gathered by a serie:\, of overlapping aystenu including s h i p s , planes and satellitc1 -each with advantages and limita- Uons. · Large, rour-engine ECl21 aircraft, like the one downed, have · long been flying in- telligence missions along the Asian Communist coasts. The Pentagon said there were 190 similar flights "in this general are.a " in the first three months of 1969. " 1bere are several "tracks" for such flights, some con· tentrating on North Korea, some along the ma inland China coasts and presumably IOme farther north along the Coast of Siberia. There are others on the Atlantic side of the Communist world. MONITOR RADAR Flying SO miles or · more from the North Korean coast -as the pilot in this case was ordered to do -an EC12.J coul"d monitor North Korean military radar. It could learn their location and frequencies and thereby gain knowledge on how to jam or evade them in case of war. Jt could monitor military radio communication with.in North Korea. This provid~ continuing knowledge of the movement of the N o r th Korean ground, air and sea forces and knowledge of how these forces operate and how they are commanded. It aJso Pfovides the continuing checks Oii whether these forces sud- denly go into a state of alert, which might indicate a plan- ned invasion of South Korea. The United States and UCLA Desalt Plant Passes Major Test LOS ANGELES -A UCLA pilot plant to make sea y,·ater drinkable passed its first field ttsts this week at the Scripps Institution ol Oceanography in La Jolla. 1be reverse osmosis plant. designed and constructed in a UCLA engine e ring laboratory. uses one of nature's own methods -with a twist -to filter the Pacific Ocean water, separale lhe brine, and extract fresh water. Osmosis, a natural process occurring in plants and the human body, has a special characteristic : If salt water and fresh water are placed on opposite sides of a lhin membrane, the fresh v.·ater 1''111 ordnarily filler through tbe membrane into the salt waler compartment. · One of the simplest and pe>tenlially most economical desalination t e c h n J q u e s , reverse osmosis has already passed a Jong-tenn trial run at a UCLA-built unit, "'hlch purifies brackish water in lht CalirOmia inland town of Coal· inga. ·On tht current La J»lla pro. Ject. the UCLA engineers beaded by Prof. Joseph w. JdcCutchan. are tackling lM much tougher problem of e,. ' trJCUng fnsh water from the 1e1. The 1alt content of octan wattr la 15.000 ppm. makini I~ rou.<h!J 15 limos salU.r ihan bractlsh water. •• 1'be experimental L.a Jolla unit producft J:IO gallons: of drlnktl>Je water a day. But 'inore import.ant than the total output; whlch COllid ... uy be lncreued by adding mort m:nponeatl, J1 the fact th.11 the Id water ls being µurlfitd bf the rtvtrse osmosis unit In a "single pass." • • 1 Sun-sandals of softest champagne or white 1 eather; Amalfi of Italy, 12.00. Shc.e Salprt. ,, 9/L«r 'A.-·~. • .. 'i \ ~ ' t·f.;;..;.~; .... . . ·----- ,J Cologne for a 11 seasons • • • Evyan' s White Shoulder s or Most Precious in unbreakable self· atom izers; 2 oz., 3.50 Cosme tic s. NEWPORT CENTER • l l'FASHIOH ISLAND Sirena's sleek maillot soft petals bikini darin1;;. Leaves just a little bit more to his imagination. Black; Sto 14, ' • 21!.0p. ~ee our swimwear modeled Saturday, April 19, 11:00 ·a.m. t o 3:00 p. m. in Suncharm Sportswear. u • 644.2200 • MONDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTliER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 ! - Fountain OL 62, NQ. 93;,4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES " ·Valley EDITION -.. • • •• • I rotec: • IOD , ' . . .. \ • ' ~'Y ~'-OT' .... ,..... ~UPfr.tNGTON'S· TEEN Gu.ilN, ~iR .eA.cK .pojt Tllf P Junior Ml11 ·llonintton HtMI• South ,for Conleoi · Beach's Jadcie Benington Vies for U.S. ~unior. Miss By TERRY COVILLE Of "" o.llJ PIW ltetf not always conventional oi)inions on our problems. Jackie Benington Dashes a bright.. ~ . On campus disorders she feels that, py face wherever she goes. "Whenever they try to break something Nailonal honon may await J~ckie.M.ay, . up ..;ilh police fer~tbey·-create· more & in ·Mobile, Ala. prOblems. Ii'Sbettu tO -reach a pe8CcluI ~As California's Junior Miss, the per\ attlen)ent." Huntington Beach·teenager, will eotnpele· ''ftn"1tht ridicals•are left llone,'•'.she for Uie national Ji!nior Miss title against continued, .. th~ aren't so many. But girlS from the 49 other states in the w_!ten 01Jtside force is brought in It wiites J.,ycee-6ponsored contest. : ~ entire student ·.body' against tne ad- . 1be daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orchard m'inlstratioa .... The students are more in- Benlngton, 6191 Gumm Drive, Jackie · telUgeDt ·than people · reiltze, but they a1reedy has gathered enough honors to . • fill her memory book for several years. react to adminiSlrallon overbearance." All a senior at Marina High School she · SDe.Jites ~he youth of today foi; jbeir has managed to maintain a perfect "·O 'fralikiiesi, · but ·dislikes them for their grade point average. "inability to make up their own mind~ stholarship and a bright smile hefped and being easily swayed by outsiders." carry her to Junior Miss titles in Hun-lnternaUonal themes are not foreign to ttngton Beach, Orange County and Jiclti~ eilh~r: She spent • summer in california. .T~igalpa, Honduras, . u a foreign ex· Sbe leaves April 2t for a toiJr of ~· 1~~ ~~~,p~ by the Wuhlngton. D.C., with the other 'otat~-,. tbOOif. ~by povert" n e even ,irinnen before the May I contest. wtUCti · ·On her ..&.a-~ y. · , will be televised naUooaDy. venture a uw.1JJ..~ in ·MobUe, J~ck1e wont ilut don't let that brigbl, smile fool you. ·fidftlce. guess. ~ doeJn t lack con- Jackie is a serious girl, and lite ntiny of "YoU've eot to have a UtUe bit of coo-. U.S. Labels Incident Aggression PANMUNJOM, Korea (UPI) -The . United States today accused Nortb ·Koru of a "calculated act or aggression" in shooting down an American spy plane and told the Communists thf,Y mwt "ac· count for the consequences." The first race-~race meeting of u.s. and North Korean officials slnce the plane went dowa ·with 31 men aboard Tuesday pitted U.S. Air Force' Maj. Gen. James 8. Knapp against North Korean Maj,. Gen. Ri Choori..SUn at this truce village between the two Koteas. It ended abruptly 42 minutes 8fler it began. Knapp stalked out of the quonset hut meeting wjlb Ri demanding to know : ''What was the belonging of the EC121 aircraft? ... Why do you not tell us the belonging? ... Tell us the belonging.'' fU apparently was trying to get Knapp to say the U.S. Nav'y plane was based In Japan. The Korean Military Armistice Commission, under whose authority Ri and Knapp were meeting, does not cover ·activities outside Korea. •Apparently under ordeis not to deba~ the incident, Knapp climbed into bis car and beaded aouth, his sta tement dollvered. ft said the U.S. Naoy JOCUI reconnaissance plane was w'eD oPtSide North ll<ir.ao tttritory; j>Ooed' no tlireal to tl>(Cllmmunilta Hi-·-··-' la. "con:ipleteIJ.1JelithiDile" ·~ )j "It was not attacldnc )'OU. or pei'puinc to atlOdt JOI ar--_u... an attaCl< on . you," Ku.a•1 1tatemmit sa.i<L ''The •bootinl'iiii*ii of:tllia Umted .StatU plane wai not in act of self-defense. It w11 a calcubitoil &cl ol qgreaslon. "This act, cannot be jmtlfied Wider In- ternational Jaw. On the contrary, the ce.,.. t11ri~ld tradtiori of freedom ol the 1US and lhe newer principle reglrdlng ireeodm of the airspace over in· ternaUonal waters clearly make )'our ac· tion illegal · "lntemallonal law and custom call you to account for the consequences of your vlolaUoa ol tbne prlnclpl<s." ·Knapp refe'rnd to the North Korean seizure of ~ U.S. spy 1hlp Pueblo in Janaury of 19A as evidence of the Com· munisls "aggre!Sion." He concluded his statement w:ith: "We o( ~expect that you will take appropriate u~ to prevent slmUar incidents in future. I have nothin1 more to say at this time." As Knapp prepared to speak, bis aide! set up charts showing the location of the four-engine American aircraft when two North Korean MIGs shot it down. Debris found in the Sea of Japan put the crash site about 90 miles off the Communist na- tion's shore. Transport Workers, PanA1n Make Pact WASHINGTON (UPI) -NegolJators for Pan American World Airways and the Transport Workers Union reached a ten· tative contr.ct agreement minutes before a Thunday mklnight strike deadline, avertina a strike against the sprawUna airline. iff·.~·<li~~ Tlii~· aijier;' uiOU1tr co.dmec! toiwbeer ch"oir, doesn't let hi&· ba'ncllcap · kMp bljp,_lrpm OllJ•Ylna: a fa~orl!d pastime at Huntington Beac)rJ!ltr. · Brigbfs~iiilll sties:ana winn temperatures ari Just•right !Oli:llar· ing a heavy sweater on the rail and• a fi11bing line ov~r the side.· ' State Authoriiies Notified Of Beach Prostitution Rap state a~thorities have been infor:med of irostltutlon . char.., lodged aplnat en)ployes •t .a HunUogton ll<a<h wma plrlor and may follow police action with tbe 1U1pe.DBlon of the parlor's • llate licenJe. DetecUve Sgt. Robert runehart 1ald to- day lie · hu given details of the in- vtltlaation of the Ezecutlve Suite Salon sauna parlor, 17434 Beach Blvd., to the state Bureau of Profe!siona and Voca- Uonal.Standatdl.o!flce In Anaheim. j;arly . Wedi!eod~y m!ll:llinJ t b r e e• ma.ueuse~ · W~ ·arre;s'\ed at1 the iatinl on pll>lltitutlon · 1 charges and · s o m e pornoi;apht~ 11te1rature ana a . cioied circuit . television ~k-up were con-- fiscated.' ' Rlnehart refused to reveal who -would· be implicated in the state Ucensing, but said lhe slate autborities were involved in issuance.of therapeuUc licenses. ·' tine employu: were arrested · on chara:es of prostltuUon and soliciting lewd acts. 'All ~ "!i"'b&ll each and are scbe<hikd -to appear' ,f(Jf' aftaignment April 2Z . in Weit .Orange County Mliitldpal c.ort. ' . A closed circuit television set, Moted to video tape television c am e r a s overlooking stalls wbere massages were given is in tbi c:ustody or poUce and may lead to hlrther char;ea, detecUYes safd. O!flclals at the sauna 'J>Mlor told Police the television eqaipment was merely Uled to keep control of the 1lrls doing their work .• City Attorney ~ Bonfa will be given iriformalion Gl the sauna P&i-tor and be . . . asked to close il down. said Rln~art. TM arre1t11 followed two week• of undercover invistigallon +conducted by Huntington Beach detectives.• Additional c\larges have not been filed · in the case, b\it ml&hl be In the future, lnvatiealorl added. . , _ Another Helicop; T~ Join· HB Eye On Beach Force N.Y. SC~±• TEN· CENTS ue Nixon Gives ' w . to armng .. . ) --=-,_ North Korea Ike Museum ApproYed . WA$Hll'IGTOJ'I ' (UPI) -. ~ora\er l'resklen~Dwl&ht De li-.r, In ~ of the ·Jast' 'lettora ha ~ .. ·~ 16 lend his.name to.a,pr_.t.....,.. and atudy' cent.r a\ the • Smllh-1an JDodlu-lioo, Rep. 1Fraiil: T! lto!r, (~)0' Aid today. 'N~ YORK (AP) -The -marbl. gtvlng up-" ill Ila eorfy lalnl as invtston smr. cautioul, doled ..., at almoot the same.~ tt had _,od: (See quototlonl, p .... 111-11). U.. youth ol today she bas oome ... 1ous, fidence in younel/, flu! ,.. don' p Into it just to win," she says. The agrfement must still be ~ved by the 15,IXIO TWU members who work: for PanAln, and no details of' the two- year pact were made public. Arremd -. Patricia M. Shelton, rr. of T191 Stater Ave., Lois'LeMasters, 21, of to7 ,llth St., boih ol 'lilmlington Beach, and Betty J. Coitello, It, ~Loni Beach. The Dow .i--··-al The HuntJoaton Beach Cyolopo will pt l:•p.ni. WU of!Ul II m.17. "· • mat< aometlme wtthln the nnt month, •·.--------.,----..,, General Phone Rate Hike Nixed By Complaints Dissidents Shut UCI. S.enate Angry Students Drown Out Faculty in Stormy Sessio1i . A $1&.I million annual rate hike bas be'!' oltcr<d -to the. O.neral Telephone By THOMAS FORTUNE Co. by the State Public UtiliUes Com-Of 111e .,.,., •~ ...., ml91on If tlie agency oervlng Hunlinlllm 'tbe ~Sella!< at UC Irvine was Beach and Laguna Beach areas wm just -~1 11y dliaident students improve. wtNi-drftned Oil pro(esion 11,inc"' to 'I1ie companJ's request for a $41.t conduct businetl. mlllion Jncreue was denied Thlill'lday, as sen at a .°"inn!"i""'-tth Ford ~loer Fred P. Morrtssey and Es· pramf4ly iit:a10il ilia nwtt ... 'wlth. u.;· · amhr Robtrt BarneU dialed I« Jn. -of 'boldJn& a ciOled ..ioa neat formation on the company's complaint week. wlume. • SCUdoola in the hall l'bunday out· Sublcrtbers served by G t n e r 1 1 numbered faculty about 1SO to 75. Telephone Co. pipe about the servtct at Student dixoolel~ dating f r o m ante triple that ol Pacific Telephone Co. November, ll lhe result of firinc of nsls- customm in the -bet....., the two tanl prof...... Stephen Shapiro and _ieoutal cities abd elsewhere la the. sta~ Donald Brannan and the threatened "l'he reduced llgure. ti •ti.I millio11 "W1·1 dismiual ol a third assistant prof eaor, off~ In a plan . hy Morrl"'Y and G«<ge Ken~ 'wllooe case 1Ull 11 under BamOtt, who auwst better suburban nview. area ""1ce and Llf<llne lftJl(ce lo the ill Olficial 1~ ol the &e111to meeting waa and ahut.in whtt may tteed · 1udden -delt)fd more than Ill hour while Ford •~ medical 1Utntion. templt<I to inoUUy atud<nts hy 1Mn1 I them a chance to-talk ID an open town atudeots win Tburaday aiDce ~ hadn't hall Forum. btforehand violated ·Uy · ruiU .of .tbe Hawei er, atude!ltl mnalned silent dur· Academic Senate, but'bacl only thtt:aten-. Ing the town hill me;elinl while pr .. fesaon spoke. . , td 10-do so., .. . . . _ , Then.when Fonl pllicio\IY conv-1 the '.Meaihil-i, o1 tie · •Oiftimtttoe' 1 loo t. .,,......_. liorbc!r. Iii ... School ' ~t-.t ol Kent, Braooan and ...... .,, . ....,., ... ' ··=-·~ '-·~ ~"-·~ ~. •"'-y gradu.ate·Grq Holll1)all slood up .and ~..,..·--·-...... ~-·-·-btpn mc11ng in loud voice a prepared plannid to attod the Senate nloelln& and atatemenl apeail whoo \llOY.111~ HM JL r · Ford gavtled a one-week receu. Jn a )etter to the execuUve COD\.l'l\ittet. Slud<nts sbou1td, "W''il ~ ~.. the ~IAlcftots ...-.eel that H the Ford altorward said the Serial• •i· -le -WU """' to. debato ecutive oomn1lttee bas decld~1 next mat\ietl ·CODCtf1llnc1tbe.' enUte· Ul)lvenity week's session will~ c~\O a~&s. ·commtn1ty, tbe7, the 1tu6ents,. were but admitted the -"' liutl ,.t I ~to ''"''* .their -~ right decided how to en1 ..... ita decls!Olli • • 10 piHJclpaw. · He aaid the executive· committee will Chairman ll'ord read tbt letter ,and thtn con1ult with Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrlcb a handbill ~ the Senale liitOt!nl 1ioce "tlle poall!lllty of otucfenl dloclpllne "F4CG1\y Follltt, In '!hioh dar\ni Ls involved and that ls hie aftalr." acatnedlcl1ns wflf attempt dtath«f1tnc Ford said lie WU preparecf to let the (See UCI MEET, P11e I> • I thua l!lvlng the H.B. Eye police bellcopttt patrol the. nonTiil numlier Of orbB. Since Jan"'lJl. lhe -HB Eye bas .flown training mlsaion1 over the city, llVln& two police ollk:m commerelal .P,llol status and, al the urne. Urnt. ·tetptna a . watchful eye on crime in the clly., , City Adminlatrator Doyle Miller, In a memo to the ~ty councj.] for Its 4:30 p.m. mee!lnl Monday, remind! councllmen tllat lhf inl<ntlori bU betm lor'the city· to btl)l 1 -helicopter. • ' .' t . Price for the helicopter equipped for poiJce patrol la $44,:111 •. but· early· in Jilly the price la~ IO;cllnih bi'~-. So Miller .Ill~ tllat ' one bO -lmiiiil)att'lt --'the price pslij>. ' · Nice Qilof ,Jo1111 ~ llas balled Ille lleli-1 ~ u "•real~· to crfnle." l!eltstt and Miller .., weekend ear bur&laria akq Ult beach have dlminbtled litltlflclDU1 ,,.., .... of bellcopltt ,P.'trol. · • .,,. The fin machine 11 not tlb rqular Patrol 1t.tU1 u tef, but, II eoon u the pilots complete tralnlnt. u wlD ny rqular patrol mlak>nl 0'\111' the area, 9C- ~to Mliltr. in addluon, the p11ota alrucir 1ra1noc1 will hell• to train two addition& pilots to handle the oecond cralt, lllller uPlaJnec!. , ( • Ora~·· • ' ... ' . ... , It 1oo1ta m.. rain rw the 'lfollt· l'nd, ,moi. thew~ ... jull the driullng YarietY alq the• Coast, with tenaperalura atlcllins lj> the -· .. , • -.. -~SIU .... DA~ I . rO,,.., HUD am'cta'1 iWkk I w ....... (Oi/okra vc ,_ blWt • lftlClelljo'• .,....-lOll,\ I .cool loglt flt, Wit lo - C41!1piq: P~ I . --" ==i. .. --I ==· -...... ' ~ . -,• ·=::'\ ~? ' .. ' I - I 1111.Y .UT - ------------------..... -----.--.. --------..... ----~~-- · '.Huntington Raid -n IM•blod y .. r!Y ln'tbt..,. 11!t 111i110D ..... GI tbt clJllleulty o( -=-.. ~ .... ::.,, __ ~ .. -.1101 • Ml GI ~-. Aid fire deparlmtnt --.--------alll~, &Ince the wUe GI lhe victim LOGBOOK ""1ll1ed In a divorce action 1&11nal a.av... I The bombing occumd Alli. 26, 1918 I h ••• u when IO lnceodlary device wu thrown Pqllce Sgt J . .......,II wbo.helded the lhrouP the front window of Ille home ~for the bomllu,,~ that belonllnl to Anthony Celesle, 21<.ll Cllavez wu a 1111pect anol matched Docblde Clrde, Igniting ...,. llvtq flapiprtnto laken Jl'om lrqmdts GI lhe _,, fw1llturo. bomb wtllcb matched -of Cblvtz An lnvestJptloa was called wUb Firl wlllch w.,. on fllo with tho FBI. llanhal llqJu p.Slclwd and tbt Hun- tlng1on s..cb Police De p art m e • t 'l'llree weeb after lhe bos'oblng Oiavez cooperating. waa traced to Seattle, Wuhln.(ton, where he was laken Into cuJlody by del~ from the SW11e Police Deputmel)L 1 · 'lllit-wa nf!Od llid ~ ~ ~t back lor arral~~ · ·"'t .Or-~. ~uperl0< ~. ~ dwl'I ol anon, burning ~· P"" party and possession oI a fire bomb. He Wa! tried and convicted In Superior Court at Santa Ana and found autlly oil all ~ counts alter the jury .deUbuated for about 25 mlnutel., After Chavu haa' .-ved his ftrst. term he will be sentenced on tbt other <IWIU. which could add four men years lo b1I prison term. Detectives Follow Noses, BeachHoWup Sy,spects Now In FBI Charge Nab Nllie on Pot Charges \· ·. Federal authorities have taken custody of two bank robbery 1111pecta arrezted Wedoe3day in Huntlngton Beach after they all•gedly engaged In a brier gun baJ,. tJe with Fountain Valley detectives. BOOKMOBILE -Lalr.e View School Principal Bernard Elmendorf welcom61 atudenta (from left) Stephanie Eaton, I ; Pat Ford, 10, and Shane Conway, 10, to Huntington Beach's traveling library. Snllllng &nlUlld for two alleged deaerten, HuntlngU!n Beacb detectlvez and Orange C«mly military poUce Tinn. day nJgbt p1cbd up • distinct odor that led to jall f<r tbt Gb and a1IO oeveo -youtha .. well. Beach's Mobile Library Brings Books to Youths A sweetllb burnlnf amell 11111111ted from a O>Jcaao A-a...,-t and lnvestlpton crubed • party In progrea by crawling tbrou8b a bedroom wlodow. -roondlnc up tbe two on,tnally aqhl -Imatlpton cla1m they CGO!iacJtecl • plutlc bq -lnlq • Whal do you do wbeo the cblldr<n Clll't come to the library? You take the boob to lhe cblldren. '!be Huntlngtoo Beach !Jbrll')' la doing just that .at ii of the clly's elellltJl!aey echooiJ dally during BChool houri. 0 1be rea:ponee to the new program has been just tremendOUB," aald Librarian Walter Jolµi!on. "1.ut month we l&sued more than 2,00D cvds. We iuued only 363 cards the month be!cn." ~"1<>" !'OllUlarly serviced by Ille bookmobile Include LeBard, Lamb, Lake Vtow, Olk View, &ID View, Gill, SChroeder, Hlftft Vltw, Rancho View, Pleaaaot View, Crtsl View, HoPe View, Clegg, Spring View, Cool< and S~dale. Jobnaon aa1d qi. IOtV!ce will probably- not be ~"l to other tchoolJ alnce the bookmobile la air.ad)' being Uled at lull capaclly. In addlUon to lb school nma the vehl· cle serves maj<r shopping cente·ra 1n the arim-aod nel&bbori1oocla In 111e .. .,,. lnghoun. marijuana-llke -· 10 dprlttel, I brul pipe. oigbt pllll and • powdered oranpllibltance. 'lbe oervlcemm ll1llpOCted of being aboent without lean and dezerting wen idenlttled 11 Keneth Ill. Tmltadue, 11, of IM31 llochelle Ave., and Galen J . Colgan, 18, of 5702 Rochelle Ave.1 bot b WOl!mlnster ec1-.... The boolimobll• wrleo about volumes and a staff of two. lnveatlpton did DOI Ali what bnnch ol lhe ~ce Tr<oladue and Colgan are In, nor wba1 post they alleg~ left. 'l'nlltodue, yOUll(er brother GI a 3,llllO W-l•oter lllch School track .tar and Jong dlllance runner, laca military charges u well u dvillan prooecutloa ,.,.... P•e J along with his buddy. other anatees Included -juveolle and the following ldull ....... boolold .~\ .e ·u·-.~., a :nriiblz.il' .... UGlnrSENATE .. M~E~~ ... =· ... ~ .. = ~ljl'!'I; featl af meDtal nm." I , v ·-4 .. ,_ =· ,_ -<•+••.. .. -lmCe cbW,=h«..l'lll ..... theJ an.~•tedJn'tllat they bave as 1 pl to _,, ridicule and provoke the faculty, 11 .. DElllAGOGtiEB HI luhed:out qahut a few unnamed student dlu.lcknta u 11demagogues of the w-l)'P.e... He uld lhelr totalltarlao viewpoint bad Infected other llludenl9. He Aid that be ""°gniael behind UMm llaod·fa large number of concerned studeldl who want a greater voice in the allaln of Ille unlvenily. St ad e n t diuldent-appolnted co- cbalrman of lhe Senate meeting with Fon!, Michael Krisman. said "llOldenl9 have made uae of ~ery legal voice and now baw rucbed the end, then are no Dl0111' legal chann'1a." Dlrnell Bolten, a eampm librarian, appealed to the students not to be rude, not to boo ond 11111 lhe lacully. He'akl, "I am aware u you are there are tenlor faculty members who are not Ute most de11rable people ln the world. 'l'1ley are narrow-minded, rude and ar· roganl But th1s is no reason for you to act the aame way. DEllCl5E CONTROL "You llludento of IQ or Z2 art called upoo to ezen:lae men conirol than your tenlan are· capable ol." He WU ap(daucled by the .-nta. Student dlleontenl baa laken the larm . . rhl.V PllOT lMtri H. WM4 ~-NllllMr ..... L ""''" ""-,,....... ... ._ ....... n..., 1Cttwil -n-.. ,. . ., .... , .. ...... ti ... IJkrt w. ••tt• wan ... •••" .t.Mfdeft .............. .... ltl• Clfy t:•1tr ....... ......... °"'- ' lot lili Str.et· Mtill111 U..-,'P.O .... no. tJHI --....... ~~i:.-:.:.,~.=--"---~ .,, ,..... ~ university bulJdlnga In rectnt months. 5Wlbartiow ~I.!!'!'~ h. .. of a mill-In, lli~ln and evtn Uve-ln In -~ D. l!a1l>r. )di! I U Al)out 50 atudenta bave been cooalatenU1. -Kallly ~ '.f.' ~1 . <...,. 1nvt1lved. • ' · ~. ·The discontent came to a head last week when lhe faculty voted down a pl'l> po.sal to glve students control over hiring of 10 percent of all new professora. The proposal came from a thl'ee-atu. dent, three-professor Commlttee on Stu.. dent Participation in Promotion and Fir· ing, which wu the last legal channel Krisman spoke of. '.Amateur Films S"lated at GWC . . . Several of Huntinaton Beach's amateur filin makers will d&play their wares for the judges at 3:J:l p.m. this Saturday afternoon In the Goklen West College Forum. Awards of merit for films ln the win- ning categories will be made by the HWl- tington Beacb Publlc Library. The event, which ls a culmination of the 8 millimeter film competltlon · . sponsored by the library, ls open to the publlc without cherp. Included in the program will be 0 1 Day with Timmy Page ," a film vialt with a lJ.. year old who baa 20 films to bll credit In addition thert will be a screen.Ing of two award winning films in the San Juan compeUUon held by the Orange County School system. Water Continues To Rise Through Midwest States 111 'l1M "-lated r- lllgh waters caotinued to WHh ....., the Midwestern flood JOOe today • Volunteen, Including a lfOUP of con- vlcta, w«ked lon1 houn to item the ris- ing rlvet1 that bad forctd more than ii.GOO ponons from their bom11. Property louel air.ad)' topped 11 mimoo with tht WWII poU\1111 aWI to -.. '!be fliderll 1ovemement pttparOd to make dlwter low to ~a rd -h tt bulloesael and public laclllUes. Among the ...... teer llood flgbten "'"' II lnmatet of lhe Mlnneoola. State PrilOO lD SUllwater. They p a c k e d aandbagl to htlp bold oil the St. Croto Riva. Said Stillwater Msyor Ray Smith, "They have put in betWttn IO and 100 houri doing lhe hardest work. We rttl In Jove with them." In Dubuque. Iowa, 100 hlth achoo! voluntttn "'ere lll\ltn typhoid shot.I betort reporUng to htlp ertend a sit-milt dlte. • Library Motints Massive Book Retrieval Drive The Huntingt<m Buch Llbrll')', In...,_ junction with two local elementary scbool districta and Boy 5coul9 la spo!IJ<ring a massive book retrieval procram. Botb paperback and bard bou n d volumes will be accepted, accordinf to~ Librarian Walter Jclmaon, -ital[ will have a truck parked at the Hun- tington Center Satun!ay whe!. books may be turned ln. The book drive wu organized with the intent to add more volumea to the library shelves and will be held In conjunction with the SCout Pinewood Derby, also scheduled lor Satunlay at the shopping center. Boys and Rirla will be oo band to receive and stack the boob at tbe cent.er and will a1IO pick them up from. private borne!. Anyone wlshin1 to make a donation may oa1l the librll')' at '36-9327. Pair in Shooting Get $300 Fine Two Lon( Beach men arrested u Ibey -ped bullel9 Into a Hunlin(ton Buch building ban been lined more than ~ ucb In Westminlter municipal court. · Fines were levied alter the COllvlctlon of Merle Thnothy Anderson, 21, on charges ol being drunk In pobllc and r~­ lng a gun on the highway. Frank Gtt1ld !>liller, 311, pleaded autily to drunken driv- ing. Both men wt.re arrested tut Feb. lf. as they busily fired shots into a building at Pacific Coast Highway and Brookhunt. StreeL No one was hurt in the lhooUng lnctdtnl . Miller was fined $310 and itven sit montN probation. Hil driving license was ""l'tnded lot 15 days. -WU lin-ed '311. Students Hold Faculty Captive in Oakland OAKLAND (UPI) -Tbe llludtnto made the teac:hen llay after IChool at Merritt College 'Mlund1y, lockin( about 30 facult y memben µwide a mtttlnc room for S"it hours ln a non-vtoltnt In- cident. Prtsidenl Norvel Smith penuaded tUfee carloads o( pollce l\Bnmontd to the campus to retreat while be IOUC]'Jt a peaceful eettlement callfomla'lonlJ Ntp JIJ!llor colltp pruldent ~iuccoaded. .. __ ... ----•• Way, Buena Park. -Gtly D. Waadel, 18, 210 Chicago Ave., Hnntlngton lleacb. -Emll D. Neqebaer, II, 210 Chicago Ave, Hwitlngton Beach. -Jdlrey L l!Gnlvlct, 19, 71'11 McFad- den Ave ., Midway City. -David B. AI-, 11, 1591 Ginger Lane, Westminster. AU will be cbarJied with several nan:otlcs vlolatloos, lncludlng pouallion of marl)ulnL The two alleged deeerters have a military hold plnced on lhem and will face additional cbarg'" tram U.S. Armed Forcas penonneL . V mley '69 Class Hopes to Donate Sign to School A lnp, llgbted signbolrd will . grace the Fountain Valley Hilb School campus nut YtM H the 1911 ~I class can ralee enougb money to purchase It l<r tho lor lllcb I glfl The lip wuild be Uled to publicia the ...... ICiloel acUvlllee ... will be located near the ~ fteld. The muctuno carrlee a price tag of 11,llllO to 11.000 and -1or oi.. president David Corllale his .doubt. ~ the ~ dent body will •be Abie 'tb""' ,.....,. lunds lor It The present poUcy of the Huntington Beach Union High School Distrlct restrict& a senior clasa treasury from col- lectq more than II per claso member l<r IRlcba glfl No men than $700 C(JU}d be raised from 11tudent 90Ul'Ct8, therefore, and Carliale ls now seeking donations from private citizens. Cu!trlbutiooo may be ...i to lhe Clau of 1969, FOUDtaln Valley, H1gb Sc:bool, 17116 Bwhlnl Sl Acoonllng to C..Uale, all contnlUbn will be lomally recognized by ba'rins their 1111n<1 engnived on a ~ to be penna-1y ditplayed In tho IChool'l ld--OG building. Bealeged Sirhan B. Sirhan'• chief defense attorney Grant Cooper is beset by microphones as he leaves court where he presented series of motions following client's first degree murder conviction Thursday. (See. s1'ty page 5.) Spelling Bee Set For Valley Youth Know ho\lf' to 1pell 0 Podoc.arpul Elongatua?" 1, Several Fountain Valley younptera think they can and they will show their stuff th.is Saturday during the city's 5th Annual Spelling Championships. Saturday's events will constitute the prelimlnarle1, with the champJons from each of the eight locaUons competing against each other April 25 in the Foun- tain Valley City Hall Council Chambers. Locations of Saturday's Spell.offs will be Loi Amigo& High School and Allen, Nieblas, McDowell. Tamura, Fountain Valley, Harper and Gisler tlementary schools. Starting time al all locatinm will be at t a.m. AU chlldren living or going to school within lhe Fountain Valley Clly Llmito, who are tn grades three ~t, six, are eligible to compete In Ille bee. Del Gilbert Veine, Huntington Beach~ uld Raymond A. Vigneau, 43, a Lomita janitor,_ and Kenneth R. Werner, 41, ol long Beach, ilre now in the handa of the FBI. They will probably be prosecuted by federal autboriUes for armed robbery of the Bank of America branch at Adams Avenue aod Brooldwrst Slreel In Hnn· tlngUln Buch. ~men are mspecb ln two robberies" at !!i&t braocb ol the Bank of America 00: lVeGoeaday and earlier on Feb. 25. Fountain Valley detective1 Fred Nourse and Jack Trott answered a Huntington Beach call for help and cornered the palr in a resldenUal area in F0W1tain Valley, exchanging &hot.! with them before the suspects surrendered. Both men are in Orange County faclng charaes of armed robbery and asu.ul1i. with intent to commit murder filed by, Huntingtoo Beacb, Fc.unlaln Valley and the FBI, police said. .. FBI autborilies were not available for comment today on the cue. Detective Veine aaid boCh men are "ap. parent prolesaionaia. We bave ncelYod won! lrom llacramento thai they mltht be involved In other bank robberies.In !hf state.'' . at>th men are federal parolees fOf' previous robberies and shootin1 in· cidenl9, poUce said Thursday. Money taken in both Bank of Amtrlca robberies amounted to more than $10,000 bank officials reported. Wednesday, tw~ suspects stalked into the bank wearing stocking masks and took $4,700 at gun. point. ·3 Escape Plane Crash DANVILLE, !II. (AP) -A Sirateglc Air Command BS8 bomber crashed near Danville Friday after its three.man crew parachuted to safety. The four-engine Hu.rtler, costing $8 million, cruhed and virtually disintegr~ted on the grounds of. a gravel plant 10 miles from Danville. Pieces of wreckage were strewn for miles . J0.60 6LUS TOP TAILl-14" THICK SNCIAL $ 144'° -·$lit. l1mllfoly ltylM and ........ sly -........ 11 ... -· la o ..... lep ..W.. Doo'I 11111 Mop- pwlwlty te ... ..-., • • r1•a• .. l1 ~ ·-··la '1111 -... -, ~ hW -Olol s,_ ... -Dllllm°" OIM ---Y---...... Yalow. EXCLUSIVI DIALIU FOiis HINlllDDN -DllXIL-HERITAGE 90 DAYS ND INTlltm -LONGllt TlllMS AVAIL.AILE ON APPROVED CREDIT NIWl'OIT IUCH 1ro Wastcllff Dr., '42~50 OP1H NllAY 'T1l t INTERIORS • LAOUNA IUCH M$ North c-Hwy. Cf'IN PllDAl 'T1l t ..... , .. ,.. .......... c...., .... ,J6J • 4'4'551 I ' I .._, ___ . ... ~ -.. -• -. . , . VOL 62, NO. 93, 4',SECTIQ~S, ·~ PAGES Down the M .. ISSl~D . . __.__ .J.:--. T .. ._il Vi~jo Bids Due For Fire Station MISSION VIEJO -Bids will be.opened t(ay. 11 for the new Mission Viejo Fire Station. according tG county Director of Building Servica Joseph J. Smisek. ' 1be new facility, e&Umated to cost '83,400 by architect W~-Jordan of Costa Mesa, will be loca on a site overlooking the MissiGn V jo ~untry Club golf course on Marguerite Parkw•Y· • st-Drqf• Finu1ted TUSTIN -Completion of CGnstruction work on the ~o storm drain in the Lemon Heigbtl area, haJ been announced by Supt<Vllot William H. Hirstein. The $102,989 job consllll of 1,185 linear tt:et of 72-inch reinforced concrete pipe and· a~ant J,ocal drainage struc- tuies to rellive ~tbe'fli:iOOifi& prOblem in Arroyo Avenue. e ':' arietu S~"' ope .. -MISSiilN· VIEJO -Tilt Curtain ;;,.. tonig}\t at I .o'?>ck for the first· Missl°" Viejq llllli &:boOl,...,ietf lhow:I •. -1l1te al«\ pert~ u n de r the direction of . Stliient • WY ·Seer~ Oirijt!ne ,wo1s~. will-~~~ ;n llu!U-purpose 1'09!11 o! ""'!""!:.. n . _ price ol 75 cenll for~ iiDd ~ with an ASB card, and $1.25 for adults 'M'le show CGncludes Saturday ni&hl ·• K flllanis Aids College LAGUNA HILU> -The Kiwanis Club htre presented a check for $500 to Sad- dlebick Junior College 's loan fund follow- ing a "generation gap" program Tues- day. The Joan fund makes money available to students on a short tmn basis so they might make it over financial trouble 1pots and still mnain in school. The Laguna Hills Kiwan41.ns h.ave previously given $500 to the fund which now stands at $2,100. The presentation was made after a ~ di~on ,yith .. t~o Sad- tlleback Students, Susan K1}lioo of Capistrano Highlands and Bob Yount, of Tustin.. e Sports Fields P lanned -MISS!ON VIEJO -Two baseball diamonds and a football field are planned for ~ recently leased area of the Mon. t.Uoso elementary school site through lhe cooperative work. of the San Joaquin School District, the Mission Viejo LitUe League and the Activities Committee. TM recreation area will be located on a portjon of t he yet-to-be-O>n~ted aCbool's land just oU Montanoso Drive. Plans also cal1 for )nstallatipnrof field lijhting and irrigation system. The fields will ,become a permanent part of the achoo! property and are tO be open for public use on weekends' and non-school hours. 9· ,R etla lutieto Noted i4.ss10N V1EJO -!. R<volutionary naQce. will be held at the l(iaaion Viejo Reciealion Center April· II to ·celebr'!I< thlE'-192od anniversary of the American w •< of lndependel1ce. -• COitumes expreseing Ute nation s r""11ltlonary oplri~ ii't roqulttd, said Jen:)' Curran, dlrecC« of recrei.Uon for Mis1ion Viejo Company. Prizes will be a.warded to the best dressed couples. AdmlssW>n Is $3 a couple for center members, and ~ gor guests. ' . Stoelc Mar'fceU NEW YORK. .(AP) -TllO •19<k market givin& up much of its early piM as inveStors grew cauUous, closed today at almost the sarrie pla~lt bad opened. (See quotltioM, Pages 11)-11). the Dow Jones industrial ave,.qe at t :~ p.m. was of{ 0.25 at m .17. • Richard Speaks o. w. "Olck" Richard. former presi- dent of the. Newport Har bot Clw!>b<r ol eocw<,..., II-year ~Jiibtt dlredilr and ...-of RU:hard's Udo Martel, w'Ill be guetl speaker at the Laguna Beach. Chamber .ol Commerce'• .Wednesd•Y bteakflst. .. The·brtakfast ts at t a.m. 1t Hotel Laguna. WASHINGTON CUP!) -President Nixon ~Y on:lu,ed reswnpUon ol U.S. reconnaiasancf: flights off the North Korean coast and served notice that "they will be· protected." "When p~ of the United St.ates 01 ships of µie United States ip intel)igence gathering, are in international waters or international air space, they are not fair, game.~· he President told a news· ron- ference. "They wUl not be in the future," he declared. 'tTheY will . be protected. That is not I thi'Ut, 'bUt a 'sta(ement of fact" He aaid that ~ President he could not ~k· 56,000 Amertcan . troops staUoned in Fight Looming Over Laguna's -~ Sign, Controls ·Laguna 'kacb may ·~ rWstlnce to its mote_s\ringent'1qir<P1Fojll·neit y~r wlien' 1f!e ~-Jtoa<imouu 'for -con'fmnlhg'llipi Is rier. ·· = Z .. ~prlng<. cit p~ and b diftctorl filled _,..,.;.._ in lllt rl~iloy"'i:. at ··ii~~Springe, ~to breU down into two groQpS COn· Cf!nling the 'sign ordinance: "fori!rs and aginers". · · ScuUlebott, be s 1 i d. indicates I b a t -again$ ·)he sign controla effective April 15, · 1970 may organize resistance. This might ,be · done with 1he aid of sign companies that closely watched the sign ordJnanct ·being formed. SprU.,e ealimat'!I that lhete are pro- ~bly 1,500 signs in La~ and Mid it is unlikely that more than 20 perce?t con- form· to the ordinance which is abo1-1t two years. old. Wheri the city adopted the ordinance, it Included a three-)"~ar ai'q.ortiz.ation pro- gram for sign owners. to get_beneflt lrolJI eiisting signs aild ready themselves to conform. Springe estimated that about half the busioel'"'en will auJ>POrl -the sigQ pro- gram and the other baU will be against it. He said instead of g1SOline stations which ate coming round, the real estate busine& are probably the most flagrant &ign violaton with oversize signs and too many. Nell in ~rants of offenders, he said, seem to be hotels and motels with signs too ·llr3e, bright or mlslocated pole signs. Real estate an<I tourism represent two of the city's biggest industries. Springe said his department bas developed a program in the last six months for implementing the new stan- dards. It includes letters, press relealeS and forms for aign o~••· He aatd 17tparceiJ'wttb 318 signs have . been Vi&!tec1 With about 400 bu.sineisea yet lo investigate. AJ the amortization deadline draws near, spr1nge warned that the city will need to be~·ready to abate "ligiis of recalcilrlnt ownen bJ ctl'jl -or crlmlnl1 adlom.'CMI actions to 1e1 • com1 order would include the city placing a lien against involved property to recover its lundJ. s~ ulimated -that 10 to a percent of bUslnesHs contacted have complied cheerfully. "It is a start," be said. Laguna Sta bbing Death Admitte,d A Loo Angelea woman ·~ ol the ' fatal allbPli ol her llUjbaO<I on a Laguna ~ti -hu pleadod guilty to reduced charges In Superior COurt. Judge Robert -IC!'tPled the plea of PearU. Mae Bolltol!. " .. amen- ded'dijlr,..-o1 ~~ Ile -ltn. • -11 charged with munllr, to to com1 ror aen-1n1 ""'-11 and sranted con- limlaoce of 11',tltll boll. Mta. Ho-faces a e-ible allte prloan term ol one to nve ,..,.._ -Mra. Holstoo WU lmllltd In Laguna Jut Nov. 14 foci dlarpd -the murdtr of her I0.""1-<lld hll8boM Ray. Wit. ...... told -that the quamel Iii•• Ille ..... --Iba wom1n p~ 1 ten-Jlich boninc knife h1to the ldl sldi Of btr ·-- t • -! • ' , South Korea to be endangered by not having intelligence 1knowledge which he said the unarmed nconnailsance Oigtrui · provide. --- Nixbn said North Korea had been displaying increased belligerence. He noted that the number of incidents ln· volving North Kort:an · infiltr.ation Into South Korea.has increased. He &aid that -fUriher \J.S. tnOVl!I· U a result of losa of an unarmed Navy recon- naissance plane, with 1 crew of Jl, to North Korean MIGs "will' depend on the circumstance," i n c I u d i n g ·North , . . • • K,or0a'1 ·reaction to -the re1U111plioa• Ci U.!L aeriai rtconnatssance. Tbe propeller-drtVell' EC121 WU sbot doirnb1 North ·Koreao' l<!I' Moodili'- ljjllon said both v.s.• mid._SOvtet ridar sii)ltjnp d61nitel1-.. a,.I-.that the U,.S. :plane WIS "approzhbateiy IO•miles" at -'at the lime .of The altact ..: ,far beyond -lhe 12 mile ltmtt, clalnied ;by North Korea. · ·, • "TJPi ~•U.Ct w11 ~. ,Jt,wu dellbtrlla, H·wll without waiDjq, ~.1111-oft II.kl Jn4!a s1f8Y9 ~voJce ,.tbU ...Deel husky•wttb -_, -< Nixon said tbt ~ 'Time for Fl_shlng' Police Chief LabroiV A nnoJtft.Ce$ adir.lifm~n)i ~: i ,,.\1•1··· ·· · -~'••'""'' . --I . • ... ~~. "!,;,. .. A,[ "1···· ~ • ' \·"' ~,I "''. < ' ' .. • ,_,,.._.~ I. . ' ' ' ~ , .. , "~· "~ ;By 81084,~.' ALL" '1 .. ,". I ' . ., .... ..,.,.,.....,. Harry Labrow, j,aguna Beoch polic!e" chief for fivt years, will n:Ure at tbl end o( July. ·;:·\l·, I . i In-a pl-letter to-the City Councll Thursday ntch~ Labrow, 15, said: "Having been a pulieemaft. for over a quarter of a century, Ind as I have been experiencing some probJetru1 wttb my. health. f~ the 1ut two years, it stems high time to go fishing." Councilmen exi)ressed u n a n i m.'o u s regret at the decision. Mayor GleM Ved- der said, "It will certainly be a great loss to this community." City Manager James D. Wheaton said he will adverWe through professional journals for a replacement who will be selected by cornpetitiv~ examinaUpM. Applicants must hold at least the rank of ueuterrant. , • Labrow retired from the· Los Angeles Police Department in 1964. He had risen to the rank of ca,ptain under· Chier \Villiam Parker and had done everything from chasing speeders to vice and personnel work. He was captain of the Harbor Division when he retired. It included the tough Wilmington and San Pedro areas. He had also been a captain in charge of person- nel. The chief came to America from a small town in England near the steel manufacturing center in Rochdale. He had his seventh birthday on the boat in New York Harbor. He grew up in Pasadena. His father was an instrument maker for the Carnegie Institute at the Mt. Wllson Obaerv•tory, Cbief Labrow said he bad, It seemed, always Wanted to be in police wOrk. Managing' a aervice station as a young man in the job-tough depression years, his police wort decision finalized. "II ~ that t!Je only man that could afford to buy a tire WIS a htgh)vay patrolman,'' be Aid. - The chief wbo bad brought much pro- leislonallnn .and change to depart· -~ ~. ·:u·, be!'•.• . ill r\111. 1 tblnk I've done tome good but maybe·eo~ else, can ·~"iii . wttb· OUie~ itd'ea-t 1'iriCf " " ~-..!--tl" . I '· make. µqpi:ovanen • , , . ·1q·. ~ol&tlle ' ~ 'where '"rMnat ~vict;ogs ,rqe from the ~Ui~n~ ·1~ t• the hardshell. rip~ <;hie! LabrOV(' haJ been~ ~·k ·llead7 leJal f~ undF a vapety of perylexfng ~ttonl. : ,. , They have ranged from diJcouraging homosexual a.c~lvity along the ·Main Beach, \o polici"I[ demomlralionl to trying to -wttb the blpple -··-····' Labmr hal bad tO tilv!ottiraft~ of polict 11aras.,,i.nt aptmt hia dePlr\- Clloe LABROW, P• I ) ' . • •\., ~ y 1~ Mid-Jooe to S~e Ren-ew~·: • ' ' I ' --. ------------··· ·-------~~~ ' : ~ I • ! ' ' _Criminologist's Daug~ter A.m:o rig Nude•iri ·Suspects ' ' .. • ' . . .. Sup,erior Coutt, ~ppeatanc~ ~t For Leary.Family District .altorney 's lnvesllpton todaJ · scheduled 1 Superior Court ~ . r ... Dr •. .Timothy teary and hia wife 'and • -. . ' '' ' I Nll.Y Ml.OT [ --------' -----' ----------~ ---1 s·· ~r~~ ~w~-w I 0 u ar 'Ji rr.,o1t1iemJ' •1ow.uc1cam. ·Many Want Old Capo Scho . ""'9• ... ...11111 .. fllllpll ' • ~•II M •I. • "1 uar: ~1 .,._toil • nuabor al problems u.t• 'lie -• ' ! •'oil the iOtift bid • °' .,. . ..., '"' '"" """Id have lo bo lblt. t!' ""'""·OP!'! ....,.. 2,Ja DO lo 1,771 • Since lut fall, I' OCl<I of land with I ll'!LtJNG TO S£u. •·· -~·· NUlU'1llNS ,., ...... ~ .... _, ~"m--, _., .... ' 'It Ii IM din 11 ............ ,.._...,;_...., .. -~-. 1111 ~ o1 w ~. t111ro-. '.l!l :;;,;..~ J!.' :'~ ~"t ....... ed .. lllfl' al leotatift pod lee1btc ••••Ide -... -oni, ti ..... wttbln the~ol1-Baldl 1ftc1ncU to !lo -\ Ullilled School District 11P Cll Pork ' · F or the odlool people, H iru the oaly A-Ume durina a Joni evening that Ibo BIJ 1-. ramsltlckle pillirbig GI oicl ICbool ·'"!lie ·~1 boor<! hU In the put')!; LOGBOOK '1f"' comee lboi.llme, 1 su-. 'llllen buildinp In the middle o1 Sia JUon dlcolfd !hit u aU airtllt!tmtnu could'bt the echool peopl• and the ..,,1y tlectecl caputr"\° his .~ lori<!Y out •f _.keel out, thtf'd be wllUng to enterWll OM !Me preoJnct bad .._cod In on Tallybolrd wu lo lmlle doWn upon them. Ila -In the -~ 1keo1 tu There wu <ooaldetable wall before override election. reoull• -the nm preclncta. ltqu Tbe reaulu .,.,,,. trlciltlltC 1n. from -Ooe, It WU --the eIJXlllloo .. -'12 ol 1111 llT Ida fl<O that tos-'• ldtobl dllll, Dr. 1 ....... lld -bad Btl1 Ullom, Wllll'I ,prepared lo 1-1n1 ltotbond lo travel lo vlctoty l\alemeftU • the alreftllh al Ibo Ibo pllla oul 11 El llln«lt precinct from Emerald llaJ. Blll Mom> School. occupied pert of Ida Ume by placing a Proc!nct One <Of• p!tooe call lo Olarlea F. Kenney, bead ered the uu ol man of the Caplsttano Unlfled School Lower -.id illl', Diltrlct down the rood. wbtrelll mlde -ol CO!lltn allJu. Th< CapiJtrano school people thal VOf"f eoce, IDM1 cl whom bavt been mown same day were allo uking their voten to guard carelully the opeJng al their tu for anQllter 50 cenll In taIOa fer school pocketbooks. operations. Yet the ...Wt lndicalcd ol the '12 bl!-AppartnUJ tboJ --a Jot luter 1o1en, a bad daclared yea, 111e7 ww1c1 in Ibo MJaloa Ara. Ullom listened &lwnl)o lo the report coming •-tM jflcllte lrOm Capbtrano. He theo -a -word report, ''Capo loot," he Mid. II pro v e.d lo be the 01prro""'*"""°'l!J"' fer .the Laguna ac!lool !ollll. N the nest five Llgun.a precincts came ln, the to o\'m'lde proposal took a clob- bering. Finally, Precinct Ten rolled In from Center Stree~ oul in the aoutberly sect.ion. ol the city, where S64 of the 900 regl!tered voters passed the tu ~ yes to 159 opposed . Applat11e filled the school officea, even though the pattern of defeat wu already pretty well establtahed. The taJ: won Jn one otber precinct at school board will make an qmlzlng everyone 1 mind, if not out of alibt. the idea ol ael.ling," he said. reappraisal. 'Ihere will be a lot of reuona Now, it aeems. everyone wants the old Du to the d' trict's rapidly expa.od..ill auqeated for deleal , San Juan Cl\piltrano Junior Jliih School 3 1 ~ board has been -'I1we were a number of high lehool. property. • enro .men , . atudents who lhdwed up at di.strld head-The city ol San Juan has ~ eyeµig "=:t ~ som; of .!e ;e= qual'W to view ,the retuml ~~ ... ~•· the ti aaw u ~ poallble C:tvlc 4*ller ~ gr--'· •Nd= "or • ~ the 1a111a -1 •P. I IOI tile ~ •~t Alic , -· · ~ey eetmed lo ngard the noul1I es ao The Capllllrane U.lflecl Scllool lllllritt Th< Junior hleh scbool '"' closed In the raanr vi>lcl for lddll, and " mon1 qllnsl ta CONlderinf ...... the aid c:loiorooma _ fall when Marco Font er Jun!« lllCh wu iltdl t 11 fall 1 ixth ad opened. some ol lbe old buildlnga did not I ~1pect that such a IUn'lllWY might vacan. nee -or 8 gr . e meet the atat.e's Field Act r;etting be oversimPurytng the analysis of defeat. :~~:.ig and perhaps a distrld educaUon b 1 ui!dli~ryg code requirements for school It might even be a toU.IJy wrong coo-School diatrict official! and the San aci . ies. clusion J Ca 1~..., -.1 __ ,, __ ,._ .11 It Wll'ller emphasized that the classrooms · , uan pl.:11.1 ano c1 y o..vwJ1,;UJ11en w1 Ii 1 be ed Id def' ·1 I e<t tho The plain facts are, when you call a down Tuesda at 7 .rn. at cit hall and o open wou mt e y m school money election on top of federal h . Y P . Y tlhl 1 state Jaw. . and state Income tu time ju.st after auto r !be ammertyr out some compa e p an In addition, the district has been think· license tabs and property' tax payments or prope • tng of building an tducatlon center for you are ID for a roach d..:i at the polla. ' p~y ~tt.ee thla ,week called the ~administrative offices on· part of the It was. lncaUon a prime apot for the Htabi1llJ. ~.property 11 divided Into sections, ---------------..-:. -------------------~ ment d a ne~ City Han. cut by Camino Capistrano. Eight acres, Now operating out of ~ ren~ ~ formerly the athletic field, are on the 14 Marine Life Experts Due at Cl.emente Parley A lllarlne Sdence SJ-1..., 11 Sia Clemente lllP School SltmdaJ will present 11 aperll ln the llelda ol llllrino ecoJoa and nalurll aclenc:e In I dof-ICllc -ol- 1lellltrllloa u at 7,30 a.m.11 the lf1lb SchooL Tbe Clpllllrane Unified llcbool Dllltlct II-*" the mnl The trmpoalwn ctpe111al9 ,111 •• m. with the keynota -Oii "!Ian In Tbe Total 'Environment," by Dr. Pllll Brandw<ln GI Harvard Unl•alll)', FoDowlnl the keynote -In the fl)'llllllllum, -. wlD be beld at the hiCh school LIWe 'l1lea1re and at the Triloll Center. Ellttbtt. "' -equip-ment wUJ be on dJap1ey at Ibo library ud In -..... ol the -until' p.m. Two apWerl, --. ud Arthur l'lecltal(, .... -with the U.S. Navy'a Sea Lib ID proJICI. 8"I wUJ tall: about Sea Lab, l'lechat(, "' "capeb111tlel " Man."' Pr•• Pep l • -· '·.t.-. ... LAlijl()W.~~, • ;:> I • menl • -balld. ml r.>i .-fury en the Other -he ,...id not crock hlpplt lleidl'and ban them berded oul ol ....... He bu aid . plqle]J at - that wblleYf!r --In Lquna, ,.. can find IO ....,,.m of the populace on one aide ol ,the ltnce ud IO percent .., Ibo other. BEIJEJ\ POUCE WOU '"lbla bu· been .. lntereltln8 uatcn- ment ~ 1 bltt enjoyed it Ulorou&h1Y, 11 the cllltl Mid In Ida letter ol nalgnaUoo. Labrow Aid there seems now a genera! !nlcresl .nationally In lnlprov!ng police work lncl1ldlng -1""'1W -•'There bu to be," be Aid, '1becauee Lord mo..., we•,. fighting 1 lol!ng ltottlt unless wi Improve. 0 ... " Askecf about causes for growlDg crime Ind civil dlaobedlonce, Lli>MW ulcf there U I l""'!nc alUtude of C<llifmrtatlon In wblch tndlvlduals •-the !awe they will obel' or disobey. He Did the pennllll-and lack and parental guidance underlying the al· tllude pntbebly .Uried In World War II and grew. Lal>Mw ud b1a wile have porchUed 1 travel tn.Utr for retirtmenl He al.lo owns a home In Twentynine Palma. 'l1ley plan I trip lo llanll In Seplanblr or October. The cllltl h&! one IClll with 1lte Loi Angolea Depertmen~ another with Unlllld Airlines and I elcpoon. ll~llY Pll Ol .OlNIM co.t.n l'UM.lltff ... COMMNY RoMrt N. WtM ,_ .. _ • .... ... "'1loy Yb ,,..... .... 0--.. ~ n.,.,, ICWtll ·-Tll.N~ ':Z'1·· l lditf4 P. N•ll .._,_ '"' ----221 ,.,... '-· M•ln-Jlf AIUr11tr P.0, ........ 92612 --c....-.1 ......... ..,.. ....,_."9dl:m1Wf1, ..... .....,. ............. 1 .. ... Other apeeches ld>ec!uled lncluck' "Callfcrnla Borderland Orcanisina" by Dr. Doaald Br!Pt, Cal Stala Fullertoa - 1:111 a.m. In the Trllon Catter. "Con.serv1tlon ol. Filberie1" bJ Dr. Paul Smith, Bureau ol Commercial Flaberl• -1:111 I.ID. In the Little Tbeatn. • "SUbmartne CanyGnl .. by Dr. Donald Gonllne, Unlvenlty of S o u t b er n Califamia-10:• a.m. at Triton Center. "Capablltties d Man" by Arthur Flechsig, U.C. San Diego -10,20 a.m. in the Lttlle Theatre. "California Grey Whale" by Dr; Ray· mond Gllmore, San Diego Muaeum of Natural History -11 :05 a.m. at Triton Caller. ' "R.elourca ln the Sea" b:t Dr. Lewis Follan&bet~ OtaniJe Coast College -U ,05 a.m. In the Little Tbeetre. "Th< Blue Sbltk" by Dr. Gilbert Bane, UC lrvlne-1 p.m. In the Trilon Center. "Submeraibles" by Wllllam Barkley. mll\ICV of a.-al Dynamico -I p.m. In 11\e LllUe Tbee!z!. ·-i.u" by ll<!Dll4 -.i.S. !111VJ !!;It:• p.m. In the Trtlon Cat . • ~ of Pyget Sound" Ronlld Ups, Se.atUe PacUic College -1:45 p.m. In 1lte Llllle Tbutre. "Mlrtne Alpe" by H'-!'4en Wllllams, Golden Weal Couep -I'll p.m. at the Trtlon Ceotar. "Underwater Arcbeoloo" by Omtakl c. Moore -1:'5 p.m. In 1lte LIWe Theatre. General Phone Rate Hike Nixed . By Complaints A $11.1 million 11111!"\ ~ bike itu ~ o!ltred to the General Telephone Co. by the Siiia Public UWlUea Com- mission U the ag~ serving HunUngton Beach and Laguna Beach areaa will ju.st improve. Tbe c:omp&nJ'• requeat for a !il.t million lncttue wu denied Thursday, as Commluloer Fred P. Morrissey and Ex· amlner Robert B.,..tt dialed for !n- formaUon on the company's complaint volume. Sublc:riberl 1erved by G e n e r a 1 T~ Co. gripe about the •ervice at a rate triple that of Pa<;lfic Telephone Co. CYllomeil In the area between the two couta1 cltlea and. e!Hwbere In the •talc. 'l'hl riduclld lJguro of 111.1 million was o!lmd In I plan by Morrlaaey and l1amett, who l\llltll better IUbur!tan area oervtce and Lileilne aervi ... to the UI and ahu~ln who may nted audden mad!cal 111111tton. Besieged Sirhan B. Sirhan'·• chief def we attorney Grant Cooper !1 beiet by microphones as he leaves court where he p?esented series of· mollonr ~ ell!llll'• ~ fl.rat degree murder vfctlOD 'nr . .,.~ ~ ,. 6.) l. ! ep,l • YACHTSMAN • ,. . , clllzen of the colony wberl he 11 In bU$1naa and ,.parallld he and Mill Donald from the olhen. The Mor1111111 a1ao-carried e1tanllve electronlc navtpUonal sear Uled for ..... ncln(, but not needed In the cooata1 cnilae !rom llCOC Kone lo 111 ..... add!ni lo a Rid aptonqe lnvatlptloo. Senate, to Probe . -. State Oil Leases WASHINGTON (AP) -A Senoia lnlcrlor 111bcommltl<e WIU coniluct a hearlna Moy ti 00 I blU lo ban nll leuln( in Callfomla't Santa Barbara.dWmel. The measure, by Sen. Alan Cranston([). Calif.), would place other controlJ on offshore oil drilling. Sen. Frank E. M°", (!>-Utah), aub- committee chairman, said federal and Callfornil o!Dclall! ore being lnl'lted lo leollly. "Our country neecla the oll and our .. tional tre&!\ll')' needs the revenues from off-6hore areas," Moss said In a atate- menL 0 0n the othef hi.pd· we must not have our lh<nllne1 rulnld, our octan waters polluted, our fllh and wildlife destroyed and our envllomMnt cballt!ed devastatln&IY." Saddleback Prefab Pact Tops Architect's Estim.ate BJ THOMAS P'OllTUNIC ohould cost about $1111,0lio, but the con-°' "' DMrr ,.., ..., tracUn figured it at mort than twice 11te udiltact -~ In bis that amounl eattmate bat Sllddlebock ~ atlll awarded 1 11.5 million -1 LOW ON ESl'IMATl'l contract Monday nl&bt. Lcwrey also wu low lllt week on an Th< contrict la lo ln9tall prefabricated <Stlmate for IOtlgh IP'ildloi al the alte. He buUdlnp and pr<pere the ltOUndl al SacJ. f1iurec1 1be COii at 1170,0llll; Ibo oontrlct dleback'I permaoent -Vlojo Cl,,,. WU kl for $163,l!l. pua for -'Ill In the fall. 11te move 'lbat mlA wu atltlbolOd lo bea'I)' !tun the lnllrlin eampus will be made tbJa .aummer · rains that 101ked the lnll ao u lo reqlllro '!bl $1.1 ..ius.. contnct ,... lwardecl 11 be aerated and colll!ed many ...,. lo loW bldd<r on the project W. J. Shirley traclorl not k> bid becluee they ...,. C«WuctlGn. GI Pllldeno. 11te oaly behind on tllelr jobl. othor bid. fer fl,119,Sll, w11 aubmltled Again on the buildln( [)Ol'llon 1btto by lpeedlpece Corp. ol santa Rosa-• were only two bidden, whtn:u ~any Even the acctpted low bid W11 ll'1 more hid been upectec:t. perCaot OYft arcbltecl Rol>trt Lowrey'a "Th< bla II ......, acroa the bolrd ..umate GI fl,Jll m. The cUscrepucy for other contraclon not bldillnl wu !he be Did, II 1tmo11' wbol17 attributable to dlCficult move of prtstnt bull41ncs," coot GI lllOYlnl b11lldlnp from the pme!!t Lowery lald. lnlorlm eampua lo the ,_ Illa. The two ovl!Msllmale ~ have LowrO)' ea1d I u 1 trick;y -e fer lncreued 11te COii GI openJog the wllld1 then wll little r.-1 oa Wblcb ptrmlllent campua from the upttted lo blse lllii tlllmala. ~ f1llJrtd the move fU mlWon to fL! million. TV Newscaster Ready to Lead Capo's Fiesta San Juan Capistrano'• Fiesta de la11 {l()k:ridrln.as parade will step oU at 1 p.m. Saturday beaded by Grand Marshal George Putnam, a popular Loo Angeles MWICuter. More than 150 entries have aJIMd up for the "Fiest.a' ol the Swallows" parade U1Ua11J llChedWecl for the -tend balore the arrival ol Capistrano's swallowl March II, but delayed thll year due lo slonnl. Bands, prize show horses, colorful floats, clowns, cowboys and Indiana are to lake part In the Fiesta whith will tum back the clock lo Early California do)'I in Capistrano. In that vein, a Fiesta Trall Ride will be held &mday. IJepertlng from a large field off Rosenbaum Roed just north of the city, horsemen will ride over Miss.ion Viejo Ranch lands. The ride, which will lake about six boUrs, wUJ be led by trall 00. GU Aguir. re, cattle foreman for the MlAlon Viejo Ranch. The trail ride bqinl at t a.m. diree- tlonal .signs to the staaini area wHI be placed from the Junipeto Serra Ro a d and Rancho Viejo Road elit.a of Ull San Diego Freewai. • • The C01Mtunltf "1 beeft"iidtl!na· In the fiesta spirit this wee.t. Western and Spanish garb have been.required ctrw on city streets. San Juan cillzena eaught not weorJni such dudl have been thrown In "jall" by Fiesta Sherill A!Jlnlenez. Prior lo the Fiesta parade, a street fight and shoot-oot by Ho!IJWood atunt men will be stqed on the main city strett, Camino Caplstr1111P, In lronl ol the El Adobe ~.UurlOL ' The parade will follow a c1rcular route ll'D!ll1d 1lte city. Formation will take place at the drtve- !n theater's parking lol II Del Obispo. From there. nwcben will move up to Camino Capll•l•no, then lo north La Zan-i• Street and El Camino RW lo Orltga lflcbway and back lo Del OblJpo llld the staclng ..... ' front comp1e:r: along Cammo Capurtrano, 1\'est side While the remainder, with the the city tw been told that It mu.st leave buildings Is on the east. when ltl leue runs out, June IO, 1970. NICE CENTER AR!A CoaoclJman W1lllam Bathgate.• Wimer .said city and district plans chairman of the commlttee looking for Cl· could dove-tail to make a nice civic ty hall sites, said that of the five areas center area. He said thought now wu atudled, the junior high ICbool looked the that the district would keep the athletic best. . field area for Jts use. . . The committee was told that rtplace-A gentle transition from .school use io· ment co.st for the grounds woukt be about city hall use of the classroom area ml&ht $840,000. Under state .law, school districts be possible, he aald. may not sell facilities for; less than It With the use of the old school byt would cost to replace them. distric.t sixth graders next year, tbo ·Joe Wimer, admJNstratlve services facility will have gone a full circle. . d1nctor for tbe Caplrtrano district, said First, tt was the district's only high' that tslimalc wu extremely Joooe. Two school. The first part of the school, t!tt appraisals aUD have to~ be made Wlder gym, was bullt in 1929. Three yean ago,· stale law. · It became the d~ct's junior bigh school Wlmtr Biid thel we ol the property and Ullil It WU cloled. Turtle Rock Park Part Of Irvine Company Plan By JEROME F. COLLINS Of tfM Dal~ I"ll" Md Ground will be broken on a 27-bole championship I o I f course In Newport Beach thia summer, an Irvine Company spokemwl dlsclooed lodjty. Willlam Aldrich, 1rvlne pubUc rel•· lions -· made the llUICIWICllllelt in a tali before tm• Newport Harbor Olamber. ol Commerce. He a1JI> revealed tha ..,.. ranch cor· poraUon intends soon to donate *lO acres to Orange County for dlveloPment of a regional park just north of the ucr com4 plu. CoUoty and Irvine representaUYe.11 have been "in negotiation" on the pro- ject for months, he Mild. • The mulU·mllllon dollar Newport aoH coone, to be built to Proressional Golfers' Al.soclation atandardl, will apread over hundreds of Irvine acrea .in Big Canyon along San Joaquin Road behln4 Newport Center, Aldrich said. T1le layout w1D encompu1 an area bounded on the north by Ford Road, on tha llOUlh by San JQ&quln Roed, on the east by MacArthur Boulev erd and on Ibo west by the Upper Bay. REACH BOLES Golferai will reach holes on the bayalda of Jambol'fle Road through a passageway JODO •LASS TOI' TAILI 'r'•" JHICK mew. Sl44IO .... $1't. to be constructed under the arterlll, AJdrlch e:cptalned. The Big Canyon goll course has been talked about for montm, he noted, "but the plans are now just off the drawillt! boanb.'' It will take about II montbl lo bullet. Work wUJ begin thll July. December, 19711, Is the tar1et date tor completioo. 1 Aldrich said Irvine'• boerc! ol dlr~V,. will meet ahortly to decide precisely ho.,, it will be developed and to select a developer. He told acme 120 chamber members gathered at the Balboa Bay Club that . there might be some resfdentlaJ construc- tioo along the edges of the coune. A declson on that, however, ls yet to be madt. INCLUDE LAKES Aldrich said the university a.re.a reponal partr will Include !ekes filled with reclaimed water. "We'll supply the water from our aewqe treatment plant.a:," be said. The park Ille Hea roughly between the · Turtle Rock tn<f University Part rellden- tial developments. • ' ' •• """ atyW ...... ...., ft! ..... 1111. 11 ... -"' ..... top ...... Doo't""" ..... ,.,...., N ... ..-r flt• r1u11p I .... ,_.....,,,II TH P-let l'ltd lea: .... • ... ,... -Aotl-Y-. ..,._ hW -OW Sp•hli -Dlltra••• Che - -,-- NIWPOlt.T llACH 1711 Woattllff Dr.,_64W050 Of'l.N ..... , '11\ ' P-ioMI Interior DllftMia .AY11l1bt1 .\ID-flSID LAGUNA 11.ACH 145 North C-Hwv. °"" ... IAt 'TR. t .... t• ............. C.-;' .... ,lh • 49«551 .. .. ly d .. ., u ot lJl ol ,, ,. k· " , . •• '· 1e ,. 1S ic II IC h ll 'Y, ,. . Ii • ". 11 l t ' . . IV: ' I I '1 • ' ' Lag .. 'na ' ;fOL 62, NO. 93, ~ SECTIONS, 42 PAGES . ' ' ' Beaeh EDIT ION ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFoRNT>: ' ,f I • e .as J I I • " - •) I ff TEN CIHll • . .. • • I ._' • ,,. .... awn .• • ' J . <. Down the Mission .. U .S ~ Guards ·Spy Flights: Paper S~s ·.·. ' . • • ;J •• Chiria seeks . ' Trail Viejo Bids Due FQr Fire Station • f\1!SSIO~ VIEJO-,Bids will be opOned ~~y 19 for tbt new Miuion Viejo Fire Station, according lo COlD'lty Director ol ,Building Services Joseph J. Smisek. The new facility, estimated to cost '83,IOO by architect Willard T.,JordaI\ ol Costa Mesa, will be located on a site overlooking the Mission Viejo Country Club golf course on Marguerite Parkway. :e Storm Dr•I• .Fltiulletl TUSTIN -Completion of construction work on the Arroyo storm drain in the Lemon Heights .area, has been annQIPlCtd by Supervi.9or~ H. Hintetn. The $102,989 job consiN of 1,115 linear feet of 72-inch reinforced concrete pipe and appurtenant lOcal , dr.aqiage ,stfuc· tul'es -to relieve tbe-f\ood.llii problem in Arroyo A venue. . . • V•rletir Sllotll OpelU ' MISSION VIEJO -The ~· ilt;er tonight at a o'clock for. the first M~ Vi,joJtigh ~I .variety ahow.r. -. The --·-· u Ii. •.r !he dllecUOD al a;;;;,;T~ ~tan' Cliristlne Wololli, will be ~ In tht m\tltt-purpoee room tA. 9Choo1.,. Admlalion pilce fll 'IS C!er!U far childrml!ld students with an ASB card. and •t.2Si for adults 'l1le show concludes Saturday night. :e Kl..,anls Alu <:ollep LAGU11'A HILl.'I -The Kiwanis Club here presented a check 'for $500 tO ~ dltbitk Junior Coll!ge's Joan fund follow· inl a "generation cap" trOJl'alD Tue-- clay. . ·. 'Jbe klen fund mates money available to,lllolknts·• 1'1bort·\erm 1N11iJ 111 they might make it over financial trooble Spotl and at1ll remain iJI I achooJ. Tbe Wgun& Hills giwlllians have previoully aiven ssoo to the fmxl wbk:h now starlds at· $2,100. The presen~Uon wu made alkr a panel dlrculltoa wttb two Sad· dleback students. Susan Killion of Caplltrano Highlands and Bob Y oont, of Tustin. e Sports Fleltls Pr.n netl MJSSION VIEJO -Two ba!ehall diamonds and a football field au planned fOi" a recently leased area of the Mon· tanoeo elementary school sjte through t~ Cooperative work of the San Joaquin School District, the Mission Vi~jo Uttle Leque and the Activitit! Comouttee. ' The recreation area will be. located on a porttoo of the yet-to-- &ehool's land just oU Montanoso Drive. Plllls also call for installation al field ~ting and irr41atioa system. The fields will become a· permanent port of the ocllool property and are to be open for public use oo weekends and llOIHIChool lioun. • R e ool•tlola NoCed MissJON VIEJO - A. Rew>lutlonacy 1'inCe will be h!ld at 'the v.1aioa Viejo Recreallon Center ,\prll • to celebnt• . ill< lt2nd. annivenary, al the Amei1cln W•'fll lndependmce. QDltulDel uprewlnl the naUon's revDlutlooary l'!'lrit. ... required, aaid J~ Curran · direcMr ol ttert1tion for Mllllioo VieJO Compallf. Prim wW be awlrded to the best dressed couples. Admission is, 13 a CO\JPle 1 !or center members, ano IS gor a-I•· .. Jil;W YORK (AP) ..,._ Tbe stock mortet, pvillg up much al Ill~ pins u.laveston grew e1utioul, doMcl _todaf at almost the woe p!.tb/ tt bod' Gllmed. (Seo,quotat!jms, P-1 .. 11). 'lbe Dow Jones ir.duJtrtal 1;ver~ at 1 "9 p.m. was oil 0.:15 al 111.17. ' . IDchard Speaks o .. w. ·~Dick" JUcblrd, klrroer Jftll'" dent of Iba Newport llarllor Ctiamber al Coqlmtrte, II-year chalnber -..., ,......,. al Richard's UOo Marlrot, wilt be a-i 1peoier at the Loguno Beach Qlomber al Com.-ct's W-.Y lnalfast . • Tho breakfast ls at I a.m. al Hotel J.,qun.a. Nixon Says Missions Vitalto ·Troops in Korea,,· WASlllNGTON (UPI) -PrWdent Ni.Ion today ordete:d resumption of U.S. reconnaissance flights off tbe North Korean cout and served notice that "they will be protected." South Korea to be endana:ered by not Kcru'a reaction to the resumption fl havlng intelligence know.led1e which he U.S. aerial reconnaissance. said the unarmed rtconnaisaance flights The propeller-driven EC121 was ·.shot provide. down by North Korean jeta Monday. "When Jt].anes of the United States or ships of the ,United States in intelligence ga!hefin&, are in lnternallonal wattrs or international air space, they are not fair game,"· he President told a news con- ference. '"Ibey will noi be in the future," he d<clared. ':They will be pn>tected. Th8t is not • threat, but • statement of Nixon .said North Korea had been Ni.ton aald both U.S. and Soviet radar displaying increaSed belligerence. He sigbtlnp denDitely elU.blilbed that the noted that the number of incidents in· U.S. pl8De waa "IPJX'OllmatelflO mllel'' volvlng North Koren inflltritioo into · at sea at the time of the attack tar South.Korea has .increased. beyond the ' 12 mile limit cl•~ by He said that further ti.s. move. u a NCl'tb Korea. ' · "This attack was unprovoked, ·tt Wu fact." · result ol loS& of an unarmed N•vy rec:on--delibtrtte." It wu without wll'Dia&, •• Nis- naJsunai .plane, with • crew ol 31, to on .Aid in a l"IVe voice that· aemed He Wd that u President he could not 31k ii,ooo American troops stationed in North Korean MIGs "will depend on the husky w!tb emotlonal tension. circumstance," .i n c 1 u d i n g North Nlloo llid the ~ · mpm F~ght Looming Over Laguna's . . " 'Time for Fishing' Police Chief 'Labrow ... Sign :COntrols uruna'·Beach may rnet:l'Tefliatance to its more stringent· aign controls ndt 'ytar · Ann:ounces R~tjre.'f'lWllt · . . . • ~; ',t , . I . " • " ·, !' 1;,,; wl!Oll th1f three-.year llonoymola for noo-• 111 JUCRll.111)'.P i !'!AIL ' ' =· .. -. " : ....... ,!:. ' ) --·· ,.., ' , r,.-., CJ;iW • C!t1 -~ and uaTy' t:.11row, · ' ' B<ach 1..\Jico buildlu ,diredo<, --"°" ·-clller'ri''llve :fiirs ' ~dili'iil 'l'llurillJ• on •sip pnlll'lnl -at of July ' · • the .......... ci CouiiciJman llo7' Holm. • " d . . . Bad ... _ wlth ·Oi«M, ml fijjrince , In a pleaaalil lollef .!O theC•!Y Council ._ l~lftai -inlo two.--· Tburoday nJibl,.i;ablo!t .. 11, ~: cerniDg the lign ll'diMnce :-0 forers and "Having been a pnllm,nan for over .a aginen''. quartu of a c~, Ind~ I have peen Scuttlebutt, he .I a i cl, iodical.es t b a t ezperlencing so[ne problems wltJt • ~ • those apinlt the sign .controls effective healU:l for the Wt ·two ,yean, Jt l:ffll\S. April 15, 19'10 may organize re.sis~. high ~1 to go ~-" This might be doOe 'with the aid ol sign Councilmen ~ u n a n I m o u s ccimpanles that c!O.ely watched tbe sign regret .it the decliiOn. Mayor Glenn Ved· oidinance being formed. · der said, "It wlll certainly be a Feat loss Springe· eatlmated that there are pro-to tl!l5 comm\Wty." : hably l,lGO signs ln'Laguna and said jt is Clty Manager Jim<l ·D. Wheaton laid uolil<ely that mor< than . 20 percent con-he will advertiae through prol<uiooal fonn •to tbe ordillallce which ;,, 'about two joomals foe a ·repla<e!Mnl who will· be ~ Old: · · . se1tcted by cOmpetitive eumtn1tkms. ~tho city edopted the onlinance, •t Appltcant.o mun hold al least the rank of Included a lhrff..year amortizatlon pro-lieutenant. gram for sign ownm to get benefit from Labrow retired from the Los Angeles emtlnl ~ips· and ruily tbemlelves to Pou« Department in 11114. lie had riaen conform. to the rank ol caPtain under Chief Springe 'atimattd that •bout ·~If the William Parker and hail done everything r br1tiDfflV"'I wfil support the. stgl!. pro-from chasing speeders to vice tnd grmr ml tbe other hall will be aplnst penonnel wort. Jt. He was captain of the Harbor 'Division He aaid instead of gasoline :stations when he retired. It included the to.J1h w~ are cominc round , the rea1 estate Wilmington and San Pedro areas. He had busme11 are probably the most flagrant also been a captain in charge of penon· sign violaton with oversize mg:ns lind too net. many. Next in the rilnka of offenders, he The chief came to America frolh a s!lld, seem to be hotelJ t~ motels with small town in England near the iteel 8!IM too .Large, bright or mtslocated pole .manufacturing center tn Rochdale. He SlgM. Real ~t,ate _and ~ ~t had his seventh birthday on the boat in two~ the city 1 b1~est industries. New York Harbor. · Spnnge said his department h~s • He grew up in Pasadena. His fat.her developed • program., in the last six was an instrument maker for the lll«llhr for hnplanmtibg the new stan· Carne&ie lnslilule al the Ml. Wilson datda. Jt Jncludes letten, press releaaes .-..&.-~·at-and 'forms for·~-: ~· ... ,. . 'lie aaid 174 Jlare.ll Wtlh 3111 sips have ·Chief Labrow 111d he . hed, It seemed, been vilited with about «IO businases yet always wanted to be m pohce work. to inveltlpte. . .. ~anaglhg a terVic:e ltttion. u • young Ar the 'amortization deldljne draws man In the Job-tOuch deprerrion years, · near, Sprince warned that the city will hi~. police wort decllion-fin1Uzed . n~ to .be ready to abate .;p; ol It -that the cmty man thal rec1k:ttnnt cnmm by civil 41r, erim1na1 could lff~ to buy a tire WU I bl&bwtY -C1vtl -to eel a """" order patrolmon, he ..... would include the city placing a Hen 'Ille chief who bed brought much pr .. apinlt Involved property to recover its hmdl. • Springe "'1lmalOd lha{'lt to 15 pemnt of ---· ....,. C<llilpled ! cheerfully. 1'Jt ls• start," be said. Laguna Stab bing Death Adm itted · · · '·"' ' . .'ENDS· LONO 'CAREER L°"'"a Chief L•b- were immediately suspended after the: EC!21 WU Joo! but thal he had ~ such mlakm resumed. Ht erilpbulzied the few flights would be mMle with ~ tectlon but declined t9 .SIY what type of protoctlon would l>e provided . . . He Blraued that the• ""'•loo, to COll- tinue flights with protedloa 1 w a s not necuaarily 'the "fiDaJ:" U.S. atep. "OUr actlcins in tblo mailer will be determined by wbat "-"' in tho future," lie llllcl Two bodies h8Ve been recovered. from the Sea of J •pan liDce the EClJl went dOWIJ tndino hope·il beki out f!H' aurvlvll of any al the other It. • 'Veng~~c~,,.; . ' •' I .. ··l e.. .. I t • ' II r ' I I • ~~~ft~~ZUJlUJLOV-W.JL.&-~~--------,. -. . -.. . 1Popnl ar Site ~ . . -. t . ·the -Polls_. in Lp.guna Bad ~Day • • -. < Many Want Old Capo Sch:oo~ . ~ .. ·-1·1111..... . . •.!.. ..,..... . .,_ ... _ ...... lli"'l.,Mr... ....... ' .... ,.,. o1 llli W!IM. I.~.:; .. ~-\.":ft.,. . ';r; M 11111t'-..i t1iiv0tert llols ............ don, J-,ID DO •lo l,71S By JACI at\PP'tlll. ........ ...., atilt '..-sad • ,,,;.,. ..... ol ~b1""' w would !Jaye lo bO -.............. ,... .• ' ......... ~,, ~ ..... w. __ .......,....., • u --r ~111e1o..l:,.~)... .... G111, 1.0GBOOK lime durina • Jani • ~ Ille Ille Tlllyboanl -lo smile down "l!°" thOm. ,,,,,.. w11 -wlll blfor. rtlUltl -.... -.... -.blpn lri<tltof In, ' II WU~--lbt --on hll , ... that ~ .. ichool chlol, Dr. 11111 Ullam. wun't ~ lo 1-any ._,. llatemenll • lbe ltmiClll " Ille llnCle prtcloct lnim DMrald Bay, Bill occupied part ol hll llme by placlnc • pl>ooe call lo Chari .. F. Kenney, head man of the Captatrano \lnlfted SChool District """" the road. The Capistrano ocbool people that vtry aame day were allo uttng. thel.r votwa for ...u.er IO ...,11 In tu .. for otllool operatlOlll. A~ llieytollill -_.a lal lutlr In llio llllllon - Ullom ~ ponly lo the report coming ovtiF lie pl-. tn.m Caplstr .... He lllln luuld a IW01ford report : "Capo loot," be uld. It p r o v • d lo be Ille propblq lor Ille Laguna ICbool folkl. · A> the om five Laguna prectncll came In, the tu override propolal toot a clob- bering. Finally, Precinct Ten rolled In from r.enter Street, out in the aoutherly liecllon of the city, where 184 of the 900 reglalered voters puled !ht tu 20I y .. lo IM opposed. Applaute Wied the iicllool olllcea, oven lhoulb the pillirn of Waat WU llroady Jihlly well ettabiJtbtd, The tu won In -olbor pnclncl at ,... . . ' l!Owi ...... lllellnlo,1-- lht ocl>i>ol "'°'* aild lht MWIJ tlocled sdiool board -wlll mate an qonlzing re.appralul. There will be a lot ol ......,. augtltld for deftll ' T6ere were a nwnbtr of high...._. lludellll who ahowod up at dllltiot liead- quart. to view tbt r1turnl come In. Al the tlllles .... t up, I IOI tilt DOllOii that they -ed lo rtPrd the -111 u .. many .,.,.. for kldl, and oo many ap1nl\ kids •. I suspect that such a summary might be oversimplifying the analysis of defeat. It might even be a tota1ly wrong cm- clUslon. · The plain facts are, when you call a school money election on top of federal and state Income tu Ume, just after auto u ...... tal>o and property tu ~ .. 11, you are In for a roup day al lht pollJ. It WU. Sioce Jut fall, JI ocm of land with a l'Mllhao:ltle gathering ol old liChool bulldlnp In the middle of San Juan Caplltr-hU ·'*" larftly out of everyone'• mind, ·if not out of sight. Now, it seems; everyone wants the okl Un Juao Caplilrano Junior lllSh School pniperty. . • The cil>' ot San 1 ....... 11u -orllnC the 18 &!'l'M .. a rolble d!lO cmler Ille. . Tho ~-Unlfled lclioal Diiilrlcl b COOlldtrtJil illlnC tho old --vacant since fall -for s.lxtb grade teaching and perhaps a district education center. School district oWcials and lhe San Jbail Capistrano city councilmen will &it down Tue.sday at 7 p,m. at cltt hall and try lo hammer out oome compatlb_l• pion for the properl)'.. ' PlllHE SPOT A city committee this week caned the locaUon a prlm9 spot for the tltibllab- ment of a new City Hall. 'inuJllG TO SE!b • ''"!,be !ldiool boa1'f bu In the pti( hf. dlcated·that If all arranpmenll could Ii wiifl<ed oiit, they'd bO wfillnc to enter14 Ille Idea ol lelling," he aald. ' Due to lbe district's rapidly upandi'f enrollment, the board has betn ~ ai.dering opening some of the previoulf vacilted clusroorn1 for U1e by ~ •lxth cradt lludmll. Tlio junior hlCb school wu clo..d In Ibo ' fall when Marco Forller Juolor JUp WU opened. Some ol lhe old buildlngJ did not meet the 1tlte'1 Field Act setting building Ci>de requirements for school facilities. Wimer emphasized that the classroom• to be opened woWd definitely meet the state law. In addition, tht dlattict bu been think- ing of bOHdlng an educalion center fot the adminlstraUve offices on part of lite bind. ---------------------·-------------------------------~ Now operaUng out of a rented store- front complex along Camino Caplstrano, the city has been told that it mu.st leave •hen Jt• leue nm out, June so, 1170. The property II dlvldod Into Hcll00$, cut by Camino Capistrano. Eight acres. formerly the aWleUc field, are on the west side while the re~, with the buildings Is on the ta1t. 14 Marine Life Experts D1µ3 at Clemente Parley A Marine l!denee Sympollum at Ian Clomente !Up llcbool hlardq wtll -1 H uportl In tho fltldl ol -ecoloCY and natural llcl""'* In a dl1-looic oerllool-. Roclllrtllon II at 7:IO a.m. al lht Jlllh Schoof. Tlio Capiltrano Unlllt4 lltl>ool Dlllrlct b -"" lbt event. . Tlio oympollum -al l:IO o.m. with tho ...,_ -..... _ In Tlio Tola! Eli-~" b)' Dr. Poul ~ ol Harvard \lnhei'lllJ. Followlnc tilt k,,_ addiwoo In lli< gymnUtum, 1etlunll wtll be bold at tilt biP ochoof uw. Tbtllr'I ad ll tilt Triton Cenlor. Ellilblll "' -oqulp-mtnl wtll be cm dllplay ti Ille UlinrJ and In oulllde ...u of tilt IChool until t p.m. Two opullen, · lloliald IWOll llld Arthur Fledlll(, .,.... -1iltli Ibo v.s. 11a.,•1 Sea Lob III ... Joel. -· will tolk aljOlll llu Lob, 1ltclllfc, on ••CepabWtili ol Min. II Other .......... ilCbtd..itd fadudt: "cautomla llarderland. Orpa\ltml" b)' Dr. Doaald llrilbt, Cll Stoto Nltrlaa - t :IO a.m. In tbt Triton C.Olor. '°Ccmerratlm ol J'1aberiel" bJ Dt. Paul Smllii, -ol Commorclol Filblrttl· -l:IO a.m. In Ille Utile 'IlMatto. "llu-Canyono" b)' Dr. Donald Oonlfnt, \lnlvenlty of. Io u I h t r n Callf1lrnla -10,IO Lm. at Trttoa Center. "CapiblllUeo ol Man" by Arihur FJeohlfc, v.c. San Diego -10,ao a.m. 1n lheLUlla'lllaatrt. "callfomfa Orey Wliale" by Dr. 11ay. mond Gllmilre, llon Dlteo M-of Nabiral ln.t<q -11:116 a.m. al Triton Cenl«. .. _ In tllt lloA" by Dr. Lawll Follanabee, Ot~e Caul Colltfle -II :OS a.m. In the IJllll Tbtalrt. "The llut Sharl<" by Dr. Gllbtrl lllM, \TC lrvtne -I p.m. In Ibo Trlloll COnler. "SubsMi-atblet" bi' W1lllam Bartley. -ol otnorol Dynamics -I p.m. In lht Ullla. Tbtltro. -Pci• ...... I r.• _ f,~!ill/l'lc!lf,8*1d•lwolr; \1.S.•!11>7 .. ., "· ""· c. •. 11Clii Ibo Trltoo C.Olor. . "Eeoloa "' Pupt Sound" by Rooald LAB·ROW. • • ~ PhlWp1, Sil.We PaclOc Collqe -1:41 ' "~ . • "! p.m. In Ibo Uttla Tbutn. l .) .~,,, .. iL "Marino Alpt" by Haydon Williama, mont., "'.I"-. ml 114' .,.,_ fury Goldon Wiii O.U.,. -1:41 p.m. al Ibo on tho ---be -DOI eratk Trlfon Ctatar. ~btilds...S,hmlblmbwdtdoulol ·~·iw Ar<tieoloa" by Donald Ht bu ltld plntoly at 1fma c. Mooro -i ,41 p.m. In tho Uttla thll whalm!l'-iil'tlll In Lquna.,.. -. can find IO~ ol lht _.. .. on·on• •ldt ol lht' ,.,,._ and !O _.s cm tilt other., JIEl'tllt Poi.ICE WOIUI 0 'Ibla 1-been ID lntertltlDC IUlgo- ment arid I flivt tn)oyed It thafoucbly,'' the chld aid In his lettn of resignation. Labrow said there seems now a general Interest . nationally In bn1>'0flnl pollco -k lncludlnf insldentlol ............ .. There bu to be," be aald, "becauee Lord Iroow1, we're flghtlna a loofnl bettlt unlest we improve.'' Alked about t!u.., for orowlna <rlmt and cl.U dllobtdlence, Labto<r al4 Ibero ii • _,.. ·-ol --Uon In which lndl!idual• c:hoole the 1aw1 tbty will obey or dlaobt)'. He lll4 the ponn1a11-and 1act eod -W ll\lldanct underljoq tilt al- tiludt probably iillrtod In World War II and gmr. Labrow and hla wUt bavt purchUed a travel lraller for nttromenl Ht allo owni a bon>t In Twtnl1Dlot Palmo. ~·trip 1o Htwall bi~ The cllltf haa -IOli with Ibo Lot -DtOtrllnOill. -wllli l1alti4 ' Alrlln• ana • llejllOil. 11/\l(f l''ll'I General Phone Rate Hike Nixed By Complainu A 111.1 mUllao aanual ralt bin h11 -olf..., .:to Ille Otntrar Ttleplion1 Oo. by Ibo ltoto Pabllc \lllHU• Com- -If the ~ servin1 Huntington Be.lch and Lquna Beach arou will j,.I bnpnwt. The COIDponjo'I rtqUlll for l 141.t million inCl"Ult wu denied 111.unday, u ~ Fnd P, MorrlaHy and lilz- llnlilar -Barnett dlaltd for tn-ronn1tloft GD the con:ip.ny'i complalnt voIUme. lubocrl-""ed by G • n er a I T~ Oo. ,..lpt about the HrVk:o at a rail trlplt Ulal ot Poelllc Ttltpboao Co. .... -fa Ibo .... -lbt two coulal ,iu. ana olltwhero In Iha 111s.. The -llslft of $11.1 mllJloo WU ' olltrid fa a pion "7 M.,._ and 8GMll, • ~ -lllburbtn .... Mnlct ..,_ Llltllno -lo tho Ill and illltWn · wlio llll1 --inOdltll ....... Besie9ecl Sirhan B. Slrltln'• chief defense attorney Grant Cooper is beset by microphones as he leaves court where he Rresented series #r.t°'O ,!,~~, 'nriln~ (SM ~1me •·> 'tf· ~'t 1: ' . ............ I YACHTS~ •. cltfaon o1 Iha coklay whore ha II In blillntll llid -•Sod be and MIU DonUI fr\lili the -.. The MotUlllD aloo carried ..-,. tleclniolc umlkioal par """ for ocoan .......,, but DOI illaded In the coulll <rufll lmn H ... Kon& lo IUcao, addlnl lo a lied Olplonqo lnvllllptlaa. Senate to Probe -- State Oil Leases WAIHlllG'l'Oll (AP) - A -It Intorfor 111bcommlllot will · c:oodllcl a hearlnl May IS on o bill lo ban oll IHsinc ln Calllorn!a'1 llonta -· cl>anntl. The meuur11 by Sen. Alan Cl'anlton ( [). Calif.), would place other controls on offshore oll drilling. Sen. Frank E. Mou, (D-\ltah), oub- comm1ltet chairman, aald federal and Calllornli olllclall on being lnvltod lo teotlly. . "OUr counS,., nttdl tho 00 and our na- tional ltttlUl')I needt Ille revtmltl from off..txn ateu1" Mou aald 1n a 1tatt-ment. •10o Utt other l\lnd we mUlt not haft our lhc:nUnet rulnld, our ocean watarl polloltd, our l1lb iihd wUdlUe destroytd ...i our .. ""-' chansed dnutou,,.i,.• oaMll CQo\11 ""-~-~ ., ...... N, Wn4 ,.,..... ........... ........ ~ Saddleback Prefab Pact Vllllt .............. ._. n-,, IC .... ·-'""'::~.~ ., ...... '·""' ..__ ... _ ---2?1 ......... M1m., ~ P.O. ._ "'-t1•1z ----"T.:'l::'I' ~:Ela~ .•. ' d ... • _.4 .. ' ............ --...l."':!!!!'..'!!> =:'i:':.~i::: ™ ...... ..,., c.tl ...... Mii"'81ioii[ii•••· ---~ ............ . ......._ ....._ °'9lft ci..: r TR Pe I ~-= ·.:::·,. ..... , ~ ':li'"I ........... c.-. .... 'f jt ' '"•' """9446 • 0 ............ 1:11 . ,£ ....... C... P;IPllS ...................... .,. ........... , ........ .... .... , ................ .. --• ....... -.r. --~----~.... ti•a?IS W -•.JI "-a·•-....,. flJI M;;'JINf. I • Tops Architect's Estimate s,z~~ .,,,. ardlltoot illi.I bo4lJ opJn In hll estln>alt boll lodillibact Oolltp ,,,_ 11111 _....,. • 11.1 mllllon -~MdatlifChl. 'I1'e c0ntr'MI Ii 1o ln8t.IU premmca!M bulknilo and jripano tho crounds ol Sad- dlebac['1 ~ Mllalon Viejo cam- pus 1 ... _...,. In lbt fall. '!'ht mo!t from Ille loltrtiii Cllilpus will be made thll-. 'llit IU mJlllon contncl wu awarded lo low-.. ibt project w. J. Shirley Coo11ruc11oo. . ol P-.. Tilt only otblr bSd·, fOr ft,•,SJJ, WU IU'bmJtttd by .,.....,. Oorp. "' Santa 11- Evtn the ecctpted IOw bhl wa1 ti.' ~ ..... arc:bllocl llGIJtrt Lowray'1 ..Umale ol lt,JM,111. '!'ht dl!cnpincy, bt MM, II a1mo1t whol17 otlrlbuloble io -ol movlna bulldh1p from tho pruent Inltrlm compus to Ibo new Illa. lald tt II • lrtcll1 mnvo for wh wu l(ttle ier-1 on which · lo utlmato. nptd Ille mov• should iosl aboul llSl,000, but the COii• tractors ficurtd it at more than twice that amounL. LOW ON !S11MATE Lowrey also wu low !Mt week on an ..Umate f<>< roup .,..,lnr of tilt llto. Ht fipred Ille -II 117',00ll; tbe ... troct WU let for 111!,ll!, 'l1lll mba wli otlrlbutod lo bu.y ralN tbat l<ilked Ibo ..U ao u lo nqu1rt It be awatod aJld calilld many con- traclon liot io bid -lbt)' _. behlod "" tbt1t Jobi. Alaln ... tilt bulldJnr portion lbtA """ only two blddtn, whmu mony lll<fthadbten~ . "The btCPll ,..,.. ,.,,_ tilt boonl for other contncl4n not bfdclJnc wu Ibo dlfflcult move ot pn11nt bv.Udinpi'' Lowery lald. Tht two oveMJllmato eonlrtcll ha" -tho coll ol oponlnc Ille permantnt tampu1 from the eipected flA mlUJon lo 11.f mlUlon. TV Newscaster Ready to Lead Capo's Fiesta Sail Juan Caplatrann'1 Fiala dt tu Golcndrlnu parade will mp off at I p.m. Satunlay beaded by Grand Marshal Goor1e Putnam, a ~ Los Anaelu _ ntwlCASter. CGuncllman W11llam B a t h 1 a t e , cbainnan of the committte looking for cl· ty liall sites, said that of the fi\te areas sludied, the junior high achool looked Ille best. The commltte.r wu told that rtplace- ment cost tOr the around& would be about $&40,000. Under state law, tchool districta may not sell facllltlet for ~ than It would coot to replace them. Joe Wimer, admlnlstraUve MrVlcea ditoctor for the Capistrano dJJlrfcl, said that llllmato wu extrtmely lonte. Two •Pll<allall 11111 bavo 1o be ma<1o unaer state llw. . wi-1tld that ,.,, of the property NICE CENTER AllEA Wimu aaid city and district plans could dove-tan to make a nice civic center area. He said thought now wts that the district would keep the athleUc: field area for .Jta use. • .. A genUe transition from school use to city hill uae of the clauroom aru mi&lit be pouible, he said. With the U5e or the old 1ehOOI bl district alxth aradera nut. year, thi facllity will ba\re gone a full clrc~. ~ Finl, It WU the dlllrlcl'I ol\ly hJi1i school. Tb• flrll part of the l!Choof, die gym, wu built in 1129. Three· yean •ca, lt bOcam• lht dlllrfcl'• junior high IChool and Ilion it WU clooed. More than 110 entma have •!pod u~ for the 11Ftestt ct the Swallowa" parade u.suaUy acheduled for the weekend before . the an1val of Ctplstrano'a nlllow1 MU<h 19, but deloyed lhla year due lo Stormi. Bands, prize show horses, colorful floats, clowm, cowboys And Indll111 art lo take part' In the Ji'lata which will tum back Iha clock lo &ari7 Callforn!a day1 ln . Capistrano. T u rtle Rock Pa rk Part II\ that vein, a Fiesta Trill Ride wtll be held SUnday. lleptztlftl ·from a large field off Roetnbaum Road Just north of the city, hocsemen will ride over Mias.ion Viejo Ranch lands. ' O f I rvine Co m pany P lan By JEROME F. COUJNS OP fM O.lfr f'llet lftff lo be c<Ntrucltd -under the arter!ol; Aldrich eiplalned. Tbt ride, wbi.cb will take about six Ground will be broktn en a 27-bole boon, will be-led by tnll bou Gil Asull'-championship 1 o II coune In Newport re, cattle '1nrnan for the Mission Viejo Beach th.ii aummer, an Irvine Company Ranch. spobtman dloclooed today. The Bii Canyon goU course baa been talked about for months, he noted, 11bul the plw are now ju>t oil the drawing . The trail ride beg1l1I at t a.m. direc-William Aldrich, lrvlnt public rel•· tional signs to the st.qt.na area will be tions director, made the ~ placed from lbe Junlpero Sem I\ o a d in a talfc beloro tme Newport IWl>or llld Rancho Viejo Rood nill of Ibo San Cluunber ol Commerce. Diego Freeway. ! ; He alao revealed the huee ranCh tor- The ""1Unllllity haa been ~I In lht poraUon lotendl toon lo donate 300 acnt fillla lf>lrlt lhla -t. Wiiiem and to Orance Coonty f~ cfevel-•nt ol a Sponlsh garb ban·been roqulnd dml en r<Bl<Nl port just north al the UC! ..,.. city 11ree11. San Juan cltluM caqht not plex. County and lrvtnt l<P™"'tall"" wearing ruch dud. have been thrown tn have been "in negotlaUon" on the ~ "Jell" by Fiesta Sbertlf Al Jlmtner. ject for montha, .he 1ald. Prior to the Fiesta parade, a at.reel 'I11e mulU·mJWon dollar Newport aott flchl and ohoot...,t by llllllywond 1tunt courae, lo be bultt lo Profeulonal men will be llaCed cm lht main city Golfers' Auoclatlon lilandard1, will slrftl, Camino C&plstrano, In !root of the spreld over hundred• o1 Irvine ams In El Adobe Restaurant. Blg Canyon along San JoaQWn Road 'Ibe parade will follow 1 circular route beblnd Newport Center, Aldrich 1akl. around ~ clty. The llyout will encompu1 an arta Formation will late p1-at the drive-bounded on the north by Ford !load, on f• lbaater'i parkinr lot at Del Obllpo. the south by San Joaquin Road, en the From there, mattbtrs will move up to eut by MacArtbur Boulevard and ~ the Camino Caplbtano, then I<> north La Zan-w .. t by the Upper Bay, boardll.'' It will S.k1 about 11 monlhli lo bulld. Work will begin lhll July. De<tmber, lt1'01 ls the target date for compleUon. Aldrich 1.ia ltvlne'a board o1 citnctor1 will moet lliorlly lo decide precisely h111• ll will be dtveloped and lo ileltcl • developer. He t.o1d aome lJO chamber member• gathered at the Balboa Bay · Club that there might be aome reerdentllil .... 1ru.,. tion ol0111 the edge1 ol the couroe. A declloo .. that, however, Is yet lo be made. INCLUDE LAXES Aldrich II.Id the university area regional J)l?k wlll ·Include lalleo flllad with reclaimed waier. "We'll 1upply the water from our •wqe treatment plan&I," ht aald. ja Street and El Camino &al lo Orlqa REACH BOLES lillbway and ba<t lo Del Obllpo and die GoUero will reach hol• nn lht baylild• stq1n1 area. ' ol Jamboree Road through• p......,.ay The park alto Iles roughly bet .... n lht - 'l'llrlhl Rock and Unlvertlly Pork rellden- tltl developments. ' tO.IO •I.AU Tor TAILI ¥•" JHIC:~ mew. $144'° ... .,.,, ........., .,,... ....... "'"' ~ ......... 1. ,, ... -....... ,., -Dlll't ...... .,. pal..., te ... ......,. I rcMI .al1 peke. Ao latl1ll11teF•w11tPln~•:Dlle llll -.... Y .. .,.__ • ..._ Y .... ....._..w-owSp••••-• ••~---.......- NIWPOllT llACH 1727 W""lllf Dr,. '4MOIO ...... '"'~' Proloat...al lnttrllr DMlr .. 11 Avalla~i.-AI0-111110 LAOUNA llACH MS Not111 c-Hwy • °"" MtlA., ""' ' 4f4.6.!ll J I 1. • • • ' • j ' t I I ' ~ • p . r ~ I I t g •I • • :- t • • " ' ' 5 e • : I I ~ • J • f I. I' I UPI T ........ HIPPIES AWAITING SAN l'RANCISCO CATACLYSM FLEE AREA But R11t of City P.•kl Humor1U1 Trlltute .. ·1906 E•rthcfveke, Fire --'~~~~~~~~~~ i San Francisco Shakes-Reag~ SupROrts Extension of Rebate Deadline With Laughter This Time SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -More than 6,000 San Franciscam gathered before iiUnup today to laugh and sing as they watched their city rocked by a giant rol1- jng earthquake and a levelinfl: fire. But the devastation was oo a movie •creen as the city held a unique celebra- tion on the 63rd birthday ol its famed quake. It was April 18, 1906. when the ci- ty wae ripped by the most disastrom temblor. and fire in the nallm'• bistory. Neorly ~ died and 350,000 were left lmleless .. Ille -y firee roared through 21,000 buildings. Attbougll today's·e<r<mony wu held at 5: 13 a.m. to commemorate the moment of the quake, the big outdoor party was thrown by ~ayor Joseph Alioto as a gentle put--Oown to the band of mystics, t>eers and 8S9Crled prophets of gloom who have aald that an April quake will split Californla ·1n two. Most of their predicted dates already have come and gone. · "We know. we live in e~e opun- try, but there's no nero to get tiysterica~" Mayor Alioto said. 'Ibe mayor's hour-long bash at Ci~ Center Plaza included record1 of Enric'o Caruao 1lnging select.ions from Cannen as he did here the night before the 1906 quak,e. MGM made available its mld·30s film ''San Francisco" and its famous earth- quake" and rue scenes were shown on a huge acreen. A dazed Clark Gable wandered thn¥Jgh the city as firemen blew up buHdings behind him to form a fire break. A high-volume sowxl system Md the sound of. explosions roaring tlv-ough the downtown ...... As the perty "1ded, Ille big crowd ung ''San Francisco" and then I o ca I restaurants provided soup and the army pai!S<d out c:offee 11111 doughnut. -just u they did a ,..,. ..,ii.r. Since the eartijual<e .nnnbllnc "'"1A!d cin:ulating • about .• It! months llO, geologilta have beeo besieged by anxioos· """1alla wantm1i m know when the nen quake will hit. "We try to cabn hn and explain ra- tionally what the chances are," aaya L'!' C. Pakiser, chief of earthquake re&earch fw the U.S. Geolooict1 Survey in Meolo Park. "UnfoMunlfely, there's no. such thing u an ablolute anti..euu;quake guarantee." "If you look at tht rec«d," 11)'5 Dr. James N. Brune, "peopte have ·bef:n predicting major d6luten: for years aftd they'w conmtently been wrong. •1 Addi popular San Frmc:i8co '""'lpoper columnist Herb Cam: "We ·just IO {on doi.ng what we'Ve always been cloq: drinking too Jl)l!Ch, · eating. too well, geUlng everything bu\ , • enough 1leep, looldJlfl fw fireplugs to perk alongside and to on. We're lik~ the kid in Mad magazine: 'Wba~. me wor- ry'?" The San Francisco q u a k e of 'OI originated along the San Andren f,ault, one of several lh the Mate. It registered a magnitude of 1.3, left 452 per.sons dead in the rubble and leveled 460 city block&. Khr ush chev Turns 75 MOSCOW (UPI) -Nikila S. Krushchev turned 75 Thursday and tht Soviet government" ignored the occa.Sion. Kbruschev has lived in obscurity mostly at ru., country home outside MOllCOw since he was stripped of all government and Communist party posts in October, 1964. SACRAMENTO CAP) -Gov. Reagan has given biJ support to a bfll whlcb would extend for six weeks the deadlioe for homeowner& to apply for their $70 re- fund on last year's property tues and to file for this year's exemption. · The Republican governor sent 1 message to legislators Thursday asking for support for a bill introduced by AMemblyman George Millu, !\-Gilroy. Under Prop. I·>\-approved by vot.rs tut November, homeowners are eligible for a f10 rebate on last year's taxes and a f150 eumptkln oa the 111esaed valua- Uon of their JllllflO'IY fw W. yesr. Bui the deadline for filing for both was April 15, and Reqan uld that In Los 1.zt«elea County alone more than half a million property ownen who asked for forma hive not mailed them ln. The governor said the taxpayers should hava,"every possible opportunity tO ~ u.;e. benefit.I." Libr4lf.Y, March Set in C:Ounty Bacllers of !be Liberty Arneno!mepl which would abolish income taxes will march Saturday from LI Palma Park in Anaheim to Costa Mesa. 1be parade, to begin at I a.m., ls sponlOred by the Llbertjr Ame00ment Commltt<e of Orange 'County in honor of W.lllls Stone, author o( the amendm~t who hu labor<d for 25 yun to ... it ·111- ded to the U.S. Constl\ulion. • The mareb will proc<ed IOllth on Harber llolllerird to Ille lnUnoc:lioll of Harber and Newport boulevmll bl tilt heart of itownlown Co8la Meoa. ORANG ·ES NAVEL VALENCIA , Reg. 7.00 NOW $ 3 99 2 yr. old gr•fled & lnspeclod OTHER CITRUS -Now $4.99 GREEN UP THAT GRASS! We'll help you-!!!! ly selling you a 20 lb. l'Hlg of R19. 69• Tray e A1t1n e Zinnias e Owf. Dahlias With This Coupon -Adu lts Only FREE LANDSCAPE PLANNIN_G For new home owners, we, have profes. l lonal lndscape ·and spl'Wder system plan service. Ask abollt It! SULFATE of ·AMMONIA $1 .UY~.99' "EW FREE! ,, • • JOIN the CONTEST SponsoM lly COSTA MESA KIWANIS CLUll PRIZES GIVEN for IEST LAWN SUPER RX Llqvkl Adellobuoler Ftrtlllnrt e Soll l'oottrtntl e Iron Cholttel We hove the material, bow-how, · Replar 4.95. gallon Solon Asks Action oir.· ' . Jet Noise • SACJIAMENTO (API -~ Assel11blymln ,Jolin F. Foru of lion Fi-anCttco thlnU k's ,about t l m.e Calllarnla slopped waltlnc lot lhe-ledetal goyernment lo 'deal WiQl 0 Doilt pollU· tion.'' jet noise at airports. He propo,ed -and the Assembly TrlfllJIOl'lation Committee seemed in 1eneral agreement -that the state or CGllnU.. 1houkl 'lalte the lqd' In ,.ttlnc nOioe limlll al •1-U and fining violators $1,000 for each infraction. But his measure doem 't specify which agepcy wookl determine the standards. wbO would enforct them, when they ~ go into effect. and who would pro- vide the funds for lhe overall oper.UOn. So at Foran'• request Thuraday, the committee held over (Qr one week his bill to · give him time to . prepare the amendments: The decision folJpwed·more than three hours ol testimony. The two &idea were clearly defined - 1rpokmnen for citizen groupa and in- div.iduall and communlt.ies embroiled in airport noise lawsuit. favoring the bill, ~t.atives of aviat!Pg !l'&anizaU~. Ofll>OOlng IL . • Los Angeles attorney Gerald Fadem said damqe ,llllto invplylj1a j'l'i!viduals., communlUes, cities and aiJ'POl'lS are sprtagina ap beCause the airports are oc- casioaaily:,Jn Jurisdlctions olbei !l1an the areas' which ge( the worst of the.noise. Daniel Emory, chairman or an 'Orange County and-noise citizens group, s8ld the I-al AvtaUon Admlni!tralion hu niled tlOll ·IO declbell ii the limit of average n6tse tolerance. ·''But the·FAA haa HI 104 decibels - silt tifues as ~ and 100 tiJnts u intense as 80 decibels -as the legal limit for jet noiSe," Emory· argued. 'John E. m.phen, apolcelmen·for the Air Transport Auociation, whose members include the natlon'11 scheduled airlines, contended the federal government and not states or local govemme11ts should be responsible far nol.!e control. ,J This angered committee mernbtr Frank Lanterman, R·La 'Canada, who ac.. cused the organization of.trying .to bIOck state action in hopes of getting weaker federal legislation. "You're ail bad u the auto industry!'' Landerman llhout.,d. He al90 contended the counties. should logically hive the responajbjlity ~f con- trolling jet noise sil'IC1! the a'1rports and related noise problems vary and airport traffic often involves several neighboring cities. -· When Allen Burdick of the County Supervisors AS:SOCiaUon said lhe counties and airports should not be reaponsible for nOise control, !..antenna~ anapped: "I tNnk It •houk1 be' thrown at them!" flldot, Aorll 11, 1'16' , L DAILY "1.IT lt . . . . . s• ... t 'l'a«!tin-·- QCI D~ssidents · • • Shut D-Jwn Meet . By THOMAS FORTUNE going to ~ tbllr -•Ill: rfalJI ·Of•Dellr"Plllt..... • The Academic senOt. at UC Irvine wu to =~ord'rllld tilt._~'­ -down Thursday bi' disaldent lludents ' 1 handbill ealllng tilt Senate -'1111 who drowned out professors tryJni to "Faculty' Follies,-In-wblc:h :darinl · conduct business. acatnediclans will attempt deoliklQilr S e n ate Cbalnnan lCeonith , F o r d feats of mental skill." .. _· · 1 promptly recessed the meeting with the • 11niese documents are bt~J-- intention of holding a closed aeasion next childish," aaid Ford. '"lri anottw ·-- week. they art sophisticated ln ~ they tiift Students in the hall Tburaday out-as a goal to annoy, ridicuJe·.ftd:~ke numbered faculty about 150 to 75. the JaCulty." , 1 ' "' ' Student discontent, dating f r om November, ls the result of tlrina of U!il-DEMAGOGUES tant professors Stephen ~aplro and He lashed out against a few unnamed Donald. Br.annan and the threatened .stude;nt dissidents as "dema,o~·of,the dismissal of a third asaistant professor, worst type." He aajd their tot.alitirian George l{ent, whose case 1UU is under viewpoint had infected other ltudenii . r<Vlew. He said lhat he recognba behind 0-0fficial start of the Senate meeUng WU delayed more,than an hour while Ford at,.. atand a large number of ~ tempted ·to mollify students by ·giving stud~b who want l greater :· ice tn1be them a chance to talk in an open town affain of the unlveralty ••. hall Forum. S t u de n t d.iJ&ldent..appointed co- However, students remained silent dur:· chairman of the Senate' meeting 'with Ing the town ball. meeUng while pro-. feaors spoke. Ford, Michael Krimian, said "students Then wtlen F«d officially convened the have made use of every legal voice and senate, Newport Harbor High School now have reacbeCI the end, there are no graduate Greg Hoffman stood up and more legal channels." began reading in loud vok:e-1 gepared Darnell Roaten, a campua U~rarian, statement ~ appealed to the students not to be rude, Ford gaveled a one-week receas. nOt·to bOo and hiss the faculty. • Students aholited, "We'll be back." He said, "I am aware u you are there Ford afterward said the Senate eI-are se~ faculty meJ!lbers -who afe not ecutive committee has decided next the mQstl dellirable' peopJe'.\n the W!Of'ld. week's session will be closed to students, 'Ibey are ,Jtirrow-mln.ded;. rude and• If• but admitted the committee hasn't yet. rogant. But this is no l'al9D for you to decided haw to enforce it.I decision. ac,t Ute same way. He said the ei:ecuUve committee will EXERCISE COm"ROL :;!!;!~~~ty";t=~~ "You studeni. ol IO« 21 are caI¥ .......-upon to exercise more control ~ your is involved and that is biJ.affair." aeniors are capable of." ;, Ford said he was prepared to let the H la ded by the lude i. students win Thursday since they hadn't e was app u 1 n · Student dilcontent bu taken the form. belorehaod violated any rules of the of a mill-in, ait-ln and even 'Jive.in Jn Academic Senate, but had only threaten-university buUdlngs Jn rf:Ctilt !bontbl. ed to do so. About 50 atudenla have been conailteDtl;J. Member s o(1 the Committee for involved. Relostatement of Kent, Brannan and The dilcontent came to a bead !Ill Shapiro had served noUce last week they week wben the faculty YOled down a·Jl"O" planned to attend the Senate meeting and posal to give students control OY!r birin& speak when they felt like it. · of 10 percent of all new profeuoq. _ In a letter to the execuUve committee, The proposal came from 1 il)ree-ltu- the dissidents reasoned. that Jf the. dent, three-professor C.Cmunltt.ee on SllJ.. Academic Senate was going to debate dent Participation in Promotkn and Fir· matters concerning the entire anlver~ty ing, 'which wu the lut lepJ dwmel community, they,· the sttJqenta, were Krisman spoke of. ,, ' I•·· .t . - -: _Y_"_s.:,_~_:n_=_•_re __ , _____ l _O_W __ :i_ri_g_:_F_R_E_E m R ri ORANGE COAST NURSERY, Inc, SPISLD'S • FULLERTON, 225 No."""°'""' ' I *•,1 ........ (714) 171·57211 HUNTINGTON BEACH, 11512""" ""'· • ....... (714) !162-4477 ' .. RIYERSIDr. 043 llarlltt <-14th oo MarMt) • -(714) IG'1a . " 3io WltsON . • COSTA MESA . • Slllft-: -· & Piii. I All TO I PM/-!MYI & UT, I All TO ll:JO PM Oflll _,tam• .... IJliri::::;;s:::i::::::::::.:; • • . , ; ' • ' " • ' • \ '• -- - - ----------------.,------------~----,,-----=--,------~,----~~~--.,---------- 4 DAILY PILOT C'*"-'"" '°' Ille Dllllt ..... , .. .., Police searching for burglars in a Heme! Hempstead, England fac- tory wileashed their trusty dog, Ignatius, who promptly leaped in- to action. He ran out the factory door and attacked two policemen on the beat, forcing them to take refuge in a lavatory. • Tht Old Shawneetown Bank in Springfield. Ill. 125 year8 aiJo rejected a loan application for Chicago because tht'y didn't think tht city would evt!!r amo"nt to much, Although seve· ral members of the State Howe of Representativei !aid they agreed with the bank, the ltg· islatiut body unanimously pa.s· sed a resolution making it an historic landmark. • Mrs. M1bil Thornbryc• of Per- shore. England thought it was a trick and slammed the door in the face of the fire extinguisher sales- man who told her : "Madam, your house is on · fire. May I demon .. strate?" He wasn'tl·joking, as Mrs. 'Thornbryce quick y foilnd out. After firemen had put out the fire in her cbimneY she remarked, "I wish"' the salesman would come • Stcrotary of St•I• Wllll1m P. Rogffs said be asked a briefing officer if there was anything good in his report. The briefing officer, Ro&ers said, replied ~·No sir, bu t there is one report the United States is not to b1ame for. The Aswan Dam is leaking." The Soviets belped Egypt· build the dam. Actreu Terri Baker and playwright J. Marberger Stuart put tivellthing thet/'Ve got into tht act tu they east Champagne, a 1,700 pound baby ele· p114nt, through the stage door of the downtown Manhatten Mercury Thea· ter. CMmpagne wilt appear with MW Baker in the productio'n "Make Me Dilappear," slated to open in May. • • Tommy BMChy and Geo rg• H•c~I, two Washington University students, were browsing through a 3Q..volume set of encyclopedias at the st. Louis Book Fair when they made a snap decision to buy the set for $25. There was '300 In bills pressed between the pages. Friday, AJNff 18, 1969 'Deadline War' Reds · Beginning . \ Gradual Pullout SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Army mlli .. ry analyltl said today Communlal uni,. in the northern sector of South Vietnam have begun a llmlted wllbdrawal into Re.bels Keep Pressure on U.S. Colleges By United Press International Leader! of the Columbia Univerfity chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) have vowed to continue the protest started Thursday night wilh the seizure of a campus building. The militant 11tudents predicted "Many, many days of real violence" and said mere protests would follow, probably Monday. About 200 students fought security guarda Thursday nla:ht after they oc- cupied Philoaophy Hall and barricaded other students and'professors Inside. The administration obtained a court order to expel the demonstrators. But when campus security police entered the building l.o serve the papers, they were met with a barrage or mJniles, including fire extinkU111hers. Several perlOn!I were injured. SDS leaders said theY wanted an end to ''~ilthy racism" at Columbia. Atlanta Univmity students ahouted obscenities and threats at new11men and photographers as they htJd the school's board of trustees hostage for some two :hours Thursday in an effort to rename the institution "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. University." Atlanta University is composed ()f six colleges, including King's alma mater, Morehouse College. The students earlier set up a lenl on a street nearby and said they would hold a vigil until the name was changed. In the intervening two weeks, they said, no ac· tion 'had been taken on the demand. , A board member said after his release, ''They made a Jot of demands. There were too many people talking at the same time for us to really know what they wanted." Harvard Unlversity'11 faculty of arts aQd sciences Thursday voted 385-25 that the school should end all contact with ROTC "as soon as legally poosible." The university's connection witb ROTC was one complaint of students who oc- cupied University Hall, then engaged in a six-day class boycott when club-twinging police evicted the ~Uers-ln. Students voted in!Ormally Thursday lo end the strike and scheduled a mass meeting for today to take a formal ballot. Laos becaUse of heavy allied pressure 1n . the region. They said on the basis of intelligence reports .from the region several thousand of the estimated 27,000 Communist troops in the northern provinces have pulled out and that allied troops there are making only sporadic contact in the area, known as I Corps. The Anny analysts said they believed the Reds were not voluntarily de- escalaUng the conflict -"It's too early to attach any significance to their move." It is in th.is area that several allied sweeps have killed hundreds of Northern Vietnamese and captured hundreds of l.ons of supplies.aod equipment. Allied pressure was mounting in the southern re'gions and American 852 · bombers Oew their heaviest raids in more than two weeks against Communist camps threatening Saigon as well as posi- tions along the northern coast. Although the heaviest raids were over the jungles 30 to 40 miles northwest of Saigon where Communist units have been hitting U.S. outposts, other 11trike.s were flown in the I Corps at base camps southeast of Da Nang. The repor~ came as an American bat- tlefield commander said the Communists were only fighting a headline war now. "I believe the enemy no longer expects a mill~ victory," said Maj. Gen. Or- mond R. Slmpson, commander of the 1st Marine Division. "He is now fighting a political war for headlines. And he ap- parently thinks he can maintain this level oC violence." Wilson Seeking Union Support Of Strike Bill LONDON (UPI) -Prime lttinist.er Harold Wilson today staked the future of hi.s government on antlistrlke legislation and a!ked the woman in his cabinet to sell the proposal to Britain 's workers. Wilson told a meeting al his Labor party's members or Parliament the an· tistrike bill was his government's priority item. Ita passage, he said, was essential to the nation and to tt)e survival ol. his government. The rtfOl1(111 Wilson has propoged as a means of tnsur1ng economy growth for Britain have brought cries ol protest from labor union Jeaders. ' ' Mrs. Barbara Cast.le, minbter for pro- ductivity a n d employment, went stum~ ping to Scotland to try to tum the criticism int() support from the Scottish Trades Union Congress. Prison Pres~rihed Ill Robber W ante<! to Be Cuuglit SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Deslilute and !II, 56-year-ol.d Oscar Willson Childer1 will get care he asked for -five years in a federal prison medical facility. Childen: surrendered to the FBI last Dec. 9 admitting he staged two $1,000 robberies last Oct. 14 and Nov. 11 at the downtown Bank of America branch. He told officials he had suffered. a stroke before the first holdup and wanted to be caught after each robbery, but they turned out more SU<:cessful than planned. "l knew when I did this I was giving up my own destiny," the former welder told U.S. Dlslrtcl Court Judge William T. Sweigert, -oentenced him Thunday. "So I have no ~plaints~ uyour boner, I have cooditkloed myself far imprisonment for the rest of my lile. I have not contacted my family. 1 don't want them involved. I didn't know what ebe to do." Noting that Childers said his loot went toward medical expense!, Judge Sweigert said : "I feel very sorry for this man, but he is detennlned to be committed ... I find no alt.emaUve." The judge said he will recommend that Childers, a native cf Paragold. Ark., who is divorced and has three soos and tw9 daughters, be eligible for probation at any time durinf: his five-year sentence. He asked ~ttal to a medical fa- cility. Deep South Tornado W ~tch Two Injured in Twi.ster at Highwnd Home, Alabama CaHfem&. II -,,_ll'f 1UfW!Y to09y Ill Soutto. • ,., C.l!fonllll """ 1.111111 4rlnl!lltl 111 ti'-. -l•I .,.., 911111 11-lllf illrw c:ltllfa •l'ld IOClll ..... Ttfl'lll9r•l'fl'ft ,.,. •t t!>udl H 10 --"""r """ w.,..... .... T,_ ~ -"-fONt•ll c•!IJ tor ,. r11n 111 tht JllMrlw -'""' to ot:Cl"-1 ~I fMnUn1 Ill _,., llld mou111rt!11 ,...r-. Ttf!lllltntllf'H win ,.,...,,. f"'"' ,..., _,,.I to fl .. •r-Mlow '*"'-'· In Loi .,,,...... •l'ld vl("ilty tMl'I' ""',. -· """' "" ,...,.1 .. u."" ..,. dwd1 wllll teul 1'I 11'1d •rlni.. It -. ""'ti'( ,_,. fONY Ind C:oolo flf .tit! flll llllft _,. 10. IEJrPtdtd ... """"' ..... T,_ Air ,..."'"911 (.,,ff'll Dldfl(t ,....._, '""' to ,......flt -Ill ..................... 111. Af 1fll ~ ...,. ... , COl'li!kr• •bit .... C: ...... I,_ ladlY bvt lllOlllY 111IWl'f Ill llt "" mor11111e 1r1C1 ,,~,.. ftlOJll. ft ... -.,_ ..,,.... wllll -...... Ill ftlt fNllllllllN ft Ml -tty IU"' ..,. wflfl ~ llltfl t!Oll4i •nd tllllv ...... """ ""'"""1\1'" -. "'°"'" tr '" .... '"""" ...... ""°" """"· T,_ *9er1t -. -ll'f 111nlly wllll IPtWllTMll ntOUIT~ Coatal "• •l'ld low "*"'""' ti..u. •!Ont I~ COl!ot "6tv Wllll H rtllll , ... ,.. 1n1 trr aftlmoon, w""" Wlt19rl'I<', to fl) II _ _,, 1 •Yt 111911, U to 6'. Vt1tffNV'1 ""'"'•11.ortt r1"9lld I-I llltfl tf 41 to I IOW f/I ~. lrt< .. .,. _.,.,.,.""" """' ... n to ,,, Jllor ...,., ...,..rt111r1 w11 •·' ~ ·-S11n, llf009, Tfllu V.S. S11mmar11 Sc~•• lll11t1C1tntorm. r•Md It,.. ..... Mllltllfflf'lrfl l«tlln " "" CWflo i,.., tcd1v. "'""""""' torrwodott K • (O'l'IN nitd lhe Glsl\Ort»nct, •HCl111, Ill Al1llt••11, ... w"""'" I U!'Mll tor11100 Wlkll w" Ill tit.ct 111 ...... ffl IW.,_I MlulttlJll!I, tll!lr1I Inf -ll'llttl A ... ... ""' M•"1'11 Gftirl/1 •rid nortflMtl Flor!M. r-peratures ·-·-....... ... ..,, .... l llll'llrclt l•M ..... .,,_ c1nc111,..fl c-... ...,_ Dll N91 ... ..... ....... .......... ·---·· . ..... k1*' City Lii v .... L9' A"litlft Ml.,,,I l..c:lt MHW•uii'°' M (ftilqitolis New 0..1t:1n1 ... v .. Nor111 Plltllt 01kltnd o ..... "'"' l-l'rlt. ... .. " 11 u t.• n ,. M " 14 <11 .OS " . " ,. ·" ll ~' ,n 12 J1 ·'' p ~ SI 12 ,11 n '' 1.11 51 ,, .u 71 !I 11 52 .. ~ .. " " ,1 .o.i " ... .» " .. .. .. II 7' ~ ~ 1.6.1 .. .. ....... " . . " s• !J .e1 ,., •1 .12 " " n U T .. " tt Jt .en St u "' • Wf,$4'1• WHITE FRONT summer-cool sheer 'n airy ''40\\.t Pure fashion magic! Dacron® polyester ond cotton voile in newest, most flatter· ing patterns and color combinotions -perfect for d ress· es, blouses! Afl this plus a wide range of rich solid color'! All 4S''wide. 110-IROll LEllO PRlllTS FUTURlllG THE "SEE· THRU" LOOK Save a Big 30"!..l The "IM·tttN" look kin ·corn• t)llt it in on e1citinq •*tiOl'I of drip.dry polyeiter-Cotton leno pintl on white ~rounds! Smell dointy potttl'nl al'll perfect for blotMS,d,.ues,etc. All <45" •ide. Compare elsewhere 1.29 yd. SOLD ELSEWHERE at $6 99 YD. [ MACHINE WASHABLE l POLYESTER DOUBLEKNIT travels without wrinkles! 33' YD. One of tht most versatile fabrics ever dtvelopedl 58" to 60" widt texturtd weQve Polyester makes up into easy· fitting dresses, suits, pant-suits, sportswear which are always neat, smooth, smart and unrumpled even ofter travelingl Corne choose from a mouth.watering arroy of coof sherbet colort ••• orange, lemon, lime, navy, white, pink. And many, many morel ,ABIUCS NOT IN f . l .A,.)l,,_l.SON, .&AN tllHAlOIHO. TORIANCt ••1• -"""' dlull• •lld _,., wll'llb ~ 30 ,,. .... 11. Wt .... ltltf-. """ ~ -..Vf'll fir "" Wlllff' .,....... .... •..cfllof • tlftllt " ..... " Ill t fl ' ..,., lf¥tlt, ~ " ..... ""' ft1tlero'1 "°""' lffl'l-•tu,. .,....,.. .. ,,. ,., ... , s.tn W """" ,., J:M '·"'• t., k-cald lllfll . . "'·• t 121 11.m. J,S Tio'& "'10tll wttt lnho1rlld 1nd 1'wo ""'-41"'""" W 1 twltlltr tll.tl wl1111110ld lllrout~ Hla1'1tllll HOlnt, 'S m llel -'Miit ot Motll-N, ~ll, PIMI ltWkJ,i. Plllllfti.1111 Pto.wftll' Pilhbli,.11 Por!lllM fl111~ Clf'I' "" '"'" ·-$t(fl ..... nl0 .. " " a tr;:::::::::;:::~-::::-:::::::--::::".::::--:::---:-::--~-:::-::::~~~-=::::::::::--;::::::::::::::;i 11 •l 02 ~· ~ ~ :.r .~~M~~!.}' COST A MESAs·~1i0:f~. ~~A'~r~1l'°021.~0,rs' .,.,...,.... .... """" .ild ......... .,... llldld ,.. .. ~ loutlwll Cll!~ lea\111111 JMIVdtd! LOI Art< ..,... •11, '-• ... c11 n.... ...,,, Mel<!Jee ..... •lll'Mlolt .,.,ii, #iOltlflt Wll'M iHt· ,.llrnhlt IJ.'&. ltl'l't,.. • •1111 .. ,.. '·''" *""' fS.1q. It~· ttttle-ltl n.n, 6111 Dllfo rl-47, Slnl1 lto11tr1 11.,., .._ ,1'11 11w .............. t ::M '·"'· IJI "1'11 Iii.rt ............ "'°' '·"'· 2.J IKO<'ICI ._ ............ sin'·'"·•·• 'f*""' 111*11 •• ., •••• lO:Ol '"'· S.1 ..... , ''"' lcNt .............. Si1'•.m.o.• l'trtl ,,..,. .. 1 ......... 1,:ot '·'"· ''' tttertd low ............ J·90 '·"'· '·' $tcend 111111 ........... 1~:31 '·'"· s.o flW ttorm lltoutf\I .... ,,, rtlft ""-"°"' 1 1111* 1rtt. Coh.llT!Ot;1, C•,, rtelllVfll 4,11 lltQM:J d\lrlnt I Ill• hwr """lo<I 111f Cllfn1001, S.C., "'" c:•.., W lllcP!tl In t "'"" fool.Ir ....... Clffr 11111" "",. !Ill rvll Ir 1 m "" kllfll ..... 11 •"II tolllhttll p ll!llf ,, "'9 1111r11•m Pltl"•· $1. L°"lt a.11n-. s111 L1ke er,., Sin Dltte ''" ,rtric.!tco s.i.11 l1111tr1 ... .. , ...... ,."""""~' W11l'lfftllot1 ~-------~-~ .~ ------- N " .f7 e Wlllh! 1rttll (l rf s ~ = ~111:·:~:·:~:"":~::::~:~::.:::3o:•:·~·:R~l:ST:O::_L~A~V~E:·:·~J:us:t~Off:::~":•:wport:!:::~A~·:·~·...:Ba:k:e:r..::l·....:::::$:UN::::ll:to:6:::.J .. .. - ' . I 11 I 't DAil Y 1'11.0T IS SW'Vey ~ndaetetl Police, Soldier• JCead ·-. Job Corps Helps , No ·Protests Over Dubcek 1' PRAGUE (AP) -Police Jelldcnlllp change. Althoup Some-'< lmoatne -·bim lor'Siol<ak utiooalbl ... Dubcek, 47, lolt much o1 hil b !w1ncJiaio, unllmlted ••• bul Uvll)'. But Not for Long WASIUNGTON (UPI) -A LGuit Hurla Survey &hows lllat mort Job Coria IP'.i.ates keep their Jobi ond get ralees -and moot ol their -· want to b I re addltlona.l corpsmen. But ill ol Hanis' findings, which he revealed to a House committee Thuraday and was scheduled to share with a Senate committee today, were not optimisli<' '"Aftier tlree yean: the ad· vantagts are bloUed out. In lhe abra1ce of cmtlnued help ll"!Y ore 111bme'pd •gain Ill tt'I! same quagn>Ire o r dllCrim.ination a n d dlnd- vantage." limit Is festlfy~ at congres:siooal hearings on the Nilcn .amtnirtratlon's proposal to cloee more than bott or lhe 109 Job Cocps Centers. Harrla said that fl'WlSl Job Carpi enrolleea are black, average age 18, have an average readin& ability of the fifUl crade level and have not gone beyond ibe ninth llJ'ode. Six months after leaving the Center, Harris said, 75 percent of the graduate! a.re still on the job and 41 percent have received a raise. '11tey were earning an average ol 55 cents an hour more than when they joined the Job Cocps and 69 percent of the employers said they were inte!-ested in hiring additiooal corpsmen . But eventually, Harris said in comments accompanying hls dttailed, statistical report, the benefits wear of!. Harr_is said his organization interviewed 9,463 Job Corps UP'I T ....... CZECHOSDOVAKIAN RE FORM LEADER OUSTED Dubcek Repleced by Conterv•tlve GuataY Huuk Direct Vote Changes To Come After '72? WASIUNGTON (UPI) - Innuential Hoose members are launching a move to leave the method of electing the president unchanged u n t i I after President Nixon's OP: portunity to run for a second term in 1972. 'Ille House J udiciary Com· mittee agreed tentatively Thursday on an electoral reform p 1 a n incorporating direct popular election of the president and prevision for a runoff if no candidate got 40 percent of the vete. Nixon won last fall "ith 43 percent ef the popular vote. The proposed constitutional amendment is subject to amendment before a final wte by the committee, expected perhaps as early u next Tues- day. But it is unlikely the key reforms will be changed. Rep. William M. McCulloch, Ohio, ranking Republic-.i1 on the committee, diatlosed he will offer an amendment to delay th~ e(fecUve date of the constitutional amendment un- til two yem after ratlfteaUon by the necessary 38 states. Because it will be 1971 before scme It.ate legislatures get a crack at the proposal, this would have the eHect of wilhholding the cl)angt. .. In method of electing the presi- dent until after the tm elec· Uon. ttlnl-11 ond -auarded 1tntell<: polull Ill CzechosiuvU!o todoy, but there '«11'.1 no rtpOrtil of dilturbohce1 protatll1( the . , rtpl.ace'1\ent of Aleunder Dubcek u Communllt potty chief. The t•member Centnil Committee •t • crilll meeting Thursday named G u I ta V lluAk, the dour ~­heod ol the Siovok potty,· to reploce Dubcek. Trucklo.ds of police rtin- f on:tments and army armored can were outalde univertlty bulldlnp at !ht utionol assembly, oear 1 tu d ent ciormltooo and •t foctorleo. ~o plans fw demonstrations were reported ao far. Moecow was nported to have warned that Soviet OC<Uplliion troops would step Ill U loco! forces could not keep order. CTK, the Csecltollovak neWI agency, sold the Cenlrol Com- miUee had finished ill plenary session and further detalll of wildly eothus...UC following u Ill evtty ordertd ltole there 'Ille ,.,. porty f I r 1 t be WN forced to mUe COO-nwlt be corioJn nit. of the llC1'elary llDl10WICed thot U Calion after conc•!!llotl Ill ·the pme, prlmorlly -to -u !ht cumal criols is woke ol the Soviet Invasion leW1, odherence to ~ par· ~ lop Jlri9rlty wUI be last August, Husak I I ty and clvU dlaclpllne and g l v e If t 0 I 01 vi ft ' cenerally d Is Ii k e d and woprlmri. ~lly emphuil on ~ C 1echo11ovUia'1 urgent mistrusted by freedom-minded ... «uMJmlC ~. He also lrade unionists enu lludenll. Huoak •!locked W01tem promllecl clemocnUc election Alttr the aMouncement of propogudllll who be said ol the P-ond potty bla appointment, Hun.k IJl()ke hope to panic Czecbollovakia C«llJ'ftl "u IOOO u ptmtit· on the radio and television and with talkl of a return to the ted by the attuaUoa." 1be called cia the people "to keep dart days of Satlinlsm to the electlom have been pogtpooed colm and support the new wben !ht SWinlall imprbooed due to Sovlel _.,., Juduabip." ~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiijf "We are net giving up anyJ ol the gr<at Id..., whlcb entered our public 1Ue last year," he said, uoot It ta necea1ary to see what, where and in what order they can be put into practl~." The first main tut 11 "to lead our society oot of this state ol. crisis," he conUnued. "To make some progress it is l~nsable at thil time to introduce more discipline both in party and social life ••. to all WRl'l'ERS in this area ••• Ao o:eca.tift el a ftll.bon Ne'.* Yoik lioakpalJb\rwill llOOll he in dais city .. iata"riew writm. llil porpDl9 • to 11.Qo eonr manu::ript1._1"rthy ol pQblicalioa. IJd:icla. DOD&tioza, P°'.'b7• jUftZlils. mllectiom of e.bort ltOriflll or uticle1ii r.tip-'Jl"'a!i..d ...i .... .........w ,.Jij<olo 'lri11 be comidmicl. the leadtrahlp re 1 huff I e Old J would be announced Iller. es t a pan II you lme • m""*"pt ,..~ (or o!.-JUdr) le pah- licatiOAo 1U1d would liio to d11C1111 it 'Wi&Jt tlWi aec:atiTet pleue telephone the number hdow, free of dwge. Call betwen 9:00 a.m. and 10;00 ~ and leua Jetrtt 1WDl!I and adclreu. You will be contaeled later. Progue olrport reopened to C. . D . nonnal !raffle tod•r after tltzen y1ng closing to commercla planes KAMAJSHI, Japar.. (UPI) - Telephone: IOO/SS:S.9550, 1111111 a,_ call. H YM ,,...,, ""'9 te ... ....W "'"""· Thursday night. A 1 r Po r t Jubel Nak&mura, 111, Japan's empleyes said RU11ian office.rs eldest resident, today wu had appeared at the contrOI reported in a COITll. Doctors toWer. ' said he suffered a stroke 1,_ ______ ..,. ______ _. ... ;;;jt,: Students and young workers Wednesday. " hpt. c.t,.17, P.O .... J11t, •1.0 ,. New Y..t. N.Y. t•1 were reported p I an nl nc ----------------------------meeUnp to dttennille bow they would re•ct to the ,-------------------,.,,,.~ Sirhan Vows Revenge If Son Killed graduates and 1,815 employers of graduates, parents and (riendl. .. We beliotve our study is more reliable than anything that's been done," Harris M.id. Plea Kills Abortion Bill Cr_ippled Solon Moves NY Assembly TAIYEBEH, 0 cc u Pied Most of the Job Corpsmen -~ the OriJ'-nal li~t Jordan (AP) -The father of ALBANY, N.Y. (UPI) -youmyviewsonthissubject." Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, con-the gl'aduates and thole who The New York St ate Ginsberg, crippled since an victed killer of Sen. Robert F. dropped out along the way -Assembly, apparently mo\IM attack or poUo at the age of 13 Kennedy, today s w 0 re said they had learned such by the emotional plea of a months, told his colleagues he "reven'e en American politi· things as keeping neat and po!i()-('rippled legislator, nar. supported some changes in the dans" if his aon is executed. rowly defeated Thursday a bill aborUon law but couid not "1be revenge wcn't bt in clean, staying away from the designed to liberalize the vote for this bllf because ef a W'Ol'ds,., Blshara s j r b a n kind of people Ind thlngs thlt state's strict 15-year-Dld abor-provision allowing abortions declared. He did not elaborate. can get one into trouble. &et· lion law. when there was risk the un- "[ accept the fact that my tq arguments wit b 0 u t The bill bad been given an born child woold be seriously !Oft killed Sen. Kennedy," he even chance of .... •sage before defonned. fights, and gettin( along with ~ said. their famWes. the impassioned speech by He read a letter he had "But Sen. Kennedy was to Ass em b I y man Martin received from a 15-year-Dld blame. He proveked my 500 Ginsberg, a Long Isl and boy who had been crippled sin- by threatening to supply arms N • NY H Re publican. ce birth. lo the Middle East whicb lXOll ome The measure sponsored by The letter concluded' "! favor of the bill, said he would "be back next year with the same bill •. , one of these year11it's 101n1 to pass." SCOtch He blamed opponenta with ' misr<presentlllg the bill which he nld permlta an abortion now599 "ooly when there is medical tvidence ol • substonUol rlak f'ifth that the fetus would be so grossly malfonned mentally USHER'S or physically as to be pennan- ently incapable ol caring for itself." '--------------------' E • j , j would have caused the death Albert ll Blumenthal (0-might just be fertilizer in a o1 -. and the cliapW» . Has 60 Bids Manhattan), wu det~ted. 69-biJ!ipi\al gardCI if this bW hadt~iiiiiiimmiiiiOiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9f meat .of many more." 78, onJy eeven votes tbort 't!f ·mt bes in ttiect.'' · Ill "!(y ""'clid w<ll," .. Id the WASHIN°'°l! (UPI) -the 71.noed«i for passage. The . "I bite 'my tongue as I say $5-year-old Arab. More than IO per&OnJ have bid vote mai'bd tbe end of at· ·It," Gtnaburg said, "but I "Many Americans h 1 v e to buy Pm:ident NiJoo'• old tempts to change the abor;ioz\ can't prevent myeelf from COOle to my house and to1d me law during the current ·sesstDD asking if this provision is they were happy to get rid of apartment on 5th Avenue in headed for adjournment late another way of 11)'ir!g we Kennedy," he added. New York, according to Fint next week. don't want the handicapped in Lady Pat Nixon. Standlng m 11teel crutches this world." Sirhan vituperatively at-"We're going to take the and leaning on hi1 desk for His speech drew a standing tacked de P u t Y prosecutor highest bidder," Mn. Nixon support Gimberg told the ovation from every member of David Fitts, cursing him in said, "but I haven't seen any assembly: "I don't tnow why the house, including sponsors Arab ei:pletives and charging money ctime across the desk God put me on this earth in of the bill. "he would net let my son de-yet." The condominium apart~ this shape and form. Maybe it Blwnentha1, who had aaid fend himself. ment is repcrtedly worth was because God wanted me before the debate started that "My lllR. as a true Christian -ooo to be •··e on April 17 to tell he had a votes committed in like myoell, is ready to work,_.--·-·--·--------~--------------­ for peace, not only in words Sirhan. He said executinc the but from all hia heart," Aid Sirhan. He said o:ecutin1 'the ycuth would achieve nolhing "because peace lover1 will never surrender." 2 Wingless Space Craft Pass Tests EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calli. (AP) -Like airb<>rne ba thtu b s, two wingless experiment.al rocket eraft glided llJ'Ocefully from • height of 45,000 feet to 200- mile-an-hclur landings -tbt lat.est step in the development of apace shuttle crafL A B52 jet bomber dropped ~ craft a few hours apart Thursday. It wu the first time the two -the 22-fOQt.. long HLlO and the it-foot X24A -have flown on the same day. Scientists hope that descen- dants of the craft will aome- doy ferry oupplles to orbitlJll space research staUom, then fe.entu the •tmoopbere and marieuver to the ground like conventlooal planes. The vehiclei ~ wingless to wlthstond •tmoopberlc lrlctlon but .,.. aheped to provide aerodynamic lift like 1 n airplane's. Julie Receives Doll as Gift . WASHINGTOl'i (UPI) ~Ue N!son EllenhoWtt has nctlv«I • !>Inch doll draoed in • npllco of her brldoJ ..... u • belated weddlnr gill lr11111 r.rm.r Am-C l • re Booth Luce. The doll hat • iJrown.belnd Ul:eness to the younc Mr1. Eleenhmrll'. In the. hem ii tewn the ln- ocrlplion ' "By PrilcW. o1 Booton for the marri•P' or Jqlle Nl1on to Dwllht D"'ld Elttnhower If, Dee. SS. tM, from Clare Booth Luce." WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOV CAN'T on IT BOT WITH PACJl'IC'I SWITCll 'N SA.VB ACCOUNT Y11 ca 111 almast a •II fir btplag 1 lat ... •alllJ in yam du l' 111111111t _.a Ill mn 11 yaar Plcillc &I P111lloolc Accllllt •• awlllfll111 .., ..... """ ....... ,.. lb. ....... ..,~ dollar earas nerr daf lt 11 la 7oar PaelBo Aaeoaat- nn lor 1111t one daf· U •11 ') ti Pt h•A• 1111 _,.. .... tllilf Ad 1/4ll .. !1111111 11 •• ,., ... 11111• .. mrnll lltlL lniql 11 ""-Ill 81 l(U1111'1 n• n11 frt• 1•111111 Hf .............. .,!MW. \ SAWYER'S 600 AO PROJECTOR 1-"eatu res automatic focus, remote control and quartz lamp. ••· •aa.u $84.97 SYLVANIA BUIE-DOT FWH CUBES Reg. 1.29 FOCAL 20 POWER SPORT SCOPE 3 1ection collapsible. With vinyl cue. !ef. f4.U $3.57 TEAKWOOD PIOJCTIOli TAIU Features room llghl and projector ouUel and folds up for 111y storage . ..... f!.97 $6.89 JUST SAY CHA!tOl·ITI • ·' I [DAILY -PILOT EDITOBi.y, ·~GE I A Blow to Capistrano • , Nelabborlng Laguna and C8plslrano Unliled School Diltricll toot their lumps at the polls Tuesday wbeo both lost override elections. The defeats mean a Joss of about $440,000 a!UIU&Uy • to Laguna schools and a loss of about $e00,000 to 1cb0ols of the big C8plstrano district. In Laguna's. case, .the. defeat. did nol seem to be an expression agamst d1str1ct pohcles or performance. Both incumbent school board candidalH were returned to office well ahead of the pack, which would seem an eodorsement of board performance. . \Villiam Wilcoxen's r,turality of 2,820 votes was tell· fng. It was, for examp e, a thousand more than Mrs. Jane Boyd received In her successful candidacy for the board's third seat. Voters may nave felt that 58 cents on the tax rate was not a dire necessity at this point in.time. If ap, let's consider the judgment rendered without prejUdic.e, one open to review as growth and financial needs increase. Capistrano, with projected enrollment increases of 1, 400 students, is going to feel the pinch. There wlll have to be sizeable cutbacks in both programs and facilities needed, from books to classrooms. The timing of the two elections to coincide. with the sting of local, state and federal tax payments didn't help matters. Ch<lfles F. Kenney, Capistrano .superin- tendent, p!aos to ask his board to try again !_n ~,days. In the Saddleback Junior College r;ace, mcumbent Patrick J . Backus, despite a so-so record, flattened the opppsition. He particularly shone in conservative Tustin where his margin over the second runner was more than 311.a to one. A new factor that may eventually offset Tustin P.C;>li· tical influence has been formation of the "Comrruttee of One Thousand for Better Education." The growing group, which intends to become an influence not only in Sadd.leback but Tustin Union High School and San Joaquin Elementary districts, made a good initial showing Tuesday in the poll performance of endorsed candidates. '!'be an>UP'• approocb was 1ood. It adopted a phil· osophy of edllcatlon and listened to and voted on -cand~ dales that could live with those alms. U tbe committee's ranks swell to match the name, It could wield considerable !nllueoce In the crowing dis- tricts with wb!cb it is coocemed. Irrational Criticism • Sex education cr!Ucs in the Capiltraoo Unified Schoo! District have· i>etted that district's Family Life pro1Tarn with accusations ranging from cbarges that it 11 a Communist plot to assertions that it creates sex perverts. Recent fllnis proposed for showing In Family Life courses put some issues in perspective. One produced by the Dairy A.osoclation told of the importance of a bal· anced diet. Another pointed out the necessity of personal hygiene. Uninformed emotional criticism of the district's in· nocent program most often is wide of the nlark. Criti· clsm should be based on reason. not on a campaign or innuendo filled with trick phrases and sloganeering. Hazardous Intersection Tbe recent death of a Mission Viejo boy in a Laguna Beach crosswalk focused citizen attention on the need for some type of traffic control 4evice at the point Cleo Street !ntersecls South Coast Highway. In the particular tragedy, faulty brakes a:n a Navy truck seem at least a contributing cause to the accident. However, there _are many accidents in the vicinity and many near misses. Pedestrian traffic is heavy, Vehicular traffic is heavy. The need wasn't news to the city. City officials h8d a1ready conferred with the State· Division of fligbways on the possibility of lights at Cleo and the Boat CanyOn area. Remedial action should not await more tragedy. L AmeriCan World .Responsibilities Postal System Could.Have Period ~·of Gre·at Debate WASHINGTON -The world's leading group of global strategists and ~opoliti· clans hu presented ib arresting con- clusion lhat tbe United States has lost its desire and its ability to be the world's "universal and dominant power.'' ntus bas come to an end, this group concludes, a •year era of American world dominance. Russia has becc>me the full equal of the_ United States in strategic power and in her ability to control or in- fJuence the policy of other nations. Thill judgment was made in the annual gurvey of the influen"a1 and privately operated Jnatitute of Strategic Studies, centered in U:lndon and with a . memo bersh!p drawn from 3& countries. It b espl!Ciolly inlomting that this in- t.ms~ ll'OUP lhould c:oncl¥de lbil\ America bu lost Its desire u weB' u Its abll!ty to run lhe ....id ibociwn way. This iJ the heart of the matter In the con- tinuing greal debat. involving tile Viet· nam War, the anU-balll.sllc missile defense gyatem, the Pentagon budget, and tile ....,.11 military posture of this country. IN THE DEVELOPMENT of American policy in UUs: century there have been severa1 important landmarks. Rejection of the Leaiue of Nations, repeal of ltie Neutrality Aet, the Truman Doctrine, to name severa1. We appartntly again are in another period of great debate and great decision on the extent of American world rerponslbilities and our ability to fulfill them. Tbls ls what the McCarthy schism in the Deinocratic Party was all about. It is whit tbe pre1eot revolt of the Foreign Relations Commit.tee of lhe Senate is all about. And Jt Wlderlies much of the cam- pus amt Intellectual revolt ln the coui'llr)'. Dean Rusk, in the closing DPlths of his tenure as secretary of state, saw develop- ing a new kind of bolafionism, a slow withdrawa1 ffom the iresponsibllities of world leaderlhJp , growing ou l of disillusionment with the .Vietnam War and the immense and rising cost or a variety of new weapons system!. Rush deplored tbe trend and others have warn- ed that GUI' witbdrawa1 could lead to the creat14in of.a ."garriaon state" In i.IOlation from the respomlbiUUa: we formerly ac- cepted) and under new restrictive forms of social org'anization. THE EXTENT TO WHICH the Nixon Admlnlslration ls responding to tile new isolationist trend Is not entirely cl<.J.r but there are aome indications that it Is doing so to a certain degree. The clear direc- tion of ~licy in Vietnam is to rtduce substantially tbe extent of the American commitment by the end of this year and probably at 1 raster rate thereafter than would have been planned in the Johnson AdminislraUon. President Nixon also recognizes a new condition of affairs in the world and was frank in admitting it at the 20th an· iversary meeting of NATO foreign mlnlsters. "Let's put it in plain words," Ni%on said. "The West does not have the massive nuclear predorilinance today that it once 'had, and anY sort ·of broad-based anm agreement with the Soviets would codify that balance.•• The Institute of Strategic Studies warn- ed, in fact, that Russia was caught up with the United States In intercontinental ballistic missiles and probably will -overtake the U.S. by the middle of this year. A superiority~ In other fonns o[ nuclear delivuy gives the United States a lead in the total .number or nuclear weapons. THE NIXON APPROACH apparently is to reduce our responsibillUes to the point where they may be realistically fulfilled at lower coat. '11lus the wiDdlng down of the war in ~. the ,pursuit of an """' ·~ wll{I Russia, tht ... ploraUon of ..,. relatiooships with Red China, the deOnitioo of le!I aggressive attitudel ·1n 'the North AUanUc Treaty OrfanlzaUon. This could all ht considered part of lhe detect.<! del!re In the Unit.<! Slal<I to be rid of Its ~year role as •the "universal and dOminant power." 1be larger ques· tion b whtll>er or pot this winding down of global responsibilities will prove to be the long-range desire or ii merely a tem- porary reaction growing out o f frustration in Vietnam and doubts about the "military-industrial complex." In other period3 of relaxation of withdrawal aggressive acts by the Soviet Union or Communist China have rudely awakened the nation from dreams of detente , and then the burden of world responsibility has become Ire a t e r whether we desire it or not. 'There Is No Time to Think' By EWIWORm I. RICHAl\DliON ' Mlalatt:r NtlebborHod Coqre1•tloaal Ct.lurch La11W kacb There 1s a llory whieh Jewish parents tell their children and inde«I genUles might tell it too! It's the story of a .boy who was never able to f!OC the things-Ile needed when he awakened in the morn- ing. One night he hit upon an ingenious means of remembering. Before going to bed be wrote himself a note which said: ''My au.it ii on the chair; my hat is in the cki&et; books are on lhe desk: shoes under the chair; and I am in bed." Next morning he aroee and began_to colltct his ~· He found everything up to th.t Dnal Item on his list. When he went to '"lotk I• ldmlelf in bed, alas, be wasn 't ther<! "BOW SIU.YI" you uy, "and what's the point?" Maybe it isn't ao silly -lot the loot boy toclay la so frequently "the at man!' He knows "'1tre to find magt everything bul bimseK. ff• dooln 't know ... what' male.s him tick. He has bis house of material possessions in very good order! The red barn is full of goodies! But as to his vaJues -he ls all screwed up. The mainspring of his watch, he has wound up too tight! Why is be here? -and wlun is he going? -he hHD't given that much thought! The cornon complaint today is "thert is no time to think" and ao we go willy- rilly like rats on a treadmill. NO TIME TO THINltl There's a machine at the factory that b hungry for steel:· an order at the office marked "rush" and a neglected child at home that rtminds us that It is ours biecause it calls us "daddy." There is no time tO think, fiO we hope tor miracles. Llke primitive man we tum to magic, we Jn. duJie and tncoutlll!' supentitlon. L<I us hope 'ere long thlt like tbe ])l'Odipt 1CX1 we shall tum to ounelvu! God belp us! Quotes IUcllard O. Poppe, Fortst Klttlb, rt1lpln1 from Teatart Unloe after S.F. ~tale strike -"l cannot support a union that 11 intolerant ol cooaUtuted authority • • . and cannot dl!f....,tlate be!Ween anarcl!y and constitutional rights." Formu U.S. Stutor W13• Mtnt, 1peuer 111 Stoc-u. -"It lsn1 Im· ponanl that an1 man mnaln In lhe Senala. ll you p Into politkl and are afrild to be defeated, you abollkln 't 10 In tbe £Int ploc:e." · When JOt'leph Auslander was leaching literature at Harvard he bad men in his class who were much more interested in sports at the stadium than in John Keats. Auslander felt that be was getting OOwbefe fa:sL On UWi: particular morning he had failed miserably in putting it across .. So as the clu! filed olll be hnnbl· ed with his papers on bis desk so that he wouldn 't have to meet the eye.s of his students nor perhaps overhear the criticism of a sophisticated sophomore. BUT AFTER CLASS a tall , clean, straight lad who had WCll his "H" and w• well respected as an ath1ete, con.. fl'O!Ud tbe prof.,.... with these !alt.ring words: "I just want you to know.that 1 appttelated tJ>ose poems y0.1 r<ad today. 1 don't mean that 1 undent.ood them: but somehow, u you read them, I felt as if I Wert tuninC in Ul God only to find my wave~ too short!" Maybe lhat"s our trouble. Y.iyht God's ~ is about ul': ..• and our wave ltncch ls too short! M1ybt there ii a reauty of~ we can be sure but we haven't thou1ht e~h about M, plumbed deep tDOUgb! Dear Gloomy Gus: No matter how you slice It, the Laguna Pla)'ttl' ntw playhouse aUll looka like a bomb shelter. J just hope it doesn't turn out to ht a place where they produce bombs. How about an air raid stren as a curtain call? -R. J. D. Major Crisis ''Th.ere is no mortal lhitlg faster th.an these.mr1111engers." -Herodotu s on the Persian po11tal system, SO~ B.C. .ctµ/onJc Crisis is the word for lhe •U.S. postal system. The Post Office will save $1 million, it estimaies, by diopping same~ay service Ir. big cities. That amounts to UB,000 of the annual $8·blllion budget of the Depitine,,i. The mail system could break down at any time. Sborlly after lakin& over his new job, Postmaster General Winton M. Blount declared in an ioterview: "J am told by people in the Department ~at the sort of breakdown that happened in Chicago two or three years ago could happen today in any one of a dozen places across the country -and it could happen in a lol 1 f placis at the same time." Blount obstrved at a Feb. 25 press con· ference that there art not going to be any overnight improvements in the mail system. But, be !a.Jd, "ll we don't start making these cha nges we are 'ta1king about, this system is going to collapse." THE U.S. PO&T omcE handles well over one-half the world 's mail -moi'e than 82 billioo pieces last year. Before long, Blount aays, we'll be up to 100 billion pieces. The Post Office is the government organism with a built-in deficiL In the Johnson Adminislration budget for the fiscal year 1970 -beg.inning July 1 - postal expenditures were estimated at $7.75 billion or which only $6.5 billion would be covered by revenues under ex- isting postal rate.!. The budget proposed cutting out the 10 etnt air inail rate - inasmuch-as most first-class mail is 'car· ried by air anyway. Instead , the first· class·rate would be raised ·to 7 ctnts from the present 6 etnts. The rise was expect· ed to produce an additional $519 million in fiscal 1970. Congress last voted postal rele in- creases in 1967. Among the vatlous classes of mall, first cla~ and• aJ.r mail, which together account for almost 60 per· cent or all mall by volume, earn a small profit for the Posl Office. THE POST OFFICE Department year after year faces the same familiar pro- bli!:~: sharply risin.R costs, slowly rising revenue, mounting mall 'VOiume. and sometimes erratic service. Bureaucracy is.the prime evil, made more deadly by ' political manipulation. President Nixon in p special mesSage of Feb. 25 promised to re~ve "the last vestiges· of political .,.trOnage" lrom the Post Office Depart· ment. Both the Prr.sldtnt and Blount have said they are reviewing proposals for reforming the departmeol Among these w115 the rteommendJUoo of the Presiden. Ual Commission on Postal Organization latt July 11. The tcM::alltd Kapptl Com· ml!slon urged·cruUon of a government· owned corporaUon to op:rate the postal service as a stU4upporting business, free from poUUcs. HOUSE ANO •SENATE bills would \ translate the KapPel rep>rt into law. Another bill. sponsored by Chairman Thaddeus J. Dullkl (0.N.Y.) of lht House Post Office and CJvtl Service ComnUtttt, would overhaul the structure of tht Post Ofrlce whlle keeplng It as an executive department and c o n t i n u I n a the Posllnasttr Central 11 a member of the cabinet. ES!enllally, the departnu!nt would 1et Its own budget and lu.ppor1. ltse:U from Its own revenuu, • Detecting Trick • Of False Analogy Orie of the first lessons that students In logic learn is bow to detect the lrick of ·"false analogy." This means comparing t~ngs that sum to be alike, but really don 't bear much relationship. Politicians are enormously fond of this facile technique. Not long ago, for in- stance, Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illinois pointed out that when George Washington was President in 1792, there was only about one person paid to work for the government ror every 5,000 of population . . ' ' TODAY, HE CONTRASTED, our civflian work fotef; is almost 3 million - one pei1on for every 66 of population. 1'hi3 is Supposed to "prove" that we ha ve far too many persons on government pafrcills. Now, we may ha\·e, and perhaps y.•e do. but the statistics or George Washington's Admlnislration have nothing to do y.·ith the ~ase -it is a false analogy big enough to drive a team or horses through, as a µioment's thought will tell us. AS UTIJ.E AS a century ago, most Americans were still about 90 .#rcent self-sufficient: tbey produced thhir own goods, lived in sparse rural areas, and used the excess to barter at trading.posts or among the.ir community neighbors. It was even more so in 1712. Today, in vivid contrast, \Ve are only about 10 percent self-sufficient, if that, and v•e depend on others for llO percent of our g~ and ser\'ices and protection. OBVIOUSLY, the role of government - state and local as well as federal -in· creases at a geometric ratio as popula· lion goes up, as work bee.om~ m~re specialized, as people gi:oup together in larger and larger coni.munities. For instance, ~ villi:ge needs only a sm;ill police force , because everybody kno"·s everybody else. When the town in-- creases its sire by tenfold, and then'by a hundredfold. the police force required dO"'..s not merely go up in proportk>n to the rise in population. it increases at a far higher rate -for a city demands much more and different police service.r-than a hamlet. . !\IL"'JD YOU. I ~lU not arguing that our public payrolls are not padded: 'so are most payrolls, at every level : 1 am simp- ly suggesting that the historical analogy (so d~ to politicians like Dlrtsen) is ir· relevant and posltlvely misleading in terms or modern needs. Only l<f,000 men were killed on both sides in the American Revolution -but l don't hear the patriotic senator complaining about the "1vastelul'' proportion of our men killed in Vietnam. as cornparcd to Washington's time. Laguna's Central .Basin To the Editor : A!l a citlzcn·n1erchant-01\1ncr In taguna Beach's central basin. I urge the City Council to an appeal from the rece nt ap- proval given by U1e Planning ·Comlljl:iS-- slon for the enlargement of the lhtlon Oii' Con1pany's station al Coast a n d BroailWay. I unde rstand that, on a cltiiens's request, the council can appeal lo Itself a decision of the Planning Com- mission and can counter the com- missio'n's action. I strongly urge the l,'OOncil to do, SO: • WE ARE BrRUGGLL"'IG for sheer . survival Jn our cehtral basin. It is not on· ly that the merchants and O\liners themselves ' are confronting economic disaster U the automobile congestion In- creases. II is also that "life itself is endangered by tbe: growing Sfl'Ktl, dirt, noise and murder of the machine. It is Imperative from all staridpoinls that a reprieve from the machine : in behalf of people be catabllshed.' 'Ihb la a "people's problem" in the trUeit ieOse ol.1t.he tenn. ' THE UGuNA COUNCIL and tbe PJan. nlng Commluion hi,. -to tbe general plan tRJect an eameal nqueot for full study of a poalble imer ring road - the basin with ad)lcart parking l\nlo- tures. We hope the planners will 1te· compllsh tbelr f\11! profeulonal stance and gt"' a IUCb a road ; tbey can if they wor:t bard enWgh 1n coupllnc their skill and tmagJnaUon with 1 Orm re1mf for the bri>ad citizen interut. In the meantime, all)' interim and modest reprieve fh>m the ioues we are now aulforlnC fNJm tht mad>!ne In ...- contnl buln will ht a 1a1it In the r!Cht direction. JAMES W. DILLEY Bbtorir Repetit• To the Editor: .. Hello Loguna. After enjoying living in Llguoa Stach for over U years, we • Lett111 from rtader:r arc iotlcomt. Normallt1 writers should convtu their nuuage in 300 words or leu. The right to candrmt litters to fit space or eJimi11att l(bel is rtserved. AIL letUrs must include .tignatun ·and mailing addres1. but names mau be withlleld on rtqucst if t'lt]/icirnt rra· son ts apparent. retired to Lauderdale by the Sea in Fkrida. We returned for a visM Ind find history repeats it.sell in regard to more ta.Xes for schools, beaches and sewers which pro- blems we faced ovu IO years lgta. It tnakes me wiry happy Uiat I am now far removed from ha\ling to combat the &}'Item which is attempting tcJ l>Ull the wool over your eyes 9J as to gamishec more of the citlztns' doDan for ~ •pending. 1.o,..,.. I still love yoo. HELeN B. CLOVER ,...--.. """'" --. l>tar George; I asked the but way to discipHne my dog to stay off the IOf a and you advised me to see 1 marriage COW\stlor. Are you 1ure you're in tbe. ri&ht buslntn! Dear ConfUJed: CONFUSED Not thlt .... k. I wiJn'l 'flit pe1 editor wa1 on vacation ~ 1 eot A lot of my m..U mixed up doina h~·o columm. But quit mnplaining. Suppose you Wert the .woman wh.o 80mewhere Js lt}'lng to save her maJT!11ge by spanilnc ber husband tjpUy with 1 rolled-up new1paper. • \ I I , I \ ---~.....---.,..------------------------------"!"'-~-----==""""""--="""=-:zs:="9="""-' --"-""-',, . .,..,,......-·r-'-~ \' -... • ' • • • •, -I • t • • • ; JEAN COX, 4M-M ,,...,, Alftl .... ,. &. ,_ 11 Gr~pe '·K 'ing At Festival -" Wine, cheese and ari are being wrapped into one package for the Opera League's sixth annual Grape Festi.Val, to be unwrapped. in Ben B~own's_ restaurant Friday, May 2, from 7 to 9 p.m. Wine and cheese fanciers will get their fill sampling the wines provided by•four California wineries, cheeses and other accompaniments donated by area merchants. As a speciel 'adjied aUraction this year, an art ex- hibit, including works by Marina Tambauri of Newport Beach and Armen Gasparian and Hall Aikens, both of Laguna Beach, is planned. Door prizes, according to Mrs. J. Oliver :Pyle, festi-. val chairman, will include an oil p~nting donated by Miss Tambauri. · Hostesses, dressed in appropriate costumes, will . be . the Mmes. Pyle, Thur11as Armstrong, William Bruggere. Dewayne Hurst, Craig Ketcham, Anthony Orlandella, David Erikson, Charles Hirsch, William Wittman/ John Bermel and Wales Wallace. Mrs. William Hinwood, league presideOt, will be joined at the greeting table by the Mmes.. ,George Bryant, Robert .Lawson a?~ J!el!1)tard Anderson,, Assisting Mrs. Pyle with , plans for the festival, which is expected to attract 300 guests, -is Mrs. Lawson. Tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. Bryant, 495-- 5178. j ADDED ATTR,\CTION -Armen Gasperian of Laguna Beach is one of the-artisU lending bis· work to an exhibit at the Opera League's sixth annual Grape FestivaJ. He works in ~e background while league members deft) Mrs. J. Oliver Pyle,· featiVat chair~ man, and (right) Mrs. William Hinwood, president, ei:plore ·bis studio. The festival will take place Friday, May 2. ' Newport Harbor Service League ' New Leadership Reported Mrs. Michael B. J ager took over the presidency of Newport Harbor Service League yesterday dur!rig. the group's annual meeting in the Newport~f Inn. She and other new officers took their plaC! 1n a· long line of dedicated women who have served the volunteer training organization durinf the last 1~ years. Assisting Mrs. Jager will be the Mmes. Richard E. Cramin, vice president j Donilld B. Ayres Jr. and Wellington F. Bonner Jr., recording and correspon- ding secretaries, and Warren B. Smith, treasurer. Conintltlee-cllainnen Include the Mmes. Robert . H. Davis, admissions; ·Philip C. Davis Jr., arrange- ments; Gordon B. Jones, art&; Roger E. Riley, by- laws; J~ut_Helto:o, Children's art' workshop; Kae A. Ewing, commi1nity welfare; Ralph E. Bernard, education; L. Kent Wanlass, league log, and Ray· mood D. Andrews, nomitlating. Other chairmen are the Mmes. Richard V. Jor- d~, permanent business; David M. Brant, philhar- monic; H. Warren Knight 111, placement; Robert M. Allan , provisional; Merril .Brown, public rela- 'tions, and David L. Fraser, sustaining. community projects which are supported from its community trust fund. The. leagqe, pio~eering in the Harbor Area ·in an attemP,t ~o c09rdinate volunteer efforts in ,area agencies,; founded the Volunteer' Bureau 12 years ago. Currently one of the league's activities takes members into: public schools where they cotidUct 1 . session.s :in art appreciation covering various fOrms., · media and. t~chniques in the art field . · New active m"embers presented at the annual mee<inr included the Mmes. Robert W. Beck, .Wil· liam F. Carling, Gary Davidson, Richard L. Davis, Georgfi .. PraytoTI.: 11[, Douglas W. Dreyer and Wil- liam A, Fruehling. Other · actives are the Mmes. John L. llolm- quist, Paul G.'McManigal, ,Jack V. Pastushin, Js.ck D. Perry, Leigh M. Rabbitt, Alexander Robertson Jr., Dan Rogers , Kenneth · E. Turknette, James S. Tyler, William T. \Vhi!e III and William A. Wren. Provisional members looking forward to · their : year of league and community orientation also wer'e introduced. They incl\.ided the Mmes. Richard Ber. lea, Bruce F. Blackman, Joseph J, Carbone, Free- man Day Jr., L. Clark Fergus and Stephen C. Fer- raro. · LEADERS LINE UP -Joining U.e·long- line of women who have SellVed Neilrport Harbor Service League ·are' new officers· (left .to right), the l)lmes.:,Donald B. , ' r ' ' The feague is in the midst ·of studying changes and challenges in society' as they affect concerned and active volunteers. League members already have heard about programs concerning health and welfare and organized efforts in community plan- ning, housing and urban renewa}. More provisional members are the Mmes.· Ronald Roy Foell, John Haskell, William Haze-· winkle,. Robert F. Ingold Jr., Donal_d.E. Johnson, Stanley Ray Jones, Carl J . Kymla Jr., Michael Mul- lin, Michael John Murphy, Gene Ross Jr., Burke H.' · Simpson, George Derek We~t and Miss Mary Alice Kier. " ' Ayres Jr., and ' elling!Dn F. Bonner Jr., recqr41ng and corresponding secretaries : Ric'hard E. Cramm, vice president, and Michael B. J ager, president. The group's permanent ways and means pri> jec~ the Coffee Garden, 2625 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, continues to raise funds for league Boy H-a.s· Girl T·roqble , Counselor· Need.s· ·,to Break Bu99·1.~ ' ' . . I f ·1' ,~ I -- DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a 17·year· old boy with a problem. I don't seem to lite girls. I date them but I have no piterest in going steady or geUioe to Dow a girl really well. In · JYTft class I get nerl<ous when I have to undress in front o( other guya. And when 1 see them In the mo...,. I I~ · lll1<'<lDllortable, tori . ol a misture of u:cltement and em.. bamissment. Is \here IOl'ntlhin& wrona with me? fediqa )'• opra1 art by II mtUI ................ tltKLibi, .. fad tUt ,... an " ttllCtl'Mll Wlrata "" --,&t ..... tlilQ pr1•l1• .. I pnfetllsnal. 'Melt _... ~t c:Ma- ,._. c-1eln. t Mpe "'!" tcMol 11-.-.uoo1,p1o1-111 ... ldo dlllic. N.....t ... -..-.1 .,, ..... I ...tbo my -ol . plllnc a letter In your column are 1 million. to -. but I do need help ll!ICI I doo'I ._ when else lo f<>-Please come to nff re!ICUf:. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband ,. .,-J. Of tfl!WARIC ., hu -In pri9on Ja< thrft yean, DEAR J: A.1Ui0..p tk t1tot1llt1 ud t fell in klve with another man arttr ' • ' being alone for nearly II mont.N. t let the other man move Into my borne 'and now we have a baby •ix months · old. I'm II.Ir! my frienda and family think we ire manied. · Who II the legal fsther ol thlJ child? U my husbaod wants to get off the 'support hook, can he do ID on lhe grounds that he Is slerll•l (I am almosl ...,.. he Is.) This Is quite 1 men ll!ICI I -,.... help bocause my b~ will be out of prison ln a couple or moo'111, ll!ICI I'm all miml up 1b0Ut whit'• whlL 1llant you. -ABSENCE CREATES PROBLEMS DEAR AB: A mu wM '81 beta • t. prl• for dlree yun ctald 1ot llave ra&llered. a al• ._.. eld d61 even U lle ·WEREN'T tterDe. Llplf, bewever, Y'"' --.... ...., •• ,..... nlfJ M taka .,. .. """ t61a'wlH. VII -..... ~....,... DEAR ANN LANDEllS' l!:clocate the- dumb publk, pleue. ·Telr -I• Iha! llmply beca.,. )'Gol live nut door lo a family doel not -• you are bolom buddla. • A ..,..11n leaned on my. doorbell today (0< 15 minutes. I had lo get out ol Ille bathlub to '"""'· She: hod 1 kettle ' ,• ' of · 11Wett ani:!. IOW' mealballl for the next door neighbor. Would I mln<I taking it over latu? Nobod1 annua their bell . Deliver)' boyi leave Ptanls, packages and dry cleaning with me. I've been ll!ke<I lo put the nelgllbon flab In my refrigerator. I've: been stuck with COD. pacUIOI ll!ICI 100 ~ of fertilizer. At Christmutlme uneooe lelt a pan of polalo 1oJce1 here for Ibo neighbor IOd our dog pt lnlo II. I never heard Ibo end ol ii. If )'OU print my letter )'OU wUI be performing 1 naUon.al service. '11lere must be others who !eel u I dj>. -• --N<YI' PALSY WAI.SY DUR NOT r I'm llU't tllert art, bat I'll ••It' a creat lftlD)' folb doa 1t 1 , • I I Lft,,. ' mind ""81 ,11pa9 1fav!1f1 1fw 6llr ·.Olpbon. -,.., ... llt M ,..... kufel, ,.,..,,, · ,.., ·o11i;111on - pref t r tllat yoe riot 'c10 tb.QI~ ~ ..te •1favors." So wby d•'"t rt-. j9t 111 "Sorry -no." · · . ' . Drinl<in& may be "i(I" lo. Ibo kids 1 you run with -bu! ii can-"* ,... 0 01Jl" for keeps. You can coel I Ind stay papulir. Read "Boole llld Y• .-For Teenager• Only.'! SeM • 111111 fn . coin and ·• l<Jni, '...,._, stamped envelope wilb-,-~ Ann Landers will J>e pil ID ' llolp you with your problems. -1!*11 lo her In care or the D~ Y l'ILQf, enclooinl 1 aelf·aildrtsaed, ,..,.... envelope. 4 ' • l , . \ • ) ... ~ ., :~ •' .. •• •. :-.:\. . . .. ., ·: .. . ·. READY FOR TOURGQERS.;.,. In the Lido Isle bay- front li<mt ot lllr. and ,Mn.· Rldlard E. Barrett, members ot the Udo Iile WClll18D'1 Club (left to right) Jilt Mme1. E. TOTt'8DCe Moran, Jol!n D. Davis Counselor Tells Guild Of Therapy Albert S I t t o n ailldrm'1 Guild ._ ..... meeting -Moodly at 10 a.m. will bear Nick SclrlaDo -Ibo purpooe II( j1rm1le l>aJJ and Ibo laml'1 pldace pnlCllDI. Scarlano I 1 lllllOrYlllnl group coumelcr. for ibe boys' -of °'-County Ju...Ut Rall and Will focul OD two ..... ol therapy. Yl>mlplera In juvellile hsJI are detained f o r mlsde- _, and .nciadellquent clllldNn from lnlobled homea are bomed at Albert Sitton Oilldren'a Home. Mrs. Robert Howes, guild (ftlldenl. baa dlacloaed that an awwda luncheon i 1 -!led In June In Sad- cllebld< Jm>. Santa AnL IJ\lr. tn; tbt Jamheon new officen for Ille comlnc ....... will be lnotalled. Good Time In Cards Destert Ind clrds n an- ticipat<d by -" the R<!liftd Teocheni A80oclatlon, Onage OoMt Divildon. next 1'1ondioy, from 1:30 !Xl 4 p.m. Cluthuie Number t, Lelan World, IAf!una mna, will be the oettklg for the benefit event. Tha Louro E. Setlle Slud..t !Aon Fund ..i the VllLI Gerdens CJ'A Teacher• Medical Care Unit In SUSAN HALLETT Junt Bride Marriage Plans Told Mr. and Mn. Eugene R. IIsllett Jr. of La Mirada have 1DD011need the encqmnent of lheJr clauihtor, Susan llallett 19 Michael Allan lllayo, aoo of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mayo of en.ta Mesa. The couple will ex~ vows June 21 In St Joachim 1 Catholic Church. The brlde-l<>l>e i.. a gradllate oM.a Mirada !Ilgli School llDd received her BA ln1zlstory and drama from the University of CalUornla, Santa B a r b a r a where she earoed ber teachlllg ttedenUall. Cumntly • h. teaches in Norwalk. and M .. A. IUchley Jr., tour chairman, await guests participating In !be loth annual home tour ot the dub. Sb: Island home1 will be open for lmpeCtion Thursday, April 24, .hom I to 5 p.m. Weatherman Promises Sunshine to Fa~or Annual Island Tour -U the weat.herman keeps up and tlie Arthur Costelloe, UC. his good work, the day will be Via Lido Noni, all baylront 1'¢ecl Tlnnday, April 24, for residencos. a tour II( Ibo Island in the Sun "Inside" hcm!a opened will -ThaLldto Isle. be -d Mr. and Mn. Is Ille oay &et .-by Roger Brown. IOI VI a Ibo Lido Isle Woman's Club. Fior..lce aad Mr. aod ll!n. for Ila 10th annual home tour, DeNU Clrpeder, uo Via this year planned to show di Quill>. the relaxed, gracious way of Ticket!, at· $3, may be living embra<ed by Lido Isle p...a-1 ......_ to Ibo tour residents. .,...,.. Six horn'" Will be opened to cloy in the Lido Isle Clubhouoe, or by callillg Mn. Harold end~sln~ Jul ~:J·~· Phillips, m.3408, or Mn. KO -~ c ~~. ••1 William GaWdd 1'13-4285 Via Lido Soud, will be squeez-• • ed in bef<re or after the tour. Proceeds w:ill benefit Orange An exhibit ci. artworks by · O:iunty Juv~le Hall and island artists and a '1our of the Island Beautiification. yacht Summer Wind e!ISO ·';;~itr~'i.ir -.. for Two Clu· bs the tour are tile Richard E. Bam!tts, 930 Via Udo Noni; the Crawford W"""1ogs, !00 Via Lido Nord; the Earl Bard-340 Via Lido Nord, Harmonize Who says-men and women can't communicate? Women from San CJemente ToastmisU... Club will j<in forces with men f r o m Fullerton Toasbnaot<n Club for a joint meeting next Mon- day night at 7 In the Sad- dleback IM, Santa Ana. Plenty of communication is planned including talkJ by clubwomen the Mme 1 • Edward ll'Anl, C. W. Sll>ley, Harry Shafits lrtd B e t h Murphy. - Horoscope SATURDAY ' Di a rive lllr, but firm. lll!JIOrian'-'- UOlllblp develop& APRIL If vmoo (Aug • .23-Sept, Ul: • . Bewtlh ... you~lllke llJ..nDNELOMilll __ orguiJallanal pilnrn.t-'"I TUN DATING RI N T : what your role II ·lo. be lo Gemlol -. ,,,_ ..., new projecL Atcept added • ' ,._mbUfty. See beyOlld Ibo cm.ctl. A.41•arl•1 II Immediate. .......... Loo mabt ...., LIBRA (Sept. 2$-0cl 21): MIMI -fa1fBll 1 • m t Good lunar aspect today coin. ..._, .,...... Tuns ha cldet with chuce to travel. lit -lier llodpl and Make future plan!. Study ctltl. c..e.r .., wOfMftrfal Virp message. ,Stress con- -al -· • tpedal croaP fldence, independence. AcceDI • cJaa. ~. Aries may on correspondence, apeclal -a IMrl' ll1p -but ti ...,..ges. wJll.be-a. fl. SCORPIO (Oct. ZS.Nov.'21): ARm (March 21·April 19): Use intuition in connection with investment oppQl'tlmiUes. Gather information, through aid of former a.ssoclate. You get boost in mora1e. One you·1 though.t indllferent 1 b ow J enthusiasm. SAGmARJUS (Nov. 22-wbile drMng. No need fot. Dee. 21): Have run, but in- speed. °'; «c1ode one close to you. Means ., TAUIUJS (April •May 20): pleo>ure results H you are Money-mating ideas are above-board. Otherwise, plans prtlmted. Be receptive. are due to go awry. Accent Qumce is due -for the on contracts, partnerships, better. Relu tonJgbt with con-mutual efforts. Avoid a e ting on Impulse. Relative who makes statements may not be aerlowi. ll!alntain ..... of balance, btnnor. llon' Jwnp to conclulloea. Be eareful , pn1al ,....,.. But don't give Jn .., temptation of ... Ira ......... You will win. Gl!MJNJ (May 21-Jane 20): Linens Dotted With Grey Washed Clean • Cautiously C.ll'Nco~D<c. a,ian. down. I,Nve °,,jam Ji(;"'1· lt):·FllllOw ouggeollons sJoa. i!1C O(ljillil1pllly. criid 11\'en' i,. quall!lo!I ~I. come u-1{,as ~· 1 Dlla't ~ 1•11Ulli Be ' \ • !N. ~}, ,'? • ,..__.,.""!"""' · > Tu ----1mportont·m'corD1--~,.. ' · p(ete ~'-Bfc"joba. .;:...~wi.~ ....... ·-~ wfll fall lQto line. • • Jttl s•'lk;# ~ N.'f'. il!llfl AQUARIUS (Jan. »Fe!> J II): Yoo mild lel m«e tbaij • 1 you bargained· for,-eoetnil Wh8t .18. emot;m. ~t oo romaace, cttative Interests. Pe.....W magnetism nOws. You are at· I ~ lrlctl.w! to P\'il<>lile sex. Basic u"' r cbqe OCCllnL ' • r .. ,_ • PllCE8 (Feb • .itoJOrd>ZO): Hooie affairs ,zaeed a1laltion. You mbst .mate~ gesture. False pri.de -.or jealouay -conld buse dil· ficuJty, Emphasize . gemllne desire for hannony. 'IF TODAY ·JS . YOUR BmTRDAY you are htad- strong, :1n,..uve, Independent and due to embark on social whirl. Money situation im- prove3. But doo1 lle:youraeU Auxiliary Explored Training an auxiliary to staff a nursery achooJ for blind youngsters will be explored by Dr. Wilhelm de Nijs;' director of Services for the Blind, San- ta Ana, when he speaks to the J ' fl'.Tf'lt mass of rflet;t," ~id the New England pliilosophir, Thoreau, "lead lives, of quiet desperalion." That hardly .seems like Jiving, does it? But one can leam to liYe 1 really satisfying lif' a Iii• filled with purpose and · happiness. Martin N. Healer, ol The Christian Scienet Board of Lectureship._sa)" the first step in living a full life is to under- stand God as divine Life, th• saurce of life. As we draw clOser to God our lives begin to express the qualiti" of God, such as wisdom, beauty, mercy and love. You can safely -laltiatlve. Yoo• pl family and other ba<:ldat· Tcnlpt be where the acUon is. Means let others know your view1. Have fun but keep objective In mind. ' CANCER (Jome II.July 22): Forclnf IAua coWd prove em~ You can enjoy younell w!lboul pttlng your complete way. You do have to face ywnelf in the morn- Strip greyness from linens Alumnae Association of Delta safely by running 1 h e m G=."Lar,.y Hudack will host through a regular wash cycle the meeting taking place with 4 tablespoons of washing Wednesday, April Z3, in her soda -nothing else. Westminster home. You are cordially invited to Mr. Healer's free public blk, "What Is lffer· It may give you a. whole new slant on living. Oiristian Science lecture log. Ad aecordlngly. . LEO (July 23-Aug. 221 : Friends and wishes dominale -an be a stimulating, eventful evening. You get sup- port from unexpectod aource. X., Is to be receptive - The suds that appear are The nursery ICbool t s · MOllClcry IM&I .. , April 21 I P.M. Flrst Chufdl ., ·ctuisl, sc1e..ui1 L....-1..ui •u Hllll OrlY• Chllll Ctre Pl'IVldld activated qy de t 1: r I e n t ICheduled to open at the residue, a build.up of excess center next September. detergent-remaining from put All area Delta Qammas are washings. 'IbiJ residue causes welcome 'to attend th e1I Ibo greying. ..;-~Un;;;g;;·---· ---~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ll<peat Ibo cycle until theil water is completely clear. TOMORROW MORNING! Attention Focused ORANGE COAST YMCA Library On Events BREAKFAST WITH THE STARS ' SATURDAT, APRIL 19, 7:30 • 11 A.M. National Library Week is Aprll 21·28 and the Costa Mesa libraries wDl celebrate with a series of tpecial events and exhibits. In the Center Street Branch will be • display .. Callmnla history, eelebratlng I be -tennial. The local point will be • model II( the Estan- cia. Tours of the libraries are IClleduled and the many services offered will be ex· plained. These include the recently acquirt<l microfilm file ind reader, 16-millimeter films, records and numerous special periodicals and newspapers which can be checked out. Another display will feature a collection of best sellen '""" 1955 wl>lch will be available for clrculallon. s tudents will become llbrarianl for a day to assist in library duties. Costa llfesa Ari J,eague member Gorden I. Andrews has usembled a CQlledioa of his work ~ cllspiay In the Center lnncb, and Mn. Lloyd Mimaen II( Founlaln Valley will -• collectlea of Kewpie dolls. LIOO MARKET NIWPORT ILYD & YIA LIDO • NEWPORT IEACH All you CAN EAT-$1.00 JOIN Tl!I FUN & INTllTAINMINT WIN PRIZES! L .,., ... 1····1' 118~ lne FULL · , Paeadml will be recipients of lheproc:oecb. He ftance ls a graduate at Oraoge Coast College ""' earned his BA from Frano State College. CumnUy be serves in the·-·Natlonal Teachera Corps and will rective his masters degree from the Unlversity of Southern Calllornla nat JUiy. Ot!Jer womeo> J>iam*>I !Xl particlpote Include tho ll!mm. Betty Chlpin and Ida May Sclxmabr, hostel!lles; Olive J;Wnes, invocettm; C. L. Burpm, timer; Gordon Fleener, evaluator, and J. L. J-. clooing thooglll. A children's story hour ls acbeduled in the Center Street Branch Thursday, April 24, at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Walter Hatch of the library .staff will present a book talk for mothers during the hour and refreshments will be served. portrait • < Tot Is being arnrced by Mrs. Glaifys Haue, c:bairman ol opeclal projects, a D d WWW,._ may be made by mDlag Mn:. Haaee, 494-f894, Mila Lall Oollml, 494-290Z, or xi. Helen 0-. 137-6l87. ldvldmJ tf.IK'Vatkm art $1 aod blblee .. y be bod for $1. Churchwomen Map Activities ........ - SUSAN WHITEO July Data Women's Society of Chris-Mesa ns Uao Service, Laguna Beach Methodist Church, in addlUon Memb<n .. lqOd to a~ lend and bring guests. Estancia lligll s c b o o I Owls Hoot About Date Springtime Recreated Irish Lace Lines Fashion to planning a rummage s a l e Friday, April 25, are prepar. T w d A jam aesslon and spring ing for • luncheon meeUng 0 e Irish lace Is way up on bonnet parade will hlgblight Tuesday, April 22, at IZ:IO the popalarlty list among the 11th birthday celebration p.m. 1n the church. St. Andrew's Presbyterian buyers of lrilh fashions, 11ys of the Night Owls of the Mn. CIUford Bacon aod Clwrch will be the ..tting for Anne Tolan, laahion eipert for Newport Beach Hoot 'n Holler commltlee membera I he the July 5 nupUall linking frlsh lnlemaUonal Airlines. Roost Sunday, April 20. Mmes. F.d Jacobi, Phillpp Susan Whlled and~ Kenneth She knowa because she When the group meets at 1 Flower cam fllltd with Dillinger and Elwood Smith Emory. lpenda most ol the year p.m. in the Senior C1t1uns vloleta and bedecked wttb tur-will host the Juncheon, and News of the .forthcoming traveling throughout America Recreat.ion Center, Newport quolle at re a m er 1 will Mrs. Carl Ca1dwell ls program event has been announced by and Canada preaenUng shows Beach, guitarist Joe Chappelle transform Ibo Jrv1ne Coast chalrmao. Mr. and Mn. Earl J. Whited of lriah clothes. In Ibo past. of Costa Mesa, will entertain c:oantrJ Club into a Sprtng. The rummage ule1 cllairtd of Costa Mesa, parents of the 1risb lace wu uaed almoat with old and new pop tunes, time ln Paris scene when. by Mrs. Nonnan Chrlstensen, future bride who ls a graduate etcluslve.Jy u an accessory. and the bonnet parade will be : the After Five Supper Club of will take place from 9 a.m. to of Estancia High School an d Today it rivals tweeds, staged with prizes at stake. the TueldaJ Club of Newport 3 p.m. 1n the church. the Los Angeles College of 11 •• __ Reservations must be made Harbor ptben far' a buffet · M e d l c a I and D 1: n t a I im:u~ m1 other d.aples of and paid for at the meeting cfimm Bmmy, April 20. Assistants. Sbe Is a past ~,!abrics In.~ d:l~~ fOI' the trip to City of Hope. Ac:ocl;tall-willbeginal HB Mothers honor<d queen of Bethel !U, •·g~•I wear. '""' ...,~ whlchwillincludeadedlcatlon 5:50 p.m. and the buffet lint Job's Daughters. evtn using it In swimwear " ceremony in honor of the late wm ·fcnn •t 6:30 p.m. After Huntington Beach Blue Star Her fiance, l500 of Mr. andliiiMiiissiiTioilaniis11i.di.iiiiiiii·iii~ru~·cc~l~Ri~·~can1~.iiiiii~I -· da,..ing to the Warreo Molhen, Chapter 2, stage llln. Neil C. Emory, also °'/ Barter cr.-a will follow meetings Ibo aecond Moodaya en.ta Meea, Is a graduate ol WlllJ lt p.m. at l:IO p.m. In Lale Park EHS and all«lded Orange Mdblc a note II( 1-Clubbouse. Coast College. will be a~ Fmichii=============== :'!':~. ~iio a1ao s.ar, Only 13 Mo,. Days Until ~=~·b•in1 MARGIE WEBB'S E.~::::: ~ Gigantic 'Once-A-Year' Tent "SALE" -E-BRATION Medic.I Group ~· fADICS AT TUMINDOUS SAYINGS s,.., ..-Tuflldq el A111 ••••14.w ,.......,, wlues M ..,, ...,,,..,. &hep a._._.....,~ So, Ramem1-the Date --' Mllstanb' M-MAT ht Monday """ T , 21 & 22-Z • I ,.... =:;, :"..:i!J·~ And htlp us "Stll0E08rtl•" HOTEL LAGUN~, LAC::~-=~H callltlc Mn. Marjorie 2094 So. Coast Hwy. ·Laguna .leach P1 .... ~""'h'•"'-F,,."Y•""'il~.11.rc..u.11• .. 1,. Humbor,IH-ZZIJ. lt._~~~~~__::...._~...:___:~~~l~ ......................... ~J ' . ' I *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR All AGES! Babiea, children, adult& Groups photographed at additional 99c per suliject. *llMITED OFFER! One per Bl!bj~ two per famiJr. LAST 2 DAYS! ENDS APRIL 20th! PllllllllPIEIS •nro -" I PM UILY. Siii. 11 " I PM ..... ~--·----------------...J --WHIR FRONT Mlll'·-·--·-.r COSTA MESA 3088 l!tlSTOl AVENUE I I • I Ne~J!i . ·~a~hOr '• • • ·1. · • EDITl-ON I ·VOL. '62, NO. 93,.:fSECTIONS, 42 PAGES J • I ORANG£ COUNJY, CALIFORNIA • • ' • i t,J • '1 ' . Golf Course, Huge · Park Jtis.t Ahead: lf.v~Ue: By JEROME F. COLLINS Of 1119 Dtltl PIW lllff Ground will be broken on a 27·hole championship I o I f course in Newport Beach this summer, an Irvine Company spokesman disclosed today. , William Aldrich, Irvine public rel1- tions director, made the announcement In ,a talk be.fore the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. · He also reyealed th~ huge ranch cor- pciration inte.o<fs IOOft to donate XIO acres tO 'Orange ,County for, development of ·a region&! pork Jus1 north of the UCI com- ple1. County and Irvine representatives have beeo "in neg<K1ation" on the pro- ject for' months, he said.' 'Mle multi-million dollar Newport golf course, to be built to Proleuional Golfers' Association standards, will spread over hundreds ol lrvlne 1cres in Big ·Cab.yon i.long S&n Joaquin Road behind Newport Genter, Aldrich llill. The layout will ' ~iws · an area t>ou.ftded on tile oortb by Ford Road, on th< south by San Joaqnin !load, on 'th• iast by'MacArthur Boulevud and on the west by the Upper lllll'· · " Golf era will reach holes On the bayside of. Jamboree Road through a passageway to. be, constructed under the ~. Aldrich explained. · The Big Canyon gcilf course has been tallted about for montbl, ·be noted, ''but the· piana are now JWt ort the drawin1 boards." · ' - It will. take· about 11 months to· build. wort wUI beit<i thiJ July. December, i970, Js·the taraet date for completion. >:Idrich sold Irvine's boanl cil dlrffi9's' wijl nieet shortly fo dtcld<·~ly liow· it !'i)I 'be ,develo/'F and 'to 'aelect a developtr. · 1 , 1 • . He told some 1JO chamber , membtrs catlieiOd 1at 'the lialJ10~ Bay. Cfub· that there mJibt be-~fdeotlaJ ~C· tlon alon't the edges 'of~Uie course: A> declson on that, however, is yet to be ' made. Aldrich said the . unlvenity area regional park will lnclude la)es filled with reclaimed water. "We11 supply ,the ' water from our sewage treatment ,Plants," be said. · 'l'bO park ~!O lia rouglily betwffn the 'l'Urtie '1oCk apd UiilVeislty ,Part reaiden· t.ial developments. • . ' · Cooitruct!on of . pirk facU!Ut. and .. -·· . . ~ . U.S. _Guards Spy Flight~ Nixon· Says Missions Vital to Troops in Kore~ . FlipJring:· °"~~ I Flaf.f~,;; ..... "~K,.;;.;:,. . . . . ... ) . ' Jack Zar.emba wBnn.s up ,for i'ole ·as •cbef 88.tutday· when 6fange Coast YMCA SJl911Sors "!U'Ual'flapjack feed-at-,1\ichanl's LidO'ldarket. Y will otter complete,b~astJor :$1 per penon from 7.:3o a .m. to U a.m. Proceed~ •go· t!I' Y's swlminll!g ,pool fund. Nixon Says Pe~ce Chances 'Signi1icant~·bnpr~v~<J; From Wirt Setvlbet 1 ariny' 1o· 1ssuine more of the. burden of WASHINGTON -President Nixon fight~ ~ war, and re~oe ·(,•~ ac- declared today that chances for peace in commodation at the !'f!ace ta!~ Vietnam "have sipificanUy improved" -Re'~ the-level of U.S. · IJh since he took office -but added he does VietnJm was down "eillier ~ Uie not want to raise false hopes that peace (Communists') spring offeoti\'.e ,._'run ls around the corner. it.s C<MJiR or Is at a substantial bill" Nil:on told a news conference his -A message proposmg tu reb'm win a.ssessment wu based on "a number of · ~· sW>rpitted to Congres1 Monday or developments," but when he listed them, Tuesday. He would not disct&U·lt fllrthtr. he gave no indication that the eom~ · -He replied "no" when .-keel .tmeth~r munists have signaled a willingness to the adminiatration inter'1de4 to keep the move toward aetUement. .. , 10 percent 'Income wrtu in effect once Instead, he stressed improvement "of 1be war in Yietnam is over. the capabilities of South Vietnam The President said the Soviet nuclear s.I&Ofl'S willingness to accept some com: ~ength, ln both D'lisallu and sub- prqmise in the makeup of. a fulw't . marlnes .• had increased eo percent Ii~ government and &re11ter Political ltabili· the Ol"ljinal dedJion WU lllHe .in t• to ty in the ~th. ' deploy a U.S. anliballlsUc mbllle (ABM) Ht: said the latter factors would "give a system. better opportunity for negotiating room'' WASHING TON (UPI) -Pr<lident Nixon today ordered resumption of U.S. teconnaissance flights off the North Korean coast and aerved notice" that "they will be protected'." ' · "Wben1 planes of the United States or ships of the lhtited States In lntelllg.oce galbrerlng, -" in lnttrnational waters or intemaUonal air space. they are not fair game," he President told' a ntwt con- ference!. "They wlll not be ln the futUT'e," lie declared. "They will be protected. That is not a threat, but a statement of fact." He said that as President ht could not uk 56,llOO American troapg ttal!Olled la · N<Wport lleadf p Ja'.n n I n 1 . eom- tni!aionen · 'IlrundtY nJcbt .•i!Pm'ed plaN for .. ·t1111blulfelemenluy ocboof lhat scJioof officials lfope ·wlll •open In September ' of 1970: Realdenti oi the area lilve hid to wait through a.. -electlons; the flnl four of which lolled, for funds .lo buy !be land and bulld the ICbooi. ' Included In the ltU milllOn ~ looue Iba! pulled Feb. 11 Is. $1,115,000 for tho Eastblull school. . · Roy Andenen, 'Newport.Mesa. Unified School Dlsti'lct'• admlnlatrative wilt.ant !Or achoo! facllllies, aaid the city planners action Thursday night was "just a fonnallty." Aj:iP,tovtd. wu · a reaubcliviaioD to split .out U)e• Mhool site from 'a' Jaraer · ITvine Company parcel and 1 Use pennlt ·to allow construcUoft of. the school . in ~a residential area. CoDd.lUons, Oonsidered routine, are that oil outdoor lighting be dtrected away &om ~pnpertla ud lbat the school dlltrlcl improve -1lalf of !be street VIJta de! Oro od)oc:ent to the site. Ander..iq aaid the il-acre •lie wlll be pun:haoed from the Irvine Compony for 1218,505, lhree-lourtbl of the opprailed land value. There are .legal lllepa that' W1Ust be iaken1. but the prk;e bu been qreed 10 , and the sale Proi!<bly ~ ·10 h\'O -•-Julyl,-.Ald. Tiie Irvine Compony flnt !l"i<txf !lie prop& 1)1 for 1 IChool -election five years aco and bu not lncreued Jt since, desplta rlllq-lud .. iuu.• Plsnl for the ldlciol were -pleted , (Jlee EMTllLUPI", Pop I) South -Xorea lo be endlllC!ftd by not hav\nc lriteUJgence knowledge which he wa the unarmed r<eonnaiasahce fli&bts proYide. Nixon aa.id North Korea had .been dlsplayb>g · Jncrwed ~. He noled !bet the number ol Incidents In- volving North Kdrean infiltration into' South Kort.a has increaSed.- He said that further U.S. moves as a result~ loll of an unanned 'Navy recoo- noimDce ~. oWJth 1 crow' of .11, lo North Korean M!Ga "will depend on the circumstance," 1 n c l u d ing 'Nartb ' ' '...-. 1 • . t . • I \, . ·: , f I . PANllUIQOM,-~·,WP!) -Tiie Unll<if~-tdlla ~N'orth Korea of , 1 . •ca1cilililed ~ of iQleialoil" !n sbooflllg"town an :.\me'rk¥ ·spy plane Md tGli tM·Q+11nitadstl tltY•riluit "IC-- count far tbe caaaequences.; Tiie' first I-lo-lace meillng "11• U.S. and .. North' Koreait olflctall :111nce. the plane; nnt down with II jneo aboard TQeodiy plttod:U.S, Air FGl'Ce Maj. Gen. Jamea B. Knapp against North .K<ftan r,faj, \Gen. RI Cbool>Sun . It thiJ truce vllltpcbdwe;ea",the two ·Koreu.. lt '<l!ded,,abruplly 4J minutes liter .11 bepn. ltlapp,llalted out of the -t hut meeting wltb· RI demanding lo know: "Whal Wll the belonglnc of tho-E<ltll air<raft?. , .Why do YOU nol tell UI the belonglfta? .•. Tell'us•tbe bOJoii'iil!I.'" ' RI 1pparent1rw11-ti)'inl 1o iet Knapp to IQ',the U.S. Na\!)' plane WU baled in Japan. 'lbe Korean Mllltary Anniltice Conuniulon, under whoae authority Ri Korea's reaction to · ~ resumption of· u.s. aerial reconnaiuance. 'Ibe 'prOptlltr-dri.vea ECl2l1 was· lhot down by North Korean Jell Monday. · N]i<on said l>olh . U.S. and ,_vlet radar sightings definitely ealablllhed tbal !be, U.S. plane WU "approximately to mllel" at te• at~tbe time o~ ~~ck.-far ))eyond the . 12 mile limit claimed · by North Korea . , "Thia attack was unprovpk.ed, it wu dell.berate, ·it w~ wttbout. warpinc," Nix· On aaid ·in ·a er..ve vo~· tti1t leelDed huSty with emotlOrial tension.~· ' ' . Nl1on 1ald lhe recorinalslance rught.s ~ KnaPP: w~ ~i dl:lts Dot cover actlvltill Outside f;qre,t, 1 •Apparently under 'orders not to' debate {be ineldalt, Knapp climbed WO hll car aod , beadtd IOUtb, bil 1 t a·t em· e q t delivertd. It lllcJ the U.S. Navy EC111 rtCOllNJssance ·plane . wU wen outs~ North Korean terrltm:Y, pated no threat to ·u.e eommuntsts ind wu ·tniaged ln'a "complitely k!gltimale'' operauon. "It WU not at~ )'<Ill « perparlng to attact you or aupPorttnj"'an• attact on you,".llCDapp'i atatemlnt said. "The obootlng c!Own Of this U-'llai<s plW was not an act of ltlt-defeme. u wU a calculaled act of ·~ ''Thi• ad eannot be jultlfied ·under in- ternaUonal law. On tbe contl'l!f, the·cen- turl .... !d tndtlo<i .ol'.!riOaciin' oflJ!~"! and the newer flrJnelple • ""'""'"' freeodm ol tbe airspace over in· ternatlonal waten ciearly. make yo\D' ac- Uon lllegal. • 1 • Mesa Scorns N~port's Grip~$ .Over ~nnexatio.n ' 1'gh luc1t,"1our irapa-iri,i muddyina lrale 'Newport f!each olflclall. of the mUnlclpal -..atm ...,. tennt "I ,.. Mr. Hurlburt Is • llllle unhlp- broucht to mind today, u C..·M..... py," COJl1l1l<Oted Mayoc.Alvin•L. Pinkley raponlled to 11111')' -of lhetr , with airy. llOllchalance. ne'!....,.. _k Bay ~tlGn pllm by "II breW my 1*lt;" be'addicl, bu1 . llt tht: Paris peace ccnfert:nei. The Presi· dent, in his first news conference since March 14, also made these points: Marines Want Say on· To·ro • • '-He is not considering a unilateral "ithdrawal of American troops from South Vieblam. He said ht saw little pro. ePect of reducing the American com- mjtment Ihm until slpilllcant progress }lad been made in reducing the leYel or filblln(, training the South Vietnameae dhln'I ,.... about lo call In a cardiac )-lalllt. ' . • -Newport Buch City M1N11er Harvey L. Hurlburt 1"""1 and fumed mightily Thunday at the ..., COiia M... pro. posal which .wll\ be ~ lflay.H by the 'COUl!ty's li>col A""'1 Formation Commission. · Cown~l Hints Some Bases Could Be · Phmed-out ~~'C~~"'Jl:U.";°".::!:1~~a~ ' ' ' ' 1 aflnJlar, NfWj>clrt' ileal:h' fll'o\1illil GI lit • Patrons Get Mad At Getting 86' d By JANICE BERMAN parliclpale In ony cJloculliona· or dell~" Limberl uld be felt the Board of acres just about what lsraol' .,-.rtit °' • ...., ,.., ...,. ·~ We would 'be bdlrelCtd. i. in Supervllon bu narrowed lta view on El does to lb rieJ«hbori. · Marine Coloo\el Rohen Limber& uld participation with citizen ll'OUPI·" 1· Toro, and that .Ibo l'Artlr•ll'edero!Avia-i:-ntJally, the bitter Bick f!ay ba~·- Thundlyi tho Marine Corps. woUld wtl· He aaid that the dtca&oa of the Board Uon AdmlnlltraUon 1,,.,,,: •lb.as nowhere t11na ·centers ·IJ'Vl.inC1 each dt)''1 nee to " of Supervflon to lnlUaJe U. Pereira _, · pt to ,pr;,.e lnd._trW land -!JI come any oJlportunlty to participate In !ludy ol El Toro u 1 "Prime 1lte" for 1 mentioned the Marine Corps or ·the Oranco County Airport, 1 poloottallY rid! clvUlaa stddies tin pcmlble conwnton or new airport ·w11 "not • good one. It ii Dl)t Department or Defeme," eveo ,Jbough. . ta1" 10Urce for whbe~ ~ ;m It. the El Toro Marine Cerpo Air statlGn to an obJec:Uve study of the P,roblem." "•l\Y decblon will ·not be illadt by the "Thll II lyJ!lcol If ' Calta ' Mm,•.• )tiding aroond Sid'• Blue B.oet llke In· joint Ult by iillllluy and '. conunefdol Limberg ln!ilted that aey atudy ohould Botnl of Supervllon or anyone coo-Hurlburt decland ThQrlday, "what Ibey dr1n1 around a wagon train, two .angry aircrafL tate other pootblt airport aitea htlo cm--nected wlth It. but by tbe ~of want. effectively Cllll olr .-uation plln ba~s wbo had been reluaed At the -• Ume, Limbers lllcJ lhe liderallon. 1 • Def-. to pieces, breaks .,,.. lll&hliorbood and any more firewat<t 'finally wi<alled lh<Jr '· Mll'tne' Corpo 'lloel nol believe El Toro He lilnted lber' mlahl. ~ a P!lfllb\llly I ''Tiie DelenM Departmait ...W 11o ob-n!otllt (9ula ia" ' "ngtanee ln Newport Beach Thunday. would be 1 pd faclllty for ciJmblded of COlllOlldatlni i.UtlnC mlll\arY'iiuel1n , jectl>e, and,R llould be rp '-. Qraace . • "~ W . '"" to and' - . . . . ·'~:..~· were Immediately IUIP'"'i¥ ··~. \L'_. l1~ EC)ll wu11oat· bul ..... lpe..bpol «~, such-.............. Ile ........... the few rug!l!I wOuld be niiide -- lection but Cledlned·to 111·-*el protection -.Id be~-l He lltrelled•that the 1W . to. mJ tinue Dlghts with ...-. 11 I I . not ~Uy ,qie "final'! U.S.)~\ ''9ur ictton1 Jn~ Ill!'\~ jrtll, f\O clOtermlned by what happena ln1he !Utui'e," be llill. 1 ' Two bodiea have been rec:O.....i lnlm the Sea of Japan alQCe; the ECW ~ down and ..,.1-11 bald oul for mnival of any of the ~ •· Sewers . Eixed ' • 1 '. •; •. ··: . 1lflit .:Q~®Jl.n'' I ~ ~ .. Nat . o · mi·.,y et·· I , ' After IO Jong dan wort hU been . ...,.' ~ .. palr!ni nrPcurecl -riralnl In Rlftnlde and tho flow of ...... lnlo the Sarda ·Ana River ' bai ""-· 'Jiailed ' ~ . ••tl>«lties 1n that city arinounotjl lllday. I l!eca ... °" ruplund'.IJoel;-....,. j>ln' , "!>' to.' ID llllDloo' pilona of nw sewage into .the river. eecb • dq,1 the beacbel 'In NewJ!011 1 lleli:h 'i11<1 Hrm- tlngtori' •!leach have been oil lllnita lo 1wiiumlri aiJd IUlfm sjnc8 Jari. 30. ', llut the quarantine will not be IHted fn>. mecltately, acC.rding to a,.'s.,.sione. diredor 1of Envtronmental1 SanttatiCln f« the .-Onnge County Hiailh !Jl:plr-. He ll1d tbe contamlnltlori -'!Jlll-tm -10r .. -indeDnlti pii'lod'..attie 'bilicliil w!O be ciooeil untD bOCtlllO counts 'in ocean waten from the Newp;ort; Pier lo tbe northw!ll·end ol Hantlnplt Beaelr 'Siate ·l'lri 'bOd -· -levelJ. -·.a The Riverside sewer ·Jines Wtrl ·rup- tured Jan. 11 In the 111'11 ll'OUI' of Iii# •lonnl lhat'hlt Southt!nr 'Calllllrala..,,.. Qow WU r.cJuced afler -..... lMtt enough ...... ,. ~ lo flow In die flood waters lo make !be beaches -.. The Orange County Water Dlllrlc:tlwtU 1 tlart work within 10 dl)'l lo ropoJr 41ll<t1 and ponds In the river used lo ~ water Jnto the underground.buln. District M Langdon OW-1111d . lhlsWGUl4c:::G' ~"' '"'~6:;; the· river fn>m 1 polilt llClrlh ii A-... NEW YD!Ut • (AP) -tlio marat, """,. -aflll udr u lnvm,n ""' ~ cloold II aimoll !be -!U<o!ll.bad .,.. .. (See q--, "-10.11). Oraa•• .. • First, they-· four wine glUleJ with civilian and mlllllt)' uoe, beca• only , tbe ~ C<l6itJ _,. plrihtt atrport I CoutilY lb Include lhem tM iftidleO," ' !Gr joJhs)lo -.. In uh tny, ........... ., ..... Jimlled.tr·~-IJ>llOl."""'""ler ~.-, •• air ·~ •• ,on, ~,~,no.w-Ml";b7.'1be ,1 ,1114 Llnihll:s. • k,M ._; , ' ."todlt . · Etitinf! the 'popular spa •t 107 2tot u~ "' t ·--1 Din Emary .. cbalrmMJof the Al,.,.n • when .anes ' -' Place, they JumP'!d Into• wand made Col. Llmbera 11 Alllatant Chief o1 Stal! "We have .ii mllJtaiy lnotaltatlonl' In I Nolle Abafemeot ~ a'1d 11.tbet ~nJp\ ,fiW~',, .. I )JaU at the premlaes, throwing I Duh for pllnl and projrama for .the. COin· the lmmed~ ~l't~,.81"11' U ·l ,,..ul tC mettinl Ibo!~ of'NIWJ?0'1 IleaCh 41'C ffj ' • , ........ JllJht harmlnaly. · manderofMarineCorpaAJr'Bunlntbe World'W1rll:1ft1ac:od<:dv1blt 'lhat-llldc.Ota'!reulriusttot~J~llilllht'' olf Jot ·-ffll 1 Around Ibey came apln. will. • bl.sea lbould . bl ,...iamJDlil hi ooo--he called "lnc:remebtal, -~~· Jane -by Smub. A hunt of wood bnlke tbe plate 5peat1n1 at 1 meeUng ol the Cltl,... lldtraUon <If Mw' 10Clll 'nd othtt lac· lllJll lo~· °'1111!.9""!'1 AlrJ>l!rt. 1 ·Piiio-I Rl1I ~-~,and 1J1u •-In Ille ltont of the nllJhllJIO& Hartlor .U.1 jkltarch Team !CHART) ·lor•. Tiie -It ln ,"rtllhlftstori ...,...., , Colta 11 .. .._ !""'}' L,, Ptntler. , K1h . . ._. trtod.-- and they Oed, apparently with "5 'IWlh In Colla MOii, tJmbtrg .. Id, "Al no U-facts Jnd)ldalil '!!h~ 'DI . ~with Emorr:. ,! · l"'i: ' 11ntf!o-... Pl-1-ol of satllfactlon encted from owner point hU any Marine Corps or Depar<-..,,. Pol!W'• wmildlie,Ja .nier;• ~·.um.., ''JI•• jull 1it Ind 1i;Y.w«'Oji~~ • Uon No..-Ooe - Skfney L. Soller. mtnt of Dettue ofDcial been invited to btr1. . 1 ~ • • .! ' ""'"" 'i1y bib," .bi ia1d.. ..:. ~ .,..,,.,... tl \ l • .. ·., • I. '1 ·-·-• Slwtg~ns Halt Mesa Suspect .,. Aldlll1R .. ~lNSa. .................. Gamblh!c cin the -thol hla !DID carried no I""· a COiia Mua pollct fll. fic<r climbed to tho rool al a - ......... """'oarlJ today and....,_ a balkf burllarJ ......... " a .... 'Patrolman John Mlchad WU ""9eCI by two fellow olflcerl with obolgona trainee! GO the W>COOpetative quany, who WU lowerad from Iha n>Oftop b)' band, klckinl and aqulrmlnl. Abraham H. Buls. lll, al Ill E. - SL., Santa,Ana, WU. boobd OI IUf:'Pklm al bur&lar7 alter tho J a.m. -lloD at Grut'• Surplua. 17!0 Newport Blvd., ln\'eltlpton uld. -"" Ibo -" !rub -beloC mond at Ibo -II tho Nlllc bulldinf, a nelPbor loollad aut and callad police 111«· oee4nl a ~ IDlll climb to the roof. Officer Mlcbael parked DOii' the ocene, climbed olito a larae trash receptade of .. ferinl a vlaw al Ibo rcof and ..-.. tbo man later ld<ntllled u Rull to ,,_and put up hla bands. He 1till n!Ulad to do~ !land where be WU and Iba wenl after him, u 111m1 u GUJ Shull and Officer Dave Dye arrtv.d lo take up ahotgun guanl duty. The ~ ttrQioed croucbed near • door enterlnr Into tbo IUl'jllua """' below, ao Officer Mlcbael rra-llhn and slammed him lo a -pacltlan IO be could be llOlld>ed. Jnvelllptln llld Rull -~ -mauntad In a bolder In hla pocbl, Iba """ " tool uiid to -Opoa -c.,.-. (l ,\/IV 1•1101 OIMM'CQt.11 PUM.llHIM CCIMMlf'r ..... N. W•" _ .. _ .J.cll l. c-t.., vtll """'9M ... ...., ....... n ....... •...rt ·-Tlle111•• A. M1r1tlil11t ~ltltlt J,,... F. e.111 .. --C:ltr ...... ---. '11l·w,,1 la!k. hftn-4 ~ ""'""'''°··'-·''"·r· .. .,,;,.""-' . --~·= :r-~~ ''!'+!~,. ..... · ,_ .. ... . ~-• "' . be would have r«ommended to the boald " • ti.IL . Lo' "l~ ..... --........ 1 _ doo' want I'! _.. _. lll1 --~ .... ---------cessor,'' be said. , 'OG. BOOK In five yeara u Hayward ICbooll • • ' ' luperinlendent, Cunningham WU "'°" cessful' In pagjna !II< onl1 finance But maybe not unheard of. A lt.35 tu hike .....,.. II now pending in Garden . Grove •• ""'rPY. I uked. Nlcbob concoded lhat mayba ti\< boOfd did wait tao kmg -until the t!tpUon became drastic and the Increase needed too much for voters to stomach. But lloyward II a low wealth area and It WU known there WU a general ttllstance lo tncreulng tues, be pointed out. , "Anyway,11 he aakl, '"Mat dbtriet WU able to limp aJooc. Each yell' the elate I.,JsJatnre camt through and balled it Clll UnUl tut year .. " Cunningham says wben he I e f t Hayward he hadn't even conalclereC! what amount to uk. He u.ys being away from the sCtne lie jull doesn't knOw whethei measure tried, a bond laue. 'J'he _auperintendent ahowed here he is able~to work a aalenyian'1 magic. He studied the marW·m>I IOld -ooal "l'Porlwlity to Ille·~ -""' wW· Ing to buy -m'alnly Iha parenta. We aren't to'tnow if we could have sold tbe people of Hayward. Nichols, meanwbile, isn't .Jurt wbtthtr lhe teachen' tactic "· aolnc to perouade Hayward voters to change their mtndll. "The rtacllon hu bten mind," he said. '*There 1te1111 to be more \D)o derslandlng of the problem. But there a1ao has been anger. 1bere hava been some iubtle counterpresa\ll'el from tbt. 5Chool 1dminiitration. But nothin1 ~ tlonary." Cunningham, al cour11, II &lad to bo here i~ad al lhera • .Jle f....i ......,... . pastures. -.. 'Dimn.e' .. • aor ta &.!no. 'llta\e Sen. Johil G • 11ciun11s oi;Tiillinl uld Tlwnday -wtth c:ertatn qu1Ufle1Uoos -after a m1r1thon commlJtee sesaion in Sacramento on biJ two P.'OPOfab for curbtQS sex educadon. .( · 5chmlli re!Olulf<>n cllllni on · school dietrlctl to curtail· .u· new IU'education _,_ unill the Lqlalll!•re cm aludy the · atal<wide cnntnmny about the issues was passed. The Senate F.ducatina · CommiUee did not act on a bill by ,Schmit.I requiring parental conaent fM' a student to t•ke a sex educaUon course and it was held (or revlllon. A claUM slllinf directly that aome clNlroom material vvgu on outrlaht poroognphy -deleted before the com· mittee paSRd the meuure aimed at tem- porarily free&ing ""' c1--. Exlltlng ~ educaUon F,OIJ'ltnS an not llffectecl by the action concludinr a lea(, pgt..mldnllht bearing In which the chllnDu Son. Alberl S. Rodda ( D- 8acraIPento) cast the lone dlswntlq vote. Russ Skipper Gives 'U.S. Flying Clubs DownedP'lane Wreckage ~=~ay !ee WASIUNGTON (UPI) -1be lklpper al downed about 90 mila awsy from lhe po Frot11 P .. e J GOLF COURSE •• grttn bf.It relief for our communH.la,'' he oald, adding, "It will a1ao help UI merchandise the area." PEEK INTO FllTUllE The Irvine public relatlolll chief packed his talk this mornln1 with wbat be term· ed olher "peeks into the future." They in- cluded : Groans were heant at Ume1 among proponen1I and opponent.II of aex educa· tion, who stood and ut in the aillu, but emotionl, for the most part, were ...trained. sen. Rodda threatened at one point to halt the pn>Cftdlnp, which featured ii sharp uchange between John Birch Society member Schmitz and a Loot-· Beach poycbologllt. Dr. Ralph ECkert, pruldent of tbe Southern California C:Ouncll of Fam.Uy Relations, charged Iha! U any lmmoraUty b beJn& taught today, It is among vitriolic attackers of. aez education. a Ru11taD c1e1tro1fr tumed mr to an NorthKaraan-aadnever=ted A -orange County airport ordln· American naval caploln todar 11everal lJ: =~ "::• .:mo al ~~ anco, ICbeduled f<>< alJ:lns before lho "1be distorllon has reeUy frightened me. The moet immoral things I've IMl1 done lately are by opponents of thia," llkt Dr. Eckert, 1pecifically naming two at<ddl aroupe. pieoel " -... and -1 ,_ -·-.. -.... --'d to be drlltlnr'""" ror Alrporl Commbslon Tuesday, will Include w1-"' a new aection aettlng aMual fees for picked uJi In Iha Sea al Japan while help-out at ,.. toward the Norlb K""an aome flying clubo -•Ung out or the --Construction aoon al four addlUonal commerclaJ towers almllar tn me and de~sn to .tbe recontly IMOWICad 110 mllllon, lktory Seaboard F Jn an c e building. They will aU be built on the rim of Newport Center. lnr -for Ille U.S. Navy pla 11i1ot coat. county airport, aocordini lo county Di· c1o!m by Nor111 Korea. Tbe PanlqaG "l'O'I today llld the rector or Aviation Robert Breanahan. Tbe p..,tqoo Mid Ille cllj)taln al Ibo oearcb wu mw -.red about eo mllea 1be 1 .. , 12,400 a year, Is Jimed at -i111 llblp, ldantilled u th 0 ~"1'~"'J' Korun. -· will> "no bringing the flying clubs In line wllh lhe From Pqe J ANNEXATION •• _ ,,1._.. ~&hted airport'• fi:red bue operators, fJ.nan.. Vdokrmawt,t, ~on hll 111lnctre ~ clally, the aviaUon aecutlve aald. ~. ~, 1be chan11:e ii aimed at those clubs that -Groundbreaking this wmmer fer a 1,300-unlt garden apartmant project overlooking Ibo Upper ~Y MU the San are deflnltely' au lhat !edlon, but they Joaquin Road.Jamboree BouJevltd m. are enthualastically pattlng that new tersect!on. Gmlon BUar al San Fru-&lulh 40, bounded by TusUn and Santa No -ii beld tllat any al 111o JI m... Air Cal lo' B•><• 1 ..... one or more planeo and offer flight an the Eclsl, a f~ snpelltt. u.o instnlctlon and rental of the plane at driven reconDlillance p1-tl)ot-down reduced rates, Bresnahan said. by N«th Korea MIGi. wlD be found OC p Such clubs can ofter rates lower than clsco will be tbe builder. Alla Avenuea and Canada Way. alive. Two bodlia Wft picked up Th-assengers those charged by fixed base operators day by the UM TUcker, the JIJDe because they are not !lubjed to such rost -Expansion of the Irvine lndultrill "Here are people who have done Park area from 3,100 acra to aboul 6,000 ~ and sane lo llchool In Costa acre1. The area now aurTOUQd1 Oranp Mesa and now they finally want to County farport oo Ihm llldeo, llretchlnr become i part of the city or Costa MeA," destroyer that today rendtivOUJed with T T _ B h item!I as coonty-lmpose.d i n s u r a n c e the Vdoknov<My and took aboard debris 0 .LiUDg eac coverage, lease charges and federal picked from the 1ea by tbe J\uallan rqulaUOlll on Ollhl Instructors. norlheut Iowan! Tullln. Mayor Pinkley Aid today. ·The demand for t h 1 company'• "We ]ll'Oll1laed the people In lhe county Vetlel. Tbe PMUp Nld tile ilnll Included, me of the several rubber life raftl from the ECL21, three leather jacket.!, a parachute, 90IDt aircraft .eMs and two "ezpoour< IU!ta" al tbe typo tbot the men ...Wd don, If lhoy bad time, In event al a Jandhw In tbe ~ .. , I , 1be Tucbr'I captain. Cmdr. !ihiidon D. Kull,y al San Francisco, thanked hi1 Ruuian coUnter'part for bla upreuion of candolancel and for Ibo belp that Iha VdolmuVtnn)' ,and a 11<0111' Rulolan daltr.yw ~ lent In tbe -. "' Ptn-1-llld. Tbe Hlldavouo took ~ about IO -al milel IOU!h al VJadlv-. the bla IWalian rar Eaot oeoport. 'nle TUcker w11 ordered to rtturn to ita bue In S-bo, Japan, wllh Ibo two -altar eollectlac otber dobril from tl>a mloalni pilne picked up durlnl the -In whidl tllreo --,.r1 and at Ieut five Amerkan p-were por11c1paa.c. . 1be ~ aid the !CW w• Alt-California _,..., will be flown leuehold Industrial I a n cl. explained carrldor out Ibero 15 yearo ago lhat we to ..:.... ·~-· from • ~ Beacb Fr-Pqe 1 Aldrltb, ii much heavier than had --~ b'1 lo brlnr lhem In un1 ... Ibey UK1l" -w.ll\llW ~ aaked," be contklued. ~ for IO· doYI bqinnllls lo(on<lay, EASTBLUFF anticipated. "l Jll!I want lo beck him up In what he the ilrline'tl olllclil ......,ited Ibis • "I• tbe put M mnntlll, we'.ve lllned .. ,.1oo,"_,.entedJolmMcKamey,or , • • up S4 flnm, from space are laba lo boot Red'··•· k f 3'I t morning allft~n -~!W rl'1' before . a 1111' bciod election. 1bey are bulldera," be ""1d. "Anc! 11'1 ap-t 21111 -Ave., opo esman or ou 1-8-11 ~ -" "! i . be'"• updated lll1fi by ~tecll, lhat our 'ortpial prajtctlon ol 71,000 al 41 property owners who signed an an- Alr Cllllamla olllCIU ..,;pioulsid~-.w~ ... said. .. Indullrlal . "Park employeo WU lo<1 "':C~::..U ...... ~;.i In tbe papen all f enpn will deplrt. from Orange For t.bt recerit. succeuful bond election modest. We'll have several lhouaand ttt the Costa Mesa City Council a month ... -•--f "· h I 1ncrea··• 1-more than that, obvt-··1"." lh _, Qiunty Airport is .usual fnd be bqsed ,to wg;..,..... o w111:: IC oo was -.. •um ........., ago, leading lo aubmiasion of e pr ... ~ tile i.a,. Beach alntrlp. All ~ IO to 2fl clasaroomo and a student capaci· to lhe higber county agency for bearlnl· will nmaln tbl am• • It ...._L ty of 770, Andersen aaid. 3 E Pl Cr b "We got together and asked the city to r-• lie expectl a con1truction cnntract to scape ane 88 annex," aaid McKamey. De bus trip to Lorie '6lcfl _ls be let by the end of thl1 11.1mmer. It One o( Hurlburt'a complaints Thursday atlmated .t IS minutM and ·lfl'halt 1t would ct.ve Ume to have the acboot ready DANVILLE, Ill. (AP) - A Strategtc wu that Santa Ana Avenue, which Sin 1'rlnclaco, OUllnd IDd S. Jwe will for occup111cy 11comfortably by Sep-Air Command 858 bomber cruhed neer becomes Red HUI Avtnue u It leaves the be that mucb later ti*2. nonoal tember of 1970 but not 100ner," Andersen Danville Friday after its three-man crew city limit, is ·the logicat Costa ?desa· thftJuahout the day. 1be amt llJl)U.et ta aaid. parachuted to safety. Tbe four-engine Newport Beach boundary line. returnlnC paaencen .mo will be bued. Elementary students from the Hustler, costing $8 million, crashed and "Mr. Hurlburt can say all he wants from Lone Beacb to Oranp C<uJtJ' Easthluff area now are bused to Harbor virtually diJintegrated on the grounds of that everything f.ast or Santa Ana Avtnue Airport. View School, "here, Andersen pointed a grayel plant to miles from D_an\111•. btl-lo Newport Beach," Mcltamey Atr CeUfanlla otncWI eipect reptlr Out, !pl.Cl! 11 needed for newly-developing Pieces of wreckagt wen 1trewn for a.tllt. · work on the local atnat'• main nznw11 . _1r_ac1a __ 1n_the_hi_ll_•_•_bov_e _Co_rnna __ d_el_M_ar_. __ m_ll•_•·------------"-He_'•_wrnn __ s_, '_' h_e_•_dd_ed_em_ph_at_ica_n_y. to be comp-b)' Tllllnday, Y.oy I and ,. Iba alrllne plalll to -fll&hta from Iha ~ _Friday, llay I. YOUR . COMMUNITY .IOdO •LASS TOP TAll.l-'N" THICK 'Gift-Wrapped' By The SPICIAL $14410 .... 11"· • •• 11 .... ..,... ........ .., ............ ·•· ... -....... .., ,..... Deo't -•• M•'*r te ... ~ • • r1•1nlllt1 ...... ..,, i u,.,.._.,."';" t'•••11 •-.... ,_ _ ..,.... ,.., a ......... -oW a" -mte 21 - -_.....,.,.. -• IXC\.\llM DIAUU P01b HINRIDON-DlllXIL-HIRnAll to DAYS NO INTllllST-LOHllR TlllMI AVAIL.AILI OM APPllOVID CltlDIT NIWPOltT llACH '11'7 -'lfl Dr., MWOIO --41' 'l'IL ' INTBIOIS Pref111t.n.I lnt .. ler Ava11o:."'STC NSID LAGUNA llACH MS North c...t Hwy. °"" ..,.,, ,. ' _,,. __ ., ___ ,w • ' From its di&tinctive cover, featuring some of t.he HGrbor Aret1' s best known multi-storied buildin<Js. right on through« poges of focts, figures, phone numbers ond phoios, here is YOUR ,COMMUN ITY. It po d oges end 9ift wraps the mt1ny communities of interest 'in tho Newport Booch·Costo Moso oreo in e publicotion you'll wont to keep hondy oil yeor long for reference. You con get exfro copfo1, too, for you,.elf or for o fr iend who isn't lucky enough to fovo hero (25 cents over the counter ot either the Newport Booch or Cosio Mose office of the DlllL Y PILOT or 35 conn by m • i I fo enywnore in th o United Stotts). • DAILY PILOT r----------, I ca, ........... , OIAN•I COAST DAILY PILOT I I '" •. .., .... u•• ..... ........ I c... ...._ C& fJU1 ....,_ ...... c.. tJ646 I ,.._ ......... ..,... " ... '"' ...... "'YOUI I COMMUNnT ... I • JI ......... I ..... I ...... .............. I I Fill I• ~l.1b lt,lew witfri .-ur ew11 ••-•"' td.lr .. • ... tk1t •f ,.,. .... ~ .,. ...... ••JI•• 111111.4.1 I ·-I I · · · · · · · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ... ···· · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· .. . . .. .. ... I I ~~················-·························· I IChy -.., I I ···~:;;:f~·~·~·:;:·;:·~·~·· I -· -----· . "ji9, • ____ ,,.,,_..., ___ _ • I \ Survey C.adaeted Job Corps Helps~ But Not for Long WASlllNGTON (UPI) -A Louil llarrla SurvtY .,..., that lllOlt Job OxlJI ll'adUINI keep their jobt and ltl flil<I -and moot of thelr ....... want to h l r e addlUonal corpsmen. But Ill of Han!I; llodln(1, which he revealed to a Houee comm.ittee Tbanday and WU scheduled to lhare with a Senate committee today, were oot optimistic: "After three yean the Ad- vetqes are blotted out. In lhl ·-of -help ...., ... ..-roci 1111n bl the -quqmlre o I dllf'lmlnltloo I Q d dlald- Vllllqe ... Hmil I• ftltllyln( at congra8on1l hearings on the Nlaon ~at.ion's proposal to cloee more than bill of the 1111 Job Corps Centers. llllTia llld that JllOll Job Corps ...-ollees .,. black, averace ace 11, have an aver.,. roodjnf ablllly of the fifth crade le~l and hive not .... be)'Olld Ibo nlnlh ... -. SIJ: month! after leaving the Center, Harris said, 7~ percent « the graduates are litill on the job and 41 percent have received a raise. 'ftley were earning an averqe ol Ii cent.I an hour more than when tbey joined the Job Corps and l!9 percent of the emplO)'i!l"I II.id they were .intertsted in hirinl additional eorpmlftl. But eventually, Harris said in comments accompanying hil detailed , statistical report, the benefits wear off. ""'~ CZECHOSDOVAKIAN REPORM LEADIR OUSTID Dubcek Repleced by Conurvatlve Gvttev Huuk Dire~t Vote Changes 1' o Come After '72? WASHINGTON (UPI ) - Influential House members are launching a move to leave the method or electing the president undWi1ect u n t i I after President NlJon's op. portwllty to run for a second tenh In 1971. 'nle Houle Judiciary Com· mlttee 11 reed tentatively Thursday on an electoral reform p I a n incorporating direct popular election of the prtlident and provlsk>n for a runoff ii no candidate IOI IO pereent of the vote. • Nixon won Jut fill with 43 percent of the popular vote. The proposed constitutional amendment is subject to amendment before a final vote by the committee, expected perhaps u early u ne:1t Tue&- day . But II la unl!Uly the by reforms will be changed. Rep: WUlilm M. McCulloch, Ohio, ranttnc Republican on the commJitee, dlaclosed he will offer an amendment to delay thEj effectlve date or ~ constitutional amendment un- til two yeara after ratlflCaUon by the necessary 38 1tate1. Because it will be 1111 before some state lea11laturea get a crack at the proposal, this would hive the t!fect ot withholding the change i n method of electing the p~i­ dent until after the 1972 elec-tion. NILY Pll.OI' /I Police Soldier• Red No . Protests ~ Over Dubcek PRAGUE (AP) -Police leadmblp •hlnae. Although some people lma&lne fmdom him for Sto.ok nallonlllll ... reillforctmeatl and toldilr1 Dubcek. 47, Iott much a( bis ii bonnd1-, tm!!mlted ., :but tJvU.y, llllfdod atrlilllc poinll In wtJdb' OlthusuUc followtq u In evey «dered· lllle there 'l'bl -pmty fl r s t Coedioslov~ today, .bu I be -lor«d 14 make "°"' -be oarllln n&1eo of the 11Cn11ry ·-that u lltere "'" no re~ of -on l!Wr concesalon In the ...,., prUlllrlly ldbettnce to IOOO 11 the ....._ crlsll la -~ Ibo nb of the SOvltt lnvuioo l1W1, acfhoNnce to IOClal, Pl'· ~ lop prfortty will be npl-. of Ala-1aot August, ilullk II ty and clvll dbclpline " and rt••• to sol •l•f Dul>eek u Commlmlll parl1 pnerally d 1 s 11 k • d and JlrimlrUY empb.ula oo -C 1 1 c b o 1 Iovlldl'1 ur ... t chief. mlalrulted by lreedon>mlnded _.,., ~·-lll'Gblent He allo '!'be llO·mtmber Central trade unlonlsis and •tudenlx. HUNk 1ttacbd wllterjl ~ domocratlc ·-Committee 11 1 cr1'11 llll0Un(( Alter the announcement of· propapndlsll wbo be 111d of tho Pll'fllment and parti Thundly DUMd Gu It l V bll appointment, HUllk 1pob hope {o pudc CMchollovalda coqreu uu _. u aermlt.. Huu.k, the dour roMOMMI OD the radio and televillori IDd with ta1b of. a return to lbl tld ipy the 11tu1Uon. 'h The !'!"dt:.!! Duthe ~ party, to celled '"' tbe people "to bep dirk clay• of llalllnllm to lbe tledfoal bin -~ " --.., __ ,_ of _,._ _,_ cl1m Ind support the new wbeo the Stallnlltl imprisoned due to llr1et _..... ~ ...,..... ... ,~... leadenblp." •l:'i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii~~ii' lorcemenll and 1tm1 armortd "W •·· can were outaJde unlvtnity ' are not giv...,. up 1.111 bulldioo II the nallonal of the sreat ideu which s =~:r.t:~~t ;-:.~b°:" .:.:~~bu~·lt~ to all WIU'fER neeeaury to see whit, where No plau for demoortraqom and in what Order they can be • this were repon.d .. far. -put Into practice." ~ area wu .. -... to bava warned • • • ..--The first main Wk 11 "to ~ that SOvlet occupatloo ~ lead our society out of thla >.n.-lheola...U.i.-.N .. Tmk pil>Htlwwill would •tip ln lf local forcu state of crisis," he conUnued. 100alltiadu.citytoiatc:mn'llTitim. pmpoMlititou. could oot lleop order. "To m11te some pros-It la ..... -a..-Ijllt...nhyolpalollcatlm.n.tloa;-._ CTK, the C..Cbollovlk ,...., lodllpemabte at lhll Ume to '°""1• ,._..., .. uecti ... ol obort ....i. • ailida. aaency, 111d lbe C.nlrll Can-lntrodu<e more discipline both . ...uai-.· opod•ll"" llld ._ -..w ~ will mu.tee lwd flnlJbed It.I plenary In part and 1 1 111 he oortaered. Muion and lur1ber delilll ol Y soc ' • • • • the leadenhlp r • 1 b u 111 e 11 JOR ._ • m-ipt ~ (or a1-l'Mdy) I• pa),. would 11e llUIOllllCtd 111er. Oldest Japan 11u11oa, ...i-1d llU .. ......, 1, w111111t1o _..._ Praaue airport ~ to t.':.. Mlapboae m. oumhtt below, IN< or ......._ c.n llOl'lllll !riffle today alter Citizen Dying 9:00 ..... and llhOO ,_ ""' -,,_ -cioo:J.;to cunmercill pllnel llld -Yoa will ho cutacted Liter. ,. KAMAlSHI, Japar (UPI) -Tb nlibt. A Ir Port Jubel Naksmura, Ill, Japan's Tor.phone: I00/553-9550. Tld1 II a,_ oal. employ• uJcfRuul&n offlcen oldest res.ldent, today wu hid appeared It tbt control reported in a coma. Doctcr1 H,.. ,....., ...,. ,. • ......... ......,, loller. 1 ~Slld~~he~•:w:1ere<1".:_:•_::1tro::keJ_~·=·='':·c...:::'':'':~:.: ... ::•~1~1'~·~·,~~~-~ ... ~'~""~·~J~.~·=111:1~~ Slu~Is and yoonc worken Wednesday. ' were reported p 1 a n n i n g meetings to determine bow they wOllld •nact to the r-------------------1":"':' Sirhan Vows Revenge 1£ Son Killed Harris said his or1ani.iation inteTVi.ewed 9,4&1 Job Cocps ~;~ .. ·::'·1~:~101: Plea Kills Abortion Bill the I~~-:.: oor study Is Ori di nal ' ;:.~,:;::,.~a;;~~ Crippled Solon Moves NY Alfsembly 7u~~ TAIYEBEH, 0 cc up i e d Most of••-Job ""--en lig}!t Jordan (AP) -The father of ~ ._.,..... -AL8ANY, N.Y. (UPI) -you my views on thla l\lbject." favor of the bill, aaid he would Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, con-the graduates and thole who The New York St ate Ginsberg, crippled alnce an victed killer of Sen. Robert F. dropped out along: the way -Assembly, apparently moved attack of polio at the age or 13 "be btick next year with lhe Kennedy, today s w 0 re said they had learned such by the emotional plea of a monlhs, told his colleagues he aame bill •.• one . of tbeae Scotch "revenge on American politi· things 81 keeping neat and polio-crippled legislator, nar-supported tome chin&• In the ye1ra lt'1 g0Jn1 to pus." clans" if his son 11 executed. rowly defeated Thuraday a b1ll abortlon law but could not He blamed opponentt with ''1be revenae won't be tn clean, staying away from the designed to liberalize the vote for tbla bill because of a wwdl," Blshara s 1 r ban kind of people and thlnp that 11tate'1 strict M-yeaHld abor-provWon allowln1 abottlons mlarepruentlnl the blll which declared. He did riot elaborate. can get one flKo trouble. eet-tion law. When there Wll r1at the UD· he II.id permltl In abortion now599 "I accept the fact th.It my llinc arcumtnts " 1th 0 u t The bill had been given an born chlld would be aeriously "only when there ia medical !:?d.killed Sen. Kennedy," he ~t!;~i~nc aton1 with ~:1 ~=~!i8S:~~~ d~o;m:~d a Jetter he had :!~e: ~e:i.su=Ualbe~: fifth blame. He provoked my aon Glnabtrg, a Long I 1 I a n d boy who had been crippled 1ln- by threatening to supply .anna N• NY H Republican. ce birth. or physically a5 to be pennan- , I , 1But. Sen. Kennedy was to A 8 1 e m b 1 y m a n Martin rectlved from a l~yu.r-<1ld grouly malformed mentally USHER'S to the Middle Eaat which IX.OD ome The meuure sponsored by The Jell.er cancluded: ''l enUy incapable of caring for would have call9ed the death Albert H. Blumenlha.1 CD-mlahtWuat be fertilizer in •:\i~i~lle~l~f.'~' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~======~~~ of thot1S1Ddl, and the dllplace-Has 60 Bids Manhattan), was defeated, 69-bospl &uden ll ~ bill had DH:nt of many more." 78, only teven votes lbort of nOt bMn in effec"t." · "My IOl1 did well," nid the WASlllNG'!ON (UPI) tbe 71 needed, ... pa1111e. '!'be "I bile my tongue u l Sly 15-)'M.f<Old Arab. Men than 90 permns have bid vote m.ubd &he end of at-ll," Glntbw'f Wei, 111>ut 1 ~"Many AmeriCllW'\. b a v e to buy Praldent Nb:on'• old tempta '° ehlnlt the aborUoa cani. p,vent myttlf (from eome to my bome ln<l'told me law during the cumnt -ukJila U lhll provlaloil is they"""' happy to .. t rid ol apulment on !th Avenue in headed kr 1djournm..,t !all another way ol 1111n& we Kennedy," be added. New York, according to First neit week. don't want the handlcapped in Lady Pat NI.Ion. Standing m 1tetl crutches UrlJ world." Sirhan vituperatively at-••we're going to take the and leaning on his deU: for Hil speech dmr a standing tacked d e p u t y prosecutor hi h I Nix Id the David Fitts, cursing him In I est b dder," Mn:. on support Ginaberg to ov1Uon from every member of Arab ~letivu and char&ing said, "but I haven't teen any auemblY: "J don't tnow why the boule, includlna aponaors money come acrou the desk God put me on this earth in of the bill. "be w d not let my 800 de-yet." The condominium apart-this shape and form. Mavbe it Blumenthal, who hid II.id lend himself. ' "My ton. u 1 true: Chrlatlan ment is reportedly worth was because God wanted me before the debate started that Itu myseU, Ix ready to wort<,,-llllO __ ,ooo_. __ , _____ to_be_1>1re __ .. _A_pr_n_1_1_!4_1e_n_he_bld_az_vo1ea __ commJ __ lted_in for peace, not only in words Sirhan. He said executing Ult but from Ill h1I heart," llid Sirhan. He aakl executing tbe youth would achieve nothing "because peace lovtn will never surrender." 2 Wingless Space Craft Pass Tests Julie Receives Doll as Gift : WASlllNG'!ON (UPI) J\llle Nixon Ellenhower 1111 ricelved I IS.Inch doll dreaaed la • ropll<a of her bridal ..... 11 1 belated weddln& &Ill !rem former Ambuudor Clara Boolb Luce. '!'be doll 1111 I ~ llltetlell to the )'O<ldl Mn. EiJoobowtr, Ill the ban ii """' the 111- ICl'lptlon : "B1 PriocJlla-ol lkilt<>n for tho marriage of Jullt Nilon to Owlaht Do•ld El1e11bowtt II. Oto. 1%, 11111, rrom Clare Booth Luct." • WANT JNTEREIT ON YOUR BANK. CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOU CAM'T OBT IT BUT WITH PA.W'IC'S IWl'ICll 'N U.VB ACC01JNT Y•• -•• al•llll •MD "' ....... I lat ..... .., 111 ,_ .. , t: 11111ant .. a lllt w II,_ 1'11111111 R P111•110k Aocoant •• awllllll111 • 11r ..... fllrdl • llflll •.,.. .._ ....... neq doll1r ..na. n117 !IQ It I• la pwar ....... A.Momlt- .... lor l!St •• .. ,.. Ill• \ • P h•Jlln•k-Jndl' ..U, ..S 1/4'1 ... .......... , ...... I ......... ... lnllel II.,.., 1111 d It'°""'' ... nn fn• tk 111 If nr ................ lilf ...... SAWYER'S 600 AO PROJECTOR Features automatic focus, remote control and quartz lamp. R!f. f99.C8 $84.97 SYLVANIA llll-DOT FWH CUIES Reg. 1.29 88c FOCAL 20 POWER SPORT SCOPE 3 oecUon collapsible. Wllh vinyl cue. Rer. f4.88 $3.57 IWWOOD PROJKTIOll TW Features room light and projector ouUet and fold• up for ei1y 1torage. . ~· ···•7 $6.89 JUST SAY CHAltOl·ITI I •MLY PILOT EDITORIAL P~GE I 0 I ' A Vote of Co nfidence Manqement of Newport-Meaa Unlllect' School D1J.. trlct received a vote ot confidence Tu~. All four IChool boord memben u~ for electloo weri returned to office. \ · Com.iJI& on the heel s 101 a successlUJ bond .elocUon that received 75 percent <approval, the vole has to be ta.ken 11 evidence Harbor Area residents generally are .. us11ed the schools are doing a good job. . The lS.7 percent voter turnout does not indicate a great deal o1 worry over the way schooJ1 are being nm. Nor, on the other hand, does it rellect an eJectotate Ulat cares thit the present smoolh·funcUonlng school board team'not be overturned. RegreUuUy, 15 percent is about an average turnout for a school truslee election. (In neighboring Hunting- ton Beach school districts, the voter tuniout ranged from 11to13.7 percent) lt is reassuring to note that the only close trustee race was between two able candidates who ran construc- tive ·campaigns-Lloyd E. Blanpied Jr., elected to a full four.year term after serving the last three yi!ars as an appointee, and challenger Gordon (C. Morrow. Blanpied ran strongest Ln Newport Beach and Mor· row better in Costa Mesa, alth.'ougb both live in the New· port communily of Easlbluff. Thia probably co~ld be attributed lo the fact that Morrow fonnerJy was• teach- er at Estancia High School, which lies in Costa Mesa. But o~erwise, there were no issues in the campaiJ:n that seemed to translate into gecigraphic partisanship. There were some enclaves, such as West· Newport, where incumbents didn't fare as well as in the rest of the districl These are the same spots where there has been the strongest school bond opposition. In the two trustee area races where there was con- <:erted opposition to current policies, .the challengers were soundly defeated. ••• Ser edUC«IMn was given a Jot of auenUoo dur!nt Iha campaign. Alld thlJ apparenlly wUi continue, for there are forces that want lo leep it alive as an usue. But the veiling proved lhat.opposlUOll lo sex educa- Uon u not a path lo election. A Olll)Orlty of voten,ll"'ked lo the quallllcaUom ot the candidates and tept '" ed- ucation in rrspective as on,e issue among many • Each o . the fciur Incumbents, Blanpled,. Roderick H. Macmillian, Dollald A. Strauss and Mrs. Elizabeth M. lilly, outpoUed their combined opposition. How shotild they Interpret this community support? Definitely, they cannot take lt as a great mandate for 11status.qµo" -. ape! there's no indication that they will. The school system is not now in such great shape that they can leave it alone. It can and needs to be better. Elected board mem· bers should take the vote a~ a mandate to keep moving ahead in the direction they bave been going. They sbo~d bring the sex education program teach· ers have wntten out of storage and take a look at it. Make plans to try at other schools the Costa Mesa High School program of giving students responsibility lo perform. Push ahead with rnidd.Je schools·that will give early adolesce11~ ~ chance to explore ~eir capabilities. \Vork on new r~ding programs. Yes, even nsk gorng too fast or malting a mi.stake along the way. The world is changing too swifUy and education is too important for a school board to stand pat. - . . . The N~wport-Mesa school district has been mo ving since unification, and reelected and holdover board members can keep the momentum. Maybe voters returned the incumbents because that seemed the safest thing to do. But mayqe not. Maybe they responded lo the record of a board that has not been afraid in the past to try out something with pro- mise of improving education . !Nl Atiaeriffn World KesponsifriiJtJe s Postal. S ystem Could Have Major Crisis Period of ·Great Debate WASJllNGTON -,,,. world'•·leoding group ol global straleglsla and -liti· dans has presented ill armi:Ung con- clusion that the United States has Jost its desire and its ability to be the world's "universal and dominant power." Thus has come to an end, this group concludes, a -.year era of American world dominance. Russia has betx>me the full equal of tbt.-United States in strategic power and In her ability to control or in- fluence the Plllcy of other nations. This judgment was made In the annual survey of the influeotial and privately operated Institute of Strategic Studies, centered in London am wilh a mem- bership drawn from 3' countries. It is .,..-n•ny inlerutlng that this in- ternaUooOI srauP libould conclude that America baS Jolt Its desire as well ae !t.s ability to nm the W«lcl° Its own wq. Tbis ts the bell't of the matter in the con- tinuing great debate involving the Viet- nam War, th;e anti·balUstic missile defense 1)'slem, the Pentagon bl.Jdiet, and the ..-a1 military posture of this country. IN THE DEVELOPMENT of American policy in this century there have been several important larxlmarks. Rejection of the League of Nations, repeal of the Neutrality Act , the Truman Doctrine, lo name several. We appart!ntly aghin are tn another period of great debate arxl great decialon on the extent of American workl responsibilities and our ability to fulfill them. This is what the McCarthy schism in the Democratic Party was all abool lt ii what the praent revolt of the Foreign Relations Committee of lhe Senate is all about. And it underlies much of the cam- pus and intellectual revolt in the country. Dean Rusk, in the closing months of his tenure as secrelary of state. saw develop- ing a new kind of isolationism, a slow withdrawal from the respmiblliliea of world leadership growing oUt o f disillusioqrrient wj~ the Vlelnam War and the immense and rising cost of a variety ol new weapons systems. Rush deplored the trend and others have warn- ed that our withdrawal could lead to the creat;~ ol a "prrison state" in ilolalion from 1111! .....,..ibilltles we fonnorly ao- cepled';ood .-r new mtrlctlv• forml of socil.I organizaUon. THE EXTENT TO WHICH the Nixon AdmlnistraUoo la respoodlng lo the "!!.> i!olaUonist trend Is nol ontlrely ck.aroot there are some indicaUons that it is doing so to a certain degree. The clear direc- tion of paUey io Vietnam la to reduce substantially the extent of the American commitment by the end of this year and probably at a laster rate therulter than would have been planned in the Johnson Adminlatralioo. President Nil:on also recognises a new condition of affairs in the world and was frank in admitting it at the 20th an- iversary meeting of NATO foreign ministers. "Let's put it in plain words," Nixon.said. "The West doel not have tho !f!aasiv~ nucl~ar predominance today that JI once W. 8:nd any IOrt of broad-based arms ~ent with the Soviets would codify that balance." The Institute of Strategic Studies warn- ed, in fact, that Russia was caught up with the United States in intercontinental ballistic missiles and probably will overtake the U.S. by the middle of this year. A superiority, in .. other . fQl"IDS ol nuclear delivery gives the United States a lead in tht total namber of nuclear weapons. THE NIXON APPROACH apparently is to reduce our respomibilities to the point where they may be realistically fulfilled at lower co.st. Thus the winding down o( the war in Vietnam, the pursuit of an ..... -t with -· ........ p1or~t1oo of new ,.lationshipi ,,iih' J!!d Cblnl, 'tbe deftnltlon cl leu aggressive atlllucfes fn tbe . North Atlantic Troaty Organlxatlon. . This could all.II< considered part of Ii)< d<ll!Cted -fn the United Slata lo he rid of Its 20-year role u tbe ~"unlvena.1 and dominant power." The larger ques. tion ii whether or not this winding down of global rospoDllibiliU.. will prove lo be the long·range desire or is merely a tem- porary reaction growing out 0 r frustration in Vietnam and doubts about lhe "military-industrial complex." In other periods of relaxation or withdrawaJ aggressive ads by the Soviet Union or Communist China have rudely awakened the nation from dreams of detente, and then the burden of Wtlrld responsibility has become gr e 1 t er whether we desire it or nol 'There Is No Time to Think' By ELUWOR111 L. RICHARDSON Minister Ne.l.gbberMld CoacreptJoaal Chorcb Lapa Beacb Tbes°e is a story which Jewish parents telt their children and indeed gentiles might tell it too! It's the story of a boy who was never able to ~ the things he needed when be awakened in the morn- ing. 0.. niglll be hit upon an Ingenious mflllOI of remembering. Bef<ft going to bed he wrote hhmeH a note which said : ·''My suit ls: on the chair; my hat is in the clolet; boob are on the desk ; shoes under the chair; and I am in bed." Next marning ht_ aroee and began to coUect his pa11!1riom. He found everything up to the ftnal it.em oo his list. Wl'lrn he went to "loolt ltr ldmell in beef, alas. he wun't tbott! "1IJW llLL YI .. you 11y, "and whal's the pailll!" Mllylle k isni IO silly -for Che 1'1111 boy today Is to frequently "the W man." He kDowl where to find most ....,ihlnc but himaeH. He doesn't k.- what makes him tick. He has ha house of material possessions in very good order! The red barn is full of goodiet! But as ·to his vaJues -he b all ICmJed. up. The mainspring of his watch, he has woond up too tight! Why is he here! -and where is he going? -he hasn't given that much thought! The cuoon complaint today Is "there is no lime to think" and so we Co willy- ri.lly like rats <11 a treadmill. NO TIME TO THINK! Thm:'s a machine at the lactocy that ii huncrJI !0< steel ; an order at the office marked "rush" and a neglected child at home lhat rtminds us that It ii ours becaUle it calls us ·~daddy." There is nc time to think, go we hope for miracles. lJke primitive man we turn to magic, we-Jn-, dulge and enc;:ourage supenUUoo. Ut us bope ..... loog lllat lik• the prodigal "" we shall turn to ounelvn! God help us! • Quotes • F..-U.S. -w.,.. M-, 1po0tt tot -II. -"It isni I"" por1an1 lhlt aoy 1U11 mnaln In U. ~· u )'<)Cl .. 11114 Pollticl ....... lfnlfjf lo bo ddealed, )'<)Cl alloukfn'l II In the first place." • WMn Joieph Auslander was teaching literature Jt Harvard he. had men in his class who were much more interested · in sports al the stadium than fn John KeaC.. Auslander felt that. he was getfing nowhere fast. On· this particular morning he had failed miserably in putting It across. So as the class filed out he fumbl- ed with his pai>ers on his desk so Uiat he wooldn't have to meet the eyes of his student! nor pertlaps overhear the critlcbm of a sophi>ticated aopllom.,., Btrr AFrER CLASS a tall, clean, straigtit . lad who had won his "H" and Was well nspec:ted as an athlete, coo- !rontecf the pro1 ..... with these faltering words : "I just want you to know that I appreciated thole poetns you read today. I don't mt.an that I understood them ; h.Jt 90mehow, as you read them, I feJt as if I wen tuninc·in on God only to find my wave 1ength too short!" Maybe that's our trouble. :Playbe GOd's prmence is about u1 ..• and our wave length is: too short! Maybe there is a rtality of which we can be 8\JJ't but we haven't thought enough about it, plumbed deep enough! Dear Gloomy Gus: lt10fl of my dove friends ln New· port llart tbelr dlatrlbo by say. Ing, 10Tht U.S. does not belong in South Vietnam." They never say 1nythlng about the Rus.s.ian, OUnese or North Vietnamese Com- mits. Yet. u we would pull out they would move in. -H. B. tot. ' ¥ ~ito_riiU ., l ! , Rf'se&rcJi J ';TMre is 110 mortal thing faster than theie messengeri." -HeTodottU 011 the Persfun postal tyttem, 500 B.C. Chronic Crisis is the w0rd for the U.S. postal ~tern. The Post Office will save $1 million, it :estimates, by droppiqg same-day service Jr. big citit$. That amounts to 111,000 of tht annuat fa.billion budget of the .Department. The inail system C'Ol.dd break down at any ~me. Shortly alter taking over his new ]Ob, Postmaster General Winton M. Blount declared Jn an interview: "I am told by people in the Department that the sort of breakdown that happened in Chicago two or three years ago could happen today in any one of a dozen places ,aUO!.S the country -and it couJd ~appen in a lot t f plates at the same , time." Blount observed at a Feb. 25 press con· ference that there are not going to be any ovemight improvements in the mail system. But, he said, "If we don't start making these chaflles we are talking about. this system is going to collapse." THE U.S. POST OFFICE handles well over one-half the world's mail -more than 82 billion pieces last year. Before long, Blount says, :we'll be up lO' 100 billion pieces. The Post Office is the government organism with a built·in deficit. tn ·lhe Johnson Administration budget for the fiac:al year 1970 -beginning July l - post.al expenditures wert eJlimated at fl.75 billion of which ooly $&.ff billion would be covered by revenues under ex· isling postal rates. The budget proposed cutting out ~-10 cent air mail rate - inasmuch u · mosL first-class mail is car. lied by air anyWay. Instead, the first- class rate would be raised to 1 cents from the present 6 cents. The rise was expect- ed to produce an additionaJ $519 million in fiscal 1970. Co~ last voted postal rate. ip· creases tn 1967. Among the various classes ol mail, first class and air ma.ii which together account for almost 60 pei-: c:ent of all mail by.volume, earn a small profit for the Po:st Office .. THE POST OFFICE Department year alter ye.ar faces the same familiar pro- blems: sharply risin~ cosll!i, slowly rising revenue, mounting mail volwne, and someUmes erratic service. Bureaucrac.·y is ~e prime evil, tnade more dead1y by pobUcal numlpulatioo. Presidenl Nixoo in a Jpeelal message of Feb. 2S promised to remove "the last vestiges of political patronage" from the Post Office Depart- ment Both the President and Blount have said they are revie"ir\I Jnposals: for reforming tlle d•-~ Among these WIS tht rteom.mtnd1tion ol the Presiden- Ual Commission on Postal Organi&aUon wt July II. The Ot><alled Klippel Com- mission ursed ettaUon of a go""ttnment .. owned corporation to ~rate the -plSlal servict u a •elf'.·IUpportlng business, tree from polllics. BOUSE AND SENATE bill& -.Id translate the Kippel report Into law. Another btU. 1_..i by Cba1nnu Thaddeus J. Dulatl (0.N.Y.) of tlle HOUIO P..t Olflce and Civil Service Comm!Utt, woukl overhaul the structure of the Post O!Ooe while keepln1 It as an executive dcpartmenl and co n t I n u I n I the Postmaller Ge~•l as a member of the cabintt. Esst.nUally, the department would set its own budget and support ltae.11 from 1ts own n:venues. - Detecting Trick Of False Analogy One of the first lessons that students in logic learn is how to detect the trick of "false analogy." This means comparing things that seem lo be alike, but really don't bear much relationship. Politicians are enormously fond of this facile technique. Not long ago, for in· stance, Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illinois pointed_ out that when George Washington was President in 1792, there was only about ooe person paid to 11t'Ork for the government for every 5,000 of population. TODAY• HE CONTRASTED, our civilian wprk force is almost 3 million - one-per:MJrn for every 66 of population. 1b1' is su,ppo6ed to "prove" that we have far too IDaJ"(Y persons on governlnent payrolls. Now, we may have, and perhaps \\·e do. but lhe statistics of George Washington 's Administration have nothing to do with the case -it is a false an;alogy big enough to drive a team of horses through, as 2 moment's thought will tell us. OB\°IOUSLY, the role of government- state and local as well as federal -in- creases at a geometric ratio as popula- tion goes up, as work becomes more specialized, as people group together in larger and larger communities. For instance, a village needs only a small police · fOl"Cf, because everybody knoYts everybody else. When the town jn- creases jts size by tenfold. and then·by a hundredfold. the police forte required does nol 1ner~ly go up in proportion to the rise in population .• it increases at a far higher ~ate -.for a city demands much more and different police se.r\·ices than a hamlet " l\llND YOU, J AiU not arguing lhat 011r public payrolls are not" pa,dded : so are AS U'ITLE AS ~ century ago. m~t most payrolls. at every level ; I am simp-Amer1c~n;i were still about 90 per~nt . ly 1.uggesting that lhe historical analogy self·suff1_c1ent ; they produced their own .-~~9e,¥, to poli4cians like Qir~sen) is ir- goods, lived tn sparse rural areas, and re1evant and positively misleading in used the excess to barter at trading poslc; terms of modern needs. Only 14,000 men or amoog their community neighbors. It · \1·ere killed on both sides in the American was even more so in 1792:. Revolution -but I don't hear the Today, in' \livid contrast, we are onl y patriotic senator complaining about the ~about 10 percent self.suflicient, if Uta!, "wasteful" proportioo of our men killed and we depend on others for 90 pel"Ceflt ol in Vietnam. as compared to Wash.ington ·s our goods and ser\•ices and protection. time. Oi l Prices and In flation Most ~f . the major oil companieg have now follo1ved Tell'aco's lead . and raised their crude, oil prices in amounts ranging from 5 to 20 cenll!i a barrel. \Vben those ad~~nc~~ ~re: flllly rerlected 'in highw rcta1l prices, the American consumerS' total bill r0r g8.soline, 'heating oll and • other petroleum products is likely to in- crease by ~me 400 million dollars. 'Vhat makes the crude oil price rise unique in a Period of generally rising Pt"ioea is that unlike most commodities its price cannot be raised without the active cooperatioo of the federal government. 'l'HERE IS A GREAT abundance or crude ail in the world ; ti there were no restrictklP.a,OO·il! domestic production or importaUOu frorR other countries, the United Slates" Conlumen' annual bill for petroleum. t>n>duc\S woold be lower by about 5 billion dOllan. Petroleum prices are matnta!Qed at artificially high levels In this cOiJntry by restdctlng supply. Production l~m domelUc: oil wells is lightly ""tl'Oll"' by state governmtntS, and' the : fi\ill!ral rovmunent enfor<es lhe.e ·mtrlCtlom on tbroulh interstate oil compact.~ imports art limlled lo a fixed ~ of cuneot COMUmptloo by manclalory quotas. 11IE AMERICAN oil Industry I& a kind of private govmuneul, an enUty which has had &Ulflcltot poUUcal "°"" lo shape the petroleum Pollcla of the govumneot In Wuhingloo, not only lhrGugb ill mnuenc. In key cooaroalonal -bulbydtroct_..onthe White Houle. 11s1t pdnte CoM euneat has nol -~ <ilaDqed la the past. Bui -Its )IO!m' lo ralaa prico.t I& thttatenecf by a coallUon of New England and Soolhem fnl....ta lllat wilb lo estibll.sh "f.rff trade r.ones." rtf1n1ng areu lnto wtdcb cheap crude on am other peln>ltum pn>ducts can be Im· ported wllhoul quou mlrk:tlons. A BnTER nGBT b ~na wa11ed over -' , " I • a trade zone at Machiasport, Me., v.·here the maverick Occidental Petroleum Com- pany . wants · to ·operate a refinery and petrochemical complex u.sing Libyan crude oil. Similar project! are planned for Wilmington. N.C., and Savannah, Ga. The success of any of them -especially ?o.facbiasport -would weaken the system of controls and confer great benefits upon American consumers. LAST-rtUNtTrE maneuvering by the Johnaon Administration delayed a decision on Machiasport. But President Nixon. unencumbered by the same political obligations, hu an opportunity to ltrike an anti-inflationary blow for the1 consumer. He can break the current deatlock by ordering the approvJl of the MachiaspQrt trade zone or. better yet tn?vlng to dismantle the quota syste~ onginalf.y est.abll.shed by an executive order in the Eisenhower adminitlratlon. New York T1mH .---•11 Georwe --- Dw Georgeo I uked the beA way to disr:lpline my dog lo stay off the sofa and you advised me to see a marriage countelor. Art you sun: you· rt in the right bu&inw? Dear Confused : CONFUSED Not that wtelt. I wasn1. The pet editor was on v1caOon anc! J got 1 Jot or my malt mixed trp doln, two coluntqs. But quit comp11fnlrig. SU:ppost you wen the WOJl\lln who aomewhert ls tryin1 to save htr maniage by rpanktng her husbaod l!thlly with 1 roiled·up liewsp.oper. ·-~---------· \ I I . ' I ( I I I 1} 1, • I • • ' ' , I • • • • .. • • • -------. ~--=-=---=- BEA ""DERSON; Editor ,,....,, Ailf'tl IL 1Mf • ..... II Golden ·· Touch · Gl ·itters Ball Gilded aDget s, crowned wilh candles and flbral bouqueti, will ·center tables when Angelitos de Oro, ·an auxiliary to Big Brothel's ·of Orange County, preJents its eighth annual b)ack·lie gala in the Balboa Bay Club totnotrOW evening. Mrs. John F. Porter, president, and Mrs. Don Woodward, ball chair- man, will greet guests at 7:30 p.m. Joining the receiving line will be past presidents Mrs. Ernest Saftig and Mrs. Clifford Hakes, . . . . '. Background music. during the social hour will be proVlded· by Ron111e Brown on the piano. Dinner will follow at 9 p.m. and the Glen Miller or· chestra, directed by Jerry Gray, will play dance music. Each couple will be presented with the eighth edition of the Gold Book, an appointment calendar which is the main fund.:raj.sing project of the auxiliary to help fatherless boys. Joining the president and her husband at a table will be the Messrs. and Mmes. Richard Allen, Joseph Carver, J.S. Tt'Jord and Guy Claire. Mr. and Mrs. Saftig will host the Me~srs. and Mmes. Thomas Web- ster and W. Mu Binsw&Dger, while l\1:r. and Mrs. Woodward have asked as their guests Gen. and Mrs. John Condon, 1'-1r. and Mrs. Robert Keller and Mrs. Martin Doan.· . Afr. and Mrs .. George Jones are entertaining the Messrs.· and Mmes. , PheJps Merickel, Edward Warmington and Robert Meserve, while Mr. and Mrs. 0 . W. Richard will have Miss Agnes Blomquist, Mr. -anc1 Mrs. Spald- ing Eastman and Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Aldrich Jr; 11t.their table. • , t ~ • Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hakes will be Mrs. Belly Hall and D. F . Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fishback, Mrs. Howlana Paddock and Mrs. Ralph Tandowsky. Mr. and.,..Mrs. Wilfred Berls will ente"rtain Gen. and Mrs: Thomas Riley and Mrs. Spencer Honig, founder of the auxiliary, and her husband. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Frees will host the Messrs. and Mmes. Harry Axene, Ted Draper and Allen Campbell . HALOS SHINED -Ready to depart for the Angelitos de Oro ball tomorrpw evening are (left to right) Mr. and Mrs. Don Woodward and Mr. and Mrs. George Woodford. Mrs. Woodward is chairman of the eighth annual black-tie gala which will· take pla~e in s.J .... l\!IY Club beginning with a 7: 30 p.m. social hour. Dinner will be served at 8, ' • , . Newport Harbor Ser vice League New Leadership Reported · ~frs. :h.tichael B. Jager took over the presidency of Newport Harbor Service League yestez:day during the group's annual meeting in tbe Newporter Inn.; She and other nb officers tqok their place in .• , ~ long line of dedicflled. women wlo have 8ervell f:be volunteer training organization J uring the. last 12 years. ~ Assisting Mrs. Jager will be the Mmes. Richard E. Cramm, vice president; Donald B. Ayres Jr. and Wellington F. Bonner Jr., recording and. correspon- ding secretaries, and Warren ·s. Smith, treasurer. Committee chairmen include the M!nes. Robert H. Davis, adlµis~ions ; Philip C. Davi,s Jr., arrange-- ments ; Gordon ·B. Jqnes, arts ; Roger E. Riley, by- laws; John Helton, children's art. -workshop; Kae A. Ewing,_ community 'w~lfare ; Ralph E. Bernard, education;, L. Kent Wanlass, league. log, and Ray- mond. D. Andrew.s, nominating. Other chainn,n are the Mmes. Richard V. Jor· don, permanent business; David M. Brant, philhar- monic; H. Warren Knight III, placement; Robert M. Allan , ;>rovisional ; Merril Brown, public rela· tions, and David~-Fra·ser, 'sustaining. community projects which are supported Clom its community trust fund. The league, pioneering in the Harbor Area in an attempt to cwrdinate volunteer efforts in area . agencies,: f~~ri~ the Volunteer Sureau U yeats ago. Currentty ·oae of the league's activities takes members irito public schools where they con~uct sessjons in art appreciation covering various forms, media and techniques in the art field. New ilctive lp'e.IJlbers presented at the annual meeting included ·the Mmes. Robert W. Beclr, Wll- Uam F. Carling, Gary Davidson, Richard L. Davis, George Qrayton Ill, Douglas W. Dreyer and Wil- liam A. Fruebling. Othel' ~actives are the Mmes. John L. HOlm- quist, Paul G. McManigal. Jack V. Pastushin, Jack D. Perry, Leigh M. Rabbitl, Alexander R(\bertson Jr., Dan Rogers, Kenneth E. Turknette, ,James S. Tyler, William 'I'. White Ill and William A. Wren. Provisional· members looking forward to their year of league and community orientation alsO wer~ introduced. They inc1ud ed the Mmes. Richard Ber- tea, Bruce F. Blackman, Joseph J; Carbone, Free- man Day Jr., L. Clark Fergus and Stephen C. Fer- raro. More ptovisional members are the Mmes. LEADERS LINE UP -Joinini the !Ong' line of "'omen who have served Newpc)rt • Harbor Service League are new .otficers (!ell to right), the Mmes. D.Onald B. A)'i ... Jr.; ~·weumgtob F. Bonner Jr., recording ·and.co~g secretaries ; Ricbllld ~ •. Cronub, vice president, and Michael B. Jager, president. _ The league is in the midst of studying changes and cha11enges in society as they affect concerned an'd. active volunteers. League members already have heard about programs concerning health and welfare and organized efforts in community plan- ning, housing and urban renewal. The group's permanent ways and means pro- ject, the Coffee Garden. 2625 E. Coast Hilibway, Corona del Mar, continues to raise funds for league Ronald Roy Foell, John Haskell, William Haze. winkle, Robert F. Ingold Jr., Donald E. Johnson, Stanley Ray Jones, Carl J , Kymla Jr., Michael Mul- 1in, Michael John Murphy. Gene Ros s Jr .. Bu,rke H. Simpson, George Derek West and Miss Mary Alice Kier. • .. Boy Has Girl Trouble, Counselor Needs to Break B'ubble, DEA.ft ANN LANDERS : I'm a t7-yea r· old boy wilh a problem. I don 'L seem to like girls. 1 dale them bul I have no in&lrest in going steady or 1etUn1 ~ know a &irl really well. :1n am cla,,, I get nerv~ when f. have to undress in front of other iuYJ. And when I Stt them in the lhow111 I feel uncomfortable, IOl"l o( • mixture of o:dtement Md em- tim1wnenl : h tba't JOmethin& wrona with me ? : I mlize II\)' chances of g<llinl I Jetter in yow tolumn .,. •• nilman tO -· but I do need help Ind I dool ti.ow where die to r-. PJeue come te my rescue. -J. OF NEW ARK :OEAJI J • Al_,. .. -Pia ad , , ANN LANDERS -' feelinp ,... upreaa an ''1 .. ....., UC9mW ._, 1•1li11:ea&t, U.: IKt ..._. J'll: n W wild lllllll:laiter ,_ .Mell ............. l 't ... ...--.----,.., ,,...,,..,.., I IMpe ,_. a.I 11 ___ .,.., ..... -------.. -"'""""· DEAR ANN LANDERS: My -.cJ has been in pri90ll for three years. I reu in Jove with another man •lltt being alone for -ly II monU.. I Jet the. other man move into my home and now we have a baby 1iJ months okl. I'm !Ure my friends and family think we are married. Who la tbe Jegal father of this child? 11 m1 butbnd wll1b I<> l'I off the IUppOlt boolt, can ht do .,. on the ll'llUMll that ht ii stertle! (I 1111 almost 9'11'! be ls.) This la quite a meas and I need your help beaause my husband wlll be out ol prbon in a couple of months, and rm all miied up about what'• whll Thant you. .. -ABSENCE CREATES PllOllLEllS DEAi! AB• A -· ...... - JO ,.-f• -,..,. -Ml illve fldlrenll a a'm, m11::il: aM dllW tftll lf lilt WEREN'T llerllt. IApl:r, Mwettr, yoor ........ II .. lllllJ's Ilk - M tam llepl &. ,...,. •1 wlw. Y• lted "' '" • lnJa'. DEAR ANN LANDERS: F.du<ate the dumb public, pl<Me. Tell people thel slmply becauoe JOO live -door lo • family -not -,.. --buddf ... A woman leaned on my doorbell today for IS minutes. I hid lo l'i out ol the blthtub to ..,.,.., . Shi hid a kdtle ' • of sweet and sour meatballs for the . next door nelghbol'. Would I mind taking It ova-lattt? Nobody answers their bell; Delivery boys l~ve plants,, packaga and dry deanlne , with me. 1',ve been ukid to put the neighbor~ fish ta my refria<l'llor. I've been -with COD pociqel ad •• ))OUDds of fertlll&tr. Al Cbrtllamttme -left I pon ol potato t.,.i here for the neilbhOr and our dot sat in\o tt. I never beard the ""1 of II. • u JOii print Ill)' letla you will be ptrfonntng 1 naliooll 1<1'Vic<. 'lbere l!IUlt be otben who lee! u I do. -N<YI' Pi.LSY WALSY DEAR NOT: I'• Rte tlteni are, bat l'O ·-I pal muJ -d11't mind doln1 1m1U · fawn far .. oellbbon. Sblce JOllr "OJ ale lilli ..... hgd, ,....,. -MJP.1-o ..... prder tillt,... Ml"-·~ - "favors ... S. wby dea't ,... )Mt: .., ·'Sorry -.to." ' J Drinllig may ht "in'' to 1lle llldo you nm1 With -bill It can )1111 ,.. ''out" fer keeps. You cin cOot ll .II stay popdar. Read .. _ 11111 Y• -For Teen1gen Only." Send • - bl coin and • -.......... ,II. allmped envelope with,_ reqqosl. . ' ' Ann IAnden .wJll be IJlcl .. ..... you wllll """ P<of>lems. -.... to her in CIR of the DAILY> PILOl'il er.closing a aetf-addraaeQ. •, '' envelope. • Horoscope Aries: D~ive Cautio:usly I . • SATURDAY falr,butllrm.Impon,.iftia. CAPRICOllN <Doc. :zwan. <loft Lea¥e...,. for...,. Uonahlp dev~ It): F.U0.1-Jth ~ s1oa. Bil~Y eould APRIL 19 ~GO <Aac-~ DI : llnil by ~~ ._ u 1 aa ~· ' , ._ IYDNZT OIWUI Bewithooeyourtiptd;llika °'*' neclecl •I ''ai,. Bo .JI'-·. ~\.~ .. 3 qanlt.atlouJ p1w. •rw eut U.OIB. lml*tlDt ~ com:. _. ....... ~TN ~ TBD1 l>A'ftNG HINT · what your r"1t i, Ill bt ill !>We liu1c clms..lllc jQba,,..,,!/'/rJ;,, '.,,..._ 6-W ,.._, mbl ie~ new projecL AcCept. added ,at r.11 b:l&o lbtt. '"11 --. liM!I' v"" N .• l•lf. "'' all •••• , •• I 11 n!SJ)Clllllbillt:r· beyond the ':QVWVS (Jan. JO.Feb. • jmmedlate. 11): y.., coull(cot .... thin ....,...... !At -"'" UBRA ( • ~ D): you barpJnad lor -cootrOI frteMI -fl.lftllt 1 •me Good lunar aspect today coin· emotkml:·Aeetnt Ob'roiliinCe, -. Tiana bas cldes with chance to lrtV<I. mallve Jnieoleata. l'tfllllll 1Mldpt •nd Make future plam. Study maPeusm flows. YOU a're at. .., •••rfll Virgo message. Stres.t con-tracUve to oppollte 1e1., Balk: -al-· aPeclat .... , ndence, Independence. Accent cbange occun. . tr mo. adholty. Alta may oo correspondence, llpeCla1 Pl8CES (Feb. lf.IWd> :ID): tab a -trip -bti It meaages. l14me affma need a-' "Ti,,"""' of,;,,~" I'~ 11t1 New· En&lat4 PbilOSQPlw, Thoruu, "l°'d llvtS of qdiol despealio~" That hard~ seems like livina, does it? wm .. ·-11. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. It): You must 11\'ke CO!l<l1ialc!JI Use intuition In connectloq 1esture. J'alie pride · -'or with investment opportunl.tJes. jealouay. -could cause dif. Gather inlormaUon through ficulty. Empbashe genuine RIADY POR TIIUROoiiU ~Jn 'lhe Udo Isle bey. trout home ol Mr •. Ud •Mn. Rldlanl E. Barrett, "'-""" of.Ille Udo Ille 0WC>m111'1 Club (left to l'lilbtl tile MmH: E. T~ Moi-an, .John D. Davis Counselor "Tells Guild Of Therapy ,\lbort S II lo n Clillmm'I Gulld"*"1l<rl.-n.llell ......., al 10 a.m. will bear N1ct Scar1ano -the -" juvtDlle ball and lbt fllnllJ auJ<1ance procram. Scariano I 1 ouptrv1llng --,... the boys' ARIES (Mar<b lt·April 19): Aftlld aetln( oo Impulse. Relati•e who makes llalem<llta m.ay DOI be -Maintain senle of btlanct, humor. Dooi jump to -Be careful while driving. No need for . apeed. and M. A. !Uchlry Jr., tour cbalrman, awall suesti partlcipaling In Ille lOlb annual home tour ol tho dab. Sill: Island homH will be c!pen for m.pocilon Thursday, Aprll 24, from 1to5 p.m. Weatherman Promises Suns .hine to Favor Annual Island Tour U the weatherman keeps up ..i the A11l>ur ~ ... SM h1I good work, the dey will be Via ·Udo Noni, all bayfroot perfect Thuudoy, April If, foe rtsld-. a tour of the Island 1n the Sun "Inside" hemes opened will , -Lido Isle. be U-of Mr. and Mn. TAURUS (Aprll lO-May 2111): Money-m.aking ldeaa are ~t.ed. Be receptive . ~Ls due-for the better. llt1U ID!llibt with con· pnlaJ. penon. But don't give lit to iemptaticm of e.1 • travapnce. You will win. GEMINJ (May It.June 20): You caa aafely take lnlttaUve. You pl lamlly aod other btcldni. Tool8'>1 be where the adlao IL Means let others bow your views. Have fun but teep ilbjectl" In mind. CANCER ,(Jme ll.July Z2): Fordng -could prove emburulinl-You can enjoy younelf wWmt getting your amiplete ny. You do have to face yountlf in the morn· lag. Act accordingly. LEO .(July ZS.Aug. Z2)o l'riends and wiBbes dominate -can be a stimulating, eventful evening. You get sup- port from unexpected aource. Key Is to be receptive - aid of former l.890clate. You desire for harmony. · get boost In morale. One you IF TQD~ Y 18 Y 0 UR lhooght indifft1111t shows BIRTBDAY ')'CU are . bei6. enthusiasm. strong. invenUn, lndeperident SAGmARIUS (Nov, 22-and due to·embarlt on IOcla1 Dec. Zl): Have run. but in-whirl Money situation im· elude one c~ to you. ~eana proves. But don't U_e yourseU pltosure mults H you ato · above-board. Otherwise, plw . 1 are due to go awry. Accent Aux1' I "1ary on contracts, partnerships, mutual efforts. Linens Dotted With Grey Washed Clean Explored Trllnlng an 1..utary to stall a nunery acbool for blind younpten will be e:.plored by Dr. Wllbelm de Nljs, director of Servlces for the Blind, San- ta Ana, wheo be opeab to lbe Strip greyness from linens Alumnae As.sociation of Delta Gamma. safely by running t be m Mn. Larry Hudack will host through a regular waah cycle the meeting taking place with 4 tablespoons of wublng Wednesday, April 13, In her soda -nothing tlae. W~ home, I The suds that appear are The nursery school ls activated by deter Cent ICbeduled to open at the residue, a build-Op of aceu center nut September. detergent remalnlng from put AD area Delbi Gmunu are washings. Th1s residue causes welcome to attend th e But one can learn to ftVI a really '!Usfyin1 lff~ a lilo fillad ~ith pul(lOSeand · happiQess. Maljin ~-~•fer, ol Tho · Christion Science Board of Lectoreship;"Y' the fi~t slop in livln1 a full life b lo under· stand God 1s divine life, th1 source of life, As we draw clOser to God our lives begin to express the qualities of God, such 1s wisdom, beauty, mercy and love. .You are cordially invited to Mr. Heaf1(1 Ires public !all<, "What Is lifer• It may aiM · you a. whole new slant on living. Diristian Science lecture M...., ........ A,rtl JI I P.M. FlrA Qlilrtll "' Cllritf, ki.t161 ....--... M-om. c•1 .. c-. PNVllMf the greying. ·.iimiieeiiiUniii. l~·-----~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .Repeat the cycle unW thell water II completely clear. TOMORROW MORNING! -of. ar-. County Juvm11a HaD and will focus OD 1119 --"lberapy .. 'Ycmplm In juvenlle ball an .W.._, for mllcle- iblua'I a 11 d nondeliquent -from troubla! homes .. -al Albert Slttoo a.Ddra'• Bmne. SUSAN HALLETT June Bride That la tilt aay aet Mlde by Roger Brown, 101 v I a lbe Lido Ille Wmw1'1 Club Flora!oe and Mr, and Mrs. for )ta loth annual home tour, Dennis CarpeUer, 120 Via . fl1is J:,~~ plarma! to show off Quito. . the . ed, gracious way of. Tickets at '3 may be llvi~g embraced by Lido Ille purmued pier · fu the tour resodent... ~-· lbe Lido ••te ~ ~--sa 11om .. wm be__. tot ..., '" ~ .~u~. ..,........ .. by calllng Mn. Harold tourgoer~ from 1 to 5 p.m., Phillps, 175-Jt!M, or Mrs. and tea m the clubhouse, 701 William GalDchi r73..f%85 Via Lido Soud, will be squeez.. n--• .1. will ~:. · edinbeforeoraft«tbt t.our. ,..,\.I\.~ .~Orange An el:hl.bit d. .tlf\rls by . CWnty Juv~e Hall and island artists and a toor o! the Island BeauUfication. Attention Focused Library · Events On ORANGE COAST YMCA BREAKFAST WITH THE STARS SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 7:30 • 11 A.M. Mn. Robert Howes, IUild posldent. bu dilcloltd that aD anrdl luncheon i I -iled In June in Sad- dlebtcli Inn, Santa Ana. Dur· Inc the -.... oftlcerl lar·lbe coming ...... will be - Good Time In Cards Springtime Recreated yacht Summer W1nd also Marriage Plans Told :1~\:~:--=1~ Two Ciubs Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Hallett Jr. of LI M.lrada have .,...meed the _.,en1 of their claaiht«. Susan IWletl to Michael Allan Mayo, IOO of litr. and Mrs. Andrew Mayo of Costa Mea. The couple will e.1change vows June 21 ln St. Joachim'• Catholic Church. 1be bride-to-be 11 a graduate cl La Mirada Rlgh School and received her BA In history.and drama from the University cl Californl&. Santa Bar b·a r a when! she umea her luchlnf CM!deotlals. Currtntl)I • be lucbes In Norwalk. He llanct Ls a ~le of Orange Coast Coil,P and eorned 1111 BA from r..... Banelts, 930 Via Lido Noni; lbe Crawl<rd W""""'1gs, llOO Via Lido Nord; the Earl Hard"I!"', 340 Vla IJdo Noni, State College. CurrtnUy be ~:\l~,r. serves in the N.ational Teachers Corps aJid will receive his masters degree from the Unlvenlty ·•I Southern California nel1 July. Churchwomen Map Activities SUSAN WHITED July Date Women's Society ol °""" M esans lian Service, Laguna· Beach Methodist Church, ·in addition Harmonize Who says men and women can't cmurumicate? Worpm from San· Clemente -T~strem Club wlll join foi'ces with men f r o m Fullerion -T-tmut«s Clu b f'!f' a joint meeting nut Mon- day niglJt at 7 \n the Sad· dleback Inn, Santa Ana. Plenty or communication is planned Including ta1b by clubwomen the Mme 1 • F.dward H' Ard, c. w. s-,., Harry Sharita and B e t b V.urJ'hy. Other """"" piamOn( to participlle lnclude lbe -.. Betty Cb&)in and Ida May SChoolt.ker, boats1t1; Ollvtr Barnes, In-: c. L. Burgem, timer; G o r d o a Fleener, evaluator, and J. L. J OOnlon, clooin( thoupl . Memben .-e t,qed. to at. lend and brirlJ gueota. National Library Week is Aprll 21-26 and the Costa Mesa libraries will ctlebrate wilh a &eJiea of llpeCla1 evenla and e.lbibits. In the Center Street Branch will be a display Oft California history, . ctlebnlin( t be bicentennial. The focal point will be a model " the Estan- cia. Tours of the libraries are scheduled and the many services offered will be ex~ plained. These include the recently acquired mlcroCilm file and reader, 18-millimeter films, recordi and numerous 1peclal perlodicalt and newspapers which can be checked out. Another display will featurt a collection of beat sellers from t!M which will be available foe circulation. A chltdreo'I story hour 1' acheduled In the Center SU..t Brench Thunday, April II, at 10:30 a.m. Mrs . Walter Hatch of lbe library staff will praent a book talk for mothers durlnJ the hour and refreshments will be served. Estancia High S c b o o I Owls Hoot About Date to planning a rummage s a I e d Friday, April 25, are prepar· T w A jam oessloo and lpring Ing for a luncl!eoo moeUng 0 e irlsb lace Is way up on bonnet parade will highlight Tuesday, April n. at 12:30 the popalarity Ult among the 11th birthday celebration Irish Lace Lines Fashion p.m. in the church. SL Andrew's Presbyterian buyen of Iri&b fubionll, says of the Night Owll of the . Mn .. Clifford Bacon and Church will be the &etting for Anne Tolan, fuhion expert for Newport Beach Hoot 'n Holler commtttee membei'I the the July $ nupUalJ linking Irish lntemaUanal A1rl1net. R.ol:m Sunday, April •· Mmes. Ed Jacobi. Phllipp Susan Whited and Kenneth She knows becaUH she When the group meets at 2 Flower carts llDa! with Dillinger Jllld Elwood Smith Emory. spendJ most of the year p.m. In the Senior Clllmis 'rioleta and bedecked wtth bu-will host the hmcbeon. and News of the farthcomlng traveling throughout America ~aUon Center, Newport qualle 1 tr ea me r 1 will Mrs. Carl Caldwell 11 program eve11t has been announced by and Canada pruentinc showa Beach, guitarist Joe ChappeJle lrlDllGrm the lrvlne Cout chairmao. Mr. and Mn. Earl J. Whited of Costa Mesa, will eoterlaln cam,. Cluh--lntli a Spring· The rummage sale, chaired of Coeta Mesa, parenla of the of Irish clothes. In the past, with old and new pop tunes, time ta Paris ace n e when by Mn. Norman Chrirtensen future bride who is a graduate 1"41ust~ .. wu used almost and the bonnet parade will be tbe After' Five Supper Club or will take place from t a.m. tci o( Emanda lDgh School and exc v~ u an acces10ry. · staged with prizes at stake. the TUadly Club cl Newport 3 p.m. in the church. the Los Angeles College of u~•r __ jt ... ~~-als ~-1•1 ~: ReservaUoos must be made -plhen for a buffet Medical and Dental -• ~ ~ •wPts w and psld for at the meeUng -amdoJ, Aprll 2111. Asslstant.s. She Ls a put ~.!!brics 1n .. ~. day and le< the trip to City cl Hope, -A<OdlaDbourwillbeglnat HB Mothers honored queen of Bethel 113, ev~ .. wear ... ..,, theyn whlchwUJlncludeadedlcalion &:IO p.m. and tbe buffet line: Job's Daughters. even using it in swimwear," ceremony in honor of the late wm form at l :3D p.m. After HunUngtlln Beach Blue star Her flanct, son of Mr. and'~~Mlss~iTiolanijiaaldiji.ijiijiiijjiiR~l~cc~I ~Rl~car~d.iiiiiiiiiiii~I -· dandn( lo the Warren Mothers, Chapt>r 2, atqo Mn. Nell c. Emory, aiao cl -arcbeltra will follow meetlnp the ltCOOd Mondaya Costa Mesa, la a graduate of -11 p.m. at 1:2111 p.m. In LaR Park EHS aod aUeode<I Orange Add1ot 1 note of 1nt.not0-=0;u;bbous=:::;e.=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::Coast~~Co~U~e~gr=.=:::=:::=:::::;; wtl bt • '1laplaJ " Fr.nchll" -~ Mn: llutb lltonr x-clJ, wbo allO l 1 -"lbe party. B ti tl&b'9 are b1l111 -~ Kn. KllllltdJ, m. -. -Kn. Claude c.u.., ... L Medical Group IC"'7 -'IWld&J " ... ---..,~ _ _.., .... _.,,. Only 13 More D~ Until MARGIE WnB'S Gigantic 'Once-A-Year' Tent "SALE" -E· BRATION DISIGND FAIAICS AT TRIMINDOUS SAYINGS AIM lr•:lllM...,. d"' evt Y•I'* ht wr ~ Shep . -So, R.m.mbor the 0.lt . MAT ht Aful help us "S11/.E.lrtt1" FREE Lectures e Hulth e Youth • Beauty by ....... , .. , .)lril Zl • U-2 « '/"" LAGUNA, J::~ a:." tDCf lt•1 wmbil al!f.m. I« ... IDIJbttlll-~ c:am.. Mn. M.a r Jo r 1 e 2094 So. Coast Hwy. Lapna leach ''•••• It""' tti;, •' f.r Fr•• "'Y•11th UnllMir.d" c .... 1.11 •••'i-• HumbtJ',lff.Dn. ll-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-11' ............................... .,,,, s tudents will become librarians for a day to assist 1n library duties. LIDO MARKET Costa Mesa Art League member Gordoa L. Andrews hu assembled a co1lectloa cl his wort 1.r dllpiay 1n the Center brlndl, and Mn. Lloyd M.,_ of F-.1n Vall<y will&bowacollOctlonol K~ dillis. NIWPOIT ILYD • VIA UDO • NIWPOIT IEACH ALL YOU CAN EAT-$1.00 JOIN THI FUN • INTDTAINMINT WIN .. IDS! .. Lile-like FULL . w .it llllllNPl111!0t-.... · l:][#m[•J • *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *fOR All AGES! Babies, children, adnlbr. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! One per lll!bject, two per fami)7, LAST 2 DAYS! ENDS APRIL 20th! ~ alSs -II I Pll DAll.Y • S. 11111 Pll wiiifE COSTA MESA FRONT ......... -;;·-==~--3-08•8•1•R•IST•O•L•A111VE-N•UE-- I I f I I I I I \' I I .. Ii , ,~, I , " I I i ' ' I I I I J I ' \ ' -· ' • ' . •• I I .VOl. 62, NO. 93, 4 SECTIOblS. '4t'"'~ \.. • ~hotg~ns Halt Mesa $.iispect B7 ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ofllilt D9lb' .......... Gambling on the chance that his man cari'ied no gun, a Costa Mesa police of~ fl!tt cllmlied to the nio! ol a d"o!mtowi1 Weapons shop early today and disarmed a balky burglary suspect of• razor. 'Patrolman John Michael was ~ ' by two fellow 'officers with shotguns trained on the uncooperative quarry, who wu l!>fered from the rooftop by band, klc)dng and sqlfi\mlng. Abraham ff. Ruiz, 26, of 13$ E. Emmel! St., Santa Ana, wu booked on suspicion of burglary after the s _ a.m. confronlaUoo at Grant's Surplus, 1750 Newport Blvd., inveatij:ators said. Aroused by the soll!>d of trash cans belnJ' moved at the n!ar of the rustic bulldlng, a nelghbOr look<d out and called pOlict aft>r seeing a lbort-1tocl:y DWI climb to the rool. '()fficer Michatl parked DtlT the 1C1M. clbnbed-ooto a large traah rtctptacle of. ferinJ' i view of tht roof and ordertd the man later'ldentllled u Ruiz to -and pit up his hands. He s t i 11 refused to do anythina: but ltand where he wu and the patrobnan went after him, as soon as Sgt. gary Shull and Officer Dave Dye arrtvep to take up shotgun guard duty. The suspect cemalned crouched near a door entering into the surplus store' below, so Officer Michael grabbed him and slammed him to a prone position so I>< could-be oearched. lnveltip.kn said Ruiz carried a ra:r.or JTIOOllled In a holder.in hi5 ROC~et, !be -/j lqol -to sluh open wdboard q_rtons. Mlchoel 11id he dragged Rw. to the !!! e ol '.~ '""' aJ)d !!It.ii hlmi~ to Shull, who hall to ~-tJiO ~I· ,,.....,..,_ IOllf!ld 1111111-lli '.1111lliU11 ed. > llo entry •II made to ~ ~ ,nd · .......,,,......__. ..... a(bliillm'l In ;;;;:;;, ~1"" .:id bi1(1loiedivt 1i-. Br""'1 ls . ~ to follmrup work on the cut. · Broad, who handleJ all commercial halt!tary ciaeS repbr!H, said he bop<s that others may posa!bly he solved .by qu•stlonlng ol lluiz. Mesa Water Firm Completes Trust Deal With Bank . A revoluUanary DN' ~nancial deal never before done in CalUotnta was clos· od Thur"1ay by directors ol the Coota Mesa County Water ·District after negotiating for about two years on the matter. "We're quite proud." said Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, who sits as a director on the CMCWD Board, in ad- qltlon to his civic title. "Papers were signed setting up a trust agreement with the Bank of America, for deposit of mom:y from the sale of a, 10- kre parcel of unneeded land at Brookhurst Street and Victoria Avenue. i. The si~licance is that the fund an- Jiually wfll pay olf aboul 1210,000 of bond· tid debt the CMCWD assumed from the old Newport-Mesa Water C.O. when ieveral agencies were merged into ooe ;;.rs ago. Dlffi:lon of the CMCWD UIUlDed the ciJnalderable debt burden cmied by that Old~ aaency and the Fainlew Farms '/l'l!kr Co., pledging to get fl paid quickly ~ equitably. ,Go Fly a Kite At Verde School ' If you live in Costa Mesa's Mesa Verde neighborhood you can just 10 Oya kite ,. Saturday, from noon on, at Mesa Verde Scblol, where the homeownen•. asaocia~ Uon ot:rer1 prizes In a doien. or more categprlea: for kitHJ.iers from Infants to Octogenarians. Go fiy a kite and ta'ke ak>ng a picnic lunch. Liquid re!reslunenb will be pro- Vided. Tra~sport Workers, P~pAm Make Pact WASHINGTON !UPI ) -N•gotiaton for Pan Ame.rtcan World Airways and the Tranoport Wockm Union ruched a ttn- taU•e contract qreerqmt minutes before a Thurtcja7 mldnlcbt .trike deadlin<, averting a strike 11a.Inst the aprawllng olrllne. The agrttment must still be •pproved by the II.GOD TWU members who work for PanAm, and no detalll ol the tW"o- 1ear pad were made public. '• ' • Sirhan B. Sirhan's chief defense attorney Grant Cooper i* beset by micropbOnes as be, leaves court Where be prese.nted setjes .of motions following client"s first degree murder conviction Thursday. (See story page 5.) Anti-war Camp·in At Stanford Ends After Nine Days _STA!'lF'Ol!D (UPI) -Antiwar pr0o testers today ended a nlne-Uay lit-in at a Stanford Uliiverslty laboratory. The 600 students who had participated in tM octupation of tbe applied e1ec~ ttonic.s' laboratorv voted a 1 m o a t uiii•n•~,.:o j1~ illilpend" uie ........ and leave the bullclioll- n.... Welnberc, one " the ' ...... -:::i-: '...Jll Pi'iildent KeTW.eth S::filzer ..,... ... the -.. ··-to ~· per:• · ' ffll' one weft. "'J • : . Ttii ~atOrs, wbO n1arched into the Jab April 9 to proteJt. war.nlated re1e8rdt ~a1; Stanford, uid they would hOld a,tftlil3·meeting April 2$ to consider ,future tactics -including "reoccupation ol ~<unJvei'alty buifllln&-" In deciding to abandon their •Camp-in, the students talked of "not being preP,Jrtd to st.and up against polict or federal troops ... 1b6 university had repeatedly 1akJ it wooilcli not call CMHBidt forces il the pm- tell remained peacdul, but warned It m.tpt not be able to prevent "federal trooijs" from entering the' lab to prolect sec:ret permnent fila. Air Cal to Bus OC Passengers .. ' To Long Beac~ Air California passengers will be (&own to their destinatior..s from Long Beach Airport for, 10 Cays beglnnina Mmtday, the~ airUne's official aMounced t h I s morfilng after extended negotiations with Long Beacb authorities. • AlrCalifonUa officials emphulr.ed that a.11 pl&lf!ll!lers will depart from Oranp County Airport 'is usua!_ and be 'buJtd to the. Long Beach alrltrfp. AU 'lld1odules will remain the same as at ~. ,,,. boa b"ip to Long -Is esttmated 1t S5 minutes and arrtvall at Sao.Fronclsco, Oakland and San, ... "111 be that much later than normal throoghoot the day. The same appllol to returntng passengers who wt~ be bmed from Long Beach to Oranct Count.1 Airport. . Air California officials e1pect.. repair v.-ork on the Jqcal airport'• main runway to be completed by Thursday, M:ay -1 and lhe· airline plaM to r...,,,e llichb lrom the airport Friday, May I. . ' . l!J, ~· F. COWNS ....... ,...... . Gnund 'llill be b....... on a 11·hole champiOnllllp 1011 eoune Ill N~ Beii:li'lhls sumnitt," an Irvine Com)liln)< ....-dlacloood todaJ. Wil!Jam Aldrich, Irvine piblle ,.la· ti-dln<tor, made the announcenieot In a Ult helor• the N~rt Harbor Ola-ol Commerce. .Jie. allo revuled the huge ranch cor- parailon tntends soon to donate 300 acm to·~7 for cleftiopmont ol a .. gi ... I park jU>I north of the IJCI corn- plet. Colinty and' lrvJnt rtprutDlaUvts -l • i . 0 NGE CoUNTY, CA~l!'O,ltNIA ... . t • ' _,. " ' .• '. . FRIDA-Y, APIU~ II, ,,.1, TEM CENTS , '· •• i1JI , ). f _. , U.S. Guards Spy Flight~ • " Nixon Says :·MusiPll:S Vi~l to "Troops in Korea I I j • ' • , " ' WASHING TON (UPI) -Pmidenl Nlaon todiy "order!d rtSUl'llptioo. Or U.S. recooNissance fli&btl oft the North Corean co&st and served notice that • "they will be protected." "When,..._ ol Ille Unllod Slatoo .,. ships of the United States ilt inteW&ence gathering, are In internati• wateri or International air space, they are bot fair game," he President told a ntWI' con- ference. "They will 'not be In the future."· he declared. ''They will be protected. That is not a threat, but a statement of fact." He aald lhat I S President be coulcf not ask M,000 American troops atatlooed lo • I • • • South Kora to .lie eada...,..i by not hav!n1'1n!emp.;.. kniiirle,dp ,wllldl lie said U.,lllllllDOcl:-fua-IJilbls provide. ' Nino said North Kn had been displaybit '1ncr8ued helfllereace." H•' notecl that · q. llll!llber ol lncllJtn~ in· volvlni North ·-·~ inlo South Korea bM bimued. He aald that furtbei: U.S. moves u 1 result of loasr-ol in~ N•vy .rec:on· nalasa ... 'plaill, with l <ftW of II, to North Korean MIG1 "Will depend on the cirtumstanee,'1 Inc~ u di DI North . . ~ .. -·to the ......... ,., .... lmmedj11o1J lllQlllllad --lllt U.S. aii1al ........... -: • ' 'ECm •• Jilel but fbtl Ile bid Oids .. Thi ~ ECtll WU 111111 · llldi m-.-. He em)lbul..,i don·by Norlli Kor9an jela MonclaY. . , the h llicbla. nUla be made -PIO- N!Un Mid liolh U.s. and Soviet radar tection but decHNd to ·uy -t type o( iljlitln@ dillnH<ly ..... bll!I*' tllal the prolactiO. ....... provldod. . U.S. planiwu "approximately to mllea" He -1hat the decltlon to con- at 1t1 lt•tbe time of the attack -.fir Unue ruihts with protection was not beyond the 11 mile llmU clalmod by ~ly the "final" U.S. Up. ,"Cur North Korea. actlonl In tbls matter will be deknnlnocl .. This attack was unprovok~1 ll was by what happens in the future, "~be Aid. dellberale, It •aa wllbout •amine," Nil« Two bodies haYe been ..-~ on uld In I grave voJce that ieerl..ed the--~ or.Japlft aibce tbe 1 IElll .... , husky with emotional tension. clown and no hope ii held out for lilrvtv'1 NI.Ion said the --llichb ol aDf ol lhe·.U... 19. ' ' Mesa Scorns Newport's Annex Gripes . K ,or-eans Accused ••• ~ ' ' ' ... ':-. -• ! ' . • . :· Sewers Fixed ~ Bui Beoc~~-~ :: Tough luck, '°"' grapeo and mUddylnc or the municipal waters were tenm brought to mind today, u Coata Meum responded to ancrY con~Uon of their new 40-acre Back Bay anneution plan by irate Newport Beach o!ficlals. • "I see Mr. Hurlburt la a litUe· unha~ py,'' commented Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley with airy nonchalance. "It breal..s m1 beart,"-be added: but didn't seem about to ·catr .. in a cardiac . " i;pecialist • ' J " Newpjirt ~ C1!Y ~er !llrw}' L, Hurlburt ~ and limMd mlfblll1 'lbunda7 ~1"e"'-l!IW C-. M~ pro. posal whidl •m he~""'!i!Y II by the COll!"Y'i .Loco!. ~ "f'~ ~=ii...-plan ilc>w en Ii lot ill LAFC hWlnt · elledl,.fy doei to i similar Newpbrt Beach ~ ol Ill acrt1 ;Just about what Israel CUJtomarily does to lb netpbors. Es,..tially, the, bitter Back !lay bl~ tling centen ~.each city's rac4 tO get to P,rim~ indUlbial land IOUth of Orange Comity Airport, a potentlally ricb tax source for whoever finally &eta: It. · "This is typlcil, .of .~ · ¥esa.'' Hurlburt declared Tbunday, "what lh<l want effedlvely' cuts our anneutlon pJUI' to pieces, breaka up a nelghboi'l!Qod and nicely ~ouls us up.", , "TbeSe people came ·to us and llked . for anneuUon, so we are IOlnc. te taja it," Mayor Pinkley ~ , todaj ·when asked to comment en the newest eruption in the anne:xatkll feud. Tbe I.AFC last year qnl(Ol'td a handt- off policy for both cities concenting a specific ltrip of land bordered by Paliladel Road, Rod HUI Aveoue and Kline Drive, after both tried anneu.Uons. Of 'Aggression:~ r~JOM, K-(UPI)_ -The Unll>d Slota today ~ !lorth Korea of " "calcUlated r.ct pt, IQl'Ulioo" In shoOtin& doWI) an Amerlcan spy plane and told,il>e ~unlals ~ muot. "ac- "°""t ·-the <>qlllieq..n..a:" . Thi fiht I~ m9etJnl of U.S. ond N'orlh. )CAli1&ll oWct~• all!Ct lh< Alane . •tot dow!l with SI men alloud 'l'ueeda)' plllad U.S. Air 1'!""" ¥aj, Geo. J~ B. ltna~,North'.ltoftan ll!j. Geo. Ill . ,al .uu, t:uce ~Elll!:1~· '.i...1t ~ ~~ .. -t 11ut .,,...::-~m=~"'C· ~~JI!&,. <lii; ' ~ ~-ir:lfi~·=-~:z,, to ..,·thi 11~""'1 ..... . In Japan. ·Tiii ~ . . ~ Commllalon, uni1ei', ""'fl' . , 11 . RI Le~~'UeQf ·Women Vo~~rs ,I ' • • ' ·Calfs i ior /Udicial . PrQbe n Ii blih tJn\e'lbit Calill'iita·• judlclal . --..lu al>Jtc1'ed' to 'lealdli;( .In· ., ' . . ... . . -uptloa, the Lta;ue ol Women Volen declded1llaraday. -· ... Gunmen Execute ' I ' • ' ' in' IM lii\ai act ol tllelt' thrte:a,y ~ winuM it ~·•'Grind botti, more th&(I 10D,.de1eplts lnMn ·a eauf!""ia chafiten of the league Yalod over*beJm.. lnlJr for ' a two-ytlir pr0be Into the lld'· min.IJtratlon of ju1Uce In this llate. -='=='=~~,:r1 Guard in Heist R<jectod by the Jeque In favor ol lhe courCJ Inquiry irert auga~ studies of· hicbU educalloii and .,;.ironmenlal · polluliori'. Bo~ iuQ'esUOns ~ were in-- del!nlkly she!~ are del!nltely olf lhlt oectlon, but they · . are enthuslutlcall1 patting th~ new ·Of A d Ca South 40, bounded by Tustin ud Santa ' rmore r Ana Avenues and Clnada Way. "Here are people who have done business and gone to ochool In eo.ta Meaa aJ¥I -they finally mt lo become a part <t the city oleo.ta Mesa," Mayor Pinkley said today: ','We pmnlsocl the people In the county corridor out there 15 years ... ,that we _, b7 to brlnf them In unlelo·they uktdt'' be continued. "I jusl nnt to back him up In w6at he ..,. too," comnieillad Jolm McKamey, ol (See ANNEXA110N, Pap I) NEW YORK CAPr -Tbe illoc:I: market, liviilg up much ~Its ear3 pins U invest.on grew cauUom, c;lolad IDdlJ at almost 'the same place it had opened. (See quotations, Pages IG-11 ). hive been "in necotlaUOll" oo the pro-. Ject !or months, l)t. said. · The muJU<nlllJon dollir Nt'OJ>\'11 .. K """""· lo l>O" -to Prol-.i" Goiff,..• A-i.tion '-*' wlB ..,...ci over lilmdredo ol lrvtne....., In Bir Canyon alol)1 San JOl!illlfn ltood behind Newport C.nttr, Aldrich said. The layout wtll f'l'ICOll\PISI an area bounded M the north by Ford Road. on the oouth by San Joaquin Road, ., the eul by~-and• 1111 • -t by the Up!Jer B&7- Golfera will reach holes on the b1y11de • ·Qf J!Ullcular ln\er.,t, said league delegaks, In what wnr be' a !Wo-year ln- vestlgaUon of the judlcil.l 1y1tem, will be th! methoda of select.lag judges and autsslnc· their quallUea; jury selection; j111U.. !or .Juvenllu; julllce for the poor 4nd the 1eneral adminlltration of CaJlfornla .... 111. "Toollng,up" for ii!Otewlde inqulr)' "111 be ·'""""1 oal dll!\lil the -niabtb., qonvinUon ''-'cal• d;ckled. They qr...r that full ICa1e lnve•UtaUoal ol the judlcl.al oyiiWn wlll be launchod by all.~ .......... In llplombor. ti Mesa Clvic Chiefs • • l Funeral Servi® For Electrocution Victim Conducted . ' Funeral services were held ,,,..., at PaciHc View Memo r I 1 I Part for Rebecca Sue Davidson, 11, ·o1 .. Grant Ave., Colta Mesa. She.died Sunday njght after heinc ~ lroculed when a radio !ell Into i the -h Where ajle WU ~lhinl- Rebecca Sue wu a sixth grade student at Paularino Elementary School, CilOta Mesa. ·She ls lllrvivod by her nioUler and slepfather, Mr. 11111 Mn. Dmlald !fut. cblooiii hlo br-.i -lllll ,.,.. ryll ; lour llll<n, ~Jane, 1INnda andl>a ... ; ber pandponnb, Mr, and Mn. E<hranl firm. ol Sanlo Ana; -ltepbrolbeil. and hlo lleplisten. orua• ....... " ......... &, eF -~·a:::=, co 1• : Il l :::-~· =='-: =·· .......... , ~· .......... , ........ ,, ~ ·-· "& ........ u. • -. ' .. =-.: -· • . ' • I ' • DAl&.V r1LOT ...... "' Jilllll Vllltlru Flying Clubs May Pay Fee To Airport f'Upplag her Flapjaclu Jock Zaremba wann1 up for role as ch~ Sllurda7 .when Orange Coost YMCA sponsors annual flapjack feed at Richard's Lldo Market. Y will afar complete breakfast for $1 per person from 7:30 a.m. to 11· a.m. Ptoceeds go to Y's nrimming pool fund. A new Orange County airport ~ ance, achldulell 1q,. airln( before tlfe AltportC<lnmlllloo 'Ill~, WW lndUde I -· IOdlan •oetlhig l!lll1Jal feM for oome ffylng c!Ubl operaUng out of the COWlty' airport, ac<ording to c:ounty DI- 3 E~pe Plane Crash DANVJU.i:, m (AP) - A Stnt.tcle =~~~btru.r:: paraabulad lo. ulety. nAll 1 PllO! OUNM CM11 PUil llMINO CCIMl'Nft ••Mrt N. W"'4 .................. ' . _,, r ..... P .. eJ ANNEXATION .. .!> rector ol. Aviation Robert Bresnahan. ZS51 Redlandl An., spoWmJJ!J for II out 'lbt lee, P,400 a yw, II aimed It of 45 propttty -..wbo olgned an an-brtna!nl tbo 1!1lJil dubs In lint with tbo nention petition .ricentJ,. airpart'a find baae opera ton, f1nan.. McKamey blmlelf handed In the papers clallf, the avllUon eucutive aaid. to lhe Coota Mt1a Cicy Council 1 month Tho cblnge II almtd ot lhooe clubs that qo. leadiq to l!lbmlliion cl the proposal 1 ..... oiie or more p1..., and offer flight to the hlsher councy agency for hearing. lnstnlctlon and rental of the pllnt at "We got qether ud .. ttd the di)> to reduced ra"'° BranalwJ lald. annex," Nld MdCllney. Such ctubl can offer rates lower than One cl lfurlbmt'1 COJJJpllinll 'l1!undaJ thole cblrged by llztd bue oper1tora wu that Slnta Anl Avenue, wblcb becauso ll!ey are not l!lbjtct to IUCh -becomes Red Hlll AvtDUe u it leaves the Items u county.fmpoHd I 11 'u ran c e cicy llmlt, II the latPcal ,c.eta M-coverage, i.... cblrlfl and ltdlral ........ ft-~ nr:=n"" Dlgbt lnltructon. N •• ,.... ~ !Jouncllr)I line. said IJ f1y!o( dubl 1rt "Mr. Hurlburt can uy all 1w •l!Jla !iltod with hll olflee u usln( the aJrport that "'"'1thllll tOll cl Santa Anl Avenue and 1booil 11x -. are not listed but balOJ>p lo Newport Beach," ~y known to bl usln( the laclljcy. Fl)'l!JI Aid. clubl wbJcb own and operalo their oWn . ;-... ·Iii addetf ~. i'" ...... w ·.illll'h llll '\~} j!llldlll"lijr tllli '!,~-. . ~'be~\\·,,~.1 ~~ . ., JJ' T --Ow Ri ..::.r-,~~ ~ en tes -:,, 1i'J lllli.~~ ed. airllnel " -Wr~,, · ' Slated in Chino -A 1100 i.1ar .. ~ '"*-..,,. -!IOI bold a regular _lldi,. per. Funeral services will be held at 111.m. -Saturday at Honold Brotherl!I, Chi.no, for Loe William Owen, a Jongtlmt ruldent of <'<Ila M-who recenUy moved ta CliJM. Mr. Owen, a retired wareboule man, died Wedne9day 1t Pomona Valley HOlpltal 11 Ibo ... cl 'II. ml! lrm! Ibo alrpolt. ' I " Studentt Uold Fac~iy OAKLAND CUP!) -The · -nta made the tuchen rtay after ICbool at Merritt College Thund1y, locking about 30 flculcy mtmben inalde a m4ellnl room for J'it hours in a DOD-\llolel'lt m. cldtnt. -- • ~ In dotp difllcu1tles. Cool! ........ --. -~ ..... -... ~· ;Joni'd .• ,)lu+!IJ td ' a. 4 ll!t dt1 ..... lo .... p U$il .. 1could llqul4ale Md leave town · rJ LOG.001( \ Wbol· aboul, tcwlni lhe J .Ul!llP'lt di .. ~ evenloial dllln"'1'est, er ·1a1 -! lboct and upqlUre? . ,.~ "If you doll\ lllop U IOt!JeW ~ 1'J of ~.WlolJ, 1 don\ tJlow what 'they may be oig '!in .;;;q ...,,. _. lbem. You th• stage pest," ~lfOI' ~ tin · per...ia -·· be~ darkly. . .. Comll!ll po!lce ~ ud ar· C i I 1 Clerk Priest. a lonl!linu! E.a rem. u trequenUJ u pollitM Ue qp the Coast reporter. had news for us fi'om mausment ad the feminine abtbttora own old beat, some .• y~rs a{~ Pll!_~g In local , ... ond ball bonds, .. economic that particular .,.,... eadllnt. sapeUon whtch ~Y works. "One bit rmatiy did Ji," he alld, 1'and t"lbll ii the oriJJ way a city bu to pro-the gal even had her-i>Ody'patnted "'1th 1"1 Jtlelf now,"· aaid the mayor, just henna." a_~t at tbt mne moment Superiot His knowledge of the vile deed came COurt c:onvmed In Santa ,Au for a bur· purely through pro(esslonal journalistic 1nl on ttiree: llH:llJed. bottom)ea bin' channels, he was qulCt tO.point out. biil k> relnabi that way. Mayor Pinkley shook. his head and Bab)' poll'1 wenl oul cl b1Ja1-In just stared frcm Charlle's office, to the world '* method. after a campafa:n of outllde, where •. bp&ht sun beat do~, Judldomly applled· !Jaraamlnl a.au,.. ud there ~k oeemtd lo be nothing l~ °"""Harry Mllllilll w!llJ b!i toi>le¥ 11 all new under . · . . .· Nixon Says Peace Chances NB Planners 'Si1rn.:r· I Im d' Okay School i.sµ.u.Icant y prove . E bl 11: For ast u Fna Wire Setvlces WASHINGTON -Prtaideot Nlloo declared today that chances for peace in ' Vietnam "have aignlflcanUy improved" oilv:e he too!t clflee -but added be - not want to raise falie hopes that peace is around the earner. , Nixon told a news conference bis aseeua.ent wu bued oa "a number of developments," but when he ll!ted them, he gave l'IO.J indication that the Coin- munllll have algniled a ·willingnaa to move toward settlement. In.stead, he stressed improvement of the capablUUes of South Vietnam, Saigon's willlnpeu to accept some com. proml.se in the makeup of a future govtrnment, and geater poUUcal stablli· ty In tlJe Soutl!. He Wd the latter factors would "give a better opportunity for ne1oliating room'' at the Parb peace conference. The Pral· dent, in hi~_ first news conference since March 14, a1lo made these point!: -He ls not considering a unilateral withdr••al ot American troOpt from &!uth Vietnam. He IJlld be saw little pro- spect of reducing the Amert.can com- mitment there until 1lpific1nt progrtu had ,,_ ....... In ltdudlrf Ille; !evil it fig1ith,C';;Jl;i;;g ·Uie South Vie- army to US!llDe more of the ~~ ol fl&btblg the war, ud rescbln& an ac- commodaUon at the peace taltl. -He lald Ille level cl U.S. cuualtlel In Vietnam was down ''either because the (Cop!munlsta') spring offensive hu run 11• coune or b at a substantial lull." -A message proposing tu reform will be aubm.itted t.o Congress Monday or Tueld11. He would not dilCUss it further. -He replied 11no" when uked whether tht administraUon intended to keep the 10 percent income auhu In eflect once 1he WIT in Vietnam b over. The President said the Soviet nuclear S!rengtb, ln both mialiltl and IU!> marln.,,.had lncrealed to p<rc«1t 1Jnco the nr~ ~ecl•!on wu made In 1111111 to deplo)' a U.S. snUballlstic mlaalle (ABM) system. He '"lllrmtd hll lntontloo ta fight for • limlltd ddenH mlalle aystm to pro- t.ct the U.S retaJia1!><7 CO!"!>WI)>. A!l<td whether 'Ii< fell Republicsn senators who opposed the ABM •houkl, out of partJ lo)oalcy, support him, be replied, "I certainly do not." "I want to make it crystal clear my decision on the ABM wasn't bued on RepubUcan vs. Democrat.. Jt waa hued on what is best for the country." Furniture Gets Eye of Thieves Furniture -1n lmlO Fm>ch antique chair and • ltOI contemporary !eltvlslon set -were ~ l10l<n today by .Coe- ta M ... police; to a ll'and IJJeft ud .a burglary .-. Mn. Anne M. -., ~ 111117 8sntlqo Ave., Nld ber chair la mJalnfJ llon1 will! a craftanu tmRlol'td unW ~ b)' a local fomi-r~ planl She -bavt a canctlltd 111 cbeclt for )>Ill cl tbo job. Mr•. Mary E. Stlenar, "' :llM Androi St., Costa M,.., arrlvtd hmM lrom wort aa a schoolteacher Thurlday noon for. lunch and round 1 burglar had made ofl with her television aet. 5th Heart Transplant CAPE TOWN, Soutl! Alrlco (UPI) - Dr. Chrlstlun Barnard perlo111itd hll ftlth heart tronsplant opera!lon Tbunday night, rellahle medical oourca at Groo!e Schuur Hospital said. Newport Beach p II n n I n g cO!!l- miaslonen 'lhurldoy night _.,.a plans for an Eastbluff elementary IC.hoot that school olf!ciala bope •ii! open 11' Stpttmber of 19111. . Re&ldenta of the area bave had. to wait · throogb five bond el«tlona, tlJe first lour of which failed, for funds to buy Ille llo4 and build the school. Included in the 115.9 mlllion bond issue thlt (ll!otd Feb. 11 ta 11.485,oOO for the Eallblu[f school. RO)I Anderoen, Newport·fole.!a Unlfitd School District's administrative assistant for acboo1 facilitles, aald the city planners aetion Thurliday ni1ht was "j115t a formality." Approved was a n:subclivision io split out the school site from a largtr Irvine Company parcel and 1 uae permit to allow c~structioq oC the , &c:hool ln ,. ' residtnUal area. Condltlool, considered routine, aro lhll all ~tlni be -• .,.,, from propertlu 8lld lloa; !be ecl!ool dl!IJjC\ Improve .... lial! of" u,. , -Vista dtl Oro adjacent to the ~ •. Andersen said the 11 ..... lile will ~ • purcbaoed frcm the lrvlnt Company for· SZ38,506, lhm·fourthl of the 1pprailtd land value. There are legal steps that must be· taken, but tlJe prl"' haa been agreed to and the sale probably lhould go into escrow about July 1, Andersen said. The IMne Company first priced the Jl'(>perty for a school bond election five .'. yell'I ago and baa not increased it since, despite rising land values. Plana for the school were completed be.fore a 196' bond eltctJon. They are being updated now by architectl, Ander"'1 said.. ' He II l!ltVlved b)' two -· Mu A. "' Costa Meia .and James of Chino ; two sisten, Mn. RoxJe Williams o( Chicago and Mrs. .Kithtrine Huener of llllno~; two crandc{llldren. and Ihm .... ,. ~ President Norvel Smith persuaded. tbrtt culoadl ol pollce IUDID!ooed to tl!e clmpo1 to ,otrut while he aoupt a Ip;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ pelcol\ll 1ettlement. Calllornla'1 only Negro junior coTiege president IUCCleded. • · Borla! will be at Pomona Cemetery. 30160 II.AS$ TOP TAIL'-'!•" THICK $ ..... SPICIAL 144 UfJ, $1ff. I It Mfalr ·liyW ~ .... ,.,,., 4elaW,""' h th -lo• ..... lap ...... Doo'I Min•.,. pw12zltr te..,. ..., • • r•.••• .. 1:1 price. Au 1•1111 n. •••• • ... rw ... , Anrt .. i hW -OM lprl+ - D ... 1111 .. Olftl -... -, .. .,._ -........ Y .... IXC("9IVI DEALIU l'Olb HINRIOON-DRIXIL-HERITAGI ta ~YS "!> INTIRBT-LONOIRTOMS AVAii.AiLi ON APPROVID CREDIT . .,, HIWPORT llACH ,,., -1111 Or., '4s.2050 __ .,,., ' ' I INTIRIOllS Pn1fl111tNl lnltrtor LAGUNA llACH Dollp!Ol'I MS North Coal! Hwy. A•1ll1blt "'~llD -fl19AT om t -,. ··-.. .._ ~ .... ,,., • YOUR COMMUNITY From its d istinctive cover, featuring some of the Harbor Area's best known multi-smried build ings, right on through« pages of feels, figures, phone numbers end pbotcu, here is YOUR COMMUNITY. It pecloges and gift wreps the mt1ny communities of interest in the Newport B .. ch-Costo Mesa area in o· publication you'll wont to keep hondy all year long, for reference. You can get elltre copies, too, for yourself or for o friend who isn't lucky,enough to live here (25 cents over the counter at either the Newpo rt Beoch or Cosio Meso office of the DAIL Y PILOT or 35 cents by m a i I lo onywhel'.9 in tho United Stoles). • • 'Gift-Wrapped' By The DAILY PILOT r------------. etlp •• .... h i I OllANll COAST DAILY PILOT I I IH w .... -HH ...... h"''"' I c.... ..... 0.. '"" ............. Ca.,, .... I .._ .................... '''' ..... ., TOUI I COMMUNrTT .,, I 1,. ll 1199'1 ..... I ..... .................. I (Flh f• W• Ml-with ye!lf •Wll ••11'1• al'HI .ddr .. , I 9f' ftlet ef ,.,. •• te whell'I ye11 w•11f ••P••• ll'l•iltd.J I "-I I .................................................. · · · I I ~.~ ........................................... I I Cltr -ii, I '' ! I : . I ' "l' I .. / • ) I \' ' I I I ~ '· t r ,.I , I ' ' ' 1 · . I .. f ' I Survey <londaeted f J , /,ub Co11ps Helps, 1But Nq~fo~ Lang ~ASHINGTON, (UPI) -~ ~ Hmll &lrte)' -· thit moo\ Job °"Pl sroduolot ketp tlleir jobo IDd ... -·--I and molt ol 1tbelr ~ •~nt to h l r e addttiOMJ COfllSIDen. Bui all ol Harri&' flnlllnp; which he reveJled to a House committee Tbunda,y ·and WU ocbeduled lo W.. with a s.nai. comm1u.e today, ..m not ............. . ~·~· . "!o!Wr tine YMrl lllo od- vulopo .,. bloUed out. •In ............. olccollnuldbelp "81. art .mm.....i ..... In U.,, -"....,rure of dlocrlmlnllion .on d ~~od- vutoi<." HU1!il Is i..tilylnc at ~ hwinp on Uil Nbo0 odminisira)ion'i ..-at lo ciooe more than ha 'ol tho IOI Joi> Corps c,lters. ·, J!arrb ' uld 1bat moo\ Job ~ ~ -blact, ............ IJ, baft .. ........ nodiDC ablUly "'~ • fJftl> .... -11111 ·~ not '·-be,...t'1be nialllple. : Sb mixrtbs after Jeevlng 1be ~,'Harris Mid, 75 peccent cl the sr..tuata are still <111 the jab and II per<e11t have received a rlile. 'l'bq" were earning &.'1 average of 55 cents an hour more than when they joined the Job Corps 'and 89 per«nt of the employers -.id they were interested in hiring additional corpsmen. But eventually, Harris 6aid in comments accompanying his delailed, slatisUcal report, the benefits wear of(. llarr:il. eoid Ilia crcani>alion tmermwed U!3 Job Corps · \IPIT ...... CZECHOSDOl(AKIAN REFORM LEADER OUSTED • Dubcek Repla.ctd by Constrvative Gustav Hui1k Direct Vote Changes To . Come After '72? WASHINGTON CUP!) - Influential HOOse members are launching a move to lea,ve the ~method /of electing the prelkfeni r Unchanged u n t i I after President Nixon's op- potlunlty .to .run for a second term in 1m. The Hooae Judiciary Com- mittee . acre e d tentatively Thursday on an electoral reform p I a n incorporating ditect popular election of the pre&ident and provision for a runoff if no ~didate got iO percent of tbe~vote. ' Nix~ )"WI lat fall with 43 percent Cf the popular vote. The ,.proposed eonstltutionat amendment Is subject to . . amendment before a final vote by the committee, ei:pected perhaps as early as next Tues- day. But it Is unlitely the tey refonns will be changed. Rep. WIUiam M. McCulloch, Ohio, ranking Republican on the committee, disclosed he will offer an amendment to delay the. effecijve date of the constitutional amendment un- til two years after ratification by the neeessary 38 states. Because it will be 1971 before some !late legislatures get a crack at the proposa~ this would have the effect Of withholding the change i n method of electing the presi· dent until after the 1972 elec.- tion. ,fNL,YPUI' IS Police, Soldiers Read .. ..., No Protests Over Dubcek • .. ' PRAGUE (AP) -Pollce leadtrshlp change. Although Some people ima&lee I~ hlt!I for ~ natlcmlllll ~ ttinlorctmenb "!"I· aoldltn Dubcek, 17, lost mucb of Illa b boundleta, unllm!t.d ... .,._ ·Uflty. r '• · ~arded atrateffe Points In , wlldly eothusaslic follo"1nc u . In ever)' or\lmd al4te U-.. -11!!1 -. porlJ' 11 u I ColcbolloYatla ~. b ~ I ba WU forctt4 lo IJllkO. con-1111111 ~ ctitaln [Ula the,, ~ """""""-that u the'e wtre DO . reporb c4 ceAlon alter concwiOD in the game, Pi\marily O lO ,...; U jji;,.u...nt erlail ti dlltutbinces ~ the •ake of lhe Soviet invasion laws, adherence to *laJ, m~ tO,; priority will be replacemenl of Alexandtr last August, Husak J s ty and civil dllclpline and I IT• n j o 1 o Iv In I Dubcek aa Communist party ge~rally di s Ii t e d and primarily iphu!s on -'C 1 e c b o s tr.'.Ult'1 urpnt chief. mtstn11ted by freedom-minded wort." I economli jlc'olileml. He ollo The UO-member Contra! trade unionists and students. Hunt attocted Western promi.ed diiiiOCfttic tlaction Committee ~t a crlals meeUnc Alter the announcement of propqandista who he said of the Parliament and party Thunday namtd Gus lo Y ,hia tPpoin~ent, Husak epoko hope lo panic CJtcl>oslovakla .....,... .... -11 permit- Husak, the dour pro-Moscow on the radio and television and with t.alks of a )lturn to the · ted by tbt situation:" 1be bead of the Sloval< party, Jo called on the people "Jo keep , dark days ol SatUnim Jo the e!ecllono !iove -.,..~ replace Dubcek. alm and1 support the new when the Sta1hU!ts imprisoned due to Soviet llnUl1M Truckloadl ot police rein· leadership." · ...-..,-=iji-· iiijf forcementa and army a~ "We are not giving up 1n7 !I! c~ were outside . unive.rslty of the great idec whl~ buildinp at 1be national entered 0\11' pubUc Ille last auembly, our stud• ft t year" be said "but _ ... It is dormitories and at factories. n~ to ~ what. where No plus fer denlmldraUons and in what order they can be were rt ported ., far. Mo1cow put Into practice." was repcrted to have warned The first main task 11 "to that SOvtet ~patian troopl lead (1111' society out of this would 1tep in if local forces atate of crisis,'' he continu'ed. could not keep order. "To make some progress it ls CTK. ~ Czechollovak news tndiJpena&ble at thb Ume to ,.ency, SIJd ~Central Com· inb'<!<tuce more discipline both mtUee had finished Its plenary in party and social life ..,.ion and further d<talls ol ' ' • the leadenhJp reshuffle Old J would be announ<:ed later. est a pan Prague airport reopened to C. . D . normal traffic today after I hzen ymg closing to commercial planes KAMAJSHI , Japar (UPI) - Thursday night. Airport Jubei Nakamura, 118, Japan's employes said Russian officers $est resident, today wu had appeared at the control ported in a coma. Doctors tq#er. d he suffered a stroke to all WRITERS in this area ••• tr 1"" h,,. a ma...mpt ,..d7 (or"--'rl f• pal. licatioa, and would like 10 d1SCUJ1 it witlt thii GJC11ti'Mt pleue telephone the number helow1 /rff of eharp. Cill between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p~ i.00 leaw )'Olf ume aad acld:teea. You will be contacted later. " Tol ...... na: 800/553-9550. This is a,_ call. If.,.. ,..,.,, wrltt .................... . a.,t. CA.·17, P.O. In: 211t, 6.P.O,. New Yitd. N.Y.11M1 Students and young workers Wednesday. ...., were reported p I an ft in g I---_..::. _____ _;,_ _________________ _ meetings to ~termine how they would react to the r------------------,,...,, Sirhan Vows Revenge If Son Killed andual<landl,Sliemploy<rs p1· · · K·11 Ah • n·11 ., (n\d"• Pll"'D\I O!ld . ea 1 s . ort1on 1 ,_, . the t • • i . . I s .. Wt believe our study is more reliable th&f! anything that's been done,'' ,Harris said. Crippled Solon Moves NY Assembly onwna li~t f TAIYEBEH, 0 cc up i e d Most of the Job r--... Jordan (AP) -The father 1f ...,...t-""" -ALBANY. N.Y. (UPI) -you my views on this subject." Slrhaq Blshara Sirhan. con-·the graduates and thole who 'I'tle New York St ate Ginsberg, crippled alnce an victed killer of Sen. Robert F. dropped out along tlie way -Assembly, apJiarently moved attack ot polio at the age or 13 Kermedy, today swore said they had learned such by the emotional plea of a months, told his colleagues he "revenge on American pollU· things 88 keeping neat and polio.crippled legislator, nar-supported some changes in the clans" if hiJ son ii executed. · rowly defeated Thursday a bill abortion law but could not "The rev•.nor e won't be in cleen, staying away from the designed tO liberalize the vote for thiJ bill because of a wcrdl," sbhMa s l th 1 a kind Of people and thh1CI that state's strict 11&-year..old abor-provision allowing abortions declared.HecUdnotelaborate. can get one no troub~ aet-tion law.·"', when there w. risk the Un· "J accept the fact that my tlinc argurnerU w 1th 0 u t The bill iad been given an born child would be seriously son tilled Sen. Kenftedy," be fljht.s, and P.UUW' aJonr Witb even cbance~af passage befoie _deformed. " said. their !amDies.. the im~ speech by f!e read •, Jet~ he .had ... But Sen. Kennedy wu to Aasemblym·an · Martin received 'from a 15-year-old lilame. lie provoked my ..., Ginaber(, a Loog I s I a n d boy who had bet> crippled sin- by -tening lo supply arms N" NY H ... Republkan. . ' ce birth. !' ' lo tho MjddJe East wblcb IXOD o ... e The meuure sponao-' bJ The letler ~u<!ed; "I WGUhl have Caused the dea!ll · -' -· ,AIJ>oit 11. Btumenlhll"" (1j. ll\lilil 'lU>t 'bi 1n a ollbQ.111Ddl ud,the~" Un• £11 n:.:i,. Mllibatlail),wu,deleai.,d,_., hOopilll ' . tbiabillhad ~.WU:t..._ .. ~y.-,. ~"· qu '"""*•.._ · n, Oiily'._...'votes lliort ~ iJot liOen u.eu '." ~II!; eon did wtu,• 11 n.. 'W.iil!llNGTO!I (UPI)' ~ 71~ for -.. 'Ole' ' "I,4'111 J!i1. longue .. u . I say 15-yelr-old Arab. • Mort than eo W80nS have bid vote mitked ~ end of ,'at~ It," 1Ginsbvrg,i Wd, ''~t I "Many Americans have to buy Prea.ideni Nb:an's old temptstochangethe~· can't Pf'eftnt''m~U ;;[rom to house d t td law during the current ~Qn asldng if this pr'ovUron. is come my 111 0 • me aparbnent on $th Avenue in headed for adjournment late another way of ·saying we 1bey were happy lo get nd c4 . . Kenoedy," he added. New York. accord.mg to First next week. . don't want the bandJcapped in Sirh ·1u t' 1 t Lady Pat Nixon. Stand.log on steel . crutches this world." . an vt pera ive Y a · "We're going to take the and leaning on his desk for Ria speech drew a standing tac~ ~ e Put Y. P~14?r highest bidder," Mrs. Nil"on support Ginsberg told the ovation from.every memtier of David Fitts! cursing him . in said, "but I haven't Been any assembly: "I don't ~ow why the house, including sponsors ~rab expletives and chara:IRI D'!Ortey come across the deak God put me on this earth. In of the bil1. 'he would not let my son de-yet " The condominium apart· this shape and form. Maybe it BJumentbaJ, who had said fend himlelf, • • L '••My eon, as 1 true Christian ment 1s reportedly worth was because God wanted me oefore the debate started that like myoetl, i. ftody lo work llll0,000. lo be here on April 17 Jo tell ho had 8Z votea committed in for peace, not only In '!""II Sirhan. He llid execuling 1be but from an his heart, 11 ll1d Sirhan. Be Wd aecut.ing the outh would achiew: nothina r.becaute peace lovers will never surrender." 2 Wingless Space Craft Pass Tests Julie Receives Doll as Gift "WASlllNGTON (UPI) Julie Nlion Eistnllower hal received a 15-lncb doll -in a nplica of her bridal ...,,, •• a belat.d wedding Iii\ !nm r.nnu Ambulador Clare -Luce, The doll hal I btown-holred likttlal lo tbe YOUlll~n.Elltllbowtr. lo.Iha -b ..... the 111-acriptlon: "By l'l1lclllo Bolton for the marrilll ol Julio Nlson lo DwtPt Davicl Elatnhower I~ Dec. ZI, ttlt, from Clan Bootll Luce." \.. .. I WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BANlt CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOU CAN'T CBT IT BUT WITB PACUIC'I awnca 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Y11 m d1 1111111 a Wiil lly llnpi11 1 lot Im ••lllY In ,_ 11111 IJ1 I 1111 I .. 1 llt _. 111ywrPllcillc5" Plllllaok Alcellll •d alAlllllll •i•lf lllcll .. fortll • ofllll • Y11 ... ....... neq dollar ..... n••J daJ It 11 la ,,. ........ AMoaat-' nm lo• tan ... daf· lll•111li • P ll*All • 1111; ..... • 114" ... ...... •• ... ,., ._ llllllolt .. -· .... ..... •• ''" ~1111111111 ............. fn• tH 111 If .. , ............ , ... ., ...... , , favor of the.,bill, said he would "be back next year with the same bill . • . one of these years it'1 going to pus." ' • j. ·I Scotch I now599 ! • I fifth He blamed opponenta with misrepresenting the bill which he said permits an abortion "only when there is medical evidence of !. subfltai!Ual ritk that the fetw: would be 10 ~sly mallormed mentally or physically as to be perman- ently incapable of caring for f ., USHER'S Itself." ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~==~===~~ SAWYER'S 600 AO PROJECTOR \ Feature& automaUc quarU_ lamp. Re,. S99.U focus, remote control and $84.97 SYLVANIA BLUE-DOT RASH CllllS Reg. 1.29 88c FOCAL 20 POWER SPORT SCOPE 3 ...Uon collapsible. With vinyl cue. Rei. f4.U $3.5'7 lWWOOD PROICTIOll TAti • Features room light and projector outlet alld fol4a up for •••Y storage. \ ......... 7 $6.89 JUST SAY CHAltO .. ITI . . --~-=~~~~'-=="-"-'-...... ------...... ---------------,:.._....;,__ c ·1nm:v ~ILOT EDITORIAL PAGE.j . . A Vote of Confidence M,:"JeiMnt ct Newport·Mesa Unlfied School Dls-'trlct Y9d a vote of confidence Tuesday. All four -.ICliOOI boanl mem ers up or election were returned to olllce. I ' Co~ on the heels of a successful hon<! election that received 75 perc~t approval , the vote ha s to be taken as •vidence llarbor Area resident& generally are 1atislied lbe schools are doing a good job. 1lle 15. 7 percent voter turnout does not indicate a great deal of worry over the way schools are being run. Nor, on. 'tbe other hand, does it reflect an electorate that cares that lbe present smooth·functionlng scbnol hoard team not be overturned. .Rearellully. 15 percent is about an average turnout for a ICbool trustee election. (In neighboring Hunting· IOQ Beech l!ciaool dislricll, the voter turnout ranged from ~1to18.7 percent.) · J(is reassuring to 'note that the only close trustee race was between two able eanctidltes who ran constfuc.. tlve qmpalgns-Llo~·E. Blanpied Jr., elected to a full, foqr-~ear term after ,••nriog .the last three yeara as an appoint~. and challenger Gordon C. Morrow. ;B\anpfed ran strongest In Newport Beach and Mor· r,or< betlerjn.costa Mesa, although both live In the New- P<!rl community oL j!:astblufi. This probably could be attributed_to the fact that Morrow formerly was a. teach· er'at Estancia High School, which lies in Costa Mesa. Sµt otherwise, there were no issues in the campaign that seemt(\ to translate into geographic partisanship. There were some enclaves, such as West Newport, where incumbents didn't fare as well as in the rest of the,district. These are the same spots where there bas been lbe strongest school bond opposition . In the two trustee area races where there was con· certed opposition to current policies, the challengers Wen! IOllD8Jy defeated. I SU education was &iven a lot of •Ltentlon dw:IJ!& the camp"1gn. An.cl this apparently wUl continue, lot there are lorce1 tbaf want to keep it alive as an issue. Bui the vothl,g proved that opposiUoo to le< edµca- tion is not a palJt '° election. A maiority of voters looked to the qua)ilications of the candidates and kept se• eel· ucat1on in perspective as •one issue among many. Each of !be four incumbents, Blanpled, ·Roderlclt H. Macmilltan, Donald A. Strauss and Mrs. Elizabeth M. IJUy, outpolled their combined opposition . How should they interpret this community support? Definilely, they cannot take it as a great mandate for "status quo" -and there's no indication that they will. The school system is not now in such great 1hape that they can leave it alone. 11 can and need• to be better. Elected hoard mem· bers should take the vote as a mandate to keep moving ahead In the direction they have· been going.' ' They should bring the sex education program teacb.. . ers have written out of storage and take a Jook at lt. Make plans to try at other schools lbe Costa Mesa Hlgh School program of giving students responsibility to perform. Push ahea~ with middle schools that will give early adolescents a chance to explore their capabilities. Work._on new reading programs. Yes, even risk-going too fast or making a mistake along the way. The world is changing too swiftly and education i~ too important for a school board to stand pat. The Newport-Mesa school district has been moving since unification, and reelected and holdove r board members can keep the momentum. Maybe voters returned the incumbents because that seemed the safest thing to do. But maybe not. Maybe they responded to the record of a board that has not been afraid in the past to try out something with pro· mise of improving education. I (Cl A~an World Re•ponslrrilltie. .. · '· I Postal System Could Have }f ajbr Crisis -. -~ Period· .of Great .Debate W.\SlllNGTON -The world"s lell\liilg aroup ot global strategista and geopoliti· clans has ~ted lta arrest.Ing con. ciusian that the United Stata bu·tost its desire and its a!li)U.y to be tbe world'• ''Univenal Ind dmnhw& power." , ... -,~·.... ~ ,. ' ' Richard 'Wilson . . Thul bas come lo an end, this gioup Relations Committee of the SeJlate ls all coocludel. a »-year era of Ametlcaa •bout. And il underlies much of the cam- ,..orld domiunc-. .Rulail bu becclme the -pus and intellectual revolt in the ~try. full ~of the ulllled Stale. bt strategic Dean Rust, In the closing months ol his PJftl' t.n4 in Mr *:!t,.'° control er ~. ~ure as ~,~ 111.te,.~w delelo~ nuence the potJey of nations. Ing 1 new l<joil ii lsolatblisin, .a alow Thia~ -.-in tbe ammll withdrawal lion> ]be' ,.....is(billties or """'1el1111 -l•l·and prifllidx wprid ~· • ..,....., ,out of operatod Jl!!ll!lde,of lllnleglc Stud1-. • disillusionnleill .;(th .the Vietnam" Wu centered ln-·Londcin and with a mem· and the immense and riling cost of a benblp drna frcm a coantries. variety of new weapons l)'Stems. Rush II la ~ ~tl:1' ho:-deplored.the trend and others have wam- tmlillaall ')lioup sbould -' .. d lhal.-·wilbdrawal coald lead lo the America bu loot ill di.ire a well u "' · creation ol a "1arrisoo llale" bt Isolation Olllty .to run the world ill own way. Tbls from die responslbtlltle we formerly 11e- t.s the hurt of the matter ln . the con· cepl.ell .and under new restricUve forms timing lf'Ul debate involving the Viet-of social organization. mm War, the anU-balliltic missile ' defeme system, the Pentagon budget, THE EXTENT TO WID.CR the Nii:on and the pneral military poalure o! this Administratioo Is responding to the new coanlry. isolaUooist trend is not entirely ckar but IN Tllll: ~PMENT of American poUcf bt llil century lhere have been ooveral important landmarks. Rejection of the Lt....-of Natiooo, repeal or the Neutrality Act, the Truman Doctrine, to name several. We apparently again are In another period of great debate and great df.dsklft on the extent or American world relplGBibllities and our abillty to futtill them. Thia I.a what the McCarthy schism in the Demixntic Party was all about. It is what the Jll'IRDl revolt of the Foreign there are tome indicltiom that it ii doing so to·a certain degree. 'Jbe clear dirte· lion of policy In Vlelnam II to ..ctuce subotanUally the extent of tbe American c.mmltment by tbe end of this year and JWoo.bty· •t 1 futer rate thereafter ttwn would have been planned in the Johnson Admini8tration. President Nb:on also recognizes a new condition of affairs in the world and was frank in admltUng it at the 20th an· iv~ meeting or . NATO !On!lgn min.1$ers. "Let's put it in plain words," Niloo said. "Tbe w~ doea not bave the massive. nuclear predominance t~ay that it once bad, and any sort of broad-based arms agreement with the Soviets would codlly that balance ." The Institute ol Strategic Stud.i" warn· ed, in fact, that Russia was caught up with the United States in int.erc.ontinental b&lllstic missiles and probably wiil overtake ~ U.S. by the middle of this year. A .superiority in other forms ol nuclear delivery gives the United States a lead in the total ntrmber or nuclear weapons. · Tllll: NIXON APPROACH apparently is to reduct our responsibilities to the point wh<ro Ibey may be realistically lulfilled al lower COit. Thus the '!'lndint" down of tbe war in Vietnam, the pursuit of an atll1I ...-11111.wtth Russia, the el<· ptoratklt ol neW relationships with Red. <;l)ina, the dellnitioo of less aggrusive afu-bt the North AU1nUc Treaty <JrsanlDtlon. This could all be cons1dered part of the detecled desire in tbe United Stata lo be rid of ill •ytar.ro1e 15 the "uniVtJ'l8l and dominant power." 'lbe larger ques.. Uon is whether or not this windinl down · of global rospooilbilities wm """" 1o be the long-ranp desire or iJ merely a tem· PorVJ read.Ion growing out 0 r fruatraOon in Vietnam and doubl3 about the "mililary·lndustrial comple.x." In othrer periods of relaxation of withdrawal qgressive acts-by the Soviel Union er Comnlunist China have rudely awakened the nation from dreams or detente, and then the burden of world respoosjblllty has become gr e a t e r whetber we ~ it or not. 'There Is No Time to Think' By ELUWORTR L. RICHARDSON . Mllllller Nel&l'WI' • • • c.creaaUouJ Cbarcb Lo--Tb«e la a·ll«J whlcli Jewish parents tell tbetr cblldr<n ' and lndetd gentiles might lell tt loo! 11'1 the glory of a boy who WU lleV« able lo fbti! the thinp lie needed .wben he awateoed in the morn· mg .. ·0ne aight he hit upon an ingenious mean1 at nrftembering. Before going to bed he wrote himself a note which said : "My suit II on the chair; my hat is in the clolet: boob an an the desk ; shoes under the chair; and I am In bed." Next mC:ntng he arose and began to collect his ptlll!aiollS. He found everything up to Ou final ittm oa his list. Whtn he went to "11111: ftr· ...._., in btdi alas, he wasn't thml .-ROW llLLYI" you say. "and what's tbe pobit!" Maybe I\ Ian' IO allly -for tbe loot boy todq la .. froq-1y "the lool man.'' lie -,.._ lo find moot ...rJthinl bul bbbltll. lie ~·t - f -.. . ,,.,........, .... ' li,.. . ~~ ~I,. ~t'' ~. ~_;j' " • ~ry ..... ' ' :· .... Protifi '-. l~.. ~~'~ what makes him tick. He has his houle of material possessions in very good order ! The red barn Is !uJI of goodjea! But • to his values -he is all screwed Up. The mainspring of his watch, he has wound up too tight! Why Is he here! -and wbere is he going? -he hasn't given that much thought ! The comon complaint today is "there is no tin1e to think'' and so we 10 willY· nilly like rats on a treadmill. NO TIME TO 111JN1t! Thtrt's a madUne at the factory that ls hungry for steel; an order at the ol{k:e marked "rush" and a neglect.ed child at home that reminds m that it ii ours because it calls us "daddy." ~ is no time to think, so we hope for miracla. l.J.ke primitive man we tum to magic, wt ID- dul(< and ucourag< supentiliaa. Let us hope ..... long lhat like tbe pnidlaal ... we shall tarn \0 ourselva! GOd help us! Quotes R!chltd D. "-• F0<etl Keolb, mlplag from Te.clten UalOI af&tr S.F. State 1trlkt -"I cannot support a uolon that Is intoltrant. of constituted authority • • . and cannot dilltnllllale belween a=chy and c<Ntitutlonll rtaJ!ts." Former U.S. Stttlw WtYM MOl"R, .,..m at Stacktao U. -"II ls!l't irn· -that .., man remain In the Senate. II 1ou &o llllo polltlc> and on afraid to be defeated, JW _ldD, '" in I.be first pltet.'' When J<11eph Auslander wu teachlng literature at Harvard he had men in his clasl who wen much more interested in aporls at Ille stadium than In John Keats. Au.slander felt that he WU getting ncnrtiere fut. Oa tbLs particular morning he had failed miserably In putting ~ acros,,. So as the clus filed out he fumbl· ed with hill papen on his deslr; '° that he wouldn't have to meet the eyes of his student& nor perhaps overhear the criticism of a sophisticated sophomore. BUT AFTER CLASS a lall, clean. straight lad who had won his "H" and was well respected as an , athlete, con· fronted the professor with these faltering words: "I just want you lo know that I appreciated ~ poems you Tead today. I don°t mean that I understood them : but somehow, u you read them, I fell as if I v.·ere tuning in on God only to find my wave length too shortl" Maybe that's our lrouble. Kaybe God's presence is aboot llfl ••• and our wave length b too short! Maybe there is a reality of which we can be aure but we haven't thooght enough about II, plumbed de"!) enoogl1 f Dear Gloomv Gus: \Vit.h all the earthqua);e scare. how come the ~ii)' or Costa ~tesa dotan °t look lnto some ol the su~ standard office buiJdines within il.5 dty limita'! -J. R . "" • ....-; : I ' r r L -. · . ~itoo.1..:1 _ i ff ·~ l "' t ' ,,,. e.search ~ . '~~ . .. ---. ..,,.!.,_ i "T~e I ~ mPrtai. thing fas Ur than these i;1senun-s. •• -Herodotu s oil the Perr.n postal system, SGO_ B.C, ._5!"«llc ~is the word for the U.S. '"'"al~yslelikThe 1',oot Ollie. w.ill save $l millioo., ii estiniar.s.· by ctr.pp1ng same-day lil"'rke in big 1 cities. 'l'bat aJ1IOUllla lo'ill,000 of the annuil te billion ~,of-tilt! ·Department. · The mall 'System could break down at any time. •Shcrtly after taking over his new job, Pos'tmaster General Winton M. Blount dec1aiea in an interview: "I am told by people In the Department that the sort of breakdown that happene<I in Chicago two or three years ago could happen today in any one of a dozen places across the country -and it could happen in a kit 1 f places at the same time." Blount observed at a Feb. ~ press con- ference lhat there an not Coin& to be any ovemigb~ ;1mJrOVements in the mail system. But, he said, "I! we don't start making these change! we are talkin1 about, this system is gOing to collapse," THE U.S. POST OFFICE handles wd) over one-hall the world's mail -more than 82 billion pieces. last year. Bifore long, Blount says, we'll be up to 100 billion pieces. The Post Of!ict is the government organism with a built-in deficiL Jn the Johnson Administration budget for the fiscal year 1970 -beginning July t - postal expendilW"es were estimaled at $'7.15 billion of which only $e.5 ~billion would be covered by revenues under ex. istlng postal rata. The budget propooed cutting out the 10 cent air mail rate -~ as mOlt finklass mail is car· ried by air anyw_,. Wtead; the first· class n.~ would be ralRd to 7 cents from the present 6 cent&. The rise was ezpect. ed to product an additional $519 million in fiscal 1970. • Conaress last voted postal rate In- creases in ·1967'. Among the vaiioo! classes o! mail, first .claM and air mail, which togel.ber account for almost 'so 'JX>r· cent oC an .mail by volume, •eani a small. profit for the Post Of!ice. THE POST OFFICE Department year after year faces lhe same farrilllar pro- blems: sharply ris.in,R" cost.a, &lowJy; rising reven\lt, mounting mail volume, and sometimes erratic service. Bureaucracy is the prime.evil, made more deadly by Political manipulation. President Niion In a -1&1 mwqe or Feb. 2.1 promis<\( to iemove "the last vestigu of poliUcal· paltomp" from the Post Office Depart· menl. Both tbe Prfoidenl and Blount have said they ... rmewtna propooala fO< r""'1tilnc tbe ctei>art-L Among theoe -the recommendation of the Presklen· Ual Commlsalon on Pootal <JrsanizaUOo last July 16. The IO-C!alled Kippel Com· mlalon urged aaUon or a governmtn~ o•ned rorpotaliGl'I to IJ~rate the post.11 suviCe as a lflf-aupPOrtlng business, free from poliU~. BOUSE ANO SENATE bllis wuuld trwl.lte the Kappel report Int. law. Another bill. lponwed by aiatrman 'l'haddeu3 J,.DuJUl (0.N.Y.) of thellouse Post omce and Civil S<rvlce Committee. WOUid OYtthaul the Struclure of the Post Office whllf lcttl)tna It as an a:tcuUve department and i o n t I n u J n g the Po.~lmaster Cen:ral u a member of the cabinet. ~tlally, the department would sd Its own bud&tt and 1tippoit It.tell rrom tu own Rvenues. petecting Trick Of False Analogy One or the first lessons that students in logic learn is how lo detect the trick of "false anaklgy." This means comparing thinp thlt seem to be alike, but really d!>r(~' much relatiOl\Sbip. Pofil.iclans are eoonnoualy [ond of this facile technique. Not long qo, for in· stance, .Sen. Everett Dirkaen of Illinois .. Pointed outihat when George Washington was Presklent in 1792, there was only a~t one-person paid to work for the a:overn,.nt. for every S,000 of popu!aUon. TOD.U'.; BE CONTRASTED. our civillan ,work, force is a1mosl 3 million - one pencn for every ti6 of population. This is supposed to "prove" that we have far too many persons on government payrolls. Now, we may have, and perhaps we do. but· the statistics of George Washington 's Adminislration have nothing to do with the case -it is a false analogy big enough to drive a team of horses throu gh , as• moment's thought will tell us. OBVIOVSLY, the role of govmunent- state and local as well aa federal-in- creases at a geometric. ratio as popuJa.. lion goes up , as work becomes more specialized, 15 people group together in Jargtr. arwi larger communities. • Far in!tance .a "rillage.: netdl cm, .. a small police · force , becaux:, evlS'lbodY knows everybody else. When the town in- creases its size by tenfold, and then by a hundredfold, the police force required do<'...s not merely go up in proportion to the rise in population. it increases at a far higher rate -, for a city demand s much more and different police services lhan a hamlet. ~UNO YOU, I Ai\l nol arguing that our public pa"yiolls are not padded ; ·so are AS L1T1'LE AS a century ago, most most payrolls, at every level; I am simp- Americans we.re still about 90 percent ly suggesting, that the historical analogy self-sufficient : they produced thelr O"'" tso dear to P.Oliticians like Oir~sen) is ir· goodi, lived in sparse rural areas, and relevant and pasilively mlsle~ng in used the exCess to barter at trading posts tmm ~f modem needs. Only lf,000 men or among their-community nei&hbors. It were killed on both sides in the American was even more so in 1'192. · \ _ ReVolUt~on -but I don't hear the Today, in vivid contrast. we ar~ Only palrlqtlc Sfllator complaining about the about 10 percent se\f-suffitjtnt. i! that, "\\'a.st~ul" proportion.of our men killed and v.·e depend on others for 90 percent of in Vietnam, as compared to \Vashington's our goods and services and pcotd;,tion. time.. ~ I' J,.• ' ' I , Oil Pric es; and . . Lnflation ' ' Most of the major oil companies have now followed · Texaco's lead and raised their crµd.e oil prices in amounts ra•c from 5 to 20 cents a barrel ... ~ \iose aclvanc:<ll ·ate (u\ly relleclid Iii ~ retail . priceS, tile' American~ ,tdh.SUn*n' tatal bi\I fur.(llioline. healm, oil and other petrol~um products: is likely to in- <Creaie by ICflle 400 million dollars. ~at mak~ ~ f~ oil price rise · unique in • period· of_ generllly rising prices la that unlike mos.t 'om(lmdities its :price cannot be taiSe.fwiChOut the active . ooopcratloii o( the ~ederal covemment. THERE IS A. GREAT abundance of • crude oil ih the world: if there Wfft no restrktiiqos,Qn i,ts domestic producl.ion or importaUon from other countries, lhe United Stites consumers• annual bill for petro)IWJ'I products would be lower by about $ billion dollars. Petroleum prices are nWnlalpel\ al artlficlally high levels tn this ~ · "1 restrlctbt1 suppty. ProductJoa -.lrani' domestic oil ftlll is llchl!J .,.no.. ·by state .......... ts. and 1111• -.i ...... alnOai - these '.-ictloal ... ~ """""' .. inlenlllle oil coa1111<1-CIU ~ .. limited.to a -~"' ~ COllllllllplian "' -.. .., quotal. '· Tllll: At!ElllCAN ofl lodllllry 11 1 tlnd or private ~ .. flllf\y wilich h" had ojifllcienl ,pollllcal -lo llhipt the pelroloum pollciol of the govemment in Wuhlnctoo, not only lhrcJl!l!t fig lnlluence In key congmglonol ~ hul "1 dJftd ~on the Wbile -. '11111 prlvole 1••«mmeDI has Ml -~ cballeoa..r bt the pasl. ""' -ita -to -priCN la lhrul<ned •by a coelitioo of New En&land and Soolhem in_, lhal willi tO est.abllah "fr« tr.at zones," "/ininl attaJ into Whicb cbup crude ci .,,a Olh<r fittrolewn ,.-can be Im- ported irttl>oul quota rutrictlons. • • A 111TD rKIBI' b bdna wqtd om l • ~ i.. ~ ' -# .... l. ' ... •' ' { est @.Jtorial , :, .... ~~· \ ,); -.J ... .:t • -~'"""°"J.Xl!.....-.c..i. • ~ zone at Machiasport,' Me., where the rmvertct Occidental Petroleum Com- pany wan~ to operate a refinery. and petro:hem1cal complex ustna: Ubyan ·crude oil. Similar projects are planned fOf' W'dmington, N.C., and Savann1~ Ga. The BUCCe!! of any of them -especially Machiaspprt -would weaken the system of cpntrols and confer grtat btnefits upon A~can consumers. LAST-rtUNUTE maneuvtring by the Johnson Administration dela~ 2 declsion on Machiasport. But President Nixon, unencumbered by the same political obligations, has an opportunity to strike an anti-inflatiooary blow for the comumer. He can brtak the current deadloct by ordering the approv.al or the Machiuport trlljfe zone or. belier Yet. ~ lo cfistiWitle lhe quota system or!&lnally established by an ORClllive «*r' in the EisenhoWer •dministtatioo. New Y°"' 'nme. ~-•• Seerse ---. ~r George: 1 asked the best way to discipline my dog to iitay oU the &o!a and you advised me to sec a marriage counselor. Are you sure you're in Ille riaht busin<ss! ow Conrused : CONFUSED Not thlt week, J wun't The pet editor wu on vacation 1~ I ~t a lot of rny m1U mlrtd up doing two columns. But quit CM'lplaining. Suppose you were the wom1n who IOl!lewiltre Is trj.tng to ,.ve lier nw'riag• by 1panldnc h<r huJband li&tltl1 With a"'°""""' newspaper. ' " . f ' ~ t UPIT ........ HIPPIES AWAITING SAN FRANCISCO CATACLYSM FLEE AREA But Rost of ·City Pokl HU..-S Trlbuto to 1906 Eorlhquoko , Fire --"~~~~~~~~~~ San Francisco Shakes- With Laughter This Time SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -M0<• lhan posoed oot cdl .. 111111 douibnull -juol 6,lnl San Franciscans gathered before as :they did Q yeM"a ..tier. sunup today to laugh and sing M they Since the ..ntiquak• rumbling - wat.cfted their city rocked by a giant roll-cimDaWJg about six morihl _ ago, ing earthquake and a lev.1ing fire. geologiota bov• been boodeged by ..moos But the devastation was oo a movie residents ftDtiDg to know when the oert screen as the city held a unique celebra-quake will mt. _ tion oo the 63rd birthday of its famed "We try to calm them and explain ra~ quake. ft was April 18, 1906, when the ci-tionally what the chances are," says L. ty was ripped by the most disastrou! c. i'llklser, chief ol mrlhquake .-.rdJ temblor and fire in the natioo'a history. for the U.S. Geological Smvey in Menlo Nearly 500 df!d and 350,000 were left Pvt. ••untortunetiety, there'• no such homeleal as the thfee-dey fire roared thq-18 an ailloltM anti~uake throogh 28,000 bwldings. guarantee." Although today's ceremooy wu held at "ll you loot at the reccrd," says Dr. 5: I! e.m. to commemorate the momeat James N. Bnme, "people have been d the quake. the big outdoor party was predkting major disalten for years and thrown by Mayoc J...,,., Alioto as a tl>ey've «Mlatenlly been wmig." gentle put-<lown to the· band ol my-. Adda popular.San-Fr.nciaco -..paper seers and assorted prophets of gloom who columnist Herb Caen: have said that an April quake will split "We 1 just go on doing what we've CalifonUa in two. Most of their predicted afways been doing: drinking tQO much, dates already have come and gooe. eating too well. geUinc everything but "We know we Hve Jn earthquake coun. enougb sleep, lootq for fU'tptugs to try, but there's no need to get park alongside and IO on. We're like the hySerical," Mayor Alioto said. kid in Mad magazine: 'What, me wor- The mayor's hour-long bash at Civic ry'?" eer.tr Plaza incloded records ci Enrico The San Francisco q u a k e of '06 Caruso singing select.ioos from Garmen originated along the San Andreas fautt, as he did here the night before the 1906 ooe ol several ln the state. It registered a Reagan Supports Ext ension of Rebate Dead1ine SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan bas given his support to a bill which would utend for sii: weeks the deadline for homeowner!! to apply for their $70 re- fund on last year's property lales and to file for this year'!! uempUon. The Republican governor sent a message to legiJ.lators Thursday asking for support for a bill introduced by Aalernblyman George MillR!, R-Oilroy. Under Prop. l·A approved by vot<rs last November, bomeowoen ait eligible for a S7U rebate on last year'• tu:es and a $750 uemption oo the assessed valua· lion of their property for lhis year. But the deadline for filing for both was .April 1~1 and Reagan said that in Los Angeles County ak>~ more than half a million property owners who asked for fonns have not malled them in. The 1overnor said J,he taxpayers should have "every possiblltipportunity to claim these benefits." H~tington Y Asks New 'Home' quake. magnitude ol 8.3, left 452 persoru dead ln MGM made available its mid-30s film the rubble and leveled 460 city blocks. Does anyone have a home to loan to the ''San Francisco" and its famous earth-Jluntington Beacb YMCA 1 quake aod fire scenes were shown on a Director Dolph Grok>ck says the YMCA huge screen. A cloud Clark Gable Parks Group Meets will lose its facility al 1281> Main Sl, w<nlered through the city as firemen sometime in June. blew up building!! behind him to fonn a The People for Parlt!I Committee back-Offices are currently providea by the fire breek. A high-volume sound system lng a $6 million park bond issue in a HunUngton Beach Company free, but µie sent the sound of explosions roming special Huntington Beach election June 3 building they are in i!1 erpected to be tlrough the downtown area. meets at 5:30 p.m. Friday in the city hall omdemned and tom down. As tbe party ended, the big crowd sang administrative annex, Main Street and Groloct said enough space b: needed ''Sen Francisco" and Chen I oe a I Pecan Avenue, according to Cris C. Cris, for about two staH members and 10me J"eS.auni.nts provided soup and the army ct1mmittee chairman. offa machinery. ==========::================ :ORANGES NAVEL VALENCIA ·Reg. 7.00 NOW$)99 2 yr. old 9r1fttd & inspodtd P OTHER CITRUS -Now $4.99 GREEN UP THAT GRASS! We'll help you-!!!! By selling you a 20 lb. bag of aluable Coupon BEDDING PLANTS FREE BUY ONE GET ONE . R~. 69¢ Tray e Asters e Ziftn iat e Dwf. D1hli11 With This Coupon -Adults Only FREE LANDSCAPE PLANNING For new home owners, w• have proffl. slollCll landscape and sprinkler system plan service: Ask abaut It! SULFATE of AMMONIA · ... _ 99' NEW FREE! JOIN the CONTEST Sponsorod by COSTA MESA KIWANIS CLUB PRIZES GIVEN for BEST LAWN SUPER RX Llqvkl Adoboliustor fortlll111<I • Soll Ponotrtntl e lrOft Cholotol W• hav• tti. llltlftrlal, know-how, R~ular 4.95 galo!i Solon Asks Action on ·Jet Noise SACRAMENTO (AP) -DemocnUc Aasemblyman John F. Fono ol San FNncbco lhlnb it's about t t m e California stopped waiUn1 for the federal government to deal with "noise pollu- Uon," jet noise 1t airports. He propolled -and !he Assembly Transportation Committee seemed in general agreement -that the state or countiell should take the lead in 1etting no~ limits al airports and fining violatora Sl,000 for each infraction. But hi• measure doesn't specify whlch agency would determine Ole 14Ddards, who would enforce them, when . lhey would· p into effe<t and who would pro- vide t.~ tUnds for:JlJe overall operation. So at Foran'a fequest ,Thursday,\the comrnltb:e1beld over for one week._ his bill to ilve him tUne to prepare the amendments. The decialon fol.lowed more than lhree boors of testimony. The two sides were clearly defined - spoke!lmen for citizen groups and In- dividuals and communities embroiled in • airport noise lawsuits favoring the bill, representatives of aviation organizations oppoaing It. Los Angeles attorney Gerald Fadem said damage lllils involving individuals, communiUes, cities and airports are springing up because the airports are oc- casionally in jurisdictions other than the areas which get the worst of the ooise. Daniel Emory, chairman of an Orange Col(nty antJ·noi!le ciUzeos grou p, said the federal Aviation Administration bu ruled that lKl declbels is the llmlt of average noise tolerance. "But the FAA has set 104 decibels - six: ~ as loud Ind 100 limes as intense as 80 decibel!! -as the legal limit for jet noise," Emory argued. John E. St.ephen, spokesman for the Air Transport Association, wh&.!e members include the nation's !ICheduled airlines, contended the federal government and not state!! or local governments should be respoosi61e (or nolSe control This angered ct1mmittee member Frank Lantennan, R-La Canada, who ac- cused the organization of trying to block :state action In hopes of getting weaker federal legislation. "You're a!I bad as the auto industry !" Landerman shouted. He also contended the counties should logically have the re!lponsibllity of con- trolling jet noise since the alrport.!1 and related noise problems vary and airport traffic often involves several neighboring cities. When Allen Burdick of the County Supervisors Association said the counties and airports should not be responsible for noise control, Lanterman snapped: "l think it should be thrown at them!" Frkfq, Aprtt 18, 1969 ISi DAILY l'llOT 3 20,000 P eople Gospel Swamp l'~~ct Will · Rise ' . -. '· ' A part of Gc8prel Swamp will someday house 20,000 people, a modern goll courae and the remnants ot too oil well:s. Gospel Swamp Js the lurn of the cen- tury name for HunUngton Beaeh, and the part that will house 20,000 people b the Huntington Beach Company's Sea CWf development near Goldenwest Sl.reet. Bill Wren, assistant to the vice presi. dent of the HBC, spun yarns of old history and la.le!! of new development.I. )Vedoesday while ei:plaining the HBC master plan at lhe HunUngton beach YM· CA 's weekly luncheon series, spotlight on Issues. l The Sea Cliff developmtnt i!I one of HBC's major projecta in the future, e.1- plained Wren. Huntington. Sea Cliff Golf Course is already In operation and a few hpme!I are under construction on nearby property. "Our master plan calls for eventual Deserter Faces Army Trial, 5 Years of Labor Pr. DIX, N. J . (UPI) -·A 21-year .. ld Army private charged with two counts of deserting his unit in North Carolina and fleeing to Paris begins his court martial today . Pfc. Terry G. Klug faces a muimum o{ five years at hard labor, a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all' pay and allowances -and reduction to the lowest rank if eanvicted. Klug, whose parenta Uve in Rome, is charged with desertion with intent to re- main permanenUy away and desertion to avoid important service. Although Klug's Army defense attorney refused to di11euss lhe ease, it was reported the soldier left Ft. Bragg, N.C., on June S, 1967, and surrendered to U.S. authorities January of this year . Spec. 4 Edwin C. Amet.t., 30, of Santa /I.Ila earlier this year became the first American soklier to stand trial for deser- tion from Vietnam. He faced the Bame two counta thlt have been lodged against Klug. Arnett was round eullty and sen- tenced to four years at hard labor. Klug also has two civilian lawyers. mRnSPIBLD'S construction o1 m oingle WnlJ1 di . and 5,146 mulUple fomily Lllltl • aboul ~. 600 acres in the area," aaicl Wren. ~- HBC controls about t,400 acres of~.:. in Huntington Beach, but Jta other areas - are primed for industrial deveJoprQad, be e.iplained. Biggeol pcojecl in !he H.Wln&t<>a llell ; ~lilf dev'elop(llent b conaollda~, cit; IJlOCe than 400 wellil in _u,at. ,atta, ~ ."Al one,Uroe ·thtre w.ere so i:nalir.o«! !in<• on top of, !he ground lhei 11bol('..,... ' 19okOO like a spaghetti faeloQ'~~Jaa&b«f l Wren: . . J But~now Standatd Oil Co.; a majonty :· stock holder in HBC, ls pumping oil into ' central. pipes, eliminated many ol. tbeo , older hne.s. , ,• · "They have also built pwnpini Wands.'~ surrounded by block walls, and· oirO!d · not to drill .any new wells out.side the pumping i!!lands," explained Wren. Some projecll already complelod by HBC Include Huntington Shores Motel and Trailer Part, Five Point.a &hopping center, Huntington Center and Hun:. Ungton Pacific Apartments on the beach.. Before laying out the master _plan; Wren displayed a remarkable tnawledc• of Huntington Beach history a n ct mylhology. . "Gospel Swamp achJeved Its fame and name because of an ·abundance ot firewood and water which brought a lot ol revival meetings to the area," aaid. Wren. He also talked about the old HoTiy sugar factory which aold Out to HBC because of problems in waablng ' beet at.alb. It seems the water WU tOo IUIJ. or greuy. The land pnwed to be rich ill oil. . RwiUngton Beach f1na1I ......... ·11a formal name in bonot" of Hmry· HW)o Ungton who brought the railroad to town. . . . Khrushchev Turns 75; · Soviets Ignore Date MOSCOW (UPI) Nikita ! . Krushch.. lllrned 7S Thursday and the Soviet government ignored the occasion. Khruschev has lived in obscurity moetlY,, at his country home outside Moeco.r'! since he was stripped of all government and Commuru.t party poota tn ~. 1951. t '. ' •. • • ' ,. .. •• .. ·~ . .. • ' _Yo_• s.:,_~ :n_;:_wn.G __ , _.....N_ow_~_UY g_:: F_. RE_E m Ans Pl B LO'S ORANGE co4sr NURSERY, Int. FUUE l!TON, 225Ho. Hllllor ~d1111tc w • Phone (714) 871·5720 HUNTINGTON IEACll, 18512 llucll ll'flf. • "'-(714) 962-44n ,._., CPn'AlllLYI RIVERSH>E. 043 Miiiott (..., 141h °" M1111tt) • "'-(714) I011SO \ ' ,, 4 DAllY l'llOT ,~ .............. ,lllilft Poli~e searching for burglars in a Hem~~ Hempstead, England fac- jory '"!'•ashed their trusty dog, ~gn•tlut, wbo.prompUy leaped in-, Jo action. He ran out the factory door and attacked two policemen on the beat, forcing them to take refuge in a lavatory. • TM Old Shawneetown Bank tn Springfitld, IU. 125 years ago 'rejected a loan application for Chicago becau.se they didn't think the city would evtr amount to much, Although swe· rai members of the State House of Representatives said they agretd with the bank, the leg· islative body unanimously '(XU· std a resolution making it , on historic landmark. • Mrs. M•btl Thombryce of Per- shore, England thought it was a trick and slammed the door in the face of the fire extinguisher sales- man who told her: "Madam, your ·house is on fire. May I demon- , strate?" He wasn't joking, as Mrs. Thombryce quickly found out. After firemen had put out the f,ir~ in her chimney she remarked, "I . wish the salesman would come • . Sec retary of State Wiiiiam P. ·Rogers said be asked a briefing '.officer if there was anything good ; in bis report. The briefing officer. :Rogers said, replied ''No sir, but :there is one report the United :States is not to blame for. The :Aswan Dam is leaking." The : Sovieta helped Egypt build the :dam. Actress Tmi Baker and plauwriaht J. Marbtrger Stuart pu& eveything thty'1't got into the act m thty t ase Champagnt, o 1,700 pound baby tit· phant, through the .stage door of the downtown Manhatten Mtrcury Thta· · ter. Champagne will appear with Mi.ss Boker in the production. "Moke Mt Di.sappear," .slated to open in May. • Tom my 8Mehy and Georg• Heckl. two Washington University students, were browsing through fil 30-volume set of encyclopedias at the St. Louis Book Fair when they made a snap decision to buy the set for $25. There was PIO in bills pressed between the pages. Fr!da1, A"'1I 18, 1969 'He adlin e War' Reds Beginning Gradual Pullout SAIGON (UP!) -U.S.\ Army military analysts said today Communist units in lhe northern sector of South Vietnam have begun a f1'Uted withdrawal into Rebels Keep Pressur e on U.S. Colle ges By United Press Intr:rnaUonal Leaders of the Columbia University chapter of Students for • Democratic Society (SOS) have vowed to continue the protest started Thursday night wilh the seizure of a campus building. The militant students predicted ·•Many, many days of real violence" and said more protests would follow, probably Monday. About 200 students fought security guards Thursday night after they oc· cupied Philosophy Hall and barricaded other students and professors inside. The adminiWatlon obtained a court order to e1pel the demonstrators. But when campus security police entered the building to serve the papers, they wen! met with a barrage of missiles, including fire extinguishers. Several persoru were injured. SOS leaders said they wanted an end to "filthy racism" al Columbia. Atlanta University students: shouted obscenities and threats at newsmen and photographers as they held the school's board of trustees hostage for some two hours Thursday in an effort to rename the institution "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. University." Atlanta University Is compo11ed of si:ii: colleges, including King's alma mater, Morehouse College. The. students earlier set up a tent on a street nearby and said they woukf hold a vigil until the name was changed. In the intervening two weeks, they said, no ac· Uon had been taken on the demand. A board member said af.ter hls release, ''They made a lot of demands. There were too many people talking at the same time for U3 to really know what they wanted." Harvard University's faculty of arts and sciences Thursday voted 385-25 that the school should end all contact with ROTC "as soon as legally possible." The university's COMection with ROTC was one complaint of students who OC· cupied University Hall, then engaged in a six-day class boycott when club-swinging police evicted the sitters-in. Sludents voted informally Thursday to end the strike and scheduled a mass meeting for today to take a lonnal ballot. Laos because of heavy1allied pressure ln the region. They said on the baais of intelligence reports from the region &everal thousand of the ~timated 27,000 Communist troops in lhe norlbem provinces have pulled out and that allied troops there are making only sporadic contact in lhe area, known as I Corps. The Anny analysts said they believed the Reds were not voluntarily de- escalating the conflict -"It's tOCl early to attach any significance to their move." It is in this area that several allied sweeps have killed hundreds of Northern Vietnamese and captured hundreds of tons of supplies and equipment. Allied pressure was mounting in the southern regions and American B52 bombers new their heaviest raids in ' more than two weeks against Communist camps threatening Saigon as well as posi· lions along the northern coast. Although the beaviW: raids were over the jungles 30 to 40 miles northwest of Saigon where Communist units have been hitting U.S. outposts, other strikes were flown in the I Corps at base camps southeast of Da Nang. The reports came as an American bat· tlefield commander said lhe Communists were only fighting a headline war now. "I believe the enemy no longer ei:peci:s a military victory," said Maj. Gt!n. Or· mond R. Simpson, commander of the 1st Marine Division. "He is now fighting a political war for headlines. And he ap- parently thinks he can maintain this level of violence." Wilson Seeking Union Support Of Strike Bill LONDON (UPI) -Prime MiiUster Harold Wilson today staked the future of his government on antistrike legislation and as.ked the woman in his cabinet to sell the proposal to Britain's wotktts. Wilson told a meeting of his Labor party's membeni of Parliament the an- ti strike bill was his government's priority item. Its passage, be said, was essenUal lo the nation and to the survival of. his p-eroment. The reforms Wil!oo has propo6ed u a means of insuring economy growth for Britain have brought cries ci prot.e.st from labor union leaders. Mrs. Barbara Ca~e. minister for pr~ ductivity and employment, went stump- ping to Scotland to try to turn the crilicism into support from the Scottish Trades Union Congress. Prison Pres~ribed Ill Robber Wanted to Be Caught SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-~Ulute and UI, 56-year-old Oscar Willson Childers will get care he asked for -five yean in a federal prison medical facility. Childers surrendered to the FBI last Dec. 9 admitting he staged two $1,000 robberies last Oct. 14 and Nov. Jl at the downtown Bank of America branch. He told officials he had suffered a stroke before the first holdup and wanted to be caught after each robbery, but they turned out more successful than plaMed. "I knew when I did this I was giving up my own destiny," the former welder told U.S. Di>trlct Coort Judge William T. Sweigert, who sentenced him Thursday. "So I have no complaints. ..Your honor, I have conditioned mygell for lmprisonment for the rest or my life. I have not cootacted my family. I doo't want them involved, I didn't know what else to do." Noting that Childers said his loot went toward medical expenses, Judge Sweigert said: "I feel very sorry for this man , but he is determined to be committed •.. I find no alternative." The judge said lie will recom~ that Childers, a native of Paragold, Ark .. who ls divorced and has three sona and two daughters, be eligible for probation at any time during his five-yee.r sentence. He asked committal to a medical fa- cility. Deep South Torn ado Watch Two Injured CaHtor11i. It --'"" Ml!Wlf todtV 1n loulfl. ..... Ctllferllll wtlll .i1et11 drlu111'111 Ill 1'119 _,,,, .,.., ... n-1111 lo• ""°""' end ._, ft"• '--"-'"" ,.... .. mid .. II Mr.ft tow.r 1tw111 w ...... ,. 1"" t!vt-ctrr _....,. fOl"KeU q1t. ... llO ttlfl Ill ""' ll'lftflor MtlkWI• te «CldoNl lkllt drlu1"'9 I<\ COM!tol :: :;:."' ,;:.i-~l'='n!'r: flw *-""" btlOW IMP!llll. Ill Lot A""* efllf "1(1t\11y ltdW lllft .... llllM .... tnWftll'll '"'"' -"""°' Wiii! ... fw .,.. drinlt. • Ut Twi.ster at Highland Home, Alabama Teinperetures """ L"' '""' ·-" • ·-... • .,, A!ltnt. " .. ••• 8ekertllt'ld " M e 11"'*rdl. ~ " ... " " •• ·~~ n M "'"'" ~ ,. •• ClllClnflltl .. " .. , c"i.,.. 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J.JOt.11'1.t • ~ llltlt .......... 10:JI 1.m. S.0 V .S. Summnrll' ~ lflVl"cltnlornw r19'11 K- h """"'"'""' -'"'" af ""'-(llO)~ Irv tllll1f . H11n~"''" '""~°" ac-corn...nild 11\t Cll1lvrbilnct, nM<,.11, !ft Al1bflm1. A Wt111\tt" llH'ffll tor,.._ Wlldl .... "" ..._, .,, ""' at _.,_, M!W..t!~I, C.nlrtl Mid toulllt/n Al• bl"'*• ...,,..,n Gffr91• •tw:I norfflwttt Florio., , ... _, _ _.. l<1l11l"fCI lfllll """ f\au-d1M11111!d b• 1 l'#itlt• 11>11 Wl'll1"4! tfrlrwtll HloMend Home. 1s f'l'l/lff IOl!fMl ll fl Moni.otMrv. A!1, ti. '""" bl'«lfftl llftww r1Tn l'l'lr-houl I .,!fl t•H, Cal11mtl<li, G1 .. rtalwd 1.11 lndlt1 d11r1,.. 1 •1• llollr HrkN! 1M Cltn\tOl'I. l .C., ,... .... JJ7 llllMt Ill • ""'" '*'' Pfrlod. C!t'tr loll~• ...,. tl'te rvl• 1 r • l"I "" klll~we•l t r'll to11111tn1 1'111111 t• !!It nerlflronl Pltln" Hwttor. " " .~ ""''" Cl!y " .. •• Ln V"'" " .. LOI Antei.i • • MIMI! 11"'1! " " Mllw1ull~ • • "~ M l"l'MllHllt .. " ..... _ • " ,. Ntw Yen " ~ Norttl P1'111e • " °''i.nd " " .. """"' • " .a P•i.o ltob" " .. fltili.ldtlll• " • l ,....,," .. ll fllthtl!Jrt" " .. ·" POl'tltllCll .. • .. lh~ld C1" .. " Jl:fd lklfl n .. ··~ " " •• $1<••"'•"" .. " ..,t si. Lova " • $1lln"" .. " $.ell L••t Cl" u " ~n D"9o n u 51n it••nc!l(lll " .. 5tnl• .. ,.,.,. " .. '""It M " .. 5••1'1f " .. ,. T""""'I .. .. w.~~ifltton • .. ., ··-· .. ··-~· CILIBllA TlllG ucm• 11MILY SIM(( Ill! ~ mi RAND _WHITE OPINING FRONT y~AGI DIPAITMP!" QUALITY •UiYICl •OtSCOVNT • INTtCllTY 1 Of OUR ,:':.1 coVlllA s10Rll \ I I .,l....---~ summer-cool sheer 'n airy ' ·'40\\.f. Pure fashion magic! Dacron® polyester and cotton voile in newest, most fla tter· ing patterns and color combinations -perfect for dress· es, b lo uses! All this plus a wide range of rich 10lid colors( All "'S" wide. 10-IROK LEKO PRlllTS FElTURll& THE "SEE-THRU" LOOK [ MACHINE WASHABLE Save a Big 30%! The "SH-thni" looi ii in ·com• C)9t it in on e1citin9 wlection of clnp-dry polyn t•r-cotton leno prinh on whit. qrounch! Small dainty patterns or9 perfect for blo\ftft.dmsn,etc. All 45"wide. l POLYESTER DOUBLEKNIT travels without wrinkles! SAV E $3~~. One of the most ve-notile fabrics ever developed! 58" to 60" wide telltured weave Polyester makes up inlo easy- f ilfing dresse1, suits, pant-su its, sportswear which ore always neat, smooth, smart and unrumpled even after trovelingl Come choose from a mouth-watering array of cool sherbet colors ... , orange, lemon, lime. navy, wh ite, pink. And many, mony more! , ..... K$ NOi IN ( l A , Jfff(t$0H, $4N IUtNA.o!HO. lOtitAN<;E wrs •t1• CHARGE IT • le!lkt"':"'klf'lll • Wflltt '""" (m e ~''"' Cllartt Ctrf 3088 BRISTOL AVE. •Just Off Newport Ave, Com,ar• elsewhere 1.19 yd. Baker St. Store Hours DAILY12T09 SAT10to9 SUN 11to 6 I .. ·---------------------------------------------------- Sarvey C:Ondaet.ed • Job Corps Helps, I 8ut Not for Long_ WASHINGTON (U~I) -A Loui& 'Harri& Survey al'low1 that .,,.i Job Corpe ara<tuotes ~eep tl1elr jobo and get ra!Jtl -and m<l6t "' their -Want to h I r e addltiQna1 . . corpsnlen. · But all ol Harris' flndlllgs, whid! Pe revealed to 1 Houae committee Thursday and was scheduled to share with a the. a-. of continued help Ibey are oubmerged agaill ii! the same quagmire o f dlacrhJiinldon a n d filoacl- vantaae." Barria l• ttstllying . '"'' ,........... at congressiooal hearings on CZECHOSDOVAKIAN REFORM LEADER OUSTED the Nlxon administration's __ D_u_bc_•_k_R_•.:.p_l•_c_ed_b.:.y_C_on __ •_••_v_•_•i_v_•_G_;,u_•_l•_v_H_u_•_•k~ proposal to cloee more than hall of the 109 Job Corps Senate committee today, were Center~. . not optimistic : -Harr11 laid that-moct-Job 0 After three yeare the ad· Corps enrollees are black, vantages are blotted out. In average age 18, bave an avera.ge reading ability of the l!flh arade level and have not gone beyond Ille ninth grade. Six months after leaving tbe Center, Harris said, 75 percent cl the graduates are still on tbe job and 41 percent have received a raise. They were earning an average of 55 cents an hour more than, when they joined the Job Corps and 69 percent of the employers said they were intettsted in hirine additional corpsmen. But eventually, Harris sald in comments accompanying his detailed, statistical report, the benefits wear off. Direct Vote Changes To Come A~ter ''72? WASHINGTON (UPI) - Influential House members are launching a move to leave the method of electing the president unchanged u n t i l _after President Nixon's OP- Portunity to run for a second term in 1972. The House Judiciary Com- mittee agreed tentatively Thur5day on an electoral reform p 1 a n incorporating direct popular election of the president and provision for a runoff if M candidate got 40 percent of the vote. Nixon won last faU with t3 percent of the popular vote. The proposed constitutional amendment is subject to amendment before a final vote by the committee, expected perhaps as early a1 next Tues- da'y. But it ts unlikely the key refonns wllJ be changed. Rep. William M. Mc:Qilloch, Ohio, ranking Republican on the committee, dlJclosed he will offer an amendment to delay the effective date of the constituti'onal amendment un· ti! two years after raUficatlon by the necessary 38 states. Because it wjll be 1971 before some at.ate leglsl"tures get a crack at the proposa), this would have the effect of withholding the change l n method of electing the presi· dent until after the 1972 elec· tion. rlf6oy, April 18, 1969 DAil Y PltOf 5 No Protests Over Dubcek 1" PRAGUE (AP) -Poll,. leadership change. Although Some people Imagine freedom him IOI' Slovak nallonallst IC· reinforcemenl$ ind soldlen Dubcek, 47, Jost much ol bla is boundleu, unlim.ited ••• bW .Uvity. , guarded ll<alecJc polnll ii> wildly enthusastle followllll u ii! eveey ordered atate there ;1be new party Ii r H CMchollonlda today, bu I he was forced w malcO ..,.. muat be .. r1a1n rulea ol the ~ '"'*'nttd that ., there were DO reports of ctSllon after concession in the pme, prlmarlly adherence to a0on ts tba current ~Jisis is dlaturb...., proteollna lhe wab ol the Soviet Jnvulon l&Wl, adherence to to.C)al, par-muter"!lo, top priority will be :aplacement of Alt~ tut August, Husak I t ty and civil dlldpllne and gt .f e.U"· 1 t 0 s o I vi n g Dubcek u Communilt party pnerally d i s lite d and primarily emphasis on booe1t c z e c·h O 1'lova.kia'1 urgent ahlef. m.latnisted by freedom·mlndid work.'' economic problems. He also The. lfilO.member Central trade unionists anc.i student.I. Huuk atlacked Weatem. promlled democratic elecllon Committee at a crisis meetinr After the announcement of propagandlsta who he nu!\ tf the Parliament and party Thursday named G u s ta v his appointment, HUJak spoke hope to panic Czechoslovakia congress "u toOD. as ~It· Hu~ the dour pro-Moscow on the radio and televl!ion and with talks of a nturn to the ted by tbe 1ituation. 1 The head i?f the Slovak party, to called on the people "to keep dirt days ot Satlinlsm to t.be electlons have been postponed replace; Dubcek. . calm and support the new when the Stallnists Wpri.soned due to Soviet pressure. Tructlo&ds of police nln--leadership." :~~g;;;;;;;;;;g~g~~~g~~g~~~~ forcem"1ts and anny armored "We are not giving up an car1 wert outside unl~-ol-the.-great-idw-wbic - 6Ullilfiij: at tbt na entered our public We last assembly~ near 1tuden yw,'' he said, "but It ii dormitorle1 and at factories. necessary to see w}lat when No plans . for demollltrationl and in what order they' can be were reported IO far. MO&COW put into practice." to all WRITERS in this area ••• was reported to have warned The first main task is "to that Soviet occupation troops lead our society out of this An execu.tiYe oI a Rl·lmcnrn Nmr Yoik hook publiahuwill would stet in lf local forcea state of crisis:," he continued. 100D be in th.ii city to interriew writen. Bia purpme1i to u.o- could not eep order. "To make some progreaa it is coveraw1111crip11wo1th7ofpllblic1tion.Fiction,JW&Iictiou. CTK, the Ciechoslovak news indispensable at this time to poellf, jimnifea, collec1iorui of tbort 1torie1 or articles. agency, •ald the Ce.ntral Com-Introduce mon! discipline both religioua, •pec.ialized--ud even. contrOTcnid IUhjecta will mittee had f1nilhed U11 plenary in party and ·social life be consiaercd. session and further details of • • ' the leadership re 1 h u f f I e It JOll ha?e • m1nUICript tt1.d7 (ot 1lnt<11I ready) foi; ptih. would be announced later. Oldest Japan 1ica1ion. and would like to dilCU51 it with thia aecutive. Prague airport reopened to pleue telepbOM th" number helaw, frett of clwgt. Call nOl'llllll !raffle loclar after Citizen Dying 1oo ..... 9,()() ... ,, .. d IOdlO pm., .. d '""' 7"" ..... cloolng to commercla planes and addrw. Yo11 will be contacted later. KAMAISHI, Japar.. (UPI) - 'Jltursday nlghl A Ir Port Jubel Nakamw-a, 116, Japan's Tolophont: 800/553-9550. This is a frM call. employn said Ruulan officers oldest resident, today was !' had 1ppeartd at ~ control H .,.. ,..._, wrtte ,. tfl;e ldlt.rf.t DINCt.r, w•er. l ·~:~:rr~d~ledfh~•~;·~·w:~:·~::!':_':~_Doc:m:~:k::~~..,.;;::.CA;;:·:'1:.:~:o:.: ... ::':":~:·:·:'~;;: .. ~":··:': .... ~:":·':·:' ... ::'::~: Students and young workers Wednesday. · '.l were reported p I an n in g meetings to detennine how they would react to the ;--------------------...,...~ : ""' Sirhan Vows Revenge If Son Killed Harris said his org~zation interviewed 9,483 Job Corps greduates and 1,815 employers of graduates, parents , and friends, Plea Kills Abortion Bill the ~s i ' " a • "We believe our study ls mere reliable than anything that's been done," Harris said. Crippled Solon Moves NY Assembly • • f ; TAIYEBEH, 0 cc u Pied M st of •L.-Job..,.__,, Jordan (AP)_ 'The father of 0 1,1.ft:'. """'"!"""'"~ -ALBANY, N.Y. (UPI) -you my views on this subject." favor of the bill, said he would Sirhan B'-hara Sirhan, con· the graduates and those who The New York St ate Ginsberg, crippled since an , be b orij!nal li~t j ~ bl I -~ ' ack next year with the victed killer of Sen. Robert F. dropped out along the way -Assern y, apparent Y movcu attack of polio at the age of 13 KeMedy, today s w 0 re said they had learned such b>' the emotional plea of a months, told his colleagues he same bill •.• one cf these "revenge on American politi-•L.:R k . 1 and poli~rippled legislator, nar-supported some changes in the y~ it's goil>g to nau." wuugs as eepmg nea I d f ~ Th --• bill bo I •-cians" if his son is executed. row y e eat""' U1;Riay a a rUon law but cou d -not lle blamed opponentl with "1be revenre won't be in clean, staying away from the designed to liberaUre the vote for this bill because of a worda,'1 B~a sir ha n kind of people and tblngs that state's strict a&-year-old abor-provision allowing abortions misrepresenting the bill which declared. He di~ not elaborate. can get one into trouble, set-tion law. when there was risk the un-he sald pennill an abortion "I accept the fact that my tllng arguments with 0 u t The bill had been given an born child would be seriously "only when there is medlcal son killed Sen. Kennedy," he lights. and getting along with even chance of passage before deformed. evidence or a aubatanUal risk said. their families. the impassioned speech by He read a letter he had that the fetus would be so "But Sen. Kennedy was to A s 1 e m b I y m a n Martin received from a 15-year.old grossly mQlfonned mentally blame. He provoked my son Ginsberg, a Long 1 s 1 a n d boy who had been crippled ain-or physically as to be pennan- by threatening to supply arms Nix' 08 NiY Home ,11epubucan. . ce birth. i i Scotch • • i now5~ • i fifth J <; ! • • to the MldQ!e East which The measure sponsored by The letter concluded : "I enUy incapable of caring for th ml li~l~·-~-J~.~"iiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~::~=:=:=:~~ii'ii would bav.e caused the clea Albert H. Bh,imenthal (0-ght julit be fertilizer in a - of thousands, and the displace-Has 60 Bids Manhattan), was defeated, 69-hospital garden if thl5 bill bad ment of many more." 78, only seven votes abort of not been in effect.." USHEB:S "My son did well," aaid the WASHINGTON (UPI) the 75 needed for passage. The "I bite my toniue as t say I ab le k~ ••-end ol at It," G'--'"·-··'d, "but I ~year-o d M • More than 80 penona have bld YO mar ~ ~ • •u• ....... &-~ -·~Many Americans ha v e to buy Prell.dent Nb:on's ol~ templl· to change th~ abortion can't prevent myaelt from come to my house and told me law durlnc the ~ seaslon as~g if th11 provision is they were happy to get rid of apartment on Sth Avenue in headed for adjouminerit la~ another way of saying we Kennedy," he added. New York, according to Fir&t next week. don't Want the handicapped in Lady Pat Nixon. Standing on steel crutChes thls world." Sirhan vituperatively at-"We're going to take the and leaning on his desk for His speech drew a llanding tacked de Pu t Y pro.wcutor. highest bidder," Mrs. Nb.on support Ginsberg told the ovation from every member of David Fitts, cursing him in said, "but t haven't seen any assembly: "I don't know why the hou1e, including 1ponsors Arab expletives and charging money come across the desk GOO put me on. this earth in of the bill. "he would not let my son de--yel" The condominium apart-this shape and form. M1ybe it Blumenthal, who had said fend himself. ment is reportedly worth was because God wanted me before the dtbate started that ~M:i;:iu,asba~~C~i:~~._iioo_.:.•ooo_. ________ w_be_h_e_re_on_A.:.pr_il_l_1_w_te_1_1_he_ba_d_82_v_oie. __ co_mm_·_1t_led_ln for peace, not only in words Sirhan. He said executing the but from all 'his heart," said Sirhan. He said execuUng the youth would ~chieve nothing "because peace lovers will never surrender." 2 Wingless Space Craft Pass Tests EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calli. !AP) -Llke airborne bathtubs, two wingless experimental rocket crafl glided gracefully from • height of 45,000 feet to 200- mile--an·hour landings -the J8test step in the development of space shuttle craft. A B52 jet bomber dropped the craft a few hours apart Thun:day. It was the first time the two -the 22-foot- long HLIO and the 24-foot X24A ,_ have nown on the .aame day. Scieotlsts hope that descen- dants Of the craft will 11ome-- day ferry supplies to orbiting· space research stations, then re-enwr the atmotpbere and maneuver to the ground like conventiona1 planes. The vehicles are wingless to withstand atmospheric friction -but are shaped to provide 1erodynamic llft like a n '1rplant'•· Julie Receives Doll as Gift WASHINGTON (UPI) - Julie Nixon Eisenhower bu received a lS.lnch doll dressed pi a replica of her bridal gown os • )lelaf'!I wedding gift from fonriet Ambal!lador C 11 re Booth Lu~. 'The doll has 1 brown·ba!red Ukenw te the y .... Mn. Ellltllhower. tn the hem I.I sewn the lo- scriqtlon: "By Prbcfila of Booton fol the marrlqe o1 Julie ·NIXOfl w Dwight David Eisenhowe! II. Dec. 2!, t961, from Clare Booth Luce." WANT INTEREST ON YOUB BANK. CHECKING ACCOUNT'l YOU CAN'T OJT IT BUT WlTB PACUIC'S SWITCll 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yoa cu •a 1lmost • wtD lly blplng 1 lot ... mamy In ,_mu"•• 111• ad 1 lot man ill yaar Pacific"' P1 11nak Account •• aw111111111 ...., hick •d lordl • Dflln • ,aa 111. ....... n•l'J' dollar eanaa ff!l'f dg: lt 11 la 7oar Paolllc Aocoaat- evea tor lalt •• da7· n •1illllr II Pl t11llAA•llll -µaa••• tlllly ... 1/4!1 ... 111111111 11 lkw ..., •-w112J111111 wrnlll lltll. lnl1p 11 111r 1ICIUI It .. 11111'1 1n 1111 frla 1'1 tll If uar ••ltli ........... tra.1a SAWYER'S 600 AO PROJWOR Features automatic focu1 1 remote control and quartz lamp. Reg. J99.8B $84.97 SYLVANIA BUIE-DOT RASH CUBES Reg. 1.29 88c FOCAL 20 POWER SPORT SCOPE 3 section collapsible. Wllb vinyl case. Reg. J4.88 $3.57 lEAKWOOD PROJECTIOll f.ABlE Features room light and projector ouUet and fold• up !or easy 1torage. Rei. fB.91 $6.89' JUST SAY CHAROl·ITI 2200 HARBOR BLVD C o•"" of W.J,on nnd Harbor COST A M ES • I a I DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I ' _Discouraging Apathy Wlnntn were happy and losers were sad afttr school election results were tallied Tuesday night, but administrators expressed another feeling, despair, Not becnuse of who won or lost, but because of who voted, qr rather, who didn 't vote. Jn the eyes of those who must educate 1the young it •eemed a pity that less than 13 voters in ~acb 100\ ••• pressed i ny interest in who runs the schoO~s. \ Percintage increases were shown in ~ree ocal elementary school districts in voter turnout! this year, but the marks fell far short oC the participat n ecluca. tors would like ID see. In Huntington Beach City School District 11 percent of the registered. voters cast their ballots. Said Supt. S. A. Moffett, "This seems lo be a lypi·. cal reaction of voters when Ulere is a board election. In our own dis trict support of the incumbents showed a feeling of confidence in them and a feeling their seats weren't really in jeopardy.'' Ocean View School District's voter turnout was 13. 7 percent. Ocean Vie~· Supt. Clarence Hall bad this to say, "It doesn't take many people who have the voting franchise to make a decision. It is a litt.le disappointing that more peop1e don't take an active interest in these affairs.'' Fountain Valley School District's P.frcentage was 11.3. '.f.1ike Brick, assistant superintendent of personnel services, had these comments, "It is unfortunate, ~ cause each community has education built into its fu- ture. A young community like Fountain Valley especial· ly needs help from citizens with an education program just beginning to grow." Odclly, where the hottest competition for trustee seats \\'BS held, the fewest voters marked their ballots. . iuntington Beach Union High District recorded only 12.4 percent voting in an election marked by heated charges and heavy campaljnlng. High school officials noted Tuesday nlgbt that the voter turnout was about what they upected, and not the expre1Slon they had hoped for. Tuesday's election was not unusual, unfortunately, It marked no radJcal change lo voter patterns and ·10. terest over past elections. Perhaps that 11 why educa- tors aren't quite as excited as the elected abOut Tues-day's r~ults. Everything But Facts Strong differences of opinion on sex education in the Huntington Beach Union High School District r .. ~ulted Monday in a shocking display of public rudeness and ine~ectual leadership by school officials. . Durmg a meeting Monday night of the Citizens Ad· v1sory Committee on Sex Education, opponents appar· ently packed the session and with shouting personal attacks._ political charges and almost any arg'ument ex· cep.t fact~l ones left little or no time for others to state their position. Administrators Scott Flanagan and· Dr. Loren Moll seemed ~wil~ered. at the reactions of the partisp.n crowd. First it was announced that all who wished could speak, then debate was shut oil. Whe~er it was a . committee meeting or a forum for pub~1c condemnation of sex education or not left the audience understandably confused, angry and frus· !rated. About the _only thing pr~ven by this ill·advlsed meet· ing was that if the l>~bl1c is to be asI.ced its opinion in such a controversy, ~e governing board should conduct so~e form of poll or ·referendum and give an equal voice to all. (S) American World Responsibilities Postal System Could Have Period of Great Debate W ASlllNGTON -'!be •·orld's leading group of global strategists and geop:illli· cians has presented its arresting con- clus.ion that t.be United States has lost its desire and its ability to be t.be world's "universal and dominant power." Thus· has come to an end, this group concludes, a •year era of American world dominance. Russia has become the ful l eq.ual of the United States in strategic power and in her ability to control or in· fluence the policy of other nations. This judgment was made in the annual survey of the influential and privately operated lnaUtute of Strategic Studies, centered in London and with a mem- bership drawn from 36 countries. ltJs espedally_interestlng that this in- ternational group should conclude that America has Jost ill desire as well 8s its .abllity to run the worJd ils °"""way. This is the heart of the matter in the con. tinuing great debate Involving the Viet,.. nam War, the anti-ballistic roiMile defense system, the Pentagon budget, and the general military postutt of lhts country. IN THE DEVELOPMENT ol American policy in this cenhq'y there have been several important lindmarks. Rejection of lhe League of Natiom, repeal of the Neutrality Act, the Truman Doctrine, to name several. We apparenUy again are In another period of great debate and grtat decision on the extent of American world responsibilities and our ability to fullill them. 'Ibis is what the McCarthy schism in the DemocraUc Party wu all about. It is what the present ievolt of the Foreign Relations Committee or the Senate is all about. And it underlies much of the cam- pus and intellectual revOlt in the country. Dean Rusk, in the closing mont.rui. of his tenure as secretary of !late, saw develo~ ing a oew kind of isolaUonism, a slow withdrawal from the responsibilities of world leadership growing out o f disillusionment with. the Vlftnam . War and the immense and rising cost of a variety of new weapons systems. Rush deplorecllhe trend and others have warn- ed that our w-.wal could Jeod le the creaUon of a "garrison state" ln iaolation from the resiqalblliUes we formerly ac- cepted and wider new restricUve lorml of aocial organization, THE EXTENT TO wmce the Nixon AdminlstratiC:m is reapooding to the new isolationist trend is not entirt1y cltar but there are some indications that it is doing so to a certaln degree. The clear direc- tion of policy In Vietnam ls to reduce substantially the extent of the American commitment by the end of thls year and probably at a faster rate thereafter than would have been planned in the J ohnson Administration. President Nb.on also recognizes a new condition of affairs in the world and was frank in admitting it at the 20th an· iversary meeting of NATO fonign ministers. "Let's put it Jn plain words,'' NU-on said "The West does not have the r . . ~ !JlBSSive nuclear predominanct today that 1t once bad, and any eort of broad·basi!d anns agrttment with the Soviets would cod.Uy that balance." The l~Utute of Strategic Studies warn- ed, in fact, that Russia was caught up wllh the United St.ates in intercontinental ballistic missiles and probably will overtake the U.S. by the middle of this year. A superiority in other forms of nuclear delivery gives the Unlted States a lead in the total number of nuclear weapons. THE NIXON APPROACH apparently is to reduce our responsi bilities to the point where they may be realistically fulfilled it J~~ (WL TulJS tbe wVxlmg dJ}Wn of the war in Vietnam, the ~t of an arms agreement wlth Russia, ·tile e:s:· ploration of new relationshipa with Red China, the. dennWon of Jess aggressive aWtudea In the North AUanllc Treaty Organization. This could all be considered part of the delected deslr< In the United States to be rid of tts »-year role as the "universal and dominant power." The larger ques- tion Is whether or not this winding down of global rttponsibWtles will prove to be the long-range desire or is merely a tem- porary reaction growing out o f frustration In Vietnam antl doubts about the "military-Industrial complex." In other periods of relaxation of withdrawal aggressive acts by the Soviet Union or Communist China have rudely awakened the nation from dreams of detente, and then the burden of world respoMiblllty baa become gr e a t er whether we desire It or not. 'There Is No Time to Think' By ELLSWORTH L. RICHARD50N Mlnl1ter Ne ighborhood CongregaUooal Church La1im1 Buell 'lbere is a story which Jewish parents ten their chlldren and indeed gentiles might tell it too! It's the story of a boy wbo was never able to find the things he needed when he awakened in the morn- ing. One night he bit upon an ingenious JlleaD5 ol remembering. Before going to bed he wrote himself a note which said: "My suit is on the chair; my hat is in the c)o&et; bookJ are on the desk; shoes under the chair; and I am in bed." Next morning he arose and began to collect hls pii11 essions. He found everything up to the final item on bis lilt. When he went to "ieot f« liplteU in bed, alas, he wasn't tiler<! ''ROW SnJ.Yl" you say, "and what's the point?" Maybe it i!ll't so silly -for the loot boy today b '° frequently "the )ott man." Ht knowl where to find mos\ ev<ryWng but hlmleU. He doesl'I know ---iW- Frlday, April II, 1969 n. tdllot1al pog• •I Ille Dally l'GoC _.,, to mf""" and .U11> 11/ok -bp "''""Ung ""' •• _.. """""" and ..... .,.,., . .. lop(a "' flttcr11& _, .,..,_, bp l>"otridfJIO a ,.,_ fot IM "1"'<Ufoo •I -r-!>Jllnlotu, ootd bJ fft• , .., ,,.,. dlNrlt ~ ,,... '1 lof"""4d obi..,,.,., -4 .,..._. oa fopl<I •I ell< -M 1rt If, Woed. Pllbll<ber what' makes him tick. He has hls house o( malerial possessions in very good order! 'Ille red barn is full ol goodies! But a& to hls values -he Ls all screwed up. 1J>e mainspring of his watch, he has wound up too tigllt! Why is he here? -and where is he going? -he hasn't given that much thought 1 The comon complaint today Is "there ls no time to think" and so we go wiUy- ni:Uy like rats oo 1. tre-admlll. NO TIME TO 111INK! There's a machine at the factory that is hungry for steel; an order at the ofii<:e marked "rush" and a neglected child at home that remhlds us that It is oun because it calls us "daddy." There is no time to think, so we hope for miracles. Like primitive man we turn to magic, we lo- duJge and encourage supenlition. Let us hope 'ere Jong that like tbe prodigal "" •·e shall turn to ourselves! GOO help u,,I ,Quotes IUcbud D. Poppe, Forest K...U1, re1lgnln1 from Teacbtta Unloa afkr S.F. State 1lrlke -"I cannot support a union that 11 Intolerant or consUtuted authority • • • and cannot dUlerentlate bet"een anarchy and constitutional rights." Former U.S. Stnator Wayoe. Mone, .,ater Ill. 8'ockt. lf. -"It Isn't Im· poNnl thal Ill)' """' ttmabt In the Senate. tr you ao Into polltkr and are llfrald to be defuted, you shoukf•' go in llie llrit plRCe." I When J01Seph Auslander wai,s teaching literature at Harvard he had men in his class who were much more interested in sports at Che stadium than in John Keats. Auslander felt that he . was getting nowhere fast. On this particular morning he had fa iled miserably in putting it .across. So as the c~ filed OUl he fumbl· ed wiUt his papers on his desk so that he wouldn't have· to meet the eyes of his students nor perhaps over hear the criticism of a sophisticated sophomore:. BUT AFTER CLASS a tall. clean, straight lad who had won his "H" and was well respected as an alhlete, con- fronted the professor with these faltering words: "I just want you to know that I appreciated t:tme poems you n!ad todiy. l doll't mefl.n that I under!ttood them; but somehow, as you read them, I fel~ u ii I were tuning In on God only to find my wave length too short!" Maybe that's our trouble. Maybe God's presence is about us ••• and our wave length ls too !ihort! Maybe there Is a reaHty of whlch we can ·be sure but we haven't thought enough about it, plumbed deep enough! Dear Gloomy Gus: Why all the worry about btautl· fkatlon in lluntlngton Beach! Every summe.r the influ1 of bikini· clad young ladies takes care of that proble.m nlce.ly, thank you. -~. O. G. '1111 '"'-""' r.fi.tn .......... .,.._ "" ..cttMrU)' ,.... ., "" --· , ... ,..., .... _.,. "' .,..,,.,, ...... 0.11' 1"11•1, Major Crisis c -~~.~:al ~: • -'-l(esea'r:ch , • • ..•. ' ::,; • "There is no mortol thing faster than these messengers." -Herodotus oii the Persian postal systtm, 500 B.C. Chronic Crisis ls the wor~ for the U.S. postal system. The Post Office will save $1 million, it estimates, by dropping same-day service in bif cities. That amounts to VB,000 or the annu._i $8 billion budget 'of the Department. The mail system could break down at any time. Shortly after taking over his new job, Postmaster General Winton M. Bk>unt declared in an interview: '"I am told by people fn the Department that the sort of breakdown that happened in Chicago two or three -years ago couJd happen today In any one of a dozen places across the country -and It could happen in a lot tf places at the same time." Blount observed at a Feb. 25 press con· ference that there are not going to be any overnight improvemenl'I in the mail system. But, he said, "ll we don't start making these cha nges we are talking about, this system is going to collapse." THE U.S. POST OFFICE bandies well over one-half the world's mail -more than 82 billion pieces last year. Before long, Blouqt says, we'll be up to 100 billion pieces. The Post Office is the government organism with a built·in deficit. tn the Johnson Administrati on budget for the fiscal year 1970 -beginning July t - postal expenditures were estimated at $7.75 billion of which only $6.S billion would be covered by revenues under ex· lsti~g postal rates. The budget proposed cutting out the 10 cent air mail rate - Inasmuch as most first-class. mail is car· ried by air anyway, Instead, the Hrs\· class rate would be raised to 7 Cents from the present 6 cents. The rise was e.xpecl· ed to produce an additional $519 million in fiscal 1970. Corigress last voted post.al rate in- creases in 19117. Among the various classes of mail , first class and air maJI whlch together acrount for almost 60 per: cent of all mall by volume earn a small profit for the Post Office. ' TRE POST OFFICE Department year after year faces the same ram\llar pro- blems : sharply rising costs, slowly rising revenue, mounting mail volume and sometimes erratic service. Burea~cracy is ~e prime ~vii, made more deadly by pohUcal marupu11Uon. President Nixon In a.special message of Feb. 25 promised to remove "the la st vestiges of political patronage" from the Post Office Depart- ment Both lht President and Blount have said they are re.viewing propauls for refonnlng the departmeol Among these WM tbe rteommendatioo of Ute Presiderr tlal Commission on Postal Org8nlzation last July 16. The SCH:alled Kappel Com· miss.Ion urged crea.Uoo of a government· owned corporation to operate tbc. posUll service as a self-supporting buslnt!s, !rtt from poUUcs. HOUSE AND SENATE bllb would lranslat• the Kappel ttport Into law. Aoothe:r bill. sponsored b)' Chairman Thaddeus J. llullikl (D-N.Y.) ol the !loose Post Office and Civu Servkt Committee would overh3ul the structure or the Po.'ii Office while keeping It as an executive depar1m~nt 11nd c o n t I n u I n g the Postmaster Gen~ral ·~ a member or the cabinet. F.8sentlally, tht department ~·ould set Its own budget and iUpport Itself from ltJ owo rtve.nues. Detecting Trick Of F'alse Analogy One of the flrst lessons that students in logic learn is how to detect the trick of "false analogy." This means comparing thing_s that seem to be alike, but really don't bear muCh relationship . Politicians are enormously fond of this facile tectmique. Not long ago, for in- stance, Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illinois pointed out that when George Washington was President in 1792; there was only about one person paid to work for the government for every 5,000 or population. TODAY, JlE CONTRASTED. our civilian work force · is almost 3 million - one person for every 66 of population. Titis is supposed to "prove" that we ha\'e far too •Y pei:sons on government payrolls. • Now, we·may have, and perhaps we do. but the statistics of George Washington's Administration have nothing to do with the case -it is a false analogy big enough to drive a team of horses through, as a moment's thought will tell us. AS LITI'LE AS a century ago, most Americans were still about 90 percenl self-sufficient : they produced their own goods, lived in sparse rural areas, and used the excess to barter at trading posts or among their community neighbors. lt was even more so in 1792. TOOay. in vivid contrast, Y•e arc only about 10 percent sell-sufficient, if that, and we depend on others for 90 percent of our goods and services and protection. OBVIOUSLY, lhe role or government - state and loca l as well as federal -in· creases at a geometric ratio as popula- tion goes up, as work becomes more specialized, as peop le group together in larger and larger communities. For instance, a village needs only a small police force, because everybody knows everybody else. When the town in-- creases its size by ten'.fold, and then by a hundredfold. the police force required does not merely go up In proportion to the rise in population, it increases at a far highe r rate -for a city demands muc;i more and different police services than a hamlet. T\llND YOU, I Aftl not arguing that our public ·payrolls are nol padded; so are most payrolls, at every level: J an1 sim~ ly suggesting that the hlstorical analogy (so dear to politicians like Dir~senl is ir- relevant and positively misleading in: terms of mOOern needs. Only 14,000 men were killed on both sides in lhe American Revolution -but l don't hear the ··patriotic senator c~mplaining about the "\\'asteful" proportion of our men killed in Vietnam, as compared to Washington's time. Oil Prices and Inflation Most of the major oil con1p3ll ies have now follo\\'ed Texaco·s lead and raised : :1 1 ~ • th•ir crude oH prlc~ in amounts ranging · f• · ~°"'1.e!Sl f;d~t<irla) ..... from 5 .lo 20 cenl'l a barrel. \Vhen those · ~of 11 • • t ' ) ~ ad vances are fully reflected in higher P · i :.. •<t 9 t 11 ) retail prices. the American consu mers' total bill for gasoli ne, heating oil and other petroleum products is likely to in· er.ease by some 400 million dollars. \llhat makes the crude oil price rise 1,1nique in a period of generally rising prices is that unlike mo&t commodities its price cannot be raised without the active ~peration or the federal government. THERE IS A GREAT abundance o{ crude oil In the world; if there wtte no restrictions oo its domestic production or importation from other countries, the United States consumers' annual bill for petroleum· product! would be lower by about S billion dollars. Petroleum prices are maintained at artJfk:lally hlgh levels in this country by .restricting 5upply. Production from domestic oil wells is tightly coot'rolled by state governments, and tbe federal government enforecs these restrlcllons OI\ output through an interstate oil compact. Oil import.a are limited to a fi:s:ed percentage of curre.nt consumption by mandatory quot.,. THE AMEfUCAN oil Industry Is a kind of private rovtmment, an entlty which hall had sufficient political power to shape the pettoleum pollcles ol the govtmmtnt In Waablngton, not only through ltl ,Influence Jn tey congrwlonal conunlttees but• by direct Jftssure oo the White House. Tbat private eovemmeut Iw no1 been-oerlously challellled In the past. But now ltl powe< to ra!Je prices ii th.re.ate.ned by 1 c:oalition of New Enaland and Southern interests that wish to ertiblish "free trade tonet," re:rlnirl1 areas Into wh.lch cheap crude oil and ether petroleum products can be. lm· ported without quota re:strktlons. A BITTER FIGHT is being waged O\'Cr ' a trade ione at Machiasport, Ate., where the maverick Occidental Petroleum Com· pany wants to operate a rcrjnery and petrochemical complex using Libyan crude oil. Similar projects are planned for Wilmington, N.C., and SavaMah. Ga. The success of any of them -especially Machlasport -would weaken the system of controls and confer great benefits upon American consumers. LAST·J\UNlfl'E maneuvering by the Johnson Administration delayed a decision on Machiasport. But President Nixon, unencumbered by the same political obligations, has an opportuni ty to strike an anti-inflationary blow for the consumer. Ht can break the current deadlock by ordering the approval of the Machiasport trade zone or, better yet mov:tng to dismantle the quot.a syste~ orlg1nally established by an e:s:ecutive ordu in the Eisenhower adminiltratlon. New York Times ·---By Gf!O"lJf! ---. Dear George : 1 asked the best way to dlscipline my dog lo stay off lhe sofa and yoo advised me to set a 111arrlage counselor. Are you .sure you1re in the right business? Dear Confuaed ' CONl'USE D Not that wee k, I wasn't. The pet editor \\'as on vacation ant: 1 got a I~ of my mall ml~cd up doing two eolumu. But qu.11 cmnplalnlns . Suppose )'00 Wtrt the woman who IOmewhere ls lrfin& to s11vel her matrlage by spanking her husband Ugh Uy with a rolled· up newspape.r. • • FrjdO)', Ht/I l,8. 1969 &cienttsis-Grow Test Tube Tree CHECKING •UP• APPLETON, Wla. (AP) -·ba•k had begun to grow. 'p ec I e. ol lree had ~n Wln!Qa "U'ualated by 'Dr. Old world =111~.i:lb":i: ,.::i,"'*:.,,""'m!.:.ci~h~ "~~tbe= ro, ~!:tt:'b~~·f~~~'!l Mediterra'M4tl they have sue<eeded to pro-Ol'ijlnal twig. He then cut it some time to achieve Isolated Madlsoa, and Dr. Martin Spanilh Furniture ducing the first test tube tree. :~ch ~~g~lf!~nc~n :u:~ ~~: ~~~!:t0:;,: ~t!uthe!iite~~":~ ':ituU:: OVIR SlOO,OOO INVENTORY Do Many Husbands Marry for Mo11ey? A quaking aspen, 30 inches l.ss I Ull and TO CHOOSE •ROM '"II and growini in laboratory rerent mixture of nutrients ing the t ue culture process. faculty o W am Mary r r hr --~ CQUe·ae:-DICORATOll CANCILLATION _,.. soil, is the fir.st complete 1.ree and hormones. Twenty-t ee But the little afpen grow ng llTUINI PIOM MODIL HOMll ever grown by the tissue days later shoots appeared. in the labora~ repreaenta Winton and his asaoclates ALL HAND MSW culture proce§. The tiss1,_1e culture process tile flrlt instahct in wh&ch a say the·achievement ls one of DICOAATORI DlllAM HOUll ON OllPLAY The achievement came after has been used successlully to root was direcUy attached. to a several steps akmg a broad Items as follows: Gorgeous a ft. cwtotn six years of research by Dr. reproduce herbaceous plants shoot growing from the cell froot of ~J bt could, in quilted sofa with separate loose pillows wiUi Lawson Wlnton of the. institute and such as tobacco. carrots structure that developfd from the future, lead to much more heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, research staff and t·w o and parsley but scientists said the parent tree. IJl'OO:uctive f~. 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" associates. He emploved a this \\'as the first time anyJ liiiiiOi;;;;iiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiO;;;;iiiiOi;;;;iiiO;;;i;;;;i;iiiOiiiOiiiOm tall d to J ha In ch In process by which cells arc ecora r amps, ng g a swag By L M. BOYD CUSTOMER SERVICEo Q. -"CAN a dentist tell a man's age by looking at. his teeth?" A. -Doubt it. Most men, as Mr. Jonathan Swift so wisely once averred, are only about as old as the.ir tongues. but oftentimes considerably older than their teeth. . . . Q. - "DON'T GUESS you know ,vhat proportion oJ husbands marry their wives ror money, (10 you?" A. -The survey· takers clainl 13 ~t or 100 husbands. But-are JOU ready to accepl that q u a i n t estimate? I'm skeptical. M•. A. E. B"hm's claim that grown and •eprod•>ecd outsfrlc TOMORROW MORNING! lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece ting size bil"ds Me the ooly "'°'at the natural body of the Negro Gets master bedroom suite in pecan panelled lovers. True, some birds p!'ac-<l'fanism. ORANGE. COAST Med,iterranean style with top quality 15 yr. ti~ monogamoos marriagt.. Starting froln small stem p J h 'varranty king size mattress & box springs. says the L. and W. man, but segment> ol a \wig, a com· 0 8ta J 0 YMC~ Spanish decor dining set, etc. · morality has nothing to do pletely ne\v i n tl iv i ti u a I ~~ H.vtefull was NtUl•r Sl511.ll with it. Says he. testityo "II genetically identical to the WASHINGTON (UPI) BREAKFAST WITH THE STARS MUST SACllFICE $698 00 our own youngsters, like the parent plant \\'as developed. President Ni.Ion today named FOl ONLY .................... . · • birds', had to be fed 16 meitls Winton described the pro. a Negro professor to be one SATURDAY, APllL lt, 7:10 ·11 A.M. Aey Piece C. le Purclaastd ,_.., .. ,., a day, \\"e wouldn't have time cess as a no u -sex u a I , ol three assistant postmasters Tenns A••llll .. -Newco.en to Cellf, to dilly-dall y around, elther." veeeta11ve means of reproduc-general.' He is Rona1d B. Lee '1() 1 Credit Approved l...,.1&tefy IT'S NOT ENOUGll to know lion occurring entirely in the and .would rank with James / ~~~ LIDO MARKET r•""'l,:""'I /] laboratory. Farmer as the ly,·o top Negro • Orange Juice. To call yoursclr The original p1'ccc of hvig officeholders in the adminis· NEW' •oRT ILVD • v·· LIDO NEWl'O"T ···cH F ., a first-rate follower of foot· '" ""' · • " ~ f . u-1 ·-was snipped from a gro\\'ing trution. • •• • ~ ball. you also ought to be ab'.e tree, steri!Ucd and placed in a Nixon nan1ed Let, 36, ol ALL YOU CAN EAT--4l1 00 to name lhose PI o Y "·' dish ol plant foods, vitamins East Lansing, Mich .. to head · ~ • At Harb'or Blvd popularly rel.,.red to a s • and honnones. Winton ·found the newly created Bureau of JOIN THE FUN & ENTllTAINMINT Earthquake. M.,.cury, and · that part of the cambium -Planning, M3'keting and Sy,. 1 D•• .,_·w,_,rt •'-d C-.. __ -1 The Mad Stork. ' ' FOR WIN l'lmS! ~ -·F· .. y • --..... , . • • ' ' SCENT OF !\1AN -That every man has a certain distinctive odor is common t;n:nvledge to hounds and hunters. Unfortunately , there is a paucity of y,•ords to 1lescrlbe aro1n3s. So no 1nan can explain exactly h o w another smells. Closest such language crops up in a scien- liric finding which ca~egorizes all odors under four headings: burnt. fragrant, acid or goaty. Jlow about that, miss? Which (lf the foregoing m05t clearly characterizes your gentleman friend? YEARS an Egy..t;an husband the slippery living I ayer terns Analysis of the P06t Df· Every nfght 'tll 9 -Wed., S•t. & Suft~ 'til' 6. •" . ~bet~w~een~~th~e~-~w~ood~~·nd~~ll~1e~l~ic~e~De~pa~rt~me~n~t.~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i~!!!!!~!""'!~~~~~ could divorce his wife merely1- by looking her in the eye and ! DON'T KNOW what you call it, but among the rarest of medical ailments is an af- flicUon which causes some people to shed tears every time they eal. . , • WHAT COLOR is your lawn? Breen maybe? Breen is what the \\'Ord coiners now identify as a n1ix of the colors brown and green .. , . ADD MR. AND J\1RS. DON EITNIEAR of Lansing, W.:ich., both . born on New Year's eve. to that short roster of married couples y,·ho celebrate the same birthdays. . .. CAN YOU THINK of any saying three -times, "I divorce you." No more. however . The E'!"Vlllians in recent months changed all that. Law there now allows both alimony and child support. HOUSEHOLD HURTS -- Why short girls have far more accidents than tall girls is now explained. \Vrites a lady who is little: "We have to climb on wobbly chairs to get to top shelves, wash windows, dust mantles. Kitchen counters on which we slice food are just a little too high for a proper cut- ting angle. Our feet doo't quite reach the car brake pedals. Nothing mysterious at all about why women under S. feet-2 have the nl o s t mishaps." ):'our questions and co1n.- ments are wt'tcomed and will be u.ted wherever pos· sible in "Checking Up." Address ma i l to L. ltf. Boyd, in core r,f the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. eight-letter word, c x c e pt ----------"strength," with only one vowel? Our Language man .----------,1 cannot. ••. REALIZE the lady PEOPLE cuckoo bird lays eggs to Tll•t'1 · wh•t it'1 •II •bout, n1atch the color of eggs in One of the mo1t popul•r d1 ily another bird's nest. But how fe•t11r11 of th• DAILY PILOT I does she do it? How? How? is People Sctn1. lt'i all 1bovt •in91, common1r1, keo kt end ARGUMENT: Our Love and ch•racttrt -p•ople. \Var man takes exception to ~-----~·-·-...--·1 CominCJ April 19 Family weekly Explore the Wonders of the Old World with Your Children By A~IY VANDERBILT This noted author shares an exciting family trip to Ireland and tells haw ta make children gaod traveling companions. SPECIA L TRAVllL ISS UE ' e 'ISLAND IN THE SUN' -Author ot that best seller, Alec Waugh, offers an offbeat look at another set of suMy islands, Ute \Vest Indies. e TIPS FOR CAMPERS -30 million Americans will go camping this summer. Here's a rundown on vlhich or the new camping spots are best in various areas all over the nation e MEXICO BY CAR -Where to go, what to see (other articles cover America's festivals - good vacation entertainment -and comic Joey Adams' revealing view of bow celebrities spend thefr vacations. All Coming Saturday in the I DAILY PILOT I 95* • TM c..ww.tfl•~ ilWU • The lightest 18" Color Set you can buyt So eeay to carry from room to rooin • Solld copper circuits. replace old ' fa·~~~ nhand wirfng" in potential ch...,• trouble spots • Supel'!'JtoWerlul New Vista VHF tuner, the most powerful in the induatry • Extrii~sensltlve ~lid State UHF · trep•ortz;ed tuner • Fa~ua New Vista picture quality auurils locked in color purity • Eaay color quick tuning and picture sharpness control • Automatic chrome control electron!Qlly stiiblllZes color 'setting .................... ,...., ................. .. .. • ' • ' ,, •• • .. • I I • • \ • . '· • ' ' " • •' ' • -"f( \' • " j ' . l , .. -: I •• ,. --" I ... • . I .•. . I • t-i I I :: { I ! ... '• ! • , I " • t I • I • I t I J I j S DAllV '1LOT --UC Tuition Considered By Regents BERKELEY ( AP) - University of Califor n i a regents were told today that a $250 million bond issue plus tuition or new student fees may be the only solutkln to a growing money crisis. _The nine -cam pus 11J1iversity's goverrUng board jlso prepared to review a COO· iioversial propo8al that would live regents full aulho!"ity over hiring professors and $.sistant professors. • Gov. Rtqan who plarmed to l!ttend today'• bom'd meeting, said be wa disappOinted Jiit mooth when ._1s relu>ed to approve the fa<ulty hiring plao popootd by Rq ... t Edwin W. PIUley <If Los Angelos. - The regents' Educational Palicf Commltee v o t e d Tboraday to retain tile current policy giving <ampu.'I dm>- cellors hiring ......,;ty, By clooe "°"' the c:ommlUee ... jected Pauley's plan fer e comiromiJe offered by UC President 0-lee J. Hlld!. Later, Hitch told the regents' FD.nee Committee that the university will need ..... than Qoobl< the COl>- structiai money e:rpedod to come from state funds over the oelt six years. ·Even with the $750 million needed IDtdl said, oome $,000 appticmts may hive to be turned down evfrY year if the university sta)"I-within its policy (If oervin( • -percedage ratio d. upper divi9ioo studenU to junlcn pd .,,mm.res. # Hit.di said he will pruent a 1,eport in June on poosibl< new itudelt fees or tWfioo as a jooJr<e <If cooolruction mooey, :Hitch and the regents h a v e )'opooed tuition In put ,..,.., •!though student fees were l'aised to about !330 • -iear in 1118. ,....,., Aprtl 11, IM Mule, Art Go LA Schools Face Drastic Slashes LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Boon! d Educatloo WU faced lod.ly with • ~ bud(et whlch WOllld end -d tucbio( jobl Ill Los Anples, allow only b1adlcapped students to ride the bus and ellmiDate one claaa a day at the high IChool Jovel. School doc1on and nunes, -· uluies and ......... in mu.Uc, art. dralDll and joumalllm allo would be casualtle< Ill o tentolive 1919- 70 budl<t llUbmlttad 'lhlnday by Jack Crvwtberc dty ICbool superintendent. Clow!her, Ill the wake d the vottn• rejection d. three bond propouls and • "'"" of fund. ni!tn( _..,. -down at the polll for the pa!t LI years in Loi Angeles. declarod: "The momtnl ol truth has arrived for m, time hu run out, and the c:omn>llllty and l<gblature mUll JmoW that we have ao mqic wand." Crowiha' did propooe .... c:ttl -in opeclal calqory taUI to l*'Ovlde f0< ICbool COlll1nlcUon, boolllllg t b t -.. ~yt.u-lrom 14.'19 to I """"1 f5.JI. This incrtalfl in tua: ls permitted under • bill posed by the legislature to allow fuOO·ralsing for u n u s u a I education costs. The budget of f765 million would still be $58 million over the bud(et Clowther sub- mitted a year ago. The budget would finance education for an aU-time record enrol.bnent of 812,929 atudent.s -28,000 more than lhe current year. The elimlnalloo <If one ~ a day for students in grades JO, -u and 12 would cut almost t,000 teaching posltl4na and the superintendent aald 3,507 faculty poolllons mJi)I\ hive to be cut in all. • Mother of Slain GI Called inM utiny Trial FORT ORD. (UPI) -The mother of a soldier who was shot to dtath by a guard at the San Francisco Pre 11 di o Stocbde testified b r I e f I y Thunday at the trial d 14 GI prisoaen char1ed with !'llllllly for I lil'1l;own demamlratkrl. Mn. Cllnaor Blmcb. JI, Da"8i, Ohio, WU c:aDtd by. the --to testify •bout the l11eo1al ~iliaft (If . P'!t- Rlclllrd llll>cll -.... lul .... llh!t- 11111 idwollllool • -note wrillen by lier -. but WU not allowed to give any other t..timaay cm p-oandl H had no r<laliaft to tile - by 'II -11 the l'nlidlo stoc:tldt lul Oct. 14. The def .... hu conltnded they were irotestinl con- ciitlona at the stoctada ml the sboolinl (If Bunch -daya befcn the demoaolnllan. It claims Bunch c o m Iii I t t e d llUicide by pm P*1y drawlllc 6 SF Proteators Found 'Guilty' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Six-bl .. --suDIY "1 • jury d cbarpa ........,, -their anal 1ut J1111WY at San Fnncllco Stitt Collt1t, one day after -jury fCOIDd 10 other dlmonttratan in--. the fire of.the guard. Pvt. Michael Marino, 21, Vacaville, Calif., said be WU npealtdly aCCllled d befnc • subversive wbl.le stationed at Ft. Lewis, Wub., becauae he w r o t e a Jetter advocating peace and wu caught readint "underground" papers. Marino said the harassment call.led blm to p AWOL and 1.i.t:: 1" Ill the .Pruidio . He toolillld -dilloM in the Army prbion were pocr and many prilonera attempted suicide. Spectators Put on Trial SACRAMENTO (AP) - Pettr Schurman, 11, WU Hntenced Thuraday to five years in prison for burning hU: draft card, then some spec· tators started leaving the courtroom. "Stop lhooe people from leaviq!" lhouted u. s . Dlltrict Jodp Sherrill Halbert. ''Thll Isn't a &bow where you pt up and Juve aft.er the flrst reel." But maey continued out. WHhin 1$ minutea, llalbert charged II d them with con- tempt of court and a fn houn later all JI had been fCOIDd gutlty. . TAKATA NURSERY • . . SALE! • FUCHSIA PETUNIA • 49¢ 59¢ ny Reg • . -" Ir •p 79c: . • . . AZALEA BANDIN I IN RJLL ILOOM JUG SALE s1 25 on• gol ""'' 2 $1.60 FOR 1 s4 95 five gal. ""'· $1.'5 "Ml:r or Matc:h" SALE YUCCA One gal. Uquid Plush or s3 95 five gal. Reg. One gal. Uquld $7.SO Anlea • CalMIHa LANDSCAPING SPRINKLER INST ALLA.TION COJUPLETE GARDEN SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES • f. • TAKATA NURSERY : ALL KINDS OF NUllSlltY STOCK ~ , 780 .. ., SIT•, C11tw Mn•, Callfonda ~ Heit door to CHt• Mes• ,,,.. Statlen, a.~er et lri1tef St. 546-0724 the Jong and abort of prom• and partie• •.•• magic by moonllgbt either'Way Prpma, parties, gracluatlan ilalla ••• y9u1! want to sparkle through thoee evenlnga, to feel pnitt!er than ever. ·Do It ina leggy hlp~or I · a long look at elegCince. Whal9ver yaur 11trle lhth'a magic to be made in our '. collection of prom and party laahions ••• romantic stand-apart loob that. promiae a speciol evening. Short Stops, by Ronnie Fmih!ons. a. beige lace chamla9, a0$tat.nylon. 5 to 13,. II.Oii b.lot!Q po!):n-dot gown, Ruled nec'kllne, nylcn~a yeJknr', jr. pe1119.i-5to11. aoo c. hip chlmdleln whits with pluk-11, cotton and ccft11e, !r. pelite lli>:es 5to 11.:111.00 mgy ai young m~ahop. l t 94. enalllg 11q1 97 ~· ' • c. ' • · may co south coast plaza, san dlego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm ' ' .For The Record Mee tings PR I DAY Mlir Vl1ta Ml-le L.... ~le: T-•· ue1 lMll Str-i, He....-t ... di. 7:31 ...... V.,,.,w, ""' No. UM. Amerlca11 U.IM H1ll. 5'5 W. 11111 $Ir_,, Cotti M1:M, l :Of .. 11\. U.C.I. "11111: danclftt, Cl.......,. Httt. Unlwnlty of C.llfom11 ll"llM, 7:• ··~ IATURbAl' Ch•l1tr111 l ut1'*-'' cemmlttee, .. ICO. h r CIUb, ,..,.._, hlldi, 1 1.m • .M<llor Lode•, VOA. knler Clff-llwcrMllo11 Clul>. 1!11'1 Slr.t Ml! lt\11"" A,,._, N....._, 8HCti. I p.m. Softl al "'"" ... Ame1\u, ,,,.,., Vlsi. Lodte, 1111'1 SlrWf Ind Or1f1M A-. Munt11'1910f1 S..dl, I '·"'· Ori"" COUftlY ll:EACT, 10111 Garden Grove Btvo .. G1r,,.., Gr11¥11, 7:311 p,m , Pilot Visitors f llllr'\ ,,. conclUetM Mond.ln 1NI Fr~n for ~ Cle-of ftn11 ...... ltwf .... ~ ... olhu ..... 11nlutl-of 11 llttit 11'111 -'"'- .C. lnt.rMled ''-' m1r all Mr. Dl.ld'-v ltkll. 6041, El!t. 'UT. DEATH NOTICES ADAMS C:Onfrentatlon at lJC Irvine Bhrek Students Fail to Ruffle Weav er Uy THOMAS FOR1'1NE Of tflt O.llW Hit Slafll IRVINE -Robert C . Weaver, the fint Neero to serve on a Pttsident's cabinet, rerused to be ruffled when quizzed by a n g r y black students and white polilical activists this week at UC Irvine. He cooly countered the students' emotion with logic. Bla<k student Tom Wo~ard asked angrily, "Here you 1tt top dog. Why doo1 you use your influence to get things done the way you feel they should be done." Weaver answered WaUord 's and other students' questions, saying, in short: "I am one man. I limit my aspirations to what I feel cu be accomplished. I don 't waste my time trying to change the political or economic system. And within those limits I have been effective." Weaver, secretary of Hous-· ing and Urban Development (HUD) under President Johnson, was Charter Day speaker at UCI, the day of commemoration of the wli- verslty's birthday. a smaller group ol IWdenll, point of vltw blacU should with quutJoninl dominated by never compromlle on tholr the youq blacb and white o<-demands." livlstl. "'ll1at'1 •••d rhetmc," He explained bow low~ Weaver responded.. "But I housing is provided throoih don't thinlt It woru Olll very urban renewal with the federal well." £11VU1UJ1ent paylnc for the In bis morning speech, he land, but uo1ng local public bllllltd N•aro militancy "' bousina qenclea or private white America'• indifrerence spamon for tbe demolition and reluct.ance. He sugge.rted and ,,.. -· • moder'lte civil rigbis leaders .. You pay a profit to the ·~undercut and .accused of shun lord a •""'it •· ••· -beJ.DI utremllts with present· ' ,,. -· 'w ~ cloy mllilllncy the mull tractor , and provtde a taz .. ~ •1 ., be --•·"' " '--'d dodge for the alum lord to buy J.'1C 1 •IUlCIU, 1ic: UL , it back?" asked student David Heskett. "You have completely distorted the process,'' Weaver replied. "We never sell 'back to a slum lord. We sell to cooperativtl!I that are limlted divident or non-profit groups." Student Michatl Krilm&n asked, "How did you work with those crooks who say they don't have any money for you because it's all going to the war? Did you come bat in hand and say 'How about a llt- Ue for HUD?' " "that t.he very people who now call upon moderate Negro leaden to a\op vandalism and violence c!:unned lheat same leaden "a decade ago u left.- wing and eztmnlst. Their p~ grams have changed but little during the interval, but white America now finds great statesmanship in lhe!r pro- grant!I .. ''Had they been permitted to .chleve the goal! that att to- day so palatable to white America we could have had orderly change rather than • Friday, Aprll 18, 1969 . OAIL V PILOT l) viol~.·· He said long -overdut reforms are being carried out now as a panic reacUon to riots. • IS a - THANKS To everyone wh~· supported. my candidacy for Truste~ Area 5. Sincerely .MARY G. MARTIN •, Pyrlc 01,..., A<Mm1. Dtlt f//f "'91h, Aorll 14. ltn!Otftt Ill m N1rclilw1, (DrOll.I <kl Mir. Sutvh•eo:I "° ""1.bend, E.tw.rd J. Ad9m1; '°"'' l!w..n II!. AU ..... Con:in. ... Mar, Ind JIJN$ E, Act.,.,.., Clrne> Hill, Pfftftivlv~nl1; ind "'"" or1nddllld,...,. 5"vlcft. Frid1v, April 11, ll:lhy, If F1lrt..wr1 c~. 0..:..tur. llllnoll. Belll MM- lu.rv. ~ £. C111111 H11nw1v. COl'Ol'WI dtf /Mr, forw1rdlfloV dlrK'!wi. He spoke Wednesday to 250 studen ts in the campus ~ nasium in the morning, telling them the ultimate solution to Ule urban crisis lits with peo- ple instead of government and the haves mull learn to share with the have-nots. · "1 did as I knew I had to within an existing aystem," said Weaver .. "I had no politlcal muacle. It would have been a waste ol my time and money to do otherwise." FREE App liance BUY THEM AT --- CERTIFIED DETTY Pll1!11• 0 . Of!ly. IM:ll Dile Vllb L•"-• HunflfloVlon a .. dl. 5'/rvl"" bv wife, J ......... lne; •l1!w, Mn. H1rry F....-.crt, R-rv. Frld&v, 1 p.m. Slrvlcn, Sao tu..i.v, t 1.m., bolll 11 Ptflt Flll'\Uy Color>l1I Fu~1I Hom1. FAIRBANKS M1v1 M. F11t1111/IU. ·-n. ltetlde11t of H~M. C1lltor11l.o. Surv1W<I b., husbel>d. 1111 ... 'o; lllUlll'llen, Ve.nellt AAde<'Mn 1.-.:r Mli»lle ~. bolt! 01 l-l loll Kle11~,_, W.slmlMll>r; ..an. S~ F11rbfnkt of 5111!1 AN1 twD tltM1-t, Mn. z.11 w11-.... l<Hllo, l<d Mn . G«tf\ldl Trvllt. ot Mlnourl; ti..., tr1fldCl'llld•t111 four ,,..,1.,r111d- <fllld..n. Se-rv~. Slturdl.,, 11 1.m., Stnlflll Clwl...i. lllfef'""°I, W.stml11- 1"°" ~11 P1rtt. Oired9d b., Smllhl Martuery. JOHNSON Gef°tll JCll'llttM. "'" 7J, of J02 H-arl-font, Huntl,.lon Bwch. 5urvlwd ,., Jon, E1r1 Jal'l1"'0ll: clauthlff, M.lrflvll lwwe. bdl'I of MIU1cf\usetl1; ~ ""'· e .. 1vn Clt1rv. Hu!!l1.,.1on Be.ch: broltlff, Jal'ln hllon, C11r>Mt;1lcu1, 111· '""' Mlldrl'd IMI' $0nl1, both el s~: I 11r111dd!!kl~ 11\d t 1re1t- •r1110c11llctre11. SffVkfl, S1tunl11, t 1.m., Smlltt• Clllllll. Prlv•lt lntl!r- rne<>I ill Slwkllt. 5mlTll1 Mortv1rv. d~ ~- WILUiEY JIN F. wrnvv. Ate 56, "' 1Nl1 s.i. mo11 Line, Hulll1"9ton a11ch. O 1 1 r ot dNfh, April n . Survlvtd bY run· bind, H1roNI K. WlllM"l'I two clal>flt. 1'en, aetry W. Wllllrf ind Und1 L. Tlllwr; 111d tnr" 1rl<l'ktllld"11. s.,.,. lat. S.tvnH\r. I P.111 .. 5111llM OllHI. 1--1. P1d lk View MotmOrloll P1rlt. Olnocted bY S/1'1111'11 M«llNN. HUFSTEDLER WMot H. Huf~lt'f'. Age '5, of lit lllt St., Hunn1111ton Bt1cll. Slrvk;s ~lne 11 Srn!lhl M«1u1ry .. ARBUCKLE & WELSH W estclilf Mertu•ry Ui E .. 17th St., Costa Pt1tsa -BALTZ MORTUARIES Ceroaa dt l Mar OR 3.9451 Colt.I Meu PtU tl.%4%4 BELL BROADIV A Y MORTUARY UO Bro1dw11, Costa MtA Ll 1-UU DILDAY BROTHERS Butlnitoa Valley Mortuary 17'11 Beacb Blvd. Hutlagton Bucb SU-7'1'11 PACIFIC VIEW •IEMORIAL PAI\![ Cemetery • Mom ary Chapel S50I P•cific View Drive Newport Bt1cll, Callfonlil .... !7IO PEEK FMULY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME '1111 8olu An. Wtthlllaller · 191152$ 8llEFf ER MORTUARY Lagoa Bt1tla $153$ lu. Oemute U:WJM S."1TB'S MORTUARY 11Z7 Malll SL 0Dtlagloa Bucb LE M5ll ln the afternoon he met with "You need a Black Panther Party in your organiution," said a black student. Watford remarked, "In my Water Dispute Settled After 5-year Squabble SANTA ANA -A water dispute which has cost the arguing parties more than $4 million over a five year period ended Thursday in Superior Court. The settlement, carried out under the gavel of neutral Judge John P. McMurray of Inyo County, will guarantee Orange County an annual U,000 acre feet of Santa Ana River w.ater plus all the flood run of.f stored in the Prado Dam. And apparently delighted Orange County elements in the negotiated agreement said · that f1t1l benefits of the new wattr di vision will be felt here next year .. - The actioo wu launched ln late 1983 by the Orange County Water District ~ accused wattr agencies in Riverside and San Bernardino countlts of taking more than their lawful share of up stream water. Orange County a g·en c Its we~ being forced to import Colorado River water and store it in wxierground basins to maintain a 18fe water level hen, the complaint atated. Altorneya for both Bides t,o.. day said that the pre·trlal ... Uement hu saved tupayen in the three involved counUea "millions of dollan in ad- d.ilional court and attorney fees .. " THANK ~YOU ! . " To my hardworking supporters, to my patient family, ond ea,.cially to you loyal Newport-Mesa voters. ' :JJ.,11 _<{lrauJd s SERVICE I ltmpool Waher hs 3 .. lollltic cycles, 2 speelb 111d wlftr tempera Ill re CODtrol.. Matdi"tll' 5-cycle dryer inctucles: 3 llut: selections. Botll ftlbKe cookSowft C.I for Perllmllf.. Pras flbrics. Buy the Jllir-· SM lime,·..,,., lllOfllf! Wfther-liiodel LTJl.5540 Dryw Model L Tf.5500 ..... mnw· ' ' • ,. RO-FROST COllOISSEUR TWIN REFRIBERATOR-FHillER ~'~~~='..is:r::=~=-."2 " • • ... Mi*lte temperat CiClldtols. Jtt.caM1 lltlt ,. .. potttlli1 Wper, ' " ,. ........................................... ~ • C§> Whirlpool FREE 14 PC. l&lllEIATDI BOWL 111' ' with purdJllo ol eTl!;l'll lofri&nlllr and , to make MBTffE~S ' BAY more complete will do it either a ... 1'birlpool Top-Loading Porta"• raw••••CJda•ifll,..,.. bulto11"-.it ..r two '""""" .,.., _ "ttdl" ... ,,..,u.ss. focladll ~fllllr, m l .. ., .. 1..r ritllt conditlonor dispooMll,.al SWIJtaP racb, """"""" -tep. -- or CERTIFIED 333 E. 17th ST. COSTA MISA • 642.0240 4113 lltWINDALE ST. COVINA • 962.6631 ' . '\Vhm I poo Fronl·Loadiag Portable fealures aut .... uc flllShbutton control with 4 ci<los, two momnt SPf'Y ntS. astomltic rinw· condit-~. porcelai1 enameled tlll>, canine board top. Water flow futvra fat 1-1.,. w~I• di!Mo•r is hooked op. -- SERVICE 1616 W. 5th ST. SANTA ANA • Kl 7·57'1 11662 E. WASHINGTON ILVD. WHITTIER • 521-2274 .. • •• •• •• ., ,. .. • K ~ .. ., • ,, •• ~ • .. ., • ' ' ~ ~ • , < ' .. .. ~ .. • •• .. -•• • " ~ .. ,, • I I I I [ ' ' I } I IWl.1 PllOT BofA Tells lncreases .. •Alt·1S1J MOllC• TO CR I OITOIS 1Ul'RRl01t COURT 011 TMll STATI: 011 CALIJ'ORNl.C. 110• THE COUNTY 0" OllAN•R -"-· ""'UJS !!l•!I ol MAIUOIUE LEE CUMMINGS, °""""· f'IOTICE 15 HERESY GIVEN lo the c:rfdl!Otl "' the •lxwt ""'"" clt(ltlltnl Tl\f.I .1H Pl!•-,..¥1"11 cllhm •t•ll'ltt "" 1&141 OK.tclml 1rt recaulred Iii 1111 tMm, w(l!I, ttic ntc_.., -..chfl1, 111 tM affke ol.jtle c:erti o1 l!'lt •bow .,,flllK court,« I<> , ·-lhtm, Wllll l!'le l'll'OtSM,.., "l)uchefl, M IN WIGIOltlWld 11 tM offlct tof her ttt0tr1n" Glelfl E. P1len. 2l2 Nor!fl Jiii StrMI, Grevtr C!IY, C•llfotnlo, "'"le" 11 ""' pi.ct ol bullllffl of .... UMlfl'!ltntd 111 I ll rNlttts fff'fllnllll flj llft '''"~ el 11lf ~I. 'Olll'hln fOul'" -tn1 1ttv !ft• ""' l'Ubllutkool flf ttllt ..... U'. Oiled AIH'll 17, 1Mt Me.., L, CllfTlbt•lfM "'llmln~tr1!rl• ol !M Esll!I llf tht •~n......:I ~'"' GL.!.NN I:. P l:Tl l S Al1111'MY t i U w tn Ne<'lh m Sir"' ,.:b: ler HI c (lf\I, (l llM'Mlll : tMSI •IMSM I. y "'' .f11tml1111tr~I• Publl>hllll Ott"" (11111 Ot ll"f l'llot. A!"'fl 11. 2J Ind WY 2, 9, lKt JU 4t LEGAL NOTICE .. nt 1Ul'l!Rl01t (OUIT 0 , THI ifATI 0 , CALll'OIHIA l'OA THI" COUNTY 0 , OAAHOI .......... u.,.. NO'TICI! 0, Hl!Alt!NO 0, l'RTITtol'I ,01 l'ltOIATI 01" WILL AHO flOI LITTll,I TISTAMllllTAl.Y E'lflf of ~LOll:ENCE IELllAl l!TH IHUP ", Oecff!H, NOTICE 15 HEll.EIY GIVl!H Tritt 5":w'1,., PKlflc N1tio...1 a1t11t. I N11\ef\fil Ballltl"9 "'-i•lloll II• tllM ,_. a Mllllo!I tor M'Oblle Ill w111 afld ftr IUl.lf"fl o4 L•lh!" Tnl-lfll'Y le fll'fcll· llOM<, reler..a II> wllldl hi mllle fllr turl!ll!• Nrllcvklrs.. •N tlllt tlll time 1N Pllce el lleerlflll ffW -l'IM Mlofl ""' tor MIY J, 1ttf, el t :)ll 1.m., Ill ~ CO•lrlt"'""' of 0fHf!Mtlll No, f'I M id cwrt. 11 1'00 West Elollfl\ S-1, "' tt.. (ilh" CPI Stnr1 An1, C1lltoml1. 011H AMII 10, lfff. w. E. ST JOHH, c-rv ci.r-,.,, ......... k .. CU SfUI~ IM'illt llrwt S,l!t """"'" IJCl U. AllMlll, Cttli.tt1l1 tlf1J '"' fJlll ,, .. ,." Al-n tor '"'"~ Publl'lltd Otlntt Cat1t 011!1 ,.!lot, .t:_ll•ll 11, 12, 1•. Ifft .. , ... LEGAL NOTICE Gloomy Gus Tells ii As You See II s rriu.f, Apnl ti , l M Your Wortll M•k• JOllr forum r..wtl-t.Ur 'Mly monetary policy will be the key to the business outlook for 1969. From an economic standpoint why 1969 will be a year of transition. What the outlook is for military spending. For housing starts. For cor· porate profits How has the current speculative boom affected the stock market and what bearing will It have on the merket's future course. What is the liquidity of major buyers of stocks and why this is an important market indicator. To find out what Merrill Lynch thinks about the current economic and market outlook , which stocks they consider al· tractive at this time, and what kind of an investment strategy they suuest, come to our: Market Outlook Forum Tllunclay evenhMJ, April 24 Sheraton leach Inn 21112 Ocean Avenue Huntintton leach, Callfomla startin9 at 7:30 PM sharp Th•r•'• no ch1r9• or o~lig•tion, 4:1f covr1•. Simply ctll Mr1. le.,ish at 547-7172 or mtll in th• coupen 1hown b•low. ,1,.,, rtt•"'' • , • , • , • , 11th t.r v•ur •• A,ril 14, i11 H1111ti11t te11 ltttlo . ..... ________________ _ MdrtSI------------------ City &.St;at•'-----------Zlp•--- MERRILL LYNCH, Pl•RCI!, 19 F-•NN•A a 8MITH INC 1001 NORTH IROADWAY. SANTA ANA 91702 : ' • ' ' ' ' I r.1.,~."'' s•1-1212 Fort~ Q)91.ocnft11Cc o/ b111c1tor1 our of/let IJ opn doilg 7 AM.S PM ond So1urdov• P AM·12 No ... -------- Mason Joins Board Of Merchant Group \ Thursday's Oosing Prices-Complete New York List .. .. ... • \ I I f I 'I l. \ i ' • I I • I 1 I • I .. J 2 OAILY PILOT Fnd'}, April 18, 1969 .Once h_y 'Sea, Once by Air, ~he Red Koi-ealls Are~ Coming WASHING TON t UPl) -Russia have a r ow n ac-Now Pentagon offk!lals must nalssance planes coWd be with dattoyer escort was that governmtnt authorities in lhe telllgence 9dvitory b o a T' d Norqi Kort.an coast wOUld be ·With the seWJrt of Ole Pueblo customed to tolerating in-reconsider whether, in the given armed nghter escort. such a sltp would be S l a t e a n d De f en s e which ii supposed to review conUnued. l case of North Korea, these But the EC121 &hot down was "provocative" lO countries departmeatr, the joint chiefl intellilence operations to see The Penta.goo a.aid' 114 ~ than one year ago, North telligence agam,,t each other offshore flights should be con-on an I hour and 30 m.lnute near whkb lhey aail. ol .Wf themlelves and the that they comply with national civilian lntelligeoce qendet 1torea effectively halted U.S. by offshore aircraft flights and tinued. wbelher t he in-flight. Fighter e9COl'ls would Offshore reconnaissanc9 White Houle. policy. • ---.-_ w~ Involved in the ¥ It rflCOMaissa~ by :ship along spy ships.. formation gained ls worth the have to be ttfueled by tankers Oigbts are controlled· by tDe But the Pentagon did not The Wbtte House decliQd to aakl lbe plane and ~were 'us ·coasts. Soviet planes. Routinely Soviet risk. whether there are other in flight. Such. an operation ;omt chida of staff, through aay wheii IUCh flights last comment m the enent to under Navy command and no . Now, by shooting down a aircraft fly alongside U.S. ways o( getting intelligenct, becomes vast and expensive. their j o Int reconnaissance received review by those which President Nixon knew miuions for the Central U.S. Navy reconnaissance aircraft operating over in-and whether planes can be In the case ol Pueblo-type center. Above th;.t level, the groups. in advance about lhe flight on Intelligence Agency or na-- plane wilh 31 men aboard, it ternational waters in their protected. surface ships, one reason for Pentagon said. ,these missions In addition there ts the which the plane wu shot down Uonal teeurity agency 'tftre in-- has challenged a second I:''.:l-'pa'-'-rt-•.::'--th..:•c_.w..:•--•l::.d. ______ T_h_e_o _r _•_I _i _c _a_l _I :..y_reco __ .. __ d_ec_idin_· .;:g_no_1 _1o--'p-ro_v_id_•_lhe_m __ ha_v_e_been_--'•Wo:.:..._v_ed_b..:y_h_,igb:.__P_r_cesld.:...::eo:.:cl'::.•_I:._•:._•.:...::• ::.I "g .::"~·-ln-::..._:°'c_.".::helher.:.:::c_.':.:ucb::..._rug_,· ,_h=ts--olc.f:._lh<:::.__v_oJ_v_ed_. _____ -r-- portant intelligence gathering method in it.s a~. The pJan81s loss .,..as the halest in 1 Series of cold w<tr tntelligence incidents, going back to the shooting down ol a U2 rpy plane over Russia in J9EKI during the latter days of the Eisenhower ad· ministration, and including the capture of the Pueblo io January or 1968. The Pentagon said \\'cd· nesday that since the Pueblo incident, surlace ship recon- naissance missions have not been conducted along North Korean coasts. J\.1UST BE AWARE After the Pueblo, Adm. 7homas H. Moorer. chief of Navy operation, told the House Armed Services Commiltee : '"l'be security of the United States requires that we be aware of and understand fully the military capabilities of potential enemies.·· Afilitary officials believe in- telligence should be gathered by a series or overlapping -systems including s h i p s , planes and satellit es -each with advantages and limita- tions. Large, four-engint ECl21 aircraft, like the one dowoed, ha ve long been 1f1ying in- telligence missions along the Asian Communist roasts. The Pentagon said there were 190 similar flights "in this general area" in the f.irst three months of 1969. There are several "tracks" for such flights, some con- eentraUng on North Korea. some. along the mainland China coasts and preswnably some. farther north along the coast of Siberia. There are others on lhe Atlantic side or the Communist world. MONITOR RADAR . Flying 50 miles or more from the North Korean coast -as the pilot in this case was ordered to do -an ECl21 could monitor North Korean military radar. It could leam their location and frequencies and thereby gain knowledge on how to jam or evade them m case of war. It could monitor military radio communication within North Korea . This provides continuing knowledge of the movement of the N o r t h Korean ground, ai r end sea forces and knowledge of how these forces operate and how they are commanded. It also provides the continuing checks on whelher these forces sud· denly go into a state of alert , "'hich might indicate a plan· ned invasion of Soulh Korea. The United States and UCLA Desnlt Plant Passes Major Test LOS ANGELES -A UCLA pilot plant to make sea w::iter drinkable passed its first fi eld tests this week et the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla . The reverse osmosis plant, designed and constructed in a UCLA e ngine ~ring laboratory , uses one o f nature's own methods -with a twist -to filter the Pacir1c Ocean water, separate the brine, and extract fresh water. Osmosis, a natural process occurring in plants and the truman body. has a special <!haracteristic: If salt "':tier and lresh water are placed on opposite sid es of ::i thin tnembrane. the fresh .,.,·ater wlll ordnarily filter through the membrane into the salt water compartment. One or the s.implest and potentially most economical desalination tech n iq u ts. rt:Vttse osmosis has already pused a long-term 'rial run at a UCLA-built unit, whi ch purifiu brackish water in tht California inland town or CoaJ. lnl•· On the rurrtnt La J11tla pro- ject, the UCLA engineers htadtd by Prof. Joseph W. McCutchan, are ta ckling the much tougher proble1n of et· tr.acting .fresh water rrom the .u. The salt content l'f ocean water Is 35,000 ppm. making Jt ~.Y 1$ times saltier than brlCklill waler. '""•The uperimental lMI Jolla UDit produces 300 gal1on~ ol 4rintablt wit.tr a da}'. Bui more important than the total iQuM, Wbkh could easily bl? Increased by adding more components, J1 tbe fact lhal the tta water is btlng ~rifir<l by the reverse osmosls unll In a '"single pass.'' ·' Buffums· Sun-sandal s of softest champagne or white I eather; Amalfi of Italy, 12.00. Cologne for all seasons . . . Evyan' s White Shoulders or Most Precious in unbreakable self-atomizers; 2 oz., 3.50 Cosmetics NEWPOR T CENTER • #I FASHION ISLAND • Sirena's sleek maillot soft petal s bikini darin~. Leaves just a little bit more to his imagination. Black; Sto 14, 26.00 . See our swimwear modeled Saturday, April 19, 11:00-a.m. to 3:00 p. m. in Su·ncharm Sportswear. , u mS' .. I \ • 6'4·2200 • MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL S:30 . , ' "'"-------....... -~~---------""".!~~-------....,~,,..,.,...,.,,... ___ .....,.,........,~----,-----cco-~-~-:-·--~----~-----:--~----,-..... ...-.:""::~'2t"!"~':":' y ,. .Y~c.bts .,Dr~sse d -fo r · Season's Gperi ' . Wlth brllh 11!!1Sb!ne and sparkllnl 1eas olferlnr a lane of summer day1 to come, yachumen ln area clubs are llllXioiis•to lbow they're ready'for the 191111 boetlng -· DI Hunfuigton Harbour and Seal Beach; flag officers a;e waltlng to revi-elr·fleets'Olld declare them lbip- lbape for the comlng ·1tasop. , Tnlditiooal Opening Day ceremonies for the Hunt-Jn&I® Har!J9ur Yad!t Club will take place Sunday, April 20. . ~ower and sailboat& of all sizes aod cl~sses will as- Nmble -colorful flags flylng from bow to stem -off the waterfront home of Junior staH Qlmmodore and Mrs. WUllam Hardc~slle on lbe majn cham\eI;. From there the fleet wlll 0'6\Dd ·~gh the maoy chaonels ln the aree to .~ the salute of the. club's officers and the cheer:e and applause of residents and guests who will ~semble to watch the annual spring evenl In charge-of the parade are Rear Commodore and Mrs. Jerolll• E. Olson, and reviewing the fleet will be Robert Heifer, commodore; Allen E. Fitzpatrick, vice commodore; Robert C. Baker, port captain, and Harry Palmer; fleet captain. FOllowing the parade, skippers of larger power and sailboats -capable of venturing outside the channel into the open sea-will participate in a seagoing "treas- ure hunt" to te3t their wiU against Commodore ·Hare! .. caslle, who aonually plans the Mystery Cruise. ; , HardcasUe will have questionnaire sheets available : ; in bis home following tl)e parade, and the day's festivi· ties will conclude with a buffet brunch in the Long Beach Yacht Club. Charges for the ncrhost brunch will be .$3.50 tor a~ult.s and $1. 75 for juniors under 12, and all club mem- bers and families are invited to attend the buffet.where papen will be corrected . and prizes awarded for the Mystery Cruise. ·7 JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 ,......,., '-"" I .. INf I P ... IJ CELEBRATED OPENING -·Toasii'ne a su~cessful .!969 boafuig seaion are members of the Seai Beach' Yacht Club (left lo right) Mr. and .. Mrs. Chuck llabcqck, Dr. A. Victor Stern, commodore, and l\{r. aod Mrs. Norman ·Stanger. Babcock is in charge of the NAUTICAL TREASURE HUNT -Following the Opening Day ceremonies of Huntington Harbour Yacht Club will be the annual Mystery Cruise. Se!.ecting sites inside and outside the ~nels are (lelt to rigbl) Junior Staff Commodore and Mrs. WilUarn Hard- club's Opening Day F1eet Review which takes place tomorrow. Receiving the salutes of the boats, dressed from bow t.o stem in coiorful flags , will be the club's flag officers. .......llrJYll .... castle and Rear Commodore and Mrs. Jerome·E. ·01son. OlSOQ· is in charge of the Openlng Day parade which will take place with- in the harbor channels. · · Boots Saluted F'eets Reviewed . . In Sea I Beach Yellow and blue dress flags Intermingled with color· tu1 signal flags will decorate boats tomorroW' When ships and crews from Seal Beach Yacht Club turn out to salute the commodore and flag officers. Forming a revlewing Jlne by the Davies Bridge (adjacent to the Long Beach Marina Shlpyard) will be boats rat!~& jn size from dinghy to power cruiser. Accopiparued· by the happy sounds of air born1, bells and whistles, they will cruise past the Long Beach and Alamitos Bay yacht clubs, between Naples and. th& peninsula before returning to pass the review boat on . which Ibo.flag and guest.s will be stationed. The paHing of each boat will be noted with the fir- ing of a caonon. · In charge of the opening day parade is Cliuck B~b­ cock, and aasisfuig are Zollie Byrd, John Olafson and Miss Sbirjey lnn011. Yach( club offtcers are Dr. A. Victor Stern, com· modorei Charles · LaTourrette, vice commondore; Nor· man Stanger,· teat Commodore; Don Cannon, secretary, and Bruce Beekman, treasurer. Harold Snyder is fleet captain for power craft, and Charles Nelson 1J in charge of sailboats. other oUic~ra include Carlos Swanson, fleet surgeon; Jim Wood, judge advocate, and Vern Baker, junior staff commodore. . Following the parade, parUcipanta wlll secure their boats and meet in the Edgewater Inn for a ncrhost bar and buffet. Only parade participant.s and their guests will receive tickets to the afternoon function. Trophies will be awarded to the best-dressed boat ' and best-dressed crew; the fleet with the best turnOut; lbe most festive boat, and l,he unique entry. Following the Opening Day ceremonies wlll be the Opening Day Regatta race which will take place Sun· day, April 20 .. other scheduled events include the beat back race from San Diego next .month and-the Start 'of -.- the ~top races each Wednesday evening. · .. . ,· i Boy ·Has Girl Trouble, Counselor Needs to Break Bub.b~~~-- DEAR ANN L.\NDE8S: I'm a 17-y.,r· eld boy with a problem. I don' ...., _, like plo. I date them but I havo no lnteml in goinl II~ or plllnf to know a aifl really well. 1J1 gym class 1 1et oervous when r llav• to undress in """' ol other Al-And when I ltt thera in the .,...... I fetl uncomlorllbk, ...t GI a -ol ucfflmut and .em• ......-. . II then--., 'llJ'OOI with me! I rtllla 1111 -GI pltinr a -Jo 'f'1!r column m I million lo -. but I do need belp and I don't -where llJe to ... PleaH """"' • my relC\M!. I •• # .-J.. 01\' MEWAIUt DEAll J : AlllMo&' tM -pll ood .\ ANN LANDERS fetlllp yea txprt11 an by " meaat ........ : ...... 'ltk Cl ta, dirit l.ld ti.at ,.. an • ewtrMd ..,.Jnta 1• 9eed &. dllCllU tlQ prmlllem: will a .... -.MOii __ _ ....... ti 'n. I Mpe JWI' tCMel 11._-.u1111,p••-"""*dtidc.Nnan•-·-..mce.. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My hUlband ""' been In prim for three •fears, I fell in love with another man after bein&: alone for nearly 14 months. 1 Jet the olher man move into my home and now we have a baby all months old. I'm sure my friends and family think we are married. Who is tbe legal father of this child? ll D'l1 bctsband wants to get olf U.e support boot, can he do m on the poundl that he is sterile? (I am almoat aure he is.) Thia ii qalte a tness and t need Y.OtJt , help. because .my . husband will be oul of p~bon in a couple or montba, ml I'm all · med up about .Ut'1 what. 1blnk you. -ABSENCE CREATES PROBLEMS DEAll AB: A ... wtio llu beea .. ,.. .. _,__"°' .... fadlend • .._ msa• .W cUd evea If lte WEREN'T tterOe • ......,., llowtvtr, y-. lloltio .. II tat ...,.,, li!Mr -.. 1o11n...,..1o)n..-.e. v .. -to .... law)'er • DEAR ANN L.\NDERS : Ed11<ate the dumb public, ~ Tell people that simply becauae you U.. -doer to a family does not m1111 JOU are boall buddies . 1 A woman leaned on q doorbell today • for 15 minute>. l , had to pt out of the bathtub to answer. She had a kettle of tweet and 10Ur me1tballl for the nut doer ntl&bl>or. Would I mind tUin( IL over later? Nobody answers their beU. Delivery boys leave plant.I, poc:taau and drJ c1em1nc wWi me. r .. beln uked to pul Iha nellbbor'• fllb In my refrtprator. I've been lluck with COD poc:kqeo and uo poomdl of -· At CbrUtmutlme 101Deone left a pan ol polato kUlll here '" the netpbor' and our dot IOI into IL I never bean! the end ol IL Ir you print my ietta' you wm be perfonnlnfl • nallonll IOnlce. 'J'beR must be olhen who feel u I do. -NOT PM.SY WALSY DEAR NOT1 I'm nrt ta.ere an, Rt I'll wapr I .,...t 111Q1 fetb ilta't ... mlM doloa ....U la•1n . fw. - """'""'· -,_ ...... dill Jl!llito b,pl, ,...,. ,_ ~ ..... pnfer lllal Y• IOI do -Oil' ...,.. . , "fa Yen. II St '"" ... ,t J'll ... •1 l'Slrry -... ,. ) Drlnk!nl may be "tn" to Iha ~ you nm •with -but It ean put ;.. "'out" fer keeps. You can cool ttr ~ atay popiiar. Read "Boooi and Y• -Fer Teenqm "''•·" . ...., • -ln coin and I ~' .tli~ 1 i, atamped ea•elope wltb JU' requlll Ano Lauden' wm be. llad · >.> belp )'Oil with your l!"Ol>lanl. Sebll lhelia to her in '"" ol ll\O DAILY ~ encloolnc I sei(-addreued, .... __ _ enveiopO. , • i ! ' ·. • • • • ~ . . l --· • ' . ' : . • • • ' • • • • " llolll.Y PUT . ' , . READY P,OR TOUROOllRS '--In the Lido Isle bay· front bomt of Mr: and Mn. Richan! E. Barrett, .._,.,... of the Udo Ille Woman's Club (left to rtpl) 1111 Mmel. E. Tft1'8IICe Moran, John D. Da vis and M. A. Richley Jr., tour chairman, await gu..U participating in the 10th annual home tour of the club. Six island homes will be open for inspectlcm Thursday, April 24, from 1to5 p.m. Counselo r Tells Guild , Of Therapy . ~ Albert S l t t 0 D Wldren'I :· ,. Guild,,_...... ........ next :-llandl;J' at 10 a.m. will bear :; Nlclt 5c:ariano -the ' -cl ju...U. hall and the famlly ...-prognm. Scariano I I IUpUVlsing -caumelor for the bo)'I' -cl Onqe County J....Ue HaD and will locus on two --cl therapy. . Y Ollllpterl In juvenile ball are detained f o r miJde. meanon a a d nondellquent children lnim trnubled homes .,. bouled at Albert Sttton Cilldrtn'1 Home. Mn. Robert Howes, guild pnsldeol, bu dloc!OIOCI Iba! a awards luncbeon l 1 ICbedu1ed in June in Sad- -iDD, Santa Ana. IJ\Jr. fnr the luncheon new olllcen fGr Ibo comlnl leUOD will be lllllalled. Good Time In Cards Dellert: lai ctn!I .e .. llolpolod ·bJ memb<n ·cl Ille Redred 'lWha9 AmoCiltkn, Orqt Ollll Dlvlolon, next -,, lnlm l:IO to f p.m. CJuthc:Ja N u m b e r 1, Le!oon Wcrl<I, Log.-Hills, will be ... oettlnC !Gr the l>eeelil....,L 'Ille X.... E. Wile S- I.Gm Fund and Ibo VUla ,; Glr'delll CTA Teachers ~' Medlicel CM"e Unit 1 n ~ ""-will be reclplenla cl • Ibo pn>ceeds. •' -Tea ii beq ......... by ~ Mrs. Gladys H81H, dllirman el opedal projects, a n d .. !WWW·-may be made by ; mnq Mn. -· -. ·_. Mm I.di: Olllbom., fM-JIOI, or : XIII Heleo C.-, 13'1-al'I. •, -..i-... : : $1 and -moy be bad !Gr " ... {' Weatherman Promises Sunshine to Favor Annual Island Tour SUSAN HALLETT June.Brkla . Marriage Plans Told Mr. and Mn. Eugene R. HalleU Jr. of. La Mlrada have announced the enpgeme:nt of their daughter, Susan Hallett lo Mlchad Allan Mayo, ..., of Mr. and Mn. Anclttw Mayo of Colla MOIL The couple will ezchange VoWS June 21 In St. Joachim'• Calhollc Cbureh. . 'Ille~ Is a graduate· ol La Mirada Hlgb. SChool 'and rl!celved ber BA In liiBtoiy and drama from the University of California, Santa B a r b a r a where lbe earned ber teachlq : uedentlals. Ci!rrenUy_ a be. teaches 1n Norwalk. If the weilhennan keeps up his good work, the day will be perfect 'Illll...iay, April %4, for a tour ol the l!land in the Sun -Lldo Isle. That Is aie cay set aoide by the Lido Isle Woman's Club for tt.s ~oth armual home tour, thia year planned to maw of! the relaxed, gracious way of living embraced by Udo Isle residents. Sb< homes Will be opened lo tourgoers from 1 to $ p.m., arxl tea in the clubhouse, 701 Vla Lido SOlld, will be oqueez. ed in beftre or after the tour . An exhibit of artworks by i.Sland artists and a totr of the yacht Summer Wind also await tourgoers. Spiffirl.g up ttteir homes for the tour are the Richard E. Banettl!, 930 Via Lido Nord; the Crawfonl w~. 800 Via Lido Nord; the Earl Hardage.is, 340 Via Lido NCX"d, He llance 11 a ~ia ·o1 · Orange Coast Collep and' eomecl bis BA from .~ State College. Cummt\Y be aerves ln the National Teachen Corps · and Wtll receive his masters de~, ,, !rum the Unlvenlty o I Southern Calilornla nezt Jµ1y; -"' -SUSAN WHITED July Data and the Arthur Costell.OI, 524 Via Udo Nerd, aU ba~ residences. ulnslde" homes opened will be thcee ct Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brown, 101 V I a Florence and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carpenter, 120 Via Quito. ' Tickels. at 13. may be purc!wooed prior to tile tour day In the Lido hie Clubhouse. or by callillg Mn. Harold Phillips, 675-3408, or Mn. William Gaubdll, 113428!. Proc<e<ls will -Orange County Juvenile Hall and hlsndlleaJtilicatjon. Two Clubs Harmonize Who says men and wa:nen can't communicate? Women from San Clemente TOM!mlstress ctub will join forces with 1 men f r o m FuUenon Toeatinamn Club for a joint meeting ne:rt Mon- day night at 7 In the Sad- dlebeck Inn, 5anla Ana. Plenty of communication Is planned Including talb by clubwomen the Mme 1 • Edward H'Arll, c. w. Stoney, Harry Sharita IOd B e t h ll:urphy. Other wmien Plmuioc lo partl~ Include Ibo Minto. Betty Chapin 'and Ida May Scbcmater, boste9!I; Ollve Barnes. ln"""tlclll; c. L. Burgem, timer; G or d on Fleener, evaluMor, and J. L. Jolwoo. closlni thou&l>t- Membon .. irpd lo a~ lend and lw!!1g gumta. Horoscope ' ' /.. " ' ' .- Aries ; D'r:iye .. C?ut.iously SATURDAY APRIL 19 .,,. JYDNEf - TEllN DATING HINT : -----teldadl. A • I a r I I I II delW I •• Let --MW frlndl -11111111 1 • m e -. ....... ,..... Ml • te nm,•• ...._. ud Cllta.. Caw ...... ! ,.. -at-· apoda1 -,. dU ad!Ytty. Arleo may !Ue a -"trip' -11111 H wtU be wortll fl AIUES (llan:h 11·"1ri 19): A YOid a c ll n g cm Impulse. Relative who maket stltementl may not b e aertoua. Malnttln ltr"8 of balancJ. humor. Don~ jump .. cohclualonL Be caftlul wb!le drlviq. No need for speed. TAIJJIVS (April !Ill-May :111): Money-making ldeu a r e prellented. Berecfeptl Ve. aw,.. II due -for the better. Relalt tonight with con· genial --But don't give in to tembtation ol. ex· travap:nce. You will win. GDllNI (May II.June IO): You can aafely tate lnltlaU•e. You gel family and other becldng. TlllllglJt be when the action la. Means let others know yaur ......_ Have fun but keep objedhe In mind. CANCER (Jome II.July 22): Forcin( iauel could prove mibarrUllng. You can enjoy younell without getting yoor complete way. You do have to bee yourself in the morn- iag. Ad acconlingly. LEo (July 23-Aug. 22): Friends and wishes dominate --can be a stimulating, eventful evening. You get sup- port from tmUpeCted source. Key ls to be receptive - fair, but fll1n-1-lut.rela· CAPRicoBN (Dec, !Wan. -Leave n>Olll !«"ltvl- tionablp developl. It): Follow ~ ..,.,.ilonl slon. Big. opPodunlty ~d VIRGO (Ali&. IS&pL lll): rt•e11 J>t CluaUllod llldlvidual. come 11 early u Mat 1 Bewilbone..,..ftll*t·Make boa't nectect e1.111HaJ1 Be , ........._, :"\_~ organizational plw, Find out ~ogl> imporlUt tO ·--'::l!--.1!::,;'l:"'...P.'".-n:; What your roJe is it .be in ..-.-bplc c:horeL Bii jotll; '¥1lY I'll.OT. IOIC '141. c;r.,.. C.. new project. Accept Wded wlll ,fall .~ Une. tri1r s .. 11 ••• -. "°"' N.Y... 1•11, -1J>lllly. See beyond the AQUAlllUI (Jan. IO-Feb. • immediate. . · 11): You could pt mare. tbu · · - LIBRA ts.pt. 13.0ct. lll): you hlrplned lor -What' '• Good lunar upect today coir)o er:notlona. Accmt cm ~ · -IS cld.. wtth chance lo travel. creal!V. lni.tells. Pe-.! . · Make lutun• plans. Study n_.tlam llqws, You ·,,. at• · Life?' ." Vfrp ._. S1reaa .,.,.. tractive lo apposite au. 8as1c ' (id .... , independence, Accont change OCClll'I. ' ' . I • on correspondeoc:e, ~ PlllC&!I (J'eb. ~Ml¥! IO)! · messages. Heme attatrS neeCl 1-'....l.o.• _:.._ ' """""" "'The n11ss of m.n," 11ld lltt SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You muat 'DIUe concUlstory N;.. En.gland philosopher, Use intuition In c:onilictim •ealutt· Fllle prfdO :...: .,.. •• with investment opportunities. )e&louly .-L'Oald · cau.se dlf. Thorau, ''lud lives of quW Gather information llwoogli llculty. Empllistm genuine despmtjon.• Thal hardly aid of lonn..-aaociate., You dealre for~-· ·seems llk!li'ling. does It! get booat In morale. One you IF TODAY IS YOUlt · eu1'onecanleamtoliv11 thought indifferent 1h·o w 1 BDl11lDAY .JOu are bead-th · d-• •-·-" ·~ "'lly sati~ing lff~ 1 lifo en usllSJn. ••u.J6• .aun:uwve, ._pendent. d SAGJ1TAl\IUS jNov. :az. and due lo embark.., IOClsi filled wllh purpose an · Dec. II): Have tun, but In-whirl Money 1ituaUQO Im-happiness. elude one close to you. Mea.M proves. But don't tle younelf Martin N. He1fer, of The pleasure results ·if You are Christian Science Board of above-board. Otherwise, plana lecluresllip, says the fir>! slip are due to go awry. Accent A · 1 · on contrac1s, partnerships, UX I IQ ry in iivlna• 1u111;1e is tounder· mutual eUort.s. stand God as divine Life, th1 Linens Dotted With Grey Washed Clean E I d source of life. As we draw xp ore cl0sertoGodourlivesbeginto Training an auxiliary lo stall a nunery ICbool !0< blind youngsters will be uplor<d by Dr. WUbebn de Nljs, dJrector of Services for the Blind, San- ta Ana, when he speW to the Strip greyness from linens Alumnae Association of Delta safely by running t h em Gamma. through a regular wash cycle Mrs. Larry Hudack will host the meeting taking place with 4 tablespoons of washing Wednesday, April 23, In her soda -nothing else. Westminster home. The suds that appear are The nursery school t s activated by d e t er g e n t acheduled to open at the residue, a bulld-up of excea center nen September. detergent remaining from pasl All aru Delta Gammas are washings. 'Ibis residue causes welcome to attend t h e the greying. meeting. · Repeat the cy<le until the:J;;;;;=;;ii;;;====;;;;;;;ii express the qualities of God, such as wisdom, beauty, mercy and love. . You 1r1 cordially invited to Mr. Healer's free public tal~ "What Is life?" It may tiYf you I whole new slant on livlni Oiristian Science lecture M..., he.I ... A,,U JI I P.M. fll'lt Cll..U Ill' Olrltt. sci.n.r ---.. HIP Drtv1 Cllllf C.... l'nnMI water ls completely clear. TOMORROW MORNING! Focused Attention On Library ORANGE COAST YMCA BREAKFAST WITH THE STARS Events SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 7:30 • 11 A.M. NaUonal Library Week ls s t a den t s will become April 11·2' and the Costa Mesa libnrlam for a day lo ..00 .libraries will celebrate wtth a . In library duUea. wies ol spedal evenls and Costa Mesa Art League member Gordon L. Andrews LIDO MARKET NIWPOIT ILVD & YIA LIDO • NIWPOIT HACH exhibits. has assembled a collection of In the Center Street Branch his work foe dlsplty In the ALL YOU CAN EA T--$1.00 will be a dlsp!ly on Calllornla Ceeter branch, and Mn. Lloyd history, celebrating t be Mumen cl Fountain Valley JOIN THI fUN & INlllTAINMIHT blcentan!al The local point will abow a collection o1 WIN PllZIS! will be a model ol the Eslar> K:;le;do;;lls;. ;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::;°!!-cia. Toun cl the libraries are scheduled and the many services offered will be ex~ plained. These include the recently acqulttd microfilm file and ruder, IS-millimeter films, records and numerous special periodical• and newspapers which can be checked out. Another display will feature 1 collection of best sellen -1955 which will be available for drculatlon. A children'• atory hour Is scheduled In the Center Street Branch Thunday, April %4, at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Walter Hatch of the library stall will present a book talk for motben during the hour and refros!m>ents will be aerved. Estancia High S c h o o I *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted, *SATISFAnlON GUARANTEED. or money refunded. L"ST 2 DAYS! ENDS APRIL 20th! . PmllllWIEIS MIS: -111 Pl 1111.Y • sa 1111 I Pl ... COSTA MESA Medical Group _,, -~, ol ..... --clar.. -MdcalAalltan!l'Al- 111 MM -.it>le .1t I p.m. Lz:zt e _,be obtaloed br .... Mn-Mar Jo r I e 2094 So. Coast Hwy. La911na Beach Pl•••• lwlftt 1~11 etl f•r fr•• '1Y11Ht u.111111fM" Cecltt•ll A1c1,. -·-· L _____ ....:.._ _ _:~ __ _11 • ._ __________ _,I WHITE FROIT .., ..... -._. 3088 IRISTOL A VENUE · • ! I ' I • • ' • } ,.,..,, -... 1'6t MILY- Vows Said ·in ~ Glendale 'YES MAM . Finding their names on the new list of officers for the Newport 1-larbor Busi .. ness and Professional Women's Club are (left to right) the Mmes. Helen Cole, president; Janice Haines, first vice president, and Walter Rosenfeld, correspond .. ing secretary. They were installed with the Mmes. DeMurl 'Tosh, second vice president, D. D. Boyd, treasurer, and Miss Erma Mlll~r. recording secretary. 1n the Villa Marina restaurant. Singles Bid Twice Two dates have been an· nounced for the newly.formed Over 30 Singles Club for April. The Revere House, Tustin, will be the setting Sunday, April 20 for a I p.m. brunch, and re servations may be made Display Your Talents At This Year's Fair Do you have a talent in home economics that you're hiding? If so, it's time to bring it out into the open and enter a sam- ple of something you've made • in -the Home Economics Division of the 1969 Orange County Fair. by calling Dick Straup, 529-'·•' Entry blanks must b e returned by June 20 fot this year's edition of the fair, ll'hich is scheduled for July 15· 20. 2301, or Miss Betty Greedy, Couple Joined 633-5439. Ribbons Jn first, seeond and third places will be awarded, and a long list or valuable prizes will be given to top win- ners In each division. Sports-minded singles are invited to a trip to Caliente on Saturday, April 26, sponsored by the Sports Safari Club. The price includes travel b y chartered bus, admission to the Turf Club, luncheon and refreshments. Anyone wishing information may call Miss Betty Smith, SfG-0982. The group was organized by the Rev. Herbert Weld of the Episcopal Church of t h e Messiah, San~ Ana, for single men and women. Social ac- tivities including b 1' i d g e , canasta, golf, dancing and sightseeing trips are planned in addition to a monthly brunch. During Nuptials Mrs. Sylvia Wilson and Donald Janssen Dike \\'ere marTied in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chapel by the Rev. Dr. Charles Dierenfield. P.1iss Dorleen Marsh and Howard Lawrence were honor attendants during the af. ternoon nuptials. The reception followed in the Balboa Bay Club where members of the immediate families congratulated t h e newlyweds. Following a honeymoon cruise to Mexico the couple will reside in Newport Beach. Special prizes will include Teflon~oated bake.ware. cake decorating tubes, handmade tapestry tools, portable zigzag sewing machine, embroidery book, knitting and crochet kits, lingerie, gift certificates, jars and lids for canning and sugar in 15, 20 and 25 pound amounts. Entries will be accepted rrom men, women and youths in baked goods and con- fections, clothing and textiles, table settings and preserved goods. :M. dACQYES FINE FURS Mr. M ic~ael Jecques, fo rmerly of Peri1, Lo ndon, end New York, invite1 you to 1top by hi1 niiw ·1tore et Fe1hion h lend to view his m•ny new exclusive creetions and large 1election of fine furs. Mr. Jecques hes been • masterfurrier for 'thirty-1i.l' years end specializes in custom furs. This week, during his for• mel opening, he offers 1ome ex. citing desi9n1. Also fur coats for men. Introducto111 Off tr COMPLETE FU R SERVICE FUN FURS e Certified Fur Stor~9• e Remodeling e Repa iring • Cleaning 1/4 of e milllon Inven- tory." A look of ele· 9ence end coolness i1 your1 et 20o/o FIND THE EXACT FUR ••• 'YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR He~• en exclusi¥t design et no erire cost. Choo•• pelts, design, color, q"'llly, end price. YOUR FUR WIU. • CUSTOM DE· SIGNID right here in our Fashion lslend fur 1elon. 14 FASIDON ISLAND ... _ -- Newport Center 6444661 Mra. Sylvia Mason White and Michael Andr< _ffllas, who er®upd wedd1na VOWI in Ibo Saol ol AnitLs Chapel, Cburdl ol Ibo -· Glendale, are makln1 lhelr .... -.Jn Emerald Bay. The Rev. Ken..,. Sykora of the F l r 1 t Coqrep:aUonal Cburdt ol Glendllo performed Ibo evening wflddlof uniting the daUghter of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Mason of Lorig Buch and • • ·-' the son of Mr. and Mn. Ken lll&h School and lbe Untveisl· Haas of Lquna Buch ty of ldl)>o where he majored VJ clo h th la t ror Ibo ..,_, ti.. -1n p11y11ca1 education. •r • ave e rges Mn. Hau _. • 11oa< INth ht:' ..=i:--1.ong11au ee:i•:..:: stock of SHAG CARPET emplro wlllle '°"' l!lriUlad ·attended Scrippa Co 11 • I• , ·~u.:~~11 Claren\onl, where ahe s¥1ed -• :.,at th~ ~west prices~ famfl1-. lier _ed_ucatlon. ________ ,. ~chl~~i:.Llnda· DON'S CARPET SHOP 11u1,. tuche< at El Morro Now in Our Family: ~~~1.11:"W:\;!.: · Family Weekly . ··--.. --, 4H"°"'TH MAIN. ORAH91 . ' • • Sweet not h ing skimmers from Don Soph i sticates O\J aisp little coverings are pared way down. One eYeft bares your ~ldrlff. Vanilla licked will !icorice in rayon with lhe look of linen. Sleiiveless empire coaldress, 6·14, 41.M; bared midriff, 6·12, •.11; short slHVI! coaldless, 6-12, IZ.M. Sjxils-Boutique, all stores u IllS' ... Newport 11 Fashioo Island Newpoit Cente1 •644-2200 e llon., Thurs., F~. 10'.00 till 9:30 Ollter days 10:00 till 5:30 t • I • ! I l l ' ) • i • I l I I llolll.Y I'll.fl' Do~ble Wedding : Set in Salt Lake City . -Me.mbers Are Sma rt Cookies Col*ie llleell .,_ MllPitd Andenan. Robert McAdams, pr-t. Mrs. Hoel,., lot ud fDled 11 JDflDllilr'I Gt Joe Glwoff and J11n Meara. the eveol D111a Beta Ze1o C111ptor o1 A .... --... 1be chapter ailo plml lo A cloW>lc •tddlDC ..,_ In tho Sall Lake Temple, Chur<b ol Je1111 Cbrill ol Lat. la'day Slinll, untied In mar- rlqe Olona ~ end David Lynn Andenoo, and Candis Comtby and Wayne AJvtn Moffett. The brides are t h e daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd V. cdrnaby ol Hun- Ungton Beach. The temple service wss at- tended by 20 close relatives and friends quaHfied to enter, and the marriages w e r e solemnited by President N. Eldon Tanner, a member of lhe Firal Pmidency of Ille Mormon Church. s p e c I a I witnesses were the fathers of the bridegrooms and Ille father of the brides, an holding the rank of High Priest in the church. For the1r weddings the brides were attired ln similiar gowrui featuring f l t t e d waisWnes, long po I n t e d sleeves, son A·llne pleats in the billowing sklru which flowed into chapel train!!. Each gown was delicately appliqued with lace, and Diana's gown incJuded seed pearls and opalescent· sequins scattered over the )ace a~ pllque. Her illusion veU was held with ....r pearb and satin flowen. Candis' veil was caught by lace, tiny pearls and crystals culminating tn a small tiara, and both sisters carried bou· quets of pastel glamellll.l!I with cymbidium orchids. Beta ~ Phi baktd pdltl """1lll wllf cOielnte Ille parllclpal< in Ille lllh ... for lirvkemea. ta Vietnam. chapter'• llCGDd annlvtftll'J'. nivtnarY ctlebraUoo ot U.. '!he chapCer aql•td tho Mtmbsl ml their JmMnds 10tOtlty 'lbundly, Ajlril 14. la Harber Area'• we c 1 r • -"w=W;..:p::.__lher_ln...:..:lbo::..:•=""'='"=-=ol=lh<=-=M=esa==v=""'.:.:...c_.,_..,_b..:rJ_' CIUb. __ -<lootlelill ad --ltd ......--frull drink. The Grea t No. Orange Coast's 1 Pa per! Particlpatmc u b • Ir: e r a were the Mmes. Mk:hael H ... ,., Danlel' Sonnenber1, Jlona1d Woodakle, Arno 1 d --------------A. Al""•' _,.,1 .._ o,. '"" ...... Ml• 'IJ 11auc .. l8'•S1llJ ~.·~J!!!lfl Salwduy last day! All llNtSe fashion oants reduced! MRS. WAYNE."ALVIN MOl'FETT Mormon Rites Mrs. Mark B. Anderson served as matron cf honor, and bridesmaids were the Misses Valerie Kae and Paula Jean Ccmaby and Janice, Beverly and Ellen Moffett. MRS. DAVID LYNN ANDE RSON Vr:rws Exchanged Stewardess Commutes, Crisscrosses Atlantic Miu Kathleen Brann of Balboa js commuting across lhe Atlantic and around the world in her new career as • Pan American W or Id Airways stewardtas. The tall, blue-eyed brunette "sprouted" gold wings at her recent graduation from the stewardess collq:e in Miami. She now is bued in New York serving aboard flights to Latin America and lhe isllnds of the Bahamas and Ille Caribbean. Bridal attendents were at- Ured in pastel shades of peau de soie styled gowns in a gen- tle -Aline and featuring high wal!Wnes with cpa1escent 1e- qulns trimming the neck and v.'aisUine and the s b or t sleeves. They all carried off. white cymbidium crchids. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Anderson of Fairbanks, Alaska, asked his brother Larry Ander:Scn to serve as best man while Mof- fett, sOn of Bishop and Mrs. S. Alvin MoUett of Huntingtcn Beach, selected Jesse Fos,,. Follcwing the early morning service a wedding breakfast hosted by parents of the bridegrooms was enjoyed by 25 guests in the Doll Hoose, Salt Lake City, and the newly- weds received friends at an open hous~ that evening in the Royal JM, Prove. The formal reception took place last week in the Hun- tington Beach Latter-day Saint Stake Center, Westmin!ter. Mrs. Larry Andersen , Miss Janet Dexter, Miss Tina Fagergren and Miss Kay Dolan assisted• at the reception where The Troubadours from Fountain Valley High School, directed by Lyman ~toore, sang appropriate music and J ohn Herbst provided in· terlude music at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Andersen honeymooned in the Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole, \Yyo., whlle Mr. and Mrs. Mof- fett traveled to Bryce and Zien canyons. Beth couples will make their homes in Provo, where they ' will continue their studies at Brigham Young University. Leather Glows Li ke a Pearl Now achieve a lovely pearliied leather fin ish by spraying any shoe with pearl- essence to make it glow. Sparkling golden and sliver glow shoe sprays also are in a new line. The manufacturer s a y s th ese work on any leather or synthetic lo glamorize handbags or shoes. A patent finish spray alSCI is available \ FASHION 51.ACXS .. ,..., .... w... ......... --. ..,..1 .......... ~.-.... .......................... .......... ,.,... ......... .... --~-............ .... UG.'5 NOW 3. 99 lllG. 17 NOW 5. 99 RIG.'10 NOW 7. 99 in many colors. ,------------------------------. Each tw0-0unce can is non!lammable and nontoxic and will finish two pairs of HUNTING TON BEACH COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH (H•rbor Shopping Cenferl !Huntington Cenferl IF•'hion lsl•ndl Excepting for vacation trips to Mexico and Canada. it Js a Ont filng at foreign travel for the daughter of Mrs. C. Brooks Brann of Balboa and the late Mr. Brann, who was founder and president of Con· tinental Mutual Funds, toe. '64 Grads shoes, the manufacturer says. Week Fe te slriii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S IN KEEPING WITH OUR POLICY OF SELLING ONLY THE ecretaries FINEST PRODUCTS-STEVENS TV IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE Beller S.Crelaries Mean WE ARE NOW A WINGS WON K1thl111n Brann Club Taps Rancho Viejo W o m a n ' 1 Club, wbicb won four awards at the recent annual coo- venlion of Orange Di.strict. Clllfornia Federation o f Women's Clubs, wil1 select MW leaders next Monday, April 21. Balloting will take place atrer a slate of officers is presented during a 10 a.m. mettlng in Mission Viejo Guild Has Host Rol e Riverview Hospital Guild, Santa Ana, will ho.st a meeting of the Orange County Council of Hospital Auxiliaries Mon- day, April 21, al 10 a.m. Presldinl will be Mrs. Harold J)eddows, c o u n c i I president. and moderating 1 dllcusslon on girt shops and · eervice carts will be Mrs. W. E. Lanpton. A tour of the hospital and luncheoo will follow l he meetln(. Special guut will be ?.1rs. Kenneth Dukes of Garden Park Hospital, new state chairman of the 11111 Com- mittee m VolWlteer SeMcea o1 Ille c.lllornia Hoopltal AIOOCllUon. Any IP'OUP wWUng to rorm an auiilla.r>' ma)' contact the coundl .... help and ,,,. farmallon. Newport Bethel v...,. ....... alllllal<d .. 11h Newport Btach Job'• IJalllllen, Bethel 157 1•ther Ille -and fourth M ... dtyt 1117:• p.m. 'l1lt Mamie Tfllll>lt la Ille ••Inc ror mett.I Inform atio n manbenhlp Is ob- by callln1 M " . Wall<r 'I\&%, 11$-17~ Mlss Brann graduated from San Jose State College where she majored in Engllsb and art. She pledged Koppa Kappa Gamma sorority and wu a member of Angel Flight. Executives Recreation Center. Mrs. Logan Wheatley of Fullerton, speaker for Ute oc- casion, will talk on how Pitchers Resemble People. ~frs. Wheatley &Ives all the funds she earns d u r I n g engagements to the Marine Memorial Orphanage at Pokang, Korea, where $120 will provide room, board, clothing and education to an orphan for one year, com· mented Mr1 . Ronald McGowen , publicity chairman. Reminisce 196' graduates of Bolsa Grande High School are in- vited to reminisce on high school days at a dinner dance Frklay, June 20, in the Grand Hotel, AnaMlm. After a cocktail hour at 1:30 p.m.. a comedy skit will 1atirile past Instructors and door prizes will be given, with Dennis Damron as ma.st.er of C<?remonies. Alumni cf the class who lost their lives in Vietnam will be honored in a special memorial se:rvice. Reunion c ommittee members include Miss Peggy Stafford, Garden Grove; Miss Jessie Padilla. Santa Ana : Steve Edgar, Fountain Valley, and Mrs. Julie Daw so n , Garden Grove. ofumtleau Better Business is lhc theme of the 18th annual Secretariea Week beginning April 211 through 26, sponsored by the Naticnat Secretaries Assocla-- tion, International. AC<!ording tQ Mrs. Frankie Vanosse, chairman of the Orange Empire Ch1pter, the Golden Phel.l!lant, Saddleback Inn in Sant.a Ana and Red Baron wilt serve lunch to all secretaries Wednesday, April 23, at noon. !\frs. L. S. Forti. NSA's president, noted, "Secretarie.s Week is not synonymous with just a n o t h e r appreciaUon week. For all secretaries in business. industry, educaUon, government and the pro- fessions, we prefer to look at Sec retaries Week as a time for sell-appraisal." REAL ESTATE SCHOOL Announces a COSTA MESA LOCATION 145 EAST 19th St. I Behind The Mesa Theater) 12,30 • 3:30 7 P.M..10 P.M. SALESMANS CLASSES TUES. BROKERS CLASSES THURS. 9,30 A.M. • NOON .. FOR FURTHE R INFORMATION CALL 642·7024 OR JE 1·1012 JAMES M. OECOT, LECTURER FRANCHISED DEALER ! EXCLUSIVE FEATURES WITH AMANA! "H1 Humid ity Compa rtment" keeps lettt>tl 21 days! (available onAmana 22 and25 only) '"A refrigerator within the big refrigerator" Just for fresh meat! "Two independen t coldcontroli"lets )'OtJ set one without affecting the other! ''Big zero degree" freezer. "Ad!ustable shelves" (they're patented) put 1n any position )'OU want! "Autom atic I ouch & Go' Dcxlr" c~'". "'Add-on Ice maker"tha1 replacas iceeube trays in 15 minutes. · • plugs in adequately wired llSV outlet • take ii where you want to cook Short-onlorcfemlnd1 quick ind 1lmost fun ' Roy Bulla'• STEVENS T. V. 1913 NIWPORT·ILVD . COSTA MESA 5 49.3493 IONE ILOCK NORTH OP lnH Sf.I ' I ' ' DAll.Y l'llOf J7 ~AL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTii;E LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOT!Clil ,, . ,... NO'ID TO COHnACrOltl -t.MI ,.,.___ 1"'ephw/p ....,_Ip "-'wl p P-mfl • ca•Tlf'KATI ot11 1us11r1us ~ M•-un -Pl'U 'llT.I _,..... -!"' •Al 1*4 l'ICTITIOUS "4M• •OTICI TO tt••ITOkl , IUl'a•tM COUIT Of' ne9 -t;J. Cl1llxA .... "'"1Jnen and CllTl,KAT• Ofl lt#UllSS Tiit IMdtnlllltcl doe& CIWflty ftll't' -.Sl.ll'll!Olt ceun ., ttll STATS ... CALlf!N,tlt.l .... ' DDl 11. • 1*aa J~\icphwlp 2Scphw/p 32cphw/p "ICfmovs ••it.M •-""• cwM111et1N • ....,.,_ at '°"' '°'''_, ""'' °' ~~"'"',.. '"• '"""' _. ...... _, -ot.-11 4.U' tt-........ .. .. t.. TM \IMwtltrllll do hlt.tlv c.rtlrt llvif., CMta ~ C..llt.nlla. lllllh, TMI COV•TY OLI OUMtl• ' ........ -Ill ~ of a NIONUoa '* the lloll'd fl. lupM\'Mcn ~'7 -v rt...,... ~· fMY .... '°""llClll'lf • mlllUl'•ll! ~ fktllllw """ -.. \. .. E ... M2Mt NOTl(I ·~ ..... Tn'M .. ~ Cotlllf J'loocl ""-'-' n.i ............... ::r~· " Uf JDID11 blJPer ~'p .....,W/p(I) IOc,."W/p •• ~ 1t Uti IMl1ll art .... HlllVICI ..-II ........ flttn la__. hill fll .xiHN Oil.lg, CllllM1td. ~.,r ., WLL ._ N• -'""""""""' LIWUlQ -t _.._.. -.-."~ -.... ..... ,,,_, .. I'll& AM. Ct...,,._ unell' tM ittl ... tollowlfll ..,_, ...._ t1•1Nt HOT"I ti Mlffl'( OtvlN "' .. U AM8ftM\'\ , . dlndlDa um DOtlol NOTICE II HQ tbat ~ ot non-' ""''...... flrl'ft nNM ol TOl'f'l!ll't "' fllll .... !Ille• Oii rtSlllWI ... Cflllll-. et ......... llf"'*-...... Etc* ., :dill.Ca ... lllU,Al' ..... a.rt ol. llld ~;bl ...... ht ... ttl ln tbe "---"" m.talUc pipe inClucfinr . &TIAl(HOUR NO. SI '"" trlet .... ifOUowti ltltt •11 """""'' "''tl'lll cl•lfris MllNf DtciMllCI. ' -· ,,_.,,, pl llrm It ClDlllNtld ot ti-. hllklwln1 ""'°"" l.llf\ll" It. H1!Wflrialltf, , ..... SllltM IM: Mlf _..,... ,,. '""1rW to ftl9 NOll(E IS HlllQY GNftt= ' inlltJ'ltkin BuQclliiw, 111 N9't1l l)'CllDGn Stnet, SIDta ADI ll1Nr pe, dri\n p{pe ""--...mn Ill f\ILI ttM1 1a-ti S...._t, Fou11t1ln V•ll•Y, C.ll!otnlt '2711 tllffl'I, "'1111 .,._ -l'f -..cllow" 111 ANTOHIA VILLAFANA ... MAM 1...1..~ ..... ....__ ,.., • GI u •-<< ,. lllll ....... t......1 aod """""_"_ '"11$t1'1Ct ''' •• foliow.. to-wit: EdWtrd IC. w~lkl~ 1111 41'1 Sll'ttf, 1'IW tffkt tf t11t cleft! er IM -Vll.U.l'ANA 111.,. tW.. """" 1 on or --. Ulll -Ul ... : p.m.· UI ....... ... t -1----.1 .. -----~··~N l".aJOcl• M... Mtflltt 1(1'11 <;tnt T. Apt, ll. s.1111 Monlc1. C•llftt~l•. ~t!tlfd (OW'f,~9f " ~.., Jbtm. With "' ......... "''" .. "' ,..,...._~ bldl or propo1all tor~ ibt ,__ ol ~-Ciiii -Zt~cpbw/p 25cphwrp .i:cphw/p MOftt'tt, im N. Sfi(rt"IW!tto st .. O•.O -'Pr!I :1. '"'· ""' ,......."' ~·· i. I"' 111>-...,,._;-,T-.,..,.,..,,. ... ....._ • ,..., __ .... 1 -. ... _. ... ._ __ RI ~-to e..1 ..... 1 4.1& MalDer ... ...1 --··"-r ~ ca111. t.W.Vlt 11:. H.t.nr1c:11w ...,.,.,.... •• "" 4lfl'lc• "' Ull:IANQ ,....,_.. ta 1'tlkfl I• "'* ., ......,. ...-~ UYW. ~.a nu& ¥t1' ._._.. ™--~~ O.tlii Mtrt~ 11, 1Ht. lf"•n:I K, wYll(ll -0\MIO. A.......,., e1 WW tlllllll •'1kiil..,._ .... llttf ... lllM _,,.,... Bid:I muat ba rude oa the ...,. provided for tbe ~ of all !:Kil-metallic '•tr1c1. "'· MCllktt ,,,. o1 c:•11ftir111t. °'-' ~: s""'. au1,. -. s.m• A11a, c.1'1W11•• .. ,..Mt ... w.. .... ._ ,. ,.. ,.,,, addr..ed 1o the CJert ot tbe loud ot ~ Orqe ~ta 24~•/p 25cph•/p 3tcphw/p lTATE ~J.l=•A I ,:i1c"f:11.~ 1:· ::1.':' ~~ :'~ :,.:;,..*'-,.•':r .:!ttt":!'1:! •. , .... "ftJO '·""· "'.,,. ...... . ~·~y Flood Control N.f~ iAlfbd ••BJd fir RecoaltrUcdOa f.ll and t.tndera COUNTY 01' Oll:ANM I u ...,..,.. Llldwlt It. HtlMrlctrttr ""' 111111119 flt -.,,_. •""' fl ukl ......,, C>tlltr'°'*'I Nt. l f/I ..., --'• "' * w. ............. ._.._..... Ori ;"-'di lllo 1M '""" ""· • E4Vf•n:I I(. W~ll(il ~ •• "" ,. Within fcM" ~ I,.... 1'119 11m ~ r~ ....... "' ... °"' ....... ,,.._ o( SantiaCo Cntk CheQDfl", pneumatic and N ... ,., '""IC lfl Ulll '-ulof C«1fltl' bt 1fW ,.,_. whotf MIT* ''' tu1119crlbo n.n Gf illit Mt!Col. C•l""'11!t. M Bids shall be. for r ··-~"'""· all llbor, -w--t and ' e_ lectric tools, vibrat~ .,., 111•. -Ii'!' .,.,.."'9 f"•trlctl M " 11)1 wlll\111 ln•""'""'' ll'ld D1tM A#,11 '· ,... 0•'-' .:'1 :% JOt1N .,..,,_.... """ ,............. _ .. Al.I-·~ M. Molfttt ..... GfM T, Mrotf.tt ~.ck---tlM't H9';Ul.0 fllt 11mt. SllllW#J J , 011• ' mata1als in. «eordaDce wWl Pl.inl. and Specit1cst1aoa there-1111 '~ and tto ine i. lit ""' --. ....._ ... ,..,.. tOl'FlCIAL SEA\.t t:PW!ff "' ""' wm ., ,.,.. <:"::00.~ fat f« the foJlow~k: . .Y \ .,. Sbmlar JDtChanica) 1rt ~ trl 'I" wl!rllll l!lltn,fl'llll'll Mlrv IC, H•lrV I tl!t' IMYe Ml!ltd ll~t11h ............. II ..... · · OI' _..._. -•....t•_(~ -~ttly lflllll 1o,r-1M1M It "1t flltl llltr NOttry "lilllllo<t llMnllt •. A. IDlMI!., .. --, _ :":I: 1.._ "-••--•-_.,_.., tMWUW 9"" .. !IOI. ,.rlll(lllill Offlel 111 Ulla.\Nt t -,._ ·m.r.-<V _....._ --·~-• -•~•-• h · ) ""'""' / ~· I ••-p11 I wttM" rn ... Mnll •M' ...,., or111111 counh' m w1r11 • ......_ ... ,. Mt 1 ._... .._, . 1...,. ..., Item 1 1 Esca\laliaa of emtr119CY '.,. __ ~w ·oa: ~i.u~ min .,,.,. .... w P -}'<•" P ~ w P (Dll"l'tClA\.. SIAll Mv com.1t11 .. 1on hi1rv leld•,A-. C11MW mtt .,., it1u llMftl 1 • I---b --1-• CJll Steel headut>oard , ...._1 H, c~ Nll\I, 2•, tt7t • T111 1110 -..1 .......-..,. ............ • ...,.. -· ~rt ,.ll011c: • C1tltorn~ ,11b1lll'IM Or111tf COH1 O.!tv l !ltf', A""""'" iw blc#tlr • '11blltllM Or-.. CMlf 091" "11.t, Item 2 15,US CUblc yardl of imported compld:ld fill on a pit 4 It man 2t¥.acphw/p 25cpbwl p lkphw/p ,.l'IM111o11 Of!IC)t 1n i1i .... u " 11, 11. is. 1,., 43••• !"Wllthlll °'""" c..11 n.1iv ,.ri.t, ...,., 11, it,'" ,,.. , 1V4t cub, --t .._ __ ,_ Truck Gttaser cu..-b!lntt A...i1" n, 11. u. 1Mt 1.tt• IC y.,Q --, and drem ::oi•N ••l•N lll:IMI, Anvt. LEGAL NOTICE ' Ll'IGAL NC7l1C&: '!be !ongoing q11-ue approslmlte ooly, boing liv'" f 7l Waler truc~n dri 4Scphwlp 40cphwl p 30cplnrl p .,..: c'i':::: :.:;r" LEGAL NOTICE - IS a bu.is for tbe compu1lon of bldl, and. tbe· Oranlt Cowl()' . ' ver TILt OlO ... ,.. ...... ClllTl,ICATI 0, IUlll•nt Flood Control District does not, opnaiy or by imt:,Uon. (under 2&00 gallons) 45cphw/p 4i0cphw/p 30cphw/p ,....,1.,.. °''"'' c.." 0111v 1"1101. ..., •. ,,,, "''"f..'r::.~~"..,trt•~!~11:rn · 'ICTl'rltUS ~ • h ·-!bat ··---·-· ·--··t J -· ~ .. Olllrr•........t ......:. .. , f 13 Water truck driver MU'dl" in• ~di •• II, 11, ,,., S•Mt CllT••tCATI Ofl •UllNISI "'-"""' ... '*' --------~ .......... ... • WlU •..--""" . JllCTITIOUS .... 1111 UM• Ilea. flll~MI u,c .c.1 Ull'lllllClltlt • DUii-•• 1.., ..... reeervu the 1:t to 1ncraue or decrtue lht amount ol any (2500 to 4000 gal10tt.1} 45cphw/p 40cphw/p 30cphw/p LE. GAL NOTICE 1111 llflM'r•lt* ow. 1Mre1>~ cll'llfY Notl~ ii "'"''" ,1.,. " cr...i1kl" trt c111u, H11lltlfttttn m.dl. c.-"ia. """~ lJNSlnl t •n ........ R ""' ht .. condllCUl'lt • 11to1r1 .. 11 ANGEL. TOWN SOUND, INC. lnltllltM lllldtr" ""' fk'llflM ~"" """' f/f """' cilO Ol portion the work', U may be deemed necessary or .. rl -. &oll.UV' rnen\lltC'l\lrl"' bu1l111t1 ,, Im N, H1'"r' Ofbtw, wholt !M.11ln1u ~ It llltA TINOTON OilillO!Pft C:LlAHllllS d ....... , t b ... -·'d "1...i..i..... ... Fiacmtn Z4*:cphw/p Z5cphw/p 33cphw/p •A•·Uu '-"'' Ar111 C•l~rn!• nm. unclitt "" •rwr1W1. Merill lilllll'*ID4. c1nttrn11, !Nit 11111 11rm 11 __..... 111 "" ,.,..~en y w... ~ 1.4ftl"Ao"l., ··11 • ~---2 cph ....... ph su•••IOJt COUllT Of TMI tlctltloUI i1rm MIM ol "'TI 0 N thtt • WC:Uf'llV In .... ! II lnttllded .. Ill .......... --. ....... --• fulf • , All bids are to be c«npared on the basis of the fore&olnl .,, ~c 41h W'/D -.., .. w l p 32c w /p ITATI Oii' CAL.lll'M.HIA ,.Oil ,11111.c;i.Ass ,,., 11191 11kl firm 111r111tM • '"" """" lllrlft 11111 LMR Mii .i-."' '""""°' "-. ....... : c:h.~.. J k ;o.. . 3.31 Watchman 241flcphw/op 25cphwl p 32cpbVJ/p TMI COUWT'Y OJI....... ~ " "" 1-llowlnl ,...., ...._Co. lntftld hew• J11rtr •. ....., ... ,.~ kllmltt, •• , ...... ~"· 1 euwe ... wor 1115ma, Welden Sam · . . ..._ A.,... MIN "' fvtl •nd ,i.u o1 ,...._ MIMU "*'"* " ""' """" ...,,,, """"'"-"-IMdl. c1or. Mioimum wage rtttl for thla project hive been predeter· : e .wage rate u craft, to wh1th welding u Mencl ., ".,.., ... °' •1T1raoM 11 .. ,_1iow., ,_1,: . Hel!vwtM. C•"'· ,..., ..,....1,.. .,...,.... o..... Altrlf 1, .,., , __ , b ··-·---d of ~ ........ _ -~ t lortb . ~ .. ;R incidental (except as a.berwlae sepora~dualfied) ,.. ••••AT• °' WIU. ANO .... AL OOUL.D 1""1 Heidi, Gtrllffl NW ltCIW dt 1111 a.Mr "'"'· c.tl• ·-'· lctwflllt • m~ y .... llC ~ ~ ..... ·-.. aiN are le lJ\ .. _ ( ) • • • L.tf'f••• TlllAMINTA•V o-C:1Utcrrnl1 ,,... M-. C.1"'"'111, IM,._,..... In .-..1 ITATl °" CAL•'PlflllA , notice 1 travel tunt 1S consutered as tlme wor l•hlre If OIOll:Ot M. HDl..ITllN, .... WITN!ss m'( MIMI lt.l• 1ll~ 41'1' II! fbitVf'ft ..... ""*"*" ,.,, funllM't Ol'AHOI COUNTY I .. · (I) includes IOc ph / L-'-I'd ~ '' .,... ..,,.... "'11•111. '"' "' tN• ~111 """*"'' ..,..._. ._ · °" 'A!iftl 1 1• ....,.. ..., 1 ......,, Abbreviations used in the JChedule of predetennlned wage w P lUI uu l ays ~ " a-.. ,,..... Hollflln. Jr. " Mlrdl. 1Mt. 11 ITtAIC ·w tTEI~ lfMI ....., " 11J1 ...-c • ...;. .., · .. ...._ rat .. in -".-i-with emp!o-pavrruonts listed 1n the ..i.-Travel and aubsistence payments to tad1 workman .needed •"' WWII • °"'" M. ~ Jr~ STAT! 0/1J,~~OllHIA 1 , • .,. ltf911. C..• MIM. c.--......i ._,... ttt1it JI•......,. :91: '-""\!'"'--' ;1•• ;1•,_.w l>p• to ••-•• ·~ -k """II' I... -•..1--_._ .. Ir II ·-· -··~-, 11111 U 8. Ml """""' DfcM..C, thtf I llC\lrlfv lntw'llf .,... ... nf wlff' .. -... "" 'w ...... lllfM hand columns are idenutled .. follows· ~ ......... llC .:JI~ 'lf'I' ·~ II •VJ.al av IUJU •l.W.llU! • NOTIC:I • Hl!lll.ll"f GIVEN. ""'-t CO\:NTY Of 011:1\NOI ) .. '**"""""""" 911 V llfw"AnH •• 1 .... " " ..,..... .......... ......_,,. -ence .... ......i....1. are defi--' 1-the ap••n ..... i..1--11A ... 1ve bargai·n a-.. M. ~ 111 w wua-s. ON THrs l!ltt u v flf M•rdl. A.D, ttw-"lcit" ''"' un• Tlltlll....,. l.-.,. -, -.., phw per hour worked . ....,_ • .__ . ~ "" ~n: "vua;w • Htldllll i.t .... ttllll "'"'"' 1 -.tltllrn ,., ,,.,, ""'°"' m1. k1v ••rtt.tt, • Hot•rv c... .. w a!Ylll.. Hlll\'W!lllll. ~11 •••"" """' phwl p per hour worked or ,.,.,,. mg agreements filed m accordance with Sectkm 1773.1 of the ,,.. ... ., Wiii w tor 1•111'*"' l.ltttr• l'vbllt 1n 1r111 w "" MW Cl\lrlt'f c.ilfMI•,.., , J COfl,K:~ sL.IA,}J... ,__ Labor Code . T""""'"'rY ti l'tf!tltMr1, ,..,._, ,_ 11111 '111M, rt1kll111 "'-'II"' 11\llv cont-It ._,f •1 .. --It Miii .......... Nottl'V' '~lllWlll Punuant to the provirians d. Section 1770 of the Labor . • . . w111$ ii mMt tor """"" 11111c1111r1, ..,., "'tulolltd • •~· 11r111111tv • .....,.. "°""' ,..~ ... "' """'°"' DtllW wM • Cod ol ... ~-te ol "'-11•,....i• .. i..-Board of. Su-"'"-n has At~ntioa 1S directed to the provisions of Labo( Code Sec-""' "" ,._ .,.,, •r.ct "' 01MrlA1 t11t Al Gwlll, r.-• ""' " w 1111 "" ftl11W111t ... ltllr\ill ·"""*' _,. =MINIC::: 111 e wr:: ~14 ........ _ ___, u~ .,... ·-Uon 1777 5 concerning empl~ t of :r.::, ticea -""' MM*""' Mtv 2• '"'· 11 '1'° ",_ whole 1111-" l\lbtcTttlM • M4 ~ wtt1111t""' ttw... """ '-' M ~"""" lJlllf ast"ertained the general prevallinJ rate of waaes and tm: . · •---.. ,, ...... n n · '""" 111 "-oourt-or 0•1rtm.r;t '"' "" w1t111n 1n1t""-'· ""' ldtMW""ttd ...i: • ~rdl i. lfl1 ,. . I b··'th and ell tlon · 1oo ·-.a lt rtqUua eontracton « subcontr • employina trades--, If""'*"'·.,. W•t 11'11111 """' "mt ttltt M ·~KU?W"" ·-· MlToA>C.1.kf COii:,.. *' llflll 'ubli.llM ~ c..t Delfr 11'1111' payments ()(' e:.I " are. VllCa J pens •.nu; men in •nv apprenticftble .......... m.UOa to aity to the applicable llt"" Cit'(., S.1119 Mt, c:.1-.-111'. IN WITNl!I$ WHlltlO,, I ....... Mtnfu ........ HOl$VWMd, Ctlffwnl•. .vrll .. 11 tt. :t:f. '"' an ... purposes to be 88 f01JOWS ' -v ...., ... ,._ DllM ""'11 f, IHt. 111"'11\lo HI m'f lltnd •1111 llfllltd ft!Y Dtltd ..... II 1 .. lHt , =~-,· ':-:0,'i"''°"===--="-' e• 1 Ra•-· • Employer a---'-' F•• joint apprenticeship committee fer a certlf te of approval and w. 1. ST JOtlN, ot1Jc111 -1 1119 N'f 1n11 ..... r 111 tt11, ,1asr uN1Ti o TMll1'T LEGAL NC1I'lCI: ual C "" c•,,-IOUN .,. fi'•'-I~ I' c( ti t · .... , th C.Untt Cllrti: C.rtlflcttt llnl 111oft Wrlt'fn. ANO LOAN COM,.AN"f Per Hour ClassUlcaUoa R aacl W VacaUoa J'ea1ioa •.uug ,..,. n 10,.. appren oes 0 Journeymen ~ on e .,.,.,.., c,,.....,.,. _. .. ,... (0!11'111 ~! ... ••rtllll •v: k. c. ,llktltr ,._ SKILLED LABOR cootract. . . . :lj = ~=:--Jr. · No11,,.. 1"ub1rc • c1111or1111 crec1it ~rus.co <••1Jrc'rrl.:ur =~·- Is •• Carpenter 'l~l.w/p '"""'wlp ~t.-1.w/p Contractor may be required to make contr1but1ons ta appren-..... ...., 111 °''"" CllU!ltt ,.111>11111H °''"'' CMlf 0,1"' ~111,, TM ..,,.,..... -wrtlfY "" "' ,oN Cement Mason ~w/p ~w/p ./p Uceshlp ~ams. . ::.=:.::..,ca.,.,.,_. mu ~.:1.~~ltlt E .. 1,., ... .,11 11, 1"' 16ff ~~ ~...:..,.....-.,.!':; :·.!: Concrete or uphalt . Contra~or and subcontractors shall also comP.IY with Sec· T.t• cn41 ...,..._ ao11•T ti • .,, .. L.1VAM LEGAL NOTICE c1111ot1111, u..-1111 ~""" _ · ~-. 1 Uon tm.6 in the employment of apprentices. """"'" tw ,......_.. ::r;:..!'ilfl'"':r Wll m or GLOBE INTlll:f'1t1t1s n 111et spreading, m~uanlCI For jnfofmation ~)ative to a--ntictship standards C • "11911-'*' or,,,., Collf DtflY ~not, N ........... ,~, Ctlllwllll HOTIC:I TO ClllOITOltl MN 11"" " ~ el lflt ..... ,.. tamping or finilhlng • ,. . rr"" • Oil "1'" n. lt. IL ,,., """ r.i 17"1 '°"'" 1u .. 1111.1oa COUll:T 01" TH• ---. .... -Ill NII 111111 •llct machine operator 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(Z) 60cphwl p tact Director of Indu.nr!al Relations, San Francisco, California, LEGAL" NOTICE ,:,.1~• or111411 eo.,1 011tv ,.1101, STAT•., cALlll'OllNIA 1110a °' r::;-.~ 'l,::;::-:1 .. ,, C."*1orl• 3 Driver of dump truck or Division of Apprenticeship standards branch offices. """I"· II, 11, 2$. Ifft .. '"' TMI COUNTY OP OUN•• ... .,.. ....... Cllffwflla. S.O ( 16 yards but Jess than APPREN'l1CI: SCHEDULE ..... ,., T-o , •• ,,.,..,, LEGAL NOTICE e111i. .r I ~·,~::DI! HAll,.EA 0~ r~:J~ ~. 1 I) "•ph I -h ··~ h I Period ud Rate ""' MYIRS o.c-M 11'41' M CALl,OANIA ' ZS yards water eve ....... w p "W\.p W/p ....,..;p w p The t' t . b ta of n •• ' • ... IULK Tll:AN•••• ....... NOT1(1 ll Htitrev liitYEH "' lfll OAANG! COUNTY ) •• S '9 Driver of d-truck appren I« ra e lS y ~ 1e r.iic JOOrneyman' c._ •111~111 u.c.~c.1 c:a•T1•1UT1 .,. 1ut1M11s enii1ttr1 "' ltlt '"'" MIMll ~1 °"' ....., .. L ,..,, ....,. nw, • ..,...rv · rate unk!ss otherwise lndicated NotlC)t 11 """"" •1-to ""'·Cr.Olton ~icnTIOUs 11AM1 ""' 1n _._ 111vt111 c111na 11111111 f"llllillc 1n 11111 tor Mid tflltl. ...... ,,, (25 yards or D?Ore Craft lotenal lJt JDd Jnl 4tll: iUi •~ 70. IUI :..i:M .!;,..:~ 1r:..~t....~ Thi \lflllen111ie11 • '*11tv "'-'"' "'* 11kf wc11M11t ''' '""''""' 11 fllt.....,. ""'' w. TllofMI ....._ to water level) (single Carpenters 6 onths 75 78 81 14 87 90 9~ ft/:! f'ounMlll V•llt'W', cou111Y o1 or111t•· 11111 ~1111 1 bull-• •t 1'Cll TrlffW111d• tlllm, with 1111 __.,... -"'"' 111 tt1it iM ,. .. ,,. ,.,_ WMlt ...- unit or combination m " n ot c:.111orn11, 1111t, ~llt tr11111tt I• •llCllll L-. N••ort .. Kil. C:111fw11l1, under tHlc:e "' 1111 ~ ., "' '"""' 9111111111 " ~ 11 1111 wttflln ""'""""'' ol vebic'-) ....... Ip Cement Masons ' months 75 79 13 17 91 95 to Ill --IO °""" J. .. .... loll. thf llcTltltUt firm 1111111 "' ICLICTIC w.irt, .. " 111'-.nl "*'"·with tM ....... -g;;c--...... ,. ~""" ·-· lCD 45cph'llt/p ,,,..,... .. io 30cphw/p Reinforcing Tr1111,.,..., w"-w.1-tdd•• "0111GNS INC, •M tti•t ""' "'"" 11 .. ,.... vouc,.,., "'"" l!Mml•'* 11"" ( ic::_i-,.,s~ALJ..i,,. 5.JS Equipment Gmser 30cphw/p »:phw P tOcphw/p Ironworker 6 months 71 &3 89 15 ~-:,.•,r;r=:· ~~=11'f:1ltl'· Ctlll'l1Y ~ "'N:• ,:J":1~=: ;;:·,.~,_: =-•;:: :--!..""':' .....,,. Pvt.lto<etlflrlll• 5.03 'Drivers of Transit'· structural The ., ... rt'( II ..... ""., .... loClllll ... II foll6\ll't.: CMll MtM. Ct~,. """· Wllldl h ~ "rlMINI Olftcl In Ml True·-(3 cubic 11 16Ht li'Mllh11r1t, ,._tllh v.u..,, OAVID WILLIAM STlti\TI"OJrl •l•(f"' ""''"'".,"" ...... ,.lt>Mll '"-II ~~~ .. _..___ X a;s Ironworker 6 m0nths 77 81 IS 89 f3 97 CO<Jnf't ef Orlllff, $1111 af C..llfornl1. 1'01 Tr1Mwllllh L_, N.I . m1n1,. Jt1r11lfllt1e ,_ t11t _..,_ f/I MW N;... u, l'12 ..__ yards or more) 4Scphw/p 4-0cphw/p 30cphw/p The rate of compensation for any claulfication not listed t&kl .,_m 11 c11Wtblll rn r,""'' NINA ANTONtTTl sTaATTON drladtnt, w1111111 fllur flllfll,. •II• 1111 hlln .... • 0r1n11 c.d .._11., ,. ... 1. 6.03 Fence erector =w(l) 25cphw(1) 30cphw(l) in tht schedule but which may be required to executt the pro-:~:0.~111~1r.;:-·R~r.~'~:l1u11!":r~ ~'!:.,'':!'.;: i;,1111,:;•· tl~~t!.*!,~~,:• r.i1q, AIH1t .,·11, 11.1s.1Mt · ..., 6.46 Gradechtcke.r Ip 30cpflw/p(2) IOcphw/p -....i •-t' shall be •---.a · __ _.. ·th •i.-v1« 11111111 11U1t11t111 kMW11 '' W•Y"" 01 ... 111 Wlllllll'I ''"'"'" ,RIMrt ll'••MH11 LEGAL N<n'ICI 5 4& H dut ~"' conw~c , . commensura..,. AUii m a ... -Vlv Wl uic lfllll Slr'Vlc• •Jiii IK•*I 11 11 .. , .,... HI"' Anlollllttl $trlttln !!lflCUttr -. ....!,~Y rates speclf1td for similar or comparable dutlt:S. -llllrd, "-'-"' V•lltl'f, Coulltv af °''""· STATE OF C'4.ll'OltNIA ) ' II'"" Wiii """' ...... .... _ 30cphw/p 30cphw/p (2) SOcphw/p Provided that not less than 1~ tlmea the -.yai}inl7 rate $1111 ol C..Utotftlt. CO_!,!_NTY 0' OllANOI_ -) ·-· -..... ~~ ....... :;-< ... -. "' Cll1J:!t'J.:..r' ........ 5.SS Motor """trot h ii be 'd 1 • . ..---.,. Th• "-'* 1r1n111r will 1111 con1u1t111'111ttd On No....-.illlr 30, ~ ,....,.... mt, ..... _ ----fUMm_ ,... s a pat or any working time m excet!I of a hours m any ... « 1rr.r t11t ''"' G•v 01 ""'Y, 1Nt, 11 , Not•rv "'*'It 111 111C1 11r uN tt••· C....,.... ... ......,. ,,,.. ... ...,....... .. °""" lllW ,,. operator JOcphw/p 30cphw/p (2) 60cphw/p one calendar day and for Saturdays Sundays and 7 legal boli-io:CIO A.M. '' '· c. M1mJ1t011 co,, n22 N. H•oon1u, ,_ ... o1v1e1 w11111m str•f. C•• ':"e.1"tftrlll.I mu ~'~~~-":'.1'1n'! ·s. 41 Pavement breaker da t 't N y , Da M ' 1 1 D F ~h f J ly 1411\IWOM' w1~. 811rbtnt. countt ef L.os ~n •nd Hiii• A~1 St,1111111 k-Tl'i cn 41 ...._ C.llfooronla. .., tie flctlttlllt """--30cph / ~ / 60c h / ys, o W1 : ew ear !I y , emor a a y, OU11 o u , Anc111to, s"'''., C•tllornl•. ~ .,,. to IM tM ... r_ ._... 1111'"" A1'lrlll't flW •-vtw ., HiliNYTKI" OOES"' _. -..-=:: operator w P """>"'w P P w P Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksfivin17 Day and Ouistmas So ••r •• k-"' t11t T•1111"''"· •11 th•., .ulllcrlbfd "' 1111 wttt.ln lnttrv!Mflt ll'ull1111M011 Dr•-co.t 0.1,, Pllol: A u 11....,. 11 ~"' t1t1 ... ....,. ....,,-5 46 Plledriverman bri.t"e 1 • • •. • bu11Mn "'m" 1n11 1ddr.-... vl4rll by"'' •l\d •cknoWlfolMd ttlol:'f nte\ltM t11t 1• •• ,. .. _ • , • ~ -· •• •• "' -.,· · • ..,. For eas than I hours per day, the per diem rate shall bt that Tr•Mt-r tor 1111 "''" "'"" i.tt ""'· ••m•. .. ,,., 1 ....... • 1Ht 1..., ~-.,: • .._., • or dock carpenter 3ecphtr/p 25cphw/p 45cphw/p CractMm of the fore ......... ., per diem ratu that the numbtr of •re; S.rM. (0,FICIAL llALl LEGAL NOTICE TiwNI Mil l"9rlr Cll'fllr 1'1tt r' 5 JI fowu oonctt:te cur "-·-ev•"f> DtltN: '-''11 7, IN,. lfmllnd M. ,.,l'Oll ,_ 11...t ""'""..,._, ~ ' • UIJIJ,,1'11 Worked be9J' to a hours. 010r'lf T. Freelon, 'Tr1nsl!ret1 ~N ,vbll~1llflr11lt Dlfld M9rdi tl. lHf ' ing machine aperator $0Cphw/p 30cphw/p(Z} 60cphw/p Pro ided th t ot ·th!ltand" the 1 • · •· c. NAM,.fON • ,.,1nc1111 °"'~'" 11'--mtt 'TllillMll • 5.J6 Power concrete tained herein, #ia~e~ Guanhgand J:1'cli~npr:'ti~ii10:! =~ :,:,:,• d~~t titts ~~'"l!m'.,,':t. E••lrn CllT•:1~:~:io:.'"N'=':MIJr1T 1",. ,,,•t=,.~.,.. Ctull!Y· saw operator 30cphwlp 30cphw/p(Z) 60cphw/p ncM less than l '1. times the prevailing rate for overtime (over-1'::t'°11~ ~ ... ~11111 v.111•w D11,., l"t101. ,.11b111=11 g..~~1 Cot1t 01r1y-,.,_., ~r"~e.·:~fi~r~,: ~::'."::' ~,.., ~ ~ ..J!:, ,:--,;"':;.,.• 6.10 Reinforcing time shall be time worked in u:cess of a hours per day or 40 ...,ru ,,, l"' 1:11Mt A1ru •· n. 11, 2s, !Ht &»-ft .. bllt1-....., ~ fldltloUI 11"" -__ ,., ...... """'-.:, ....,,,,. ironworker 301~cphw(l) 2Scphw(l) 30cphw(l) hours per week). and the straight prtVfiling rate for time LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTlCE :,."l:; ~~ •. c.w.i~ •..:,::: ~ = = '::.."" •. ".:' :"',: s5.~! RRolleubberr _011?",edra.~'.-vy 30cphwlp 30cphw/p (2) tOcpbw/p worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays where such time .... ~!" -~...! ... """'-'' .. --·-.. ""' 9Cll11•• ,,, , .,..... ·'"' llnl does not comrtitute vertime ,.. .... 1 Oii this 2Cllll dl'f If ~ 1 ....... _ .. , ,..,,_ m -........ dut hi""° ............ • , O • ' , bttor1 Jnt. tti. untlll'lll!IM, , Naf.,Y "'-Cft If ,..llSMCt tr1 h ,.lltWI. Ire-wit: (Of,ICIAl 'llAl) y, &" .. ...,_.. Bidden attention ts called to the above mentioned Statute c:111:'t1,1CATI o, •us1N1ss ''*11' 111 1nd ff/II' u 111 c ... ntt _. ~ R • .,..,,, • ., '"""* ..,.,.. -.. N. MOM earthmoving machine which will require them if a warded the contract to pay not ll'lCTITIOUI ll'lllM MAMI Still. --uv ..... ,.. L.llTlll. •• ""'' 1111 25' lwttfclt. CtllfVll1-"""'"" ~llftf'flll tor •~Ip '"'""' l p(I) -.t-/ . ' , • The 11ndll'1llllld .. ltlr«W certlf'f OtliOlllllCH, known ho ,,... te k -O. Winifred 5hew, a Ml lllrfllcl1 A.,. f'f'llldMI Offlct 111 opera , • ........,.... """t"'w ....... JIU .. P Its!! than said general per diem rate of wages let forth, to •JI 111tt ....., 1r1 conc111t11111 • 1P111P.i111 111 1111 """'" M 111t ,.r1,,.,.11111 ""' -· 11.,.-• sur111119, C.Uflrn11 OnnM Ctuntt , 5.27 Screed operator 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(2} IOcpbw/p laborers wurlantn and mtcbanics emploved in the ex-·tlon Cllftl9' ""1111n., CA,.rsTaAND vALLlV lltCV!ed tht w11111" rn1trvrntt11, •1111 DltM ...,.,,. 10, 1Hf. M, C-lltil:llll ~,. 5 u Skip! d tor ' ;1 ' .,.,..., f"l.AtA NO. 2. •• 1 Mmtftd ,....tlllr',1111 t(i(llOtW~ to mt It.II 1uc11 ''""'"hip Gordon a. Shew MIY ti. lm ""' oa er opera • of the proposed contract. COl\11111nt ef ERNl!.ST w. HAHN, INC .. executld tht ''""· G. Wl11 ltr9CI !MW ,.\lbllWlld °"'"'' COllt D1il'f l'Jlot. wbeel type over ~ 'lbe bidder must submit with his n,.,.,......,,al a certifioed ch..,,k L.ESTIR R, OtEGERtCH, •lld JOMN WITNESS ft!'( lltncl "'Ill offltfll lftl, ST ... TE OF Ci\LIFOll/'llA l ... ~114, 11, "·ts. Ifft "1Mf -~ and ,......,._ -I GILllEllT, INC., I S G-•I .... ,n .... (OFF!Cli\L SEN.) COUNTY Of ORANGE J '' Ycu1.1 up to or bidder's bond made· payable to the order ol the Onnie County ,j,,:i CLIM c. GLAIS. Ill lndlvtGu1I, ,,_ M. Kro-.-i.1 On "'''11 10, ""· bllort m •• I Noltl'Y LEGAL . NoTiCE including J1A yards 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(2) 60Cphw/p Flood Control Diltrict fer M ,._,,.,t ~ ~-"·-lO per-·t of LANDON It. GRAY, 111 111111v1cr1111, Hol•rv ,.ubtlc In 11'111 tor Pol>llc 111 ""'for Mid eountt ,1111 Slttt.•-----,,-,-,",------.. ...,.... ,..,.. -WJtl4I ~ MELl!H lllVANT, '" lndlvlcl111!, lllO COUn!'f Ind Silt• PM1C1111ll'( •-r.CI Got'forl a $MW inci1 hll ltlf S.56 Skiploader cper1tor. the 1ggre11te lllln (If the bid as a iuarantte that the bidder will l'HYLLIS M . Tll:U£. •n lllll!vldutt. •nd My COfTlmlHlon E•1lrfl G, W!nltrtlil Sll•w k-,, ,.... II Ill "" lV,lllOlt. c0"11:T ... TM• wheel tvr'll'> over ent '~ the __ ... ;_ct -~»-5 1-~--da ·r the MOllTGi\Gf •DNO COMPANY, • cor· April 1. 1'11 ... rwns WlloM rtlmet I r IVblC Ibid II ITATI °" CAU-N<A -.zr-er •~0 inv>""""" CQnw-. WILIWI ca Cl1'YC YS l fDl'lll .... t t limited ,.1r11W1, uncler STATE 01" Ci\LiFOANiA I lht witt.lll l~llrllll'll'f!I 1,,d ICk~9Clted 1% yards 30cpflw/p lOcphw/p(Z) IOC'phw/p same is awarded to him and in event of failure to enttr into ... llC!l!IOUI firm n1me of CAPISTllANO COUNTY OF L05 ANGELES , .. lo 1111 llMI ,~ ... flit(~"'-11m1 TH• COUMT"f 01' oaAlfOI g 2S Structural and OITll• 0,.,.h ~act ·-'d -~-'k will >--e the -ny f th VALL£V CENTEll. •I 11>!1! ln!eroKllOfl On t~ll S!~ lllV of M•tch, "''' Wlh'l!u my hind •!Ml M•I . NOTICI OI!' H~:i'1 .. '"oN •l•<TOO• • • -.....SIU !MU UK\,; ~II r"I"""'~ 0 e "' D61'1111.... ...rt ROid •1'111 VIC~ll Mlor1 mt. lht lll'lllff1ten9CI, • NC111rt COFf'ICli\L. SEAL) . mental ironvn:itktr 30'h<:phw(l) ZSCphW(1) ~!) District. AvellUI In (1pt1trtrll a11ch, Ctlllornlt. Publl(; In 11111 for t•IO C_.... 111d J•tk W fi,er1e1" r::r:::-:.~~ .. u • .:;~~l'AND .... 5 ~ -~--loa'-The r th bond lo be . to I 'thful 11111 thal ukl firm It COll'IPClffd d 51111, -1(1"111¥ •P ... lttd Cltnt c:. Gl•11. NottO' ·,.ub11C ·-" C' .,.. •• .,, ...... '°"' ''.,,;;"" ~ amount 0 e &lVeD secure A a1 per• 1111P tolkrNtn1 ""'°"'' wl'Mlle n1mes Ill knew11 ,_ 11"11 .... IM -ef 1111 Umlttd $lllto ol Ciilfol'~ll '-"" -"" operator 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(2) &Ocphw/p fonnance of the contract for •aid wDrk shall be 50 percent of the 1111~ 1nd 11-.i rn1c11nce .,, •• "'"'-' .i 1111 p..tr111r1~11 1h1t nec111.o c11111,.,,,, °''"" OltuMd. S.46 Tractor operator contract prict thereof, ud an addttional bond in an amount tol'°;;N:s~11;,.., Hi\HN, 1Nc .• 1 c:or· :• .:'~"",~.:n•:~"'!,r,:1~f!~~:U~: ~.;!~:~1"" !:~•lrt• u~:!!1c~.11~n~E11::,~:. ~iv~=uti!n~ (drag type above!, .....,,,., to 50 pm:ent ol. the cootract pn'oe for said work, which ,,.,11on. 11n Wttt El Se1u...so 11v11 .• lht uin"Ht. Riv L M•v~Mi. ,t.ltY' ;--""""·hat 111w ""''" 1 """*'..,. b 11~••• tam ::'!_'°7 -'al( ·••· that u the ». •--fail H•WlllCl!'ne, C1lllornl1 'Nl2J01 LESTIElt WITNESS mv h.,111 t lMI .rtl(l1I s .. 1. UM Ll>llt ... ell l.elliii~·rl ~"!.,,111-W»I -"!, '°",.,·,--, -~ -"° U ....,._.., per, ll'JlllU BU prGrlUlll: 11. person ot wa; IUU1t.~i.caciol'I R. GIEG EROCH, 111 lncllvldu11. Cl (Of11Clll S111l Sllltll ..... Ct!"'""-""' ..,~ ._, '" ., scraper and to """Y for any mat'erials TJl't\Vllioos or other supplitJ used in E••' s111e strl'tl, W•1t-,•· .~~, 011~1• 1.,Men1t1 P11bfl111M Or•11t• eo.11 0.111 ,.1101, ,.,,,--.!'.. -,,., ... ,•.~, ,•.~ .. .,•':!'.,~" .. "· •~ h I •~ph I IOc h I -' r•w ' 11KllC1111 JOHN I. GILIER • ,. " NOltl'Y ubllc -Ct111trnl1 A 11 11 21 IMI .. _ 2 f '"' ..... •• '""' ... .. push tractor) """p w p .>\,II;" w/~( } p w p upon, for, or about the performance of the work contracted to • c:or-•'ion. 212 1rotc1w1.,, L•tuM P11fl(1"1 orne.111 •r ' • ""'• • • ,......,. "m' hn bten "'"' Mlv ,, ""· "':" '-7 Tre b' a h ' be ~-fo k ( bor the . oi' ••-• f •1ech, C1ntornt11 CLl!M C, GLASS, LOB Annl11 COllnh' l .lfl.. fll tfle tO\ltlrOllll Ill Dif•""""' NI, "·• nc mg m c 1ne 1.Wtf!.,., or r any wor or a reon any 1u11u, or or •n l!Ml!vldu•L 712 south Sprint Strt"&t. Nov commlslon e~Pl•e• LEGAL NOTICE J"' tt!rlil COJff, .i 111 w. 11t~tt. """" 111 open.tor (up to 6 foot amounts due under tbe Unemployment Insurance Act with Los ,..,, .. 111, c1111. mu, L.ANOON J•"· n, 1'13 1111 Clfr o1""" A111, C•11torn11. •~h capae1'ty, rnaou--to ..... work or labor that ·--·-·~ --·-"-~11 lit GR AY, l ft lncllvld111I, ,, '•tkll STATE OF CiliLIFORNIA ) •A•·Un 01flll Alf'li ,,, ''" . ""'>'... • .... r-~ ~· • t'C ·"'~ -•Ill.~ w• .o... 1'0tfv•11•• llnd. c1111. 902141 COUHTV OF LOS i\NGELES I .. ClllTlll'ICATI o .. IUlllO!SI w. E. ST JO HN facturer's ratin~) 30cphw/p SOcphn· 'p(2) 60cphw/p ~for the same, and also in cue suit is rouaht upon the Hf!LEN 1avi1iNT, "' 1M1v1ct~•1, u 011 u,1, Jth d•'f o1 M•rc11, l N,, ,1cTtT10u1 11'/IM NAMI ... -s-.. <,•,~., • u Tr--~•-• ~'-· bl • • I to be •-~ b the rt Wnl aw '""'' A1trm11n1 m. "l•'f• llefor• ,,,., ''-unc1 ... 111ned. • Nol•rt '.UUI . _,. D IN ., . ...., ~""""-'6 rna .. :ui.ur; , • reasona e •~1orney 8 ee 'lM'\I Y COU • 11,1 ...... C•llfornl• 'I02'1i ,.HYLLll ,.u1>1tc 111 •'"' i. 1•ld '°"'""' •nd TM unc1er111Mc1 .. Mrtb'f artltv th11 ,.,...,,...... 11 Law operator (over I foot t In the perfonnance of the terms ol tbia Com'ract. the Con-M TIUI!, .n 1ne1rYldui1, •10 euldl s1111, ..,ICIMll'I •1H1t9d L•ndoll 11:, ,.,.., •rt °""'lltl'"' • 11<.11111111 "' ,._, • N,...,. ..._ d~• --'I •-~--·'·" In I ch .. ~--o•rG1n Lint, P1ffd.n~, C•llff/t'nl11 Grtv. kf!Clwn 10 m1 10 bf on• of llffdl, C..llJOrnf1, 11!\Cltr lhe lltttllou• tlltt. ,_ .. .,_ca.,..... '.f· mami-... ~ IMiAU not engage nor penn t Ill s--... ....... tora 18 MOITGAG E IOND COM,ANY, I COi' tltf: llmlltd "''""' ol !tit fff"lllHIMI nlmt "' PUN HOGS UNLIMITIO, Ind ......... ~""' facturer's rating) 30cphW/p 30rphw/p(2) &Ocphw/p he may employ from enpD"in" in diBcrimlnatJon in employment .oritlon. n 2 Sou•h Sprl11t s1r111. Los th1t 11(.cu1N tht w11111n 1n11ruml'f!I. th•I nN firm Is ,..,,"' ... ti ""' fotiow-T111 OUJ SU-JIU I · •-• i\1111111 C•llf fOOl(, •1'111 1c1lnow'-d19CI to m1 !hit Midi lno '''"°"'' whot• Miiie!. In f\111 •nd A"'""" ftf' hlllMMr i.5' Universa equtpmtm' al persons because ol. the. race, color, national «igin or anctstry, O•ltd· Otctn;w ~1, '"'· ,..r1n.,otir, Axecutrld 1t1t """' 111cm cr1 rn ld•""* '"'" to1row.: l'vWlllltll 0r.,.. c...-1 01111 ,.1..,, nnPM!ltor (shovel, beck· or -.ll.riOll of such persons. Violation of this prvvWon may ell.NEST w. MAHN. INC~ • (O(CIOl"I-WITNESS mv hlncl '"" efflCl•I '"'· •o•E•T w. JAllltfTT, °' i\CllCI•, Mr• , .. ,,, 2S, 1'ff 1""' -r-" . k '-"6' , . , tlon (~rll P1rtnlf), 81 Er11111 1001(111 Stflll C-n1 dtl Mtr, C11Jhornl1 hoe, dragline, den'1C • result ln me imJ)O!Jbon ol penalties referred to 'In Labor Code w H•hn. ,rnldt11I, 81 Hei"m•n M•lW, Ollvl• I. Mon!tt ll:OHALO I , JA••ETT, Ol Ac•cl•, LEGAL NOTICE derrick-barge, clam-Section 1735 s~r9f1ry1 JOHN I, CILlERT, INC.. Nol1rv ,.\ltlllc -C11llornl• (Of"Ollll di! Mir, C1lllornl1 1------------- 11 'jedri -._ • t W;IClttl!tn CGlflttll ,.1rll'llfl, llV PrlnCIN I Oll!C. 11'1 0.ttrll A•rll 11 , I"' ,__, .she , crane, Pl ver '1.,. Contractor will be required to secure · the piymtnt ,;if Joltft 1, 01111o1r1. l'r•1f41nt, 8v aernlce L~ An"i.' c .... n,..,. ••M w. J1rr111 a•TI,tcATI Of' ••••MIU and mucking compensation to his employees In accordance with tht provlaions "· c1m.,, A•~·t. Sw•t•rti LEITER M~ eommr.11on lur'" R-llt •· J.,-r1n irteTtTIOUS NA.Ml -~'-) """"' I •~pb I (I) ~pl! I o( . .~.. . th It t;U!CER1CH. 1n lndtvtdl/1!, (G-•I J'"' 12, 1'11 ITATf OF CAl.l,OltNIA l · Tiii vfldMallllld Ill Cfl1lfY 1111, 1,_ mauw... .......t"''" p """" w p ...... w p SecUon 3700 of the lAbor Code and ....... to perfornung e 1"8rt-1 CLEM c . OLA$$, '" "" STiliTE OF Ci\L.ll"'ORNIA • 'I COUNTV 01< OllANOE I H. """"1Cllfl9. IMI-11111 N ..... -... ' -w~er ~·-t driver _..._ ---' •!.-_..~ ct ~-•-~-ct hall ·• nd fij with the 1111vlJ111l {Lllflll.d l'lt!llll'll LANOO'l COUNTY OF LOI AHOILES I u Oii •H 11, tt•t'. llefert 1t1e, !!II • ' 'I.~ II\ ""'"" ~· W '°JOI: C\luwa WIC' VUllL.la Of S lJJIJl I e 'a GRAV Ill lncllVlclufl ill"111trd On lhll Slh dtV o1 M•tCh, J"t UNltnl11\1d • HOll"f l'ullllc In 1nCI "",ulllf'tM,. C.tllofllll, 11111111' I'll flcflt""'' (400() gallons ~ the following ctl'tificatk>n; "J Im IWart of_ the ptOVJ-·,.t.rtn1rl1 'HIELllN llll:VAH·T, In Ill-bllor1 mt, l~t 11N:1.,1l1ntd, 1 Net•,.; pl• Coun.Y. 11111 $Ill~, 11rton1l1'1 , .. ~~:uo":r...:' th~~ :ND ,_C-OUNTllY .. -) ~/p ......... wl p -pbwl p ·---ol ·~· 3700 ol the Labor ,..__,_ ........ ..:.. Ir lllvltlu•I (L.!l'!'llfflll '•rln111')1 ,HYLLll l'\lbllC Ill •nd tor ••hi coun,., •l'ld "'rid llDlElllT w. JARIETT Ind • .. rm ..,_ Hova~ ...,.,,.., """ Swu~ .,.,..~IOD \,NWOI: WllM.:ll tlqU e every M TJiUE •n lnd!vl4111i CLlml!td '"''· -IOtlllfV .,_,td Helfll lf'Vllll, RDNALO I . JAll:llETT, k.,....n It rM 1-ttle ttltowflll ....... , WhMit _,.. INTERMEDIATE G LABOR em;r,loyer to be Wurtd ap.lt11t Uability for workmen'• cornpen-',irtnlf'll 'MOll:TGAGf tOND COM-kllitWn .. me m M -., iht llmlltd M 11141 """"' whote n1mt1 1rt 1ut11ert• In ,!'ii.!.,.~ Ille. "' ... 111111u .,, · Al · "-"-·"• u 1.... I __ , __ ~th he ,;.v.v • c.-POf"•llorl, •~ Cltrn C. "'"'.,.' el lh• 111rlntt•hl1 llltt 1111Wte11 td Ito "" wl11'1!11 lllSl1"111t11nt •IMI I.I · 4.SI r COOlpreslOr, Sa Oil or to WIU'aWI-Mu•llaUftftCI ft .,_,.VI~ WI I Gllit.' ,.,l'lldflll, IV M1rk E. Tru .. !!II Wlll'lln fn1tr11mtn!, tnd ldlr"""feliltd 1Ct,_180ftlil lhll llllY tilCVtld 11\t , ~"::ii l . ~Wt.:..:,.=: pump or 1ener&tor provkk>ns of. that code and I will CC11Dply with tUCh provisions .secr111rv. 1L1,..,11.o ,.111,...1 to m• 111t1 111e11 """"'hi• ntaritd ""'"'· c.11111""'' .,. tor ,,,,_.. I p ........_Ip(") "'-" I >~ net the' rf f the • of thlA STATI 01" CALll"ORNIA. I IN ••mt1 WITNlll""' MIMI lrtll flltlcl1l 1N1. ~ 11Mf11 ... -opera _..,..,w ............ A "'"'t"'W p u.vlrc:' commt f\C pe ormanct 0 WOI"& IO con· CO\IHTV O, LOS ANOfLES I n WttN~SS mv h1M Ind C'll'lcl1I •HI. (OFl'ICli\L. SEAL) ltl'Ml'll L. ai.ir Buie Ra'" J:m:f'Yer P•-•11 Ftr •-M " °' .._._""° JI, \Ml llllfflrt me. !Olftcl•I S•11ll Otvld I. Tin.It, ' w -<. I•• ...., -·-..,..,.;..__ . . fu '·h , tllt .,,;;iifttd, , NOlll'Y ,.ubll~ In Ol!vl1 I. Monltt Hot•N ,ub!keClrllkirnl• ITATI ~.---CALWOll:MlA Pet Hoar CliuUlcadol Bud vacat.. Pm1-'UC Contractor wtll also be required to m,.., I certlf1-ll'ld ,.. .. ._ Coul1t'I ~ Sltte. Hr11M11'1 Nol••V ,.II.lie:. C•lttornl• ~rtnct.•• omc. I" COUNTY Of' Oll:ANOE I •KJUED LABOll (CollL) catt lhM he carries compensati n insurance covering his , • .....,.. l!RNl!ST w HAMN, t-n Pr1r.cr,.1 OH1ct 1n Ortnt• c-w u 0 0 ho me .... .,.·~ Prt•ldtiil, 11111 HEAMi\N LO$ "'""Ill Ct\lll!'f Mv Com1t1l1fl"1 E~•l•e• -Oii M•rdl tS. ,..,, -.-... IN •• S4.ll Asphalt rater er emplo)'tU upon work to be done under the contnet which may MAllll:. kl!OWn"'"' to'" t~• Stcrt11rv Mv comm1t11on lh:•I••-• Jun1 21. 1m ::::'~11~111>~.,...,,t,. M't ·f',.'r' ironer U ~icphwlp 25c~lp '"""wl p b9 entt~ into bttween him IDd the uld Diltrict for the "' ••NIST w. HAHN, INC~ '""' t(ll'o J•n. 11, 1'1a OAVID s. TlfMIJll 'nd w ...,. I •1' .._ ... r-1'"'" _,.., · . ...ttlon t~tl tXKUlld '"" wtml11 In-$TAT E OF CAL11011:N!A I """'"' tf UW 1 • " ,.. -4.15 Concrete curer. constructl.on ol 11id work. ltnltntflf ..... kntWll II 1111 ,, 1lf ftll COUNTY OF LOl ANOELEt I •t IHI W1>1tcllft Dr •• '"'",,. ~.:-.. ":"'..,.,W::-... -:::: lmr=' -•-•· N bid W be pied f "··tr•M•• h · _. ,.,.._ wM ••cv!td Ille wtlllln I~ On 11111 51h dl'f ol M•rcll. ltft, ..._..., •-h. CllllWRI• . '' me111u.1•11~ o w acce . rom a VY11 --w a is n .... "'""""' e11 blhe" o1 ,,111 corfCll'ittori. btfor• m1, 1ht 11nc1er,11nld, , No11N Tt11 1110 ......,., ·~ 11111¥'......, .. ~ i n form oiler 2t1hcphw/p lScplrfr(p nc,hw/p lbnltd ID accordance with the law under the provisklos of n ld eor.or111t11 w1n1 •nown to ,,... Pllbnc 111 •nd 1or ••IG c111111y •nd ,utu1,..,, Or•n" c-t 01111 ,.11o1, 1°'"1c~~ '\ALJ ... ,..~M~e miler D!.vWoia JU Cbant•r 9 of the Busiaes.1 and Professions Code of -.1111 .,.. °' 1111 "'"""'' « CA,.llTRANO s111e, ,.,._1,, ••""'"' Phvlll• M . ...,.,,1111, 21 ind M•v '· t, 1Nt 7.ut ,....,,, ~-..m. 4.;r1 \.Nll\,l.,._ • ' • , • • ~ \'ALLIY ,U.lA Ht. 1, 1111 Htfl'l111"1~tlil Trut> kf!O'Nft IO rnt lo k OIM af ,.t'lltclNI °""*Ill operator (skip type) 30cphw/p 30cphwtp(2), tocphw/p the State of Callfotnla. tt.11 t11.c!Jllcl ""' Within lnetrvtnorit. !ht nrnr"" ... r111eu " ti.. ...,ttw1111, LEGAL •NOTICE ~ c-t'I' 4.33 Cribber or shorer 24~w/p 2Scplnr/p 331:phw/p , ~o bld will be received unless it is made on the blank form~..,:"':=• 'rt1t ":m."":, ~ ~~ ::ii~~.:' 19wt"'~ ~~~ ,.. '" ~~·;mi ~ 4.02 CUtting totth aper· furniabred by the Chief Engineer. The 1pectal 1tttntton ol pros-••rff'M tt!nd tr111 1111:11 ,.,,,,. .. ~11 t•· "'~r;ri:~s ::wi::. 1~ '!:'i:i.i _, ••Tic• Gfl t:11soL.ut:o• •"' J11111ttlhM Or11oM c.... 0.1,, ,,i.i, ator (demollOOn) 24~wlp 2.Scphw/p lkphw/p pectl~ bidden is called to the "J.of«'lftltMm for Bidders" 1eW~NEss .. """;'ti.n11 •!'IOI 9111t111 -'· t011ic111 s..o · 'AATfrlll•sNt, AND c1•T1111c~T• M1rc1111 •nd ~ .. u, "'"" ..... 4 u Drillefa (Core, di•· anoutd to the blank form of propolll for tull directions I I to {01",ICIAL. $Ii.AL) 011vt• 1., ..... , '"c '' ' ::.~:::r:::.M~.0• PltTIT UI '-·· -· '"""'-I ' ,._h "'-h I u..... 01-I!. ~.,,, NOttrv u :re . 1 1'"'1 ,. , _ ~ ·~•- mond or WIJ(On) 2f.,_I"''" p --.>' W/p -.. W p u.uuma, etc. , Ni!Jlf'Y f"lltlllo-C.il11orn11 PrlflClHl ... OfflUC In ~l~t"'ol ~·~-':r::"coNI--~==~~=-=--- _. er. ~--Of dump P1aDa and 1 ...... utcatlOD3 and other contract documents may ,.r1t1c1111 Offltt 111 Lw "'n" 1111n1v "Clllforfll• "''' "" .-11 ,.,,._,""~ MTKI TO atlDfTMI "·"" IJllT'<" t-U' . l,M Anltlel Ct1.1!1ft M'( (Cln'lf\'lfllloll IGltn . . ' IRO .. -truck °"'· than 4 be HCUttd Without charge at the Dbtrlct'• office « will be M1 COll'lmllllon lx,im Jtn. 11, ltn flf JOH~ GILLIS .... LYLE •. D • IUJllCMNt C0Vlt1' ... ., ... I) '"'""' I •~..i. j "'"""'-I --•~ to "---• I pl 'tie h#I tt. ttn $TATE OF CAL.IFORNIA l •tn.r1t ••rtnttt -••• 111 bvllMls ITi.TI., ~ .. ,,_ yards water 5eve _.,.,,, p '111\'1"'•" p -.,.. .... p "....,,,..... lK<~-contractors upan t ee IOlle or wn n requcat. STA.Tl. Oii ·(,A~IFORNIA ) C~NTY Of LOS ANGfLl!S ) H In ,.., si.t1 Of C•ll~flllt '"" Ill ""' 1111 ODVW'TY .. --:=ow 4.A Driver of dump or.nae County Flood Control Distrlt't cou"'ir ~ ~:"~~ w1or ~· 1t1t """'':::: 1J. ~!:'.;., "=Trc ":' ': ::~ .. ,~,. <::;':.;. =:;. C:tr.= o:::. fl E1.1A.N011: • ..., truck (4 yards but Poet omce Box JO'll (M1lling addrtu) ..... o:r.1.:.. •• 0 Noflrt M~c. 111' l l'IG ~ lllCI .,., .. -llllllly-..... ,., c~ wlt!I "' .. lll(INI •llcll ol ..,. .. ,,.._ ... ,..,., --.. ~ lest than I yards 400 WM\ Eighth. Strttt. (Strttt addrta) 1tt "kl St•••· llfl'Wlll,., .......-.ii JOHN c. Gii• ~ to Int to • "" "e.-*", "''"!" .~:.O":f ~ =::,; """""' ci.im. ...., • ..., _.... I ""pl! " pi ••• h j ••-'• •~-1"'.11.r...-.1. , t. "GILlfltT, kllitWll fO m. Ito ait lht "'"""" Mil M9rk E. 1"Nt kllOWll I ~ 11 fife .... ello'fllll Ill IJle .... !Jr ••tel' leve) -.. wr p 'l\IC l\f 1 p .-p vr p .-u.a n.11.11, ~ra. :oru111tn1. ,1111 1trrn1tr1 F. c.t111r ""°""" tto ,.... i. .., "" s.crtt1ry "' Mor11'" JI, 1:;..;7' i::i 1=~ :n.: ;;. a.tt /11 """ ........, =t.n:: 4.71 Driver d. dump 'The 8o&rd of SUpentilora rewws .the. riabL to reject U1 :; C'o'r~i:"11tT~ 1~ =-=:r.f1onJ~1~ :, ... O:.-:tiii11 'f:.1r:=~':'"~ r::' ,.1d ,;.,.., 11rrn, :1'111 !Mt .... ~ ';....,~.,,.,,.., "aw":. ~ ....... truck (8 ft1"d:s but and aJl bJdl aod to Wlivt lny lnfonnaJLty In dll.)' Ulll • ~ ...... --· p:IC\!ltd tr.. wlthl11 lflllr\IMtlll lfld kNtWll HI mt Ito Ill ll'll --W11o ffl(ijltll flrYl'I t~ lilld Hdltlwt -, at Sr11,rt11 Hiii $trttt, 1'o tr1t tlrY J//f . ,_,. thin 12 vanla No bidder mar. -1.tbdraW hJa bid for I period of t5 days Ii mt ft Ill 11"1 --• wht 111.evi.i fllt wltl'll11 ln1ll'lll'l'lt!!I Cl\'I Mllttt Gf nld 11 .t t1kl,. 11:!!_·0, T:I~ ,::, : L• MMlti. ~--ttllA. Wllldt llttlr ' ·~ " -• the •--•M the I • ..._,,_, "" w11111n IMlr\111'11111 en Nllllf Ill 111d CDrCIClt•!IClll. 11111 tot•"llln llf!n1 ktlOWll 111rtrwi" • .... °"'°' It ....... 111 ......... fl !tit water JtyeJ) 41cphw/p 40Cp1Hr p JOcpbw/p •ntl' wu111 -. or open 111 .,_._... _. ..... ......, 14111 '*'-"*' 1111"' "-"' ""' .. M • « t1w "'"""' """1'*'1 toHowtr ...,._.., 11 .,. ......,, .wMttrt. 'JI Dr!·-o1 :t a1 order ct the Board ot ~n of thf or· .. -,..,..., ...... ,. ""' .. ... -"' .,. •lllWI., c...-..,_ v11iw fllltt. ,,.. ,, ""' JOlol" 01LL11 ,..._1111 11 • '°"' • .111 """' .... ......_ .-,.. '"' -•• """""'"J' f/I C:Af"tSTllAHO \'Al.LIV l'\AV. Ml. """'""h11 thtl t1Ctc111111 t11t Wtltlln l!Nf!, ( .... ~. C111!. '*-'f ....... Mlllf .. fllit f/I' truck (12 y but Flood Coatrol Diatrid oran,. y, Cilllomla. i. "" N f'lllll'lhl• IN' mMld ""1r111fvll'llllt, •M •"""'""-.,. "" \.VLI 1. O!.llaY r111111n1 tt _, .....-• ...,_IC. ..,... 1111vr less than 11 yardl , 'w. E. St John . :"~11t~"'~"""iw=,::i~= '::: :-~~~!:.,"",..':~ .. ~'*'~"': f:.:..:f:" ··~· 11111• •1111 H.tltltt. =::+i:"' """ ",,. ,..., .... • water level) 45cphw/p tocphw/p ZOcpilW'/p Q:lunty Clerll:: alld ti:·ofhcio """' " tuc11 Nrllllrl' •11111 111t1 tl.IC;ft 1111tc111tO t111 wtN. D11.i: 1Mrc11 i1. tHt Dllld Mlrdl v. ""· 4 .• llri ..... " ...... 1. (SEAL) ....... ..a. J , ..... ·--~ ot_ SUper "rlf!fflll!• II..,. ll'lt .. -. WITNISS "" fllnd 111111 ottletll ..... Gl\.L.1$ .. Dl "IY ""'"" M. ,,,. .-...,_ .. , ..,_. ~ ~ D9UU • •WITNIU 1nY tllfllf IM tfffelll -1. (Offltlll "'I! Jeti11 GUiit W GlnM J,. Mllltr, ntlJ trocb (anckr vitcn of dwi Otanp Ccumy 1t11•irtc1AC. tlAI..) Ol v!1 1, Mtnlft _ ....... •· Dtrtrf ,...,..,. fl .. Wiil ' I -'"') =•Ip -"-Ip -""lflp C'!l....e to.-i .,,........... l lf!ll UU Mt<-Nol..,. M OC r (t hforlll• WAUWOllnt. tll•IL ANO CUil. t,•N -• ....., 3... _....,.,., ~t"' r-~UI UllllAIN•, flt'ltrY ~.....,,.It f'rlntllll Qlf1Ci II ·~-:.Li:... =--· 'M. !llM tt7 Tine Gradtr 14 wlp :=:19 Jkphwl p ~~tyabil L catal1 ~~=-~· 111 ~ :=,:~-:,...,. :l. .. ., u. ~r., -:-C:-._. 05 Guinr• chaser %4~/p Ip .skphw!p ...... ,... ' #r Ct!Mll-*' WJrn Jtn. 12. 1m ~ lllft, ~""' ......... ~n a , Gunlt.lng: .,.;,.._..wrp ,....,.,. 1 p ......... ,, _ Pub1_ lis11 Oran&e Coast Dtil7 Pilot ApfU II, lt, ZI, 22ftal~ aTAtt ~·; 'W.WtCTKUT I ,.u1111""" 0r.~.., a11lf ,.111t. ~:.~ cwt 011l'f ,.11111,;.,!urtt1!.... <• o.1ip .. ., J .• fttboundhlan •'t'>T'-t"' -~· -..... ..-w, --COOMTY Cl' ll'At"flllO " ililt"ll 4 It, 11. U. 1N9 ....,.. ..... 114. IJ, 11. U. IHf U1 ... ~"11 11W ~ 11, 1'1M ..... ' \ ------------------------------- • " ) , Pll!LAi>ELPHIA (AP) -"The nerves just weren't there. J gutSll I w a:; an un- conlcious pitcher." Bill Stoneman_.hls right arm encased In tCt, was speaking after he pitched a no- hitter for the Montreal Expos over the P.hiladelphia Phillies Thursday night. The 2S-yeiµ-~kl Stoneman ezpressed iiurprise with his lack ol nerves during the ~ Montreal victory. "The nerves just weren't there," said 'Stoneman, who not only hurled a no-hitter but his nrst complete maj9r league game. In fact, the chunky pitcher has had only one other complete game since becQming ----.... ------- rrld<y, Ai>ril 18, 1969 Montrea·l Star Fires No-Hitter a professionaJ base.ball player in 1968 - at Tacoma In 1987. "It's the best way to do it " said , . Stoneman of his first route-going job 'in the big leagues. Stoneman seem~ to be trying to ex- plain to himself why he was so calm about the whole thing, c.1 gues,, it's because J never was even close to a no- hitter before." The Montreal pitcher actually never was a starter unUI tfle Expos picked him from Chicago in the expansion draft last fall. Montreal Manager Gene Mauch liked the way Stoneman handled hlmseU as a reliever with tbe Cubs and felt be could be developed into a consistent winner a.s a starter. "That was my goal thiJ season," said Stoneman, ·•to become a starter. I'm so short, 5-10, that my managers . and coaches always said, 'you're a reliever. I was successful at-it so J stayed thert.' " Stoneman walked five and struck out eight in pitching the first rn>hitter of the 1969 major league season. He got batting support from Rusty Staub who had three doubles aod a home run and drove in three runs. The closest the Phillies came to a hlt was in the first inning when Deron Johnson ripped a liner past third that was foul by inches. \11'1 Tt'-11,,.11 • Tbe second was when ctnter flelder Don Bosch made a sboeBtring catch on Don Money, and the third came when Tony Taylor seat a line drive to right that Staub raced over and grabbed. , Only one Philadelphia base runner reached second, Johnson in the fourth Ur nlng. , This was Stoneman's first victory of the season after two defeats and he !aid he .accomplished it with a fast ball and curve ball and a few changups. Both Stoneman and catcher John Bateman felt it was the pitcher's ability tu get the ball where he wanted 'It that did the trick. Dodgers Put . Big D Ag~µist Astros Toirlght I u)s· ANGELES (AP) -A .240 hiUer . last year is &be batting star todaj? With the I.fE; Angelel!I Dodgers, anything can ha """" . The Dodgers take on the Houston Astro5 here tooight: hoping the above .players can produce more runs for Doo I Drysdale, l·l. He opposes Don Wilson, l·l, \\'ho beat Dodger Slate ·~· 1$-0adqt'1 " Haus!Oll, 7:55 p.m,, "' '""' 19-0odgers H11111loll. 7:J5 "' ·~· •• p.m. • '""' Apr. 20--Dc>clll•o • • Hwston, H:ll 11.m .. KFI '""' Drysdale and the Dodgers ~2 les3 than a week ago in Houston. Andy Kosco, a thin 6·foot·3 ol1lfielder, came to the Dodgers in an offseason trade and in his first four games, he was only 3-for-17 -a meager .176 average. He had no extra base hits and didn't look particularly powerful. Then someone must have said shazam because Kosco turned into a Captain Marvel. In last Tuesday's 14-0 threshing of the San Diego Padres, he slashed the first grand slam home run of his career, added a double and pounded home six runs. The next night, he ripped three hits in· eluding a home run as the Padres fell 9-1. His batting average zoomed to .296. What's New? Blues Defeat Luckless Kings RIGHT IN THE NECK -Wilt Chamberlain lets Atlanta's Zelmo Beaty have an elbow in the neck during this struggle Thursday night fo r a loose ball. The Lakers won, 100-85, to take a hefty J..l lead in the \Vestern Division NBA playoff final. The Lakers hope to \vrap it up with another win Sunday. ST. LOUIS (AP)-Put a mirror in front of Gary Sabourin and the reflection looks as much like the St. Louis Blues as it <loes like Sabourin. Boston Needs Win Tonight To Take Title BOSTON (APl-The Boston Celtics, who struggled to a fourlh·place finish in the regular season, need just one more vic- tory tonight to wrap up the National Basketball Association's Eastern pla yoff finals and move into the championship round against the Western Division win- nt>r. The aging but proud defending cham- fin 'fV Today, 4:30 p.m,. Channel 7 pions t.ake on the New York Knicks in the sixth game of their best-of-7 series. But the strong play of the rugged, younger Knicks in the last three games has re-awakened the hopes of New York fan.s. After Jo,,ing the first two games In humiliating fashion. the Knicks have rt>- bounded, winning two at home and drop· ping a 97-96 decision herr. Bailey Howell, the veteran cornerman of the Celtics. says tt>e key to the New Yorkers' resurgence has ~n that their guards are penetrating lhe BQslon defense more deepl y. .. If we can keep the Knicks' guard~ from penetrating as we did in the first hi,·o games. we should be successful .'' Ile said. Injuries cloud the picture on both sides, with New York's \Vall Fraiier and Bol.ton's Larry Siegfr ied listed as ques-- tion marks. F'razier has ~ groin muscle pull, while Siegfried has a hamstrina: pull. ,,.. lfillrt!IYll l'i.,w11 ... Tllllr-'41,•1 •-111 a ....... DIYllltlll.ffll.il ...... , ... ~ "'' KW!hl(_, HI, lllO'i.n. w1M fMll.et.1 _ .. ..._ Dl•ll*° $9"'MIMll ..... ()rlttM 101, O.li.• ,i_ H•w MM'" "'"'' •MH ..S... '4 °"" --KtltdultO T_,.. r.tlllft lff .... WMdultd. ,....,.,.. li•-w....,. .,,...,.. flflti. "~· OrilM• ., °'*"""-bl ..-"' ..,,..,.,, ...... 1 •• t Lakers Take 3-1 Bulge With 100-85 Triumph ATLANTA (AP) -The New York Knicks' battle with the Boston Celtics will be followed closely tonight by the Lo~ Angeles Lakers. The Atlanta Hawks aren't very in terested. 1'h'e Lakers virtually nal led down ti National Basketball A sso c i at ion ' Western Division crown Thursday nig! by whipping,the Hawks 100-85. The victory enabled the Lakers lo tak: a 3-1 lead in their best-Of-7 series anc. they can wrap it up by Winning the fiftl. game in Los Angeles Sunday. So the Lakers naturally want to kno11 what team they probably will face in the playoffs for the NBA championship. Los Angeles coach Bill van Breda Kolfl refused to claim the division title but he did admit the triumph in Atlanta was ··ii very big one for us. "I don't think we're over the hump yet. You never think that," he said, "unt il lhe last game is won. 1I 1I * , .. Tllvrsd•Y'I •nult W*'""' Dl~lllfll l'llWll1 Los Ang•ie. HID, Ali.~11 IS. Lii .t."91!11 !"-'di bftl.ot.7 1erln, J.1 T"'"' GtlN Ettltnl Ol .. ltl9n "ln•ll ... v,,. " BoslM, ... ~ ""'" ""''l'(lt ' •t~ln, J.t S1tw'91,'1 G1""1 !'to g1mft •clltduhlll. S..1y'1 GI ""' W....,_ Dl't!.itn,1'111111 Allflnll ,, Lot Anotlft "But it was a big victory for us, com- ing on the road. Anytime you win on the road it's great. Now we've got to work to "'in one at home." Atlanta coach Richie Guerin said . ..\Ve're in a difficult spot, trailing 3-1 and ,oing to Los Angeles. The Lakers' (.'(lach was elaled about eating Atlanta after an erratic start. ..Both teams played like college team s :n their first• tournament,'' he said. "l don't know how many times we lost the ball without getting a shot, and so did Atlanta." The low-scoring battle finally .... ·as bro ken open in the last seven n1inutes, when the Lakers scored 38 points. \\lilt Chamberlain and Jerry West led the out bu rst. including a surge in \Vhich lhe Lakers scored 12 straight points and turned a 73-70 deficit into an 82·73 lead. "Wilt blocked a few shots, \Vest made a few steals, and we finally got rolling," van Breda Kolff said. LOS .-.NGELES A.TLANTA G • T • ' T 111,11)1" • '' " a uty • , .. " Wt'1 " '' " BrldgH ' ,, ' (.~•mberllin t 1.12 " C11dw11! • •• • '"" ' ... " H11111'11 ' ••• ' Htwllt • ,. " ,,,._ .. 3,, " Cotml~ '' " °"' ' ••• " Eric.l:$1>n " ! Sl111 ' ., • H•w~tru .. ' JQ!•I• • :ro.J.1 mo l ot1l1 " ll·22 " '" A.<l{ltlu • " • ll -1(1(1 Arl1~t~ u • • " -.. Foo.o'9<l OU1 -•1111111. Ctld""!!· To!•! l"oul• LOS Atllilt!fl 21 , A!l1M' " Attend1nct -1,140. The resembla~ is startling. iTi style and success. The fact he S(.'(lred two goals. including the winner, to help the Blues trim the Los Angeles Kings 3-2 Thursday night is just an example. 'M1ose examples ha ve given the Blues a 2-0 lead in the National Hockey League's best Cl( 7 West Division [inals. Fans here voted th!' 2~·year-old forv..·ard the most improved player on the Blues this year. He went from 13 goals as a rookie to 25 this season. •·t think this team has finally molded toge.ther .'' the stocky Sabourin said. "\Ve're just a mixture cf men who have the potential and style to have a heck of hockey team. "We have a lot of guys who ha,·e played more than 100 games together now. A lot of these guys have played together oo other teams, so they know \\•hat the others \\'ill do and how they v.·ill think." Sabourin for instance. looked like he kne\v exactly what Red Beren.son. ""ho had scored a first-period goal, woukl do. He picked up a rebound of a Berenson sho! and blooped it over Los Angeles goalie \Vayne Rutledge in the third period to break a 2-2 tie. p,.. HtcktY l'll.,.t!1 N1t;.n1I l lttue TllwtdlY'I Rtllllll W11t ChillWI l'llllk llOiton S. Montrtel 0. M011t,..1 ltt1h Ms1-o1.r i orh••· 1·1 W"I Diwillell 1"111111 5!. LOUIJ t LOI Angtlts 2 • .St. LOU1) lt1'31. besl· or., •••~. 1·9 TMIY'I 0.-1 ~ 91......,. K'-iulld. S1twnllY'l •• ,,. w .. 1 Dh<klell l'Nl1 S!, Lou11 ,, Los Arogtl=s ,.,..,,., cam., W11t Dh·hJM l'l,..h Mon!flAI 11 llotlwl W .. t Dl"11;.,., l'lnUI 51, Liii.iii 11 Los A~lts Lotz Tops La Costa Field RANCJtO LA OOSTA, Califomia \AP ) -Young Dick Loll, who tamed tough La Costa with a fantastic 1tart, held a lwo- stroke lead going into today's second round of goll's Tournament of Cham· pions, but there was an ominous group or five charging at hi., heels. Lotz, a dark-ha.ired 26-ycar~ld native caUforntan, tort Jive strokes off par In his first four ho1es Thursday, coasted in and announced that it was nice to bt back to his own territory. "l didn't play wt lt In Florldn ... the stocky. good looking guy !aid ... I'm not used to that kind of grass. And there was still a dU!erent kind or grass in North Carolina . · "It's always nice to get back around your home are a. You're more ad apted to lhe conditions and you play with mare confidence. I know the course here. I can't compl ain abou t anything," His opening 67. five under par for the 7.11 4-yard 'La Cost.a Country Club layoot, helped. But thtrt wm plenty or other moi.tns from the .5elect ?.&-man field - " ' about the deep, damaging rough. "It's liJte an aUalfa field," said 03 \•e Stockton, one of a group of five challeng~ ing at 69. ''A 69 here is like a 65 any place else In the world,'' sisd globetrotling Cary Player, the Brlti&h Open champion and another member of the quintet two shots back. "A 67 is a fantastic. phenomenal round ,'' Al~ in the group art Arnold Palmer. ~!t-ye8r-old PG A king JuliWI Boros and long-hJtting Tom Weiskopf. • -~ ., . TOSSES 'NO.HITTER -Montreal pitcher Bill Stoneman phones hi•· family after Pitching a' nc>hitter Thursday night for the Montreal Expos. The -gem came at Philadelphia, where Stoneman beat il\e' Phillies, 7..0. Stoneman was an expansion draft pick from the Chica~ Cubs and the n~hitter came in Montreal's ninth game . Sports In Brief San Clemente Golf er Leading Florida Event. TAL L AH A S:S EE, Fla. -Home- town favorite B le rt Yancey's lead· tieing score colla~ under a four-stroke penalty, leaving rOOkie Richard Martinez alone in front with a 66 after the first rou nd of the $35,000 Tallahassee Open Coif Tournament. Martinez, 28, of ·San Clemente, Calif., put together a pair of 33s to set a (.'()Urse record on the new 7 ,000-yard Kill earn Country Club course. Yancey dropped back to a IO·way tie for fifth place Thursday after telling of· ficials he had 15 .clubs in his bag -one more than the limit on the pro tour. "It's the first .lime I've ever done this in my life,'' said the dejected Yancey. BERKELEY ~ Dave; Magard, %9, an Olympic abot ptitter. was named Thurs· day as bead traCll Cilacb at the University of California replaein1 Sam Bell. Maggard came lO Cal from Modesto Junior College. He captained the Golden Be.ar track team in 1962 1nd set tbe school 1bot put record. Bell, Bear coach for four years, said Maggard "is the kind of man who can at· tract great athletes to California" and wa s umy only tteommendation for the job." Bell will become bead track cyach at lodi11na Uni versity. • LOS ANGELES -\Vorld welterweight champion Curtis Cokes regained the role of favorite -at least until fight tii:ne - In defense of his title tonight against Jbse Napoles of Mexico. There is no domestic television;~ or radio broadcast. .. The 31-year~ld veteran from Da,\las opened as a 10-6 betting choice two weeks ago. Several days ago the odds dip~ to even money and take your pick. Latest on the score today was Cokes )0. 8. with the possibility the champion -and 29-year-old challenger would enter '. the ring at the Forum in neighboring Inglewood again on even terms. , Cokes, defending the 147·pound division crown for the sixth time, and Napoles, a Cuban expatriate now living in Mexico City, figured to attract some 14,000 (ajls .and gate receipts of possibly $180,000.· ' SAN FRANCISCO -Mike Holo\.-ak, deposed bead coach and general manater of the Boston Patriots, has another :job across Uie country and In anolher leape, Read coach Dick Nolan of the ·San Franclico 411tn of lite National Football League announced Thursday be bu hired Holovak as his offensive bukfitld coich. UCl 's unbeaten crew is a stiOng favorite to hike its record to ~-0 -this weekend whe n coach Duvall H~t's oarsmen take on Cal State (Long Beach) Saturday afternoon at the Long Beach Marina. The Anteaters are fresh froffi a prestigious victory, having beaten hi&hly regarded California last Saturday in. the Lido Channel. J1a New Yo1•k To111•ney CdM Poloists Roll Up 37-0 Smashing of Foe Special to the DAIL V PILOT NEW YORK -Corona del Mar Swim and Water Polo Association got off to an auspicious start in its drive toward a se- cond National AAU water polo cham- pionship in three years by smashing St. Vincent of Chicago, 37-0, Thursday af· ternoon at the old New York A!hlelic Club pool. Today coach Ed Newland 's band of Californians was slated to play Harvard Unive rsity and St. Francis. Other participants in the tourney are West Point, Columbia, Texas A&M, two Chicago teams. • Puerto mean entry, North Virginla, Lower Morland of Philadelphia, University of Detroit and the New York AC. Newland regards the New York AC as his most serious rival in the battle for the titl e. . His team's 37-0 triumph Thursday Is the most lopsided result ever posted by one of his squads -including the day11 \\'hen he tutored Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar High against some or the Southland's weakest apposition. -land admits he didn~ try IO hold the score down Thursda)'. "They go by goat average in fin81 lOU.f'.l&~ent pl~ce­ menl, in tbe event of a lie, he points out. "ln last year'11 tournament we got aced oul by a couple hundredths of a point and I'm not going W Jet lhat happen again If I can help it. So now we just go full bore for the whole game." Corona del Mar wa.i; ahead 12.0 after a quarter and ioomtd to 1 IMI hal!tlme lead. Tht IOM?r! were so terribly outplayed that they did riot earn a single penalty shot at goal and they hlld. only flv<: or six serious shol.S at the CtThl net during 1c- lion. ' 'I' And goalie Doug Schaumburg manai,etl to block those attempts. . Eric Carson had a big third period.- scoring five times. Other tallies wert recorded thusly : ~ · Pat McClellan, Bill Leach Mike Martin, Dan Christy, Dale Hahn J.im McDonald each had four. Mark ~et1on and Ferdie Massimino tanked three apiece and Masoo Philpot potted two. ... , . Ai1gels, Twins Collide Tonight~; MIN.NEAPOLrMT. PAUL -11 ~Ir first three games are an)' indication ;llle California Angell and Minne50ta h 1ns will stage 11<>me n11lbiters this se&ao. The Angel! and Twins were sched[J'ed to ope n a three-game set here today '!Ith Angel Slate . ot::'" l~JI •I Ml""9'f11. ll :t~ .,m,, *'"' otlr-\9-Mftil •I MIMftOI&, 11 ,10 I.I?>,. IQlllPC ' ~urorrua•a Rudy May, 1-0, aoing againai Ahnnesota'1 Tom llall, 0-0. The Angelll won the !lrat two gamu the teams played thi1 year -by llCOrtS of $-3 and 4-3, " In the flrtt one, Jay .lohnstone 1lu""8 a home run, 1lolt a ba~ and knock.ea' in two tallits a1 the Calltomlan.'I ripped Jim Perry. .. ln the atcond gBme. BUI Voal:oe Newport Beach tripled In lwo runs to aid Mays only 1969 vlcmry. ,, ln the thlrd c:.im, ol Anaheim the Twlhons won, beating r11llcvcr P~ro Bor n. I ! .. _ .. _________________________________ ..,.. ______________ _ 00 =~ ...... i3p.rrhitere ii:3: ' ••' • ..... :~: / • • •' ;Jt~il . T~s ; · .. 1 .«gt.es Tabbed Over Newport · • t ,1 \ :: '; iOver Lions1., ~~ ' . '. ;. ~,.Nrwport llar~JIJp·lk:hOOt ~ ~·Jt,1 •·tl!t-~-and Et to liOot I :--..,..,.,. llld flllil ·Yicloey Thundly af· OQ .. home··Oval .. ' . ,: ·in .-u 1eo,... me«. w..wn ~ vbWnc Huntiogton Beach to tile ": -Spr~~~el m0CJ4 pacOcl Newport t• It. 14-polnt win.over the LlooB Wilh 1 plll' ,ol'.-aprtnt vicil:lrles. · : Hi$~ 10.4 and 23.4 times in the 100 and 2211 .-him tne only double wm.r ol ·h day . • -.)lob Mams picked up the other ~ph for the Tan in the dashes w!!eft ;)li~ered the 44&ilto1.1:• ·-!>Ulter Kutt C1emeM turned in the '.~ performance ol any note for Hun-. ilillii>ii llead1, 11111 k wal I pd one. ';!}le flipped the It-pound ball 11-7, lhe ::~ mark of. the season in the Oran«e ~ area. Clemens !\ad the area's previous top mark with an effort of 54-9. -• ..~ "' .... vr:,"'Cn1 w flllfllllltl' - 1to -1. a10Gd uoo t. R••tr cwlfi 3. ••rt cwi, ' 10.<I. 220 -I, alOod (l'tHI t. l'l$h I HJ 3. a1ii. CW!. "!he: n.•. ·ui -1. Ad1om INHJ 2, Regt~ (NH) 3 ~llclockl IWI. Time: 51.l . .. -1. ... tr tW) 2. Nkhol1 (W) 1. J1flt (NH), -Ttt..t: 2:01.4. Mllol -I Aklvtme (W) I. f'ltr~ (N) J, KllMtr~ (W). l lmt: ':Sld. 2·Mfl'--1. 0!1twn (WI 2. \'11111 (WI 1. 8entll'f (NH). Tl"'"': f:G.I. 120 HH -I. Dunl1p (W) 2. e:ctlK CNHI 3. Ames CWl. Tlm1: 15.7, 190 LH -I .-.mn (W) 2. ll"'11r (NH) l. Ecclll (NH). -i'lme; 02.7 . HO"'''" -I. NeWPOrt H1rDor. Tlm1: .0.7. Milt RtllV -1. Ntwport HtrDO.". CM1m1, llote~ lu!ler, Elloodl. Time: J:2'..S. HJ -I. H1veri (NHI 2. 81r1 IWl ), Eccl• INHI, He\Qhl: .. ,. LJ -I. 111•!1 CW) 2. Ad1m1 OlHl J. MM!docb {\"'l. O!sll~· .... PV -I, Id CNHI 2. Canch (NH) J, McMNM (WI. Htlthl: 2.0. •r. -I, McClnls IW> 2. Aldrich (NHI 3. Mc uohton lWJ. 01111nce: 50-1. '" He-.-t H•l'Mr ft.II 1111 w,11ml11111r !GO -I." &o!tr 000 2. Sd\11 ll !NHJ 3. Armtnd (NH). TIN$· 10,,, 2» -I. chull:t (NH) 2. Armend !NH) 3. lf111&1t CW). Tl"": n.t. '611 -1. $!~"'"'" (NHJ 2. HIY (WJ 3. Hlf'llltnhlt (l'fH), TltM; l:a.J. 1 I~ -1. Cn.. ..... an (NH) l. HI.Inf (W) J. Flelchtr • ~~·~~: 1l:f5i~'toN (WI 2. HOPtH (NH) l. DIM (NlH ·L~m,.!: i11·~1gtdo (W) 2. MO~ (NH) J. Llritoff • IW • TIIM: 15.4. fl1t1v -1 N&wport HtrbClr. Time: 1:35.f • .JtJ -1. Cr1it1ha11 (NH) t. llbell CWJ 3. Dlkl CNH), .... ~h.!..:_ t'-s .. 11 INH) 2.1(•-· (WI 3. Mt11rtr tW). 'Olsl•nt•: 1 ... v.. , ,JV I, Mort (NH) 2. Stnllt'f (WI 3. Ollbltry (W>. Hel11t11: lM • . :s~ -I, Albritton lNl-0 t. Dike (NH) J. mcN1Whlell lWJ. Dltllnce: 4 1\'i . • , NIW"'" MlrWr (~rk l4J) W .. t1!11Nt9r • IOll -l.Amlu INHI 2. IYt (W) l. Pttllllto (WI. Tjme; 10... • '1~~111 -I. AR!ltt CHIO 2, KtYI tWl ~ 1'1Clllle IW) • .. ~. i:z:~·i~ Alwtnl (NH) 2. INWn tNH) l. kflrMCltt • "W!i-TI-: 1 •11.f • .-;i I -I. Colt,.,.fl (WJ 2. Hal~mto INHI l. Dlttt tW . Time: 3;Jl.7. If.I LH -I. 1{1nl1y tWl 2. llrtce {NH) 3, YO\lfl!I ""'~...a T~';',:~ ~0t N1wport H1rbor. Tl<N: ''·'· ·, ~J -1) Tll<;l<tr (NH) 2. M1l1tnl\1lmer (Wl !. · l rtct CHH . H'!""': S-2. •.~· -1. Ames !NH)!. Sll'lllul1 tW) 3. Wllll1m1 H), D!11tnct: 11·'""'· .. , V -I. llltltr tW> 2. ,,_,..., tW) 3. Gennie& J. Htlgl'll': t·O. • ..... ,. -1. WlJktrchen IW) 2. KtYI IWI l. T .... ~·· INM), \'tnl!y WHl1r11 (nl U'I Mlll'lllPlttl911 100 -1. S1ro11nt (W) 2. Flnl•Y tW) ), at!!ey tWI. ... i~:_!Oi~ Huff (W) 2. 5tt1111nt (W) l. lllTt'f' {WI, . ·'!.1f:' .,!.l.t. Hlltf (W) '· Grtblltm (W) 3, Stre!ltl\ •.ft!Bl. Time: SO.I. ' UO -I. McQuown (HI) 2. wnien tWJ l. •mill\ tw). TllM! 2:01.l. . 'Miii -1. Mulnns {HI) 2. Krtvtt (W) l. Cttrlce .~o(.WI. Time: 4:50.7. l ·Mllc -1,_Kr111l11 IWJ 2. Doll&Vlll CHiil l. 11tom1 I ,(W~ TIIM: 111:V.O. . i HH -'· Turntr tWJ 2. Hinson (W) J. Lt~I .~ nt . Timi': l~t. -· '·~!' LH -1. ·libel (W) J, Hinson IWI 3. l11r11&r ·tn . 'fl""4: 21.2, #:i.RI~ --1i.w~.!~~;,.lfT,.t~, ~:\s.1 . HJ -1, ••II (W) 2. Mlrtlr.n fH!I) 3. auth fW). Htlal'll: M . • 'J.:W -I. II'Otl IWI 2. Gulllln (WI S. U11!a11 IHll. \.')star.ct: 204'·~. " 'PV -1. Crodl.rDtl {W) 2. f'Mk tH91 3, E.,.,.nson . IWI. Htlthl:ii 13'0. _ • .... -t ,sJ.1m1111 (Hll 2. P'rv IW) J, C1rrlc. (W), . ,tl\flallCI: 7. ... . l4uftth19'911 171) (241 WtUtf'll ··100 -I. Holln IHll) '· 0Drr1' CHal s. W!I"" CW), 11r,&: ~f: 0or .. 11 tHa1 2. w11flft 1w1 i. "•tc11ff , IHll). Time: 24.I. 860 -I. H0111n {H iil 2. Koch&r (W) 3. K11nlc1I CW), ·~~L ~lJ:4McGre (Hl l 2. Es11l11 {H l l 3. 11t1!hrltkl1 , twl. Timi: 1:a .1. , •· 120 HH -1. "Jmts (HS) 2. Mltf'hl IWI 3. H1rvav (Hiii. Time: 11.4. 1r. ~H -l, Jones (HI) 1. LD~I CWI l. Mtrtt 1'1.t ·~~ 1~·1. HUlllinttriD ... cfrl. Timi: l :SI.~. HJ -1. Divis (Hll 2. 5'"1fll (Hll S. M111!lletd (~),_!ell~h~~t~ff (HI ) 2. lt.1thrlth (W) J, KuO'lkl( r~~ ~Lt1f.roc/~1:ii~·11 '· 1(1l!v (Hiil 3. kh•Mdtr C~l,0 ~ltf:!:M~iy \HI) 2, FDr1111' tWl l. Cl1reltl tH8). dla1tnc1: 51 .. '• • Mllllllllkll l .. dl Ut-C."?J1 llt-1/U WHllfll 100,-lj fllrra (Hil 2. T11r,J11 (WI J, Herten IW). Tlmt: n1 . 110 -i F11rr1 IHI) 2. Turpin (W) l . Ml~ !WI. Tl~:-20i. 'Hlnlen (Hal 2. E111IWI CW) 3. H11ltn1 fW l. T!m1: l:Jl.5. 1'20 -1. ~venpOrt (HI) 2. hur1i M IW! 3. s•11~1v•rH1~1·1. 1,;:p~~W1 2. ~ tW) J. hwtu (H . Tlm1: 1~.I. · ~J ~1'f. -w~~"'!~~ l"cCJ\11~~iH°1is. l 11e o\nclfl'lltl 01a1, l1k1r IHI) Ind J-(\H), HtlJhl; s.t, -1. Ctllll jHI) 2. lltslllthll !Hll r l. Allf9!m :;r.l . p!st1nc1: ·1 -'· •.. v -1. DeW tWl '· AndllTn (Hal l. MltcMll • Ill. H1klhl1. 10.0. SP -I. IYIMI IHI) 2, Nttolt (HI) 1. Tim. ...,,rlMn IH&. Dl1t1nc1: ..,, .. fl.'OP AREA DIVERS :'~IE SATURDAY .I. Five Orange Col9I !""• hi&h school 4i"'n will he -i*!nc It lhe Newpor\ Beach Tennis Club SMUtday in the se<:- end annual Rancho Alamitos Invitational divine meet. ' r I The mett will begin at t l.(n. 1 Joel Penne of Westminster, a sophoo more, leads the Westminster High con· tingent ~ Cluck Setur, David' Rwnbold and LOny lleldler while Fountain Val' 'li!Y'• Ernie ZimmermU' wUl represent : 'lhf: Baroni. i ~·•'ln all SS dlven are erpected to com· Jett ,...;., 11 Cll' 8oalbm Section hi&h · tchools. . • ... . I( AUL Ti NG, IN DISTRICT MEET -Newport Harbor High pole vault· er Scott Wild will be displaying his talents in the Newport Diltrict meet tonight at Davidson Field as the top varaily, Bee and Cee per· ol wllllill)l ·ovar Ntwport. Wllh lhe excepllao ol lhe ... Costa M ... '1 Ralpb llMn hu I 1:11.1 to hla credit ml llbould will, lhe -' 1ppun to fUe Clll lhe -~ I dual -bolweeu lhe Tin llld Eaelea- Newporl'• llrqtb Usi In depth oloar. wilh lllJld!'lll D.nl Bloo!I In lhe lllrint.s. Scott Wild and K1Yb1 Butler ln· lhe pole vault, lhe mile relay quartet. C1irjs Bently In lhe milo &ncl Siu Aldrich In lhe abol put Ind dlacuaa for COlch Bob Kalley'• crew. Corona del Mar la f1vond for lhe Bee title and Calta Mesa ls oddHn favorite foe lhe Cee champlonahlp. . 1.~ J ~ > \." . ~. .•.. -' . ~~ :"' ',v~.t..: tt.~1· ... w ~'ttt't..-i'i~t.'; 0 't '.,• .. ; ... "' ·'"''•"'"'"'.::~--.... DAILY: l'ILOT f'Mlt •' 1.M l'IYnt formers from Estancia, Costa Mesa, Corona del Mar and Newport match efforts. Wild's best vault is 13-6. Fir.st ruMing event final is al 7:30. Tri tons Score 10th Swim Artists Edge MV, 64-63 Win of Year San Clement. High School romped lo It.. 10th van1ty swim meet victory in 11 It.arts niurrday afternoon with a 70-11 win over invading Tiistln in Crestview League action. V1nlty 1111 c._.,... (11) 061 T .ti• 20t M .. Jev Jltltv ~ t, Siii C1tnitl'li. ( INUlhlll'I. ll•lktn. MO!'Ml'lo Jlll'lnt1rl. Timi: l:U .... 21& f'r• ~ I. lltnfl'e (SC) 2, llckl tlCJ I. l1r1 tSC:J. llmt: J:OOA. 50 P'rn -l. fl. Smlfll" (SCI 2. Fltnt!fll ISCJ l. l10.,..i !SCI. Tlmt: 2J.1. 200 lndljld\111 MWlty -1. H1"""'11 (SC) 2. Edwt!'4t C 11. khlMe !SCl. l lmt: J:zt..S. Olvi~.-t,.Gor'INl'I (T) 2. Sltlt!M (ICI l. VIClt (SCI. l"Olnlt: ..... 100 P'IV -1. Sdleell (SCI 2. MtrOtn ISC) S-No lll!r-. TlfM: 1:03.L '" \\" -1. l.:k• !SCI t. 8•re !SCI J. Pl!mi,.. CSC). ('II: 5'.I. IOG I tek -1. Couney (Tl 2. lrlilal'tf(ln (SC) l. S1bln tSC>. Timi': 1:02.fA COO "'"--I. lioYll Q J. G, •ml!hllr (SC) l. Morain !Kl. Tlmt: •:1 . t ' 100 a r11it -1. •-r•• (IC) t. lltfldll (SCI J. N• fhlf'CI, Tlmt: l :ll.1. «111 "'" Jl111v -1. Stn Cltm1nl• !Jl~fr1. Spr· Int.,., llayd, LOdltl. Timi': J1J4.2, ·-Stn ,...,..... ca1 (41) T11St111 200 M1cl!tY A1111 -lf ,.II Cltl'llelllt tS\Mln, KIM, IH•llY, Mtllltmtnl. T me: J:to,7. lOt P'r• -1, Mlllef (SCI 2. Mtlllf,,,.~ (IC) 2. EdWlrdl•(T), Tl"": t :l7.S. Jll "'" -1, Corti !T) 2. M1lhn lSCI 1. Mt "'lrd. Tlmt: U.7, IOI lnd!vl<lllllll M•ltv -1. R ..... (T) t. a.ultr (1(1 I. H&Ulnl ($(1, llmt: l :Ot.I. 1• l"IY -1. A. Miiier CTI I. NI ~ w ftilrd. Tl'"': I :Ol.i. 1• """' -1. Viet tlCI 2. CtrlMfl Ill l. It. ttllrd, ll{;:lll:,f.S.:. 1. C.rw (Tl 2. I"""" CICI '· Mltllft 15& Fr':12.:0(.llt(I() f, MllMll'Mllll tlC1 J. ••t Ill. Tlm1: I: .e, ~ •1••'1 -1· (T) t. 1(1 .... llCI S-H1i1rtr (! J, T mt~· t:l .t , ""· !"' -1, Siii Cl•~ 4Htt•"'· M!!!er, M1! ,,., VI • Tll'lll: 4!IO.l. tn a day of spine-tickling Crestview LeaSUe track and field action Laruna Beach High School squeaked by Mission Viejo, 64-63, and Tustin nipped San Clemente, 68-61, in a pair of dual meets that weren't decided until the final relay, Lacuna'• triumph at Mission Viejo was capped with a 3:33.1 mile-relay victory. .MJsslon Viejo ICOl'ed a surprise in the 440 when sophomore Rick Cordery aet a school standard with a 51. 7 to beat out Laruna's favored Brian Bacley. Ray Perez 1et a school mark in the 2· mile for the Dlablos with a JO:U. San Clemente lost its dual meet with invading TultJn in the lonl jump where the Tillers ahocked the hosts with a one- two finish. San Clemente'• George Maier m.iised to easy victories in the hurdles with 15.3 and 20.I times. Rick Geddes tied school sta ndards in the sprint.! wtth 10.0 and 22. 7 etfotUi. . . VIN"' Lltfl!ll INC11: '"" un MhtlH \'llM UO -11 Ttt Dtliw.111 Mr.wood CMV) tnd Ctttlm fl) l , Jell 1 !MVJ. Tlmt: O,f , 220 -t. 1111111 IL) 2, C""'" II.I J. N~ IMVI. Tf,,,., 1l i, "" -I. cor.19ry (MV) 2 •••• ,.., ILl J. HllStwlclt (L). Time: Sl.J. UO -I, H111twlde {L) 2. ClflC'l11: IMVI ), 911yloC1I: '"'I· ""'1.'l'Of ... Ml 1 -, 1ttr1'f IMVI f, Llmb1'1 Ill '· Glv•" lMVJ Tll'l'll'\ •:S,.O, 2~111-, f'"e1 (MV) 2. lr1y (MV) J. llHlt (LJ, Tit;:: H~~ 1. 01'Y (L/ i. °"'"lnallll IMVI s. Htvlklnvtl<ll IMV • Tlmt: f .f . 110 LH -1, 1111111111 IMV) 2. R1CN111 {ll l. Mol"""y \I.I, mt: n.o1, . ~lit i1Y ..,.. I. Mt.1-Vttlo IC*Tlll!lllllf, J1l'llt, N , tMtll'YI Timi': 4'.l. M • '"" -1. Uou111, Tl'"': \'13.1. HJ -I, ~r•N J¥VJ , l•lfl'f Ill l. M5~~f l~\fl. •1rA~t,: Mtco.11111 CMVI s. M(Mlift\11 lL), 1~11 l\CI' t lt\o'I, ""' -'· Mt WtV (L) o ttwrnet IL) 3 ........... IM\f), fll!tPlf: M , SI' -, •r. II" CMVI t, Po•~ ti.I J. J-IL), D11hno:1: .q. . DIK"" -I, l'l'ldl: (I.I 2. JD"" (I.) J. MolWly ti.I, Oltt•roc•: tlM\6. '" Mlo1•11 Vitt. IH) tUI l•1~n1 IOI -I. Hllmn !MY/ t. CtmP!On tMV) I. Lin· drelll CL). Tlrnf; 11.t. ~ -I. Comolen (MVI t. GTbW (l) 1. Lon9111 ( .J ·21~.•:~:· tll 2. &rennin tMVl J. F11tow' CMVJ. Time: t::U.5. • 132G -I. H1nll {,MV) 2, t'ltvll IMVI Nt tlllrd, Tim•: ~,o..J. un HH -I. 0 'C0n11&U IM\'I J. ill,.,.n CLJ I. 1..e ... dr1th IU. Tlmt: lt.G. 120 LH -1. HOlmn IMVI 2. O'Connell CM\') l. S...m•n Il l. Tlm1: j'·'· NO 1t.111v -1. M 11111'1 Viel• (Camlll!ln, lr1nn1n, Holmls. O!Ctnnllll. lnie: 1:4$.. HJ -1. lr1nne11 lMVI 2. O'COl'llMU CMV) NI thlnl, H~'ht...:_ 1.· Holmes IMVI t. Ltndrelh (L) No tllll'CI, Dl,llrw:t: 11·J. ' "" -I. lr-tn (.MVI I. Snm1n Ill No llllr•. Hel<'IM: 10-1. Sf' -I. Lonoi:i ll-IVI 2. GlbbV Ill ). DeP'r1eo (Mo~J;,~1~1rt:ant17.-.,. (MV) t. (i)bh IL) s. OeFrle1 (MVJ. Dl11&flCI: tJ~. , .. L ... 11111 UJI (IS) MIHIMI Vltl<t 100 -I, Clllmtt ll 2. N1tro1n1on (L) ). Writht 111to)·!1'r'~!n'r. (L) '· NttM111on IL) l . Wrlthl 1~1·!1'r."M2!t~t ILl t, MortlJon IL) J. Jeh!\1on (MVJ. Tlmt: l :li.i. 1320 -1. floa1rt CMV) t. Se1""11 CL! J, Mtrkhlm «<~"!\:' ''C·/· . f:tv LI -l\ wffl'ol!V (ll t. Kidd !LI J, 11.l"'lre' tMVI. T """: t·'; . ~ A1ttv -. et~ 111,,.,,. 111111u11Tftl'd. HJ -1, Jw-CLI 2. McGr1w CMVI J. l1N ILi. H~kolll: ,::,, !. -1, McGr1w (MVI I. M1th11~on ILi J. l(lchl IL Dlfl~'."l ' 16-t. I/ -J, -nl'f (ll t , DIU'lflll CMVI Ne !Mrcl. "1"'hlt 10-0 f' -1, be1111J11 !MVI '· Kkld Il l J, C~rtllOlllltr IL , 01shiroct: •1f, SPV ·-1,_ Altl'laui.• fT) f. Edwfrds (T) 3. Miler 4 Cl. Htlant: IM. Sii-i. flumflhrtY (SCI J, Fr1nct1 (Tl J. H1tl (Tl, Dl1t1nct: '7·7'Mi. (T~.11by:,1,;,;!·, ~~~ ... d.~ (Tl 3. 1>1n111k1 (T) l . Griffith '" S111 Clemtllll t"I Ull T111tl\ rT\~Tlm~: ~~ftflll1 13Cl 2. Grtntfr ( ) J. Ouqan (l1'.°Tlm~; ~~1K1n1!t lSCl 2. Gtt"'er IT) J. Dixiin cs~. Tin\i:Gffl':.~~ (l) 2. Vin ll"t (SCI 3. [111fl'lel( Tl~ ij,Jj,A~ar CSC) 2. INlell (l) $. Mtln (Tl. 1 2' LH-1, Jtc~t !T) 2, C1,111 (SC) J. Ouvtll !SC). Timi!: l~.$. cs~ ~1~-;-1y_7_P,11r tSCl J, J1ckl !Tl l. r:iuvill NCI 11.tlt'f -1. Tualln. T1rn<!: 1:31,0. cr7.JH;"i~i:EJ."1.llrom (SC) 1. Elttltn (T) l. Fl~ntr Dl~~.;e: ·ii.J~' CT) 2. Granotr tll l. Crum Ill, H::~hi7"tl'. •rv•ll tl) 2. O.vi' 15CJ l . Kern /Tl. SI' -1, Sltolonl fl f 2, G.<tnav !SC) 3. Alllle~e "g· °'"'"''" ....... \'em -I. Allho!.11• tTJ 2. Aslcwilh (T) J. C1111c cs , Ol•t•nce: t1·H•. '" 5t11 (lt!'lltf'lt lMl IJtl Twtl!ll Tl~:lo'· ""'' {5CJ 2. fllcev (Tl J. M•rrl! C5CI, T'llO -t Frvt t.IC) 2. SnyOtr (l) J. Rloby (l!, me: If.I, 'T"°T-< I: ~0.-.o«lllQ ,(T) 2. l(lroctlcl (SCI 3. Al»S!• ·i. ml. 1.2t.~. (st'riTTm!·, r:~.~~"'" 111 2. G1rci. 1SC) J. Hunn UO LH -I. MOrrl1 tSCJ 2. 1anln CT) 3. Htmwtrlh "I· Tln'Mli 14.11 • •1•1 -, Sin Clltl'!lenl9 tMorrl1, ,.,.,,, T,,,.,, l'ICl\1111 • lrM: 4 .1. .HJ -,1. Ttrrv ISC) 2. Whltltl' IT) J, H1tl1rmtn 15C), He/.1'11< M . Cj -, Gur1Nn CT) 2. f"'lt wtrlll Ill 1.Ttrf"t (SC , Oltll~: 11-JYI. PV -1. tTI t. Orl1nlll IT) 1. Cunnlllllhlf'll CTI. Hthoh!;· . SI" -1. • .......... (l) ,, w r1n1t CTI 1. lvtna CSCl. Olsllntt: 12.0U •. Newpo11 Man Devises New Sco1ing System :,1\1onarch Spikers Drub Servile, 79·24 A new ttnnls scoring system, devised by Ne~rt Beach Tennis Club tennis dlre<tor Glenn Tumbl!D, wW'be used for the proleuion1I tournament at the Anaheim Convenllon Cenler Aprll 26-29. Called the "Sweet Glenn Supreme Scor· lng System," 9COl'es are achieved tn a manner 1lmil11 to table tennis, with each player recelVing a single score for each polnl. '• ; ~ ,Maler Dei illlb Sd>ooi'• vanlly track and field learn 'ripped rival Servile t .... burada1 .rternoon. 7t-U1 in an An&elus ·-u.,... mee1 at eypnu Junio< Collere. ,·;.;·ne MOGll"Cbl ICGl'tCI 'ridc:riM in every event acepl the polt vault to ccush the Frian wilh lltlle -. , • ••• Ricll Jennlnp let. --in the • "inlie wilh I l :Si.3 cloctinc. , ., Paul M-ran the 44& In 50.4 and .~e HorUtmtyer woo the llO In 1:01.7. '· · 0on 1llllon Wll a double wlnntr for l""cb Mark Mu1Urbl'1 outl1I with Umes Ip! lU and JU ill the-. 1 ln _lhe aprlnlS tt wu Maril Dunn In the Playtrt have two servea, like regular lennll, bul change otrve each f.., polnis. 'l'be lidt la ehanged very ei&hl poinla Ind aela are pl11td to IS point.I. The SG8S method ....ru lhal tvt')' ,.1 will take no longer lhan one hour. Tile "deuce" factor b removed from the 11me, maklnt tennis more applicable for ttlevtslon covuap:. The Anaheim event will be the fint major toumrrnent to ever use the 1yslem. DAIL v I'll.OT D 1rlaro~Win 4th Straig~t Loop Meet ·. " Eqle•·Bar•u . ··-. 1't!1111111t V1-.. (~I I.Ml .,,_,. 100 -1. P. MNl;U"V)'I. -.iw11t (Ed) 1.·Mtll'9 (FV). Tl..,..; 10~. 220 -1. I'. M1n (PVI 2,.Gordon (fd) S. M\lll'IW {FV). Tlmt: 12.t. • 44G -1, Godbe (l'VI 2. D. Mu1 IFVI S. Hw61n (FVI. Timi: 11.4 UO -I, H1rcll11 lf'Vl 2. 'An~ IFVJ a. H-(EUI. Tlmt: 2:00.1. . , Ml e ~ 1. Chrt1ll1no If ... ) 2. Clllrllto Hwt ·fldl J. Fvnlc CfVJ. Time: ':ll.t~ •--• ?·Mlle -1. C11rt Hovi El1) 2. wur......-(~ 1. D1vk11Dn !Est). Timi: : '· · • no HH -1. Wood ( J 2. flocfl• (FV)" Slew•rt C E1~·L1l~'1~$~,ood 1eriJ 2. s'tww1rt (Eal);. ...... (E11l, Tlmt: 1•..s. Ull Rtl1y -I. F011nt1ln V1lll'f {Moen, Hull'llt, ~. P. M111)j Tlmt: C.S. Miit RfltY -1.F01.1nt•!11 lltllt'f (McAllfltJ', Cllrl .. flfllO, Goclllt, 0, Ml.I), Timi': 3:2'.1, HJ -I. &ttr111tt IE1t) 2, a.Itkin (111) J, H9ftr (E11). Hat1~1: .. ,. U -1. ''""' IE1t) 2. "''11( (FVJ S. -.Witt (l!'lt). Cllsllnct: 21·2. f'V -I , St1lon1 llEl!l 2. Kite IFV) 2. Ner!lw• (EllJ. H•llhl: JU. SP -1. L~dcloll (F\fl 2 . .t.~ey tE1t1 l. ltwls (lfVJ. Ol1!1rw:e: .i..9~< . '" P'tunl1i~ Vtlley 1411 (51) 1Ed111Cl1 100 -I. Neum111 (E1I) 1. W~pllr tFVJ l. '"'"'" fl':tl). Tlmt: lOd. I 220 -I. Nlllf'IMI !Ell) 2. Wt'""lt fl'VI J, "nderi.on CPVI. Timi: 2'.l . '611 -l. IC•ller IE11J 7. F••••• {Ed) l. Dln1m111 CF\'), Time: 1:31.1. ,__ U20 -1. Bender (F\fl 2. R11dr (E11) l. LIMllO"" (E1U. Time: 3:31.1. -, .1.: 120 HH -4. Sull'l'l'I C•10 2. Vlf!Mkur1 1P\f) I. ttollm1n (FV). Time: ,,t Y no LH -1. $u1!m1n (i:11J 2. Her111n0t1 ll'VI. L Dntkur1 !FVl. Time: U.•. 110 Re11v -1. Founttlft Vlllrf (Wtm.lff, Vonetcur1. Cr1111, Arldlrsenl. Tlrftt: 1:11.l. • ' HJ -1, EINs !PV.1 t. Smith {Et!) l. Hafftn11t F\fl, Helttll: U . LJ -1. N1t1m1n (Ettl 2. Ellis (FVI 3, l•IOllW (E11\, Dlst111et: 1f.t. PV - 1. H1~n CErl) 2, Ml"I"' fl'\') l, Ne 1'111'4. Htl~~I: 11 ... SP -I, H111tlltr fFVl 2. W-(Stll l. iMM' (Elll. Dlsffntl: IH, '" l'lllillltlll V1l1ty (41) 140 atll!IClt , 100 -I. P1rker fE10 2. EmtrY CF\') J. Mllnu* (FV), NII time, 1'0 -1. l'•rtttr !Ettl 2. a,,,.,.., IP'V) I, OerlmlnoaY IEJtl. Tlfl'll; lt,t, uo -I, O!tll'll1noctv (Ettl J, l ttdt!Nrill (P'Vl L Sm!!h tFV), lm1: 1:10.t. 1:!'10 -'I. Moor• (Ell) :L l .... ll"V) J . ......,. CFVJ. Time: a:JS,,. no LH -1. Gole fFV) J. WuklWfll. , •• , a. ",.. tltno (FVI. TlrM: 142. UO R•l•v -It Foun11111 \'t1111' fMllwllkl. M1rt1, C1H o, Emervl. lme : ,7.7. HJ -l. llTIOll (Est) J. Rfd'llrft (I'd) 3, Celtfw fEst), Helthl: l-4, U -I. flMry CFV) J, Ortlftlll" (£ti) :l. ..,.,, ....... (FV). Dl1t1n~: lf.1 f'V -1. D111t Cilfll 2. T1rr111 11!'10 3. kf!l>rlk U"V ), H1l•hl: 10.0. S,. -I, Mull'ltl~'l.~Vl 2. Milenltt (l'Vt l. DrtlJt 1£11). Dltllnct: . ltlesa-Sa.rou . .,. .. L .. tl O'I 14'1 C ... Mite ' 100 -I. Severa (l) 2. ElllM tL) S. Opmlj (CM!, Tlmt: 10.1. no -l. EllOM CLI 1. l.llht (I,,) 3.· D•n CCMI, Tlmt: 23.,. U0-1. Mllllr ti.I 2. N-(CM) J. Slwle CCMI, Tffnt: 52.S. Nl>-1. N-" ICM) 2. ~-(LI J. ....._ ... (LI. Tln'MI: J;Ol.I , , Miit -I. De111 CCMI 2. H-IL) J. Mld.H" (CMJ. Tlma: ~:M.t. l ·Mli....1. Htlc:l.,.. ill t. 0Hf'1'"1ft CL) I. w.m. ILL Tlma: lO:Ol.t. · ' 120 HH -1, 0.IP Ill 1. l.efev1r ICM) 1 Pt""'1cft 11·i'i0 Tl':i•:_lJt , L1fe10tr (CMl 2, 'G""llt lL) a. ~ 0 .... 1. ICM). Timt: 11.e. ' "' •111v -'· LOI••· Time: "''· MUI tllY -I, LMf't. T1lf'll: ):JJ.l. HJ -l, ~ete Ill '1. Dltt ICMI :t. ..... M•Ml IL). l-!lliJhl: .S.10. • lJ -I. Grel'llO'fM (LI 2, LltM fl) :l. ·~-tL), 01111nce: 214.. PV -1. Simmon• (L) J. G. Oevfs ICM.I I. Bo1<11noW1a Ill. H•l"11: lJ.O. SI' -I. W1rt1111 ICMI J, Tnlor !1.1 I. ll:ulMn Ill. ISchaol reconl) Oltl•~t: S2·0 '1o Clbcv1 -1, Rvm H 4LI 2. 1111le1 tCM> s. McGuire (LI. Olllwnct: 11~1111. . '" 1.Hf't (ti) jlll C11I• Miu TllOO -I, Ctlllftl Ill • KfH>fl Il l l-Tot• (CMI. mt: 11.t. Tl: .J. ~ Ctlltnt ILi J. KMl't (LI S-T91t~ ICMI. ~--\. Y1tr11I ICM) J, Cafllll' IL) S. N1lfl1 It.). Timi! 1111.4. 0 1m -11~., ill 2. °'111f11Mtr tCMI :t., "'"'''II' int: J:'JA,f, no H -• '"'°" Cl.I.,. lulef' Ill 1. ""'''fe'! -~~!lfnl: ,, .. , 3. 1~t11iiY iiJ: ft!M~ (LI'· '-'!.,....,,., (C~ ' . :J !'~fi"i11ln,~·1. ~ ~'l.i'i. ~ ~t. Hol9'11: , • U -I, •••ttr Ill 2, Cl11ltr Ill J. Tlflfl ICMI. 0!1!1llC9! 1 .. 1. l'V -1, T-1 fL) 2. Ollf'HNoltl (LI :a. Tluke ICM!. Htlilht? HM. SI' -l. Sw1n!.Oll !LI 2, CJ«* (CMJ ).. ~ (I.I, Dltllnn: P-0. l(Ol\t'tlt -l. twl""" ti.I S.. Jrf9WWrY tt.J a, ~ .M , O!tl•n«: ll·IQVt, Elli IOI l C•ll I C• Leert <R~*)iC~.,l L !,; ·-(CM)' K~ (~ ,J~ t. ~ (ll l. • ':i.'rl l'i' : ~ ~cM1'2. Wlltlll Ill" l'ltMlflll'tll T~¥: ~ ~, ((M) t. hllo ICMI ,. tmt1ft tCMI. Y~IJ.t~ 1i1. 1l~teot~~~: ~ (Ll a. ... .... -1. "'!:'11; '., (~),-..:iJi~ I J ..... 1°'1) j,.....,. IC~ f, ~~ ICM\ ~ ~ ((Ml ' •tir-7 i ~~~ 't'1.f'rlWJK (l#.\) J. ..., t~·· 11 ,_ oi.iile,ie~ ICMI f, OtvM11 Ill .2, """' I ' ; I ·•• :ie OAA.Y PILOT - Posey Joins Riverside Race Field Sam PORy, J1uto r1cin(s one-man lalkathon. doesn't have much to say as he .inpami for this Sunday's Riverside Continental Grand Prix. "I have one goal in racing this year," Posey t o 1 d R i v er s I d e International Race\\'IY general manager Roy Hord, "al}d that is to pro- ve my ability. I don't have mach e~ to say." Posey became the favorite Interview subject of joqmalists when he first broke intb professional road racing in 1967. His enthusiasm and seU-eonfidence provided them a refreshing contrast to the taciturnity of other, better known coinpetitors. P o s e y wasn't afraid to talk on any subject, including himself. His boyish enthusiasm got him into a spot of trouble right away, following bis fll'st pro- fessional sports car race in 1961. Mark Donohue who' had just won, was conducting a post-race n e w s conference when Posey walked up and cheerfuDy caJled out lo the newsmen: "How about talking to me, fellows: I finished second." Donohue chilled him with the question, "Oh, were you in the race?" 11tis is the fourth year or competition for the 24-year-old bachelor rrom Sharon, Conn. He started in an open-wheel formtila Vee, and In hi! firsl racing season he won a na· tional SCCA race at Watkins Glen in a Porsche 904. Teaming with car builder Ray Ca ld well, Posey established the East Coast's largest race car building finn. Autodynamic.!I C o r p . or Marblehead, lifas.s. Th e i r business ha.s been prosperous, bul tbe.ir efforts to win a Group 7 sports car race with their own product have not met with outstanding success. uwev'e been developing new engineering concepts while everybody else has been rac· ing proven machinery," Posey said. "Now we are going to do whit they were doing." With the am.rtance or car sponsoring Clauic Car Wax. Posey and Caldwell have ac· quired one of Dan Gurney's new Eagles and instaUed a Chevy engine. They will .campaign the full Continental circuit, starling with the Riverside 177-miler on Sunday. Qualifying will be on Saturday, and there will be a full schedule of amateur SportJ Car Club of AmeriCa regional championship races bolh days. Burt Named Santiago Grid Coacl1 Bob Burt . former San Pedro High School fOOlball star. "'a~ named loday as the new head football coach at Santiago High Schoool in Garden Grove. Burt, 28, comes to Santiago from Pater Noster High in Los Angeles where he v.'as head coach for the past three years. Al Santiago, Burt succeeds Vinet Buonocore. who resign· ed from the football job last winter after two I o s i n g seasons. Burt, a football -baseball athlete at San Pedro in his prep days, became an all- Rocky Mountain Confertnce lineman for Adams State College in Colorado. He began his coaching career at St. Paul High in San· ta Fe Springs si1 years ago where he was an assistant for three RUOM. SOFT SELL SAM ) ~ . T.'V, '$por·u M~11 ' NBC Sticks With Expansion Teams lt appell't u :II NBC wllJ atlck wllh ·_l!w .. panaion·cluba for ·M ,..-IJ«uon ml}or leaJIU< blieball 141ec:asts. n,e· Ntwort n:rried the San Diego Pldm ·and San Fran- cisco game1 ~;Saturday and lhls ~1 eoes to Kansas City lo l!eam the Royal .. Oakland. came, starting at 11 a.m. However, the major league telecut. won ' t monopol ize Saturday's bueball viewing ti.me. The UCLA-Washington game will be carried by Chan- nel 5 at noon and, at the same time, USC plays \Vashington State oa Owmel 11. For golf fans, the 1150,000 Tournament of Champions hits the tube at 1 p.m. Saturday on Channel 7. The tournament is being pllyed at La Costa 'Ibis year. 50 CdM, Newport Aces Feted Fifty senior athletes from Corona del ~tar and Newport Habor high schools were honored today by the Com· modores' Club at the Balboa Bay Club at a noon luncheon . RACEWAY REGULAR -Leon Fitzgerald of Anaheim, a regular performer at Orange County International Raceway, will be on hand again for Saturday night's drag .show. Here, be drives the 195 mph Bradford Special, owned by Randy Bradford o! Garden Grove. Masten champion George Archtr i.. paired wllh Bob Lunn on Sab.aday's CBS Golf Claulc at 2:30 p.m. Those two take on Dave Stockton and Al Gelberge.r at Firestone Coun· try Club in Akron, Ohio. On Sunday, Channel 7 covers an NBA playoff game at 11 a.m. and Channel Z handles a Stanley Cup Playoff encounter at II. Guest speaker was USC football C1>11Ch John ~fcKay. The 50 athletes -25 from each school -were invi ted not only for athletic achievetnents but for academ· ic accomplishments, also. The Commodores' Club Mi a rli\'ision of the N e w po r t Harbor Chamber of Com- merce. Altereds, Funny Cars At OCIR Supercharged fuel all.treds, injecte<t fwmY cars and gas supercharged coupvi .a n d sedans will be the feature<t en- tries Saturday night at Orange County International Raceway. The fuel altered field will in· elude \Yinternationals class v.•inner Glen Way, of Monrovia, driving his "Groundshakers Jr.," track record holder Sush ~iatsubara of Lo! Angeles, and Leroy Chadderton or Riverside in his ''Magnificent 7 .. , County hopes will be carried by Leon Fitzgerald, the Cam· pos brothers and Tom Fer- raro, all or Anaheim. Other county entranl.5 are Let LaBaron (Sant.a Ana) and Chuck Horchar (Buena Park). .S.supcrcharged and injected runny car entries will race tournainenl style. National record holders the 1.farrs Boys or Monrovia, Paul Pittman of Van Nuys and Steve \Voods of San Francisco are regarded as the favorites. \Voocls wil be driv ing A highly modified Jave lin, one of lhe few late model entries in the class . Four Corvettes, a Carna"n and Dodge v.·ill compete in lhc injected funny car races. Tom Sturm and Richard Fisher of Huntington Beach \Viii also be on hand Saturday night v.·ith their a 11 • n e \V Corvair runny car. Qualif}•ing starts at 2 p.1n. and eliminations at I. Sunday's ~nnie and Clyde Invitational will draw cars of 1934 vintage and older. Drag racing clims start at Z p.n1. following a swap meet starting at 9 a.m. Prep Golf C••I• Mefol~t) Cit) \.Mrl ll.11 "'' ICM) ~l II.I II l l ''··l·!Bt· °""" ' "1 ,~~w .. ~~' (..,.. 1 ).1; -rl CM1', ~. )..2; MIY I lJll, :l !fl Mffn9tl1 llMl'll !C'O'M 71, .Ml; flr .. 1 fC!IM l 11. M l Ouftn CdM ! U. :Ml; ll!lytwitr 4COM I 1•, J.-!I Cllhl fCdMI U. Jli Ad• ......... -· By Marvin Myen ·- Other Area8 Closed SoCal Snow Scene Bright There i.. Mill plenty of local •kilni on good spring-type liTIOW. Im;t it something to get excited about wheo Soutbern California resorts can offer good skiing loog after famous ski names like Sun V"11ey and ~ an-closed? It's true , tbough three ot our local areas -Moonridge , Rebel Ridge, and Snow Fc..est -have closed dov.-n for the season. All other local ski areas are open daily through this v.•eekend. Altu th i s weekend, Blue Ridge (except for Tues· day) w)lh two to sevei feet ol snow and Snow Valley with two to five feet of mow will be open daily. Soow Summit wkh six inches lo three feet m mow will be open Fridays through Sundays ... CMditiom permit. Green Valley, Holiday Hill, Kratka Ridge , Mt. Bald)', Mt. Waterman, and TatMe Mountain will operate weekends after Utis weekend. June lifountain and Mammoth 1'.fo ur1- 1ain have up to 17 feet of snow. June will operate dally through April 26, ~'tekends in May. 1.fammoth ~ill operate daily in· definitely, meaning as Jong a.s there is soow .•• and interest. There is snow a·plenty OO\\'. Hot Creek isn't e"en open -the road, at a far lower elevation than the base or Mammoth Mountain, i!J too sno,v-rovered to be plow· ed. The latest report is that it should be open in two 'veeks hr anyone v.·ho "'ishes to bod)•-Ounk. The ;\fammoth Spring Carnh•al, l\hich began last weekend, coocludts this Sun- day in a flWTy ol aotivilies and pro- grams. At Alta, Utah. the National Geia~ de.sprung events are this weekend. Jn these events persons of great daring. if not (in all cases) brairui, catapult themselves off a ski jump of snow. A galendesprung is not jumping ln the Ncrdic sense. It is a "terrain jump" -a quick man eu,'er accon1panied by a ***"*"***·~· Esther Billings ************** • "tuck" for 1 sensation of more height, if desired. It is Alpine jumping done from a bump or cornice, and poles are traditionally us· ed to help ooe catapult into the air. At Alta, however. tbe thing gets wilder and more gymnastic each year as those crazy skiers try to outdo competitors. Tiie falls are horrifying, but anyonf': mad enough to try such things seems pr«ecled by a hard head and strong frame. To my k-nowledge, one has yet to maim himself. Spectators, however, have been kno.,rn lo faint from horror. Other Utah ski resorts are also in full operation. On Jntcrstatc 80 in California Sugar For 1969 Canapaig••. Bowl and Soda Springs will operate ·throogfl May 4. Near Reno, Nev., Slide ?>.fOOntain will operate daily through May, while nearby Mt. Rase will operate daily through April. Squaw Valley, with 14 to 300 tnchts of snow, is host to the Far West Ski Instruc- t.on Association through-thls "·eek. Alpi ne lifeadows is operating daily. Along Highway 50, Heavenly Valley \lo'iil operate through June, \\'hJle Sierra Sid Ranch and Echo Summit are operating v.'eekencll!. On the western Sien-a Nevada. Be.ar Valley, China Peak, and Dodge Ridge are in daily operation. Arizona Snow Bowl and Taos Ski &wl <Ne-.v Mexico) are in daily operation. Vail, Colo., closes this Sunday for the season. Jackson HOie, Wyoming, (js closed tor the season. Want to help a Vietnam war amputee. dedoct tile coot. and be entertained 8l)d dined all at once? AU.end the :Vjetnam \l'ar Amputees Diimer April 23 at tbe Coconut Grove, Ambassador Rot.el. 3400 •Wilshire Blvd., L.A. The donation is $50. Mail your che(:k to N.A.S.A. Veterans Fund, Suite 169. above address. Entertainm,ent v.111 be by Katherine Griyson,, Howard Keel, Freddy ·Marlin and his orchestra, plus a host of stirs from ~ world of entertainment and sport!. Your re\\'ard, in add ition : he:lping an ttmputtt r~ain his ego and wiTI to li\•e. Tfonorary' Chairman of lhc events is Ron· aid Reagan. Prep Tennis 1¥t11mln11H lnJ U) M.,.iftl Rams Check Bacl{field Aces .... ~ llt111ft (WI foll to Mollrbeck tMl. ~7: l·.ot to N1rot !Ml. ~71 II-' c-111 (M) ..:!; ll)tl tel C11mn-1 IM), 1-4. Grtub9uth (W) l!tf Moor~k !Ml I- t; dtf N1n111 (Ml •~1 lost fro Cowin \Ml • .W; 11)1! fro c .... m_ CM) M . lllCI !WI l!tl Moorb9ck (M) 6'2; l!•I "\Yhate\'cr elS<' may hap"Pl!n Harlan Hill, a great recci\'er. in this 1969 season. v.·e just had the same injury and when can't p:;ssibly ha\'e any mor' he came back he'd lost a step problems \\'itb our ruMing and the Bears moved him to backs than we had last :vear." defensive back . Naturally, That was head coach George Allen's comment as he recall· we're hoping that Lester is the ed the series of injuries "'hich exception." Hc."il the fastest Ram runn er r;e'vc had in my three years here. He got loose once for 1 52·yard touchdown last year and. ~'ith hi! added ti· perience, he can be a bigger breakaway threat in 1969." N1rot !Ml ..:!; dtl. Cowin (M) 6'l; dtl com-!Ml w. T.,.. IWJ dtl M_.bffil; fM): def Natot !Ml. 6'11 l!ef c-1n CMJ 1-1; "'If fro CO!nmon1 (M) l-4. ...... S•'l9,,..1n -IM:L•ug~lln ("NI def lhdd·l.crriol IMJ 1-1, 6'11 d!f Nlelsei» BfYll (/:.',) 1-J, j-.j, TrKT·.kll'!men (WI **· ll~llltle !IA) 1-1. 6--(1; dtl. Ntol11~1kl1l1 (M ) ~. ... Also, the Angels and Tw ins go at it at 11 a.m. on Channel 5. $ATU•DAY 11 '·""· (4lCL -11.f lALL -Otklln<I •I Kl~I"'. :~r1 Go·..-dvl TonY l(ubek .,,_... I I c M11nlcfo• 511.d!um. 11.inchK : 5~1111~. It gjlc=· Jim Slm11i.on, S1nt1Y KOl.O!•ll ml~'!f de\5!Cl -llASEIAll 7 Wft.1h1r:.'.°" •• UCLA. Otn O'N••I 111\jf1 1111 -llASE llALL -W11h1r,:1on Sl•hl I t use. Torn KtllY m\kts .:. 111fir"~1'11 _"'l'_J1,-A GOLF -t\JO L: Too.i,....mlflt ot C~tmolonl. Chris'"'khlflktl. 11111 F/ltmm!roo. Jim McK•v. llwon Ntlwn tllluldt 1! L1 Coslt CC tldlV ffod Sundtr. 2:411 p,m , (2)CT-G0LF CLA$51C- GtorCll Arch~. !lob Lunn v~. 01vo Slacklon, Al Gel_,., Jtck Whl!fker <1rv Mlddl.,:qtt llnkllde for !he 11"1 II o troe 31-holt 11n111 11 fllr111one CC. ~'a;·..,, UlCF -GllAND l"Jl:IX -"Shr li:01d1 fo G~:· cl111• lf'IM 1»1 c~~::'"11.~.·1~~'Jr, ~ o·~~·Doo11s -Jiit floss t rw:I "The Ch•llenat of ''1~1'1 Bit G1m1.• p,m (J)CT -IOWLING -Stm n~r,· llhlv Wllu va. lluu Fti!o, """ L)" :.'i;,. f1JCT -WIOE WORLD - tndV·"'IMI "''!,'.''' Jiii' Mcl<tv. llooer W•rd 1r1c:lc.sl 11 Htll!Ord1 Ctlll. Al~: lnrw"j!lllMI «QI ll llh1rcli Cht m· 'elon1/l.11 C/lf!l Sdl~ftl llbleslde ti Commoooft Hotel, NY j D.m. (~>F -l'U ilOL -(Luc~· "" svccor dt Mot~~.) !:JO 11.m, \SlCT -llU .. LIAll.05 -M ntltSOl:.t • I ~· Doll Ad•ml. ..... 't-!lrll •.m. c1c -llASll!ETIALI.. -IN A J'lt Yotb • 1 t .m. (2l < 1.. -STANLEY CUI' -e-.11rn VL w .. r." Chl lnlhll\S, llobbY Hull~" KtllY. 1111 MIU• lce,ldl ~ 1.:;.•· (JlCL -llASEllALL -Anotb 11 Mlnnes111. Oltk EPllMrci. Don Area Sports Calendar -· Ttr.I• -UCI ti C1I Slt !t !Los A~ill11~ 13~1 v• USO 11 Sttrdu~I CC (1), Rlvt r1lde 11 Ortno• CNS!! G•O<O Wnt 11 Full1r1on ~boTll t f ::IO\. Cgron1 1!11 ~r 11 s11nc:l1. 1.."'""' &11th 11 E!I Modtllt !h II 2). -· 11.e~U -Rlt Horw:ll II Golden Wt'tl fl11llwfoll t t °''""' Goist lbitth 11 3 , E1t1ntl1 11 COf'Olll del M1r, Caslt M~1 11 F111nl1ln Vt llt y. Hur>- !ll'ICliOn IWth '?t!W lmln•ftf, S1n1• An Vtll y 11 P'I H1r , M1rtn• II \n1ht?m. MllH •• fl~ x. VIII• J'lrk 11 \.tq11111 It~. F'ooth!U 'I Mii.Pi"" Vltlo, Sin Cl1men11 •1 E M""fnl !tll ti 3:UJ. Ttnnls -UCI t i C1I Si.re ll- lttclll UJ, C<ll'OM dtl Mir ti EJ!I""" cit, F!01.0nl1ln Vt lltv 11 CO!oll Mes-. ~1s1m1i:s~~."°~' 11Hr:~\i:r'l" ~!~: A~tp'm " M1rl111, l1aunt ~t1ch 11 r~lt .r~~~il~l M"'-.r S.n ltmefl!t TrKlr. -.Sti:tdlei>ld< II Vlc1or Vtl\tv "'· Goll -Fountelll V1ll1Y fl Costt Ci:!rm1n11rr~"1~,areBu1n1.' '.~ c tl'ewoo~l Htrbor, Ml rlM t ! An1Nolm. LI Mlrtdl I I Ml~•loo Vlt lll, L1111n1 lttth I I 0's'1W-nw:.f~ 1!...21~u11St1 1..e.lllut 0tlilm• •I W.11tm. Cr11"'le\ll' \.11-trtllim t i FOO!hlll !belh 11 I J. WHlntllltY ll11MMH -.S t dfltb•tk ti Sou!flwnlll'"ft f2:JOl . · ·rr1ck -Marl111 •t Wes1m1ru1tr. NtWOlrt Htrbclr II Hunl)N>IOll lleKll ''!''~ ti f:U). wtmm/"o -.su ... 11 Le1out fllnt!s ti w~:~~.,:i' 1/1:... S.n G1brltl 11 c • '111 Mir• ~Vts/fliln11tr •I M10~1. !beth ti 1:1Jl. decimated his corps of rusher,11 Injuries ra cked the other during, and pte(:eding, the fine runners in 1961. too. Sopho-- 11)..3-1 National Foot b a 11 League season or the Los more Willie Ellison played the Angeles Rams. most games, 13. Veterans "Each week was a difieren1 Tommy lifason and Dick Bass Mcijor League Standings problem," George e~plainetl. Sa\\' action in JI and 10. re-- "From game to game "'·c !>pectively. Rookie 1.hke Den· ;\ational League Amerteu Leacue didn't knO\I' \~lO v.·as going to nis performed in 9: Henry Dy-East Dh•lslon East Dlvt1Mt nose honored: CORONA DEL MAR -Jim Ashcraft (track). Larry Berg (football·baseball), Jinr-Brad· burn (Swimming·water polo/, htike. Ezzell (football · baseball), Geoff Gr ah a m (football·wrestling), Larry Grizwold (football), Norm Johnson (track), Jeff Kross• (track), Steve Leech (basket· b a 11 • b a.seball-track), Bob 1.~cClellan (water pol~swim· ming), Jim "lcGill (water po I o·s w i mm ing). r.Uke hlcWilliams (basket.ball ), Rick Neisser (termis). · Mlke Reeh\ {golf ), SI.eve Schwer (swimming·\lo·ater polo ), Rex Snyder (football· baseball), Brian Stern (foot· ball), Jim Stone.r (swimming· water polo), Dave Terry (fool· ball·track). Otris 'IllomJ)flon (basketball-baseball). J e fr Walder (gymnastics), B i 11 Ward (baseball), Rich 'Yi'l\son (footbalt.gymna&ics). Ki m Wilbrecht (football·basketball· baseball), Doug Yoong !foot· ball). NEWPORT HARBOR Bob Adams, Stu Aldrich, John Be(:k, John Blauer. Bill Brock, Kevin Butler, Bob Curry, Marius D'Amico. Doug Dovey, Bill Durkin. Kent Hammeras, Bill Hart, Paul Holmes, Paul Jacobson, Bruce Job n son 1 Robert Keigh, Robert Leavy, Eric Lindroth. Dan Llndstedt, Richard Pierce, Doug Smith, Howard Strublt, Scott Wik!, Lewis \\'right. Oil Cit y Offers Jr. Mat Class Junior v.·restling classes are being offered by the liun- tington Beach Reereation and Parks Department for boys age six through 12 for eigl1t weeks beginning April 26 through June 14 at fl.farina High School. Classes .,.,·ill be al 9 and I I a.m. Registration will be taken currently at the Recrea. lion and Parks Department at 17th and Orange St. in Hun· lington Beach ~fonday. Fee is $4. be a.ble to play and that made er in 8 and rookie Vilni~ Ezer· \\'on Lost WOI Lost Pct. GI it difficult for both our plan-ins in 2. Chicago 9 1 Baltimore 7 3 .700 P(t. GR .900 1969 .Auslin.lmerla ning and our execution." Offen.sil•e backfield coach PiUsburgh 7 3 Detroit 5 3 .625 No running back played in Ted P.farchibroda ca 11 e d hiontrcal 4 5 New York S 4 .556 .700 , all 14 NFL games. One, the Elllsoo the brighteiit light in St Louil 4 6 Boston S 4 .SS. Jbe6t inh'67, play~ in none. Le.~ the running back situation last N~w York :i 7 \\'ashington 1 • 7 B .·I~ .444 4'~ .400 1 osep son, coming off a 1987 year. \Villie ~inished 12th in Philadclphla 2 1 Cleveland = season when he led the the NFL, highest for an}' \\' 1 n· . 1 l\"est Dlrtslon .300 • .22% f'l Coastal Di\'ision's ru sher l'll Ram. and averaged 4.1 yards es ivis on Kansas City 5 l 1vith 800 yJirds (fourth in the a crack in 151 tries. Atlanta g 2 Chicago 4 3 Westem Conference and "If Ellison can continue to Los Angeles 5 3 Oakland 4. 4 ~1·enth In the NFL) stood improve " ~iarchibroda noted San Francl!CO 4 4 California 3 S po ised for hi:! greatest season. "he can 1bc an exlra·good on e.' Cincin~ati :'I 4 '°ilnnesota 3 4 A freak accident c ut Snn Otego 3 S Seattle 3 , 4. .!00 .62; 2 .500 3 .429 30, .333 41\ .300 5 .6?S .571 .500 .429 .129 .129 1 I\\ n; 3 5 ., .Josephson do1vn and with It. Howton 3 7 T•un111'• --~ S • ~IW.-W.r.: lllWh ~ Ytl'tr f-1. 'fl/1"""91911 ).J, hi ltmt II IMltltl• many believe. tfle Rams' title '""lltlp~ Se l S•n "r•nc:ltc0 s. ~ 0 ,.. 4 Dt1...i1 1. c~ .. ' th.'..1.11et!. Josie tore ;i mu~le MoMN•I 1, J'h11-.w.1• 1. 111tM 11111mott " ktft11 s f P1m11um 4. """' YM11 •· 11ltl!t OnlT 11t!'ftf'j Kt>Nu1"1. near his cal ~'hile runnin g For B'l"Cl}afl At11111• '· """'•ff!l l. ,,,.M TMIY'••-°"" ·-..:hl<f~~ C11llo"'l1 CM.It 1-11 ti M1NW•ll (Hi ii M l 'I•~ ........ • Jf1 ~' •• . -:.. ·-'" $1885 ~ ,-~.Jt;--.Jt;j] V~._.j ,.';~.:!:=-r;; prior to the Cle\'eland pre-_ .., . J°''c'" :a. st. Loull 1, ""~' ll•~ltrld to..m 1·11 11 1t.1nst1 <11'¥ (.Mii"* 1-11. "'-~' scaSOn gime (second of the , .. ,,.,•Ill\" '""" r"'"'" 1.11 ,, Ok•" ("'''" 0.11. ni•hf I __ , I I ~ -· h' ' -b 11 ltlttmt" IJ'llMbtn l<fl It W•'111nlf'fft (Cfltnllll year &iu II e.r rip.,-wu Ill ..... le summer a s e b a • P!11b0u"ll !ll1M o-11 11 J'h111c1110M1 CJ1t1o;$111'1 t.f), 1.11• ""t>t AchiJIM• tendon while un· registraUOn for boys fifth gade 1 N;J:~~.r11 is. .... o.u ., sr. t.evii cc.;inon ,_.,, ~·1:~1n:;..:~~' '"'°" 1C1.o1ro 1.11 dergo ing rehabllJtation for the and above will be eonductcd l nttM • ,.,,,,_.,., ••"'-• inlllal inJ·urv. He SUb~uentl,V t.ach Saturdau 10 am to 2 .Allt~•• (ttlellro >-Ol It Clll(lfllllll IMHfllf M l. lliwM Olll11nf it 11.1-City 60LD ••u u•-C•lS •;1 ·-'1 · ' I ' • ~ IWl"911 1·11 II l91 Mttr.. (Dl'"l'Mlle l·tl, C1~fotnl1 t! Mlmtwll ~.. ~V "'- Undtf'\lo'tftl an operatioq and p.m. at Costa ~1csa Park, it 11:1111 :k.t1t1t 11 c;111ctge flNIST SIUCTION 1\'Grked out last month it ltle was announctd toda.y by l ~?. ~~ 1 ~-1111 "1 .i s. .. '••11Cltu Ct•df!Clt ~~'i:::: :::i~ OF USID SP'OIT CAH team 's Long Beach head. Harbor B 1 1e b1 11 Com· °""' •-KhlllMIM. 0t1ro1t 11 Htw Y.,. IN SOUTHllN CALIFORHlA Avallable \\'/Automatic Tranaml~slnn • quarters. lfow "s he <loins:? mlsslOlle!r Rod ~t~~flll•n. .-----------------------------1 .._ __________ _ •·ffe's bttn workina very MacMiilan encwn,es all ' AUTHORIZED hon! and b<'s mak ing rap'1 P•l"'1ls to mak• sure !heir FULL SEf!VICE AND PA.RTS FOR A.LL IMPORTID AUTOMOllLl!S strides," Allen aald. "And I'm younpter!' arc signed up u optlmlsUc. But cautious abo. ""°" as J')SSlble since open JIOO WEST COA.ST HIGHWA.T -HIWPOlT llACH r re fle\'ef seen an n,jury of spots wilt be aS.!llJMd on lbc 64J.f40S 1 !Mf..1764 thi.f type t.1•hen I.he pla~r baslt ~priority ;tven In tbl" AwtlriierbM ~ e A.USTIH·HIALIT ...,_ ' I ")If pa) 5AY5 :I GOTTA 5EE TE!f ff()/{f (4PAY10 MAKE 5A1.'ES·· lrl/IEN,llfE /IECI( JXJ(J 7/{l~/Cf!tT FILL t'f? came .back 100 perctnl. Tht1 order r 611 st r a l I on s arc I A"'"'flflll HJllAal DMhr, W.. ,, Srrice ~~~niolo.!tastep.Ch~k~•~g~o~'''.._~r~e<:~d~v:ed'.'.':.. _____ ~~~':'.~~~~~~~~~~-~~".-.-:':--~~~~~~~~~===~~~~~~:::::::==:""'""'"''"'.,..;;;;;;;::;.,c!_~~.il .. _1~rtupo11 Jl111po11 ~, .... "!'!' ..................................................... _. ................................................. ,.... ........... ..,....~--.,..,.......,..,.....,-.~.~~=-,~.,,-~......,.,.~.~~-~~~~~-· ---·-:-~~--.... ~"""~ • • • ·' ., • j • " ,,. . " "" EX-PT SKIPPERS -Newport Beach's Ernest Saflig . ·. (right) and Robert Woodward (second from right) ., go over layout of Balboa Bay Club with Haile Chace " . ' ' \ :of PT boet oillcers .bere April 211-27. Sharpe is ·re- union cbairinan. Several hundred ex .. sklppers' are expected to attend. · •· (left) and Ken Sharpe, as group plans 22nd reumon ; .. •t ------------------------------ ... PT-hoatMen ·: To Reunite April 25-27 : . Some of the most exciting 1 and dangerous naval opera- , lions cl. World War II will be ' . relieved April 2.5-27 when PT ,., boat officers from throughout .. ··the D&Uon hold their 22nd an- ''nual ·meeting in Orange Coun-.;,, t y. .·~' Several hundred ex-Navy . ; 11kippen who manned the now· ,. ... extinct patrol torpedo boats in many an historic engagement. · : are expected to attend, ac· ) cording to Ken Sharpe of Los , Angeles, reunion chairman. · ~~ The group, called Peter :~Tare, Inc., will hold sessions · ·at the Disneyland Hotel in , : Anaheim and at the Balboa ,., Bay Club in Newport Beach. .. , The Navy will bring two , .::,Navy boat& which perform du· · '"ty similar to the old Prs -a 47·foot Swift, used in river patrol duty 1n Vietnam, and an :'.'80-foot Nasty, for coast patrol .. -from Coronado to the "•'Balboa Bay Club for in· -·:spection by the group. :"'.1 Other highlights include a ·'Disneyland tour April 25, a , ;=~ ~;:gA~ ~ a:J • 1 a review of a film' "PT Boat ' . ·· Action in World War U", April ·"27. PT boat veterans interested in attending the meeting ohoold contact Sharpe at (213) '719-4368. .. Viking Sloop :: Owners Set '"" ::. Meet, Race '• Newport Brothers Set For Kennedy Race ROCKOUT! ilft0>1)011 MARK · DAVIDSON SWIN&ING &ROUP THIS SA TU RDA Y APRIL 19 British I Won't Try For America MYSTERY AUCTION (;:-=::sr,) Wednesday April 23 9:30 a.m . Wo'Uboeucttontnqolla botch cl mya1ary boxes. Who knows what they OIXllaln?n..y'ftnover ' i LBJ, ·Lady Bird »<w.:.lldlonlllq , f fh off acme tbJncn you cm DANCE FROM 9:00 'TILL 2:00 l Take Vacation a e -.l!b"l)l>U.-..toi.- • -· llvln9"""" """ i F R E E P OR T , G ra n d NEWPORT BEACH JBIHS CLUB dlnlDq room lwnltw., ! =';;.' ~1~:1 L~ B. 2601 EASTBLUFF DRIVE (off Jomboreel ;;..:; .......... ~H~QR J-and h~ wll• Lady liii'J!::•-... .... 65 OR COMPLiTILY SELF.CONTAINED CONDOR MOTOR HOME F0<Uptol RESERVE NOW TO ASSURE DATES YOU WANT. • REASONABLE RATES • COME IN OR CAL L TODAY FOR FULL INFORMATION ASK FOR MR. MALCOM RE ID THIODOU ROBINS --1--__ FORD , , Bird 1rrived by private pl~ 2'01 1.Wllff (llff ,, .... ,.. •• "-'• tt. c.. """' _.Aili ntr ·' 'J'tiund).y for .everal dl.ys of w.y, "*• Je11tra1rw .. hf4. h Wt _, ,.,..., l•t-7572 W1rn•r An . 1060 HAllOI II.VD. : rllhl111 ond rtloxalion In the "'"",.,.. .... HuntlnffOn Buch 642 -10 j lslandl. 1be Johnsons went -vv · rrom th< airport ~ thell~~============================~~'-~~~~~~~~/l.~~C~O~S~TA~M~ESA~~~ i Lucayan B<1ch Ho\el. 11 . • • '. • ''!' • Voy a gers To Change ·Handicap NEW OZITE CARPET TILES I 12-inch aquarta of carpel with a rubber back. Soft, warm. qultt. No waxlrt; or pollthlno. M•dti ol alaln-r•lltanl Vtctra flbtr. 111 colon. UM In dtnL kltcht na, rec-rooms, batha. • ... ·.,, 57¢ Kmart prlc1 ... " •• -·~-~ lt",.12"' Ule --~ Kmart HOME IM,ROVEME.NT DE". 220D HARIOR llYD. COSTA MESA ~· r"61y, April 18, 1969 DAI\. V I'll.OT !J ' 'l1leStamp Man says: "A Quiet Spot-A Comfortable Cbair ilnd a Stamp Collection . Who needs more? (we can make if more zestful .. , C'mon by.) Fr~IRClllLD STA~I'H 247-FBroadway •Laguna Beach • {714) 4~544 Open Noon to ':JO • Closed °Wednudayl I: Stmdlyt Edmuod Fairchild • Walt Mensch. cWo USMC Jtd. TOMORROW MORNING! ORANGE COAST YMCA BREA)(FAST WITH THE STARS SAniliDAY, Al'llL 1', 7:10 • 11 A.!>f, ~~~ LIDO MARKET NEWPORT llYD •. VIA LIDO • NEWPORT HACH ALL YOU CAN EAT-$1.00 JOIN THE FUN & ENTEllTAINMENT WIN PR!ZISI A New Printing Service! APRIL PRINTING SPECIAL 1000 BUSINESS CARDS s3at Lll!Mt C.,r .. lb: U.. • MAIL CHECK AND C:DPY TO : DAVID ROSENTHA~ AND ASSOCIATES A COMPLETE PR INTING SERVICE 24375 LA HERMOSA AVENUE ~OUTH LAGUNA, CAL IF., 92677 495-5351 WATCH FOR OUR MONTHLY SPECIALS! Smart girl, • 8tJNNY BROOK ' Smart guy, Smart buy • Take ones/pol Its marvelous mildness and-you'll agree: there's no smoother whiskey than Sunny Brook et any price. s399 SUNNY BROOK • l : • i l · U .Mll.Y 1'11.0T Ern.ie Pyl~ Recalled E%J'ilot Man Talia fu Wrae~s· Frie-ml ...,.. ...... : 0.,.. -_ ........ .,, ., ...... ., .. ,.. ~. ....,,w.MW.r 11.-•-*"'· Uf"t ,_,.. .... ..,_ CA.IL y Pll.'01' ...., ....,,.._ arvu "- c:tm • •1 ·---.,,,,... ......... arnilia...,'a ww ,...,. dlaif-..... _, .... G.I. S., ...,. H. Swlr:.t' ,_..,. i-11 --bUD 'the front. EaCb Witt wu typewri...,, and sjped "Ernie." • -·an..--" -"-,beck boale and; 1-..itilblledllld.n.ded oomN beck. &o W•1-o il W'U tlnd "·~ ftlW to get out al --"Pyle-.. • ,,,..,...... d ~··' "Re w1111't ooe ol t:bose guys.who lot the big tisoe go to ay BRIJCE I< COOK • hie bead. He w11 euy to get BONOLUW '(UPI) _ ltffd aloog with, juot a regular M. Switaer a-..... the Jet. guy," Switzer ?Y'· ten lent to him from the bat· "When you catch a cor· t1eftekts of World War II -respondent com.inc OYtr, I and tbe memories of the man wish you would aend me a can who """" them. al light.. fluid. I've ·r....i Of Guam the corTOlpoodenl said: "Thia ii a ~lous place and I b4"Ve never Uved be«er, even at lhe Dcrchester · d to Lonckio. (SWibei' ""'alls Grave D-109 at Nationa1 gasoline doesn 't work m these Memorial c.met.ry al the Zippos," Pyle WNJte from Pldfic identified the letter-another batilefront. writer • Ernest Taylor Pyle, • Switzer said be got a lot of Indiana, SC3, USNRF, World requests like that one. W • II. "There were a lot of In- .Millions who never saw the st.anooi where he might make grave knew him .tS Ernie 110me little remark in hil eol- Pyle. umn and the thine woukl "He was a great guy and snowball. One time he men- ooe helluva writer," .says Air tioned the ~ would Ike Force Chief M:asta-Sergfllllt some coffee. It &tart«I coming Switu:r, who WU Pyle's m from all over the country. pel'IOD81 mailman durq the "A little old lady from Iowa ww. would send him a tobacco can Switzer, then a n..year-old ftJll of gum and lifesavers. Army aergeert from Meadow There was a regulac box of Grove, Neb .. wu wwking at candy bars from Chicago. Etropean w• correspondents' They'd send cigarettes, cam- headquarters in Paria 24 years ~ stoves, IOllldbing Ernie ... today when Pyle was kill· might ....-ln one al his td in. the Pacific by a columns," Switzer recalls. Japanese machioe gunner. TOO BEAui'tnJL CARRIED LE'ITERS Once, after a U.S. finn sent "I've carried Ernie's letters Pyle a chromium plated cam- witii me ever since," says the ping stove be wrote to Switzer Mer-haired SwiU.er, w h o from Nonnandy: "It's so loots like Gen. William C. beautiful it's a damn lhame Westmorland. evrr to lJg!Jt It." Switzer bas been in public The Jetten to Switzer kept re1ations since be became a ~ after Pyle took a home mBary man. He helped leave ao:I then joined the manage Pyle's lfftin in Lon-y-~ m" thePacillc theater. don -~ p....;. dnrincr his_,.. .....,, ..... -----,.-· "I left the r;tates abwt six time. Hi& main job was --------- reading -and answering - the repcrler'• mail.· •N•u • 1...:. "He got 1oo1 o( ii," Switzer A lmA....., .. _ recalls. "In tboae days you didn 't get air mail like today. Mail came in batches. Sud- denly there'd be s e v e r a I bigs." Occo6k1naIJy, the Pulitzer PrJae.QDng Scrippo-Howanl eolumnill wrote to Switzer to firxl out bow things were gUnc. In every letter he'd in- clude a personal message and d«a:ribe tbe situation he was to. ''We'rt camped in a n orchard quite a loog way back from the lines-and it is so grem and pretty and quiet you can't imegjne a war is going on," Pyle wrote from France. "It raD a lot over here and isn't tDa w.m. I'm sick of the war 11 USllll,11 Pyle Aid in J • e1r;Ei HE'5 A5J.Ef P "°" ME'S fl!mEN '3TtF~ ! ' how Pyle's bills from the Dorcheti'6 Hotel alw1ys were -to E. Taylor Pyle, l!sq.) In ooe of Pyle's last letters to the sergeant ht said, "I'm goiog witll the Navy lhll tiole ••. and then will go ashore with the dougbfeet." On April 18, 1M5, Sil days alter the death al Franklin D . Roosevelt, Ernie Pyle was caught in a spray of machine 1 gun·bu1lets on the island of le Shima during the battle· for Oi:inawa • "J was at the Scribe Hotel in Paris with some of the other "'1ITeSpOl1Cle ' that n I g h t w1)eo the word came," Swltzer says. : .. ·It's hard to describe the reactioo. I guess we felt about the same way we felt when the JW"esident died." At Pyle's request, he was b>Jried alongside ~ ol , Gls ill the National Mem<rial Cemetery, which overlookS Honolulu and the Pacific. "It's a beautiful place, especially on Memorial Day when each grave is marked with an individual American ·nag," Swtizer said. The sergeant pr o u d 1 y displayod autographed copies of Pyle's books, "Brave Men" and "Here ls Your War." The inscription in "Brave W.en" reads: '>'fo Reed Switzer, in gratitude for his being such a good friend and righthan:l mao to me in World War II." Switzer says he knew many great cocrespondents but rat· ed Pyle number one : "11lert were no close con· tenders." PUT CASH IN YOURPOCKO Sell unwanted Items with a DAILY PILOT Classified Ad. PHONE 6-42-5678 6 days only I New, breathtaking .8x10 LIVING COLOR PORTRAIT y.,,, ___., bock ;f this isn't rt. most ifelike portrait of your ch.1d ewr. Not ;ust Oft ofd . fashioned tinted or cok>red pictvr9, but ... Living Color"! The c0tnpfete portroit cotN.s alW• captUffd ln wiing fvll<ol« recdis.. with Ecnt"'°" Profentonof £ktac:olor fi'fwl . Efltite·porlr1111 pi..togropNd Hi li¥ifl9 Coiof i..,: Joel I. N'i...ble, *· .... U.S. TrtMIMrll • ChooM tron1 octuol finKhed • po,,rall~ ptoof1. ~ l!atra ptNsl1 O'tOi'lobie at reoton· oble P"itff. No obtigotion to bvy. • Croup1 token ot 99t per child. • Age lin1it : 5 w"ll' to 1 2 yeor1. • limit : one per mild.- two per foMily. THIS WEEK ONLY., APRIL 15 THRU 20, AT YOUR llARfST •GOtiBY WARD STORE PHOTOGWllR'S HOURS: MOii. 10 SAT. 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M.; SWIDAY 11 A.M. TO S P.M. HUNTINGTON CENTER Edinger at Beach 892-6611 HUNTINGTON BE ACH \ ' . . . , "' • . . • SALE!. ) • SAVE 25.01 IUUfD·DET .AILED MEN'S SUITS ·:11 .• 11ngul~t-? . ' " A very 1pccial. purchue. A sanng made possi- ble only because of May Co's vast buying pa..cr. A savings event! A quality presentation! •The scyles: Single-breasted I and 2·hurcon, 1lde- vcnt With plain trousers.· ' •Tlie patter!I!: Shark1kins, houndatootb . checks, plaids, stripes, "'indow-paoes, :10lids. •The colors: brighter~ lighter for 1pring~· Blue1 ... " greys., ,greens, browns, olive, copper. •Sitt!: 34.46 regular, 36-44 short, 38·46 long.' « · NO CHARGE FOR NORMAL ALTERATIONS. Every suit i1 meticulously tailored. No less than · 35.haod-detailed operations in each' garment. The fabric is year:round weight. A blend of fine wool· . and-silk, luxu'ry all the way. / 35 built-in marks of qualiry, •• all band·cktailed I. froat and bottom sboped 2. focillg buted 3. liniilg 'ba.tted .(, wack:rcollar basted 5. too collar basted 6. 1orge felled 7. edges feUed 8. armholes t>uted 9. armholes finished 10. sleeves finished J l, sleeve liniag · taeked 12. shoulder linings finished 13. armholes t.cked 14. armholes· tri'm.med 15. sleeve heads w:ked 16.11nings t9Cked 11 .. center vent lining bosted 18. center vrnt facln« tlCked 19. button holirt Jmdc 2Q. buuoa hp~ .. ~ 21. bunons sewed· 22. under pressina 23. off ptttaing- 24. inside pocket linings tacked 25. rspe feUed 26. inside collar felled 27. under collat feOed 28. brcasnvelts ucbd 29. · rop collar felled 30. slene butt.! 3 t. coat bottom and edge buted 32. 1bould<r1'buted 33. hand-stitched top waist-curtain 34. hand·stitchN bottom Wai1t-cutta.in 35. band-stitched inside Hy Nodownpaymont-lOmoiithsto pcry budget alores. men's w«a814.ezcept Wilshir• MAY CO bud,et stores may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm . • ' I • r • • • .. > ' • • • ' • • • • ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' • ' • ( ' • • .. OAllV 1'11.llT = • ' E ER • A (~mplete Guide • • • SELF EXPRESSION IS ONE OF THE DE LIGHTS OF STUDYING MODERN DANCE Dancers, clockwiM, Cheryl La Joie, Rosemary Castro, Katrina Ayala, Valerie Hanamoto, Ginger Anana HOLLYWOOD Keel Declares Non-singers Shouldn't By VERNON SC01T HOU. YWOOD -Slnger Howard Keel bunu with a gem-like flame over the casting of nasal, cracked-voice actors in musical movie roles. Well, maybe not a gem-like flame, but he's hot and bothered about it. Along comes "My Fair Lady" and Ru Harrison squawb his way through it like a rooster oo the block. Then there was "Camelot" with Richard Burton gravdling his way through the King Anhur role on stage. When it came to the movie version, the role of Arthur fell to Richard Har- ris wh~ voice will not make the world forget Mario Laru:a. Then there was the casting o{ Rich- ard Kiley in "Man of La Mancha" on Broadway. Another case of an actor, not a singer, nabbing a plum while the sing- ers are left out in .......,.. KMI the snow. Even Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, 1 fa lr pair of country singen, restrid their warblinp to clubs, records and televmoo. When they make a movie it's Jans song. "Actually, a good singer can't sing the score of 'Camelot' and 'P.1y Fair Lady,' " said Keel. the towering vocal· ist·actor. "They were both scored for talk--sing· tng, a speech specialty. But as a singer and actor I resent non·singing actors laking over singing roles in movies a~ the theater. PERFORMERS-SUPPORT EACH OTHER IN REHEARSAL Dancers, Patty Glenn, Candy Pere?, Rosa Diaz INTERMISSION • •• What ta do • •• • i;..;.liilMOJ_t: +'I I • 'ii',' .• .., DAIL 'f PILOT ....... W LM Ptl'lll POINT THE TOES, DROP THE WRISTS,BREATHE DEEPLY, LOOK RELAXED Dancers front to back, De Destefano, Pat Thornton, Kerry Case DANCERS DORIS FIELD, TWEET LUGO SHOW INDIVIDUAL FORM And Interesting Patterns With Rosalie Boisse and Rochelle Cominsky .. - Computers Ca~ Dancing Tunes At Huntington . A wide variety ol modem dances with accompaniment ranging from rock to computer music will be presented_ AJ!!'il 25 in a dance concert by Huntingtoa Beach High School students. The show, called "Focus," will begin at ·1:3tl p.m. in the high school's ~ nasium. · . ' Ticket.!, priced at $1 aduJJ.s and $.50' for children will be sold . at the door on the evening of the performance. IDgh scloel and college stodents· with proper Iden- tification will be admitted for $.75. • · Includi!I among the numben to be presented by the youn~ choreographers are "Grapevine," ueouage," "1be Prophet," "Scarborough Fair," 111'he Sea" and "Third Stone from the Sun." The ahow's finale will be danced to "Aquarius,'' current hit tune fronr the rock musical "Hair," which Is now shoWr ing in Lo.! Angeles, Munich, Paris 'Ind several other European capitala. -•. The students, all members of ~ tington Beach High School's advanOtd modern dance claSs. will perfornt to .several types of music, including r9ck. pop, drum .and computer instrumeiital and Voca l worka. .. Show sets were designed by Candy · Perez with costumes by Chris Rose. Stage manager for the production is Jeannie Nelson, with music provided by Stephanie Reed and choreography by Patti Glenn. Advisor for the student dance concert Is Mrs. Carol Macdonakt. ---. ·-.i• :::tl :;i "But yod can't blame the actors. Producer.S think once you've been iden- tified .• a· singe? you can't act. "NOw "M'll be beoring Let Manlin and Clint EastwO!Od singing In 'Paint Your W1gon.' As far as J know, nobody has ewr beard eithtr one ol them .sing." ·Another 'Save' for Kent Week end .. Highlights -~· -'. --1 ., While the naD-slngen star in movies, Keel hill the nied. ' INSIDE FEATURES r 1'ewport's J-Feliciano, on"hlo way to becoming. • millionaire with concerts. televiaion and ~ "*1ttnp g<Ang foe him, has • nol found blindn<as a handlc•P.· Ste story oo Page 21. Ttllvd Gllkle to Fua Uve ntattt Reel c-en JUtel l'Arl Jt9t1 Olt 'N' ~ Cnn Jewds JolloeGtllerla MtfleRmtw Qloec•lt. <lemlcs TV Vien T•levitfoo toe ' By TOM Trl1JS OI IM OellY Pl"" st•l'f Among the sirnllariUes between the community theater and lts big brother on Broadway is the dogged determination thl:t the lhow doesn't stop just because one of lhe actors can't make it. Tbe J*"o.fessi::nal thea:er, of course, 'has . tts undentudles, panlfiilyoung unknowns waiting ir. the winp for one of the stars &o take hla "break a leg" admonition literally, ready. to go on ~ge at the drop of a telephone. Since his arrival In lts:i, Johnson has directed 11 shows lo< local Utile thta- ter groop11 -and in four d tllde he 's found hlmotH giv- ing 111 unscheduled performance. He did O •Pin INI -k In his production of "Walt Until Dark" 11.•HT ~HSOlll at the Laguno Playhouse, The phone rang at noon Wedneaday and Johnson learned the b11d news -Phil lntE"rlandl, who plays one of ·the ht!avJC!s in the suspense th riller, was on his way lo lhe hospital with a severe kidney stone attack . By I o'clock, Kent was at the playhouse and , with the help of Paul Wilson and Alan Hart, the other two "bad guys," he had lnterland.i 's lil_!t! down .in a few hours. He opened the show and played the Sergeant Carlino role the next two nights before lnterlandi recovered and rejoi ned the show Saturday. "It's getting lo be an okl story," Kent said later. "I had to fill in like that twice in Chicago before I came out here." The last time Johnson lent his own performing talents to a production was two years ago, and the scene waa also the Laguna Playhouse. Mike Brown turned up ror the opening of "The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd'' halt and hearty except for one thing - he didn't have a voice. So Kent did his lines and lyrics in the orcheatra pit while Brown pantomitned onstage. Laryngitis also brougj1t Kent into the picture at the Anaheim Pl11;yhou~e In 1985 when Thor Nielsen's vocal chorda went kiif)ooey In "Stop the World -l Want to ) Get Off'' for one wee kend . And shortly before his "Once Upon a Mattress'' open· ed in Anaheim, a cast member droppaf out and Kent was stuc'k with the jester's role for the enUre run of tbe show. The added backstage suspense in "Wai t Until Dark" tended to overshadow that of file show it.self -which is plenty. To add to the nall·blting drama, Johnson has brought a heartbeat aound erfect into the last act that ia astonishly effective. "That'a a real hearbeat," Johnson ex· plained. "We went to South Coast Com· munlty liospital and they gave us all kinds of cooperation. The heart Is that <>f Emrys Smith, lhe supervisor of the hospilal'1 cardio-pulmonary clinic." The plan called foi the heartbeat to In· crease ln tempo and voluJ:ne as the scene progressed, so Smith was given a stimulant to make hit heart beat faster. ''It almost knocked him out," JohrulOO said. The resultant sensation ls eer>e Ind~. A1 lhe acene opena, the playgoer's flrn sensation is one of feeling his own heart heal. It's a most effective piece of busineu and nne which further enhance• Johnson's fine reputation as a director. Ai\tES ·NERO SHOW -Ed Ames and pianist Peter Nero art-on stage ""1 • at the P.telodyland Theatre, 10 Freedman .Way, Anaheim, through April ~ 20. Performances are scheduled for 8:30 Friday night; 7 and 10 p.m. -. Saturday night and 5 and 8:30 p.m. on Sunday. ·. -, ROCK· BLUES CONCERT -The Clearwater Creedence RevJval quartet .. , ... will be heard in concert., tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the Arena of Anaheim .,. ,.,. Convenlion, 800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim. Appearing with them is the • • Grassroots group as guest stars. Rock, .soul, rhythm and blues and pop -1 music will be on the program. \ ~ •• ,. • • -. _. •.. l'OLICE SllOW, DANCE -The Huntington Beach PoUct Department • ,. is holding a show and dance in the Long Beach Arena, 3363 Llme Sl.1 • , -Long Beach, Saturday night. The show will start at 1:30 p.m. with "" Smiling Jack Smith, Pat Buttram and Bach-Yen ptrlormlni alonf wltll •• othtt entertainers. Dandn& wlfl begin at 10:30 p.m. The event ta planned : , u a family night with one price admitUng mom, dltd and 111 the kkla. Money raised will be ~ for the departmtnt's youth project. ·-.. -• -See Gulde to Fun, Paae It ' -· -. • I . I t . I I I • I : .. •• L • I I .. .. • . ... • • If DAil Y PILOT Frldq, Aprtl IB, 1969 . TRAVEL ·'.·Old Stuff Faked Fast OAXACA, MIXICO -''Wben once the duot or Mexico has HttllCI on your heart, you cannot !ind peace In any other land." Here's .a quiet town in the south of Mexi co. The clocks have not yet been 'vound to North American time. A fin e plaza of Jacy, smoke-blue jac~randa trees. Splendid Spanish churches from th e time of the Conque.s t. A country of great, silent Indian ruins. No night clubs, but a fine military ~and pl.ays occasional evenings in the plaza. You sit at side- walk tables under the arches , dri nking dark beer from Orizaba. And the waiter brings little plates of peanuts peppered enough to make yours eyes water. * Every boy in th e plaza has "authen~ic" clay figures dug up in the ruins. It's a cotta~e industry. They make th em. Bury them to age. Dig them up and sell them to the tourists. Once in a while they find a genuine figure. But an expert at the Mitla ruins told me, "I'm not sure that I can really tell the difference." II you buy. you are contributing to an old indus- try. After the Mexican War of 1847, an American General came down here. He bought several banels ~f Indian antiques. When the Smithsonian Institu- tion got around to looking at them a few years ago, ~ey found the General had been sold SO percent homemade fakes. . * There are good hotels ($9 to $12 a day for two). A good trailer court. Takes about eight hours to drive the 350 miles from Mexico City. Warm weath- er, but not bad at 5000 f~. . * ''We will be driving to Mtxlco in the summer. We've heard Tehu•ntepec It not "touristy' •••• " : It's not touristy for the good reason that it's pretty buggy. The hotel is not much. Nor is the town. The legend that Tehuana women are the best look- ing in Mexico is a matter ol opinion. . .. In summer in Mexico you do better to stay above 5000 feet. Tehuantepec is sea level, * .. ''We are going on • P-ancl-0 cruise which will lfop for a d•y In Suva, Fiji. What to buy, please? What to do? Where to eat?'' The best stop in the Pacific, l think. When you dock on the deep blue harbor, the military band (!{}Ul es marching down the street. Great brown Fiji- ans in white wraparounds and scarlet tunics. And their music has soul ! * ~ Now right where you get off is the open-air na- • tive market. The pearl shell and tortoise shell work : is good. The fastenings are poor -you may have to get them replaced at home. Carved wood is good. : The best is the tanoa. - a huge bowl on legs they use : to make the local drink yanggona. Goes home well • for a magazine stand. Or maybe for firewood. * . ; For the best of these, don't buy m the market. • Get a taxi out to the factory, Fiji Woods. They have great tables of polished local wood. (Have them take the legs off. and you can get it on the ship.) : * ' Suva is a free port. Low prices on Japanese :-transistor radios, cameras, pearls. Best place to • buy is in the big Bums-Philp or Morris Hedstrom -:gores. When I was there some of the lndian shops f..-w'"ere switching mediocre insides into first-rate ! radio cabinets. .-* ,. ... You should dock at 8 in the morning. The Grand ._Pacific Hotel (the famous GPH) is breezy, tropical, ;. has excellent Fiji bitter beer and terrible food. I .·-don't know anything better however. There's a glass- ._:bottom launch trip over the splendid reefs out to one : of the islands. They serve the best picnic in Suva. :·Leaves at 9, back in the afternoon. Your purser · :Jixes this up through Fiji Visitors Bureau. .. • ~:YOUR GUIDE TO FUN . Old Time Westerner Tom Mix is starring in "The Heart of Texas Ryan" a classic western motion picture, and one of the western series being shown at Open End Theater in Newport Beach April 18-20. On the same bill is Errol Flynn in 'Dodge City.'• See Guide to F\m for time. Brawling Champion Offstage, Actor Jones Rather Meek By BOB THOMAS Auod1"" ,.,_ Wrlltr NEW YORK -Omtage he is the roaring, brawll.ng cham- pion, alternately shouting his defiance to the world and how ling under its inhuman blows. Offstage he peers lhougblfully through rim!,.. glasses and spu.U in acarcely audible tones. Tbb was James E&r1 Jones, sittin1 in a corner of hls West End' Avenue apartment alter another punishing performan~ of "The Great White Hope". In another -0ne of the elfht, largely un- furnillbed rooms, hla bride, the actress Julienne Marie, watch- ed the late show, a Paul Newman m-0vie. "I can't unwind until 3 a.m.," the actor sald. "We generally s.tay up and talk a lot." James Earl Jones nighlly delivers a s tartl i ng performance in the thinly disguloed portrall ci lbe Negro boxlng champion, J a c k Johnson. By 1970, fllm au- diences will be able to wilnus his acting style. He has been chosen to repeat the role in the 20lh Century.Fox film version to be produced by Lawrence Turman • ' T h e Graduate" and directed by Martin Ritt "Hud.'' "I've got. to get back in trim," he said with a grin, gazing down at his belly. "I've also got to learn bow to box. I do all my fights offstage in the play, but I guess I'll have at least two big fight s in the picture. "It will take some study to learn the Johnson style. He was a transition fighter , between the handHorward fashion of John L. Sullivan and the dodging, boxin g method of today." Jones, who is 38 and looks ageless with his shaved head, may well be the ne1l im· port.ant black star of films. He is starting at the top - not counting small roles in "The comedians," •·Dr . Sl r a ngelove ,'' and r:.n unreleased film. After "The Great White Hope," he hopes to play the titl e role in "Malcolm X" - if Columbia can provide a suitable script. Then be is committed to star in the con- troversial "Nat Turner" for Fox, which has signed him for two other films as well . The project is based on William Styron'• bestseller, "The Conleuions oC Nat Turner." The fict.ionized ac-- counl of the slave who led a bloody revolt early in the 191.h Century aroused strong protests from certain Negroes, notably actor Ossie Davis, who threatened a boycott of the film. The protests were recentl y resolved when the film com- pany agreed to shorten the title and eliminate scenes of Turner's homosexuality and lusting after white women. 'Credence' Will Rock Anaheim Creedence Cl t•r w ater Revival, the country's 11ewest n:ick·blues raa:e unlike so many other musical grou1>3 around them, took a solid ten years to come of age and win aUccess and recognition. The quartet, headed by John Fogerty, set to a p p e a r April 19 in the arena of Anaheim Coo vent.ion Center, hit it big last year with it!: album and two singles, "Su1Je Q," and "I Put A Spell On Yoo." But Fogerty and his fellow~ntertainers had been lalxring in the Vineyards for a previous d~ade -unsung in their native San Franci5co- area haunts but popular within a radius of 100 miles outside lb• !jay City. Fogerty started heading for the big time, mwicaUy·!peak· ing, when he was a lad of 14. A fine pianist, he played mostly blues O!' his in- terpretation of blues. As the years when by be gathered others around him and now. with brother Tom , his lead guitarist, Doug Clifford on drums, and Stuart Cook on electric bass, he bas developed as fine an aggregaUon as can be found anywhere. John and Tom ar e Berkeleyites, while Clifiortt WU born in Palo Alto and Cook comes from nearby Oakland. AU are in the ir early twenties, & i v l n g Creedence Clearwater Revival a fresh young sowld, typically Sa n Franciscan, modem, yet with a difltlnct American blues foundation. Seats for both shows at San · la N.onica and Anaheim are on sale at the Arena and all ticket agencies, $3.50 -$5.50. New Hotels For Matson On Islands Matson Lines has a new hotel on each of Hawaii's i!il.ands -It's called the SS Lurline. Vacationers can now book mervations at the "Hotel Lurline" in Honolulu, and then float through a ten-day island visit, spending three days in Honolulu, two each. in Kauai, Maui and Kona, and one day in Hilo. At each port of call, a special "Lurline Lounge" will be available to passengers at one of the leading hotels. Con- tinuous shutt~ bus service will be available from the !lb.Ip to the lounge ashore and the im- portant shopping and recrea· tion centen;. JOSE FELICIANO B1incln•11 Not .a H.andlcap ~ Newport's Jose Nears Fortune HOIJ.YWOOD -Jose Feli· Ing $25,000 a year an::I It has ciano, who li ves in Newport beat riling steadily. We have Beach, is 35, blind and on his been married five years. When way to be c oming a I first met him, he was millionaire. playing steel guitar and not Some say he plays guitar singing a note. lie was ap- the way Segovia might if he pearing in coffee houses in had taken up pop music. When Greenwich Vil lage which is Feliciano sings, it is with the where I mel him ..• natural fluidity oI E 11 a "HE LEARNED his trade Fitzgerald. by touring South America; Recentl y he appeared on the there he could afford to try CBS telev"ision show of another things that might have meant young fe llow who is maki ng it failure here. lie played all with his voice and guitar, Glen over -Buenos Aires, Mon· Campbell. tevidoo. Lima , Caracas, and in on Marcil 26, Feliciano will every kind of place -night tiave an NBC special or his clubs, private ciLJbs, theaters, own. He's also singing the Litle etc. After that kind of soog for the movie "~lcKen· training. he was ready for na's Gold," miking albums anything. · · and singles for RCA. playing "He doesn't consider his --~-et blindness a handica p because ............ gi.o, c. WHEN I CAUGIIT up with him, he was reh e ar si ng numbers with two girl singers and a baasist far a TV series he is taping at the Spanisb- language channel, K M E X • Wtth convers.il.tioo and clamor around, he picked out chords and devised w h o I e ar· rangements for the next tair ing, ou t of 39 to be sold in Latin America. he has always been blind. He says that when he was young. he thought the word 'see' meant to e xperience someLhing by taste, sound or feel; he didn 't know tflere wa11 suc h a thing as vision. Now he w-0uld like to be able to see me and kl drive a car. But otherwise sight doesn't matter to him : he considers ii ls onJy one of his senses he has lost .• "l DON'T think his hearing is even as good as mine, but he makes better use of his. He can sense a solid object before him. And he can 'hear' the reflectors along a highway ... ~~Fiddlers Fiddle on Ranch "I wasn't too con«rned about the portrayal o f Turner." commented Jones . "If he had known homosexual activities in his youth, that WIW'l't unusual; most· people do. Besides, the conditions of his slavery would h a v e ju1tl!led any kind ol behavior. "Such matten of Turner's character are of interest to me because they a d d di mension to lhe role. What really fascinates me is his religious zeal -how he led the revolt only on the word of God, the white man's God." Shore excursions will be available on these inter·island cruises and s p e c i a I en- tertainment is planned in each port. Shipboard life is com- bined with resort facilltiea of the shore without ever baving to pack and unpack. Wblle he rehearsed, I talked wlth Mrs. Feliciano, a frank, friendly ~g woman who handles Joe 's bu.!dness affair,;. Like her husband. she was born in Puerto Rico and came to eastern U.S.A. at an early age -she to Boston. he to New York. Some of her remarks: "Yes, we're busy now, maybe too busy. Jose gets upset when he begins to do too much and can't get time to rest. Now he will be working six days a week through April. When wlll it slow down? ... "He learns his smgs merely by listening lo them. Hum a song to him and he will be able to play it immediately. he has been playing the guitar since he was ~. and for many years he had 1.itUe else to do." Jose fi nished the rehearsal and took a break. He is medium height with handsome Latin looks and dark hair that is long but not hippie. His hands mO'Ye c onstantly. whether or not he is playing the guitar. APRIL II FILM BIOGRAPHY -"The Henry Miller OdyS1ey", a two- hour color film biography of Henry Miller, will be present- ed al 8:30 p.m. Fri. Aprl1 18, in the Science Lecture llall on campus at UCI, 7601 Irvine Ave., Irvine. Ticket$, $2.50 available at the Fine Arts bo1. office. Phone 833.f6 17. APRIL 11-IO '1LM EVENT -The Newport Harbor Art Museum is stag· • ing an el.hlbltion titled "The Movie Show -Seven Stages or . Rt>Uywood from Silenu to Cinemascope," in the Museum at ·400 Main St., Balboa, through April 20. The history of the ,mema will be shown by film clips, sound tracks, photos. costumes, props, technical equJpment and personal mem· Qtabilta. The exhib it is open Wed. through Sun. from 1 lo 4 :p.m. and Mon. 6-9 p.m. No charce for admission. .. . •. APRIL 11 • %G • At.1.ES • NERO -Singer F..d Ames and pianist Peter Nero Ji.ill be on stage at ~felodyland Theatre, 10 Freedman Way , .-¥.naheim, through April 20. Shows are at 8:30 p.m. Tues. .. )'ri.; 7 and JO p.m. Sat., and 5 and 8:30 p.m. Sun. Tickets .$3.50 • $6.50 avaJlable at box offi~ and ticket agencies. .. 'j>hone 1-776-7460. ... APRIL 11 ·10 ";.OODGER BASEBALi~ -Dodger Stadium, 17~ Stadium ···way, IM An&elu. Day games start at I p.rh.; Night game s .--.r a p.m. and Twi -nlght double headers at 6 p.m. Dodger~ t vt. Artros Fri. and Sit. night and Sun. afternoon, Aprll IS.20: Giant.a April 21-22 ; Reds. April 23, and Braves April l5 16, at I p.m. For ticket information phone (213) 225-1411 or' Ucltel agencies. APRIL Ia.%7 Cl.AMIC FIL.\1S -Open l'.:nd Theater, 281 5 Villa Way, New. ~ Buch, is presenUng some classic western films, April : l&-20 and 2>27. Show times are Frt. and Sat. at 1:30 p.m. 4 imct Sun. at 2:00 p.m. Tom ~iii: ii starring in "~ lleart of t esu Ryan" and Errol Flynn In "Dodie City," April ta.20. -On Apr11 2$.17 Henry FoM1 will be on the scrttn In "My J>arll"I CJem<nllM" and "The Ox-Bow Incident." May 2-< will have M•rlon Brando in "One-Eyed Jae~." TiC':kets art ; P.!iV fer adults and $1.50 for studtnLl. Phone 175-JUO. .. APRIL II llOCX·BLUEll CONCERT -Tlle cturw ater Creedence R .. ! yJval wnl appear ln concert, April 19 at 8:30 p.m. in the 4fena ol the Anaheim CooventJon Center, *XI W. Katclla , Ave., Ana.'ielm. Rock, MIU!, rhythm and bluta and pop blues • ••l11 be perrormcd b)' lhe Crctdence quartet with an artded ~ ... Cit group the Grai RooUi also performing. Tickets, $3.50- JS.50 avallabie it the bo1 ofrice. Phooe l.QS-5000. I APRIL ti HB POLICE SHOW -The Huntington Beach Pollce Depart· ment is holding a show and dance on Sat., April 19 in the Long Beach Arena, 336.1 Lime St., Long Beach. Appearing in the show, which starts at 8:30 p.m., will be Smiling Jack Smith. Pat Buttram, Bach-Yen and other st ars. Dancing from 10 :30 p.m. ot 12:30 a .m. Tickets, $5., for the whole fam ily including children, may be purchased al the l~B Police Station or at the door of lhe Arena. Funds raised go to HB Police you th projects . APRIL 19 PADUA HILLS PLAY -The Padua llills Theatre is prc-- ~il:!nling a two-act play, "Fiesta in El Cantil," with authen- tic music and dances from Durango, ~fel..ico, lhrough April 19 al 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. on \Ved . and Sat. Adjoining the 300 :;eat air-conditioned theater is th e Padua dining room where the players entertain during lw1clt and dinner. Mexican and American food is served daily, except Mon. Padua Hills Is located on Padua Ave., three miles north of Foothill Blvd. In Claremont. Phone l--621Hi288 . APRIL lt.ZO FF..STIVAL OF SOUNDS -Talented young Southland per- formers will presenl, enlerlainment April 19-20 in the Fesli- \•al of Sound! at Knott's Berry Farm, on Beach Blvd. in Buena Park jusl soulh or U1e Sanla Ana Frteway. Shows are sr heduled for 2:30, 4. and S:30 p.m, Sat., and Sun. in the \Vagon Camp :iren . APRIL 19 ·JULY ll HOl\SE RACING -Thoroughbred racing flt Hollywood Par~. Century Bl vd. at Prairie Ave., Ing lewood i3 schtd- nltd 1\Jes. ·Sal. through July 23. Post time weekdays 11 :45, Sat ., 1:15 p.m. $'15,000 Century H1ndicap, Sat., April 19. APRIL to f'IOOtERS JIOE·OOWN -An old·fa&hioned "Old Fiddlers !lot-Down" \\'Ill be held a.l the Irvine R8nch lnlorm51Lion Center, Santa An~ Freeway at My(ord RGad, Irvine, Sun- day, Aprll 20. slarting al noon and closing at 4 p.m. Refresh· ment.s will be served and partlclpants Wiii be a\\•ardttl prlies. No admlMlon charge. PhOl'\C S3J..4010. APRIL to CONCERT -Baroque Ensemble wi ll perform work~ by Tel emann , B:tich and Boismortier with Joanna Bramel Young on lhe recorder; Leamon! Coral, baroque. flute ; Terese Rran1e.I Adam!!. Ce:llo. and Wiiiiam Holmes. Harpsichord. Room 178. Fine· Arts Bldg. on UCt campus, 7601 Irv ine Ave., Irvine, al 8 p.m. Phone 833-6617. See Gulde, r•gc !I r·~ 'W'".nff,....'IL:f:4~ ~1 :: Live f~ ' Theater f: ~ ~ "Barefoot It tht Parle' ~ A t omcdy about newlywrd life in a walk·up apartment v.·111 be on stage al the Hunt· 1 ... j ington Oeach Playhouse, 1110 ~ Main "St. Huntington Beach, It Fri. and Sat. closing April f·I 26. Reservations -847·1631. "W•ll Until Dark" ,\ A suspense thriller :ibout a fJ bli nd girl and !!Orne th ugs, ~ on stage .-t the Laguna Playhou.se, 319 Oce1n Ave., l,aguna Beach, April 13 -~ April 26, Wed -Sat. at 8:30 p.m. Reservations -494-t061. "A Thousand Clowns" \j A comedy about a non-con-J forml1t's bout with the es-~ tablishment -opens at 1 h e Cabrlllo Playhouse, 202 Aven- ida Cabrillo, San Clemente, on ., Aprll 17 to run lhrou¢1 !\tay S. Thurs. -S8t. at 8:30 p.m. RMervaUons -I • 492--0465. "Room. Sen •lct" A zany comedy about the mad , mad 30's will be on stagt :it South Co:1sl Repertory, 1827 Newport Blvd., Co.~ta ~1Mia, April 2!i -JI.lay 31. Perfor· ' m11nccs TI1uni. -Sun. Rl 8:30 Fares for these ten-day lnter·lsland cruises are from $437 Honolulu to Honolulu, and the plan is available with any flight or ship connection to the Lurline. "He is making good money now, but then, he has always done well. Jn his second year as a performer, he was eam· 1'HE CROP'S JN! .. THE PLAVOR IS FANTASTIC! THE PRICE IS RIGHT! Strewberriet pic~ed e1peci•lly for us et 7 1.m., i1nd they're •till wet with the mornin9 dew! NO ONE het these berries end look at the price!! SAVE! SAVE! WITH THISE COUPONS .......... , •.......• , ......... - • 'IT'S TRUil ' OUlt FAMOUS AT THl!llt llST NOW a : Bill Pf PPfRS : STRAWBERRIES : ORANGEf : : 2¢ "· : 4 for $1 OO : 1 0 Lk 59¢ : Limit S • Limit 4 • Llfl'llt 11 L.k. • • With Thia Ceu,et1 • Wltti Thia Ceu,.n • With 11111 C~ • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COUPONS EXPIH APAIL 23 These re1ti1 ure nt1 htve pleyed an important role in mi~in9 Newport the finett e1tin9 ere• in the netionl Petroni ie them! Ahy West, loeboe hy Chlb, De Arches, hrbMr11. YIU. Hove ,Newport, Josef'-They buy tho fine1t, they buy Nnport Prodvcel PHONI: 673-8715 HOW ABOUT YOU CAWNG US? NEWPORT PRODUCE Ot•Jll• Ce""ty'1 Pnt91t 0....1,. Pre411ce Ort1nln"• 1'16 N...,... llM. ...... ,.., ... p.m. RtstrvatJons -646-1363.'la::i:c:::==""'=mcc::s••n""•,..w••••""-'-... •••••mll I 1, - \ ---------~----·~ -------------~------------·~---·-----~ ---- ' ' Fddoy, A0tll 18, 1969 O.llL Y l'ILOT !$ . --. OUT 'N' ABOUT By NOllM STANJ.BY, ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLUB ANO ENTERTAINMENT SCENE Li's Restaurant Giving the aubject a little thought, there's one fairlY. obvious fact about current American tastes in foreign food. It'~ that Chinese cooking has never be- tore ~ so widely appreciated. m this country. And ·it can only continue to gain favor when a savory example comes along like that _being offered at just-opened Li's Re staurant m Hunlington Beach. Here's everything tO: be desired in fieldin~ a winner for the Chinese cuisine d~Tbe start.mg gate can be an Oriental style din_ner, e of 10 chef's specialties or any of an extensive umber of a la carte dishes but the finish line should be one of the exotic tropi~al drinks Li's serves with a wondrous !tense of showmflJlship. The dramatic gets under way well in advance of a Boo Loo cocktail, however. From the mom~nt of entry attention is compellingly drawn to the fine art and intricate detail of th• decor. EXQUISITE To say it is elaborate and ornate is still to miss the mark somewhat. In this case it's also every understated and refined touch Oriental design em· bodies. Even the ceilings prompt prolonged study. Three foot square lacquered panels, each embossed with a golden dragon and phoenix, line the dining room overhead to create the effect of an opulent palatial ceiling. Above the cocktail lounge, another series of panels forms a large mural depicting a "'.oman in a Chinese fable who left her husband to live on the moon. The dragon and phoenix theme is appropriately incorporated into many other features of the restaurant's decor. In ancient Chinese thinking, this most powerful of animals and attractive of birds dominated all others to become the symbols of strength and beauty. Oin••l~WBl"SR• .. •••ti•ns: 494-6574 e LUNCHEON • OtNNEll • e SUNDAY Ill.UNCK • USTAUUNT AND e LATE SUPl"Ell • COCKTAIL LOUNG-I DINING • South C011t's newest, most elegant oceanfront dln1"9, atop Towers Wing of Surf and Sancl Hotel 1555 South Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach, CallfOrni• IN THE LIDO LOUNGE BILL McCLURE DUO 5:00. 10:30 p.m. -Monday thru Fridey 8:00 p.m. -I :00 •.rn. -Sund•y LOU NORRIS & THE JERRY ROSS TRIO 8:30 p.m. -I :30 a.m. -Mondey thru S•turd1y M•lt• • nl9hf of it -Din• i11 th1 be•uliful MARINE RESTAURANT 6414-1700, •xt 554 for reservetions The Jolly Roger - PRESENTS ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE THE JIM DIFFIE DUO SENSATIONAL GUITAR SOUNDS &. VOCAL ARRANGEMENTS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:30 p.m. -1 :30 o.m. SERVING Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner c-biftetlen STEAK & LOBSTER s4ts m HARBOR· BLVD. Costa Mesa 541-1535 HOROSCOPE Suspended from the center of the dining room is a massive and slowly revolving Chinese hor<r scope. All this fascinating U.slded object turns amid a play of lights, illustrated zodiac signs show a tigel"', hare, horse, dog, dragon, rat, ox, serpent, ram, monkey, rooster and boar. Li's food measures up in every particular to the artistic surroundings. Once again guilty of over- reach, your out 'n' abouter's party ot three tried to work its \\fly throu gh six dishes where one for each person would have proved more than sufficient. Leading off was war won ton, $2.50, probably the best won ton we've ever eaten. The ingredients, in addition to the delicious meat-filled noodles and chicken broth, were large slices of abalone", shrimp. bar-b-q, green onions, water cbestnllts, bamboo shoots and pea pods. CHEF 'S SPECIAL TIES Three chers specialties -all supe~ in pre-- paration, content and taste -were gai ko , braised breast of chicken sauteed with import Chinese mushrooms and sliced button mushrooms, cooked with fresh vegetables, $2.95; sweet and sour Man- darin duck , Long Island duckling, boned and press- ed, cooked with pineapple, green pepper, celery and sweet and sour sauce, $2.65 ; chow ming yung, sliced steak with Chinese mushrooms, peas, bamboo shoots, topped with long rice, $2.75. From the a la carte selections came yang cho\Y fried rice, with sliced bar·~q pork, shrimp, chicken and bean sprouts, $1 .95. Our dessert, highly recom- mended if you can manage after anything like the foregoing, was fresh Hawaiian pineapple on mint. OTHER CHOICES Perusing the menu, other items asserting a tempting presence were cashew nut chicken, $2. 75 ; lobster gai kow, $3.25 ; abalone with oyster sauce. $2.95; pork mushroom chow mein, $2.25 ; beef mushroom chop suey, $2.25 ; sweet and sour pork, 'Wbele Emlin, 'lliinp ~If: Happening/ 'f'hefUMl .. Tltrff'.• c.,.,...- in lM SeolUe ~ Oininf. ;,. tit~ beo•IUlll M•t•lor &,.... Looialr. -· 6ut'•l fu/litlu GRAND HOTEL 7:hm>W4M WJ.Y A KlllUI, CJ.UP. 7'1'2-'rM'T Enterf•inment Nightly Tuesd•y through Seturd•y THE FABULOUS GEORGE and LARRY DUO * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMErt SIMS, CECIL HOLLINr&SWORTH. Co·Ownefi uni GRAHAM STRllT HUNTINGTON IEACH · For R•Mrvations Call 846-1186 or 846-1416 FAMILY RESTAURANT -~-> 2200 Horbor Blvd., Cooto Moto .............._ CKMortContorl d 642-8274 COMBINATION DINNERS OR . A LA -CARTE DAILY LUNCH SPECIAL IMPORJB> & DOMfS11C BEERS """' r...., fin nwtdt'f 111• ··"'· .. 11• """ 't*'>' n1• ........ ••• ""'" """"" -" t :• 11-111.-C .... Mlllllfi,...SWllll f -.. •:• '·"" '·' ( ' $2.3:1; shrimp curry, $2.95; moo goo gai pail, $2.~. Oritl\tal style dinners range from the M8ndarin at $3.35 per person (two or more). to the Cbefs ·Mas- terpiece, $5.95. Taking one at random, the $4.45 Em·. press offers fried shrimp, bar-lrq rib, egg 'roll and l'Umaki appetizers, chef'~ sp,ecial soup, Mandarin duck, lobster mushroom chow mein, ~ashew chick- en , fried rice, tea, almond cake and fortune cookies. For three or more persons, oyster beef tenderloin is added. CHILD'S PLATE Li's alsQ offers a special children's plate for $1.95 and several American broiler items such as top sirloin, $4.45, New York Steak, $5.25; steak and lobster combo, $5.50. They also have an extensive food to go menu. Open Friday and Saturday from 11 : 30 a.m. to 2 a.m., and Sunday through Thursday !Tom 11 :30 to midnight, the restaurant serves lunch" and pro'(ides entertainment in the lounge. The Hong Kong Trio is currently appearing Thursday through Sunday evenings. Genial proprietor of Li's is John Yee, who also owns the Mei's Chinese restaurants in Costa Mesa and Westminter. With his fine new esitablisbinent John ineed. proves he's a restaurateur extraordi- nary. Li's (pronounced as though it were Lee's) is located at 8961 Adams Ave., at Magnolia, Hunting- ton Beach. Come what may. don't take honorable sweet time getting down to this one . Spaghetti For All With enough rain in past months to set Noah rebuilding, when summer finally does arrive the wom an of the house is likely to get bent out of shape if a mob hangs on 'til dinner time. There are many restaurant operations today, of Dlaer fr•1111 4:30 , ..... Dall'( nupt s..-., Nltktfr 2607 w. c..n1 Hl1•wor -N-part -'46-0201 VILLA ROMA Speclolfzlng In ltalln Dlltllen HAVING A PARTY, A GATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? Our stand•rd sp•cial spa9h•tti dinn•r con1ists of our delicious 'm••t 1auce and m•at balls , topped with im- ported p•rmesen che•s•, and includes our delicious 9trlic toest. No di1ht1 to w•1h with 011r di1po••bl1 •l11t11i1111rn cont1intn. Nurnbtf .t din"" OIMI prk~T• t• Ml'(. 100 -Sl41.to 6 -Sl.70 SO -72.SO 4 -1.10 21 -. z•.oo 2 -2.•o 10 -14.10 1 -1,45 445 North Newport Boulevard, Newport Beac:h Op'" 4 p.m .• I 2 p.m. Ml 6-4929 CLOSED TUESDAY JOSEF'S- D1x11LAND BAND EYIRT FllDAT AFTHNOON FROM 5:00 P.M. Drop in Soon ..• We think you'll like the "New Look" e LUNCHEON e DINNER e LATE SUPPER e SUNDAY BRUNCH e 2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAICA INN 673-1118 DON JOSE'· _,.....,,......._ BILL McCLURE DUO • •• JAMIE & ROBERTO Latin Duo CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT D1nclng Nightly In The Flott• Room liNCHILADA & TACO ......... $1.30 CHIU RILLINO-liNCHILADA • . s1:4s .e COCKTAILS e · ' 9093 E. Ad1m1 (1t Mt9noll1) Hunt. 8e1eh 962-7911 ' .. courae, to which a quick call can almoot lnstanUy prod uce gobs of ready-cooked chicken, tacos, flab and chips or roast beef. But what about .th• J>OSSi. bility of a full spaghetti dinner for something diHer- ent in a hurry? .. Well, all you have to do now is pick up the pbori'o and order same, thanks to enterprising C&arlea Averna, master chef and owner of the Villa Roma, 445 l'j. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. And for as many as 100 persons, yet, if the crowd swells to that size. INDIVIDUAL PACKAGED Each spaghetti dinner will be individually pack: aged, complete with meat sauce, meat balls, par· mesen cheese and garlic toast. The whole works comes for a modest tab of $1.45 per head. . Charlie's disposable aluminum containers al~ mean there'll be no dirty dishes to vex the house. wife when the guests have eaten and split. FurtbU1~ the sa~e amount of effort can be saved If the V a Roma s spaghetti dinners are ordered in advance for planned gatherings of relatives or friends. M Daniel's • The restaurant has been called Daniel's for some time, but if you remember it as Zachary's'1l visit is indeed long overdue. Scooting down Costa Mesa's Bri&'lol St., past 2831 to be exact, you can:t miss the high, long and pointed roof. ':. This prominent architectural feature coVers Of!e • of the rare two-story dining establisbments found in these parts. And it's doubtful any like layout pro- vides the opportunity, as Daniel's does, to eat on the ground floor and adjourn to an exceedingly COily' cocktail lounge upstairs. -"'• Such an innovation is the least reason to seleot this spot for an enjoyable out 'n' abou~ sessiou, Continued GI\ Page 26 ,., "Where It's Happening!" .. llll MARTINI COCKTAIL LOUNGE •• ,...----'-==...., 1JO I . 17tli COSTA 'wm ·'· Bill Martini • \ . ' Presents "' Direct from las Vegas JUBAL'S .,, CHILDREN ·: for Your Dancing and Uslenlng Pleasure.; -BOBBY HOWDAY" VOCAL-OUITARllT '" T'*-ttlru I••· -f te 1 :SO ... OPEN DAILY ·• " 11 :301.rn. to 2:00 a.m. ... 2401 W. Coast Hiw1y1 Newport IHch-"41-1166 AL t:'J)l ltDRO}; THE FINEST MEXICAN I. AMERICAN CUISINE • LUNCHION ll:so.-4 DINNlll 4-MMl"itht M9fto Thru PrL SUNDAY IRUNCK-11:» '._ Cocktail 1Aunte Open 7 N5fhts t .J 2 AM Entertainment Ni&hlb' Except Mondt.y Dtl IAIT COAIT HIGHWAY CDRONA DIL MA.A VAi UABLE COUPON . ,FREE 11~~-~ ... S... l .... 1. CNIJI HURRY! ONLY 4 DAYS ,:;'i:;:. . Buffet Style luncheon (AU. YOU CAN IA.TU GBIRAL YEll'S CHINESE RISTAURANT 1500 Ad1m1 Ave., Costa Mesa 'NONI iU.1fl7 .. o;o Dining with An Ooean View~ SUfOOD, STEW MD 60URM£T em&S--* FROM $2.95 * Entertaln-t ...r o-ei.,. l¥'9fldf WAYNI •AllllL O.ltarftt .. Vtcallst ti>• .. ltll TMI. !ft"' a.t. IANQUIT FACILITllS AVAILAILI ntOMI UWtll t i 1 OCIAN Aft. HUlflt ... ON llA~H OVE1tl00KIN$ THI ,ACIF-IC OCEAN Al TMl 'Ill • " •• I i ·1 • I • • I: I I DAA-Y PU:OT FABULOUS RESTAURANT SUPERB SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 A.M. • 2:30 P.M. $~50 COMl'l.ETE ....... -.. -. .. .• . ...... . D1nclng Nightly with THE · NATURALS 31106 COAST IDGHWAY SOUTH LAGUNA• RES.-499-2663 Vina Harmer Trio MGnday thru Saturday Dick Powell Trio 37 FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT CtNTER lkt'offen Buffum• & Bl'Nd- Ample P•rklR9 "-"'•tlon1 •044-2030•, ·------~~---------· WEEKENDER ou.·rr 'N ABOUT Contlouod fnom P ... 25 \Vhile small, both the lunch and dinner menus of· fer a well.rounded choice of items. LUNCH Daniel's Is open seven 1 days a week from 10 a .m. to 2 a.m. Luncheon Is served from I to 3 and dinner from ~ to II. Cocktail Shakeoff Hot sandwiches on the midday bill of fare, aU served with French fried potatoes and mb<~n salad, Include the Monte Cristo, $1.95; chop sir· At the drop of an ice cube, no doubt, a number loin, on onion roll, $L3S; 5teamed corned eef on of the area's popular bartenders will be in there rye, $1:45; French beef dip, au jus, $1.60; top sir-and shaking during the· April 28 cocktail competition loin, on garlic toast, $2.75. of the California Bariender's Guild. Cold sandwiches, served with potato salad, l.n-ShakeoUs for 1969'~ 21st annual ~ontest will ~ elude the -club with bacon, turkey;--lettuce and·io.-beld-at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Wllb-local guild mato, $1 .75; breast of turkey, with lettuce and members ~rmmg a sizable contingent of combat· tomato, $1.45 ; roast cold beef, $1 .50. ants. Theres also a. ~or that each bas bad an of· Two hot entrees are ground sirloin steak, with fer to be ~ccomp~rued into battle by a large volun- onion rings, $1. 75; deep fried shrimp, $1.90. A le.er cheenng s.ect1on. . . . .. shrimp or crab Louie goes for $1.95 and dieters can 'Ibqse who ll be nuss~g , f~ the1~ !am!llar pick from several Io-cal plates posts of duty for the occasion s mixed drink sk·1rm- DINNER ' ish include Bill Weidman, FiVe Crowns, Corona del . . . . . Mari Virgel Jones, Villa Nova, Newport Beach; Broiler·offer1ngs for dinner, served with choice Ray Barrientos Chez Cary Orange and Sam of soup du jour or green salad and a baked Idaho Chard Andree's' Laguna Be8cb ' potato, are eastern choice New York steak, $4.95; Ai . s ·th ' Lowth d ·Al c ·u Stull teriyaki steak New York cut, $4.95; eastern choice . 50· rru er an . am o, top sirloin, $4.50 ; Australian lobster tail and top Shirt, Newport ~~ch ; Joe . Devme, Balbo~ Bay sirloin combo, $5.95; brochette of beet flambe, Club; _Popo Gals1ru, The Fisherman, .auntrngton $3.75· chopped sirloin $3.25. Beach, John Waddell, Bob Bums,_ Fashion Island. ' .' . , . Newport Center, and Kurt Behnnger, Ha-Penny Three house specialties are chmce roast Kansas Inn Westminster · City prime rib, $4.75; grenadine of beef, $4.50; veal 'other Orange. County entrants will be Joe Mag- Oscar saute, $4.50. . . . giora, The Ket.tie, Anaheim; Vincent Giuliani, Re- Seafoc;>d and fowJ .~elect1ons mclude Australian vere House, Tustin; Robert Phillip, Anaheim Con- Jobster tails, ~.95; ~al1but or swo~dfisb steak, $3.50 vention Center; Glen Swinney, Bill's Ranch House , eac~; deep fn~ sh~p. $3.25; chic.ken saute sec or Fullerton, and William Colonna, Jolly Kni ght, Oar- broiled half spnng chicken, $3.25 each. den Grove. For those with large appetites, there are several The California Bartenders Guild is made up of choices in appetizers, side dishes and desserts. more than 100 full and 98 associate members. The SUNDAY BRUNCH CHAMPAGNE BUFFET ..... ..... 1 .. ,,.,. riM or C1U•ory De· ..... S..Wd h• ... ..... .rwtesJIMN. full membeD are all first-class working bartend· ers who provide their professional services to · the clientele of to~rated restaurants and hotel bars in the state. CONTEST PURPOSE Primary purpose of tbe coolest 11 to enable bar- tenders to demonstrate their talents and creative inventiveness in' concocting new .00 unusual drink ideas. Winners of the local competlUons represent the Guild and the United States, among 20 other nations, with their winning recipes du.ring the inter-- national event, which is st@g~ in a different coun· try every two years. This year marks th~ second time Guild members have engaged in local rivalry since their sensation-- al victory m Spain in 1967, when the organization captured the world championship in ·the internation- al mixed drink competition. PRIZES First prize winne~ receives the president's trophy and $1,000 to be wed for travel expenses .to the international contest. Second prize is the vice president's trwby and $350; third, secretary's tl'1> phy and $100; fourth, council trophy and $50. The affair, open to the general public, includes cocktails and hors d'oeuvres during the contest, fol· lowed by dinner. Tickets, at $20 each on a first<0me first·served basis, or information can be obtained by contacting the Guild. 817 So. St. Andrews Place, Los Angeles 90005, (213) 387-9182 or 381-3097. MORAL SUPPORT If your favorite bartender is a contestant, to in- crease his likelihood oi winning, you should stop by bis watering hole for several nights running and let him get in a lot of practice. llollJWOOd (21l) ,11(1 ... , ,, YOU'LL ENJOY OUR MIDl>AY FAEl\ SUNDAY 12 P.M. TO 4 P.M. '·~-••• Served I 0 a.m. to 2 p.m. In The Caribe Room ff.,,... " ADULTS $2.50 CHILDREN $1 .50 -FAMILY STEAK HOUSES @.!; RESERVATIONS f HU~!~~~T~~N~;-;'CH I :i~!!! ~~! tW~-~ ~ 536· 1421 ~ • BEl;llNO TEXACO STATION • i !FM~ Fit!t Oinin!J Since 1965 380l EAsT OJA.'>"T H1t;H\\'AY C.0RONA DEL MAR, 0.Ul'ORNIA PllONE: (71'4) 67.S..1374 111l52 ••Kii Blve. Nt·HU •n.7mE. 17'11 • S.1111 AU ~ 21112 Ocean Ave . (Coast Hwy.) -Huntington Beach ';._._,;,;.:_;_:_, -- .. SPECIAL SIZZLER BROCHETTE I *COCKTAILS-Ent•rttinm•nl \I Skewered beef, onions., pineapple, $, 49 I witil lob lurt.n J green pepper, mushrooms, served on • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••I \* B•autiful ••1N11u•t 11: .. ,,., rice pilaf, with roll & butter. • ®. C "b R • YOUll MOSTS . S . o" e oom •••• '!!.,... ... &~-~ ~ PRESENTS : .. :.~:,!.~.!..... TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ..•... $1.39 • , • 'f'rntt 1%Uf"' • NEW YORK STEAK ....... $1.59 • ENTERTAINMENT-3 SHOWS NIGHTLY-DANCING • \!I ~~-'" ~ lncl ud., a ••• d or Freftc.h Fried Pol1toe1. Roll .. l utter. : Mond1y thru Saturday •• 1-tr~at CHILDIEN'S POITION !/: PllCE IUIMlrw 12 J.-,J. \L(,, ~p GARY GRANDE' • 16903 AL QUIN AVE. • Huntingt•n leech • ~ lltllfl~GIOll HIJllOUA MAKE MONDAY NIGHT YOUI FAMILY HIS.HT Continent11 Cuisine Cockt~ils Snving Luncheon and Dinner Mondau through Saturdag. Closed Sundo.ys Open for Private Parties Onlu We ere locatecl next to the Mey Co. in South Co1st Pl111. . Jlll s . .,.... C... M... 14D-Jl41 -TOP SIRLOIN STEAK Only Jnc1ude1 B•ked or French Fried Pol•loe1, Roll I lutter. Electrifying New Balladeer & Vocalist AND THE • WlllllE! II ll60llOU~ ·l~~~==========='.l l • • • CHll.lllEN'S POtTION !12 PllCl IUHer 12 Y .... 1 ~---Luncheon Specials---· 11 :00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. ROAST BEEF or HAM SANDWICH 79 l•dlldlftlJ Fm!Cli Fries........................ C Senff Oft Shanw loll -TO Go ORDERS- LOUIS BENNm TRIO • 21112 OCEAN AVE. IC-Hwy.1-HUNTIN&TON IEACH-536-1421 II! • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR Newport leoc•, Costa Mesa encl 110W Hllftthlc)tcNI leoc• areas-- Newport -· ...i C-M-Col '46-7U6, 17 .. lo Tntlo For ... HW Hu1tl""oo -~. Coll 147-1214, lloocll lo Holl ANSELL HILL 16-l'llCE BIG BAND Wednesday Night VILLA MARINA 1045 Bayside Drive, Newport Beech -675.0200 ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE FEATURING MARY LOU TUIS. THIU SAT. PIANO.VOCAL STYLIST NJaHT\T Treat yourse lves to Relax and enjoy the 11$ht and 1ound of the aea in the loveliest setting in Laguna Beach- • perfect setting for memotable diui.ng. Cliff DriVI et Cout ffiab,WIJ Lquns Bc•cb-tH-N77 Op-. DallJ Lu.acheo11-D.lnnv -Cockllla a delightful even ing of music and the hilarious comedy antics of DANCING . . . . . . . . . . .--. ... :r -- • . • . . • . OR LISTENING TONY LOBO TRIO Nl&Hn Y FROM 1:30 P.M. CLOSID MONDAY ~Tuff~~IR[ REBTAURANT 2241 W. CO<l3t lllghwoy Nt u,-port Btach (7H) 646-5057 '1 I Ron&.I••• "THE NEW TWO" At tho R1ubon E. Lea, Newport BHch Mond•y• through S.turd1ys 8:30 p.m. to I :00 o.m. I RNI C1nl0nese food e1t heN or t1ko home. ST A& CHlllSE WINO 111 21st pl., Newport lle•ch ORiole 3·9560 0,.., Y ... .,._. hitr 11-12 -hi. __. s.t. 'ti I ..... "We Proml5e You H•ppy Dini ng" Tropical Cocktail• Lunch • Oinn•r Spcci•1 'ric11 On Taki Oul Food W'Vtdin tM GramlMOIWI • 511 S. MAIN, OIW:IGB ·-= '42·3595 (a-d Sunday) STEREO SENSATIONI The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fas hion Isla nd , New po rt Beach . . FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER PHONE 642-4321 'Princess' -To Show Jewels SOUTH SW TROPICAL FISH Largest Selection of Tropical Fis h & Supplies in the area. N•W 2 l.MotlNI tltW. WILSON, COSTA MIEIA (off Falnoitw ltd., 5*1H1 1n-G, •IWn._ Dr. -HtwPo•I l e•dl tbehlr>CI"" ..... Office) ~"' . Huntington Beath · POLICE SHOW & DANCE "THEATRE I N THE ROUND" SATURDAY, APRIL 19th STARTS 8:30 P.M.-10:30 P.M. DOORS OPE N 7:30 P.M. LONG BEACH ARENA --FEATURING -- LONw llEACH Pat Buttram Smi lin g Jack Smith Bach . Yen 1 r..; ... *-~ , , e Dancing 11:30 p.m. til 12:31 p.m. e Dress is casu·a1 e Concessions .open to ·the public TICKETS •5 Per Family ...... ,., anti all the kids! JIClfJS AVAILABLE AT HUNTINGTON BUCH POUll SJAOOll OR AT THE DOOR. lit GAi.I.ERIES ' Zulch · Exhibit,s AIF A Artist,s ZULCU GAU.ERV -1135 NeWport Blvd., Costa Mesa. CurreoUy on eih.iblt, American artiata who m honorary members of lbe American lnsUtute of Fine Arts. Hours : 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues. through Sat. Sun. l·S p.m. L.B. ART ASSOCIATION-307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. On exhibit in the Main Gallery noon to 5 p.m. dally and l to 5 p.m. Sun., California National Watercolor Society show. No admission charge for members and one guest. Others 50 cents. •• *• - Giant Star : -Will Write ~ - ULand of tbl GllDll" ~ ly, -Land. will ~· wrtllq I .,..ilclled -. oo beauty UPI t11IJ 11111.,.6. From the 1ooU ol I h'e. ......... -""~ have many _...t141>1ta to lhal'J with readert acro11 the llod~1 UCI GALLERY -Fine Arts Building, 7601 Irvine Ave. Irvine. Hours: I to 5 p.m. Tues. lhrough Sun., closed Mon. CurrenUy on exhibit, major works or New Y.ork artists, Jim Dine, Jasper JOhns, Roy Llchtenstein, Morris Loub, Ken- neth Nolan, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Jbn Ro.senqulst, Frank Stella and Andy Warhol. At Melod11l•"d Pianist Peter Nero shares bill with singer Ed Ames. Wblle bedded down with tM n1.1, Carl Bel% star of "Judd for the l)efwe" started II> whitUe wood Into ~ candleaUckl. Now, claims d.le handlome actor, he enjoy,...)l so mucll he plans. to cootinll' It u a hobby. ... While on vacation from \ti ..Lancer" series, And{ew ~ gan will direct his flnt. mo~ -a documentary about '~auon. ~4 •• COFFEE GARDEN GALLERY -A retrospective show of paintings by the late Emil Kosa Jr., selected by the artists friends, ls on exhibit at the Coffee Garden Gallery under the sponsorshlp of the Newport Harbor Service Lea- gue, 2625 E. Coast Highway, Corona del -Mar. The gallery is open Mon.-Fri. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sat. from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. No adm.i.s&ion charge. Crossword Puzzle .. ... SO. CALIF. URST NAT'L BANK -17122 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. On exhibit during regular business hours, oil paintings by F8y Truxel. · · ft1ARINER'S LI BRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport Bea~h. On exhibit in the -Jr. Ebell Exhibit during regular libr!ry hours, oil paintings and pastels by Jane lilll. NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -·1090 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. CUrrently on exhibit during regular business hours, collages and serigraphs o{ Caroly~ Stallwitz. C~f. ART LEAGUE GA.U.ERY -51"3 Cenler St., Costa ~fesa. Hours : Sat. and Sun . 1 to 5 p.m. Continuous erhibit of art work in various media by Art League members. No admission <:barge. CHARLES BOWERS l'lfUSEmf 2002 N. Main St., Sant.a Ana. Hours: Tues. through. Sat. 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 1 to 5 p.m.; Wed. and Thurs. evenings, 7 to 9 p.m. NG admission charge. CurrenUy on exhibit woodcuts and draw- i11gs by 1.1anuel Hernandez; watercolors by Mrs. 1.1. F. Bradshaw, and Orange County Art Association's Designer- Craftsman Show. ttmA VERDE LIBRARY -2969 ri.tesa Verde Dri ve East, Costa Mesa. Currently on e1hibit through ftfay 8, watercolor paintings by Clarence Sorenson. COSTA MESA LIBRA RY -566 Center St., Costa Mesa. On. exhibit through April, waterco!Gr , oil ·and acrylic paint- ings by Gordon Andrew. John Mills Finding ·Fantily Co111petition HOLLYWOO D -After some 40 years on stage and sCreen and no\\' acc laimed as one of the "greats" of the Drunken India n For Sit· Ca rol Sir Carol Reed, director of many distinguished motio n pictures, including the current A c·a de my Award winner, "Ol iver!", has been signed by \Varn er Bros.-Seven Arts lo direct "Nobody Loves a Drunken Indian." It was <in· nounced by Kenneth Hyman, executive vice-president in charge of world-wide pr~ d1.1ction. Anthony Quinn will star in the com~y-<frama. sho\v world, John Mills is fin· di ng that he has created 'his own "monste rs." His greatest competition is right In his own family. • John, ·.vho stars with Beau Bridges ·and Jane Merrow in the Warner Bros.-Seven Ar ts release. "Return of the Boon1erang," wryly states: "I'm afraid I am now better known as the 'father of Hayley J\.1ills,' or the husband of Many Hay\c Bell,' than I am as an actor.'' But Mills is very proud of his brilliant actress daughter and of hi! wife, a well-known novelist and playwright who received as much press at· lention as ~ did durjng their stay in Australia while he was film ing "Return of th e Bom· merane. '' ACROSS l Foot 6 Gtn11an i !rl's namt 10 aste11.er 14 Ammonia derivative 15 Cran.,y's relative 16 N1.1111ttlctl ~eflir 17 ht present occas ion 18 "You'rt oh, so rlghll" 19 OtstlncUvt 11od1 of t'llprtsslon 20 No rthwest TtrtltoritS lake: 2 words 22 Having fuft 23 Clipped 24 Pronoun 25 lrlshman of wuiny ·stories 28 Mythical being 29 L1y 30 To Ute poinl 33 King of Judlh 35 Communlea- tlon method 38 Energy '10 A measu1e -41 Mr. Flynn -42 Klild of com mun I• calion CS Possessive CO SUll conUnu\ng •1 Force , J " .. ENJOY HAWAII'S MOST UNUSUAL 'HOTEi: THE SS LURLINE South America and the Galapagos Islands ... • • Spend 10 dlys cruisinf Hawaii's buutiful isllndl witfl the SS lur· line as your u:dusivtly first class hotel in every port. Visit Honolulu, Oahu, for 3 dlys; Nnillwill, Kauai, for 2 dl)S; L111Ji111, -. lor 2 dlys; HilO, Hawaii, for l dly Ind l<otla, Hawaii, for 2 dlys. for • superb J.week vltltiow, truise to .. d from the blinds n Mii. amidst 1 "hippy, e«efree 1tmor.phere of lntonnal eteeance on tht Lurline. You'll u..,..k Just once, tllon rolu and enjoy,...._ to Ult full· nt. F arn bqin al IMO for tflt 20- dlJ cruitl "'"" Cdfania ports. O.,,.rllns> ..., 19, Sept. 22, Oct. 14. Boo!< -for tll~ usy and fun • wt1 to visit Ill tile - An Unusual Cn ls1 Oppertutlty On May 17 Matson's ·ss Monteroy departs for • 2841y YOY•&• to the excitina: ports of Mazatlan 1nd Acapulco, Mt~co; Um11 Peru, Gua- yaquil, ECutdor; Balboa, Canal Zone; Tabo(a 1~1nd, Panama: ind a spe· clal visit to the incredible C:alapa· 1os Islands. You'll trml in exclu· sively first class luxury while aboard ship. And'you'll hm ample time to enjoy uch port and the m•ny 'P" cial events Matson is providillf. All inc:lusift fll'IS start 1t $1,l!O. W1'll bl &lld to lift you mor1 lnformotlon. • ... -48 Ftmale Ytstffday's Pu.z:zfe Sofvtl: • ·-> ilnimal " SO Celtic .. Neptune -'> 51 G-mln or " .... Toman " 52-Navlgator'I ;I COl'leflll '"I 54 Make a ,,, •r thon:iugft ~ search or 57 Vthlc\es 111 Wtll-lcnon •• .... ..... 112 Central .. . .. points 4118/\t • 63 Cominrtct 64 Tow11d lhe 32 U.S. ' a Whisky mouth concoction ~resident : 65 Soup 9 Supplemienl 34 tate: A~r. · ·1ngredlenl by scanty 36 Work In • ft6 Displily addition ... wood• ofpoms 10 Hang abou t 37 Part of 67 Aboun Ing 11 Holt· th•'odf in morays ,...,, 1' cmucblll •f Part of 11aker or Clll,,..a "to be" 12 Stair of 43 Closut1 69 Moves agi tation 44 Entrance ~arQund ll Equine 4.9 Seton or 21 Fastentt Steinbeck DO 'CtN 22 length unit 51 Bay or-24 Affectionate .52-bleul 1 Noise gesture 53 --Poto 2 God of love 25 Family SC Moccasin 3 --prole: membtr: Informal 55 Rtmovt· Ult • ' Without aXial issu t 26 Love, ~orUon 4 Early South In Roma S!i ind of Amtrleans 27 Namti: surgery '· 5 Be very 2 WOf 5 57 Futl "''"' 29 Traffic 58 "Sul table for 6 Runs at engineer's festivity cross-concern 59 Cheese • ~urposes JO Tl111t of year 60 Beco11u 7 Jnd of Jl Com11unl-fir111 radio cations •z Business .. syslN 111edl11111 abbreviation 1 ' 7 " " " Take a IO-day "Super Cruise" and stay at Hawaii's most unusual 'hotel' The SS Lurline s599 AH l"Cl~1fw1 ~·· Spend 10 effortless ~ys cruisis:ic: lll'I0!1I thl lslands •If! tht uekJ. sively tint class lurlinl a your hotel In net}' portt Yau'll u11p.1ok just -· then visit -~. oao.. for 3 days; lllwllw._ W. :1or 1 days; Llflllnl, lllai. for 2 days; Hi~. -i\ for I doy: 1\1\f -. HIWail, for 2 days. l1lb -Jlil'I llM plenty " timt to '" .. -wffll. out -llnills to dlqt YoK hotel lt'1 up to 'you. All-lnclu11Ye ' f1r11 b19in 1t •sn from Los An9eJ.1# Far ill· det1il11 · ju1t cont1ct u1. \J r CALL RUBAIYAT TOURS 675-4 140 IALIOA ISLAND, CALIJORNIA ~•lY '"~ TIOM: .. Lvr11M,-... ........ Ill lfll 1.1.S... ZDl MARINI AVINU I ...... lt1 """' -• ---•1-A DM SION or 1'1lA/16 .. ,... ..... -"'"" ...... Ill... . """" ... ,,.. ,.,; .....,., "-'"""*11J. . · /l)jf:llllC "A NA110NAL WHOLISALll" FllllJ;lflC. )_ -~ • • .• • • • ' U DM.V l'ILOT FOdly, AP'I 18, 1969 Ar THI INTUNCI TO UDO ISU .... SltoJ s-6:41 MGM piesents John fr4nloenheimer· EdWdid l.twis Plodudion of fixer •. b.sed on the Pl.ditzer Prizc- wiming """"' by l!!I O ' 9.,,,.,d M.l.mud. ~~• ....$tarrl-AU.N IA Tl$ DIRK IOGARDE IUIAlllTH HARTMAN HUGH GRIFFITH -Aho---A Mlldted Ftetd Alber& PTol;k.dO'I _... Peter UStlnOV. Maggie Smith Karl Malden • :c.it""?I ''":Vf1 °1 u:1+o::roes1x;s;zzs:+;;p;q; to cauuuec+o+• YOVR Gl!IDE 'l'O MOVIES Oscar Wi~ners Play Coast (Editor'• NoU: This movie gui<U " PffPCITed by the: film.a committee of Harbor Council PTA. Mn. John Clark U prtri<Unt and Mrt. Hart Sweene»' is committee chairman. It is inttnded tll a rtftrence in dtterminlnq 1uitabL1 film3 for certain a g • group1 and will ~ar tDCeklv. Your trlno1 art soliciUd. Mail them to Mo- vie Guidt, care of the DAILY PILOT.) MATllRE TUNS AND TEENS M<D ADULTS o/l<r tht IHI< lndi<aUr th< ADULTS a..i,, CU!f Rober\aoo Is rcung given th• p1c.,.,. br Bllllltt (M): Slevt McQl)ttn Qi.arty, 1 mentally retarded. the Motion Picture Code. is Bullitt, a San Fr&ncisco Youn.& man who with the help The Motion Picture Cork police ddtdlve ualgned to And Rating Program mou protect a Chicago mobster of 1 night school teacher-be found on the motion needed by pollUclan u prime psychologist (Clairt Bloom), picture page. witness in a Senate crime bas e:xperimental b r a i n,;:;:::========:::;I bearing. Robert Vaughn surgery. He becomes a Tiie Heart 11 0 Looell thougbtlul, brWant adult with Huter: A gentle lonely dea. new and serious problems. mule, sens.itiv~y played by lmaginatJve photography wilh Alan Arkin, movu to the = score by R a v I home of a crippled man and · his teenage daughter (Sondra Pluet of tk Apa: Sclence- THI MOTION PICTURE COD! AND lA TING PROGRAM Tiie Motio11 Picture Cocle and R•H11t AJJl\i11i1tralio11 •pplia1 th1 followln9 r1lint1 to fllm1 di1tribuflif ln the U.S.A. Plc- 3~Awank BEST ACTRESS -Katharine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE ~!.!!'!J,!,A_!!' ... ... _._ ........ ~N€ P€r€R ~ H€PBURN 01001£ "''"'"""' 1H€ LION INWINT€R ~::.;.":''°:i.~· RESDl'l!D sun MOW AT IOX OFFICE DI IT IWL! ElClUS1VE OUMl ~ • ...... s.. c.MwflLI _. .:.~ ll' 1111111 tl coum mu.nD .. 1 -llcMt ~It'!~ .... '"' i1MV4J'I SUT PIAIOl(XT • 1~1no110t .., ,_ .. "'~ 11111M1 011kOi IKMitll. TONIGHT AT 8 :30 TO•OllOW AT 2:00 l 1:30 PM rlJfU/s CENlURY 21 •11•._.-. . .-.n1.ne1 ALSO AT UA 4-STAR. TH~ATRllE L e ANGl:L£S ' ' * " " ADULTS Barbarella (SMA): GI r 1 astronaut receives o r d e r s from pres.ident of earth in the year 40,000, to find a missing earth scieDtist -inventor of a weapon that can destroy the world. Jane Fonda stars. Locke), when his only friend is ficUon story about three committed. By e.xtendlng his astronauts who era.sh land on help to many in the com-unfamiliar planet, 2000 yeara munity he brings warmth and hence, where apes are clviliz- undentanding to those around ed and hWlUlM, primitive. him. Charlton Heston, M a u r i c e Hot MJlllons: Peter Ustinov, Evans, Roddy McDowall. tur11 r1t1J G, M '' R q11111ify Ill~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for the Code Seat. .. Pictures riled X do not r1c1i'fe a Seat. The r1ling1 1pply to pictur11 r1le11ad after No¥em- ber I, 196&. P<cture1 rel1e11d before th1t d1i1 ••• de1crib- 1d 11 pr1¥iou1ly I E£ll» i nd/or SMAI. ' • • • • . • t\1ernesa . . . • • t._ I, ' •~ ::: ,•r ' 1 'J• .".f _~j \~~c hAR6l1.: • • .::e st~ ~.'ESA TWPHOIU 541-1552 FOi INFORMATIOll 20TH CENTUR¥-FOX PRESENTS CHARDON HESfON " .. ARllll: P. W::OOS Pftldlcb "'MEI' .Jf[apES R600f tkOONAll ~RICE EVN\) ~KIM HUNIER · 1'\MES \'Afl!MOIJE .1'\MES [WY Also Comedy Co-Hit maa1m ........... NOTE: ONE SHOWlll& EACH M STARTS 7:15 ·-of Ille~ 7:1S-........ M ... loOI" t:OS Co Iii -Sot I S.. "-2 P.M. TRUE COMPANIONSHIP ••. bf;nging people who feel alike end think olike together: that's what computer selectton Is all about. Nor is it just for J<Xl"9 people. It worl<lr for men and women of oll ages who ore look.Ing for mature, lotting relationships Buona Sera, Mn. Campbell MJ: When a U.S. Air Force squadron returns for a reunion to an Italian town they oc- cupied 2Q years previously, 8Jl enterprising matron tries to cope with veterans each of whom believes ht: is the father of her daughter. 'Gin a Lollobrigida, Janet Margolin and Peter Lawford. Coogan's Bluff ( S r.t A ) : as an ingenious embenler pro-Romeo ud J • 11 et : grams computer of large com· Shakespeare's classic becomes pany to grtntl out payments to vividly new with splendor, ex- his non-existent companies, citement and staging of the then exits to Brazil. His loving young lover's tragedy under wife, Maggie Smith, springs a Zeffirelli's fresh casting and few financial surprises of her direction. Leonard Whiting own in this bright, sly, and Olivia Hussey . comedy-satire. Support Your Local Sheriff: Interlude: Temperamental H 11 a rious tongue-in-cheek. brilllant conductor devoted to almost non-violent, western his work and his family, with James Garoer, Joan becomes involved with a young Hackett, Walter Brennan. journalist. Oskar Werner and Those MagnlOcent Men in Barbara Ferris. their FJylq Mlichines: 1910 Llo• in Winter: Clash of two flying machines and vlntage strong-willed monarchs, King cars in sla~tick story of Lon- Henry II or England and his don to Paris air race. queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine. makes ·a brillant, explosive * * * ~-Sw1Jg•1t1d for GENllAL 1udlenc•1. JM]-Su99ested for MATUll audi1nce1 IP1ra11t1I di1 • cr1tlo11 1d¥il1d ). [BJ-llSTRICTID -'•t1on1 und1r 16 nof 1dmiffed, u~l111 acc0Mp1ni1d Oy p1renl or 1dult tu•rd· i1n. @--Peno11 ..... 16 Mt o4..ittff'. This •9• ,,. tlrictlon 11'11' be higher in c1rt1l11 1r111. Ch•clc lheetr• or ad¥1rti1int. Arizona Sherif I, Clint Eastwood, is sent to N.Y. to bring back a'n escaped kiUer held by the police. He gets drawn into group o( drug ad- dicts before he completes his mission . drama out of fragments of The letter immediately 12th century history. Pt:ler F~~~~~~~~~~lf~=======~=:11 O'Toole and Katharine Hep-m:~bel, Rechel (SMA): Ill LhtlUt#•WlJ The Fixer (M): A young Jew {Alan Bat.es) in Czarist Russia, who leaves the ghetto in Kiev, is falsely accused of a ritual murder in this pro- vocative film. A study o{ persecution whJch a f f I r m s man's indomitable spirit. Dirk Bogarde stars. Joanne Wtmward is a l'J!\ljlj:J~IU neurotic, tense, and restless ~~';..."-ml ---· -.. •• .. - - spinster schoolltacher trapped ~ AWA~D in her small town world in this c~c.:mr sensitive story. plus The Stalking Moon (G): On "FOi LOYI OF IYY .. Wll!I Sicln1r Poffi91'" his last mission, an army c .. t1n-,.,..Y 1i• P'.M. scoot (Gregory Peck) rescues '::::::::=::::=::::=::::=::::=;:::::::=::::=='.I a white woman captive (Eva f Point Blank: This brutal, lusty film is a tangled account or underworld double-cross. Lee Marvin portrays a thug obsessed with vengence, who uses his sister-in-law (Angie Dickinson) as bait. They Came to Rob Lu Vegas (R): Outsiders challenge the syndica te in their own backyard by devis- ing a heist using an armored car. Gary Lockwood, Elke Sommer, Lee J. Cobb, and Jack Palance. Marie Saint ), and her haJf. breed son from a band of Apaches and the vengeance of her brutal chieftain husband. 'lbe Subject Wu Roses: A family drama about a housewife who for years car- ries personal crosses which have kept her husband al arms length. Adapted from a Pulitzer Prize winning play. Patricia Neal, Jack Albertson and Martin Sheen star. GUIDE TO FUN ... APRIL 20 FREE PARKING SATURDAY APRIL 19th P.T.A. SPRING SERIES OUR FIRST SHOW: "GULLIVER'S TRAVELS" And 3 C•rfoon1 10:15 I 12:45 RIGULAI PIRPORMANCI STARTS AT :J:OO P.M. FOLK ENSDlBLE -The Aman Folk Ensemble, 1 company or 80 singe rs and dancera, will perfonn in Crawford Hall, UCI, 7001 Irvine Ave., Irvine, April 20 at 8:30 p.m. The l'==========!I lavishly costumed group 111 noted for its athletic precision and exuberant spirit. Tickets, $3.50 at the Fine Art box office. Phone 833-6617. APRU.. Zl ARTISTS CONCERT -S. Hurok will present Ralph Votapek, pianist, in concttt, April 21 at 8:30 p.m. in the Little Theatre,- California State College at Fullerton, 800 No. State College Blvd., Fullerton. Tickets $1 -$6. Phone 1-870-2410. APRIL U STORY HOUR -Every Thurs. the Laguna Beach Library, 363 Glenneyre, Laguna Beach, conducts a story hour for children two and one-half to five years. It starts at 9:30 a.m. APRIL zj NOON CONCERT -A noon concert will be held Thurs., April 24. in Room 178 of the Fine Arts Bldg., at UCI, 7801 Irvine Ave., Irvine. Songs for High Voice : works of Schu- mann, Ravel, Granados and Bernstein will be performed. No admission charge. Phone 833-6617. APRIL 25 DANCE CONCERT - A dance concert will be presented by the dance students at Huntington Beach High School on April 2.5 at 7:30 p.m. in the gymnlisium, 1905 Main St., Huntington Beach. Titled "Focus" the program will include TONFn AT 6:00 • t :IS J,,-.1 Fo-.d ., Bl\Hbl\H~llA PAHAVISIOH • TEall:llLGI' lll!l AND AT 1:00 ONLY THE STALKING G MOON 0 tlOHCOlOl'I·· ~·. J1nmy Slade "THE U•LY ONIS .. -M "'II Color snow '-1)\ A ','[<.A -PAULO --545-JJIJ I ·-··'""""''''"" Ac....,,'t Awel"f WIMlr S11.,.. Mca.-. "IULLITT'-lllf Glo'9I ,.,,.,.. •• "HOUU OF CARDS"-M All ColOr si-;;;_ __ ~ -I _..,_ Ul·1271 lleet111"*1Mcl flir AdMlltl J01nn1 Woodwenl "RACHEL. RACHIL"-M Alan Ar1tln '1HI HUIT II A LONILY HUNTll'' All Color Show ,;...;;;.._...: ..._ .... .... • 147·35'1 Dlln M1rtln "WRECKING CAEW"-M T ....... rWe\d "PlnTY POISON"-M o'!t l ~I~ I' Hl·WAY 39 dances to rock, pop, drum, vocal, instrumental and computer 1 * HEY KIDS! * :--, music. Tickets $1. for adults, SO cents for children; available L l it Pol Show, Sot. 1 :OO I at the door. APRIL 25 r _1_ "I I TRAVEL FllJll -The Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club Is II "K''"...-.. ..,. "~ presenting "Incomparable Gffi:Ce," narrated by Col. John ,,@· ' ,IJ,!•, Ac";::Je~=.:,i.- Craig, April 25 at 8 p.m. in the Orange Coast auditorium, .LB E "IUlLln''-M 1 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Tickets, $1.50 for adults Geor11 P'eopp1n1 and 75 cents for students, available at the door. Phone ~ .. •-• ~--· '"HOUSI OP CAIDS"-M I '~6~~1~.~~~=:ilr~;:=~~~I 11 "''°"' Fi iX-•ouTH coasT • ACADEMY tUilRll PLAZA THmATRa .... AWARD .. :"::: .... s:o~.=,~.::':'.: .... 5!!~1 1IEA.ITu"'I WINNER! I •( A wou .-N WlTll A -ri .CLIFF ROllRTSON -'-=--' '"' ,.,.,. ce,t.n _,, lo "CHARLT" 1 PASSIONATE HUNGER! I --..:.s=l'(·-..,. .... .,,.. ... SRllllR ~C111R£S ;n collibcnlion wftll ROBER I SON ISSOOATES pnlOlls CLIFF ROBERTSON. 1 wirh members of the q>pOSite sex. It is not a sub-- ltitute for the human mind or emotions. You truly make the selection bec.ouie of the values you 'place on a lasting relotionshlp. The computer mertly helps us find like-minded companions foster, It hos wor!<~d for thou50nds; It will work. for yoo. ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 1 hr MeN 1"'-"""" c.11 17141 14J·S64S., Fiii Ovt c .. ,.. CtfA~~ . tt.Mr ............................................................................... . • • 4Tlt1Et ,,_ •• ,,,,,,,,.,CtTY ••······-·•···-STA TE ........... ll ............... . :P'HOfilli ..... , •••.•..•• RACE ...... _ ••••.••• SIX,,,, •• , ••••••• ..t.GI ........... . • • f OCCUPATIOfll _,,, ••••• , •• ,,,.,,,.,( 1 llHGLli t ) 1)1\iOlllCED ( )'WIDOWED ' • • ' COMPRAMATICS _3U) WEST COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 92'60 17141 547-5645 -(2131 U0.27M 11 AM to 10 PM Plus u.-CLAIRE BLOOM -··-· -&--11.•u_e_._ ALSO PU.TING---------- ACADIMT AWARD WINNEl JAClt ALllRTSON Sopportlo9 A-lo ''THI SUIJICT WAS ROSES"' I ELKE GARY SOMMER LOCKWOOD LEEJ. JACK COBB PALANCE TIIEYDME.m ROB ~ IAS ·/ ' 4\ W6'5 ,· ~\ (. .t'. ·~ "' GINA LOU.DBRIGIDA SHELLEY WUITEllS PHIL SILVERS PETER lAWFDRll THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF THEM ALL THE BIGGEST HIT IN TOWN! ACADEMY AWARD WINNER -~ ~MCOUf:f:N AS · ~oowrr• ROffRJ VAUCitiN l!CijU[UMEriiBliiiSSEill - 2nd Co-Feature •• .:::: ,, "Coogans Bluff" Stno Mclj)11n11 ,N THE WESTMINSTll!:R Cll!:NTER '" "BULLITT" Also Aod LH Manh1 At· '" ''POINT BLANK" HELD OVER AGAIN 10th W9" 11 Tow1 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER lelt Clffllliit<19raplly l a..t Comi-hdf• IMlltmll/IM IMlllit lllD 00/llllWI ITS/Jiii idlll!' ROMEO .?JULIEf ~-lllllllCOlGI "BEAUTIFUL" 2 FllST IUNS SHOWN TOGnHEI FO• THI IST TIME I 7 I - I I i I .. m·'!'!_~t<l(CI n::::i.... (C) , .. ., ... .. __ ..... .... ..... ......., ........ . -la ~••1,..ro .. _,..., ... l:GI !! "" ii. -(C) (IO) )"1) , .. arc .. (C) l '!!il·-(C) (30) IP: (C) II:.; - -(C) (10) " "' ..,.. • Shnlt11, ... Prince, ,..., (ICi·fi) '51-«lerM "°°" • .,.. ........ ~w...... ~ • Ill O'Clodl -(C) .. .... ·-...... -...... {....ry) '5t -Sal r.-IMd ·CC> ""'°' '"' ""'7 . .,...,, ""' tal 111 Cl) Bl -t<l .., ~ (C) (30) (clftllM) '45-StlirltJ -8'rtol I'"" (Cl (60) -...... "' ... _ -· -t30l ·• .., Wit' llll mm-.. tc1 tht Inca." A ritlt with tlH1 ,,....m. Met Ti CM. (C) -(C) (30) I" .. d9 lnt.n Ill l"lnl'• Yillllt• lld ....... ni.n '''°l~~-::.:(C) N~ ~·u'* 1;7i~(C) I lMt ..., (30) I (C) ......... " .. ' ..,.... ....... " • ef Pnhl*lric W...." end (C) (60> ' "Tilt" " .. ,.. .... ftl CIMlr (30) '"tll*as." A 1'1l11r11 • ....,_ ....... .., __ .... _B~fll"" --(C) elrc:ut. fima shcN ,,..,.u... . Ill -,. "' C. CtlkAll hr tht 1929 .... h Rlfllf\rw ,.,..., iB:r11t . ....., tlr .. brtll (C) 1n thl .... tn111 ss int...ina DllMI= CC> ~ .... "'"""""'"""' -,.."' (WlllWrl} '52-CllJ Cooper, f'tl11111 a rn m m m -tc1 "'")'.:;.. ,. """ 7:111111cu,_~,,._lla ..... (C) (30) ·=•I iill•: "ChHd1tn in Pu~ Wil er "'"" .... ~ 8lttwtd Chlld" I WW• llJ Lille1' (C) (lll) 11 a.. fJhlll ' uiw -(C) (30) ....... (30) """"' ...... ,,, 1u-'-,., tMI' Pracrlm." Mrs. Sar1h O. Oftls. . Cl) ....... (C) Offb ol Urbta Nf1ln. tllb lllolll iililr ._ s,.dll (C) thl vttal won beinr '*"" tr 'IOI· l.aN mlls tile ldlon betfttll u111 .. r1 In public achools. tllt LA lllrdl tld t1t1 ftN Yori II:) Alllrbll Wiit (C) Bombm. · IBT,,. • .__ (C) .~r&,IB•-,,. t<l 7,.,,(1),.. ........ _(C) ........ - llijlo -(C) (60) ..... ~t<l(55> u .. e111 mm_._._ @()) nlil ti T• ,._ 1111 (t)-6/rt ;MJ tlldlOftf l(u- (60) M r1lllt lllltftlilu autlt.L btlt call the ICtioll bll'nt11 tilt Al• l11turld art Pal Paul1e11., fr111 O.ldalld Mtillticl 11111 tht i. .. Jttlritl 11wt lll1mtls dt_ Piela. City Royals. JicW" (..,_.) '64-..llln Cr1w· (C) ""'"' I -.... I... E llllCD IB ............. ford, Dllfll Blktr. ~ n.tlt: "fw.GUfl ltdJ,• I-... "' IC) (!D) "''°I" Cll "' ...... 1 .. (C) ,_, ·-(60) (l)llJ..._ I I IW c..-... .. Im (30) . ct Cltft. D c:-tl 11111•1-.. lltN: (C) ~ OM .. L•al-ICl (lD) -(-~pl-g 11ai11111w Qllat (60) Pitt Set· PhJ11is IUrt. ' , . cir'J IUldJ fFt TModof9 .,... I ind pott Rasllld H1111111. .., , OJ l9Clldb (C) f' 1,zsa-·-•-<C1 ~·~!ff-"" <ti <!0>1,.l,!9m-<C> oo m,.... " ... .... ~ ..... fflllrtl CC> D111 .. s-s.a (C) (30) Clk tilt ...... ICtloll bf.. Wtddlrc.• . tW1111 the lfVIM 11Mf WlltlillatoL II GENEll.\TION GAP-JOIN m....,. ,_, (C) n. use * THE BAffiE • FUN 'ti;Jans lilllt th• Wnlliniton stat• 8 Qt CS) Q) llftrltiell 1., (C) Couprs 11'11 Pacific I ldlon. TOlll ffi>Jllclllny tlku llftl' 11 holl 11111~ 1nfl!Mllla11: G•rry Moar1 ruests. e 11r11 r..n l llln klffll (C) (ICI) lZ'JClllJ~., o-t (C) ..... ,_ I.II (C) (Cl) • """*'"' (C) .... ,... n.tn: "No w,, l:lllflQlrllCll ,...., -(C) "-" "&ttrpl "JM f«t .,.... (aiw•n· tur.) '9-Wlllil• lloldll, John l;OO • 1 fE ...., T~t If !Fo~EI-= r:.•· <Cl (SO) z.,._ 1 1111 $150,000 lout· 11! ( 111 Lil's Mt 1 1tMf n11ntnt-4imitld 11 l')lftrs w11o l30) IJ' H•I holtJ. h•vt won Niof toum1mtnb in tllt Splc9lttltl (&O) "'Ille Alcof'lolic last 12 lllOllttn--b cvwtrtd llw1 GtntrstiOll." fro111 tht U Collt Country Club ill -K Ralldlo U Coltt, C.lif . ... ,_ a-...., " .. Cfl!" """ t:lO !! qt, G!f:,' .. ''~.,If WIU ~, .. ·~ M1ture, ltidltrd ·-cl2. (30) ,.'ti;.,... l!I •--~::., .. ~ 1:J08BClllh L1H •11111 <t> !HID 11IUCll 11.l flflllEll l1lt ~DI II n. ... -(C) "'°"'" &ii (Q-(60) "'IAllCf for tbl W. U11llu Wirt T.,ill'ift.r' St1trt" a~ ...... r.c.r. '\ii'· 8 ID,._ (C) (50) Zil." Jllfrilll EINllllf hrbr tnd all (I) 91 Jedd fw lh D• Rithlnl Boorll; tnd .,, llloOltlr,• ..... CC)'' (ii) "Thou Shilt Not 1Urtln1 StM Cochren. Sutftr I Wlttlt To LIVI." • MMt:: ~ ........... " 1111*"'1 Dlllll (30) Qi# tllW' <•n1111) '43-ludwil 1" ........ (C) (30) Don1tlt. l&D .... (80) "Apollo VIII II Mowk ""' """"" ....,.. 1rld !ht Art ol Sptct Pllvlcltion.'' (mpft!J) '51---IDWrd Conti, Julll IEI ,......, ;:_.. n..tni: •111.s. '"·" lD:»BllltiM:: (C) .,.._ If w.-1:1......, ...._ "~rtment (iiiptezy) '53 -Vlnctnt Prtoe. for hie." =z''1s 1111t. . a 11n "'"' (C) 11-,., <•> z,••amcls .., .,_ t<l •• ,. 111ttr11 l"f• .,,rn .. a1 Ntdl. "'°°I U.f.!.lllN• (C) • ,_ '" lllfl a• (C) · s:m m c.111r --·--.,_ ... _ (11111tk:.ll) '47-tllc:k HIJIMS, Y1r1· J:lt fJ ... (C) ~ Ill '"" TMll Ellen. tit Wiil" (Wllllhm) '4~'Mnfll 11:l08Mtwlr. -.......i1 Hfia'llb" Q! C.rlo, SC9tl lrtdY. (daaicJ 'lt -Uur1nct Ol!Nr, ID C... Dini (C) .,,,. W•r· i·u~,, .. t:,:-:. m rion." ·. I -~--•:• m MtN: (t) "Clnilll..t If Ct--cihl" ('lllStttll) '5.S-Roffrt SUd, Lifldt OtrntR. l t.-1 rrta: S (C) (Wtlllm) '56 -Diii "8lltrbon, i Hodlak. M 9 it':.'::.' f> =.'IQ" (C) (Tr.mt) 5&-.Jima lllaon, ht· o.w lhaltl ll:lSIJllhwit: (C) ..... NI lJt" •:JD•llll Oi .... I I (C) Nrl flutll. 111 tllt Ull (t) ll:JD ID"""' ftNh: '1'1111Jik:t." ,.,,D_ (C) iirMt: "Tiii , .. " ....... u..-(1US111nst) '53 -Kly Ttndlitt, liw111dol)'n Watford. m ,,... • 1 ..... o.t cc, 1:15. MIN: ..... " tile ....,.. (•Mntun) '57 -Wllll1I hiW, l1flfl1ll TllOlriplon. ,,,..77 -""' ""m "'""°' ,_ ""' .....-'"' "CurtU SlocUde." '.1'.TUrf',~~ A"'IL lt ',' (I I •, I '• , , ..... -(Q '"" ............. (C) ea.,.. "9illl '"'1--(C) ............... -,,..._ -(C) ... 8 "The All American Colltp * s-· 1tarrlnc Dennl1 J1ml$. Sponsored bJ Colptt-l'llmolllt Co. ·----W.-(C) Dtftllll JI-holb.. a 1rs ACADEMIC-T .. ms * from LI C.nodi, J1mn Monroe I. RntCll Hlcht compete. J.,., Fop I holll 811'1 ,...._ (C) LI C.Mdt. ....... Mol!itt ... ....... lliO ..... CIOll!pltt. •C11••1il Ifs ...... (Q Siii "" "" 111 Wtl1 !Met Im r u11 •• f ltll'l"'t:. 51 tn1w ..... --1T!f,~(C) ... I= ... (C) (II) ..... (Q --IC) Doi •1111 1111111. l ........... (C) .. _ _,(<) ... II ... 0 I •:: (C) (IJ) e JOB PRINTING • PUBLI~ TIONS • NEWSPAPERS O••llty Pth1tin1 1N o.~fl4•~1• 1t"'1t• fer .. , • .u •• Q.•rlw •' • C.•t•ry. 1111 WllT IALIOA llYD. MIWPOIT l!ACH ., LEA'le 1-lJM JUST LIKE LOOtC, Mikel-OM HIS SHIRT FRONT! -.AMO I C>N1 FEEL N4'f PULSE ·' HI! IS, MONEYDEW/· .. Wfft HEADIN' FCR TIE CLOSEST JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS OlllAT ON.LOWI, · lUMBLEWEEPSI 'llXJ CM'r LEAVE OUR ~lWIN!-WE NEED ALL 'THE ABLE BODI ED MEN WE ~GET! MUTT AND JEFF POLICE STATION/ \OOlL FIND ~~ ME1JUP6El PffT •• NQWI; W CHANCE TO I.ET ....i IN ON A SECRET "'BOtJT MUTT-C'Ml~;:! IF )OU'~ "' WOMAN RiAPEl'I. COME IN CL.OGE· Cl.CSE~! GORDO MISS PEACH \1 MTMU~ 15 A .uy Cl.!AN-CUT 1(10, I' 1 CL.OSER! ly Scnmclen and Overtard By JOhn MDes By Harold Le Don By Tom K. Ryan ITT>ctOSER 1HAN'THE Rl!IEl'll LEGION By Al Smith 5MACK! 1 KNOW·· "lllAT!s ·A SNEAKY WAY "!ti GiT A KISS, BUT 1 LOVE VOUI ~~ _,.......-__ j I I By G111 Arriola Mel 'ISt:Hll'S MAM.<itr; ellT IN A PtffUITN 5"1tT' ~ WAY. D.\!L y l'ft.111' p • • • By Phil lnterlandl 1 : • ' I • • • • • • ' . ~ -1. 1 • • • .. ' • TELEVISION VIEWS Some on TV Have Style By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UP!) -Style is a very rano commodity on television. Not too many shows ha".• it. But a number of video stars do, and make theLr series bearable simply because of this personal quality. Dean Martin, of course, is a triumph of style, ·. over everything. Robert Wagner of "It Takes a: : Thief" has it. He glides through his series with just the righl attitude -not making everything a big deal. It is no surprise that Fred Astaire, the stand· ant for style, has agreed to play Wagner's father in some of the series' episodes next season. PATRICK MACNEE of "The Avengers" is a stylish fellow . Brian Keith of "Family AUair" deliv- ers his own brand of style in a quiet, manly way. And his costar, Sebastian Cabot, is a British gentle- man to the hilt. Lucille Ball bas an incomparable personal style, and so do the stars of "Gunsmoke," James Arness, Amanda Blake; Milburn Stone and Ken Curtis. Frances Bavier of 11 Mayberry R.F.D." has a gentle grace that translates into style. Dan Rowan, the straight man of Rowan and Martin's "Laugbo. in,11 is pretty stylish too. Wayne Maunder of 0 Lanc- er" has an understated manliness that reveals a touch of civility. And Diahann Carroll of "Julia" ts right out of the fashion magazines. EDDIE ALBERT of "Green Acres" is a strange case. In movies, he used to be known as a very stylish fellow. But since appearing in this hayseed series, and also doing a number of hani·tl>take com·_' mercla1s, he seems to have lost this touch. .... Bob Denver and Herb Edelman of "The Good· Guys" are two very underrated comic styll11ts.1 Ellzabeth Montgomery of "BewJtched" has style,' and so. in a bright way, does Marlo Thomas of! 1'Th.at Girl" 3 Fess Parker of "Daniel Boone" baa a deceptive• rugged, masculine style that wean well. Raymon<t Burr of "Ironside" established hls styllshnes11 tn; "Perry Mason," and hasn't given any signs of. losing · it. Jack Webb of HDragnet" has &tyle in a direct,: unassuming way. SUSAN SAINT JAMES of "The Name of the: Game" has more style than all the models in an: issue of "Vogue." And Anthony Franciosa of the same series is quite a stylish actor when he turns: on the comedy charm. ' Jackie Glea11on has what might be termed an overpowering personal style. No one else on televis·" ion has the guts or grace to wear a carnation ip his· lapel. Fred MacMurray of 0 My Three Sons'' has a gentle style that goes a long way. HOPE LANGE and Edward Mulhare of "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" exhibited adult style and at. tractiveness throu~hout the season. Efrem Zim· balist Jr. of .. The FBI" has a nice easy way with him, hinting al the sophistication that the dialogue cannot tap too often . Ed Sullivan has a wonderful enthusiasm about his work that reveals style of a very different sort -but. nonetheless, style. Barbara Bain of "Mis. sion: Impossible'' has the sultry, sexy, glamorous style of a woman who Is just about keeptn~ herself in check -until the right moment. Dan Blocker of "Bonanza" bJ1S the mammoth yet gentt~ style of a modern-day Wallace Beery or Victor McLaglen. )l • I I ~ .. Huge Water-·Proje ~t . Boon to Southland \ t l • • I BERKELEY -A ma~ p-.:•s 14 pumps will Tequlre everything b y ~I lone. would dlrect the lllreams made N~a in reverte w1U 80,000 t¥.ncpower, and an auto methods, \Wng massive ~ from the P;lant1s Individual soon pl9b tom ol water 2,000 could be drivea thtoup mOflt it.ructioo and a hbnJte f<ree'' pumps into the main torrent. feet up and over t b e fl Lhe. plumb!ns. approach to ensure t. b e The-compjex shape of eac~ Tehachapi Mo u·n ta In 1 to Ttrougb twin tuMtl& a mi~, system's strength: Cl' rely on maziilold was important to 'the Southern Californla -the and a hall Jone, more than precise cak:ulatioos a o d performanbe of the whole culmination of a bold project 30,000 galloos of water per se-sophisticated new theories to system, but this strange shape to solve one cl the 9late's ma-cond will aurge from the base put just the right amount of their design wa.s st r o n g jor water p-oblerns. to the crest of the mountain material in just lbe right enough? How could they be California's Depertment of range, there to flow through · place. sure they weren't building in Water Resources drtw upon tunnels and aqueducts to the The latter approach woukl some RnSitivity to vibration University ol. california talent Los Angeles area. The first save milliom of tu dollars, that wouJd shake tbea-project to help create the A. D. water deliveries are scheduled bul it wooki demand the m6et to pieces? Edmons&on Pumping Plant. 70 for lflJ. advanced engineering techni-There were no ready-made rnllcs-mrth of Los Angeles, ,....;.'"" hlgb lift and extreme quf.s. al'l9Wen to eilher quest.ion. which will push more water pressures In the system -A particularly critical pr~ The corvtrequences of failure, bi,her then any similar in-nearly 1,000 pounds per square blem was the design ol. the though, demanded dependable sta!laciM in the world. iDcil -left Water1 Resources plam mani!olds -the twin answers. Everything about the pro-DepartrneM engineers with pipe a&&emblies which, looking 1be Water Resources ject is immense. Each of the two ahernatsves: de s I g n lil!e steel centipedes 260 feet · Department. looked foe e1pert e JJJ I . 17tll St., c .... w ... S ...... at c..tw, C.M, e 17904 MOf"I .. St.• T.tbert-YillOfll Cffttr, F.Y. e 10MJ koNll• AM ... IKIW-Gcw..._, t••P•let Cnfw, G ••. e llocll & E411tt1r IM......-tf_.... llocll t••PP'-1 c..tw, H.I. e t '61 c...-Aw ... lfM~ c..ty ..... 6 .G. e JlOO H..._ ltw4.-ff....., ~ c:.ter, C.M, e 1460 W ........ ...ilamt.!St.--1111119wC..-I.A.. e 21111 '-dlliM.lt ....... H.I. 1 ·;Kid Pitches In • • ..... r1100 T......._, ._,, W,i.,, T...... ' 981 Bayer Aspirin ~ U~K-ll• .. • ,_...... 69' Pro Toothbrushes ~ • ! :sieve Roberts, 7, helps fill sandbags for a dike to t ~protect bis East Ji.1oline, Ill., home, threatened by l-.Mississippi River floodwaters. Up river in Minn· 2 ;esota, spreading floods turned prairie rivers int-0 ? vast lakes, causing thousands of residents to t .~vacuate. • • I ' . l Berkeley S tudents 'Boost Peace Corps By DAVID SWANSTON They lay water pipe in Kenya, teach science in. Nepal, advise a (."()q> in Vene~la, end aid the victims of an ea'tbquake that devastated 31 towm in eaitern Iran. They're teattered frcm the cities oC Turkey to ttte atoll& ol M~, bta they have two Chinp in conwnon -all are Peace Corps volurieers. And all are tnm the Berkeley -· -Since the Peac< Oor!'6 began eigllt yean ago, the Berkeley campuo has cOMWnily been lhe mtkln's Jead9lg 10UrCe of volmteen. In all, 568 Berkelty gredB ha"" completed Peace , CU,. eervice and 367 are now ; MrlinC av~ <r preparing ~ IK> go. ! Berkeley produces nearly ~ twice as many volunteen; as • the next hil!heot school (the Unlwnity cl Wiscol&n at Madioon). 'Ibey work in all but five cl the 59 -the P.ce OJrpe: te!'Vet, and are found in virtually every area ! of Peace Corps activity. MIDY, like Charloo James, a 1911 Boak Hall graduate, fit ! the n o w -w~!bed : ete r e otype of rugged • blckgmn:I service in a ~ deveJoplac .-. James. 28, • helped organi>e a mark<ting co-cp fer the shrimp ~ cl Atalooa, a small lkullian filfling village. The • Wined. llmky volunteer : dremes in ragged s h o r t • trouoen and ~ hi< day inapecting c a t c b e s and di9cmllng prob1"ns with Ille !i.shennen. · ~· James lit> Ille ~ popular Image, only • small ~ proportion ot: the Berkeley ~ voiunten actually live his -cl rugged life. Indeed, the mat.4nd-tle workl of U.year- okl Robert Ewing may well tune closer to being typical Ewing p-cmotes tourism in AJanYa, a bitiorlc port town 9D Turkey's Mediterranean coast, by teaching English .. waiters, policemen, and tour guides and advising locaJ reMaurant and hotel owners on a wide range of tourist- ,. reWed matters. ' i Other Peace Corps l!P'Ci:atists include accountants, architects, crty planners, mu- sicians, lawyers, l!!Yen ballet danc~ s -all working at l opecnlc tasks in local govem- l t ment programs. In Afgbi.ri~. f o r instanct, Peect Corps accountants were invited to help implement a • • Pl!'W' system to handle the I'· eowrnznent's i&-rnilltoo-dollar -bud8<t· ' LarTy Goeltz., who has both • "a B.A. and a '67 M86te' of ! · B u 1 i n e 1 s Administration • Dearee from UC Ber- Aley, is one of foor Peace Oar1lO llCCOUIUnl& currently ~ In Ille Afghan pro- " _,. Hll job has been to I train MIDltlry cl Finance emplO)'tS' to use the new dou~ acc ou nting 1y1tem ln Kabu l , ~ Al~·· dusty. mile-high I Cll(lilal. lie and hio w~e. Juli., allo a Berkeley graduate. haft IPftK two yteni in a *kt M\111.im odt.urt: "1>ere mlllf wom«I ltJ1l Wtar the tradjdtnat 1'cbadre" -a tent thlt """'" lh<m from head to toe. It hal been two yean al rldln( lo ~ on a bicycle nll hint on an aJlowuoe of Ill I 1D01itJ1 (while f/5 l lllOIG ..,.,.,...i In Washlll(· Illa). Lony 10C1 Juli< Goel!J lonn one cl 1,m Pea« Corp< mat· \ ried couple1 serving throughout the world. In most cases volunteer husbands and wives have individual assignments, but oc~ionally they work together as a team. About 12 percent of the 13,000 volunteers currently serving are working in one of more than a dozen kinds of health projects. This cadre of volunteer health specialists in- cli.ide physical and oc- cupational therapists, nurses, n u t r i tionists, vaccinators, public health workers, and pharmacists. Ann McCarthy ~ived a B.A. in political science from Berkeley in 1966 and now is ; helping to fight tuberculosis - Bolivia's most damaging disease -in the semi-tropical mounlains of the Yungas region. She travels trOm \lillage to village, testing for T.B., letturing on how it can be avoided, and treating some 100,000 Boliviam. It's tough, exhausting, and sometimes dangerous work - and Miss McCarthy wouldn't have it any other way. In fact , she says she plans to abandon political science wben she retu.rm to the U.S. Like Miss McCarthy, Tod Ragsdale '64 was a liberal arts student at Berkeley before he joined the P~ce Corps -and became a community develop- ment worker in Nepal. He spem two years in Ute village of llam, in the lush mountains of the southeastern ~mer of the country, and then -like about one out of eve.ry six volunteers -extended for ad- ditional service. "Develop- ment projects are more than tw1>year things," he says. Right now, Ragsdale Is leading a project to prepare a topographical survey of the town. The new map, he thinks, will make it possible for the towmpeople to see the poterr tial for futurt development. ''We'll be laying the groundwork for many future projects the people might do," be says, "such as surfacing the roads or starting a rubbish collection system." About 200 miles west of Ragsdale's Village, another Berkeley alumnus is serving in ooe of the most unusual roles in the Peace Corps. The alumnus is 43-year~ld Uoyd Stevens '63 and his job is to teach Brallle to blind Nepalese students. Stevens, h i m s e I f blind, I.a one of a group of less than a dozen sightless Americana who have become volunteers. The first Peace Corps group that went overseas nearly eight yean ago -32 teachers for Ghana -trained at the Berkeley campus and included several Betke1ey graduates. Nearly l.000 Berkeley alumnJ have followed them into the Peace Corps. But nobody knowl eiacUy why. "The quallt1 of our sturlenl.I Is a faetor," Dtan ol Student! Arleigh Williams explains. "But the eight other campuJJ- es-as well as mal'I)' other Irr stltuUons -hf!ve the same quality ol studtnts. 1bert'1 something else -something ~hat ls part of the neture of the campoa -but I'll be darn- ~ lf t can say e1acll,y what It Is." Tbe Bay Aru, with I" history of 50eial rerorm, i& one factor, Wllllams aay1. A cam· pus tradition of .cooununJty service ls another. '•"Jbe:re's been a pDtltm of performance and se rvkt on Olis Ctilmpus as far ~•ck as l can rtmember," Williams u:plalns. ........ 1.at..KoNl-OI. $)25 Dippity Do ~No ••• : J·O.--<-.................. $1.<tt . 781 ~"'11?> Personal Deodorant 7 $Js9'Nutri-Tonic Shampoo W 59~cep;C'o'i" Lozenges 2 i 771 $j ;,"contac Cold Capsules 941 491'ix lax ~=ou-.. 331 ·-· $)'° Phisohex :re~ IAnDIAL CLIANll. :Sic j & J Cotton Swabs •• 371 $'j4t' MiCrln Mouthwash • • a 1 Sllort Slffwe Women's Cardigans :::-S3ta Bradley's Blended Whiskey '~ $2'' A fi11t blM ot whiWu,,.flOW prictd nm IOWtt llll• Ollt ~! cl11C01111t price cl .J.I,. $1'° Brown & Haley Almond Roca 99c I.Idles' Fashlo111blt Wide Leg Pants Flonl prinr., pl&id1 in s31a full11iool couon b!tnd. Fuhion o.cilanait iD aita I IO 16. . l t w For Sprlftgl Girls' lo Iron Sh ifts .,,.,mi<>•.,,_ m s3as tolton •od blood,. Pn- ma.f'rtsl ii\ 1 to 14. SI•• S t. 611 .• t .tl SZ.18 Wllflen's D1t1hll l•lro1 Stretch Pants ,.,,.,....;.,, .. •221 s:ipptr. ''" -....t 2l " 11flC111-Nr'll' coloD ja tilts I to lL · Girls' 11 .. 1 ShHI 1nd Short Sais Co• -;, ''"'" s311 <VI.toll piq11t: for fub- ion'Jllatu ia 1 to 14. Regular $411 Solid State 12 Pocket Radio ::::~·· }I' llllf ! l1mltfd ti111C olftr! Reg. SI "99 Clairol laslant Hair Sattar 5 j..robe to)ltt s.int; sgH .wUtr. Comp.ct dw:able p!Mtic ~! I F111111 LldJ Schick CoJISaltltt Hair DIJlll' "" --~ s1922 awUlgl ..-ith boaf· /11>t bood. No. )07. ' Prelenloaal Stria Salon. Hair DIJlr ..... """'" '"'!'. s1&• ht• c iroatto1 ,.,... I tioaJ;. Q11itc! J~!. Lldlts' Shna1 111111 Hair DIJar ·ror 11111'. ti~ pm. sg• Trouble .ftft, ftnbk,. '!:Witt. Grt:ot ti.ft. Regular '13" Mayfair Tape Recorder ~~=-?1 Y.lh ~ ...... bol. i.1..-• cr1111l •i<10• ......,_.... ""°""· T1kt_ •P ml .tld '""' i.d. I~ '12.99 Value! 3 .. Piece Set Snack Tables Replar lie, IOO'fo Plastic PlaJIDg Clrds ""'' ....... ..., .. 59~ ciao. Use lot trcidte ~ mid OIKr #as. . Prlflltd Yl•JI Ctnr Chaise Loanga Pad ' """" .... """"' s5M toirh cokwf~I printtcl ,.,..,1. Top1 ia caaiOIT,, b hK !. SI.Al Y11HI TIJIDI 3o.qt. PalJ let Chell .......... ,.,.,_. a1~ .ttA Ju11dlt1. r.:-s-P food tol<I for bolln. ft" Spalding Box of 12 Golf Balls $666 .... _. Hi·<o111lotitr, ht· ""'"'"''-Ii· 411ill (lmfll' willli .., 'iflilf ~. help, aod found U oo the Unlveraity of Oallfomla's ~ catAI""''· At Berkeley k engaged Prcl ....... WIJliam G. Godden and Ray w. Clough, ""'\ Dr. A. J . Carr cl Ille De-I of Civil Engi.oeerinc; at Davis it conlacted CIVIi F.ngineering Professor Leonard R. Herr- mann. Clough took oo the p<Oi>lem of vibration, making sure that some quirk ol hydraulics would nol throw the manifolds into a cataclysmic shudder. Engineers at the Departmei;t ol Water Resources used traditional methods to analyze the strength o/ their design. 'il>OD Ibey ebocUd -~ w)lb a ,Dl/IJI' comprter progrem, wrnteo . by "Ctrr. which lnspeded the - pio<H>y-piace. 1lle , llprea tnald>!d, well but a.. l><!>lrt- ment llllll ..... ' aatis!Je<t. n.. manilolds' bad· lo W«k p.... perly; there WU DO room fot mi.stakes. How dePmdablc was Cirr's piece-by.piece computer pro- £!'8Jll? two cbecka ·!ere devised. 'Jb? first Wll a special computer pncram, devel-Oped bp Profimor .Herr. mann, capable of .,,.q.mg all the pieces cl the maiijfold sect.J«t simultaneously. • 111n .,... ... ,.. st.,• w.11in1111.--w...-..1i c..w, •·•· e 6127 W........., 11t ..W.. Wnt, W"'mJd• e 11961 ,.., Vl9w • Ci.pw Aw..-hlr .. M "-o •.•. Pick ap a batpio In ncmds! Qome from a turific group of grnt lllUllic foe eYaJOlllL All llf: qmlitJI All baali acw! Umt ia. lot Jam! , Regular 591 to $JH ea. Metal Document . $6" Value! Original Oils & Reprodudions $393 11:111~ • Slz • 14" copies oC Old Mister•• Widt, orn•l• 'Wood fnmft. Raplar stc aa. NDallJ Dmlen" Plutlc llwll -··"""'" "' 4 o' s1 hat or o:>Ld foods, Jlur 4 and snc '6c. I. Cl11111lc·Llh Patted Sp~ng Flowars T •llt11 or .Wfo&11. i1• llm~tiflll ••• O'flll' 12~ dll. Sl.U Yalual CorJ Hot tr Ctld Stnan "'"'""""~""" 99·" JOld .. ~ Sa.p-ill ~ bttt. proof -lllcf J>IA*~lt'llflliac. 13.H Yalu! Plastic Ima Lib D"r Mat G~ lii'fllle. 1111: 11114 24" .ia ,._or JOW, -,. ., ... , .... llllak lnstamatic 124 . Camera Outfit 1311 Frames fl:I:t. 1.,1 ... S...al•totl.71 !ltd: or J.Uplecoi« (*3b. ,..r-. 1110·• _. 11114" ti211:1.Ftco. tiflatll, "'*-' ....... Bucket Style Bed Rest $333 '2.91 Mldtel .•. ,., Matt M- M•l11 Space $)44 .. _ ... k1l111ttand,.. •• •t Dpfttf ... d*S.}d,.... •,a-.w. .... ,. • I ' ' ,. .•· • . > ---. ------------...---..... --..----~--~ ...----------- W l.L.SON ORD SALE S . ' . . 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD lHiw~y 39) HUNTINGTON BEACH ' ---.--; ::J .~ ,.,.... ---.. . . I OPEN9A.M. 1 TOIOP.M.-7DAYS . 1 --· .. ' ORAN.GE CO' s. FAST·EST GROWING FO R:D DlA lE·R ' , ... . . .. . ~ ! ~-I ~· f • I. ' ... , .. ~ r".'MEET. •, . ·'. - FIRST 01= THE '70's •.• AT 1960 PRICES . . l{'S • UTnE GAS -M1Y1riik, prictcl t• rival tht imports,.,;, •• JCIU I .. tter, mon pnctiul cir. M•rr peoplt won't put 1n txtl'I cent lntG M1verick bKIUst it's •!I thm~ A Hsic M1v1rkk is more tflM 1 bask cir. BRAND NEW 1969 . FALCON '2088 198 loo.I * 16445 f•r o.-36 ,.. ••• Jl]IJI Tn &. Lie-tn ~ bri O'ld!I 2 DOOR ·u oAH. lneluOll .i1 mMUf1CtWW1 .................... ~ """ i-tw ..... clefn>llW. 1>act,:_u1, ...: Midi -..&iumrr ntMt. co1ar k"'°' ,.,.. '1n1!, Hdded" t'tash ~ w!ton. wlnlht>!tkl wullw'I aild 2 ...-wiper. BRAND NEW. 1969 CORTINA $1 7 88 .. 199 '"'' * '54" ... 0.w" J6 M••· IT'S THE GOING THING .. TOTAL PERFORMAN CE SHOW ... HERE .. APRIL 16th . thru 20th = •FAE I Tht Fonl Total PtrfonMMt Show ii tho· illnnt, most spoctacvlar 1htw .. en Nrth. -l show thlt h11 _ "trythiftt gtll'lf for it , , . rtetr4-htWlng .. net c1n, ·high perftnNnc:t pMh, tftt-aouncls of spttd, ind Ill thl1 txcitt- . Don't misi ltl -"''"' i1 lli1pl1yttl 1ncltr the, mt1t llr11n1tic 1trvcturt tYtr ctMtivH -.. - . ' BRAND NEW 1969 . 'COBRA $2788 '99 '"" * 18&" ... o.-Jf •••. ·- BRAND NEW 1969 " . TORINO 8.1. $2588 1"1111 TIX .. L~ tn _,....... Oft cndll FORD1 BErrER' IDEA BRAND NEW 1969 MUSTANG $99 Down $71.30 36 ~o. •l~I TlL ... _.......bl'* CAOiii!.' . . ' lecr..lt& all Mlftllfactunn sttndft· equipment: Fmh 111' hllttr .1nrll ..... froll1t, 1ock .. p domo 1M courtMy 'llghh, IHlcilr 111h, ~I rillyl lriM, nyleo . cu,m,, ,.wH ...,.,_, v11on, wlnclshitld w1shtrs tM 2 irPf;tt1 wiper, whlltw1llt. BRAND NEW 1969 THUNDERBIRD $3988 BRAND NEW 1969 ~ AIRL4_N.E _ $2288 199 ,.... * '10'' •.. o.-Jf .... !"lull Tix I. Llctn• 111 _ .. Mrlk O'lllfif lllCllllllH 111 -.tldur"'* ......,... -toment. FNlll •Ir hulw 1M Jlefnoj!r . Mdi:~, ..... 1M ceu,.._ li.tlb, •irllln Clflll'!S. Hdd<lf llltll W Wlsorl wJndllllltf Wnflen llllf J ..... ~. SUPER USED CAR ...-·TRUCK USED IMPORTS --. •. . . PONTIAC Tempest Automatic, radio, heat er. All vinyl interior, tu-tone finish. 912344. FIN. AVAIL f 6 2 ~~~~~~-~!,in~~,!!!.8hea t· $ 3 8 8 ., FIN. er. Spring spec;al. OQH 637. AVAii. . ' '6' 1 ~~~!~~-~·~~er p Brakes, $288 · ~ fact. air cond. P. Windows. Plus • many extr~s. KFA 959. FIN. AVAIL. FIN. AVl.ll. ~63. e~~m~I s~~~.~~~adio, $488 I FIN. -heater. Another Wilson Stiper spec· AVAIL ,. . ial.f'tD 491 . . ' 166 ~~~~~~~;o, healer. or;g;na l white finish. RTI 362~ '63 !i~'tgS~~~~~ter, 4 speed trlllS. Excellent mileage maker. -f)(f 261. '63 0LDS 98 leather seats and upholstrey, V-8, Avto., P. Stee r. P. Brakes. lHU 882. - I 65 ~~~Radio, heater, buc- ket seats. NMK ~2. $988 $40 DN. $40 MO. , .. 30 MOS. $488 . $32 ON. '65 FORD Cou11rJ Setl11 $32 MO. STA. W~ t~SHng0r model. flott V-8, 1utomatic. Don't miss this 18 MOS. value. Ser. 724 1. $588 $7 88 $40 ON. $40 MO • ... 24 MOS, ~: :: I 6 7 ~!~ ~~~~~~.~~::: 1$1 88 8 ~.;: 18 Mos glass. Beautiful blue tu-tone finish. .. 30 ~OS. • Ser. No. B27B9A. :: ~~ .. ;67 ~~!~ ~:·.~!!!.t~.·~~~ .. ,. $1 988 :::: .. ' ,.. 1ng, radio, heater, tinted glass, ,. 18 MOS. ~~:a ir cond .. Warranty avail. VRS-36 MOS. $32 ON. ' FORD 81l11i1 &00 $118 8 $3?,.MO. 6 7· Automa:;c, v.a engine, rad;o, heal· . 30 MOS. tr. New car warra~.ty avail. TMG .. ....,.:. OQS. . ~ i>N. .$39 MO. ... 36 MOS • '5·9· FORD FIDO $388 V-8 engine, 3 spetd stick, radio heater. 955588. AVFIANl.l. '6 7 ~u:.~g~~ ~:~h~~.. A $10·8 8 real grea! buy. TGY 612. ' .$35.0N. ,66 MERCURY Mo1tarer $9 88 $40 ON. ».s MO. Hardtop. v.e. au:omatic, P. steer-$40 MO. 36 Mos. · ing, r1dio, heater. Low miles. RIG · 30 'Mo.s. . 749. ' $62 ON. f'67FORD 81l11ie'l!OO $1 688 $62_ MO. Hardtop. V-8, automtlic, Power ' - 36 "Mos. ~~e;ring. Factory air. cond. voo \ · Use~ of our m•y wlJS to f1N11Ce your new or used cw w lnlck including link of Amw~e, United Celif • .,.It. or Ford.Motor Cridit Corp.With your Approved Credit. ' ' . . ,,,. . . . -. ' MAKE YOUR CHOICE AND SAYE AT WILSON FORD TODAY. . . 1825 a--BEACH-B ULE.V AB·D ·. I HUNTINGTON . BEACll IHIWAY 391 $55 ,DH. $55 ~o. -36 MOS. ' ,,---..- ' ' 84 ~ •'66 Jf SALES DEPT. s·~vrr.'~l~!;" ,,.., ..,!~ 10~:." s ,... !!! 92• !? !!!!! 1· I iiil f A.M. It 10 P.M. 7 Deyo -• -·~ ••• Ml .. 11" I UI." f P.M. tJ tJ tJ I I \ ) I I I I ' ' . I I I • • ........... ~ ...... -"._ ..... ,....,, --...... --........ _ ........... HO(IJaS l'OR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE 1000 -1000 -·· -TWO STOIY LRG -spilt 1'I hm. lh23 all purpme rm $35 950 _, -• be; t ' .._. tor pool tab!•. munc " t W. bdrm&. bin.al dUW. rm ar can be oonvt'd to 2 " ....... ,.,. .. den., dblttte \. un, 2'\i batba A: exttllent BR. Allio S Bil. 2 BA on • Joel' lt'WI. 2 dbl pr + " dDn. SeeU.: la beUmn&· Wl'.dlhop. 2 Irr patios. E2 'owntt boud'it new home. 23td St NB. (Cnr Tuatin & 'bu. AL BLACK 5«>.lll1 tlopm eviN) ~RMI ~23rd.;,;;_:..;,I·~·-•,,_. ~91.,.~"""'=""= ~ ~tale. White tJtpbantl! Dime-a-line Open Houses THIS ·WEEKEND K ... thlo -y . ._...., wttto Y'" "\'!~· enii1 u you .. ...,...._""to All tlM ._.. OM lltttcl _. ..... tl...:rfW ... , ....... tlet•ll lrf Mwllfibi"I .......... fft t9Ay'1 DAILY PILot WANT ADI. P•tront Ntewlnt .,.n hOVNI fer NI• or t• r ... t .,. urtM hi Tl1t 1uch lnformaa tlon In thl1 column "ch Frhf•'· (2 Bedrooms) * 1100 White Sails Way, Corona del Mar 644-2244 (Sat & Sun 12-4) ** 1606 IV. Oceanfront, Newport Beach 646-2414 (Sal & Sun l..S) (l Bedrooms} 4821 Cortland (Cameo Highlands) CdM 673-= (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3138 Barbados (Mesa Verde) CM 545-:WOS (Sal & Sun) ** 3715 Seashore, Newport Beacb 675-41M (Sun 1-5) 421 Cabrillo Slxeet, Costa Mesa 548-9500 (Sat & Sun) 511 Avenida Compana at Vista del Oro (Bluffs) 67S.OOOO (Sat & Sun Wi) 535 Vista Flora (The Bluffs) NB 675-6148 (Sun ll-4) 446 Esther St ., Costa Mesa - 646-2414 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2606 Redlun& Dr .• (Back Bay) CM 548-2663 (Sal & Sun 1-4) 3062 Ceylon~ (Mesa Verde) CM 545-ll155 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ll25 ~sex Lane (Weslclilf) NB - 642-15!18 . (Sat & Sun 12-5) 2569 Oxford Lane (College Park) CM 546-5566 (Sal & Sun 12-4) * 1126 Goldenrod (Harbor View Hills) CdM 673-2222 (Sunday only) 1021 Wbilesails (Harbor View Hills) CdM (Sat & Sun 1-5) , * 2510 23rd Street, Newport Beach 1146-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1300 Cambridge (Westcliff) NB 642-8235 (Sat Only) 2127 Leeward, Newport Beach 646-3255 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 1014 Santiago Dr., (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 546-1720 ' (Sun 1-5) (4 Bedrooms) 2114 Vista Laredo, (EaslbluH) NB 675-2101/548-4166 (Sun 12:30-5) * 1233 Highland, (Westcliff) NB 642-8235 (Sun only) 363 Vista Baya, Newport Beach 675-4130 (Sal (4 Bedroom• & Fami:y or Den) 2065 Flamingo Dr., (Mesa Verde) CM 540-4905 (Fri-Sun 1-6) 1412 Serenade Terr. (Irvine Terr) CdM 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) * 1907 Holiday Road (Baycresl) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) * 2600 Lighthouse Lane ( Broadmoor) CdM, 675-2503 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2107 Santiago, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sun only) * 18'12 Santiago Do., (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily 10-5) 1338 Santiago, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) * 1227 Highland (Westcliff) NB 675-4130 (Sat 2-4 :30) 2001 Santago (Baycresl) NB 675-2000 (Sun 1-5\ 865 Sandcastle (Harbor View Hills) CdM 675-3351 (Sal & Sun 1..S\ 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB 546-1720 (Daily 1·5\ (5 Bedroo ms) 2836 Alta Vista Dr .. Newport Beach 644-1192 (Sal & Sun 1·5) ** 101 Linda Isle. ll!ewport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun\ 1536 Galaxy Dr .. Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) (5 Bedrooms & Famil y or Den ) * 2118 Windward Way, Newport Beach 675-0000 (Sun 1-5) 806 JfJSon (Easlblulll Newport Beach 644-0319 (Sal & Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE ~I Channel Place, Newport Island 67$-0000 (Sat & Sun 2-11 APT + INCOME ** 320 Via Lido Noni (Lido Isle) NB 67$-0305/675-3243 (Sat & Sun) APARTMENTS FOR RENT (I Bedroom & Bachelor) 420 PIClflc Coast Hwy, lluntington Beach 51IMl70. (Sat & Sun 12-5) *""' .......... *** ,.., ...... _ ... , ...... , ONE OF THESE COULD BE YOUR ·DREAM HOME! "' FOR GOURMET BUYERS: A dr~Uc Jiving room with an Ocean View. All r built around your own heated & filtered P ~ A custom-designed 3 Bedroom, 3\i Ba\b home with many interesting architectufal features. Located in Irvine Terrace II. $69,500 " CHINA COYE ' A superb entertainment borne with a fantastic Ocean, Bay and Jetty Vlew1 Only a hop, skip and a jump to a se-- cluded beach. 3 bedrooms + Den and a huge View-Deck. $118,500. · . "' SPACIOUS ELEGANCE : Custom 3200 sq. It. 5 bed.rooms 3lh luxurious baths; en- tertainment siz.e llvi.J)g room + family room opens to patio and pool. To see pleue call Lorena Saunder~ for appointment. Eves. 675-7046 " CORONA DEL MAR : Large 2 bedroom home plus over-garage 2 bedroom apt. 2 blocks from ocean. 2 bedrms 2 baths, walk- in closets. Elec. built-in kitchen, large dining area. All newly decorated. Call for appoint· ment to see. $57,500 J;" "2" HOUSES for the price of one-on l lh Lots in Corona del Mar. Ocean view, custom built 3 bedroom 2 bath house on Corner , on e block from CDM big beach. 2nd House: 4 bedrooms 2 baths, walled patio. On Fee Land (you own il!) $89,500. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 2407 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar 675-3000 FINll HOMU , · PREVIEW Bucco/a~ Gngft4h 'U ffage •AO Me d T IAYr•OHT -Own!'\' 11.)'S "Sell" thls beautiful Dover 'shores ~ Bedroom borne with Pier Ir: FloaL Formal di.n1n&: room. lar&e break- fast area, exoeptlonally spacious waterfront ter- 1'1.ce. Reduced from Sl42.- 500 to $125,000 tar quick '""" Tuttln -Cott• Mu• '""' I oza err. u.le. ' can for Appointment LINDA llLI -Set this deligbttul 5 bedroom Ba,y- front with Pi'1' A SUp. MW. Asking $125,000. OPIN SAT l SUN 1~11.M*hlo. (Aak suant for dtrttUona.) ADULTS Most homes are built with only children in mind. We have .five homes deslcned for the comforts and fun of adults. Jleautlful lo look at.,-11R>m for bobbiu, private office, 1eparale dinhig rm, guut room with bath, 3 car ga- uge, wslking distance lo churches, Westclilf shopping, anctrestaurants. 1-1. wfth 209!. clown -71f.l•t. with 10% Dn. no 2nd1 -no points -29 yrt on b.llance Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 Exclu1lve Agent p. a. laalmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIOO Come up for air and stay to enjoy the view. 3 B.R., fam. rm., pool. Appointment& in keeping with the design, construction &: price. Corona Highlands. $120,000. OPEN SUN. AFTERNOON ONLY 2828 E. Coast Hlway Corona clel Mar 673-3770 OE LANCJ REAL ESTATE IATPIONT -Undtr con- struction on beaulitul Lin· da Isle 5 B@droom, choose your own decor. 1135,000. Shown by appointment. Tr1ct Pli : 5651b From L.A. C1ll MA 5-I034l ,~-~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I I 000 O.nenl 1000 ------------Gen•r•I G..,er•f 1000 G~n:•:r:•I'._ ___ ~1~000= I ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ IAYPIONT LOTS -One --------of the finest IOClltlons on GOOD INCOME PR.(). """"cuiu Llnda 1'1•. PERTY J UNITS on 3 Bedroom COIMJRY UVIM Leasehold tntereit may be Cypress Drive, minlmwn I G • Obtained '°' S34,9(IO. ma1n1e .. ..,,, old Laguna P us uest Unit HA.Rio. ISLAND -Pier charm. $27,500 Just perfect for that Jn-law I; SUp will take a boat in * * * with plenty ol privacy. excns or 60 tt with wtde CHURCH on Cypress Drive, Shake roor and uled brick beam. Thls 3 Jk-droom &: seall 135. sro (loo cha.rm located on a qWet den home can be pure~ * ' tree lined cul-de-sac street tor approximately lot and * * slip value. Aat.1--$175 000 2 UNITS corner CI e o. in the Ne"''JlOrt lleights ...... ' Catalina, lal'Je wood~ )ot:, area. l..al'ge pool sized lot. DOVll IHOlll -Pano-plenty of parking. charming Bright cheery kitchen with raml~ VI~ home situated patio. $48,000. built-in and dish\\uher. on '11 acre, 5 Bedroom1, * * * super clean throughout. 2 large living .room, richly 3 COMAIERCIAL UNITS 700 lirepl.&ces, 2% baths. $33, 750 panelled family rm with ' brick fireplace Vi~ from block S. Cout Hwy, good all room&. ~iatine cond. parking, room to expand. it44,500. Sll0.000 OP!NSATlSUN * * * In thil unusual 2 BR home with ldditional ruest room ovtr 7 car~. Hi&:h beamed ceilings I: knotty pine interior. HUGE 58 x 203' lot with many Larze trees. Approved pl~ for 2 more unlta included. $26,500 EAL TY COMPANY * 642-lnl Anytime* Open House Sat., Sun 1·5 Owner ready !or oUer! Spac. lous 3 bdr -Fam • Pool home, Privacy & \\•idc oi»n spaces. Drop by 2.510 • 2lrd St., J1fewpor1 Beach. Open House Sat., Sun 1 ·5 BAYCREST. ?o.fodem 3 bdr • Den Home. Some View • Fee Simple. Owner anxious: a!king $4!1,SM. Co i y I: Charming with center At- rium. ·------· 1 Sl' Galuy Dr. 7 UNITS Broadway • t..aauna Canyon Rd, lot U4 x 189, DOVll IHOltll -Ex-artiati' center, parking, no ==""""""''°"'""'===========1 quisltely dttarated home, drainage problem&. $100,000 1DOOGener•I 1000 large sunken living room, GOOD REAL ESTATE BAYVIEW SPECIAL Backbay off Irvine Reduced to $38,500. 4 belt, 3 bath. format dining room, large side yard for boat, pool etc. ;::.:.::.:.:==============~13 ~oom. family room, Lanai, huge master liUite, 353 N. Coast Hwy $22,500 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: Ocean Front Cameo Shores Spacious 2 Br's + C. Den w/wet Bar & Frplc. Formal Din. Rm. 3700 sq. It. Room to add. Pool sized patio. 3 car garage. Great home in Best Area. White Water View of Ocean. . ................. $159,000 Mrs. Raulston Most Unusual Home For the executive with discriminating taste. Fine use of w /panelling, brick & tile. Lrg billard rm, Ocean View Terrace, Walk-in wet bar .............. $130,000 Mrs . Harvey Pier & Float + 2 Units Custom 2-story home. 3 Bedrooms, master Br. up with 555 sq. fl. and view. Nice apartment over garage. Owner price reduced. . ...... . Mary Lou Marion Get Set-Ready-Go! Anytime. Own your own apt. 2 Br's -2 Baths. Tremendous Ocean View. Slips avail. Carefree home for people who like to "Jet" around the world .......... $66,MIO. Mrs. Raulston Baycrest -3200 Ft. 4 Br Built around large atrium. This 3 Bath home offers an exceptional value at $56,- 000 -Huge living Rm and Master Br suite -easy terms. \Valter Haase Baycrest-2001 Santiago OPEN HOUSE SUN 11 • 5 Spanish exterior. 4 Bedroom, Formal Din· ing, & Family Room, 3 Baths. Lot 90xl10 detached garage. . ... 56,500 Mary Lou Marion OPEN SAT & SUN I · 5 Immaculate 4 Bdrm 21h Bath home Fam. Rm. overlooking en· closed yard w/patio & fire-ring. Lusk Har- bor View Hills. 865 Sandcastle ...... $49,950 Miss Leidy/Mrs. Burns Summer Fun -Bayshores Now is tbe time to buy in this great Bay- side area. 2 private beaches. 2 story home w/4 Bdrms, 2\i Ba, extra Lrg Fam. Rm. Bil-ins ................. $48,500 Bayshores -3 Br + Fam. Rm. Freshly painted 3 Br - 2 Ba Fam Rm or Form Din. Rm. w/new 75 low Lse. Studio & Ba .• in Gar. will sell over wk-end $34,850 Joe Clarkson Eastbluff A real doll house, three Bedrooms, Family Room. immaculate lath covered glU'den beautifully landscaped room for a pool, carpels and drapes. P.trs. Davies COLDWELL. BANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH KI 9-3351 extens.lvely I a n d 1 c a p e d Latuna Beach 494-7518 with room for pool. Priced $115.000 GI LOAN "For A Wise Buy'" Upper Bay location 1vilh large enclosed yard. 3 BR home Y.'ith hardwood Doors, AT- TENTION VETERANS UIC your GI loan here. no down. Call right now, day or night!! JEAN SMITH, Realtor 400 E.·17th, C.ir. 646-3255 WISTCLl,r: -Cllenl must sell Immaculate 3 bedroom, family rm, 2 bath horn.. Heated &: Filtered pool, automatic sprinklers, ~ntly painted. AakinG $46.500. ~lake offer. Call for appointment WEIT(LIP', -Newly P8Jnted 3 ~room A: den home, new draperle1, new electric oven, new di.!lposal, new water heater; locattd convenient to acbools. $42,500. OHM SATURDAY noo~. ASSUMPTION Big 4 BR Northside C.Osta Mesa 2 year old home. Sprinkler., 2 private patlos I: Ioola like a model home. $28,000 GI Joan available to anyone -Full sales price $32,950 Newport ., Vlctori• '46>1111 Colesworlhy & Co. 642-7771 OPEN EVES. Breattitaldng is the word for the thrillina: View from this quality built home in Dover Shores 4 Bedrooms & family rm built around large pool Yf!rf spacious rooms many quality featutt11 Must Be Sttn To Appl'@Ci.ate S235,000 Newport •• Vic!ori1 6~6"8811 LAKE ARROWHEAD SHOW PLACE. Large A· Fn.me on lrg lot Excluaive North shore area. Slip In brand new double dock. Hugh liv-din rm w I maulve irplc. Central beafuw Ir all util. Beaut. furn. Desirable Sor year round Uving. Will consider trade for hotae of com- parable value In Newport, CdM area. Price $69,500. tl4G-291S EXECUTIVES Located in a prestige U'f'I. this diltinclive 5 bdrm, 3% c bath home will make you fed like a ~m day kins. All roonu are large & a.by, Immense Uving room, fam- ily room, formal dinine room. S\Vim pool & garden fGl' the ultimate in outdoor living. S79,SOO. Q u a 1 i I y thru&houl Live sracefully • entertain royally_ MIDITllllANU.N -Im- Pl'ffllve custom quality home adjacent to Dover Shores on choice corner. Spacious living room with "'"~!!!!~!!!!;,,,,!l!!!'~" beam celllngs. Formal din-2 Story• Form. Dining Ing rm, 4 bedrooms, family F11m. Rm. With rm. with fireplace and wet Fireplace bar, beautiful muter suite with separRtt> drellslng rm. $195.00 Per Mo. Steam bath, heated &: fil-Assume uiating ntA loan tered pool. $97.500. at S"°% int Total payment Ca.II for Appointment will be SJ.95 per mo, Beauti. NEW -Beftutiful 4 Bed-ful gold medallion patio- room, formal dining room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms 2% huge family rm, complete-baths, and formal dinin&: ly separated from kitchen room, this beautiful home & living rm, \\'R.lk-in wet ii: only 3 years old, Full bar, over 3.000 sq. ft. price $30,900. Cali today. $82,000 OPEN SAT l SUN 1331 S..1i<190 john macnab IEALTY COMPANY 901 Doyer Dr., Suite 120 642-12]5 Buys of the WMkl Rent the older house while building your new home on this Jot with 120 Jt front.age. Owner would exchange for N.E. San Diego. The l&xll ft. family rm will take your eye In th!, it BR, lam nn home w/dinlng area, blt·in kitchen, patio, accrn1 for boat A trailer. VA • no down, or $1850 dn FHA. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'l E. 17th St. ~ Maui Hawaii 3 Bedroom pl11s lamily rm., near new . home on FEE lot, Property is free and clear. 200 ti to beach. Will sell for amall down to re- liable party or trade tor pod eeasoned tn:ist deed. SALISIURY REALTY 67U900 315 Marine Ave .• Ba1boa Is. --------- VIEW TOWNHOUSE Call Jack ScroilY Res 6t4-l250 6 UNITS '!!!~ $60,000 Room to Build ;; Convenlent to all. Rltr. 642-9730 Eves, 548-0720 Rare Find-$54,000 e KENNEDY Newport Spanish Beaut lnd.scpd • 4 BR, fa.m nn, 2 BA home on large 77 x 120 corner lot. 2 lrplcs, crp!J!, drpa complete. 2300 sq. ft. w/ all custorn extras. Elminia.te middle man. can 549-0507 2 BR home w/inc unit needs some TLC. Walking distance let everylhln&, $33,500 terms. By appt only CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. CoOlt Hwy, CdM 675-1662 4ilEpROOM $22,500 Nothing equal at this price ln most sought alter aru. Isolated rear livin&' room wlth fireplace, Bride patio v.1th gas tired BBQ. Dream. kitchen with all the built·in features. 540-1770. TARBELL 2955 Harbor --WESTCLIFF-- 4 BR, ram. rm., 21ii: BA. Near new carpets & draP- es, F~ corntt Iocat.IOn. $52,500 LIDO REALTY, INC. 3400 Via Lldo 613-8830 FOURPLEX Tl\"'O bedroom each unit, builtin kitchen, w.w. carpet, drapes, patkl, assume ex- isting f.inancifli, walk to major shoppin&". $37,51'.Xl. Britt. 642-0055 BEDCilll' REALTY 2025 \V, Balboa. Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 WE HAYE BUYERS! for 2 BR 1,batb hemes close to Newport Blvd. on the East.!iide bet. 17th & 22nd Streets. Call UJ;; ria:ht now? -olloERNIE-.. CLEVELAND R•ltor 143 Broodw1y '45-0111 Eves. 646-457' Blyfronl Hotel In Fabulous Avalon Dining nn, 2 ban, 35 rooms plus View owner Un it'>. BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 Newport Bl vd., N.B. 675-4630 YOU owe it to )llUI'lell lo In. w11tJa:ate our 4 dilferent trade-in programs. ORANGE COUNTY'S LAR()EST m E. 17111 St. '4M4M C. M. Duplex • exchan.re for 4 to 6 unit.I. roRTIN CO. Sin&le I~ ~nd model, tos>-1 Gener1t t OOO Gener1I 1000Gener1I 1000 located Bluffs towne home.' -----------------'-'---------"'--'! $18,999 4 Br + Family Rm u..,..d<d """"""°"'· l4600 Down, OPEN SAT I to 5 p.m. 1967 Vl1l1 Del Oro and S@\l~}A-lGt-!fs• Sotvf! a Simple Seramblf!d WordPw::zlc for a Chvelclc lmaa1ne 4 ~room11. 2 baths, :Z2l1 F iesta modem kitc~n with built-H1I Plnchln &. Assoc. O Rearrul!Qe littler• of ,.,. ins and brttkfut bar for 3-E "···t H 67>4392 Four xrombltd wordt be.-•••• m ,999, N•w -'"lom ;iw • ........, wy ......, •"" .. _ low 10 form lour Jlrnpt. words. drapes, wall to wall carpet-3 BEDROO~ I I lne. Fo""' air """""· F•,.ILY ROOM WIDRAN Room for bolt and b'nller. """" I I I I' I Souod too rood to "" tru•T $19,45G.! ())me llH for )'OUl'lf:ll. 2 bath&. l#,stroos built-In Forest E, 0!10n Inc. Realtor range Ir own. Family room:-I H y N I S I ~ • M5-(l303 Spn~ for bo&t or camper. . . ......................... 1::-~~~~enta -I I I' I t BAYCRfST SPECIAL TAR8ELL-2-46fl 1· 5 bdrm 3~ bath home. Beam. PENINSULA POINT IF YT H E I We just got our color TV ed ctlline in Uvlna: room, Paint, dlecon.te for dwm! IJ I I I and I how discove~ whol's larye patio, ~ for pool Good 3 BR home on 50 :t JOO _ _ • • wrong in Washinglon. We IdNI ror bi« f&mily. °'1.1»-,,. 1 ~ ·-~ -----,.---~ liaw a -president! er movinr East. Hunyr 9ei~R~1.:E:.;v;c.. IG O Y NE X 1 't·1e E. Sawtor Arnold & Freud sn.-0., I I I' I' I 0 Como•~ ... douQle ......, 388 E 11th St CM -E Bal~-BI·" "·"-· "' lill•y •""' -... -~altors · " 646-7755 1"" • uu. vu., ._.....,.. · )'Oii dewJap ,_....,No. 3i b.low. $fl,95G-4120oMonth-& '"NI NUMUR!D l!1TllS IN I'' r r r r I Jo"'OR SALE BY OWNER Attractiw homf'. Cenen1U.• THES! SOI.JAi:[$ _ _ _ _ _ 3 bedroom Huntington 8-y alted bedrooms, chcerlul kit. ift U NSCllAMSl.E ABOVf t(l!ERS I I I If I I Condomlnlwn US.950. Phone cht.I\ exm. eatm& area , . . V TO Gfl .,NSwt'. _ . _ . _ ::.~=-==------! -..... O!ARGE m ..!_TA~R~B~l!~LL~1!!46~0604~_i__:S~C~R~A~M~·~LET~S~A~N~SW~E~R~l~N~C~LA~S~S~IFl~C~A~l1~0~N~7~500~ , I ---------------------------------------~--..---------------------------..------... ~ ----- . . HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALi! l..._HOU_S_l!_S_l'_OR_SA_L_l! __ H_ou_s_1_s_l'_O_R_SA_t_1"'--l.!IOUSES FOR SALi HOUSU POii SALi Mda1, Aprtl II, 1969 !!9USES FOR 54~ HOUSE.I l'OR S DAILY m"or I' General IOOOGanoral 1000 Genarol IOOOGenar•I 11111 Got\eril 1Q000onorol 1000 c.....,. clef Mar IUIC.-clef Mar B/B B/B VACANT LOTS! R·1 lot -View of Bay! Balboa! Price in· eludes plan1 for 2 or 3 bedroom home $26,000 11"95 lot close to City Hall. Terms ... $24,000 Waterfront -Fee Simple Loi -30x80. New· port Shores • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. . $27 ,500 -...,. A~SO: -- Approximately $12,oob equity in R-2. Corner West Newport near Ocean.. Will exchange for income property -Corona det' Mar area Full price ........ ., .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. $19,500 OPEN OAILY l.S P.M. Balboa Peninsula! 1354 E. Oceaofront. New 4 bedroom aod den home. many extras, electric built-ins, lush carpeting, wet bar, two fireplaces, one in master bedroom ................. , .. $97,000 Waterfront Duplex! Newport Island! Pier & Float! 2 bedrooms. 2 baths; each unit. Many extras including Swedish fireplaces, carpets and drapes .......................... $87,500 Waterfront Doll House -Pier & Float! New· port Island! 2 bedrooms and den, terrific kitchen, large living room w/fireplece. Can- opied patio w /BBQ. Leased to Sept. 14, 1969. Shown by appt. Terms! ............. $96,000 For Exchange -Approximately $30,000 equity in three Condominium_s. All rented. Submit on Glendale or Harbor area. Please call Mrs. Fay. Bay & Be.ach Realty, .Inc. 901 Dover Drive, Suite 221, Newport Beach DON'T MISS THIS RANCHO bA CUESTA II you've missed the closeout of RANCHO LA CUESTA'S· 3 other unila .••. DON'T MISS TH IS ll , Each succeeding unit costs more, so take advantage of these prices. Come & see our models on Brookhurst at AUanta in Huntington Beach. There are l & 2 stories, 3 & 4 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 baths, Mission tile or shake roof, fire- places, concrete driveway&, .heavy rough cut beams, buill-lns, family rooms & dining rooms. Close to Huntington State Beach. These beautiful homes are prictd from $24,995 lo '33,'795 wlth VA or Con· ventionaJ financing as low a.s 10% dow n. No 2nd TDs at 7.2% Interest. Call 968-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 1 PM. ' General IOOOGenar•I IDOO BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 46 feet of Bayfront with pier and float. 9 Bedroom, 5 Bath homel Would you believe $116~000 Full Price I Exclusive with BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 108 McF1dden Place, Newport -Beach at the Newport Ocean Pier 673-7420 67J.tl27 ·rhe Buy :of the Year! Waterfront View of 1Catalina and Bay 2 Bedroom, 2 bath Channel Reel 'Own Your Own' Penthouse. Aparbnent with finoplace,'62,500 Ask !or: Chester Salisbury Realtor 315 Marine Ave., B•lboa 11. ---- 1000General LIDO ISLE IDOO WATERFRONT -Pier & Sllp, 5 Bedrooms, 3'h baths, bit-in kitchen and wel bar $155,000 ••• Waterfront-Pier & Slip With sandy beach -4 b<drooms and family room, 4 baths, completely -modern family home ...... , .......... , ............ $200,000 p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO Office 673-7300 Fro.,. LA Coll 5-4034 1000 COii• M•H 1100 ---- THE WT WORD $26,900 • 5 BR ........ ~-··- OPl!N HOUSE SAT & SUN I· J 1021 Whlmails Harbor View HUis GRIAT VIEW ol Harbor. Immaculate 3 BR, family rm with room lo add. Lowe•I price in excellent area. OPIN SAT I SUN 1 • 5 4.B21 Comand Cameo Highlands INTERESTING ENTRY, OCEAN VIEW, 3 BR. 2 bath home with SHAKE roof aod qua!· ity decor. OPEN SUNDAY ONt:Y 1126 Goldenrod Harbor View HIHs \ 3 Bedrooms. family rm, 21> baths, b<autiful huge patio & pool. Don Y. Franklin, Realtor 3250 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 673-2222 Newport BeKh ' 1200 l.1ycrest 1223 Owner Must Sell Lovely Colonial family home. Choice Baycrest kx:&don. Formal dining room, den, mm PRACTICAL . HEllY 2 -1li •u.. _, llf.y • °"'"" ... -Pobtt. ): ()nl.y $38.110 ' IURR WHITE , .IUI•• 2901 Newport Blvd., N.8. '75-4631 EY1ll. ·~ Llcla Isle ' 80' BA YFRONT. Fineat ld. it loc: on Lido, WUJ .it ti. or 80' 3 or 6 unit&. Idell frilo: 11 • .,,. " , lnootne.', uo,ii deprec. 29% ~dn w/ ~ bal at 1%. Owner w/ ~~ cept clear bnpnnitd ~ IUI dn pymt. Drive by '• Via Udo Nord tbtn • 673-0305 or 675-3243 ... (! '. :. ). Xlnt Duptex: on l•Jt< ha.a everythinc -3 Bd, 2'1ia: ea. New crpts, View, 1hoWf( nru; + laundry rm. Good ~ See by appt. nos.a ·~ . R. C-. GREER, Real~-~< 3355 Via Lido ~ SAY.E $2000 SPLJ.T L.EVEL Codominium Model ''F" 4 bdrm<, 2 !ire-1•Ae1, dee-~· -CHARM1• -' THE BLUFFS 3 Bdrm1-21h Baths PRICE $33,500 Original low letiehold. trie built-ins, 3 car prqe, boat or trailer a~ss. Cheerful and immacula~1i Roy J, Ward Co. BR, 3~~ ba, 2 Frpks, ~ 646-1550 646-0228 nn plua 1am rm, t.o\iel1 St/SI ~''°'>' home • $59~ B1y1horH 1225 Walker Riiy 675-~. Vrts • no down, impounds & 645-2000 541-6966 ------------_.., ~~ in location, noor pla.n & ele. cost only, Lux. featul'f!S, lrg On broad gt'ffnbelt Call OWNER 675-6146 Open Hou•• Sun/11-4 535 Vista Flora BAYSHORES LIDO NORD BAYFRO,;,I. 2 BR, i bath, 2 patio, family 40 ft on Bay. 3.slips, l& boat. home-, ~wly decorated and 3 BR $3600 sq ft Term. General 1000 General 1000 gance. ~ bdnn.s, 3 baths, tam rm, hrd\\·d th, frptc, 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1-----· -----I family room, 3 car garage. bltns, 2 BA. Xlnt prestige General 1000 ~neraf 10001• N rt B h Inner atriwn with quarry Joe. 1 blk I<illybrooke grad!" 1---------------Pete Barrett Really ewpo eac tile Door. Maey IUXU'Y ,, .. ~hi. E. of H.-, N, of OOTCH COLONIAL Z~Z::::!::!Z::::!Z::Z::: I a "must ~e to appreciate" flexihle. Shown by ~pt. ' $45,500. ~75 Owner. Claire Ven Horn, Real~, 548-9349 FOUR BEDROOM Broadmoor Pool Home!!!! """' • an unob•tn.ot"" Bokor. Prioo oruy. 1311 QUIET NEWPORT • LI-bor v· H'll . f ·-"·ck B A Stonefield, Owner. 534-2760 HEIGHTS nor 1ew 1 s Presents For only $46,500 """offer you view 0 tu•: uo. ay, WHtcllff 1230 LIDO Isle, Via Orv1eto,. -S bdrms, 3 ba, tm rm, din rm. lge patio, tep. maid's l'Ul. bit-ins. 613-CH82 for appt. ' Family room, Fireplace, 1% bath, built-in kitchen, w/w ca1-pets, drapes, washing fa- cilities in over-size double garage. Sprinklers Iron t, completely fenced rear yard with 15'x20' patio. Only min- utes from major shopping and 11ehools. ALL F 0 R ONLY $27,950. FHA • VA TERMS. * * * * sourn SANTA AHA WILL SELL FHA • located only tv.'o blocks from Har- bor ffivd. Four bedrooms (3 and a den) two bath home with fireplace, }'/A heal, built-in kitchen and dining area. N e w cari>ets, com- pletely draped, air-condition- ing unit iasnbrmedte T ing unit in master bedroom. HEATED AND FILTERED POOL, covered patio, en- closed court yard and de· tached double garage, Only $2200 down which is less than the price of the pool. WILL SELL FA.SI' • ACT NO\V~ ! Evenings Call 646-1050 Four Bedrooms $137.00 Tolol Ranch style 1600 sq. ft. 4 larie bedrooms 11~ baths, fireplare. Assum~ 5~' V.A. loan. Asking $24,500. So .,,,,,,. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. -.1494 .3 Bedroom 1 & 112 Baths Ta ke Over Larg• 53,'4°/e FHA Loan Nice Eastside location, car- pets, fireplace, front court Yard, and huge back yanl. Hurry this won't last long at $26,500. JEAN SMITH, Realtor 400 E. 17th, C.M. 646-l?j,'j Small Home On The Beach Walk in the surf. Fish and awlm just steps from your door. Owner will Jina.nee at 7~U interest lot 30 years. no loan charges. Ideal home for &portsman or artist, Bring your scuba gear ar$( c.Oeck. book. Fore!lt E. Ofson Inc. 640-0303, Prime Commercial Perebed on the top of Harbor a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, pool pe:rfecl home for entertain-BY O\VNER: 3· t3R, 1 ~ BA, Protected, fenced yard; al. SPARKLES le 1hlbea inside llills. View of ocean, bay, B I B sf B home rrestled among tower-ing. fam nn. Back Bay home. Iey access; private loan A out. Livin& nn le dining Catalina. 4 bedrooms family 8J iJCf8 UJJ ing tree~ in a gorgeous area Roy J . W.1rd Co. Take over my 51,% 'loan, available ••.••••• S7500 Dn nn; &ervice porch, eliec & separate dining, Park like ol Newport Beach. The court {Baycrest OUicel $133 per mo w/o taxes. Hal Pinchin & Assoc. hitna. Clean crpta le drps patio and rear yard. $59,950. Fmsr TIME OFFERED yard entry i;ets t:hl" mood to 1842 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 Priced at ,28,650. 2606 3900 E. Coast Hy 675-4392 tbru out thla 3 BR 2 Ba foryourqualityconsciowi the entire prope:rty with pri. SALESWOMAN WANTED Redlands Dr., CM. boml". Prof. J.ndscpd &: Balboa Island Would You Believe 21 x 30 RumpUs room with giant fireplace and bar that seats 8. 4 bedrooms + tam. ily ·room. 2400 l!q, ft, in an. 1'"'200 lot and a 20x40 work- shop fur S29.~ -You can. 5 Bedrooms Mesa del Mair 2400 sq. fl. Sparklin& clean, tile electric kitchl"n -3 lux- ury baths. Enclosed boat and trailer space. $37,950. Westcliff Vacant 3 Bedroom. 2 bath. Lari:e family room in movl"- in condition. Fast escrow possible -$39,500, 646-7171 • 546-2313 --\a ' THE REAL "." ESTATERS -__ r ___ _'._ ' YOUR OWN "HALL OF FAME" \Vill belong to you, "'hen your settled into this beautifully appoint- ed 4 bdrm home. 11's only j~~ years NEW & se ts C'n a LOW MAIN- TENANCE LOT with SHAKE ROOF &:. large covered patio. Condi- tion so lt.1MACULATE it hardly looks lived in. There's nothing to be done here, -JUST MOVE IN! Priced at $30,SOO &. only S3ffiO down pay- ment required. ~ COATS ~wAtLAcE REALTORS 5464141- (0pen Eveninp) b 3900 tt f I:=::=::=::=::=::=::=::::: I OPEN SUN •• 30 5 mainL w/ children's P'"" S la! l1l•nd "-'t ' uyers. sq 0 vacy which we all desire. $20,500-10"/. DOWN .u: · ~ pee -"~ . U·"-g A 3 bd-2114 ~ t Lared )ITd & pet area. Heavy n..'---' t Sen ,,_,_ n•--.. -gracious VIII . .... Large. large family room Brand new 2 Br., luxury •ha&'. s a 0 -~·1"'~ 0 ....... n--.- -con~e~blho study c~sh and kitchen overlooking the Country Club Estate cptg., bltns. Lndscpd., 2 car "BluUs =f ho:~pl~~'O::: Two • l BR. ~: ~ blouilmtin. uou't doomr'1,.;,;;,1t pool area. l\1uter bedroom Immb~ate, P""'B ssion. LoMv~ pr. 881 W. Wil!IOn, CM, 4 BR, 3 ba, Mediterran!an 5'2 950 642-1598 high summller _ _., • "' • .~.. with balcony, this house is ly ig R near esa 548-8642 OWNER charmer Cathedral ce~. ' . er says· se •q ...... e111. • PRICE REDUCED · Owner's anx.ious to :;;ell this "·ann & friendly home on cornu. 3 bdrn,s, dining room, fa m i 1 y room. Wonderful work shop • dark room • IUX· uri.ous built-ins. S\VIMMING time is near. Exciting 4 bdrm, den, family room & dining room home with sparkl- ing pool. Terrific enter- taining & play area, Im- maculate; OPEN SUNDAY l-5 1907 HOLIDAY ROAD ~ 16(ij \Vestclill Dr. NEWPORT BEACJI I(.. 642-5200 ISLAND KITCHEN Set up for a BUILT JN BAR- b-q, Your paymenl'I will be less than rent at $137.00 in- cluding tun. It has four (4) oversized bednns. 11,J tiled baths. Looks like a model home. Try $24,500. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. -.1494 * $24,500 Cus tom built kitchen. East· side, C.~t. 3 BR l~i bath, dbl garage, large covered patio for entertaining sur- rounded by beautilul shrubs &. nowers. E.xcellent financ- definitely one o! a kind. V"rd" Countey Oub. About 3 BR. 2 BA HALECRESI'. SEMPLE BUSlE.51' IDid'utplace m CANON REAL TY . Just put on the market. BeL 2'200 sq ft. Corporate owner REAL ESTATE 1own. 'l'hl DAILY Pll.O't 675-3511 ter see TODAY. Submit transferred employee out.. Assume 4~% GI or no dn Oau:Wed led1<m. 51..,.1,~~~~~~~~·~·-~·1 to vets. Low dn FHA. 2515 East Coaat Hlway, c.dl\f °"" ..:-a a. --~ _ .. your smaller homl" on our of-state. Needs paint & re--675-210l 548-U6G ey, ......, • ~ ....,. guarantee sale plan. decorating. Make oiler on $23,950. Owner/agt. Eves now!!! Hun,lngton BMJh j WE SELL A HOME listing of $41,950. B~546-y~-O~WN=E~R~l~B=R~H~o-m-·•· FEE corner lot, best loca· HOME -R-2 loL Excel Like A Private P•rJi: EVE Ry 31 MINUTES .. lion, 128,900 Wt•stside. 3 BR 21', ba, room SALESPEOPLE NEEDED 2-E, side, 2-W. side. Very for 4 or 5 units. ~1623 Exactly Ont! mock blft Walker & Lee lrg transferable loans 5%.-3 BR &: fam nn w/POOL. eves. Roaring turf. This cozy~ 61h%. Need cash. 548-1059 tage is aurrounded by ..,, 5•6·5110 Lovely family home, near tropical brush and a ~ tnnreinernalhetlre) 5 BR. By owner. 5:ti % FHA schoola and Ylestclill Sho~ ~nivenity Park 1237 foreat of trees, Let UI.,... LLEGE REALTY loan. Full price s24•500 v.•/ ping. 152·500 Pools-Trails-Golf yoo the fabuloWI tea ~ 1500AdlrnsltH~rbor.CM. consider 2nd. 54~2103 WALKER RLTY 6T~ den, Priced in Hun- ========:1 · Shoppinv-UCl-3 Min. ·~~~~~~~~~! fOWNER, 3 bdnn, 2 ba, East 2 BR ,. " l'3 900 Beach at $20,000. R-2 ZoniJ1C. 1. 4 BEORM-Side, nr shopping ~ schools, • .. .,v room.... · WE SELL A HOMI:. 131500 ,.._.,.,. NEWPORT ISLAND 3 BR 2\1 ba, 2 otory .. $2<,950 21:W3 WestclHf Dr. 646-7TI1 ()pl"n Eves. Room·Room·Room FAMILY RM ' · ,-,,,,,,;,hed Duplex 3 BR, atrium ........ $27,500 EVERY 31 MINUTll..'. 4NBR, 3 baths, immaculate, It :sparkles! 2 baths. Ele1ant Mesi Del Mar 1105 S39,500 2 BR, den sg1 ram .•.•• $32.950 Walker & LiJe." ewport Heights, $37,500 natural brick firepla«. All 3801 CHANNEL PLACE Doug Joy RE 13U504 electric push button built-BY Owner: SelJ/leue, 4 BR. OPEN WED thru-SUN 2 • 4 ins. Delightful patio over-Jmmac cond. Ideal toe. Has or call: Don Bohll"r, Art O\VNER Financed: Brand 7~ Edln&:er ...: looking a park like yard. evcrythlng.•54G--0594 67J.6!nl new 2 Br. 2 Ba. Vacant. Fee M2-4t55 or 54().5140 ·\• 540-1720 Simple. 673-4869 Open Eves. TARBELL 2955 Harbor Mas• Verde lllD LIBRARY OR DEN? leek Bay 1240 Pool Time 11 Hare-! Go The Joneses One Better OPEN HOUSE 1---------1+ Back Bay view. La~ ---'-----·ISharp home! Carpets tMj- Llve in this lovely Broad-SAT/SUN Jl-S PAY i111 mo! 3 Br, 2 ha, lot, room for boat il trailer PROFESSOR'S Homl", con-out drapes, covered patio moor horn!" in Corona del 1/nn, pa.nl den, A&surne Very Best location. 646-4414 temporary Upper Newport with brick BBQ, lots of~ Mar with a \•iew of the 270 23rd Street, CM J.'HA, owner wtcerry 2nd. Bay area. 4 BR, tam nn, ing, filter, heater, dft~ mountains, a pool and f Eastside 4 BR, lg cor, lot iw.500. ·3277 In d i a n a. J) 2~fr ba. Perimeltt heat. room. Lalp corner lot ecpl- Bdrms, 2~ baths, panelled rutr. 642-9730 Ews, 548-0720 540-4n2 tlte Bn1 £st.rt Heated Anthony pool, in-pletely block fenced. malG'· family nn, Separate dinin& • KENNfDY c"o"RN=E"R;-;-Io"'t,-.~-c,..,.,.cc--• ..,,-B=R terrom, bltins, crpts, drps. more extra features VacUt rm, 2 fireplaces, ASSUM-• 21h BA, den, din nn, fncd Upper Newport B.1y Wine cellar, garage I; priced way below the m6f. ABLE 6%% LOAN $64,SOO.I=========' I pool play yd, nr Cntry Oub, 3 larae bdrms, l'6 ba, fam· workshop, etc. Financing ket at $27,950, GI or ~ · OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 Cotti #Mu 1100 maJJy extras. Avail July ily rm 1 blk to "Y" Com-avail. SIS-3465 wknds, eves, tenns -won't lut! Be~ 2600 Lighthouse Lane $48,500. Ownr, MS-8519 fortabl~ family home: crpts OWNER 3 BR 2\i bath, tam call now. ' Ch•shire Real Estate 675-2503 anytime EASTSIDE • 4 BR, lam rm, best buy for & dl'l>l!, fee simple. Early rm cpt/drps., bit-ins. Near MUTUAL REAL 1'Y<f.. LARGE LOT • $29,900, New loan can be Bl'-occupwy, priced to sell. everything. Large I 0 t . 842·1418 anytime ,:1 ranged with 10% dn, Open Owner. 646-8698 642-9319 Corner--3 Bedroontt $19,950 house Sat & sun. 1608 Elm _DO_V_E~R~V-ILLA~-G-E-.-,-.. -ory ,19:50 move-in • $159 .... Ave. 546-9534 Condominium $29,500. Own _e._1_1b_l_uf_f ____ !M2_42_ 1 month includlnc taxes ( , TOWERING PlllfS ln your own yard, Fine 3 BR home &: family room ln l\fesa Verd!'. Functional Door plan. 1 ~ baths, built- in oven &. rangc, large ser- Close to Newport Heights. Oia1min1 2 bedroom and den. Fully carpeted, service porch. Quiet cul de sac street with manicured yards, Huge lot with access for boat, tniler, or what have you! New on the market. Only vice porch, large living $19.950. room, w/w ca~ts & drap-WE SELL A HOME es. ~ear shopping: o ~ 1 y EVERY 31 MINUTES REPUBLIC home. 8 mos old, land. Adults. $195 mo. incl EAST B L U FF ,.._n-~. Built-in fQft! 2 to • BR 3 BA la •--2 bd 2\1 ba ~ t ~ °"'n• 1%. bath, carpet.s t• s ry, , , m ...,.es. n, • ....,au · dominiums. 2 Kide by side, rm retreat rm 3 car gar patio, landscaping, dbl gar. drapes, covered paHo, · ' • • 1 • ""~ 2200 sq. ft. ea. 3 BR Ir; ,_,_ '"'"",_ wnrinkle ... $42,900. By owner. 540-4905 poo · Maint. •""· Ownt'r den, 2 BR ~ den. Extra ute .. --..-, ... · .... ' • ATIRACTIVE 3 BR, 2 BA & •Biikriiii. ii64ii&-iilii94ii8iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij deluxe condition w/ choioe scaping, 6 years old. if tam nn. Assume 5%% & B E loeation k view. '51,000 k \!l'f-·~'1'0 111' ,·. owner will take 2nd. 3246 AYVIEW DUPL X $67,500. Shown by appt. _..._,. __ -· New York Ave. 546-ll'JO on Balboa. Jwil reducl"d Mark Les Rltr. WANTED TO BUY $6,000 C.M. In""tm'"1 c.. 5<M7ll JUST CUT PRICE :~ 4 or 5 BR home Mesa Verde Newport Beach Re.1lty WELL Dl"sigiied 5 bdrm, 3 ....,. ~~ ~ ~ 125.950. VA/FHA fmancu.z. Walker & Lee "ll::!Z::::!::!Z::Z::=::Z::I ing available. ii 1860 Newport Blvd., CM 2043 We.!tcliH Dr. 1'111.-11 1111 1 ~I \il\\ll\\ to $45.000. ~ ba, l.1acco Home. Crpt!, WAS $22,500 ~ t drps, tr-pie. lovely view. ..., BY OWNER 4 BR, l * BA. 5%% GI LOAN TAX SHELTER Duplex ~ l BR furn, l blk ocean k bay, $3500 income !oVer 60% tax deduc) Ter- illic valllt' at $31,500. 642-1272 Ownr-Bkr. 2836 Alta Vista Drive. NOW $20,900 - 644-1192 3 btdroom, 1 bath.~, GI Res1le Rltr. 646-3928 Eve, 644-1655 Mf>..7711 Open Eves. II I \ I ! \ f " Tok• °'" 6% GI loan of * LACHENMYER IOOJ Boker, C.M, ~40 4 BR .• $35,~ $18,600 with payn1en1s or,,. ................................ 1 : • 28 $157/mo. incl, tax & ins, ,,.15 I , T 65 Chios, Mesa Verde 18 D h Quiet Street; 2 baths BR & family room on cor· 0 p In err DUPLEX Fireplace, 1ha.ke shingle ner • room for boat, trailer roof; front & back yard etc. Li~ting is $22,650, but Spotless 2 BR, 2~' ba, den, Near Ocean. 3 BR 2 ba. sprinklen; 1 block to make otter! ()v.iner Oregon-elec kitchen, PLUS huge each unit. 3 f'rplcs. S52.· elementary school, near bound! covered boat-port, min. land-500. Estancia & paJ'k. Patio cape maintenance, Reduced George Williamson 4 play area. By owner, SALESPEOPLE NEEDED to $42,900. 673.-4350 Real~°:es. 673-1.564 call: 546-1155. • s•1-111e CURT DOSH Realtor (llllr dllN a.tm , OLLEGE REALTY 1!30 w. Cow<l Highway 500AdnsllMecW,cM. 642-6412 Eves 613-3468 ALOHA WANTED R.E. Saleswoman 'I SPECUL,ATORS WANTED .. * 642-0070 * * 3 BR, 1% BA. Completely crpt'd & drps, Cncd yard. By owner. M:i--3008 Cotiaia P•rk. lits throughout. °""""' ... ~ .. S BR-3 BA. BY OWNER Lots more extru! You O'll'ft'. 806 Bison. Open Weekends the la.nd. Assume my l'5o, $«,SOO * 6#--03l9 V.A. $4300 down.. fUI P.I.T.I. Private ~· 962.m!) 1 BACK BAY Cuatom t Bdr, 3 Corona clel Mar 1250 HARDWOOO FLOO~ Only $23,950. ---+ Ba, firm. din, fr pl c. ,.----------··-• OWNER BOUGHT NEW itodem 2200 s/f $40, 7:i0. I . Sp rkJI YI HOl\fE, MUsr SELL • Owner/eve-1. 646-15-t2 a ng ew 3 BR. I%. ba .. fain. rm. Frpl. 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 Ir YoU apprec:iate the finest, New w/w cpts, drp1, Love-Balboa Cove1. i 6 ll, O 0 0 . W! zng Windover thl! "'-eek- ly patio k garden. Det. car. Prefer trade for acreage or end, Protesslonally dl"CQr. Assume 5%% FHA Top will consider other. 548-1lTI aled 4 BR., lam. room. shape. Open house Sat. A BLUITA Best buy. Pool-U!n-formal dining room, tri- Sun. 12-4 PM. 2569 Oxford nis-View 3 BR. 3 BA. By Jew!, ~t harbor Lant: owner. s4ooo dn. 6'4--0778 v I e w. Stpa,rate chil~ns Sharp 4 bdnn Stardust ~ on cul-de-sac 1trttt. ~ ume Sl,4 % ~.[. klM. $14 Jl'IO, ·~ REAL ESTATE ay:; McYAY 4 -....,,.,-..,""",-==7"'-1 """'· 169.500. New Dupltx, 301 32nd. St. Delancey Real Estate 545 0451 !i Blue R-SpKl•f : '""''"" Llx3<Y pool. _.., dectww •• net. plllo. 2 9'"" 4 BR, pttltise arff. 8l~ cpts/drpl, fully landlC. ~ sume $14% Glloan. - will help ftn, $35.5<0. , :. I'm SiHina On Top Of The World- tutefUlly dee, w/"":.~~ 2828 E. O>ut Hwy., CdM is:J,000. BY mmer • .,_..,,,.,.. 613-3170 MOBILE Ho~. Bay Ftont 1 '::=:1=:1=:1=:1=:1=:1=:11:: on the Pen1naula. $19,500. I• m.381>1 or 6'1S-3%l6 2 S.parat. Houses ========= I Two separate houses on one NawportHgb. 1210 Two Lots Ir View lot, 3 yrs old, 3 BR 2~ ba eactt Cpt1, drps. and blttns. $64.500 Poul Jonn RM!ty :; '41·1266 Eve. ~ 3 BR. + Bonls 9' Or .. CN&t Property 832 MUil"rl~ rn.w.t> tmmae. New paint. ~ VIEW .. Pool, 5l:1aciou1 2 BR lawn, ~ S~ "~ Cf home 40' liv nn. lrt multt loan pmnts ot fl89 ~ otrlt<. Owner. -2244 HAFFDAL REAL 'r.(; SllORECLIFFS. -3 BR me Wuntt F.Y ~ 2 batlw. ho limp!<. U-POOL• HOM.' if. '50,000. By owner G'D-3611, ~ ........... lnoula 1300 3 BR 2 bath, ~ 1..ta~ 3 BEDRM. 2 Bath c.rap attd. Pric• $23., ?50.· - N<orly ntw. 30>lt.0 LoL & II. O. 11.ATll, II bro1ters. Setn by appt. onl)'. M1-3Slt Ens..,• 67)..-2.Ct ownrr. BY OWNER 4 8r; Nu matter wutit " Is. )GU, ftneed. Dutdt travm .,..., nn sell it with • DAU. Y $881 Tttrier Dr .. Hnta !fcb.. PLl..OTWANT ADI I M2-.Sm SOCK rr TO 'Dll . ' -·--·-------------- I ' I f I l I jWLV llUIT Ftldl1, Ap11 l' 1%9 I SALE AE T ~ ... rALS RENTALS llQlfALS • "!!J!~~l!''~"'~l!;400!!!,l!j.~1rs Fu....._. H.,n11 'Unhlrnl1hM A,n. P~ .. ~~ ;; c:.to -2100 Hvntl..,... luch :MOO lalloN • 4* c;r;; Mw:C . 5100 -T,......... -\9' . . • •iamw-•wllhlloi>uo2 BDRM-· te.-~WATERFRONT cualDm 3 BAQIELOR Apt pUI ...ia, • ~ J ~· , • -. ......., bl~lnl, loWly y...t. all •Ill pd, ~ Br. • Ba. i...r. tam. Rm.. 17' ~ El MU. ~.....:. • ~ , (' • , . -_ __.L_ FHA -·..i.. 1 -.l.<l.a ok. Eqt dock. Ltue/oPUon S600 Mo. 310 E.JBilaW. 819, ... ~ .......... • ' ' • ....,.......... ······~'"''' "'..., . ,,,_..., ._,s.;llC!Wtll" mos 1 , l .&tmll tr VA. SN • malae Wilton St SJ.?0-~ SR2-699S ~NT l BR A: 4 1 ap1.1· now rentinr , f" ,ttOa. Eva 897.091 alter 6. • -TOWN'JtOUSE 4 BR. c:rpls, BR. lil Jwvi lSl.h. .. . UnAu.. l I: 2 BR&. Adulti , rt 2 BR., aar.. l*l>D. quiet. d.ri*. hltna. poo!. wallc to · 6'13-4124 onb' No pets, l?IO Pomob& : ~·· Tropial aettitw for adlta. 1 tch!. , Ave. Just south oi l.Sth ~· : t. Blk -ms. ..,_.180 ........,, Hu"!•..,... ...... 4400 NEW 9AllDEN A,TS. 'r Newport &Mith 2200 2 bl:: C::id~~ p~: CONTEMPORARY . uvq 1 1.an!UJ'A: MOdern d~~ ..;/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~~;;;;;l!P<>ol~.:.:Ad~w~l>.~'3~1!:-"559!'"~· 'o---br's l bacb't u"tatrs. All ranee · oven, wu r, newly , ~ttd • ocean etc. Endoeed p.r, Olympic • SUMMER RENTAL 4 BDRM Townhouse, turn or view. JoTom $lOO to ~. a1ie P9Ql. 8-8-Que •laundry PacUie Shotts Realty SUtomu and JM? l'OWld unfurn. Pool, club bouie, Summer or year around fac. Elec &:: "'afn pd, ~ ftllCl'fa.tkn bekc taken. near beech. 536-1791 rentals. Agent, 5.16-2510. 420 $135 ~ up. Adulta only._ ~-'.. Hunu.wton Jlie&eb PROPERTIES WIST • · Pullie c.oast Hwy. 241 W. Wibon, Cltf 642 .. :WQJ. " M1~ tms ~ Dr. 6'1S-4130 llount11n Valley 3410 BACH. Apt. 1 mile fr9m HARIO.R '-,yA NO DOWN , BR d , ,. · ... • w ··r • ., ,.u T-NHOUSE \l'ERY Small tum BNcb ., en, am ... 1n. rm·., c . a... 1 ....... "'" Or usume 51;4"' loan. 4 BR , y ... ..1.. blttns. $215/monlh. Lease. $90 Mo. 2217 Harbor near WU.On. 2~ t., sep. !USS' tam. rm. ~-No pets. .... ..,. AvaiL April .20. BJS..1665 ~7 • 2 bctrm stud..,, $125. 'niltd ftpk' -flab \'n* SlJ5 rm Call 60-3DI BAat. apL Nm.; wattt ._ e ·tie.led pool, no pets. ~ ~~ =~ .'!..ua~ .. !!!,..~•!._ ___ _2•~soo!!!I Leguna Nlp•I 3707 au paid. Adult cral)I. w. 918 AdJ. to lhoppi.r.;. ferftd. ISnx_,.ACULAR ~an View MONARCH BAY AREA Palms.V!~L :~ AVAIL. MAY 1st .RASHE•R REAL TY ADULT OOMMUNITY 2 BR. v.'/1ar .• fenced yd. "' Pl'simula Point 4 BR 2 BR. d 2 BA ho 2 BR 2 BA cf.sh hr pooJ w/patio _ water pd • 1ar- an.mt £\'el., )fl~ t.th. N5ilmo. 615-&i60 ~t-lns, ~~~. heated ':il b~s.. Adutts;w ~ pe~ dener. lllllln: + fOllPl£I 2-STORY S Br. 2 Ba.: =S250=="'°=·=1D=to=S.=4=96-=U4=3= I Sl.85. 2320 I1orida s.Yr2'730 2526 Santa Ana Avr: ..... $115 l1UU.1L wmter; by bay: "-as~r: no 2228 Pi&.eentla Ave, ••.• $U5 All ~ : BRs.. SSO.tllO psm.,..,.. ~ )Gan. ~ts. ~14. O.ne Point 3740 Garden Grove 4610 SEE and then call PNJorooalloalty ........ Duplexes Fum. 2975 BEAlITIFUL new 24. x 50 l'-"'--------·l l'ilobile home, fully carpeted SPEClAL. 2 Mos. rate. New· i. draped. builtin 1tove 2 BR ~======='°'I ty flD'n,. .Dduze 3 Bdr. + 2 ha. btautitW. clllbbouH & 1 ... ttA4'• Oien nr. Ooean 629-1'92 pool, aeroa from ocean & ,_..,tw 1405 RENTALS beach. U95 mo. -noo dcp. W.A'ID.f1lONT -to-oner . Houses Unfurnished ~~11. fll 2'1~17!il &: 4 BR • > BA.. -. s;· on -I 3000 ======="'° -.. ... tu eftdwcd ~tio $74,500. • . Duplex• Unfum. 3975 Alta 6D' on mam cbannel $195: 4: BR. 1%. ha. Condo. W1:e l Br .. l S. .. dock. WI•'. pallo. tilovt'. refri&:. 2 ~DRM, 1 ba, la;e :yard, $1D.m Olmider ieiue'/op-Ch~n OK. 8 r 0 k er prefer young co n p I e . ~ 5ID-S99I 5J4.-6!180 Newport Hgts. $135. 646-9739 »' WATERFROh'T w/ t}' $m· 2 BP... -4-ple,x. W/\\', ,(~N·r ALS dock. 3 Bdrm. dm. fam rm. itt?s. bllns, patio. Avail. Apts. Futh11Md SINGLE YOWi& AdW.ts Lux· ury 1arden apta with coun- try club atrnosphert' and complete privacy. SOUTH BAY CLUB , APl'S. l3100 CHAPMAN Ave., Garden Grove <n4l 636-3030 Le9una &each ~705 -100 CLIFF DRIVE L.t.rse bachelor Apt. turn. AU Delwi:e Featurt1 Ocnn View. Walk to beach $170 -;yearly lease 494-244' • 63G-4UO • OCEAN BREEZE uppu apl. Large 3 BR l il ba, blt·iM, c pts /drps , sundeck. $160/mo. :mi;. ea.,,... "'" No 'pets 545--3215 aft 4: 30 or weekends. or MI 2-m:z 2 BR apt, downat&in!, clean, ttpts, drps, blt-tns. Jnq is.;:.. A O>rjander. Sf&.M6I QUIET, deluxe :i Br. 1tudio. Adults only. Htd pool. 1m Santa Ana Ave., ~ 2 BDRMS, dft>I, crpts, pvt patio &: garaft. 2 ~dren ok. No pets. $130. 543-7540. liv rm 2 BA. Di\'OT'Cf' a.Ir:. now 'Bmkt"r 534-6980 l--'--------1 PANORAMIC view overlook· :.~ 3392 Gllhm Drive. r-so:. 3 BR, l~ ha, pr, Gen•••• 4000 Ing Aliso Beach. 2 BR furn. Newpart ~~~~ 5200 l========='i patio. W/w. C'.onvenient loc. $135; 2 BR., all utll pa.Id. all eltc. Mature adults, no h 1705 Broker 534-6980 FamUy welcome children, no pets. $185 mo. • WATERFRONT e J~l.ofuno;;;;;;; .. ;;;'•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 -..:; 5 BR. 2 ba, tncd, yd., Broktt 53'-91 call eveB, 499-3755 Pier & &lip; dl"<. duplex; 3 -LA-RG-E--•• -••• ~,---v~,--,-w-1 Br. 2 Ba, !pl, re.f. No P'l>. drps, chil~ 0.1<. Broker $120; 1-BR. Coattal area. · ......,teal.• ' 53'-e980 Tot O.IC. deck, $110.1 includes util. $325 Ue. 6U-M25. Broker 534-6980 Sin&le only. 49S-3'64 aft 6. 2 BR. Jo\\-er duplex nr ocean Costa MMe 3100 ======== RENTALS Jo'rpl. pr. ntw cpts, ttfrlg. • Coste ~ 4100 Apt1, Unfurnished $180 yearly a vail June 1st. •, VA Repossession I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1-------JOO,.,. st 213, 210-m1 Everyone qualilles _ $950 $27 50 Wk UG __ •_n•_r_•_I __ -~ 2 BR, newly dee, drpa, w/w down, 4 bedrooms, c A L ~ • • P 3 BR. 2 BA, fplc. $~ 5'0-1151 (open eves) Heritage • Studio Ir: Bach, Apts. RENT 213: 98.1-7009 ~al Estate. • lncl utils. I: pho~ se1'V. .) Rooms fumiture GOLD Medallion 2 Br. 2 Ba. "l''O°"R"""'L<---c=~Mo---,..,,,.... e Maid Strvlce. TV avail 520 $25 $30 Cpl!, drp!, bltns. Adlt!!, no E!'llERALD BAY • Lovely ase $225 o. 4 Br., e Room!! $15 wk., up • • mo. petK. L.'lt: $185. 673-2370 ocean views trom a cozy 2 newly redecor. Mesa Verde e· New Cafe il Bar Jo~UI.L OPTION TO BlJY bednn home with convert.i· horoe. Pi.rk-llke. yard It SUNNY ACRES MaTEL !Refri&erators Available) 2 BR 2 BA USS • $l7S .t:. .. ,_ den 2 baths builtin dllbwasber. &J0..-4828 for 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9T:.i5 No deposit o.a.c. ~~98"1-~....2 BA, lrplc, S23.i U&IC' • ' App'L ,..._ ,.,.,.,. kitchen view d@ck, conve.n-· -----H.F .R.C. ientl)' 10cated ~ us,soo. ~~. ~~· ~:.n: SUS CASITAS Furniture Rentels ffiVINE OOVE • Dramatic new drapes. $140 mr mo. F1JRNISHED 517 \V, 19th C.P.t. 548-3481 contemporary home with Real Esta ten, 673-8811 er J-BR. & Bachelor Apl!!, l5Q W · Lncln, ~hln 174·2800 dank flavor. Extra h.igh 646-TITI . . 2110 NEWPORT BL.VD. Philadelphia ?r1a.inline., su~ celllnp throua:hout, radiant 3 BEDfilf. 2 Bath. blt-in Medallion by llotpoint lease 2BR11i ba apt. Wasi.- heat in ~ ·"" patio. mat-V~um & Water liOlt, sty. * Viii• Pomon• Apts. er. d\'yer. r~trig, cpts, drps. bit: entry, dinmg rm for 12, &: dishwasher. Pavt'd Patio ,... __ 1 ,1 . 1 , 1 all ulil C.~I. 548·5706 alt 6 teak cabinets in kHchen, &: BBQ. Attached Dble. """'a .D esa s newes « ~os p.m. •·-f ·1 fFP 3 c Calf ... 1~~" .... luxurious apts now ft!nting. ~~~~ .... "e am1 y rm "'' • ar. ......-'4'> ~ves. Furn & unfurn. Adults only· $145; 2 BR. 4-plex, 11·/w, bednns, 3 baths, beautiful 2 BR. gar, patio, cpts, drps, nu pets. 1760 Pomona Ave.. drps. rangr: It o~·en. t'amil;y views of bear.h • surf • stove, rclriJ:. Tropical set-jwit south ol l8th St. 11·elcomc. Broker 534--6980 E11t Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE • 3 Br. 2% ba. apt. for lease Incl. spac. mslt. suite, din rm. &: dbl. garqe, auto. door opener avail. Pool .It. rec. area. Nr. Catholic Ch\ltth Ir: school le Corona del Mar Hia:h . e ONLY $270 e is7-lln AJn1'os Way, N.B. .. '. $165,000. ting· for adults 1 Blk. 10 --,,==7.'"-="'°'c---., •'Turner Associate• moP. $140. 544-t11Wl HOLIDAY . PLAZA • · ,._ 682 No. Coast Blvd. , DELUXE, spaCK1U11 l·Bdrn1. Costa Mua SJOO Coron• del Mer 5250 Laguna Beach (n4) 494-ll77 2 BR house w/pr., cpt!!, Furn. apt. $133 Plu., util. l'==:l=:l=:l=:l=:l=:l=:l:IJ:I ' drps. Adults only. $ll5 Heated pool. Ample parking .1; ----per mo. '625 C Elden Ave., No children. No pets .··' Income Units Costa Mesa 673-5270 1965 Pomollll. CM .; t~H•ndym.n Specials 3 Br. Houst". S17!i mo. 1-Br. 2 Ba, pool, Sl.25. Util. ·, '1 Loe. on Oceanaide of Hy. lM4 Pomona Ave, CM after pc;. ALSO Bach. $105 Util. 150 yd.!i from Beach. 4 J&:e 3:30 pm. pd. Mature adults only 2lli Apt. uni ts, needs paint le YRLY. Lease, Sl.$: 3 & den, :Placentia 54S-:2407 eood 1eneral cleanup. PO. 2 battu. dbl. gar, all new in-BEAUTIFULLY 1-'URN '1'.ENTIAL l NC 0 ME EX· terlor. 548-9536 lmmac, clean! 2 Br, pool t:EED~G $10,~ ANNUA,L-4 BDRM. I~ ba, SZ'l:i. per Adults, no pets $150. 2272 LY· Price $69,930. mo Near Fairview l l\taple. 540-5566 642-4807 .JJ'""""'ON REALTY t!K.U131 . ' ;k· .. ·~98S~So:·~C~oo;•~·~Lag:w..: ... i~-~~·~"""'~:;:369~~~:---i CHATEAU La POINTE -i Larie 2 Bedroom Lovely 2 Br. furn. apt. Pool, ·:~SANDY ANKLES • will be Patio, Fenced Yard C&J1>0l1: adults, no pets. • )'OUl'll wben )'OU arrive home Sl.25. 54>26Si5 1941 Pomona, C. M. lq this (BR. 2 ba plus Ren-5 BR 2 BA. crpts, dtps. Nice FURN. Bach., utll. pa id. ,. ta1 Units. l~I bl to beach. neig:hborhood. f2jO lease Adult anl;y. Nr. O.C.C ;. Unil1 will pay $15,lm of Call ~ 546-5079 f, ~ rnortgaie cost Total 3 BR. 2 Ba., Lge. fam . rm. t BR fun, all uUI incl $13fJ. ~ ~ce $40,000. w/fpl., C'pls, drp!i, bltns; Pool. Adults 6 4 fi -5 2 1 fi, ;·, LOs Padrtl Rlt;y 494-8833 dbl gar. S225. 549-35.12 e\'6 968-1740 •\, 627 So. Coast Hwy, l.ai' Bch e N p·•-· e '·' REDECORATED 2 BR urr as11&u ... ~ • TWO brand new ocean view turn., utilitlts pd. Vacant. 1 I: 2 BR. . Pool hpm6, one C<lntemporary, $155/mo 286 Knox St CM 177 E. 22nd St. 6'2--:l&tj one Spanillh. Esich has 2 BR ,;:;:;::::.· .::;:.;;::.:;:~::." 7"': 1.;-u0 ;m,;;;;;;u;;;;;-;;;;;;; 2 bl, carpetina:, and all FOR Leue 3 Br. 2 Ba. huce 1 _BR. Ulil pa.Id. Want older builtln!!. Don't miss these. fenced yard. $225. 111n,qle man, ~only. $99.50. Mult see to appret:late. Each Call 642-5294 Call afler ;i PM 642-6197 $27,950. By owner. (9.l..9525 l BR, water pd. No child-1 BDRM, xtra clean, crptg, or $3006 ren. Garage. $115. 233 c garage, quiet adull1!, 2039 FABULOUS view lxnnt , 4 Costa P.teu. St., 673-lTI.5 '\'allaC'f'. 548-1885 BR 2~ bl\, all builtin J200 srUDIO-UUI pd. Q u I e t JriLchen. large pool-table Newport leach person only. nr. 17th & aiz.e playroom, wel bar, Irvine. $95. ~ completely carpeted and B / 8 Dble "'ilk mobile home P.fay draped 1W'eo s Pe a k r: r · TOWNHOUSE to Oct. Adull1! only. Compl IG'llem. By OWne.r. $39,500. .. ... _ furn $150 mo ~2436 C!M-9525 Split Level 3 bdrms. : u~ HARBOR GREENS BAClll:.LOR. UNFURN. from $11'11 AlS) AVAILABLE 1 • 2 l: :: BDlL't. lleated Pools, Child care Center, Adj. lo ShoppW, - ·No pets allowed · 2700 Peterson \Vay, at Har- bor & Adam&. Costa Mesa. '"''""" ORLEANS APTS. 3 BR STUDIO POOL ADULTS ONLY 1741 Tustin AYenue off 17th Street Costa Mei• '42-4641 3 BR 11.t. ba, blt-in range & oven. \Vith rarace. $150. Wells-McCerdia, Rltrs. 1!10 Ntwport Blvd .. C.P.f. ,...,,,, " Double i' a r a Ce, carpeta, 1-BEDROOM, I FURN. BY OWNER. north end, 3 d.-ape;., Fireplace, e J e c. 998 El Camino Dr., 01 Gr•coou· 1 ••ult LiYi"I BR 2 ba, pla,yroom w/.,-et bWlt·ins. ADULTS ONLY •• * 54&--04.51 * - bar, builtin kitchen, 2 •····••••······· $26S/month. 1 BDRM furn apt, $90. _,. 2 Bdtnu., \Y/w cpts, drape!, .r.-.. 1 .. --out.side I " ~ pool Students 0 .K. J.M..,__..°' ?ttn. Fay mo. No pels. Good area. : · . -· CUP'"· dta"'" '"'• la e . I -L MESA EAST APTS. : : . .froit trffs. SG.500. 494-9525 Y GI' eQgi -~--°'~-~~--~ loG E. 18th, C.M. &U-3474 '1 BR CHARMER . Realty, Inc. 2 BR., Ocan. Cpts. drapes, LGE. 2 Br. split level $150 redtc0tated, new shag cpl, 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 22J. cl.inin; rm. Gar. Xlnt Joe. Upiiu 2 Br. Sl35. No pets ~pes. '7'.~-Owner, 66-200) Eves. 548-6966 $155. {Or unfunlJ 545-9187 2885 !'ifendoza. $45-5411 = Walchlnc Ottan-NVEW hohuse for ~:n Ha~ Newport Beach 4200 ~e~:s.$S:i~ ~nn\va:: •' 'v'iew iota. Lq'Una. Beach. ~s ~~~ Jam 2 BA: SINGLE Young Adulb Lux· Apt C, C.~f. 54&-3934 P.l60 ~ small down pay· $'.n:l ,.;,o, R~by L I o 'Yd ury garden apts ivlth coun-E.SIDE 1 br. frplc, beams. mrll& 48'1.tml evts. 213 · 6704601 try club atmoaphere-and patio, w/w crpt, 1 adult no ya:w l BR. 2 btitb home '· complete prl\'8cy. SOU'nl prt.~ $l28 yr. 873-7629 . ....... ~ or exchar.i:e. TOWNHOUSE 3 Br., 2~ ba. BAY CLUB APrS. lrvine at ~=~~-~---; *-t15C591 Res. $TI61 v.•/w cpts, drps:, fpl. Fncd 16th Newport Beach. J BR 2 bit. Condo, cpl&, w, • patio; elec. blths, 2 car pt, 17141 K>-O.i50 hlt-iM, dlsh1v., dbl gar. 2 ·: -.ooo DUPLEX. 2 and 1 pool. $275. 60-1'219 l BEDROO't "'' , .. N pools. $190/mo 546-SSllO .. "'SR. vSew just remodeled " • u... pi.N 0 2 d I • "t¥l. wild knchem' Of..!"IU . $225. l BDRM, 2 ha, IV/W pets. YOUl'll w 0 r k I n • BR unturn. A u l3 or C · crpts. bit-in,, ii: c 1 u b female. 64frl077 before 2 retired. No pet!. $1la. 308 )INTALS facilities. 214 Prospect St. pm. Ask far Joe. Rochester, C.\f. :: •' Hew 1· furnilt.I _ f213) HO 7-3290. 2 BR. 2 Ba. \i blk. beach. vwa Fino AJrts. 3 BR. -~ ... ~ ON TEN ACRES ... - 1 &: 2 BR. Film • Unfum Frplcs I priv. patiOll!PooM. Tennis . Contnt'J Bkfst. pul· tin; l(ref'n. 900 Si-a Lane, 001 6#-2611 li\l:icArtbur nr. Coast H1\-;yl XI.NT loc near China Cove l BR apt. Frplc. $175 mo. lr:ue. 613-6224 alt 5 pm, B•lbN 5300 Nr. 10th Sf. Beach 3 Bedroom, 2 bath plWl den apt. Newport Beach, unfUrn $300/mo. BURR WHITE , Rltr. 2901 Newport Blvd., N .B. 675-4630 GRACIOUS Adult Llvina- Ocean 6: 8a)' view. Spacioua 2 BR. 2 BA., walk ln clesets11 beautiful carpcm I: Jn.pmes. Pool. Boat 11\ps for tenants. Subten-anean parking. 67l-3003 Huntington leech 5400 EXCLUSIVE ON-THE·IEACH 2 & S a..ireom Apto • Luxury liv\na to pleue the viost dlscrimlnabflJ'-1110• a\'allnhle al The Huntingl~n Pacific ~ 711 ~&ti Av'1., II.ff fn4l 536-1481 BRAND NEW 2 I: l BR. frorn $1511 mo. Cpts. dt"pl!. d&hw1hr. Nr Bt'ach. 84.1-3937 H\JNTINGTON C<lntinenta Townhouse; l Br.. bltns. pool. etc. $113. 96S-ll'ltl Evt'. Dena 'olnt 5740 , alt .. Share 2005 3 BR. 2 B&. c:pta, ~ b4tns; uw. pd. $165 Mo. tll July Unt. OUldrtn Welcomt $100 .. nr. beach. No pets. $2t0 y,.. 1C. l2ll W. Balbot. 494..5l.S9 874 \V. Center Apl. I DELUXE 2 bdfm, 2 ba. :: ACJ'IVE Oldtr w\dcrw would'l..!:'>~1'~ue~60-3llil~~!...---I:'"==':':":::='="";::;; 2 BR. l~ Ba. Patio. crpts. triple;c; •pt. OC1:1.n View, tcr-~ ..:r ~ ;': ':a8t!: ~ •I Mer 3250 Corona d•I Mir 42SO tf:: :!:· =~·=· =t. a=.· r.!l~ e ~~o'. . mD 541-JDJ SPACrolJS...w/view 2 BR 1 BR neu lhoppina', adultl, 1 BR rn!n apt. fpl, epts, 642-4192,ar ~9. alt 5:)1 .; ilfliD Ratponllble ltrd d._, re«<:. cpls, dps. SI~ mo. 602 HtUotropc=, drp8, ltltm, pe.00, poOI. _•_!IS-_1036 _____ _ ....... l'OCIDWlte. Stach ranee. ttfril, !pl. pr, &tJ..3296. G73.-72ll Adi l$. no ~l~ $ill>. 546-51&3 :: ~:: round. call 6'6-9817 :;:·~ no peu. ~ Balboa 4300 2 BDRM unfum, O\'rrloolts ~~A M~";!O~ ti: fOIJ coune.·574 JOMn. SUD. Omlfied Adi. Olck them TE .mce, n:ieJie 2 BR., cpta, drpa. trpf, O/W. Q.EAN Bachelor Altta. Mf-(j6TI' nowt ., .-W.. llDtlnt • No pets. $195 lncl. lllil. 103 All utll Ind m up 3 BDR?.1, 2 bA, r1111c, clo91ed --------- •• .., l3S4lOO .l•!!mlne. m-.5109 315 E. ~Tboe Blvd, lrtralt:, adults, SISO. Mo. 327 II y_.Ad ln wt dl.lsi&cbt XI.NT loc nm-Chll'llt Cove 3 BAUlOA G7J..004J 8. Cahrlllo. 5-48-4691 S• IVl wUI bt kdilna for 81'. 2 BL f'rplc. $300 mo DAaY Pl.LO'l' WANT ADS tt. Diil MHf71 JeaM, 67)..6224 alt 5 pm. Al waya a Go-Go! \\'hlte elcpha.n~! Dime.·line DAILY PILOT OIM&A· LI NES. You rs.n ll.!!e them tor lust pennl•i a d&J'. Dial ~ I I A Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A· DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Gu it1r 3. Biby Crib 4. Electric S1w 5. Camera 6. W.111her 1. ·Outboard Mote r I . St•rff Set 9. Couch 10. Clarinet 11. Refrigerator 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing Machin«' 14. Surfbo1rd 15. Mtchin• Tools 16. Di1hw1sher 17. Puppy 11. Cabin Cruiser 19. Gall Clrt 20. Barometer . 21 . St1mp CoUection 22. Dinette Set 23. Ploy Pon 24. Bowlinv Boll 2S. Water Skis 26. FrMzer 27. Suitcase 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31 . Bir Stools 32. Encyclopedia 33. Vacuum Cle1ner , 34. Tro,,ic•I Fi1h 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 36. Fiie Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom S.t 41. Slide Project~r 42. Lawn Mower 43. Pool Tobie 44. Tires 45. Piano 46. Fur Coat 47. Dr1pe1 41. Linens 49. Hori• SO. Airplane 51 . Org<1n 52. Exercycle 53. Rare Book1 54. Ski loots Sl. High Choir 56. Coins 57. Electric Tr1in SI. Kitten 59. Cl.luic Auto 60. CoffH Tobi• 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accan:llon 63. ·ski• 64. TV Sot 65. Workbench 66. Dlo"'°nd Watch 67. Go-Kort 61, Ironer ''· Camping Tr1iler 70. Antique Furnitur.' 71. Tape Recorder 72. Sailboat 73. Sports Cor 74. M•ftreu, lex Spts 75. lnboord Speedboot 76. Shotgun 77. S.ddlo 71. Dart G1me 79. Punching lag 10. Boby Corri.,. 11. Drums 12. Rifle 83. Duk 14. SCUBA Goor These or any other extra things around the house may be turned Into cash with a DA IL Y PI L 0 T WA NT ·AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRl~T 642-5678 IYOUR CREDIT IS GOODJ DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In On The Action Today! , ..,.----=...--..,..--~------~-----·----o~-=.·-:=----------- REAL ESTATE lllAL: ISTATI PIMAHCIAL: ANNOUNCIMIHTS o-nl Oonorol IUSlff~S .... .... HOTICIS fl""•~ W1nlod 5990 Office ltenlol ~70 lw. OpportvnltiM ... ,_ ,,,.. Mii '400 I s WOMEN In Med. Pn>r,.,, LAGUNA llEACff -~~::::.:..· ----1 :l'OllND::::::"; -,:-.,-Al'-doro-;--bolf:-.: need ><'I Bf\. 2 Ba. firm. Air Condltlenff CANDY SUPPL y ..w.d: vie. Fa' h Ion bclll9e or apt., from July.tat ON l'OR.ES'i AVBNUI: ROUTE Island, Newport Be«b. to Sept 6. WiU consider Ot&k IP&Ctt av.Jl,ablt tn .<Put or f'uU Time) Well mannmd. c.p A idtn- tearb'. Xlnt tel''s, m.41112 new• cttlce buJkl:bla 11 Ell'CllUea:t blCOl'ne Jot few uty. 675...J29S After' PK PROF wilt A: 2 daughters prime Soeltion to -..,,town hra, wetkl)< v.'Otjt (days_ dea~ 3 or 4 BR. me tn J...QuN. Beads-Ab' eond• or eves.). ~ aDd C M N B H B tiontd, carpe!ed, beautttul a:illtctine money fron\ • ·• · .. or · · attu, .......... ,_ .. -in T Cot 11 n-n,fed 01""'"'"-•tarting Junt! 'bl. \Vut pay _....,..-I-• 0 ..,.,.., ~'!"' up to $200 mo. Call 6"5-1966 entrancN: Frontap on scrs in Costa 1.f~u. and J"(nst A•e.. rear leadl to aurro~tn& area. No FOUND: Pre1crlpti o n -· . hal1--lype; vie. of N'pl 81vd I: Cecll Pl., Coat.a Mela. ~ AtterlPM * * ,,,,, * * * rr1i.r, .11<u 111, 1969 DAJLV mor I * SlllVICI DlllECT"°!!.. J IS I .ioa5 & ~y =!/ GoNlonlnt 6'IO .191> W1nlod, Lodp 7020 .... , W~ -~ JAPANESE Carder.fr, com.-s u B s Tl Tu T £ mother, • • ple1e )'al'd ..,,,, .. , ,,.. E .... h "°"'"" WW tai.. Al'l'RWNTICI ; ettlma..., SI0-1.m ruu ..-Uil> tor mall>-P~lllW RS • • 1 COMMERCIAi; A Re'aldef). talning home & care ot Appltca.nhl mud be ..:._11 tia1 Lawn mal.nt. Lawn It family, available on or to 27 in a(!OCl bealih aid prage cleanup. 5C8-6819 before June 15tl\. Box M.-abllo. t. Pl• .,a....,~ Bolbojl. ~ -lo •• ii ~ Rcll&blo lawn a"l'\l'b:, CONVALESCENT AIDE b-pit.LS vacation. health,~ mow, ed,p, trim. PR.AC, nurse or companion· wtlfare, ~ Ind •!Mt' * 531-l404 * available fWl °" part ti.me. ~lits. Wa&e1 ~ LAWN SF.RVICE Ion& or ahort lenn. Bondtd pt:riodicaJly unlii tull_ P, 1 BDRM Unfurn Apt in Beach area lor employed lady up 1o $110/mo . 6U-<Xl86 MWICipal puidna Aots.. JiO etllh!f, (Hamtes n a m e Br.ACK Gr!:at' Dwie. O:tata . ' ?.fow-ed&e-vacuwn and lnauml. oeytnan staius Ira ~ U ll{>606 a!lor 6 PM HOMEMAJ<ERS !141-1i81 ~Jo<tud'8 pay-per month Sor space. Deak brand candy 1e 11\1.Cb.) lrik111.. 17tb st. ana. Call to ud cha.trs anllahle tor $5. $lli50 total c:uh required. . idmtit)' da)'t SU-3421, evea Wha4t1y1 Wont? Whtdcly1 G.t? S,ICIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATUllAL IORN SWAPPlll$ s,,..1.1 11o1e F."PER J~ Gardener EXPECTANT Mother nds )'00-ltt.m tri.tn1rw ln -' I :11y eervi¢e', rea•. baby1ittna:, Ute h1ewr'°k. prjlrt. t'ff\f'~.aqcl --~ n05 or H);;'llltl Own traru1, LkSo area. 'lnJNhfp'. -inis ~JI Jv1·1NSON'S Canknine Scrv. 673-3010 tPonitOred by • tb& ~ Bualneta houri uawulna For rn ore intonnation .fM-2'80 e LANDLORDS e FREE RENTAL m<VlC!: Broker , 534-6982 aervice 1vall.ir.ble b-SIO. and detaib. send name, SJ.ANESE=~=~kl-tt<_•_wi~.th-yd_lo_w All utUitsa paid uctpt address and phone num--alonHtudded collar. Corner telepbooe. ber to; Federa.1 • 19th, C M , 222 ~~p~ ''ROUTPEOOEPARTMENT' 6U-SPJ, ~ S Lln11 -5 tlmeo -5 bucko ltUL.!:S -AD MUST IMCLUOI! Otllfornia P!Utert,. ~ Finefit equip, expert yard FLOORS Strippa. & wax~. lute ApprtnticeshJp Truit ., eve! Reaal 9C-~ Cp't cleaning. Walla wash-antidpat.ioll of Uic ~ 1~91 "911 MW 1e tn•. ~ Ym\I ••nf ,,, tr1dlt.. LADY alone deli.res partially tum. 1 Br. apt. by June 1st Reas. yrly rent 673-Q05 • • Box 3846 TIGEJt.eti:fptd cat wearing LAGUNA BEAQI Anaheim, 'California. $2803 yellow aea toUu w/bells. CUt &: F.dge W.wn ed. Guaranteed. 5.1J...«i6'1 boom in new COM~ • Maintenance, l..ict!naed For detaUs contact Al Uilh. .._,Oult .ii-,,_,., ....._ 4-6 tines tf .. ~m111n .. a-NOTHl~H()NgA'4i.567i' ONLVI • Garage FOi' Rent • Single -$20 Month • 642-3M5 . ~ D!$'1'11.1BUTING BUSfNESS. 1oun<Lvlc •. So. Capella Ct., Te Piece Yeur Trld.,..• ParHi .. Ad 5<3-<iWGIS-2310 alt 4 Domestic Holp 7035 brida" Dlrecti>r.~ JSOUf.l"l Eighth Stree1, Los ~ Phonto (IJ~) 48J..5932 or. in On.nae C.ounty Gene Fer- guson. 12269 Weatntinller Blvd.. Santa Ana. PbOnt! (714) 531-36.17. WANTED: 3 BR unfurn •. yr's leue. Prefer CM. ·~· C I I 60l5 wrnroUT .INVESTMENT: eoata Mesa. Sf6..6384 ommerc I --Natlonal Manutaeturer will FOUND: "'1PY vie nh St. FOR Sa.le or trade by owner. PM14I CODQilett propam ls ''l'Ultbi Ave. C.M. Short 50' x 180.S' commet'clal pro-~~ting, candy, drv&: A hair, c!wx-. brwn W/wbt perty. 19th St., Costa Mesa. apve v ,t•~"at..s, DM:k eyelnwl. &t6-2ID Have 5 bedroom ]Jalboa Palm Sprins:s Jor NeWl)Ort Penirulula home, $79,500. or vicinity. Have 3 niei!' Want 3 bedrobm, price $30. homes, lake any type prop.. $35,000. Newport Beach 41rty, Owner. 64$.2005 or Really, flS.1642. evea, 642-5855 next to Dept of · Motor foodl, ~·· to. ta.....,.,, \'!:RY tame ~ bird Room1 fOr Rent 5995 Vehicles. IhCome $410 mo. ~~~~ .. -atom. bmd in SbortcUffl. CclM Owner w/ 1eaJll! back at ..., .. _, ....,,,,,., _,, ••• =~ ...... ' hl&b -cub vie. Pleue .,.... 67">-WI at>d 17 Ft. fiber ¥1a.s.s outboard and bi& wheel tilt trailer. \Vill trade for landscapi.nz. ~-'-,---,~~­Fun in sun plus int,'Ome. Desert Hot Springs Duplex • 2·2 bl', $12.(Q) eqty, For 2 br house nr •hopping Costa Mesa Area. 642-3214. ROOM For rent, fum. Near Sprin(dale &: D 0 u c I a .s MWile Plant, Prefer eentternap, Quiel • ho m e. m-0162 IDEAL For employed man on day shift. Costa Mesa $12 Per week. S4&-7969 TWO Room.. tor Rent Kt. Priv., Furn. 67~7003 or (213) 429-7517 CORONA de! Mar, quiet rm, empl'd man over 21. Priv. enl $50 mo. 646-4095 LRG. Prv room, semi prv bath, house privl. Mesa Verde area. $i5 wk. 56-1304 PVT. Room, kitchen priv. Near 21.!lt & Santa Ana. $15 wk. 64.>-1294 before 2 PM Gue1t Homes S991 HA VE vacancy in com- fortable licensed home for elderly lady. Must be am· bulatory, private room, board & care $180. Near shaps & park in Costa 'Mesa. 646-8115. same. $45,950 • ..,.._,w ()Ommk1knr Ud montbJ:y identify. FOP.. Lease s~ acre of M-1 overwrite. No qe.limit but SM.Al.L=='-11""'a1'"e_doc,_,-w'"'iu.,,-·1e property with small office. must be bondf,ble. Part or wlblack marktn,rs. wearing Completely fenced with 2 full 'time, Write CHEX. lnc.. blk collar. Vie Bolsa Chica large gatf!S. 5C8--63M 2910 N. 16th st., Phila., PL &: Edina:er. HB. M6--21S4 19ll2 lndustri•I Rontal 6090 Loot 6401 FOR leue Laguna N~1, +;: too mJI ~ year! ""-"------:.;;;..: off San Diego Fwy at Crown Build a tax Mdge wt th ~ Lost tn * ~X:::1 :ei Mar. Valley, new commercial &: 0~ part or full time iudustrial units. Delta ~ bus111ts.s.. SEMINAR o n Cocker & Poodle mlxtutt, tric. De.ys _ 831·141XL Ellel . Start~Promote yo u r answen to the name of San- 4"" ~~-, own busmess. dy. Please return, no que&- -:r.r-uiJO, DEAN JiOWARD & CO. tions asked. Reward. Phone Lots 6100 P.·o. &. ... 1455, Costa Mesa 646-9303 MIXED Ausb"alian Shepherd, female, grey, black & brown. "Chris'' Lo 1 t 4/W69 nr Newport pier. Reward, Needs 1hot1. ..... ,.. 21.h TO 4 ACRES R•ncho C•pi1tr•ne CANDY supply route, part or full time, days/eves, Refill & coll@ci. money from coin oper. Dispensers in Costa ?o.fesa & vie. No selling. PHONE 644-4687 Tustin view Jot: 29 a~ ona. 3'20 ac N, San Diego Cnty_ ht Td total $300 M. Will trade all or part Jor 1 Owner 675-3243, 673-0305 '53 GMC Van Camper, will trade 1or Pick-Up of equal value Ol' Dune Buggy. . ....,.... 11().2 BR unit! O.C. no vac, $180 M inc, lD,000 ac N. Cal, on hwy $5 nr SUsan. ville. Trade all/part for ?, Owner. 675-J243, 673-0305 5 acres nr. Turl Paradise- trwck, Phoenix, for local Is now offering a limited 85 parcels o1 l.&b¥]ous, oak studded, ranch size spreads. The only ,ones ol their kind $1650 Total cash req. Send I~=~-----­ name, address &: phone to: Route Dept., P .0. Box 3346, Anaheim 92803 BOY'S small brown puppy, g re!, ot' oom. prop, Val ns,. wk!'!. Vic \Vellesley Ln; 000 cir, Owner: 546-9358. Columbia Rd &: ~ton, Der \Vienerschnitzel, 1951 CM. 5:30-0:30 Wed. 546-4515 Harbor, CM, Land &. bldg. 1IANCOCK STA'I10N for or return to 223 Wellesttoy Income $500 mo. net $45,000 in the ·===,,..-===~~ Boomint South Co••t lease, Newport Beach. Good Ln. Reward. equity fur Jots, Back Bay. gallonage ·now, goea higher I -~~~----~ 675-6130 ArH woummer. AvUJable now. LARGE REWARD! High above the smog belt. Present dealer ...... ;n., North. ~-" b , wht tt / Equities totalixli $65M in "'"-... .,.,..... rown .:: mu • w Motel, T.D. + home tor Private roads and locked Some financin°, available -.a -11·-v•· N Newpo~ .. _, ,......, "'1U&l, "" • ,., Custom home, incoml' or gate gUal'antee the na.w.... with good <ndit. C a 11 Blvd NB Call 6;t2-J22'l or beauty-of this·former Span. 533-1379 .....,..:Cany• • ~ #l CM T ! ! OWNER. ish Grant iUITOUnded by ==~--~---~-~ on u•·· · ' · 5U·2164 or. 673-5929 beautiful Oeveland Nation· HAVE Beauty &ho? in Costa GOLD ring, small rubies l. LLag~"""4-~Be-.-,~h-cCorrun~-...,~,.-1 I F rest All utililies avail-Mesa, 4 sta. Will sell or sapphirel'i. Last Sat. Apr. B ild' lll8 000 . a bl 0 · trade for ? Owner. 12th N B Re t am u mg. · · eq11ity. a e. * ~5632 or 646-52.53 * HeU:ioom'. ~ward~ 642-293.l if:'ik:uild'able Janel. Bkr PRICED FROM $1,000 ·. ~ANTED: oft...s8.ie liquor after I pm. Lovely View Big Bear Jot. cabin aize, year around open •t. Jor ~ or car up to 68. Will take or give difference. S4Q.5208 Want used Porsche, have 2 bedroom home on R-2 lot: Eastside. Jean smith Rltr. 64&3255 HAVE View 3 BR, 2 ba home Laguna Beach, equity $15,000, WANT Units, Town. house or submit, Bkr. 675-&591. Res. 494-TI6J f:.side home & inc, 3 BR + 2 apts $27,95() vaJ. 6 E-side units $57,000, mo inc $720. Trade for eq S. Calif home, Lemmer, brier. 646-3750 2 Vacant San Clemente i.J:lts zoned for 7 Units. TRADE for Newport/Costa Mesa Income: and/or Com· mercial free & clear $24,500 equity. Properties We81. 6Ta-4130. San Oemente Income 2 Stores 2 Lots 2 Offices 2 ApU, Take TD's or trade Good financing. Make otter. CaU 494--3262 AL'S Gardening Ser v I c e l':hlnese Live.tns. Cheerful ~wn maintenance, garden-Permanent. Experienced mg & clean up.s. 646-3629, Far East Agency 642-8703 H1ullnt 6730 Geo,.. All•• Byland ~ncy Employer Pays 1~ee GENERAL HAULING 106-B E. 16th, SA 541-0395 I CLEANUP Help Wanted ~n 7200 $10 per load. Free &a.rage ' cleanup lor u.able items. ~ after s p .M'. CAREER HAULING, General. Top, OPPORTUNITY' trim remove """' • P" • hedg~s. Bi&: John' 642-4030 Join todays fastest irowing =======;:;:;:= profession-Mutual Fund sales HOUHclt1nint 6735 No ~ence ,nece~ We trail'I • Ml or part· time CARPETS, Windows,• ·nrs, Mutu1I Fund Advisors, elc. Resi.den. or Come'!. Inc. Xlnt work Reas! Rets. Npt B. 1603 WestcllU 642-6422 548-(111 S.A. 1212 N. Broadway FLOOR Cleanin&: -polishin&: 547.ull spe<ial~U. Hom• & in-* ray COOK dustrial. FR E E est rl\ Swedish 1.faintenance Ser. * FtJLl. TIME DAYS * vice. 61:>-0951 Must be over 21 and depend. WlWAMS CLNG. SERV abl{'. ~ood pay I:: benelit11. • Apply 1n person only. ~~~;.m~~-HUNTINGTON • HOUSECLEANING • SEACLIFF Excellent work. $2.50 hour. Ca1154&-5995 ,Country Club 3000 P1lm A"•·•. H.B. DISH MACHINE OPERATOR ========= Unlon sea.le. Hospital, surgl-' Income Tix 6740 cal, medical., dental plan. e HOUSECLEANING, >: l n t references. By day or hour. Call ~2115 ~ INCOME Taxes repared paid vacation, over time pa,y, Your home. long fD~ com-4 Pm· 12 shift. Apply in per-1 bU'ICd. US , 494-3<12'1 son. Howard's Restaurant 4001 W. Cout Hwy, NB RESPONSIBLE preparation & filing of all income tax Equal Oppor1'U>lty : Employment ... · ' EXPERIENCED Excellent Empl"Y-' Baneflts • : · • APPLY P•r•onntl Office ,: Th ird Floor The BroadwlJ NEWPORT BEACH: : t 47 Court1 of Fashion FASillON tSLANo '•~ ' Newport Beach An Equal Opportunity Empl- " I y OUftCJ Fry Cook ' or Kitchen Traillff Pl'rmancnt, full time job, Ota.nee for advanct!mcnt APPLY JN PERSON Bob's Big lay la4 E. 17th Streel Costa Mesa PRV rm in He'd board & care home for elderly, am- bulatory man or woman. Nourishing meals, congenial atmosphere. Lrg yrd & patio. Avail now. 548-522:i REST home for ladies or man & wile. R &: B & laun· dry, large room & light nursing, beautitul sur- roundings, close in. 494-2425 lO% DOWN _ lS YRS.. license. Oran~ County. PLEASE find our dog. Shag-HA VE $60,000 TF on 10 For true country living, re-Call: 642-8139 gy Blk/Wht male Cocker acres of Oceanvie'v land. BEA Salo S"°"'-'· l"•••"g fi•a -liar TRADE for clear house Elee. goll ca11 with lop, windshield, etc, OK for strect: vat. $175: for furn., fishing tackle, etc. 548-2018 See at Tewink.le Harchvare. returrui by Certified Public DRIVING INSTRUCTORS Accountant. Available to For State licensed school. serve the needs of Corpora· Excellent oppor~nitty. Must , lions. small business en-pus State written exam. I terpriscs and individuals. Will train. Agr. 25-35. In ;:;;;o.z:------"'-'* Your complete satisfaction person only Sat April 19th Boat ?-1.fg. • . -is i:uaranteed. 9-11 a.m. 1.212 N. Sycamore, ERICSON tiremenl or just plain invest· UTY n. Modem, ,._,..,. '' ""' ....., men! at a bargain price:-can ne\\•ly dee, 5 sta. Very reas. only,--Vie ~Sturgeon k. 2®1 1 .497~·-12_10 ______ _ or ,vrite for complete detaib 673-2835 days, 646-4608 eves. S.A. Ans "Duke" RA!:ward! 17 Ft, outboal'd for station and free color brochures. ATI'RACTIVE SALON 542-5279 a.ftns or eves. wagon or auto of~ val- Misc, Rent1l1 S999 STORAGE GARAGE SlS. Downtown Costa Mesa. 642-4228 eves. Rancho Capistrano Very Reasonable LOST· Silver grey mini11.ture I ·"'=-c"ocP~ho=n=•-6'4-4~="-7~~= 4570 Campus Orivf', Call: 962-7232 male pood~. 1 bad eye. CLAS TP •• Tr •• TP .. Tl" Newport Beach, 9'2660 Re\\'&l'd, Lost on Lldo Isle. Clear 11 lots Palm Springs. Income PrOf)erty 6000 ~7143 Bui. W•nfed 6305 GTa-1828 north of airport • for beach 1:;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;::;;;; l~5ii!T"'l::;ii:~~i'fi'i':I Bl.ONDE Shaggy dog. 7 yrs property. Equity S50.000. I• CHOICE building si t e, PRIVATE ~has $10,000 old. Lie No. 2335. Vic \V. John Seath, Bkr, Pride of Ownership panoramic vie"''· U p p'e r cash do'\Vi'l -payment "of-ex·-15th st N.B ReWard--LI --49'C85&3 10 Units and room for 3 Newport Bay, Cor. Mesa & ecutive ability to invest in ~uM ' · Clear 200 acres Mtindocino more • Olsta Mesa $130.000,_ Ba "-v j e w • By , owner your b\1Slnes9. Write in J • n,,..,.. Blk mm· Poodl• County, 2 creeks, .OOa income $15.840 {444--Cl. TI-1/527-1432. complele confidence lo Dai-......,...,~. · · • · atl'i. to "Brandy": child's apring oaks upen holly PROPERTIES WEST e VIEW of ocean, comer ly Pilot Box M 470· pet Vic. Falrvie1v, CM. • for ciear be°ach pro~. Equ. 1028 Bayside Dr. 675-4130 bluff possible 6 sty »-w. r.A= t'>Dl fh• $100,000. Bkr 494--8563 l~~~~.,,..,,.~.,,.~~I medi.cal or apts. Will build lnvHtment Oppor. 6310 '"" .ro..>-.LJO v OFFER: Ren1ova1 by April to suit. 536-35.'n WHITE gold woman's watch. Small, round. Tissot Blk cord band. 642--1409. Vic of Clift k Dover Dr. Clear bank le of:fice build· ing Baldwin Park, equity $150,000 • for clear beach property. Joh n Sea.ch, Broker, 494-8563 30, 2-story 3-room apartment ... :'=""=-""'-======I GR~WING Mfg. co. needs & garage building from Cap. Rinches 6150 pnvate investor, interested islrano Beach Club site. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 in capitol invest. of up to t' $25,000. Please reply in-O!fers in '~Tiling lo Capis-RANCH dicating terms, etc. Box P- trano Beach Investment CO., 481, Daily Pilot IC60 Pa1isaire, Pacific Pal. COUNTRY isades, Calif. 9027'.l e AFGHAN "Lisa", blonde, small and thin. REW ARD. ..& * 494-9743 * JI\ * * Have Comm lot SL to Sl. on old Ne\vport w/small-house. \\'an!: 2 or 3 units Ea.st Costa Mesa. Bkr i:::nglund. 673-4144. CORP-ORATE San.La A_n YACHTS-- 1964 SUZUKI 2.JO, Excellent t."Ondition. Luggage rack, 1notor o/hauled. Swsp ror llCUba gear or ? ? :' 846-~18 IMPROVEMENT -WEBER SPEEO- COUNSELORS EQUIPMENT e 642-'937 e COMPANY NEEDS 6790 J1ni1orial • l Tn.ince!I SPARKLE Janitoria1 Serv. • l Packer Windows. resid., c o m c I , 310 So. Cent~r St. -.:onst. -cleanup .... }c'ree eel. Santa Ana (-n4l:-KI 7·B."l ----,-----_968-=269=1~-o-c~~-,-,1e MF.cHANIC e Full time. 2 Indust. bldgs on Placen. EY..PERT Janitorial Service Must be experienced and tia, CM. Val~ $150,000. have own tools ~ Over 25. Trade 1h of $95,000 eqty for indust. & comrnerc. prop anyhere. Bal in TD or l-==531=-1636==o'=S46-=1=™== Al!iO need Exp'd. part time ?? S<\8-1542. SERho v. sr,, A.R. HhfELPld. CNo Oceanfront Duplex. 4 and 2 bedrooria, $21,<nl equity. Want view lotA: in Laguna Beach area. Balboa Bay Properties. 6T.J.. 7420 ·L•nd1capin9 6810 P ne ca s. 1c 1e . or. of 19th & Newport Blvd .. LANDSCAPERS C.M. ATTENTION .~P~LASTI~~C~F~AB=Rl~CA~TO~l\S- * * I need landscaping, and will with mechanical aptitude, trade a 17 ft outboard with reliablc. Also, MACHINE big wheel trailer for your SHOP TRAINEE. * services. Lets get t~ther Browning Manulacluring befor. your busy season. 1919 Placentia, C.M. * Bo11.t Carpenten * Hal'dware Men * Fiberglas Lamina.tors * Wood shaper Men * Cabinet Shop " mUl men *Rudder~ ~-~-, Applylnl'vooD 1200 W. struck, °"""" Parts.Counterman Apply In porson. "' I -~! • Dean lewis lmpo {Part.t Dept) .. 1966 Harbor Blvd.' Co1ta Meu INVE.STOR Wanted for N.B. 2 Parcels, one of ll acres at growing sportswear firm. $2,251} per acre: the other nat'1 distributors. Need Y: acres at, $120,000: near $25,<nl working capital, \Vildomar. This is \Vhere the secured by new equipment. big thoroughbred ranches P. 0. Box 2203 N.B. PRESCRIPTION g I asses \vith hearing device. CM area. 4/4 • 4/10. LI s.-6766 ---------Phone 644-4687 548-1171. Salts Repre1en1•fivM Small Trailer Park In Costa Mesa \Vlth 2 BR house. Spend $170/ mo \Yith $17,000 down _ $80,. 000 total price. HtlJTy? 61ii% Persenal1 SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY S.byaittint •5.SO C•ntr1cter1 6620 6405 P1perh1n9in9 ~1intln9 ____ 6850 ARGUS AGENCIE-S Account anti Credit Man•9er1 Administrtti'le Tm.es CALL BOB, 548-1796 1869 C Newport Blvd .. C.M. 1750. s.Iary • Plus commission while · ,n training, Fraternal ortir$ 7.ation establi.Rbed 1897 • .Apo; plicants should be over J$. Xlnt management oppm'ttaft ity. High income poten · ' Call pe.raonnel rnantigu; financing. WALLY McCOY, Rekltor 642-6487 Eves 54~412 *NEW FOUR:PLEX* Near Beach, Huntington Beach. $65,900. 847--3957 are. Beautiful, rolling fannl-===""=='=""=""== counlry, just South of La.Ice Money to LOln 6320 Elsinore on 395: for more ------- information, please ca I J 1st &: 2nd loans for quick Glenn Thompson with cash. Borrow on your pro- Eckhoff & As1oc,, Inc. perty eq without disturbing 181B w. Chapman Ave. your low interelJI 1st TDs. Orange, Calif. Also buyers for 2nd TDs. 8 UNITS, 2-4 unit bldgs. 1 541·2621 Evea-wknds 538..6727 Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. BR. furn. Sl<nl per mo. in--' Serving Harbor Area 20 yrs. come.$87,500F.P.646-i039 ----336 E.17th St. Resort Property 6205 642-2ln 545-0611 7% INTEREST Write for free brochure del!Cl'ibing 7% i n t ere a t church borlds, bein&: .old by Valley Baptist Temple, P .O. Box 5002, San Joie , cawornia 95150 LICENSED Spiritual Readln&s, advice on alt matters, 108 S, El BABYSITTING In my home 5 days a v.·eek. Exp'd moth. er, lunches, fenced yard, Mesa Verde area. S45-0649 Irick, MliHnry# ~c. 6560 BUll.D, ReJJKN:l@I, Repair Brick, block, conere t e, crpntry, no job too 11mall. Lie Contr. 9&2-69G ADDITIONS-REPAfRS REMODELING Designing & Plannirq; KitehenS-Bath.s, etc. Lic'd le Bonded. Free e11t. A &: B CONSTRUCI10N ll22 Paularino. CM. * 545-4941 * PAINTING lnt & Ext. Lo\\'ellt contracted prices. Fully in!. Satisfaction guar. Free est. Call Jim Weeks, 67~ll66 Combination NIGHT DISHWASHER INTERIOR Painting l2 yrs AND CLEANUP Bay area. Immed Service. 6 p.m .• 2 a.m. Apply in fX!r. Call Bob, 646-6446 llOll to Dan Cooke, 3000 Oub. e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE house Rd., C.M. 675-4570 . ~; .• Business' Ptoperty 6050 FOR RENT Furn Mammoth "NEW 2nd LOANS AR.. Camino Real, San Cl.emente. 4!rJ..91,>6. 10 AM-10 PM I========= ADD-A-Room. apt, wiits, cust homes, hvo atory specialist, free I a yo u t , design. 20 Yra in the business. Pacific Co a s t Bids. Gi;rn91. Weekdays, Sat &: Sun at your service JOB. Xlnt work. refs, free YOUNG MAN intere~ted in est. JIM. 642-4669, 646-3749 learning trade. ?tfust have INT. &: .EXT. Painting. All goOO reterences. Good pay' sea.son rates. Free est. lic'd 11'. benefits. steady employ- \: Ins. Call Oiarlie. 548-0405 ment. 646-7771 HIXSON Position open in ~ 1 ionable Newport BeaCJI,! restaurant for ambitious..~ personable YoUIW ~ .. experienced in reataurari~i management Reply 10.· box # iiving reswnt!. Box M-tl'Jl, Tbe D&JJy, POot. ~ HIGH TRAFFIC MountainCondominium, RANGED" Top cash tor COMMERCIAL sleeps 8. 61s.-4130 seuoned 2nd1 543-8381 Bkr. Choose from 2 different C·l zoned properties on high traffic streets In S.A. 1. 1919 W, 17th St. • small air-0>nd. office or store, good parkin1, only $35,000. 2. im w. 17th St. -Large 67.5 X 255' lot {with older house). Tenilic location for iood franchise or frtt stand. ing atore or oflice. Mu.-st be sold • priced under market. Rick Alderelte, Rltr. 541-6469 8usinn1 R•ntal F'REE DESK SPACE in imall shop in exchange for taking messqea, dcl. Call $46-4478 Eves. Mount. I 0-rt 6210 Mortga .. 1, T.D.'1 6345 BY Q\.\.·ner; 2% view aite NEED $16,0IJ0.$19,000 . 'vill acreis $30 down "= S30 pa,y top J.ntereat + points;. montbu-. Owner • Agent ·3 Yl" PllY oU. Prime Lido 548-6.155 Isle ~nt 4 BR home, -========I property va1 1120. ooo. Present ht, ba1&nce $58.000. Phone principal p r t y 673-SIU. Real Estate Service 6215 ATTENTION Retired executive will mind 27,0IXI b:t TD on Ocean View your home tor the sum."Jler Lots, payable $110 month, while you'~ away. Xltlt reU. 10% due 3 yn. 10% db- N.B . area· prd. count 4'4--1137 ~=*-*='~7J.J85&~--*-*-· _ $4500 ht TD, 8% due 3 )11"1, BUSINESS ind 11% di!<ounl FINANCIAL~-::::-:'.:l ===='97=·=121=0=== Bus. Opportunities 6300 Money Wontaol 6150 . ---.-1 --~------ SPECIAL $2: READING Attredlve Expert YOUNG WO].fAN dancer will teach you an latest ateps. Call Anll'll 213: 591-4538 1-10 Pl\t RETIRED Gent, Personable young 66, med build aeeka retired intelligent trim lady to a )'Ollni 60 u mm.panlon. Box 1'1665, Daily Pilot COUPLES, ainglts; lonely? New in area? Join the 1Win:: tD fur. A pleasure • 63,'j..9291 • ALCOHOLJCS Anonyrnoua Phone~S0.1211 er write to P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. Dad, I love you, I loet yoo, I'm sony Fortwr. Bill SlltVICI DlltlCTOllY FRIGIDAIRE wwr w ,ooo co11ao.rai 1oan Offico Rental 6070 JET ACTION with $50.000 TD .. 1D ...... •-111nco 11.,.1,. I::;=.;...;~.-"----Frlctdalre 1.8 min. cycle ts =--~ hilltop 11 n d • ..,... Pirtl •510 PR.'VATE OfFICE w Ith the tutett tn ltie. ind11.1b')'.l=~~~~~--- reception room 1125/mo. 4. ,30 Frtidai""°' do the 'l'IOtk PAY 10% lNT. ~ well SUPREME Refrtltration A room suite $300 I mo. Ai.ti ol 40. 30 min; "''aJ~~'Find l«Wed loan, Sl00,000 , Appllance Repair. AiJk f.ot conditioning, parking k out hoW euy tt ta to own 5*6984 Tom. s.&.136!, 5411691 .ecretarial service. a pa.yin,: laundry. ANNOUNCtMENTS Orange County Bank Bide. Garden Grovr, Santa Ana, encl NOTICES 200 E. 17th S1rttt Tu.stin, Qranat, Anaheim. .. ..,.lttl .. 6550 c.rpen1tring 6590 METAL FlNISHING. QUA L I T y remodeling, INTER or Ext. PAINTING, tifJNOR REPAIRS. No Job IMM.ED. SERVICE. Local SERVICE Man. SlW v.·k. custom design service. Refs Too Small. Cabinet in car· on req. l'"rank ?tf. Barden ref. FREE est. 54~1621 Perm. 381, + bonus. ages le other cabinets. ,.A_•tr Co 1 ,,.....,1A''"' alt PAINTING, Pa-ring 16......, ·Average $12 . ;o.:tra """"· if no M!IWer leave ......,..., ., ........,... -... ~ J·~ dcliveries. 64'-4 pm in Harbor area. Lie &: bond· . mag at ?372. H. 0. ed. Ref.! furn. 642-2356 SERVISOF'T Anclel'llOn C1rpet Cleaning 6625 PAINTING &r: maintenance,1 ~=~5tllh'l=~b~•~S_t~, ~N~.B_. __ CARPENTRY -repairs -Interior &: ext er l 0 r. t"RY COOK· relief shift, gen'l ~ il Quality wurk.. Carpet & Upbol Cleanin1 Reasonable rates. 64&-3185. 18 or over, experienced. Call Jeff 6G-8464 eves If it's done right. . . . Slart S2.00 hT. No phone It's "DUNN·WELL"! I 1 ' REPAIRS, ALTERA'l'IONS .,._.., Es"--•A• .,,0 •..:•• Pl•lttrlng, R•Nir 6880 Pease. App Y in person. CABINETS, Any me job. ,.. .. = '""' .. """ ... ~ -1=-Cottage Coffee Shop. 562 25 vn. exper. S41Mi713 --e PATCH PLASTE!RJNG. W. 19th SI. ·Costa Mesa QUALITY ReJ*in • Altera. Carpet L1ylng & • All types. Free estimate. Experienced F R y lions • New coaurt. by hour Repitr 6'2' C&ll ~ COOKS. Apply JOLLY or Contract. 64IN442 C'.RPETS Ceylons, wooll, Plumbtng 6190 ROGER Personnel Of.. ht.ASTER carpenter, $4 Ptl' polyelter!l,) Vinyls and Til--fie.. 1297 lOgan Ave., hour. Remodeling· Repairs. es. Late•t 1tyles and rotors. PLUMBING REPAIR Co1t1 Mtt•. "2-6409 or 536-3800 Commercial and Residential. DRAIN CLEANING Expert installation. 54&.2387 or 540-T.ll? gu.~SIUP ~~ PLUMBING REPAIR No job too ama.11 c.n-t, c.n ..... 6600 ·~· * MAST ASSEMBLERS * Exper. desired. Must havti small hand tools. Call ~t. 8:30-11 AM, Mon.Fri . ~ BUSBOYS I ·, DISHWASHERS· Over 18 $ APPLY IN PERSON ·~ BOB'S BIG BOY '. 154 E. 17th St, • Chata Mesa f\tATURE Man. permanent l: draft exempt. needed·~ f\Jrniture-dealgn 1tott, tor delivery, in&t&IJationa ~·· related duties. Ex p «1". preferred. Salary o p c n . Call: 492-4.131 For App"L~ SERVICE Station att'endiJlr. Must have experleil(l"e Days. Pennant!nt. App~ 383· E. 17th St. Costa MHa • .. Bln'CHER To aid ID "',..U depts, sml rnkt. Npt. ~. Op. Sun. Box M-<2$ Doillf Pilol ,, YOUNG MAN .. ' e CUSToM PATIOS e concrete nwin& .l removal state Lie. • 843-1010 Garftnint -ALLEN BROS G/.J<DENEllS STUDENTS wark:ing their waY thru col~ .teae. EX'perienca., licensed. REAS! 64&-aJJ 6•LA e CARPENTERS Pick UP &: Dliwry ·•'1 ~Sewl=;:;nt,,_ ____ :..:-.;;o1 e FOREMAN Apply Hub Auto ~1 * CONCRF..'TE "'or~-bonded & lie. Conctete .awini. Pbilllps Cement SCB-'380 Cement Work-all kinds t"ttt Ea~te • 636-0.tf' * TAKATA e Dreaamaldng. Altcn\alion.!I e FIBERGLAS LEADl\fAN 2121 H.ubor, Q>lla M• _ Custom Deaigna Day or Nllht Shttt EXPERIENCED Ser v-f.~o •646-&H6* Apply • Slatton Man. Part-ti·111tO Alter•tlons-642~Sl45 1631 Placentia, CoAta ?it~sa nlahta a: weekenrl&. Gtura Neal accurate 20 )"l'$.. exp. • REPAIRMAN • Amtrican, 17495 &ooldlUllt, °"'" M•sa 64>-14'5 c..:-o ... _.,c f'ovnoj IF .... Mil -COSTA ..... ~ ~·.--""'" Ueenaect. Apa U; open C:4l NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER E • I CEMENT \Vork, no Job too Office., suitable for Com-qu1pmtmt, nc. BANTAM lkn, Yellow A: to5:4S; $1.&PeT~. _.,11 1'H..1Dnable. Free JAPANESE NURSERY ~ Complete pnknlnc servioe. Headquarten fOl' all )IO'il' Dlln6)' needs. ====='==="'=~I e FIBERGLAS e FoW'ltaln Valley .r,.·~ Tree S.rvica , 6tl0 Experienced, malurC', &OOd e SALESMAN WAN'll:O .;.;..""--"";.;.;.'----"-'"I ~. benenta. Schock BoaU. Slngu Co. Inquire. at ~ al MOO.ca) De t&l 233414 w_ V&lencia Bm. Vtc. 16th It Jnrtne COMPARE! MS-91(13 ... _ meTCi • l • D • Jo~crton Uj: 52G-,r. 71l3 5484103 838-6231' estln'I. H. StuBlck. SU-861.S A.ir-cond .. crpt3. elevator 35< PER SQ. rr. WANTED' -1o' do TWO Great °'""'· 4114 BABYSl'ITlNG My "°""' Chlhl CtN U10 541-5032 OR 6$-2464 furniture atriPPirw l "''OOCf Male le Femak:, V'ic. near Pomona School. 1.up1----------Fili rent JM2 A Newport bltllchioC -m on 10% Hart« I: Victoria 5t8-304.1 yard. CH.lLD Cart. would like Bt.d, Idea.I for insurance, bast~: re~ all finiah BIFOCAL Glaw.: W/Blk. &f2..3001 com'*"10n for my 8 l'l10!t inoome ta..~ or employmeat. ftorn mod.mi I: antique l'ramtL Vic. 19th 1: BABYSITl'ING. my hotne. PL Infant to 2. C. M. ·~·.,;-:::..:;;;;::...=,--"'"'· Portal>\' ........ ,_ liar ..... 645-JJS! ' vi<. M-• Garfield, ~"=12='.-====== ~ , Palm Sprtnit to Beva1y . -F V -96U4S8 .... ·300 Sq. Ft. Office HWa .,.,_ l1lOO ... to DK. Gril' Wm PoOille ' ' C-l<tln U20 A J\.lE.<iA 64&-2130 enter busi"'AS· can avt:n.p Mfd. dse, Vk!' of Garfield It BABYSITTING In Jl\Y ~. .;...-'-------- . l10rt or office 1974 SG day aftt>r 2 wks o( pnit. Qoldenwest HB. SJl&..3126 $4 daUy. Addtlon." • R.emodtUrc tl 'p:ld klca."°n,-.a3.\. & . ~. c.all J.7 p.m, BLACK A:-Miile Dae Vie. , ICU'l2S Fred H. Cerwlck., Lie,; St. C.M. 64&-$1 114n35--71!6-l. "15th ' T'1l'tln. NB. ~ OLUGE JWllO!' Wini ad now. 81MOO * 5'9-:l'l'O II I up. K.L. ESI\4TC MaJnt Tree Serv Newport~ Cout Plua, Mr. JllnMin RA!moval A trlmmlno. ....., ASTROTIK CORP. or call 540-'633 . "" -IG-299.1 °"'"""" L&lhe mtu ~o. <XlOK, Exper., lor •laY ~ Upholstery -.;;Q Toppay,A.J.Mlchtniltonb'. repuled rt1laurant 111 ==-==-,,=..,,,-I 1267 Lopn Av, C.M. Onu>ge County.. Reply; lo GARDENING, cltan Mow 4: edl'f. C&ll Walter. WEED control. lawn c:att, C Z Y K 0 S K J ' S Cultom EXPER1D. part.I men lot Box M-C, 0.Jbt Pilot . ll&ht haullnc; Exper'd. Jer-Upbollttty. • European mcehanh:s: marine exper. YQUNG Man, silk ICft9li t')' or Marc: 540-.5.S80. Cr at tam a n. h 11. 100% prcletl'td but not ~. prtntinr, ~t. e JAPANESE GARDENER J"lnanclll&:. 642-1434. 1831 Box l48t Dally Pilot n46-fil«I Ew:.rriro , 1 Maintenanct A: Cleanup ?fewPOrt Blvd., C.Jl.t.. UDO CAR WASH, 481 F.. PASTR:V MAN, txPttienqld Call 543-2572 DAD..Y PlLOt' WAl"f1 ADS• l?th. Olsta. Mesa. A&1! 18. EUJQpean. Top....,.. White cleplwltll Dime+liM MING RE$Ul.TSI App\)' In Pf!l'!IClft. 54f..6190 ' ,, I I I l l ! • • • ' j ~. . . 'lllll.Y' Ill.fl' F.W.,, .i;.t '11. 1M 1 -OT 1 ~ a"""iMKtlYMllllT lO'IS a IMl'LOYMINT JOaS a IMl'LOYMINT IOIS a IMP\OYMINT MIRCHANDISI F01t ' MIRCHAHDfll l'Olt MllRCHANDISI l'Olt MIRCHANDISI l'Olt l.!!!!! W ...... -nDOHolp w-. -790 Hoitt Wanted " Holp Want.d Htlt> Wonted SALi AND TllA,DI SALE AND TRADI SALE AND T1tADI SALE AND TRADI W-7400 W-7400 w......, 7400 Fumltu.-IGOOl'umltu,.. IGOO ~lancM 1100 Pl•-I Orpno 1111 AS'JROTEK CORP• Rl'S ·ICU EXPiltllNCID -Temporuy Employment ~ ~ ~~ J • ESCROW e lMTLY ll&DID. • Spanisll 1267 Logan Avenue .:xo.--"'""'-· sECRITARY . • c1er11s M .. ...__" I> • •• ( ~ ' •bove •vtnae .alarJ and• C I M C .lif Jnnee "'""'''· cau penon. UNITED CALIFORNIA e Typists '°"tht Manvfactunr'• 0$ G 150, 01 e "" """ ""· 1''° ""' · 5 llANK • R.,-Typists '6' s _ _.. S.mploo ' pm. Mon. lbru Fri. 527.7744 ,,.. M Tilnllk........, s,.111 ...._ ..... • S.Cretarin 8' Wood caned arm divan, 11. man'• chair Stanton Modern-Prec ision Machine Shop. I Community AIAOUKlllll Oar New 3141 E. Coast Hwy Coron• del Mlir 671-'240 e Keypunchen or love seal 5 Pc Ocllgon dark oak din set w /black or avocado tr a med chairs; 8 Pc BR • PIX Open. set. lklr Mr. & Mn. ckeuer, lg mlJTor, 2 • Asfftllblen commodes, decoraU•e headboard In Spanish oak design with matching box sprillp, mat· WASHER A Drytr, la.t.e model, xlnt cond, both only U60. Del. ._ pa.r. Cut.st El.ectric Selvice -0 e p I . Hospital Eq""1 opportunity .......,., tress & frame. Equipped with now 1969 m1<hl-'-~===c-=-=.-RES Tracer Lathes Now Inspection Equip. '. * NURSES AIDE Vertlcall Mills Height Muter To perlorm clerlcol and .tu· EXPERIENCED Work whlin & where you wantl ltorna S.ld lndlvldually .... ""' Fador)' Sale• I; SeMce WASHERS 1: DRYERS ·D&il.Y 12 noon 'tll 9, Silt 1-.$ Slimp Horizontal Mills Saimp 3-D Pro!lle Mills Comparator dent contact work In the ott. Surlace Plate Ice cl a achDol nllr'R. Must Gauge&, Mikes etc. hllve a valid appropriate STENO llflfRIM PERSONNEL SERVICE Shop Around -lofoN you bvy -US! VALUE $109S.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 or lanno 11 low H $4.66 po< -k U•e Our Stqre Cliirl• Plan or Bank Flnancln1 No Fancy Front ..., BUT Quality Values iDllde Several from Model HomK 1'14.IK Beach Blvd., (Hwy !9) Dunla.P'S. 18U Ne\V))Ort 1~ ml. So. San D~ Fwy. o.ta Mesa 548-1188 Huntln&ton Beach U'f.as.11!1 KEN?atORE l'.I" doll.Ne aven HAMMOND· Stelnw~ 1·'1.- ps range ttOO. Frilidaire maha • be'f1 I. used pianoll dllbwasher, dehixe us. 4n or all maket. Best bQI In Precltlon Werk Done - Open Hou" Anll•bla - Lot Us lo Of Sorvlco to You. Call 540-3615 CJlU. driven lleftlte and a valid. ctneral tint.aide cer. tificl.te. Ttn monlhl MM. ~ mo. Newport Meu. Uni.. &d School District • Quai.. tied Penonnel Ottlct, 1901 )=========.<=========I Newport Btvd., Com Meu.. Help Wanted. -7200 .Wp WantM, Mon 7200 * HOTEL -* HOSTESSES * UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3029 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meu 546-2033 Equal opportunity employer SAW CLERK 445 E. 17th St. Cotta MIN, Calif. 642-7523 Interviewing Mon. thru Fri. I •.m . to 5 p.m. . . . . . . Mqnolia.. CM. 543--3704 So. calit.. ridit him. WHIRLPOOL Pl refrigera. SCHMIDT MUSIC CO .. ""· no frost w/ice maker um N. Main. Santa Ana 1100. -Quoen ... ..,.., $l0 . ......, wuoo w/dl'yu. THE BEST DEALS m.2876 or 64W21.9. _ On Pi•not & Ortant CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTRESS (Day Shfftl DAYS Huntington Buch Ar•• NIGHTS Stllinc exper. neeeuary Full Equal ·1y pl Furniture . I • 8000 Fumature IOOO e Flilidaire auto washer. late rOOde1, xlnt cond. SUU· $45. Are Afways Al POLICE OFFICER $614 -$131 par month Written Tt'lt April 30. 1969, 6:30 p.m. Excellent oppor- tunity in Jaw enlorcemenl, RtquiftlJ U.S. cttizl'11.11bip: biab IChool lf'-d; minimum 21 yean cl qe; maximum 30 -.tthout experience, up to 36 with experience: mini· mum 5'9". 150 !bl.; 20/30 QJ'AXlft'e.."'led vmon. Contact Penonnel omoe, 3300 New- port 110111<'"'"'· N""'°" Beach, Calif .• (n4) 673-6633. J. W. Rablnson l lAS OPENINGS FOR • DISHWASHER STOCKBOYS • Full time po!!ition. Exccllf'nl company benefit.Ii. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. Fashion l•land Newport Bea.ch F..qual opportunity employf'r ENGINEER FEE PD. ME dt'l"ff ntr. ~ MFG experlf!nce, Familiar w/. mouldln&: .l dYt-f'&aling. Startinc Mlary SllK. fah;o w job!!.~ Merchant1 Personnel ..... ncy 20ll Westdil! Drive Comer 17th " lrviflt' 662Tl0 -545-568.'i SECURITY PATROL Over 40 yrs, Penn. Radio car provided. Non 1moker, drinker. Unitonn all'nc:e. App: 4 PM • 5 PM, Rm tool, 325·N. Broadway, Sant& ..... MAIDS !Day & Nftht ShHt) For Jari~. luxury hOtel. A~ ply to hoW1ekeepi.ng dept. THE NEWPORTER INN l 101 J amborl!e Road Newport Beach I FAR WEST SERVICES INC., oparotwt of Sn•ck Shops. Coce'1.- R1ubeft'1 •ncf Reuben E. L• Restaurants, •r• now •captlne ·~ plkat•s for t h • i r m9mt. tralnH pr• 9r1m. PIMM epply in po•-16n Reynolds, Santa AM, Calif. FRY COOK Must be experient.~ ApJ)ly in peraon DBINY'S No. 121 .,,. REllBI E. LEE 151 E. P•clflc Cst. Hwy. Newport Be1ch FEMALE CLERK Apply In Person Drive In Liquors 706 Pacific Coast Hwy Huntington looch N AT I 0 N A L Corporation time employment. conipany opporturu em eyer bene.11.b. App. at gen. ottic:es GIRL FRIDAY type for PALM STATIONERS M<hlt..,tunt d..ttnnoa 1604 s. Harbor mvd. \\'ho c:an. take charae of Fullerton, Ca.lit small office in NB. Salary OiiOiii.iiiii;&iiiiiii. ... ,.j open. SU-1261, G'JS..7116 TYPIST . Jo"a.st, accurate, to operate IBM <:ompo8er, Nin 70 wpm. We will train. Good salary. frina:e benefit!. Leisure World News Lquna HWs Call for appt I: interview 837·5'00 I ~ See Be.tt;y Bnlcir at Jo~•n, Wom, 7500 * HOTEL DESK CLERK. CASHIER Jleavy experience on NCR -i200. Good uiary, 5 day1. Apply in person. Only f':<perienced need apply. desires neat, attn.dive, THE m66lxec well qualified e x e c utiw ,_ '"'""" """''"' Ag'"""'°' c...., Girt• NEWPORTER INN Sales.&: GC!'nt:ral Sa.Jes Mir. <IO w Co H 1107 Jamborff Road ' ... --lli · In . ast wy., N. B. ...... o Ci!S opening 8 N•wpon Bea'h N '1 appoint 646-3939 ewport Beach Financial j !!!!~..,~""'""'""""'""'.[---~64+~1~7~00~--~Nii!"il:~~t c/o Box Sharp Car"r Gali SCRAM LETS TELLER Sect;ya, Clerk Typists. Gal • Savings .&: loan needs 1irl ~'i.VN Ree:Ui f Bkkprs, ANSWERS for ~ller I New Accounts . 8 . '· ee lo fee • paid )Obs. Top co's! Ca.11 Oerk. Workina: experience Doris, 548-7796 lnwaf'd _ Shiny _ Hefty _ •nd &ood typist prderred. ARGUS AGENCIES Oxygen -GREEN Excdlent workin&: condi-tions. AWIY World S&vings 1869 C NeWpOrt Blvd., C.M. ~ \Ve just got our color TV •-, ___ and I have discovered what's ~ .......,., 292 S, C.0.1t !lwy, . l.aruna Beach. JEWR wrong 1n Washington. We 12924 Beach Blvd, have a GREEN President! Garden G,...e DOMESTIC HELP e SPANISH Returned from Model Hornes on sale at less than wholesale! Group includes beautiful 9 6 ' • quilled Mfa &: Jove seat, J Spanish oak dec:orator tables, swag or table lamps, wall plac:que, Jdna:, qutt'n. or full size bedroom suite complete incl box sprlnp:, mattress, linens A: boudoir lamps, Spanish oe.k i pc dining set priced elAewbett: at approx. Sll.95.00 AIL FOR ONLY $399. Pl down, Jol.99 per ... eek , out of state credit OK W i 11 separate Jot quic:k sale. 31th CenlW')' Furniture, 9 1 'l 2 Garden Grove BI v d ., Garden Grove Daily IM, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5 Come in or call (714) 536-5240 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom l..ari:t' 9 drawer dttuer, mlr· ror, 2 bedside stands, king size headboard, frame, quilt· efl mattress. sheets, blank· eta, etc. Choice of Spanish or Modern Style All For $249 No down • Pmts. only S9 mo. WElK'S WAREHOUSE --All klndo• 8011.••'"''""· CdM. Expor;onco WAITRESSES EXCEPrIONAL S A L E S Cooks e OPP. 1or Sale~ R.p. on n-r •Maida A: Ccmpa.nions, Preferred BUSBOYS 600 w. 4th St., Santa Ana n.c erences req. F@e l: Fee 675-5010 Daily 9 ai;pha1t rooting producls. Paid Jobs. C.II Miss Abby, Xnlt \.\'Orkinr condlliom. Ap. Optn Sun· 9 Sal., Comm, expenses. car ~-1'796 ===~~~~--I ply in person after l pm. £3.t.. 9 • 6 · 11 • 6 allow'"""• bo~fi1'. "''•b. ARGUS AGENCIES MACHINE •hop drill P"'" THE FISHERMAN 20 PC. "MADRID" le.rritories in ~ Co. oprraton debum hand ~·-... lS69 C Newport Blvd., C.M. • ng s. at the Pier H B 3 R G &n!a . ..;.,,.., rnun!f!' to G.D. Top \vage!I, xlnt workin1 ' • ' OOm roup P~. BIRD • SON INC. SEVERAL OPENINGS eonli. Ca~ Enginttring, REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't FROM MODEL HOMES P.O. Box 427 Wilmincton, for women in 1-louwket>ping 27694 Camino capistrano, you be selling the holte!ll lncludes: Quilted sofa & C&lir. !IG"l« Drpl, of Laguna Niguel. 831-1164. arra Huntington Be.ach! chair _ 2 eiid tal:Mes i: cof. COOKS: Saute. broiler, relirl PARK LI DO LADY Pensioner, s h a re Call Pm! Mc:Namee Village r&!. table -2 lamp. -dren- lt prep man. See Ernie Convalesct!nt lloap11.i home for lii;hl housekeep-R.@a] t:state 962-44n or er -mirror -headboard - Brock. Tmm'1I Rttta\Zl'ant, l44S SUperior Ave .• N.B. ing, l'Ompanionship plul!. 546-3103 quilted box spring & matt- 1556 S. Coast Hwy., Laauna 642-2410 small l!&la1)'. &4S-7a37 or WANTED: 2 people to run a ress -5 pc. dining room; Beach betwttn 5 I: 9 pm SARAH COVENTRY has 673-2828 Market Suivey for 2 Wt'ek~. table & 4 hi·back c:hairs. fclosed Tuelday) OPf!ninp for lull or part LOCAL l 1. . Call for turthl!or infonnation COMPARE AT $749.95 0 w um ....,,.,..., .,,....., $399 LOT Man, mUBt be ma~. time sales. Min. age 18. p&rt time typist !or automa-..:,::...:::.:... _____ _ Nr.w Car dealership In P leasant work, no inve1t, He 1ypewriter. Eves pre-HOUSECLEANING He Ip No down-Pmts only $16 mo. Be a c tt • re a , J a c k no dtliver"ie!!. l>'or interview r d .. A .. -.. _ wanted p I Ex 20 Pc. Maple 3 ROOM GROUP Include!!: IJv!lw room tet . table!! -la.m:p1 • bedroom set • quilU!d maftrt9& • ma· ple dJnine room. All for ••. $449 No down. Pmts. only SlS mo. WEUl'S WAlfllOllSE 9X w. 4th St., Santa Ant. Open Dally t . ! Sat.9.6 SUn.11.i Complete Fl'ench Provincial BedroOm se.t, dining room includes china, table w/ leaves &: 6 cllain, color TV. Will xparate. Must be !Old at a sac:ritic:e price! Tmns: av1.ilable. AOK Wanhous~ 77'22 Garden Grove Blvd. %i Block Wett of Bttc:h Near Carden Grove Frwy 0pe.n 10-9 * Sun 10-6 LEAVING area, must sell good quality furniture. Ref •• free:t:er, combln. 1tereo Ir. color TV, gold nauga. couc:h, 3 pc. set for liv. nn. or den. ?tlaple b u t c h ; c:anopy bed &. drease..r. See So.I. &: Sun. 364 Victoria, Apt. 8, C.M. OLD Mahogany c h i n a cabinet, 2 glal.'I dn, S45. Older & lqer c h I n a cabinet glass on 4 sides. $85. 3 original N, CUrrier pic- lll1'ts. 536-3612 Sat &: S\in. * Double box springs • mattreu, Uke ~. reuon. able! Bali Hi Trlr Crt, Sp 61, S.A. Call s.n.mo e K~ washer, aood mnd us. 147-8115 REFRIGERATORS From MODEL HOMES Sevmtl to choo!lt' from Donlap's, 1815 Newport WARD'S BALDWIN S'IU0IO 1801 Newport, C.M. &d-1484 GIBSON J-50 with HartlsheU case, S320 Dt'W, $200 or cUer. Erle, 6'15-Sl&l after 6 PM Costa Mesa * 548-'1788 T1l1vl1lon l205 O'KEEFE &: Merrit range. I-"""-""=----=;; Olromt' top, excellent con-ZENITH 23,. Color (remobt) dltlon SSO. Call 673-18l8 Fri $259.50. Packard Bell Color &: Sun. 21", Early Amer cablnet UPJ\IGHT Freeur, $75. ~~= c~ ~ .. · Ke:nlld'e Quale Gu S~. $150. 858 Victoria, Apt B, recorder $149.95, D • v I 1. Brown. W.-1684 C.M. WASHER • DRYER (stack· C1m1r•1 &. Equip. 1300 ed) $75, excellent cond. .:"'-::.:1=670::... ____ ~-ROUEIFLEX Camfft , 3.S Maple Hutch $50 =..,,,. MX S)mch. llO. . .....,,. . Sparling Goods 1500 Antiq":!!_ ~-·~ HUNTING RiOe Win. mo * Two "$" Curve 70...338 mag. w/ adj BOOP! I:: ROLL TOP DESKS cuo. Llk< ~w IUD . ANTlQUES AMPERSAND ~-=~~~·---­~4 Newport, C.M. 642-JIS SKIN l>iving equip. Twin 50's, reg., etc, Make cHer. 213: 592-118'1 RIFLE, 300 H i: H ma.inwn, Enfield action, with scope • cue. $108. 548-67!M. RARE sale: Genuine old Chlnese lacqUer screen, 6 panels, Ching Dyn., col- lector's item. Reas. 499-2447 NOW OPEN! Dolls, col· lector'1 I:: Gift ll•ma. =========-1 HELEN'S ANTIQUES 2428 Miscell•nlOUI l600 Newport Blvd, stcn J, CM. 1.10NDAY Specials, je'A-'elr,,o & mild. James' Antiques 2721 E. Cout Hwy, Cd?i! Vast stock Amer/Eur furn &: clock:I. Larry Morgan Anti- ques. 2CI Newp. ffid., C.M. Sawing ~•·;:;'h:::lnos=-='.:12::0 '6! SINGER, Zi&-ue, auto. with walnut cabinet Take over 5 pymntl, $7.25 mo. Call ,,....16 onytimo. KNITTED FABRICS "FOR SALE Remnant&, ample.I I:: Mill, end.a Sat. oni, g un. lo 21 p.m. 929 Baker, Cotta Mesa. iii1 OLDS Conv. Exoellent cond. RCA color TV A: stand $325. Sleep te acbln1 machine i: records J.tO, Sun, April n 174.1 PomQna. No. 10, CM. Call ~· Mon-Fri 540-2'197 LOVELY ! ft lilOfa, neve.r us- ed, quilted fiora.I, scot- chguarded $115; matc:hln&: M I I I st ll2S 10 KEY elec add'g mac:h $30. lave seat $1S. 53'1-8032 UI Cl n · Royal elec typewr:lltt $50. EASTERN Hardrock maple 4 Guitar Head4u1rt1n Remington Rand prlnt'a poster bed. $50. Box •Prill& e NEW and USED e calculator $75. Smith-Corona & mattress i2S e a c h . Fender • Vax • Stanciel stand. typt'writer $35, All In 673-4668 e GIBSON e MARTIN good cond. 1700 W. Cout MINlMUM l years t'X· perience. Excellenl op- partuntty with trcll.ltectural enctneerlnc doing I a r g e amount ol diversified work. Frank L. Hope l All!!OC. 401 Ovic Cenlu Dr. We&:, SUit~ lOllO, SA. ~-SUI ,,.... ' ·~o " ~ orran.. ' '0 u • . . WELK'S WAREHOUSE Bro\.\~Le Buick, 2.14 E. ('.all 540-06141 137-4749/ f'd. 642.991)) perienced & reliabll!'. Call ~=~~----- 17\h Costa Mesa, 54S-T165 847-8950 BLIND "I 71 .:u eve1 540-1249 e Wll.SON e YAMAHA Hwy., NB, 2 BRAND new gold print · <V<nc=:-7""----hide-a·bedi;, $US ea.. :on Drum Heldquarten FOR Sale: Air oompreuor, l"'-CllINE lhop drill preu opemtt.n. milling machlnt _ ... _ ...... Top wqtS. xlnt world.DI ..... Cape-· 279' Carnim Capistrano, t.quno Nlpd. '31-UM. PLANT EXPANSION Opportunltit'I rcr AuemMy Carpenters and MeW.rs WHRS BOAT ex>. 1C9 W. 11th St., C.M. e A$ISTAN'I' MANAGER, tot ttataura.nt: Young, neat, gd. pmanallty, ambl\louR. Exptt. not nte. NI time. Lil Paisano'a. Hunlin1ton Harbor. M&-0693 COOK. Fry-Broil; Ul day sW'tlrll PQ'. Union house. Hosptt.l i denial plan. Ap- Jlly in perma ONLY! BOWU'd'1 RMtaun.nt «Xn W, Cout Hwy, N.8. WANTED: SH'viot Statk!H ~ men. 11 pm-I ma. Kmt have experienoe. ARl'lY C he v r o n station. llartlar Blvd. at San ~ no.... STEREO a: Radio tnstaller. "an, age \.\-,.. ~up-~~------­SERVICE S I a Ii on At· e INSPECT'ORS, with math· ply home, meals, SlOO per MIDDLE·AGED eouplt for lendanll'l. Pn'fer 25 yM; or rmatical &. mechanical •P-mo to competent woman: night ll'Dlel elm. Apart. older, mtJTied. To tnin as titude. tlrive car, clean tr 1 r, men!&. salary. 49S-DJS m!P''S, as1't mgr'1. Urich.!, Browning ~1anufacturin&: pttparr meals. 53&-0J68 - :!>50 1-larbor, CM 1919 Pla~nli1, C.M. CX>MBINATION, SMrp Bar AgenciH, Men & L..XP'D. OONtFI' MAKL'R 5-1&.llTI Maid.!I & Go Co Dancers. WonMn 7550 Apply DolJy-0-0onuhl, BABYSmER -lilt-hnu»e-Top wages $3.00.$3.50 to 1.9148 Brooldwnt St. keepifl&, my home, 7 to 4:30 s;tarl. Ph. ror int. 545-9983 . iJnewpor1 personnel __ l_lun_......,_·~-"'-•-'h __ 1 =~ _:;14~, S40. wk. SAS.SY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, snmENT, put time, over ==,o-~,..c.:c_ __ ~ 1 0C=.M~·=~~~~---I 18. Kentuck;y Fried Olicla!n, SA.WYER llome ne ed 1 MEDICAL Exp'd b i 11 i n g 693 S. Coot Hwy, LI.a: Bch, m a tu r ~ ... c me n f c r cleric &: lite bookk~P'!r ror -·agency housekeepinc &: practicaJ n1edical facility. send Agencies, Women 7300 nursing. 646-m6 resume P. O. Box ljS. South Prof1s11on•I. Service for the 1mpkty1r •nd the •pplicant 833 Dover Dr., N.8 . MO'MtER'S helper in .-x. Laguna. • RKPRs.sECY'S.TYPISTS ch ........ r.,. room • --~. DRAP"" W rth .... _ ·-'6· .......n..i 1: • .-..'(_.operator. exp'd. 0 rTI111111'9? Spanish spk'g OK. Mt'sa Ii !abler, Classic Draperies, Call or tend resume. A1i iofo Verde area. 545-1304 JSr>.1 Birch st. N. e . 642·:1170 549-2743 confidential. Our 1ervice 8· WAITRE&S W1.nled. Exp. * 546-1431 * tabli&btd ovf!r 20 m . can Over n . Apply in prnoo. help you earn more! Rancho San Jns.m•ln GoU BABYSI1:-r'ER needed Tuts Schools-Instruction 7600 Superior Agency C.OUrse. -.-thru rn. 2:30 pm to 5:30 ;..;;..__,e_=;.;.:.;;c;;;c:..;.;;.o.; 1857 Harbor Bl. Coeta Mella pm. 2 children, 2 I.:. 4. L 1 F E T I M E G I ft , Call fint 64J.nfl. HOUSEKEEPER A child 646-9120 typewrittng. Chi ldren, Help Wented Women 7400 J. W. Rabinson H•s Openings few : cart, liv~in; priv. nn. a F'REE Room Ir. board in ~-grandchildren, or yourseU~ ba., ref's. S50 Wk .. S~ day t:hangf" for 1·hild care. Ind iv Id u a 11 y tutored \Yk. ~9'J12 Laguna Niguel 1 re a. Chilcoat 10 lt>sson.<i 1yplng BOOKKEEPER lor CPA 495-4846 school. 173 De-I Mar, CM, llnn. i\!Ult have a yrs l!X· I iEXP5ii'IER15UEENNcCEDED:-C1w1•AAITFITRtEESSossl ~-~""!"..'. _____ _ perienct' with CPA {inu. for ~ Coffee sh 0 p , GOING To Europe lhi11 year? Call 494-4768 for intr:rview JtOTE~ LAGUNA. Ca 11 Brush up your French RELIEF COOK--494-ll51 ~om'f!rsation in my class. e SILK FINISHER e Experienced, for convales- Full lime position. Exctllt'nl 1 ,,:"'.c•,,:•~'.o'"'-'1>'.;:.lal.=,,:,"2-:::..::!0«=~~ company bendit~ DENTALChalr-1lde e ASSEMBLERS ,_.....,.. _______ _ e FIBERGLAS TRAINEES e VIOLIN T1>1cht.r. quall- Apply fied, e."tper. Enrollmt.nl spec 1631 Placentia. Co&la Mesa 1hi1 wk~ 6'1S-S328. APPLY Plo:RSONNEL DEPT Fashien Island """"°" -Equal UppOrtunit;y employer Aa&illtant. Exp'd. lLB. OF- nCE. Call 962.-3319 DENTAL. Aulatanl, Vf'f)' fint' working: conditions, xlnl 11tartlng aaJary. 342.-6625 DISHWASHER PIANO Lesaorui: The very Da)'ll best in tnsfnlclioM. Call 2106 W. Oceantront (ACl"OSS 644-26J:I trom Pit'r & Dory Fif'l'tl M_.:,,;E~R°'C~H~A-N~D~l~S=E-F~O~R~ PART Tinte typist. 1irl Fri· SALE AND TRADE day, 3 to 6 hrs a day. 1'~1ex· - -SECWARY II )(ult know Io c Is. Op. $UI t9 •1t1:7 pcinmlty ' I 11 1 • ANH .,_ EXF.c\JTIVE SF.cRETARY, Capable or taking dlc:ta.tion 540-9373 ible. Age 17 to 25. $1.65 per Furnitur• 1000 HOUSEKEEPER. Uv~in. heavy v.ork, own room. ·~2792• hr . 642--3910 Mk for Phyllis - "' SALES cLrnK ... h.,., AOK liquidalion Jiii~ 1749 Newporl Two yearii atl!:DO eXJ>Uit:nct, Btfd.. a.ta Mesa. 511·90 wpm. typinc 6 wPtn. I ~·~ 35 U.S. cililelllh1). Apply al: KD{NIL -~. O\W • Wutminster Un in j.acuDL Apply In _., SPCA. lDll2 ,_.. SchMI District OuaG1 R..s 14121 a:DARWOOD ICXPERIENCED ...... a... WESTMINSTER. CAW'. ~ in 91.i.-Calif L.AGUNA Bttcb U n i 1 I e d lltr _... _....., ' School District ii .,.,.._.,,_ Eam$1.0l)la-.""""9 -~' • i:x.·• QJuntnman *,... __ m'Y Atn"O PARTS ..... Plocm1la. C.M. applica.tiofw for a IChDol Rc:fttuy; this wW •• u montb poaiUcrt. Tntl wW ~ l'fWll ... qualJfted ·~ pllc1nt.. ~ apptyiJW e DISl:IWASllE:R • musf bl U.S. dtizene. ():m.. Dl,)ll '1..&. See Ttn')' tact tlW: Pt1 wnntl Ofnot, ... £. 17th st. OI 560 Blu....._ -by fr KSN'HE L HELP Aprll~19fi9 W Aft1'l2>. m.W. Full timt. ClRL P'ridl.1-aPPb' In 1ftilil .. M W Oe.U, Pilot OfNOfl a..tt MM' ~ W&ftholllt'man ln Y1cbt (:mp. 16ll Plaoi!ntia, "l)lulnMos A ........ Mr. :;CM:::.. _____ _ J'tlek wnt. --1100 \\blll-EJec!tlant:sf '" . \ SECY·lJte BKKP'G 40 hr wk. Interesting work. 83&-3815 or 525-ll&l FULL t I m t , t'XJM!~ se.n'lor f'9Ct'OW cleric. P.O. Box JOO, Sa.n Oe~nte BARMAID nlgbta. MAVER- ICK 1728 NewportBhld, C.M. Apply after ' p.m . • NURSES AIDE · 0., i-.w. '1<1ft. -""' ........... 494-8)73 Beaut;)' operator fUD er put ttmt', Balboa. Island. ··~·· a day w@ek. Slit incl. Call only -642-4tl63 From B6n!QI • Finttncc co·ii for appointn"tenl Eltat~ • Model Home' SALESLADY. Experienced QUALITY FURNmTRE nl ' ' .. _ .. _ ~pe.nish • MediterTa~n o y. or U&l\Cr)'. 544-6160 t\1aple • M1hog . Modern ~===-==-----I Brand namr bt-drooms It BEAlll"ICIAN Nttded to kinf or any slze bnx tprings takt' over cHentele. 673-2S35 & m•llrtl8Cil. CUstom made dt,yS. & nu 64&-4608 sofl\S It lovt »eats. Exquisite 0 PERATORS-Spt:c . dlttinc room1 & hutcht'1.. machine. Good pa,y. Steady. Guarantffd frost frtt rtf'rtl· Garment factory. 642-2666 e.l'lltors, color TV's, latf' mo. TEMPORARY Typlst, ;i day ~washers l drytl'3. If'! all •·ttk. Write: P. O. 6oJI IJS on sa.Jr at &acrl.ll<'t prlce11o~ c.•1. ... Ph' &1>-ms AOK Warehouse DRIVER for ca.terina lnlck. 21 or OVf"r rxp. no1 nee. WANTED \VAITR ESS time days. J19.rt . lood tam~. 5.11-1041 TTll Glltden Grove Blvd, .,_ Block \\'eat or Btach Near Gard<in Gtovf' FN:V can 96l-1m 11n :ri SOCK rr TO 'EM! \\'1\ITRES.'\ "''1tntrd l\pply '"'l~~0,..,;.,~"~'~~.:.9 ~•-Sun=~' .. '-'-- Pf'l"!Cln. ~leM l.anl"s, lm1 DAILY f>IUJT WANT AI:l'5 ~urmor A\''t,. O t. BRING RESULTS' 600 W, 4th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9-9 Sal !Mi SUn ""' RETURNED FROM LUXURY APARTI.fENT Con1plctc hard rock maple houseful, king bedroom, cu.stom living room, 7 pc din.. ing room, oolor TV, irost rrtt I't'lrigerator, washtr It dryrr. Will sell all or part. lernu avail. AOK Warehause 77'22 Garden Gro\·e Blvd. '• Block We!!I of Beac:h Near Garden Grove Frwy Open 10-9 * Sun 10.6 20 PC. MODERN 3 ROOM GROUP Inc:ludes: Floral sofa le chair -walr.ut tables • lamps - complt>te bedroom wilh quill ed maftrrS!I -S pc. dinette, elc. All tor , .. $277 N11 down • Pmtl, only SIO mo. WEUl'S WAREHOUSE 60'J W. 4lh st .. Santa Ana Opt>n DailJ' 9 • 9 Sat.9.6 Sun.11 .6 . MOVING Must 1111 entir• Houseful of Furniture 3 YI'!! new. Quttn sz Spani~h BR !!cl, corner groups, din nn Mt, 2 sofas, bar atoob, bun1pcr pool table. ?ituc:h more • Eve!'l'thing roes! SAt I: Sun. 10-4. 2551 Bayshore. Dr. tBayshorts) NB. .. 646-1310 * f\lrnllure n:lumed from dla- play stud.K>a, model horm:s. decorators cancellAtion. Spanl'1l f ?itedHelTllnean etc RD FURNITURE 1144 Newport Blvd., CM ev•ry night til 9 \\-'td., Sit. I: SUn 'UI 6 QUAL. Kna Sitt ~ w/ West Balboa, N e w p 0 r 1 e NEW ,and USED e 40 gal tank. $US. Shop Beach. LUDWIG, ROGEP.S, ASTR0 Smith Sl2S. Lincoln 2'J5 amp J..arge ltlection with new 4 arc welder $75. Refri&. $25. SOFA $50 I: 2 large Iv nn pt:, .ets and cymba.l!I start· 1.ce heavy desk $20. Bdrm chain, $25. eL Xlnt cond. ing at $99.50. PNa!s, hl-bals se.t, likt: new $150. Call Call 56-42.'IJ. and 1ets repaired. All small 543-4296 aft S: 15 pm. ROUND Maple Table, 4 chrs parta, ac:oeuories ' cymbell 8' RUSSELL V -b o t to m &. pad. Naugahyde couch. in stock. surfboard. fin box, xll'll All good. 5C!-5337 EVERYTHING 1N MUSIC oond. $65; elec:. guitar &. TWIN -... 14~ End Be ch M s" c Cenle amp. ""' Yamaha .. full tab!" ss. Good buy! ean II U I f bik" """ now "'"' 1&. •5="""="°'=onl="'y'°. 673-'302===== I Fl\clory Sa1H It ~ ;;51,,,>.a;o,.,,,.1,,,.~-----Daily 12 noon 'til 9 Sat 9-5 VW Reclining: camper .eats Offlce Furniture I010 174M Beach mvd.., $wy 39)1 $50. 23" Packard Btll color J-1'1-S-. c'"""ro-u_p_d .. a-'-,...."-'C.o-1..;' -'.,-',...;! 11ili ml. So. San Diqo Fwy. TV; n\ake otter. 858-B Vie- d •·· ha' bl !U HI.Ill..---Bea.ch 847-8536 Iona, CM. esru, c an, ta ell, es, ,_"fl._. o.=====~~- shelving, lockers l: draftin&: ANTIQUE Stradivarius vto. STAUfFER Reduclnt room furniture. tin. $85. Best in town! MACHINE M<'.Mahan's 'm-3450 * 646-2638 * Call 5'1-45J7 1830 S. Anaheim Blvd., In 12 Siring, hollow body, QUAL u--Anahelm {a1ongslde S.A. · '"''6 Size bed w/ Frway at K&tella) eleetric guitar. $65. quilted mat I . , complete ==========='I ~====*=.,._==:'°';:'=:*==~ [ Never used S98: worth $25(). Gar•g• S•le I022 347--0406 --''--------I Pl1not & Ort•nt 8130 CARPETS, Vinyls, Tilt1. lat. WOMEN'S Clothing, u: 7 • 9. ert lt)lles and colors. Corn. Men's Ii; \\'OmtNI '"°"· MOYlllG sA• El mercW &:: Rnldential. Ex· Furn;""", mil<: i1'D1'. 177· u;1 pert bulallolion. B Monte Vista CM. Sat &. '42·lf03 54()..1262 Sun I .. .,_ ....,.. Electric Orn•n A.110C . -~... GUlBRANSEN ORGANS • VACUUMS • --FANTASTIC meri-u.-with s10 up. Repain • paru. Sorority HcUSf: Cloth.In&: Sale! Beach Music Center Reuonab)e. Coast V1.e1.1um, Ail types, all ail.ft. Many WURLITZER 333 E. 17th, C.M. 642-159l hOusehold ilems too. 2429 17404 Beach Blvd. BEAUT. Antique door with Andover, C.M. 5«5-0637 HunUncton Be.a.ch colored, beve~. leaded HD J.Whet'l Frame. Mlle. All orpns I: pianos m&rked glasl; aJao window!!: bn>rme 'Cyle &. Car Patti, Tool&, down drutlcally! ! S E E · door knobs; anti~ dlW.; Posters, ).fens' Oothlnc. BURG sttreos, used pianos 2 nr. new IQlt dub aell. 21~15th, 118. Sun. only. • crgans, l New tl 1 Ult'<! I ;:;9'2-5;;;;;;;;1;;37;o;;-;=-::---=--, LAMPS, picture, tbl 6' chn, RIALTO. NEWPORT Beach TeMis manglt', jump seat. eedar 33S E. 17th St., Coeta Mesa. Oub Memberahlp for ale, clOAet, TV, Irons. 923 Cedar 64MC83 Save $200. Call Harry cPl_,,c.c:::M::·:.":.:.:.".:21=63=----I {In bac:k ot. Pa.ncakt Jtousel &tler, ~ 0 r Garage Sale-3ahll'da,y Y.Tl.te, 1956 Eut Bancrtin, llousehoJd furnitwY, ind'• 4 UMNI Hammond cama.rUlo, Call1. twin beds. $10 each. 211 ()ROAN SALE ?i!APLE BuHet. 56"' wide by Ruby Ave. Balboa bland. a.J'1, RT-2, C-2, A·l00'1, ?if. ~" hi;:h. Good t'Ond, $20. 3 Famib' f'Urnlturt, lamps, 100'1. L-lOO's. M-3. Als o Dito duplicalor, \Itel lprit appliances, ml.c. Sat A Sun many piano& • Steinway, fluid, work!: tine, S 4 5 • 10 to 4. PM. 321 Cora.I, 8aJ \Vurlitur, etc. &U-3219 or ~21"1'1. ~ U=~ lo 4 BR •t 4 pcs I: mbTor: GARAG&RUMMAGE Sa1e In CXIRONA DEL MAR maple, twin beda, J pc ~ Sat April 19, 9:30 arn-4 pm 2854 E. Cout HW)' .. ti13-8930 tlonal. apt 1iu Pl atovl, 1766 Iowa St.. CM 56--1975 NEW Hammond Model K ~ ~4 ~ tnhl GARAGE Sale this weekmd. Spinet. Oak finish. $6SO. PM Isle 1622 PondmJA. CX only m-'l'OJl AMATEUR Radio, Swan SM "' ~-C"''::':;7:''F=oc::o--=-I u.n.oetwr. XJnt a:ind. sm. quiltf'd ma 1 t . , rompletc Applianca 1100 Never used $98, worth szo. * SMAU. UJlilbt piano lt1-Ca.in 11 AVQ vtrtic:a.I &U made In Sttlnw.y tactory. band antenna Sll. M&-1• Make otftt. 495-4564 ~. s:J3..4U7 l'V'H.. 8'1-WASHER l Deyer -· SOFA • Cha. Xli:lt-1\11-l'Utffd t t r • I c a 1r, nrw, nr.ver ottd. 1'1tkl' offtr. 5C3-«l2S Reu rates. 14'7-1115 <IT' 962....;m9 l'~I on\y, O'KEEFE A '-1erTit crlU.top P..Et'Rl!JERAl'OR, o 1n1 n a ra~: pid, clean ~ thl &-cMlrs, 2 rvoms or _ _:•;,;;11o,;...;n...;l30;..;.:·.::"'"=~,:,;,,­ bt'.'droom turn. M2·332.C evt'I. nlARl;E your want ad now. , ' PIANO TUN1NC i: Repajr W tr 0 L E SA L E S pl 'Crpert. ruaonable! llllJ'IU-trllN S1!i0 e.a. lS p1 Albfrt AvntM 6i'5-6961 tw\st.ed Jump!n, ll5. ta. KIMBALL Contolettt piano. varlou• otl'tfr plants. a E. Light finllh: liln'! nf!W $675. 18th St •• C.?it. ...,_ WA!ltDY-•urfboard;'°ll'° \\-"bit• Elrphanlll! S35 Gf.!132 M~.,.:C:. FREE TO YOU TllANSl'OllTA!ION TRANSl'OlTATIOH TlAHSl'OllTATION TlAHSl'OlTATION 1;T:.:;RA=NSl'O::.:.::::::•T;;A:!;·T="'---'=~;.;.;.;.;-""';.;.;...- --leoh t. Yechbi 9000 l'ower CrvlH" 9020 Mobllo Ho-9200 ~ '510 1..,.1rtoc1 AU!M HOO l"!!rted .Auln HOO l...,.rted ~_...- "Mlo"°"'..i._Joi_•.-•.o..••.__"'1'4"-'00 SEVEIW. b••dlu "' 34' CHRIS cn•~r ·LF· IOMIO --c DES INZ ~HI .. ·~-s::-~,.~ DAVIDL.l'RASER $1'5t~ 1:::"~:'i .,, WAGONER .. .. _,. E I ~ PAJIO SAlE .... ll8' °"""'"'" ll8 bow • """ BR • • -·"--. BltN, •J-'d. 1' bJk ' wi-1 driw, ...... ....... OU •ff• ••rlnt GT ... u •• -•-n--ro-~ir -·-them 1111 at l!S E. 22 Sl CM .... 1plll, IU. I'--...... , -., ata~m. • .-.r; .... .,. .,.,._., -~ ..., 1' .., ,,....-c-1 ~ -,,,_,,, .. ....-~ 4/11 _. .. ..,. _....... D,yUw i...i~ e...,. xlnt to bch. $.1~450 ~ A lake ~. •tra. XV. tbarp. Lie. One al a kind. #&al9C 220 S I! aew point .i-. bltt 6 q.. Fri & Sat ST Zttl&nd Y1"1·'-6 ~-.·. -· ~ --• ~~ ••• • • ' -..::-..... ....,.. cond By owner 6l5-4570 owr Jll.)'mlt11w or ......... e ~•c;,o .-$25'5 FACI'ORY AIR CONDmON· Make ofter. ~ G I - _., •• _ bl_. TO GOOD """"· i'Ure-bred ..................... 119.000 • . .... -· ---$2595LIJDU' "'fall Lf.IJU· ====;;,;,;,.-=• U t.at, .-.""""'"• ~...... mlnlature Sc b q au i e r a , 4r °"' <Isl Ketch , , $22,500 25' P.ferldian, fbrgla:, tqU!p-ING, auto trans, pitlWa 1968 P 0 R. SC ff E 911. tr, mlnk •tole. wt& I: Wit, Mother, hthtr • eon.. Mlllt 40• Dal Kttch alt cab •• $30,000 P'd for tlahin& or m.ilalns. Motorrvcl.. ·'300 atttr, full vinyl lntef. pl\11 ,..,_rm. color, 4 apeeet bousthold. Rn,.. t• &11 ttnt. fiG..1800 ·or tO' ~'tl'll cutter redUCf'd AAkln; 17300. Owner anx· -• much more. rtnfl.hed tn tx• low mUNp. lmmac: oond. 1700 W~Hf, NB se-m1 4121 •••••••••••.••••••.•• Sll,.50) -"""==64&-=9139===== • HONDA • IMPORTS qui.site mldnlcht blue. Mut Mu.:t aN to aPlftdatt. TERRIER-Poodle, I -old u· TolJ>cn.lt. -•ere, .. '61 -' l"""DTS •o•o•··-YO ... & -to ........ s.v. -1 alter 4 .... * AUCTION * female. healthy. lo y .. f/B, 80 ""· Inspect ~ o0 ... Spood-Skl llooto 9030 '"""'. ~ e"1 ""'" IUI.'• to -'112 -Cab, u )'OU will 9tl} or bu.Y childttn -pttftt boN 32' cna Soop, alp, 5 •• SWXI CUST Ski boat. l 000 Me.re. MINI llm 'IOYOTA-ro&.YO lllt.G llarbor, CM. 646-93ClJ new '63 s enPne. SZio:I riv. Windy a tr)' W/USM. Has bad all bu CALL: CHUCK AVERY . •. • Low ml. xtn, atch, tiV)' duty 1!166 Harbor, C.M. M&-8303 .a.usnN HEALEY 496-3102 Dana FQlnt Ibo~. 54&--57:i6 342' Via Oporto, Newport trlr. Oi"orce fr-_,, --'e! 1969 ·90• OR 'tir>' '51 Military type jlll'p. New "" '116 PORSCHE Euro 912 Ex Auetlonl Friday 7:30 p.m. ,~ ·~· * ... -& • ,.,. ...... -. , __ l -~ ,_ ·•-t .J... 2 MON'rn old part ,,..._ ~": eves. Must see to apprec:. 64>-3232 * $239 * efllu:i.:: , ""'V .,, ;uo• 1965 AUSTIN "'--• • -eel cond. $3850 Private ,.,... Winvr's Auction B1m A tnlJan Silk 2l!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!'li'7i-'.Ci.;'i;i~~::i:;=;;; "'8pe. 1wo. Can be.... ~ ~ lw ty n4 SC.""9att5 Plf Behind Tony'• Blde. Mat'L f ~ -M ~·wi D' RYAN tlbttglal.s cabin '66 GLASPAR, 1~' Avalon. 95, !HERB FRIEDLANDER after 5 pm we• k d a 'I•. hp. loaded, must •ll tm-· : e •·To•"""' th cruiMr F'l.l.U pl.l.ey tleeps Mere. Top & side curtains. 646-M3i' 2218 Placentia, med. best ofter OV«' S1115, 3100 W. Coe.st Hwy. 1961 Porsche Roadlter. 2075\t Newpoprt, CM 646-8686 chlldnn. ~ 4-19 4, t:pla" 100 hp M~. out Loaded with extru, $169S. 13750 BEAQ-1 BLVD, HW, 39 CM • Wtea It. 673-2462 Newport Beach Must Mill ANTIQUE Grocery set&, SM. mixed Te~er 1% yr, board nlOtar in warranty. ~ (2 Blocks So. G. Grove Fwy.) • -'61 SPRITE, pert, c:ond. 642-9405 Sf0..1764 * 213/692-9112 * $20. Portable 18" TV with BlkJWht. ~vmg. ~t , Hvy duty hitch, cust. trl , --C 9520 $1650. Or best offer 673-1105 Authorized ?.fG Deakr cart. ~ent condition k e e P. L 1 k • • k Id_ s . elect brakes, new -K full 8o1t Tr1llen 9032 1'61 YAMAHA 350 cc 1,;;•;;m;;po;;;;;rs;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Momi~ or Evea. $50. 6*S f.225 64Hll6l. 4119 dtr'OITte rails. At Newport TRAD..ER tor 18' boat EARLY Amfr. coucb IS ctr, 4 PlC'l'URESQUE plump SIJp, Sacriticr:. $t2lXI • termJ "American" -make with • ONLY 400 MILES 2 end tatWea. o:ippettone puppies, affectiol'.llte, ~aried or $3600 cash. 549-3283 controlled tilt, ~ Lire & ~' mod. · t.ablts I\ colors. I wkl. 3l8H Viflinla 17 IT. Performer. Iala.ndel' hydraulic l.lgbts A: licel\ie. Th.ii b1ke bu never been on chair, etc. S46.o&53 Way, So. Laauna 4119 Deluxe modd (&11 fiber-8: 15 x 15 tires. 646--1261 aft 5 the dirt. Juat like It came UPHOl..Sl'ERING -<Euro-4 BEAUTIFUL kittens, 5 slaq) outboard. Oistom PM wkd)'! fltf the lhowroom ftoor. \VbY pean c:raftamen) Free est., \\'ft:kl old. 1 beip, 2 lite snap dowll. cover. Bia wheel Blll' A '69! PriYt.te party, Qf.1, pickup, 215 Main, HB grey, 1 stripped. 833.-2'195 tilt traner. $700 tJt tie.t ott· Marine Equip. 9035 Can 830-0'63 or nJ.9340 Bernard's Uphol. 536-64ffi 4./19 er. Phone 64M687 after '1 pm '66 Bultaco Matador OIARTER Membership far BABY brother rats, Barney WANTED TO BUY boat &: CANYAS top . chrome ~~ Reblt trans, many extru, ~a'--.. _..__ & side curta1111, new. Fit 25 y *--t r=7••• sa.le. NEWPORT BEACH •Clyde, Blk I: white, 7 wka 01-....re ot 0lal]Uf.--.:-l1'IOOI'-to 30' boat ;65 Eve ery _. · .,,,,... _, TENNIS Q.UB. Ca I I l:. cute. Want lood home. Ina:. Balboe. Ialand. Write to 493-l6l9 . . . 68 HODAKA Road o: dirt. 644-162.1 Call aft 6 pm, 645-210l "'18 9 l 2 J a m I ca W a y , · Tuned exhauat Blg tires, CAMl'U Sales • Rentals Authorhed Dealtr Eldorado . Four Windt • Scotlman 30,ax> Feet ol Camper Dilpla,ya: Th11d°"'9 ROBINS FOID """ Harbor Blvd. Costa li~sa. 60-8010 SI'ERLING Flatware -2 MALE kitteN:, 6 Mu old, Baken.field, Calif. 93309 Boat Slip Mooring 9036 shocks &: ._ir. $375. 545-1170 OOOOE 196'7 A-100 Camper Intern at Io n a 1' s CO-affectionate, tame, trained 14' GLASS Runabout, SO hp '67 HONDA, lJ; Scrambler, Van. V-i, 15,<m nU, WU'- TINENTAL. J2.-six piece to box. 215 Tuatin, Newport Evinrude, trir, cover, Xlnl SLIPS lo rent for boats for J2X1 mi, exlnt cond, best of. ranty. Auk> trrne, ai.r-cond, place zettings.. fi73..Ml9 Beach 642-2931 4119 shape. $695. sale. $2.25 per rt. Bdgardus fer over $0), 9fi8..1731 crpl'd, eocloled. top lug. GIBSON J..SO FERTILIZER, ho rse w/ TOMCAT BOATS MS-2592 2 DIRT bikes, utra parts. carrier. '4000. 546-0468 with Hardshell case. ahavlfla:s, 5'8-3249 4121 2614 Npt mvd., NB 6'rr>-2400 WANTED boat slip for 43' $150 takes all. 8' CAMPER. cab -fl v er, $320 new, fl(IO or flffer PETS •nd LIVESTOCK SA~lFI~! ! 23' 0: wen.• Cl'i.liSC'r. M&--03>4, 9-5. * 675--6S96 * Deluxe Dreamer. l80J, 2374 Eric, 675-5160 after I PM. cabin en.user. Radio, bait -'68 BSA y,·,-I M il Santa Ana Ave., C.M. n..;-..1 ...__.....d Cats 1120 tank, dinghy, full equip; Boat S•rvices 9037 •ur, m es. 548-787tl 0 ,.., ... "•;1............ trailer. $ 2 6 O O • 0 FF ER Xlnt cond. $850. ·"'°"=~=~~-~ %" W' Dour. Fir. plywood, LEAVING tor Europe. Mwsl 54~1J'l ~s. 968-3000 eves. Underwater Salv•g• ** 548-7933 * * 65 FORD 1'·100 V8 auto. Air $8.95. MS-6280, 3030 Briste>I sell beaut. YT.r Himalayan 16, TRAVELER famil ki Small jobs. 89'l--0745 1964 . HONDA, 250 cc:, reblt :~~I~=· ~ C.P.f. neutered male Bluepoint $50 li.shin& 30 b ' E . Y ~i engine, run.11: good, $350. Eve SEARS Extrcycle, like new 491-2376. cond.· ·Many ~x~lfl. $1700. Boat-Yacht *6'2-4789* ·==~~-'---~~- $4S. • &iS--0839 Charters 9039 MUST &ll due to siclcneu ir\ Call aft 5. ~9509 Dogs 8125 , . Motoncooters 9350 family. 8' Cam~r, u,,ed 5 MENS MacGregor aolf cl be 8 JET Inboard. A real cuLie. BLUEWATER CHARTERS times. Call 531-819'l IORGWARD 1960 BORGWARD Coupe, Nicely restDftd, $545. 646-831.S days. 548--0850 DATSUN '6' DATSUN SPT. PICKUP Low, ~w,mUes,radio,hu~ er, 6 ply, dlr, oUve green. Take $125 cub deli. or take trade. D B02S.. can Ken Gl- 9113 or 54>'"34 ========•[M B '61 22> SE Coupr. (new ENGLISH· FORD ORANGI! COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORO OEALER COMPLETE SALES ·SERVICE PARTS CENTER NEW -USED -.. ROBINS FOID body). P/&. radio, beil:e •·/black leather, 4 aped, Xlnt. $2395. 114 871-5685 MINT COND. '6.1 ms 4 dr, leather lnl, tilt s e a Is , am/ln1, auto, air, 21 mV pl, $182.5. 499-2531 YERCEDES '61. :m, 4 dr aedan. Sll50. ~ or .,,...... MERCEOFS Benz 100 SL, 1958 Very good co n d. Sacririce! $1250. 675-27J2 Roll-King bag A: cart 1$?o' ALASKAN Malamutes, for $589. Phone 642-9336 ti-Drive sail or power boats. 1964 Motoncooter SKELL Camper, fits 8 ft bed, Good ndltlo "~" .. 0..., • show or brteditlg, AKC Hsrbor crulses/sport fish. 165 ce · $150 ...,.rfect cond. $150, C&U M.G co n • .,..........,., registered, healthy, Black S1Uboatt 9010 Oa.Uy • \Yeekly * 646-9000 ., 646-2638 * ;iter 3 p.m. 646-758.1 2060 Harbor BM:I. ea.ta Mesa 642.()010 van_ruagnd~ine ~um & White colorin& • • f15 CAL 24 for CHARTER ,67 vw Camper, wry eood '!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!~~~~~l-'i•66i'iM;i;GGBB-G:ci'TfCC';ou;;poa- =Al=r ,.,•c:548::-:: .... =""=-'·-=·c:.=: ,.:!~492-lS!nd rocker BARGAINS! $25 d:IG..= wk. A~o ,~,:ices 9400 oond. Bll·in closet. • ice, ___ F_ER_RA __ R_l __ ,~~~h sl~~k~t!ue~ls~I: MUNTZ car stereo, speakers spmliel puppy. Purtbred l.950--S6 CHEVY Frame • ~"°,,.'.,.·,,12'.,.•.,,oo,.,1. _ .... ,.,..1856..,..·=,_, Fl!RRARI Fully equip, incld. wire included $35. 291 Flower, ~e. 8 weeks $35 . 21' ISLANDER Pithing BOl_ts 9040 solid front axle & it-.. ..... '68 VW Camper. 16.®.mi. Nnoport Imports Ud. Qrl.' wheels, AM/FM radk> ~ CM. (back bowie). 646-69U St7-9525 ~~N'" Xlnt cond. $7700. ana:e Count;y'e m:il-7 author-Plrclli radial tires. Ablolut· .~==~-~~= A5 new, slPI 4, galley ~ 26' SPORT f'i.aher plus alip gear. $100 or best otter. 1687 Call 962.-8785 iJied dealer. i)' showroom fresh. Several REFRIG, yellow, sep lrffzer dr, $100. LABRADOR pu~, blk, AKC 29' COLUMBIA fully equipped. S 4 O O O Tustin St., Apt. 1. a.ta' ''"64'°'FO=RD=%"'"'ton=-, '°"":::to:::m:::-:ca°'b ~ -SERVICE a PARTS other new&: uad GT Ox!pes $75. Great family dop ii: S Sails inboard plus lots 646-4039 Mesa. After I PM w/3' cam-r. Lo Mile11e. n-W. ~-H-. to choose from. 646-5276. 968-1740 • nRE " Burglar Alarm Systems ln1taned &1 low u "'· can '42-34., huflten. 962-573'1 Sat " I ' ' .orw:nl-=========-~ l,IU .......... ~ -.1 =~ F T . more. 'i~'Sl.'Q(iP" ..,_,Bo1ts Wanted 9050 2:i:~! ~~c:r:~ ~~-B$:·E~~PER 60-!HOONeYr"lnl't Beach 540-1764 ox emer P1lP-Radio, D/F, 1atho, 5 aa.il1, . up, Call 543-6156. eves 334 8 Victoria AuthOrlzed MG Dealer STEEL gUllM $35. paddleboard $35. 536-2683 pies, A.KC, 7 wks old. $f0. wheel, dinghy, try •• $12,500 IST 1'01 Ir: Ocean Vlew lots, I=========-'·======== Sa.ili.q: 644-1756 . e PACinC YACHT SALESe trade for large clear boat. Triller, Travel 9425 1' 3'46 Via Oporto, Newport '·'='='·10:1;31====== 1--""------Camper R1nt1l1 9522 FIAT 24. Hour Phone .... 673-1570 1~ 9100 1966 20' HOLIDAY, fully 5elr COA0-1 • TRAILER Pedigree black: male Dach· sund. 2 years old, $35.00 Call 536-Ml.J H.B. Misc. Wanted 1610 =w"ANTED==,~-~~Do"'°'berman---·"----Comm& cusro?it DLX K 41 Aircraft contained. Sleeps 6 Extras RENTALS avail, 642-4424 SMALL SAILBOATS I/5th ownership ol Cessna lt'• none too early to make $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES C•l•r TV'-Pi•11•'-St•r••'• I Pl•c• •r H•v•• full CA.SH IN JD MINUTES • 541-4531 • Luakey cn.Ooss Dlloec- lorits ·Newport Beach. San Otmente. m-4331 FREE TO YOU female, not ~ 3 or ' mos old. can 847-JZM S1BER1AN Husky, A K C , male, &11 thob, prown stud, blue eyes. 642-M64 eve. AOORABLE & lovable male, Beqle puppy; AKC nris. 645-2315 AKC Rq proven YCl'bhi:re stud, take pick of ltter or Lido 14 #1137 ........ $IM9 170. Call after 6 pm Trucks 9500 re1eivationl Irr Sprinc Ho&. Sabotl, SZJ9, $289, $395. • 56-2600 * idays! Dart 12' (NEW) •••••• $440 G M \VEEK·END OR WEEKLY Glull Snowbird ...... $3SO Flying L111ons 9150 • • 54&-0291 N•~i~TAMAMN:'5· FLYING IS EASYI MOTORS TOMCAT BOATS Pri, iruitruction. 549-0126 '56 GMC. Panel. Drives &: 2614 Npt B!W, NB 675.2400 looks perfect. (G45G8) $695 (•bot r •le!! Mobile Hom" 9200 n.;, w..k•nd ooly. 2 yr. .HI .Ill 24,COJ mi. warranty, We $10,000 cam ow-own <ontracu oac. MOBILE HOME 20 1' Harbo~-= C.M. _s1S_._9112-3139~~--~--I New SJ2S Now S2!15 complete I.AB. Retriever Pups Deluxe. new$395 .... nowS350 AKC Registered * DEMO SABOT * $280. 53S-S72T Eves; 541-2621 Days 2912 W. Cout Highway '57 CHEV. %, Ton pick-up; C H A M p I 0 N stock, AKC, Newport Beach 6'5-0810 -OR -enr. recently 0 • ti au I e d ; '59 HILLMAN Convert. L.ABRAOOR Pup, 4 mos. flld . ..A .. _ _.._._ . BAl.RllA ~ 3 Bow $35,000 H•lper ......... &: 10 ad Maler otter fem. Good with childttn. min. "1U .... uzer.-, ...... .a, trim-"-:-f.-""• mo new. ••Y See alt. 1 PM 2340 Elden, med. 8 wks. '80. 839-5140 pulpit, tile line~, chroml' levelers; $-425. Call: 549-2>44 962-0048 CM 4/71 LllASA APSO -Poodle Pup-winches, running l i I es, HOUSEi Aft. 5 PM '63 HILLMAN Hl18ky, 40,(0) · .,..: cabin lites, head &: galley. • '64 DODGE Van RIH, panel· miles !Utt new. $800 cuh. FREE to you. Larre Bamboo pies . ...,... Sleeps 4, 547~5 o r 30 ft tall y Call 499-2128 .ed. crptd. SlBi Good cond . Call aft 6 PM 6'15--2568 • ou cut cane• <>r 496-1942 $3375 Comt> In tOOay and s-ec Iux· 833-0JU eve:it. J2rLuµon 31n1po 11 :; 3100 W, OJA.st Hwy. "Newport. Beach 642·94Cfi 5'G-1'764 Authorized 1.1G Dealer MG Sales, Service, Parta Immediate Delivuy, All M&leiS J1rlup on }\ 111 fl Ll rt ci dig plants as des I red, AKC Rer. Poodles. Toy's &: O'Day 17, ury living at down 1o earlh '59 HILLMAN C.onvt. New 5C8--l'm Itlini'•· $50 up. Toy Stud Ser. prices. Especially now dur-VAN-RENAULT 1960. Needs lop. Rebuilt eng. F'antutic1-;=======~ RENAULT- PREOP'1Aaw-- NEW SALE "'WI! CAN'T WAlf .ol 0 .... GRAND OPElllN& ftiE RADIO INSTALLID 100 GALLONS OF GAS with purchue of an;,v NEW RENAULT in ttock. durial our pre-openl.nc days. $195 Wiii Dollwr HURRY "Time Limit Offer'' BRING YOUR TRADE-Df TO OUR NEW LOCATIC»f B&Z lflllORTS 410 Moln St., Huntlnp!n Beoch 53'..ftt2 SPRITE . '61 SPRITE, pod. °"""' $1,a Or best oiler fll.17'& llar:n- U,: or Evea SUNIEAM ----19llO SUnbeam Alpine, ttWch. llOUJ'ld. N~ top A: tnt Needs New tires. Paint. $495. (JI' beet aller. 546-6861 TOYOTA 547 .. .-. ~ .-.. DAY SAILER • • • • S129J. li!U< work SlOO l 11 -oomy 1185 "'" 1828 I • PART Cocker pups to home -.-ii or.,.,_.,.,...._ HOURLY 'RENTALS ing our clearance sale on • · ~" · .,,.,... oac. with chl1dttn only. Evft GREAT Dane Pups, AKC * RHOD~ 19'• * aJJ display models-they're flamilton, 646-69l3 AM. MGA 2014 Harbor CK. and Saturday only. 365 E. fawn&: brindle-. Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa priced to sell immediately, '66 ~T Oievy P/U. Good KARMANN GHIA1--,-0,-Nl-,-.59-M_G_A-. -"'2.9336 Elither,C.M.. 4/18 ==-*,,_:,89;.o""'-'-'o..,.*.,,._ 15' SAILBOAT with extras Parks sYt.llable in all atta.s =~'. :f-1~~ ~':'6 Camper 6T.Hl'.IOO Ext.B86'lvn aood ahape, $500 '67 TOYOTA KI'ITENS, 6 wkll old. 4 all GERMAN Short Hair Pointer including trailer. Value B•y Harbor mo=~·r:-· GM ** 54M4lB ** while, 3 orange, I aJ1 black, puppln, females, 8 wQ, $1150. STEAL, $850. Mobile Horm Sal•s 'M EL CAMINO "383" ' • • CORONA SID, l grt)' •tripped. 3 mother GOod huntina' qs. 962-5.113 493-4467 or 496-3l'4 1425 Baker St. speed, Tach.. wry clean, MODEL-A DUne Bu I & Y • MOTORS. OPEL Auto transmlaaicn, white w/ cats. Healthy. 546-5950 4/n WA'l'(lft POB --===~~--1 ~ block East oI Harbor mvd. new tires. 6"-2381. shortened frame. Sherp! •61 KARMANN Ghia. RAH, --·-.-_;;..;...;;.. ___ , 1 blue int. A.J1ne compact at CORONADO 25 00 °-•-r ••~ 1101 Park St HB .na -•-· -m1n1· ~-ULv.u SEALPOINT Siamese, 'TIS OPENING SOON FullyEquipped CostaMesa (.;;_4)541).S470 9510 ;;'.'SJ '4 spd. (JZID.tlll _ .. i maORAF"I'ED! MuatSell! LoW • r ....... , ... ..,.. fomal•, II """· All ohob, (213) """3134 . . :;J"=P':..______ ,.....nd onl)<. 2 l"· :M.000 ml. 69 Opel Kadett Rali,. $1395 declawod. To elderly penon HorsH 1130 =~28~-~ ... --.~--11N ...,,,,d, Villqe, la< ,65 JEEP DUMN•~-1!,~~ ~ ~'! ... · w .. e,cam. "" SSOOE·-.m .. T.O.P. m.oo JOHNSON .& SON only. 548-5184. ---------CAL. • ,,.......,~ .~p-Rac:t: or cabana, 2 ba, frplc, pvt \&W&M: v ..... .,,,..."".., ... 0 f'DIALE German Shepherd OANDY RICK ~a c in r Cruise. Sacrifice. patio, new w/w c r pt. J-300 Pick-Up. 6 cyl. 3 speed. $1j(I. 5Cl-6651 2Gl' Harbor C.M, · J..Jncr:tn.Memiry with papen, aUectionate, quarter horse gelchng: 4_yr Call 84U06t Carpot1. 100' lo bay; boa\ Runs rood • drives like • I"'='========' ~ PORSCHE 00 Harbor Blvd. &C-'JtM excelle.nt euard dog. To bay, Three Bai bloodline GLASS SABOT, ro~'ing &: slip avail. Club hse has truck. R2!657 Imported A_,,. 9600 -TOYOTA •lnsle !•male. 67'-2643 41:n I&"'· ""'4111 Nlliog. NEW Imm SSS. pool, •h"'"' bnl, pvt bch. $795 I ;;;~··--~--~~-iliiiiiiiiiiiil ~M~El!~C~E~D~ES~~·~l~NZ~:1 '67 Poncho 911S NEED good home Jor lovable REGISTERED She 11 and * 673-0512 * ~~:or S~~7. ~!i dn. SON I' Bahama yelJo ¥1/blaek inttt bik & wht friondly P"fDMI Ma,.. 5% yn old. O>o<olate KITE. Good cond. Mut &lo-'-'-=~~==-,.,-JOHNSON & fine Cj)uallty-MERCEDES '16 250-S. Now Ew?Y '°""~hie extra on HEADQUARTERS cat. Will place kitteM. Palomino. Make Offer. boat tatpen. Boat trailer. 8 x 37, 1955 MODEL. Alum Lincolrl-Mercury lonal I I tire• I: battery, al.r-cond, l this, IocaDy flwned. I: .er-ELMORE 136-449:1 4121 54>8625 Eves $500. * 673-7448 awning, Alum she<I. cooler. 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7000 Except , ll'fl C>WMr, $4385. 5U-l!M8 viced, Amche. Absolutely REGISTERED B y IN'l"L. 14 296 Int cond 2 Completely furnished. Good ~1ILITARY Jeep. Chev V-8. '67 MERCEDES D).S. ' Dr. flawleu tbruoUt. 23 other 2 ?.105. old "''PPY• _.,.. a • • x ·• -ndo'I~" .... ~i o•-. M 1967 JAGUAR •--Poodle-Terrier, r~ck. ~: tborouihbttd .. Gentle. Very Sets aails; spinnaker. $650, '"" "'" ~ <vq New 110 x 15 tires. an)' 4.2 Cou-Se-dad; 27,llXI m 11 e I. ftonche'1 to choote UV111. ~ -alt. 5 p.m. ~,.,.. nuonably pnced. 642-4795 Or best offer. 546-7498 BRING RESUL'r.i! more extras. Will conakkr r-8C'7-5333 Oril Owner. _ .. w ~~ SOCK IT TO 'EM• •-•· . .<>Ao: 2380 \Villow a:reen, radio, at.tr· TlltANSPORTATK>N NEWPORT 30, Top racer; I=~;;;;;;;,;==·==.[_;";;"==""-=====::::: eo.. Uke new, low miles. ' ADOR. ~~ Slam. Klttf!l'll, 6 wks. old, wnntd " hltrkn. 173.-Qm Aft. 4 P.M. 4121 ---.-. great cruiser. Sips 7. Range T ~ 9500T--ko 9500 VCL 924 ao.ts & Yachts 7Vl#oJ w/ flftn. ~. 548-m& ii~r~u~c~"'iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iii;'iiii"·~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $42'5 1 PAIR Guinea Pia:•. 8151 Michael Drive, Apt A, Hun-tl-BN<b 4/21 FREE 2 wttka old kitten. Nttd11 nuning mother cal. f75-2'45 tJt 6o.-032I 4/21 SMALL female Qd:+poo nfeds good h om e . -.as 4/19 BEAUTIFUL ~ poppy. 4 monttd: old, lovn child.ml. 540-2959 4121 loat Show Free admiukin daily, Thurs- day """ Saturday, April 19th in Huntington Centtt air condJboned Ma.D.. Betch I: F.dU.:er at. Sin Dieco Frl!f:way. JJ' Metcalf Ftbertlaa. Cover, tnJ.Jtt. Excellent. s 2 9 5 . 61H185 CORONAOO 25, ~-Many extru. Must SelL Sacrj,tioe! -· Columbl• S.S ,..,. F /G, A-1, prlc:td right! n<, l9Ul41. 213, m-0228 21' CAT. OJoy deign , EMenada vi!!l Extn.a. S8(m val, AC $5995. '11~101!1 FREE JWrllmotor, -wmta IQOd. 963-CrJ5'I' room-- .... only. 4119 26' r AIRLINER cat. cr\11, NEWPORT Kit! No. 698, like encl head, plley, Jee box, -u ·~ new, ... er, ..,,.,, 30 pl fre1h water. Twin * 6~7818 '* Qrya mar ena, m !15 watt ? WK female p u pp Y , S1mpaon rad. Teak deck. Sharepr-&lling Dinghy tbort.ohaired, blk/tn -will Recent 1wvey. OWner mov. Sl&i be tmall. M&-'1516 4121 q: eut. must tell fut! * 6~ * FREE Rabbit adult, female. !\educed to $3250. Temu. LEHMAN 10 l'l.brealas tiull. 1 ')'f o&d tame flitnd\y pet. 54)..at65 alum. dq. brd i: Nd. Dae. 6t6-Gl8 ''21 M-27' CHRIS • Craft, xl1Tt •IJ; Cd· oond. $2115 5tt-OJ1 1 ADORABLE ktttem, wt•~ cond. Full cown, oubic· SABOT By lkOOck, h;tll rta: elf, traintd. ahob. 6t&-.f69'1 lftl, rt.die, bait tardt. $ICO) W/flberllu mast. NCJ. 5096, aftft' 6. weekda)'I 4121 firm. U Mm $.19&. -.ar KrtTENS, i wtta old. 21' OWENS. ~ yn old. STAN Miller St.bot No. 4SCJt -""' °"-....... -.... far ........ xlnt ""'4. KITrENS. I blt<l<. 2 """ 1 Good O>nd. ...,_Too>. $300. !!f0..1140 ~kt old. m.c.&11 4119 '3' CABIN Cnlis 215 HP XI' SLOOP, M&rtne head, Jrrteroeptor. Rebuilt 1.-. lll"ts. New dac id. ~ FR.EE puw;y I mo old, lovft chlktm ~ .. u lll75. ..,._ s:noo. 113-'3!2 1 ..;;..,.;~=,.._,=---MOVING 16' flq1s outbrd TOP SOIL w/15 hp Evtn. tru. All ee- l.alma -O<C11 --l6l0. -l JOU-I -kl. 2 o~. 22' INBOARD, with m.llirr, l l'Q', 19'1-0m. 4111 Mt'dg 'Mtl'kl 12.iO. 158 E. Dlal &O-SS7I for RESULTS wttJon. C.M. ~ 1; FIXER U~tT Sloop w/1&111 A trailer. Make Q(t '"· m-'CM. 1986 TARTAN, 2'7' sloop, Tnbrt Aux. Slttp-. S. F'u.Lly ..,.,..,,..,. 67$-2338 ,, .. I ~---------~-- SEE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE REALLY SHAKING-UP TRUCK PRICES! 1H7 TOYOTA Coron• SH1n Aut.o. trans .. radio. Hard to find bench seat. Beaut!· ful! Extremely clean. KXU 579. $1495 1960 MERCEDES BENZ 2205 4 dr. sOOan, air cond., AM / t"r.1 radio. One oY.'ner, low mileg, black wi red llhr. lnL l!:L •r.,,s NOW'S THE * DUNE BUGGY * · vw eogin<. 1"• """" TIME FOR mi.ulon, ocelot body, . aand Ures, nady to son LVD 954 .-1 , ... __ $im_~, QUICK CASH SIE THI LEADIR UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE-GMC 2"<0 HARllOR ILVD., COSTA MESA PHONE 540-9640 I 1"5 VOLVO t<dan. ~tt.5..1 ,?::,', rodll>. THROUGH A runa beau•tr,.Jt RDE 456 $"S lilf!l aaf\ais DAILY -flLOt ~"·"'" MS..C.t.H~ WANT AD L ....... 11Mch,M75'. ----------· l'imt a Ua.rutniruill(lf ~ P'lnd tt trltt'I • want ad' 642-5678 ~~rtup1111 .il111pLl1 l~· 3100 w. amt 11"'>'· Newport Beach ... .-540-1764 A\lthorlzed MG Dealer lmportacl A-9600 Imported Autoe I ... k fl,. ..... , .... 11 •• ~ -••tlk •"""•I •f ue41L ==: FIEE ·FREE las Yeqas Y1elllon • I 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO lliA>• 1 H• Pvrch• .. N•,•tlMJ 1sJoolealltd. Wssflllnsllr 194-3322 DPIN 7 DAYS ~ .. - r{ •. .. . . • ., .1 .. • . • , .. ", .. ' ; ,, " .. . .. ... ' . ... •' ' - .. '" •• ,. • . ~ . • • • • I I • . I I • H DAll.Y '11.oT c 'Ii _ Frtd11, Aprll 18, 1969 "VII IAflOli TRAHSPOitTlTtON TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'OllTATION TRANSPbRTATION TRAHSl'ORT.lTION TRANSPORTATION i:; ~·~~~/IW~--;~,.~-~l~mpomd~~~A~ulot~;:;;;;~-~~lm~po~rt~td~A~u~IOl;;;d!9600~~l l !!"'"70;;A' -~=-='-----'=== l;; ~ THIS IS NOT A ~ TOYOTA lmportod A~ '""HOO 1m,;.;t;i • Aulot HOO Now Con ·-,. VOLVO VOLVO ---- 06'1 VOLV6 'liloo fP~eUICK '61 VOLV0$499 '1"4l IUICK (OQNER ! i·~ . , ••• _,.I BUG I $,SAVE $ • Exocutm Cor Solo •. , Hurry Wiiiie 1boy Lotti FINEST SELECTION OF 'Iii VOLVO 142, 1(nJ ml, radk> & air cond. Perteet &hape. Aaking $ 21 s 0. ·~ Tl!E HUB ot activity tor temm buslnesae5 ... ta. Oulitied Ads. Dial 542.· ~ to otter )'OW' lttrice NrJW. COSTA MESA AH '69 Models Autbor.lzod , .... 1.1on1ce • BRAND "Your VOivo Ooolor" • NEW Herb Frleclblder • • • • ' Q11C1: .,_ ~U TIH9 lillU. •-II-~ "9f tL IUTIU.., fAO tlf ClllC_J'S & IF· m1US .. lflft CMS, K.S Tm• """9 INS ...,_.,.. U .. Wllllf tlltY 61t TllAl f.t.MOllS '' """ cmca..w UI AMT llPAlll ·-.. .,.. •• <MW • amw OllM ....... AU 111111 GlllU Wllolft 11 ..n NM Ml N tAPll l t'·'-,, A .. ISM lla:t N IMll ,._ ..,.,, '.'~ M Mn •t ft .UO;:';";' H;::•;::ll;OI~---· '61 vw Mu••• aACI( t-«. WMl lflttrift. ocon...,i· c.r -fl.ot cer. lie. Ille. ....... ...... ,, ....... ....... 2416.k .... k,... 2116,95 IAL '66 PORSCHE 4170,95 IAL '63 'I# SIOAlf • llue mltllll(, Vln~I ln!.,Jor, 'rlCllD. l!Htv. lie. Ho. GN.H .... '"'·· .... , .. ,, .. lk. 11D.ii :bl.• ... ,.,_ 1132.95 IAL Wf '61 vw co .. vr. l .. dtll •II~ •llttn. Air cl>NI., ..,. .....,~ 11,.11i. u,.i. lit. No. ,.,._ . IM.fl tt.1 11.IO k ,..,_,, ....... ,.. 2261.95 IAl. '65 PORSCHE U• COUI'• COCO Drawn. belOe lnl•rlor nMr MW Mldltlln tlra. Ser Ho, ll16M . »tf'.M 1M.ts , •• ....... •1•1.n IOI. .... '-'· 3641 95 IAl '62 vw SUN 11001' Sl!OAH IOoldti~ I'""· All Ille u!rn i11dudi~I rtdle, i...rtr, Wf w1111. Lie. Ho. m1~ '"'·· M.ISlu .... 115'.ff 21•.oo ... "-'· 886.95 IAL. '66 GHIA ''"·· M.tS t•I ........ ,.,,. .. J(IO.to-h . , ••. 1532.95 IAL '63 vw S•DAN S•rtl.t.I• orftR. vinfl 1n1 .. 1or, r6dki ~ ti.•tv. s..,,.,11 (ond~ , '!Ion, 'lie:. Fl.2 65' ' ' 11" ... JtJtm It.Ol li&, 1277.M ....... ,,.., 1077,95 IAL '61 PORSCHE Wl>•!t, t011lr111i1>1 ln1triar, ~"'' now Ounloit 11 .... soll6 !h~I. l ie. No. WYW21S 2Slt.IO t1t.t5 Ill tt.IO Ii<. ,,... .. 4DO.OO ... •.t. 1140.95 IAL BRAND NEW 1969 VOLKSWAGENS •1.877 P.0.1, 41 MONTH flNA~ING AVAILA'.LE L"'1iA IMPORTS TOYOTA·YOL'fO 1966 Harbor, C.M, 64fi.S303 '67 'IUYOTA Corona 4 dr, auto, R/H. Llke new. Price $1465. Call 837--0860 aft 7. TRIUMPH '67 Triumph GTB ClttmLng ruby red w/ black in1er. Ewry p:!8Slble atte&- SOI')' on this truly beautiful spts. car. Must see & drive to believe. Al.lo, '611 TR.-250 available for imm. delivery. J1e lupor1 31111por1 :; 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-94Cfi 540.1764 Authoriud MG Oea.ler • '67 Triumph 200o 4 door. Unusual car. Lie. TYU-760. On1y ;LlmY IHl'ORTS OYOT A·YOL VO 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '65 TR 4 Rdslr, dlr, 4 speed, wlt-e wheel&. Jet black exl. new top, good rubber all around. Xlnt (.'Ond. $75 cash dels or PREVIOUSLY OWNED '66-'67-'68 CADILLACS IN SO. CALIFORNIA 4 DOOR - • El Dorados 2 DOOR . • Calais Coupe de Yilles • Sedan de Yilles ' PRICED FROM $3495 Some Carry . New Car 5 Year or 50,000 mile Warranty ALLEN OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC ::'~ '"'!,R~ ca11 K'". 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY TR 64 SpHO.. "'"' <~nd. LAGUNA BEACH C.Omplelt-overhaul I i k e ~ll,!"5 o' "''i ollcr. 494-1084 • 547-3-103 'li6 Triumph Mark II Spitfire. Xlnt cond, Wire \\'hl.s, nu radial tires. $1595. 963-2389 Imported Autos VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWA_G_E_N_ -V-'-0'-LK-SW-"""A'-G-E;..:.;N 1969 VW Sq. Back. Autol----'------ 13150 Beach Blvd. (Hwy 391 • 1969 • 2 blu so. G.G. "">'· • BUICK 893-1566 537-6824 • • • ;";;;-;;;;;C;';;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;IOO;;;;N;;;•;;;w;;;Co;;:;;ra;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;'°°;;i: $2444 : • • HOLID~Y 8AMBLER IN COSTA ME~A AMX and JAVELIN HEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTY BRAND NEW '69 RAMBLER SEATS 6 -NOT 4 120 H.P. -NOT 105 H.P. $1998. '6t AMIASSADOI DPL Owner's person•I c•r. 2 t.loor H•rt.ltop. Every conctiv•ble ••tr•s, inc1ut.lin9 •ir. Come in •nt.I s•• this! FANTASTIC VALUE PRE-CHECKED USED CARS '64 ford '64 Classic !~';,.!:.: '995 :~:-~~ =~ 1899 pew9'st.eri... I .......... OYC 919. OST 111. '65 DodCJe 2 .... ,, '1095 YI, •of•. tren., p••M 1rntl ... l1Z••1. • '65 Mustang '65 · Classic ......... '1395 YI, fM-fery olr ceod. pew« sr-.. rffle, h4Mf9r. INU -411 . '64 American a IMMEDIATE DlUVllT 8 • • • • • ·~D!IYlfTIU>MI TODAT: • • • • • :$2444: • • • : $199oowH : e Plus tax & li~ on a~• •proved credit for thlsm .New Buick Special No.. 4332792600349. • I " THE FAIULOUS 1 : OPEL : : GT's : 1 AH HEH• • SEE THEM fODAY!. • • • • I • • POOLE'S FINE USED CARS '67 PONflAC • • • • •lonn1 . Cp1. f~ll powl'r,• ef•ct. 1ir. l\IJl-461) a • $2695 • •1~~-----· • '64 IUICK • •Wilclc1t Cpe. Auto.. PS,• ·F•cl. 1ir. IOPJ94-4 l • • $1395 • •1-------· • '66 T·lllD • •F11!1 pow1r. f1ctory •it .• a lSLV4911 ' • • .. 445 I. Coast Highway trans, sunroof, radial tires, dt>luxe inL Radio. 6,000 mi. Mint cond. $3099. 548-8891 G.M. '69 VW'• IJ\1~1EDIATE DEWVERY Bank F'inancing , ... H.T. $1595 J "-· 6 <~. '749 'fl, 011te.. A11te. tr-.. • $2595 • ----~ - At loysid• Drive, Newport letKh 549-3031 67)-0900 c~,f~ @ C.h1 . $213 DOWN S-14.03 * 36 mos Plus 1 final pymnt for tiUt>. Full :! yr. 24,000 1nl V.'arran!y_ Avail only at T & M MOTORS !IOSI Ganien Grove Blvd. 534.7284 at Beach 892-5."'51 OPEN SUNDAY '68 VVf, R & H. Xlnt cond. $1675 Full PriCf'. Prvt. prty, TI<I -m-9340 VOLVO h'-., oir ceff., tedle, lteef.er. Yiayl reef. HKA 171. I Lew .U ...... OSI Oii. '63 Rambler '66 Rambler A• ..... dH $895 Cloul< HO $ 1595 110. 2 dr, YI, 2 *· HT, YI, •ute. fren., •"'•· tr-. pewer sr-. ltYL 960. PS, & 11ir•-. Uc .SMlt 262 : 'U CHEVROLET : Pick-up. .Plumb~ or.• a electrical special • (K63951) • $1195 • • • • • ''7 llYIEltA • '65 Rambler '64 Classie •Co11p•. f11ll power, f1ctor.,. .•ir. ITQY 1991 • 2 dr. '-1ttep ll11f 2ed cor. NPF 011 . 5895 I '6' CAPRICE • :.::~.;.:.:·1• '899 • $3495 • ...... ....... ., .. ______ ...... ! 1...,...rodi. I I' LOW LOW DOWN-EXCELLENT TERMS Want Quick Profitable Results? $ VOLVO SAVE RED CARPET SERVICE HOLIDAY •c, •. Pow•• i'-riN9, ftc.f.8 a•ir, •wtom1tic, !SIM l 711. • $2295 I •t-------<•I I '66 TEMPEST W . AMlltlCAN MOTORS Try Daily Pilot Classif ed Ads! FOR YOUR CAR Sales & Service onN 7 DAYS AND MNINGS FOl TOUI CONYENIENCI Tite Jaguar XK.£ 2+2 is longer ind roomier than our popular 2-place coupe. Evtn hu •rev teal for the Sclds. An XKE 1edml Th1f1 about lhf 1lzf of ii. Jaguar.[IJ I I I i I ~ . •1211 POE ;v: 66 MPO. +$30 equip., $14.SO Fro)ght, $49.00 H1ndling....$1390+1u I. lie. ololivorocl ' ma f 81lliS 900 So C t H' h SUBARU of Calif. Retail Division ' • oas •CJ way 1000 W C t H . m .t.~s Laguna Beach 494-7503 • oas wy. NEWPORT BEACH 11 SUBARU MAl<ES SENSE'' ._.....,, __ ................... ~'!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....,..J l!::::::::::::::64:5-00=5=0 ==*=·::::::::::::540=·=27=33:::::: ' I • C11,fon1 cp1 •. UH.: •11+0.~ .P.S., f1dory •ir c,O?lilition .. .in9. 15TD l771 ·· • • • • • • I $1595 : OPEN: 7 DAYS AND • EVENINGS ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "' II! • • • • • • . • • • • • 11 • • • • .. • • • :• " !! • .. " • • • • .. .• • .. '!I • • • Ii :1 • • 11 :j ' ·• • ' .. I~ -• • • i ~-• ~-• I • .,. • ' • • I I ' • • • ·D.111.Y-' TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TltAHSl'QllTATI~ Tlt,AHS.PORTA TION . TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'OllTATIOM ·v~IArloto \m,..,ed Autos 1 ?'GO Autos W1ntod 9700 Uood C1rs 9900 UMd C1rs ' ,9900 Uood C1rs 9900 Uood c ... 9900 Uood C1rs 9900 UMd C.rs , '908 UMd C.ra "°' YOt~O:--WE.l!AY . -CASH , ''5 VOLVO llOO S Sport Coupe, 4 spd, dlr. buck· l!t seat.. Bmwn beauty! $1~ cub dels, take older foreign car in trade, LB SAS 625. Call Ken 49UT13 or 54S-W4 for used ct.rs I: truckl jusl cell UR for flft ntima te. GROTH CHEVROLET ------CHOICE: '61 Riviera loaded. Xlnt cond . '61 J aguar 3.3 IUICK Sedan. Auto. EX cond. Q(. --------- lice 838-1294, home 67>1109 BUICK BlnCK '64 &eetra: Ht, l/pwr, fl air. Orie. 1owaer. Xlnt rood. PFF 8 2 0 . - • CADILLA4 '63 CAO. Flcttwood, Black; all u tru. Good n&Mirla: co!ld. $1100. 66-0100 ----CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHRY$LER ·CONnllllnAL a.M O IEVY It DdUxe Station FOR A lttnqe flnit car or '&I o:::tlVERTIBLE, ~" • Wll&'On. 1963. Auto trans, 18 that RCOnd car. J 5 6 on beautlhd red ... UIQ'. MOTORS ml to pJ. Luaqe rack, Chlysler, Good cond. Hem! Full powtt, fac afr, stet. xlnt oond. Set to apprec. Encine. $2)0, Ol' make offu'. b,pu. Im.mac. Btiow booll. '6S CAD. [.:Pe. De Villr 2 dr., '11 IMPALA 4 Dt. H.T. R&l-l, M&.-73'78 $195. or oUtt 67S-0816 Prv prbt. 613-1189 ... cond IS> M&-1741 1961 CHEVY 2 dr R.lll CHRYSLER '83 N"'JX)rt 4 1963 '""'-.,U'Oc.n ,,_. ~ '66 Le S1bre c DILLAC ............. ~ .... , xlnt ..... Siem. Colet. (PCIU!ll ~--·~.. n•·- Hard top. ~··or ,,,.ring. ,.., · · $& Thb weekend only, 2 yr ' ' • bl-·• Ital~ lnl ~• "" ~..,... auto '350 '63 Grand Prix dr lac air P/s b JVH nu crey, -oou. z _, .:. Sf!':!: .. C!n .... 96)0 Alk for Sales Manqer aultlmatlc trans., rad 1 o, -1968 Cad Coupe de Ville. U,000 ml. wam.ntf. ' · • . ' ~ ' ~ ·iaso JIOWU' a air very cleu ·,· , 6 ,._ ""E~,.EDES Hl!2llu-•~n~ httter, New -Ind•. '63 CHEY. IMP. F81U ~.Y.~~~~700. 201' -:__ C.M. ~· p/~ p/• llDl-~ 00 · •C•lhftL •t llH _ ., "' ~ "-~~ ~ VEfl 390. $1515 "r SlOO "'"" SS CPE "'-----· '63 CONT. l Dr. Exco..-i Kf 9-3331 wholesale Kelly Blue Book. • 195..i QIEV In1papa 2 dr '64 O:IEV. Van. lllte new COMET Lo-mJ&. Best oHft ..,_ '"J OlESEL 200 D Automatic, ~E BUY ANY Dean Le wi s Imports., 327 i·u. in, v.a, auto, P.S., CHEVEW Hardtop E x c e 11 en t con-mechanically; must sell! +c,000 actual miles. Like USED C~R'. TOP 646-9300 while w/blk. interior. Jn dHkin 1°nalde &; out. Ex· $595. 548.-1285 1962 OOMET 6 Stick shift. CORTINA : ~ iJ!_~~ ~v~.~~;; OOL LAR. 1966 BUICK RIVIERA Jo'ull excellen.t $rondl 09,..,5rl: ~569'J 68 OIEVELLE 396 cellent motor. Auto, Tirea & '60 Nomad Sta Wag, n:bU Cle bod j..75 be t J ----· :;..;;~~;....-·-I • -.. .. _ 893-'/'566 . 537~.( G M Factory Equipped SJOOO. YEU.OW, AIR. AUTO. many new a~. This trans., R & H. clean, Exce:l. nr:1 ff Y4S.-S1S2 or 1 ,67 CORTIN~ .. 't: '""'""' Sll-7737 ON S28:IO * 963-321'0 car Is 'l'Opa! Ein!n hu Con-transp. $l25 ~ ~=0='=r·----- ·•-1· '"'-·'I 9615 • • '61 '-SABRE Con I JOHNSON & ----tinental kit. 1525. 842-2342 ""' OIEVY w/ new motor '64 CO>Wr, 2 new""''· new 1600 -4 •P"d -ndlo. " z.' __ •q,_ .... _;;..~CI · MOTORS ~ v. P ~ Linmln-lll•=<Y CHEVROLET aft 5 Pl!!. & Dr Milt. 6 eyl. 0..1 ouh brilio. Ex. o>nd. Value mu. .... Tho de lal<...,..i • DDlACULATE '49 ~Ford 201.C Harbor Blvd. ~-~; ii..c:i2s top runs 1941 llarbor Blvd. 642-7050 lll6'l CHEVROLET Impala oner or trade for!. 673-9135 $650, sell $495. 54&-aKf with bucket ltatl, WFY.Jll -• ~~ki1 Fri & sun. CM 642-9.136 1916 BUICK. Orig owno• '63 CAD. 1:,.~~: =:'~FUll.,,::;:~;;;:' ~~ coo~"=·~ CONTINENTAL $1350 •· 0 RUNS GOOD. $175 CPE. DE VILLE full ......, oqutpmenl 1195_ radial u.... Perf"t '"'· ~·-· JOHNSON & SqN •1 ftac• C1n, Rods 9620 Auto Lffsing 981 646-83ll days, 548-08.10 Full power . fact. air. A (SKB62J> Dealer. 1 8 8 3 5 S)JJ5. IVEJ804J O e & I er . * M9-0l3.1 * '63 LINCOLN 1.Jncolri.Mercvt)' t ··1-..----,----.I LWE 'EM _I '62 BUICK Wildcat HT, pw, beauty • white with white Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach. 18835 Beach Blvd. tlunt. 1968 EL Camino, V-8, low CONTINENTAL 1941 H&rbot' Blvd. ~ CHEV.t injeded, 396 cng. y y ps, pb, tact air. $750. Runs landau roor. NYLSC6 54().-0442 Beach. 540--0442 mileage, $2400. Pvt party. _ w~to ...... •eftite. Ponl. rear well. 64&-l513 $1395 540-7695 l d •·• FUll f 1 · CORVAJI ••• , ill ...... S TATION Wason, 9 1966 CHEVY, • 2 dr C.pria!. ;:=======:I r . .xuan. ac.eqwp. 1 end w/(lli gears, runs on '68 Cad Cpe dev· e, •w.i pwr, '60 ELECTRA .... lie 1 ,63 C --. Leather int. Stk. #425-A !!0% mtro. IOO>: 427 Chev. air. vinyl roof. Driven only ong· inaJ -·"tio' n. <N•"'u ".'.'.,• JOHNSON & SON --· h' v • marina bl ... 3l.txll ml. Full CHRYSL£R I ., __ k -··~ ~ ~--ml , -•-., -•~ ~< lmpall, 215 HP ens .. poMr -• .U-, "6 •·~~ro. Sl 095 1965 CORVAIR Mona":llO -_,. ~ -•. ~ 14.500 . ~ now. -'"·ms. Lt lh1591. Llnooln-Mmury ,.....,., Private....,. o.. bid ...... fm ;:;.J;;:"YX.,, JOHNSON & SON eou ... ••ID tnnl, R I! R, W/fibreglas ii straight axle mos lse a t $149. mo. · 1941 Harbor Blvd SC.1U50 ly. $650. 494-n.&B Lqura ccm. Orig owner. 842-3486 '65 NEWPORT 4 Dr. Hardtop CU.t. int bkt teat.I. ldDt !!:!tends • Pogbn~~.rearrill~~_; New '69 Eldorado, full .'.:£!i8p!. ~;'!!, '~. ·17ind mo;:•: '59 CPE O.Ville.' --nd Beach °' CHEV W•-"'··-llon t Power Strg., brb, a uto, Lincoln-Mercury rond. 1 ownu. 646-81St • ...,...: tra.i I II.Ale d "" incl air & vinyl lop, .,....u. · J V-• ' ...., • .u -v· .. J:oA .. .._ R/H, ;1493. 494-5932 00 Harbor Blvd, &t2·'1tl50 6U-8i6l ~.. ~ WUlys Spindles $15. 213: per mo. 24 mo. tse. also '68 Cl.asaified Ads. ~k them New trans .. tires. batt'ry. DAILY~ .. '!:::r ADS body, ~· engine ~wk. • ~ Eldorado $179.40. tlOtf! $380. 644-0177 ~ 5 PM ...,_ -····••ua $ISO. 19'1-1093 Dial 6Ca'1I D' RESULTS White dephants! Dimw.-line Whit. ~ti? ; · .. Sl'OM Econoline"-Pick Up SOUTH COAST - ·, $2600. invested, y e l l o'v CAR LEASING w/hlk int. tdags,. MIT, :too W. Coast Highway AM/n(:"Sbow ,_ady. $1500. 645-2182 Newport Beach or otter. 646-134.C. AutGs W1nted 9700 WE PAY CASH ; FOR YOUR CAR • ' . 7 •CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1200 Will Buy oar Volkswafea ar Pcncbe LEASE -RENT ALL POPULAR MAKES FORD AUTHORIZ£D LEASING SYSTEM Ge! Our Competitive Rates Theodore ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor ffivd. Costa Mesa 642.-0010 Used C1rs 9900 53796 lrand New 1969 GRAND PRIX Brand New 1969 FIREllRD • · A Pa.Y top dollars. Paid for " ...... Call Ralpb 673-1190 G.M • MOTORS l et ufiful lirn1li9ll+ 9r1111 with '"'telling 9re111 int11ior. Turbe· hydr•rn•fic, pow1r 1l1eri119, power cli1c Dr•lret, p111hb11!1011 rtclio, cltlu .. e 1e1t L1th , ti11tecl 9lt 11, &71 • 14 whift well tir11, ~00 C.1.0. 1119i111, hiclcle" wl11d. 1hi1!d rtclio •11iel'1111, t ic. 27657f P22 I 751 Thi1 D.1utif11I c•to111•I rff tu· Jell'loDUe I• •1111lpp1cl with 1p•· ciel p•h1t, 1-70i l4 rM ti n• +irel, cl•l11•• wli1el coven , cl•· l11•e 1~eeri11t wh•1f1 wh11I •pi n· int 11'1oulcli1191, cu1tern rn1t1I tri "' pl1t11. ZZJl79l 6014tZ • '· U.tF'ORTS WANTED Oranp Cl:Nnti@!I TOP S BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach m vd. IL BtaclL Pb. "1-&5 2014 Ha.J-'bor Blvd. Co~ta l\1esa 642-9336 TranspoMation cars lrom $49 to $1999 \\'e carry QUI' awn contracts .., 9'00 UMd C1rs 9900 " Long on Value SHORT ON PRICE '68 CHEVROLET IMPALA COUPI ' A.T .. P.S., RI H. f t cfory 1ir. IWA K 1271. 52395 '67 CHEV. BEL AIR STA. WGN. A.T., P.S .. RIH. f'IVG l 70 l '6S CHEVROLET El CAMINO. A.T. R&H. l Rl7660) 5995 '65 MARliN H.T., V.1, P.S., RlH. !SAA 196 1 '64 OLDS Coftv. A.T., R&H. P.S. ! PBC 435 1 '66 BUICK H.T. CPE. WILDCAT. A.T., RI H, P.S .. •ir, bucket 1eet1, Ii•• 111w . 'f lt LU 41121 52295 ·- '65 OLDS •cutlt••' c, •. Air concl .. A. 'T., P.S .. R&H. !NHY 156J • '65 RAMBLE~ Arnl.•11Mor St1tlo11 W911. A:r .. RIH, (.S, Im z•tl 51195 '67 BARRAl!.UOA< Co11 p1. A.T., P.S..; . klH. IVSG I Il l : l1t1k fl•1Mi119, ft•ttt rf1t' 1v1!1.l.>l1 el '''"-" c:retlit. CONNELL e CHEVRO.LET e 2828 Harbor llvd., Costa M•so 546-120 3 SIRYICE DEPARTMINT OPEi l MONDAY THRU fRIDAY 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M . SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FROM 1:30 A.M. to ':30 P.M • '68 RAMBLER AMERICAN • 2 DOOR R1d io, he•f•r, eutometic, white side wall1. 18,000 miles. IWIB 277 1 '66 BONNEVILLE 4 DOOR HARDTOP Hydr1m1tic, P.S., r1 dio, heifer, white 1id1 w1!11, factory 1ir. IS BW 2961 '65 TR·4 HARDTOP R•dio, haater, <4-speed sh ift. INNA 14t5 ) '57 MIRCEDIS 190-SL Radio, h•1ter, standard shift. ITYU '1 74 ) ;68 CHIYROLn IL CAMINO V-1. Power steering, radio, heifer, white will t ires. f1ct.ory a ir condition ing. {I I 16<4C I I• . -----~·-----·------------------------'--- CATALINA 2 DOOR H1rdtop. V.8, Hydr1matic, power steering. Venture interior, R&H, WSW, f1cfory 1ir condi· 1;o n;o9. IUCC$2677 164 THUNDERBIRD L1nd1u. Cruisomatic, P.S., R&H, white well fires, pwr. w;ndow•, $1· 7 77 FV 0491 I 467 MUSTANG HARDTOP 6 cyl., 1 utometic, power. steering, red io, hei fer, whit• wi ll tires. (VGB 089) $1977 20-1968 PONTIACS Firtbird1, GTOs, Ttmpe1t1, 8onn1vill11, W19on1, Cat1lin11, Gri nd Prix'1. All art in out1t1ndlng condition. Most with ~owet e nd 1ir con dltion-;,9. All ... osAav f ' '67 PONTIAC CATALINA 6 p11sen9er 1t1tion wegon. V-8, Hydr1m1tic, P.S .. RAH, WSW , factory 1ir condition. l.TJY-. 6041 ' aoT CAaY1a MAINTAINI ONI OP THI ellATftT STOCKS OF PllUllDS IN SOUTHllN CALIPOaNJAI IUT NOW! SAVI NO'#I '61 PONTIAC CATALINA <4 dr. 6 p•••· w19on, auto.,-R&H , P.S., f1ctory .;,, 7,140 mU•$357 7 '64 PONTIAC <HAND PllX Equipp1d wi th Hydr1m1tic, pwr. steer., redio, h11t1r, wh it• will tires. lKIV 705) $1277 '67 PONTIAC LI MANS 2 Dr. v.,, Hrdr1m1tic, pwr. 1t11r., r1tHo, he•f· •r, whit• w1I tir11. ITUP 1861 $2177 '66 PONTIAC IONNIYILU 4 Or. Hardtop, Hydr1m1tfc, P.S., P.8., RI H, white wi ll tirt1 end fa ctory air conditioning. ISWB 2961 'II PONTIAC OTO 2 DOOR H1rdtop. V-1, 3 •P_!•d, pwr. st•er., r1dio, he1t- •r, r.d line tire1 , IVTL 660 1 $2577 CJ I • I • DAJl.V l'llOT fno.I, Aprll US. 19&' , , • A T 'NSl'OltTATION _ TRANSl'ORTATIOH TRANSl'OllTATION TRANSl'OltTATION TltANSl'O.ITATION · TRANSPOllTATION TllANSPOltTATION 9800No.~w~c."'"'n:.;.:.;~:;;.;~,..--~~O ~N..~ ... ;::;;C.c.:;,:n:..:.:::.:..::::.:.._,-IO~G=,..=.~,~C.~n::;:.::.:~=-,..-D:G=New:::::~C.:.=:n:.:.::.:..::::.:.._,-.~llO=N~ ..... ~.~c~.~n::.:.:::..:..:::::.:_,.~~llO~N~ow;;,.;;.~:C-.;.;..~~~,..==ao~ -C.n ttDO NewC.n HOD -C•n CADILLAC NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE SALE 1966 SDN. DE VILLE StraUunore "''hite with 1il~r tapeslr)' cloth and leather upholstery. Full power, factory air cond!Uoning, Wt "'·heel, etc. Exceptionally clean. CSYJ004) $2888 OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM 1965 CADILLAC The popular Sedan de VIiie model finished In lovely burgundy with black vinyl top and black leather interior. Has JlOWl't' steering, power brakes, power windows, tilt steering wheel. AJl.f.FM radio and factory air condi· lioning. This is a beautiful automobile that is priced for a quick sale. <NQX514) $2333 PRICE PRICE 1967 CPE. DE VILLE SALE SALE Olympic bronze firemi!t with saddle leather , uphols tery. Full power, factory alr condition· ing, tilt wheel, door locks, etc. Drive it -and you will buy it. (Uu:::321) $3999 PRICE • 1968 CPE. DE VILLE Normandy blue/black padded top with blue cloth and leather interior decor. Full pov•er, factory air condllionina:, plus much more. Low miles. CXSS785) $4999 1966 CADILLAC CPE. SALE PRICE SALE Hampton blue with matching DuBarry inter~ ior trim. Full power, factory air conditioning, tilt wheel-all the options for the discerning buyer. (&!rial No. 8599) '$2999 PRICE TEREMENDOUS SAVINGS DURING OUR 2nd Annual 1967 E~ DORADO Finish~ in phantom green with green cloth a nd leather interior. Fully equipped with pow· er steering, power disc brakes, power 111eat, power windows, tilt and telescopic steering wheel, wonderbar radio, factory air condition· ing plus many more C&dfllac optional features. $4888 1968 CHRYSLER SALE PRICE SALE Ne\\'PQJ't 2 door. Deep water blue with black top and black matching interior, Air condi· tlonlng, power steering, po"·er brakes, radio, heater, automatic, v.·hite side v.·all tires. CWAM137) ~2888 PRICE · SPRING 1964 CADILLAC Coup@ De Ville. Silver· blue exterior with matching cloth and leather interior. Has pow. er steering, power brakes, power \"v'indows, power seat, white side y,•aJI tires. Must sell no"''· ISRP359) $1333 1966 THUNDERBIRD SALE PRICE SALE The sporty 2 door hardtop is fully equipped with power steering, po"'·er brakes, pov.·er v.1ndows, po"·er seat and Ford's famous fac· tory air conditioning. A beautiful satin silver exterior with black vinyl interior. J.!ust be attn and driven to fully a ppreciate! (RTU· 339) $1999 PRICE LE 1967 CADILLAC Thill lovely Sedan de Ville has all popular power assists including power steering, power brakes, power windows, power seat and Cad· illac's famous factory air conditioning. Very carefully driven and shows only the flnest of care by its previous owner. IYPT397) $3777 PRICE SALE SALE 1965 CONY. DE VILLE Samoan bronze/belg@ top. Bronze leather up. holstery. Full power, factory air conditionina:, lilt whffl, many extras. (0WN843} $1999 Come In Today! 1968 EL DORADO Normandy blue/dark blue padded root with. matching houndstooth cloth and leather in- terior. Full power, factory air conditioning, tilt wheel, power door locks, etc. Local one owner, exceptional. (VTP094) $6333 PRICE • PRICE ----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----------- sALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY tbru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SA TU RDA Y and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd:, Costa Mesa 540-9100 U..., C.n 9900 Used C1r1 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Cart Used C1r1 9900 UMd C1r1 9900 COUGAR FORD FORD MERCURY MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC RAMBLER T·llRD '68 COUGAR Llme with blade padded top. Loeded and air .conditioning. $2800. 1 ~-Stottl 14U581, Ews. 962-1006 DODGE '" Ford '61 FORD Sedan Station '65 MERCURY '67 Jl.IUSTANG, :r.io. stick. 64 OLDS 4 dr 1'ldtp v.g 'f,6 PONTIAC T!!mpeat 6 cyl. '6.l AMB. St& 'Vgn, air, FL GT.A. Convert VB y,·hite vinyl lop. $150 &:. take P/S P /B E.' c 0 n d powu, good cond. S495. · · mis.no ' .Wagon. Power It air. Good p rkl 4 d HT ~\.1?r pymnls. Privt prty. ' · · ffice · R&H, auto. trans.. pwr. * 673-4!+4 * automatic trans n, buy $465. 962-9951 G ane r . • • ZTP 073. 8!14-1.2!9 5 4 5-8 315/892-llllS/0 r-stee.r., air-00nd., good cond. power stttriqil:, rad~, beat-,65 GAU< 500 2 Dr Hdtp V-8, auto, P.S., P.B. and Wagner. Cl\fPD $1350. 53&-3410 '61 RAJ\tBLER Com.rt.. Full er 5J'N 379. ~ 1s $100 · · · f t · Tu · ., / .,,. ~ruSTANG '' 1 °· k '69 OLDS Cutl • •---• -, . Kell Bl 390 V-8 auto. lull pwr ac . air, rqoo15e wue w "" " , s u.ic , AM, power .... '64 LE Jl.tANS, Convert. P"''l' pwr, a .. ......,...,, au1v, new OV!'f wholesale . Y Ue AM/_!. . ~ .. .,~..., · matching interior. Complete. 2+2. 6 cyl, 3 speed, immac. air, 5500 actual milei1. ?.tov· ,_ b ks •N $750 tireL $35Ct. 54s..<r243 Book n.. • -Im"''""'• cu , atr. J"lo-<JJ4o n. ff 64028 2 Su·, P\Vt' r • ""' . , ,,,=-;;:;-;;:==""",,.-~ · ..... an """'WlS i"""" lY reconditioned. PBG543 rxsl 0 ('r. .,... l Ing lmmed. Sacrifice! ~. 548-7214/2010 Wallace Av. 1 NEW '69 Rambler. Full size * '55 T-BlRO * Good condition, 3 speed stick 67J..S129 '63 T-BlRO. Power, Alr, etc. Very Clean! $895. Owntt. 541-7164 or 673-5929. 1-------646-9303 '64 FORD Sedan, V-8, auto., $ 1450 '67 l\!USTANG Conv. V-8, 545-3095 C Jl.1 compact, $200. ., ~-• .iant 6 e••., auto. '63 RANCHERO very iood cond. S550 air, pvt ply 8JS-j.400, ext 4 & R~EPO=-... ~Dy-·----···-88-2-lli~ •-·-·-------~ ~· .• ~·-· by lltU• 'o\• man 541).7828 JOHNSON & SON 847--0746 '"" 6 nm . ·-·-. 'MiE QUICKER YOU CAl.J... TIIE QUJCKER YOU SELL trans. ntW brakes. new wide vw•ocu. .. scd. Auto. trans., air cond. r.-:::~,.--.,,,,,,..--------------,,:""\,.., tire1. Excel eond. S900 OI' from l..qlma, 3 spd, dlr, all 1961 RA NOJ.ERO. V \V Lincoln-Mercury '66 RED fastbark Jl.Tuslang. Full pwr.; 45,000 mi. Best ~~~{A\ STAR G AZEK1t l'-1' 1 trade for cycle. 615-6914 original paint It interior. Yellow.w/~~I~ )1",.t. T*op cond. 1941 llarbor BJvd. 642.7050 30,000 miles, $1795. 675-3841 orfer. 0ayl!: 536-6848; evel! ''" _ ~ •y .. PO" ""'-----,..----~ OODGE DART 11W:., Good Runs llke a topf $50 Cash .rtv-v or 642-8429 It weekends: 8(2-7065 "'......... -..n.i .. -- --• ~ Mle M • o"".:'-. dela, pymntJ $29.86 mo. 1960 FORD ,._door, 6 cyl, MUSTANG PRICED For Quick Sale 1963 ~ :AA. • tt ,,_ OoflT Actnoily G.Od. H wr u~u.£11 ~ ..,.. oq ....... ......,,.. Call K•" MU -... """" "•')alt 6 i.E =e,,..~ .• ...... ~Jr.cr:ordi11g ,. ,,,. Sta... 'y" oc,·.· '' 54M81l ~ '' ~.,,.. --~ " p.m. OLDSMOBI Old• '88 4 dr Holiday $350. "'-I ====::======= J ·"""""' •••• =t • --1 To lop messog41 fcr Soturdoy, ~ •• , I• . .na-·"'1' '67 MUSTANG HT ---------1 KI S.2898 69-7$-79-11 reod d$C«resp0ndirlgto~ 7.iis6 FALCON '66 LTD God<l•ss gold <XI., plu.h UNlvmrlTY ======== ~...... of Zod;oob;,tfa¢ ~~~ 2 Or. ltardtop. Automatic LINCOLN black int., py,·r steering, dlr, LIU PL TMOUTH »~JO 1 ~1, 31 y-61 H...,,,.,.. •rt FORD Falcon Station trans., air. V!. power steer-, "' . auto, exeellt'nt eond. S90 .,,., M 2 n-. Jl ~'t e7 ~" Wqon. New lira. Ing, radio &. heater. Uc. 65 LINOJLN Continental. cash dels or lake (ol'eign SALES & SERVICE 1968 PLY1i10um GTX, like ~ 1~21.n. ~~ ~,,".~....,_ :!,,'v~ $3Z. • 6TJ.3179 rnr 449. $1695 is only SlOO loaded, landau top, W\'ll car. Fi~ prvt prty, LB OLDSMOBllf • 6r.;-" J6n.... 66~ over w~aale Kelly Blue cared for. $DXI. s.tG-4890, UOE 393 Call Ken 494-9773 new. 536-1910. $2950. Aftft' '~ It[,.,. 61 ~ FORD , _______ _ '66 FORD CLWllJ Sqmlre WlllJOll 1F1tb ,... fadrw rNf -.ts.. J>1U1pt. w1U1 1Kt. llr, P.S., ~--·tc. $1ff5 JOHNSON & SON Llocob>Moroul'l' ltll -Blvd. 60-lU!O .• ftDd arest bu)'9 • eo. da.Y'• Claolllled - Book~ Dean Le~is Jrnpts., 546-75(5 e\.'l!S. or M5-oo3.t 28SO ltarbor Blvd. pm. 1 Yoo. JI v.....,.. "A 646-9.303 • '-3' Silylto "v-. '67 Jl.tUSTANG 2 + 2 red Costa Mna PONn.C 10...,,.,, 40T11 70Art '65 F•db.ck JAYEUN wlthmatchlnglr.terlo r , S4l).9640 UledCan!WO.mn l~~ :~~ ~=--- VS, automatic. radio, htater, JAVEl.JN •61 S90 AMX e;ng 289-4V, Auto., A/c, P/S. 1965 OLDSMOBILE ~mk: '67 GTO. :!~ :!~it ~:,t--' !";~~~ lie. RGK 008. $1200 la onl1 RAH. p/a. p/b. air ma,i PJS. PJH, C.T. Deluxe 18 4Door lfardtop. f'Ull V!, automalk trans., ~r 13eouw o1s Mo1<. ,,,._ SlOO ovtr ~tale Ktlly whla. Mab: oUer &4i.1137 trim 96W844 poWl'l' eqiripped. One OWlln'. 11eerlne I: ndkl, heater, l~ l!,.:.:,,, ~ ~-~ :!. 8!~ .,~2,. Dean Lewil Im. --. '65 Muatan& Conv. di!IC ~al-.~!:.,~ C!,_acC~9~!~ metallc blue. TXS G&. Only J=ti:-. :=~.... ;:t:c.,::' •-· -MERCURY ..... ,. ''" • hrl • .,,.,.. ~ .. ~ ~ '""'·This 1a ""1y 1100 .,., ,..... ,...._ ,., i==--"'ot 1966 FORD Cnly Sedan sta -· car! Sl400. 675-4967 Mon or HUnt. Beach. MO-Of42 wholesale Ke.Uy Bl~ Book! ~1 T• 31 T°""9 11 Lmo- 10 • ~ P/ '67 OLDS 1~ ~1 ' 2 d ~ • -·' I ., .. ,,, .. ~,... :ne. 5l"'-1cro 1l Mor.J "''a.8'· PlllL ..-ac au-, 1, '66 CX>LONY Park Sltl.. \Ved •ftcr 4, anytime .w .....-n'IOn . r, ....:an .....-.... 1 mpta., ~ 71w.....,_ !»~ llor Plb. li,(O) ml. $2,050. ..,,. ..... n 9 Pan., •Ir, ful l wk"'4?nd1. radK>, tac air, wsw, Landau '63 PONTIAC Tempe• 1 ~'" s• tn a.. a... .. "'"!---· ''==--:-,..---,----,,--,=. ~oo -9880 "-7.S A 55T-.I 15Ho>. .....,...'tOiJ pwr., lo mile.; S22 00 .1FOR Sale or !rade. 1966 top.••• · °"'~ ev1!l 11i: ConvL 3 i1pd. Red wJblk 16o.e.w. S6 ~-uu.i1e- Ttke 0vtr pmt1. on '87 Ford 642--4104 J\fuslaf1i, 2 + 2, 289, 4 Y.'t!ek~nd• lOfl. StettO !ape. $550. f. :=_,. ~ L.i r. :=;:,. "Kts CaJ. ~. Vlny') top, nldio. 1962 P.IERCURY, f' ad l 0 , 11pet'd. 8.'U--0876 tltl;"t 4 pn1, '62 OLDS F8S. ori; owner. 673-3571 19o;""'i1 3? ,,.,..,.et"it"I' "'"'t. 'ft ,, 17., b-• r~ -~ Call 62000 miles •In•--' ircui "°°"-NlL•..., 90,,.,.,~.,. uA• ,,ra .. ~i ,.,.e-a. """"" '-Vl""• t~te:r, air cond., xlnt ron-PLACE yoor wan1 ad wber? ' '" Q.lfou . .....,.... '62 TF:flfPE.ST Conv, 4 cyl, IC"'! • 1 •11t ...... after ~:30 p.m. Sltm«t dition. One owner. s.i~. t!°'A)' 11.n1 looklng _ OAILt 642-Jl96 after 6 pm. JIOO(l trans, aood cond. $200. ---~===~,=~="°"===~~L"'==.,;=N:":":'l::::'':·J!:.~::,,:":~~": Far Otuly Not Wa.nt ~da. 673--WO PrUYr cliualfied 642 ... 'ifi7! Whl!e d~ha.nt1! Dtme-a·llne 642.-4'7r.l • • ' ' ' I .I • I j ' .. ' I ' I \ . • , ' l ' l " ' ; . ' . ,. ., }~~ .. ,~ 1::; t~ , ..... •"Joo •1M ..... • ;i -·~ ··~ -. ~ ~. ,., •• "'I. . "" -~. ... , . ... ;: "" ~ ..... • ··-~ ;. .. _ .' • . . .. .. ., ,... .... .. ~ ,. •• ' '~ , • .. . ' f "' .. •• -'"' .. , ~1· ... •• .. .... ,-. ~ .. . . . _l __ _ - BRAND NEW · 1969 Plymouth Valiant hdio, he1ter, fully f1ctory eq1,1ippecl. Uctnst .. ----:=--=~~1 number Vl21A9!149919 $4254 per mo. f0< 42 'f!.. A. · months. Nonn1I YJ cl.own P1ymtnt includ11 s I\ 1 "':; ..... , ...... _, •• 1o10N1NI 1oa •• NEW 1969 PLYMOUTH Fu.rv·· $4844 FULLY FACTORY EQUIPPED Eng. No. PE21F9D86840 per mo. for 421-:-::------ months. Norm1l down payment of VJ. Payment $ ·-'" ""' '"'" '" ~_, '4 8~4 FOR 41 MONTHS I -~---~----·--- -· • F.tdlr, ~ II, I~ DAILY PIL" 41 - 11011 I ...... ' .. c .. . .. ,..,l '1' . A gig1iffe alit.{j · t ',, ,.. 1 , ~ fers & Pl,.~ tel!~~·~ . ...., ... ,•aid ~ cars, er.,, c11 is clea ,,, '"'" .. , .. can see 1'8 fanlastic low low . Your 11 l Pl'ICea. r •r• •re clearly Red 1 . FREE 5 DAY TRIAL EXCHANGE '65 CHRYSLER 300 Automatic transmission, factory air 1 cond., power steerin g, power hra.kes, radio, heater, white sidewall tires, ;mm_.,~PG~B 'S,. ~UY '. ' ' ·.'66·;1~0RD Galaxie 500 2-0001 HARDTOP ~F;;~.io: h11ter. Nice condition. '67 o.A ts1J'N ' " 1.00 CONY; 4 .•peed; r'1dio & h1at1r, hardtop . Drives good, I UJB 139 ) '65 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 6 cyl., automatic tr1nsmission, radio,~ h11f1r, whit11id1 will tire1. Extrem1- ly cl11n car. ISJX 550) ·~.q:~r,,, ',I, 5895"141 '64 RAMBLER STATION W Automatic fre . !tGON h11t1r. fOTW ~r;••1on, radio '795 ' ' •&tad, '67 Plymouth Fury Ill 4·DOOI HARDTOP va, r1dio, heater, p~wer steering,t.. pow1r br1k1s, f1ct, air cond., 1uto . tr1nsmis1ion. !TRJ 4601 . '1795 .1 '64 MERCURY ' VB ~At. WGN. 'COLONY PAI~ • u om1t1c fri • • " . 4ir condition r1d'n1m1111on, f1cto~ 1 1f11rinq, T 1,' 'f• Ibo, h1afer, power.-. $ "" uyl f0UT 911) • · 1095 ' FREE 5 DAY . .. . TRIAL · EXCHANGE •295 ~""llX· ... ·-r~~ """' hllrtn ' 00 .. lfoct. .., ,., "' CHRYSLER l'l;Y/t'I 0 IJTH IMPERIAL ;;:::::; . • . I • • I . I ! '• ' '.• \ ,: . .. • • . i' ~ :· .. .. " .. ;. .. •'. " " ' • '.• • • • ~· -· . . • . i . • I, ~~ • ' . . .. . . .. . .. ' • . . . . • • r, ' . • . .. • ·~ ' .. . .. ' . \ ... ... . • . . ' r i : • • . r .: " . .. .. . .•. .. . " . . ' .. ~ • ... . • . . . • r . . ~ . • . . • • . ~ . . . . . . ~ • • • . • I r j • • . •• t SPECIAL DISCOUNTS THIS.· WEEKEND! MUSTANGS -·-T·BIRQS -FAIRLANES e TORINOS . . . GALAXIES e CUSTOMS Jr, -.. . . ,,.. FORD 1 :· COME IN AND TURN YOURSELF ON! IT'S A LITILE GAS! -- · ~ Ti:uly Unusual Savings · On O~er 300 New '()9's -J)~lri'ng ·This Big Clearance! .. . All . 'IPIAINl.NG 1-.a SHEtlY·"8Ts NOW .AT ., ' ·au1tl-FOR --AMERiC~NS ·. -·-KIND ·OF CAR! , . ACJif AL ··FACTORY INYOICE . ' . ' -· UMITED !XEC ANP DEMO . CARS . . AT:'EYEN GREATER SAYINGS! l '• f .J I • , • II •• ' , -, JOIN OUR SALUTE TO THE FIRST OF THE '70's ·11 ·'60 PRICES. IN OUR SHOWROOMS NOW! . ' -' . REGISTER FREE! . A HERD OF MAVERICKS ~ · TO BE GIVEN AWAY -----------....... ___ ,._ ------------------·~~ ,. ·.ALL aEMAINING NI\¥ 1961 INGLllH FORDS -SLASHED FOR FINAL CL14RANCE! ·MUSTANG SALE '11.'to c:h001•1fl'Oftl .•• , •• a ..... cyli"d'" .. ,1ptiH1, •i.to1n1tlc: .. So'" with powor 1t••r• ~ -'llM •It -..diti•niAf.• 1965 tlwv : 1961 ._..It. c .. ....+iW•tw cetii'M-'iH 2+2~f11t· , ,a.Kb. EXAMPLES '67 MUSTANG \IL ·wi.., .... , factory •Ir, Mott, (TIUlef) ill,. ....,, .. lndt. ·s1-· FULL $49 ,_ J6 IR. PllCI; M...._ '61 MUSTANG Ya. ll'ul.mttlc. PS. _._tr. I.Ow mlltl. (XSWllnl "iifi't~~. $59 =~:.. .. 1967 VOLKSytAGEl.I t 4r. Sid. b4\llll"' J•I -1111119d. (UQI.. •l 211'4 doWftorlrlN.' $1595 =~ -$58 ~..::. l9'4.LINCOLN CONTINENTAL f ""lr 1C1111pped, fUll poWlt', t lr c:ond. (ULF71t) 81ut --fll'k • '''" ~ ......... trMte. u.e5 PULL $39 "' JO • ..,. 7 PIJCI ........ '66 BUICK LE SABRE f'ull io-, wctor., 1lr, I Dr. H.T. (II.PM.MO) ~ cloWll' or trtocle. $1695 :~~. $58 :-...: -. ' TAX REFUND DUE? WHY WAIT? BUY NOW -PAY LATER WT·flMANCIN• AYAIWU · '62 F-ORD FAIRLANE • DI'. Sid. \IL fvllr 9qllill!*I. (FW$5l1J 201'. down Of ..... $495_ ~.'ti $21 ::.:: .'61FORD4 DOOR VI Cutloll'I. 3IO ..,.., ti.rMll'llllc. black wlwt11r1 top. (lJ511 lldlll Blllt ..._ "k t 12115. 211" down or tn.ctl. $13'5 :~. $39 :..: '67. TOYOTA CORONA 01ll11Jl9 • Dr. factory 9q1,1lllJ*I. !SUVW) •1111 •cd: "s"'1'09l&S. ~Fu LL.,.. '46 ,., l' ,:» PllCI M ..... 1'61 FORD Y·I • Cir, 911'9, ,,_, stltrlnl, redlo & lltet1r. !EM. * IJS\24"ttlll BIW Book pr\ct UWI '°' CIGW!I or tr.O.. $1795 ~~. $49 :-...:.: TWO ACID OF USID CARS TO C-HOOSI FltOMf (12)WbCJon Sale(12) '62 tkni 067 Motlel1. F1lcon..C.•ntry Sedt111• Country Squir•1·Chry1ler·Forda. 12 11 cit•••• from. 6 c:ylindtt & I cylincltr. $•111• witll fvtl power end f1c:tory 1ir. EXAMPLES '64 CHRYSLER NEW YORKIR w1oon. t """· F1c1'0fr 11r, fvll ,._. IUCM»l 20'-drawn or tr.cl1. $1295 ~~~i. , '67 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN lll.H, PS. Air Canel. Under 2"°°' ml"'-fK!Or'f w1 rr.,,tr. (VOE ..,,, $2495 '"" n1c1 '66 FALCON WAGON Aulomftlc, ttcllo. l!tltw. COOTllll K fawll or ·-•1.95 PULL $27 ..... _ .. ~ PllCI 19'7 -D V-1 4 dr .. Airto. " • H. fllltf' _...._ (E ... ' 7JS1t11n a.._ eoct; i1m -.. --. ., tr•. $1195 ~~ $36:..: TRANSPORTATION SPICIALS Now IYer•1l"1 15 Urt ,... .... th.It an be rehilled 1t whol ... te te tM IM'Wk INf tt. dNlen on these ehler Uri. SAYE!! -'62 FORD F-350 St~t bodr. Vl. • Sfld., ~ ttn 1411t. f\lflJJll »"- dovm or trtde. $995. PULL PllCI 1 '66 CHIYROLn I/,. TON PICKUP L-btd 'kit~, h111tr, {fllllAI •1111 IDlll: llM ill 95 ~.~. $43 :..: '62 FIAT 4 DOOR fully equlp.,.i. (tHlUlll TIX & l ken11 clOwn or 1-.•te. $195 ~~i. $12 :-:..:: '65 FORD SEDAN "6" ' cvl., •ulo .. lll.H. {5'.Sl\112I062l. 81111 a oo1t prk 1 5101!. »,;, clown or tr.at. $195 :~.'t. $28 : .. : . TRUCK ...:-CAMPER SUPER· CENTER PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SPECW 11W 1969 F· 100 PICKUP Fl•r•1ide. 111• W.I., J 1pcf. syncro, tr1111. 1051 f..1pri1191, fll A·1prin91, '''· $20 99 01011 TODA T I • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 19691 F-250 PICKUP .ind SCOTSMAN CAMPER ·:;: $3495 IE.). N•. F251l1109Jll Scobman amptr ii C'On!Jlltl•ly tvmi1P1«1 wllll let boJc., l lOYI, etc. $itepl '· F·2JO Pld!Ull ...,, JOO eng., •11'111 I. oil 1411111"' 1t50 lb. rur 1prlrlg1 ($)_1.IOWl6.J 1-f11Y tubelHS fll'ft. dbr, l\fft.,-, 1nd drfnl$1tr, t ic. #tMrf to U-1 I,_,. 11 this """ S.¥1 on Eldorldo, Founwlnclt, Goldlinl stots.._. Dwr )0 ¥tried noor pit"' on Cllsplty 1nd ''"' for imm.1i."' Clellvrf. USED CAR SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 48 HOURS UNLESS PREVIOUSLY SOLD -ALL PAYMENTS FIGURED ON APPROVED CREDIT PLUS TAX AND LICENSE. ' . HAVI A CARIFlll TRIPI RENT A ROllNS CAMl'llt You 90 wher• you w1nt, stly where you w1nt without schedules or res•rv1tions whe~ you rent • Robins Deluxe Pickup C~Mper or Condor Motor Home. C1ll for reason· able r1tes , • , RESERVE EARL YI ANNUAL ORANGE COAST Y.M.C.A. PANCAKE YOUTH BENEFIT BREAKFAST Sit., April 19, 1969, 7:30 to 11 a.m. at Rich1rds Lido Merket, l_.3·3 Via Lido, Newport Be1ch. ENTERTAINMENT ...._ PRIZES -PENNY CARNIVAL AND TURKEY SHOOT, A FAt.41L Y AFFAIR. ' . . . .. _ _ • . , , -" , .. · .. -. PARIS & SERV ICE HOURI P/,R JS OHll • • h .• · T · , ,,, ", f .. , ,. •• i1...."' .._. ~ .. 1\....".J[JA· e 'A",,':-=-C: P\~ ·~ .. , · · . : t-I•'.''. '.:-f:')....• JA.lL,,..i1Af . I ' / • "f ,